HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI ' ' r ·-.Leak!) · ·c0Dlir1n~;· 3. Q .. ~n to~ U~a-h · • ' . ' ·u.s .. Craekdown . ' In Freew~y -~~~p .. • ' . ' . . _:on ~r~·gs Begins. 'To Aid 1Motorist ' . . -., . . ~ONDA Y AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 . .,,.., ........ AU work arld no play Is definitely not E\IY Wllllams•· game. Dufulg a Pl>oto session a( ~ Century-Fox Studio , Edy linds a movie prop anil walkstlirougli •"pipe," muCb to the dellgbt o( the photographer. Crackdown Announced Ob Mexican Drug Traff~c Leaked last week by a high Washington official, a major federal crackddwn . on narcoli.cs dealing from Mexican sources tfd>Y ·was foimOlly announced ' by the U.S. government. Na.D'led Operation Intercept, the pro-- gram is aimed at cutting off the supply ()[ illlci& ·drugs -Primarily marijuana - ' 6 Ch il dren Die I . Jn, Home Bliize ( FRA,NKI.llj', Ohio (AP) -~ven ~·six .or them clUldren,.dl«:d in a fl~e ~hich destrpyed a one-stocy live· ronm oouse. Sunday oi&fll. • . • - Dead are Bertha Billard, %7, a resident IUesl In the borne o( Joyoe Neal, and Mrs. Neal's six children, GleM F., 10: ~rsba Ann, 9; David A., 7: Mike D., 15 lllOlltha ; Ellil Ballard Jr., I, and David A. Ballard, I. Tho Ballard· bi>ys were Mrs. Neal '• Childnn by another marrlqe. -Mrs. NeaJ was burned over much or ""° body and in critical CO!ldltion. AuthorJUes said both • women were -·led frmi their -,,,., &aid Mn. Billud lw six clilldren, an llvlnC 11¥wbm. , • but also other type1 of cootrabaad substances. "Our enUre objective ii to 1et·to.1he source ol the prob1erM1 n6t to make thousands or arrests," aaid Deputy' A\.o lcmey .<J.<neral Rkhard G. Kl<indlenst. · 'l'ougbei: border Inspections with a beelOO-upt force or customs agents, si..v.m.inee . ol amaJI boat lTafflo ·aod eVe,n radar-equipped pursuit planes will . bl! used in the smupiing pampaip. The' program .11 ~ joint ef(ort l>y the Unfted·Staia and'l.imoo, WOO!< ••• .,.; menf IW• lnJUaltd :plaril to iprajl """° jUllJUlfleidf 'filb ebeinic:al U.., tbe ilr4o, klll tb .. IJllcil aopo. ' . The ~ lnl<l<>epl Rllcl I - mealed Lisi -t •wben .,,, --ne"1'paper pubClhid rOi>m:u ot ·µ,., craddown on aerlll ~.,..,,,...;. IDlllf'T glen, 'prema!Ure!y'':;;-~ ·in W.ashlngtoo. •• :-:1•T17-·: .. A U.S. Ma11ne missile ballelioo •m maneuvers in the daert near 1'uma, . Arh., • ' , .. -led ' to lnltillion ol .qver-lnten:ept whia 111eJ ~ ..,.clln&.uoldmtlllod aJrploneo. The alrcralt -. ~ over-the l\fexlC~........... bani« In -~ lor1o bl! --by Federal AVlaUon Ageocy radlr ne!worU. Kleindltmt -today .... -lm-portanl point In ~ enUre ~ II the .,_.uon ol -· ollldall In lolnlng -~U...-111 tho crtclulown. --------------- ;.A; ->I· J . ' ,. • -> ... ~ ;;.; :..>.: .,.ir;. ' . ·,~ ' New Look at Bay Swap But Courts Must Decide On Reopenin g, 3 Burn to Death in Car By JEROME F. COUJNS Stopped on SA Freeway · Of .. Dlllr ~ "'" The State Attorney General't offa today dlsagreed--Out only lnlormally- wllh a legislative counsel's opinion that the Upper Newport Bay land ezchange must bl! resubmltled to the State Landa CommissJoo. On1y the courts can compel reope:nin1 of the tidelands 1wap question, Deputy Attor~y General Jay Shavtlson em- phasi:ed. He upecta the lands conu\.it1alon to reeclve that lnstructkm in lesf than a year, "one way or another." UUgaUon tesUng the legality of the tranudlon between Orange COunty and the Irvine Company iJ now pending before the county 11.1perior court. Last week, LegiJJatWe ~I George H. Murphy told AMemblyman Alan Sleroty (().Beverly Hilil), a lon1.Ume critic ol the ercbange, that the laitd• commission 11must" reconsider itl Sep- tember, J967, approval of the Contro- versial plan. · Murphy based hla opinion op amend· ments to the Ortgln!J asreement. The amendment.I · wen approveCI by county suoenbon lut November. They pro-vided for dndglngt oi ' county Udelanda ~ romoved Irvine gplands Included In theth trade 1mn OOWln tt foll rou.. pending e oukome ol ~puoo. Mll!l>hY 'iald "I" . amehljmenJI, · in effeCI, chai!ied the otlginal qreemenL Four penons, lllcludin( tbret burned to d~tb in a w: driven by a youth who stcipped to aid a motorist wh* auto s~ed on the Sa{lta Ana Fr••Y are d9"1 today a. the mull ol weekend tral· fie aoc:liients. KJOed In Ille fiery oollillon Salurday nip! were Ronald Honda, 20, hla sister IHI Ill Coanty Trarfte Dealll Toll Cheryl, II, and her young lrlend, ll•year• old Lynn Rlatow, an ol Fulletlm. Loo Angelel tt.rckntManuel Lopei, 27, wu killed early-today whtn the car in w~h be wu a puaeoger 1Jammed lnto a slow;moving street sweeper oo the San- ta Ana l'newllJI near Laguna Canyon Road. lnvestl:ptors for the Ca 11 l o r n l a HJiin<ay Patrol aald the tine Fullerton . re!ldents died when thietr car was atruc~ rrom the rear and two other motoriltl wen badly hurl in the 11111< accident. Scoll Frederick, 17, ol San Marino, drim" ol the stalled car the Honda )'OUlh •toPPed for, waa serinusly lojured, along with 18-ytaN>ld Stephen Hdmple, ol Monlel'ey Pork. • ~pie wao . driving the car wblch -Into the -..... according to CHP inv..Ug-.. Lopez WU killed It 1:10 a.m. today tn tho actldeot lnvol•inl the atreet sweeper, ;~UCAi.L·~·A ONl·ACT PLAY 1 'ALLIN ll'1 a ;.,,i.rv ~lal/ toltllaut 4 cit.,..! t!ldillfl at ~hit pof!ll, bUl f .. efiioung rtbding '°'1i•thtk~: ID/lo It . ..utlll(J to ipeml •P lo $50,000 on a Mal.I campaign ogaiftlt fifU. District S•pmlilor Alton E. Allen! A IJ)OCiol DAILY PIWT .,port on the m~tcnoN ccnftpafQon -fftdudtnQ CJ 1tra11ge· l>cd/flloto ..,1 of Omo9~ Co••tiont -IOiU II< ~ lofnorrow,Don'lmltaU. which left motorilt SalvadCI' Ast«ga, 31, ol San Diego, allo ,.riously injured. Astorga .,..u reported Jn very serious oondltlon at Santa Ana Community Hospital, while the driver of the sweeper eacaped with minor head lnjur:le1. He was ideotllied as TOOmu Man.. devllle, 32, or 3S88Z Vista del Mar, Capistrano Beach, according to CHP Jn.. vesUgators. Nixon to Reveal ~nd Withdrawal Plans Tuesday . . ~ WASHINGTON (UPll-'P r ea Id .DI Nlxo1nrill 'amwnce Ille .-atap ol American troop wtthdro"ila fmn Viet- nam 'l'Uesday morning, Ille White HOUie aald today. • • Aated about a statement bf South Viet- ....,_ Vice~ N"""" Cao.Ky that 40,soo more Amer1caD Gia ~ be pulled out by the ad ot-. Wldte House Pr.a 8ec:r.tarf a-Id Zlelier saJd "aetual fltUrei" -"""" -thoPmidenl. 2 Ziegler n!Used to aay 'l!hether the 40,IOO Ogun. waa comet. lie saJd Nixon would malriJ publk the "lciual llluna'' In a wrlllm ....,_II_ l:IO a.m., PDT Tueada1. 1be llnt wltbdl'awal, bmlvlol 11,GGP men, WU C<lllpleted by tho end ol August. N1>0ll ~4 lodi<a\ed be wotlld 81> '1!c<m<e t60 ~ Jlwe ol 'tJA 1tonp replacement. But on Aug. 24, 'the President an- nounced• lie wn deiotllli a decWoo and called lor _.. reports on intWl!led Commllllill ~ wblcb ocairred' In mld-Aqust loliowlng a lonf 1R1mmer lull . ~S.. TllOOPS, Pl(o 11 J Big Booze ·Raid. • I Hits Newport ' Night . Cl11P Trio" . By JORN V Al.TERZA. .... D9iltr ........... Three Newport BeaCb men ancr· another' from La'.guna Beach wez:e free on b&u to.\ day alter their arrest Ibis wtellend ' and seirure of 250 Cl¥S of liquor allepdlJ\ s\olen from a reataw-ant and U distributors. ' - Dettcttves rrom NeWport Bel e-b~ Laguna Beacb oud llie Dbtrlcl•Altorne)"i office arrested the four men ml ae'iuiCI the alleged lllalon llquor valued at fl7~ at Feliciano'• Restaurant, at West.cliff aad Dover driva, Friday night. • They· am.tee!. Eugene Rbndondo; ~ 1$01 Cornwall ,Lane, Newport Beach; Olarles Dryer, 31, llMS Sunset 111d8' Drive, IJifujia Beach:'AleudderTwbeif, (See FELICL\NO'Sl hi' I) l ' Oru1e Weadler '• . . ' There won't be any cbln,ea made In the weilther pidure Tiies- day aa to.,. cloud> hof the .-.1 • ,.,... with tomperatuns ralllinl lrom 70 to M dee!<ts· JNSIDB TODAY A/In cUeodc1 of laoladoi<.far mACUor lc•lillf IM, ballftf PQcl. fie ii~ Of Blklflloore toOI~ ~ fo.r ,lhc ntum of U.. - Cfbts.' Pa~ 1, •; ........ ' ·" --it =~·.:.· J ::: ...... 911 ;.,.~':'*:' • =·= P. ........ _ ... t • • ' " I • • . . . • % DAll.Y I'll.OT s M«td.tt. Stptombtt 15. I W.9 North Viets Arab Guerrillas F t .. Acti. as , ~ i Saves · Boat In Mekong ·confirmed ' ' Hit Israel Camp ~ ~ar.hor. By U-PrtN !JllapUOlll Arab guerrilla! today attac~ed an llraell military settlement in the oc- cupied Galan llelghls cl Syria with bqookas and automaµc rUJes, a. military IJ>Okumln lo Tel Avl• r~. 1'le spokesman sald the guerrillas at.. ' tacked behind ·a mortar barrage fired from po&iUons In Syria. He said one lsraeli ci~illpl was injured and one guer· 1 rilla killed in 1 brief ak1nnisb at the se~ * • tkment In tbe mountains, •bout 80 miles north of Jerusalem. Jn Cairo, an Egyptian m l 11 l a r y apotam•n &aid Egyptian ,fOl'1Jel lolled an ,,_. attempl by~ts.riell planes to rald anny positions on the Gulf of Suez on Sunday, lsraeJ .said its warplanes pounded Egyp- ' tian "military tat.els" along the shore oC 11 the culf IOUlh bf Suea City for 00 miDutea. 'Ibo olr raid Sunday, tbe lllth stralght_ d&J of IBraeU aerial attacks against Egypt. WU coocentral.ed.1 Oil Ras Ra• ,., RfY Ind Rat Zlfarana, ICNlb of Suez Cl- . ty, an J1raeU army 1pokeanan uid. Re reportoo! Ill laraell plaoeo returned safely lo ---1be El)'Ptlan spokesman u.ld a number of Iaraell planea attempted to raid Egyptian guard posts cm the gull in Ras Cbareb, Ras Shukelr and Zafarana but were intercepted by Egyptian air defenses and farced to Oee to tbe east. He did not menUoo bMI to either aide oc the' use of Ell)'ptlaD ]>itbes, • The .spokesman in Cairo abo aaid Egyptian and Israell fcrceo dueled aloog From r.,e J FELICIANO'S , . 25, 117 Via Dijon, Newport Beach, and Edward Whlted, fl>, 309 Narcissus Ave .• Corona del Mar. ~~~~==~~i :11111111 lbelt,pom lix llquar dfalrlbutlng -and ... -o( !lfand lbeft from ·~Slddleboektan;Jnc. 1 llandoado, Dr yer 1114 Toillell·laeo 1~ .. of~ lo <Olllm_lt "and !llioll1 Md ~ from ~ .l!Urt and ·-Tonn, l.qliia -· t. 1'bllotl will -cbar1es of rt<elv· 'htc'ttolen property. .~ • ,. An arraignment date ror the four men had not ye\ been let th!& morning. .None of the four could be reached for comment today. Deputy District Alttntey Marti(! J, Renegban declined to elaborate on the circum!lances of tbe thelta. '"M>ltt ttould be -u.c on the evidence,~ I btinesll1 can't do at this point, .. hi ..ur. · He aaJd the four1men wtre 1rrtsted together at the restaurant and booked altortl,Y alter mldnigllt at Orange County JaJI. • All lour havo PoSted ball, he said. Rondondo and Dyer posted '5,000 : Torbett balled oot wllb $2.lOO Md Whi11:d ~~.' .. , ' . H....... Nld Uie loveatlgaUon lnlo tbe ma ls "still very much actlve." He ..Sd hi9 office, the two police .departments, and state a I c o h o I I c beverage control agents cooducted in· vestlgaUona Ior about three wee.ks before tbe Friday arruts. 'lbe distributors named as victims (lf I.he thefts were the 1.fllford Cof!.111JDY. Don W. Seycler Company, Sterling Liquor ComPM)l', I.he David Kay Company, 'Bohemian Company and the Western Compaey. Roodondo and Dryer also are named fn another recent court action -a civil suit broupt by popular singer and auilarlat • lose PeUcfano. The blind eotertainer ls asking $1601000 in damages 09'er allejed questionable practices by Rondondo; Dryer and Ron- dondo'a wile, Carol Tomkin Roll<lolldo. 1be entertainer asks '60,000 in wages owed hJm for thrtt appearances at the restaurant which Mars hl1 name and Sl00,000 ln damage• to hls reputation. That ltltt bu yet to come lo trial, Oftl ll PILOT -........, ............ .... ...,.._ -- ' --C•'IPOl:M'A ~ coaq l'\IM,.tlMIMO COM,.Nr ..w.~w .. 1 ---Jn\ a. c.,1,. \fie.,.,........ .. °""'""'""'"' Tlt11Mt tc ... 11 -Tlitllltl A. ~hrit ---ca.ft,..., -... , .... """' ......... llM(fi: .,,., """"' .......... ....... """"''IMflr nt.llMll ;...,.. "*"--~--- • " U..Suei Cina! for eight hoyn Sunday, ·Jordan reported morter CJre on troops from.Iataell force.a In the North Assbuna area, six miles south of the Sta of Galilee. Jordanian forces returned the ·nre Ud auUered no ·cuualUtt, thelr '"* ...... ¥id. . A-Syilan mllitaiy spokesman fu Damaacus said Israeli tank• fired on Syrian troops in fJ1e $0Uthem part of their SO-mile lrottL The lsr4tll spqkesman reported Ar•b guerrWu ambushed an Israeli patrol In lhe occupied Syrian Golan Helghll: He ·Wd one guerrilla was killed and two Israeli soldJer.s were wounded. 11le Israeli air rald on the west side or the Gulf of Suez was in the same area a seaborne Israeli landing party, 5UPPorted by tanks and planes, raided Tuesday and wu the filth attack since U)en against Egyptian targets idlhe Suez Gulf aru. . \ ...= • Prompl action by l!arbar !Jepartm"11 paln>I veooel• Sundi). saved a 26-foot ~werboat from sink.lnJ off Abalone Point a!Ur lhree pwengen ·had abandlllled lbe .....i. The tiofl wa.s·tbe·tf..foot Owens cruiaer Mini Mary owned by J. F.· Wren, 1111 E. a.1boi Blvd. and operated. by Wllliam A. Wren, 14, of lbe Same lll<frW, A'CCOldlnl ,to Ille ihrb!>r Departmen~ Wren Md hJa aoo,_ Bil)Y, 9 and an aduU pusenger, Jtrry "°°"""'·of Huntington Beach, abandoned the boal after It struck a submerged timber which rtppotl out I strut and plank. 'l1lfl trio Wert picked up by another nearby vessel Tbe !l>rbor !Jepartmenl responded to a call from the Coast Guard at 5:10 p.m. stating that the boat was sinking rllj)id\y. SAIGON (UP[) -'111e U.S. l\!Ullary Command annottnced today lhat foe the first tlme it has confirmed the. presence of North Vietnamese troops in the Mekong Delta soth ol Saigon. Behind 1 mortar and rocket attack, the llanol troops tried to over-run a South Vietnamese army training center near Tri Ton, 110 miles southwest of Saigon and within 10 miles of Cambodia. The annowicement said tbe govern· ment defender!, mosUy recruitl, drove off the attackers, killing as, but lo.st four killed and 19 wouOOed tbemselvea. 