HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • • • • .. --~-- naheiin Wild . Animal · Breeder . . . L ......... ·· ··.· .. . . . ose·s . Cats to ' Blistering Desert • Ill un.a • ·rown1n--. No. War End Windf a·11 . . .. ,, . . : .. .. Moynihan:-S~yg Early f;stimaieS JP.rong ·. By JEROME F. COLLINS . ~ 11\e °"" ...... ltaft Daiilel P. Moynihan, lhe President'.• . :1dvtsor on urban affairs, was poa!Uvely lyrical about il ••1 )hink.'' be said. "that the peace . dividends have· turned out to be evanes- ·ctnt. like the morning clouds around San : Clemente." · · Moynihan thus explairied' Monday why · the end of hostilities ln Vietnam, when it · occun, will mean no windfall of federal ·m0ney for domestic purpOses. .He told a press conference at the Western Whitt House in San Clemente 700 to Watch Nixon, Johnson Redwood Rites ORICK (AP) -An estimated 700 persons, including I e a d I n g con· ltfVI~ and Gov. Ronald Reagan of CaHlornlai ire eljlteted to attend PrtsJ. ~ent Ni!OO's dedication Wednesday o£ a JOD-acre erove of redwood trees. .-T1>e grove will be dedicated in hcnor of · Mrs. Lyndoo B. Johnson, !ht ronner firsl lad)'. Some of the trees1 near the southern tip ol !he ln!anl aOclwood National Park, I08I' abnott to 300 feel and possibly are 11 old as 2,000 years. _., The ceremony will be at the spot where Mrs. Johnson dedicated tbe new naUooal park last Nov. 25. CttaUon of the part last year came .toward !ht end Of lhe tonner Democratic president's . terin. The ceremony will . nah.e the trees as the "Lady Bird Johalon Grove." , . , t11ai .!ht ellimaµ.t $30 billion yearly now being spent in· Vietnam will be swalhlwed wp by,Pf'OPOl!ied federal .government pro. ,&rams and by those already in effect • The nation's growth, in both population and .gro>s nau.n.I 'product (GNP), will be such that by 1?75, he said, ft.Inds now beillg pumped dn~o Vietnam "will, lo(>k like small change." The assessment came out or a three- hour &eS!ion of the Pres:ldent's Urban.A!· fairS Council earlier ln the day Monday. The council, headed by Moynihan, in· eludes six cabinet members. Rosy visions of. a huge post.Vietnam windfall bad been encouraged by the ad· ' mumtrailm last January. 'Ihe Pres!~ · dent's economic adVisors .then projected ilie availability of $22.9 million in uex- tra". federal funds within 18 months of the war's end. Moynihin waa asked whether the dispelling Of tllese vislOM had "lhocked" Nixon. ' • "Jt is not the purpose of Presidenta to be shocked by reality," sniffed the one- time lvy League profes&or. Moynihan was emphatic about the new,. less happy forecast. "I will say lhat it Is clearly the conclUsion of the analysis (by the Urban Affairs Collncll) that the tSee MOYNIBAN, Page l) Legion Joins Criticism Of DCI Krisman Choice The 29th District· of the American Legion, which includes an o( Orange County, hu joined the.growing list' of op- pODeOU to the appoinbnertt of foi"mer SOS leader Mike Krisman as coordinator of academic advising at UC Irvine . In an open letter to UCI Chancellor Dan1el G. Aldrich and the UC Board of Regents, Steven 1l Borak, commander of the 29th district, urges the cancellation oC the UCI appointment. The American Legion joins a list which lncludet Rep. James B. Utt \R·Twltln), State Supt. Of Public Instrui:llon Mn Rafferty, !ht Cotta Msa Cl1amber Of Commerce, county Young Republicans, the Laguna Hills Kiwanis Club aod othen. A motion adopted by 26 posts, represenUng 4,902 Legionnaires, includes lhe rollow!og: "We Of lhe 29th Disk;lcl Of , T)le Amei;lcU 1 ~.uiioD:~. •Department ' cf • California, ·as Americans, Veterans and Taxpayers, in both Orange Comity and the State of California, do btrebf ®ject to the appointment' of · ooe 'Mike' Krisman, an S.D.S. Acllvilt; as Assistant Dean o£ Students for the University cf Calilornia at Irvine and 'Demand' the Board . cf Regents cancel his ap. polntment." , Krisman holds the title of' assistant dean ol stUderiti as a payroll designation, a fact. which hall somewhat dlstcrted his actual job as coordinator Of academic ad· vising, according to university ()fflctals. Cbancellor Aldrtcb approved· Krisman's appoinbnent "only after thou g b t l u I review of his performance as a student on the campus and comments of the faculty ,. olall and studenta about !ht suitability of his qualifications." Tbe Legionrylires concludl,d their. open leller to lhe Boa)'!. of.Regents by ~g. ' • • tse<'Kl\ISlitXli, Page J) ' . Counttan Destitute .. • Desperate· Reseue , • ~ .'~. l . l • •• '. • . Tries ·Fan-;-. . Laguna Beach artl!t James A. Collllta, 44, drowned in heavy, chilly Laguna Beach wrf Monday afternoon. Colletta, an exhJbitor cf the Laguna Festival of Arts. drowned in five-to-tb:· foot breakers at the Laguna AvenUe beach despite efforts by other swimmers, lifeguanh: and a physician to save Jilin. Swimmers in the water said Colletta shouted for assistance beCause he wu feellng faint. Four swlmmers tried to reacl1 hlm, lifeguards said, but he wenf'under before they arrived. Lifeguard Earl Wellsfry found Colletta underwater about 1 in. minutes later and brought him into shore. Well.dry, fellow guards and a passing ph)'31cian, Dr. Raymood Beaeb, tried to revive Colletta until an ambulance ar~ rived. Further resuscitaUon in the ambulance and adrenalin inject.ions at the hospital failed to revive the painter. Colletta was pronounced dead on •r· rival at South Coast Community Hospital at 3;15 p.m. A specialist in· Wl\tercolor landscapes, Collett.a lived· alone at 1133 Broadway. His mother, brother and sister are living in New Jeney. • Servictt are pending at. Sheffer La· guna Beach Mortuary. \ PARTY TYPE ROBS RESTAURANT • Somebody walked Into 1he walk·ln refrigerator at Blaggjos Italian Restau-- rant in HunUngtoD .Beach Monday and walked out with enough items to throw a weeklong party. · Items ta~en : 96 bottles of beer -no rel.urn, 48 bottles of coke -retwnable, 24 bottles of 7-Up, a 40-pound boJ: of ,cheese, ~four )9avea-Of ·trench brea4 a11d on8 1Clln Of aoup. :N , ' • • TIM>' .proeliui>atlon slped bi' Nixon,. J~'• l\l!publlcan successor, rtadJ, "It.II filling lhal a magnlllcant redWoo<I .arove 'be dedicated io Lady Bird J~, who bas done ao much to stir in , the American conscieoce a deepened sense Of oneness with oor naUonal environment.." .• Evangelist Billy Graham is to deliver ,n opfrung prayer. Secrelary o( the Desert Claims Exotic Cats · tnterlor Walter J. Hickel will be master Br ARTHUR B. VlNSEL of ceremonies for the half-hour program. 011111 0.1,, ,., ... staff The Nt. ... and !ht Johnsons are to fly Blistering h<at took Ila agonizing toll ta Air Foret One from the Western White today as a wUd animal breeder carrying llouse at $an C1emente to ttWl Arcata· SS uoUc call and his last few dollars Eureka Airport. from Anahehn to Florida worked on his A helicopter will lly !ht patty 40 mt I es disabled tnick by hand' In !ht California north aloog lhe rugged Padlk: Coasl lo a desert. point near Orict, )'.II) milts north of San Todd ~uthold is losing call, money, Ff¥Cilco. Then, an aulo ~ar\Vllk ta~es ,, time and !)ope. "" the group·\btee mlles up 1 windini pated •11 don 't tee how lt caniget any worse," l'Ood to tilt lrail head. aald h11 wile Dorothy, contacted at !heir ' . • -~-- closed.down House Of Mattu, 7121 Red Gum St., in county territory near Anaheim. M\'I. Leulhold, a veterinary aludm~ said several among f=JIOO worth of cats caged on the lMt truck have died ln tbe 117 degree heat, after talking to her bu .. band in El C!!\lto M!"<ily l)lpi. "We tom-two female leopant1 carrying lhree ldUm each by a blOck lalber," said lhe aniuiahed woman, llllmatlng a $18,000 loss, besides the anilrials' own suf. ferlnl'. ' , '1110 LeutMldl are IUllOll& OJtly II U.S. lirn1' wbleh breed jungle ea ta In eaptMt7 ·and had . planned their move to Brootrville. Fla ..• since luto November, btlore county aulhorltles abut lhem d'1Wn earlier lh1I year. , , • Mrl.~ld ealtt tl!elt cal bOordlng and breeding businesl Ntorced to clooe on the basls that the building had ·no elec- t&et CATS LOST, Pap I) • • • VOL a, NO. 1Mo .t IACTtoMS. M , ..... , t , 0,-K:T P.1Loi It-"""" ADMt'l'rED 'TO HOSPITA~' Trlcl• Nixon' Voters :· .Choose K~y Sch.~l ... . . Tricia lll.; Rushed ·to ... . •• !' ' • • ll~s·. •k11:'.1 ~ - :.!.."' ,,~-•U; " ~ . . ' '. ! •1·.Jt'JllN 1!.U.'l:!O:llf.A • I 1'• ',, ........ ...,.. ,.., ' Pr-lin4Mn. --... ~ . .. . . ' ~waJlllll -in ·Soni~ today ... !ht C<llfd-0!1 ·tlttlr· ~ ""''&hi«· Tricli,. w11o mai .1>0 .utrerlnr 1rom 11p. penlik:IQi at waiter'~ Midieal'c;.nia- ln !ht l)alloo'1 .~Pllo!J. ., . . ~ld~Ual aides announee1flhe lllntss Of !he President's 23-1ear .. ld. dalitlhter today. · They Mid me began complajnlng" m. ereasingly sever~ abdomlnal palnl 'Mon- day, a day ofter btr a,rrl.val In. Wuhlniton from !ht. ·western While· Houae ln .San Clemente, '. · Pre'11 Sei:(etary ¥n. G,Jry Vac ·Der Het1Vel aakt Miu Nii'.on complained ta· no Orie about the pain on Monday . ex~ a WNte HOll!t maid. She fJ!lt worse today and phoned Che eelllor Whlte'Hooat physician, Dr. Waller Tkach, in San Clemente. · lie, ln tum, ootllied his !ISlistanl In Waablngtoo, Dr. Slanley Bear, who tx• amtnecf Tricia and pmeribed· a mtld sedative. He reported,sbe had.no fe_vei; ot increase in pulae. ' . , . • ShortJ!. alietWards Tricia,..., admitted Votlng·w•• under w•"'•·•-'Av,to,elect an, to the .~ic~l center's Ward a '!":-~~. Board· Member -~ .-~ prdidenUal stilte -'for observaUoo .... otange .County BQard <I. Education ft'tttr'" tests. r 1 ' , , • her, one who will determine the dJrectlon · Mrs. Van Der 'Reuvet ' said· resu1tai 9f ln'Whleh !ht county board will head In !ht medical. examlnattons WOUid ·be lplown I • later todaY.. · · ulnr•. She said ·!ht Nt.ona-''Were ·ltlndl ol A Z to Z C0111tfl&Uv ... tr8UHJlOd~te surprised at ...... Of Tricia's U~, spl~ divl~es. thee ponel 119W.,~ el !ht beeawie lbeir dauchter is J!O<Dl81ly ~ two active candidates for the fifth seat to Very bealt&)' YOUDC lady.'.., : • htfilltdloday;llotlil!>.on'00tliilt<a'lhe The ~le;~ Tricia 'bad - olher.. " : , . . · :. • 11 n ,-. •wllna '1!t:.~ ~.Whlle' HWie lit ' Dr.,,~ ~ .. ¥.!lllJo. l!IPP9rl";lh•·. · fu~· . qlli>l'e ~'\I to W~ stands 0£ the ·conserviUve· lncumbeilts, whilfnRJChard L: Acton Senera11y 1grfle:s • ' ""' , • ( with 1the,moderates. · , · · . A lhinl eandidl!t m Uie ~ l?blltp ~; ol Anaheim, baa·-. hls withdrawal from the rat• becaUle M: ""'1kl -have to :. qui~ 'bis "L0n1' Bpeb teaeblngJoMo oerve on lht·board. . • Polls will be open l,D1tll .I p.m. at loci· lions t~L lhe:Mllllon Viejo and El Toro aUaa and on up ln\o Orange;•Vill! Pirk and,a secUon of Anaheim. Thee~ tloo ls limited to !he Fourlh Dlllrtcl trustee area, where 110,000 perlOnl are eligible t.o vflle. i... Dr. An!ujo. ·~. ol orange. • I spectallJI in internal medlelnt. Sbe,IJ>' peared btlor, !ht board · ln, Marth to . ltlllfy In oppqsiUon to ou education In public sebooll. ·She delendl CClUnt1 1Cboo11 Supt. pr,~-~·, rlahl to conduct an opinion poll le barber shopo, and thinks !ht Grand•Jui)' mlaeed !ht mark In criticizing !ht board ...,. U coukl better have commented oo drul abuse and campus unrest. . Acton, 33, alto Of orange1 !' an ~ eeuUve •advllor .._ .... by !ht board member wllo vaeatod !ht ltl'~ Ly lo Glllpry> to auccoed him. Actoo 1111 Dr. PMIOll llhould CODlull " wllh !ht board bdOH tmbaridnc Oil polling and · agratl 'lrilh Ibo Grand Jury ih4L '"'1'11 board dlteusslons have httn a. wute o1 Ume and mledlroollon Of lht pone!'• enqles. . ( ' ' ,. • """~er . Another typical day along !he • Orange eout. ii tn 'the ·oamg ror Wednesday, with fair weather and 1 temperatures ranging from 71 ajong' lhe ahclno to M In !ht land-j Jock«;I areu. ' INSIDE TODAY TM "unnng httoine" al tlae COila Mn• Chli<: Playh01lle 11\ore1 1he qotlight 10ith the t vear'1 top ptrfof'1,'11er1 at ~ thtater'1 .. annual awardl cert~ ~ ""°""'· Set Entertainmnt, Page IB. I ... ""' • lll ,..,. ,. ; C•I!..,.._ t ,...,_ .... , 11 Ct:tt~tl"9 -.,U, UIMll ,._ •I c..-,, -c..tr " (,........ '' 9YMI .... ,. --·" --.. " ........ ,... • """ Mott hMflllMl'I WI, tfldl ..,..... 1•11 ........ • 1•11 ,........... 11 ,..,..._ 1• ~ • - a.uMwt !! ....., • ........... " I ·I ' 2 , DAil. Y Ptl.OT s .:1\f opup Shows Camille Floods . Bad As Storm :-. -' -GULFPORT, Mill. (UPI)~ Al.....,.. dead,. will! ·100 penons mlalu. 'lbe ud cUnup 09trallons conUoued 1,000 damaa:e from the hooding wu tstlmated mUea apart today, there wue indJcaUons at more than SIS2.5 million. well below Hurricane CamUlt'1 rains may have been the predicted Sl billion or more predicted u dOldly u ilt !llO-mllwn.bour wiDds lot Ille Gull CoasL and 31>-foot tldea. • I • • ) Milay mlder\lt alq the Gutt Coul 'lbe GulC Coast, "h•!I• the l1urrl<ant retumed ~ tbelr shottuocl homu 'Moo- 1lnldt lo 11111 lon:e, has COllnled a dealll d17 to lalvqe what Ibey could of lhelr loll of 1111 lmown dead In M!Jalsslppl Ind btr..,.lngo. ""'11111111. will! an undeltnntned number George ·Hastings of Ille office of or •penonl mWlu. , • • , .. .. -prtpaffi)Dels. beadlllfl fedora! ,. In VtrliUta, Where ~e left the aJ4 operatioCI, said it would be four or • ntalnlanl as a ~I which dumped up 1190 -kl bot,.. nsldenla could ruume 'lo 10 inchM of rain, Ille toll from "normal" Uvlllfl -but be aald It would i!ellastaUng !loodlng In mountain ·to-Ide aDother two. years to pt back lo . , along the Ames River reached ~ known .. where we were before the storm.u * * * ' . -.. . New Hurricane ' . Moving Up " Atlantic Coast _, ,, • u MIAMI (UPI) -1'roplcal storm Eve · moved northeastward through the Atlan-. ~.tlC MO miles off the United States coast -Mttay and weathennen preWcted the ',.~would reach hurricane intensity by lYedneaday. ''11te National Hurricane Center sa.Jd the ! ttonn was disorganized but "iLs slow ~movement over warm waters and its air tral praaire ol 29.38 Inches are llllffideDI • feasons to forecast that Eve should be a · !llinimal hurricaae by Wednesday. All in- . teresll along ibe middle AUantlc C>lUI tastwanl to Bennuda sholild be alerted,,, for future advices." Eve's top winds were 60 miles an hour. 'lbe center sald If the stonn stalls or ..W. a tum northward, Ille thrul to tDe caroliDu woald be Increased. 'lbe storm waa centered at noon Ear near latitude 811.1 · north. looaltude 7U wut, "' Mo m11 .. -...-of Cape Hatleral, N.i:, It wu l!lOY!ng iiortbeaslwanl al ftve' mllel. an hour: Eve, the teama'I flfth ireplcal storm, formed from a tropical depresoion that ~ $en! heavy swells on the beaches of the norlhern Bahamas Monday. '~ '~Israel Threatens ,, ;·As Arabs Move To Su~mit Meet Fut on the Draw Only the -1• of onc0<Wl pin> traa and a pUe or brancbes and freshly aaWtd Jogs heaped on the street edge ln many areas hint ol the devastation of a week .... a..,. mn of 10ldlen. prllooers, 8abeel, and National GuardJmen_ and reem:vllt8 guide a flee.t of machJnes tlmNgh the street& coliectlllil debril and ..,...Umel.b«il.OJ..lrom.tlll thlcl!. ~ around Ille towns. More bodies were f9UJKI l\1onday, said Billy Jot Crou, state pm'e and fish dlnctor, who is 1n charge ot the central morgue. Cross said there were 120 UPIT~ By Tiie Auocl•ted Press Israel threllened the Arabs with more retaliatJon for sabotage Monday night 81 the Arab natlom moved ckl6er to a sum· mlt meeUng to discuss the situation in This Is Panama City, Florida's verson of the wild, wild west. Chamber ol commerce IY)>O• appointed Glenda Tyson (left) to main- tain law and friendliness m "Friendly Floridian" campaign. She won job alter spoof shoot out with Judy Mathews (foreground). You'll have to admit it's pretty wild. .. J erusalem. , : , Israeli Transporl Ml~ Moshe Carmel, ofter leam!ng tllat a bomb had ~<'exploded Monday In an Isz:aell &blppi.ng l.;.o..tompany office in b;)ndon. warned that : · Arabi could not "alt In safety in their : . varlcm offices throughout> the world 1 unleu aalety pr<valls In Ille Olli"'5 of. ~. Israeli companies." ~: "Israel views with the utmost gravity any plots qalnat her lines of com· munlcatlon and lhe facilities or her .: : lransportaUon CQmpanle1 throughout the .. world," Carmel said. "AnYone trying to scheme againot lllem ~ • Is likely to pay a stiff price." The transport mhtlster, whose st.ate- , : ment was dl&trlbuted by the Israeli J • government's prw office in Jerusalem, also pledged lhat "every I s r a e I t passenger anywhere will be protected, JS ~ : will all Israeli lines of communication . ' • . ' l ' ' ' and trasoportaUoa facilities the world over." From Page 1 . KRISMAN ••• • that 1f Krisman's appol'ntmmit ls .cqn.. ' -finned "you may rest assured the ~atq ' ol. the taxpayers will far outstrip any ®"• ~ cessions made to dissident student C ·organizations without due considerations l ol the voter and taxpayers." I ! I ! ! ( I I i ( I 1 I t I J I ' I I I t t r ( . • • ' . . • . • DAl n PI LOT ........................ --,_,...., -- l•Mrt N. W•-4 ---Jt.di L c.ri.., Yb ............ ~,.. ... n.-· 1(-0 .... ,.._1 A.Mw,lt.e ~·~ .... Newport Council to Close ' CdM Pirate's Cove Caves It may have taken the 1ea'1 eroding ac-- tion thousands or yon to carve out the caves at Corona del Mar's Plrate's Cove, but ii look Newport Beech city coun- cilmen ooiy a few minutes to close them back up Mond<y nighL Cooriellmen, acting unanimously on recommendations from the police depart· ment, agreed to hav.e tbe two entrances of the lirge caves ffa]ed off with bars and gates. To keep the .. attractive nuisance" free f1'<lm crime, yet still ava!.lable to the public, the council agreed to keep the ~ates open during the summer daytime hours. Policemen on patrol will lock up the en- trances at dusk, the council ruled. Police stzongly urged that the cave be F ron• Page .I CATS LOST. • • trleal wiring condu1ts as required !or such a venture. ''But we were ntver even inspected," rihe compl1lned. "We were not closed because of the ~·ild animals," she explained, adding that aspect Is more a hobby. Noticeably bitter in telling of the tragic predicament, Mr1. Leuthold said her hus- band started the C'l'OSS-CO\lntry odyssey ooce after they obtained and altered a lnl<k to flt the job. '1You don't move 55 animala just like that," she said. "He had to rebuild a blown up eng1ne first and he got to Beaumont, but the mechanic had put two rod caps in backwards and It blew up again." Delayed for additional repairs. the ark· like truck c8lT)'lng a Slberl1n Uger, lhe expectant mother leopards, 10 ocelot.I, II> Indian leopard<ats, five American moun- tain lions and rlvti bobctt.8, plus many domelt.ic c1ta rolled out at 5 a.m. last Saturday. Radiator lrol.lble ind finally a blown tiead gasket brought the two-truck pro- C'es:Sion to a hall ln sweltering El Centro, where problems rapidly muhlplied u the cats wert decimated by he1t ''He Mid It W11 lt7 degrees Monday - so bot you C'OUldn'l work ouUide -but he couldn't even find a mantle 1n tht.t town for the lantern "° he could work on It at night.," she explalntd. Using dim h,.dllghls from the HCOnd truck for UluminitUon, Leuthold worked through the nlaht hours as the c111ect cat. longul•hed in !ho sticky heat beneath trees at a motel. l closed completely, but settled ror the gate idea. Pollet Clitf B. James Glavas said the gatts and bars would elim1nate 60 to 70 percent of the crime-in the large cavern and tunnel leading to it One deep inner 5ect.ion of the cave, in which penons can completely hide themselves, will be sealed off with con- crete. It will be the only part of the cave to be permanenUy plugged. Photographs supplied to councilmen by Glavas showed hwnan filth, piles of litter and unkempt youths 1n tile cave and lls natTOW tunnel leading to the nearby cove. Statistics detailed nearly 81) juvenile and adult arrests In the caves over the past year for offenses ranging from narcotics and drinking to sex crimes. Besides providing for better law en· rorcement on that part or the Corona del Mar shoreline, the council Monday focus- ed at,tention on problems with caves and crags in the past in Cameo Shores area farther downcoast. They unanimously approved plans lo ask for the annexation of the beaches o: earn.. Shores. which presently are patrolled by county law enforcement personnel. Cameo Shores residents have com· plained that narcotics users and unruly l'Ouths and adults move into the Cameo Shores area after closlng time on cily bel'lches in Corona del Mar. Vice Ma)'()? Lindsley Parsons of Corona de\ Mar, who Initiated the annexation re- quett, called the area "a no-man's land for the pot smokers. 11 The annexation request will go to the t.ocal Agency Formation Commission, then to the st.ate Lands Commission for approval, Valley's Crime Rate Up 20 % The crime rate In Fountain Valley has lncreattd 20 percenL during the first 1.lx monLhs of 196S, compared to the same period in 1968: accordlng to official repor1a released this week. Arre&ta have jumped 32 ptttent on the ame umt compuiaoa. Q\lef of Police Oiarlea W. MicbaeUs lald Ille !!gum showed no special lncrtue in .ny parUcular type or crime . "It just gtnarally kept pace will! the population lncmse," he sak!. Few violent crimes auc:h as armed rob- beries or aggravated &SUults have been reported in the city. I • Milliulppl dffllls In lllree COUllUea. lhraa perconl loam lo !mn !uniliel In Z5 MIU, Va., In a Marliie Col1lO hellcopler Monday and sald. "I{ that isn't a total disaster, l hope I never see one." Only two buildings were Iert staading in the Uny hamlet. Crcm alto warned the toll mlght rise. Virginia-countJes In the James River Jfe aid the fin:t day he called for a basin. The low interest, emergency loans mlsslng persons rtpOrt, he received a list m.ay be used to restore farms damaged of 4' namea. by landalidea and .flooding. Two nddll!onaf bodies were localed In Ridunond ll_, DIO~ 5tale M...s.JI by a newly deployed apecial A1rtculturt ~r llfaurice B. The governor was asked whether he shared President Nixon's 1•very great concern" over the govemment'1 !allure to more accurately predict the destruc· tlon cansibWUea of Camille. :100Ut dog pla-oI t& animals and 11 Rose .Aid (>l'fllmiaary eatlmatA!o showed men from Fort Benning, Ga. The dop farm IoUU.1·n· Vb'gllDI._, wont flood in. fr.om th1 19'11h Jnf~b'y l\l!ca!!~ .. C!l!!!>e "'"" lllan a century~ Jlteiy !"l'J'lll'! 3rd Army ar. aoslsUng 5ea&ffi iii March U million. 111 iald dM>AJt iO 'ttvesli>Ck; • "I C:rlmn1y··ao;0 Godwin· iafd. ··1 ·think a country that is smart enough to put a man on the moon shod Id be <able to do a better job oI predicting what a hurricane can do." and recovery of human remalnl. -peach and r ~pJe crdpl would be In Wa&hlollon. Ille Agrtculturt Depart. "devaslaUng." ment said -the Farmm H ome Vlr11nla Gov.,Mllla E. Godwin. bls auit AdmlnislraUon would ..Ue available •Polled with mud, flew ' ov'er Mwie'1 Nixon Al~es at Barbecue Urban Affairs Group Sees Irvine Projects An old·fashioned lrvine Ranch barbecue and a whirlwind tour of planned communities or the fQture was staged MOhday for President Nixon's high-level Urban Affairs Council. During the steak broil in rusUc Born· mer Canyon, Irvine Foundation Board Chalnnan N. Loyal McLaren warned the Cabinet panel that pending tax reform Jaws would end the development they wtre seeing. 1 McLaren's remarks were obviously directed lo legislation which would have ireat impact on the foundation which ad- ministers the company owning a fifth of all Orange County land. The firm 's tues have increased five times over the past few years, be eJ:· pJJined. -Irvine COmpany President William R. 1'.1ason outlined planned industrial and residential communities before a bus tour of the prime new development following a helicopter survey. From Page 1 MOYNffiAN. • • · Mason noted that the giant flnn has 1,500 homes now under construction this year, and plans to have 2,500 more under way next' year. "We have encouraged viable com· munlty action," he said, 8ddine, "housing developments have g r e e n b e l t s , playgrounds, parks, schools a n d churches. "Industrial complexes have landscape plantings alld lilJl controls," Muoa -tinued: - The President's advisory panel was told that in every Irvine Company residential development, the tracts have been placed with their backs to arterial highways. After landing by chopper for a barbecue luncheon in Bommer Canyon. the group toured Bonita Canyon, UC Jrvine, grazing land for prime llereford cattle, plus Turtle Rock, Eastbluff and The Bluffs residential communities. In each case, Irvine Company e1- ec:utives suggested comparing the plan- ned suburban development to haphazard urban sprawls which can be seen elsewhere. ' Mason noted the company ti a !l developed several shopping centers and has two more on the drawing boa rds, plus a private country club and two office buildings. "In this scatterizalion or suburbs, the 'Irvine Comj>aay plans to encompass the needs of communities," f..1ason explained. Several Cabinet members who \\'ere to have taken the tour remained behind alter a luncheon hosted by the California Republican Central Committee at the Newporter Inn. ! Talks were expected there on seUing up a state advisory panel on environmental control and conservation, similar to one appointed by President ~ixon. The GOP group voled to organize sucli an advisory comittee at a meeting in San Francisco over the weekend. Marine Reinforcements • so-called peace and growth dividends that R k d b R d G h. ·e been 8"ticlpated .• .in January of a e y e unners this year were simply not realistic. NOT 111ERE "There is not likely to be anything like the free resourcts that we had all hoped for," he said. "It is simp],Y not there in the system. We are not going lo have an ~asy tlni.e of mating naUonal priorities m the 19705." f..1oynihan, ablaze in a yellow blazer and looking a bit like a younger Orson Welles, declined . to Use the term "repu~ diate" in discussing the January report "That would be much too strong a word,'' he sald. "We are proceeding on a different set of assumptions." These assumptions, he explained, In· elude the continued needs of the "defense establishment" and many dome.!lic pro- grams Jong plaMed bu t not funded. '"The amount in which we have de- pleted resources lo maintain the ef!ort In Vietnam seems lo be much more im· porlant than people had anticipated," he said. MAS5 INFUSION One newsman reminded him that he had once said urban problems require a mass infusion oI money. "Are you now saying you art nol going to get il?" he was asked. "l don't know that l have sald that," he replied. "Urban problems require a lot of things. Throwing money at them is sort of a simple-minded solution. I think we are going lo gel a lot We are getting a lot now, and we will get a lot more." Moynihan denied that the new. projec- 1ion would adversely affect his long- term plan! for coping with urban crises. •·on the contrary, we see a country that is strong and prospering and going to become stronger and more prosper· ous, but we also see a country that ha~ a lot of problems today because 10, JS years ago this effort to anticipate change and make decislons about prior- ities did not occur." SAIGON !UPI) -U.S. Marines today turned their cooks and clerks into riflemen and pushed toward the Que Son Valley lo reinforce American in- fantrymen righting one ol the year's big· ,es t battles. But Communist gunners hidden in camouOaged spider holes raked th Marine r~s. forcing the leathemecb to· pull their dead and wounded back into the jungles. Official U.S. spokesmen tlsted Marine casualties in several battles with well-en- trenched North Vietnamese troops Mon- day and today at 18 dead and 61 wounded. But battlefield reports indicate that as many as 38 had been killed and 75 wound· ed In the past 24 hours. The eight~ay fight, often at close Bus, Car Crash; 1 Killed, 8 Hurt SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -A small foreign car and a Greyhound bus collided at a do\11ntown intersection Monday night. killing a passenger in the car and critically Injuring lhe driver. Seven occupant! of the bus, Including the driver, also were injured, Dead on arrival at San Bernardino County General Hospital was Robert Lorin Goodin, 22, of Carlsbad, an employe of the U.S. Forestry Service. He was returning from fighting brush fires. Charles Mitchell Collins. 2Q, identified by police as the car's driver, was in critical cond!Uon at the hospital. qu:uiers, had cost North Vietnam's 2nd Anny Division an estimated 800 dead, in- clucfmg 2SO killed or found in graves on the heavily jungled floo r or the valley on 1i1onday. Total U.S. losses were·reported a! at least SO killed and 300 wounded. The American infantrymen. and Marines also were fighting temperatures whk-b soared to u high as 120 degrees in the JO-mile-Jong valley, J~O mil~ northwest of Saigon. Reports from the front said that 110 Marine reinforcements, if){'Juding about ~ cooks, clerks and others who normally ftll support roles, joined two ot.her Marine companies trying to link up with four U.S. Anny companies locked in heavy combat wiU1 the North Vietnamese. By nighUall today, however, the three ?i1ari~ companies were still more than a mile from their linkup point with the Anny's Americal Division in the valley 18 miles west of Tam Ky. ' "I\:e been out here a week and I haven't seen Charlie yet," said one woun- ded infantryman. "That's how good their camouflage is -we don't see them until we "A'alk right into lheir position.'' In another part of the valley South \'ietnamese troops west of Tam ky and 60 miles from Da Nang came upon IX>dies oC 100 North Vietnamese soldiers, ma5l ot 1hem burned beyond recognition. Allied military spokesmen they were caught in a U.S. aerial napalm' attack earlier. The Marines, fighting the North Viel· namese from as close as 10 yards, had been in battle more than 24 hours in the \'al!ey in and around 'o\•hich some 5,000 North Vietnamese troops arc believed operating. ~liir.ITI~..--==-----~~~ from s4aa .,,:~~~-$3.00 DIAMONDS $6 00 l lPLACI D, tr.• • Your Omeoa Sales & Service Agencv 0 OMEGA ni.. "''"' ttfl'I• 0"'•9• Spe.d"'Mfe, Wf.f(.lot we (.erry ••• 1ele•ted with· 011t '"' "'.difi(.elion iiy NASA to Oe wo111 by 011' "'"' 01t th • "'•on. Thi1 re(.ognition, tf11ly • ,,. wer4 f or ertel!ente, "'•k•1 '" pro11d to t., your 111tk•rl11d Om••• lewtl•r, Cem• in -••• th i1 lot1114telftt., 1 b11tton, '4 41•1, Om .. • Spe1dmt.t• tor (.htenotr•pll. Tht only wt.tc-lot we111 iiy tht "''" e1t tht. "'eo11. Pri(.• 1191. I NGlAYIH a DOHI WHILI YOU WAIT TllMI AYAILAILI Hun tington Centff Beach at Edinger HUNTINGTON IEACH 892°5501 I t and back Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor llvd . COSTA MESA 545.9495 • I I I ' I • 1 I .1 ( . I I I I . ~ • .. • Huntington Beae- EDITION * Today's Fla•I N.Y. Steeb VOt:. 62; )llO. 204, 3 SECTIONS, 3( PAGES . ORANGE CQl.iNrY, €ALIFORNI>: l\JESl>AY, AUGUST 2,, "1969 '. ' ~ ' . TEN CENTS • DAILY PIL.OT Stitt """9 Sifins of Resistance .. SfDdicate 3000 owner Gilbert Covell is continuing his feud with Huntington Beach city·offici'a1t, Who have refused to r e n e w his business license on irounds that his Pacific Coast Highway teen club is "contrary to the health, welfare and morals" of the citizenry. City officials •j>Parently plan no action in response to the signs m the· club's win· dow s, describing them coolly as "an exercise in free speech." PresU:lentAwaiting Word As Tricia in Hosp.ital ·' I' DAILY PILOT Sitt! l"Mll ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Tricia Nixon Valley Planners Hear $5 Million f.omplex Plan 'nle Fountain Valley planning depart- ment baa been approached by a Santa Ana firm with plans for a $5 million in- dustrial complex next to the San Diego FreewoY at Euclid Street and Talbert Avenue. The pr'Op()Sal would cover 21 a<n:s with rr buildings, according to city ofHcitlls. Preliminary • plans appear acceptable, '8!.d a city spokesman. Plans were stibmilted by Dunn Properties Corp. or Santa Ana. A Dunn !J>Okesman said Foontain Vall ey looked Jlke "a good place lo build," since the finn was out <>I industrial buildings · to .. nt. ... .• , a,_.i~~~li,!';.A president and Mn:. ftjc}iard Nixon are awall!ng wgnt·In San Clemm!etociiy on .: tll< condltillll of 111elr eldtst daughier, Tricia, who may be suffering from ap. pendicills Iii Walter Reed Medical Center in the nation's capital. Presidential aide.!! announced the illness of the President's 23-year~ld daughter today. They said she began complaining of in- creasingly severe abdominal pains Mon- day, a day after her arrival in Wa1hington from the western White House in San Clemente. At a press briefing shortly after noon today, presidential preM secretary Ron Ziegler said that the latest word from Washington Indicated, "P.flss Nixon's con- dition Is not a serious matter." Press Secretary Mrs. Gerry Var.. Der Heuvel said Miss Nixon complained to no one about the pain on Monday except a White House maid. She felt worse today and phoned the senior White House physician, Or. Walter Tkach, in San Clemente. He, in turn, notified his assistant In Washington, Dr. Stanley Bear, who ex· amined Tricia and prescribed a mild sedative. He nported she had no fever or increase in pulse. ' Shortly afterwards Tricia was admitted to the medical center's Ward I -the presidential suite -for observation and tesls. Mrs. Van Der Heuvel said results of medical examinations would be knowrl Jater today, She said the Nixons "were kind of surprised at news oC Tricla'I lllne&s, because their daughter is nonnally a very healthy young lady." The petite, blonde Tricia had been visiting at the Western White House for 12 days before returning to Wl!hlnctoa Sunday. · StGC!k M•rketa NE)Y YORK (AP) -The stock market closed with a.stiff loss today as It turned in its &econd straigi1t 1 o s i n g session. (See quota.lions, Pages 10-11). · The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. wu of{ 9.37 at 822.07. Trading over the day was fairly slow. Three Prisoners Fail in Attempt To Escape Bus Ttiree prisonen. ~aosterred, lrom ·an . . . ' \ ' . ~e c;.uniy ~l. ""' to .• boldlnc tUt ot llftt ~-ti.Imty ~ .... Weslminliler failed In their alt.empt Ill a da£fni.il11iJbt ooc'ij, K~• • t sgi.;Jlr~~ G~'ind Depullu lllenn . Day and Tom Grams wtte jumped by &he trio at approximately 8:20 im. when they exited the side door of the vehicle along with 26 other ~ers. A 1hcr1 struggle bepn during wblcl\ the prisoners were subdued and taken to Orange Coontt Medical Center fer trut· ment of cuts received in the fight, Gates said. ·The prisoners were idenlifjed at Michael S. Guiles, 23, G a r d e n a ; Lawrence W. Smith, ·33, Garden Grove and Berey E. Wilson, 211, Harbor City. At the time of the escape attempt. Guiles ahd Wilson ~re being· taken lo coort on kidnaping and armed robbery charges and Smith on a drug charge. The guards escaped in]U$y In ll1e strug. gle. Smith and Wilson have been released from the medical center but Guiles is still recovering, sheriff's deputies aaid. Kin of Beach Official Dies Mrs. Minnie Matney, r.a, stepmother of Huntington Beach City CouncilmM Jerry Matney, died in Fort Worth, Tex. Friday following a brief illne111. Medical specialists at AU Saints Hoepltal, where she was taken, were unable to determine ll1e natqre cl her u. lness. She Is surlived by her bulband Clyde, Councilman Jerry Matney and three other -sons. · Beach Cobncilman's ConditiC:,~ .Betfur . George C. McCracken,.... HunUngton .Beach Citf Cormdhun, ls reported in aatilfactory eondtt1or1 today at Hun-tiJ181on lnten:ommunity HOOpllal: He was admltied Sonday whm lie llllffered a •ud!len atttc~ olihil dlabellc condition. Te!ll on bis condilloll are being run lnday at tbe hclpllal, said l!h'L McCracken. No Peace Windfall Moynihan Says Money to Be Swallowed Up 87 JEROMll: P'. COLLINI • ot .. D11r l"IW hlff llllnlel P. Moynihan, ll1e Presldent'a advisor on urban' affaln, was poslUvely fyrlcal about It. "I think," ha &aid, 11uiat tbe peace divldendl haft lurnod out lo be ....... Cft1I, lllle ll1e mcrnliii clouda around San Clemente.~· Moynihan, 111111 eiptalned.Konday why the mil cl ho!oJUU.. In Vl<tilam, W~ Jt OCC!l'I, will' mean no wlndlall of !;deral moneylordoniestlcpurpcoe1. lj,• lold. -a }ftll confereoc:e at ll1e Western •White House In Sail Clemente that !be .llllmated 1311 blllloa yearly now beinc spent In Vietnam will be swlllowtd up by propceed federal IDY'"1mel!l pro. grJms Qd liy -alreoufy Jn effect. Tho nation's growth, In both population and IP'l>ll naUonal prcduct (GNP), will be such tbal by 19'15, he said, !unda now being pumped Into Vietnam "will loot like small change." 1be .assemnent came out of a tbree- hour oeulon of the Prealdent's Urban Al· fairs Ccuncll -lier In the dsy Monday, The tcuncll, bea<Jed by Moynihan, ln- cludea m cabinet members. Roly vlslcnl cl a IMige pest.Vietnam wlnd[ail had been encouraged by 111e ad- mlnlstratlnn lut January. The pm~ dent's economic advtsora then projected the a\'allablllty of $%2.t mllU"on in "ex. Vl"IT ....... 'WINDFALL OUT WINDOW' P.r••ld.ntlal Advisor. Moynihan tra" federal funda within II months of ~led peace and growtb dlvldenda 111at the war's end. ba\'e been anUcJpated. • .in January o( Moynihan was asked Whether the thil year were simply not realistic. dispelling of these visions bad "aboclted" 1'The:re ii not likely to be anY.lhlnl llke Nixon. the free resources tbat we had all fioped "It· Is not ll1e purpcae of Pr<sldents to !or," he uld. "It ii lllnply ,a there In be ohoc:ked by reality,'' llllffed ll1e cne-ll1e aystem. We are nol &oini to have an time Ivy League professor. easy time ol ·llllklnl· national pricr!U,. Moyn.ihan wu emphatic about the new, in the ll'TOs." . less happy forecast. "I will say that it ii MOYiilhul. a blue ; lo, a. Jello:w . bluer clearly the conclusion of the analth.'i' (by and loOklni a bit Ulte a younger Orson lbe. ·Urban. Affairs CcUDCll) · lllo · Welko, llOcll/!Od '.lo , .... the< lell>I !'l'lplo n.Ji •• .., .. \.I< ) -" ,·. ' ' ~· i(,~il " 1;1-,,. .. ) ' • ' • • • . • J • "-'. •. I N•••·"I! ~-"~I'.•' I .. ~ :;~ ·' ,; Ocean View to Try Vote On Sclwol Bonds Again Trustees 0of the Ocean View· School District MOnitay, set Nov. 11• M the· date for a $7.5 million bond election to finanCe ll1e district'• l'u\Ure building neo<Js,. · The action was preclpita\ed IArgel)' through tbe district's failure earlier this monll1 to sell IU mlillon in 'boiici, at ll1e old five percent Interest rate. Unless the new bond Is palled 1hla November construction of the .new VJlta View School as well 11 work on seven other sites would be prevented, dlstrict clficiaiJ said. The ve1et-authorlzed II.I m!)lkin bonds would have Initiated ccnstruction of Vista View and one other alte, but district of. ficlals have decided to ask. for the ad- dJUonal IC.7 inu!Jon lo cover the-41strlct's building needs for the next four year& St.ate aid allocations, another source of Income for Ocean View, depend largely on 111e bended capacity of 111e district and will not be forthcoming unless ll1e district iJ bended to within 5 percent of Its,....... ed valuation. Passage of the new bond would bring H within 111at range, District PARTY TYPE R9BS RESTAURANT Somelicdy· wlllked lnln · tbe wall!-ln refrigerator ,at BJaggtos Italian, Resta~· rant ln Huntlngton Beach Monday and walked out will1 encugh itemll to throw a weekl"llll party. Items taken: ·111 botU,. « beer -no. return, 41 ·bottles of coke -returnable, 24 hctlles of 7-Up, a 46-pcund bcx of chee,., !our loaves of [rencb bread Ind one can of IOllp. Soper!rittndant Clmnce Hail ·explained. • School bOord Presldirif Ra~ :Bauer, 1-ever cautlGned dlllrfct• ollJdai, that Ibey "mlibl " well not• try .lo pia this tmlen they dO it bl a rational, ctJmlste:nt way." • He asked admln11trator1 .J.o produce a ma.ste"r plan befoi'e ,the electlon which wcu!d show ll1e tupoyer "euctly what he II getting !of'bls mcney.• Meanwhile, Hall said, be wculd ln- v..Upte the possibility of· selling the II.I million a~ bonda, "We have·not given up on the bonds ap. proved by ll1e votats In splta. of ll1e !act that we had no bidders,'' be sakt. ••we ire llttl1 uplodng a owple of real live poasibillties." Murder for Hire ' . Plot Suspect H~ring 'roday A llbcl<)" Garden•Gmo ' l\alrdreaer; traPP,cd .Friday. liY' ~ · Jl<acb· deteet.lves wbO allege he ·Wai b&tchlng ·• plan· rot the• deall1 • fiJo glrl '!rlend, wu· ICbeduled'!or ~'today in West. Orange·Ccunt)i Mdnlclpill'Ccurl. : ' P91lce tbil mornll'C·uld Rlclianl!Davl1· Reed,' 2i, ~ Of i2sti 1Keel rAVe.,•' Garden Greve, woold be char-' with atkm'ptlng to i!tn 'anolb<r m.n•i;,"·~ -and burglary. , -\ . Reied•was aJlege\Uy cau&ht in a lrap care!uQy ·laid Jut ·-k' by !HUllUngton llta<:h iletectlves whc bad 1*11 tipped cff that he wu seek.Ing 'a man 'to tlll 'hla glrlft'lend, Kathleen Duckett. •. . dial<" In dilCUSling ll1e J.....,ry npcrl. .. Tbat would be much too 1 t r o n g a word," he said. "We are proceeding on a different set 9' assumptions." Tbe!e """"'ptlons, he explained, In· elude 'the continued needs of the ... defense establishment" and many domestic pro- IJ'll!IS Joog planned but not funded, . ''The amount in which , we have de-: J)]eted reaources to maintain the efforl In Vietnam aeems to be much more l"'!l; portant than people had anticipated, he said. One newmian reminded him that hi had once 1Bld urban problems require • mass.: infusion of money. "Are you now. saying you are not 1oing to get it?" he WU uked. "I don't know that I have said that," lte ·replied. "Urban problems require a lot of thinp. 'lbrowing mmey at them is sort of a simple-minded aolution. I thlnt we are going to get a lot. We are gett1115 a lot JIOW, and we will get a lot more. · Moynllian denied that the new pro Jet> tlcn would advenely affect hil• lonc- term plans for caplng wJtb urban' m-. "'On tbe tontrary,. we aee a cowdr1, that Is -and prosperliig and i<>loil to become ~nger and niote prooper, OUI, but ft also lee a country fh.:t bu. a lot ol probl<ma today became 10. IS yean ago this effort to antlclpate change and make declsicns about prior· !ties did not occur." By [11eal 1975, national. piiorltles .00 needs wlll easily eat up the ll>-Cllled posl-Vletn.am peace dividend, be said. The key to this undramatic absarpUoo ii growth. "We have a budgetary system with built·in growth factor1 w,hich art: very strcng, 1'8f11Y because or tbe f.,.. mula of existing leglslsUon, Ind partl:r beeaUR of natural growth In OW' P'P'!>' latlon." He cited u an eumple the Prtsf .. deot's revenuwharlng proposal for state Ind f<deral govemments. It Will be funded at_ a ~"" of one -percent ti .(See MO~~ I) I ' ' . iir-i~ards r ,• "· ft f • I Doomed in Beach By January, 1970 B~, -bJ&, rectangti1ar """" that odve:tlse l]>Ut pea soup, or whatever, aod block out bigbw91 oc:en- etY, an doomed in Huntington Beech, city cllldail 'hope. Two . city ordinances call fix ll1e ~limination O( billboards and VarlOUI olber. algns by Jan. 6, 1970. JUgjlt new _Dan McFarland, d!le! l1nd U.. technician for ll1e city, Is alt.empting to locate the property owners or billboard ownen affected In crder to'notl!y tbem In time. ~ve yeart ago a eJly ordinaance was passed which gave the billboards five years of life before they had to come down. On Aug. 6 a second city ordinance became effective backing: Up the f1nt. "The intention of both ordinances,,. say& McFarland, "111 to clean up algn clutter Jn Huntington Beach.'' "Now. we jw;t bo,e we dOn't have any trouble In actuaJJy taking them down," he adds. The only thing ll1e city can do Is pr .. perly notify those r<1poiialbJe ior the billboards, and il they aren 't r<moved, request a complaint lhnlugj! the city at- torney Ind tu.· legal actlcn, One type cl billboard that will stay - lempcrarllf -1' the huge dlrectton 1lgn used to pkle motorists to homes for sale. But even those' inllet come down «lC'e ll1e last house .In a.tract.ls IOld. Clout ·Wead.er· Ten struct.ureS currently exlst on F°'1n· ta1n Valley's industrial laDd, with six: l'nCln!~lnrthe-process of being bwlt, The DuM ~ ~would increase Fount.lin Vall•Y,'*• 1...:n...a1 land u,... by 25 per-cent .. .....,--· l oWm t$rwhr.atives .said they hope to begin ~ on Ille property within six weeks -It jo,>" soap develop. The laird already Is zOoed !or lndUBtry. Dunn will bring its precise plans before the plan. nlng comm·iss.ion Seet. 17 for approval. . Heat ·Kills J~ngle Cats Th<' man Reed" ~· 1llOlipl be wu btrlng ror tbe jcb tumid owlo be·an undtl<Over· ddectlve, and -thr ...... of their dlscualon, Fcuntaln VaUey High School alllhitic Hild.' 11ii ....,_ by JDCl'8 ,dflt«ti9'8, t I ' , ' .. • Another typical day along ll1e Or-Ccaat Is Jn ll1e fifing for Wedneac!J7, wlll1 !air -iher Ind lemperalureo ranging from 72 a!Ong ~ short to M In lbi land· locked......_ INSIDE TODAY The .,unsung herolnt• of the C0<to . Mesa Ciofc Plo!ihoU<e tlaar:ea the .spotlight, wi,,. the year•1 top perforrMr1 at the th.mtcr11 annual a\OOrcb urt· "There doesn't appear lo be any p~ bl em,". nld City Manager James Neal, "aod thlt development ls a tremendous addl~o!J to O\lf industrial grcwth." • • Quake Hits Macedonia BELGRADE (UPI ) -A sharp earth· quake rocked portions of the aouth Yugoslav republic of Macedonia today, the ntwa Ri""'Y TanJ Ui reported. By ARTHIJR R. VINSEL CM 1111 Dlltr l"li.t Stll' Rllsterlng heat took tl& agonizing tbtl tOOay as a wild animal breeder carrying $$ exot.ic cata and hiJ 1ast few dollar• from Anaheim to Florida worked on his diaabled truck by band Jn tbe call!ornia de!lerl. Todd Leuthold ls lo&lng ca t:s, money, lime and hope. . _ "I don't see how It can aet any worse, .. said hll wtte Dorolby, contacted at their { • I .-..·. S<1 . E~~. ·1 ' POfl't JI. "• ~ • I I" " ' . IMlllll H C•llftJllM •t Cl*lllllll •u -" c,,_.. t• .... ""'-_ft """"' '"""' ' ............... 11 """'" "''' -.. ... ........ 11 -" • "i·' I , • 1 J OAILY PILOT H T.....,, -2', HM ';Mopup Sl1ows Camille Floods Bad As Storm ... ... ' ' '1UU'POKI', lj1u. (UPI) -Ao R1C1M1 chod, 'llllh 1111 ~~Tho -1 desq ...,.. cmta_.. l,809 cWnaae from the wu ~ mlllO oput lodoy, -_. ... -• ol _.. 1111!1 fJIU oll """' Hurri< ... Camllle'a rains may have b«n Jlw (lredlded fl billion•...,.~ u deadly as lb 190-mlJHl>hoor winds !"!: tbt Gull Coast. • • and »loot Udes. ' Mtll)I nolderitl alon( the Gull cout 1be Gulf Cout, where the hurricane returned to their shattered homes Mon. struck In full force, has counted a death day to salvage what they coold of thelr loll of 139 known dead In Mississippi and belongings. ~Louisiana, with an undetemtlned nwnber George Hastings of the office of · of persons mWing. emergency preparedness, heading federal • In Virginia, where CIJl'll]le left the aid opei:aUons, aald it would be four or ·: 'rnatnland as a squall wbJcb dumped up five weekl before residents could resume 'tO 10 lndlts of 1 rain. tbe toll from ''normal'" Uvlng -bul he said it would • devutatlng lloodlng ln mOUDt.ain towns take another two years to get back to :alClll the Ames Rtver reached ao koown "whtrt we were before the storm." * * * : New Hurricane Moving Up Atlantic Coast · . MIAMI (UPI) -Tropical slorm Eva tn0ved northeastward through the AUan· ··Uc 3'ro mlle.s off the United States coast today and weathermen predlctecl ~ , • blow would reach hurricane intensity by Wednesday. 1be NaUonal Hurricane Center said the ·51orm W8' di!otganlred but "ib slow movement over warm wateii and its cen-• traJ. pressure or 29.38 inches are sufficient reasons to forecast that Eve should be a mlnlmal hurricane by Wednesday. All in- leresb along the middle Atlantic coast eutward to Bennuda should be alerted !or future advices." Eve's top winds wert liO miles an hour. 'lbe center said If the storm st.alls or makes a. tum northward, the threat to tbe Carolinas would be illcreaaed. The storm was centered at noon EDT near latitude 30.I north. longitude 73.5 west, or S40 miles south IOUtbeast of Cape Hailers!, N.C. It wu moving Dortheastward at five miles an hour. Eve. the ~ason's fifth tropical 1tonn, •·formed from a tropical depression ihat sent heavy swells no the beaches of the nortbem Bahamas Monday. .Mental Hospital -Issue on !genda .In Westminster Fast on the Draw o..i, lho -qf ~ .. ._ ,... 'tile ........... ud ,,..,_ ._.....llli ..... fll_ ._ blllt al lbe devWIMID al a ... .,.,. Busy crews of soldieni, priJoners. Seabwl, and National Guardsmen and reserv111ls guide a fleet of machines through the streets collecting debris and sometimes bodies from the thick wood& around the towns. More bodies wtrt found Monday, Aid lHlly Joe Cros!, state 1ame and fish director, who ia lo charge of the centnl morgue. CC035 said there were 120 .. • A cootlnulng baJUe between prolesting homeowners and the Westminster City Ccundl over a controversial menlal , tiospltal threaWls to erupt again ot. This Is Panama City, Florida's vonon of the wild, wild we•t. Chamber of commerce types •PJ>Ointed Glenda Tyson (left) to main· tain Jaw and friendliness fn "Fnend.ly Floridian" campaign. She won job after spoof shoot out with Judy Mathews (foreground). You'll 'tonight'• ......U ....ion. · The coundl is expedOd lo reach a ded!lon during the 7,311 p.m. session on ~ whether or not to reopen a hearing for the 112-bed facilliy proposed on a site at · JOOU Boisa Ave. .~ Should the cOunco decide not to re-open · • the matter and to grant a building ; ; pennl4 several homeownera say they will ·: take the matter to eoort. : . Sal Guuett.a, 1 Westminster lnsuranct ! · agent and president ol the Westmln!ter· :.: Garden Grove Homeowne.n AMocla.Uon ~· .mose members obj(d to the bolpilal'a :'. llOllltruclion. is not optimistic. :-· ·"Our aUomey bas met with city at-::· J.my and the city admlnlstralor lo re- •.. oi,uest a re-opening of the hearing. We i: .ave uncovered new eVidence. But ap- .. parenUy the city aUomey doesn't agree." •· he said. •. At the Aug. 12 city ocuncil session, :· councilmen agreed to look into a pos!lble ' :'. re-opening the hearing if sufficient ; evidence warranted such a move. ' About 100 &ign-<:arrylng marcben laid • siege to city hall , vigoroosly prote.sliag :: the council's earlier dedslon lo allow the · : hoopital. : The dl.akient homeownen: on varlOUI • occasloos have alleged that the ha1pit.al : would lower their property values and be . detrimental to the patients as wen. a1 to • neighboring midenb. : They have also quesUoned t be · hopsital'1 need. :since they assert .that other nearby mental hospitals have been '· running uoder patient capacity for : : several month:s. .. .-~--~----~~--. •· '· ,. ,. .. . .. I. ' t ' • . ' t t , . • ,. ' . • • . . • • I • • • I • I I ' • < DAILY PILOT O•AHGI COAST PUlllSHINO CQMl>AW'r tt11t.,t N, w,,, ~ _. "'*""" J•c.l: I. Cirtl'J V\ct ,.,..__ _, ~ ......... lft0111•• ICeniJ IElllllll" Th11tM A. Mtr-'il111 Mttlt111'9 lOl!w ~tbert W, ltlet ,._,r.,,. t:Olllw """'""" ... ,. omc. lOt 5th S!r11t M1lfi111 A4dr111t P.O. 101 ltO, t2,41 Otkr OfRcn .. _. etflJt; >~I I WHI a.MM Seu"°""r4 ( .. I. #ftlo: :U0 wt\I '"'$ff"! ~ fll(.a: 2D farpt A- have to admit it's pretty wild. - Legion Joins Criticism Of ·ucI Krisman Choice The 29111 Dl!lrlct ol the American Legion, which lncluclOI all of Orange County, bu joined the -1ng llsl o! op. ponenb to ,the appointment of former SOS leader Mike Krisman as coordinator of academic advising at UC Irvine. In an opea letter to UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich and the. UC Board of Regents, Steven R. Barak, commander of the Z9th district, urges the cancellation of tht UCI appointment. . The American Legion joins a list which Includes , Rep. James B. Utt CR·Tustin). State SupL of Public IDstrucUon Max ~y, the Costa Mesa Chamber of From Page l CATS LO ST. • • trical wiring conduits as required for such a venture. "But we w're never ev'n inspected,'' she cornplalned. "We wtre not closed because of the wild animals," she explained, adding that aspect is more a hobby. Noticeably bitter in telling of the tragic predicament, Mrs. Leuthold said her hus- band started the cross-country odySlley once after they obtained and allertd a troek lo fit the job. "You don't move 55 animals just llke that." llhe said • "He had to rebuild a blown up· enatne fir!'t and he got to Beaumont. but the mechanle had put two rod cap& in backwards and It blew up again." Delayed for 1ddltlonal repairs, the ark· like truck carrying 1 SJberlan tiger, &he expectant mother leopards, 10 ocelotg. 10 Indian leopard -cats, five American moun· lain lions and five bobcat&, plus many domestic cata rolled out al 5 a.m. last Saturday. Radiator trouble and finally a blown head gasket brought the two-truck pr~ cession to a halt in sweltering El C.ntro, whet'e problems rapidly multiplied as the cats ftre declmaled by heat "He said It was 117 degrees ~tondtJ - so hot you c:ouktn'l work out.side -but he couldn't evm find a manUe in that town for the lantern llO he could work on It at nllbt." Jhe uplained. Ualng dim hwllilhll lrom tbe IOCOlld truck for lllumlnatfon, Leut.hoM! worked thl'Ollfh tbe nJght hou.n as the caged cab langtushed in the sticky heat benuth trm at a mottl. Silt 11id her husband len wllh MOO, b<Ji it &ook $100 ak>ne to fix the radiltor and a ipere fuel pump carried along turned out to be the wrong type. "'·hen the ooe he left with fail~. ! Commen:e. county Yoong Rtpublicana, lhe Laguna Hllls Kiwanis Club and others. A motion adopted by 26 'POfb, representing 4,902 Lqioonaires, lncludtl the following: "We al the 29111 District of The Amttican Legion, Department o f California. as Americans, Veterans and Taxpayers, in both Orange County and the State of California, do hereby object to the appointment oI one 'Mike' Krisman, an S.D.S. Activist; as Assistant Dean of Students for t.he University of California at Irvine and 'Demand' the Board of Reg,nts cancel hla ap- pointment." Krismsn holds the title of aul1tant clean of students as a payroll d,esignallon. a fact which has somewhat dJ1tort.ed his act.ual job as coordinator of academic ad· vlslng, according to university officials. Chancellor Aldrich approved Krl!man's appointment "only after t h o u s: h t ( u I review of his perfonnance as a student on the campus and comments of the faculty, staff and students about tht suitability of his qualifications." The Legi(}nnai.res conclud«I their open letter to the Board of Regent& by saying that if Krisman·s appo:n{ment ls con.- finned "you may rest a!l!ured the wrath of the taxpayen will far outstrip any con. cessions made to dissldent student organizations without due consideraUons ol the voter and taxpayers." Bert Ha rding Funeral Slated funeral services for Bert W. Harding, Sr .• resident of Hunt.ington Beach for 48 years, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Smith's Mortuary Ch1pel. Mr. Harding, an tmploye of St&ndant Oil Company for 50 years, died at a oon- velset:nt home Monday. He was 74 . Survivors include his wife. Terrie, of the home, 8011 Sterlin& Ave.; a aon, Bert Jr.: a daughter Elinor Bldol. all of ffUl)o tingt.on Beach, nine grandchildttn Md ei,bt great.gandehildreo. Interment will follow at Wtatmlnllu Memorial Park. Beach Trustees Meet Trustees or the HunUnaton BMCh llnion High School Dllltrici meet tonisJ!t in 1 rtgular . business session 1chtdultd lor 7,311 In dlslrlci olfiea, 1902 17ih SI., lluntlnj:ton Beach. I ' ihfol p&!<Ollt loAlll lo !arm IUllllel i!l 1$ VJrP>ll .....U. la lllo J-iu- butn. The law Interest. emer1ency loans may be umt to tt:nn farms damaged by landalldea and lloodinc. In Richmond Monday night. ,Slal• Acrtculture Commilsloner Maurice B. Rose said pretlmbiary estimates lhowtd firm losses In Vlrgtani'a wont flood In more than a century would likely surpass fl million. He 11ld damage lo llvHloclc, oeacb and 1ppie crvpa would be f1devutatlng." VirSfnhl Gov. MUia I!:. Godwio, hll 1ult spotted wltb mud, Oew over Maasle's J1411L Va., In a Marine C«Pf htQooi>ler ~ and Aid, "ll ihat .Jsa't • toUI d.lluter, I hope I nct;er see one." Only two buildings were Jtft standing Jn the tiny hamleL The governor was asked~ whether he shared President Nixon's "very a:reat concern" over the government's fallut'e lo more accurately predict the destruc· tion capabilities of Camille. "I certainly do," Godwin said. "1 think a country that is smart enough to put a man on the moon should be able to do a better job of predlcting what a hunicane CID do." Nixon Aides at Barbecue Urban Affairs Group Sees Irvine Proje.ct§. An old-faahloned Irvine R a n c h ball>eale ud a whirlwind lour o! planned c:ommunlllto of the future wu staged Monday !or Prtlldent Nlloo'• hlgl>level Urban Allalra Cowicil. Durins the stealc broil In rustic Born· mar Cuyea, Irvine Fouodalioa Board Chalnmn N. Loyal McLaren warned the Clbloet -1 that peodillJ tax reform lawa -1d and the deVelopmelll tbey ...... atlnf. McLaren's remarb were obviously directed to lqb:lation which would have areat lmpa<t on the foundation which ad· mlnlltep the company owning a fifth of all Oraqe County land. The flnn'• tuea have increased five times ovtr the put few yean, he ex· plained. Irvine Company Pres:ident William R. Mam ouutned planned industrial and resldenUal comm unities before a bus tour ol the prime new dev~ent following a helicopltr llUrVey. Fro11t P_,e l MOYNIHAN. • • personal Income In the country. "If per· sonal income 1oea: up, the expenditures ol the federal government go up," he .said. "The world ls a funny place," Moyni- han concblid. "lt always lciOls you iuiC! nothlnl you upect to happtn does hap. pen. Bu\ there are IOIJle things you can Joolr for: death and tnes and an in· cruae between four and U percmt in the GNP." Huntlllgton Pl~n For Land Use To Be Presented A muter plan which would change the entire complexion of the downtown Hun- Ungt.on Beach atta will be pre~nted tonl&hl durins a joint meeting of ihe city pllumlll( commlsaloo and the Urban Land lnstltule (ULI) committee In ihe c~y·s admlnlllnUva annu. Th t meeting abrll at 7,19. 1be plan covtn the difierent types a( land URI rangtna: from commercial developments to h1gb rise buildings which are upecttd lo aprtng up during ihe city's urban renew1l project. Ted Adslt, an independent consultant hired by the city, cautioned that Im· plementaUon of the plan hinges on the expansion of lhe pruent parking authori· ty in the city. He indicated that the renewal project \vould be doomed to failure II insufficient parking were to be provided. The proposed parking authority ex· tension would create an additional 2,000 1pace1 on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. YOUR Mason noted that the giant finn has I ,500 homes now under construction this year, and plans lo have 2,500 more under way next year. 1'We have encouraged viable com· munity action," he IBid, adding, "housing developments have a: re e D b e I ts , playgrounds, parks, schools a o d churches. 0 lridul!Uial complexes have landscape plantings and sign conlrols," Mason con- tinued. The President's advisory panel was told that in every Irvine CompiJly relidential deveJopment, the tracts .have been placed with their back! lo arterial highways. · After landing by chopper for a barbecue luncheon in Bommer Canyon, the group toured Bonita Canyon, UC Jrvtne. grazing land for prime hereford cattle, plus Turtle Rock. Eastbluf! and The Bluffs residential communities. In each case, Irvine Company ei· ecuUves suggested comparing the plan· ned suburban development 19 baphuard urban sprawls which can be seen elsewhere. Mason noted the company b a s developed several shopping centers and has two more on the drawing boards, plus a private country club and two office buildings. "In this scatterizallon or suburbs, ihe Irvine Company plans to encompass the needs of communities," Mason explained. Several cabinet members who we.re to have taken the tour remained behind after a luncheon hosted by the California Republican Ce.nlral Committee al the Newporter Inn. Talks were expected there on seUing up a state advisory panel on environmental control and conservation. similar lo oat appointed by President Nixon. The GOP group voted to organize 1uch an advisory comittee at a meeting in San Francisco over the weekend. Marine Reinforcements Raked by Red Gunners SAIGON (UPl) :0: U.S. Mariner loday turned their cooks and clerks into riflemen and pushed toward the Que Son Valley to reinforce American in- laa~m"IJ fi&l>lin& ~ o1·tbe year's big· 'est bitUes. But Communist i\U)nf:n hidden In tamoufla&ed spider holes raked the Marine ranks, forcing the leathernecks to pull their dead and wounded back into the ju.'lgles. Official U.S. 1rokesmen listed Marine casualties in sevt:ral battles with well-en- trenched North Vietnamese troops Mon· day and today at 16 dead and 61 wounded. But battlefield reports indicate that as many as 38 had been killed and 75 wound- ed in the past 24 hours. The eight-day fight. often al close quarters, had cotit North Vietnam'& 2nd Army Division an estimated 800 dead, in· eluding 250 killed or found in graves on the heavily jungle<' floor .or the valley on Monday. Total U.S. losses were reported as at lea.st 50 killed and 300 wounded. The American Infantrymen a n d ~larlnes also were figbUna: temperatures J ordan Defense Chief Hands in Resignation AMMAN (UPI) -King Hussein today accepted the reslgnaUon of Defense Minister Maj. Gen. Amer Khammash and appointed Ahmed Toukan, a civilian, in his place . A royal decrte broadcast by Amman radio, 8MOUnced the move but gave no reason for it. whi<'b soared to as high as 120 degrees ln the IO-mile-long valley, 340 miles northwest o( Saigon. Reports from the front said that 110 Alarine reinforcements, including about ' 50 coots: clerks and others who normally fill support roles, joined two other Marine companies trying to link up with fOUl' U.S\ Anny companies locked In heavy conmat with the North Vietnameae. By nightfall today, however, the three A1arine companies were still more than a mile from their linkup point with the Army's Americal Division in the valley, 18 mile! west of Tam Ky. "I've been out here a week and I haven't seen Charlie yet ," said one wourr ded infantryman. "That's how good theit camouOage is -we don't see them until we walk right into their position." Valley's Crim e Rate Up 20% The crime rate in Fountain Valley has increased 20 percent during lhe fint si1 months of 1989, compared to the same period in 1968, according to official reports released this week. Arrests have jumped 32 percent on the same time comparison. Chief of Police Charles W. Michaelis said the figures showed no special increase in any particular lype of crime. "lt just genarally k'pt pace with tht population increase," he said. Few violent crimes such as armed rob- beries or aggravated assaults have been reported in the city. Your Omeao: ------·· So:le.s & Servict AQtnCJI 0 OMEGA WATCH\'\! 11.,.,c~ C:IMnM •OIW FREE Tir1 "" ••111• Orn-t• s,"'"'····' w1kli ""' c•rry w11 11l1ct14 ""'"•· •u• ... ., ,..•1lifl••tioft b., NASA to b. w•ra Ir., 011r "''" 111 Ort ll'l .. 11. Thi1 r•c•1111tl111, truly • ••· •tr4 fer 1•c11l1~c1, Ml .II UI •t1114 t1 l.1 vot,or 1u•ho1i1H Orn111 I•••'•'· Co'"' i11 -,,, ft.it li1....i10""'• l buH111, "Ji1I, O""-t' S''"""''" Mt c.hr•~tr1plri. Tirrt 11111 WtfCli Wllll ~ ftit 11'1111 I• t+.1 m••., r,;,, SI 'L • WWII YM Weft •ur ...... ...... $2.00 _s4aa I W TIUN• ,,._ llN•S $3.00 SIDD, ,,_ DIAMONDS $6.00 l lPU.CID, .... ~· ... IN8UYJN• DONI -lil&lllr• WHJLI YOU WAIT HllltllH)totl Cetltlr leach at EdinCJtr HUNTINGTON IEACH • 192.5501 R IMI AlAll.AILI and back Harbor ShoppinCJ Center 2300 Har bor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9415 • '• - l II 11 Ii ' l CHECKING •UP• Secretaries Swear Lea st of An ybod y ByL. M. BOYD ABOUT ONE married woman in five never has a child .•• THE FOUR MOST popular towns . in the coun~ry for matrimorua1 ceremonies are Yuma, Ariz., Elkton, Md., and Reoo and Las Vegas, Nev. WHAT SOME call a frt~ngle, our Love and War man calls a wreck-tangle ... TOM MASSON was the name of that great rom antic who ad- vised young men everywhere, "You are not treating a girl right unless you r u i n her digestion." ... PROFANITY -Secretaries don't swear much. Less, in fact, than just about anybody. When they talk, only one out Df every 200 words can be described as profane. That's practically angelic when you corusider one out of every fi ve words delivered by con- struction workers can be so described. Such ~·er!: the fin- dings of 150 Wayne University students assigned to e.avesdrop on the conversation of more than 3,000 people. That must have been some study! A com· prehensive cussword count. ALREADY MENTIONED Glen Campbell regards as Juchy the fact he is the seventh son or a seyentb son. Another seventh son of a .seventh gon is actor Barry Sul livan .... LITTLE ARGU- MENT crops up as tG which are the best cooks. the Cllinese Gr the Italians. All I knCIW is I like won ton better than raviGli, noodles better than 1paghetti. l\IEOICAL "'FEES -It's true, medical fees arc clim- bing rapidly. Still , they haven 't reached that level set by the enterprising Russian dGCtGr WOO inoculated Catherine the Grtat agaimt smallpox. Not yet, anrway. He charge~ her . Pie eqwvalent Gf $50,000 JD ad- dition to $10,000 travellng ex- penses plus a li[time pen!io.n of $3,500 a year. However, 1t must be noted that wu a house call. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE' Q. "Do all the country's highways have specific speed limits now?"' A. All except some roads in Montana which only call for "reasonable and prudent" speeds. . .. Q. "IS THE TOWN s p e lled Pittsburgh or Pittsburg!" A. Pittsburgh is in Pennsylvan1a and Pittsburg is in California. NOT VOLTAIRE -"! disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire wrote that, right? Wrong. He didn't. Yet he iJ repeatedly credited wllh the line, because a lady v.•ho signed herself S. G. Tallentyre attributed it to him. In fact, she wrote it. SHORT STORY -our Name Game man is of the opi· nion the two most dramatic surnames are Nightingale and Dangerfield. Quite possibly. Am acquainted with a short- story v.'riler \\'ho is always looking for noteworthy names to tack onto his characters. He's always looking for plots, too. Intend to suggest his next heroine be Miss Nighlingale, his next hero Mr. Dangerfield. Now how about first names? Let's call her Nellie, him Dan· ny. The plot's simple. Forced to stick together for survival, they come to loathe each other while poling a rubber raft down the Colorado River. Cer- tainly missed my calling. What a pity, the passing of the pulps ! Your questions arid com· ments are welcomed a11d tllill be used whertver pos· 6ible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. ltf. Boyd, in care of tht DAILY PILOT, Box 1875. Newport Beach, Calif., 9266.J . 'Draft Resistor Freed, Blames Mother, Lawyer SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Eigh t e e n-year-<ild Erik ·Whitehorn, claiming he was pushed into resisting the draft .by • • a n over-enthusiastic mother," has been freed f~m a four·year federal prison term. Erik ""'nt to prison l\1ay 28 after a trial for draft evasion. He said he didn"l register because his mother wouldn't give him pennission to do so. Jn a tearful appearance before U.S. Dist. Judge Gus Solomon f.1onday, Erik said he had changed his mind and wanted to register. The judge reduced his sentence to the time already served, less than t h r e e months, on condition h e . register for the draft. In an unusual statement from the bench, Solomon characterized Erik's mother. Mrs. Evelyn Whitehorn of Palo Alto, as a "frustrated, unhappy woman who found it necessary to obtain satisfac· lion through publicity." The judge said he believed Mrs. Whitehorn was "largely responsible" for the entire case and added: "T observed throughout the trial and af· terward how much she en- joyed being the tearful mother and how much she enjoyed the limelight which she en- thusiastically covets." Erik had written Judge Solomon from pri:;on Aug. l about his change of heart in regard to registering for the draft. In his letter, he admitted that it was originally his own idea to refuse to register on the grounds that as a minor he needed his mother's permission and she wouldn 't give it. But thereafter, he wrote , even though he wanted at times to back out, he was pushed onward by "an over· enthusiastic mother and a fan- cy San Francisco lawyer," Aubrey Grossman. During the 4~minute hear- ing Monday at which Erik was th e only witness, the yooth fought back tears as he told Judge Solomon he belieVi!d h:s mother had also beeo "vie· timized by circumstance and Mr. Grossman." UNBELIEVABLE SOUND FROM A COMPACT,MOJ?ESTI.Y PRICED STE REO MODULAR Sylvania Mini-Modula:r MMlQW /GD • Choice o( Cold or Walnut Grained. Vinyl • Sealed Alr Sa._slon Speaker SJS1..,. l.acluded • Carrard CUilom Tttmllble • 20 Wattl EJA •All Tnnliltor Rellabllitf • Durt Cover • Stand. Opa Ilona! $99.95 ©DAVIS RROWN 411E.17th'St.-Costa Mesa Dally 9-9-sCrt. 9·6 -646-1684 Man N ear Death In Spree LOS ANGELES CAP) -A cab driver says Dennis Du· naan told him the horoscope advised Dunaan to "do what you have to do today." So Dunaan, son of a Lo.s Angeles County s h e r i f f • s detective, walked away from San Diego jail where he was a tru3tee, police said, broke iato - a policeman's locker and tOok'~-' IJt Conte mpl a revolver, handcuffs, patrol Grant B. Cooper, de-- car keys and a can of Mace. fense attorney for con- Then he went on a spree victed assassin Sirhan that ten him unconscious in a B. Sirhan, p I e a d e d guilty to two counts of San Be~rdino hospital with • contempt of court in bullet tfft-ough his brain. half a connection with the chance to Jive and nearly blind unlawful possession or if he does. secret grand j u r y Dunaan, 20, began the spret transcripts dealing with Friday by stealing an un-last year's Friars Club marked police car and driving card cheating trial. it around San Diego, police Cooper, 66, will be sen- detective Ben Bateman said tenced Sept. 23. Monday in piecing together -----'------ the chain o! eve nts. Dunaan abandoned the car and commandeered a ta xicab at pistol point. police said. He forced cabbie Lester J . Mansell to drive him to West Covina, 130 miles north or San Diego, officers said, and leaped out at his father's house. Frank Dunaan was home . llis son knocked. ;'\Vho's there?'' the elder Dunaan called. His son f.ired through a win- .dow , police said. The father ducked. A bullet. slammed into a wall behind him. Young Dunaan jumped back into the cab where Mansell was waiting, too frightened to leave. Bateman said the caf>. bie told him Dunaan declared : "I got him that time. I heard him tall." He ordered the cabbic to take him to Barstow, in the Mojave J)esert to the east, Bateman said. As they rode across the fl atland. l\1ansell said, his passenger fell asleep. Bateman said !\1ansell saw his chance, hit the brakes and turned right onto the desert. Dunaan fell forward in his seat the detective said, and f\.1an 1 setl hit him with a ti.re iron . "They grappled for the pislol," Bateman said. "As they struggled it went of~. The bullet went into the left side of Dunaan 's he.ad and exiled at the base of his brain." By Saturday . 1!1orning, . J?u· naan y,•as in cr1t1cal cond1t1on at San Bernardino County Ho spi tal. Doctors told Bateman the man would ne ver see from his ri ght eye. would be partially blind in his le.rt eye, and might_ never regain complete consc1ous~ess. . Officers booked him for in· vestlgation of a t t e m p t e d murder, kidnaping, armed Decision On School Votes Due SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A decision in a key federal court test seeking to overthrow California's two-thirds vote re- quired to approve school bond issues today was at least a month away. U.S. Dist. Judge Thomas J. MacBride Monday granted Marysville attorney P a u I Hogan more time to file ad- ditional docwnents with the court in Hogan's effort to upset the two-thirds re- quirement. llogan brought the suit in behalf of parents and property owners in the Yuba City Unified School Distrlct but has since broadened it into a class action on behalf of a 11 California taxpayers. The suit charges the two- 'lhirds requirement violates the U.S. supreme court's one man, one vote ruling because it in effect makes a negative vote twice as v.·eighty as a positive vote. Hogan contends a simple majority should be sufficient to approve a school bond issue. Superior Court Judge '1ohn G. Hauck in Sutter C<*inty already has ruled the pro-- vision unconstitutional in a similar case failed by lhe California Rural Leg a I Assistance on behalf of three farm workers. Shes Novarro Suspect Blames Brother LOS ANGELES (AP) - Paul FerlUJOD testified he was passed out on a tola at Ramon Novarro'1 home while the silent screen star died in a bloody fight w1tb FerguJOO'• )'OUfller brother. Paul Fergmon, 23, accused in the bludrieon slaying along with hi.s brother, Tomu, 13, tesUfied Monday that he pass- ed out after the 11-year-<ild ac- tor had wlned and dined the Chicago brothers .Oct. 30 in his rambling, hillside borne in Studio City. ry" on the dieets under the vlcf.lm's body. He said the name wasn·t meant to involve any person ln particular. In its Opening statement, the prosecuUon maintained the two young men beat Novarro in the belief he kept $5,000 hid- den in the house.. Paul denied this, testifying that the brothe!'1 were invited there after they telephonell the actor and identified themselves. During dinner, Paul said, Novarro had lalied of a potential movie career for him as a "superstar. , .a young Burt Lancaster. another Clint Eastwood. ·1 The next thing he knew, Paul said, 'Ibomas awakened him with : ''Tbls guy's dead." Paul said be went into tbeJji;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiJ bedroom and saw the body o:i the noor. Novarro's face was "INTEREST ONLY" covered with blood, he said, 1t1nt11o c11a. i.1111. s to 10 v-r and his hands were tied behind plo,.. I 'f91r .,,.,,.Id. Low. low .-Own. him. c.~-A. tact ll!Mt. 1 to JDO .en. 1'AllV 'ILOT • WED. ----------------::-.::'."". ___ _ •LUlt C:HI" •TAM~· $AVE WITH Al..L "ILL u~• WITH T•Ua I cou•- "1.,.1.,. C:lllll:DIT C:"l!.Da ACCt;,.Tt;D ·•1 touched him on thel!~~··~·~·;";·~·~•~T~•~";•~<~••;·~Jl===================== shoulder," the older brother said. "He felt starchy-like paper." During part of t h e tesumony. Thomas shook his head in response to his brother's statements. 84 STORES ••• ALL 72° and open n ightly till 9 :30 South Coast 'Plaza Paul told 1he superior Court jury of seven me'tl and five women that the brothers then lifted Novarro's nude corpse onto the bed. After putting his ear to the actor's chest and hearing no heartbeat, Paul said, he suuested calling the -------------------------------- police. But Thoma!, he said, pro- posed faking a robbery. Ac· cording to Paul, Thomas then scratched either a "W" or an "M" on the actor'•_ neck, saying he was "making it like a girl." -In lipstick, Ferguson t.a:1d, Tom wrote on a mirror, "Us girls are be tter than faggots." Paul Ferguson acknowledg· ed that be messed up the home to give the appearance of a robbery and that it was be who wrote the name "Lar- Tate Figure Sues Police For Arrest LOS ANGELES (AP) Alleging he was unlawfully ar· rested in connection with the slaying of ad.ms Sharon Tate and four other persons, a young Ohioan is demanding $1 .25 million damages from Los Angeles police. William Garretson, 20, who had been employed as a caretaker at the estate where the killings occurred was ar- rested for investigation of murder, booked, questioned for nearly three days and released. Alive 8EllEIAL TllE robbery. grand theft and escape. He was serving a one-- year sentence on a burglary convil.lion when he escaped, police said. Gasps on Way to Hearse 'Militants' Briefing Se t LOS ANGELES (AP) - Law enforcement officials will hold tightly guarded seminars next week to tell California school administrators what is know about campus militants' tants' plans for this fall-and how to cope \vith them. The administrators will be briefed in two areas : what the 13.w Is concerning campus violence, and what has been learned about the detai!ed tac- tics aod plans of the militants. • SANTA MARIA (A P) -A v.•oman pronounced dead Mon· day suddenly gasped for air 30 minutes later while being car- ried to a hea rse. Instead of the morgue · the hearse raced to the hospital where Constance F. Bell, 61. was listed in critical condition in the intensive care ward . ''It's uncanny, it's absol utel)' uncanny." said her physic!~n. Dr. A.' S. Missall , \\'ho hh.d pronounced Mrs. Bell dead al her home. "Never in my 30- some years or practicing bave I had this." l\1issall said f.1rs. Bell, 1 widow he had known for several years and treated for high blood pres s u re , ap- parently was in a deep coma· and was awakened by the jostling of the stretcher as she was taken to the hearse. Missall and Deputy Coroner Frank Wright said Mrs. Bell had all the signs of death no pulse, no perceptible brea no heartbeat, cold body, sf limbs, dilated eye pupils and blood settling in the lower parts of her body. She was found on the floor or her home In Santa ltfaria, t to miles north of Los Angeles, by htr housekeeper. ofunilleau lea/ Gdlale Schoof al lhe COSTA MESA LOCATION 145 E. 19th STREET ANNOUNCES EVENING BROKER CLASSES ON THURSDAYS ALSO 7°10 P.M. MORNINGS <Thursday> 9:30 ·NOON JAMES "'· DeCOT Lecturer OTHER SIZES l .751f4 l .11J IS 1.251 14 1.251 fS IJ51 14 PRICE Sit Si t 121 121 121 ,llrl •tel• .,,.,., i.c-1 .... _ FED. U. TAX 12JO $2JI II.JI $2.41 12.57 'rlctf •• }lltwll 1l "9tl"1I Tire ti•"· ComPtlillWl1 ll"leff 1t Cleft.,..! Tlrt •ti ftl'l 41rt1111ftl tlll C.11ml tip. JATO SUPEll-100 GOLF BALLS e D1r1le11 t1¥1r for len9 c11l·ft1• llf1 e E11er9 i1e4 "'I" ''"''' ei.,11 t r••• llli1t111c.1 e Ulh1-hi1h·te111i1" wiMi111 Dw swt4' .... COAST GENERAL TIRE llUARANTaac ACIJUllTMaNT • ........... .....,. htftnllMct , .. ffllltff ................. h ""'41•,..,~cnt. ............... 1*11 :..-.::.-:=:.-:.::.-:-_--::,: •lltlW •lt.Jot ·-·--............ .., ... _ ·"'*"' c. ====== ===: ... l ..__ ·-... --..,.._ ..... __. ,..,...IMll...wOtfMll •===....-==-=-~ •lltlbil•..... .,,,. ____ ..... 1_,_ ____ ... ---.-Ti.. _____ _ Speci•Hst1 corrtct c11ler. camber, lot-In, 10.-<iut to your ctr manufacturer'• 1pecificatl0fla, 1nd ufety<heelr: lrfd adjuet your "•rlrtg. AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE GENERAL TIRE SERVICE ii) w. ''" 16941 ..... "'" 11n1 .... , ....... MJ .. Jtt c",. 111.. H1u1ri.....,. httch 140·S7lo-.646·10lJ 147·5110 ------MiMl l R AUTO INDUSfl'IES HIGHWAY IAllTY COMMITTll------ - l • f J9 DAllV l'ILDT H T11tsd11, A119ust 26, 1969 Your lf101aey's Wortla. LEGAL NOTICE Consume1·: Hero , OVER THE COUNTER Con1plete-Ne,v York Stock List NASD Llotlnp for Mondoy, A"l"•I 25, 1'6f Villain , Victiin LEGAL NO'flCE IA• "" NOTICI TO C•l!O!TOll1 IUPl'lllOll COU•T O" TNI[ ITATI Ofl" U.Ll"Ot.HIA ,0. T)ll COUMTY Ofl OllAMGI Me. A..QMJ PATlllCIA M,. l:MIGH, By SYLVIA PORTER From 196j ~d Into 1967, you, Mr. and Mrs. American Consumer, Wt!:re the tlERO or the U.S. economy. \Vhlle President Johnson's escalation of th! Vietnam \\'ar was bulld.ing enormous price economic fouodaliom, you did not rush to stock up on goods to beat the ctrtainty of higher prices. In fact. you pullt!:d back. and stocked up your sav· inp inslt!:ad to a n ex· traordinary high of more than 7 percent of your aft.er-tax in- conle. The result was that back then, when today's .in· nalionary spiral was getting started, you helped moderate ils intensity. From 1967, th.rough 1968 and into early this year, you were the VlLLAIN of th! U.S. economy. THE VIETNAP.t \var was no longer news, and by the ti1nc !he tax surcharge became la1v in mid-1968 that was no longer news either. With your hu.ge savings nestt!:gg, you r con· fideoce in continued boom end evidence aU around you o( 1•11: 1n1 • l HOTICI TO C•IOITOlll soaring pnces, you ~·en on a SUP ElllOll: COUllT O, d f d d; g d bor THI JTATll: o .. CALl .. OllHIA .. 0. e aye speo n an . TH• COUNTY o .. OllAHO( rowing spree. You hiked your Ell•"«" PA:~·A~:,::E, o.c~;oo.td. outlays for goods and services NOTICE IS HEl.EIY GIVEN " TM in 1968 by 9 percent over 1967 ol rtw ....,. """'" olQdlllt ertdi~ """°"' ...,...,. .,1e11n1 ... 1,.,1 """ and you reduced your savings ""' • rCICllllrod .. fllll thenl. ol aft 111d ltK,,_,, •re ~ 111 ,,.. •Kl« to 5.4 percent your er-tax wnti !hf ~i: ebolor ut1tltd ceuri • .,. incomo, a tremendous percen-et IM de,_ of 1111 I/If: MO;Ullif'!' '° ,,_, ,.,""' w itt t111 ClfflCll lage drop in so short a period. wucfll!n. M Ille ...,...,...,_ Pl el hi& all9rMV. w1u 1.t.M ~ss,.o. " The result was lhat you con· Ori 5'.11!0 I. N..._' • ' t>OWI' .... wh!dl .. thl 1tltCI .. ,.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4s;;;;;~;;;~f I C•ll"""'lil nMO_. ,,_ 111 ell m1t1eri b!Jslnttfo of tM 11' of Uld fttfde/11, fl;.~·~ :;r~:!"!:t-~11:'~t,,, rtw 11111 tt\lbllc .. tributed n1i11:htliy lo tJ1e nation you detc:slcd. NEW '1'01111( (A" cn111on 0 -Tiit IOllowlflt ltilll Cttw (11 In· '"° ·~•d ouo1 .. co1«11 l llont. tu1111lltd bl' Co!R,._ " l~I NtllO!l•I AIMKI· OIOn sr.-'''°"' o1 SK\lr!llH Dll'ltt! Now, in late summer or ~.·"';~.l"f;,11i!'l ::: ~I Vl~rIM C 11oiu °"'' •r• re .. °"" ¥" 1969 you arc the " 0 restn!lllv• 11111r· om ,, ' dN .. r "'riutt 11 ol Cll'll M the U.S. economy. ·-1m1111v l om Hltll "·"'" 11 w!lldl 111114 OIT\il' A THt; GREAT squeeze on ~r111tt._. c:~ ;::: f.Q credit and the upsurge in in-::!r.* <J:l~ed/,,,,'r. '": ¥~ Otlle< m•-•11 Ofl R«k tcrc:st ra1es Is hurting you "'tflff ""~ 1 1wa11 . . OUI !flt' dtv. PrlCfl ~'"' directly. TI1e rise in 1h.e pnces ~tall ...i ..!,~= .;:' L ol Just about everything and m•"'*"" or COll'I· oro s nolhing is erasing tbe t,.~,., ?1\h 'ltU. ~r'Mll n1arket value of your dollars :~iP~Otr ~ .... ~"' ~~~ ': f · hi " and AVM Cp Ill. 121-'l VPl'd C at a ng en1ng pace. Acme El ti\ 101' .,.1,1 111 even though your paycheck. is ~o~: H1-1 na 0~:~!' [kj at a peak, you are In· :J~O::"'r .s1~ t11o :;11 Ji, creesingly in a bind. The A_,, 1 Vi nv. or '" • AMI• ll'IC 21'-21U. l•llC: evidence that you are again .1t.11co Lnc1 1•v. 11\.'I 1111 Al" . 1• b A111 e... s~ '"' 1u11 c~ pulling back Is s 1ppery, ut Atlf Pt11 ,.,, 1V• or1 C•11T · ·n 1 · · .t.1111 ~·o 1 '"" 2!' tlr there are s1gru 1can signs Jn Allied E• , 1"4 t>;• "'" lagging retail sales, in your ~G" ':"" t::i. 0~1 c~ shift from the most expensive ~"'E1°(=:, ~r: 21~ 01~~r cars to small imports and su~ Z:: ~~~ ·~ ~~ 2;!~ ~ compacts, in SOft~ning Of Sales ~ G~lt n~ l•Vi F.:: ~ of household appliances, home Am 111so11 tt ~31/J ~ur>11111 o , Am Medi Jl 31 <itlt"'! fumlshtngs, the like. ""$, PJ: 21~ 20.... z Pa1111 'l'hc result is thai you are no :s1 G 111 .~ 1~ ~::, t"n dd. inC1 I Am Telv ll:U 15\lo Edtl(b $1 longer a mg to at onary AllChr c11 lS u1-1 EdoK sy. d A"'-s e t?\6 ~ El P•sEI pres:iur!1' an you may soon An11;im c 1•~ 1w. el ~ue become a drag on them . :~~1·.,.: l!~ H~ llde~ 'rhls progression of the U.S. = ~ l:~ ~~ ti''f,sys consumer from HERO to ~~-Mo~ !iv. U1\ i: ~t \11LLA IN to VICTIM is a col-Arv1e11 11 ""' Eltc c.t• IYCC eot 2'"' ""' EM11S 011 orful description of what may .1t.u10 kl 111o '1i ~nt••1 c be one of the most significant :::;r;o ;i: : f:l: :• factors In economic activity I~! Ai ~ii!;~...., €:0."-~!,11 ( th 811 P1lnl 51-6'111 E11<1ll DU rom now on, argues e BPuni wt '\'!: 1 Erie TK Chase Manhattan Bank in ai ::~~ c :1 ... /rt ~A1~; • new study of "Psychology and ::,1;ss" 1't°: :i~• ~!~'i., ~, the "-"umer" Bffehm !Jh Jl\IJ "'"1"' .....,,_Q • Btllot l~lf, U V. 15 FtdM Ml "For lhe third time in re-a.:1m 111e1 1011o nv. Ft! 1011 11115«1! 10\.ii IM. F•tG llE cent years " the bank ex-a1r11; H• 32 Js FsrM 111 ... ' I'll Lab 'jV• 51Y, Fst ll•IDV Plains "a ba sic change seems n1u11s w to ti~ Fs• wF111 • • a 1re1 Son " :11 Fun ... lo be undt!:rway 1n consumer Blrto.r •111 4"' Flfht sa1 Bled. HI J.1 ~ FOOd FP markets. It looks as though a.._ El ,..., 11.1 For•• 011 lion >/I lfl!I ..o!lel!. O.i.-cl AU9Ull I, lfft $11!.LVATOll E S. ALONGE Admln11tr1tor th! consumer's pocketbook :~eC li~ Y~ ~!:' ~:"' and his psyche are reeang lht!: l:>:~·i;. M"' n~ ~le cl pinch between inflaUon and =~ ~ il" ~~ S:~~:1 the battle •-contain it..'' euo..1y u uv. las Svc 1-;:=====w========::; 1 Butnup S-13 1n<i All'(lt llU51'1eS F 1':0:, U'h 01vf~t C1I W Sv 11'!'. 11>,~ K!11•11e fll !hf Esltlt of 11>t ~bOn "'med 11euctenl \YILLliloM 0. PASIO w oenr on .... kilt, • H..,,...I ltKll. Cell!, nut T1h cn•1,;n~ftlim1er A~=«I 0.-..,H CNll 0111¥ Pllo:, AutlJSl IL lt, 2• •nd S.0Ple~1..f ••• FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. oceanograpMc fun~i~ A mutual fund investinc In ttlt development and ust of the ocean i nd lts resources -----------Mitlt9t• Dlitrlb•tMSo hie:. It l rwlll' SI'"' Cemco lJ 'U RI E1I c1._ M 11 11 eotel Ca11nM 11 lf 11 8""" C1nrtd •'llo 'l\ lllO'I C6P kiw 11 l&:U Gl111111 IC•• ln1.t. ' ru Gi.t1n w C111TU. N l vt Glob llub Cl•lt 111 I 'Vi Gol"ln'I lc1r1r GP II'~ '20 gr-C11 lk•'K NG 17"-UV. rallll Sc Cfnle• 2tb Xlb ....., Ml Cim VPS ~I 21~ Gtnll RE (l\ltl D If 1~ Grl11ntl Ctom Le• H\4 1S G•ove Pr Chemld J•~ n. Grwtll 111 Clltt I"" 5\1 l\'i Gu1ro Cll Cl'lrs Utlt II 11 ~· 'K Ctol l r&I It 7 If 1111 Cllrh• S 111 11'0 •rlllln Cllr!sl pf 107 107 H1m Cos C11-I I'~ I>, H•llCI Vo Cllll U A 1J lJl-'I H1novr 5 Cllir V II 'ti !f\'l Htvff! 111 Cltrl< M( n 13 Hll" -CJavton """ ''~ H...,.1d F (llM Mtlt lf II H!ll!tv~ Ttl El'HONE ""-'II.. ANSWERI HQ ,a,u BUREAU New Yent. N.Y. UOll l"I•••• 1111d me • P•O•l)ttlUI" the oce11101•1phie lund, i11c. Mutual Funds 543-2222 I OFl'lCES TO SERVE ALL ~ ORANOE CO. om• Add •• ,, ~-: '"'"""""'""'-IN II ISTIMG ComS Id S.Ct J.4 COMPANIES CommonwUl'I FO~: NEW YOI!)( {Al') C111 Fd t .rf 10.lfl l ip C:1, -T•h loll-11'111 11.,.. unc""' •.11 lO.N l ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g==============~1 l•!i.,.,1, IUl)Ollfd bv lnvnl t .•110.$1 111e NetlOM l.t.nolc-S!oc:k 1.1110.11 anon of SKurltlet Cwllh Al 1.auo.00 Dor1l1rs, Inc.. ,,.. Cwlrh CD 1.12 1.16 tht orkes Al w111c11 C«rio "1 IJ.31 11.J~ 11>e1t "cur111e1 COlllOClt l . .)f t.lt could h1w1 been Coma BIJ t.2' 111.10 sokf !bid! or boufl~I Como Fd t.f2 IQ.11 (11kfdl MOll<llv. Com•lk ).II s.u Biel A~ (onc;orll "·,. U.H r PSA .t.ber°" 1.1' 1"2 c-111 n.~ n .1s • .t.d'Yh(I 7.JJ 1.11 COlllU In (,15 J,\9 Aflllllld .IOS 1.11 C-Giii I0.10 10.JO .t.lur~ 10.~ 1031 (flrp ld )S.IO 16.ff Alp 1hFd 11.Jt 11.61 C111V Cap ll .lj "• Amclo .S.90 I.IS Cr!IWll W I.II 7.11 •• .t.m But l M I.SJ CmW lft ll.l4 1'.Jt Am Dvln 10:•1 ll.11 doll.'..., M 11<1lw•;1 •A• lt,. every AE• sol '·'1 . . Otta! lllC 12.30 11 . .u NOTlCI! TO Clll!OITOllJ .t.m Grl~ 6.11 1.•0 °";awrt IJ.6l l1.t0 1UP•ll!Olt COUllT O' TNli Am l"v 19) l .9J 0.llt lr I.OJ I.la tTAT• 0, CALll'Oll NIA l'Oll Am Mui t .U IO.ll eV!d Shr l .ICI •.11 TNI COUNTY OF OllANOE Jt.mN Gl~ J.16 l,lt: '"' lh I.St 7.10 Me. A-Ulll 9 • ut to .t.m PK 1.IS 1.14 1 f-1.ll I 94 aOYLE •k• IEATlllCE GD M GrwOI 1'.t1 U.16 tlt1vt l¥ 12.D U.IO '.'.• • OEU•tC:E All l CE N" es AftCl>of" Gtou11: Dt•><•I lS.U U.t1 •• ' A min (9011 1.'4 t .Ml Oftvl Fd 11." 11.11 BO'fl.I!'. lkf I EATlllCE A. BOYLL t k• • Inv 1.~t t .l• El~n&Hcward: a·l!!ATJllCE G. BOTLE, Dec1e.td. Fd lnw 10.09 11.oi 81l1n I0.11 \I H NOTICE 15 HEllEIY GIVEN te t'he J r it.uocle 1.n I .s Grwlh 12.to U.11 .. '-• 11'<1" abovt 111med de«e!enl Sa Atiron 1.lS It• lnocm 1.11 t.61 a -· I • t115t "'" ·~· Hou<1hlOt1: Soe<I 11.ll U.>9 11\tl ell~· l'llwl"' <II m• 1 ' n ose: Fudn A I .ft 7.U S1oc11. 14.U 1,.00 Id OKtcMnl ••• r~ulrtd lo !Ht lllem, Fuftrt I 1.11 t .11 Ebf .. 1 IJ.IJ U.1t ~"'"" __ ..., 'IOIJ(1\lrS. Ill ""'olllce fllSC ~ 6.ll 1.46 Eoret lJ.Q 14.Sf of IM ci.111 d""' 1bo¥0 en!llle<I _.rt, or !.<;I co s.JJ .S.ll Em•o Sc 1.06 1.11 t re1111I 111em. Wllfl tl>e nt«U•FV &tl>Mlll 1.7' 1.7'1 EntrGY 14.1111.11 ~"' It 1hl undtt•tlentd •I 1IW olflc~ Ber11 )(nt 9,1S t .15 En1arw 1.ll t .IJ -,. ,, ... • -· CUllRY & BAil.M ES, SllO 7 •m lo •·.30 pm. Both W•Y•· Bl•!• Fd I0.1111.IJ ECJUl!v f.$110,fl "' .. ''"' c ntorn11 llond•1~ 6.11 1 • .s £0111 Gth 11.IJ lt IJ \1111"41 It.MCI, ~ IJO•<"' f 7 00 ! 30 80llOll St f,90 10.IJ !::HIX U.U • tCl9CllW11i-=hls""'Pl•aofllbu1htt1ttolll>e 7:00·1:30·10;00·1 1:30 •m·1:00·2:30·4:00-5:30·: ·: pm. Bfl1ton t.l~ t.ot E_..nt Jn 11 4J1S.Jt -·-....... ltlltd 111 111 m11tot1 ptrl•lll1"' tc M k di 8rPKI SI 11.651'.14 E~PIOr Jl.