HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaAntD • aeh-~otft«, ·neW -.iD Death • • ~ -"" ' ' , ' , . -· . .,,-,,-,,_ , Oi Bah1 ·1h.Ugr;ter " . • l 1-".... -l .. ii * :ti • ' . I ,. • New PeaCeMo~eSl\Iapped . .~ ,_ ·-- •CAiOLE RUNYANiGREETS HUSBAND JIM IN SEAL BEACH -;-S.llon 1nrl'Mi11IMS"RthmrFrom OvtrstH Duty .. In Ni " . --·--~· ..... $'5,000 lli0g • Cache Netted In f.osta Mesa By ARTRIJI\ R. VINSEL Of 1M Ollfr Pltff. If-" ·Priion"'°""" 01\' ldenticai c:hlltps, a Costa Mesa couple WU anmed again Tbundayiby lawmen who said they coo-- fl8Clted. a foot kder containing zr;uf.. jdal!a, -of •drug pilll ll1IL powdered LSD worth $5,000 or more. 'Complaints charging Ray W. Brown, 2.\, and Vicki D. !Wnlo, II, both of 1987\\ Meyer Place, with possession of mari· juana and dangerous drugs f<r sale today . ,,... belnc aou&bt from the dlatrk:t at- torney. Brown and Mia Rainio were an-tsted Wt May 1• in a drug rakl. on a HeWh motorcycle gang: communal house in CO!ta Mesa and eventually pleaded guilty, coort aides conlJrmed today. They tried to reverse the pleas Jaat . . _ . . ~ d week in Harbor Dlestrtd Judicial Court. M • however, but were not allowed to do 80 ·-;&,"M.I:maes ' --' an ond ordered lo orange County Superior ~ -...~ ·~ ... , -o.t next Friday for aenlendng. ,..... J...; •I • 4 I 1 .I, I/' i ' ....__ • ·: -~j Ti • , ,... ' ·~ ~ · ~Iii~·· :J _ ..... · . , ·. !'' ,,,... &m!Sb "niUl'lday monung were Sem oeach 16ives : """;«--JWeLCUm~ {'i '.~r:.r' ti!"ts:O~U:.~ b~= '"t... ,.._ • , ...t ' .t · ~· ~ plus Costa Mesa and 'llle.Martiieo.lvlle<l 1bUr.d.; ~. Jiic,Juiled we,. membJln GI Seal'lle"h ; llnport-police detectives. ma.I-and lhec:lly tun:ed out lo ·-,.,.pn1 .. t1oot, the-Otld llllir ;J"1 Irvin, Orang! 'Q)unly agent . ....... ·-· • MOCbOl;B,_.and E~·<Jillb --difte for •the llale bureau tod:; ~bolit-Jlo """ol tlte·Fjrst.IJigbl Ami· .~~~ ~1Ur.*bile; ~ .. ,er.aiied Newport Beadl Polle< ddectl~et ~~.!"t.;.~~:.::;. :anil ,~,lo~AynlN.hJ.na•,• ~.E;otefn llld ~ -~ wllh setting ·-~ .-· • wflere1bly wso adl•~ la lllO. up the raid. IS,lllO• ~ If tn>qpo, arrived '!he Pll'll.l.lillit AatHlnnlt Mllsilt Tiiey alto provided Information leading • .. iw. U.S. NaVJ ~ (Landing Ship lllttalloD --red lo Vietnam Fob. 1, to a raid '"' lhe Heulan ""'8e at 2853 °':ice 111o Mirino w .... trom other 19'6. While 11 Da Nani the unit wu sma Ana Ave .. 1aot May, ~ 11 -· J ••--.:.......~ ~· aaJ1or Frani J, ~ 1lle.mlloian.col pnlridln& air' penom won~ and lt&,000 w.orth .....,.. w '"""-"'• -· d.!-fll' the Da N"'a oompleL Tbo)i of~ l!ld otllor --lltlud. ~-USS TorlQ(& was greeted bJ mallUined 1 viJIWlt watdl over the 1n1ne aald ~ ol tbe material ~~ ~ ftv..mootha old -""".,the --.......... called' taken 'lbunday ahowed u pocl:lged klJo!bou_ r ,,_a.; _ ... a -lii deft111e. (U pounds each) of marijuana, a t ,.,. ~ .JM> al lillll -'nit -""' ••• -la dvlc pro-10,000 pbenobarbilol labletl and enouP • JAiie. HunlialJon-Beach and 'llluroday -and weno ci\ed for ''their ellorts powdfred LSD lo !lll 1,IOO crpsule<. .... ~lie -timeoaailar 6imcnle, lhaCwlll lolig bo ,.,,....bered bf tho piO. Brown -w!lo sOl.r!!',lloo worth of LSD hlilt,1tmt.hll IOl\.I ".. r -·pie of Da"N.ng." ... ,... ' I to I state vndef'l'OVtr agent, ltadlng to ... Mlll'liie! an\ .. 1 WH more or"J.,. At. the two Navy lhlpo. dooked at the tJie May· raid -was picked up on West cJapjllod Iii few nlalhes w_.., band 5eaJ Beodl .Weapons-· tlle Marine• l!lfh Str<el' la Costa Mesa, according to lo P.-U*11. lllli· with -. little lllldp fined on the dect ni -. llluted by a police Sgt. JaekJ:alnon. · ._ !nit the -Ccpo a1ioOt • Sell N..,.-~Lal Alllnlloa Naval Air '!he~ Mei& Poll<e -and !f'.. a..ii-1un>e11outto....,_the St-. l<JUteacl 111M leader accompanied •~ 1119'1iomt.-' • '81difbwweftrtl,aDowodoll111tlldp1'> Neoiport~·and.uttagmt:I aa "'&111 of tlle!!\ wwe to"'.., Juve. lo tho mldeoce ahartd bJ Brown and 1 r., '"'°" tile r---·Mtlallon of MllS Ralnlo. ::'.., Pl..., Uis Dille.r ,Iii lealllen!ecU Hied down i11elllll!PW>J?1o The s1r1 "¥-arrested a-~M a ~l ' ' the w~ buae&. lawmen wo ent~ tile homo w\th a UNTA · ONJC.( (!1PJ~edienne For-· tbe war In Vlelnmn II J~ a oearch wJlf!"llL issued from Harbor Pb)tl.~ DIU... wu adn\Jtted Thunday 1o ~ _,...,.., dutll and dalnlction. District Jndl<ial Court dJJcovored tho ~L -·1 llospilal for trulment.ol 1<11te ~ thoir lutllreil ~ Tbellarlne marijuana and druga. autOlll-and elhalllllon, atlributnd to Cor1'0 S-ot TwenlJDlllO Palllla will be Aulhorltl .. oald today INt a 1'llo ol ~ Illa Dlller'!ralloroed lo poot. their nw 1-and_dlo¥"1D -· undor .marljuaJJa llOlllllllJ ~ llloUl,.ltO, JIOl10 her -S<pl. 11 openlJJf at tile cmnmand at a.. Jn! Marlot Alr<raft but could be much hlgli<r n<111 due to the tho CGnoaut Grovt ll!ft. Wing, ltatloned at El Toro. pre-Mexican -..on tearctty ol lht week. /\ ~--------·----~~-------------- . . ·emam ; lVI~t •"'."'~<~, ,, . ... • • ... j ! • ' • '.' .. Of Boy LostF!ve ~ears =~~F:.~:3 ' -'-'---~-In I -hour, ~-"*lhiC wltJi A<lthortties today have all but .cJoled ·lie and a · ctr .._ to Sbltley hi! 'toil mllltary, r11plof,,au., and ·.., L'ieir filfl oo the tragic c,.. of 1 Blanltenoblp,, 1121 2911! SL, Weitmll1rt<r, w-~ lilgb Si:bool student who -vanJjbod tllf\ ..... nlpl. tellt;m:e advllen. Jn derpalr OVft' a,troobled romance -Mr: and Mh, , Llchty-S!l>ce-' , led •The Wblte HOUM -·· ·'lrilll. aD went Jllflldlng suJcldally In a atolea car porlldpanU appwtnc IPD. -and died alone In a murky take. -apd'Mri. Balanlenali!p ~bly made amid IJlOCl!latlon that a•halt ~ 11.r No one can know What went throulh their report.> at '.the pOUclo ~la Nlxoo In B5Z ra@s hi< South Vieldlftl the mind of WIJllam L. Lichty, 18, when" Involved about the aame time on that nilght Jnak th•~ In PflllCI! la1Do the cu taken from a neighbor slewed falefuJ. ntgllt. But mldl!ay thluug!a :the ntfelhiti, 1111 sltkenlnill' oil Golden West .Street oo The Llchtj boy and the car were pro.. wspeoa1on wlli lifted' · Nov. I~ 1164 and deep lnlo Talbert' Lake. bably alrudy burled. .In tho muck of "!bore wu110 hnmedlate -fnlin t11o Teams of coroner'• ctepuUro, a \lbl'll· TAibert Lake, aboot a mJJio .lrom the Wliite 80uae on what was ·-at dan and even an anthropologlst lrom Cal neldlbortiocid W!iere the prlntlpals all llv-the,-· Wblch 51Ftid•ai·l,Jf am. State FuUertoo tnapected liO -acat-ed. • PDT'llid ~up-at1o:J1. am. PDT, tmd through the demolbhed, rusty aulo Garden Grove Pollet Sgt. Mike Slane" Oflldala' added' ll!at ther9 woald lie no found Wednesday. said Thunday that leads were fOllond aimoUncements -tlia{ 1he. -· A griev!ng modler made the final up all over the Southland, I1SU)tlng tn .a wea}d tiecome IJ1Pll"nt Wer, determination, breakJnc down alter loot-filebool< 30 Inches tltlck on Wllltam The bomblng'halt bld'b.en oidored bJ in1 at her..,., watch and rin«. Lawrm:e Lichty. Klllio wt-fanfare 'ind tlie • 14- HunUngton Beach detecUvro will not That 1ea1'C!i ended under tho-hot sun mlnlltratlon re/uaed e\ien to tonllnD II or ceaie working "' lhe ca8' untt1 lhey ate and the 1tor1ng light of gmmtor-dtscuil "' polllble m=: · Uldil po11IUve aU factors ar< tnown. powered lampa Wednoaday. atlort!y alter norm wben 8emlary Th¢u Is little lo speculate upmi. "Planks were placed upon the cumtJo. RaiaJr1 ztes1et· 1a1rt ·Nbmn bid «dereil 0 Apparently, the boy wu _ipeedlng like mud and we~. ti}fnl qui: to -· rlldl ~ aloni Golden West Street and came to scoop up paDa and liandlul< of mud \o be-Zlqler ~ledl'll tbe auspoillloo tho j18tl where the road sloped and 1Ud 11fted for ev)denc<," aalo! Dtpuly,.Cmlner had --la aee .... the ea.n. lnlo'the lakt,I' laid Detedlve GllVelne. Rusiell Grttne. ~ woold"'ftlict aed Nldraldrrwso 'l11en ll uo more -k on the ·caae for The left side door """"open as the ordered ,......ed !Jfl!jlxOil wben lied of· (Jorden Grovo pcillce, who ha•• been' battered car . waa belnl hauled 00! ,wtlh '(Seo lilil'.ON, hp I) follO!rlng .vory lead ... the mllitng 80iJ lit grbly human W'JIO W~y and of Mro. Evelyn Lichty• for the pa3\ Ov• oome akelotal remains -•lruD Included yean. • . . . " .~ -~N.~.'Pill! I) ·' . ~ ~ .. .. . ' . ,. Grafe t • • • ' . ' • , • • . • • - • . .;: '• • • • • , . • ' ' • ' • . . -- . ton Return . . '•em. IUPJI -~ r. ~-.~·. l!li block revoluti""'1 'who tllo~t .. •lihl )'Ul't .. to <llld llli't ... )lhaplng ellatgu .. -to .t.mabo"IOll lodoy and WU~ odtrt? II)' llll :FBI. (IJ:arller llo!Y. "7).' • • .. . P.?m -ts *wod ooto the llj)edal 'IT* w..-lil AlrUnes Id and brodg't out 'lnlnn... -1*1 ID Ille Unltea ~~ On a1iBdliil.~arrant. ... ·w-Md speot • .m ·ji\ an .... , .... jail prior to hlJ dir«I fllll'I '"'"' . ~to llrtroil • Williams. who laid down much of lbe IJ'OUD(lwork in the black p ow e r movement's philosophy of m e e t In f violence with violence, shook hands with the stewardess and customs oUlciaJs on hlJ .,., oul of Ille plane., . 11lt jel CarTied ooiy Wiiiiams and • crew ct .qlit, two oeeurlly guardl. 11111 .......... •11Dmt7. lliltoo 1lenry "' -Iii<, Mlch.' • The l>e"'1!ed Williama, ,t4, wore a blue MIO TIHUnc lllit and • Red Ch!llou 1171t cap u bl l!epped. lntO Ille IUilllgllt. A_,~ guard ol Wayne CowJ. ty aborilr1 d<prtl<s and .Plalnckltl>ea poUcernen wu waiting. 'lbere were alsn about 50 gall)' dressed members of tt Republic .of New Africa, the black n· Uonalist piper nation of which Willia r is "praldenl" . 1illllaml was taken immedlatdy for heldnC befora. a U.S. comml......, • Ibo ~ve warrant, lslµed lollowlq k tiapllc ch• r I e 1 durine rat ij~ illllamoe, N.<;., 111 ltll. ' .,.,,.... ~11ge J. .BONES .... -were lost forever. lov«tigalon today praised hilbly the firemen who stayed at the scene unW 10 p.m. Wednesday, helplng lab men sift through the stew-like mud f<r more ol Jolla Lldlty. , '"!lley dldll~ !lave to slay, bat t1Je7 did and 1bOJ weot ~ aR that l!llK:k Alllll -..... aald .omc.r IUclllrd Wllllams. So far. the recovered bones .match the ~ ol the·~ b<J!o, wllo was five feet 10 inches tall, wiegbed about J.45 JIDUDds. at had a broken arm at one tbne • hil life. 'Alta' .u.e dilcov<ey -and relattvely quick.aolut\oo lo the <Me ct a car and boy-~ ... lloteml>er-nlllht -nne obeerven: wonder bow many more bones may ll~ deep in tbe murk. ; Ancleol.Jll>ale booel. bave 1>ee11 dUI up ny ~cm W«kltc Ip the Jm. ~ 'ridnlly, wblle '!'llbeil and """' tingtoa LaftJ "" ....., deep in &pot., · · "Someday they mfd>t even find "me ctnturles-old Ind1am oat I.here," Hid one obser\ler. Johll Uchtf pn>bably wanted to be alone that llteful ntgbt and be s'.ayed .:lone -for almost five yean. Or did be? Theft Suspects Nabbed in Raid A quick rlld Thunday m<rnlng °" a Fou:Ain Valley residence netted three suapecWd bur&lars wanteil by the Long Boodl Police Depatlmen\, FCJU!lfaill Vllley and Long B<ach police units Ficked up Patricia May, 28; A<e McCarter. 33, and Jooeph Kish, '8, at 111115$ La Quinta and charged them with -coanta ol poueasin( burglary toola, /Qrgery and grand tholt. Patrlcie May and McCarter ~ave the Fwntain Valley addrw: aa their borne. They were both taken to Long ~ch for booklwl· KJsh said be WU from W Vegas. He waa booked into Orange Coun· If Jall 00 charg .. ol ix-sslni burglary toel£ DAILi f>1LOl } .......... ··= ... .... - -c..-ua.w··· ' . . ' .... COUl ,,._ ....... «IMNMV «.eN.t K, Weel •tn!Ml!t•....,_ J•t.li .. C.S., ·-,,,.....,_.....,, ...... n.-, ._, .... ~~, .. ~i -...... o.11 ........... ... ....... ~:r..!:tlJ:::-. -.. ......... ....... -~-.... ,.____... . . t· .. ,...--Bom s Resnme·· . ' ' 4 • l • DA .. Y ""'9T""" ...._ JACK HASTINGS, 9, CONSOLES 'BLUE MAX/ A PEACOCK WITR PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS How Would You FHI If All Your Tall Foothor1 Foll Out?· ., Pea~ocl.i. ·,Feeling·· Blue ' Missing Tail Feather~ Bri'{ig on 'l>epress;;,ii ' By RUDI NIEDZIEl3ltl OI tM Dellr 'Jlft Sttff .ax bu the blues again. :'eelinR: Jonely ·aoo neglected he struts JUnd ihe bacltyard, oocaslonally honk· ~t ~. m«qing IOI with hlJ raspy N!De.,.......i4 Jlck 11a111na 10112 Crai· d Driff. !llmliolton Beadi; has lsol>ted the CAUll ·of the deep.rooted emotional Jll'lllilem troublillc -· mind, but he llD't sure wbetbet a Freudian or Roger. Ju \herapilt caulcl help. Mllls !,-'<· .. Ills tall le'D out a week ago," Jack uplaiDed. "And Binet tbal time he just hasn't been hlmself." Mrs. Joyce Hastings, Jack's mother, said Mu: drops h11 75 colorful tail feath- ers every awnmer becaU!e their weight gets him down, but then goes jnto a state o( emotianal depression. 0 Tbe' fint time it happened J nearly bad a fiL I tbougl!t M bad a horrible dlleue ·anc1 expected him to dec:ompooe in fnmt ol m'/' eye1," she said. . "I got hol of. 50lTle kind of vet in Long Beach who told me it was some aort of_ cyclical thing. He uses the tail Ill Sort of a promotional device for the ladies." But the ladies, four of them to be ti- Newport Doctor Praised for Aid To Injured Mesan A Newport. Be.acb phyaician won praise from police today for giving aid to a severely ln~ed Costa Mesa youth Thursday afternoon in a Baycrtsl motorcycle crash. Officers said Dr. Clillonl R. Jordan stopped at the accident scene at Irvine Avenue near 23rd Street to help Robert Patrick Shefflette, 17, 2141 AS.er Place, Costa Mesa. Sbeflette, police Aid, was riding his cy- cle at an erUmated SO mile.s an hour when Jt hit the center divider aod slam- med into a road reflector post. The youth suffered severe cut:s puncture wOunds, internal injuries and a broken ann. · act. just aren't paying any attention to Max anymore. His wife Lady Bird and her daugh- ters Sophia, Druscllla and Prunilla would rather do their own thing, which conslstl of chasing tbe liastinp' Siarne.se cars up tttes or rocldng fa Ille chair swing an afternoon. Jacli: aald his mother l>ought Mu and Ladf Bini about a year and a half aao when his cat got run over fa the -. AL that time bis tbotber not only ~l -· two fellnea bill a1¥ the pea . ''U we wanted to "have blrdl ~ the house, we had to aet ·some ·.-"blCh were big enough so the cats wouldn't eat them," he said. ~ soon as be got them. a continuin~ hassle with the bumane society devel- oped over the legality oC keeping a peacock. "Foul!" cried the humane society. "Bird" ruponded Mr1. HasUngs. The difficulties were ironed out just in time, because JUddenb' Lldy Bird was found aawk.iDg proudly avt.r a nest of brand new speckled eggs and proepeet.s of an entire peacock family became a reality. "She just threw the eggs out of the nest. except for one," Jack explained rue- fully. '•Lady Bird just wasn'~ interested." His father was determined to get at least one peacock out of the batch ioouxh and placed the egg into a thousand dollar space-age ove.n at hi! firm and had the secret.arles check it almost hourly. "They insisted they felt movement in It but to me it seemed llke ~ egg np just 1etting lighter arid J.iabter," ex ... plaln<d Merrill Hastlnaa. • ' U. was ri!lht. Some6ody bad forgoUen to provllle the pn>per h.unldlty durln& the Incubation procw and the egg clrted up. ..When we opened. tt up, there wu nothing at all inside," he laughed. "Just a shell" Sevtral months later, while On a busJ. ness trip, he round a message to call Galllamia at the hotel desk. He dialed aOO OD the other line there were peeps. Lady Bird had finalJy de-- livered! The three baby birds, which are just the me of blg, check• now, now stomp around the yard, imprinted to the tracks of Lady Bird. And Mu !tends over in the comer, feeling left ouL Occa!lonally they get together >and honk at the garbage truck, Drawl 1"Kb the sparrows and peer at the school children from the backyard fence . But most of the time Mu is l"xchided from the fun-time activities. At least un- til he can hoist another tail. Israeli P'lctrtes , :4ttack Egyptiam in Suez Area By United Press Iatematlonal Israeli planes atlaeked E g y p t I a n targets in the Gulf or Sue: area ror the third consecutive day today, maintaining the pace of lhe aerial war a\ ill bigheil. level since the 1967 six-day war. 111aeli patrols also k.llled eight Arab commandos near the Dead Sea. The new strike into the region where lsrael carried out a deadly raid OD Tues- day came as Defense Minister Moshe Dayan aald larael would r~ate against Arab terror but would not take actions that would lead to a resumption of full· scale war with the Arabs. throughout the country. Dayan's statement of policy came in an Interview with the newspaper Yedloth Aharoooth. "Our strategic policy is not to cross the I Suez) Canal and not go to cairo, to d~ fend ounelves on the Jordan River and not take Amman, Damascus or Beirut," he said. He said Israel would defend Its borders by counterattacks, "to hit them and keep hJtUng them." Israel aaid Thursday's aerial battles brought to $1 the number ol Egyptian plane losses since the 11167 war. Egypt sald sis: Israeli planes and one Egyptian plane were Joel Thursday and that heavy damage was infik:ted on IU"ael, a claim Israel denied. • ! In ~outh Yietna~ . ' . ·i'_ I -WOO!! (UPI) -The U.S. OocllilioM ~ -..-'Wlii!llU oidlmage, spol<e11110~ ~8$3 rakb M.houn at rtqueot .;iii. Included Jn tbe . tariets were tw+ o1 Prflllleot Nixon but \Oday -ed pi:Ovlnclal capitals and teveo district tb1m r-m.a !>"19111e Iii • IUlpeoolaa townL Tltfrty ooe pe..-were wounded \1"400-•~Unctllewar. b~sbellillp. , 1bo aclhluoo<:!linddOd-.._ud lii'1bl Jteavlelt pwnd bottle .. parltd, ::.:'~"!.~~:=~ ~~=~:=::::::::: Minh supply trail fn>m North Jo South bilt\e' Jn-baneu ariVli ..at Ille base of , Vletnam 'by oacllle ofllloo/ili "!!llck VlraJn"M-.i!jl near Tay Ninh ~ = : V'~ ~ J Cit;, 60 mlleo ~ ol ,Saigon, i... bom°''--J tbe · Id S!i>Usn10n iald. U.S. '.....nles were VJ . '""'" ~ sreu '-'1 the listed aa two killed and seven wounded. Communist Pathet Lao before \be cap-The BS2s had flOWD four misaions tl!l'• ol tbe city and • aiboeqaent drl•o Thunday aller gettlne ltoto tbe air for the toward Sepone, 25 mlles farther eut. ~n first thne since the end of the Viet Cong the past B52s h~ve bombed targets in cease-fire. Jn recerit months the bombers La0,9 during lulls 1n the Vietnam war. bad averaged nine or 10 raida dally The u.s COmmand in 8altoo did oot • comment oo the ~ suapenalaa, aayin1 -tr "{:( -tf ooly that JIO·ra/da bad -flowri loday. . "We report them u,they me fl.on and will eontfnoe to do to in ute futute," a U.S. Command Sld•mu lald ct 'the bombing J'dlB. . . • • Communl(flies nported U.S. filliter- bomhers were a,.,, normal operalions, recording 427 m1alom: 0"'2' South Viet- nam on Thuroday. The llgbte<.!Jombers flew reduced m!Wons during the recent Viet Cong three-day cease-fire. Fighting on the ground took 33Q Com· munist Jives, m1Ut8.ry . spokesmen aaJd and Viet COQfl and N~ v~ troops lllOUllted a beilvj -l'9llnd ol rocket or mortar atlacb, hlllJtig 41 allied targets overnilht -five mote titan the prevlooa nighL SPokesmen 1akl allied (l'OQPS fought a series of baWes with Vlet Cont and North Vietnamese 110ldJen Thanday following the ""'! ol the ~ at I a.m. The fightlng aJl)ed at !Wt iao Com- mun).ts, ~ Aid. wbile U.S. loses were Iii: dMd and. ao WOOndtld. South Vietnamelie cmia1tie1 w e. t e d""'1ibed u light. Of the 46 overnight shelling attacks, i; Services Slated For Beach Man ·Killed 'in Blast Services will be held Saturday for Rdlert Still, 50, of 11771 Trudy Lane, Huntlnrtoo Beach,· who died Tllesdll!' in Seo Bentanllno from fajuri,. aulfered when a gas tank in hi! camper exploded Aug. 31. Mr. Stil! was Worthy Patron of Seaside Cbopter of the Order ol Eutern Star and a staff enginet::r at McDOnntl Douglas CorpJraUon in Huntington Beach. The Stpl family was on a Labor Day weekend vacation near Lake Arrowhead when the accident occured. He 'was taken le> San Bemantino County General Hospital where he died. Mr. SUU had been a resident ol Hun- ti ngton Beach for sis: yean, having mov- ed to the city from Glendale. He is survived by hill wife Phyllla, son, Charles and daughter, Janet of the tam.Uy home, daughter Mn. Judith Faaan, of Soulh Bend. Ind., and anotb;er aon, LcaCpl. Jol>a ll, Still of the U.S. Mllr!Iles, home on emergency leave from Vietnam. ServJces will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Community Methodist Church, HunUngton Beach with the Rev. Roger' Bet.sworth and the Muonic Order con- ducting services. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn, •tollywood Hills. Front P .. e l NIXON ••. I fensJ~ operatJ<111 lbowed an J.ncruae. The bombing bait had been ordered ~ the President in the wake of a three.day cease.fire initiated by lhe Communist! because o! Utt! death of Ho Chi Minh, "le>' see what the other side intended to do in terms of its level of military acUvlly." Zeigler uld IM BSI oortles were, ordered nsumed '1 Nlxoo becauee the level ol enemy a~ bad pie bacl: lo; .the pre-<e00-flro level. Be Jnslsted that the SU!pelllton .-: "not an 1ctlon.to alpal a response ~ the other aide" fa tmns of a cllplomatl"' pea~ overture. "W"e waoted to determine whether thfJl ceas..fire pe<Jed had any polftlcal signif1eince beyood the death of Ho,~l Zelglet saJa. •• He aotaol that the im raids bad beeo resumed in the "''1' flOite for 12 hours followtng the 72-bour ceue-flre, before being halt~ by presidential order. "\\'e did not want to resume B52 flights for a few daYI following this period, .. said Zeigler, but added that 11we were Wlo- der attack and in response to this it was necessary following the end of the 'n-hour period to fly BS2 sortl!s at one half the normal level. ' "We wanled to determine the intent ot the other side as to the level of adlvilY, and give them tbe benefit of the doubt." He added that "at this time the other side ii back to the pre-eease fire period" of offensive operations. "We have resumed the 852 fll&hta:.'' be declared. I Police Station Burglary Victim No new leads have turned up 1n the:, ease of a pint-aixed crtmfnal who burglarized the property rocm ol the- Costa Mesa Pollce Facility and .,..pec1 in broad daylight OD a getaway mlniblke.1 Estimateil to be perhaps 10 or u, '- took a boy's bicycle from the station at t9 Fair DriYe and zipped off on bis motortz.. ed mount whlle OOldlag the other one alongside. · • t The escape was witnessed by a 1•11 trusty who ran in to report the illcident, but too lat. to lead lo caplur< al the culprlt and the CMtoleo stoleo blq whldt had been Impounded. · Value was not establislled, but unof. riclal sources commented that la thefts go, it certainly wasn't petty, Officer• said Dr. Jordan stopped at \he scene of the 4:30 p.m. accident, gave first aid to lhe youth and advised ambulance attendants on his handling. Shefftetle WI! taken to Calta Mesa Memorial Hospital where ht underwent surgery Thursday evenin1. The air war reached a crescendo on Thursday when Cairo said I\ sent 102 planes -one-foorth of Its air force - against Israeli army installations in the occupied Sinai Desert. Israel .said h shot down 11 or the plane.!! In a major victory. Today a military spokesman in Tel Aviv aaid the jets .st.ruck Egyptian posi· tions on the Suez Gulf shoreline al Ras Adu Darag, 25 miles below the port city of Suez, and at Ras Zafarana, targets of the blg Tuesday amphibious raid \bat killed an estimated 100 to 150 Egypt!am, by Israeli count ~----a-----------.a--s...,z .... -.i1•2 l!m&I!!._.....,~ SWIVEL CHAIRS He was reported in w ious condition this morning ln the bo$pilal's intensive care ward. The youth was .riding beside 1 trlend, Joseph Lanning, 16, 2200 Lake Park, Newpcrt Be.ach, when be Jost control of his cycle. Sbefflette's bike hit the reflector post. the ii<ler fell of!, and Ille cycle continued on for more tban -30 feet before .topping. It wu the second major injury ac- cident in two days in Newport Beach at which doctors have atopped to give aid , police. said. Marine Or. Brennan Cassidy of Santa Ana assisted two girls hurt \Verl· nesda1 evening in a Balbol crash. The spokesman said all Isratli planes returned salely·.f.o base. He did not say how many planes made Ule raid or what type they were. Tbe spokesman said a band of J 1 Arab commandos crossed the Jordan River in- to lsrad Thursday night three miles north of the Dead Sea in an apparent ef. for t to dillrupt Israel's oelebration of Rosh Halhana, the Jewish new year. A patrol killed eight and sent the other Lhree fleeing baek into Jordan, hf! said. lsraeJ officially begins Rosh Hashana observances for the year 5730 at sundown with prayers Ior peace in sy nagogues Board of State You11g GOP Asks UCI to Oust Krisman . Tbe Si.le Boerd of Callfornia Y""111f f\epubUcans has voted to requeat UC llqaU dlll!lia< former sos leader Michael Krisman '""'1 his --ljivo pbst at UC Irvine and fire Cllanc:ellor Daniel Aldrlcll 11lr apponii,,, him. · All bUt ooe of J5 dcl11a1t1 ill\ewldc voted for tile ruolutlon which alao calls for the ouMr of "tU avowed members of sos '""" the unlvenlly 111attm,. IC> "°"""' to Jim Nub, cllalnnan ol the Orl!lie COUnty Youna Rcpubllcw. Nllh said be loatl&ateil Ille rtlOIUllon at lbe board meetJna last weekend at South Lake Tahoe becaUM Aldrich was " adamant In refusing to reconsider. "He Uled the argument ol academ.lc freedom which has no conneclion to lhe case &lnce Krisman is an admlnlstrator, no\ ID inltructor," Nub said. Kriaman, 27·year~ former UCI stu· dent ~ presldtnl. was n am e d coordluawr of academic advllillg Jul)' J, Protesta over the •ppolntment of Krisman II pointed toward the -Ung of the regents ln San Francisco ntxt Friday. Nub, a S.nta Ana Insurance t n- vestlgator and atlf e m p 1 o y t d J)hotolrapher. 18id be h11 received word from the R<'retary of the rtgent.t that the mailer hu been placed on their agenda. only ... $129 Ail •11 .. 11ol ...,.. -.In wl .. • wf4' .. ,.._, •• tt.rtl"' '*'"' ...... ...,,... ............ ff dnlrH. Do11't ••ft, cel!M 11 ,..,.., •lld Mtect • lWf 9f' ,.Ir ef Ci..ll'S ti .... Yll ....-ort ..... ,.,.., . ., ............... . -· Comfort and Style! EXCLUSIVE D_EALERS_FOR: H"'fREDON.=-DR!XE.l--Hll\ll~E NIWl'OltT 8IACH 1727 W"tclllf Dr., 642-2050 °"" NIDAY ,,Lt • INTERIORS Proreuion1l Interior Dtsltnon Avallablo .t.ID-HSID LAGUNA llAat MS Nortli CoHI Hwy. oNM ,.. .. , ·rn. t 49-USSI I ' • -· T .. . I ' I • voe. 62, NO. 219~ ~. SECTIONS, 38'PA6ES- ' . . Hun~ Beacll'a new G I 1 l e r Elementary School jW!I opened two ~1111 •10 but is, already embroiled ln a traffic safety hassle which .&0me angry parenla hD.ve vowed to t.ake to U!e city council unless it is resolved. David L. lffland, president of the. Meredith Gardens Homeowners Associa- tion, today allacked the Hwrtlniton Bead! .ElementaTy Sch6ol D I at r I c t tru!l<t!s for th<r "Impulsive and purely . Gisler financial~' action tn tllminltlna the bus- ing ot older .ltudenla liviJ'c wllhln less than a 1.1-mlle radius ol lbe school. This la endaoa:erlng the lives ol the students who have to er~ a busy in- tersection at AlLan1a Avenue and Brookburs~ ·Street, Ufland claims. "I have yet to talk to one par.ent .who £eels that their 'Johnnie' or 'Jane' is too gooil lo walk," he said. ' 1'1be part which brings their cmcern to 'c~ROLE RUNYAN .GREET~ HUSBAitD 'JIM JN SEAL ~~AQI , Sollor1 o..i.~·r1no1 Rohim ,,......, O.o~Mu puty ' . Seal Beach Turns Out For 250 Marines' Landing The Marlnea landed Thursday evenln1 Ballallon was ordered ~Vietnam Feb. J, Jn Seal Beach and the city turned wt to 1965. While at Da Nang the unit wu welcoine them. · assigned the mission of providing air About 250 men of' the Flrst Light Anti-defense for the Da Nang complex. Tbey aircraft Mi.sslle 'Battalion, returning from maintained a vigilant watch over the Vietnam as part of President Nixon's skies of the area but w~ver called 25,000 man reduCUon of troop!, arrived upon to fire a missile in def~ on two U.S. Navy LSDs (Landlng Ship The unit became active in civic pro- DoCk). grams and were cited for "their efforts .. I ORAN6E COUNTY, CAl.IFORNIJl: rT .·"11 . , . TEN 'CEfllTS ' ' School . " 'Ill ~~fety SqU~hle •• ..,.illooal l!Oak lrlbo lll<>\Jlhl of their d!lld aeWlll 1'1!0,down l!'Ylnl lo CnJS3 one of the busiest arterial highways In all of Orange Count.y." '!l:e Board ol Trustees at their Sept. 2 st!ssion decided to discontinue busing for students in .crades six through eight because they placed· the 18.fety of the yoW>.gest chlldren first, Uptalned Charles Palmer, asalltalrt superintendent. "We have ·to move. mare than 4,000 children ln a llO-mlnute period and we've . \ bee;, a01iit·11tem~?· T1ie:in..tee.•.bave, asked thal the oldeilt' just walk' a 11\lk f?J'Uler," he dipc~. . , I , , "I've watched the lntersectlon f« \lltte mornings and it's riot as b~ as 'tt l'l)!ght have been," added Palmer, 'who fiikl he' had not observed~one probltirlaU~ll tiif7 fie incident. · ,. .. f lfrland bas asked !he police department to provide not onlY one bul two traffic of. ncers at 'the .~ .. w~ ii con· trolled by a traffic algnal. ' ' . ' . . 0 If additional ·oUlcm ;have tor. hnd. for' this protection we suggest the 1u:.' pense be charged Io • !he Hunljngtm, Beach• Elementary School· District," be told'the police dep<rtinent: " ~ He also a!ked pollCe to place a r.!dar' vehicle on Broolthurst Slreet -'betwten· Adams and Hamilton Avenue to cootrol speeders. "We don't mind the IO to 5S mile per bour people/ l1a the·ll'equeot 15 to a mile ' r,. 1 ti per boor'liol·~ thlt abitt ... ai/.~ '_He aoU~aiecl.lbai bJa ~If P.MCDis ·ili -,Jlo\islnc -- by !he bualn( .,._, !odl-"-• itu~· reeUng" wlllch -~-­actton'-"i.ll tote vl&itipJto ·~ clt, Oim-clV."· -• ;; .'ti.1 ~ l • .! .... Lt. Paul Darden,. Hunbngion Bucli Police lrallic dlvialoo dliel, replied tho! • ~ lllllt would he"PlllC<d on B-~ ' . (lwmllNO,, .... •I r . . . ' \ • Dead Youth ·File --clos·ed ' . ' ' Bu_t Police S1till Want to /(now Pa th to Lake A~thorilies today have all but closed their files on the tragic case ~f a Westminster High ~I student wno·-- in despair over a· troubled romance - went joyriding llUlcldaliy In a stolen car and died alone in 1 murky lake. No one can know what went through the mind of William ·L, Lichty, 16, when the car taken from a ne.igblx>r slewed sickeningly off Golden West Slred on Nov. 14, 11164 and deep into Talbert Lake. Teama of coroner's deputies, a phy s\- Beach Officers Jail Teen M9m cllin'and even an anthropologjst from Cal Stata FltllertM lnapocted tlO bonM, ICll· t'1'ed' throuJb !he demollJhed, rusty aulo found Wodltesday. , 'A grieving molller' made tjle ' final determlnalloo:breiklnl down· all<r look· ing· at her acm's watch and J'ing. HunUngton Beaclt detectives will not cease working oo the case until they are positive· all factors are known. There. ii tittle to speculate upon. "ApparenUy, the boy was speeding along Golden West Street and came to !he part where the road sl~ aDd lljd · into !he lake," said Detecl!ve GU Vaine. · 'There is no more work en the caa6 fOt . Garden· Grove pollce, who have, been following every lead on the missing son o1 Mrs. Evel)'o Lichty !or.the past five year&. Hf: and a car belonging t.o Shirley BlanJi:enship, 8121 20th St., Westminster, vnclshed the same night. Mr. and Mrs. Lichty -aJnce separated -and Mn. Balankensblp prvba1!1J made their repoha 1arthe polJco ._ Involved about the aame lllilO "' that fateful oight. · 'l'bO<Lldlly boy and<the ·car,-. prol bably already• -· tn 'the' ~ ol Tolbert Lake, alloul a mDe. fnlm tho ~_.!he pl'indpoll aD Uv· ed. ' Garden Grove Police Sgt. .Mike SI~ said Thursday that lead! were. folloWed . (See BO)'iES, Pa1e I) Ground Fighting Vp ' Bomb:s Resume· ' . . . . . ' In i;Jabx. P.ett!h A leenap 'llunliJgtOlf '~ ~ has been arfeat.M.-and charged with munlor lo 6*deidi ol her 17·~ In s ~U.th Vieiil~~ . ! :!l I 1 • f r , ' daol)lter. · . Gladys Marifl Baxter, 17, of lll)U: Beach Boulevrd. was placed in Juvenile Hali of Oronge 'l!wnday nllbt alier Hun- tington Beach detecttves completed a four-day lnvestlgatkm into the mysterious death of Jlttle Leslie Ann Guzman. The ~ County Coroner'• om"' said !he <:hlld died ol lntemal l!>jurles Sunday, pcmibly from a severe beating. Leslie Ann waa pronounced -..,. rival al Huntlngloa lnlucommuolly !lospltal where tlie was talten by police who beJng called to tbe home by Mill Baxter. M1a Baxter was ~ed it police headquarten, after v.o1untarily sub- mitUng to questions. ~""'.""" " DAILY PILOT.,.,..,,..,.. H(ADS L:EAOUE OF CITi~~· Huntington'• Mayor GrMn . . . ' -f' • t J ·~ l ' · . , " ,.. ' . I ' SA! II (UPI) -The V.S. <:oinnJ · -. of batllea.i wllb Vr,t,-Cone one! auspended 115' raldl 36 boun ~t . Ncrth; Vietnam-loidl.n Tlwfaday of PreOJal 'NJJoo ~ tUJoy lcf lbllowlili'tho-end of <the, _,at I them iiiumlld beco.,.·the slon · a.m."l'he figtiU111 •kllled ot ,10..pao Com- ha<l no eflect M de-e.scalaUpg the war. mwrlltl:, •commuruquur aald, •bile U.S..· >rile acUvilleS ,ciolnCkled wlit\ repOrta of 1 .... were rlx dead ' ancl-311 _ .. 0Ul)ded. -m"'"" ln LaoS and unolllclal Soulil Vietnamese casualliet w •re ~ x.o:;u:. forcea bad c:utlhe ~ Chl deralbed ... lljJllt. llllnh ......., Iran .._ North lo SoUtb ~ .... ,r.~ui.iono1Moooc Pblne utrldo ill• traIL -'l1te reporto from . VleiiUane told of hN'J' bollibin( ol the mu held by the ' Coriimunlst PaJ,bet Lac> before the cap. ture1 of the cffy and a aubeeqUent drive Ioward.&epono,'15 mllea farther us!. lh the p>a BS2s have bombed target. In Looa during IWll bt the ·Vletnam war. Tennis· Champ llurt in Acc~~t ' Seal Beach tennis Champlo!r Katlly Harter &Dd six otber .~-were tb jured Thursday lftenloon·ln a tbreo'.f.ht. cle smashup at Pacific. ~t Hfgbwq Most of the Marine! were Crom other that wiU long be remembered by the peo- parta: of the country but sailor Frank J. pie of Da Nang." Police said Misll Baxter was living at the glv~ address With a %7-year~ld man who was not the father of the dead child. PoUce questioned him Thurlday night, but filed no charges against him. Beach's Mayor Heads League The ll1S Command In Saigan did not comment on the Bfl2 1uspenslon, aayir1g only that no raids had been flowo lQd.ay. "We report them aa they are fW,n and will continue to do ao in the future," a U.S. Command 1poirelmao aaid ol the bombing rakls. and Anderson Slreet, Sunset Beach. ·' • • Seal Beach Tral~c l>lficer Leooard Frisbie said !he accldeol occurred al s,51 p.m. when one ol the ftillci.. apportally ran & atop sign• 6n Alidenon Siz'aet and colUded Wltli two other can, aoe euto bouod and, one ..-on Pacllie Coe!I IDi!Jiway. Simonic on USS Toriuga was greated by As the two Navy-ships docked at the his wife and five-mooths okl IOD Seal Beach ·Weapons Station, the Marine& "'F•..1 .. e." 'lined'm the deck and were aalated bf a """ Navy band from Loi Alamitos Naval Air The 'stmonics live at 16691 Bartlett Station. Lane, Huntington Beach and Ttrurlday Sailors were first allowed off the ships was only the second Ume sailor SJ:monic as many ot: them were to go on leave. bas seen his son. Then the rather serious battalion of The Marines anival was more or leu leatbemecta filed down tbe gangplanks to A 11-year"ld youth wu lillted by police as lather of the dead baby. No char( .. ha .. been med qainal him either. The decision to make the arttSt was made after extensive intervkwl of friends and family of the young mother. uid a police spokesman. Stoek Markets clusified so few relaUves were on hand ~ waiting buses. to greet them. But with a little nudge Fer now, the war in Vietnam la Just a NEW YORK (AP) -The atock market· from the Marine Corps about ¥lO Seal short memory of death and destruction. lUmed in a seesaw performance today, Beach citiz.ens tW'Oed out to welcome the B,ut their future is uncertain. The Marine rising slightly in early trading and drop.- men home. Corps Base at Twentynine Palms Will be ping late ln the ses.!ion. (See quotations, Iocluded were members ol Seat Beach their new home and Utey will come Wlder J>agu 14-15). veterans organiµtlOO!, the Go.Id Star the !~ .of the 3rd Marlee Aircraft The Dow Jones industrial average al 1 Mothoro, and E1change ,Club. memher1 .. Wlnl.·ill'tlanod av1:13'oro. p.m. was oil U2 al 112S,15. Mayor Jack Gr,.o ol HunUng1<ll> Beach wu elected president ol the ,()range Cbunty Chaplet of the · League ol Cal~omla CiUes Tburl$Y night. Grttn waa the unanimous choice of n..-esentalives from the coonty'a 2$ ciLies for the top job in 11169-70. He suc· c:eocls Councilman Deao Shull ol La ltabl-a. Mayor Ralph1 Clock ·~·Anaheim w1s elected vice preslderit. He aucceeda Mayo< ; Doreen . Mar&haU <i Newport , Beach aa deputy to Mayor1Qreen., , Communiquta reporlecl. U.S. flgh""° bomber• were flying normal oper&UOPI, recor<ling 117 misslonll over South Vlel- nam on , 'nllll'lday. The Oebter-bomber1 new reduced missions 'during ·the recent Viet.Cool thrtt<lay ceu .. llre. Flghtl!Jg on the ll"IJlld look 3811 Com- munl.rt lives,. military (..lpOtesmen said, and Viet Cong and Ncab Vietnamese , ~oopa mounted a hea..VJ I new round1 of rocllet or mortar at.tacks, bittlng.f& aIU«l targets overnight -flve"more than the previowl night. Spokesmen aaid allled "-'!ought a Treated for IaccraU00>. brul!u one! cotitiulona and ·iater released were Jl<lMTd Cralfl, 'II, of Do'pn<y; 1'raM M.. Stolil, 18, of Santa Ana ' J1ouglu J. Pol!, 16, ol .OW,itey; Aubrey Harter, st, TIJ1)'a 1ia,lerr 16; Debbie--Harter,-19, and Kathleen Hatter. 22 .. all oll00$ Creatvtew Drtve, Seal BeacJt. 1 ,()lftcera have Qal Jet dOlmnloed which vehicle violaled the rJClll <i way, !romEIT°"'onclLaguoaHll~ ...................................................... lllE ....... .., .................. ....., .......... ~ .................... liill .. lti:!tl The Marinel were bundled brto bules and transported lo Twenlynlne Palmll wn.re tbey were 1ctlvated in lMO. The First Ugbt Antl-airerall Mlssll• .· .ceuc Weatller 'l'l1t Orange Coast will ht: all fogged up Ulil weekend, with buy """ breaking Ihtough In mldafler· noon .T'emperJtwes are tabbed In I.be low '19'1 oceanward, middle I0'1 Inland. -. INSW E TODAY There '• ont race fn. 'tht: Hlf'#' bor Area that ii 4 f'eal tut G/• .seamanship bca uue it'~ thai way; ~ obitaclea are care- < f .U11 ,pla•fl<d out. BoaUno Pago IS. • ' Peaeoek •ntue~ Max Mourns 'Lost Tail Feathers 17 RUDI NIEDZJEL'IKI u llOrl ol a promotional device for the Of ... Otnr .... Shift ladles." Max haa the blues again. • Feeling loneJ.r and neglected he struts But Ole ladles, four of them to be ex· around the backJard. occaaionatly honk· act. Just aren't paying any attenUon to inc at tbe morninc !01 with hill raspy Max anymore . vOJce. • Hil wife Lady Bird and her daugh. Ni.ne-yeaMJd Ject KasUng:i , 10111 Crai-ter• Sophia, Drulci1la and Prunilla l<Hlrt .. ,lluntlfll!GD Beach, hu~Iaolated would ralh« do tl>elr own thing, wblch -the .COlllO al· .lhi----emollmal "'°""' ol dlaalnl thtllaallnia' Slam<M problem lroUblln& Max' mind, but he cais up tree> or rocking lo the chair' ba't aure whetbt:r a Freudlao or Roger-1w1ng all afterDoon. jan lherapill oould bi!lp. Jacl: said hll mother' booght Mu ml Mar la a peacock. La41 Bird ...,t a year and a llall qo 'Hla tall fall 'IOI a .,...t •ao."•Jock' -bio ea! IOI run ,,.,.,. ethe ' ~ "And -tblt tlnie be Jllll . Al lhal lime Iii --ooly J:iUn't been Mmldf... .. borne two ftlDel but allo Mrs. JoYC< Haolh>o. Jack'• mother, "lf we wanled to llavo · ...,... 1aid Mai drvpo ·hr1 'IS' ooiGiful,lallfeath-the house, we llld IO eel ..,.. wl>lch ers every tummer because tMlr,welgbt wert ~bllJ ~ 16.dbt.t.~l.I WJilkio'I gels blm do~n, but then·100S tri!o a llate ut them,"_/'" h' " -of emotional aepresslon. • As aoon u he them. a COl'iunuin& "The r~1t Ume it bappon<d I nearly baSlle with the ailOlety d.,lli had a 0~ I ~~,bad·• -L < Ollfd ovrr the lepllty ol keeplnc ll dlswe and oipided bin\ to --peacock. lo !root <>!. "'>' eyea," llhe uld. "Foull • cried the ilnaM ootiely. "f lot 'hold If ....,. lllnd .t .,.C lo ·"81~ rttpooded Mrs, llaaUngi. Long 1leach who Iol4 mo it wu oome The difllcullles were lmled out ,Jul! i• aor! o! cyclical thloe. lie ..... the tau (ho PEACOCK. PNO I) • .. ., • " I I • . ..---:.&.~""-::""',,_~...,..-,...,...,..---.--""'""'""'·~'""-==..,~;::o---..""';;;~:;:::""'""'""':::==zs""r"."i'":::='=~====-~-==~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!"'!~~~~~!'!!!ll!i!l!!!l!!!!!""!"'!!!oe'!!I .. __._.._,,__~...._ -·--,, .1 DAll.Y l"llOT • ·P-eace • '1 ' • , NiiOn Calls Off Bomb Hal~ l)uring Meet ' WAlllllliO'Hlf IUl'll ~ ,.,...,.. -... Ill*' -™" • • • ... ll\ini>1'atlan Vldnom puce .,.,.. today In a -....,,, *""1oule moetlni with hjsn lOp• ~· dlplomaUC ud tn- te'!llgeiiee ad~ -----.,, •llll all plrtlclpanb appeari!W p, si.rted •mid spoculaUaa ·that 'I ·batt orclerid by Ni1oc la 8SJ ...._ ID SQolll ~ mf&IJi )lteat th• ~ Iii -. talb. But . mldwaJ Ulroo&b the --tbe 11-u.;pemkm' Wll Ufttd. . ~ 'lbere wu no Immediate word ,_ tbe White ~ on what waa di.aculHd at the -wbldl -al 1:15 ..... P!>1' and broM up at IO:IS a.m. '!'pr. Ollidals added tl1al 1hm would be no --lllat tbe declskllls ..,.Jd become appamrt later. The bomhiJll ball bad been ordmd by Xixon without fanfare and the ad- m!Dlstratioo rdmed even to confirm it or County's Grand Jurors Wade Into Water Hassle The Oraoae County Grand Jory i& wadlna Into water pollution problems, ii was learned today. Newport Beadl City Harbor Coordinaior George Dawes testified V~y Recall Op-ponents Meet Headon Monday AD caodldata and incumbeola involved In Foontaln Valley'• recall election ""' expected to 'be oo band Monday nigh\ for tbe Chamber ol Coaunet« rponoored caodldaw olgbt The meeUng will st.art at 8 p.m., tn the cafeteria o1 Fountain Valley IDgb Schoo~ l'ltl& Bushard St Most candldaW and incumbents will be available fer brief questial at T:• p.m. '!be f-will poraI1t1 I b a t ol Ille Fouolalo VaDey Chic Leal\lt, Sept. 4. Ead:J man will speak fiVe minutes, living his •ampallP' plallorm. backlJ'OU!ld aod IU(Cestlons. • A lblwt break, wHb teftdllurJIDls IC'V· ed bt tbe .......... -of the c:haml>er. will falloW tbe opeaken. Follooriol tbe -· · a' queotlln ud -period wtll be --wriJ.. ten~ -bJ a lpeclal...,. mitt.et. --I .. 'd "We aped a lm'ge CJV'l'I'"• Im Cbarles Dl.loo, c h a m b e r president. ·-of Illa interm -In Ille -llld tbe fact the -will be premil" Chamber officials eq>eel at ltut 200 to attend. 'lbe cafeteria will seat 500. John Mangano, iepJaUve chairman of the cbm:nber, will aerve u modd'ltor fer the •veolJIC. Flag Football Registration Set ~for R<ttaa\loo and Parks ~ -spom<nd llag football 1eque plaJ !JeCjns lo HIOltio&IOO Btach Saturday. Feel, wllich includ< Ibo purcbale of • !um lhlrt are 11.25 for C Leap (:!rd aod 4th Fade) and 11 for A and B Leal\lt.(WI tllNlu&h Ith Fadel hoys. RegiatraUon will be held from I a.m. to 11 a.m. at varioUI neighborhood para. Tho8e jnlerelted may phone tbe Hun· llngtoo Beacb R<creati<m aod Parks Dtpmtment at 531-2573 for addiUonal in- formation. DAILY PllOT CllAllA CQt.t1' "'9.llH'"9 COMl'AJn' ... \.rt H. w .. 4 ,,.. ................... Jffll •• ?''~ ............... ..... ... n-.. 11: ... il ·-n.,.. .. A. w.,.s,;.. -·· "I .. w, let.. ~«"•"" .............. CMlko9 Jot lfll SM<it f.hlli.t ""'*"' PA In Jto, t2Mt --_.. ..... ,vu-. ..... ....,.,. t.I.• #lltM! -wnt ..... ..,.. &..-.... ia-M m HNll •- before a four-member jury committee Ttnusday. Committee chainnao Donald Hud- dlesloo aplained tbe lnvesliiative pllld is concerned about recent news reports cf po&Sible pollution d Newport Harbor. He sa1d Santa_ Ana River wat.er quality is aJ90 a coocem" ~jury. Da ... lalcl It i& bla opinion lllat there i.. oo beallll huard to the harbor waters "at the momenL ff But, be added. tbert att --lh<Jo mi"1t be a problem bl the future. He dted an abnormal growth of olanl mataials in tbe lower bay and a r..flh.1y large fish kill," which has yet to be .. t1s1actorlly up!ained. Dawes' te3Umooy, and that of County Harbor Diltric1 olfkials, was taken at an hour·lonf committee stS!lon held at Harbor Di.strict office in Newport. The city aide and district spokesmen detailed their respomibWUes in harbor mainl<nlo<e. The dty, the comrnitl«: was told, bas juriSdictlon over ahore-bas- ed docking -and sanitary installations, while 1bt district keepa &n eye on watu- t..sed fadlltles. 'Ibe committee pve no tndlcatioo when a report., with ncornmendatians, would be submlu.d lo the full Grmd Jury. Services Slated For Beach Man Killed in Blast Services will be bald SatuniaJ for Robert Sllll, 50, of 16171 Trudy Lane. lluotloetoo Beach. who died 'l'llelday in San Beroardloo from in)uri<I lllflered wbeo a 1U Link in bi& camper aploded Aur. IL Mr. SUl!1WU Worthy Patron ol. Seaside Chapter of the Onler ol Eulem Star aod a stall en&ineer al Mclloooel Douglas Corp.irailoo lo Huntlqtoo Beach. The Still family WU OD a Labor Doy weemxt vacaUoo necr Lake ArrOwbead when the acddent occmed. He WU ta.ten lo San Bernanllno County General Hoopltal where be died. Mr. still bad been a raJdent of Hun- linglon Beach for lb: ,.an, bavlng mov- ed to tbe city from Gleodale. Re is sorvtved bJ bi& wife Phyllis, soo, Charle.a and daugbtu, Janet ol the family borne, dauthter Mn. Judith Fag&n, of Sooth Bend. Ind.. and another aon. U:aCpl. John R. Still of tbe U.S. Marloea, home on emugency leave from Vlttnam. Servicu will be htld Saturday at 11 a.m. at Community Methodltt Cburth. Huntington Beach -the Rov. Racer Betnortb and the Muonic Order coo- ducttna arvices. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn, HoUywood Hills. . ,,,.... r..,e l BUSING •.. Stred 11u IOOD aa we bear thlt it'• need· ed." Ht added that addiUonal crossing JUani1 could be stationed there u woll but would have lo be approved Drst by the diy tralfle qlneer. Palm« Nici lllat the dlatrict mlah\ reskn bu!ln& service for the lt.odents affected If the tnlJI"' COll$ldered Ille problem lo be ao emerpoey. '"!be dlalrk:t mainlains' a nuonallle reserve fund and tbeorttfcalb' ttds could be ipplied., .. he sak1 "The trustee decision WU bated OB I u..r.up tWd1 lhooih and theJ want lo Ke boW It -a oul." be concluded. Jack Warner Leaves Movies for' Stage HOILYWOOD (Al') -Jad: L. w._, the WI tyoooo> ol lloflywood's family""""" mot1e emplra, lell 'Waroer -ARI toda1 .itu a ball «OWry II produdlon chlef. Warner, 77, AW he won't retirt. IllltMll, be wU1 concentrate "' a new -u Jl"ICfuctr ol stare playa. His ftrlt -"JlmmJ," a plar baled on tho Ufa ol Ntw Yo r k MaYor Jimm1 wau.... is t?yinJ out In Phlladelpill>. wllh Ill Brwdway opmlnf aet for Od. II. .. ~ ........... .... <•••· .. pe;w .., frlUceJ ~ blJood .. .--. "' ... Z.llltr tild. , ~ noted thal the BU raldl bad """1 rmimed In the war zone for 11 hours follOwlhi the n-hour ce~lr<. "b<!in bclnr batted by pmJdeoU~ ordtr. .. ., e dJd not want to l'tlUDM B52 rupts for 'a few days fol19wln&. th1s period, .. said ZeJiler, bul added lhll "we were..,. dt!t au.Ck and In mpot'llt to this it WU necesaar1 fotlowll\g Ute eod ollhe 7t-hoat perJod to fly BSl sorties at one baH the nonnti ~v~. . "We waoled to de!<nni~ Ille lotool of Ille otbel side .. lo tbe lov•l or actl.ity and ,;ve them tbe beoelll ol the douhl." He added !hit "at tbl.I time tbe otber •Ide ls back lo the pr&«ue fir< period" of offensive operations. "We have resumed the BS1 flishts," be declartd. time, beauae &OO<lenly Lady Bini was found pw~~Y qver a nest ol b<aod -ed -ud prospects of .. artire peacock family ........ a reality. "She just thttw the egp out of the nest except for one," Jack exelained rue- lulJy. "Lady Bird just wasn't mteruted." His father was detem.lned to cet .~t lea.st -peacock ool ol the.bald> UlouP and p1lcfd the qg into a tbouaand dollar space-age oven at his firm and had the secretari" check H almoot hourly. ''They tnalated tbeJ r.H movemeot In It b<JI lo me ii seemed like tbe en was jUJt getting lliht<r and lilbltr ... ... plaiood Merrill l!astinp. He WU riibL Somebody had fargolten to provide ihe -bwni<lity durinl tho locubation pr<IC<U ud tbe •II dried up. "When we opened It up, thtre was notrung at all inside," be laughed. "Just a shell." Several months tater, while on a buB.i· nea trip, he found a measage to call California at the hot.ti desk. He dialed and on the other Lioe there were peeps. Lady Bird had finally de- livered! The lllree baby birds, wblch are jUJI the Ille of big checb now, now stomp around Ille yard, lmirint<d lo tbe tracb or Lad1 Bird. And Mar-lt.l.nda over in tho corner, leelinl 'left out. Oocas!ooally they get to<ether and honk at Ille prhag• truck, 1nwl with Illa _. aod E ..... ~ tbe acboor ~'Tt t iiifiti4ait'e.-. from Ille fuo.UDie adlvilles. Afleut un- til be cao holll aootber tall OU · Drum Can Ban Prompted By Aching Backs Hllllllqt<lo Boach City Admiolstralor Doyle Miller aplained tbe cwreot cam- paign lo bao oil drum tr..ii conlaloerl Is not a scheme lo fill the pockets or hardware ltort owners but was prompted by the aching backs o( collectJon men. Miller said he received complaints rrom state disability officials aod Jlaio. bow Dlspooal Co. informing hlm lllat "loo many employees are injured lrying to pick up overloaded oil drums used as trash cans." And lllal i& precis<ly why the 60-gallon containm must go. The contract belwttn the city and the dispMal company 1pedfies that con- tainers weigh no more than SO pouodll loaded. Some of the heavy oil drums used as containers weigh almost that mocb alone, according to Miller. Aa ol Nov. 1 the heavy containers win no looter be picked up, he pointed out. The cliaposal company will eoaUnue picking up bans and hap of lawn ell~ pings or tree trinuninp li the wetgb\ lJ reasonable. At the same time truh collecton have promlaed to be more careful with the new ccmlalnen m1idents wUl have to buJ to replace tbe oil dnim1. .Theft Suspects Nabbed ill Raid A qukk raid Thund1y mornin& on I F-.Jn Valley rakl..,.. netted three IUSpocted burglars WIOled bJ tho Loni Beach Police Deparlmeot. Fountain VaUoy lllld Loni Beach polic< units pitted up Patricia May, II; Ace M.cartu, =· and Jooepll Klsh, 41, 1t I~ La ~ and charged lllem with varloul couola ol -!lio& buraJary 1oo11. ro.,ery aod Fand thell. Patricia May and McCarter gave tht Fountain Valley iddreu u their homt. 'Mtty Wll'tl both taken to Lona Qeach for booklnf. Klsh lalcl he was from Las veau. He wu booted into Orange Coun- ty Jail oa chlrt• ol pcmeulng burllarJ - Libyans Get 100% Pay Hike CAIRO CUP!) -IJby>'s revoiutlonarJ couocil, wblch lopPled the moearch7 Sept. I, 1>&1 deddeif lo lfvt 1U --'"' !Oii -1111 rabes. A bn>adcul ltun Tripoli h .. nl here 'llluraday llld tbe councn 1ave no date lot W'htn the de- cilloo Will io Into oil eel -· - FBI Gratis • ~illiams • On Return • • . J • ~rr (UPI) -Robert F . WJniam<, tbe blacl< molullonary who lied the Unlt<d stalu elghl years "'° to avoid triAJ oo kldnaping claarges, new to AJOeriQo oolJ today aod WU promptly amsled by the FBl. (Earlier Siocy,' 1'•71' . FBI :I-.. llepped 0111o tbe apoc!al' Trw ..V.;ld-Alr11nes Joi and brought 001 Wlllia~, wanted lo the United Stites on a fe€Mal fllgltivt warrant l'IREMAll BILL PERRY DISPtAYS RAR!'FISH Tbl1 Ono Want lnte Flram.,•a Frylnt Pan Wal1iatol hid 1perit a wed in an ~ jall prior lo bis direct flight ,_ l.Dixloo to Delroil. It's a • • .What~ Wllllama. who laid down much of fbe grouradwork lo the black po w e r movement'• phll010phy of meet l n g violence with violence, shook hands with the stewardess and customs officials on his wiy out ol the plane. t Tarzatex Longipinnis Hooked The jet carried ooly WWWni and a crew of eight, two security guarda, and Williama' attorney, Milton Henry of Pon- tiac, Mich. lt was a fish of another tail caught Thursday off Sunset Beach. Fireman Bill Perry wu a litUe shocked when be reeled in lbe »jlound-eomelhlng. Neither Pt:rr{, nor Sun.set Beach lilegu~ Bill Richardlon, who ..., man- ning the ,mall bolt they were in, knew just what it was. So they called in expert help -the Fish and Game Department, which turn- ed to marine biologist Jack Schott of Tum1ilal IslaDd, who declared it was a .. tarutes La!.gipinnia:." That means long-thin, or common name of Bi& $cale--Popi(ret, for those who are not marine blologl.st.s. "Quite a rare fish for the,,e waters," salif Scholl• The Bli-5cile Pomfm, -In many oqiet arus, wu only tbe rutb ooe eve< caollbl In an IO-mile radius lltretch· ing !nm ~lo Redondo Beoch. Wbeo Schott arrived be found tbe """ risb alnady 'I'll In chuoq aleaks, ....,jly for tho frying pan. He ploeded wllll Perry and RJchardson not to eat tt, but lost, as the men were not about lo fcrfelt their fish clinne' . "A ram like that belongs ill a museum -not In your gul," lamenled Schott 1be bearded Williams, 44, wore a blue M.,, Tae-luni sult aod a Red Chioeu style cap u be st.pped Into tbe IUllligbl A heo'l' oecurity guard of Wayne Coon· ty aberill'1 deputla and plllnclotbeo polictmeo wu wlitfni. There were allo about 50 1ally -members of tho Republic of New Africa, the black na- tionalist paper naUon of which Williams iJ "president.'' Williams wu taken immediately far a hearing before a U.S. commilakmer on the fuli~ve wurllllt, islued lono'.ioc ldd- naping c .b 1 r I e s dtaine racial distlJrbancea Ill Maaroe, N.C., in lllL Board of State ¥oungGOP Asks UCI to Oust Krisman Fro111 P .. e 1 BONES •• ~ up all OVOI' tbe Southlaod, muitins Jn a filtbool< 30 lncbes thkt oo WillJam Lawrence Lldlty. 11le State Board of California Young Republicans has voted t.o request UC Regents disrnia fonner SDS leader Michael Krisman from his administrative p:ist at UC Irvine and fire Ch~llor Military Museum .Decision Delayed Consideration of a propogal of a mili· tary museum at MUe Square Part in Founlain Valley wu OOlti>oned Thursday by u,e Regional Parli Advis«Y Tum. '11:1e team oI acven couott g<JVernment doparlment heads will bear a P"""ia- tion by Dcmald Michelson of Los Angeles, executive director Of the American So- ciety of Military Hlstol')', al a meeting to be sc'heduled. Michelson wants to locate his military museum he would call Freedom Park on 2S acres at the Mile Square Facility. His collectioo ti. mllil.arJ hardware includes 50 jeeps. 20 tanks, more than 100 ma- chine guns. anUaircraft guns and torpedo launchers, and be hopes to obtain 2S war planes and a submarine. Some of his older eqWpment dates to the Civil War and he has personal mili· tary affects from the Roman Empire days. Michelson's collection, he uld v.·as acquired at ~ coat ol in e1cus of $10 million, ii presently &toted at movie studios where it is rmted out for the filming of ieleviaion shows including "Combat.'1 .. Garrison's Guerrillas" aod "t.liuion Imoossible." ' ' NEWPORT IEAC!t I n1 W•tcflff Dr. 642.2050 OPl.W NIDAY "TIL t 7 Daniel A1dricb for apponting him. All but one of 4S delegates statewide \•oted for the resolution which also c1Us for the ouster of "aU avowed members of SDS from the untvenity system," ac- cording to Jim Naab, chairman of the Orange COunty YDW!i Rep0hllc110S. . Nash said he Instigated the ""°Mloo al tho bo.nt meeting last weeUod at Sooth Lake Tahoe because Aldrtcb wu adamant in rtfusing to reconsider. ''He wed \he argument ()f academic freedom which has no connection to lbe case si~ Krisman 1s an adm.inlstrator, not an instructor," Nash aaid. Krisman, 27-year-old fonner UCI stu- dent body president, was named coordinator of academic advising July 1. Protests over the appointment or Krisman is poinled toward the meeting ol the regents in San Francisco next Friday. Nash, a Santa Ana insurance in· vestigator and sell e m p I o y e d photographer, said be has received word from the secretary of the regents that the matter has beec placed on their agenda. Record Beer Sale Foreseen MUNICH, Gmnally !UPI) -Munk h's breweries said today they upected to sell at least four million quart! of ertra st rong beer during this year·s 1'0ktober- fest ," which starts Sept. 20. City officials predicted five million visitor! would at- tend the sl1-week festival. Thal 1<arch ended under the hot 11111 and the llarln1 light of 1eoer1tor- powtrtd lamps "odnesday. "Plaot. were plac..f upon Ille gumbo- lite mud and we stretched them out to ' scoop up palls lllld handfuls of mud lo ba sifted for evidence," said Deputy Coronet Russell Greene. The left side door swung open as the battered car wu being hallled out with its grisly bumao cargo Wednesday aod some skeletal rem.aim -skull i.oclu.ded -were tost forever. lllveotiptors today praised blgbly Ille • firemen who stayed at tQe llCel1t WlllJ 10 • p.m. Wednesday, belpl.og lab men :silt through the 11.ew-like mud for more of John IJchty. ''They dido'! have to ailly. but llley did 1· and they went through all that muck rig tit b-!side u.s," said Officer Richard Williams. I Sn far, the recovered bones match the . description ol lhe vanished boy, who was ' five feet 10 inches tall, wieghed about 145 pounds and bad a broken arm at one time in hiJ life. After the discovery -and rd.ati•ely : quid IOlution to the case ol a car and boy who disappeared one November night -blle observas wonder how many more bones may lie deep ln the murk. Ancient whale booes have been du& up ; by c:in..st.ructioc uew working in the im- mediate vicinity, while Talbert and Hun- tington Laket are Vf!PJ deep in spots. "Someday they might even find aome centuries-Old l.Dd.ians out there,'' Aid cne observer. John Llchty probably wanted to be alone thal fateful night and be stayed alooe -for aimoa:t five years. Or did he? a •• -... !!SI .... ....._ ' a INTERIORS SWIVEL CHAIRS only ••• S129 A11 ....... ,Mar "'" wl .. • wh .. _.,. .... , .t .,_,. .. f...._ AIM ...ia.w. -'" c-.n tf ...,.,.,, ... 't -"· c.-"" ...,. ........ , ..... ., ,. et dNll" .. "" '" ~ .. lfrle .. .., , ..... ,.. ...... Comfort and Style! Prof•u.lon1I lnt9rior 0.SllMf1 Anllablo-Af~SID LAGUNA llEACH 34.S North Coa11 Hwy. (M4$51 °"" ......... , "TIL t ..... T ...... Mw fl/I 0.,... C..., ..... IJ:U I I f ' t I 1 ' • • • '"'11f, S.-12. lM C 'S -4 • -r. AfS Studenfs lionorecl. ,r"':,:o-. ~~~---;;;=:.· --.-..-;;;;;;;.;;-~~-~~iii!!i-i---...:......-___;.---.:._.....,. ' C' \4'. W With Party on Be_ach ' ' Southern Chapters Gather in Anaheim R e p r e aenlatives ol 86 chapters d llaugbtml ol the Amedcu a.volutloo w 11 I gather -Tuaday In the Dlme)'lud Hotel Tbe orosion win be the first bll meeting ol the Califomia State Soddy, soutbern dJapWs. Pmldlng will be Mrs. Tbamas Vernon Coffee of Modesto, state regent, and amoog those assuming bost.ss daties will be Mrs. C. B. Strobel ol SW Beach, regent ol Ridlard Bayldon Chapt.,. Mrs. Gecqe Buc<ola of Corona de! Mar, assiSant ...,..1ary, ai.. will lake part in the~. Opening the program at 10 a.Iii. will be a parUameniary law clau rmdndM by Mrs. DerrelJ Sml1h of F-.a, JI.ate parllamentarian. League Aims To Please By Serving Martine the first meeting ol the easoD . is the Women's Qvic League ol Newport II.arbor ntn Tuesday at 10 a.m. In Mariners Library. Allan Beek, llletime resident ol tllo -Area, wll1 sped oo Upper Bay Land Ell:bange. Tbe opening ritual will mark the beglMmg ol the general meetin& at 10:30 a.m. Addmsing the 11,30 IUJ>. cbeon will be Wll1lam H. Spurgem Ill, -topic will be T-s. 5purgem Is a· eo.itive vice president ol the board of trust<es ol Cbildmi's HosplW ol Orange Coonty and active regionally and na~ tiooally with the Boy Scouts of Amerlcs. The program also will observe Constitution Week, Sept. 17 ·Z3. YWCA All Spruced Up For Guests Th< Santa Ana YWCA bas been "aJI spruced up." Visitors are invited to &ee the "oew look'' during an open boo!e Tuesday, Sept. 11, lrom JO a.m. to 1. p.m. and in the evening from 7:30to1:30. Guests will be served collee and Wtll.·ba.e .... opportunity to view eiliiblts of article created In clas3es dfer<d in the Y. For a ~el<j l>tocliur< of \ chti!U olfmlil begihnlng this month cal) jlle Y at 542-.1571. Mn. Elbert C. Smith, presiden~w1nmtroducemem-J;:::==============;I 1>en o1 the aecutiYe -. LOCAL . the Mmes. T. Duncan Stewart and L. S. Stmderland. vice No •thar "'wsp•per tett1 Y•• presidents; Rinaldo c a r I i ' M•r•, ..... ry 4ty, •bout wfi•t't Willi "'ift9 ..,. i11 flt• G,..t'" 0r•"9• treasurer; ·am Warren, Coall tf.11t tt., DAILY PILOT. auditor; Paul J . Grober' l~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~j historian; Daniel E. Gil.....t, Ir par!iamenlarlan, and Allen Gee, reoonling secretary. Serving as co.mmittee chairmen will be the Mmes. c. E. Axtater, Fted L. Dupree, I.eon W. Rudd, Corl Pearlston, Water Gustin, John ~ Am Thomas Lundy. James Glavas, Evan Prichard and Elizabeth Longridgt. Annual Party Entertainment, 1 a m e s, prir.es.. gifts •nd homecooked !ood headline the bill of fare ror the unual party given (or velerlnl Imm the Loog Beach H08pilal. Hostesses are members of Newport Harbor G..-oth- ers Club, and the evm is scheduled for Tne>day, Sept. 16, in the American Le&ioo Hall. Newport Beach. natarie watt.ti '-lly,_s far ft to._-. ... when • hoppenod, she dim!,_ --heppenod. 11~ I "'-JAl·I " .. e NOW rLATIN• e <I. • ._. Nnpert a... r.dfic"• 0...,. am..t. MEMORY BOOSTER Pin 11p r ,...,, r•1ildt ~not ID forgeL Sbli J111 11M1. 889.95. 14 IQnt gc*I """ ....... - wllh dola Mlduw, t146. With lellhoi .... ·$120. SIA.VICKS J•w•J.n Sine• It 17 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT l"EACH -M4-1 llD v.wa...~-~ ..... ~­____ ,,.._ on am~,. it's :the long, tall,-fitted. leather boCSt • · . ' .. . ' long. ·~·'boob that really fiL Smoothly " •• aU the 'w.ly. to your ~ '.And · ~appy 'heel~ Tallorecl, Slr0f!8, defiQttely not dunky. fn shiny .aUshed leather. See them with: shoW ·skirts and little bocly ·dresses. Fromourailli!ctioo. ' black, browii, white 36.00 mayCO'ajUll shoes 129 forest green herringbone tweed, long line tops, pant!, and skirts juniors! Herringbone's here In green. A zesty, pine-foresty green. Spedled with white. Vested as long as can be. Pa nted wide and straighL Just the right sort of look ydu want when you go back to school. Pure acrylic. S-1 J. a. shirt, acetate and nylon, 15.00 b. long and belted wst 19.00 c. yoked and buttoned slalllS 16-00 -rc:o-lhop•:t , • MEETj THE FrUeZV:O·EARS "fot ~ minule, ·~ )'Oll'Wel'e real •• ,, .. Nali¥e ha~of lhe!i! Pfushy,Cuddli,'iingy llltle cUuv . ' . den ranses rri>m a foolball stadium to a party. . !'rd ralcerY Is &ea.ii fi'orn rayon plush bonded to cotton . , ' . .. . Blonde qr c~ ,JunlO!' ~sizes 3 to 13. d. Buaan front•~ 5qllaJed.off neckline, 28.00. e; ~laced a-~ SCX>Op neclc, 33.00. . ' toris sleeves anci.turlfe -cl lcnit; 33.00 ' ' . . ...,..,llllllW..,_"-94. Qime;andmeetthec.ollesefashlonCouncil, ourbishl young faShion eicperts.1'teY\'e.got BOOd advice on what iscamtiuHfShtth~year and lhey'te hereto help.you. · ' - J -· may co south. coast pla:u, 1an Cliego fwy ·•t i;,rotol, code me:e: 546. 9321' shoP. m_ond•Y. through 1eturd•y 10 e.m. to 9:30 . p.m • • • MAVCO • • I . ' JI IWl.Y l'llOT • " •• • • • Year Worth· Here's How Tax Reform Shapes Vp in House Bill BJ SYLVIA PORTBR Hlltor1w may argue for yUra whether t969's tax 'lform drive was set oil by former Treasury Secfftary Barr's dilclosure In January that no federal income tax at all was paid on 155 lfJ: returns ,rJth over $200,000 of Income In 1967 or whether this outrage simply added to our already deep resentment over our t&X· cost o( living squeeze. No mat· ter -the fact is that the '69 bill. as passed by the House, would end or drastically curtaU many of the tax saving maneuvers that the wealthy avoiders or tai:es have been u.slng with such success. Thus, the advantages of capital gains would be cut. 'M>e various benefits of paying compensation OT restricted stock would bt limited or aJ. most entirely disappear. The All Mlkft-All Models Aotell'IMlltf-T~ "Wh,r1 s.,....;,, M1li:11 ih1 Diff1r1n(.•' °"""" c-~ un Cu11"' Dr. .....,.,. I<~· 0141 $4t-IUS lM Allfl• "' •. ··~ f1UI JlS-1'1' various tu sheltend lnvest- mmta lhat produce c:umnl deductions (oil. caWe. rul • tale, equipment Jeutni) would have only limited value com- pared to thelr prtseot uaefuJ. ness. Exempt interest lrom state and local bonds would no longer provide abSOlultly com- plete tax shelter. SINCE EACH of the reform blows would strike only a relatively limited group of you, I'll suftlce at this stage with a brief summary <if the provisions. -De!trred compensalion over $10,000 a year would be taxed at the rates in effect wb.en earned. although the tax could be deferred until the compen'sation was pald. -A minimum tax would have to be paid despite the tal'plyet's otherwise t ax sheltered Income. E:11:empt in-terest, farm losses, capital gains, etc., would be used in computtng the "llmlt on tax prtlmuces (LTP) which wopld determine the tu. -BOBBY losses would face much tougher deduction te!ts. -Taxes, intereat and other personal iJ.emized deductions would become partly non- deductible in proportion to an individual's tax preferences. -Interest aver $25,000 at· tributable to in\·estment in· debt.edntss would be deduc- $1,000,000 COMMIRCIAL FINANCE 19UlrMINT LU.SI -SALES WSI IACK ACCOUNTS UCllYAILI AND INVENTORY FINANCING GREYSON CO. LTD., INC. 2400 w .. t C-t Hwy., S.1"9 t 1 HfWf'OaT llACH -'42·11 OZ SEEKING ASSOCIATES WHO WISH TO JOIN A FIRM DEALING WITH THE LARGER INVESTOR I I See by Today's Want Ads • Just like grandmother u~ed to haVf', aolld Oak Hoosier Kitchen cabinet. ""'· • But even grand-dad dldn't have o~ of these Hea~ kit automatic aanae doOr opeoers, )'OU can have it, in eood condition ~or $40. e The only Wl:f to fty? The&e birds know how, plpom, 50c each, Good for hobo bies, plat!I or messq:e1. GRAND OPENING MONDAY, SEPT. 15 270 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa-Hillgren Square Phone 642.()621 SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY! PRINTING WAik-U-Waii! Al lltlllll!lABlY LOW PRICES! 100""'" 'l::l"" =· .... = .. ,s3ss ""'i;'i~ ~L:~~:;,~ ;;.;.~,,,...,.-~. AHA!lllM-1009 W. LINCOLN AVE. 7714110 SANTAANA-123 W. 5th St. 541·2261 13 LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE! fOl JIANCHtll UffOliilATION CALL 121JI 216-IJJJ l)low!PSA 9 _every ·m1nulestQ San Jose! 7 am to 1::0 pm. loth wt)'t. 7;0M;30-10;00.l 1:3D .,._1;0W:31M;ON;JD.7:D0·8;30 pm, More on•--·· Why worry •bout 1 reserv•tion when PS.A ha5 over 160 fllghtt a <lay7 Such en e•&y·ttwem11Ttbtr tch.clu!e you c•n carry It 1rotmd fn your head. Why r.membtf l0wttt fam? Or •II fttl? Or Qrut ""'Ice to Sin Fr1ncltc0, Otkl1nd,. S&n Diego. •r?Ct Sacramento? Or that kldt under 12 fly PSA (wlth thtlr p.trenta) for Mii faret Stiff w1nt 1 rtMrva!IOn? Ju•t c~ff_'fOUrmtl -.oent ot whaltltsn•m• 11rtlnff. PS\thm,..,•lift. Comple~New York Stock list · • I I Friday's Oosing • • 'lidlf, """""" 12, It" • H J Pnees-c.oniptete New York: StOek Exchange List .... ..,111 ................................ 111 ............... 1 (NI.) .......... c .... c-. Mart in Reaction Co111plete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List Bank Shows Old Prints A collection ol original CUr· rier 4' Ives prlnl1 will be di!played Sep!. 15-lf In lht Ntwpart center Offlct of Stturlty Pt!iciflr. N a t I o n a I Bank. A 21-prtnt exhibit will be In the lobby or the branch al 550 Newport Center D r I v e • Newport Beach · on the ground floor or I.Ile frvine To"e.r BuUdJn1. Nathaniel Qirrier 1 n d JamtS M. Ivu we~ artm. journalist (orenanners t o todoy's pbotojoumallsls. 'l'bt newsworthy print. Lbq' p~ duced ln>m 1135 lllroolh 1110 rtt>ln hlstor1cal, aodal and pollllcal ollniOconce lodq, Kenn<th L. l.tbby, vi<e prt,;. dent and manager or lb• Newport Ceattr Brtnch, bu be<a loaoed the CUrtltt lo !Yu collection by lhe Tc:tvtlen Insuran~ Companie•. Travelers bqan IUlmblll\I the coJlecUon ne1tl7 35 7e1n 11gn . 1 • • I • l . ··-. ... .. -~-... -.. ...... ---·· • .. - Puts Bruin Backfield • Ill Motion •:Moving Viufer a f.i!a,.t 87 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The · UCLA Bruins. who were 1ict last year, appear to have a cure for their ills -MJctey CUreton, that is. Cureton, touted as the city'• most ex- citing runner &ince Jon Arnett scampered for crosstown rival Southern calltomia, will put lhe backfield hi motion Saturday night as UCLA entertains Oregoo State in a college football opener. It'1 one of only 12 games as college teams open the 1959 season with an ab- breviated schedule. UCLA, a pertflllial power, :skidded to a disappointing 3-7 season last year. But Cureton. with his explooive speed, will bl'J>O tile olleme. He proved his ability to find daylight at Centennial High School in Compton. Jn three seasons there the S.9, 180- pound jwllor &COred 74 touchdowns and rang up 474 points. He was the JllO.<;t sought a rt er player by colleges in California. "He'• very-bard-hitting and very qWc.k," 1ay1 one ohserver. "And if he stays hea}thy, anything can happen." UCLA wlfi go with an ineXperitnced backfield against the Beavers, who finished 7-3 last year and feature the nturn ol. an unplayable defense. Joining Cureton will be quarterback Denni3 Dum· mit. another junior with a gaudy b>cqrouoo. Dummit, ln two years at Long Beach City College, completed ZZO ot 373 passes for 65.2 percent and 30 touchdowns. He took the quarterbacking job away from 3,500 ROSE BOWL TICKETS FOR SALE A drawing to select 1,150 persons en· tiUed to purchase 'wo tickets each to the 1910 Rose Bowl game on Jan. I will bt conducted soon after the Oct. 15 closing date for applicants. The 3,500 tickets involved in Ute draw· Ing are the only ones which will be made avaJJable to the public. Pi1tsburgh Sleeler helftrack Charles Beatty (37) goos low tu mss flying tackle attempt by New York Giants' Dick Houston (84) in the lirst quarter of play at Montreal'3 Jarry Park Thursday. The Giants lost the pre.aeason clash to t.be steelers, 17-13, be- fore 12,724. Those interested jn participating ln the ticket drawing shouJd send a post card (letters are not acceptable) bearing their name a'nd address to Rose Bowl, Box 6890, Pasadena. Calif. 91109. Cards must be postmarked no later than midnight o! OcL IS. USC Tabbed for Crown; Top Spikers at Tahoe SEATTLE -Soulhern California will ·· repeat. 1s Pacific.a Co nference football _champion and Rose Bowl representative · this year, the Skywriters decided after a loot at all members of the West Coast • circuit. The 40 sport! wrilers and broadcasters voted at the conclusion of their annual awing around the conference that Stan· ford will push USC for first and UCLA · will finish third. OoJy those three received first place votes. California was rated a close fourth behind UCLA, followed by Oregon, ·Oregon St.ate. Wa shington and Washington Stale . • SOUTH LAKE TAHOE -A star·stud· ded International field will compele today in the: Indian Summer Carnes track and field meet here. In addition to !hr meet. a special decathlon compeULion will be held Satur- day and Sunday featuring Olympic cham - pion Bill Toomey in a try for a world reconl. Such stars as sprinters John Carlos and Lee Evans, pole vaulters Bob Seagren ' and John Pennel, long jumper Bob Beamon and diacuJ thrower Jay Silvester are among the world record holders in the meet. Top foreign star is Kenya ·s Kipchoge Keino, gold medal winner at 1,500 meters In the f.1exico Olympics last year. \'lho ""ill run either that race or the S,000. • LOS ANGELES -Grambling Collegr of Louisiana, a rich producer of outstan- ding football players. and Alcorn A&M of Mississippi, and defending mythical na- tional black cha mpions. open their season on the neutral turf or f.'lemoria l Coliseum toni1ht. from Wedne.sday night's game with a rash that consists oC blotches like mos· quito bites. He will not accompany the A's on their road trip that began today, but the club hopes he will be able to join it en route . • LOS ANGELES -Manuel Ramos, 212, of Mexico City, jarred Tony Doyle with repeated left jabs 'Thursday n:ight and avoided some sharp counter punching to win a unanimous IO.round decision in a heavyweight bout. Ramos, now 24-3. was ahead on 1111 three cards -s-4, S-4 and S.3. An gels Play Seattle After One-Hit Loss · \Vally BWlker doe~ not believe in miracles and Jay J ohnstone helped hun reaffirm that belier. Bunker, a fonner sore-armed pitcher who was lifted off baseball's scrap hta1l by the Kansas City Royals in the: 1968 ex· A 11gel Sln te Al G-.., KMl'C OUJ SM>! n A119t=ls •I S....!ll• ~e.i>I. ll A~ls 11! Sfftlle S•ol, 1~ Af'l!;llll 11 SNM ... S1111. 1S Af'11;1115 11 Cfllage Seo!, 16 Angett. 11 Clliuto Ill 1 " ....... 1 "p.m 1 u p m, S:?S p m, l :.$5 p.m. pansion draft. fired ihe third one-hitter of his career Thursday afternoon as the Royal s blanked the Angels, J.O. before a record low Anaheim Stadium crowd or 4,970. The Angels ended their home stand v.·ilh a 5-3 record and oow face a nlne- game road trip opening with a twl-night doubleheader in Seatlle tonight. HE FLIES THROUGH THE AIR -Willie Crawford of Dodgers al· tempts unsuccessfully to dive around Astros catcher John Edwards during a 4th inning run-do,vn between second and third Thursday night. Jim Nader, tut )'ear'• reiular. Greg Janet, a aenlor wbo'a been the Bruins' )eadln1 nJlbu. the put two years, gives ·the backfield aome ex- perience. UCLA worked out for onJy half an hour in sweat.suits 'Mwnday. Ore1on State, alao wltb a nhlUvely ln- e.xperlenced J'Wlnlng attact re1iel ca a steely defenslVe line hi win pmea. Guts of the defeme are, Bill Nelsoo, a 6-7, 26().pound IUMd and;..,. Lewb, ..... I, 230-powxl llctle. other pmes Clll Saturday'1 llCbodiile In- clude Uree Miaaourt Valley Conf~ games -Utah stata al Wichlla Stata, ClncinnaU at We<! Vlrginia and LoufM!lt at Drake.- Abo on tap 1n afternoon conleata art, West Chester at Villanova; Central Michigan al Western Michigan ; Xavltr al Miami, Ohio, Dayton II Keot State and Buffalo al Ball State. 'lbtee otller ,.,,,.., beoides tile UCLA· Oregon State tilt. are a't ni&ht: Waka Forest at Ncrtb Carolina State; Air Force at Southern Methodist and Pacific · at Texas.El Puo. 'I1ree new bead coaches will be making tllelr cfebllt hi tile Mluoorl Valley -Ben WIJllOll of Wlchlta: Ray Callahan ct Cln· c:innaU and Lee Corso of Louisville. More ABA Raids NBA Loses Jackson, 4 Refs NEW YORK CAP) -II the National Basketball Assoclation doesn't sit down pretty soon and discuss a mtqer with the rival American Basketball Associa- tion , it may not have anything left to merge. The 2-year-old ABA continued lo raid the established NBA Thursday by picking off Luke Jackson of the Philadelphia 76ers and four top NBA referees. Jackson, a 6-9 center, became the fifth NBA player -and second member of the 76ers -to jump lo the ABA in recent weeks. James Gardner, president of the ABA and owner of the Carolina Cougars, said Jackson signed a multi-year contract with the Cougars but would play with Philadelphia this season and join the Carolina club for the 1970-71 campaign. The new ABA refs are Nonn Drucker, 47, of East Meadow, N. Y.; Earl Slroin, 41, ot Pottstown, Pa.; Joe Gushue, 36, of Philadelphia and John Vanak, 36, o[ Lansford, Pa. Drucker spent 15 years in lhe NBA, Strom 12, Gushue eight and Vanak seven. Previously, Bil1y Cunningham o r Philadelphia and Dave Sing of the Detroit Pistons, both NBA high-scoring stars, signed with the ABA for the 1911·72 season~ Cunningbam signed with Carolina aod Bing with Wasbington. Two other NBA players -Tommy Kroc and Bud Ol!en, botl! of tile Seattle SuperSonics -sigiied with the ABA's Kentucky Colonels. NBA Commissioner Walter Kennedy said. "If the price we have to pay for signing Lew Alcindor is the Jcu cl foot officials, I guess that is the price we have to pay." Alcindor, UCLA's 7·1 All-American, signed with Milwaukee cl lhe ~A over New Yort ol the ABA.. "l was not unhappy wilh the NBA,'' said Drucker. "I signed with the ABA because of the secur_ity it would give me and my family." Gardner, queried about merger lalkll with the NBA which broke off several weeks ago, said: "We're willitlg to sit down and dlscu5.'I a merger. The move now is up to the NBA. "No formal merger talks are being held at the present time and there iJ no indication that any will be held. But I tllhlk tllere is going hi be a -• I can't see any way that the·re won't be a merger." IJl"I Tt""""9 Crawford was attempting to go to third on a hit by Tom Haller. The Dodgers won game. 1-0, and return home tonight to face San Diego'1 Padres at Dodger Stadium. The contesl Is an official Southwestern . Athletic Coolerence game. Ak:orn won the tltle in 1961 with a 9·l rCC1>rd that in· eluded a 28-11 triumph over favored Gramblin1. The Tigers were 9·2. • EVANSTON, Ill. -Ken Rosewall of ~ took top money of ~.000 Thurs- dl1 in the: #5,000 Chicago pro tennis =~ bf defeating Butch ____ In tho llllals, 6-3, M . "Sure, I was thinking about the no-Oil· tcr but I really didn 't believe it was possible to pitch one," Bunker admitted . "I don't think: I'll ever pitch one so I didn't let it bother me." Bunker flirted with history for six in· nings before Johnstone hit a aoft Jlne drive to right fie.Id which fe.11 In front of Al Oliver for the: only Af!lel hJt of t~ afternoon. Dodgers Host Padres, Osteen Wins Ja ....... Marty Riessen of Ev1nston _. 1Wm Otker of Holland teamed to -Jlucbhob lod Ray M00tt, f'>.I, &.!. • , OAIQAHD -Rqgie Jackson, star fioiie rial bfUl!r' lor the Oakland AtbleClct, .,.11aa;itetlzed Thursday with ........ ,,,. J--41 .....,. runs tics hlm for tllo ni.iar ..... J..,d wllh Frink ~ at W~ wu ICTlt home ICAHS.AS CIT"I' CAlll"OltMIA •llrllln.I alor~rtol K-..ofl, r., l I I t A~r, '9 2 0 • I Flort" 111 • I I I M1n1n. .... I I I I IClrlt:PStrlrt, It • ' , ' s...,_., 11 • 1 " a ~cry.a •1111"~.u Jiii lt.0 11¥•L rt J I I I Xltl1Wl9fW, cf 4 I j 0 Adair. :a 4 I 1 I •1\ctllrdl. It , I I E.A:OClrlpllf!I. c: • I I I V..., rl l I t I kw"""'*'1. u ' I 1 I A lll:odri.u.~. J11 i o I o ......... • " • • • • ltCldOlf'&, t 2 • • • .,.,~,, ,. ) ' ' ~n1•l en,. c.u, •• ,,,. ""'""" c 1 : ' ' McGlofl'olll'I, fl ' I I 11t111111. 1111 I I I I f11tl\ ,. • 1 • eoo ltl1 .. , -> Gl!MI000000 -0 HOUSTON {AP) -lt v.•ould be safe to say Claude Osteen has the Houston Astros' number. The Los Angeles leflhander pitched a four-hitter Thursday night as the Dodger! defeated Lbe. Aslros 1--0. Tt was Osleen's sixth straight victory over Houston. in· eluding five \.his sea$00.. The Dodgers took over fourth plecc In tile ho1 NaUonal League Western Division race, a game and a half out of first place. J1ouston is 21i back. The Dodgers send Bill Singer. 18·f. tn lhe 1noond ton ight to face the San Diego Padru' Al S&ntorinl, 1·11 The game at Dodger Stalfiwn opens an clihl-1ame Dodger home stand including OU'ee games with lhe National League's West Division-leading Cincinnati Reds. Osteen, now 19·12. be.sled Houston's Don Wilson in a pitching duel. Wll9on, although not sharp with bis control, fought all the way. l~is 1 Ith defeat against 16 victories resulted from hits by the first two Doclgers he faced. Maury Wllb doubled to r1ght lo open the game and dashed to third when the ball was juggled In the outfield. Manny Mota ala.!bed • dooble to rigtlt for the lone run. 1be loss halted a four-1ame winnJng slmlk for tile Astros. Wilson lost for tile fourth Ume In his last five decisions since running up an ~ighl·game. winning slreak, a club rerord. The Astros' last big chance came in the ninth when ltley put runnen on first and third with one out. But Osteen fanned Wynn aod Tommy Divis. the heilrt of the Houston attack, to end the: game. LOI AQlllt HOU•TOM .. """ .. , ..... ~ t•MoNM.a .a 1 .11 J ll J..UW.rt ~.,. o lt Wl"llfl,d 4•11 I 0 • T.0.~b.. If l t t I l I I 11'11111!', 311 l I I i l ••Mrio.10 'I ' l 0 • ll\lrtlMr, ,. J • 4 11e-ctooo. ... t,c J iii l o 1 o.w"'°"' p 2 1 , o l llW.1t111,ph ,,,. , .... McF""", fir I 0 I 0 l't s t T111 11 1' I 4 I lM ..._,_..._ lot oat Clot -I ~'°" Dot IOI 000 -I IE -J, Ab.I, O. W!I-. o~ -Htlutlwl t Loa -let ""'"~ 1, .._..,., 4, 1& _ wm.: ~. ' -c. o. .... " . C 0. ...... !W,lf·lll • • O.Wllson (L.16-11~ t . .. • • ' ' •,• ':' ' ' I I .. , I I \ I r VOi!. ~2 ' flO. 21 9, :t SECTIONS, 31 'P"A66S . . . • t • • 1 Beach's ~."·Gisler • Hmith\gton Beach·~ new G I 1 1 e r Et.....wy ScbOof ju>I opened too da11 ago. bul ii already 'l"i>n?l\<d lo • tti!fic aafet1 basalt which toQle angry parents have vowed to tak~ 1o the city COUJlCi1 unless it is reiolved. , linanclal" actjon ln etimlDailq •tbe' boJ. ing or older -.lb!Jll Wllllhl las than a 1.&-mlle radius of the scbool. T!\is 1$ endao8•rinC the livq of· the atudentl who have to qau a ~J,: ln- tersectioo at · Atlanla Aveme ond --$!rtet. 1fflllid chllma. , .. t have yet to tatt. tO orie p&n:nt who ' . • . ___ .. ~.Y. St••1 • . ~' ! ~·1 , , r · SchOtl l ; ·.~~ : :'.$'afety ·. Squ.abhle • •• emol1ooal-,..;ll Ir 11>e·u..$t or their ·cblkl Rtlnl-dop.lfYtna to croaa one of !be bualelt arttrial highwaf; lo all of Orana:e ~.'' Tile Board of Trus!t<S al their Sept. I ....ion clt<lded to discoollD .. b\!lilll r ... midenll 1n grader : m lhrousif eight becluae U,., placed Ibo Mfel)r ol the yoangesl children 11rs1, uplatoed Cbarles '•1r add!Uqnal ·olllcm'have to be !>Ired rorl .thil prOl«\lon we ,1UQ&t1 the ... : p.,;,. .. •chaig~ to the HMlipa(.n, Beticb'f £lerneatJr7 School DUfrict,'F l.Jie lolddla police department: ' ~He 11'.io>Uk~ ,,OUC.·1to 'place 1 radar' vehicle Ort" Brookhurst Street · between' Adams and Hamilton Avenue to control . ~.. . per bi>ur riohpoji!M that d!Ue m·UJI.• . ; He "'"~· ihlt .hli 11ny..u,.ll .... o1 iWeota ·in !I'\'"' l>o)isini \racta al!«de_d by the. boJil>li"'®lem iollica"" • ..._ publlc . !e.Jinc" which' coolcl ·preO!plt:.'le aclio1f"all !lh0. viay up•to·lhd d~ cil "·~~ .) . . .•. ·, Devld L. UQaM, president of 1ll< Meredith Gardens~ Homeownert Associa- tion,' ioo.y attacked ' the-H_untinkton Beacb ·El-nlary Scliool ·Dl~t'l"icl trustee. for their ••tmplllslve and purely feels that .their '.TohMJe.-or 'Jane' is !00 __. _ .... he aid ' • • 0"""' to WCUA, •, "I • • J · " , Palmer, assistant auperintobdenL ,•i.we ... h:live ·to move more than 4,000 clUkfren ·m a ~inute period and we've apeeden:. , "We don1 mind the 50 to 55 mile per houq>eople>tta lbe·lnquent es lo,!G,mlle ' LI. Paul Darden, HuntJnP>n Beech Police traffic division chlef1replied that.a radar·unit would be placed on Brookburat · . ~(S..B~G, ... P1 .. 1J)-""" 1 "The pirt whlch•brings their """""l to -C,AROLE RUNvAN OREIT$ .JIUSWll JIM IN 5'AL UACH · Sailor .... tM#, llt1um' ,.,_ ~ lhlli ....... r ... Seal Beach Tunis Olit For 250 Marines' Landing Tht Marinea landed ThW'ICtay evening In Seal Btach and the city turned out to welcomt them. About '2SO men ol the Finl Light Anti· aircralt Mballe Battalion, returning from Vietnam u part of Preskierit Nb:on's 15",090 -num reduction of troops, arrived on two. U.S. Navy .!,';Os (Landing Ship Dott:t .. Most ol the Marines were 1rom other part.a of the country but sailor Frank J. Simonic on USS Torguga. was greated by hit wife and five-months okl .. son "Fudge." The ,Simonies Jive at 16691 Bartlett Lane. Huntington Beach and Thursday was only the second time sailor Simonic has seen his son. The Marines arrival was more or less classified 110 few relativt:s were on hand to greet them. But wlt.h a little nudge (rt'.JID the Marine Corpe about ·2()() •Seal Belch citizens turned out to wek:1>fne the men borne. lnclucled "°" member& of St.II Bejlch v*'"8 <>rgllJ\lza~ the Gold Star Mothers, and Exchange Club memben rr.m EI Toro and Laguna Hills. BattaJion waa ardered.to Vietnam Feb .. I, 1965. While at · Da' Nang the unit was assign«! the mi!sion <JI provldlng air defense for lhe Da Nang .com.pies. 'Ibey maintained a vigilant watch over the &kie& of .the area. but were never called upoo to fire a iotasue ln cldenat. The.unit ~e ,act.i\le .in civlc ~ grams and were cited for ... their tffaru that will lnnl be~ by·the -pie <>! Da Nang." As the two Navy lhips·docked at the Seal Beach Weapona Sla\lon, the Marines lil>ed on the deck and WO< aalulell by a Navy band from Los Alamttos Naval Air Station. Sailors were first allowed off the ahlpa as many of them were to go on leave. ,Then the rather Rrious baualkln ol leathernecks filed down the gan1Pl.anka to the waiting buses. For now, the war in Vietnam II just a abort memory of death and deltrUctkln. ~.their future is uncertain. The MariDe . Corps Bale at Twen~ Palma wlD be theii new home and they wm tame under the command of the Inf -Alrcrall Wing, -,at El Ten. ' . -~I I '' \ " ' , t • • • . -' . But Police Still ·w ·ant to J(now Path ·to Lake . . I I ; I . 1 • • . I • • ' ; -• ' .J . A!lthorlties ~Y have all but closed ciin·~ even. an ,,~j,ologlsi 'trom Qil alon'~ Golden Wesl Street and qn\e to Llicir flies on the tragic case of a State ·runefton 'th.tpected· to bones scat-t~e-part where· the road sloped and: aud· W~er 1::1.igh Sdtool student who--ttred tb<w&h the defholifhed, rusty auto into the lake," said OetecUve GU Veloe. In ·mpalr .over· a lroubled romance -IOUQd W~e$day. . There· is no more work on"the cue for. went joyridiflg. suicidally ln a stOltn cir · A rrievlng 'mother made the final G'1!'den' Grove pOllct, who have been and Wed alone in a murky lake. detentjlnitlon, breaking d0wn alter loo.k· followin& every lead on the mWtng son No one can know wilat went through lng '.ar het son'! witch and rlna:. • of Mrs. Evel,yu Lichty for t.he .put fiye the mh)(tof"Willlam L. ·Lichty, 16, whren Huntlftgton Beach detectives 'Will Mt years. the car taken from a rn;ighbor slewed ceaae, workihg on the cs.Se until they are HI\ and a car belonging to Shirley sickeningly off-Golden West Street on positive an factors ate knoWn. Blankenship, 8121 20th St., Westminster, Nov. 14, 1964 and deep into Talbert Lake. 'There la lltUe to speculate UPon. \."&nlshed the same night. • Teams of coroner'• deputies, a phyi;i· ''Apppently, tlie boy wu ,al>(!eding Mr. and ~r1.1Jchty -alnct sepuated -and Mi:t..BallnJ<"!l'hiP probol>IJ;Jnllle their reports"r the police·.,.,,... lnvolved about the same time an 1bat fateful .nlgbt. The Licb\)r boy·and·lhe cat -.;.o. babiy alrea<ly buried lo tht mucl: of Talbert Lake, about a mDe from the n"'ilJborbood wbere lhe.prloclpala alfllv- ed. • Gatqen Grove PoU~ Sgt. Mite st1;nez said TbuNiday that leads 'were fbDowed (See ·BONES, Page II Beach Officers GrO¥nd Flfl,lating llp . Jail Teen · Mon,i. lp-&b .~\\l • A tetaue lluntiq!oo Be0<$.qi!lllr bai ~ "1irrlilllll -,Cjllrpll~~ .-Iii lilt ilildtoUii. '171ft!lli._. ' ~ ,j " r . '' 17, lftllf4S Will~'li.l....U. Hall Ill lfrmire. ,,.,,,..,. alilll alter Jim>. linlloft --·· compl<le4 .a IOW'-<l&J'ln"'str1at1on into them~ death of nitre Leslie Ann Guzman. The Oraoge County Coroner'~ Olllce ,.id the child died of toltmal Injuries Sunday, pc;albiy from a aelim beating. · 1411• Ann was prooounced ~­ rival al Hllllllqtoo lnlet<OmJJ>W>jty llospltal ,w!he she waa liken · by police who beinJ called lo the bome 'by Mlai Bo:t.er. . ' Mias Buter wu muled al P'!llce hOlldqUllUn, alt<r whu>tarlly sul> mltUn1 to questions. Pol\<O uld Mils Jldltr WU lfriQ&, at llit '""" .-. with. a :ri-year-old .man who waa not the lalber ol lhe·dead child. Pollce queslloned him 'l!mndaJ "111'4 but filed oo charier against bjnl. A ll·ftar-Old yOuth WU lllled by police a1 rather .of Ibo dead ,bal>y. N1 cbargea -have been Wed agalnll him eiU>er. The declaion to make the arred waa 'made • after utenslve interviews of friends and family of the young mother, ~udd a Police IPokesman. Stor k Markets ~YORK (AP).-The stoc;k markel turned tn a seesaw ptrfonnanc• today. rising lllihllJ In early lndlng and drop. dnl late lo the ....ton. (See quotaUoos, l'aieo 14-IJ), '1bt Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. WU off I.II at 111.15. ' '' Beach's Mayor Hea ds league Mayor Jack Green« Huntington )leach wa1 e~ ~sldent of the Orapge Counly Chapter of th• League of Cll~omla CW.s '.l'!wridaj nlgbl. , Green l'f•• the unanimoUs cOOlce · ol repfeeent.aUves tram · the county'• 25 clUt1 Jor the top job in · ltfi..70 .. ff> SUC• ~ •CquncjllJ1an 'Dean '. l!l!WI . ol La llabrL MIJ'W Ralph ·Clock· ol Aniheim was elected vice president. J1o IUCceeil> ¥oy0l" Doreen Mmball of · N.,...n Buch &1 depul)r'to ,Mayor Greeo. Bo.mhs . Resullle · . . ' ' IAliliii (UPll -·1'.'u.t .. ~ ·=-~ raids II bol!r:I-ti rtoUeal at Nlzoo boil t6ilay 'orde/ed lbem mun!ed becatll6 !be; iospm\slon ha~ no ell~ on d.....Wtp>1the111r. Thi ~YIU.. coJncldOd With ~·of n..-bcimblnl In !LaOI 8"" uhlilf.ldal rijJ/>r1I Laollan ·rorcea hod cul the Ho Chi Minh llUJJPIY trall from North to ·South VielnAntby capturlng the-. of M4ung Pblne ultkle the !tall 'Ibo Aporll from Vientiane Ibid or heaYJ li6mblq of the mu beld by the CommunUt Pathel Laa beloro the cap. lilt• of the dlJ all4 • aublequeol clrtv• towm.Sepooo, » mllto.lorll>lll"tlll. In tbe~ !WI have bclnbed largell in Lam darq hllll lo !he YJetQlm war. 'lbt U.S ·Command· In• SallOll dld not comment on the ~ aupeosion, aaJing ooly that no raldl bad been !lawn toclay. "We report them u they art OaWD and will continue to do so In the future," a u~. Command apokeaman aaid of lh• bomblnc raids. Communlquea reported U.S. fighter· bomber• were flying nom1fl~ .operations, recording .UT miuk>ns ~ Soutp. Viel· n-.m~on Thuraday. the n&fiter.bombets flew reduced m,lsslons during the recent Viet Cong three-day ceaae-fire. Flgbtlµg on the gound took 380 Com· munlst lives; military spokesmen said, and Vlei Cong ond North Vietnamese troops1 mounted a heavy new round of rocket or mortar auack1, hlWng 46 allied targets ovemlgbt -five more than the previous nlghL Spotermen aaid allied lnJopl !ought a Tennis Champ Hu rt i1i Accident Seal Beach leMls champion i(.thy Harte(, and six other perDJI ,were ~m­ jured T!>uj'>day allenm1Ina1luoe 1ehl· cle smashup at Pacilic Coast Hlgtrway and Anderson stree~ Sunl<t Bead>. Seal Beach Trame olflcer .Loooanl Friable said the accldeot m~ al 1:$% p.m. when one or the -.ehlcles apparenUy ran a atop sign on Anderson Street, and collided with two other can, one eaat4 bound and one westbound on · Pacillc Coast IDgbway. Treated for lacerations, bruises and contusions aod · Jater released were Ronald Craig,• JI, ol Downey; Frank M. Stoll'z, 18,.ol Santa Ana; Douglu J_ Poll, 16, of Downey; Aubrey Harter, M. Tlllfli H.,ter, 15, Debbie Harter, 11, and Kathleen Harter, Z2, all of 1005 Cr<alvl<Jt'. Drive, Seal Beacht , Officers have not yet delennlnal whlcli vehicle violated the' rlght ol wlly. The Marines were bundltd !nk-buses ml transported to Twentynine Palms where they were activated in 1960. Tl>e First Ligbl Aoti·aircrafl Missile Pea~oek •ot.ne~ \ • Ce o& Weatlae r The Orange Coast will be all fogg~ up. this weekend, with haay 111111 bttHln( tbroof)> in mldalttt· noon .Temperatyru are tabbed ia the low 70'1 oceanward. middle 11'1 Inland. INSIDE TODA l' TMre'1 Dnt' race in tht Har- bor Arte that ii a rtoi tut of u aman.ship becotut it'• pl.anMd tJJnt way; the obstaclll are core· f ldl'I/ planned out. Booting Pa gt 18. 11. ~L ·~ J • Max Mourns Lost Tail Feather s -87 RUlll NIEDZIELSU Of .. DMIP, '"" Sid Mu has the bloa apin. · . Feeling lonely-and neilected be-mull around'the bacl7ard, ocicplooallJr bonlt·' Ing al the lllOl'Ulq ,fO( wllh ·hla raspy volce. Ni ... year-01d Jack Hutilllli IOIG Craf· let Drive, lllmlloglon -· 11111-bollled the ..... ol'tfla deep.nXllod .- pr®lcm ln>ublln( Mn' mll>d, but be Jsn'l l!Ul'I wbellltr a Frmdlan a< Jtoatr· Ian lheraplat could balp; Mu ts a peacock. "Kil tail r.u out • weelr •ao,., lair ~ "And •Ince Iba! titrit be jull hasn't been himlelf.», Mrs. Joyce Hastillp, Jack'• mothtr. said Mll dropoJ>la 71.-t·tall feath- "' •Vfrf --·-thel!: rill>! • ,e1a bin\ """"· 11u1 w;ei ·Into , •· ' of emotional depre11lon. "The rirat time it ~ J neirl1 b3d a 61. 1..lbougbt \\!. ha\! a banil)le dlteue and eapected lllin to decompose lo lronl of my eyes," lhe aald. "l l!ol bold el -ldnd· of wt ill Long ll<ach Who !old me tt WU 101110 111t1 of cyclical thing. He u... the tall . ! •I I• g 1 -• • -, " • • I I • ; ~· .__,, -.. .. ·- H Ftldlr, ~ 12, 1'169 ace Rt • Nixo~ l:izlls fJf~ Bpm b Halt D~ring.Meet _. ... l'Olll !UPl!I -P.lolloMot Nil!llt · IDlpPod J>Olllb•• n • • ad-........,tlon Vietnam peace movitloday In a ~. 