'nle figb:: was Tbursday, wilb no reason given tor the delay in reporting It. Thant Urges Red China The Harbor Department arrived Ofl the acene at 5:SS to find the vesael almod submersed. Pumpa pul aboanl lhe boot were unable to keep up wtlb 1be inflow s LES of water Md Wren-went back to help ball AFTER NARROW, ESCAPE OFF LAGUNA, BOAT PUMPER Ml "An element of the North Vietnamese Army l&B Regiment wal Identified as particlpa!Jng In the atlaek," tbe U.S. Command said. "'l'llb COlllllcl la, tho llni cooflrmaUon in the history ot I.he war or a regular North Vietnamese army unit operating-in the IV Corps TacUcal Zooe (lbe Mel:ong Delta)," by hand. Pa11•ntor Jerry Ooo<lwln, of Huntlnglon lie~ Still Aboard Mini Mary ~:::::...~~~~~~~~~"'---~""-~~~~ South Vietnamese helicopter gunship.'! and art!Uuy helped break up the ground attack ilJ, the aeven·~ur battle, military !lpokwnen aald. In Arms Talks UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Seaelary Geoeru u 'lbant, declaring that the world iJ cau&ht up in the "mad momen- ttan of the arma race," urged today that CommW>lll China be brought lolo Ill dJurmam..u lafU.- Smog Foe Opposes Beach Steam Plant Expanswn Tomm y Heinsohn To Coach Celts BOSTON (AP) -The Boston Celtics announced Monday appointment of Tom- my Heinsohn, former Celtics scoring star, 8!I coach of the National Basketball As.social.ion champions. The 18B Regiment waa ldentlfJed either from pri.sonen: or from documentl found on the bodies of slain North Vietnamese soldiers. Last re-ports of that unit had it Jn Blnh Long province northwest of S a i g o n June 20. lt portended a possible new c.ommunlst drive iD the Mekong Delta, where U.S. and S o u t h Vietnamese olficlals have reported ma;or progress in the effort to put vast areas under control of the Saigon government. ""The threat ot ftuclear war ls ln- 1creaaing every day,'' Thant told a newr -emice. "It is now time for every government to make serious efforts to associate all live nuclear powera in all negotiations for disarmament in one"Way or another. "Only the association ol au five nuclear powers in disannuneot ne10Uallons will be the indispensable 1tep to fashion a world free from fear," Thant aaJd . the pre1e9t Impasse between Cornmunlat China arid the rut of the world was 111 trqedy." He welcomed the airport conference between Peking Premier °'W, Eo.lal and Ales:el N Kosygin of lbe Soviet Union. He Aid ht would be happy to see meetings between Chairman Mao Tse-tung and President Nixon and other world leaders. Thant urged restoration of "normal, ii not cardlal" relations between Com· mun!st China and the United States. He said the past year had not seen any pr~ greu toward diaannarnmL "We have wltneued only mounting esca:Jatiod:" be raid. "The momeatum and pro&relJ of the previot11 year seem to have been lost. We are wllneMing only the mad momentum ol the arms race. The human community is at a very criQc-.1 crossroad. The choices are e\ther to escalate the arms race or to march toward general and complete disanna· ment which WM the unanimous will ·o~ the General AMembly 10 ye.an ago," Thant expressed optimism about even· tually ending the Vietnam war, although he said he did not believe the death of Ho Chi Minh would bring any change in $orth Vietnam's policy. The secretary general said said he did nol believe a cease-fire wa1 "praWcal'' in the present circumstanci!s In Vletnam but that a general deescalation could bring peace. "On the whole, J am optlm.la:Uc 1bout the Vietnam issue ," he said. .. ' . A lop t:hemiai-antl chairman . of the Callforida Air ~ca Board-ta urg~ ing blocklde ol s·t the Soulberu Callfomla EdLaon 's steam plant In Hunltncton Beach at two other locations. Dr. A. J. Haagen-Smit, o( the Caltech staff, says the most feasible methc?d of ttducing smog in the Southland is to abolish conventional power plants and create nuclear ones. Dr. Smltb, a chemist at the CallfOrnia tnrUtute of Technology, says convenUonal power planb which bum fOllil fuel to produce eJectrlcity are with automobile• . the major cause of smog. Doing away with automobil~ even converting mOft of th'em to 1111a!ne.s not , powered by internal combustfon-is a far..f'et¢ied .aolution at this time, be said Hurricane Holly Far From Land MIAMI (UPI) -Holly became a hur· ricane today with top winds cl 1$ miles an boor and joged --ard bl lbe Atlantic, 11\llI far fl'Dlll 1'00· At 9 a.m. (PDT) the weather bureau centered the ~ll.!IOO'• eighth tropical twister about 1)30 miles east-southeast o( San Juan, Puerto Rico, near latitude 14.S north, longitude 49.S west. it was moving toward the northwest at about 10 :n.p.h. The posit.ion. considerably north or irevlously estimated flUS, w a !I determined when ll'l Alr Force recon- nalasance plane reached the storm'• center and fOUDd it ol minimal hurricane intensity. Forecaslers predicted Holly would in- le.rulify gradually, move toward the northwest for about 24 bouts, then shill to a more westerly cour se. The storm formed from a depression which moved off . the African Coast last :Ptfonday, Wrec·k Traps Ol."-J 1!11.0i ..... " ~ ltMlllW Motorist . Rescue workefi attempt lo remove Alexatld1r Tapu~; 36, ol 6.17 Ross St., Costa Mesa, from car which run oU Newport Bo~evard at Indus· trial Way at 6 a.m. today, lllpplng over into deep dtlch. Victim was in serious condition and still unconscious at Hoag Memorial Hospital, sevetal boul'I alter tilt accident. Newport Beach police "Y he may have fallen asleep at wheel . to In 1m.rv1 .... So that lelvu power plantl u the belt debarkaUon polnt In the batUe agalnst 1mo11 he aald. M • first _step, be said authorities should deny building M;;{t,s for three conventional power phUltS-p!anned for construction in the general Los Angeles area-the Southeru Catilornia Edison Co. facilities in Huntington Beach and Ve~ tur= lbe Playa Del Rey installation P"' , by the Loa Angelea !Jepartmenl of at.er and Power. · Tito chemiJI aald evuy hour a plant burns fuel to produce electrtclty ft J,,.. creuea the nltrl9 ozlc1e content of the ·-· Nitric oxJdes, he lildt Is what gives •moe It.I stJng. There were 12 .rmog alerts in · 1955 when some 12 million kilowatt hours oI electricity were produced in the Los An- geleJ area, he said. "Since then, the figure ~s risen more lilan lhretfold. It is. almost 40 billion kilowatt hours now, and it tw been est.imated by the Air Pollution Control DiWlct that the elecirlc energy required in the • by 1980 will be 80 blllioo kilowatt houri," be Jaid. " .. ~ Instead of doubling Die amount of electricity to be produced Jn the basin by 1980, production baa to be ellmlnaied altogether or produced by nuclear power," he said. General Manager Red Auerbach an- nounced the appointment at a news con- ference, Heinsohn succeed! delen.slve star Bill Russell who announced hi!! reaJgnation earlier tbls .summer as player-«>ach. Auerbach said, 11Tommy has been ln- Umately involved with the Celtics since his retlrement. He ha.s consulted with me atten. He knows oor perscmnel, and be has scouted for us." Auerbach, who has been trying un.suc· ceufully to persuade Ruasell to return tor one more seaaon, said, "It is nece.ssary for us to move forward for this season. We cannot wait any lona:er for Bill." Drug Suspect's Car Hits Crowd, Kills 1 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A car plunged Iota a cluater of pedestrtana ataJidlni lo front of a downtown department "It.ere window, klltlnf one woman and 1nJur1ni five other peraon.11. Police ·booked the driver, Ramon Armendariz:, 5$, for lnvutlgatlon of drlv-in' under the influence of narcoUca. Ever since 1968, North Vietnamese troops had been reported inflltratJne into the delta as replacements for Viet Cong units whlch had lost too many 10ldien tu replace with local recruits. In another development, the command announced the beginning of a t,SOO.man cfleruilve by U.S~ and South K<rean marines on the f!land along the coast of South Vietnam. Since It began tut week, the operaUon has killed lllO COmmunlst troops. Military spokesmen said the number of U.S. troops In Vietnam dropped by 1,!00 last week to an 18-month low of 508,000. To the north, American guns bom· t.arded North Vietnam's haH of the demilitarlz.ed zone {DMZ) Sunday for the; 14th Ume since the United State.s called off the bombing ol the north Nov, t. Ft'OM Page l TROOPS ... "' the battlelleld. Up" Up Away Ziegler nvealed that Nl1on decided on the sectltld phase of the withdrawal prior to Friday's big strategy session at the White Hoose with top diplomatic, milltary and Intelligence advisers. Ziegler said that decision lncluded ac· tual figures. Followlng the Friday confettnce Gen. Fash ion Isl.and Dwarfed by High Rise Creighton W. Abrams, U.S. combat com· mander, returned immediately to Saigon and within two houri after hl1 arrival, he repo<led personally to President Nguyen Van Thieu. Fashion Island will soon b! surrounded by a sea of b I g b rise buildlng1 - skyscrapers by Orange County standards. Newport Beach Planning Director Lar- ry Wilson said a half-dozen 16 lo 20-st.ory structurea are now on Irvine Company drawing: boards. They will all be built on Newport Center Drive, SWTOWld1n& F a s b i o n Island. Manlclpal gO\lemment already has clean!d the way far construction of the lint of the big building•. the 16-story headquarters ol Seaboard Finance Co. It wlll rlae midway between Santa Cruz and Santa Rola drivu off Newport Center Drlve north of Fashion I11land. Balboa lnlurance Company, an afllllate of Suboanl, la owner ol fee title ta lbe site of the one miWon 1QUare foot struc- ture. Most recent clty approval lnVolving the project, Wllaon noted, will allow Balboa Insurance to construct a flve-atory park- lfli garaa:e adjacent to the Seaboard bullding. One level ol the parking struc- ture will b! b!low groWld. lt will provide :;pace for 1.400 cars . The Irrlne Company also plans to build il! own five.story p1rkin1 facility next to lhe Seaboard garage, When completed, the Newport Center high-rise complex will be the largest in Orange County. Thieu met with his security advlser1 to- day Mtween another meeUng with Abram~ Alter the Seourtty Council meeting, Ky told of the planned 40,IOO- man pullout. Ky said there was no di!agreement between the United Statea over the to,500 figure, whJch he said lncludes U.S. marines, paratroops and other Army combat rorees. He said the withdrawal announcement would not be coopled with any new peace initiatives -"We have made enough concessions." "We think it Is time to take more responsibilities," Ky said. "We are now capable to replace the Americans." ~ Jack Marshall 121 Via Waziers Newport Beach One of Our Well-Heeled Customers Complain s Dear !\lr. Marshall: That's the trouble \Vith good sandals. You CAN get emotion· ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart before you got on a first~name basis. At any rate, bring your sandal.t by and I'm sure we can "make a deal" -aa they say in Ibo auto business. We may even d~ cide to have the old pair bronz· ed. I( the Smithsonian isn't in· terested in them, we certainly are. Dear Mr. Bidwell: Some time be.fore you moved into your new star, next to the Lltlo Theatre I bought a pair of sandals fron\_you. About seven years ago,. as I remember. Now, I don't like lo sound like some cronlc, crank complainer (I've never .m my life sent a steak back lo the chef becaus& it wu or warn•t medJum rare). However, I must report that the sandals you sold me are begin- ning to show definite signs of wear. I admit I've worn them half • Wlf lll0tµi4 the world-Japan, Hong Kong, Wik• laland, Hono- lulu, Mexico Clly, San Franclaco and New York Cll1 -not to tnenUon such abow 'Places as Tijuana and HollywoOd (home of tile stars). The question Is bas my guar-antee run out! U 10, woUld you advise me to have my sandals overhauledt or trade them in for a ·new pair! I have a feeling it would he cheaper for me to do the latter. Bui Ibo trouble Is, I've develop- ed a decldod sentimental attach· menL for my old sandals. It bas ;&ken me years to work them Into their present comfortable -If somewhat disreputable - condition. II I decide to trade them in, could you find a good home for them? l mean I wouldn't want them falling Into the hands of Just ANYbocly. Please advise. Sincerely, Jack Bidwell P .S. When you stof. by, you might want Lo kt a look at our ~eat Bally shoes from SW1tz&rland. They're REALLY made lo lut. Jack Bidwell 3487 Via U de at Newport Blvd., Newpor t Bea eh. Plenty of free parking In t•e rear. Oaly mlaates -(altont 70) froa tile Ventara Free•ay, • - ------------------------------------------------------------ • I ' • . ·'A'~,.;.~ N.v."s~ · VOi:. 62. NO. 22 f. 3 SECTIONS, 3~ PA6ES l.l()JllD~ Y, S~IER'' ~'~·. '"' .. ' ' ' TEN .CENTS ' .. • • All · -. Recall· ·F·oes "Gather . . .. -. " ' -' as, "t)'l'lcal of hll actions," then Iii~ lncumben:ey, ;Candld<ites .. F acf· J(o~rs Tonight~ - . . .. ·-~ . . ....... -_ • l'i .. ' -• \ .... , Tonight Is llio'ftrSl.-'-llld probably last ..,rrelhmenla then a wrilleJI' questJoo. estale tra-uon In. wl!ileflbe ~ -chance Foiilltaln valley residenls wtll answef l'<rlod· ' bJd ~ involved ·In tll9. wtthoUl-cllcllr- have 111 ~ iµid ,hear all candidate. and \So\11• COl>didates and lncull)benli w111_ ing his inv<ilyanept,wi.o tM ~ ~ .._,,. .. ~ d\l'eCt <jllesti"'5 from cjtiien:i.' Scli~1·dlnlltld-~~ . " incum ... ~· fu •llie cily's .Sepl.'23 recall i>)!.)111 band as early as 7;30 ,pJD, Ill ·befONll\eCOWlcllJOl;.._~;:s e1Ju6n.' "' · -~~bes :areex~_to 'behfrd ,and ~~~t>ut..,4'0Whj4'opf . .'• • AU are expected lo be ,present· at 8 to ~SI'· poirit followmg l.ast week's, O· oontl~aaUng'fA,lt 'tber'10Dt ~e p,m., in the cafeteria of Fountain Valley cbarigi:· ot comments between Mayoc·. repreaen~ nothing ·~1~1, tbenlore be had c11ecked !'ilth ·.ev~. att.n,ieY" Who said <the legal ptotectlcia.-tlw'('rrii:yor. had referred to generally meint amiloes such u ''garbage OOUedihgt ·.street zweeping and other commcm' ~s.:~ '· The !118}'Vl')!.'ld ~ .. ""'11QO,ol-tllt Government COd&1 "hldi" llsteil ttemi wben '• puhllc official need not declm his tnteresl in a city Item. Victory Smile Ttiree-year·old Christie E. Foster ol Huntiilgton Beacb·char:rned the judges at the Hollywood Bowl Jlnd won the l'lo!iss Ammca.'nny .Tot" title. The city's.youngest be!