•1 2191 .,._.d.,11 ., Y ld 11o1w:1en!. wllhln tw• o re o n w•• en • 8~uoc• 1s.2s 16.10 F•lrld 11.oJ u .ol !!.'! ..... lftlf 1~1 I\™ publlc1!10" of tllls CG Fa t .•OI 0.16 F•rm I~ 11.n 11 n .,_,.,.. can•dn 11.39 n U Foa Cir1h IJ.tl H.'ljl nottu c 11111 IM l.Jt tit Fld c10 u .11 n .n °"''" Autllll 1. ,... Canu S~r I.OS '·" F!d F1.md 16.11 \I.I) F. GLENN I OYlt!: Ce11! Slv IO.U 11$6 Fld Trl'd 2S.ll 11 ... Admln11!1ator ol !!If: E•l•I~ Cll•n111,,.. Fu11ds; F111IMl1I Pre:!: Ot lht •bDve ft•"'" dcctc1•111 ""'y wor.v about a 1'$servaUon when PSA 1'1111 over 160 ll19h1s a_ 8111n u .u n .30 DYnm • 1·06 (.\11.ltY I aARNll ''" ·1 Com St 1.11 1.fS 1"°"'1 4.1l 5.11 .nit vi-. ._. day? Such an easy·to-r1member achadule you c1n carry it ?= t:l ~J~ ~':.if' :.12 :Ji L-I MCll. Celllon•I• ,.... &!O""d ;. your head. Why rar,,ember lowest fares? Or 111 jets? soe1< 2.ts l.n F.iF "' 10.11 11.u ,. .. , C11SI Ut·SID "" " CNH-GrOVD: Fst lrlGI~ t .11 l•.n A,,_...,.,.. ,..mlnlt1r•ltr 0010 Piiot. Or great service lo San Franc!sco, Oakland, San FUlld 11.1t n .t'I Fu 1ns1~ 1.11 •.J.a Plltlli.t!M Or1no1 Cots! , .... , Fm! t /.U5I01.lol "'I Mull! t .31 t .Jl ••• '' M lfft ........ o·1ego,•"d 51c••m•oto?Orth1tkidsunder12 Sll•M 11.t1112.M "'' N•r l.ll 1.11 ~'"' • • • " CtM:rN:I 11.n JO.ol Ftl Sit•• 6!.•I .(J.tl LEGAL NOTICE fly PSA (with their p1rent1} for hall lare? SUU coion1a1, F1u C•P 1 •1 I t E..,IW ,,•·,',' ,,•_·1? Flet Fnd 14' p..)4JIS want a reservation? Just t!!l_ypvr .tr ave agen • Fi..llCI -Flt Gt" 11• ''' Cll.Tl,ICATll 0" SUSINllSS or whalsit1111me airllnea. 1'51\gnft,...•lift. $=:" ::;: :~~ =~n:~~ ::~ ~-~ ,ICTlflOUI NAMI! ;l~=============================~o'~·~·~""~<o__'.""·!u~·c•c·'~':'.!'W~~~-··~·c·"::..!'!:!'·" TN llllftn\tlMCI 11oft (tr!llV "'-b C...,_ •11t.llM a liwlnHI II IOI East Cetlll"" A .. twt St!!lt ANI. C111f-ll, llftdtr 1"-tid'll.;. fll"lll 111..,.. al NETWOJttt INC. N~ 111d llrm b comHt0ert d 1~ :"lowlM --· ,...._ "'m• 1n full ,..., 1K!1 d rfllltM• Is 15 felltl'wl; 11 Cllft!on L. tvon. Ml Ht116111 A...,nve. LM A~ell"t. Calil<)r1111. D•ttill A11t1111 ~. ,,... c. L, Syen 11•!0 .i ca111orn11. O••'lt• '°""""':• 1,~ DI! Allf\ISI 4, 1 .... IHfort ""'' • o ~de Ill tncl ftw Mkl $1•1t, -MMllJ .,...root cnflftft L. •1eo •-~ " ~ It .,.. tl!e HrtO!I wt.e ~·ml' II 11/tMCT li>llll Ip lflt '#fltllll k11lrlf"'\f~I Ind .C)MWl.,W h• nKUll!d ''" .,.mr. tOl"l'ICIAL SEAL) JDIEPH l . DAVll NOltfY P utilt • C.•lllor11ll PTllK1"11 Ol!lcl I• Or-CMmtl' Mv C.ornmliai.... l!xol.,• JUM fl, IOI Pulllllhtd Df"lntt (oMI O••tf '110'· ,.1191111 s. It. "· ~ 1... ~ LEGAL NO'flCE f ALL PASSENGERS ON AIR WEST'S NEW SUPER DC-9's GR MORE LEGROOtA THAN ON ANY OTHER AIRUNE IN THE UNITID STATES. We call these new planes "Spa....-ships". So call your 'Jravel Agent or Air \Vest-the extra space won't cost you extra. '· I F••n~lln Grou11: 11'1•1 We\! 6,U ~ 1• c-51 1.os 1.11 ~:,:,.,.,.y~1n ,!:i~ ;~:~ DNTC 11.6111.n NtW En1 t.&2 10.&? VIII ..... 'JO New Wld 11.S! U.711 Fr~":= ~:~ !.~l ~~::rl 1!:~ !t~ Fwnd .,m t.J1 10 . .0 ~"91>11 l .IJ •.n 'In s.ec 11.1'11." ,,, ,,. 1 .c G brlllr 12.U IJ.65 100 Fd · . Group Sft: IOI Fd 1::ri l~J~ A"o S( 1,.112 1 '·'1 o"" wms 1e.o.i u.~• Com St 1 •fl '·• 8'Nt!t U.1' 1'.33 Ful Ad t1 . .JJ,N JIU,,,, 1.11 I.to G•!h Ind ? .... ,,.,t ••nn ~, O ,. O ,, GrvD/111 it,:19 II.ti '' ... ,, · · Gu1tdn 15.IJ 2J.IS Ptillilmu 1t~ 1!,;: "'m,lllon: _ S •• P!klrlm t .11 10.03 HI '·'" ,... ,,.. 11• I• Gin too ..... Pl111 SI 10·1•1n'" Hll'MWr 1.:11 l.oll Plo.>eer 11116 H 11 ~::~1 1?·U 1!:U Pl•ft In~ U.10 13.:n H&C L.,.., 11.tl 1111 '°~~v!~ll<>ll,•; -a 1, an Htd11 Gor I.It l.tt ' · · HftlQe Jl.!I IJ.1• N Er• t 70 t.IG Hwl!Dt 19' J l) N l-1or 16.46 11.• H Mln11 lS:ff ,.·,. Pro F11nc1 1a.n 10.73 Hllb•mn 7 t• 1 M l"rovd11I •.ll S.11 ISi Gift J0J1 Sii P11rlltft 1001101.! ISi !fl( 4:}l ,:t~ P11ln1''." F"nd1· trriotct F t.ll 10 XI E~uot 10.7111.70 Imp Ceo 10111116 Gror~ U.l11S I~ tma Gift 1;,, 1::111 Grin 11.12 11 •I l"c Fllnd ll 9I !J,lC lnco"' I.JI •(Ill ' fl( FOii Ill 101 l11vt.sl 1.h 1.91 l'l<loollll 10.(lol 1o't1 Vluo I0.6l 1l,6' Ina Trncl ll:60 u:u Vov~t 1.92 t,15 "<lllrv •o. 661 Re11 Tedi 5.01 !Sf lnaal< S!-.. ,, 6:9' R:tvtrt lJ,IS l.l.OJ tn~ Cflilo 13"1•11 R:o::ienln 1.46 ~.1• Inv Guld t "u '.u Schullr U.6f 11,1) Inv lnOlc 1J:•1 !J061 5cllddtr Fun<l., tnv~ Bfl1 !J lt IJ.Jl tnt Inv U.'° lS.ll lnve11ors Gr-· S11<1 l6.•9 ll.•9 IDS rM:ll 'n ·s fl !!lnl u.a.c 14 I• Mut 1o·s1 n ·11 c:om st 10,ts 10.•s Pron t 0$f /"lee DIV 11.U 12 !9 Slock to:ll 77 11 K E<1111! J,611 l.~7 $•1-1 "' • ,, k tlftY 1,11 I.At .. . . ~Ir ,., 10 171\07 ln~1'R.';~ ~::: ~:~ :1 ~t>ee'S 1S IS 11';,1 hltl '1.M Jl.J6 Oean n .<J n ,Sl IVllSI u .1111.IJ Side '·"° 10.11 WW tl1 t!)Sfom1 10 11 1111 J Ht1Cod; t "J:I t~ Sit 11w l!.1' n 1• Joll11i111 n'.ss njs Sm11~ s • ~6 9,.lo! Ktl'1!one Funm: ~~':' Inv I .ti 1.eJ ~~~ 1~ ;::~' ~:n t:.1;: .~! 1::i1 l;.n Cul 81 t.IJ 10.lol StFrm G! S.'1 S d C111 1(1 1.tJ 1.61 Slalt SI SO.st Sl.00 C11t ICI .S.?t s 11 Sltte<lm•n Funch: Cus 51 ltO:tfto A"' lf!ll 11.0711,lD Cus SI 11;10 l)J~ Fiauc 1.lJ •. ~I C~J SJ 1.74 t O~ ~le11 •.U I.Oil '"! 5' s.11 J.M st~•" Roe Fd•· Pfl •r , JI , 1• 8ti l'll.O Xl.'1 )(111tkb 1."4 t.19 C~P OP U.11 !(,67 l(.,k:k Gt 11.0I n .H Srock 1'.11 !1.17 Lrx!no1 10.1111." Sup lnGI t.~ I.I? Ltx Rs'~ U.)O "·n !<1Pl11SI t .3110.11 tlbft'tw 1.30 t." Vl\Ct Gt 11.11 U.IO 1• l'~ .s Qt $ U Mil A11 1'0."3 ?1.31 l!fot n• 1:10 1:1.J T11(h" 10.SJ 10.97 ti""' Ill ttl TKtol'loCl t .1• 1.U ooml1 $tylf1: ' Tectlvst 1.77 c.n..i JI :11 :11 :11 lKMot '·" 1.n c ... 11 11 :u ,,.M T!'mP Gt n .•1 :If.It Mut u .111c:12 lowr MR 1.:o 1,11 />\1nl~11 1.21 /.tl Tr•" C&• 1.n l .•i M•H Flt UlllVl ll TtlY Eo t.rt IO.it M•n G!~ U.ll IJ.N Tudor Fd 11.1? 1111 M111 Tt !S.1111.1 TWl!C Gt 1,11 4,8' /.\•tt1 I.fl c.t3 TwnC Inc 1.1~ J 7~ ~tTh••• 11.1' 11.1' Unll Mui 11.11 n .11 cDon t.S7 10 11 Unlld .SI 10.0 lllA Mu 1.M 1:21 United F11nds: MOOllV CP 11.~l UJ1 Attn\ 1,Jl l .ll MOOdw'1 lJ.64 11.fl lncom u.n 1s.n Mattoo> Fo.m<I\; Scltn I ti f·" Grw111 10.3' 11..15 UF(I C111 J,90 ,12 lncom I 03 I.II Vt"-'! Lint l'(I; lnt11r 7.lj 1.:11 \11 Liii 1.H 1.67 M l'F~ t.l 10 111 lncom 5 . .ll .1.11 Mu OmO .II 5.6.l Vl'lttS 1pt 1.11 ff Rane It o California Po st Fill ed James G. Scoll has Ml!' Glfl I· ... ::.. $pl Sil I.lot 1,." Mu Oml11 1G.~ n.~. Vlnll•bl l.OI •.•• ~1a I ·ct Mui Sl!tl II.DJ 11.02 VI~ .l.U ,•-•,,s '' ...... 0•11 lllw 1 20 My! Trst 2A-1 116t Ver IJICIP ,.OJ ... ~,,.,. Cp 1.11 '!Ea ~ lt~ ll&S v1.i11t l .'7 1.U l);irl 1,-.i Jell "111 W$fc 11:1.S 1 :si WL A.\or, t .13 t.tl Carl Ind Pl l "l•I '"" 11.,., ·" w.1111 •n 11.1111... Syttf.LO(S 0•YC0CP 1.1• Mil ln~st 111111 IM Willi MAI 17.tl lJ.ta U 1J•yln1'1,. 1,611 "II! 5KUr l!f": Wellotft II.ti 11,111 llPL 11111 l lj 8alln N:J! 11,Jol Wtil il'llf 7.t4 1.41 OPL 1110 111 lond 5.J •.111 Wlll•tl'IM • ll,11 U.~lt Tllf f'Oliowl'l9 Is • ~e~ .... l'(!l'lbet, ""'d l.Jfe<'f Co i 01111d 1.43 1,ll Wtll!!Mr t$ 10: lfl 11'1• l!Od, """''' •tuortl. _,,, ~111'1 ... P 1.1111 /';rwl!o t.11 e." Wlnlltld S t1 6. 1N9t Dtt Miiot l 11 Pl Sill; I tJ 1.!1 WIK Fii 1.)(1 7.tl '4ilr'I ~t iltt llf\Olfld~t. m:l•Alr .ti lncorn s:5' .... WIK 11.11!' 10 n 11.IJ •-AllO •• ,, • ., e~lf•I b-An!l}J.111 .. ie tllK l11i Stoc.• t.W t .JI W«lh J.Ot ),)I Ill 1~ '"" tloc-dlvlrt•ncl1 eo-Dtcltrft M(• ti Ot P••ll 00 •Ir lhl!I ~·· t-l'IYll!llo 111 0111,....R~1 6j M tt«~ t1<1rl~ 1'61, 11!1!1'11'H, t•ft ltkft D111ttlY l :io. New port a n tloeii ''"locnd <:1-0celll•tcl ~' u •h v•flft g;,Gr i 10 Of t~-Gl""'t"" °' f•1!1sltl!lvlll!ll d•11, treco .. a e-P•ltl l~lf .,,., ~-Dteltrtcf Ot Plkl OIN. fCI . C I I '""' •IQ(k d•v~"" ., 1o11111 ,,. di• 1 :.o J Ollis 0 )el' "\r ~-0tt1arl!O or PllO 11<11 "11ff, 11'1 t<• DI! Ed _,f}o .7 cumultll"" Juu1 wltfl olvlftnlh Ill •'• ~'"" ;i;; • rf!lr5, P--Plfd !Iii, vt&! d<vlOf'ncl OO'l'lltftl •1~ l• r,.,,,rd D. lla"lon of ck!fnH or rio •<tlo11 '~'"" itt .,,, d\o;f. •'I""" .JO 1;;1.1., " :f:! m~n7; t-Occ1 ... rfl er Pttd 111 lMI l•ll'llntl 1.ta N<!wport Btach has been ap-:U~,..,:"M,, Z,1~rur.~;·~!"1vt1nJ'it ~0i:~s(' pointed branch managtr0 'cf tbe ::,·~":,~, lfv~~tt1 on d•'.. 11-i't..C :l: t..eascs, located al 4S7 am-t-s11e1 .,. tu11. rt1Kt11t • dd-Called e•-E• Oiv!GenO. •-fl!-1!• DIG1at110' .t0 pull Drive. d!$ti!b\1Hori. ··-E~ •l!IM•. •-W1!1\0U1 o.mnt m '1:1 H."fon ltas '"'" w1"th the :="z::• ww-w•lh ... •,' • ".! '-' ~111trt111t1 ~ " LA: urlt!,1 •ie11111M It~'""'· rid-"'"' !5Mll .Jiii! for th. past lo )•ears Cnbtrly wt1t11 dl1fT1bulM. w•-Wl'I'" 111111'11, ~lflll 1s1s.10 l.:N ' °"tllff"' U"""' !fie !!111~n.-!<¥ 11(1, OI' rPe-r ,90 LeaMs h11s Its headquarters ln uv 1ttn...,. •"-""'"'"" COft'lo•11•n. ~v:1~.,J: T.os Angele$. Doftllt11., .to ' ~ lllu -H• IM1.> Mitt l-CltM U:fo 190 5'l1 SJ 5S'• -,._ '~ ~ •• ~11: u~ + •• II JS ,,. ' l"" o1ct 16t. ?s•, 1s>1 -·• 1 36\\ lt'. 36'• -• 1 I''• 1'1 In -• II 30 2'tl'> JO -'• , 10 1t1:. '° t '· JS Ill\ 10'• 10'~ ->1 I IJ.•1 IJ'~ lS'" -'• I ll 11 11 I H'i 26'\ 16>~ -'• lS 1141 Sf.lo St'\4 -,, I' 31 31 JI -'~ l "''• ···~ ... _ ' 6 IJ'o 13\t IJ'i -"\ SJ 11" U\~ ,",l! .:_ >• J f1•1 111, ---• fl 3llO ll J:I~ . J?S 1•11 n 7311 -'• Ml I' 11'4 1m -1 16 l• 13'!> ,",' _. ,,, 61 71'1 1't ltl ?Ci·o 1~~. lt:o -2'• J19 31'• JI'.~ ,_lt + ''o I "4~') 461, 161'1 -I I' ll 32''> .22~~ -'• I SI\~ Sl\4 Slllo -'• 311 11~. 11•1 1111 -'• 11 100~ IOYI '°"' -'• s J9~) Jt 5'\1 + '• 1t I~ It lt -'o 3/l 2fl1 ,. 11'1• -•• I 11•:. 11 11 -'• d rJ.~ n* t~ t :: 11S ~. ll"" l1V1 -~. } 43!'1 IJ!o 43!1 -i->o 1?001t lt "+•. ,, JO 21\~ 'ff•\ -'• 110 11i1 11 11 11n111 •.. lt lO .... JO\• 30l\ -., n 131, 121-o 111, -•• ? llit ll>1 ll~• + le 1~ n =~ :~ =1·· • ,.,~ "' ,. -l'Ao ,~ j;1~ n~ i~~ .!: :: t 11h 11'~ D'l'o ••. 11 1211 121\ UV. -'" 1 : n.~ r.:r n~ =\;· 1Sl It'• 41l') "' -• 1 1, 41•, .cl"-4011 -•1 120 , •• ' '-·· l U\o W • ""' -1' 1 " 2t.. ,... JI -•• J 11'• 17•• 11•, -'• lGJ »'• l5\1o »"• ,, , 11• 11'· 21"~ 211'o -'• 11 Jl\<o ll JI -11 ~'1 l!.'• 3' lt~ + '• I lS•• lHi lJ'• _, •1 Ill!. ll JI'' . . l30ll'.ll0 -•, 71 )11\i 2f''i ,,,,., -'• 6 J01t• 10 20 n 4''< 41'0 "'' .;. '" 11 '7~i a11 16"• -'• ~· )6.. 161• 1m .. · .-... I ui, l!V1 )5 "'" il '•-'• t IS\• U\'< ,/,'~, _< ,',• 11 f!'J '! 151 ,. 26'• ,, .. -~ • Cl 11>, 1\11 11"~ -·, 11 )]'.>, 1'•' !j"' -' • II IS't -'1 J) 11"• 'H\\ J ...... " !"' II' 1 !"• ~!Ill ''' ll\t !'' -'I 19 ll'o 1•1~ 3\1 -•o " jS''o 11, jS"' -'• • )1, 11:.~ l'O -1•, 115 W o l(!., l6'1-'o 4• u >, 111. 111, 41 "" 11•1, 111 .. llO 111~ tllO ""' + '' 10: ij., n1• in: =s~! • it>e Sl'O 51'• -1, 1 u•, Ui,. U •i )I !f'\ 1f>e1' -\'I -H"f- '' W• "'• SO -•o 6 1'\o 11•, "'' -'• Jr~n ti+··\ • "'*I.. -II 1 "' . -" I ~ ~ + '• J ~u . ~~~:: I '''' ltU 1tl• • ., 11 ll\t " :u -'• J~ "~ 1\'i: 2f,~ -'• 11 31 ).l"lo lJ .;. '• 1J to'~ It'~ )0 -'. 1J ll'o l'l' 1'"' -•• •l lt• •• ,, It~ -•• fi ~\: ~~t ~'>t :-1'• 11 II II'' 11'~-'o 1'0 '20'~ \ti' 10·~ + •• 1) 11'0 ,, ,!\ .. -'• S llllo 11 It -•1 14 ·I~ ~ •'~-'• J I.. \o 4'• + '• l ~\ lj l!\\ -,, 1 111 ,, 111 -t1 '1 )1 ,.~ , ... , , .... + .. ,. )1\.t ,... )tt1 -.. "M !''4 II '+'•• lG 10 ,,.. 70 1n 17'\ J7 '1'\ -•• '~ n n•• 'Vl -'• 1 .Ul\ IA4 .ii <! '\ )Cl•~ )04~ .. It JI 10lt ,... lO>t -• t •• '"~ ,..1 Jt:' -•• lf?'1 t l "'. 1 ,,., ?1'\ ,,., .. '. II )1'\ \"' 11 -'• ri 1•" ' ,., 1~""' -1·. ''· """ "'' ,...\ -'• ., :-JI'.. " ~\ '~l,\ \!n ~! ... -\, 4 1t )Q '° -.• to• '" •11~ "'I , l 111•; ll' U \1, -'' I ••'o ""'' o •, -" ,, )l.11 ,..\\ ,.., • ""'\ "" ~·~ +-') ' ,.,~ ,.,. ,.~ . \O~ "\\ '10\ I!> -I\ Jll "'' ~n;, J<t ' 'II , "'• " r. _, 11 ,.,I; '"' ft\ l '• • ..,, ?"ri· -~ -.. U 1l I )JM -'\ 1 ti 1 ~ -· ' ,, ~... --'• ' "' ,, 1 .. '• ,~ ~i! n:: , .. :: _, ,,.. """ 1'11 ,... J " ,,.. ,, ... -'\ ,.. "'\ n• ,,., " tr1 '"" ,.,, -'' I t.,. l~ l~'• ' n •1 l??<o 17"o t 1• f • • .. .. .. \\ " .. • •• • .. " • " • •• I " • " '" • " • " • " " • " • . " " . " .. .. " •• • •• .. . " . ,, • ~ .. • • • • • • • • • " • '• • '• •• '" I • • • •• • " ' • .. .. .. " " " ' " • .. " •• • • " • I ' • .. '• • .. • • ' • • " I ; • "• " .. ' •• • • . " • • • .. • • • • • • • .. " " •• " • • •• • " . ' ' • ---------·-~--~-----·- Tuesday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stocks Fall Back On Broad Front NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks !ell back along a broad front Tuesday 1n an extension of the profit taking which began Monday after last week s big rise Tradmg was light A spokesman for the Shearson, Hammill brok- erage said the market ' wa s due for rest and con- solldat1on following last week's rally Shortly before the final bell the UPI market- wide indicator showed a loss of O 81 percent on 1 545 issues on the tape or these 964 deehned Ctnd 320 1 advanced The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip 1ndus- tnals was off 8. 78 at 822 66 near the close Turnover amounted to 8 500 000 shares shgbtly above Monday s pace Among the post active issues \Yere Benguet the Pbll1pp1ne Gofd M1n1ng Company Amencan Cement, Jos Schlitz Brewing \Vheehng P1ttsburRh Steel N a to m a s and Northern Indiana Pubhc SerVlce There were several point plus closers 1n the electronics, with IBM and Fa1rcluld Camera among the widest movers The former fell 9 114 Monday followrng a sharp rise last week \Yhen 1t introduced a new, small computer which was expected to be competitive with others in the industry Weakness was noticeable in the 011 group with rails and conglmnerates also on the soft side in many mstonces Steels. ~motors and chemicals Benerally traded 1n narrow ranges So did most airlines, aircrafts and rans Gold m1n1ng shares \vere mixed Prices drifted lo\ver on the A1ner1can Stock Ex change in moderate 'turnover H Stocli Exchange List Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List DAJLV PtLOT JJ ( I .. ---- JI DAILY PILOT lu@sdey, August 26, 1969 For the Record Marriage · J;,lcenses 'LtclMi•I tuVIO ""'· ~ HOltSTMEYfJl·Ol\,NIEL. lleyftlOl'ld T., ,,, end Edllh L., 5'. l!Olfl ol ,541 E. Wilnllt, COii& Meq. f>M.MITIE•·EAST, S.rn Iii .. :H, ol m V•19ncll, ':Oii• Mt!ot _,., $Ybll A., n. o1 l:N6! ~ Avt., Sant& Ane.' LEE:.ICIElll, °""'" E~ 2'. ol 100 p......., Tustin 11111 P•rne'-A., tt. Cll 512111 S. l1'1'1ronl, a.~ IMAll .. DOWO-ICl!EftElll, S._,, T .. 2), ol SO K')('I lllOllL N-rt 8ffdl ind hiltt '" 21, of Gt S, Ohio. Anelltlm. Now Enroll With Your UC I Card IRVI NE -Orange Coast residents may now use a credit card when enrolling in UCI Extension Courses for tbis fall. A university spokesman said the school will a c c e p t BankAmericards for paymenl of tuition . to any of ap- proximately 150 cuurses and seminars being offered on the extension program. Enrollment for the fall quarter of classes -is now open and a free catalogue can be obtained from the UCI Ex· tl'nsion office. Room 1325, Crawford Hall on the campus. DEATH i~OTICES KEPP EN (;ertrude A. ICfl>pen, Fonner resident ..i Htw-' Suell. A• Sl. Of sm EMIM ltoecl, Gom1,' C11if, Oilt of dfftlt A.u11u•t 20. 5urvl¥9CI bJ 1111 .. bllld. Robtrt l. K"'"'" """; W1Ul1m Ch1rln of ll1ket'lf11lcli lllu!lh!.,., Mrs. Wlll!.11t Gusl1,_ Cos!& Met11 ttll'M •ltlen; lllrH 1r1nodlu!lh1eru -tr1nd9Gn. Prlv1tw MrYicfs ftre Mid Fl'ldlr, AUflUSt n. 3 PM. Jn Gol!ll, wlllt R.... Roblrf Howl1nd of tlll P~ri.n Church, olfld1tlnt. WNG Tl'lom1s Vina..t LDllll • .-.111 50, of lid Corti L&ne, Cosl1 Mes.1. 01te of Oeeth. AuouJt 24. Survived b't' w!~. Mn. M.lrr T. L-; two .om, Thom&s &nd Mld'IMI ; 1$1u111!er, Jonnne, 111 or Cos!• Ml ... RIQU!em Mau, WMl'l"5· lllV, 10 AM, SI. John !he ll1Pll1t C1lh· ollc Cllyrclt. l~termeoll, GOOd She<>htrcl CMne!lrJ. 81117 Mortu1rv, 3520 E. Co.ti Hl9"wrr. eo.v ... dct M1r, DI- '"""-LIGTJIART llrtm It: l.tvttilrt. a St, Andrews Rold', Newport lffdl, Survived b" Nre'l!I, Mr, Incl Mr1. Arthllr E, l lt- tt.lrt: 11sl-DllfW Ind N1.w;y; p .. IMMI tr1ndl11'1111', J1rnes A. Riii!. Wntmi,.twn Pl'lernel lllflndlltolhier, Allc9 Lltfllllrt, l.ltlun1 8ffd'o, s- ka. Wtdnndrl'. 11 AM, P1clf[c VI.., a..el, offlci.ltd bl' U. S. N1VJ [hep. !.In Vlldon Oobttt. lnltf'menl, P1clllc View ~111 P1rk. Olrlctecl bY PKl'flc View Mortu1rv. STOl1I' f ........... ' Lottie M&I SIOl.lt. AM-"17;-l1t '161 RDNld A:1111d. Huf'llng1Wl -hlch., 0.1• of dlllh. Au9otl 2S.. Sunll"'-t w -.11. Fr~ •nd Robert S!ouh dlutl!ter. Hel.it Ool~1 broll'ltr, Chafer 81bb: '-1r1ndchl!dren· t..o ,,.., .. ,,,,,,. chlldrtn: t-1re1l<flrtlkr1f!dcllll- d~. llrYlctt.. ThllrMlay, lO:)ll AM. P•nons Mortv1ry, MUllCle. llldl1n1. 5">1ttw. Mortu1ry, forw1rcll1t1 Olrtc· ·~ HARDING, SR. Berl W. H1rG!nt, Sr. A"9 U, of 11)11 Slff'll!llil, Hvllt1Mlon S.ach. DIM of dlllh, "''*''' 25. SUTV1vtd bl' wife. C&rrlt1 IOI!, llfl H1rdln1, Jr.1 d-1\. IM, Eit.l'IClt &Idol, borh of HUl'lllrtOIOn Sffdl; nine 1r1ndch!klren end elthl tre1l-tr111dchlldren. S.rv1A1, Thu.., der, 11 AJA, Smllhl Chepel. lnttrm....!, Wntmlnst&r M-1•1 P1rk. Dlrecltd 1" Smlttu. Mar1u1rv. THOMAS l"redrlclc A. Tham&1. 1~1 N1ncY Ori,,., Hunllnil'Ofl &etch. S.Ur,.lvl!'d b>' two sons, Gr1111er tlncf Wit!l1..,; d•uqt>o t&r, l1rblr& HtlteSOn: lhree b<11tt.. ..... Dini, AIN'1hem Ind Reloh Th,,.... 1u two 1111ers. Ar1H1 Lowm•" end Amlfldl Ml!IM; ......, 9r1nddllldrt11· ll'lrM 1ru1-trM!ddllldr&n. Servkl! .. Thllr'$dly, 111:)11 AM. Pftlll; F1m11, c~ loftl1I Funtr1t Horne. PA1TISON H&len Cl1!r• P•HillOfl. loll E. nricl st~ Cost1 Mesa. D.lte of du!h, Auiusl 25. Survl'tld bl' cllUlll'ilw, Pllrlci. VIII Nov; -J&C!l P1lll&on1 four 1r1nd-chl1cl ..... : &l1teio, 8ellv Htncfrlx, Serv• kn Wiii be helll FrlO&Y, 111 AM. Rll~ bow Chli>tl, R01e Hiiie Memorlel P1rlt, Dlr.:ltd bJ R-Hiiis Mor· tu1ry. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcllll M-ary C7 E. 17t!I SI., Costa Mesa 116-1881 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona de1 Mar OR J.1450 Costa Mesa Ml 6-UU • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Colla &tesa u~ • DILDAY BIWl'llERS Huntington Valle7 Mortuary 17111 Btacb Blvd. Bantiagton Beach IC-7171 • Mct'ORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Lqua Canyon Road Laguna Btadl 491-Mll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK c-1etJ • M-.,Y Cbptl. S5tl Pacific View Drive Newport ....... CalUonla -• • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '1111 Boin An. w .. ~ llUW •• BB·u-,~.,-a MORTUARY 1-• -fM.1531 Sa Clemale lllUlN • Pll'nlB'MORTIJARY 117 Malo SI. .....,_ - MtOtU...tENNETT, Ectw.~ L •• 0. Of f41 S. Trldtnl st., AM!ltll'll 111d AMI /IA., 10"ol 1.X: C1llt ArffOll. LIO\IN Hllll.. lflADFOllD-OUfl&ANC. Freel D., #, .. nd Ritt M,. U, both o1 JOa Fii~ marw W1v, CNN Mew. LINOE-llUS&_':, ',t.tfrt'll ~., 21, Of 1tU P«rv Wow. l&tillfWI let<ll Incl l•IWr• c .. :u. Of 211A1 [lft)'Cft Crim, Sin J.,.n Cwllt~no. ORISCOLL·SCHMITT, Johll l .1 25, of :n02 loWI st .. Coil• Meti Ind Wenclr k.. tll ..i 141 ""-'· "'*9nlle. WALDft:OH·l:llWIN, W•YM e .. "6. ot ~I E, aolsa &nd Hell IE., lL <11 95', MldllOll. lloltt of W81mln1ter. .MlcNUTT·OITTlllCIC, Johr) G,. 74. Ind Sltl>hen1• •~ lt, bolll of 221 Nyn Pllce, L"1111a kllch. WELLS.RUPPRECHT, L&rrr H., 26. ol 1'421 Titus 51., W"tmlnlltet 1nd M&rv K., 24, ol 13'0 . Lft>W l1,.., G.lri:lecl Gro';'S. FAHAEL-HACKETT, Demlls 5,. '4.. <11 IOI\ 21tl SI. Ind Dolor• 0., 11, <11 tt71 Thorpe Avt.. bo111 O I w .. lmlr•sl~r. CAFIR·IURGGltAFF, Gordon E •• 'n, o1 1» Morrlllown line 1nd J111n C., lt, ot n1i Eurwi1 Drl,..., bGth of Co:.11 ·-1 ltV JNE·tAAll:SHAll, 11:1111 D., 31, incl Phyllis M., M, ba111 <11 l6m Glflll\IVfll Lene, HuftllnvrOl'I llHch. SHOC~EV.COOK, Nonn1n J., $1, of , ?SJ! W"lmlnsllr Aw .. Cost1 ~ •fld lfl'IOf'I 0., !O, oJ NG, J P1rt Ori"•· lditbel, Dkll, MORE MORE ADO 4 1111rillges Jl TYLER·WIEST, lrn!nl1 w .• n. ol 1l11 Minuteman W.v •l'ld DebGrah I: .• 17, ot 1151 Orlllft ""'" both ol Coslit Mesi. • HAUCK·HEN'NESS. W11!11m T,. 21, <11 lln s. e. Re~ s1 .. Port\.llld, Ore. •lid ·elfl'tl.1r1 e .. 21, o1 1eoo Commodott, N-rt ee1ch. YOUNG-OLDS, Jllnff O., n, ol tl4 A!l1nll ind lvrid1 S., ol 20$92 E11re1, Hunrlnvton 8e1Ch. MAVfR·8RINKMAN, Wlllll,m A.,, 46, <11 1?91 Vie Ath•rlN'• •nd Jrm1 L. 61. of H2D Avtftld1 5evl111, bot!I of L11un1 Hiiis. 8lEDSDE·McCALLUM, Doiils111 l ., 17, ot 110\~ HellottOH, C0ton1 del Mir """ 011,.., A., 2J, ot 31566 scenic Drive, $ou!I> LsvYnl. MA.XVMOF·McllDIEllTS. Theodore J., 7•. or lCJ Doml"91111•; Sin Cl1rAenlt 1nd Jo• L .. 14, of 2009 Korn1I Orlue, Co•!1 M•'ll. LAWSON·MILLS • .>Mn D .. 7!, of rn Nvr. Plate ancl M••r A .. 30. of 217SJ Alli, 11o111 of Ll,Yfla ee1ch. MAllllN·MUNOZ. G!-M T,, 3', tnd Can<lace c.. 11. both <11 l4.$1t LI C"!Sr1 Drive, 01n1 Poln!. MORE MORE ADO S MARRIA.GES JL SAN~DllD·MAVER, GO<doll J .. lS, Cl! 75191 JI..,,,,,, Minion lllelo Ind Er1111 ~ .. JI, of 1'1'10 81ywood, AAIMlm. LA88E'E·ODUE, Jin J,, n. of 361 17th St. Ind Kindl l., 2CI, of 24$ TUJlln Ave .. Der~ of CO$t1 ~ . M0/<100.Pll'tlSSING, Geor1Jt J.1 lt, encl Ft1nQ~ H~ lt, both ol 16'0 Tll:l!lor Line, Huntl"9!ori 8tldl. A:Kll!'d Ae1re Tues M&rrl11111 Ad 1 Jo. 8 AVARJO.ARLOTTI, ltldl1rcl P .• n,"' 15J W, lllh·S!., Codi Mell ind VI~ clnzln1 P., 21. of 192' E. M1rsh1ll, ltosemeld, C1!11, ROPER·FLEECS. J<>11f!>h C,, 71, l'lcl ~n1 "·· "2, both oi 1602 Mont.,ey, 11'1! &each. PICKLE·C HASTAIN, Jerrv W .. ?1, &nd Jin M,. 13, both ol 11111 BIYM<r-, Wnv, Irv•~•. HENOERSON·llARATTE, Cvlde S,. 37. of m lO!h sr., Nl!WPO•! Beien 1nd M1rle-Cn11rla!le, 2!, of 175 McC1uley Pl .... , V••"nA 8eACI\. ~.OONAN·~ONES, GeQolrv. 71, of tt4 E. JOlll'lnl, Slnll Alli Ind 01111111 l ., 20, of 110l El C11ml1111, Cost& MesA. H•NCO(t(.HOll.AU, Robert J .• 71, of ll! Gltf!ll!Yr1, L1911n1 leech 1n<1 • K&lhleen P., 27, ol 2S3-I N, F0t11!, Santi A111. SCHICKfD.t.NZ·MARINELL I, Norm1n o .. 2S. ..i 7S61 9.,..,.,.. St., Weslmin1- lff Ind Jlldllh A., n, of 2672 Shllkiw L•M, Anlh1lm. SRAMLE TT·NEULS, 01lm1n F .. 71, of tu Ver-Place, trvlne 1nd Llnds&of Lu, lf, of J"'2 Gllbtrt Drlv1, Hun- flnthln leech. ....... ' KNAPPEN·FISHEA:, 01,.ld l .. 35, of l:rt'OI Dtl RIJ Orlvl , S.1111 Ana Ind Julie 5.. 16. ol 160 Hl1h Orlw, ~"'-~' ,___ "~·· ULS£01f.all()vJNIN$. l>eMil--.'M., 21, fl/f -~ !;~ -·.Glill".I• J .. 17, cf 71' ~ :..~ .. f>_lla, : bolll~ ti( ! c'~I, (OTT--MCCA.ll, 01vld W .. 20, fll tt42 SIHl\il'I St.. ~s!mlnti.r Ind 11-rr·A .. 21. of,,., 5. Vlf'I Ness. Slnll'Ana. FlOOo:\.tf'AGE, l ruu It .. ~. ol 16015 MllWl'n Drl.W, Whinier Ind Mll'Y e .. 1', ol-'1111 Harbor 81\llf,. ·eo.11 Men, ltlMMEY;OESPOYELS, ftlYmond W., l1, o1114\'t 42nd St .. 111d P1ulelte E., :11, <11 2l8t 81Yihore Drtv .. beth of NtwPorl BtlCh. COLEMAN·FERGUSDff, 8n,q R., n, ot Hll\'i. A<ICll, [Qr-de! Mllr itnd M1rl1 Y., ~. ,of 1070 8uckll\Stl'llm LIM, NllWl>Off 8e1ch. HEA:NANDEZ-EOWAROS, Arturo A., JI. or 41"6 Melrose, RlWrtlde 11'111 JeeM'lte C,, 23, of 3107 Trln!fy Drl,,., Cosll Mew. P EREZ·HAHNAFOltO, Mlnutl E., 71 , of 01 s. Lomlll A""·• 0111, Cllll. 11nd lllld1 s., lt, ol l•m Montet'e" Line. Hunll"9111n 8e1ch. REIO·llAN CLOOSTE lt E. Jo~n R .. 21, or 163'11 F1nt1sl1 LIM Ind G~I L .. 19, or UJ1l Ch1te.u Lano. bolh ol Hlll'll/'11110'1 8Hch. 30 YMCA Units Form In Viejo M1SSION VIEJO -Before Christmas, there will be at least 30 YMCA groops in the El Toro-Mission Viejo area, South Orange County "Y" Director Roger C a r t e r predicted Friday. He called it a "conserva. live" estimate. ''Y" Indian Guides are pro- jecting 20 groops and the Leaders Fellowship is ex· pecting three groups, Carter said. And lhere will be others, he added. "We've worked hard to develop an ifl.depth program in El Toro and Mission Viejo," said Carter. "I think the im· pact will really be felt by Christmas. I think the entire community can be proud of the fact there are more than 190 families giving a greal deal of time in planning our expansion drive this fall ." The South County YMCA serves the area with two staff people to guide and advise the Indian Gliide and Leaders Fellowship programs. ln ad· dilion. Carter noted, a suin. mer staff of 10 will offer Day Camps, Backpacks, Te en Caravans and a Boys' Moun. lajn Camp. to all residents. More infonnation, he said, can be obtained by calling lhe "Y" et 494-94.11. BOAT BUFFS Al men loc•1b1y i• the e11ly fvll·filll• l,04fint 1ditor wetlii119 on •llY hewsp1per ln Or&n91 Co11nty, Hi1 exclvsi•a e.wer•t• of beittint ind y1chfi119 newt I• e -'elly k1h1N of tht DAILY '/LOT • -· ' ( ' .. , I ' " j t ' • • When It Rea.fly Counts!! -TO • • • e Pants all fabrics Values to $20.00 • • • ALL $5.00 • Tops,· Shirts~ ·Blouses Many styles & fabrics, 1/2 PRICE ·0 Dresses.'Summer & Early Fall' 1/2 PRICE . • Lots of groovie Sunglasses Values to $8.00 ..• ALL $2.00 g Lots of Skirts Values to $18.00 . • • • ALL $5.00 Sale Starts i ·' ' ., ' ~.:• , " ' ' } ~. ' .. Wed., Aug. 27th 10 a.m • , Fashion Isla nd Shop Only! • - \ • • ' I ' :~ r~ ·~ .~ !1 ") • • • i I I ' l j I i I i I I ! [ ' \ I ' 1 j ' I • • t ! I .. . ' - I . . • • ' I 1 ~ _.. o• f oan1 V~lley • m , ~DIT I O N YOI:. 62, No. 204,'3' SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ~ .. • T\JESD~ Y, AUGUST 2', i 96t ' '· TOday's l'bull TEN CENTS . No Peace Windfall Moynihan Says Money to Be Swallowed Up , Signs of Resistance Syndlcate 3000 owner Gilbert Covell ls continuing his feud with Huntington Beach city officials, Who have refused to r e n e w his business license on grounds that his Pacific Coast Highway teen club is "contrary to .the he alth, welfare and morals" DAILY PILOT lf*lt ....... of the citizenry. City officials "l'ParenUy plan no action in response to the signs m the· club's win- dows, describing them coolly as "an exercise in free speech." Presiden t Awaiting Word A's Tricia in Hospital 1 ' Three P risoners Fail in Attempt To Escape Bus 4 , By JOHN V ALTERZA ' Of Ille Deify rlM It.ff lly JEROME F, COLLINS Of .. ..,. p .... -.. Daniel P. Moynlhen, the Pr9'ldent'1 advj!or on urban lflaln, "-' pos!Uvely lyrical about It. "l tlilnt." be Aid, "that tbe peace dlVidendJ have turned out to be evua- cenl, ute !ht marnlni clouds l10UDd San Clemente." •. . Maynlban lb111 up!alned Monday why the eod GI hoetl1IUee In Vleenam, when It occuh, will lllWI no windfall cl. federal monoy for domesllc (llllPOltl. He told a press conference al lbe Westmi Wblte Houae In San Clemente lbal !ht esllmilted 1311 billion yeorly now being spent In Vlelnam will be swallowed up by proposed federal government ~ grama and by those already In e!tect. The nation'• growth, In both population and groas naUonal product (GNP), will be auch Iba! by 1175, he aaid, funda now being pumped lnlo Vlelnam "will loot like-small cbangt. .. 'lbe auessmeat came out of a Uu'eOo hoar aesalon cl. !ht Praldent'a Urban Al· fairs Council earlier In the day Monday. The council, headed by Moynihan. In- cludes liJ. Cabinet member&. lloay visions GI a buge poot.Vle!nam windfall had been encoora1ed by the ad- minlstraUon last January. 1be Prtslo dent's etonornlc advllofl lben projectod the availability of $22.9 .million in "ex· tra" federal funds within 18 months of the war's tDd. Moynihan WU asked whether the dl!pelllng GI these vlslon1 had "shocked" Nix.on. "II la not !ht purpooe of Presidents to be shocked by realllf," 1111lfed !ht - lime Ivy League pro!easor. Moynihan was emphaUc about the new, less happy forecast. "I will say that it la clearly the conclusion of the analysia (by the. Urban Alfma Council) ·!bat !ht ""IT ....... 'WINDFALL OUT WINDOW' Pre1ld111tl1I Advisor Moynihan ao-cilled peace and growth dlvtdenda Iba! have been anticipated .•• ln January of tbia year were simply not reallsUc. "There Is DOI likely to be anything like the free resources that we bad all hoped for," be w d. "It Is almply DOI there In the-system. We are not going to have an easy Ume ol maki.Dg naUonal priorities in the 1970s." Moynihan. ablase in a y~lloW bluer and looting a bit 1lie a younger Orson w.ue... declined ·to ... the term "repi- ' • ,Pr"!<f")I 1111Ul11 •• 111\iJan! i,mm. ore awillln( ward In San C!einenle today on the ~~·!llOir~ dau~, Tricia, who may 1le IUl!erlni from ap. pendkitls at Walter Reed Medical Center in 1be nailon's capiLaL Three prisQnerl transferred from an Orange County Sherill'• 005 to a holding tank at Weal OranjJe Collllly · ~ In Wa!<q""'1'f l>J)'!l1la lljljr "tpPI :ti a daring day~ escape }dondaY.· Mav. · .IB Ereetlo,i .: '. .. ,, -~u e:;az '. ~.._-·~ .. -· . ' •. "'' . , ... .. tl.-,ILY l'ILOT Sl•ff Plloflo ADMI TTED TO HOSPITAL Tricia Nixon Vall ey Planners Hear $5 Million · Complex Plan Tho Fountain Valley planning d'fl"rt.. ment bas been approached by a Santa Ana firm wi~h plans for a $5 million in. dustrial complex next lo the San Diego Fr!eway at Euclid Street and Talbe.11 Avenue. ) The proposal woold cover 28 acres with rt buildings. according to city officials. Prelbninary plans appear acceptable, aald a city spokesman. Plans \li'ere submitted by Dunn Properties Corp. Of Santa Ana. A Dunn apokesman said Founlain Valley looked like "a good place lo build," since the finn was out of industrial buildings to rent. Ten 1lructurts wrrtnµ, exi.st on Foun· lain Valley's industrial land, with six "'°"Jn lbe·process of being built. The Dunn. proposal would Increase Fouiitain ~e1~;::: .:~:~: :: begb;~ ~ "* property wllhln s!l( w.W•lf' ~ _, develop. The land • alreadt. Is ~..for tndlistry. Dunn •Ul bring Its ~;-,l&as ~fore the plan· ning comfii1a51°'1 sepL J7 for approval . "There doesn't ·appear to be any pro- blem," •id City Manager James Neal. "and this development Is a tremendous addition to~ industrial growth.". Quake Hjts Macedonia BELGRADE (UPI) -A lharp-<arth· quake rocked port.ions of the aouth Yugosl1v repubJic of Macedonia today, the news agency Tanjug reported. ' -' - Presidential aides announced the illneM , of the President's 23-year-old daughter today. '""~ <llW.•eepulllt,,_ Day and Tom Grama ..,.. jumped by !ht trio at apptotimat.ely 8:20 a.m. when they exited the side door of. the vehlc~ along with 26 other pri&Qners. Ocean View to try Vote . ' They said she began complaining of in· creasingly severe abdominal pains Mon- day, a day after her arrival in Washington from the western Whlte House In San C1emente. A short atrugg\e-began during w)tich the prisoners were subdued and ·taken lo Orange County Medical Center !or treat- ment of cuts receJved in the fight. Gates said. On School Bonds Again ' , At a press briefing shortly after noon today, presidential press secretary Ron Ziegler said that the, latest word from Washington ind~ated, "Miss Nixon's con. dition ls not a serious matter." Press Secretary Mrs. Gerry Var: Der Heuvel said Miss Nixon complained to no one about the pain on Monday except a White House maid. She felt worse today and phoned the senior Whlte House physician, Dr. Walter Tkar;h, in San Clemente. He. In turn , notified his assistant Jn Washington, Dr. Stanley Bear, who ex- amined Tricia and prescribed a mild sedative. He reported she had no fever or increase In pulse. Shortly afterwards Tricia was admitted to the medical center's Ward 8 -the presidential suite -for observation and tests. P..frs. Van Der Heuvel said results of medical examinations would be known later today. She said the Nlxons 0 were kind of surprised . at news of Tricia'• lllness, because their daughter iJ normally a very healthy young lady." The petite, blonde Tricia had been visiting at the Western White House for 12 days before returning to Wuhingtoo Sunday. ' . NEW YORK (AP) -The itock matket closed with a still Joss today as tt turned in Its second -strllght J o s i n g session. (See quotations, Pages 11).ll}. The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. was off 9.37 at 8%2.07. Trading over the day was fairly alow. The prisoners were identified at Michael S. Guiles, 23, G a r d e n a : Lawrence W. Smith, ~. Garden Grove and Berry E. Wilsqn, 20, Harbor Clly. At the time of the escape attempt Guiles and Wilson were being taken to coort on kidnaplng and armed robbe1y- charges and Smith on a dn/;g charge. The guards ...,.pec1 lnjusy In !ht atrug. gle. Smith and Wilson have been released from the medical Ci!Dter but Guiles is sWI recovering, sheriff's d!!:puUes said. Kin of Beach Official Bies Mn. Minnie Matney, 511, stepmother~ Huntington Beach City Couoc:ilman Jerry Matney; died in-Fort Worth;Tex. Friday folloWlna a brief illness. Medlcal specialists at AU Saints HospitaJ, where she waa taten, ~re unable to determine the M!un GI her u. lness. She Is survlvtd by ber husbind Clyde, Councilman Jerry Matney and three other SOM. Bea ch Councilman's Condition Bet.ter George C. McCracken, Huntington Beach City Councilman, ls reported, in satisfactory ~ today at ffw>. ful&lon lnteroommunily ,lloopilal He was admJtted Sunday wh'° he lllffered a sudden aUack of. his diabetic cond!Uon. Te!ts on lib eoodltlon are being run today at the hospital, said Mn. McCrlcl<en. Trustees of the Ocean VJew School District Monday, aet Nov. 18 as Ute elite fer a '7 .5 miWon bond election to finance the district's future building needs. The action Wu preclpitated 1.iirgely through the dl~'s faJlure earlier this moqth.to sell $L8 million In-bonds at lJ\e ol~ five 'percent interest rate. Unleu the new bond b passed Ulla November construcUon of the .new Vl.ata View School as well as work on seven other sites would ht prevented, di.strict officials said. The voter-authorized ,1.8 mllllon bonds would have initiated constructk>n of Vista View and one other site, but district of· ficials have decided lo ask for the ad- ditional f6.7 million to cover the district's building need.a for the next four years. State aid allocations, another source of lnrome £or Ocean View, depend largely on-the bonded capaclty of the district and will not be forthcoming unless the district Is bonded to.wllltln 5 percenfof lls ..,.,.. ed valuation. Passage of the new bond would bring tt wllltln Iba! range,.Di!trlcl PA RTY T Y PE ROBS RESTA URA NT Somebody wa1ked into the walk-In retrlgerator at Blagglos Italian RestaU· rant ln Huntlngton Beach Monday and walked out with enough items to throw a weeklong party. Items taken: 98 bottle1 of beer -no return, 41 bottles of coke -returnable, 24 botUes of 7-Up, a 40-pound bo1 of cheese, four loaves of french bread aod one can of soup. lleai Kills· Jungle Cats ·Anaheim Wi.Ul Animal Breeder Loses A'll on Desert ' ~ ' • • . . . • • ' I . ' By ARTHUR 11. VINSEL Of .. o.ttr ~ ltd ... ~llstering heal took ita agonliin& toll today as a wild anlmal breeder catTYing 55 uotlc cats and his lut Jew dollar1 from Anaheim to Florida worked on his disabled truck by hand In !ht California dew!. Todd Leuthold Is !oelng cats, money, Ume and hope. · "I don't aee how tt can ret any worse," said his wife Dorothy, contacted at their ' ~~· t ~ ' . ' ' c!o.ed-down llou!e of ~ .'ISi! · ' t =Jou, liesl4o1 the animal&' own auf. Gulf\ SL, in ~ tmllory llW I . . .. ' . . . Anabelm. • •• , • • , The Lelllbolda ore IJ1l\llll on!y It U.S. 'M · • -·tho!· dl • .......;..._, 8.....,1 • firms which breed Jungle cats ln captivity rs. ~ ' • ·~-,. 8·~· • and had planned their ~e to 58.id several amona .. w~ ol ctll Broobvllle1 Fla.; since' la.st NOYtl'Ubet, caged on lhe IHI lnlclL<llaft di«< In lbe btforocounty aulhorille1 lhut U.... down 117 degree beaL alter l!Olldal to lier b111-earlier !his year. . band lo El Ceolro MoadllJ llilbl. , Mn, Leulbold said lhtlr cat ltomffnl "We loll 1 .. female~~ andllreedlnc bus-w•fO<cetl toC!ole lhree kittens each 17 a < falltfi'. on !bl ba•la that ~ bulld101 ltod)·nt llec; said lhe angulabed '"""*"> a , ' •(he' CATl1AJlll', Pifl·I ' , .. j l' • l.. ., ' SUpertnlemlent Clarence Hall explained. • Sch!>of bo$'d Prtsldfttl Ralpb· ·Bauer, however cauUooed dlstrlcl ,official& !bat they · "mia:ht u well not try to pasa th1I unleu 1heY. do it in a.raUmal, co~ way." , He asked admlnbtraton to .produce a ma$U:f plan before the election which would allow lhe tupayer '"enctly what be 11 lettln& for b1a money." loleamrblle, Hall uid, be WOl1ld ln- vestlple'lbe poul1iillty GI aeUlng the II.I million authorized bonds. "We have not given up on the bor>e;ll •P- proved by !be vojera In 8)>11~ of the facl · that we bad no bidden," he said. "We ore atill. explprlng a coup~ GI real live posslblliUes." Murder for Hire . .. . . ~ Plot Suspe£t · H~~g ~~day A a!Ockr ,Garden .• Gnll«' bairdresaer,· trapped Friday )>y: lhtnllJW!on ; Buch; detecUves-who allege he w11 batcld.ng .a plan lor the dealh•d. h\I &irl.lrieod;wu. acbeduled for airalpnent·loday In Well Orange County Munlcip,J.Court. . , Police lhls morning "1d Richard Qavls Rted, 28, oC 12511 -Keel ·Ave., Garden Grove, would be charged ~Ith attempting: to hire another man to commit murder and burglary. Reed waa allegedly cauabt In a trap carefully laid Jut week by HunUncton Beach deteclives who had been tipped off that he was aeekin& ,. man to kill hil glrUrlend, Kathleen b\icketl. The man Reed allegedly tboul!ht he 1'U blrlng fqir lht job blrned out lo be an undercov,er. detecUve, and U,, ac;ene of lbelr dlscusalon, Fotmtaln Va!ley Hlcl! School alhleUc ·fteld, waa .IUITOWlded by more detectives. • 1 . ' V:alley:·,Center:·l\ul~ . ' ~ ' ... . . M ; . ·.· n • .. .;.:Re~rii;.;...,_.:i ' ' ay. ~ ... ,..,..·r"" • l 1 • • •. P'aru a11t1 llecr!lit1oo· CGmmlas!-. wlil ceMider dJanles In lbe nilM•1•...,,. !nl the Fountain Vall<y community Center al their I p.m. meelln(, Wed- ntlday. ' Other agenda lleml ll !ht com- mlsalon'r monlb!J ril<ethti' Include a nvlow oiplana !or i... -Pm anil · a rrvtew GI !ht cli)<'l.atrll\ -lcaUon ' ,,...,..,,,, ' ·. ,., diale" In dlsctwlog !ht January report. "That would be milch too 1tr.on1 a word," he said. "We are proceeding on a different set of assumptions." , Theae aaaumptjQM, he explalned,. '"'" elude the conUnuectneedl of the "defenoe establishment" and many domeatlc pro- gram< long planned but not funded. '"Ibe. amount iD whlCh we have de- pleted resources to maintain the e!tort In Vietnam 1eems to be much more 1~ porlant than people bad anUcipated," he said. One newsman reminded him that be had ooce said urban probloms r<qulre a ma.a Wuslon of money. "Are you now saying you are not going to get tt?" be was asked. "I don1 know that J have said that," he replied. "Urban problems require a lot of Utlngs. Throwing money at lbem Is sort of a almple-mlnded soh.tilon. I tbi:nt we are going lo gel • Jot. We are gettlnl a lot now, and we will get a lot more. Moynihan denied !bat !ht oew projec> !loo would adverte!Y affect lib long- term plans for coping wllh urban crlseL "On. th:e contrary, we see a country Iba! Is slroni and proBperlng and g9lng to become alrotiger ·and more C':':; ous ·bUt we also· see a country t ~ a iOt of probl•ms today because 10; 15 years ago lhJj effort ·lo aD!ldplle change and mile declsloos aboot priol'· ities did not occur." By fiscal 1175: nallonal priorities ml needs w:il1 easily tat up the ao-called post.Vietnam peace dividend, be &aid. The key lo this undramailc abs«pti.on ii growth. "We have a budgetary system with buiU·ln growth factors which are very strong, partly becauae of lhe for- mula of exi.!ting le.gislation, and pariJy because of natural growth iD our tvm11o latioo.,. r ¥r - Ht cited as an enmple the Press. dent's revenue-~ proposal for stall and federal gov'ernmenta. It Win . bt fWlded at a pl'QPOl'ilon of one percent of (See MOYNIHAN, ~age I) ' ! ' • • . ]\ig ·Billboards 1· • • • Doomed in Bellch By January, 1970 Blllbwds, those big, rectangular 11gna that adv~ split pea soup, or whatever, am bloct out highway scen- ery, are doomed 1D HunUngton Beach, city officials hope. Two clly ordinances call for the elimlnatlon of billboards and var~ other signs by Jan. 1; J970. Rlgbt now Dan McFarlan<!, cltlef land use techrllciao for. the city, is attemptln1 to locate the proputy owners or blllboard ...,.,.. affected ih Iner lo notify lbem In time. Five Y'81'1 ,go a city ordinaance was pwOd which gave the blllboards five years or llfe befort they bid to come down. On Aug. 6 a second city ordinance became etltcilve backina up the first. "The .intention of both ordinances," says McFarland, "is to clean up 8.lgn cluller In Huntington Buch." "Now wt just hope we don't have any trouble lo actuaIJy tatin& them down " be adds. ' The only thing the clly can do la pro. perly notify those ret)>Ol181ble for the billboards, and if they aren't removed requeal a complalnt•lbrougb the city at.'. torney and ta-e legal action. One type GI bill!>oard Iba! will atay - temporarily -Is Ute buie dlrectlon sign ute<f to·guJdt motorists to hoines for sale. . Bu\·tven those. muat .come down c:ace !ht lut houte .In a lracl b sold. ' Oru1e Weatller Another typical day aloog the Orange Cout la In the Glflng for W~1, with fair weather and temperatures ranging from 72 aloog !ht •bore lo " In the land· lock~ areaa. INSmE TODAY The .,un.nmo Mrofnc" of the Coita MtN Cttnc Pla~hou.at 1hart1 tht 1paUight with the -;ear•,. top performtr1 ae tht lhtotlr't · onnual o!Dardl ctr•· \'&Q1llt1. Set Enttrtalt1mmt. POQt IS. ' ' =· CllUI.:. ...... ·---..... ,.,. ... 111 .... ,_ -~..-. - .. • •u " " " • .. 1t.ll .. • " 11 ,. I , \ --- >;:;t IWLY PILOT H T-, A-,t & le ,Mopup :Sl1ows Camille Floods Bad AE!·Storm • 1iUL1l'ORT, ldlss. CUPO -Aa rtaa1• iloe4. wllh 1111 =~· llld d 'P ~ -I.cot .... ,_.... -·.,t mllla ~ lodaY. UMn...,. ..._.._tioal . II _. U. flJU Humane Camille'• rains m1y have bttn tlie .. ~ II b!llle,. -· .. d<adl;f u ill lilknlle-an-bour winds ,... tho Gull c.oi. and lf).foot lidea. """' -... alaol ... Cldll Coul The Gulf Coas~ where the hurricane returned to their shattered bomea Mon- aLrUck ln full force, has counted a deat.b day to salvqe what they could of-their toll of 139 known dead in Mis~ssippl and belOllilnP. --t.outstana, with an undetermined number George Ha1Ungs of the office of of penons mWing. emergeocy ~ne$S, beadin& federal In Vlrtfnia. where Camille left the aJd operations, uld It would be four or mainJand u a aquall which dumped up five weeks )>efore residenta could reAme ·to 10 inches ol roin, tho toll from "normal" Uvtnc -but be aold it would • devast.Ung flooding in mountain towns take another two years to lfl back to ·: aJang the Ames River reacbtd 80 known •<where wt were before the 3\orm." Gil)' t11t llUbbW or OQCO>l.\11 Plot i,. .... ~Jilt ......... 'i.11!'1.., -·~·IJ\i-.... ln-... 111111 ol Ille dt'IMlaillm .,.. -.... Busy crews of soldiers, prisoners, Seabfles, and National Guardsmtn and reservists guide a fleet of macblnea through the streets collecting debris aJ1Cl $0llletimes bodies from the thick woodl around the towns. More bodies were found Monday, llld Billy Joe Cross, state game and fish director, who is in charge of. the central moriue. Cross aaid there were 120 * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :New Hurricane :Moving Up ··-Atlantic Coast . M!Mll (UPI) -Troplal stmn Evt · moved northeastward tllrough the AUan- Uc MO mllea olf the United States coast • today and weathenneo predicted the blow would ,..ch hurricane intensity by ·wednesday. . The National Hurricane Cente sald the 1torm was disorganized but "it.I s.IO'lf . movement over wann waters and Us cen- tral pressure of 29.31 inches are suffidtnt reasons to forecast that Eve sh<llld be a minimal hurricane by Wednesday. Ali in- terests along the middle Atlantic coast eastward to Bermuda should be alerted for ruture advices ... Eve'• top winds were 60 miles an hoor. The center said if lhe storm stalls or makes a tum northward, tb8 threat to lhe C&rolinas would be increued. · The stomi was centered at noon EDT near latitude IO.I north, Joogitude 73.5 west, er MO miles south IOUtbeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C. lt was moving northeastward at five miles an hour. Eve, the season'a fifth tropical storm, '"formed from a tropical deprwinn that ,5e111 heavy swells on the beaches of the northern Bahamas Monday. Mental Hospital Issue on Agenda In Westminster ' A conUnalng battle belw,.n protostlng bmneownen and the Westminster City Cauncil over a controversial inental hospital threatens to erupt again II lonlgjil"i --' The council is expected to "'acb a decision during the 7:30 p.m. &el&ioD on whether or not to reopen a hearing for . ·lhe 112-bed facility proposed on a 1ite at IE4 Bolsa Ave. !C Should the council decide not to "'""l"n : · the matter and to grant a building t: permit, aeveral homeowners aa.y they will ~. take the matter to ooort. !: Sal Guzzetta. a Westminster Insurance :-= &gent and president of the Westminster- ;.· Garden Grove Homeowneni As9oclation :: ,,,.hose membert object to the hospital's : • ...struction, is not optimistic. :: ·"Our attorney bu met with city at. :. J .ney and the city administrator to re- :. 1uest a re-opel'llng of the hearing. We • · .ave uncovered new evidence. But ap. ! parently the dty attorney doesn't agree," .. he said. •. Al lbe Aug. 12 city ocuncll ..,.Ion, : councilmen agreed to look into a possible :: Te-<>pening the bearing if sullident :-evidence warranted such a move. ;· About 100 ~ marehers laid :_: siege to city hall, vigorously protesting ... the council's earlier declsion to allow the ; hMpital. . . : The dissident bomeownen: on various j: nccutona have alleged that the ~it.ii • would lower tbelt property values and be : detrimental to the paUents as well· as· W : neighboring resident.. They have also questioned t b e i hopsilal's need, since they assert ·that other nearby mental hospitals have been · numina under patient capacity for Kve.raf mont.h1. . . -. • • • . , DAILY PILOT ClAMGI COAST l'UILl:r.MING CQMPAK'f •ot.rt N. W•t4 Pm'-'! w.d ~lalllt Jtcko l. Cool.., V)(.t '"''°'"' ond <OtMrli ~ TllOllltt k11't'i1 ... w 11itlilt1 A. Murphl110 ,IMllQl119 E:dllor ... lb.ft w .••••• Aal«.11 .. f.4 1'- Hntl ..... IMcll Office JOt 5th Strttl t.11m111 A.4d.-.111 P.O. ••• no, ,2,•1 """' -. .......... 9"cttl tlll Wnl ...... hvltttrl (ft't Mot: JJ0 Wnl &.¥ '''"' t..1o1UN 8-"1 m ,.,.., .. _ E'ut on the Draw This Is Panama City, Florida's verson of the wild , wild wesl Chamber of commerce tY)l"S appointed Glenda Tyson (left) to main- tain law and friendliness m "Friendly Floridian" campaign. Sbe won job after spoof shoot out with Judy Mathews (fon>ground). You'll have to admit it's pretty wild. Legion Joins Criticism Of UCI Krisman Choice The 29lb Di!lrict of Iha American Legion, which Includes all of Oranie County, bu joined the growing !isl of op- ponmts to the appointment ·ol fmner SOS leader Mike Krisman as coordinator ol academic advising at UC Irvine. In an open letter to UCI Olanceiior Daniel G. Aldrich and the UC Boar<! of Regerita, Steven R. Borak, commander of the 29th dimict, urges the cancellaUon of the UCI appoinlmenl The American Legion joins a list which incluifei Rep. James B. Utt (R·TIL!lln!, State Supt.. of Public Instruction Max Rafferty, lbe Costa Meaa Chamber of From Page J CATS LOST. • • trical wiring conduits as requited for such a venture. "But we were never even inspected," she complained. ''We were not clMed because of the wild animals," she explained, adding that aspect Is more a hdbby. Noticeably bitter lfl telling of the tragic predicament, Mrs. Leuthold aald htr hus- band started the ~ ody ... y once after they obtalned and altered a truck to fit the job. "Yoo don't move 5$ animaJa just like lbal" !he lllld . "He had to rebuild a blown up f!ltine first and he got. to Beawnont, but the mechanic had put two rod caps in backwards and It blew up again." Delayed for addlUon1t repairs. the ark· like truck carrying a Siberian tlger, the expecta;nt mother leopards. 10 ocelots. to Indian leopard-cats, five American moun· tain lions and five bobcats, plus many domestic: cats rolled out at 5 a.m. Wt Salurdoy. Radiator trouble and finally a blown head gasket brought the t~ck pro- • cession to a halt 1n sweltering El Centro, where problems rapidly multiplied u the call were decimated by Mat "lie Wd It was 117 degreea ~fonday - so bot r.ou cou1dn ·1 wort oollide -but be couldn t even find a JMntJe In lhat town for the lantern 10 he could work on it at nJthl" abe explained. Usinr dim betdiighll rrom the aecond truck for lllumlnltion, Leuthold worked tbrnujh the night boors 11 the cat:;'" 11nguished in the lticky heat alb trtd at a mote.I. She uld her husbllnd left with MQO, but it took •too 1lone to flt the radiator and 1.. ipare fuel pump carrjed aloni turned out to be the wrong lype. "'htn the one he left with Called, Commerce, coonty Young Republlca111, the Laguna Hills Kiwanis Club and others. A mollon adopted by 26 pooll, represenUng 4,902 Legionnaires, includes the following : "We or the %9th District or 11>e American Legion, Department 0 r California, a.s Americans, Veterans and Taxpay~. in both Orange County and the State of Califomla, do hereby object to the appointment of one 'Mitt' Krisman, an S.D.S. Activist; as Assistant D!an of Students for the University cf California at Irvine and 'Demand.' the Board of Regents cancel h1s ap. polntmer1t." Krisman holds the Utle of assiJllnt dean ol. students as a payroll designaUon, a fact which ha.s somewhat distorted his actual job as coordinator of academic ad· vising, according to university (lfficiall. Chancellor Aldrich approved Krisman'• appointment "only after t h o u g h t f u l review of his ·perronnance as a student on the campus and comment.I of the faculty, staff Wlc'I students about the suitability of his qualificatior.s." The Legionnaires concluded I.heir open letter to the Board or Regents by sayin1 that if Krisman·s appomtment is con- finned "you may rest assured lhe wrath of the taxpayers will far outstrip any con- cessions made to dissident student organbalions without due con&ideraliona of the voter and taipayers." Bert Harding Funeral Slated Funeral ~rvices for Bert \V. Hanfina. Sr., resident of Huntington Beach for 41 yeans, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Smith"s ~1ortuary Chapel. Mr. Harding. an employe of Standard Oil Company for 50 years, died at a can- velsa-.nt home 1'1onday. He was 74. Survivors lnclude his wlfe. Tm1e, ct the'home, Mll Sterling Ave.: a aon, Bert Jr.; a daugllter Elioor Bldol. all of Hun· ~n ton Beach, nine grandchildren and t great·grandchildren. nterment will fallow at Weatmlnattr ~femorial Pa.rt. Beach Trustees J\>leet Trustees or lb• HunUn1ton llucb Union lii1h School District m,.t tonilht in a regular buslnm ~sslon scheduled ror 7,30 in district off!,., 1902 17th St., lluntlngtoo Beach. 141111""" 4'tl111 .fll ~ ~. Qwlll ................ loll mlPt rile. lie -llJt lint dv he caned for a mlM!DI --"be received a lbl ,,._ ho addlu-1 --· located Monday by a -ly dtpioytd tpeelai 1C<10t clac platoon of I& anlmals and 11 men '""" Fort Bennin(, Ga. Tbe dop from tho lt'llb Waa:i, Brtpde of the 3rd A111'1 lie 1Alllinl ~ ID ieardJ and~~-·-,. w the Acrl<ulture Depart.- ment the P'~ Home Admhilltralloa would maie av41labll throe percent laana ta fann famlllts In IS Vtl'Jinla CClllJllla In tho J._ llhtr baatn. The low lnttrut. emeriency lOUtS ~ be wed to restore fa.mu dam1ged by 'landolid" and Ooollin1. In Richmond Monday •llht, Si.le AgrictJlture CommWioner Maurtce B. R08e said pretimtnary eatlmatea: showed farm Jc>1ses ]n Virglanl's wont flood In more than a century woold llkt11 ourpw '8 mllUon. He sald danlqe to !lveatock, poach and apple Cn>pl would be "devutaUng."' . Virllnia Gav. Milla E. Oodwttt, hll 1uit apolltd with mud, flew CIVU 14>aale'I MUI, Va., in a M•rtne Corpa beUcoplet Monday and aold, ·u that tm't a l9lal di.laster, 1 hope I never see one." Only two buildings were left standing in the tiny hamlet. 11te: governor was asked wheth~r he shartd President Nixon's "very great concern" over the government's fallur1 to more accurately predict the destruc· lion capabilities of Camille, "I eertalnly ck>," Godwin said. "J thlnk a cowt(ry that ls smart enough to })lit a man on the moon should be able to do a better job of. prtJdlctlng what a hurricane can do." Nixon Aides at Barbecue Urban Affairs Group Sees Ir vine Projects An old-lubtoned Irvine Ranch btarbecuo Ind a wbJrlwlnd toor Of planned commumun of the futu~ waa staaed Mon4ay for Pmidenl Nixon's blil>level Urban Alfaln CoonclL Dur1nc the alAlal: broil in rustic ll<nn· mer Cal!.Yon. Irvine Faundalion Boord Chairman N. I.Oya! McLortn warned tile Ca-panel that -lax reform laws would ml lbO development Ibey were IMlnc'. McLaren'• mnarb were ·obviously directed to lellllaUon which would have great impact on the foundation which ad· mlnisten the company owning a filth ol all Orq e Cowlty land. 'llte flnn'a taxes have Increased five ti.mt• over the put ·few years, be ex- plained. Irvine Company President William R. Mam outlined planned industrial and reaidtntill com.muniUea before a bus tour of the prime new development following a helicopter aurvey. From Page J • MOYNIHAN. • • personal income In the country. ••tf per. sonal income goes up, the expenditures of the federal government 10 up," he said. "The world la a funny place," Moynj· han coccluded. "lt always fools you. and nothln&: you expect to hap~n does hap-- pen. But there are aome things you can look far: death and taxes and an in-- crease betwttn four and 4J percent in the GNP." Huntington Pl~ For Land Use To Be Presented A master plan which would change the enUre complalon of the downtown Hun- tinl\Oft Beach area will be presented lonilht durinl a joint m"llng or the city planninc commlsllon and the Urban Land Institute (ULJ) committee In the city's admlnlltratlve annex. Th • mee.Wll Jtartl a\ 7: 30. The plan COYe1'I the different types of land uses ranging from commercial developments to bJ1h rise buildings which are expected to spring up during the city's urban renewal project. Ted Adsit, an independent consultant lllred by lhe city, cautioned that im· plernentation of the plan hinges on the expansion of the present parking authori· ty in the City. He indicated that the renewal project would be doomed to failure U insufficient parking were to be provided. The proposed parking authority et· tension would crtate an addition•! 2,000 .spam on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. YOUR Muon noted that the giant firm bu 1,500 homes oow under construction this year, and plans to have 2,500 more under way next year. "We have encouraged viable O'.lm- munlty action," he said, adding, "housing developments have c r e e n b e I ts • playground!, parks, schools a n d churches. "Industrial compleses have la.ndJCape planUngs and sign controls," Muon coD- linued. The President's advisory panel' was told that in every Irvine Company residential development, the tracts have been placed with their backs to arterial highways, After landing by chopper for a barbecue luncheon in Bommer Canyon, the group toured Bonita Canyon, UC Jrvine, grazing land for prime hereford catlle, plus Turtle Rock, EastbluU and The Bluffs residential commw:Lities. In each case, Irvine Company ei.· ecuUves suggested comparing the plan- ned suburban development to haphuard urban sprawls which can be seen elsewhere. Mason noted the company h a s developed several shopping centers and has two more on the drawing board!, plWI a private country club and two office buildings. "In this scatterizatian of suburbs. the Irvine Company plans to encompass the needs of communities," Mason explained. Several Cabinet members who were lo have taken the tour remained behind after a lunche<1n hosted by the California Republican Central Committee at the Newporter Inn . Talks were expected there on :setting up a slate advisol)' panel on environmental control and conservation. similar to one appointed by President Nixon. The GOP group voled to organize such an advisory comittee at a meeting iq Sau Francisco over lhe weekend. Marine Reinforcements Raked by Red Gunners SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Marines today turned their cooks and clerks into rinemeo and pushed toward the Que Son Valley to reinforce American in- fantrymen fighting one d the year's big· ,est baWes. But Communist gunners hldden In tamouflaged spider holes raked the ~farine ranks. foreing the leathernecks to pull their dead and wounded back into the jungles. OUicial U.S. spokesmen listed Marine casualUes in several batUes with well-en-- tN:nched North Vielname!e troops Mon· day and today at 16 dead and 61 wounded. But battlefield reports indicate that as many as 38 had been killed and 75 wound-- ed In the past 24 hours. The eight-day fight, often at close quRrters, had cost North Vietnam's 2nd Anny Division an estimated 800 dead, in· cluding 250 killed or found in graves on the heavily jungter floor of the vaJiey on f\.1onday. Total U.S. losses were reported as at least 50 killed and 300 wounc'led. The American infantrymen a n d ~larine:s also were fighting temperatures J ordan Defense Chief Hands in Resignation AMMAN (UPI} -King HUS5ein today aceept.ed the resignaUcm or Defense 1'finiste.r Maj. Gen. Amer Khammash and apPointed Ahmed Toukan, a civWan, in his place. A royal decree broadcast by Amman radio, announced the move but gave no rtason for it. whi<'b soared to as high as 12tl degrees in the IO.mile-long valley, 340 miles northwest of Saigon. Reports from the front stlid lhat 110 Marine reinforcements, including alx>ut 50 cooks, clf'fks and others who oonnally fill support roles, jolned two other Marine companies trying to link up with four U.S-i Army companies' locked in· heavy comoat With the North Vietnameiie. By nighUall today, however, the three Marine companies were still more than a mile from their linkup point with the Army's America! Division in the valley, 18 miles west of Tam Ky. "I've been out here a weelt and t haven't seen Charlie yet," :said one wotm· ded infantryman. "That's how good their camouflage is -we don't see them until we walk right into their position." Valley's Crime Rate Up 20% The crime rate in Fountain Valley ha., increased 20 percent during the first l!liJ: months of 1969. compared to lhe same period In 1968, according to officiaJ reports released thls v.·eek. Arrests have jumped 32 percent on the :same time etimpari:son. Chief of Police Charles W. Michaelis :said the figures showed no specia l increase in any particular type of crime. "It ju:st genarally kept pace wit.h the populaUon increase," he said. Fe.., violent crlme5 :such as armed rob- beri.es or aggravated assaults have been reported in the city. Your Omega Salta & Service Agency -----_ .. , 0 OMEGA n.. ..rv •••• o"'.,.. s, • ..i1111tlf•r w•tcli ..... t.•try w11 ••ltc.114 wlHt. •wl •ft'f' 111ttllflc•tlo11 '-"' NASA It •• w••11 hy twr int 11 011 th• "''•"· Thit f•Ctf11itlt11, trwly • rt• .... ,,4 f,, ... ,.11 ...... WATCH~ 11 ... ci...M • c...,...•011ti1 FREE "''~'' 111 ''•ull ft •• vow• •u6loi1ri1•.i 0111•t• ,._1,,. c ••• 111 -••• +lti1 "'•11410111•, 2 •vtt.11, .. 41.1. o"'''' ''''""'••· .. , chro1109re,h. Tht ••ly Wlin1 'tn Walt •.u1-PIAILS $2.00 ,,_ s4aa 11.JTIUN• ,.._ llNIS $3.00 SIDD,~ DIAMONDS $6.00· llPU.CID, ff.- ~ ..... INllAYtNI DONI -tqlllr: HulltlltfJton Center 9-h at Edinger WHILI YOU WAlf HUNllN~TON IEA CH II 892-5501 wtkh w••• .,, the 111•11 •• ~. ll'lff• ,,1, ...... ntMI AY4fl.Al\I and back Harbor Sltoppinq Cent~r 2300 Harbor llvd. ' COSTA MESA 545.9495 • I· I I I I I • l Bea eh vot:. 62, NO. 204, l SECTIONS, 34 PAGES Nixon Awaits Word Tricia Suffers Abdominal Pains By JOHN VALTERZA Of tfle O.lfr Piiie lltft President and Mrs. Richard Nixon are 3waiUng word Jn San Clemente today on the condition of their eldest daughter, Tricia, who may be suffering from a~ pendicitis at Walter Reed Medical Center in the nation 's capital. Presldmtial ajdea announced the lllnesa of the President's 23-year~ld daughter today. . They said abe began complalning of t... creasingly severe abdominal pains Mon- day. a day after her arrival in Washington from the western White House in San Clemente. At a press. briefing shortly after noon today, presidential press secretary Ron Ziegler said that the latest word from Washington indicated, "Miss Nixon's con- J dltion is not a serious matter." OAILT PILOT lteff ...... ADlt\ITTED TD HOSplTAL · · Tr1ci• N;xon ' . Down the Mission· Trail Capo Students Registration Set CAPISTRANO -Registration ls belng held this week for new students entering the Capistrano Uoified School District this fall. New Btu.dents at San Clemente High School may register daily starting Thurs- day between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the school. Junior high students can register at Forster Junior High on Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to l p.m. Returning students will receive malled Instructions this week on the first week of 1ehool. Classea will start on Sept. a. :e Ballet Offered LAKE FOREST -The beach and ten- nis club will be offering ballet lessons !or children between the qe1 of five and 10 1iartlng Sept. Z3. . Mrs. Bonnie Otta will Instruct each Tuesday after school for an hour. She has been a director of the Pacific Ballet Company and waa the principal dancer with the Morelli Ballet Company. Interested parent,., may sign up at the club. There is a limit of 10 children per class. e Aquatic Fun Slafeil MISSION VIEJO -Swimmers . and diVers will show oft their skilla during the Recreallon.Center'1 Water Carnival Fri· c:lay. Press Secretary Mrs. Gerry Var. Der Heuvel said Mm Nixon complained to no one about the pain on Monday except a White House maid. She felt. worse today anti phoned the senior White House physician, Dr. Walt"' Tkach, in San Clemente. He, in tum, notified bis assistant in Washington,· Dr. Stanley Bear, who ex .. a.mined ~ia 'and , prescribed a mild · sedative. H" reported ahe bad no lever er mere... In pulse. ShortlJ. 'IJ!<rwards •Tricia wu admiUed to the medical center'• Ward I -the pr..tdenllal IUite -for oboervation and f.estll. Mrs. Van Der Heuvel said results of medJcal e:1amlnation1 would be known later today. She said the Nixons "were tlnd of surprised at news of Tricia's illness, because their daughter is normally a very healthy young lady."· The petite, blonde . Tricia had been visiting at the Western White'. House for 12 dayU>elore returning to Wasbingtoo Sunday. Capo Trusiees Pick Benedict Superintendent Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District agreed Monday to name Truman Benedict as the new District superintendent. The post was recently vacated by Charles F. Kenney, who left to head the larger Santa Ana school district. The board took no o[ficial action, but by unanimous agreement decided that Benedict would be officially appointed to a one year, $25,000 contract at the next regular board meeting, Sept. L- The board also agreed to appoint Stm A. Q\lcas aa assistant superintendent of personnel and Raymond E. Oliver aa assistant superintendent ol lnstrucUon. Benedict has been with the sprawling Capistrano District more than 20 years. It includes Lagwia Niguel, Dana Point, Capistr8.no Beach, San Juan Capistrano and part.! of Mluton V~jo as well u san Clemente. The new superini<ndeot, 46, first Lall8f\t elementacy school for two years, was a princlpal for five yean and was superintendent of the old San Clemente School District for nine years. · When the district unified five years ago, Benedict became a 11 i,1 tan t !ti~rlnlendent of instruction and person- ner: He holds bacllelor'1 · and master'• des-· from Whittier C011e1e. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 4" I • TUESDAY, AU6UST-. ·1969 ' • • • ' 1es 1n DAILY PILOT ...... n T-9'fftlM F'ire on Parli Avenue Laguna's annual brush fire season got started Monday afternoon when blaze consumed about an acre of tirid.er dry brush on Par.C Avenue below Donna. Drive. C~ !rpm cio/ fjre , d~p~rtment . ~ly extinguished the 1:15 p.m. fire. Aside some unpleasanthess resulting from sinoke1 re.;idents of nearby home~ were· not affecte:4-' .. ~ ' ,• . ' ' .< \ .~ i Voter.s Choose_ Key School Board. Member Voting wu under way today to elect an Orange County Board of ·E:ducation mem- ber, one who will determine the direction in which the county board will head in the future. . ' A 2 to 2 conservative-versus-moderate !pllt divillea the panel now. Each of Uie two active candidates for the fifth •seat to be filled today lines up on one side or the other. Dr. Doris M. Araujo supports the stands of the conservative incumbentl, whlle Richard L. Acton generally agrees with the moderates. A third candldat. on the ballot, Philip Ramseyer, of Anaheim. has announced his withdrawal from the race because he would have to quit bis Long Beach teaching job to serve on the board. Polls will be open until 8 p.m. at loca- tions throughout the Mission Viejo and El Torn areas and on up into Qrange, Villa Park and a section of Anaheim. The elec- tion is limited to the Fourth District trustee area, where 110,000 penons are eligible to vote. Dr. Araujo, '5, of Orange, 11 a specialist In Internal medicine. She ap- peared before the board In Mardi to testify. in oppositiCl'I to RI: education la 'public •chools. She dtlend! coonty •choob SupL Dr. Robert Pelenon's right to conduct an .opinion poll In barber Mope, and think! the Grand Jury mlosed the mark In crlUcWng the board when it coukl better have corru;neoted on drug abuse and campus unrest. Acton, 3Z, aho of Orange, ts an e:1· ecuUve advtaor recqmmended by the board member who vacated the seat, Lyle Gulpry, to succeed hlm • ..Acton aays Dr. Peterson !lioukl Consult wllb the board before embarking on po!llng and agrees with the Grand .Jiil')' thit recent board dlscussiona have been' a•waste of time and misdlrectloa of the , panel's energies. ''~"~f.-111" ·.~ ... <f°' 't'•r"'•lf ..... , ,, .. -~... . ·Moyitihah: Says Hope ~ue . For Viet War End Windfall By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1111: 0.llY Piiie ltlff Daniel P. Moynihan, tbe President's advbor on urban affairs, was positively Jyrical about it. · .. I think," he Aid, 1'that the peace dividends .have turned out to be ev,nea- ceni, like the morning clouds"arouhd Sau Clemente." Moynihan thua e:iplained Monday why the end or hosUlitles in Vletnam, when tt occtirs, ·will mean no Windfall of federal money ror domestic purposes. He told a presa conference at the Western White Hotl!e in San Clemente that the estimated $30 billion yearly now being spe~t in ytetnam will be swallowe«t up by proposed federal government pro- gram• and by those already In elf eel The naUon's growth, in both population and gross national product (G~P), will be such that by 1975, he said, funds now being pumped Jnto Vietnam "will look like small change." · The asse&mlellt came out of a three- hour session of the President's Urban Af.~ Cain Cowicil earlier in the day Monday. The council, headed by Moynlbaa, Jn. eludes six c~binel members. · Rosy visions of a huge post.Vietnam windfall had been encourag~ by the a.d- minislcaUon last January. The Presi. dent's economic advisors then projected the avaUabillly of $22.9 million in "ex- tra" federal funds within 18 'monthS of the war's end. Moynihan was asked whether the dispelling of tbese visions had "shocked" Nix.on. "It is not the purpose of Pre!ldents to ·be· shocked ·by reality," sniffed tbe one- . Ume Ivy .League professor. Moynihan .was emphatic about the new. Jes$. happy foreca,st . "l Will say that it is · clearly Uie conclusion of 'the analysis (by the • Urban Afialrs .Council') that' ale (ke MOYNlllAN, Pag• I) • ' · UPl'T......_ 'WINPF~L.L OUT •W.INDOW' • Prealdonttal• Advltor •MOynihan 3 Brush Fires ' Quelled Mo:o'.day Around County . Three Orange County brush fim -one .twcii\d.olfln LI\< speCtacf11'1 plunge of, a truck down a' gully oo-uj,, Misolon JIOJo Ranch -were extinguished by.lite crtws The aquatic event will feature S)Vlm- ming, diving and synchronized swimming demonstrations. There ls no admis!ioo charge for this public event which will begin al 7 p.m. Heat Kills .Jungle Cats MO!lday. ' I ' Driver John Munoz, of SanLa Ana, : escaped tnjW)' -when bla-vehicle ,rolled , down Into.a 81Jlch seven miles eaftol.San. Juan , Capi4trlll!O 1)<!ar' the· , Qrtega e C•po Rolfs l.eague . SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -City of. ficlals will bt hosts (or the meeting of the Orange County division of the League of CallfonUa CiUes Thursday .. Films taken by the ctt.W of Apollo II, which have Just been released by NASA, will be flown to Capistrano for the even. lng's program. Arra~ement.a and com- menLa17 will be provided by olficials from TRW System's Capistrano fadllly. The IOCial hour will begin a( l :IO p.m. with dinner al 7:30 p.m. in the El Adobe ResiaW"ant. Anaheim Wild Animal Breeder Loses All on Desert Higl\way~ ' , , , ~ · Flamee ..licking out ol the ,wrec;kid trucli .pread. ijlrougb nwtw· 11 ... , ad 87 ARTHUll IL VINSEL_ Of tllt °""' ,, ... '''" Bllslorinl beat tool! It& agonizing. toll today as a wikl anbnal breeder cal'T)'lng 55 e:1otle call and 1rl1 Jut few dollara from Anabehn to Florida worked oo hit' disabled truck by hand>in 1be Calil«nla desert. Todd Leuthold 15 lotlng cab, money, time and hope. "1 don't aee bow lt can &et any worse/' said hit wife Dorothy, conLacted at their 116,000 Joos, be!tdi;s.lbt anl~' --""· • b"'8h. )>lao;u11\•!t~•1l>on'I1 acre1.be- clooed.dowa !louse ol Mmtu, 7521!1 1er1ng.--···.·-.' · " ' , fOfal\J"&18IMIH"!'Pll~1ritl!JnQ!lj>ar. Gwn St., In county tenitory . < -rtft<'OOitlioidl .,. . ..n.lif.eni, 1+.uis. CaUA !II' two lidOl~.flmja ~\l>- Anabelm. ' '·nnbs~h!ChbrledJunii<clfa'lnt111tMty . ·llu\d ' ~ .. llfrilcp ,w nol Ileen Mrs. Leuthold, a v~<JQJuy 11'!'1'\lt, · ••nd ' !)ad ' pllinrjed , tl1t)t • tnove ·to1 ; ~L~ lpo"'IJllan fat tbe Stole aaJd sevt!r~l.aalllllgA!,IJllO ... rttr~w .-lkllol'svtili,.1Fta.1 .-JOli·N.Veinber, Di\'llkin,ol Forestr)' aaJd today. cqed,on the,1149 lnlclt haVe lliod til.ll\e'. • bOfol'• Cowi11 aulllorlllea oliul tlieza down Near~ 1"9 acreo o1 bruol>· I/Unit<! a 117 \le~ heal afior Lalklnl to her hus-\i ""lfler thia 'year. ,I j . mil., 110U\!I; ~ Sllverado ScboJ>l on s ... band in El Centro Monday nigbl • • Mn. Leuthold aald thei• cat· boarding Uago Canyon Road. , "We loot two remaJe leopardo carT)ling r.' '...S breeding bllsinw d lorced to close Neart,·oae acre ol grua and a 1or11• three kltt.ns each by a black !ether,"· -b<!is tho( the bulljli\ig had,no OW.. were,""1med In • fire oa San1a Ana aaJd 1bt aagulabed woman, -.ung a ~ Tn (!lit '"'11 LOS'ft'P•'Sl ' Cillj'oo.JIOad,at EucalyptUa Drlye. • . I . ) ' " T ... y'• 11Nl . N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS or Desperate Rescue Tries Fail Laguna Beach artist Jam .. A. COiletta, 44, drowned In heavy, chilly Laguna Beach surf Monday afternoon. Colletta, an e:lhlbitor of the Laguna Festival of. Arts, drowned in fivHD-tU· foot 'b~akera at ·the Laguna Avtm1• beach cl<splt. effort& by otber swimmers, lifeguards and a physician. to save him. Swtmmera lo the water laid ·Colletta llhouted for uaistanc:e became be · wu feeling faint. · Four swimmen tried to reach him. lifeguards said, but be went under before Ibey arrived. Lifeguard Earl Welisf17 found Colletta underwater about 1;) minutes later and brwght him Into shore. Wellslry, fellow guarda and a passing pbyslclan, Dr. Raymond Beach, tried to revl\le Colletta until an ambulance ar~ rived. Further resuscitation In the ambu:lance and adrenalin tnjeeUons at the hospital failed to revive the painter. Colletta was pronounced dead on ar- rival at Sooth Coast Community Hospital at 3:15 p.m. A speclalist In waternolor landscapes. Collet\I lived 1109' at 1133 Broadway. His mother, brother aod sister are living in Ne.w Jersey. ServlceS are pendlrig al Sheller La- . ...,. Beach Mor11la17, :·1 *J * '* ' . 'Wati?r; Unkind To Swimmers ·On South Coast . . Heavy surf, cold water and strong rip. ti~ .. Moodoy plagued !Wimmen ilonc llOU.th Orange Coast beacbel, u Laguna llea<h and San. Clemea!e lileguarda pulj,. ed 14 ... 1mm ... to safety. Laguna BeaCh • ufeguardl reported one ol the bu&im Moadayg In memory, u "'ey .rescued 39 llWimmen la the chilly five to six-!ool 1urf. Ont man, 44-year-old James A. Collet. ta. died -~off Maia Beacb. A dozen ·other swimmers were autated to •ho" l!y Laguna ·llfeguard1 at er ... cent Bay in a mass reacue.. u mlmmfn fought a strong ripµde. . San Clemente lifeguards, w h o nian All!o. nu.. Areh Bay and Monarch Ba7 beac~ pulled '25 swimmers to safety In aiJ: lo .elght~ool surf. "We bad IOIM ol tbe biggest rljitldes of the ye:ar," a apoiesman for the S. Clemente guants ,.1<1. Normally, there are about fJve rescueil on a weekday along San Clemente 1 IDll Laguna beaches, Tbe heavy 1mi coo- Unued today. · Steele lll•rlceU NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe llock market clooed wilb a 111111 Jou today u tt turned In ILa aocood llralghl Io •J.a I session. (~ q-tlon!, Pages lo.II). , Tb« Dow Jones lndu:strial average at J p.m. wu off"t.37 at m.07. Trading over the day was fairly slow. Weadaer Another ·typical day along tht Oronge Coast ii In tbe offing for WeclnOoday, with fair wulber and t.ml'!'ratum ranging from 'II alool the lhore to 14 In tbe laod- lockfld areas. ' INSWE TODAY TM HU"'1tftg Mroint" o/ t1lc Coate Mesa Civit' Ptayhoulc 1MrH th< ipoUIQhl IDlth th< ~-·· top f!<'f""""' ot the ~ttr'• annual moordt cne· "'°'"''· See EnUrtainmn~ ··f'l>Qt Ill.. =.:-... ~ =· ... ;: C......,1 ,1141 ,......, ..... W c.• 11 or.. °""" 11 c,.....,.,.. " ., .... ....,., 11 ... ...... u 9'dlll ... U.14 ...... =--. ..... , .. ,, ...... ,._ II "'°' ..... , .. ,I ,llleMI , .. " ~ 1 .........,. ,,~ ,. Mii~ 1J ...... # ~ 11 • ............ .. > > f :% . -- Ll DAILY PrLOT L !'*i' ... -.1 ... • Sleepy 1Uollow F~neing Ou~ tJn~nviied ~ ~ . - ·n~~. . ., .. '-. ... .. ' " . . ' CIAILY ,ILOT PMtt, ., Ttllt eemw. By JA~ CllAPPEt.L 0t ...... ~Jltt Slttf I I u~..._i-.-.,....= =.~::..r~ ":!.ct:. Analllle leoqe -.._ 1proutad along the liadtil tllil ~r Laguna Btach area. Anchored lft • COncrete, the corral of • ..-.rel.ii piili!' JqtM<J bf a :chain enclreles the private tH!aoh or the Wemer El\ren· · preJs property at 607 and; 611 Sleepy Hollow Lane. Nearby is a pa!m frond fence erected earller\~Y the motet-hotel complex Vaca· Uon Vluqe. The fences, owners aay, are to. keep un. ~slrable1 from doing widesJrable things to the private beach. . But, obaervea one long-Ume Lsgunan, the fences also keep out long tlme Lagunans. Ll1TLE QUESTION There seems to be little question about the legality of the fences. The plots are private property. Owners may put up fe~s as long u they get a permit from CltY Hill. Ehrenprel.a got hls permit after con- struction wai started, but so far, Vaca. tion Village's fence ls without a City Hall permll However, many non-beach front owner~ feel that they are loaing aometh.ing each time a beach ls fenced. And the sltuaUon may get worse aa more mulU·un it development replaces the residential pro- perty alonc the beach, they say. in the light of 1 proposed Commerclat- lfotel zone whlc~ woul4 · ,1tretch from LquU A•-lo Ciiio llnll, II II oillJ Mt1!n1 to -tllat the owners oJ large bot.els aJong the -beachfront "'ould ~1 to reserve thelt property for the exclusive use of their customers. That leaves nan<ll!tomers to pack the five block long pu'bUc Main Beach. NO ACTION VET So far, the city has not gotten into the issue of beach fencing. But, in a round- a.bout way. it may in the future, said City Manager James D. Wheat.on. He pointed out that beach front owners have titles which grant them. ownership from a fixed point along the streeta to lhe line of the mean ldgh Ude. "l'b!l( Ude tine fluctuates. Jn figuring the number of allowable units whlch may be built. on a particular property., the amount of square footage is used as the determinln~ factor. Where the 5<1uare footage fluctuates because of the tides, a lot may be feasi· ble for building one day and impracUcal the next, Wheaton said . "I don't know that the city can say, 'that's where it (the beach side proper1y linel is period,'" Wheaton n.ld. •·we either have to have a signed agreement accepting a place or an ad· judication by a court," he said . ''We haven't faced this situation yet, but the day may come," Wheaton said. "The beaches belong to the town and to the,~llizeni of tile !own and tbey must be -ad and tfthlnced, They are dtOnitelY 1 part of the town Im•••·" 11ld James biUey, businessman and active civic plahner. ,. Dilley said the problem of maintaining public access has been discussed by the citliens advisory committee, a gr~up set up by the City Council to work with the city in fonnulating a master plan. "It is a tragedy that there have been so many encroachments on the s!1ores. Jt is one of the appalling desecrations of our time," Dilley said. Another view came from Wen Haneline, owner of Vacation Village : NO RIGHT "The beach boys descended upon . us. The kids were telling us we have no right on our own beach." Haneline said. "Even if they behave them8elves, they congregate on your property so that your own guests can't use ytiur property. 1( you doo't have some means o f desJgnaUng your property, you can't ex- ercise cont;ol over it," he said. Fences may only be the symptom o~ a larger problem .said Clyde Springe, city building director. "Fences are going up because of people problfim.s between the property own~r and ihe beach user. 1'here is the need 1n the minds of the property owners for reserving their rights," he sai~. ANOTHER FENCE GOES UP ON THE BEACH AT LAGUNA'S S~IEPY HOLLOW ~·~ ;, ___ S:;ym:.;;.;pt~o.;.m.;.•_of;__L•.;.'..:9:...•-•_'_P_"'1'..:....l•_P_ro_b_l_•_m_•_' _R_1 .. _w_h_ll_1_B_•_•_c_haoe;:;.__r_•_•_n_d_P_r_ope""--''.:..Y_o_w_n•_•_•_G_ru_m_bl_• __ _ The proepett for future fencing along the white Ll.auna sands ls real, especially Meanwhile, Lagunans and visitors to the city are faced · with a Winking 5boreline they can use. Springe noted that the Main Beach, purchased last year by the city t'or $3 m.illloo, just cannot accommodate all the beachgoers. ·.• - Guards A111iahle Won't Make Waves Over Salliries San Clemente's IHeguards IOOay agmd to make no waves in their pay ~d work· Ing hours dispute with the city pending the outcome of renewed negoUaUons that . ;~ will once again place the iasue before the . 'City Council. . Bolh 1ldea agreed to delay until Sepl 2 .:,,._the day after Labor Day -the hearing ·;.:Scheduled for today before Superior Court : .:• lludge Robert Corfman. .}.';' That acUon reSlilted from the apparent ::. C:tetenninaUon of both aides to reach an • •, 'Ouf..<i-court seUlemenL , ·"';"1 San Clemente City Attorney Carl ····Kegley said IOOay !or the city tha1 a . meeting Monday between himself and Olell<r Brla<oe, the lifeguards' lawyer, · ~ . '"produced · a much mQR amiable at.- • · mosphere. <· "We ogreed that I would seek the con· tinuance today with a view to OU. matter gmng before City c.ounci1 on Sept. 3," Kegley said. "'Ille lifeguards will meet . September t, by which Ume we may find :• ·tha! we have a aettlement on our hands.'' =-San Clemente City Manager Kenneth ~ Carr'i only comment today was: "I can ~ only aay that we have ttached a little better understanding of our mutual pro- blems." Superior court action was sought by the city aft.er the 3Z angry lileguards threatenad to walk oil their jobs li pay increales and reduced working hours were not authorized -an action that would bave lelt 18.6 mllee ol soulh county shoreline without bather protection. Lifeguards asked the city to bring pay scales up to the levels allegedly enjoyed by lifeguards in all other areas from Los Angeles to Sen Diego. Pay increases demanded by the group ranged from nine percent to 29 percent. Also 10Ught wer~ supplementary pay hikes for seasonal lieutenants. the cap. tain and the chief and a five-day work week for all San Clemente lifeguards. It was argued by the city that the lifeguards had haq every opportunity dur· ing the three preceding months to arrive at a seUlement. It was pointed out that a11 lifeguards received merit ra1sea of five percent fn the 1969-70 budget. " c. •• '. From Page l f . ·" • f : • CATS LOST ••• • : tr1cal wlrlns conduit& aa required for , . IUch a venture. i · "But we were never even Inspected," i : 8he complained. : . "We were not cloeed because of the • · wUd animals," .she explained, adding that upect ii more a bobby. ·· Noticeably bitter in tellin1 of the tragic predicament, Mn. Leuthold said her bus· · • band started the croeM:OUntry ody11Cy once after they obtained and altered a lnlek to lit the job. "You don't .move 55 animals Just· like that," she said. "'He had to rebuild a blown up e!l&ine : : lirlt and )le got to Beaumon~ bUI the mechanic had put two rod capa. in backwards and ll blew up again ... Delayed for additional repairs, the ark· . like truck carrying a Siberian Uget, th• · • expectant mother leopards, 10. ocelot.a, 19 Indian leopard~ats, five American moun· tain llona and five bobeatl, plus mi.nY : .. domestic cata rolled out at S a.m. last ···;.Saturday. · : Radiator trouble and finally a blown . .. • .. • •• .. .. . ' .. j : • .- i ! 1- F !~ ·~ ... head psket brought the two.truck pro- cession to a halt in sweltering Et Centro, l.ifdlY l'llUI ~ '°"" f"IALllHlflle ~ leMrt N. "'-" ................. J.d .. o.rr., ........... °""*• ...... ,... ........ -n...tA.M•,,t.t• ~ ....... lie.tie .... '· H1Q ...... _ '" ----222 ,.,.. .... ... M•m., AiWr.-PA ....... 11111 ' --0.U..••wntanl'ftlt ~'::..~ ... =-.::.-- whm P1'oblem1 rapidly multlpUed 11 the cata were decimated by heat 'jHe aald it WU U7 deat"et• Monday - so hot you couldn't wort ouJalde -but he couldn't even find a mantle In that town for the lantern so he could wort on it at night," abe explalnad. Ullfn.I!" dim headlight& from the 1«ond truclc for Illumination, Leuthold worked thrwgli tbe night hours as the caged cits languished In the sticky heat beneath lrtg al • motel. ~ llld her huoband left with '400, but It l!lOI< 1100 alone to fix the r1dlator and a spare fuel pump carried along turned out to be the wrong type, when the one he left with falled. EJ:cepl for the aeemlngty fuUle job of repairing the engine and moving on to cooler cllmates to save the stricken call!, thinp are as bad at home, Mrs. ~ut.boid llld IOOay. She said she Is destitute, the rent is due, utility &ervlce is about to be shut off and the couple has had no income from their busineu since closure in late June. "There must. be somebody -aome arency or financial organization -who can help us out, when the autborlUes oan jullt come in and close your business," she said miserably. · Mrs. Leuthold said she contact~ coun- ty welfare authorities but they told her nothing could be done until perhaps her 'husband was gone three months and declared a deserter. This, she said, is absurd . Their original plan was to accomplish the transfer to Florida. where Mrs. Leuthold plans to attend Miami Vn.iversi· ty to become a veterinarian and even· lu.iiy open their own zoo. Today, cats -and a dream -seemed to be dyin& aloog&lde t1.s. Highway 80 in El cenlro. Capo Man Guilty Of Drug Cl1arge A Caplatra.no Btach man arrested •nd booked by Laguna Beach police on auto then and drugs charges pleaded SU!ltY /\fonday to possession of marijuana. SUperior Court Judge Howard Cameron dismls8ied the car theft charge 111alnst Francia Lout• Wlnterboume, 36, of JteU VJa ClllfomJa, and ordertd hlm to rttum to court St:pl 2 ror aentenclng. WinterboUme wa1 arrested in the Art Colony last April 1 ln an auto reported stolen by Ill owner about five hours earner. ArTUtlng officers said Win. terboume cJrlied drugs on hla person at the time of booking. Wlnttrboumt faces a sentence of up to one year ln county Jall oa th• drug con· vlcUan. From Page l MOYNffiAN. • • OO<alled peace and erowth dlvldenda that have been anUclpated .•. in January ot this year were simply not realistic. "There Is not Ukety to be anrthlng like the free resources that we had all hoped for," he said. "It is almply not there in the system. We are not going to have an easy Ume of making national prlorlUea in the lrTOI." MoYnlhan, ablaze In a yellow blazer and looking a bit like a younaer Orson Welles, declined to U5e the term '"rtpu- dlate .. 1n dlacusslng the January report. "That would be much too' s t r o n I a word," he said. "We are procetdin1 on a different set of assumptioM.'' . These auumpUons, he explained, In. elude the continued needs of the "defense establishment" and many domestic pr~ grams long planned but not funded. "The amount in which we have de- plet~ resources to maintain the effort 1n Vietnam seems to be much more j1n4 port.ant than people had anUcipated,,. he said. One newsman reminded him that he had Of!Ce ~id urban problems require a maas mfusion of money. "Are you now saying you are not going to get it?" he WIS asked. "I don't know that I have said that," he repli~. "Urban problem1 reqbire a Jot of thing~. Throwing money al thtm is sort of a simple-minded solution. J. think we are going to get a lot. We are getting a lot now, ·•nd we will get a lot more." Moynihan denied that the new proJec· lion would adversely affect his long~ term plans for coping with urban crises. "On the contrary, we see a country that is strong and pros~rlng and going to become stronger and. more prosper· ous, but we also see a country that bas a lot of proble!f\S today because to, 15 years ago this effort to anticipate change and make deci!ions about prior· it.Jes did not occur." By fiscal 1975, national priorities and needs . will ea!lly eat up the so-called post·V1etnam peace dividend, he ••Id. The key to this undramatic absorption is growth. "We have a budgetary system with built-in growth factors which are very strong, partly becauae or the for· mula of existing legislation, and partly because ol natural growth in our popu· lation." He cited as an t xample the Presi· den\'a revenue-sharing proposal for state and federal governmel'Jts. It will be ·funded at a proportion cl one percent of personal Income In the country. "If per-- sonal income goes up, the expenditures or the federal government go up," he a aid. "The world is a funny place," Moyni· han concluded. "It always fools you and nothing }'ou expect to hap~ does hap- pen. But there are some th1nJs you can look for : death and taxes and an in- cre,ase between four and 4.S percent in the GNP." Details Checked In Assault on Lagm1a Officer Police today are piecing together facts in a case involving an alleged attack on a Lagurta Beach policeman Saturtlay Ind the arrest of two brothers Saturday night. The brothers were released on bail and ordered to appear for arraignment on Sept. 2. Arrested v.-ere Rufus Gene Martin, 18, Oceanside and Carl Douglas Martin, 20, Vista. Rufus ftfariln was booked on posses.!iion of property with serial numbera removed and Carl Martin for assault and battery on a police offcicr. Pollce were called lo a spot near the fn.. tenecUon of Cleo and Gle.,,eyre Sir .. I& by an anonymous lnlormant who said he saw a person loading a gun. At the locallon officers found Rufus Martin. some .21 caliber ammunition and allegedly the property "1lbout atrial numbers. The man told ofllcera the property belonged to hJs brothtr who was at the Taco Bell on South Coast lllgbw•Y· Opening of Saddleback Delayed by. Trustees 3l·year Resident Of Laguna Dies , Mrs. Betty Flower, a 31-year resident of Laguna Beach and active in m1111ical, cducaUonal, and art groups in the com· munlty, died Saturday at the age of 65. Slddleback Collete lnllt,.. Mon<i•y nfllrt ldopted a ac:hool calendar that will delay oPell1nc ot the college until after the thircffootball game, cause students to take final exams between <llrlstmas and New Yev'1 and to go to school the whole month of June. Opening of the new pennanent campus south of Mission Viejo will be late because Of two construction strikes. ClaslCS will begin Oct? 13 Instead of Sept. 22, as planned. Registration will be Oct. 8 and 9. In order to set in the 175 school days 11eeessary to qualify for state aid funds, .,.Inter quarter finals will be held Dec. 30, 31 and Jan. 2 and 3, and school wUl con- tinue ln aeuion to the la&t day of the fis- cal year, June 30. Although striking plwnbers and heavy equipment operators are back on the job, .several problems remain to be worked out before the campus is occupied. Telephone wires will have lo be strung by pole temporarily at an added cost of $1 ,673 because conduit has not been lald for the Mission Viejo Company under Avery Parkway, architect Robert Lowrey reported. , Moulton.Niguel water district doesn't want to open its sewers to lhe college 5 Spots Remain For YMCA Camp There are only five openings left for the South Orange County YMCA mountain camp beside Big Bear Lake, Y Director Roger Carter laid today. The camp, which lasts from Friday through Sept. 5, is open for boys in fourth, fifth , and sixth grades. Boys must ,1gn up by Wednesday. The camp costs SD, wbich Includes insurance, transportation, lodging. food, and materials for arts and crafts. Also available for boys at the Boulder Bay campsite are canoes, .sailboats, and auorted ootdoor gamea i n c I u d i n g archery and volleyball. YOUR because manhole covers won't be In- stalled until after paving and dirt might get into the filtration. system. Lowrey said he believes that difficulty can be worked out, but asphalt paving of walkways and the campus parking lot still remaiM a big problem. If the heavy equipment operators strike isn't settled by the next board meeting, Sept. 8, he said he probably will recom· mend cement be mixed with the soil to keep dust down, a Jess costly procedure than applying gravel or laying planks as in a western town. Lagunagrins \ \ -- Mn:. Flower was past president or the ~guna. Beach Business and Professional Women's Club, a teacher in adult educa· tion for 23 years, a 15-year participant in the Pageant of the Masters, and a member of the LagUna Community. Players' First Nighters Association . services are pending at Melrose Abbey Mausoleum and Memorial Pa r k in Orange, Mn. Flower, who lived at 233 Cypras! Drive, is survived by three slstm, Mrs. }t S. Beaver of Glendale; Mrs. 0 . A. Trippet ol Newport Beach ; Mrs. A. J . Pennestri of Westchester; and a brother, J. A. Van Gilse ol Gardena. --· By Phil lnt•rlandi l ' I I \ I I l I "Don't 81 Siiiy, Dear, It's Just an lllu1ion -Laguna Does That to You." -----_ ... Your Omega Sa~• &: Strvict AOtnCSI Q OMEGA 1\e \'t ty lllllt 0Mtft ·Sperimt.tter w1tck we otltty Wtl 1ele1t14. with• owt ••Y lflMlflc1tlo11 •v NASA to lie wer11. llv •~r WATCH\\: ll!llJ• Clt ... 