40-mlnule meeulii with ~:_ diplomatic an4 111· 'll>e"l91i!Ce'l!OQso meetlrig:wtth all poriiplputl •ppearhlc 'll;im. statled amid ii-iJ.auoa· tllat: .. ban ordered by NllGI! In 1153 ~·Jn &oul!> ~lllll mJ&lll .b!Oll the lmpam In ~ce talk!. But ...idwlf ~-the meeting, the ilori WU lilted'.'" . u no lm.plediale word from the Houle on what wu discussed at the ~ • at 1:3$ a.m. PDT mi ~15 a.m. P,DT. olliclala lidded that uiire would be !lo announcemtnt.s -that I.he decisions --•P!Jll"l!l later. '!be bombing halt had been ordtfed by !>'Ison without fanfare and the ad- D1inlatn1ion ref med even to confirm it tit ~=~~~I=. =~·,.lJ·.:~= • Nill ll!ao .,... =t•, b1roo4 1be -o1 'HO," fa194't1Umtd,. ... 1.ellltt: tahf. °""' I · Zle1ler i•wJIJl&<jl-llle· J~lpo };It noted that the 'BU ,r1Jds )lad be~ had betn ordttecl to aee how_ '-he: ~-rtsumed tn the war zont for 12 bours munlsli wouta read, ind aaiGrilai were fQDOWlig the n:lroUr ·eeue-liie, before ord<ted resumed by Nixon whert 11'4 of· belhg halted by presidential order. fel'llfVe 9P0"AU0111 llllowff ~ 1-'> "'f•-!¥ not want to ...._ B5J Olghi. 'llla.tiimblng halt bad.be<ft. o(dcf<d by for • f•l' days followlq !iii> period," the ~t In 11ie,.,ake of a'-..S.y slidz.tl}tt, but addedlhij 1'we were un-~ lnlUated by tho' Commtint.t.o der atta<k and In ""-lo this It "" because ot the ·death ot Ho Cb.I M:lnh.~"to necasary following the end of \be ft.hour see wtt.t the other aide. iuteoded to do in period to My B5% sorties at one bait the terms oJ its level o( m.Jlltary actJvlt7." nonnal level. Zeigler l&id the &a 10rtits were •1we wanted to dete.rmiae tlW intent ol. or<ler,ed resum.ed IJY, !yixon be<;ause the the other side ., to the level ol llcilvlty l<v,el'ol enemy llta,ckl had IOI>• bac\ to and pve them the beneHl of the doubt." the ,,.._,..fire level. He added that "at lhil lime the other He inallted that the IUlpertslon wu side is back to the pre.cease fire period" "not an acUon. to 1lpial a ft:IPOl)Se from of offe:ns!ve operations. the other side" in term• of a dlPiomaUc "We have resumed the B52 fli&hia',1 ' be peace overtun. declared. County's Grand Jurors Wade Into Water Hassle f'ron1 P .. e 1 PEACOCK ... time, because suddenly Lady Bird was found gawking proudly over a nest or brand new speckled eggs and pmsptcts oJ an entire peacock family became a The Orange County Grand Jury Is wading into water pollution problems, it ... as learned today. Newpcrt Beach City H a r b o r Coordinator Ge<rge Daw" testified l' alley Recall Opponents Meet " Head.on Monday All candidates and il'lcumbenLt involved lo Fountain Valley'• recall election are expected to be oo. hand Monda)" night for the Chamber of Commerce sponsored condldates night. The meeting will start at S p.m., ln the cafeteria oC Fountain Valley High School. l'Itl6 Bushard St. MOlit candidates and incUmbents will be available for brld que!lionl at 7,S> p.m. '!be fomiat will porallel th • t of the Fountain Valley Civic League, Se~t.. 4. Each man will speak five minutes, givang llis campaip platform, background and &ugest.kms. ' A llbort brealt, with tt!m!un<!ll! aerv· ed by \be women's dlviskm of the Chamber, will follow the speat.ers. Followlng the break, a question ai>d an&Wer perind will be allowf:\I, with "'1~ ten questiona aoreened ·1>7 a •pedal qOm· mitt.et. " w "d "We expect a tarie crowd, Oiarles Dixon. ch a m be r presldenl., .. becauae of the Interest ahown In U\e: 1Aue and lbe fact the incumbents will be present." Chamber officials expect at lent 200 to attend . The cafeteria will seat 500. John Mangano. legialative chairman or the chamber, wi.ll 1erve as moderator for the evening. Flag F oothall Registration Set Registration for Recreation and Park's Department -sponsored nag football tea.sue play beg\ns in Huntington Beach Saturday. Fees. which include the purchase ol a team shirt are '1.25 for C League (3rd and 4th grade) and $2 for A and B Le.ague {5th through 8th grade) boys. Regi!trat.ioo will be held from 9 a.m. to 111.m. at various neighborhood parks. 'I'hol5e tntenated may phone the Hun- linjton Beach Recreation and Parks ~nt at SM-2573 for addilional m.. fcnnation. • DAILY PILOT ll:e"9rt t-1. Weed f'n.tidef>l lltld ,......,.., J .... II:. 0tt1.., Viti l'fll*"' .,._ ~rel '°'t1'tMf n.".iti., x,,.a '"1""' Til1111a' A. M.,.,11;"' ......... ,,~ •• Ellliv J,tl~tfl w .•• , •• .-..-11ii. t•1'1r H111tltttw IMell otfke lOf Ith S1r11t tr.ltilirlf M'4'tttt P.O. It• 7t0, '!Ml °""" otnc .. ...... f!M(fl; 7tll """'' .. ~ ICllllle'llNf c.t. .... t •wot • .., $1rtotl LIWN kM;lli tD ~ ........ I • ~ before a fout·member jury committee Thursday. Committee chainnan Donald Hud- dles!.oo explained the investig1Uve panel ts conctrned about recent news rtporta of possible polluUOo ci Newport Ha-. He saj.d Santa Ana River water quality is also a cvncem ci the jury. Dawes said It la his opinion !hot there Is m health hazard i{I the harbor waters ••at the 'mom.ent/' But., he added, tbe.re are indicaUons there: mid'Jt be a problem In the future. He cited an abnormal growtb of plant materials in the lower bay and a "fairly lar19 fish kill," which has yet to be satidactorily explained. Dawes' testimony, and that of County Harbor Dist.rict.offktals, was taken at an hour.Jong_ committee session held al Harbor District o(fices In Newport. The city aide and district spokesmen detailed tbel.r respooslbllities in harbor maintenance. The city, the committee was told, has jurisdiction over shore-ha~ ed docking and sanitary insta.UaUons, ,.,hile tbe district teewi an eye on water· based facilities. ~ committee gave no lndlcaUon wben a report. with recommendations, would be submitted to the full Grand Jury. Services Slated For Beach Man •1. ~ Killed in Blast Services will be held Saturdv for Roberl Still. 50, of 16771 Trudy Lane, Huntington Beach, who died Tuesday in San Bernardino from injuries suffered when a gas tank in his camper b:ploded Aug. 31. t.1r. Stil! was Worthy Patron ol Seulde Cllapter of the Order of Eastern Star and a staff engineer at McDonnd Douglas Corp,yation in Huntington Beach. The St.ill family wu on a Labor Day weeteDd vacation near Lake Arrowhead when the accident occ:ured. He waa taktn fo San Bernardino County General HO!!ipital where he died. Mr. Still had been a res:ident of liun- tington Beach for six years, having mov· cd to the city from Glendale. He is survived by his wife Phyllis, :son, Charles and daughter , Janet of the family home, daughter Mrs. Judith Fagan, of South Bend, Ind .. and another son, LcaCpl. John R. SUll or the U.S. Marint's, home on emergency leave from Vietnam . Servicu will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. al Community Methodist Chureh. Huntington Beach with the Rev. Roger Betsworlh and the Masonic Order con· ducting services. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills. ,,,...... PGfle 1 BUSING ... Slttet ~·as soon i s we hear that it's need- ed." He add~ that additional croulng guards cou1d be slationed there as well hut would ha\•e to be approved first by th' city traffic engineer. Palmer Aid that the dislricl might re.store busi ng service for the 1tudenls affected if the trustees considered the problem to be an emergency. ''The district maintains a reuonable nserve fund and thecftUcally this could be applied." he said. ' 1'11\e trustee decision wu bued on a thorough study though and they want to aee bow it works out," he concluded. Jack \Varner Leaves l\1ovies for Stage HOLLYWOOD !AP) -Jack L. Warner. the lxst tycoon ci lloll1w.aad'• family-owned movie emplrel, left Warner Brother>Seven Arts tod17 alter a hall century u production chit!. Warner, 77, aakt ht won't reUre. JnUad, he "Ill concentrate on a ntfw career 11 producer of ltqe play1. Hll first venture. "Jlmmy," 11 play hued on the lift of New Y o r k Mayor Jimmy W1lktt, i1 tryina out In Phllldttptda, with lta Broadway Ofl'llinl Id f<r Oct. II. reality. · "She just threw the egg.s out of the nest except for one," Jack ei:elained rue- fully. "Lady Bird just wasn't interested." His father was determined to get at least one peacock out of the bitch though and placed the ~gg into 1 thousand dollar space-age oven at his firm and had the iecreta.riu check it almost hourly. "'Ibey in!hted they felt mo'""""l In it but to me it seemed like the eu wu just getting ligbler and li&btu," u:-plalned Merrill IWtingf. He waa riaht. Somebody bad forgott.n to provide ille proper humidity durins the incubation proceu and the eu dried up. "When we opened It up, there was nothlnf. at aD inside," he laughed. ''J113t a shel ." Several months later, while on 1 busi· ness trip, he found a me.ua1e to caJJ California at the hotel desk. He dialed and ·on the other line th ere were peeps. Lady Bird had finally de-- Livered! The three baby birda, which are jU!t the size of big Checks now, oow ltomp around the yard. imprinted to the tr.W of Lady Bird. And Mu stands over in the comer, feeling left out. Occaalonalty they get together and honk at the garbage truck, brawl with the aparraws and ~ at. the school chlld:ren fr'IP. the baCkyard fence.. Bu\ ~·fl·lle time M"!<J!!elcludtl from the 'fUD.time acttvittea. Al least un- til be can hoist another tail. Q,!,i '''rl."·· ' c V'"vrrim an Ban Prompted By Aching Backs Hunllngton· Buch City AdmlniJtrator Doyle Miller eiplained the current cam-- patpi to ban oil drum trash conlalnen ii not •. acheme to till the pocbta of hardware store owners but wu prompted by the achlng backs of coJJecllon men . Miller said he received complaints from state disability olliciall and Rain- bow Dlsfl068l Co. inlonnlni him that "too many employees are lojured trying to pic k up overloaded oil drums used as trash cans." And that is precisely why the 60-gallon containers must go. The contract bel\.\'een the city and the disposal company specUies that con· tainers weigh no more than 60 pounds loaded. Some of the heavy oil drums used as containers weigh almost that much alone, according to Miller. As oC Nov. 1 the heavy containers will no longer be picked up, lie pointed out. The disposal company will continue picking up boxes and bags of lawn clip- pings or trtt trimmings U the weight Is reasonable. At the same Ur.le trash collecton hive promised to be more cattful With the new containers residents will have to buy to replace the oil drunu. Theft Suspects Nabbed in Raid A quick raid Thursday monµna on a Fountain Valley r.esidence netted three suspected burglars "·anted by the Lona Beach Police Depart.menL Fountain Valley and Long ·Buch pollco units picked up Patricia MIY, 28; Ace McCarter, 33, and Joseph Kish, It, at tllOll La Qulnta and charged them with varl0113 =i. of possessin& buriJar7 toob, torgory and grand tbe!L Patrlcll May and McCarterJ,ave the Fountain Valley lddrus as' th r home. They were both taken to Long Btach for l>ookJn&. KIJh said he WU from Las Vqu. He was booked into Orange Coun· ty Jill Oii charg .. of posseuing burglary tools. Libyans Get 100% Pay Hike CAIRO (UPI)-Ubya's revolutlonary counci l, •hlch toppled th• monardly Sept. I. ha1 decided to atve all wortn tOO percent PIY ralaes. A ,broldca.st fr«n Tripoli heard here Thursday said the council cave no dale for when lhl de- clilon will 10 lnlo tUeel. -· .... FIREMAM BILL PERRY DISPLAYS RARE FISH Thlt Ont Went Into Firemtn'• Frying P•n It"s a. • Tarzatex Longipinnis Hooked It wu a fish of another tail caught Thursday off Sunset Beach. Fireman Bill Perry wu a little shocked when be reeled in the 20-pound-somethlng. Neither Perry, nor Sun.wt Beach lifeguard Bill Richardson , who was man- ning tbe small boat they were in, knew just what it was. So they called in expert hel p -the Fish and Ga.me Department, which turn- ed to 1n1rine biologist Jack Schott of Terminal Island, who declartd it was a "taraztes Longipln:nil." That means long·lhin. or aimmon name of Big Sc.al~Pomfret, for those wbo are not marine biologists. "Quite a rare fish for these waters," sald Schott • The Big-&:a1e Pomfttt, common in many other areu, was only the fifth one ever caught in an 80-mile radius stretch· ing from Doheny to Redondo Beach. When Schott arrived he found the rare fish already cut in chunky steaks, reidy for the frying pan. He pleaded with Perry and Richardson not to eat it, but lost, as the men were not about to forfeit their Ii.ah dinner. "A filh lite that belongs in a museum -not In )'OW' gut," lamented Scholl. Board of State Young GOP Asks UCI to Oust l(risman The State Board or California Young Republicans has voted to request UC Regents dismiss former SDS leader Michael Krisman from his adminiatiative post at UC Irvine and fire Chancellor Military Museum De,cisiqn pelaye~ Consideration oJ a proposal of a 1oili· tary museum at Mile Square Park in F~taln Valley !'U postponed ~ay by '!lqion"·Park Adrisoi'!' ,....,. ™ team o1-......, co.m11 ,.. ...... ,., department heads will he:ar a prtsenta· tion by llMald Mkhelaon of Loa Angeles, execuUve director of the American So- ciety of Military History, at a meeUng to be scheduledi Michel.son wanll to locate bis military museum he would call Freedom Park on 25 acrea at the Mlle Square FaCllity. His collecl1on of millt.ary hardware Includes so jeeps. 20 tanks, more than 100 ma· chine guns, antiaircraft l'lJlS and torpedo launchers. and be hope! to obtain 25 war planes and a submarine. Some of his older equipment dates to the Civil War and he bas personal mili· tary alfacta from the Romao f;mplre days. \ Mk:helson's collection, be said was acquired at a cost of in excess of $10 million, is presently stoffil at movie studios where it it rented out for the filming of television !bows including "Combat,'' "Garrison's Guerrillas" and "Mission lmoossible." Daniel Aldrich for appootlng him. All but one of 45 delegates ttatt:wlde voted for the reaoluUon which also calls for the ouster of "all avowed members of SOS from the university system," ac· conling to J(m Nub, chairman of the Orange County Young Republicans. Neh said be inatigated the retolution at the board meeting last weekend at South Lake Tahoe becawie Aldrich was adamant in refusing to rec<m1lder. ''He used the argument of academic freedom which hu no cocnection to the case since Krisman is an adm.Jnistrator, not an instruct.or," Nash said. Krisman, 27-ye.ar-old fonner UCJ stu· dent body president, was n a m e d coordinator of academic advisirlg July 1. Protests over the appointment of Krisman is pointed toward thelneeUng of the ngents in San Franci.9co nert Friday. Nash. a Santa Ana insurance i rt· vestigator and self e m p I o ye d phc:ltop'apher, said he has rectlved word from lbe sectt:tary of the regents that the matter has been placed on their agenda. Record Beer Sale Foreseen MUNICH, Germany (IJJ>l) -Munich's brewer}es said today they expected to sell at Jeast four I mllliOD quarts 0£ extJ'a stron' .beer during this year's 110ktobet· fest.' which starts Sept. 1.0. City officials predicted five .million visitors would at· tend the six-week fe.sUval. · ~illiams .On Retifrn ' ' DE)'RQJT CUP!) -Robe11 , 1' •• WUl!a!nl, jJle bl"'k revoluUOrwy • who fled the United StaleJ •ilht yeara at• to avoJ4. trlaJ on kklnaping charges, flew to Alqerf<ao !Oil today and was P""Pplljt iorrested by the FBI. (Earll<r Stoey, Pqe 7). • , J FBI qenla sl•J>PO!I oato the -1al T~~ Wor~ Airlli>es jet and bfouaht out \Vllliams, wanied in the United States oo a fedttal fugiUve wartant. WHJiams. bed .s:pent a week in an English jail prior to 1iia dlrect!Ught from· Londm to Detroit · Willianis, who laid down much of the: grouridwork in the black po w e r ~ovement'.1 philosophy af meet Inc violence with violence, shook bands with ~ stewardess and cwitom.s officials on his way oot of the plane. The jet . carried on1y Williama and a er~ ol ~gbt, two security (U&l'd!, and \Vllliams attorney, Milton Henry or Pon· Liac, Mich. The bearded Williams, 44, wore a blue Mao Tse-tung suit and a Red Chinees style cap as he stepped into the sunlight. A heavy seairUy guard of Wayne Coun· ty sheriff's depuUes and pla.inclothe!I policemen Wa.5 wattina. 'There were also about 50 gaily dressed members of the ~pu~lic of New Africa, the blact na· tionalist paper nation of which WUllams is "president." Williams was taken immediately for a bearing before a U.S. commiasioner oo the !ugitive Watl'arit, iuu.ed followin.1 ticf.. n~p111g ch a r f e 1 during racial dt!turbancu In Mooroe, N.C., in 1111. From P .. e 1 BONES •.. up all over the Southland resultJns ID 1 ' filebook 30 inches thick on William Lawrence Llchly. 1 That aearch ended under the hot mn and the glarln1 llght of gmerator· powered tamR' Wednesday. · ''Planks were placed upon the rwnbo-- like mud and we stretched them out .to · scoop up pail$ and handfuls of mud to be · sifted for evidence," sald Deputy Coroner · Russe.II Greene. · , The 1'ft sJde door SWUr>i open aa the . battered car was being hauled out With . its grisly human cargo Wednesday and some skeletal remains -skull lncluded -were lost forever. Jnvesl.lgaton today praised hi.PJy the firemen wbo stayed at the scene unW 10 p.m. Wednesday, helping Jab men 1ift through. the stew·llke mud for more o! • John Lichty. "They didn't have to stay, but UJey did · and they went through all that muck right beside us," said Officer Richard Williams. Sn far. the recovered bones match the description of the vanished boy, who wu five feet 10 inches tall . wieghed about 145 pounds and had a broken ann at one time in his Hfe. After the discovery -and relatively quick solution to.Jhe case oC a car and boy who disappeared one November ni&ht -some observers wonder how many mare bones may Lie deep in the murk. Ancient whale bones have been dua up by coostruction crew working in the im- mediate vicinity, while Talbert and Hun- tington Lakes are very deep in apol.!I. "Someday they might even find 110me centuries"ld Indians out there," said one observer. John Lichty probably wanted to be alone that fateful night and he stayed alone -for almost five years. Or did he.? SWIVEL CHAIRS only ••• $129 NIWPOltT IEACH 1 n1 W"lellff Dr. 642.20.!0 OPIJI NllAY 'T1L t INTllUOIS Prof .. lenaf lnterier 0 .. 1, ... ,.. AV11flablo-AID-NSID Comfort and Style! LAGUNA BEACH W North Cout Hw-;. 4f4.6551 OPIM HIDAf 'Tl\. t " , I .. N.'.Y. St¥k• :rEN CEN'rS '' ' . " ' South. ~l, .,..: ... ·~" ~cqii~tY ·.undergoing . Major ~ ·F3Celiftillg • • Billioo'Clollar lai:<lifl suraeri with such · ,. · "'-u--.. earl!Wrioiefi nstnunehtir as "" .....,. .... , , , i , md the~··~ pen hu bg'!n lot that grand old gal, soulh coutal . h'ange County. Glowing predictions were heard 'fburs.. laY as the Orange County Chamber ~ !;unmerc:e's Eco o om l c:I>evelopment ~ouncil discussed the future of the moMly mdeveloped ..... ' ljep~ve ol the Mission •Viejo Cpm· '"'11• Lqwia Nlguel North American ' R<ickweu. .. ~ jUlll" ciPistrano'a IOI"'. an ultirDate ~ation of io,000 A~ l'ark ~111 ·IJpwbiji , J>O!l!l>pa, l!irt, ~ iiilil that projedioo tem!I ofii,riCreUhl&'~elopnienl'm..._ In c..!id be ,a.)lllle [>lgll. . spite·of riSing costs and Ugbl mooef. Parks said that the company had Jeff Parks, vice president Of Laguna already sold out ils lndustrtal park pro- Nlguet~d. lhe 80.)11.Jmbers ol lhe "'!ll'Cll , perly. , , . at the~'~ q~. Iha~ j'jthin, ,. N.,.·P!•Jtcta lor 1" oompany Include the decailO'J>Opullition in the.,.. Slioultt lhe·l'llaqel Shores devel-"'1t near Salt lncreaae by J.30,000~persoos.~. _ Creek. There, some 2.5 million cubic Parks $8id thit Laguna Niguel ~ld·be yards of earth· bJ,ve·i.n moved for home sold"'"! by. tha1-Ume. A,n!llised master ~teS, Abput,57% ~~ljal lots wW be plan' Jor ·u;.,~pai;y•s 'lieldings'·called within 'the dev.lopment. On the i.ag..,. Nlauel drl~ bOarill are plans !Dr If Sall IAJ<e P!U~ In the area or SJlLCreek. 'I'here 1 »-acre salt- water lake will be created. 'jlVlth •COID-6 merdal mort and hl&h·~ ...- tial devel-ent''""""!ftllbl tl>o.llke; By the time La1111na Nlguel Is llnEshed, Parks tsUmated ·the worth of all its dcvelopmell! lo be, 11.5 blll\o"-Roberl E. Maurer,>1ojlsllon•V,lefo Com· p~ny vj.,.,presldent ol ~ manag .. ment and purchasing, recapped his com- • · pan;y's devtlopment and hinted at future £l&DS for the area. Included Were a 52-acre automobqe center, tt;.e..,firlt. of its kind in ~or~ County, a series ol small induslrlal parcels, and continued ·re s J d en t 1 al devel-ent Mission Viejo now bas a popufaUon f,'11 10,000, be said. UlUmate pop,1latioo will be around I0,000. Pist stages of reslden-· tial wort were termed a complete SJ.C· cess, by Maurel. . . H. W. Lhiton.'-DllY nalnOd Jllaldial • of North A1nerlcan'1!0Cltwell'11Ubsldofy, Narland· Corp., oulllned ,.;ldeoll"\ ud indultrllil develoi1nlent oUliils "41]~ lo the parent cempany'1 huge Ali!Onetk:s plant. On. U)e boards are .plans .. for "con- veoience, sh9Pl'lni ~~ wllh IJWsll,lg development, an~ induslrlal paf<iels: IJll. mediately adjacent to Uie large plint, (See F ACELIPT, Pa«e I> Niguel Tract OK Delayed On Be·aeh ·Access Issue ' , . IWL¥ PJLOI' ........... Bomb Raids Resumed .By Nixon WASH!NGTO!i (UPI) -Pruident Nixon mapped possible n·e y d· ' etn~;??-mov•,'~ .... w·~~ mlll\lrY.' ~IOu!·~ ~:In' telllg...., a<fyl....,. · CAROLE Rl)NYAN Gflt:E'i:.t.~USliAND JfM..~lEAL 11J!ACH 11 , · S1!lor( 1nd Mf•l!,>ol :!!'!fur~ From qvor-;Pv.ty , -r \ • ~,.. • ~ ... • r ';'!\ .,..,.. ' ,( ·Mariltes · ~tand ·~re~~ Iii Im i-00 Iii -• ' nilght i.:ut tM i.,p.,.e la;!!Niiil ioooi. But ll)li!.W•Y throuah lhe-, ~ !lie suspenaioo was lifted. Seal Beach,. Gives ·Big. Welcome ' ' . The Marines landed Thursday evenlllg 1n Seal Beach and the city turned out t.o welcome ipe!Jl. About 250 mep of lht First Light Anti· aire:J:a!t Missile ~ualion, returning 1rom Vietnam as part of President Nixon's is,obo man ·nduct.ion of troops, Arrived on two U1S. Na>y LSDs (Landing Ship llock). Most of the Marines were. from other part& of the countrY but sailor Frank J. Simonic ·oo USS Torguga ·was greated by his ·wife and 1 five-mooths old son ''Fudge." The Simonies live at 16&91 Bartlett Lane, Huntington Beach and Thursday was only the second time sailor Simonic· bas· seen hili son. 'Jbe Marines arrival WB.1!i more or less claSSlfied so few relatives were on hand to greet them. But with a litlle. nudge from · the Marine Corps about 200 ~l Beach citizens turned out to welcome the nien home. Included were members of Seal Beach veterans organiza~, . the. Gold Star M_,.., IDd Eitchange .Club msnben !z1'n El Toro and Laguna IDlls. · The Mari.nel were· bundled-into buses and. transported lo Twenlylllne Palms By JOHN V ~LTERZA Of 1M D41!1r l"lllt Slaft Doheny State Park beach, one of SOU.them Callfornia's few recreaUon areas offering beech camping, will be revamped by Dec. !. But. its director warned a Newport Beach audience 1'1uriliay, the $1.l I million redevelopment projtd couldn't hope to alleviate an awesome ~ding problem. Richard Meneffee, unit manager for the 63-acre state park immedla~ downcoast from Dana llarbo'\ told a N'J'llOl:f Kiwanl! Club gatherin( \11111\>e ,]>irk hai su!fertd lrom ·~ pn>- "blema'"' this )'etr -both-1l:atUfal -arid mantnade. 1be. total redevek>pmenl ol tbt patk al lbe mouth ol Sin Juan Creek bas been &tilled lirit by the beary wlnttr lllOnns ,of January and February which washed out huae sections of btaches and depos'ited 1 large aand delta al . the tmk's mouth. Thal problem sWled contractors' work. I I where they were actlvated i.Q.1960. The Firs! Llgbt. Anti-aircraft Mis!il• Battalion was ordered to Vietnam Feb. 8, lfl&S. While at Da Nang the unit was aRigned the mission ol. providing air defense for .tbe Da Nani complex. They malntained a vigilant watch over the 1kies of the area but were never called upon to fire a missile in defense. The unit became active in civic ~ grams and were cited fut""their efforll!I that will long be remembered by the peo- ple· Of Da Nang.'" As the two Navy ships docked· at the Seal Beach -Weapons Station, the Marines lined on the deck and were saluted by a Na\'y band 'from: Los Alaalkos Naval Air' Sta lion. Sailors were first allowed off the ships as many of them were to go on leave. Then the rather serious battalion of leathernecks filed down the gangplanks to the waiting buses. For'now, the war in Vleloam ii ju.st a short memory of death and dettruction. !llJl,lhelr future is -Tbe IWlne Corps Base at Twentynine Palms will be their new ham• and they wlll cdme under the command o! the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, stallooed at El Toro. ' • Tb.re was no. 1mmecuai. word from the White }JoUR oo wbat was dJ,scussed at · the session, which •tarted at 1:15 a.m. PDT ahd broke up at· 10:15 a.m. PDT. OfficialJ added that there would be no announcements -that lb& deciSions would become apparent later. The bombing hall Had been ordered by Nixon with:lut fanfare: and the ad- ministration refused even to confirm It or discuss its possible implications until s!Jortly alter.noon when Press secretary Ronald· Zlagleo aald Nlxoo bad ordered raids resumed. Ziegler acknowledged the suspension had been ordered to see how-the Coor munists would react, and·likl rakfJ Wert! ordered resumtd by Nilan when ·Red of· fensJve operations showed.an inttuse. The bombing hall had been ordered by the President in the wake of a three-day ceas..tire inllia\ell by the Communl!Ls because of the death of Ho Chi Minh, "to see what the other side intended to do la terms of its level of military activity." Zeigler said the 852 sorties were ordered reswned by Nixon because tbe level of enemy aUacb had gone back to the pre-cease-fire level. He intllted that the IUspeNion WU 11nol an action to aig;flal' a response from the other aide" in term& of • dlplomat.i-:- pea<e -.. "We wanted to determine whether lbia (See BOMBING, P11e I> A Bird for' Blubird ' ' DAILY lllLOT Ill".,...,. Workmen use crane .to place ,,..,, :ztl.!oot rocket on launching pad at Laguna's muebird Park. Purcllase of $2,100 rocket ;_ a •econd generation playthlng -is !"!rt of C1>11linuing effort to upgrade four· acre children's .park. . Past on the Auction Block At Playhouse Saturday J --·-·· -......-~ Salt Creek: Adjacent ToPrope~ ' . , By TBOMAS fOtn;IJNE . Of"" OlllY ''"' '''*' Ac:llnn on a Laguna I Niguel COrpcnllm tract has been tabled 30 ilaya by Iha Or- ange County Planning· Commlaiion tG learo Whal eflec\ I new Board ol SiJper• loin -" -"'Mqelrli!g piblic -~~;it " -' A~ :r tf:JJ..1ng ,_.,k..i Wednesday by Laguna..Nlguel chief tJ>. Pit<!' Larry Lizotte alter he learned '""'nil ~bdivlsion JMnnlng aldel had,...,. ~ '> »e4ellrilD palln•ay -1!11 tilalf. !roin l>liut Sirind Road; ' 'Ille property In questioo h less than a mile downcoaat from Salt Creek. At iis nearest point the pr_..i 3!J.home residential tract comes to 800 feet from the mean high Ude line. • The 'beachfroo(property below the blufl Is part of a pr.eviOusly·, approved Laauna Niguel CorporatJ.on tract and bat been grad14 for ajrlvale parking kil .._._, Colinly ·supervisol'I fii'! w .. t '""""" • pollcy calling 00 COWlty stall In dealing with new developments to keep in mind a gnat oll oblalning alld protecllng public ....... County planninf ai<ie Dave Moore aald there la ~bt among the pla:nnlng "8H as to-·ju1t what I& meant by tbe goit •·m this cue,. Is it to get as cl088 as we. can and try to pick up acc.eu 8CJ'Oll. the ~ lat.er an?" he wondered.. . Dana Strand !!<>ad1• whiCb serves 1 trailer park on c-er.sbenban - (See NIGIJE!,, P1~ I> WRONG HOUSE, WRONG COUCH Just • matter or milltaken identity - wrong , hoose. wrong cwcb, LIJ!1m1- Beach Police decided 'l'hunday aftet' receiving a "SUB"picioua circumltancu'' call. • Mike Sellers ol 115 Viejo st., Laguna Btach called olflcm to "'port Iha! a strange man wu aJeepng on his couch. The man, James Sberflski, 20, of Wlscomln, told officers he had'been given 1*ml'5ion by a lriend lo stay. The pfmission, ft turns out was for another !Miuae, another coudl. ' Orange Coasi Weadler Tile Orange Cout ...W. be Ill fogged up lhis woek!Dd; wi,\h liazy IUD bruking liWltlh In niidafter. no0n .Temperatures are tabbed rn the loW 7011 oceanward., middle IO'a Inland. INSmE TODAY )'hue's .<>M race' m tlJ,t ,Har- bor Area that il'a rtal U1t o/ st.'amoruhip become it'• plortned 111<!1 tDllJO l/l!-'l,\'~I~ co~ .. ' 1t'!l!(q""'· !Iii< ~ ,<.11f"'" .. • .. .. • ..... ..,. c·,-:-:\.-,,.. .. · -~ ~, ·-·-''---~ I .~ IWI. y I'll.OT L Cha Teen Corner '. Laguna High Students Back in Full Swing By FRED SCHOEMEllL 01 ... Dal" ..... St•H HERE WE GO DEPT.-After 1 at.rt, followed by a short vacation, followed by another start, nearly !,GOO Lquna Beach HJgh School sWdenl< were bacl: to tucben .00 books in earnest this week. The present &tudent condition is expect- ed to prevail for the next nine montfu. Some things have changed for the helter, however, on the old LBHS cain· pus. Remember bow the old Main Build- ing mtrooml were more to bt lhunned tlwl UIOd! No nae. Bolll the boys' aod girls' -ba"I --with new fmur.s, tile aod mlmln. Eftn the trash CIDl-wbtch were sometimes bard to find last JUl"'-DOW have gone campus gplrit witb mll'OOD baaes and white tops. !!ven the ~ums have a MW loot with newtr Allded aod blll>«Jou fin- l!be.s on the llilonl. * SPEAllNG OF the athletic depart· -~ b<ad football coach Hal Aklu Is hard at wort with bill Artist gridden to form up our team whicb ts. of count, the deff!ldl.ng Crestview League cham- pion. The crou country runners are bard at wort tllo and they seem to havt been wlltlliog up everywllere along the °""" Cout. . During the summer, the long-distance lads became familiar sights as they hulled alool COast Highway from La- guna Nigue£ lo Conma del MJr. In all, they no -ly J,GOO mllea this-· Meuwbile in butetball. new varsity mentcr J~ Fair is look.inc forward to a promialng IWIOD. * FOJt 11IE SENIOR CLA.&S, a busy final year ls in the offillg with plans already urxter way to restore and enjoy the Senior Lounae. The lounge fell on evil day1 whtn il•r'eVerted to a tui.book room last summer. Dave Hustwlck, stnior class president, is confident the lounge can be refurbWied and become the "in" plact on campus. The seniors have more than PXI and It shouldn't be too dlWcul1 to buy a ping- J>Oll& ,.blo. IGft driDl< macblne, juke bo• in addllioa .. ""lilI& In -interior decorallom. For aenkn. the word on the 1-0Unge Is "cootact . ., If you want to belp out. contact Dave Hustwk:k. Another key phrase among student!, faculb' and idrninlltraton this year will be "fndivldual re!pOM!~l::J'.·" One u· ample wW be the new ~sea. S!udenta ~ to a etudy ball dur- ing the day will be given the Oj)lion of attending these &hoit ooe week mlni- couraes which will be offered on subjects ranging from s!udy of the blue! to changing suualily in Amerf<a. Tbroligh polls, it will be determined just what mini-courses the studenta want. The pro- grams wW be lined up by the Progus. slve EducaUon Club. Some traditiooaliltl, ol coune. may want to use study hall for ib k>ng.at.ab- lished ~ study. And JO Jor me. blct to aome reactmi of U.S. Government. The J.9U.70 IChool year Is with us. Israeli Planes Attack ' Egyptllmi~k Suez Area:: By Ualled ,_ lal<rUlioul Isrull planes attacked E I y p ti a n iU1fdS In Ille Gull ol Suez atta !or the third consecuUve day today, maintaining the pace ol. the aerial war at ill hJ.&heSt Jeftl aince the 1917 slx~ay war. lJratll polrolJ alJo l:llled eigblhab comnwido. near the Dead s.... 'Jbe new strike into tbe region when lsratl carried out a deadly raid on Tues- di.y came as Defenae Minister Moshe lll)'U aaid Israel woold utallate against Arab tmu' but would not take actions tliat would le.ad to a nsumpUon of full· scale war With the Arabs. The air war reached a crescendo on 'l"bunday when Cairo said it sent 102 planes -one-fourth of its air force - againat Israeli army installaUons in the occupied Slnai Desert. Israel said it shol down 11 of the planes in a major victory. Today a military spokesman iD Tel Aviv said the jets struck Egyptian posi· tions on the Suez Gull shoreline at Ras Adu Darq:, 25 miles below the port city d Suez, and at Ras Za.farana. targets of the big Tuesday amphlbkJus rakl that killed an estlmoled 100 to 150 Egyptians, by Israeli CCUJL 'Ibe spotesman said all Israeli planes l»\l!V c•nor ~ COU! ......... cmJWry a.-.H.W ... ............... J.,i: l. c..-t" v.,,..... .......... ......., ,.._ •• c .... a .... n • .,.,, A. M ... ,11;.,, --., .. ,. P. Htll ·--(" ----tlZ ,._.A.,._ Uetlllf ...._1 •.o.i ._ M4i •zut ' --C-"""-.:• ... .., .... ·--· liiil •• , f,1.a ~--:-..::.--- returQed Mlely lo bue. lie did not 1ay how many pj..,.. mode the raid er what type Ibey weno. 'Ibe spokesman said a band of 11 Arab commaodol Cl'ONed the Jordan River tn- lo Israel Tlrunda,y nlgbl three miles north of the Dead Sea in an apparent ef- fort to dimlpt Israd'a celebnUon of Rosh Hllhana, the Jewilb new yur. A patrol tilled eight aod tent the other three O..:tl:i"t Into Jordan, be said. Israel ly begins llolh Hubana obaervanca ftr Ille yw 57'0 at - witb praym for peace in S)'Dllogues tJuwPoul Ille country. Dlyan'1 statement of policy came in an Interview with the newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth. "Our strategic policy is not to cross the (Suez) Canal and not go to Cairo, to de- fend ourselves on the Jordan River and not take Amman, Damucus or Beirut," he said. He said Israel would defend its borders by counterattacks, "to hit them and keep hitting them." Israel said Thursday's aerial battles brought to St the number or Egyptian plane lolses alnce the 1967 war. Egypt sakl ail Jsraeli planes and one EcYJ>lian plane were lost Thursday and that huvy damage was inflicted on Israel, a claim IsraeJ denied. f'rona r .. e 1 NIGUEL ... erty south of the LaguM Ni,utl holdings, cuts from Pacific Coast Hi&hway to the top of the bluff and then runs along the bluff. f<.tost of that road. proposed to be re· named Selva Road, lies within the bounds of the proposed Niguel Shoru tract. Dana Strand Road. now a public road, probably represenls lhe second best po5· $iWUty tor access to Sall Creek Beach. The more natural access topocraphiCllly is at the mouth of Salt Creek where !ru· pervisors last year abandoned a portion of old Coast HigbWly, which, like Dana Strand Road, came near the beach. A committee of county departmct heads !till is meet.in&. to consfdtt Colt ol acquiring pedestrian accas alona a ' flood control chaMel thllt w!D repfact ' Salt Creek when it is dammed up In· land of c:Oast Highway at Nleuel'1 pl~·· ned Sea Lake Vlllace. Record Beer Sale Foreseem in Munich MUNICH. Germany (UPI) -Munich's brewenes said today tllty especled to tell at ltut four mJlUon querll of atra stronJ beer durina: this yw'a .. Oktobtt- feol.' which mrts StpL IO. OlY of!lclol1 prtdlcted five mlllk>n vWun would at· tend the slx·wctk teat!val. '· d • Doivn tlati Mission Trail I e Radio Contract Set SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Orange County s11pervisof! have agreed to a live year contract wllb the city of San Juan Capistrano to provide • licensed radio telephoneo tedlnlclan to m a i n t a i n emergency frequency radios. The agreement is condiUontd upon the city oblaining a Federal Communications Commission license to use Pollce·flre· IUeguan! fn!qllencies. For the service the city will Pl1 $7.50 per month for each base station. $5 for each mobile unit and $2.SO for each remote control unil e IMeorporlitlon Dire~ MISSION VIEJO -lnoorporaUnn will be ttJe topic at the November general meellng ol the Mlsalon V I e j o Homeowners Aun. De topic wu decided on at last nleht's meeUng ol the group in Mission Viejo lllgh School. If enough res.lde:nt.t are present at the Nov. 13 meeting a straw vote might be taten•to indicate whether or not resldentl are interested in in· <:0rp0raUon. other areas which interest t b e homeowoen group are alope l&ndacaping and Cll)eNna tbe hip. odlool pool year round for p!lbllc uae. Viejo Owner O'Neill Denies ' ' M1en'.'-Recan Tie " ' Richard J, O'Neill, one ol the two owners ol Jtancho Mlalon Viejo, •tronclY denied today any connectJon wltb the ao- called rocaU movement actiona recently announced against Supervb<r Allon E. Allen. An allefed lie to the movement WIS ,reported la • I week In the DAIL y PILO'!. O'Neill Indicated that although be was aware " auch an attempt being made agalnst the Fifth D1s1rld supervisor. he declined any partlclpaUon, e I t h e r personal or finonclal, lo the effort. ·~ management of Rancho Mission Viejo lJ1d the Million Viejo Company maintain CODtinUOWI contact with the ooUnty board and the various county departments", he said, "and I feel the board is comprised or a group of sincere and dedicated public servants••. O'Neill further stated that he has no 011arrel with any member of the Orange County Boud of Supervi:Klrs. Mitchell Gets Nelv Term as Board President Clay Mitchell of South Laguna Thun- day was T'ftlected to another year's term as presid!!nt ol the Orange Counly Board or Education. Mitchell, 58, of l l S. Alta f\.1ira Road. Three Arch Bay. is a retired Air Force major who has served on the county school board si~ 1962. He served a flrll term as president the last school year. A. E. "Pat" Arnold, of Cypress, was reelected board vice president. Prior to their election. Dr. Doris Arau· jo, of Orange, wa~ sworn in as a· new board member. She v.•on a special elec- tion August 26 to succet!d Ly" Gaiprt who moved from lhe sl.alt. During. the campaign Mrs. Ara\ljo In· dicated .she is a conservaUve who can be eipected to side with county Supl Dr. Rotiert Peterson and board members Mi\dtell and •Or. Dale R a 11 i 1 o n • lltodetates Amok! and Donald Jordan often vote a minortty viewpoint on the bootd. ' Constitution Week Declared in Laguna Lac!J•• B<acb Mayor Glenn E. Voddor hot -1•1med the weei of Stpt. IT tl\rougb 23 as "ConstltuUon weuu ltl lbe city. 1'he mayor's proclamation cited the lmportan« or the ConlUtulloo •nd the "foml&hted wisdom ol lLI atatora~'' lt no1ec; that Stpt. 11 Is Ille 182nd an- niversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. ' -~-- ' . J ·' !ram Ille ctlr wol,vinf the ~tor ~ -., . ........ eat. smtfl..-t ~'be !lncred U I lllOIJll .r llnancll'f elf-portln&. lie .,.,.. that they ... -d the -dllfJCUlt propoo!iloru lo find agreement nn '!1\9" P.I:~ owners generally can'! ,.r.e. en ~~ ratios, ·-,_ _ Durh!i <liJcuukm, Councllmon Roy Holm asked ahl>ul pos>iblltty ol an ar · rangeme11t lo ~te private pattlµg at Bank ot Americl .an4. Laguna. F-al Savings •I& Loan avallable to the ~llc on weeke!lds, ,. ' tkitt : . -~ -g • Bones Case All But Shut Little Specul.ation in Huntington Tragedy Author!Ues today have all but cl~ their file.a on lhe tragic cise of a Westminster HJgh School student who - in despair over a troubled romance - went joyriding suicidally in a stolen car and died alone in a mitrky lake. No one can know what wenl through the mind of William L. Llctity, If, when the car taken from a neighbor slewed sk:.keningly off Golden West Street on Nov. 14, 1964 and deep into Talbert Lake. Teams or coroner's deputies, a physi· C'ian and even an anthropologist from Cal Stat& Fullerton inspected 60 bones seat- l!red tl)rough the demolished, rusty auto found Wedneoday. · A grieving mother made the final dttmninatlon. breaking down after loolt- ing at her son's watch and ring. Huntington Buch detect.ive:s will not cease working on the cue unW \hey are PoSllive all factors are known. There is lltUe to speculate upon. "AppattJ1tly. the boy was speeding along Golden West Street and came to the part where the road sloped and alid into the lake," said Detective Gil Veine. There is no more work on the case for Garden Grove police, who have been following every lead on the missing son of Mrs. Evelyn Uchty for the put five years. Ht. and a car belonging to Shirley Blankenship, 8121 20t.h St., Westminster, vanished the same nigbl Mr. and Mrs. Lichty-since.separated -and J.trs. Balankenship probably made their reports at the police departments involved about the same time on that fateful night. 'The Lichty boy andi the car were pr~ bably alraady buriOd -lo the muck of Tlllbert Lake, about a mile !rom the neighborhood where the principals an liv- ed. Garden Grove Police S'cL Mite Sianei said 'lbunday lhal ludo -. lollQ!!Od up au ov-u the• :;ouUtJimd .. rau1tlng in a filebook 30 inCbes thick on Willlam Lawr-ence Lichty. That search ended under Ute hot sun and the glaring light of generator· PoWertd lamps Wednesday. "Planks wer'f: placed upon the gumt»- like mud and we stretched them out to scoop up palil lJ1d bandfuil of mud to be sifted for evidence," said Deputy Corooer Russell Greene. The left side door swung open as the battered car wu bein& baaled out with it! grisly human cargo Wednesday and some skeletal remains -skull included -were lost forever. Investigators today praised highly the firemen who stayed.at lbe scene until .10 p.m. Wednesday. helping lab men silt through the stew·like moo for more of John Lichty. "They didn't have to stay. but they did and they went through all that muck right beside us," said Officer Richard a Williams. So far, the re«>vered bones maicll the description of the vanished boy, who was five feet 10 J.nchea tall. wiegbed about 145 pounds and had a broken ann-at one time in lili life. • After the di.Jcovery -and rtlalively quiet aolution to the case of a car and boy who disappeared one November night -some observers wonder bow many more bones may lie deep hi tbe murk. Ancient whale bones have been dug i.iP by constructJoo crew worklne in the in\- medlate viclnity, while Talbert and H\Jlt' tington Laku are very deep in spob. "Someday they might even find som.fl centuries-<1ld Indian! out there," said ona observer. John Llchty probably wanted tG bt alone that fateful nijht and be stayetf alone -for almost five years. Or did be! Vi.etnam Raids Resumed.1 After Halt of 36 Hours SAIGON (UPI) -1be U.S. Command suapended B52 raids 36 hours at request of President Nlton but today ordered them resumed because tbe suspe.naion had no effect on de-e.scalating the war. The acUviUes coincided with reports of new bombing in Laoc and unofficial reports Laotian fOf'Cet had cut the Ho Chi Minh supply trail from North to South Vietnam by capturing the town or Maung Phlne astride the trail. The reports fnm Vientiane told of heavy bombl.Qg of the are.u held by the Communist Patbet Lao before the cap- ture of the city and a subsequent drive Iowan! Stj)Olle, 25 miles farther east. In the past B51s have bombed targets in Laos during: lulls in the Vietnam war. 1be u .s Command in Sail1>D jlld pot * * * .. From Page 1 BOMBING. • • cease.fire period bad any Political significanci! beyond the death of Ho,·• Zeigler said. He noted that the BS2 raids had been resumed in the war zone for lJ hours following the 72·hour cease-fire, before being halted by pmldential order. "We did not want to reaume B52 flights for a few days following this period," said Zeigltr, but added that "we were un- der attack and in resporae to this it was necessary following the end of the 72-bour period to fly B52 sorties at one half lht nonnal level. "We wanted to delermine the intent of the other side u to tht level ol activity and give them the benefit of the doubt." He added that '1at this time the other side is back to the pre-cease fire period'' or offensive operations. "We have resumed the B5% flights," he declattd. comment oo the BSJ smpenalon, ~Of only that no rak!J· had been flown • · "We report them u they are flown and will continue to do so in the futm'e.," a U .s. Command spokesman sald of the bombing raids. " Communiques reported U.S. fighter· OOmbers were nying normal operations.. recording 427 missions O\Cet Sooth Viet.. nam on Thursday. The fJgbter-bomben flew reduced missions during the rectnt Viet Cong three-day cease-fire. Fighting on the ground took 380 Com- munist lives, military spokesmen aakl and Viet Cong and ·)lorth Vie~ troops mounted a heavy new round of rocket o.r mortar allacks, bitting 46 allied targets overnight -five more than the ~vious night. , Spotamen aaid allied troops foqhl a series of battles with Viet Cong and North , Vietnamese ; soldiers Thutada7 to1Jawtn1 the end ot the cea!l&.fire at 1 a.m. The fighting killed at least 380 Corn. munist!, communiques said, while U .S', loses Wtre !ix dead and 30 wounded. SOuth Vieblamese casualties w e r e deacribed as light l'rom Page 1 FACELIFT ••. now under construction. Building of the Autonetics plant has fallen about four months off schedule because of the engineers strike and rains he said. He said that by August of 1970, the facility would be ready for iis 6,000 to 7,000 employees. Original completion date was spring or 1970. Ronald Birtcher, pre9ident of Birtcher- Pacific Corp. said that its 40-acre Airport-Industrial Park should be sold out by 11 months. He said the project wao; very successful. a z 5 7 SWIVIl CHAIRS only ••• $129 Alt _... cWr ,., .. wtt• • wl49 _,,.,., ef ...,._. f*ka. AIM ...,._.. wht. c....,. H '-'rllil. DM't wait, co-I•..., eM M'9ct • ~ ., ,.ir ef dllln hi tlN '" ......, .... ..,.. la .., '"" ............ Comfort and Style! ' EXCLUSIV_E Dl!ALER~FOll: Hyt~JOON,.-DlllXIL-HEgJTAil NIWl'ORT llACH 1121 w .. 1.1111 Dr. 641-2050 ONM ltttAT 'Ttl.t INlllllOIS Pto....,ontl lnterler Detlgnert Avotlobl-.41~510 LAGUNA BEACH 34.1 North c-Hwy. 4944151 °"" ..... , 'Tll t ....... , ......... " 0.-.. c...... .... ,,.) I I ----~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------11111!11--~ ' • DAILY PILOT .... t..<w ,.. These Views of Moon P•ssi1>9 Between tlje Su~ and Earth (Loft to Right) Were J'abft with 35 MM. Camara Uoing • 700MM. Telephoto i:.,.. Noon Hour Spectacular CapturwCI Imagination of Spece end Girl Wotcliers. -Eelipse Viewed Mere Humans Watch Event in Awe . ' British Miss Gets Look At American Police By JOllN VALTERZA OI ... Dlltr Pl ... $Jlfl For a 20-year-old British young lady Wednesday morning In the posh Newport Beach neighborhood ol Via Udo Sood oo Lido tale, the experience was terrHying and awesome. "All those guns and sticks and shotguns , , • '' &he exclaimed pale faced, "they're truly terrify~." As she had morrung tea, she discovered later, two men robbed Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Cunningham across the street. The English miss from County Surrey, near London, heard nothing. "Certainly isn'l like Scotland Yard al work," she said, smiting. as she peered out acl"t)6s the street. * "No, il isn't," agreed a reporter. MIUlons of Southlandtts witnessed that .. n• p1>enomeno niun<tay that proves 1o mere humans that the planets do indeed move about, balanced Ute a aiant mobile. Beg!nning at 10 :~ a.m., a dark dent appeaz<d at the edge ol the br1llllllll orange ball hanging out there 13 mJlUon• miles from Orange County. , 1 Mllllolll ol measly bwnans wald>ed In awe. · MUUonil ii other meaaly humus went oboal their .....,... aa """1.. eelllng sboel, wubin1 the breokfaat dlsbea or whatever. The partlal tolar ecliJ>15t vwble lhrouahoot Clllfomla al sliJl!tly different times could be 3een through the viewfinder of a tripod-mounted. flltered- 1ens camera set up on the: DAILY PILOT parking lol As the aky gradually darkened, a curious society department gal snagged her nylons, kneeling on tbe asphalt pave- ment "Gee Whilliken," she cried -or we>rds to that effect -the mooumental movements In the havens was forgot-ten. · The ahow was billed for 10:3 51.m., but began at about ihe. third paragrapll of a Santa ·CruJ murder lnvolvbtg an Orange County man by this reporter'I time caleulatioas. • A lqe, dark portloo ol the sun was obscured by ll:JO a.m., luviQ& a. fat, eolden creacent u the Hies viaibly • darkened, c:re&Ung a ohadowy lllllllline Ula.Ji.-~~~ u tt ;._ between the ea1lb and moon continued '"""'· rucinl lb mub!>um. n pen:eqt at ~ 11 p:m., aa dartnesl l&J tmdes' a cloudlesa •Icy. A spokesman for the Griffith Park Oboerv;ilory In i... AnJeles saljf web partial eclipses ol tile sun are .. 11Uve4' common. The unique thing ls a total eclipse, when the moon ls near enough to Earth for its shadow to blot out all lhe sun's light, he said. The unique thing Thursday was the gal in the nylons kneeling on the asphalt. The Britisher, here ror a vacation, was staying with the lady of the hou!e who had graciously offered her kitchen to a pair of reporters and a photographer who were getting nowhere on the story across the atr~L As the young Jady watched, patrolmen with their gun.g showing as usual stood near the Cunningham gate. ''The police at home don't have all that," she said softly. ''They get them (guns) on special issue only when they really need them.'' What followed was the traditional e:1planation about our country's fir&> aons population and the obviou1 difference& between England's hoods and the American variety. Peaeoek ·. •utue" Max Mourns Lost Tail Fea~hers "Our erim1nals figure they don't need them so much because the police don't have them either," she remar"ked. * ~foments later, the visitor from Great Britain recei\•ed·tht. nat Jessem- an interview by a real Yank detective. ~ As tbe press and their hoste!s sipped coffee and munched cookies, tbe Bri li~h \'isi tor recounted a meeting the day before al the front door with two young ladies asking for the bead of the house (who was out at the time); the girls left ••• descriptions .•. no, they didn 't return •.. The detective grlMed at the reporter&, declined a fresh cup of coffee, just like in the movies, and left . "Ghastly," our girl exclaimed, "but what a story for the people back home." Ckmente Uneasy Over 5th Marines End Talk Businessmen in San Clemente and 1ther south i;oastal communities today ire uneasy over strong rumors that the fifth Marine Division based at Camp ?endleton is about to be de8ctivated. Reportedly, the famed Fifth. with its 12,000 men , will be disbanded as a nilit.ary economy move, one which wou1d jeal a hard blow lo the economy of the 1urrounding cities. Brlg. Geo. 11"'8 T. Dwyer Jr. assumed Kenosha, Wis., Picnic Planned Anyone here from Kenosha, Wis.? Form'r Kenoshans now living Jn Southern Cllifornia will rally at Whittier Narrows Dam recreation area for an all· day picnic, Sunday, Sept. 28. David Cumes of La Puente is in charge of arrangements. Participanll are invited to brina a hmch aod visit with fellow Keooetuw. ccmmand of the division last month but has not publicly commented oo the deac- tivation rumors. •·we expect some word soon," a camp Pendleton rpokesman said Thursday. Businessmen are definitely worried. The division's three regiments include two, the 27th and the 28th, based at Camp Pendleton. The 28th with 4,000 men, is now a!Signed lo Vietnam u the 7th Fleet's special landing force. There are S2,000 marines at Camp PendJet.on, but manager Lyle ~wt ol the Oceanside Otamber of erce says losing the Filth would take lollg time to get over. "The immediate effect of the deaC- Uvation on the city would 'be 1imilatfto when the lst Marine Dlvliioa. left~ lot Vietnam," he. aa.id. "A large share of Oceamilde'• busine&$ community is affected by the military. U the proposal went Into effect, It would hurt us ecanomk:ally." ~ 'nle divtsloo was activated. tn IM4 and'. a year later uUed tor lwo Jlma. In 31 daya of battle, it 11.1ffered more cuualUCll thaa ·DJ other unit in a shJ&le enpge.. -. , •• By RUDI NU!DZIELSKI OI 1111 o.I" PIW n.n Maz bas the blues again. Feeling lonely and lltlie<!ed he slrUll aroond the backyard, occas.ionally honk· ing at the mcrning fog with hi& raspy voice. Nlne·year~ld Jack Haatings, 10162 Cral· let Drive, Huntington Beach, haa J&0lated the cause of the deep.rooted emoUonal problem troubling Max' mind, but he im't sure whether a Freudian or Roger. ian therapist could help. Mu is a peacock. "IUI tall fell out a week ago," Jack ttplalned. .. And •inco tblt time be Jul! ham't been himseU." Mr11. Joyce Hlstinp., Jack's motlter, said Max drops hll '15 colorful tail feath· ers evrry surruner because their weight gets him down, but then 1oes into a It.alt of emotional depression. 1'The first time it happened I nearly had a fil I thought he had a horrible datase and expected him to decompose in front of my eyes," she said. "l got hold or some kind or vet in Long Beach who told me it was some sort of cyclical thin~-He u.sea the tail as sort of a promotional device for the lad.Jes." But the ladies, four of them to be U· act, just aren't paying any at.tent.ion to Mai anymore. Kb wile Lady Bird ml her daugho ten Sophia, llrWlcilla and PrunlUa would rather do tbelr own thing, which consis!I ii cbuing the llaJ!ingl' Siamese cats up trtel or rocking in the cbalr swing all afternoon. Jack said his mother bouabt Mai and Lady Bird about a year and a hall ago when hit cat got run over In the &trttL -!J. that time his mother not only brouaht . home two fellnea f.iut alllO the ~acoc\a. , "lf we wanted to have birds around the house.. we had lo get some which wue. big enough so the cats wouldn't Ci\ them. .. he uid. NJ IOOO u be ~~· a continuing hasale with the aociety devel- oped over the leg'all17 ol . keeping 1 pOacoct. "Faul!" cried !he humane IOClety. Who'll Succeed Dirksen? Scott, Baker Both Seek Senat,e GpP' Leader Spot WASHING TON (UPIJ -Stn. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania and Sen. Howard Baker of Tennessee, announced today they would &Oe.k the poet of Senate Republican leader vacated by the dutb of Sen. Everett M. Dirben. (earlier '""'· page 7). Bater lold reporten be bal decided lo makes fiKht lo IOcceed bl.I late !other-Jn. law as leader •nd.added: "(think l have a r'alistic chance to win.'' lllralqy, IJUlOUJICed ha WU oendinc I let- ter lo bl.I collea111ts •Dlt0tll1C!nc bis deelaloo. ' Stn. Margartl Cha"' smllb (B·Malne), 1pecl!lcaily, • but be then added: "I .am cerll.lnlJ !'Oftllikrlnl thal very eerlOt11b'. Tito dominant f eellng b !bat we Ollgh\ '9 avoid anything that would divide the patty or lnWfere wlUi the chaooa ii said abe would coll a me«lng ii all 1tlllng a majortt; of the sen.le In the Republiean tenaiton .... '°°" .. prac----1'10 tkcUonl.- UcaJ'' to elect DlrUen'a succeQOr. '"nlere ii some teatiment "thlt maln· Scott'• ltJpporlen laid he lea<ll now by talnhl& the otatut quo may be the best a .. modest margin" against any other way-tOn&kterln& me tor elevaUon." poosible candidate ind that bl.I bacllng Al for Dlrkaen'• .._ In the "Biro" r.,.pooded Mn. llfatlnp. , The dilfl<ulllea were ln>ntd out jUsl In time, becauae suddenly Lldy Bin\ ,,.. found gawklnr ·proudly <rvf!I a vest 'ol brand new speckled ea• and Jl'OSpecls . of an entirt peacock !8.mily became • reality. "She just threw the eggs out of the nest except for one," Jack explained Ne-- fully. "Lady Bird just wasn 't interested." Hls lather wu determined to get ~t least one peacock out ol the batch lllOUgb and placed the egg Into a thousand dollar space-age oven ot his firm and had tac secretaries check Jt almost hourly. "They insisted they felt movement In tt. but to me It seemed like the egg wu jua! get!ina UKhter and lighter," ... plained Merrill Jla!:Ungs. He was rlRhl Somebody had forgoUen to provide the proper humld.lty during the incubation process and the egg dried up. "When we opened it up, there was nothing at all inside," he laughed. "Just a shell." Several months later, while on a bull· ness trip, he found a message to call Calilorn1a at the hotel desk. He dialed and on the other line there were peeps. Lady Bird had f1nal1y de- livered! The three baby birds. which are j.lst the size of big checks now, now stomp around the yard, Imprinted to the tracks of Lady Bird. AM Mu standJ over in the corner, fetlina: left oul Occasionally !hey get together and honk at the garbage truck, brawl with the spmows and peer at the school cblldren from the backyanl fence. But most of, the Ume Mu 11 ucluded from the ftm..tJme •ctivttlea. At least un- UI be can hoist another tail. Now Triumvirate Philco-Ford Feels Shakeup A stunning lhakeup In the blp..t rants of one of the wodd'1 largest en- terptba -Ford Motor Company -bas led to a new chief over the branch which Includes the Phik»Font Aerooutrooic plant In Newport Beach. The sudden ....,val ol Sen""! E. "Bunkie" Knudsen u prtlfdent ·or · the glanl !Inn WU fol!o'lf!ld by......,..,...,, !rom Board Cbalnnan Henry Ford U that a lrlum\riralt ol executiv"3 will lead the company. Robert-.J. Hampson, U, of Dearborn, Mich., will a!Slll1l! co~and of Phlko- Font's worldwide sUbsidartu, as well as lhe Ford Tractor Division. .,We don't know what changes -H any -there; will be in local management,'' Philco-Ford AeronulrO!Uc public relatlon.s repreaentative qqit Flamm aatd today. The combinaUoa of Philco.Ford and the Tractor d.!vtaion ls a newly eatablilhed plan, Flamm added, saying t b a t Hll'l'lp!!On wu previously vtee pttsident and geoertl manager of. the tractor branch. Philco-Ford's worklw1dt opera t Ion employu 40,000 ~ns. while &he trac- tor division empk\fu JU>& unclit 10,000 workers, Flamm added, quoting company -... The oUltt memberr of the three-man team which will -Knudsen -111>o I.I "°" ... unemployed aulo wornr .iltb ' liOO.od> In unemployment compensal!6n comlnc in the next lhree·and-one-half year1 -includes: la A. lacocca, father of both the hot· selling Multa.JJI aod the newer Maverl'ct. model who will be io charge of North American operaUons. Robert SleVtll!Oll, who will be In charge of lntemaUooal o p e r a t I o n a , reportlnf -Iii• lacoc<a and llampoon - dlredly lo Ford himself. Knudsen. whole switch rtom the u~ ....Uve blerat<hy ol tbe G<ner1l Molon C«p. lo Ford Molor Co. It manlhl qo stunned the automotive world, wu fired Thursday u Ford presidenl Board Chairman Henry Ford I!, who boasted that he personally wooed Knudsen away from hla arch compeUtor, sald &lmpty. "things didn't work out the way we had hoped." The ~year-ok! Knudsen, announced his own firing by the Ford Board of 1>1.rect- ors. He laid Ford walked into hU office Sept. 2 and "told me I would be leaving." "I waa ahoc.ked," Knudsen t.okl new amen. "I would U'lume you would be/' he quoted Ford u !B:ying. The summary di8mJsaal of a president W&3, at best, a rarity Jn car-building circles. In Knudaen.'1 case, Jt followed the reslgnaUons ol -Ford eucuUva since Knudsen 11Jfa1med the presldency on Feb. I, 1961. Kniid>en bas lhrfli and a ball year1 lcfl ot a five-year contract wblch broughfh.lm '200,000 a year In salary. In.addition, he has $200,000 c:omlni fiom • $400,000 lint· year bonUJ. ' Urrier bis cmlrad, Knudeen i. lOrti/d. den to wo'rt for another automotive com- pany lot U/r<e years after leavtnc Ford, He .,ict bo had no plam lo rellD'n to GM. .Knildlen bad !ully upectod to "-no GM Pm:.ide:nt until be wu .passed over and the posllloa banded to l:clnnl H. Cole In 1167. Privately bitter, be occepted· the poet ol •ftCUllve vice praldenl buL let the wMI oul be "~ to make a move. Ford picked up the bait and made room (or Knud~ In the Fon! 1tructure by placlnJ the U><n preoldent Aljay Mllloi into a new position ol. vice cbatnpan. Within a !ew moolhl, though, Miller left Ford lo become dean ol the Slanford University bualnw llCbool. Other draina came when Donald N. Frey and Robert 0 . Fricles qull ' • There were hlnb ol trouble from Ibo begtnntnc of Knudlel'1 tenure as be ap-' panntl)' clashed wllb Lee A. llClOCai Ford vice Pfellldtnt. lacocca had been the be!N-td' Mlller until Knudsen WU imported. "We had IOID6 differences wben. l ftnt came," Knudaen lald. ''But 11Pce J"'""'7 t1xiae dl!femieea Kave W'Cl'\ed·out/' ~~cp~on Bo8:fd To Prohibit SOS In High Schools SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Tho California Board of EducatJon Thursday approved a re.solution .tviai:nf,, acbool districts that tbe Studeob for a Dcmocralic Society (SDSI WU "Unfit to be .recognized" Oii junior IDll aeelor blib -C8JDl>U""', The Vote WU eight-to-two with Dorman I. Coounons ii Fuiletloo and Mf&uel Montet of San Fernando In opposition. cm.m.m pointed out that the SD6 liu' been called Communilttc, bul he Jell It WU actually anarchllllc. Ile utd be felt Ille molllllur WllUld allow SDS leadenltlp lo ray, .. ..., lbq can't deal with us." ' Montez abo 11ld be felt tbe reoo1uUoo we>uld provtde more ammWliUon. for 1ha SDS. Board member Rev. Donn Moomaw o( Loo Angeles said that he !e~ the time bad came to make a st.atement en the 'soo but lilouglll ..... should do ..... than,,:;: tbelr wrists'' and st1agated a · pOoJttve program lo J10 aloei Witb tbO resolution in the future. Barbara Marshman!, tile 111-year.<Jd high l<hool student from Alamo ~ - jU>I aeated u a spedal member ol Ibo <late board, laid Ille felt the -~ should bave been postponed imtll - such program u M-•• bad suaate4 became available. Stott flm taid be wu givin& serious COO!ideraUon to making the race but two 1ours later, in an apparent chante of •PPHl'ed to be Increasing. Senato from DllnoiJ, Rep, John B. Aak!d •bout nnµilll$. Scott ta.id, "t am Andenon bu anooo.nctd be I 1 alW not ln a position to cormnent on I.bat "evallable." • ....,., ,....., l!lttPJlll JACK HASTINGS, 9, -cc>NSOLES 'ILUE MAX,' A PEACOCK WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLUQ H-w ... w You Foal If All Yovr Tall l'N~l'I 1'111 Out? " • I F'riCIJ, Sejl(& ... 12. 1'M • Natwrol.gras htot tDiU be avcrit- a~le in Helt (Mich.) thf1 month, the Con.surMt1 Poiatr Co. "have cmnouncet. • fl' ' , Cedar Rapids, Iowa Police kept c:areftll watch while the ornament· al horticulture clau..at Klr:twood College burned weeds oil the ail• where they are going lo 11111 In a Oower ~~tory. The r'Weeds" were mlirijoana, and the police wanted to ""1<• sure it all went up in amoke. · ' · • Mn.,Rollart cr1u1•• hli4,)UJt' IM rb!ht qblllfic31iCi!i .'to· -·' Ille Columbnl <(Ind.) Police ~n. , menl'• new meter . maid -· ~~ wellhs 105 J>OUDCll and Is llv&.feet, ~ .. fall. Uioee eiact dimen- sions w~ neCeslary becauie Mrs. J Crissinger imlst fit her pre'deces- 1or's old unltmms. •• Evans Officer . Calls Sentence 'Very Fail-' SUBIC BAY. Phl1lpjlii.e; UPI) -Lt. 0 .1.111ooa1d c. JWmey today c1eacr1bed as "very fafr" the reprimand and reduc- tion in seniority be "received ror bi5 role In the «>-of the U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evans and the Australian car- rier Melbourne.. Navy aources 18.ld Ramsey's mild 1C11teoce ral.,.i Ille poaibilit7 cbar&es of .. f!Jllel!c:e llJcl dereliction of duty may be dropped agatmt Cmdr. Albert s . McLemore.. tho Evans' captain, who was asleep when his ship wu sliced in two. Hamsey, 24, of Lon& Beach, Calif., was ten&or officer Oil lbe Evans' bridge ~ring the June 3 aceldalt In the Soulh China Sea whiclt ldlled 74 U.S. sallon. In a one-day court martial, he pleaded guilty Tllunda7 lo reduced charg,. of derelicllon of dul7 ...i oqligence. • .Tbe lleo4er PYrdue .Unlv.erslty grdlate aaid at . hil first newa cm- 1.-a I n c e ;Ill! colllslpn-lhat the ~ waa ''very fair." Asked wbdber be planned lo· "turn lo .... !Wme7 ~; ' •0 1 doo'l have 1111 reaerva.Uons.' I'd like to ID back."' ~ ~ aald'be ailed his wile, who is •QOCllDI ~ -,child lo Long Beach, llJcl tOld her of !lie. de<isioo. "Sha WU VUJ ~ed," be aald. . .. . . • 'Ul'I T•i.Mtt ~Y aat.c\ be did DC!I belleye the coW1 marllal...nlored loll of J,000 poi•ll lo his standftll oa 1be !isl for pr-Ion wu a serious obstacle to h1.f naval career. . SLAYING SUS.PECT GUARDED BY POLICE George Putt Held by Unidentified Officer RamJeY'• IO!llor dd..,. COW!ld. Capt. Law IL Betqubl, of Coronado, Calif., said Ille redui:lloo lo leDiority · "oould coooe.lvably set h1m back1 a.1u.r" for a promotion. A N•YJ' spokesman said Tburlcs.y thiJ would mun a two--year delay lo Ramsey's nut arade. ~Pr.~on E~capee Charged . . Finch Op~s With 5 B.rutal Murders • MEMPHIS. Tenn. (UPI ) -Police have Houses 'Fre~..lom.' thW!!'d a Mll!WllP1 pen111ann <.'!''"" ~ v ' -desct1bei! U a "•JUVeniJI Bual,. ' '.,.. Jio1chopllb "-111111 frft brulAl -murdn • ·' lntegrati0on Pl ·.s wfflllll a ooe-monlh J><ri<!d. FttMhv Colbnl. on ... 11c clancrr " F1ri and Police Director F aok m Bowbon Street i?J Ntta Orrtam, . . r <>al: 1&n kitty to ... r1 ·0/lf1' 1h• iDai WASHINGTON (AP) -WeUare Sec> Holloinan -.cl at a """• con- *af'Qed with "'keeping o wild and retary Robert H. Finch, under att&Ck ference Thursday first degree murder lticioUI animal." Her animoi, a ~ both in and out oC the 1ovemment for charges were placed agalnst George 1<0l'Old thlltah ,,.,..d "'Nquilo," his civil r!Jlit. ataod, has put the Nisoo Howard Putt, 13. :ook it all Vlft'V caZ.mlu and impre1std adminlstraUCn oo record agalnst a con-PUtt, thln with bushy-blmd hair and a !Jr.I judge enough Co di.rmu1 tht troverslal House-puaed "freedom of Batman tattoo oo his arm, was arrested :Mrgt. chOite" school deiegreaatlon measure. only a ahort dittance from the mid-city e 1 lo announcing oppoaltlon to the amend· apartment where' Ille body of Olrlstlne P:Joy#Pattenon former wor14 ment propoaied by Rep. Jamie Whitten Pickens, 59, was found stabbed to deith. leavywei&llt boxing champion bas CO.MIM.1, Ftncb also .. Id Thuraday his The . next.door neighbor of Miss •-1ed lo the U.S. Tax Co.in a . Health. 'Eclucau.on llJcl Welfare Depart· Plc"'1s. Walker Anrutrong, .. 1d he . ~ratm bi\; the Internal Revenue mmt wu ~a report that would heard screams from the dental recep· : ,_ t b ., .. 870 . . . vindicate Iii civil right sellorts ov..-the tioolst's apartmen• got bls pistol and )erv-.:e a e owe• ~' mm-. pa!t eight montltll. ., ' !Ol'lle Wet. The service seeks to Whitten's propoul an amendment to :olled ~856 for 1959, '113,239 for 1be HEW approp11ati..,. bU~ pused the 1960 and •t50,775 for 1961. The . Houle two months qo and is now before :lalm arose fronl an Internal Rev-the Senate. It •ould prohibit lhe govem- mue service rul.Lng that money ment from us.Ing lhe leverage of fed- !'att.enon received from the sale era! aid to require a student to attend 11 lllook In Floyd Pattenon Enter-a ochool qalmt his wishes. >rises, Ltd., was personal income · This W«J}d reatore the free-choice calber !!Ian a capital gain and that school attendance plana propooed in le WB.l!I not entitled to certain de-many IOUthem ltlltes but ruled uncon· tuctions for expenses. stltuUonal by tbe ~prune Court ~ti!pt • where the rewlt 1s speedy desegerga. The football lineup at Harvard tiBy putting the edmlni!traUon lleUy 1niversity this fall !Deludes one egalD!I lhe Whitten amendment. Finch 11eteran wbo'.s a beginner-Frank cllma:ed a fiibt awrce::s indicate was ~tteran, a sopbOmore linebacker under way on the eve of the House vote :rom Tarrytown, N.Y. on the meuuro. EARTHQUAKE HITS . ALEUTIAN ISLANDS WASHINGTON (UPI)' -The National Earthquake Information Center reported a "strong" earthquake early today in two Islands of the Aleut11a chain, but said there. were no injuries or damage. A seismic ~ wave (tsunami) warn- ing was luued for coastal arw of the AleuUan chain by the Palmer Obaenta· tory in Alaski, but was re5Cinded later. U.S. Weather Mostly Fair . Scattered Showers Fall i11 Arid Soutliwest '.l'emper•ture•· Hlll LI'#,,.. AlbuliYWWt at • Al AllMle lll!.9"flt!d ai..,.,.rttt .... ..... ,.......,..,,m. ._ ........ -.. ..._ """" ... .,..,.. l'wt w~ ·---· tt.11.,... tltr u.v ..... .......... ,,,_ --~ MllWINP611t _y ... "ll1fl ~ .. ,.. =.=,..(.,., _.. "-'11'1 SllrlM• -·-....... , .. .. " n .. '• • - 11 " .. n "' .. .. ,. .. •, .. " .. " • -.... .0 " . " .. a II .. " .. .. . .. " -• .. • " n .. " • • • .. " n .. ... " • '" .. '" " ... .. .. " .. • " .. .. fired six shob at a young bJood.spattered man who ned frvm her apartment. Several other perlOlll joined tbe chase and said lhe man iU!jlP!d dojfn 90lo,~ crpr~ay canstructlon llte where be 1ppaienU1 abed hli shirt. . Putt was arrested nearby, bearing scratches but no bullet wowm. He was weraing trousers and sun classes. Police revealed later he was wanted by the FBI for an escape June 2S from the IUnda County, Miss., penal !ann where he was serving a aiJ:-mon1h teml for trespassin1. · Holloman called a newa coafutnct 'l'hursclll/' niJhl and -lhat follO\llng a cOl\ference W_~ County Di.sttlcl AU<lmOf General ''J?lil Canalt, Putt alao w&i chat~ with Ibo ,milrdera of Mr. llJcl Mrs: RD)' K. Kumali, Mrs. Lella JacklOO' llJcl MW Glenda Sue Harden. . '· i • Dumas, 51, a fraiJ disabled veteran and hia wlfe, 46, a nuraing aipervisor at Bap. llJt Hospital, were fwDd in their apart~ ment Aug. lt by their 90ft, Michael Dumas, 21, The bodit! were 1n separate bedrooms, bound and Cafliled with women's atoekfnis. Mn. Dumu bad been suually molested. Eleven days later, Donald Eugene Jackson, 19, found h1a 80-year-oW grandmother. in her apartmenl Ila.in in a similar fashion. ·Mia Harden. 11, a pretty lnMlranct 8"Crtlary, d!Appoared af\eT wort.All(. 29 arid bir knlfHlaahed bOdy WU f«md the lollowlni diJ ID Wiliided 'lllventde P1rk. ' . • • • , ao;ooo ~·Persons · ' > ·Flee Poison Gas GLENDORA, Miu. ( UP I ) Thousandl of penons bqan retumJng to lheir home1 lo the Ml,.lllllPfll Delta to- day when wlnda dia!iJ>ated nt<!lt of the deadly pliosc• gu lhal h•ll:ed from four derailed chemical tank cars. At the height of the cri¢!, 30,000 persons were routed from their home!, but by morning all but about 5,000 had returned. A trianguiar area from Glendora t-o RulevWe to Scblater, and back to Glen· dora wu still under "restricllon," but Leflore County Civil Defense Director Otis Allen said he expected an all-clear to be Issued for Iha! aection. loo, later ID Ille day. The chemical tankers Wert among 12 1 can of a mile.long Illinois Central freight train that jumped the rails 1bunday aftemoofl. A spark from a broken power line apparently ignited the cars and sent a huge cloud of black smoke billowln1 in- to the air. ·Several of the tankers contained vinyl chloride, a chmtical used in making resins and plastics. Under heat this substance prod~s phosgene gas, a lethal gas used in World War J. The federal government, which came under fire recently for shipping pbosgene gas by rail, took pains to point out that the vinyl chloride wa! a commercial iihipment. ' "l wouJd like to make it very clear that thtrt is no Department. or Defense u;.' volvement in today 's deranment or cbemic.al tank Cat! in Mississippi other than the fact that some military technJ.. cial\I have been dispatched to the scene to respond to requests for a.uiaance," a Defense Department spo~esman &aid Thursday. ~ , When it appeared the lil:ack smoke clouds might be carrying the deadly gas into population -.,.., Gov. Jolm !!ell WUIJams ordered 600 N • t J o n a I Guardsnen to aid tn the evacti.ation of towns in the northwestern Mississippi counties of Sunflower, L e f I o r e aDCJ Talahalcbie. Many residents were routed from their sleep by sirens, loudspeakers and police pounding on house doors. One of the towns involved wa! the e<>m· munity of Doddsville, where Sen. James O. Eastland has a large octton pjantation. Dr. Arthur Hume, a chemist with tbe state crime laboratory in Jackson, er· plained that phosgene gas, which attack! the nervous systt.m, "is very, very tox- ic." NaUonal Guardsmen with gas masks mOved into llOfPe areaa behind the smoke cloud and reported finding a number of dead dogs and livestock. Workers Uncap Mine Jn Recovery Of 75 Bodies MANNING\iuN, W.Va. (UP!) -Work· en with jackhammers cut free a mas- sive steel and concrete cap on a shaft of the Mannlniton No. 9 mine today to begin the hazardous recovery ol the bodies of 7a coaJ miners entombed by explosions and fire nearly 10 monlhs ago. A crane lifted th.e cap, eight feet in diameter, off the Alba's run shaft and i bufe fan b e g a n removing exploilve · methane gas from the mine. Other worker! began cutting through the stals on foor otht.r openings in the area with jackhammers with buyllium tip!. Tbe breakthrough at Atha"s run took 30 minutes and came at 8:27 a.m. PDT, to begin one of the biggest recov,ery op- .. aUpns •ev~~. and~m ·tn ·tbe '.history of cdal minhlg. 'Ibe operaUon was unique in that It began so long ago -285 days -after the Nov. 20 dltaster which devastated the mint and In the great danger it PoSed for the recovery crews. Mlnlng expetU caUed It the "most ha1. ardoua" undertaking in mining history. B11nnies ior Britain Parliament Shocked by Airline LONDON>.(.UPJ ) -Members of Parlia· ment accused tbe i<JVemment-own~ British Ovp-ae.u Airways 'CorporaUon iBOAC) t6!1,!1 of • turning itself Into a "bunny cluifi alrllne bf offerlng single AmericaM footloose and fancy free visit s to London with at least three British mates of their choief). Peter Besell, a Liberal member, said he was "shdcked and astounded" to learn pamphlets were bdng offered at BOAC offk:ei across the United States urging Americana with JM.cturea o f mlnisklrted YOWll girll -lo take the trips at $3.50 for two weeks. ConaervaUve MP Kenneth Lewis aaid ~ tllO iovernment airline dlaowned this "a!froot to Britbb glris" be woold ralle the isrue in Ille Howe of Commons. He said he WU IO angry he WU taklni encilhtr alrllne on a lortllcomlnl lrlp lo New Ycrk. "A3 a frequent visitor to the United States, I am very much aware of Lon· don·s unfortubate reputa'Uon of being the swl.nging city of the permlasivt !Ociety." he said. "Now that BOAC ls busy establishing itself as a bunny club airline, our reputation will suffer even more among respectable people." Promotion offering a ' ' s c J en t I f 1 e matching service" to pair American s.ingle1 with at least three partner• whose specifications they state is on sale at BOAC oUices in New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Los An&eleJ and San Frand.sco. A BOAC apokesman said the "beautiful slnCles of London" acheme was operated by a London commercial organizalion specia.JWng in tours and, "It hu our blessing but we hope the accent is on . entertainment for young people rather Utan sei." ..,. . ...._ .. ,, .,,,.. . ... ,, .. ""'· 1twi. c"' ... ltc.rllMl'lft l •lt Lek• Clti' ·~-kn "'•nt• Tataks tor ilae Memory " • " .. u u .. " ) ..... •i..t l:h •-"'· .... 1:a:J "-"'- ,.,.. .. M \. .. I 0. N"' s.t.1t ....,,u ou.i 0c111 ... "'' IHl<tM ,.,._, W•thln,t&11 " " •• " .. .. • u Doing a llltle houselceeplni during a lull In Ille Viet· nam lighting, a U.S. Amzy bulldozer tips a destroy· ed l&nk into a "crave" before burying I!. ( ( ·CHECKING · . ·•UP• Make Black Suit, • Use White -thread Y 01tr queostfom and com· • ments art welcomed tmd "" will bt iued whtreuer po1- 1ible in "'CMcking Up." Address m ail to L. Af BOJIJ, in care of tM DA.lLY PILOT, B<n 1175, NelllpOrl Beoch, Calif., 9%6Q. Army Soon to Pick 1st Woman General? WASHINGTON (AP) -The WACs -u wen u memben Army may be in the process of the Air Force WAF1 and al selecting its first woman Navy WAVES -to nach 1eneral. _._ Office!'! on. the Army'!! general or flag: raw. with an distaff 1ide>l'eport happily that e!lmlpation of ctrtaln rtttfto- for the fir!t time the records tion!'last year. The' Air Force of Women 's Anny Corps col-and Navy selection board,, onels are being included in the have not yet had an op~ annual review of candidates ity to 'Promote a female to the far brigadier general. higher rank. ''It doesn't necessarily mean Some WACs expect that Cot we're .going to have one of our, }loisington may have the best ovro make it this time," Col. Chance of the women in bet Eli1abdh P. Hoilington, d.frtc-outfit to wear a star. tor of the WAC.. told a ,. ________ ;;;;;I reporter. "But the nicest Lhing ll Is that at least they are now eiving everybody a chance.'' A selectlon board which will , draw up the yearly Ji.st of l recommendations on one-star appointments began meeting/ Monday. 'Ibe selection procys.s, takes several days. \ There are · about 11,800 WACa in unlfonn today, many carrying out secretarial and other admin15lratJve chores for the male 1lde of the Army. WAC. serve arolJnd the world, with some 160 currently ...tllll<d In Swth Vietnam. Col. Ho~iqton figur" that most GI the IJ WAC colonels now in uniform probably will be under conslder1Uon for the temporary promoUon t o 1rMrtl rank. One or more could be e~vated, depending on whethtr their military rec· ords stack up wtth thole of male candidalel. Congress paved the way for natane w.,sn't kicked out of sdlool. she was canted out ')\\JI.., "i\.dd.•'.'... e NOW PLAYIN6 e 1411__. N_,.rt CfllHMI P•lff"'' Or.te Dm.h1 ' For calls after 6 p.m. -kdays and all weekend. 3 minutes sution·to-station, plus la<. --@ . ' ---------- •• Frid<lr, 5'ptt-!?, IM There's a Near M~s-in .A·ir· Jb~t Onee a fJay . ' --,_,_.., t. ---.. "'""' ... ............ ..-:·• ·-----... .... _.. .............. w ..... ..... . ,... ... _w_ ... -... ........ ,... ... "WI .............. .a-,.1-. ---=-=-::::.::-J... __ l_M~---...... ,..,.. .. ,....,..r# ...... ----~~""' ,. ... ..................................... ---.,. ..... ~ ...... •IJlllt •r.w ...,.9'Nft:•e.-i--. .,...,.,,,_~ .i ........ I ........ ---------· I JPll' ... #1 -- •529•1.•· THE CANDIDATE , •• Big ICi'een color portable hU vivid, true· to· life, New • Visla picture, Sportabout Chassis with new Solid St at e Components, pop-up handle, E!A42: 180 sq. in. picture. ' ' R811 s 1·.1·v 1 ·c·1 Ind. SALIS SERVING BARBOR AREA SINCE ,19"' WAlJK- ·AwAY VMUES T • ... lb ........ ,.,,,... .... ,. ..... I. I • ---- :• . . . ~. ---. ---.• ·- .• DAD.Y PROT EDl'l'OBL\L PAGE • • • • Day of Reckoning Near I The .i.y of reckoning ls approe~g !or Laguna BeACh businesses that have sipa that do not conform lo the cltTs ordJnances. • A lhre6-year period allowed by the ordinance for 1 cbangeciver Crom old to new regulations is now drawJng to a close. Only seven months remain for businessmen to obtain sign permits and make changes. After ntxt April 15,. violators will be cited. The Clty Council enacted the sign law in 1967, worry· Ing Uiat Laguna Beach was on its way to bccornui, a CMey Island of the Paclllc. The law provides that some meuure or the famoua Laguna village atmosphere will not be dispelled iJ) a blaze of neon. ' The sign ordinance probably bad more study and time spent on it than any law that preceded It in L!I· guna's history. It consumed far more time in croation than die U.S. Constitution. . In an attempt to be compleWy fair to established bu&ineues and a~eve esthetics, unending houn were spent In m~s, compromise and re-drafting of the volwnlllous re atil)ns. Certainly 1 wect thrcu~b an exacting, tedious and democratic process in coming to life. No one was de- nied his say. Each had an opportunity to lobby for his beliefs. The three-year moratorium on enforcement of the new ordinance was something of a concession. It wa!I !!ranted to allow owners of existing signs to amortize them-be they ever so ugly or non-conforming-before beinll forced to pull them down and re-siitJl. While many bu sinesses have conformed-all ne'v r;igns must by law meet the ordinance standards-. many businer;ses have not. There appears evidence that some downtown shop owners are putting on the gloves for anotller tilt al the city law. Only Then Will God· Be Proud of Ma11r By ElilWORTO L. RICHAR!iSoN Mhalster Neigbborbood Congregational Cburcll Llguna Beacll For a while we beard a lot about "God beina; dead." Now we are he.atln.& that "man b !!'live ... Indeed be Is! Just think •.•• no longer a mm ta the moon lNt a man .. the moon! lt Is iocredible-If rpn hss not hee!I boldin& Iris head hip, ttw he can! God can be quite prood ol t~o~ever there ts another thoulhl thit me. l111't ii. amazln& that we 't aolve 30me ol tht bwnan problems trouble UI? We haw bniu: eDO\Jlh put man on the moon • . . . why then Clll't we solve the poverty that plagues e a large portJon of ""l' c:ountry! ,.THERE ARE THOSE who object lo t. nding $42 billion on the. 1pace pro- m. (This is the cost since 1961.) For same period ol time we have .spent 1714 blllloo on the Vletnam war. And dur· !y the .same period of time our Gross ,.uonal Product baa doubled l4iiO to llOO ~ .,.,... combined civil ria!lll leaderahip liis called for flltl billion to be speDt on i-. "Freedom Budge!", II can't be lhal W'baven't the brains to do the job! Is tt !: we lack tbt will? Or, th.at we don't 1· .. the heart to do it? ~D CAN'T BE proud of m.an! li'Arthur lililler. tbe playwright, brought ta back to earth when be said : "After the moon we undoubtedly will put men on • Dear Gloomy Gw: Save ~e's Cove -Salty 1'1111 ........ ,. ~ ,_... .-. .... 11.......tW .... et Miit -Ill I . IW _..,.,, Ht ,...... It •"'"" ew.. .. IY 'I"'· other plane.la farther and farther away from earth. ~ climax, wbicb I doubt anyone alive will ~ wi1J come when a scientific eipf.dition finally lands on !25th su.et, or tbe Nor1h Side of wai...bory, Connectij:ut. , •stan lift t25tlt -~ tbe 'Waterbury North Side, WaU., Newark ud Qlicago, are much closer to '*11> tban tbe -a.cf conoequontly, i.n.,,.. our uv .. bere to a far more profound degrte. Day ind Jllght Ibey move In lbelr tim<l..S orbJl.., ' • silent ud obscure to earthmen, exceptirw when occasiooally parts of tbelr surfaces ujJlode,_ for msons few of us care to ex· amine, buf. the astral debris of. lhe ex~ plosions has from time to time fallen into our street. and caused kx:al fires and traffic dislocatloos. "CONGREss WILL undoubtedly be 11ary, u lt has been In tbe past, about apendi.nc money on such. expeditions, but tbe. tcOOOmic 1oa due to these explosions, whlcb IQIUe theoreticlanl say wUf become a.ft and~ ..... frequent, sbouJcl ju!tify appropriatians \a find out it there i!il anything: e~ can do about them.•• (July 13, 1969. New York Times.) When that time comes, and only then, can man ltaild, erect and look 1quarely Into the eyes of fellow earthmen. Only thtn will God be proud of man! Sandburg Republished Noles: The title bringa l'OU up short. 1be ClUc.a.go Race Riots." Then you lOle &be subtiUe, "JILiy, 1919," and the ilUthor, Carl Sandburg, who wa.s a :eporter for the Ollcago Daily News that IUT and adapted the'boot. from I series i articles .be wrote on the oplosive tvent.s of that summer. ••eow much do cities. a people, a nation learn in 50 vean?" The late Ralph McGill asks in an ~ction to a new edition of this old report.age. Re answers: "Not much.'' A NEGRO BOY swam past an invisible ine ol segregation al one of Chicago's >eaehes. He was stoned. knocked un-~obscious and drowned. Inlet-racial :itJlUng broke out, spread through the ci· ;y and did not slcp for three days. Thirty· !~r peoplt were killed, 20 blacks, I ( wkites. Several hou!leS in the "black belt" wre burned. There were official com· inissloos in 1919. McGill reminds us, ~cb "discovered" much poverty and hWtrttkln l:n Chicago's black population tl IOlnt US,C!OD (an early estimate of !llk:qo'1 black pipulation ror 1961 was I !lllllloa). llOOllNG, A W All Pl)'chology, politics. lltiJmlptlOn ol tabor and lack of jobs lljlpod ~lo Ian tht riot of 1919. That and rloU ol a half century ago were a ll:hool cl. eipe:rience for Americans. McGill adds in hb not.es on iile .. _,._,.,,,, t mlrained and coocemed job .( r;;;ol'unc, ••.-e we.re all dtopoul!i; few -leorn<d any\Mng." Ttlt boM 11 a melancholy curiosity • 9111 ..... > forl"lteo and izn. ~~~lld=•~bldi Into the Saodbur1 c. CJlllS: l; M.15). Mall& tidftON. a 26-year-<>ld • • • ? -space novel, ''Tbt .. $ azeda r;;A\ tum8 up u Jahll ~ (u loo ... -*"11' 111 • -.... afllDol I Ill • harda:Jve.r medical dttecllve story about abortion, "A Case of Need'' (World; SS.96). Tb t )'OIJDI Crichton-Lange Is a Harvard medical student in bis spare lime. "THEY CUIE BY SEA: A Pictorial History of San Diego Bay," by Jerry fltacMu llan, appears from The \Yard Ritchie Presa. Los Angeles. in coopcra· tion with the Maritime Museum Associa· tion, San Diego. The author traces the story of this once strugcling little port through ~ years when it served the Southwest as the cent.er of 8 large r1shing and shipping industry' and as a Navy t o w n. Chapters on sailiq, v~. passenger steamahipt. shipbuilding. Government and hllrbor Cl'lft. Some 200 illustratloos (16.7$; fS.7$ IO!tbowldl. 0 JANE'S ALL the World's Ainhlpa, tl09" fint in the famoas Jane'• .series devOled to aln:ral~ opJIW'I fn>m ;..,.,. Publishing Co. in a handsomely produced facs.l.mile edlUon ($17.50). This focuse! on the transitional period wh<n olnltips ceased to be toys and were becoming a bona flde means of transportation and. ol course, an Important fact of military ti!e. "KIDS, COPS AND JULOS," a study of cootemportl')' suburbia JOVth and the Impact of soclal <hanJes on t~ b a paperi>ack from Mal!er-Westerlltkl Co .. San DI<&•· 'll10 llltllot, Thomu Gltchotr, a member ol lbt Uni~r of Caltlomla deputm.nt <l ettmlnology. -h~ IWdy oa the C4ntra eo..ta community or Plw;ant Hill. Cart!<ltnia. William Rtpo I That seems unwise. The law a·ppUes unifonnly. We believe that aU Laguna Beach businesses wlU benefit from maintaining the village charm and aesthetic appeal. Businessmen who are facing that April date with Nome misgiving should contact building officials now to find out what must be done to lhei.r sign.ing to make it legal. They will be far better off doing trus than arming for a fight. So will Laguna Beach. Fo1· Skin-diving Safety The rocky sea coves oi Laguna Beach are a natural attract.ton for scuba and skin divers. For several divers lhls year they were a fatal attraction. Ski.a diving is a fascinating and adventurous under- taking. In recent years, the sport bas experienced a great increase in the number of .participants, some in· adequately trained. Education in skin diving is a must. It is as import- ant as driVer training. Programs to teach diving r;kills are readily available through private busir1esses, -YMCA swimming classes and school classes. Re-Cent· deaths and other non-fatal mishaps have brouJait forth suggestions for the limiting of divers to closely ,upervised cove areas-a suggestion that repre- sents a {urther erosion of personal ffeedom. Laguna lifeguards have authority to check out di v· ers for competence before they enter the water. Diver~ may be ordered to slick to land if they may be a hazard to themSelves or others. • ',....,,. ,. In the end. though, it is lbe responsibility of the in· divi dual to provide for bis safety. In the untrained hands of inexperienced divers, those tanks can be as deadly as a loaded gun. . ' ,, l>OtfT TELi. ME \'W'RE QE (f"fW 11110 S11U.MU£YE ll~!~ ·~ -·-·-·-. --~ - L 11 Anti-A Den Scandal Sheet 'Evil Piece o .. folitical Mudslinging'\ • To the F.ditor: , 1, • My cOpy o( the anti-Allin scandal aheet has just beei deposited In my ma!Jboi. 1 am disgusted. This evil piece of political mudslinging has no place in the democratic election process. In tone, it is dlstressingll' familiar and reminds me or the tactJo of extremism so clearly demorlstrated: in recent months of the Bircher• and their allies, who., rt30rt-to... slander and Innuendo .to destroy -•hat they disagrte with. COMMON DECENCY and justice de- mand that a person accuaed shall be • charged wttb a clear bill of particulars by eomeone "lib coarage enough. lo <land f911h ud ~ blmieK. The sneak· le. ~· ~fllrOlch of whoev~ is responslble for tllis IU-eonce;lftd ~ cam~ can, only rellect diicredlt on them aod a~ v.~e more eiample to be u9ed by those who claim with some ]ustification appan:nUy, ~t Orange County i.s the kinkiest place in the coun· try. I DO NOT KNOW Supervisor Allen or his administrat.ive assistant, J o b o Killefer. I do not know whether they favor the Irvine COmpeny, Laguna Niguel Corp.. « the Incorporated hippies or Laguna Beach and at this stage of the proceedinp I do not care. My conacienc. tella me that whefl two men are attacked, without warning, out of the darkness, my first responsibility is to come to their aid as a fellow human. I SUGGEST THAT the people o{ Allen's district should adopt the same altitude in an emphalic manner and. demonstrate their determinalion to demand decency aod lair play by refusing to sign In)' peti· i.iOO presented for the recall ol Alton Allen. HENRY C. DAVIS 'It'• OllR l'a.r Mone11' · To tile Editor : On Aupt 28 Chere 1~ in tbe DAILY PILOT a front page, headline story reporting the events of• meetm, 9' the Slddleback Junior College District Board ol Trustets. It bas taken me this long to recover from a stunned condition to that of merely appalled. The story in- forms us that Mr. Vogel, Mr. Collins and Mrs. Backus, a majority or the board, have voted to forget about the possibility o( federal aid for the district. To quote Mr. Backus, "My motion is we com· pletely forget about ii, period." The story attributes the Vogel and Co!Um votes to "philosophical ground!." When asked to-explain bi.I vote Backus ~Iailhox i Letters from readers are welcom·e. Nomu:iUy writers sh.ouW. convey their messqges in 3Q,O words or less. TM tight tO candeme letters to fit ipace- or el:minaU libel i.s reseroed.. All ltt· ten mu.st include signature and maii. ing addrtas, but narrus may be with.- ~r.d cm requeat if auffideni rew:on u apparent. uid. "No apparent reason, we're ju.st going to go it alone , that's all." We? WE!? LET i r.m lNFORf\1 them who the "WE" ol the Saddleback Junior College District are. Not the Backus--Vogel.Collins "we," but the "WE" who voted the district into e~stence. The "WE" whose tax dollars are footi ng the cost. "WE" happen to have money of ours in Washington, quite a Jot of it, gathered in the same manner a.s "OUR" local and st.ate monies~ taus. Locally, most of our tues have oame.s such as "Properly'' and "Sale1 ... Jn Washington they have names auc:h as ''Income," "E1cise." Luxury ," "Tobacco," "Gasoline" and literally hundreds or less obvious but very effective ones. "WE" are just k~~ ing this money in anothe r pocket, .separate from "OUR" local money. bul still "OURS." It all gets spent. but it's never gone, because "WE" can always come up with more. Easy. No sweat. • NOW, TllEN. Since "WE" do have thi!1 monel' of "OUR" very own and there seems to be a chance "WE" might be able to get some of it back into "OUR" local pocket, perhaps "WE" might be able to persuade the Backus-Vogel-Collins "we" to fill out some paper& to ac· compli!h this for "U." After all, they must fill out a form to transfer thelr own personal funds from llne account · to another. Seems like a reasonable request, even a part oC their duties, Would only lake a minute , After all , they weren't forced into this job, you know. They ac· tually campaigned for it. Right? "WE're" hoping Mr. Vogel and Mr. Collins might deign to bend their philosophy just a bit, at least in this in· stance, for "US.'' "WE're sure that if they will, Mr. Backus will go along witb them, since he is quoted as having "no apparent reason " for hi.& position anyway. WILLIAM W. LEAK Rocky Seeke ·Conservative Image WASHINGTON -Thal oddity or American politics -the Republican liberal -is on the decline these days, and if last year's primary defeat of Califomi.a's senior Sen. Thomas Kuchel does 11ot prove ii. take a look at the re- cen t record of New York 's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. Sometime alter be had lost his bid for the Presidency at Miami Beach last year, Rockefeller decided that he had pushed the people of New York .about as far 11 they were wilting: to go. Tbete ensued, in rapld order, a reductioo In welfare spen- ding. cuts In education, the eodarseme:nt of a ~nservative candidate for mayor against John Lindsay, and an utonJshing pholograph of a IUIUan balcony with that, symbol of com.ipt despotism, Francois tPapa Doc) Duvalier. IT IS NOT THAT Rockefeller has chaJlied. He still regards politics as .a means rather than an end. But he ha! been around long enough to know that the rnean s must be honored Jest the end be defeat. F'or his re-eleclion in 1970, he thinks the means is an image as a con· servative. All of this is of more than intellectual interest lo liberal New York Sen. Charle!! Goodell. A Republican appointed by Rockefeller to 11erve out of the term of Robert Kennedy, Goodell has spent a nervous summer llsteniq to rumors that Rockefeller might repudiate him as too much ol a liberal for 1 1970 running mate. Early in July, Upstate Ntw York coun· ty chairmen, who ordinarily do not clear their throats without checking with Albany, began lo object to Coodell'1 liberal positions, specifically his op- position ta the ABM. There W8$ talk or .