~:f' contest.winner, picked from a field o! 80, is the daughter ot Mr. Ml'$, Mit F~~ ~~ j)rlve. ~stinJ'.ageaci ueclitives _judged tile~-ren~• Guilil .Agency Cw.ne&; " , U.S. Command Confirms North Viets . in Mekong SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. Military Command announced today that for the first time it bas confirmed the presence of North Vietnamese troops · in tl'le lifekong Delta' zotb of Saigoo. Behind a mort,v and rocket attack. the llanoi. .troops tried to over~ a South No Trial Date, ' - Set for Mother In Tot's Death Trial date has not yet been set for a teenage Huntington Beach · m'other -ar~ rested Thur.day on charges of beating to· death he:r 17-montb-O\d daughter, A detention trial will be held at 9 a.m., Tuesday, to determi.ne if Gladys Marie Baxter, 17, of 18042 Beach Blvd., will re· main at Juvenile Hall in ·Or&nge ·or be · rele19ed tO the -custody of some other authority.· H1mtlngfon Beach police · arrested the young mother 8fte.r four days of in-- v~atlon into lhe deal~. of litU: Le~la Ann1Guzman, J7 mi>nthS, who.died ~ day cl. internal inJtDies. A trial date •for ti*! ·murder : <:barges may also be set Tuesday.mornitlg. • • 6 ·Children ·Die In· Ho~e Blaze FiiANK.i.IN, Ohio (~Pl _: S.ven p<r-. ojx ot lbem cbilci(on, died. in . a, fire which .destitlyed a ·oneoatory five-- room house Sunday night. Vietnamese army ltaining center near Tri Ton, uo miles southwm al Saigon and wttllin 10 miles al Camboda. Tile announcemen~ said the 1ovem- rhent defenders, mostly :recruJts, drove off thf: attackers, tullng · 13,. but' Jost four \JIJed and. 11 wounded themselves. The fight was 'lbursday, with no reasoo given for tbe delay in reporUng it. "An element of'tbe North Vietnamese Anny 18B Regiment was identified as participating in the attack.'' the U.S. Command said. ''This corillict. ls the first confirmation in the hl,..ortccy o.f the warkof a regular North Vletnamese army unit operatUig in the IV Corps Tactical 7.ooe (the Mekong Delta)." . · . South Vietnamese lieliCoP!er-gunshil" and aitillery help¢ break .;p; ll)e ground . &Uack' in the .aeven-bour.'battle, military spokmnen sald. . . The t8B Regiment was ldentilied either from prisoners or from docwnents found on the bodies of slain North Vietnamese soldier!. . Last reports of that unit had It Jn Binh Long province" northwest ,of Saigon June ,20. • lt portended ·& l*Sible new <:ommunist drive in the Mekong Delta, where U.S. and South Vietnamese officials ·have re'ported major progress· In' the tlfort to · · put vast areas under control of the Saigon governmenL ErOI' . since , 1961, North . Vietoamesa ll)IOIJ! had been ftporled lnfillrallnl! Into 11\e delta u replat:elnen!a tor Viet Cong unila wl>ICh had bit h>i .W.y 90ldlua to repl8ct with local ,recrulta.: • . Jn. amtJ:ier ~ev~ent,} the command annquncta .the }?eginntn1 or·a .!.500-tnan · offensive by· U.S. and South Korean mar).nes on the laliod a10f1g lbe· coastt of South Vietnam. SJnee it beg'an laA. week, 1oe opiralibn has killed llOJCommunlBt lr:bitary '~kenne:i ~~ ~e ~~·!>tr.of U.S.' trocJPr.!n;Vlelnam Uopped .tiy 1 lllO last '"eek to, lll.llilmth loW of:lllt,oOb. To the nortb, AmOl'jan ,_ ljom· barded ·Nor1h Vlelnam'a ball of the Dead an Bertha lilllard, 17, a mldent demlllfarized mne (DMZ) Sunci<y lor the guest in the borne of Joyce Neal, and Jllh lime sln<t the United Stala ..Ued Mn. Neal's six children, GleM F., 10; • offthe~bl!ll'ofthO~Nov.l. Manha Arm, 9; David A., 1; Mike D., 15 .... ·."';. _$,. ~>;., ".._ month>: Elli• Ballard"Jr., 1, and U.vld Siffle lfl.,.kets A. r.:.ro, $. , , • ~ ..,.., , r • h ~ ,,._...., ,... ="'- T Ballard boi!S· ,were Mtt. N .. r. NEy.' 'roliki'1'11:PJ ~ ~ .. - chi! ren by anolher marriage.. ~ lfs Week with a wlnnini pttform· Mr1. Neal was burned over much of aoce tOaay, rt.Jac ,,_frcrn. tbi ttltt W hor J>ody and In cMtical coocllUon. 1layin{ "" ~ IJ'OUllcl. (Set quola- Authorllies said both w6nitn were tlc:int, Pqes~JD..tt), / ·~ 11eparJled (rom their husbands. 11iey aa.id ·Tradinf ntar the c1oee wu moderate. ?\1rs.• HJUard bas Iii children. all llviJll 'rte Dow JOQM ind'11trial aY•lll <It S tlsewbere. p:m. WU up IJl-,ll 136.51. ' High School, for !he -Chamber of Com· nobe)'ISchwerUeier.llri)neftCalltarg~ dicfnotreQUtrehlsto-'liil'~· meroe _,.red candld1tes' night and CQwlcdman /obn Harper, wbo 1a·not The m•l'!'I'· obo·ioolt ·=~ A rert ... ·ol five mlnule speeches by "i~all targel, , · • -~-VaeDulc,. . · each candidste and Inciunbellt will slarl Harper ]ad ch\l•led Schwercllleger and H1rper with .-sqltf. -;-' . ll'1\0 squabl>!e la espected' to be con- tinued, !Onfl!il w111t _,...,~..;1U1C1<1nc lncumlimtacn~~oflilllnsL a1 · 1· p:m., followed 'by a 'break for wtth.c:onlllct of Interest, lllCl'cited 1 reil VllllDUlt'labeled tk lll810t'• ~ ; l • .j -. I • . City to Pick At·chltects For New Park Selection of ao · McbiteCtural firm to plan Huntington Beach'! Pft>Posed $3 · million, 14f.acle Central ·Park wW be before the Clly Council tonlghl · Couecllmen will also be asked to ap- prov~ I recommended master list Of firms to work with the named arcbltect over: a three.year development period. Recommended lor the ~ural poot by City AdministratOC Doyle Miller are two ilrm.s-Eck.bo;Dean. Aostin and Williams of Los Angeles, ·and ~ · Bigler and Associate. of Laguna Beach. , Master mt reconimendaUons included Cornell, Bridgers a n d Tro118', Loe: Angeles; Courtland; Paul and Asioociate.s o! P~ilde~; ~U,.00, ~.and 1'floi1i;. f'ffll<l11o -IP.ii · .. ~ lleynolds, i,lq Beacji:', 1 • • • I Tiie llkcre ~I · Piirk In rthe . Golden ~ill sttelt,''i'Olliert 'Menue am· w!O k-~ b1•~el-aJ and ilate, ~ mi 6y bolld dionij voad by the citizens last June. Estimated cost of ·lbe first phase ii 11.3 million which includes a 170C,OOO grant from the . federal Housing and Ur'ban Development Agency. The current timetable plans for development of the lanci USe plan 6y February Iil'IO, calllJ\g for coestructIOn bid! In May 19'10, and lbe start of con- struction in ~ul~ of next year. Also on bt'i .. agenda ii a public hearing on the renewal of a bUslnes! license for the Ei:ecutive Suite Salon .. a sauna parlor at 1743t Beach .Blvd.. , The establlshirlent 'fiO the ICtnt of the arrest of thret women last April 16 on prostitution cl:iarges which were later reduced to disturbing the peace. · The police department has recom- mended that the council refuse to renew the license or Emma M. Van Buren. owner of the business. Clly Allomey Don Boola II expected to make a recommendation on the Police Departmenl '• propOsal. A third Item ol. jnterest on the agenda is the proposal of ·City Administrator Miller lo spend. up to-$15.000 on lllre<I and civic center ~coralion.s next December. Planned are permanent display• on Main Street and Paclllc Coast Highway. Road and streetslde signs rather"tbail overhead displays are rtcommended. The proposed panels would have removable copy and coukt be used for other OC· caslons than Christmas. Tho COWICI! meet< II {:30 p,m, and 7 p.m: in the council . chambers in Memorial Hall. ' Anonymous Tip Torns Out False ' Nixon to Tell More Pullout .. Pl~s TuesdaJ 'WASHINGTON ()JPll-Prea,1d'ent Nlipn· wW lll1DOllllCO !bi ne:a, stage ol American troop wllhdrawaIJ ·fram Lviet. nam _Tuesday mornlng, the l\'hlle ·11ou1o uld ·today. . • Asked about a statement by Sojitb_ Viet. name.se Vice Prts.ldent Nguyen Cao KJ. that 40,500 more American ·Gis lfOU!d be pulled oul by the. end of ,Nov~r, Whit• House Press Secrelary RonJ)d Ziegler said "actual figures" would ccme from the President. Ziegler refused to say whether the 40,500 figure was correct. He said Nixon wvuld,..make .P'lbfic the "actu,.l flaw-~ !Ji a writt<n statement at •-1::111-1.m. PDT Tuesday. . , .ni.. prai ~~,;a1, ~ ltoao ' men. 'was Colnpl>ted 'by the e..t· ol Anguot. ~bedtodl-1'e:tiwooll ... P."1'X'" ,!f!e, IOCCiad' ll'lllO • ol .s.. '""" ~ent., .. ~,. llilt ~A~. ft tbt -.~., ... llC>.Hiciif be WU clflaylllg a clecWoif 11114 ~ · for ""''" reports .0 . lnl•nafflrd ~ llllad<s whlcb .OCOIJTOd In qilci-'August' fo~oWlng a Ioog IUllllller lull '!II the battlefield. ' . Ziegler reveal~ .that Ni%on decided on the....,ond.poase of lbe wttlldrowal· prlOr to Friday's big stralegy' llOISlon u . Ibo While House with top diplomalic, milllary and inlelllgence,aclvt.m.• • • t \ ~ ' •• • • • ' , l1< 11i · 1..r · ~ictar••· . ' Ziegler sald that decision Included ... C!. ,tag . .Ill ' • • Th• 11811l• oi_!l!e gam~~ ~ball mid F.Nntain'.va1tey!H1il! Sdioors: ' I tual flgures. _ . Following the Friday CODI-Oen. varMty. clleerll!aders luWoW1\y await•oiperitilg'liight·ol'lhl! 1Jti9•seasob. · ' ~ c~ (lo!lol;i;beads 'ibe, Baron "shOutlng ·~· Other · Cliter!ead'ers 'are (JiotlOm\ left to:ligJ!t:} Ginny, W.eber,~VOl!De \V.;ida, , Barbera Ri~•·llJld J~·Seytie.rt:. , ". _ -• ~,... ·; Crel&bton W. Abramo, U.S. cco~:bxn.· mander, returned immedl.atel71 to Salgoa anc1w1111in1woJJours,a11er his.~ 11e ~ peraooally lo~ Nfuen .Van Thieu. · · . , 3 ·B~r~-to Death .in C~i: -_- Thieu met with bis security advilen to- day between another meetinJ· with Abniw. . Aller tile llecurlly , ~ meeting, Ky told al the planned 41),ICJO. man pullout. • :.~ •• , Ky !aJd there was no cllaaarefment belwe<n the U\llted Slales civer ihe.IO;loil figure, which he wd ·1ncl11w u.s. -.. S d. · s, ,4 ·F · . , · • · mari!Jes, parlitroopo and. •;Anny wp. .pe ' . on ' f:t_ ·.· :re.ew_a,· 'Y_. ~=::.r::·~s: ~ .:.r~.:i: . . . .f' an)r new pea~ lnitlaUves -!j\v&.have . Folirpe111J111, lndudinflhl<e burned tO death In ·a Car' diiveri ,by a yquth who J\9pik<i lo . aid' • niotorist w~ ,-auto ' stalled on the Santa • Ana Freeway are d~d .~Y as ~ l'Ol'IJ1t al \Vee~end lraf·,- f ......... -•. ,. ' ic ac;owr;a.i~· , 4 •• Kil\ed iri the fl~. colllslor:1 ~atlp'da,Y ; night were lionaJcl ilonda:2'!.;!lll •Iller IHI . Comity Tr•f~c . . 1'81, ' Ill . Death' Tiil . HI - t I ' < , .., .. , , , , . , made enough ~-" ,,_l _ ~ Htlmple . w•s.'drlving the ciu; which "We thlnlt' It ,~ l!me-'IQ.,... :.,_ a:••~ into.,uie Mcond aulo, acconllnJ resPonslbWlies," X, .aohl:':W"'-•1'i now' 1 can•bfe lo -ll<e. "'e 'Am ....... ," to CHP inYestlgati:lra. · " ' · -~ .,.r ~ :~r.:tI~'I"" ~•"wi1•kllliil'at 5:301•-1]1· tclc!4/Jii w1~t::1~Jr~~~~, t(ie,attldept'hM>Mng tho w""t •.weeper, -poo t wbld> -, · p1e1~ •··· wtllcb 1elt mQlor~I SllVado( As!Otga;31, ;;;q.,lh. U"~Y..!'~·;:;i:.i=m...,~ all>ili'lliqo, abo seMdusly tiiJ~• f<Porled hoi. to,._.,,• lllCIJl1'U , 'A!l~aa was reported ii\ .veey _,..rloua IOll,000 Americans by lbe end al lbe year. cbndltlon ' al Sa•la · Ana · Cbriipiljliily , Wbethier tfio U.S. u.c;p WlllillriWOI hW" l\"'Jl!tal, 'ibi!O_~ drivet ol lhe '1°e0r>er full Soolh Vl-.1!!~ Ill~ WU not ·~ w1tll minOr head lnjur[U. .• , , kMwn. Abrl!Jll bejd a 9,,;I~ of confer- . H~ · wU .ld!l\llfied _ aa ~ ,Man-, enc:eo wtlh Th!"' 'fl'! 'l)l!oi "cil)ed an devllle, a ,. •(-.168il Vbfa 'Jj<L M.~r. . eoiergtnc:y -~"' 1111 NIUopal Seo C.j!OO'ino n.ac11,. ·-ding tO CllP Ji> , cunty Council. , .. . -. v'stlgatof,1.r •· 1 • ... : • ' ~ ' ' Oru•• ' . .... ! • 1 J \ ' . ·:Wea.a.ea:-'" •·' L • "' • • • ' .. • I Ull.Y I'll.OT " ....... .-•••• , u, , ... Valley Office • ·skipper . ) ·---~ llOllC llAT. ftt f\1141. I -nr. j1lttl• ....... .., ...... [~ Vallq lodoy 'prabed the Ulp- per of the lllUm USS Pruk E. Evans al Illa c:ourl martial u 'CGnpel<nl and fair. Cmdr. A1Wt S. McLemcn. 40, ol "'Vallejo, la dlarpil with ... ,iv-and •<lertllc:llao ol duty -..mg ll'lm the • lnlllc JUQe 3 c:olllalon al the Evalll and tho Australian aimwll carrier llMS Mtllloome. ' He llu pleod<d 1-lo an dwt ... • "He la. pnidenl, Clftlul and ldchl1 • quallfled as • mmm1nct1n& omccr ... ~Fast Action i Sayes Boat _'At IJ.guna ' ... Pranpt lctlaa by lllrbar DeparbM>t patrol .. .,.,. Sundly .. wd a 21-fool JIOl'"1>oat from linking off Abalone Point alter -_ .... bad -lhe v.....i. The boll .... ·the 21-loot o...m crube MW Mary owned by J. F. Wren, 1111 E. &!boa Blvd. 111111 _.t<d by William A. W~<( Ibo Wiit -· A iothelbrllor ,w ... 111111.·~~~ ~; Jrrrr " lllmtlolton ......... •'-L...o.• -"'-It I AM ·-----a llul>merpd Umber wblch ripped ,GUt a Jtrut IAC[ plank. The trio were pl<?! up "' .. -DWb1 .....i. Tbll -DOpa..-rapanded to a can 1na the O>utGurd a11:10 p.m. llatill am a. boot .... llhlklDc rapldly. Tbll Hatllor Do-t arrived an tho -at 5::12tofind11><-•-1 almoot .,""*JO!!:'"'-pit aboard the boll .... -lo bop up wllh the Inflow ,.,._ 111111 ,w,. .• enl -to help bail ·~ lland.. . ; Allother lllrbar Dewtmmt boa\ was 1lloallr diloatdled lo the .,... will> -· 1pampr .na bet Kn the twO tbeJ tePt the 1bolt aflott until tt WU towed to Blactie'J .Bool.Yonl wl>ero It waa ~ Tommy Heinsohn To Coach Celts B06'l'ON '(AP) -The -Ct!Ucs _ . ....,_ 1fll'Clblllpelil r. T""· "" e-. ,....,. ~ 1--· • "*"'" ""NatloDil-U A-d•tlm dmnplona. -lllonqer Red Auerbadl ... """W"'d the 1ppotntment -at a M1'I cm-' ltnnco. Htllllohn -dliftnst,.: mr Bill Ruudl who OllllOllllCOd his ftllpition wller th.ls 1U1111Der IS ~ llld, ''Tammy hu bttn Jli. timololy ilmllftd with the Celtics ..... his -He bu comslted with me olten. He -. ... perlOlllltl, and he bu ecouted for us ... Auerllech, who bu been trying llllSU<• ceafuDy to penuade Ruuell to ntum for ooe more seuon, said, .. It Is 'NICel'll1 fer ua to move forward for tbll lltUOb. We cannot wait any lonpr foe Bill.'" 3 Die in Speeding Car TUOWMNE CITY (UPI) - A JUib· fplld. palStiig maneuver on a narrow """" .... -the u ... of -Jten. !II"" ml 1njund • fourth. Tbll deod ...,. Dlant Stanovich 11, Sima Vlllaa•: Linda Sanden, 18, and Stepbtn Edwanl Rulllno. 19, both ol TUolumnt City. llollald Blgp. 20, alao or 1)mluome Qty, WU In fair condition after IUlf•'nW& injuries. The youths' car ltted to -aootber auto at high spted, and barreled into a brkl&e abutment. ' DAil Y PILOT CU1M9 COUI' PUil t»tlll• c:cMPAtn a-. H. WMl ---J~• ~ Cvrlew ""*,.,.,... .... co-•.,,...., nu•• K.,,n ·-l'hll•t A. M•rpJ..i11t ............... [Oiflor .... u, .... w ...... Au9dollt IE4*r "ntl ....... Offke lot 111, '""' J'.:Cttt M'.lrt1t1 P.O. 111 7'0, 91441 ..... _ • ----~:"11'W•l .. ltM ......... ~ IN99· lit"""''..., ltrftf l-a.i.c.flo m ,,_, ._ QAIL PfLOT ...,, AFTl!R NARROW ESCAPE OFF LAGUNA, BOAT PUMPER SMILES P•u-r J•rry Goodwin '!! Hunllntlon ll••ch Stlll •Aboord Mini Mary SmogFoeOpposesBeacli S.