4 FREE lfltll 011. tk1 '"''"· Th!1 t1co911itie11, tr11ly 1 ,,. w • r 4 f • r eircelle11ee, Jl'll kM '" llfOud ts 111 yo\1• 1uthot!1ed Otrie91 j1w1let. Coi'!" i• -••• th!1 h111d1tlflt, 2 llritoll, •clelMd•OJW 'Mlllo Y•e W91t •AdJuotod PIAll:lS $2.00 _s4aa ll·STlUN• hlll "'"'' $3.00 llDD. ,,_ DIAMONDS $6.00 llPLACID, tro111 a-=&StU. INSRAVINS OONI .-. 111 "'ber: H111f1J19f1tn Center leach at Edln9er WHILI TOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 \ .. ''''· 0111•1• Sp••'"'''. hr t.hten19r1pt.. Thi 01fy Wtft.. Wit~ \ly fht 11111 tl tit• Moo11. Prict $1fS. mMI AYAll.Alli.l and bac:k Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Httrbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9495 • t • ' ' I No Need 'Narcs' By A RTllUR R. VINSEL 01 tile rt.Hr ''"' Sl•ff Dial N -for narc -or I.he home telephone numbers of 14 slate narcotics 11ge11t.s recently revealed by an un. dergrou nd newspaper, and you 'll get about lhe same response. A telephone survey Monday of the list printed by the Los Angeles Free Pre!IS two weeka ago showed nearly all the la~·men now have changed or unlisted numbers. A wa Yt of calls obscenely threatening violence to the men and lbeir families arter 80 listings were published Aug g has generally subsided in the days since for thvse who kept·lhe.ir numbers. ''Evcrytl1ing has pretty ••ell died d0\10," said Mn. J immy C. Irvin, Hun· lington Beach , whose husband stubbornly refused to possibly dignify the act by responding to it. "That's about all we've had,'' com· mented Dalton L. Newland, supervisor for lhe Santa Ana area office, "that and a couple of lewd letters." DaltOll was able to chuckle a bit over the incident after the passage of lime, but the Free Press' pubUcation -under the heading of public service an· nouncement -shocked, angered and frightened others. Lawsuit! totaling $25 million were liled ~11 the aftermath of the publication, which included names evidently stolen from a l;;.w agency, at least one irlCQrrectJy iden- tified as an agent. One man among three from Newport Beach was merely the friend or a friend of an agent who stayed at their apart· ment briefly two yea.rs ago and evidently took their phone number with him. John W. Leavey, or Garden Grove, was reached Ptfonday, but referred any com- ment to his supervisor, Newland, but ad- ded that he is moving to a ne\v apart- ment. Someone answered at the apartment building where another agent was listed as living, but denied knowledge of him - in rather ullC{)nvincing reply,, M06t of the others rang once, then a recording clicked on to say the number is no longer in service. Published under a heading saying : Know Your Neighborhood Narc, the LA Free Press full-page ad was attributed to the so-called courtesy of a concerned citizen. The names listed comprise apparently the en.lire staffs of the Los Angeles, San Franc LSCc and Sag Diego area offices of the state bureau of narcotics cn- !orcemcnt, besides t~ Santa Ana branch. 60 Soviet Ships Maneuvering in Mediterranea11 LONDON tUP I) -About fiO Soviet warships are maneuvering in the eastern Mediterranean, U.S. Navy spokesmen said today. They said the Russian vessels, In- cluding the helicopter carrier Moskva , are conducling lheir war games in two Areas, off the coast of Syria and south o! the Greek ~land of Crete. The Soviet ships were being watched by Allied forces, the spokesmen said. A Navy spokesman said the Soviet navy f or c e in the Mediterranean bas been "up and down" for the past.several years. "Now It is up," he said. The Soviet ships off the Syrian coast are north of the main Israeli naval bases. Those below Crete are west of Israel's comparatively small navy facilities. • B11ekittg the Tide V.iclo.r Jac~son ~. East Lansing, Mich., completes h1s p1oneer1ng inp across Lake Mi chigan in a bath· tub. The 80-mile Journey from Michigan to Wiscon· sin took three hours longer than planned and Jack· son's two horsepower motor was nearly out of gas when he finished Monday. But he made it and thus \yon a $5 bet with his boss. Irvine Ranch Stages Tour, Ba1·hecue £01· Nixon Aide s Aro old-fashioned Irvine Ran ch barbecue and a whirlwind tour of planried communities of the future was staged f\1onday for President Nixon's high-level Urban Affairs Council. During the steak broil in rustic Bom- mer Canyon, Irvine Foundation Board Chainnan N. Loyal f\1cLaren warned the Cabinet panel th.at pending tax refonn laws wou ld end the development they were seeing. McLaren's remarks were obviously directed to legislation which would have great impact on the foundation which ad- ministers the company owning a fifth of all Orange County land. The firm's taxes have increased five times over the past few years. he ex- plained. Irvine Company President William R. ?ilason outlined planned industrial and ·residential communities before a bu:s tour of the prime new development following a helicopter survey. Mason noted that the giant firm has 1.500 homes now under construction thi s year, and plans to have 2,500 more under \\'ay next year. "\Ve have encouraged viable com- n1 unity action," he :said. adding, ''housing cievelopmen1s have g r e e n b e I t s . playgrounds, parks, schools a n d churche:s. ··Industrial complexes have landscape plantings and sign CQntrols," Mason con- linued. The President's advisory panel wa! told that in every Irvine Company residential development. the tracts have been placed with their back:i to arterial highways. After landing by chopper for a barbecue luncheon in Bommer Canyon, the group toured Bonita Canyon, UC Irvine, grazing land for prime ·hereford cattle, plus Turtle Rock, Eastbluff and The Bluffs residential communities."' In each case. Irvine Company P.X· ccutives suggested comparing the plan. ned suburban development to haphazard urban sprawls which can be seen elsewhere. Mason noted the company ha s developed several shopping centers and has two more on the drawing boards, plus a private country club and two office buildings. "In this scatterization of suburbs, the 1 rvine Company plans to encompass Ille needs of communities," Mason explained. Several Cabinet members who wert to have taken the tour remained behind after a luncheon hosted by the California Repu blican Central Committee at the Newporter Inn . Talks were expected there on seUing up a state advisory panel on environmental control and conservation. similar to one appointed by President Nixon . The GOP group voled to organize such an advisory comittee at a meeting in San Francisco over the weekend . Legion Joins Criticism Of UCI l(1·isman Choice The 29th District of the Alneri can U:!gion, which includes all of Orange Coonty, has joined the growing list of op- ponf'nts to the appointment of former SOS leader Mike Krisman as coordinator of academic advising at UC Irvine, Jn an open letter to UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich and the UC Board of Re::en t.s, Steven R. <Barak, commander of the 29th district, urges the cancellation or the UC! appointment. The American Legion joins a list which Includes Rep. James B. Utt (R-Tustin), State Supt. of Public Instruction Max Rafferty, the Costa ~1esa Chamber of Commerce, county Young Republicans, the Laguna Hills Kiwanis Club and others. A motion adopted by H posts, representing 4,902 Legionnaires, includes the following : "We of the 29th District of The Amc-rican Legion, Department of Cahrornia. as Americans, Veterans and Taxpayers, in both Orange County and the State of California, do hereby object to the appointment of one 'Mike' hrisman, an S.O.S. Activist: as Assistant Dean of Students for the University of California at Irvine and 'Demand' the Board or Regents cancel his ap- pointment." Krisman holds the title of assistant tlean of students a:s a payroll designation, a lad which has somewhat distorted his actual job as coordinator of academic ad· vising, according to university oUicials. White Hous e Spriiced Up in Nixon's Absence Pre:iidenl Nixon's White House offices in \Vashington are gelling a face-lifting. Wh ile the President and his staff are operating from a new ultra modem com- pound at a Coast Guard station adjoining Nixon·s Spanish-style villa in San Clemente, the White House at 1600 · Pennsylvania Avenue is being refurbish- ed. Staff assistants' offices are getting new paint jobs. Presidential press secrelary Ronald L. Ziegler's desk is being refinish- ed and he has a new beige rug. The sprucing up also is going on in the Roosevelt Room which -according lo one staffer -is still "torn up." .So1ne se.cretaries complained thal they did not like the bright cana ry ye llow ~vans of one office and the painters came 1n the next day and changed it. White House workmen have two more weeks to go. Nixon and his entourage will rc1nain here until Sept. 7. When they get back they expect to see everything shipshape . 150 Negroes P role,;t PLAQUEMINE, La. (UPI) -Police used tear gas Monday to disperse A crowd of about 150 Negroes who were protesting the closing of two Negro elem entary schools as part of Iber ville Parish's new desegregation plan. 1tla11ors Beact No Peaee-Bo-nu~ .. • ' Brings Distress •• By Uni~ Pren llllerotlloaal • Lead~ra of the .nation'• ciUu, who had lboked . for the elid,~of the Vietnam war to bring them a new flow of federal money,. are in many cases .dismayed, though not totally surprised, that the long awaited peace dlvidend may be evaporated by other 1pend~g. The news, spelled out for the first lime at the Wblte House level by Daniel P. Moynihan. President Nixon's urban ad· viser. had been foffi:ast ror some time by various fedt.ral agencies. Birt 1'10ynj· han's announcement f\1onday that p<>11t· Vietnam money is already committed to both domestic and military programs and "if the growth continues, it will be used up" drew expressions oC concern from many areas. Mayor Terry Scl1runk of Portland, Ore., immediate past president ol the U.S. Conference of Mayors, said the organization fell 1trongly that after Vlet.- nam ''those dollars in defense spend.in§ Vrould be funneled into the central city.' I-le added. "I would certainly urge Mr. f\'loynihan to reevaluate such a state- ment." New York Mayor John V. Lindsay said, "The chief question facing Amer .. ica is a matter of will-whether Congress at Jong last. recognlies that the needs of our cities are the mmt urgent un- answered priority we have." He said much oC the post·Vietnarn spendinC could be dirtcted to the cities "K Con· gress wllla it.'' Rep. Jo]ln Conyers, (D-Mlch.)1 nld Congress would "determine our priori· ties." He added, ''tf "'e · detennirw that building up our reserv'es ls more bnpor· tant than building up our crumblin& citJes, lben we shall have to lllffer the consequences." 1 Moynlhan aaid tome ppa...Vietnam spending would be in programs, to help the cities, inctudillJ masa . transpcrta• lion. familY assi.st.ance and revemie- sharing-propoyls already made by the administration. But the Portland mayor said the revenue aha.ring proposal ls but "a very small start" wblch Miould be increased. Neil Coedhard, chief • ad~trative ofncer for Fresno, called Moynihan'• forecast "distressing." He aaid "Our backl are agaiost the wall" financlally 1pea~ing and "I think somehow tl}e fed- eral government and the states have to realize their cities are facing serious: difficulties. We just don't have ~ re· sources for the Ullngs to be done." Oakland Mayor John Reading added. "We need massive federal funds If we're goIDg to make any dent in the problem1 '" of employment, housing and educaUon. But the announcement ... doesn't reany surprise me . Various officala had given indications that money would be ahort i!ter the war." Navy for David? Ike's Grandson 'Thinking' Of It ' SAN CLEMENTE !UPI) -David Eisenhower, grandliOn of the famous five- star general pre:ildenl, Is "thinking" of going into the Navy when his coltege deferment from military service Is up. And thars not because his father-in- law, President Nixon, i:s Navy-oriented from his World War II day:i in the Pacific. Eisenhower, 21, said his late "grand- dad " advised him to go into the Anny if he wanted to make a career of It. For a shorter stint. despite his own spectacular career which began at West Point, he recommended the Navy for his grandson. Young Elsenho\\·er said that his father, John Eisenhower, a retired Army colonel \vho is serving as arnbass£dor to Belgium. agreed that ror the shorter haul he should go into the Navy. "I'm thinking about It," said David. At present. he has a ZS student deferment and vo'i\J be returning to Amherst on Sept. • tj u BUSTER BROWN. 16 to begin his senior year. Later., be hopes to ·attend law school, P.efhaps in California. His bouncy, pretty wife Julie, 21, alsa will slarl her senior yaar al Smith Coll ege in mid-September. The young couple, \Vho will return in the fall to their. $95-a-month second floor Tudor apart· menl at Northampton, Mass., confided lhal they have Improved in their studies and "got better marks" sioce their mar· riage las t December. Julie and David have been constanL companions of the President on his daily rounds of golf during their August lilay at the Ni.xons· villa overlooking the Pacific Ocean. -, Da,vid, who learned'golf as a youngster rrom his grandlather, ill a crack golfer. His wife is a beginner. Nixon is erpeclally enjoying their com· pany since they w iJl be going back to school and be will not see·them as often. \ • Chancellor Aldrich approved Krisman's appointment "only after t h o u g h t I 1..1 I revi('w of his performance u a student on the campus and comments of Lhe faculty, staff and students about the suitability of his qualillcalions." n1e Legionnaires concluded their open letter to the Boara of Regents by :iaying that If Krisman':i appomtmcnt is con- tirmed 1'yoo. may rest assured the wrath of the taxpayers will far outstrip any con-1 cessions 10ade to di:isldent student organizations without due consideralions of the voter and taxpayers." IF SHE LIKES BIG-GIRL LOOKS ·ii No Laughitag Matter Ci Ci is a three-year-old Siamese with, seemingly, an extremely large he ad or hair - a rarity by all cat standards. Actually, hairpiece be· longs to Kitty Samoker, daughter of Ci Ci's owners, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Samoker, Costa Mesa. Kitty put the hairpiece on Cl Cl lor a laugh. As you can see, Ci Ci didn't , Shalt Not Steal Or Be Sentenced SALT LAKE CITY <UPI) -The former manager of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Monnon) cret::t union office was placed on pro- bation Monday after pleldina guilty to forgery charges. Chri:i E. Case was charged In con- necUon with the theft of an e!lirllatcd $70,000 from the credit union offices. He wu. sentenced to an Indetermin ate . tcnn at the Utah State Prison but given a stay unu; Feb. 23, 1970, by Lhird dl1trkt Judge D. Frank Wllklna. Case wa• arrested in Wild wood, Fla., last may and charged \\'Ith fhc the/ts which occurred bctWC<!n January J966 and last March. I . • . She'll love Buster Brown's up to dete fashion. Blunt but beautiful toes. Every fit is 9uar· entee d by our expert •nd high. ly qualified personnel: No, JD Foshl .. J"°"d New port loac~ • ~-1464 ATTENTION ALL MOTHERS (DADS TOOll FREE A RIAL C:AMERA WITH EVERY PAIR Of IAC:K·TO· SC:HOOL SHOES PUR• C:HASED. OUR llCieiEST PROMOTION OF THE YEAR. THESE SWELL umE C:AM· ERAS USE UD SIZI FILM. SHOP EARLY so YOUR umE CiUYS IAND CiALSI WON'T II DISAl'l'OINTID. NOW ! STORES TO BETTER SERVE YOU • • • 1052 ll"fl•• -Wfttcl ff l"- N•wpott •-• • l4t0 Hl4 I • I --- ; f l»Jl.Y l'IUIT Czech Chiefs /ti_.. Tlareatened r ...-.-~ Say-0nly Four Killed lli-ieu Influenced GI Cu~hack Delay? ·~---.... ...., Evanf*list Biiiy Graham says a friend in one of the nation's mili· tan! groups bas told him that ter- rorist activities aimed at making Americans fearful will begin Qct. l Graham declined to identify his hitonnanl T h e evangelist said moral decay in American society has been accelerating lately, cit· ing-erotic movies and Broadway gbows. "There is so much hell in the country because .there is .not more hell in the pulpit," he said. • A panel of judl!:es at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines proclaim· ed. Mrs. Gerald Thom•• the state's new chicken-calling champion. No chickens were present to pass on Mrs. Thomas' qualifications. • PRAGUE (AP) -C.echoalovakia'a Communist ;ovemment JaYI f O U r per;ons were l<illed and 17'1 wounded - including Ill U<ope and police -in lul week's violence ln Bohemia and Mcravi1. Jt reports 1,893 were amated, 117'1 olhen: were questloned. No figures were given for Slovakia. Hospital checks by newsmen give higher totah for the dead and woonded a..iong the demonstrators who pourecwn. to city streeb on the first amllversary of the Soviet inv~ion. The government said Monday night four demon.sLrators were killed, not five a.s it bad announced. But newsmen bad established four deaths in Prague,. the capital, and another lour in Brno, the na· tion's second largest dt.y. Property damage ln th re e days or disturbance:5 In Prague totaled ap- prwlmately 12511,000, while in Brno It was reckoned at $117 ,500, the Interior Minl>try said. U"I Ttl ..... Ole for Astronaut WASHINGTON (UPI) -Preaidenl Nixon'• decision to de.lay 1nnoUncement ol furthtt wllhdrawala of U.S. troops from Vietnam ii understood to hive been influenced p a r t I y by SOUtb Vietnam Pn!sident Nguyen Van 'I1lleu. Informed soun:e:s said 'lbleu contended IUCh an announcement would have hid a bad effect on South Vietnamese morale because it would have corne lo the midst of a cabinet reshutfle in Sataon and at a Urne. wbe.n enemy attacks have risen. Secretary ol State Wllllam P. Rogers and Secretary ol Defense Melvin R. Laird, who participated in the Friday conference at which Nlmn decided on the delay, were aaid by some sources: not to have been greatly impre5$8d by Thieu's argument. But they apparently saw no great hann in a delay. 1be Wltlte House, in announcing Nixon would defer a decision until after he retums to Washington in September, said the President wanted more information on "the level of activity," Communist potential for further offensives and the infiltration rate from North Vietnam. State Department officials who distiJSS- ~ the situation with Rogers after he re.turned (rom the Western White House at San Clemente, said the phased v.•ithdr.awal was "still o.n the track'' and Tht London. Fire PTotection Association (FPAJ i! uroing "big improtHmients" in the firt·toarn-"'9 111sttm1 of Briti!h JtottL!. In ifi: ann'Ual report, the FPA said Btt alarm 111stem in ont hottl tbhich was not 'identified con- Nted of cards pruttd in tht room.a reading: "In cast of fiTe, shout fire!" The government said 71 foreigner• were plcked up, including 19 Americans. lt did not say il any were held after ques- liol\ing. U.S. Ambassador Malcolm Toon went to the For,ejgn Ministry over the weekend seeking information about de· lain~ Americans, the embassy aaid, but learned nothing. Jn an aUempt to counter reports of police brutality, the government said eight times more soldiers and police were injured than demomtrators. The Com· munist party newspaper Rude Pnlvo said this in itse.K disproved the reports or police brutality. Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin ''Buzz0 Aldrin waves to crowd with bull· figbter's bat at an Acapulco bull ring. The bullfighter dedicated a bull to Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, and then tossed his hat to the spaceman. * * * U.S., Thail~d Pullout Talks Slated Sept. I ' ' • Ao. Hong Kong restaurant cwto- mer who paid bis waiter with a $500 Hong Kong note ($83 in U.S. currency) waited in vain for his chtilge. Police said the waiter sliJ>- pe( out of the restaurant and fled WilJa the money. The government gave thia breakdown on the number of injured: policemen 184, people'• militia and military 31 each, demOll!traton 31. But one central Prague hospital alone took in about 80 civilian paUeota m111I of them beaten by police club!. Another hospltal bad five injured, two with bullet wound.a and three from "truncheon mauling." Doctors said "quite a few demonstrators" bad been treated, but authorities had forbidden release of informatioo about them. Judge May Rule Soon On Exhumation Appeal • In Kimberworth, England Sanely Tomlinson, 50, won a bet and con- founded friends at his local t"avern when he grew a square tomato. "l thougbt it could be dO!le by letting a yoong tomato grow into a plastic mold," Tomlinson said while col- lecting on the bet. ';The idea prov· ed very successful. Now I am plan- ning to grow more square toma· toes ... Sn<H:onet art great for beating the htat Wtn for small poodlts. Debbie Holler, S, doern't mind sharing htT cone with her pup at the Ohio, 1tate fair, Expo hio '69, in. Columbus. • Tom Shaw won the $150.000 Avco Golf C1assic at Sutton, ~lass. last weekend. Shaw is from Golf, Ill. The government radio and newspapers controlled by the party charged that hospital staffs neglected i n j u re d members of the riot. control force. They cited the cue of a captain with an in- jumi eye who wu denounced by an am· bulance crew as a "Gestapo man" who deserved to have both eyes 11tinished off." * * * Reds Blaming West for Czech Demonstrations • PRAGUE (UPI) -Communist party nev.·spapers in Prague and Moscow said in separate articles today that the west masterminded the demonstrations here last week during the first anniversary of the Soviet·led invasion of Czechoslovakia. Rude Pravo, newspaper of the Czech Communill Party, said Western "instruc· tors and observers" caused "a general counter-revolutionary uprislng" last week UJat was crumed only with the aid of Czechoslovak troope. Pravda, the Sovlel Communist Party newspaper, said in a dispatch from Prague that We1t Germany was the nerve center for the "provocatlonal sallies" that erupted dUring the invasion anniversary. Chief Editor tt1iroslav Moc, a hardline Communist, said in a front page Rudf! Pnvo commentary that "widely.ipread technical preparation. instructors and organizers" flowed into Czechoslovakia for lhe anniversary. Eve Moving on WlLKES·BAR!tE, Pa. (UPI) - A county court judge may rule Wednesday on whether the body of Mary Jo Kopechne can be exhumed ror an autopsy. Judge Bernard Brominski of Luzerne County court took under advisement ft1onday a request by Miss Kopechnc's parents to deny the request for an el· hwnation by Mauachuse\tJ. Atty. Gen . Edmund Dinis. He 1aid it would be at least Q hours before be ruled on the re- quest, meaning bi.I decillon at the earliest could come Wednesday. The 28-year-old blonde died July 11 when tbe auto wllich Keim~y was driv· Ing plunged into a tidal pool on Chap- paqukklick Island. The cause of death was listed as drowning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne or Berkeley Heights, N. J., the girl's parenb, had planned Lo attend Monday 's hearing here but did not because Mrs • Kopechne was ill. Dinis has asked District Court Judge James A. Boyle in Edgartown, Mass., for an inquest. In his petition Dinis said an autopsy was necessary "in order that circumstances of the death be clearly established and the doubt and suspicion surrounding the death be resolved." Attorney Joseph ?if. FI an a g a n, reprcisenting the Kopiechnes, argued that Dinis should have made his request for an autopsy before the body was remO\'ed from his state. Armand Fernandes, an assistant to DiniJ, told Bromlnski that the autopsy was necessary for the inquest scheduled Sept. 3 in Edgartown. He said the purpose of the inquest was "to determine whether or not there is any reason sufficient to believe that the sud· den death of ftfary Jo Kopechne may have resulted from tbe act of negligence of a person or persons other than the dectued." Florida Waterspouts Also Sighted Off Key West I ski. _.. "'"'r" 111r tod•'f tnd ..........,."""' Ill --· ....... ,...,.._ tlOfdl .. $outlMrT\ C1tllof'"l1'1 MIWlll ftffl wt•• conll~ I• .,.. crw .. Ill lnt-llV, TM C11111!1t 1r"1 1IM llttl Mm1 "111111 1f'ld "'"' ,_.,,. 1111 .... tlouolll •!Id .... LOS ,.,..,.... lftd vk:lftlty "'' "'"'' 1Y "'""" 111 ... lllt O\ltnl;ehl 111C1 '"'11 ". I ... tloudlMH ,,,_, fa9 bufned l•IV, • T ......... 1hirfl ,...., 111,11111 i;ooltr .,.1111 Ille """ °' ... ,, ,,,. (I'll< c .... W dew!'! 1'-"""" ltWll MonlilY't .S,,11"""'" Ill' W. t.M ton19M N, M: ·Jiit,.. wn ""'"''N to 1111111 *"09 "'-I.At AnH ... •nlll. ,... ~ 11111 ITllflllrlf ""' clM1 fllleWM lw rMtf'IY _,,, Mllft, """ ,..._....,,... rtl'Mf .,,._ '"' '"' ""' Tiii ..... .... ... '"' -'•Int ---"'''"' II! ... "' ..... '' "*' ~ \tWh . , t ......... UftftlMd Mt ..... ,_, !wfltt Mlitl f_.,.. trfirn ""' 102 HI !hi -~NIU lfl ll'f i.-,..,114y1. P1l111 "°'lrtt1 !'Mod WM fllllo"'' "'ltfl """"*"' •llfl I IU. wllllof 1--"1 ll'MI llYfht lllll'fllltd .,,,. Ill --IOlfll MtN MMOt¥ 91111 W.C.lf -id!ftu-IHIY ~: L-~ ''oft. """ MOlllQI 71.77, 1111'-.. ,. ...... Ml. WH-""5. l'tlm-411k! •itt. llllwnlR '14 l'lir.t ..,..... ltj.llt. .. lf"llllW "'"· .. -oi.. Jt.n • ....._ ''"*'' ,.,, • FAIR • Coastal E1rly .....,i..t le• <leuftol 111111ttv sunrw I" tfl••llOCln. Wlllft ,,...,,..,,,. 11 19 11 luletl. Hitt! _,. 7$. Ynt.Hl't"I ..,.PHllU<t ''"'" tr.,... I Mefl .. 6$ f9 1S. jl"ltl!d 1-· -·~ ,,,.., "'" 410 ti M. W1t1r ·-•tur1 ........ ,.... S11K, M_, Thies TVl'IOA'I" 1'.1"1 ..,,. . •.• ' •• t· .. •·"'· ,,, l'lrlt "loll . . l :U '""· l.t Wl'OMltOA'I" .... " """' ............... , .• ''"'· 1,1 1'1111 """ ............. 11:11 '·""· l.t $e(lrld .................. ':" ~""· 11 11C:011111 PlltlPI ........... t15A 1.111. , .. Wkftly lt tlttrtd llwl!ffr.,.,..,.t'1 '"' lll"l'Vllltd lft .iT'llrwlM fllr _,.,... Mtm~ ,...., CNU ti mtll !Odl\I II Evt . ti. -Nll'I fltfh tflltlt llOm\. ""'"" lOWlrll 1111 "lorlfl CVHI II I mllfl 111 IMur Ir-.. ,,.i111 H ll of J t<kH111¥H il, 1'11. MOrt 1'1'11!'1 1 l/J lnthl• ot r1111 tlll 11 w• 1n -""""' '"'' d""I~ "'' ,.,..., '"°'nl?M Plour• 1f!d twl •llH1•t1 lftll I fl.lllllll <IM WVI tltfttld nur 11'1 Wnt. Pll. ,t,Ue"lt l!•-tralilld lll1m1rtk l!oi11 .... l!-own1¥ll1• C~k:"° Cl11t1Mtlt ...... .. On Mol?MI O.!roll Ftl'bl""'I FDtl W .... I~ Fr1vio Heltflt ....... Ktnltt City Ltl v ... 1 LOI "llHIH Ml1ml Ml...,..,01\1 N1w Ori""' N1w YO'll t+o'1fl l'l1tlt ...... Olillhom1 City ...... Ptl'" S1rln1t l"1JO ltlbln .._,, l'llltbvrwll ........ ltt-ld CllY lttd lll;H ·-k cr-lto " u .. " n " .. " • " .. ~ " • " " .. • . .. • • • • .. • " " " "' ff ... .. " " • " .. " .. .. " " .. " .. " " .. " " " " " ~ " n m n .. " .. " " • • .. .. " .. u " .. • " .. • ., .. ·" " ·" ... ·" ... Dinis said ·he expected to call 15 witne5sea to testify but Kennedy would not be oe of them. Flanagan said the action in the court here was an illegal attack on rulings by MMsacbusetts authoritiea, including Dr. Donald R. Milh:, the associate medical examiner who ruled death by accidental drowning. He contended that Musachusett.s must show Milla acted in bad f1ith or produce evidence of negligence or malfeasance on his part. Ireland Police Balk at Order To Turn In Guns BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - t1ore than 90 percent of Northern Ireland's Protestant special police are balking at British Army orders lo tum in their arms. A re sponsible source said that only about 500 of Northern lrtland's 1,400 B.Speciala had compiled with Lt. Gen. Sir Ian Freeland's orders to stack their weapons in central armories and to vl'ithdraw them only when needed and un· der strict controls. One platoon of 21 members of the con- troversial ~unteer force did tum in their anns Monday night, but they also turned tr. their resignations and tbtir uniforms Lo protest the order. Freeland, commander of BriWh troops in Northern Ireland and now in control or police and security as a result of the religious warfare early this month, an- nounced Friday nigh~ that he had asked the Royal Ul!ter Constabulary to start col\ecUng the B.Specials' arms for stor. age in Belfast, Loodonderry and other cltie!. Roman Catholics accuse the B men nt much or the shooting in the riots, while many of Northern lrtland's Protestant majority fetl that the apecltl police are their only sure defense against the Catholic terrorists of the I r i s h Republican Army. 1 f\.teanwhlle, one of the three legislator• Northern Ireland's Protestant aovem- ment is send.in& to the United States to present ili case, W. Stratton Mills, said his chlef miasion is "to deal wlth Ole wild and inaccurate things lhat ~I l s 1 Bernadette Devlin has been aying. '' ?\-fills accused 1ifiss Devlin, 22-year-okt Catholic member or the British ParUit- ment from Northern Ireland, of "ex· ai;1;eratcd" statemenl$ and "downrlgl1t untruths'' durtng her current tour of the t•n1ted States. She is raising funds to help Calholic victims of Ibo fillilUng. Canada Embassy In Vienna Hit VtENNA (UPI) -An unJdentlfied man burst into the. Canadian embauy hef't ~ day and hurled a Molotov coclrtail to the floor, .. n<11ng names roaring tbrouP lh• fivHtory buildln& . BANGKOK (UPI) -Talks between the United States and Thailand on a proposal pullout of American troops from this country will begin Sept. 1 between Foreign Minister Thanat Khoman and U.S. Ambaasador Leonard Unger, the two governments announced tonight. The announcement was made in a jclint communique issued by the t w o governments alter a Thai cabinet meeUng. The communique was appa,rent!y word· ed so as to remove lbe appearance that the 'J'haj government was trying to force a complete withdrawal of the 41,000 U.S. troops in this country. This bad seemed possible after the foreign office issued a statemeM Monday night in which it said the Americans bad asked for a few days "delay" in starting negot.iatlons in order to get instructions from Washington. The communique said : "The Royal Thai government and the United Slates government today an· nounced the opening of talk! to arrange for a gradual reduction of the level of United States forces in Thailand con· sistent with the assessment or both governments or the security situation. "The talks ~·ill be held in the first in· stance between the foreign m.inifler or Thailand, Thanat Khoman, and the United St.ates ambassador to ThaUand, Leonard Unger, in Bangkok beginning on or about Sept. 1. "1t1ore detailed conversations, in ~·hich Thai and United States representatives ~·ill participate, will follow to plan for any reduction it is considered desirable to make over a period of lime, assuming thert is no significant alteration in the security situation in Southeast Asia." Try, Try Agaita there are no ch111&es planned. Nixon apparently wants to be sure the CommunlSLs are not preparing a big new offensive. .Rogers said at. a news conference last week that despite a new flareup of eneJ!lY attacks Aug. 11 and 12 enemy acti\•Jt)' had declined again to the level of the seven week lull. Rogers said this level of activity is "relaUvely low" and ~ ra~ of inUltration from the north ts still down. Jt is considerably down." Officially State Department press ol- ficer Roberl J. McCloskey said 1-fonday he had nothing to add to the Saturday an· nouncement from San Clemente except that there was "no major or significant policy alteration embedded in the an· nouncement." McCloskey declined to comment .on Thieu's selection of Gen. Tran Th1en Khiem as prime minister on the grounds that he had not yet been officially been sworn Into office. Officials privately acknowledged that a\Lhough Kheim was a man of great abili- ty, they would have been happier if Thieu could have found a similarly qualified civilian for the post. The United States has repeatedly urged Thieu to broaden the base of his govern· ment to secure wider popular support. One WashingLon thesis has been that there should be more civilians in the Saigon administration who could enlist popular support. .. As for a new Communist offensive In the South, U.S. officials have generally concluded this is not possible during the current year. They base their conclusion on public statements in Hanoi as well as captured documents which show that the Communisb are suffering supply dif· ficulties and have altered their tactics. * * * American Troop ... Strength Dips By 7,700 in Viet SAIGON (UPI) -American troop strength in Sooth Vietnam declined by 7.700 men Ja11t week as Preskl:ent NiJ:on 's 25,000-man troop reduction reached ib final phase, military spokesmen said to- day. As of last Thursday, they said, !126,500 men were serving in the country, down from 534,200 men at the end of the previous week. American military involvement in Viet· nam reached its peak last Feb. 22 wiUt 542,500 soldiers reported in the war i.one. The figure stood al 573,500 on June 3 when Nixon announced the pli.nned reduction. Another 299 soldiers "''ill leave Vietnam \Vednesday. military spokesmen said. The departing contingent will raise Uie number of men \vithdrawn to more th.a.a 21 ,000. The units being redeployed Wednesday are a 127·man milltary police company beaded by Capt. Philip H. King of Tor· ranee, Calif.; a 140-man headquarters company commanded by Capt. James M. Drake of Hinderson, N.C., and a 32-man infantry support unil All of the men were assigned to the U.S. 9th infantry division. Spokesmen said the three unit! are being sent to Hickam Air Force Base, in Hawaii, for processing at Schofield Bar· racks. '•1t, f1lr, l11t•1!. The•• "-'-weult "'""" "' f1 ,lof1 r11 •,etef/011 e11 th DAllY 'llOf .41~1•1 , ••••• .,., "''· ... -•iwt. ,, '""· , .... ,.,, ...... alNI 7:1111""-Ith S:U '·"" "'"' •. ,.,., Jtttt. 1• Aut. f' L11t e. M .. $~!. ' $~ 11 Moll of Ille "41"" "'" t llt>lr WI"" tr 11.ot Mdty, ti.JI cool... (Ondllloi\1 ltf'l¥111N nttr ,._ C1nedltn borftr, C1lumt111. S.C. !ltd ' """ rtcord ...., Ill<' 1111 ... ""'"' I I I '"''" , .... ,..., _.. t hlW..... -lllltil ~ "'"'" ''"""' JS 11 K•ll1o11tn, Merli , IQ tJ •• l!llttlt• Si lt Ltkl City tin 01..0 ~" ,r1ndK11 '''"" ..... M -N> W111\ln1!nn " " " "' " " " .. " n Police said et least two penons were killed and 12 Injured ln the blaze which raged abOllt an hour before It was ex· tinguished by fire brigades. Thtre. was no immediate indication Yt'he:ther the man who thrtw the firebomb was amona the Injured. Teamster Union President James HoUa leaves the Federal BuildJng in Chattanooga, Tenn., following the fifth day of his hearing. HofJa i• seeking to ha\•e hl!1 1964 jury tampering conviction overturned. • I ' I I .( • I ....... ~men JEAN COX, --r......,, ..... •'"' " ,_ 11 LB Greets 28 Teachers Teachers \vill hove their day of special recognition . when the Mermaids, \Vomen's Division of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Com~ merce honor them with a welcoming lunch in the liotel Laguna next Tuesday at noon ., Teachers new to the Laguna Beach Unified School District and St. Catherine of Siena School will be introduced to the community on that dale . During the traditional luncheon each ne\vcomer is presented , with a gift bag of items supplied by area merchants. Much of the material will acquaint teachers with the Art Colony. Harry Lawrence. president of the Chamber of Commerce, will introduce Mayor Glenn E. Vedder, civic dignitaries ·and school ad· minislralors. Dr. \Villiam tnlom, superintendent of the ·school district, will pre- sent the 20 ne\v instructors. Sister Stephanie Hardy, new head of St. Catherine's school, will introduce its eight pe:w teachers. Jn charge of the luncheon is ~lrs. Leon Axelrod. Mrs. F. G. . Peterson is directing the hostess committee and l\1rs:Pete Fulme.r, pre.Sident, will give a welcome address. Each teacher is sponsored by a Chamber of Commerce member. Those wishing to participate u1 the luncheon may telephone the chamber office at 491-1018. A BAG OF· GOODIES .!_ Peeking In a gift bag which .will be pre- sented. to new teachers are·(left to right) Mrs. Pete Fulmer, presi .. dent of Mennaids; Mrs. Leon Axelrod, llincheon chairman, and Owen T.ait, assistant superintendent of the Laguna Beach Unified School District. Twel1'ly-eight new teachers· will be honored during a luncheon next Tuesday,. The Chamber of Commerce is the host group. · .. . . . ' lost for the Summer .Card Play Relaxes LB Woman's Club Tired of -the beach? Shopping and spending money? Fighting traffic? Then spend a relaxing elternoon with the Woman"s Clu b of La· guna Beach. Next Thursday the clubwomen will set tables for a luncheon and bridge. The last ca rd party of the summer will takt place in UJ.e"'club rooms,.286 St. Ann's Drive. Lunch will be served at 12:30 with bridge to follow . According to Mrs. Robert Hull, president, prizes will be offered. She also sug• eests this date is an excellent way to take care Of party obligations. Chairing the bridge parties throughout the summer season has been Mrs. Louis Underwood with the assistance of Mrs. \Varren Slam· baugh. Committee mem~rs include the Mmes. George Barnes, Faye Bentson, F. A. Franke, Dorothy Hobson, Lucian Means, G. W. Price, Flora Skidmore and Freda Zafian. Tickets are $1.50 per perso n and reservations may be made with Mrs. Underwood at 499-3417. The club year will begin Oct. 3. Program meetings take place the fll'st Friday of each month, and teas for meqibers and their guests are scheduled every third Friday at 2:30 p.m. Further Information regarding the club may be obtained by telephoning Mrs. Laura Smith at 491-7612. In November the group has planned for a rummage sale in the club rooms. The first sale will take place Nov. 22 with Mrs. Under· wood accepting the responsibilities as chairman. Ne:w officers are Mrs. Hull. president; Mrs. J. W. Lansdell, first vice president; Miss Helen Unger, second vice president; Mrs. Vir• ~inia Hanks, recording secretary; Miss Nell Moorman, correspond· ing secretary; Mrs. Georgia Arner,·treasurer, and Mrs. Karl Loulher, parliamentarian. WOftK BEFORE PLEASURE -Ml"ll. Cara Harding bi busy tnr ing up up<;mning agendas for the Laguna Beach Woman's Club, while (left to right) Mrs. Louis Undei:wood, Mrs. J. 'W. Lansdell and Miss . Helen Unger relax. Next Thursday the club Invites guests to join them at their 12: 30 luncheon and bridge party In Others leading the organization are Miss Margaret Steinhagen, rental director and the Mmes. Norman Alexander, financial secre- tary; Edgar Axtell, dean of chainnen: Florence Robinson and Jessie Dungan, house directors; Underwood and Stambaugh, ways and means chainnen; Bentson, coordinator to juniot woman's club; Edith Saunders, associate coordinator, and Charles Muller, pianist. the club rooms. · Mother Sweeps Habit of Cleanliness Under the Rug DEAR ANN LANDERS: From Ume 14 time you print let~rs from wives who. complain •bout husbands who refuse to "bathe, won't brush their teeth and 1deep ln dirty underwear. You have pointed out that these men are a1ck and ol course you aro rigbL What about women who have the pro- .blem jn reverse? My mother made a . Jelish or cleanlineu. Our home 1melled )Ike a ·hospital because mom used the · atrongest anLiaeptlc1 on everything. She made us wash the mouthpiece on tlle 'tele'phMe every Ume we finished talking. tf anyone in the family had a cold he had to wear a turglcal mask. M kids we were never allowed to give anyone a bite or ANN LANDERS ~ anything, like an apple or a piece of ean. cly. I'm trying to raJse my children to be neat but not null. My-husband say1 I am too lenient and that our girls are growing" up to be very sk>ppy. Please comment - MIDDLING MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: B1v1 yoa con1ldertd the po11lbllily that yoa ~ave been too permissive because ol your own 110- forlullllto clllklhood! Oii th oablde cll.ance tluit yoar lnllbud 1111 • 1,111,. lmate complllbl~ Ugilio "1'· Siopp1 bo71 art bad tllOGgb, bit a girl who 11 al • 1owec1 1o ,..... 'P w1111 poor sroominr habits 11 oat In left Cleld wtt!H>at • &Jove. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thank you for the column "Child Abuse ts Everybody'• Business." That column helped m«l feel less like a rooJ. Heri's 1D1 story, Several weeko 1gv I """'""" • tnocl: at the door. Three teenage girls were standing on the porch. tears streamin& down their facu I couldn't tell whether they were laughing or crying. One girl IOObed out the story. A man in a car rode along the curb and seemtd to be lollowing them. They ignorod him. Finally he pulled his car up and blocked their pathway as they tried to croa the street. When he opened the car door tnd tried to grab one of the girls, they saw he was naked from the waist down. The girls ran down the street and began poun- dlng on doon:. Two people would not let t1iem In. I did. I, rave them a pencil and J><per and _.. told them to-write down as many details 11 they coold remember. Then 1 called the police. 1be police came pto!llpU7. The)r were courteous and kind and. drove the giril horn<. Several frlends crtUclzed me severely for letlln& the &lril Jn my home. 1bey said I wu \aklnc a terrible chance. Maybe I WU, but I don't see how • de- cent huzhan can tum His back on kids In trouble. Was I wrong? Have things changed tbal much ? "-KEEPER OF MY BROTHER'S CHILDREN DEAR X.EEPER: Of c:o1ne yoa were teklllg a cbuce bat lt11 a ckuct you llAD .. lab. --d•l'1 .. ... 11111· feriag of.. ttllert b 1ympiomaUc of a stet aociety. Al card-c•rr7lnl membtra of &lie htUllUI ract we bve aa ebU«atkii ,kl '"" pood lo Ibo ... c1s of etben. Tbh ii wut dlltiiapilbt1 u from animals. Too many coui>'es go from matrimony to acrimony. Don't let your marriage nop before II gel& star1ed. Send for Ann Landen' booklet. "'Marriage -What .. Expect." Send your request to Ann Landen: in cart oC lb.is newspaper encJos... lng 50 cents in coin and a Iona;, atamped, self-addressed envelope. Ann Landen wlll be glad lo IM!lp yru with your problems. Send Utem to her in cart of !he DAILY PILOT, enc:loolng a self·addreued. .1lamped envelope. 1 '• I ---.· ... ~ Karen Bradeson Now Mrs. Jeffrey-W. Field Karen Bradeaoi! and Jelfrey Wbllclow Field were married -.i1 double ri111 ceremonies pafonned by the Rev, David A. CruD\l) In St. J am<s Epllcopal Church. Puenta of the: bridal couple are Mr .. and Mra. James D. llr•deton of Newport Beach and. Mr. and Mr1. Frederick Fleld of Corona del Mor. Given In man'iq:e by her 'father the bride "ore a gown of candlelllht peau de 10ie a~ pllqued with alencon lace. Formln1 her bouquet were orance·colored roses, 1tepb&ootls aA(l baby's breath wit& mln1ature oraniu. Urne sreen ca1e·sty1e ~IOWN •!'d bouquets of yellow Chl"Jlantbemums, b a b y ' .s breath. 1tephan0Us a n d Afternoon Wedding Performed miniature limes and lemon! wrt selected for Ml.as Louise Lylt Pb!Wps, maid ol honor and for bridesmaids, Mn. Brian J. Bradeson, the bride's sister-in-law and Miss Belly Brade.son, her sister. Ashley Atkinson, her nlece and flower girl, wore a yellow frock and carried a bali:et of ye ·11 o w chry1anthemums1 baby's breath and miniature oranges, Attending as best man w1s John C. Ferrall Ill, and ushers were Val Haraszlhy and Denis Galle. A reception followed for 200 guests in the Udo Is1e home of the bride's parents. The bride and bridegroom, graduates of Newport Harbor High School, attended Orange Coallt Collelle. She is a graduate of Los Angeles College for 1.1ed.ical and Den. ta! Assistants and he is serv- in& with the U.S. Navy. MRS. JAMES R. EWING W1d in Long B11c:h Newlywed J. R. Ewings This Is No Yarn Being Unraveled Mary France• Grubbs became the bride of Terry Ger1ld Grazian 1n Santa Ana's Btt.btl Tabernacle, with her father olficiaUng for the after· noon ceremony. Home 1n Westminster Striped knit\vear joins the wintet fashion parade lor cars as well as women. The knit was intro- duced by a syn thetic fiber manufacturer in Tokyo. Horoscope Capricorn: Take Off Rose-colored Glasses WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 By SYDNEY OMARR Full moon aDd ecllp1e ol m0011; tanar position makes this eictllent day for fishing, ptantin1. In groomlnc, accent feet -hosiery and 1boe1 at- tnct more than usual •I· teation. Al\lES (March 21-April 19): Try to remain behlnd the .scenes as much as possible. Be considerate of those who might be handicapped. VJsit those who share charitable in· terests. Be quiet within. Avoid crowds. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on friends, desires. You accomplish what you want through u north od ox methods. Some around you may m a k e contradictory statements. Maintain sense or hwnor -It will help. GEMINI (May 21-June 1.o): Definite emphasis on aulhori· I y, prestige and recognition. You are able to finlsh im- portant project. You recei ve accolade, meaningful com· pliment. Show that you can accept responsibility. CANCER (Jwie 21.July 22)' What seemed far away prove1 to be close at hand -applies to situations and persons. You are especially creative today. Give run play to impressions, hunches. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); You can get to the bottom of mysterie!. Result might prove pro(itable. Concern wlth ESP. the occult and the unusual dominate. Your experiences today broaden horizons. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): lmprove relations with associates and fellow workers. Not V.'ise lo shirk dutie.s, What starts as unpleasant task could actually prove rewarding. Know this and act accordingly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Day features change, greater freedom. Pride could come t.b:rougb achievement ol young person. Be open to experience. Shake ofi tendency to be set in ways. Instead, be neiible in views. SAGJTrARJUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Past experience should be utilized. Elpeci1lly true in dealing with home furnishings, family desires. Be cooperative without breaking budget resolutions. You can do it. CAPRICORN (Dec, 22..Jan. 19): Avoid seeing certain :situations throogh rose-colored glasses. Truth indeed will set you frtt. Accent today on calls, messages and promi3es involving in-laws. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your abilities are backed by those who can wpply what is needed. Be confident. St.ale requirements in frank man· ner. Obtain hint r r om Capricorn message. PISCF.3 (Feb. 19-March 20): You get rid of burden. New opportunities present themselves. Full moon in your sign highlights your assets. Use them wisely. Indications continue favorable for new contacts, projects. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are health· conscious, capable or helping others to aid themselves. By neit month there could be decided change in domestic environment. Te find wt who'\ lutllv tor vou la . No matter who or what is wearing it, striped knit· \veer is sure to get more than a passing glance. The VW models a mini version. · MRS. ROBERT ALAN WILLIAMSON Form1r B•rbara Vanderbilt Laguna Nuptials Vows Recited Barbara V and er bi 11 , tailored bow at the V·shaped daughter of the D o n a I d back. Brunow Vanderbilts of Laguna The honor attendant carried Beach, exchanged vows and a colonial bouquet of yellow rings wlth Air Force Lt. roses, feathered white carna- Robert Alan Williamson. son lions and baby'• breath while of Mrs, Loyal Ayres William-the bridesmaids' n o s e I a y 1 son Jr. of Whittier and the featured yellow tea roses and late Mr. Williamson. carnaUOllS. The evening nuptials took Attending as. best man was plat"t in the Neighborhood Dennis Macy while ushers Co ngregational Church, were Gary Clark, Richard Laguna Beach with the Rev. Lay, David Vandervoet and E 11 s w o r t h R i c hardson William Farwell, all of Whit· She ls the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Mark Gnibba: of Costa Mesa. The bridearoom ls the son of Mr. and Mn. Rubio Gruian of Watsonville. The bride's 1own was ot silk or1an:za IM 11lma:in lace-- she carried 1 white orchid ar· ranged on a white Bible with ribbon 1treamer1. M'"'. Larry Henson, the bride'• sister from Watsonville was matron of honor. BrideamaidJ included Miss June Grubbs, also the bride's sister, and the Misses Ruth Perrym8n and Marilyn Botzenhardt. Charles Rinkle was best mah, and Uihers v.•ere the bridegroom's three brothers , Larry. Dave and Dennis Grazian. Rite Date Revealed The engagement of Linda Leyva and Thomas L . 1'torn Jr. of Fort Brasg, N.C. bas been •IUIOUllC<d by Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Leyva of Westminster, parents of the bride-elect. The couple are planning to be married Oct. 16 Jn the ChaJ><l ol the Wedding Bell<, Bellflower. MiM Leyva wu graduated from Marlna High School and now Is attendin& Golden. West College. Her fiance, son of Mrs. Virginia Conant of San 'fl.tarcoa, was on active duty in Korea and now is asigned to duty at Fort Bragg. SUSAN APALATEGUI Will M1rry Betrothal, Birthday Celebrated The engagement of Susan Apalategui and Chrutopher Miller was announced durlne a party in the Huntington Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. John Apalategui, parents of the bride-elect. Her fl.a.nee ls the JOO of Mr. I D d Mn. Robert C. Miller, also of Hunl!Jlilon Beach. Special guesll attending the dinner, which also celebrated Miss Apalategul's birthday, were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weight and children Cheri and Jeffery, Robert C. Smith, Marine Capt. Alan Mullinax, and Mrs. Kenneth B • Rockwell, Long B e a c h , grandmother of the bride·lo- be. The betrothed couple were graduated from Huntington Beach High School and will at· tend Oranae Coast College in September. No date has been set for the Wedding. Bridal Date Announced 'Air. and Mrs. Orvin Holl· Ingsworth of Laguno Niguel have announced the engage. ment of her daughter, Cynthia Louise Witt to Christop~er Edward Seymour. The bride-elect also iii a San Clemente High S c h o o I graduate and has attended the Laguna Beach School ol Art and Deslen, where she was awarded a scholarship for her pottery. Now a free !anti! pot. ter. she was among exhlbltors in lhe Sawdust FesUval. A wedding will take place on Sept. 20 in San J u a n Gaplstrano's Com mun it y Christian Church, and the coo· pie are plaMlng a honeymoon in Mexico ind Europe. Waist Watchers The son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Seymour of TOPS Waist Watchers Capistrano Beach hu been ac--assemble every Thursday at 7 tive in several musical group1 p.m. in Circle View School, and hu competed with a nc· Huntington Beach. On a honeymoon trip to Lake Tahoe and other points ~ Jn northern California w e r e newlywed James Robert Ew· ing of Westminster and his bride, the former Robin Clark Luclr.ett. The Rev. Dr. J-lugh David Burcham performed the dou· b!e ring ceremony in the Long Beach Covenant Presbyterian Church for the daughter of ~1rs. Jack O\dat Edgerton of HunUngton Harbour and the late Mr. Thomas O. Wckett and the son of Airs. Mildred E\vlng of Anaheim. Given in marriage by her stepfather. the bride wore a v.·htle organza gown wilh a coronation train. Lace ap.. pllques trimmed the bodice and wrist-length sleeves or her gown. Her illusion veiling was caught by a headpiece of fresh flowers and seed pearls. Attending her sister as maid of honor was Linda Luckett in a floor length empire tur· quoise peau de so.ie gown. Brideamalds were Afn. Alan Welner, Miu Deborah Hon and Mias Lynd1 Lockwood. LB Clubwomen Back on Job Flower girl was Sherry Stras., ;ind lhe ring bearer was Walter Schreiner. the bride's niece and nephew. Se rving as best man wa~ Ron Brody, while ushers were Michael F. Turnbaugh, Ted f\-1. Williams and Alan Brody. Organist was George Orwig .and soloist was Miss Donna Ewing, t h e bridegroom's sister. Assisting al the rcceplion in the Huntington fiarbour Beach Club were Gwen Sanders, Christine Schreiner and Kathy Strass. Special guests attending v.·ere lifrs . Edwin 0. Edgerton and ti-tr. and !\!rs. Thonu1s Roberts of P ie dmon t; . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jones, Bend, Ore.: ~1rs. 0. N. Uirgren. Rocky Ford. Colo.: Mr. and f\.1rs. Carl Lykken and Mr. and ti-trs. M. Hoff tlf Pabn Springs. The bride is a graduate or Easle Rock liigh School, at· tended the University of California, Santa B a r b 1 r a where she af£Wated With Chi Omega and is a graduate of Caliromla St.ate College at Long Beach. Her husband is A graduatt of Milllkan High School and attended Cypress J u n I o r College and the University or Redlands. Food, fun and frolic were The newlyweds will reside in evident when Altrusa Club Westminster. members celebrated the end mmm.Yuwctma•t""'"'"""'' of their summer activities PICKWICK~ wilh a luau in lhe home of lhe Rudy G. Burtons. BOOKSHOPS Mrs. Julie Bradshaw, en-'"'""'" ..... "'"""' tertainment chairman for the 540-2111 Laguna Be.ach club, stated 11u 11e1~~.=.ooc1=1""""· that Hawaiian and Polynesian1="="=-=="="='"'=,.="='====, numbers were performed by!t Afarilyn Cabang. Overeaters Gut!!!ls are welcome to al· tend Overeaters Anonymous: every Monday at 8 p.m. in1 Anderson School, Westminster. Harbor TOPS Harper School in Costa Mtsa is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather !lch Monday evening at 7:30. Think GLEN or MICHIGAN Think JE4in lnM Wetlcllff ftlfl• IM1·2444 Ntw,.rltr IR• ....... VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)' Accent on partnership ties. publicity and marriage. Yoo may find younelr dissatisfied v.ilh status quo. Patience is a \'irtue -which means plan carefully before t • k i n g positive steps. = ellCI lo¥1. order Sydner Om1rr'• , "$tal l Hlnll lor ""'n •nd -·" sq lll•theer. •nd 511 ~'· te OmafT A1trDli:r,'. hum. the DAILY PILOT, '°" 11 G••nd Centr•I st .. !Ion. New Yor~. .Y. 10011. performing the ceremony. Uer. Given in marriage by her At the reception In Laguna father, the bride wore a go"'n Beach Country Club for 250 of imported chantil\y lace lop-guests Mrs. George H. Thom· ping a silk organia cage wilh pson clrtulated the guest book. attached chapel train. An The former Miss Vanderbilt organdy Juliet cap trimmed Is a graduate of Laguna Beach with lace and seed pearls High School and Citlifomia caught a single cathedral State College at Long Beach . length train. Her husband is an alumnus of ing car team. A graduate of'lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jl San Clemente High School, he attended Orange C o a a t College. PUBLIC AUCTION Ctfttral Amerlcon Ordtn Sele LOYIL Y N!WPORT IEACH RHIDINCE SUNDAY, ANGUST 31 ot J P.M. Ion Sb•l U01 DEYON LANE Thi• 1h1•p J tiedroorn, 1 \11th home i1 on I (Orn•• lot in pre1· lit iou1 Newport le1¢h, S1p1rel1 dining room, fi1epl1¢1, (O•erecl p1ti1, rnoller• D11ill_.11 ~itch1n, ••ll·lo-w•fl cerpeh, newly ,.i1t1d. Ow•er ~IH Carry ExceUtflt Flnucln9 Opet1 for lnspectlan LI ...... he""'" RMlt)I Awt--~ Ill Arntricl MARSH DOZAR lllAl. llTATI AUCIONllllS Ull .. ,..._Wey, ltTWIJ Hill• 90211 PIMne: 211-271.fSM The bride's bouquet. a full UCLA. lacy white fan , was fashioned LI. Williamson presently is of tiara roses , white butterfl y in flight training at Randol ph roses, stephanotls and a white Air Force Base. Texa s. where tlrchid. !he · couple will reside until Rebekah Lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meetings lhe fourth Mondays at 8 p.m. in various locations. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at 543-1938 1nay be called for additional information. Her attendant! were 1.1iss June of next yur. Anne \VJ 11 I a ms on, the.Ii";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bridegroom's sister and maid of honor, Mias Victoria Pell of Laguna Beach, Miss Kitty Simmonds of Palos VerdeJ and lifrs, Duncan 1.flltiken of l Franklin, Ky . They wore empire line 1 mai1e 1owns with a watteau I panel which cascaded from a MOONLIGHT SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 28th * 3 HOURS ONLY* 84 STORES ••. ALL 72° 8 PM 'TIL 11 PM Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes and open nig~tly 1ill 9 :30 Will Fall From The Sky! 11:M;J:r•);leJ~:ii:f;ll ~oath Coast ?taza IACK ••• TO SCHOOL WARM 'N COZY SLEEPWEAR: • bunny hoppers • flannel j1mml11 e lovely robes Quilted Loun91 W11r Mini Slips Holl Sllps Panti11 11>11 rn.11r ,...,.. 1t1M1 ., 11rtitlt ..... ,., le tMett '"'"' Sr><clollzfog m D &DD Graduate Co1setfcre1 J50 B • E11t 17th SI. H!llgr111 S11w••t_.41·14JO Cast• Me11 We've started them ... talking. ~ at th~/// l/()l/le'::~o(j( ~~t/tlJ r~•~1M SOUTH COASr PlAVi •COSTA MEU • Sll 003t I I I I I I, . --. • Sadllleha~k : E•DI TION voe. 62, NO. 204, l SECTIONS", '34 PAGES Numa Awaits Word Tricia Suffers. Abdominal Pains OAtL V PftOT Slllff n. ADM ITTED TO HOSPITAL , Trlclo Nixon . , . Down t'lae Mission Trail Ca po Students Registration Set CAPISTRANO -Registration is being held this week for new students entering the Capistrano Unified School District this !all. New students al San Clemente High School may register daily starting 'naurs- day between 9 a.m. and J p.m. at · tlie school. Junior high students can register at f'orster Junior High on Tuesday through Th·ursday from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. . . . Returning students Wlll receive mailed lnstrucUons this week on the first week of echool. Classes will start on Sept. 8. e Ballet Offered ~ FOREST -The beach and ten· nls club will be offering ballet lessons for children between the ages of five and 10 1tarling Sel!I. Z3. Mrs. Bonnie Otta will instruct each Tuesday after school for an ~':· Sbe his been a director of the Paetflc Ballet Company and was the principal' dancer with the Morelli Ballet Company. , Interested parents may sign up at the club. There is a limit of 10 children _per class. e Aquatic F11n Slated MISSION VIEJO -Swimmers and divers will show off lhelr akilla during the Recreation Center's Water Carnival Fri. day. By JOHN VALTEllZA . Of "" Dllft' L911ft Slaff President 'and Mrs. Richard Nixon are awaiting word in San Clemente today on the rondition of their eldest daughter. Tricia, who may be suffering from ap- pendicitis at Walter Reed Medical Center in the nation's capital. PresidenUa1 aides announced the Illness of the President's 23-year~ld daughter today. - They said she began eomplaJning of tn. creaslngly ievere abdominal pains Mon- day, a day after her arrival in Washington from the western White House in Saa Clemente. At a press briefing shortly after noon tod ay, presidential press secretary Ron Ziegler said that the latest word from Washington indicated, "MW Nixon's con- dition ls not. a serious matter." Press Secretary Mrs. Gerry Var;. Der Heuvel said Miss Nixon complained to no one about the pain on hfonday except a White House ma.id. She felt worse today and phoned the senior White House physician, Dr. Walter Tkach, in San Clemente. He, in turn, notif1ed his asiiltet in Washington. Dr. Stanley Bear, wbo o:· amlned Tricia and . prescribed a mild sedaUve. He,reported she had no fever or increlfH! in pulse. 1 Shbi'tly ptterwanls Tricia waa admftled to the mectical a:nter's Ward II -the ~ IUltO .:.. !Gr oboervatioo llld test& Mn.. Van Der Heuvel Bald result3 of. medical u.aminations would be known later· today. She saki the Nix.ans "l"ere kind of surprised at news of Tricia's Ulness, because the.ir daughter is normally a very healthy young lady." Tht petite, bloode Tricla bad been visiting at the Western White House for . 12 days beloce returning to Washington Sunday. Ca po Tr ustees P ick Benedict Superintendent Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District agreed Monday to name Truman Benedict as the new Dis.tQct superintendent. 'Mle post was recently vacated by Olarles F. KeMey, who left to head the larger Santa Ana school district. The board took no official action, but by unanimous agreement decided that Benedict would be officially appointed to a one year, $25,000 contract at the next regular board meeting, Sept. 8. The board also agreed to appoint Sam A. Chicas as assbilant superintendent of personnel and Raymond E. Oliver as assistant superintendent of instruction. Benedict has been with the sprawling Capistrano District more than 20 years. It includes Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Capistrano Beach, San Juan Capbtrano and parts of Mission Viejo as well as San Clemente. • The new superintendent, 45, first taught elementary school for two years, was a principal for five yean and was superintendent of the old San Clemente School District for nine years. When the district unified five years ago, Benedict became a s s I s ta n t 5Uperintendent of lnstructiQD and person. nel. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees irom Whittier COllege. O~NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • F i r e on Park Avenue Laguna's annual brush fl.I'e season got started Monday afternoon when blaze consull!ed. about an acre of "tinder dry brush on Park Avenue below Donna Drive. Crew from city fire departtnent qqlckly extinguished . Ill• 1:15 p.m .. fll'e. &Ide from some unpleasantness resultin"g ·from · smoke, residents of nearby homes· were not -affecteda · . . . . . ' ' Yo~ri . """'' Key School · Board Me mber Voting was under way today to elect an Orange County'Board of Education metn· ber, one wbo wru detennhle the dlredlon In which tlle county board will head in the fuhue. A 2 to 2 conservaUve--verms-moderate split divides ~ panel now. Each of the two active candidaies for 1he fifth seai tO be filled today lifles up On one aide or the other. Dr. Doria M. Araujo su\ll)CJIU the stands oI the conservative incumbents, while Richard L. Acton generally agrees with the moderates. A third candid.ale on the ballot, Philip Ramseyer, of Anaheim, has announced his withdrawal from the race because he would have to quit his Lohg Beach leaching job to serve on the board. Polls will be open unUl 8 p.m. at loca- tions throughout the Mission Viejo and El Toro areas and on up Into Orange, Villa Park and a section of Anaheim. The elec- tion is limited to the Fourth District trustee area, where 110,000 persons are eligible to vote. Dr. Araujo, 4.5, of Orange, Is a specialilt in. internal mediciM. She ap- pear«! before the board In March to testify In opposition to sex education in public """"''· She deltnda c0unty sclloola Supt. Dr. Rober! Pelmon'a rlghl to condU<!I • an opinion, poll In barbtt shops, lllJd llilDb the Grand Jury mlaed the mark in·crfUc~ the board when ll coukl better ·Jlave commented on drug ' abuse and campus unrest. Acton, 32, also ol orange, ii on ex· ecuUve advilO!' recommended by the board member who vacated the seat. Lyle Gulpry,. to auceeed hbn. Acton says Dr. Peter80D. aboukl consult with the board before embarking Oii polling and agrees with the Grand Jmy that recent board discussions have been a waste of ' time and misdirection of the panel's , energies. By JEROME F. C<IILINS Of !tit °"" , ..... ..,, Danlet P. Moynihan, the President's ·advisor on urban , affairs, waa positively lyrical about it. · "[ think,,. he nid, "'that the peace dividends have turned out \o. be evane. cent, like Ute morning cloud~ arOUQd San Clemente." . Moynihan thus explained Monday why the end 9f hostilities in Vietnam, when It occurs, will mean no windfall of federal money for -domestic purposes. He told a press conference at the West.em White Home in San Cl~ente that lhe estimated $30 billion yearly now being spent tn VtetDam will ~.swallowed up by proposed. federal government pro- grams and by those already in effect. 'The nation'• growth, ln both population and gross naUonal product (GNP), will be such that by 1975, he said, funds now being pumped into Vietnam "will kick like small change." The assessment came out of a three. hour session of the•President's Urban Af. fairs Councll earlier in the day Monday. Tbe councl~ head«! by Moynihan, in- cludes six cabinet members. , Ro.!y v!Jlona of a huge post-Vietnam windfall had betn encouraged lit lhe ad· mlrJlWaUon last ~January, .itfie Pres!· dent's ecoOomic advisors then _proje.cted the availability Of pz.9 million in "ex. tra" federal funds within 111 months of the war's en4,. · · • Moynihan was asked· whether-the dlspe.Iling of these visions had "shocked" NIXQft.~ . "fi is not.·the purpose of Presidents to be shocked by reality," sniffed the ont> Ume Ivy League ·pro1....,... Moynihan wu emphaUc about the new, Jess happy forecast. "l wili say that it ia clearly the ronclusloo of the analysla (by the Urban Alfaira Councill that the (llOe MOYNIHAN, Poge I) ' . "'"',. ......... ' · 'WINDPALL'OUT WINQOW' Presldentl•M vtior Moyft lhMt -. . . l I ~ 3 Bl'QSh, Fho~. "~ : , .Quelled :Mot.day . ' ' . . \ . Ar~tmd ·Comity · Three Orange Coonly brush fires -ont touch«! off In the apec\acular plunge !" a -k down • '(!Ully ... tho --Vie~ Ranch -'were ex11ngu1abed by !Ire crew• Monday. . - ' I • TEN CENTS • ur Desperate I I Rescue Tries Fail Laguna Beach artist James A.Colletta. +411 dr~ned1 in heavy, chllly Laguna ' Beoch "1il llonda .-. ' • y • Colletta. en nhlbltor of 1bo Laguna F .. tlval ol Arts, cfrownecl in o...-., loot ~i:eakerJ at the Laguna A,_ beach dapile.ellotta by ---.. IUeguarda ml a j>hyalclan to aave him. Swimmers In the water !aid Colletla lhouted for aulatance beeau9e be was feeling faint. Four llwimmen1 tried to reach him. lffecuanle iild, but be ....i .-belono theY arrlv«!. Lifeguard El!fl Wella!iy found Colletta upclerwater about 111 minutes laier ml brouRbt him Into shore. We1lalry, fellow guard.a 'ml a - pbyaidon, Dr. Raymond Beai:h, lrlod tO revive Colletta unW an ambdanc:e af. rived. Further resuacltaUon In the ambulance and adrenalin injecUona at the hospital failed to revive the painter. Collella was pronouoced dead on • rival at South Coast Community Hospital at 3:15 p.m. A specialist in wate.reolor landlcapes. Colletta Uved alone at 1133 B~ His mother1 brother and sister are"Uvtna itt New Jersey. .. Servlcoa. are. pendln1 at .Sheffer La-8'Dll Beach Mortuary. . .:_, * ~.;.. ..... ~. '1< ,.. ,. .Wptei:-1 1.Unkind ,,,. . . ' To · Suiimmers On South Coas~ Heavy surf, <Old• waler ·and llnmg rip. Udea Monday plagued llwimmera ~ -'Oronge Coast beaches, u taim>a Beach and !Ian Clemenle 1Ueguan1a· p.u. ell 114 awtmmera to aa1e1y. · Lquna Beacb IUeguard.a reported cme ol the busiest Mondays in memory, u Ibey re1a1«1 39 swimmers In the cbil\r. five to lll·foot aurf. · · one ~· ff.ye.r.old James A. Collet. la, died while awimmlhg ofJ Main Beach. A doZfJl other awlmmen· were assisted to shore by Laguna Uleguarda at er... «:mt Bay In a mus reacue, u swbnmen fought a ttrong rlpUde. San Clemente. lifeguards, w h o man Aliso. Three An:h Bay and Monarch Bay, beach .. pulled 25 awlmmen lo aalety ID &ix to eight-foot 'surf. · . "We had aome of the bluest ripl!des of the year," a spokesman !or the San Clemenle guarda aald. Normally, there an about Ove rescues on a weekday alon& San Clemente and Laguna beaCbeL Tbe beavy surf """' Unued today. Steele Markets NEW YOllX (AP) -The llloclt marl:ol clOled with a atlff klll today .. tt turned In Ha aecond llrallbl I o 1 l n I &elSion. (See quotatlom, Pqea 11~11), The. Dpw Jones industtj.al av•age at I p.m. WU ofJ 1.17 at m.07. Trading OVU tllis day Wal filrly'IJow, Wea .. er Another lyplcal day along the Oranp Cout ii In the offing for Wad""ay, wllh' lair weather· ml lemperotw"a· ronglng ln>m 72 alq the shore to II In 1bo lancl-'lbe aquatic event will fea~ 1~ ming, diving and synchronlzed swunm1ng demonstraUona, There is no admission charge for this public event which will beiln at 7 p.m. ·Heat Kills Jungle Cats Driver John r.luO.., ol'. saoi.. Ana, escaped Injury when ' bis vehicle rolled ijowii Into a plc;lt""'•• miles out <i San Juan. Capistrano ··nut the , ~ Highw&jo. ,: • ··'·.i Flames ll<klng 'out ol 1bo l'!l"- ltllek. apread lhr<lulll ·.-by-·ml . bnllbl blaCkeolna ..... lhan tll acrtl .,.. .fc)re, tt1Wli watfed out 1fitbla an hour.· ' ca..... <i two OcldlUonal -ID Ill< ii> land bnlsh lenllorJ bu :not • -'deiemllnOd, • 1polrielnlu far .u. -DMallXI ol Foreatr)' aald.todar. loc:k~ ~ I INSIDE TODAY .. The "u~ 1anomc• of the Coato Jle14 Ch>lc Pfa~houa• ihare. ty, ll)OµJght wllh Ille _.. top parforTMra at u.. eMGW• aftnuoL Qll01'dl c~e-- e Capo Bolt• League SAN JUANitAPISTR.\NO -aty of- ficials will be&;.:. for the meeUng of the Ondlge qou~ dlvl.ion of the !.<ague of Call!ornia dftiei 'lllursdly. Films taken by the crew or Apollo t t, which have just been released by NASA. will be flown to Capistrano for the even- tna:'s program. Arrangement& and com. meqtary will be provided by o!!lctala from TRW System's Capistrano racillty. Ttle IOCial hour will begin at 5:39,,.m. with dinner at 7:30 p.m. in the El Adobt Restaurant. I Anaheim Wild Anim(l l B.reeder Loses .AU on Desert By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .... .,,.., .......... !!l~lerlng heal took lta 1goolzing toll today as a wild animal breflier carrying 55 esotlc cat.a and his Jut few dollan from Anaheim to Florida worked on his disabled truck by hand in the California dcaert. Todd Leuthold ls losina ca ls, money, Ume and hope.. "1 don't see bow it can iel any worse, .. ' . said his wife 1>orothy, -cont.acted at their clOled-<iown House ol llartu, HZ! lied Gwn 51.,. In , counly lel'rll<>y l!<ar · Anahehn. ' Mra. Leuthold, a v<letlllary atudtn~ · aaid Rveral IMOJ11 ~,000 worth of call cog«! oo the 1919 truck have di«! In the 117 degree heat, alter tatting to htr hua-! band In El Centro Monday n\PL "We lost two female leopards carrying thtte kltlent each by a lillock •father," aald the anguilhed woman, -.UO, a 1 • ' ' ' f > ~ o •• f • ) I ' s1s,ooo 1oa, besides !he onlmaJa•.,,..our, !~ .. · ... ' ... . Tbe,Lait)>o)d1 ' m 11110111'•~JY II U:S, finna wblcii breedJ•naJ• catkhl captivity and Nad planned their niofe· ·tO Brookavllle., 'Fla., · •l!ICe :last· ~o.,mtier< befii. county autllorlU!s abut them doWn earlier th1i ·year. · Mra • .J.euihoid'aald!thelr cit boarding incl br....._ buainm -forcecl to c1oM oo the iiasli that the llUildbig bad no eiec> I .. , .... 'CATS LCJ11,•Pap I)· • , . ;e:. ... 1-J, ... 1 : ' , .. Nearly two """" of 1Nll ·burned a ·mile ioulh of su .... ado• SCboOI oo Sin- .tlago CanybnJtoad. Nearly one acre o£ gr111 IDd a pup ·Were 'destro)'ed tn '&.fira1on..Santa Ana -C..yoo.ltoad at Eucalfplua• Drive. • 1 '""""'-Set E-1. ~11... • . • l I • ' \ -----.• • --- , J OMLY I'll.OT L ,, '!e!' 19" Sl~epy ·DolJow · F~nei~g Ou.t U ninvi,ed I 91 JMll ciiAPPELL . In the !Jaht d a pn>poltd COmmerclal· °' • ..., '"'' •••tt Hotel zone which woutd stretch from "' pid I-JDllio pad, nollbbm'a, ' LfCUlla A""'IO lo Clei lllltal: ................. nal .. ~Jy 11 11 -111tural to -thol tho ..,. II tit llllpJ Bil:IOw beach. owners ' o( tarp botel1 alON the • ...., .... U. 1prou1'd along lht be•chfronl would 1 • 1o rtff1'V' their . I..,. Ill Iba _.iw Laguna Beach area. properly for the exclusive UM! of their "Tile beachea b<IO!li IA) the i.wi( Ind IA) "• clllml al tho ·lown and they rlwll bt "I" oil Ind .-. Tiiey art =IY 1 parl ot tllt tx>wn lmqo," Aid James t>illey, busiritssman and active civic planner. Dilley said the problem oC maintaining: public atceSI hes been dlatuued by the cltltena advisory committee, a group set up by the City Council to work with the city in formulating a master plan. . . DAILY Pll.OT '"""' W T.m ~ ~OTHER PENCE OOES •UP ON THE Bl!ACH AT LAGUNA'S SLEEPY HOLLOW Symptoms of Larger .'Poopi. PNbloms' RIM Whllo Boochgoors oncl Property Ownor1 Grumblo Guards Amiable Won't Make Waves Over Scilaries San Clemente's lifeguards today agreed to make no waves in thei~ pay and work· Ing hours dl!pute with the cily pending the outcome of. renewed negotiations that will once again place the laau< before tllt '. Clly Coundl. ' Both Bides agreed lo dei&I' until Sept. 2 . -the day alter Labor Day -the bearing : echeduled lot today before Superior Court • ..riidge Robert Cotfman. • • That action resul1'd from the apparent • detenninaUon of both !Idell IA) reach an ;wt.ot<oUrt setUemenl ' • San Clemente Clly AUOrney Cir! Kegley said IA)day for the ell)' that a ' meeting Monday belween hlmsell and Chester Brisclle. the Uleguanla' lawyer, i 6'produced a much more amiable at- • "JDoophere. "We agreed lbat I woold seek the con- "tinuanct today with a view to this matter . goU!g before Clly CGuncll on ·Sept. 3," . 'Kegley said. "'!be Uleguanis will - Septomber f, by which lime we may find that we have a aettlement on GUJ' ~·" < San Clemente Cily Manager Kenneth · Cm'• only COllllllenl IA)day wu: "l can only uy that we have reached a litUe better understanding of our mulual pro- bleml." ' Superkll! court action WU llOUll>t by the city alter the si IJll'Y llfeguardl lhnateoed lo w.it off their lob< li pay lncnua and nduced worfctng houn wen not autborbed -an actlon that would have lelt JU mlla of IOUtb county sborellne.wilhoul bather protection. Llfeauardl asked the city IO bring pay scalea up to the levels allegedly enjoyed by lifeguards in all other areaa trom Los Angeles to San Diego. Pay increases demanded by the group ranaed from nine percent to 29 percent. Also aought were supplementary pay hlkea for seuoa•I lletJ1':nanta, the cap- tain and the chief and a five-day work w.eU for all San Clemente lUeguards. It wu argued by the dty that the 1Uegll4nb had had every oPPOl'lunity dut· ing the throe precedinc lllClltha IA) arrive at a aeltlemenl • .It wu pol01'd out that all Ulqiiards ftceived merit ralsu of five percent in the 1969-7ll budge!. : :.--- ~ .. Ft'OJll P .. e I ~CATS LOST ••• • .• ;.. ,._ trlcal wiring c:ondult1 u req1llftd I« •• IQCb a venture. :-. 'jBut we were never even Inspected," ~ lbe com,iaJned. -· "We were not doled becau11e ~ the ":'. wild 1aim.als,11 she aplained, addin& that ' uped Is more a hobby. Nolleeably bitter in telling o! lhe tra1le predicament, Mra. Leuthold 1aid her bu- band 1larted the cr<>l><Olllltry odyJSey once affer they obtained llld altered a truck lo fit the job. ' . :• 4 ' .. ) ' . 5 ' -.. ' ' ' :; < . • ~ -• .. -• • ' .. • ' ) , • , -' , • • ' • , . . . , • • J • • ;. . ' .. "You don't move 55 animals just llke that." she said. "He bad lo rebuild 1 blown up ebih1e flnl and be got IA) Beaumon~ but the· mechanic: had pul lwo rod capo ID backwards and it blew up again." · Delayed for additional repair11, the ark4 like truck earrying a SlbeJlln tiger, the, expec:1ant mother leopmfs, 10 ocolola, 19 Indian teopard~ats, five American· tnQUn-, ta.in Uons and five bobcats, tilus nlany domestic cats rolled out at 5 a.m. 1ut Saturday. Radiator trouble and finally a blown bead gasket bnlught the lwo-truck pr .. cesaion to a halt in awelterlng El centro, UAllY Pil UI CllANOI! C0Mt WR-CQlilllNll'f' l•"-tN.W• .. ---JK• .. c:.f.,f VIit """*' .... --·-n .... rll'fl ·--....::.'="'" 1Jdier4 P. Nd ---'"' ----2Jt ,._, ... .,. u.nr., ""-'-· f.O. ....... '2&11 --°""' .... ,. ...... ...,. ...... """'°" hfldl< "''""" ...... ........ ........... , .... ..... ..,,.,. inblem• rapidly multlplfed u the call were decimated by heat "He Aid It wu 117 dq:reee: Monday - ao hot you couldn, -t ootalde -bul he c:oulcln, even find a mantle ID that town ~~~·~~~.-wort on It at Uslnr dim headUghla from lhe lee<llld truck '!"tr Wumlnallon, Leuthold worked through thi nfCbl houri as the caged cats Ian,,._ ID the lltlcky beat benealh tre..>a\ I motel. She aald 'her hulblnd left with llOO, but It too1::•11111 alone IA) Ill the radla!Or and a ipon f"'1 pump c:mled alq turned out to bl 'the wrong l)'pe, wlleu the one he 1'lt with failed. ErCept for the oeemJn11Y fuUle job of repairing the eolhie and movlni on IA) cool• climates to 11ve tho ltrlclten cal!, tblnp are u ba<I al borne, Mn. LeutbOid l5ald today. She said ahe II clealltute, the nm ls due, li!llly ..rvlce la shout IO be shut off and the couple baa had no me-from their bullneJa llnc:e cloaure ID late June. '"lbere must be eomebody -eome ._ or flnencial organlntlon -who can help us out, when the author!Uea can just come in and close your business," she said mlstrably. Mrs. Leuthold aald she contacted coun- ty welfare authorHles but they told her nothlnr could be done l{l\Ul perhaps her humand was gone three. month& and declared a deserter. 'Ibis, she said, Ja absurd. Their original plan wu to accompliah the transfer to Florida, where Mrs. LeutbOld plans lo allend Miami Univen~ ly to become a veterinarian and evtn· tually open their own zoo. T1>day, cata -al)d a dream -seemed to be dying alonpide U.S. IDl!>way 80 In El Centro. Capo Man Guilty Of Drug Charge A C.plllrlno Beach man muted and ~ by l..alUD• Beach police on auto tbeft and druga charges pleaded gu.1111 Monday IA) poooeasloo ol marlJuanL &lperior Co.trt Judie Howard cameron dillnlaaed the car theft charge against Francis Laula Winterbourne, 36, ol mG 'Via Callfomla. ind Mfered him IA) ..ium lo court Sept. l for teQtenclng. WlnlerbaUme WU arrested in the Art Colooy lut April 7 In an aui. nported It.Olen by HI owner about five bours urlier. Anutina officers Aid Wift. terboume carried drup oo h~ person al the lime ol booking. Wlnter1>oume faces a lf!lteoco ol up lo one year In COWliY jail on the clnJ& ...,. vict;on. from POfJe I MOYNIHAN. •• •<><•lied peace .00 growib dlvldendl that have been anUc!pated. •. in January ol this year were simply not reall&tlc. "There is not likely to be anythlna like the free re3ources that we had all floped for," he aaid. "It ia 1imply not there ln ~ lyltem. We are not going to hive. an eaay lime of making national prloriUa in the 1rros1u MoYlllhan, ablaze In a yellow blam and footing_ a bJt like a younger onon Welle11 declined to use the term •npu.. dtale" in dl!CUseing the January nport. ••That would be much too •tr on I a word," he said. "We are proceeding on a different set of assumptions." These assumptions, he explained, in· elude the continued needs of the ''defense establishment" and many domestic pro- gtams long planned but not funded. "The amount in which we have de- pleted resources IA) malnlaln the effort 1n Vietnam seems to be much more fm· porlanl than people had anticipated," he said. One newsman rtminded him that he had once said urban problems require a mass infusion of money. "Are you now saying you are not goiD1 to get it?" h• was asked.~ "I don't know that I have said that," lie replied. "Urban problems require a Jot or things. Throwing money at them is 1ort of a simple-minded aoluUon. I think we are going to get a lot We are gettln§ a lot now, and we win get 1 lot mort. • 1.foynihan denied that the new projee· lion would . adversely affect h.is long• term plana for coping with urban crises. "On the conlrary, we see a country that i.s strong and prospering and going to become stronger and more prosper· ous, but we also see a country that bas a lot of problems today because 10, IS years· ago this effort to anUcipate change and makt decl&ions about pria:r· ities did not occur." By fiscal JVlS, national prlorfUea and needs will easily eat up the so-called po.st-Vietnam peace dividend, be aaid. The key to this undramatic absorption i• growth. ..We have a budgetary system with built-in growth factors which are very strong, partly because ot the for· mula of existing Jegis1at.ion, and partly because of natural growth in our popu. lation." He cited as an example tbe Pttsi· dent's revenue-sharing proposal for state 11nd fedefal governments. It will be funded at a proporUon of one percent of personal Income in the country. "If per· sonal income goes up, the expenditures of the federal government IO up," he said. "The world is a funny place," MoynJ.. han concluded. "It always fools you and nothing you expect IO happen does hap- pen. But tf!ere are some things you can look for: death and taxes and an Jn- crease between four and 4.S percent in the GNP." Details Checked 111 Assault on Lagm1a Officer Police loday are piecing totiether facta in 11 case involving an alltpd aUack on a Laguna Beach policeman Saturd11 and the arrest or twe> brothers Saturday nlghL The brothers were released on ball and ordertd to appear for arraignment on Sept %. - Anested were Ru(us Gtne Mtrtin, 18, Oceanside and Carl Dooglu Martin, 20, Vista. Rulus Maritn was booked on possession of property with terial numbers removed and Carl Martin for usault and battery on a pe>lice offcter. Police were called to a spot near the ln- teraection of C~o and Gltnneyre Stretll by an 1nonyii!0111 Informant who said he uw a penon loading a eun . At the loe1Uon omcen found Rufus f\.fartln, aome .22 caliber ammiJnllion and alleaedly the properly without 1<rill numbers. The man IA)ld offlctrt the properly belonged to his brotbtr who was aL the Taco Bell on South Coast Highway. \, Anehortd m,-coricrete, the ciorra\ of customers. That leavet: non-cuetomera to metal pole; jotbed by a ·cbaJn enetrctes pack the five block IOn1 pubUc Main the private beaelt of.tho-Werner Eilr•n-Beach. prei> properly al WI and 611 Sleepy NO ACTION YET Hollow Lane. "It is a tragedy that there have been so many encroachmenl..5 on the shoreS. It is one of Lile appalling desecrations of our time," Dilley aald. Nearby Is a PIJm frond rence erected earlier by the motel·hotel comple~ Vaca~ Uon Villi". . . The fences, owners say, are to keep u ... desirables from dotng ui1desirable th1np lo the private ·beach. But. obeerves one Jong-time Lagunan, the fences also keep out long time Lagunans. LmLE QUESTION There seems to be little question about the legality of the fences. The plots are private property. Ownen may put up fences as Jong as they get a pennit from Cily Hall. Ehrenprel5 got his permll aller con. sl ruction wu started, but so far, Vaca- tion Village's fence is without a City Hall permll However, many non-beacb front owners feel that they are losing something each · time a beach is fenced. And the situation may get worse as more mu1U-unit development replaces the resldenUal pro- perty along the beach, tbey say. The prospect for future fencing aJong the white Laguna oands Is real, especially So far, the city bas not g:otten into the Issue of beach fencin&. But, in a round· about way, it may in the f1,1ture, 1aid City Manager James D. Wheaton. , He pointed out that beach front owntra have titles which grant them ownera:hlp from a fixed point alon_. the streeta to the line of the mean high Ude. That tide line fluctuates. In figuring the number of allowable units which may be built pn a pm-tlcular property, the amount of square footage ia: used as the detenninine factor. Where the square footage fluctuates because of the tides, a lot may t>e feasi· ble for building one day and impracticil the next, Wheaton said. "I don't know that the city can aay, 'that's where it (the beach 1ide property line) is period,'" Wbeaton taid. "We either have to have a signed agreement accepting a place or an ad- judication by a court,'' he said. "We haven't raced this situation yet, but the day may come," Wheaton said. Meanwhile, Lagunan:s and visitors to the city are faced with a shrinking shoreline they can use. Al'lotber view came from Loren Haneline, owner ol. Vacation Village: NO RJGtrr "The beach boys descended upon w. The kids were telling us we have no right on our own beach,'' Haneline said. "Even if they behave themselves, th ey congregate on your property so that your own guests can't use yoor property. If you don't have some means of designating your property, you can't et· erclie control over it," he said. Fences may only be the symJ?Wm o~ a larger problem said Clyde Springe, city building director. "Fences are going up because of people problems between the property owner and the beach user. There is the need in the minds of the property owners for nserving their rights," he said. Spfinge noted that the Main Beach, purchued last year by the city ror $3 million, just cannot accomm<xlate all the beachg~rs. Opening of Saddleback Delayed by ·Trustees 31-year Resident Of Laguna Dies Mrs. Betty Flower, a 31-ytar resident of Laguna Beach and active in musical, cducatklnal, and art groups in the com· munlty, died Saturday at the age of 65. Saddleback College trustees MO!Kl.ly night adopted a school calendar that will delay opening ti the college untu alter the third football game, cause students to take final exams between Cluistmas and New Year'• and to go to school the whole month .of June. Opening of the new permanent campus south of Mission Viejo will be late because of two conifuctlon strikes. Cla.sses wUl begin Oct? 1'.I instead of Sept. 22, as planned. Registration will be Oct. a Md9. In order to gel in the 175 school days 11ecessary to qualify for state aid funds, winter quarter fillals wlU be held Dec. 30, 31 and Jan. 2 and 3, and school will con· tinue in sefiSion le the last day of the fis. cal year, June 30. Although striking plumben and heavy equipment operat<rs are back on the job, severaJ problems remain to be worked out before the campus is occupied. Telephone wires will have to be strung by JX>le temporarily at an added cost of $1,673 ·because conduit has not been laid for the MiS!ion Viejo Company under Avery Parkway, architect Robert Lov.Tey reported. Moulton-Niguel water district doesn't \\'ant to open Us sewers to the college 5 Spots Remain For YMCA Camp There are only five openings left for the South Orange County YMCA mountain camp beside Big Bear Lake, Y Director Roger Carter said today, The camp, which lasts from Friday through Sept. 5, is cpen for boys in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Boys must sign up by Wednesday. The camp costa $49, which includes insurance, transportation, lodging, food, and materials for arts and crafts. Also available for boys at the Boulder Bay campsite are canoes, sailboats, and asserted outdoor games i n c I u d i n g archery and volleyball. YOUR because manhole covers won't be 1n- istalled until after paving and dirt might get into the filtration gystem. Lowrey said he believes that difficulty can be worked out, but asphalt paving of walkways and the campus parking Jot still remains a tJg problem. If the heavy equipment operators strike Isn't settled by the next board meeting, Sept. 8, he said he probably will fl!C()tfl· mend cement be mixed with the soil to keep dust down, a less costly procedure than applying gravel or laying planks as in a western town. Lqunagrln• -+ --- I I Mrs. Flower was past president of the Laguna Beach Business and Professional Women's Club, a teacher in adult educa· tioo for 23 years, a is.year particlpent in the Pageant of the Masters, and a member of the Laguna Community. Players' First Nighters AssoclaUon. Services are pending at Melrose Abbey Mausoleum and MemoriaJ Pa r k in Orange. 1tfrs. Flower, who lived at 233 Cypress Drive, is aurvived by three sisters, Mrs. Ji. S. Beaver of Glendale : Mrs. 0 . A. Trippet of Newport Beach ; Mrs. A. J. Pennestri of Westchester ; and a brother. J. A. Van Gilse of Gardena. lly Phil lnterltndi I I I I I I 11 I "Don't Be Siiiy, Dear, It's Just 1n Illusion -l19un1 Does That fD You.'' -----~ ... Your Omtga Slllt.t & Strvic• Agtncv 0 OMEGA WATCH~ 11..