----B11 George ---· Dear C.corge: You know everything. Do you have any tips on how to keep an ig· uana? C.M. Dear C. W.: You don 't need any lips on how lo kH:p an Iguana. When's the last you heard of somebody 1wiping an iguana ? ditching Goodell at the stale nominating convention 1n I.he spring and subsUtutlng conservative Lt. Gov. Malcolm ·Wilson u a Senate candidate. WHEN · ROCDP'ELLE!t dodged 1 Goodell endonement jult·one year after appointing him, the rumors began to ..em like focts. To Goodell, tbe fact would !le that Rockefellnr's virtually hand·plchd state committee would ~ject hlm and nominate Wllaon for the Senate, while enthusiastically a: up port In a Rockefeller for governor. A Rockefeller·Wil!On ticket, I n Rockefeller11 present political mood, would suit the governor. Wilson ls thoroughly .acc eptable lo the Conservative Party In New York, an organization originally founded to defeat Nelson Rocke!eller. But the Conservatives have now become the third party in New York, ahead of the once· powerful Liberal Party, and have become just aa cooceroed with patronage as with ideology. lt is conceivable t h a t tbe OlMervativt.s, if offered Wilson u a Senate candidate, might ufrain frolll op- pol!ling Rocteftller for governor. This would vlrtuaDy usure hl.s re-election. GOODEIL PONDERED all this and reacted quickly. lie let it be known that be intended lo run for re-elecUon, that he could not be shunted aside without a f'lght. and thM if Rocll:efeller'• state com· mlttet: refused to endorse him, he would Weird Commemorations Some friends of mine, who have just returned from Afrkl, were n:laUng stories about the stranse atatues erected by nttivi tribe! u shrinea: ol wtlt'Shlp. They see.med to think th1.s was exclusively a prhnftive custom, but men have always erected mQltUJDenb lo odd object.I of wonder and devotion In Amertca alone, we hive hid tome of the wtlrde.rt eotnmtm«IUCllll Down to man. • WHEN THE PIONEER Monnons In Salt Lake City were ready to barveol their first gr a I ft crop, crickets and grasshoppers threatened to destroy the field!!. Bui. just Ulen, 11ea tulls by the thousands came up tht. lake and dC\'oured lhe Insects, thus saving the ha~ The guU 11 a "sacred" bird -In Utah mday, .net a monument lO lt.s honor stands ln Sa.tt l..oke City. An effigy ol the codfiah hanga in tht Maasachusclta Statehouse. and another has bung in one assembly hall or another fnr more than 200 )lean. The codfish UY· ed lhe earl;r tettlen trom atarvtna. TllERI! Ill A monument In tho public "'l1l"" c( F.oterprlle, Ala.. bum whid> • hllp boD weevil, rampant, loob ,don upoo the town. n ... ml tllal the -.ti deatn>yi<f the colloq one yur, and forced tbe farmers to diversify their a.pa. which turned out to be a bl..,Jng. Al tJttle Comptqn, 1\.1., a monwntnt to 1 hen con1111emorattii the origin or the Rhode Island Red breed of dtlcken. And elsewhe::"f' in that llate, at Newport. tbert stands a monument to Michelle Felice Com!, the first min who dared to eat a tomato. WE l\WSf NOT forget.. of «11.1rse, Robert QtJlll~n. the humorist of Fountain Inn, S.C .. who put up • marble 1haft five fee:t h\ih In his Ctnleta. with the in- ICl'fpUon : ''To Eve, the First Woman." run anyhow. He added that be would run, in effect, against Rockefeller, whom he "''as prepared to label a "boss." The Rockefeller men got the message and the "dump Goodell" talk subsided. Gov. Rockefeller himself began to talk in a friendly way about Goodell , and has virtually promised le support him public· ly once the New York mayoralty election is over ln November. THERE IS ONE hitch. Rockefeller Is knov.1\ to be considering the possibility that John Lindsay, if he is ddeated in his bid for re-election against both a Democrat and a Conservative. Republican, might want to seek the Senate seat himself, If he does. RockefcDer may want \Q salvage his liberal support by supporting a final bid by Lindsay. Hence the delay until November. Goodell is content to wail He and hi~ supporters find It Inconceivable that Lindsay, if defeated for mayor. could run for the Senate. 111ey also find it in· conceivable that Rockefeller, even in his new conservative clothing. \\'ill not want to Mve at le ast 1 life line to the liberals who have supported him for so Jong:. Goodell win be the only liberal around . By Fnink !\fankfewici and Tom Braden --1WWW- Friday, September 12, 1969 The ~(Coria! page 01 Ult Daily Pilo( sttkl lo '"form and stim- ulatt rtodtrJ by prestnting this h.ew.spaper'a opinion.1 aJtd eom- menlaT'y 01' topics oJ interesC and .sianiJicanu, b~ protridino a f0'!1&11' for ~e expTtuion of our rtaderl' opinfo111. and bu prt.senHflg th.I dfvtt.St ufe&f. pofnt.t of trlformtd oblerwrt and spokttmeN °" k>pica o/ iht dau. Robert N. Weed, Publlsber . I • I I j I l I ' ' ' I /"= • r ·saddlehae ---- ' . :VOl¥~2, N0 .. 219, 4 SECTIONS, 38 PA_GES ,_. I r , • • ' 1'.'Y. St.di• • South· :county Undergoing M~jor Faee:lif t.ing . BOCkw U: ·Jrid ,S.n Juan Capislrano's A!rliort·ludllitrial Park spob iri glowing terms of ~ devel-enl made In sjilte ol 11slng coita Ind tight mooey. Jeff farb, vice president of Laguna Niguel told tbe ~· mben ol tbe council •t lhe 1'q6ai.. try Club,,'llw • wilhln the ~ popu ·oo· 1n '°1e· area should' -by 1ao,ooo persons. · Para said that Laguna Niguel could be sold out by that, tlDlie...A Wli.d. ml!Slei" plan !"! .tbe cmn~'i boldlbfs caDed for an ult.lmate popuJaUon for a:l,000 persooo, bu~ 'Parks liitl tllot projecuon cOuld be a lltUe bf&h, • . • Parks said tbat the company had already sold out Ila lndwslrlal park pro- perty. .New projects fori: U"je company include the Niguel Shores development near Salt Creek. 'nlere, some Z.S million t'tlbic, yards, oI eprtb have been moved for ho(ne sites. About 572 residential lots' will be wltbin lbe devetopinent. On the Lacuna N~l ~ boanlo are plr:ll IOI" 1 Sall J,.ake proJecl lD'l\'!i area of Salt Creek. Then! a ~ ult-: water lake will be. crea~ with /Olini mercial ~i:t ~ hlllh,MJIY ~ tlal developmeill ~tbeJH>e I By the lime Laguna Niguel ts flnlabed, Parks estimated ij!e worth of all jb developmimt; &o be fl.5 bUlloli.--1 Robert E. ljouret,f~J'...J".teJo Com' pany vi<:.&-1>reilden't1ol propstJ manage- ment and purcbuing, recapped hll com· • -·· development and blnl<d at futuro plul for the aru. Included were • U..cre F~e ceDtef, tbe , flrat of. u.. kind In Orliqo Colllty, 1 series ol amaO ~ml parcelS, and cootlliued r 11 id en t la l developmenl Mls!loo Viejo now baa 1 popqla\ion,<ll 10,000, be Mid.. Ulum.te pop\lllltdJ will be in>und lll,000. P&,i'~ of.,,..i~O. tiaJ vrort werettermed a complete IUC- ceu, by Maurer . Niguel Tritct 01( Delayed On Beac·h Access Bomb Raids Resumed ·By Nixon WASHINGTON (UPI) President Nixon mapped possible n e w ad- ministration Vietnam ~ move! todaY. tn a three-hour, 46-rtUDtie meeting wlui his . .lop mllltory; ' · ticJ llOll ' retligenCe-advisen. I i.-, "' • ·Marines Land The Wblte Howe meeting, Wilh alic part.lcipanta appearing grim, started amid _..i.uon that a hall ord~retl by Nixon In 'B.12"ralds In South Wlilom might break the Im pWe in peace talkl. But midway . thrpug.h the meeUng, the suspension was lifted. Seal Be·ach Gives Big Welcome There Wu no immediate word Crom the Wbile House on what was discussed at the sesaion, which started at 6:35 a.m • PDT and broke up at 10 :15 a.m~ POT. Officials ldded that there woQld be no announcementa: -that the deci.siOM would become appare.nl ·liter. . The ltiarines .landed•Tburaday evening in Seal Beach and the city turned out to wepime ,th.em., . About.250 men o! the First Llgbl Anti- aircraft.Mis&Je Battalion, returning from Vlebtam as part of President Nixon's isbo:t·man 'reductiOn of troops, arrjved 001 1~01 U.S .. Na.vy LSDs (Landin'g Ship Ml. · Most of the Marines were from other parll of. tbe country but sailor Frank J. SlmoDJc on USS Torguga was greated by hi• wife and five-months old soh "'FuQa:e." 1119 Simonies live at 16691 Bart1eU Lane, Huntington Beach and Thursda_y wa1 only the. leCOnd tbne sailor Simoruc1 bu aet11 bis son. Tbe Marines mival was more or less clauil1ed IO few relatives were on hand to gr..i them. But with a little lllldge from the Marine Corps about 200 ,Seal Belch cltir.enB turned out to welcome the nien'·bome. Jncluded..were members oC Seal Beach veterans organluttions, . the Gold Star ..){otben, and Eubanie Club members . fnlm.EI Tero.and Laguna Hi1l•. The M.arinea:·we1:e ,bundled into buses and trampcrted to Twentfnine Palms where they were act.ivaled ln,1960. The First Light Anti-aircraft Missile Battalion was ordered to Vietnam Ftb. a, IMS. While at Da Nang the unit was assigned the mission of prav~ding air defense· for the Da Nang complex.' They maintained a vigilant wat.cb "OVU the skies of the area but were· never caUtd upon to fire a missile in defense. The . unit became active in civic pro- gram& and were cited b.-"their efforts that will long be remembered by the peo- ple ol Da Nang." As the two Navy ships docked at the. Seal Beach Weapons Station, the Marines lined on the deck and were saluted by a Navy 'band from Los· Alamitos NavaJ Air st.lion. Sailors were first allowed off the ships as many of them were to go on )eave. Then the rather aerious battalion of t .. themecks filed down lhe gangplanka to the waiting buses. For now, the war in V.l!tna:m. ls 1ust a 'Short memory of death and destruction. Bl.It' their future is uncertain. The Marine Colpi Base at Twentynine Palma will be their f>AW home and they ~ill come under the.command of. the lrd -Aircraft Wing, ltatioced at El Toro. The bombing halt 'bad been ordered ·by Nixon wilbot4' fanfare and ·the ,a<f.. · ministration re£ used even ,to confirm it or diSCUS3 its possible implications until !hOrtlY after noon when Press Secretary Ronald Z1egler said Nixon had-ordertd raids resumed. Ziegler acknowledged Ute suspension ·h.:id been ordered to see how the Com- munisU would react. and said ralds were ordered resumed by Nilon when Red of· tensive operations showed an increase. The bombing halt had been ordered by the President in the wake of a three4ay cease-fire iniUated by the CommwUsta because of the death of Ho Chi Minh, "to see what the other side intended to do· in terms of its level of military activity." Zeigler said the Bfl2 sorties Wett ordered reswned by Nixon because the level of enemy attacks had gone back to tbe pr~a&e-fire level. He insisted that the su11pension was "not. an action to signal a response from the other side" in terms of a diplomatic peace overture. "We wanted to determine whether this (See BOMBING, Page %1 ·Doheny Changes. Planned Compww Rebuildmg D.ue by First of December ' By JOHN VALTERZA ot t11t Dllllr ~tlft 1..rt Doheny State Parl beach, one of Southern Calllomia'1 few rtereation. area.s offtrln& beach camping, will be mamped by Dec. 1. But, its director warned a Newport ]leach .audience :l'huraday • .Jbe.. $U • mllllon redev~ i<Oled oouldn't hope to alleviate an a w e s om t overcrowding problem. Richard MeneUee, unil manqer for . lhe 1:1-ac"' ltate park lmm'ldlltely downcoast from Dana Harb« •. tokl a Newport Klwanil Club galherfi>1 that the ,,.n hu suller<d from "trein<ndOnt pre> blem.1" thLs year --both natural and m.1nmldt. 'lbe. total redevelop11temt of Pte1Jark at lhe mtMh...ol s.n .Juan Ctu!Lbu b<eo stalled fJrst b)' the heavy winter rtorm.11 of Jlll1UB'J and February which wuhed oul huge sections (If beaches · and d'1)oolled 1 tars• sand del,. at the -l'lmcuth. Ttiat JrOb)em ltalled conlractor1' work . 'lben, U. the4~ wurk slowly procressed, Vilitora, IOltead, will enter through an heavy equlpmeit operator• went on. a ~ extenDon OC: Dd Obllpo Avenue. New pic-dai ltrlke. · ntc mu, ~ bu6cnn,. and a ,.. Ptumbera, wtio struc.k al about lb< wall are planned. , same~ ltill are:.aot back on the job. One unwual factor, he said, lnvo\vn Their wcrk" stGpplae has delayed the lht "new" beach which hu appeared at t:OOtpletioo of. "-buJldlnp .st the Doheny in recent 11\0llths. • parL • '111e delta deposited by winter floodl "Ooherly Park is the only state park In has washed up along the beaches, causing Southern California where a camper can a sandy beach which wu never there pitch hill tent on the beach. The olher before, MeneffM: said. beach parks allowing comping offer room "Wbat will bippen lo thil sand is pure !~ 1llil ac:Uvlty.., -.,Thll !p~ ow" conjedllra at thll point, because the potlr one of. the '"I* )lOP.Ular -. and · breakwaters from the h!'rl>or.,..igJu.~ , crowded -Ill the or-. c&ongod the eurrent'a<trav<l1"Wed1ap.. Relel"f'ationl for 1 tbs year'• holklay the beach ataya there,'' be sai~ • w~endl g.....alty cloa< the fir.t week r.J!ll!Ddl~ler1ted that;.~ Ille' >of.JlllUllY each,}ear.,l\e..ld.· •• J>ark'a: ~and hie r&a i·o.d LulYf.Ar aft tttJidated-7'n,OtiO cimpefg • caj.clty, it. llilf-wn~ nqt aneetr~'iver and plcnkkers jomm<d into the parll, he growing pnililem of. loo ~ parks l<f a oald. i'Ol'ing populaUoo aeeklng recre1Uon: When lhe lJlrk Is llntohed, M.,,.rl.. "Ao II stands noll'. campers have ljllte oald, the traffic problems caWJed by ao-chance of finding a ll!t.al Dohei!lidurljig -from Pactl'JC Cout HJPwa1 "1U be Ille amunerttme. 'l1iil'e ..,.. )wt 12!> ellmlnat~. many of them." · t ' . A Bird tor n1ile1>tt'.d . . . . ' ~ . ' . ' ' . . Workmen. use crane 1o.pta_c .. ,new, .26.'fpot rocket on. Ialinclilllg .pad. at Laguna's Bluebird Park. Pul'Cba&"o 'of ''2,IOO'rocket' -a· second. generation ~yttjing -is P,<lrl of "l'l'linuing efiorl·to .upgrade..f~r­ acre children• park·. • . -,, .~ · , ., '· Past on ' the Auction :Block . . . . . : . . . ', At Playhouse Saturday "Cipdy Houta was a Plirple !'lopple In 'Hansel and Gretel.' " · :rhat cryplic mesaage icrtbbled on 1 makeup mirror in the old Laguna Ptayhouae ii only !Ill" ol ihe ecboo of. past plays that :will be loosed Saturday at an auctkm and aale of old ,prop11, coetumes and whatever from, the Old Laguna Playhouse. , Prof.its of. lhe aucu.n Saturday and Sunday 'rrom l ·p.m. \o·$.p.m~ at tJ;le old theater, 3t9.0ceen Ave., Lapria,twill -ao to tbe new Moulton Playboule. Besides the-the-·stu!f, tbetcf'IOOD fence panel> wblcl!·OOC:• IUl'!'OUDd,cL the Moullon 'Plty-\¥hlle ' Ullder .,,,. structlont w!llrbe• 111etloned •. Tbey,•wert done by proleulonal wtoonllts. More than 200 arUclea: are due to bit Ille block over tbe weekeod, Inna Nolzlger, g...a:al llllDlier of. tha playhollBe ·Mid. ' ! • : , The Pla)hou.oe hopes lot 1 good rt!Urn 00 their old tnvatmenla l.t~J¥1..-~ ~'.lhe .. erpecta '.frUn anU'll!OrlboPo.-otHi!r litll& ifouPI and ~,titlhlddalt;to -,:~~~·~)'t.~wtll .; ~hr~k lll•r~ r·~ ' ' Issue Salt ·Creek Adjacent To Property WRONG HOUSE, WRONG COUCH JUI\ • niau.r of. miltOen ldeiility ~ -hnuoe, wroog caucb, ·Llpno Beach Police decided .Thundly lftesi rectlVinc a ••IUlpiclous circmmtOCP3" call. · Mike Sellers ol 215 Viejo SL. Laguna: Beach called -. i,;.report that a at.range man wu 1lleoblitm hll couch. Tbe mall, 'Jimes -Sbirfuu, 20, ol -n. lllld olllcn be bod~ sh'•• perifilaton by • friend to at1y. Tho permlaaloa, tt tuma out .... lo< another -· IDOlber OlUCh. 0r ..... Weadter ' I :The Orange <Jou> will be oil foged "I'. t!llJs w-..r, with buy oiJn brWll!( tliniotgb lo -· noon rJemperaturu are llbt* ·In lht 1oW 7G'I Wnward, middle 80'1 inland. INSmE 'l'OD~ Y Tll-fr•'• one nice h\ the Har· lior Aria that it d rtCl ti1t o/ ,_hip b,tcouao 11'1 plon!l<d tl&a.t .oar: the obttadl1 arct core- fwllV plonn<d ou~ Boating l'afl• 11. I • ttllW* •' ........, .... ., E:"" II ~ n·ll :r. .. -=. _J ~..::: ....• r. •• ,· ............ ·-, .... r::··::.. , .. ,. ~ -.. -. -~ ll i:i! - . =·-= "'" .,._9JI . -.. • , • I ·-... T-een .~rner . 'Laguna High Stuiknts Back in Full Swing _ By FRED SCllOEMEllL Of ... D91b' Plllll Stiff llERE WE GO DEPT.-Alter a llart, followed by a short v1c1Uon, followed by anolller aWt. nearly 1,000 Laguna B.:11 High Scbool 11udenll were back to tucbm and books lo eomell thlr weok. The present student dlod.ition is apect- ed to prevail for the next nine months. Some thlngJ have changed for the bdter, however, on the ol:cf LBHS cam- pus. Remember bow the old Main Build- ing ~ ftl'8 more: to be shunned than uaed! No m<n. Bolllithe boys' and girls' ..-... hi•• beep -· with new f1nw'a. tUe and miJTora. Even the trash ca.-wbich were aomeUmes bard to find last year-now have gone campus aolrlt with marom bues and white tops. :E•m the IYD'n11h1ms have a new look with newl.Y anded and blll>-&loa fln- bbu on the llocn. * SPEAKING OP the athletic depart· ment. head football coach Hal Akin is hard at work with his· Artbl tpidllen to form up <IW' team which 1l. of course, the defending cwtview 1-• cbam-Pion. The cross country runner1 are hard at wort too and theJ. lfflll to bave -warmlnl up everywbere aloq the Ormip CW( • IJurlng the summer, the loog.cflmnc< lsdJ became familiar slghll u they huffed aillog c.a.t !llPway from La· pna Njguel to C«ooa de! Mar. In all, they ran neorly J,000 mlle1 tllll IUllllll<t. Mwswblle lo buietball. new vanity mentor Je!'?' Fair is looking forward to a prornWng stUon. . . * . POJt THE SENIOI! CLASS, a busy final year ia in the offing with pllns alnady under way to -and eojoy the Senior Lou.nit. The lounge fdl on ..U dayi when If nverted to a tenbook room last aummtr. Dave Butwk:t, senior clau presidtat, ls confident the lou~e can be refurbished and become the "in' place on campw. The seniors have more than $300 and It sbooldn't be too dilflcult to buy a ping· pong tablt, IOfl drink macbille, juke box In add1tlOn to toa.lq in aome interior dec«atlom. For Mftkn, the word on the lounge is "contact." If you want to help out, contact Dave Huatwlck. ADothtr key phrase among students, faculty and adm1niatraton this year will be "fodivktual mponslbilllr." One ei:· amDle will be the new mini~. Sludenll -to a llludy ball dur· Ing the day will be &Jveo the opllon ol atteftd.inC 1hese abort one week mini~ coarau which will be olfued oo aubjecla ranging frwn aludy of the bhlea to chaoglng oauallly In AmOl"lci.. '1brooP polls, It will be de!mnlned jUll what m!nk:ouna the -II want. The pro- lflllll will be lli1ed up by the ""'-alve Education Club. Some trac:UUOnalllts, of course, m.-, want to u.. study baD for Ill long-afab. lished ~ atudy •• And io for me. blct to 10D1e readina or U.S. Govunmant. The 11111-70 acbool year la with w. Israeli Planes Attack · Egyptiam i'n Suez Area 117 Ullted "'-hlt.rPlioaal Janell planea attacked E I y p t I a a tariell In the Gull of Su.. area for the thlnl COMe<:Dlive day today, malotalning the pace of the aerial war at its highest ltvtl aince the 1917 six-day war. Israell patrols &iao tilled •iibl Arab --.dos Dl!C' the Dud Sea. 1be new ltrite into the region where Israel carried out a deadly raid on TU~ day came as Defense Min1ster Moshe Dayan Aid larael would retaliate agaln!t Arab temr but would not take actions that would lead to a ~ption of full· eea1e wn with the Arabs. 1be atr WU' reached a crncendo on 1b\D"adly when Cairo said tt sent 101 planee -~fourth of it! air force - a&ai.Mt llraell army i.Mtall1Uons in the oe<:upled Sinai Duert. Israel said It llhot down 11 o( ~planes in a major victory. Toda,y a military spokesman in Tel Aviv said the jets struck Egyptian posi· lions on the Suea Gulf shoreline al Ras Adu Darag, 25 miles below the port city of Suez, and at Ras Zafarana, targets of the bii TUHday ampblbioos Tald that killed an e!Umated 100 to 150 Egyptians, by lar1eli counL 11ie spokesman said all Israeli planes liA ll Y P!\{JI ~ICQUtf'Wl. .... ~T l ..... N.W•M ---J ..... ""'"' ""-,,..... ___ ......, ,...... ...... -'"::.:;.':%'" ~ ... '· "•' ..__ "' ----211 ............ . Mttt.f .....,._, •.O .... 6M. t2UZ --Cllllt._.. ....... .... -..,. ... ,,,, ......... ......... .. -....1••-- ~ lllely to bue. He did not 11y how many planes made the raid er what type they ...... . The spot ...... aaid • band of II Arab command"' croued the Jordan Jtlvu Jn. to ilroel Thuraday night tlirae miles north of the Dead Sea Jn ao 1~ ef- f<rl to dllrupt larael'1 ctlebra\Jon of Rosh Ki.Ona, the Jmab new )'W'. A patrol tilled eight aod aent the othu three fleeJog back Into Jordan, be Aid. Iarael olfldally beClNi ~ Hawna oblervancu lw the year 5711) at - • wHb prayen: for peace ln l)'llal'08Uet tl1"JQ&bout the counlry. Dayan '1 statement ol policy came in. an lnt<mew with the """Pipe? Yediolh Marooo!b. "Our strategic policy is not to croas tbe (Suez) Can.al and not go to Cairo, to de- fend ourselves on the Jordan River and not take Amman, Dama1C111 or Beirut," he said. He said Israel would defend its bordtrs by counterattacks, "to hit them and keep hlttlng them." Israel said Thursday's aerial battles brought to 51 the number of Egyptian plaM 10&aea since the 1967 war. Egypt said six Israeli planea and ooe Egyptian plane were lost Thursday and that heavy damage wu inflicted on Israel, a clalm Israel denied. From Pqe J NIGUEL ... erty south or tht Lagun1 Niguel holdinJ(s, cul! from P1clfic Coast Hlghw1y to ihe top of the bluU and then runs along the bluff. Most of that road. proposed to be re- named Selva Rold, Ilea wl.thln the bounds o( the proposed Niguel Sham tract. Dana Strand Road, now a public road, probably represents the second best pos- sibility for 1ccesg to Salt Creek Btach. the mart naturaJ access topographlcally Is at the mouth of Silt Crffk where SU· pervisors last year abandoned a port.ion cl old Coast Highw1y, which, Utt Dana Strand Road, came near tht buch. A commlltee of cowrt1 department heads still LI meeUnc to consider cost ot acquirina: pedetlrian acce.u aJonr 1 Oood control chaMel that will repfi.ct Salt Creek when it is dammed up in- land of Coast HJghwa7 It Niguel's pJan.. ned Sta Lake Vlllal•· Record Beer Sale Foreseem in Munich MUNICH, Germany (UPI) -Munich's In-aald today they crpe<ted to .. u at lt:ast four million quart.I of utra lln>n, beer during thla year'1 "Oktober- fest.,' which 1lart.s Stpt. 20. Clty official• predjcted five mllUon visitors would at· ltnd the t1i1·weet (utival. ... •. .. .... , ' Dawia the Mission Trail e Radio C'ontrMt Set SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Orange County supervisors have agreed to a five year contract with the city of San Juan Clpistrano to provide a licensed radio telephone technician to m a I n t a l n emergency frequency rad1os. The agreement is cond1tloned upon the city obtaining a Federal CommunicaLions Commission license to use police-fire- lifeguard frequencies. For the service the city will pay $7.50 per month for each bale stltian, $f'i for each mobile unit and $2.SO for each remote control unit. e lneorporation Due! MISSION VIEJO -ln<orporati"1 will be the topic 1t the N<Wember genera] meeUnc of the Mission V I e j o Homeawnen Assn. 'Jbe topk wu decided on at lut nigbt1s meellng of tile group lo MWl'9n Viejo lllgb School. u enoogh reoldenll ano present 1t the Nov. lS meeting a atraw vote mlghl be taken to Indicate whether or not n:sidmll an 1nterest.ed in in- corpc1<1tloo. Other areas which interest t b e homeownen group an slope landacaplng aod ope!ling the high ICbool pool year rouod for public use. Viejo Owner O'Neill Denies Allen Recrul Tie Richard J. O'Neill, «le ·g the two ownen of Jtancbo Ml8elon Viejo, llnlll1ly denied today anJ ex>nneCllon Wiiii the ao- called recall movem~nt actlons recenUy announced qalnst Superrilor Alton E. Allen. An aJJea;ed tie to the movement WU reported la It WW lo the DAILY PILO'l. O'Nelll Indicated that although be was • ....,, of llUCh ao a!Wnpl belog made against the FUth Diltrlct aupervllor, he decllned any partlclpaUon, e I t b e r penonal or flnanOal, In Ille effort. "'Die management of Rancho Ml.ss.ion Viejo and the Mwlon Viejo Company maintaln conUnuous contact with the countj board aod the vartous county department.I", be said, "and I feel the board Is comprlled of a group of sincere and dedlcated public servants". O'Neill furtber stated Iha! he has no ouarrel with any member of the Or111ge County Board of Supervlaor>. Mitchell Gets New Term as Board President Clay Mitchell of South Laguna Thur~ day wu reelected to anothu year'• term as president of the Orange County Board of Education. Mitchell, 58, of 11 S. Alta Mira Road, Three Arch Bay, is a retired Air Force major who has serve<" on the county school board since liq. He eerved a !Im term as pre!ldent the last school year. A. E. "Pat" Arnold, of Cyprus, WU reelected board vice presldetlt. Prior to their election, Dr. Doria Arau- jo, ol Oran,e, was sworn in 11 a new board member. She won a special eltc· tion August 26 to au«eed Lyle Gulpre who moved from the state. During the campaign Mrs. Ar1u)o m. dic1ted she it a conservative who can be ezpected to ilde with county Supt. Dr. Robert Pet.enon and board mmnben Mitchell aflCI Dr. Dale R a 111 a on . Moderates Arnold and Donald Jordan often vote a minority viewpolnt on the board. Constitution Week Declared in Laguna Lquna Beach M'l'or Glenn E. Veddtt Ml p<OC]almed the week of Sept. 11 through 2S u "ComlituUon Wetk" ln ct-e clly. The l'Dl)'ot's proclamation clttd U>t Importance of the COoslltuUon and the "foresighted wl>dom of Ila creoton." It noted that Sepl 17 b the 112nd en. nlvuury ol lhe aigning o( the U.S. Constitution. • ()ff -stre~t . ~,Parkjiig "!"' : • : , ~ lbe clly waiving lbe requirement"' ill: IJ .. Wt rt· ......... tut ... ••t dbtrtcta ... , be lpond u ....... ot floaoclq oil-partiog. lie - that they are OOll' of. the l'DOlll dW~ pnip>Oltlolll to find qreemClll on ~ properly owners ,..,...ally cao'I-on tli'e blmdll-eoel ratios. Durlog dlacll!llon, Oouncllman • Roy Hohn aoked about PDA!blllt7 .ol an ~· rangement. to make private pe.r1dna1at Bani ol "-l<;a 11111 i.qlma Fad«IJ Savlnp" Loin •Vallahle'to tbo-,ablle ... weekeodL . . . Bones Case All '·But Shut Little Speculation in Huntingwn Tragedy Authorities tod1y have all but cloaed tticir file.s on the tragic cue of a \Vestminsler High School student who - in despair over a troubled romance - went joyriding suicidally in a stolen car and died alone in a murky lake. No ooe can know what went through the mind of William L. Lichty, 11, when the car taken from a neighbor slewed si(!keningJy off Golden We.st Street on Nov. 14, 1964 and deep into Talbert Lake. Teams of coroner's deputies, a pbysi· rian and even an anthropologist from Cal Statft Fullerton inspected 60 bones scat· tmd tllrough the demolished, rusty auto found Wednesday. A grieving mother made the fin.a} determination, breaking down after look· ing at her IM)a'a watch and ring. Huntington Beach detectives will not cease W<>rking on lhe case until they are positive all factors are known. There is litUe to speculate upon. ';Apparenily, the boy was speeding aloog Golden West. Street and came to the part where the road aloped and slid into the lake," said Detective GU Veine. There is no more work on the case for G:irden Grove police, who have been following every lead on the missing son ot 1.trs. Evelyn Uclrty for the put flye years. He and a car belonging to Shirley Blankenship, 8121 20th St., Westminster, \'anisbed tbe same nigbl 1.lr. and Mn. Llchty -since separated -and Mrs. Bal;µlke:nship probably made their reports at the police dtpart.menl! Involved about the aame time on that fateful night. The Lichty boy and the car were pr1r bably already buried in the muck or Talbert Lake, about a mile from the neighborhood where the principals all liv· ed. Garden Grove Police Sgt. Mike Sianez: said ThuradaJ that leada were followed up all over the Southland, resulting in a filebook 30 inches thlck on William Lawrence Lichty. That search ended under the hot sun and the glaring Upt of generator- powered lamps Wednesday. "Pianka were placed upon L.'le gumbo- llke mud and we stretched them out to scoop up pa.Us and bandfula of mud to be sifted for evidence," said Deputy Coroner Russell Greene. ... 'lbe left side door swung open as the battered car wu being hauled out with it.s grisly bum.an cario Wednesday and some skeletal remains -skull included -were lost forever. lnvesUgator1 today praised highly the firemen wbo stayed at the scene until 10 p.m. Wednesda)', helping lab men sift through the atew·llke mud f<r more of John Lichty. '"111ey didn't have to llay, but they did and they went through all that muck right beside us," said Officer Richard f Wllllams. So far, the reco•ered bones m.atcll the d...:rlptlon of the vaolshed boy, Who WU five feet 10 inches tall, wieghed about 1t5 Pound.a and bad a broken arm at one Ume in hi& life. After the dllcoVeey -Ind HlaUvely qulci aolutlon to the case of. a car and buy wbo'cllaappeared one November night -IOIDe obRrven wmder bow ma.ay more bo!l<a may lie deep Jn the mart. Anclent whale bones have been dug up by construction crew working in the im· medJat.e vicinlty, while Talbert and HWl- tingtoo Lake& are very deep ln apoU. "Somed.J.y they might even find some centurtes-<1ld IDdiam out there," said ooo obaerver. John Lichty probably wanted to bo alone that fateful nJtht and be stayed alone -for almoat five years. Or did be! Vietnam Rams Resumed After Halt of 36 Hours · SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. C<mmand IUlpended ll5S raids 38 houn at nqueat of President Nilan but today ordered them resumed because the suspenalon had no effect on. dwscalaUng the war. The acUVitlea coincided with reporta: of new bombing in Laos and unofficial reporll La.U.. forces had cut the Ho Chi Minh supply trail from North to South Vietnam by c1pturing the town of Moung Phine astride the trail. The reports from VienUane told of heavy bombing of the auu bald hy the CommuniJt Patbet Lao before the cap- ture of the city a.ad a subsequent drive toward Sepone, 2$ miles farther eaat. ln the past ~ have bombed targets in Laos during Julia in the Vietnam war. The U.S Command In Selgon did not Fro1t1 Page· 1 BOMBING •.. cease-fire period bad any political significance beyond lhe death of Ho .. Zeigler said. ' He noted that the BSJ raids had been resumed 1n the war 1.0t1e for 12 hours following the 72-hour cease-fire, before bejng halted by presidential. order. "\lie did not want to resume B52 flights for a few days following this period,'' said Zeigler, but added that "we were un- der attack and in response to this it wu necessary following the end of the 72·hour period to Dy B52 sortie!: at one hall the normal level. ''We wanted to det.ermine the intent of the other side as to the level of activity and give thtm the benefit of the doubt." He added that "at this time the other side ts b&ct to the pre.eease !Ire pertod" of offensive operations. "We have resumed the B52 nights ," he declared. a 7 a comment on the ll5S IUlptllllon, •Jing ooly that no raids bad -llowu today. · "We report them u they are flown and will cootlnlli! to do ao in. utfi f'lrtur'.t." a U.S. Command •pokeamao Aid of the bombing raids. Communiques reported U.S. flghllr· bombera were fJylog normal operaUocs, r<cording m -over South Viet-nam oo Tburaday. The fight.er-bombera new reduced mi.Wons dllring the recent Viel Cong three-day ~ease-llft. Fighting OD the grOund toot 3811 Com• munist lives, mUttary apokumen uid, aod V~t Coog and North Vietnameaa troops ~mounted 1 be.avy new round of rocket or mortar attacks, hltting 46 allied targets overnight -five more than the previous· nlght. Spokesmen sakl allied troops fought a series of battles with Viet Coog and North Vietnamese aoldiera Thuraday following tbt e.nd or the cease-fire at l a.m. The fighting killed at least 380 Como munists, communiques said, while U.S. loses were six dead and 30 wounded. South Vietnamese casualUes w e r e described as ·llgbL From Pqe 1 FACELIFT ••. now under construction. Building of the Autonetics plant bu !aUen about four months off schedule because of the engineers strike and raina he said. He said that by August of 1970, the facility wouJd be ready for it.s 6,000 to 7,000 employees. Original compleLion date was spring of 1970. Ronald Birtcher, president of Birtcher· Pacific Corp. said that ita 40-acre Airport-Industrial Parle should be sold out by 18 months. He said the project was: very successful. SWIVEL CHAIRS only .•• $129 ' A• ....... &llah "'" wl'h • wr;. ... ,._.. .t thlrt'I .. fftriu. AIM .. allllbt. wlf'fri c•hn tf 4-JM. Dff'' wait, c•-111 ....,.., -4 ..s.t • cWf ., ~, et dl'alr1 .. tM Y•• ._.,,.,. •• Ifft. 111 .. , '""' la th ...... Comfort and Style! IXCLUSIVI DEALER~ FOR: H~!oj!llDOf!-DRIJCEL -HE1!11'..AGE NIWl'ORT llACH t727 W•lcllff Dr~ '42·2050 OPlM ..... , 'TIL' IN1DIORS Profettlonal ln,.rior o.Mgnen · Avol11lll~ID-MSID LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coa1t Hwy. 4944551 OPlll ,..,., "Tll. ' --------------- • I I r I I .. -· *~' ·voe. '62, NO. 219," SliCTlONS, 38. l'~GES f l .-• -~ ' •• Grand Jury . . ~yes City , Water Woes The Orange County Grand JW7 is wadlnl into wale!; Pollution problem!, it ~as learned today. ·Newport Beach. City H 1 r b o r Coordinator George Da\•es kstified' before a four-member jury committee Thursday. _Committee chairman Donald Hud- dleston e:rplained the investigative panel ii concerned about recent new1 repor~ of possible pollution of Newport Harbor. lie A.id Sant.a Ana River water quality i! a1oo a concern of the jury. Dawes said it is his opinion that I.here t. no health hazard in the harbor waters ''at the momenl .. But. -he added, there •e l.odJcaUons the.re might be a problem hi tbt luturt. He dtt.d an abnormal srowlll of plant mmrills In the lower bay and a "fairly large fish kill, 11 which .... yet to be sat!Jfactoril)' explained. Jl&wes' testimony, and that of Cowrty Harliar DiJtrlct officials, was taken at an boor-long committee session held at Harbor District offices in N:ewport. The city aide and district spokesmen detailed their responsibilities in harbor maint.enancc. The city. the committee w.asrto)d , has jurisdiction ov~ shore:~ ed docking and sanitary mstallat1ons, while the di1trict keeps an eye on water- ba!ed facilities. i 'lbe.coinm.iltee eave no indicallon when a report. with ncommendations, would be Nbmitted to the full Grand Jury. Police Compiling Total Inventory · 1n J~~et B:~ist · • '.Newport Beeclt delictlveo lodO.r .,... otill compiling a loW i<'!OlrY tnvent.oey in the holdup earlier this week ol Udo We yacllllman Bri(iS Cunnjngbam. 1be lwo detedives expected to com· J>lele the work urly \Oday. 'Mte lot.al value <>I the otole!I jewelry is expected I<> eaceed $200,000. . •-"nd ·Meanwhile, the trail was cooling ua1.1 the two bandit.a -one a c,mcasian, the other Negro -whl> burst into ~ Cun- ntngham bouM: Wednesday monunc, pull- ed two p;stols and bound and gaaed the wealthy coUPl.e before rifling their house. Detective Captain Lou Heeres .aald it .... -the pair fled the island In> medJat.ly after the the!~ Sealing <>If the island'• only entranct i! a routine police action in !UCh ¥t.a, but it.muat came immediately, he gaid . "Unfortunately, It was five minutes after the ""'JIOCU left that the Cun- ninghams could free themsel ves and call w;. "'By then. we figure. the suspects were probab\v IOl!l<Wh<r< In Colla M .... " Get Acquainted Party Scheduled 'Ille Newport Barbor Ownber <>I Com· merce's Sixth Annual Gel Acquainted Pll1Y will be beld at 1:30 p.m. Wednes- day at Bommer Canym on the Irvine Ranch-''ThiS ii the: one-time during the year whm mem~ and their guests can get -t~r In a casual abnosphere," Jack 'Barnett. executive d i r e c t o r or the chamber said today. "They can enjoy eot.ertaimnent and dancing and a pit barbequect beef dinner with aU the trim· mif1's." Tkkels are $6. CAROLE RUNYAtl GllEETS HUSBAND JIM IN SBAt Bj;ACH Sailor• •nd M1rlnfl R•lurn From Over•••• Duty Marines Land Seal Beach Gives Big Welcome The Marines landed Thursday evening In Seal Beach and the city turned out I<> welcome them. About 250 men <>I the Flrat Light Antl- aircrafl ldiuile ·BattaHon;retumtna: from Vietnam u part of Pnmdent Nlxon'1 2S,OOO m1n ftductioo of troopo. airiyod ~ .. .y,s. Nl.li ~· (i.la!.,. -j .. Mosl .of \he Marina ""'°'from otl!<r parta of tbt -Irr but uilor Frank J. Sim~ on USS T«-Will created.by hls wile· ,.uct tJve-montha old aon '"'Jf'vdtt.ff . 1be Simonies live at 1189l Bartlett Lane, HunUngton Beach and Thurllday was only the second time &ailor Simonic has seen his son. -The Marines arrival was more or less classlf1ed so few relaUves were on hand to greet them. But with a little nudge from the Marine Corps a~ 200 Seal Beach cttizem turned out lo welcome the men home. locluded were members or Seal Beach veterans orJanizations, the Gold Star Mothers, and Exchange Ch.lb members rnim El Toro and Laguna l!llis. The Marines were bundkd into busts •nd_lraMpOl1ed lo Twentynine Palma where they were activated ln 1960. The First Light Anti-aircraft Missile Battalion was ofdered lo Vietnam Feb, I, 1985. Wbile at Da Neg the unit was a~gned the mission of provldll!I al<.. defense for U.. 0a ·Naric <omp1ex. '!lley niaintal:ned • y1g!Jul! w.tdi ,,..,, Ill< . Qlo!rol Ille -iar~~ ........ upon I<> fin a mis!il• II *S<n"1 , · 11i0d~-·-­".... and ...... c:i!ed ""' "their effilril ~ wfll loogbe!'Ollle111l>eft by the- ple ol Da Nang." la the two Navy ahipo docked 1t the Seal Beach Weapona S\a:Uon, the Mar\nel lined otJ the deck and wen saluted by a Navy baDd from Lm Alamllos Naval Air Station. Sailors were first aUowed olf the ships as many of them were to go on Je,ave. Then the raUler .seriOU5 battalion of leathunecks filed down the gangpl..W I<> the wafting buses. · For now, the war ln Vietnam is Juat a short memory ·of death and deitruction. IM their future i! uncerllln. Tfie Marine Corps Base at Twen!fnln<,!,al!m wm be their new-home and tliey ww1come under the""""""" <>I the 11.i Marine' Aln:ralt wing. stationed •! El :TOrO. Mayor Marshall Supports Pay Hike for Supervisors Newport Beach Mayor Dortt!n Marshall urged League of Cllitomia Citiea repre- sentatives Thursday night to tttfdy a proposal that would, U implemeo!al. live ~y supervisors a 44 ~ PIY increare .. The mayor, who completed her term as -prealdent <>I the ar..,. County Ch~pter <>I the statewide arpnlslUon Thursday nl!)it, reminded the -11111 the propogal ""' the ·-111ppori of her City Couocll laat All ... ZL "Whal we had in ~ Wll the setting up or a more realistic cam.penulion plan,"' she said. "We agreed that Pl1 levels cOmmensurale with the duties ·ind status -Of the Board cl SUperYiaon would attract those with top quallficalio111 for the job." Based on ltatewide populaUon catea:or· Jes atudled by the Newport council, Orange County su~' aalarits wooid go from the ireseol 111,000 ·to llS.000 11 Uie pay hiU proposal ..... enacted Into law, Action on Mayw Marshall's propooal was held over by the League untU itl flf1I meeting under the new slate of offlcm:~ . Jn one of Ill cloolng acilons under the IJIMll admlniatnllon; the LeaiU< Urged erunty 3U~isorl to take a.ction on four proposala Uilt hive no& yet been im- plemented. But· Still Too Crowded t •• ' B9mbillg Resumes 1i • ..., • .. • ,After · S-hOrt Halt • • c SAIGON CUPI) -The U.S. Comm.and 11uspe:nded B52 raids 36 hours at request o{ P.re~dent Nlxi:io but today ordued U:lein ~~~ because ~ lllspenslon had no effect oo de-escalatiiig the war. The acUvities coincided with repcrts of new bombing in Laos and unofficial reports Laotian forces ha·d cut the Ho Chi Minh supply trail from North to South Vietnam by capturing the town of Moung Phlne astride lhe trail. The ·reports froin' VienUane ·told of Fire Station For Back Bay Due in 1970 By JEROME F. COLLINS Of tM Dlltr ""If SI.rt Sometime nefL summer, .Nffport Celite! """ res!deotial ..... wt of the Upper Bay·~ be.~ b1,· • f141,000 tw<>itory· Or. -• • ~. •It will .. Iba d!J'•·.W ~ -:-....om .-.tl>J,ls-~!"Ii. I<> c11y blll oo the w•llloita · 1'111 --·~"-'IX: .• Mme~~· Ji -.. . ' \_..,,.,;;-Ji; . hi'fi ~ts ==~-·~~~ -'"""' eul " J-..':.';;li ... ~:r-rOod~.·~~ Th• ...... baid&faJ"t!i/r !Mot'~. c;ouotry.•Club, wlll'be ~ ..... the Jhrln..Company.. ' ..,~ I Total coot of the flno atat!Ool ·project will be flnanctd by bulldlnl m:ise lu r<venues. These are fllllds p8id dliedJy I<> the city by new borne builden. City councilmen UUs week approved eminent domain proceedings to acquire the ll!Ao, valued by an lndependait ap. pra19e 1111.e,IOO -oc about •m.ooo an acre. , CM«-.. has been -.led at '300,000. Thia Jnoludeo . a . ~ atthltectural ,.., • , A1 councilman llobert SheltoO'• m.. -. the council •sr.Od ·tO -• local archll«t to-· Ille deND-• .. We have. a Jot of. llr!iboUle aperta on the locll <U'jll <>I an:l!ffeda," uid Shelton. - 'Ille city staff WU alao illslruc:ted to delAlnnlne wheth.r the Irvine Company would be "receptive'' to pnMd1nf land adJaC011l to the station ror park purJ>OIU. "There is going to be, and ii ,_, a lot oC reslden~al development in that 1r91,11 said CAJuncl1man Ed Hirth. 11Jt lfefl\I to me we could use a part there. We found it a R"'Jd Idea to pol a fltehooae and part tosetber at Dova Drive yean qo." Cooocilmen said they bopo to ... .,... otrucilcm of the station compjilel by the ••chi the cumol fllcal yur. Auiatant City M1111ger J...., De Clbaine empNi•...r tlia~ ·-al'ol Ille Newport Center .... ~ sta-tion d~ ;.at "necelNrlly" mean that the old Balboa Island ftnbouae will be·C- down . That had been feii'<d by Bilbao laland resldenli and mettbanil taat May, when the subjecl ~ th:< .... .Utloo WU flnt di!cusaed by counclbnen. "No final declsk>n bu been made on !See Flltf! 8TA110N, J'11e l) heavy bombi"l! of the '"'"' lield by 11\t CommunlJt Pathet Lao before the-cap. lure of ~ db' and a subsequent, drive to~ard SeJ)ont, 25 milea farther eut. In the past 8521 have bombed targets m LaOli during 1ullsj n the Vlelnim"'war. The U.S Command in-Saigon did not comme.ni on t.be 852 suspension,. saying only that no raids had been flown today. "We. report them as they art flown and w 11\ conUnue \o dq so tn the future," a U.S. Commll!d •Pokesman said <>I the • bombing rakla.. . ' ~.:: Cdrtu1!Ulliquea rep.hot U.S. fll!iter- . bombers we.re Oylng normal ~atklM, ~·m·miislons over floulh 'Vlel- nam on Tl\uridaj. ·The 'fighter-bombers new redue<d mlssioo• durtni the -.it Viet Cong three.day cease-fire.• Figbllng .oo the'11'011!1CUook :tlO.Ccim- muni.st lives, military spokesmen aaid, and Viet Cong and North Yietnamue lroopl mounted a heavy new ·J'OllDd of (See VIE11WI; P ... ~ . • ' r . . ~'f't.. . .. '1.,...,.,-r. j., -I, ., • •• ·,~)· 11" Ne.riittedicAiCisYou~ , , I J I fujiire~:in Cycle Accident A Newport Beach pllylfcian won praise 1rom police today ·for living aid to a ..verely · Injured, Colla . MfU youth Thursday .rim-In a Baycrl!lll mol<>rcy<I• craab. . Olficen said Dr. Clif/ord II, Jordan atopped ,ai·the ICCident acene at. Irvine Av..,..,·netr 23nl sired·to i)elp Robert Patrick ShtffleUe, 11, 2lf1, Alb!r, Place, Costa Mesa. .. Sbeflelle, police said, WU riding his Cj· cle at an estimated 60 mllea an twr when "it hit the center divider-and •lam- med Into • load ..nector';..t. ..,..,. ol the l :IO p.m. ICCident, gavellnt aid to the )'Ollth and ldviled·llllbulance attaodanta on his handling. SheWetto ·was taken to Colla ·M,.. Memorial Hoopltal wbm be underWllll '"'11"'1 Thursday evening. He'-repmed ln•serioua - thil niornln1-1n the bmpilal'• - care ward. The youth'Wa ·rlilfur-a IMll. J01<ph•.Lanntng, ·11, 2200 Like Part,. Newport Buch, when be. IGll control <>I bis cycle. 'l1MI youth ruf!ered aeven cut& puncture wounda, internal injuries and a·. -.------------. broken arm. • • Ofllcen lild Dr. Jordan sl<>ppod at the ~ationJ may be made al the Chamber <>Ifie<. 21!& E. c-t Highway Ol I>)< calling 17H3QO. Former Mayor Hart's W-d'e Has Surgery D~heny Beach ·· Redevelopment. ·s.et : Mn. Ndlle Illrl. "1fe ,GI IAJnner Newport Beseb MllfOI' ctwi.. E. Hart. underwent wrge.ry 1'1unday 1t Hoag Memorial Hospital. Hoopttal spokesmen. who did , not dlJcbe the nature of the. 1U?lefY1 sajd Mra. ·Hart was in satisfactory condtUon todi,i. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market ~ in ': seeuw perf°""ID(!' &oday, ri&ifll sllghUy In urly tr•dlnf and drop- l>itll Ille in the -ion. (SO. QVN~ 1'1g'" !WI). ™ Dow .i-lnduatrlal 1tenp ll l p.m. wu di Ul II as.as. By•JOllN VAL- '~-· .......... -lloheOy"sta~" Port' ~ MJ GI Southern California 'a few recreaUon. areas offering beach c_.,., will be revamped by Dec. L But, Ill dirctor Wlrned I •Newport J1eacb llJdlerlCt '"""'1•Y, the JU mlllloo r..r.v.Jopm<illl project coulcln~ hope to alleviate ao 1 w e s o m e overcrowding ploblem. . Rlclrard M~a;·ilnil i,....I" fOf the aa..cn stale pMk immediately downcoast from D... fWbcr, iold·-a Newport Khrllllis CluliPtJ>erlng that the pjlrt llu 11111 ...... from "Wmel-pro- blems• this year -both natural and mrwn• 'l1lt l<>W redmlopment .i the pmt st • • ,( .. I • f • I • J • Dkcausing Demarcation OIAcer of Britain'• Royal Hampshire Regiment d1'- CWllU placement of ·~ace line" barricade in Bel· fast'& Dover Street with Irish priert. Government report ~eued today ••pport• catholic complaints. against Protestant majority in Northern Ireland and censures both Bernadette Devlin and Ian Pais- ley. See story, Page 7. Bones Case All But Shut Littk Speculation • m Huntington Tragedy ' AulhorWa today have all but closed C>elr lilts an l!>e trqlc cue ol a Westm'"'" llllb Sd!ool ltudenl irbo -tn despair over a troubled romance - wtnl Jo1rldiiJi IUlcidaJly in a atolen car and died llooe in • murky lake. No one can ~" what wtnl throo&h tlie mind .of Wllllain L. Lichty, 11, w~ the ar UUn frvm I oelgbl>or slewed llckeoiqty oU Goldin Well Strtd on Nov. II, 1111 and deep Into Talbert Like. .Twm ol carmer'& deprtie&, I pilyl~ clan and -111 anthropolost&t frvm Cal Illa 1'ullwa lmpecled IO -IC& terwl llnuP ll>e dnnol!-, nl117 IUto rwmw-.,. ·A-P•.lal !119iher, JIMdll lhe1 final_ -...-. ~ -alt .. :'look· Ina s l!i!r ..,., waldi 1114 rtna- unp11.,,.. Belch doCAICllves wm not ..-wwkln& m lhe cue until U!e)o m fOllU..alll ........... -nie..1111111t ..... .,.?· • .. "Appui!ntly, tile bo1 1pAcllnt along -Wiil Slntl and came to lbe port whero tile niod aJope'd and aUd into tile IUe," llld Detecllvc Gll Ve!ne. 1'ben 11 no more wort on the cue for Garden Gnm police, who have been followlnl f!V"1 lead cm lhe milllnl ,.. ol Mn: Evelyn LlcbtJ for the put live years. He and a w-belon&in& to Shirley BlankenshJp, 1121 20th St., Westminller, vanlabed the 111mt nllhL Mr: and Mri. Lichty -..... lepar&ted -and Mn. Balanlenlblp prohably made their reports •t the polioe department> hl•ol•ed abouC the l&Dle Ume on that fatelul nlghL Tbe Lichty boy 1114 the car ...,. pro- bably almdy. burled In the muck of TAibert Like, 1bolll f mile frvm the nef&j!borhood 1fbere the prlnclpall Ill u .. ed. • G..aclen Grove Pollcc.SCL l!llle.Sllntl said 'Iburld4)' that leada -. followed Up Ill ..... the SouUiland, r-1lln& In I fi1'1XJot I :Ill 1nChii Wei: Oii WllllifD' t.o,.,...;e Lichty. I . That llWdl ended under the hot IUD and the aiortna ll&ht ol feoer&tor, poweied lampil WednMday. . •"Planb .,.. plaeod1apqn the pmbo.. like mud and "' stntcholl ,lhent <Mil' to """"up paUa and handf1lll of mud ... be .-1 ... -. .. llld Deputy Coroner Rw11elf G,...,,.. The kit ~ door l1nm& open as the· balWed <Ir -being hauled out irllh ill pljr human W10 Wedneldlll' and acme 1teletal mn&lns -akull lncludtd Board of State Young GOP Asks UCI to Oust l{risman The SW. Board of C.Ufornla Young RepubUcana ha! voted to request UC Re;eus dismiss former SOS leader ~ficbael Krisman from his administraUve post 11 UC Irvine and fire Chancellor Daniel Aldrich for appontlng htn1. All but one of 45 delegates statewide voted for the resolution which abo calls ror tbe ouster of "all avowed members of SOS from the unlvtrl.lty aystem." •c- oonfing lo Jim Nub, chairman ol the Orange CoWltJ You111 Republlcans. Nash uid he instigated the ruoluUon 11.t the board meeting lut weekend at t DAll Y PllOT 1'UNGe CIMll PUii. dlNl9 ~MN 1•"'1 N. W••I . ,. .... ~ Jttli I , C~rl1y ... ~ ..... -._ .... _ Th ...... JM..il -th•=.:. *:tfft• . w-'· C.lll11t -..... Cllr Ullw ---UllW .............. ... .,..._,.o, ... ,.,~ ..... . .-. --' S'm' .............. '· ··--... :-•ftl'Wt South Lake Tahoe becaust Aldrich was adamant in refusing to reconsider. "He used the argument of academic freedom which has no connection to the cue since Krisman i3 an .adminlllrator, not an instructor," Nash said. Krisman, 27·year~ld former UCJ sh1· dent body president. was named coordinator of Jcademlc advising July 1. Protests over the appointment of Krisman is pointed toward the meeUna of the regerts in San Franci.sco next Friday. Nub, a Santa Ana inmrance in- \'estlgator and. self e m p I o y e d photographer, said he has received word from the secretary of the regent! that the malt.er has been plact<I on their 1gtnda. Pop Warner Grid League to Open First games at lhc season for the Newport-~tesa Pop \Varner Football League are scheduled Saturday at Costa 1'1esa High School. Four games will be played during the day, at 9:30 and JJ a.m. and J and ·3 p.m. Play will coaUnue for nine conaecullve Saturdays at the Me.a H1gh lleld. League president Kurt Hansler reports that 264 boys aged 9 to 13 have been organized into 8 learns for I.his year's play. House Solons Bl11st U.S. POWs' Trealn1ent WASHINGTQN IUPli -Ninety-nine House membera from 41 1tattt-S? .oem.. oetall and 41 Rtpubllcant-have aJ)Ol'I· aortd a resoh&Uoa condemnltic "cruel and barbarlc" treatment of American prison. ers ol war in Vletoam. '!,'hay called en Pres.ldent N1ron to ta.te tvery lcllon f>OUlble to &el better treatment fO< lhc "8ptlvu. 'Ibere are beUevtd to be 1l leut 340 11nd pcialbt)' 1s many u JJ(I American POW1 Jn North Viet,pam. • -were lost forever. Investigators today praised hi&hly the firemen who stayed at U!e acene until 10 p.m. Wednesday, helping lab men sift through the stew-like mud for more of John Licitly. '•They d.idn'L have to stay, but they did aod they went through all that muck right beside us," said Officer Richard Wllllanu. Sil rar, the recovered bones match the deac:ription of I.he vanilbed boy, who was live feet 10 inches tall, wieg:hed about 145 pounds and'bad a broim arm at one time in hil IUe. After the discovery -and relatively quick solution to lhe cue of a car and boy who dlaappe*ed dne November nlaJ!I -aome ot>,,ervus wonder how many more ~ may lie deep in the murk. Anci'11~1wbale bones have betn dug ·up by -.UOO crew working In lht bn- medl1te vicinity, while Talbe.'i and Hun- tiqt.on Latea·ate very deep in •pol$. .. Someday they miibt even find 10me ctnturies-old Indians out there," said one observer. John I.Jchty probably wanted to be alone that fateful night and he slayed a1one -for almost five years. Or did be? Viejo Owner O'Neill Denies Allen Recall Tie Richard J. O'Neill, one of the two owners ol Rancho MissioD Viejo, strongly denied today any connection with lhe so- called ncall movement actions recently announced against Supervisor Allon E. Allen. An alleged tie to the movement '1·as reported la s t week in the DAILY PILO'l. O'Neill indicated that although he wu av;are of such an alt.empt being made again!t the FUlh Dlstrict supervlJor, he declined any parUclpaUon, e I t h e r personal or financial. in the effort. "The maaagement of Rancho MiMion Viejo and the Mission Viejo Company maintain continuous contact with the county board and the various county departments'', he said, ''and I feel the board is comprised of a group of sincere and dedicated public servants" . O'Neill further stated that he has no ouarrel Y.'ith any member of the Oranie County Board of Supervisors. Grayce Walker Succumbs at 66 Proml ... t Newport Besch mldlol Crayct Walker died this mornlna at Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles. Mn. Wilker, a resident of Newport Beach for 30 years, had been 111 poor health tot several.years. She was 18. She was a member of Madrecltas Aux· mary of the Holy Family Adoption Service ·Guild of Oranae County, Our Lady Queen of Angels Guild, the Irvine Terract Philharmonic Assoclstes. She al.so waa an associate member or Anitlllo8 de Oro. SW'Vlvors Include her h u 1 b a n d , Thomas. cl the home, 1901 Bayadere Ter- ra~ .. Corona del Mar: son. P. Thomas \Valier Jr. of Garden Grove : daughter, Mrs. Fred de Klotz of Loa Gatos and flve grandchildre.n. Services are J)tndlng. The famil)' has suggested that UKIM wbo with to do BO may make memorial contributions to the Heart Fund . FrotnP,,PJ VIETNAM ... rocket or mortar attacks, hitting 4e allied tar1el!i overnight -rive more than Ute previous night. Spokesmen saJd .allied troops foqht ~ series or batUes wilh Viet cona: and North Vietnamese soldiers Thursday following the end ol the ceas&lire at 1 a.m. The fl&)!Ung killed at least 3IO C«n- munlJla, eanumm;qu.. &&id, wblle U.S. IOllel were aix dead and 30 wounded. SaUtb Vletnameae casualties w e r • deocrlbed aa li&)IL Police Station Bm·glary Victim No new leads have turned up in the case of a pint-sized criminal v.·ho burglarized the properly room af the Costa Mesa Police Facility and escaped in broad daylight on a getaway minibike. EsLimated to be perhaps 10 or 1%, he took a boy's bicycle from the ~lion at .99 Fair Drive and zipped off on h1' mator1z- ed mount while hold.inc the "Other one t alongside. ~ The escape was witnessed by a jail trusty who ran in to report the incident, ~ too late to lead to capture of the culprit and the Te-stolen stolen bite which had been impounded. Value was not.est.ablished, but unof· ficial .sources cammented thal as thefts go, It certainly wasn't petty. Ex-Harbor High Athlete Quits STANFORD (AP) -Paul NeumaM, f<l'mer professional basketball star. resigned today as assia:tant basketball coach at Stanford University to become a missionary in the Far East. Neumann atarred at Newport Harbor Hi&)! School before l"ln& to Stanford and eventually to the National Basketball Association. He wound up his career with the laUcr as a San Francisco Warrior. The fonner player wilh t h e Philadelphia 76ers and San Francisco Wanior1 will study at the Portland Bible School for nine months in preparation for his missionary work. r a NIWl'OltT llACH 1727 WNtcllff Dr. 642-2050 ONN •lltAT "TIL t • 7 -' Israeli Planes Attack Egyptians in Suez Area By Unlled Prw bteraallopol lsraell planes aUacked E I y p l I a n targets In lhe Gull ol Suez "'° for the third conucutive day today, llll!lntilnlng the pace ol the aerial war at Its hl&)ielt level llnce the 1M7 sis-day war. Isratli . p&lrol& al&o killed elghl Arab comm..00. near the Dead Sea. The new strike tnt.o the region Where Israel carried out a deadly raid on Tues- day came-as Defense :t.f.inlster Moshe Dayan said Israel would retaliate against Arab terror but would not take actions that would lead to a resumption of full· scale war with the Arabs. The air war reached a crescendo on Thursday when Cairo said it sent 102 planes -one-fourth of its air force - against Israeli army installations in the occupied Sinai Desert. Israel said it shot dawn 11 of lhe planes in a major victory. Today a military spokesman in Tel Aviv rtaid the jels struck EgypU.an posi· lions on the Suez Gulf shoreline at Ras Adu Darag, 25 miles below the port city Qf Suez, and at Ra' Za(arana, targets of the bJg Tuesday amphibious raid that killed an esUmated 100 to 150 Emiaru, by Israeli count ne spoll:~n. said all ts:raeli planes r!tumed Safely to base. He did not say how many planes made the raid or what type they were. The spokesman said a band of 11 Arab commandos crossed the Jordan River in- to Israel Thursday night three miles north ol the Dead Sea in an apparent ef- fort to disrnpt Israel's celebration or Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, A From Page l FIRE STATION the Balboa Island slaUon ,'' said De Chaine. He added that no equ.ip(llent will be pulled from existing stations for the new firehouse. Two new trucks will be purchased early in the next fiscal year. he said. One is a 1,250-gallon per minute pumper costing about $50,000: the other a 75..foot aerial plaUorm truck thal will cosl just under $90,000. Councilmen authorized that letters of lntent to purchase the equipment be sent to the manufacturers. ES ?&SD patrol killed eight &nd sent the ether three fleeing back into JCl'dan, he said. ~ Israel officially begins Rosh Ha.shan.11 observances ftr the year 5730 at sundown. with prayers for peace in IYlUllOBUei throughout the couni:y. Dayan'1 statement of policy came in~ Interview with the newspaper Yediotb. AhlroruJlh. "Our strategic policy is not to croa the ·csuez) j;anal aod not go to Cairo. to de- fend ourselves on the ~onian River and; not take Amman, Damascus or Beirut,, .. be said. He said Israel would defend its borden by counterattacks, "to hit them and keep hitting them.'' Israel !aid Thur!day's aerial batUe!I' brought to 51 the number of Egyptian plane losse..s since the· l96'f war. Egypt said six Israeli plane! and one Egypti&ri' plane were lost Thursday and that heavy damage waa inflicted on Israel, a claim Israel denied . Mitchell Gets New Term as Board President Clay Mitchell of South Laguna Thurs. day was reelected lo another year's term as president of the Orange Caunty Board ()f Education. Mitchell, 58, of 11 S. Alta MJra Road, Three Arch Bay, is a retired Air Force major who has served on the county' school board since 1961. He served a first lerm as president the last school year. A. E. ''Pat" Arnold, of Cyprw, was reelected board vice president. Prior to the.Ir elecUon, Dr. Doria Arau· jo, ol Orange, was sworn in as a new board member. She won a sped.al elec· lion August 25 to liUcettd Lyle Guipra wha moved from the state. During the campaign Mrs. Araujo In· dicated she is a conservaUve who can be crpec;ted lo side with county Supt. Dr. Rebert P~terson and board member• to.fitchell and Dr. Dale Ra 11 is an. Moderates Arnokt and Donald Jordan often vote a minority viewpoint on the boanl. sw1vn CHAIRS only •.• $129 ' INTERIORS ProfMtfen1I lnNrler lletlfoero Av1ll1~f ........ ID-NSID A111 ........ cMlr -'• wl~ • wlH -•"-•t .t ........ f9rin. Abe ..-11.U. whll ustwa ff 4-JNd. Do•'t w•lt, J-..ie I• hlffy .... ..._, • ct.Ir " ,_i, •f dlMn te ''" Y•• c........, M4I lfJJ. It •• ,... 11 tt. ••111e. Comfort and Style! LAGUNA IEACH 341 North Coest tt.y. 49'-4551 OPIN NIDAY 'TIL t • I . I I =~:;;.:,===":.-::::::---:-0 DAll;Y ~L':!. J 'f/'wre's a ·Near Mis~ in )t.ir. A.: ut Qnce a Day ' I i • • .. . ~ ,. . " ' WAllHINO'l'llll '(.\Pl . '-~~l!ila1'&1'. -... Olriy i"11ltft .. ~ dlrilAI lnto-o·tin UpOll( Aldlosl4lklla~tlio~ ·~ .h~Y:f • -eJ ·ll1'1:"'~colli.~.~llL ot~a.n ~I liom Clift""'°' bu'1 1~""';g.11r~ .• ~ have .-.. :J'..;~ •• ;.:f' :..,. Pn!•le p1':.', :.". ~:il.t .... 1111 bnltb ~ • ~~1 ~~ '!"; .. Make Black Suit, •'a d• bl\1111 with thO mus Vel)' 're. ol lho -n.e nni loot JI nvea ..., le1Ye .,... • ~ Oler curtain ol c1oua. IM found a 1tnoceclY. ol ·a collision in the, 1 1n'IOl•e· 11'Q ~'.loM, '1ffi: Oblo, iiheo •a !l'1it vllibly ,~ , "•lrai' 111'.)v'*: plane c:om1nc More than ball ol all vlctim1 ~ ny ~ e rl d Alrlin'6!1 DCt ap. &II". • I • I l'Myolllclallti.. colUdod --• 'II-ins All Amlrlcoo Airlines jet dhdl)' ~Lit.' . 1 ot ......,..W jot ..... in roUleO, ~ in'llle,alf. __.,. • laodlng. Liiier ,. •• Oil' •. ~ .• thia coun1r1 ta the> 1aat 2~ AlmOoi .ill qi ilil · ere"' 11111 yejr, a -· Jn. • . • • ,,_ a-•--lllea· yean have <lied *-of iomblDlfloOa willi p r I• a t o 1 ~ the ...,...1ary ol lhe ...,. ..,...... • • • U Whi Thr d collisiOllS with amall.pr\vate p1..,. ~ ,r. with niWtary ': navy, were killed when a • • • l,t . .JtBitDt Se le e ~ pl&nes. alrcraft, ~ fll'J:f'e Jn .. to prl•ll:e ·plane that hid mlued . • · , l.f . .\nd wbUe other .,... ol llt • owi>iilhilJY h1al> ..o.ber. .• tOm crulled Into 1 Pied-' 'Ille BeokRatl m L 17111 •· c..o, -...,...,. • 1 wety are comtanUy int-1bree ot tbe ubrs MYen mont 7f1 takioc otr Crom , , ,_.. ,... ,__ ¥"'!" • .. r proving, thla la not. 1;·~1aiiiita1iiialrillnliiiiiiJeit ,.ii"'ili",...iii*iiiiAabeiiilvllleliiii,iNi,ci. iiiiiiiiiiiiii By L. M. BOYD crowd al --t S 0 0 •I II 11>e l1te11 craall killed 13ll T.uioR -"'i'o~plelehla . onlool<enpgnlld,.1111~&.. -.'l'lleodll;r "W~•·• , . s •~p u a tallor, be ;'.u'";.. ·~-~.--=;;~,---:,,.,-, -. j•1ewlt<1.eaAe1 &lld, .. '· .. • • Kl RKPATRICK' ' . was reqflired to make a tna0'1 PC!tl&MI o'BIMI we r 1 . 1 ( 1 All~J' Alrlinel-DCt jet . , ' • • ' aui.L Uslhgtbr' bl¢t'malertal'ahlnd ll&lllOdl" A. -.1m told~ Pos't· Offi'c' -'s '~.tehll ..;!!:., • .. ·~ ... · ·~ r'i . · · · . , · ·-, white eadc So llO w te 'I'•· T. J, O'Bm,o· al tlil "" ,... ,..... " -· •••A thread "!u Yillble when bthle H........ 11o1e1 Jn , Omoba, • proachlng, ~ 1andjor al In-• • 2760 IAS'J' COAST HWY e Corona •I Ma r e . 67:1o..,.., 'bl>cl: suH -WO(ll. Su~ • Neb. " • Stamps Stolen dlanapolls. Tbezo . ...... .. 'UY 'lt"'W. Cllld SA YE, ,. OFFICIAt RC~ Color. T'f . the report o( an ·elderly GUilll _ -~ lo ,, _ IW'Ylvon, • ,.. .-.. i.., ago reUred thla _, ... ·""'*°1tted ••nN N c (AP) It WU tlie lhiJd lalal col· ' c• ... ···NCI 1•111 . lrnm the tlothJn& erall Wbat with -'l1ila faot la widely llEllDE~ ' · · -llsioo involving a jetliner and --.. ,. __ a ·1ob that must ba" -I • ~'. l>J 1111 cllbon> who ~OlllcJals al Henderson"• new a small plane since 1961. EspeclalJy when Yo<I -r · -ta -;.tin household JIO\ll'olllce bad no ~po 10 •According to Federal Avia· ~ a'verage suit of men't weaeons. Wblt'i little tnan, teD wbeo the fll'tt patrons ar-lion A1ency records. ,.,ttft!e clothes contaln:s 47,155 sUt-: howeyer, 11 that flrearlllJ late. rived Monday. were no fewer than·• ne~ chel. . . ly •re involved in a smaller Tbe po1t. office had been misses involvin& jet alrllnen ·.non . NOTE a fteli.on writer. in-·aod smaller percentqe of robbed during the night of all last year -an averap of dudel· amone his most minor ~cldes not a larger and '100 · almost one a day. char!eter1 an old G~y Jar1er Per'centage. Jn 1921, &J>-It.amps and $600 to tn And with the v'5t,. growing ........ . ". ' _· 0 ''~Ii 'II ., . I' : l ~ .; I .,. .Ii"· I ".ac.:io . -. ._ ~--. ·---·--~ .~ . THE CANDIDATE ~-. Blg,screen.color . d • portable has vivi,d, true ·~·life New Vista picture, Sportabout Chassis with , new Solid St ale Component., poP,up handle, El.442. 180 sq. in. picture. I f ' ' SERVI C.I 1eotltmu who purporieQ!y P111limately 75 per eent of Ille cul!. Postmaster Junius W. fleet of sm~I private planes tokt for,tunes. TUt tut.. Among klflil!,11 were gunshot cases. In Rogers later borrowed some outnumbefit\t the tomn)erclal m>alea. only the '"°men tell Ill<!, less than 60 per cent _;•tam~po~lr~om~th~e~po=•=t~ol=fi=ce:_•t_Ja~lr~lin~e~rs~lo<O-~~l,~cill~cl~1~Is~s~ay~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'S~~!R~l'!l!N!!G!!B!!A[!iRB!0 !!O!R!. ~ARE!!!!A!!!~S!IN!!C!E!!!!!1~9!j!!!8!!!.\!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~ fO?tunes1 . .QUR N A M E -were. Now it's almost down to nearby -Oib'd. there hu been no drop ln tht ., GAME MAN 1at1 Peter 50 per ~t. m~ rock, :B.ertha means SMOKY THE BEAR , bright, Francis means tree, Writes a Boise I d a h o Beatrice means . glid and subscriber: "You 'recently ad: 'Ibomu means twm. .. AS 70 vised 'When campinc ool, WBI:CH ii~ ~Qfllest street .build1youtnieonaslope.•SJr, ,J. 1 wtthin any clty'1 limits, that's you have jll.St set back the Western avenue in Chicago, I cause of conservatioo by 100 tl>lnk. At :UIO mileo. years. Sllloky'the bear ,...Id ___ .,_....,,.. OUR SONG -Know a really blow hll cool If be found young fellow who met the girl anybody doing thal Alway& .he was to marry In a .hospit.Ji.I build a campfire on leve1 where ahe nUned him back to ground Never never never · ' hUi feet after a car 1mashup. on a 11~ bec~use aidt slope f· La.st pi&.h~ r'fhile they were fires tend 'to run rtabt up bill, vlaUinl· our place, an am-tJtreatening forest Hres. Asl:de bulanCe alren sounded Jn the from t h e aforementloned distance. "Listen, honey," he abysmal lapse, you're aU said softly, "they're playing right soa." " I th ' our song: s ere some Your questions and com- a:peclal ditty you and your menl! are weJoomed and will matrimonial mate refer to in be used wherever poatblti in .-~ this manner? It has been "Checking Up." Address mall re~ Britain's Queen to L. M. Boyd, in care of P.O. Elizabeth and Prince Ph.Hip Box 1887 Newport Beach regard their song t.o be "Peo-Calif. 9'l660. ' pie Will Say We're 1n Love." CUSTOMER SERVICE ' Q. -"Last man to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, ac- cordJ11g to ~y dad, did it the year I was born. Is that right? l 'm 14." A. -Exactly right . Willlll'lll mu Jr. undertook-that rough ride on July 8, 1945. A Your qut.stiotu aftd com- ment.! are welcomld and will be u.sed whtr•Vt:r po• 1ible in "Checking Up." Add res! ma i 1 to L. At B01J.:l., in care o/ ,IM DAILY "' PILOT, Boz 1875, Newport B•ach, Calif.. 92663. Army Soon to Pick -. 1st Woman Gener-al? WASffiNGTON (AP) -The WACs -as well as members Army may be in the process of the Ait Forc.e W Ara and of selectin1 its finit woman Navy WAVES _ to J'tlch a:eneral. --'-Officers on the Army"!! general or flag 1ai1.A. witb an distaff side report happil1 that elimination of certain restric- fdr the flr!lt time the records tit;ns' last year. The. Air Force of Women 's Army Corps col-and Navy selection boards on.els are being included in the have not yet bad au opporilm- annual review or candidate! ity to promote· a te.mal6 to the for brigadier general. higher rink. · "It doesn't neceMarily mean Some WACs expect that C.01. we're goiog to have one of our Hoisington may have the beat own rdake it this time," Col. chance oe the women tn hei' Ellz.abelb P. Hoisington, dirtc-outfit tO wear a atar. tor ·of the WACs. told a -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii reporter. "But the nicest thingll is that at least they are now eivinf everybody a chance." A aeJectioo board which will draw up the yearly list ol recommendations on one-star appointments began meeting Monday. The selection process takes several days. \ 'nitre are about 11,IOO WACI in unifonn today, many carrying out secretarial and othtr ·administrative clKns for the male side of the Army. WAC& serve around ~e world, with 10D1e 180 cu&:re.ntly aulgned In South Vietnam. Col. Holalngtm flgarts that most of the 12 WAC colonels now In unifotm probably wW be under CODllderaUon for the temporary promoUon t o general rank. One or more could be e.levated, dependina: on wbe.thtr their military Tee· ordi stack up with those of male candidates, Congress paved the way for • I • ,, . natalie wf,Sn't kicked out of school. she was carried out ')\\I_, 'V..UJt.1.'o /~ e NOW '1.AYIN• e !chlf'•• New,.rt CIMtM , P•lflc'1 0,..,. 0.. .... 11 ·ROlmD tRIP ANYWHERE. IN . -OAllfORNIA ·. . . ' 85( oeuu For calls alter 6 p.m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes · 1tation·lo-stafion, plus 1.ax. --@ ;;: . ' •• ' .• •• . ' *52.810 * •59915 * WALK~ • .. > • ~AWAY VALUES .. j ~. ' • ' '.I J).uI,Y PILOT EDITORlu P AGE . Correct ' ' Newport Buch Is served by two prlvalely-<>W11ed amb~:C-ro~~":· on emergency call~. The •Jori& of these calls '!Ire f.st received by the Newpo;r"l\each Police Departmen~ which In turn calls the ambulance firms. It's done on a rotating basis. Seal's and Schaefer's 1mbUlance companies thus split the emergency runs, 50-60,_ Nothing could be mote equltable, It would appear. But there 11 nevertheless one aspect of this arrange-ment that ..rlstretses •Ille city -the rates charged paUeni. by !be two lirDQ. Both have the same basic r8te per patient trip to the hospital. It Is '30. Then come the extra charges. And here the two firms vastly cllffer. U lbete are two patlenU on ihe sama nm, wblcb Is often tbe case In auto accld~i.~efer'1 charges $15 for tile second peUent; Seal's -::_a,•• another '30- Seal'a also chargeo utra fO• 'difficult" patienu. for IOlnJ! upot&lts, and for meeting trains, boats and ptanei. 'Scb.aefer'1 .does not Charge extra for any of these. City Attorney Tully Seymour and Police Chief B. James Gla\'a& told city councilmen this wed that the ?'ate structures are clearly inequitable. If the city is go- ing to participate in the equal sharing by the two firms of emergency runs. they said, the rates should be uni· form. Councilmen agreed. They indicated they intend on Sept. 22 la adopt legislation that would provide fur periodic city review or ambulance charges. Spokesmen for Seal'3 object to the review pro- cedure. They say the city bas no right to tell a private business what it should charge for its services. That is true, in most instances. But it is cert.ainJy ' th~ Inequit·y Mt In ~ cue where the firm benelit. from a near- monop)y created by the city. Ar. it is now, the city -by htlvln~ police call the two companies on a rotating basis -1s LD the position ol possibly compelling patients or their families to pay more for transportation to the hospital whenever Seal's responds. Why the dillerence in the two firms' rate11? SeaJ 's officia1s told councilmen that it must charge more because it is an independent operation. whereas Schaefer's is part of a chain that derives much of its Jncome ·from its operation in Los Angeles County, wllen> it is subsidized by local government. Seal's bas no such subsidy. That is an understandable explanation. But it makes no difference to the local patient. The fact re- mai.m that be can be cbar~ed more by one ambulance sent to his aid by city action than by another. lt is an lnequitr, that should no longer, in e!fect, be endoned by th& oty. A rate review procedure is tb.e hem way to !>"gin cbrrectlng it. New l tvine P roj ect If you think population is booming in the Newport Beach area, you afu't seen nothing yet. That's implicit in a trip Irvine Company officials are about lo make to review Mediterranean resort de- velopments. F'rom rt Irvine aides hope to get ideas on transforming some 12,000 acres just south of Corona de! Mar into "the outstanding coastal development in America." Scheduled to start In 11172, the Irvine project will s.ure!y enhance the value of already developed proper· ties m the Newport aree. -·-·-· .... . -~. ,. .·: ' • • , " ' ~~~~;__~~~~.--~~~~~~~~~~~-:;-~~~~....,.~~~~~~~(N),__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 i jOnly Then ;will GOd Be I Proud of Man ' By ELLSWORTH L. RICHARDSON Mlnitter Nelpbort.ood Cetagre1atlonaJ Churcll Lacuna Buell For a while we heard a lot about ''God being dead." Ni:>w we are hearing that "man ls alive." locked be la! Just think •.•• no Jooger a. man ii the moon but a man .. the moon! n is inCredibJe. tr nian bas DOI been holding his bea<I blgh, be can! God ca.n be ~ulte proud d ,However there is another thoog)lt that ra me, Isn't i~ amaiing that we ~'t aolve. some of the human problems jhal trouble us! We have. brains enough Jo put man on lbe moon 1 ••• why then 't we ..... the flcioerfy 1ut piques ch a larae portion at our country? I THERE ARE THOSE wbo object to •nding $42 billion on the space ~ tp-am. (This ii the cost since 11151.) For the. same period of time we bave spe.nt- f114 billion on the Vie.lllam war.'And d\Jr· jng the same period of lime our Gro&s Patlonal Product bas doubled l450 to l900 Ilion. 1be combined civil rights leadtnhJp !las called !or IUO billioo lo be -on ' E ···Freedom Budget". It can't be thlt baven~ the b<ains to do the job! Is it t we lack I.be wiU! Or, that we doo't • bave the be.art to do it'! ' ! GOO CAN'T BE proud ci min ~ ! Arthur Miller, the playwright, hnluabl ps back to earth whtn be said: "Aftu, the moon we undoubtedly wlU put men on other planets farther and farther away ~rom earth. The climax, which I doubt ·• Dear ·Gloomy Giis: DhgU.ted 'fty Anti-Allen Seandal Sheet 'Evil Piece of. Political Mudslinging' toot in the "llubbub of . tbe Alton Allen recaD 'Jibe! Is th• faaclnaling rivojaUon thal the N ewporl To-motrow SUTVey data Is being lleld secret. 1J someone going to edit or cmsor it and spoonfeed it tb the larpayers! -J. RC. TM1 ftt iw. l"lftlllil:tl ..._.,. ....... llff ~ .... .,.. . .... _ ...................... -....... To the Editor ' tlfy' COPY of tt>e anti-Allen scandal Sheet hu JUst been depcisittd in my mailboz. I am dlsguated. Thi• evll piece of poliUcal mudslinging bas no place in the _democr~tlc election process. In tone, it is :mstresaingly familiar and reminds me oC the tactics or extremism so clearly demonstrat.ed in recent mootbs of the Birchera and their allies, who resort to slander and innuendo to destroy what they diulree with. . aa,yone allve'Will yritnell, 'wllJ ~when COMMON -DF.cENCY-aod juMjce de. a scientific apedition finally lands on mand that • person attUS:ed shall be 125th Street, or the , North Slde of charged with a clear bill ol particulars by Waterbury ~cul . )t aom~ne with courage enougti to stand "Slall Uk• l2!lh ~ the Wa~ IO(IJ> aod proclaim hbnseH. Tbe sneak· North Sl<lt Walll Newfrk end Cllkqo. ~~ approach of whoever Is ... 1'1,.ucb cl-tO IOi:th tbsn the mooa, ""' ,.. th~ llkonoeiyed< .-u onc1·~ '°"""' our UvOI btr~ carru>ailp can ·M ..itect dlacredlgn 1o 1 I" _., protoand cit~ D•Y. ~ ·them •ad add one "1" earn pie fo'be -rii&flt they move .in thdr timdea: ortilts, ., ~· by OWJie who cL11m with some alletit and oblcure to earthmm. euepting jUst.1ficallon apparenUy, that Orange when occuiooallJ plrtl' of u;J,: surfaces Coonty is the klnklesl place in the eow> explode, for reasons few of us care to ex· try. amine, but the astral debris of the ex· plos.ions hu from time to Ume fallen into our streets aod ·caused k>caJ fires and traffic dis1ocatlw. 1 DO NOT KNOW Super-visor Allen or his administrative assiatant, J o h n Killeler. I do not. know whether the)' favor the Irvine Company, Laguna Niguel Corp., or the incorporated h.lppi's of Laguna Beach aod at this stage of the proceedings I do not care. My conscie.oce tells me that when two men are attacked, ' Let~ tn:wTt ''Ners ..,. -lowM. ~lllt -llffl "'°"Id COii....., lhllr -"' JOO _.,. or Ins TM '"hi ":! ~ lttl ..... flt •K:9 o' e11m1,..M libel b ,_,..,.,. All lilften m"" Inc. .... •lt""tw. Mii INfllfw ""*-but l\Amft WILi IM WllMllll 1111 ,_. 11 lllfl1cJeM ,.,_ 111 NOHrtM, '!ithout warning, out oi the darkneJ.!,_my f11"3t responsibility is to come to their aid u a fellow human. I SUGGEST THAT the people of Allen's district should adopt the aame aUitude in r~iremphatic manner and demonstrate · determination to demand decmcy aOO fair play by relusin1 to mp '9iy petj. Uona presented for the recall of Alton Allen. HENRY C. DAVIS Dumb Cat Owne rs To the Editor: I would like to reply to the articles written on "cat cruelty" and ''cat li~nses." I have long been a lover of cats, dogs and birds, but am fast becom- ing a member of the "cat-baten." Our yard contain.s aeve.ral wild bird houses, feeders and wller faun~ plua an aviary for dozens of rare birds. Plac· ing food out for lbe wild birds attracts not only the birds but all the neighbors' cats. l consider the people who own cal:! as cat-owners, not "cat lovers." WHO CAN WVE a pet. yet not care \Vhere he is, what he is doing or what someooe is doing to him? Where was the cat that the boys fouod and \Vere torlur· ing? Was he in his own yard or roaming ;ill over the neighborhood ? Every night the top of rny aviary is full ()f cats, caus- ing many of my birds to fly into the wire, killing them. Birds cannot see at night, cats can. DURING THE day, the cats chase and catch the wild bird! in our yard, making me wonder where the "animal" lover1 are lhat own them . I am Bick of hearing the excuse that It is again.st their natural instinct& to be confined, wear collars with bell! on them and r suppose wear tags as dop must. I agree it is terrible to see any animal mistreated. I don't use the popula( term "dumb" animals because tb're. ar' no such th.ings as dumb anirmls, only dumb owners. HELEN EVERS l.!"l!r.o"lng t he Race To the Editor ' The _.. t,hat a Catholic priest and. an ex·nun plan lo marry is indeed good news for the world when one considers the value of such a union. The Catholic priest is a superior man , as e~·eryone. knows, and the nun is also a superior woman. The celibacy gimmick required of priests and nuns has long been a ques· tion or sanity, inasmuch as it dams the flow of lift from the bravest. the best and the most intelllgent human beings, whose offspring the world so dcsperat.ely needs now. THE LARGE families of the poor and Ignorant are more thao enough now - witness the population explosion in China, India and South American countries where large families arc encouraged without the slightest idea of who's going to feed them. With due respect to religions (there are 365 of 'em, one for every day in the year, take your pick), l would like to point out that bringing children into a wD'f'ld that can't feed them is a crime worse than .. heresr. I commend these two Calholic persons ror breaking their ties with orthodoxy and becoming just plain ciUzens of the world, apparenlly dedicated to improving the race, nJt just stacking it up. S. G. UNDINE "CONGJIBllS WILL uodoubledly be Wll')', as tt,bu been in the past. about. lpPMlq .money on tuch e.xpeditlona, but. Ibo -c 1-due to these uplosions, wbldl totne theoreticians say wlH become -aod men lrequeot, should justify approprlatims to flod out if tbe.Tt is anything earthmen can do about them.'' (July 13, ltll;New York Time~) When that-time comes, and only then, can man stand erect and Jook squarely into the eyea of fellow earthmen. Only then will God be proud of man! Rocky Seeks Cons·ervative Image Sandburg Republished WASHINGTON -That oddity or American politics -the Republican libe ral -Js on the decline these days. and if last year 's primary defeat of Callfomia'a senior Sen. Thomas Kuchel does not prove it. take a look at the rt· cent record of New York 's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. i Roc)tefeller'1 present political mood. would ~ the governor. Wilson is thoroughly acceptable to the Conservative Party in N'w York, an crganization criginally founded to defeat Nelson Rockereller . But the Conse.rvativea have now become the third party in New York, ahead of the once· powerful Ube.rat Party, and have become just as coocerned with patronage as with Jdtology. . run anyhow. He added lhat he would run, in effect, against Rocke!eller. whom he was prepared to lnbel a ··ooss," The Rockefeller men got the message and the "dump Goodell" ta lk subsided. Gov. Rockefeller himself began to talk in a fr iendly V>'ay about Good ell. and has virtually promised to support him public· ly once the New York mayoralty elect.Ion is over in November. No&cs: Tht UUt brings you up short. ''The Chic.ago Race Riots." Then you note the subtitle., ''July, 1911," and the author, Carl Sandburg, who was a reporter for the Chic.ago Daily New. that )'ear and adapted the book from a series of &"Ucles he wrote GI tbe aplosl.ve events of that summer. "How much do cities, a people, a oa1ion learn in SO r.ean?" The late Ralph McGiii asks in an ntroduction lo a new edition of this old reportage. He answers: "Not much." A NEGRO BOY swam past an invisible line or segregation at one of Chicago's beaches. He was stoned, knocked un- conscious and drowned. Inter-racial fighting broke out. spread through lhe ei- ty and did not stop ror three days. Thirty- four people were killed, 20 blacks. 14 whites. Several hou5e3 in the "black belt" were burned. There were official com· miasions In 1919. McG ill ~minds us, wtllch "discovered" much poverty and frultralion in Chicago's black population of .-oe l2S;f00 (an early estimate. of Ollcap's blacl; population for 1969 "" t mlllJon). ROUSING, A W.lll psycbology, politics, ~ cl lab and lack or jobs litlpad lo Ian the riot of lttt. That aod otbtt riots of a half oen\Ury ago were a good ocbool of experience lor Americans. Bui:, McClll adds in his notes on S.1•n1'1 restrained and concerned job tf ~. "'we ••ere all dropout1; few Americant INmed anything.'' ftl boot ii a melancholy cuMosh,'." &Mt. brinp 1 forgotten and im· rJ:!:--inlo the Sandburf ; 'US). ' hardcover medical detective story about abortion, "A Case of Need" (World: SS.95). Tb e. YOl.lnl Crichton-Lange ls a Harvard medical student in his spare time. "THEY CAAfE BY SEA : A Pictorial Hislory or San Diego Bay," by Jerry MacA-1ullan. appears from The Want Ritchi' Press, Los Angeles, in coopera· lion with the Afarltimc Museum Associa· lion. Sa n Diego. The author traces lhe story of this once struggling little port through the years when it served the Southwest as the center of a large rlshing .and shipping industry and as a Navy to w n. Chapters oo sailing, vesaeli.. pas s ' n g e r steamships, shlpbullding. Govemlllt!nt and harbor craft. Some 200 ilh&stntions (14.75; 13.75 softbound). "JANE'S AU.. th' World's Airships. 1909," first in the famous Jane's •ries devoted lo aircraft, appears from Arco Publishing Co. in a hand9omely produced facsimi le edition ($17.50). This rociaes on the lransiUonal perkxl whe.n a1rshlps ceased to be toys and we.re becoming a bona fide means ot transportation and, of coorsc. an important ract of mllltary life. ··xms, COPS AND KlLOS, ., a study t)f conl.e1nporary wburban youth and the impact of IOCial cbanae. on ii, Is a papertiack from Malte.r--Wuterfitld Co., San Dl,go, The author, 1boma1 Gitchoff, 1 member Of the UnJversAty of California depmmenl of cr1mlno"'8ll. based Ins study on tM Contra Costa community or Plusant Hill , Calllomia. William llopa Sometime atter he bad Jost his bid for the Presidency at Miami Beach la.st year, Rockefeller decided lhat be bad pushed Che people of New York about as far u they were willing to go. There ensued, in rapid order, a reduct.loo in welfare 11pen- ding, cuts in education, the endorsement cf a Conservative candJdate for mayor against John Lindsay, and an Utoniah.lng photograph or a Haitian balcocy with that symbol ol corrupt despothm, Francois tPapa Doc) Duvalier. IT IS NOT Tl:IAT Rockefeller has changed. He still regards poliUcs as a means rather than an end. But he has been around long enough to know that lht 1neans must be honored lest the end be defeat. For his re-election in 1970, he lhinb the means is an image as a con· servative. All of this is of mcire than inteUectual lnt.ercst to liberal New York Sen. Charles Goodell. A Republican appointed by Rockefeller to serve out of the term of Robert Kennedy, Goodell h as spent a nervous summer listening lo rumors that Rocite.feUer might repudiate him as too much of a liberal for a 1!1111 l'llillling mate. Early In July, Upllait Ntw York '°""" ty chairmen, woo ordinarily do not clear· their lhroats without cheeking with Albany, began to object to Goodell '• liberal J>05itioos, ispecifically his op-- position lo the ABr.t. There was lalk or ·---By George ---, Dear George : You know everything. Do you h~n·e any Ups on 00"'· lo kee p an lg· u.aoa! C.M. Dear C. \V.: You don't need any tips on how lo keep an Iguana. \Vhen'1 the last you heard ol J()mtbody swiping an iguana~ ditching Goodell at the state nominating convention in lhe spring and substltuUng conservative Ll Gov. Malcolm Wllsc.:i ,as a Senate candidate. ' WHEN ROCKEFELLER dod;ed a Goodell endorsement jl.lll one year after appointing him, the rurnon· began to seem like fact.s. To Goodell, the fact would be that Rocteleller'1 virtwlllJ hand-picked state committee would ~jed him and nominate Wilson for tbt Senate, while enthusiastically s u p p o r l i n & Roc:ke!eller for governor. A Rockefelle.r·\Vllson ticket, In It · ii conceivable t h a t-the Con.w.rvlltivel, if offered WllS()n as a Senate Clndklate, might refrain from op. poaing· Rockd'dler for aovtmor. This would ~rtually USW't his ~lection. GOODELL PONDERED all this and ructed quickly. He let it be known that be lnttoded to nm for re~lection, that he could riot be 8hunted aside. without a fight. and that if Rocke.feller's state com· mittee re.fuaed to endorse him, he would W eird Commemorations Some friends of mine, who have just ttturned from Atrk:a, were ttlaUng stories about the ·strange statues erected by naUve tribes u shrine.J of. worship. They seemed to tblnk this was esclusively a prirniUve CUiiom,. but men have always erected inonumenta: to odd objects of wonder and devotion In America alone, we bave Md aomt ol·tbe weirdest commemoraUons known to man. WllEN THE PIONEER Mormons In Salt Lake City we.re ready to hmrest their first g r a I n crop, crickets and grasshoppers threatened l!J destroy the Cields. But, just .then, sea gulb b)' the thousands came up lht lake and devwrtd the insects, lhus saving the harvest. The gull is a ,"sacred" bird in Uteh today. and a monument lo its honor stand! in Salt Lake City. An effigy of the codlish hana• in the Massachusetts Statehouse, and another has hung in one auembly hall or anolber for more than 200 yean. 'Iba codfitb llY.. od the earlj' octllen from starvtog. TBEllE IS A mooum"'t in the pobllc squar. of Entl!1prist, Ala .• from Which a bqe boll -.I~ rampant, Ioolal .-n upan the town. ft seems that the weevil deStro)'ed the cotton one year, and forced tbt farmers to dlve.rsiry thtir crops, whk h turned out to be a blaaing. At Utt.le Compk>a1 RI., a monument to a hen commemora\es the orlgin"O( I.he Rhodo I.isnd Red b<eed ol cbkken. Aod e.lsewhe:'"'tl In that state. at Newport. there stands a monument lo Michelle Fe.lief' Corne, the first man who dared lo eat a tomato. WE MVST NOT (orget, "' course, Robert Quillen, the bumorllt of Fountain Inn. S.C .. who put up a marble shaft five reet hl&b in his &ardcn, With the in- scrtptioo: "To Eve, !ht Finl Woman." THERE IS ONE hitch. Rockefeller is known to be considering the. possibility that John Lindsay, i1 he is defeated in his bid for re~lection against both a Democrat and a Conse r va t ive.- Republican, might want to seek the Senate seat hlmse:lf. If be does, Rockefeller may want to salvage his liberal support by supportin~ a final bid by Lindsay. llence lhtt delay until November. Goodell ls content to wait. lie and hi!'! supporters find it inconceivable thal Lindsay, U defeated for mayor. co:.ild run for the Senate. They also find it in· conceivable that Rocke(cller. even in his new conservative clothing, \Viii not want to ha ve at least a life line to lhe liberals who have supported him for so long. Goodell will be the only liberal around. B'J. Frank l\-1anklewin ud Tom Braden ----- Friday, S'Jllember 12, 11169 Tht tdftoriaJ pagt 01 the Daily Pilot seek1 to i11form a11d itim- cdaCe readers by pres en ring tlus newspaper'• opinion..s and com· rnt!atcry 01' topics ol interest '1nd siunifiamce, b11 p-rovid1ng t1 for11m /or Uia ezprt1sion ol oicr reodn-i' opiniont, and by prt11tUing '1'1t diotr!e view- points oJ IAformff ob,erwrJ o.t1d spokcimen on top1ci o/ th• dou. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I • 11 T 0 I pl b; " al al & I• d< " to ., ... ' "" 11! du • · . • ~esta ·Mesa • ~ ...... N.Y. Ste .. • • , • , f 1 DAILY,,~ Y' ,.... CAROLE,RU,.Y.AN GREETS HUS"'"!> .JIM 1!4 .SEAL IEACH Sailors .,.cl Merirw1 Rttum From ·OvtrH!ll Duty Marines Land Seal Beucli Gives Big Welcome The Marines laOOtd Thursday evening Jn ·Seit Beach and the city turned out to welcome. them. About 250 men oi the Firsi Ll.ght Anti. aircrall Miuile Battalion, returning Crom Vietnam as part of President NiJ:on's 25,000 man reduction of troops, arrived on two U.S. Navy LSDs n.a-g Ship !loci). Most ol lbe M_.w ... 'Jr<liil _,. poru ol the ceuiitry but salldr Frank J_. Simonie on USS T--gr<ated by his wife 1.n<I five-months old IOO ''Fudct... . The Simonies live at J6691 BarUett Lane. Huntington Beach and Thuraday was ooly the second time sailor Simonic he seen his son. The Marines arrival was more or less classified so few relaUves were on hand to greet them. But with a little nudge lrom Ule l\larine Corps abwt 200 Seal Beach citizens turned out to welcome the men home.. lDcloded were IDtl1lbers ol. Seal Beach •eterana organizatiool, the Gold Siar Motherz, and Euhange Club members from El .Toro and Laguna Hill&. The Marines were bundled tnto buses and transprted to Twentynin• Palms where they were activated ln 1980. The First Light Anti-aircraft Missile Battalion wu ordered to Vietnam Feb. a. 1965. While at Da Nq the 'Ullit WU aJSigned the mission . ol ~ air -defense r ... the Ila N.., eomplex. Tbey ma.intaJned a vigilant . Wltc!b OWi' the ikies of. the area but wer:e ·nfflt called upan1o·firt amw.i.·i,.-. 11io'-'tlilt~~Uic pt.. grams and. were cttar for ".tbe4' efforts that ,.in roo, be~ by the - ple ol Oa . Nang." As tl>e two ll"'J lhlps dock~ at the Seal Beach Weapona Station, the Marines Jined on the dl!Ck Ind Wert aaJuted by I Navy band from Los Alamttos Naval Air Station. Sailors wert.. first allowed off lbe lhips as many of them were to go on leave. Then the rather serious battalion of leatbemecU filed mwn llie &""IPlania to the waiting bwlea. For now. the war In v1.a.b la Juli a short memory ol duth Ind -. But their future ii ancerlaln. The - Corps Base It T!r<olynlna Palma will be their new borne and they W01 come undf!r the command ct tbe 3rd Marine AJrcrllt Wtng, stationed at El Toro. Street Work Set Monday, Unhampered by Walkouts A major !lnel patdlini and "'ling prUCJan covering 57 miles of Costa Mesa ~arts will begin Mcm&y, unham- pered by an asphalt worken' strike set- t.Jed Thursday. The $33,000 job will be baOOled by the Natco Corporation, of Placentia. Work to be , done Monday involves cleaning and preparation, with actual asphalt ... Ung and pavtng to begin Ibo l!lllowingday. A {aclioo of worker& employed by ~ plants bu just ..u!ed al!er boldlni not In the "m ol the recent operating eng!neen ltriie. Reaid..., along the stnds lmolV<d - most ol them in residential diltJicta - will be not.iried 24 hours bd'or9 tbe work beings, under terms ol the conlract. The job u expected to $1n a »day period and will include most of the Mesa del Mar area, plua certain aecUorui ol. the Mesa Verde aubdlvisions. Some ltreeb in the area round the Bear Street ""1oo! are Included, pluJ -thirds o! the .treeta ...t o1 Newport lloulevard almoal to theclty llllllls. · Certain ol the l\reeU lmohed wi11 have to be clooed to tnillJc darin( the coalinl and .ll!!rVoamc ps1oc1,.-..iiJii to city iol!lclall. Tbe ]llvjocl la financed tlnqll the otai. pt tu --- Mesa Pair Held •• Ill Raid r Arrested Second .Ti~; $5,000 in Drugs Seized . By AR'l'lllJR I\. V~l!L Of tM o.Jlr ~·-Steff ' Prison-bound on JdeoUcal charcea, 1 COila Mesa couple was arrested again 'l'hursday by lawmen who sakl they con- (iscated a foot ~er containing mari- juan&, lhou.samb . or drug pills and powdered LSD worth '5,000 or mort. Complaints charglnc Ray W. Brown, 15, and Vk!d D. Ra!nio, II, both of t9!711. Meier Place,, with possession of mari- juana and. dangerous dtujr for sale today were being sought Crom -lhe distr1ct al· tomey. · Bro~·n and Miss Rain.lo were arre'lted lasL May IS in a drug raid on a Hessian Arlington's Widening Job ' . Begins Monday Timlng of the project may be tough ow- 1.ng to a summer·long 5ttl.1te, but wldening ot Costa Mesa's Arlington Drive begins 1ilooday and the roadway -serving two school campuses -was closed f<r the in- terim today. A strike by asphalt plant workers -a hangover from t h e recentJy-ended operaUng engineers' strike -ended Thw'lday, giving the oUicial go-ahead for the project. M-and pedestrians w b o nonnafly use the nanvii, bol&i>ited strip along its ~ mile stretch -.,_ -and JIBlipero Drive will thave to UM o&ber. routes. •Orfclnal!y, cll1 ~~·ID-· .... tlll~dllrlllr~ ..... ~ .... -· lmprvvlnf -lo 0oota:'MIA High School and Maud< 8. Davis lrilAlimoclWo -••• ~ ... po!iod. to .start ~ Jli:iject n..rly ·a year ljln, but it wd delayed then to avoid a bog:down dtuinl heavy winter raiM. · Dy the time all was ready to go again, the operating englneen went out on strike and when that dispute was eUJed, the asphalt workers still refused to wort. Earlier complicationa included the facl that riaht<lf·Way land had to be obtained lrom the llate-<JWned Oranp CoontY Falrgrwnds and Included ~ iilill OWlild by the U.S. gownuneht. '!be old 5anta Ana Jirmy air bue CIC• cupled tllO lalrgrumds lite during World War II and a long Urn! leaae.remained In elfect alter its deacl!Valioo. .'I'll!