~am_ Pla _nt ~~R'!f!S~~ • !a llunllqtoo iltldl aad at !WO oJhtr looat!am. Dr. A. J. Hea,...&ni~ of tbt C.llOcll llaf!, IQO the moot. leuible metllod of red•cine SIJlOI In the Southland ii to abolilh 'l""•tntlonal .JIOl'er plaail and create nllclear ones. Dr. Smllh, a -at tbt Catifcmia lmtJtute of Technolo11, says CODVtnticml power plants which burn fo!Sil fuel to produce electricl\y are with automobOes the major CIUBe of smo&. Dain& away wttb automobiles-« even Police Rookies Hit the Books At Golden West About 50 police root!os from 1$ pollct departments in Orange County hit the books today at Golden West College. They are attending a two mooth long smioo at tbe HunUngton Beach campus deslgned. to prepare them fer the new jobs they have found at variaus Jaw en- forcement agencies. Formerly held a1 Orange Coast College, the Orange Cow!ty Ptace Offlctra• Academy moved to Golden weal lhl• fill lo tale advantaae of a new bulldlnl CIOP'- tainini two lara:e clwroom.s for M and 41 studenll u wtll u a ntWly equipped crime laboratory. S-ed by tbe Oms• County Ch!o!J' and -· ~lion and the Or-Clout Junlcr C.Uege Dlatrk:t, the ·~ trains llnt-llme poUcemen live diyl a week front I a.m. to 5 p.m. Ten units of credit toward the U'!Oclate ol arts decree are granted to officers who complete I.he nine-week academy .. So lhat leavta power planll u the bt!t debarkatloa point In the battle qlimt -.J>e Aid. . Aa a 'lint lltp, he said, allllmde.s abould dtny bull<flnr ptnD!ll for thrtt coav~ power plants planned for ~ In the gtntral Loi Angtles art...tht Southern Calilcmia Ed1loo Co. facilities In Huntington Beach and Ven- tura and the Pllya Dtl Rey !nstallltion propooed by the Los Aagele.s lltpartment of Water and Power. The chemist said every hour a plant b~ fuel to produce electricity it in-~ the nitric oDde content or the atmoll>btre. Nltrlc oxides, he said, Ls what give.s imog Its sting. There were 12 smog alerts in 1055 when some 12 million kilowatt hours of e5edricity were produced in tbe Los An- pies area. he said. "Since then. the figure has risen more than threefold. lt is almost 40 billion kilowatt hours now. and it has beat estimated by the Air PolluUon Control District that the electr!c -11 -in the buln by lll80 will be IO billion kllowatt hours," he said. " ... Instead of doubling the amount of electricity to be produeed in the basin by 1980, production bas to be eliminated altogether or produced by nude.at power," he satd. Fountain Valley Kids To Have Kick Coming A free kickine clinic for Fountain Valley youngsten will be held at a: 30 J>M. Tuesday, on the football field at Fountain Valley High School Loo Angeles Ram p!aco kicker Bruce Gosstl~ a Founlatn Valley ruldent, will dtmonStrate kicking techniques Md pro- vid! lr<e Inmuc:lloa for tbt )'ouagatuL V alleri Council to Hear ' . . . 4. Cases Before Election ' build a mobile home park on the norlh side "' Ellis A ....... eeo fett ....i a1 -Stm:I. Ho II .... Uk!ni the ~ lo ~ planning denial ,.,. ten pr.,,..,..i loll on the Wt1I skle of QI.Ile Zarwa, ~taO feet north ol Slater .......... The fblrd public ht.aring involves up- d•t!n& ifthe-dty't nwttr plan ol parka, while tbt Jut ls a l(l'lf; change request for -cloolity apanmtnll <11 Iha norlh-......,. ol li:dlnfler Menuo and Euclid Sttt<L Wt Item on Tuf!Sdl.y'1 council agtnda calls for lldjoumment until 8 p.m .• Sept. 30. to canvaaa tht recall electlco batlotJ Thant . Urges Red China In Arms Talks • UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Secrttary Gentrat U Tbact. dedarini that Iha world ls caught up in the "mad momen- tum of the arms race." urged today that Communist China be brought Into all disarmamtnt taJka. "The threat of nuclear war I' in- creasing every day," Thant told a news conference. ••1t is now lime for every government to make serious eUort.a to , associate all fjve nuclear powen in aU negotlatioos fO!' disanname.nt in ooe wa1 or anothtt. "Only the association of aU five noclear powm In cl1aarmameat otgolia!iolll wm be tho !nd!sptosable mp to fashion • world free from fear." Thant aalcI tht pment Impaose between Communist China aad the mt of the world wu "a tragedy." He welcomed the airport conference between Peking Premier OKKI En-lal and Alexei N. KOl)'g!n of tht Soviet Unioo. He Aid he would be hippy to Re meetinp between Cbatrman Mao TB&<ung and Prts!dent Nixon and other world leaden. Thant urged restoration of "nonn.al, if not contlal'" relaUom between Com- muru.t Olina and the United States. He said the past year had oot seen any pro. greu toward diaarmamenL .. We have witnessed only mounting escallUon,'' he said. ''The momentum and progress of the previous year swn to hive been lost. We are wUnesslog only; the mad momentum. ol the arms nee.' 1be human community Ls at a very -aouroacl. '!be cho!cts ... eltber to escalate the arnU: raoe or tD march t.owanl general and complet. clJsarma. med. which was the unanimouJ w111 or tbe Gwnl Aalel!lblY 1D ,_ .... . Thant .......... ,...-..i;.;,~ ....... . tuanrhijh;ithf ~~ he Bald he did not believe tbt dealh of Ho Chi Minh would bring any change in North Vietnam 's polJcy. The secretary ge.neraJ II.id said he did not believe a cease-fire wu "practical" in the 'present dttumstances In Vietnam but lhat a general deescalation could bring peace. "On the wbolt, I am Olllhnisti<: about the Vietnam luue," be said. Elhrick Still Brazil Envoy • ' DAIL "I" I'll.OT lllft ....,. HUNTINGTON BEACH BEAUTIFICATION 'GROWS UP' Daryl Smith, S.ntoa and S1lv1dor lurlb1 Plant Palma Trees Blooming 'Giant' Palms Part of Beach. Project 1-don't grow to lull me ovemigh~ exctpl In I1untJniton Btach. For the past ftw Wetka vil!ton to the lhml!ngton Bead> .shoreline havt gt<ri gretled by llllJ.jrown palm lrffs which hav• appeared on the Pacific Coast Highway median and oo tbt beach park· ins lot. Jt hasn't betn the work of mysterious elves, but of the city's engineering riepartment whlch Is now right in the midst of a !200.000 l.and.scoptog project to bring shade and beauty to beach visitors. Tr<e Supervllor Daryl Smith said ap- proximately SIS palm ltte.! and 150 ol other varieties will be planted during the thrtt-monlh Jong project. 'lbt tree.s -most of them alr<ady grown to full alu -are planted by • private company under S mt t b •I supervision . Cost of tbe trees and landscaping Is estimated at fM,000 while tighUng and ir· rJgatidn lines will cost another $150,IXXI. A city spokesman said the project. wu originally to have been completed by now but heavy n..b\s and 1trikes have camed a three-month delay. • 2 Neweort Men, Lagunan Arrested in Liquor Raid By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. 011Y PIM 11 ... Three Newport Beach men and another from Laguna Beach were free on bail to- day after their arrest Ulls weekend and seizure of 250 cues of liquor allegedly stolen from a restaurant and six distributors. Detectives from Newport B e a c h , Laguna Btiu:h and tbt Dillrict AUomey's offi~ arrested tbe foor men and 11eiied the alleged stolen liquor valued at $17,500 at Feliclano's Reslal.D'ant; at WestclUf and Dover drives, Friday night. theft and burglary from the Surf aad Sand Tow.en, IAguna Bach. Whited will answer charges or r!<:eh·- lng stoleo property. An arraignment date for the four men had not yet been 5el thia mornint:. None ot the four could be reached for comment today. Deputy District Attorney Martin J. Heneghan declined to elaborate on tht drcumslancell of the thefts. ":That would be rom1nenting on the evidence, somthing I honesUy can't do at this point,"·he said. They arrt!led Eugtae Rondoodo, 42, 1501 Cornwall Lane, Newport Beach ; WASHINGTON CAP) -Ambas!adcr-C. Charles Dryer, 31, 1645 Sun.set Ridge Burke Eltrlck aald today there bas been Drive, Laguna Beach ; Alexander TorbeU. He said the foor men were arrested together at the re.staurant and booked shortly after midnight at Orange County Jail. All four have posted bail, he said. Rondondo and Dyer posted $~.000: no change in h1a atatus as U.S. am· 25, 117 Via Dijon, Newport Beach, and bauador l.o Brazil. E:dward \Vhited, 40, 309 Narciml.s Ave ., Torbett bailed out with $2,500 and Whited posted 11.000. Elbrick commented to a reporter as he Corona del Mar. arrived at the State Department for Dbt:rict Attorney's complaints charge further diacussicm on bl.I abduction 11 Rondondo and ~with eight counts of Henegban said the in\'Wlgation into the case is "lli.ll very much acti ve." days ago by Bruillan taTorilil. He mtt grand theft from alx liquor distributing Sunday \llith Charles A. Meyer, uslatant firms and one count of grand theft from He sald his ofnce, the two police departmenL!. and state a I c o h o 11 c beverage control agents conducted in- vestigations for about three week! before the Friday arrests. .secreW)' of state for inter-American af4 the Saddleback Inn, loc. fairs, and officials from the State Rondondo, Dryer and TorbeU face Oe~t's Brull office. • 1 ~1 ...... chareea of conspiracy to commit grand ~~~~~~ Jack Marshall 121 Via \Vaziers Newport Beach Dear Mr. Marshall: One of Our Well-Heeled Customers Complains That's the trouble with good sandals. You CAN get emotion· ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart belore you got on a first.name buis. At any rate, bring your sandals by and I'm sure we can "make a 'deal" -as they say in the auto business. We .may even de- cide to have the old pair bronz. ed. lf the Smithsonian isn't in- tere1ted in them, we certainly are. Dear Mr. 'Bidwell: Some tim·e befon you moved Into your new store nut to the Lido Thtatrt I bought a pair of sandals from you. About seven years ago, as I remember. Now, I don't like to sound like some cronic, crank complainer (I've never in my life Hnt a steak baclt to the chef because it wu or wasn't medium rare). HD1'ever, I must ._t that tbe aaadal• you aold me ant begln-ninc to allow dolinlta •lens of wear: I admit l'vo wonJ lllem ball Wl:J around tha world -Japan, ~ J!onl, Ww·bland, Hono- lulu, Mulco City, San Franciaco and New Yorlc City -not to montlon sucb !how pl.-as Tijuana and HollywGOd , (bome of Iba stars). The question "91 blS my raar· antee nm out? u '°• would you advlae me to have my -al• overhauled, or ln<lo them ID for a MW pair? I have a feeling ft would be chtaper ror me lo do tile latter. But the trouble is, J1ve develo~ ed a decided sentimental attaeJ>. ment for my old sandals, It has taken me years to work them into Lheir present comfortable -if aomewbat disreputable - condltion. U I decllle to trade tbem in. could you find a good home .for them? I mean, I wouldn't WUl lhom falling mlo tbe bands of jwt ANYbody. Ploueadvlle. Sincerely, Jack Bidwell p .S. When you stqp by, you might want lo tab a look at our ~t Bally oboes from Sw11Jarland. 'lboy'ra REALI. 'i. made lo last. Jack nidwell :Wl7 Via i.lu at N"'J'Ort Blvd., Newport Bead. P~ •f free parkiall ha tile .-r. OaJy _...,.,. (U.U 70) froa tile Veat:ua l'reeway. I I ~ MRS. MARK M. MALTER Former Su1•n B•nson -- Clubwomen Hit Road For District Meeting Mn. Terry Thomas, Orange Distri~ California Federation of Women's Clubs, Junior Memberahlp Is lnvlUng of. fiCf.rl, cbalrmtn and members of Orange Dlstricl to the fall department cllnlcs. Macro me Technique Described NOWHOW'69 beauty• fashion • personality it's new, it's fun, it's exciting may co's fashi on and beauty clinic for girls 7 week beauty and charm course 10.50 mini teens, ages 11-14 niaxi teens, ages 15-18 buy tickets in the coed shop of any may co store classes begin the week of sept. 22nd mty co south co11t pl111 sen dl1go freeway •t brl1tof co1t1 mt1t; 54.,.9121 hop mond1y throu9h s1turd1y I 0:00 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. - DAllY f'ilOT J.tl Bay Area Honeymoon Selected by Molters Zodiac Charmsr •---=i.go=AL-11-0T1CS=--1i--LEGAL--NOT1-CE----LEG-AL-NOl'ICE __ _ Jfoneymoonlns In Carmel and. SM Franci!CO prior lo atablllhlnl their first home in Loi Ancelet are M a r It Maurlco Maller aod hla bride, the fonner SUaan Gall Bemon. 'lbe Rev. Dr. Philip G. Mur- ray performed the dot.Ible ring cemnony ln the Community Congregational Church o f Corona deJ Mar. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Charle! W. BellBOO oC Bllboll Idand and Mrs. R. C. Heoli'S of Newport Buch llld Frank J. Meller of Sao Marco<. Escorted to the altar by her father. the bride wore an em- pire gown o( sUk organzene with a portrait collar, long steeves and an A-line :s.kirt which flowed Into a cathedral tfaln. Veni&e lace trimmed the ~aign and was repeated in a "1 J¥!adband which caught her ' t.Jaed Dluslon veil. White roses and baby's breath formed her booqiiet. White organza cages over Exhibition Girls' Jewelry PENTHOUSE COIFFURES Begins Year Proudly Announce• Their summER EHPAns1on SALE 20 TREATMENTS •20 LIMITED OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figure faults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at the time of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a P"rs<>nal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is designed exclusively for you ... There's no mystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shapf! FIGVIUHQIAPDIG- sa10.te8 • A.M.·t r.M. DAllT, t A.M.·S P.M. IAT, CHllII WI t,i • UUllM CNTA MUA Ull TODAY WllT U , 635•0271 642-7032 fOI 477-112~ tO>hdW-.·.. 1•1 ......... IM IMFOIMATION 3111~ Piil ~ MdtlU onu •DITOllDH lllllUI 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 ,, . ...,.,. - Complete Modem Plant Facilities For Every Job From Businesa to Social Prtnune. WITH PILOT PRINTING 2211 WDT BAIJOA Bl YD., H.B. I ' COMPACT :> ttr.. DAILY 'lloT' hfft 'tff ... .,. -lft .... ,,.." -"'«Y 4f.'f •II.wt f"' ~·•.,••ffrr "'- •fl'f •th•' llWI,.,... ..... tM 51-... Or••t• C.a11t. j l l j I I DAILY PIL9f H 24-year Gas Firm ... . ::~ Mdnager {leti'res -· .. :t JUstiJ'I M. Kennedy. Santa •-y" ..