-.cte-.4 I Cleaned • Oiled FREE The .,.,., teM• O"'•t• s, •• ,"' .... , w•lcll -· '''"' w19 ttltcf14 w!lh· 0 11t ••v 1119'lflctlie11 bv NASA t• h w•1R bv tw, llltft e11 the llletft, Thjt rtce111ifi•R, f,uly 1 11• WI rd ftf •ir11IJ1~c1, ~···· ... ,,.v, •• '-• v•ur 1111t.1tt11d 0111191 j•w•ltr, Ce1111 ;,. -••• thil '111d1•1111, 1 liwtt1110 4 lfl1I, Ollltt• Sp11d~••· .., •hr111otr1ph. T~t tRly wi tch WtrR by l~t ~•• t t t11t "'''"" p,;,, Sl ta. Whlle Yo• Woh • Adfuatod Pl:ARLS $2.00 from s4aa 11.STRUNe hM RINIS $3.00 11110, fr.- DIAMONDS $6.00 liPLACID, ff .. =:i=,·-IN•IATtNe OOMI w ~-· WHILI! YOU WArr Huntington Center Beach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH 892°5501 (· " flUll AfAILAIU and bade Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • ! I • I I I • :·. ··l'f~"f.· ~·~'"'. ~ .... --' . ' ' ' . ~ VOC. .2, NQ. 20;4, l SECTIONS, J4 PAGES ' ' • • \ . , ' , . ' . I ' , WiDdfatl ' . • M-oynihan· Says Money k> B~ Su:.a.l~we4 ·lJp : Br·-.: F. COLLINS' °' ................ ~ pom.I P. Moyolllan. t11e .President's ad._ an ~ ~ W8<poliUvely lyrical about II. • · "I think," be lild. ":\ha! lhe' peace dljldenda ~-Oljt to be .evane&o cent. Uke the'm""1ng·cleuda around San CJemente." ·Moynihan thus explained !,fonday why the• end of host1Utle1 In Vietnam, when It occurs, wltl mein no windfall of federal money for domesUc purposes. . . . He told a preu confe:rence at the Weatern WhJte House Jn San Clemente lbll the llllmalad '311 b!Won yearly now beiog ~~In Vietnam will be" swallowed up by proposed federal government pro- &rllml and by lhooe already in elf eel DA.IL Y PtLOT ...... 'f .__.. Kllllfw • CURIOSITY BRINQS YOUNGSTERS TO CAVE BRANDED 'DEN OF INIQUl·TY' .. BY CITY DADS lron,Ben to Block Modtm Day Pir11tts 11t leyfront Cove In Corona ~ti ~•r Tbe "'!Uon '• growth, in both .population and gross national prOctUct (GNP), 'will be'aucb that by 1'15, he aald,;funds - being pumped lnlo VlebWn "'will· loOk Presi.dentAwaiting ~ ord . . As . Tricia ·in Hospital By JORN VAL TERZA Of ni. 0.11)' ,1191 $11" President and Mn:. 1Uchard Nixon are awaitin& word in San Clemente today on tbt condition of their eldest daughter, Tricia, who·may be 'suffering from ap- pendicitis at Walter Reed Medical Center in the l)llioq'a capital • . Pnsidential aides llJUlOWICod the lllneaa o! the l'niident'1 23-year..,ld dalllbl<r teday, . .PA\~9-~~Jol,ipo • ~ l<Vll'e I M ·•· • ~di! ro -U,· afler'.. llot mfva_!_,_ja' . :w_,.... 'h!\ u._ ....... w-Bouse m San Clemente. OAILY PllOT'llMI' ,_. ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL · TrJCl11 Nixon 1 Voters Choose Key School Board Member Voting was under way today to eJect an ()range County Boa.rd of Education mem- ber, one who will determine the direction Jn which the county board will bead.in the future. A i to 2 consuvative-verauHnoderate split divides the: panel now, Each of the two active candidatea for the fifth seat to J>e filled today Jines up on one aide or the other. Dr. llor!J M. Araujo suppcrll the · llandl cl the consenatlve lncumbenla, 'While RJchard L. 'Acton ienetally agrees with the moderates. · A third candldala on the ballot, Philip Ramseyer, of Anaheim, has ~ ltis withdrawal from the race becawie be would have to quit hla Long Beach teaching job to serve on the board. Polls will be open unUI I p.m. at loca- lJons throughout the 1111.saion Viejo and El Toro arta1 and on up Into Orange, Villa )>ark and a section of Anahebn. The etec-· lion II •\muted . to the Fourth Disfr!CI trustee 'area, where 110,000 perlOllS 'are eUgible to vote. . Dt. Araujo, fS, of Ol'qe, Is a ipecllilllt In lnltrnal medlclne. She .• .,. peared \b<iore Ille board In Mll'Cb to teotlfy In opp>altion lo ,., educallan In public echooll. She ·delendl coomty 1Cbool5 SupL Dr:l!iiliifl>eier;.. i rlibl t.I conducl an opinion ~ in barber shops, and lhinb the Grand Jury mlDed the mart Jn crlticllin& the board when it l:OU!d belle: ba•e conunenled oo drug •buse and campus unruL Acton, 32, also of <>ranee. ii~ an ex· ecuUve ~dviaor recomroeoded by the boa.rd member who ~cattd the seat. Lyle Guipry, lo OU~ biln. Adon says Dr. Peterson should consult witb the boml before embarkiJ1i on polling and •gren with the Grind Jury I.bat recent t>oard dbcuulons have been a wute of lime and mlacll...uon cl the panel'• ener1les. At a presi 'briellng: shortly alter noon !o!l•y, -1~ential pre11 -•lacy Rm Zle&Ji!r Uid !hill the latest word from Wasblnglon iridkated, "Miu Nlion'1 con- dition is not.e serlOU5 matter .. '' . Pre.;s-Sia'eta . u-. r~. Var. Der . ,, .. , ,.,. .. .., .......... , Heuvet said M1sa Nixon complained to no O!')e about the pain on Monday except a White Moore maid. · She felt Worse today end phoned ttle eenior WhJte Bouse physician, Dr. Walter Tkach. in San Clemente. ' He, in tum. · notlfled his ualstant in Washington. Dr. stanJey Bear" who es-aminecf Tr~c.ia ·and ·pre.scribed a mild sedative. He reported she bad ncrfever or lnd'eaaein'pube; . . Shortly lftonr.arda Tricia waa admllled to the medical center's Ward a -the presidential IUite -for observation and lesla. Mrs. Van Der Heuvel said results of medical euminat.ions would be · known later today, She said the Nixons "were kind of surprised at news of Tricia's Illness, because their daughter is normally a Vf!r'/ healthy young lady." The petite, blonde Tricia had been visiting at the Western White Hollie for 12 daya before returning to Washington Sunday. Nixon to Leave San Clemente Home Sept.~ Prelident Nilon will leave S a n Clemente, on Sept. 8, It was announced to- day al tbe Western White Home. The president, en route to Wul:dqton. Will 'meet wttti President Dlu Orda1 of Mexico to dedicate the Am I 1 tad (friend.!h.ip) Dam on the Rio Grande U miles upNeam of Del Rio, Tex. It will be Nilon's first meeting with the Mexican • chief exeCutive llnce the • November -election. . • Cooatruclion on the ' $13-mllllon dam bepn:tii: yeara:1ago. It wU financed jointly .by. the u:s, and· Mt!Dcan 1<1Vllllll)eniL j ' Tbe ~. today· -alaD m •d·e IRli>aniliona, for . the 1 yUlt lqlnorrow o(, fanller ~dent;L)'Dlloa J-, I \ ' ' SWirillllei DioWn8 In Anaheim Pool A YOUOC man ww1n& a. face mask and snor-el wu fouhd dead Tuesda)i evening al the bollom "'' (IOOl al the Anabeiln apartment t:.dldlnl Wlitn he lived. Coroner'• deputfe. llid Mulau on the !ace and lltad•cl 9ooll 'I'. Fdl-17, IO, in- dicate he' may llave otruc~ tbe botiom while divin&. 'ntt fatal accident accumid. al 3211 Ball lll>od.- NeWport Cl~ (A)rona del ·Mar. 'Pirate Cave' Il may have taken ttie sea's eroding ac> tion Ulous~ds of years to carve out the caves at Corona del 'Mar's Pirat.e's Cove, but it took Newport Beach clty coun- cilmen ol')ly a £ew minutes to close them back up Monday night. CouDCilmen, acti.ni unanimously on recommendations from the police depart.. men~, agreed to have the two entrances of the large caves sea.Jed off with ~ and &ates. To keep . the, "attractive nuisance" .free frcm crime, yet <VI! _..,uah!o Ip' the iqb!ii,. ... ~,... to ~die aateo·'*'1 duzlli& Ille lllmlller da7tlme ~ 111cili:.i .~1oc1: i.il1;tllf 0 ~ 1ranc ... -. ·u;r~ ru1ec1: • • - Police alrongly urged that the cave· be closed completely, bul settled foc the gate jdea. Police Chlef B. J&mes Glavu Aid the gatfs and bars would elimJnate, ell• to 7p percent cf the cr:imei1n .tbe Jarae.ca•em and tlU'lnel leading to iL · One deep imer lliection of the cave, 1n wbidl ·penc:m· ~ completely hlde them&elves ... will be~ off with con- crete. . If will bO Ille oiily l>8ri cl the cave to be permin<ntly plaggid. Photograph! supplied to.cx11mdlmen·by Gtavas· sbowed-.h:uman filth, pUa of litter and> UDl<empl'yoatha.io·tlle cave ond. Ila tllmJW. tunnel leading to the necrby OO'lt. StaUstiCI rdetai!ed nearly 80 r juvenile and adult 8lTe$b in the caves over the past year · for offetJSeS ranging from (See CAVE, POie I)' lite small dlange. n, I ' The assessment came out ot a three. MUt'll<silon of'tlifl'mlilent'I uman-Af. fain Council earlier In the day Monday. The cooncll,, t:.aded by M!')'llihan. In: eludes sil: c.abinet man&ers. •. ~ Rosy viJiona ,of a huge posl.'Yieblam windfall had, been enCouraged by. the ad. min!sb'atloo last January. n.e ·Presl· dent's eccnomlc~advtsors then projected the avallabUlty of $22.9 million in . "ex. tra" federal funds within 11 months of the war's end. Moynihan was &!lked whether the dispelllnt of these visions bact "shocked" Nixon. "11 i& not the.purpooe ol PresideQll to be sbocked by reallty ," aiil$d lhi>· .... limt l"J' Leacue profeuor. Newport Beacb·cliy cooncilmen Mon- dar kept lheit kq-otanding promr..& 1a the clly'aloxpaym arofoffic1'ill)' set lhe ' . properly lax raie at li.Z25 per $100 assessed valuation, the same ·as 'lait year's figure. Furth;ennore, city aides said, money raised front · that tu r~ l"fll bt ade-- quala to cope with the imminent,cull shortage ol an estimated $150,000 caused by' tlle ·freezing of .............. $1& milllon, -1b. of taxable laod · in-Upper il:.8'!~ by county Mse8aor Andrew • atr·Manarer Harvey lltiributt laid the budget could handle the pot~ Joa of f1Ma whbout a hike 1n the property tu: 11,i.. Tlie street and alley bpprovemert pr .. ' .,. . ~ ,,,,, _ ' ... . • ' ~ '1:1AIL Y ,fl.OT ""'~ "" P~ n.;...._·. ··•. ,.,04 . ' .1.: , ' "' ': ·. DvM.7 .. , -..1 J• '• . , 1 • -.L .. •. • . I • , ., Driver Ronald' V Jonet, 26. Sall abrlelr watc:lles as· bis toppled .p~ ... <1uce truck is rl,&hted · foll~ng ac:cid"D!: late! Mond.•Y moi:n,lng on . West eo,1$t Hlthwa,y,;near Qranae Avenue. Jones Jost conttol;of his . produce •an wb~.Jie-ervtd· to 'void tt c•~' lilakil!g.ilh• rue1al·Je(! tum .and then •w•w.ued 'il&!lln~· . ml~Ud > ~awng at .slle of· · road. 'lbue.:were Jiri iu'i.... • • • ... ;,.. 1 -• . .,-. Jo .. 'I 1 ' .. ' ., '/!' ,. , • 1..._,~ , ' . ' ' .. '\., •• • I U,IT ........ 'WINDFALL OUT WINDOW' Pre1l.dtnfl1r Ad'\I'°". 'Mo~nih:on MO)'llihan wu emphaUc about tho new. -·~ lotecliil. MJ'wtll lllJClllll;lt II· cleir(J the «incllidoftoCll lhe• anal1* (l>J the l!rlioii All~ Conndl) that the 11<><alled "°""" lllld 1rowth d1V!dmill tbai ' . ' :l#n will.be cut 1&1.!lfl0'.;t.i 11·per~ lol ~at Corona de! Mlr.llbcb'wlll be elbidnated; saving. tla,oPo, , · - · '11>* aavlnp, ·coupled with oonje ex· pecleiS budgil ~,I will m.r the Upper' Bay • ....,,nenl · loa1 llUi1burl . &aid. • ' ' . He said that the curblrif fl( itr<et and ~ Wll'k iJ temporary ll!ld w!R be ~~,.. . -~~~~~· . Plaliners ·Okay All But I Item, ' . Make 'Conditions . . . Boal alipa •ClllMI lake the place of parking space;s for cara •t a restaurant, Newport Beach planning comlil!uiooers have ruled. They denied an appllcaUon by Bill Driver, oWn.r of the Dry Dock Restaurant al 2801 w. Coast Highway, to pr:ovide nine boal -in ileu of nine addlUooal ear parking "'*'"'· Planners said Driver would have to add 1even car spaces or cut the eeating capacity of the restaurant, Ill preaenl capacity ts 93, planDer James NUllDJl aaid. and· one . car !P"ce 11 requln<I lor every .thfet patnns. • - In oliier acHan ' Tbundar• ·plan- ners voted approval of a request by the Irvine CooipanJ!. to 'croai. two. pardls;o1 land for cOnsirudion of the ,fleaboord Building !n N•WP.Ort Cenler and a par~ structure. ' ' -f PlaRs ·for the par~lng strudure1 were approved, subject to a flnal ,1amlna~ by the city of landacaping and elevation plans. ' .' , ' Planners al!o :, 1 • ' , • -Extended for she months a.,.. pmn)t . aliowjng OMale beer ar ~ ·w. Coast Hl1hway, bot deitied psmil\llOft lo change lbe ~ timO from ~to Z ·a.m. 'Owrier· Ii Don II: Blacl<irln •iii FCJ\ID~ VaQey. · " . ' ' _'.-Ofl!lil.t' I Bil~th eteMlOn m l tme permit'to adlf I m!don!W.mrtfjo-aji , •xil\lni ~Ual uiii\B f4 a!!:.'~ . :~~. b)\ IPP!'<i"! ·.llicU.[d • ~'. goi::l. •, ~ I • f . ·-,\pp'ov"I! .•. ~ .. to ~ .... { , "¥'1111!1<•dwellinC parc.1 lnfoclwo ...,h . plrcela, The . Iola l~ li>cai<d1 al ,21111 Ocffn Blwl:,' lhd in! 'owned lJY Cari IL ,Qa.tndL ; '.f·t,._'•. I """'I'~,· • J 1i!t,"%~J:i!':'•=·~~ . oilB\, Cf\11~ i;,O ~ 111> Jael ~ Jn. 111..i 91·• IOt 3Q. (<et -'!Id ... ·lot 45~1tlde, I, , "" i .J , -Volall'.to ~in October a,r .. . q...t Ir)! :Mn.·~IJn.llierwood la cllvlde ( : IWQ.lolaillilO ~~J!Oddlng J'Odtaw~ of lot lines~ meil arwnance ~ '~==·~l>.~~and • ' '' 3 :lJrush Fires ~elll'd ·Monday · :Ai:huha. C9nniy • ....... Or-Cotillt1 -fl<eo -Clll ~off lir the ~··-" ,,_ ... cl tniCli down a.,.ii"';,".Ui.~vilj: Rl:nch-were ·=gu11bed by'fire cm., Monday. . • Driver John Munoz, of Sarita Ana, ~ Injury when . hiJ vehicle rolled "°"11 lnto • IUiclr ...... mllet -o/ISan J uu: Capillrano near the Ortega ~. ·, ' FlaJ#a licklrrl out cl the '"""k<d truck lpread thnlocb nearby l(l'UI aird bnrab, blacbNng more than u ac:res be-foie it w11 m.1ffed out Within aa hour. ea... al two ad'1lllanal flm In tbe Jn. ~ • -. lerrl~ baa not ~ delermlned, a aponsman fer the Stale Dlvlslon·cl Forestry Uid laday. Nearly \1'0' acres " bnish bunred ·Iii mile IOUth ~ Sllverldo School on Sano Uago ·~Road. Near7 one acre of.,.... and ''"'"" wei'e C5estroyed ·in • fire· on Santa Ana Clll)'Oll Road a\ Eucalyptus Drive. Stoc!lc /lfcrkeu NEW YORK (AP) -The .tock marlrel closed with a,llfff 1 ... today aa JI turned In Ila aecond 111rai8bt I o 1 I n 1 ,......_ (See ~ Pqu 10.11). Tbe·Dow· Jones Jndustrlal average at.2 p.11!.'wu.off ·1.17 al ID.07. Tradlntl over the day wu fairly dow. . - Quake Bits Macedonia. BELORADB.(UPI) -A 1barp •'flll: quan ~ por11<!>s of the 1<111!1 Yuioslav rni'ub1fs_1 c:it_ lfacedonia today1 the ..... ~ TanJui ,,ported. ·w-.. er l Coan I Anolrer l1Plii! day akloc l1't Oriaie Coll! 11 In the a111,,. for .'·W~. with fall' -'ond lampora-ranc1D1 from 71 ::.i ~ ... lo 14 ...... (and.I INSIDE TGDAY TM «-'heroine" of tlrt c.,io ,. M,.. CJmc • e1a1111o,... , """" Ill< ~~~I tolll .,llrt _., top flf"I.,,...,. ol th• ; chcatu'1 annual mocrrda ccr,.. ...,.;,,. Set E-~ I Pcpt "J~&, \ ~ ,, ·---" • CtA\il.rf 11 .... ._ 11 ·-·-. --" ~'..... "'" -.. l=---....... " • I . --·· -- I • • I I'••• P•e J MOYNIHAN • • • I lot cl ..-lodQ' betoulo 10. IS )'Wt ... 11111 -lo lll1idl>lllo c:IKllll ~ malt• dtdllool •li'Ul prior-..... "" ~·· ., -lfll. """'""' pMtl!<o ..... -. will u.itY ut up Ille ..... utd poot,.Vlolnan> Puc-dl'1denil, he oald. TIM hJ to th1I und(amatic abSorptJon is .,..,ui. 11W1 have a budgetary system with buJU.ln arowlb !•~· which .,. •"1 itrooc. partly becauae cl lb• !or- . mula cl uisting legl&laUoo, and partly " beta"• ol nalUtal irowd> "1n our popu- lation." lie died u an ...,.p1, Ille Pnll- deat'1 ...........i.m. -1 far at&te ' ...t ftdtnl 1"'""'"""11. ll will ·be fw>ded al a pn>porilon ol one pen:enl of penonaJ Income In Ille coonlly. "II per· IOGll Income I°" up, tbe espendlblta d the ftdfral 1Qvtrnme.11t 10 up," he uid. . "The wwJd ls a funny plaee." Moyni- hla CllllCMltd. "II al•ays fools you and ~tbere~ ::m:,:;. ~ loot · for. deatb1 and tues and an In- .,_ -t andU percent Jn. tht GNP!' 700 to Watch Nixon, Johnson Redwood Rites ORICK (AP) -An eatJmaled 700 penon&, includiD( ' le ad ID I con· -and GoY. -"'-ol Cali!<irnla, are elpedod to attend Prai· d<ol Nam'• dtdlcaUon w~ o1 • -..ere l"O"e of redwood ire.. The ...... will be dtdlcalod In -of Mn. Lyndon B. Jolmloa, tbe k>nn« tint Jad;y. ' -of tllo -........ -Iii> of tbe Infant Redwood Nallaoal Part, -almall to JOI feet and pouibly are .. old .. 2,000,..... . The ... _ will be al the spol llhere Mrs. Jom-dedicated tllo new nllllooal part lut N ... 25. :: Cftalioa ol Ille part lut year came Iowan! the ml of tl>e !armer llemD<tatlc pnoldmt'• ienn. The ceremony will • ..,. tllo trees u tbe "Ledy Bird •• .JohMoo Grove." ~ Tbe prnclamaUon llliJlld t., Nixon, Johmon'• ~bUcan IUOCllllCI', readl. "II la fitlinc ihat a mqnlficaat redwood arove be dtdlcaled lo Lady Bird Johnaon, wllo hu done eo much to stlt In Ille Amttitan OODlcience a deepened sense of GOtDeU with our natlonaJ environment." Evqellst BWy Grahom Is lo dellvtr an opOnJng pr1yer. SecreWJ ol the ' I-Walltr J. Hkktl will be muter -ol eeremolrlfll for the half·h:lur program. The Nims and tbe J-.... lo fly In Air F,... One from Ille Westmi WbHe Home al San Clemalte lo !be Aluta· Eurota Alrpcrt. • . . ,. i" A bellcopm will fly the porty 40 mll,. . norlh aloag tbe l1IQtd Pa$c CoN\ lo • • point near Orlct, 300 mllea north of San t =~~=:= ,. r1>ld lo the tnil beod. if Brian Ligthart Services Set ' ' On Wednesday l!enlooa wlD be held at 11 a.m. Wednteday at Pacific View Memorial Part Ollpe1 for U.S. Navy Baat&waJn•s Mato :le B!ian R. Llglhart ol N.-port Beach, -died in .. accld"11 ... board Ille -wrilr u.s.s. c.mteUaUon: LJ&thlrl, 22, o1 400 SI. Andmr'• Plice, ,· was fat.ally btjured when be wu IUCktd • Into the Intake of ,. A7A Jtt alrtrall he .. WU JftPMing for l•ullCbing, NaVJ u~ ficlala lald. · Tbe accld<nl haJll)elltd l"r1day IOO mll11 off the eoaat oi Oahu. eawau. A IJ"duale GI N"'J'ri Harbor IDgh · llcllool, he Is survived by his p.....U, Mr. , and Mn. Arthur Llgthart and two llillora, aD ol lbehllme. la-wtR follow at Pacific v; .. = Memorial Part. .· - ·' • ' -, ,. •• •. ~ ~ ~ ;. t , • l t ' } ~ -t l · ~ ~ ! f } i f t I i • • , • ~ .: IJ,'l,l l 'f i'l lU I .... c::r:iAin ........ ~ ..-.. ... -....... .. ....... . . ..... l. c..a., ..................... -k ..... -n.::.:.. i:tt.e .J...,.. F. C.th .. --"" ----tlllW ............... ....... _PA i.111 .. tllU, --·~ ... -,:.::= =~--... = ................ ., 2 I :: -·If\=:-==---..... = ....................... . ... -.-,.:."': ---~~.,. ... ..., :t:" ... ";;.... tM ~ -.. . :£ 0 '"',......, ,;=a f Al I M& I ICS lft = ....... a. ...... ...... a ....... -· l --... .. ..-... _ . ..,.. ..... :.:t-=31,r-~o:~=--r =. ·::.:- Fut on the Draw '1'1111 ii Panama City, Florida's venon di the wild, wild wesL Chamber ol commerce types appointed Glenda Tyson (left) to main- tain law and fr!endllnesa In "Friendly Floridian" campaign. She won jab after tpOOf •hoot oon with Judy Mathews (foreground). You 'll !lave to lldm!t it'a P"'"Y wild. · Camil'-e's Rain Deadly As Its Hurricane Wind GULFPORT, Miss. (UPI) -A> noscue and cleanup oPer•Uotls coatinued 1,000 miles apart today, there were indicaUons Hurricane Camlllt'1 ralna may have been as deadly u its l~mll~bour winds and »foot tides. The Gulf Coast, where the hurricane struck in full force, has counted a death loll of 139 tno .. dead In Mlsslwwi and Louisiana. with an undetermined number of persom mbalnf. - In _Virginia, wf'lere Camille lrit the ma.inland u a squall which dumped up to JO ·lncbeo of rain, tho toll !?Gm devutaling flooding In mountain '°""'' aJong the Ames Rlver readied II> tpown dead. With JOSI =ns mluln•. The damage fr<m the wu esthnale<I ·at .,...., than ft!U mll ..,u ~ow the pndlclod fl blllklo or mm predicted !or tbe (Julf Coat. Many ruldenla almg the Gull Coast ntumed lo their ahatter<d horn,. Mon- day to salnae what Ibey «>Uld GI tbelr belenctngs. George Hutlnp of lbe office of emeraeney pnopa-. headlni 1~1 a)d opetaUOfl!, said it would be four or ~ five WMks before r~idents could resume •'normal" living -but he said it would tike another two years to get back to "where 'fe were be!ort the stonn." Only the stubble o! once-tall pine trees and a pUe of branchea and freshly sawed 101s heaped (!D the street edge in many area& bint.Cll the devut.aUoa of a lfl.Uk: ago: Bugy cmrs of aoldlers, prisoners, Seal>ets, and NallODal Guardnnen and -mtta aulde a fill! ol mochlnes througli the stritts collecting debris and llOlDttimea bodlel from the thick woods ammd the loWlll. "'°"' bodies we~ found Monday, •aid BiliY Joe Cross. state game and fish · director, wbo ls in charge ot the centnl morgue. Crou said there were 120 !.flniaalppi deaths In thl'ft counUes. Croes also warned the toll mlaht rise. He said Ille fint da,y be called !or a Laguna Artist . James Colletta Drowns in Surf Laguna S..ch artist Jamea A. Coll•tto, 44. dtuwued in ~vy. chllly Llauna Beach turf Monday afternoon. O>llttta, an elhlbltor of the Llguna FesUval of Art!, drowned ln flve-to-slz- foot. break.us at the Lasuna Avenue beach despite efCorta by other awimmen, lifeguard& and a phy1ician to uve hlm. Swhnmtri ln the water said Collett. lh<lJted for uslJWlct beca\111 he WU feeling !alnl Four swimmers tried to rudl him, IUecuanfi aald, but ha went Wider beforo Ibey anivtd. LI! ....... Eal1 WclWIY (aund Colletta 1lndtrwattr 1bout tin minutes l•ter and bl'OllCl>t blm Into ohort. Walltlry, fellow p&&rdl and a pualng pbylldan, Dr. Raymond Boadl. triad to m'ln: CoUtUa unW an ambullDCI ..,.. rived. hrtbtr resuscitation In Ute ambul1nce and adttnalln ln)tctlona al tbe hospllal lolled lo nvlve the palntar. Collttla WU pf()DOUnctcf dud on 11• rival al South Coul Community HOl]Jltal It I'll p.m. A spttlallat in watercolor landecape~ Colletta Uved •lone al JIU Broadway. Hil mother, brother and 1lll<r a~ ltvJni In New Jmoy. Sen1cu ore ptndlnl at Sheffer i.a. 51ma Beach Mortu"1. missing pel'IOll5 report, he receivad a list of 4i names. Two addiUonal bodies were located Monday by a newly deployed special scout dog platoon of 15 animals and 11 men from Fort Benning, Ga. The dop from the 197th Infantry Brigade of the 3rd Anny are assisting Seabees in search and recovery of human remains. In Washington. the Agriculture Depart. ment said the Farmers H o me Administration would make available three ptrcftlt loans to farm famillet In 25 Vlrfinia counties in the Jamea River bum. The I~ interest. emergency loans may be used h> mtore farms dam&l*I by landslides and flooding. Agnew Requests Federal Aid to Foster Children Vice President Agnew Monday asl<ed the President's ·urban Affairs Council, meeting in San Clemente, to-~lder the lending of federal financial !Upport to foster children. Agnew's request for a study wu IC'- cepted, said Daniel E. MoynU:iln, es- eculive director of the councll. Moynihan said the Vice President had e~Jained there is built into the present system oi aoclal WVltes lo chlldren "cert.aln anomalies and cootradictions." MoYnlhan cited an example. A child in a fttherleas family receives aid thruu&h the aid to dependent children program. But if the mother should die, and the child placed in a foster home, "there is pracUcally no federal support at all." He said lbe Urbon A!!llra CouncU ap- polntad a IUbcommitlee lo study tbt JllO- blan. ,._, Maynlban added, hid bltn -With the is>ue durinl his form 11 IOftl1lClr of 1.1.aryland. Britain., Canada Jo in in Meet Members GI the BriU.h BllcblY Club and the Amertcan-Brlttsh-Canadlan ctub wtll mingle Salurday at the Balboa Pavilion in a "Get Toietber" dance sponsored by both organilatlons. Both groups, whose membership ls largely made up of former Britons and Canadians resident an the Oran1e Colat, will meet from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Balboa ahowplace. Abe Rader'• orche1tra will ploy for dancing. TradlUODal British !are will be MrVtd during the dance, BBC prHldent Nick Winter said. Amerkan mooey wUl be a .. cepted at lbe door. From P .. e I TAX RATE ••• reconaider his ac\loa bear fruit. Clay and Newport.Meoa Unified School District o!llcials wlll con!" with lbe .assessor thi1 wee.t to ast If ht wUI geparate Wable from non-tex1bl8 lands In the tru eo thal the two tatln& 11en- cl11 will not lose ln<ome for wblcb the)' ~· The IChool district cauld loce ll much u $400,000 aa a result of the U8e!IOr'a odlon • \ • ..,.. ••'!.*' -_,. 51 . ' . .t..•-· ........ ? . He~ .. t Kills . Jungle Cats Anaheim Wµd Animal Breeder Lose s AU on Desert .,. All1WllB R. VINSEi. ............... .J:'•ill --Ill ..... ion '11111-1 breeder carlyb)g ' • ad 111% t"t few dollm ,,_ to.Jnatid.a wor'ked on hil ~ ~t,.bf. ~·"", i~ the ,C.ll!omla Todd Le~ Is loolng cals, money, um. arid hojiO. -~ "1 dcli'l aee how it can get any worse," ..W lill wife~. conlactOd al their· cl--• lloliae ol Mirtu, '1$U lted Gum 1' 11., In county territory near ,.,,._, !In. Leuthold, a Veterillary atudenl, said aovaral .._ 1311.000 worth of cata Cl&ed «I the !Mt lnlck hive died in Ille tlf de .... beat, aftor taltlng lo ber -band In El Centro Monday nJi1>t. "We at two female leopards canying tAtee tltl<nl uch by a black f1lber," said the angulahed woman, estimating a ftl,000 lou, besides tbe animal>' own suf. !erJni. The Leuthold• are among only 14 U.S. !Inna which bretd jungle cats In captivity and had planned their move to BrooU:vWe, Fla., since lut November, before county autbotiUes strut them down earlier lhil year. Mrs. Leuthold said th,.j r cat boarding and breeding business was forced to close on the bu:l.s that the building had no elec· trlca1 wtrln1 cooduita aa required for auch a vtnture. Israel Threatens As Arabs Move To Summit Meet By Tiie Auocialed l'rul Israel thrtateDed the Arabs with more ret.aµat1on far sabotage Monday night 11 the Arab natlons moved closer to a lllln• mit meeUng to di&cuss the aituaUon in Jetusalem. Israeli Trar.11port Minister Moshe Carmel, after learning that a bomb had uploded Monday in an Israeli shipping company ornce in London, warned that Arabs could not "sit in safety ln their various offlcf.s throughout the world unleu ufety prevails in the offices of larf.eli companies." "Israel views with the utmost gravity any plots against her lines of com· municalion and the facilities of her transportation companies throughout the world," Carmel aaid. "Anyone trying t.o scheme against them is likely to pay a stiff price." Tbe transport minister. whose ztate- ment waa; distributed by the Israeli 1ovemmenl'1 press offict in Jerusalem: allo pledged that "every 1 s r a e I 1 puse11ger anywhere will be protected, as will all Israeli lines or communication and trasnpartaUon facilities the world over." From Page I CAVE ... Bealdea providing for better law en- forcement on that pert of the. Corona del r.tar shoreline, the council Monday focus· ed attentlon on problems with caves and crllgll: in lhe past in Cameo Shoru area. Ltrtber downooaat. 'Ibey tmanimously approved plan! to ask for the annexation of the beaches of Cameo Shore.s, which presently are patrolted by county law enforcement pel'90llnel. cameo Shores residents have corn· pliined that narcoUcs ~· and unruly youths and adults move into the Cameo Shores area after closing time on cily beachu In Corona de! ~far. Vice tdayor Undsley Parsons of Corona del Mar, who initiated the annexation re- quut, called the area "a no-man's land for the pot smokers." The annexation request will go tG the Local Agency Fonnation Commission, then to the state Lands Commission for approval. ".¥we were~MVtr _. la •ldld.• ................ •we -..re not clqled becallM of tbe wild animal.I," ahl tlpla1ned, add.in& that aspect is more a bbbby. NoUceably bitter In te:Wn1 of the tragic predicament, Mrs. Leuthold·~¥ hug. band started the cl'WlH:O\Ultry odyssey once •fter they obtained and altered a truck to Ut the job. . "You don1 move ~ animals Jlllt lib thlt... abe said. . "He had lo rebuild a blcnm up qi.,. rm aac1 he 1ot to Bea-.t, but uie mechanic had put two rod eapo in t bactwardf and It blew up aealn." Delaytd rw=· repaln, tbe ark· llke truck a 5iberian U,er, tbe expectant mother , 10 oct,Jot&, 10 lndlon leopankata, five American moun- tain llonl and five -.its, plus many domtstic cata rolled 001 at i a.m. 1ut Saturday. . Radlal« trouble and flnaDy a blown bead 1u1tet brought the IW<Mruck pr°' cession t.o a halt in nelterint El Centro, where problana r1pidJ1 mulllplled aa tbe cab wue decimated by hut "He sakl it wu 117 delfffs Monday - so hot you couldn't work outskle-but be couldn't even find a manUe tn that tmtn for the lantem so he could work on it at night," she explained. Using dim headllghta lrom lbe second truck for illumination, Leuthold worked = tbe ........ Ille ...... ... .. 1111 ·illdl1 boat ~ -•a malel • She uld her bu•-!tit wllb $400, bul tt took $100 alone to lb the radiator and a 1pare fuel pump carried along turned aut to be the wrong type, when the one he left w!lb failed, Except /or the seemingly fu Ule job o! repairing the' engihe and movln1 on to cooler cllmate1 to aave the strlcktn cats, tblngs are u bad at borne, Mno. Leuthold uid today. She said she ls des:Utute, the rent I• due, uWity aervice is about to be abut off and the couple hu had no Income from their business since closure in late June, ''Thm must be somebody -10me qency or financial organ!ution -who can help us out. when the authorities can jult come in and cloae YOW' business," she said miserably. Mn. Leuthold uld she COlltacted COUJI· ty welfare authorities but they told her DOChlnl c:oold be done unW perhlpc her husband wa1 gone three monUls and declared a deserfu. This, she said, t8 absurd. Their original plan was to accomplilh the transfer t.o Florida, where Mrs. Leuthold plans to attend Miami Unlvmi· ty to become a veterinarian and even· tually open their own mo. Today, call -and a dream -seemed to be dying alongside U.S. Highway 80 in El Centro. • Newport Adopts Strict Rules on Ambulances Strict rules requirirt1 a m b u 1 a n c • penonnel to be at lea.st 21 yean old and file oral reparU of each cal) to police won unanlmous approval Mondil-Y f r o m Newport Beach city councilmen. But UH! owners of one of the two flrms that provide ambulance 1ervice to the ci- ty doesn't like the new ordinance. Don Seal, owner of Seal's Ambulance, told councilmen that he preferred a coun. ty ordinance, lMtead, wtllch aay1 drivers must be 21 and attendant! must. be at least 18 years old. "Thia provl!lon could bring up aome problems with ua when we are bUI}' and the only attendant we could spare would not be 21 years old," Seal aa.kl. But Poli« Oriel Jamea Glavas, who recommended the changes in the ordinanct, stressed that the age of 21 would be the only aatisfact.ory minimum age. "To my way of thinking there is a vast difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old driving and working in an ambulance. They may only -be three years apart, but young men grow up con- siderabl1 ln lhose three ye.an," ht Slid. Fast-talking Duo End Discus.sion With J ewel Heist Two fast.talking thieves who engaged a Fashion Island jewelry at.ore clerk in a dlscuuion about a palntlna on u.la walked out wilh IU,311 In diamond and platinum jeweley. The two men in ~fonday'1 theft are be- ing sought by Newport Beacli police, along with a woman in a prinl dress who may be an accomplice. The male suspects entered Weinert· Clark Fine Jewels at 2:30 p.m. and talked about buying the palnUng displayed in the front window, under a case filled. with watches, ring1 and pins. Ten minutes lat.er, a woman entered the store, walked to the back and en- gaged the same clerk In cooversaUon, blocking view or the store's showcase in the front. The three walked out of the atore., and the clerk called police when the bare case above lhe painting was noticed . He al., cited the new report;nc nJle, saying Jt wu necessary to lnlure ade- quate nolificaUon ol the police so that they could quickly lnveotigate posalble crimes involving injW')'. While Seal disapproved GI both I""' v1.8ions. spokesmen for his competU.or In Newport Beach, Schaefer's Ambulance, agree with them. Carlos PaladlnJ, general manager of the firm's Orange c.unty Gl!lcea, said that the rules on age minimums were &atirfactory. "ln flCt we have a 9tand1n&: rule similar to that now and we are cbanginJ over the entire concept of ambulance persoruw:I requlrtmenta to tnsure that wt have maiw't and capable individuals in our ambulances," he aald. Paladini said Schaefer'• has reversed the standard accepted policy IO that now driven are lower paid and Jeu skilled than at&endanta. "We feel that It is mere impcnant to have a stilled peraon with the Ill or in- jured potient, and tbe 1 ... akllled man driving. A human life is m«e ·vahlable than an $18,000 machlne,'' he added. The ordinance doea not require am· bullDCe penonnel to report cc:rivalelcant home cues or hospital transfers to pollce. Oilier colla muat be reporitd by ~ within a half boor « the ambulance'a call. Moosa Canyon Fire Snuffed SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Brush lirts which gobbled up a total of 44,500 acre1 of Southern California brushland CNtr tht past seven days were all out today. The California Division of Forestry Aid a crew of 300 flreflghtert wa1 mopping u-p a crew of 300 firefighters waa; moppina: up the last of the three major fires, the Moosa Canyon blue which burned over 6,274 acres north of EscondidG in San Diego County. Earlier estimates of damage indicat.td more acreage was affecWi. Fore1try of· ficials saJd the heavy veil of smoke which hung over the fires made accurate map. ring difficult until arter the fires had been contained. Your Omt-ga Sole• 6 Srrvice Ag'1IC]I n OMEGA Tll. ¥ery ••"'• 0111•t • S11et41'111ltt "'•!ck ... , t t rry "'•I 1elect.4 with· •wl tlly Me4ific1llt11 ~'I' NASA le M wer11 i.,., ... , "''" •11 ffie "''•"· Thi1 t•••tP1iti11t, tr11ly • ,,. ..,.,.i fer ••telf111c•. 1'11ke1 Ill pit•w• t.. •• ytllf •11llltfflH o .... ,. 1 .... 1.,, c... 111 -••• _ s4aa .a:~~:. $3.oo DIAMONDS $6.00 tliol1 ··"'·-·· 2 w.t ... • illel, °"'"' s, • ..i ...... .. , ,..,. . ...,,.,11.: n. •"" ••kii' ... ,. ., th\ ,. ..... ~. --'"''Sil&. IB'U.CI~ tr.- l"au .. Na DOMI WMlll YO" WAil R l MJ AYAIU.IU H1111tlngton C•llter l ffch at Edl n99I' HUNnNGTON BEAC H II 892°5501 l and bade Harbor Shopping C•nm 2300 Harbar llvd. ,. ' COSTA MESA 545-9415 I I I ) ------ -. Cloe ~ li fa . ;:-_ Ppi flt to Many Hours ' • TIME FOR CHARITY -·No matter what time of day it Is, it's always time for charity· for Ticktockers of the National· Charity League. \Vhetber it be helping a hospital patient with a tray, addressing and stuffing envelopes or dusting shelves in the Ticktocker Thrift Shop, the teenage volunteers always are ready to serve. P.ointing out that • the hour to serve Is "now" are Jamie Gr.ay, J7, ·Candystriper .(le~), and Cindy Rakel , 12, seventh grade Ticktocker. · · T eac~·e?s ·Given Roya I Treatment Rolling out the red ca~ for new teachers in the New- port-Mesa Unified School District will be members of the Women's Cornmlttee ,of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Com· merce and the Women's Division of the Newport Beach Chamber. Approximately 130 new teachers will join the force of 1230 certified personnel who will instruct 27,000 students on the 36 campuses th.is year. · The new teachers, corning from every area oC the United States, will have a warm welcome to the Newport Harbor area during orientation week , which, according to tradi- tion. includes a luncheon and boat trip-of the harbor. The outing is hosted by the au~iary groups to the chambers and Uiis year is calendared for Wednesday, Sept. 3, at!Oa.m. Teachers will be bused from Estancia Hi gh School. the orientation center this year. to the harbor ma.ster's dock. After an hour's tour of the harbor, they will return to the high school for an informal luncheon. A tour of the di strict's educational fa cilities wiU fol .. low, and the teachers then will report to theit respective schools. The group of new teachers includes former residents of the Midwest. South., East and some parts of the West. Some are new teache.rs. and others have several years ex" periepce. They were carefully chosen for their outstanding train· Ing and educational experience, and all are graduates of colleges and universities noted for excellent contributions to the academic community. Heading preparations for the orientation events are Mn. Ce.rot · French, president of the Women's Division of th~ Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, and Or. Hilda Mc· Cartney, president of the Costa Mesa Women's Committee. c ' ' ~men T.,...,,.,,...,11. 1t• M hM 11 BEA ANDERSON, Editor ... Offeri ng assistance are chamber members from both communities and auxiliary members, the Mmes. R.onaJd Hardy. Jack W. Reinert, John W. Shea , De Murt Tosh, and the Misse!I Betty Bruce and FJorence Mccue. Orien ta tion \\'eek will precede the opening of school on Wednesday, Sept. 10. HARBOR TOUR -Ready ·to embark on tbe ·tradiUonal shipboard tour of Newp;ort Harbor for new teachers ih the Newport-Mesa Unified School District ·ere (left to right) Dr. Hilda McCartney, president Or the Women's Committee of the Costa Mesa Cham- ' Tlcldocll:ero, like Ibo clodc, don't atop worlcing. A1 tho hand• of the clock coallnually go ~l'OWld, the Ticitockers are busy YOOl' around . · The Ticlrtocken, dedicated teenagers who serve their com- munity as volunteers, are the youngetl members of tbt National Charity League. . More than 60 Of the girls, representing the 114 members, may be found this summer in a variety of places, offering their services in many ways. ln Newport Convalescent HospJtal Ticklockers can be seen pushing wheel.chairs and carryiQg trays for the more elderly patients. For the Head Start program in Santa Ana, the teenagers assist teachers, helping the 5-year~ld pupils to learn the .skills more for- tunate children are taught at home. With these new skills, the yoo.ng- sters are better prepared to enter school in the fall . At the Rehabilitation Center for Crippled Children and Adults ln Orange, Tlcktockers do a variety of helpful !asks for the doctors and therapists. · At home Ibey sew .layettes for use ar Orange County Medical Cent.r, end their knitting needles may be heard clicking as Ibey maie articles !or the Veteran's Hospital, Long Beach. Tlclrtocters always are available when the Newport Beach Volunteer Bureau puts out a call for help. This year they addressed 8500 Community Chest envelopes. Still other Ticlttockers do office work for the Orange County Philharmonic Society. Many of the .girls may be found serving as CandYslripers. As volunteers for Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian, they often re- lieve the nurses for more important duties. . Although they receive no merit badges from the Girl Scouts, Ticktockers spend many hours working with the Scouts, providing leadership and guidance for the younger girls. Ticktockers serve themselves by maintaining lhe the Ticktocker Thrift Shop where the National Charity League earns funds to support the John Tracy Clinic Demonstration Home and Nursery School. aper· ated by the league in Costa Mesa to assist deaf preschool children. The teenagers also work at the clinic, helping in the office and working directly with the children in learning lip-reading and speak· ing. One hundred hours of service ls t~e goal of every Ticktocker, exceeding the amount of time the girls are required to give. Each year many girls serve more than 100 hours, and an award is given to the one who clbcks the most hours. Ticktockers learn, during their many experiences, that uiey are not giving of themselves without cotnpensation. The gilts they receive are wisdom, affection and maturity. The young volunteers range in age from seventh grade through the 12th. While in college they remain members and, as young mar· ried women, they continue their service as members of the Juniors of the National Charity Leagµe . Heading the league is Mrs . Edward L. Corlett. and serving as patronesses for the Ttcktockers are the Mmes. Ted R. Nehrenberg, seventh grade; Robert E. Rakel, eighth; Guy A. Smitll , ninth; Nor· man Walker, loth; Rulon K Hodges, 11th, and Chester F. Salisbury, 121.b. Coordinating ali Ticktocker activities Is Mrs. H. John Meany. ' . ber of Commerce, Mrs. Carol French, president of the Women 's Division of the Newport Beach Chamber o( Commerce, and Mrs. Steve Goya, harbor master's office hostess. Mother Sweeps H·abit of Cleanliness Under the Rug DEAR ANN LANDERS: From lime to time you print letter1 from w:ivt1 who complain about husbands who refuse to bat.he, ""°"'t tirush their teeth and sleep in dirty underwear. You have pointed out that these mu are sick and ol course you 11< rlg)IL ANN LANDERS ~ ' at the door. Three teenage cirls were atandln& OD the porch, tears llr .. mlng dawn their races. ]•couldn't tell wlielher they wtre laughing or crying. told them to write down u many detail& as they could remember. Then I called · the l"'lk<· The Police came promptly. 'niey were courteous and kind and drove the glrl1 home. lertq If -., II 1JB1poomllle of• tick oodtty.Mc~--111 .. hama raee .. u \.e n ..,... .. ft"' poodto ... needioltllltn.TlllollwUt ditUnpllltel u from aahsl111o several friends criticized me severely Too many couples go from matrlmony Whal about women who have the pro- blem In reverse? My mother made a fetish of cleanliness. Our home smelled like 1 hospilal because mom used the 11trongest antisepUcs on everything. She made us wuta lhe mouthpiece on the. telephone every lime we finished talking. lf anyone in the family had a cold he had to wear • surgical mask. A1 kid! we were never allowed M> give anyone a bite of anything, like an apple or a piece. or can- dy. lortanato dill-! 0. tlle •bide cUtct •;.J..~r h1sbaH U1 a' 1tci'6 lmlle -dgbtu 1p. SI°"" 1>oy1 are bad enoap, bat • Jltl no 11 al· lowed t. srow op wltll poOt 'groomt111 llabitt 11 oat •• Jell field wtUtoat • clove. One girl sobbed out the story. A man In a car rode along the curb and seemed to be. following i.hem. They Ignored him. Finally he. puUed hi!! car up and blocked their patl:way l!l they tr ied to cross the street. Whtn he opened the car door and tried to gr1b one or the gi rls. they saw he w11 naked from the waist down. The girls ran down the street and began poun-ding on doors. Two people woWd not let them In. I did. for letting the girls ln my home. They to acrimony. Don't let your marriage flop ··'d 1 t ki t lbl ch before It gets started. Send for Ana • ~ was 8 ng a err e ance. Landers' booklet, "Marriage -What to 1 I rm lrying to rslse my children to be neat bul not nuts . My husband says I am loo lenient and that our girls are growing up to be very sloppy. Please comment - MIDDLING MOTHER DEAR rt-10THER: Have you ton8idertd the pos1lbl1Uy that )1MI llave beta • permlulve becaaH of your en U• DEAR ANN LANDERS : 'lllank )'Oii (or the column ''Child Abuse It Evel')'body'a Busin~u." That column helpN. mt feel 1"5 llk•,a lool. llere't my'lllory. Several weeu ... I IDIWmd o 1mock • • I govo them a pencil ml paper and Maybe 1 was, but I ~'l .sct, bow a de-Expect.''. Send your request to AM cent human can turn hli tiack on kid! Jn ' t..nders In care of this newtptiper e~ trouble. \Vas l wroflg? llave thlnp Ing 50 ctnlt: tn col.n and 1 lq, atamped. changed tllat much! "-KEEPER OF oeli...ictremd envelope. MY BROTHER'S CHILDREN Ann Londers will be &lad to heh> yoa DEAR KEEPER.: Of coam you. were with your problems. Send them to her in ttkhtc .l("_lltJl!lee bot, •••• cllanC!e yow. cart of the. DAILY PILOT, enctOllnl I IWl lo taU. '-'Ill~ to ... Ml· oett .. ddrused, stamped ttmlopo. J t ' ' Karen BraCleson Now Mrs : Jeffrey W. Field Karen Bradeson and Jeffrey Wbltelaw Flel<j wm married dWin1 double rlna: ceremonies penonned by thO Rev. David A. Crump In st. James !'4>11COptl C1lurdl. Parenta ol t.be bridal coupJe "'" Mr. and Mn. ~amn. D. • BndQOo ol Newpart Belch and 1.lr. and Mn. Frtd<rlck Fleld ol Corona del Mar. Given In mari'lage bY her father the bride wore a gown of candlellghl peau•de role IJ>- pUqUed with alencon taee. Forming her bouquet were orange •c olote"d rns'es, steP,hanotis and baby's brtalh widi miniature oranges. Ume green ca1e·style gowll5 •nd bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums, b a b y • s breath, stephanotis a n d Afternoon Wedding Performed I mlolature Ume11 and Jemorus wen selected for Miss Louise Lylo Phillips, maid ol hol>OI' and for bridesmaid$, Mrs. Brian J. Bradeson, the brid6'1 abter·l,,..aw and Mlaa Bell)/ Brade.son, her sister. Ashley Atkinson, her niece and flower girl, wore a )'tllow frock alld CMTl.ed a baJtet of y e 11 o w chry1antbemum5, baby's breath and .miniature Manges. Attending as best man was J oh n G. Fmall 111, a n d u&bers were Val Haraszthy and Denii Galle. A recepUon followed for 200 guesll in lhe Lido Isle home of the bride's parents. The bride and bridegroom, graduates of Newport Harbor High School, •ttended Orange Coast College. She Is a graduate of Los Angeles College for Medical and Den· tal Alsistants and he is serv. Ins with lhe U.S. Navy. Th is Is No Yarn Being Unraveled Mary Frances G r u b b s became the bride or Terry Gerald Gruian in Santa Ana's Bethel Tabernacle, with her , father officiating for the after. noon ceremony. Striped knitwear joins the winter fa shion parade for cars as well as women. The knit \vas intro- duced bY a synthetic fiber manufacturer in Tokyo. Horoscope Capricorn : Take Off Rose-colored Glasses WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 By SYDNEY OMARR Full moon and eclipse of moon; ht111r position makes Wa ucellenl day for f111Un1, planting. la lfOOlllbl11 accent feet -boslety and 1ltoe1 at. tract more thaa usual at- tention. AJUES (March 21·April 11),- Try to remain behind the acenes as much as pcuible. Be considerate of thole who might be handicapped. Vlait those wno share charitable in- terests. Be quiet within. Avoid crowds. TAURUS (April :ll;May 20):· Accent on friends, del.i.res. You accompllab what you want through u n o r t b o d ox methods. Some a:rtMld you may m a k e COQtrldk:tory 5latement.s. Maintain ROie of humcr -ii will beJp. GEMINI (May 21.June 211): Definite miphaais on authorl· ty, prestige and recocnition. You are able to finiah im- portant project You receive accolade, me.aningful com4 plimenl Shaw that you can accept responsibility. CANCER (June 21.July 22): What seemed far away proves to be close al hand -applies to situations and persons. You •re especially creative today. Give full play to impressions. bunches. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can get to the bottom or mysteries. Result might prove profitable. Concern with ESP, the occult and the unusual dominate. Your experiences tooay broaden horizons. vmGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22J: Accent on partnenhip ties, p.iblicity and marriage. You may find yourself dlasaUSfled ••ith status quo. Patienct is a virtue -which mean1 plan carefully before t a t i n g positive steps. !JBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Improve relation.! w 1 t b associates and fellow workers. Not wille to shirk dutie.s. What starts as unpleasant task could actually prove rewarding. Know this and act accordingly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Day features change, greater freedom. Pride could come Uirough achievement of young penon. Be open to aperieoce. Shake off tendet>Cy to be set In w1y1. Instead, be flexible in views. SAGITrAJUUll (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Put ei:perience 8bould be utilized. Especilllty tnle in dealing with home l urnllhinp, family deairet. Be cooperative without breaking buqet ~lutionJ. You can do It. CAPRICORN (Dec:. 22-Jan. 19): Avoid seeing cert.a.in aitualiom tbrougb. n»e-colored glum. Truth indetd wlll aet you free. Accent today on calla, meua1es and promises Involving in-laws. AQUAIUUS (Jan. :ll;Feb. 18): Your abilities are backed by those who can supply what is needed. Be confident. Slate requirements in frank man· ner. Obtain hint r r o m CapriCOt'lll message. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): You get rid of burden. New opportunities present themselves. Full moon in your sign highlights your assets. Use them wisely. lndicatlorui conUnue favorable for new contacts, projects. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are health· conacious, capable of helping others to aid lhemstlvea. By next month there could be decided change in dcrnutic envtrorunent. PUBLIC AUCTION Cenrral America Ordws Sole LOYEL T NEWPORT HACH RHIDINCI SUNDAY, ANGUST 31 et Z P.M. too Sltel IZ01 DEYON LANE 1\ii 1li••P l b•dree"', 2 b•lh he"'• ii 011 • cer11•r lot In pr11· ti9iou1 N•wperl l•tc.k. S•p•t•I• di11i119 roe,,., firopl•t •, <eow•rod p•li.. mocl•r11 built.il'I ~ilc.h•11, w•ll-t •• w1ll c•tp•h, 111w/y ,.i11tff. 0w • ., Wll c""Y hull .. t fio•cl•t o,.. for 1 ....... 1 .. U,. ......... ...., AMllMMrt i. A-ICI .. •asH DO"'... •••L ""'" ftlA ..... AUCIONlllS •16 lwt• w.,, ..._1, Hlllt tt21 t ~ 21S.27MQ6 No matter who or what is wearing it, striped knit· \Vear is sure to get more than a passing g'Jance. The VW models a mini version. MRS. ROBERT ALAN WILLIAMSON Former B1rb1r1 V1nd1rbllt Laguna Nuptials Vows Recited Barbara Vanderbilt, daughter of the D o n a I d Brunow Vanderbllts cf Laguna Beach, exchane;ed vows and rings with Air Force Lt. Robert Alan Wiiiiamson. son of Mrs. Loyal Ayres William· aon Jr. or Whittler and the late Mr. Williamson. The evening nuptials took place in the Neighborhood C o n I r e g a Uonal Church, Laguna Beach with the Rev . Ellsworth Richardson performing the ceremony. Given in marrlaVl by her father, the bride wore a gown of imported chantllly la ce top- ping a silk oraanz.a cage with attached chapel train. An oriandy Juliet cap trimmed with lace and seed pearls caught a single cathedral length train. The bride's bouquet. a full lacy white fan , was fashioned of tiara rose5, white butterfly roses, ste phanoUs and a v.·hite orchid. Her attendants were Miss tailored bow •t the V-shaped back. The honor attendant carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses, feathered white cam•· lions and baby's brealh while the bridesmaids' n o s e g a y s featured yellow tea. roses and carnations. Attending aa best man was Dennis Macy wlHle ushers were Gary Clark, Richard Lay, David Vandervoet and William Farwell, all or Whit· lier. At the reception In Laguna Beach Country Club for 250 guests Mrs. George H. Thom· p;oo circulated the guest book. The ronner Miss Vanderbilt is a graduate of Laguna Beach High School and Ca Uforn \a State College at Long Beach. Her husband is an alumnus of UCLA. Lt. Willlamson presenlly is in flight training at Randolph Air Force Base. Texas. where the coople will reside until June ol next year. . She is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Mark Grubbs o! Costa Me sa. The bridegroom is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Grazian of .Wataonville. The bride's gown was of silk orpnza and alencon lace and she carried a white orchid ar- ranged on a white Bible wilh ribbon streamers. Mrs. Larry Henson, the bride's sister from \Vatsonville was matron of honor. Bridesmaids Included Miss June Grubbs, also the bride's sister, and the Misses Ruth Perryman and 1.i a r i I y n Bolienhardt. Charles Rink le was best man. and ushers were the bridegroom's three brothers, Larry, Dave Md Dennis Gra:r.ian. Rite Date Revealed SUSAN APALATEGUI Wiii Merry Betrothal, Birthday Celebrated The engae:ement of Susan Apalategui and Christopher Miller was announced during a party in the Huntington Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. John Apalategui, parents of the brid~lect. Her fiance is the son o( Mr. The engagement of Linda and Mrs. Robert C. Miller, Leyva and Thomas L. Thom also of Huntington Beach. Jr. of Fort Bragg, N.C. has Special guests attending the been announced by Mr. and dinner, which also celebrated Mrs. Lee B. Leyva of Miss Apalategui 's birthday, Westminster, parents of the were t.1r. and Mrs. Melvin bride-elect. Weight and children Cheri and The couple art pJannlng to Jeffery, Robert C. Smith, be married Oct. 16 in the Marine Capt. Alan ?tfullinax, Chapel of the Wedding Bells, and Mrs. Kenneth B. Be!Hlower. Rockwell , Long Be a ch , Miss Ltyva was graduated · grandmother of the bridc-to- from Marina High School and be. now is attending Golden West The betrothed couple were College. graduated from Huntington Her fiance, son or Mrs. Beach High School and will at· Virginia Conant of San tend Orange Coast College in t.1al'C05, was on active du ty in September. Korea and now is assigned to No date has been set for the duty at Fort Bragg. wedding. Bridal Date Announced 't.tr. and l-.1rs. Orv in Holl· lngsworth of Laguna Niguel have announced the engage- ment of her daughter, Cynthia Louise Witt to Christopher Edward Seymou r. A wedding will take plaet: on Sept. 20 in San J u a n Capistrano's Co mmunity Christian Church, and the cou· pie are planning a honeymoon in Mexico and Europe. The son of Mr. and Mrs . The bride-elect also is a San Clemente lligh Sc hoo I graduate and has attended the Laguna Beach Sc hool of Art and Design, where she v.·as awarded a scholarship for her pottery. No\v a free lance pot. ter. she \\'as among exhibitors in the Sawdust Festival. Wa ist Watche" TOPS \Vaist Watch er s assemble every Thursday at 7 p.m. in Circle View School, Huntington Beach. Howard A. Seymour o ! Capistrano Beach has been ac· tive in several musical groups and has competed with a rac- ing car team. A graduate or1-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il San Clemente High School, he attended Orange Co ast College. Rebek ah Lo'dge Triple Link Club of t.fesa Rebekah Lodge has meetings the fou rth Monday s al 8 p.m. in various local.ions. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at 548-1938 1nay be ca lled for additional information. BACK ••• TO SCHOOL WARM 'N COZY SLEEPWEAR : • bunny ·hoppers • fla nnel j1mmie1 e lovely robes Anne \Vi 11iam1 on, thelp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bridegroom's sister and maid of honor, Miss Victoria Pell ol Laguna Beach, 11-tiu Kitty Simmonds of Palos Verde s and Mrs. Duncan Milliken or Qu ilted lounge Wear Mini Slip. Half Sli ps Franklin, Ky. Thty wore empire line maite gowns with a waUeau panel which cucaded from • MOONLIGHT SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 28th * 3 KOORS ONLY* Panties •1111 "''"Y ""'r• 1t1r11t .i tlrlnll Olltt)' .. ":'"" ,,.,,. Speclclltlno tn D &DD Graduate CorseUt-re"I' I S 111~y C••he11 1 M1ti Gr•v11 84 STORES .•• ALL 72° 8 PM 'TIL 11 PM ! ~i~·J'l and open nightly till 9 :3 0 iouth Coast ?laza Hundreds of Dollars in Prize s Will Fall From Th e Sky! : • t 250 B ·Ent 17th St . H1llt 1•" Sqw•••-•42 ·5430 Costa Mta1 MRS. JAMES R. EWING Wtd in Lon9 B11ch Newlywed J. R. Ewjngs Home 1n Westminster ' On a honeymoon trip to Lake Tahoe and other points in northern Californla w e r • newiywed ·JameS Robert Ew· ing of · Westmin!ter and his brtde, the fonner Robin Clark Luckett. The Rev. Dr. Huih David Burcham performed the dou· ble ring ceremony in the Long Beach Covenant Presbyterian Church for the daughter or Mrs. Jack Oviat Edgerton of Huntington Harbour and the late Mr. Thomas 0. Luckett and the son of Mrs. Alildred E\\•ing of Anaheim. Given in marriage by her stepfather, the bride ~·ore a white organza gown with a coronaUon train. Lace ap- pliques trimmed the bodice and wrist-length sleeves of her gown. Her illusion veiling was caught by a headpiece of fresh flowers and seed pearls. Attending her sister as maid of honor was Linda Luckett in a floor length empire tu r· quoise peau de soie gown. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Alan Welner, Miss Deborah Hon and Miss Lynda Lockwood. ·LB Clubwomen Back on Job Flower girl was Sherry Strass and the ring bearer wa!I Walter Schrein~r, the bride".& niece and nephew. Serving as best man wa.!: Ron Brody, while ushers were Michael F. Turnbaugh, Ted !'of. Williams and Alan Brody. Organist was George Orwig and .soloist was Miss Donna Ewing, th e bridegroont'J sister. Assisting at the reception in the Hunllngton Harbour Beach Club were Gwen Sanders, Christine Schreiner and Kathy Strass. Special guest s attending were Mrs. Edwin 0. Edgerton and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts of P ie dmont; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jones, Bend. Ore.; Mrs. 0. N. Lofgren, Rocky Ford. Colo.: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lykken and Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoff of Palm Springs. The bride is a graduate o( Eagle Rock High School, at· tended the University of· California, Santa Ba r b .a r a where she affiliated with Chi Omega and is a graduate of California State College at Long Beach. Her husband is a graduate cf Millikan High School and attended Cypress J u n i o r College and the University ot Redlands. Food, fun and frolic v.·ere The newlyweds will reside in r.vident when Allrusa Club Westminster. members celebrated the end rm:v.mYUitct-,,.-~-,.--,-,.,.-'"-.,-..,-,, of their summer activities PICKWICK ~ with a luau in the home of the Rudy G. Burtons. BOOKSHOPS Mrs. Julie Bradshaw, en· sou1~CNttr11u,c.s11 111t11 tertainment chairman for the 540.2191 Laguna Beach club. stated 1143 M11°'1>-._.~,::-,,.. that Hawaiian and Polynesian '-=I/oil=-==~='="="'='"="====. numbers were performed by l,. 1'.1arilyn Cabang. Over eaters Guests are welcome lo al· 1 tend Overeaters Anonymou& every 1.1onday at 8 p.m. in Anderson School, Westminster. Ha rbo r TOPS Harper School in Costa 1\1esa is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evening .at 7:30. Think GLEN OF MICHIGAN Th ink JE.OJn tnM W•t.:llH 1'1n• H1w,.rttr '" '42:·1444 '4+11M We've started them ... talking. J • ( Y:} at th~ /// y tit'fU~~~oCZ ~et(~ rA•~~ .. • IOUTH C04$T l"t.AlA • COIT'A M['U • '!•5 00]• '\ I I I . l 11 I I I I I I '· ·\ ) ~osta Mesa •* -. . ' ' VOi:. 62, NO. 204, 3 SECTIONS, 34 P.t;&ES ORAN&E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' ~· ,,. •I - TUESDAY, AUGUST 2,, '1969 \ TEN CENtl U.S.Marines Caugh~in Red Gunfire No Peace Windfall SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Mlll'lne& lodoy turned their cooks and clerks into rlfiemen and puahed toward the ~ Son Valley U. reinforce Amer I c • n in- fantrymen lighting one of the year's big· ,..i baUles. But Communist gunners hidden in Umounaged spider holes raked the ?ilarine ranks, forcing the leathernecks to pull their dead and wounded back into the jungles. Official U.S. Sf'Okesmen listed Marine casualUes in sevtral batUes with well-en-tr:eoched North Vietnamese troops Mon- dp,Y and today at IS dead and II wounded. BUL battlefield reports Indicate that as many as 311 had been killed and 75 wound- ed In. lhe·past M bouts. ·The elgllt-d1y llgh~ olt"1 •t clo<e q!>arlen, had Coot North Vietnam's 2nd Army Division an estimated 800 dead, tn· eluding 250 killed or found in graves on the heavily jungl ... floor ol lhe Vlll<y an Monday. T<tal U.S. losses w~ reported as at least 50 killed and 300 wounded. The American hdantryrnen a n d Marines also were fighting temperatures whiC'b soared to as high as 120 degrees in the JO-mile-long valley, 340 miles northwest of Saigon. Report. from the front said that 110 ?o1arine reinforremenls, including about 50 cooks, clerks and others who normaJly - fill support roles, joined two other Marine companies trying to link up with foar U.S. Army companies locked in heavy combat with the North Vietnamese. By nighUall today, however, the three 1.farine C()Jllpanies were still more than a mile from their linlfup point with the Army's Americal Division in ~ valley, )8 miles West of Tam Ky. "i'ft be<n qui here a ..... k. and I ha•..yl-Clllrlllnt." 11)4 ---ded Wantijmii{~•11\IL'11 1-/)w eQod their camouflage is -we ctoo't see them uiiW We Walk ri&hl IDlif-~M .• In Another .part of the valfoy,,'Sodtlt Vieln..,... !mops weal cl T•m Ky mid fiO miles .from Di Nang came up(li bod.lei cf 100 North Vietnameae soldiers, most of them burned beyond recognition. Allied military spokmnen they were caught in a U.S. auial napfilm attack earlier. The Mqes, lighllllg Ille Notlh Viel· namese trotfl u , close as 10 yards, had been in baUle mbre thau 24 hours in ,the , alley in and around which llCtne 5,000 Nor1h Vietnamese troopi are believed opera Ung. Field reports said 20 Marines had been killed and 62 woonded ~ainsl II North ~letnamese killed. Ol!IC!al reports in Saigon 1ald II Marlneo had been l<llled and 41 wounded, 1.-ith Nor11> Vletnarnae ...... undetermined. V-nt.ers Choose Key School Board Member Voting wa& under way today to elect an Orange County Board of F.ducaUon memo ber, one who will determine the direction in whlch the county board will head in tbt ·tutur~ A 2 to 2 conservaUve-versus-moderate , split divides the panel now. Each ol lho two actlve candidates for lhe fifth seat to be filled today lines up, on one aide or the other. Dr. Doris M. Araujo supports lh9 stands of the conservaUve incumbents., while Richard L. Acton generally agrees with the moderate&. A third candidate OD the ballot, Philip Ramseyer, of Anaheim, has announced his withdrawal from the race because he would have to quit hi& Long Beach teaching job to serve on the board. Potts will be open until I p.m. al loca· Uons lhroughout the Mission Viejo and El Toro areas and on up ltito Orange, Villa Paik ml a oocli-On ol Anaheim. The el..,. lion Is Umlted to tho FfUllh District trustee· area, where 1101000 peraons are . eligible to -. Dr.• Araujo, 45, ol Orange, 11 a speciallsl In lnl<rnal medicine. She IP. peored before the board In Mardi to tesllfy In opposition lo sex educaUon In p11bllc adloolL She clef"1ds count¥ &ehools SupL Dr. Robert Peterson'• right to conduct al\ opinion poll in barber 1hops, and thinks the Grand Jwy mla ed the mark in crtUcizing the board when it could better have commented on drug abuse and campus unresL Acton, 32, also of Oranae. b an tx· eculive • advisor recommended by tht board member who vacated the atat, byle Guipry, to auccetd him. Acton says Dr. Peterson should consult with the board before embarking on p>lllng and agrees with the Grand Jary that recent board dllcUllk>NI have been • waste or Ume •nd mlsdlredlon cl the panel'• ....,g1 ... • I .J!o~ihan Says ~oney to n ·e Swallowed Up , • N.tl.Y PILOT ....... 1W It..,.. ti: .... B.,bble G•m ~faamp StevelJSU.saud.,'ll, won ·~tggest !Jlibbl•' a~ during recent 111\)>ble gum•cantest s~red liY.Cos.ta M~ •. Pal'~S:.fl!Cl .. ~jion.Depai;t.. menl But Steve learn"jd·that;even""·a Cbairip sometimes takes-1t ,oo the chin. He'a•the 500 of ·Mr. ·and Mrs,,L1' A..Ja:ussaud, 1815 Samar Drive. · PresmentAwaiting Word As Tricia in ~ospital By JOHN VALTERZA . Of .. Deltr•Plllt ..... President and Mrs. Richard Nbloa·aro awaiting word In Sin Cleniente todiy.cxt the C<lldllion .ol ·lhei>-·oldeat d...,...,, Trida, wbo ma7.bermtrit1Da ·-;i1p. pendicllll at·W-•-< .. edkal C-* I .. 87 JEROME J'. COLUl'jl ' Of .. DIRf" ,_ ..... · .. ' . DIDlel P. Moynihan, the Pr..,ldent's advlw oq urliaD affa!ra, wu poolUvely lyrtcal abOut il "[ think ""lie laid. "that •the peace dlVldtftd1i~ve fumed ·out. to, bf: •ll!!VIQUo ceftt; lite Ille mommc clouda around Silt Clemente." Moynihan lh111 upl1ined Mooday why the end of hostll.iuts in Vietnam, wben it oceun{wm· m&n no•windf1u·a1 federal money ror d....,itc purj>oaes. He told 1 press conference at the Weltern Whitt House In San Clemente '111aul)e_.,el$knited" · ~ bllllcxt yeorly now "tni·ijeql'la Viotnam will be IWlllowed up ,by. projloaflL federal -I PrO- Alnl ""''by ·-a1ieady ln ejfecl. "'!llo'na&.ii'··~ ln'bolh ...... tloft · 11111 -· •lloiial prodUct (GNl>l, wm be .suclt that by 1175'. he Aid, funds now ."-'"•; !11'111ped Joto. Vietnam "wlll. loot m"".man·diolile."· · . 1lio .-..,,., oul·ol • -'"°'1r oeUiaa ot·lht Pruldell1'1 Urtiu ·AI· fain Cclmcil.earlter ln"lhe day Mand8y. The ~" ~ by Mcynihall, U.. ciud,,..m ca)>bie. niem.fler•: Rosi' vi,t<>\I I lml'I poet. Vietnam windfall ba~ been encouraged by the ad· Uilalltralloo Sall January .. The Prell· dent'i economic advisors then projected the availability o( $22.9 million ln .. e:r- tia" ·fedora! lJm4I wilhln II months of the or'• end. . MoYillban wu asked whether the ~lllng ol lhell vlstooa had "lhocted" NW.. "It Is not the ~ ol Preoldents lo be lbo!>kOd by reality," snlfled Ibo ..... lima'.IV)' Loaguo proteau. Jn th&aatlon'l'apHal.; . t ~ .-·1i • ~~~­"'W'·.-.... ~;,,Mllit. .. r . eNiCJHitJil~P'!lhi ._ . \!.ir. ;.< diiJ -· .... ' orl!nl·. !Ii ·w-..iw :-!he· .western •Wlllto Ol\ILY'Pri.or IMfl' ....... AOMlnED"tO HOSPl'l'AL · Trlcl• Nixon Victim Grabs Theft Suspects A lancllcaping contractor ·Who left the office, thep returned, captured two young burglary suspect. Monday night when Ibey leaped out of a window ... he ar- rived: Cbarlet R. Lane, o{ J 0 h n I 0 ft Landacape, 1311 Newport Blvd., collored one )'OUlh u he fled and !he boy led police to bis companion. The boys, aged 9 and IJ,•'t(<l't lumed over Ip their parents pending JUV9111o court action. ' A key wu used to enter the land9capo flnn, but there was no lOl!ll ol valuabla, accmling to police. ' House"fu ~Clomeate. · ' Al a fftl" brlelq mutly alta -today, presld.,,lial pr,.. oecrellry Rm Ziegler .. ldl that the latest WM! .f,,.,, . Washington tndlcated. "Miss Nilon.'a CCG- . ditkltl ls not «·aeriou.s matter." rr... socielarr 11n. . Gerry v.lo, 11er Heuvel aakl Mill Nixon complained to no one aboutitbe pain· an· Monday acept a Whil•H-.mlld. ' She· felt· worse today and phoned the sen\Or Whtie HOUl8 pbyslclan, Dr. Walter Tkach, ln SID Cl<m-. He, in tµm, notified bis •llllNlll In Wl8hlngt<il,,Dr •. lllanle7 Bear, •11o u · amlned Tricia and preai:ribed a mild sedaJ,ive. He reported aht had no fever~ tncreaae 1n· paloe. · Shortly arterwarif8Tr!cl1 wiiadmltled to the medical center'a. Ward a __ .thfl preSidentlal IUite -far observaUm. and tests. . Mrs. Van Der Heuvel said resuJts ·ot. medical examinations would be' kMwn later today. She said the Nixoos "were kind of surprised at news of Tricia's lllneu, because thtir daughter ls norm.all)' • very healthy young lady." The peUte, bloocle Tr!i:la had been visiting 1t the Western WhJte Houae fOr 12 days before returning to Wuhlngt.on Suoclly. Undergoing Rep~ MIAMI (UPI). -1' 111&-foot Bah.,.wi mall lhlp is "'* goillC' roflolr> &fur 1 fi.,.. but brief fire ~.IO pass"1im to 1b8ndbn the •es.el 170 1mlla tut ot. Mlamt Monday. .. " ' •/di '.ball :-··amGng ltHie.i,., OD Ibo . eo.i. Meli PlaDillng OmmnllaloD qenc!a --.........._ for city ·couni:ll •P- poval Monday, but two were tagg'ed with -lal llllpulatlon1. I. rione •xe<pllon permit for realtcir RandlJf McCardle't 42-milt apartmen't comple< al m E. llllh St., ..... given I requirement for at.art of constructiOn wilhln 'Six -u... The...,. ,type pernlll fCll'·Franklln D. ~er. sift Mailno, allow/na-of'a ~~bobby room to a home at :161 .11:, lJtb SI. '"u given a eonawonai vol> iOr IPF"'al. . Phnnblnc to a wet bar propoe•<ffor tho add!Ucn mu.at be capped Wlder com- m1a&lon recommendation. Ito w e v e r , P..evmttnc HI lrloformaitcxt" Into two _. ftlldences u orlilnaliy 181<ed. . A ,... erceptloa pern\11 for the Mork C. Blocxt>e Tin Co. to lmlall. four 1'yllrou1lc botall under 1 caDOfJ)'• lit Ibo fum's Joi at m Harbor Blvd., .... lo -n wMh I I lo-I ..i., wblcb coo- lllltutel DO reconuqenda1lon either WI)'. ..,; YOJUt (AP) -'!'lie ~·market ~ -• Jiii! loll lodoy ult turned lli..111 l!ICOld ~ lo'•t•& -(!11 . ....,..C-, Pageo 10.U). 'nae l>olr JODll 'Jndultttal average 1t J P·\Do -olf U7 at m.07. Tr8dlng over tlM di)' wu Ill".' olow: .. ·neat Kills Jqngl~ . Cats .. Anaheim Wild Animal' 1'reeder Loses <AU on Desert 'By AJionnrR It VINSEL ' OllMOtllt ........ ~ b'eat loot 111· ~gJloll today 11 ·1 wUd plmll bteedf:r carrytna 55 exotl\: cat; aiid 1\111 lut few dollars fnmi AnabelDi !& F10rtda ..... t'4. ~ 1)11 disabled Inlet bf hand In !he CAlifehia deaert. ' .. ~ Todd ·Leuthold Is loolng cats, mtnOy, tlme·and hope. • • , ''.I don't 4lel how It can get •113' 1'0fll!I '"' uld bis wife Dorothy; contacted at UJ;}, clooed-dowo HOUJO of Marlo. 7521. lled Gum SI.,' In county turltory our Anaheim. Mn. Leuthold, a veterinary Jludenl, said several amot;g $20,000 Worth or call caged on the 11f9 truck have died in the 117 degree boa~ after taltlog to her h111- band In El Centro Monday night. ''We Jost two temale leopards carrying three kttlenl uch by 1 bllck rather.'' Mid the1angulihed woman, esUmating a Sl&,000 loss, bes.ides the anlmall' own 1Uf· ferlng, The Ltutliolds are •moog only 14 U.S. llnm wblch btt<ld jungle cats In cspUvtty 1 . • •)Ml· hod )>!&med· Jbelr move to Brooksville, ·ria .. otnce Jut November, befdre'counly IU-lbnl U--eorller thl1 )'Ur,' • · l Mrs. Leuthold said tbolr cat boning and.brMti<ll bulinesl WU f<fted lo - Oft tbe bula ·tbol the bldJdln( had DO elec· ttk:al~Wlrin& coadutta •• reqliiredf fot U::'fi A vtDbn:. . i f "But .we were never even ~" "" 'C<Ulplalned. i ' "We were not cloeed becaua of the wild anilp•Js," llhe nplalned, •\!dins 'that · upect. l1·mON1 a.bobby.. ·' Notlce1bly bltter=te ol tjle lrillc predi<a~~ Mn. Leut sa1d '-llu• band otarted lite . edywaoy once after lhey obtained 1od alien&! 1 truck lo flt the job. ; "You d<11't move 1$ 11iim114· 1u11 Un that." she aaid. • . "He had to r<bulld 1 blown •P eritlno first and he got lo Be1WJ10r1t, bul the mechanic had put two rod upo In bsckward.u nd It blew ap qaln." ' Dellyed for addtlionll repairf, the irt. , lit1 ltuck CllTYln& I Siberian lt(tt, the ' VJ!IT ....... 'WfNDFALL OUT WINDOW' Prlsidentlal Advisor Moynlh•n Moynihan wa1 mnpbaUc about the Mw, lea happy forec:aat. ••t will say that.it ls clearly the conclusion ol the analyai:s (by the Urban Aflalrs Council) that. the _,.ued .peace ...i crd illvtdeods that GULFPORT, Mlsl. CUP!) .,.-AJ relcu1 and cleanup operaUona continued 1,obo tnllm. apart today, there were lndlcaUoils Hurrtcane Camllle's raJns may have been as· deatily as lta t•ihile-an-bour winds and 'l6-foot tides. Tile, GUif Coast, .,....,., the llurrtcane atrUct:ln full force,. bu c:oun~ •:death .toll ol.llt imowD dead In Mlaalmilppl IDd Loulsllno, with an .-ei1nlnelt numller of ~r!IOtJI mWiD8'.-. , In Virginia, where Cim11lo ie!I , !b• l!llinlaDd ·U ·I oqua1I wblci>,cluplpod •P to 10 inches ol rafu. the ·toll from devast.allng flooding in mountain towns along !he Amel River reached IO tnown dead, with 1111 peroooa mllllog. '!lie damage from !he flooding was estimated at more than SJ32.$ million, well below the predicted II billion or more predicted for !he GuH Cout. Moey .residents along the GuU Coast returned lo their ahOltered l!omea Mon- day lo salv""' what !hey could ol !heir belonginp. George llullnp ol the ofDce ol -pn>pll'edneu, heading fed<jral aid operations, Pid it ·would be four or five weeks before residents .could resume "normal" Uvtog -but be said II woold take -!her two yeers to gel bad< to "where ire wre.J~fore the *"ln·" Olily lhO lllubble ol ooce-lall .pine •lrees aod 1· pile ol brancllea and ·frahly "'""d logs heaped oo~lho olr<el edge In many areas hint of Ibo clevutaUon ol a -" ago. , Busy mw1 of toldiers, . p~, Seabees, and NaUanal Gull1domen and reservists guide a Qeet · of · machtnea through the •treets collecting debrll and aon\eUmes bodies from the thick woods &nlWld the towns. . .Mott bOdl<s 'wtre found Monday, 181d Bllly Joe Croa, 1tate g..,.; and flab dlroeW, who 11. In charp ol the contra! =. Croa lakl there were m lppt deaths In ' three counllee. Croa al0> wamed lhe·toU mtgllt rise. He aiid• the. first day he cllled for • mllsing peroooa repor1, he r«elviid 1 llsl of 48 names, I Two:-addlitonll bodiea ..-localed Monday 'by I -fy deployed special ICOOI dof! platoon 'ol• 1$ aottqail .and 11 men f!t!lU l"Drl ~. Ga.. The dogs frvm Iha' 1111h lnflDCJY Brtcade ol the :lid Anny are inlatlni Seabees In seoreh and recovery ol human mnalns. ID WUhlagtOo; tho Al'!Wlture Deport· ment satd the Jl'anne.n Jl o m e AdmlniltraUon would make available three pelt<llt lolno to fnnn Wnllles In l5 VtndnJ• counties In. tht Jamel River basin. Tho low Interest, emeraency loan• -bi.""" lo -f&IW damaged 11)1 laodsUdes and rtoodln1. ·Jn · l\lcllmood MondoJ ·•11111~ state Airiculture Comm!.....,. Maurice B. JIOle said prellml!WJ aUl'll\les lhowed 1"1111 )..,.. In Vlrgllllli'1 wont nood In ml>re ~ I CIOlwJ -.id ilMIY ..,.,.... U alllllm. Ila said dun111 to Uvestoct. • ha"' -ullcltiilf>d; .. Jn.Jannary o1 this ,..., • ...,. almply not rea1isllc. "There Is nOt Ukely to bt anYthij,g lite th• frtt mources that we had all hoped !or," he said. "It If liloply,DOI there In the system. We-.are not 1olqg to haft.an easy Ume of making natioriAJ priorities in the 197111." · · · Moynihan, ablaze tn a yelloW'i bluer aild looking · a bit lllte· • younger Orion Welles, declined to. ~ the term •:repu- diate'" in·dlscm&ng the January report. "'That would be much too 1 tr on 1· • word," he said. "We are ~ oa :1~:=~,~a:: ~lislmieot" ahd many domatlc -grams long piAMed but Dot !Undtd. "'.'l'he. ainoaat in wbicb ' We •• de- pleted reaources to maintain iho ·ofl\lrl In .VI~tnam seems to be .much n\jlre, Jm. • C'.:'Jt ~ J>Oople had, ~~ • Ono :....,,...;re-hbn thald1e l!l!l~onoe said Jll'ban. pr$lema re<pilrl. a ma,u lnf\Jsfon ot money.' .. An!i you nOw saying you ar .. mt going lo •get ttl'" be wu .ubd. · "I don't ~ that I ~ve said· that," he replied. "Urban problelJUI require • Jot of things. Throwing money at them is sort of a simple-minded aolution. I thlnt we are going to get 1 loL We are g~ a lot now, and we will get a lot mart.. Moynihan denied that lhe new projec- tion would adversely affect his long· term plans for coplng with urban cri&eS. "On the contrary, we see a countrJ that Is strong and prosperi<11 and goq to become stronger and more pl'Glpei'· ous, but we also see a country lbat bu (llee MOYNlllAN, Pl&e I) peaeh """ apple crops woul4 be "devutating." Vlrgillla Gov. Milli E. Godwin, his !wt spot\e(i , wllh mud, ftew over Muale:'1 MUI, Va.; In a· Marine Corp! helicopter Monday lfKt aaid, "ll that Jsp't a total disa.ster, I hope I never see OM." OnJy two , buildings were felt standing' In tbe lioy hamlet. The governor wa1 , asked whether be lhared President N"°'1's "very greet · ~· G¥er the pvemmeot'1 failure to more accurately precUct the cklltruc- lfon caPJ!.bllitiel of. q.mille. 1ll-certainly do," Godwin aald. "l·thlnt ·a country that is smart ll!!OOUgh to put a man,on U>e moon -should .be .able to do ·a 'better job or preitlctlog what.a.burrlcane can do." Now He Can't Face the Music A IBJt.w<l"ldlig -iait.t ellmlnoled ·I noise in George M. Haines' car Monday~ Uoforlwlalely, said llalnea, cl 111 .J:. 19th Sl, Costa M .... the noise Included Bob Dylaq. "IOby Grape, and a numtier ol other)IOpllu ilop(i and rock groups. Police Aid lhe burglar who Sll1Uhell a wi>ilwlilg•IO galil ""'1 lo tho car parked ootaide H&inea'· home p nearly $2.401 in loot, including rodlo-ttereo aod a dooen music tipe cartridges. . Oraage Weadler ' ~ '\yplcll day along tho Orange ,eout.Js In ,tho olfiog1for Wedneodar, -faho -Iller and temperatures ranging fiom '11 along Ibo ahon to 14 ID the land' locked area. ' INSmE TODAY Thf Humvno htr,oiM" ..of Uat Cosio Me14 Cioic r[ayMu.t '1hart1 Chi tpoUight with. tht · ~tar1 top Pf.TforrMr1 at th• .thfct,r's annual awards c1r1- monle1. Ste l'fttet1Cinmc71t, PoQ• JI. = =:... --.._ .... ln ... hl •11• ·--.. .._ - .. ...J " N " • " , .. 11 " " 11 -" w:ri:..~ ,. . -.. =:-:• 'I .... ..... ,,.1. "'"' 1•1r ll!kll .......... ,. "*'°'*"' 11 := , --.. -· ---------~ ' • I • • "' r; ~· :-PAl&.Y ,,LOT,.....,..._......._ CURIOSITY BRINGS YOUNGST&RS TO CAVE IRANDID 'DIN 01' INIOUITY' BY CITY DADS Iron Bora to Block Modem D1y Plrot11 11 lly'front Cove Jn Coron1 d1I Mir ·• Another Storm Nears Hurricane Force in Ocean MIAMI (UPI) -Trople>l gtonn Eve moved -ard through the AUan- . • tic MO mlla oil the United States coast today and wuthertneo predicted the blos -id rucb hurricane !ntwity by :Wednold<1. Tho Nllkllai Hurricane Cenler said the ltmn -~anlud blll '1ts llow m01einetl ·.,.. nnn wat<n and Its C<!l- lni......,. ol lt.ll lncbes ue sufficient ....-to 10!1ICUI fli'at Eve lhooJd be a mininiol burricane by Wednesday. AD iJ>. te:iwts along the mickDe AtlanUc coast . • eulnrd to Bermuda ahould be alerted .-for .future ldvlces." E\19 '1 top winds were eo miles an hour. ·~ The center said Ir the storm stalls or makN a turn northward, the threat Lo the Carollnu would be Increased. The atorm l'U centered at noon EDT nw Wltude 30.I north. Joogitud< 73.5 weol, ... MO mlJes aouth aoutheut of C1p1 Batteru, N.C. 11 was moving northeatward at 6'e miles an hour. Eve. the aeason'1 fifth tropical storm, lormed l1om a tropical ckpression that . -huly aw.Us on·the beacb<s ci the nori1mn Bahamas Monday. · · Eve'• prtdeceaor. hurricane Debbie, wu dying far to the north over gub-arctic J Wi&erl M tbl DlW ltorm WU brewing. :1' BU8, Car Crmh; 1 Killed, 8 Hurt ' • :· •· i i ' i ! • , SAN BERNARDINO (AP) - A small forelp cor and a Grsyhound bus collided at a downtown lntemctton Monday nlght, tUllnl a puse.nger in the car and critically Injuring the driver. seven occupants of the bus, Including the driver, a1ao were injured. Dud on arrlv11 at San Bernardino C'.Ganty General HospltaJ WIS Robert Lorin Goodin, 2%, ol Carlabad, an empkrye of the U.S. Forestry Service. He waa returning from fighting brush fires. Qar1ea Wtchrll Collihs, 20, 1denUfied by police as the car's drivtr, was in critical condlllm al Ibo hoopita!. · Me&aManFoundDead ; , • ; .. • ' , • , • • ' • • )-• • ~ ' • t • • ~ • • • • • • ' ' ) ~ • f I • • ' i I I ' f -- ' In Suicide by Father A COila Mesa man who left a note 1&aying he aaw only one w11y out of despondency wa1 round dead of a .21 caliber gunshot wound when bis f11ther went to hil apartment Monday. Deputy Coroner John GUI listed Ille death ci IJoullas D. Boyvey. 33, of 214 W. Wll8on SL, as an apparent &Uicide. Autborilies estimated he bad been dead about U houri when discovered al ooon. Oh\\r PllOT ...... CQUt .va ..... o:IMNl'I .......N.W ... _ .. _ Jae• I. c..1.., .. ,,..... ............ 1\fiMM l('..,U .... n..,,A.M.rii$ii• _ .... ,,_ __ JJO WMt ler $1rHt u.m.1 AMr~·•.o.1 .. 11.o,t1•2• --_.,....,,,tl'll#lllil ........... ..._ ....-i m,.,... ,,_ --lllMa; ..... ad.'rNOt .......... ...-... ..... .,.._ ................ ~ f.wc.M ..... fl6f • ....,.,. ~ -°"' ..... .....,...._. ........... ........... ................. ~ .............. . &:-'~=::.~ ........................ .., ... o. MM.. 1111;1 1n41 '4Mm • a Mlf M1011'T I '41-Un ............. c.... ....... c........ .. --,....... .., •• "" ... ......,, --.. lllW•ll:l••.fllt ..... .....,.•1•0•1•.......,. ._...,. ..... _..,........,, -........ '*' ........ ~ ......... ... c..--. c.-..... aotn 1$11& • ......... _...,., """"" .. ...., __, .. ,_.,..,. • Newport Council to Close ·cdM Pirate's Cove Caves tt may have takm the au'• erodine 1c- Uon thousands ot ye.an to ca:rve out the caves at Corona del Mar'• Pirate's Cove, but it took Newport . Beach city coun- cllmee only ~ few minutes to ~·them ba~ up Monday nilbL Councilmen, actin( unanfmoualy on r-u ... from the polJce doplrt- ment, agreed to have the hril "1lrlDCOS 'of Ille large .,.,.. Maied olf with ban and gates. -'f0°l:eep tbe-"altractlve -U frte from crime, yet sUll available to the publlc, the counCU qroed to keep tho Rates open during the awnmer daytime hours. Policemen on patrol will lock up the tn- trances at dusk, the council ruled. Police strongly urged that the cave be. closed completely, but seUled for the 1ate jdea. Police Chief B. James Glavu said the ialts and bar& would eliminate ao to 70 Fast-talking Duo End Discus'sion :With Jewel Heist . ' TWo fast.talking thieves who -.ed a fashion l5land jewelry store clerk in a discu5Blon about a oainUng 01\ 1ale walked out with lll,3ll in diamond and platinum jewelry. . The two men in l\tonday'11 theft are be- ing sought by Newport Beach police. along With a woman in a print drtss: who may be an accomplice . The maJe suspects entered. Weinert· Clark Fine Jewel! at :J:30 p.m. and talked about buying the painUng dl&pl1yed in the front window, under a case fWed \\'Ith watches, rings and pins. Ten minutes later, a wOman entered the store. walked to the back and en- gaged.· the same clerk in conversation, blocldng view of the 1tore'1 1bowcase in the front. Tbe ,three walked out of the st.ore, and the ctert called police when the bare case abo•e the pelnUng was noticed. percent of the crime in the larp cavtm and tunnel l<adlng to it. One deep lon<r section ci the a .. , In which per!CllS can completely hide them!eJns, wlil be &ta!ed olf with - crete. It wlil be the only part ol th<i cave In bo pennaiienUy plugged. Pbotocrapha supplied to councllmm by Glav•&Mwed·huma!rllfth;Jlllorol111t« and unkempt yootha In the cave and Its urrow tll!lMI leading to the nearby cove. Statfstlca delailed nearly 80 Juvenile and adult arrats in the caves over the put yur for off~1 ran1ing from Besides providlni for better law en- forcement on that part or the Corona del Mat shoreline, the council Monday locus- ed attention on problems with caves Uld crags in the past in Cam.to Shores area . farther downcoaal They unanimously approved plans to ask for the anneution of tbe beacha ti Cameo Shores, v.·hicll presently are patrolled by county law enforcement personnel. Cameo Sbcnl residenta have ccxn- plained that narcotk:s uurs and unruly )·outh& and adults move into the Cameo Shores are1 alter cl<iolnl lime oo city beadles tn Cc:ron1 del Mar • Vice M..IY!r j,indsley i:arsons 'II~· de! Mil, WM lniliated UIO anneullilri ... quert, eailed Ult ma "a no-man'• land for the pot smokm ... The annexation request will 10 to the Local Ag<ricy Formation Commla&ion, then to the state Lands Commla&ioo for approval Jordan Defense Chief Hands in Resignation AMMAN !UPI) -King Hu'8eln ted1y accepted the res.ignation of Defense Minister ?.taj. Gen. Amer Kbammaah and appointed Ahmed Touka.n, a civilian, in hls place. A royal decne broade.ut by Amman radio, announced the mOve but gaw no rt.UM for it. Fast 01a the Draw Thia Is Pana ma City, Florida's verson of the wild, wild west . Chamb<r of commerce type• appointed Glenda Ty1on (lef\) to main· lain law and frlendlineu In "Friendly Floridian" campaign. She won job alter spoof shoot out wlU. Judy MaU.ews (foreground). You'll have to admll It's pretty wild. . ' Isra IYows Retaliation In Sabotage · '\ly~· ...... i~Prett • llrMI --the Arabi with m«e retallal!On· lcir oabola(e Monday nilbl a. the Arab .. u... ..... ed c1 ..... to. -- mlt meotJns to dllcula the 1ltualioo In Jonllaieol. lsraoU Troclport Minllller Moobe ConMI, alter loarnlq thal a bomb bad •splodod Monday In an Israeli ollfppfuc COlllPID1 ollJce In London, warned that Aralli could not "all In ufely in their varioul , olllces throuchoul the. -Id uniaol aahly prevalla in the olficos ol llrr.lll companiel ... "larael views with the utmoot gravity aey plots aplnlt her lines ol com- mUlllcalloo and the faclliUea · ol her tr~Uon companlea lhroqhout the world," Carmel aald. "Anyono tryJnl In ocheme qilnsl"lbein Is likely to pay a 1Uff price." Thi transport minister, Whole 1tal6- ment wu distributed by the laraell a;overnment't prua ofrtce in Jeru.1alem, also pled1ed that "every Is r a e I i pUseneer anywhere will be protected, as will 111 tiraell l.111t1 of communicaUon and trunportation facilities the world over." Ont woman WU hospitalized after I small time bomb went off in the secofld. floor offi~ of the Zim Company on Rt&ent Street, shattering w i n d ow a. Scotland Yard was investigating reports that Al Falah, the lorget ol the Palesti· nlan pm1Jla orpnizatlons, W a I reoponelble. Pollce aaJd worten In nearby offices ba<laeen.lii men "otAtab.appearance" w1lk Into the building half an hour before the eiplosion. It wu the fourth bombing In three mmthl of a London company associated with Israd. From Page 1 CATS LOST. • • repairing the engine and JllOVing on lo C061er climates to 11ve the stricken cats. thines are aa bad at home, Mn. U:uthold nld today. She aald she fl dftutute, the rent Is due, ulility aervice ill about to be shut olf and the couplo baa had no Income from their bulineu since closure in late June. "Thue must be 10D1ebody -&Otne a1eney or finaDclal organization -who can help us out. when the authorities can just come In and close your business," sM aald ml8erib!y. Mrs. Leuthold aaJd sbe contacted COUii· ty welfare authorttit1 but they ·told her nothJng could be done until perhaps her husband was gone three montba and declared a deserter. 'Ibis, she said, Is ablurd. nietr original plan was to accomplish the tranlfer to Florlda, where Mrs. Leuthold plans to attend Mlaml Universi- ty to become a veterinarian and even- tually open their own zoo. Today, cata -and a dream -seemed to be dying along&ide U.S. Highway 80 in El <Jenlro. Thieves Take Tires in Mesa Thieves who ml.pped throua:h a chain Unk fence with wire cutters hauled a sup- ply of 65 lirts worth nearly $1,700 away from a Costa Mesa auto dealership, police .. 1d today. Donald n. Levering, employed by Harbor Dodge, 2888 Harbor Blvd., U!ld in· vesUgatora an inventory is under way to- day to determine the exact lo6ti. The supply or new Urea waa taken from a roofed storage uu on the lol, ac· cording to Officer Richard Johnson. YOUR Down, But Not Out Driver Ronald V. Jones, 26, San Gabriel, watches as hi s toppled pro- duce truck is righted., following accident late Monday morninf on West Coast Highway near Orange Avenue. Jones lost control o his produce van when be swerved to avoid a car m~~1:n illegal left turn and then swerved again to miss children w g at s~de o( road. 'lbere were no injuries, police said. From Page 1 MOYNIHAN ••• ' a lot or problems today because 10. 15 very strong, partly because or the tor· yws ago this erf~rt to antici~te muJa of existing legislation. and partly j1~:~~ida::~t i::kuer.~ecis.lons about pri or· be:ause of natural growth in our popu· By fl seal 1975, national priorities and lat1on.". . needs will easily eal up the so-called H~ cited as an . example the Pres1- post-Vietnam peace dividend, he said. dents revenue-sharing proposa l fOI'." state The key to lhls undramatic absorption is and federal governments. It will be growth. "We have a budgetary system funded at a proportion of one percent ol wtth built-in erowth factor• which are person~I income in the country. "l~ per- sonal income goes up, the expemhtures of the federal government go up," he said. Nixon to Leave San Oemente Home Sept. 8 President Ni:zon will leave S a n Clemente on Sept. 8, It waa announced to- day at the Western White House. The president, en route to Washington, will meet with President Diaz Orda:i: of Mexico to dedicate the A m l s ta d (friendship) Dam on the Rio Grande 12 miles upstream of Del Rio, Ttx. It will be Nixon's first meeUn' with the Meltican chlef ezecuUve since ihe November election. Construction on the $78-million dam began Bil years ago. It was financed joinUy by the U.S. and Mexican eovmunents. 'The president toda y also m a d e preparations ror the visit tomorrow of former Preaident Lyndon Jobnaon. California Civilian En1ployment Rises SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Civilian employment In Calilornla Increased 3.4 percent between last month and July 1968, the Department of Employment reported today. It sald 8.04 million persons had civilian jobs In the slate during July, 266,000 more than the same month last ye ar. "The world is a funny place," Afoyni· ban concluded. "It always fools you and nothing you ezpect to ha~n dot1 hap- pen. But there are some things you can look fot: death and tues and an in- crease between 4 andf.5 percent in· the GNP." 3 Brush · Fires Quelled Monday; Around County Ti1rte Orange County brush fires -one touched off in the spectacular plunge of a truck down a gully on the lo.fission Viejo Ranch -were es:Unguished by fire crews ?i1onday. Driver John h-1unoz:, or Santa Ana. escaped injury when his vehicle rolled down into a gulch seven miles east of San Juar. Capistrano neai the Orttga lJighway. Flames Ucking out of the wrecked truck spread through nearby grass and brush, blackening more than 11 acres be- fore it was snuffed out within an hour. Cause of two additional fires in the in· land brush territory has not been delern1ined. a spokesman for t.he State Division of Forestry said today. Nearly two acres of brush burned 1 mile south of Silverado School on San· tiago Canyon Road. Nearly one acre of grass and 1 garage were destroyed in a fire on Santa Ana Canyon Road al Eucalyptus Drive. Your Omega Sale• & Service Ag~n.cy --,,...., ........ ~·· .0 OMEGA WATCH~ ............. • ClolMd • Oii .. FREE 11'1• .'"rv llm• Omt g• Sp1•d1"111d1f witch ""• c.1r,.., w11 ••lt ct.d with• c:11• 111y '"•clifit1tjen !l., NASA to b-. won• by ·~~ m111 o" th• m••11.' Tlti1 f1to9nltio~. truly • rt• w1r.I l•r 11c.1ll1nc1, fll1 k11 u1 ptoucl t1 b• y1ut .111tli1ri1HI o..,,,. jew1l•r. Ca-i11 -111 tlli1 \1111•••..,.. 2 '"'*• .. WWleYM W• • AllJ-PIAILS $2.00 ,,_ s411 11-ITIUNe ,.,_ llNal $3.00 ...... - DIAMONDS $6.00 llP\ACID, ,,_ ~·-IN.U.11N• DONI .. uptr: H111tlntton Clllter S-h at Edinger WMU..I YOU WArT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 I • .. 4111, C>trl.t• J, ......... . t.t ,i.;.