> narrow, bumpy road sboolld be trand<l'mld. into a amooth, • etlcieot thoroughfare of 80 (e.t within about three months, based on the original sum- mertime construction schedule. Suspects Aplenty In OCC Theft All those whose name.a nm A through M will bt qu-Monday? . This WU the awkward concept COO• 11dered by 0.Sta Mesa polk:e Thursday when aulhoritles at Orange Coast College re,a:ted ms in audiovisual equipment millmg alter the autumn inventory. Klfold Hahl said the equipment "A'as apparenU, stolen from the Home Eeonomicl bulldlng during a recent pre- registration period. NEW. YORK (AP) -The aloci market turned In a -perfonnanco· today. rillnl lillghtly In eorly •trldlnc and drop-_late tn the -on. (Sot quotations, !>ages 14-11). I miloreycle iillll -..1 liouoJ. In c..,i. Meaa ~nd e.-U, , -pleaded KUm1. court ai.ws""'l!lnned todly. 'J]loy tried lo -the ~ ~ .. t w .. t In H&rbor 111.in:t-,Jodl<lal Court, howeru, but Ir... not allowed to do ao and ordered In ~ Counll Superior OJurt next r cida)' for sentencin{ The arreslll Tbursday morning were cnrried oul without incklent by agents lron:t the Slate Btlrefu or Narcotlcs Enforcement, plus Cosfa Mesa and Newport Beach police detectl\res. Jim Irvin, Orange County agent-In. charge for the state bureau, lodar ctr.dited Newport Beach Pr..llce detectives . . ·Al Epotolq and Lef Konkel wl\& 'se1t1nc • polloe fll. Jack eafuoo. ~P the ral4 . , · Tbt Coll& Mesa polk:8 vice ..r In· '!1111-aloO provided inl0<m1tl0n leading tell. unit ~- to • raid .. the a ... 1an house •l"'leS ....... 11-ICCOIDpanJed ... Sanla Aaa .A ... , last •May, whm :11 )l'"'J>Oft S.och ~and -.,..U pttoons -. arrested and lli,lllO,-to .. residence lhlred by !Imm 11111 o1 d{llv and ojher contraband -Mlll Jlalnlo, . • Irvine sald analysis of the matttlal Tbe girl wu arrested tbere and llll<en Thur"1ay showed 10 pacltj\&ed W.. Ja.'l"l'en wo entmd ·the home with a 1%.% pounds each) of martjuanaj,~t seirdl warrant :iaued fnlmJ !mW 10.000 phetpbarbltol tablelJ and _.... District .Judlclal Court m-.....i llJO powdered LSD to fill t,800 capeul&. , 1DariJuana llld drup. Brown -Who sokl lt,000 wi>rtb ol LSD A-ukHouy· lbat a kilo 'al to .a. state-underawer -~ ltHJna' lo maitjuailal .. iiormiDy Worih ab!iut '1IO, the May raid -was picked ·up on Wmt but could be much htgber' now due to ... l?tb Street in COsta Mesa, accofdlDg"to pre-Me:ilcan aeaon scarcity ol. tbe week. Raids Resmpe ~f'I ' " In Vietnam-..on • • • • ·tr Nixon's Order · . I ~ . ' . . . fr • • -:: • DtAM.Y Pn.oT tfill\I ,..._ WltirJwind ot ActiVitg · . ~goods Jor Misslsalliol victlmJ •.l.Hurricane oamuie ar& <triim left) Mn. w..iter Hwtac1Q;l1m Wlng~=r Don Lee,.Sft Tom'~ and Mrs. Wilbur Fllrrow •. Aif Force . ~ Fli&ht •ll,,led ,Jiy\~ Hurtado anil Mrs. Furrow, rOundOd 1q> e · g .and·~~· dooated by area residenta. United Van Lines will ship bod• wltbcnlt charge and Air F°""·wlll diiltribute ·mall!rial• to needy. ' ' • :. ' • ' • •.t ;ll Tl1reePersons Injured' i~. In Costa Mesa Crashes Three men were injured in Costa Mesa car er-. Thunday' and early today, one <i. them when he leaned <IV~ to pick up busines! papen from i the floor and ran off the road into a llgbt Pole. Most seriowily hurt was Daniel L. Cook""1. 2(, of 890 Governor St., c..ta Mesa, whose northbound foreign car rammed another auto on H a r b o r Boulevard at Fair Drive during jJle morning hours. Cookson was listed in fair to good con- dition it Costa Meaa Memorial HP!Jiltal today, with a rractured left WriJt, bruliu and a """"""1on Police aald-Cecll•R. Davidson. 44, ol Z!$ Lillian Pfact,. Colla -·· WU w.it•' bound on Fair Drive, and ""'ped lnj•~ In the collialon. - , Carl Gebert, 31, of fl!_,lerba, Cotta Mesa, went home to 6e truted for cuti , .. after his station wq:oo ran o·r r Westminster Aven~ near Monte Vista Drive Thursday night and rammed a pole. Donald W. F-, %1, of 1930 l!>'ine A"-· Newport~ iuri.....t'r,.tai c:Ub at 12:35 a.m . today, when hla auto .Jam- med into tht·rear-of 1 parted clr .. 1 Police •id the ·acCJdent~ecaimd on 22nd Stre.t wt ol l!lliJen A Vl!!lUe and allo damaged a mailbot ltandaRJ ind the yard of 1' home where the otber ·clr wu parlred. ' * * * Mailbox Fa'Vor.ite Police Compiling 'l'otal Inventory · · In Jewel Heist Newport Beacll detectlvei loday _ _,, iilill complltng a 'l<ital Jewolry Inventory tn the holdup earlier w.,-Gl•Udo !ale yachtaman Bria>~ 1be two detectives expected to com- plete the "!Irk early tlJday. Tlie · total value ol the stolen jewelry II apeeted to elCted !200.000. ~hlle, the trail wa CO>lln(belllnd thil two bandlta -... a Caueutan, Ibo other Nego -who bunt Into the CU.. nlngham'hliuae Wedne>da,y morning, poll- ed two P,slola and bclmd·and Plied the wealtby couple belor. rllllng their hollle • DeUrctlve Captain Lou Heeres laid II WU olwloua the pair Oed the taJand lm- medtalA!ly a!IA!r the thefl. Seal!ng ol! the ialand'• ooly entrance .. a routtn. pollce ICtion In lliCh thefll, but it lnust come lmmeiDalA!ly, be Hid. j'Unlortunolel1, Ir WU !Ive mlnuleo aner the .smpecta le!t that the Qm. nlll8hamJ coold free the-1ves llld call II!. • "8)' then, we figure, the smpecta .... probably-inrC..M-." Oru•• Well Site Picked At Sunflower, Fairview Road Bones -Case All But Shut Crash Target Don Witzerman got up th~ m«nJng with lhat rundo~ feeUng .igaJn. .. Thot'• the third Um• thla yur,"lbe aakt . . : Weatller • Tbt: primary among three proposed .sites for a '76,000 well producing 1.000 or mott gallons-per-minute was chosen Thqroday by dittcton ol the Coota Mesa Coooty Wat.r Dtsb1cl Nezt step in the pn>ject la approval ol plam and spedflcatlom to be prepared by the James-~lnc: .• ·con· sultlng OIJlineer's Dnn !0< pr-.uon al the non CMCWD meetlnl. Litde Speculation • in Huntington Trage~y A motorist coiUded with a paried car at t1!0l a.m., jumPlna1the curb atJ7l E . 22nd SL Ind ioockinC do!m tha- tlia& emin • lip acl1'ertt1tn1 Wlbermaa'• lbr-11 tllop Iii Ifft -· 1)le Orana"e OJUt wUI 1io all logged up tlils -1<end, with , ha.,- sun brealdng thrnugf1 In midalt«- noon • Temperatures are tabbed in lhe low 70'• oceainrard,. middle•'• Inland. Sile of the cloep well b to lie almost U · ac!IJ•at the comer of Fairview Road llld Sonftower A venue on land purd>lled from the Segemrom family Janel developers. Bids will be advertised 11 IOOD &11 ptans 81't!: adopted and lhe new wtll Is expected fo be in ..,.,.U.O within to a,., pn>- • kled on delaYJ are cauted by bad ~ather or labor &trikes. Two m..., cloep level wells to llJP- plement Ibo CMCWD lyltem win he drill· ed within the next f"' yean, both ol ltltm about the ..,,,. In -and pro-dll<ilvl\J .. the! adopted ~. .Alllllorltlea today hava all· bul·.- their files Off tbe, Craak: , CUI ,(If , a Westminsler ru,h Sd>onl -who -jn ~ over a troubled romance - went joyridiJll IUlclctaUy In a alolen car Ind died alooe In a mq lake. i'lo one -bow Wlial -Uilouih the mind o1 WIDlm t. Uchly, 11, - the car taktn !nm • neighbor s!Owed 11ic:kenln1ly off GoJdeo Weal Street on Nov, t(, 19'1 and deep Into Talbert Lake. Teams of coroner'• deputlea, a p11ya. cian and even an anthropolocllt from cal State Fullerioo mspecled • -a~ tmd through the d<moillbed, rusty auto found W"1lnoldaf. ' A lrieVillC mother made Ille llnal detei'mbMdao. lnMlnl do!rn -- Ing al her 80tt'I WiilOh and ring. • llmilflll1oo Btacb delt<llVOI will not ,,,_ -ilnl on the cue until they .,.. posJUve all l1<1on are known. 'Ibero .. !lllle .. lj)OCll!alA! upon. "Appar<otlj', Ille boy WU ~Ing aloq Golden West Street and came to the port '""" the road •loped and •lld lnlo the lake," aatd Detectlve GU Veine. Tbert ill no mort work on lhe cue for G01rden Grove Police, Wbo have been following every lead on the miiolng son ol Mn. Evelyn Lkht1 !or the put llY• years. Qf: and a cir belonging to Shirlq 81ani""111p, llJt 20th St., Westmlmlor, vaniJbed the same nlgbl. Mr. llld Mn. Licl!l1 -.slnce separated ( -and Mn. Balanienablp-problbly made their ttpocll at tha ~ dopar- lnvol•ed about tht WDt time .., that latdul nJ11i1. Tiie Lichty boy and · the car ...,. .,.... btbl1 already -In the ~ of TAibert Lal<e, about a mlle lrom the ndshborhood where the prfncl~ all !Iv· ed. Garden Grove epiiee S(I, Mike SJ1nn 1ald 'Thunrday that -leads Wtte foD~ up all over tht Southland, reaullln11 In a !Jiebooi Ill Inches thick on 'Wllllam Lawreoce Lichty. I Thot surch ,..,.., uodu the Doi ·11m and" the ·rtarlng lilht ol .-a1or- . (kt BONES, Pact II · '"lllree tJmes." the dlaabJed ~ coniplainei!, · telling the unlorlunatt. lillCory .o1, Ille maUbo<. Ille -alone the lot -and ......... the 1-.o1 the -ltaell. . ·~ thlni they ~Mo do-·" he coacluded. ' • • Phyllis Dilter ID SANTA MONICA-(UPl)-Com- Pbyilia Diiier ..., •dmlttad '1'btnd.'Y to St . .John!a "°""'-1 l<rr tnllmont of ac\lte ptCritla anrl ..--. --Jo o .. .-....t. Miio DIJlfr -lon:od ........ poo'" her ~ !<pt. II """°"" al the Cononut Grove here. I INSIDE 'l'GDAY Tftcrf•1 OM f'GU hl the H• 1>or Ar'" thol ia o r<CI kll ~ ffP'M't'hip btllflVfl it'• plonud that war; th• ob1tac1~ ere core-tuav TJldn•ed oirt. Boa"11g Pogc 18. , I l I , I l l ' • ·1 .. I --..... -- Discussing DemareatJcm . ' . Officer of Brif.a!Jl'.1 RoyafHamplhlre Reeinient dla- c:usses placement of "peace .tine" barricade in Bel· last'• Dover Street with lrilh priest. Government report released today supports Catholic complainll against Protestant majority in Northern Ireland and censures both Bernadette Devlin and Jan Pais- ley. SU story, Page 7. Water Pollution Probler · · Eyed By Grand Jury Tho Orll!I• County Grl!ld Jury • ls wadill( Into nter pollution problems, it Wall Jumed today. Newport Beach City I{ a r b o r ~tor 'G<ori" Dawes t..tlfied before a four-member jury commjttee ~"1- . Committee chalnnan Donald Hud- dleston uptained the investlgatJVe panel ls cooce:rned about recent news reports of pouible pollution of Newport Harbor. He aid Santa Ana River water quality is also a concero ol tbe jury. Dawes llld It ls his opinion that then " .. bulth hazard In the harbor """'' "U the momenl." But. be added. U1ere are lndil:atialll lher< mipt be a problem In the -'Be cltod u ablionn&! growth ol plant matuials In the lower bay and a "fairly large fllh tlll," which M.s yet to be satlafactarily explaln"!f. f Dawt1' te.tlmony, and \bit of coo.It Hubor Diltrlct officla11, wu taken at an hour-long commHUe session held 1t Harbor Dislrict offii:a ill Nnport. ' The city aide and diatrld 1pokumen detailed their respomibllities in harbor maJntenance. The city, the committee was told, has jurisdlction over sho~bas­ ed dockiq and sanitary insta!latio!lll, whDe the diltrict keeps an eye on lfater'· based facilities. The committee gave no lodicalion when a report, with recommendations, wMd be submitted to the full Grand Jury. PQp Warner Grid League to Open FlrJt aames of the &t:ason for the Newport-Mesa Pop Warner Football League are scheduled Saturday at Costa Mesa High School. Four pmea will be played during the day, al 9:30 and 11 a.m. and I and 3 p.m. Play will continue for nine consecutive SaturdlY:S at the Mesa High field. Le.ague president Kurt llansler report! that 264 boys aged 9 to 13 have bun or1aniz.ed into a teams for this year's play. DAILY PllOT f.llUMI CCMSt PUil llMIH ~AH'I l•Mft N. W.M ........... PW! .. Tli•""' Ktt'fn ..... n • .,..,, A. M•,lti"' -·----llO Wt1t ltf $tr"! MtftiAf M14' .. 11 1.0 .... 11&0, tJ&Zt '·· ·--~ . .,, ................... ._.,m._,,.._.....,. ...... : •• lfio ...... ' B~Jtrd of State Young GOP -Asks UCI to Oust Krisman . Tbe stale Bolrd ol cautornla YOIU\I R........ baa voted to request UC Rei'aw 'dlsmlss forinu SDS leader Mlcbael Krllman rroei hll administrative poll at UC Irvine al!d fire ~r Daniel AldrlOh ior appontill( him. All but one ol e delegates stal<wlde voted 1or the' reaolution whlcb also calls for the ouster GI "all avowed members of SOS from the university l}'sWn," IC· cordJnc to Jim Naab, chairman of the Ora111e County Yount n.(>Ublic1111. Nub uid be ~ the ret0lution at the .._board meet1ng iut weelrm:I at Soutll LUe 'l'lhoe -..Aldrich wu adamant In reluafn& to re•001ide1" "He lllOd the UJQJDe!ll of academic freedom wbtcb bu no connecUoo to the case since Krisman la ID administrator, not an tDltructor," Nub aald. Kril:n.an, 27-yur-oJd fonner UCI stu· dent body president, was n a m e d coordinator of acJdemic advts.ing July 1. Protests over the appointment or Krllman is pointed toward the meeting o{ the regenta in San Francisco next Friday. Nash, a ·Santa Ana insurance in- vesUgator and self e m p I o y e d pbotog:rapber, said he has received word from the secretary of .the regents that the matter his been placed on their 1ge:nda. Mao, Lin Pao Ailing? N~ither S·h:Ows 'for Ho HONG KONG (UPI! -Failurt ol either Mao T•tun1 or Lin Piao to ap- pear in public fur nearly four months heightimed spectilaUon today that the two Communist Chinese leaders are ill. Mao, the 75-year-old chairman of the Peking Party, and Lin, the fll-year~ld vice chllnnan and defense minister, \Vert last seen In public May 11 when they attended a recepUon in the Qinese capital. China watchers took serious note of the situation wben ne:ithtr man appeared to pay tribute to the late North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh. Mao's health hu never been robust. Lin is known to have suUered several iJ. lnesses. Thert have been Wong indications receotly that high level meeting.a, pro- bably ol the party ctntral committee, have been goin& oo in Cbina. U ao, it may be that Mao and Lin hive been too preoc· cupied with maUer:s under discusa.ion at such meeUngs to mate public air pearances. From Pag"' 1 BONES • • • powered lamps Wednesday. "Pianka we.re placed upon lhe gumbo. like mud and we stretched them out to scoop up palls and handfuls of mud to be sifted for evidence," said Deputy Coroner Russell Greene . Tne left side door swung open as lbe ~ttered car was being hauled out with Jts grisly human cargo Wednesday and :tome steletal remains -skull lnl:luded -were lO!it forftver . lnvf:l!Ugators today praised highly the fire.men who stayed 1t the scene until 10 p.m. Wednuday, helping lab men sift through the stew.IJke mud for more of John Lichty. ''They didn't have to stay, but they did and they went through all that muc k rigtit beside us." said Officer Richard Williams. So far, the: recovered bones match the description of the vanished boy, who w111 five feet 10 lnchee tall, wleibed about 146 pounds and had a broken arm at one lime in hil We. After the dlacovery -and relatively qukk tohltlon to the case of a car and boy who dlseppear.d one November night -, some observers wonder bow many more bona may Ue deep In the murk. Ancient whale bones have been dug up by construction crew workln& in the lm- medlltt vlclnJt.y, while Talbert and Hull+ Ongton Lakea art very deep Jn spots. "Someday they ml.ght even find some ctnlwia-old Ind1ans out there," siJd ooe observer. John Udlty ~blbly wanted lo be alone that fat&ful ntaht and he 1t1yed 1lone -i1>r almost tJve )'t&rl. Or did he ! These matters are believed to lnclude border tension! between Red China and the Soviet Union and continuing fennent in the provinces resulting from Mao'a ''cultural revolution,'' or party purge. Mao's long absence from public view ha.s been accompanied by a ton.Ins down d propaganda about him, according to radio and prw monitors who specialize in CtUnese affairs. "A change of emphasis has been noticuble ror some time in reports on lhe relationship between the Chinese peo- plt and their leader," one diplomatic report said. "Extravagant praise or i\1ao has diminished and t h e quasi ~ religious worship of him has disappeared from pre.ss and radio. Previously, reporta for foreign consumption had toned down adulation or 1'1ao." It was noted that Peking radio's domestic service no longer begins broad- casts with the usual salute of "Long live Chalrman Mao!" The same is true of the official New China News Agency's domestic service. Peking radio's opening now i:i an ad· monltlon to study Mao's work:i. Newport Doctor Praised for Aid To Injured Mesan A Newport Beach physician won praise from pol.ice today fur giving aid to a severely injured Costa MeS3 youth Thursday afternoon in a Baycrest motorcycle crash. Otficers said Dr. Clifford R. Jordan stopped at the accident acene at Irvine A venue near JSrd Street to help Rabe.rt Patrick Shefnette, 17, 2141 Aster Place . Costa ~fesa • Shenette, police. uid, was riding his cy. cle al an estimated 50 miles an hour when It hlt the center divider and alam- med into a road rtnector posl The youth sufftred severe cuts puncture wound.I, Internal injuries and a broken um. Officers said Dr. Jordan stopped at the scent of the 4:30 p.m. accident, gave first aid to the yoolb and advlled ambulance attmdanta on his handling. ShelOette was taken to Costa ~tesa ttttrhorlal Hospilal \\'here he underwent surgery Thursday evening. Re \\'la reported in serious cond!Uon th.11 mornina In the hoapllal's intensive care ward. The youth was riding beside 1 friend, Joseph Lannina, 11, 2200 lAke Park, Newport Beach, when he lost control of his cycle. Peaee . ,-. Nixon Galts Off ~1B6~b l(alt ~ring Meet l WMl!lNGTON (UPn • -l'raldant dlocllOl IU poufble Implications 'ootil "W• Willied 10 d~e ~-U:s NIJ111 mapped -ible n e w Id-shortly alW ,_ ~ Prw Secrdan' c:w&-flrt ~ had ant Utk:fl mlnJltrlUoa VletlWll peace mova loday Rooald Zjegler llld N!Jon had GrdW ~:c-beyond the death )If' Hot' In a three-hour, ~le "!""tlnf wllh raids reaumed. ~ · • er~ , •'I hLI top military, diplomatic arid ln· Ziegler . acknowledJed the lllf~Oa Me noted that the 11p.z raids had, be'1 telligence advJsert. }lj(f-beiii ordered to Hfl~hbw the Com-niumed in the war :r.one for U ~ The White House meeUna, with all muntaQ would react, I.Del Sltd ralda ware ~!Df.-. ~ '12--hour cease-fire befoie pa.-tlclpants appearing .,1m, llarled orderad . .-.ii by liliolrwhllfllad of. lllJl!d by presidential orde~ amid apecul1Uon that a halt~ by IOQ1lvei>Perat1..,lh<l!Nd .. ....._. -. t 'dld not want lo resume asi filghlx Nlxoo in B5I raids in South Vlt.lnam Tho "'"'blq ball Iild--irilrtcl_by for o· .fi!f ~YI foliowing thll period" might break the lmpaase In peace1&lk•. the l'relldaot In the wuo .fll a·~y Uiif ~. l!ol added that "we were uri- But midway Un'OUili the meetlor.. lbe cw .. flr& lnltlaled by the C<ilimlll>lllf der; altaek l!ld IJ!' ,.._ to lb~ )t ,..., suJpenslon wu 1med. because of the death o( Bo Oil .,._ ''lo . ........, foIJowlllj[ the en11 of lhe n.oour T\>ett wu no immediate word from the see w"-t _the olhtr o¥t fiit..,.ied to .cit In perla<l l<\· fly 1111 smit* at one half tho White House on what wa1 di.5cuaed at termsof1~1evdolJbllltuyactMtJ, ... • nOrmil iivtt. · the se..ioo, which started at 6:35 a.m. 1.elcler .WI the JIU".' -"""' "We ftlllod to' ddeunJne the Intent QI PDT and ·brote up at IO:IS a.m. PDT. onlered reswned. 11]1 NlxO!' l>ecaus. the Ibo j>tber 1ide 1111/ ·tlle \ovel of dvity OHiclals ·added that there would be no level of eoemy altacb bad IOM bfof to and live them \be bellifit.of thedou6t• announcements -that the decisions the pre-ceue-fire level He added that "at this time the oUW:r would become apparent later. He lnalsted that the mspenslon was aide ls back to the ~ase fire P:Uiod" The bombing bait had been ordered by "not an action to signal a res~ from of offensive oPtntUaos. Nil-on without fanfare and the . ad· the other sldt" in term.1 of• diplomatic "We have ruumed the BS2 Qi.gbtl," be ministration refused even to conJlnn 1t or peace overture. declared. · From Paglll 1 VIETNAM ... recording 427 m.iuions over South Viel· nam on Thursday. The flgbter-bcmbus Oew reduced missions during the re«nt Viet Cong three-day cease-Ure. Fighting oo the ground took 380 Com- munist lives, military spokesmen said, and Viet Cong and North Vietnam~ troops mounted a heavy new round oI rocket or mortar attacks, httting 48 allied targets overnight -five more than the previous night. Spokesmen said aJlled troops fought 1 series or battles with Viet Conj: and North Vietnamese i0ldlers Thursday following the end of the cease-fire at 1 a.m. The fl&}lting tilled at least 380 Com· muniJta, communiques sakl, while U.S. lose. were six dead and 30 wounded. South Vietnamese casualtie3 we re deocrlbed aa light. Police Station Burglary Victim No new leads have turned up In the case of a pint·sized criminal who bur1lariud the property room ot the Colla Mesa Police Facility and escaped in broad daylight on a getaway minibike. EsUmated to be perhaps 10 or u , he look 1 boy'a bicycle from. the 1tatkm at 99 Fair Drive and Upped off on hls motoriz. ed mount while holding the other ont aJongside, The escape wa.s witnessed by a jail lrusty who ran in to report the incident, but too late to lead t.o capture: of the culprit and the re-stoltu stolen bike which had been impounded. Value was not establisbed, but unor- ficial sources commented that as tbefls go, it certainly wasn 't petty. House Solons Blast U.S. POWs' Treatment WASHINGTON (UPI) -Ninety-nine House memben from 41 statts-S7 Dem- ocrats and 41 Republicans-have spon· sored a re.solution condemning "cruel and barbark;" treatment of Amulcan prl!on.- ers of "hr in Vietnam. Thty called m President Nixon to take every action possible to get beUer ~atment for thi! ..:aptJves. There a.re believed to be at least 340 and possibly as many as 1,200 Ameri can POWs in North Vietnam. f ' Israeli Planes Attack Egyptians in Suez Area , By United Prus IntenaUonal Israeli planes aUaclted E g y p t I a n targets in the Gulf of Suei area for the thi~d consecutive day today, maintaining the pace of lhe aerial war at its highest level since the 1967 six-d.@.y war. Israeli patrols also killed e.ight Arab commandos near the Dead Sea. The new strike into the region where Israel canied out a deadly raid on Tµ~ day came as Dtlense Minister Moshe Dayan said L!rael would retaliate against Arab terror but would not take actions that would lead to a resumption or full· scale war with the Arabs. The air wa~ reached a crescendo on Thursday when Cairo said it sent 102 planes -one-fourth of its air force - against Israeli army installations in the occupied Sinai Desert. Israrl said it shot down 11 of the planes in a major victory . Today a military spokesman in Tel Aviv said the jets struck Egyptian posi- tions on the Sue.t Gull shoreline at Ras Adu Darag, 25 miles below the port city of Suei, and at Ras Zafarana, targets of the big Tueaday amphibious raid that kill~ an estimated 100 to 150 Egyptians, by Iuaeli counL The spokesman said ill Israeli plane.s "turned ·Afely to base. 'He did not say how many planes made the raid or what type they were. The spokesman said a band of 11 Arab commandos crossed the Jordan River in- to Israel Thursday night three miles north of the Dead Sea in an apparent ef· Funeral Planned For Helen Smith Service& for Helen O'Byrone Smith, mother of Forest Smith, owner of the Irvine Coast Country Club, were held to. day at Pacific View Mem<rial Park Chapel. Mrs. Smith, 287 Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa. died Wednesday at Ho a g Memorial. She was 87. A resident of the Harbor area for 13 years. she is survived by her son, Forest G. Smith Jr. of Corona del Mar; lhree daughters, ~1ary Hill of Newport Beach, La&ey Rogers of WhiWer and Frances Ki.ntz!ey of Pasadena. fort to disrupt Israel's celetration of Rosh Hashane, the JeWiah new yur. A patrol killed tight l!ld sent the olhti' three Otting back into Jordan,.be said. Israel officially begins Rosh Ha!han~ observances for the ye.ar-5730 at sundo1n\ with prayers for peace in synq:ogu~ throughout the country. Dayan's statement of policy came in ani Interview with the nempaper Yedioth Aharonoth. "Our strategic policy is not to cross the (SUez) Canal l!ld not go to Cairo, to de- rend ourselves on the Jordan Ri'1er and not take Amman, Damascus or Beirut," he said. He aaid Israel would defend Jts borders by counterattacks, "to hit them and keep hilling them." Israel said Thursday's aerial battles brought tJ 51 the number of Egyptian plane losses since the 1967 ~var. Egypt said six Israeli planes and one Egyptian plane were lost Thursday and that heavy damage was inflicted on Israe:I, a cl.aim Israel d.enied. Viejo Owner O'Neill Denies Allen Recall Tie Richard J. O'Neil!, one of the two- nwn_ers ot Rancho Mission Vie;io. strongly denied today any connection with the so.. called recall movement actions recently annc.unced aga inst Supervisor Alton E · Jdlen. An alleged tie to the movement· was reported la st week in the DALLY PILO'l. O'Neill indicated that although he was aware of such an attempt being made agalMl the Filth District supervisor he declined any participation, e i t h e r personal or financial, in the effort. "The management of Rancho Mission Vie.;<> ~d the. Mission Viejo Company ma1nta1n continuous contact with the county board and the various county departments," he said, 0 and I feel the board Is comprUed of a group of sincere and dedic ated public servants ". O'Neill further slated that he has no Q\HUTel with any member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. SWIVEL CHAIRS only ••• S129 A11 '""'•I chit ....... wltll • wllll• .... rtlMlllt ef •hlrtllllt foltrlu. AIM a.lllOS. .,,,. ~ H 4HINlll. htl't w.rt, " ... i. te4ey _. ..._, • cliafr ., INM et dl.lrs t9 tin .,., celll'fwt _., trrM ,. .., ,.,,. I• th llleue. Comfort and Style! IXCLUSJY~-DEALll!i!_FOJt: H~lt.!!D2!i= DWl.!...-_Hllll!ME NIWl'ORT lliCH 1727 W•lcllff Dr., 64~-20SO OPIM lllDAY ,.IL t • INTERIORS LAGUNA llACH 34S North c .. ot Hwy. Pro,...lon1I Interior Doottnors Avallabl ........ ID-NSID Of'DI PlltAY "TIL t ,.._ T• ..... .._ f1f 0...,. C...., Mt-1JU \.. 4"4551 • • There's a Ne r Miss in .A.if bo t Once a Day •• , • CHECKING -·. • UP • WA8111JtOT011 (~ ,+ ~tldll'yw, """"'811.WtatiY 1111 blve On.. on11-..,u~ wq~li!I011uraupoiij Al.--I Uy ... aletk. ""'• ~I v. .. -ol II red' ln>m ..ulaloos, all, ..,..,i.. ol a lllllDad pilot -... 'll1iD Ollca•• """ crooded olilllll l<U lhll" .).JDJmi""" 'the' prillllorn, 1t'a · ot low levela -aWorU _. a jel ........ from . ., ()'Jlaro ~ IJllo. - .,,,,. lbe nalloll's ltita b•'" serloNl,''wd,.,fM._i. "'*"private ""'*'""irm, -·"'*·And• bruah.caa wben If•......., a u.bt a d<oe bl]ldl«•lth U. mus Very low of II*_...,,._," Tie f1n1 1oolt·• UV..· near 'leave •mo a Wieran Oler c~ ol clOuds IGd !oWl a tnaedY <( I colllJlao in' lbe Jnvohe two _.._.._, ~. DaJ11on, Ohio, """' /l li&hl Yllli>IY. abWa. , llrl1 prjva\< plane comlq . Make Black Suit, Mott th• ball« 1111 ')\'dma airllllen _.,.tad War l d Aldlnel 'DCI IP.1,:==::::i::::i:::==='==;:=;:::::=====;:; air. • ' • ·FM~-.,..~""'11noou. ~ ~ wltll 1 Trini An ·~Alil!..S .jel ' <tlttClll'at It.· •<>I <Ommerdal jel craahOa ln ,..tu, Dy in 1he air. pooadlluc a loadln1, tater I SUWI&. h , : , • this COWllry in 1he lut Sii Almolll all o1 !J>t· are 11111 ,..,, D -· Ii> • · ·I }'tin bave dljod 1Mc~11e ol • -'"DallOlll wfih pr 1 v •I• dudb1( lbe *"\arJ' of the So llebur, ' !II-• • • U Whi 'fhr d co111J1eea wUji small privoto p1..., -er wtlh mllltarY nayy, ,..,. killed wbclo 1 , , • . UADt Se le ea planes. • aJrcnll, wblch ftpe In a prfvelt p)ane that bad mlsle<I • , I , And whlle other.,... o1 air 1urprtolnaly blah ..,,.bu. • Wnl crubed Into • ~led-'Die 8Mkatoll m L 1,,. •· C--'!M'" ., , ..iev ..,, C00411Dt1y ... none Cl tht ,.11oo·1 .--m laid.. .a ,.... pnYIJI(, tbla la not: ' lol.lliialriilinoiijeliipoiueiiio~iiiiae-iiiiiiiAablvliiiille,iiNi,iC.iiiiiiiii'i By L M. BOYD crowd of llooot lO 0 • 0.. 1'1e lateSt cruh, killed al . . ' .onJoo_... ponied ap 11111.0I to -TAILOll ~ To·compltle his ... Jolm do II. • ·i-~ "WllO --------:--:--pet'IOllS .'l'uadly w-h •.n a~p u a tailor, he WAI Ibo: O'Bnen far 1rbom -\ 1 ,e Ye• It n ea at 1 Aid, u WU loqull:ed to matoe I !Din'• ' fotalOO!I O'Brien .. ere • All<cheey Alrlinta DCt jel puil u11n1 blick matenal and ...... , ... A ""Am told 11oa1 p' ost Offi'ce's wu hit by • dn1IHD11ne liito thrtad. So .0 white "" T< J.' o'Blieo' " 1he . J>ri•ate plone 11 It ~ aP. ".KIRKPATRICK'S · IJoread was vllible when the H-Jiecel in <>maJti pioacblJ>( a ludiDI at ln- ol: suit -worn. Such is Neb. . · ' St s Stolen dlanapolis. n,... ~ no 2760 ~ COAST HWY • c.....,a def Mar , .•. 673.2650 IUY NOW ' ond SAVI! OFFICIAL RCA Color , 1:Y r<port ol an elderly GI/NS _ Moot illlllhgs in amp wrvlvori. fient]e~ancl )WI, ag!Jt~:! tbit Country-• .arfl «mmitted HENDERSON, N.C. (_.\?)-,,~~~~w!,ol~ ... u.:~ ... ~~~ :!i rom o I er . • w'4h ~: ~Md ii widely Offlciala at liendenon'1 new Ullol .,... r-~ a job that must bav• been..! ~ ~"tbi altizehs who . a small plaDe·aln@; 1t67. Especially when you ~ldtr ~want to auuawr household ~ office had no ~ps to Accordlnj: to Federal '~vii· the average suit of ' irien's • weaPou. What's little knowD sell when the first patrons ar· tion Agency rttords, there clothes contains 47.ISS st.it· • Mwever; ls that firearms 1aie: rived' Monday. were no fewer than 309 oear- cbes. , Jy are involved in a smaller 1be po.st office had been mlsses inVolvin1 jet airllneta NOTE a fictJ.on writ.er,-ln-W . smaUer percentage of robbed during tbe night Of all last year , -an averaie of cluda among his most nunor bomJcides, not a larger and stamps and MOO to f700 in almost. one a day. characters an old Gypiy larger percentage. In It2l, ap-··-·"' P-'-·-'er Junius W. And with tbe vast, growl.na eentltman •ho )ml'pOrtedly · proximately 75 per cent of the ...., uauiMU~ fl~ of amlll 1ir1•1ate ~lant1 CLEARANCE SALll THE CANDIDATE ••• Bi& scr .. n color ' portable bu vivid, true· to· life New Vista picture, Sportabout Chassis with new Solid S t a.t e Components; pop.up -' handle, EL442. 180 .sq, in. picture, to~ fortunea. Tut tut. Among ldlllngs were gunshot cues. Jn Roctrs later borrowed some outnumber1Df the commercial • 1 m>Sles, ooly the Women tell 1948, Jess than 60 per cent atamtio from lbe pool office it a~liners ....,.!, aliidala Hy -r • SERVING llAIUIOR' AREA SllvVE GAME. MAN says Peter 50 per cent. / ' .. .Roll Sl 'RVl .CE and SALES, 1948 . f~. · .OUR NAME were. Now it's almost down to -~n~ea~ri>~r~Olf~onl~. ~::::.::::..:__~lhere~~bal~~bftn~~no~droe§Lln~tbe~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~!!i~!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!! mbna rock, Bertha means SMOKY THE BEAR bright, Francis means free, Writes a Boise Id ah o Beatrl~ tne.al1!. glad and subscriber: "You 'recenlly ad: 11tomaa i:peans twin ... AS ';'() vised 'When camping out, WRICH ii the. long~ street buiid '.your fire on a slope.' Sit wjthin any city's.limit~, that's you have just set back th~ Wtslern avenue 111 Chicago, I cause of conservation by 100 think. Al 24:1.2 miles. years. Smoky the-bear would . ' ' OUR SONG -Know . a really blow his cool if be found young fellow who met the girl anybody doing lhat. Always he was to marry in. a hospital build a campfire on Jevel t y,•here she nursed him back to ground Never never never ' his-feet after a car smashup. on a sl~pe beciuse auth slope La~t night whjle t~ey wer~ fires tend 'to run rig~t up hill, , " visitin& our place, ·an am-threatening forest fir'el. Aside ' bulance alren SOUDd..ed in the from t h e lfomnenttoned • di~. "Listen, honey," _he abysmal lapse, you're all said sofUy, ('they're playing right son." our song:" Is there some Y~r questions and eom- 1peclal ditty you and your menLs are welcomed and liill matrimonial mate rtfer to in be used wherever possible in this manner? It has been "Checking Up." Addrtu mail , rtported Britain's Queen to L. M. Boyd, In care of P.O. Elizabeth and Prince Philip Box Ul87 Newport Beach regard O'leir song to be "Peo-Calli. 92660. ' pie Wiil Say We're in Love." CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. -"Last man to go over Ni.qara Falls in a barrel, ac- cording to my dad, did it the ._.year 17, bor11.. 4: thal right? I'm 14.' A. -Exa'cUy rlgbt. William Hill Jr. undertook that rough ride on July 8, 1945. A Your qutstioru cmd COl'ft· ments art wr&comtd mtd will be MUd whtrnu po.s- lible in "Checking Up.• Address ma t i to L .. M Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, 80% 1375, NtwpoTI Beach, Calf/., 92663. Armr Soon ·-to Pick 1st Woman General? WASHINGTON (AP) -The WACs -a11 well a.. members Army may be ln the process of the Air Force W AF1 and of selectin1 its first woman Navy WAVES _ to reach 1eneral. Officers on the Army's general or flag rank with an distaff side report happily that elimination of certain restric- for the flrst-tJme the records Uoni last year. The Air Force , of Women's Anny COrps col-and Navy selection boards onels an! being included in the have not yet had an opportun. annual review of candidates ity to promote a fbnaJe to the for brigadier general.· higher rank. "It doesn't nectssarily mean Some WACs expect that Col. we 're going to ha ve one or our tloisingt.on may have the. best own make it this time.," Col . chan~ of the women in her Elizabeth P. Hoisington, di?l!C-outfit to wear a star. tor of the WACs, told a ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii reporter. "But the nice.st thing ll is thal at least they are now giving everybody a chance." A selection board which will draw up the yearly list of recommendations on one-star appointments began meeting Monday. The. selection prOCf:ss takes several days. \ There are about 11,800 WACs in uniform today, many carrying out secretarial and othtr administrative. chores for the male side of the Army. WACI serve around the world, with some 180 currently asslined ln South Vietnam. Col: Hoisington figures that most of the 12 WAC colonels 1 now ln unJform probably wlll 1 be under consideration for the 1 temporary promotion t o general rank. One or more could be elevated, depending oo whethtr their military rte· ardl stack up with thole of male candidates. Congresi 'JllVed the way for natalie Wl;Sn't kicked out of school. she was carried out ')1.\4., ""-JAL'o ~ e NOW PU.TIN• e 14w_. N"'9't C'-- Paclflc'1 OrHte Drt...I• • .,_.. .... ,...~-or.-,...~~ ' -:,. '1' r I • • . raB .~~'~-iii!> . .r~~"P~"" ,~au'o.r~ ROUND TRIP . -. ANYWHE~E-IN . CAEIFORNIA · ~ 85< ...... .. ~~~~'~·, ·~fZ " ~L.r!:I --. ·-. -.-. ... .. . ~·· -,..,,,,;--~-..... , , lliiii~•• . •n-iiiiah . ...... . .. .. -r ( ·----·1• ... ,.. .... u .... ...... _ .... ,.. ......... _ ...... I • . .., ........... .,.....~ ................. .... ......... -..... ._ ............ .... ,.._. .......................... .... C::T'.:::-z:lsu .:.. ::u:'-:a:"~----I ,... .................. -. ..... ................ ~ .. -.................. ___ ._,. .. • 159915 .~ • For calls alter 6 p.m. ,..ekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes station.to-station, plus tax. ,.....,..._.@ ....... ., ................. , .,.. •w..w-. --•••,' ...... ., .. .,,,. .• ,.,._....~....._..,.,, . ' • : . • : ' ' ' • I I ! ' I . I •allw I,.., ..... --... -·~-----..... ----~-- • 'G D.tn.v PILOT EDITOBIAL PAGE I • • ~ • ,. ' ., ' For a New Next step in Cocla M ... , hope!lll plan lo mold • new downtown bullness dlstrict Ls cbooslnl the eaperts who have I.be best coocepl to sell. Monday nigb~ I.be City Council will hear a report frQl)l Planning Dlnclor William Dunn on the llsl ol consultants who have indicated interest in handling the project. It then becomrs a matter ol bow rapidly the city can go lb.rough the process of selecting the consullanl, so that lbe actual planning wheels can be set inlo motion. Many things-some ol a chaag!D4. natur&--:must be considered by t.be council and the city pla.nning com~ mission in their joint studies. One of the most basic is the coming ol lhe Newport Freeway. Its influence on the downtown area will be immense, as the freeway develops new trafftc patterns and pressures affecting that area. Inadequate pl~nning can be destructive, as a look at some of the earty 'jfree. way towns'' &boWs. , Bul Coals Mesa bas a unique apportunlty to advan- lag..,,.,ly relate ils new development in the downtown area to freeway influence-to maximize the value.s and minimize the problems. The freeway js inevitably a re- development too, if ills wisely used. - The future of the downtown cost.a Mesa area ha5 been the subject of much speculation and considerable concern. Can tt compete successfully as a retail store area with newer· developments? Js the future o( this land area in some other form of. commercial develop- ment? • • Certainly in the proposed replanning and re-eng~ neering of Costa Mesa from t.he center outward, as it were. recent business and residential d1Yelopm.mts in the tot.al community must figure into the considerations. The city planning director and others have talked of Only Then . . ·Will God .Be I Proud of Man By ELLSWORTH L. mcHARliSON Mini1l.er Ndgllborbood Coasngatiollal Cllurt:b La(llD• Beadi For a while we h9rd a lot about "God being dead." Now we are bearin1 . that ••man Is alive.'' Indeed ht is! Just think ..• , no longer a man I• the ,noon bul • man OD the moon! It ls i.ncredib~ lf """ bas not been lioldini his bead bigb. F::.:~~ ~=..:::;~ ~: ttiothers me. Isn't it amazing that •• learr't solve aome or the truman problems •tbat trouble us? We bavt bra.ins eoougb to put man oo the moon .•.• why then n't we solve the poverty that plagues 1'uch a large portion of our COUJJtry? l THERE ARE THOSE who object ta !spending $42: billion on the space pro- !gram. (This is the cost since 1951.) FGt l tbe same period of time we have spent :1'114 billion on the Vietnam war. And dut· i Jn1 the same period of lime our Gross NationaJ Produc~ has doubled MSG to '900 l Wion. The combined c.ivil righl.s leadenblp llaJ ..Ued J0< $1iO. bllli<lo ta be spept on jhe "Fretdom Budgel". It can!t be thlt t'e baven'l lhe brii.lns lo do the job! ls 'it that we lack the will? Or, that we dOD't bave the heart to do it? ' . . , " Dear 'Gi~my Gus: -· come CoN Mesa police haveb•t ipJpounded ti.e: camper truck wlUii •'"for Sale" &lgn on Its wlrid&bleld that's been parked in the t900 block of Placenti• Ave. day and nJlht for thJ:'ee months? --J. c~c. ™• fMl'llN nfllJCh, ...,..... ....... "" llWtlr .... .t fN WW I r. llllf -"' _,,. .,,......, ... j Dllh' "'"'· ' a.nyooe all~ will wl.tnea:, wiD come When • scientific apeditlon rm.ally landa on 125lh Strttt. Ol the North Side. of Waterbury. Conaecl!cul "stars like Wlh Stttet, the Waterbury North Side, Watta, ~nrk and Cblcaao, arwtluch cl-lo i\ltlh thU .Ille -n and consequ<lllly lafhience our !Nd lier• to a fu more pralouncr degr... Day and nighl they move in their timeless orbits, silent and obscure ta earlhm<a, -when occasionally pm:a of their aurfacti uplode, for reasons few of us ~re to ex· amine, bul the astral debris of the ex- plosions has from time to time fallen into our streets and caused local fires and trallic diBlocaUooa. . Downtown I.be Im~ ol. mov!n1 rapidly to 1et Into tho official studies and into the corullltanl actlvtty before Costa Mesa ftnd1 Jt.self in a 11t.oo UtUe, t.oo late" situation in regard to the lreewlly • The State Redevelopmeol Act ol 1947 bas been used successfully elsewhere in the state. Redevelopmen"' is not such an unknown quarrtlty nor a wild gamble, given a sound approach. The lrlck, it appears, is to proceed without undue delay, bul to set lbe goals high and lo strive !Or abso- lutely top quality In the plllllllng. • Costa Mesa is approaching another import.ant and exciting era in its still~young municipal hbtory. Oper ation Brown Bag Today was D-Day lor Operation Brown Bag. Costa Mesa police and pri!>cipals ol local schools met to lmpJement the unique public relations program aimed al the community's yooth to help them stay out ol trouble. . Much underslan<!ing, especially among leen-agers. exISts about how police operate and more importantiy why. ~ much mtaw:idef'S'.landing exists in fact, and Operation Brown Ba~ " d<llllg something about it. . Police officers will meet regularJr but inlormally with youngsters on a voluntary baSis. They'll bring "brown bag" lunches for campus noon hour talks on the law ~ how it ~orks. The kids ask questions. 'Ibe police give answers. And they don't seem like "cops" at all. . The kids come because they want •o learn-the right way-and isn 't it heartening that so many of them want to know? • (C) Disgusted 'lty . Anti.A Uen Scandal Sheet '~v.il Piece of Political Mudslinging'· To the EditOr : •. My coirY of the aj>ti-A!l<n tcandal'sbeet bu jus! been depooited·I• my mallboi. I am disgusted. Tbfs h-n pJece of poUtJcal mudslinging lw no place in the demoeral.ic election proceM. Jn tone, it is dist:reWnsJy familiar and reminda me of -the tactiCs of extremism so clearly demonstrated in recent months or the Bircber11 and ~ ~Illes, who resort to slander and innuendo to destroy wltal they disagree with:: ·~· .. ----~ --..-... COMMON DECENCY and Justie< de- mand that 1 pers4o accuaed Shall be • t:barged with a clear: bill o( ~ular1 ~ ~ne wilh courage enough to stantt forth and proclaim himself. The sneak~ tng, ikul~g awroach of whoever is rappoilble !or th~ ill<onctJved recall campaign . .,n mly rclJect dllcredlt 0a them and add one ·more example to be used by lhost who claim with some justific1Uon apparently, that Orange County is the kinkiest place In the coun- try. I DO NOT KNOW Supervisor AJlen or his administrative assistant. John Kille!er. I do not know whether they favor the Irvine Company, Laguna Niguel Corp.. or the incOrporated hlppiu of Laguna Beach and at this stage or the proceedings I do not care. My ctinsclence tells me that when two men are attacked, <WJthout warning, out of the darkness, my fint responsibility Ls to cooie to t&eir aid as a fellow human. .1 S~GGEST THAT the people of Allen's d11tnct should adopt the same attitude in an , emphatic manner and demonstrate their determinaUon lo ~ decency ·and fair play by refusing to ~gn ony ~petl­ Uon~ presented fGr the recall of Afton Allen. HENRY C. DAVIS Dtunb Cat 0 1Dners To the Editor: I would like to reply to the articles written on "cat cruelly" and ''cat licenses." J have long been a lover ol cats, dQP and birdl, but atn fut becom- ing a member of the "cat-haters." Our yard COlllains aeveral wild bird houses, feeders 'and water founlaln!, plus -< an aviary for dozens of rare birds. Plac- ing food out for the wlld birds attracts not only the birds but all the neighbors' cats. r consider the people who own cats a.:s cat-owners, not .. cat lovers." WHO CAN WVE a pet. yet not care v.•he.re he is, what he i.:s doing or what someone is doing to ti;m".' Where was the cat that the boys found and were tortur~ ing? Was be in hls own yard or roaming all over the neighborhood? Every night the top ol my aviary is fuU of cats. caus· ing many of my birds to fly into the wire, killlng them. Birds cannot see at night, cal.! can. DURING THE day, the cats chase and catch the wild birds in our yard. making me wonder where the "animal" lovers are that own them. I am sick or hearing the e.1cuse that it is again&! their natural insUocts to be confined, wear coUars with. bells on them and J suppose wear tap as dogs must. I agree it is terrible lo see any animal mistreated. I don't use the poputa:r tenn "dumb" animals because there are no such things as dumb anim;ds, only dumb owners. HEI.EN EVERS l111p roll ittg lhe Race ' To the Editor: The newa: qi.at a Catholic priest and an ex-nun plan to marry is indeed good news for the world "'hen one considers the value of such a union. The Catholic prie.st is a superior man. as everyone knows, and the nun is also a superior woman. The celibacy gimmick required af priests and nuns has Jong been a ques· tion of sanity, inasmuch as il dan1s lht flow of lift from the bravest. the best anti the mod intelligent human beings, whl)Se o£ispring the world so desperately needs now. THE LARGE families of the poor and Ignorant are more than enough now - witness the population explosion in China, lndia and South American countries where large families are encouraged without the slightest idea of who ·s going to feed them. With due respect to religions (there art 36$ of 'em, one for every day in the year, takt your pick), I would like to point ou1 that bringing children into iii world that can't feed them Is a crime worse than heresy. I commend these two Catholic person!I for breaking their lie.:s with orthodo.1y and becoming just plain citizens of the world, apparently dedlcated lo improving the race, nJt just stacking i1 up. S. G. UND!NE GOD CAN'T BE proud of man! ., Arthur Miller, the pla)'wrigbl, brvugbt •u11 back to earth W~ he said: "After &be -moon we undoubtedly will put men on :other planets: farther and farther away .from earth. The climax, which I doubt "CONGRESS WILL undoobl<dly be wary, IS it bu been in the past, about iptDd.ing money On .such eipediUons, bul the ecOoomic loss due to these explosions, whlch tOme tbeoretJcians say will become more aoir men tre:i.uent, should justify . approprlfltionl to find out if there is anytb.i.nc earthmen can do about them.'' (July ~1161, New York Times.) When that Ume eomu, and only then, can man stand erect and look squarely Into the eyes of fellow earthmen. Only then will GOO be proud ol man? Rocky Seek.-$ .Conservative Image Sandburg Republished No«es: The Ihle brings you up short. "The Chicago Race Riots." Then you note the subtiUe, .. July, 1919," and the author, Carl Sandbuf'I, who was a 'teporter for the Chicago Daily Nt:w1 that year and adapted tbt book from a series of articles he wrote oo the explosive 't!ventJ of that summer. "Bow much do cities, a people, a nation learn in 50 years!" The late Ralph McGill asks: in an introduction to a new edition or this old 'teportage. He an.:swers: "Not much." A NEGRO BOY swam pa.st an invisible line of segregati<m at one of Chicago's peaches, He was stoned. knocked un· conscious and drowned. Inter.racial fighting broke ool. sprta:d through the ci- ty and did DOt stop for lhrtt day!. Thirty- four people were killed, 1D blacks, 14 whites. Several hooses in the "black bell" were bumed. There were official com· missiON in 1919, ~tcGill reminds us. which '"discoVered"' much poverty and ./rwtratioll in Chicago'11 black population be emne W,000 (ab early estimate of Ollcqo's blad: 'PoPulation for 1969 was I lnilllan). HOUSING, A WAR psychology, politics. ~f"'!1-"tion of labor and lack of jobs ~ Jo laJJ the riot of lltl. Tbat and a ol a half century ago were a of experience for Americans. m addJ in bis notes on So .. "I'• mtrained and conc<med job iot ~=-· .. n wm all dropoutl; few ~ learued anYthlllll.'' Tllo ""'* b a melaodloly curios!Jy ~~..., """' a lorgotlen and lm- ;r tlllc> -Into the Sandburf I~: IUiil. ' hardcover medical detecUve stary about abortion, "A Case of Need" lWorld: $5.9$). Th t young Crichton.Lange is a Harvard medical student in his spare time. ''THEY C.UIE BY SEA: A Pictorial History of San Diego Bay," by Jerry ll-1acMullan, appears from 1'he Ward Ritchie Pres.11, Lo3 Angeles, In coopeni· lion with the Maritime Museum Associa- tion. San Diego. The author traces tht story of Ibis onet struggling little port through the yean whtti il served lhe Southwest as the center of a large fishing and shipping industry and as a Na vy t o "' n. Chapters on sailing. vessels, p a s s e n g e r steamships, shipbuilding. Government and harbor craft. Some 200 illustrations (".75: $3.75 softbound). "JANE'S &U. the World·s Airships, 1909," firsl in the famous Jane's series devoted to .aircrafl, appears rro1n Areo Publishing Co. in a handsomely produced facsimile edition ($17.50). This focuses on the tran!ltionat period when alrshlps ceased lo be toys aQd were beOJmlf\I a bona fide means of transportation and , or course, an important fact or military life. "KIDS. COPS AND KILOS," a study of contt.mporary suburba~th and tht impact ol aoclal ch.JI oa it, is a paperback rrom Malter-tst.erfield Co .. SM Dtego. 'lbe: •uthor. Thomas Gitchoff , ·a member of Ute UnlveJ'lltf ol. Califomia departmtnt of crlminololJ, based hi!! ltlldy on \ht Contra Com: community ()f Pleasanl Hlll, Calllom!a. lfWlam Hocan WASHINGTON -Thal oddlty of American politiC! -the Republican liberal -is on the decline these da)'J:"' and if last year's primary defeat of• California's senior Sen . Thomas Kuchel does not prove it, take a look at the re- cent record of New York 's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. Sometime after he had lost his bid for the Presidency al Miami Beach last year, Rockefeller decided lhal he had pushed the people or New York about ·as far as they were willing to go. There ensued, in rapid order, a reductioo In welfare spen· ding, cuts in education, the endorsement of a Conservative candidate for mayor against John Llndsay, and an astonishing photograph of a Haitian balcony with that symbol of corrupt despot.ism, Francois (Papa Doc) Duvalier. IT IS NOT THAT Rockefeller has changed. lie slill regard3 polities as a means rather than an end. Dul he has been around long enough to know lhat the means must be honored lest the end be deftat. For his re-election in 1970, ht thinks lhe means is an image as a COO· servative. . AJI of this is of more than intellectual interest to liberal New York Sen. Charles Goodell. A Republican appointed by Rockefeller to serve out of the term or Robert Kennedy, Goodell h a s spent a nervous summer lisltning to rumors that Rockefeller might repudiate him as too much of a liberal for a 1970 running mate. Early In July, Upstate New York coun- ty chairmen, who ordinarily do not clear lheir throall without checking with Albany, began to object to Goodell's libt.ral positions, specifically his op. position to the AB1t1. There was talk oC r---8 11 George ---, Deor George: You know everything. Do you have any lips on how to keep an lg·· uana? C.M. Oear C. W · You don't need any tips on how lo kee p an iguana. Wht.n's tht last you heard of aomebody awipln1 an jguana? ( . \ ditching Goodell at lhe state nominating convention .in tbe spring alld substituting conservative Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson as a Senate candidate. WHEN ROC1\EFELLER. dodged a Goodell endorsement just one year after appointing him, the rumors began to seem like facts. To Goodell, lhe .tact would be that Rockefeller'• virtually hand-picked state oommllteo would r.;ect him and nominate Wilson' for the SeNte, while entbusiasticaUy s u p po r t i n I Rockefeller for governor. A Rockefeller~Wllson ticket, I n Rockefeller's pre.sent political mood. wouJd suU lhe governor. Wilson is thoroughly acceptable to the Conservative Party in New York, an organization originally founded 14 defeat Nelson Rockefeller. But the Conservatives have now become the third party in New York, ahead oI the ance· powerful Liberal Party, and have become just as concerned with patronage as wilb ideology. Il is conceivable l h a t the Conservatives, if offered Wilson as • Senate carididate, might refrain from op- posing Rockefeller for governor. nus would virttlally assW"t his re-election. GOODELL PONDERED all this and reacted quickly. He let it be known that he lot.ended to run for re.election, Uuit he could oot be shunted aside· without a light. and that if Rockefeller's state com· mlttee refwJed to endorse him, be would Weird Commemorations ' Some friends of mine, who have just returned from Africa, were relaUng stories about the strange statues erected by native tribes aa shrines of won:hfp. They seemed to th.Ink thls was exclusively a primitive cu.slam, -but mtn have always ertcted monumentl to odd objects of wonder and devotion In Amerk:I alone, wt have had some or I.he weirdest commemofatlons known (9' man. \ WHEN THE PIONEER Mormoos ln Salt Lake City were ready to harvtat lhe.ir first I r a I o crop, aiclri.s and grasshoppers threatened to dellrVJ the fl<lds. But. just tllen. sta 111U. by the tbouund11 came up tht. lake and devoured the in11eCl1, thus saving the harvest. The cull is a "sacred" blrd In Utah lodl\y, and a monument to ils honor stands in Salt Lake City. An effigy of the codfish hangs In the Massachusetts Statehouse. and another has hung In one assembly hall or 1nother for more thin 200 years. The codfish sav. ed the early setUcn: from starvin1. THERE IS A monument ht the public square of Enterprbe, Ala., from which a h"lt boll weevil, rampant, looks down upon the town. It seema t.hal the weevil destroyed the cotton one year. and forced the , farmera to diversify their cropa, Whlch turned oQt to be a blessing. · AL l.JtUe Compton. RI., a monument to a hen commemoratt1 the origin ol the IUlOde loland Red brted or cblcten. And elsewt>el"'! In lhat Ute. at Newport. there stands a monument lo l\.{lchelle Felice Corn~. the l'lrst man who darfl'.I lo eat a tomato. WE MUST NOT Jorge~ of "°"""· Robert QuiUen, the hurnorisl of Fountaln Inn, S.C., wbo pul up a marble shaft five feet hl1h In his 1arden, with lhe in- acripUon : .. To Eve, tbe Fint Woman." run anyhow. He added that he would run. in effect, against Rockefeller . whom he was prepared to label iii ''boss." The RockefeUer men got the message aod the "dump Goodell" talk subsided. Gov. RockefeUer himself began to taJk in a friendly way about Goodell, and has virtually promised to support him public· ly once the New York mayoralty election i1> over in November. THERE IS ONE hitch. Rockefeller is known to be considering the possibility that John Lindsay, if he is defeated in his bid for re-eleclion against both a Democrat and a Conservativ e- Republican. might want to seek the Senate seat himself. If he does, Rockefeller may want to salvage his liberal support by supporting a final bid by Lindsay. Hence the delay until November. Goodell is content to wail. lie and hi.:s supporters find it inconceivable lhal Lindsay, if defeated for mayor . could run for the Senate. They also find it in- conceivable tha1 Rockefeller. even in hi11 ne1v conservative clothing, will not want lo have at least a life line to the libcral'I who ha\•e supported him for so long. Goodell will be the only liberal around . By Frank f.lanklewio and Tom Braden ----- Friday, September 12, 1009 The editorial page 01 the DaUu Pilot u:ek1 r.o inform and 1tim- ulate f'toder1 by presenting this ntwipo~'a opinians and com. mentorv on topics of i"te-res c and Bignlficonct. by providing o forum /or Ult e:rpre.:ssion of our reodtrs' 01}fnfon11. and by prestftting tht div-eru vitw- points of lnformtd obsm>tr-' and 8POk.t.tfM" on topics of th t fl<lu. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I r I l I " d s J J s N d. ol lo K , Sc °' Ibo R< or "' I ITU ,., . ' These Views of Moon Passing Belwoen t~e Sun "onCI Eorth (L.ft to Right) Br itish Miss Get s Look At American Police By JORN VALTERZA Of t11t Da!IY 'll•t It.it For a 20-year-old British yoong lady Wednesday morning tn the posh Newport Beach neighborhood of Via Lido Sood on Lido Isle, the experience was terrifying and awesome. "All those guns and slicks and shotguns ••. "she exclaimed pale !aced, "they're truly terrifying." A8 she had morning tea, she discovered lat.er, ·two men robbed Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Cunningham across the street. The English miss from County Surrey, near London, heard nothing. ''Certainly isn't like ScoUand Yard at work," sbe sald, smiling, as she peered out across the street. . * ''No, It Isn't," agreed a reporter. The Britisher, here for a vacation, was staying with the lady or the house who had graciously offered her kitchen to a pair of reporters and a photographer who were geUi.ng nowhere on the story across the street. As the young lady watched, patrolmen with their guns sho~ing a.s usual slood near the Cunningham gate . .__, "The police at home don't have all that," she safd softly. "They get them (guns) on special issue only when they really need them." What followed was the traditional n:planaUon about our country's flre- anns populaUon and the obvious differences between England's hoods and the Amerkan variety. "'Our criminals figure they don't need them 80 much because the Police don't have them either," ahe remarked. * Moments later, the visitor rrom Great Britain received the next Iesson- an interview by a real Yank detective. Al the press and their hastes,, sipped coffee end munched cook1es, the British visilor recounted a meeting the day before at the front door wllh two young ladies asking for the head of the house (who was out at the time); the girls left ••• descrJpUon! ••• no, they didn't return ... _ The detective grinned at the reporters, declined a fresh cup of coffee, just like in the movJes, and Iefl "Ghastly/' our girl exclaimed, "but what a story !or the people back home." C"lemente Uneas y Ove r 5 th Ma rines End T alk Businessmen in San Clemente and other south coastal communities today ere uneasy over strong rumors that the Fifth Marine Division based at camp Pendleton is about to be deactivated. ijeportedly, the famed Fifth, with its 12,000 men, will be disbanded as a m!Jilary economy move, ooe whJch would d~ a hard blow to the economy of the sutrounding cities. frig. Gen. Ross T. Dweyer Jr. assumed ' "t.enos1ia, Wis., Picnic Planned ' Anyone here from Kenosha, 'Wl5.? J'onner Kenoshans now living in Sodtbem California will rally at Whittier Natrows Dam recreation aru for an all- da' picnic, Sunday, S.pl. 21. David Curnes of La Pueote i! tn charge o! frrangemeW. Participanll .,,, Invited to 'bring a lllllCb and vlsil with fellow K~ command oE the division last month but has not publicly commented on the deac· tivatlon rumors, "We expect some word soon," a Camp Pend1eton spokesman said Thursday. Businessmen are definiUy worried. The division'! three regiment.! include two. the 27th and the 28th, based at Camp Pendleton. The 26th with 4,000 men, is now assigned to Vietnam aa the 7lh Fleet's special landing force. There are 52,000 marines at . Camp Pendleton, but manager Lyle Swigart of the Oceanside Olamber of Commerce says losing the 5th would take a long tlnUl lo get over. "The immediate effect ot the deac- tivation on the city would be similar to when the lat Marine Division left for Vietnam," he said. "A large share of Oceanside's butln<ss community is affected by the military. If the proposal went into eUect, ti would hurt us economically ... The division was activated bi 1944 and a year later aalled for lwo Jirna. In 36 days ol battle, U 1Uffered more e.uualtles than tny other lmlt in • aingle enaage- menL s ' )· . DAILY PMAT• .......... Ttm .,_. I Were Juen with 35 MM. Camera Using e 700 MM. Telephoto Lens. Noon Hour Spect1cular .C1ptureCI lm1gin1tion .ol Spece •nd Girl Wet.n.n: ' Mere Humans W atch Event· in Awe Millions of Southlanden witnessed that eerie phenomena ~Y that invea to mere humans that the planets do indeed move about, balanced l1ke a giant mobile. BegionJng at 10:'35 a.m., a dark dent appeared at the ed&e of the brllllant orange ball hanging out there P mllBon miles from Orange County. MilllOllB of measly humans watdied In awe. MlIDons of. other measly humans went about tllelr bulin<ol as usual, selling shoes, •ashlnii the bMk!ast dlahes or whatever. Tho partial IOIRT ecllpoe visible throughout Call!Ol1lla at sllgtltly dllfen!llt times could be aeen through the viewfinder of a trlpod-moanted, mte:rat.. leru; camera set up on ibe DAU. Y PILOT parking lol. As the aky gradually darkened, a curious society department gal snagged her nylons, kneeling on the asphalt J>IV&- ment. "Gee Whlllikers," abe cried -or words to that effect -the monumental movements In the heavens were forgot· l<fl. . Tile ''""' as billed far IO:IS a.m., but began al about the llilrd -apb of a SS. eru. murder Involving ... Oranle County man by t!>lJ ._u.•1 time . c:akulatloos. A large, dark portion of the IUD WU ob5cl.ifed by 11:20 a.m., leaving a fat. plden crescent as the Hies vlllbly darkened, .... tlni I lfladowJ llUlllllJne lbat lerrllles the '-"'>L Tbe lbadow of the ._ II It ~ between the emth and moon coollnued across, rucJng lta mulmmn, 'II percent at J2:1S p.m., as c1armes,, lay under a cloudless 1iy. A •Pokesman for the Griffith Parle Observatory In Loo Angeles llld audl partial ecllpoes ol the sun are r<lalively common. '!be unique thing ta a t<JlaJ eclipse, when the moon is near enough to Earth for it! shadow to blot out all the sun's light, he said. The unique thing Thursday WU the gal tn the nylons kneeling on the asphalt. Valley; Santa Ana to Get Signal at Newhope Street It may lake 1 few months, but CIIl'mlt actionl indicate Uiat residents of Faun· lain Vallfy and Santa Ana. have won their fight to in.stall traffic tights at the In- tersection of Edinger Avmue and Newbope street. Foonlain VaJley City Manager James Neal says Santa An.a 's public works department bas been cooperaUve and Education Boar d To Prohibit SDS In High Schools SAN FRANCISCO (lJPI) -Tbe Clllifornla Board ol Education Tbunday approved a resotuUon advi1ing acbool districts that the Students !or a Democ:raUc Society (SOS! was "unlit to be recognized" on junior and senior high school campwes. The vote was eight-to-two with Dorman L. Commocs of FUiierton and Miguel Montes of San Fernando Jn opposlUon. Commoos pointed out that the SOS hu been called Communistic, but be felt it was actually anarchistic. He &akl he felt the resoJution would allow SDS leadership to say, "see, they can't deal with us ." Monlel also aaid be felt the r~!utlon would provide more ammunJtion fCl" the sos. Board member Rev. Donn Moomaw of Los Angeles saJd that he fell the lime had come to make a statement: on the SOS bot lhoughl "we !hould do more than rap · tbe1r wrists" and suggested a more positive program to. go along with the resoluUon Jn the future. Barbara Mar&hmanl, the U·yell'<lld bigb ochool student from Alamo who was just ,..led as a special member of the slate board. said abe felt the resolution shoukl have been postponed until &0me .sucb program as Moomaw bad suggested becMDe avillable. ret'tptlvt to aua(tCUom on the need for a traffic lighl lo prolecl ..0001 children. Santa Ana confroll three comen d. the lntersecUon while Fountain Valley con- trol! one. A large group of ttaidenb ut~ ed the Fountain VaUey' City Council Sept. 2 to initiate acUon for the protection of children croWng tho!e streeta. "We now have a police wllt watching the area In the JDOnllnp, and Santa Alla ha& ooe in the afternoom." said Neal in his weekly report. Santa Ana has also placed a full time crossing guard on duty. "It might tal<e three lo six montlla to lrL!lall a traffic light," continued Neal, "bul ii looks llie Santa Alla la willing tt their city COX10Cil approves the fwld3 on Sept. 1&." Cost of the project Is estimated at $24,000. FOUlltaln Valley already baJ $8,000 ready for lls share, and Santa Ana must approve $18,000 to approve ita part of the bW. Pre-schoolers In Valley Get State Money Kindergarten teachers In the Fountain Valley School Dlstlrcl are mtlllng again. The reason ii the l.ut minute paSS11ge of Assembly BW a thl8 summer which wW put an additional $542,000 lnto the bank aCCOIJ111 for Fountain Valley's pre- school children. Last spring the future of the extended kindergarten program looked grim when state funding was discontinued. '!'bis year, lbankl lo the Veysey bill the dsllrlct will be able to ei:pa.nd ttt kin- dergarten frun 150 to 180 mhwtell, reduce the ratio between teachers and pupi~. 1ncr.... t.acber planning time and allow more opportunity for lndlvldual attention . The new law provides an lncreue of more--tban $18 for eoich child enrolled in the 180-minute ktndergarten. prograrii~ Now Triumvirate • Philco-Ford Feels Shakeup ' A stunning shakeup In the highest ranb of me of the world's largest en- terprises -Font Motor Company -baa led to a·new cb.lef over the branch which includes the Phik:o-Ford Aeronutrocic planl In Newport Beach. 1be sudden removal of Sem:in E. "Bunkie" Kruxben u president of the giant finn was followed by announcement from Board Cba1nnan Henry Ford II that a triumvirate d e1.ecuUves will lead the company. Robert J .. Hampoon, 51, ol Dearborn, Mlch., will U8Ullle command of Pb1Joo. Ford'1 worklwide 1Ubsidariea:, u well u the Ford Tractor Dlvt~on. "We don't know what changes -U any -there wUl be in local management.•• Phllc;o-Ford Aeronutroruc public relatlona representative Don Flamm said today, Tho combination of Philco-Fon! and the Tractor .dlvliim ii a newly establl!hed plan. Flamm added, saying th a t Hampson was previously vice president :1~al manager o( lhe tractor Phllco-Ford11 worldwide ope r at 1 (t.ft <mploJ• 411,llOO per ..... -the trao-tor dlvlalon employes Just under 10,000 ~. l'lamm added, quotin1 CllrQplll¥ d.lreialt-. l f q I -., -. Tho other memben ol the three-man team which lrill succeed Kmxiien -who ia no. an unemployed-auto wo4er wl\b '900,000 in unemployment compenution coming In the next three-and--bau yean -includes: Lee A. lacocca, father of boCh the bot· selling Mustang and the newer Maverick model who will be In charge of North American operaUoos. Robert Stevenson, who will be In charge of 1Dtemallona1 o p e r a t Ion 1 , reporting -lil<e licocx:a and Hampoon - dlrectly to Ford hlm!eU. . Knudsen, whose 1Witch from the ex· ecuUve hierarchy of the General Motors Corp. to Ford Motor Co. 11 DlOllths ago &tunned the automotive world, wu fired Thursday u Ford pmldenl. Board Chairman ll<nry Ford Il, •ho bouted lbal be penonaDy wooed Knudsen away from his arch compeUtor, said simply, "things didn't W<Jrk out the way we had hoped.'' The 56--year-old Knudsen, announced htJ own firing by the Ford Board of DI-. ors. He said Ford walked into bis olflce Sept. 2 aod "told me l would be leaving." 1'1 was ahocked," Knudsen tokl newsmen. "I would assume JtlU would be," he quoted Ford 11 layfng. The lllUllJllAf)' dlamlssal of a praddenl 'ftas, at best., a rarity in car-h.dJct!nC c1n:i... "'Kiludaen'1 ..... It lallowod lbe ~tlona of thr<e Ford --llnc:e Knuctaen MllUllled lbe Jll"!llldeaey m Jl'eb. f, 1961. Knudsen hu Ihm and a baH ""'left o1 a n ... year C011tract wbkh bmJ1b1111m '200.000 a year In wary. "' addition, be baJ !100,000 coming from • ~.11111 flral. yW bollus. Under bis ccnlract, KnudaeTI la b111d· den. to wort for another automotive CIClmr pany for Ihm years alto!: leavtnc Ford< He wd be bad no plans lo return to GM. Knudsen had fully upeclad to -GM Preaident unUl he WU paaed onr and the position handed to Edward N, Cole In 1967. Privately bitter, be accepted the Poll of. executive vice preald«!I bot let the word out be wanted to inlke • move. Ford picked up the ball and made n>om l<X' Knudaen In the Ford llructur< bf placing the then prealdent Arjay Miller Into I,_ position of-cbalrman. Within a m. moat11a, though, MOW lei! F...t to become dean ol the Slanrml llnlventty t."'-1 IChool. Oilier - came -Daoiald N. Froy ul ~ 0. Frick'" qulL nie.. ..... blnla ol ln>oble from tbl begl"1lni of Knudsen's teuure 11 be a? parmUy elubed with Lee A. Iacocca1 Ford ru pr<lktenL Iacocca liad been the helr..apparent 10 Miller until Knud9en was lmpcrted. "We hadoomedlflerenc:<1whenlflr11-.~ Knudaen nld. "But since January Uxtee dil!erencea have worked wt." Two Countians Die in Traffic Two Orange County mldeala """'ldll· eel In ttofllc accldau Tburlda7 and lbll morning. Michael Wayne Sulllvln, 21, <I. !flt IL Nulwood st, Anaheim, died when be 111111 c:ootrol of bis car 90llthbound an the San- ta Ana Freeway Jn Anaheim at 1:30 a.m. today and the car rolled aver. Jolm George Trlllleltl, 23, of 3211'/ Son- nywood St, Fullerton, WU killed wllen his car collided with a truck at a Fullerton -..ct!Oll sh«ll7 bef«t noon 'l'burlday. Who'll Succeed Dirksen? "'This gives us the chance to really ex- pand the range and variety of ex· periences," said kindergarten teachtt Bobbie Lindgren. "'It wUI abo give us more time fot parent Confem>ee1 which should make home«hool teamwctk easier and more eUective.." • • • • • Sc ott, Baker Botli Seek Sen.aw GOP Leader ·Spot WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sm. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvonia and Sen. Howl<d Bat of T......ee. announttd todty Lh would seek 'the post of Senate R I lican leader Vltlted by the death of I<"· Everett M. KJrUen. jearlltr 1IOQ', page 7), Baker told reportm be hu decided lo maiit a fisht lo succeed his late !atller-ln- law M leader and added: "I thlnt I have 1 realiSic chince to win." Scott ffrsf:' &aid be 'WAI &iring St?rloul coosideration to making the race but two hours later, in an apparent change ol ctrategy, aJlllOWICOd bewu ll'illdi>I • let.. ter to hls colloqoet am»uocJjiJ his decision. Sen. Marpttt Clwe SmltJI (R·Malne), said o1Je would call I mctliag ol aU .Republican senators "u tooo u prac- tical" to e1ecl Dlrksen'11UCCe110r. Scott'• IUPJl0!1en wd be 1ea<11 now by a "modest mar1ln" aaalnst a:ny other possible candidate and thal hll ba<klng appeared to be lncreulng. A1ked about running, Scott A.kl, ••1 am still not in a pos11lon lo comment on tblt ·~·"but he then added : "l am CtNlnly -Ing that Vf!tJ 1"1ou1ty. 11>e domlnanl leellng ls thal we ought to avoid anytlrlng lbat -.Id divide the part)' or lnlerlere •!lb tbl dlancea of gottlng I majorll1 of the Sii>a!e In the 1rro eJedlonl. "There u oome le!llimeot thal maJn.. talnln1 the otatus quo may be the bell way -con&1dering me for elevation.1• As for Dir~'• u:caeor In the S..ata from lllliiOlo, 1lq. John B. Amenon baa announced be J .s "19a1Jable." Cuba Official Ani'fes In Mexico for Meet MEXICO CITY (UPI) -CUban Foreign Mmilter Raul llol arrlftd In Mexico today for a prevklusly ttnan· nounced meeting with Mulcan Preltdenl Gtl.'ltavo Dill Qrdaz. , Roa reluaed to tall: to .._.i.n al Ille airport and went to the CUban tmbaay for breakfast. It w11 undentood be would continue"" to New Yort: alter the Mellco City vlalt lo att.ocl tbe llnltod Nallooa Geocral Auembly. Glrl M eets Elep ... at .. ,._ With the coi:nlnli o( It• circuA 0 to St Loul.s, Mo., Betll Jensen, t. 1!14 "" opportunlty lo 1111 1cqualnted with one of Ill• elep!>ant1 w'1Ut11 to be unloaded from .Ito train. Beth Md .her mother cemealetl U.. relatlonsblp by fudlng tile -elephant a tull of rrass. I I I I L ---· .. ·--····-·----·----··---------..... .. -. ~ _ ...... - _______ ..,.._ ~. Llovol M. hdlor, lormet al 1lie .. ~ spy lblp anivod m Mmlenly to for a mart.."s deg~· In t oclence et the Navy uate sdlool. In a """' con- Budler said ot Jiii 111111'• and Ille imprilomnent of and bis crew: "I regret the , bole damn tblng beppeneil. I re- ret that North Korea was not de to pay for this madness.'' ·• Natural.gal heat will bt aoo£l. able in Heu (Mk h.) UW month, &ht Con.sumer• PmoeT Co. hatM announce~ • Cedar Rapids, Iowa Police kept dorefuJ watch while the ornament· al bortU:ulture class at Klrll:wood College bamed weeds olf the tille where they are going to oot In a flower labon.tory. 'Ibe 11\\leeds" were marijuana, and the police wanted to make sure it all went up in smoke. . ' . Mn. Rolleri Crl11ln9"r Jiad just. 11'8 right qualification•' to beci>m•· the Columbul (in<L) Pol)ce Depart-. ment•s new meter maid -1 abw. Weig.ha lll5 poundJ and is fiV~feet, two-inches fall. those exact dim en-, skms were necessa:ry because Mrs. CrisoinJcer mU.t fit her prod"'"°" .or's d ~. . Frmdt.r Colbert, cm ezoAc &mcu "' B~ Street i1l New Ort.;ani, took MT kittv to coµrt·afttr •M 10U '"°'Vod .,;u. •u<J>ing • wild and bidou animal." Htr G111mal, a ttD<> v<GN>ld ch<•t<lh -"Tiquito," tool< ii all W1ll c:olml~ and imprus•d Ille iud/I• <noU{lh to diamiu th< charge, • Floyd P•ttonon, former world heavyweight boxing champion, has •ppeeled to the U.S. Tax Court a tlaim by the Internal Revenne Service that he °"°' $358,870 In .Jn.. t<me taxes. The service seeks to collect SK,856 for 1959, $ll3,239 for 1960 and $150, 775 fur 1961. The ''aim arose from an Internal Rev· eriue service ruling that money Patt.enon received from the sale Df t!lock in Floyd Patterson Enter- prises, Ud., was penonal iJJoome rather tblUl a capital gain and tllat ~. was not entitled to certain de- iuctlons for expenses. • The football lineup at Harvard Univemty this fall includes ooe veteran who's a beginner-Fr•nk Veter•~ a sophomore linebacker !rom Tarrytown, N.Y. ·.So1n Evans Officer ' Calls Sentenee 'Very :fair' SIJB!C BAY, PhllJpplnes UPI) :._ Lt. (j .•. ) .Ronald c. Romley today described as &j'ftl'J' fair" the reprimand and mluc- ..., la IOD!cwj\f bo """"ed for bis role la tho colllatao d tho U.S. de!lroyer Fronk E. Ev1m and the Australian ctr· lier Melbourne. Navy eources Uld Ramley'1 mild ll<lllenCe railed 1he podbUlty charges of negligence and derellctlcm of duty may be dropped agallllt C!ndr. Albert s , McLemore. the Ev&M" captain, who was asleep when bis ship was sliced la two. Ramsey, 24, of Loog Beach, call!., was senior olDcer on tho Evans' bric!(• during the June S accident bl the Soutb China Sea which killed 74 U.S. sailors. In a one-day court. martial, he pleaded guilty Tbunday to reduced charges ,of derellctloo of duty' and negligence. ·nie aleoder Pardue U'niVerslty gtaduata aid at bis first news con- fll'flllCO 1 I • c. the colllmoo that 1he sieotence wu "very fair." Asked whether II<' plaaned to .. -to .... Ramsey· n!p'llecl: "I don't have any ruervatlons. l'd like' to go back." ilamlOY said bo called bis wile, who la ezpectlng thotr -chlld la Long Beach, and told her of the d<c!Blon. "Slle wu very relleved."·be said. -!\lml<Y aid ho did DOI believe the court marllal«'1erecl l<u "' 1.000 pointa In bla stsncllng oo tho llsl for promotion was a ae.rious obstacle to bil naval career. llamley's llllllor de!enae counsel, Capt. Lazar IL Benrubl, d Coronado, Calif., said the reducUon in seniority 0 coold conceivably set him back a year" for a pmnotlon. A -fiavy spokesman said 'nlunday this would mean a two-1ear delay la llamJey'• -grade. Finch Opposes Houses 'Freedom' Integration Plan WASIDNGTON (AP) -Welfare Sec· n!lll'y Robert H. Finch, under attack both ln and out d the govemment 10< bla cMI r1ghta atand, bas pul the Ntaon adminlstratioo on recol'd against a con- trovmlal Houae-pa!Becl "lreedom of choice" school desegregation measure. In annwnclng opp>s[Uon to the amend- ment proposed by Rep. J amle Whitten (().Mia.), Flacb alao aald Thursday his Health. r.ctncaUoo and Welfare Depart· ment wu preparlba a ~port that would vlndlcata Ila civil right sellorta DVI!' tho past eight mcinlhs. Wblttien's ·proposal, an amendment to 1he HEW !'Pproprlatloos btll, pa....t the House tWo montht ago and ls now before the Senate. It -1d prohibit~ govern- ment from using the leverag\ of fe<J.. cral aid to require a student to attend a school agalnat his wlaheo. 'lbl> would -the tr...chol"" -au.n.s..... plans proposed In many llOU1henl atal<o but ruled uncon- stitutional by the Supmne c.urt except ~ the rellU!t Is speedy d-erga. lion. By puU1ng 1he a<lminlstratlon flaUy agallllt 1he Whitten amendment, Fincll cllma1:ed a fight sources indicate was under ny on the eve of the House vote ontbomeuun. •t · Meet Belli .. at 1Buss Bill? . . .. ·. ltalJllD...,. --CllOU not lo rnloco"'d•,. -·· m1111a1y m!Jhl. ! .......... -la Wllhlnltoo have tadlcaW tbe BuW•m, durial &bl put l1IGll!I. -their milllaly atrqlb aloaC Ibo t,a miles-et-. ~·...,. allO Imp......, with the T .. ~-which said KOIYllD and CllOU 'openly exp1alnecl their pOoltlom Uil bold a c:onmutton uaeful for both lldeo." Tbfs WU IUen to DIUD thal """" "'J b!llDI taWn& went oo. ,. ·30,000 Person·s Flee. Poi·son Gas GLENDOllA, Mia. ( U P I ) 'lt>ousandrd -·began re1um1ng to their -.. in the Mlulaalppl Della to- day wben w)nda·~tecl lllOlll d the deadly pboocene gaa lbat leaked rrun lour derailed chemical tank cars. At the height ol the crW.., 30,000 persons were routed from their homes, bul by morning all but about 5,000 bad returned. A triangular area frcm Glendora to Ruleville to Schlater, and back to Glen· dora was still under "restriction," but Leflore County Civil Defense Director Otis Allen said he eipected an alJ-clear to Many residents were rooted from their sleiep by slrem, loudspeakers and police poonding OD house doors. One of the towns involved was the com· munity of Doddsville, where Sen. James 0. Eastland has a large octtoo plantation. Dr. Arthur Hume, a cbemi5t with the state crime laboratory in Jackson, ex· plained that phoogene gas, which attacks the nervous syirtem, "is Yery, very to.J.. • " r JC. • National Guardsmen with gu masks moved into some areas behind the smote ckiud and reported finding a number or dead clop and livestock. , be issued !or that oectloo, too,'!ater in the day. W ~rkers UncaP, Mine in Recovery Of 78 Bodies SLAYING SUSPECT GUARDED BY POL ICE Gtorgo Putt Hold by Unldonllflod Olllcor Priso.n Escapee. Charged With5 ....... utal Murders ' MEMPIDS, Tenn. (UPI) -P chlrgecl a Mlssl$sfppl penal r~~;ticJ~ -delcrlbed as a juv · lmlal · ~th -with five brutal 111urdera within a ooe.month period. Fltt and Police Director Frank . Hollmnan annotmced at a news <X>ft.. ference 'l1luraday first degree murder charges were placed against George Howard Pull, 23. Putt, thin with bushy.tilood hair and a Batman tattoo on bit arm, was arrested only II !Jhort distance' (run the mkl-city apartment where the body of Christine Pickens, 59, Wa! foand stabbed to death. The next.door neighbor of Miss Pickens, Walker Armstrong, said he heerd ICfeamJ frtm the dental recep- Uonlst'a apartment, gilt bis pl!tol, and EA RTHQUAKE HITS A LEUTIAN ISLANDS WASHINGTON (UPI ) -The Natiooal Earthquake Information Cent« reported a "strong" earthquake early today in two Islands of the Aleudan chain, but said there were no injurtel « damage. A seismic sea wave (tsunami) warn- ing was issued for coastal areas of the Al euUan chain by the Palmer Ol>M'rva· tory in Alaska, but was rescinded later. lkeil sis shots at a young bloocHpattered min who fled from her apartment. Several ether penoos joined the chase and aid the man jumped down -an eqft:slway construction l!ite where be ._en11y med hi• ablrt. Putt wa.s arrested nearby, bearing _ 9Cr'Mches but no bullet woonds. He was wa-aiog trousers and sun classes. Police revealed later he •aa wanted by the FBI for an escape June 26 from the Hinds County, Miss., penal fann where he was tetVing ·a. lixomootb term for lr"'Paulng. Holloman called a news COl'iference ThUI>day night "•nd announced that loUowinl a c:onm.nc. with County District Attorney '°"'1eral Pbil Canale. Putt aiao wis· cilltpl with Ille murden of Mr. and Mn. Roy K. Kumas, Mrs. Leila Jackson and • M1a Glenda Sue Hantan. Dumas, SI, a frail disabled veteran and hia wife, 46, a nuning 11.1pervlsor at Bap- tist HoapitaJ, were found in their apart· ment Aug. 14 by their son, Michael Dumas, 21. The bodies Weft in separate bedroonul, bound .an11· atrangled with women'• stockings. Mrs. Dumas had been aexuall;y toolested • Eleven days later, Donald Eugene J acklon, 19, !wnd hJs SG-year-old grandmother in her apartment slain in a iimllar fubioo. The chemical tankers were among 12 cars of a mile-long Dlinoia Central freight train that jumped the rails 'lburlday afternoon. A spark from a broken power me ap'parenUy JgnJted the cars and Jent a huge cloud of black smoke billowing in- to the air. • Several of the tankers contained vinyl chloride, a chemical used in making. resins and plastics. Under btat t.bia substance producu pbo5gene 1as, a lethal gu u."'1 In World War L 'lbe federal goymunent, which came under fire recently for shipping phosgene gas by rail, took pains to point out that the vinyl chloride was a commercial shipment. ."L would like to mak!j\ very clesr that there is no Department of 'Defense in· volvement in today'a deraikntnt of chemical tank cars in Mississiplpi otbu than the fact that some military techni- cians have been dispatched to the scene to respond to requeats for assistance," a Defense Department 1p>kesman laid 'Ibunday. • When it appeared the "black smote clouds might be cUTying the deadly gas into population C<J>ten, Gov. John ~ll Wllliam.J ordered 600 N a t i o n a I Guardsmen to aid in the evacuation of towns in the northwestern M.Wmippi coon.tie& of Sunf1ower, Le f Io re and Talabatcllie. Bunnies MANNINGTON, W.Va. (UPI) -Work· en with jackhammers cut ~ a mas- sive steel and concrete cap on a shaft ol 1he Mannlngtm No. I mine today to begin the lumrdous recovery of the bodies of 78 coe.1 miners entombed by erploslons and fire nearly 10 months ago. A crane lifted the cap, eight feet in diameter, oU the Atba's run shaft and a huge fan b e g ~ n repiovi_ng uploslve metharle gall from the mfhe. Other worken bq:an cutting throogh the seah on four other openings in the area with jackhammers with beryllium tiJ>'. The brukthrougb at Atha's run took 30 minutes and came at 5:27 a.m. P!Yf, to begin ooe of the biggest recovery op- eratiorui: e~ undertaken in the history of coal mlnlng. The operBiloo was unique In that It began ao long ago -28$ days -after the Nov. 20 disaster which devastated the mine and In the great danger It posed f<r the recovery crews. Mining txperts called It the "most hat· anloua" undertaking in mining histocy. Britain Parliament Slwcked by Airline LONDON (UPI) -Members o{ Parlia· ment accused the government-owned British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOACJ today of turning il3eli into a ''bunny club" airline by offering single Americans footloose and fancy free visits to London with at least three British mates of their choice. Peter Bessel], a Liberal member, said he was "shocked and astounded" to learn pamphlets were being offered at BOAC qfflceS acro!S the United States urging Americans with picture! o f mlnlskirted young girls -to lake the trips at $350 for two weeks. "A3 a frequent visitor to the United States, t am very' much aware of. Lon- don's unfortunate reputatkin of being the swinging city cf the permissive 8odety ," he said. "Now that BOAC is busy establishing itseU as a bunny club airline, our reputaUon will suffer even more among respectable people." Promotion offering a 1 •1 c I en t i f I e matcrune llttVice" to pair American singles wlth at least three partners whose speclficaUorui they state is on sale at BOAC offices in New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Lo.s Angeles ml San Francisco. U.S. Weather Mostly Fair MW u.m,:len, Jt, a JftUY \nsurance secretary, disappeared after wort Aug. 29 and her khifMlashed body WIS found the lollowlni d11 ln wooded Riverside Park. ConservaUve MP Kenneth Lewis sa.id unless the government airline diaowned this "affront to British girls'" be would raise the iJsue in the House of Commons. He said he was ao angry he was taking ,-.,. alrUne oo a forthcoming trip 1o New York. A BOAC .spokesman Wd the "beautiful singles of London" .scheme was operated by a London commercial organization specia]Wng in touni: and, Htt hall our blessing but we hope the accent ill on entertainment for young people rather than sex." Scattered Showers Fall in Arid Southwest "'"' ""' ............... flll •.Ill.'·' ~ Mil .... ,, ,. ...• llt:N •Jiii. U ......... .. .,.. IW ,,, ••••• ,,. .... '114•-U ,..,.. 11111* ................ »id ...... " .._.. ._. ~····••••• .. •• '-:.N.-u _...... ~ ............. "114 .. "" ... .. ' tt• •:M ...... ... J:N .,,,.., Miii ...... r1n •"'· ,.,. r: .. -.m. ..,_. .. N U lif .. ,._ a.it. ,, Wt. u Ck!. s ()cl, 11 Alll l'llll fl l k ... lfltlf lllsm.erek ••• ...... '"""""'"' ""'"' Clnc!PI"'" ....,_ ... _ """" l'•ll'flllnll:;I' Fort Worflil ·-Htl-...... i<.11M• Cltr l 11 V"l l LM "'-1111 M ..... N.w 0..111 M ....... P01i. Ntw YOrt NMlll i-t•tt. ....... otMP!omll (ltv '"""' i-111'1'1 .... "'" """"h•: .......... .... ... ~ ... If ("' ·-l8Cf"'"""9 ''" L.01 Cl~ Si ft Oi1tot IHI llteMltc9 IMtlle $Mill;I"' Tl!fr"''' w ........ ~~ """' l'l'k . " • ... " u " " • " " - " " " " .u .. " " .. • .. " ~ " " .. " " .. " .. " n " " " .. ... " -• .. • " " .. " .. • .. .. " " .. .. " .. •• u M> " ... .. .. " " • .. .. .. .. • .. .. n .. " " " ~ u " .. " " .. Tanks tor the Memory Doing a lltU e housekeeping during a lull In the Viet· nom fighting, a U.S. Army bulldozer tips a destroy· ed tank into a "grave" before burying ll • -'. --._. ____ .,. . • DAILY Pltm § Tlwre's a Near Miss in A.ir Abo t Oncea Day • • ., CHECKING -• UI' ~ • • • WASllUIGTON " (AP) nnr-Dliao ,.port. WI yur. .dileolr alnco early IN'I 11,ve • Ollln .enlf lilo ad WIS c11mbing llllo • la!JU!l!il!l --I "-" 1he -. ~. h I. •. ,. • llllent " ........ -o>IJI...... Ill ~.'11 • lldiloil plllt can -from Cil<aao'• busy, Make Black Suit, · · crowded alrlhWJ<U that criss-minlmlllng tile vroblem. It'• .it Io.. i.v.11 near aJrpotls 11ve 1 jet aJrUner from a. O'Hare Airport 11111 -, mm the nallon'• •ldts bavo aerloul," said .. 'FM expert. where prlvlle pl-"'""'· nW'·mlos. And the brwlh en when It wt lhroueh a !lab • cloee b'ruab wllh-'t.be mass very few ell tht near-mlues' Tbt ftttt toOt JS lives ~r 1eave even a ~eteran flier c.urtaln of clouds and round a• tragedy ol a -lo Ille 1ova1Ye two -jetao Jlo710n, Obio, whetl a ltpt vlslbly --' lirlf Jrlvale plane ~ air. FM olflclall~lllloe Ille pllM colllded with 1 Tnlll An Amaican A1rlllles Jet cllnctly .t It ¥ore· than ha!,f ol .U Ylctlms aJrllnera !ly -•te<I w or I d Atrlind llCI •J>·ir========'=::===:;=::;:;====; of commttclal )et -lo 1"Ulet, Ulllllly ~ lo Uie Ile. ~ • lindlnc· I.Mer "-L I' 0 ' Use White,·Thread years have died bec111Se of coml>lolU.00 wllhJlrlv1tt clodlnc 'the IOCre\aJll of the , · ·So Relax 111•· ••• thla country lo lht. laat l\!o -·.uo1u.e 1111'"' tbit ,.... a -· ·1n-I .,..,.. ........ ,~ colllslQlS with sm.U priv1te planes -or -mlliluy navy, ...,. killed when • BEAD: planes. 1lnnfl, wlljch 'n,.n lo 1 prjvJile plloe that hid mlsRd And while Cllher ._of •Ir surprlaloglyld(llnumber. • tum cnlbed in1o a Pied' Tiie Boolknall in 1. 1,,. •· e.. r.i.. ..,...11 ulety are. -coostutly im.~ Three of the nation's seven ~t 727 takiDg oU from • .....,.. .,,. ,._.... -..1 • , By L M. BOYD pn>Ylng, tbil II not. · Wal aJrlloe Jet' ~ 10< Asheville, N.C. · • , crowd cl about JO 0 '0 00• 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill onlooken ponied up '901.IK to' -The lllf<!t cruh,.klllld D m TAILOR-Tocompleto ms ,.. him do IL •• Q.-"WllQ pemm 'l\ll!fdll'· ,'flb•n Kl RKPA' TRICK'S appttnUceshipuatallor,he WAS tbe O'Brien for wbom.--~~------, eyewit.ne11e1 siid, an • ·~ waa noqulrect-to malr.1 •man's Polatoeo O'BrUa' w er o Allelll<D1 Alrll.. DQ Jet t , , llull Ullog black material and named!" A. -Am .told Iha! P ost Off1'ce's W&I hit ,by ~ ~ white threld So J10 white wu T. J. 'O'Brie4 of the pr!vale plane u It ,.. 1J> thread was· visible when the Henallaw Hotel in Clmahl, proachlng • llndlog at 1" 11760 IAST COAST HWY • Co-. dol Mir • ' 67S.2650 :ck .:11"":.rw'~· ~d~~ N:J>iiNs -MOii kllllogs In 'StaDips· Stolen =~· 'Ibero were no ·IUY .NOW and SAYEt OFFIC~ RCA Color 'TY, ' . ' . grenUe~ IDilhong '''art"wtlre<lhat this country are committed HENDERSON, N.C. (AP)-1· II w~-~ lhlr1_.(~ ~; CLEARANCE SALEI rom wrc c tng er . with IUJ\I. TblJ fad is widely orddals at Henderson's new won lDvU1••lll·• , ......... r .uu • a job that must have been! ,.ported by. lho eltlzens who a 'lftall p~ slnee 1911. ' .llOll· Especially when you comlder . want to outlaw household •-1,office had no itamps to ACcordJ.nC _to·ll"ederaJ' lvi• the average suit of men's weapons What's little known, aell when the first patrons· ar~ lion • AgencJ recards; there clothes contains 47,lSS sti"' however; ts that firearms Jflte.. rived MOD4ay. were no fewer than 30t Mii°" cllel. ly are Involved In 1 smaller The post office had heen mlases inwilvlog ·)et aJrUnera NOTE a flcti.on writ.er in-and smaller percentage of robbed during tbt night at all last year -an avera,p cl eludes among his most mlnor hom\cldes not a Jargu and almOlt one a day. · characters an aid Gypsy larger pe;centage. In ltu, ap-stamps and $60!> to f7(KI In And wl~ the v~ lliOWinc THE CANDIDATE ••• Big scr"'n color portable bas vivid, true -to· life New Visll picturo, Sporlabout· Chassis with new Solid SI a t e Cornpooenis, p<>p'UP handle, EIA42. 180 sq. in. picture. SE ·RVICE • nicl . $ALE$ genUeman who purportedly proximately 75 per cent of the cash. Postmaster Junius W. fleet of .imaJJ prlvite planes told fortunes. Tut tut. Among killings were gunshot cases. 1n· Roetts later borrowed some outnumbtrtna the comfnerclal gypsies, only the women tell 1913, leas than 60 per cent stampo 1rmn the poa1 office at 1irlinm -.1; Oflldall uy SUVllVG BARBOR ARE.t ~ S I NCE 1'48 fortunes. · .OUR N A M E were. Now it's almost down to ~nearb~~y~Oxlonl~~;.· .:._ ____ ~there~~hu~~beeo~~no~drop§~. tn~-lbe~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ GAME MAN says Peter 50 per cent -.• means rock, Bertha means SMOKY THE BEAR _...,_.... ... _,,..,..,..... bright, Francis means free, Writes a Boise 1 dab o -· .. .. l• .,.- Beatrice means . glad and subscriber: "You 'recently ad'. Thomas means twm ... AS ';'() vised, 'When camplne out, W:W~ is f:be, lfJ!l&~l str~t build your fire (ID a slope.' Sir, Wlth1n any city s hm1ts, thal s you have just set back the Western avenue in Chicago, I cause of conservaUon by 100 lhink. Ai 241,i miles. years. Smoky the bear would OUR SONG -Know . a really blow his cool If he found y0W1g fellow who met the girl anybod,y doing that Always he was to marry in a hospital build a cam~e on 1eve1 w.bett 11he nursed him back to ground. Never, never, never h1S feet after a car smashup. on a slope because such &lope " ~t night while they were fires tend 'to run right up hill, 1 visiting oor place, an .am-threatening forest fires. Aside bulance airen sounded In the from · t h e aforementioned distance. "Listen, honey," he abysmal lapse you're all said softly, .. they're playing right son." ' our ·. !ong:" ls there some vOOr questions and com· l!lpec!al ditty you and your ments are welcomed and will matrimonial mate refer to in be used wherever possible in this manner} . I~ has been "Checking Up." Addraa mail reported Britain s Que e n to L. M. Boyd. in care of P .0. Elizabeth and Prince Philip Box 1837 Newport Beach, t-egard their song to be "Peo-Calif. 92660. ple Will Say We're In Love." CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. -"Last man to go over Niagara Falla in a barrel, ac- cording lo my d.aif, did it the year I was born. ls that right? I'm 24." A. -Exactly right. William Hill Jr. undertook that rough ride OD July 8, 1945. A Your qutstioni and tom· ment.t are welcomed and will be med whtrevtr pos· aible in "'Checking Up." Address m a i J to L. M Boyd, in care of the DAILY PIWT, Bo< 1875, N<IDpOTI Beach, Cal.if., 92683. ···~· Yoa'I jlll~ .. • Ill'.,\ ----,i:Olel'1V -ri&t«~-eili Jll•c I f nlillt '( l)llJIQ .......... fwliture 'llJloo lo 11•1( .. 1 " L s.i !II-II, A rmy Soon to Pick 1st Woman General? WASHINGTON (AP) -The WACs -as well 8! 111ember! Army may be In the process of the Air Force W AF1 and of selecting its first woman Navy WAVE:S _ to reach general. n ,,. 