\DI, hAS rttirnd trom ll1e l Southern 'Cow!Ues Gos Co .. ::cllmlling 21 years as divls!on !'ln.aDager for Orange COWlty,, ;: He · is succeeded by Donald ' r, ·E. Shively, N~rt Beath, •. • formtrly the manageor of the : ·: company's public relaUons. Md a trustee of the Boys' Club ol Santa Ana, He Is also a member of the lndustrlat Developmen t Division of lhe Santa Ana Chamhf:r or Com- merce. :· : Kennedy, who joined the gas :~ ' compariy more than 42 years :; , a.g~ has seen the cu~tomers of , -the gaa: company 1n Orange ' •'.Count)' grow from 42,000 to ·:; • 370,000. ! : He is JIN!Sident of the Chap- 11c is a past president or tbe San1a Monica Chifmber of Commerce, the Associlated Chambers of C:Ommerce of <>range Cowity, Santa Ana- Tui;tin Community Chest and the Santa Ana Rotary Club. man . College board <1 l ;; governors, a member of the --boara of Orange County A ID . ' ' . ' . . ' . . . . . -. . -. !· - .. . " ' ' • .. ,. " . IO o/, INTEREST . ' ,old ly . AGGltlSSl'lf ORANGE COUNTY CORPORATION Htllh HD,Oll WMl"f"' Cf l'llJI. ' '''" s.cur.I by ~IWIPmanl. ' ...... ' . . • All ~kn-All Models A ... llllltlllft -T1'111:M' ; "Whttt Strvic• M•lrfl tke Oiff•r•ne•" '.OrMlll'I Ce\lllly mo c1mPll'I or. HftflOl'llcll. UH) J4 .. 3aU .... _ .. fU 5, Wtti.r. nin 1u.u1' .. ,.-;----JJJ.!JWJ.JJ. MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATT,ORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE . ANSWER! • I FOR A6 LOW AS '.I ll14.50 PER MO. CAU. US NOW • FOR t-IFORMATION AND • A BROCHURE. ,._ 1h=: BUREA~ 543-2222 I OfflCES TO SERVE Au. OF ORANGE CO. ·- SEEKING ASSOCIATES WH O WISH TO JOIN A FIRM DE~LING WITH THE LARGE R INVESTOR • WI ~ .... Cfln"1• l'r'Oltstlollll C1rp0r1ll011.t Ad Pm., •• : TU S~llttt' " Est1t. l'll nnln9 !Jl«llllU Oii SI.Ill, ,._.. • ...,," SMriilt $.pm:illlifl to Au111 Yiu. ' l'IMncN ln1ur11>C1 Progr1ms, WI tftot bnl tr11n1119 & ..:l11UllOll. top comm,1uion 3 te•ll•. ALV IN COLKER & CO., INC. Investment Brokers Member Boston Stock Exc:hanc" CONTACT! OICIC METZGEll: 171t) 644.01 .. N' ~OHi<( KIRK Clll) t•l·1200 Offkn er: Ntwport hoc• Slwn!'101 Oolu Dow.Hy Torro1te• Palos Yerdn Pen. REMOVING THE MYSTERY FROM PUTS AND CALLS Simply •nd clearly this free lecture explains how ·Put ant;I Call Options mey: • protect your profits • minimize your risks • increaff your returns • Increase .your leverage Lecturer: Willard T. Moore, Vic:e President in charge of We-stern Region Option Oepartme11t. There are many misconceptions about Put and Call Options. For example : some fee l they are too co1np· licated for any but Lhe proft>ssional investor. Ot hers fear thlit buying or selling J>u t and Call Options is too speculative. Altcnd this lecture for a clearer . ., 1 picture of how and for '''))om, these stock n1arket f ~ls ~an work. The lerture wi ll last 90 minute!> and_ will be followed by a haU-hour discussion ses· &ion. • ' . ' , ' ' •• . • . . • ' ~D•t1: Thursday, Septemb!!r 1 a Time: Starting at 7:30 p.m. Placr. SMJdleback Inn, Trabuco Room "A" Off Santa Ana Freeway at First St . Santa An1 Fat rest!rva.Uons, phone 644-2292 or our tQll lree telephoµe number from Ora nge Coun ty, 833-0230, ollice listed below. or Wri!ll lo the Newport Beach Dean Witlu & Co. DEAN WITTER llC: Ca. JNCOllPORATED 550 NftPofl Cenlff' Drlvt • 644-2292 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 9'1660 ' I • Norm:i.n l\T. .Dahl, rc.si<lc11t 111,1n1g-Pr, announced the form al opening t>£ lhe r,1, rr111 1,,nch. Pierce. Fenner ;ind Smith I'lt., rl';:in111t 01t1ce in Scgerstron1 Cen- 1er. ~»u'lln A11:1 \11"' \'.'Ct_•l;. 0Jhl. shn\vn here \t'ilh As- ~i:;;t;-nt 1\1:111.1-?f'r (;"nr;<~ Dunton .Jr. (~taod'ing), says 1hl' S17.l 0110 11i1;rf' i-; ""nc 'Or thr 1nost eo1nplete and snpt11~tic;1l!hl ii!\ l'i,\ 1nC'1.. {ut, '!I ics In the \Vest." P~NNV PIN CHER CLASSIFI ED AD $PECIAL LOY/ RA TE I lllesa Plant l Work Beg·un. I I ' ' I I l I j l j l j • • j j • ' • • I • • • t • • • • • • • • t • • ' • • ' • • • • t ' t ' • • • • t I • j • • • ' t ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' l • • • ' • ' • ' ' I ' • ' I ' 11 ' ' I ~ ' ' ' • I I • ' I • I ' • ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' j ' ' ' • ' ' I • ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ' ' ' I ! ' I I I ' ' ' I ....... ' . ·Monday's Clos~ ,• New York Stoeks Take Rise On PUilout News. NEW YORX -~I}.,... N.,.a that Iha Un!lecl State· WU ~ lo'-a llft i._. Wll!>- drawal fl<lll\ Vlitnam 1ent 111,·iloc;k mart« lllllltr Monday in mod.,.iely ocllve trlidlnJ.. . • Shortly before lhe *"""Iha UPI mart•twid• indicator ... bowed a 1ain or.. o.se percent cm 1,SH l'asues cro•Slnc Ill•~ ... , Tltere wen 111 :advuces anc1 •n declines. . The · Dow Jon11 ,,,.,,_,. ot $0 blue eh!P. !Jl4..,_ trials was up 9.M at 131.11.ntu 'the ,clOH. Volume amountecl to aroUll4' 10,llOO,OOO"bares, about in lln• wllh Frtl11Y'• PtlC•· The' st~ averafe Jainecl 1.1 to. 290. 7, with !J>. dUJtrlala up 3.8, reill' up 1.2, &Ill\ utllltlee off .2. Of 1,l!M il&UOS tradOd, 11$ adV~ and '" declined. There were 28 new hips tor the year and 67 new lows. · Analysts said the lllllrket d r. e w much ol Its strength from remll'ks by Vice President Ky in Saigon that 40,000 U.S. trqopa would be wltbdran frolll South Vietnam by the end ot November. Ky also said it wai ell>9Cled lhat botwoen 150,000 and · 200,000 men would 6e pu!lecl out by Illa encl ot lt'IO. '!be White Howe is to annowlce apecitlc Wit.bdra'!'al figure& lomorrow. Sixteen of tile 20 moswctlve !!sues on Iba New York Stock E~e wen hiper, 2 ware· lower, and 2 were unchanged. Closing Big Board prices Included: Natomu, up 5¥.o at 110%; Cbryeler llJI 111 at 4-0\i; Foremost Mcl(esson. ofl 'A at 2t11 ; Occi· dental Petrolewn, up 'A at 281>; and Capital Cities IlroadcaSting, off 'Ii at 28 5/8. \ St0ek Exchange List ' ' 1 1 • • I I I ' l • r ·: .. ,, ,W\! 1'11.ot; ~. s.,t"""' 15,,1969 ·. 'Peols Paradbe' .· .· ·: . •• 7• Huntington . }Je(!Ch Farce • • Overcomes Shoddy Script . lly TOM ft'l'IJS ..... ...,,. ........ Watcbln.I •1Poo11 Panldse'' at ,the H!ll)lln&ton ~ t PllJbQe brings to mind two old -Is "ooe 1ood wra o.tnes A1l9lher"; UJe other, ·~ you have • good lhlnl 1oln&. doo' louse It up ... Somewbert in between Ues the mufm applicable to thla "POOi.i PAlllADlla• A WCI _. ~i. Kl"9. dll'lt1tlf W ...... ll'I' Howft •. """'°"" -.... IW X.. •• ....._ ,_. llr .t.i. .,_.... _.., W t:rnt1I ,..,_ - ...... ...,.,..,.. '"" klllrdrt9 """"" C'.ld. u -... Hunttr.talt ..... ~ .... """'-l'M 'Mii.. SI,. Hulll...,_ -. TMS c...n ltw. l'-"' .,..., .. ,: ... fltuf Wll'ffll ,......... TICIP .............. 11th K""9r ldl •••..••••••••••••••••.•. v ....... HM Mia •111..i ••• , •• , ..... LlllY-Prt'llll Wlllll .................. s .... Llllw ...,_ ~ .•••••••••. Cllllfi ou1-·~ °' ................ ~ .... ,. 11111110D11cal Englllh force, a follaw-up 1o the J)la)'house'• vastly auccesstul "See How They Run" ol a few seaaoos curtain anll, also .. belOtt, tbe vicar goes throug)> moot of tbe llhow without his -- 'JUlcleot dlalacqe and ta ra"" aha'1> In tbe qulele! ~ when lhe can • put doW!r her ''-'th' • _ .. ··-·· ~-~Ult?}'~"'I"• I WWU1olll"llll:U ~~ ... 1'." IJ!.~ \lellf: Pr<>a<hel .. mabdlble ......,, lllll liamp<rj her elfecU.....,_ Thelr hypel'ICUve ~ maid II played at tun gallop by young Valeree """ wbo uses the lla,ft .as a racetiack lllll beat Dlustratea t b« prenlse ol all-out '"""'· Although lhe -falls Into U,. U.P·of repeatini her funniest blla, ehe IUcceeds biautilUlly ,at her wk olkeop. Int 1he playgoer's funn7 bone honed to a line ecl1e. Llllyann Payne ts equally el· recijve II ~ meddlesome old maid 'who 'throws her COlh alderabte weight around with authority • and gusto. Tlie play's most lmprobabie character, she alao 111 ooe of the most hllari011. Colin "Gulvet. another returnee in bis role, hu con- siderably more to do tbll Ume. Alas, Poor Charlie •••• . back. Lib ita predecusor, It : la coq>Ody In Ila broadest form. oft:e.n , hilarious; unllke the former llhow, It depends on · 01.dllDdiJb 1ituatk>ns to fill a Soward SolonioD '1 pro- duction 1eaaa beavUY on the energy aiJd ,b\lagfnailoo of his caat to prop up a saQtng plot; parUcularly in the ftrat act which la best endured and forgott<n. In the oecond, the' show taUs an abrupt swing Into high hilaritf, I h e n charu<e1 pace again In Act ill to offer a more aubtle IOl't or •lapatick. out as the introverted VlsJtlng ~ : ~ · void left by an !ncredlbly • awlul .,,;pt. I ~ q,unty.T,alent Sought T tr'~ ... • ' P r e t end e r • in production ol rtady-made Play-• In San Clemente acts. We abo wW cons\det all hu ocheduted weekly agdl-original playa by 1 o c a I tloill ...i talent reglttraUon playwrighla." ' f ll In -'--' and u · ~-istratlon for tbe llst an8! i!i!ncecs 0:;~.udevill; ~";~JUooa ror "Prelendera .. I artists, " theater technltjans, production• wW be ionductoo11 ptaywrlgtita 1 .• d c1Jmton from I to I p.m. every Sundaf trcm the area. • at the auditorium of Moost! 11ie ldU 1J providing to all Lodge 774, 105 Trabuco, Sad· Utile theater gi'oups a llst of 1_c_i_em_e_n_t•_· ------·· name. anlj statistics of .all avallabll taleiit, according. to William B~. managing dlr.etor: · "It~ ii" 1 tnown fact that, whlle caslinl a j>lay, some directws find" It difficult, if not lmll0!5ibte to locate actors of c_ertaln type, age a n~ d eapabillUtt,'1 Barrymore sald. Our registration .list will ellinlnate much of the direc· tor11 wa!\ed timt in search of a needed talenL "We are in a process oC building a pool of, at leasl, 150 thespian& jnterested in furthering their t>tent. We abo intend to produce various one to three.act plays, satires 1 and variety shows and ag,,i!t ·Mayerling OPIN 6:45 ntL a.I ... ...... hftllllua. · Set. a before. In a rural ~ vicarage, lhia ..,. ln- ·volyea football pool1 (hence tbe tltle) ud emploYI a mm- ber of e.rtbed clerical O)'<bron at the V"'f tliJugbt of pmbling to provide a measure of conflicL Natiaally, everybody geia tnt<I the spirit of tbe thing before the final Paul Sulivan, ~cling his rote u the '.Ou!tered lllll sput- tering clergyman, ls first rate. His comic timing Is tbe best of tbe cast and he trlggen lauahter with as little as a facfa1 reaction to the play's improbable events. preacher, ...i he does jt with JQe Pel. Ros&0 offers· a boozy eulogy for his departed buddy in this scene from uproarious aplomb. S!OIJhen the Costa Mesa ·c1v1t 1'Ia)'lll>use come;ly "Goodbye Charil.,," opening Friday. I Uhler,'the only ca51 mfm1>er Other "mourn'!fs!' are (from left) Rick Gunst, Helene Ash, Ray· Scott and called nn In underplay bis role, __ Pa_ul_G~ra_c_e;:.y. ______________________ ~11 ;, relresh!nl aa the ll)ald's dim witted beau, while Martin· Fuchs u the· bishop proYl&a.a unique change of pace ln the final act, grinding the aclion -but not the 1augbter -to • e NOW-INDS TUISDAT e -SHOWTIMI 7:00- Port OM will be r1p1"'"1 N yo1 _., .... t.11..._9' f :OO P·•· 1-...-laftalfll( 1 7 . _ _.._....,._. AJ his more df-Wn .to earth wife,-. Bila KisJ1er tau& oU some of the sh/W's **** EXCLUSIVS **** ORANGE COUNTY ENCAGE~filiT UNctm-INTACTI EXACTLY AS QHIGINAUYSHOWN 2tOI ·-c.. ""'"' C.NM 411 ........... 671"'260 ALSO PL.I.TIN• NIW It• WDTPN UMITID INGAS-IMINT Winner Of 5 Ac•demy Aw1rd1 "IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT" Rod St•it•r Sidn•y Poifl•r netr,!>all,, .. . •.1..1: l ' t.lke . """' aequel$ ~· f Paradise" lac.b the Inherent vitality or Ill predecesscr, but this faWng ·ta coinpensatecl for by some beautiful performa-. making the most of thelr·uslgnmenl with aucb key lines u Miss Sldllon's "Why aren't )'OU it.ark naked on Middlewlck Moor1" For anyone who Jiist lites to Jaugb -and don't we an - "Pools" Is paradise. The show conUnues ror four m o re weekerids at the playhouse, . 2110 Main St., Huntington Beach. \ Opera Course .lCROS.S 45 Make more lively: l Cub1n 2 words 6port Item 47 "Cheerlo!" 6 Ricord 48 War god 10 A high 49 Common 111111'1 old !1111e: "club" "l:lang 51 Refrain In 14 r • .A r19, songs • -. I 5) NorthwHt h1nk of Territories: h1lr": Abbr. 2 words 54 Dlploaii1t's 15 Arctic title: Abbr. 1re11bod~ 57 Depressed 16 Turkish 59 In aceord title of with the . honor rules 3 Last) words 17 Bestow1d 1 61Act111 of fam lly cl1sslflca· 1dv1nce o: spat Uon on 64 Bt ovtr· 4 Wllh ref· 18 Thost on tht dr1111atlc erenct to othff side 67 Tow1rd the 5 Strong liquor: l' Part of mouth 2 words "to be" 68 Plano, drums 6 Various 20 Kind of and bass 7 Stravin sky noise 69 Acts 8 Wlnltr 21 Renewed lnqulsltlvtly rireclpitatlon 23 Ch•1tterlstlc 70 U111ted 9 ~std lllOdt of 1ctlon States profanity 25 Letttf N1v1 l In· 10 Big nlcknamt 26'0ne no telllgence: In baseb11t m11l1r whit Abbr. 11 Ro ckrt one n Grating stage 27 Everybody 1rras 12 R1dianct 29 Be duly n Goody ll Kind of 111an ~~~~~~~~I worthy of 73 Dne of a 22 Dep1rtmenl = 31 P1rt of 1n ,... Billie boss lrrl111tkln ..... people 24 Needing HELD OVER IOI omc1 OPIN$ 1:4S SHOW STAm 6:00 COOLED BY REFRIGERATION A PHIL FEtDMAN PRODUCTION @#08 '\WAOYil UIP.mf#t Ako 2!1d llG AmACnoN .... M•• ,.,. ....... .Vllll pl'Oject 74 Gives Che cn1tch1s )) Chlrc,,odlst's wron111n1wtr 27 At the blgl concem 75 Father est point l5 Food Junlprro 28 Body ol 17 Shut oul traditions 41 Mountll ln: DOWN 30 Of Co.b.. for 111 w1rslt1ps 42 Minister l Knave, tor one '2 Nu111ttlca l pl1nli$olll"lllltY J: Strucblral 111nx 44 NO longer stetl 111ftll btt: 34 Rrsl1ur1nt hffe 2. words course ' . • • ' IJ/15/69 )6 lnsuranct ad/usltr's dtclsion: 2 words 18 Hard luck ''" 2 wcrds 39 Fora11 . 1ddlUonal tim1 40 Takt 1 sl esll 43 Comectlcut institution 46 F1ce: ""'' 50 Fl'jlhl 52 E11Jssarlt s 54 ln 1 'Slllt of entan'jlltmenl 55 --Codt 56 Came bird SB Ch1flen1111 bO Lovt"11n the Tlbtr b2 Decide content of ~ p1ptl' b) Ont Wltoie ·Word II 1tO b5 ~~of 1111 66 This: Sp. SOUTHlltN CAllfOINIA EXCLUSIVE 6th SMASH WEEKI A ONl·IYID MAJOR Hll ODDIAL1 HllOIS THI NAZIS AND CHANGI THI CALINDAI OF HISTORY ' • • I 2nd FEATURE BllEATHTAKING REALISM I 1-cl .............. ..,. .. .... ..... WAii .. •et ... ... Offllit ••• __ ...,,_,:OI ,...i ~ .... l:M p.a.'" ~do ·~ tlActt' -.... ..,,,....- " •·~··• llolt ""' -ot. ,..