-.,,,11. Tlt1 anly w1kli wn11 ..,. ft:a !Jiii .. ttte 1111 .. a. Pric.1 Sl tL fllMI AYA.ILAILI and back Harbor Sl!opplnq Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I I ) \ Danger His .Business No Need Beac1i Officer · Pliiloso phical A bout His Duty To Dial By TERRY COVIl.L~ 01 Iii. D1ltr f'lltt $i1tt "Don't shoot! Don't pull the trigger!'' Family. friends. your life. It does nash be!ort your eyes in a matter or st<.'Onds. Ask Gilbert Vclne , 39, a balding, bespectacled, quiet looking guy who goes lo work every morning in Huntington Beach, ju.st like thousands o! oUler men. \\'ell almost like thousands of other men. Gil Veine is a detective with the Jlun· lington Beach Police Department, and t}e has been in the position or having his life flash across his mind in cinemascope. It happened les.s than a year ago when Veine and fellow detective Edward Pratt ran across a crazed father beating his daughter in publlc. They had to thread their way through :1n angry crowd to finally come face to fnce with !he rather, 1\'ho was bran- dishing a pistol and threatening onlookers. "J1e was inside his car when we finally reached him,'' says Veine. ··1 came from the fronl and he pointed that pistol at my gut. l just yelled don't shoot! And pro- bably a few otfler things." "Had I shot him, the reaction would have made him shoot me at point black range," Veine explained. "Fortunately Pratt came from behind and grabbed him ." Both Veine and Prall rettivcd Orange County's first '-1eda1 of Valor awards for their feat. Now fellow detectives kid them about polishing the medals every day and wearing them under their coals. "When you 're a detective." says Veine, "you expect to face that kind or a situa- tion once or twice." It wasn't the flrst , nor the last scrape Veine has been in. As a rookie policeman 10 years ago in \'ernon he was jumped and beaten by two men while trying to make an arrest. ' 0.f.ILY PILOT Sl•lf ,..,_ 'Narcs' By A RTl!UR R. VINSEL Of JM Dloll'r l"lltt Sl1ff Dial N 7 for narc -or the hon1e telephone numbers or 14 state narcotics · agents recenUy revealed by an un· derground newspaper, and you'll get aboul the..aame responst. A telepbone survey Monday ot' the list printed by the Los Angeles Free PreSl!i two week1 ago showed nearly all the lawmen now have changed or unlisted numbers. A waV<. of calls obscenely threatening violence to the men, and their ramilie.s after llO listings were published Aug. 8 has generally subsidedi i.Q the days sillce for lhl)Se who kept their numbers. "Everything has pretty well died down ,'' sald Mrs. Jimmy C. Irvin, Hun· tlngton Beach, whose hus~!!d !W.~borrily -reru.eaio jiOSsiliiY digiiiry the act by responding to it "That's about all we've had," com· mented Dalton L. Newland, supervisor for the Santa Ana area office, "that and a couple o! lewd letters." Dalton was ab1e lo chl,lekle a bit over the locldent after the passage of time, but lhe Free Press' publication -under Ute heading of public service an- nouncement -shocked, angered a.nd frigh tened others. Lawsuits totaling $25 million were filed They roughed him up and even dumped 11 juke box on him . He was saved by the arrival of "the cavalry," he says. DETECTIVE GIL VEINE FACES LIFE-AND DEATH 'A Pig Cleans ·Up the G•rbage in the Streets' iu the aftermath of the publication, which included names evidently stolen from a law agency, at least one incorrectly id en· litied as an agent. Last week, Veine_helped close the door on a possible murder for hire plot. and lv«o months ago he was kicking in an apartment door lo arrest a robbery ::;uspect in Garden Grove. "Each day is different." he says, "and !hat's why most of us are detectives or policemen. \Ve also have a patriotic sense in feeling that what we do is right." Does the word "pig'' make a cop angry, ready to bust heads? "No," he replies, "it does n't bother me .e t all. We went through a series of nam es, 'cop,' 'fuzz,' 'narc,' I cou ldn't understand il al first. but il's just a name now. "You know," he adds "I've realized recently that pigs eat lhe garbage in the streets, and thars really what we're doing -picking up the garbage." Vein c's job involves crimes against lhe person, anned robbery, assault and bat· tery, fighls, murder. His toughest job is plowing through the oceans of paperwork. Like most policemen in this day, Veine ls a critic of the courts . ''The courts have made it so tough a· policeman has to make his deci sion in a fe\v seconds," says Veine, "while the COllrt might take days, weeks or even Beach Starts Ca11ipaig·n On Illegal Trash Cans years to make ils decision." "But what bot he~ me the mosl is that sometimes I feel society unjustly accuses the policeman for things not even in his jurisdiction.'' "\Ve don't make the laws," he explains, ··.,re uphold them. But I guess we're the most obvious symbol of authority in a lime when the younger generation has Jost its re spec~ for authority." "It doesn't really bother me -the social pressure that is,'' he conclude:s. "And here in Huntington Beach we feel the citizenry has given us tremendous support." White Hous e Spruced Up in. Nixon's Absence One man among three from Newport Beach was merely the friend of a friend of an agent who stayed a( tbelr apart.. ment briefly two years ago and evidently took their phone number with him. John W. Leavey, of Garden Grove, was reached Monday, but referred any com- ment to his supervisor, Newland, but ad- ded that he is moving to a new apart- ment. Someone answered al the apartment building where another agent wa1 listed as living, but den.ied knowledge of him - in rather unconvincing reply. Most of the others rang once, then a recording clicked on to say the number is no klnger in service. Published under a heading saying : Know Your Neighborhood ~arc, the LA Free Press full ·page ad was attributed to the so-called courtesy of a concerned citizen. The names listed comprise apparently tbc entire staffs of the: Los Angeles, San Francisct and San Diego area offices of the state bureau of narcolics en· forctmerit. besides the Santa Ana branch. DJ'IL Y l'lLDr iJ ... • ltla1or• React No Peace 'Bonus~ , Brings Distress ,, U. Dy UaJted Pm1 ll\eraalion11 Leaders ot the nation's ci1ies, who had looked for the end of lbc Vietnam war lO bring them a new flow of federal money, are in many cases dismayed, !hough not totally surprised, that th& long awaited peace dividend may be evaporated by other spending. The news, spelled out for the first time .at lhe Vi'hite House level by Daniel P. J\1oynihan, President Nixon's urban ad· viser, had been forecast for some time by various federal agencies. But J\1oyni· ban's announcement l-1onday that post· Vietnam money is already committed to both domestic and military programs and "if the growth continue" lt wllf be used up" ,drew expreS8lons oL conctrn from many areas. llfayor Terry Schrunk of Portland, Ore., immediate past president of the (J.S. Confer~. ot May..or1 •. said Ute organization felt strongly that. after Viel· nam "those dollars in defense spending '>''oukl be funneled into the central city." He added, "l would certainly urge Mr. J\1oynihan to reevaluate such a state- ment." New York Mayor John V. Undsay said , ''The chief question facing Amer· ica is a matter of will-whether Congress at long last recognizes that the' needs of our cities are tht most urgent un- answered priority we have." He said much of the post-Vietnam spendinc JQI C<ltlld be directed to the dtJes 11W.Con- gress wills it." 1,., Rep. John Conyers, (0.11-tlch.)1 said Congress would "determine our ,JJJori· ties ." He added, "If we determin1i,lhat building up our reserves is more impor- tant than building up our crumbling cities, then we shall have lo suffer the consequences." , 11-toynihan sa.Jd .!IOme post-Vietnam spending would be in programs to ·help the cities, including mass traruporta• lion , family assistance and reftnue- .sharinJ-proposals already made by the administration. But the Portland mayor said the revenue sharing proposal is but ··a very small start" which should be increased. Nell Goedh.ard , chief administrat..i ve officer for Fresno, called Moynihan'& r forecast ''distressing." He said "Our back.s are against the wall" final'l8ally speaking and "I think somehow the fed· · eral government and the states haYe to realize their cities are facing serious difficulties. \Ve just don't have tht re- sources for the things to be done." Oakland Mayor John Reading added. "\\'e need massive federal funds if' we'n going lo make any dent in the problems of employment , housing and educ.at.ion. But the announcement _ .• doesn't really surprise me. Various officals .had given indications that money would be "bort / after the war." Navy for David?. Ike's Gra1idson. 'Tliinking' Of It SAN CLEMENTE (UPI) -David Eisenhower, grandson of the famous five- star general president, is "thinking" of going into the Navy when his college deferment fro m mJlltary service is up. And lhal's not because his fathe.r-in- Jaw, President Nixon, is Navy-oriented from his World War II days in the Pacific. Eisenhower. 21, said his late "grand- dad" advised him to go Into the Anny if he wanted to make a career of It. For a shorter stint, despite .his own spectacular caretr which began at West Point, he recommended the Navy for his grandson. Young Eisenhower said that his father, John Eisenhower. a retired Army colonel \Yho is serving as ambasstdor to Belgium, agreed that for the shorter haul he should go into the Navy. 16 to begin his senior year. Latefi be hopes to attend law school, perhaps in California. His bouncy, pretty wife Julie. 21 , also will start her senior yaar at Smith College in mid-September. The young couple, wha will return in the fall to their. $95-a-monlh second Ooor Tudor apart- ment at Northampton, Mass., confided that they have Improved in. their studies and "got better marks" sincethelr mar· riage last December. Julie and David have been constant companions of the President on his daily rounds of golf during the.it August stay at the Nixons' villa overlooking the Pacilic Ocean. c • David1 who learned goll as a youngster from his grandfather, is a crack goUer. Hls wife is a begiMer, Nixon is especially enjoying their com· pany since they will be going back lo school and he will not see them as often. Pity the poor trash collector who has to lift those $.gallon oll drums some people use as refuse containers. cording to Cily Administrator Doyle ~1iller. '·J'm thinklng about it,'' said David. At present, he has a 2S student deferment and will be returning lo Amherst on Sept. President Nixon's White House nf(ices li";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ij In \Vashington are getting a face-lifting. Pity is not enough, however , according to Huntington Beach city officials and the o\\1ners of the city's refuse collection company. They ~·ant to gel rid of them. Now! The Rainbow Disposal Co., the Hun· tington Beach Chamber of Commerce, the Woman's Division of the Chamber and other civic organizations are now organizing a campaign to gel rid of the heavy, illegal containers. A city ordinance allows two containers of trash to be collected which shall not v"eigh more than 60 pounds each, ac· 150 Negroes Protest Closing of Schools PLAQUEMINE, La. (UPI) -Police used tear gas Monday to disperse a crowd of aboul ISO Negroes who were protesting the closing of two Negro elementary schools as part of Iberville Parish's new desegregation plan. As or Nov. t the disposal company will no longer pick up refuse in the heavy ron· tainers, ~liller explained. In addition, containers of any type loaded .lo a combined "'eight of more than 60 pounds will not be picked up, he said . Citizens who want to get rid of the ?ar- rels to comply with the new order \Viii have a good opportunity lo do so Sept. 6 when the Bcaulification Cmmittee of the \Voman's Division of the Chamber of Commerce begins its annual clean·up campaign. On that Saturday and lhe follov•ing day, and both Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 4 and S, refuse including the illegal barrels may be brought to the city yard on the west side of Gothard Street, north of Slater Avenue. Rubbist1 -no dirt or concrete -will be accepted from 10 a.m. to S p.m. Items such as the barrels, furniture, water ' ft~:r~~ '~::::r ~!~i~:~ t~~re~~=~ twice-weekly pick-up also will be ac· cepted. \Vhile the President and his staff are operating from a new ultra modern com- pound at a Coast Guard station adjoining Nixon 's Spanish-style villa in San Clemente. the White llouse at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is being refurbish- ed. Staff assistants' offices are getting new paint jobs. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler's desk is being refinish- ed and he has a new beige rug. The sprucing up also is going on in the Roosevelt Room which -according to Qne staffer - is still "lorn up." Some secretaries complained that they did not like .,tae bright canary yellow walls ol one office and the painters came in the next day and changtd it. White House workmen have tv .. o more weeks to go. Nixon and his entourage will remain here until Sept. 7. When they get back they expect to see everything shipshape. 60 Soviet Ships Maneuvering i11 Mediterranean LONOON (UPI) -About 60 Soviet warships are maneuvering in the eastern J\fedilerranean, U.S. Navy spokesmen said today . • tj Cl BUSTER BROWN. They said the Ru ssian vessels, in· eluding the helicopter carrier Moskva, ar.e conducting their war games in two areas, off the coast of Syria and south of lhe Greek island of Ctetc. The Soviet shipa were being watched by Allied forces, the spokesmen said. IF SHE LIKES BIG-GIRL LOOKS ii ' . 11.f.ILY 1"11..0T Steff l"llttt No Latiglaitag Matter Ci Cl is a three-year-old Siamese witb, seemingly, an extremely large head or hair - a rarity by all cat standards. -Actually, hairpiece be· longs to Killy Samoker, daughter or Ci Cl's owners, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Sarnoker, Costa Mesa. Kitty put the hairpiece on Cl Cl !or a lau gh. As you can sec, Ci Ci didn't A Navy spokesman said the Savi.et navy r or c e in lhe Mediterranean has been "up and down" for the past several years. "Now it Is up," he said. The Soviet ships off the Syrian coast are north of the main Israeli naval bases. Those below Crete are west of Israers comparatively small navy facilities. The Soviet navy neet in the Mcdlter· ranean has been increased since the 1967 Middle Ea1t war. Tennis Lessons Set in Valley Tennis lessons will 1lart Sept, 6 In Fountaln Valley with reglslratfon open now on a limited fir1t.-come1 first aerve basis. Lusons w111 be given in three dJvlsiona. begJnnlng children, beginning •dull.I and intermediate. RegtstraUon fee ranges rrom $5 to $10 and may be paid at Fountain Valley Cl· 1y Hall during week-day worklnc hours. I , She'll love Buster Brown's up lo date fas hion . Blun t but beautiful toes. Evfry fit is 9uar· anteed by our H per t and hi gh· ly qualified personnel. No, JD Fettllo• I"""" Nowport looch • '44·24M ATTENTION ALL MOTHERS !DADS TOOll FREE A RIAL C: AM IR A WITH EVERY PAIR OF 1ACK0 TO· SCHOOL SHOIS PUR· CHASED. OUR llCKIST PROMOTION OF THI YEAR. THESI SWILL LtTILI CAM· ERAS USI 110 SID FILM. SHOP IARL Y SO YOUR LITILI GUYS !AND GALS! WON'T II DISAPPOIN11D. NOW 2 STORES TO BETT ER SERVE YOU • • • 1012 tnhlo·-Wft!<lltl P1tiii Nowport hach • 548 .. 6114 I. .,,. I ., .. Qo\11.Y PIUIT ~ ... oa. ...... ..,., Evangelist Billy Graham says a Criend in one of the nation's mili- tant groups bas told him that ter· rorist activities aimed at making Americans fearful will begin Ocl J Graham declined lo identify bis i~ormant. T b e evangelist said moral decay in American society bas been accelerating lately, cit- ing erotic movies and Broadway shows. "There is so much hell in the country because there is not more bell in the pulpit," be said. • A panrl o! judges at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines proclaim- ed Mrs. Gerald Thomas the state's new chicken~alling champion. No chickens were present to pass on :Mrs. Thomas' qualifications. • Czech Chiefs Say Only Four Killed PRAGUE (AP) -Czecho<lovald1'1 Communist government aay1 f o u r penoos were killed and 277 woonded - includln& 241 troops and police -In 11111 week's vlolenct in Bohemia and Moravia. lt reports 1,193 were ana:led, 1,797 others were quefilioned. No figures were given for Slovakia. llospital checks by newsmen gave higher totals for the dead and wounded a..iong the demonstrators who poured in· to city streets on the first anniversary of the Soviet invasion. The government said Monday night four demonstrators were killed, not five as it bad announctd. But newsmen had established four deaths in Prague, the capital, and another four in Brno, the na- tion's second tara:tst city. Property damage in th re e days or disturbances in Prague totaled ap- proximately $250,000, while in Brno it was reckoned at $117,500, the Interior Mlni!try said. UPIT ........ Ole for Astronaut Tht London Firt Proitction Associatiun (FPA) L! urging "big improvemtnts" in the fire ·warn· ing 111swm of BritUh hottl.s. In its annual report, the FPA said the alarm system in one hotel which was not identified con- sisted of card.I posted in the room& reading: "Jn case of fire, l 1 'hout fire '" ,, . The government said 71 foreigners were picked up, including 19 American,,. Jt did not say if any were held after ques- tioning. U.S. Ambassador Malcolm Toon went to the Foreign Ministry ovu tbe weekend seeking in!onnaUon about d~ ~ Americans, the embassy said, but learned nothing. In an attempt to counter reports of police brutality, the government said eight times more soldiers and polict were Injured than demonstralon. 1be Com- munist party newspaper Rude Pravo said this in itseH disproved the reports of police brutality. Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin 11Buz.z" Aldrin waves to crowd v.i.tb bull· fighter's hal at an Acapulco bull ring. The bullfighter dedicated a bull to Aldrin, the second man 'to walk on the moon, and then tos sed his hat to the spaceman. • A Hong Kong restaurant custo- mer wbo paid his waiter with a $500 Hong Kong note ($83 in U.S. cWTency) waited in vain for his change. Police said the waiter slip- ped out of the restaurant and fled with the money. • The government gave this breakdown on the number of injured : policemen 184, people's militia and military 31 each, demonstrators 31. But one central Prague hospital alone took in about eo civilian patients m011t ol them beaten by pollce clube. Another hospital had five injured, two with bullet wounds and three from "l.runcbeon mauling." Doctors said "quite a few demonstrators" had been treated, but authorities had forbidden release of information about them. Judge May Rule Soon On Exhumation Appeal In Kimberwor1h, England Sindy Tomlinson, 50, won a bet and con- founded friends at his Jocal tavern when he grew a square tomato. "I thought it could be done by letting a young tomato grow into a plastic mold," Tomlinson said while col- lecting on the bet. 11The idea prov- ed very successful. Now 1 am plan- ning to grow more square toO'la. toes." Sno-ccttts are great fo r beatin g th1 heat even for nnalL poodle.!. Debbie RoUer, 5, doesn't mind sharing her cone with htr pup at the Oh io, 'ta~ fair, Expohio '69, in Columbus. • Tom Shaw won the $150,000 Avco Golf Classic al Sutton. ~1ass. Jast weekend. Shaw is Crom Golf, Iii. The government radJo and newspapers cootrolled by the party charged that hospital staffs neglected i n j u r e d memben of the riot control force. They cited the case ol a captain with an in- jured eye who was denounced by an am- buIIDCe crew as a "Gestapo man" who deserved to have both eyes "finished off." * 14 * ·Reds Blaming ' West for Czech Demonstrations PRAGUE (UPI) -Communist party newspapers in Prague and Moscow said in separate articles today that the west masterminded the demoostration's here last week during the first anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia. Rude Pravo, newspaper of the Czech Communist Party, aaid Western "instruc- tors and ob3frvtr1" caused "a general counter-revolutionary uprising" last week that' was~ crushed only with the aid of Czechoslovak troops. Pravda, the Soviet Communist Party newspaper, said in a dispatch from Prague that West Germany waa the nerve center for the "provocational sallies" that erupted during the invasion anniversary. Chief Editor ~iiroslav Moc, a haniline Communist, said in a front page Rude Pravo commentary that "lol'idely-spread technical preparation. instructors and organizers" flowed into Czechoslovakia for the anniversary. Eve Movjng on WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (UPI) - A county court judge may rule Wednesday on whether the body of Mary Jo Kopedme can be exhumed for an autopsy. Judge Bernard Brominski of Luzerne County court took Wlder advisement Monday 1 request by Miss l(opechne's parents to deny the request for an e1- humation by Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Edmund Dinis. He said it would be at least 48 hours befatt he ruled on the re- quest, meaning his decision at the earliest could come Wednesday. The 23-year-old bk>nde died July 11 when the auto wlllc.b Kennedy wu driv· Ing plunged into a tidal pool on Chap. paquiddick Island. The cause of death was listed as drowning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne or Berkeley Heights, N. J ., the girl's parent,,, had planned to attend ~tonday's hearing here but did not because ~1rs. Kopechne was ill. Din.is haa asked District Court Judge James A. Boyle in Edgartown. Mass., for an inquest. In his petition Dinis said an autopsy wm necessary "in order that circumstances or the death be clearly established and the doubt and suspicion surrounding the death be resolved." Attorney Joseph M. Flanagan, representing the Kopechnes, argued that Dinis should have made his request for an autopsy before the body wa.s removed from his state. Armand Fernandes, an assistant to Dinis, told Brominsld that the autopsy was necess8l')' for the inquest scheduled Sept. 3 in Edgartown. He said the purpose ol the Inquest was ••to determine whether or not there Is any reason sufficient to believe that the sud· den death of Mary Jo Kopechne may have resulted from lhe act of negligence of a person or persons other than the decea.sed." Florida Waterspouts_ Also S iglited Off Key West FAIR F•d, f1fr, f1ct11•I. lti••• tlwM wor41 •ltfl 11p f•&i•rw hi ~•tieft 011 fft• DAllY ,ILOT M lterl1I ,,.,, •••tr ~ • .,. CoaCal l!lflr "'°'""" .., ckMl11 '"""' """" "' 11~. WiM1 wnterly JO t9 11 Mofl,, Hltll *'t1 7S. Y•1~·• 1-•turw ''""" f~ • Plltll fll '5 te 7J. tnltnd 19"'- Wtfvrt r•""' w•1 • 1e M. w11., !r-•M• Wlf .. "'-"MS. ~""• 111-"• Tide• TIIUOAY ,lrllt ..,, .......... J:tl •. ITI. 1.5 p:1,..1 f'ti.11 t r12 •. Ill. 1.t WIDfllUDAT' Pini ................... •:• '·"'· I.I l'1r"tf frlltll .~ ••••••••.. tt1M1.m.JI l«'Olld ....... , ...... .,.Ji• •.Ill. 1 I ~ Plltfl ............ ';"' •.tft. ••• ,... "'"' •:n ...... sm 1;1' ,. "'· ~ lllMit 1:lt •.rn· ..... J;lt ··"'· , .. AU'f. " Liii 0. H"' Sfft. i ..... 11 (} .s. s .. mm•rt1 Wlft!T fClllRrtd lllU~ If!. lttTWtW 1n ~Lae .. Ir wt11Mr I mitt• •11 hour ll'Ofl'I 4'Q mllt1 u11 Mo,.. lfllfl I 1/1 1~ ti D lll ltlt •I Wlf!k In '°"'"'"'1 T-.i" lkorl"' ti. Ml11 "'91'1!11'11 """' lollllil twe .. ,..,._,. ..,d • """"" dMllt ... ....,,... Ill•• "" w .... '"· IMll of fM l'llllorl ...... t+IM<' ""''"" or t..i lfdl~, 11111'1 COOIRr CW!flt!Mt _.._r!M -llM C•Mdlt" llllrdtf. C•l"'"'lt , s.c. hid • ""' r«wtl low for '"' d•ll ""'"' • " ...... ,..,. 1,.., w~HI .i.......... -11191tt ...... r11111d frOM U t i Ktllliltll, MOl'll,. llO " •t lh>t~•· r-Jlel"t!C•re• ·-Al!docw• .. AllWll• ll1kenllell llli.rn1rd; 110111 '"'"' llrowMVlllt C~l<l90 ClnclrwMH -~ "" ..... Otlroll Ftlrbfr*I F9'1 Worlh ··~ ... ~ Honolulu ICll'IMI (If>( L11 V ... a IM ...,,.. ... ,,.. .. '"' Mln,,..,...11 Hirw °'1ffm Hirw Yllrt Hor..,, Pl1ttt ...... Oltlll'IOIM CIW ...... '•Im s ... 1111. '''° ltOblet. -· ''"~ ....... lt•.i. '"' ""' Iii.ti' ,_ ltcr-lt SI" L ... , Cltll s ... 01 ... 5111 ,rlll()K f S.1111• -· ... Tl!fr,...t W1tll+"tlOll .. .. " .. ~ " " .. .. " • n • .. .. n .. " .. " " n • " " u " " .. n • • •M n .. • • ,, • .. • " .. .. • • n • " .. u .. "' " .. u '" u • " " • " • .. u " ~ .. • ., u .. .. n " " " n u , .. " " " ... ·" "' ... ... .. Dinis said he expected to call 15 witnesses to testify but Kennedy ~·ould not be oe o( them. Flinagan said the action in the court here was an illegal attack on rulings by t<itassachu.setts authorities, including Dr. Donald R. ~tills, the associate medical examiner wbo ruled death by accidental drowning. He contended that Massachusetts must sho\V Miii& acted In bad faith or produc~ evidence of negligence oc malfeasance on bis part. Ireland Police Balk at Order To Turn In Guns BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - P.tore than 90 percent of Northern Ireland's Protestant special police art balking at Brtlisb Army orders to turn in their anns. A responsible source said that only about 500 of Northern lrtland's 8,400 B-Speclals had complied with Lt. Gen. Sir Jan Freeland's orders to stack their weapons In central armories and lo withdraw them only when needed and un- der strict controls. One platoon of 21 members of the con- troversial --'untef:r force did tUlll i1J their arms Monday night, but they also tumed Ir. their resignations and their uniforms to protest the order. Freeland, commander of British troop:'!: in Northern Ireland aod now in control o! police and security as a result of the religious \Yarfart early this month, an- nounced Friday nigh~ that he had asked the Roya\ Ulster Constabulary to start collecting the IJ.Specials' arms for stor- age in Bel!ast, Londonderry and other cities. , Roman Catholics accuae the B men or much of the shooting in the riots, while many of Northern Ireland's Protestant majority fef:l that the special police are their only sure defense against the Cathollc ttrrorists of the I r I s h Republlcan Army. ~feanwbile, one ol the three legislatol'9 Northern lrtland's Protestant govan- ment is sending to the United States to present llli case, W. Stratton MJlls, said his chief mluion is "lo deal with tht wild and inat'CW'ate things that ~f t s s Bernadette Devlin has been aying." Mills accused MW Devlin, 22-year~ld Cathollc member of tht British Parlia- ment from Northern Ireland, of "e.x· aat.erated" statements and "downright untruths" during her current tour of the United States. She Is rsislnti: funds to help Catholic victims of the fighting. Canada Embassy In Vienna Hit VIENNA (UPI) -An unidentified man burst into lhe Canadian embassy here~ day and hurled a Molotov cocktail to the floor, sending names roartn1 through the tlv .. stnry bulldJnC. Polite s-ld at least two persons were killed and 12 injured in the blaze whk:h r1ged about an hour before It was u- tingulshed by fire brigades . There was no immediate Indication "·hether-the man who threw the firebomb was am.., the lnjlltt<!. • Morale TJarecie.,ed. Thieu Influenced GI Cutback Delay? WABllJNGTON (UPI) -Pmldent NisGo'1 declalon to daily -..1 o1 !urlhlr w!llxlrawall ol U.S. 1roO!>t fn>lnV!elnlmla __ to_been Influenced p Ir 11 y. by lioulb Vlllmm p,..idenl Nguyea v .. '1111& • Informed -llld 'l1lleu coOlellcled such an announcement would hl."e h4Mf a bad effect on South Vietnamese morale because it would have come in tbe midst of a cabintt•re.abuffle in Saigon and at a time when enemy attacks have rilen. Secretary of Stato Wllltam P. Rqiors and Secretary of Defense Melvin R. La!N, who participated In the Frid4y conference at which Nlxoo decided on the delQ, were said by some IOUl'Ces not to have been greatly Unpressed by Thieu's argument. But they apparenily saw no great hann in a delay. The W\llte HOUie, In announdng N1"'n would defer a decimoo until after he returns &o Waabingt.on in September, u.id the President wanted more in!onnation on "the level of activity,'' Communist potential for further offensives and the inlUtratlon rate from North Vietnam. State Department officials who dl!cuM· ed the sJtuaUon with Rogers after he returned from the Western White House at San Clemente, saJd the phased withdrawal was "sUU on the track" and * * * U.S., Th~iland Pullout Talks Slated Sep~. 1 BANGKOK (UPI} -Talks between the United States and Thailand on a proposal pullout of American troop:i: from this country will begin Sept. 1 between Foreign Minister 'Thanat Khoman and U.S. Ambassador Leonard Unger, the two governments announced tonij;ht. The annOuncement was made in a joint communique issued by the t w o governments after a Thai cabinet meeting. The communique was apparency word· ed so u to remove the appearance that the Thai government was trying to force a complete witbdrawa1 of the 48,000 U.S. troops in this country. This had seemed possible after the foreign office issued a statement Monday nidit in wNch it said the Americans had asKed for a few days "delay" in starting negotiations in order to get instructions from Washington. 1'he communique said: "The Royal Thai government and the United States government today an- nounced the opening of talks to arrange for a gradual reduction of the level or United States forces in Thailand con- sistent with the assessment of both governments of the security situation. "The talks will be held in Ole first in- stance bet"·een the foreign minister ol Thailand, 'Illanat Khoman, and the United States ambassador to Thailand. Leonard Unger, in Bangkok beginning on or aboul Sept. 1. "More detailed conversations, in which Thai and United States representatives will participate, will follow to plan for any reduction it is considered desirable to make over a period of lime, assuming there is no significant alteration in the security situation in Southeast Asia." Tr11, Tr11 Agai•• tbfi'e are no changes plaMed. Nlxon apparently wants t!> be ~re the Communists are not prepanng a big new ollenslve. Rogers said at a news conference last week that despite a new flareup of enemy attacks Aug. 11 and 12 enemy activity had declined agaln to the level of the seven week lull. Rogers said this level of activity is "relatively low" and the rate of infiltration from the north "is stUI down. It ia considerably down." Officially, State Department press of· fleer Robert J. McCloskey said Monday he had nothing to add to the Saturday an- nouncement from San Clemente except that there was "no major or significant policy aJteraUon embedded in the an· nouncement. '' McCloskey declined to comment on Thieu's select.Ion of Gen. Tran Thien KhJem as prime minister on the grounds that be had not yet been officially been 1wom into office. Officials privately acknowledged that although Kheim was a man of great ablli· ty, they wru.ld have been happier if 'Mlleu could have found a similarly qualified civilian for the post. 'Mle United Stale.'i has repeatedly urged Thieu to broaden the base of his govern· ment to secure wider popular support. One Washington thesis has been that there should be more civilians in the Saigon administration who could enlist popular support. As for a new Communist olfensive In the South, U.S. officials have generally concluded this is not possible during the current year. They base their conclusion on public statements in Hanoi as well as captured documents which show that the Communists are suffering supply dif. ficullies and have altered their tactics . * * * American Troop Strength Dips By 7, 700 in Viet SAIGON (UPI) -American troop strength in South Vietnam declined by 7,700 men last week as President Nixon's 25,000-man troop reduction reached its final phase, militaq spokesmen said to- day. As or last Thursday, they said, 526,500 men were serving in the country, ct, own from 534,200 men at the end of the previous week . American military involvement in Viet- nam reached its peak last Feb. 22 with 542,500 soldiers re~ in tftt war zone. The figure stood at 573,500 on June II \\·hen Nixon announced the planned reduction. Another 299 soldiers will leave Vietnam Wednesday. military spokesmen said. The departing contingent will raise the number of men withdrawn to more than 21 ,000. The unils being redeployed Wednesday are a 127-man mil itary poliee company headed by Capt. Philip H. King of Tor- rance, Calif.; a 140-man headquarters company commanded by Capt. James M. Drake of Hinderson, N.C .. and a 32-man infantry support unll All of the mtn were assigned to the U.S. 9th infantry dh•ision. Spokesmen said the three units are being .sent to Hickam Air Force Base, in Hawaii, for proces.sing at Schofield Bar· racks. Ul'ITll ...... Teamster Union Presiderrt James Holla leaves the Federal Building in Chattanooga, Tenn., !oUowing the fifth day of hts hearing. Holla Is seeking to have his 1964 jury tampering convictl6n overturned. I ~~,.-_ _,_ __ ------:--=·:;;:;;;; ....................... ======-!!11!!1111--------------------------~~ , . • Mellon Heiress Succumbs Black Militants Forcibly -' . Take Qver .NSA SessiQn ' ' . . EL PAIO, TQ. (AP)-The lden!Jlyin( hlmsolf ... llu-The ......... ..., part al - NEW YORK CUP!) - MeUon BNce, M, oM pf lbe natlaa'1 rtchlet women and • major patron oi the NaUon"al • Art Gallery died A1onday at Roosevelt Hospital after I Jlnd ....u.t con\'llltlon or lhe bammld Keoyatta,.dlrector al 1 1fOU11 <I abool 11111 bla<ka ., Nftlatlal lludeot AaaOci.at\On lhe Black Ecooomlc Develop-wbo d<dared earlier 11-y wu Cilrupted ~1 nigh{ ment Cooforence, one al the they ,,_ pulJll!g Oii al the -I groop of black mll· militanll iatrted Iha! NS.\ . NSA to <114bJla!i ~ .Wn ltanta. took forcl c:ontrol of must regl'Olq) into an eraan--'-"-to •· -•~ ... '-MU.klO attended by more ization devoted to aatlraclsm orga-""'""' ~ CIU-""' than aoo delegates. When the or it wor.ald not be pennltted 'National ' AllocllUon ol lllck convention could be resumed ,. to reorgan11e at the COQVeit-Student.a. Spc;ittmen I a l d brief illness. P.trs. Bruce and her brother Paul, now presidcnt of lhe Na· 'HEIRESS DEAD tionat Gallery tn w.....,...,,, __ 'AI..;. . ..;,l•_•_Mo_1_1on-'-.a_ ...... __ _ inherited a v1'9t ~ from ,. their father tlld ifaridtMMr, ; , wbo -""' lhe "llltllon. ·s t . ..4 milltono'' In P llU burl n: ecre Jn.rm Y Fottuno .,.....,. tlliO)lted ' · ' -~ w..U. ~JI y ....... at '"'!JI Plans Sent . thin MOO lftlDfon, ind sakrlhe ;: '"'~.J~: · 1: ·By Ma,il? Jiarl9Hl . t'u..: . ~ ' • . .,;U" lkUon 11~: lillU · llAMIUllO; .a er 111 1 • y p~1 ,;IClwlil In ~. il!Pll -"Ille-Wm Girman CQnn,' :.:i... llitt I ...... : ~~' -=~r~ sh• lnoved to w!fiwltb ~ved';,j,ji; in the !hail of her,fatller~ wO, top -u s. ~ency ol lhe ~ for t · ,_,.. ...... "i.ilOanmuooaJ" .warren ,.~'..l.~ I ond war 111 EUrape. · becameH ·~~,.·~~••• ·• '1'111 ·)ltlll, ihe 11i1gulne ~ many "'l' ,.... uid ~'1olll for c~pital incl ~nc• Otto ntdtar, ; er 'elologlcal Bi._-ck, If~ ... " ... ~ irirfare in w..ilini oc ,..tern German chanatl•t~lll9"" ""'" and 'air and sea ried David K. 'E. . • 1111 ' iPlritbis to be -ken. son of I Mll7lalld ~·a•-clicl ~ bl',;,~ who was then I Atk:e·ocmal la ~ r.wu ,_"' ~ 11111e Rome in 1111. ney _.. Cfllo ~. whk!I H !lld oottrtd u ed the "ltO m!Ulnn hooeY· NII• 311 al tlltm illmpod m-" aftlr the l\IM ..... ''T1(1 -· IJld 'lllo ... ""'~"'' •1• ,... •a-NVI ''&'---' " bride's father wu thoo&hl to ...wr--: -~U have prt!ellted to them. . Arnerwwi au~·. u.. oon· Mrs. Bruce was ·dtvon:;e:d in firnMd the authenUcit~ of tbe 1945. She kept custody of their plans, Der '.s~ . said!· and only child, Audrey, then 11. with.West German mtelligeri:ce Audrey Bruce and her bus--offic.ials. ~ched an m- band, philanthropist Stephen vest1gation _mto what appeai:ed currier, disappeared and were to be .a maJOr breach of allied presumed dead in 1967 when security. . their small plane was lost over !In San 1'.r~ •. Ram- the Caribbean. parts magazine said 1t had Beret Case Hinges on Repo11er ' SAIGON (UPI) -It will take at least ftveral more days befcn the A:rmy decides what t.o do about the 1l1ht \J.8. Green ~eta accused of murderini: a SQ\.lth Viel· namese clv\llan. Informed U .8. iOUrces said \Odfy. The bottieneck t1 th1t a single court repan.r tool< all lhe tesUmony In "1orlillli<I 1t lhe inquiry lnlo "" oMi 1UI week and he is Ull oti1)' eerton able to transcribe 1111 ilolq 111- to written form. coples ol the same documents and would Jrtot them. There were indications the plans were at least six years old.) Der Stem said the plans were prefaced by remarks lhat said their purpose "was to prepare the leadership and the layout of resi>onsibilities fur beginning and e1ecuting an unconvenliona1 war in the area of the U.S. Ew'opean com- mandiK." The doc-II alao listed U.S . .._ 1tranglh.t, ..._.pons paaltionl ""' klClitic' and electronics <:1pabUlties, the '"'"""' qld. II quotld Am~an officials that abo\li 311 _,. had ac, c;:eu t9 the plaf'S, l'Mllt of tlllm 11 lh• P111la10n in W•llillnJlan oc al U .8. iuro- pean -"' htltlquorton lo llUllpr~ 04rmll\Y· appeared to be in doubt. lion at all, black ltudenta and Olack col· The militants swept into Kenyatta. declared : ~es across the country woold lhe gymnasium of the Univer· "~aclla:l doet not just 'mean be asked to join, and demSJ>d. sity of Texas at El Paso from wbttlwr 18'1 like Nqrou. ed 1, share of NSA funds. tbe rpr of the building in the ~lll'll -that we muat NIA operates under a $750,4 midst .e the election of new arjanlat IM naUooal antJ.. 000 annual budget, receiving NSA otnotn. They ripped out ricllt JnO¥tment arnoew all mudl of the money In grants ~ fll the platform, li.udentl in the United Mitts. frorn the F o r d Foundation. ft\IGf'OptllQes to the flocl' ''NiJOQ, lhe law and order NSA president Robert Powell la.Joot wall to piJs and the coDCfntraUoo hu 1eported a current NSA oust conlrdllinf the camps r1'Jlt go." defidt oC $120,IXX>, pubHc sy1tem. ~ full eon(rol ol lhe podJum 1111111. one ot lholr number fbillhlCI ' lptlC;b de-manding a more anttracist lllNI by Ille NSA and threat· enlnl W disrupt any further aeufont . No.hour was set ror a new selllon, but it was expected th4t one would be attempted tbll evening. BritiSh Ask Biological AnmBan O!Nl:V A (UPI) -BriWn •-lod to the U.N. Diaarpia- ment·Confertnee today for•an iminedlate ban on blological . weapons without waiting for negotJatlon of a ban on chemical anns u well. British negotiator I v o r Porter 'presented a revised tert of a British draft con- vention which sought to close loopholes in the e a r 1 i 1 r version. Jn particular the new language would ban not only biological weapol)s causing death and diseaie but al.to damage. "It is conceivable that in--.-.a sects such u Co\orado beetles ., or IOC\llts could be used to ruin crops, not by killing the plants outright but by In- flicting heavy damage on them ," Porter said. "\\'e hav e tbertf'Ori el· tended the ban to c:ov1r microbial or other bioloeical agents causing dama1e as well as those causinl d•th W disease." Porter rejected decptndl by the Communist countt1M tblt a ban cover bolti llllloll<:ll and chemical weapona on the grounds that this !foukl 1'111 considerable Ume lb ...-1.1: while a biological ban nould worked out in lhort Ume. It is complicated because ch • s k B • ~~~r=~~~::.~~: ina ee s igger wit.bout an error. "It ii a slow job," one of the s • v • w soorces said. "lt is going to ay in ietnam ar take at least two more days to complete this phase alone." · h ded b De t LONDON (UPI) -Peking mission, ea y pu Y After the transcript has been completed, Col Harcld has offered Hanoi. more arms Premier Le Tbinh Ngi, met D. Seaman of Hampton, Va., and aid to uodercut Soviet in-wtth top Communist Chinese chairman of the investigation, flueoce and to pressure North political and military leaders, will recommend whether the Vietnam irio pursuing ~ hard including premier Chou En-lai. men should be court martialed line on a peace settlement or the charges be dropped and with the United St 1 t e • , 'I1le Chinese reportedly have it will go to Gen. G. L. Mabry, diplomatic-reports llld teday. been urging the North Vlet· commander of Army support Aid talks have been con-namese to stand fast until the troops in Vietnam for final ducted over the Pfl\ ~· In. withdJ'IWll If all American -d~•c.1s~i°".·--~-----P-ck_in..:gc.. _A_N_•rlh-.Y.tO!,.llllllllM....,_• ' trOOPJ. · By Phil lntetlanill. Altlloush tilt scope el Ptll · Illa'• ofior "" nol kl'i>wn, dtplomltle' teports sugguted COmmun19t China appamtly wu prepared to increase arms 111ppl!w <114 ~·mt• aid ~•1111 · • b t• • ""''"°"' ltwl~ Tbe reporU Indicated Chioest aid had been reduced • rectnUY becaUH of domestic ' • U'ITtl ..... Stat••P Marks Landitag The "First Man on the Moon•• postage stamp honoring the Apollo 11 astro.- nauts will be issued in Washington Sept. 9. The astronauts -Neil Armstrong, l\'licbael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin -will parlicipate 1n the formiJ issuance of the 10-cent air mail stamp made from dies they carried to the moon . 0 'WITH PAYMENT OFFED.EX.TAX ~ . . ·: •• • • • h f.!ltms and PI k I ft ~I ' ' · • . ~;:~!~~~:~~Buy 3 Atlas. H-P tires, get 1'!!! tire free. ~?fr3;::~*J~r..:. (or bUV 1 Atlas-H·P .tire, get 2!!!! tire !'2 ·price) .According to the reporta;;;,;i· 11"" ____ 1 __ _ Peking c0nunue1 to op Hepol'1 negotillionl and 9"" courages lhe fll!l>t to forct Amertca's withdr1wal f'J".ft Yieblam rather than nqotlate It. ... ""' V'setnam la: the tect case f« Mao Tse-tung'• thes1s thlt libtrt{ion wars are the clllet wea~ to fl&ht IO-Cllled bft. ,.,._ ... to l>rtn1 •l>M Comm.unlit rule. •Prices-... n 111 llfftd. II SU*• St.Mltlt 1M .. .tuU..W rrtlH llfica in""" r ... EL Tu "' ll~ 2.2' 2.33 .... .... .... • T"e Atlas H-P can give you twic1:1 the mile-•o• rou"d get from tires that come on moil "'* 1969 cars. Und er that rugged, extra4 wlde tread are two fiberglass safety belts that virtually eliminate treed-wear- ing squirm. The Allu Ii-P's Vic ron poly- ester cord bQl!y llao 1n9111s extra strength. • AT ALL AND l'ARTICIPATING · 84 STORES ••• ALL 72° • • • anll open nlghtl\' tlll 9:SO loath tout ?tau STANDARD STATIONS·· CHEVRJP4 DEALE" STANDARD 011. COMPANY OF · IA • ' ,, I l ' .. . ' • DAil y l'lt.01' -- Obscenity In Mails Key Issue WASHINGTON (AP) -The ebacene mail fuue has aroused the moat moral lndiption on Capitol Hill aJnce the big ICbool prayer debate f Iv e years a10. More than 200 anU-obseenfty bills have been Introduced and eongressmen have given ICOl'U of speeches on the 1ub- iecl. Unllte the 1!0 bills In 1184 to overturn the Supreme Court's decl!lon nn achooJ prayers, there ;., good cllanc< ""' ol the proposals to . 1mut mail will pus. None ol 160 prayer bills ever rot out of committff, but obscene mail iegiJ!allon ls almost certain to rtacb a fJocr vote since sponsors include some commlttee chaJnnen. And once a bill get.a to the floor, it Is expected to aall tbrooJlh- Constiluenta are bowling, bacien aay, louder than over any iasue aince schooJ prayer. The Post Office Departri>ent received 23t,OOO obscene mall complainil lut )'W". "A Ca!Karnia 1111iier floo6- ed our ·diatrid with Urls stuff," uid one congresaionaJ ·aJde. .. It must have hit 150,000 ~ pie in our district. And a goodly number ol tbele peop &tarted hlttl.111 us. So, now we're trying to do some hU· ting ouraelves." _ Almalt Ill ol the bills .,. aimed at halllnc obocone mall to ~ or to ldutta who don't want to ·recelve iL 0... l"fhaPI enlbarruiin(, Upect IS the-couril' imilt- ence that I U't h measurt1 otate clearly juJt -Us·pro- llCribed. The ... au11 is gropbic language in bUls which mlght not pus an obocenlty tett them.selves. The bhmtest aod ahorte3t tbeoe bills wa s introduced by Rep. Jact B, ·Brooks co. Teus), who uya the bi& problem llea: in obscene illu.s- traUons in unaoliclted advtr· lbing. Brooks' bill would prchjbit mailing unsolicited advertia- m• that contain "any,rull$- tratiop ,which depicts in whole or In port the genitals of the human' body, or any act ii. IOdomf, mulurbatlon. bmiJo. uxuality, .IUual lntercouno, sadism Or muochilin." CriUca cay thla · cot.lld out- law malled advertisements for Renabsance prinil or medical journals. A bill by Chainnan Thad- deuo J. llulskl, CD.·N.Y.), of the House Post Office CommJt· tee would outlaw malling of pictures or word descriptions of things "designed primarily to appeal to the prurient inter- est Of the viewer." .Critics of this bill Sly the ''prurient interest" c I au a e may be overt.urned by the courts aa loo vague. But such a clause hopefully would o - clude the Bible, which con· talns material that otherwise woold be illea:al under some ol the bills. The various bills would im- pose fineJ from $5,000 to $50,- 000 and jail terms ror viola- tions. Protest Causes 'I;raffic Jam PJTrsBJJRGH, Pa. (AP)- Hundreds ol demonstratora demandint more black mem- bers in craft unions poured acrou :a bridge lnlo Pftta- burah'• downtown d ur Ing ruafi.bour traUic tod17, anarJ-inc vehk:le and pedestrians aod cruU111 I hil&e tralllc jam. - lfJ'S IE fRIBIDlY u,....., ....... _ ..... « know ol l.n70ftt movtna · to our areL pieaM kn U1 '° that .. ~ --• -..-whelp them to beccrne ..... •lnted ·---.... So. CNSf :Ylsllor 494-0579 4J4.t3U lllltlor Visitor · • ~ : . . l . ' • • ' ' . •\_· 1 ~ . • ··~; . : ' ' l • • • ., ' ... ... • --. ' . . ' PRICES EFFi:tnvE ~ED~ th~ rilEs.; AUGUST 27 thru SEPTEMBER 2. < BA CK~ Tl>SCilOOL .,DISCOUNTS1 . ........................... -FH ... CARRES. 1-HUSE' SEtECTIOl~OF . • • llOl·TO-SCHOOI. mlS AT EVERYDAY ' LOW DISCOUNT PRlOES R ORIST QUALITY : 'IPLOWIU AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES , FRESH clif ST.OCKS ~i ~77C · .. ·I .. .. '.! . ' . ,, NO STAMPS • NO ilAMES • 110 108ilJCKS . • . • .~. Jusr EVERYDAY LOW ~. DISCOlllt PRICES PLUS 4-ST All 'SPECIALS ~·'.-. ~-~ ;l ~~~- _s}~s ·· DAILY · I o,oo A.M. TO 9.00 ',M. SATU!IDAY & SUNDAY 1 i>.00 l<jll: TO 7,00 , .M.. --. -• J I . ... • 'l · . LU191f 1µ,r ,,,·· }.LL S-OZ. VMU~IES ,· ~ ;_ ; -TTNl •' · • •ITATIOI •nf ~ FAD'S a.\'N • 3f 100, ~ 'h.-GAUON •• • ' . ·ii :· , ·SAUD Ddftlr.:.. FAD IM>Z. &Olll£ • Bl£U Qi£ESE OR 1000 l~D 5 ~ _ROQU!fORT .89c •• , . •. ~ • • ·- •, t l I l ( L i I . . .., .. ..... • • I I • • ' • • l -. • • ' \ ' ' • I ' .. • ... '-' ...... ••• ;;.i ' J • ' ·-· .. • . ·-.. .•. --- --. ··-. • '11-LB. CAH • HOLIOAY IAVORITE ~UQUE •ROYAL BUFFET ...--· . -. 99 ·t ANNID _PlCllC:~: ~'.. -. /t 1 EACH ' . FAD • TOI' GRADE t:tJI. PA(l(AGE • M£A TY SLICED BACON . . WTERH QUAt!TY • W!ST!RN flAVOR ECONOMY ·PACK • SUCED :· PORK U)iN . : . . , , < . USOA CHOICE OR FAD TCNl6lf\Jt TASTY • FlliST CUT, , , . . CHUCK STEIK -' ... USDA CHOICE oR MD Tfti(>!iRFUL TASTY • FULL cur· -' ROUND , STEAK -.. . .3c ... ,. c :--~ .!•'il1-. . -5 :. ~< ·.7· c ~ I ' • • . . . . . UWA CHOICI OR MD T9'1DiRFUL 7 slloiiiiiic1on ,, ' c lb IJSDA CHOICE OR MD TENOlllfUl OVEN TfNOOR • TASTY RUMP ROAST US0A CHOICE OR Fl.D TENDERFUL iknv, LEAH . BBQ FAVo!!irt RIB STEAK .. :-.. '~ ..... ··-,.·.-·:··-· ········ ...... ~ .. c lb ' -. . I ~y, ~itusl-25, 1969 . ' . I \ --~~ .. ---. --- ' , " ... ' , .. .. ,. I : ., -1 • •I : , " ff• . ' . ·NEW ·ROtl ""' $on.;Olrk.....- Dirksen Has New GOP.-Role WASHINGTON (\!Pl) - Afte"r eight .Yeirs as the pamt!f:r.ed partner of two Democratic pre sidents, Everett McKinley Dirksen Is adjusUng. to life with a Republican in . the W h I t e Houae. 11'1 not quite the same . So long as John F. Kennedy and 4'pdolt B. JohnSO{I were runnl.ug . the country. the wilf old · Senate Republican leader had the best of all l\'Orlds. ' . I • ' ' • fa '" ,j 11.. ,, ;,.; ., " " " ' .. .. • .. Quite often, when they wue ·• strapped. for· votes on · criUcal Wues. . the· Democrats wOuld ~ reach Dlrisen in his · ornate · c • C~pltol " omce to woo and, c. quite often, win the margin' of victory: ·. -,. .. .. /·. , .. Then •. ·~· he ~cige'r1y eastd into, the GOP's leadership vacuum and, wilb low-keyed help ~frntn Hause : lt!1den, became the 'spoke~an for the ..:. party out of gower. If it was f not tbe best lmap tbe "RepuBrrcw""COOJd"proJea: ·u · was the only one they had. But noW. after some seven months of the Nixon ad- ministratieio; 111 this has changed and the 73-year-old politieian, orator, and master showman plays a different role. · ' , 1 .! It may be dllficuij after. •11 those htai!y years but Dlrben , is painfUDy l!•miog' the.role~ of a sqppb~ ~ µt aq all-~ RepubllClll l'fll4 . . Instead . or .those . major. , " televlaed news conferences '" where he used to articul&le · " R epubllq,n poSitions, ' pro-• grams·, and protest.. .. Dirksen . has bee"n reduced to I con- veyor of DeJ"S. At frequent but v'ry · irJ. f onnal newa . gatherings.· he passes on . bits and ~ of ,. what N~n 'is ~. pl!ID- nlng, and doing. And even this . sometlmeJ backfires. Recently Dirksen told reperters firmly thill Nb<· on. would announce a ilomina- tion to the Supmne Crurt on a specific date. A8 to who the man was. Dirklen'a lips Wett sealed. Fewer· than 2t boun· later, everyone knew it was Clement F. Haynsworth and 91.riaen squinned out of hla· seU-im· posed silence to conflnn it. But the' announcement was nOt made on tbe date · Dirbeo predicted... · This does.not mean Dirkstn bu fared badly ;n the Nao~ adminlaµ'a:Uoli. 00 the con- trary. As the Senate leader, he is part of the GOP Inner group and hil relations with. Nixon art consrdf:red e 1: c e I I ea t • Many fil hiS recommendations for goYermnent J)oetl hive been accepted and be is credited w1~h bloc'klng · the norniDatloo <I Dr. John ff. Knowlq: ·as assi~tant oecretary far h'al\11. . But he does not hive a blank . check at the Whlte House. His cholct for bead ol the small busineSJ · idmfnbtratlorr· was rejected in ff.vot of Sen. John G. Tower's mlJl, Hilary Sao-. doval. He Ilia recoinmended unsutteWuUy . an l I J l n 9' i s .. judge forl."tbe Supreme .Court .. AltboU,h tbue have · .not been enough tesls to judge Dirksen'• current capability to deliver vote. for NlJ:oo, the ln- dlcatlcW m that be bas a lol less than a llrangl<hold oo S.nale llej>ubllans. Think-." .. GEIST FOR EVElY1'HING ..!.. ' .. !Think · I' Ut<kl .-tnht !" """'"" f'ln• NIW~ -I ~. ....,,.. ' I • I l \ ' ! j I • D.uLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Justice for. Minorit·ies . . ' • Two blows for justice and comm<in county ptn1ment hiring practices ba~t bMD by tbt, Board cl. SUpervlsors. · . , Tbe arbitrary rule that apt>llc1111& for ty em- ployment must have at least a high tcbool. dlP!on\a ba1 not only discriminated against bl&b adiool d!OpObls, It ba& deprived the county of producilYe emp!oyes. Alter county Personnel Dt.ree\or ,Wll)l•m C. Harl niported to the supervisors that-SS '.bard core unem- ployed" now in training are " ~dill, productive arid sometimes e:rcellent workets, • .., Uie board abolished the hlgb scbonl diploma requirement . . The second sensible move by , the su~msors 1s toward relaxing testing procedures that screen out po.- tentiaJ county government employes who do not have perfect command or the English language. Retired Army Lieut. Col. Carlos Ramos. represent· Ing United Latin American Citizens, told the supervi- sors last week how present county employment speci- fications are "designed to screen out rather than sc.reen in Mexican-Americans." "Testing is a big hang-up that can bold many able people back." Ramos said. "If a job is open for a gar- bage collector let's sit down and determine what he bas to do -be able to drive a truck and show the atrenglh to lift a 5().pound can." Supervisor William Hirstein commented: "If you were hiring someone you'd want ~e best_ pe~~on.y(IU can get. 11 we hire someone not as well qualified and they see someone else promoted they might be disap- pointed and broken hearted." Ramos' response to this made a point too often overlooked in a white culture where great stress is laid on the "onward and upward" drive for economic -and. yes social -"success." He said, "Not all of us have th! potential to grow and it is far better for .some to be in a job without potential to grow than to be on welfare." And be added, "Most people locked into poverty .,. uverely undered-lecl ud l!'Ydlal•llW!r dt- f..tad" . ' tbe personnel dinctor bu bMil aatii lo stu«J Illa ed-tlobal requirement& now In fGfCI for caltalll ..,.... ty jobs with a yiew to walvla1, lbD wllla.•Glty'ra !IOI · relevant. The Job of carbaa• eolltctar aboul• be jult one Of many where abllljy to pall a wrlttn t.lst Ill th• Englllh )anguage would seem irrelev11,nt. Suppott for county efforts to employ and train the dJsadvantaged also was expressed to the supervisors last month by the Oran~• County Grand Jury wben the supervisors were considering a budget item . .for that purpose. • The two moves involving drop-ouU and l~e­ deficient potential county workers are perllGillaii1 timely. Federal prognum oriented prtmari17 towll'd the Negro have brought Orange County Mexican-Amer- icans, numbering some 10 times tb..e Negro population, near the boiling point, according to. Jla!nos. Removing elements of discrimination from all groups, whether minority or majortty, is vital if the plural American population is to be Dllde, vi.able under the impact of rapid urbanization. Another Student Side . ...ln .all -the coocern .. about campus·ndicals, it's good to pause and pay tribute to 24 University of California, Irvine students who picked up 7.2 Orange County chil· dren yesterday and took them to the San Bernardino Mountains for 10 days of camping Ibey couldn't other· wise have enjoyed. Between the UCI Community Projects tutorial group aJM! the UC! Community Houae In Santa Ana, plus the work of the University Interfaith Foundation and volunteer physicians, the university is making a aignificant contribution to better undemanding and brotherhood in Orange County. ' -,~ ' ' ' • • Critleal National Bedlion Ahead In Language, England, U.S. Go Own Wavs ol t forget whether it was Wilde or Shaw -it wu et:rtainly some wickedly witty lrilbman · -who remarked t h a l "'Eqland and America are two nations divided by a common language." Whoever 1t wu, I thought of him when 11\Y llritllb sports car developed a slight 1tut&tr lut week, and J leafed through the "'Mai.ntenanct" aection of lhe Oner's B9Qt provided by the manufac- turer, which again reminded me of lhe gr91t dilparity of names for ordinary parts of a car. Of c:oune, aa everyone knows, our hood h: tbe Brltlth "bonnet" and our gaa is the BrtUsh "petrol." But even a windshield is calltd 1 "windscreen," a trunk com· partment is called a "boot," fenders are called •'wtnp," bumpers art ca11ed "buf- fen," and 1 monkey-~nch Is known as • "'spanner.'' THOUGH BRITONS complain that the Eftslilh lancuage is b e co m i n g "Americanized," ~ aeems to be tittle 1ro.rinc together of the two branc.bes. ex- cept for alang words and vulgarisms. In tbt field of ordinary vocabulary, each na· tion COH ill own way, and no linguistic Common M1rkel has yet risen, nor seems evtn to be on the horizon. Their janitors remain "porters." their workmen remain "navvies," t h e i r newspapennen remain "pressmen." their 1altawomtn remain "shop assistants," their street-cleaners remain "crossing .wffpers." Dear Gl®my Gw: Senator Cranston acknowled1ed that his not being invited "to the astronauts' dJnner was probably just ~n oversight in Wphinglon, but Governor Reagan controlled 25 invitations. He could have been non--parlisan (and kind) enough to undo ~ White Houae staff boc:r boo. '. I -Mn. B. E. C. Tllla .....-. ""'*" ........ .,.... ... _.,. ............... ,.,, .... ,.., "' -.. ....,. ...,.. _.... ........ LIKEWIB'E. OUR saloons are ''public hou.Jles," our orchestra st.ab are "stallJ," our mantelpieces are "chimney piect.S,,. our letter boxes are "pillar boxes," our legal,bolidly1 are ''bank holidays," our long-distance calls are "trunk calls," our road b;eds, are "permanent ways," our soft drinks are "mine~" our roundtrtp tickets are "returns." The IDO!I ordinary objtcta In every-day use have ~thew . dlvLded th e i r nomenc:Jatuft 'llCll'Oil the ocean. AIL Uh can ii ~ 11 ........ 11 I tilUboaN 11 a "boantini • • o1tiiiil!i1 II a "cuttlq," a c;oisa~tUfl," 11 --ii l 0 Uft." a. subway ii'• 'ttubi 11 1 ~t ii. • "jeney,"1'• ....Un II a "VIII" (whit we call UVit\11 SI a 11w .. t" lhtni), a shot ~ is a ,._.. pelWt,0 t Vtlll1 is a "tramcar," a fllln1 cabinet la • 0~ of dray.iira," a cracker ls a "biscuit.' a piece ol candt ii • "aweet," and a freight-car is a ''goods-waggon." NOT ONLY OBJECfS. but even abstractions. have gone their seParate ways. An editorial ls a "leader," the in- stallment plan is the "hire-purchue plan." quotation marks are ''inverted commas," a Ucket-<1£fice is a "bookinc· office." internal revenue is "inland revenue." rectipl! are ''takings," taxes .ve:'rates" (and taxpayers, of course, an "rate-payers). the game of checkers is "draughts," and bids a.re "lenders.'' 'The Great God Rhubarb' Some years aao H. Allen Smith pr(). duoed a book. "How to Write Without Knowing Nolhin1." He has betn doing that for more than a generation, he ad- mttted durin& a visit here the other day. Fifteen tlUes up to the Eisenhower ad· rn.J.njJtration alone. His first, "Low Man on a Totem Pole,'' w111 astf:mbled from his fuMy columns on the old New York Worid-Ttlegram. He drops about one a year. An old-fuhionet! humorist and former newspapmnan of lhe snappy Lee Tracy Jtripe, Smith was t:IU'Ollle to Hawaii to perform ruearch on another book, "The Grut God Rhubarb." This will continue the advent.urea of hi,, most successful fic4 tion&l character, a big, nutty, reddish cat named Rhubarb who first appeared in !HS. 8MITR TRlNKS Rhubarb will take on eomt prtmJUve aod-llie st1t.1.1s when he arrlVM Gn a Pacific illland_maybe U1e untnown Hawaiian island of NHhau. It coukl be a book about cannibalism, but. Smith, who 11ys he's not 1 novelist, doean 't know. He will let things happen to t\lm in Hawaii. then put Rhubarb in the: a.me aJLUaUon. A. wlr')t, naW·voiCf:d deJdpii.11 cum· mentalor now IS, H. Al\en w"s a MJcrwtst-bom 1Uner1nt newspaperman bf:f.-e be made It big in the alam-bang Hw Yark jolml.Uam of the 1920.!i. He re-..n in tbe Georce Ade, t'lnley Peter Dunnt, Abo .Martin tradition of humor· leta. Whert, be JrODders, have aJI the •mor1at.11one? ' . I ' Bul Smith rinds little real wit Jn Amerlcan wriUQg today. Tht youn1 humorists bury themJeJves in televialan. where the reward.1 are immediate aod gr .. L They byPW !1111-(lhal market has drloi~'a ,..,...,), IOOlll are slow and unrew and jllJOpl9 "ared Ill t'V don't buy ~ b\lmlrl UMJ're expensive. The ort ~Rbdirb" cost $2; "Son of Rhubar " went for $4.•1 and not so many people boulht L "People Named Smith" tlld ill r!pl bi 1111, Thot v.•as a cockeyed tnl•tllt an llftOJOIY which establlahed tho ln\11111 ., • momentous clan, ind t.btrt .. I tot of Srn.ith.s. THERE IS Al'I ff, Allin Smllll Gllil tn lltls country that oalUrao ltlOI ol 1 llutt~ln 1$-:lll,OOO <:<>py 11la Oii ltlJ boolt hi Wl'lt... enough. be shnlp, to ""'ke hit "'lolllber SOfnf: money. ' ' .·" ... P os tpo n e L'anding Men on Mars? WASHINGTON -Former Secretary or State Dean Rusk bu written a public Jet- ter advocalfn& that the decision on man- ned fllghtl to Mar. should be left to the next generation. Rusk wrote u a (oimer member of the National Aeronautics and Space Couneil. He said we 'ahould abandon the idea of a race with the Soviet Unton. open up' in- ternational cooperation in spaet: for In- strumental ez:ploratJon of Mars, (O ahead with near space activities for a better un· dertt.anding of our own planet, and use NASA'• ability to moblliu science and tedu*ogy in tasks related to its ez- perienc;ie, web u air travel and air pollu· ttan. ' Rusk has gone to the heart of what is bound to ~· a crlJjcaJ nllloaal · clecbiao. Th< shape o(. this problem is already seen by Welfare Secretary Robert Fillc.b and Housing Secretary 0-,. lloa)noy .. probably dllorminlnl the tit.et to wtllch th• federal pv1m- ment can addms 111111 tO problema oo lbJa earth in lbJa fttlmUon. IOW PAii PlllllDl!IT Nl1oll" Nii alruo ~-iwn.tll comnUlllll ... tho · Moll '/lritJeot II tlttrtfOM a t)llllor t( ,...1 _ to au -who ... •ll•l'IJ wl)at IJ Involved in It .. Thora lllvt - ...,. illusions 011 tllJt point flt tt la wn>ftlly amiUmed tliat tho end ,, • tht Vietnam War would rtl•att a vut tor4 rent l!I billiona for evel)'lhq that mods ., ; doiac in tbit country and new adventtlftS in space as well. A more realistic view is that war costa: will not vanisb very fut, that new costs for weapons replacement and new weapons systems will arise, and if we ever 10 to Nixon's volunteer army the Pentagon will still absorb the greatest part oi the present Vietnam War costs. The new cosU: of the Nixon expanded well~ program will get their increasing Bhatt. we are: doing aboUl half as much in bousing as we should, the rehabilila· tion of cities and transportation lags, and the net of It all ls that an increased space proa:ram would hold back desired pro- ~1'111 in these earthbound activities • . • bit THOMAS PAINE, bead of the Na· UDnaJ. Aeron au tic s and Space A.cbnlnlstr1llon, makei it seem decep- tively siinple. We will double NASA's budget to '6 blllton a year and bead for Mars In 1181 in a couple of nuclear powered rockets, clrcllng the red planet and dropping down for occasional vlslts to the surface in 1982. The net cost would nm around t&4 billloo .for Mais and we would also make nine more lunar lan- dings and send up a 12-man space station to boot. there . The factor of the race with Russia Is probably the key to the whole matter, and it will require a greater degree of na• tional sophistication than we now have achieved to adopt the scientific view that it does not make any diffe rence who gets to Mars first. Less oplimistic forecasts are that the project will ultimately cost $100 billion and all other costs for space eiploration will go up, too as a constant and in· creasing drain on our resources to no purpose that could not be accomplished WE SIMPLY WE~E unable lo bear the cheaper if done slower and by in· thought . that Russia would gel to the stru mentalion. This would let men decic!e-rnoon first. It became a matter of na· JO years from now if they wished to set tional pride afler our humiliation over the foot on t.iars. initial !ailure or our uwn rocket program! OF COURSE IT CAN BE done perhaps even faster than Dr. Paine's schedule. That is the startling thing about it. It is so ~ascinating, in fact, that it has to be assumed we someday will do it. The question is how fast and in what way and at "'hal sacrifice: to other mote urgent needs. President Nixon and his Vice President, Spiro T. A1new, who Is chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council have aped us along this v .. ay pe rhaps (aster than most people wish lo go. _ Now that we know we can and will do this thing does it make any difference. in the aeons of time yet to come when we do it ? Flfty years Crom now might we not ha ve developed far cheaper and more ef· ficient ways to do it? Mars will still be and the su~ of the Russians. As an educated gue ss, "'h.ich may be proved wrong, Nixon ·will not like lo give up the idea of some kind of a structured program lo pul men on ri.iars at a reasona bly early date. He associated himself with t h e moon men in a great show of symbolism on how our technical prowess could show earth men how to gel along with one another and stop destroy· ing their. environment. But th.is decision is nol goi ng to be made without a good deal or I misgiving~ inside his administration that going lo Mars merely means our env ironment will rurther go to pot. The space men have shown us not only the moon, but what a beautiful planet we have in what may other"·ise be a wholly desolate solar system-a beautiful planet that needs loving care to preserve it. 'ABC's Should Come Before ABM's' "Libraries are the banks of our educ• lion.al system." Those banb are Jo danrer of fail:lng. The quoted sen\eoce ls from the text of President Nb:on's statement launching NaUonal Librafy Week tut April :Ill. The President went on to say: "The need lo bring the benefits of better educaUon lo those who have been bypassed by existing programs ii more imperative than ever. By extending their services throughout the communities of America, our libraries immeasurably advance our goal, ond tlllfonn ~ publio IOOd·" 'niO llbu• atlon in Ila btlqet rtquaala lar at lt!O> I) -to "'° !Ulld1 !or ochool llbr&rJ .mai.rtab Wldar tho lllmatarJ and 1-.111')' EducaUon Act of 196&; 2) ~t ln half money for colle,. IJl>rarie> undeT Ille HI1ber Educotlon Act of l!lii.~l slubed by ilO -t -for publJo """1 pro-grams and malarial ' undlr the Wbr"1 Sertioao ..i ~ Ml el IMI; and II "1luood tlio loW ollloa ol ~ tlail .......... bUllao, • out ei allilllt 25 pel<el\t flom lut year. EDITOllL\L ANGBll II tht Nlaon ...... Poiala ran hlib In IQl1\e quartera. Tlla N.Y. TtmW ollHrv.,t ' "The illbruy) 'b111b' wlU !all Ullil• tho baoU end tool• are depoolted with the help oJ the federal government., AIC'• lhould otme before ABM'a." The \\'11hbtltoo POlll sul(elled that the Phl~onf hod un- dervalued 'Na °"" rhltorlc1 "it 11 · cblldren w1'9 ll!Ul Iioar tltt lirtlnl ol lltll 'Avtnc' lltd "' u. loot ""' It ""'1 bl dangerouaty apenslve. It la one ol ~ hidden prices paid Ill< the (Vleinam) war .----B1 Geo1"9e --~ • which, when added an together over lime, can be runinoua to the nition's security." The naUon 's education or1an1UUons ror the flnt time joined forcet u • mlj· or m on a J lobby. The Library Jourtlll au1111ted: "The best gueu Merna to be U.1t tho llurw.., ol th• lludrel - were taken without a knowledge of the.Ir consequences -nobody seems to have told them that cutting LCSA Title I means a lot more than deferring th e purchase of bosiks. How this crisis is handled will tell the librarians a lot about what they can expect at the lederal level for the next four years." THE AJ\1ERICAN Library Association on June 24 adopted a rNOluUon which rtad In part' "We • , • 1111Uti"' th• ConirHI oJ tbt United ltatoa lo &!> pl'Ofll'lalo the . l\111 wwnt el !undo authoriltd hlr f'lderal library and other lduc1UCl'l1I prqrams, so that urgently Nixon and 'the Libraries Tht case for more, not JUI, t•al 1id to ttluc•tioo ii convlncln1. "'ltUlaUon chart; ._. that the wave ol htlhe.st enrollment is rolling toward junlor·hlgh 1t.a1e, wU: reach high schools, a more , ... pentlve level, in I to I years, fnd lftovt on to <..-olle1e campuses. CoN1.n.1ctlon, operatin1 and ~ "1"011 cotll . ire 1oina up. Modern .CttQolln' calls fot more expert teaching aftd ft'lore apeclallled study materla)a and equip. me.nt than ever before. Thi ~ of many Inner-city ecboota, ,.,i IOlloolo, acboola wblch inherited .,..... o( yeara o( nclal HIX'egaUtL and tftft averqe but tmdlatlnguiibad iobooll have become increasingly apparent. Better education 11 crucial in I.he poverty-level sector and dlrtclly relates to future trends in employment, weU~. delin- quency and crime, and tax revenue. But """t tocal ochcol di.stricll are In linaoctal strait!. I are of growing Importance IO lllldonll, teachers, bualoeum•!'J ~iel\Ultl, UJiN't.t 'ol all klndi, pl!!lll• """"al• .... Oldll\llJ1 • citizens. They are a prime IOUri!e bt edU. cation to many adu!la, Jn<l llloY felnllM'ce otlter educau ... 1 •nd ctllllJl'•I Ji> alliullons. With t1l1ti¥11Y -11111111 dlltrlbuted unc11t th• Uli!'VJ llorv1'11 Mt In recenl ftOll lltOulatl!U o1 libraries have bee!\ hel;ki lo •\Wit IM' to improve in quality. WHAT DOES THE Nilon Adn'Uni!b'atioo propose for aid to libraries next yta.r? A cutback amounUng to two-thirds of current akt. needed education and I n r o r m a l I on i;ervices for all our people can be coo- tinued and expanded to meet increasin( needs." A House Appropriations Subcommittee added considerably to the Nixon recom4 mendations. including $84 million for library, guidance, and school equipmenl.. It restored $18.5 million the budget had trimmed from other library programg. And it added $78 million for vocational education. THE BOUIE ON July 30 voted, 242 to lte, to tack on $894..5 million to the educa- tion bill plus $9 mill ion for library con- struction. And the Senate trad itionally ill more liberal with the taxpayers' money than the House. The library, once the qui el refu ge (If ~rep, old folks, and a 1mal1 band ,.._ 11t>l\Olm b11 tiecome u busy as the tocal- aupatmoilol\. ly tateat COW1t. .Ujf. mttnbtf .If Ubrarle..s in the United States -P'&bUc, 11bool, and college, 1e11eral and 1'9011Uud -arftQUnt.s to lhe Jmpressive' total of 111,000. Maybe it's true that libr•rlu 11 auch have little political set 1ppe~\1 8U\ Coc\cPesf h almost sure to. ryil1Jllp4' tht adminislr1Uon '1 library f~, 1'*rltapo considerably. ' ..... -i--.aa -- Tuesday. August 26, 1969 ,. WllEIUl AllE THE new Fr.0 ..... _ 111urbln, P11tlm11111 or MIR • Tnlnl! llopp<, Bucllwold and Rlwll Balotr )'OI, political oatlr!Jta and 1ood. He 11.bandoned New York's Westcheiter county a couple of years ago for the weal Tt.1as cow town of Alpine. (pop. 5,000). He 1iket cowboys and the weather lherr:. His new nelJhbors brln1 him home-mllde pe<an piet, slldled and unshelled pe<ans and, If not pecaru, •Pril'OL,., allOtber local crop. They don't understa nd what ~ wriler does, and pop in to 5ee thll New ·York lrelllr ol -k. Sinlib wtlll lo A/C: for --and qlllt~ '-'\ ......... wllh htr (1!<1111 arw loO much tllo alt ol• U. earth 10< thaL lie and ~ jftll ti) If pl l*t'le work ., • 11.~c.ut. CQNFIDENTIAL TO H U G H DOWNS OF THE TODAY SHOW' Good l''Ork, Hugh! You've got it clown pat what Ille bi& hand doe& and that'• GOOD lhl way you Ill' "Twtnty mlnut11 all<r the hour.'1 Just kMp pluglnJ on the litU .. hlM lnltnlOllonl, ~. and doll' r!vo ••)'II. You'ra H lnt•llectua~ ~. 1nd don' 10U evtr lorpt JU WHAT DOES Tffg Ni 10 n ad· !"lnillnlloe ,i.11 IO do •bottt tltU I>Mle nlld --lllr'OU&hout tho countrJ! It -a ~jl<t.cut of •llotll • por· ~ In !*11 lkf to education. Tha o .. !or lederal aid to 11-..sr1e1 alto t1 lmprts&lve. As lnfonnatJon In -of llelda npldlJ upend.I, Ubrarla1 Such cutbacks are poor economy. ,,,ey 'll'ould cripple many local, state and in· stitutlonal efforts now u~er way lo im· i>'OV• educauon. Indeed, If pd ectuet. tlon 11 to be considered one of the main ••lu• alld OM ol lltl flllln ruotftll ol ..ir ••tlon•I Uf1, \lion iodoral aid ohollld ba contributtnt mor1 oubltMliolly to Ila pr-. Thi cdttorlol pagt 01 Che Dail~ Pilot .tt:ekt. to inform and slim. ulatc readt:T1 by prt:.t1nt1no thi.s ft.t:WIJ)Optr's opinicnu and com- mentary on toP'cs of fnttTtst and s!Qnifica.nct, bv providlna a forum Jor lht t:zprt.t.tion o/ our readers• opinion.!, and ffr pr1ienlfng the dlutr•t vftv-! point.I of f11Jormtd obaen>trti "" •flO~lll!lf!I Dt1 top1n •I '-" ...... • Robert N. Weed , PubU1her WIUJ .. llol• _.,.u,,,...., ' ' '---------~ .. t • ) I DMLV Pll.OT 8 CHECKING •UP• Secretaries Swear Least of .Anybody By L. M. BOYD ABOUT ONE married woman in rive ne\'et has a child , .• THE FOUR MOST popular towns in the country for matrimonial ceremonies are Yuma, Ariz., Elkton, Md., and Reno and Las Vegas, Nev. dition to $10,000 traveling ex- penses plus a liftime pension of $3,500 a year. However, it must be noted that was a house call . CUSTOMER'S SERVICE: Man Near Death In Spree LOS ANGELES (AP) -A cab driver s.ys Dennis Dll· naan told him the h~ advised Dunaan to "do what you have to do today ." So Dunaan, son of a Los Angelts County 1 h er i ft • 1 detective, walked away from San Diego jail where he was a trustee, police said, broke into a policeman's locker and took l ·n Cowt.eapt a revolver, handcuff!, patrol Grant B. Cooper, de- car keys and a can of Mact. tense attorney for con- Then he went on a spree victed ·assassin Sirhan that left him unconscious in a B. Sirtlan, P 1 e " e d guilty to two counts of San Bernardino hospital with a contem~t of court in bullet through hls brain, b'.a.lf a connection with the chance to live and nearly blind unlawful possession of if he does. secret grand j u r y N~varro Suspect l Blames Brother LOS ANGELES (AP) - Paul Ftr""°" testified he wu paued out on a U.1 at Runca Novuro'1 home while the lllent ~ Illar died In a bloody Dcht' with P'tJ'IUIOll'• youn,er brother. Paul Fe-Jl, acc=d In the blud&eon llayln& along with his ""'4iltr, Tomas, 18, le!tlfied MondaJ the! he -ed out after lbe" n.year-old ao. tor had wined and clllled the Chicago brolhen Oct. 30 in ru. runbllng, hillside bome In Studio Ctly. ey '' on the sheets under the vlctlm'1 body. He said the name wasn·! meant to involve l.l'ly peraon in particular, In its opening statement, tbe prosecution maintained the two young men beat Novarro in the belief he kept $5,000 bid· den in the house. Paul denied this, tesUfylng that the brothers were invited there after they telephoned the actor and Id entified themseJve.s. During dinner, Pa~ said, Novarro had talked of a-potentiaJ movie career ror hhn as a "superstar. . .a young Burt Lancaster. another Clint Eastwood." nit nut lhinl he knew, Paul Wei, Tbomu awakened him with: "Thb CUY'• dead ... Paul said he went Into 11teJp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tJ I bedroom and AW the body Oll the Door. Novarro's face was "INTEREST ONLY" covered with blood, he sal~. ltt!Kllf c•111. i-114. i it 10 v••r and his band.9 we~ tied behind ''-"' J Y•r ''""'lei. low, lclw lloWll. him, C.1".A. 'Ml sl\t.tl, 5 19 JOI I Cfl, WED. WHAT SOME call a i~i~ngle, our Love and War man calls a wreck-tangle ... TOM MASSON was the name of that great romantic who ad- vised young men everywhere, "You are not treating a girl right unless you r u I n her digestion ." ... Q. "Do all the country's highways have specific speed limits now?'" A. All except some roads in f.1ontana which only call for "reasonable and prudent" speeds. . •. Q. "IS T HE TOWN spel l ed Pittsburgh or Pittsburg!" A. Pittsburgh is in Pennsylvania and Pittsburg is in California. NOT VOLTAIRE -"I disapprove Of. wliat you say, but I will detend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire wrote that, right? Wrong. He didn't. Yet he iJ repeatedly credited with the line, beeause a lady who signed herself S. G. Tallentyre attributed it to him. Jn fact, she wrote it. Dunaan, 20, began the spree transcripts dealing with Friday by stealing an un-last year's Friars Club marked police car and driving card cheating trial. it around San Die10, police Cooper, 66, will be sen· detective Ben Bate.man said tenced Sept. 23. "I touched him on the ... 0 .••• "" ""'"" CINI. shoolder," the older brother ll~~~~~~~~~4t=================== nld. "Ht !ell ota~-~i! Monday in piecing together---------- the cha.in or events. Dunaan abandoned the car and commandeered a taxicab at pistol point. police said. He forced cabbie Lester J • Mansell to drive him to West Covina, 130 miles north of Sin Diego, officers said, and leaped out at his father's house. Decision On School Votes Due paper." ilurtnl port ol t h e tesUmony, Thomas ahook his head in mponse to his brother's statements. 84 STORES ... ALL 72° an,d open nightly till 9 .:30 South Coast ?taza PROFANITY -Secretaries don 't swear much. Le ss, in fact, than just about anybody. \Vhen they talk, only one out ()( every 200 words can be described as profane. That's practically angelic when y<>u consider one out of every five words delivered b y con- struction workers can be so rlescribed. Such were the fin- dings o! 150 Wayne University students assigned to eavesdrop on the conversation of more than 3,000 people. That must have been some study? A com· prehensive cussword count. SHORT STORY -our Name Game man is or the opi· nion the two most dramatic surnames are Nightingale and Dangerfield~ Quite possibly. Am acquainted with a short. story writer wbo is always Jooking ror noteworthy names to tack onto his characters. lle's aJways looking for plots, too. Intend to suggest his next heroine be Miss Nightingale, his next hero Mr. Dangerfield. Now how about first names? Let's call her Nellie, him Dan- ny. The plot's simple. Forced to stic k together for survival, they C()me to loathe each other while poling a rubber raft down the Colorackl River. Cer- tainly missed my calling. \\'hat a pity, the passing of the pulps! Frank Dunaan was home. His son knocked . "Who's there?" the cider Dunaan called. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A decision in a key federal court test seekin( lo overthrow California's two-thirds vote re- quired to approve school bond issues today wu at Ieut a month away . Paul told the Superior Court jury ol seven men and five v.'OID.en that the brothen then lifted NovUTO'• nude COrJIH onto the bed. Alter puttlnc his ear to the actor's chest and be~ .. beartbea~ Paul said, be ruuested calltng the -----------------------------poll«. ALREADY MENTIONED Glen Campbell regards as luchy the -fact he is the seventh son or a seventh son. Another seventh son of a seventh lion is actor Barry Sullivan ... -LITTLE ARGU- 1'fENT crops up as to which. are the best cooks, lhe Chinese or the Italians. All I know is I like won ton better than ravioli , noodles beltcr than i;paghetti. ~1EDJCAL FEES -ll 's true, medical fees are clim· bing rapidly. Still , they haven't reached that level set by the enterprising Russian doctor \\'ho inoculated Catherine the Great against smallpox. Not yet, anyway. He charged her the equivalent of $5().000 in ad· Your qutstiom and com- ments art welcomed and wilL be u.sed wherever po,,. .tible in "Cluckingi Up.• Addrtss mail to L. J.f. Boy.:;, in care of the DAILY PfLOT, Box 1875. Newport Beacli, Calif., 92663. His son fired through a win- dow, police said. The father ducked. A bullet slammed into a wall behind him. Young Dunaan jumped back into the cab where 1'1ansell was walling, too frightened to leave. Bateman .said the cab- bie told him Dunaan declared: "l got him that time. J heard him fall ." He ordered the cabbie to take him to Barstow, in the Mojave Desert to the east, Bateman said. As they rode across the flatland, 1'1ansell said, his passenger fell asleep. Bateman said Mansell saw his chance, hit the brakes and turned rig~e de.sert. Dunaan fell forward in his seat lhe detective said, and t.1a~sell hit him with a tire iron. Draft Resistor Freed, "They grappled for the pistol," Bateman said. "As they struggled it went off. The bullet went into the ltft side of Dunaan 'a: head and exiled at the base of his brain." Blames Mother, Lawyer By Saturday morning, Du- naan was in critical condition at San Bernardino County H o s p i ta I. Doctors told SAN FRANCISCO WPll - Eigh t een-year-old Erik \Vhltehorn, claiming he was pushed into resisting the draft by · ' a n over-enthusiastic mother," has been freed f~om a four-year federal prison tenn. Erik wenl to prison ~1ay 23 after a trial for draft evasion. He said he didn't register because his mother v.·ouldn •t give him permission to do &0. In a tearful appearance before U.S. Dist . Judge Gus Solomon ~1onday, Erik said he had changed his mind and wanted to register. The judge reduced his sentence to the time already served, less than t h r c e 1nonths, on l'Ondition h e regist.er for the dra!l. In an unusua l sta tement from U1e bench, Solomon characterized Erik's mother . Mrs. Evelyn \Vhitehorn of Palo Alto, as a "frustrated, unhappy woman who found it necessary to obtain satisfac- tion through publicity." The judge said he believed J\>lrs. Whitehorn was "largely re.sponsible" for the entire case and added : "I observed Bateman the man would never throughout the tria1 and af-see from his ri~hl !ye, .would be partially blind 1n his left ~erward . how much sbe en-r.· eye, and might never regain Joyed being the tearru_I mother complete consciousness. and how much she enjoyed the Officer.1 booked h.im for in· lime.ligh.l which s.? e en-vestigation of a ~ tempted thus1asllcally covets. mun:ler kidnap1ng, armed Erik had v.·ri.tten Judge robbery·, grand theft and Solomon from pnson Aug . I escape. He was serving a on~ about his cha~ge ~r heart in year sentence on a burglary regard to regu;ter1ng for the conviction when he escaped, draft. ~ .. police said. In his letter. he admitted that it was originally his own idea to refuse to register on the grounds that as a minor he needed his mother's permission and she wouldn 't give it. But thereafter, he wrote. even though he wanted at times to back out, he was pushed onward by "an over- enthusiaslic mother and a fan- cy San Francisco lawyer," Aubrey Grossman. During the 4G-minute hear- ing 1'1onday at which Erik wa s the only witness, the youth fought back tears as he told Judge Solomon he believed his mother had also been "vie· timized by circumstance and t.fr. Grossman." 'Militants' Briefing Set LOS ANGELES (AP) - L.aw enforcement otriclals will hold tightly guarded seminars next week to tell California school administrators wtiat is know about campus militants' tants' plans for this fall-and bow to cope: with them. The administrators will be briefed in two areas: whal the law ts conecming campus violence, and what has been learned about the detailed tac- tics and plans ol the militants. U.S. Dist. Judge Thomas J. MacBride Monday granted Marysville attorney P a u 1 Hogan more time to file ad· ditional documents with the coort in Hogan's effort to upset the two-thirds re- quirement. Hogan brought the suit in • bell.all ol parents and property owners in the Yubl: City Unified School District but 1w since broadened it into a class acUon on behalf of a 11 California tupayers. The suit charges the lwo- thirds requirement violates the U.S. supreme court's one man, one vote ruling because it in effect makes a nc1aUve vote twice as weighty as a positive vote. Hogan contends a simple majority ahould ~ sutficlenl to approve a school bond issue. Superior Court Judge John G. Hauck in Sutter County already has ruled the p~ vision unconstitutional in a similar cue failed by the California Rural L e 1 a t Assistance on behalf of three farm workers. Shes But 'Ibomas, ht said, pro- posed fakln1 a -ry. Ac-coMlnl to Paul, 'lbolnas then xntched either a "W" or an "M" on the actor's neck, saying he was "makin& it like • ctrl. ti In lipstick, Fersuson said, Tom wrote on a mirror, "Us prll a~ better than faggots." Paul Feramon acknowledg- ed that he messed up the home to lfve the appearance of a robber)' and that it WU he who wrote tht name "Lar- Tate Figure Sues Police For Arrest LOS ANGELES (AP) Alle&iDI be waa unlawfully ar- rested in connection wtth the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and four other persons, a youns Ohlou is demanding $1.15 mUUan damages from Los Ani:eles police. WUUam Gamllon, 20, wh' had been employed as a caretaktr at the estate where the tilllnc• occurred waa ar· rested for investiaatlon ol murder, booked, questioned for nearly three 1 days and released. Alive Gtups on Way to Hearse SANTA MARIA (AP) -A woman pronounced dead Mon- day.suddenly gasped for air 30 itfinutes later while beina: car- ried to a hearse. Instead of the moriue the hearse raced to the hospital where Con!lance F. Bell. fil. was listed in critical condition in the intensive care ward. "It's uncanny, it's absolutely uncanny," said her physician, Dr. A. S. 1'll.ssall, who had pronounced Mrs. Bell dead at her home. "Never in my 30- some years of practicln& have I had th.is ." P.fissall said ~frs. Bell, a widow he had known for several years and treated for hlah blood pre s sure , ap- parently waa in a deep coma and was awakened by the joetllng ol. the stretcher as she was taken to the hearte. MJssa II and Deputy Coroner Frank Wrtaht uld Mrs. Bell had all the atgns of death -no pulse, no perceptible breath, no heartbeat, cold body, stiff limbs, djlated eye pupils and blood settlin1 In the lower parts of her body. She wu found on the noor ol her ~'!I.In 'Santa Maria , 110 m11 .. -ol Los Anseles, by her heulekttpu. UNBELIEVABLE SOUND FROM A COMPACT,MOI;>ESTLY PRICED STEREO MODULAR J!umbleau Real ~!ale School al lhe COSTA MESA LOCATION 145 E. 19th S11tEET ANNOUNCES EVENING BROKER CLASSES Sylvania Mini-Modular MMlOW /GD • Choice o[ Gold or Walnut Grained Vinyl • Sealed Air Suspension Speaker Systems Included • Garrard Custom Turntable • 20 Watts ElA •All Tran•i•tor Reliability • Oust Cover • Stand, Op- lional $99.95 ON THURSDAYS 7·10 P.M. I ~DAVIS RRO\VN 411 E. 17th1St.-Costa Mesa Daily 9·9-sGt. 9·6 -646·1684 ALSO MORNINGS (Thursday) 9:30~NOON JAMES M. D1COT Lectllrer OTHER PRICE llUS 7.75r14 Sii 7.75r11 Ill 1.25114 SIG l.%51 15 '" 1.51114 121 fllll 1t1t1 IM/lf ltcll 11•11. BENE BAL TIRE Have a FED •. EX. TAX CJUARANTEED ADJUSTMENT $2.20 l!Jt SIJI $2.~I • ~' '"""'+. &111mr1 "•rt.rm1nc1 Ci u•r•11t11 • A(t."'1.,... 11•11• is IJ•S•d '" pllr 1rt1ln•I ~•tl ·~-....... 0./0(11 .... -"""' .... -........ _ .. • lltli!M. bl ;; .. :.-=.-:.::.-:.~::::.:-::.r.; :-.:; • •ploio! Cllb ......... -• , ... " ... ,.,_ $1.51 ..... _,,_ .. _ .... __ ... .................. 1-.......... -•lif:o;Oll '•""" .. --............................ . ~-· .. -· ..... --. • Al""'1 lbltriol Dl'ttlt l'fietl 11 1howll ti Ct111<-4 1111 11111". CGlllJtlltlMIY prlcff 11 GtRVll f( .. dllltrl liflll'11n1 1111 Cetlertl tl1n. • .. , ... 1.-. .... -................ 1, ... 1 ... -. _..,._ ..... RI.. -· -.. -·Ti.. ()M ....... t--............ JATO SUPEll-100 Go.I' IAUS a D11tt l•11 tO¥t f for ltflf <llt•ftt• lif· a E111tt lted "'I" ct lltfr t h•e1 'rt•t ill.tt 11Ct e Ultr1 ·hith·l•111i111 wi11tliRf 3 ,.~33 DP lwe4l1IMI COAST GENERAL TIRE Specl1Usts correct e1sler, camber, lo•·ln, toe-out to your ear 1Tianulaelurtr's specifications, and sslely-cheek a.nd •dJu •t your steering. AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1515 w. 1tt• 16941 '"'" ........ CM'• M... H1111,h11M11 lteell S40·571~46·10JJ 147·1110 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1122 I. ... Sall'• A11e 14J•IJ26 '------MIMIEA AUTO INDUSTAll!S HIGHWAY SAFITY COMMITIE.E-----'• --• I J I l 1 \ ' I I -- DA11.Y PILOT LECAL NOTICE LEGAi. NOTICE Your Jflo1aeu's lfortla r -OVER THE COUNTER NAS'! Llalirlp hr Monoloy, Aututt U, llff Villah1, Victim ' HEW YOIUC W l a11ftll 0 ft, 111' Hottl I ' -'Tht tlllowtl'N tilf Cllw (• •Iii t H4 Hee¥W By SYLVIA PORTER tributed mi&htily lo the In-:~ t:u~::°; '-:= ~ ~.,,. ~U ~71~·· nd I 1~7 /lation you detested. ~·:., ~~ ~~'" tfU, , 1o11 111 From l~ a nto N • Oiiltr 1 1r jl! "' Now, Jn late summer ot' ,,;,' l!•• "t',n.!'~ Ol'l'I t• ~ ~•" Yo" •tr aod Mrs American CT 'I or •·--• '~''' ,...,, -1"11 1~ .. , • 1 ' • • 1969 you arc Ul.e Vt l l• r'tMnitt •11""-'"' G11 I 1 I """ Consumer. were the 11ERO vr ' c1Hi.r '"' u •• e1 Tei 4\~ ,, ot.: the U.S. economy. :~.t= l .,,, .. ~ 1m 1:~ 11:•l!., the U.S. economy. TIJE GREA1 squeeze on r:cv,v:111u.,_ ~ m11 f~ fi .. ff ~· •r: Whilt President Johnson·s ....... , Mw~ escalallon of 'the Vietnam \\'ar credit and the upsurge In ln· :!i:'c~=~~ ::::: .~ :-~ 2jnt ~! ~!Ii." . teresl rates Is hul'Ung you <11.,,,,. "''......,. 1.J1r111 '•·~· '!' !"'•• I!•,. "''as building enormous price . 1 h 1 t' tM ~1.,., ,._~ ,.,. .. y, economic foundations, you did din .. 'Ctly. The rise n ~.e pr d r11111 not ~~';: 1F 1f~ 1~lt.M!',.. not rush to st~k up on gOOds of just abo~t every ling aUn ~~:i:_wn or """' is ~. l:"l!un1 h nothing 1! eras ng te AAA Ent 21\~ttv. '"'Mil it 1tu J•'*,. lo beat lhe certainty of hig er m11.rket value of your dollars :~l .. ~O'r ~\It ~~ -:.:. c: nu ib 1::u=...~ prices. In fact. you pulled al a frightening pace, and !r:. clt ·~~ IJt: ~$1 1~ ~" t~~ ~·";',, ~na:ska~~~dLoup~~r~:: even though your paycheck .is ::r-~ W'n~E~o;, lt ~ •:r,,; lraordinary high or more than 111 a peak, you are •n· !I~:~ l~? ti.~ 8 • .,. Ji , ~ !I~ :y~ f . creaslngly in a bind. The ~~r~"'f ~ii? Ui2' r.fi':nc:ln l~<i 1i~ ,!f~T 7 percenl of your a ter·tax tn· evidence that you are again Aiko LliO ui) u~ o.wi1 A" ··~ •~' tllwl com . . . b "S lltv 5·~ ' Otfu• Cl! SI ~ tuff !: e. pulhng back JS slippery, ut Al PN 6\'i 1 011 CMiT i. 1, ,.,. Fill The result v.·as that back . .1. 1 In Al A••• 4 4' Ii!!!. u1r 70111211~ "'' Cu,! there are s1gru \Cant S gns AUJod t:• I I ~ Al!'I 'I 'i r."J! 