'th Officers on the Army's general or ag TIWll. W! an distaff side report ha-ppily that elimination ol certain restric- fOr the first time the records tions last year. The Air Force of Women's Army Corps et1l· and Navy selection boarm onel.s are being included in the have not yet bad an opportun- annual nview of candidates ity to promote 8 female to the for brigadier general. higher rank. "It doesn't necessarily mean Some WACs expect that Col. we're going to have one of our Hoisington may have the best own make it this time," Col. chance of the: women in her Elizabeth P. Hoisington, direc-outfit to wear a star~ tor of the WACs, told a ]";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;I reporter. "But the nicest thing ll is that at least they are now giving everybody a chance." A selection board which will draw up the yearly list of recommendaUons on one-star appointments began meeting Monday. The selecUon proei!SS takea: several days. \ There are about 11,800 WACs in unlfonn today, many carrying out secretarial and othtr administrative chores for the ma.le side of the Army. WACa serve around the world, with some 180 currently a!!l.gned In South Vietnam. Col. Ho~ingtoo figures tbal most ol the 12 WAC colonels now In unl!onn probably will be under consideration for the temporary promotion • t o general rank. One or more could he elevated, depending on whethlr their mllltary rec· Cl1'ds stack up with thoee of male candidates. Conite!I paved the Way for e NOW PU.TIN• e Uw .. N...,.na.... Peclflc'I o,..._ Dri"'I• ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( ...... For can. after 6 p.m. -kdlY! and au weekend. 3 minutes staticn-tc>station, plus tax. -""-:"@ indYllfrc ......... ····~j llWtr' ..,. _ ... Dflloil-li:A . eaior 'IV It ,,.,l!Jlt ~ ! l ;! ... .. '"'" ..• ~•11at., w ..... r .. : I l ' ~·-ire: 'lllith ~teeoatnl -~.-_, ' WH 'I Ill ..._._, n-r · *iF I --.. :!:::~- 11111511 ·-, 11' ... '599.15 -' - • • .._._ s 2 1~ s a 11 '*" . •• 1 "-= ... ...... iam .. ...r; F .... ....... ,al -.... "' ' -.C..+il l ........... I ~ ' WALK-• • I AWAY VALUES • ..,_....,_ ...... ---........ -.. -------.-~ ...... -.-.,..._ , --------- , '" !, ·, • l ' I ·~' I 1 ••• • • ~ ' J '· • .. --~----- PMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Conflict of Interest FOW1laln Valley Mayor Robert Schwenllfeger Is silllng on an even bolter seat following the d!scl0&ure by a fellow councilman of bis undeclared real estate traruact!on In 1988. Thelllf""'1atlA>n was given to th• press by Council~ man John Harper, a Iong-Ume pollllcal foe of the mayor's. And Schwenllfeger admitted that be aelA!d •• a real ••tale ~ on the sale of land which was zoned by a council vote - a vote in which the mayor did not di.sclooe hll -Interest. Schwerdlfe(er malntalns that tile mne change was a rootlne Item , and bll interest in it really played no part in the decision making. Mayor Schwerdlfeger also claims be bas the right to conduct bis business privately except In rare cases. A DAILY PILOT editorial o1 March 14, 1969, tlUed 4'A Precarious Position," pointed out the danger of hav- ing a council with a bloc vote led by strong real estate Interests. It did not cllallenge the honesty of Mayo_r Schwerdt· feger Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau or Councilman JosePb Courreges. It did poi.DI out the danger o_f their dual intererta, and noted bow any unclear acts m1gbt be construed. These three members of the Fountain Valley City Council are, of course, now the .targets of recall action bued on another rezoning vote. Chances are even that action would not have been forthcoming if councilmen -1J)fldfically Mayor Schwerdtfeger -bad been mare minGfuJ ol public responsibilities and clearly explained their invof.vement in the tuue. To be so cloself tied to real estate aoo development while guiding a city highly involved m that . area JS dangel'OU!. But then not to openly tell the public every personal !nwlvement in real eotate transactions before tile OOUDCil Is Inexcusable. No one bas proved the mayor dishonest, but his lack of judgment is clear. Mayor Schwerdl!eger's unfortunate position clearly demonstrates that public officials need to understand that the word "public" is one of the keys to their post. Actions which might appear normal to private lnctivi~· uals cannot be treated as •ucll by public officials. Sm·f ers and Indians Two interesting-and unique--events are on tap for the September scene in Huntill.(f.on Beach. 'Ibe first is the 11th annual United States Surfboard c.~pionsbips, Sept. 20-21, near the Huntington Beach Pier. It will be followed by the fir.st annual-and perhaps first anywhere-all·lndian Rodeo, Sept. 2fr28, at Talbert A venue and Goldenwest Street. The sv.rfing championships carry a long tradition of outstandin' competition, with some of the world's best surfers riding for points in Huntington Beach. The event struggled tbrougti a financial setbacl: which nearly w1J?f4 1t out this /ear, but has rebounded with more strmgent rules an the promise of another year of fine competition. The all-Indian Rodeo will be launched under the co- sponsorship o! the Orange County Indian Association and the Huntington Beach Jaycees. It presents a dif· ferent spectator event for local tans and an opportunity t~ ~earn ~ore about the American Indian and his tra· d1tional skills. Both events attract international ta.lent and deserve support of residents. Admission cost is minimal. Take the time to see them.both. They'll be worth it. -. ---~ ..... . -. . .. ..,, .... ' . I . ........ s Only Then , Will God Be Proud of Man Dear Gloomy Gus: Disgusted by Anti· A lle1i Scandal Sheet • • B7 EL1811'01\TB L 1llCllARDllOll ·-N..,..,._ °"""plloul Oard ....__ -For a while we beard a lot about "God being dead" Now we are hearing that "man la alive. .. Indeed be isl JuA th.Int •••• no•longer • mn ta· the moon··but-• fD,an on the mooo! It ls incredible-u- an bas not been holding his head high, ,,,.,. he CID! God can be quKe prwd of lQan! --there b -lhoull)lt that hothera me. Isn't It amaztq: that. we ... , ..... -al the ...... problans ! ll>ot tnloble us? We -bralnt .....,P { ID pul 1111111 cm tile -,, ., wtly lllen • i -IO!ve the poverty that piques .aid> I lalp parlloo GI OID' ~! l; THERE ABE m~ -object to opendlng 'IU billl<lll on Ille IP"<" pro. uam. ('lbb Is the COii rince llS8.) For same period of time we have spent ~S71t billion on the. Vietnam war. And dur- 111( the same period ol Ume our Grou I Natlonal Product bu.doubled 1150 lo 1900 b!Illon. ,,,. combined civil ~ leodenhip bu called hr '160 bllltoa lo be -.. f the "Fnedom Bodget.". It can't be that I we baveni Ille brains to clo the job! 1' " that we lact the will? or, that we don't 1 have the heart to do it? : GOD CAN'T BE proud of man! , Anhur Ylll<r, the playwrl8'Jl, brought I us badt lo ear111-. be llld: "Alta the , moon we undoubtedJy will put men on other planets farther and farther away , """' earih. 'l1ie c1lmu, wlllch I doubt 'Evil Piece of Political Mudslinging' • Hllll1Jnplo Beai:h high School trustees lhould foilow Newport 'Beath'• react and leave tt up to parents bow b.alrJ their """' can get -J. L D. ,,.. ...,.,. ,..,, ~ ....... .. ~--.... -..... .... ........... ...,~~~ To tbe Ed.Jtor: My copy of. tbt .anti-ADen acaodal sheet bas JllJI been depoojted In my mailbox. I am dlsigusted. ThiB evil piece of pollUcal mudslinging has no place in the d~tic election process. In tone, it is dlstressingly familiar and reminds me or the tactics of extremism so clearly d~onstrated in recent months of the Birc:hers and their allies, who resort to slande~ and !pnuendo to ,destroy ..what they disagree with. ' anyone alive will witness, will come wben t'Oft1MON DECENCV and justice de· a scientific eipedit.ion fmally lands on mand that a person accused shall be 12Sth Street, er the North Siae of charged with a clear bill or particulars by w~. CcllDedkUt. someone with courage enough to stand "Stan lite 1J5tll Street. the Wat.li>ury forth and !X'<>Claim himseU. Tbe sneak- North Sile, Watt., Newitt llld anc.;o. lnr. •k1>lklng •pproadi GI wboevu if .,. Ulndl clo.!er to ear1ll than the moon reaponilble f<r this iJl-..i ....u and comequently influence our lives 'here campaign can Ooly reflect dlscredit on to a far men profoUnd degree. Day and them aiid add one more example to be nlgbt they move la their timeleu orbits. used by those. who claim with some silent and obscun: to earthmen, excepting justifica.tion appa.rently, that Orange when occasionally parta of their surfaces County 1S the kmkiest 'place io the aiun- uplode, for reasona few o{ us care to ex-try. amine, but the asVal debris of the ex· plosions bu from time lo time fallen into -I 00 NOT KNOW Supervisor Allen or our rtreets and caused WJ fires and his administrative assistant. J o h n traffic dWocatkm. Killefer. I do not know whether they favor the Irvine Company. Laguna Niguel Corp., or the incorporated hippies or Laguna Beach and at this stage of the proceedings I do not care. My conscience tells me that when two men are aUacked, l"1tno 1"'"' reade,. •rr -l<:Dn-.e. NonNtl'r wrn~ ... "'°"kl '-°""l!'t lhclr rn .. ._ In JOO -rds "' '""" Tiie riohl IO ccndenw lel!Tfs to Ill .M>llct "' ellm lnet. ltbet Is tfHl'Y1ICI. AU """'" m1111 lnccluds •l'in.11Ur11 -meltln!I ..sdl'ftl. bu! nem. will ~ wtlllheld on recwar If Miff"~ ~. ts ~'· ' withQut warning, out ol the darkne8.'. my first responsibility is to COOle to their aid as a fellow human. I SUGGESI' THAT the people o{ Allen's district should adOpt the same attitude in an emphatic manner and demonstrate their determinatiOIJ to ~ decency ~ rair play by refusing to sign any peti- t1on1 presented for the recall of. Alton Allen. HENRY C. DA VIS Drursb Cat Owners To the Editor: I would like to reply to the articles written on "cal cruelty" and "cat licetlSl's." I have long been a Jover of cats, dogs and bird&, but am fast becom· ing a member or the "cat-haters." OUr yard aintains several wild bird houses, feeders and waler founlains, plus ' an aviary fo r dozens of rare bird s. Plac· ing food out for the wild birds attracts not only the birds but all the neighbors' cats. I ainsider the people who own cat,, as cat~wners, not "cat lovers." 'vno CAN LOVE a pet. yel not care \Vhere he .is, what he is doing or what so1neone is doing to him? Where was the cat that the boys found and v.·ere tortur. ing? Was he in his own yard or roaming all over the neighborhood? Every night the top of my aviary is full of cats, caus· ing many of my birds to fly into the wire, killing them. Birds cannot see at night, cats can. DURING THE day, tbe cats chase and catch the wild birds in our yard, making me wooder where the "animal" lovers are that own them. I am sick or hearfug the excuse that it is against their natural Instincts to be confined, wear collars with bells on them and I suppose wear tags as dogs must. I agree it is terrible to see any animal mistreated. I don't use the popular term "dumb" animals because there are no such things as dumb anirMls, only dumb owners. HELEN EVERS lmp1'0t>ing the Race To the Editor: Tbe news that a Catholic priest and an ex-nun plan to marry is indeed good news for the world when one considers the value of such a union. The Catholic priest is a superior man, as everyone knows, and the nun is also a superior woman. The celibacy gimmick required of pries1.s and nW\S has long been a ques- tion of sanity, Inasmuch as it dams the now of life from the bravest. tht.-best and the most intelligent human beings, whose offspring the world so desperately needs now. THE LARGE families of the poor and Ignorant are more than enough now - witness the population explosion in China. India and South American countries where large families are encouraged without the slightest idea .of who 's going to feed tlrem. With due respect to religions (there. are 365 or 'em, one for every day in the year, take your pick), I would like to point out that bringing chiJdren into a world that can't feed them is a crime· worse than heresy. I commend these two Catholic persons for breaking their ties with orthodoxy and becoming just plain citizens of the world, apparently dedicated to improving the ract, not just stacking it up. S. G. UNDINE "CONGRESS 'WILL undoubtedly be wary. u it bu been in the past, about apemSJnc money on such expeditions, bul the economic km due to these explosions, wbkft eome tbeoret.ician.s say will become more and men frequent, sbouJd justify appropriailpoa ~ find out if there 1s anytbio:g .eertbmen can do about them.'' (July U, lllt, New York Times.) When that time comes, and ooly then, can man It.and erect and look squarely into tbe eyes of fellow earthmen. Only the.a will God be proud of man I Rocky Seeks Conservative Image ' • Sandb11:rg Repub~ished WASHINGTON -Thal oddity or American politics -the Republican liberal -Is on the decline these days, and if la.st yea r's primary defeat of California's senior Sen. 'Mlomas Kuchel doe! not prove it, take a look at the re- cent reront o( New York 's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. " Mankiewiez and Braden ~ ..... ~ Rockefeller's present political mood, would suit the governor. Wilson is thoroughly acceptable to the Conservative Party in New York, an organization originally founded to defeat Nelson Rockefeller. But the Conservatives have now become the third party in New York, ahead of the once· powerful Liberal Party, and have become just as concerned with patronage as with ideology. run anyhow. He added that he would run, in effect, against RockefeJler, whom be was prepared to label a "boss." The RockefeUer men got the message and the "dump Goodell'' talk subsided. Gov. Rockefeller himself began to talk in a friendly way about Goodell, and has virtually promised to support him public· ly Ont.~ the New York mayoralty election is over in November. Notes: The liUe brings you up abort. • •"Ibe Chicago Race mots." Then you note the subtitle, "July, lilt," and the a.uthor, Carl Sandburg, who WU a reporter for the Qlicat:!ally News that )'W' and adapted Ille from I aerks of articles he wrote on the explosive events of that summer. "How much do cities, • people, • nation team ln ao )Uri?" The late. Ralph McGW Isla ln an tintroductlon to a new edition ol this old -reportage. He answen: ''Not. n:uch." A NEGRO BOY swam put an Invisible line CJf aegrqatioo at one of Chlcqo's -He -llloDed, kDocked UD- ·-ml --lnWNldal fllhllnC -· ... ~ sprud "'"""" the ci-ty and did not stop fl)f' -dlJS. 'lblrty-four people were tilled, m hllcU, 14 whit.es. severa1 houses 1n the "blact bell" were burned. There were offldaJ com- mluions in ltlt, McGill remlnd1 US, vblch "discovered" much poverty ond 1.-at1on In 011cago'1 black popu1111on ;()(·tame 125;000 (ID early estimate ot a.lcaco'I bJadt populatlon fO< 19'1 WU I mlllloo). llOUSlNG, A Wll payd>ology, politics, ,.,.....m.llon GI taboi' and lack of job5 llelpod to fan the riot GI ltlt. Tbll and G&ber rtot.I of I balf ctntury qo were a pod-al~ for Ammcans. Bui, M<GW adds In hll notu on SiSl••• .... ~rtt•~nslrainod ond coooemed lob al -ms. ......... Ill ~ii: , .. Amertcul ~~II ' 1'lle -II I mdancbolJ au1osll1 ...... tblt lldop I f°'1'1t'11 aDd tin- ...-Ilda bOc:t Into the ......... -~;f'Jlll. -·· warl'Ofl, I ..,.,-<Id _,,,the ............ _llOftl, """ a.-+,.-~:· -"" • J ... t.eo (• Ito Ills pmloall1 In a -' .... '"'""""" .... hardcover medical detecUve story aboUt abortion, "A Case of Need" (World : 15.IS). Tbe yoong Crichton-Lange is a Harvard medical student in his spare time. UJ'HEY CAME BY SEA: A Pictorial History ol San Diego Bay," by Jen-y Mac.Mullan. appears from The Ward Ritchie Presa, Los Angeles, in coopera· Uon with the Ma.rttlme Museum Associa· Uon. San Diego. The author traces the story of lhls once struggling little port through the yean when it served the Southwest as the center of a large fishing and shipping Industry and as a Navy t o w n. Chaplen oo sailing, vessels, pass en 1 er lteamships, shipbuilding. Government and harbor craft Some 200 illustrations (11.!5: 13.!5 30ftbound). "JANE'S AIL the World 's AlrshJps, l.IOI," firat ln the f•mous Jane's series devoted to alrcraf~ appean from Arco Publishing Co. in 1 handsomely produced facsimile edition ($17.50). This focuses oo the tramlUonaJ period when airships cased lo be toys and wm be<:omlng a boll.I fide meana ol lrlnspottaUon and, ol OJW'&e, an Import.ant fact of milita.ry life. .. IUDS, COPS AND KnA>S," a study of eonlenpomy IUbwi>an youth and tbe Impact ol oocW c:hqes on ii, is a ~ck fnim Malter-W .. ttrfleld Co .. San Dieco. '1ht author, 1bomu Oitchoff, a rnomber al the Unlvenlty of C.lllornla department of crimlooloa, 1>o...i his ~ on the COntn ~ community of Plwant lf1ll, Clllfornla. 'll'Dllam uoru Sometime after he had lost his bid for the Presidency at Miami Beach last year, Rocke£eller decided that he had pushed the people of New York about as rar as they were willing to g:o. There ensued, in rapid order, a reduction in welfare spen· ding, cuts in education, the tndorsement of a Conservative candidate for mayor against John Lindsay, and an astonishing photograph of a Haitian balcony with that symbol of corrupt despotism, Francois {Papa Doc) Duvalier. IT IS NOT THAT Rockefeller has changed. He still regards politics as a means rather than an end. But he has been around long enough to know that the means mmt be honored leirt the end be de.real. For bis re-elect.ion in 1970. he thinb the means is an image as a con· servatlve. All or this is of more than Intellectual Interest to liberal New York Sen. Charles Goodell. A Republican appointed by Roc.kefeOer to serve out of the term of Robert Kennedy, Goodell ha s spent. ;i nervous summer listening lo rumors lhat Rocil:efe.ller might repudiate him as too much ol a liberal for a ·1970 running mate. Early tn July, Upstate New York coun· ty chairmen, who ordinarily do not clear their throats without chcckinc with Albany, began to object to GIX>dell'a liberal positions. specifically his op- pos!Uon to the AB1t1. There wa s talk u( .---By George--~ Dear George: You know ev.erylhin~. Do you have any tips on h<iw 10 kee p an ig- uana? C.M. Dear C. W : You don't need any lips on how lo keep an Iguana. When 'a the Jast you htard of somebody swiping an lsu11na ? '-· '" ditching Goodell at the state nominating convention in U.e spring and substituting conservative Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson as a Senate candidate. WREN ROCKEFELLER dodged a Goodell endorsement just one year a£ter appointing him, the rumors began to seem like fac&s. To Goodell. the fact would be that Rockefeller's virtually hand-picked state committee would reject him and nominate WiJson for the Senate. wblle enthusiastically s u p p o r t i n e Rockefeller £or governor. A Rockefeller-Wilson ticket, In It is conceivable t ha I the Conservatives, if offered Wilson as a Senate' candidate, might re!rain from op- posing Rockefeller for governor. This would virtually assure his re-election. GOODE1L PONDERED all this and reac~ quickly. He let it be known that he Intended lo run for ~ection, lh1tt be .could not be shunted aside wllbout • fight. and that if Rockefeller's slate com- mittee refused to eodorse him, he would Weird Commemorations Some friends of mine, who ha\'e jusl returned from Africa, were relating stories about the strange statues erl'Cted by native tribes as shrines of worstup. They seemed lo think this was exclusively a primitive cw;tom, but men have alwayg erected monuments lo odd object! of wonder and devotion In America alone, lll'e have had some or the weirdest aimmemorations known to nan. WHEN THE PIONEER Mormons In Salt Lake City \11ere ready to harvest their first g r a I n crop, crickets and grasshoppera U1rtAlencd to destJ1>y the fields. But. just then, sea gulls by lhe thousands came up the lake and devoured the Insects, thuli i;::tving lhe harvest. The gull is a "sacred" bird Jn Ut.h today, and a monument to its honor stands in &tit Lake City. An effigy of !he cocHUih hangs in the ~fassachuseus StatchoUM, and another has hung In one assembly hall or another for more than 200 yell1's. The codneb sav· eel the early setller;s from &Ulrving. THERE ts A monument ln the public square of Enterprise, Ala., from Which • huie boll weevil. rampant, 1ooU down upon the town. It seems that the weevil dcatroyed tbe ·cotton one year, 11nd torced the Canners to diversi£7 their a'Opll, which turned out to be a blessing. Al Lllile Compton. flJ .• a monument lo a hen commemorates the orlg:tn of the Rhode )sland Red breed of chlc:ken. And e.lsewhe.re ln tbal state, at Newport, there stands a monument to ~fiche.De Felice Come, the ftr5t man who dared to t:at a tomato. WE MUST NOT forge~ o! coo ..... Robert Qulllen, the humorist of Founlain Inn, S.C., who put up a marble shart rive feel hl,qh tn his garden, wtth thf: in- tcrlpUon: "To Eve, lbCI Flnt Woman." THERE IS ONE hltch. Rocke£eller Is known to be considering the possibility Lhal John Lindsay, if be is defeated In biJ bid for re-election against both a Democrat and a Co n se rvativ e- Republican, might want to seek the Senate seat himself. If he does, Rockefeller may want lo salvage his liberal support by supporting a final liid by Lindsay. Hence the delay untn November. Goodell is content to wait. He and his supporters rind it inconceivable that Lindsay, i£ defeated for mayar. could run for the Senate. They also find ii in· conceivable that Rockefeller, even in his ntW ainservative clothing, will not want to have al least a lire line to the liberals who have supported him for so long. CoodeJI will be the only liberal around. By Frank Manklewie1 and Tom Braden -~-- Frid & y, September 12, 1969 Tht editorial pcrge o' Cht Dni1'1 Pilot 1cekl to inform ond stfm.. ulaU reader1 bu prtsen&inQ this ttttDspraJHr'I opfnimu and com· ~tm'y OK topicl of inttrest and significo.nce, b~ providi11a o forum f~ the t~tsston of our recuUN' opiniom, and bu prc1tntino Ott dW.Uc in~ pointl Of informed oblcrocr.f'.I and 'J)Oicc..,.• on fopk:t of Iii< da~. Robert N. Weed, Publlshcr 1rel1U1d's C&th'olics Supported ' '. BELFAST, Nartll«n lr<lml (tlPJJ --Jllll<I Qil. dlerttt-Clatt todir ...oon..i .. official -which bad;. eel Roman Catholics In their CGlllplalnt. agalnsl ' -tant. and-~' Devlin and the Rev, Jan Pall-' -. ' t ley -mUI-.. both - SpeUlng at 1 news confer.. ...,., the pwnler called the '' ..pan eorty today "a cloeu-' . . ' MJJ • .: ~. uPIT_... • • GOP Leadership . Dogfight Opens 11J 1ULTD 11. MICAll8 WASHINGTON (AP) - -Beplhllcal with party ~ambltioolmay IOOll take tbe e1moonq, off -pollllctlng -wblcb Jmn,. bem 1Yrt'f well COO- aaled ~. IlUrtlll foor days o I -iaI -.anca for &m. Eve:'elt· It -. tba m~ leoderwllo died Sun-.dy~ llbly cmtld .... a\\Jlded public campatplng, Bui ~ WU burled 'lburaday at Pekin, on bis natlft lllln<U prairie, and - the atnJggle to -btn la likely to become more open. To a man, !be lllldaclarod candldateo -!be)> had relralnod !tom eampalcnjog durJn& the DJrkatn oblervaoca. Wben they did talk, It WU oll the record. Bui during -lour day• tlw alllancel Wft fonnlnl, In c1omoom-.~ canvaaes -even one talk lo Dtrklm'1 old Clfllct. ' ' Sen !!up S colt ol Pell!ll)'lvlnJa, Ibo GOP whip now oervtng as ICllng leader, refuled to dlacuas bii p1ani on ~ lt woold be lmproper eo toon after Dlrben'• death. Vote Near On Def~nse In Senate DAltY m~l l ·cars Eye -·Boost ; Othe rs· Set to FolloUJ GM DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler, power train. 011'1 ........ Ford and American Moton for the enllie car Is for eoe bad a -faetor to <Ollllder yew or IJ,«IO mllet. today aa .lbeY '-ulstod their Ford, •peatici at a news U10 ' W' """"' -the 1170 con!-called -be ... General Moton price" llsi nounced. )le bad fired Fon! which booots pr1<e tap ID Prtlldenl Semon E. K!!!ld"O. declined ........ t Ob prices. averqe o.t' •bOUt ,115, •we will have our answer next GM, -. ' put. !be riel;" lie said. average lllb al •111. It aayo Gii bep ...., 00 Sept 11, that.becauao ol -wlume F~ I!'< next day and moee wetpt lhoWd be l!lveo Otjaler 00 5ep1. 13, It wu the ~ced. Oievrololl the flnl Ume ln lour years thea'.!? ... ~ more .exptDl!ve that Gii had a•nowiced prices ~ -.-GM also announced Thun-1°iiiiiipmO-.=;;;;;;iiiiiii day tt was.cootJnuln& Ill war-II A~ i•-__..., raoty plan which prO"l!del ... , .,. .....,., ....,. .. 1or the power tra1n NSUIED SAVIN8S! WASHING'roN (AP) -Tbe -eogtne, -and ··T•To-Senate is he.ldlng Into the rear axle -for five years or -Ra 'meal of ll'eal Importance" but odded, "!'" more Important ismwwe~to I~" Ho called on both l'roteltants and Calhollca to tlemollab bani· • cad., tncled In ~ ACCUSED ICIDNAPER HEADS FDR U.S. * * * Last March But be wu clearly a can- didate. Hls supporten met to discuss the altuatloo, co(lnted ..tes. Son. Jacob K, Javlts of New York summed up tbe tally: "Ertremely close." homeslretdl of Ila looj debate I0,000 mJla. !~,Y!J,\'P · oo !be dtfefllO budget wtth Henry Font ll,' Ford Motor .,.. w -., "Varl4'11 lnteests eao, U. they wish, read tht<ll&b this leog1hy rePort to find more · fuel for the n .... o1 contro- versy they &eek to teip ablaze," <lllcbester. Clark aald. ..U that ts thtll' ap- proach, there t.s nothing we can do to stop them. R-F .. Wllllams Boord• Plana for Detroit crlllcs. of Pentagon spending Co., board cbalrma, said a •-• 5 3MC..,. ' . aUU Jl'eSSlng their uphill fight staff of ezecutlvet wu at ....,._,.... • QM-. far cuts. work today ~ the :::=~::= Black Power Leader Flown Back to U.S. Ends for Dirksen PEKIN, Ill. (UPI) -A spray of marigolds, which Sen. Everett McKinley Dirksen wanted made the national flower, adorned his casket u ft was lowered into the grave. 'l\ro potential conservative conlellden, s.n. Gordoo Allot! ol Colorado and Sen. Roman L. Hnllka of Nebraska, said iD separate interviews they had not decided whether to run for the le~denhlp. Other GOP 1oor<:e1 laid Allot! and Hru!ka ..... Uylng to a.saeas their chances before venturing openly Into the race. A vole waa sdledulod today competitive lmpacl ol the GM __,. oo the amendment of Sen. warruty. l"ordprevtaualyhad nll...__1 Walter F. Mondale (0.Mlnn.), announced a one Ye 11', a.-, to defer '377.1 million for thei;~u~nllmlted~~· ~ml~l-~~pl~s~n~co~v~er-~~~~~~'"~' ·~·~~ CVAN69 nuclear aira'a!t pen-ing the entire car, including ding a study of the need a.ad cost. 'ROUND TRIP "What we can do, aa a gov. emment, Is to Rive a le<ld to LONDON (UPI) -Accused public op!nlo0 throogb what kidnaper Robert F. Wliliam s we do ounelves." gave a cllncbed fist salute in While the premier praised bis Mao -g suit toda y the report, both the Rev. Pal.. and left for the United States ley IDil Mia Devlin attacked aboard a 130-seat airliner that it. carried only him, his lawyer, a "It W8.! just a piece of win-~ty ~d and a crew o! dow dressing, a face," said <:16'' Paisley, who is now on a tour The Trans Warld Alrliues In the United States. "l think Boeing 'lf1I left far Detroit 95 its lmpact.Jrill be nil, though -abead ol -· H wll~ ol couroe, be e>ploltod wt1h Wllllama being wbllked by the Catholic civil rlgltll aboard afta' spendlnr the m<Neme:nt... night in an UDderground deten- ¥131 Devlin, who rteenUy tion cell in London's Heathrow vlaited the Unltod St.tu, Airport. aid. '1It falls to deal with the The hlllTJed d e Par t u re ~aslc social problems of boos-followed an airport cooference tDg, low wage.s, unemplay· among Wllllams' 11wyer1, meal and l!ell-lnterested gov· alrUne ollklal1 and llrttbh enmeut. Although ti does fn.-imml.ratlo n officials, dl<ate that the complaint. Wllllami fied Am<rlca <ill>! against tho government ore yean ago an.r being indicted wboll1 justified, It Rives no cm tbe lddnaplng charge. guidance Oii bow the defects will be nmedled." AP Officer Dies at 63 ROME (AP) -Robert J, Cavagnaro, a general e:m:· ecutlve · for the Aaocfated """"and farmer president of the joumali!ts' aoclety Sigma Delta an, dJed 'l'tlursday at 63. Cavagnaro became ill while on vacaUon in Rome, and died at Salvador Mundt Hospital of complfcation! following an operation for ruptured ap- pendix and blocked Intestine. He bad been wlth the Assodated Press 39 years, serving as chiet of operatlorui in the Newark and Denver areas, as general 1port1 editor, and as an executive represent i ng the AP's membership department He was adiw in recent )'W"I in e%tending the operations of AP's computerized service of stock market tables. • • Attorneys lnKopechne Case Confer BOSTON (.\Pl -Msodale Justloe Paul C, Reardoa ol the MUs8ch...its Supreme Court WU lo meet today wilb the at- torneys lnvoJved tn the pro- ceediop surrounding the Mary Jo Kopechne inquest, apparently to discuss pr~ cedural matten pertaining to the case. No formal announcement was made on the meeting. It was learned, however, that Reardon warted to see. the at- torneys in his cba.mbers later in the day. News of the conference followed word from coort sources Thur!day that the high court ma7 not hear argume.rts for at ~t another two -kl and poui'bly Ill on the constitutional questions wbkh have blocked the in- quest. WilllamJ, a black separatist leader, marched up the lll<ps tu the doc< ol the plane. Wear- ing the type " 8emlmllltary suit fav<red by Chinese C<m· mtmiat leader Mao, Wllliams turned and ralJed his fist in the black power salute. Williams' lawyer, Milton Henry, gave the same salute. 'I1len "' pilot Gm!an Grelngu cieored for the takeoff, aided by a tint officer and a flight engineer, the two pursera and two bostesaes e 1 co rte d Williams, the lawyer and the airline aecurlty man Into first class seats. Police, who In automobiles and on motorbikes b a d escorted Williams · to the plane, watched the takooll and lumed and left. Wllllami had been held her< lllnce arriving from Cairo, the U.S. a1rUne at first relU!lng to fly him on to America. His wic!ow, Louella, his daughter, Joy, and her hus- band, Sen. Howard Baker, stood quleUy u the late Senate Republican leader was burled In !be blact earth ol the prairie land be repreiented In Cangr= for 35 yean. A W~'111ngtoo coatlngent, led by Vice PreUdent Spiro T, lif,Dew and more than 60 membeJ'I of Congress, WU prelell! at Glendale Memarlal Gardens, five miles east of here. Nearby, cows grazed un- der the sunny September 1ky. "The last march bas en- ded," the Rev, Edward L. R. Elion, the Senate chaplain, told the S,000 mournen. "A mlghty mao of God bu answered biS last roll call. His baUJes are all fouP,t, hi.I vic- tories are all won. • HnWa lost the deputy leaderlhlp,to Scott, 11to20, at the beginning ol the curreat ....ion, and one Republican aaJd the Nebruka aeoator woi.dd oot enter the new coo- ""' unlea be is convinced be can win. Ooe of them, presumably, will have to step uide, to avoid dividing t h e cc.& servaUve vote. Hrusta and Allott already ba\'e me( privately for a general discussion of the Jeadersh!p ailuaUOn. A key factor in the outlook : Sen. Howard Baker Jr. of Ten- nessee, Dlrben's son-in-law. He b the favorite of some your.ger senators -and also amie more aenlor .memben who had been considered cer- taln to ba~ the conservative entry. . Matched Set of 4 New Tires FE D. EX. TAX REG. SALE '••ch tlr•t' Bae.km ol the amendment ~~~~~~~"~ . . . delay the nm batch ol CSA ANYWHERE IN supercargo planes failed ~. But foes of the CV AN69 pro- ject conceded privately only ' massive at.nteelsm could ORNIA ::~':' ~:E:~~~: CALIF authorliatloo bill started July 7 , 85"' Senate Democra'Uc Leader ;,.. ·Miff Mansfield had suggested earlier that the Senate might[ M ~ meet Saturday to speed the measure but the decision to vote an the Mondale amend- ment was aeen as likely to er~ the Satureday ausion. TURN ON TV WEEK k••P• vou tu11•d fo _wh:1t'1 h•pp•nh19 b•hlMI th• tul:o• -Ev1ry S1t11rd•v 11 th• DAILY •ILOT. For calls after 6 p.m. weSlays and an~ 3 minuta station-t<>stition, plus tax. -@ *p...,.1c1 .. aai.1y at hlfh 1pe9d1 ••• * Glvnov1r twice th• mll-VH • • • *$aves 911 tool SIZE PRIC E PRICE SAVE E78 -1 4 $187.60$140.70 $46.90 F78-14 $199.00$149.25 $49.75 G78-14 $Xl 9.00$164.00 $54.75 H78-l 4 $241.80 $18 1.35 $60.45 F78-1 5 $199.00$149.25 $49.75 G78-15 $2 19.00$164.00 $54.75 $2.41• $2.54 $2.66 $2.89 $2.45 $2.62 .LONG, LONG MILEAGE FRONT END ALIGNMENT H78 -1 5 $241.80$181 .35 $60.45 $2.85 J 78-15 $2 75.60 $206.70 $68.90 $3.02 L78-l 5 $286.20 $214.65 $71 .55 $3.05 9.00-15 $2 79.80 $209.85 $69.95 Speclafllb corr-.ct cuter, camber, toe-In. ~tto,ourw rnanufactust,.I ptc1fflct1Sota, and uftty-chlck and 1dJU1tyour.-1tng. s9so MOST U.S. CAii ,__ ........ ... ALL-VINYL CAI IAT ....... , .. c • . .,..., .. • ""' llltl .. ----BUY 3 AT OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRIC:U 1· FREE ' I - I ~ ' . ·-.. 2,.. ... ......... ....... -. .ONLY s211 SS/8000 SUPO SPORT e Mlrror1'01lslt ch,.ma • Cast aluminum c1nt1r • Tbolt1"'ool hub cap • Othor 1tylos anllabla 646-5033 MAG WHEELS 529.95 . Don Swedlund I• , COMPUJE w CARf Sloco 059 ~;711' "' 6:00 .,., I , I I , I j I I t I l I 1· \ I I • ! DUl.1 .. LOT Frlcttr, Stptemtllt U , 1961 --• .. Look Def-ends ·Story Old Guard Solons Mo.gCQine 'to Back AlWto "Link' in. Court Lose Ethics Spot8 -1 I SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -televtaloo sto1icN Tuesday Loot ,....W editor William nlgbl and vlpoualy denied B. A11llur delmdld aa ..,. any und...-1<1· eooneclloN, eurata .. artlcle In tho calllni tl10 •rUcle • "thin ~ which oald ~ • tllsue ol u ..... folli,i, iiimo "la emnesbed in Earlier he ·flled, • ~~! a wm ol alllllnees with at miUlon libel 1111\ qalnsl ~ leut 11iz -ol La Coaa and the Gantner Cowlei' Nollra. •• Organiu:tion. ' ' w·we will defend tbt ac-Arthur said: 0 The article-Ji .aJnc, d our articlt;s in the not an attack an llayor Alioto l"\lfb ol jU!llce," Arthur said as bavlnl cm>p>"""I any 11· chlrtng • l~lnute -am Jepl actlvily, .a audt.. Nor ~· B4Y J Area ridio and does Jt Beatie him « baring u!lerisioO 8latkm. W<eo part In any crime, u Alloto had appeared on tl10 such ••• U"T.......,. SMOKE POURS FROM BURNING HILLSIDE BRUSH RMidtnlt Evocuatod But Fir. -603 Contained 500 in Sierra Madre FleeJiillsith Blaze . ' , ' / .-SIERRA MAJ)RE (UPI) - A brush and tbbber fire that bdeOy lhreatened a group of hemes and forced the evacua· tion of 500 persons was reported 60 percent cootaiJlcd u.sa,. Min than !00 fir< ligllten were on the lines in Santa Allfla Caoyon u tho -. blaze mewed in a northwester· lJ -la Ille Angeles Na-tkmal Forest, away frmn this 1"o Angeles suburb. About 13 miles to the east In a fork ti tbt San Gabriel Ca- tflOD. anbtber fire had burned more than 90 acrts by early today, The 150 fire fighters U• peeled to have it completely sumJW>ded by Jin linea tater in tlie day. '!be larger bin< began Wedo nesday. aod for a time Thur1- da7 it threatened an Inhabited area in the foothills and about 500 residents >91unlarily left their homes. But the names were diverted and t h e resldenll returned I a t e r Thursday. Three firemen have suffered minor injuries oo the Sant.a Anita canyon blaze. All were treated and released. Sen. Collier Hints He'll Run for Governorship SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Sm. Randolph Collier, colorful dun of the upper house, says he may nm for governor in 19'111. "'J've been giving it some thought and lim g e t t i n g deeper and deeper in thoughl by the day," the silver-haired COiiier said wit.h a whlm slcal smHe during an interview 'l!lursday. It would mark I.he Cirst statewide race for the 67-year- old lawmaker, Who clai ms the title "father of Caliiornia freeways." He won another four-year Senate tenn in 1968 and that aave him a political ·~rree ride" from having lo stand for re-election in 1970. Collier's senatorial district la l'Ofrlposed of Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Siskiyou, Sonoma and Trinity counlies. 1'be Yreka Democrat was first. eleded to the Senate in 1131 as a Republican., but switched party af!ilialioo 12 )'e8r1I qo. He say1 several persons haw approached him lo run for higher office., presumably Iba io.........rup allhougb he Gift Limit Plan L05 ANGELES (AP)-Lim- has not ru1ed out the U.S. Senate. Collier .says he is "in no position to say at Utis time" who his potential backers would be. ''J got a lot of discussion to do on it," he said. "But I'm fairly well known." Nine years after his election to the Senate Collier ~ authored legislation paving lhe way for construction o f California's vast f re e w a y - highway network, hence the ti- tle he covets. Most oC his legislative work was accomplished from his position as chainnan of the Senale Transportation Com- mittee, where Collier was both feared and respected. This past legislative .le!Sion Collier transferred f r o m Tran s portation to the chainnlWhip of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, which reviews a 11 ap- propriation bills. "" "It LI an arllCk prweittng oleWll ol Mayor Alioto .. "'la· lloNhlpa wllh peraoos lden- tlll<d wllll 1116 Malta ••• The arllcl• ub -"' not 1llele yen p roper reJa.. llonsbtpa ••• You, tl10 ]Nbllc, att wed to draw ,.... ..,. <ODClustom -.. tbese __ .. The editor alJo denied Ille mayor'• ane;.uoa that took purpoady 'leaked" the ai'ttcle to Gov. Ronald Reapn, or bta olfke. llACIWllHl'O (lJPI) --• t 'llna. "old tuml" .,..._ '!be cmnmiu. Ill!'.._ : ' -· br~ loolled lnll> Iha In-I lncW!na de_.i Pmldent ~ ........ ~· ilOolfota o1 I ,,.,...lluPll.llqma,bav• s... llldlaid rl)olil!I (Ro i 111eD -NI ,,.,... I b e. . -~ ;....:.~ ~ o1 I ktlolltm•'• E lble1 o;m..' Albori<iol.-c~·- .... by • -'?"<". Ol\Y toaflid ~ lpleml. -: ~-.,. . ',·' I! ' \ • .., ... .!ator Boioibkan. .B . , , s-: ;J ' 1"'° -Bur••, a . T0W1', UU£ ' Dlrnoeltt; In a mid.-. r, • _ • • . . :::"":::~~::: .At Motel·-~--·Stapho P. Teaie (O.llall Rood · Alioto, a Democrat. bu In- dicated be ts cons1der!ng 1'1111- ning agaJmt Reapn, a Republican, nezt year. . . """ ..... • LOOK EDl·TOR~ DEFENDS ARTICLE ON ALIOTO -MAFIA LINK 1'111), llld John McCarthy (JI. · · SACRAMENTO ' (UPI) -j San llalMI), -Iba Elblcs· Aitomey1 I« a &acnmento Cqmn»iee, wOman 'who lays ~ f Authors Rlct.ard 'C•rl-(loftl ..... L•-a.1 ..... Ff•MtArtlu-at'TV'T .... 'llllJ ...,, nptaced by James Brown ralbefed JiOr-' DemocnlJc: Som. An-y . ·Alter the Anbur IX'Oldcast, . Alioto issued a statement saying in part, "[ am pleued to have bim say now that he does not ac· c~ me ol an illegal act ·or of taking part la any crime. '!be b!JJnt· !act is that tho article V.S., Auto Firnis ,. Sett'le ~Sn:wg Suit if#ll ,is ~· -.... plicat;lala and -bl crkntnallty • • • ' · ' ,,1 "r .. 111 DOI be aathlled,until LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -~ filed In U.S. Dlstricl Court evuy o t b e r lie and Jos~ DeplWVn~t. h'&>s · here. defamatory innuendo JI• es-agreed to settJe out d CO}lJ't · J u 1 t 1 c e D e pa r tment po6ed in our lawsu.it." its ~ suit diarging the spokesmen said the accord Arthur appeared with the n~on I automak~ra with· con-saves the time of lengthy story's authors, R i ch a t·d . sp~ing to dela~ installation of court hearings and would Carlson and Lance Br.lsson an~ devteea: 00 new speed control of. automobile bot declined to go into n~ model can. · . emlssions by ma.king patents details becauae of the pending ~ accord -announced and techoologicaJ informaUon suit. nwlaaay -would r eqbire · avaU,bJe to all eugineen and He denied an Alioto state-automobile manufacturers to automotive f.inna. meot that Loot klst flO million ~top 'antlamog -·In-H.Wever, coonty supen1son over the last two years, saying dependently and In com. and Rep. George E. Brown (D- the facts couk! be chec.ked in petition with each other. With Calli.), said the pact permits the 1961 armual report of court approval, ~ ~greement automakers to evade a court. Cowles Communicatio11111, Inc. would become binding in '30 suit wltbout laying dawn . a Of Alioto'• charge that the days. . specific timetable for the l rticle contained an ethnic The decre.e · w~s .siBJ!ed' by development of auto exhaust slur, Arthur said "'every tingle GeneraJ M~ 'Corp., ll'ord cootrol systems. Seventeen member ol the Look llalf Motor Co., Chrysler Corp. other congressmen opposed deeply resent& thiJ untruth • • • American Moton Corp. and the pact as word of its ex- Look m a g a z i n e bas won the Automobile Manufacturers islence spread t b r o u g b broCberbood awards of the Na-Association, a trade group. Washington. tional Con!~ of Ou1stlans In DetroJ t, Chrysler and & detailed In a news con- and J~s m nme ti the last 14 Genenp,l Moton denied they ference by Mitdlell, tlie agree- years. had tak~ part 1n any agree-ment prohibit.I autOma.kers ment to restrain development from developing smog control High Court Enters Case · ....... . . ~ .. "" On 2 Boob SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ·- Tbe California Supreme Court has been asked to allow tbe use of two controvt:rstal boaka In btaek 111ldies ....... """ la public high lchootfbefe. · of anUsmog devices. 'Ibey said devices in concert and bans they were entering Into the them from agreeing among setUement lo avoid long and themselves when to equip the costly llligaUon that would can witb the antipollution ==;~~Oii _deyiw,._ •• - Los Angeles C 0 U'D1t Y supervilors said they would try to intervene in the cue before the 31).day deadline, thereby keeping tf!e suit alive and nuJlUy1nl 1bt aoord. Student Cut To Follow -. . Budget Cut? . t, ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mail Plane - IDts Ba y;' Pilot . lost" ·~ Borerly lU1Ja, and presented wtbiesses 'l'buraday ~ Joseph ~ Long Beach. who place tile ""'1 singer at and R<pl1bJlcan Ctart Bradley Ille motel where the cblld · Si.D 'loee. .allegedl1 wu coocetved. ~ 'Aaaemhb'·Speaftr·~T. ,'J'be testimony wu given at ... Mopagan reappointed current the third dly of a 'superior Aasemb!)' ~ lo tbe m. court bearing on a "paternity member hro-bouse COllllllltt<e ·-•-. --1nv---'a II ·g e d . IRlll brought .. -t·BrOWll.by ·' . ...-.e"-1 -e , Mary Florence BrOwn. z. no vlolatlons of .the eg1slatute s kin to the alnger. Miss Brown SAN FRANCISCO (AP). -code of ethics. They were LI aeeldng '5 000 a month '"I" Coast Guanbmen rescued the Assemblymen Harvey Johnson port.for U>e Year-old child. 1 copilot of a mail plane e.arty CD-El Mante), c h a Irma n ; Dennis Sannea aaslstant today and pressed a search for Frank Lanterman ( R • L a manager of a 'Burlingame the missing pilot alter the Canada) and Carley V. Por Motel, tesUCied both the twm..engµ,e plane pluqged·into ter (D-C'om~). woman and· Brown nre San Francisco Bay shortly The Change in tht com· regiStered at the motel on Jan. before midnight Thursday . mittee's Senate members was 3,· 1968~ the night the child was Two helicopten: joined Q>ast made by the Senate Rules aJlegedly conceived. He pro- Guard boats in the chilly CommKtee, which Way heads. duced recorda sJiowtoi both waters in efforts tq locate _llradl __ ey __ w_u_._•ppo!n;.,:.__t<d __ vc.(c_•_we_r_e_r_;egl::..stere __ d_. ---- Bert Johnsoo, 25, a. hope for his llUrviVal dimmed. Copilot Nolton L., Goodwin, 36, told rescuers the plane's wingedge elevaton failed and • the craft went out of control. The plane, a DeHavilaod Dove, was preparing to land at San FrancUco Jnt.ernati~al Aizport when it plunged Into the bay at 10 :~ p.m. Goodwin was pulled from the water three bOUis 1ater, apparently only slightly in-· jurecJ. Johnsoo is from Arcata . and Goodwin Is, from Eureka where the plane ljNlk off, Goodwin was taken t o Peninsula RosPital in Burl· lngame where be was reported in satbfactory condition with cuts aod bruises. John Flybn, president or Eureka Aero Industries whJch owned the plane ~ing flown under a Post Office Depart.. ment contract, said it new l------------------- frorn Eureka to ,san Friln<!sco with mail eacli evellinr" and returned tho -momlilg. Coast Guards found debrll !rum the plane during tbetr oeardl but QO iJin of lbe pilot. A MESSAGE from A.CJ.* The boob, "Soulioo Ice" tr{ Eldridge C I e a T e r O(I "Dutchman'' by LeRot Jonel• bad been called "obscene « profane" by state lchooLI cblel Mu Rafferty. 'Ille pact ,.. """""1ced. •Om~ by Atty. (l>n, .iobn N. Ml icll ell in Walb"1trtoll ilrd A!st.' Atty. G>n. Rkhard Mc:Lar<n hi Los . Angeles. 'Ibe agreement, a proposed cmaent decree.-was The 20 percent budget cut by R S the Reagan admlnlstraUon Is ' eagan ays forcing some ••p a In r u I ''This 11 • worlJOf specialii•tion we fi'<le in; th• computer is hare to st•y. Stick your haed in the sand •nd tall your11lf it i1n't h•ppaning, it's goiniai •w•y; but l••v• your ha•d in th• s•nd for fiva yea rs and • com puf•r will be sw•aping tha fJoan. In other words, unl•ss you ara 1pecific•lly trained in a specific fiald, you won't avan b• qu•fifi ed te sw•ep floors." Rafferty had threatened to lift the cre<lenUala of any teacher wbo used the books in the clusroom or who required students to read them. · San F rancisco Un I f I e d School District asked the court to prohibit Rafferty from revoking or further threaten- ing lo revoke the credentials o( teachers who permit use of the boob. The petltion said t b e district's governing board holds authority under the State Education Code to adopt textbooks and Instructional materials.. The two books were included in a reading list for a high zcboo.I black studies pro- gram. * * * Student OKs 'Soul on Ice' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A 16-year-old high school girl installed aa a special member or the California Board of Education says E I d r i d g e Cleaver's "Soul on Ice'' is "interesting reading." Barbara Marclunant, an honor student in her junior year at Concord's Carondelet High School, .... lruitalJed TbundaJ as a non-voting member of the board. Sbe is the bovd'a only student mem· be!'. alternatives" on the state col· Hal Novarr'o Case teg• -· sar• state Lato to t College Chancellor G I e n n Dumke. Goes to Jury Dumke told the Board 01 Militant.s Trustees' finaoct committee Thunday that alternatives in- LOS ANGELES (UPI) -elude reducing Ille quality of UPI) -The Ramon Novarro the colleges, raising fees, im· murder case, in which two posing tuition or turning away Chica.go brothers are the ac-a;tudents. cused, is expected lo .£0 to the With tbt cut, allocations for jury Monday alter the defense 11170-71 will be $265.2 million, completes closing arguments or $23 million les1 than for the !....... present 181,000 enrollment, lhe ~· IF' Attorney Richard A. Walton, state Department o mance representing Thomas s • has told the colleges. Ferguson, 11, was to present Some $328 mlllion is needed his summation today to the to maintain the quality of jury o( seven men and ftve education for the projected 199,~ students in 111'70.J71, women. _ Cletus J. Hanifin, lbe at· Dumke Uld. tomey for Paul R. Ferguson, But the Finance Department 23, said in hb summation indicated that enrollment in- Thursday that 'lbotnas killed creases ~ to be mel within LOS ANGELES (AP) Gov. Reagan predicted today that California's new laws against violent c a m p u s militants will give school authorities the tools to ban "leading troublemakers from the campus." Reagan made the prediction in a speech prepared for the graduation or the Los Ange~ Sheriff's Academy. It was his first scheduled appearance since his retlD'D Thursday from 1 goodwill mission to the Philippines. He said the measures would also dry up the Unancial iup- port of violent militants. IN 6 MONT·HS • • • • You will be six months older or you could be a computer programmer with your tuture secure. PHONI 547.9471 *THE ACADEMY IA.M. TO t P.M. of Computer T ochnology; UNION IANI $9UAlL SOUTH TOW1l. OUN•I Id the allocated budget. and that the 69-year-o silent scree:n strictures on enrollments may actor because be made im-result In further budget cuts, proper advances. he .d One bill would make it a'l;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; misdemeanor for those thrown II And he said in any case, 88.1 • Paul was and is mentally ill. 'Ille committee reached no o!f the. campus to return. It would also cut oU state finan- cial aid and improve1cbances of SU«eSS!ully prosec:uUng militants Involved in illegal ma!IJ demonstrations. agreement on alternatives. He noted a de f e n s e Dumke admitted that other psychiatriat testified that Paul slate agencies face the same becomes violent when be problem. drinks liquor. ;;ii;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '!be prose<UtJon cantendall th• brother• ... equally guilty of the murder because they. went to Novam•1 home Ocl 30 with inlen~and 1«tonbim. 'l1>e brotherl themselv ac- cused eacll otlM< of the mun!" from the · NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users we are now equipped to offer PERSONALIZED Service to the following brands .,.... ___ of hearing aids. ___ ., • QUAUTONE • AUDl~TONE •TELEX • SEIMANS •BELTONE •RADIO EAR • OTARION •DAHLBERG • ACOUSTICON • VICON In Observance Of High Holi- days, We Will Be Closed On Saturday, Sepi:-13th A nd -Mo~ ' day, Sept. 22nd. • "' • s.-m • .._. a1am mms. • MAICO • AUDIYOX ELEC111C And UGHTING = deductible g~ll to " could mangle private the lftlddcut of Pep ....., College "'1lL • !Jr. M. Norval Young ,.. -to oendln.r leglllallan ~ ~ wllTcb abarply -·-· ................ ................. ,~ ........ ....... , 2 ............ ,M ' I ___ .,.._,...,, __ ,... __ ....,,....... - _, .......... C. SOJIA le ft _.., .. , 1 4.,_ ,, , • SONOTONE • ZENmt: LAGUN/l HILLS 222 VICTORIA SntEET COSTA MESA • ..... tllo ....... t -call .._ -bis tu bill by iiiilllll! lll"l!"'J or IOCll1ltla •• FAIR ..... '"'· -.,.._ ................... hri ..,.._ • .. DAI LY "LOT _"_ .......... • ----· -. • - IC ...... ,..., ....... .. HEARING AID SERVICE , .......... _ ........ _ ........... c~'cr 830·0530 ff No ,,_.,.,, c:..11 S41·2ll5 1)111 ,__ • V4tec5'-hi .. 101 LAGUNA HILLS I.A~.,_ I Nll••u• N'lf'MfYJ - B(rell Me...i;er ·Helf!!! $ l I I • New TrusJee Bares Funds ' •r • ~ ' • Ii I Banking on Vault . DAILY ..iLOT SI.it l"lltlto Underrround lllllity vault al UC Irvine nears completion. Huge tunnel housing pipes for water, air conditioning, heat, electricity and telephones extends Irom main part of existing campus to new Fine Arts Village goin~ up nesr gymnasium and residence halls. Death Notices VROOM ARBUCllE • WELm We$1111 M-ory . 4%1 E. 11UI SL, Costa Mesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Corou dtl Mar OR. M!M Cffla Meil &n 1-UU • BELL BROADWAY . MORTUARY 111 Broadft1, Cosla M ... LI 1413,3 • DILDAY BROTHERS lluU..,.. V.Uey M..tuty 17111 -Blvd. Hutlq!Go Bucb IC-1711 • McCORMICll: LAGU!'A BEACH MORTUARY 1'115 Lagaa ea.,.. 11...i 1-8--• PACIFIC VIEW I AIEllDIWL P.UO: !eane•1 • M...., ~P~Dilve ~ .... Cl1ih!nfa I 1114111 I e I PEl!:lt l'il!ILY FLONIAL~ ' 7111. IWAAv.. ;w .. --• laaFEB MOllTllAllY ~--~ 51itCl<m--I e !SMITlll' MOllTUAllY G'l MlllllL O..llqta- ' -I El Toro Control Tower Y Open House SANTA ANA -The Santa Ana YWCA will bold an apen house Sept. 11 lrom 10 a.m. to t p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Vbl.ton wil be able t.o view uhiblts in rUtcbery , tapestry and pointing • OVERSTOCKED Mu1t S•l~fr•• Delivery INSTANT CREDIT Nnv 9 pc. COt'Dft' an-ana: . choict ot clrs. reg. $230, now $159~. Hee.dboe.rds : Kings, $15; Quttrui, $12.50; Full, 110.50; Twins, $C.i:i. Trundle aeta {duo riser) w/J.nncr 1prlng matt., rei. $106, now f'19.:wl Roll-a-WQ beds with Um. •_{l_~ng matt. rer. $59.50, now '39.!IO.~ Full st. sleeper-aota. ft'g. $~39.50. n o w $189.50. New-beds: King $99.!IO: Qu ..... "'9.!50: "'"· $49.!IO; ""'"" $3UO, fully -KJ,,. -.......... 113..95, n. n. $9.95. Ouilt- mu lay-a~ now. Beauti· tut Walnut 9 drawer ~­er, 2-2 dnlWU' commod@I, btadboard A t-ramed milTor. $172.00; Spanish (longboyl aleepn-sota, hand Clln'ed wood. beautiMly upholater- ed, .... ~'50 • .-a3:19.00 SIESTA SUEP SHOP lt27 tt .. i-11.d. Code Mese Qolly .10.9, S.t. 10-6, • Sun. 12.6 645-2760 watch for our special iss T • beu1ns t-ember 14 32 ~ages -Sept. 13 DAft.f 1'1lo7 f LEGAL llOTICB • ' I l ( I l I ' \ r ... I ,\ 1 I I J l --·- · Diviw c.es ..... )ultdoddod ht ... _ --~· """--- ' - ....... •S.at•-u. l'W> ' CAIQJLELITE BULBS 15~. 25 WATT . BLACK AND DECKER 3/8 INCH DRILL ~;-~i·i~.: .• ; .., r."'-... ':l •. ' LUii• 1pac1;,' • ~ A pow•r tool you 'II bt proud to add to fOW' •ork1hop and •011.'t Je1l guil!J about tile prlc1 el· th•r. It'• CJ n- low d.al oa a % 'nth. here lo say '~ ! TlMm.k y og '° ~ , I 11.n. Ottorv• "Toll ol Loug l.a:ebJOro ~ ,..01:1d1rlal fan l.tter obou.t our •d .. Ufow come• tb1 nrtM mcrrb.?I 999 PLASTIC OVAL DllOP SHADES Mic• lor turoJ11r lb• idl•lllOOD ••• loto shode, ln crwoaado -whit. wllla Ila•• aacl ,,.,,._ 4' •••••• 2 .. s· ...... 4 ... ' 5" 8 •••••• 10· •••••• ,.. NEW 5' x 6' METAJ;.SBED .. . _ .... ,, .. , 5333 Natlona.1'1 low prlct i1 cin old story. 6'x IO'SHED •••••.••.••••••• ,,, 87"7 .. ORTHO-KLOR 5 CHLORDANE DUST Dust oil lnMcl• wlth Ortbo- llor c~ dut. It'• ea11 louse. n...U no ml•lng. takn ecn. al cmt .. spichin and oth1r p11!1. Cl'•• 1prlnkl1d some <lrtNlld my d.sk lo k11p th1t boll UWCff,) I LB. 3 INCH BENCH VISE Like h11:1•ing o lhlrd hanO (pl•o1e, J ;ot eno11gb worll: alNady.) A ID1llt for •Y•rf workbench wltlia '"1 .. 1 ba11. w\d1lcnr1 n• ~CQl:ril. 349 20 SQ. FT. POUR A FLOOR KIT • -Ju.t roll Oft the bo11 coat. pour lb• cl:llp1 to n1ak• lh• color cmd JHl1· teni JOU llh. MG.I II, cmd yoa'Ye gol -luld1/oal1k11 lloor thot 10 111 Gnd look1 good ·-699 -· ::-· =--· = Paulhtf that'• )11t 1oogor)ln lor word.1 (IO why &- I-IJNic• tor tolk.) Com• -.. you'll bu.y cmd bt lorn« glod you d id. All pretlnisbed. oll •11roo•.d. all at one low prlc1. ' • • · ,, r::J r;J 4x8 LI LI SHEET . DOOR MIRBOR ~ .. s.. y6UnJ.f a.>ou.. ... fOU laaaaoglii,J ~ th• wbol• tiug• cm4 ;•t t• a: 11rm vuld:. JOQ ... gQlaed tfttltf ......... SAVE TWO BUCKS SCOTTS SUPER BONUS --... -... . ' ,l "'~~ ·' PUR£1·CAIADIAN. PEAT MOSS • Tb• real atull. ao 1111•. Holds up to Ua , OW1l weJglat la • mol1twre cnid ..Jl91t.1 ... t•• .oU.1 -1op·--(Aacl afl m.y wll• lmoWI i. tro.en food• ... l call her lfcmook ...... _ ... ·277 .. B&J,N JET SPRiifKLERS NEW MODEL NATIONAL DICBONDRA SEED . n.. p11!9 1tufl. no lah CMllQI' er any ol lbot )au.. 'f.011 pcry lor 11 ................. ............ ::.r"' (GOW watch -clowa. go-... cmd wefO)t. U a.cl. cm. ap with IS ad ,. ounc.). Qoatck ........... ....t' """'"' It. ready for mowin.; by IU fJnt lllODIOOA. r I I • I • • L ... ·' . . ·-.. ·" • " \ \ Ill .. ... ' , ... ------,.·...,..~-;-·-,,,,.....----,---~----,-;--,-,--~-----·-------... ~ -----------~ • " ' The Newport Beach Assistance League Is serving . ..-· · ' host chapter for the gaJa eve~g. Mrs. Nickolas "Fmfft Jf. is general chalrman assi~ b)1"the Mt!les. Wa1tee llier, Leitner, ·Jalut Dayies, ,Preoc9tt, Wilbilr }\eynolda0 Brode Bus.che; J8111<!S Winton, ROY Hall, Edwal'(!.Boyd, Paul Rogers and Hugh WrlgbJ. Mrs. Claude Patier;On l~.Las.:RiiiOas representative ai>d Mrs. James Sink is in charge f~r1the Jun!Or Auxlli-., · ~ · ary·Cocktaus ;,m be <~..Wable hi ·the grand• lobby ol the CO!lVention center •on• Preinlere Night. 'Resetvat!~ for the-Sit-down dbiner' ,may be ,made with· Mrs .. ReY" nol~ 133 Aiiiilhyst, Balboa Islaiid; Mrs. NOrman Walk· er,"1722 . Parle st., •Hunilngtim 1'8!tch, or ·Mrs. 'Milan Cblba 36.La-""•• ~a" ' D-~ ,.> • ' J' 6 _ _,.._..,...guna~t.a1. -· -~· 1:· t .. . . J... .. ' • FASHION-HIGHWAY -AD slliiis are go as ni!Je Orange Co,unty chapters of NJltional Assistance ·LeQgue polish plans tor the sillb annual ·rntema. -11ona1.Autoinoblle Show of Orange County on Oct. a, Exploring the fashion scene by wey of mas~s . ' · are Mrs . Warren Ha Ir (left); iil the HuntiDg!qn Beach, Assistance League and Mrs. Frederlck0 Pre. cott,' Newport Bead! ABsi$1ance League lashl0n Cl>: ordinator. A preview of fashions for the 2lst' CeJ>. • tury along with a k!ok-at the latest In automotive design ts in store for first nlghiers, .. ; >;; \i By JEAN COX Of fll Dallr l'lllt Slfiff Mrs. ~~;rt0:1: ~:J'~~~~~~~~::;~~~0wu::r1:f.C.,.aii,: home ,located on the base.of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. . The two women should know. Although they both are new to El Toro, r ·they are not new to the nuances of military protocol. Both are married to careet.-mllitacy men who happen to be general,' serving El Toro, ~J. <fen. Owens Jr. commends .the statlon's Third Marine Aircraft , . Wing"'1d Btig•Gen."Wise·ls commanding gen~l'ai of the Marbie'Corps Air .1 ·Ba5e5;We~t~rn tJYk and of the air station. · '. · · l"fbe .. f!)l'tllallty of military life iB gone," the two next-door neighbors • .agrees!, .end Mrs. Owens added , laughing, "I dO/\'t think we miss it much.~' : '" ~ stewa!d .d¥i'led iD and out ofthe'eleganlly &Pl>Qinlfid living room-belu1ng • ·trays 9Mruit arid coffee accomJ)anllhents. • .• · · •. ; .Urging, her ID!~' to st!lect some of hiB offerings Mrs. Owens con- • . »tinuect,to explaln hb\v the military· scene w.., tjµll)g~'!fi by addiDg "In II\• · Old da~ when a· new officer's wife arrived, fglillal s with wblle f!ov~s · · were made: :Visits would last 20 minutes and 11ien everyone would leave.' ' Now we have SID:aller gatb:ering1 and everyone has, fun." · OFFICERSo wiVES ·-,.Mrs. ~·G. ~;\Jf. 'oel\J and MJ,., Henry W. Ilise (~ter ho.~~be.~ ll*ls·durbtg-a Welcome '.Aboard Coffee Tuesday,'Sep!. lf, S1J91110hid by Offi· cera Wiv'5iClub .ol El Toro Marina -~• AJj 'Sta lj!i. cli1cus1 • ---~... ... ,;4 ' " " Speaking oli the. qualities a mtlitary wtfe should possess, Mrs; Bise said slmpl)' .. ''You haVe to be adaptable.'! , Adaptability ~oes seem quite' necessary, eopectally when moviDg day comes. Mrs. Owens said she moved three times in the last two years and at leait 20 times' during the 28. "years she an.Ct her husband Jiave . been married. Mrs. Hise, nl.anied for 20 Years said. 1he has nioved bactc'· and forth from Washington to California threa i!tiiesln the last 18 months alone. 'jI don't mind the moving, it's really a clj"1enge." commented MN-. Owens. "Y.ou adapt )'liurseli to each CO!Dlllunl\y'llnd its always fnn'maktng new friends " ' !\!rs. Ow<ms c8lled ~ih<se!f·a''frustrated inWlor decorator Ind llhrul(- ged when _asked ii it was sometimes dlfljcul;l'lltting her furniture tlilo each new house.. 11M¥ theQry ts •the house should fit ·Uound the funrlture," ab,e1• answered. 11YouCan't be a slave to a house." . '·~· , l Neither Mrs. Owens nor Mrs. Hise are neW-:to the county. Mrs. Owens and her husb~d lived iD Laguna Beach dul'lng W,brtd War II· and also lived · iD Orange·:wbenhe was a junior officer. · • •• • Mrs. Hise lived In Tustin 10 years ago wblle "her husband was in .Japan·'!'Jd In 1967. When berllusband was asaloqm~ wing comniander, Third .. MariDe Aircraft Wing, El Toro, . · ' : · · · _<SH wr~i;s, P•v• 12\,, ft 4 {i. ' ;, . . ' . ,. I . 1· t •1, ,cl , ~ A t Vi~iti·~9 Pri:Yj e~~~: : ,-,~o.O~·~ ~e~~ .. J E[l~·.ra.ve~ .~".l?x-J ·ff t~6,p~ ... :· ... DEAR ,INN' SO ofle!l the cblldre.-ol t •' bte 1111<1 repea~ tllll ,~\"111111°" anything about dop. Y~ •!',!'O!l~. 1.\D)'p Your ,""""4· *··~ divorced pmnJs are llOOappy .beclulle --· mniolllll...Otr; ... _,lifn-~·were aware oil!. -• lba\lootpriiitm~iJllOJlln ~""Jisee·muc:.1ii\'=·=-~ 'I, JUot •nd •""'to be tJllrilrom-. Wd'Yehaddogsallourllle-pedlgreed , ~.1wu,o1·~ . ._i,_' tho moth;:'P.l:u11. , • ;< .. ~ _,.,, I elDDOI, lo I"';". COllldence <logs, alley mutts and ffelns.lypos -17 1'Jatiil -reblOlantly:, Yw leller •• a My mother ~led ·my father •end she . • I ' ' ,. • """"!"'nd a procedan wlilcll 11 U!qal, varieties. We also have beautlfU! rup hi hoOlf and .fin 1rul7 ~ J cannol·..,_j made no secret of It. She nev~ called . i . • , · , Motttver, advlala1 • llrl to flll u ahot-our home. The worst s1aio on our ~vln& II wlili Ill)' reader•. • , • , Dad when we were alck, or bad l blrtb-'DEAi\ e·• r · A "" "" _....._ , lll>CI 1 -you arenl ........, Yet you •t!Oo COllld ._ MIJ!lr •-I -Ml room Oriental was not made•by a cloi but 1 " • . • , ., day, or graduated from high ochooL She · • _ _;' • • ·--·-.,..,. • • liote I bl! ao ,._,, .. ~fer 1:11'· _ a nelgbbor cblld wflQ spill~ a boltle al • • never iovltedihlm over at Cbristmu um.;. , ~ ,_, d ll~·i,.· Hum ~·..-!lol.JIOI wllii < lllD 11ow .mliiiiil Iba Clrt1a. 100.. • llrawbe!TY sod• pdp) Do.youlthlbk ·lhat .-0 ti ~ •. ulp?-llJIOI'• or Thanksgjvlft( -'---Wl>tn~ -.....,.i ~-· . · lht.i.;t'aolulloilli'1p(ii610inW.bbu •-•t.V..b/ow).~'lmOftl,...W cblld sli<iuld have ~n 1ctv~ to • ~T, Wbal'• """'aT·.SIMald ""' chlldrenneedtobo,wlthihefl;llli!<;I. • llo\l·ud. • ~ • ~~-~ • ~" ao wa7 ii( boWlill wilO..,.. linn<!r"ISbameonrlu l.. " A.W. -ldll ,..? S<ad hr Aaa lrz•liJ'1 Although olir _dait Oyee -~ 11 !UTJ, ~ ~ tl .... Wl!t ~til"'1'un!ie..tOala JM6th'q ' 'iper!ma Ille opera .... er'wlen. ' • DEAi\ A.W~' Y.ali1'1W'·ll1~ ~~ • ~·-1llol W <lllo'fl;"- minu1el awatw!lllami~-hlm.mo,. , ' ' t5 "· . ;,_, .~~ the..~..lloen alleet .,_ r..-,wom ... U...already .... -•·ti e ~ f-iiitic1o ioswllb,..;\.quesl11..,1111 .. -i than lour thiJlii fil' lht·pw·..,.. ~ ;, ~Aim LA1'l> ,,...,....,...a ·abcicfJaa wbfdi ·m.'aldillc lll>CI un-' \~ o1 -"'Jolls Jl<tfhed • 1<11' ..-O. dop and peop14 m,... ....., • ..... .. , When the dl....,.·lrN glinl..t; Dad Bi>t 1 R.11t'IO letlert Ill · <G!ilDn.Jn)lll~' I .lu!tt:J~,ii"'11 ~.)Ou lllY• -· lll>lef Olll.la.lnotal ,_,,-1-'& ..,_ tro 011f, wilea]fllkSfW&it -lo · .a-,:..,~ ......... ., 1 o, visiUng priviloga.alid we olt.n ~ • 10"81'11nm,...... ""° _.. --iiit. bt 1lllfiC)<>iii' Jfoollllin'"' ihltiaaue 'W ""'11•1M;liimbtr,6ialo•1" • ,... .. _ doer ral~ the .iOod ,._ ~, wlD " lfll to llllf ,. W\\yhe never,utedthem.'N~tbal ,wt J ll<lita!'!i.JIOl....m.ll.Yqabavonever -~ ...... l!!llwat.6tl1e_~ptt , ,, ' , 1 ~!-'people. , ( . ..-~pn!>!erit~-l!r.!:lllllr• are older we kno!f •J!'s beciuse mom encti a~ thO bllt--allm !<it'...,.allll'tl", •. ,'~-BAllID!Ql!E l MAR 1'll!I ~EllSt yqo dldn' ' • eore et Ille 0,uLY PILOT, •tnt I never invited him. -ff ft F 'tlon. Wby! l'm sure'you ann't cathOlit · 1 iltAl!BALYr'"'*" bVt fft beeilf I bf.<Yto additt 'that you doo't know CONFIDENTIAL TO L 0 NG VIEW .. u.addreoed, ...,..,_,.,,,, • ~----------- I ' ' • Sailing Info New Waters rro-t comes .:~PR ·/·tha•r.men·~·.·.··.:.- "' ,.. e-' , I .'~i: ,] • ' '¥ ~ for Ibo,. -!Nr .. 9\1!.bo ,~.J:[ PublldlJ ' Wei..... to bo ' pna ~ It· •. • ~ by Ibo DAILY ~ ~·· ..... ul;W... &ad -,~~:rc:i:=• ~ .. ~".~ .. -'-'-"'~·•·· ' ' • •I L : '_........,. .. lJ _, • Clali; ........ -, .. "/' 'h~~~ ,.wflllO. '>..,.,,..t ~lar!~~ .. · -::·-""'• at ~ it· wo :per -,_. vr , 1.-~ • .m.·:• H • lept. 17,~ limlttd•••tta'~J . 'Iii' Ibo~ Elt•ncla mp i ..... lllao ... ,... :-· ?jlll....01• Aff.,li ~bololr ~,a:: ' , .. \ ,. Wtd:tt..pubUc, tbef teat rtqgtsta. .. •""t 'I • 't'il•--~..-.. • • ~ • r. ·:-~ .. '···-~ ·--·-. .• ' PliBU~/TY WOllK~·lllGISTltATION . I , , PIMN'""" ...... pl-JorlM•t .thoD,Al~Y ,,. PILOT-.OCC Pulollclty ~ S.pt. 17 In tho l l'onnn, lot int II l'.l!llh. :~__J :..+.fftl!!!!....l I must .. lhoro not l•hlr !hon 7:15 tt,_!!!._~' · 1,..,,;. _. '°'"'"'11tron11 w~.'-~:I ..... ,,, HOtlnt· . ••• ' .. I . . •-I ,~··'-c·· ......... :i.,, ,. uau . ·~,,_.._,. ; " •t• · .. · ~ .••••••••••••••••·~··•••••••••ol"'•~\1! lo o'oo l.( •• ,~ f' • -. ~ ' . ~~· ';'f. ~ • 11 ; ~DD)lf. ... ~CStnet) ····•···········r~~-1 .::"i;:~~ ... '.JI ' ":: •• ...,;: .' :.i,_ :; ~. .\ ,,-~. "~ ~.,Cl'T"~:.~.l ~·, .............. ; .....••.. Zif ',,\·-;~ ••.•• ~ .• I. ' '' ,j 0 I ORGANIZATION (If Aftrl ............. _ .. : •....• · · ii_W,r;,i.l ;' I I °''ICE HILD ········•1 ••••• ~·.,-t'it."~···-··· ..,.,.. ,__ ...,.. IW•""""' Or-.. CMll 11-~Y ~' .. .... ~ ... ---... -· ...... ..;..., ' ------,·~·-·-· , .·.~ .':t"1:~.'·J ., , • :I , Ioli., ~ '· :~'~·,Troth News Told ;;f:i •. ~ . I'\. .. l,J •• ~ " II'• Ileen 20 years Bince Iha Newport. Harbor Lady Ans!ers started wi1h 11 t " > .' ¥':!'~7h.N~~::tfur'::t~~T1~sow:1m~=~~:.,J:!::be~s~ Fall Plans A.nnouM· · d to new waten ii Mrs. Geor1• William Bum Jr. (rillllt). Yaat presidents are ,"' --\ 1 j • ' Oeft to right) Mn. Olin W. Smith and Mrs. Ray \',.-Marshall, founder. Tb.-. ~I• 1 • m • • wl club ..ruts the ~andicapped clrlldren of Orange County each spring .\!itb."11!-5""" ilolhert,M~ol ~~'! Prelude lo Fishing l.wicheon, .. · · llJ!iton . S..ch has been .,,., .J • -I' ~~cea by Mr. and Mrs. ; muud.Meddros, ol Lincoln, parentr,of the brtdH!ed. Indian Dances Demonstrated Ten young Indian women, in native dress, will perform authentic qances dur- ing a program to be presented for memben of tbe Henry Bowen Society, Chil· dren of !he American }\eyoiuUou at 3: 30 p.m. next Monday in !he Newport Beach home of Mrs. Michael Sampson. Leaming a dance from Linda Cooke (left) and May Jo (r!Jihl) Is Conn!e Hickman. The program is being present- ed under a'u.sptces of Mrs. Frances Keener of Costa Mesa who , on a nonprofit volunteer basis, helps place Indian _girls in foster homes where they can enjoy the fruits of employment wllile contiuuing ocbooling. Horoscope Virgo: Develop Allies 'll:e allllOWICemeDt of tbtlr Nov. Ii wedding plans wu. SATUROA Y lead yoo aloog n e w , your chmn is glowing, '· 'm1de during• wedding ""'P-SEPTEMBER 13 luclnatlng pa!M. PISCl!S (Feb. !~March 20): From Page 11 . ' ·~ ·, Wl.v ... es: lion lionorln1 Mr. and Mrs.: AQUAlllUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Love is on horizon -if s!ntle J<ffory Seybert. Tbe new Mra.1: llj.BYDN. EY OMAl\R 11) : Long-distance com· you could find right person. H • • ·• ., Seybert ls the former Su.ND.' munlcaUobs I.re emphasised. married, you reach new, con- , la Rotbt<I, mlu fll Ibo· ARIES (March :II-April II): Your °"" style, way of Ille structive understalldlll( wUb ~ )lise. ~ former MirY.,. ~~and da\llhfl:r , Marriage, the way yoo view improve. Many comment that mate. Be rte.eptive. France& !Wcom of Blnn!ni, of. Mr • .¢ "'" Cblrl., E., Important penons hi )'Ollr llfe'lr===::::;==========='==~ •• b...; AjL 'uiet her husblJlll 11 '\~iml!J\lton BOICh. : -these things""' spotllgbf.d. a Marine w.ddlng. She .. ali d •; .i Iha ncep-• . TAURUS (April 20-MaJ: 1(1): the eeoeral have .alx chlldrtn. dQP IDCIOd~ family frlendal~ ~ma: ':..~ ::=;.i:: Two ol her children are mar---~tram Saa:ta Bar-·· • chore. But you can actually rled; ooe dlulhl<r aUends tbt . ~' }..~lnll 11 1 ' accomplish much with style • Uiilvenlty of T .. as 111<1 in-"~'fl Lincoln H 11 b ._ """ -and .. comfort. , <>lber -Hjae, &tlends .• ool,•_,ood her fi1Dce was BERNADETTE GEMINI (May 21.June 10): Web&ct'Jiiilar r.n...e. 1i i , •g.1nm Hunllng1on ~~~~~$ Emilie behavior on part of . ....... 'llllli Schoel 111<1 ... -·~ lmd ... should be IWn In addw"' Ille Pl• (Ir~ Ellen, · · · I Qilr!flo olride. ·Tbere· 1re golll( to bo 'aMIClll, J0N1iu.ndjn1 ~·•. ~ ~~~•' Ou:rch fll Huntington Beach dla-, <'· l!lemenlor7 ~ .r .eiecte4\ : Finl a:rtatlan ' for tbtlr wedding. • . c,u«Za·!Juhe :II.July 22): l'.IYPNOTIST FUN EXCITING MYSTERIOUS F11turi119 sm1N RICJGS. v,c1li1t wilh To111 Vin Noyi1 "AIMA.GIDDON" VILLA MARINA 1041 IAT1fDI Dllft NIWPOIU' llACH MMroS.1wMy s.Mer SNwtl-; f tll ... 12t0d Mrs. Owena. •ho met her lilllllllii"iijli____________ A,.tlahtOr relD on budget ml)' hmbalid hi hei' hometown, be.w ·, JJ.Butyoucanstlllf-·==========::::=:::::::::~ G-•ii!t< &\:'.~~~..... ~ . • , A d bol'_e llm. Ospedal!f If :JOU lr . °"" "lllJlll'J . ·la.. ,,.,eer1ng r,oun :".a~~ MRS. ROBERT OWSLEY Cost• Mua Homo -- ardtltecl ond the~ .on •---------------..... lowotd fainll1 members. bope•r lo P.·~ Iha Marine •-... · Ml\. AND MRS. H. J M WIS hooted by Mr. --• u-' .,... (July 13-Au(. 22): Cor]!ls •fter·tomp1et1ng co~, · oore ~ -.. Fon:a lind ·1o be acatlered. · le(e: •. GI CGrolll clol Mir ctlebraled Hermann N1et fll N"'PO't You mq. One! that ooe who .their Nth weddln1 an-• Beach for Mn. Grace Hunt formerly~ ii now 111 nlvenuy durlD( 1 f1mlly gel-who celebrated her 14th tilrtJt. 1'Ul' eomer • . toptber. They "!'P married ·-"-' NH L . hi 111115 In -day. . '"""' (Au(. Z3-Sept. 12): eag1 •le Mrs. l\loon wu .nlled In Mn. Hunt of Fullerton bu Ideal, lnftnt!Olll ~ to · . · ';t Mllwlllbe, wt:1le her bmbllld llved In tbel city for :II yean. · click. May •Wl be difficult to M ·· k' · D lftW up hi Elmira. N.Y. 'Ibey Her flrat iSi:i •a I· gr e 1 I· pt complete flnandal back· . a,· r· s . ·ate nalded. In Lo Grange, DI. gandc • 14-mootl>old Ing. Bui you""' Oii the WI)'. Couple In where tbtlr -.11arr1aon and Deanne Hall, II the cllugbter llllllA (SepL 23-0cl. :tl): ·J>rvvllfonal member& ai ·~ daugbler, Jane were born. of Mr. and Mrs. limy Hall of Cycle conllnues. bJP, But R "t v N......, Harl>Or 8 ·1 · • Mrs. l\locn ll 1 member of c..ta M.... moey e.pect mud! o! you. eel e Ows --,--er v ce ·Iha Slnll Ano Ollpter of the Tbe honom! remembon the This la line. You come lhnioab ~-will Initiate part. two; DAR llld her bulbllld WU ... b I r I b d • ' I of .. v.. wUb.flylng colors. Kl)> II lo ... " ·ihdr J!fOvl.ional • co\:rse Uve until Ii -Iha 8l!lta ~dren, u g re I I. modem. Dlacard outmoded Las V R • 1-· with ·•: oer1's of lectures· and · Ano Lawn Bowlln1 League. ,nndehlldren anil one -~ procedum. ega s I ,.es ,..... """IJllCI lo better .... A FIVJ!:.generation dinner -~grandcblld. '. . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 11): ~ · tliem with Ibo com-Especially good !or adlvtly Wedding pledges llld rings wen exchanged In Las Vegas by Mary Ann Kaufmann of Costa M,.. and Robert W. OWsley fll Santa Ana. Tbe bride, daughter ol Mr. and MJ>. William Kaufmann ' ct Stow, Ohio, WU given iD marriage by her lather •. She selected an A-line em· pire 1owa or alencoo la~ WilQ short sle<vea. I bJP neck and silk ortama otlrt which swept to a cathedral traia. Her veil was caU&ht to a headpiece of , matchJq' lace, and her bridal booquet wu an arrangement cl rous and carna~ Malmi of honor, Mrs. Ttd OWsley of Newport S..ch, and bridesmaid Min Loreoo Hib- bard of Garden Gro\le wore mini '""" dre$aes or silk organza over taffeta. Altend1ng tbt bridegroom waa~y. The couple will pt wen. wllben ~ a ncepUOn Saturday, Sept. JS, In Newport fibom. They will honeymoon la -11 Cllfistmu 111<1 :;t!:atetbe1ri..ne1nc..11 .~ ::n~":1!rii Coast Club Gathering ~!~=~·:~ 'Ibo new Mn. Owsley was ipqk oa cultural growth and SAGITrARIUS (Nov.. 22- gradualed from Ohio Stile leld • tour of tbt NO)TllOlt Tbe C?alt Stctlon of the tb1t llhe hu :io•new members De<. %!): Friend will prove Unlven!QI and Is 1 te.cbe< hi llld>or Art M...WU Ga1lii-jr. Coul Womoo's Club will' who will bo welcomed durlD( nllable. Don't be dlscourqed the Ofange Unified Sd:ool . 'l1:e le1gue ls a volunletr catber In the home fll 'Ira.• the nJUlar meeting. by possible minor dell)', set- llls(rlct. • , lralnlng qlnlllUon. Among WUllam H1llldl)' of M,.. Mn. !!Ir( llld MrL Jlay1nond back. Her husband, aon of Mn. sul>jedl to be dlaClilad· at Vonle 11 10 a.m. Mooday, Wood, flrat vice pmldenL ire CAPRICOllN (Dec. 22-.lan. Howard Webb or seotUe .. d future dal<s will be local Stpl_ll, to work on ltema for 1ttend!Qg tbe Orange Dll!rlct 11): Career, community ... Milton Owsley of Pomoni, ls ii. govemmtni by N e w po f t lll' November bouUque. . CouncU rfteetlna: today in the UvU1~ ~ buic pre.Up are gr:Mlllal<o of 1be Unlvera!17 of · lkachMllJ'orDottenManh1ll 'lllt following Tue1d1y'. Sin¥!' Anf ·Elis Club. Mrs. ICCOlllecL Yo111dvanoo, bull!: Woslinltm-and education by Mrs. Gilih memben will meet In 11,..1 WoOif lorcllllrlct lndlall Allalra ~ manner. Accept Singers Tuned Ber 11 ion, Nnport.)ll~ Vll'da Counlr)' Club ot II :..m.' ~ ~ spedal autpunent. JI can llcloool • !ti 1 tr I cl board Mra. JlillJ: Hart,~ hu•~;;i;;:H:,;;;;;t;H:,;;;;;;;;;;;tt;;;;iH;i;;;;;;H:,;;~..,i**tti~ll prealdenL • a ~ theme Pllnneil· Jn onlel to undmland coon-P«I. Ji(1"11endlhlp. ~ t)'W!de < probleml tbt !>fl>-Meler • l'\D .. bo a guest book To Gathering vl!lOlllll will v111t 11:o ·~· m1e ... u.111ao will dlscua · . · Cow:ty Welfare Depat1meilt. the Bralllo llllltltute. Tuning up for llllumn i.·tbt · Juvanllo Court llld Hall .llld The meinborsl:lp chalnnon Ha-Wom<n'sehorile. ·-=the=Albert==Sl=llon=Horne=::·~=::M::ra.=Ehhl=::"';:cGear)'=::'::=dl:;oc::l"'::,d [t Members Ulvlte newcomen11 e:~~~ ROUW .TRIR ..~~:!.~ di::.i":d by ANYWH .. ERE IN :~hlpT~nna"::°m.~e~ . oblllned from Mn. Too,y • YOUR: PROBLEM~ -. , ... Y111 Wint 'lo •II •mo !him . th•! you no !ontor neod but . ··someone •l•tc1n UM for . NOT OVER $50 7 7 ? ? 7 YOUR ANSWIR: - ? V6u eall 1'HI DAILY PILOT, Hk ,.r Cl1~flocl Ad,.rtlslng, ind p!IC9 1 o·=an. 5*4~. CALIFORNIA " IT'S A FACT! OC(, PILOT fEN,.Y : PINCHER If you spent 30 1econds lcioking at · N'l:h of our shag samples, it would . ' take you .over 9 houn to see them all-'° come· early end bring your lunch. DON'S CARl'ET SHOP 426 IQ, MAIN C2 Bib. No. of Bulloclc'a) ORAHGI --____ ct.ii~,~.,,.,,_ .... ~. ·--:0.1-t ..... 2 CLAdlFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE LINIS 2 TIMIS 2DOLLAltS AND YOUll CllEDIT IS GOOD I F0rcati.tftaf&~1\i11~' DtAlt NOW DIRECT! ~~~ .......... ; 642°5671 ' Live where the Real living Is meeting and having f\.r1 wilh a lot ol people your own age. That's I/le SOuth Bay Club Idea. Apartments with lhe most fabulous ~ .. 1.up ya.Ive over seen. A .,., million dollar tju_bhouoe, tannls courts, olymplc pool, helllh ~lubs, Ind much mont, All Just for singles ~r·21. Plen1y lo tto and plenly of lnleresting people to do It wilh. Why nOt S1all liY!ng lhis weekend with • visit to a South Bay Club. CHAii PAONE OPEN HOUS!TlllS SUNDAYS TOT p.J1L • SouthBayClnbApartments Newport Baach-Uvineat 161/lSireet (71•) 6&-0550 OtherSouth Bay Club& "'""""" ZOllODMn.._,. (%1S) 170-tm S~HO.US W~11 11Wlllllfltr l>'S) tll.-.0 MAAIMA DR Jllty t 111 ........ .,,.. .......... "°"G 9EACH MPI A!\flWk 1W1119 Q\JI t&-M HOOtlr MrJf IAILT C.1.0SID SUNDAY ,_....._@ CT.it hi NdC:.., MO-lift) •• ,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,... .... ,...11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..::;.-l'J>.. ... 1~f+t•~IMl~l~t•Ml~l~•t~IMl+l~ftM•~·~··~•MO~O~ffMO~l .............. ~~..,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J t I I ' . ' ' • I J ,... ______________ ...,.~_ 2 ..... x• .... t:11a~ .......... __ ,s ____ .,. ______ ,_, .. , ,_,,,, ........... ____ , -·--~· -w--··-·-·w=-· •w--·----·-··· ··--+ .. -----------~ ' /. A,FS Students Honor, · ' '. With · ·Party ·on , Be-ach ! 1-Beach l!IPSc!ooOl'1 h!Y ..... _ ~ 'Flold · Setv1Q1uci...p1tudents were ~ ot ~r ·~ an Emeblll. ~ . beach Pl>iY , Y~i..ited.byllleAn $lullj!nl ~-Tbo JIOllT'ri\orked' 1he !Int gel'~ lie' planned for ~ ·'Le~ •. from Pieliiitl, tloulh ' Af'rlca and 16.a!llf~g,j • B•lne from , Re~~ Ba•fria. by 1l>< -~-5~ by Tom debatlni while al ~ In • Africa. Sb< llao·llpOlllll -lime rtadJOg ud Uid'"*'C lo music trmn popqlar t 0 Tschaikovsky. ' ' I • Heine, who alrtadtolw beeo oot pra~wllh tho Aitiota• football ~-ls-llvtmc with • the Mlltiln ·F.ryers ~ Llatma Beach. He aa been Iii -tlol and achle.,.ed Eagl.e scout ' status. He also. ~). U,. guitar and aCCM!loo Ind llail a small band wllldl.pi>lld ll>r school dances and ~-' Sht'1i{I Ud Ofiver. ~ Jiio . • • Iii llvµ\g with Dr.· -.i ~ ""'°'1)aS Judy of . LaPP, 8'ach durlrig her . ~ !O*r ~ )il_lh ld>ool • • ,s~~3'~11kn-nd • ma:._ ·~1• ~ ..... ~~ng a ; · .l>allet ·a . 'his dOne aame " ' . r - Junlots and · senlorsci at· tending the beach ~ar11 bad eopecially good. ,...,.. lot . wanting to meel . tho two 1.agwla vlsitOn ·~· a plleaUona for tho Amertcano Abroad program weft made available today. ' ,. Southern Chapters· · Gather in Anaheim Re p re sentaUve.s ol BS chapters of Daughters of the American Revolution w 111 gather next Tuesday in the DiBneyland Hotel. The occasion will be the first fall m'"tlng of the California State Society, southern chapters. Presiding will be Mrs. Thomas Vernon Collet of Modesto, slate ttgent, aod among those assuming hostess duties wtll be Mrs. C. B. Strubel of Seal Beach, regent of Richard Bayldon Chapter. Mrs. George Buccola of Corona del Mar, assistant secretaty, a1so will take part in the program. Opentng the program at IO a.m. will be a parliamentary law class conducted by Mrs. Derrell Smith of Fontana, state parliamentarian. League Aims To Please The opening ritual will mark the beginning of the general meeting at 10:30 a.m, Addressing the 12:30 hm- cheon will be William H. Spurgeon III, whose topic will be Teenagers. Spurgeon is: ez:. ecutive vice president of the board of trustees ol Oilldren's Hospital of Orange County and active regionally and na- tionally with the Boy Scouts of America. The program also will observe Constitution Week, Sept. 17-23. YWCA All Spruced Up For Guests The Santa Ana YWCA ha! been "all spruced up." Visit.ors are Invited to see the "new look." during an open B S · house Tuesday, Sept. 16, lr<>m Y erv1ng 10 a.m. to I p.m. and in the · . . . ol ....,. evening from 7::.1 to-9 :30. Marking the fJ.rSt meeting , Guests will be served coffee ~. seaSQn Is the Women s and wiU have an -cpportun.ity I Civic League of Newport to view ethibits of articles I llarbor next Tue~day aL 10 created in cla!mes offered in a.m. tn Mariners Library. lbe y . . . 1 Allan Beet., lih!time resident. . ' • ; . . r of the Harbor Area, ...ut speak , . For a cop:iplele'b(Odoutt of oo Upper Bay Land EW>ange.' elassio> oil~ begfnntng this Mrs. Elbert C. Smit b., mantb ,call ~ _.Y at S4US77. LOCAL preskient., wtll introduce m~ hers of the executive board, the Mmes. T. Duncan Stewart and L. S. Sunderland, vice No other 11eW1p•fMr teU1 yo• presidents; RinaJdo car l i, ~or•, •••rv cl•v. •bo•t wh•f'• 9oi119 on i11 th• G,..+.r 0.-1"'il• treasurer; William Warren, c..,. th111 •"· DAILY PILOT: auditor; Paul J. Gruber,1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiii;iiiii;iiiii;iiiiiiiiii:il historian; Daniel E. Gllcrest,11 parliamentarian, and Allen Gee. recording secretary. Serving as committee chairmen will be the Mmes. C. E. Axtater, Fred L. Dupree, Leon W. Rudd, Carl Pearlston, Wat.er Gustin, John G~, Ann Thomas Lundy, James Glans, Evan Prichard and Elizabeth Loogridge. Annual Party Entertainment, g a m e s, prizes, gifts and homecooked food headline the bill of fart for the annual party given for veterans from the Long Beach Hospital Ho.!lesses are members of Newport Harbor Grandmoth-- a s Club, and the event ls acbeduled for Tuesday, Sept. 16, in the American Legion Hall,Jiewport Beach. nafallewoltad 1-tyyom for ll to happen. ond when ft heppened, lhe dldn1 even --hlppenod. ' ·11 ~; ~-.LAto~ e NOW PU.YINe e Id._,. N•wport CIH1119 reclflc'• Or-.. Dffw-1• MEMORY BOOSTER Pleasant pealing llann reminds you not 10 forget. Stalnl ... 11891. $89.95. 14 karat gold·end ~-I with dete window, 8145. With leethor &trip, •$120. SIA'YJClrS ' J1w.1l1" Sine• 1917 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH -·~· 1 llO Y-Wtwt A~ -t1MA-1c1r&. Mffter""""' .... 0,... M.U.,, Pri4.r tt'ltfl t!IO r• 'Flldirt S.,-U, 1'169 O 4 I S:5 I E llAJ1. v !'llO'I' II I . . . .. ' ' ' . ;, . . . I • • on aampus,, it'i'the:tong, tall1 fltllld leather boot . . . ; . Long, · rWi-.bools that n811y liL S11JOO!h1y' • , • aU the way lo your . knee., And. snawy heefs. T~llan!d, strong,' d~nitely not 'clunky. Ill shiny \Qushe!I leather. see lllerl1 · wit"-\short ;5lclrts and little body · dr~ f'rqm our collection. . ' ' . bi~&; brow!'-·white 36.00 may c0 ca.uaf shoes 129 forest green herringbone tweed, long line tops, pants, and skirts Juniors! Herringbone's here in green . A zesty, pine::foresty green. Speckled with white. Ve51ed as long.as can be. Panted wide and straight. Just the right sort of look you wantwhenyot.! go b°'k to school. Pure-acrylic.5-13. a. shirt, acetate and nylon, 15.00 b. longand belted vest 19;00 c. yoked and buttoned pants 16.00 maycoampusshop4) ' I ( , 'f." ME.ET 1 • T-H·E FUZZYDEA.Rs · "fer ii inln,ute, I 1lf!oughl you were·real~ •• !" Native fiabilalol' ~'plushy, cudd1y1 zingy .httlefuzzy deaisransesJriim a'foocball stadiumtoa·party. Frank1fam)o-ls ~ fiom ra)'Ofl ptiish 'bcindt!d to cotton. Btonde ·or chocolaie. Junior peiiie sizes 3 ID 13 • d. Button front dress\fith squilii!cl1'ff·neckline, 28.00. e. Shoe-laCl!d drm·wlth saiop neck,. lioo. tong~ anlf.tlirtle,neck'of'knit, 33.bo ""'"',...,. alpwlbN tll't!i!e~ol- Come and meet~~oU•Fas~ionC.Ouncil, · Oii' brlebt )'OUll8 fashion expet!!.·lhey'Ye got good advice on Mla:tlsc:amp&IKight this )'ear and they'~ here ml_lelp~. _, •) .. "~" W\.f "'°'' "'} \ \ • may co soutli co111t pf11111, 111n Cli19'0 fwy .... 't;rlstol, coif• mesa; 546 • 932 r 1hoP. mond.Y. through .1aturd11y 10 11.m. to 9:30 p.m . ' ' ' ' ' l• MAVCO .. 1 I I 1' l I I'. 1 I L ,. .J« MILT~ s :. Yewr Moaey's Worth Here's How Tax Reform Shapes Up in House B·ill ' l All Mo•bo10,._..0All Mocl1l1 '-11: llllal -,,... ''Wh•f• 1-,.i« M.~" ff!. Dlffer•11~•" ..... Cllllff ..,. °"""""' .,_ '""""" le.II. (FMJ ..... Let...-"'" ...... inn~ -tu lhell<nd lova!-mats I.hit ~ CWTtllt deductlono (oil:" COWt, rul ... tale, equlplll<lll ltasinl) -have only llmfted vaJut ~­ pared to their -...,.~ neas. Exempt interest from st.ate and local boodl would no lonaer provide abaofuW, com. plete tax Wit.er. SINCE EACH ol ll>e ttlorm blows would Slrikt only a relatively limited 1raup or you, I'll suffice al Ws atage with a brief summary of lht provisions. -Deferred compensation over $10,000 a year would be taxed at the ratu in effect wl>m earned, allhough the tu CGllld be deferred unW Ille compemalion wu paid. -A minlmum tu would have to be paid de!splte the tupaytr's otberwi$e t a x Wlltred inl;:ome. El;tml)t in-tettst. farm klws, capital catna. etc .• would be used in computing tbe "Haiti on tu pm..-(LTP) which iral!ld determine tbe tu' -ROBBY kisses would fact mudo tcugb<r dedudlon tam. -Tues, taterest and oCber pmomJ itemized de<lucti"" would beeomt partly non- deduc:Uble in proportion to an individual's tax preferences . -tntertst over $25,000 at· tribulable to invesbnent in- debtedness woold be deduc- $1,000,000 COllllOCIAI. PINANCI 19Ull'lllNT UASI -SALIS LIASl I.ACK 4CCOUN1S UCllYAllU AND INYINTOlY PINANCINli GREYSON CO. LTD., INC. 14" ... c..e-..., .. ,.... 11 NIWPOIT llACH -'4J.11tJ SllKING ASSOCIAriS WHO WISH TO JOIN A l'IRM DULING WITH THE LARGER INVESTOR ALVIN COLKElt & CO., INC . I~tBrokera M11tn~ Bodon Stock Exchanpo mwT~i oKC 1UTU•• 1nu ,..... ... JONt1 «tile cnn .... -..~ .._,..,.._. -om ....., '~ ...... ,.,..,_, I See by T (Xfay' s Want Ads e Just llke gr&Mrnother IJRd to bl.Vt", 'IC!lid 0.k Hoolier Kitchen cUi,Ml, i;<), • But ewn zn,ncklad didn't haw one ol the1e H•th- kit automatic pn.a:e door optners. ,ou. can have it, in iood condition fQr $40. •The only qy to Jb! Thtae birds know how, pipoiu, SOc eadl. Good for hi» bie1, plates or meuaata. GRAND OPENING MONDAY, SEPT. 15 270 l 17111 St, Casti Mesa--11Ulp'8n Square Phone 642.(1621 AHAHllM -1009 w. LINCOLN AVI. n a.ouo SANTAANA -123 W. 5th St. 541-2261 II LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE ! NI lllANC'Hlll INPO«»ATIOM CAU (11 >• 27MJ17 l)low!PSA _every m1nulesto San Jose! 7 am to l:JO P'l'o Bo"' •IJS· 7:GM:JO-I O,_ll:J0-1-.a:IO •:OOl:I0<7:GMM .... ...... --. Wtly worry about a l'eMnllUon when PSA hu cw.r 160 flightl 1 dtY7 &Ith an ~btr tel'ltdu .. JOU Ul'I Clny It •l'Ollnd In ygur Had. Why rttl'ltn'lbw lontt ,,,.., Or aH tt•? Or ;'"1,.rvicl to San Fllndlco, Olklwld, s.,, oreoo. end S9Cwnto? 0r ht kldt ln"ldrer' 12 fly PSI. (Wffi flelr -) I« Mii -Slit 'Wlnta ..... no.17 Jim O!_n~nw.1 ~ orwhataitanamealrflr"IN. ·~thflll,..•& •,• I J J J J J J J J J 1 J J J ~ J • • • ~ • : ~ • • • : f • : j : • • • ~ ~ ~ : ~ ' ' ' ' r ~ ' • l : t ' ( • • : • ~~ lk'51 l.IO M1' .. ~,. i:= "''"""· I"' .... "I'""" " ,,.. "' 111Ml-,if: l11IMl!wt' "'' .• """' ... llllNl<ll 1.JOA "' l'~p I.SO ~ '" .. I t ff rtf '11 ~tT ~! tn 9'1 L50 t11tT~Y lofl(I ftlTT Ml s.st 1111 Ulll 1.• ~fu~.:11 ·--· 1111 tral\Cf .~ ll'lti'l'OS1' .to !ntenPW 1.1' Ww• .... I• El LP 1,lll 1i, 111 GE l.,_ IOW1P!,I I ... low1PS'I I.JI' 'r.f HM• .:JD I lrnl .U u °"' lTT S¥ alt.SG DA!I. Y PltOT ' New York Stock. Exchange List American Stock Exchange . ~ist • .. . • '• : 1,tlovin g Viader u Giant ··curetori -·Bruin • ~Ba ckfield • ID Motion • By THE .usol:IATED Pl\ES.! The UCLA Bruinl, who were Itek last year, awear to have • curt for their ills -Mickey Cureton, that Ja. Cureton, tou.ted a.s the cily's mblt e1· citing runner !iDce Jon AroeU 1eampered for crosstown rtValt Southern Callfomla, will put the baddifld to motion Satnnlay night Bf UCLA ~-.. Oregon state to a college footba.D opener. It'• one of only 11 games as college teams o~n the 1969 aeason with an al> b~vtated acbedille. UCLA, a peremUal power, &kidded to a disappolntiJJg 3-7 season last year. But Cureton, wi\h his explosive speed, will hypo the olf.,,... He proved hia ability to find daylight at Centennial Hl8h School In Compton. In three seuons \here the 5-9, 180- pound junior scored 74 touchdowns and rang up 474 points. He was the most sought a f t er player by colleges in Californla. "He's very-bard-1UWng and ver y quick," says one observer ... And lf he stays healthy, anything cau happen." UCLA will go with an inexperienced backfield against the Beavers, who rinisbed 7-3 last year and feature the return of an unplayable defense. Jotnmg CUreton will be qaarterbact Dennis Dum- mit, another junior with a gaudy background. D.nnmit, in lwo years at Long Beach City College, completed 220 of 373 passes for 66.2 percent and 30 touchdowns. He took th~ quarterbacking job away from 3,500 ROSE BOWL TICKETS FOR SA LE A drawing to select 1,750 persons en- titled to purchase two tickets each to the 1970 Rose Bowl game on Jan. 1 will be conducted soon aft.et the Oct. 15 closing date for applicants. Tbe 3,500 tickets involved in the draw- ing are the ooly ones which will be made available to the public. Jlm Nader, laat year's reguiar. Greg JODts, a aenior wbo'1 been ~ BndM' leading .rusher lhe past two yean, &ivea the b8cUlekl some ex- perience. UCLA w«ked out for only half an hour in sweatatms Tbunday. Oregon State, also with a relaUvely tn.. e:;rperienced running attack' nllea on a sieeJy defensive line to win games. Gula o! the defenae .,.., Bill Nelson, a &-7, 26().pound guard and Jesse Lewis, a &- 1, 230-powid tackle. other games on Saturday'a IChedule tn.. elude three Missouri Valley Conference games -Utah State at Wichita state, CinclnnaH at West Virginia and LouJsvllJ1 at Drake. Also on tap in afternoon coo.test. are, West Chester at Villanova; Central Michigan at Western Michigan ; Xavier at Miami, Ohio, Dayton at Kent State and Buffalo at Ball Stale. Three other games, besides the UCLA· Oregon State lilt, are at night: Wake Forest at North Carolina State: Air Foree at Southern Methodist and Pacific: at Teias·El Paso. . Three new head coaches will be making their debut in the Missouri Valley -Ben Wilson (lf Wichita ; Ray Callahan of Cin- cinnaU and Lee Corso of Louisville. ABA Raids ·NBA Loses Jackson, 4 Ref s NEW YORK (AP) -U lbc National Basketball Alsoclation doesn 't sit down pretty soon and discuss a merger with the rival American Basketball Associa· tiop, it may not have anything left to merge. The 2-year-0ld ABA continued lo raid the established NBA Thursday by picking off Luke Jackson of the Philadelphia 76ers and four top NBA referees. Jackson, a ~9 center, became the fifth NBA player -and second member of UN: ?Sers -to jump to the ABA in recent week!. James Gardner, president of ttte ABA and owner of the Carolina Cougars, said Jackson signed a multi-year coo.tract with the Cougars but would play wllh Philadelphia thia sea.son and jotn tbe Carolina club for the 1970-71 campaign. The n:ew ABA re!a are Nonn Drucker, 41, of East Meadow, N.Y.; Earl Strom, 41, ol Pottstown, Pa.; Joe Gushue, 36, of Philadelphia and John Vanak, 36, of Lansford, Pa. Drucker spent 15 years in the NBA, Strom 12, Gushue eiaht and Vanak seven. season. Cunningham signed with Carolina and Bing with Washington. Two other NBA players -Tommy Kron and Bud Olsen, both of the Seattle SuperSonics -signed with the ABA's Kentllcky Colonels. NBA Commissioner \Valier Kennedy said, "lf the price ,,,.e have to pay for signing Lew Alcindor is the Jos,, of four officials, I guess I.hat is the price we have to pay." Alcindor. UCLA's 7·1 All-American, .signed with Milwaukee of the NBA over New York of the ABA. "[ was not unhappy with the NBA," said Drucker. "I signed with the ABA because of the security it would give me and my family." Gardner, queried about merger talks with the NBA which broke off several weW ago, said: "We're wllll'ng to sit down and discuss 1 merger. The move now is up to the NBA. Pit(sburgh Steeler hallback Charles Beatty (371 .. g~ low~ miss flying tackJ~ alletn~ by New York . GJaJlts' DJCk Houston (84) Jn the fitst quarter of play at Montreal's Jarry Park Thursday. The Giants lost the pre-season clash. to the Steelers, 17-13, be-- fore 12,724 . Those interested in participating In the ficket drawing should send a po5t card 1letters are not acceptable) bearing their name and addreu to Rose Bowl, Box 6890, Pasadena, Calif. 91109. Cards must be pcwd.marked no later than midnight of Ocl. 15. ··ll'reviouSly, Billy Curinlngham of Philadelphia and Dave Bing of the Detroit PistOD!, both NBA high-scoring stars, signed with the ABA for tbe 1971-72. "No formal merger talks are being held at the present time and there is 11(1 ind ication that any will be heJd. But I think there is going to be a merger. l can't see any way that there won't bt a merger." USC Tabbed fo r Crown; Top Spikers at Tahoe SEATTLE -Southern California Ydll · repeat &! Pacific-8 Conference football champion and ~ Bowl representative this year, the Skywriters decided a fl er a Jook at all members of the West Coasl circu:it. '1be 40 sporl'l writers and broadcasters ·Voled at the conclusion of their annu.al awing around 1he conference that Stan· ford will push USC for fir!!. and UCLA will finish. third. Only tho.st three received first place votes. California was rated a close four th behind UCLA, followed by Oregon, Oregon Slate. W 11 s h i n g to n 11nd Washington Slale . • SOUTH LAKE TAHOE -A star-stud- , ded international field will rompele today . in the Indian Summer C::ames track and field meet here. Jn addition to the meet. a special decathlon competitioo will be held Satur- day and Sunday featuring Olympic cham- pion Bill Toomey in a try for a world record. Such stars a$ sprinters John Car\05 and Lee Evans, pole vaulters Bob Seagren and John Pennel, long jumper Bob Beamon and discus thrower Jay Silvester are among the world record holders in the; meet. Top foteig{l star Is Kenya·s Kipchoge Keino, gold medal winner at 1,500 meters in the Mexico Olympics Jast year. who will run either th at race or lhc 5,000. • LOS ANGEL~ -Grambling College ol. Louisiana, a rich producer of outstan· ding football playen. and Alcorn A&rtf of Mississippi, and defending mythical na- tion.al black champions, open their seaSOfl on the neutral turf of Memorial Coliseum looiibl. 'lbe contest is an official Soulhweslt?rn M.bl.etic Conference game. Alcorn won Ott tltJe 1n 19118 with a t-1 record that in-- eluded • •ta triumph over favored Grambling. The Tigers were 9-2. • t-;VANSTON, JU. -Ken Rosewall of Australia took top money of $5 000 Thurs· day in the $25.000 Chicago P,.o tenni:ii championship by defeating B u t c h ~ to UN: finals. 6-J. 6-t Jn doubH& Marty Riessen of Evanston 8nd Tom <>kl-er or liolland teamed to tl</ .. l Bljch!>olz and Ray Moore, 6-1, 6-l. • OAKl.VfD -Reggie Jackson. slar heme nm hitter for !he Oakland Alhletlao, wlo l>olpilaUu<I ThUTSday with a llievere rnh. Jtc:Ooo. wbaet 4' home runs lies him for the major Jearue lead With ·Fr::ink Roblm<:r1 ot Wllhlnaton, wu aent homr: from \\'ednesday nighl's game with ill rash that co nsists of blotches like mos- quito bites. He will not accornpany t.}ie A's on their road trip that began today. but the club hopes he will be able to join it en rO\Jle. • LOS ANGELES -Manuel Ramos, 212. of P.iexicc City, jarred Tony Doyle with repeated left jabs. Thursday night and avoided some sharp counter punching to win a unanimous 10-round decision in a heavyweight boul. Ra1nos . now 24-3. was ahead on all t hree carrls -5-4, 5-4 and 6-3. Angels Play Seattl e After 011 e-Hit Loss \Vally Dunker docs not believe in miracles and Jay Johnstone helped him reaffirm tha t belier. Bunker. a former sore.armed pi tcher who was lifted o(f baseball's scrap heap by the Kansas City Royals in the 1968 ex- ,\ngel Slate Alt G•m .. H l(MP'C flltl S~pl ll N>get~ •I So!Tle soo1. u Atl!l•I• ., suui. S~!. '' Aflilel1 •I S.