~, MO:JIZID3 "Jn editing the show we ran lr.iiii;:~~~~ji;i~ll the two tracks side by side so that we can interplay the ex· citement between the audience and th t en t erlainers," Kushnick. said. "I trunk this tatts it-out of the element of a black F..d Sullivan show." _.._ ... _, JOHN 61111. ft W/t!IE . CA"1f'lllll ... :.... ,.,_.. ., Abo-'4JchMI J. Pollart! hi "HANNIBAL BROOKS" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI Starring PATTY DUKE ' '111£fft. Ph11 A11clrty Hepb1r. I• ..... .., "WAIT UNTIL DARK" """""""""""""""'"""""""'""""""""-"""'-""""~~111 .. • • llUCH •Lll"D. AT •U.1• • • WllT. c:o .. •T lfWY. • ...... O<•oo __. ll47•9&0a • HUNJINGTON 11ILllCff 14th WHk ·List Wuks -Plus- J•n• Fonda In 'Barefoot in the Park' IOTH IATID "~" ---JOHN 6UN KIM WAYNE • CAMP8EU. • DA118Y A.1101 To11y C11rtl1 •"" Tttrv Tllo111tt h1 '1HOSI DARIN• TOUNe MIN IN THiii FLYING MACHINU"' 7 j 7 Fo1111iain voe. 62, NO. 22 r, ] SECTIONS, 36 PAGES l'ktorg St1aile Tbree-yearo~ Christie E. Foster of HunUn&\<!Jl-Beach charmed the ludJ!u at tlle Hpllyyi®cl Bowl and "°" lhe,"llJIU 4'!>~ Tilly Tot" liUO: The ci(y'o.fOODgUI beauty 91utest Wlll9K, J!l"od !1"'!!1 •l>fie\d of Ill 11 lh• UUl!lil/:< of Mr. and Mi's. Artie Fostet, 1291 MYrUe rive. casting agel!Cl'·execuUves jud&od l1f Screen Cblldren's Guild Agency contelt. f • .. U.S. Command Confirms North Viets in Mekong SAIGON (UP!) -The U.S. Miillary ColllDIBlld ani>c>llnced ·today that ,,.. the first time it bas confinned the prese~ of North Vletnamest,, troops in the ?1:lekong Delta soth of Saigon. Behind a mortar and rocket attack, the Hanoi troops tried to over-run a South No Trial Date Set for Mother In To t's Death Trial date has not 'yet been set for a teenage Huntington Beach mother ar· rested Thunday on charges o€ beating to death her 17·monlhrold daughter. A detention trill will be held at 9 a.m .• Tuesday, to determine U Gladys Marie Baxter, 17, of 18042 Beach Blvd ., will re- main at Juvenile Hall ln Orange or be released to the custody of some other a.-Hy. HunUnilOD Beach police arrested the youn' mother after four days or ln- vtStig1Uon into I.he death of little Leslie Ann Guzman, 17 months, who died sun.. day of intemal ii1Juries. A trial date for the murder ~I" may also be aet 1_'uesday morning. 6 Children· Die In Home Blaze FRANKLIN, 'Ohio (Al'l -Seven penons, six ol them chlldren, died, In a fire which. d_estroyed 1 ane-lb'y five· "'°"' house Sonday nlibt. 0..d are Bertha Hllllrd, 17, a realdenl 111<11 Jn the home of Joyce Neal, and Mll. Neal'• m children, Glenn F .• 10; Manha Anll, 9; David A., 7; Mlke D., 15 months: Elli.a Ballard Jr., •· aod David A. Ballan!, I. ' Yietn.a.mtse army training cet1ter near Tri Ton,. 110 miles 'IOUtbweat ot: Saigoa and wilhin 10 miles of Cambodia. The anoouncement said the govern· me.nt defdlden, mostly recruits~ drove Off the attack.en, tilling C, but lost four killed ·and 11 wounded tbetnsdves. The Ii&b~ was Thanday, with nO reaSOll given ior the delay in reporting It. "An e10m.ent of the NCl"lb Vietnamese AmvJ JIB Rqlm'!'t wu ldeotllled as partlcipaUng In the attack," the U.S. Command said. 1'1'.hiJ cmflict ls the first c:onllrmation In the history ol ltle wsr of a regular North Vietnamese anny unit operating in the IV Corps Tactical Zone (the Mekong Delta)." South Vietnamese helicopter gunships and arUllery helped break up the ground attack in the seven-hour battle, military spokesmen said. The 18B Regiment was identified either from prisoriers or from documents found on the bodiet of slain North Vietnamese soldiers. Last repori$ or that unit bad It In Dinh Long provinot nor1hwest of S a I g o n JUDe 20. It portended a pos&ible new Communist drive in the Mekong Della, where U.S. and S o u t h Vleloameee officials have repon..i majcr progma In the el!Ort to put vut areu under control of the Saigon government Ever. lince . 1111 North Vletnmn'" , troops had beel1 "'porled lnflllraUn1 Into tlle1 delta u replacem,eirts for Viet Cong units·Whlcb bad k>lt,&oo:mlllJ' aoldJert to replace wltl" loc:al recrultt. • , In !"'"'her d~~ lhe CO!lll!'l\ld '"llOllnced \he bfldiiiUn. of. ~.3,!00-man cff•Mive 1 by u.s: ;aM South Korean marines ,.. !lie ls1@d alq the coUt ol So.U.·Vletna:m. Slnceil be«an tut week, the: -ation hal killed Ill Communlll troops. ,. J\lililar)' IPOl<""'tll aald lhe number of U.S. •troops Iii Vletna111>dropped by 1,900 1a.'K week to an lknoatb Jaw. d 50l,GOI. ,To the north, Amqlcao &lP b<Jn· hiu\!ed North Vietnam's hsll of lbe d""1lltJriud """' (DMZ) Sunday for lhe l4tlr time. sJn<ie the. Unit,e!J Sltlfs called oil the ~etlbe noith.Nov, L ... 1ceu ' 11le Ballan! boy• we"' M"-Neal'I 'NEWYORlt (AP).-!111e.al0iot: msrket chlklml by aootMr marrlqe. ..,.i itf-t wltb a wlnnlllf perform. Mrs. Neal -homed ovft' mud! 00 ;uce;1'!ilf~.llml··~ lli/C~nd h<r body and ln cr1t1car ~IUon. aiaylnll oo~ .,....i. (511 qucia· AuthoriUea ukl both women were lion&, l>qea »it). 1eparated from thdr flusbandl. 'lbey uid Tradifll•near·(he dON wu moderate. Pi•n. Htilrd bas ail chUdre.n. au. Uvina: "l1'e Dow JonM indUlbi1I 1ver•se. at 2 eloewber<. p.m. was up 1.1$ •I l30 .•. I ~---* --~-o..O.....~---------- ' , -.. All ·· ·.Recall • .G. . ... h , ·at ·er l ri cumbents, _ Cand:id{ites ,_F ace. Y o~rs .. 'f onight · ,._ . . . ' Toolghl ls Ille 1ini-and.probably laal "'!reshmentt \.... a mitten quei&n. estate ir-In 1'J*ll tbt · • -chance Foonlaln Villey residents will anawer per1oc1."i" had been tmlvod In U.. wl-~lir- have to ,.. an,cl, hear all can<lidates and Somo candldjlles and lncum~ wiij i"I bis lnw!reuleDI wlioa 1111· lllld•wt . t bfo •on band u earfy as 7:30 p.m. to · before~~ tar a_IDllt dlali&. -1~011 In the-cit~ s-S.,,I. 23 ""all answer direct questloris lrom ll!jlmia. ·-• SCbw't'llf-adlll-Harpeo'• faN election. " Speedlcs are expected to be hard.and 1wer. oorrtet, but c11aiec1 l"8 eppPFillj's All are expected to be present al 8 ro the polnt following last weet's s-cond~Jon, aUUnt tba& $be sOne ~e p.m., in the· cafete'rta ot FountaJn Valley chaqp ot complentl between MayOr ·repreaented nothlqc ~. ~ High Sdlopl, !or the.Chamber of Com· Roberl SCbwertfe1er, prime recall.target,• Gid.nol~e ,hls.\o"rfl!lli lilf ~· me<Ce. 1P0049red .,.gdiqales' night. l\Dd Councilman Jolu! Harper, who Is not The mayor alio toot a swJJij fl .,call A serie~ or five i;niplile s~es by a recall larget., ~ . _ ,leader t:.uieoe \'._anDu lr:,.Jbreatmiac bbn · each candidate and mcumbent will start Harper had dl~ed $Ch-,erdlfeger ~nd a.,.. 'tt:lth aJander satta. M _ at · I p.m., lo1lowetl by a break for with conflict of 1ni;eres1,.and died, a .real Vallllult lal>eled the ml.!°"' ~e City to Pick Architects For New Park Sele<:liun of an architectural firm lo plan Huntington Beach's proposed '3 million. 146-acre Central Park will be belore t~ City Council lonighl. · Councilmen will also be asked lo ap- prov.; a recommended master list• of f.inna-to-work-wilh the· named"-ardlilect over a three-year development perl6d. R'ecommended for the architectural post by Clly Administrator Doyle Miller are two firms -Eckbo, Dean, AusUn and Williams of Los Angeles, and RidW'd Bigler arid Associfiles of Laguna Be~ Master list recorilmendatioru: Included Cornell. Bridgers a•. d Troller, Los An&eles; Courtland, Paul and Aaocla1a <f., P-l ate• , 'f• Pfl-1 ~ ~ Pf'iidtna,' '>lilir ~ -I'"" lleyaolds, UJng Be&ch. • 'll>e J..41-acn eeirtral' Part Jn · the Golden Wiit mn,et, Talbert kv.,ue aru will be ~ "l iecteral Md .tale granb .ll1i by . bond lliOney voted by the cilliens lapt. Jupe. • E!timated cost of lhe first pb.asc is $1.3 miWon which tnCtudes a $70f,DIXI grant from the 0federal Housing and Urban Developlrient Agency. The current timelable plans for development of the land use plan by February 1'70, calllng for construction bids in May 197'0, and the start of COO· &tructlon in July of next year. Abo on tonlgbl's agenda Is a p\JbBc hearing on the rmew.i or • business licen5e for the Ei:ecuttve Sulte Salon, a sauna parlor at 17.U. Beach Blvd. :-• I • The eatablishment was the .cent or the arrest o! tl1ree women last April 16 on prostitution charges which were later reduced to disturbing the pesce. The poUce department baa ncom. mended that the council -refuse to renew the UceMe of Emma M. Van Buren, owner of the business. . . · 3 Burn. to "Death in Car City Attorney Dem Bania 11 expected to make a recommeodaUoo on the Police Department's proposal. A third Item of interest. on the agenda Is the proposal of City Admlnistrator Miller to spend up to $15,000 on street and civic center decorations next December. Piannod are permanent displays oo Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway. Stopped on S~ Fr~ew(ly Road and streetside signs rather than overhead displays are recommended. The proposed panels would have removable copy al)ll cookl be used ,,.. other oc- casions than Qlristmas. The council meets at 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the council chambers in Memorial Hall Four per1on11, Including three bu1netf to death In a car driven by 1 youth who stopped to aid a motorist whose auto stalled on the Santa Ana Freeway are dead today as lhe result of weekend traf· fie accidents. Killed in the fiery collision Saturday night were Ronald Honda. :Ill, hil !iller Jiit Ill Coa}lly Traffic -~ TGll IMS Ui T• Cheryl, ti, and her young friend, 11-ye&r· Anonymous lp old Lynn Ristow, all r4 Fullerton. Los Angeles re.Iden! Manoel Lopez. 17, T 0 F ls wa.s killed early toilay when the c. in urns ut a e Whlch ho WU a pustnger &lammed Into , , , a ilow·moving 1trttt neeper on the San- An anonymous phone call sent Police ta Ana Freeway near Laguna Canyon ocrambllng thrOOgh a Huntington Buch Road. • df\11 store Sunday Jor a botnb that wasn't InvesUgator11 for.. the. C a 11 for n l a lhert. H11hway Patrol uld lhe thrae 'Fullerloo Heimple was· drlvll)g, the 1car1·wlUch crashed into the second auto,• ~& to CHP invesUgaton. Lopez was killed at 5:30·a1m. today In lbe accldeot lnvolvlnl thi-atreet'rfteper, which lell mot«lll Sal•-Allorp, 31, ol San Diego, also .m-Jy· Injured. Astorga wu rt-ported tn riry ltl',ious -... Santa Ana Community l!olPllal, while the drlvu of theJW...._.r e.C.ped wlth mlnor'bead'lnj~. , He was Jdentlfied u ttidrt\11 ·Man--' deville, 33, of 16182 VIit.i dd Mar, Capistrano Beach, aceGrdln1 •to ·CHP in- veajl&atm. Edison School Still Upfinish~JI i;>oUce re«ived the phone tip about f rtsldcnta died when their Cat wu:'"struck p.rri., which said there was a ISomb, or from the rear and two other motoritt.s The clasaroom1 are unfinished, the bool>y·trap, placed Jn the me al were badly hutl).n lhe same ~dent. physical education aludentt ¥e hot.~ Brookhurst street and Adams Avenue. Scott frtde(tck, 17, of San M~., ~eaty and ther• b .,no f l1i~ 'the A thorougb, 40-minute sesrch, bowever, driver ol the stalled car Ille llohda youth cfletula but according ID Prtril:lpal lailed·to turn up any eVldenct ol a liomil.' slopl>ed loc, was ,.rJOW1lJI lnfured; along ~est ·p.,...;, t;ltrEdllon 1llP !!Cbool Police also looncl' no lnlorlriation 11 lo with 11-year .. ld Stephen Helmplc, o1 aludeoll ·'"1 "IWIC ho." whomJ8'!1hav~ma<lethe .u\L· !l"'lf~~ Part.", , , : • • .Desplje f1oocb,.w'll'k "='and . . . . ' . , . t.,~~)illl~~ ~ · 'RICA' ~r'..:0A OU-a'P'ltLA.Y. llbloll. 111P ,SCbilol.r~; _..._ t 1 , r-• 1 t ,, J · .,lily Oii tlmt. '~ ---~OD 11'1 o m~1ph!J''1olillolira•~..irt.1 Ctldlng ~· ~ui.~•1 Q•~ otllir 'scbcloi., u, "11Pfc:al m'bls .act1am, • then - ho bail. -111111 ........... ,. who alid•lb6.•lepl ~the -had-referred ta gene:raDy meant ...vica such as "garbage collecting, -1weeping and other common 'ttei:ns,," The mayor had iJuoted • -r4 tho Govermnent Oode-f 1fhk:h U1tect · tliiml . when a public ofOCial need not declare bLs interest in alcity ttem. The squa bble is expected lo be con. tin&ied looi.mt -~lea_, illcUlrlbe1111'!'ciii-allcieiibmi1icl 11~ ' NiXon to Tell More Pullout Plans Tuesday ' I OrU•e' ' thfl 'pqt\t~ M t~~t''-Q ,....u..1.u., .' t!<tt WI ~ ~!lii*t' ~ , ii'!'!:J( sinino !O~ 111> ~.,.io.ooo 01! a,r•c;ol! . · ... ;;. ~ '= c.vinpo1an GQCli!ui~Diltf.fct Supert>liar AUo!i .~1 , . • v • /:.ff'llanY A""""' DAILY •. PJLOT!<porl on·tlif • • .4lh.~:lt ~ 1111 iJi.i:e \:ri m~1J"riqMI ~~ -~ftQ >G l!l'jJN~.. ' lDort'llW ~ sl!lll~bol:LHto\ici b:Dd/11 -I at.·OMtQ• Cauntlq111 -.will be , ' '~=' • "11\!.1 JI ~=~:been ,...i.w;... Doo~ -'·• i~ ' '' · '"' 1 . • thew:..• -P, .t -,..••vw. I,'':'"" J •1 { T-• •,._ __ ...., __ ..... .,.....,...~;;----·,··1'1'•1-', • . ., , ~----~--... -,; .. '.\~ ' ii,' •t••.' ••• . . ':'i • • , I••'' ALLEN • ' I " ·~ ¥· . ' 1. • ' • ' . •• I j I I I I 'I • , . H t..2 ~~ PllOT • Valley Offic:er . h~ . as Skipper .. ~ \ . • '.Jt f. ...... Win --~·· ....,,.v( olflcV.'-•' W liO! ]Mil, IWn ·b; tho llJllCaAY, 'lllo ~.;.. n... 1.1-Caolr. c;oqo•L. ~~'" 11. .el d ..... , ..,(II, jir,-t» cij- dall.,., dilclh, M"''•i --~-~Aw;,7,...,,"1111f, ~ :,U ulleP 1\1111,t .._.., foualaln Valley tod"7 praised the slip-, ........... -,... la illlt..,. •·ll!f ... canW ,x~ ))Of ohho amkm USS Frank E. Evans at . '.!!!!!"If~ "J!le IO'•!"*',,Lt, !ll<od tlto E-l!Llwo. , ' " ··-~-·-.... tlll<W' ~ loc>,hla ,. .. lla'CIOQ!... '" ' ~CO\ltlmartialascompelentandrair. cm<!r. l>avld A .. lllrio,J M,,ol LciJ o.• ·1'.•(J.g.) James,\. HOp<!0!1, 2t, or cmdr. Albert s. McLunore, 40, or An«eles, opened llfl cue, tlyU.1 lf'prove Xat\SlS City, Kan., who was the junior of. IL (j .. ) ,Jfllt"1 W. ·°'""' II,. d Gliliyi.r, Ill, .,;other l!lv1m o1r1cer; .............. ind told tha -!Jiatc flllme Iii aoUty MeLemore ot cl\!Dl ... 1n the lhlp'• 11au ... nuJc1 lirins .., dreulllg'dowu." ''V.U.Jo, Ii cbar&ed with negligeneo and ·Mc(.emilre'• negligence 1., toe colllaloo fl<:ar o1·111< lleck at tbt·tbne, t...Uied _.,detelioUoo ()( duty stemming from the that kllltd 74 Ev&IJS crewmen. McLemore had sllnd!ng orders he was to McMlcbaol, uked what he woold uy wos llie principal rule 10< olflcen aboard ~ .i,.troyer, aalcl • wf\hout hlo!totion; "To teep the .....,ondbii dllc:tr ln- trqie June 3 collision of the Evans and M.1rlo told the court in an ~I .... be noWled when tbe ship was to make 'tho Aultrallan aircraft c11Tier HMS llltement that McLemore haci "'* · jp-major cba,,... hi cou~ or speed. Mell>olzme. 