'e,~ then, when I o d " Y ' 5 In-lagging retail sales, in your Xn""oac°" 1l'" l:\O gr: c~ U l'I " 1;;'" \P, flationary spiral "'as getting shift from the most expensive ~E1ol:t 22~ 21\1 l•c Jnc .J~ 3:v. rtl· o!1 Slatted. you helped moderate cars lo small imports and SU~ ~ ~~ """ ~ e JJ:: 1~~1lllll ~=~ 11".i its intensity. h <"Ompacts, in softening of sales ! ... G~C::1t rJ\~ n~ =~ R~ ~~ 2JVt t:~w· F'rom 1967, throug 1968 and ol household appliances, home Am '"~ :n "~ lun~rn o 2J '' Liii co.1 ' l rJ thl . Am Medi 31 32 IH"ll'(lft 17 11 L1lat1r G in o ea Y s year, YOU were furnishings, the like. "'" ·p11>e 10 . 20v. z P•lnt '' 21 L•vln Tn 'he VILLAIN Or '''. US , . A $1 Gob 5,._ ~ 111 Sh I~ t \it L$11 llF · · !'he result is that you are no As1 G 1>t tv. 1ov. ,.,, Lib ._, -4' L EN \'COnOmy. d' ·-n · Arn TeN 14~ lj\'• dt(b SI 21\;. 2tU l 11w ·1 lunger ad 1ng to huialionary Andlr C• is 1 ~ ciu, sv, ' ~ t:" {•Y THE VIETNAf'tt war \1·as no pressures and you may soon ~=' c11 '}~~-:,~~I ::,~Et ~~"" l?" L~lldl ~n longer news, and by the tim~ become 1 drag on them. !~g-'•1,,: ~~ ffU. ~ld~ 11"" 'tll ~1cGc~ lhe Lax surcharge became law This progression of the U.S. =:; ~ ~I! 'u~ ~l''r"sn !\,, ~ru ~11t~1tv in mid-1968 thal was no longer consumer from HERO to M: MoP 11 1 v11 E\ c111 10t 11 Mwmt ~ ne\l'S either. With your huge VILLAIN to VICTIM is a col· ~~f:'1 11 tr~ f v. IE1ec ~~ :J~ '11 ~~,rr M savings nestegg , your con· orful description of what may ~c ~1 ~;li~ 2i~ :~~og ll\\ li ~"·~, fidence in continued boo1n end . . . Avem<o ' • ,.,. "',.. 1110 s~ •v. M•~" o be one or the most s1gn1£1cant B•llllnt 1\. 1 .... 1. a 111't 1w, M( u.,. ••'1d'ence all a roond you or r . . . tt.i1ro At 10~1: 11111 Entw111 11.., 1•~ w .. c: H 1,,1 1n1 • actors in economic activity BMle<' n<~ " Eon cor-''\ ''II .i.•.atrn .''1To11t1 soaring prices, you went on a r lh e11 P11n1 s,, ~• e.,11 0 11 l 111~ M1111-1r Nor1e1 TO e ron1 now on. argues e BPu111 wt ,,., 1 Erl• Tee: uv. '' Me-rle N• THIE ,\u:T~·~0,_• c~~~F"o11~1~ f-OI delayed spending and bor· Chase Manhattan Bank in a ~:~~ c lf"' ID: ~~·e~ ~l~ \2" ~11c11'." THI COUNTY Of-ORANGl rowing :o;pree. You hiked your new study of "Psycbology ··d 8Hln p ''" Ul'I F1brl Tir. 111 • Mldftl ..... A-Ulll I f oods d . .... B1v1eu ll\'i n F1ltlk1 T ' ~ M!d'w GT Eir1tt,,, PAUL ALONGE. Dfl:e•1td. OUI ays or g an servtct'S the Consumer" Betchm 'JO~'t l\\lt Ftrtlfltl 1• '"" MDII. Gt• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IO "'~ in 1968 by 9 percent over 1967 ' Belll Isle 14\'i IS FMN Mt %22 2'2' 1.\)1$ VIG cr~ito~ .. in.-111ove n1mt<1 dK'°""' "For the Hlird time tn re-!:::_tnc1 lgt? Ji~ ~:k.·~~ ~h~ ~ tl:i,l,~ t1>1t 111 pertorii1>1v1119 c111'"' 1oeln•• tlli! and .vou reduced your savings 1 rs " lh b n" 11 flt H 31 " FstM '"" 1n(· 21 Mof'I ,.k '"Id dKtcMnt 1•1 •l"l~lred to ni. •ll1m. ol al cen. yea • . e a ~ ex· e!t1 L:b 55V. 5,\'J ,_,, """' ..,.: 1~~ Moor~ P wu11 111e llK1$1•rY vouthe••· m lflt ottice to 5·4 percent your ter-tax plains, "a basic change seems at111i111 'N •h 1;o Fit WFln ' v. Moor" s '-• .... ~ .... ent11le(I (our•. 0• 1·ncome a lremeod""S perce"---. 8Jrd :Ion 's :11 F'1ckn• 1rv. :101-~ Mo1e11 M ~ '':r:.1:, j11~. 1'°;ilfl 1t1t -"'"" • "" ,,.. to be underway 1n consumer Blrtdlr 6\0 •:a F19ht Sal 2~ :NVi ~ot Chi!J -.dltn. to ow unc1trs"lltd 1t 11w ottlu lage drop In so short a perJod. markets. lt looks as though = ~11 ~'A 3:" ~~ ~f. ~\\ JU ~~~-_r c "' Ills 1110r....,, WILLIAM 0. PA$SO. m The res"I' \"as !hat YO" COO· Bolf I 12• Ill'• ,_ I G I l2\/I ll\A N t •"Id o-r 0r1v.. Suu, a. N-1 8f:ldl. • the consumer's pocketbook e~ ·~ 25~1 ,.;:; ,: ,"' s·.~ J" N:ic., 1 ~11o1 ~;..,.:~c~ ~11"=,e~l-.-.-----------... --.--._-_-_-_-_-_--4--r and his psyche are feeling the !~°'G l:~ ~n• ~~cl 4~ ~flt ~~1'"f~f '•""••·~"i':!,~~11:-~~1~, <;'M"n~.,~;::•,._w _ _.,_ vw.•_._,_ J pinch between inflation and :~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~=1 1~ ,!"' ~.,,. Grg tr,,., d 'th\, ;;.;iO,, WE'VE GOT THE the battle to contain It." :~1111': s. l~ lll': l1'A1ll:i '~~ 'i1~ ~:i ~~~ Ottod ..,...,,,,.t •· ltff ANSWER! l -;::;:;:;:;;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;::;:;:;lsu1t1tt F 14'.• lS','t 01vk1 ,'ll l" "'•'• Sd $ALVAT01tE S. ALONGE Ctl W $'t 21h Jt'!'o l(IJWle ;. N ~ Admlnl1tr1!or ~•rnco lJ jS Gltl Eal ''iii lOV. NI"' ol IN E1l1tt of ti!• ll'llln M 11 ' Gtol&I S M a n .Ge • ...__ Mmed ~eelenl TAB Will ANSWER lnnM II 7t 14 Giffen 21 2'l J N11G ...,.,. C-H "' ''~ G!llO't :WI:. JS ldlw. ,_ WILLIAM 0 . PA.$10 YOUR TELEPHONE c... Sow 11 16U Gl1ti.rt ~ .... ,,.,., Nit!$ A m Dlftr Drlv.. Silllt ' • • • C•P lnlA ' ~· G"'11n w 'l\'t 41\'> Nltb e N....-1 l tKll. C1Nf. tlUI WAKE YOU UP C1PTdl itlo ''~ Glob lull j\.'t 61'1 NA l ll'Je 'Til: OHi '42-MS1 '• • C1rt. Bl 6 111. Gorln'1 I \t 13 Nt1r NG All-tor 1.....i1•htr111r DELIVER YOUR ~•rtr G• 11~ 20 Gr•Pll :, 17 11'1.l NEur Oii l'l,lbllV>!d Ot-t C1111st 0111¥ PUG!. lilt NG 12 l~\~ Gr11'11 15 SI t!t::' G•• ;';~:Ust 12. 1 '· " •rid Septr:m~1.:t MESSAGES.·· lE:~~s fl f!~t §frJf.rJ ,lf~1lf ~,~x~ I.EGA!. NOTICE ' TAKE YOUR ORDERS ... oceanogra· pl '1c 11::'.~" ·~~ 'l• ~~ ~; ll~ U~ ~'\: ~~' AND FILL MANY II Ches llld ~ f\.'t u1r~ o iU 'a1~ • scan Chu Ulll 11 I Id TK '7'1~ 3 mllfll OTHER NEEDS '.. fund ilC. . ~~ls~'\1 ,,~ I~ ~~ac1~"' 1:~ 1!~ :; J: -~------~~ CIH'lsl pf 101 IR7 Him CO:' 14 llll 11yC1I FO~ AS LO\V AS Cnlde! 1\:0 I<'~ 11tnd V• JU 41~ PEC: h rl (lti1 u " 1S '" "lllOVf s 25 n P•lllt Ir S14.50 PER Mo. I nd I • I l"~ CUI• U 8 14 ?~\ H1vet1 In 2~ l\I '"' F1f: A mutua tu n<Jesttn1 n 11• c11rt M1 a1 :n H1111 Mer iM. " PRc• c. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE, 4ft Tn!PHONE -.I.lib RNSWERIN5 BUIE.RU 543-2222 9 OFFICES TO SERVE All OF ORANGE CO. I Cl1vtDI' :Vl •~t M•nrtd F 'U 21 ''"c.J d1velopment andll$I c11n1 M.,. 10 11 MU11w11 1s 16 ,_......,. 0 11 of the ocea n and ih: rtsoutcts ----------M141pte OllhlWen. IM. •• ,.... s ...... M .. Ytn. N.Y. 1*' f'l .. H H nd IM I prwll'Kt"" 91' tfl• oc;nn111r1pl'lic fund. ti.c. 51110 Mutual Funds Complete-New York Stoel\: List si•. -... " u .... -• ,...,._). 2•'• 11'• -+ '. 36'• -• , .. '.ill'•+ .. lt" -'' \''• -.. S\'I -' II -'• " tO'• -1, 11'• 0 1. + '• !J>o L 'o 11111 -•o ¥i'l-4 4 ,, 12~~ _._ ,_,, .. ,. -,, lJ\o + '• ''"' -~. 17>\-J•, ~-·· 41\'J L 't 31'• _._ '. 110\ -1 • ~J__;_ '4 f··~ -+ '• ?Ill 111.;, -'· 44•• -~. ll'• -.. 1111 -" :u•. -'• ~l·~ -,, ... JO~. _,Jo 1' -'· JOl,I + '. " 3• + '" ill'\ -'• 101,, -'• SG -'• 33h -'• M . l T'li • ti'4-'0 J5!o -1' • " • • • • • • • • • • ' • • . • , • Monday's Closing Prices..-.;.c-Complete "'New · York NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices closed lower on tile New York Stock Exchange Monday following a 31zable runup last week. Trading was light Lucien Hooper, seruor analyst of \V. E 1-Iutton, said better bargains are ahead. "Last week's up- swing was onJy technical as the market coollnued to recover from late JuJy Jows,u he added • The UPI marketw1de indicator was off 0 49 per- cent on 1,517 issues traded. Of these, 805 declined and 461 advanced The Dow Jones Industrial av- erage, which reflects rnovemenl in 30 blue chips, was oU 6 07 at 83118 near the final bell. Volume of around 8 mill1on shares was considerably below Friday's pace. Among the most active issues were Bethlehem Steel, Brunaw1ck, Texaco, Naiomas, and C l t y lnvesUng. ' Bethlehem traded an early b I o ck of 279,900 shares at 29, off I li8, and closed at 29 112, oCf 518 Most steels were on the soft side , reflectmg con. cern that lhe adm1n1.slratJon's tight fiscal pohcy w1ll curb fourth quarter mdustry ordenng. Weakness also cropped-"UP' 1n the-conglomerate area, although most Josses were 1n fractions Natomas and Atlantic Richfield were among the biggest movers in the mosUy easier oil group Airhnes also came down after climbing sharply Fnday. Aircrafts and raI1s were mixed 'Ihere were several pomt·plus losers in the electronics, including IBM which ballooned 10 31~ last week following Jntroduct1on of a new, small computer which 1s expected to be compet1t1ve Wlth others 1n the field. The issue closed Monday at 341, oil 9 114 Stock Exchange List U .. L lllC" I U1lltCO 1 UG I Co I l'O UMC 1fl0 11 Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List DAil Y l'ILOT I ' JI OAILV PILOT - J Tutsd1y, August 26, 1%'t For t he Record Jtf.rriafle McGIU·IENH,TT, Etwerd L .. 6" • t4\ l. T~ lf., ~ end Miii M.. "' of lQC.C.lle ~ L-.-.. .I-Hlli.. •&ilWC:etlSeS lltADFOlt~DUlllAHC. FM o .. w, .,,. 11'1f 11111 M .. M. 1101t1 ti :1021 fll~ l.1C•Ms1s t1SUIO mor. w ..... Coslt ~. . I """· 4 l1HDE·IU$1Y, Allred C .. t1, 01 1tU ~STM.l!'l'l!•·OAHllL. I.~ t ., Pern' WOOd. L..-BMCll W 62, Mii Edllll L.., 56. both of U1 E, B1rW1 C .. 13. ol 11162 ~ Wi n.it. tOlll Mtw. c""''· SAR JU.R c.plltr1M. • .. M.MITIElt-lfAIT, S.m lit .. 25, of 9" ORIKOLL·5CHMITT, Jatl" I,.., lJ, of 'l(l lenti., COiii MtM tnll .$1'1111 A,. -»Gt,._ $1., a,.,1 MtN ln'll W ..... 1J. ef l:IMl ..._ ........ $6tlt1 AM. K., fl, of 14!1 P~t, P!Ktnlll. l lfE-KllR. GIOl'9e I., 2't fll 15111 •WALQRON·ER~I~, W1..,. E., "'-fll 'PaMCltt\t, T11tl!n 11111 Ptmelt A., 2f. ,.,, E. Bolt.I arid Mfll f ,, 31, ef t56t of 5121'1 S. l1"1't"Ol'll. e.lbH.l1llonll, "fl\Hlson. llotll et Wtslmln11tr. OOWO-Kl!t!f'Ell:, "' ..... T.! ·n, Cit !I MetHUn.q1TTllltK. John Ci •• , .. w)CI ketdl llNCI, N~llOl1 9UCll lftd SltPlllnll 8., 1t, both tf 2ZI N.,.. JtMt l., 210 of C21 $. Olllo, An1h1lm. Pltce, l"""' llfldl. WELLS.RUPPRECHT. L1rrv H .. "'"' Now Enroll . With Your UC/Card mVlNE -Orange Coast residents may now use a crl!!dit card when enrolling in UCl Extension Courses for this fall. A university spokesman said the school will a c c e p t B1nkAmericards for payment of tuition to any of ap- proximately 150 courses and seminars being offered on the extension program. Enrollment for lhe fall quarter of classes -is now open and a free catalogue can be obtained from the UCI Ex· tension office, Room 1325, Ctawford Hall on the campus. DEATH NOT I CES KEPPEN Gertrude A. K-n. ~-,...ld..,1 tM NIW-1 8tldl. Ale SJ, of !1'1 EflCll'll Ito.Ill, Gollt1, C1llf, 01!1 vf deelll ... _. :IC. $1/rvlvttl bl' "" .. ~ Jlobtrl L. 1(-i son, Willllm Chari.. of 11Mtr1li.hl; dtutl!i..-, Mrs. Wlllllm Gu9'1hon. Cost1 Mtt11 lhl'H •l11tn1 tll,... 'r•nclcltutl'ltar•1 - lf-llOft. ,.rlv1t1 ..,..kn -• hald "'rtdtv. Au.vii n. 3 PM, Jn Gollll. wlltt R..,. Robert How!1nd ol Ille Pretlrl'llril" Church. ollkl1ll,,g, LONG Thonln Vincent L-. Allt SI, of 3145 conr Lent. c11111 Mna. Dita of dtt'"· Autllll 24. S..rvlvKI by w!te, Mrs. """"' T. Lonol two IOlll, T,,.,....1 Ind MldlNl1 dl111th11r, J0tn11t. 111 ol Colli Miii, R11>ul1m /Nu, Wldna- cllv, 11 AM. St. Jol!n !ht 81otl1t Ctll'l- 11111 Ctlurdl. lnltr,....,1, Good SMl>Mtd c-ltlY. 11111 Morl\Jarv. 3570 E. Co.11 H!1l!w11, Corona del Mar, Olo ~~ .. UGTHART 1"21 TIM 51., wa.tmlMler Ind Mjry K .. Jf. of 136<12 Libby line, Goll rdt!I G • ' FANAEL-11..:.NETT, OtMll S .. t(, of ICll1 Jbt SI. Mid Doloru o .. 11. GI lt11 ""'°'" Ave., IJotll of Weltm1rost..-. CAlllt·BURGGllAFF, Gor• E., tt, llf 115 Morrllio-L-end Join c .• It. of 2'1J E~ OrlV .. llolll ff C:O.t1 -· llt\'IHE-MARSHALL., Rw 0 .• M. e:id · Pltyms M.. 1" 11o111 of 1•m Gle!llllo""' L-, IMlti""IOll lffdl. SHOCKLEY.COOK, Hor,,._n J~ JI, of tS31 wntm.1111111" Avr~ Cosll '"" LtllOl'I o .. SI, of Ho. 5 P1rk Drive, ldlMI. Okll. MORE MORE AOO f ..,.rrle1ts Jl TVLER·WIEST, ~nb W,, 1•, of J'11 Mlnl.ltwnM WI'/ I rie! O.tlori!I L .. U, ol 21'1 Or_. Aw., bolll ol Cot! .. Y . NAU4;K-HENNE$S. W!llitm T., 21, of •UH 5. E. Rix St~ ,.ortllr>d. Off. tlld 8e1'1Nr1 &., 21, of llOO Cornmodorw. New-1 BMd'I. YOUNG.OLDS. Jtmes O .. 2'J. f1f 11• All1nle end Lvnoa. S., al 21)612 Etrer. Hunll!IO!on 8e1cll. MAYER·IA:INKMAN, WIUl•m A .• 66, ol 11M Via Alll•,,,b•I •rid trm1 l., '1. ol 6'20 AW!tl'-t $e'vltl1,. bolll of LltVN Hllhr. BLEOSOE-McCALLUM, Ooutr~ L., 17, of 1201,~ Hellotrwe, CorMt clel /Nr 11111 Dltne A .. 23, ol 315'6 Scenic Orlw, Sow!11 l&tun•. MAXYMOF·MefiOBERTS. T~e J .. 1.c. of 103 0orn1ne111i. s.n ci..._t, Ind Jor L~ 24 of 200f Korntl Drl¥t, C1111t MHI. UW?.'EILLS. JOIVI D .. 2J, ol '12 ~ Nves Ila end ,.,...., A.,, :JCI. ol 2'752 Alfl. of L•tU!ll BMC!\. MAllT1H-MUNOZ, GIM T~ 31, 11111 Ctndaa C.. 11. boll! of JOit L1 Crnll Drift, o-,.olnl. MQRE MORE ADDS M.t.RltlAGES JL SANFORD-MAYER. Go"""" J .• fS, of Hl'l'I JI,,_, Mhrslan Vitia •nd Er"'I F .• JI. al 1'10 llnwwcl. Al\.J/ie(m. LAlll!IEE.OOVE, JI" J., 19, of )61 17th SI. Incl Kll'di L , 20, of 1-.S 11111111 Ave., bolll ol Cos!I Mtse. MOH[)().pR!'.lSSIHG, G-" J., 1f, .... FrMCl'S H .. n. bom vf 16642 Tiber LIM, H""!1""1'oft lllldl. llecord A111tt Tllf:!I /Nrrlttet Ad 1 .lo l!IAVAIUO-ARLOTTI. Rlch1rd .... u. el 7ll W. 11111 SI .. Casi• Mew '"" Vlft. clrullll P., 2l. of m• E. Mtl'Jl\111, RewtMad. cam. RDPER·FLEECS, Jom>l'I C .. 7', end 0..111 A., 42. bolt\ of 1602 Monlt'r11, SHI Be1cli. PICKLE.CHASTAIN, Jerrv W .• ?I, arid Jen M.< 2l. bolll of 1H11 11..,.btrrv wa •. l••""'· HENOEllS0H·8AR,\TTE. Cvldl S., 31, of 102 JOth SI .. N•w-• 8eKh •nd M1rl..Ch•rlOlle, 25, of' 125 McC111i.1 Pl1ce. LHVlll ·llffdl. HOONAN·JONES. G1$10err. 22, ol 12~ E .. J~iwo. s.11tt A111 and OGflPlll t., 20. ol' 11113 El Camino, Co11t M~a. M.1.NCOCK·HORAU, Robtrt J .. 21, of .SU GIH>nevfl, Lltlll'll lleKh Ind 1t;1llllltffl P,, 27, vf 2.$l4 trl. Farnt, Slnll' An1. Brien It. Lltothlrt. «Ill St. Andr"'1 SCHICKEOA.Nl-MAR1HELLI, Norma.. llofd, H-1 llHC:h. SUNl.-.d bv o .. 25, ol' 1561 hnlon SI .. Wl'llrnlm- ... ,..,,15. Mr. elld Mr1. Artlluf' E. Liit' ~and JUOl!h A,. 22. o1 Hr.! ~doW thirt: 11$1...,, Ol1111 Ind H1nc11 -LI,,.., Anellelm. t-1 .-1not11Mr, Jalnft A. RI!... IRAMLETT·NEULS. Dain'"" F .• 2t. of Walrnlrltltf'1 ·1111tn111 trlndmotner. · JU Ver-· ,.llte. l!"t'froe •!Id Lllllltl\I AllQI llelllart, L•eUN llHdl. 5¥v• Lu, 1', ol )"2 Giibert Orlvt, Hllfl. kfl, Wldnndollv. II AM, Peclflc VIN ll11tlon Bttd'I. C"-1. ol'lkletld 11V U. S. N•w Chi• A111. S ltln Virldon Dotlbt. lnltf'mtnt. Pecllic kNAPPEN·FISHER, 01vld L . :U. o1 View ~Ill l"ert. Dl..cftd D'I' 11.tOl Otl Rav Drive. Slnll AN end Peclflc llllew Mortutrv, Jullt S., ff. of' 16t H'9h Drlw, STOUT ~ l.tlllfM a..m. , , lottt. MM' SIOuf AM U ' of m l Ol.UO!f.U OWHING. thnilt M .. 21,,llff It-hf Ito.do Hurii"'"°" ee'.ct.. ..0.I• 20U Clla-r .. I nd GMnde J .. 11, .. '111 of dM!tl .... _.. n. "-'"' "' ._ . . t': .. ~ 1!~1 ~flt ol '°9tl ,...,.. end ltollert stD11t1 • .,,,,,.. •• con.McCAL~ Dmd w .• 111. "' IM2 "-!lft Dolt.11 ~. °'"""' IM:*f ~Ire •St"" WHlml,..ttr e11d two 1r1nck.h11dren. IWO ,,._l1ren6 lloifmt,... A. 21,.ol' 1'4' L Vlft H-dllldren1 two 1r11l1rw_11!1randellllo s..nt1 AM.' T' tlren. Slrvktl, Thundl'f, 10:» AM. fL()OD4.~AG(, Bl'UCI jl., '9, d 1'01J ,.a,_ Mor1111rv, Munci., ln6lan1. Mltwm Orlvt. Wl!IHllf' •!'Id Marv E., Smlflll Mdrtu1rv, fofw1rdl111 O!r«, ''· o1 m1 H1rtior, e 1vc1:, Cost• Mftl. 1ors. KIMMEY·OESf UYELI, Jtarmond W., HARDING, SR. ll, of,,,..,, A2nd St., •1'111 P1111att1 I!!,, Bert W, Htrdlno, Sr. Att 7~. ol IOll 21, ol '2* e.v.horl Orl¥t, bDlll flf St1rl1n1, Hunlln1t!011 Beach. 0111 o1 NewPOft Btech. . ., tlNlll, Autu1r '5. Survlvld bv wile, COLEMAH·FERGUSON, llruee R., 22, Carl'lll son, ll•rl Hirdl11t, Jr.; O•uth-of 703}'i Aeac:l1, COr<lllf t1t1 MW Ind !el'. lll1no!' Bldol, bolll o1 Hunllnvron Mlrl1 Y., 70, o1 1010 llUU:l119~ 8UCh1 "I"" 1tr111Ckhlldr1t1 I nd tllthl L.,..,, Newvort ll~Kll. , -•l1r1""dllldrtn. 5.,..1ett. Thu,._ HERNAHOEZ·EDWAROS, Arl11r1 A .. div, 11 AM, Smltht CMMI. lnlarment, 31. of '1..ii Mel-, RIVtt51dt end W ... lml"lltt' Mttnorl1I Pt rk 01rKlld Jffntllw C., tJ, of 3101 Trinity Drive, I • Cosll Mtu. bV Sm 1111 Mortu1rv. PEREZ·HAHNAFORD, INflutl E., 21, THOMAS of 431 s . Lomll1 Aw .. 0111, c1m. and Frtdrlck A. Thom••· 7SA1 NtMV Lindi s .• It.°' 16222 MO!lterl'I Li nt, Drift, Hunllrlltloo! llNd'I. Sllrvlved b• Hounllflltl<>n 8foadl. 1-Dll, Gr-tnd Wlllltm; d<IU91'1-REIO-VAN CLOOSTE'l!E, John 11,, '1, tff, 81rtlolr1 Htllttl0fl1 !hr" Woll'I-al 1'321 F1nt11l1 LIM 1nd G......,1 .,.1, o..,., Alwaham and R1lllh T-L., u . ol 14ln Clltltav LIHlll, bait! of 11: ,_ 111ters. Arftla ~•n •nd Hun11nt1'oft lllllOI. .Amandi Miit.rt MY"" 1r1ndd'llldr .... tlll'tl 1rHl1r-.t111d,..,... Strvlct"' Thuflcllv, lt:ll AM, ~ F1mll'f' CO- klnl1J ,_..1 "-· PAmsQN H .. "" Cl1lr1 1"1llltoft. Jill II!". 21116 SI~ C0t!I Me!ll. 0.19 of dMlll. Au...,.t ». SurYlvecl b'f dev1htlr, Ptlrk lt Vin "'""' -. Jed P11tl1cin1 fltur 1r..,.,_ dlllclrtfll 1laltf', a.tty Hlfldrl11. S....... kn wrn Ill Mid ,-r1c11,. M AM, 111111- bow Ctlloll, Rl!tl H1111 M-t11 P1rk. Olrec:IMI bt ROM Hlllt Mw· tu•r'f'· ARBUCKLE I< IVEL'IH WestcUH &1ortuary m E. 17~ St., Co1ta Mu• -• BALTZ MORTIJARIES Coren• del MU" OR J.HSO Colta M1!!1• AU f.U%4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY 111 Bn•dw•y, Costa &1e1• u "1133 • DILDAY BROTHERS u .. 11ng1ea v .uey Mon.ary 17111 Beac.11 BJvd. Hantlngtea Beacb lil-7'171 • AlcCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17H Lqun• Canyon Road Llp:n• Beacll IN-HU • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemdery •·Mortuary S5M Pacta~ew Dri ve Newport Batcla, Callfornl• mn• • PEEKFAMJLY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME llllllolAA.._ "--- 30 YMCA Units Form In Viejo MISSION 'VIEJO -Before Christmas, there will be at least 30 YMCA groups in the El Toro-Mission Viejo area, South Orange County "Y" Director Roger C a r t t r p~dicted Friday. He called it a "conserva- tive'' estimate. "Y" Indian Guides are pro- jecting 20 groups and the leaders Fellowship is ex- pecting three groups, Clrter said. And thert will be others, he added. "We've worked hard to develop an in-depth program Jn El Toro and Mission Vie Jo," said Carter. "I think the im· pact will really be fe lt by Ouistmas. I think the enUre community can be proud of the fact. there are more than 190 families giving a great deal of time in planning ou r expansion drive this fa ll." The South County YMCA serves the area with two staff people lo guide and advise the India n Guide and Leaders Fellowship programs. ln ad· diUon, Carter noted, a sum- iner st.a.fr ol 10 wiU offer Day Camps, Backpacks, Te e n Caravans and a Boys' M~ tain Camp to all resident.. . 1.fore infonnaUon, ·be said, can be obtained by calling the "Y" at 4M-943L wmnr1r1am :oRTUARY BOAT BU FFS Jlaldl Alme11 l •tl:1l11y 11 the e11ly ,...., fH.lUJ f11ll-fill'l1 l101fi11t _Mlitor •orUllJ .. Q rlir ....... 011 eny 111w1par,1r 111 Orallft e Covwfy, Hi1 ert 111iv1 tov1r191 Q01111' MOltll'VAftY •f Mati"t •ncil v1tilt1119 ,.,., ., ... "' i1 ••• n, , •• tu ••• , tha DAILY • • , • When It Really Counts!! TO • • • e Pants all fabrics Values to $20.00 • • • ALL $5.00 Tops, Shirts, Blouses Many styles & fabrics, 1 /2 PRICE ,• Dresses-Summer & Early Fall 1/2 PRICE • Lots of groovie Sunglasses Values to $8.00 • . . ALL $2.00 g Lots of Skirts Values to $18.00 • • . ALL $5.00 Sale Starts Wed., Aug. 27th 10 , Fashion Islan d Sho p On ly! a.m • I PILOT. L~~lllla:::.,.....~~lldc:::cb~_J~~~~~~~~HL. ............................................................................................. " -- I l • t I I I I ) ' j ' ' ' ~ ' j I I I I I ' I I I 1 • I • J • ----- .~. • • ,. JOOEAN HASTINGS, 6ol:z..4321 ""'*'• .......... ,,.. • , .. '' Society ·Sip s. F-all Fashions AJ e .. y to take as sipping soda through a straw will be the sixth annual fashion show sponsored by the Westminster Blessed Sacrament Altar Society. The luncheon and fa shion benefit will take place beginning at 11 :30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. '1:1, in the Newporter Inn. Sip Into Fashions has been the theme selected by the group, and all proceeds from the luncheon and fashion show will be usfld to renovate the Blessed' Sacrament Church, which is stalled by th.e Columban Fathers. • Following the social hour, members and guests will ~ a~ted at tables centered with old-fashioned soda glasses overflowint with nosegays of fresh flowers. · ' Piece de resistance to be given away during the afternoon will be a soda glass filled with $50. Serving as genera). chairman o( the fashion show will be Mrs. Louis Raymond, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Morrow, co-chairman_ co-- ordination and commentary will be handled. by Mrs. F1orence Sma1es. Oth!r committee members who are contributing their talents include the Mmes. Richard Brunner, raffle; Gary Carr, advertising; Char1es Coughlin, decorations; Don Griffin and ..A!Jthony Zummo, tickets; .Frank Letronica, publicity; Richard Lund and James Mar- ' I I REFRESHING PAUSE -The pllblic Is invited to attend· the sixth. annual fashion show sponsored. by the Westminstet Blessed Sac- . rament Altar Society takirig place Salu'nlay, Sept. 27. Cooling off tram summer's beat are (left to right) the Mmes. Louis Ray- mond, show chairman; Charles Coughlin, Joseph Morrow and Frank Latro(}ica. Proceeds will benefit the· church renovation fund. tin, f.avors , and Vernon Woodward, treasurer. . Servin~ as hostesses will be the Mmes. Karl Stolle, Carr, Rich- ard Haviden, Michael Frutos and Charles Santos. Tlckelil for the fall fashion preview may be obtained by calling either Mrs. Griffin, 89Z-2815, or Mrs. Zummo, 894-5822. • f I Nu rse ry Schools Open Fall's B ~lls Ring For Sandbox Set Ready to throw the doors wide in welcome are ar.ea nursery ICbools which currently ar~ enrolling preschool children for the' fall 1ession. A get-acquainted. coffee for new mothers "'ill be sponsored by the Hilltop Nursery School at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Aug. 27, in the Huntington Beach home of Mrs. Edgar Bolton. During the meeting mothers will make arrangements for car pools to transport the youngsters. • RecenUy organized is the \Vestminster Presbyterian Preschool, which currently is enrolling youngsters at the church facilities, at 7702 Westminster AVe. Hours for the new school will be between 9 and 11 :30 a.m ., and ~year-olds will attend each Tuesday and Thursday. Cla sses for 4- year-olds will be conducted each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The school will be in operation beginning Monday, Sept. 15. but prior to the opening S..year-olds will be irivited tO visit on Wednes· day and Friday. Sept. 10-and 12, for an hour's g'et·acquain'ted.session. Parents who wish additional infonnation may contact the schonl at 894-5080. In charge of the program will be Mrs. James Downey. Guiding the activities of the Hilltop Nursery will be Mrs. Sara Scott, and membership will include youngsters from the Huntington Beach, Cost.a Mesa1 Fountain Valley, Irvine, Santa Ana and Mission Viejo areas.' · _ Additiopal infonna.tion may be obtained by calling Mrs. Michael Andreotti, second vice p r e s i d e n t and a mothers' ch3innan.' at ~3158, or Mrs. Thomas Powers, first vice president and also a mothers' chairman, at 833-.2634. Cooperative nurseries are nonprofit and nonsectarian, and are administered and operated by parents under the direction of quali· fied teachers. Daily programs include sharing time, to build self.worth and verbalization; crafts. to encourage self-expression; table toys, Ito de- velop manual dexterity, and free play, to encoura~e socialization. Mothers interested in the nu,rsery scllool prt?grams attend monthly meetings aod compff.te_ an instruction course' geared to the development of preschool children. WELCOME ABOARD :..... Area )'oungsjers and their parents are 'invited to inspect the facilitie!i offered in surrounding ·nursery 'schools ,before schO()l reswnes Jiext week. Mrs. Thomas Powers . > and son Matthew (left) will join Mrs. Michael Andreotti, with Teya lU\d Tracy, and visit Hilltop Nunery School, Costa M~. Mother Sweeps Habit of Clea nliness Under the Rug EAR ANN LANDERS : From time to you print letters [rom wives who plain ab9ut hll'!ibands who refuse to wo0't bMb their teeth and sleep hillrtJ underwear. You have polnted out t these men are aick and of course you rlghL at about women who have the pro- ln reverae 1 My mother made a sh of. clean11ness. Our home smelled 1 hospital because mom used the est ant1 .. ptle1 oo everything. She de u1 wash the mouthpiece on the ~ every lim< we fin!Jlled lalking. one In lhe family had a cold he had ear a surgical mask. Aa kid!! we were never allowed to &Ive anyooe 1 bite of anyUling, like an apple or 1 piece of can- dy. 1 I'm trying to raise my children to be neat but not nuts. My husband says I am too lenient and that our. girl1 are growing up to be very sloppy. Please comment - MIDDLING MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: JJ•ve )'OI CODlldered the po11lbUlly lllat you have been toe permlalve becaUH of yoar owa IOI:· at the door. Thret teenage girls were standihg on the porch. tears streaming down thej faces. I couldn't tell whether they were laughing or crying. One girl sobbed out the story. A man in 11 ·car rode along the curb and seemed to fortunate childhood? On the outside be following them. They Ignored him. cba11ce tllat your busband lta1 • legit-Finally he pulled his car up and blocked fm1te complaint. tlgblea up. Sloppy boys their pathway as they tried to cros1 lhe are bad ciougll, but a 1lrl who 11 al· lowed to gmw Up with poor ~ming 1treet. When he opened the car door and llablts Js etl In le(t fleld wlt.boul a 110\'e, ,,,. tried to grab one ol the girls, they saw he was naked from the waist down. The DEAR AN.~ L.ANDERS : Thank~ f~r gfrls ran down the street and began poon. the ~lumn Child Abuse Ia Everybody s ding on doors. Two people would not Jet Bus1~ss." That column helped me feel lhem In. 1 did. lc~s like 1 fool. ller9'1 my It.Ory. ~, · Several weelol •So I anawered a knock I gave lhem a pend! and paper and told them to write down as many detaill as they could remember. Then I called the police. The police came promptly, They were courleowl and kind and drove the girls home. Several friends criUclzed me severely for letting lhe &Iris In my home. They llid I was taking a terrible chanet. Maybe I was, but I don:t oee how a de- cent human can tum his back on kkls In troubJe. Was l W!Qflg? Jtave things changed that much? 04-KEEPER OF MY BROO'HER'S CHILDREN DEAR )(.EEPER1 Of coone Y" were taktns • cltuce but It's • chance yoa. HAD It IUe. 111,..ddvlty le tM oaf· f•rf•I of Giiien ii 17111plomaUc ol • olcli oodelt. ~· ·~ ......... ol Ibo hm111 Dee we Uve • oblfptkla te nto pood lo, Ille acecb ol a.._n. Tiiis II wilal dlldlpiUet 11 from ulm.al1. Too many couples go from matrimony to acrlmoey. Don'l lel yoor marrlqe llop bolore it gets started. 5end for Am Landon' booklet, "Marrllp -Wbal It Expect." Send 1our r<q1IOll lo All! Landers In care of UU. nenpe.per enckll- lng SO cenls In coin and a lonf, olamped, sell.addressed envelope. Ann Landen will be 1lad !Ollelp ,.a with yoor problems. Send them In hit In care of lhe DAILY PlLOI', tneiooln& a oelf-addreued, llamped envtlope. ' I I • This Is No Yarn Being Unraveled . ~ Striped knitwear joins the \Vinter fashion parade No matter who or what is wearing it. striped knit· for cars as well as women . The krut was intrcr 'vear is sure ito gel more than a passing glance. Karen ·BraC/eson 'NQw Mrs. Jeffrey W. Field Karen Bradeson and Jeffrey Whitelaw Field w~ roamed during double rin& cuemonles performed by the Rtv. David A. crump In St. Jame• Epi!copal Church. Parenta of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bradeaon of Newpon Beadl and· Mr" and Mr1. Frederick Field of Corona del"MU. , GiveD in nwriqe by her father the bridt wore a pwn o( candlelight peau1 de aole '8P- pllqued with alencoo lace: Fonnlng her bouque~ ...,. oraa1 ~·c olored roaea, s~phanotls and baby's breath, with minlature oran,ts. l.Jn)e creen ca1e·1tyle gowns·and bouquetl of yellow , chry11t1tbemums, b ab y ' 1 "' breath, stepbanotia an d ' Afternoon Wedding Performed Mary Franc~ Grubbs. became the bride of Terry . Gerald Grazlan in Sa:nta Ana'a Bethel Tabernacle., wlth her father officiating for the after-noon ceremony. miniature Umea and Jemoas '"''° ,.lectod lor MIN Loolle Lyle PhilUt>o, maid of honor and for brtdesm.aldl, Mn. Brian J. -. the bride'• ailler-1 .. law lll1d Mias Betoy Bra~ her lilter. , Ashley Atkinson, her .... niece and flower ·«i!l, wore a ~Uow · fi'ock and carried a basket °'' y e 11 o " ctifysantbeniums, 1 baby's bre1tb 'and mtrUahire oranges. · Attendin( u besl mu wp John c. Ferrill 'tu, ·an:' Ulhei's Were Val Harauth7•J lll1d Denla Galle. . • A rtcepUon followed for t.cl011 111"11 In the Udo isle home of, the ,bride's plrents. ~ · ' The bride and bride-. graduates of Newport Harbor High School, attended, 0r..,. Coasi College. She la "a graduate of Los Angeles Colleae for Medical and Den- tal Assistants and he is serv- ln1 with the U.S. Navy. MRS. JAMES R. EWING Wed In Long Beach Newlyw~d J. R. Ewings Home • Westminster duccd by a synthetic fiber manufacturer in Tokyo. The V'ltV models a mini version. She iJ the dauibter of the Rev. and Mra. Daniel Mark Grubbs of Coota M.,., The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Gruian of .Watsonville. On a honeymoon trip to Flower girl was Sherry Strass ·. Lake Tahoe and other points and the ring bearer was in northern-California-w ~re Walter Schreiner, the bride's newlywed James Robert Ew-niece and nephew. Horoscope Capricorn: Take Off Rose-colored Glasses WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27 By SYD1''EY 0~1ARR Full moon and eclipse of moon ; lunar position makes this e.1ceUent day for fishing, planting. In grooming, accent feet -hosiery and shoes at· tract more than usual at. tention. • ARIF.S (March 21-April 19): Try to remain behind the scenes as much as possjble. Be considerate of those who might be handicapped. Visit those who share charitable in- terests. Be quiet within. Avoid crowds. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on friends, des.ires. You acoomplish what you want through u north o do x methods. Some around you may m a k e contradictory statements. Maintain sense or humor -it will help. GEMINI (May 2l·June 20): LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Improve relations with associates and fellow workers. Not wise lo shirk duties. What slarts as unpleasant task could actually prove rewarding. Know this and act accordingly. SCORPIO (Ocl. 23·NOV. 21): Day features change, greater freedom. Pride could come through achievement of young person. Be open to experience. Shake off tendency to be set in ways. Instead, be flexible in views. SAGITTAl\llJS (Nov. 22- Dee. 21): Past experience should be utilized. Especially true in dealing with home furnishings, family desires. Be cooperative without breaking budget resolutions. You can do it. CAPRICORN (Dee. 22-Jan. 19): Avoid seeing certain situations through r05e-colored glasSes. Truth indeed will set you free. Accent today .on calls. messages ancLprornises involving in-laws. MRS. ROBERT ALAN WILLIAMSON Former B1rbar1 V1ndtrbllt Laguna Nuptials . The bride's gown was of silk organza and alencon lace and she carried a white orchid ar· ranged on a white Bible with ribbon streamers. ; Mrs. Larry Henson, the bride's slater from Watsonville was matron of honor . Bridesmalds included Miss June Grubbs. abo the bride's sister, and the Misses Ruth Perryman and Marilyn Botzenbardt. Charles Rinkle was best man, and ushers were the brideeroom's three brothers, Larry, Dave and Denni3 Grazian. Rite Date Revealed The engagement ot Linda Leyva and Thomu L. Tborn Jr. of Fort Bragg, N.C. has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Leyva of Westminster, parents of the bride-elect. The couple are planning lo be married Oct. JS in the Chapel of the Wedding Bells, Bellflower. Mip Leyva wu graduated from Marina High School and now is attending Golden West College. Her fiance, son or Mrs. Vlrgtnla Conant of San Marcoe, was on active duty in Korea and noi, is assigned to duty at Fort Bragg. SUSAN APALATEGUI Will Marry Betrothal, Birthday Celebrated The engagement or Susan ApaJategui and Christopher Miller was announced during a party in the Huntington Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. John Apalategui, parents of the bride-elect. Her ftance Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert c. Miller, al.!o of Huntington Beach. Special guests attending the dinner, which also celebrated Miss Apalategui's birthday, were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weight and children Cheri and Jeffery, Robert ,C. Smith, Marine Capt. Alan Mullinu, and Mrs. Kenneth B • Rockwell, Long B e a c b , grandmother of the bride-t~ be. The betrothed couple were graduated from Huntington Beach High School and will al· tend Orange Coast College in 5eptember. No date has been set for the wedding. Definite emphasis on authori- ty, presUge and recognition. You are able to finish im· portant projec~. You receive accolade, meaningful com- plinient. Show that you can accept responsibility. CANCER (June 21..July 22): What seemed far away proves to be close at hand -applies to situations and persons. You are especially creative today. Give full play to impressions, hunches. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Your ab.ilities are backed by those who can supply what is needed. Be confident. State requirements in frank man- ner. Obtain hint Ir o m Capricern message. Vows Recited Bridal Date Announced LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can get to the bottom or mysteries. Result might prove profitable. Concern w"ith ESP. tbe occult and the unusual dominate . Your experiences today broaden horizons. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You get. rid of burden. New opportunities present themselves. Full moon in your sign highlights your assets. Use them wisely. Indications continue favorable for new contacts, projects. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are health· conscious, capable of helping others to aid themselves. By next month there could be decided change in domestic environment. Barbara Van de r b 11 t , tailored bow at the V·shaped daughter of the D o n a 1 d back. Brunow Vanderbllts of Laguna The honor attendant carried Beach, exchanged vows and a colonial bouquet of yellow rings with Air Force LL roses, feathered white cama· Robert Alan Williamson, son lions and baby's breath while o( Mrs. Loyal Ayres William-the bridesmaids' n o s e g a y s son Jr. or Whittier and th e featured yellow tea roses and late Mr. Williamson. carnatioos. The evening nuptials took Attending as best man was place in the Neighborhood Dennis Macy while ushers C on g r e g a tional Church, were Gary Clark, Richard Laguna Beach with the Rev. Lay, David Vandervoet and E I I s w o r t h R l.c hardson William Farwell, all of Whit• Mr. and Mrs. Orvin HoU- ln1sworth of Laguna Niguel have lllllOWlCed the engage· ment of her daughter, Cynthia Louise Witt to Christopber F;dward Seymour. A wedding will take place on Sept. 20 in San J u a n CapiJtrano's Community Christian Church, and the cou· pie are planning a honeymoon in Me1lco and Europe. The son of Mr. and Mrs. The bride~lect also is a San Clemente High S c h o o I graduate and has attended the Laguna Beach School ol Art and Design, where she was .awarded a scholarship for t.er pottery. Now a free lance pot· ter, she was among exhibitors in the Sawdust Festival. Waist Watche" TOPS Waist Watcher s assemble every Thursday at 7 p.m. in Circle View School, Huntington Beach. vmoo <Aug. 2J.Sept. 22)' Accent on partnership ties, publicity and marriage. You may find yourself dissatisfied with status quo. Patience is a virtue -which means plan carefully before taking positive steps. To flt'ld °"' wno•• llrcll~ lar vau 1., ITIOf\9\1' 1nd 1 .... ,, oroer Sydney Omtrr'o bO<*le!. •·SKrwt Hlnl1 r... Mtn tnd womtn." Sllld blrlf.\l'' •nd 50 (;tnl1 lo O!flarr A1lrotoey eh. the DAILY l'JLOT ..... :n.o. rtlld Cl'nlrll s1 .. 11iln, NeW Ywk. N •• 10011. performing the ceremony . tier. Given in marriage by bet· At the reception In Laguna · father, the bride wore a gown Beach Country Club for 250 of imported chantilly lace top-guests f\.1rs. George H. Thom- ping a si lk organza cag~ with pson circulated the guest book. attached chapel train. An The former Miss Vanderbilt organdy Juliet cap trimmed is a graduate of Laguna Beach \vith lace and seed pearls High School and California caught a single cathedral State College at Long Beach. length train. Her husband is an alumnus of Howard A. Seymour o f Capl.5trano Beach ·baa been ac- tive in several musical grwps and has competed with a rac-- ing car team. A graduate oflr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I San Clemente High School, he attended Orange C o a s t PUBLIC AUCTION Central American Orders Sale LOVELY NEWPORT BEACH RESIDENCE SUNDAY. ANGUST 31 at 2 P.M. Ion Site l 1201 DEYON LANE Thia 1ht•p J btdroom. 2 b1th homt i1 011 • cot111r lot ift+p111 . tigio~1 N1 wport 811ch. S1ptrtlt di<1i119 room , firtpltct, covt•td p1tio. modtrn b11ill·i n •itt~tl'I, w1ll-to.w1U c1q11t1, ~twly p•i11t1d. Own"' Will Corry ExeoUeftt Flnancin9 Open for Inspection L•rve•• 11 .. , .......... ,.11, AKI~ ill AmtrlC• MARSH DOZAR REAL ESTATE AUCIONElltS UI' l•rton W•y, .. vtrly Hiii• ff211 Phone: 21J-lt2;,.f$i. The bride's bouquet, a full UCLA. lacy white fan, was fashioned Lt. Williamson presently is of tiara roses, whilt butterfly in flight training at Randolph roses, stephanotis and a while Air Force Base, Texas, where orchid . the coople will reside until lier attendants were Miss June of· next year. College. Rebekah Lo.dge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meeUn&s the fourth Mondays at a p.m. in varlous locations. Mrs. Douglas f\.1organ at S4S.lt38 may be called for additional information. Anne W i 11 i ams on, lhel;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ bridegroom's sister and niald or honor, Miss Victoria Pell of Laguna Beach, Miss Kitty Simmonds of Palos Verdes and Mrs, Duncan Milliken of Franklin, Ky. They wore empire line maiu gowns with a watteau panel whlch c&.scaded from .a MOONLIGHT SALE THURSDAY, AUG. 28th * 3 HOURS ONLY* 84 STORES •.• ALL 72° 8 PM 'TIL 11. PM Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes and open nightly 1111 9 :30 5outh Coast ?taza I • W~I Fall From The Sky! 11:M:J:t•lflleta:i.iijti • ' ' BACK ••• TO SCHOOL WARM 'N COZY SLEEPWEAR , e bvnny hoppo,.. e flannel i1mmi11 e lovely robes Quilted Lounge Wear Mini Sllpt Half Sllp1 P1nti11 •M mtny '""' iltlM If t lrll .. flfltf'y .. dllMt fNlll SpeclaJitin" tn D &DD Graduate Corsetitrea Stnd., C•r11011 250 B ·Eld 17th St. Hn1,,,n S1111•r•--642-S4JO Cotti Me11 ing of Westminster and his Serving as best man was bride, the former Robin Clark Ron Brody, while ushers were Luckett. Michael F. Turnbaugh, Ted M. The Rev. Dr. HUgh David Williams and Alan Brody. Burcham perfonned the dou· Organist was George Orwig ble rlns ceremony in the Long and soloi!t was Miss Donna Beach Covenant Presbyterian Ewing, the bridegroom'• Church for the daughter of sister. Mrs. Jack Oviat 'Edtert.oo of Assisting at the re<:eptlon in Huntington Harbour and the the Huntington Harbour Beach late Mr. Thomas O. Luckett Club were G11•en Sanders. and the son of Mrs. Mildred Christine Schreiner and Kathy Ewing of Anaheim. Strass. a1ven iD ··mariiage··by .. lier· ··· · ·spec1ar·g·u es·ts ··;1ttendllig··· ·· stepfather, the bride wore a were ~1rs. Edwin 0. Edgerton white organza gown with a and ft1r. and h1rs. Thon1as coronation train. Lace ap.. Rcberts of P i e d rn o n t; pliques trimmed the bod.ice Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jones. and wrist-length sleeves o( her Bend, Ore.: Mrs. 0. N. gown. Her illusion veiling was Lofgren, Rocky Ford, Colo.: caught by a headpiece of fresh Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lykken and flowers and seed pearls. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoff of Palm Attending her sister as maid Springs. . . of honor was Linda Luckett in The bnde 1s a graduate or a floor length empire tur· Eagle Rock Jfigh. Sch?Ol, at· quoise peau de soie gown. ten~ed . the Un1vers1ty o~ Bridesmaids were Mrs. Alan Cabfom1a, Santa Barb a r a Weiner Miu Deborah Hon where she affiliated with Chi and Miss Lynda Lockwood. Omega .and is a graduate of LB Clubwomen Back on Job Food, fun and frolic were evident when Altrusa Club Califorrua State College at Long Beach. Her husband is a graduale of Millikan High School and attended Cypress J u n i o r College and the University ot Redlands. The newlyweds \viii reside in Westminster. members celebrated the end;-::""""'==,::u::•::crc-=,.,=oc=•-·=-r--:-..,-:-~1~,. of their summer activities PICKWICK with a luau in the home of the ~ Rudy G. Burtons. BOOKSHOPS Mrs. Julie Bradshaw, en-"'""''"""·"'""'Y tertainment chairman for the 540-2111 Laguna Beach club, stated 11.s 1to·~,,,..----,.."•"'"" that Hawaiian and Polynesian1-="='""="'="="="='="='="====. numbers were performed by!t Marilyn Cabang. Overeaters Guesta are welcome to at-1 tend Overtalers Anonymous every Monday at 8 p.m. in ~erson School, Westm.imter. Harbor TOPS Harper School in Costa Mesa is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evening at 7:30. Think GLEN OF MICHIGAN Think JE.Gln ln~ Wt1tdtff 1"111• '4J•HU We've started them ... talking. ~t!h~~ ""<• t.OUTH COAST P'l.AZA •COSTA MttA • !(S.00$4 l ~----------------...-; I I l :OI ID * 1:1 ' .. .. I: - I • I TUESDAY AUGUST 21 1:00 m 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * PUTNAM NEWS ON llTTV 1:00 II T ... l i1 Jllllb (C) (60) am M111t1et-1rlfl'ie, 1c1 (30) e si.. ..... •• <t> (iOl ScoiY 1:00 a tit @ m * _,..., 111111r. MltthUI, Plwl Giibert. Gto11• Untf.. (C) ,.....(dQma) '61-SimoM sey IN ~rmlnt R1;.i. l\ld, Si1P!aflt, 1lma Ca111. 0. Sb'oll'. n Sit O'Clect llwit: (Q -n.. Kent $mittl. utlllt WllMOd. ~ ~wlm lttlld"' -) _ ' 0 aru" Ro& A""'*"" drlfl'lf Moul . '"' oc • )'Dllna coup\t whos.I orfblll Hudlo!L, Juhe Ad•ms. 11me1 lab 1111 H omillOUS ..,. fJ I S,, (Cl (60) wh11 a11 wtilrritlo 11*t: morn II m I LM L*J' (60) witll thtm. (R) • 0 .... 5 (C) (60) "Syinfillo-• 11t9" (Cl (30) 111 of f1shiolf. .. @(I) lfil h•t!IS (C) (90) fD NET FQl:ival (C) {60) '\.elns· fll) Wllet'1 .... ? (30) F11twlt4 lt9 dorf Rt-create1.." MllSic dirtclOI lit1rdt ind wtes: 11uclur rod.ti• Eric ltitlsdorf rehurses youn1 mu· a/Id Unini-235; the Buddl!itt licitn1 of Ille ""' £ntllnd Con· Jlf.ytr wtltel tnd Ntflll• folk MIVlllHJ ol' Music I~ !ht tlltrd tunes. mo'lllMl!t ef Mihltr's S)'lllpllonJ Ql Jlft'IMlll' DiwiM T-e (301 Ho. I. fD """ (C) (60) Jack Hlcli;1y Im Hoy (30) f:IO D IJlllC N....;u (C) (60) Ill hllY .... (30) 9:30 11 9 (j) Olrl1 Day (C) (30) An Air forte c.otonel (Fflrtt Metter) btta tht m111 in his squ1d1on lt!at ht un make 1 di•tct hit Oii tht he1rt of Dori! M1rtiJ11. (II) @ 00 Kw!IU.,.lri1kl., (C) (30) ft(l)@DlflWI (t) (30) IE P'NifM If KMes ..,. (C) (30) Aloot 1t !hi ll'lllJ 1ttr1ctions 111d h1dumia of th1 Pfospll'OllS prov· lfQ lit ttlt -1it-Nlt of Ntw ZN· 11..rs NorttJ lsl•lld--HIWkn Biy. m Jhitidtr• ,.. (C) c60) 7:GlllCIS EMllilll ~ (C) (30) 0 WW'• .., U.? (C) (]()) O li?l@QINY"° <Cl 130) "Tbo Body i11 1 Trunk." A dr:U ,irl is found insldt 1 trul'lk fished ffom Ille fiwer IJlld Dttectivts Mill• H1i11t1S, Jeff Ward •nil Jahn Cono hM to COfttand witll irate Pl••ats. • ltiafttt111d boyfritnd Ind •• abortionist 11 they conduct their invest111tio._ (R) liJ Mews (t) (30) Ttd Mt)'ll1. CD I SPIC!;!' I CNtact! (t) (C.0) Speci1I &!Wt Dtlt Enns t1tb witll Oral Roberts.. ai) Qtldle AfttllNt fC) (30) m amm:i 111• 111C11 ~ P'1.,.Mt~(90) New Yori r1dio and flll'tisiolt penontlitJ' Hal M · 111n llOSts tl'lt' 11atlon1I "9ftt 11111· utinc from New Yo~'s New Madi· 11111 Squ1r1 G1rdtn. nnalilts 1r1 10:00 II kNXT ...... (C) (30) "Comt sel1tled lrom 111 owr Arnwic.1 !or On, C..rri! D>m1 On!" A tlramltic fflclr butrly, clllflll and talent. fu. 111• approteh to ,uomotint physic· lurid enterliilllft 111 st.le Won· 11 lihms 1mon1 lnlnttlly ntanletl dtr. Curtis M11(1t1d. Thi lmpm. childrtn is 1ne11ed. Clel.e Roberts lions, Tht Rw. J11111S Cliweltnd is n1rr1tor for procr•111 focusiri1 on Mid hmts CIMl1nd Sinrers. plus th• Westen Speci•t Olrmpic:I tor Norrell# Ne!-. 111errtaily rrl1rded :;outf1 11 tfll L.A. Memoritl C:Oliseum. ... : ==~~;::;; . 0 ill .... iti (60) o l!!J mm ... "''" i<l 160! eJl'I Mnlll• 0,.. MluM (30) "Thi Otl!1r Side of the Cim11." H<m- Mllt>r Ruwll Connor 111ml11U th1 1C11lpture ol JOmt l91h i nd 2oth century 1rtistJ.sculptors. In· tluded 119 worU by 0111mitr, Dtt•s. G1111lli• ml lknoir. OlHIJ n. "" '"' «I !lO! m lllHds ill fttt S11 ('C) (30) &) Drll• MoN {Cl {30) 0 Dlll1! (t) (60) Jr. Walter and The All·St•rs 1uest. fD USC Miiiie Flllhltl (&O) Mil· colm Hamilton perform!! Stltctions bJ Bach, Sclrl1tti i nd others on !tit h1rp$ichD1d. afj (I) KIAl f11h1r1 (30) iriJ M11 Atl1 lie 11 Muertt (CJ /JD) lit.JO I) Q9 ((I Wh1, Wll1t. Wlltrt, 1:1111 Qi([) Llnctf (C) (60) An11I Wllt11, MJ? (t) (lO) H1rty Ru· DIJ' (Clorls l11dl1111n), • dance· ~· '!PGtt• Oii I CO!MfSltion hall ptrformer who is 1n old frillld •tlh .lul~n Bond. of Mwrdoch. Llnctr. prows ta bt 111'..s (t) (JD) !ill .lollnJ. 1t11 lon&·rnisalnc moths of Mur· 0) u11 Int. • 11 OblcuridM' (30) dod'l'1 w1nt, Ttrna. (R) aea. r1u (C) (60) 'Thi 11.,.8 -0 ---.... c l\Jhtl el 1.tt11.• Hottile •lien IM'1ins • ._ .., u.:1 liU I > becolM I thrllt to 11!1 Ellff:r,"'9 It Thi CM.WI When !hi)' take over th• mlnd •nd a Movie: (Cl "Or. lllod'• Clftin" body al Olll of th1 oflicm (R) (xi-Ii) 'fil -Kieron Moor1, Hazel 0 Jtd: .. SHw (30) Mide Court. Roone~ rua': y m Ludd111's C1llt1J (t) GuUls ire · JohnnJ Tillotaon, Senta B1r1er ancl B (I}')(!) G) MM S.N (C) (60) Pat H1rrinrton, plus 8tll1nd 1nd "flictrt f'IV1 Dolll't AnSWlf." While Sot!lmilll Ind 0.nnJ C'.ol. P'll:t, l~ Intl ~pt Grw1 1rt CD Movlr. "'Colllit• w o.n,-(dra· tr1M(IOrti~I • Pf"llOlllt bJ corn· rnaJ '•1-0on Amecht, Joan Btit-~ trrliM. I PISMPlltf lltHall 11ett I ... llndj,i .. (II) IHI 00 @ (i) ~ Cil •• ., (t) CJ 111111111 J Ml\lit: '1.t1t11e II iZl) tliildr.11 ff W• ft) (RJ ...,.._,. (drll'lll) 'fil -.ltclr Hawtlns, Nip! Patrltk. m ,.,, 1111 ••• (60) ID m""' ,...., <ti liOl m FT'Mdi cw (JO) m QltM " .... (JO) ll:JO 8 Merv makes it creat * To stay up Late! MERV GRIFFIN SHOW II 9 (]) MllY lriffill (t) ~ ... o ... ...,_,""1 a Iii oo m r .. i&M .,.. Ct1 0 Mo.-it: "Un.dlrCftlf lfn." lmJS· ltrt) '49-Glinn Fo1d, Ni"• Focb. ... m.r .... 1 .. <&01. _ eJ Dbctltl1q111 I S...C. (C) (60} u ll1I rn m ~ .. """' «1 1:30. a Ci) Tiii LlbtrKI Sii• {C) m 11111111 ..... Ctllftrtlt(I (60) Saciii Oist1t, Stu Gllli1m, Allita - ' I ;:= and th1 Dute of 8edfofd IZ:lO m Cllillll B Q) CIJ m J111i1 (C) (JO) ~o.n­ cer !~ the Out" Jull1 is 1Jllld by 1 ffllow tmployH lo help their eompeny hit• I foolNN lltro. (R) 0 CIM!t MKlauit'1 lttttr tt11f ltMr (C) (JO) o @m m ~ .,, "' Dud lflilpr' ()(}A SUSPlllM dr11111 atlolll a youn1 wom111 'ltto inlltrits t h1unted lloust. An11ll Mllfllt, I J'l)lllll lrtd be1llfiful Set· N'tlrJ, lllhtrih Bl1istda11, 1n l llOI'· W f D tJ E S D A ' DAmME MOVIES m ActilR 1'..ti1: "Stf1nre llf~· s1on." 1:00 IJ lllO'l'il: "Tiii l •liaJ!ltt" (wt!t· ernJ ·so -G11iory Ptc:~. Mi111rd Mitchell · OU News (Cl e eo1111111111tJ 11111ttiti •••14 ft> l:JO m All·llllt'i Slltr. "Tiit Lodatf." .. Miuictn of tll1 5uti1wk." alMI '111in of lY'tnls." 12:00 n .. !Mdt ...... (du ma) '32- Mer1tllt Oltblcfl, Cary Grant 1Z:JO m "An ln..,ctor Calli" (mystery) ·~-Al1.Wlr Sim. Ntlo1H11 Of• E11rope" (mystery) '39 -L1urtnt1 OH'litr. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu•lity Print ing •nd Oepend•ble Servic 1 for mot• the" • qu•rf•t of • century. PILOT PRINTING 1211 WUT IAUOA nvo .. NIWPOllT llACH -44MJJ1 PEANUTS NO ... ONE llaf ll,(f)( In ... PERKINS JUDGE PARKER Ml55 SPBKEi, 'IOU KNOW eetT~ ntAN TO TMINI::; 'W:>d CAN 60 U CK n.eRE MTH "~ P<Ml! ~"f--, IT.F~~ MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS I 60T A eEW JUICY NEWS 11D·B\1S FROM THE W16WAMS FOR Y'!J !!UT FIRST, I 601TA TELL YA TJ.lA 1 OS INJUNS DON'T LIKE THE WAY YA ~EEN 51.ANTIN'YOR NEWS SlORIES! OD .,... • ..:,1 MUTI AND JEFF oM,OH, MlITT, YOUR ~AIRS GETTING Tl-\!N.1 SO··· WHO WANIS FAT HAIR? GORDO t:.ER"TAINJ..Vf WHY 61JOUL0 we BE 7HE OiJLY WORMS IN TSIE UiJIVERSC? MISS PEACH i I SOMESODY WEOTE 1 THAi1 ANO IltA HAS TAKEN PE..SONAL OFFENSE TO fT, Ml&S PEACH ... ly Charles ~· Sc~ull r-~~~~~.ll!l.'!!'~~~!!::!I WE CA.N ptSPENSE-Win.I lHE· fi'.>RJAAL INTIOOUCTIOHS Tl-llS ONCE, ABBEY! Yov-161 olll· Wl\o IS NON·PfSd\1P DO \IOU KNOW THE BEST WAY 'TO AVOID FALLING "1Al<l.? MORe 50, P,AJ.1CJ11ro! By John Miles I'll 1!E ~16HT OUTSIDE THE CB..l ~ '100 WEED At.JV HELP! By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan THE PAPERS ARE RUNNI N' CROOKED IN THE f'.RESS A&AIN! NO, ..iow? By Al Smith JUMP OUT Ol="T~E WAY! . , •!; ~ ·'« ~~~l:E2....J By Gus Arriola f'/llERE o 'YA THINK T/IE EXPRESSION "HOW HI~ Ti/E MOON' CAME FRDM? r I \ ... ···-'t\1,,,,,~·.··' Tu~sday, Au1Jt1tl 26, 1~:6':_ ______ :;PAl,:L:;Yc.P:.:l:;LP:;T_..,$ ' TOUGH BREAK -Michael Cole, lefl, and Tige Andrews al-e forced down in a plane crash tonight on "Mod Squad" on Channel 7 at 7:30. They were aboard a commercial airliner to bring a dying mobster to a secret meeting with the Governor when the plane was forced down . TELEVISION VIEWS ~ -~...., .. , . ... Lana Waits For Co-star By CYNTHIA LOWRY ,, ~~ 110LLY\VOOD (AP ) "The Survivors." 1\BC's multi-million dollar dramatic series that is to bring Lana Turner to weekly television, is play· ing a nervous game ca\Jed "\Vaiting for Brazzi." ,<\fter al most two years of planning and almost a year of shootin~. exactly one "chapter" -the first -is finished and the premiere date is only about a 1non th away. ONE OF THE 11th hour changes in the original outl ine by besl·seller writer Harold Robbins was the introductio n of a Greek tycOOn who as an im· proverfshed tourguil;le 19 years before bad fathered the child of Tra<:y Carlyle -that's Lana. Af.ter a frantic hunt for the ri ght actor. Rossan~. Brazz.1 w~s cast in the paM but Brazzi has been lied u~ 1n ~s native Italy with a movie and has not. arr1Ved r1n this country yet. ··we have shot th e sce nes without Brazzi in the next seven show s," continued Miss Turner, "so when he comes we'll just turn to and everybody \\•ill work \Vi'th him. Anyway. thEi scMpt for the ninth chapter is being re-\vritten." Robbins sold the series to ABC on the strength of an eight-page synopsis of a story ine that has / since almost di sa ppeared. He had once shared of· fice space with Lana's sixth hu sband, Robert Eaton, and through thi & contact, she became interested. Since then the Eatons have been di vorced. Lana has remarried, and Robbins is £ar from Hollywood. SUCCESSIVE relays of sc ript \vriters have come in. the show ha s its thi rd producer and every· body, includin g its star, is unhappy. 11.fiss Turner toyed \vith a ci~arelLe as she sat In her studio dressi ng room and frette~.: "What keeps both ering me is that everything that I hav e bui lt up over 30 years in motion pie· lures co uld go down the drain." she said . "I had done some television a ppearances before -with Bob Hope. Dinah Shore. the Smothers Brothers and Carol Burnett. I was a nervous wreck before and during: those shows and a spastic case later. but ( thou P.ht a series would be different. "Th is started out with Tracy bei n~ something or a swi nger but that's all changed. Each chapter is \Vritten by different writers an d each has a new director and I keep asking myself who I am. We shot for five weeks in France and can't use one inch of the film be<:ause 't he story has been chang~ ed . I think I've lau~hed once -I keep saying \Ve 've got to get s9me humor in this thing.'' THERE HAVE been reports of personality dif· frrences between the members of the cast which. if true. 1ni~ht be attributed 1.o the bad cases of nerves afnictinj? everyone. Miss Turner says that it is a "strong com· pany." Georj?e Hamilton plays her half brother; Kevin McCarthy. her husband. and Ralph Bellamy. her fath er. The ~eneral impression is that, in .its sub~tance. it will be a night-time soap ooera. After all. everybodv is beset b.v emotional problems. But instead or bein~ just plain folk s drinking coffee in Cc ntraj City, these people are awfully rich and te rriblY ·ocial. They jet-set around and wear gorge- ous clothes . De1111is tlie Menace ~ ' • I J ~ • • • • " -~ ~ ., -• .. .. .. ., ~ :z • ~ • ~ • • ,. ~ ~ • •• -• - ! I l I ·~ 6»114' SID« lll\IFRS1'-1ME ~CA 11£.~ --1Ht_.,., • -~-· • DAily ~!LOT Pro Cage Merger Tall{s Broken Off by NBA. I. . N!W Y01Ut(AP) -The country'1 two ..-iooaI basketball l<agu.,, Ille old -NBA and Ille-young ABA, wen al loggerheads today with the opm. in& ot the Dew season only 1 month away. • Md this only a rew weeks after a )CinL statement by the National Basketba\1 , AllOCLIUon and the American Buketbal\ 1. Aaoclatiol) that meelina:s had been held ,. to "nplore lhe possibility of cooperative "> arraneements belwte.n the two pro- •• ~ .. r .. • ' • • I· .... ... '· f~al leagues." The NBA on Monday aMOUnced tt had broken off tl'6 talU ovu what Walter KtMedy, comrnlsaloner of tne 2~ytar~ld league, termed a "breach of good failh ln • the negotiation procedures," "At I.his _ Ume," Kennedy said, "the NBA c:t<e not contemplate having furtbet meellngs with the ABA." In Greensboro, N.C., James Gardner, president of the ASA, said Billy Cuo· ninglwn ol Ille Philadelphia ?ters had ' been signed by the Carolina Cougar• ud :·Lights Otit fo1• Broadway Joe Quarterback Joe Namath (left) o( the New 'r'ork Jets. shows concern as· his teammates lose exhibition game to Oakland Raiders, 24-6. Coach \Yeeb Eubank· (right) refuses to watch· action on the field with that he knew of 15 or 20 other NBA 1lan who are negotiating with A"BA teams." Kennedy said the breach of good f1ith came when .Gardntr, also owner of the ~eoo,ars, failed to adv"ise the NBA oe the namfJ ol the NBA player (CunnlnghamJ !'!till uqder cootract signed by the Cougars. -1 Kennedy cited tbe "ADA negotiation fOmmittee's failure lo advise the NBA ()f the posslbllity ()f Oakland movlng to Washington during the neg o t I at Ing sessions" as a further breach of good laitfi . The Oakland franchise wu Mild to Earl Foreman and shifted 10 Washington last week. Gardner confirmed at a press can· ference in Greensboro Monday that Cun- ningham was the NBA player signed bY the Cougars. Cunningham will not play with the Cougars until the 1971·72 sea.son atter his Philadelphia contract expires. l<ennedy said be knew ot no other NBA player under contract negotiatint with hi s arms crossed in a defiant attitude. Broadway Joe played only in the first period of the game in Oakland Monday night. .. Losing Exhibition Record? A11 gels Bidding For Fir111 Hold On 3rd Place I LA Must Sweep Final Three By HO\\'ARD L. HANDY Of tlM D•llf ~illtl lttff No Ram team since the dismal 1962 1eason has lost more than l\l.'O pre-season encounteFi.- Thelr record lo date this summer is 1-2 and in order not lo go below the two-loss mark, they must ~'in their three re- maining games. Saturday night they journey lo San Diego Stadium to face Sid Gillman ·s Chargers. . The following week , 0. J . Simp$0n and" the Buffalo BiUs invade tne Coliseum and then the final pre-season outing at Anaheim Stadium on September 13 with lhe San Francisco 19ers. Last Saturday lhe Kansas City Chiefs humiliated the Rams bef()re 58,306 faru; with a 42-14 victory on the expert passi ng of Len Dawson. San Dieg() perforn1ed much the same type of opera tion last season when they dumped the Rams. 35-13. This evened the series between the two clubs. \Vhen Coach George Allen took stock of his charges at their F\illerton training camp 1'.londay, he narrowed the field of aspirants to 55. Another cut is due next t.1onday "'hen the squad must get down to 19 players. It will be 44 the following Monday and on Sept. 15. the 40..man playing roster must be intact. Legle ss Man Pla11ning Two-way Channel Swim • BALTft.tORE (AP) -Eugene Roberts , A Z3-year-0ld :t.farine veteran who lost both of his legs in the Vielnam war. is training to swim the English Channel next year. His 22-year-old wife, Marian, a senior at Morgan State College, says her hus· band has had "this insplralion ever since he was wouoded." "He was always an alhlele ~nd right MW he thanks God he's alive," she said. "'There were others in the mine explosion who didn't come back." "I want to swi~ the channel next year, but before I' do J ~·HI need to swim the Chesapeake Bay. I suppose I will do !his when the park pools close for the season ," said Roberts. Roberts hopes lo swim across the Channel and return the same day. "I don't th ink it's impossible. and I feel in great shape and confidenl that if I can get a sponsor 1 will be able to try the Channel next year," he said. Several players suffered injuries In the Kansas City contest, but only Clancy Williams is listed as a doubtful starter this wttk. Clancy bruised his right shou!der in the sam(' area that was hurt in the first game this summer with Dallas. J..arry Smith, rookie running back from Florida and defensive end G reg g Schumacher, suffered knee injuries of a minor nature. Both are expected back on Saturday. ~taxie Baughan suffered rib in- juries and Deacon Jones has an arch con- dition in his foot that is acting up. Both are expected to play. Defensive tackle Roger Brown could play but no anoouncement has been made yet. He has missed all three games to date . Tommy Mason. running back and wide rct'i?iVer. may likewise see his first aclion of the summer although it will be on a very limited basis if he doe!\. Dick Bass Is expected to sit out another. The Rams waived two players Monday . Rookie receivers Trenton Jackson and Dave ,,_1cDaniels. 111e club picked up Gary Lane , ii n1uch- travclcd quarterback from ti11ssoori. Lane was with Cleveland last year and wa~ traded to the Giants In the off. season. I-le was released and picked up on wai\'ers by New Orleans. When they let him go, Wa.shington pi cked him up 11s 11 free agent and then turned him loose. The Rams picked him up as a free agent . The Rams brtak camp at Fullerton on Friday and will continue pre-season drills ill Blair Field in Long Beach beginning next t.ionday. CLEVl::LAND -\Vhen the California Ani;els completed their last road trip they were dangerou sly close to falling ln- l? the cellar of the American League West. Now, as they start a new one, they own th.irci place. Having just finished their best home stand in more than a year, in which they A1t!Je l S late "'41Q. 1• 4f1Qt l1 ti Clevei.nO 4:.00 p rn l<MPC tlll ""II 11 41>gel1 ti Clr.reltnO •·40 p ..... l(MPC (71t ..\IQ. :If 4ngeb ,, 1•11frnoni(2) J:ll p ...... l(MP( Pit ,.llCI. lll 411W'b •I l1tllmor1 •:SJ p ..... l(MPC !71C "'\19· ll 4119tol1 11 Ulll"'°"' J:U 1>.m. l(MPC (711: won seven of 10 games. the Angels open a two-game set against the Indians tonight in Cleveland . California is expected to send either rookie Steve Kealey . 1-0. or Andy ti·Jesscrsmith. 12-3. against Cleveland's Steve Hargan ~10. In his first major lea~ start last week, Kealey blanked the runaway Baltimore Orioles 2-0 in a seven hitter. Messersmith whitewashed the Indians 4-0 on a fi ve-hitte r 10 days ago. Over alt, California is 6-5 against Cleveland. 'I'onigbt's contest is the start of an eight-game trip "'hich will later take the Angels to Baltimore and Washington , with a doubleheader scheduled in each cl-· ly. California is in a four-way battle for third place in the division -with no pro- spect of moving any higher in the stan- dings. ' the ABA tcamJ. He ~nUoned NBA playus who had •lined with ,JI.A tu.ms In the past but "still have not played in ADA." The NBA commissioner listed Ulem as CtYde Lee of San Fr~lico, Erwin Mueller of Chicago, Jim Barnes pf Boston, Lou Hudson of Atlanta and Leroy Ellls of Baltimore. ~ The NBA breaking off ol further meetings with the ADA "at !hi.a time" · followed in the wake af the Denver Rockets o! Ille ABA slgnl!tJ Spe- Haywood, Detrol• All-Ameri<An and Olympjc star, last Saturdey -for a reported $250.000. Ha,ywood .said he sign- ed before his college elm graduated because of his "family rtsponslbilities." Gardner said' he still wu hopetul of an eventual NBA-ADA merger.· "Television is the main reaS()n 1 want to sec a merger," Gardner said. "Neither league can oUe.r as many markell now, all.hoogh we plan to announct a TV con· tract for ADA within the near future ." Ski.dding Dodgers . ' Open Home Stand LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles ~rs are hoping Claude Os- teen can continue hi.s mastery over the Montreal EXPo! tonight as the Dodger!!, Jn the middle ()f a wild pennant race, open a nine-game home stand. Los Ange) es, idle A-tonday, is home after a 5-4 road trip. The club won the Docfger Slate ""'· '6 DodN" '"' MoNrul ':U •.rn. 9'FI !"'°I A1111. 11 ~ n Montr11I ':ll•.m. l<FI 1-1 ""'· 2'I Dod9ert n Mol'llrNI 1:U1.m. l<FI C._.,I ....... n Ood9an ... l'llllMl<lllfl'll• 7:!1 "·'"· KFI , .... , ""'9. lO DM...-1 n PMlelklPllll 1:U •·"'-l(FI 16'IOJ fihit five game!, including three in Mon- treal. then dropped one in Philadelphia and three straight to the New York Mets. Osteen 16-11, has started three times against the Expos this year and has gone the route each time in beaUng them. The Dodgers hold a solid 8-1 edge over Sparse Crowd Spells Fumble For Montreal 1'.10NTREAL fAPl -Thud~ The sound you just heard was r..tont· real dropping to !he bottom in the u · pansion game standings. A potentially strong candidate: off the showing made by baseball's Montreal Ex- pos in their first season of play on Cana- dian soil. this city of two languages fumbled its first test at showing support for pro football AmeMcan·style. In any language. French or English, P.1onday night's Inter-league exhibition game in which Detroit defeated Bos~on CZ!-91 could only be classed as a ma1or disappointment when a sparse crowd of just 8,212 showed up at Jarry Park. Why'? There were various aru;wers Wr. the . record, but off the record a suspicion ex· ists that the people may have in- tenti onally resisted the game as a way or rejecting overtures being made by the ci· ty itself for an American franchise. The lwo English language papers did little to stir interest and the result was the worst attendance in inter-league ex· hibilion history. The small crowd -part of ~·hich began lo leave after an unexciting first half -was an obvious disappointmenl to all parties involved and represented a definite loss in prestige for the city in its bid for an expansion franchise in the future . But Gerry Snyder. the man generally acknowledged as responsible for bringing maj()r league baseball here and the prime mover In seeking an American rootball franchise for Montreal. did not view the experience as a reject ion by the Canadians of the American game. "You start anything," he said , "you start at some point Boston and Detroit are not the greatest draws as far as Mon- treal is concerned. I think you'll see a better crowd when the New York Giants play here." USAC ST AN DINGS SHOW GURNEY 4TH INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (A P) -Mario Andretti's crash at Dover Downs. Del., Sunday didn't serioos\v affect his cam- paign for the United States Auto Club's Big Car racing championship. Andretti was not hurt and still ha~ al· most twice as many points as No. 2 Bobby Unser. Dan Gurney of Coata r.1esa ls fourth . the Canadian club. Tonight's contest l.!1 the first of a three-game set which will close the teams' season series. ti1ontreal has tabbed Jerry Robertson, 4-10, to take the mound. The big right-hander owns !he Expos• only triumph over Los Angeles, a W five· hitter last June 8 which enabled Montreal to snap a 20-game losing stre.ak. Th• Dodgers have also beaten him once this year. Montreal, with a 39·89 record. is "rinnly entrenched in the cellar of the National League East. But the Dodgers are in a five-way scramble for the \Vestern Division lead. Before today 's action. Los Angeles was fourth , just one game behind front-run· ning San Francisco. one-half game behind Cincinnati and Atlanta and llh: in front of Houston. :\r11ie l11te 11se UPI Tt...,,.lt Arnold Palmer watches the ball after putting on first green or an exhibition \vith Jack Nicklaus in Kansas City. It \Vas Palmer's first action since \vithdra\vl ng from PGA \vith hip injury and he shot a 71. Roberts is a high school former track a;lar. He says he still enjoys athletic ac- romplishmenls which "I can do with my hands. such as wmitling. bowling, weight urung -he can press 200 pounds -and tnplace running with my artificial legs." Chargers Gunning for l(C, Not Rams A11n Jones Quits U.S. Open Play At For es t Hills FOREST HILLS. N.V. IAPI -Ann llaydon Jones of Britain, lhe No. I seed In the U.S. Open Tennis Championships starting here \Vednesday. has withdra"·n from the tournament because of e shoul· der ailment. He swam steadily for l 'h. houri during B~, JOEL SCHWARZ the weekend al •the Druid Hiii pool as his oi lfM o.1tr "'"' s11H tflle and their 7·month-0kl daugllter, Sid Gillman would like people to believe Cherie, watched . As a lifeguard walcbed tha1 &aturday night's game in San Diego Roberta finish an estimated ll miles, )le between the Les Angeles Rams and his said: ••r can swim the length of the PoOl Chargers is just another exhibition loot· 75 Umes but I would never be · able to ball game. Mtp up with him." :•sure we want to win it, but Kansas Cl· John M..,-tin, aupervlior at the pool, ty lJ tbe big one. That 's the game we're PJI Robert.I is there every d•Y-p,>lnUng to ," Gillman said as he relaxed -We kept records on him last )'car with tn the Chargers' Sierra Hall headquarters JM Red Croll and It's unbelievable the at UC Irvine tifonday arternoon. -..., of records be has set and lhtn Unlike the R.ams, who have two more 1 ~en by blmseJJ;• Martin 11aid . "I exhibitions alter Saturday·s 1amc. the ~"-Id put him apinst anyone in the cl· Chargers "'ind up their summer ca.mp 'ty." and pre.season schedule this weekend. ; ~ uki be bu been receiving Jn· Then two weeks later comes San !Wl?'t""'B'l'Mks, •fonncr 01cgo S7iF 1. OPfn&' agalnst-il'IC Kansas ..-bnmlnt C'OICh al Morgan State. City Chiefs, a game between two or the three teams fav~ lo battle II out for Western Division honors. Gillman is well awart or Kansas City's explosiveness and wasn"t surprised at the way the Chiefs manhandled Los Angeles t42·14) last Saturday. That's why he's pointing his club ahead lhr('e ~·eeks. "We're not going out just to participate against the Rams. but the Kansas City game is the big one for us.'' he says Gillman expressed sali sfactlon al the progrc.ss his club is making, particularly after Its 19-19 tie with the Clcvelllnd Browns last weekend. "Things are starting to fall In place for us now, as I expected them to. It just Tnk~ llme. -For lhe first tin1c lhl!I sum· mer \\'c were 11blc to move lhc b;ill \veil on the ground and through the air. .. The big lhing "e have lo do on this club is to stay healthy. \\'e can 't ha ve the injuries we had last year." Gillman admitted the loss of rookie linebacker Bob Babich of Miami Univer- sity ~·as a big blow. Babich received a badly battered knee against the Brown1, "'as operated on Sunday and will be lost for the season. "He was the ~st player to come into our camp in a long time al'ld irs going to hurl us," says Gillman. Fortunately, the Chargers ha\·e 111.·o ex· perlcnced linebackers lo replace him. Rick Redman, who '''as sidelined last year ~·ith the san1e kind o( Injury, is hack 111 full ~lrtngth along with Jlm rc.therston, last )'ear'; regular. Gillman and the Chargers will vacale their temporary home at UCI Friday . but the San Diego coach says his team wlll be back next summer. "We'll come back as long as the uni\'ersity wants us here. This is the greatest training camp any\\•here. \\'e have the finest facilities available and the people here have been great. "Even the food in the cafeteria has been great." Gillman says. "\\1e won· dered about the quality nr a school careteria when we first gOl here but not any more." Apparently the food agrees with lht Chargers, because they are' a healthy lookln1 learn . healthy enough to hendle lhe Rams S11turday--night-just like they did last )'e1r. .. -' ' Tournament DlreclOr Owen Willial!)3 said Mrs. Jones told him P.fonday tha t lhe shoulder ailment, wh.ich has been bothering her for severa l weeks, has failed to clear up. \Villiams said there would be no change in .the seedings but that an alter. na te would be named Tuesda y to reo place Mrs. Jonc.s. the \lllmbledon Cham· pion, in the draw. The alternate will P.la y ~lrs. Jones' scheduled first-round oPponc!nt, Peache~ Ba.rtkcrwio of Hamtramtk, ~1jch, Tilf! second seedecLP.:la~ In the women'• -drvJiroi1ii-Marg8rct !rmlfh-COUrt --or- Australia . -'~ . ' , ' ' . ~--- Arizona State Lures • Cal QB Derby Penhall Battling Bonwell from GWC For Starting Role By JOEL SCHWARZ Gt "" OtllW ~llN l"M Ray Shackleford dld.111l know It at the time, but he turned out to be a prophet. "We've got everything to lose. A kid has a good 1ame and all of a !Udden a bunch ol other schools are after him," the Golden West !ootba11 coach said last week as he voiced his opposition to high school all- star games. Shackleford's words, un· fortunately for tht Rustlers, came true today, when Hun- ting too Beach lligh quarterback Tony Bonwell told the DAILY PILOT he has deeided to attend Arizona State at Tempe in the fall oo a lull NCAA scholarship. Despite a fine senior season at Huntington Beach, whe~ he led the Orange Coast area in total offense, Bonwell was largely ignored by scouts from four-year schools. As a rtsult, the recruiting war for his services boiled down to a local battle between Golden West and Orange Cos.rt Colleges. Bonwell was Los Alamitos Entries ,.., T9"Hy, Au9. H. lNf-lstlt ~r Clur Ii 1'111. Pini ,.., 11411 l'.M.. Delll11 M 111 & tM llKll OWl~tlt M ttt1 ll;•ct l'lll;IT lllACll. 3511 Y1rd1. M1kM11 t vqr o!d1. Cl1lmln1. Pur$1 S170D. c111m1,,, ••la UJOO. Oc.tt!'I lllacktl IMorrhl 111 Dllltl\IY'I Cllitll /Pt11l 111 SY'llln Grtct tit ltnll.1) 111 Wlntr't Goldy (Adtlrl IU 11rvc1'• P-cs ... 11111 lU hr Four Holi1 li..rn lit Im. Devil 1\1 llltPlclo Plttnt1 (ltlntldll 111 Too Four 1C1v (Ap1~t1J no Hll!ll'Y'I Holl IC1rdo11l no Sl!CONO ll;ACI' .... Ytrtlt. l ve1r llld1 •ncl I.IP 111 Gr9" I Ph/I. PUrH IUOO. ltr!Pmbl lll Juan'• t.1119,..i llrlr*levl 111 Mlu a.-, Ntt<o CAPOdtttl no P"'"Y Clltrnr UC•nll) 117 ''"'"' WlllM" IWt ltOn) I~ Gulh11' J tl'tM) 117 Monter1¥ Gv1>IV CHtrtl 11' Tl'lr'H Ctlll llll lleYJ 111 Jot I LtH (Nlflr) lU J1t't S4.o11 IC1rdN1l lit THl•D lllAClf. HO YtrdJ. Meltlell t Yetr oldl b< ... In Ct llf, PurM SllDO. 11ir.1 To Go fl(1nl1> 1't 1111 Entry (Pt") 121 IU•Pm 1 15m!lt\) 111 lllO<ld1 Vl1lon CCtrooul 117 110-,11 F.Cll (Htr'IJ no Oedtldon 117 Glrllt Go (.t.dtld 111 Moon lld CPa!llol 111 Sl>tldlt l'tY !Morrlsl 111 Tiny Toucll (APOdKt) IU l"OUll;TH 11;.l.CIE. 3511 Vtrd1. J Y•I~ &ldl. Cltlmi,,.,. Pu•H $1200. Cltlrnlli9 nrk1 S2500. Ml11Y It S....-(Wth0!'11 119 1'1ncy Wiiiow !Mt ll:1,no1111J 1n Mont'I' MIU ('Mr"rlO IZ2 Ato1dw PIHUm !l rlllltleYl 112 Sot1k Moon ISmlllll 112 Mol"'-(ll:lc"-•d•l in ~ llrl (H1rtl ltt "ll'TH Ill.I.Cl. Ut yardt. t 't'Mr Glcls Ind i... AIP1nc11. Punt 119CIO. TONY BONWELL leaning toward Golden West. Earlier th is monlh in the Orange County North-SOOth All-Star game he impc.essed scouts with his ability playing both ways. Over the past weekend Wll-11;-f {McAt¥nGldl) 111 lltr Cl'ltnllllnol CA-a~l us Perr Sit• CMttr) 111 Otmn Tootln' tHtrl) 111 llurlUllO'I' R.OH (Riiey} 111 Luml,..,.., IKant1l 111 l(flltrne't' (C1rd0Ul llS Sl)ITH 11;,\CI!'. JJO Yll'dl. J Yttr o!ll• t <ld UP ln Gr1cie M M!11111o. PurH '""'· Go Go E•vlt IAdalrl IU Ht'I A RIQIHSI (Pt"le) 117 Gott• ll1r Too 111: 8Wll<s) 1u Dfllldrvm1 IAkllerdtl 1711 Cl'ltnte Fortllret" 111 LttP Ptrr (1(1~bl lU Geed (ClrOolll 1U OlrtlY Out Time !Morrit) 111 TNCklln Man !Sml!Tll 111'1 MKltt~ 0.1~ (APOCIKtl 120 SEVl!'HTH 11;.l.CE. Vnttl1 Sr. CourH -'° y1r111. J Yea• oldl •ncl UD. Cla!mlrtSI. Purse S1IOO. c111mfrtt prlc:t ' ""'· K"tlt Pri:i (ll!IMklll lU lmperltl Rocke! !R ll1nk1l 111 Tt•ll T•1ter tWllM>nJ 117 1!11¥ G1b0trt CStnlll'I! 117 Rl't'I 111eouoer11 !Ht•ll 11t Cu111d In Red IMorri1I 111 l'IGHTH ll;ACE. l5Q Yt•dt. J Ytl' elcls l'ld UP In Grtllt AA Plu1. Purlt UJOll. Th9 Con1trvcllon Shri,,. Club o.... Go (Morris! 11J Ok kf'll''I Gem (Smith) 1111 A.Utnl• Jlf (W•l1Pfl) 111 lll9CIUH!ed Chic (H1rrl 170 l"ellltNor CP111eJ 111 le!I Go Sim (II lltnk'l 1?3 HYllirllt'I CTlic {Plumb! Ill Orlll (McRirYno!ll•l 11 levl11!'s ll;acl<tt (Adt!rl 11' V111d't' EllMn (Ct•dl>n) lit NINTH ll;ACI:. IDll v1rd• J ~ti' old1 Ind Up In G•tdt A Plu•. PurJt '""'· Tt>e V1•lt1 /Ctrdo•tl 11' June Petit Flllt /Wttlonl lll Ct.mo fhy lltr {1(1ni1) 117 lltldY Roell.ti IPtlio) 117 Sl»d IUvtr Win (lrtnllllvl 111 Jetll"" J ...... nY IH1rU "' C..I Quick (WltbUr1) llJ Ltl!ll P1num (Adllrl 111 11, Gr1nd1dd't' (0 111nk1~ no RldlUfn S.r CM /Wrlthl 117 Race Results """'d''' AUt. U , 1Ht CIMr & 1'1" l'lltST ll;ACI. :UO y1rO.. Milden I yur oklt. Clllmlnt. Punt Slrall. l(fl>IV'• Comer (Adtlrl 11.IO S.20 3 11'1 llo!lf MOOl'I IWttMtn! J Ill t.11'1 1'tn'IOlll~Ol>t1tlon IOrlYtrl 1.tO Tlln-11 7110 S<r1lt hl!d -S!trr1 ll~it. Gv•'s lloottr, W1il Mo!Ot'.O, Trip Tl'lt L1tch. SllCOHD tlr:ACI:. IOO ¥trd1. J Vfl' nldl I nd u• I~ Grtllt A Mllllll bred In Ctlll. Purn , 11111(1. A'unlll 1l1rll!ld ISttluMI 1.60 t.IO J.~ Minnie M•• (Wttlon) l'·'° I.Ill Chu Chu !lob 2 (flrink!f'll'I S.DO ThM-20 t /11 5crtld'I... llOCllllr'I ll;toue1I. NIOHTL Y DOUllLll -ll ·Klt"''' c ..... , & .... """'" •• ,.,,... l'tkl .,, .. . THltllD ll;ACIE. U0 Ytrdt. t VH• 1!d1.. Allew1111t11. l"llrM tnOO. tlr:M C"lwnr Ill" IWtllOnl Ftamlft l!lthl !Smith) MPGllll Girl !Slrl UH) Tim.-11 JIM No 11Utld1n. J.IO ).Cl 7.111 •.• J.n u oldl tnd UO, A!lo,.tnc:H , lr.t ll!1 Min 1s1r1uuJ D!al f'tlt (Pt;tl &ob'1 R11tu1 1K1n!1l Tlm-H 4110 No Kfl !Cl\et, Purw 11rao. •• 2'0 l.llO J.ort ••• 4.11'1 ••• SllVl'HTH ll;ACI:. V111ef1 Sr. '°""' -111 v1rd1. J year 01111 1M uo. C1tlmln1. P~rtt l2000. l!•g1 MeCov (C1•0or1I n .«i ,,,Ott l.lfl Whirly 0oo (WtllOll) ll.4i0 '·'° aunny'1 Werrlor l0rt ¥trl 1.:111 Tlmc--<11 6110 lllOHTH ll!AC(. CIO Ytnll. old• Ind U• In Cir1C11 AM '°"'" s:isw. I ¥ear Mini». Wth:~ EU (Adtlr) MIH Parr 81r !P1t1el 0..vlcl Jlnt IS!r.uHJ Tlmt-:111 4110 J.111 J.Oll '·'° f.00 3.l'll ,. NlHTH llACI'. llO Ytrdl. J Vttr ol<h Ind uo In Gr1de AA M!n111.. Purtt '2700, PtlWIT'I SIN CCtrdc>I•) ,S,IO n .111 11.olO Kt•tn Rodlpt IStr1uuJ f . I J.«I Zt•'I P1rr /APOd1c1 J 7.00 Tlfmo-11 2/11 0\JIHl'LU -J..'11111"' lllp & t. klrM llllCUI. '"'"' ftJ.411. Bonwell visited Aritona State and decided to cast his lot with the Sun Devils. According to his father, 89nwell wanted . to attend a four-year school and complete his eligibility and education at one school. In his senior year, Bonwell directed a so-so Huntington Beach team lo a 4·5 record in U1e tough Sunset League. He piled up 1209 yards in total offense. He was the area's sixth best rusher with 52 5yards and scored seven touchdowns. He added 6M more yards through the air on 47 completiions. However, it was his performance ln the county all- game that send him on his way to Arizona State. He com· pleted 12 of 28 passes for 129 yards and one to1.>chdown. In addition, he gained 52 more yards rushing and was a defensive stan~ouL Thal performance w a s enough to make ' any scoul drool, and as it ·turned out, make a junior college coach weep. Keck Gains 2nd Elims Pin_Cro\vn L a m a r Keck of Reseda gained the right to defend his \Vestern States bowling cham- pionship r..1onday night \vith a tremendous 279-game at Costa Mesa's Kona Lanes. Keck became the rirst bowler in the history o( the event lo win the West Coast Match Game Eliminations two years in suc- cession. Keck started out slo\\'IY in the first game Monda y against Roland Alexander of West Los Angeles. pulling out a 213-211 victory. He opened the second game with four straight strikes. left a pin in the fifth whi ch he converted for a spare, then ca lmly struck out for his tremendous 279 effort. Keck wound up the final elimination with a two-game total of 492 v.·ith Alexander postinfl a respectable 408. Keck will now test the San Francisco area winner in an effort to repeat hi!! J 968 cham· pionship which annually pits the Northern and / Southern California ''Elims" winners in a home-and-home duel. Flrst match will take place Sunday at Kona al 7 with the second encounter at L & R Caslle Lanes in the bay city on Labor Da y at 4. Bowling will be in four -game bklcb al both . sites. Alexander reached the title match when he out-pinned i\1ike Seaver ol Torrance and i\farty Anderson of Anaheim in a round-robin struggle for a shot at Keck, who was leading after 52 games to set up Mon- day'!! d1ampionship finale. Alexander totaled 473 to 460 for Seaver and 396 for Anderson. Keck not only became th e rirsl man in 'hislory to win the preslige crown twice in as many years, he also became the first man in the number one spot going into the finals to win the tourney. In a field ol 120 bowlers who opened the action several weeks ago at Kona, Keck's string of accomplishment!! would compare favorably with winning the triple crown in horse racing, hitUng 60 home runs in baseball, or any one of a number of other outstanding sports acltie vements. • ,y;~.I· .. -\ UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS -Dave Penhall. \vho \Vas a standou t for two years at Westminster High School, is considered a first-class threat to California's Randy Humphries for the starting role at quarterback. Penhall \vas particu- larly impressive in the Bears' spring g;an1c . completing seven of 12 a·ttempts for 89 ya rds. Fish Report • ' Dave Penhall , ex- Westmin!lter High Sc h o o I gridder, made the University ol California's football coach· Ing staff takt note this spring that the Bears' starting quar- terback position was not settled. · 'Ibe Jf!Gi;ound JUnior, cast to the Alumni for the annual spring game, completed 7 of lS puses for It yard!! against the Bears' starting defense. His performance took the Alumni to within two points of lhe well drilled varsity, 19-17. ~feanwbite, starting quarterback R a n d y Hum- phries conpected on only three .ol IS passes. Three v.·ere in· tercepted. "You have to say Penhall is a definite challenger lo llumphries' top spot." head coach Ray Willsey said at the close of spring practice. Passing coach Bob Ghilotti reiterated Willsey 's statements, and atlributed Penhall's improvement to his Increased size and strength over last season. "Dave gained about ten pounds and it really helped," Ghilotti said. "He also ap- peared more poised during the spring, and he ran the option play very well ." Ghilotti said Penhall was ,Moore said . 11t think he proved be can play for u.s." Reece was an A11-Eastera Conference pick at Orang• Coast and he was team cap- tain at Newport Harbor High School. Eric Scott Is anothl!'r Ntwport Beach product on tht Cal team. Delenslve lint coach Bill llllllof\. tkkets him for back-up duly lhls ye~r. "Erie has vastly improved," Dutton said. "We dkl:n't even offer him a schola~ and now he's ready to play.' probably the best technical ii;j!;i;:lioa ... quarterback on the team. But the maf) ht will have to replace is Ca1's first winning quarterback. in len years. In 14 starting assigrunent.s, he has guided Cal to nine victories and one tie. Before last year, Cal had suffered ten straight losing campaigns. Humphries ha!! a powerful arm and he is a very strong t..'Ompetltor. His fault is io- consistency. Penhall \\'IS an All Sunset league and al\-county performer a l Westminster High School . He led Cal's frosh to an undefeated tteason in 1967. Orange Coast Junior College transfer Stevt Reece o f Newport Beach also had a fine spring and had won a starting position. But he will open fall pra c· ti~ Friday on the sceond squad. Cal's All American candidate. Irby Augustine, will return to defensive end after a brief spring f I i n g at linebacker. "Steve clearly fought off several defensive and end candidates in spring practice," defe nsive and coach Myrel DARRYL BERG No Surgery For Berg Reports that Westminster star Darryl Berg underwent surgery last week wtre label· ed false by his family. Berg's mother, Jewell, told the DAILY PILOT that the USC-bound ace wa!I simply placed in another cast last week for knee injuries rec,riv- l'!d in the Orange County ).U. Star game earlier this month. The erroneous report that Berg was operated on and would sit out his frosh year at SC Urst appeared in the Sant• Ana Reglsttr and appeared in the DAIL V PILOT later the same day . Mrs. Berg said her son will be re-examined a week from today and al that lime surgical need may b • determined . A drink is a drink is not necessarily so. l"OUlllTH ll;AC•. 3JO Vt tdt J ¥e1r otdl l!'ICI VI In Gr...,. A l'lu1. PUrH '""'· Hiii C-n fSmll~\ F lrl lllockt! !Str1u11l Un•tl~ 10 ll1nll1I Tlm+-11 S/10 1.00 t.60 1.00 1,00 I Oii ··~ How Tl1ey Stand FIRST-TEAM CANDIDAT E -Fonner Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College l'IPTH R"CI. 3511 Ylrdl. J YHr 1ld1 t!ld u1. Cl1lml1i9. l'ur11 l?lllO. Mt~ 11 Now llC.nl1J 1.1111 l.llO J.IO Oof<I l!tflll !H1rll 7.00 t.oo Mr. Somt Chtrtt I (W1l"°"l S.IO T~U t.110 Sl)!Tlt 11;.l.CI. 5" Ylrdl. l Yllr Mesa Grid Exams Set Candidates for Costa Pt1esa High School freshman and aophomo~ football t e a m 1 should report IO the boys gym on t.M Mesa camJJOI Thul'lday morning at 3. 'nlo6e grid a.spiranls w h o have not taken Utt required physical h a v e the option of pickln¥. up a statement al the school 1 attendance ornce and going-throoglt ..... physical at their personal phyalclan'1 of· fice. NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Won Lost Pct. GB Chicago 78 50 .609 - New York 71 52 .577 41,1 st. Louis 69 57 .548 8 Pittsburgh 68 56 .548 8 Philadelphia 52 72 .419 24 ~fontreaJ 39 89 .~ 39 \Veit Di"1.&lo. s. Francisco 69 57 .548 - CincinnaU rT 56 .545 1~ Atlanta 70 S9 .SU 11 Los Angeles (;1 57 .MO I Houston &6 59 .528 Zl,1 San DieRO 11 89 .294 32 -·-(lfl(IMlll t. Chic-I dnrY Nml K,._,lld T ... 1'1oO- Clnc:IM1ll iMttrlll I).$) al Cllk tN fJellltlnt u .111 PllllMll ... 11 !WIM H·IOI •I Sen , r lf\C ltco ( P tfl"Y I S. I DJ koutlOll (Oleft:I!' , .. , ll'ICI LttTllll*' •·Ul •t $1, Loul• !l rlfft n .10 1nc1 W11hbun1 a-11, 2, hrl-rlltlll Monl'"I H'lobll'hon ... 101 •I LOI "'"'''" '°''"" 1 .. 111, "!1111 A.lanl1 tltttd 1'41 •1 l"ltttllure~ IWll1kf!' 't-31, "1\T"'1 -- H.-Yorll 1se1v1r 11•1 •~d McAr. llrtw S.JI •• Sin Ditto IHlwk .. J.n •l'ICI l<lrb, ).!1), l, !Wi•nltfll Al\1ERJCAN LEAGUE standout Steve Reece is making a bold bid for East Division starting duties at defensive end for the California won Lorit Pct. GB Bears. The Bears open their football season against Baltimore Detroit Boston \Vashington New York Cleveland 87 40 .685 -Texas Sept. 20 at Berkeley. · 71 53 .573 14 \1 ---'--'-""-------''------------1 66 S9 .521 20\;i &a 6.2 .516 21 Iii 6% ~ .492 25 54 74 .m 34 Wtst Divisioa Minnesota 7S 57 .595 - Oakland 72 SI .585 I 1,1: C.Ulcrnla 51 71 .411 22 Kansu CJty SI 73 .4JJ 23 Seattle 43 71 .397 21 Chicago 48 77 .384 26 1Ai Mttlllt1 .. ·-W1JPll11'11o!I 1, MIMtMI• J ---1 ... , ......... Otl!I ..... (KtllltM 11" t!llf t.fo\11.,.. ..,. ).1) •• Ott,.11 (McUilrl ....... WllMll JM), ,, t1>ol-111ttit Chk-l.lotlll .. 10) .t "'"' YM ,,..,.,_ 11-JU, nltlll ICtnMI C!l't' (luli.r 1•11 •I Boston CH••' .. ,), nlt~t Wtlhl~IOll (MoOrt WI 11 Mlftfll>o '°'' (llo1we11 13-tJ, 111,111 GWC Exams Tonight The hour of decision is near at hand for Golden West foot- ball coaches. Tonight at 7. Rustler grid prospects will re.port for p h y 1 i c a I ex- aminations in the new nurses bullding on the southwnt cor· ner of the campus. A record turnout of close to 80 hopefu1' Is expected by Coach Ray Shackleford. will al~nd Anzona State at Tempe In the fall. S h ackleford. disappointed over the loss , still expressed opthnism for the coming season and stated th.at the quarterback spot would now be wide open between four prospects. The four candidates include: Jim V«Jbuena, a letterman Jn his third year on I.he campu!; Steve Griffith, top freshman signa l-caller last season; Greg The people who know Seagram's 7 Crown think their whiskey is qui te different from the rest. Smoother. Lighter. Better to serve friends. Quality, through and through, Their findings have made 7 Crown lhe best-liked brand of whiskey in the whole world. That's got lo be Jt1perior. Say Seagram's and Be Sure. $51' 4/1 91. lttnRi l lr•~ t=lal ,,.. 1.11i:-"'°"' ll""°411us U;J), nltl'll Ctllf0tnlt (McOloll!lln •U) 11 CllY .. lll'ICI (Ht•t1n J.IO), nl•M One player who wl!l be missing when drills get un- derway next Monday ii Tony Bonwell from Hunlington Beach. Bonwell has decided ho lT~nry from Ml'rlna high: and ' Ted llanlllton of Mater Dcl .1--------,,----------------------- \ I l I . ' I , r "ti '11AILY '!LOT MESA'S BE ST -A"•ard \\.'inners at the Costa ?\olesa Civic Playhouse's annual banquel are !from leftl Jack Murray, best supporting actor: Pat Harp. best actress; Ron Filian. representing favorite play ''Re- markable Mr. Pennypacker"i Loi s \Vilson, winner DAILY ,II.OT $ti ff Pllt• of Linda ~um memorial plaque: Paul Caldwell, 'rhespian Award winner; Joanne Wolcott. best sup-- porting actress, and David Paul, accepting for Hap c:raham, best actor. Eiglat•11ear lob • Dodge City Lusl1 Peal{ for Nusse1· By VERNON scarr HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The grizzled resident drunk c>f Dodge City is allowed to 1lag. ger the streets b e ca u s e Marshal Malt Dillon likes a nip or two himself. scenes In "Gone With Wlnd.1• Given his choice wardrobe Nusser p r c f e r s slacks, a T shirt and loafers. He wears a 'necktie only on those occasions when he takes AliCf: out to dinner at a nearby restaurant. """''~i~l""' n.ltbl at •1• Thus Louie Pheeters -u played by Jim Nusser -has become one of the best loved lushes in television. Character acting, according! ~~==;;;;;;;;;.._.;._=,.;:~~~~~~~~~~~ to Nusse.r, is a precarious lf means of earning a living. All hls offspring demonstrated an interest in the theater and Nusser makes it clear his off-and-on role is not type casting. But he appears in about half the "Cunsmoke" e p I s o d e 1 every year, spending the balance ol lhe lime waiting for the telephone to ring for other job offers. An actor for 4.0 years, Nusser s p eCializes in gave it a try. .t.can Of Jiii PAIKINC'i' lwtll Gor4•• ACADEMY .t.WAID WINNEI IN NOW PL.A YING! IOX Off/Cf OPENS 1 :00 SHOW ST.t.ITS 1:30 COOLED 1Y REFRIGERATIOll G•rold/H ,.,. EMMY AWA.RD WINNEtt MesaPlayhouseFetes Top Performers character parts. He and his wife, Alice, share a one-bedroom apartment less lhan a city block away from CBS StudiD Cent.er where the venerable horse opera is film.. "Thank goodness none of them enjoyed the work and turned lD something else," Nusser'says. "But it's my cup of tea. 'Ibe only problem is there are me>re actors than there are jobs - and it's always been that way.'' Yes, but few can play a drunk in the Old West with the convicton of Jim Nusser. And that in itself ls some com- -ALSO COMEDY CD·HIT - IOI HOPE I JACKIE GLEASON IN By TOr.1 TITUS 01 tlll D11t, '°1111 Still The •'unsung heroine'' or the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse took center stage Saturday night as the community theater group pa ssed out its. aMual awards for the 1968-69 season. Lois \Vilson. who has servl'd a' assistant director at 1he playhouse for the past two sea.sons. was an overhwleming choice for tile !heater's first annual Linda Baum 11:1emorial Award, given for outstanding ser11ict to the playhouse. The award commemorates the al'tress who starred in the playhol!st''s openiog show or the season, ··Dream Girl." and died two 1nonths after it closed . Miss Baum also was na1ned best actress or the previous season for her title role in "Claudia.'' P.1iss \Vilson was cited for "giving unselfishly of her lime" and "filling any posi· lion. wherever needed'' as Crossword Ptizzle ~ AC~OSS 1 Shadow box 5 Was\t maltrial In a smtl1tr 'l Wift in Genes is 14 Prefix used with type arid phone 15 OS.A membtr l b Fea ther 17 Taking in: Co111b. lorra 18 Grog: Prefix l'l FrR!lnln t "'-20 Star.on on thr left Sank 21 Plared a tetrin c ga111e: 2 'JI Ol'dS '12: Not co¥ered ·23 Sr9111tot of a serial: 2 words 25 Pricing un it 27 Male an imal 28 --·brush 29 Royal Air Force Abbr. 32 Welland, '°' one JS Havir19 a certain shape 37 Once 111ore: Dial. 38 Did a cloak· otnd-d199er job . 