•llls S~i. 15 ""911~ •t Cllk:1oe :5,ep1. '' All!ltb '' Ch~ !1) 1 lJ PM J SS p.m 1 "p.m S:1! P.ftl. 3:" p,m. pans1on draft. fir@ the ihird one-biller of his career Thursday afternoon as the Roya ls blanked the Angels, 3-0. before a record low Anahei m Stadium crowd of 4,970. The Angels ended lheir home stand with a 5-3 record and now face a nine- game road Lrip opening willl a twi-night doubleheader in Seattle tonight. "Sure, 1 was thinking about the no-hil- ler but I reaUy didn't believe it was possible lo pitch one." Bunker admitted • "I don 't think I'll ever pitch one so I didn't let it bother me." Bunker flitted with history for six In- nings before J ohnstone hit a soft line drive lo right field which Jell in front of Al Oliver for the only Angel hit of the afternoon. JUINlAS CITY CAlll'OllflA ff , " ..-1 ~ tJ l • • • ,,~. 111 Flote. 111 4 6 I 6 Ml)l'Jon, pl! Klttu>ttrlck. II • 1 ' t ~«. lb 1'9Y,311 4!l f1'"90'i,M ll.Olr..r, 11 l • It • JO!Vu,...,.,, cl It r 11 ~I ' .. ' .. ' . . ' .. AHlr, 711 • I 1 I llelclll'111, II I!. hdrlOWt. c ' • • •• v-. rl l .....,...,..,.?. N ' It I I A lodr'Olln lll 3 ....._ ••• " • • • l!llloer.. ~ 2 ero-. ( 1 MtGi.tl\111', , ' ll._t. Pl I Tnld• 14 l 1 J rot•"' " ll:•n•.. (!< t 1'(.'11 101 flOI C1do1"'• O'..ll 000 000 ' • ' . • • •• •• • • •• •• • • ' . HE F LIES THROUGH THE AIR -Willie Crawford of Dodgers al· tempts un successfully to dive around Astl"06 catcher John Ed.wards during a 4th inning run-down between second and Ulird Thursday Jlight. U~I Tt...,,._flt Crawford was attempting to go to third on a bit by Tom 1-laller. The Dodgers won game, 1-0, and return home tonight to face San Diego'i Padres al Dodger Stadium. Dodgers Host Padres, Osteen Wins HOUSTON (AP) -ll would be sale to ~ay Claude Osteen has the Houston Astros' number. The Los Angeles leftha,nder pitched a four-hiUer Thursday ni&h1 u the Dodgen defeated the Astros 1-4. It WiJ Osteen'• si.1th straight victory over J:blston, In· eluding five thls se;asan. 'the Dodgen took over fourth place in the b<>l National League ll'"tem Dtvl.ton race, a game and a htllf .otJt of first .place. Houston Is 2 1~ back. The Dodgers send Bill Singer, 18·9. tt1 !ht mound tonight to lice the San Oic10 Padres' Al Santalnt, 7·ll. The came at Dodger St.adlum opena an eigtu..g1me Dodier·horne stand including ttu'ee garneS wilh the National Lea'gut's Wut Division-leading ClocinnaU Reds. Osteen. now tg..11, bested Houston's Don Wilson in a pitching duel. l Wil&on, allhou&h not sharp with his control, fought ell the way. lib Uth defeat agalnst Ii victories resulted from hill by the first two Dodgers he' raced. Maury Wllb doubled lo rig~l to open tht game end dashed to third when the ball wu juggled ln the outfield. Manny Mot.a slashed a double to right f°" _the lone nm. The IOS!I halted a four-game whming streak for the Astros. Wll!on last for the fourth lime in hla last rive decisions since running up an eight.game winnirl1 streak, a club record. The Astroa' last big chance came in I.he ninth when they pUtrumen on first and lhtrd with one out. But Osteen fahned WYM and Tommy Pavis, the heart of the Houston attacll, to end the game. lOS ANGILIS HOUSTOl'I ' • MrltrM ••rl~ W1!1J,u 411 tMDl"'Jln,111 Jo~1 N\011. IP l 0 l l J.Alou, H 't't. W.O.\llt. cf 4 0 1 o Wyfll\, ct 4 t •t I ft utMI, i:f I I I 0 T 0.\41, W J I tt f P1rt;w, lb l 0 I I l1ctw, lll l f 1 I ~~a"' J::: =t:.~b., ~: 11 "-!lw, c ' 0 I 0 £4-rlh. c J I I' 1 Sl----.2" ) 0 I 0 OWi ...... p t 1 Io c.o.tetn. P t o 1 o w11ion, !>fl 1 1 1., To•• 2' O > > Mcl'lddln, fl' o 1 1· I lltl•ll 1' •••• l• lt<nttln IOI "° ' H-ton CIOll CIOll : :·I· E -J, A...... O. Wlllo!\, 01" -..._ ... .J. LOt -l• .,,,..~ 1, Hou:ll!ln 4. 2a -W!•• Mall~$ -C. 0.tHn. '°' '""1tl'1tt1se c.o,,..,, 1w.lf.t'1 • • • o , · 0.Wllson !L,l,·ll! t J 1 I l ~ " I ' •"4<1, -12. lM DAILY PllOf !J7 .... Tar .. Mater ·Dei Duel Tqp~. Satur~_~y S~crulJis rtady 'for them!' Tbe Ora offensive Wiii In Sa~·· llCrlounato will -be Bill. Shedd at quorleltlac);, flocliJ Dboa at fullback, Sieve Flab at llanktr and Court Reeler and Al Wallace alternating al l'Wlllinl bacL Tb e Une wiU be Jlirryl Blood at ,p111 end, !>no 1"arlln loll tackle, Boll Trjpp left au&rd. l1'M1 llfu al '*""· Dan McKetr<n or Sleva Londrilll! dllbt IUOl'd, Grut Gtlker rflh\ lactle and Jer+, Smilh right end. Wllh quarterbam 6ltedd. BUI Hendenhol and J.eff Blanchard In lhe fold, Watts aayo his IJl"8lDI -will be one or the lwn'• bluest 11ma laat year to find nur .... i.. rl&lll penonnel for lhe first team. Wllh lhe l7Pe of MAT&lt DBI 1cbed11le .wt bave lo plaJ' we Af1u 4 -in>pmatYO fell If WU 4 pod ldf\ lo ... lhowinl In Its annual Qllcteo ..., t I d' In -aptmt -e!M. and 8'aJll lnteraquad pme "We're not IOinl lo br1al 8alurday, coacJi Bob Woods nur ~ ••f lhe ollief team'• wUI llDd hla &ridden Into the offwes. We.,.. Jurl f<ilDI to Nnrpori Harbor f 0 u r . w a y lei them IP In and adjusl to the oPPOllt1on u necuury i scrlmmaae wllh lhe bolt• "If we're Pini to be a IOOl- LOara and La Serna high ball team we havt lo 1-..arn to sc hools. aflNll defenm Jl<OPU1Y under II marb lhe lint time !hat Jonie conditions," says the Mater Dei bu pne outllde'its Monarch boas. confinU Jor a presuson Mater Del meell Loera for scrimml&e qalmt o t b e r 40 mloutel at t a.m. and tchools. · f0Uow1 lhal wilh a similar Woods ~-lhe chana• workout wilh Newport Harbor In policy: 11 toot ua lhhe at l:l& before tttumlnc lo ac-Uon In the allemoa! qalnot La Serna. • Wolt at iilm!lnl ~t and lo the ~va b l'ctlleld . guardl, Divt EdWanls and Brad Gllbell and our .....,. ciary'-'DO...-Illei, Ket l'aul. Sl&W' IA!tver, llHlo Ind Wolli' lild'tl!a M»titaOI bou. , 1 I '' ' ' • .1!11' AljlllA Elanda ~ travel to West Cofbla Jll&h Sallirda, tUchl in pirtlclplte: fl\. a fou.r-way acrlinJnaie wllh fldlewood, and Antelope Valley bl schools. dion gels undtr Way al 7. Coacll PhlJ Brown say. be'H probably aU.mall his of- fensivo bacts alld .llntmeo In lb• J<rimmal<. Rustle:r;~ _S~rim~age .COSTA MESA There's· a better mood •t Colla Mesa Htp Scbool u lhe Mustanp Jll<patt for !heir acrlmmqe at 'l\JsUn SMunlay morning It f. His only appmm .iarter• ar• In lho d<ltmll•• bactfteld wbe're Curt Tbomat (rqverbal:t) Mitt Schauneuy (safety), C~.Nombra (n,ht ball) and Paul Joyce Oell hl}f) hive been worttng ou& as th< Eal!"' first un!L -~ IJ • 'CORONA DEL MAil /' "J I • SD Me~a~ S~tiirday Coach Mu Miller reported lhat bls chargu got on lhe <lime in a controlled i~ teraquad scrimmage a n d performed up to t h e i r capabillUea. Iajwies ba•e popped up at Co«llll del Mar Hl&b School an4 two ·ol coach Dave Holland'• (ridden are out for lhellWOll. -BJ llOWAllD L. HANDY ... ..., ..... ...., Ftnal tuneup for the llWOD " .. , ... , wilh 01'8l)g• Coast . · .COiiege finds Ray Sllacklefonl tMlldllll bls Golden w..i foot· ban team into an tnronnal ~ · tcrimmage seaAioo with San Diego Mua COllege Saturday .... ,r:Dornlng _1t 11 on OCC's• Le . . Bani Field. · "We wUI wort with two of· fe:nsive unit& and t w o " ljef-units qalnol Mesa," •. SMckJeford said. I • T b I • doesn't mean any lint tum .JIOllliona m sewed up 11 lhe • .-. moment.'" In """"" a Uni unit lot di!-. -ord llllad ftve lettermen, five fruhm~ and a trandtrt Defensively, the Ruslte1' will start lour fl:elhmen and a even let.. tenot.11, lndlcatln1 the dtfellllve unit is well forUfitd with veterans. Frelhmtn ll.Bted to .start the scrimmage GO oUense include Charles Meyerett of Wesllnlnaler at loll · guard; Mike Priddy from Hunllngton Beach at sput eDd; Kurt Krueger of Marina at ri&?lt guard; Rex Snyder of Corona del Mar at lullback; and Charla Buckland of )Vedndnster at bllbttk On . the delenalvi u n I t , fmllmen include: Ruly Mem- b r i 11 a (Wtstmin!ttr) at lillebacker and Tom Lawrence (Westminster) at comublck; John CL'l'Oll ( Fou n taJ n Valley) at the other cor· ntrbaclt post from Founlaln Valley, and Buddy Moen (Marina) al ... safely •Pol Shacldefonl' staled .,. would have three p~n rudy for actloo at any llll>O when oa of. reuse and two on ddemt. The ol!enslve swing men include And-, VonlllO al either tackle poslllon; Paul Rappuzlnl at 'lbe Ont offensive unlt rack- <d up S2 poinls and <ID yards In S5 p~ apinlt lhe oecond defensive unlL Dave Davis 1ot off two TD rup.s of 45 and 49 yard! and fullback Jerry Reilly broke loose for a 55-yard run. Quarlerbaet Bill Adelson completed 1lx of el&ht at- tempts for two acorea. "We were nalJy plta.sed wllh !hem. , .especl1Uy Kim Owc.t Miller. a ruerve fullback, broke hi& rigbl .. ~. ID practice and Greg Gmy, an tllernl~ at defensive auard. ls lost for lhe year wilh a separated sboolder. Two fir1t line playera are also on lhe bobbled list bul "" expeclod lo be In shape for the Sea Kinp' .....,.r with Newport Barbor SepL 20. Tllty're lackles K•nl Scud- der and Kovin Barnell. Scud- der Is nu\ with a tneo lnJW7 ... Tw.,..platooning Plans '" ellhtt au111'<1; and Ray Strot.- man at split end and flanker. Greg Henry moved t o defenae this week and wW bt used anywhere in lhe ...,... Cage, Polo Bosses Land Bumper Crop dary ·al any time while Jack, The nervOlll d•-ol alhletts HenDllad Ol\ly has lw<> lint Miit!)' will get Into lho actlcn ~ -at a lacJtle spGI 00 ellhlr side. cblJlllDI their mindli and last atrtn..,....a.n. 8"t111111l and end while Martin will be lhe "'l'hlnlS have been P"" minute reaasurtn& phone calls Gary Grombacher-return- ·:· Dashed at Saddleback BJ JOEL IKJIWARZ ., .. °"" , ......... , George Hartman'~ clrumJ of fielding a two-platoon foot.- . . baU team al Saddltbad< College thb seaaon have jult . about vanished and four or his playen will be going both way Saturday morning: wbtn the Gi.ucbos take on Cypml College Saturday In • tc:rlm- ~e. ,._. ..... •#Tho --· --~··-~~ ·-· will 'atari at •:• ~ '•on lhe ll!lletic llald at UC :1rvtne. :... ..rm still hoP.lful-we woo't ·•hav.e to uae too many p19ytn ;both ways, but rlCbt 'DO'W we \.can't two--platooo," .Hartmu ~uys said. . one l<ey injury, to valaram ;:tailback Tim Butler, bu badly :weakened Saddleblick and at least temponrily lhelved 1 ..... platooning. Butler broke 1n ankle In an intenquad scrimmllt Jut Saturday ·and Is prJlblblJ loot for the,...,.._ • _. .. "He'll be irt a cut for -.:7 " weeks and after Utat 'fl ~'t be ready to plly ~ t wblle," Hartman said. "111al lnllll1 rrally hurU us." Scheduled lo ,.. double dull' 1galnst Cypress are veteran backs Paul Cox and Gary Rupar along with freshmtn ~Rocky Fletcher and Don ~uttn. Fletcher will dooble "!up as a follhack and defe~lve . 1.os Alamitos • ' -" Entries ·;,_, IJl'Nlf, s.t. 11, I~ DI• • CW & , .... Plrwt ""' JrU P.M. o...leMl .. I a-I ..... ....... .. "" ... offenaive emter and a grtalinC u apt.ded in prac-are Off!' for Herb Llvaey, otek ing, but a huge freshman "-•-~ . ' ._ t!U-'fttk;", lil>ackllford · ~lrl!:om-"1~!.!~ Fullerton and croup ia beaded by goalie -~r •. ~--Dafld Gr11111hs from Rancho ~--~ """•• ~• 10 bolh said. "We would pnler to play .,_,._ Don u ldt 1 """' -..__.i;-a ww Oranae eoui at a lattt dlte For a junior college coach, n.l'MlMWil, ppo rom ways 1n the bl.ctfield. but "'having· than for our some of the wont days of the Marill& and Grf!g Fineberg The only •laztlnl position opener brlnp Ille picture into ~eariu:m~ =o = ~rt:gb ~~~~~I~ lhe Saddlebacl< bead man Isn't fO<lll mueb _,. tbb yNI'." claasel wt. u until !hat and Grllfl!hl quite sure ol yet 11 The Golden.Wat ln,11117 llst ·~ •··'o1-•..! _._don't · quarterblck. However, it'• a remalna about u q: bu with . ui;•• ~ ~ -1 Buhtball coaehes Livsey pleaanl problem for Ille ..,. -'!>le exc<p11on. Doog "-· for """' what •thlala and Stricklin have another G~blc s _.,.. ~ a ,lr•ttll•~a .-'!!lfnbe.:,.""f.!l,~~il .~ ~!-!heir squlldl •palrilf ll!lid~la '""''*'''ha Poobtale' ea'i*-d,;t :S::.. i.a· _. --~-. . ...i.r-·Jllld Gma llld Valloy,.11 sl(!en,,,,,-wtlh le ,___ ............ ~:: LiVJ11, wbo II In his fin! QN -· doallll and will l!o eut for ~~ -•·· year al Orange Coast, u lhree Both-_.. -for port tlne:0< four ....a_ . __,...-. allrilnl lettermen back aJonc of lhe ' tlSI ......, and The lnJur7 lso '.t ..., but Is a ...., polo_ m•-In less with a ll"UP ol newoome11 llaliman has besn pl-rocurrenee ol a lllCb l<bool ~11"' =. to be N 1 be'4ed by a lalmled transfer wtf!! the showing ol boll! ID allin"1t. -...U: l:t 11 will be dllflcuii " IUW. !J'rvy Rolfe from Ibo p~. Tom Allansoll Is 1 If 11 , . ~--~· ~.,,__..:. Unlnntty ol Redlands. Thi biaat pn>blem aiw -ln sportlnc '• ll!IO cut on hi& ""~~·•·-·-• At Goldea w .. 1. Stricklin lhe Gaucho U-p ia at of-ann and Ian~ able lb wot1i out :::' ~ ~ ~tes ~ -will have a major rebuUtllnc fenslve lactle. but upt end' Tom Btrqulst ear 1 P Job altOI' enjoyinf hts belt "'lllooe two spot an Ille bl&· could IOI Into Sa~'• Y Fullerton has All·Amerlcans year 1ut owon. He only baa 111t ~esttsm mirt we have scrtmmaae with Mesa. Doul Scbamnbert st eve three returning lettumen and GO Ille tam. We'll bl solld on ~ baa bad bls jaw Wagner and Mike' Allbrilht all saw llmlt.d action. offense dependlns I'!' bow well wired but ha1 ~dpated ID bacl< 111 lhe fold but loll sucll Readinl lhe freshman corp1 our tactles """'\ ~." be all Rustler drUls to date. He la top.ootch performers u Dan are. Jrfl Powm, the leadl!W II.YI-· ~ · a letterman from two yean Christy Mlke Inrin. Pau.l ICOUi:r' in the Sunset leque llllht .flOY ~ Dtve qo. Hqbu: Mike Cmmqbam -Wu1mlnster ; R I c t tlmi'br:ool< and aiid< nan The P"'babl• finl and .... and Mike wu..n. s....... • ausrd who aver- -Ille llllldi 1fa<k oa lhole ood unit 11beUpa far olltnae Top lralhman lnclllde John qed lO points w!lh Rancho ltarl!l!I JoliL. and defense : 'Blauer from Newpon, BJ11 • Abmttoe; and Randy Combs, Heri't bow s.ddlebt.ck wlll °"''"''"• "'"'u' d-tt-u ~ H u n t I n 1 t 0 n alJo from Wtatminster. n----"-Tl -Mlk• cor..--Owl Htflwl cn1.1U uviu R , •-lh •--tr ..-. e,prea: l'T -~ ,,_"""' ,..., Ktnn1' Bed, Cbrll Gemmoa from lrf: I ,.,,.,. e teams S•Mlpe LQ -~ ... 1lt""'"""9 H up· c -•••""""" ~ "UMM ~ Coltl Meo, and Tom om ·, :f = ~ ':!',., •mi and ~e lk:bwer tr om • iZ''' r:.;r 1e -,,..., Mtrl WllltfltM CorONi dil Mar. lEn'l.AA\ -oeu. !kha11rn11t,.. =~ :. '= ~-= rv=-:~ "Wt'n golq to be Jn .the E~ ~yle, A~IT:s.~ . .a.~~ ''f's H!,."'':.'!~i. ..... .,. '·-• ,.. mOllt murdetOUa junior collece w~~~*'· o.rr """""""' ,,.,,. ....,. '"' _,,,,,... •-Jo ·~ (If II IESl-IMl!N -Jfllll lltvf!r, New~ Jolla wa~ Po wraerenct au H• !J.1• ~11tt. H1111""'""" et1 c!:.r;;.i:"Ydtt, o.n l'ltd'lbtck. Mike time and this wUI be the ~ 'iY'w'T"'F~:.''~~~on,~TthMtr: All•,,..,.. en er111.,. ft!•'" -VMOfll. smallest team I've had at Cl!r ~--~11 '"'"''Tom HOr1t ' ·•• R •tt•< ... -··-l-t), Ctront del Mtr I "').:'· .. 'iii ;,.,, .-.: fltnUr ......... ; "' OrOlnae Coast. but the' kids are E T111l1n1 JlttNIY l(jM, ... --e JGl'ln ltettJ C0tlt Mtlll V'I Dll'•HSIYI t.llllUI' willing .. Fullerton N YI. ,, c-. oe1 MIO•J &GD: flt••· ....':!....=er Ml•• l llNM. I Int Over' at Golden W t S t ' H1111ttriu:. • ' I c IU Ot~• WflllMer, .-.v. ,.,_...., C.•lt ' ..,._ Wnl ~:. ~~ :-n!:' ~ Hermatad Ja full .ol smile-1. LE"TT£11Mt:H -Ch•l• Swt-. lll:T -Mb ltlc't. lt111 1t11rMt "TbJt team 15 head and :;rin G~r. Dwr1.ii1 lrld. ltu .. .... __ ... llftlWtk. Mr.t CJll!ffn. -i.-.u--""'"-·" gj •ftV -•--' H ~itt:SHMf.H -Ot!o l It t J..~ d I, ~· ~ -v ..,,..... M1r1n.. or:;T r.1ne11ert. L• r'~ ~tl = ~~ ... Mt~lt "!:W hid." ht aayl. ~~v;::,'.ilG••:-lt1~11U:..fn'llntMr1 LCI -L•~. Grtt l'et1111ct. We are _ho .. to be -n, ; '*' fMt111e1 · "'-•l11er lt..,. ' •· ... , •v"I& e• .... , tl'ldlo Altm IOI/ Htfn' H .. fl, •,,'..-,_-"', ... ~ ,_a..-rt but Oie-'"entlal 11 tbere and I a1" v.11rr; ltft(9 Nan1'r ..... t"'' hldll Jllll'UI Atmy, Mllf nil Al 11:1 -Motl r1u1'D11, Ktfll t«!Mtll think we are rtady to p1-)' a Wesl'lftlMl1r1 ou1111 ic;.u1tt, ~ "' ri11N1 111 AlttmlltfJ "......., IWW'wfltl't In match""..... " 4,..,., Jtllil!'-Mt•lflll Jlift ... h•I -·-· ''' ~NJ Murry 11 tldlll, ....... ftOW. ,_, NUl'll!Mfort t 1 •rucl Otrntt, --·-,_ .... ,-Wntm11111t.ri Kf l .1c1...,. M1rl1111. .....,..... no •A I( l'iLl Mln'lfflMlll ...... ID f,allk1) Ut Ol'I-c.itf ~ r.: e(:=:~ :: Lo Al . R ul ,,rt~l!r .... -".r.~iJ.«"•"· ltldl Fa.•..._ Cl~ ,,, s amitos es ts r.fff.~+.~cw::S~~~~ . ~ :i' Q.fMI l!nlllllt Cllll "'M:iiil1 lllll.11t •A.Cl. -Ylrd1. I Y I I r Yt'11'1 Cotti ""''-tkh llW • 11'1 Gr ... M ,,.,.. hrN Joll,l1t' -'Tm .. liOttt. Uftl•.,.ny 11-. . ,._....,., .... l', 1Nf tr.IOI. f/lt """' ...... Witt 0.. 0. carll*i.r,l 11J $fU(Y' ~11 Ill l•llbl "" , .. tJO Scrtl'tllfll -'OllMl'I' MMl•fl. ••ldy • '-'"" ...... ~otfllllfR YI , K'-tn ~I fl"ffll 111 W1tl M ........ !Afflr' 1.0I tJIO ltOoektl. '"""" H1wk. Mlfwty Mlnle. It c.nbl, W•lmln1!1r1 '"' iTh"tl:, !~ . .::·~ ... ;;:~.:;;. ~~, ~....e-~:nr~\-!~·~=t: ~~·~=ri•lfi:~~ lwl ... Min fWl1IOll) uo T~ ... ,.,. All <C1nft11I ,,.. ~ 1t1ncht Alwrlllol. O•- SICOND ltACI. a r1rd1, ' l"H• c .. , <•• 1·-····, ,.. Time-II "10 llltTN ltACt:. Vutt11 Sr. Cour-J. llst Gr1Mlu J!"' Hin~. -C• .. , " -•• '' W-t t ' ( , m l lttY Mn'let: Allin HtrT, lldl. Cltlmlr.t. ,..,, .... .mo. I ... T• Todcl , ... 111111 111 S<r1tdoed -Cit • Al .,. I ' •••• 1lfl .... .... lltmlrlt. Uftl ""'11$1'.1 "" ••J<l'I lrtd "'*111r ,..,,.. ••IC. .... n• "'"'*It IEMle (~) 1:111 l it!. Sltl'tl l lotldle, 'TOil """' K1r. t200t. ''I" •• .,.,Al MOr•"· l• Oull!lt ....... _ Mr. ~" Ill 111*.I) ,,,., 1Not fAd ... l , .... 4.tll S.fO NI , Hun""'-IMd'll Si.w "r1~ Tiffi' fC.,,..1) lft llCOHO ltACI • .e ylnh. S YH r I! G1vll1n flfttl!-1 IJCI l.OI ........ If~ Allf!IJ~ Jiff '°.1'."'.!....".:': Ntflfli .... LMY 1, ... ) 111 tlY1'"" ltACI. Y-1• Ir. c.,," or•• .... "' '" G,.111 I Plva. ~,.. Dt4-l'lr1t Llllll (frlflllll'rl ,.. W:r"'al'ltf.rJ~I J;;-11(~1'~: ,.. Mid (\Jofllfn) 117 c::..:.~~ ..... \!:.", ~-llllf ... ':i ,.... OH•Tfl•le Ttt HI (,.......) ••• "•In, v:,,.,. Willfll. ~lt\11" YtOtri t l•lrk OIM'lt (WlllOllJ '" ,.__ ... Stcrtt 01,,..... IDl'wfl'I .... "" "' ,,__.., 'flt Dlc11 -. Marl llfl o,, ,,.,,,..,... 111-1 l• 12111. nit w,....,... -• ""1. lellfJ' II# <Mtlrl 1.-1.-~t 11tr :ar.. MM " .,_1r1• ......... (H C~I 111 af'Mll AGMllt flt...._J 17' OQ.l"lltll ._ 1111\llfll 1.-ntl ... ,....,..,.,., ,,. T-Trtttr ll ........ 1 1n TirM-11 ,,,. .. _ tttw (1141:11-) 111 ""'· ,..,_,lt'Y '°""'I 11t kteftMd -•t111 T ..... Ot'Mf!M ~ lria llMl!ll) 111 1-W .bdctf (It ..... ii 111 AlrN, T ..... TMrf. kMf1 ~ fltlfltldl) 114 00-l"tfllf .... flll ...... ,.. -.i. .., "'""" uc•. sn "'""· 1 ...,. -.it _aM Ulll. A!l ... •l'ICtt. ,_ tltOI. lltta T-l)I •tt•• """" ,~,, 111 -llf1tf ,,.. •"* ,,... .. ll'TH lllACL .ut Ytnb. 'I Vfff' tUt9'1\.lA-'oHll•"""' l 1•V"lt'f ....... a..., .. ,_ ........ , ... ., .... Youth Soccer Signup Set The Harbor Area dlmion of &he Amtrican Youth Soccer Oraanltatlon wlU hold ffOIU'aUOn and p r a c t Ice ...-at TeWlntle Part ln Ceola Mm SaUmilY. and again on Sept. IO. The teams ttlll have plent7 ol op1ninp ~r boys I lhnlu&b 15. P'utU!fr ln!onnatlon may be oblalned by oalllna Don Dunne at -I or Jerry Blair at 11Wl&I • .wldle lla(lltlU hat • palled ....... ,,,, Ilea Kiop. tranl to Marina HIP Scboo1 1atom1ay ........ at. to -tbe Vllt- lnp and ic-<tJ HIP In • U.-...,acrlmmqe. Holland "YI It will be Ille last i...p worQul before tile 1181 campalp bqlm. Latest standouts In pracllce have been Rick Petroa at mid+ die llnebacker, defensive end BUI Martta and sale\)' Jell Rdcberi. LAGUNA BEACH Injurie s have be$et Crutvlew Loque defending challlPlon Laguna Bueti foot.- bait fum at an early st.aiae and further aliments could be dlaulroul for lhe comlDI ....... Jerry Abbey, a defenalve tackle candidate, m17 not be able to play all -because or a bemla lllfft.red in a re- ... , ICrimmalO-Sp f I I "1d Mike Sweeney suifered a bn:iten nose, mlssed one day of practice but It baclt and ~toco qaln. Sieve Palmer Is aw.W., a tonal! operaUon that will sldellne hlm for lhe lint two ArtLst pmes. Oo lhe brlgbter side, Mike Abbey ls looking goad at U.Uback l:le eatned a monocram at split end last year. Two linemen. both starters on last year'• team, have .loot .. ed lood In early clrills. Chris Bowman. a m$.at tackle and Roland Mc! , of- fensive centu and wive lactle, were singled out by C01Cb Hat At1n1 for !heir lherp ellorts. A lhtte-way scrimmage ll>- volvtng Los AmJ&ot • n d F.dlton u well u lhe Artilt.s, will get wider way at t Satur .. d1y morning on the Laguna turf, Fl>UNTAIN VALLEY Founlain Valley H I I h School'• football 1qu1d travels to Weatminst.et Saturday morning for a lbree-way scrimmage with Wutmlnster of lhe Sunset Leaaue and Servile ol lhe Angelus Loque. StartinS time ii I. Coach Bruce Pickford has been sending hi1 gridders through tbelr paces this week with the one-a-day rouUne in effect since school opened Wedneaday. 'lbe Barons were atqgertd alijbtly when Ric* Powren. e all.purpoee back, IUffered a back Injury In practice Tue>- day. It's doubtful If he'll see any action Saturday but be'• ex· peeled to be ready for Fnun- Caln Valley'1-opener wJth llancbo Alamitos Sept. II at 0111'<1en Grove HIP Scbool. SAN CLEMENTE "The team seema lo be jeU· lng more u a working unit. ~ Umlna IJ coming around ind I'm a little more ntlsfled with tbe overall performance." That'& coach Tom Eads' IWJUlllllon of the prol)Tela of hlJ San Clemente High School football aquad a.a it prepares it&elf for a 10 a.m. scrlmma1e Saturdliy wllh Katella. Eads is 1Wl worrled about lhe tactlea and ends and hoj)ea the acrtmmq:e with Katlll• will shed some ll!ht on bOw be can 1bort it up. ~ Trilonl have a squad of 54 but Eadl 1ay1 at leut aix or ,.ven playen will probably go on deftnH Ind offlDH. San Clemente wlll fttJd a vutly experienced team in comparison with last year's 1- 1 club. Of the starttn1 eleven that will meot Kalella In lhe scrim- maie. onl7 two are jUniora - the rest seniors. On the line it will be Jack Koleta at Ught end, Wl)'ne Sager and 1lm Duvall (a junior) at tackle&, Steve Divel and Mike Coit at guards atld Mike Wel\1 at center. Keilh Gibson (a Junior! and Rick Geiidea are scheduled lo alternate at quarter~ Ton7 Plowden at ~ JUck Srcnm at halfbMi and Dlnnil llteoeat~ m:sTMINmR "The faUcue of seven days or double contact aeaslona has take~ Ila toll," II.YI coach BJll Boswell of W..tmlnaler lll&b. School. The walkln1 wounded tilt 1t Weslminskr bu retched 10 u U.. UOlll tllrt far !heir ICl!m- mage wllh lrvlne l.Aque reprtStntatlvt J' o u n ta I n Valley and sentla Hl&b ol lho An1elus L e a I Q e Slturday. They'll •Wt at t a.m. at- Weltmlnster. A couple ol te7 players - Wall Maddoctl and llolif Miine -bavs been out wllh muscle pul11 while o&bera nuntnc minor ~" .,. Deano Aldrlql. Boll Wllllama, GNJ Newhouie, G1tm IAnlalf and CUrl Dadrlct, • ....., otllm. All. h°""ver, ara eipectbd to be at f\111 ltnnilh by I b e lime Wettm.INter opem lta ...... wilh t.ake"1IOll ---"""""""""' i:rz: . ~~b-' l)IO \llfloll . . La ™ -.... Jlfl"1ljvt lln!t -Iii Jbtlr--r In SllurQfa. o:rtmma,t 'trill llftt l!rtdo .., Ula Wanton be Monly llownay al tallbl<t ftie nt1Y ,/mi1Mw '16 a tho and John llalze al fallblct, ~ tu~ Slrle Gruabaqb at wJnpa;:t ; Tb!)' !"! t!: ' ," and l!l d d le Dana· 'at · l<aio Ind ww quarierback. ~ •. .VIW 111 ~ 'On the ""' ll'll .,. Cllrl ' llital _ .,. onetlc8? . Dedrick al f)llit end, Dan · Coo•»nimff·tM lollowlng Wejaor<k oil qlllct lacltle Jim plllj'lfl lo ll!arl. In .,-OturdW, McN1ugbtoo al left ruaid and """IMll''"' olfrio:' !live Cary Smllh al center: M-. ·a Ju11iOr ii' ~ Rlgbt skit et: tht line will end; t.aoc11ttr, .. 'tielilar at feature •Walt Judy at rum!, lefl· llct!"L SlaYe ~ a John .Johmon or II ar 1 junior•-l!W'd; Jim Uni<. Fr1-n'kbou1e (both a junior at'etmer;. lteidi a aophomoret) al tackle and Ed junior at n,i.. guard; Dav• McLau(l>llo II eild. J-a jalllor''ai-'·rJchl Tho slartlnr •lineup featuru tackle; Witt,. i jwllor II tictit lour rotllmln( leltennea -led ' end;· Saem111, * -at hr quatlubact -· quarlllliact; .91sv, oir.re, a • senior al Nnnlnl'baci<; Dave llUNTINGTCH BEACH' Lacy ... -ai -f llld ''We bavt shored up our Joe Veredmtclla. • JiDlmi at defense the 11U1 couple of laUbacL ' ' I ' clays and f°'l It Is i;omhlg ' mON ,vm.io ' . · along adequate!)' Ill th• The'"'""' Ulinl _,....Ray )IHltlil lln!e. we will be ,.m. Dodi• 11 l>oitbW for', Saturday inl on our oUenal•• timing m--•--.. wwi...-,Ille lllablol Mil our puslng pme 1oda;r." ~-That's the word from !ten t.Ue on Fallbrool< .aotl lior<o M"!ts1 11untincl0t1 llfach Oiler ~~!till.,• !':!';: fOOU>aJJ coach on the eve or wortout. _,.., Ille scrlnunqe wllh FoolbUI, Mlulon Viejo ~ ..... , bas Saturday nlg!lt on lhe 'l\Jslln ·~ ~· Hlgh field at a:oo. bad Its ahan of pr1r11eea ift.. 1ur1.s and ·no4fe"ai!n!its Moats llldlcated he was thing "have ~ fraD' bad to pleased wilh the follow-inf wone." , defensive p1qen in early "JUcbt now we ire 1 tilhind drllll: Paul Moro al last yur's lq1l&il in pnparlnc linebacker, Crall Zowlootskl for our flnt -. " be u;ys. al safety, ~ McCord •t MIJs!on· VkJt baa ' fl v e ha!lbad<, Frant Hanu at end playm eut with 1DIJlr· In- and Jim Baberlhur at IU""-· Junea and llOa IOlt prol>ably "Tbt.oe boya have come alq one player !0< the *""· Ha'• real well and live us a lood hall1'icl: '!'Om· a-,' who ln-nucleua lo blllld our cleffnse jurad Ida ·•~ _, __ aruund," he aald. u-.:a _. ... 1-- Sevtral playm m doubtiuJ qo ID an · anlc! OOCi\llOI on4 parildpanll ID lhe ~-haa ..... lntullled by -..i.. Bill Bruce baa a badly b<ulled fecta ever ~· ~ .llWW leg. Ha 11 pendl<d ID u a flnt be'D ba loll fbr the - team defensive pnl-and and Bette -btlnc....ated should be ready for \he OP"" 00 lo ,.. a Joi· ol llnlo ill lhe Ing ,.... -La Habra. • bacltfleld. -k later. l!tisH\rinc Jackie R u c h Joe Slnbblnl ls out with Leather baa an lnlectMn and strep threat alter m11a.!f, all will mis.-the ICrimmaie o! the early pracllct ons. Salurilay ' wtille • end' JI• y Ile bu been confined with a Jollnion visited tile doctor strep tlnat lnlecllon. -Thunday wllh • 111. -lojuly. Moils named the following Dodi• dom\ -haw oCfwive Uneup to 1tart Satur-Jeriou1 Johnlon'•allmenl is. day nl1bt: Toay Clarelll, left Alao hobbled are <tnter Bm end; Bm Tw1u. left tackle · Daris with a bum ankle and Galen Glllllinil; left ·guard; hallbact tJon Wlllon -·a G~rge Ollvlt, center; Jack leg muscle pull. Crosby, rlght guard; Tim Dodie, hoWever was tn· Sloane, rl&bl tackle; Arnold courqed thla week by the Ruli, rl&ht end: Garth Wise, wort of four other backs - quamrbacl<; Randy Lloyd, sophomore Andn Holmes anct left halfbtck; Larry Hill, rlpl llolif Citro, a pair of hallbtck; and Frant Neal, blllbacb, and quaricliaW fu!Jbacir. Ed GfOJ ml Ji!ll Drfls. MAlllNA Gray and Davll .,. 1iat1Unrr for lhe slartinl Job and Dodi• raw their performance '° far u a l.os9eup. "We have tpeed at the present time but lnlw1ts could Mtfot11ly .bamsw ()W' ouUoot. We had a full..:ale team acrfmmage Wednt.ld17 and aren't too happy wilh the missed uslpmenll but lhls b to be npected early In the ytar. Offemlvely, our linemen looked bad but ... •l)IOCI lo wort lt out ahortly." That'• the report from coecb Jim Coon ol Marina High School U he Mnda hJs laam lhrougb a final -today for a ihrff.wl,l' tc:rtm- ma1e SaturdaT """"'"' wllh Corona de! Mir aild Kenned)'. Actlcn will be from I lo 11 on the Marina cunpua. Singled out for lmpraslve dlorts by lhe Vlldnl coach wen John Reed, 1 liO-PoUPd junior guard; Bob Wit! at ilpt end; Tun Jennlnp, • Junior linebacter; and Bob Lancular at defensive tacllle: Co<:aotaln Davs Tee~ a tenlor llnebac.W, hu Ileen sidelined wilh a baclt Injury wllh Coon hopeluJ be can perform Saturday. llict Suman Is lhe Vltlnc punter at tbe moment but no place klclter bas been u~ covered promptlnc Coon lo quip: "I ptss it's a aood lhln1 they put In lho 1w .. poin1 Baseball Standings I 11 f J I l ' I ) ! r. C.·••• oun Bodt,s Seek ' Not ,All,· BiJJs Aid . ' Real Test of Se LIY C Sets V p Race lf hi.ch ,,rings Out Skills . Boating' 87 ALMON LOCLlBEY r...tinc tbey ""11d TMJl>e ,,,. ,... will be sailed satur- .. • --... !brow In • Cl!"l'll ol splnnal<er •·· ' Jn ..... --Ille . buoy• jibes. "\ ' _,. • , , Durlnc Ille put n .. 11e1r1 'yllOht racea otljlpiio Hd • ,., 'Bit,... cauglll on ..,. ""' 'l1le rules will be ...-.t ' ..... 1111!1 ·• w1io11.-l'll11Mi . .i.r-.fi•ealwhldi ·=1~:0=~ """'cmkoontOD'fboot,lo ,amouber,<1-,....,w ...... 1116 ...... After _tlle .... ·~5.5 Meter .Honor · r-ta Ualloil•...,.._ .,.r will 'be !or tlle U.S. <ham-' t'r od u cod ~to. ""'!f: with ..,. ,~ ~ . ~ I~ 0ol LIYC: ~ mitlooal llart, nipperil and • ; . • . , . • . .. .• • ... . .. ; . .. . • . ~ Wiii ~.~lbe: plonohlf Tbree4 ll>o,.races -n.t•1 flo· ior,Me al• ... , ~£.iJ°t--r.;,~!,. 'l'"k,;r, • .._,Jew -~ Jnl!df, · """'' will be reqlilr«I to u.S: clwnplomlJlpl olti u . will be acored for the Bingo •mia!Jy. '.1 • ' : , ""'-.u.c•-• Y'· '!.., boitt. -~ ~.u ~~.c1\UOllll ~tatt, -· one « more beails1, ______ --:=::o· mder clus-at Annapolla, Md., Tropliy. Gardner COi , o I , !l'iiia Jk the ii'U'd 4om lhe or· nm -T" , '..;;;, bot OD the Whol~the'nce'1UJI , cloulgco·and ne! lhe qurin OU Sept. IJ.11. PhilAdelphla ii. the delelllllnl calllom!I 'Marine Pa()s P.nd maybe anotJier ohort al lo reqlill'ed a lol ol .......ahlp• • .., waalhe< JegJ · and on "l'lu.e ol tile CClllijl!rtlng <!>amploo ancl Ti'l"f ii the llatllara AJaoclaUon , wlilch the finilh llne. on'the-parl al the crow. downwind legs will Jiave a boill ..,, retumll'I! from a dcl~ ol the J1U1Co Troplly. 1 n.c\ DOlnfl out lhal aome of the Ye.an Wl °' ~ack In 11151-Some ol U,, '!"'--were ma...v~ "drill and, jibe $llMW ol """"'""I"' In Olbo< In~ -B.~ Stages \11!4 are liwtable lo'.,IJ>e· K<!th• CordrU ,al Lido !!le Jim Kilroy In Klaloo.~ey" lbe ~~I )wl tw,tce. Sc:andlnaYla. 'l1le7 ' .,.. Ted sailors upectoll 1o canptt< • AJ)Oit al boirlot bul miny V:aCbt Club 'i)lowecl aa how MacDonald In Ve I a, Blll ''llle ....,. will ilol be' finlsbed Tunler'• Tiger (Allanla. Ga.) are Emle Faye, u...-, , more are unlavorable. lbere Olllht lo be• llWe more HasUll In Bravo mi Lloyd unW Oacll yao!JI la at>dio<ed -placed -In the Ti:r.; lrviri( Ge'nleln. T...... Bud Miller -The CMPHA ii-a waldidog aeamalllhlp Involved In even a .Toluiiiin In Taco. , "l!elilliil '°"'liM with an:aa11s European OIJt!ll aeritl at to: Britton Cba·nce, ol Jocal, It.ate and . fc;cltral dayyachlrace. With the abundance of ~andfurled. Saodliam, Sweden: Nemesb, Pbiladel~; Nocman 0.-, 'W!i-c , · 1 ' ~ ·":1~~fiit He wqe up 1wlth ,the Idea yadlllog cvenll on lhO caJeno 11io--wjll ,be named jointlJ onec1 1i1 'l\lr1* anc1 B«111morJ; Jobn Murdock. LOg . Race . bllla ~ ~..,;wd~ ~ u:~~~i:;: ~-.1 ""'!!"11q.r ... the ~ o1.~ y.., anc1 clul p-Vlclor New York.·· , , . ered lly1he·~-k _,,_,;';!' ... --"-and ..,,:y·..,f!~:';Z': r, c ~"!i!'!....,.'i!i'J\I'.~!; Shenmas, and ·wblch p18'led Past.cbamPlomlnctbefleet •~p · D ,ABIJST-Wlildl_.tnns-,_..-,. ,... • .,...... . •-,._ reviv· =.._.....w .. oep~ -In · the SCandiuviln ln<;lode , Ernie faY.e. , his ......,... ower ~ua-" I fer subotaliai ll<.....,..,01 ho!SI aail after lho ~ <d .bY LIYC In coojuocUon •boar\! each yacht lo ~ Gold Clip Jo Nonray and ·fillh bn,lller Alberl;"C b a nee, alago ~ltl aDllllAl E , L. (Bild) llal'bo<I ~ w~ "'1d> gun. 'f1!<n, Jt~t}~~ the wllb Voyag"" Yacht Cluh. 9\0timeand~aleach . in tho wodd c:bamplollShips, ArllWr Knapp, Lfn ./lbom MJlhoo> Tropliy pr<dicl<d ICC lo Parka• and -1 crew would '...-mi~~ ., -~ . and Al Cauel'• Savage from , (S.,.atih Olympic gold medal race ·Baturclay • AB !ID-Would, -all mab .one., or JD"'8 , beoda'I Newmrt.Jle>l:I!. CUlel la the ~). i .. , ·~ ent ~ 1 11 lioat operaton'.to 'be,1tCeneed c:hanCea and ui1at1-t part class busuier. , 'I'll! S.$.ls I SI.fool ilOOI! rls· ~: ~ ~\'., ~ate bj tile slate'.' ' ' I' ' of ~~~ with a reef· 'Ille Annapolis Yacht Club · &ed ~ wb!ch ,. .. :. tlie' grade or Ai!Vancell PiliJI, P'av<table blDa1o.lbe)bopper eel .. . , , • . • under Commodore Arnold C. lonperly -al tile.five~ JUrilor Na v I g at 0 r ,,. lnclu!l•: . . On . the ~ind legs •tn Ga7 ls the -club !or the pie cl...... 11 WU ·4lol!bil:ed ' "Navigator. ' AB 13&-lflll ~Pli'1 ••II· -.Ver ' 04 :· bo!lr,d ·-Id U.S. chan\ploosblps. Gaither !or ,1m by 11\e. l'I~ Sotmg._ : The race dlHera from the e.rs' obllgaUona In tr~ering throw a Jife rinf qver 111< side Scott will be chainnan of the The boat tl'-1' ,deVelollnerJt usual predicted •togj raci In UUeB of'Ve$8el to l;IJY!r'· .' and slng out, l 'f M.a n. race c:ommtttee. l}'l!e whkh ~" 312 (ftl·ol tl!al lbe navlgalc>' DOI the pl· A 7iit-WW gl'le~'P.'" omboanl!" Thi! would )l> The If.mile courses will , sail , upwind and IA)'Where 1 Jot la: the one ,.b,1 h ~ to' dG trolmen and harbot~teo ·the it.la\e a m~yerboard drill alternate between 011.IJlplc from e&O to 950 feet ·on reacheJ 1 aJll the plotttilg,\ takhii be&r. 11~~ :~pea.Pi~~\.Ja1Jle with all the s~p re-· , and Gold cup courses. There and runs. inga and \hinkinB m> e:rcmes. legistatiol and~ favor-qulred.tJ.n doua~ the.ch~ or The ' navlgalnr •. c a n use able leglslaUoo !lie ~ilA coming about witl>alhtandlng . ' walches,11mlni devlc<a, take bu initialed a · JMDilieilfilp In• onler lo retrieve lbe.Ylclim · l ·st .·Ensenada. E.ntry v.isual or radio. bearings, use drive lo ncruil more liciaUng ID the shoriesi •time. lntuttJbn Of' change speed of people and organiia.UOns. And while tile crew was the boat to eslablhth his JlOlll· lnQulrlea r<gardlng m<m- tion on the fir!t fwr legs of bersflip appllcatkms al>oukl be F l '-·~·s L ng H b ·i tbe·eourse. sent to Callf«nia v .. r1ne 0 WW 0 ' ·. a l . ~ the' las! ll!J he cannot Paib & Harbors AJ!Ocialioo, change rpma el:ctpi !or sal<ly Inc., P. 0-, Ba> ,2111, Redoodo ' ' ' Fint. enlfY !or the Sao ntqo.Emeaadl • illtimaUooal yachl nc1fiJ Ed Sol!eS'1 Eight _, • J •• -~-~, · re-· Beach, Calif. 1 •= yea.1 s race 1.t ~UJ-. ........ • • : J_.-4_ t· There are foar cl.uses ·,of ~ -'• •• nd · red ''"',ace nB•l6 a 11 ,.m. , ber . , ~ ""'· ~ a " co<JlOllSO • ' start and niijsh line will he mem lhiJ>-Cl&'I' A.·govern- 50 Enter Star Class ''.fHE'UR•et1.' OD Qi .DIYlll STORE II THE U.S.A. , ·PACIFIC· .9;~ERS .SUPPLY INC. . t I" COMMITI ....... raainnl~ i9697\i cu. FT. TANK GAL..v. CoNrouR PN:.K, TWO STAGE !iNGLrt-m"l(EGULA;rORS. .5 YEAR GUARANTEE-I YEAA AIR' SUPPl Y• . .~ .•i ! ' • .1s:oo .J--~EW 1969 72 CU. FT, GJJ:.V. RESERV'EJ VN;VE VALUE $105.00, YOUR OOST ' . *""' T&ll~EW:1969 72 Cl:Jt.Jt• GALV. K VALVE VALUE $85.00 Yo!JR COST $:C9." "IWIN:IANK NEW 190Y 38 CU. FT. GALV. ~R PA<;K J V/ll..VE VALVE 0Hf2~r.&..~A1i R i'Wn! ·~.u.; Of ANY'iiM. 'AU'i»iil.' S~AAAMft,; ·;oi ;,~·f!,M WJnd!i, Sollt;il. la • 'rice -· moclon al . 'Uta',Souihweslern Y adit Club: SU ·Diel'O-He has mered everf ·race -aiDce its 1ncop11on m ,...,. ago, by ljl< Soolhwestem Yacht · between Iii< Newport b e1 I menial: Clw B, commercial,: SAN DIEGO (AP) _A so. Club udibe Club de Yate!t 'de bl!OI' and the cOmmlli.e boat. Class C, civic! Cl8'a D, indt· boal n.,.i has been certified E~.~ ,_' vidual, ~Cius, E.,a)>ecial !nr~lhe Star .CW. World •SalJ. . SE.ND F"'"YOUD QAL •• ·LNEW 19.69. P.(Gl~JC "'V.·E.Rs.CA.TA.LOG_ Brodturel aod Invitations to • --<v 'i ' Ing Qiam)>loil<lll~;Btpt-21·1'1 · -...,. -1· ---· ~, participate in tile .... have Rendezvous Graiidmothe' r al the Coronsti .. lioOda, Regal· - -• 'O....:..•-....... c1-· . . --1., been n\a118ct'to all yaCht clqbs ta ~al Chairinan Frank _,. .... __ · as la• north as·S'anta Barl>ara. • Se l -""1 . Hope Ii. Announced we.me,.. At ns ,o.. "=' :O::'tt = Dhrl., lcltool . Entries ~or th,-salling· event Cr·wse' Set n en~ ·~ aay. t ' W«•MlltCAIO • ~ CIMUI-~'''"~ .. AV/tll.Ml' • and tile predicted log tace for SAN D Hope "laid "fleet -will be I ~. t. ~ Y·-' Ji \ _,. ' , · · IEGO, Callf. (UPI)-the largest ever usembled in -power Ciulsen:·must'be100 flle A SS-year.old grandmother was CalHomla for a Star Cius • LOii IEACH HUITINITOI llAOK at SWYC not, later than 4 p.tn. Emphasis will again be on sentenced to five yiart in pris-world tiUe and the third larg-11-n• ~ t::':r""· "'11· ~61~..,'n:~M; .. ,'~aa, . . Canadians • • ' W~Cnp TORONTO (AP)-The cana. ~ MJnltou ,,.. b<r lhird atnilgbl TOfO I« the Canada'• Cup over Niagara of the United States 'lbunday, to compkte a IWOC~ In Ille best· af-5 yacbt!ng 1UJ.ea. Sept. 19. · ' famllY fun at this year's on Monday for smuggllng.sev-eat ever ~ by a Y. S. ·..----, COlOi Last year over as boats of Colwnbla RendezvOU! cruise ,j~en~M~exl~Cll~Jtt• aacrnosE~·:tlie·~ libor:d:er:.lyi:alch~~~Jutb2:in~tlle~·;·en:t·s~46-:L!~:~::::~:!:~·~:::~~=· ~-~-:· =· ~':::::=::=~~ ill classes partlciJ)ated In the to Catalina Island scheduled in the trunk of her car. year h~. · - race. More than 100 are ex-Sept. 27-28. pected this year. A. lotal of 2S-Hosted for the seventh year take-home trophies plus 13 IJ!o. Columbia Yacht Coqi,• Che perpetilals are up for grabs by colorful rertteivoos Is ex· the ocean ra~s,1 multihulls peeled to attract some 300 and predicted loggers. Columbia owners, l h e i r 'l1le red-lmlled Miriltou' took advantage o! lighl br.eus W<duesclay lo come lrom be- hind In a »milo ODJurance race that ended amid. con- lualoo when accompanying boats were unable to idenWy the leader. 1be race is open to all sail-families and friends . Ing yachts and power boats Staggered starting limes for whose owners or charterers the 10 filfferent Columbia ~ members of a yacht club yacht classes and for the dif· recognized by the No r t b ferent starll.ng JocaUans will American Yacht R a c I n g allow the entire fleet to con- Union, Pacific Coast Yachting verge on Ship Rock at the en. Association or the Southern trance to the Cstallna Isthmwi 'California Yachting Qssocia-at approximately the same lion. time. ItS an Old Forester kind of The gleam in their'Cyes'rells the story. What's ahead? A toast to happiness with the good Bavor of a great Kenrucky Bourbon. ' -.. 86proof. $6.19'fifth . . ....... SaveJD%wl>cn you buy by the we. Ac 86or JOO pttd "Thttt knrxbinc btcm in tht nwtm:.M . The Jaguar XKE ha1 15 standard feature• Detroit Js con1iderlng for Ito cars of the future. At $5.775, why wail? 1 "Actlvo" Stoel Body 2 True Aerodynamic Stylln1 3 Alnralt-Typ• Dloc Brok•• 4 Roce C... SteerinJ 5 Unlqu• 4-Whoel lddntendent Su1pentlon '. 6 Twin Eoctric CooUns.Eom 7F.diA~Hood 8 Twin Overh~•d Cam1h•ff Enaln~ 9 Fuel Prdaeater 10 7 Moln lleuln1 Cronluhalt 11 Eloctric Fuel Pwap 1? Free·Flow Eshaun Sy1tem 13 Heml1pliorlcol · Combuotlon Chambon 14 Adtunoblo Stoaln1 Wb .. t 15 Complete lnotrumonb ' ' J•suar Pricts XK-E Rood~" ...... , 5558-1. XK -E Cou,.. ......... 55771. XK·E·! • ! Cou,.. ..... SS9SO. XKcE !•! CouP' fAulom11i rl.,,, .... $6195. ~P.O.!.Wn1C:-. • The l•l"IT XKE 1! not only Ill advanced car. It'• one of Che world'• ireat automobile1 1t half' the groot autOmobile ~· hn't It tlme you uw your Jaguar dealer! Jaguar I] ll•rtuis mot•n 900 So. Coast Highway Laguna lea.ch 540-3100 494.7503 .. ,, I . I , .. • " n .. .. " ·' . - •• -· ·- • .• , f f I. I I f r I I ' \ ' a d d ~ h ·; ~ ~ I ,......,..~~~~--~ .... ~~~~ .... ~~·w~~~··-•-•oow~-=·~~-•+•....,.r--~•-·-•-wwwwww-.ww•~,-·-·--~·-·~•J~·~••·~••••-'"wwo•••+~·-·-·=-•..,-,..-~~~~~·-..,~~~-~~ I • • • • ! 'I• t·o . . . ••• . ' Wh a·t ta · do • •• ' . ACTOR CRENNA IS MONITORED AT $1 MILLION REPLICA OF MISSION ' CONTROL .. ~; F., . A.d. M ... . ~·~~pace ·1rm -1 1·n·g _· · ov1e ,1), .•f;;,; 1· •: -· Philco-Ford Recreaies Mission Control Center · ' 4 • • • • • • • • • · · 'ibe1 ~ure and -aerospace Jn~ • ~ have· joined bands in L mfilion. "' · dOi&r '. cOUabOration, and the result, , OJtumbie Pictures' "Marooned,·~ Will be "' t ieeri J8te thiB Year. . A drama: ~ sp;ace eicpl.oration ·starring · · 9";«y P~1 ~ Crenna, David ·.TP89ed, ·Jametj Franci8CU8 and Nancy --: • KO;li:llt; 0 Marooof!d" relied heavJly on -Jcol . .-nee lrom Philco-Ford. . , ' . '' Coast's .:· Busiest Actor ' . . ' ' ' . ' ou have to be pretty deillcated to Ole , With that kind of schedule, you'd have Reign of Good King Ubu," "Death of a er to play ·in nine consec:utive ~ro-to have an understanding wile. Jim's is Salesman" and "Tbe \Threepeno_7 ct.ionS, take a ·breather to get mamed, the former Martha McFarland, who bas Opera." ' E do three more in a rov.:. . put in even more time than he al SCR While playing the r.;mk-conscious cor ... un Bu es is pretty dedicated to ~ • and ~ h.is theatricat dedication. poral in "We Bombed," whlch runs , ler. Jtm ... who1e appearing in...the company's through Septembe~. he'll be re'biarsh)g \The young (24), tow~eaded ~ta Mesa r;" Mu tioo "We~bed in-New for the role of Mnes 'Gloriosus to the #:tor is the veritabi'e workhor1e,of ~. cu ,1 ,,~-r-~1 • t • _ .. , , Goasl Repertory,.helping to .fill a -~'.\\'.! , Iii, ,D,-.Plllllng U/< , . ol roi.. be musical comec!r; "/> *""'"y nilng· Hap- cftated when some or the company• once trained-Jor -aa an Air Force pen~d on tbe WW.to the f.orum :" older members slowed dbwD ~ .... ~tcacfei. Jtii Gl6tr was a pilot in "I like to 'Wotk lopg stretdtes," he n.· ~i:£°"!1ing schedule because of _f~illal World 1{ar .II. . plains. "You learn a Jot that :way. All my 't.~:ati~ns. litil tiring ,, Jim adtni~ 85 "After a year and a hall, 1 began to experience has come from actibg; Ii!: reft~ ov~ the Past t~o aasons.. h~Ve ,my dCJUbts," he recalls. Then he classes have never done me much iood. '~rsing three ni,ghts a we;k. was casl as the Nazi commandant In an \'ou pick up your· best tips from watching P.erforming four nights and rebeamng academy production of "Stalag 17" and oLher actors, nOt on style but just ~turday and Sunday afternoons doesn't· deCfded the theater was more than his · · "'-atching them handle themselves on leave you time for· much else."· · cup fl tea, 'to the Ctiigtin oL my parent.s stage." • ?° r • and relaUves," he acid•· •; 1 , He also ' Jias had ·Ute ' opportunity to ' -11 l ' WEEKENDER _ ~, ' 1 psmr · FEATUBES The Sen· •Francllco • 8-IJet 11111 pirobette into Orange County for a brli!I tour 'lncluil\'11 ',k led- dtrpoostratlol\ end a •p<r!orm~ &t Qronp cpast ~Uege. SIOl'f •N" picture on Page 20. Gulde te Fun 'Pale t9 Trml l'1lga 21 IJI Ille GaDttfu Pqe 21 Uw fte.atre Page • Antltol.)" Newley Pip It ' Ja!llJ Joplin Page~ Oa1 ·~ Abolll P1ge1 %HI tJCI CbOnle AudlU..1 Page a M"" Cop1p Page %S El¥11 Pmtey Pap e. .. Jjm, lran&ferred to Cal Stale , Loni: .• diveisil~·hj!hseU anc1·llis blond,' youthful . ' ' . . ' . . ' . Beach1 in his home town and aw.eared 1n look! are not conducive-to type castiQg at t: JS ~ tb\n. After ~~ he SClf' In "The ThreepeMy ~ra,'~ for in-fo11o\v~ sOme Long Beach •friends into starice, he played •·pot-belliectmiddle ag. \ht M.W·s Circle Theater ~~ ~ 1 did ed riian with IOD)e ~gree 'ot. SlilCCtSI. , lour,ll)Pre productions. . "!! wu fuit dOing so~ dlllen.m;' . ; ~ i.er. was absorljed' ill' 'sCR Ill , he •ys. "111(1 it aJao waa.IQY Qral'ehaoc& J967 :.i4i1~1ool< a ili-monll\ ''va · '~" I'! sjl!g on-., Bui now I'm back ln•mY ··~ 1... ~-Ii. .-1.i yd · ownTealni aDd 1r1 euier.'.' •• ~ i::: "°"""'"cl.~ u p.....ed to pick hi• famto role, Jim Io Loi , Angeles. He ~· t ._ · ~ould mark it a tossup.~een Happy in didn't care much for · ~ath ot a Salesman and .COrpocal that either and in Bruley._ the part he's presenUy pleYfng. J~ QI 'last year ' l!ati.y Is a iort ol ,.Jlltal)> sa.\nny G\f<i. be joJb<d lti.s old ' lo"'ver ~ adfantage !'11111 'chance -P!Sfty members to inch hb way up tbe ladder, lnd411e in the Harbor Awl type mun be lamWai to Jim alter two and WOil the ro1e of )'earl ln the· Air Force .A~. .. Tom Joc&lll:S l'l"' "'.!¥>l's lo the luture! FO\' J)m tt'1 ~ "Jl>e corporation aold fl,000,000 worth ol comjiuter tcoria>les, monitors and other systems ta tbe producilon crew, and the result was •a sc.aled~wn mock.up of Houston'• Mjssjon c.ontrol. Proctuctt Mik~ Frankovich, director John Sturges and production designer Lyle Wheeler asaembled the replica with technical ad~ from P bi I co-Ford r~Vti. HiJ.rtford ·Opens . -\ ' . Morath Musical . . . September 23 "Max Morath at the Tum of the Ceh- tury," a witty and ingratiating m~ical entertainment starring Morath 1n a recreation of the American scene, circa 1890-1920, opens a limited engagement at the Huntington Hartford Theatre on September 23, following ill lengthy oil· Broadway llJCCeSS in New York. · ; . The comJ....stalgle' Mmdelay, pre. sented ~ Norman Kean, concentrates · most of its attention on the raatlrite era of such pop heroes as Jellyrolf Morton, Bert Williams, the early Irving Bertin and . a· llttle·knawn black mualclan, Scott JOl)lin, who Morath say! ~ the whole ragtime acene with his .. MaPte Le8L Ragt' . Morath. also takes a fond but umentl- meofat look at such beloveds of a bygone day as the Gibson Glr~ S~ alldes,' )he Kmenjatnll)<C KJ4s1 Peter Finley Dunoe'• Mr. Dooley •nd the 'l'\ll'kir •Trot. • Tbe' IK'Oductlon win loJIO\f the rim ,ol the lfuifpnl'a production, ''rlie Od~ C<>!Jplt,'~"whlcb. start Jackie q>Opn am HAI Mm:H. . • • I I • Indian Woman· ' . Mak~ FilniDebut · ~.two-yt&r.old Neatwl 'Gustorllr tbe oldelt Jn<llan lit tlle 'Santa Fe area, wi)I make her motion picture debut In Warner Brol. -Seven Arts' "Nobody L6Y<a Flapping Easl•" -on bonibaek. o.Ade It jllmea • P11~ "'• Gtdde ti> M0Vle1 P1&~ll • "M\e,~Ntta11i• Pap 24 Jld•ct~oll 1oi 1~ • ,. ·~ ..,.Gf~lllJIM!.butwlLbaliUMtimeoffDC?'* KJiaek" al tbt oJd ~ ~ltp '!!\eater. llnd tben. '?Jldr to mll1)' -In • · 'This dme uie bug~ was lncurabl ln ~··ha notes, "your ID<lllvatlon &eta* The •&ed woman from the Si.nta Clara pueblo·wm ride 1 horse at the lieod of an Jndlan·proctisloo lnarch1"4 to·ta~e over tlle city In the contemporary LUt Gl'aat Indian Uprising. The oequence~ ts being fllmeil by dlreetor Carol Reed on ~·' 285 abool Ill< miles nor1h of Senta·Fe. en.word Puzzle P~e H Comla !'age u Qu ... Je P~U · TV Vkw1 Pap :S Ttkvlslon Log Page ts . little weak." ~ rapid ~ .... atm appeared in '!'he proleoilonal ajage .... admits Is "Macbeth," "A Sl1\!e~r Named" eppealliig and "°'...Uld m&;:-ec1.,Y to Dtsltt,'• "America, 1turrah1"' "The "'Ork In-New York, "but nat In tht tm. Homecoming," '"The 'I'hm cuckolds,•• mediate ruture." At the moment Jim "A Cbrilbnu Carol," "The Incredible Buu ba1 hla bondl !ult . --... Although Mn. tuator11 admits to 9l, hir ~PY remale nelgltbon on Iha rewviillon report haughtily tha~ "1be'• near to 100.n Frankovich recently hosted a prevJcw of .. Marooned" at Columbia Studios in Hollywood for an aerospace · lndu!try group, prior to the final ediUng of the pic- ture. Among the PhiJco-Ford Management attend!D& ,wµe John B. Lawson, v:lce president: and general. manager TOf Aermutronlc Division at ~ewport~cb· and Dr. Walter B. 4 Berge, vice presl· dert of tbe company's Electronia Group at PaJo. Alto, Calif. The Newport Seach Operations of Philco-Ford's Spaee & Jle. entry Systems Division is under Dt. La Berge's overall jurisdiction. Dr. La Berge earlier beaded the PbJJco- Ford team which designed and built the actual M19sl.on COntrof Center for NASA at Houston. Tbe· Philco H~toa 0per..- tions ii under hil managem~ now. : · Basecl' on a bcxik by Martin Caldfu, "Marooned" attempts to present a behind-the-llCefles look at what happens when man confrQflts outer space. ,. Gregoiy Pe<:k ~lays the ailel al M"" . ned Space Fllgh~ .-contrOls the late ol the crew of "Itonman One" -astronauts Richard · Crenna, James Franciscus· and Gene Hactman. David Janssen, aa the ch.ieC astronaut, perils his own career in a deciaion COQ-t cemlpg the . three astn>nauts hurtling through •pace. The astronauts' wives, . l"lilt;9biDg and waiting in Mission Control, are played by t.ee ,Grant,, Marlette Hartley and Nancy -K~.1. . . . .Miss l\Ovack, !)lo graduated lrom the tJ)llverslty Of Mji!hlgan at the age ol 18, plays a PhD., Dlarried to James; Fratto clscus. She I• the bride ol t -Angejes PbilhanMnie Ordiestrl m.:Jl -and eoncJilctor, Zilbln.Mehts. · l'rnJlclaeas, Who starled !or ljlo yea"' in televlsiao'1 "Mr. Novak'' aeries, Jast year produced "Hekll," wlnner of Wild acclaim from children. , •. Maklng the giant atep._ bloo<kpa~ tered kill" --ol "Bonnie and ' ,,. > • 5- . . Clyde" to heroic astronaut ii· ,Gene Hae~.. ·1 Arid, of course, there 's Greg(!l'Y .Peet as Di:. George "Kelth, "a firm:. aJmqst harsb man," says the script,"wbo.has a &Oft • center of love and r,espect for lhe astl'otlallls who risk their lives. . • ChlefOl those astronauts Is D•W ''The Fui!tive" 1Janssen, who began bis movie · CAl't'f. at. age II. He.recently llarred .in .. 'nle Shoes ·of the Fbherman" and "'Ibe Green Berets." Unllke the surrealistic 1 ' 2 O O 1 , ' 1 "Marooned" is ajmlng !or wesent:<lal' realism to give CJ'f(li6Ufty tO tfkfdrlma and romance of the 9Cr:ipt. ·--• Prod ucer Mike Frankovich ("Malfiilicent Seven," "Bob)arf!! ~I and T~ed"and ~1)-aixtbiJ ptodudion crew ioeht ,mor-~ than' ~o. yp-s in teclnii<iaf backgroaoolng, beCmilng fn. formed on problems of space exploration. Thq became, thinl!s Columbia Pi" tur&s, t-ainong. the best informed experts in ~ • ...,,try"" the. United' State& apace ~alJl•"' I ,II • . 1'~ ~pra Jr., as!9¢iate .~~. ~ol tl)e,.llette; part Of two yoan worj<· Ing JVi!4 engin-IJI<! sclentiots.at Cal!I Kennedy, the Houston Space Center and Calllomia,._paee eompeni .. learning abo)lt d"'ign, . thrullt,f ·~..,..,., l¢gejln& and aerodynamier. • • Pl'!>ll~ ·d...,,,.r ·Lyle .Wheeler •P<lll.. wteis al Cape Kenne<ly, .and Houstori' and came up with copies of tbe consblei'"(iftd at both space centers 'for "Mm:ooald:" I .1 i 1 Writ,.. Mayo, Simon immerlfld,hiJmell In tl!e1argqn and ldioin ol workera on the ,space (l'Olnm. observed their fn. • teracUon and reactfiJn to cri.<les. and cam~ a~41 ~pressed by the astronauts, ~.'gt~ ~ews1 a~,.tbe1 wives, .~.lbe ·penonnel. • • "MarOontld" was fihned on loeatlon· 'at the llluncti'1ites in Fkrlda and Tau, 'U wen .ti at·Columbia a.od MGM ltodiot'in ~ and "• numbe1« ol IOeitlolll around 'SOOtbern C4lifornla. · 1 ' . ' ' . .(\..' l'l . ~'·''11 !1" •• ~f ,·,,.. ~.u·t ' •t •, •"( . .I l · :·weekend .ru · t.·1~"lits ·\ · j•·;o ' i •', . ' ' ' .• ..g~ ' ' _. I , .. ) ! ~ l .\ 1 \ }.• ! I (,, ~ ' 0 ' CAT!'~INA ART ,l!STIV'AL -The Week·long CalallnaArl \Ffftlval opens Sa~I Sept. 13, and r J!l\l'Ough Sun., Se:lt, :n. The.. Island's :'l'•v9fllh ann~ e 'bit .tep,lllll•".1\'•.l'U ~ r,, ainat«ir and pro(esiri<>nal art!Sls '( · !l'Pm Oiange' <;ouh , , .~ well as special events •and .a ~~.~}~~•'<:o"!eo! 'WIY· . ~ • SOUND' OF MUSIC "-Tlie .LYttc'Jibeta Alis~lat!on;'jot 1 ' -01'811ge County is pmenllng ''.Th,i'llow!d, ~!',Music'' at 'Ute ., r-, 1 vilie .llowl\ starpag. )laritl 'Ni><11q ~ ~ Be•gmaDD, with fiJiaJ perfonnances 74-aild Sat.1'. ~1;1 µ aJ!(I ~. al 11' p.m. ,-. . . ,. ' CbASSIC CARS -A· lineup o( 'rintage aut .. , Ibo "Con-. course d'Eleganoe;" will be on <llSJ>Jay al the Mall, Fa&bion Island, Newport Be~ Sal., Sept. ~. lnxn 10 a.m. to 6 p,.m. Vlsiton. will get a cllisetlp loot a~ IU111t'J' cars dallng baci< .. " tar ll's ~)lean. · : • ·- I • 5.,. GUIDE TO FUN, P•l4 20 '. I ' \ I ' I ! ' • I f ' I I I ' • • t;: . ~ I -- • • ~ • .. • • ~ . ·- ._ , ' • • .... • -- ' '· • , . , , . ' ' ' • It llo\ILY rtlOT t.140, S-12, IM . . TJUR£ s~~1~g All • . • The Islands ., ay ITAH DILAPLANE ABOARD THE SS LURLINE -The new, plush way to eo in crowded Hawall ls Oy over and cruise the islands, using the ship as a Cloa~~tel. Not cheap, but awfully comfortable. No p g. No wr packing. No cbangiljg airports and planes. A ten-day cruise =-(jour islands, five ports) - runs about ,1000 a person in a twin bed. outside room. This Includes round-trip air fare from the Wost Coul But you can get it down· to $5911 in IHI Iuxurj ... quarters. The sliJp ls all one class. The dining room, en- tertainment and all ship goodies are the same no 111&lttr what you pay. From Chicago, add ''Ill> for • alr fare; S2SO from the East Coast. ·* letW.. your rnuls, the Lurline puts on name eglertalners, a night club show each evening. (You can mate seven meal!: a day on here! ll you can take ll) You have a sboreside hotel for dressing and swimming. Sb utile buses every IS minutes; sbulUe launches the same where you lie offshore. * U u want a rent car, put in an order at the oi!ice early. The ship cames 700 people. ey bit port, the cars are .rono ful You don't want a car at.Honolulu-who wants to fight traffic? The only places you might want one are on the lsllllds of Kauai and Maul. And you don't need It. ShuWo buses a n d , sightseeing buses are good onnugb. * •11f we •r• •Uoncl to buy thint• from Red Chino now, where do you find !Mm In Hong K0111?" Lois of Rong Kong shoP• always eamed Red Cbina •ilk•, furnlt:un, carved Ivory. Tho best 'Red China store ls Chinese ATts and Crafts at the end of tho Siar Ferry on the Kowloon side. Be P.repared for a c:hlll reception -Chairman Mao don t like no AIMJicans 'round here. (Bui th,y'U sell to you all right.) . Ancithu is full of cheap Red China Imports. Nalllan llo<ld and Jordan, Kowloon. Same tlilngs as you'll find in reaular shops but marked µp. (Proba· b~ pultint on !he high~ price is to give face. In China, face ·ls more ill>JOrlaDt than profit.) . * . ~-If you're going from HK to Phnom Penh in Cambodia (for the temples at Angkor Wat) Ameri- can Express In the U.S. in!fsts no visa is needed. But when you arrive, Cambodia puts on a terrible dustup;/lboul it..Much'argument -eventually $4.30 squa.rG·tt away. ·ent better, get a visa at the-Carn-· bodian Consulate in HK. . * ". Sad report from the Far East: t'The attractive slit skirt cbeongsam is out in Hong Kong. Done in by _the miniskirt. \Ybat's tbe world coming1o,.Con- fucius?'' * ••11 wt tr•vaJ by ship, how do they choose peeplt te sit •f tM Captain's table?'' .rut.:n prearranged by the company wbo pop in the VIPs. (The Captain picks them from the passen- ger lilt, too.} A travel agent doing a lot of business with the line pushes in his clients. Or. $20 to the headwaiter might open his eyes better th.an Murine. * . Other tables In the social pecking order: The Chief Enlflneer's. Staff Captain's. Chief Radio Op- erator's. 'Ibe Doctor's. Chief Steward usually too busy to eal - i .Gllide to Fun • ' ' ANTHONY Nl!WLl!Y First L.A. Appear•nce Guest Stars To Appear With N ewl.ey Two special guest slan hs ve bttsJ selected to appear with the mulli.Qlented Anthony Newley Jn bis first tm Angeles appearance next week at the Greek Theatre. Openlni September 15 for sit performancts only. Newley "'ill feature the talents of ?r1ason Willia.nu, o n e.. ~ t I ~·e head WJiler for the Sfuolbers Brolher'a 'ancf c:<aDPosei and perfonner of lhls year's -two- t I m e Grammy winner, "CJ~al Ga.Ii." Al!o set for the Jfmited engagement is Jennifer, the lovtty "OON1ame" singer who was the feminine lead for seven months in the Los Angelei Production of "Hair" and who was a regular with the Smothers Brothers Tele- vision show. · Tickets for the "Anthony Newley Show" are on sale now at the Greek Theater box ol- fice aod 'lt aJJ agencies. Old Papers At Bowers ' COPfD ' GAllllEH G.u.LEllY -2m E. Clout' !llp. '""'I· Cot-de! Mar. Houri 11. t.m. to 4 p.91-Mon. • Sal No. admllillon cbarae. On exlilbil lflroulll 11ept.,11, palntinp. <\:Jay WGrk and acuJptutt of chlldrln wbo at~ OW New- J>Orl HtrbOr Sttvlce League's Chlldttn'1 Art Workabop. CHAIJ.IS G,UJ...ERY -1390 S. Cout ffiabway, Laguna Beach. Houra: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. dillY. On exhibit through Sept., painllnp 'by Mart Coomer In oil and encaustlc medla. LAGUN.l AIIT GALLERY -3111 CUU Drive, Lquoa Beach. Admission $1. Members and one guest ltte. Hours: noon to~ p.m. On uhibJt through Oct. 26, annual member: ahlp,lhow. ... l# • ~ (' • ' MARIND'I IJBRARY -20ltl Doloor llrtyt, 'Nnplilt Beach. On hblbl~ Ulroilll> Sept. hi tho It.' Ebeu -during ttgular .Ubrary'llOiin, prinll al Leah ·vuquea. -. ' MDA. VJqll)S L1118ARY-2tll U..,. Venle ,i>rlvt £.i, Costa M"8.· CwTonllY on exhibit duriOa rfllilai ~ hours; lhn>ugh ·s.iii .. '\'" palntins1 by '~ll ~am .. • COSTA'MEIA LIBRARY -511 CenJa Sl, CGa1a Mesa. On exblbil during rquiir library .... >ihtoqb Sapl. the acryll< and oil plliilllip al Marcella "Slcnl<y. • C.M. ART. LEAGIJB -5U ~ St:,: Colla M .... Hours : Sal and SUn. I 10 5 p.m. Cl>ollnllclul eWbil al art wort in vlri0\11 media by Art Leaaue memben. No admJo. sion cbatge. , • , · . COSTA MESA COUNTRY a.ua -1701 Goll Course Drive, Coota M .... On ahibll on llelClODd noor al club lbrouch Sept., oil palnllnp by Jane Huffmon. · . GLENDALE FEDERAL GALLERY -1133 Nnport Blvd., Costa M .... ·On exhibit through Sep( during "'1llar buslnelS hours, oil 1"'lntlngs by Mildred Snidow. SO. CALI!'· '1RIT N~T'L BANK -17UZ lle.ttb Blvd., Huntington Beach. On exhibit during rqular bullness hours, lhrough SeJ>!. It, palntinp by Aldlne s.u1 ... tJNl'l'KD CALIFORNIA BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Me!ia. On ahlblt during rqullr butiness boura, tbrough Sept., lh< oil paintings ol ~dt Scott. • F AllENlD!lT · 411 -509 s. Jliibw01, Laruna Beach. Hourt: -10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sal. lbrougb 1bun.; Fri. unUI 10 p.m. On eiblblt until S•pl II, palntinp by Bruce Huselle. CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -JlOO •West.Newport Blvd., Ne:wpcrt Beach. Hours: 1:30 a.m. to s p.m;.Mon.~Frl. On exblbtt lhlougb Oct:, 1tild1ery by Penlnoula SWcbery Guild. ~ • CLARK -32 rulllOo !aland, Newport Beach. Ob exhibit lbrougb Sept. :ID, during rquiir bull-. hours, a two mari shOw al water color palnllnp llf Robert Landry and TflT1 Pardue. NEWPORT NAUONAL BANK -!Oil> B.,slcle Drive, Newport Beach. ciimntJy on elhlblt through Oct:, durln& regular business hours, water colon by All.ne Thllflethwalte. CHARLE! BOWERS MUSElllo! -. :atlOI N. Main Sl, Sania Ana. Hours: Tues. through 'Sa!-,;JO a.m. IO l:a·p.m.: Sun. l to 5 p.m.; Wed. and 'ltlurt. evminp, 7 to 9 p.m. No admis:sion charge. Cw-rently on ezhiblt Llthotraphl by Santi' Francis IhTouj!J l!i'P': 11; Olhlbtt of old 0rtn1•cCourJ!Y ,.. • ., papers, and •ill 'Gt .water colort by Ellie Lee ·Ritter ot Newport tleach '5alt WO(,b. , ' ' SECURITY PA~C NAUONAL BANI: -a Main St., Hµntingtoo Beach. On exhibit, cJurlni "'1llar business !Joun, througli Sep<., aary!i< paintings by Perna Wllllama. . NEW!'ORT BARBOR ART Ml,l9BIJM -400 Main St., Balboa. Hours: Wed. lhrough Sun. H p.m.; Mon. I to l_p,m. On elhibil lbroogb 5tpt. 21, "Tbe Fimeo f-.U.: ~Jne. teenlh Century Academic Painting." A l'\lllP of» European paintings executed during tho tut ball al Ibo tllh ...miry, loaned from the M. H, De Y°""' Momorlal MUIO\llll; San Francisco. No admission charge. SEClJIUTY PACIFIC N.t.norw. BANK -l50 Newport C.nter Drive, Newport Beach. Qn ezblbll durlno r<;ute business hours, original llibograpbs p.lblllbed by Ii. Cmrler · and Currl<r & )ves, Sepl IJ.19. '. '" )' \ . CORONA 1DEL MAR l,JBRARY -llO Marlloid, Corona del Mar. On exblbtt through Sept. -oil, acrylic ond wat.. color paintings by AIJDes Matthlu, and a display of Ra shells by Jlulh llobsri, during regular library oo,irt. -'Sound of Music' Closes Live Theater .. . ' SEPT. U.U LYRIC OPERA -The "Sound of Music" will be preaented 11r tho Lyric Opera AasociaUon, in Irvine Bowl, 6lO Laguna CmQoo Rood, Lquoa BelCb, Fri. and Sat., SepL J2.13 at I p.m.. Stan are Marni Nixon, Alan Bergmann and Andree J...tan. Ticket&, 11 to II· Phone I~. SEPT. IU! L.A. OOUNTY FAIR -The 42nd Loa: Angeles County Fair will be held at the Fairgrounds in Pomona Sept. 12·23. Acttvities will Jnclude eihibill of all types, horse racing, art lbow1, 1arden shows and grand.stand eoter:tairumnt. SEPT. IS DJ!HE'YLAND ENTERTAINMENJ' -Date Nile, Sept. 13 will find Gladys Knll)lt and the Plpa entertaining on the Tenaoe: Jackie DeShannon, Bill Meciley on TOrilorrowland Slap wJlh lllowa at I and 10 ~.m. The Finl Edltlon and the Vontum will be playlbg ~Y-' . ' --' .. ~ -··IJ TEEN a.VB DANCE -The ,WatmiM!er ~ .. and Parka Department wlll hold• Teen Cfub ~·tn the com- mtmlly C.Oler, 8200 Weatmmatn Ave ... {tor WMbnlnster T-) eoch S&L from I p.m. to mldntgbt, Admloalon, II. for manbtrl, $1.50 for DCIO-lhembB'I., The 1'Rel Bto&bera" band will play for dancing Sept. IS. SEPT. IS.II PAllVA lllWI PLAY -The Podua IDlls Theatre Is pr .. ltnting "Hanest Featlval in Jguala" with authentic music and daoces fn>m Meiioo, through Sept. II, at 2:>1 and I:>! ~ p.m. Wed. tbrouCh Sal. Adjoining the a ,,.1 air-condlUoned ;; thut.. II the Padua dlnlni room whore lhe pla1"'1 ontdtoln ~ ' durinc lunch and dinner. Mexican and Americu. food 19 Sf!f'V· ' eel daIJ1, uoept Mon. Padua HUll ii ltCated on Padua Ave., :1 :i;_m11a oartll al Foolhlll Blv• . ., ,Cllro™L Pbooe .~ ;~ ' . SEPT. IUI 1 CATALINA AIT n:BTIVAL -TholtJ CBll!il)a Art FeaU· v.i will open Sept. ti IO run -~ P• The main atrl!ct ol A valOn. QWceol Ave., •Ill pnJvlde • tlltlt\I f<r lht ex· ~ Jlach di,\' ol lh< show tpedal .. ilnll and entenalnmenl will be JwH C1G !be main beach ml In W~P . 'lllere will be 4'!117 ...i ICUlpture cooleola. for aboul ~i en~thi fOllival ~ AYaiail l/tt. '!'he bit 1141m-llllp. SI Catalhla. will run durlaa !be mnt 11 will air, 1 ~: hydro .o w m4kl' cruisers from the c11.1nna Tmninal, /I San Pedro. ' u &UT. IJ-OCI'. l ·! OODOllt l&IDUL -Dodger Stadium, 1750 Sladium ; •• W11, Loo~~--Qr! at I p.M.; Nlibt 1ame1 al I p.m and daub!• heldea at I p.m. DodlUI va. P-Btpt. 11 ( ),,!! (D); Reda Sept. 11 IN), l~(TNJ); lltavU, Jf.JJ (I'll; GJ.m., ,21 (N),.21.U !D); Astroo. » (N), Oct. 14 (II), SEPT. 1 .. 14 ANGEL BASEBALL -ln the Anaheim Stadium, 2000 State Ccll!ge Blvd., Anaheim. All nlaht game.a are at I p.m.; day games start at I p.m. Tickets available at all Ucket agencies and the box office. Phone l..QS..ICW. Angels vs. OakJand, Sept. 19, IO (N), 21 (D), Seattle., 21-21 11!1. SEPT. lt.:7 CLASSIC FILMS -The ()pen End Theater, 2815 Villa Way. Ne-.yport Beach is presenting a series of classic films Fri. and Sal. at 8 p.m. with a late showing on Sat. at II p.m. Ticketa are $2.50 single admission or S2 each for seriet cC four, Phone 675-llZO. Showing Sept. lt-20, "Tillie's Punc- tured Romance," Mack Sennett's first full length silent fea- ltµ'e film starring Marie ~ler, Charlie Chaplin .and Key· stone Kops. Extra at late Sat. show, "Charlie Chan's Mur· der Ctui~" starring ~er. Sept. 26-11 "Steamboal Bill Jr." slarrinf Bus!er '«eaton~tra on late Sat. show, "TI'le Falcon Strikes Back" starring Tom Conway. SEPT. zjj CLASSIC CAR SHOW -On the Mall at Fashion Island. Newpert Beach from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sal, Sepl 20, Ad- mission to the "Concourse d'Elegance'' is free. and the pub- lic will be able lo view ohi classic autos, including Buiattis, Roils Royce1, Pierce Arrows, Mercedes and other1. SEPT. Z~l'I OK'IOBERPl!ST -Modeled oo Munich's fall beer fcsUval, the "Oktoberfest" will be held at Irvine Town Center's Sprltqarten Qt'! the UCT campus, f'ri., S.pL 28 and Sab.1 Sept 27 rrom J1 :30 a.m. 'o 2:30 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7,. p.m. on both days. Admission is free, al"kl beer will be ten cents a gla!I!, SO cents a pitcher. A German band , pretzels and a sing-along will add to the merriment. SEPT. Z0-%1 SURFING CHAMPIONSIUPS -Tti< 1969 Uni!e<I Stata S..rf· board Champlolll>Ups will be held Sept. IO and St eul al Ille HunUngton Beach Municipal Pier al the foot of Main Slretl. EllminaUon heats begln between f :JO a.m. and 7 a.m. Sat- urd11 momlng and wfll tut throtlgb the day. finals begin- ning Sunday at I a.m. will pit the rli&Uon'a· kip surfers agalntt each other and the waves. Awards (:tremonJes wUl be held on Ult: beach at about 3 p.m. OC1'. M ARTS, CRAYJ'S -The annuaJ Autumn Ar1.I and Craftl Fes- U\'al will be held rrom 10 a.m. to ~ p.m. Fri. Od. 3 and Sat. Oct. 4 at Bayskte Center, Jamborff Road at Bayside Prive, Newport 8each. Open free to the public, lhe show wlll fea- turt works or loci.I arUJU and craftsmto. OCT.U RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW -The We>tern Recre- ational Vehicle E1posltion will bt held at the OrlnJe County FaJrrroundt, II Fair Drive, Coota Mesa, Oct. l.S. Open fn>m 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, the show featuru th¢ lateal models of travel trailer•, moLor homu, campjnR tta.Uer1 and lruok camptra. Admtasion: Adulls, $1.50; cll.lldno under 12. SO cenl1. I .. \Ve Bombed In New Havea•• A scathing antiwar satire by Joseph Heller, author or "Catch -22," O(l stage at South Coss! Repertory, 1821 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Thurs. through Sun. cloaing Sept. 27. ReserYatlons-646-1363. .. Pool'• Paradlte'' Ac English farce on stage at the Huntio1ton Beach Playhouse, 2110 Main SL, Hun- tinaton Beach Fri. and Sat. Sept. 19 Ihrough Oct. I. Reser· \'lliOll5-S36-386l. "Goodbye CbtUe" Comedy of playboy reincar- naled as a gal, on , si.ae at the Costa P..tesa CiYic Play· house. Or11nge County FaJr· grounds, II Fair Drive, COit.i Mesa, Frl. and sat. Sept. II through Oct. 4. ResuvaUons- 134-530!. "~lary s1aan'' Historical drama, on st.re at Santa Ana HJfh School's LlUle Theater ,,SIO W. Walnut St., Santa Ana, P'rl. and SIL t h r o u Ill Ocl 4. Rf.serva· ttons -SU. 71/1. By lh< Santa Ana Commw\ity Playm. "LulJaby" Comedy ol tnick driver mama's boy who weds choruJ gjrl on stage at_ Sln Clemente COmmunlty 'tbfater, 2 I 2 Avtnlda Cab r i 11 o, SU Clemente, Thw's. thraulb Sat., Sept. 25 to Oct. 11 ........... Lions -4ti-OOIS. "I Nl\ltr S.11 for My Fatlt.tr" Drama ol tlllll!y't lack al communication, on sta1e at Lacu.,.Moulton Pia)oboua, IOI Lacuna C&nyon Road, Laguna Beach, TueL !lln>ulh Sat. S.pt. ., through OcL II. Raervatlons -49Motll. SAN 'llANCISCO BALLET'S JOCILYN VOLLMAR T,..,pt In R•re Porformanco Ar OCt hpttmbtr 21, 27 • I . SF Ballet Coming Rerwwned Troupe ro Pfuy OCC Date . The .worhl·l<Clatmed San supodal!ves b7 critics and Francisco Ballet comes to tho enlhusla1leall; ch..,.ed b y Har!Kr Area September 26 c:ap&clty~udhmcu. ~ ... .,,. ~: lf''•t Orance Coast ·co1~ Whtrtver they "bave 'tr. avet-lege. The troupe will present a ed, lbe dancer• or UJe s • n lecture-demonstration in the Francl.sco Ballet have com-- auditorium Friday September plelely captivated lheir audJ. 21 at· I p.m.. (no ftlll!l'Ved fences: 'Ibeir '+' er 1 a t l I J t y ... 11), ml 1 ballet ~..,,.. buJ>een the snb~ ol numer· .... llatanlay, September fl; GUI feature atoriea In magub> .i ::J!dm.~I~ "\:"~ · es and newl(Nlpera. Tbey bave FraDC!ioo Balllt bu ·IUde· been pra1led , for tech"'ral tllree intmJatloaal loon in'r•"" muury In the Unesl clullcal c:em ,..,. and bu pla,yed ·to tradition, aJld at the samo SRO-all tile Id ttmo they hive been rocopll-· AudJeoca tn p~ ":v~ eel for ~' vt:rj quallUes tbat squeezecJ 2000 spectators into a characterue America -tbai ulually holdl 7&0. vitality, d y n am I cs, es· • Ubttance, oripiality, More than any other dance ccrnpany, UJe. San Franclsco l!itJet ... ,. becon\e "ldl:nlJlled wtlh stqlng a contemporary repertoire in the best classic tra dition . The ·active repertoire now includes over 30 ball& and new watb are constantly being added flVery ....... Ticket& pr!<*' al 11.IO I" ...... , nigbt'• ·-............. 1~i:n. and tsMf;'" Satur~ .dl1.nitbl'.• pert'~ may be ontered by ,mall from OOO'a Dtnce · Department, 2101 Fairview Rood, Costa Mt11, 12SM; . Ill Lima P"1!, tlehU ,. ... aold out eight daya after tho7 were placed on salt. A Rio de Jane.iro newspaper compared the company lo the wK!.e!y.ac- claimed Rmsian ballet C1)m- pin!ea and reportad : "U.S.: I; Russia: O." 'Bloods Set for Bowl The company has danced before the~ln ol Thailand, Madame Kai She.k and the Prime Mi of Burma. At the Opera House in Atheqa. the Kini and Queen of Greece 1991Juded a co m m and performance. Emperor Halle Selassie awarded each dancer a gold medal, and Lew Ou-lstensen, the company'a dlrect« and prl ncipal choreographer, was decorated by the King of Combodia. The dancers have been equally well received in their own country. On cross-country tours ol lh< United Slates, they ba\'e been .embraced with The Y oungbloodl, a new trio being bailed as San Fran. cisco's latest glft to rock mllllc and the Santana Band will be special attracUom oo the Janis Joplin Show Satur- day nigh~ September IO at lbt Hollywood Bowl The Youngbloods, with three fa st-selling albums to their credit, write and sing songs ~ &trls aod boys, !lumhine and nTn. the beauty of nature and dr!ams of beauty - surefire subject matter u far u their thousands of fans are concmied. 'Ilie Santana g r o u p , however, is a bone of a dlf· fereot color. A raclally·mixed bard-rhythm quintet, the band consists of leader Carlos San· lana, a takoted gult.arbt., • congo drummer, a regular drummer, a bauist and a lead singer. Eicitemtnt follows whenever Santana appears. But when it comes to ex· citement at their BOVfl •P- pearance Joplin ill the (:hant. pion. Janil, as one mu1lc criUc said; breathes frenzy - "a combittaUon of a steam engine, Calamity Jane, blues singers Beale Smlth and Leadbelly, an oil derrick, and •· keg ol ro1o£Ut bOUrbon all rolled" into one!" 'nlat's wbai the man said! ART LINKLEnER IS RIGHT! PIOPLE ARE FUNNY! Mr. -c.altail .,., lt1t week, '"" 1a:il f.-.111 flli"w •~ l\i1 •lf1 coulil"'t corro• 111 eut 1tot1, Thay we.,.14 phene iri thtlt •''""• <ilri¥t .,.,, , • .,.M their hon1 l •• co1114 put it i11 lhtit c.tr -th• ............ •wr ,, ..... c. it .. ,. ft11tt1tlc" 1h. ...... •ut ef'h•t "''"'"· 1 •••• her1alf •11• o ... ". ev•rythi119! Her prMlic• .. ill •"•t•ttll $16.11 per w•••, •-' tlitro 11 '"''' tht tw• ef ·tlierro. He ll'f'I ihe corriet herri• wit• eur New Z.1leM 1hewbttrie1, lelti"'"' t1141n, ltalltfl chell11.,.+., Jet111alerri •rtic.li•kH, prlcltly P••t•. arHI tll t~1• e-.etic ttii1191 th1t ht¥t "''ii' NIWPOIT PIODUCI "ffie talk el the tow11\" Tho11•1 ftt the 111110Hclto4 te1tifl!enial. PllHAPS THUi SPICIAU WILL LET Hll COMI IN ······························~ Last .t tM IM.Mlt • OIOWN ON llVINI • ALWAYI A ,AVOl.ITI • • ,ltllH DILICIOUI IClllltO 1 : l'liACttES : WATERMELON : LETTUCE : j • 1~111. • 2c.. • 1och_, •! : Lindt ,.,,.., : Ll"'tt -...... : limit I ...,.,, : t • with tt.ts au,en • wtth thl1 nv,.,. • with tfrlll .. ,_ • .............•................ ~ ~ COUPONS IXPlll s1n1Mtll t7, ,,,, ( Your 4h1"., lit• t• ... "•uf •f thl1 worl4" at th••• ll11e ro111 ... rntt. l lt1y huv th• f111t1t pr•· 1 "'" "'.".., COii '-'"'•· They wo111't 1ettle for e11ythl119 •Ii•. They dtm1nil the h11!. Try the"' •114 yeu'll •••I lllQHlln 2 fi11• tttt1uro11!1 "•11 tho ... ., .. e114 "h1 tho ••v", ALLIT WUT, Now• f ,.,t: PllHRMAN, H111ijftttto11 leech: U SAINT TIOPR. Ntw111ott1 THI AllCHU. t-l•wpert -I aM •ver 200 etMrJ. '•lre11he ff>M! Htw aM.t yov &1111111 u,1 t I I "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" .--~1 ;~::,1, NEWPORT PRODUCE ;~:~. i 2116 Htw'°" l1ol1Yft .. Th Pfttas.lo "ll Yieor.s of Produce Knoio Hcno" • "Where QuaUtv rs The Ordtt of the House" I ..,.-------------------------------------------------...,-----------..-~· .. ---·-~--.,, •• !*"":"?-,. ' 'MoJ. s.,, ...... 12. IM ·our ~' N I WEEKENDER •.r NORM STANLEY ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ES7'A URA NT ,' NIGHT' CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Septeiµher Song • Already midpoinl draws N>ar in the month that 1nany consider the year's finest. Even ao, luc;ky Orange Countians can generally enjoy an extension ot September's particular enchantment \Vell into October. Leaving a number of weeks. with .the sunn>; days and balmy niehts that get us back Ill the ,swmg of out 'n' aboutmg interrupted by summer s dtver· sions. Above all. this is a period marked by fewer back:yard barbecues and Jnore sitting down to at- tractive tables or booths with an inviting menu in hand. The youngsters are back in school , suntans still cast a. healthy glow , and appetites are boned to record highs. . LINES SHORTER Waiting lines, especially at Newport Beach, Corona de[ Mar and Laguna Beach restaurants, have dwindled in proportion to the departing tour~ ists. Not that there w·on•t always be visitors -re· minding us of the year·around pulling power of our many fine establishments -but the sudden decline of transients gives natives a little more elbow room for dining out now. So residents can again start taking maximum advantage of the many exceller.t spots, including a host of old favorites and many new places, that the Orange Coast provides. Nat to mention the longest lndian summer anywhere in the coi.i.ntry. Night-Life Notes Several noteworthy entertainment groups are currently on tap or about to open at local spots. Out 'n' abouter suggests those looking for an eve- nin~ or fun and relaxation should start rutting the night-life trail accordingly. SKILES AND POWELL First on the list is beauteous Arlene Skiles and the Dick Powell Trio making with a lot of pleasing v~~~~~~~t ~ e'11ez ~an)! i i "Wimto'l'Holidttvllog11.riu.Awctf'1f' t ~ JtlO .. TATlONa (?1j) •4~·3it& ~ ~~~~~~ 111 R11erY1ti~:.. 4~~:74 Dit::1uµi~rs : ~:::::·· • llSTAUlANT AND •SUNDAY lllltlNCH • COCKTAIL LOUNGI e UTI' StlP~Elll • DINING OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL UU 50UTN COAl;T NIGHWAT Open to tlie Public ~ Newly Enlarged .Popular ... • LARK ROOM Entertein1Y1ent Nightly Tut1dey fhrou9b Seturdty THE FAtULOUS DICK SEAN • BANQUET FACILltlES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country ch1b GOMER SIMS. CECIL H0ll1M6SWORTH, c •. Own1" U71Z GRAHAM srun HUNTIN&TON IEACH ~or Reurv•tions Call 146-1116 or ,146-1414 * * NIGHTLY DINNER $2.25 SPECIAL MONDAY ' TUESDAY ' G,_.. 51.W. TIRITAKI STIAK POLYNISIAN PORK. Alm-M.-s. Imp, V ... WEDNESDA y, TAHITIAN SHRIMr, $wut Oltlll Sow-lie• THURSDAY: FRIDAY: H=~ C°"'90 l'LA- FILUT Of SANDAi Cololloo SAMOAN CHICKIN s..te -c c1 .... '"4eys 2654 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 545.9471 son&s and sounds at the Golden Bull in El Toro. AJ>- pearing Wednesday through Saturday, these show· bli senaatioos 3.re a must for anyone who di1s his music with an upbe:ai modem tempo. The Golden Bull is located at 23862 Brid&er Road , El Toro. Just lake the Santa Ana Freeway to the El Toro Road turn-off. You can't mi ss it at the first signal north. MIKE JORDAN DUO And save another nJgbt soon to catch the Mike .Jordan Duo following their opening next Monday night. Seplember 15, at the Jolly Roger, 2300 Har- bor Blvd., Costa Me sa. With hlike Jordan on the piano and Mike Pro- vencal on drums, and both sharing the vocaJs, these music·makers extraordinary will probably be mak· ing a lot of new converts as 'veil as drawing on their legion of Orange County fans . They will be perform- ing at the Jolly Roger, Mondays through Saturdays. for an indefinite run . We Get Letters From Oliver Johnson of VWa Pacific Drive, Huntington Beach, comes the following recommen- dation. ~ "I would like to bring to your attention a small struggling restaurant that you may or may nol know of. The old Sweden Inn in Modeska Canyon was sold (after the devastating flood) to Ray and Ursula Aguirre. -They are trying to bring it back lo life under tbe name Swiss Family Inn. '"Last Friday I ate there with a date and en- joyed a very adequate smorgasbord for only $1. 75 ... only trouble was that we were the only ones there and you know, as a re!taurant .sage, that it is difficult to keep an array of food available smorg- style without customers to eat it up. "Rather than attempt to tout you on it, I hope DELA~IEY'S DON JOSE' STARTING SEPTEMBER 2nd STU STONEBACK And His Guitar Tuesday thru Sunday tN THE F1ESTA ROOM FROM 8:30 TO CLOSING Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1ms (•t M.9noli1) Hunt. leach 962-7911 VILLA ROMA Speclollal11g 111 ltaffott Dln11fl's HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our standerd sp•ciel 1pe9h•+ti dinntr consists of our dtliciou1 m•et s•uce •nd mtet bell1, topp•d with im· • ported ptrmts•n ch••••, end l"clud•• our delicious 91rlic to11t. No dl'll" t. ••th 'With our ditpo••b1• •lufllll1n1flll c:onl•i11111, Ni-. •f 41uen -4 ,,.__., ... .-,. 1ff -S14S.H ' -Sl.71 JO -72.51 4 -I.II Iii -ll.11 2 -2.91 11 -14.11 1 -1.41 4-45 North Ntwport loul•v•rd, Newport l••ch Open '4 p.m. • 12 p.m. Ml 6-'4f2f Op•n 7 Dey• }iying Sutler llNHll SPICIALI , ' •• ~ 2 M 11 ,.,. . .....,_t S., .,. WM. Ca..IM ., ,...,.., I.it ·-·-· MOlllDAY , • , l/J ·pa!ID CHICIJN .................. , ....... $1.39 TUO~Y ••• FISH It CHIPS, H•libut ................... $I . 19 W•Dftue.AY ,., TOP Slll10tN STIAK, U.S.D.A. Ch.olc. ........... $1.H TNUlllOAY , , • • " PE,,IR STEAK, Sorv•d ov•r Rice .................... $1.lf "ltlOAY ,,. ltAINIOW TROUT "' SWORDFISH STIAK .... $1At U.TUlllDAT , , • JUMIO SHRIMP .-.--.................. ---·-$1.H IUJIDAY •• , MIW YORK STIAK, U.S.D.A. Ctletco -··-.. -$2.lt CHILDHN'S '11NNUS FrlMI CMcle•, ~ 111 Fronch Fries, B•v•re9•, o •••• n .. IDWe -HtH .. ttc fl .. -4 CWpa. lev•t•CJ•, Oe11•rt ... .._,., , ..... ~. He l,ecl•I• fll•t .....,.. ..., H.114•.,. er M .. W., w..-w, 1101 Newpott llv~ •• ~wpett ..... -o, .. _ 24 Hn. you will visit their 14a bit-out·in-'the.country" spot. overlook (or appreciate) all the work facing them, enjoy her delicious fare, and then tell your readers just bow it is so they don 't expect a hideaway Chez Cary. That it isn't! But rt is clean, inexpensive and a wonderful relief from the steak and lob ster rou· tine. "An interesting bit . , . Ursula, wbo is Swis.s. says her husband, who is Mexican, wants to try out a Mexican smorgasbord. Could work, r guess. "Thanks for at least thinking of these hard- \Yorking people. They made us feel very much at home and fed us well . And what more can we ask of a restaurant?" Many thanb for your ttstful and informo.tivt com· n1entl, Mr. Johmo11. Wt Wfl't quite famil iar with this resauran t -and liked ii 1mmtrutly -when it ope rat· ed as the Sweden lnn. Havt 11't bttn b11 for quite a lJ)ell, hoictver, so wt did1l't know about the change. All of wllicll pron1pts us to set an overdue date for Modjtska Ca1L11011 and check out tile new scene. rurtlttr, the location is so beautiful ii would br IVO'f'tll the drive tve11 if there Wt'l'tn't a good dini11!1 place ot /iand. . Flying Butler It's not too often you happen upon a restaurant that acquired its name from some stQried source of yore. But such is the case with Newport Beach's Flying B.utler -= a moniker that stems form a rath· er fanciful Englisli fable. Central figure of the saga is JOnathan Wembly· Smythe, Lhe legendary flying butler, In addition to the Newport spot that proclaims reverent dedication to ttis memory and deeds, Wembly.Smythe's por· trait hangs in a distinguished 3rd floor room of the posh and exclusive BuUers Club of London. THE LEGEND According to the legend, Jonathan was a sensi· SONGWRITER-SONGSTRESS KATE PORTER AND HER GUITAR NOW Ol'IN Grotto Underground Discotheque Dancing ... Cocktei11 ... J, J. MACK Lunch.on 11 :30 • 4 Mon., thru S•t. pinn•r from 5 O•ily -Sund•y Brunch 11 • 2 3333 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT IEACH 642-4291 Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN /SEA ATMOSPHERE OANCING NIGHTLY MON. Thru SAT. The Naturals [ 6'"Mo••• Open Daily 7 am • 2 am Res. 499-2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South Laguna Dining with An Ocean View SWOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTRW * * * * FROM $3.25 * JESS I' ARKER --::;:::::=:;;;""""">( Appoerlnt Nightly T-4.., rflrt1 S11tl11J BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHOHI IJ ... 2511 J17 OCIAN A.YI. HUHllNaTON llACH Ov•r!ooking The Pee.Ifie .UY -AIRPORT COSTA MESA -OltANGI COUNTY AIRPORT !JU PALISADIS ROAD 17141 14MHO Mo•. tlln Set. 11 e.m.·2 e.m.l .. •oy 4 p.m.•12 p.m. SERVING LATE DINNER To 12:30 A.M. Mon.·Thurs.-1:30 A.M. frl • .Sat. Fe•turin9 th• ••m• world~f•mou1 1nenu & leunt• tnjoy1d by million• for thirty.on• y•e" et fhe ~RllY -ARCADIA ' Live )'<>Utb who dillgenUy pr..,.red !or bis chosen profession -buUipg for the Duke of ArgyU. It was alter bis service became unexceUed anywh,ere in the kingdom that bi.s chance for iinmo~ty ar· rived. ' • Argyll fell from the King's favor and was thrown into the Tower of London, sentenced to be slowly starved to death. Each night Jonathan paced outside searchin g for an answer to the Duke's problems. UP, UP, AND AWAY! Suddenly, ju.st as Argyll was abont to go down on the hunger count, a wondrous thing happened. Wings magically sprouted from Jonathan's ankles and lo, be could .Dy. Straight to the Duke's window ~e flew, commencing many years of flying delicac· 1es and spirits to his imprisoned master. James I was puzzled, Charles I completely lost his head about it, Cromwell fumed and Charles JI was outraged. Argyll, meanwhile, gained. 173 pounds and d.ied happily in his sleep of old age and acute obesity. Each night, long after the Dulce had passed Oii. the disconsalate Jonathan's hovering figure couJd be seen flying around Lendon and the Tower. A SAO DAY Sad to conclude, he became over<"Onlident. At two minutes or midnight one fine day while executing a perfect Immelman turn, Jonathan wat cut down by the second hand on Big Ben abd spun into a hero's death. Gone but not forgotten, it ls in the interest of. perpetuating bis memory, good food and good serv .. ice that Newport's Flying Butler operates tOday. Continued on P•1• 22 ~,·.· .. 1~, FLING .. ENTHTAINMINT • 7 Nl•Hn A WUK DAt.JCING MON.TUU..WID.~ * HAP HALL DUO * L<rry Leke •itll ~.,,. •-• .,. ... Sina;ct -Gui_'tirla_ ·-n..,. tlrf1 Sn. Re•r-Meu Th••fer S:ue...s::-~~ 141L1M tr. Jd efr N..,,.,, .... OPEN FOR LUNCH ~":;,"'" 11 :30 to 2 p.m. r .... tllrt1 li111tley DINNERS 5:30 to 10 D.m. 9!!~~~!NT · 540 • 3641 C1rNt ef l•lkl .. & Ith.tel, C.... .._ Atft 19 WpH..... 4'M·1f11 ft'atteois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE F•moua For FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Clot•d Mond•y HUNTINGTON IEACH, CALIFORNIA 11151 BEACH BLVD. MZ-1919 Real C1ntonese Food Ht her• er teke home. STAG CHEE CASlllO 111 21s1:p1., Newport Beech Oliele 3-9540 o,.. y_. ........ hlr lt.12 -M. M Sit. 'ti I.., • ' I I I I I •• ' t I • NEW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH NOW OPEN BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN Tiie Only Place to Dine Tiie Continentol Woy Enjoy ont of our Hom..Coak•d DinnerJ WlliNERSCHNITZEL -SAUERBRATEN WEEKEND EB Contfnued from P•1• 11 And these are high aspirations \vell executed as anyone dropping into the restaurant at 3101 New· port Blvd. will testily. HASENPFEFFER -BEEF STROGANOFF I ~ WINE.CURED SAUERKRAUT I POTATO DUMPLINGS -AND MANY MOREii BREAKFAST ALL DAY We Serve the Finest Wines From Germony ond France Our Beers are Imported Direct From Bavaria /· Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the Butler features breakfast around the clock, offers a wide range of luncheon and dinner specialties, and provides food to go. Sandwiches, salads, steaks. seafoods and a host of other items await the diner at very reasonable prices. US TEN TO THE CONTINENTAL SOUNDS Of -I Guy Fawkes . SYLVIA And Her Accordion FRIDAY. SATURDAY & SUNDAY -From 6 P.M. Open Tuesd•v thru Saturd•y-11 11.m.-lO p.m. Sund•Y 3-9 p.m. -Closed Mond1ys We Serve Sanclwiches, Businessmen's Luncheon ALL-DAY In the Beautiful Town & Country Center 18582 Beach Blvd. For anyone who hasn't dropped in yet, there is much to recommend the exciting Guy Fawkes Re s- taurant in Fountain Valley. Tucked off in a corner at 17171 Brookhurst, the place is easy to mi ss as you are driving, but the loss is great.er if you bypass it altogether. PERIOD OF HISTORY The rewards will not only bring a most enjoy- able meal in highly atmospheric surroundings with excellent service, but contact with a provocative ~ period of English history and one of its most stormy t figures . · The era is the reign of King James I and th e Huntington Beach 968°5800 1 key historic person is the gentleman after whom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!.,~t~he~r;es~ta~u~r~a~n~t ~was named. Guy Fawkes ·-arch _ rebel ol his time and leader in the unsuccesslul .. New on th~ Mr. Steak menu and an epicurean delight! We c•ll it Beef •nd Be•ch. Two South African Rock lobster tails and our popular Fron- tier filet steak. Served with crisp tossed 9reen salad, choice of dressin9, including Mr. Steak's own homer:nad• Blu Cheese dressing (best you 'll ever have}, crecker basket, Ranch House Toast, choice of potato. OPEN 11 AM 10 S PM BA/IOUff FACILITIES AYAllABLE IAt Wll1e11l COSTA MESA 642.0732 -!Ht FAMI L Y PLA Ct: • EVERY DAY OUR GREAT Texas T0 Bone Steak ...... $1.99 Steak Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . . 89c MONDAY SPECIAL Top Sirloin ............. $1.19 (Rtgul•r SI.Sf) WEDNESDAY SPECIAL New York Steak ........ $1.29 ._ _ IR .. ul•r Sl.6t) NEW SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST STEAK '"d EGGS ............................. $1 .2' HAM •od EGGS ................................ $1.19 BACON '"d EGGS ......................... $1.°' SAUSAGE '"d EGGS ........................ $1.°' PANCAKES !All you c•n ••+I ·····--·-4tc BANQUET FACILITIES 10065 GARFIELD (At Brookhurst) FOUNTAIN VALLEY 961-6372 ENZO IS BACK iNIGHTl Y EXCEPT THURSDAY!) Popular Entertainer En'lo Returns After Months of Recuperatin9 from an Accident ! ! Welcome Back to WOOD't'S WHARF I! 2311 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINQTON lfACH ~ COSTA MESA TOWH .. COUHTllV HtLLGll~M $0\JA!lf lNIJ IMC• ,,..._ ffl4'11 lfHINO TfUQO JTATtoft' I , t1'1it a ... ,, AN .. , ... CHILD'S PD~TIOM H!lF HICE (Cllildrtn •ndtr \Zl 1 PllOllE IM ••• All lltMS AVAllABlE TIJ TAlE OUT OUT 'N ABOUT • . 0UrtlJ'1wder Plot lo blow up the house of Parli~t. P&ted on the beck of the restaurant's menll is a ~ore detailed. account of Guy, the plot, the con· spirators and the annual celebration. Which increas- es one's knowledge of history while trying to select an .entree. The restaurant itself is. an extraoJ'(linary dupli· caUon of a .16th Century Engli.81) inn. Because each curtom d•SliDed and crafted :piece of the furnish· IJlllS represents a booa fide reproduction of 11te per- iod original. AUTHENTIC . A massive fireplace, the striking circular chan· del1er adorned wi_th deer anUers, decorations on the \Valls from old print& to beer mugs,.authenlic period costumes worn by ~ waitresses, th~se and many other touches result m a spirited recreation of the archJtecture and atmosphere of 16th Century Gothic England . Price of all dinner entrees at the restaurant ln- clu~e a whole loaf of sour dough French bread and ch~ce ol cream~ olde English clam chowder, fresh spmach salad with special dressing or tossed crisp greens with choice of dresring. From t~e alternatives we selected clam chow· der and spinach salad, with both flavorsome items \Vinning immediate taste approval. And the sour do ugh bread accompanied each to perfection. ® OUR CHOICES Equally pala'lable were our two dinner enlrees: veal Oskar, tender veal crowned with giant aspara· gus spears and crab legs, laced with sauce bear- na.ise a!"1 served with yellow rice, $4.75; roasted prune ribs of beef, prepared in the traditional man- ner and served with creamed horseradish baked Idaho potato and Yorkshire pudding, $5.25.' o,.. Dolly 11 a.m Enfey Your CONTtNINTAL CUISINE .. A111Mtltlc 16tti Cetihry bflltll o.c ... LUNCHEON • DINNU COCKTAILS 17171 lr--SITHt Fountal• VaUey T elepholle: '62°6625 Go Out To Dinner This Weekend The Jolly Roger PROUDLY PRESENTS ORANGE COUNTY'S POPULAR MIKE JORDAN DUO OPENING MONDAY, SEmMBER 15 2300 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa OTHER ENTREES Other continental entrees worthy ot considera· lion here include filet. mignon tid-bits, tender pieces ~ filet µ'Lignon sauteed with mushrooms, peppers 10 red wine, topped with sauce bearnaise and served with spiced brown rice, $4.25; steak and lobster en brochette. lobster tails and choice hunks o! bee! to- gether with onions, mushrooms and peppers, served on a bed of rice, $5.95. And: coq au vL.1, chicken simmered in red wine with pearl onions. new potatoes and mushrooms, served with asparagus Hollandaise, $3.95; Brldg~ \Yater duckling, roast young duck with spiced cooked fruits, savory Drown rice and sauce bigarade, $4.95. SEAFOOD Seafood emrees include filet or sole, topped with almonds and served with asparagus H&llandaise $3.75 : halibut steak, served with tartar sauce and b~ed Idaho potato, $3.95 ; scampi shrin1p, prepared with shallots, garlic and white wine , served with yellow rice, $4.25; Jobster·tau, served with lemon butter sauce and baked Idaho potato, $6.25. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of a la carte appetizers, soups, salads and desserts. In addition to serving cocktails, they offer choice wines to accompany meals -including half and full litres, $1.50 and $2.50, respectively, oi red claret, white chabli s and rose from oak casks in lhe wine cellar. LUNCHEON IS SERVED Twelve daily features on the Guy Fawkes lunch menu include the hot roast beef sandwich, served \Vith zucchini Florentine or French fries , bordelaise sauce, $1.65 ; pot roast of beef, red wine sauce, Cali~ fornia Imperial prunes, zucchini Florentine or French fries, $2.25 ; sliced steak sandwich, served open face on French rolJ with French fried potatoes, bordelaise sauce, English cole slaw, $1.95. 'Wbm Exciting "(Ftn({S~~ Happening! TM.fome4 ""TltrH'• c ... ,_,-i" llu1S#r1'llel,.-,.e f._~U.tAf! af Hd•'• Jf.oam IAN.Ii _.., ._fw.f /11t:ilitie1 GRANO HOTEL 7 FREZDJO.'NWAY' A NAHl:lllol, Cwr. 772-7777 MIKE JORDAN DUO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHION ISi.AND NEWPORT armR ......... ~ ...... Ai.i .... P•rtdftl "'-""'"'"' ...... 2030• • ......... ____ .,. ______________________________ ..,, _______ .... __ ~~--·--·"·"·--~-~·-····---..-.-·----------·--·-·---·~-- • 2SO Eqtee"te fl · Irvine Chorale Elvis Misses Road Trips Holds Auditions Mott than 2.50 persons Carl Ortrs "catultl carmina", repreaenUng over a score of wbJch wu cboreoenphed by Oraqe County communities Eugene Lortng. are eXJ>ed,ed to audlUon for 1be Irvine Master Chorale's the hvine Master Chorale cur-~&-member board la com- renUy preparing ror its sec. poled of David Melllli, presi.· ond ae.ason of master works dent; James Dunning, vice presentations. pmlden&; Mn. Jan Unvert, ti the dlolce were up to Th»t DJ tht ezcillment Elvis Preoley he mlJlbt be IP. Elvis generate<l and that'1 the peartng In person tonight In kind yoor town ·whether tt be Lon-of excitement the star don, England or Oshkosh, loves. But motion picture Wlaconsin. demands and a rec e n t "I m.155 going out on the televlalon special have left road and sinJlng to an au· him bartly enough time fur a ditnce of fan1," the shy )'Ollng home life, let alone time to go man admitted on the set of on naUooal or tntema.Uonal MGM's "The Trouble Wllb lours, although offers pour in Glrla," hla newest motion pie-constantly. tu re. Since: making that film "The Trouble With Girls", he ha1 done a television produced by Lester Welch and special before a Uve audience directed by Peter Tewksbury and made a special personal from a screenplay hy Arnold appearance in Las Ve1u. and Lois Peyser, is Elvia' 3)th story IOClllOI oo oae ol the ClwiliuquQ that toured the count:y untlJ the l u 11, 1,..adlng -l'lalnm<tlt and culture throughout the land. Spedllcllly, EIVl1 portraya the manaa:er of ,a Chautauqua touring the Mld·,...t In lbe roaring Ills. "! ttllnk I would hav, liked to be a Olatauqua perfonner," Elvis mused. 1'They dklo'l have much radio and no talk- ing ptctwu Jn th.,. daya ao an entertainer wu forced to 10 out and appear ln person. You could r.ally keep In Jooch with vour fans and their tutu.i' Auditions for the choral secretary; Lowell Harris , group will be held September treasurer, Dr. Maurice Allard, 20, 21 and Z2 In Room 171 ol dirttlOr; Robert A. Smith; the Fine Arts Building at the Nellon C. Rice and Thomas C. Un t v er sit y of California Moore. Irvine, according to Mrs. Jan Last year the g r o up Unvert, audition coordinator. P e r f o rm e d Mende1ssohn'a PeraoDl interested in trying "Elijah" to an cnthuslasllc out for a choral assignment capacity audience at UCI's should call W..5513 from 1 Crawford Hall and followed "When I can sing to the peo-motion picture starrlng role pie in penon Jt1s more Jike and represents a tremendoos me. I mean In a movie il's departure in his career. The more dlffleult because 1'm1k~~~~;:;::§:;:~l~jj~;;;;;~;;;:::.