6lnldtd his bridce 1<1 awakeo l!llll wbta "I think,.. aU·felt the c:ommandJa& ol· " Be llU pieoded Innocent II' all cbarc"· tbli',,i-quart.,. llllllOUVetl bep,p that,. ficer wu very ~ very i.1r and "He ls pruden~ carefUI and highly 11!1uo the collliloa on !be -·Cl>lna"." very demanding ind he ~ irn.t !be fonDld.'' :.. lf convicted, McLtmare faces a rna•- hnum 15mttnce of two yeara at bard labOr add d!mtislll from tbt N1vy. , qtiaUlied u a commaodin& officer,'' · ~·He said other "certain necessary ac. khip wanted to do," HoplOO uJd. He bu :Fast Action l ., · Sityes Boat :At Laguna Pmnpt acll<m by Harbor Department patrol veasels Sunday saved a 26-foot powerboat from sinking off Abalone Point alter tine pawngers bad abandoned ilie vessel. The boat was the 26-foot OWw crWser Mini Mary owned by J. F. Wrtn1 1111 E. Balboa Blvd. ind operated by William A. Wren, 3'. of the aame addres!. Acetl'dinl to the Harbor Department, ·Wren and !!Is $Oil, Bllly, t and an adult . passeoger, Jerry Goodwin of Huntington .Beach. abandoned the boat. alter it struck a submerged timber whJch ripped out. a· strut and plank, Tbe trio were picked up by anolber nearby v-1 The· .Harllor Dei>¢loent mponded to a call lroril ilie Coist Guitd al 1:10 p.m. llating that the -wu alntlng rapldl)I. The Harbor Department arrived on -lllo--"'1:31 !o lind tbe.>'aael almost sulrn"led. Pumpo put a~ the boat .wote m!able lo keep up with the Inflow !t!llwoter ·and Wtt11 went blct to help bail ill1 band. ' 0. Another llarbor Department boat WU e dlapalch¢ w the scene wiih extra ind between the two they k•P\ !he afloat until it was towed to BlaCkie's Yll<I where. ii wu hauled: ' ' , OAll. I llwt AFTER NARR9W ESCAPE OFF LAGUNA, 10 ... T PUMP R SMILES Pa11engor Jerry Goodwin of Hunll"91•n leech SllH Aboard Mini Mery Smog Foe Opposes Beacli Thant Urges Red China · 1n Arms Talks UNITED NATIONS (UPO -Secretary General U Thant, declaring that tbe world Is caupt up in the "mad momen-- tum of the arms race, .. urged today that Conunwrllt China be brougbt Into all diaatmament talks. ''The threat or nuclear war ls in- creasing every day," Thant told a news conference. "It is now time for every government to make serious e!forts to associate all five nuclear powers in all negot.iaUoos for disarmament in one way or another. "Only the a.s.sociation o! all five nuclear powers in diaannament negotiations will be the Indispensable step to fubion a world free from fear." Thant said the present Impasse betwetn Communist Chini and the rut of the world was "a tragedy." He welcomed the airport conference between Peking Premier-Chou En-lal and Alexei N. Kosygin of the Soviet Union. He said he would be happy ·to-see-meetings between Chairman Mao Tse-tung and Prtsident Nixon and olher world leaden. Thant urged rea:toration of "normal, if not cordlaJ•• relations between Com· munlst China and the United States. He said the past year had not seen any pro. gress toward disarmament. OAll.Y PILOT SI•" f'llfM HUNTINGTON IEACH BEAUTIFICATION 'GROWS UP' D1ryl Smith, S.ntoa ind S1lv1dor lurib1 Pl•nt Palms Trees Blooming 'Giant' Pal.ms Part of Beach Project Trees don't grow to full size overnight, except in Huntington Bead!. For the put few weeks Visitors to the Huntington Beach shoreline have geen greeted by lull.grown palm tr ... which have appeared. on the Pacillc Coast Hlgl!wsy nu•llan ind on the beach park· ing lot. It bam't be<n tbt work ol mysterious el'ies, but of the city's enginetrlng department wh.icb is now right in the midst ol a $200,000 landscaping project to bring shade and beauty to beach visitors. Tree Supervisor Daryl Smith said ap- proximately 525 palm trees and l~ of other varieties will be planted during the three-month Jong project. The trees -most of them already grown to full slle -are planted by a private comp&ny under Sm l t b' 1 -sup>rV1slon-. - c.oct of the trees and landscaping Is estimated at 154,000 whlie Ughting and tr· rlga.tron lines will cost. another $150,CMXI. A d.t.Y. spokesman said the project was origtnally to have been completed by now but heavy rains and strikes have ca~d a three-month delay . Tommy Heinsohll , S't · To COach f.elts eam Plant ,Expa~ion ,, 1'We have witnesud only mounting escalation," he said. "The momentum and progress of the previous year seem to bave been lost. We an witnessing only: the mad momentum of the arms race. The Q,uman commwp~ 1J at a. very critic41 croasroad. The Choku .ve el~ to escalate the arms race or to march ~ N.ewport Men, Lagunan Arreste.d in Liquor Raid B0.5TO!i (AP) -The Boston O.IUc.s ~·Moaday appointment ol Tom· my Heinsolm, former c.!Uc.s ecorlng ilar, u coach ol the Natiol!ll Basketball Allodatlon champions. General Manager Red Auerbacb an· nounced the appointment at a news con .. lerence. Helnsohn suc:<eeda delonslv~' star Bill Russell whO 8llllOUDC«I bf., rem,natloo · earlier thls summer as p1~·-.. .: A ' Ch aald, "Tommy bas beel'I fu. Hma y involved with the Celtics since his retlremenL He bas COO!Ulted with me often. He knows our personnel, and he has scouted ror us.•• ' Auerbach, who has been trying unsuc- cessfully to persuade Russell to return for one more season, said. "It is necessary for us to move forward for this season. We cannot wait any longei for Bill." 3 Die in Speeding Car TIJOLUMNE CITY (UPI) - A high· tpeed passing maneuver on a narrow t,widee bu cost the lives of three teen. qera and Injured a fourth. ~ dead were Diane Stanovich 14. Sierra VJ.llqe; Linda Sanders, 16, and 'Slepben Edward llulllno, li, both of ,._,lwnne City. Ronald Biggs, 2:0, elso of Tuolumne City, was ln fair ·condition after sustaining injuries. The youths' car tried lo pus another auto II high speed, t'1 b~ed into a bridge abutment. I DAILY PILOT .... rf N. Wt•d PralRn! Wiii Pll!llllhilr Jtclt JI:. C•rlev Viti Jtmk!tnt tllCI Gentrtf M111t"1 fum11 k11 .. i1 Elli!M T~•"''' A. Mu•phint Mtt111ln1 Edll•r Al!).rt W. l11t1 At*11!1 Edi!., Hull ..... .._, Offke 309 Ith $1te11 Mtiliflt MMt•s t.O. It, 1to, 92~•1 OtW Otlkt• .,......,. ...Cl!; 'n1 ~,, a..111<M1 ..,...,,,, Colll Nini: lJO Well toy S!tf't! l•tllfll S-lr. 12J l'OttU "'•tn\lt A./"P cbemis~nd cbalrman;ol the <;alll9Jllla ,~.'lle•ourees lloard.-11. 11111• ing blockade of expansion at the1~ Callfomla Ecllaon Company's steam111ant in Rwlltngton Beach and at two other locatloll!. Dt. 1. J;lluitz>Smlt, or. !he Ca11'cll atlff, aays the most feaaible methoa of reducini smog in the Southland i. to abolleb CODTenllonal power plallts and cr~te nuelear ones. Dr. Smith, a chemist at the California Institute of Technology, says conventional power plants whlch burn fossil fuel to produce electricity are with automobiles the major cause of smog. Doing away with automobiles-or even Police Rookies Hit the Books At Golden West About 50 police rookies from 15 police departments in Orange County hit the book:!: today at Golden West College. They are attending a two month long session at the Huntington Beach campus designed to prepare them for the new jobs they ha ve found at various Jaw en· toreeme.nt agencies. Formerly held at Orange Coast College, the Orange County Peace: Officers' Academy moved to Golden West this fall lo take advantage of a new building con• laining two large classrooms for 56 and 48 students aS-well as a newly equipped crime Jaboratocy. Sponso~ by the Orange County Chiefs' and·Sberiffs' Asaocialion and the Orange Coast Junior College District, the academy trains fir!t..Ume p:>licemen five days a week from I a.m. lo 5 p.m. Ten units of credit toward the associate of arts degree are granted to officers who complete lbe nine-week academy: toward general and complete dlsarma· con.vuUna most ol them .to engines not ment which was the unanimous will cf powered bJr,,JnternaJ , com'Qvstion-js.· a the Geotnl Aasembly 10 yean qa. ". far.fetched solution al thla time, ~ said Tlianf ~preSsed opthiusm lhout even· in an lnlerll~w. tuaUy ending .the Vletnam war, although By JORN VALTERZA theft and burglary from lhe Suri and So that leaves power plants as the best he said he did not believe the death of Ho ot ..,. Dlltr Pllft st.tt Sand Tuwe.n, Laguna Bach. Chi Minh would bring any change in debarkaUon point ln· the batUe against North Vtetnam'a pallcy. Tbrte Newport Beach men and another \\'hited will answer charges of receiv· imog, be aaJd..' The secretary general aaid said ht did from Laguna Beach were free on bail to-Ing stolen property. As a first step, be said, authorities not believe a cease-fire wu "practical" day alter their arrest this weekA!nd and An arraignment date tor the four men ahould deny building permits for three in the present cirtumstances in Vietnam seirure of 250 ems of liquor i.Uegedly had not yet been set lhls morning. .ConvenUonll ,power plants pl~ for but that a general deescaJaUon could stolen from a restaurant and six None of the four could be reached for · h .1 1 bring peace. construction in t e gener-.. Los Ange es "On the whole, 1 am optimistic about distributors. comment today. area-the Southern California F.dison Co. the Vietnam issue,'' he $ld. Detectives from Newport Be a ch 1 Deputy District Attorney fo.fartin J. facilities in Huntington Beach and Ven· Laanna Beach and the District AUomey's Heneghan declined to elaborate on the tura and the Playa Del Rey lnstatlalion ,,_ proposed by the Los Angeles Department oface arrested the four men and seized circurn.3tances of the thefts. of Water and Power. Elbrick Still the alleged gtolen liquor valued at $17i50Q "That would be com1nenting on the The chemist said ever~ hour a plant at Fellclano's Restaurant, at Westcliff evidence, somthing I honestly can't do at b f I I od tr'cli 't · this point." he said. urns ue o pr uce e ec 1 Y 1 in-B i} E and Dover drives, Friday night. creases the nitric oxide content of the t•az llVOY He said the four men were arrested . atmOfphere. They arrested Eugene Rondondo, 42, together at the restaurant and booked Nitric oxides, he said, Is what gives 1501 Cornwall Lane, Newport Beach; shortly after midnight at Orange County smog its sling. WASHINGTON (AP) -Ambusador C. Charles Dryer, 31. 1646 Sunset Ridge Jail. There were 12 smog alerts in 1955 Burke Elbrick sakl today there hu been Drive, Laguna Beach; Alexander Torbett, AH four have posted bail, he said. when some 12 million kllowat~ hours ot no change in bis stalus u U.S. am-25. 117 Via Dijon, Newport Beach, and Rondondo and Dyer posted $5,000; electricity were produced in the Los An· bauador·to Brull. Edward Whited, 40, 309 Narcissus Ave., Torbett bailed out with $2,500 and \Vhited geles area, he said. Elbrlck commented to a reporter as be Corona del Mar. posted $1,000. "Since then. the figure has risen more arrived at the State Department for District Attorney's Cilmplaint.s charge Heneghan said the investigation Into than threefold. Jt is almost 40 billion further discussions on his abduction 11 Rondondo and Dryer with eight counts of the case is "still very much active." kilowatt holJTS now, and it has been days ago by Brazilian terrorist!. He met grand theft from six liquor distributing He said his office, the two police estimated by the Air Pollution Control Sunday with Charles A. Meyer, assistant firms and one count of grand theft from departments, and state a I coho Ii c District that the electric energy required secretary of state for inter-American af· the Saddleback In~. Inc. beverage control agenls cooducted in· in the basin by 1980 Will be 80 billion fairs, and officials from the State Rondondo, Dryer and Torbett face vestigations for about three wee.ks before kil°"'·att hours," he said. th " . , . Instead of doubling the amount l~De~p~art=m~e~nt~··~B!r!asU!!!o!!fi!ce.!!!!!!!!" ! ... !!!!!ch~ar§g!es~o§r§cons~~pl~racy to commit grand~~~·~F!ri!d~ay~ar!res~I.!§. ~~~~~l of electricity .to be produced in the basin ---· by J!llK), production has to be eliminated altogether or produced by nuclear power," he said. Fountain Valley Kids To Have Kick Con1ing A free kicking ielinic for Fountain Valley youngsters will be held at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, on the football field at J<'ountain Valley Higlt School. lAll Angeles Ram place kicker Bruce Gassett, a Fountain Valley resident, will demoostrate kicking techniques and pro- vide free instrucUon for the younpten. One of Our . Well-Heeled Customers Complains Dear Mr. Bidwell: Jack Marshall 121 Via Waziers Ne~:port Beach Dear Mr. Marshall : V alleri Council to Hear Some time before you moved into your new atore next to the Lido Theatre I boulbt a pair of sandals from you. About ·seven years ago, as I remember. Now, I don't like lo •ound lite some cronic, crank complainer (I've never in my life sent a steak hack to the chef because il w1s o'r wasn't medium rare). However, I must report lhat the sandals you sold me are bt(in: ning to 1how definite 1i1J11 ot wear. I have a feeling it would be cheaper for me to do lhe latter. But lhe trooble i., I've develop- ed a deol4td aenf.imenlal attach- ment for my old sandals. It has taten me years to work them into their present coDlfortable -il 10m1what disreputable - condition. U I decide ' to trade them in, could you lind a good home for them? I mean~ I wouldn't want them filling Into lhe lwldl of just ANYbody. That's the trouble with good sandals. You CAN get emotion- ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart before you got on a first-name basis. At any rate, bring your sandals b.Y and I'm sure we can "make a deal" -as they say in the auto business. We may even de- cide to have the old pair bronz- ed. If the Smithsonian isn't in- terested in them,, \Ve certainly are . Sinctrely, .r._ck Bidwell ' ' I ; . . 