39 Chiltfenge 40 Woody shrub '42 " •... so much lo·-": 2 'Jlords '.t ' J " , 17 > " l "'. '• " ' 2J i 4 I I ". . .., I '° ... ' .. .. t. • ' • 43 Notic e ~4 Paymen! for temporary "" 45 Put on the forbidden list 4b Di stif!e1's unit 47 -Columbia SlC1ty in Panama 54 Rrcoiltd Sb For111 a t11ot 57 Quick as·--: 2 words 58 Nou11 sulli'IC 59 Frsti vr bO Ki11d ol barrier bl Ship io Greek mythology b2 Big quantitr: 2 words bJ Gardenrr's 1001 b4 Gas b5 Mild oa!l1 DOW N I E•pe11slve 2. Num erical pre!11C J Tree ~ Auto of som e years ,,, 5 Jumped up b Rea l rslale contract 7 River of Europe .8 Female bird: 2 word s 'I One of Churchill's nam es ' • 7 8/2bt b1 4 10 .. --be 38 Part or .' pra isrd!" Ult leg 11 FDl"Jlrt° U.S "1 Auguste St cly, of Rodin Stale subj r el 12 Girl fr iffld, 42 Utlrrtd in Lyon s 45 Cape -,N.S ll Lend~ rar ~b City in 21 Fabric PuHlo mattria l Rico 2~ Show ~7 Kind of appreciation gambling 21! No longer game yo11119 48 Nation 28 High lapering of Europr: struc ture Comb. form 29 Partici pan t ~~ Storaqe in NORAD: struclll~es Abbr. 50 Mountain JO Rivrr or l~urel, Switzerland for one 31 Took a jet 51 Frtoch 32. Vthictes be~trage 33 Kind of 52 Was in sickness hock 34 Not 53 Fish unpleasant 55 Roll 35 Hunter or call fi sherman ans wer 31! ".·····care": 59 Fllriny Z words 1tmark ' ' •O " 12 " , " " • ' ' ' '• • • ' • .. , " • • ' " .. . " • " .. . ' • " • • ' • ·- 8, 2b1G'l I See By Today's Wan t Ads: e FRA.~1£0'. lier )AA<:. )OUr i:nln. l\fu!t sact 1f1t>r ori;:- lnnl P•rilian Oil paint. lngs, cut.tom fram"d. • AcoomJllnlst lor an arm· r~ft In a lar;t' bay 1111\. 1~w.': Nt"w Jaaon Blnocu· J•rs. 7 to Ux40 JOUm, x!nt """'· • Hrp f"l\I rnr A ~\\ in~1n' ptt. T"n"\r Of'1 11'11 :: ,,. •r r>!rl • 111y"'1 rrrnalr. · $ ·i110 vr bl•sl off1·r. ------ assistant director, stage manager. property mistress and \'arious other backstage functions. The presentation climaxed an evening which saw David Paul filling in for Hap Graham by accepting the latter's best actor award for· his performance in "Middle of the Nigh I." Graham had substituted for Paul on four days' notice last May when Paul was seriously injured in an auto accident. Saturday, hpwever. he was busy nar· rating the Pageant ot the f\1asters in Laguna Beach and unable to attend the Costa Mesa function. Jack Murray won best sup- porting actor honors for his role of Grandpa in the same production , while the play was voted the favorite of the year by the Civic Playhou s e Patrons Association. Winner of the b e s t sup- porting actress award was Joanne Wolcott. who played the girl's mother in "Middle or the Night." The Thespian Award, given for the outstand- ing performance in a role of any size, went to Paul Caldwell for his portrayal of the wisecracking doctor in "General.ion." ed. Nusser walks to work, and home again wilhoul removing his makeup. After 43 years of marriage. Alice knows what to fix her husband after a hard day's drunk -steak pie for a recipe handed down through genera- tions of her family. They are the parents of pensation. • Fo\Ir Young Conductors In Concert three grown children. J im is The Hollywood Bowl will , 41 and a novelist living In New York City. Son WUUe, lS, is a present four "Stars of Tomor- technical designer in Los row" Thursday in the Bowl Angeles. Their y o u n g e s t , debuts of· three young con- Susie, 29, is married to a doc· ductors who won the 1968 tor in Tucson, Ariz. D mitr i Mitropoulos Com· The Nussers haven't had a petition for Conductors, and family pet since their cat the pianist who won the 1969 passed from this vale two Young Musicians Foundation "How To Commit Marria9e" !Ml Pat Harp. who portrayed lhe Jong-~1..1ffering mother of half of her traveling husband 's brook in ·'The Remarkable f\1r. Pennypacker,'' was voled b e s t actress of the season. The awards ceremonies, held in the banquet room of the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club, were the third annual presentations of the four-year-old community group. \Vinners of previous awards presented the honors. years ago. National Competition. If Nusser looks a physical Francois Huybrechts willl:~,,_,,_,,,.,,,.,,,,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'; wreck on the series it is a conduct the Los Angeles mark of good acting. He is a Philhannonic in Weber • s member of the Th1CA and "Euryanthe" and "Vltava" NY Shows Lose Million, But Hits Provide Profit swims regularly near their (The Moldau) by Smetana. San Fernando valley home. Farhad Mechkat will conduct \Vhen movie-making and Ravel's "Pavane•· and "Young television work is slim, Jim Person·s Guide to the and Alice head for a nearby Orchestra" by Benjamin Brit- lake or the beach for fishing. ten. They enjoy catching bonita in Boris BrDtl will conduct the the Pacific more than orchestra in Stravinsky's "The NE\V YORK (U Pl ) the last season were anything else -even if it Firebird" and the Liszt Piano Broadway and orf.Broadway "Cabarcl," good for a means Alice must clean and Concerto No. t in E flat ma- shows which opened in 1968-69 $1 .270.811 profit: "Man of La cook their catch herself. jor, with Paul Sch e n J e y, lost more than $1 million, but ~iancha." with $1 ,231,216: and As disreputable as he ap-soloist the s91id earnJngs or several "lvlame." $829.609. 0 ff · pears on "Gunsmoke," Nusser Because of the unusual ln- hits more than a year old Broadway. "Scuba Dub a '' is proud of the tattered vest he terest this program has for brought the theaters' balancr earned more than $100,000, the has wom on the series for the students, there are a large ~heet here to a profit of only show in that part of the past eight years. number of student tickets $633.507. theater with more than a It is the same one worn by available at the Hollywood State Atty. Gl'n. Louis .1, marginal profit for 1968-69. Clark Gable in one of his Bowl box office for $1.00. Lefkowitz. whose office cx.,-------------------------------.:.:_.:.:_ __ \I :imines financial reports from a I I theatrical productions, reported Sunday that more than SI 1 million was invested in 90 shows during the year ericled last May. Broadway productions were far more expensive than those off-Broadway -at an average $230.000 and $30,000, respec· 11\'l'ly. 84 STORES ... ALL 72° and open nightly tlll 9 :30 South Coast ?taza Th~ big monl'y-r<irners froml fif,j;f,~:;;:;;;;~~;';:;;:;~l~==========::;jj:=:::::::;::;::::::::::;::;:::,\I BALBOA 673-4048 'lUS WA LT DISNEY'S "WINNIE THE POOH" ----, End1 Tonight Wolt Dl111..,·1 "The Love Bug" "Jncredibl• Journey" l wclll• l•ll·H•11ry r .. 11d11 ~''Yo1.lr(, Mll'1t 111nd Ours~ ••• Jo111c. G•r11tr w.1,.., 1, ...... ,, "SUPPORT YOU R LOCAL SHERI FF" fit. Shtw S••ns 7 p.111. Cont. Sot. ond Sw11. rr.111 2 '·"'· Also ••Z• -· uSno ,&s.i\l91Em: Starts Wednead1y "Where Eagles Dare" Rlch1rd Burton •nd Clint Eastwood ... "THE MALTESE BIPPY" OPIN 6:45 70t E. lallwta lalka ,."l"tula eNow • Ends Tuesday• Show• ot 7:00 nd 11 :00 ~~, -: -if~":"CL:~ -~--·i "" ' .. -· . ;• . , .. .:, _ .. -·:'~ ·--· lhe1nd1ess smer ·---·- • St1rt1 Wednesday • -Special Sh•• T1 111....,_ Feature Sterts 6:30 and 9:45 L•t Sh•wl1tt .... ,. Wl!Wnrw.t ,., 4 Y Mrt -Wiii •-'Show" T.Y- Fam ily Weekly Every Saturday The j: 1tra~9e1t ; trio ever to track a killer. -·;.:.,Jiiii l!Ul .. l Jl'lllllJW.. m .... n.iiiiimtmm·liifSJ{Jml!)9, : .. --;.:;: .-.:=.-. ---·-11t11111fP=:t;T;I . ••• . . . . . . ' -llWI'. Ill llllCIJl1-•lVO. • lll•l'Qlfl lllfltll • 144~ Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T111:tweo1ot• ~CD A C1-..CAntff F1lrru fWlenc~-. A NilKll'l&I Cn'wnl Piclura Releut. IN THI! W l!STMINS'T11R C IENTt:Jt MATINEES DAILY -.. -~ ...... _°' __ ·1--...... - STARTS WEO., JOHN WAYNE GLENN CAMPBELL KIM DARB Y G·ttATtD AUG. 2nd Popular Hit NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME EXCLUS IVELY 1 ENDS TU ESDAY DAILY " HAL WALLIS. ~ltOOUCt- QUE ·~G IT ' • WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grah hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!'' (North County, 540-1220, toll free J IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS ' PENNY PINCHER WANT · ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FlllMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABllllVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' l .,., 1' •, . . "'?> ·' \' '"; 1. •\ "''· \ ~"' -· . . ' .... ,_~ • .....,.L ~--· ':.~. . r:. r. ' ' .. • ~t: ~· I ·,i'.I .I~ . •,. -~ ..• . '"·~~-· ,. ~.. ,;. , .... 'if ·. -\' . ..:•.\ .. ·,, ! '1(, I ' ,, ,, ' \ ~ ' ' . :-... r..,,-'! \ • ., ... •• ~ . --.. .. I -- : I ~ ~ -r -... .. -·~ " .. . . . ' . .. . ' • .. . . . _, . ·-- • . ' -. . . . . • . . . • . • . . • ' . • • • • . . • • • • -~ • • • • • • • • • l. ~.-26,196• ~~~~~~!:::::n~~·~~~~~~OUSESFORSALI HOUSESFORSALI i ..:.H~O~U~SE~S:;..;...FO~R.;..;;;;SA~L~E~....c.H..:.OU~S..:.ES;....FO..:.R"-"'SA..:.X..:.!;.._,H~O~U~S~E=S ~F:O~R~SA~L~E:_.r ~H~OU:::,::S=ES:.:..FO~R::.:::SA..:.L~E;......:.H~OU.::.::Si~S..:.F..:.O..:.R..:.SA~L~l'--I t·~~ol!.._ __ ~111~00 ;;;;4;:;B;:m:;RD~O:;MS;;;;;;;'\,~Got~-:.~.--~~·.1~~~~~~~1~0ll~~Got~;;:;-... ~ .. ~1~~~~~~~1~000: liii°"'~~.,.~·~·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~OIO;iiiiGot~ .... ~·lf~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~000~1 ~.::;:·;::;,~~o ,Huntington llNch 1~""''"''"" llNch ,. -$157 MONTH IN COS.TA MESA READ ·THIS ~"".:.Si~~ M.OVE IH BUOR£ SCHOOL STAR~,~ sparkllna: b&tht. Jat:it fami, New homes, ready to move in. 2 to , 5 U9U"' v.,, ""' 1' • Cl "'" .. 5 LUCKY PEOPLE ' ly room, double '"""' rooms, 2 to 3 bath s. lo> mile from be11Ch. Flt•I ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2h E. 17th St. -M tum11.bltoi lotn. ldet.l tor.Uao hetrtb ttrtplact, camu-lat payment up to 60 days after move in. """San oi..., ......_ "' • .e • e An you In Ibo mar-A 'l"let col-. Call VA/FHA TermL From $23,990 ~~'.'-=~!Jon: can bay1 IMMED.1ATE' POSSES. ·tet for a new home, a home S4Ut24, Sautb Cout !teal .-1 .... in ....,. ,...._ 501 SION in u.Y -of these 5 custom in a prime area very close to Eotate The Beach • ' • • nylon """"'"' in ux:i;· '!.:+---:"°Mmes,=..,.. now completed. Huntingtoo State Beach ; a .IMMEDIATE i----t--1 OQK-A~:i-, -1..,,,.."'""',,......_...,,....,.. ~ lflY-~ .. ,;,,~ -----1-1--lMomL)'OU can customjze:.W1lli/f· '--l--1--QeetJP'A:Ne 1 1 Ol)J bedrooni. Call now to aee. it is being bu.Ut, a home de-. _ton..kal>JclwnU.ml!U.out of 1m1 962·1353 I I r 3 BmRM. 2 BATH $24, 995 • l /C.Acr. i,t signed by outstanding aroh~ ' B,3 ba, '6t1> ,. n. Ma"v t • Wood !loof tects and constructed by Frank "t"''· 14<,950. 511% 1oan .. 1;======== (Loan$19, 00) e FINpl•ctt . H , So C Drivebyand call forappmt, Lido 1 I 1351 Huntln-'on··---• 1•- ------- 22 2 • C D I • ~yres w; n; a ornpany 1334 Samar Dr. Ow 11 er. 1 • •' -~ """"' $ 50 oncrete r v•• that has been in busineSa aince 1-;';;;;~';-;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;' I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I • Newport e P1tlo Kltchena with Pantry1 10051 ""'"' • I LOVELY LID'O HOME .. •t e 4 Bedro6m1 AU. 3 BR'1-BY OWNER Nel!"'new custom home by GHOST IN O\\'oel' moYin& cad .,.. .nd .,.,...,.. 10 llell, tldl "&ome ls iocated .u CO.UC lL\.eA on a comiJ ~ with block Wall fence ~ it's ck>R to acbooll and '6opping, at this low l9"f prlot of $22,Z,O Jl . won't luL • Will to w.n C1rpetln9 ·If YOU AR£ ""Victoria $19.500 GI Do" Koll. 3 ........ Br. A THE FIREPLACE Vlctari• e AND MUch More 2103 f"ederal SZl_,IX» 5" 2 bl. on 211d floor: living • '22 \Valnut $21.SOO 51Ai nn., din. rm., family nn, & or i!!I ii only the .eawind 646-8811 V.A. -F.H.A. -Conventional fi~ 203 Susannah $26.500~ powder nn. on lat fioor. No-singirw: a happy 90ng In the nancino available. Prices fr 0 m • • • • Come to RANCHO t..arp take over Ja&ns thing filwtr for the prict:. chimney or this lonely, brand *29 l75"H , H , LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and ee>IS-IQ09ee 184."" ,,.,w, """"" • bdnn ' bath " ' · urry . urry. 1 AUaota in Huntington Beach -""" •--.. s•-~,. 3 LIDO REALTY INC home-r Really, there baan't 'iiifRK~IN_!i PO& Anytlft\e 4 a.droom Party Hom, \\'Ith massive to X ~ cover. .....,,...., ~ .. nie .,,. 7fl -".n.l'l, ' been Onie for a ghost to CQAJS & WALLAC~ REALTORS any· day between 10 A,M. & 7 BR. 2 BA bcaotlllll patio 3400 Via Lido 61J.tlS30 take "' re•d•""' in this P.M. and select your home in home. Vacant. Owner. Open STAR'S 'HOME spectacular home, spe.nkina e<I patio. T~ OVER tbis \.\.'Onderful 51"'~ F'HA-lokn at a total of Sl90 per month TOTAL. This NEA R THE BEACH home ha11 toe • ling- 1491 BAKER STREET our~hewly opened UNIT V, house Sat & Sllh 1..s.·oramatlcaUy de.signed fur new &l'eadyforyqutomovc C PRICED FROM 545.4265 entertainll'lg I family en-into before school, Great NEWPORT BEACH VIEW -$39,500 W 546-4141 $25,9'0 to $34,200 STOP by Ceramic lile entry! ~. HUGE mast. suite kilche.i filled with built·in COSTA M• ESA, CALIF. New carpets! 4 BR, 2 BA, + 2 Bd. + eonv. playroom. appliances indudln.r rang.!, 968°2929-Of 968. J 331 lam rm. Ownoe. 1'60 N•w 1195.000 '"'"· d"'"'''""· dispoul. l1ng carpets plus tasteful' 1 !!!!!!!l!!!! drapes throughoul. P.1AS-I SIVE STONE FIRE.PLACE. thls bQme is ready to be lived In -now -H's vacant, a beaulllul 4 bedroom 2 bath home with a n unobstrocted view of the pacific coast. it h a s carpeting that's like ne\v, all built in kitchen and is cleaner than ~\\', 5tt II, )'OU \\ill love it Ranch sized walnut cup-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ;;;;;;~:;-e-----' :::~E "~ ... ··~":" . .! ~ OFORLESTSE. 0 N. .... Id..,, """ ""'"•• ""'· B II Realty lined ncighbol'hood 0 n 1 y arre block.~ Irom high JChool & shoppinI:"! present' ~ .... WE SELL A HOME Inc. Reat!ors EVERY 31 MINUTES FABULOUS CAMEO EARLY CALIF. Walker & Lee SHORES -VIEWI CUSTOM HOME Newly decorated 4 bdrm, 3 bath i i st"parated for maid $18,950 COSTA MESA CHARMER • 3 bedroom doll holl!e with 11dded family room that featW"f!I a beautiful noor to ceiling :;andslone tittp.lace, all new deluxe llhai' carpeting lhroughoul. oovered patio and lots of 'tall shade trees FllA -VA tain.B. Hurry on Utls one Z790 Harbor Blvd. al Adams 545-"'65 OJ?Cn 'Iii 9 .P~ CAREFREE Living In this be~utitul {},vn your own apartment \vilh spaciouii living room, otEning onto lovely patio, JarKe "JUaster bedroom 1ulte or guestJ, lormal dining They don't build them like room - a truly del.ightlul Ibis anymore. Lath 11.nd plu. custom built home. Exciting 1er. J Bdrms., hardwood view·:idde terrace with lush Dooring, Kopper kettle kit- Wwm & gart:1sn.s. Well pric-cben with tile galore-Even ed al S79.500. o'vner will 11-the cozy Veranda for that na.nce -immediate posses. western living just freshly sion possible. painted, hard to find! Bet. POOL SIDE COCKTAILS thi11 home i1 in a beautifu1 prestiKt: area in back bay- 3 large bedrooms, 2 oversii(!d baths, tiOO :sq. ti. encloeed sun room entering onto the Pool and a beautiful eanlen backyard, cUl de sat" lot. Executive home.. $39.SOO 3 BEDROOM $20,950 II 80Unds unbe.l.ievable but this ho1ne ha.I a remodeled k!tchen \\'ith rich \\'ood cabinets. aitainleAA sled I.ink, built in dishwasher, carpel is near new con- dition, bedroom has been Jli(fj \Vestcliff Dr,.NB642·5200 I )Vltb Roman bath. '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c,.,,, bedroom k both -ASSUME $20,000 Beautiful decor GI LOAN S48.500 $135 Per Month P.tr. \Vally llallbcrg with as little as $2,500 dO\Vn. REALTORS 673-4400 This a.sh paneled 3 bedroom, 2 bath gparkling home boasts NEW SH AG CARPETS. drapes &. Magic Eye range & oven. Quiet street with SY.'f'eping petio and large fnut tref! laden back yard. A.~k about NO DOWN VA.• 1~======~1 WE SELL A HOME I• EVERY 31 MINUTES REDUCm $1000 Walker & Lee Sharp 3 bdrn1 2 bath Condo, 2790 Hatbor Blvd. al Adams ·'Lo choj<.-e Jocatioo across , JllS.9-191 from pool anrl club house. Open 'til 9 PM' P riced for quick sale. .. ... l:EASE·OPTION llf're'• your chance to try before you bu)<. Lovely 3 Bed1"00nl in cboi~ Mesa Del P.111r location. Big side yard for boat Ol'·trailer. Tr)' ;$50J Down. F.P,'$27,500. 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Beauliful new ca.rpelifli, Lo- cated on QUIEi' cul-de-sac 1ll-eet. Has a large covered .l rnclosed FRONT PATIO, fM!n room for boat or' trail- er. Excellent value at S27,5'XI. Call now as t h I 1 popular plan will St'll last. 546-9521 or S4Q.6631 • J K .. ~H(H0t5 expanded with sliding glas11 545.2313 • 646 _7171 LIDO ISLE VIA GENOA door. At that price yuu 1;-"'°'==0:--0----~ I 'SJ.IOPPING for .. a home'? can 't miss. BEACH BUNGALOW thiJ home is IO c~ lo the beach that you can surf Ca.II. y,•rfle or visit our of. fice for your rree copy of our "llo1nes For Living'' l\lagazinr, with picturel, pi es &. details of our select listings in Nc1o1'Jl0rt Beach. Corona Del Mar & ~ht up to the f.ro11t door, "Cosla Mesa. RED CARPET nll maybe not that close REALTY, 2025 \V. Ba.lboa but close. A aharp 2 ~~'vport Beach, 9"'£60. bedroom 2 bath beach cot-!.--=~~=~=~~~ .... with •• •lrimn of lh• • DOVER SHORES CUstom built. Beamed ttil· inga; large sou.th patio, landscaped by Beeson. 3 &inns.. 2 baths. Excelle111 conditicn. $67,000. Kathryn Raulston ........ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach. Ca.lit 833-0700 641-2'30 masler bedroo1n. f u 11 LOT Lo rgr., view, l..'ornrr lo! I l:::liliiliiliiliil~iil:lil:=i I price on this u; $26,SOO. ter huny! Call 64s.G303 at Har\lor c.enter 2299 l.Jarbor Vlvd., C.F\-f. BACK BAY BEAUTY The charm and comfort of llving is yours in this close in Back Bay lomtion. Tree shaded cul-de-sac; h u g e rambling yard. An exciting:· )y diffll"!rt:nt n~ plan with big bedrooms, 2 baths. euonnous family room, brick fireplace and all built • in t.'Ountry kitchen. Reduced to $32,500; VACANT, move in Ior schoottime! ! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee . 2M3 We~clill Dr. 648-77111 Open Eves. VA A ralsal Just rrived No do\\'T1 -0 ly closing COltA to move In. Bdrm, 2 baths on ith boat area etC'. Le 10 right now • payme1 Is than ren1 ! Price Reduced $5000 Immediate occupancy I~ available on the unique va. cant 4 bedroom 2 be.th home. Only .stCp1' away from lovt'- ly J\Ule Corona Beach in one of the finest a\'ailable loca· lions In COM -Our absefl.. tee owner iiay11 SELL -RE. DUCED TO S&f.500. 'OTHEREAL \~ ESTATERS ' . ' . . . . l0i~138. JI desin"d. \\'ill buil d 10 suit. Architect's plans available. OPEN HOUSE Every Day • EASTSJDE DUPl...EX 259 F1..0WER ST. · 646·2313 • 646·nn DIRTY BARGAIN it" dirty. " """" paint. john macnab U1e la\\'1'1 needs lo be (714) 642-8235 mowed. nobody lives there, 901 tlovf'r Dr1vr, Suite l 20 Nt:Y.'po11 Beach I t' s v a can I , I he 1-~~~"=c...,_c;,__ nelahborhood is nice and E4!ll s t1ide Co,ta Mes a 4 Sha.rp units, live in one, dean though, it's got collect rent on 3. :z Br .. 11-' ~hlng )'OU nef't1 lo ba. ea. ('..ood area. Good make it a home you'll bf cnnrl. Good value. $56,500: f 4 b' br-d 2 Jll'ic\!P like a ~le lam.ily proud o , II rooms, ~. BMtcr t!!.Jce n. look! baths, built in kitchen with Bey & Beach Rlty. Inc. sprinklen front and rear 2~7 £. Coos! Hwy., CdP.f •le&I it! 6ift.300j ~S-8868 Evt>s. COSI'A MESA Lochen my er R&altor 1860..Newport ~tvd., CM CALL 646-3921 Eves. 642-0185 644-1~ MESA VERDE LARGE FAMILY RM. $26,500 $paciOU!I hcnnc • handsome $22,950 Is The Price The payment on this beauti- ful VA loan is Sl32 per month which includes ta~c.s .and insurance. The home hu 3 queen 11if.e bedrooms also 2 baths. Double Garage. Fenced Yard. Carpf!ls & Drape1. Modern kitche n with seav;ng b • r. Submit )'OUr down payment. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 768"J Edinger 842-44i; Qt' 54().SJ. 40 * 3 BR 1~ batbi,' ca.rpeta. drapes, large kneed ya r d, Vac11nt -immcd, JJOSS(ISSion. $19.900. breakfast bar in 1amily room Open eves. adjoins the drea)n Juxuey -=~=:C==,..,=~ I •'""'"· •""'·'"'· 2 ..,,.... BA YFRONT APT. }~ormal dining room. ~().li20 Vista Del Lldo. Pier &: slip DRIVE BY 816 5 BEDROOM $28,500 It will be held open on Su.,_ 'dQ from 1 to 4. eo by and ..eee I(, lhe owner Is wry- arOOo\1.8 will llcll "ill! 'l1U ' or VA terms. h lJ'• 5 bedroom. 2 Nib ~ « b11 ... ... add.... ii& Ill .monte vlft.a ln in-. LARGEST m E. 17th St. -M Wt lls-McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., CM. !»8-7729 anytime TARBELL 2955 H°'bor MESA VERDE VIEW LOT 1"1 yr old home Cprot Larae )ot Od cul.dc-1ac.. \Vill dttor). Xlnt mnd, 3 Br, 2 exchar«e ror \lllits. e.. 1'otl\y ""' 132.!iOO. DAVIDSON Rulty ~ f1eol I.ant. H.B. 546-5460 Eves. 5-1~9f1 SplHhl Spiuhl BY OWN'ER. 4. BR. 2\i l;lA. tn your own pool, Blue Hav· ta.m1ly room., JO iq. ri.. en 3r htd w/&Ude. Au wne S29,8SO * $46--791'.ti $"\ ~ Jo~llA .la:. lotn. $1.8'J/ UACitJ< Couo•-Dla"'. 1" I I ·" J "" I "" ... ,, '9 mo. l\C au. OA, am nn, • pool, l BR custoht home. 2 ba + nllll.pus rm a blt- llou -; ......, or un!ll. ..._ Ooly 131.30J. Sfl,9, Owner. 5.11-76311. P.W C. !r16-M«1 ~-I marbtplaoe ln 1.l.,,,. DAILY PILOT Oaulfted 11tttk>n. Saw ~)'. t!mt ' tUort. Look now!!! -2-C-6-1 UN ITS T11k11 )'OW' pkk Pynmkl Exchango1' 646-2629 available. Enclosed 181'111'1!. S:?S.~ George William'°" REALTOR 673-4.150 Eves, 673-1564 Mo .. Verde -$23,950 No Down G.I. De1ln1.ble •rca..3 bedrooms, 2 bllth.'I. Built In rtnge l ()Ven, Ft't,Mly pelnl,-1. Ex. qulaltc, C I o 1 i h g C011t1. ~1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor Cool & Lo .. Jy Ivan Weill' "t& dcs\cn . a . yard pool 6-rNt'tfltllg Yiew or ba1, 4 bdrm .1 ba + Jll'lW. der rm. Form111 d ln rm. f'amOy rm w/frolc & wtl btir. Kt>y •t Ray J. \\'ud Ch 14.10 Gll1a.v Dr. 646-1550 OAtl.V Pfl.(JT \V.\NT ADS! ~!!~!i!!!!!~~,;;~;;;;~~1~Je~ney~;l=28~.500~.~-==~ R. C. CREER, Really \\•all/wall CllJ'P"tlng, draper-':::;;:;::";:;,~=~~~i~=:·~v~U.~L~~~':... ... ~6~7"~9300:: ies, fencin&. froot yard land- 6-nenl 1000 General IColl'I• Park lll~ BAY·FRONT HOMES ~Znfu.~t~ VA~~";!. ;... ______ -'.;.;.I lOOO 3 BR, 2 BA. SePl'J'&le guest Priced from $98.500 CoovenUonaJ. 6601 Lucieato FREE PLAYHOUSE In a gorceous ba<'k-yard '1.th gu nre:pit, plus a 5 bed· room; beautifully decorated home. Custom draperies. l!fparate dining room, gar- age work-shop, sprinklers. plumbed for soft water, and Many, Afany more extras. All this for $33,900 with an 11ssun1able F.H.A. loe.n, PBY· ments only f.!!TJ monthly, P.I.T.I. "tor A W.lse Buy" Coleswortlry & Co. INDOOR POOL room w/balh, Pool 61( % s.. "' "" th• Lldo on,., <nil 531.,.00. Dally loan. By Owner. 545-7873 home to suit your needs II AM lo 7 PM. Bkr. W•lker Riiy. 67S.5200 I ""~~...,~~'""'""I Thal'11 right, swim year,1.N;;;;•";;;po;;rt;;;lle::;•<;h;;;;;-;;1~2;00;l ;3336;;;;;~V~la:.;;Ll;do~,~N;B;,;;O;"';"~'";;";·i 4 Bedroqm Vacant around In th.ls indoor hea~I• $21,950 ·& filtered JJiOOl with a built MR. PROPERTY BUN.GALOW for 2, beamed Huge corner JOC.11.tion with In Jacull-1. Don't WOlT)' &bout OWN ceilings, filllc, 2 small country atmosphere. With a the weather ou t side, you ~ R . Bedrm'a. one bath. xlnt little ~int this borne will contra! the letnperature in-If )'OU are thinklllg of sellmg .cond S t Sl V' K "· id your home l<'t us help you . I o .a oron. be a beauiy. Deep Pue &V· ' Fe. G do T I wilh f~ 'advertising ap-$39, 750. 213: 799-8T1l ocado shai carpeting. Mod· rM ar n 00 s · · . . ' . em built in kitchen for Mom. You'll rive yours away be-praisal, and ~in~, List Double Garage, Cl's NO cau1e thll beautiful pictur-your home with us. Balboa Island 1355 P,.10NEY DOWN. Payments e9('(\le home Is a.rtl.flcally 9 ~ like renr. Also FltA avail· landscaped fronl ·& back, ... AMM 212 SAPPHIRE able. Call .except for t~ .sbrubbery. -..~ 3 BR. 2 BA le den. 24 x 30 WE SELL A HOM! Other 1fatures ot this 18 I ! A L T Y brick patio, exposed beam TES month old home ·is 3 bed· Near NpL Posl Ole. 646-2414 ceU~ completely remod. EVERY 31 MINU room~' ...... fonnal din-By ...... , "'·500· 675<llOI Walker & Lee ing la big i;,,;ng room. A B/B , -tidy kitchen gives your BALBOA • OCEANFRONT! H ti ._. Be h 1400 home '!'lftktt I.he most mod-S bedroom, -t bath h 0 me un ng • .,.. ac em of conveniences. ThlJS beauli!ully furnished. Glam· 76&2 Edin1er 84244~ or ~!Xi140 Open eves. fantastic one of a kind bizy orous, e xciting 1..-olor com'bi-NO NOISE at nation! Pr 1 cc firin at A Home That $31,950 Sll5,~~Y & Buch ~~L~J.~ Pays For lhelf Assumable )OW' interest VA Realty, Inc, LONELY BEACH'. You can Jive cheaper in thi.5 Joan aV!lllable. . _9Ql Dover Drive, Suite 126 NB Spanish modet-n DUPLEX. 6'15-2000 Eves. $t8-6966 Brand new home on charm-Cooled by ocean breezes just O\VNER 'S SACRrFJCE i~g cul-d~sac with nq traf· a few steps to the South- &1:2-1111 4 or 5 BR. 2 mo. old Harbor fie, no nolse & you can walk land's m0&I beautiful beach. UPPER BAY _Hilla home. LR."'Uft, Fam. lo the _hf:ach! .3. Bdtms, 2 Includes a home-like l bdrm ORANGE COUNTY'S R with trpl & bar 3 Ba baths, hv1ng, d1n1ng & tam-\\'Ith fireplace, walk in clos--E_XCLUSIVE LARGEST Crpts, drps, mai.y' xtras: il~ room. All glass kitc~n eta, sundecks. tile roof, I 5,., G Id W t Xl nt financin"' $-8281 with range, seH clearu.ng oceRl1 view + a spacious Beautiful entzy, ,_exptnslve -O en '' 1 -'-'.c...c;::,·;'.;.~-:;,::_::::::...._1 oven, dishwasher, disposal. 2 bdrm, low maintainance, carpets, elelent drapes and lluntlngton Beach DUPLEX Draperit'I throughout, car-carpebi, drapes, landacaping exquisite decorating greets ____ 1_94-_53_1_3 ___ 1Sale or le~. immac. furn, peting in living, dining, hall, included. you as you walk in. THREE 5 BEDROOM near beach. 4 Br. den, 2 Ba. m11sler bedroom with own Terry Realty 53'-1459 ,LARGE BEDROOMS, TWO 2 frpls, 2nd un it leased at privale bath. Completeb' !!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•! PUl.J:.MAN BATHS. Bright + 3 BATH -$26,9501 $355 mo. Sl0,000 dn. owner fenced, 'private gate, front BY OWNER chell'!'ry kilchtn with built-POOL &12"3490. landscaping, Immediale oc- inl, includ~ dishwasher Talk about real family living OWNER-sACRll~JCE cupaocy. onlY $28,990. VA, and !lervice AIU wilh pan-e.t a pric-e to fit your budget 3 Bdrm 2 balh home Fl-IA, ConvenUonal. (714) Assume FHA loan w/ttO,lllO try, Famib' room with slid-: see this! Rich wood panel-lGxl2 Pool.' 1518 Sylvia' Ln. 968-1997. 21.911 S um m er down or cash + Jmall 2nd ini; glus doors to large pa-1ng, handsome bar. Elegant 543-326I or &12-260l Circh.·. H.B. Bia. or µade down. Walk to tio surrounded with lush di-fireplace:. Excellent area.J.;:;;T.i;::,i.;""~~n.;v·J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J .beach, 7 mo. ne~·. Adult chondra taw111. ROCK WA· 540-11'.20 . DUPLEX WEST BAY $16 500 occupied. 4 BR, fam/din rm. TER-FALI:. and ceme nt TARBELL 2955 Harbor Owner will carry TD, no lO!ll'l 3 BR 2 bath ' electric built. elec kit. Indoor I outdoor bloc k wall. Double garage, to get. Flreplaces, etc. in range &. 'oven, ga.rbagi! patio_ 968-1178 aftE-r 6:30. .. I I • • " electric door opener and eon. Costa Mesa 1100 673-0tl4. disposal, FA heat double Reduced-$25,500 crete drive. Thlli borne can CHARMING Back Bay 3 lg garage with boat door. 70x I be )'Oun klr only S34,950, br, 2 ba. cpts/drps, blt.ns. 101' fenced Jot, carpets, tlear ocean • !ftl/ner trans-; . lf)'OU hurey!! GOV'I RepO owner. l27.450. 646-8698 drapes_ s1650 down . pay-ferred. Luxul'ious 2-story, 4 ·~ 1 bdr, 2 be. fireplace, din rm, 1 • DELUXE Townhouse, 2 Br , 2 mcnt ess than rent. el'1:1: bit.ins. 2-car gar, cpts, -; • EASTSIDE SPECIAL Lowly 2 bdrm cottage wilh jwit the right space for old- er couple, or for a young couple ju.st 1tarling out. Lots of investinent polentlaJ on thi1 large R-2 lot 'vith plenty of room tor another home. Prlced to 9ell at Sl.1.950. JfjJ/JJJJ,,,. COA n ~WAL~Cl REALTOllJ -~54WM~ICl­ IOpoo EvenlngoJ J bdtm. in the heart of Mesa Verde, Ready for Immediate ~ CK:CUpane)'. New carpets jusl on:ter- fld. Booutiful neighbor- hood, ck>se to park. lAW price ol $32, T;iO, ''l' './; ,·y.,\ ..... , · 11 t1• ~ ... , ·~·-·· 546·5990 . FOR SALE or LEASE $1250 down payment to any. Ba, bar, pOOI. S28'.250. Xlnt lf" '~t!-~ drps. Nr school, shopping one. 2 story ~us room & term~. Bier fi.16.-0732. w'r'Ml'ci ;ill cntr &. exclusive entry dub enclosed lanai. Near new "2-4471 T.-Q" Owner 536-1914 Mly. recond itlo~. Lowest Dover Shores 1227 .... "'"'===~----1 possible lnlemit to vttg or GLEN MAR by Owner; 4 Br, 5 BEDROOMS ·' ' . ' : I -I non.vets. Vacant· !f'e today. ~ 1% ba, fireplace. d..sbwhr. CORNER WT CALL DAVE My HR E For sale by Owner bltm. opmkln. N•w paiol ' STORTES 54().1151 1.Jentage ReaJ Es-inside I.:: out: very clean. VACANT · i late Spacious custom ·2·ft9t'y-eX· Good ~eis;hbor}\ood. 600 sq. $.11 ,00Cl I ecutive home. Large .formal 1L. pallo. Lots of cement&. Any terms. HO\v about that'? ._. dinini:' room. Paneled .den Taised planters. Garage, Rex L. Hodges, Rltr. FHA Resale 'vith \\'et bar & fireplace. hafl<'.Ymans ~ream. cabnts. 847-~25 .·~ Sitting room w/fireplace 3 1 m• sl.I chain slores. \\'alk ~ $176 per month pa.ya all @ bdr 3% balhs Garden-~-to el.em sch, 1 mi to HS, 2 5%%. Spacioll! 3·B~ 2 bath. trr: View or bay It moun-mi to J C $26,500. 962-1S58 We1tmin1tar 1612 :~:. =~ ~~s~c~ ~~ ~ MEDITERRANEAN 3:~~:~~ ~~~1:~1~; 126.900. 04~1151 H•rit"' * UNIQUELY MASTERPIECE range."""· ,.,p, 121.500. Ree.I Estele Different "Old World" Con. 4 l~els of luxury living, 4 BY O\VNER 642-3092 2 Story & Pool temporat;to, executive lux· bd1ms, 3 baths, formal din-========= UI')' home. Unobstructed Ing, separate game room & Sa nta Ana Hgts. 1630 ""' 5 BR, 3 BA, lrplc, dining rm, lamlly rm. plus guest house. with kitchen, bath, aM. llvi0&.rm. S5000 dow n -\VUI VA NEWPORT REAL TY & INVESTMENT illly &. Min VU-most mis. 2 firepl11.ce1 puts this one on 5000 sq ft. 4 Br, 1iii Ba + your must see list. Priced maids qtrs. Ideal for E"nter· right at $42.900. taining. Easy n1alnt. Imrtli?<I MUTUAL REAL TY occupancy, Furnished. 142-1411 anytime U78,000. AS9Ume 6·'4 % )oan . .1--""~,C,.=c,~c;,:-Box 1632 N.B. 5.as-1249 5'.4% G.l. S175 MO. 1=======:;,=~!Newport West 3 BR. 2 BA. 548-0588 a11ytin1e U 1 't Pa rk 1237 Jam rm,~ ml to beach. GE POOL HOME-" versi y kit. Cpts, rlrps. s prklrs, JUST REDUCED $2,000 1;) ACRE plu.. cozy 2 bed· room home • horses OK. ~ to Back Bay • Poss.ibl~ Commercial • Owner will help fine.nee $26.500 Better HW'T)'. • 646-7171 \o ·THEREAL \' ESTATERS lmmaculale 4 BR Mesa Del TRY $6500 do\vn on this pat.:o, rent.'ed, landscaped, Mar home complete with much de.sired "·Manp.Jelte trplc. N!'w paint $77.900. ma.nietn'l'd lawn & gleaming ?ifodcl'' on greenbelt by Owner will take 2nd. 22022 pool, 180o sq ft ot gracious adult pool. 3 &inns., 2 ·Ba., Capistrano Ln. HB ~95-15 living, High 5%% loan· can very luxurious. Owner will1 _:or~96S-4;:,c;:l32~~~~~- be assun1ed with no loan ca11y balall<.'C' VACANJ/$23 950 ---=~====1 '""· FUii priC< only 133.950. e Red Hill RHlty , Laguna Hiiis CALL LARRY 540-llSl Htri· 18li8 CUiver Dr., l rvine 1700 l .. ... t•ge ReaJ Estate OPEN 9 A~1..s Pl\t 833.aJ20 Desperate Owner COLLEGE PARK 3 Bdrm 2 baths Com~r EXCITING 3 bdr. den, La -~. Out or lown owner "'ants to Corona dtl Mar 1250 By ""'rk. Exr.ellem' area. · Paz r..flssion Vlejo. By '"' O\\'ner. A.uume 6"-' FllA. ,.u ""''' lovdy 3 &, family C'EST MAGNJfJQLJ[I HAFFDAL REAL TY A•,iou•! immod oc cu P . ~q rm Mme, 1% Ba, frpl, fenc. 8740 Warner, f'.V. 8424403 830-1583 ed rear yd with pe;HO. Ask· • . • vm ======== I'll; only $24,950. Call David BROADMOOR ocean view , L Ba h 1705 *"' Carlaon, Dom, Platz & Co. dcltt'<I' 4 BR hOme. lmmPdi· See our denl on chis vacant aguni ac •• (213) 2~7~: eves. "(213) ate poMC>ssion. S17.500. Call sharp 3 bd1m. 5 minutes to with tm!Tlt'diate occupancy. 790-2188. Kayt' N~I. 6·14-0423 beach, S-150 will move you SpaciOUJ 3 bdim &: family 5111 4 01 0 LOAN Donald ~t. Bird l AS!OC. In on llpprovcd credit. Call OCEAN VlE'\Y HOME XJ,NT Vet loan auumptlon. room horne. POOL, New. fl. /C 1621 E. 17th St, Art, ~LATE s REALTY port Beach. SSl.950 . S.'lnla Ana S1i·704} 847~19, Eves. S..'.6-4558 JEAN SMITH, t ~R woth ""°'· ram """"· BEST BLUFFS BUY WHY PAY RENT? R-.-la...--1 % ba.. Near schooll Ir So. 1 "'-· . • ..... W'lillTVf' Coast Plaza lmmed poaa """vner: custan1. 1mprov ..... Yr, old Spanlsh 1tyle, A• 646-31$5· Cei l ~1artin 'Rllr. 54U332 3 Br. end ~1el oo quiet Mime 6'6. 9' FHA loM. 3 BR.., -E 17 1.. "'-•~ •1 cul de lllC llQJ. ettenbelt patio, BBQ, bltnt. AdJ. to ......, · '"• .....,, ... "CM * 6'VI% FHA * Owner \vill hr.Ip flnanct. golf t'OUr&e, DOOi, $76.950, -Au unwi: loan -,111 mc'I. 4 Ofllr S2t.500 · CORBIN-MARTIN SwHptns Oct•n V11wJ BR. le.rge f.arn nn,. Welt· Hal Plnchln & Assoc. ff.SAL TORS 6~1662 fbduc.d $5,000 l{\de. $24.200. l900 E. c;...,i1~t liwy,-6T>4392 3Q..W E ~gt H'll)' CdM $3010001 C.O"'' Mesa lnwstment Co. · " Padflt, """"" &. ,.llbt>otl! * $4$.m1 * MUST SELL! ASSUME 5V<'1• LOAN Ki.niJ ailed1 bl-thtJOn'I&, 2 3 BDRM lal F1' WIDE Owner nwved. no *"· otfu • BR, 1· BA, l'll!'C kit., big batllli. b.toll.Y toorn. Din~ LOT; ~most ne:.;, cpt& reru.ed! Bet.ul. 4 ~·· ram. yard, quk!t cul de sac. mi room. Bull\.ift lcitd'len . $l1 rm OWNER ~ · rm .• din. rm., wtl Mr, wtiltt Moontide 962·1.SS6 Owner lnl. nre will not increue. J ~' Br, J Ba, w/w crpll, ftplc. Cor lot; comp! privacy. \ Anx l ous -1ubmil. F/P $44,500. PLACE REALTY 494-9104 HANDYMAN' Speciah 4 Income. unlta 120 )'ds. to beach. P11tlol. dtcb ,. w/idan v\ew. Nda. paint. .~ rte. ·91ould i:rou $9,IXIO yr. ~ Pr, $68.600. Consider trades1 ·~ ?o.DSSJON REAL TY g Dana Point 17)0 :: ----channf~ bttild•tt room. · · cpl'g. &: dnrPN. Ask S65.500 ~. Pnrtc • Jilr,. a:rounr4. Im-3 Br, den. 2 Ba. attacOO:I .2 Del ancy Real £1t•t1 l,M,:O::\>E;:::::,1-,-..,-1.,.--oc-hool-1-5 I Smalri·S:r, 8,"~A~m. J'-i' nwdlare f)05M.'5.~ion. ~().1720 c•r l:lltg. l lndry rm. :1828 E. Coast llwy, Ol.M BR. 3 BA. beaut. ne:w Jux. Clean. Nr. Harbor. $(.150 i'! TARBELL 29" Harbor ~9142 or 5.1Mi72J 67J..3770 ury home. Auume Gt dn. $110 mo. 34032 Coppe 3 BR. 1,g. R-2 lot, near LGE. hilltop lot, Perm. view $44,950. 847--0163 Lantern. 842-4905 OAn.Y Pn...or \~ANT ADS! 11chools, C.M. Hil.S. $21.000 ()f OCf'!ln ft hilt!!. Prlvsey. SOCK IT TO '&\1! 0 1,'TW!r 6t2-421.i Reallor 67l-2JJO DAILY PILOT WANT AO.°'! \Vhlte ell'f)h1t.nlll Dlme-.t.lJne '-------"'--·'----------' • -· . . . ...... Ht :~ ' . ., !::! $1 m It w n: • " E G~ " ' 1. GI B :s 8.1 c LA w K w. • .: M, k " Fl w 1f LA .. 1. BJ " j "" DI .. ~ " ·;i ~ BJ 0 ~ • 221 Bl " p ! Bl B • Co -12 I f • :! LI 11 • • I Ni • • ' P'I N w ~ l! • c • t! 11 a ~ d 1 ' • r j ' I ' 12 ' I i G • t " 1 0 ( ( t 1 ' I ii I I 12 I ' ~ l . . ... : HOutU.l'ott.SAL• 1-llNTAU '!.1.N!.Al.l --llNTAU • RfNTALS lll!NT,,LS IU NTALS RIAL ISTATE -IAL DfiTI ,., -• -_......, -l400 Hoo,oot IOMlt 4200 HUftllnvton ....,·..OU Coota Mooe JlaolHuntt......, loach 5400 R-for a... sris .-.i.1 a.ntol '°'° ·! .:·~n~1t~~~~il~11ilih~1 ~1~1~705Fl-~Ho~u~o~H~Ut!hlnti~~~tt~'"~I ...,,,., "'"""'""" ""'"'""lumlohoof ~ l'umlslifd AptL ..,.,,,........,. AlllL Unfu'"I-Ooneril _Oontnl.;..;.;=;.;....---- .1~-f .. -t-41. h 2BR.l919AQwt.St.,c.K. 3.,.:~~'*:8~ NewportOIJNTRBfacb 1 BDRM. furnl•h •~, FURNISHED OR UN· RETIREO?roteitan*Wb'to l'OR i... JO blds'• · • l!Z> mo. 1 cltlld 0.1<. ---N~'· ..... ~ • C Y CLUB DowoloWll atta. ~ Main (flllftllllll'1WW F\lftNISHED shore -.... lh -In __ 2'100-,:1.»-!SlO ,. : 3.lJll.JBa.tptlttewibome. Ml.-·--.... ·~..., 1_, • LIVING · St. •' ""''"""'""' 2 llfdtoom CUP.l!ll, dn.pea, exchan1e"ior ll1ht ft. lt6T..f86..13 ~ -.. J2X22 LM1lJ IOl)l'D. Nr. Znoe ~ ~> ~!:-Lwntry pMto '\l&tt!DtnU *~1396* bulltbw.. lood loe&t.lon. One ho u lketpl n '' kitchen Ave. eo.t.a AklL Ceo. ;.~pool, btecb; o~ c.t11MM ,100 Rlfr.~fl. oUerin& CQmpleta privaC)',3BR,JSA,rdi!tl)'hlm.Con-JUST Cl4PllllG block OJ 5 Point.a Stora. prlvllege'I + $2Slmo. Woodl.-.u&f•~' ; 1-Vi.,•1w0 •• ™ .. ,.950L . ~14 AM 3 BR. faml)y rm. Blt.-1.n&. PACIFIC SANDS. 11 ml beautttut ~lhJ A Ull-do. Lease $225 mo. Pool. $1st 1'>-Owoer '42-2835. 548-1939 • .....,,.,od ,_.tlonal locll· ~ ' Harbor Ho .... h ,..,, Ma....., Tro1 Ell~ Agt D ,..:;::.::;;::,.______ Lois '100 ~ New cpta. ~ fenced, from beach. t bib from Wet tn a cou.ntry dub at· I Br t,_ .. _.,,,__ R.... -'I t A S lift UNIT& 80-SrJ.3. LOVELY bch. b:tmt, pY\, •.1 ;;.;;...;;. ______ .;.. COMMANDING oowrw! pat». Central Joca. demen. .choc:ll. atone frpl, S moapflert. Now lcuitW In .. _...,,,,,., co ...... , "' all with tlreplacet. 11 entry. ~t l!l'lv, SSS mo: DOUBLE lot, eamtt w)lh 3 I. C tll....Cat If doa. 1.M $2511. W•ln pd. Br, 2 Ba. w a 11 ·to • w 1 t I ?iewport Stach. b1t .. lb, rdric, tnel patio, d.Wiwashm: A-S bttha. MODERN • ; Bdrm, Ctpta, Quiet workiQI lad.y. m-«llH Br hoole in C..M. Future ac- VI :' tn 1 __ 'n~" Avail tnunedlatdy. 5'5--1711 crpthw, drJiC. bll·lm $19$. 1100 l6lh Strttt pool, quiet, $130, m.50.14 Rental Mau,a:a .. drpa, bltna. Enclolfd pr. l e.ve. ceu road to Univ. by Owner -1-;",~~r;[--SUBLET~wpod--R.MU& ~ J'\1tn1sbed or unfurnished M.-.. OlrilUtnmi child OK. SUS mo. 261& JN pn home, kltcb prMleges. S24.ooo. 546-3761'. ' si.;000 Down. ~ at f.JO Corxbnihtwn, S BR. 2~ L.G 241ory, 3-Br, d•n, !4odela open noon to 9 pm Oringe County 4600 3117-A Cinnamon AV.. Encland St. &J089 West COltf. MMA wea. SAN ~mente JM. JI untta. ~ «M-1!31 1 . BA. szo mo. Contad ~. t!Npla.ce, 2~ Ba. nr. beach, n4: 6C&170 SINGt.E Youne ltdulb, lux-Cotti Me.. CHF.Z ORO APAR1'MENTs ~146-;;;;1;39;;3:,,===== Dti.na Point R4. & unit&. 1..c:;..;;.::..;;..="--~-1 Mr. Glul, 350· Rlvl<ra Dr.. $230 mo. A•..U Sept 1. OAKWOOD ury· rsrd<n apt&, w/full Phone 546-1034 11234 Atlanla • -'Both Octan View. RENTALS C.M. 144-!051 t<Cl'Oatlon !aoilllie• A ..,,,. I Bdrm. Pri gar. Pool, Ouoot H-5991 °'Y"'1' * $63S2 Houtas. Fum) lshed ESTATE-<lie family home. 3 BR, -2 BA. ,,.le, bar, GARDEN plete privacy. South Bay HARBOR GllttllS , .. BR.uher/dryer, SJ&.3927. PR! room tn He'd Gu..i , 2 Rontalt to Shit N 2005 large -alnt location. blt-IOL $250. or best o<lor. AP aRTMENTS Club Apta. 2IT So. llUJI apta, ..,,._ bl~IOL No Home. Good food, _.,;,i Aero... 6 00 1,--..,.:..,.:....;;;;.;;....;.....;;;;;.o;, I $275 mo. tease. 1293 Baker 5121 sparrow or . " Brooktttnl, Anaheim (n4J c b 11 d re n or Pet•. St "6-5622 at llS-4081 n• ~ ~· ~ FURN UN -~uw. BACHELOR .unturn from W&hr/dryr, -1 $ J 5 0. atmolpbue. Avail now • La rs; -W ANTED • Rffponslblt . ~ ...-appl. • or PVRN. • •r'WIN .-su-.sz:zs mature lad1 to •ban: lovdy CLEAN 2 BR duplex. Prtv 5 BR Glen Mar, $275 mo :Ut 1-3 or 4 Br. 1'!~ leues ======== SUO. Also avail I • 2 It. 3 968-.5766 Alt 6 pm. . 1 ACR SW/PERMIT .2 BR t Pr1 t · tlo 4 _ __. -... $250 mo I u Fine be ch Ga.rden Grove 4610 Bdrm. Heated pools, chUd 1 BDRM apt tenced yili'd PRIVATE Room & bath tor TO KEEP HORSES ap · va e Pl. feui:=i yd. Some cpta, ... ,.... a: lul. · P. a ,.,.. -nter a•• to .OOpp••• • • ma•·-I••• KI t c'h e poolprivlle,,es.lt6-t71 t Gar. $210. ~ * 962-4307 * &rea location. ""' • ""' ......,, chUdm ok 4 b1ks to bcb ""~ "'V• n Adjacent 1ubdlvilion one Eves. 3 BR and den home in , PROPERTfES WEST SINGLE Youna Adults Lux-No ~ Petenon WtY SIOO mo ist ~ lut req'd. prlvp. C.M. Area 6'6--1843 mile e_ o.t hW)', .utl) avail. G!tAD Eniinttr Z3 11t:tks Hillcrest &rt& $225. Huntington Beach 3400 UX28 ~·· N.B. ~ ~ena:!;!! ®:i Costa Mtta ~10 96.J-.1961 Misc. Rental• 5999 $35,IO>, '-',Cuh, bllllttrual r:' .~~&1f':: cae ~ .. :...°!"'.~ URGENT! 2677 N..._ BM. '15-™2 ;f,!,".f':;.ra""Wrs so= "MARTINIQUE -Pa-~Ni::;;\y'Balri ::-. .,.,.,..22 BRiii.R.AAPl'S.Pprtvrs:-..,-j !STO~RA=...!G~E~..,....~--• .?~!ull.Y.~j '""MAKI OFFER II 21tJ6. 8 to 5,pm. ~~ .. path,, ';di~;~~ Lease or leue optkln. Beau· OCEANFRONT-3 BR, $225 CHAPMAN Ave., Garden GARDEN Am. 12)2 Atlanta, HB 5JS..2a';O endoled. Avail Sept 1st "':t!e..,or =tac~4~ GIRL 21_25 wanbl 10 ahare 3 $138 l&e. 6'J3..'l629 UM 4 Bdrm, den, forma! winter, $.125 yearly, 300• G~ (n4> 63&-3030 p:J, mo ea, MS-2921. CM. Br btac'b apf w/two. :A.vaU .::;::::::::::::=====! dlnlrc room, l bathl, 3 car tmm Oceanfront; 2 Bft...WO 100 CLIFF DRIVE ?,:n:~t~=t!'! •• ~~Ulld. Westminster 5612 $20/Mo iara&e for rent Stor. Beach or phone GM'l26. , -a:arqe, 3 ~ from aandy winter, $2'l5 yearly. 3 u.v qe only, 642,2657 Ea.st Side, TAKE over 5 acres, no down • . Set>t~ 6. tn"'652 aft 6. Newport leech 3200 bH.ch. Nr. schls &. shop'a:. BR-$160 winter, $240 yearly. TwoAll ~.roomF~ BacPoolh, l, 2 & lhoBRln. Aptl, RELIABLE Cple to help , -"C".M"''--------$25. mo. Neu lake .-. klwn. SINGLE 21 yr or over lirt to $425 mo. 16331 Harkness 2 BR-Costa Mesa, $135 uW ue&U:Xe e~ ...... ._ • nr 1 PP r. manage 8 unit• for part 1-89M743 Agt. atl&re 2 Mrm Apt w/IMrtl!. I/I Circle, HB. 846-0144 ind. 642-3831 Walkin& .Distance to Beach lm Santa ~ Apt U3. . rent Mutt have ret'a. 1 WANTED: Storage 1arage ~~~~-----1 C.U Mi-t608 aft 5·30 $22) -Yearly lease • M6-M42 • child ok". WestmJn. S39-~11 for merchandise, S. Laguna · · USE 3 BR. 2 bath house with SINGLE YCX1111 Adults Lllx· 46 .. .., .. _ or Dana Pt. area. Call coJ.. Mount. & Daert •210 LAGUNA..Hllll. Mature man TOWNHO built-ins. fireplace I. double W'Y garden aptt wUh COU!l-~~7 L.GE Bachelor unit. Sharp lect, 774--0.130 w/reh to shaft Ja. bome. Adults only. 3 BR. 21n Ba. p.rage. Newly' painted A: try club atmo.pbett a.ad PAN 0 RAM IC VI 11 w, Cpta/drps. Nr. So. Coe.st T,u:::•:;l:;;l•:.._ ___ ....;5:::640:;: ••••••••• Kit, prlVli. 5f9..1M3 Beaut, decon.ted. $275 month new carpets. W a I k 1 n a: complete "\Jltlvacy, SOUTH overlookina Aliso Beach, 2 Plaza, OCC. $125 incl retrtg. -Business Rental 6060 I W11L •bin my 2BR fum Bay & leach distance to scbool. $225/mo. BAY CLUB APTs. Irvine at bdr., turn. All elect :r.tature A utU. See at 973 Valencia THE ASPENS ;o........;_; _ _.. __ ;.;c.;.; apt w/pool w/rtrlof cd mar-Re•lty, Inc. Rltr. 546-U41. 16th Newport Beach. adults, no children, no pell. Apt 2 alt 5 PM wkda.Ya Ir Twlti~ P!~~~a:fresa • PRIME Retail Location • ale 21).35 Rd 642-3694 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite li6 Cll4) 86.o550 $185/mo. Eve&.: 499-3'755. _,a1r;;;;;w,,'"'""""".;;:.,·,,_..,....,...,..~.I Adult living, no ptts Store 17x40, xlnt ft. & auto • • 64.>200) Eves. 548-6966 Santa Ana 3610 NEW, ·2·BR, 2 BA, furn apt. • \VINTER RENTAL* NEWLY Cptd, drpd studkls, Shag carpets tram64,, ,,;~~ lBn Harbor, C.M. MALE OCC lltudMt looking -w/cpts, drps elect k:ltch I: Spack»us 2 BR 2 BA oceall w/pool Ir b!t-IM. $140. Total air cond.itioninl - for ume lo !hare apt. call CHARMING 3 BR Harbor LOVELY Modern 4 BR. 3 BA sun deck. ~ to beach " front apt in be a u ti f u I Prefer newly marrieds o.r Unfurnished MARINERS CENTER Oftice &: store bldg, rent or lease. $'15 to $13> per mo. 149 Jttvenlde Ave. 646-2414 (21l) 793.a728 Highlands. Newly decorated. home In nice area near OC shoppinJ'. Wlnttr rental $200. Lquna Royale, $3.50. Adulta wf children over Cymnutum11 I: Saunas I'~ Ro o.m mate Lovely garden/patio. Gard-alrpt $275 mo leue. ~ incl'a utilities. 3510 Marcus, • 714:871-1700 15. ~:$.IM96 after 6 PM. Apartments from $150 :~ted,;...s~~o,f.M 646-~· ntt incl. Dlhwshr. YMrl,y cipa.l& only. 54<)..679J N.B, Gn.1975 DELUXE lg, 1 Br, 11undeclt, 2 BR UNITS: Twnhle $165. & F()r lnlonnaHon 835-fi68T Al lease. $215. 646-4'190 Ligu"' Niguel 3707 OCEANFRONT Duplex: _ 2 bar, ocean view, carport, C»t~ $155. Bltins, patio, Small 1tore LA.DY one wll &hare furn CHARMING Dtx. 4 Br. 2~ Bdrm. avail Sept 6 to July 6 $165 lease. Util pd. 49S-14T3 gar. Adullll, no pebl. Avail D1n1 Point 5740 Catalina Island $75 Mo. buncdow with employed ba. home on the water. Xlnt SMOG free Laguna HUl.s. on Jieue. $115 per mo to ========= 911. :t'.Xl9 CooUdge 549-0433 Phone Avalon 181 ladY. '69/mo. 548--200:1 cond, Lse $375 mo. Bkr Lovely 4 BR. enclosed patio. responsible adults. Call col. L~una Buch 4705 ~-~--· -· -2 BR Duplex, lease, ttptl:, Corona de! Mar, 250 rq ft BAOlELOR 30 w/2 BR apt ~1290 Feaced yard. Blt·lns. Lease. lect 1213) 793-0TlS ews. _N_•_w_,_port __ a_ .. _c_h'--S'-2"'-'00 drpa. blt·inl., refrlg, no pets. office. Arcade Bldg. Bath. RANCH HOUSE & ACREAGE NEWBERRY SPRINGS CITY OF LAKES MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE tn Ccrona det ,..__ llllO Oct ·-t• W •·-pd 2 BR dUplex, furn .\ unturn, SLOO. (TI4) 68916478 Open • .......... • FURN or unfurn 2 bdr, 2 ha, • .u<. op )M, a.,q · BACH Apt. pvt kitchen, bath, nr Vic Hug 0 , new BA y VIEW Sun. 33942 A1Cuar Dr., Parldn&'. $65. fi73.-3048 ~-~6 ~ 6 PM. den, pools. Year'• lease. $295. &10-2655 tvea. entrance. Sundt:ek, n r. cpts/drpe. trpJ. 1 a r. Dana Point. ---------~ 8Nch 2200 1, Bluffl Condo SM-1395 3 BR. 2 BA. beautiful view. ocean, prefer ma tu re 497~1056 Winter leak avail. in brandl-"='-'-"'-'----- r -----····----DELX TWNHSE. Like new, 2 Bltlns, dsb.vhr, crpbl, drpr, pntleman, Avail Sept. 'l. . . new, deluxe d~plf'x; clOSe to REAL ESTATI DOVER Shores b ay fr 0 n t Br. 2 Ba., !rp!•., -• -· !rplc. 836-5750 or 542-1215 67l-1083 · LARGE Studio, Vtew, un· beaches, c.hurcht:t ~ mar. ..-... ... • ...._ u1 I $l50 Uti1 pd ke•-. ~... plush c•-t , __ Go_ .. _,._, _____ COSTA Mesa scan:e ll'OWIU bnme fi 'BR, t BA. lafit .,..,. $250 Bkr 646-0732 AL" PANORAMIC v · --'ul mac a e. · ' • ~ .... i' -.... r noor offices. 2 oonne..ti .... , pa.do: 10' private dock. .. -. . . ,_ •I • ltW: ... ta, * ~7118 * Ready tor immed. occu-Rentals W _,,__. 5990 ··-" ';.-;:.": ,.._ · Apts. Fumiahed 2 Bdnns; fireplace, .11plit ----~--~-pancy. In.-ale, .,.... ....... ln&'. crpll, ... ~. Office Rental 6070 20 MUes East al Barstow on frl!eway. Elev. 20'.XI ft. Near Lake Loreen. Wonderful land ;. for apricota, alfalta. nut tree l[t"Owing, fish ralaing,_horae ranch, boating, etc: etc; 4Ya.U .x:pt 1st, yrly lie, $1000 lay Shoret 3225 lewl, elq:ant c a r p e t , 2 BR. 1 block Bluebird Bch, 3 BR 2 Ba lo ample parking. 45c IQ fl. 40 Aerts Ranch Land, trn- IDO. 213 : 7 80 -~0 1 S w General 4000 drapes, a:araae. 541--2394 frplc, balcony. $80 week. 4 BR· 2 Ba.' wer. '' •• .$.100 •••IBll!Dlll $252 mo. Short tf'rm ltue proved wrm modern 2 BR '%1.3:785-6333 WATERFRONT Near BBC, .. BR 1 _..... 494-1996 or 213: 45&-6361 Ow · . upper ...... $350 wltb lg term opu·-.. '""" -~h •-·,., ••e tw· rm. -$150 2 Br 1 ice'" turn • um apt 'fMoN mo ner might furn, or conald-RENTAL FINDERS ' .,. .. .....,.,.. ,...,.... ,..,.,. .., BACHELOR · SWte right on luxury 3 BR, 3 BA wl.th • 'poo' n v · Students ok. ' · 1 & 2 BR, commf.ftd ocean er ""ly. le·-. Mno, Joy, Baker. 54&-489J beamed ceiling, bNakfart dceanfr.ont. Qu'iet, secluded 1ardener, )Tly Sept. is to 4 ~~ .,!!°!"-111 adulta. Local * •= -* view, ,.,wly dee. Inuned. 10 _, lllJPDaM '" IUAIAllB 1 ----------rm, kitchen. modmi bath & n.~ -•ut•· 0 U<>I .,..,...,, ..,,,.."'1<» eve11., 642-ZlS.1 •• or ..-1-_.....,..._, -MODERN OF.ISICES--· Incl··•-!rplc. n~ mo """'· ~.,. -~. "° P' . . -·pancy 4•• ~· BURR WHITE ; ----plumbing T··'· ..... -irici".u :." 72lO w.·c:ke~ n4-M2-5674 or 213-799-4856 $135. 1 BR, w/w, pool avail 1 & 2 BR apta. Frnm $135. to .,._.... . :l't'"O+.H • An.-IOOMMl.n $8VKI FROM $65 PER MONTH closing t00o ;I galv. 11~;_ front. 538-3%32 o.r 637-7171 Westcllff 3230 9/6. $175. No c!llldn!ri « pets. RENTALUS I I htcl REALTOR UiW, lttlt,c..t. ...... ....-i11 ~=··~:~~:: age tank under 45 lb. Jn• BrokerSM-6980 1S2S Place'nt!a.. Aho avail. Apta. n urn I 2901 N'pt. Blvd., NB 615-4630 ·n , _. ___ ..... _.. llll'e. With double gar. eo.. . • BAYSHORE.S • unfum ~ ···~--·· • 230 E. 17th, Cmta Mesa 9 Months Winter rentals $165 2 BR, 1 Ba, Blt·ins, cpt&, $11'5. 2 BR •tudlo. w/w, · Gontril 5000 $300 to ~ Waterfront. Lux-REFINED Mature cpl w/ 642-1••~ crete .eptlc tank, ell elec., J &: 4 Bdrms .. furniahed Beamed cellinga. Heated bltlt11, avaU now. adults • *NEW BAY FRONT urious & elegant 2 BR. 2 xlnt k>c refs 18 yrs In att"a. =~~~=-="~-=·I 5 hp pump, 301 gal per min ~·c" THOMAS, ~altor pool. F irst I. latt month'• Bric 534-6980 Winter rentala, 2 Br, 2 Bal.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I BA, pool, pri balcon~·. view Wa nt 2 BR ~nfurn apt in ex-SEE At 188 E. 17th St., ~· at 80' depth. Improvement•: 224 w. C.OUt Hwy.~ rent. $50 cleaning c11&:.1-:;;;======= lum.AvallSept6.$225,mo. VENDOME apts. Boat aHpa avail, ch for assist mngr for Nex~ to Security Pacilic Fencedwithl"by6'x300 ft B/.YSHORES _ 4 Bedroom. 3 Adults, no pets. 64~2514 Cott• Meu 4 100 22719th SL 675-0236 subterranean parking. plrent. Adulta: ()lily. N.B. or Nat I Bank: Plenty or park· redwood fence. 7 'fr1ile1 East .;....=_;.;=;;_-_ _;.;.;;.;: • WINTER Q:NTALS • IMMACULATE APTSI Caribe Balboa Apts CdM area. Write Dally Pilot •Ing, all util. incl u d • d. ()f achoo!. $76,000, % Cash. ~*e'atf! Se'!=uni~e I! e i ;,.E...;ost;....;B;...l...;ul_f ___ ...;3c;2;...4;;.2 I $30 OQ wk. WINIFRED t. fO~ A?ofiLY 310 Fem&ndo St, N.B. Box M-339 , -'642--01_;,..c.o______ ba1 l!t trust deed. Will ne-~h.. $315 mo. &e.6211 UNSURPASSED BAY VIEW e Day,~ momh.. up • '42-3850 • Act. :0-Js ">.~All.ABLE cn41 673-3003 COIJ.EC&-F.ducated work-2 OFFICES available, ap. ==~;rt.to broker. BAYFRONT. ~ S Br, 3 40' PORCH, 2 BR. 2 BA + e Studio I. &Ch. Apt& OCEANFRONT l BR, 2 Ba Ctosa·to shopping, Pa.rk 3 B~., 2 BA Eutb!ull area. ing couple, one child, ()!'le prox ~~~·er, O f ••••••••• Ba den. Leasefopdon •CN!.. pool. Immed acc. Leaae $425 e Incl Utilr ai Pbolle aen. Frplc. Yearly ieue. Deluxe. * Spaclo1111 3 Br'a. 2 Ba (745 Domingo Dr, N.B.) dog. desire unfum. 2 bdr. " '"'"QMs.u. AlaG untu'::" ~ or option to bU)'. • M&kl Service, TV avail. $350. 673-7053. * 2 Bedromn1 Brand new, balcony view den or l Bdr bOme to Jea!e: ~1151 Moll thni Fri OWner * ·675-t£21 •New Cafe &: Bu 144 Bayside Village 2 Br 2 * Swim Pool, Put/ireen from !xith master BR &: llv CM, NB, FV .•. under· $200. OUice & desk apace, C·-. o d"' "·r 22501 -=========:: -N~ Blvd. ..... ....a ' • * Frpl., l ndlv/lndry tac'lt: nn area, h'plc, dsh'W!br, Start!-Sep' ~"' ., •• .._.. Secretarial lel'Vice. -.... .. '"" -·o .wov '"""'P""• .........,,~ Ba, trplc, pool, 9 mo lease. J"'• Anaheim Avo. .... .. w. ~ ,_,._ ______ = Corona del Mar ,.~ _ $310 mo. No cbildren or before 8 and aft~ 6. Newport Civic Center, $27'5; Furn. sale. rei~nce. 11----------VALUE, Adult couple only. 2 6'n-S4l9 t'OSTA MESA 642-2824 pebl. 66-1260 or M8-848:I 675-1.601 ~ from ocean. 2 BR., ffiVlNE TERRACE BR, no pets, drpl', apta, 1 BR near the pier. Util free. · NEW p ORT Be a b WANTED -5 or 5 rm oldn PRIVATE OFFICE trpl,.. patio; l blk. from Deluxe: home for yearl)' dllhwaahe.r, htd pool, quit't. $100 mo. Winter rental c houe turn or pertly East 1boppfng area. Adu I t a , leate. 3 Bdrms., dining $145. 2295 Paclflc Aw, CM. 82S-3lB4 • RENT' • Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ba, Nl!W CM or Ne. No 0 )'0Ung crpta., drps Ir: 1tonp space .'73-88.'.lll room, '30• living room. All 54S-0878 or 642-M29 • WINTER RENTAJ.S • 3 Rooms Fumltu... ~:~ ~ 1 ~; children $135-t150. 540-1120 ln the GlendaledFt~•~v~ beautifully carpeted a: RELIABLE Cple to help U • Eve. Bob It Donna Long Bldg., Corona e .. ....-. _.,. Lido lslo 2351 WINIFRED !. FOSS. Agt. $20 • $25 & P "'" avail. mo. Call Evely" Kalbakken I ---------draped. Lovely heated pool. manage 12-2 BR furn unltl: • 642-3850 • Caribe BaJboa UNFURN Ho.ne 3-4 BR, 2 675-5444 or 56-316.5 $750. LEASE. Luxury 3 Br., 3 Ba., + Iara:e rue1t rtudio or 4.th Br. Gardener. Owner '73-811!0. NEWLY furnished 4 BR, i Bil, avaU Sept 15th. Winter or longer. {n4) 675-:1349 : :14 :!: 3A~ co~~pi All built·ina includins tfrig. for part rent. References. Month-To-Month ltentalll 310 Fernando St Ba, Bltina, cpta, drps, in .,.:.~~;...:c..c..;.;.c.._~ k dishwasher. PooJ maint. 642.-95ai after S pm. ._N;.;o;.;w;.:po=rt;_;H-"gts."' .;o. __ 4.;;2:.1;..:0 ~~~~vall. 67l-3003 Corona del Mar High Dist LARGE Executive omce " &ardener incl. $450 per DELUXE 1 BR. $125. Poot -VIEW apt. adulla only, one (805) 497~3277, ( 71 i ) N.B. Also ama.11 office from mo. Refs:, please. Call Ideal for b a chelora, * Oean 1 or 2 BR * No ~t:J Depor.it I""""" room w/firepl. Ii:: sm .• _ .. _...,. __ 1 _______ $45 mo. Owner. 675-464( owner &73-5513 1993 C Adults, "° ""· 2421 E. 16th HFRC Fnrntm. Relit.ab -..,.. -, • · &paci0\15. h u r ch • 511 19th, ...... "~" .. ~.... ki'-hen avail. $165 mo. LANDLORDS' We h a v e 6080 St ti"" mo. up ~1801 W. .....,. ~ "" Ind trl I Prop. OIARMING J Bdrm home • 548-9633 • ~~ • 156& w. Lncln. Anhm 714.2800 548-2394 SaVSun or after 6 tenanlll waiting 'for rentw.lt -~-UI 1 "--'= yearly leue. Paneled, beam 1 BR, new beaut. furn. PM wkda~. under $150. Free service. M-1 Lo! at 824 w. 18th s• il·-1· l t BR. ' $135. 2 Br, swimmin1 pool. • ___ , B •.• ••• "Ill ' ce i.,. iv rm mas er month-to-month $160. Adulta Coron• dtl Mir 4250 Bltna, W/W. AV.It 9/L VIEW apt 2 Bednns, split ~ ro ..... r, vw-u C.0.ta Mesa, 132'x300' All ()r Frplc, crptl:, drpg, patio, only, 2Z20 Elden M!>-1251 . Local Bia 66-0lll level Elegan~ carpeting, NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in part, will sub-divide Tenna. R. E. Wanted 6240 $$MORE CASH$$ For Your Home Equity Absolutely no ccst • , • to )'OU the SeUer1 12 ytan of paying mON cuh for Orange County property. Call the~ .•• Tbaa call the Bat BEYERL Y JACKSON REALTY o~izMCogar . wt /blbct" .•:.:•.:"=·--------I AVAll.. mw11-Br. vie'wapt. ..,.,,.. 1 BR Crp" drp I drapes, garage, flreptace. HarperScb. area by Sept 1. $42,500. catl~oreves • arage. nveruen to . h FURN J BR A ts & Studios nr beach •"""'· ' ' s, poo ·Call ·=:.:"':::..g:..:.p::M:.MS-:.::..:""=--ICR<c::uo=Mh=l::e.c.:645-:::_.::1155=.---1 c'=gs.m=='======= •!!!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!1 .I: shop'&:· Gardener rncl. P Do~ Franknn Rltr 673-2m adult&. Near OCC. l.oct.I --_, l1lboa Island 2355 $335 mo Avail Se t 15 avail Sept. ht $110 & $120. • Bl<r. &45--0lll 4 BR duplex, % bllc to beach, e LANDLORDS e 608S BUSINESS •n• wntr rental or.yrty. 6T5-39M "··---------""-&73-7ll4 for appl. P' ' 2135only! Elden, Apt. 6. AdultJ BEACH cottqe, winter $175 view of ocean. 675--1977 FREE RENTAL SERVICE Commercial FINANCIAL lS'J' TIME ottered, nicely mo; yrly $225 mo. 217 $:i BR 4-plex, R/0, w/w, wkdyz after s. Broker 5Ji.69S2 =:m~;,~~it:its~t ~~=it.~~~-47~~1. 4 Br. LOPooVEL 1 Y ~ig 2_!,· 11.-2 Ba. Heliotrope.1175-3539 _ Broker~ BALBOA BAY CLUB WANT: 1 BR fUrniahed apt Appro~1!i ~~NI~ JOned Bus. Opportunlt181 '300 mo. Call Puadena 798-4003 Irvine Terr. 3 BR. w/pool • patio, ... wts.. $190. Exquisite 1 BR unfurn Apt. CdM. 2 yng WOl"\dn&' quiet Cl bldg., irofltage on 2 well. MACHINE SHOP Winter; 2--3 or t BR. hou!el. Island Rea1ty, i98 Patk Ave. 673-12X> Quick occupancy. 2310 Santa Ana, M.>-2933 Bil boa 4300 $135. 2 BR. R/0, W JW, ~2211 ext IDS mC!n. Call 673-9157 traveled Costa MeA atreeta. Owner re ti r l n I· Well· Don Franklin, Rll!' 673-2222 2 BR apt. Pool. NASMU DELUXE Dupl Crpb: drpa, pool. BUSINE.5S 1 a..i .. detire l l5c sq, ft. 5 yr, lease J>08-equipped, for research and 2 BDRM Crp PALMS.171 E. 22nd st. ex. ' Broker 534-6980 Westcllff 5230 ~ 1 11lble. development or g e l1 er a I . ti:, drpe, bltna, * ... ~ .. * drps, frpl, 2 Br each, 1150 " BR 1 ,. ;.;c=='-----"'-'1 bdr apt. or hou.e, furnished. Boyd I 67•5930 garage. Quiet cpl or 2 older ~ bit-in&, fenced y a rd • · • 11 u JO. R/0, SND prf. 2 BR, 2 BA. cpl, days; 546-2982 Rel ty ;r machine w o r k. Nice !1untington Be1ch 2400 ladies. No children or peta. 1 BEDROOM furnished. $100. 548-1052 ;~erd~ Avail 911• drp, frplc, bltfns, across WANTED: Apt for 2 worklng C·l .BARGAIN bu\ldlns with ~ acre. M-l ... ~.. Avail Sept. 1 -Y e a r I y, utllltle1 included. 0 I d e r 3 BR. 2 BA apt, oceanfront•-z======;=== I frm Coco'•· $225 &-$200. girl&, need 2 caf' garg, to OLD Duplex ()n big C-1 hWJ. Wprolll~"''.d1",, ':'.:'lllla"" "!!!:: ~ BEAUTIFULLY furn, 673-ZllB tenants 642.-6560 I • Ad lu 64• -1665 •-" lot .,,.......,, ,.._ tral •~-"'" "" ... r·-,. --• il Ba1boa. Avail Sept-June. Cosio MOIO 5100 ° · ~. ....v.ne. $200 mo. G75-m7 ' AR.), ....,n · """"'". er .... only. Call owner: air CQDU, mob e home in OCEAN I. Catar · 3 EAST Side 2 BR furn, clean, students. 494-4534 l-;==:;-=======l,,:=;:';';;;;.-;O'°t'd::'.bo=,,.-:=utd Hon, $27,500. Terms. SU-6661, "~~:1 '!en! or ... ~1 'Seautilul pat1c, "a I k In I ina vie.,., •-·k •--5240 l or 4 BR. er me wo 547-2331 vu-....., .ltO""<HIU d I 1 t a n c e 0 ( b e a cb. Bedroom&, dlnin&: room. adults only, 00 peti. 364 E.. Famy' Villa Apts -.u.-,-be veal! East ol Newport WORKING Print Shop with T" •--/~ I $421 Month l&th Platt. SlfQ. Mo. , n.•SURP •••ED VIEW UJ:alble. ~tion con-,.Cnu vwn•'r on ea~. Call t .,_ """'" ....., R<>n Balboa l1l1nd 4355 ul'• .--_ .. tiUI 15 lndustrl1I R•nt1I 6090 AB Dick photomat plate Can be .een by· appt Rell. agen ~ "'~· ,....,. 1 e.~. .......... · Newport lffch 4200 Near Orwnge C.O Airport It 2 DI\, crpb, drpr, bltns, pool. m.aker, olliet Pr 1 n t t n I 1-;;req;i='d=·=<=21l=J=m.=261=3=.==,l4 BDR duplex. 2% ha, WINTER Rental •.BR. All UCJ. Adults only. 20122 j _!$~1'~0.:.&T.l-3690~. ~~----·1;;:::=-;:;-;;:;:;--;;Q; 10,220 Sq Ft. Cor!Cftte block plftll, For aale or teue. 1. . blt-lns, dshw11hr, 2200 sq n. LARGE 1 BEDROOM elec. dishwahr, d1sp, gar, Santa Ma Ave. 5404• • Roomt for Rent 5995 B.ldg. 5,000 Sq ft BaJcony 548--0191. or 642--0920. Jn gfjnim.r· Rent111 2910 Year lease. $ 3 O O I mo . $150 month. yearly trplc. 1201Ai Aa:ate. &'f3..8918 -1--"-------1 ;.;;;.;.;;;;,;;..;.;;.;....;=;.;...-.;.... w/125 aq ft of ottlces. 12,000 RlveNide, NB . 541)...7573 •&?3-3088• or 1213) 728-71)65 THE SEVIU.E 2 BR, l~i ba. Coron• del Mir 5150 F1JRN or u n 1 urn roqm , Sq ft ol fenced yard. Ava)l on -~L~IQ=uo=R=-""u""CENS==ES=•-= ::~ 1:;~ ;-LOVEL;;;;;""""""'o'-ME;;;;-.;3-;;B;;;R".i'BA.o.-1 -n--s_A_::ltEVELA~~::_Tl:_O_N_the 2 BDR, attached p:ragt, w/sarqe, $150. Adults • I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiil employed woman. Huntina· Jell.lie. Call a!ter 6: &r:to&Ml ~ltt-O>wlt;y Tranafua ~.ervaliDM ran .l'tMl'.M5 cpts & drp1, lease. $375 mo. man;y buvalm Yo'I find in AduJtJ, Winter or yurly crpla _ drp1 _Bit-Ina. Feno-.. ; ton Beech erea. 968-673? or 5&-0'ltli * 'ORANGE COUNTY * 3:15 E. Balboa Bhd., Balboa 673--axl2 Classified Ada. Check tbem lea.ee. %IO 01\YX ed yd. E!1 Santa Ana Aw., ~ VERY lg. rm. pfiv bath, 2 Small lndmtrlal unir. . OFF SALE $10,000 2 BR 'Balboa apt adj 636-4120 ti,, cptJ, drps, Prtv. entr&nce. 1lorage or small bUJlneaa, ON SALE $12,SOI) btachet/pier .$75-$150 wkJ1, Cost• Mau 3100Cost1 Mes. 3TOOCost1 Mtsa 3100 2 BR Studio apt. l % ba. encl nr. OCC. 545-0138 Newport Beach. 646-lnt Winston (213) 272-4249 ootlect 536-39ll, 67$-5810 a:ar, patio, c p 11/drp1 , ON TEN ACRES SLEEPING room. Employed FOR Lease:-N~w 2500 ICI• U. ESTABLISH~ Beauty salon S2SO wk. 1."xurt ou 1 S@"M}~-~"Bf}s• bit-In .. $150. Day1 5iJ'"3524 J 1c,;2 BR. Furn le Unturn gentlemanorstudent industrial bldg. 9c ft. 1639 In CdM. 6 chain, newl1 waterfront apt. pool. Fum 2 Eves. 5tS--0589 • Fireplaces I prlv. patios 11;64;;""""°:.;::;,~;~•-~·~-~~~~Mo~,rovla,~~=CM~. ~£1HD~~T~~~-~~u~t~od~.~6~1>-34~:;'°;== BR. 2 BA. (114 ) 6t3-.DJ3 l BDR, pr, cpts, drpr, Pools. TeMl1. Contnt1 Bkt!t. Ri~TALS SoleocSl•pitScra*'1WWmdPllzzlefor•C7udlo :'.;";.!:.~.~-f;'fg'; ~~':',;,..~ "ii.:1 rz:;;~ ST' ""R GA:"'E. ,...,11¥. "i :~ Unfurnlshtd O-...., " .,. _ . 646-3845. ~ ,e-. ./&I ~ '1' G.iwnl IOOO ,0:::'~'!:tlrd WDflk t. _. . • I==-,-=-..--,--,,-= SPACIOUS 1 BR. range, Ml• ,Cl.Ari: . '*A low to lorafour .... ~i NEW 1 BR. apta. AvaU 911 refrig, balcony. a:ar. $100. At ....,,21 , M YorDldy AdMfJ'°""9 M • .rt» rh ll• ,. BR. 211 Ba. coado. P1 m. pr, Chlldml OK. Ile<. facllltl<L Bkr. ~ flil 2 BR. utll pd prd Ptf. rritt -Chtldftn ..... o.t ..... ~. ""' ' ... 2 .... ..,. ... dtpt. 0. .... -· Loe" Bl SG<llll Matutt Adults, no peta:. gar, mo/lease. Avail Sept 1st. ~.,._" Y • Acceordi1J9 ,. HI• .$'8n. , Y od. 22 ~ ILULFAW I ref,R,Cp,.,$100.lllMe" .,..-ii .~ To"-icp-fotWtduo.doy, ~11, ' r I I I I 1:°'-:·,.,-.,,....,,"°'-,,-..,..==· '' :-:Bdrm,~~s"'. -.r"'H"wy-.~l~b~l.--to' ! . NOCIWOritico11espand'lnQtorunbl" _ _ _ _ _ CLEAN 6: attr. 2 BDRM. beach. $16S mo. Jf..T/IJllVJ of)Gl'ZodlacbkthllQn. .... crpbl, drpl. bit-Ins, carport. * 542.7898 * ~ Na.JO I tr ·31 T•. '1 ~ act~~ IH us 0 i I ~ •=-N-;•,;"-'-".,"'""""',."...,,548-<169--.=...,-11 BR, rear oottap, frplc, ~JO ~e. . nr. 5~MI 9 ... ~ I I r r 2 Bdnn, 2 ba. Nr ahPI ct"" (*tlos. lmmed. occupancy ~ llh 3'S. '5MMdl · ' ~ro Cb~rtJhpeta, Cell $170.&15-60U~1cl.e«I. ....... ~~!:" ~=-~~--WITTA&WI " -LARG:~BR near 'occ SlG.1 "a=.=,boo==1=.=1.=nt1===5=3=5=5 m :.: ' Ii'~=-''• . ~ft ;!F ~·: !!ft lllMON I Avail Sept 3. No peta. Phone -----, 1Wt-Al~ 71 AfflCtlOR • J."37...il -rt woutd be a lat .... to-S4()..9ll!IO or 54&:sb79 YRLY., unf, beaut. upper , -71 45111' n,.._. B I I I r ..... ornoldng If *'--'d --duplt:ll: apt. Very cl08I!" to C.t.MCll 13,,,_.. 4l#Mllt nHMr CAlllCIOIM ;=-==-==-=-=:-_, d..-llOI•• ... , ' r--·-$11S ~ mo. 2 BR. 1 small w ~*' 1ar:: . ~ = ~tr re• -"'. . ~ bowi -child OK. No pets. 81t·ina. so. tlay ... BR. :i IMthl. .... ,l;l't'12 ,,ow 4''"*' ,,.. ..:.ff." "'-~H ..... 0_0_1,..•~c-........ -11 9--apta,drps.S38-9162.Alt 5 Salllbury Rlty. 6!Ml00 il'\.~~l~t llli""' := ~:' ,.., ..... I I I' I I' I G E.._~1oro ., .. ....___ ~ ~ LARGE 2 Br. 2 Ba. Adulta. Hunttn-on Baich '5400 !1::!!14Wl 1•i.-..,~ ".,'.•[;--f~~~ "" -no peU. Ol!ed pr, play yrd. "' Lit ft~ MWlll 1'!,wt _.... ,. .... ... No. 3 below. &'l3-.(J736, 132-4557 cb ) Br !I. .M~J:I • ~~= :ll7 .W.,.l) • mw.~:m r r _r· r r r I' I' J 1 BOR, pr, $. dr1'•· ~~::.~td.:drpd..Pa':'. ~1.~22 ~r:' ftt:';"' ~~ .&w - - - - -- -· --Pre.fer tet.cllft' ot COUl'if• Slm. No dogt.. 84T..3957 25TNI ))Nor ISO.. ·~Lffl~I I I I I I I I I ~2:2nFlawttn.or,C.M. nn:o 'h"e~~~'p!~·.~.1:~,· ~» ~~~ r.:.:.:~_, i5F-m:-C- ---• - -• • • • • ~ Ulft-t.i.Y P Dunc.-Ao -:.,,, ".,~ ®~• ...... "..::.. .,,. ........ -·" ................... lJNU YoO cal\ UM them ,..,d=ecor"-"~""'.,,..·~-="""o-,....,..,--· ·-.... ... Sc fttl' juJ1 ~·a df\Y, Olaf For Dally PDot Want Ads 2t2! tt~GoM Abcm ()~ .,!·J'~~ RAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 90110 , .... ,,,,. n1·1, •0073 '"' ro·•1 ·1.r• . ,, ' ' • ' ! l • DAILY PILOT -\ . "• Wlien You Want it done right •.• c/i l/ one. of the experts listed below!! " ' • ,.,, Wt;.t1c1ya Wont? Wllodcty1 Got? SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SPtCIAL CLASSIFICATION. FOR B1by1lltlng 6550 Gudoning NA1'URAL IORN SWAPPERS :::;i.:::=!'---"':.:.: Specl•I Ret. \Vni ~sil your home by '5 Lines -S times -S budrt the ,week. You fu.rnish flULll -NI MUIT INCLUDE transportation. 642-1407 ANTHONY'S 6680 J1nltorlal '790 wAI.u; Windows, tloon:, carpets. Commercial & residential. • Daily, woekly and/or Mo. 897-7350 :::=.":-~~ "!:..., ~ C. :"' .:.r:i."i: *BABYSl'ITING cmy home, 644-4860 '-"'OTHING '°" Mi.e -tflADES OffLVI vie Beach & Edinger, HS. The Best, costa no more? PHONE 642-.$671 Rcrs. 847-7102 · E.'(perienced Maintenance ESTATE Malnt -Tree ~ Reinoval' •· trbnm.inp, free e1tlmate, Call sn--0088. To Place Your Trld•r'a Paracfl11 Ad MY home: will drive child to Bu~t Landscaping ; ' ' . and from f\1onte Vista Graduate Horticulturist S Apts. $7,680 rross: Ex· Bia: Bear A·frame cabin. school ~9614 AL'S Gardening &: Lawn L1ndteapln9 6110 JOBS a E"ll'L,9YMIHT JOllS I. EMPL9YMlNT Ht l! W1nf:lt -nOoHelp W1n!M -7200 Factory SecQr• your future with . GEN~RAL AUTOMATION IMMEOIATE OPENINGS FOR • Stod< Cierk • Rec:•lvln9 ln5J19ctor • Un• lns119c:tor • "B" Ass•mblers . . . -·-Recenl .e;tperlence in electronics or com puter mantifaotur desired. Xlnt fringe benefits. APPLY IN PERSON TO: General Automation JOllS I. EMPLOYMlNT JOllS I. EMPLOYMlNT :.-------. Hel~ Wini.cl, Mon 7t00Holp Wootod, -r.IPG Technicians • GENERAL AUTOMATION H11 fmmedl1t• open1nt• for • TECHNICIANS Experienced in digital .comput~r testing, manufactur and systems integration. • DESIGN/DRAFTSMEN Experienced in eomputer drafting and de- sign. Challengi~g Work. Opportunity f~r pro. gress. Regular reviews. Excellent f r 1 n g • benefits. Ple1se 11pply In person to: General Automation 706 West katell• 706 West Katella ~range, California 92667 Orange, C111ifornl• 92667 ~ !ot hollR~ land or O'pts &: blt·lrul, $\ved. frplc. · ~taintenanoe. Commercial, •1 T.0'5, Prestige area, $14,000 eqty. LIC. D~ ure AM to 5:30. industrial. & ,.,sJdential. FORTIN ,REALTOR For local home units or Toddler. hot rn ea ls. ?· 642-5000 ' Eves, 5'18-0390 ? ! By awner 968-3597. '· Harbor-Baker. 546-1539 ~646--3629* An equal opportunity employer An equal opportuni ty employer * Lic'd landscape contrac-f'ij~~m~~Wff,;,.~~~~~~~=='! ·~!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!:!li!!!!!!l!!~~~~!!l!!~~!!l!!!!l!!~!!l!! IM; oomploto h>dsopr & ""'!ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ ''"""" -·"' 83t>3031 ond NOTICES Holp Wontod, Men 7200 Help Wontod. Mon 7200 Help Wontod. Mon 7200 ... 1-A w~-"" D N B He" 1 ... _ NEW lawns l'O • seeding. ~ ' ,...,.. .,.....,..... . r., . . 2{l Acrer' ranch. 3 Modem NEWPORT tg its mou,.,r Complete lawn care, clean LANDSCAPING Yuccas tor CLERICAL •• ARROWHEAD Villas view homes, 2 weUs; fenced, v.·lshes to care for pre up by job or Tp.ontb. Free 6405 SADDLEBACK I .'! lot: aear, All utll, Nice A-Training b-ack, huge barn. school child over 2. 642-1596 estimates. For lnlo, call COLLEGE MEN frtt1ne cabin site. $1500 val. 14 stalls; FOR land, unil!J 846-0032 or 89J.199J Paperh,n9ln9 FREE! I ue, trade for &d trans car or ? ·$45,(0) Eq, 61.>-6259 Brick, Masonry, etc. ERV'S LAWN & Painting 6850 Buie Baeting Caune offered Tu. DAJLY PILOT has an Sile, call Juan Pantoja, Person1l1 ITT JABSCO MOTOR SWEEP,ER OPERATOR #2 or '! ! 546-8277. Lake Arrowhead waler-6560 GARDENING SERVICE ti blic b th Balboa openlng for a drivtt to de- /Co ·111-> 0 -• NEED PAINTING~ to ie pu Y e liver newspapen to car-~ 75' Cniiser Tw1n D, auto front lot $50,00o val .. Pacific BUILD, Remodel, repair. res me uuu.s.. ncu. i Power Squadron for people riers, stores and sub6cribers r pilot, range 1200 mi. Recent Palisades Ocean V1e.w lot'. Brick, bloc!.., concrete, 642--7756 Call us! Reliable Service w/ interested in sailboats as in your area, Approxlmattly TIME KEEPER· COST CLERK $60l. to $736. por month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,_,; SUl'\'eJ K),000. Will consid-~7,500 val, \Vant: Incame. carpentty, 00 job too 1m1all. RESPONSIBLE student, mow Quality. at it& .best, at. the well u power boats, Every three hours eil.ch attenloon I .' er trtl5t deed or smal1"' Bkr. 548-'tnl . Lie. Conlr. 962-6945 & edge 'lawn (average) $10 most reuonable prices. Monday ni&ht for 13 weeks and Saturday mornings. Re. f ~-: OOat,' Owner. £114) 729-3400 l\1allbu neu pier. Priv. mo. 642--8315 bet 5:30 & 6:30 Free estimates ~2831 beiinning 7 PM, Mon., Sept. quim a dependable car and Requires tv.·o years driv. Ing long b'UCks or related equipment. Apply befo~ Aug. 29th, to Personnel OIUcc, City of Newport Beach, 3.':00 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach, Calif. 92660. i TI41 673-6633 17' Gultmeam fbrgh boat, road 4 BR, 3 ba .. dining Bullden 6570 PM SUBURBAN Painting/Dec l 5. CBrinr notebook first valid driver's license. Tele- '66, inboard-outdrive, 150hp / FOR H t -J G d Expert Guaranteed Work ntchtl at N'ewport Harbor phone 642-4321 for interview • I!.--' d h and or fam. nn. un -.,_ Add"ti . •paneM ar 1ner Yacht Club 720 w Bay ,, he v y ~., an cas · ;.,,.t,_ Harbour $59 coo * rwum 1 ons Exper., comp! ""~d service! Free est. No job too larze , . with Mr. Williams. ', Trade for late model MGS. .... ...,.. ' ' -* Apa.rtmentJ & Uni ls ;-or too small. 494-3190. Ave., Newport Beach. -No -,=c-'---':=,;;::---1 846-3221 value 213/~2555 213/535-C H * K't h ns Frte est. 645-0912, 968-2303 , ad,vai:ice registration. Enroll TL R" ·: ·-~~R.~·B:c~.Bluffs 1368 bus. ' !2.~~;; s';:Wists 1~~E CLEAN-UP' SPECIAUST! P Ail\'TING int.&Ext Lowest at class. Any question call t18 lgg·er Good opporlunlty for a n1an with some account- ing or related clerical ex· perience to come into con- tact with a1J departments or the company_ Prefer High School and llOme ac- counting: training. ~ •1 O:mdo, beaut upgraded-but· 2 DUPLEXES • Anaheim. Ja:yout/design 20 yrs. exp. Mo,ving, edging, odd ;)obs. ~~t:;,.~:np:: ~ :t.l-'6'13-;.:..;18;:;.:;-;.:•~-=---# 16 FASJ!ION ISLAND ~ 1 ~r's pantry, mirrored ward· Quality 3 bdr., t bliL Cross Pacific Coast Builders Reuionable: ,5'8-0955 Jin• Weeks 673-ll6G WANTED! NEWPORT BEACH !tt . J'Obt:, etc. $U,Clllq eq !m" lot, $615 mo. Trade for beach 2435 E. Coast Hwy. EXPERIENCED Japanese inoome, can, etc. 6#-1265. area unills oi.· home. Chvner: Corona del Mar 67.>7191 prdener. Reliable. 540-1373 INT & ext work guar. Spray Overweight Ladles NEEDS A ·'' Street/otl -d .d""• bU'""" after 6, ~7. for il'ff'8Stlmate or bnish. Free estlma1e. Call I want 10 women who are 10 Pl<'ase apply in pci·- son or in writing to Pel'SOnncl Dept. e llROl~ER MAN e DISHWASHERS ...... ..... ....... • I 6590 · Hel'man 642.0132 pounds or more overweight F II 1-entirel)o new deaian. '65 Cor-Wbat do you bave to trade· C1rpent.r ng JIM'S Gardening & lawn tak 1 . h U 1me ·-~ $1600 ·~1 For List lt here -in Orange · maintenance. Res. & Com-CLAtiK &: CLARK to e part n group ~e!& 1 experienced t;'f :i·r • ....._ Count¥'! Jara-est read t:rad· CARPENTRY me.rcial. * S48-84U CUSTOM PAINTING loss ~rogram ?f ~cialu:ed . ' GOOD BENEFITS AND \\'ORKING CONDITIONS Apply bctweE'n 12 -5 p.m. Fringe benefit&. 496-roOO ""'poot -aM mm 8 d"'1. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job --CUii&i;>iiCLO;w;;--1 ==~•:.;S<~i-;l9~:t6~•~--I """'""'" All .mqwn" "'"" •DISHWASHER• FIVE CROWNS . ~ Too Small. Q.ibinel in gar-CUI & Edge Lawn fidential. Ask for Mn. Thom. Equal Opportunity RESTAURANT ;. 1' * * * * * ages & 0 th e r cabinets. r.taintenance, Lken.sed PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs. as 537-5412. Apply in ~rson only Employer 380l E. Pacific Coe.st Hw. l. ljl!!J!!!l!l!J!'!iii!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!~~~!!l"!!!!~ 545-8175, It no answer leave 54~/645-2310 aft 4 :nd~~i:r.s.'f~. lii~r,;_,1-=*=-:c"o~1"v"o=R=c=E"D;;;-l--*~~D"R~IYE~R;:'.,,S:::!*'._ I'" DALE \\'.;Y Corona dtl Mar I! USINESS d m!lg at 646-2372. H. O. JIM'S GARDENING &. la\\'O ....., i\1AN \VA N TE o. Perm. BUSINESS and B an Anderson maintenance. Res. & Com-•For better painting call No Experience COSTA A1ESA,"CALIF. 92626 part lime, 10 average t\vo 4 FINANCIAL flNANCIAL mercial. * 54S-8411. experienced painters at YES IT'S YOUR N 1 (714 ) 545-8'l5t hr:.. daily for early mornin• ! --------ICARPENTERING, room ad-.==:::...-"-_.:::::.:::::_ __ , 646-4077 after 6 pm. PAUL T ecessary. t Sus. O·-... unltles 6300 lnvistment Oppor. 6310 dltiuns, patio decks & 642--4756 PA PE R SPECIA"-s _For. recorded niessa"'e lliat !l.IUBt have clean Calirornla REFUSE CREWMAN newspa~r delivery to I .,..... ---------1 coven;, Quality, cu·stcm Reliable Lawn Maintenance ........,, 1 h III"' all homes in N.B. $250. av"r· Will 10~ •~ 000 in ~ 64"' '"15 Gardenina and Clean-up Cal's belt for vinyls, Docks, "'1 l c ange your e c driving record, A!Jply age per mo. !\1ust have ~.1 CANDY SUPPLY pay '0 on _,, -wo.... ...--.ro ... foil murals 847-1659 evts. ORANGE CO. ~-6667 YELLOW CAB CO. 1a1c model station \vag:on ROUTE Vestment ins u cc es sf u J REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Genera l Sorvlcft 6682 ' , 24 hour recording 186 E 16th St $523-$636 per month I "·" AFFILIATE junlor shopping center. High CABINETS. Ally si:.ie job Cost~ Me!B • and be dependab e. ....... !No SdJin .. lnvolv~) intn'tst rate makes re-25 yrs. eKper. 548-6713 CONSTRUCTION site clean-~ring. Reptlr 6880 JOBS & EM~MENT ~=~ CITY OF L.A. Times &12-4&lll "' "• 1 fina"d"' unl.,•ablo al" ~ . up, hawing, •prilli<loc .,,_ ASST OFFICE MGR NEWPORT BEACH Controll•r $12,000 Excellent income for r!W present. Call owner 962.-8996 ~UALlTY Repairs -Altera-terns installed & repaired. • PATCJ{ PLASJ'ERING. Job Wanted, Lady 7020 Excpt'I oppty \vith leading · • boUn weekly work {Days or tlonl -New const. by hour 6 ·~ ""~" All types. Free estimate. • 0 -•1u· & l ....,....,.u QUALIFIED R 1 d T 1~ f · b Requires six months general non-de!ense mfg, company. ,.:. eveniqs). n= 1ng · CO· Monoy to Loon 6 320 or Contract. 646-3442 -========='I Cail M0-6825 , er;p, a y o uvv,-er re.im .ursed. _ 1 Call K .,.5410 ~ •·-· · C T h -• ba k d labor experience. Comp e. ent. a...,. ·,, lectln& money from coin o~ REPAIR, Partitions Sinall Hiul•'n• 6730 see.... posilion as om. ec rtic.... c groun help. JASON BEST d. · C ta • · ·o D · s · F f··• Xint " ·1y to d lion or eighth grade. Apply era_ted ispensen in Oii lat A: 2nd loans fllr nnlck Remodel, etc. Nile or day, Plumbfn11 , 6890 pan1 n, nve, w1m, ree w . oppo.-.un1 a -M _ _.. .... • t -t A ·1 Bo 'th · immediatcly, Personnel Ofr. Employment Agrncy esa & surrouuu1ng area. cuh. •--on unnr ........ H.ea.s~ Call KEN 54~79 HAULING, cleanup, lots; etc. o ... ve. VB.I . soon x \'MCC WJ gro\.\·1ng com-fH d I ~"~ ,_. ''" PL·~~"'G REP '-M6Sl Dail P"-t pony'. A'--''',.. bs, icr, City Hall, City of New-2120 So. J\1ain. S"inta An3. We esl. route. an e ' .... rty ,,... without disturbing J-la.ndyman anytime you um.g.,., #Ui" • Y ~ <:so name b tan d candy & r-k,;. In ls TD call. No job too small ABILITIES port Beach, 3300 Ney,1>0rl ADMIN ASST $9600 .I , anacksbl $1575. ~ req~-XJ:r buyers t~~~~nd ~-s. Cement, Concrete 6600 * * 642-3:lll8•* • 642--3128 • Domntfc Help 7035 ur-."Lil'tflTED AGENCY Blvd., Nl?l11port Beach, Calif. Ftt paid. Grnd !Ir oppty? ed. F' r personal tnterv:1ew Sltttler Mo""--Co. Inc. •CONCRETE work a 11 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 92660. (7141 673-6633 Report to P res, B.A. or ... ~t l't1eea area send ·-'¥ CLEAN UP &:lilen1oving Romodo1, Ro~lr. , ... "' ChineseHve·ins.Che. erlul Costa Me.sa 642·1470 MACHINIST . A'--I . b I ' ......... a ' Servinl Harbor Area 20 )'I'll. lypei. Pool decks & custom. Tree &: shrub remaval. _ _ ._ Permanent. Expenenccd. equiv ('XP. <:so ee JO a . • ·-· 11Ullf', ad.dteN & pbooe nwn-__. E. 1-St. C·'I 548-1324 Progressive small parts man-Call Kent, 546-~IJD. ber to Multi Stale Inc 9057 . ;JiR ·~ ==~=°°'=""""=~-~-Reuonable. S49-l359 BUILD, Remodel, Repalr Far East Agency 642-8703 "'•"t"-r w>'th o>-llenl JASON BESl" 'i: E. '*~-· ·H,-., ..::.-•• 642-2111 . 545-0lll ~ .. ENT WORK, no job too ** DISHWASHER • , ••• '" ... ,~, ..... •J ..,., .. ,,..;: ..,...,.... •GARAGE cleanup, trash Briek, block. can c r e t e , Geof'ie Allen Byland Agency working conclitiorus a nd EMPWYMEN1' AGENCY Calif. 90242 1213) 861.om Mo TD , 6345 1imall. reasonable. Free hauling. By the job or by crpntry. no job too small Employer Pays Fee OVER 18. AT\l & PM :U:inge bc11efits, has immedi-2120 So. Main, Santa Ana DEALERS _ _rt9a9u, • • 1 estim. H. Stufiick. 548-861S the hr. 646-1568 Lie. Cantr. 962-69451()6.B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 ate opening for Brown & * $l8,000.00 BSE * ' ! I • j \ t . ·, t ' CONSTRUCT IQN Money * CONCRETE Work, bond-11: APPLY IN PERSON * Sharpe and Traub Screw Engineer with degree, micro available far incomt' pro-ed & He. Patios/dTV\vys !~!~ Hf4U~! Sewinp 6960 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Snack Shop No. l T\fachlne Sclup Opera.tors. electronic component,, nol for exclusive Or•nsi• County distrib\(tor system (no salling) • six hours - SUNDAY AM ONLY Sm•ll inve1tment puts you In your own busi· n11s. ducing pniperty. Foreign & etc. Phillip! Cement. Apply 1300 E, Normandy semit'Oncluctor., travel, call domestic. Motel5. Nuning 548-6380 /gar cleanup. Remove 25 YRS. exper Seamstress, 2305 E. Coast Hwy. Pl., Santa Ana. (1 blk. north Ann Merchants Pt'l'IOMl!l Homes, Shopping Centen:.:f::=:=:=======f~es, ivy, dirt, tractor alteratiom & repair, mens Corona d1I Mar, Cal. of McFadden, 'h b?k. \Vest Agency, 2043 \\'estclilf Drive, O ff ice B u i l di.ngs , C1rpet Cleaning 6625 backhoe, grade 962-874& clothing specialty. 645--0731 DALMO 1~=~======~1.:•::.f..:G::.ra=""="------1..:N..:·=Bc.,·= 64~.:":.:'::.'~----1 ~partmenl&, etc. Wnte or·j :O::..t:=:.-=:.:::.:::.:!.-...:.= e Dressmaking. Alterations GROW \VITH EXPANDING SERV!Cc. SfATION call Title Realty I.: CARPET & Furn. cleaning; Houseclunln9 6735 Custom Designs VICTOR NATIONAL COMPANY BUSBOYS SALES MECHANIC lmrurance Company, 215 for 1 day service &: qualit,y * 6'6-6446 * SEEKING SALES REP Clark Bu 11 d Ing, Binn-v•ork, call Sterling tor H 0 USEC LE AN l NG & 1-=o-~--=~=-I II I t · to N --• ti I h l Full lime. r.tust know ingbam, Alabama 35203 brightness! &42-852{1 General Maintenance. Call Alteratlona-642·5845 A le•der In •dvanced scb ~w com P u er zed 01v cu18,.... lrtl tie sc1 ooaJ brakes, tuneup. 3 yrs. rtt. 251 5286 ,64".r~;; good ref• s. Neat, accurate, 20 years exp, ECM Syotem located u111ness sytems to ln· year. or over. App y • exp. rt('a! appearance. See Phone {205) -· DIAMOND I& a cnrpets best '1'"'Ul»"I dependent business men. ternoons U-5 pm at Jiin, 2590 Newport Blvd., CALL MR. ROGERS 200/. Ret. for 3 Yrs. friend! Diamond Carpet TILE, Ceramic 6974 in Belmont, Callfor· Campi . training provided. FIVE CROWNS c.i\-1. I SUN DAY MAIL $3,Sn.43 2nd tMt deed be-Cleaners. 645--1317 ~~· orw~:~i. ~i -...;.------·I nia, 20 mll11 South of 642-6603 RESTAURANT : hind small 1st on lot with Carpel Cleaning Service work Reas! Refs. 54Mlll * Verne, The Tile iia.n * San Francisco on the ACCOUNTANT 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hw. ' INC. Laguna's finest ocean view. Llcenstd, insured, Cual \VOrk. lnstall & repairs. beautiful S•ri Fr•ncls• De&ree or equivalant v.·ork i---=Co~'°,:,"=a~d°"'°"t "'M=ar=---:~ , __ _:!.:.7.:.14::l_::l7:.:1c.-1:.:44:.::c3 __ $40 per ~th incl. 93 3 guaranteed. 646-0094 Bay k Beach Cleaning Serv No job too small. Plaster co Peninsula, has record to $900. Beach area * EXPERIENCED * Apply in person ,, yn;,,22% Discount. Carpets. windows, Ooors, etc patch. Leakini ghowe r IMMEDIATE litm expanding, call Ann after 5 p.m. WAITER l · AAA CANDY SUPPL y BROKER 494-1137 C L I. Res & Commc'l 646-1401 repair. 847-195'l/84S--0206 Merchants Personnel Ai"' COOKS KARAM'S ROUTE irpet iylng ENINGS for $15,000 1st TD on 11.(0) sq. Repilr M26 WOULD You believe I will OP ! C'Y, 2043 \Vestclilf Dr., N.8. BUSBOYS 501 30th St., N.B. I (NAME BRAND CANOY) ft. brlek commel'C'. bldg on 1----..:.::=c:_:c;;:;: clean your home for Blue Tree Service 6980 645-2nD tClo.oied Monday) ·; Exciti"' work ""1ling & 10.,.-lmn I"'""' la? d . FOR CARPETING Chip Stamps? 897-1350 GENE'S TREE S ER V ' ELECTRONIC PART TIME DISHWASHERS ATTENDANT Jo, a"'tm"'t . collecting money from coin Payable $750 per mo. incl. OR CARPET LAYING WINDOWS DIRTY? lrees/&hrubbery renwved, con1plex, age 18 & over, no I':_--,· .. · operated dispenten in your 10%. All due 5 yrs, Rental c A Page 642·2070 Johnny Dunn your local N h' · · ht (8 long hair good pay A 1 area. Must be able to devote income $2400 per mo. 20<;~ · · .... PO.,·-. ~-. est. 64,. ,,,,..,A trimmed, hauled aw a JI TECHNICIANS ow iring eig ' 1 • APPLY JN PERSON . ' · PP JI "'" • ..... ''""" ~'""'" 549-l""'n large co ............ tion, E. Ana· in person at 31423 Coast 2 to 8 hrs per week to make Discount. Broker 497-1210 .r..c..1" 1============= ~ .,......,.,. H So ........i • Electricel _,_, f========:I helm branch. Pleasant work. REUBEN E. LEE wy, ulh Laguna very .......... income. Ne ldl-159/e DISCOUNT Janitorial 6790 Upholotory in& involved b .;...________ 6990 FINAL TEST ing conditions, evts. 6:30-SI E C BOYS TO .. 14 S995 to $3·980 ired 1st TD on while waler view • ELECTRICIAN no jo 9,30. CaJl 630 i•-. 1 • oast Hwy. Carrier Rl~~tes Open ~--~ · -ull lot in Laguna Beach. $6,000 too small. For prompt SPARKLE Janitorial & \Vin-CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Upho1. .,. """ Ne wport Beach U& •P<&aCU on Part or l time) @ ·~ mo., Incl. 9rl, •. all se-.i-call 545-4614 dow cleaning Serv. \Vin-European Ctafts•• .. •nship o E -1 ~-=_,..,:,:,,,:.,,=:::;:.:c. __ I For personal interview in \.~ .. ~~G'.!i"J~~~~· ~:1~~·= ··-::;::::::::::::==::;;: d ., 1 l .. _ GR \V \VlTH XPANDING e WAITERS LaG:una Beach, So. t ·-·--d~ 3 yrs, Broker 494-1138 ows, res1 .. come, <.'Ons lOO o/o Jin! 642-1454 Challenging genior -level NATIONAL COl\tPANY DAILY pn ~'"""w~ your area, send name, ad· Cl ~ t 968-~9L k · h k _, ~• dress & phone no. to: $5000 2nd TD well secured-Floorf. 6665 eanup. s: ,...., es. ..., 1831 Nev.'JlClrt Bl.. C.M. wor In c ec -out a11u trou-SEEKING SALES REP. to e BUS BOYS 642-4321 T ~STERN 6 ct 3 ble·shooting for slate-al-the-sell new romp u 1 er i zed • ,_. 1 RANS.\' DIST, CO, seawnert 2 yr. u,, 10 qty. yr Car-t Vinyl Tllo Your Ad Should Be Here, •M, sophisticated radar horn. b . . c.xper COl'C'd • JANITOR-GARD~NER • 590 No. Azusa Ave. du('. ws~ disc. 644-4265. r-us1ness systems to in-BERKSHI •• l' ' Co Ina Cal" 91.,.,,, All slyles "-'''d colors ing and warning systems, dependent business men. RE'S Perm 11. n en I position v ' "· •u ntE SUN NEVER SETS o. Free est. Lie. contr. Th ' L ki f I I starting al $489/mo, .W •· PLACE your WM.nt &d where Clu!itied's action power. 540-7262 546-4478 , .... __ e.,.Y,:;...,.r.,e __ oo_...., ... ,;.n;;g::,..;..O;..;.r;...;.t;,,•;..J The~ pennanent positions Compl. training provided. RESTAURANT hrlwk, exccllen1 tr in g e they are looking -DAlLY For an ad to sell around requ~ a thorou&h know!-_64=2-600.::.:.:.3______ 3450 Via Oporto benefits. Send resume to: ·•· Pll.Or claaified 642-5611 the clock, call 642-5671 • ----vrmznt7r ------..-. --.-..-. .-_ edge of RF and transistor Expertencf.d Newport S.ach Personnel Dept, p_ o. Box t I .~ ' I :·: I I ' l , £Wl__ ---- --WRSULRS<LS<V•ZLW..J circults, 1·3 years experi· FRY COOK !\·tr. Patrick 471. South Laguna. Bus. Opportunities 6300Bui. Opportunftles 6300 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ence required, with service No Sundays-Holiday1 **SUPERVISOR COLLEGE student. part. -·' · and NOTICES ind .NOTICES 1nd NOTICES experience considered. Lib. KRAl't1ER'S Young, matui·e niaiC', neat time during school, full-time CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Min o r wom1n to res tock n•w fy p• coin di1p•n11r1 with high quality p•ckag• c1ndy produc ts. NO SELLING! DEPENDABLE PER SON CAN EARl't UP TO $800.00 A MONTH. P•rt or full fim • po1itions n••d•d in thi1 •rt•. Requires c.1t, exchtng • of r•l•rence1, $1450 to $2990 ce1h, s•curtd by invtntory •nd •quipme11t. - Writ• for pers.ontl intervitw, giving phone numb•r t o: 1 Sjr•ft9ic frtnc.hise1 Otpf. 89 Sll Sollfh 2,d" w .. 1 Solt l.4h City, Utth 1410 I eraJ relocation assistance. 512 \V. lDth St .. Oii . summe• I Ch St lo Found {frM Ads) 6400 Found (free Ads> 6400 Lost 6401 Excellent benefits a.nd work-----,-===,----in appearancr. l\.1ust be able • a evron at n =-----....;::.::;I f\1ECHANIC to meet and deal 1>.·ith on beach in Laguna. Must -Ing conditions! $4.44 per hr. Ex 'd I Own t I < " be WJUPPE'T, Mille, appl'O.'< 6 FEMALE, Under J yr. LOST 8/24, Toy Poodle, 1>.·hltt P on Y· 00 s. ·• uay people. Apply in person: 18. NO long hair. Salary- mos. collar. Nr. Talbert & B eagle-type w/Shepherd w ; apiicot. Vic, Newport wk, no 1>.·knds. Call 642.-0023 18585 . ?.1ain SL, 5 Poinli con1m. with raises. -494-9003 ,.:H;_wy;:,..39:::.. ;_N.;:•;_· .:.~:.:,..;=1--·I markings. Vic. EdiJlier & Blvd & Cst Hwy, wearing service mngr. Shopping Center, 11.B. COOK. Exp'd. BLACK Puppy. 3 mos. old. Hell, N.8 . 847-5258 orange jewelled coll ar. TO ARRANGE JANITOR WORK.even ings Experin1ental ~Iachlni~t Top pay, Apply in Peraon V641~·-~ & 20th, C.M. FOUND female kitten. while c"'=""="''--·~'"'1~3;_) _962-_1;.:11:..•c__, LOCAL PMa rt-tirnA•· t Ndewport:;£ostas DrAda1Uman -Tf'chnlcal BkM~~ -~ with striped head ' tail\ l YOUNG Lady who rescued eaa. PP Y ays, ~ · vanced Kinetics lnr-, 3.155 Via Lido VIC Ora.n,ee Cly. airport lgc. spots. Vlc 'Lacuna Art small brown dog nr Surfside INTERVJ~ Glassell Jst, Orange. 1231 Victoria St., C.J\f. N!?Wport Bea.ch man's watch I: ID bracelet' ~FC:":o;";:,•al;::..· :::S<&JZli;:;::=,~--pn Cst Hwy. Aug , 22. PHONE COLLECT LOT MAN & PORTER 646-7165 GOOD Repair service man in box. f;45.1028 1 ·PUPPY, Sm 811 gray Reward, (213J S02-S835 or New e11r de11.ler. Full time. an equal oppor. employC'r for 1iwimming pool strvice. LARGE Black & wh ltC', Poo-female. docked tall. Found S92-58lT to Call 642-6023 l'i er v i c ~ Gl\LLEN Kamp Shoes llunlington Pool Supply dJe mix. Vic cf Eastblull. vie. f\fagnolia & 1'Ullerton L \DIES \\'allel Vic Coenttt Employment 1\tMaa~r in J3cl. I _:m::"':;::::ll<::.'------Shoe Sale11man part-tlml' for 16459 Magnolia 644-~2 sts, C.M. 540-1979 t;-CM or 3rd Ave .. Laguna n¥>nl. SERVICE--Statton sa.Je&man. baclc·to-M:hnol period. E.'(p'd ..,..,.w;:.:;":.:':::m::t":::":;:';-' .:8<:.:~:;281::,::3_1 Beach 1'~ri 8fl Valuable Exp'd, aae no barrier. Lull preferred. Contact J\fgr, 54 ii .. FOUND: Boat -Christhu14 BLACK Kitten, long-hair. 2 ' · Phone: !me Jll1a + r~ashion Jsland. NB. "a1n1enanC<!: Meat Dept , Bsy, Owner please idenLlty. collars. Vlc. ~t Hwy, Pa Per 1· Reward. 4!»-2369 14151 591·1414 from 9 a.m.-" t • ry i:omin. ""=--,=-----Clean up 7.9 p.m .. 5 days. • 592-2313 • across from N-t Liquor aft. 6. . 5 p.m. or l4Jt:i) 591.a358 from Mobil Station, 24362 El Toro SHOE Slllesmen, full & Gd l'ate, Richard'• Mkt ..,, 5 1 Tu at1 .... (It cRd,;:"'-'lAau"?=""''='"'ill=•c.· ~-~ p&.rt-time. Lee<l's Sh o c 3431 Via Lido, N.e. ,~ <¥; BLU~.p---•eet ~ .. ~ •. ,,. store, NB. 663-lm Por1onol1 6401t , p.m .. p.m. on e-~EXP •-St ~-·-+ ·~ """' a.nu\ • w•uou "' 1-===-'====== ~ Wednesday evenings (onlyl • ~-. a, .-...ry Store. So. Coast Plaza. Con-Goldenwest & Ed~·IU'ds. -----·----\August 2:6 and nJ . comm. o/limfl Pl\Y eft 40 tti.ct Mr. Phelp.<; BARTENDER, Nights, JO or ....., ....,6 Lost 6401 LICENSED hn ~·"/! Perm 990 E ---,=.-~'--,~---over. Beer bar Costa fllesa 0.........,~ • "w.o • · ' C.OUee Shop A.ianager 548-9226 WHITE Killen on Aug. zi. LOST· 5 mo aid Caliro kitten. Spiritual Readings, advice Cs! 1-lwy, NB. 2l-30. Salary 4 bonus. Send I ~c::_~:.,-------1 ~7187. N.B. Plruitic flea collar. Mega on all matters. 312 N. El Moonlighter-Eves 5 to 9 resume, 30'1 s. Beach, Mechanic wanted. GREY rabblL 546-5146 or Verde Golf Coul'9(! area, Camino Real, Sar. Clemente DALMO Over 2l Callan 1'1l'1v parents, Anaheim Union 'ZS Station Ow I I 1083 492.9136, f98.9507 N t1 SS h -.:====-=~= 1900 Newport Blvd, C.M. 549--3888 ner gre v ng ~ 10 AM • lD PM a oonccl'fl, r, comm. APPRENTI CE in PHARtttA- 8fRTH CERTIFICATE SHA GGY Grey poodle, toyl--:-c--;;----.,.--,--1 VICTOR Easy,~ CEUTICAt. plan learning ESTABLISHED Insurance • 646-2l91 ' male. "li1tke". vie. Gl!ler, Atlr•ettve Expert FULL Tll\.JE Delicatessen trade. &46-J93l for appoint. Leads avail, N.B. office. CM. Chlld'11 pet. 549--1057 YOUNG WOMAN men. S days a y,.•ctlt Sec ment. "=~;,;:,•=o-"pp;t:._.6::13:::;.<:m::::::.__~i GREY M&le :;t,54t;y N~""-port SIAM£SE cat, answers to ';:~e~t s:!s'.e~ ~:8 11 TEXTRON Division Terry. lit.Time Liquor 4!).l -"PAR=T"·"li-mo-d""i"•h_w_as.,t-~-,-SER~TCE Station atteildant, Bch Ctty H . IJ..83i fl~cklcs. female. Lo st vlc 213: 591-G3i 1·10 PM E. ITth St., C.fl.t. U S-9314 Via Roma Restaurant trn;ntng ~hilt. Andtr90n·, CAMERA In Ne,.., p 0 rt Ea.at 'mutt. ~29 ' I ==='---,----,-,,,cl 1515 Industrial Way SERV STA ATI, Night mAt\, 646--4929 c.ir ~~cc. 1645 Adama, lH~•:!!lt:b~ts~l~d:!•n~tlty!!l'.:._:S.~8'\360~'·:!'..~ I ;iji~i';;=;;;;i;:--';;;c;;;;:-;;;;; ENJOY economy vacation Stl111on1, Calllo1•nia 94002 10 Pa.f !() 7 AM .. App 2801 E. '"""" 8usrEST marketplace tn WJ.IIT$ ft male poodle. losl CatallM I1daDd. r r om S3 An equal opportunity Caut Hwy a . Goldenrod, PL\ThlBER. Experienced in SERVICE Station attendant town. The DAILY Pit.OT 8/10 JIB. No klenl; 6 mldwtek for two. He.rmou f'1npl<1ytt QL\f, PH : 6T;>.(15.13 plumbll'I& & Mating. Fringe Expcr, ness. See J\like, OusUled sectkin. 5 " v e children wallln1. 962-14.14 Hottt. Phone Avalon 187. ALC0~£0LTC:.S Anotl)'moui • ProducUOn Supcrvlson • benefit&. 646--4922 4678 Campus Or, NB mohe)', Ht:De 6 effort. Look For 011.Uy Pilot \Yant Ada 111£ QUICKER YOU CALL. Pl>One lWl-7217 at· write to e Quality Control Inspectors DATLY PILOT ClaMilied White E~ta1 now! !I Dial 642-5611 THE QUICKER YOU SEU. P.O. Boor tZl.1 Co.tta itesa. l63T Pl11centia, C.~t.. section 1'10\V! \Vhile elephanta! Dlme•-line --~-~~-~-~'----~~- IWlY PILOT . . JOIS a EM,LOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IM,LOYMINT JOIS & IM,LOYMlilnlllf ...... L_ . illRfJ J0"5 & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMl'LOYMIHT JOIS & EMl'LOYMINT Nl~-a . • • 11o1, w1111..i. -1200He•• w ....... -noo ... ., WJntM 11o.:..::..i -Holt>W""'"" "":.:.,-,,, .. Men, Wem. 7• J1•1 ,.,., w .... 719 .... ~~ w-74tl ,. w ....... 1• 7• • • AIMmblen • * J . C .• "-I Cotnp•y. hie. Clerical . J. c. '•:r. c~ Premier Fashion Islan , Newport Beacl> Da.na 1..&bol"atorit1, a ta· AUTOMATION AC:CQUNTING Fublon Isla • N"'POrt pldty srowinc com~tci-GENERAL Has •I de-ctronict test lnitni-CLIRK$ HH 0,.nlnt• fO< Kty position openlnts ment manufacturer bu Display Speclall1t ' For ~ openinaa for n-H.