~ playing someone else. But!• when I'm working with a live audience I can see and hear their rtisponae." with the Bach 1'M"""'~';cat" p.m. to 5 p.m. on September «&-...... 1$ to 19. and Sltavinsld'1 11Symphony ot "Our announcement last Psalms" at its second concert. year brouiht over 150 persons Master works being con· to the aud1Uon1," Mrs. Unvert sidered for perfonnance this said. "'From these, 100 persons seuon are H a n de l • s MARC COPAGE LEARNS LINE S Dialogue Coach Abigell Kanter Htlps ''Messiah,'' Vaughn.William's were selected for the "Hodie" and Verdi's "Manzoni Olorale." Voices s e I e ct e d represented 24 communities in Requiem." 'Mle proposed Orange County and the Long repertory will ~ confirmed at a later date. Beac~ area. she said. Dr. Allard's aim is lo make All previous members or the the group an outstanding Irvine Muter Chorale will cuJlural force in Orange Coun· audition again· this year. Mrs. ty, president David Melilli Learning Lines Hard When YouCan'tRead Unvert explained that the 1A.1 For a seven-year-old boy, stal.D,I. purpose cf the auditions is to The Chorale hopes to gain learning his Jines for a malntain a continual eUort to naUona.l prominence through televi!ion show can be a ma· upcrade the quality of the excellence in the performance jor la.sic. Especially when the chorale. The selecttd group of ol choral master works. young actor is just learning to singers will meet f o r read. rehearsals every M o n d a y F'or Atarc Copage, t h e evening beginning September N W d adorable mini-star of 2oth 29 from 7:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. eW Or 8 c en l u ry-Fo:t TeJevis.ion's The choral group, formerly "Julia" series, the task is known as the Irvine Com-N N ded made a litUe easier by the fact munity Chorus, incorporated Ot ee that Marc has an unusually June 19, 196'9 as a non.pront good memory and a pair of corporation, under the name When Japanese star Tetsuro patient people to help h i m Orange County . C h o r a I 'l'amba arrived at the small witlt his dialogue. amount of help when he studies for his exams at school. .. Julia" stars Diahann Car· roll in the title role and "fre- quently stars" Llawd Nolan as Dr. Morton ~gley. Lurene Tuttle and Betty Beaird co- star in the Channel 4 series seen Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. Three Sign For Wilson TV Special Assoc:lalion. according to Mexican village erected for At home, Marc's father, Robert A. Smith, legal counsel lilming of MGM's "The Five John Copage, reads Marc his for the group. Performances Man Army,'' starring Pele r lines until Marc has com- wtll be given under Ule name Graves and James Daly. he mitted them to memory. On Irvine Master Chorale, he was thoroughly prepared to the set, waiting to go in front said. speak in the idicmatic English of the ~eras, Marc oflen Chorale rehearsals a n d used by men of action. brushes up on his lines with Andy Williams, A r t I e perfonnances will be under After s)>eoding three months the lovely dialogue coach Johnson and Jonathan Winters the direction of Dr. Maurice of intensive language sb.ldy in Abigail Kanter, daughter of have been signed to guest on Allard, auislant professor of Tokyo, Tamba learned from ··Julia" creator-producer •la! music at UCI. Dr. Allard serv-director Don Taylor that he Kanter. Flip Wilson's first telev ision d · d SP.eCial, which airs on Mon· e as assistant con uctor to doesn't speak a word in the Because Marc enjoys his Roge r Wagner in 1965--1966 film. work, he tackles new scriplc; day, September 22 on Chan· when Wagner came lo UCI lo "The Five Man Anny'', pro-with great enthusiasm. He nel 4· That, of course, was how Elvis launched. his meteoric career back in the mid·l95&s, an era that saw the tall dark- haired youth with the boyish grin change the world's muslC tastes. But those one·nlght peroonal appearance stands became utterly impos.slb le once he reached stardom, and instead of drawing a liatening audience he was attracting a mob of well.meaning bu t Wl· controllable fans. Elvls reea.lls a date In Canada when he was ap- pearing on a stage built in the center of a foolbl:ul field. "They sald there .wou ld be a $200 fine for anyone who left the stands and came onto the field," Elvis recalled, "but we hadn't been on for more than 21) minutes when it became hopeless. "Suddenly I felt the stage start tipping and we had to jump for our lives. 'lbe pressure of the crowd Upped the stage completely on edge and the musicians and I bad to escape through the crowd behind a flying wedge fanned by policemen. ''\Vhen I looked back all 1 could see was that tilted stage and all our music· and music racks fluUering toward the ground.'' · help establish the choral pro-duced by Ilalo Zingarelli for al.so has fun working with his Flip, who recently cont· gram in lhe Department of Tiger Film, also stars Bud on-and off.screen friend Mi· pleted another stint guest. Music. In addition, Dr. Allard Spencer, Ni.no Castelnuovp and chael Link. Marc's only wish hostini; for Johnny Carson on conducted ils perfonnance of Daniela Giordano. is that he could have tbe same ''Tbe Tonight Show," will make two appearances on lhe .• • • • • • • • • • • • • a • a • a • • a a a a • • a • • • • • • .i network that night -first as a ®. • guest on the first "Chrysler Location filming 0£ \Varner Bros.-Seven Arts' "Rabbit, Run" has begun in Reading, Pa., where the screen version cf John Updike's best·selling novel is being photographed on sites described in the book. • · C 'b R Presents the Bob Hope • ~~~ ,eli/D~ Pd___ Off e OOm • Special" of the 1969·70 season, •. • ~7~ ~ PRESENTS • andthenaslhestarofhisown • • • • • • • • • • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY HERB & JOE TRIO OPENING MON., SEPT. 15 -LOU NORRIS FOUR a special which will be telecast • immediately alter the }lope hour. • The young comedian, who ill • also under contract to NBC to a make a pilot for a half.hour a series for possible presen· • talion in the 1970.71 season, has become one of the most • popular entcrt:ii··~ i11 the a United States • · 111ade a his debut on le 1965. • Since then he '·· v1111ed • In every major night club Jack Smight is directing and co-producing lhe: c o I o r - Panavision film from a screenplay by prod u cc r Howard Krettsek. with James Caan starring in the title role of an ex-basketball hero. Anjanette Comer, Academy Award-winner Jack Albertson, Arthur Hill, Melodie Johnson and came Snodgrass are co- starred. Recent additions to the cast include Harold Fong, Joe Quinn and Jerri Locke. 21112 OCEAN AVE. !Comt Hwy.J -HUNTJNIOTON IEACH -536·1421 from coasl to coast and on • • every major television show, .. • a • • • • • • • • a a • a • • • • • • • a • a • a • • • • • • ., Jncluding several retw:n visits Four minor roles and 31 bit parts will be cast in Reading, Pa. More than 200 extras for crowd and street scenes will be ~ected from among rhore than 300 people interviewed. ~·.--..... ~~ .. 7:---~ ----.... ·· .... . .... ,,, '~ .. : .. E . ~ THREE .. DAYS • ONLY ROOT BEER This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, A&W 's "Good Old Fashioned" root beer will be served at the good old fashioned price. Just 5.¢ will buy a cool , frosty mug (8-10 oz. size) of the root beer tha t made A&W famous. A nickel goes a long way at A&W-an ls· land of Refreshment. A & W DRIVE-IN 2855 HARBOR ILVD. • COSTA MESA with Johnny Carson, "The Kraft Music Hall," on which he was host. "The 'Ed SulUvan Show.'' "The Dean Martin Show,'" and 13 guest ap- pearances on "Laugh-to." He has also taped his rirsl dramatic appearance for a segment of lhe upcoming ABC-TV series. •'Love American Style." FOR ADVERTISING IN THE \VEEK.ENDER P•TONE 642-4321 t\1e-rnesa T· ·-·1•r2 -::: f -~!. -1.'. Ar C.. "If~ '! · NF\'JPORT AND H/d~BOR IN COSTA ~lSA lEUPHONE 548-1552 FOi INFORMATIOK Spine· Tingling, Hair-Raising ~ CAROL WHITE PAUL BURKE i!Jo 1- 4-LIO THIS COMEDY Ht·h""a wile.She has a husband. With SJ muCh In common they just have to fall in love. ''The April Fools" Kids Matinee Sat., 2 P.M. JIM HUnON MILTON I Elll WALTIR IRINNAN DOIOTH'I' P'ROYINI •• "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT" 4 CARTOONS An 5-Gtl 50~ BEST PICTURE OFTHEYEARI WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDS! ~itrnf -~J 2905 l•t C.mat Hlthwey Corona dtf Mor-ph, 671·6260 ALSO PU.TIN!i NIW llCi WISTllN tr ·--• Winner Of S Academy Aw1rd1 "IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT" Rod Sf•itff Sid"'Y Po ilit t West Coast Premiere S-ngagement NOW AT BOTH THEATRES ,. •. cM. .• 1._ I l&i I lllMJ " ...._ ........ J. ........ HHANNIBAL BROOKS" NOW EXCLUSIVEL.YI Sl•rrinv PA TTY DUKE Pl• • ...., H.,!Mn .. ''WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plua- Jane fonde In 'Barefoot in the Park' IOTN lAllD ..... --- 1 v.1=.cJ&i.~& Alto: To11y Curli1 •ni Ttrry Thomt1 i• ''THOSI DAllNe TOUM• . MIN IN THiii PLYIN• MACHINW -' -,_ ....... £ ..,_, : , ..... :a;_.·~~&· GAlGOllY •EVA , PECK 8Mll' ' ntl llWJClllQ 1'IOW'O.Olt • ~l•Ctl -. • Y 011r Gt1!cf1! io Movies ' ·'Hunting' Adult Film 1HI MOTIOlf~c:Tllll CODI AND lA TIN• PlO.lAM n.e M~fl•11 Plc111,. Cffe t"9 lttl~ M111l11leffttl•• .,,H,, .... f.11-111, 1ttl111• ... flllfl• "I J •II tltllCM,._ u~i..-;..;: l.L Tlfllll W•IT QAST PlllM!lll• t "WE-IOMllD QI N1W HAytN" • PATTY DUKE AND FRIEND ON CYCLE Portr•it of• Teena9er En Route to Maturity 'Me, Natalie' a Picture Of Irony, Desperation "Me, Natalie," which begin.'> its local run this week at Edward! Newport Theater, stars P1tty Duke as an IS.year old iq the throes a f transfonnation from child to woman. Filmed entirely on location ln New York. City, the film was directed by Fred Coe, w ho also produced "T h e Miracle Worker." for which MlSl!l Duke won an Oscar. Aa Natalie, Patty Duke pe.inll a picture of qu iet desper~tion mingled with com- ic irony as she !earches for the link.! lo a world she thinks she never made. S~ distrusts any involvement with another person, and yet desperately neeps somel?ne to fill the em~ ty places Other life. She is bit- tcr about the present, yet ultimately optimistic about the future . The movie provides, too, Mime glimpses into life in the East Village, where Natalie goes alter fleeing her middle- class family, seeking personal independence. For Miss Duke. it \Vas a strenuous role. She drove ;i Honda lhrough the streets ol New York, learned lo meditate in the lot.us position, and lhrew he.rseU headlong off a pier into the muddy, polluted waters of the East River. She is joined in '·Me, Natalie'' by James Farentino as an archltect turned artist who slowly unlocks the door lo Natalie's identity, helping her learn to love and trust. HELD OVER IOX OFFICE OPINS S:-45 (Editor'• Note: Th l 1 mwit auide ii prepcred bit the /ilrna commJt&te of Harbor e<H'ncil PTA . Mr:s. Joh.n ·cltlrk 1$ president and Mrs. Hore Swernt:?J is committee chai"'1on. It U intt:nded as a refere11ce i n dett:nnining suitable films f()f' c1rt.ain a 9 e oroups and toil! a~ar wetklv Your views are 10liated. Mail them to Mo- "Vi~· Guide, cai'e of t1'e DAILY PILOT.) • • • ' ADULTS CasUe 'Keep (R): Arl..filled castle occupied ·by wounded men is a symbol of re,,istence against the enemy on the eve ol 111< Battle <>I ih< Bulge. The setting is he Ardennes Forest in the _winter of 1M4. Burt Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, Jean-Pierre AurnonL Daddy'• Gone a-Hunting 1~1): Contemporary suspense film set in San Francisco about a happily married woman whose former lover reappears to terrify her. He demands her child's murder as atonement for a previous abortion. Carol White, Scott Jiylands, Paul Burke. Oeatll rude1 a Hone (Ml : Italian made western about a boy who seeks to avenge the massacre of hls family by ooUaws.. He is assisted by an ex-gang member. Dubbed in English. John Phillip Law, Lee Van Cleef. Goodbye Columbw IR): A summer romance detween a poor librarian and a nouveau riche college girl 1apses due lo their dHlerent view s. A satire on sex with Richard Ben- jamin, Ali MacGraw. How Sweet ii 11; Magazine photographer takes hi$ wife and son to Europe on an assigrunenL T h e misad- ventures of this amorous mid· dle-aged couple. D e b b i e Reynolds and James Gamer. tum the film into a broad marital farce. MaclUnna's .Gold (Al): Story of a group of men and \of'Omen who all share a fear of rampaging Apaches and a greed for gold. Gregory Peck, Omar Sharir. !\le. Natalie (!'ti )· Patty Duke portrays an adolescent who is hurt and embarrassed by ·her own seeming lack of appeal and her parents' at- tempts to marry her off. An affair with a married man and life in Greenwich Village gives her seU-as::iurance. Tbe Wild Bunch tRI : An al legory on violence and border villainry which is car- ried to the logical extreme. William Holden, Roberl Ryan. MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS taay about a merried man who ~ta so mebody e.be'r wife, Jack Lemmon And calherine .De.neuve star. G r e e • Btreil: AcUon packed , patriotic film wh.ich .ettempts to show conflict of Vietnam through the eyes 1'f the fabulous Green · Berets. John Wayne. GIUlt pf lQ Magalllcent Seve11 (G): An Amerk>e.n and l:liX mercen.atjts lead a daring attempt to liberate a populll.f Mei:icen leader ~ the tyrannical regime o( Prtsident Dia• in J9th century Me.xiefl. George Kennedy, James Wh.itmore. la the Heal el the, Ni11lt: A.. murder in the deep sou\h is solved with the coUaboration of a white police chlef and a Negro homicide. detective . Sid~ ney Poiter and Rod Steiger. MayerliaJ (M): Lavl&b new version of lhe late 19th cen· tury Viennese r om a n L i c tracedy about a di'5ipated Hapsburg Prince who finds fulfillment in a tragically doomed love affair. Omar Sharif, Ja1nes Mason. Ava Gardner and Catherine Deneuve. Once Upon a Tii:ile ln the West (M): Villain Henry Fon- da, hired to clear tbe way (or a new railroad, murders a rancher and his children in this colorful , vlolcnt and lusty western. Claudia CarQ.inalc, Jason Robards also star. TEEN AND ADULTS Barefoot 111 lbe P • r k : Beguiling story about the first few weeks of newlywed life in a Greenwich Village walk·UP apartment. Jane Fond a , Robert Redford. Ben Hur IGJ : Screen classic \.\•ilh superb sets, costun1es and a dramatic chariot race. It demonstrates the impact or Christianity on Ben-Hur and his family. Charlton Heston and Jack Hawk.Ins. Jo'unnf Girl (G): Lavish musical presentation of the life of Fanny Brice, the child of the slums, who became a great comic star. Barbara Streisand, Omar Sharif, Walt· er Pigeon. Gone With The W I n d : 1'.1argaret lo<titchell 's brilliant novel of the old south during the Civil War era returns to the screen. Clark. Gable. Vi· vien Leigh, Olivia de Havil- land, Leslie Howard. llannlbal Brook,11 (Ml : An English prisoner of war, after working in the Munich Zoo. begins a hundred mile walk ~·it.h rout companions and a prize elephant. This adventure slory aJHnru human values that can surmount I h <' brutalities of wa r. Oli\'cr Recd and Michael Pollard. Ttie Maltese Dippy ! G): Nonsensical' comedy • chiller about • couple of Uy.by-night -'llblllwtetl hi .... U.S.A. ,le· bullness parlner1 who become ,., •• ,,,,,. &, M ., • 41111tllf., involved wllh flmlly 0 ( f., th1 CH1 s •• 1. ._. werewolves. .Fl.owan 1 n d Pic:h•r•• 11114 X '• 1111 11c1 i ... Martin. 1 S11I, n.. 111;11t• .,,ty t1 Romeo. 1.11d J •I It l : ,ic:hlr•• 11l11ttlll .~., N1••"'· Shakespeare's claaSi.c'becomes · i..r 1, I tit. Pi1t111., r•l•n1lll Vividly new with ~plendolt, ·ex· .,._,1,, ffi•t .,111 .,, "••c:rllio. Cllement and Zefhrelli's fresh •4 11 ,,,.,111111., 1 -casting and direction . Leonard Whiting and Ollvla ,,.,,,.,. ~I . Hu ssey. [i-S11tt••••d f•r MNllAL True Grit (G): W¢ern Set •11llll111t11. ln the 1880s about 11• year-qld t 11-s11..A11.111 flf' MATUll girl who iJ de1.ennined to .JfJic11 ''•••11••1 4i1o avenge her father"s murde-f t tellltl\ i4¥i11ll I. ind 111 helped by one-eyed ®-; llSTllCTn ''"1"" marshal and a ~ounll' r8nger. • ·~d..-, Ii 11•1 •dlfllti.111, • t11]e1• "1tc•111p111lffl ~y John Wayne, 0 n Campbell, ,.,.,.t ., •••It t•irlll· Kim Datby. .,, ''"· Walt UnUI Dark: Tense. thriller In which thugs: try to force blind wife to reveal whereabout.II of a cache ol @-·--·...., ,, .. t .......... Thk 191 r•· ddcfl•t1 '"•f ~. hlthir 111 c1rt1l11 t tt••• C~1ck heroin. Audrey Hepburn. '-;:;~~~~~~~~;::;;;,/ .,,,, Tn>•bte wiu. Girls (Gl :Jr Elvis Presley, the manager of a traveling Chautauqua uni( in the l~ is confronted with variqf _problems and situa· Lions. Sheree North, Vincent Price and John Carradine also star. FAllnLY The Big Mouth: Crooks, hotel manager and stewardess -1.llfu • 544· Gr"114'ry l'Kit -Om•r Stl.or11 ''MacKENNA'S GOLD" -"HOW SWEET. IT IS" J•mu o .. u111tr -Dltllle """"""' c ... 1111wu1 Sii., SIHI ... 11• l'.M. chase a bank examiner and l~~~~~~~~===~/ his look..oalike, a vicious hood. j: Jerry Lewis. """~' ' COAST IMllll't\T !../:" n. 'rhe Grea\ Race: ln a pre- World War I setting, two -' daredevil stunt men are pitted ~ ._,..,..I against each olher in an Tonite at 5:30 and 10:25 automobile race rrom New York to Paris. Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon. Ice-Statloa Zebra (G): All· male spy dram~ about a nuclear submarine's trip to the North Pole on a rescue mission . Rock Hudson. Ernest Borgnlne, Jim Brown and Patrick McGoohan. My Siite Of the -Mo1111taln (G): WisUul, charming fil m about a 13 year-old boy who leaves home to spend a year alone with nature. Theodore Bike! plays a traveling folk· singer who interrupts the boy 's solitude. Ted Eccles is the boy. Never A Dull Mo1nent : Disney slapstick comedy about a struggling actor \vho is mistaken for a notorious sun· man by gangsters. Dick Van Dyke . Edward G. Robinson. ··Mayerling PANA'w'tSION'All) liiiil -JECHNICOlf>R I l:!:I" and. tl 8:00 Only ------.Ii ... --~ These MagnlUcent Men In their Flying Machines: 1910 flying machine and v~ptage car in slapstick story of Lon. PLUS -Certotiu • C•llledln don to Paris air race. Frff Grob '°" fM4 M•N! • • . • li99ett Sot. $.liow .. ,...,., rr The letter immediattlt1 li========::;=:=:=;j nfter the title indicatts tht ra ting givtn tile picture byl tht Motion Picture Code. The Motion Picture Codci And Rating Program mn y bt found. on the motion! picture page. TAKE I N A 1llOVIE THIS U'EEK ,., •Y ........... If, "'CATCM r Mtt9 ..... •'*"'"'-..... Mf P•rt OM wl/I N ,.,...--4 H Y•lf ..,-'" • *"" .-.. 9t t :M P·•• ---D~VID 0. sst'ZNKX'5 ;:_d•• .t ~ MARGARET MJTOl£lL'S S&-rtll ... OWs-1' "' GONE WITH THE WIND Cark Letlic OliYit 'Vlrill• LE• HOW Al\ll• DeBA VILLAND• LEl~H I H A s.Juiek laer-U...a £CBNICOLOK P'Md•etl .. -~- md.iRi 11'ii¥,ftm • . . ""'"'""'"' "M IJtk "-'-' -, ...... "•"' "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" .... D•11 ••w•i -Did: M•rti11 "'THE MALTESE llPPY" ,... .. rk tr..... Sttptri.. hf4 -DJ .... w-.Jd: "SLAVES" .... "ANY GUN CAN PLAY" 1tece .. IWltftlh4 fer Alll11fts ............. .-..... ........ . Twt Grnt WnttrM Jell• Pkilllp L•w "DEATH RIDES A HORSE" Plus 4ifl'1• Kea..,. -,,...... W•lhffN "GUNS OF THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" ...................................... _,. Joli• WsyM -Gt.1 C•MpHtl "TRUE. GRIT" '"""'• llktl "MY SIDE. OF THE MOUNTAIN" lte• .. MHdd t.r Alll•lh ............. ~·········· ... fl.,.k Presley -Sllette Nert'-I - "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS' . ... Ht11ry kllff -Ci..111• C•Nfhtel1 ... rm "O~~E T~"i'~E~TT_IME Rec.0111-"4 fw Allliitts , ............. ~ .... .. .$175 .::.-:,:::::::.;.. ill W•tt DillllY'I "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" PfJt pin CARLOAD JIU '"----TNIT CY,,lt "THE GREAT RACE" The April Fool1 ( 1\1 l : Hilarious and romantic fa n· Crossword Puzzle TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SW ACROSS l Rapid 5 Teachrr: Sta119 Largest Selection of 'Small boltlt Also Tropical Fish & l~ Si,n9er 2nd Supplies in the area. l 5 ~:~eisnis BIG N•w t l.ec:ttl1r11o 1 ' ...... fret tllW. WILlllM, COSTt. M•IA Stair ATTRACTION (ol'I Fl !t¥11W l.d., 54-7Hl 17 Series or 111-0. ttiwn:.M o,. -Hew'°'1 aam 1ngaljl t mtnls •he-.. , ' a 111-• wAIN,.1 .rs;.. HdifDN (bllllrod '"'!"OSI OHlcei ~ 18 Ins ist L;;=::::;::::;:w~';",;';-::;' ;"~';'";,==;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:,;;;;::~,,I'!'.:::~~~~~~~~~~ I rmphatie1 11 '1 ;; l ' City in B11l9ari1 20 Last of !ht Stuart rulers " 14tti WEEK! -LAST WEEKS EVERY FA'fHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! -OR IS SHE .? YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENTATION OF GOODBYE, COLUMBUS ' .,. ........... N•"'f• b.J PHILIP ROTH ................. NOW 1111" llllll "PORTNOY'S' COMPLAINT" • What ewrer your ... you will enioy..fhe ectlng· of hniamin incl the stun· nlnt movie debut of All McGraw, the frankno,u of their language ind th• tender and oentle relationship between the two. "'GENUINELY INTIMATE LOVE SCENES " "REFRESHING TO SEE " - "MEMORABLE!" - TIMI M~.l..ZIMI l..11'1 l!llt.0,t.!1111 IAT\,lltO-'Y lllVllW 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT 21 Processrd Uibac co 23 Ana1yte 2~ Ont ffttl11Jn9 ll btQUfSl 211 Fool 21 Flat flil1111 29 lm19i11ts: 2 words 33 Apportio1t Jfi Qutslion lnltnsivrly 37 Entertain· ment group: Abbr, 3! We1th1n11an 'i .,,. )9 S1nsts '4 0 Flshtf"l'lltn's acctSSOIJ '41 Von R lchtolen WIS ont '4Z l!:ldtlU or f tlt- • ' ,. " .. • 43 ltl:0111t1al'' JilJbW l'f systtm AC Put bat .. Afi Short swi111 A1 Frost 48 Ahpl1nt subassembly Sl Cookbook instruc tloll" 55 .Art lorm, with "T~t '' 57 lbstri c.h;11a c\tr 51 Pu~pa1 ed a razor ror "" fiO Tip st•r bl Powtrf11[ boats t.2 Ptrfum t 03 Bonr: Comb. lor111 64 'ital1 : Fr. tis A treat bf:. .A1T1e1 ic1n army surqton 07 Ciinsay OOWH 1 Cal1111llow.s 2 Lacking in ~ual ') Pilntd ktrnly ~ El To10'5 tnemy 5 Came second b Nigh! ch1b prtsrnt1llon 7 Exc1ssl¥1!y 8 Shipboard l!Yf nl: 2 WOfdS • • 9 F11milf membe1: lnlOflfU ( lG For 1ht tl 111t be ing: 2 words 11 Pri so11 terlll 12. Egypt. n1tur• goddess ll Pronoun 22 A lf1 l1~ of honoc 25 Inter~ jrctio11 or dl s1pp10v1.I. 27 S!dt~lc.k 29 F 11r JO-··-pudc!ing JI .Addict 32 G1mt JJ"lt's • ·-· b~tter th ing I do'" 2 .,,ords )4 Fabric )5 Remains i1; a flat poslllon ' 12t b9 3' E!rc.tric~I app a1alus )9 Elrctric1I u11it '40 F t it c.ontritiol\ _.2 l!i lrd call 4) Lrngth uni t AS Lls l"t , 104" on e 4' F ollowtd c.e:rtain doctor'' Order ~!Critical "''Highway 50 lristru111t11 l .51 Hivin g In unpleasant disposition 52. C oarsr ma!ltd wool 53 tn ·-··: A l\ogtlher 54 Prtpos l11on 511 Orlr1! by l n111ow margin 5, ltltisOlllt Kl11 12 1l • 6th SMASH WEEK! CRITICS ACCLAIM! ,,A••·····-~ 11ow 1howing from 7:0(1 p.m, :;fido N·owr· "llW"Clll U•(M •• •t '~• .~ .... - lo lohl•~• t+4o h!o •• 0 1. l ·l ))D EXCLUSIVE!!! tic~tll ot Compvtickel 01.1!l1tl1 in<lvd ing ll1.1tlo< .. 1,Rolph"1 Mt.>rketi,Wollid1'1 or o t 11!1 lloi Offit1. A lOth·Century castle in a 20th.Century war! 10TH CENTURY CASTLE JN 20TH CENTURY WAR, •. I A ONE·EYED MAJOR AND HIS OODBALL HEROES OEFY THE NAZIS AND CHANGE THE CALENDAR OF HISTORY FROM THE OUTSPOKEN NOVEL WHERE SOLDIERS FIGHT LIKE SOLDIERS AND FIGHT LIKE HELL. , , ! -SECOND FEATURE - BREATHTAKING REALISM! THE 20TH 'Ice Station 'bbra" CENTURY AS IT IS! IN THE AIR AND BENEATH ARCTIC WASTES DON'T MISS THIS GREAT TWIN BILL! " . I I I. I I I I I I ' I ~ I I ' l l . I . P11J· •· '•''•- t '4z.431f 2211 w .............. PEANUTS fAlrYL S~TS our • NIRVOllSL Y 1-YroSPFNO 1?1Ef'l~iIOO lllllS-<Jll · EAolOF WHICJI MIKEHAS l'tM:EtJA TWfNARK! - • ly ~li.rlts M.. Sdiull • • ' . f':....:... t E-= By Harold Le Doux ·w~ Sf9ICER YES! t WAS M4,J.T MK> AMOWG THE SIJP '!Cl WANfEP WC*PEllN6 WMAT TD.TM.JC Wf1M INR>RMATIOH ¥00 ME,.Mr.Pt:IVfR! cotLP 61VE .-.e Kl NP OF P'EOf'\.E WHO H.-.NG IWFORMA· AltOVNP MERE TION :r 15E5 IMRl.llJANA? ON &ROPV! •• • e.~~ llo, r.lo-!Jbc.i'VE LET ME'51'E ©TIT MoWYow• -ICWAAl>S·· "6NM.AN5HIP ~ 'iOl.JlftE DOTTING IS COMltle;, -'iOUFI! T's l<AYO· ·AND·· .. ' D . TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan A FOOL AAU. IS A PLACE WHE:RE LONELY MEN GATHER FOR RECRl'AllON /'NII COMPANIONSHIP! • .. ii 'f . I ., OH,ABoUT 'FOUR OR FIVE .• 'POUNDS! By Al Smith • ly M.I . -'DAJlY 111.fT If I ii , QUI •• ' ...,, Phll ll•l•t •• ' . ., Avon eallin~.'' 11Wbo!" -Andy Griffith Coming Back By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The signings ~.two major television contracta -ooe with Andy Griffith. the other with 0. J. Simpson -wefti: fori:n8Ily an.- nounced T~rsday in moves · of. interest to bcmt viewers. Griffith who quit bis series last year wbea. it was No. 11 the rattngs, will retum to 'CSS.TV hi the 19711-7 eason in a new weekly hall·boui lilua- tion comedy. CBS.TV SAID It was "absolutely dellgb\W" about the ~reement, and you can take the .network et its word. For Griffith, with his e<>Wl\ry·bonocl humor, is a!I close to money in the bank as·YOU 'can get on television. "I have been oU the air for a year, exc8Rt ·for my specials and some guest· appearancet, ·the actor.comedian Se.id , adding : "I miss television\ and I look forward to returning in a weekly aerlu.~ Although Griffith quit his series last yeer,-tt,:.. never actually went off the air. CBS-TV' almplr, changed its tiUe Crom "The Andy Griffith Show ' to "Mayberry R.F .D.," inserted a oew leading rpan (Ken Berry) and kept most of its hnuing cbaract· ers. The re'sult was that the series maintained its high ratings even without Griffith. THEREFORE, lo gel him back means CBS-TV will have its cake and e-at -tt too, cror it will have not only \be old; established Griflith series (re- tiUed), but a new one too, Al)d. in CBS-TV's close light with Njjc.TV for ratings supremacy, \be new Gri!fith ser,ies . ."ill urtailiiy be a pqwertul added factor.. · · · -'lo. Simpson, mf~irwhlle, ls tumin.lt out to be a major video factor even before proving that he will be the same serttation in pro fuotball that be was • in the coUege sport . · ABC-TV's<topnotch SJ>Orls dej>arlment announc- ed that lh'e former 5'4lr of the University-of Southern 1 Californla, now a member of the Buffalo Bills; will become..~ network radio and televis~n _personality "at the end of the upConrlng JH"O ·foot1;:Nlll seasqn.'' "The controct Will not affect · hi1 pl'ofeosulual football career;" the announcement said: ' . . ACCORDIN<; !~_ Roone Arledge, head o! ABc ·· ;ports, Simpson'• contract is of.Ibo loog-term var- iety. Said Arledge : "We think he ha s the potential to develop over \be years' into ~ outstanding broa4call personal· ity -wpether It b<! as a sport• shOw hMt , a ~ commentator or even as an actor. 0 . J. has SB.Id he would like a career in television 1when his playing days are ·done." · THE CHANNEL SWIM : Preliden( Nlxon's ad· dress before the opening. session of .\be Unl!W Nai tJ.ona General Assembly will be televis" next nw day ... The appearance of the Apollo II lwiar astronauts before a Joint session of Con)fres~ w!D be broadcast by the' networks Tuesday • : • Frank Sinatra's next musical special is set for CSS.TV Nq.r. 5. l' .•. · • ... -. ' • . ' 8All6AINS. GALORE • ~ • I Sfrt•, tt1t.itf141 1 • ''"fr~ ,.Ill' •Mic\i•lf, 1t .JI. ... ..,"-I wltfii D~ l'Y Pll.OT Dl111 .. 1•U11e 1ls. ,...,_. '42·~~· • . I I r ' I I I l \ ) SERIAL. NUMIElt 4444 s3999 ~ND ~~.. 1969 (u$l&M 58&: · full Ftctoryt l!fiulfllled •I·>; c J ' I• • • '4 -' ' Plus Avto~.~c TranJ!l1!"ipn : j ~'>.~ ~.... '· \ $2588.· STOCK #1052 ·1964 ·PoNT~c.'. \ _ . CATALINA.· 4"'9t ......... 'ftdwy• t lr, VI, .... ff• ....... itNri .... j;c. N1, IFMY 014-J Ill . I ... ' ·~ ;.-- ' : ·:··. ~: l • • • • , .. . ~ ~ ··\Ir""-'•· > •·1·• . ' ;-' ~ I 1 ws • ~.~ t ~s~·~) ''VI ::., · •t--!T. :_ ~.,$ ~-,, ··f '.. - floM: SUGGISTl1> UST• ~ICll Ofl AllY• .196f./T~llRD DI ·GUI HUGE 1H.~OlY:: • l . i' , . . •. '=° 1969 ULAX1E· 581~ .. SPOl~ . . . . • • .• ' • • .. , .. i. ~ ~ ·"-"t ;• -'' 'j •. .. l .. .T. • · i6, ·7' JDRD CUSTOM, a ;· .. ' V-8, automatic, rad'io, heat..-.· Bal. N/C · warranty anil .. T,WN. 302.. • • !/!6.6, ., .. ust .. •!IWlllf••·r:1 , .• _: •. 108.8 · . , v..a,'1ut~tic,1r)ower St'eering,.r~dfo. heat· - er. TA:T1061. • t •• . '1188 i6' 70HEY. ·OAIAIJO.HDTP •. · ' ... ~uiomat/t; ~r' steering, radio, heate r. Green finish. · UVL 043 c '6'; 5 :11us11•a :liARDTOP' . . . $688 ' · •V-8, automatic, radio, 'hea'ter, ~cket seats. • Dack g11tn finish . (PJL 021). , , ,-6· .. -8-,~,QTA CORO•• DELUXE . $1· 3. · ·8· " · AutomaUc, r~io, heater, J>C?Wder·brue·fifiish. ' WIE 061. .. ' · . . , I , · l•t 1 '()·17fOU:tm.1SWN WAGON · $1788 .... v.a, ·~t~ifc, powei sttering, _ _.factory air , .,~,dltt0n:ng...Vl\S 360. . • • . ,· .. ' . , "·' ' . ' . ' 88-.. . I ' . MEROi COMET . • . $ J;., 6 ·t: V-8,'3 !)Jled,.radlo;hi1ter.Si1Vtr:Blui,finlah. ' 7 . ' ;JP& 512. . . ' . . ' ' . '. ' ~ ....... ' IOGI TO It P.L ~ -SUllfaY. wr. 14111 FUU PRICE BjWID NEW '69,f.-250 STYUSIDE ... C.tD -.~COOll!ll '*"!f!.lt.t.:. oll '\::" ,. 'llllh • .. llJIOUDO 101» auom cAl!m '. IMMEDl'lb~b'ILvUY I I ·~ r 6'1!'J.CON . . . .. .: , · , '6', ~utQ\llai~ 1radici, "'*"'•jl'U't'J9t~ · t r < .Ji,,.1 .~,;,t•··~ " I ' ._. ' '62. 8~T i.AKES 10111,E ; . . $-£8·8· ~'!~' trl~r, ileeps six, imma~late condi· • Q ... • ''53FORliFllirPICIU~f '·'·1 ·'.! .. ~. $1'. 10 Good wo.rk unit10r.'fo.r ;.•mpi'?. ~3~.5~9' ,._ : 1. , • U,1 'f' • • • • 'l• ~·· ' . '66~~~!!-!~!, ~"~~t~r, !!I~ . $, 1781 . . per .un1t,,T52809. · •. ~-... .. , _ .• ~ , "'6:8FORD F2&0%.1'.01 . $2 . ..£-Qs· . With 8 ft. ce~r camper, V-8, autoinatic. · UCJ · 1-• _ .• (ompt re. Heavy d.uty equ ip'd. Ser. No. 12380 ' . '68-IEROURY I01TEao -·-· tJ&B· -s· · . V,8, automati:,1powor stetri~g, vinyl' ,~f. ' ' • rad io, heater~rv.:C warranty'.av1U:,<WXU'Ol-"'l .• ' · . , 1 • ~ , . ;6· s· !'!~~.~~~~~ ~f!~~!r win· . $1'4'"' ··s dows; pdwer seat, faCtory air ~9.nd1tiorvf1g. . ' • He'W p:int.·RFY: 728. . - . ·§~ • ..., • • , 1.:..3voL1SWAaEN S~iROQF ,. ~$·14.:00 ·U ' Gr1en lir;!sh,~radio & !:tater • .AJl.orlgiriai. . . 10Q • • f • f ·1 I • • 'I i I t I \ , I • • • I "f ~ f HOU~ll FOR SALi NOUlll POlt SALE HQUSIS ,Olt ~LE ' HOUSES~~··; HQUlll ~It ?y> liousl-,c;lfl SALi liou$1s PO!!tM!! • JIOUSES POR SAi.i lfOUSES FOR SALi !!'J•Pll llGO -•I 1• Ge-al , .""IGOl!lc•ot '· , ' ........ ,., · ' . 1• 0.WOJ , , ', 111i1G..r11 ,.IOoo l:Oij_,i.'"ii"'i'iill•lll!•iiiiiii .. iii"ili~·1 ' i) I 7 • i ,, -=· = ! I ' ' • I ' "' SSAYIS 5-fth'Archl!Octu... l!'B 2j ! I P!Si!( a ™~ 4 I ~ ' l 3 ·····~ ':'..l"" :! =:'~ FINUl HOMES.'."' ... UI ~ lll(A'l'MAYBJN.'. : "-:·, J?. ~·lt _//) . A.lg • .-U1.JOO PIUVATEDEN'or .... ..., • • -, • ,. ·-. . , ;, _,_ ., ... ""' V.:>a Keall ·st.aw"" -· .__ , Juxumus bath!!, '•UND!£'1S' "". • • , Tbato :w!lM-~.... .., ·-· . -, ~ _ --A -,u ......... '" , ~· ~ !·l'·.--:::ri ~ ..... "" . , , pH#nw . f•d-•lllllone.1111 et.....,IU.,..nolllheFORr A fanl!!ll.ICINl:l'ti'cm~ • Lira ·~~, ihoY;.. ltll .-.. ,,, .• ---llllh Jiii< lfAI. DINING ROOM ...i . 3 bath bonle wltli ·~ te atlilng room. oo ' their <JiOmt -. "" , ....-me_.,,.., l>r.rlch buulllullf .~ mP n of ~Y.fri>ot w)\h'P4'f !" f~P,'. New-11\ \he '•: ~n: 18' = , , : . OPEN HOUSES . -• -· aB no .. DOWN UVING 1100>1 ~ unrepeatab~ )>rice of .... '.·;.·,· ..... $105,11®. _lllJI ,loytly"""': lldrm • • llAYCRIST -VACAHT-Owner sa s sell c;;:..,I<\:":-.:: =sr:"'qf, .. ,: c.!lfor•Jl!'t;l\)1i:ee., .. ' '' ~ •• -,_,,_,..,.., ·-·lhet.mllywho .... ;-Tf.:' .!-i: .. · "'n .. RU ~· 1rtt11.•lfid u1z1r...,... .... ..., . ,~·J-_ .,.,., ........ ,.. .. ,,......._ -...._....,_.,,. -·;. DOf't".-$HO . ...,,'!\ft .>'. ·,ec1 lllltid·•-'-k, · 4Jillrms,1!>1maJ~·l)lom t.muyl'OOm. -{arr~H·-=\fi!. :,:~~ .. m.i!mai,1m pci~us 1'tn'ly UvinJ'I< enter-.• .,,,,., • ae..-. ~J: In~ ~'"fl"""~ lhli lovel~ wtth W<1J down and '011.,..i tallllDg m tills 5 bedroom 'home· with large ~ lncl....,, all · • , araLOW.LOW,$28;450. , llvlngroom,rlchlr,J18J!'1Mfentllyroomwltb " .,.._,,,.k.,a.DN 1607 Santl1t~-, . !~IJ.Swi 1-51 OllAHGE COUNTY'S WE' Sl!LL A HOMI! ·bricJ[ flroplace: v ew~iri Bil room," Sltf:llOO, • ~~ ~~~~ ·MESA Vl!RDE •..., Tb~, ls a must! Custom LARGEST • EVERY JI.MINUTES ' owi Sat·& SUn. . ;, ',,: 1580 Gal4xy ~· ~ bullr by <>Wner 3 bdrm·2 ba\h, -•le dJn.. 2'1tHARIORllLVI>. W' lk & l . ._,-, " . , · ., ''C:.1>ATS !!tlft;Oomoi'din;~panelledfamDyrocim, • Stt N• I e f ee UDO 1$L~ . 1, . • ' , .. '. , a ~.h>dlil,.Juos"A!oblet brick fireplace .i. Of'EN 'YIS TILL 1:30 7682 ~ One of the moat beautiful. homes onerl!d. Oii ~ WALLACI beaiDljl ceilings.Built-Iii kltcllen wlth·broalt· ii6Ri' AJll ·a COOL ..,,_,.......,, • .l!l!tner lot, ll!•VJl.Y'Li<l9··111e, ac:rou llOnl • ~ UALT9ai ~.,., ., - : ', .. NJGirrS: 3 Bii ,Go 1 d Opeo ...._· )>r!Vate baacll: '· I;atge, bi!dn>oms, large\liv-'• ,, "146~ '~ ~o!'li R~ ' " (Sat/Sun 1-5) lfed,1·tt'o11 h9m.e mg~1 '2·flreplaca, fonnal •4lning room.'· ~ "'---1 · · · · · . 1 " W/~ 1 '811.,.... ""' .DOVER SRORl'f , jlf.autifl!l'Y <lecorated \f'Ot •i!xecullve taste: ' (..,.... ' OWNER TRANSFERRllD-Best buy avail· ..,._ ""'""""''" .....,, 1llR.5.U.THS. -5? .... c:.: : .... :, : ..... ,:'.' .......... $1.15;000! ~ II 1a,bl•,2Jll'YC:~.~t Prlcellas been reduced be-q. .w.,m nod. UtY NEW UTORY Clll lor app'I:' ' .. · ,. . . . uriur o'_llftlTAl uw w•f·1'ii ·~ gl'8cloQJ' ,Ivan \fells ~ bdrm -$11,0GO. 53525 Dou-VIEW! $119,61111 - , , d. lllllllf.c• llUU hqxne. 'Ienific for eajertaining. Come by .i. •. .,. View..-.,_ ca!., ,.,., .. ,...., 1t11t 5'M617 FIONT R W VIEW · • ' see ll'- 1:, lllllli'. mil. 8'""2 , • · lat'Tillie'oflered -jus! iyear old, this Iv~ · $26,500 lfOJ 01..,~.~ww~"' (Sunday 1-51 q_ NI •· IDCIOGononl 1000 We.lbatrlwt! model is. desl~ed for comfort-, ,: . llA}'CRl!'$T ~OT -Prime area. Priced to 41 able livl!>g. t,750 l!<!, ft. of llvlng area. 4 ~-.. Uve In !he ltonl 3 bdnn ~ sell "'-$28,DsO. Build now or later, but buy . Coldwell, Banker OPRIS: , · -... ,., iAYADERE DR. 'IRVINE TERRACE ~view; beaulilUUylui:n. •bdrm. 4 batla liW!e. Classic archltectur.. Swim- ming pool. Leaie or lease/option. $189,500. Kathryn Raulston IRIGHTON RD. CAMEO SHORES Cwtilm ~J,f;ed end, built home for coup)~ llvlnc-planted patio, extra large lllllr. nlle, guest qtrs., paneled den, w /< ~\";~~~ rin: .3 e&r ~of:: Kltluyn RaulslDn 9UIET DISTINCnYE CHARM Large airy nns., opening to )WJb cardens.. Hnge lam. rm. W'/wet bar,, BB9,_re!rii1 gourmet kitchen. Form. am. rm,, ban~ ...-wood & paneling lbruout. Walk. to finel>each. ........ ; ............... fll1,1il0 . Mrs. Harvey SUP Ir PIER $79 ,500 Custom built 2 units, waterfront. Cbarmlnf '3 bedmom, 2 baths, gourmet kitchen, Ilil'ge patio -plus I bedroom apt. & sundeck. Mike offer. . I M1r1 Lou Marjon. " LOW PRICED WA'l'ERRtONT J>rjvate sllp !or large boa~-nice s a n d y beach; •plendid 3 Br. 2 Ba. home with 28 ft. UV. rm., huge slate patio, 3 car garage. OwMr will fiDIDce ................. $75,0oo. Walter Haase 7 CAMEO SHORES OPEN SAT. 1-5; SUN. 2-6 4512 Roxbury. 4 BR's & den w/wet bar. 5 baths. PaUo "pool. Some view, .. ~.500. Carel Tatum l OPEN SAT. 1·5 .. HAUOR VIEW HILLS 1038 SandcasUe, Popular split-level 4 BR. model. Fam. room w /wet bar. View ' of ocean & bills. Home In beauutul colllllUon; ............. ., ............ :: .. '.$57 950. · Cathcyn Tennille ' ' OPEN SAT. Ir SUN. 1·5 HARIOR VIEW · HILLS 894 SandcasUe Dr. Lge, 3 Br, 2\.2 Ba. Sep. , fam. rm. Gourmet kit 2 Flreplaces. P.rof. decorated. Wsbr/dryer. self-clean ovens ;· ,1p. patio, gu BBQ pit, formal dln. Only .............. •'• ... ' .......... ' .• '57,950. Chuck Place · WSK OPEN 'HOUSE 'SUN. Harbor View Hills. 3 BR, 2 Ba.; tam. rm., din. rm., fireplace. Prof, Iandscoped. Must ,COOJll by to see this new home. 3430 Sea- breez1, Sun. 1-1. , ................ $51,500 . Joe tlarl:;son . , "CAMEO' lflGffLANDS - J'lrsHtme offered in 7 yrs. -orl( . .owner • I BR. 2 Ba., kit.lam. room. Room for pOC!l ' •ai61l. ''SPARKLING"• •......•• _...,_ AfF'lnk •. . . .. 7 ' . . . OPEN SUN. 12·5 :121 Harbor lsljllld Rd. Out,.~,,opld­ .,.. 2 bedroom, convertible den, 2 ~ places, 21' batlll. Hi Be8Dll. Jmmtlcul~ Jn4 SIOry can be added !or view: ' .11.,,-Loa Marlon C~)VILL:. IANKER Ir CO. , 511 NllWl'OltT C!.NTER DR., • 1111Wl'ORT ,91ACH ... • A' , rooms, larfe ~aml!Y rooln'.wlth wet bar, It -~ ""°r 1!"11• ·A tel 1 at loday's.prices.1319,Ai>Uqua , sparl<leJ. w!llJ.~tefuUy selecled, upenlive bdim.'""!'1""' J>Ut ot<YOur . , . • , , , , , I carpets dra~, & w~M "E!aboratelv .... ...,, Call for appoint-Offl"" °""" Saturd•y• a Sundoys &Mount$1.. buyinDoverSbo.res. PAie~ 7 ~!'AN]) ·,. PETE' .BARRITT ,REALTY l@lld$ca~ ,~ Vlew' pf' !!&ck _ Bi" mont'w • , .. Y""' DOWN, , j . . · . ed right at ; ".' .. : ..... : .. : ........... m;ooo.. · " · Newport , . 1605 WM!dlff Dr~ N.11. Call for app t . : . .. ,.. t,.. 6.42-5200 IA YFR,ONT · ·v1c1or1a , . Large, formal 3.bedroom borne with paneled , : , den, dining room & your own wine cellar. , 646-1111 a..n.. ;~1 .,. -------------------- Decorated in exquisite taste. Owner. n!llJt .,..,. sell NOW! Reduced $1$,000. ·offered at . '(onytimaJ 1000 9!-"' o.;.n-<; ~ill ~its icier ·$39.~, d~_;.~:, . ;139,500. • . . OPEN ·DAILY . ; NEWCOMERS . Open Sit, I\ SWJ.. 301 Evening Siar Lan.e. For the Executive moY1ng ~BIG DADDY ·co-e: hit Arla ' ~OLD -COAST ' . . 21t 'Pri1iCe"1; CM ~~=-w~~ over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury living with a pan~1 · 3 B1\ f ."-.. ~~ ~.. tio. us maximum modern ·C9D- oramic vibw. 4'Bedroori!J, ~uie:liylng r<iom, . OAVIDlOt; R:.,"Jty """""""' -qualib' Nur ~ Ctllttim bullt home: on owr tn acrtl of iteeWd- ~ UW.. "A ranch 1n t1oe heart ot _the cJIY." Call for qpointmtnt breakfast area. Panel'ed family rQOm with . -. -. • • l'allbmm-fireplace.· Like new. Priced • ., .': ... JUli,OQO. 546-5460 Evt1, 549-111!1 le View ot the Back Bay. Open Sat & Sun. · '1320 GaJaxy Dr. $23,f!O, ~..:..:. ~..J.-~ ..,! •1.0. hft m· a';·~·,, .-ab f.l.E~A .Vl;ltD~I <1airableDoverSborei.,.a. $75,000 Newport lifU\er JiucJ . bed~ 2 Larae family roon\a wlttl ~fll .. tiatba. Quiet rW-wet bar, All el«tric ldtcb- . lli!AL TY COMl!ANY a.ntial ,.,..,_,Bu!ll-ln&. , ..., !'Ith-· With or ""lit 9bl Dover Dr~ Suite 120 · 540--1'720 out pool. • it 642-IUS· TARBELL 2955 tt•rloor Roy J. Ward Co. · ·~ · .(Baycrest OUice) Vict.rla 646-1111 l""lfinll!. ------7 ------•I· '· 1000 14.10 Gal.;., .... USO , ,, · J~ ~•r•I · .. fooo ;::;:::;;::====:.!. . -.• MAKE.ilmR . Prolldly 'i:. up,., lciy 7 FOREST E. We Pment" . ' ,, ~elusive . , ,,.. lovoly M.,. :Vmle lleautilul -· ~· ~i!. J..uve' l ,btd.hXXll '~ta. eJe,int ~ a:Qd phl9 family room ipnUa 'rtcb :aqulsil4!" df«ntilw ,aree_ts. wood pmoll ... •anr! 'raised """ u ..... Walk In. THREE hearth fireplace. 1 Yummy LARGE BEr;RooM&"nvo alllbm deep plle carPttini PULLllAN TtLEb &\'MIS. thml&-h out. Custqmized a,,q • Bright ~ ,kltcfien wtt,h di!'c:Drated 'la exqillllte tute. ballt-W incltlidine .disbaws~ If .YOU are conp!etjpc ~ er and 18'Aoe-a~ witb pan. chasing a new bomt, .ee !.'f· F81nily toom with alkl- COSTA MESA on UUa ~ a Bii 2 , DIRTY . . 'O L1S ON ' inc. Reatiors Costa Mose ~~.,,..._'nu· 111· How about• la!'&'-., the ~'-*'udin& Ono ,, baths. d.tc. built ins, ckJu. doOr.OPe'~. ew.t...almoua. lilt" garage, large cul-<1~ It ret.d':f to moYe. 1Wng l9t forced air-bee.Ung, 6% Pl.950. , lntet'eit .on an assumo.ble 140 Lexington, CM loan, paint it, fix it, love it. l,MONTICELLO) ' thil f!nl 7 •• 131 ,,,,,, .. ataa "°'"' to Wle pa; ' 1io a~ wkh Jush d~ Eosl Side a~ and prettitst street 1n town. t>ecoi:a•ed 3 bedroom honie, formal I dlnlftg. WW Plush pile jPERRON ,J ( ••• ·~ .,,. ORANGE COUNTY'S I LAR<;EST . ''For A \Vlse Buy" .. Coleswo!fliy & ~o. ~1r 1 ~H, ·- ChondN. fawns, ROCK WA- TERFALL ms cement NocJc wall, Double prage, eleo- tric door Ol?"!:lltt aJ'd COD- ere}e adir .. 'nlia ~"On .. ,..,. for ..... 134;!1150, u )"O'I hun'y! ! ·1 1· ,,y,,' .. •' ,,, '. ' e;arpe~ 0 ... bardwood. t ' • ,- Dt'W tile" IA. ~tchea and II!!!!, ~lt~2-:;177:'1 "iAll~yt:'!'!im:o~ balh! Gianl 1-1 over, II Dov1r a.__ looU bnmtn1e P\'den of ~· •• 2129 HARBOR IL \'.II .. 546 Mto I ~ Ol'IN EVES TILL 1:30 e-~:t""c!: :':::.'!:"~, VIEW HOME · loCat!OOf." The 'price is family room with wet. bar. 1 bdrm.a. ~ CPW.msi.. rfpt! $24,995:00. H~'s Formal dinln& room.' At-·tilt-ins, laqe covered patio. the C~! Neal' new tractive dman tor family ~ a 60xl38' VIEW lot. aoee home, Jmrt'Y! Call &Go ltv\ng I: etl'tft1:airdnc _ ·elementary .9Chool $27.100 o:m · ~-=11!~1oan :FAMtLY. HOME City Ronch-3 W.• bdrm~ hus• f&mU, u I . room, FA hea~ pl.m.b cpta/. _ • l.JQlseS!. ~-~~ block' e1ernen1.U1 Assume 6 °la Loan tchool. $26,{;Q) .. V'tts no down. Th<.'bii <jl, r..,; P'Y' jlo;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii"'a'""'•i . FULLER REALTY · ·-•* u&G.r.o mo. ACRE IN •!!!!-!!f!1~4 !!!Iii 4 muter musl\'t bed-~ ,_.,. IAra<. is tL Uvtna NEWPORT · SlmNG· '!"'fly rqooi. .Bl& .c,Wllty kJt, 1,. •cH fllL ,,,.. !'Ith d.iuZe huillrlu. ""' On llflt' cor. lot btt_ from 1:Jpper Bay, Split level 3 bdml.I, 3 ba. 17X23' fam. nn. w/vle\v. 2 dbl. 1~1 + work &hop & boat ot trailer 1'J'd. Corona del ?.far High. Olli today to see this new comfortable tamll1 home_ • Hup, hnoe iDt right In the city! Plent;y ot elbow room, and .~an . hav.e bonea tool Ccln't delay! Call •<>dot. ""· "!"'llng )ow price and tmm.. Dial 645-0303. Jol:.e o~et 1'h'!. 4 bdrm home + f&mily room A olfice. Horses OK. SpanL~h tile rool. wet bar,. view, Jnl.nY extras. .,UN SMITH, Realtor 646-3:155 .00' £. 11th. Costa Mffl. Roy J. War:d Co. fBascrert OUict) 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 ·· Fantastic Buy CHURCH • P'lltluilcb>,9001'*n. No SEE THIS lllAUTYI -On< ol :JS b••ttllfUI College Parb Sllo'P"f O"-'N0£-COUNTY'S 1n ... boma In ucl-SERVICES:· AS5UME'.SYI% •' LARGEST · Nowport BMdt cw.. Ti>'. $171 MC).l'AY$1'\.L' 546,59 Y0 2'29 HARBOR BLVO. .Newport leach 1al -m.zo., 2...,. Or P""11tlen•l1 l'lir. 2 Ba. lam nn. j,p din 546 ..... • Execlitlve Home ' -·hodroom. •• ,,..... WUI "" poulbllltl .. 1n l'tlo rm, 2 -_,. It!!, uw OPEN EYE~ TILL 1:30 For t.ba Wn!Jy of tl'l.e ·f\lture:. ftNplaot, buUt·Jns + dub 5,000 ft home on nrly, l nn.. tmma.c lndacps:. e1 own. Cb&nn!JW home a. (11.lio· houae and M!Pf:r pool. Acre, wf.sep_ .2-1ty, l)"Dl.QU-er""" a: wlmda. Mt-lb) A REAL BUY e 4 1ldrmo '14 balhl· ' ONy 10~ do. Hum"! Call IW», 11.lF pool Generom iiioaliioaiiio ......... N<wb' ftd«onllld alder. e Formal d"""' ""'" . 6464m lomu ....... A.oa V" ·-.... •-1 .tot. w ... to • ,., __ ,. brUlctal1..... H•• P1nc111n •.4'.0... . w.;ID leW ,. .er,';il;....,. wflll>le, "NiiWport '~Kh ~£°':'.=~ ~ Lato wtlh ....,...,.1c - ' •. -tdlnr uvi... nn Del11Xe Duplex .....,, '-!me "' Ealt Ciii1 Lqloa .. N•-£><ool. . :JEAN SMtnt Sand pebbl" lhmw lrom Ill"° 3 1.,.. Bll'a;' I •Bo, Iont. bcll4"" die. Jltll pdco . REALTOR tho pounding ... 1. Two ,.,.._ liYln& • dlnln& '"' 'jj~f.~':'G~""~<I0-1111 8" OI -. ~255 . ""° ,,..,......._ ._ "'°"'"' kl~. Shola! ...,i,:i•!l!ll""'~~!"!'I'!"!~ ~~L~ 400 E. ITlh. "°"' -,i::.., ':°~ lQ'iL ~~ "~1::"" $16,950 "POO " .:.... ~ . -' s11,soo· 7 1m.~-I .,,. PIA "" ~!·-s llbRM + i IA'htl catll.ln. BW rtnb, Pa.YI fOI' ~only, pleut. Jr. Eltlte ~ • TI8ta ~Sat . ._ Suo. 1-5 SHARP AS A TA<;l(I , 11'"'4 Only -C&ll pool. Rich wood ,..,. .... , 2111~ Gel•IN T-.... ! '1& -· 2 .. tho. oil _, 6M.113, • , .,.,.. Ll119t · t ....,_ --bor. • lllVlN.&-'UlllMCE • · • • , .1. N•1' lldtm w!lhlulty....... 540-mo, ' ' ~ a"""1 -· ' ·-=--~ ~In ~':!~ Jv!IEST ~ pod .lntbony P"°I In. N-TARll!LL 2'Sf!Wrbw 811. 'pool-. . . . ~-..,.....~ 0 L s () N ""' ""' -.. 0 •h TOP VAWE $115.tllO • Uo. ~ ~.950 wtth QI Joan of ··uDQ. REAL TY .INC. ... -TARIELL 7 l>i.IQI -"""'open. 11111 llaled lhla. Bii beilllr ... ' 'La chenm yer R< ,il to• <XJl., C:-B51.L • BEA<mroL • llla 3 Bdrm ' 14.,. Del Mar a..,..._ l3TT Via U<10 &73'.!l<I) WNJJ. """"· th w 11 Inc., R..J!an &="-y;ord, .... ·..... BBQ, i!Av~. 1'~ "'1ti• .. --.1..i. Many' ....... Nr ~· ......... cen... GI R~Al ...,_,,, 2 ba""-blloJn Coll •Pu!<. W.Okf,J,,/. '..w.;,.••-. .., ...... OwT:ir. v-·-. -'II • ltlicht~ fSl,950. ,, .. ,.... ........... Zletl!W\loraMI.. c.11.. p w ... ~ ,JtW < paol.JA,alS! . ; 2370 Ru.,.,., (:M, ~ ll=~=~===•q'!B!!!ll!!!l!l!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!I • • • ~ ·' READ THIS • • • • Are you in the mar· ket for a new ho~e, a home 'in a ~1 area very close to Huntington State Beach; a ' •liom1 yoa clill 'CllltiJD1lxe wblle., , It II being ball~ • home a .. 11gnec1 "" Ollls1andlllr orcbl-. tec:ts ...i'eoDJ!ructed tiy Frank~· H. Ayres & Son; a Company that has been-in business since 1905? IF YOU ARE ' • • • • Come to RAHCHO LA CUESTA.at Broo~t an4 AUan~ • iil . lilmllnl!liln Beach any day betw~ 10· A.M; 4t 7 P,M, and select yoµr home in .our,newly opened UNIT v. PRICED fROM $15,'90 to ~;200 968-2929 ~ 968-1338 .. -Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ~ "'" -~ w11h yw thla wMl<· ... M ,_ p ~ All thl kiuttON ·~ w.. .,.. 4eKriW Ir• ,, ...... detall .,, Mvwt1""9 ......,.,. In today"1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. PatroM .a..wtrwi .,.n Mu.-for .... er tt rent ere u.....,. h lltt such Inf~ tlM In thll celumn eich. PrN1J. (2 Bedroom) 148 Via Trieste (Lido Isle) NB 67M392 (Sat & Sun 1-5) '(2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 128 Harbor bland Road, NB 833-0700 : 6ffr2430 (Sun 12'5) (3 Bedroom) 600 Aldean Place (Newport Heights) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1,5) SU Snug Harbor (Cliffhaven) NB ,RWOOI): 548-4810 Eves. (FrL & Sat. J,5) ;\'.524 De Anza, Coronadel..lrlar . 1 . ... f/3-2222 , (Sat & SUn 1-5 · 717 Poppy Avenue, Corona de! Mar 675-2101 (Sat & Sun 12:30r5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 29211 Java Road (Mesa Verde) CM '"' 64Zr5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) **301 Evening Star Lane, N.B. · ·MU235 (Sat & Sun) 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 1363 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB ,84U2M (Sat &·Sun) 894 SandcasUe (Harbor View Hills) CdM • ,Jl3'H)700 : 6ffr24il0 (Sat & Sun 1,5) i4*1 Seabreeze (Harbor Vtew Hills) CdM ' 833-0700: M4r2430 (Sun 1·5) 'il47 Gleneagfe; Costa Mesa 54(),1720 (Sun J,5) (4 Bedroom) 9291 Groton Drive (Glen Mar) HB 962-11168 (Sal & Sun J,7) *!756Skylark (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *2015 Galatea Terr. (Irvine Terr) CdM tm-7300 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1414 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 673'6990 (Sat & Sun !IHI) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1906 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 54()rm1 (Sun 1-6) '1Hl Wlndw.ard Lane (Baycrest) NB 64&-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 64U235 (Sat & Sun) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8230 , . (Sat & Sun) 442 Rlve~ Drive, Newport Beach 548'29116: (213) 964--0207 (Sal & Sun 12,5) 115 Mllford ~d (Cameo Shores) CdM ll'l5-ell9ll • (Sat"' Sun 12-5) '* lll07 Sanllago (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun J,5) 1614 Warwick Lane (-WeatcllU) NB W-5200 (Sun J,5) ~2 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM ab-0700: 644r2430 (Sat 1-5, Sun 2-6) !4lll> Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 641>1550 (Daily) *3146 Yellowstone (Nr So . Coast Plaza) · CM, 548-63S2 (Sat 11-4) 1038 Sandcastle (Harbor View Hills) CdM 833-0700: M4-2430 (Sat 1-5) 2.'IU.lrvtne,(Back Bay) NB M0-1720 _ . (Daily 1-5) *111311 Commodore, (Baycrest) NB M&-0303 (Sat " Sun 1-5) 7 (5 loclroom & Family or Den! 1136 Ga!aJly Driy' (Dover Shores) NB etum 1 (Sat & Sun) I (6 leclJ00111 & Family or Den) 1423 Gelaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 548-4617 (Daily 12'5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 and l Bedroom) 606 On:h d, Corona dal Mor ~ 07$-2=l · .tSun 1..S) , .............. ... ... w ........ .. ..... • • I t • I • • T I ' l ii • • I I L • I J !! L • ' I I i , I v • " .. 3 ' t ' ' !! 0 I I ' II l h • F " w c I ~ (~ E ( ., c - w: p • r < d c H !! N< ' b l ' t ' c F 3 % r • ' ii !fOUSES l'OR SAL1 j Houses FOR SALE I HOUSES POil SALi\ HOUsEs. l'Olt ~· . Hous1s POil SALi >1ou:1s POil SALi HOUSES l'Olt SAL •• ,.,iw 0.-11 • 1000 c .. 1. -· 1100 11!~ ... ch lllO N-rt H1lthll 1211 Hunt ..... , ...... !,.~ .... !!!; '!:¢ I~ ~ ilMllt 1~ ._ .....-... He• ........ -..... j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ • J!o 1i< c11>1. ..., r111!'11t , I/I t)I: • ....., .. um ln..)'11. ';•i -iiiiiiiiiii I EXCl2'!lmW; <loo"""" a C.•• "°' -2250 i.:•e-t-._ llllD Pll$S. ' "'-filt.111>. f!fAll"l;>o.. VACMfT AND RIADYI ,.tio. Nqr, ~ Pl.lf5I -• •• ...... n•.._ -~ --w.TEa -. Oct i.t. 2 , ~ --' - • -,,.. ....... ..,.. ..... ---Tiil --'" ..,.. ••ISi;\ ...., -al 11111 """'""' --"'1• --nlrir:!J ~--• 5 BR • fllllly ,.,..... .... Ill "I I .. ... • ...... fa .... lod .... -............ 1-· l'iew bomu, nd,. to _.. ..: 2 to.I -dine ......... ~·=.: ...... --.;... .. ---• IUlllL W.UlllSt.~olW.mlO. ___ ... ,,..,,... ~ --.. -l))og)l,%t0ibalbl.~mll•-:Jloacblll'li1l !"~~ A __ Vatallt. Woo'tlut! NICE ... ---a Tll~fa<p lamll> home In c.r. t.Y1\e RWtll ==~lllllrJ::! 'Ji-.~llJ~ paymeht up to.Ill U,. .net i:nove hi.. ·-• -1 ,_~a~ -·=.111 a...,-.-. "~h CoN " ... w11b .n ll8S w. ,., ""' --·-• m 1118. VA/FHA 1.,_ ~i-'$U.M -..... """" be .... .,= .m---. . --=======1 -~~ ""' .... ~ 1:15.119'-....... llKil.ts. ._.. ',. ... the bull! .... tocludb" • SPOTLESS I ()pm "-1-1 P.M. Th . B h OaD. --()pm ........ 0.... ...... wluliL Newport .... .,,,. n1v :i~r M.m!~i :~ 3 Br. + tam. rm'\ ~ ~lb ~~ ~ = .:e~ Lars~ e ea_c hou9e &Jndt,y. 14.. .... ~1M91 J BEDltOO~ , ...... pool : ""' """"r m•rket. flu.,, . home. °"''. patio, -"""' 54M810 dlnllv ......_ Paneled don (on , ............ 1 mite-If Mo""I .OCEAN VIEW HOMf!,_ . NowparUleiP"L Aftll Soil ' llii. won't lut. O'N LY troll ,...,, UUOO, Take WESTCLtf'•I with wet blJ' 6 er.-. 9•• l"~" XIm Vet loan...,,,...,.... C-Ml Mir 2250 15. ISllO-CJU) --°'"' 5% '<' ioanf ' ·1-I,,_,_ ' .., • ..,,. •--"" •-I ~··"°· BALBOA .BAY PROP. S.~'4 ~OANI • · ...,. • ., ::-·.-:--• mL nle ww no\-·-· ,,._, · · ~i-A'"-~ Spotl<u ,.,.. """"°"' . ""' bdi, 3% balhl. o.rilu ... !Ir, 2 8a. wfw ~-~ .....,,A aM:. 3 -. tnl .. T-n.41 .,~ -'" '"''~ '" try View d bey 6-.....,. • · C... ·IO~ ...,p1 ~--· -· 1 ar 2 1l' 'l'OfV~UE bath ....... sm"' dlni'!' ta,,;.$82,I00.'4UIS1 ·Corwne <let Mir 1250 Jlulll( ....... 'leidt·l Aa ~loas ·sutimt. F/P -... --. .. ~ IAYVU UNSURPA$SED 2 f .......... ~ ~A room. 00\Wted. palio, larte -~ ~ --- -..... .-' ---or -..... ' BR. °" ~•. "' '""''"loUPrlceontyl48500 -~--~ VACANTI ~-~-..... mo, calbolic ""'"'._ ' yrs old. Eves .....,., , . U I 2 ' ..... ,.. o.•D~ .PLACE REALTY .,._ .. ,... 2300 1111. ' 11+. flf ,....., ,. pool Modem • k!ldltn. o., 1 y B & a• ch Rlty I n .....itr Pork I 17 Ocoahatde o1 Hwy. ' Bdml., ,..e; _, -. 1 HANDY MAWS a ,.....i ..,hit., o..nr l1ll'f!5I $17.~ Payta$90·pertfto. •Y • 'nc. noondttknd.Beltkle. a.a*NSION 2 2 .. .J.........._ --.. ·or~ BW Cole. Riil' -·""Dover Dr., ....... m NB . LUXURY LARGE urr. 115."" -"l*;lol! • -anlta1lll -~~ -,~. ========I 212 v~-No. 1, c M. 545-mJ CUS'IOM HOME Gene-........ Real.... .....,..,., ..... --..... jdJi. .. bHd.. Pallol, --· N-bey, -c.... ., -UJO -c~~=="""=·=-La ,__. Located in new' 9eC1:ion ~ wu detJped for the mer-w/ooean view. Nda. pt.Int. pdq ...-. ~ tit -------- AIL l BR'HIY OWNER • lie_,...,., Home • ... ,,.,. ... ~ ShoftL < ' maid in -lire .. sit etc. S1t>uld ..... P,000 yr. ~ FOR L11ei -Camoo-.., "!2-1771 Anytlmo '• IPE l=ll=lON • J, ... .:'"'.'t'T"~ ~ ... RENTALS 2 bdrm. Townhou.ae • Com- pletely l\rnlshed. ll~/rno. 2 bdrm. pool home • lease noo .. ub option available to buy " 121~. 950 Vka;a 119,!l()O GI NewDOrt leach 1111, , balh, n"'°" ...... ' BR.. den, ' .,. ..... a..ut. .,...... 1obur1J a ftldt .... Pr. 169.eoo. ~---, ..,. or lea., Bdrm'""" !izOOw~~ :-: ~ Sedixled location ln the ll'U, ~ dLnina room~ Wni-=·=-~ "'::: JGldmtdllAtbt-. ~ ~N REALTY tM-mt .... .... 2351 "FJ'Uble den. 2 Id's. I 203 SUSI.Mah S2isoo 51.4 85 x 182 lot tronta on large ly room. Hu.ce patio with a: r t • t 1u1 IU'dtDo-patlo.. It ~ Ill tlJe ~· For Slh Ir Owner NEWLY b'uisblld , BR. , ~ ~ rm. dbq Lowly hie-4 bdrm. fatnllY room, 4fn,in; room. .J..nse $?15/!116. with option to bv,y. .Ju.st tinder 2{W sq. ft. S.C&·~•o (nNJ .. Ullllllt LUGE REALTY . ISCD.W..ll~ ' -~ take over loam: PJ.UVA1:E LA~ .Jor ... awim-~~ .. ~· ..!_ ~ 1'1tm $0.D. 0 w n I •• t . that. lebl brr ha Ye -extra 3 BR.. W/beaut. OCMO v1eW 'Bl. ~ sept 1Sdt. WiMer ltll:lm I P15 per, ••. -•< mma. lWtlnr ~ tine ·-~-_ _. ·---M -., Irie -"'' • -........ '--• low GO ~ !nil ---<IJ.mtl •e548-1059e• Beautifully dtslgntd ~ '82.501 submit Tmns or .. ,_._e about tn the IUl'f or sun do"1QI ."-qn1y 133.s». Will <m)m:a. or or can.ct 21!/Mf-Jm • LEASEORSELL wit.It larie ACl'IVJTY Trade. C.&11 Ted Bolte; EXCLUSJVE . t1nulul1 ahop or fix )'OU a.ft extra aJao leue/option or kw• -ro&Leut ·Ouheo8bcnl& 190! Federal Av. 3 B stu. ROOM, 3~ baths and FQR.. S.2991.. Open Home SW. desicn. 1 ~R. ~. special diMer af'ler a bard ~ month. C.U. Karin. nJRN f BR. I BA, f40D. mot « ku., 2 Br: CQrtVt. Reot $170 or SS.000 Dn, and ?iilAL DINING ROOM. Out. dQ' U to f, l5J6 SantiqQ. Gene Robtttaon Rltr. days wwt. Btaatitul slau 5G'.of65 or 499-3960 Newly dee. Avail now, den. l Bl. _ ~ rm, IT! A ail .~,.• N-' L. .._._ ~-''-6'1l-4899 kitchen filled wltb all thr Wntr rerilal OC' yl1,)t _.. $170 P . v . now.-........ staqdi.ng!ydifferent.$61,500. ., ... Mamn su:ao..,. -. • tlme •WW appliancn li1Df 1Wo.uNIT LOI' nr, beach. . <(n 4l ~1l(ll .• dfnhW mt. prdener "9· CI lot. . WE SELL A HOME BONUS ROOM S.BR, 3 BA...,,,_..,, 1 b1k dPbwuher, double .,.. 121.000. '"'""· °"""" lttll WINTER ,..tai. -2 bit l.'l1S mo. m-mll LYTI.E REALTY EVERY 31 MINUTES In •Miilon In the 3 !all' fJom OdM main ....... eo .. 1'11 cl< ..... ) ........ ·• -2 ba 'trp!c patio. dbl ~· 4 BR. s .......... Yad¥. M3 W. 19th. CM 548-~93 w lk & L bdnna. this choice. property ~. $4TJOC! lft5..6141 ~ dlspo..J, J\onwltlc "pmm.t PANOR:AMIC Oman vMw, 3 218 Via D~ -· $275 mo. No drlldrea at PRICED for quick Sale! a er· ee oUera a HUGE bonus l'09nl "Ct 67s..3530i ev~ 6 wker&. uver tttreat"' adult apart-Bft 2.BA, top of M,yt& HllJ, LOOKING ~ 2 BR. .._ pet.a. Wm. Winton Rell I!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!~~'""!! 4 bednn SZ7.~ cul de sac. • • 1 (18x31)'). · ldt&l for U98 .as LGE. ltUltop·lol. Pmn. •itw meoL 3 bdrml. 1 1l&thl. $46.150. '97-110 .rUI" • uao. Estate. m..m:t. MESA VERDE Gold •ha& cpt. stone frplc. 2Gl3 Westcl.W Dr. rec. room or COUid euilt be ·or ocean• hpls. Prtvaey. DRperlea .throua:hout, C&JI. . ' !._~.~11 _61or !_!inter i.t? IF You will .-:t' $325 mo. )'OU LARGE FAMILY RM Beaut lnclscp. Covered 646-77ll ,Open Eyes. made 1n1o 3 addltionaJ ·bd· , . Realtt &13,.2QlO .(letlnrlnll\rinr,dlniflt, hall, L una Na--1 1707 j,_ .. t -JJlUltlfftbl53Br.2Bl.So. . $26 500 patio 5 4 6 - 1 9 fi 0 . :m nnt. Built-In kitchen. 1'il'f'-* CAMEO • SHORES * muter bedroom wUh prt. .. .. -of the hwy borne. t'l5-Mtl Loaded ~ilh 'charm 6 pt1'· Brentwood Pl, C!\I BLUFFS BEST BUY placr. 2 Baths. All Uk roof. Oceanh'oot 4 BR It De.n vate bath. Com:Pfttl1 teno C~DING hlboii f1l1nd 2355 or 6"-0997 IOJ\a].lty! Kin&: &i?:ed bed· LOVELr~Big a Bdrm hoole. 4 B!lrms .• 3 be.th&. Huie Uv. ~~~.old Re~: 115 Milford· Rd. m-6996 =~.~,~~:· ~~ia:: Coutl1M.cat1llna WSntrr, ~t' BR, -l~Bdlm.--, ~°""--.~Blvd:,-·-.-.. -... -· ~ 2 baths. Fireplace. Prime location. ?i.1!lllY ex· rm. Very livable townhouae tlcally priced, at $34.SOO. nA,;:,,~. 0 .. ,~.•IO;(K -··-.....__.. View .• kit in lA&µnl; Btac!l. 2 Jl6, crpta, frp&c. $30) home. Leue, yearly. Formal dining room. Built. tras. Priced at $28,500 for style, poo~. Colt lo CdM · ETIIT R I Lido Isle 1151 ...,.. ...,.. "'Y.,.,..,., .......... ~ Ind tll. &7M4T5 in kitchen. handiOme eerv-quick i;a.le. ~r. 2372 Hi&h. Vacant. Way Wider 808 P , •• tor dosi"ll con to all! ·(11f) $6,950, Small bqt · la•• l ~ ·u Don Fn.nkllil, IUtr ing bar. 540-1120 Rutgcn, ~9993 market at $39.CQI. Any re&• s.n.-0101 1168-l917.2190Vacationl.ant. $1.(Q) Down. i.l,. at $10 Wim'BR: ~ 4 Br. 2 l'll-=zt bl ff W •---·•• I ---1 HW.? BAYFRONT HOMES Hun"~-· Bu.ch. Bkr. """""' ..._lllT bO, -· hland Rlty. 498 2 BR. dbl ---•· -~. TARBELL 2955 Harbor 3 BR home + den on comer sons e 0 er w ""'....,.....,. I ,.,. rr ce T' ............ PIU\Ave. ~um OK tr ~~-.::..:!.,~*-MX. &cb oa alley. 5"% ered. We think tMt $.11,950 ii trtll Priced from $911,500 .. _ BAYFRONT APT. FHA 1,... Only 126.oso. 2288 EASnLUFF ..-.,..,..s mu1<et for• See"' tor the Lido Far Tho 111 f..,.11y D1n1 Point 1730 $2511..,. ' Vista Del Lido. Ple1· I:. dip 1'1-r. s.'8-6252 RJtr REAL"" .,....,...-· old,, ' BR. What do w""1 .... k '0R"'l 1t )'our,7~ .. Queen Sise bedrooms. ·Two II.'...... a.-... 1 c I .. L .. UNI IMch 2705 SPACIOUS New 4 Br. -new ·-"-" E~-•A•-' -~~ ,, 1 • er ty. ~&-wry luxurious baths -..-.......... tan, ...__ •-" ~ ~ .... til;ll a,,.......,.e, ""'~ i•J'B&'.~. "i9 CRE + sha 2 Br' 3336 Via· Udo. NB Open Sun. boow feanztts rte~ liv ln1&ll, 3 Br, l Ba. Ntiar NF;W· > BR. 2 BA. Dill. i--....,,""', ..,.....,_ ~ ...,.~ ~ $28.SM Sl6~ Best buy i area. can us for other Blu.!h e Red Hiii Realty 1,_ room with romantk Harbor. $4,lSO dn. JUD'nio. &. Wall to Wall c:r»t. bit-in month. A&etd: m.:2211 ' George Williamson HOrws _ tcnns. 642-5851 2exc.luvslve llatlng1 n.!:_ ~ Culver Dr .• Irvine ..;~-•--. FO""•' DIN· 34032 ,.,____ Lantern . BBQ. $350. * a499S 2 BR llomt, $235 mo, no REALTOR 414 il:ta De vrv OPEN 9 AM-8 PM &33-0820 Elegant layfront ,.....,_""' no•uu.. ....... _... n.-:__t 1 ,,-. Gr.43.ln Eveit 673-1.564 bk:r. NE\VPC>RT_B)::AOI ' Everyone love11 a new-home. ING R00~1. Separa~ ltep 5""""" It Ii 2flO petia. ..,._ ~n1;1 pr. l'U.IOJ , .................. iiiiiiiiiiiii 2 BEDROO~t. Large cornef 644-1133 644-2'26 Ent. lack Bay 1240 5 Bel., 4~ ba. Plti!t, allp -dawn tamtq room Inch to Duplex• For Safe . 1975 · r ent8 ~ $15 mo. Call COLLEGE PARK lo~y3 ~.~~ ... a4~l EXCELLENT Back Bay ~;~~lo~~-· :;\::~wuU.vlld~DELUXEduplex..2Br :eaeh 2~:.:~-=-3BR.2~21Uyblwt. 3 bdnn&. 1% bath!, carpets, CONOOM. Cathedral celling * BY OWNER * location on cul-<ie-sac street. R. C, Greer, Rct.lty SI'EP UP into ttu. JOfl'OUI unit. Oo9e. lo. ocean A: .bay •. 5549U. 815-atl Frf,lle. prdmer incl. $350. drapes, fire:platt, electriC 3 Br Or.eilnfront HlmC, 3 BR. uW 3 BR, 2 BA. tam rm. bdwd 33$ V,.ia Lido 613-9300 all dectrlc kitchen, F .H.A. $40,IXXl. Owner wUl fihanoe, -.a _.._ L I Mo. 135-Sm bU-ins &: Wa!ihtr It diycr. !iv nn, 2 Ba. ' rec. rm, .sewlnc nn, Jiv nn fin. bltns, heavy shake * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. Aallumable loan hu payment& ot mi5 no p:rill1s. VWa. Part Realty "';';~apt, ;:;r,.;.;; =========I ~McC•rdle, ,Rltrs. :::Rs~~~Ra:~~. J~m ~'! ~t. oc;~ltns vie~ =-wn~~~ ~1~ t~'l 5%% ~Bys= ~r;c1a~ of:S.=. V.A. 63T-IEH br ~ BR.,2 BA. <n4> rri.m Huntington 8wh 3400 l8lO Nowporl 81,d., C.M. rm POOL. $28,500. 3146 s"""'do """' ""'' ttuu-$16S ..,,, sll. $26,500. By ' · .WE SELL A HOME AportnMnll . RENTALS ' AVAILABLE NOWI 548-T129 afl)'time Ye.llov.•ston!!. rut. 548-f.332 out. Fro11t >d ·w/pa.Uo lr:1_o=wntt==· =54S-=l=IB====· I ;Bl::::lbal=..:'::''::•:::ncl:_ __ l;;3::5::5 EVERY JI MINUTES . For Sale 19IO , .. t;4,ouies Unful'.'"ilhecl Jto 'Bmoo. Dlpp"?_ 1 !.U...:::. CABANNA. 163.lOO. 613-<llOO,. w 'lk & L -IRVINE TERRACE M.=••cc•._cdcc•I __ M._or __ 1_1_05· ..;;°'c_::.1213;.i;lio;.....,,ffi .... ;;o.u--ll;:C::orot1:.::;:•:..:de:.:l.:Me:.:::.r_;,:1250::;: OPEN HOUSE 4-7 8 er ee 2t IJNlTS • 6 lndMolioal -II 3000 Oomple"" clesnod, ,_.. • ".~"· CdM hom• '" RM 2"" I OCEAN VIEW NSYLYANIA 212 ......... Aw. -to . 1682 -. ~ ........ ~ "= OCEU•FRONT -w••'214alk .. ,e ..... r &lb. Lee pnv, ttskt. area. 3 Lge. Br. • 4 BO , ' am rm. 21Ai Bdrms. 2 Balbi. 3 Car-''PEN build new house on front + M2.4Ci& or 5fO.M10 tiGn--~ ~-n~ 8-$. 1 , BR. J BA. 3 jl ~aORBi~ htc;, ~i;;iN ~;~:n.~;s. ~~~ E~~ ages. Balcony paUo. !Otchen DUTCH'' ·:! B~ ~ ()pen l'ftl. • at T mm tit $28.\tm. Low fftplacu. den, blt-i m. ' REALTORS 675-1002 54:'...s:m. ~~~r:·:oom:~14:=~ Channing 2 story farm LIVE Wl'MN YOUR~ Pete B&rfttt R4lty :m~Jo yr.m!~as; ~:n~I) 3006 E Coat Hwy .. Q:IM * BY OWNE.R -4 Bdrm. 1 % mmc work. Owner will make home. with ~ring. ift.. Huntington IN ch 1400 MEANS. A $15.500 m«i&qf ro·& 1T1h S't..., CM SC-ass ta. $375 mo. t2l3) 59'l-l14l • Open eves. i $20 9 BA. w/w crpt --no 1 · $32UlJ d-...... -1--~-----maatnl an ttlls 123.000 LUXURY Apt, 2 car pra. ,;"'~~-,--'-,-'--~I=-~~='--...;;;, ___ , I 50 Ne\\•ly painted. 5'1~57U Gr:h.': aitf.64.2414 1locn lo modern built·in kit· BY THE SEA home at l!l"lll Newland. pool. rl&ht·oo water. ~000. P,75. 1 Br. fmod yd. w/w, 3 Br. 2 Ba, den, frpl, W/W i 3 b•droon,., 2 b&lh• • ""' --Neu N~ Post Otfi<e chen. PriW<7 "' ,.. land. LOLO DOWN 0....... ukln& l5lllO eqty. ., G52 ar :llS: t<T"'544 drpL Cbllm.n Ok.. -<rPb. ........, porch. pool, boroey l"Hidence. Fireplace, Meu Verd. 1110 ~~....... Saudi: of tbe Ht-way. S bed-Withdraw IOIDe of )'OW' We RENTALS 534-691> refa, no pets. $350 mo. i.. I all electric bu:llt-in kitdltn. BAY AVE. DUPLEX room. 2 bath. + tarre flm. AND uswne GI loan $2D -~ or inheritance 6 pso. 2 Br, fmcd .yd. P'atio. l:-..,_=,,..,-------I Pool. 5 BIG ONES 2 Molern unllA In belt ua. llrt ....,.. month pays ............ 3 """"' tnuaM. -Ibis 3 Br ......... l'uml....., w/w, ,..... QOdmo O.JL 3 BR. ..,,.. ...,..... ...,,., -.1 142i6691 TARBELL Easily ,.nttd, adequate-... * $47 500 * bdnnl. 2 batluo with prden stu<:co "'lb bit. In kl~ I'll l -Blor 534.-lollnL aw-6 pets Lookitlg for a treme~ s.· tum. Terms; $58,000. 1 ldtcben. custom d rape a, Ba. trplc, brdwd ftocn, Genera ~ wtlccme. 146-4130 • ' 5\i.% -1115 mo. bedroom :J.balh ...... """'' BURR WHITE 673-8550 besulllul .,.,,,. ... ·-Fe .... a ............. If. 1140. 2 Br dupl<x. Gar,.,.., Walk to bcb. l Br, 2 Ba. to mave in condition. Thia . noon Ii. •h&U .roof. Adult conaete patJo,, anuiaal BACK Bu view. Pool. dr1il. anil now. Broi:er L.Muft• leach, '705 'I channel home. All xtru. is it! Separate walnut panel. REAL~.!! OC'CtlPied onQt. Hurry on tb1ll privacy 4 ~ Enjoy COYtftCI patio. 4 Br. den, =-="==,..,.-...,,..,,.,..., = _ '27.90:>. 2'lm Capistrano Ln, td lamily room, formal din-2901 Newport Blvu .. N.B. rare find of a home. tM rat al your We at Hun-fonnal dtnlnc. 2 fl'p1cL EXECUTIVE holl'9 5 Br, 3 "TIL Jane lat to trijlObllble : H.B. 540-9545, 963-4132 Ing room. Also eating area 675-4630 &G.2253 Ewa. MUTUAL REAL TY ttniton Bdt call owna or Broker M5-01ll B.A. apt&, drpl. elec bllN adults 1 BR. panel Uv nil 1 (~ ACRE_ PC>OLI 3 Br. 2 in kitchen. Cu!:tom dra.Pl!:ll • OPEN 1-lOUSE SAT & SUN B42-141B anytime Wit oPen home from U R t II te SM" 200$ J'eMed.. $350. 5fM740 w/!l'plc. arp din rm , .·I Ba. horses or units, $43,COJ. luxtu:i0\11 golds~ carpet& 442 Rlff?'ltde Odft, N.B. 810 BAY V:IEW $26,500 pm feldQ', 983-Ttm en a re crpt/d:rps, Jl.75 incl atU Owrler 6.11-7636 Tropical J.a.nd5ca.p1ng, front Sell or Ira~~. prntige ero.dmoor . plit level homt Celt• M.s. 3100 613-4982 •1 courtyard with prtvat<i pa-ciatom home, 4 BR. Iarp 1 ~ &ar ~e. oor lot wi Glen Mar By Owner BY-OWNER SHARE 5 Jill '*-• J bl. a · ! Uo. Larie famll,y fun back· rumpus room, 4 level, fncd rm. 1dr "poot Take oftr 4 BR, 2 BA. bltnl, dil.hwash-S ~ .t fami1y room + Cid' pr w Im• t •re • 5, Bedroom, 2 baths tn es:· 1 BR. partly furn. fireplace, yard, Spotless. aod beautl:fttl yard. 2 1rplcf,; bll-lm, 6% ~ loan. $69,500. Open er, trplc. new paint inside • formal diJll.nC room & 2 ~ ma I e • CM. ctllt:rit nirth c.M.. location_ ocean view. $135. 1 D c • home. There 1 onJy one! ovetlized pr oU alley, pool House Sat/SUn W. U10 stir· ont, 600 aq. ft patio. Jot. ol baths on ftnt floor· .6 bas • ~-5tM&23: uk ~· Built-ins. Diabwuber, ea-utllltln. 494-1355. 1100 53/. 01 Loan $48,$0. 'aii.ed lot. Call ~-or board Way. • . cement I: rahed planttts, ft.nilh..tt.)'DUZ'ltlf bdma room BUer .. ( doRd patio $215 ..... Kida ·14 /0 213, 96<-<WI. EXECUTIVE HOME ............ pr ............. (1h30) + phuabed for 3ril WO!IKING pl wauJd lib '" o:it. , . ~"'!!' Unfum; n75 with payment1 of $20'1/mo $27 500 New Broadmoor 4Br. 6 Fam. loaded w/ cablrittl. Walk lo M.tb In .ec:oncl st«y, WaD-alm'e' COftl1i1 W/NrM-'RdJ Um REAL ESTATER.S 2 Br bltlll chlldttn tine no pays all available to bu.Y· 1 roonr tutefully decotated elemenW')r, 1 mile '° H.S. to.wall carpetl .6 cthtt tree In IrtbW: req'd. 133-2521 5*4nl 64S-n11 peb, fe~ )'d. $1615 mo.' $50 er of this larie .. BR family 5464313 • 646•7171 N"'J)Ort ~ch Duplex. Uft. I: ~ CaD far aw't. ~ r::i ~~ than mile = ~.: wbndL .. ' AVAIL Stpt 3. 3 Br. ' Bl. ,;de;:p.;;,:50',;;..;$13;;,.:.-----1 ~~ ~ ~.t QUIET cul-de-sc. 3 BR, 2 ~ b.rt totrut.i.,= ~~~ FHA Appralui $27,a divilion. Call N&&15l at ~,, ~ ~Mto ~ Crpta.pool. Poolctrps. ~~~· RENTALS deb= lllM:I • ~-·~·~ • ff2·1151 '""'64Ullll>I. · .-··-Apts. Fuml....., ...,,,& Room lor BA, custom cpil A...... eROPERTIES WEST ··~-N • .. ~ EXECUTIVE 67S.,29tJ.1 £.<Ide loc. 12a1. mo. 18'. tamP'r•boaL BY OWNER. 5<>9tll6 r OPEN SAT/SUN. 1 S VACANT .,.._"'"""I 6 5 E9a 0.-.1 4000 HERITAGE ~1151 ======== j 67s.1130 675-1642 524 De Ami • 3 bdrmo 2 balba, luye """" Newport Bloch 2200 until~ lJ t.-ll71 NO·OOWN TO VETERANS. Newport S.•ch 1200 EASJ'BLUFF By Owntt. Beaut. 3 Br home 1'/pool. mJrn with uRd brick fire. .., Ill tt custom •·bdntl 2~ . $130 1 BR Jxiue Garqe $100. Bach. Apt. W/w, walU Lew option, 5 BR, S bath, You own the. land! place, bl& kitchen. dectrlc bathl, lt)acis d. at:r:U: IJowb. I .MO · Jeue, POO mo. N~IJ deccnled.: Prlvaey: -pa paid. Avall now. 8kr Sparkling 3 BR 2 bath home LIKE To live on a small ln quiet f'Nidl'!ntial area. Wand ? For sale by owner Love1,y tree shaded palio, dlll'! to divorce. Channing n1eely landscaped ir1 traffic old hse, on Newport Isl. 1 ~ street Priced for im· rooma, 2 bath.'!, has been lfllodiate sale at $23,750. oompletl'!ly rem ode I e d CALL ~~ South Coast modem kit. w/blln!. Lota Ru.I Estate. of sto~. Used brick frplc C.OLLEGE PARK'S &. dining room wa ll . Bathrooms ncW wfsunken SHARPE~T; tub. Ltg. 1undeck w/view. ASSUME 5 v. r.. Newly painted 0 u I Ii de. $171 PAYS AL~ Acroq sl from Bay on 3 8't: 2 BA. fam rm, din~· ~12 11ides &. 3 blkl. from ocean. 2 trplC11, full,y l'!QPd, kit, ~lil · $42,SOO buys this 4 Br b:lme. nrt. lmmac lndscp 1:. Vtcw 4008 Marcus, NB ST>-0363 OT Ma & wknds. By owner. 494-M31. 549-1!1211 I=~~-,---~~ , .. _ ... ,....,.,....,..,. jlFOR Salt by owner 3 Br, 2 OPEN • 19-10J\Vh1u1er Ba. 2 patio&. comer ~. tS'lJ .000 .,,. '548.6965 Baysho~s. 64&--0800 or '46-S619 3 car garage. f&mib' nn, 2 OPEN SUN. 1.5 built·lns. ranp/Oftn, d1lh-town•H.B. Completely turn. 2 BJ\. 2 many tne.. Su.It.able 1·2 SM-6980 !rplcs, crpt>. drpo, "'utten. · '°' ORCHID ...-. pknty ol ""'-It. 'D. Sli111 !tool'°" 8"i.., ~Hu:. :!= -i.. P.t OK. 2'1t .,....,, BA=a.=.,...=='1J"RS~~o..~1-bdnm.~~' -I Nr tf:hla. shpg • cburcbts. N duplex 3 BR. 3 ba. 2 FA beat double p.rqe, car. 536-88'.>L 1 147-3519 pa , • CM :Opu l'ri-Sat..Sun. $100 to $145.. Costa M'na. 2131 ka.Jla St. $$0 mo. N 2 ha. n:....a.. In! .pets, ~down. bid pool. <D¥tnd ~~ Dua ~es or cpb. Bkt 66-Qlll 644-0T11I Be. _, In move • . fdunteln Venoy 1410 Adulll. "'pets. Sea SUn, lw . > BD~ I l!albl .DUPLEX DON V. FRANKLIN ·--Vlllqe, 300 r:. . .,,,.,,_, patio Cllta -4100 RDLTOR \Fl WILL FINANCE AT T%! By Cout ~">'· · Ltue• flJ5 Month MS-UM Sele or leue, lmmac. lum, e <i3'.2222 • . -....,..., Lowlr 3 BR. Ii. PENINSULA POINT 3 BR home, nice ...., Ion> $30,00 wlc. -.· ' near beach, .f Br, den, 2 Ba, e OPEN HOUSE e --ft S BR. 2 Ba. llJ _, .. ..,.. Mo -r. 2 "1>I>. each .. , .. ,.... unit Yfldower Must sen -from ......... shop-.......,..,.. ·~ -. -· . • Day ...... -lb. leased at SJ5S mo. $10,000 717 POPPY AVE. Plrw, pll'\: w/roM: coune. w/flJP. tamDy rm .. fenced · M 96M362 •Studio 6 Ba. ApCa. ..., ...... r 6'""911. s.1. a·s..r1. 12:JO.S *1m<EI> OCCUP• ,..,. 1ard-s .... "' ........ • 1nc:1 m11s a Phoao MODEL HO~E-EX· 01d Work!: Cllarm. l BR. 2 4 BR 3 bath tri-Jevel with wm .t&ke beach J1l'OPU'b' Jor >.wil Sept_ 15th. $315 .Mo. "'9ia VWft 3110 eMald Sttvb. TV a=· •-Unlq ....,, .......i...i..... ..... fonnal 4lnb!c room, lePH-....__ ........ _ Hal PiDcbill a Alaoc. C'J$.C392 •New ,.._._ .... "'-CLUSIVE AREA. 3 Bdnn, ._. ue -w ..............-..,. af,> famib' ro0m with fir&-.., .. ., • ......,, .._.. · LRG 4 BR., 3 BA tri-tewl, -..-• IMI&' form.al din rm, den; aur-in Coror-. Del Mar. J:nuned. place Only 5 montba )'OW'll WINTER. 3 BR. 1 BA pandld tam rm.. frml din tnl Newport Blvd. 5&11!& round In&: po o I Ii. l.a~ OCClJ1)allt'y. awrOx. 2400 *I ft. A~ S•nt• Anai 1620 duplex, '°"'•· beach front, rm., 2 .trp1ca, front A: nu 1 BR apt. newriy pe..hlted A: patio. * m-C920 SEMPLE Cl lOlln -Eve~. 536-ru.3 BY· Ownefo...SW 51.nta Aa&. pftft1 fafni4', mo ~ patio w/ cu ftreplt. GI lerptd. Ala bAcbek1r apt& SALE o.. .. .,., 2 BR. 2 BA. REAL ESTATE The RHI Estate Mort Immac. l BR, 2 BA. ..,. ~trot NB. $22S. ' P'1"mo IJld -· 64>-13M •I-""°"'° A kl• Lux. amdom, PJ>oi, pullln& 2!115 E. o.e.t Hwy. 615-210! 147-ISJI carpe11, dips. lr)lc. bU< Inc. ~ cheas. Older peaple ...... gm. AU mall. pd. l26S """ Lusk 'View Home IMMED. POSSESSION •nd. ,.t1o. FlnPbed pr. "' ~ ':.:, !.:: ::!: Newport a..ch 3200 S11ll: J'.: "'°' nss Ddea. or $.1llXI dn. 54M179 Open HOUie Sat·SU'n l·T Owner oUeB Townhouse con-IChoola. ~c. ~1435 Sept.J Jim Gl1 ' "1•' Apt • --;r-1 dom. J Br, compl kitchen, :r~ ~~mo.Sat A • 1 BR $12> util turn. Open aft l·C-•-.\!r-Moso _____ 11_oo_C_oa_11_Mase ____ 1_l_OO_C_ost_1_Me_s_a ___ 1_100_1Elepntwr~ 2 ball>. -r . ...,..., erPll a dtpo. L~ leech 1705 SUn (2l3) m.crr TOWNHOUSE i.&ol A SUn. I man t family roam. Thia home'• ~ 2 ~ SUJiJ";:; OCEANrnoNT land in Souttl . LINDA ISLE MUit, onf7. J BB. ni a.. ~>~ ~ MS:,:.d_:; btautuul landaeapbw 6 dee-u;u:" SU: e>ne Atlanta Lacuna trom Cout Hwy., to Ant.. foe.'-.. ~t. u: 1 Beaut. decorated. $215 moa~ !Ave, =~rtul c:or:~ ... ~ta tm.! h ~ to surtwood, HttntirCton Bch. ~ ~ ~ ·= Br. 2 1la. '+ lltp. tor IO' JGY &. lecd I 'IUS""""'u~P~,-.._---,~BR.~t Catalina and the mountains. 596-0185 The }il:i&per1) overkiokl • boat. Boyd JtU;:r. '1$$30 . 1£Hlty, Inc. . pool. util pekl. Cudm !No: QwMr. m1392 MANY FEATURES ,...,. beach. IUl'I, -WATEllF1!0NT 3 Bdrm 2 Ila 901 Dover Dr., NB 8'111< UI inc M<lll, .., pell. Ja>o READY P-1Ut to beach, •allc to new polntalaprlctlal .Yie•OI. Den. 2_trplcl dlb'lhlbr'dilp 145-ZXD Eves. 54So69fi6 =W~•="~-~-~~-~ ' ' ' Jr A HI .:llool~ 2 pool1, 2 the ocean A La Cans _,dryr ftocd ifd. 35!3 FURN 1Arae bach .... equ1, To Move In tmnJ• courts. BeauL dfeor.. couUlne. All tor.'1,39,WJ a: Finle7 • oall f:ZU) ~ LOVELY, 3 bedroom home to 1 BR. Util p1 $135. Nr COR~~EDG~tJ~R a,tl'!d 4 BR Condo. Auume lncl~esaJarseoldrrhol.me~YSHORES-'4.Bclnn,3bra, at 'JHE 8LUJT$. Prlme new turnlt.urL 541-1118 """" 5(1* FHA. ~,5150. 2J.2l8 that la quite ltvable. cw reno sept. -jJune ~. Pttvate :~ont '\IWfv. Su:neet W. Smith · r 2 Bdrms. • $35,900 \liTave<:rHt Qr., H. 8. 962-!Able. TM land uJtimately community wltbl1lilach. ~ wtlh Uabt 6 color. 1 BR Qt. fQm. Adldtl on17 Get»~~~~._ 4 -5291, ahould be 1Jllled tar PllP w . •ua Alt. · eao·'""""' 'no ptta. I.Aw'. -~ .. ,..........,... denafty apts. or eo& &AYFRC>trr 6 dock S Br, 3 ~ l'llet, s;ai.m Herbar VllW Hille POOLS7 domlnlwn1, but .........trllot, •Ba den. 1Auef<\Pll!>I! 151JO. TOWNHPUSE; a Br. si; Ba. or-5'311, IG<m5 Expan•lve view ol ,,..._ TAKE YOtiJl 'CllOICE OF )<OU cen-ll"'°"ln""' -~Aloi WW-. f'rfl. Palla. poal. 2 'cari.,_,,,.,~,,..;"'=~-~-t belt, nr. UIOC, pooll. LoV!:"1 THESE '""o. Both In thl invntmrnt .. l t ap. W.A'l'l."'D5"Dl\N'r' • BR. • IV.; all bib&, C: pt •• ' "EAS'I' Side: J Bil ftlm,. c:leUi 4 Br., tam. I: din. rm.a. Wet Prestlg~ tract. Both 2 stor. pndatn. as.n. Mutt all ··~·-··5 ..... di'ala I.Aue $2'T5 Month adultl anlJ.i • peta. J84 E. bar. Like new cpts. A: dr1.P. >es. I bu ' 6 tbt otbtr hu ray SUn. Stpt. lW.. Plieue ~ 1111 • 4 ._, -. l7WIU. or '°"'* lltt Placa. $115. No. ISOYUL .,f63.l<IO.Mw.ono~ sBlto.Ruldlotlps,RJtr. call.......,. for aw'L a WA~ wllb 31 • •N-Palms • . O.Lancy R11I Ell1I• • .,.-............ -NEWLY Flnlohed , BR -s Br Ill Ba. """' 1 • ' BR. Pool I' I I = E, Coul """· 61"...rnG VACANT/c.ol ..... IN EllEIW.D BAY ~ -· -...... ~ llOI -J'llJ. "' E. -SL -°""' -61ily hi Submit T ...... (Low Int. AHtlno~~-"~~ ,. It. -~ -~ ~ . 2 BR. HEATED POCI.~ ll<tt ~ ............ Ln. Ve17 ... hOma "'lb 4 bdml, 11 --~ •-~ w Ne rt .._._ 2210 i£iiii;:-OPTiOi 3 BR 21' Adults, '"' -II&. + -ICONHE'S i 9"1~ D1N11n111111RHOurr ,..,qy...,.ai;1>ou.s ano1.-...i..--... wper..... ba.dinaw..AJao•a..s ..,_ ~--'~i=ir-r--tr-i 0 Comoiol• ._ _.., ..-llllUllll.UU lllW tt-/V,.;.nt/l.ew i>... :':Z'°' 'bollw. ~ ~ f 1111, -..-.. -11a • .... -., -•• la i;-;BR,iiR:'!2;-;BA.iT.NNr.-.Oi;;;;iii4i11ii;;;;i;;;t I I I. I I' < -~ ...... ~·.'."."'t.~ "'R!:DOOED w ,,_ -·-......--~·~ --.... --~ D-~--Calll{oy<Noal -HAFl'DAL ltlALTY -.... -.... .,._-· ..... 'Id. MHru . I ............ ---' OoMld M. Bltd ":·-'-'!. 1140 'Warntt, r.v~ lf2-4di lo&n. V&caint. .. &n)'ttftwt' np&c. sm. 145-1.., BAl'IllLU1'P'1 I bdrm. s ....... bdn 4. ' 19 "'l:lfs~U:::sumu IN r r r r r I MT-100 . *"'·"'. 0.-r * . JAMES LOMAS --.. • , 2225 -.... rm. s cot .... EASTSlllE 0.1-1 Ba; --2 -Naw llreodm-Homo 3 lldnn. 1~ a.. lt/O. .,,,.., m No. Oooll Hwj-. -Ganla-..s. ,_.. ~ W/W. 11• No ,... mien t) UN1SC0 RAMllG!T iANe •,W!~E ienw_ I I I I I I ~nett llndscaplnc 6 .. tilt, wt-ctPC.. dbl av. tncd. 494-loOr WINTER Jtental. attndtYt. -.; """°"' S125. MWllf ~ ' ..• __ . de.,..,1Br.llla.do4 832211fUNt..Dr.'*-23<JI COZY, modem, 2 BR ,Newlyd«onlod,llllthomlDiillxileo.a..2BR.>~BR--.-Jiid: .. ·M·LETS ANSWE"" IN C' .......... CATION 1600 din rm. ,Lovel;f view~ hlUe. THE QUICICER y(j{j CALI, $20,!00. !JO ee.,... ~ ---...... """ ..... S21!11-I l!fti I BA. atlL Ma---""' ow ,.,.._ rt .... appoint. -THE QUTO<E!I YOU~ !lrlw. %1.1: -· .......... ....1111 ""'·--nd. -lll•'. ~-~--~--------------------·•---'-'~-.,~~ ..... ~~-·----------- • Solo• a Sim pl• S<rmnbl•d Word:Pm:zle for 4 C/\llckle r .. I j IKOTIS I . I I I I' • • . .i -I • I • l ' ' I ! \ !' I (1 ' I I ( 1 I ) I • -""""· ~ n, 1M , , DAll.Y l'llOI' """'"'' 1...,.,Au. 'lllNTALS lllAL ISTAn IU!AL mAn '!!'--~--piii--.--•--1111 I Af1t. .......... Apto. """""""'· • Aioh-_._ Aioh-~ °""'"'81 -ol I: ANNOUNCIMINTS .\ ----...--!It "° ll' ll" * 1".l...i NOTICES lJ1 C...Mw ' ··~ ....... ' . 43llO c.--1100 ......... l!M<" :J200 ._ hr ...., '"' Lah i 6100 -. IMt '* ' °""""' 111,0 PENINSULA 2 BDIUI j,i,; ~ \:hi..! '(11/ ·j -Modi' im-< LOC!l M lot. Cal! -'6 ~ -·-)lifoo.a..a lllltior,SDi,tum. .... Utll. alSlllUClllr Rel>. roq'd, l••Olre NrL-w!tll•betb. ..... un11L OtmnJ41 ~Ill LON-G --~ ~ .. .._ 111H1!4 . pd. Mi1J1, ao ..U.11111114. l!Wa.i. JO om lo I JI!> -·DO-· Mtwtl. H--. $111111. im1er-~;;-: .. flllL 1''11ii ...... ..,._ C1rp01, ~Sil ooll'! JllS1 (_.._,, lS5'a 15!h st. , • . ~ u:n rtll SI. N.B. 5lMl6'f -. . Loo< ;;;'" dr'PI • bltim. Pool Mar. YEARLY l l'OClml 'by the Ul'INlllV 2 BR unA:a'n c:ottlpl. Pool. ·pm LO'f4' block itrom badL RB er CM. fDlt: . If( E. lit! !'b<mltla> eq. 11511 .., IDd util. Har~-u-ith~• our No dilldrtn « ,.... -NEWPORT """''" Prt,... eel> SL T New-Beadl. ,..._ I SUI. J'URH, 1 BR .... Utll. AdUla only, .no pets. S1S llllilll" .--16tb St. H.B. ...... ', bath, pt.-ext, atpu'9;te CaU 675-hnt . ~ ••·" ,_,.,.st, m.W> 2 6 S BR · --ol wuhorl cS,,.<. :-:-==-=--,.-=--L\DIES ...U.l Vlo °"'"' pl! • '<lo~ -~~ 1m ell wltll ar,pi...., N_,t Shom .S~ ~ lW ~ Cotta Me.a. l""' ' ~~· ~;jl · · st. QI .,. 9N A.._, 1.ant11 -QI_,. 8AQIELOR Apb. Util paid dllhwuhen • S batlli. . • BACHELOR'S Room ~ >lit, :r.md 35 W>lb. Phtl ;;'. ' • Beach, Fri 8/L V_. fl1 6 1$) mo. :ll Mar Mottf Rental ,....,.. -:S Br, 2 B& duJltx. ~ mo. incl uU' f10 -· -SUl1Nan. ~ I --: • paper L Rrnr4. '99-J3S .,.,.,. -., 4200 SJ0 E. Balboa B t Yd,, -OWU.n0m ~ M ..... $215 • ... -alt. 6. Nrwi>ort-,_. m-81tll 3117-ACJMO,,_A.., -~ --::;:,.~· .... ••1• lbnehoo · 6150 Whoddv1W1ntfWheddyio.rf 1'ro=y,....-..,..---t---=-.-1ao1-.r_,_'1 COUNTRY "L1111 1:, 2::! ::'Czt:a "'::_ t'.i -~• .'!;- 1 _ l "· 2 ea -.,_, SLEEPING ....., " prtvato I Went to 1eea ,_......, SPIC141. CLASSIFICATION FOR S.."1ew " ca1a11n1, Loo LIVING pd. ~661S-S810 r~ --Ill.\ mo. ~tr. ao ~ beth. Slnolo.......,, ,...m wtlh""" to"""· wrt,. 1. NATURAL IORH SWAPPERS Bch. GENZRJ:OUS LlmD7 -o -Evoo~ tady.l!OJOnnaeAw,C.>I. -Ull W. 8tb st., Spoclel Rote ltEWAJU>. '96.0llT or - -..,_,., Huntl~ BNch 4400 MARDNl9UE _., L.A. <m> 3!8-Sl55 or s Llnoa-s 11--s bucb 1,a.=-"='----~-1 beutlba .... ,..... • ... GARDEN .. .,_ eo,_ "" -5250 'BDRM'& &o. °' s~. l "' "m.tl93=======,. I '"'"' -.. -_.,.. ADULT ,....., "•It• --ttal.....a -·"----~....__,. ianl'"-D B .._ --"• ,.....-,..,. .. ., PlL .......... ,_ lll¥t •.... ...__...._ ... ,__ • -~---• odd •-~---·--~ ....-,~~ ea e .. , ...... .., from. bel.c:b. $115. Adult.I, no --... voua ....,. ....,... ...... ~ """., ......... ~ .._.. .._ ,,,_ lh ID a ClCJWrtr7 dab at-deo:n.tM.Bach•pLUWpd. ~.::~turfOUDd. peta..fiC..18 Acretgrt 6200 1-HOTHIMOl'01tw.•-ftAOllONL't'I vie. Adam le: Beach, ._,.. Now -.. In SWt $1%5"" .... -.... &uh, ' ' ... BR,.. ~-' = 1--------PHONE 6C2'567t REWARD, .s.m. N.....,.lleech. 2 BR,"""· m,o. No pe!S -~ " ~pl>, .., • I'S"~• QP w/ ldt. Apt L111un.o llMch To Pl-Your Trodsr'1 PorH111 M Bl.AO< Mole poodle .• -....!..~16th~~ .r .,.._.; $1$. mo. im ~,:'".~;.. --· S3ll ...... up. Suoey A<>a 1 ACRES W/PERMIT , U-. Vldcl!y Wblle ,_ <>< --5'6-1m ~ --MoW. l4l-8l5S TO KEEP HDRSl!S '69 FORD F2lll "-Van, 118 Caawo 32'1 R.S. PIS Front, C.M. I!e1ooP ., 2 Moddl CJP!!I -to I pm . • &M 550 e . ON TEN' A.atES FURN. Room ID _.. ·~·--•• ~~ 0 • e Dtlwct, many atru. cam> RIH. Auto. Trade for T.D. --" .... .,..__ -··-nC! ........ 11 . I...AllGE Dehaie be9Ch aeta. 1 1 " ~· .uuu.i......... er ...... d. tor _, .. _ ...... ........... """""'~ ........ ,U,.;1111;1 0 - 00 " 2 BR. -:m 2 BR. J'ura "' u"°"" home. -...... l 50 mile E. o1 hwy, um •"11 -~ ~""' -......, ., .,...m<1er ..,.. BLAO< Part ...,_ 1 AXW D OOSt,Apl1,HB ORLEANS APTS. Flro-/prlv,petloe/ monlb...._2!92..,..lpn 1'5.000.llOub.belht-. :' ... "'="=-J~"Tlloe ~IU ..... l<>lox St., C.M. witll collar vtc.-..":. GARDEN 2 BR,' BA. pri -·bbl Pool&.T'11111o-Ccatnt1-PIUVATE Room. kit ........ deed. ""'L Loguna B b A .. ARTMENIS pool. I'S mo. 3 Bil eY&ll. Adwb ....,., ~"",;, ~ = or n.t, l!.A. ~ MAKE OFFER I I Tu Shell<• " App..._ In NB-. v-~-~ . ..!!":~· <99·J8H &!tu 5 PM •a 0 ," * ~ * · ::; only. Sl.1 wt. 66-1294 Write or contAct: Georce It. maj, center. AAA tenant. ....... ~"""' .... c .. SINGLE y._ Adalla l.w<· ,;;,11 Tuolln, Co'1& Ma& 2 BR '°"tll ol IUwoy ...... ROOM Wllh beth, kll prlv'., = Box 91', Ln&w>a :.:: ro l100M@ 6!1. Trad< ~ ":.: ~;;.;.~ ~~""'"!"::! ~ ury Carden Ql:I 1L'i1h coun-Orange County 4600 · Mn. Canon. ~ drpl. frpl prr No chlld0 $50 Jm. Need car. Las than or pboqe: Oi-C12&. · TJ>, laqd, • · • T SUbm.lt ldence, boat '!' ~ SL CM Owner pla call & tr)' dub at:moirphtft aM m ~ts. y°riy be;. $1$J ·mo' 10 min. to OCC. 96M238 $8 DOWN, $8 PER MO., qffrr, m36T3 Bkr. id ~ 5t8--03'll' romplde privacy. SOtml SINGLE Younc: adults. 1ux· f~lrww Villa l..t• Avail 9/l. At( T, 67S-o3'11T· nuvM For rent t.n Colta $795. FULL PRICE. bu)'t 10 Lake Arrowhead watl!:fl. ·~a· COMANCli.E IMP, en ' BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at ury garden apQ. w/fUil RD n•1 npw Mesa. Nb • quiet home. acrtl in So. Calif. L. lrutrt Jot $50,000 val Paclftc 156 Buick bMC. trailer, COY• BLACK Labrador Retrieftr, -N"""'"' -di. ..,...lion W:lli .... con> N ~--801'-lolllld 5355 W-........ u~791 . -3%5 W • .3rd SI.• Pallaad" Ocean View lo~ .,,., Extru. FOR LATE """""' I .,.,. old, ... t -(n4) 645-0:iM plete: privacy. Sou.lb Bay Mr ..,.~ Cb Airpart • . < ,,_.,.... L.A. tm> 623-5202 $27 SlO val Want: Inoome MODEL CAR. Cl-ab Cooker 00 Balboa P&I\. OCEANFRONT win Qub .Apt& m So. UCI • .Adults only. 20122 1J1'n.E Balboa b1&nd on ROOM Fbr •mt, deluxe, TAKE S ' Bkr MS-iru. • 646-8565 SUn 10 am.. Rew'd • .Ans t11 BR. aawmy: cu":2'.;...; Brooldrunt,, A.n&beint (114) Santa Ana Aw, 54o.27B6 Grand Canal Dl!:Luxe 2 BR private borne. Co.ta Mesa. $23. n:N~~, ~I===-· =-~-~ Ha11e 13 uni.ta, will t:X· "Josh.Ill.". 646-7506 aft 3:00 paid. $225.. Costa Mesa 2 m..ciOO 1 BA watafrolll w/boflt male student $1T. M0--275f 89M143 .Aat. 'ltl Centttty Runaboat, Ideal change for land, trvd FOUND 2 male dop. White = Iii ..... "' ...... Graclou1 Adult Livi""' dock $2&5. y ....... Ju1e. No SEPARATE entrance-private bay crulainr, !lairing, etc. deed&. penonal not or ? ! abaaY poodle mix, ~ -• " ~ "' ~-· ~-~-G ••10 FURN ··• -v "-· •• -·-• --·" bla k ~ " •-caupln: pref. $1.tO.. &e-31!31 -nl'9'n rove -i untum 2 BR, Dl'Jl8. cl:Jldtu or pets. To aee call bath. TV. w/w crpta". $75 ~nt. & O...rt 6210 _........, ..... ue; want ~k or Nancy J Moore, Broker. ....... c ""5 w ... te '"""" w/w crpta, frplc. pool ~ OWDa' 6'B-O:lrl mo. * &12-2840 tqty, In real mate or what. 642-700) • A: chtst. Mttedith Gardena. l.:IW From beach. immac. 2 SINGLE YOUll& Adults Lux-dents 0 .K. -, •• 'tfJ: t tfl • eWt. 54S-9llil. LOVELY bome Ol'l Altadl!:oa ~.2900 Br, 1V, $110 mo. Adults ury prdtn apCI with eoun-MESA WEST APTS Huntl ..... IMch 5400 M.fels.. Trlr. Crts. 5997 HAVE: 110' twin~ bus Golt Course. ~% uswn-GREEN And y t I low ooly, 00 ..... lU 3'lh SI. try dub ·--and 145 E. l8th, CM. OG-3<14 • SILVER VALLEY ""Y yad>t 1175,000 cl'8r. &blelooa.$59.950. Tradelor -t Male. Vic. N.B. 67'>.2-m alt 6 pm or complete privacy. SOtmf .ATTRACT FU Rf.{ I SHED OR UN· $6 NIGHT UP WANT: prime vacant land beach &ltt. Ownu • Let. Newpcrt Hetghta. 646-DJ11 ~-...,. BAY a.uB APTS woo Iv E ""'"' FURNISIIED • Kltd>caettc. TV, m&ld...., RANCH HOUSE WINTER IWrtal • -al.APMAN A'i'eo Garden ndewta~ 1p1ckw1a 2 « 3 2 Bedroooi carpets, dn.... • Phone ttrvk:il!: &bd pool or b\cyJme property. Mr I,r.. 6C.m or 138-5112 ~ Leorud. % Silll'ftl'l cat ~ mu. 3. 3 Br, 1 Ba. Groft cn4) 6.l6-303() BR. 2 batb apta. PooJ A bulltim,. eooc1 location. On1 e Cafe. Bar & wln 838.MGO ~nt LIDO ISLE 3 Bdnn I: Den O"eY /black spot&. Rrw'd. prr. $225 mo. ind util. No DELUXE le. 1 Br. aundeck. ~a&n room. Chl1dn!:a block to 5 Pol.nta: stores. 2376 Nf:'WPOl't BJ. CM ACREAGE Trade '600 sq 1t buainess PALM SPRINGS 4 Bedrm1_54&-01 __ 97 _______ 1 t&. See wkemll 6 ~~ &t&-7005 or 2214 Co0tae $130 up. Ow1ft &G-2135. 541-9155 rental: office or retail lhop LAGUNA BEACH 3 ~ GREY a: wbfte female Id• pt ....... ~ .... c-. NorB.afts' ~ ocean view, carport, . u---Tl01 Ellll ..... t D ~'Y " Se , ,~ for 2nd TD'1. lll-213 62nd Will trade up.i16,000 equity ten, about 4-4i mm old. y;.. pm = ~-. -....._ Util pd. <99-1473 l BD" -·. ..~ ~ --~ "~ .. • • ~ CITY OF SI. Npt &h, o ........ (713) SUbml Owner 613-7071 -OC£ANFRQNT, rear 2 BR, ·~ --. ... _ SG-8303. • Mot:d, DJ'1 Newport Bl\'d., 244-3101, eve l21J) 246-0700 1 • · Santiago Dr, NB. 642-l!Q -· M"""' cpl"'-'-"' -4705 ;:;"~~."' ..-. 2 BDRMS.. 2 BATH ~ -100 LAKES ... a.meoto 2 IW t...S ~~~ml~·~~~..:=~~ ~i:.: ID Khll • d:NrchK. S1JiO 'I'REMDiOOUS vn, • 2 BR,. t. -Gvnt Homes 5991 .NEWBERRY SPRINGS Iota 90d00 deer, ao. 1D l\U'Vey $40M. Will corWdl!:f BJ.wt, C.M. Rew'd. 548--SD per mo utll met. Winter. location oo beach. Bach.Qt, pool, ~. :i:: ~ Mo. HEATED POOL J4Al<E YOUR OWN LAKE shop'r I: betch. ~ for trust dttd or unaller bo&t. 8 MO Lab-Span! mix, ~ fi73...m51. aur Drl¥e ntar Vt e tor pets. 6Q.aM2' . fncxl, cpVdJ'l)!, Kida OK P1U room tn llc'd Cunt 31 Milts Eut ot Bantow Cll N.B., C.M, eomm.'I ml&. or Ownt cn4) mJ4Q) b1k w/ wht chest. Vk cr.c OCEAN FRONT 1 BR. II* Hu,ao. ~ mo -Mer 49f. 2 na Delaware ~ .Apt.a. Home tor elderly man. Good &..c-..,,.__ units. 6C.J490 call pm. Modem Ntwp0rt Beh. ln. Call ·-••~ ktkUn I: Jiv nn. Nicdy 27'15 ' • u.o" 2 be. Cpm. drpL 3120 Delaware, HA food, congenial atmosphere, u.-ay. c..K:V• 2000 ft. Near '67 vw .,._...,,,_, dea:n.ted. ahq crpt. $IYJ $135 month 642-2ZZ1 anytime 536-1!16 avail now. 548-6225 1..llke Lorem. Wonderful land Bur 1500, be.lie w/ ~ onlt, cross. $8760 yr1y1,CNAR=o:::"'"'°'1"mai=,.-G~-~~I rno 1ncl utU. Bath cmb'. 2 BR duplex. turn A Wlfam. e ~ • tar a.prlcota. alfalfa, nut tree blk interiolj sunroof, clean, rental. Ooae to bch. $S0 00'.l -e e e r m a 6n..fElll ( ~ m: Vic H u r 0 • new (p'OWi.nr tlsh nllina bcne gd oood, aJ.J acea. TRADE eqcy_ Trade tor C.M, ~ Shepherd, blind I: pnUe, fl'I or 713l ....,-_ 3 BR. 2 Ba. Prv pe11o * llEACHBL\IFF * Mltc. Ront1l1 5999 --• boo"-· etc· d.:· lor boat or !! ronun1 mtg "' unt~. ean Loa Bcb. Reward. 494-2193. QCEANFRONT,yrty.11:2 f!lln5-.. _ car,~ w/ wed be~ New2AfBr,2~F.A., • ........, .._ ' • * 673-35.24 * pm,642-3490. REWARD-Boy'aSchwin~ BR apts. .Adull:I only, no Crpts. m,._ $180. 6G-t684 dllb.nhrf.: patloc, . pool, NURSE, Empt, desirer amall 40 A t>---L • --•-Dod boll HAVE·. •--"• .1-......:,. "-· gm Stlnen13, vie Nwpt HrW pets. SUl5 a, util pd. Reta. 2 VIEW apta adjacent to SJ.3S. • _ 2 BR ,_ view, 1 • 2 rtor7, wait to apt OC' bo!,18t. ~ or cret ~ ......-. ....,.. le custom t ~ ~-o="''" -~ Avail 9no • 10/L f7S-3127 main btadri. ahop'1. $115" Crpb. ...... _ w:.r:_"'· ~~ 5 Pointa Shop's. H.B. • lll!l'rioe cona:idtted. t94-761i16 pro9ed WlTH modem 2 BR Home, ~ valut. Tn.de tr, xlnt. NEED: Equiva)ent Hi. Scb. ~ $140. 259 LoMr Clifl Dr ~ .rv<M. 8fl ..,,., GARAGE ..,._ eoi ..... i... nDCh. haulf!, Ip;" Uv. rm. 1<lr equtt7 1n home, duplu; JU dryer. CAIJCO cat ln Aloha Palma 1 I: 2 Bft... Bachdor Apts. SUn. morn. ' Mo-apt E, lMS Placentia ..__, ~"" rent _.,....., beamed celllDg, bttaktut or trl-pkl:. Nl!:'WJIOl"t Bet.ch Call aft 6'. p.m. Trlr Park:, 133 E. 16th, C.1.t Kit-TV-Pool-Ma.id Ser. $35. 3 BR, 2 BA, X1ot North Costa MODERN 2 Bdrm. O'pts, ~~= lst 6 rm, kitchen, modem bath i area. 548-9661 96Ml9ll2 Rtw'd. MB-3J15 ! per wk. i up. 1'HE MESA 1 BR furn apt. Near beadJ.. Mea location.. $110 mo drp&, bltnl, enclosed pr, plumbing. Tank bou3e et-WILL swap occa.Pona1 Ule 'ffi 0it'I)' &.!per Sport, 327, PET Ra.ccoon. red collar (15 N. Nwpt Blvd. M&-.9681 $150 per mo. yrty lie.~ 5t6-'2llS • ttnr bar ......... 11 dMing 1000 gal plv. ator-of ski chalet at M-air p/ lb oni }o mi /btll '--·-•ta dry fad. GU'. 49f-les& ea ' __..ed wall in lualn-. Rental 6060 age tank under ti lbs pru-• ., P • • .., .... • w ' .._ ... u a re a ' WINTER er yearly leut. AVAILABLE No., 2 BDRM, llv rm. No pets. $135 mo. -.ire, Wlth double gar, O» Sci tow ne&r rolf COUl'lll!: for bnmac! Trade for '67·'68 4M-3155 aDce loc. 1 blk bell I: bay, Dana Point 4740 crpta, mp.. blths. cuprt, 2612 Digland SL 968-l'.l89 FOR 'RENT: Beautiflll 2700 crete septic tank, an elec., uae ol beach front place. VW Bur. same cond. l=========-1 11* 2 Br, 1 Br, bJtns. No pets, adult. 5f8..6?m MODERN 2 nn. tll -· sq ft store, rull,f crplrd &. 5 hp pomp, 31!1 ..,,., ...., _,_ (213) 'n!0-9«11 968-.1129 aft 6 pm. Person•l1 6405 com.pl f'Dm. Patio. 6T5-67ll S25 WM A Up, heated pool, .., $135-$145. &:e ;;;;: newly dtooon.ted, l'WIOnable al 80' depth, Im~"; 28' Jeffries 1ishlJw boat, 350 3t4 &Cl"tl dtnia,. Undsay, --------·.! NEAR~ 2 BR..,,, apt. II kit. laWldry UtD peld Daal 1 Br, ...... pool. No dtlldron >fir: 1''11-to, HB. "'"'· Tralllo -lion In F.....S wltll 1" by 6' x 300 n hP -· ,...S radloL ,...._ call!., $80.000 equi(> '"' FREE! blk trom bQ'. Yrty Jeut, M..rlna nin' 30l1 ~ ID.: ~Pr~= 3U 17'tb Pl Evn: 847-lSM <:enter of San aement. nir redwood fence. 1 Milff Eut mtdt xln.t. Trade for ,.... boat. airplane-er 'l'D's or ewe Bo at 1 n c S250 mo, 6Q.0010 uk b' way, Dam. ~ 'llt: QIEZ Into. eal1 646-02T1 of ldtool. $18.000. antique car OC' dnne bugy. ~Pa!,~ OwD. otfered to the pubHc b;r tti Dan Cftvll'r -496-1300 2 BR, crpta. d r P •, ~ ~~ BALBOA ISLAND -Leue 2 54S.&o aft S pm. er,.,,.....,., ... ~ Balboa Pmru Squadron tc BA.YTIWNT, spac. >-3 Br, rta:N.fAL~ WILllM'/drytt. Refs nq'd, t bdrm, Prt gar. Ptd., stctts. 307 Marine .A~ in Or will subdivide I 0 'fS Cadillac SdV, good tires. PUERTO VAU.ARTA, Mex. peapJe lnte~ in sallboal pvt. patio,. 111\l. boat slip, Aptt. Unfurnished 169 Mesa Dr. $130. 60-4868 washer/dryer. 536-3921'. ~._613-8753. Or 1ee •Cru all IMprov•m•nh paint. SSOO value. Want pick. too: Cortrrnudal + apart· u well u power bol.l&i wtntr:r Ille '1!IO-#J5 mo. l BR Dupltt $100. ~apt, • D your ... -.....1:1". . •s&,000 or 30 •~s urt-up. truck, camPtt or want m~. ~000 -Trade JDr Ewry-Monda,y night for ~ incl. util lJ 1-4395 eves 0-.ral 5000 wdl .... ..A~~; prdener, Lp 1~ =~! srnan •tare lmprov.d ·•21,000. lo rent 3 ~ ~-bo\111!:, 2 aalable So. Cal Paul Stuart. Wff)u. btgtnclng 1 p.m.,: NEAR New, ~ from lJDO BAYFRONT APl'S.. --1 . .,...,-.u.i.a pool, patio, adults, no pet;'. Catalina Island $75 Mo. 40 % Down. 8il1nct on .:.""::'-''="""='::.·.:.~:.:.:.:::..__ Bkr. Gf.3223 Mon., Sept. 15 Cbrinr notet Bay. 2 BR. '2 BA. WlntB l Bdrms 3 Ba Urd: ,..,.,. RENTALS 536-6717 Phone Avalon 181 I st trust dttd. What do you haw to trade? Ba.Yfront 9 Bdrm. home. book first nJahO at Newporl --• -l •-• •plL U fu l·"'.-..11 Want .... ,n-r or Ind"•' Harbor Yacht Cub, 120 W. =--Inqu ... • :m --.tod. Right oa Lido ~ n m "-OCEAN Ww dd u.t It ..,. -In °'""P -·-" 8IJ' A N"""'"' Bftcb -St. NB. m.Zl06 private bceob. Alt rooma In Br, 2 Ba • • BR,""'1 BA""••' h2 Office Rontal d070 COURTESY TO ~~ •-~ ad .... prop. Local or 0oo..,.;,s, N ad .... '~ . ·-;::. *NEW BAY FRONT* --A Nowport llwh 5200 S11'mo.~ ~ LAGUNAllEACH BROKER. ;;;-;,'_-:;.-,;.:,.dW. OK.~~4208: ,.':i.~'°t,;·::.:, 2_.:. 2 BA. ll!O. Yrly II<. S:':.""$4SO. '""";·!""pie:. YEARLY RENTALS 2 BDRM, 2 BA. pvt pelio, Air Condltlonod WILL NEGOTIATE! .. * * '* all 613-1855 . .,_ '*· 233 -St. .,._ 2 Bdrma 2 ea uni an bll ; BR. ' Balhl ........ l1'IO ........ poo1, ........ -oN roRESr AVENUE CA~FLTl4ER7-66406. I '~~!!~~!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!J!!!i.!.'l!!!'J!~*~!!!!!!!!!!!I*~ HUNTINGTON BE •cH 2 llR. l"' BA. 1 blk from roonu. frplc., just redeo-BR. 2 Baths ••······ $300 ap. 962--89!14 Delk space a11alltble In "" "" beKh.. Clean. orated. Swttpior '9 ie w 3 BR. 2 B&U. •····••• $2S5 NEW 1 & 2 BR Adu1t Luxury Dr!Welt aUlce bulldin& at BUSINESS and 8U51NESS and Sept. 8 • Dec. lStb at Huat * Call m..Hi5 * CJf bay, one ot LIDO'S a..t 2 BR. 2 Baths •••••••• ~ apt&. Nr bcb le: lbop'J. m prime location in downtawt1 .y .. • •• ,,., .. ,. '1 FINANCIAL flNANClAL ;rr: F:al~o 1!tb ~ 3 BR, 2 BA. b, -&ttractlw -3 BR. 2 BeU. ........ USO Atlanta. 536-2S)O Loa>tn& -ch. Air cocdl- hpl<, .,..,.,. r' .,,.. to ....., •• $350. * • : BR. l Belh .......... $200 • tlonod, carpeted, b<autillll Exw-. R. E. 6230 Buo. Opportunities '* Mo beach. $235. mo. 6C2-417T. Call Mr. Creely ~ 1 Ba. FUm •••••• Sl~ REAL ES'rATE ent:ranctfl: Frontqe on rtgages, T.D.'1 6345 *Don't! stG-'2960 646-1331 J B . 2 Ba. Fum ••• , •• $250 Gtntral Fortst Ave., rear lead.I to TRADE: O:immerdal lot in YEARLY Lc....sc,.. ., Multaa ReeJty BURR WHITE MW>clPAI ..-lou. ISO R 1,, r, 1 d • 00 main AAA CANDY SUPPLY CONsmtJCTION Mo•,, Ooeu or~. 1 Of' t Mrm 3MI CamP'lol Dr SI.lite 121 ..REALTOR Rentals Waftted 5990 ptr month for space. Desk throughtare. $17,CXX> equity, ROUTE ava~ for b:!come ,.-o. Call us ii )'OU still beliew tn 1;:;-~~·~6'3'~1~452:.,.-=-=~ I., ... ._ ...... ,. ........... 1 29l'J1 ~ewport Bl'ld. N.S QUIET Sa1oul and chi.in availab&e far $5. $13,500 ba1a.nce. 60x135. No (NAME BRAND CANDY) ducmg property. Fo:tlp I: cave atyte daq. SJ>ACIOUS, crpld, :z BR. :Z VEN DOME f15.46l) 60-2253 r:...'.... tt•w:u..!. UCI ~~~~-Bus~ boon answertrw money needed. SUbmit all Exdlinl: work: re.fW.lni i -domestic.~~ Nun:lng ORANGE 00. 5(7.-BA. Nr. ocean 5000% N~ ""',..,.. '"°'• ~ ~ 9C!1'Vice available tor SlD. oUen. OWner. 3715 Ari· collecl:ini: ~ from coin ...... _"'5 Cel'lta's, 24 Hr reoordtne tune. Winter. (nf.) 62$-lt92 $DJ 1D $395 Waterfront J..m:. private room A be.th by All utWtitl paid except ington Avt., R 1 v t n 1 d t. operated dlspe08US in )'0111' Ott I c t Bu 11d1n1 s, LICENSED IMMACULATE APTS urious le: depnt 2 BR, 2 Sept Z.. Call coUtct or lend telepbobe. 