•lm--lnt•'°' Varian Data Machines with recen~ full lhnt work e1:;1enc. In p..-,l.ldliNNIL Merchandise Mana4ement Trainee electronics aa· located to ~ lrvlne llld .. parinc wln!low and Interior !splays: • cle-AOINCY with recent ftraduatlon from co11ege or equi .. wiernblers. Requln!a • SECRETARIES trlal °""""" ol Orance •IA to crow with a rapidly expan4lll1 nation-morU.ha to 3 years recent County, has an irnmtdJat' . __ ,,,,._ valent in co ~~e and fU1J time work exper· experience in el«tronlc need for dnt ·~ al or11nizatlon. ience combinat on ; a desire to participate in component a.111embly op. a•WPMSllorthon4 clerics, Y oa •will wOrk in a A&f.ly J:.J:.r"" ' J c-.- a trainJag pro/iram for management with a erallons. Mu1t knowc ol-. e 11 WPM Typl"I new, a.iN!ond. bulldinc. and 10 AM to S • oy tl1ru Soturd1y -· rapidly expan mg national organiiation. or code and bands IO!d4lr-all poGUons Will reqdlre the • 'J. C. Penney's 1ni techniques, Knowl-Should be experienced at the. admlnlstrativo abUit)' to work a 10 by ad¢. 11M ... 17 .. ltrmt ' qe ot tcb.ematlc1 is de--This is an organized on·tbe-job training pro-or departmental level. inl machine, lite t:YPi.n& pre. #24 F1shlon l1l1n4, Nowporl """-" --gram. Our policy of promotion from within ainbl!: but not manda-le1Ted. tory. Visit Send resume: In cenfkfence An equal opportunity emplo)>er 147.fm makes this particularly attractive. .. 1' DANA ... 1pply "' ,.,_ .. JR. PAYROLL Apply in per1on Laboratorle•, Inc. General Automation CLERK Helllt W1ntelli Help w •• ,... ' FEMALE 10 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Saturday 2401 Campus Drlw J. C. Penney's Irvine, Calif. (!DP experience) w-7400 ..v-n 7400 ' #24. Fashion. Island,. Newport. Beach An equal opportunlb' 706 W11t lc110llo ACCOUNTING" HOUSEKEEPER, So. !:leetronies • lklpr I Acct $650 up An equal opportunity employer employer or.,..., C1llhrnlo '2"7 Laruna, for ""'*1ll'• "" Nopti.w. .. .. An equal opportunity employor CLERKS family, live in, prhra• room Knawt111p ., ~. bm. = BookkHper • . . • . . . • to $550 " bath, pleut.nt home. 7 HUGHES One • posit'°n requitts ~x.. children, all in IChool I: ""· .. --• Secr'!'!ary .... " ..... " • $500 perience in cost accowiuna . Holp Wonlocl, Mon 7200 Holp W1ntocl. Mon 7200 Typist • • • •• • • •• • • .. .. • S35I PRESS or m•tuial control whlle '4"1!11 bthavtd. Other help tn NEWPORT BEACH -1tatement1. ~· General Office • . • . . . . . S325 Help W1nted the other • po1itio1J requires borne attemoon1. Applicant peticnctd In Go\i•ntJnt DRAFTSMAN PBX/Receptionl.t . . . . S325 Woman 7400 OPERATOR invoielnr and ditto machine m ti I t .. l'l!Q)ONlbJe • Contracts. -• "111- STOCK AND -~ experience. capable ol supervision. has lmmtdiate openin1s I.or ... Typist • • • .. •• .. • • • .. .. . $325 MISSION VIEJO. -TRAINEES-Sal'"" • t I me •• -·-neeotiable. References HYBRID 1.r: ~UNIOR SHIPPING Credit C'he<:ker •••..•.. $325 Good 1t.artlll1" aa1ary Wld ex. ... EL TORO Ma~ 'NO!'nen needed to u. quired. 499-2529 INTEGRATED ClllCUIT S.Cr.t1ry to PrH CLERKS Bank Teller • .. • . • .. lo $325 -'1\blit materi&la,. operate ce.Uent company benefits in. ASSEMBLE!tS MECHANICAL Nu.rscs Aide .......... $1.65 HOUSEWIVES ptuAea. make plastic trays. cludinr twelve dl.)'I vaca-SALE$GIRLS to $600 _._ The DAlLY PllhT' haa: a.n nlcht shirt 4:30 pm to 1 &m, tion durll'la' first year ol em-Youni matUN cirl1 able to A minimum ot six months of Aur@51iive, young man, Min. We have two J.11mediatc ALLSE7 AGENCY opening for a driver to de-Mo~Fri. Minimum hei&bt ployment, stock purchue meet the public. Ideal u experience is dttlrable. Top Exeeudve 1kUJa. ex· imum two yrs exper, able openings for manufacturinz 1-.Huntlnjton Beach liver newspapers to '"" 5'3". should be t.lendu and pqram and a holidq vaca-eve. job for \\'Orkl11& sale• _ .. __ lo work from desip layout cleric&l personnel. 17612 Beach Blvd. ritrs, stores and subllcribert asi]e. \Vait1'K!e1 "'"oll)' lion featuring time pa.id tor rirls, Must ~ attractive Openlnp are on ht and 2nd with top manapm.ent, CC& on cloliC! tolerance radar 847-6001 In )'OU1' area, Approximately make eooJ ptt.11 Op!!r&lol'I, lime oft from Christrnll day with a 1o0d lipre. """'· ........ .......... etc:. equipment. Some elect. help. STOCK CLERK ?-Carden Grove three hours each attemoon MU!t be able to speak ~ thnl the f.fonday tonowtna: APPl)r \n pel'IOn ful but not nee. Knowledge We preier a reeent minimum 12291 Harbor Blvd, and Saturday mornin;:s. Re. read En(llah. New Yean:. lioUday Health Spa I Pieue apply ill person to: '38-S1'0 '"J .... of Mill-Spd.-100 a must. Xlnl or one year stockroom exper. quires a dependable car and Phone: 347.Ji1l 2300 Harbor BIYd., C.M. chance fur advancement for ientt 1vith the eleetronicl valid driver"• license. Tele-f.lt Horsley, Pel'IOMl!I M;r. Varian data HUGH·ES lklpr $4IO up the ri&ht man. Good work· industt'Y and be able to work F /C BOOKKEEPER phone 6<12-4321 for interview CAMBRO MFG, CO. Experienced I ,.., minimum coUeio ing conditionl and top ben-with a minimum ol direction with Mr. Williama. elits. on second shift. 7601 Qay, Hunt. Bch. machines NEWPORT BEACH accountinc • .... tak4 for dally sales summary. ac-fl!lGIS1'EREl1 NURSE S1J. TELLER throurh f l nanetlJ TASKER SHIPPING CLERK counts receivea.ble l collec-Experienced-PER.VISOR. 1amto3:301111' A VARIAN SUBSmlAJ\Y .4500 &lJWriar A~ INDUSTRIES 1'1ust have valid California tion, Fast .aocurate worker, 2721 M ic:helton Drive UNITED CALl'ORNIA Newport Beach, Calil. ttatt~. not much q. good typi!I:. Prefer automo-PROOF perience neeeuuy. Radlatronics Div. driven license and a rttent UCENSED VOCATIONAL (San Diea:o Frwf~ to Jambo-· llAHK driving \\'Ork history. We re· tive ~.xperience, Ask for OPERATOR NURSE, Medication! ~ EquaJ opportunity 18842 Teller Avenuio Mn. Bnn!. treatmtnta. 7 am to 3: 30 pm ree oft ramp 1 block S, to 222 Ocean Ave. ~mployer • M i T Accountant $650 up Newport Bew.ch, Calif. quire a minimum of one Michelson Drive.) Lquna Beach JOHNSON & SON UNITED CALIFORNIA year experience and knowJ.. BANK NURSES AIDES. All Utiri& lrvlno. C1IH. 9'"4 -Dtpea 1n aectc. & 10 .... Equal opportunity employer N~ of pacli:inc electronic Uncoln Mercury An Equal Opportwthy •WAITRESS • equipment is prderrert WW ' Experienced l tr~s. ~. 80CIM CPA Qplrilncl perform. a. variety of shi> 2626 Harbor Blvd. 2Zl Ocean Ave . Empl.oyer M I F See Bldl' Bruce al 1.& to 25, nee.t appet.rin&. pre!"'8d, -..,,, "" CONSTRUCTION pinr department duties. Cost• Mes• .....,,,.. ....,. PARK LIDO THE miuGxec No exper. nee, Full time. the ma tbe llmlu PUBLIC WORKS _.,_ 540-5630 ........ CONVALESCENT NEWPORTER INN Apply in person. INSPECTOR Good starting rates General Office Trn. $325 CENTER ASlemblttT~ and benefits TEWR Typing 45 to SO \Ypm hand-RECPT.'HOSTESS A&ency for Career Girl• BOB'S BIG IOY I $754. to $916. per month lin& new accounts prev, p~ 46' Fl191hip '10 W. O>ut HW)',. N. B. 154 E. 17th St. $2.IOhr • data Experience PNferred Over ll • ~r 35, Typ. varian .,.., oUice .... helpl'UI. Nowpori Booch. C11il. .... preferred. Contact By appobtL 14'"'939 Coata Mesa nncer dexteril)-, com~ CITY OF Apply in person IO Mrs. Beach area. I. co. \Vil.I pa)' NEWPORT B~ACH Bray 642-4000 the tee, call lAraine, Mer· ATTENTION Kay Gerold betw~en 10 will train. machine MARINERS SAVINGS "'''"' Personnel HOUSEWIVES a.m and' ' pm, ** BARMAID ** MATURE mother'1 helper. Aiency, Turtle Rock area.· J.7 pm, Cashier Hoste11 P.T. Inv..,cs physical inspection AND LOAN 20l3 Westcllff °'·· N.B. ll07 J&mborae Rd. No exp. n@Cl!su.t')', oo co1-Mon-Fri. own tnnt. $2 br of public works conslnlcUon A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 1515 \YestcliU Dr. S<G-2770 <also fee jobs) teller McOonald'1 Jo'amily Restau-Newport Beach twne req'd. To S3 per hour. plus meal. 546--2320 after 6 Evonln& houri, ·-projects in the city, Requir-2722 !loliclw!lson Drive Newport Beach openings to $400.00. rants have positions avafl. . 644-1700 Pho~ 532-9217 or 544-0327. pm . cubier experitnce dtllre4, cs four yean ol recent con-(San Dirgo Fwy, to Jambore-? STENO· TYPIST BAKER able for women, Work tn Apply slnlction Inspection cxperi-oU ramp 1 blk S. to PREVIOUS !ehool ca!eteria clean. pleasant Slll'l'Ollnd· HONIYCOMB able " """' .,,, cull ence. Apply befott Sepl 5th, !\.1ichelson Dr.l Part time 1 girl oltict. Call Salary $1.3742.88 per bout. inp with unilorm.s furnish-COLOR •nd NCR 3425 E. Chapman, Oranae Jobs Mon. Wom. 7500 drawer. to Pel'SOllnel Office, City or Irvine, Calif. 92664 for appt. ~2416 Apply in person: f!d, free meals and liberal PROOF OPERATOR Newport Beach, 3.JOO New-An Equal Opportunity N.tlonal Electronica SAN JOAQUIN hoors. U )'OU hav"! c!tildren * WAITRESSES • Experi-M1dlcel port Blvd., Newport Beach, Employer M&F 4341 Birch, (nr MacA.rthurl SCHOOL DISTRICT wbo attend achoo! and )'OU UNITED CALIFORNIA enct'd. Over 25. All lhitts FRY COOKS Oll~ !l'2fl60 CTI4) 673-6633 Newport Beach. !""" S. w. Sand ea.,.. 1\-ould like to earn up to BANK avail. lock Office $'400 A1si1tant Bkkpr Ave., East I.tvine, Calif. $100/per month durillf your Tht Blue Dolphin To{I wqes, permanent, ~ -""' ln EKG. Precision Grinders , ...•. S:i REUBEN'S lpatt time, apply 11: 309 Main Sltttl Restaurant est, and Y:orkins condltionl Mill & Lathe ............ $4. Private Oub. To trial baJ. EXPERIENCED MC OONALo·s lfuntlneton Beach X-rays, rive lnjtcdmJI+ duties diveniliN, (Apply in ~ on1y) in area'1 leadlna: restaurant Sheet Metal • . . . . • . . . • $3.50 ·""'· WAITRESS 1~=~.s~ ~ ,3355 Via Lida, N.B. Apply 9 am to 5 pm for ~ will teach lo draw Nood. COCO'S good penmamhlp. Maintenance M!ehanlc $3.Zl MISS EXEC AGENCY SNACK BAR 11.WUUEI>t TOO MANY terview at 'eood Mll'k • experienct ln -TRAINEES-410 W. Coast Hijhway Apply In Ponon 6561 Edinger, HB OPERATOR 8 I L L S ? Pmnanent.-part but)'.-. Production Foreman .•.. $3. *DISHWASHER* Newport Beach 646-3939 SURF & SIRLOIN Executive Secretary PREVIOUS 1c hool ex • time help wanted ln anacJc MANNING'S Pipe strai&:htener . . . . $2.50 ror p11bliahfn& O:I. PrtUdent. perience preferred. Salary bar. See manapr after 7:30 COFFEE SHOP Steno Typist $399 General Fa<:tory ...••• S2.25 Apply In parson HOSTESS · 5930 Pee. Cat. Hwy. Shippin1 &: Receivinc •• $1 .10 1555 W. Ad<im1 Newport leach Experienced and adaptabJe $2.4S-.$.l.02 per hour. Apply pm. Paulo Drive In 24001 El Toro Rd. ,.,.., 55, "" die ... -•• New Homes to a wide variety of pmjecia. In ptl'80n, 'nleatl!r, 3051 Newport Blvd, Ltlsure World tq...,. Hill> Co•t• Mn• * QUALIFIED Heavy 1tenorett•, dictation. SAN JOAQtJrN CM. , 131-1014 montha work experience.. AU.SE7 AGENCY pH I U..IPS PE:l'ROU.VM • 2-.'\ days per week. Some l·Huntiniton Beach MASSEUSE Shorthand heJpM., Mun ho? SCHOOL DISTRICT COMBINATION. Sharp J3ar THE CO Real Estate experience. Ask 14600 S. W. Sand Canyon -- 17612 Beach Blvd. To t1ervlce.ladies only. P.fust well-aroomed, articulate, at. Maida A Go Go Danca'I. NEWPORTIR INN Typist $350 847-<iOOl NO\v hirinc for s a J a r y • !or Mr. P~13 furnish local ttferenceg and tractive. Excellent workin1 Ave .• East hvint, <)lit. Top Wafel $.l.00.S3.50 tG 2-Carden Grove operated aervice station. ) have city license. Please ap.. conditions, a n d company DRAPERY start. Pht tor inl ~ HOTEL CASHIER 1')'pe 55, numbtn by touch. 1;!291 Harbor Blvd. Experience desired. Good BOOKKEEPER ply in pet"IOn for fnteiview frinae be~its. 54°"656 WORKROOM SallY, Lauy,, 2901 Harbor, Mature 'WOm&n 'lrWltled. '38-S150 starting salary plus Aeeounts payable-lor apart.. Holiday H .. lth Spa b:p'cf & Trainees. Variom C.f\f. Exprienced NCR 4200, Bui)' Record• Supervisor renerous commission. with ment builder. Prefer con-2300 Harbor Blvd., C,M, Experjenced o~nings. NURSE: Rfftdent poaition front deek, live day wk. excellent opportunities lot lln>ction exper. Excellent S.cty to $500 BEACH OllAPERY open for a pnactical nur.e Good Illar> and trtng, .... $'400 SNACK SHOP "#9 advancement. For ;,,. benefita, Send retU?nt: to Mr. tELLER 900 W. 17th St. ell!& formation contact manager, Ronald O>mer, 3163 Red HW Xlnt oppty to advance with O:.ta bttsa. S4().6f64 at C.Ontinen t&l Manor, La. Contact Edward lni:le !:xpttle-;. _......,. Brookhurst Ir. Adams, Hun-auna. *-9458 Ave., Costa Meg 92671. &TOwirl&' Newport Beach Co, UNITED Tues.-sun. Aft 11 A.ltf. owrnoordlAfilliWdtpt. IM!cdS tington ~ach. ABILITIES NURSES CLEANING lady wanted 2 *BUSBOYS BEELINE FASH IONS nttda UNLIMITEP AGENCY CALIFORNIA BANK e RN~Rdid dub'. bl.,, daya days a week on Lido Ille. llD1 JomborH Rood FWna in nwnertc l)'llitm. * DISHWASHERS three atyliirt. In th.a area. 488 E. 17th St., Suitt 224 per week. Pleue writ. and """ ablJtty .. """' -........ Women 1400 Qualiticationa: Love Co!ita Mesa 642-1470 :ta29 Harbor Blvd. e LVN-ReUef, ..... """' references. Daily Pilot Box Nowport Baich, C1llf. Part time • day and niJht Holp W1nlod clothes, drive car. No col-Costa Mema, Calif. per \\'eek. Lquna Beach M 903. . 644-1700 liNing Clerk $350 up shifts available thru achoo! lcctiona or deliveriel. Call F /C Booldceopor SSDD MS-"'33 N~Home MATURE Woman, Fhh l Outakle Sale• year, Apply in pcnon Mon-Clark Typist $40D 539--6135 Stable, , responsible, l • k e FEMALE HELP <9W075 FREE MEMBERSHIP! U you have pod math .,.. Fri .• 3 to 5 p.m. Beaut ofcs, xlnt Irvine co., SECRETARY. typinJ • ""'"' to trW ""''"""· Chipg ahop, 5 Points, H.B. Utude, t,ype .U, co~ good boss! Top benefits. can Beach ~a. call Loraine. PART-TIME 11 AM·i PM WOMAN-bousewife. use your $Z. Jul, lunch provid@d, 40 hr Kay. 546-5410. 1horthand req'd. Insurance Merchants Personnel Aa:en-Ideal for Moti>en with child-apare ttme to earn money. Wk, no Sat or 9.zn, Phone C\lrrently se1l1nJ lo houit-will train. WW be tntni: J.446 E. Coast Hwy. JASON BEST co. in Fashion Island area. cy, 2M.1 Westcliff Dr., N.B. ren .1tartln1 bi.ck to school \Vin prlzt1, no q:e llmlt, no 962-0333 tor Int. wive1 dirft:t! Add us to yOaJ' .-. •• -the l>llJOw. Corona del Mar Salary according to exp. Unitorm.1 • meals f\U'ni.ahed, Empl0)'11lent Agency Mias Gladstone 64.f-.111b 645-zno time limit, Will train u HOUSE KEEPER, two line '°" extra commission This ii the a:rouncl ftoar> fat Contact Mr, Dinius. Beallcy Counselors. 847--0846 2120 So. JI.fain, Santa Ana equal opportunlf,)o employer CHlLD Sitter, house cleaper, McDONALD'S children, JUI! time. Salary income. Keep in llhape !rte. tuture advazictmflnt, wUI e BUSBOYS TEACHER w/2 schl ••" tor 2 school are cbildttn of of HARBOR, INC. PIE 1hop WOl'k, pt0Ume No open. PH: 54g...3681 aft@r 1 !tepreseutatives needed all pq more for experience, e DISHWASHERS *PART TIME child~n """' cona:enial tea.china: parents. Reside in 31tl Harbor Blvd., C.l\f. exper. l'lf!ss. 25-oW. PM s.15-4717 du r In 1 over Orange O>unty. E. Costa Mesa. Need before SUSAN LYNN PIES daytime. 549-3368 or 842-lGl Full and p.art lime. Neat ap. live-in help, oook • lite school 7-!AM It after school e S46-994:1. e Holid1y Ht1"h Sp1 MALE Prefer banking e."Cpt!t'icnce. hskpg. Pvt. rm •• ... LYN & NurM1Aldts 1510 Baker, C.M. • •• OPERATORS , •• pearance. No exper_ nee. \Viii train if applicant has 1:34M PM. ~2712 • Co•ta Meu • 897...()86t eves. ECF PART Time Stenosrapber Experienced in 1i~le needle Apply in pel"!!On 1().5 pm, s~ related qualifications. Do You Hive L•r1e. procre11lve CALL 5'11-2111 WAITRESS EXJ)erienced, 18 Coll'f' Accountint needs U. Orientation provid-tor Sales Manacer. Type 80 and overtocQ. Good piece d"~n PayroN Aul. $53t BOB'S BIG BOY to 22 yn old. Part time. AJ>-ed by a full time, in lft'Vice, wpm plus dlctapbone ex-work prlct1. steady work. 154 E. 17111 SI. BABYSITrER For ages 7 It ply in penon between 2 l 4, CPA O FF ICE educator. Openlna• 3 toll l perlenoe required, 5f8.512S EDDY J\fOSS 14042 Locust =·i Hiab sc:bool srad, mill .... Costa Mesa 3, Giesler Sehl. dist.. my Mon thru Thun. Mr. Steak, 11ttereetinJ..Qlalle111ina U to 7 shifts. B I KIN I BamWd/dancer. St., We1tmlnster; l\U-1738. a>mplet. ..... 40, 2 ,..;. home or yours. c.J.I 968-46(5 2267 Fab'view, C.M. Commensurate pay, 548-8874 FWI er port-lime. Cos .. COUNTER Pi 11 am • 4 pm experience in accoun-or ask for Sheran Lawrence INSTRUCTORS .. -A-fOTEL Maids, preferably * * * SECRETARY, fo r Coll ROYALE' "' .. Monday tJw Fl1. Apply M Pr ..... ltnol S.rvlce know payroll. with experience. M E S A advtrtililw tlrm. Shorthand -646-7301 pm only hr tht ompleytr 1'1ature, young adult, look· DESPERATELY need MOTEL. 646-tS&l 80, typinr t!d lite book· PART t1me btlp ow:r 21, Jun-llARMAID \Vanted, cxp'd Foster }"retie PU Ir O.Gvory to $390 Inc for iood future, able to babygitter -1 child, 1% yn. GRAVEYARD WAITRESS. keeping requ . Call Pam, ch bn. Prepare aandw1che1. "'*-· Apply '"' 899 W. 19th SI.. C.1'f. .... !ht ogi;11c1nt meet lb.e public. Apply in hrs: 3:30 le 5:30 daily M-F. 10 PM to 6 AM. 1400 W. a t 67>-2143 beL 9 AM A S Zu.bie'1 CdM. 6~1904 W AILLER. 100ll Ocean HS. ?t'lanicurlst, e.xp'd, buq Nx>p IU Dover r ., N.L Hilb School Grad, mat ....... 642-1316 . Pacific Cout Hwy, N.B. '42-3171 ~21a t>aw IOOd drMnr ....,. i Holiday Health Spa PM Udo area. Guaranteed l WANTED: Mature woman DE.SK Oerk College bOy; pt Experienced in aingl.e needle Ht!J: W1ntM Help W1ntod comm. MUt pedlcuft also. P. an hr. paid In advanCe: """" °"""' ONnt;y. e Costa MeM e for pcnn. babysitting '-lite time, Ken Niles Motel. 1021 and overloek. Good pltte -· 7400 w-n 7400 873-41116 stamp~ circulart at home ... wrk. 8:30-5:30, 2 Bayside Dr., N.B. work prices. steatb' v.wk. . BABYSITI'ER • Brookhurat, for us. No materlal8 to bQ' Lube Mon $450 SERVICE station needs ex-children. 963-1621 att 6. MAIDS EDDY MOSS 14042 Locwt Garfield ... a HB. °"" or 1eU. We 1u,ply ..,r. man . Good \VOfkini COCKTAIL Girl '°' '"' llotel/Motel uperience SL, Wesbnlnlter; SU-1731 ASSElitlLElS """'· Call aft 3: 30 pm. ewryth!nr. Seod tell ... Experleno:ed """· conditions . Daya, fabulous Fling. No food, 5 673-941D MATURE Woman lor retail ILICTRONIC 968-19!0 dttued ltlmped envelope. Ma~ Clerk $3-75 permanent 393 ~-::. 17th St., nitu, 145 E. 19tb St, C.M. Housekeeper. Lacuna ••. $400 ulea in Houlewares and COUNTER HELP, full Ir, """""' Unlimited. ... C.M. • FACTORY PACKER. S'S'' Hardware. Rion Hardware, ASSIMBLIRS part lime. Apply at Taco AW13, Wood....,, N.J. Will tr.In atwp ,_.- or over. Full time. $1.65 per eoo•. ""' "'q ......... saoo 1024 Irvine, Weflclltt Plua, Bell, 699 So. Coe.It Hwy, -man. Xlnt oppty tar .s. Employer pays tee v.,;.11 D•I• M1chl11••· ltc..lt.4 In 1 n1w .ir c•rtJiti•'!•• DELIVERY Serviceman $130 hr. 548-512!) Georre Allen Byland Agency N,B. 60-1133 Mk for Phil. pl•11t i11 th• ''~'"' 1"41111,;11 c.·,...,1 •• •' o,.,.,. c.11 .. ty Lq. Bch. t>3 PM vancementt wk after trnr per. lnll:ially HOUSEKEEPER attenoons 11J8.:B E. 16th S.A. 547-6391;· ,_ niierienced· 11••r th• eirp•rl, h11 ,..,.,.1 imm1•11 .. -.p,1l'llllf'-fff--BABYsrrTEft, Plea1ant Experienced . 10.12 hrs daily, later after · i or 3 bn. Mu1t have trarui DR. nds penn. hskpr cook, . \VAITRESSES-All s h I ' t •• 1l•ct1111lc ••••mbltr•, 1~1 1hlft I 7:JO A.M. tt 4:00 P.MJ View School UN, 1st &r*d• Supervisor T ,,;.. route learned 5-7 hrs . to CdM area. S44-262t are for 3 chUdnn, llve-ln. Xlnt ti.pg. App \n petlOn •n• 2IMI 1hlh 14111 P.M. t1 12141 A.M.I ev1i11~1 •• er j; infant, Mon thru J"rt. IOOKKEEPIR Pennanenl. R<I• req . C 0 0 K ·ho usckeeper, lit Reh f:rnl rm. BA 1; TV. COTl'AGE COFFEE SHOP w. w111I• pr1f1r Y•• I• k111w th1 c1l1r o••• •11• c1111o 142"'*3 afte:r I p.m. $3.IO hr Servlaofl, 506 31.st st., N.B. p1111iri1. ' Ht1nllnclon V ... y nuntng duties, I i v e • I n , Refs. 49f...7842 aft 6 562 W. 19th. C.M. .... d1rtl111 •1t1 111• ••c•llt ltt ~1n1fltt f1c.l••l111 12 GENJ:RAL OFFICE. bfust Convlletcent Hcepll&l Plud< lnJectton ......... MATURE """ !or reWl relere.nces, top pay. 613-3528 BABYSITTER wanted RETJNED co mpantCln • ••v• ••cit1111 •ut1111 th• l•t v••r •f •ll'IPl•Yfll•flt, •ttclr like to work with fl&W't•· ulea '" Hard~. Rion ""' •t up f:Xlll"Stnoe r14Atd. Hardware. 1024 Jr v I n e, Operator..,=we1r· home, 10 hr day, • day wk. boUleketper for e I de rl y purch••• pr•tr•111 •114 • h•ll••Y "•••tl•11 f••tvti111 Gd. ben'1> phuh Ottice. Mt. &31)N~Ave, W'lll train ~ ......... Weatcli(( Pluo, N.B. GOOD PAY, Y EMP. Ltw In or out 53&-10) aft lady. Live.In. LiJhl work. 1;,..., tt•Hi f., 11,..., 1ff fr-Chri1fffl1t Oty t1 tht M•11· Q»lnn. m.21l0 liunt. Bch. · -· &12.0G6& s. Balboa Island. en..-1450 ~•Y kll•w1111 N1w Ye•r'1. 3rd lhUt. 60-llll. uk fol' Phil. If .,. •• ,. t•iitt •• WM ... , ••• 11aw ••t•iflt, 'Why 111t SALESWOMAN, MATURE Proltuitnol EXPERIENCED Medwti< ROUSE KE EPING-Olild DENTAL Exec. -~ WAITRESS l11•e1tl11t• tti. 1'p11th111itle• •t V.D.M., • t• .. 11f1H t1 PIJ1,-Employ,_,t lebTochT.-$476 or Mechanic'• helptt. Own care. StNdy. 5 days week. HB. Exp, aaluy open, b.-Apply at THE ttTING BUT. w1rk. ' y OWll MatttnitJ. Sbo111 A.ulst- lool.J. Guar ulll')'. Plenty of °"""""--quire am-pm n~m LER. -· m<97T Inte rviews Dirty So. Cout Plua. PM'1 oaQ> COASTAL AOINCY MlnlmW!> I ........... •'Ork. CJ!lf'1 Auto Rt~Ir. PBX Al'ISWtritlc , le1'Vice • RELIABLE Woman to cart CHILD Cor/U .. -.. from I A.M. to 5 P .M. HOUSEKEEPD, llw • in. 4 member Of ·-In laot1aatc 1747 Anaheim Aw.., C.M. Exptt, prtf. Varied lh.itta. lot tehl. qen, 11-4 PM ·lnr. Care of 3 chlldttn. Ask for Lindi Cl.r\ Prlv. nn A lath. 2 dlildft:a. SoeU-. • ~-'"'· t:lwtnil..,., mlliW)I - SALESMEN, Shoes. n l PT HD an.a. $,l&-8881_ dally. C d M artl 6U-%iG4 ,Ot.ys. n.tertnees ttqUired. nn. van. I0-725< 219011arWBI, ~ pkte • G>W". ('Ofl'lnl. PM'1 Ume REUABLE . .... for E>t>"d barmold, ..... -Varian Data Machines B!iAVtY optratnl', tlal dmt, COUPLE To rnanap 6 men. Exper'd only. Guar. + houlcwork 2 days a '1\-etk. 8ccr bu In Coat& A-fCM. NURSES AIDES auar wap A oomm. Gwen'• maintain 11 unit motel ht .Ch.mical l'roc ..... c:omm. PM'1 Apt)ly 3S.l Bad< Bay. N'B. &4Ml'19 -Ext>ericnced -.Ot;y. Shop, -Colt& Mesa, MUii be btird E. 17tlt. CM . MR OONU'J' needs women 21 YOUNG Woman -'°' DENTAL ASSISTANT Ex-A V,.,llAN SUISIDIAlY MAID, 11111 or port tlmt, -oo -· '*'· T ralftM $43J ./ NlCHT work In b&kl!ry. }Tl or over. Apply in penon ult1 work. Vtta'1, \Vealclitl perlet><t<I 1or Pollo olfloe. 2n2 MlclMIMn Ori .. , Irvine, C1llf. 92"4 $1.75/hr. I du/Wk. Lqum I'm/mo plus !Urn. II> bdr H~ lldlool end. ...... tn litake domtts """ aaailt. lll5 E. Ill!>, C.M. Plan. N.8. fC.,J.1.91 I 1111 0111• f,..,y, f• Jt lf!Mr•• •ff·r•"'' Shrfta Mott.I. 4M-ml. I I &Pt $tS-82Tt -* l4f.<l6ll * TEACl:l£R need• cart tor WAITERS,Wa1trt1at1, chtmlltey. ~ _.. Trotter'• Baktr)', ~ Forelt EXP'D SALESLADY MAID I ~l•ck S. 1f Mlc.h1l••11 on ..... A'Vf!., Lq:una 8ch A.ten A \V~mcll!I Oolhlnr $1.60 per ho\n'. DAtt.'f 1'11.0T WANT ADS AN ff?UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYf•, M·F Hl ,. old, 1-3 _..,,., ""'I BM,,.,. Pm. "'1'd. A••4" ~- CHAJtGE IT! .. !48-1183 .. 5-13-2129. 114>-lO'l.I BRING RESULTS! home. nm S4a..a .. . 21n &. 0ou,t Hwy. c d M. I , • • •• I ' ·. • ·--:---~-~r---::-:-:--"T"::'""--:"'":'""--:-.,,-..-,...,. ... ~,..-... -........ ----------------.----------""'~'"~-~.~o--.a>••-~•·----~-~-·-.---~~·---• -,_.... - IWl.Y PILOT & Schools and Instructions ' ' This variety of fine 8chools could introduce you to a new tomorrow. 'i For further informat ion re91rdln9 th• Oeil y Pilot ' Sc.hooh en.d ln1truction Directory ,. CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 88 FAIR DRIVE • COSTA MESA Grades 1 through 8 Opening September 15, 1969 Small group and individualized teaching will meet the realistic needs of youngsters who have been under too much pressure. Average and above and below average abilities will he challenged by good teaching and a variety of educational materials so that more effec· tive learning will resul t. MOTIVATION 0 p e r a l e s only from within a person -not from the outside. Good teaching can stimulate motivatiorlwithin a youngster by building on successful learning experi· ences. Nothing succeeds like success! WHERE THE PROGRAM FITS THE CHILDI Willard H. Saucerman, Ed. D. Telephone 541-1751 lev..) Schook- LAGUNA BEACH SCHOOL Of ART & DESIGN FALL PROGRAM SEPT. 22 -NOV. 22 Dr•wint, Ceramics, Paintln9 Color & Detf9n, Life Cl11Mt, Printm1kln9, Children'• Art 630 La'una Canyon Road 494°1520 G>e~@~e~~ Anna's Pre-School -ht Gracie ANNOUNCES Fac:lll~i .. for Enlarged Enrollment Register your litue ones for: e A Full (fun) Le1rning Pr09ram e Art • Dancing e Creative Actlvlti" • Hot Lunchet & Sn1cks e Agu 2 through 11t grid• 2110 Thurln Ave., Cast1 Me11 <:. ~,' ,-;. ~ ~ _,,;.· " ~/ ,, II I I Ph: 646-1444 Coeducational College Preparatory School Gr•d• 7·11 j • ~ "An Ideal Learning Situation For The Student Wllh Above Average Potential" • Excellent Faculty • "Relaxed Atmosphere • High Academic • Small Classes Standards Day Students Boarders School Located on the Beach CO PRE' "Beside the Waters of the Blue Pacific" 710 E. OCJAN FRONT BALIOA, CALIF. 673-8610 Newport Air A1sociates Flile School & Flying Club UARN TO FLY $500. fN.-c.h1t Aftfll.Mt, Coll'lpl•t• Count IR1:hute1: 40 Houri fl ight time in C111ne I 50's with 20 hrs. duel in1truction. Clllt memb•rship. 2 Month'1 free dues, lndiYiduel instruction, tellored to YOUR •bility. OTHER AIRCRAFT AVAILAILE ot LOWIST RA TES IN ORANGE COUNTY learn to fly now -and have fun ! • Fly Mexico ttfHI CaltCICN • Special Iota for Commlf'Clal etMll htstnimnt ShtdNts Fot Complet• DeteU1 Cell NOW 673. 0313 COME SAIL WITH US ! 'h OFF ON FAMILY RATES l11rn to 11il on 26' Sloop• Courses t iven : BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED Sailing technique1. The student i1 introduced to the funde mentels of 11ilin9 aboard 2&' Keel S1llbo1t1 , He be· comet familiar with the boet1 response to the movements of the helm end learns the b11i11; technique• of 11ilin9 th e bo1t to windward end before the win~. CALL FOR FULL INFOR?ttATION SOUTH . COAST .YACHTS 1100 Wnt hdllc c-t Hlthway NIWPORT IEACH 645-1133 Lorna Louise Schreck 2130 Santiago Drive Newport Beach, California May 19, 1969 Chilcoat School of Typing 173 Del Mar .'.venue 543-2859 Dear Miss Chilcoat: I am a college student takinC time from my studies to learn typing. It 1s a necessary part of one's work in college to type papers, reports, and other such work. Although I have taken a high school typing course, I was never very confident in the work I did, and must admit I never remembered what I was taught. When I wanted to take a se. me$ter of my time to work, J found few jobs available due lo the Jack of typing. Now I have completed nine lessons of the Chil· coat uName The Fingers" typing system, I have found many job openings. ft Is 1 shem• your typing system hal n o t been introduced into the 1chaol1. AU 1tu. dents would benefit from this short and e1sy course. Thank you for ·your time, your new system, and your co-operation. J have thoroughly enjoyed each and every lesson. Lorna Louise Schreck Very fondly, MERCHANDISI FOR SALi AND TRADE 1610 ---WE PAY CASH! • NOT Checks For GOOD, USED l'\&mih.1.re, Stereo, TV « Household Items of any kind. • 5<17.5722. e WANTED FURNITURE TOP CASH JN 30 Mlnules Quality furniture, color TV'1 stereos, appliances loch. of.fice equip. 531-1112 NEED bricks one to 1000, reasonably priced. 644-f687 Machinery, etc. 8700 * FORKLIFT -400I lb Yale, 1953, Sharp -Ex· cellent! $1650. 642-&19.1 or Eves. call m.2433 FREE TO YOU a:>cKER.-Poodle. 51,y mos, rabies shots. M o t h I'! r Cocker-Poodle too. Good with children. 642-059S after 5. 1/28 WILL all the kind people who <.'8.lled about my male Yorkshire Te!Tier, pleaSI'! call again? (no children): 96S-2126 8128 EXCEPTIONALLY Beautiful semi-long haired kittens, 7 wk!! old. Weaned & bsbkrn, 2 calico. I grey striped, 1 beige & white. 833-2796 8/28 FREE cactus plant&. 4807 Cortland ~ Or., C ameo Highlands~ Corona del Mar. 673-4038 8/28 FREE To qualiliffl home bl'!autilully healthy Manx kittens. 2 bob-tails, 3 normal tails. 549-1846 S/28 NEED Good home for adorable 8 \\'k old blk Cocker-tel'Tier mix, Small breed. 846-3818 GARAGE 12' x 20'. Remov' intact or salva&:I'! lumber. 642-4321. Ask for Mf'5- Grecnman 8/28 FREE-Approximately 250 fl cyclone chain link fence. Come and take ir away. Mon-Fri. 646-lGSt PET Black Belgian llare, Australian Silvrr silky raJ>. bit lo &ood home . 536-4960 8/26 SIAMESE-rilanx kitten, 9 wks, white, blue poinl.5, boJ>. ta i J, housebroke 494-fi608 8/26 CAT &: KITTENS, au fiize1 &: colon. Hsbrkn p e t 1 . 847-6551 S/26 SUPER I o v a b I e, super adorable puppies., 2 2 7 Broadway, C.M. 8/28 MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR tolERCHANDl~E FOR ,•tRCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR DARLING Bl"'k & whH• SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE l-••.:.L:.E:...:A;.:No;D:....:T,;;RA=D:.::E:.__1:S::A=L::E..:AN:::.::D::...:T:;:R::A::D:;E:..__I mal• kit""~ 1 wu old. Furniture 8000 Fumltu,. 1000 Antiques 1110 Pl1nos & Organs 1130 Miscellaneous 1600 1,M~is~c:;el~l•~n~e!ou~,.~-.!UOCl~~li'Hil•E:bio"Eio.;;;C;;d;;;';;'·:-';;·75-59;;;;;;-",';;;;'" --~------t 1 · FREE Puppies, mixed Poo-e Exp'd Waitress over 21. e Busboy & Oisbwuher, owr 18, neat appe&ranc:f!. Apply in perwon Berliner C.Ontinental Restaurant 18582 Beach Blvd Huntln;ton Beach $P,ANISH Larry Mor1111n Anttq" ues Ustd H1mmonc1 Orn1n Home Soda Fount1in die and s b ee p-do ... • • KIRBY Va c u u m Cleaner .. LOST OUR LEASE MEDITERRANEAN CLEARANCE SALE? SAL[ \vith attachme n ts & SeU • contal~. stainless 968-1819 8/28 A1 Shown in model homes. American & European An-polisher. Take over snlall steel, relrigerated EVER-5 DARLING Kittens to aood Our'--• w...ttMse ... 1141., h .J .. •·". 3 Rms of tum, (dl.n rm, llv tiques. Must make room for pymts or $41.lO ca.sh. Credit FROST home 90da fountain. home, Y<eaned & hscbroken. INTERESTED In fUlJ or part time work! New spaoe are product for the home. Call . MJ..69 10 am-;! pm only. -.. -.,..... -rm, " bedrm) priced el!!@-new :shipment .. See at: S.J & ~slie, A-IOO, 8-lOO, De 5$.72S9 · Two carbonated faucel6, four 64&-1403 8/28 Must. Vacate Now where •t $895 ls YOllnl today 2380 or 2428 Newport Blvd. II·lOO, M-lOO. i\f-3, L-l00, 1.,:="::.· =-=::·____ fiaVOr dispensers 32" "''ide'l==~=----- at only $399. Easy C!'edit __ eo:;:""::,,;M:;';:"~· :;••~~.;.1383~-I J-100, S.1. From Sl.9S. Terms. CARPET installer has one and 29" deep, Make the kids FREE Kittens-weaned & RllCJClfdless ef our lou CM' cost Terms. roll, avocado nylon carpet, happy! Cost $495. Take $200 sandbox trained. 6~~ wk~. Our 6000 sq. ft. Store Stock must be said Santa An• Furniture STORAGE SALE! ALL.EN THEATER. 32 ped-double jute-backe-d. Will sell or make ofler. 542-9114 Will deliver. 833-2632 8/28 0 als, almost new! all or part, S 3 /yard. pen ta Publlc First time "26 W. 4lh St., Santa Ana 540-72(5 WEDGWD/Hl,y stove & oven PART Persian kitten, 6 wks, e 547-07'89 e Antiques le 1oti1c Furniture 1-'-'C.C:.::..~~~---w/~ •<< Hotpot , ••• , .• traint>d lo box. adorable . 3 R F V Big Saving;; Now In our End '"""' .....,,. .. u ooms urn. 1lue Onr $1000. Now $319. Furniture returned from dis-I: bric-a-brac. 235 w. Fem or summer Oeararta! Sale!! CARPET $65. Custom hairdryer $20. 646-5473 ' 8128 Sdtoals-lnstructian 7600 • S pc. ••thtntk Sp-... ....._ Mt, e 96 M. ~It-play studios, model homes. st, Tustin. 2Sth, 29th, 30th. HAP.U.fOND Shags. tiveeds. hi-lo pile. All Trof'H'itc nutng\e S 2 O. FEl\.fALE. J MO$;. Germ M Mfl wittl 56 ill. Ntchiftt low seat • cheir • decorators cancellatiori. ANTIQUE SALE in CORONA DEL P.tAR colors. Free est Lie Contr. Shopsmith $210. Wrought-iron Shep/Collie call 1.ftcr -!:JO SAUCERMAN SCHOOL S pc. SjNnldii Difllttt, Nie: teMt top e i '-'f Med-1144 Newport Blvd., CM Everything 30 to 50~;, olt. 2854 E, Coa1t Hwy. 673-8930 .c..54c.S-44.c...1c.8·______ couch. chair, 2 tables, patio 545-4917 8128 · O>. F&l.rzrounds. SJ'. l-1 itt~ IMtthinf ttbln, ,., donW. _ .. fw Spanis h & Medht'rranean etc, P.2tA32RYN JANE'SBIANTd l~~ES EVEN PEOPLE PAtNT Equip. 5 drops, 9 8'8 .tk !501 • ,~ Trade for 3 Adorable kittens. 7 wk! old. ~ the Protnm F1Mt11tf9 DMee. -....... RD FURNITURE 4 ewport v ., ..... 1ta buckets, 3 poles, 5 brushes, 1 e or . Siamese mother, y,·eaned & Fl .. ~ Child Mesa Enjoy playizl& a Plano or 2 rollen, etc $20, 'Vcd alt * AUCTION * ho b".. 67' ~ 8128 """' One• in 1 lif•tim1 pric•s of I 00 I other items. every fli&ht 'til 9 · Organ, e.peclally if it came 549-1341 use '"''· ~ WIIlard H. Sa.uoerman, Plus •n •xtr• spec iii offer $5 off on •ny $1 00 \\led., Sat. I: SUn. 'ti.I 6 from GOULD'S in Santa 1----.-.-.-.---U you will sen or buy CONSTRUCTION SaOO, Ap. 5to.406CJ Ed. D. Enroll now purchase or more, with 1 copy of th ii •d.6 ~.~~~. ~B~R°'O~WN,O..-'='""',~h,c.$,;,1c.00.:..-2 1 Sewing Machines 1120 Ana, just oH the SA f're.!. F AMn.Y n~nibeN;hip 1 n give Windy a try prox. 1 yd. 646-2346 Eva 54&-l75S • I 0 pc. Quilted Corner Aiiembl• ............ $159.95 twin couches {7') turq, 1969 SINGER Fv.·ay. s·m R ta! too Irvine Coast Country Club Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. 1 YR. old Afghan mall' 10 ap... lotdua.>:::=:tlooal:;:':7-"ivaca:..:.;;tioo:_'""sth~ I• 96 in, Quilted Sof1, w/56 in . lov• 1eet .... $149.95 SlOO/pair. W a I n u t pro-fromro"' 11'0 mo~lhly'." ' ' for aale. Pvt pty. 673-1918 Windy's Auction Barn proved homr. 646-8662 8/28 • 60 in, H•evy Sp1nish Coff•e T eble .......... ••29,94 vlncial 9-drwr dresser• Zig-iag cab mod slightly " " WHITE K'tl Ro T a:i M craden • • • Sr Citli.ens e l M h "'" Assorted tables & chail's. used. Stylish \val cab. Docs Gold Music Campany Hl'!alth Spa memberships, Behind Tony'1 Bide Mat'I 1 en~ · x r n · :Drllcoat 10 lesson typing Serge etc ing Lemp Tebles .................... $1 9.95 6n-1916 everylhlna: without attach. 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0031 12 monlhs (over 200 visits) 2075~~ Ne1vport, CM 0 646-86i6 wr.ancd . 54()...0761 ll/28 Sehl. Trial Lnaon. 173 Del •. Gp1n i1h Dt~orator lamps, from _ ................. $14.•S ========= Bit-in controls to overca.st, ANYBODY ,~ PIANOS'. for $99. Regularly $200. Miss VINYL TILE 1. in 0 i e um PETS d IVE OC .Mar. C.M. 54M859 S ueranteea Box Spgs. & Mattre11e1, from $1,.95 Offlce Equipment 8011 make button holes, sew on y vvh p· 1.:La=""::·..:"c: .. :..::"="::.·____ Asphalt Tiie' _Beautiful col: ___ e_n_. _L __ sT __ K_1 MONT~RI training, ages • tacks & Stec ks of 15 yr. Quallty Kin9 Ir Quetn buno111, hem dresses, make yes ... ••• we ave ianosi: ENDURO Go Cal't, Jay ors a nd patlems. Free P•ts General 8800 2% to 5. Give your child Sets at TERRIFIC SAVINGS. ROYAL Elec automati c fancy stitches etc. 5 Yr. c~it "'~ll Y:nf!; :::~ do1vn: eng 1'1C 1;,, 21,~ 1al estimates. Lie. Contr .. 1 --·~------·I •beet education. 64&-3706. Ben k Terms Store Charg• Masftr Charg• typewriter (200 letters per parts ii senrice guar. Pay purchase. gas tank. si;,o incl pllrts. MG-4478. OSCELOT for salr, tam(', 3 ERCHANDISE FOR BankAmerictrd AU Acctpftd day) $850. fi'1f>.ll22 $5.SS dn & 9 pymnts of $5.88 Y(>'!I .... we have Wurlitzer 1.,:<.:;15-:..::1544.:.:..______ V3 OFF on all bikinii ii cov-yr old spayed fcmall'!. S500 a,. t-t.....,. _Sat. t-6, S.. lO.S 5,,_9660 TYPEWRITER, Add. mach, mo., no interest chaiv or: Pianos! r.tammoth Lakes Bargain er.ups. Any iize top w/a.ny or best off,r. 673-9~ : SALE ANO TRADE calculator, Very reasonable. Full Price $58.80 HOUSE OF HARMONY loly mo bile homt-(winterized) bottom. Sl4. suHs now IOOO APPR YEO FURNITURE Xlnt cond. 892-2423 'ves. For no oblia: .. free h 0 m e 48 Fashion Island F\lm. sips 7. Many Extnu! $9.80. Anything Goes. 2400 C __ •_1• ______ 1_8_2~01 d!'mo, Call credit M.gr 'til 9 Newport Beach M+-0391 Sac. $29$. Ex. cond. 531-3374 \V. Cst Hwy, N.B. Opqi Sun. Sli\1otESE kittens, BlU! and ESPER.ATE! Le av ing ,state, muat seU ENTIRE bausef'ul! ol f'urniturt i: ap. ~ MOltl)' Spanillh Ieces. No reuonabl~ offer re:tueed. Prlv. Pty. 963-5249 2065 Chorlt St, Costa Mts1 Behind "Herbor Car Wt,h" Enter off H1milton or Bern1rd St. PM. If toll, call colll'!ct. HAMMOND-Steinway-Ya· NE\V, Jason Blnoculan 7 to SURPLUS Jackley drl'!ss Seal Poi.n1. f..'0. APT. We: blond oak Br. set 213 : 531·96'4 maha · new .I: used pllllDI li-c40 zoom. :\1nt cond. Sold labrics &.. rcmnanls. So Id a46-2111 oomp, $100: <I poster bed 1 ,..,=~SIN.::.:.,G:.:ER._::::.:too_c:.:h-o-c:.:._m_•_tic._ I of all makes. Best buys in new for $120, take $85. to the public 3-4 1'1onday BURi\fESE KITTENS w I matt. S25 Antiques ii zig zag, button holes, 1eW1 So. calif. riJht here. 548-6868 Uu'u Sat. 1820 l\fonrovia, Sl5 k Up. 8022 A little l.t rcl t. find, b~t worth the clollt r1 you 1e¥1! misc. 213 E. 18th St. Apt. on buttons, blind bems. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., PARISIAN Ori&'ina.I O i J OJ. Days 546-0010. f'~s 96'2-2633 Zl. c .r.1. 548-4841 643-0830 $34.88 or $4.16 mo. 52'-6616 l':n~~ ~n. Paintings, CWllom frames, CQ~U~ALITY'u;rYkkl;;; .. ;-;..,.,;:;j',-;qo;;;;iui;...,;;_ .·1'.~.~E."AUT~l~nJ~L~IO~m~o~o~ld CARPET, ~hag. hi-lo NE\V ---------1---------sacrifice. Call aft 6 pm, OR C.Omplet:. unuse d $105: femalr Bluepoint SiamcSI'!. 1JT''15 Cambrida:e Ln. HB. Furniture 8000 Furniture 1000 PAJU< )'IJUr tn.llcr, boat or ----'----..:.:;:;1 J4 sq. yd. 396 Hamilton, Muslcel Inst. 1125 ~ 84''"1~~· After Sor wknds S7:J. 6'15--0156 C.1'1. Saturda)' only. ·---'----" Hi°FI & Stereo 1210 SACRIFICE. beaut 3---ni°W ..........,.. 1 ~--~-======= "°"•"··"°wr=s=-,71 °'Good~'-;,-,-.. -.-1 U.:S Paul Custom Cui tar, ---------weddina: diamond r I n I . Dogs IB2S 20 Pc. "MADRID" ,...,,., b<hlnd lock..i """'· OVER -STOCKED JT .50 Per month 3 R G s1p eo. 5.1!.JJH oom roup F'ROM MODEL HOMES UQI $35, Antique bullet Includes: Quilted sofa and ~-Walnut dining sel, 4 chair -2 end tables A: tof· ~In $20. Obie bed Slf). fel'! table _ 2 l&mps _ dress. ·~in bed1 $30. 642~7467 er -mirror -headboa.nt - PC. twin bl'!drm iiet, coffee quilted box sprina & matt· A end tbls, TV rterno com-ress -S pc, dinina: room; 'biii, dbl bed. Barnins. tabll'! &: 4 hi-back chain., I0-&89 aft S pm. COMPARE AT $749.9.i $399 Conie & Stt! ! black wtth &Old trim, Hum· 1969 STEREO Con.toll'!, dbr:, Worth $800 sell S 5 7 5 . Misc. Wanted 1610 36-t E. 16th Pl., Costa Meu. bucklnd Cold p I c k. N.?W in bl'!aut cabinet. com pie ti'! 892-8119 aft 5: 30 -'-'=-"'==--...:.;'-'-' 12 AKC Gcrm1n Shephe:rds, HUGE G "11th ca&e $650: yours lot w/new I u a r ant e e . 4 1-"'-'---NC.EAC...R-N_E_W_•.--n1alc, 1' i )TS & 1 mos. New 9 pc, COl'ncr arrang. arage Sale, Aug. 16 "·'90 •th h--' hf!ll S ·" ~ t 4 pd & 17 -14 a ............ n-. .,. "'1 "'" ~ ca!ll'!. pc..,,.er aou ..... •YI em. • I' rowboat .. rn WE PAY MORE 642--0739 choice of cl rs. 1-e1. $230, · ....., ._,,..,"""' u•, CdM Call Dan 494-4006: OOme English changer, solid state - now $149.50. Headbrds: 494-2097 l diamond nl'!edle. Pay otl 1----"'.::'6-c.1:.:88:::1~--CASH i\fL"'. Poodll'! puppies, Al\C Klnis, $15, Qul'!ens $12.50. Furniture Auction 8025 bal of 179.10 or l'!a~ pymnt"' 1 ~10 old awcado Gafner & · rei;'d, black ii bfm.\•n. ?-1ov- l"ll llO 50 rw· 13 n~ FENDEI\ ~lusl.Ang guitar ..,, .. · ti 6 " · . ins ,...,, Credit Dept. $7289 Sattll'!r ra~. lrg oven: cost •ng, mus• SC' • 44-4916 Trundle 1ets {duo riser I wl • Furniture • $300 v •Ill 1'! -l\.1a k" of-g II ..a= r.•e ""' r. • I fer. -673-6753 DEI.i\.IONICO !GE) SoUd Sl4 .SO, se ...,,,, .,.......,,.,l5 AOOP~BLE mixed poodle Inner •Print ma ll "'&'· $106, "'PP iances • Color TV · I la now $79.50. RoU•·w&y bed• AOK AUCTION KAY Profl'!ssklnal Bau State Slereo, 2 $J>Caker, E-Z lift trailer hitch, like For furniture, appliances. puppies, w~ old S.S. w / inn. aprirw matl TT&'· 77'l'J G 'Cl c Bl Violin. V6'Y reMOnable. "''alnut cabinet. new SlJO, new $55. 7' nau.phyde IOfa colored TV, pianos, orians 493-1970. i;.9.50, now $39.50. Full SL Wutmi~te~"nr~.C. ;!y, caJI 548-5405 all 6 pm. only $9.}. \Ved aft 5, 549-1341 m. 548-7806 and antiqul'!s. "'•"f'G=H"A"N,....,k-m-."""'A7.K~c-w-h-ite slcc-r-IO!a ttf.1239.00, now Tues l Tho-7 PM·Sat 6.,30 =;:::...:c:;..:=.,:.cc.:..=:.....1 LP~ec:tric refriren.tor 3.S Olly or nls;hl ~/blk mttsk. Champ: blood- -•• ---Ml'I ---21 -~• MUST SELL! $169.50. Nl'!W beds: K i n a: Estate conignmt. R,po. New """ 616-t...., see. IMOUI ._ cu fl. ideal for camp!!r. -· ..AL\:Y, rano btd,•""",1t06ed: 600 w. 4111 St .. Santa Ana s99.oo. Queens, m.so. Full -=::;;::;:===~:;;[-=·2'°"~""'.'ll:''~"'.'.t~"""'~!!:"~~~,_:::-:1 is. 646--1131 $ WE-B.-UY $ Coc~·•·Poo Terriers ...-.-e, u n 11 • e . Optn Dall)' 9-S $49.50, Twins $39.!iO, lully Annllances llOO * Newport &a.ch Tennis IN-'E\-V-buU-"t·i-,-.. -,-BAR.-1 wks, 6}6.26.13 - ._. $250. Aft I or wknds Sat, .. Su• 11., m••-• a ., , ....... ad1 "'9l ,.,. Cub membership, $400 + Ro . fi .•• II POODLE p .. ·--·· · · ..... ~· An 11u..,,· Galoot. $ FURNITURE $ uppies. toys, e Fumlture e Ouistmu tay .. way1 now. NORGE ap&rtment a ii t 1P_i_e_nos __ &_O_rr,,,•_n-'1 __ 1_1_30 I ="=•=""~'""=-· ...__c.1852____ e 641r-S219 e APPLIANCES p~lnd. _s11o1~. Cn'a.ms 1: .t.-U•ncea e Cotor TV SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 tt.fril'crator, coppertone -ROOt' Or landscape a:ravl'!l l ·W-ASHER_..=...:l.::~:..:::::..::$50 ___ 1 Apncots. $.'iO. 8'17_7014 "'t't' ltarbor Blvd,. CM &G-2760 Rood condilion $4.5, Call Franchise Closeout 1tays in pla~ with o.1•:1~· f'lch. AKC Be AOK AUCTION daily lM Sat·Sun 10-fi. &12--·'t••. pm, n,e rackJr)' has otdered close DA..,t n~o. tA .. ,,.,..., 9' couch. Good condition. c.1 ... TVc-~e ... _Stt rtM aglr., 2 mos. old -G·~ G ~'.. uuo....-"-""A. '"......,1' -. "'~ '810 1 "-•., H-hll femidt. from 1·,,1d •t-k. · .,,.. .... en rove Blvd. OON'T Give up' You ..... v oul ot 4 Console 4r: 2 Splnl'!t ="""=''---'-'_:.."---+<v .,........, .... ""' Wcttmlnllter nr G.C, F"rwy. t1nd I t ... _._,:.__, 1.,.,;;-v KENMOll.E Auto mat I c PW.0. on a COlt-plui bub. SCNGLE me m be rs h I p, , '""GE po·• ~df'•h ~-H .IN II MINUTIS S50. 641j....4(1.t7 f;vt'ninp. la "'''"'1·-• --aett. \\1lltit.. __.... cond. •M. ...,...__a .... Cl b 1-,..... "-'! ...u.. '"' 5 "' "' • rJLI '5)1 e Tuts' Thun 7 PM-Sat t :30 most unuwal unllnlltl«I •a'Uf-8115 *_, NeYer 11aln piano barzalns DB.I..,. ~ ll · 1-....., Hie to SOc. '" -. PURE bred fem. min1atU1"e FAia!~ conarnmt. R!'po , Nl'!w rumlMT itoft. Cor. Redhill -~-------1 like the•! rlnt comt . tirlt alter 9 P.P.I. 6T;.Ki00l 64i-ti606 WE PAY CASH poodle pup, S22. call after 4 •lcklO I ' SOf'A. ne\.\!r used, quilled &. Santa Ana rwy, Tustin. t LARO~ tub w a• h In & 11Crved. STOVE $25.. Refrigerator $2.l 'rn'IN beds. 549-1827 ' bl nonl, M:Otch-f\latded, S1 2S. ml so. a( Newport Fwy, macrune. U!led 6 mtll. Like \YARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Diahwuher $20. HOUie in 2 ttecl f'nt mes I-~~=-=~==~ 1 1'1aldlil'lC lovt ltAI S75. Open 362 ·dU• per )T, MW $80. m B Vlcl*l.t, CM 1!19 Nn.-porl, C.M. 642-8484 back, <MS~' E. 17th. 642-Siai ~ e;:~r table $15. SLIP WANTED ~: ::r A~t·A:r:r= &37..axD ~ NORGE 1utwn1t1c waahfor, WANTED CLEAN Typewrlten.. Elec-Pv. Pty. looking for slip to lntere11ll'!d~ Call 5'16-7504 l-'-;....-------1·.:.;.;..;;.:;.;.... ______ 1alr. model, xnll cond. f75. PIANO'" & OR.GANS trlc, Portable A Standard. nIE QUICKER YOU CAU. dock '1$-42' (l)rt1 Craft. TRISH &-ll<'r ft'm11.l1> A KC Wh118 &pl\1nt1' nAtLY Pnnr WANT Ans1 l~T..aus or :M&-.1672 •GJ6.;G.."O t !:iil Elden, CAI. THY. QU1~ YOU ~u R.15.16.'l.1 ~r (2131 691-6781 1 yf'sr 1"11~ STO. !11>2-il i!I .. Modml llv. nn Rt: _____ .. .._ _____ -----·--------------------· -----------. - ... Tuu411, A .. usl 26, 1969 DAILY PIUIT PITS ..... LIVISTOCK Tll.ANSPOll.TATION ,.T:..;RA,:.;;.;N..;;SP_;O:..;R:..;T.:..A.:..Tl;.;;ON....;_··. ,"T-'-RA=NS:..;PO=R:r.:..~..;;T;.;;10:;..;N.:..~:;.. TRANSPORTATION ' Tll.ANSPOllTATIOH TRANSPORTATI-TllANIPuKTATlu~. !.... • 1125 S.llbffh .90111. Mobl!.Homea '200 C1mpors ?520 Imported Autoa -Im-A-HOO Uood Cira -UoN C1rs 9900 Uaed C.rs °"" SACIU>'lCE! C h I b u 1 h u a . MUST IE SOLD I puw.lea. MalN, l wtre:ka old. 26' Sloop, OB, i Berths, 4 These are !rotn Champion Salls, Tty ........ $3300! 1k>ck A are worth fl50 each. ~ Sloop, 1ihfrllu I o b d lit penton with rrs &eb She.rp! Loaded! •• $18,880 their choice, temalnln; pu~ PACIFIC YACHT SALES py Sltx>, ~. 1169 3M6 Via Oporto, Newport Dorael Lane. C.Pif. e 613-1570 e LABRADOR Retriever ~· Field ~ Show i;tock. 5 fenialea, 1 male , Breckenridae KenneLs, C.lat. 646-0880 WELSH Corzi (PembroU) champion sired, 5 males, 3 females. Priced acc:ordi11E to quality. MG-1928. I Beginners obedience aehool, Sept 3. 5-6 pm, 10 KlTE "-YARD OOLLY Ne_>. &51. New in 19f9. See $pace No. 84. &11ia Q>rinthian Yacht Club. $795. Call B. Mueller. 636-UOO days, or 6J4-4394 nittll. * SANTANA 32 * F1.JLL race/cruise. 5 aails. N~ spdmtf, hdwr, spinnaker. 6 hp Evlnrude. Many xtru, Pr pty. (213) 622-UOB wkl,y. \.\"eekls. For Info: Josh SEA Sc o u t • ' desperately 494-3509, Shawn 491-1021 need a MAIN sail Jot 22 \VELL-trained year 0 Id 1'"'00T ALB AT R 0 SS. German Shepherd m. I x • 1 =..,_~'~""=~-~--~ SlS/best oUer. two Elden 27' VIKJNC Aux. Beaut. end. Apt B Moor avail. Trd 0 K , DARLING \Vire-hair terrier 546-80.1> x4l4 Mr. Postma, pups. AKC, 9 wk.s.. Xlnt 894-4094 blood line. 6-16-5537 CAL 20, No. 375, spinnaker, 4~i ?.fo i:lld O>co Brown male ~boa~ many extras. Poodle $45. * 53&-7811 * FEMALE PULi-lO mos. AKC. Good with children. 546-0319 AKC Pupple~. long-haired Chihuahua S35. 646-5636 BLACK female poodle, 6 months, miniature. $20. 646-7082 Min Schnauzer, grey, AKC, cars cropped, 1 yr Aug. 12. Very friendly. 67>1985 PC>ODLE Pup-Silver Toy. ~ wttlls AKC, SSO. * 893-1849 • Horses 8830 FREE! Basie Boating Course offered to the public by the Balboa Power Squadron for people inl.erested in sailboats as well alt power boats. Every itonday ni&ht for 13 weeks, beginning 7 p.m., Mon., Sept, 15 (bring note. book lint ni&'hO at Newport Harbor Yacht Cub, 720 \V, Bay Ave., ~wport Beach. No advance ttgistration. En. roll at cla.u, Any question, call 673-1855. S1llbo&h 9010 •Special l7' Nationa.I One Design, dae sailii, titr. $295. Shock Boats 673-:.mD Hobie Cit W /Tr1iler Sll95. * . 493-1981 • Power Cruisers 9020 PENGUIN saUbOat 1 I ~-' CAL 25 S35 per day, ln- w/aail I: trailer. Top con-, ...... M-i""I. Fu"·· -·d, dition •.t!JI:, 131"'8598 ............... ,.._ HJ -..... I :;:;;::C7~::::;,:::,7c7,::-;::;;::c I nee or crui&e. ~ P'OR sale Udo 14. wilb trailer, Xlnt cond. Call 673-2891 HOURLY RENTALS * Rhodes 19'1 * f'un Zone Boat Co. Balboa Cclestial Navlption O>une Cooke * 67l-ll66 RHODES 3.1, R•clnc • plt•• u~ sloop. Gd cone!. 1 llallii. $ uoo. &r<HiOOS or 6n.m& KITE No. 676. Aqua Blue. X!nt cond. * 6T3-384ll * CAL .:u. 3rd In N111Uont.ls ~ )'N.n. Full a'1 of sat11. S3100 8,16-:lJ.17 Airer•~ 9100 ,/ HICH 'I11'U: PILOTSl Share uptmtl, full IFR equlpt Bttcbcraft BoM./\&l. c.n ~ Mobile Homa 9200 GREENLEAF PARK Jn clear, clean, eooJ Colta Mt1&.. New 9'l s~ ldult park. Modtts &:: $Alts ottlce located II Park. Open 9 AM to 6 PM. ACCENT MOBILE HOME SALES 1150 \VblUJer Ave. Costa 1\1.csa '714: 6'12-ll)I 1--------- BAY HARBOR CAM.ER MERCEDES BINZ YOWWAGIN CADILLAC Mol>l11 Hom1 S.I" .-'MUSTANG Casa Loma Roll • Away • Sheraton lttnor . llomelle • Kit • Pre111ge • SaM.ra ALL SIZES tfO\V, ON OISPLA Y 1425 Baker St, Costa Mesa ~ block East of Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (n•J 640.94'10 El1dric Cari 9250 -·------&1 Cabover Cem'ptr 5-f&.3t97 or 64&-1.1198 Min i Bikes: 9275 * l™' H.P. MINI-BIKE * GOOD t'ONOITION ~!K-6283 UKE New Taco mini-bike Sl.2.S. Hardly u.'led. ..... .., Motorcycln 9300 '67 HONOA 160 Tip tOiJ condition, #601~ $349 ATLAS CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTII 2929 HARBOR BLVD. STREET/OU road ·dune ~­ KY. entirely new desicn. '65 Corvair en~. $1600. 496-2500 Imported Autos 9600 ALFA ROMEO 19l60 Mercedes 190. Oean. '6t VW Sunroot. needa work new tires. Sl50 t I rm . $C;t u ts. ' 6tz...wa2 evtt. • 968-3037 • '64 Cad C.OU:pe, lot.dtd, srio. over low book. Good. Cond. * ~1121 ... Must S.11.Goi"t AbrO<td 'I& MUfla'IC Btonti color. V4, auto, maa wheels, 1ter- MG CHEVROLIT '° ..... Sl300. &l>-011< -----,.----MUSTANG '88 Htp., auto., '66 CHEVY II R•H. Xlnt cond. %·DR. SAF HARDTOP ;;'~,:hlr. Pv. P 1 >. Loaded, dlr, one owner. Sao. rltlce! $895. WW take oldf1' TAKE Over Jeutd '68 coavt. car In lndti. SVG 325 LS. Otan. Only T,000 mi. l2 cau BUl 5'!0-0034.. mo.. at $103Jl. 646-J30l '65 CHEV IMPALA ) Door, hardtop, loaded, dlr, air, lilht ireen wtth match- in' interior. F\lll pr $1499. Will take oldtr car ln trade. FlFH S8l LB, cau Pal, 1966 Harbor, c.~. 646-9303 494.9173 or ~ '63 f..tGB hard It. toft top '58 VOLVO, • nt1' tires. $225 '62 Chevy Nova. cltan. See new tires: radio, wil'f: ...neei.: or belt otter.-9Hl Annik Earl at Texaco, 11 9 5 Very good cond. Mu.st sell. DriYe, H.a 968-QZ? Superior, C.M. Make oUer. <t94-9BOll '62 4. Dr. Chevy Impala. P/1, ,64 MGB; Brltilh racina: AntlCflUft, Cl1 .. 1lct 9615 P/b. RadW ti.rea. Xlnt green, "'ire "'his, x!nt cond. 31.A Vicky p&ruy reblt. 1.,-"'-""-·~l6"''='". ~"'°"'-'c.265<~-~­ SJ.l..l700. W/283 Chev ,. n r:, un· 2 • 1969 Chevy lmapal1 - POllSCHE mounted. 64-4-2079 Loaded! Low mlleqe, Your choice $2,650, SM-5290 * '65 CONV~RT * ,.utoa W1nted 9700 OLDSMOBlLE • • 5% OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 100 LE '65 MUSTANG $11'5 2.f.2 f•1tb1ck. VI, t11t•. htn1, p•w•r •l••rinf, rt• 4le, h•tl•r. NH'E.,O '65 OLDS $1595 V;,,, Crvi•, '·' W•t· Vt, 1111•, 1ir, PS, Pl, UH. VTU5JS . '66 MUSTANG $1415 li.T. VI, l ·1p•.cl, r1cli1, ktt+M, W•W tlftl1 ffnttlil t l111: TFR111 '66 CHEV. $1495 COSTA ?ifESA 546-1934 Open Daily 'Ill 10 p.m. IN ·-E\-W-'68_A_l_fA_G_T_ml __ S_po_rl Xlnt cond. All xtru. nu pnt. WE PAY ••• top. Must sl!ll. 646-1234 CASH '6.) Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good cond. Auto, V-8, $12)0. 675-6578 "63 CHEV. Nova wagon. Xlnt 2nd car. turq. Best oUer over Sj15. 548-5623 aft 6. 1969 MODELS TO· CHOOSE FROM! You can drive home your choice of 100 1969 models at exactly 50% over out actual factory Invoice, IMP.A.LA 1 Or HT. VI, 1111., pow1r ••••• .. rt.die, "••l•r. SQL Oll. Tr1ll1r, Travel 9425 TRAVEL trailer, 14._ slps 4, port. cabana nn. •ss model in gd shlipe $700. 17564 San- ta Cata1ina. Ftn. V a I , 847-13.'>8 Trucks Y5o0 * PICKUP COVERS calrhi. steel, lor pickUJ>!'I, El Caminos. Rancheros. Long Horns, Dat 11 uns, Jeeps. Start al S 14 9. 83>-1800 50 WILLYS Jeep P.U. 4 whl dr. S650. 177 E. 22nd SL Apl 10, C.?.1 . C1mpors 9520 RENT·A·SHELL WEEKENDS, \V E E K LY MONTHLY * SJS.1800 DIAL direct 642-5678, Ow1:e )'QUI' ad, then lit back and 11.tttn to the phone rina:! MOTOR HOMES 9215 HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES . . .... ·' '•· .- .. ___ , 1111 All lllW DOD~ "IXPlORlR" Wt ..... •Mltlr ,.... tillllll, fll llltll •M , .... , tfttllu, ,...,. •!Pt. ALL •tl(I. JI rNT, ti rHl, • '001. 1 TIAlt rfllAllO. 1111 ,t• IJ'l>illOT l O Cl.Ill, Coupe. 5 spd, r/h, Pirelli tires, only J in US SJ,000. 675--0437 '60 PORSCHE SUPER Must Sell! $1600 * 6Ta-1085 * CHRYSLER -PLY~10lITl1 2929 HARBOR BLVD. !'17 CHEVY 210 Station Waaon 283, R/H, Automatic. Gre)'. Good condition. M'i'-3W '67 CHRYSLER %-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic, factory air, power 1teerlng, power bra. kes. radio le heatu. lmma· culate. (UDE 743l $2295. ATLAS CHJl.YSLER -l'LYMOUTH 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. e NO SALES EXPENSE e NO ADO-ON CHARGES e NO PREPARATION CHARGE e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY University Oldsmobile· • • '64 OLD$MOBILE VII, au1.9. tran1., radkl I-he11.t. er. power •teerin&. <OTW· 149). COSTA MESA 546-1"" $7A '65 MUSTANG $19S H•rdtop, Vt , pow•r 1t1•r• i11t-t11 ,, i1 1p1cl•l, Runt tt>Ocl. ATl716 '66 MERCURY $1695 CYCLONE G.T. 2 4r. H.T, V-1, tufe,, fee. t lr, ,._, 1!411r., p•w., br1k•1t liuck· •I ••th. TSA 121. ' '64 FALCON $7'5 Z-dotlr lt•rclte1. Vt, •·•"'· r•Jio, httl•r, bur.•et•1tl1. ATI061 ''7 G~L. SOD $11'5 2 4r H.T .. VI, tul•, ft& 1lrt PS. ,,, RIH, W·9·W, ¥1JIYI roof. tf1• ,1 .... UICH716 '65 FALCON $195 2 cir. v.t, •tick, rtile, hail• •r. R•1I 1h1r11. NliO :16,, '66 FAIRLANE $14'5 Big sedan, auto trans, ov~r-COSTA MESA 546-1934 ~cad C\lnl, disc brks, ra.dto, l=°""'="=Da='Uy:;''="=l=O='p=.m=·== heater, 28 mi per gal., after 2,800 mt Full fact warranty. PL 511>-0.14826. WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CON HELL CHIYROLIT 2828 H&.rbor Blvd. Costa ·~eaa · 548-1200 Open Dally 'til 10 p.m. ATLAS CHRYSLER '64 "300" ' ctr, p/i, p/b, air. ;d. cond, CHRYSLER -f'-LYMOUTH -$895-'"._Pvt-'p'--ly,_,._"1_·l..;700.:_ __ I 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. 500 2.4r VI. •~• fr•1t1, 1ir con.I, pow•r 1lffri11f, RYG4l4 '65 CH&V $11'5 lmp•I•, 2-4•e' H.7. v.t, ,$, Pl, r•cli•, lt••l•r, whit• w•ll1, tlttt,t l•11, PDE•OI 4V2 Fine Avai l FULL PRICE $1850 998 So. Coast Hwy, Lag Sch 545-0634 0.A.C. 4~9771 Does not in!:L tax or lie. ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DAT~UN DE~L ER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Huntlnaton Beach · 34iom1.-or 5fO.OM2 '68 DATSUN Immaculate Wagon, auto. trans., overhead cam, dlr, disc brakes. Small down,,low pymots, Will take older car In trade.. WBJ ~ -LB, Call Ken, 545-0034 '67 DATSUN Sedan. Xnlt cond. SllOO or best oUer. Call 545-6660 alt 6 pm. ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES • SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate deliwry LARGE SELECTION Th.odor• -" ROSINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa lifesa 642-0010 '64 Ford Cortina, \vhitc 2-dr, one owner. Gd. co n d • $600 673-.1625 TOYOTA ELMORE MOTORS TOYOTA {He&dquartera) WE PAY TOP DOLLAR COSTA'MESA 546-1534 CORYAIR Opon Daily 'til 10 p.m. -------~REAL~_,Shart>,,-'--,,,66=-'°o,,.,-1d~ll•67 MUSTANG $1695 '62 CORVAIR Cutlus, Hot Coupe. Gold H.r. \'.1, tuto., ,owr. •*••'· 1'Jonza, auto, loeded, dlr. wltb bl.k. Landau top, Jo ,,.iro. ht1f•r, vinyl ro•f. ror good, clean used can, Green wllb black int. Im-mJc, nu whUwall tirel lr TUR 010. all makes. See George Ray maculate, Sacrince. Small brkl, R/H. custom blk lthr 'ff TORINO $11'5 Theodore Robins Ford dn, low pymts, l.1DR671LB, int &: bucket seats. Console • l..aflest ~leclion ot a 11 2060 Harbor Blvd. ' ~Bill 4.9+9'173 or~. with tac:i. P IS, P/B, P/W, GT. 151 VI, •ulo, f••' t ir, mod& colors from the c M "'" -o '' PS, ~ '''" trli1, l I H, ' ' · · ou"'\IU~ fact air. 1'1ust see to largest Toyota dealer. 1963 CORVAIR Mon 1: a beUeve! Private Party Best 11 _•_·•_•;_.,_.,_,_••_•_t._>_H_v_ .. _, :;.·~~~::"~~~ Will Buy =· ~· .. "..-' oU" 96'2-2860 • '67 FORD $17'S ..,~ "· h Bl d ~.65~0=L~D~S,.-:C~U~T"L"A"S"S~11 Gtl1•i• soo 2-lioor "•"· .._ e><:aC: v · •~our vo•~-·-n or Po-·•-'61 ~-·-'· < d '" /h \V tm' te Phone 894-3322 J. .,.,.,.._~ ·--'-'U& ......... , r, au...,, r • HOLIDAY CPE top, VI, •utora1tic tr•111, em ms r II pay top tkillars, Paid Jor gd. cond, pvt pty, $195. • f1clory •ir, t1t1i•, h••fet. '68 To)'Ola, auto, new 4-ply or nol Call Ralpb 846-1440 v.g, auto. tr&n• .• power steer. UCJT17 tirei l batlery. Sacrifice! ma900 =========·I ing, radio, heater. PCS 139. --------837~7tn day• att 6.30 &t-~IMPO=-R='lli-. -w-ANTED=~-CORVETTE $11A '67 FORD $209$' weekends 673-7591. Oranse niwttiea AT LAS It.A.NCH W.A.G. v.1, •ut•., BILL MAXEY· TOP s BUYER '69 VET. 4-epeed, 350 enc. f•c. •ir, ,wr, tt••r., 'TVD BILL MAXEY TOYO?A $4599. 2980 J1carandll, CM. CHRYSLER -PLYPifOUTH br•k11, l1199•t• rick. !TlO)Yl§!T!Af 11. ""'= S..ch ~-~.-~.i"'1c"'r=6"'P"M".====0 I oo:f ~~~oR eLttl934 :;;·MUSTANG $2195. 18181 BEACH BLVD DODGE • --Open Dally 'til 10 p.m. CONVERT I I LE. v.t, •111•., H •5 Auto L11sln9 9810 ----·----Jo"'OR sale by owner-1968 pwr. 1t1••·· r•dio, "••t•r. unt. Beach 147~55 1-----"----'66 DODGE Ch•nn>r. Brltiah co1uol•, b11ck•t 11111, •••· LEASE '.".."_,.-Gra.nd Prix, low mileage, 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy, on Bch """ 1"" ncing green, VI, automatic loaded! Xlnt coOO. Below.,_'•_•_· _,v,."="=-'-· --,=:c: lT WYIQITla) '68 Cadillac CouPe do Ville. faolo'l' a~. Pow" otcerl,... book. $3,39S. 545..mJ ., ,61.FORD .. ,.5 M lully equipped, S129.mo, Power brake1. Sfeft'O tape.l ,O~-='=""~=,---,~ ... , - -_ _ '67 Ford, 10 rus station wae-New poly glau tires. Real 65 OLDS 442, 28,000 mi. Nu b 1I. 500 J dr H.T., Jto Vt, Best D1•ls Are At on, r/h. air, PS. $75 mo. sh8 , VCN 459 pr! tr llrel, 2 dr, slick, red •11to, PS, R I H, w .. ·w, '67 Gal 51111 Cpe · ee:: rp. va par-/ hit t XI t _.. tl"'•' ,1.,,. VHA6tl. DEAN LEWIS SOUTH. COAS' Tai.r, _,mo. ty $1895. Phone 642--1057 uk w..,.. e op. n rouu. forTlm $400 ar Be•t ofter. 54g..1341 '67 MUSTANG $1695 CAR LEASING t ~===~-=--'61 OLDS 1tation ""gn· 9 co VEITllLE v_, 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 300 w. Cit Hwy, NB 66-..,.... '6'1' DODGE Dart. 273 .f.bllr-N , , •ute .. ~ rel, v~ • .f.spd, Xlnt cood... pus. Xlnt cond. $595. pwr. •'••r .. r•cli •• h••hir, VOLKSWAGEN '61 VOLKSWAGEN Radio & neater, fully lactory cqU.ippcd. l\VIC 891}. $1611 ATLAS LEASE-RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Gel Our C.Ompetitive Rates $1£aJ. 545-0932 ..;543-,.;....;""4~.,al=t ~··~-,-,.---II pwr. top. UON 241. '60 Ooda:e Stat~n Wgn 65 OU>S 99 4 dr '64 T·BI RD $1'"5 $250 Hardtop. Full Power. f!' · Air Sl300. &t2·152S L•ncl1u lt•rcltop, VI, •ul•· 645.o538 l--,~+o°"=~=---11 l'l'ltflc lr1n1, f•cl•ry tlr '67 Polaro, 9 pau sta. w1n, 195' OLDS. $75. conclitio"i119, full pow1r, p\vr, air, 21.00 mt, x!nt cond. * ~7537 * r•clio. "••hlr, vi"vl r••f. S2600. 968--35$. QYSS6<t RAMBLER -----...,..,.,., CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH Theodor• 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. ROBINS '64 Rambler Sta. Wag. FALCON '67 FAIRLANE $11'5 500. 1-clr li.T. Vt, ••*•• PS , r•dio, "••*•'· whi ... will tir11. UPS555 COSTA MESA 54~1!13< FORD FALCON ,,.,,., '63, N•w RuM gd-nu tlre,.Moviog. FIAT Open Daily 'til lO p.m. ~060 lfarbor Rlvd'. paint, tires, AM·FM. Pert. Sacrifice * 644-1363 -----------==~=~--tCo•ta M• a 542~10 running' cond. 67~S308 --=========11'65 FORD $1095 '6& FIAT 124 Sport Coupe. Dark Gret'n, Like , new. Makr oUcr. Prv p r l y 67""'62 FERRARI '67 vw SEDAN I~~~·~~~~~~ ====""=== -·LYMOUTH GAL 500 CONVEOTllLE. Fully loaded, air vents dlr,I'" POJlD ...-v.1, .... 10 .. ,S, rtcli•, httf· i;now•whitc \vith black' int., UHd Cars 9900 I-----'----'6' PLYMOUTH •r. UYR J,1, full pr $1399. WW take older '66 F d G I SOO 8 CU A car in trade. VOE247LB. TRANSPORTATION CARS or ii x. ARRA D Call llcll 494-9773 or 545-0634. llWPORn:R MOTORS v~. '""" tran•, ndto A V~. auto. 1ran1.. radio I' heater, po we r ateerlnc. heater. (SJ-fl' 590), '65 FORD $1495 REGRET Parting w I '6 8 {TFN (1l9), $1211 FERRARI aulom. VW bu&. Bui pt'eRnt 2006 HARBOR BLVD. $1Dll ATLAS Newpott Imports Ltd. Qr.. work rt:qulres 4.--door. Le ml t'OSTA ?.tESA ATLAS anre County'• Olt1y author-le. luggage rack. 646-3129 541-5294 or 541-1511 ~ & LTD 1 4r. H.T. v.,, •ult., fie. •ir, PS I Pl, rt4ie I h11t1•. ltTU 4tt. '6S FORD $1~5 GAL. 500. 4 4r •-"•"· Vt, •11!0, PS. ltll;t, wltit•w•TI tir••· SYIJOl ized de.a.ler. eves. FlNANONG AVAILABLE CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH SALES·SERVlCE-PARTS .67 VW >Ont corxl.. Dual ..... ,64 NOVA ll, auper clean, lo CHRYSLER -PLYPifOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 3100 W Cout Hwv ~ · 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 546-1934. Newiiort Bea.ch.... haust. new rims, tires, .rr: mlg $750. '61 Ford Falcon, COSTA MESA 546-1.934 Open Daily 'til 10 p.tn. '66 FORD $1595 1142.9405 540.1764 brakes. $1395, or beat oUer. running cond $95. 536-&29 Open Daily 'til 10 p.m. lo:=i:=======oll GAL. 100 1 Jr, H.T. v.t, -Authortud--MG DeaJu. JJ5-5'155 or (;i.36.-1421 eKl 388 '6' Ford Fa1rlene PONTIA-C -~~~· s~•or.t. •ir, PS, RIH. HILLMAN 'fit Hlu.AtAN MINX . WACON. COOO CONDITION $425. * 673-3119 '65 vw. 2 door, 4 apeed, '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 $otf5 radio, heater. beautUul red mi., air, pwr., vinyl top. Top 2 Door .Loaded. va, etc. Lie. ''7 PONTIAC LE MANS '69 VW $1ttS. . and 1harp, RU1'f 140. $11Ri. condition. 4.!H-3232. IRM949 Phone 64.2-6023 Dir. Full powt'r, air, dlr, 1ilver •·•P•MI. r•d'io, "••t•r. l•w. CarH-~-Mcotor, ~~ .. ~13 .. J9tl .66 FORD W•--n, 1 .. 1... bl~. with black interior. Im. low mil••t •· ZMEOJJ ~~ •. M., ~ · BUICK -~ 1 ._ -P-S P~/B maC11late!Fullpr$2295,wUI I 1967 V\ll. Good condttk>fi ...... .,.... w a .. , / ' · older car tn trade. TKR 595 '69 FORD $3295 =========I lhroua:hout. Owner muat 1etl BUICK No. 22.l. H • 1 $2350. Ml--8400 d • Y' • LS, Call Ken. •94-9713 or EtAL. soo FtiHi•ct V-1, ;JAGUAR $1350. 546·2456 ev2ryt.hlnQ:! MS-m97 eves. SfS.('1634, •ulo, f1cl. ti~, PS. Pl, rt• ! '63 JAG. XKE Coupe, chrome wire 'llo'hecla, wtde track lirtt. $1875. 642-19!M. ,66 V\V o--r, ho'•• w/ bik BARGAIN~. '60 Ford Station Wqon. New MUST II I •~ ,66 dio~ lt•tl•r. KT H t lt. 1 ~" ,. 642-2252 afler G PM auto trans. 4 Or. Clean. le • YI· en-,,. int. R/H. Porsche rlml.1~.,...:,"""~=::,..:,.:.:.;....-1 S250 548-'1943 Tempeat wagon, PIS, P/B, '65 FORD $1295 Xlnt cond. S1350. 54-7716 1U RIVIERA. FUlly equip, I ;,,,-,'"'-:-::-.,,--:-.---:--=-1 fact. 1.1&:. $U99. 54&-6246, Ctry SH. VI, •11*•· PS, Uke new. Top con d ! '63 FORD Falrla.ne 2 Dr. .., ......... __ ,. for Ramesh. RIH, w-1-w, fi~t ,1111, lut '65 VW Squanback. rebll Su Sport 137" "' __. ....... ...,. KARMANN GHIA 1"" ,.,.;,,., Xlnt "°""· ""''1'541-°""0SC""il=i(:ii-4:i':ill.:==M:.-F:..)'=:= per * "5-31si * '13 G""" Prix. Rill. P/a, '"'· """ -,.-------1 log $1200. 61S-5763 c' C I::::=====-:--::· I Pih. AM•FM, Low ml, $55(1 '67 FORD $1495 '&4-KC COIJ.Pe, very clean. VW 't6 Sedan nD9S artplal A~ILLA '63tlonE~N v.a, ~~ condl· Of' best oUer~ • C1ut. 500 1 ~,. v.1, •Ill• .. Good cond. Priced •llll owner, Xlnt cond. ·••MU· CaD 644-u.l lfttt 1M7 PONTIAC $100. PS, «IH. TJM '''.- under book. A.rudous 10 &tll. 673-2390 Mec:hanic Spe,ial 5 p.m. * 5.'J6..2016 * 6'4-444.0. .67 V\V Bui, 20,000 mn~. '61 ~lllac Sedan deVUle. s ....... lS69 Ford Oalu:· ========;'l c'66 FO~~t 11J179S -'·s'"1 c,c.n"'-',..-..,-. ~Ka~,,,,.,.--,~G'"hl,.a 1 R/tl. Xlnt cord. Btst oUer Full JIOW'!r' lncludJnc factory ..,...Lof.dedr Low mllt11t. T·llRD cn1r1tr, """"' ,. ,., ... .of ll-. .,.,.. .... ~.. air condltionln.., pcrwer 1teer. Your ctKrict: 12;660. 53t$251Q . v.1, •11to., PS, Pl. UHi Xlnt tran1p. car. .-row-•'"• i~ -,. lutt•t• r•1k. UTI 7tl, .uw.. f13.U43 .. ,. • l>rlktt:. S.wl)' seat, '61 Torlno CT, ~ hp, alt '" T·lird 2 Dr. Herdtop -'61 VW Plclc-up,, 40hp. ~· automatJc trunk opener, oond, RAH, map, xlnt V.( aulO. tnns., Jactoty a(r tro, cab dama&ed· Belt oJ.. powe.r windows. $400 or brat cond. ~48 aft 5. cond1Uortlnc. powtr 1tetrlt;:, MERCEDES BENZ • • rer. S31-t31) otter, 8'1M088 "-" -w1 ;;;;-u;;;-;;:'.;-=::;::::;::;I,::;:.:;;:,.;,:.:.;~=--~ 1'61 FALCON Sta. Wp. 19S61 po11ttr .,,, .. ea, ,,.. .. ~r I). '6') VW Van. OWl'hauled.. '17 CAD. DeVil.le. convert.., -•• • ---118 _.. _,, dowr, ndk>. heater, wh[t&- ood ._ cl '"h, I •n:nwn ~Jll:, ' • ............... I .., -11.. . . .1. i ,.-an1, Uu.: C e1n. white w/blk. lthr. ln!tt., Wal urtl. " ... ..,-loldtd with ieoo. • -lllll ,.T. "'"'•· ind. ·1ac:t. MDCURY 1ow.1ow mn ... ~ow 119 '63 vw bur, Xlnt rond. air. Beaut. "'"' 13.r;<l. $2188 Private ower. Cean, 2 MW Owrler, Lido l1le '6T ti.terc Q)J. Plc. wan. JO tiret. 642.-9701 673-9060: 613--47•7 Eve& t. '8.1 V\V deluxe camptr. '61 CAD Sedan PeVIUt. Good X1nt cond., $1200 cond. S495. &ti-3850 De.ya: H75-6222 c~·t'.nlngs I Evcnlnu call 67~ -----~- \ ..... a/~ RC•, PIS. P/B. P/W, pwr. 1eata. 1pd. cont, aulo door k>ck, AM/FM, nuteh mOl"f!. S2'50. 830-64~ • rrs Beach hoUlt time. Blc- r1t1t 1e.lectton ever! Sn: !bf! DAILY Pllhr \VANT ADS! ' DUNTON FORD . -2240 s. tiitol11 " 546-7076 -~ l I I I I T~~~. ~~----;---------.,--~~~-­ Tutldl'/. AllOllSl 26, 1!6' I I Lido·l4s Vie for Cha1npio1iship -From this mass of Lldo-14s sailing in the .ocean oil . Balboa Pier last Friday .came a .new class champ- ion, Dave Ullman of Balboa Yacht Club. Forty- one Lidoe sailed in the championship flight and 40 others sailed in a con solation race. ' Lido Champion and Crew • Dave Ullman (righ() and his crew Dave While (left) accepts the trophy which establishes them as the new Lide>-14 Class champions after three days of rac· ·ing oU Balboa. Presenting the trophy is Dick Van Ouzen, new president of the natiooal Li~14 Class Association. Long Shot Pays Off ' l Sailors Salvag~ Wrecked Yacht ' -PACIFIC GROVE, Cllif. · Lee, 23, owner of a local tree i {AP) -Three young Pacific service, .suuested Iha! they .fG!!Ne men who bought a might build .a heavy ·raft and . f!ftlpwrecked sailing yacht two bring the veWI in by winch. '/Weeks ago appear on their · He happened to have five 50- : way to wiMing a $2,000 long foot Jogs and the winch and 5bot. tractor needed to try out his Robert Btay, Z3, RI ck idea, and a cootract was Dryer, 20, 1lDd Bob made: '. Mothershead, 20, ·were am~g If the Idea worked, Lee would hundreds of ~tors who be]lllid 14,000; U DOI, be earn- , flocked lo a beacb north of · ed nothing. Pacific Grove. July 31 lo look Eigbl days Or rail bilildlng, '. at the $45,000 k~ Le .welding and winch work ,,: Bateau, which d'ashed in~o brought Le Bateau 200 yards · rocks 200 yards off shore in to the beach t)lis p a s t :. ,dense fog the night before. weekend. It is rfow at the ·· · They had never met before, Monterey Boat Works six · ,but their conversation turned nilles away. Today lhe new owners are removing the cabins, engines and tanks so they can inspect the huU. This is the first step in which they figure is a one- year rebuilding job. ·Bray estimates a n o th e r $9,000 will be needed to restore the kl'tch, but he and his partners aren't looking at the profit possibllttiet!. They already have plans for an around-the-world cruise next year. Passengers Will be Bray, his wife, Jody ; daughters, Lisa, 4, and Elly, 3; bachelors Dryer a n d Mothershead, and D r y e r ' s father Dick. Full-scale Boat Show On Oct. 24 Perhaps the most comple!< exhibition of sallboab and sailboat accessories an d hardware has taken shape for the new Sailboat Show, to be held at the Long Beach Arena Oct. 24-Nov. 2. Show houn will be Z..11 p.m. on weekdays, 12 noorrtl p.m. Saturdays and 12 noon-7 p.m. Sundays. Admission price3 for the Southern California Marine Association-sponsored event will be $1.50 for · adults, 75 ceiil3 for children, with youngsters under eight free. The Sailbof!t Show ii the first associaUon-sponsored all ~boat show to be held in the West. It will &erve to showcase the 1970 lines 'of sailboats in one of the natlon11 most beautiful show buildings. The show has attracted a tremendous roster of leading companies, including Bristol, Columbia, Coronado, Eric.son, Islander, Kettenburg, Jensen, O'Day Yachts, W. D. Schock, Choey Lee, Aqua-Cat, Catalina, H. M. S.. Lindsey Plastics, Koralle, MacGregor, Newport Boats, Sidney, South Coast Fiber_gl11s and Trimaran Design. AddiUonally, there will be the biggest display of marine hardware ever presented in one spot in the West. The boats will be only one phase of the event. niere will be clinics, symposiums, mov- ies for discussion groups on 111 phases of sailini a n d everything pertaining to the sport, aceording to show chairman Bob Woodward. Oil Slick Hits ERQUY, France (UPI)"-A sUnklng oilslick pollutiog the Brittany coast sloshed ·ashore today, killing hopes that it could be dissipated w it h chemicals before piling up on more than two miles of beaches. to buying the wreckage, deem· -------------------------------- ed a total loss by the insurer. They dug up $2,000 the same , day and made a bki . .; "We ' bought the boal Then t we thought about how to get it a" off tht rocks," Bray said. ~ A few days later, anoth«IT ,. chance conversation with a • &peetator solved that problem. ·• Since the 6-foot ketch was • easily accesaib!e by foot over the rocks at low tide, its new : _pwnen camped at the beach to prevail looting and to begin salvage operations. · One ol the on]ookers, Hal ... -.--. y . BYC Sailors .. · Place Third In Bermuda • Argyle Campbell and Tom ,P\lreell, both of ·Balboa Yacht •etub placed lh1rd In the world ' jun)or sailing champiOMhips · htld In Bermuda Aug. 17 < Jhrougb i . Efti)and won Ille cham-' • plomblp wlth<NI hiving i. aall • Ibo listh and llnol nee. • c.mpbell and P u r ce ll , • ....,._.,. U.. U.S., were -lollowlng the nllh race bul !ell bdllnd Wales In the liaal .-. ~ ..... , ...... far ntY a1 Belpnn ond ffOOll Koq. Llgb~ fll .. Y -oll..W the i1tll two daytCi 11Wnt In Bermuda'• Grtat Sound, but 1 t r o n a "°'lllwlllerJY "'-prevwll• Id '" the final· illy. ' ( hrlMM ..... .......,. """' SAILING FOR U.S. -Argyle Campbell at the helm and crewman Tom Pur- cell. both ol Balboa Yacht ·Club, move their boat on a reach through Ber· muda's Great Sound. They placed tblrd in the World Jwiior Sailing Champion- ship. • I Caravel22 Developed_ In Newport · Texan Has Cup Lead ·-,.,. •• ' - • -• . . • • ~-~·,. ~ . • • ' -• ' ., • I IXOD··-· -e e ua {e.r ·s. -• ~ .. ~ ' .. . ~ * w * * * '. * ' WEONESD:AY' AFTERNOON;"AUGUST'21,: 1969 ' • .. ' • . ' ·' ' • • • I , ' ' ' '*. '* *' * '* '*" *· '* . 1i * .. ' • Tri~ia Fe~ling Bette~.; ' '• ' • .. ... • ·* ' ' l. t I I <Conservatives Control School BOard. • • • ' ' ' • f • . -. . . ; ------,., -...,--.,...------,..···----------, , \ . . ' ' ' nam:;u1rrdd81t . ' . . . .,N·i~oa· .··uan~-~ JlBJ ~· ' '~. . . ( .... ~ i;wr• h . . ';:.~~._11 ' ' ... • • I • l - . Qlaze Bau led ' ' ' ID Brea 'canyon tu. that. broke cut.Jn ll<ea.Cal)yon and l!prOld !do .... Aopla.c.unty.l<rritory --' ..... "' bruab Tueaday '"Ce·-~ l!r«lghten from Or- iJld, Loo Angeles ·-.. liallled lthe . blue: from · ,5:!0 untll I p.m. and the beavil7 traveled Brea Canyon Road }>ad to be cbltd during the evtnlni tush hour. ' The fire burned ln 1lteep c1nyons •and rugged drawa, and requlred moatly band work, a tstate .Divillon o f Forestry apolesman said. - ' ' . . ~ ' ) ,' . . 8' on 'Retul"i).. E~st . ' I ' Prwldtnl-·wnflm 111f10lfdlibl• and1ani111',back lo Wublngloa 'og'Seill • a, adll( a ClllHllODlb woridJI&: vacation at the """°"' WbHe H-In San Clemente. ' · ' . , En route. to the natloa'o capllal, be will stop over at Del Rio, Tei., where he and Pretldent lllu OrdH of Mesico will jolnUy dedicate the 171 mJIU\JD Alnlllad • ' • . I • • 11"_.,..,.....,......,...,.., __________ .,.,..,..,,,_,_...,..'T"',..,..,..,,..,,_,._,,,,,,_,.,,_"':""::::""""":"=O"·"'·""'"-=·-"'•'".T· ..,.,.=------·,-;.o-'"""·~~~-~''"'"°'' DAILV Pll.OT s W-.r, A""f'l 17, l 9 . . Anti-war G,roup • 1n Couri ., Over Use ·of Bea~h • AnU•WOI' demonst'ators a~ by tbe Amet1con Civil Uberllts Union will be ..Ok!nr tepl aid in federal '®Tl ln . Los Angeles Thursday. on the eve ol a1!01f>er rally nw the Western White Houae Sunday. 'Ille Peace ActiOI\ Colu)cll and ACLU . atlom<YI A. L. Wlitil ond !"red Ollrand ,,. ... tine on lojlUldlao to ""9enl, ltlMlr beinr cleoltd UH ol SU cr-te State Beath f0< a ltqln& ....... Sun<lay, Port Supl. Jll!l<C \Vbl1efiead la· apect,. tel lo cleny Ille PAC ~,to UJI Ult llcillll -oltea4Y bociad up witll Soviets Silent On Crash With 112 on Board M06COW !UPll -Sovld official& and · new1 ouUetl kept a strict silence today on tbl flaming crash landing outside Moscow or a Soviet commercial air liner with 111 persoos btl.ieved aboard. Tbe foreign ministry, In the only of· ficlal commtnl on the crash, 11tdd there were no foreigners on the flight. That was all the official lnformaUon available. C¥.Wlie3 were not koown. Only firetructa and ambulancOS with 8irentl screaming a5 they raced out <>f Moscow toward Vnukovo airport 15 milts away gave any clue to the &eriousneae of the accident Tuesday n.l&bt. Unofficial sourc" said the t.Jrbopl op 1Ll8 <"If the National Aeroflot airline WIS carrying twrist.s to Moecow from the Black Sea resort at Soehl. Ow m\ploye at-Vnukovo said there hid bee:t 0 vietims." From a distance. witneS&eS cwkl &ee ambuJmx:es leat1ng the aCeiie for Moscow, their blue lljbtl n.stilnl- Offlciall ol Aernflol and ol !-the official atate travel agency, said _they bad .. word .. casualties. Tbe SOvleta rartly rtpOrt crashes unlm foreign puaeneen are invOived. The unofficial aCCO}Ult of the crash said the pion< bad been unable lo gel it. IJll- ding "" down, circled the alrpnrt to bum up ...,... fllel and then au.mpled the belly landing, bursting Into names. Moecow radio and televillosi. went off tl1e air TUelday night without mentlnn of . lb• cruh. MO<Dlng newapapen bad no crub accOW<ll. Tbe olOclal ntw1 qency, T.,., bad notlling IJ bow'I after the ao- clda!l Aeronot wu the ILll. a rour .. ng1ne lurf)oprop capable nf caJTJlni m°" Iha• JOO -gen, for medlum.Juiu! fllghll. Aernllot clalll>I to be lhe WO<ld'• blqesl -aJ1d Oil< of~ .,.i .. 1, l ., The last lmawn Aeioflot cruh 11m>lvtd .. ILll that '!<Ill c1own near 8verdlnvak . ift November of UIS?. No cuualtitl ~ ever .annowicecJ al~ an offlclai tt· ~..ililUClll ol Ille accident WU held. : .. : Heart Attack '..Laguna Artist's · Cause of Death A bean attack was blamed by the ()range County Corootr's Office too:ay in the d,.th of Festival ol Atta e1hlbltor Jamea Collella, 44, pulled from heavy our! MOllday off Laguna Beach Main lkach. · Colletta WU swimming It the foot of Laguna Avenue when he complained to nearby lwimmen Iha! h< wu feeling faJnt. Four nrimmers rwarn to his aid, but loot him in the heavy, cbll1y 1urf. Hil body was retrieved a minute and a hall lit.tr by lifeguards. Mouth-tl>-mouth resuecttatlon and external c a r d l a c mauage on tbe beach and en route to South C...t Community Hoopltal failed to revive the artllt. FUnera1 services will be held In East Hanover, New Jeraey, near the borne of hla mother, brother and sister. DAILi HLO ! ............ .......... .... a..----c..--OIMOI COM1 ........... COMMWr .............. ---Jt41tL~ ._ ...................... -·-.... "-.:' :-I i::tt.. ~ • Labor Doy <Al!I~ the d!ISldtllts 1-to thwart tl>!i lhtoU$h ltaa1 mew. Orin(< Coun\y PAC leader llobert O. Bland, of Laguna lit~ Is ont nf the Plaintilf• in the lnjunciJon action. cha~ len&inr a aectloo of thO atate idmlnl,. traDYi code primarily lnvolvtd. . Th .. JOAC1o.e aectlon il•eo pm;u..,por,. lntsndeilta !ht right to grlftt or clenY park uae to large srooPI· and i'iqulre l300.00t llablll\y Insurance, damqe de- pnotta and permit fe.,. 0 Authorities In San Clemente have attmpted lo cleny or IJihlblt our ti&ht to I ....,,,bit ~bly and ~Uon thi Wm· ern White Houae lot a redreu of our pievance qalnet ~Unu1tion or the Vietnam war:• Bland said. Ht odd«! tllllt the ACLU believu d,. nlal Of such rlchtl of assembly and free I~ 11 ....aotltutional. -•lQur att.onieys are conndtnt of victory In thll !Igo! '1rulgle, even if lhe matter must be takeil at the Jast hour to a U.S. Suprtmt Court' !Ulllce." be continued. The PAC, wfilch atdtd a protest demon.trttlOn nw the "Wuteno· White DAl~V PU.OT 1t1tf ,,.. .. 'l'M JUST ABOUT TO BLOW MY MIND' Cet BrMder'a Wife Fret• In AMheim Hopes Rise for ~als . rf! Es~R! Desert D~ath • ,, 1•f ' "' ! struded with IO llllcl<ell lialllt cats, an ,Aqeheim wlldllfe conaervatioaiA to- day ·liOped In ll!DP on from El Centro In hip ~.Jllle , .. truck;lo YUJi>a, Arta., • haven ol hope for r.paln and ~llef. Cllli<ns of the tiljlllinl ·Cilllomla deJert community coV~ · Wiim" Cl!1f Tu-y to help Tedd!Liuthold he!> tho malfunctlooln& rodlator lull en route to the Jaraer Arizona toWn. Mn. Dorothy Leuthold, .,,. 701 lied Gum Sl, ,\nallelm, llld she talked to her hui~ II mldnlcllt for a p.,,.,.,. nPort In their ln>ubled move to Brootalde, Fla., with the exotic ClflO· "The cats are holding on pretty wen," Aid Mn. Leuthold, who leorned Mooday Nasser Renews All-Arab Summit Meet Demands 17 Ulllled Prt11 !Dtarutleul ' President Gamal Abdel, N•HU of. Egypt rinewed hls demand today for an Arab summit meeUng to plan military actlon. against Israel for the burninl of the Al Aq._ Mosque ln Jeruulein. Nasser called for \be meeUrJa detpile a dec~lon in CaJro Tuesday by Anb foreign ministers to organl:e a summll of all Moslem naUons which would include moderate a!ld pro-Wel!Aern It.ates such as Turkey and Iran. . In a menaat to Kint Hussein of Jordan, Nasser said an Arab sum.mil was •1an uraent necessity." "-Jn Ulue black mom,nts:," he aald, "nolhlnc will clettr the et>emy OJctpl the f0r<e we can moblllle on the ba~· tlefields." lncrelsed terrorist violence in J1rael led police to clamp tJabl 1te11rlty mUSum lc:rosi the nation today. The Jattst incident was a hand irtn•dt dlaconred Tu1tdoy fl<ll to 1 bulldinC ,.bere l>tpu\Y Prtmior Ylgall Allon w11 to IJ)elk. Al the United Nations, \he t~member Stc:urlty Council unonlmouoly condtmntd Israel fot lta air att.ack on IO'llhem Lebanon v1Uag11 Aug. 11. Tbe council also denounced In lndlnct torms oc- tMUu ol Arob COl!lmandoo oponllnC from Lt-territory. · The· tw<><tay confmnce in Coiro ol 1 s lilU fOIOlfPI minJstera "" ·convtntcl In _..1o !he 'flra !.,i''l'hUnaay·at Iha mqoqut; the tlilr<I moot aacred of Islamle .11 ... No date "" •I for the *~!loo. •II· MooJem llUIMlll. which would bi qllll,. Od II)' Klnr Flllaal of Saudi Ara~la and KID( H1uan Ill Morocco. 11>• foreign mlnlslen t!IO alf"d to IUllUMfl a meelln( of the Arab Loque'• Jqlnt dtfeltae CDW>ctl .. rty In November. '!bl -would lludy plona to molllllit the military stmglh ·ol the Arlb ootions and Improve the effedlveness fl. the Palca'Jnlan t-JerrU la movemenL , , , \ . I If, .,_ nlchl tllit ~two loopords, each catrying th,.. nn cubl II)' a black llr<, had died In Ibo bllstarinC bell EnaJne lr"'!Wi cauaed I halt Jj the -.......mlnental-caravan by LeUthold and·a truclr-drl)'inl ~penlnn In El cen- tro, wh<ro oddlUmw dlfficu!Ues otruct TueldlJ. "He thlnb the block ts cracked and then the freeier 1ave out," Hid Mn. Leuthold, . explaining that I nine·faot freear cootalnln( 300 pounds ol frooen cblcllen for the cats ts ateadlly 'wormlng up. ' "He can't wet the animals down, becau11 In lblt boat the shock would kill them," lbi COl'ltlrJQed. teJloc of ooe wen. meu~ but futile offer ol help which came 1IModay n1Cht. .. A man called to ask U there was any "II' to br1J11 them back -and he nue,.d u1 a place in .ffemet -but that's in the dtlllrt... lhe aaid. •'Thty're dying in the deaert now.'' Tbe Ltutholds operoted Tbe Houae of Martu. a domesUc cat breeding and boardinC facility unUI earlier this year, when forced to ahut down by county authorit.ies. . No moaey h11 come in since June and Mrs. Leuthold had to remaln behind because of lack cf space on the cat caravan or commercial transportation funds. Loss of lhe two preanant mother leopards and cubl was a •16,000 blow, whlt11: the aurvivlni antmall are valued at several thousand more. Tht couple hopes aome day to open their own ioo tn Florida, but increasing troobles m dimming th8' d,.un·toclay. '41 fetl llke Just 1oln1 down to the jail and aa)'ing: 'lock me up', I'm just about to blow my mlnd," the destttute wciman uld today. "But 1 told my hlllband on the phone tho! 11 lout I'm with him In spirit. And God Is wotchlne <!own too. somebody m~be •• ," Beach Youth, 18 Dies of Injuries A HunUng*on lettch youth, Steven Lee Cooper, ii, died 'l\Jeodoy of h.,d lnjuri.,. sulfmd whllt plmn& "klct the can" ni .. dl1t ago with lrliitdo. Mr. Cooper, Ill 191117 Rlmsrate Lane, died In HunUrtaton Intercommunlty llo(pltal without •vtr repining c:on-oc-. . . ' A coraner•1 depuly said Mr. C6optr col!lded head""' wlth another youth lo !ht 111!11 bloct ol Voyo .. r Stroet on A•I· II, fell bactwor$ ..... hit hll· htod Oii Ille paVtmtnL , , H1 leav1S hll motllllr, Mii. Vida WI!,., ol the home lddrtu: hi• falhtr1 Fnncl• Cooper el Analltlm. •nd orothers, Jaoeph, ol the home, and • John, In the ""117· . ' Servlctt wtn be Friday noon at the Church ol Our Fathers, Forest Lawn, Cypr .... ~-p.m.,A,.•~:..1~:.PlaJlaJudae•ncithtrDa·, vfdSWllllundlya·ma111 l.Penlbt• Iii lhe '!iioo block ol SO.th Via • --cle l!'t<iite, for • 1peech by ACLU Ollar· • "We Jnvlte all peace·mlnd;d SOuthern Clllfornlani to join us in this 11icUvhy,'' Blaod cootlnued • three.man federal -I CJ'IDio, the Jn. ney Wlrin nn the ~,.mcance of tbe EYOn ii Ute' PAC w~Jts 11\luncWnn In court Thursday, San Clemente Stlte Beach wUI alrta<ty ·be Jammed with va· caUoners Sunday, Calltornla ·Parks ind Recreatloe> Dlr~"'-1 ~· Pl!!ll Motl Jr. warned Tuesda1. juncllon ·'nurSday or not. atrugale for tree apeech. ·•we are Mtermlned to establish a .. Anti-war s;peaken are also scheduled, free lpeeci> -In the abadow ol the , wlth.-4 ·marth to J.UO.. to the Yi"tim WMtetn Whit.> Houae oo ~t our_-Whllt.JloUst, led 117 l'letnam wv ~r-•mment wlll li<or loud onCI dear Uii 1111, dtmciiiotratliir oaatast· th< cOnfllct. voice o1· tho11· Amerlc;ant w1to danand t A petltloa ~ more !hon $,Olio the lmmtdlata and uollatml withdraw~ alpelutU Ill Vlelilim war fou - of all U.S. troopo fmn ~" Bluel Ing 111 ""'to In. ~the 10 -I Hi said !hat facilill Is ~ of many throughout the •tale alrtl4y l>oOttd solid for the 14•t·fling -wltlctnd and urged, um~ra: Without mervaUoca lo bead Cot mnote ueu. 1 continued. Income tu IUl'Charl• · Ing iDQ1 for t He uld the PAC ton\inCtDI plans to and· withdrawal aiill :U , tOldJVI. ' I .. • •• II> I Negro to ~~~d -~rvine EOP Mexican·Americam Dis~lj-~ed With Appointment By THOMAS FQR'l!JNB Of t111t Diii., ~li.t tt.W /. A black man, to the dlfP!taSure. ol- some Mexican-American lead~, ii t_J>e new director Of the EducaUonal ap.. portunilies Program ~t UC Irvine. He ii Tin1cilhy S. Knowles, 25, who comes to Irvine froiD. the same post at San Jose State. Announcement of the appoinlment wu made Tuesday in the nanie of UCI Chanctllor Panlel G. Aldrich Jr. Sup. posedly Knowles waa chosen unanimoualy by minority students on campus and the EOP sta!f, althou&h Mexican-American students had to·be persuaded not to hold out for one of their own for lhe po!ilUOn. . It was learned that Wcano students gave tbelr consent when told a job offer as assistant dean ol atudenta-had beeD ~xtended to a M~XIClfD·Amqtcan. "There IS an offer out to a very highly qualified Chicano." Vice Chancellor for Student Mt airs ' Jobn ~-Hoy said. "We hope lo be able to make po3iUve an- nounctemenl very shortly." BEAD PROGRAM Al director of EOP, Knowles wtll h<ad a program that screens and admlts disadvantaged students to UCI on the basis of promise, without any limitaUon based on their prior a c ad • m·t c performance. JI~ waa: one of 10 applicanta for the EOP dlrectanhlp, a field that Included four blacta, four auc.... and two Angloc, aCcordtnc to Hoy • Strong Cl1tlcilm ol the appointment IQ> comf from Mexlc ... Amertcm · leodtr Ra]Jit ~. Wbo In ,. letter I lo Choncellnr Aldrich wr.te: ' "! perllC!lllillJ question Iha veracity of the Analo -at \)Cl IDd I am to ..... w1lh tbe lndllDI that .. ~--~·· V11 ....... ~~·el llnlled Lalin American ClllHu, ol which h< It· atate civil rlghll chairman, wu not notified u prnmiled of the deadline for applying foe the job; that Knowleo· does not meet elthec.by.educallo11.or_ by.,.. periepce the published job requirements, and that the INll rauo for black and Chicano adml"1ona thla fall la not being li<ld to. DISCRIMINATORY Th< new EOP director was 111ppnetd to have a maaten degree plua four yean of experlenCe in ltudent related acUvity, Echave said. ••My lnlormalion 11 that Knowles baa but one year of e1perience and a bachelors dearee. Thia is dl!crlminatory to those peraons who would have applled If the requirements bad been Jess." Knowles &raduated from San JOH Stat& In t9S1 with cNal bachelors degrees in malhematlcl and phytlcal educaUon. He stayed at the college u, a lecturer and teaching assistant and became the cam· . ~ . pus co~ r.. Ille ,1coue;, com. mitment Pr<>eram. rislnc llt EOP to -Ila dlrtctOf. I ' l Knowlil roun~' the SJS campus' Black Educational 0 p po r t u n i t y scholl?lhip program . and the Martin Luther Kl!li tcbowshlp commilie.. 11• oow Ji wotkil\c on 1 masteri cJe1r<e and was llCCepled u.a doctor'!1 can<jldgJ9 tn f4ucatlonal philosophy to ~ Univenf· 11 of 'Orqon but ""-< to take the UC! job lfl11<¥. . ' Under 1gr«ment with Aldrich it w• tjle 1tudents, two from the Bl¥.t· St~I llnlnn 1114. two from the United Mule.... Amerlcln 5\ud!nll, phli· Ille l!JOl';slall who picked the director~ • At lrvlne the put yNi• EOP 41il<IOJJll numbtreel 33• blacks, nin"e MeJ.ican. Americans, one PuertO RiCAD .and one Italian. REMINDER It Is that dlsproportlonate Negro representation that galls Echave and other Mexican-American leaders. Twelve percent of Oran1e County residents are Chieano but Jess than one percent black, Ibey mn!nd. For this fall, 80 11ew EOP students have been aCCf:l>ttd -40 blacks, 38 Mexlchn· Americans, one Chinese and one Anglo, according to lhe university. "It is my understanding there are several Indians and several from Latin countries in the Mexlcan·American g?O\!p," said Echave. "Our 50 percent promise to UJ has been diluted." Echave said, "It's been thrown at ua time, anCI ag-1n -the Maican·Amttlc:an. hasn't doM anything. We know exa.ctlJ whit they're talking about. We haven't demonstrated, broken the Jaw o r destrQyed property. The main impetus is paclficatlOn of the black." 'The EOP directarslUp opened when Alan ~ler, the director the past year resigned because "a white person doesn't have the backgroond in living, l'!l!Sll't Pared exP¢ences ~ the primary level wiQI· ~ ,t~f:ftb1" t FQl1lterly an wlStant prolmor of ~f<.$okigy at Irvine, he has be'n ap- pa1nted lo a new pofli~op -uslalant to the chancellor for urban affairs crl!es • JOCKEYING B~GAN Tl;le jockeying between blacks and Chicanos for control of the position began When Miller resigned. But consent to the appointmenl was managed. and Echave notv;ithstandlng, t.ht appearance or unanimity given. Hoy, newly hired and just arrived on the campus Monday, had a hand in it. He spoke to the Chicano students of the new assistant dean position. ''ls that a promise?'' he B•id he was asked. He said he promised what h'! could: ''I am ea~ to see more minority people on the staff and will work in that direction. That i.s a promise." Coast Residen'ts. Watch l,luss M~~t~ ~Ligfit Show Thoos~s of Oran&* Coait··~ni. W.. 1 "It WM phenomenal," ~d a Newport Tuesday night saw a double-header light Beach police sergeant. ~ iD the 11.ky and the seq:indfeature _ "I saw it from the balcony of my house in Costa Mesa for about 30 seconds, and a dying R1:1sslan missile sectioD -was by the next thing 1 heard was a,radio report far the most 1pectaculair, -· · · that it had been sighted in Artzona," he Pol1.-e switchboards Jn an ·cout·cOm· added. · munities began lighting up at 8:50 p.rri. Patrolmen 1n several Newport Beach when .the huge, streaking fireball and cities reported by radio the sighting of sparks whined over the area. the fireball. Some thought the di s p I a y was a The first part of the celestial double dislntegrating Jet. others thought It was header occurred an hour before when a meteors burning in the atmosphere, or a zig-zag trail of ice crystals left from the flying saucer. exhaust of a Minuteman II missile caught The answer, however, finally came the setting sun's rays over Vandeober& from North American Air Defense Co~ AFB near Lompoc. mand at Co}9rado Sprillp. Colo. The missile trail, a ·common sight in re- SpOkes,rTien µiere Wd I.he display wu ceot mor.\hS caused nary a stir. caused bY the bumlng .in the a_tmosphere But al the Hollywood Bowl, members of a sectit;m ,of a Ruasian Colimos rocket or a concert audience oohed and ahed at launched Aug: 19. · the brief, but spectacular appearance of Personnel in Colorado tracked the the Soviet rocket part overhead. strtaking, sparkling piece of space Motorist& stopping to see the fireball garbqe down the Pacific Coast until it caused traffic jams in several Southern fell into the ~a off La Paz, Bolivia. California cities. Tothemoon and back ........ ,,._,.. __ to 11ndlfl0 .....,. er h mast cruennc teats ter.nllabllftr, Ngtdn .. •ntl ..,...bll"1 ••• •cceler11tlo• from 0 to --~­... dMlftpl. ......... ............... _ .. rattl9 .., ..... JVW • -............. -. mentntmt.-.. .... .. Md II'• --... wry NM l!Mfdn1at1t "' Wlltch•C9"f-""'*" wttflout '"' m~ by NASA for tll mannH .,.ea m...aona. Tfllt,.... nltion. truly'• r....-""-.., cellence, iMbl • PftlUld ID b• your •utrtorlaed Om•t• J•w.I .... Comli In •• , ... this l'l•ndsom-, 2 button, 4 dl•I, Om•1• Sp11dm11ter ctuo,_. 1niph. 11Mi ontr Mtttt wom b)' th• Min on th8 moon. Prioe $195. CONVlNllNT TIRMS IANICAMIRICARD MASTU CHAR~I I £2l NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA . • 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PRONE 541.)401 ' I ' II i I I " \ ,. I·