92500 area. Must be able to devote Apartments, etc. write or MODERN 2 BR. dole to ADULT A FAMILY 1 RA, pool, prt balQOll;)', view card. (213) 651-5299. Mn. DAILY Pll.OT 2 to a Jn per week to make call Title Realty 6 Spiritual Readinp, tuhi~ beach. frplc. Adults . SEcnoNS AVAILABLE apt.. Boat sllpe avail, Rarrll, Gfll1 West 5th st. 222 FOREST AVENUE • BUSINESS •no very good Income. No sen. lllsu:rarlce Compaey, 215 on all matters. 3U N. n All hlt·tn.. $165. M.o. 64i.3490 Close to .. 1.-.J-, Park subtcrnnea.n JIUtdne. loll Angeles 90048. LAGUNA BEA.CH FINANC1AL 1ng lrrvol~. Clark Bu 11d1 n g Binn-Camino Real, Sar. Cementa 3 Bdrm., 1 BA. crptz. ~ blk .. ....,....... Carlbl!: Balboa Apl:I NEED 1 "" 2 bedlocnu bowie 4£M.W $995 to $3,9SO required lnPam. Alabama• 35213 4 92- 9 1.36, ~9501 to bch. tl50 rno. )'r!¥ ~ ! ~Br'a. 2 Ba 310 Fernando St. N.a or ajMlrtrnent by October lit omCE.S Bus. dpportunttlu 6300 (Rued on PArt or run ttmtl Phone (31>) 251...5286. 10 .AM • 10 PM 40th st. 61$-3249 * Swim Pool, Put/~ <n4) m-3003 -$100.IXI lAdy wttb 1 dilld ReceptioD-Anawtrina FRANaDBE N For personal Interview ln 20-k Ret. for S Yrs. Attend a FREE Ltcture $131.SO .Bacbelor a.pt. Util pd. * Frpl. ll'ldivllbdry fac'll DELUXE 2 BR studio apt Call after.4. or week-enda. Secrelm"ial nee. : 0 fOod expet', your are&, send name, ad-$3,Sn.43 2nd tnat deM be--Dtanet!cs & Scientology "'>ts. -bltim A pool. 1145 Anoholm Avo. "'" H.,. lloepll&l A Put 51>->m 3315 Nowport Blvd., N.B. MUL TIPL y d"'" • '"°"" ""· 1 "' bJnd mall ht on lot wltll Ev<ey Su°""' at 1 PM 1525 Placmtia. CDSTA MESA 6G-2l'24 Lldo Blda'. Full¥ CU"peted, YOUNG Attnrnt:y dl!:sira Y"" 615-1001 fRAN~~ DI.Sr. 00. Laguna'• finest ocn.l'l view. l1 7 03 ~~Valley e WINTER RENTW! e blt·inL Awll Od. lit \y reol&l. 1 BR !Um, N.B. PRIVATE, Air -<>OCdltlonod, CAPITAL "· AYO. l<O por moclh Incl. 9% 3 WINIFRED L. FOSS. ~ e RENT e Adults -no pet&. an or CdM. 835-DXt, nt 257 ample parking: .i~ New Co. tombining best fee· Covina. Calll !1122 yn, 229' Dbeount. Attractive Expert • -• • R F ltv Hilaria w.,,, NB. .s.,,.. ... 615--0Sll .... " lenacls, ~ <U-0135, ..... .. ...., food Ueld u READ THIS BROKER -1137 YOUNG WOMAN .. ooms um ,.. 3 BR, 2 BA Eutblutr area. Sat. eves 666-1103 nt!ver done before. 15% DISCOUNT dancer wUl teach you aD ~ wm1:. ~ ~ ~ $20 • $25 & UP (145 DorniQao ·Dr. N.B.) WANTED TO LEASE OOSl'A Mesa srnund Door of· Highest • n tic. inYtstment-Xlnt for retired people ht TD on. white water view latest llttps, Call Ardell otll pd. Call IQ...l158. Montb-Tb-Monfta Rtntlll BranJ new, balcollF vb MA'IVRE COUflle wou1d IDte fku. Ale P&JWlllnc crpta ~I ratio. \Vt proYidt 1ot in Lacuna Beach. $6,(Q) 213 : 581 -f.S.18 1·10 PM LARGE 1 BEDROOM WIDE SEl..ECTION from both mub!r BR I: JJv 1D leue a nU ht.me. About drp&. arapie partrtnc.' S9c "4: the eu1tOmtrs via mamvt If you want a put CJt fl.ID @ $60 mo., incl.. '"· all ENJOY ~ \'AC&OOI ri~ JAm•1. ocean\liew Applianoes A TV'a avd. rm &rai.. frplc:. dshwshr, $300. ~ Bax M 813 ft 1SS5 Baker. 54&-l890 TV ads., )'00 own the bus. time CJppartunU;y to make dll! 3 1ft. BrobT 4M-1JJ8 C&Wina .blat.d. Fram-i -u., No Seeartt;J t>epoalt $!10 mo. No dilldrH. or Dally PUot. and keep the proftll. money in a bul1neq al )'OUI' midweek for two. u;,;;;.;;i • 613-mBI * Rl'RC Furniture Rentals peta., 66126o CJ!' 5C8-3&l NEED 2 Bdrm. CdM. 250 sq ft office in $5 Invested in compriitor's own. For enmple $2UXI in. Monty Wanted 6350 HCltel Phone Avalon lt7. DEWX UJIP!I' d • t 1 e z , 511 W. J.9tb, Of ~ ~UTITUL BAY VIEW Huper Seh. area by ~t. ~ ~ ~· Bath I: pll'a. aper'. 1966 worth OYel' S300 veslmtnt can net $50 w\11 ALCOHOLICS ~ 'ftllal~. ~ qll. ~ W. lnc:ba, AJ111:D T1f.2Mlt Split.Jtwl condQ. ~ Bluffs. :Reuonable, 66-11$ today. Wt txpect even bet· by spendl.!JI 4 hrl makltW LOCAL executive, U years. Phom SG-7217 er write ti: m-olll, 1413~ W. 0., ~w. SPAC t.dl SJ.3S, c. M. Trim model. 3 BR. 2% Ba. O!!UJXE ottft In Colla ter. deliveries. netd8 $7500. Stcured by 2Dd P.O. Box 12Z3 Costa Me&• l!l!2f. IlMlrood...... 1BR,peliopr$135C.M. bplo, ............. -• LANDLORDS. ...... ...., .. ft. Air cond, Re<r.11 .. 17.000 ,,...,..., + ro .. rffid<nco <11~ooo·l;1"':w111~=.;;: ... ==::.;=;..1 anted -Join tbe crowd.. 2 BR studio, 2 BA $160 pa.Ho, prage w/aulo door FREE RENT.AL ·SERVlCE crpts, ~ 548-6761. hard wor1t + ab!llty CCJlltml Call D. w. wn.. equity, 51.4% FHA lit TD.) mt fHPOnllble lb ' 'J'bmpy too. 6f&.:nm 2 BRdelx, pool $180 CdM opener. Avail ffrly Oct. 8robr 53U982 AVAILABLE Oct 1st• )'CM1l' ~s undtt our (n4) 83$-9697 A usignrnnt of S9500 anf debts except my OW'fl. + $425. .... ~-· WANTED G 1 aecur.U;y. o-~ $3Xl mo .. ,. Ronald Valmtr Block. UARLY t BR upptt, puti, 1 tam rm, cblld ok i2iO __....._. : . llhP at car Ca,,md a waJhUt paneli.nl. direction. SimJlle operation. SMALL Restaurant. nnb' ·-.-.,. _. caD,tum.Doc:ta\lllltble. CBR.Back&.JU.$400. NEW 2 BR. 2 Ba. a'PtJt. storage. VJC. Balboa bl. $46..mo.675-644f Get in at start tor Jower redecor.: beach area. int. Your terms. 8'7-3444.AnnovncenMnft 641~ 111 _.St. Mde RlecUon apts, housel. drp&. trpk:, daltwhr, patio. m.t6l5 Mary-Frances ~st .• choice terrlt, high· lllnea forcu Ale. OHer.j,;."'°:;:;;,·=,-==---11----.-...:..:..._:.:.;:,:j OCEANFRONT 3 BA. 2 BL Local Bkr. &6-0lll Acnm ft'mn Coco's 1: BOAT Sip or moartnc for 26' Commerdll dOl5 est yield. 642--0124 WANTED: '60,00> lit TD, PERMANENT l\trtl. "1>1c:. Teerly -$1«5. 2 Bl' ""4lo. 111 BL w,.!dtfll'laza. ll85to$215. nllboet 613-9'85 INVESTIGATE O'nlERS BEAUTICIANS l0% 15 yra. """""'1 by SPECIAL Drllllae. S9.'11, m-i1m Patio, p:>ol. clll.ldttn er 1615 IMoe. 2 BR. 1 BA., "M~Fnnces,. f'UU. Spen stucco store FtRSr Be your own boa. Rented $95,tm Comm. bid. Bkr. 2 wt. .tartinc Sept. 1J small pet. Anll now. BJa. $170 Up, $175 down. 1001 BAL l&l. yr!y to $190 by resp. boildlnJ. 3.250 Sci. fl Good For &ppt .• Mrs. Barton 2131 'f>llCt, Reaaorable, 847.9114 6"-Cl3 $12.50 • ;17.50 lfol:w,... Hgls, 4210 ~ill 8'dlonl. ..,.._ woman. Fum/unf. ...., condition. LJght" boating, 2 '5W5>l !:M bn.J An u""" ANNOUNCEMENTS -Beau(> Worid -_;.; : , • $121. 2 Br, stove. New W/W, BEACH HOUSE M6-0521. U 1-:im restrooms; u tt. c:eillng, On ttft will rttum )'oar call. Money to Loan 6320 and NOTICES . So. Cout Plaza.. st&-7990 . * a.a I <tt S Bil * -_0.K. 8 r o k er S Bii, 111\fum, crptr, -WORKING Lody ...so room btack·(Dpped lot !Ox150 Ft. Lodle1 Apperel Shop SUN SlGN ASTROLOGY ~-m ptta, tm. E. 111111 ~ Y~ $250 mo. 2 Br turn. to rent. Npt Hel&htl .,.._ to paWd alley. Parkins 10 Uke to OWl'l -,.ow' own tMad-VIEW Home. Xnlt eoo!. 2 FOUftll (Free Ads) 6400 duln. Rtaitt~ rmr. Ill. 1US ma. ~. -.uo1 $US. I Br 2 Ba f-p1irz. wintft' $1115 rm. ~ t1t Under$. 548-3flT CVS. ~may~ mn_ rws.sT Hera'1 a tte1. ~ BR, l ha. Xnlt hUl area. Be:Jinnen -Advancec\- W/W -.,.._ "' "'1 M><l618: JOI u_.... St. WANTEl> In Cdll ""'"' 1 Prbd ri.,._ tuol!>,...,. """""" -&Y.O Tttraoe Dr. El c.rrlto: BU</wht Jq bolroll female can ,.. sun s1sn. ~ C:--611 MM' 4250 81111' S.S..-. N.B. ; u Johll Macnab Realty Co. wllh a tmtll llrmltment for cJQse San Fran-Oakland. cat. vie. ot Adami I: d8Jrs or r1>2140 aft. 6 2 BR. Hoar Bdrm hit/I.Pt. '1earl7, Ill Dovu Dr .• Suite ue, NB ftxtarw fn the Ham:trw\Gl'l dtn rm. work shop + 2' rms Al.batn:ma. Vwy affectionate · f It&, $la A dtp&, pool. Cotta ~ SlOO Opt.&. drpl, bl'::· 1 ~ fttired st.ttn. ,m.«ns 6ft.32l5 or ~ Beadl aru. AD merchlJt. in bu!ment: dbl pr. p&tlo. I expectant. I'll c. a 11 ~ty~ :· ldUltt ,.,,.,. SD. of HWJ. pr, ms. Mo. CID fat t. MOTilER., w I 2 4auahtus. d.119 " on ~ No (415) SS-'1958. w. D l: "'-fc:iiiiiiiiiD"V.C::-oirc:iOnl~et~·~-~=~="'====b. l1J.l21J u1w1 GIDIS l)t().0093 an Hilaria ;r needt 2 '81\ bcmt f6 ~ in 10% NET ~tmettt tn ~ Rettmnent ~ ~AOiSHUND Vic. of Glen .. ~--·-._ N.a "'· N_.-. --~··tlonPI_... ____ ,_.~ .., .......... oold. .,, train 2nd TD loan "" u.ct. ....... Adamo" c.m.1..., L•" "" "'" -* RENTAL SERVICE • ...... ,.. .. ~ • ....,_.._._....,., )'OG " ~ )QI 1.t m Bn:lokbunt. HB ~2972 1---..:...=.:.-_;:;.;; BAODl:J'OR. 1mfurn rro• YEARLY. 2 BR. hl.WD shM. FREE 'IO LA.NtiLORDS F'ull1 kutd. ntw 4 u.n.lt e~. 1'or mmplele fnb.. WOMENS -vie K ON!: O'lokt lot No. 30. 2 <U:AH' Bei .... Apt&. All ... ""' .. up JUE,llolbaoBlvd. llAUIOA m."815 WINTER I< ,..,i,r ...,l&la. IOI EUl llllbOa 811/d, --~ I 1111. .-V. ~ !!Wiiia pold. $Ill -:w.t ... -Bl..S. 17>1121 I SlJA AJ.1o iftll J , J A a drqa. 1\11. pr. l>t Db Blot Bfacon 6iS-41ll bJdl., put apprtcllUon po. h\lUCA write or phone F. L. Prompt, confidt'n.Ual llr'f'\q Marl ltDra, CM" 64Uim.-. pa119 Qtn, CM>. tn a.. Bdrm. -pools, --... N.B • .Adalts. .. ..... tmtlal $115,IXlO, T!i 'JI '"""'" T-. 2130 Nor<lc -641·21n 545411 • vi.. ...... l'aclllc View ~ .. ~"'·adj'° alq>plll&. ~~:: ~ ·-for R1nt 5995 ~ loeD. T.W 12J0.000. ......S w.,,, -calll. Se"''"' H-._ lO Yt'L GREY rabbH. -or M......W Pie. Worth "'° ·--,;;;:;.;:;;;:::~:.;:::;::;,...~ I;:-~:'::";:-'.;:"-':::~":::; I ~0w~;;:-::;,;Oll<ll32~~·=== "'-<llll -· S.ttl" Mortvae-Co. -Will tW las. wnc., J>O 2'lllO Po-w., YEARLY· Od. ht 3 Bil 2 be C 0 LL EGE GOU.. ... *LIQ· L!C'S. -Saa !36 E, 17tll Street FOUND, Rabb It, '1c. Box 15t1, 1..qu.,. lloh CoeCa .,_ 5tMllSnl llT a:Jtd St. ~ bloeJr ocqn. campus 11 v In I on Balbc>a lndustrNit ~~al 6090 Dleao $12,S» on sale; CA SI{ F 0 R 2 ND Mariners Schncl 6t6-GZl BY OWNER. 6 PACll"IC 1 BR. Jilt patio. alJ el~ S73..fT71 ' Wand. Roe nn wnv 'RDn' ... M·l: 1125 sq. ft, $10,000 6lt salt. Can WINS. 1oi0 RTCAGES. PR.JV. PTY. LAR.GE TVrUe, 8" Vic 434 VIEW cemet l•t• Qpta, .,._ carpmt. Ho 2 BR. 2 BA, Cpts, ctrps, ~MW. l De: J u d • d • $11!5 mo. 21'0 Ml· ti. $225 '('()N colJtet (2U) ~ NO broken comm. ~1 ~· N.B. ~1275 ~ tr7 . ,eta ot dilldnn. ,......iw. blllns. .4&11ta, no p1t1. $115 mo. im ~ c • M. For DaUJ Pilot waac Na Wtui. l:lertwlts r f'ar Dall1 PDot want Adi Whit. DtphanW' adlllla Ol\ly. $115. ~1322 ~I.a SCS-37'0I, m-'2370 DAILY PlLC7T WANT ADS! 6'1S-S116 DLll &a.am DAILY PlLOT WANT ADS! Dia! M:i.5671 few R.£rul.TS Whffl elephants! OlmH-tlbl!: " • I I. k ' '' I I I I I ' .... ' ... ... ,..... ... ,._ _,.,,.. ...... ~ ~,,,. - .... ... An °'" 8:00 11.111 •• 5:30 p.m. 9 fo Noiiol S.tWdty ...:-a....i Sundoy ~·~IMPl~i~~~-tlOA~l AND TllAM w-. 7100 .... "'""' w-7100 J... Moft. w .... ,,. .,...... -Siieo lmCUTAllY WAl'DIESS • man:tU· ATftNTION • 1411 ... ....,.._ u.s. WAl'l'RESS. -....... ~ ' l I I ..,.. • ...,.vas dll 1ritlp. J 1r1 •tee> ex-l'lm &liperiar' A\'t', MIDITl'.lt · r-;-• · ..,, ~e.,..,ablhnd90 ex.ta-. ""1111 .. -to mpd<l boma. lllcDailolol'• J)mill' -.,..,_ ... _11,.'ll; WAft'llES Alf a~l.Ha l-ol-l'lorat,U. raolll .......... -•vaJI. -......,. ... S<pt:ll,W, a-. -ODIE'S. rm, 6 ........ I )lliceol- .... IQr womu.. Work .1G WESTIUNS'ID-SCHOOL t• W. COlllt II w7' ....... -Im,_. "*1 - ~~ -~ nur. --al aalr 1391. ,..... a.di! .--.... _._.... l412l C>dlrweod A~ 'l'lnu.. l ' ~--~~ ¥~ W'<lm .... tt WAll'!IESS, .,.. II. -$onto ..,,. l'umllure ----SblpAlloy )l<tt. .. s. Olul, -. Jt ,... ...... --...,..-...., sc. -os•.'"' ""·-----and ,.. ..... ~ ... civil .... .-. • -• wwJd like to eam u,p to Office. near atrP:rt Ma.r W AlTERS. W • 1 t ' • 1 1 • ' • MOyVm .. cblaa Nori.take • llW .... monllld-----time. 2121E.Cou!H"7-Cd.M. N-..,,_ lw l2. apVt; lift, ~ at: 5l).S250 Bulba)'. Pref. ap'd. ~ all or fU't. .Fmnih:ft, oJd at- MC ~O'S SECTY, LEGAL Whldoftl1a1r tie. w. -""1>ost .,.. 168816 Bradt BlYd .• Im SaDta Ma. l-l yet.n Cllif Top pay, Full time. ~ ln chairs, tables. s.... ............. _....... -°""' --....... -COSMETIC '1'YP< 60. """'to. Appl:t a11nsi,2C d>at, ... bench, __, SALE~EN MISS EXEC AGENCY SQparlr, 1n1Do =K.· ~""!'_ ...... E :_ ............ -.J-..--.. 4lD w. QialJt Hl&hwv 5'()..1110 ... _.. ~a. xper.....,.._. .,. ... -~ Newport Selcb &l6<393t wou-.o..r ~-.. ._ Uatil di. all cheap 1 Excellent boetlta. J'Ull llme. --~..---.)'OU!l _!I•~-~~·,....-.,'-~~.:_ Apply ia ..,_ ........... SEau:l'AllY -LEGAL ...... -1o eua _,.I· • F··-..:-otfice. Experienced Win ptJa. m ap ttmtt. no _. ... ,VT"W • J W Ro,.'N"'"N 61>-""7 CD1f .... llmtl, Wiii ..... u ..,,...._. • c:.lor TV • • ~ '!'"' --~ .._ __ -~ M-AOK AUCTION . ~-·~-•~-~ N.B SEAllSl'RESS. Dr•p•r7 .__y u;111 ......... r ......... -. . wart. Inquire J...a&una Beach Tm GanS,o Glove Bhd. Equal opportunl!y employer Jntmon. lfD,J s. Qmt Sch11ll lftlfrVdlen 7600 W~ .nr G.G. Frwy. SALES. SERVICE Stalioo Hwy, mnbrcl> 4!M-6M1 Tbel • Ttam: 1 PM.sat C:30 ... ~. El<p'd, ... .. SERVICE sr•nON SAUCERMAH SCHOOL -.. -t Repo. II•• ..,__NJ...._.....,.+ PhllllJla"""*""'°'-eo.,..............u.u lletri& Ill >n comm. Mobil StadoD, Xli2 ~---Where the Pncram. l;lld, a:np uto $151). Cokr El 1\n Rd., ...... lliDL •-Pits !be a.lid TVC. Pb11co ~ ..... SALES: ~ 9l!l'Yk:r ~ W1lla.rd R. SmcerTMn, cb'ed walnut $110., 1 black KNOWLEDGEABLE Stereo Good atartilW .alary p 1 u • Ed. D. c O' n t e m p a r a r y chair d'JOlpooellt sales trainee. ~ commission. w!.tb 5iMCIO Efts sa..i::° now w / w h J t e D a uga h yd e 21-30 yrs. ean Mr. vama excdlent opportunities m CUlbiona sn Call: 847..-00 646-8891 adva.ac:ieme:Ql F 0 r m. mnir-1 Vac&b afters PM. s.... formation CDltad TN!ftlll"" andeft . • • Br c:ttlzlenl AN'l'lQlJE Corner butch. m:I ~ • Adami. mm: :--r!w11=1:= mrbl col1ee table, lta'm ttnctun Beach. ahind. CDllCb 6 c h r , SER. Sia. E><p. 5alar)' + 1"'" ...... c.M. 511-8 lampo. miK ....._ M1.e3 0 rt •1 Comm o/time 1191' aft 40 HAPPY Odlil. pre • ICbool: DINETl'E wt by VDmJE. UNUSUAL Ppo Ill y ""-r.wt Perm."" E. --·..n.tr3 $35. · Cat Hwy, NB. I: f yr olds. ,._11:». Mn:. '* 64f..2S61i * ! The Independent Order or SERVICE lltWon attendant HarriaatOl'I. 60--tG 1WIN 8edL Bonl«:a• head· l Fotul!n ~ve ~ a Expn'. -.. ~ ''MIR", MON'l'.DSOIU tralniDe. ages boudl .l frame, bedspreads Dt'W ~ l'! ~e ~ 48'11 Campas Dr NB 2~ to 5. GWe your dlild $40.. M'l-C.119 I' ty. Require UltefliaeDt DWI ·-1~·~ ....... ~~tim~~-~~;.,-/----------:li S9 CoDep not neo-SERVICE Station atteadant. ~ RA1TAN Set. 2 upldsltted I ...;,, sh 0 •• d ..... ... -"""-............. ~RColANDISE FOR ....... ....... A labl<, , ,.n.n(. ;n ....... pnblic. Campos Dr, N.B. ... LE AND TlADE $40. ~ I Dipi&d lite .time poajtiab. ===~=----~ .. -i--rrw:-im--' SERVICE station Graft)'Ud F'urnlture 1001 COLONIAL SOFA BED ._. • ...,. ....... ·-.. ....,.... dtlft. :io.1 « a AM, &m. un new! $90 wtoly. Should "" u. """" Mon, Tueo mi... Apply al OVIER'-STOCKED • 5«)-<917 • I of $250 1'-eeldy. Drvron SlatiOD. Har:bor .l · San ,,.,.. ......... CM Telephone betwttn 10 am • 4 --s.-.-=-... ----'-'--'-.,_--llllST Slll! pm. Mon. lbru Fri., for •P. I pointment. 0,.r.ton New I -pc.-earner &ft'IJll· I 534-111)1 -.. -A -ol ch. .... -, 1po11swear. Top PC)'. 163 "Ciiio so. u--=~- l .~ Sales Production Pl, NB 646-03C8 ~ m,· Queens~~ Exocutlv1 S.ln SEWERS. -. Ap-Full $1o.50, Twins IU5. Startinc alar>' plltl comm. ply 525 n.ea: Aw., Lquna Trundle sets (duo rim} wt nm year ~ o1 Btacb.. m-U31 inner tPMc matt. nc. S105. $ll.Ol'.JO plus palble 2 year SEWING rnac.bine operdatl. b>W S'll.SO. RoB-6-WQ beds lralniDr procram by cen-~·d top ideal cond w I il:m. 1PriaC matt. re&· tury'"tlld nat't co. Businell ~ .. ' "pay, • $SI.SQ. now. $39..50. FuD "' or .ie. Sack&'round belplul 1589 MonroVla. C.M.. 66Clll lleept.Nafa rq. $2.19.SO. now No trawl. V&mt opportwr SEWING I: repair of $169.50. New beds: Kio & itie:s. Equa1 09port. emplr. unilonns. Part-time. $99.50, Queens, $89.50. FWI N. A. Nielsen BU-5565 Hunt Bch. $49.50. Twins $39.50, fuib rn.7900 Shipplnt-lnventory ruua.o-Kine" a spreads Steady, 00-:ISiG Sll.95. 4. a:. S9.95. Cllist· THE LOOK "su=o~E-'SALES1fAN"7~.,:.::c:_=--I mas lay-aways now. SIESTA. ii Jookill& lot dJUp &irls 11i·h0 Part time. Eqierieneed. SLEEP SHOP, 1921 Hartlor need. ~t pol:ition. Jnqui:re in penon. Blvd .. CM M5-2'1&0 dlJl.y 10.9 Must be experienced in hip" HEMPHllJ..'S Sat.sun llJ.6. la•bton dres ae s '" lSll N~ Blvd tportawear. Fat ap. Colla Mesa 17 Pc. Kl119 Sin . .._ -<&II The Look, Sl'OCK G .. : ...... -. ~-l1 FuhioD llland. Younc. sharp, quick. fall 1.al'p 9 drawer dre..-r, mlr-l~NH~--------1 time. lnterviiew 10-S, '°'• 2 b!d.slde atanda, Jdria Sales APROPOS, 29 F a s b l o n lize headboard. hame, quil1. HOUSEWIVES. earn ~for Jaland N.B eel matb'eu, shelta, blank- Cbristmu. Accept orders ==:..· .:.:;:::·-----1 etl, etc. Irr a oationally-edYertiaed STOCKROOM Girl. Uniform O>olce of SpCsh &ift. ittm, For appointment rentals exp. helpful. W\D or Modem scyJe lnl<rWw. -tn!n. H.d. 842-05&> All For $249 SALES -Fam money with no iDYatinent. Sat ah .,,,,.._ -lull • part-time help. No delivery; we lnlin. For intef'View call 5'5-6IOO · . • TELLER · · • No down • Pm.ts. only '9 mo. YOUNG, ...,-,~ .__. 111n -WIDrllfllltt pany, needs idler/new ac-ft'u.ft ~ ftftUIVU.X. count• std. 1 •. 2 yn, exp. pttf'd. Pleaant. small of· 600 W. 41h St., Sa.nta Ana flee atmosphere-in l&Q:e, Open .Daily 9 • t beautiful aanou.ndinp. Sat. 9 • I Sun. 11 • I ~to _::_. "::;'~ ~ Coatac! Mr. LQo ESPANO'L IN QUALITY -· ...... '6........ DOWNEY SAVINGS " U~-1 U~--nn. FubkJns far LaFem--LOAN A.SSOCIATION ~ nvfJ1l9 FumttuN me, 2l Fashion Island, 83'7-Gll e Miaian VlejG Savt.np lo 15%. &Z financ. Newport Beuh. 644--0170 Lac. Nofhinc down., 3 com- TRAINEE YOIJIJI man in-plete-rooms cf decorat:on S&ies te~sted in kamin& tnde. 1cykd: gpaniah tumiture. Salea:pcnon tor Steno tape Muat have good refe~ Con&lmnc ot the famous store. full OI part time. Good Jim)' A: benefits. $Rady custom quality Madrid ijv. 1,-,.,...-"-------· I employment. '46-1l21. U:w room lfOUP, The oricln- Sales RixMln ~ FinilblnC al El Pretride.nte apacious MAKE <Xlr& money. W• W a ,..., .. 5 mutu ldnc .... ...,,..., train. Set )'OIJ!' own houra. llll I~ IUite ant the authentic La 436 w. 6th. 1\lotin _..,, EX'ERIENCED Pu ......,,, '"" ...... SALESGUU.. Ap z..411. a-Rta. lJmited atoclc: • $488. perlenced tn knittil¥ l. Apply In hl'Mft Hamilton Showroom. 5948 SOFA bed, 2 matchins chairs, new upholstery. 284 IOm: P\ace, CM. Read The DAILY PILOT c L A crocbrtinc Call Tbe Knit-SURF & SIRLOIN Westminster Ave. Weatmina. \Vit, So. Cout Piasa , 5930 Pac. Cd. Hwy. ,:";:';,· ::;":;;'::'0::14:....,,,_~~~I st.5-2112 tr iDSttview. Newport IMch MOVING lO Hawaii. Liloe 5 5 I • 1. I 'I I f ' I I ... -•ny a-a_ .. _ new: cusklal quilted curved ~ ... D&&l;ry. WAITRESSES-Night • h 1 ft • bei,ge &ed, oval Dnxd c1i1! Aftmmm J..9, H~pltal. suraical, medical. nn aet. refri&. 3 xtra Joa& lU Marine, Balboa 1•· denial p J a 11. Apply in twin bed aeta w I e I e c •~---~------·I per 1 on . H 0 WARD ' S blanktt, sewtrv ma e b SALESMAN: Serv Sta. Full Restaurant, 4X)t w. est ~ eoU: cart. ~ti - tµM, swinC sblfL Must be Hwy, NB. comp. Alttlq white: Ham· neat in ~ See WAJTRESS • Odtalla. 0 • mon4 clU'd orpn a em Jim, ZilONH ..... C.M. """""" ool,y. call -tbls. Anliq Mandolin, .,,.. SECRETARY Lann ot ..,, -. • .._,, bric- 4 yrs CQft, corporate or HUNTINGTON LIJfES bnc, silwr, tbl llnm. No lqal bacllaround. Mat be e D33ll'i6 e din: ltS-51'15 txttQtiw: Clllbn!. WAn"RESS 1or nitlt club-AC.. DAILY PILOT DJME.A.. MISS EXl!C AGENCY troctiv.. ..,..d. 2141J. An1Y UNES. Yoo ..,, -!hem CIO W. Out flishway In penon,. betnea I Jl1)J: b JQlt pmnles a day. Dia) Newport Beach 6£3!m arn, tn4 Placentia Ave. Of. ~ ' F I E D IBIT 1111! DIAL DIRECT ••• 642·5678 W_ESTMINSTER &. NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 L-lluch: 4f4.ftH Hourt-Re911letions--Oeedlines auoU. "'"""••_.,.,._, - - -.. Hl1r ... -_,......,. • ............... THI DAILY NLOT ....... WJty ffllr.,... •fr .. "" ............ ffilllfJI tt.. .......... "' urrecttr ... ts-. ' DIADLIN~POll CCWY AND KILU: llJI P.M. h -1ay w .. ~ ••c• ..................... ~ .... when , ..... t ...... l :JI '"'" •>Mor· . YOU MUIT MAW ICIU NUMllll W1Mtt ldllln1 •n M ._.._ .. ..SCk ~ .. J:!'9H,. ~ • ,..,.. ef tM ltlll numMr 1Mn ,_ .,. ,._ Ml tabr .. ........... ,....CllL l"ff ....... It _. t. tdtl ., cernct • •tw _, tMt.MI Nea .......,, kt .. """' Mt ,......._ ,. ff ,. untll tftl M ha .. ,,,..,.. lft the..,.... DIMl~NI .. ar. atrktly aat. 5n M•anc.t ., Mall .., at any -ef _,, .tfktil. NO--TM DAILY PtLOT IWWWWWW th9 rifht t• clwHy, ..rlt, ctnMr _. rwfvH any -''...,. tilllmMt, aM ...... tta rat. &Nil ,........... ......,.,. .. ......, Mtk .. Mall AM,..: lu 111.S, N_.,.,, .IMch, C.llfernla CLAlllFllD COUNTlll· .,.. 1-..re. .. hli.wi: Daily Pilot Cle11ified CLASSIFIED INDEX -.... -au -... --.... .,.. "" H9WAMTl•-JoaW~-­IOS WM\"9D. .. .., ----.... = MSlilaWOMQ NII DOMm:STM; H•LP ,_ A••NCll:S. M.-fMI H•U' WAllTaO. .,,_ n. AOIMCtaS. W-1111 MIU' WAilfTID. W-J4tt JO • .........._ A.,_. 1Mf AOIHC1a1, -•. W-JJtl ICHOOU a llflft.UCTIOM JMI JOI P'aaP'ARATIOH ,_ THUftlCAL nm MERCHANDISE FDR SALE AND TRADE "11:111n"Ula -O•ftca PUl .. ITVI• ... Ol'f!CW l:OUlf'MIMT lfll STOii• • ..,.,, .. ..,. Im an. ll:STAU'llMT WU IA• ..,,,.."' •11 ttoUSeMOLP 110001i "711 OAllA•I SAL.a 1122 l'UIJI JTVll AUC'TlOfil -,...,.uAtka 11• MTKIUIU SUI llWUle MACMINll llW MUIKAL IMSTltUMalfl' t'l!I flAHOS a Ol.SAlll 11• ..... "" T•Lft'IStofl lltS 1111.f'I a ITl'•aO •1• TAl'a •t:COllDlll .. tAMllAI a IOUl,MSMT aM Mot•Y tu,'1.IU .. lf'OltTttte 9000I -l fffOCU\.Aas. KOPP 11M MIKILlNtftlUI Mii MtlC. W"'"'D Int MACIUllDY, 111&. tNt !..UMtal 1'111 ITOIAOI Im IUtlOI ... MAftalAU .... IWAPI .. PETS and LIVESTOCK ,an. .......... - "'" -.... -MOlllSft IDI UWSTOCk -CALIFORNIA LIVING MUlllAllllll ..,. IWIMMllM fOOU .... ,ATIOI Int AWJillNtS '"' ¥.t.U.TKIM -TRANSPORT A TIDN IOATS A YKWTI ... IAIL.ao.t.TI MM ,..,..., c•ut1n1 ,... 1Pal~k1 90.t.TI -MAr TWAt&.ns ..., lo.IT MAllrtallMtea .... .o.r.T L.AlBICHIHe ...... MMIHI llWIP, IOAT ILi", MOOl:ntt "'°' ~T lat:VTCl:I M IOAT lllfl'A&.S ... HAT CllA.ltTElt ... •n:H+fl• IOATI .. IOAT MO"ll... -MAT ITOUOI ... to.tn w.....n:o ,. AllCllMT ..... fl'&.TIM• &.llUOfll.S t• MOat&.r MOMl!I ftll MOTOlt HOMl:S .,. llCTCl,.b ttll CLl!CTllllC t.Akl ftlll MMI l t•ft 911 MOTOltC'l'C!..~S tM MOTOlt~OOTS.. ,_ AUTO fl'h"Kll a 1'.UTS ,_ AUTO TOOU a IOVI,. "" TUUlt. TIUYU .. ruuat..~.-,. ,.. , .. ~. --..... ........ -CAMNa alWT.U t9t OUMelUMIU -IWOllTID AUTOS ... ----AlfTMtVaL (U.SltCI MU 1tAC1 UIS. ltODI NII AWN ft'D'TI ... A.UTOS W,..,.D ,,. lllWUH .. ....,,.. u.u•• .... .,_,_ ... HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR. THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? ':-----------~~ -·----------- -----------------= 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 . ' ' LEGAL N<YMCE LEGAL NCJrlCE ,...,,, MOTICI 01' auL• ft:AH•••• 1s.u. •111~1n v.c.c.1 N.-ln b lwt'Mr •"'-> ,_ IM C .... ltvl 91 WAL TEii lEO GA'ttl •NI lotl It, GATI!L T..,_,~ ..._ ..,,,_ .... *-1i1 'aft ..._. te!Ytl .. Cat• ,,_., Coun1Y DI' O•-· Stnit fill C.llt9r11le, ~ • .... .,._,.. It about ,. .. !MM "' FlllAHIC G. NOVA.I(. Tr-"'-.._ llll&llleu Mlll"MI II 21152 ..._,. lhoil., eo.,. ~ ~ Gt or..., SfPI fl c.'"'°"'i.. TM -""" 19 11t t,..lldencl It W..!otll ~ WQ .._.. aMt~ eo.i. Me.a. c- h' Gt Or-. Shtt fll C.I~ s.w -rtt' " ~ ... -·· es: "" 91-:k lfl tr ... ,._,...,, -'-""""" ""' ... 'fl'lll ,,, ,,..., ...,,......, ~ i.:-.. Ulfl9 h...rll Hllftlrlv .,,.,, Ille.._. •I 215:1 H-1 11¥11., C..t• Mew, ~ ol °"'-.. ,... ol C.llfl;irnll. The bvll t,..Mlfer ..pt M ar1tll!!lfN!etl M « .ti« IM 1M1 dW flt kPfwflber, 1"9, It COl'NMra Etu9W Cl .. QA S.. EllCJlct Av-.. ~ c.lll!fY fill Or1119r, sr1i. "' c.nttrl'll. lo l1r M ~ '9 IN Tri~ 111 ...,.,.,, ....._ .... ....,,_ ... w Ille 'T,..""'-t; fol' thl Jlll'H \IMr'I .... Nit. 1n : -. 0'1ed: S.,.IL'mblor f, IMJ. F"'M: r.. N!Jo'•'l. Tr_,.,ee COMMl1tCa IKltOW CO, ... 0.. .. .-J ........C. ........ '2111 lbowwM&. lta Pllbll&hetl ON"" Cont Danv Piie!, ~ II, INt 1#HI' LEGAL NCJrlCE LEGAL NCJrlCE Ult·tnt IU,1:11101: (OVltT O" THa STAT"I 01' CA!..lfO•NIA ,.Olt THe COUlfl'Y 0, OllANO• ....... •OTKa CM' H&Al:I• O" ,rttrloN "OI ftltot.ATa CW MO&.OOltA,.MIC WIU. AMD •Oil &. ITT I• I 'TUTAMINTAlllY (IONO WA1'9'1.Dl bt1!9 "" Gnu ,,_ ...,.... Ito tt-es GrKll I. kyf!'. OttNIM. HOTICE 1$ MEltllY Glll'EM ni.t Liit'· r11M ,,_ Mldt,._ M"*' 11'1 fhl wll fl I.. J . ...,...,_ Mi flllll Mftln I "'lllM ""' ~ flt ......... le Wiii "" ftlt ""-flt ~ ... 'T•tlmlnflrY .. ..., ... ..._. I"°"" WllVHJ, ,..,."1ICI fll wtii;lch " m90t ,., ~ Ht1fCvlln, ..... !Mt ft'll 1l!M ... lliloc't f/fll """'"' 1M .. _ lwt ............ Odeblr :a. ,,.., ., •1• '""·· Ill .. -"-fill ~,,._. No. I. tlll' llW -'-II 1W W..1 Eltfltll SlrM!, lit ... °"' flt llfti. AM, C.llJorllll. DllM """""'* n. '"'"· I W, IL ST JOHN. C-"' Cftft;I f'UIHl(ITT MD ,1.1.HntlTT 411 °"" A-, ... 0. In ,._"" "" I """*""" ...... CdfllnM t1'4I Tlh (J'M) ..... •• -...... '-' Dlllt "''"· ............. It. 11. lt, IMt ·-LEGAL NOTICE ' . /lllOTM;I TO CltllOrT'Otlt IUPlalOtl cou•T o• TN• STATI O• CAl.JNlttlllA Hfl • TMI COVln'T CW OUNI• ....._ ' 1!'1111• " PMl!..LI" ANDaEW HOOO 0-IH. -' NOTICE IS MEltElY Gl\IEH tt 'fht cndl ....... -........ --~ """ 1n ..,_ flt¥W dtltlll ... ""1 tM =~~=..-... ~·= .. -ewrt; .. "" ..... ...ntlM ~ ... ,. .,,,.,. "*"" Wfttt .... _,. -· .. -·-.. ~ .. """ """"111n """' 44. ia CIMer ~ ........ hld'ri Ct '*lo "" " lilt ,.. .. "' ,,. """""""" 111 •• """"" "" I'll ,... .. ,.,. "' Mild tlCHfrll. wltlll,. ""'' """""" ..,,., ""J""' """""'· " """ ... ~. DllM Aullllf "· .... LW• Mlrtt ~Mffl', . IU L.wn~ ...... IC"ttt hfc:ufrll "' ""' Wll . "" """ ......... _...,., KUWOOQ. MDIII • ADll:IMtOll .. .....,c......on.. ... Clfkl .. ,.., ........ ..... Cllf. .. T• '"., ...,_m1 w ~-.......... ~ or.,.. t.-t Dllllr >tot. hlll•-,.. ft,, ,. ... Odlls " ,.. ~- TURN ON -' IV WUk I"" r.• ,...,4 ............. ,,..lliflt .tr.1114 .. '"" -fllljf"f s, .. ".., '" -.,, DAILY ,llOT. I I .. . ' : • • .. . • rridof, ~. u. 1'1111 MllCHANDISI POI " ' . SALi ANO TUDI. tilloool'- When You Want it done right ••• LOST LEASE • ·FINAL DAYS • TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY CONTRACTOR HELD US Ul'll $60,00l l..-y Gf Fino Fumltu,. PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALi _. -lllltl -GU ·pa1ttt. M09JNP • *'t -iar.iw '•tatce11eta•• =.:mo::"..: dial bl ...... -~ -$OlS. .. ,_ ----s.. .. -ml ll>ltl S1$ ... O' c -a .. -11o. Call ma droo 1eo1-..r • ~TOI 8ElS CANCIUATION sn-M. ' u cu 11. c1etp ,,_ • Call one of the experts OF 11 WXUIY »•.,...,..... "'l'LAI., •• 111V: "" 1-· -•'t•I•' _,....,,. ... ...... jl2!; 2 attdq.--lllll.,,..... btlll- S ....... & M•lilw1z1• fw ••• 125•: ca.maia-115: ,.,_, s -a - · listed below!! Must le Sold NOW I SPANISJI MEDITERRANEAN ACT NOWI DON'T MISS TiflSI l ank T•nn• Stora Charge Mest•r Chatt• l1"kA11tfflcarcf -AU Ac'tepttd All IUlll NEW --..-I». 1t1t Plorar n. .. HB. - t .pc. MHit1rr•n•1n B1cfroom Suite tn Peca" =~I::;::' :i: UJIP~ SCRAllL£JS IR•t • ,349.001 -----··-·.NOW oflll.00 tnt l!OO; $4Mrlll; 181W.U. I.II" Gort.OU• Spen1.h Cuttom lullt Sof• wtth' Pl. C.M Aft s pm. ANMEH' ' 1 llfltfchi119 Lw• $•et-Choice of bMutiful ~· eqvlpt; ~. • .. APPR V D FURNITURE Opoo ,., ....,, Set,'"' Stto. 10.S. l4a.ff4;0' SERYICI! DIRECTORY SERVI.Cl l)IRICTOltY · SERYICI· DlltECTOltY ·. e ~ A a. e Apalbihlllt & Units • Custom Hames • Kitchen Experts e Two Story Specialists FREE LAYOUT A DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL NOW OflN WUIDAYS 675-7191 SAT, Ir Ptf. A1'P'11. AYAIL INOUaOMCI 01 TOii NOMI • , 2435 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR f•brict. I R•g. '41f.95l.--.NOW $215.aO """* wriltr, Vtrlh x ----1--. 6735 HOUMCIHnlnt 2065 a..to St., (Oita Mesi S~ol•h •Dining Sot. ---·-·--$75.ilo copier, -. drlfllow 11o1. °""'I-NOOSE WOULD YGU ~ t will 8ohind "Horbor C.r Wuh" SOr.d O•k End T•hlu ond Coffu ToblH ..$1'.00 -ttfrlc, P.•• t o .A~blcloood: UIUlolo- . Cbn ~ borne for Bha8 Enter off HemiJton or lemard St. Tell Decorator Tabla L.mp1 nllrpr, JD .pd. bike, mite a ~ lower, It d .. • Ollp Stamps! 891~7350 A littl• h•r4, •• f;IMI. •irt w•rfli ~· dt ll•rt 'Y•• • ..,.,1 ~ (R99. f49.96) ... -------·-····-·--NOW $11.00 -~-&15 Pfttdac6an Place, N60s£. • , BA"! a: Beach Cleanini Strv. Speni1h H111gln9 Swe9 Wmps N.8. (ott ·Plmoentla. betw. LOADING Ramp/~ a Carpets, _w, !loon. . IR09. '49.951 --·-·-·-···-···NOW $It.SO ~ k 16"'). -II>.-iot pick ... ,,_ otc. a.. ~ Commc'I 64S.llOI Fumltvre . -Garw S.le to22 A decorator dream house on display -3 FREE DRINK ' -••• l!t rw-. CARPETS, w-. .... -.-I -L ..... .......... -Int I Res Olmc'l Xlnt rooms 0 gorgeous Spani ... fumi1Ure {Was FISH ... CHIPS ontl -~ 15.0lll B1U e" ,°' 518-0U LEAVINO STATE. Mo<U .... GARAGE SALEo Antiqued reg. $1295.()() RIX 2111 -· lllm ...,. $10. or -b workRu.sllt.e!s. raneanl'lllfaA:kweaat, m.lmn. e~, baby 310E.11'tlt.CM cupeoW work..S c•tt"• WINDOWS DmTY! collee table, 2 end ...,.. crib, play peo, .,.,.., SACRIFICE $398 Fri-Sept 12tJo ~. lawn -· 111tit -lL Johnny Dunn )'OUt local l'hodea. hide-a-bed, lamps, trlk~. aidtwalk b I k e • • • • • • • 1D Spd boys J'mlc:b nttr, -.o&H """""'· '""" .. L 6G-Z364 -.... .,,. bod nn ool 1urn;.... guitar, clothes, Credit Terms Av.11. Ctodit CIHrod lmmodi•loly like -.... -$35, •• .;;*.;:_..;:..;A~u-c~no=~N=--.,...I _ --_ d;,,Jng ..... _ ·-O!'HER m quilted """" $15, _ tbJ =~ in my :: =::~~:~::: ~~~:~ n RJRNITURE ::s.~$1150.Gbta 11::u::r. 11.25 pu hour. l&I COMPUTE Bodlocm oet, 2 .._ Frldq T:• - 5IM9'IO * s.p ... 11 ... Must.s.11 BOUTIQUE c.,.... Sale. 1844 lewport Blvd.-'• __ , .. ,. ......... _,, .. benob, wmc1y· •. Auction ...,. IRONING Liv. rm. 10fa I: love seat Lota of unusual handmade dint o1 drawers. bed, box Bebb1! Toat'• 11141. Man. Reuonable 897•7350 vdvet; coffee I. end table1; ltemL Great fDr Christmas. sprine Ir. m1.ttfta. MUST ~ Newport. QI ...,_ 1 =======~! don ..ra & love ..at King Sat l l>ln 1J).4. 3104 Costa U-a only SELL llOO. Eloctrlc -GUITAR. Fllli """ lillir .. .lanitoriel 6790 sim Ba.uet bdrm. set, P.fcKinley WI)'. C. M • lllAi: $25. l wbetJ campt"I' trailer to 10 boob. B1m ~ =:.P~~'°'}'~ .....,,._ lnrrflllllt'llt-WM.,s.t.&S...'Tlt llOOorbes!otter.S..ml """" ""° S" s ;;i = ~ ~ &net din. nn. set a: china ~~ :;~ ~~ ~~ ... ~'!.!. SALEt ~~ :~rtdttm flL reside.ntial. Dally, wttkly cabinet. ~1661 . ~gi'"' ...,.,.. -""°. ,r:cea ~ ~ .... •amp and/or Mo. --~ FURN1TURE .l cab!neb lOa! _, Sat., S.pt. !!I. 9" 5 • M hi t120 ,. .... & °'11ans t130 "l1S TROPICAL FISH pod, -QI, n.o.. -""' ,...., 5, 211 Flower, C.OSta Mesa. ew1ng IC nft 9C@O F.clirlpr (@ Mlgn(lli.) lla:nd, fldjmt 10 lto lC. S:'- SPARKLE Janitorial 6: wm. =er:~: =~ ~ im:! ~= Oub of Nn-port NOW-rent a Baldwin piano Fntn Valley e 8C.QJ M&-0644 dow c1ea.nUli Serv. w~ unuaual unflniAbed furniture Singer, auto, tia a.a:. '· rDOI tot your child Jur p .oo IORBY ncwm cltantr -.rilh ~e='ve-==R~YTH=~l~NO~OO=~l!~S"I doWI, resMI., comcl, oonst. store. Cor ~ I: Santa GARAGE. SALE ~t 4 SUn. old. No attach beedfd to do ; e e ~ PJ'?feuional tn-attadl a polilher. Xlnt amd ~ Of' r ••••••••• .' •• AT Cleanup. Free est. ~2691. Ana F"#)', Tustin. 1 mt so. Maey 1tem. incl. .ata. de!tgn, moqrm, blind bm1. ttuction available -ruWtl A paranteed. PQ ott ba1 al ''ANYTHING GOES" ESTATE Maint Tree· SerY of N wport Fwy Open 3i2 dr'sler, chest, bleyele. $5.27 mo ot $0 .CO cub. paranteed. UlJJ or tab Oftf pympta. Remowl a t:rimmlnp. free A··-e._.. -.... ;,_, llB32 wutett Lane. H.B. _52S'61=='=====:::: WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Credit dept 535-?289 A1t1 top wltb an:r bottmnl -· ~ .. ~·~ • IJ1!I N..._. CM. ....-AD BildDta rtduce4 to. IT. estimate, Call 50-0)88. 8' SOFA. never used, quilted OONESE ~!OD hi-ti I rad, WANTED . RANQI Emba Mink Siok, Ovu fOOIUllsto dlOOll!tnm. floral birUarded $125 furn. tofas chain lamps, Mutlc1I Inst. 1125 . Ranch Mink llq cape, 3211 Ma.riDe Ava. Lanclscapfng 6110 Matctu:tc1ow teal m: wtcer twn, misc. SaUSUn PIAN.,?~s;ANs wblte Kalpn jacket . Balboa Islend. HILLS SLOPES .,.,_..,, l-4. SOU River, NB GUILD F~ 1..-rd pne, etc. ClothJor KENMOIU!: electric - a.bysittlng 6550 Child C8re . 6610 speda).ty': Nat years o~ 2 Early Amer. vmyt love GARAGE SALE Mouatical. steel atrinc, ~~tie piazxt. ~7S mu new, 24 lndt...-SIA CHILD CARE wW be wont"! Get pro-Rats, 1 vinyl owntuffed End tables, Clllftee tablC!ll, GODO BLUES AXE • ~. CARPET lmtaller bu oat Slmmona hideabe.t. n •a 1 1&tJe chi.. qe 2~ b:> 5 D~Y care, m.y home .. ~te ltttion now! can 495-anl rocltrr. f1S u. Newly reup. IO!a, Maey item! 5fG...698T $125 * 645-2'M6 &K-t6!lll roll. avoc:ado nyloa carpet, new s:reen tweed: SUJ1,...: 1"l.S. Ai ~le A: ccm-Lie. Hot lu.acher. hirview * Lic'd .Tipaoe&e landscape 548-9771, 3:3)..4;:3) CARPET, shq, bl.to NEW Conn, gold teJa ux. KURTZ uPl'ilbt piano. Clll double Jute-badced. WUl ltll W.. $10 ad!. I f .II panion fot1 1'111 ' yttr~ A:--B&m. 5*-6&12 contractor; complete 1nd-SOFA, BR aet. coH.ee A end $4 sq. ~. ;!96 Hamilton, Eicctllent ant $195. 548-9387 from U :Jl « 6:3). all tit put. $ 3 /y a rd• W.tmlnlter, OI .....,, daupttt_ Mala lncitllecl. C0ritrectoo1 6620 acpg &: gardens 83().3007 tbl s, mattress/l{lrinp, C.M. Saturday only. • 541).2623 • 8:30. 541)..126 -. ~. Near Vaam'1• .l EdiJ:Wtt. chain patio turn. Misc. 127 GARAGE Sale Sept. 13&.lC U S"I'RING eled:tle guitar 6 Radio 8200 2 GOLD raug. upholstered Misc. W•nt.cl Fountabl Valley area. $20:00 GENERAL Contractor. Ail Peperh•nglng 44th si_, NB. 675-0TTl &al1A Heliotrope, C.d.M. amp. $121 or beat offer. bar stools. 6 mo o&d. 6x9 a week, can h7-nB7. carpentry, ~te. add A Paintlnt 6150 GREEN brocade Vh.' sette ai Fum I: lob ot: Mile. 546-1169 an. 5 PM AMATEUR Radio dallon, wool area ms. turquoiee A GRANDM~ Would remodefuw. 2S yrs a-. matetrlng chair. PH'fttt GARAGE Sal~ Camper fer SB3IXlrcvr4SB40lX1mr, &'l'ftD.2%·bp moweruel2 like. part time eve1 child ~-5.11·7984, MT-2382 2 reliable cotlege -~'Hon. ..,40 ~ .... """'" or · ' ANTIQUE !U.Yfkiwer Mm-on the air now, $f15. mo. 56-4650. care in .... w home vie. OC-1 d . ....,Ul,l.I .,.. ...,,...._... % Ton Pickup $40. Tires, dolin. like_ new Appnlsed ~=.--=--=--.--. w.M a"'~ F.v. St C.rpet Cl•nlng 6625 stu ents contracting 49f..95T1 ~te.. 210 Vtrshrla. CM SDI: maa •• 61>517S ~ ~ ~. c;:-12. ;:! "'° per" hr. please call Opal interior/exterior MOVING muat sell! Hou11e Teltvlslon' l205 -. Ba..... &: -•-..m> CARPET & Furn. cleaning; tull ot furn & misc. 188 GAR.AGE SALE F'ri I Sat. Pl A 0 11-... ~-"1 .,..,. lor l day service &. quality h • 1· ,.._ 51 .. i. toilets, clothing, misc. 1n01 rgant "" &ltta. Reasonable. 3229 New Fer flllniture. appHr-. BABYSITI'ING 1_11_ ouse p~un 1ng. Monte Vista, Apt C, ~ta '"" Leue Color TV er Black York Aft, C.!lt. 546-5092 My borne wwk. eall s'"'...... fir t.__ Mesa. s,e.7927 160 E. 22nd St.. CM 6f6.3750 • White. Option to-... eoknd TV ............ CM. Mon thru F r i . lrightnea! 60..as:IJ me estimates, 646-3750 • PIANOS .,..., AM p Ex ta p e d e ct m:t anttqua 1 '----" exceUe t 1 MCNING • Se 11ln1 all e PIANOS Free !e!Vice. No deposit n...---~ n """· DIAMOND u • oarpets -·Xlnt work. 494-0936 bouoohoJd lumitun, <Olar e PIANOS A·-TVRenta!Co. w/plo._ h e a h ~ ff."' .... 5f9.-0'J06 friend! DiamOftd Carpet ....._._._._ St 11) m,..115.J mlcmphonea. cost De W --- DAY Care for children of Cleanen. 645-1317 NEED PAINTING? TV, etc. 1166 .._..~...,u ., Furniture Auction 8025 Fin&! Days of our SUmmft' aticxrt $1100, 11.crifice $2IXI. $ WE BUY :i wtddng-mothers in D1:7 QUALITY carpet dalllnc Calll.il!~bleSuvicew/ CM.54&-4247• Sa.Le.Sa~oafabu.lo u 1 24'' PACKARD Bell cokJr 5J6-.82M). of home, Mon ... Fri. 'Mary Olrlstm&I .--1 .. 1 av 3 ~ Qutllf;Jatltlbe"-.at tbe FINE 18th Centur7 e Fumtture·• GRANDS lneludtn& 'l'V. remote control. Dit M=oVJN="'G,-,-to-"E-:.,-~- a393.1" ..--. 54S-f&1 mo8t reuonatie 1'ricea. reproductin MUoguly A--llance1 e Color TV • Chlckerirc • Wurlitzer oond. S199. 673-8600 C!omplete b o u: ! : ! ~ ci WD.J. do babysitting in my $24.!li. Guarantted. Free tstimates. 548-&m Dining table 644-1679 n-AOK AUCTION e Steinway e Knabe %1" Magnavox, table model, fu:rnlahtnp must be dilpo9-$ RJRNt:TURE $ APPLIAHCU home. Monday lhru Friday. Carpet Leytng & e SPF.CJ.AL e TEA cart $15; maple chest of Tm Gani~ Grove BJvd, PLUS MANY MORE! black A: white, S )TS old. ed at. 2:1131 Kiowa St HS, I low children. can aft 6 Repair~ INTERIOR .t: ext er Io r . drawers with mimlt $35: Wtistminster nr. G.G. Fnry, SPINETS &TOCON~!._ES SZ. MG-4780 962-9717 ' C.tw TY.....,...n •• se.• ........ "-.. CASH IN JI MIMWlll • 541-4531 • p.m. 494-7372 Single 3 BR stucco A trim maple desk $18. 548-6f76. Tues A: Thun 7 PM-Sat 6:30 SAVE UP · • • _,.,,, COi.DR TV 21" RC A GUILD P'~ BABYSI'ITING, N~xt to n•w FOR CARPETING $288. 4 BR or 2 story $388. BEAtmFUL SPANISH ~ Estate consgnmt, Repo. New BUY' NOW! 1 Prices )rill mt w/remote, in top contf, Ft'. Acou1tka1. ated' - OR CARP-LAYING 30 Chuclc"A""""" bedtlslow egaln•• .._ __ $195 Pvt ty ... -pork, "' Nowport H (. ~' yn. exp. ~ ""' tabl•. w ..... h1.-1q1. COAST MUSIC r<v•. . p . ~ .. "~GOOD BLUES AXE Demn. SchJ. Alon-S a t. C. A. Page 642-2070 SUBURBAN Painting/Dec 4 cbaln $150. 830-1583 Appllin• ltOO ZENJ1ll TV part11ble, lf''.•, .,......., * ~2246 WE PAY WR "5-27S4 Expert Guaranteed Work Quelity king bed-qWlted, NEWPORT I HARBOR includlrig stand. Xlnt * * '* * "!~~~n..... playmaM dte ::CfAN. -Ii= n-:. :-!:J>~argt ~::~ wm:~ LARGE adection °' ftCOndj. =~ ~ 1~ ::~ condition. WI 83S-96rl F&:'Yeo!~ a~ •FUwRNANTEDnuu k=5;..169i esa e ~ ~~Jibs. maint !. PAINTING Int 1: Ext Lowest tkmed appliances, repcn, ·~ UMd Hammond Organ Ha..FI & $teNO 1210 for ule. Pvt ;t;"fii.uu ~irf. ~ contracted prices. Fully Im. Office Furniture 8010 pliances rrom model 'homes SALE CANON nr 1u1 35m.m TOP CASH IN 30 ~ WllJ.. babysit for child of ..u. est. -all guaranteed. STEREO 1969 dlx comole, .._ ~ Q .. ._1u .. fm-rdture colrm> TV" teacher. X·teacber, now Floo~ 6665 ~~:e'°: :Uf;K, Frtt AN AEROSPACE We Service -w,. Finantt compl with fWl stereo. c Qd Like new, 1 yr old. ~ appUa.ice i tJJtb. motber. 673-8504 C YI I Tll e FOR Bet•-P . """ ,_ CORP. RELEASES DUNLAP J3.3 & ""'"'· A-JOO, B-JOO, d~--~ ..... • "' watt . ~n .. Plloi:;ot ft-Pm• aaJce eqnlp. arpot ny o _, "'"-~ •• APPLIANCE H-100, M·IOO, M-3. t,JOO, . --~. f """"' ~ -~~ "1·1212 BABYSITIING, Next lo .lo & lt'J'lo ~ * SJ.8..fJOx:W Walnut desks, U ba1 ot. l')i;J.;iifri;i-'p;,i<ji;;;i;-'c;;t 1--..._,..;-~;!!~=.--I Nnport Heights p&I11:, Mon All ltyles P."ld colon ter. r' ~x r. C Ylltb never marred tops, 1815 Newport Blvd .. C.?.t. J-100, S-1. From $195. Tertn1. l)'lt2m. EQ' O $Tl.2SJDIAMOND Pendant, colt WE thru Sal 645-21:»4 Free est ·Lie. contr. cell1ngs_ &l6-40T1 A 50-3502 returblfhed . •• . . • $74.50 • 541-nlO • . cub or l?D&ll pymnts. $500 9dl fQI' $150 cub. PAJ CASHf 540-~ ~ PAINTING. Ext·lnt. 18 yn * 32-l door letter file .A!.LEN rnEATER, 32 ped-Credit dept. 53>7289 Matchinr dlamOnd pierced ~:fnste~~~ exp. Ins. Lie. Free est. ................... S35 ea. 1:'~1o\'e~~~n~~ als. almost nl"N! CONCORD 811) mreo tape ~ $100. m-u,u • NOT c• =b . Call ~971 Gardening 6680 Acoust. ceilino. S48-S325 * 4. walnut secretarial &. ~r tray &: ·bottom st.-.. e recorder, sun. s TIRES 1: wheels. Powier jet BABYSl'ITING My home vie. Bol5a Qtica A: Sis.soo, H.B. Any ~. 842-4:371 BABYSITTING, My bJmr. m-. 17th St, CM. Fenced ,..... 642-1082 * *-MATURE, Dependable, kMlC chUd care. Call eves, -EXP. licensed child care, my bomt. N pt Hgts. nice play area. 64~. BABYsnTING My home, mt lunchn, companions, fenced yard. seM74 .,. ..,,,,. Y•-Big Savings Now ln our F.nd *"" -* 6 pl 100 14 ~~-• For GOOD USID PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs, uni .... •·· ·· •·. ••••• ,......., ea. compartment: \vhite. $75. ......,..~i Y x .....,.,.._. .... .._ t *••·-drat I bl ol SummcrOearanceSale!! , in Harbor area. Lie. & IU""1 ting a e •· 54S-5623 or 962-9625 ---~ -nearly new S18. Small Sean FunllWft, ~ 1V • bonded. Ref&. furn. 642-2356. chaini, "'Ork table~, steel * \VESfINGHOUSE db 1 HAJ't1MOND C. emer11 & Egulp. 8300 arc welder $25. 64>-2418 Hausebold Itemt: of any kfnl. desks, credcnu.s, lU'C fil-in CORONA DEL MAR -• 547..$722 • 644-4860 Pint.ring. R.,,.ir 6880 es, etc. oven r 1. n g·e It exhaust 2854 E, Coast Hwy. 673-8930 CANON QL/19 35 mm ~~tb .~1-mem-1:':.)• PHOTO STUDENT The Best, <mt• no tll(ft! McMAHAN'S uniL J.larvest gold. New"-THOMAS ill< .,w150, l yr old ~ ~.':,':-., .. ~ .. ~. ~ Maintten&nce • PAmt ~c;. U30 s. ~ mvd. unued. 644-5500 pvt pty. * .... -~-...... .., -~ JUNK CUIER.ll Budget l.andJcapim& All t,yp?S. Free estimate. 17Ut50 Anaheim KENMORE auto matte ORGANS Write Daily Pilot Box P-911 HW. 56-1.GS. clla project, etc. IG«U Graduate Horticuttm1St Call 5t0-68:25 lA.longlide S.A. Fwy. washer, late model, xn!t Exclusive CoJor.ilo program-ENCYCLOPEDIA recent NEED bricb cm to 1IOO. COMPLETE at Katdla) con:!. $40. 847....ru.5 or med --"hmn; M ...... other Sportlnt Goods 1500 edition $35. Alto b •• t nanwbl,y lft:md. ....- 1 b 6890 546-8672 •:r · ........ :r chlldmt'• ene;vcl:opedla · YAIDJ MAINT. P um ing USED-Good condition. Desk, plus ~atures. See lbe new SCUBA tankl twin 38., $50. 2 SM-8360 • Sprinkler installed It. repair-PLUMBING REPAIR 2 chalr.9, couch, lamgis. GENERAL Electric sloYe, 2 Lawrence Welk model, Tre-Regulators Sl5 ea c b Machinery, etc.. __ _:;.::::I ed. New lawns, cleanups. tables &; other I t e m s • ovens. in xlnt cond. mendous savinP on gelecl. 642-filS, 20 Orange: NB. · 'ii Kea home beer OJGler In-- ?.lonthly Service. No job too amall 8f7-250'7 or eves 536-9'284 ~ ed demonstrator models. ' chdn& 1rza 6 002 tank $15. DRILL PRESS.. a.ftmlaD 968-1928 • 6C--l2l.8 • WASHER &: dryer, avocado, Used Organs lrom $199. ~~ ~2'~= ~-~~I ~Z-= Ou•lily Lawn S.rvlco R•mod<I R .... lr. 6940 Offico Equipment toll SIZ. "'lrig-fro<t """ SUS. COAST MUSIC bo • SS8 .,.._ Sl'EAM -~ like aew, \0 511-Tm • ANTHONY'S Establishing new route by ·-' :::!'.: TYPEWRJ'J'ER, Add. mach, F'rttt.er $65. 54G-l(l9:j NEWPORT I: llAP.BOR th for • price $95. sa-am. at 113 Brick, M•sonry, etc. v.'ell known pn;iteeaonaJ. BUILD, Remodel, Jlepatr calcolatlr, Very reasonable. MAYTAG Automatic wa.sher, COSI'A MESA * 642-28Sl *'FOUND Dwnb aeiii and until 2; aft 2. m-&Hl FREE TO YOU 65Q) Rea110n., refs. 66-175f Brick. block. eon ere l e , Xlnt Cond &-242) late model, xnlt cond. $65. NOW.rcntaBaldwinorgan ncx::c=~,$15. OWJty ldlle ~ted --------NEW L 1 w n s te-eeeding. crpntry, I» job too small • , Ml..SU.S or 546--8672 A learn to play. Adull Campl.elb-1mUll4#'911,; wartb 2 ADORABLE bea1&1'1 ldt· BUILD, Remodel, repair. Complete lawn care, clean IJc. Contr. 9D-'9C5 G1r!f! Sale I022 beginners only. Priwte er Mltce!llMOUI $250. Aft 5-wtndl J0..6531 tell. 11"1.1 / wht. •ad Brick, block. concrete, up by job or month. Free * IF )'OU need m:nodeling, Ailt iquts 1110 class leslOftl 1vailab1e -DIAMOND fine:r cocttan wht./11)' stripped. I WU. carpentry, no job too mnaI!. estimates. CallM&-am painting mo ttpain. Call MOVTN(rMwt tell apt results guaranteed. Believe BEAU'I'tFUL sqipb.lre 1r; rib& apprUed Sl5CXI au need aood llomea. Uc. Cootr. 962--$tS AL'S Gardening 6 Lawn Dk:k. &e.1791 fumishlqgs. incl r.e tr J &'·· it or not. $3.00 a "<ttk reo-diamond r!Jlc, Apsn1.ed at $500. 61J....3lkt 53&-J890/5C.'7tl6 Maintenance ~., dttsse.n. misc items. In S VU ANTIQUE ta!, les80ns extra. $815. WW .ell I.or nwch las. .,_,GSIZE ;_, w1--~ I wn~n-~• -T Bul .. rs 6570 ind1111trinl ._·re;tW~ S.winp 6960 .ncl eond. Sat A SUn 2527 HOW & SALE WARD'S BAIDWIN STUDIO 67W1M. ';. P5 Rd "-'45 s ~ ..... ;.r:o;: ....... 1---------*646-3621* Elden Apt C. CM. 645-1608 Sept U, 12, ll, lt 1819 Newport, C.lt.I. 00.-8484-co.~. ERCIAL trl mm er 17,. -· .......... 1~. ""'"' ·~ ..,k _ __.__ ...._____ REM 0 DEL-AddltSom-Cab-Alter1tions -642-SMS ' MOVING to E 1.1 rop e . Thur Fri Sat t.10 SUn ll-6 y ~... .. .. ~ ... -_..,,, u --·-....w ~-.LW' 1Deb-8lock fences-Olncret.e Japanese 0.rdener Neat. accurate. JO )'MJ"I eXP. 'Complete h 0 u s e b 0 .J d l..oqr Beach MonlclpaJ Aud. HAMMOND • StemWl.1 4 .. lawn mowtr, 25'', xnlt cond.. BRAND New Weatnn dla'tal C.M. . tm wark. 60-9852 ~., compl Jl.nl service! e Dreumak1nl • Al fllrni&binp must be diapo&-lA>qg Betdl B1Yd le: • ~ ~LA Be~~~ $100. "2-1521 wit meltr, lm:J mv. $235. S DAJtK Oil' ....,. Mnl-. Free est 66a12. 9fi8.n13 Special oa hemt. eel oL 11131 JOowa SL, HB Oemll Ave. So Calif. rl.lhl here. •158f J ~ta&. Alao 4 'If· Gill C:.rpontwint 6590 Exp'd J-Ganloner. * -* 96W71T SaoonT MUSIC CO REFRIGERATO!l IS> HOUSEroL at,,,,.,_ \0 mom -cal. CARPENTRY ' c.ompJeie yard 8!1'\'ice, super s~ Sale! ~·s = 190'1 N. Main. ., :~~ ~ . lw Ille, IOO'le tool&. MM1jf ~ l'lflNOR REPAIRS. No Job ~estimate. S.-1332 TILE, Cenmlc 6974 Manlan ThrU't Shop To make lOOlll for new stock Santa Ana table WlJocl ~ 548--2152 SU-1584 NEED pod hQrne --~ .,..BmaIL Cabinet In pr-TREE Sen>k:e, general yud * Vemr:, Tbe Tlle Man.. 1BT7 Park Ave nr 19th HELEN MANNING Antiques \VE HAVE PlANOS! I NEW-OU pUitinp Slit .. b1adc ad ~-kSttta apt a otb1r cabinets. cleanup.Rctotilllc:sprinkler CUst.wotk.lnlta!IAl'ep&D. C.M. Moo-Wed, SeptlS. 2428Nwp(BlvdCM &U-9251 You nu.y purchase or rent 91/2 ' KAYAK S..Jami-.ea.TV~. wb. MoClm-•ee-. 56111$, u no annrer lilw serv. 646-5M8 No job too small. Plub!r 16, 17. 9:3) AM to 1 PM SOLID <U Hoosier ldtchen and c(edlt all monies paid f0;023$: "6-0W'l · .J ....-i'l4iii1'il-.it"i>t;;;r-;;:;r.;;:I -at 6t&-23'D. R. 0. CLEAN-UP SPEX:IAUSTI patch. Leak.bw 1bower A\11'0 llr<ond $25. TV~ cabinet, $SO. IOfovd puttbue. 1Qa12 Ll&h-t gold nylon .diq GOOD Bd~ le: Zenilb FREE. ~ a t r l pl, :0-M--· odd ,,.._ -"· 147-19S7,_ ......,. 12.lG. KIL """-a *Sl8-00SS• HOUSE OF HARMONY nt1.lpod.._u,.;,1,... bearftts .-Iii Pldad. ..._....,. lo' llr. ...an Qi141rry Repa.in: _ Altcn.· Rmooable. s..'956 many mlK ttems. Model'e 48 Fuhkla I*'>d old $S0. ~ cmlltkm. $.'iO ..m. IO-m * W. la & 0. -• N.., eonot. by -* Export J-TrM 5orrlce 69tO clotbeo, 10.12. 6l2 SL Jomea s.wt .. Machi"" '120 N..._ Beado * 644-C391 POOL 1ablt, wl1lo ..... ontl 11" ii& GilOO'TY Ill. iliW -. llSS 0r0aat..ct.1•1<12 ~ FINEltwomt'i&<llM 'Rd.N&60.a2L '""' ••Y~HA -1411, .l*-Om. nn ,._ .-. .. s t!111 nmg ~ '. l;"RPENTRY:&>liii!i '. , C::::7~~..=: ~TE llale: f -SEWilllJll.AQllllE PIANOS A ORGANS Aallr,Ooltalll>oL · • lah ... $$.9D ml, 1 =~f!'.:'""'"'' ~"-·-A"1 H•ullna 6730 trtmm<d, houled .,.,; mahoc bed."°".,.... 6 lfCffONSSINOOLEER ·Seett1ecompletelmea1: AVGCADO choin w/dl'<IWhoelS....o_,_, ttUm---;" "*I ibe job. can 646-251'i. "'" . 549-1359 mattr, mlm>r. Many ..... OAST MUSIC ~J.= lor ---REPAlll. Partltlam Small CLEAN UP A lito -Buplna! 3TI Itomota W111, ZIJJ t.ar cab. """"l Sl)JJhtly C pma 1111, """T.t'""• 1135. tq.llJ1 LONG ~. IJtdl>', ..... ......iei, """ Niii! or day, Tree A lhnth ........,, U..hobttry 6990 CM 66-"" """-StyU.:. wal. ""'· Does NEWPORT lo HARBOR n2 1'lnluolte, 11Je. ' -8 1oJ1Jmt1. 7 -Bw!Cl.llKDI~ Re..,..blt. ~13'9 ~ S'J'EREt), A radio eqaip. twr)'th1l:w whboat attach. cosrA KESA• 11r so.2851. HEA1HKIT a:ut~•ataltc ptbJt~=-~ tnlned tt • 1--a •••• ... REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS .GE":~~~~;IMG . ~S~ =:::"•.:; =~=: .. =~ ~~=&';~, ::f't1on~.=-' Olqler-12$.ltMl.ll ~ll--C114-~ -~ ""1 "'!,,~. $12 ptr load, !JG.1141 -llnl JiG-104 -A m11o. Sat""'' hem .,_,, .,.,,. fancy H.B. 11!M1171 T!PiWiiiiiR8; -.... l'OWIR -113, ._-aoot1 ---~ w,._ ~· -·-11ASH HAUUNG lB31N-BL,C.M. 87W01280nJ.BolUle ="e~;:."";;: HAMMOND Cbdrd °'l""o 0,. o:nl.~"' ndlfl, ~ w1 .. R -'" •. · t. I C-roto t60Q BUSIEST -tn l40VINGI -Must dwn. .l I ,,,.. ... or $5.64 "ff/x!ZU. ont>i -i1b Royal '80· .,::MM::;llll9,::,.=,,..._,,....: •••• ~twe e ~2'720 toWQ. Thi DAD..Y PI1..0I' Col Fumltun:, appl~ mo.Kolntertstctwe.,or: new$3!15.'1W176 1111 WO&LO Book~~..r.-•..: Al'F!CJ'IONA_TB &.at • CONCllET& -" oil Cl.EAN-Up ontl llgbt mov· OoMlri.t --nlllc. f21 C.111 .. Ill'. lip< COM~LETE PRI CE P'..AY l!EFOll.E too· HUT -N--5*-•-••• Dane, --.1- MT_l'l>lll_lo_ q .COllDll\>e' motll!y,-lodbt,ia. 8atL $56.40 FllEE--""1nJJ!r llltP11ca!elll.Sl9.-Coot! ~ttt11 ifee f1 ' 1 ~ Sc&-!524 * MS-...'!1123 * now! 11 nlF. SUN NEVER SETS an ror no obltr. tNt home now -call rot men'f.tb& b6NT .rusr '#lSK tor ... llA'IO:llNG-a.. ~ A nnefl '1lt .... ...._ CEMEMT WORK, ... ,.,,.,. YARl>/pr ~ -IT'S .. tu:VIL\TIOll ... ClwlW'a --· -· eon ~ ..... tW GGUld -~."" ...... to -""" -... in... --. $311. NlllD---*' -n. .........,,.._ rru-. '"'1. <un, -....,1ouPJm,,..tll>lla l'oruod tooell-..1 IPJf • .lrloD.OoDOotlo<t. K. lloto, -A••· ,,.antl.-..,.ID .. &II• _Id....._..,._ ""'1n. H. Sluftlclr. -5 boddlOI!, arade 96U!45 au.ttW Ada. 0ioct -Ibo -t. dlal 11U11L tlJ • 51l-tf?4 5'1.-t di/I'• a, ..... -DAILY Pl1DT WAH? ADS> ..... - I I I I f DAILY PllOl frklU', StptMnbfr U. 1'99 ~~~:""'.~'.".'°~P~!!•~L~m~[")!!~!.!PO~R:!TA~T!Jl~ON!!__j!T!llAH~!)SPOll~~T~ATl~ON!!.._1 !T~IA~N~S!.!PO~l!:TA~T!:!l~ON!!__1 TRANSPORTATloN FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION TIANSPOl'l'.ATION TRANSPORTATION ' 9010 MlrlM Eq11lp. TnUor. Tnvol 9421 y,,...; · 9500 RABLE. Young male cat. Needl home. Hu Cabots. -~ • 9112 TABBY KI'ITENS. 7 old. Sandbm trained I: • 548-0"179 9113 CAL 24. 3rd in NATIONALS, 2 yean. Full 1et of sail!. O Briibt kittenir are we, '67 GLASSPAR Cit at Ion · 1=13='="'=· ±~="'= .. =295='=== anting iood home, come Inboard-outboard, UJ Mere. And 11tt. 491-2653 9/13 Cruiaer with (CWel' jet & Power CruiHrt LovabJe tno~ kft. pcnw!I' trim. FUll cover. 36 H. Chria Craft ExpreS'!I :.tens. f mos. Tft twins. Nd Ready So enjoy. A 11 Cn.iiser '61. Many ex-· Coad homes. 827-2501 9/12 maintenance NCOl'd&. l tnui-radki/DF, etc &: EEi> ........ ..___ owner. Kl g...f44f deluxe interior. $14:, O O O. •-....,.._ for yocq ...,. ..,._,__ ~ ........ ba.im:I white &Pd IN1 ., ~wr, ~ Nat'J. ~ Cat Male ~ 536-2Ml Q.ampi-on. Full race. u I '21°"'· -;O;;;WEN;;;;,"s,..,.ca"b,..in-=--· -. ~:ffi'ITkMhn~';;-;;;;;;; volt. 8 l&i1I. beW bat. i: boat ll ldtter.. one black be.th. Many other xtru. See Fully equip'd. Good Cond. male. 1 blad: I: white fem. at CYC alp 525 mo call days Slip avail $1500. 536-4522 }43-3842 9/12 213-3 91-T 1 71; n 11 e I-""-,';;·""==,-,--:,.,-- OUR choice, kmg or short 21J...a28..4326 23' FORMULA, 3)}.hp fp,;,.· od• cat or kinena. 3'' CDNVERTEO LCVP Johruion OD. Like new. :li7f 9112 ideal Uve-abo&rd. Ver; $4(0). 6f4-0603. or CE Lookhw grey A white IOW'XI bull, refrig, head, ~ evei/wknda tten, 5 mo1r., male, to a radio-telephone. Cozy lfl.. CRUIZON 16' Cabin cruiser ce home. 642-1322 9/15 terlor. Mu.st .ell! $2195. woodlfbgh:, motor & trlr. blacl< 11 Slames< ld-,=-=-~~~---1-='$500=·=545--<=;588==== ..., tnlnod, ... with EIDERlND J.9' Ca bi n S""""-.<kl llooh 9030 l1d. 839-M62 9/JS crul:9er. 50 hp Johrsln OB. C:::.::::::::: ll«JGGLY kittens. 1181 New Head. sink Tandem 18' F:lberglr; boat & on 6hol'I! 1~. C.M. 50(1863 1/15 wallatrong tplll·Wt trailer. mooring 110 hp VOIYO, stt"m I BLACK female. ~Siamese $995. 646--25l2 drive, &/1 radio, brut tanks, btem. ~ 9/lS. rr CABIN Crui!lcr at slip, etc. Xlnt cond. Gd. ski boat. near new, 100 hp Men:ury On 11bore mooring Bal.boa kitterB. Blact &lld outbrd. Custom trlr, muat Isl, No. Bay Tit-675-2899 .tdb!. 56-:ml Ell $%2SO Cl" best offer. 17% OUTBOARD cab t n Doe rabbit 549-3283 cntl.ser, sleei» 2, glassed Up • 516.as RUGGED Sea -going to tbe water line, w/trailer, .S Wk old cute ldttem: to pid fiberglassed l·t'6" o 0 r y both licensed. NO MOTOR. bames. 64M29S 9112 W/10Ci6 35hp Evlnrude & $245. 49'-7189 aftet' 6 PM cute t]atty kittens 1-wht, trailer. lit $175 takes. l-cre7. Sfl-0691 9/U,1~642-S<-=73.~~----s. Blaclc, W'llSual. * * 13' Boston WhaJcr, 40 -,;;;:;;_~~~__,.:9:,::.113 hp Johmon electric. Must .,;c,:,,;;;~~~~---~ . sell .......... .,....~=11 14'6" GLASPAR. 7 5H P ¥ESH" Baby bed. ID&b chair. ......... ..,~ or &tS-1591 9113 -=673-81~~"'--~---Evinrude motor, Good con- :t'Wuhtnl ~ 1 WQtk. 23' starcraft. All extras for I -=d~'"°"~· _,.;,$625-'=. ~673-5Ui8_,.:-"-~- -cond. Call SG-1.228 9115 bacore fishing. Also great 1987 16' Glutron, 50 h.p. -Id boa.I. 547-6649/bu.&. or Mercury. Xlnt cond. $1495.. 53Wl 16/home Call 673-2259 PETS ond LIVESTOCK "DEAR OLD Gm.L" 30' MontieTey, Xlnt cond. $3,250.. 642-1826 • 15' Horimn Ski boat. 80 HP Mere. New trailer. f1250, 642-0017 aH f PM Pets, Gener1I ' 8800 U '6" BOSI'ON Whaler. like new. 40 hp all electric, trailer. 673-4950. Boat Mllnten1nce Sele piponl 50c each. 16' WINNER. llO HP Volvo .pi.ta~ m A1.Jtochen1, 1/0, Vanson tr'lt. Like new! ' ' $2350. * 5tCM29&. FREE Boat repair est. Trailer your boat to ~ oewest. futest boat service in the a.ru. Lei UJ make YoUl' boat like new Cro job too small). We alJso sell flbergla&! 1upplJe1, Open 7 dya/w\t. j~~ ,.:is 9' Gl..AS.9IOPPER. new 3~ · *5.11-6116• hp engine. Xnlt cond.. $275. 64<-<594. U20 DINGHY, 6' glass hull oars, WIND AN' SEA l'!'=-----'=1 ---Ilk< new $15. 1137 SU- i':AM"f':S&.Hlmalayan Jdt. 982--&C25 Costa Meu. 60-7607 11 -$15, 8 _ .. ,1======== _....:;:;;::~;:;,.:.;,,~-0.0 ~4 S.llboott 9010 FIBERGLASS swa:sE Id-.,.,,r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, REPAIRS ... -.mJdi " sio. 1 " LAST CHANCE! ':':,,~:-=:: ..... 1125 SAVE UP TO $1355 * MT-5CIJ * ~'.:':-::---::-~I ON ALL ,_ _,., lut CORONAOO y ACHTS Morino Equip. Ii ·-. old Slboriu 1111• ·-"""" om: .....,. rHullt (nevor a.o.-"= '!,!! PRICE INCREASE run) Gen'I M .... n modol u._ • •-J;:nediw SepL 15th " HNCi ~ marine dieal -Onl7 $1$ 1912 W o..t Hiabw1.Y •-· Co!nple,. w/twtn. [J~jllo-o-CJt m 'Pl'llftl on Newport Beach * &45-QJlO d1llC J'l!ducllorl par 2:1 Uttlit btapttt1.l!l'!!!'!'!!"'!'".'"''""!!!!!~~ n.tto. For turther delallt. 1.,.._=====:--1CAPT.AIN John uys sell hll call P. Sutton (2131 6'&o9.m t DOG TR4JNING W SdlCICJDt'1" a V\ntqe ab.Ip Wttir.daya. ctt f'llU ~ le.-tllitr. ,... n• w/ kltl ol potendal.. Set on ~-;::;"""';;;::;;:•:.....---~ -m: -.-,. "" an.. Carillo S.t.ILs:::sep1. SjNCl11i :'liliiii!ir-!30· ..... To board looot ""'""" 10% CASH Dilcount • . °""'-~~ !!,~L La_,., ..,.W.. Ollls. : -161aS All °""'• -.....--HANNA SAILMAKERS l P!iiM --· 1181 w. Utb St., CK. ...., 1 "*"old. SAIOTS * $265 1 ==-nf.:•i-: -~=--;;-:::: ~~~°"'!~-~-~ll~;:ll~Qlmplelt;~~·~Ready~f"~"°'~l~J .. 1U HP JollnlOft. 9 h" J-2 2'1J w. <:out H-..,... witll controls, J>l"OI a 1 ..... ---~ Bttcl't * 6fMll(I • 2 yr. warr. tf2..2766 I ) Auto Services & Ports 9400 EUIORAJJO 1010' Iroquois 6 Slteptr Mlt '::#:I Sol" $1197.liii !'lo. 1'11 FOUR WINDS 6Slttptl' LllT: 12'111.M DISC1 .,, .. s.1., $1605.00 Ho. 2~ 11.DOUDO 11' Sl)IWMt 4SIJ ~\ T: -:: m $1 .00 ....... TRUCK & CAMPIR "" ~,.= •M It l!lor C•m-( I ;\afR'iff:t.. s.1., $4156".li EUJOW>O t' Commancht 6 Slotptr , ~.It 'll:l:ll Sol" $1789.00 No. llNO . BARRACUDA ·stffper LIST < "" DISC; "" Sol" $555 No. 2W BOY CARVER PONTIAC on iac's • • • • • • e wa 0 [[] l\CJl HA~.1~~~a If oqtiTJA~ IYI_~ • Kl-64444 .• -:., ... I'' •• .,..,. " TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION. TRANSl'ORTATIQN ntANSPORTATION •• • '• .. .._, ~ u. 19ff TRANSPORTATION TltANSl'OltTATION TRANSPORTATION ~ 1~T.:..n:..::":..::"'~.;;.;._..,.:..t500:.:..;; lmpottod A!lloo '.!! lrne!!'I ~ ~ ,.lrn"'portodTl-""-'A.l.;.:~.;.:'"""--"°";..;.;.:l;':..::"':;;"°.:..''.:..ocl:..-'-~;;.:.....;_MOO:.:..;; 1rn..,.rtod Auf>1 ·u a.v" ~P. DAtsUtt .~EICEDlS II~ PORSCHE , • TOYOTA 615-1355" or ~ • -. I===:::::::=== llARE 'Sf A-mini .... -:..,.~·=.:: '61912 COUPll BILL ...... ··"""Y YW BllS vw SPECIALS ,_ 9510 ·"°" .._ <_,), SUOO. ,.q. 111111 "°"Ofld. ._ Deep ~·-w/ ll~ '67 VW But ....... $2097 '6' WAOONE ER $2097 ™· -·~·l'nl> -(8tlr No. ,DM5tl -blk. lnler. 0uo<M -l'ROll I""'-Split mint oea~ 1.,,.. BIC. ....... ....... ......... ..... 1'90.90 ,lne all\ .-. Jq AJll/1'¥, .... U.000 '-I ~TlnlVlnlTIA I $399 ... # - • wbii.1 drive ,...,_tor EN""USH. FORD l!l-J8!!6oi!et!!erlr.l21 mileo.AbooluteU<tmpeccablt 1.---m.:..~e~ '67 B"t;.Hurry .... $11 97 ~ or d...rt, Lie. W ~w:-' suta Ano. In""" delall. • ~=~ :!'!:;~ ~~SS Good S.ltctlon Bost 0.."r.':. A~ Best Dealt AN At 1950 MJ:1tCEDES Dem 170 I ml N, or Cout lfn. ca Bcb ~ DEAN LEWIS DEAN tEw1s ~=~~w;:. =.=.. ~~:: . [TIQIYIC>IT~ oh . _., 1916 llarbor. CA( - : :::: ;:i.;.. = SAL ~ =~1.~E !."""',.;.;;: ~. ~ ~· Cout Bwyo!i~ D•EstADNN 1'LAnEwA'1s ~,,~SV'· Ei;i 289 V-1 UW. 4 wheel drive. tmovdlate d11li""7 new tlrta. $TSO llrm. Authorbi!d KG DMler $169' ~~ml.~ 1 Pbono ltARGE Sl:LECTION -eves. '67 912 TARGA ""'Harbor C.M. M&.nl3 EDDIE HQRPER or · """" '111eodono 1!i6I 190 Sodan, White w/~ JI ..,., Every '°"'bl• m<· llMOR£ MOTORS 54..soll Ext. 66 or 61 ·CHEVROLET C.mpors 9520 ROBINS FORD ... _. Private 0 .... r. .... Only 21,DOO -~ SUvor mo llARl!OR BLVD. lllill Ganlen G .... Blvd, Blvd. Jl895 or otter. 67WTlJ metallic w/blk. lntl!r. See A COsrA MESA Open Nltet a: Sun. 53f..2700 'M OODCE " Im -Colla':!. -M><ll!O '68 z;o SL. both """'· p/1, """" .. bellove.. TOYOTA '68 vw ... vw, 2 -· • speed, '!/aide compartments. ~ • disc brUH, AMIFM. $5595. • ndlo, beater, bea.utHul red •""'am on,,,""'·,.110'.~tlc FERRARI 494-1532 e L&rseat Uetion of a ll ~·-_ _.,~,--• pd dlr and sharp, RUM 140, l1095. ·--·-'65 230 ~ ~ 38 000 ml 0model& colon, trom tbt ~ co~r. "' • ' ' carl'1 Motor Co. Inc., 19Cl toilet A boot. to cab., Xlnt ._ ....... nvert.. • · larr:st' Toyota dealer, loaded! .. Holley cream ext., Harbor c M 642-0413 a>nd. $2000. 6'l5.-06l5 FERRARI Bleck. nr rad. !3650. NICEST USED ~··· pbuh black Int. 'Take small , , . " • 642--5557 or &ff...tlm. '-"-l\o> down or trade Low low TWQ VW •· Neat 56 Sedan. 9600 tm.,erttd Auto1 VOLKSWAGEN . VOLKSWAGEN Think "f1at" * SEE '* "Herb Friedlander''· eFREEe .. ""' AIR CONDITION• ""'AM/FM RADIO WITH NIW 124 SID.Alf 01 WA.atf 9621 &ARDEN &ROVE ILVI>., &. Iii. &37· llll 2 :"'.~"' 81° AJ:S e Coqilete Forelfl Car Senlce e • Newport -Lid. 0.. 3100 '(I, 0oUt ~ .. NJ!, IN .?!:"'GE COUNTY pymot.. VHF!iioLB ' Call ID Conv. t!xer<JPper, Both .... """"'1'• ca'1 .,,-. MG . 642-'40$ • ~t764 .,.,,, Beach Blvd. Ken ....,,,._ 0, ......,. w1reb1t ''"" "''" talk• ·-;:;;;;,:::==::: '69 VW Swxlial camper. water, b lxlx. table, bed. ltan.p. Owned onb> ' moc. Must aell. Movinc to Africa. $3l00. 644-2962 lzed deals. A~ MG~Dhlet WeAmlncter Phone 894-3322 '65 VW. CiOod ccmd.IHon. Ml-8099 -~·~':"~C::~::S '67 MGB GT COUPE . '" ,u;S.·TARG,., '6!\ T~ LW crui.er, ... l0,000 mt 1\111 · w/1/w. ·"11;-;vw;;;;--:au:::nroor=•.-.. =-= .. ;;;;c==~:.r'----:;z:::.;;::..:::=:.::.-~·.., N--Beach Gleaming ruby red w/blk. ~,_.._, ~ tin1sb w/ ttul new! •-eond. Laving !Ol' Hawaii. 8' Alwninum camper Good ·-~ • --~ * ~ -* -· ~ 540-178C inter, Evel)' conceivable ex. blk. inter. ry possible ..,,_,, ~ • Asking $117S. 494-7865 or condltkNL ~ck .. window! Aulhorized Ferrari Dealer tra 1rrld. radio, wire wheels, uceamy. Qob" 950 mlleat ' ' 494-9314 ~ aide wlndowl II GTB' 33J SEDANS. V wood steer. wheel. 18,000 ao-Showroom coai!itioa. 'EB Kanftan Ghla ;;;-u;;;-:=-::=-:::c:: I , troot door wltla wlodow. ml. tine \.hd. Late mod.i.."" tua1 milea. Mun be ...,. ,i. -VOLKSWAGEN Low milfl. Orig°"""· New ·~, nmo -'• mlr ~ 548-2<11& .,,,,.. • __ e. be bello ...... " , ""'· l'c'1<ct oond. IJ3l0, y ...mawo<1 l4l0. , ,,,,._ -----·--673-6MM 291 l'lower, C.M, (right rear PlCKUP ~ Sbel1a · • · • boulel ~ ca1>bt. """'' .,.,... '62 VW· BUS '811 vw .,. ... bock. aun root. =====~--1 -........ °"'" 839-1900 FIAT Rblt onglno, ..i.it """' dlr, Xlnt cond, ..,. radial -.. MUST Sell '66 vw cam..,, i96i p<)RVAIR, radio, ice ,67 Fl•t $l3'7 camper 1pecial. 1aru mat-WJ<enda only 833-?SL = ~~ lo:!S, xlnt ~ water, new tires, tape 6C-94m 546-1764 trnl & extra equipment '51 3US f'!blt '63 e1*. Gd ' • deck. $800. 66-2797 ~ ~ ~· ,~ice of 2. &a..NB 540-l'l&t Authorized MG ~er $899. Full' Pr:!ce. Will Jinc cond. $.Soo. '64 VW Bui, :imti '00. VW Snrf, beip w/bli: Int. ~~~~~~ 1))' CAB OVER, excellent 11-D I A A '!tit PORSCHE 1600 Super. Prvt prty, NPU&OtLB. Call eng, &: bocb'. t13$J, ~· R]lf. Porsche rims, 'JOnt ,. F o•a1cK CASH !.' """"""'"· '65 O>evrol•• M DE-AnN .. L' E··w'1$ noow. Coast Hwy .. N.e. ,..N ~ ndlal ~--Phil,~.,-. ... =~ .. ·~·CK ~A-oaod. $l3l0. 54S-271S • ime or u i~ ·m 646-7394. • Authorized MG Dealer C:::. .... Worth slfm: '64 V 0 L It S SJuattbllck, TiciN' WA~xtnt ~. '57 VW', tDI reblt. new ~ • MG Will take best ofter over Reduced pMce must sell im· 39,000 mi, $1395. 545-0548 dutch. Gd. transp or dune Through a DAILY PILO't Dune Bugg.la 9525 liB Harbor, CM. 6'6-93(1 Se.les, Service, Part! siDI. Call after 5 pm m e d I a t e I y. Call Stan boGY $350. 646-5173 6 1;;..o;.o:...;;;.:.=;__...:.= lmmedt. .. neu .. r,, 832-0335. 546-411< or ctn be """' al '68 vw '58 vw VAN $550 c1· .. SSIFI ED AD' '" VW dune buggy, chassis JAGUAR All Modeh PORSCHE 1961 _ 912 _NEW 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana. Ex. oond. $ll!i0. 5'&-7826 542-69!M eves. fa . • r'9 sborWned, clean a: painted. ---------1 -~• ,.,;,hME ... ~. Red ·~~ "~ N C -N C 9-N C 9IOON C 9800-C.rs metal flake. Meyers '67 JAGUAR XKE 2+2 • COCOA MATS _ EX-ew i1r1 ew -•'n: uiw ew In . IW •rs Towd nose aection. $400. An atra clean Jag. Eve!')' CELL.ENT CONDITION _ 4.'J5..42l9 or 531-3640. po1&lble aeceuory; auto $4,3!50. (Phone) 5U-407Q AF· MEYERS Manx for street or trans. AM/FM, chrome will-,.,..__ TER 4:00 P.M. off road we, 1966 53 hp Blll ea, etc. Only 23,(Q)~I .~?-~ Hwy.~~~.Ja,..;.1 -~=~===--,- Xl -~ ~•m ~• '-"---~ •. -· ~ ·~ ~ '65 CONVERT* q. nt ~ • .,uuu, wu ~ Ow1""' .,. A ,~ MG ~al 5-7 ·pm. SCS-9867. ExceptionaDy dean.,Ahp. I u~ ....., er rond. ~ xtra.s. nu put, * LA PAZ * olher J...... to cboooe MGA banllDp coupe, new top, M"" "'11. 646-1234 from. l!Jlt, lifts. etc. Xlnt cond. '65 Porsche C. green ext. tan Baa:Y Builders, 3623 W .. war. · Must sen $495 495-4~ . lnt. $3500. 675--0944 0 r neJ.", SA 5f6.40l5, days 9-1 ' .•••2292 •··-J1 rLupo11 31111po11 s . '54 MG TF. VTa"" --,, .. CUSI'OM glut body. "Rebul.1t XLNT cood, $1500 or '67 Poniche 912, AM-FM, 4 e!llPDe $1250, D>% 15th St., otter. tiU-3939 ....,. low -"-••-Mr Newport. 613-7095 ·~ ·~ ~· · bley, 673-8282, rtt-1829 MGB RENAULT Imported Autos 9600 3100 W, Coast llwy, N.B. 642-9t(6 540-,1764 --------~ GULIEITA 'S T. Aulhoril<d.MG-Doaler '68 MGB Compl. reblt & recond. ESfATE Sa.le--XKE ,64 CONVERTIBLE 1960 RENAULT ln good con-~ new. $695 or Coupe New -1'a.na'erine lac-A fantaado car, Only l!,00) dition and very eoonomlcal. ~ otter. 2312 Newport. quer· American m •I 1. m.ilft! AM/FM, win wheda, 25 mi per gal • $125.0') C&ll N.B. 675-1393 , Michelin X t:irei• Jtew Kooi nmeau.~ctc. ~ brand to.-ee 642-64611 . shocks .. A JQ.l Beauty! Jiew. Htmy on this,one. '64 RENAULT, &ood OOQ. Make atter. S 3 3-O 9 O 8, dldon. MAKE OFFER! 639--0f21 aft 6 pm. * 673--0727 * ALPINE 6T SUNBEAM Alpine Ex. '64 JAGUAR 3.8 Auto., Yark = ~. '!~ ~ JJ -w1_, .. ,.,~'""°" . , ,SIMc,A . . G o o d 1 t a r 'Shelby-Cobra •-Xlnl __ , M.u ~~. 3100 W ~--ff NB 1960 SJMCA. BWel job, ee.! c ALFA ROMEO ~!:~~int;'.''i2,i'5.i. 642-94(1; • ~· wy.l<t>i1S. ottu. ~ Autborbled MG Dealu *Call 646-9018* '66 "'""" R•-ro $2597 uG. '811 ~lli. ur.; ... ooo 1,.::.,,;M~GB~.::;hanl~:::&~ .... :;;:1op,;,-I ===TR=1u"'M=P=H== ~~ Sp;r1~ Rare model Mt. Jtadia1a. Autn., radJo, new tiru, radio, wire wbrela. Best Deals .Are At air. $3,T.!O. f!!S:U68• VerJ aood eond. MU&t •ell.ro --R-ule--ar-lrade--lar-V-an, DEAN LEWIS KARMAl(N GHIA Make otl<r, •94--:.~~ =· ~ OPR ...... ...., ...,,, 1ow ml\e-19911 Harbor, CM. ~ '59 KARMANN Ghfat new --------Xnlt cond. 615-196( iran.,· 'ID rbll eng. new '610,.1 Wagon $1597 ,:==.;;:=7.'=~=-=' AUSTIN HEALEY paint l5llll call att • vzn63. Big """"'· • ......, ·~~,t,th& ·~ .. : 714:496-3439 luggage rack. COLOR ME I BLUE ning cond. Must 1 e 11 . '61 Hea ey $997 '59 VW Karmann Ghia. runs · 67>2529 "3COJ" Rdstr. Looks like a aood. needa paint $250. Best Dt11l1 Are At _..====-;;:;;-.,.- tll!'fr e.°':.· ~::re At 518-?'41 ' DEAN LEWIS ;~~:Ho~* 4 DEAN LEWIS MERCEDES BENZ ~"" Harlx>,, CM. 646-9303 -:-;: .. -..:..""'22• 19G1i Harbor, C.M, AUgrJN Healey 196f, MKll OOIJJ, Convt. Red Wf white top. Good condition. $1600. ~:Y.SS 96001mported A\lm ITllOllVllO~TIA~ -Lawb for .,.., ,_. llat aol4 Tnyol• It ._... of w llfltd cv-lo o._ c.uary. T1tll '""'' ,_. that * fw tM l1aat Hal * fw tM ---1 ,.i-* -tM -Ice ,.. llellta tftlr purdlNt. -IAwll T.,... .. M. Tr. 110J TOYOJA '~ TIUCXll HIP-. . 65 Opel Sedan, good con-plastic top. $1095. dition, very ettic:i!:nt, f\ A: ~ eves. H, SEW. 64.5-0137 I '69 TR 6. 4,(KKI miles, '64 Opal Station Wagon, R A AMIFM white wlblck int. H 4 11pd. Good tires im. * 5'6-7563 54>-llOS TOYOTA ~ Think "Volvo" ~ * SEE * "Herb Friedlander" eFREEe ""' AIR CONDmONER ""' AM/FM RADIO WITH -124 ·llDUI 01 WAGON . 1J7IO _. llN. IH....., Jtl WAI I 1w • .... :S:..";:."' 131;81124 • Cua~e foret,i Car Service• • THINI ... ~ ... ''fRIEDUMDfll" ,_ FINAL CLEAN-·UP Every New 1969'in 011r stock redu~ed to clear immediately r ' • ,, all the 1970 BUICKS will be here Thurs., SEPT. 18th. WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER HAVE A BUICK? J •I ' POOLE'S ·BETTER USED CAR VALUES '61 OLDS '66 MERCEDES '61 DODGE '61 IMPALA '65 OLDS WAGON '" vw C11tl111 Co11p•, A11fo. ll•n• 200. Auto. tr•111,. Corol'lff 400 4-clr. f1ct. 2 Dr, H,T, f•c •Ir, •11to f.t!i, •afo. tr•111., pow• 4 1p.M, r.dl.. k.ter. tr•n1., f•rl•"Y •Ir cond., r•dio, h••f•t. l111pt••11• •ir corid., 1uto fr1n1., tr1n1, pf!_, 1h•rh19, •r •t••r. r•H 737. TRHl70. fu ll "'ow•r. R10 io, h11I· 1111, SVF 211 P.S., A&H. VGll 97t WJM lt9 $1295 er. UIC 711. S2595 $2395 $2495 $1495 $2695 ----'67 MERCURY ·-'66 CAPRICE . '65 MONZA --'61 RIVIERA SS '64 T·BIRD Mont•roy 1 Jou h1rO• '66 COMET F•clory 1lr co"d' Cui. F-1ctory •Ir cond. Full 2 Dr h1rdtop, 1ir cond. H1rdtop, Awtv, tr•n1., top. Auto. h1n1, power Cvclon1 Coupe. Auto. '•"' 1qu1p,od. F-ull power. OSF ltJ, 111!0 tr•M, pwr lf•or, i"'m1cul1!• collditiollo •f••r, RI H. UON°704, tr1n1 .. f•clory 1lr c.011d. pwr.ZLIC 275, r•dlo, h1•f1r. SIMl71 (lXJ J76) $1795 TOH264. $1195 $1795 $995 $1695 . $3195 '65 ELECTRA '66 RIVIERA '68 PONTIAC '66 MERCURY '67 CORVETIE '67 BUICK Coup1. f1ct. 1lr cond., lonn•¥flt•. 4 door h1rO· Colo"y P1rk w19on. t H1rclt1p coupe. F•" F•1 lb•ck coup•. Pewer Wllde1t Cu1to111 Cp•. 11110 tf1111., pwr 1!11t I lop, FACTOll.Y AIR ~•u•nQ•r. Fvll pow•r, pow•r. FACTORY AIR tl••rlnt, r.dio, h11t•r. F1cl. 1ir conO., 1uio. pwr lr•k••· FllD464 COND., P.S., P.11. WX& 1ctorv 11r co11d. SOS· COND. NCI 42 0 Low 111il11t •· WXGIJI tr1"1, P.S. UUV054 $2695 "' "' $1895 $3295 $2595 $2995 $2395 '63 IUICK '63 FORD ----'67 MUSTANG '65 ~TON '67 DATSUN L• S1br1. Feet 11r cOfl. '6' T·BIRD W•1•11 Cc11111try $ciolre. c». .... ,ick-up. 10 •• r for Ill 411. 4 tpe1d, r1dio, pow•r lffft I br1ke1. f •cfory 1lr colld', "'" Auto, tr•n1., •it cond,. Auto h1111, 1lr coM, c11nper. l,615ll h11ter. T2J 294. IHYM4111 pow1t, 5LV491 r10io, h11Hr. UCL 106 IHF 116 $1395 $1295 $995 $2395 $1695 $695 I ' NO' ll1TD. PllCES ANYWHUE JAGUARS OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m MAKE US PROVE IT! LARGE SELECTION NEW • USED Comr.lm Saleo •nd Strv c. 0.partn..nt l Open Mon. thru Fri. s a.m. to 9 11.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 'f·m· -S.a. 1 O a.m. to 6 p.111. AUTHORIZI D l(llCK • 'OPIL . JAGUAlt SALIS SERVICll • ' . • r DAll.Y mor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSPORTATJQN •• TRANSPORTATIO!l !Ml,l.SPoRTl.TIOll__,1_T_RAN_S_l'O_R:_T_l.T_l_ON_ ,TRANSl'ORTATION _ ! A-HOO Imported A--"ulo1 V(1nt0d 9700 Used C.,.1 9'0I Usod ·C1" 9900 .U. «;1r1 • t90C llsod Ctn 9900 UIOCj Ciro 9900 U11d Cort SWACKN VOLVO Will.lay '". ~ARn:iTCARSORS ·=~l.;;:UJ:.:C.:.;K __ J.,...-C.::::A:::D::l=LIJ:::A:.:::O_J • CtfE.Yl_O_lo.£T._· --Cl:!EYROl,fr i--C,..-EYR-Q...,.L-ET-1 TRANSPORTATION -'-• Rl;ftrvlll' l'JV '17 BU'tCK ~ Too con. '68 CAOu'.4.AC Coupe de ~'J..-..:..:.:..:.:.::.::;:.:._:~1---.:;...--...;--~~ .,..,,_: 1 owner. '65 Volvo l!dan. k> Wlfl. sd-Your v~ crl~M • (II~ lull)' ~. al.ro vui., if• than 30~ mJJea. ·~ c H E .v fmp&Ja Supu ~ '61 CMvrolet '61 Chevrolet -· :mt ,_. cood, l'L flriO, f!OO. A '°' ... dollln. POkl lor 2036 HARBO& BLVD. OJlOd, Xln\ bu.YI Ca 11 11ei'I!>, yllljj. .,.,.:• 148le. Pvt Spon. 64301 VeL Hunt 4 "l Cuslom Coupo Sport Sod1n Blvlo....__ ~tlMa.:ttf:~ ,; 1 orDDt.c.rJ.Ralph .~·... OOSTAMESA ~~World. ~M94127. floo~. Make Offtrl A\llomatlt:i, Rac:Uo, ijeattt, V.&...AutomaUc,RatUo.Hut. VW a::r~ ~ ~ ~ Autos Winted 9700 m.Q!IO'J =-~~'! &~ BUICK No. Z2$. Hai '6'1 CADILLAC Q:mr, •1\Ue 541-740& Power Sletdne. Air Coodi-er, PoWtt Sleerlnc, Faclory t69I IMPOR'l'S Y.'A.NTO> '1 ~! wired tnltrior. -Be&Utifv.l CKEVY '83 lfn~ Waaoa.. donirW. Ucenee WAE fA28. Air Condldonin&. Wb.lte W'aD WE PAY . , Ora1W\' O:llmtle9 • , • 2 Yust.up $2650 each a4ROA.lNI eond Owner must RD Pfb Pia. .factor)' .tr, low $2799 Ttrn. :ll,QI Miles Bal N/C VW, ftd, pod "'"""'" CASH TOP 1 Bun:R S Ole.,-impal&l "700 •• fn'mi alter 6 PM Ma~ oU.•. 4114-1811. • mil.., $795. 67MSIO EDOIE HOPPIJR Wamn1><. J..l«n,. YWG 91.'l • -BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 3 ,...,.. Gokxlft "700 ,. '6' CADILLAC CdV l iO IMPALA 2 dr l!.T. CHEVR"OLET $2599 • CIJ$,19311 r • • . 1'88J Bead! Blvd. Y\)Ull OiOICE-l$9 ".CADILLAC I own .. JlOill mllu." .\u Ah'. P/S.P/B. 1!'5. lllGU Canlrn Grove BIVd. EDDIE HOPPER ~ "'fVWVAJI * ,ff. lie""-Pb. w.-e 5.'14-.1291 e 'I PWI" · uit<kr 81., ..,... e 610,.7113 a Open lll1rs • i!un. 531mil CHEVROLET oontf, P50 or best of· tor 'miedl'oe.t1 ~trucks Just ' '68 RPORTS •ed~, 13,TOO 1'6t EL OOltADO i e.tt-4soo. "-\ . """""I'"'' )953, 'Cht!"!)', ~ eyl, Good '66 "SS mu $1597 10011 Gan!en Gro~ Blvd. 615-65il4 I cal~ Iii rpr. h'te •thna(t. Aj.to L~n.ln". 9110 ml., air, pwr .• ,vbt)ll top. Top ' • • LOADED! I mechanical, condition.. $65. Yellow' v.•l\h bJk buckets, ra· Open Nttes & Sun. ~M-noo VW 1'00 S ~back. 6ROJll nl~lfT 1.;;;;;;.;;:;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;. -"""'=:'::!lo;;";,· ='91;;=o;;;,· == CORGEOUS SU.VBR-WrTH CAMARO . . 963-1610 dlo,_ 1;,.1.,, pow" •lttdng, '67 C1p•lce W1gon "i.f :< w .. •A~ LEASE 'RENT -BLtm TOP 4 ll&t1E INT, · ._ VB, tront line car. # TPC128 Automati{', RadlQ. Heater, -J"'5. Au lor .Qq!f· A/I< IOI SalK M..a,.. OR'Dl:R YOUR B'nCK· Tl}.T Wlll'l'L. lnEltEO. . 63 Che"" No"a '" w•g. 6 Bui Deal< Are At Ah' Condltloning, """''"' 112U Be t-ti BJYl!. 1l> _,,,, c:.IMA;f:B f: CRUrstCON CA?!1ARO rr .SS/RS cumb. cyl, Afr --cond. nu Ures. Rack Lice VEG 101 vw camper. Rtblt, ena;. HunHnat~ BeAdl FOl'7ROEAR~AIEYS·T : -.---'--. TROL, .SAFE.Ti TUBES . ~ eng, 4.spc;1, dlx lnt. trac. dean. $8'.Xl. 613-9164 DEAN LEWIS . $"ia99 trans. $850. Qa11 "'"4552 _ • KI "3.11 . . "" 67 Buick Convert1bl1 TINTED G,l.ASS ,. O'rHEft bars. glesspacs. fr. dlrfe br. 'M CKEV tM: 1 to R&JI !PM. ~. ' DELIVERY. v.s, .Auto.; Tran.-.. ,~er .EX'J'B..LS .. M'lffii:SEIJ}THIS , Snow tn, i,ncl ... $1 990., tLEAN! s~' au ' , 1966 Harbor, C,M, 646-!Wl EDDIE HOPPER ::=::::=...,.::==::~::V=,,..=. ==I ., WE PAY WH All popular makes. Ford Hs1 .. ,nn1,,~.,Dralill'all'' CP.0.adio), \YK.1 ORJVER. CAR 612--.7782 all 6 ' •~7"'J62• '66 Ch I t C . 1~uCGH-~VenROG~ETBlvd ..,.Viii: ..,. authnrittd leasing lystem. I!& er, n•" 1. SS . $6 950 fi·il·l1l ----·-evro e aprtee '""' iuu ,,.ve . Get Our Comf)t"litive Ratei $1899 ' l3() E ~~ CHEVROLET '65 Che.\IY lmpali,, i Dr. Good 4-0oor Hardtop Open Nite1 l Sun. 534-2700 " . .. fOR . YQUR CAR Thoodore ~ODIE HOPPER 1 SUITE o ·ci)~f'tti · j .. .., ., ' --+ "'""". ~•to. V-f, !llOO. T.K. Llo, No. TFIV 167. '67 Chevrolet C1ma.o VOlVO ROBINS FORD CHEVROLET '"CAJ>iui.:.ceo' · ,"';:1 ''~~ eHEV,f Eel ,Aw 2 nr. 675-6578 $1699 v.s. 3.10 s.s .... ....., Radio, . CON.NELL 105U .Ga'*n Grove Blvd · . nver • W, le ~top. t;Ood 'kod Ne')v ·ss: CAMARO 1327 ~.S PIS. EDDIE HOPPER Hc.>aler, Vinyl To11. RNlye Bt1t 0..1. At• At . EYROLET.j eo.1.a ~~larbor Jl' 1~10 Ot>t-n,NUet 1&;'.SUI\. 53.J..~mo ;l~re~:,::~Ol'Ca~t.~ut,el~ ! .. lt!11. $~ .ct.~ oiler J.l.~. Auto.'284 Knox St., CM CHEVROLET \\'heels, Llcert'lt' TUR 4Sl. EAN LEWIS ~Harbor Blvd. BUICK '66 RlVicra. factory can find llflY't\'here i. f;.v 1 '4:~ &>, _l · · ~2991 eves. WW trade. 10011 Garden Crovc Blvd. $1999 OYilll All!U 546-UOO ~LEAS-E-;;--a.Ir, full pov.'t"r..,.__excellent mile.. P. s tee t.' Ir J '68 MAUBU 2 door ~pe 1 '63 CHEV. 7 dr., hsrdtop Open Nitt's .l Sun. 5.14-2100 EDDIE HOPPER 1hrbor c M. 646-9303 ,_ · '68 Cadillac Coupe-de vme, rondltlon. Sre to appreciate! Brakes -electric windowi& { $2050. J.iust aaerll1Ce! ln1pala, JlO"'F· clean. 1955 OIEV 6 cyl, slick shill, CHEVROLET ''1 p j.,0 $l 297 WE PAY TOP fully equipped, Sl.29 mo. $2!i95. 4~ ~al T 11 t , wheel·AA1·FM !ffet2·1822, '96S-3277 illt, 5 pin &.17-2104 or 847-9164 4 Dr., Only 70,000 ml Rill. 3 im11 Garden Grove Blvd. . DOLLAR '67 Ford, 10 pass i;ta!lon wag. '69 Rivlera, taf..-e over lease radio -fll'W ·rea· line .poly CHEVY '64 l ·Dti. l{npala, V-'G2 4 Dr. Chtvy Impala. P/a, nr ryew llrcs. Ou1'it&ndjng Open Nltt'll '-Sun. 534-2700 urope s ;,inest~port car. for good, clean used can, on, r/h, air, Jlili, $69.50 mo. from ~L pt)'. Full p(vr, tire!i !lnd new brakes. ·001 1 s. pis, air., $815. CaU P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt cond. $175. 84&-l!Kl aft 6 THE SUN NEVER SETS a Btst D~I~ Art At 1 all~ ~:1-~~ 1 '65 El · Camir'lo. air, $700. a ! {', 1mmae, $}87.22 mo~ 8$-35.52 only 1495.00 Dir. 6~22. cond. "50 M3.2654 pm. DAll..Y PILOT WANT ADS! EAN LEWIS C'M' 2000 Harbor BJv~;"-OOlO SOUTH COAST 962·0849 or 673-7142 -'68 SEDAN de vmc, Landau i'ti2 Cl-lEV. 11 Wagon; 6 Cfl., '1'U CAJt LEASING .'63 Bajek Riviert air IM-~ full p"'1', AM/FM I stick shltl $495 Or best of· 3CXI \V, Cst Hwy, NB 615-:?Jsi .MACULATE, lOAcied~ ' • stet.ea. $ll595. 494-1532 j fer. ·c an: )16-~~ H'.arbor, C.M. 646--9303' \VANTED: Vo I k aw a gt n '6~ Riviera, ~11,,111 _ ~~r lease ,$1175. _ 4!ij-~ r.t:UST Sill! d~apl ;u'\Elld •69 OIEVY Kln&8wood. ~9 Pn .. pl~'-.Brlt01·0.tapcl/'!K ~~~= ~. ~~1~~· fronl pvt. ply. Full pv.T, NO matter what n 1.!I, ~ Coupe, '66 Conl. Both -load· pa.is w&n1 400) ml, ·fully •r=i"' u.. ale, lmmac. Sl37.22 per can· aeu 11 with 8 DAILY ed, xlnt. M0-1828 eqp'd, muat .ell/ ~'12.12. ~l=inn~.=-=ms====--'Wh~ll=•=•=l•=·han="='=D=•=m= .. =·=""'~="'°~·="'~~=="[~615-~"1;;:42~-PILOT WANT AD!! 642$8. Dial ~!or RESULTS 'White elephant,:! o'iiriN-llnt 9IOONew C1r1 9800 New Cera 9JOO : N•:N Cari ~ 9800 N9lf Ctr• .. . ' DURING JOHNSON & SON'S BIG CLEARANCE THAT'S RIGllT!! AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAYE ·BIG MONEY • • ON THE NEW CONTINENtAL,. MERCURY AND COUGAR. OYER ·78 NEW 1969 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. LOOK . . AT 'THE EXAMPLES. BELOW. ' "THE HOTIEST ONE ! ! -BRAND NEW" 1969 MERCURY CYCLONE . SPOILER . BRAND NEW 1969 COUGAR XR-7 Wll ilt JSI 4V, VI. 1tltcl 1llilt, whilt tidt w1 ll1, powt r IUll roof, bl1cl1: vinyl roof, 1porh c;ontolt , pow1r tlt1tit19, power br1k.t1, tilt wh1tl, AM -FM r1dio with t1pu, i"lt rvtl wiptrt, tint 9leu, d1hn1• 11 1t 1..d belh, wire wheel CO•tn, front b1i1mptr 91111'111. CutfOm 4 door H1rdtop wlrii 390 lV, VI, ltl1•k vi11yl roof, ·11l1cf 1hift, 111lom1tic: tr1111mf11ion, whi .. 1id 1 w1llt, pow1r br1k1t, pow1r 1t11ring, whi1p1r 1ir condition1r, r1· dio, tinltd gltn, e;o111 pl1t1 h11d r11h, rt· 111011 mirror, STOCK #411t Sil. # tFtlMlt0714 $AVE $713.00 BRAND NEW 1969 MONTEAEY 4 DOOR HARDTOP LAST ONE EVER AVi'ILABLE AT SAVINqS LIKE THIS- 1•6• MERCURY c yci:o,NE SPOILER. flr111d N1wl ' ltodt. #J1tt Slit, I tHllMUitD While with tl1rlr ltl~I m1t1!1 ic. ]51 S~cl1I• Hot CtD 4-Y 1ngin1, Hof 315 fo I r11• 1xl1, two to111 roof I die•, 1tyl1d 1f11I wh11lt, ricing mirroti, r11r dick. 1poil1r, vinyl 1t11r wit.ii .c:ov1~, 11l1ct shift, F70 tr1c:tlor1 tir11, pow1r 1t11ri11g I ltr1lr11, r1tlio, i nti 1poll1r mod1fic1hon1. $ A Y E NOW ONLY $ AYE s922.oo ~268.95 s702.oo • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST· USED CARS • l~h11ston & Son Bai Tlae Rep11tatlon of Offerl119 the Finest s.,re.,tlon of Vied Cari In the Co11nt111 1'67 COUGAR "-""''"'' powtT 11r11;-. ltc1Dry 1fr, 1uromtliC' trim. rldlo M11tr. ti!;, UNZ 101 $2395 19'8,MHCURT I"••~ lint Convtrilble. AutorM!iC' tr1,,.., r1dla, .,..ttr. "°""' ., llftrl1'19, pa ... , bf'•l<n. pa<M!f' ... , .. flCfory 1lr. YIK .SOI $3195 19'7 FORD t..dOOI' 1'11rdtop. pctwtt' ·-~ PO'fl'll' brettn. l1ctorv 1rr. Llndlu lot:!, 1"'1ornltlc tfl!'ll, tldlO, hMltr, llC. VUl 111 $2295 1167 THUNDIRllRD l<u~ powtr, lldGrY 1lr, Lffllllw '°"' •UtomlliC' 1r1nt, ru Jlo, hM!I', t k. TTW CMI $2695 1966 FoitD Glllalt JOll, t ltoor Ml'dtop, ,.,...,. •-lnl. ii...er brl~a. le¢1or1 1!r, r1dlo. hMllf, t\llllftlltk tr1111, 11(. SVF 052 $1895 1161 CONTINENTAL lf1clory 1fr, MtMr lnl«IM, Lt!!Oev top, 1u!Or'Mtk. '" 1, rldlt l!ltttr. nm PO-· •le. W'l!S 111 $4995 196' VOLKSWAGEN •111. R.:.d~ lllllff, 111trp. Lie. XOAt, 6&5 $1895 1164 PONTIAC 19U CHEVROLn IMPALA ~ do6< h8rdh>J>, LiC'. NCA Oil. ~utom.tlt 1r1,.mluloll, rldla. h' er, pow9r 1lllrlng. $1395 1967 PONllAC GTO Auk>m11lk trllllfflll1lon, raola, 11Ht1r, pow.r 1teerlng, 1!r lO!'IOl11onln(I, Lk. TA:J 503 $2395 1968 EL DORADO l'ul1 pa,,..r, ll(tlry •Ir. L1nd1u 11111· ""°""'le, rldlO. ~''" -r. ""=· 1111 '"'*It 1Mra. AM/FM. t ic. WFU .W $5895 1164 C:ONTINENTAL Convtrllble, full fl/1#«", fKlorJ' 1lr. IM!htr ln:,rlcr, r·~'!I. hMllr, IUIOl'MliC' lflftl, lie. OML Ot1 $1795 1967 CONTINENTAL '-door, 11111 powtr, l1dory 1lr, IMlller 1nm111-r, L1rte1au '°"" ttlt wflttL rlldlo, lltll•~• ~u~llc, lft, 1U7' $3695 Johnson SOD I NIW CAU ( ( • I ~IA\IRH~ m · 2626 HAllOI BOULIVAID, COSTA MESA , 1 Mlle South of the Ian Diego Freeway . . USED CARS 540-5635 I 9100New Can 9100 • WE PUT IT IN • 25-MONTH WARRANTY ON ALL USED CARS '64 Jaguar MKX '67 Chev. Impala . 51dtn. Autom1fic, powar 1letri119, II• Sporlt Coupt. VI, 1ufe. trt n1., power dio, he1ltr. IVMG !13) s!tt rin1;1o r1dio, "'''"· THH SIS, $1095 TOTAL PRICE $1695 TOTAL PRICI + Tax & Lie. + Tax I: Lie. '65 Chevelle '64 CadiUac: Conv•rtibl., A1i1to. frAn1., pow•r 11•••· Coupt dt Villt. Full powt t, ftclory 11ir. i119, r•dio, he1t1r. SZH 7)1, fNYS 164 ! $1095 TOTAL PRICE $1495 TOTAL PRl.CI +·Tax 4 Lie. 1 + Tax & Lie. '67 Toyota Corona 4 Door, Auto. tr1nt., r1dio, l111f1r. YYU 582. $1295 TOTAL PRICI + Tax A:: Lie. '64 Ford Wagon F1irl1111 500. Pow1 r tl11rin9, I Ukl· m1tic. r1dio, h11t1r. llOY 134) $595 TOTAL PRICE + Tax a: Uc. '66 Cadillac: Conv1rtibl1. Auto. lr1n1., f1cfory 1lr conditioning, pow1r li11rin9, r1dio, h11t1r. PMM 061. $2595 TOTAL •RICI + Tax &. Lie. '68 Ford Wagon Country S~uir1 9 P111. F-1ctory 1lr, ••fo., r.S., r -di1c br1k1t, RlH, P-win- tl1w1, l•t9· rick. IWWF 0011 $2595 TOTAL PRICE + Tax 1:-Lie. '67 Chev. '11 Ton pi,.up. ll1dio, h1el1r. V97034 $1495 TOTAL PRICE + Tax A Uc. '69 Camaro z.21. 4 •pt1d. 4,500 miltt. N1w Ct r w1rr1~ty. lo1dtd .IYXI 4301 $2995 TOTAL PRICI + fax & Uc. '67 Mustang F1rtb1c• 2+2. V-1, f1ctory 1ir con• tl itionin9, r1dio, l111t1r. TBY 449, $1595 TOTAL PRl~I + Tax & Lie. '65 Pontiac: Grand Prix H1rdttip Coup1. V-1, 1ulo. tr1n1., fie· fory 1ir c:ondltio11ing, powtr 1l11 rin9, r1dio, h11t1r. $1395 TOTAL PRICI + Tu .t Uc. '65 Plymouth l1rr1cud1 coup•. V-1, 111!0. tr1111., r1dlo, h11/1r. NMP 111. $995 TOTAL PRICI + Tu & Uc. '65 Corvair Mon1a Coupe . .( 1p1ed t r1111mi11ion, r1di1 I t111t1r. ISVC -41-4 1 $695 TOTAL PRICI + Tu l. Li{'. '64 El Camino Cu1lom. Auto. lr1111., r1dio, h11!1r. N76BOS. $995 TOTAL PRICI + Tax A: Lie. '65 Ford 61l1ait 500 H.T. Coupt. V-1, 111!0- ,,.,,,;c, r1dio. SBN 574. $895 TOTAL PRICI + Tex & U c. CONNELL 2828 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA • T~SPORTATION TRANf POl}TATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION · Now C.ra -..... ~ . ,.....,, C.re •"'"' C.ra' ij;;j Con 1!00 ~ C.,. ~ "M ~c.,.-. ffOO U.... Ciro · ttaal1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili~~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii.:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii1~-~t~ll;q;iiC.~a CMIMIPLET . CHRY-.t_ FALCON II ~ • .., • .., '67 Chl'J&~• iliii) Fdoon tlaDaiil;;; 51 MUSTANG '61 Coprlco w119on -Town & ·~Ountry -· a..vt enr w/ f opd w/ OD ---~-...-'-- V-1, Radlo, """'•Po.,., •..r..~,s ..... ~~ ....... w1c1o • ...i. in-. '68 Mustang Steertnr, 1"ae1o1y Air Condi-, -, ... r -,Air -Porlect cood. --· t1oo1nc. White wa11 n.... """ '(TVI>lfl> ·• ~ -GT s+i. ,.. bet, a1r "" Serial ""· ™"'8.lll?Slo. I ·~I '14 ~o\Ll;ON ...... I ii'iO ..:,. .... o. brb. dlr' tnt. ' $2199 ... ~ .. tn1•-·Bk-" . EDDI&: HOPPER (118 T tioo1. --• . • ~will,.., l~· ·~. . ~ ........... di -· "™ older trado. CHEVROLET ~7Kl~ .~ • VZl#!!ll ..a Pbil 49<.9113 10511 Garden Orove atvd. "~' iq &111. ·.-.2700 FOID or l60At. Oiieo~ltes & S . !13W700 CONTINEllii.o T IB llUSl'ANG yg.,..-'16 ~ ,,.Pr1oo ' ~-. 11.'4:"" '62 FO!IC> WAOON air .. ~ I'• _,,,., ' one ow car wlth•..i.,: •u co'N'1"£'. riili t• •Ir COUNTRY llDAN BtJulllul •art<, !liltilllk 24,000 ml~l'!~ hu all po\fer' + : letU>ft, JOw rJ:::• 'Xnlt Auto .. dlr, V4, fO'l"U' ~ ll"Mft •!black .. ~ top· - air C0~1Udnln(, Abeoluteb' oond. n450. (213) CE t.Q?O Ing, Real Cun! I FNY '1ll2 Reduced tor quick sa,1e only the cleane1t one in town. ~ $399. Wm take oldtt lfl:95. Jl!n Sl.emona Mercedea Jim Siemoos M orc'd" CQR'jAJll .., .. !ndt«:Oll8111411$!3 Beqz. 1'0 )\', _w..,..., ~ Benz, 120 W. Warner, Santa • S ~ "• or 54$-0834. ~ 5M-01C CSQRUU Ana, 54&-4ll4 62 c 0 R v-i1 Tr.;Aam.a '61 FORD XL 2 door Hdtp '69 MUSFANG .f;!DJ . a '67 Chevy Ii W419on automatic Radio and heater CUW 392) Bucketa air COi). loaded! Showroom .fttsh. V-8, Automatk, R&dlo, He1~ amjl condition $425 O!' best d,lf-elect window• etc. ez-. $2600 firm. ~ or er. Lict.IUe VEG, 5.». .. olfar. Sff at 4801 Brute ~dean and a Pld 6ff..ml evu. $16tt ~ • Creacent N.8. Owner l•Y. blilr at redllC'ed prices ol on-'68 MUltal't ·14 (llO mt. Auto EDDIE HOPPER in&'. Phone~ ly U'.85. Jim Slem.ona trans. Blk·~ top, Real CHEVROl,,t;,T Morcedc~Llleni. 1'0 W. cl""'! 642-1lal 10011 G-.• G""'•·Bl•d. ·co1v•1 "'' . w.,,,.,,..,, .. -. _,.,,.,;,====== Open NHcs • SWV ~ . ! : :J ' '6' iin 1'1lrl1no OLDSMOBILE '57 Ch•v. St •• Wgn. '69 VETTE $5397 $495 Bel Air, C Dr, Vtl)' p>d cond, C!onvert, rema~~ facto!)' 2 Door Loaded, VI, etc. Lie. '62 OLDS F-35 9 pua,ataUon RebuQtlP erc1ne,-new tire&. wan"fJ1tY': # J.J?lf, . !" IRMM9 P.qoeje 60-6023 Dir. ~ ' wl'toof rack. 1U new trans.. power ateving, Belt.Deals Are At . •g.~ Gf Mk. J:'il, bp Wbpur Ave, OfM, power brakes. auto trarui. DEAN LEWIS rfh, ate, bucket seats: •65 !)1DS 442 Cutlass, 1 Must see to appreclate. Rea. mags, xlnt eond. $2850 or owner, lo mlg, belt otter. aonably c".~7~~~· 1966 Harbor, C.M. ~ make 91L S«Wlf! after 5 Ms,.lf8! '66 .IMPALA '68 CORVE:M'E Stlngni.y,. 'M .fORD Country wagon, :• 65 Old1 "98'~ 4 dr fully equipped, 72,000 miles. Pwr. 'teer., R&H, Xlnt Hardtop, Full power, Air. 2 ·Door,,1hardtQlJ'.lV.,S, 11tick ~ ~tt~I ~ 56-~-.or ·f.onl1. '~· owner. ~· ~1525 &hltti dlr .• rolh, owned by 642-8330 alt '=30: -:... ~· ~ rt ' ' • f '.67 TORON,AOO 0t:1wce. run lltfM "ole local policeman. I====='==''=== '61 Galaxle, 2 dr, ali. ad·· )lwr, atr, AM·FM, Ut wbls. H<k lM 1ov1n1 • .,... °"""· DOJlGE ;"'End~-~: .$29ii.~~·~53~1'1,,,,...u.==::.:'1•'=29:=25.:;!168':;:!'129=·;=;::;'·;== ~ & out 112911 lull"""'· ~ ' ~" $lll0. J!0-3346 • R1'1J8Wl. Alt" u "¥· ' '67 llodg9,.IOO '61 FaJ&i> dcluxe ...,.. 67,0llO PLYMOUTH ~ or 545.00l4. , H•rcit,p mi, rut1f JQOd.. Make oUtJr. '68 'll'l!PAL.\ wrn. Air, pl• V-1, Autnmatlc. l!a<lio. Hoa> ~1 1968 ROADRUNNER 16,UtSmL Xlnt cond. $200 I: er. Power Steering. Lie. ,30 FORD ROADSTER Ractnr·srHn. .f ~map, tallt,over p&ymenta, $90 mo. UOG 561. N--... T.... .._ ...___ ilM21HBG2al900. Priced .to . $1999 ~ ..... ,.. .. ........ till at: 64U?19 alt 5'30· &DCllE.'HOPPER ro1395RD·-~Good ' KUSTOM MOTORS CHRYSLER "CHEVROLET • 1953 •-· . "°" MS'llaker SL, O>sta Mesa 11&1 Garden Gn>v< BIYd. . Ond CV. Auto. New ,,.,,. ... l\'E DEAL! * ~ ;67 CHRYSLER oPe "N1"' ''SUn.. 534-zroo . W5. ~ . .;7 DODGE DART '62 FALCON Jlanchm>.3 .... PONTIAC ' :. wl<h •"-" -. . • 6 cyl. Xnlt a:md. 2·DOOR ~RDTOP · . te . ...,. ~. "'f"" " * . 675-2096 . '61 Ponti V 0 · •• :.:. ,, __ 1 __ 1 ,_, on1ng, auto. trans., pow-· , ec -<:1,, ·automa~,, ....,,...,. .... r. steering, rad1o and ~atet. '63 FO~Glx)'. 6-«tk, $24S. • Executive Coupe ~~~:,j{mt; I ~Wil sell.. $td5, '35,IQ ori8" 1.0,,Lm.f ,.a~~ very Aµt~tJc~ · Ba~io, . Ue,t.ttt, _,1.~;. (U0~4l) lnal miles. ~ 6.37~ • , clMn 1 . .-.-' ~ Steerift&, A11 l)lndj. ·-~· 9 •' \ Qrii:lnal •"""• " . . , , ti<Jnlng. uce,,. vzz llO. $2 5· 'IB;DOOOE P/ll Ii T. Joni .', U~~QLN . EDDl:2:PPER bed, beina trans. must '~ ; AT AS lake over paym ent s . '60 LINCOLN, pod· cond., CHEVROLET , 11 " · .~ . " r f. ~ PS. ·f'I#, ·P1B, 73,IXIO mild:. WS~ Garden .Grove Blvd. CHRYSER -·rLYMOtJ!tft ·arDodp ~Vl!JOll. all ~WV' •. $50(). H\ln'y. u a.-c729 ,Open, ltes I: Sun. 534-2700 2929'HARB011 m.vo< · """,.,..;·lilo. ,. r . • , MERCURY '65 roNTIAc G'l!J_ cPGA ccmA MESA 546-11134 * &t2-3.154 * 7;4Jl Hunt • ~ • Crapr n...... .. Dail •tn 1D pm , ..,_ __ , v Mag whttla w7~ ovals . ....,....., Y · · 6S 6 CYL .,.-..,~ an 70,000 '67 Mere CDJ. Pk. Win. 10 JYeUO\f/bla.Ctc ipterlcl';' Low '65 ~YSLER Con\'ertihle ml wrnty New tin!~ $2150. pus. ale. rack, PIS. PIB, mileqe. $1~00 full price. .veirdean, lo miles.~· After5pm8'13-41M. . P/W, llwr· seats, 1pc;t. cont. Jitft Slemons·J.1ercedea Owrl!!'' ~ I :. ;I .'60 DODGE PHOENIX , auto -lock. Al<JFM; l!<O!· 1'll w. Wuoer, Santa .SQCK n' ro ~! · 2 dr H.T. S75. 645-21'3 much more. $26St. 83G-6448 Ana •5f6...t.114 · lm,.rted Autos 96001mporttd Autos HOdtmport.cl Autos 9'00 'S3 Tempest V-8, auto, ~. liiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijil 'chrm whls: ~ fraM, , ' WE'VE MADE A. &REAT DISCOVERY TOO I AT CHICK IVERSON'S lt'i thi Cir thit <w•ri't 'jliv1 you 111ythi119 to ,,.orry about. W1 mike 1ur1 of th1t, I We 'ilive It the VW l6·poi11t 1af1tv 111d p1rlorni1111:1 t1tt. It h11 to p11a. So ..,, iv• It our 100% 1p1r111t11 th1t w1'U r1pl1c1 111 m1jor mocli1nlc1I p1rtl• for JO Jav1 or 1000 rnrl1,t, whichav1r corn1t iirit. hn't th1t what 1 111w car·ownar 111Ht? A b1,19 that wo11't driv1 yoii null. '62 v.w. N-pai11t. E~c1Jla11I con· llifi o11, Sp1ciet. 'OXUl25 $999 • ' '66 vw 'ASTIA'K SIPAN &iro 110111 & 1how1 por· ..... 1 .. , .. $1199 • 1'64 v.w. New p•i11t. bcoll•nf tOft• drti-. AMuclotl, OXZ211 ~ 1 $1199 , '68 vw SQUARE IACK '" with black i11t1rior. S...._1 1xc1ll1nt tire. So nice on ff11 ro.d, lledio I tt.1t1r. VTUS44 $2099 '66 c>HIA - cou,. l l1tk with blatk i11t1ri1r. Economic1I 1urnmor ... u,, ltt4l• . .. h1at.r. SllCI> . ·s119t ''5 v.w. MPIO. -NH¥70 • C)HLY ~ $1199 '6S V.W. Radio , etc. Sp•clal. UOT. '" $999 ' '6' PORSCHI tit COU'I Ouht1'lticllflf, origlo1! fl111 drlvi11t cor. fiv1 1pud h o111iiii11io11 l ''-' r1dl•, hW.. 1,... .1,.. ~'··k \flh1rior, ktfi'6! I ·sa99 '67 Duno Buggy , .. ltottl olMf k•lly Oflwlpp•d. ~••1top. UY/417 ~ $1999 lir'ala, mumu &: tlrn. Going to HawaU. ;al. - 165 ~ Prix excel oood. 1 pow extra&. Must sell before Sept. 25. Beat otter over $150.1968-1381. '68 PONTIAC LeMana Good cond, $2500 . 5f6-4529 After 6 P?.t '&l Tempest l.A!Ma.ns convt. New ,red paint, clean, $950 oC. belt otr. 673-3481 '.RAMBLER . '6.9 REBEL SST 1bla Cal' only hu 6500 miles. Factory WUT'allt.y. air L'Ond., PS, PB, landau top. Mint condillon. ASAl9'1MlS12'3. sa.ve iat: l<U~OM MOTORJ Hi ij.aker St., Colta Mesa 540-SllS * WE D~! '63 RAMBLER, 4 dr. ' l5tXI ··' 1 546-2863 2-1961 .Rambler Americans. 6 eyl. ~ each. Need imWr worli-8.l0-1410 '61 JlA¥BLER OOrM!rtible, auto, R/H. New tnp, bucket RitJ.1 ~. 644-2951. ' . ·T·llRD . ''6 T~Blrd I.-Radio, H..,.,, Pown-s1em,_, Alr Condi• -... V ... l Top,...,_, 'l'Qo, Licenoe SQU m. " '"" . EDDIE HOPPER CHF.VROLET ltl511 Garden Grove Blvd. Open NllfS Ir: S\ttT.' 53f.2'ltl0 'fl T!BJJW Landau 2 dr'. Hdtp~ white w/black vinyl lop,' !~Y899) ,,, """"'' e~. '\{lndows A lot. F fl.I IWio ~·~ Ooly 1251)5.00 Jim £1fM01S 'Mercede1 Benz, 13'.I ll'""w'-r. S.Ota -~( !Ilk. # ~Al '119"!'~. Id. cond., '300, .. ' .~ ' OVIR ACTUAL ' FACTORY INVOICI' .· MANY 1969 MODELS to. CHOOSE FROM , Ytu • •rite h~e Jiii' chice qf ,IH9 ...r,la at ~~HllJ 30~ OY11'.·~11r aclql faclorr l1woioe. Come i. lltl•J for Hsi atleclltll. ·... . . • •o SALES· EiPENSE • NO PREPARATION CHARGE • NO ADJ:bl CHARGES ' •·IM~~Dl4T[D~LIVE~Y, ·: i_ l .. • • • ' .3 ' ,. . ·TO . . . CHOOSE FROM • , ' . .. . . ' . . .. • l Automatic transml11lon, 4 11ason air conditioning, AM/FM mreo, radio, heater, power ·s1ttr1ng, power alSC , ' . . brakes, tilt & tllescopa steering wli11I, chrome wheals, visor v111iry mlrrw pac~, power antenna, custom , ' . ' . . ' -' ... .. ' J • . • Interior tnm, po;,er side windows, dtlne SHI belu, 6 way power seats, vinyl roof, remote 'ontrol mlmll', du1I head restrilnts, glovo box limp, electric. clock, instrument paiitl ,·~rtesy limp. Serial No. 394879M60(). •. .. .n . ~--~ 799, 39487?M602p92, 394879Pil6o~2. u,ed low 11101191 exacutln cits~~ • -• . ' . ,. ,, . ' '· ·Fllll PRICE. USED , .CARS D1RASTICAt1iYiEDU.CiD . . '81. YUSWAQIN • • ' c .... • • · IUG KYI. 4 ..... nl~ tl'l!~t-..,..IQo Ml! .... 5"e19f fi1'll .,,"la. ft'.Alt 14J '88 CHRYSLER NIV(PORT ' DOOi v ... ~...-... _ _,.,. ....... -::-. ""\TIJ ~,.,.._, ~ -.1 '1395 '83 CHEVROLET . 6 PASS. )YAGOll J~ i:;r;,.'VI .ti.'"' -"; ' '695 . . ... , ... u..iau. " To -Olliile Frtm . ·11.l1ill11l1r ..... e Oi;DSMOBllE--•-- , 2850 H~RBOR ILVD.i 'COSTA "MESA~-"" · 5~9640 ~'!t". 7 Dar• -Week. " ' . • • • l , • I I I' I j ' a..,. -~~~ ,JJO~ ..... , •• t¥f104tl)> .. $13.91 ' "· ''8 TORINO GT 2 Q-t-h •• ,. '" 1•0 ·vt, FACTORY All. ,_., m-1 ... ,._. '4iK Mb, .....,. .......... wHl1 .... 1 .. 21,00I" ~11--·~~5,l II. fHtwr-W1rrMtY A ... n. """-"M &11111. . . '.'-'.-.. II: .. .• ~~: 1,. • l ~ r •67 :nu :killilil L•llll!l ---•Dr. ,...,_.., tUtwt..tl, .__IYCQl!l . . '66 . GMQ~ Vciii . r • ., __ _.:_'Jut ' ""' .•• ...,..,."9rilt, .t ... 1'1f'4 fl'•MMllliOL (1107111 .$·1'"'95 .... ~~.v~ ' ' . ·' . . ;i•: ... . ... '68 F.Oltl; . C..11111. City .. e. ••• M .. • l111o1 c•r. Fully Mthrf1l11'4i ef ~. ., ... ·''"· JtD VI, ct11i..,. Met.t, •&...·.,,........J6.000..111lln. • .IJilZltJtJ-.,;. . .:;._ .: I. · $1A95 . . ~ ... -~ • $595 " '67 ehemalet hi Air 4 P,,. W , Vf.. fie, • .,., ,,,, rs .. RIH, ...... 1.VWVl201 $~~5 ; . ' . ' '62 Chfuolet 11-k. ;;<\., 1rt-.1. •· .,i; IH!f .tiff"-fJtf<4tl) ._,,. .. ,,. ~-. '. : . '64 -FALCON DllllM Wt""" VI, •vt ... FACTOlY Ala. lvtt r•ck. Wt'11 ' . .$i95 . ' . • '•· ... ' • "' I ··- :.166 -~ 8elvffm II ·~ --~ ' . W11•11-. VI, feit.fv 1tr, ;ow1r .st"(iJtt, llH, .,n., mW ... tXl~ffl I. ' $.1695 . I . ·. ,. • . . '65 Olds Wagon. Yl1t• Ctul1tr. v1; fect.ry eir, •vt•lfttfic, UH, pow. er dettlwf. I PCl71Jl . SfOITDVJrl .:....,..,...,...,. 'f..1t1r, IVINJ701 · i • $1 .79S '69 COBRA . $2895 .. '67 PON11AC OTO CONVllfilLI ' VI, ,..,., me11.,, ,..., 1111flc., r111i1, lle1t1r. YCM ~7. . '· ~· ... $.13,. , ~ .. . -. .. 11 b, •• 4 ','66 FolrtaH . $1'495 .... ' ,, . '.63 ROl!tbler · · Classic Yl19111. Au .. ~•flc, -~vt;' fftforr ·,1,, P.S., P.I., 111 1n•ll111t MM. 1WfltJ71 $895 , ' • ' . $895 ' ' '69 SHELBY 16T SOO. 411 ~r1 J1t, 4 ,,.n, rotdl• 1·M1 •••t.r, rn1ter _.#41M\4. StoO #1111,aJPO fti!ltt. . $~79$ ' . ' '65.hrd. WC190a ~ ~ . ~·!lfP. ~11lr1. ll2 v1: ,.,,,.. P.S:.., p.a., fee~· elt, lutt· ,. ''ID61J ' $AVE ~:. ~~ .. ~. ,. ' l, .p1•••1t1lr ltttin wq._ lt7VI,-.· ·~~ RIH, t..n• teckl ~ 26,000 ""· V1W61 $~395 '66 .•t~k r.. '.$'jibre ... 2 Dr .. ·H.T. Awt.Mtffc, pew· .r tf11ri11t, redlo, 1i,1t1ro;; IRPM 1601. Ftc+ory·1ir. $1495 "-· '61 Fora F-100 '67 Cl\ev •. 3/• ton VJ t.11 plc•111' ~tuck, VI, lMt b.4. IUl7ttJ " $'&91 " C\11f1111 C'"'''' picltwp witlri ••lftptr'1h1ll. 4 ,,.ec1, llH. ~pllt 11'"" CQIUOJ.J .. . $2095 ' --. ~AVINGSI """"' -··Loit· ""· 1Tllll2J $1395 '68 Conti~ Coitp.. Vi"Yf· NM, /Ill 11"'Wtr,_f1cttty ,tlr,",.ttJ·I~· ttt.r illhriw~ <YJM 7J2J, " . .~ .. ;. .. '69 PataUll .JOQO LIST l'ltlCE $511S,H ~~sc~Ntr '~"' . $459Sl3' . I • '•' :'$995 t.' .. " ' • •• I ' ·OPEH I • • .. CAMP.El _ CLEARANCE: .._ 11.• trildl ·..,.. ww ·• ...... ~-"""""'*' .... .. SAVING$,! " .... --...... ~. -. •. '\o.;\11 ~ ···1,";,· ''.~i·>.~,,., ·~~~:i --~· Yj).11.ll jl!JQ9!!T . .. -·· ... ............ _ WS1ANcw'- 2 'DOOtt· HAJun'oP '"'"'""' IRING•YOUR ·. ~-e~R' 11;, ·~ int/WE K "\ilfA'Mti'Niw . °"fl; OUT . .,_ ... ' . '26 " Fl-1"1 lhrv LOW 'llllL.~AGE DEMofiiSTRA TORS ~ 'r'-lf \'.E!f .. " ... GRfATEl '.. ' LoC•l'Ba"k~ . -'l'. OVER too B~DNEW . CARs' ~ .TRUCKS 1 1'0 &• ·'°LD. • SAYINGS! · ' " . • ·!i!NT YOUR' 'SA'irlNGSI ~. -· ~ S£&. THE VACA'nON HOME ON · WHEELS I. • MAN WITH THI! SHARP PE~IL • I -' ' ' • '