4· Cases. Before Election • ' ' ' I l"<llir, '°bl)c, IJtarlpp will come before the roupr:.ln ·Valley Clty COUncll at ~ p.m., Tue:lde.r, Jn. its lut meettna: before • liept 21'recall -- Mayor Robert Sdtwi!nltlq.,., VJ .. Mayor Donald P're1eau ind CoUncilman Joe CowTeges are the three rnen on the recall ballo<. Councllmen John Harper •nd Edward Just "" not dlHdl;> In· volved in !be ncall laue. Two ol !be lour public hearlna are ap- peals by ftlrmer mayor Jim kanno on negatJve decision• handed down by tht planning <0mmloalon. Kanno ls requesting a use variance to build a mobile home paik op the north •life of Ellis Avenue, 960' fed west or BUlhard StreeL He b alao ask.Ing the council b> overturn pllnnlng denial lor ten propostd lots on the u-cst side of Callo .zaraaoia, llO reet north o1 Slater Avtntie. The third public heiring Involves up- d1Ung of the city's master plan of parks, while the last is a zone chanae request for medium density apartmenla on the northwest comer of Edlnger Avenue and Euclid Street. Last item on Tutlday's cruncil a.gftnda calls for adjournment until a p.m., Sept. 30, lo <1nvau tha reclll election ballota I admit l'v• worn lhem hall way around Ille world -Japan; B!'ftC Kong, Wu• laland, If<»> lolu, MU!co CllJ', Sin P'rancll<o and New Yort, C::llJ' -not w ment!On such lbow pll08s a1 Tijuana and Hollywood (home of the stars). The question ~·, has my fll81' antae run out! 11 ,IO, 'OOllld you advise me to have my 1aadals overhauled. or trade them In lor 1 new pair? P1~11e 1d\r11e. P.S. When you stop by. you mlJhl \Vant Id take a Iook at our great Bally shoes from Switzerlarul. TMy're REALLY made to last. Jack Bidwell 341'1 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., Newport Beaelt. Pluty at me parkla11 la tile rear. Ollly mlawtee (altowt 70) from die VaAlra Free1"ay. -- ....... ,;-..... _....,._ . ., "' • ' - .La Beaeti. . :;:: .... -. N.Y;-Stel!k• • voe. 62, NO. 221', 3 'SECTIONS, 36. P~GES-- • Down tlae I Mission Trail . . New Post Of ficc To Serve Viejo &AJJDLEBACK VALLEY-A oew post office building s e r v i n g San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo will be con- 1tructed near Crown Valley Parkway. The new facility will be centrally located for the convenience of carriers. The present location in San Juan Clpistrano will continue to ~ used for box holders and counter service. Postmaster Grace Belardes was Jn· formed by Congressman James Utt's ~f­ fice that the new facility wiU be built In 1bout!.e-year~~ e Birthday l'ete Held EL TORO -About 150 friends and nlaUvu gathettd at Cooks Comer in Trabuco canyon last Saturday to surprise Mn. Flora Edwards who was celebrating her l2l1d blrlhday. The honored guest, who came from Missouri with her late husband in 19%4, bas lived on tbe homestead since 19"1. The barbecue party wu planned and 11, ... br· ~ 11~son,. eecu Edwatds .,1\llwbOalsberiiababerlloni<. • A:m0ng: nlaUves toasting fbe OC• totenariaa were.her soa, Cecil Sr. of Gardon GnlV.I· another 11andl0o. Vern Edwards (){ Garden Gron; her lllater. Mn. Ethiel Devm of Loog 'Beach, ahd a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Luce .~ Lakew~ Soap Stub f'lo1Cl119 LAKE FOREsT -P1&1WW'• poW'<d detergent in. bke Forest's real date development fountain by the San D~go Freewar o t er the weetend.. Sales Atanager Wayne Scbelin said the soap IUds overflow· is.going to kW aome grass. It WU \be first time 308.P has been put ln tbe fountain aiDce it wu turned on a little over a year ago. e Cftureft ·Goes Mo•Ue LAGUNA HILU Gene va Preolrylerian Chureh has betn granted pennls8ion by Orange County planning comm.issiofters to Qt a mobile offict at the church 1ocaUon on El Toro Road west of Mooltoo Partway. e SH111, Trlnt Ottered MISSION Y.IEJO -Wan~ to keep your hourg!Ua figure from resembllnc a wall clock? Join the Decrealion Center's llim and lrlm class. Sllmu•stici will be followed by swim· mJng,' volleytiall, lannls or a minlgym workout. Tbe ten week course will be ,,_, 1..-U a.m. on Wedneedays 91.arting &ft" rr~"J1111 will be M for members and •1tr-ben. e Greeoo Belt Lauded ' lRVlNE - A 711-home Presley Devel· ~t Company tract has b e en ap- proved by Orange County planning com· milsioners,for the«ntraJ Irvine Ranch area, comer ol. Robert and Ya1e avenues. "Tbe plans ·b~ve a lot m9re green area than you uaually see," commented Wallace AU!tin, bead of county ordinance odmlnlstratlon. The Wllnul VUJage planned community at advu Drive and WalouL Avenue will indude two parks totalin& five and a half acres and a n\DDbu of green belts. e 55-fto111e Ple11 OK'" MISSION VIEJO -Plans for a SS. home devetopm~t oU Puerto del Oro ha\'e been apProfed by Orange County supervison. County requirements call ror fl21,000 to be gpeut ·on streets, aewerr, water lines and •lrtel Ug!lt1ng improvanenla. Street. are to be named Pueblonuevo Drive, Pwuta del Oro, and Totuava Cir· cle. , ,. \ . Enrollment . ' Decreases Jn Laguna Laguna Beach !Choo! populatioii haJ declined sl&fllly slncf; last year, ac- cording to a report to be presented at the acboo1 lxlard meeting Tuesday nigl:t. . Enrollment tigurea i&ken last week shoWed a drop of 48 students from the same date last year, with 2,802 students enroUed in all schools, kindergarten through high. compared with '2~ a week after school opened in September, 19611. Assistant Superintendent Owen Tait at- tributed part of the drop to the usual post-vacal.ion 1q in ~a~, wit;t>- some students sWJ vacationing with .lhe1r famllie1S. 11we opened earlier than· m o s t districts," said Tait, "and some of them are stlll coming in." The-district has shown Utlle growth-In the .past two ye.an, Tait said, and there probably will be no marked i!)C!'toase in student populaUon wrtll new homes, now uoaer constructkm, are occupied. 1iie Iut big jump, he ·said: was when homing tracts went in at Top of the World. Enrollment at Aliso Elemen~ School this week wa~ *• compared wtth 374 last S~, El Morro Elementary was down from 53( lo 5)0 •11<1' Top of the ·world Elem-.y diopped from 5119 lo 471. '. • .,,,. Top ol lbe woild figure b llCheduJ. '"4lto &o up, however, With lf...r.I ol 2j) ~..:::: Et Mmn'a cWerbOrdentd tlalaes 1o 1"' ol lbe worm. A .similar mbYe WU made 1-at year, Tait Ja!d. Population al Thunton lnl<nn..Uate School ii down slightly, Crom 450 to 432, whJle high school enrollment went up from 986·1o 195. J?elay Granted Doctor. Facing Abortion Rap Abl.iJon chara .. agalnlt Dr. Robert c. Robb were hekl over (or three weeks to- day in S;anta Ana Municipal Court to enable the Laguna Beach physician to pr~e hil defense. Judge Paul Mast ordered Dr. Robb to return to his court Oct. 10 for ar- raignment. The Art Colony doctor is tree 00 ll,250 bail. Dr. Robb, 58, of 34567 Scenic Drive, was arrested by Laguna Beach police Sept. f and accused of inducing abortion in young unmarried women. Officers also selrched the physician's oUk:e at 250 Beach SL 1nd se1ied a nqplber ol in- ltnnnenla. Investigators allege Dr. Robb carried out the abortions on at least two young lringle women by inaertlna a tube into the female orga111 and inducing chemical aolutions which acted as an irritant. Dr. Robb'1 an-est followed-1 lerigthy in.. vestigatlon l by dilUiet attwney's in- vestigators aided by Officers of the California Department or Prote3Slonal and VocaUonal Slandardi. ' 2 Die as Jeep Hits 12 Cars MALmu {AP} -Two men were kiHed and a third wa injured early today •hen the i"P Ibey we"' rldlD& In ,oJammed in- t"' 12 parked WI and three houses on the Pacific: Cciast HigJ>way before bunting into flamea lbe ... ~ trol ...,, ' "'6"".,. Pl . Pieces of can were 1C1tterm up and down the bighway for several hundred feet, patrolmen said. '!'her l'tn! lryJni lo reconstruct the sequence of tvenls that ended wtth-111e Jeep· IJlng 1>11 Its-tide. 'RICALL'•·A ONl·ACT PLAY ALLEN . '. ..• r ~.J'-, ll's :o m111ttrr plaf toi&hottt a clearcut tndhlg at 1~11 point, bat faldnallwg -.g ... cthtl•u: who ii 10illing lo l]l<ncl •p lo 1511.000 °" a naill compalgn aqom.1 Fifth Dlltrict S•~ Alton £, Al!ri7 AIJN!dol DAILY PILOT l'rporl Oft.U.. '"~ """'""°" -i1o<llldioo • ·-.. b<d/eU0t0 '°" of Orvoo• c-lloN -will be pubiilh<d lo!llMT4>UI. Don~ """ j~ , ( ' • { . ... . ORANGE ~, P,UFQRNIA ' ~NDAY, SE'1°EM8EI( ;If, '\919 . . . . ' ... • . ' • r : ~ Ill as \ • " I ' ' ' • DAILY PILOT ltatt ...... BUSTED BUMBERSHoOTS AND OLD SHOES ALL GO AT LAGUNA PLAYHOUSl! AUCTION • • .In • 01y of Np1t•lgi1 •nd·F"un, Htftn VtU •hd Rtcl Stocld•rt lndlng an;ire~ • . . ... - . Cotmge Gets Playhouse Panels at Auction,· By BARll~RA ·KREllllCH 'Of Ille OlllJ f'll .. ''"' Souvenirs <1f an old Laguna landmark have found a new l¥lme -in another landmark. Top bidder in the weekend ·auction at the· old Laguna •PlayboO.se, 319 Ocean Ave., was Harry Moon, proprietor of the Cottage Riltauranf, 308 N, Coast Highway. Moon bought seven of the panhls by top Laguna arti~ used to ~reen con- struction 'work at the site or the new Laguna-Moulton Playhouse, along with several rows or seats from tiie old theater, rour exit signs .and some anUque handrails. His purchases, Moon said, will be used OWi winter in remodeling parts of his Herman Ridder, Long Beach Publisher, Dies LONG BEACH (AP) -Herman H. Ridder, publisher of the Long Beach Jndependent Press-Telegram, died Mon- day at his home after a short illness. He ' was 11. Ridder ~pent 49 years in the newspaper business. He bad been publlsber of the lndependtnt Press-Telegram since 1962, when be came from SL Paul, MiM. He had been publisher f:i the St. Paul DiJ. patch and Pi<meer Press and prev10U$ly bad published the St. Paul Daily News. An aVid art and antique collector and restaurant: The Cottage 'b in the original home qf pioneer. Laguna:, ~veJoP.er .J~ Skidmore and dates back' to ipU. . 1be cart.6on panels will be rused'10 give! an Art Colony touch · to'1he entrance· io lbe rest room area btbind .the restaunnL "For IDOl'e'privacy - a touch of tfilmor," said M<IOl'I: He.~ $50 for Frank Ia~landi.'1.car­ toon panel stafring Laguna's famed "Lit· tie Old Lady in Tennis Shoes," $25 a piece for the other six pantl.s. Indiyidual bjd.. derspurchased the remafuing five for 425 each. The theater seals will be used for waitlng customers when he encloses the front porch at The Cottage as a vestibule. the handrails will decorate the front steps arid tfle exit signs (f5 each} wil) add a suitably theatrical note to the intertw. The playhouse auctJon was described as "a great success" by ffianager Inna Nohiger. Cash purchases netl..t about $800 and more money Is due a.s successful bidders rick up their soovenita:. Sale o theater seats, at $5 apiece, was brisk, with numerous boulehoklerl bki· ding ror the shorter flve-sept·rows. A drama teacher from tbe ,Anaheim school district p~ed' up the whole cen- Stoek Matkets· NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market opened llS week with ~ wlnnl111 perform· a nee tod&!', rising from the start .and staying m higher tp'OUJld. (See quota· tions, Pages 20-21). Trading near the etose was moderate. The Dow Jones lndulttlal average at 2 p.m. was up e.33 at l30.5a. tral aeatlng area.-7$ sea.ta In alx row• -•I a bugaln price ol "1 a oeat. ;.He _.id he's g0lng-to use them In hls . <1-," said Mri NolJl&er. , Old i;Oolumet ol . a!1 · klndl; ~kl· for Jl'iea rlJll)og, from IS ""1bJ . to II, •liiorled atqt llP!ll ""°' ror 15 .. elf and maitJ'~laflhealer bul!t plclied up Bin&ll _., .. IOUvtillh of, Laelma'• flm'ed '«Jllllllllldly u...1er, "Wt11ntll .1iave a few seat.a and ciUw lteml left," Mrs. Nofziger ukl .... But we'll just aell them on an lncUvidual batts. 'lbe bulk la gone now, and we have • unUI October II lo be completely moved out:" • The aid 'playbouae, which stands on city-owtied property wlll be rued to make way for either a parking lot., « a small park2 Laguna Misses School Wind(all There will be no ''Windfall" d. surplus slate money falling lnlO ,the coffers of the Laguna Beach Unified School Dillrld- Headll""" henldlng proposed dislrlbu- lion ., 1c11oo1 dlslrlc:la' 01 extra ~la funds ha\'e prom~ an item on ~Y nlflrt'• school board ,merthit •lenda pointing out lo tru,.... tha\'I,q1in&' ~c>e:I not lland lo benefK ltom the.wliiiifaU. , Lagun.ols high raUo of ...,._ 'Valiia· tloD tO .~'l'lt poliulatkln ma~et the district lneUaJble for furtjier l\ate fl!lllh, aays Aaslllanl Superinteodedl.'Owm.Tall, ' Skipper Pra.i·s~-- writer or &erious pOetry, Ridder sleered N' T --· J. Ha' nd:nnpped Lagunan 11;, publicat1ort t.Wan1 community pr.. lXO 1t . .r...u.uq.f! , ~ """"! . .• jec:ts in his 17·yw.career here. At the time of his ·death, ·ht was In-Skipper hal a 1llver meda4-to prove desk ot.Preald6t Nlla'J. volved ..J.n · pl,annlng ·a $1 million art he 's a winner and now he hu • penooal "I wu "fl1 pleued to leant that you mUJellin for Long Btacb. !M•-r Pr··,.-I u•~·rd Nbt-lo won a 11Iver0 medal •I the Sl*.ial OI~ Rldder-11Jo WIS president Md director .. ~. rom ~ ... , '1-IUWI • .... , pJct at the Loi' AJce1el d6liieum um of Ridder PubUcaUons, Inc., an optratJn& "'1fifm,lt. t llUNl'lef," U. Pl'lllliditrit,,,.,' ...._ company wilb irit.erests ln 17 oew1pa~ The letter on Whitt Houae N.tkinery ''11>e new1 ltory rattd-you u IOl'Dtoot tncIUdllll! the <lanlen .Grove (Orange arrived last weet 1t the -ol Ski-yOW' lr.)m\lr foP1 f;qlma .Jlr..,ii,'haNe Coonty) Evening News the Pasadena Ci.rrUJo, 'HOTemplelJU1tDtive. alw411 Cllllltdertd ·a ~~ .. ~ ' TEkNMK ' ~ ~ 3 IJ.~i;lans, Gi.i-1, j 6, . . . . ·Arrested · . ' '.( I By RICllAllll P. NALl.O • . . ............ ..r- Lqlma -~-today~" poundJ. of ~ """' ~ .. ., toeilod In the· smuuUng amit d .• 11o y"""ld limerald Bay girl .... -i....,.a Beacji ...-Friday. . l!ollce identified the lhn!e• adults u Mar1 Cbr~ Marl, 21; and Clleller Allen Bowyer. 281 tdh. of 2421 S. Cout lliaJll"llJI; aDd Richard w. Em ... , :a. of ~ Woodland Drive. Laguila Detedive Norm Babcock: est!mated· the illicit reta,U value of the drqa:, a potent age old nflnement ol ~' would be' from m.ooo to •100,000. Sgt. Babcoct aald =tmm agenla noliflod.pollce !all week that the bp!liah bad arrived from India aboard an a1rUDe plane. He auerted, that delivery~ wu made lo Mba-Marl and ~er-lalerln­ Laguna Niguel, {labcock ~Id ~ hasbilb , W > I lr.._ied 1oO the Soytll Cout Highway address where It w1a seiud. lt was. ~ •aid; . hidden in statuea, -. dolJa and • trunk. • "l think ·it was for Lagun11 , eon. &WJlption,'' the. ~ det«Uv.e said. He said the hubllb wu in ...U Council Weighs P11oposed Use - . I • -· ' Of Pyne· Castle :. ' • I c.... I i I Independent Star·~ewl, aoo the San Jiioc r Slltppor ii llWl ,,_,..,~m.':!;:; ~·._e.11111 ~~ ~ll!o~ Memiry ~<WS..Hls· f1itter, Bernard '.delplle lbO= '!;, ~Io<:": ·~F:,_ilp,l'ed _!\ti,~. Ridder, Ii <l>alnnan o~the boaid, (! l' ~;ii<vlnC•!4.t*l:J!,tI>e ~" "' =~~-~?16\~i~ . ;\''I·, •'. ' RuUrtllllUttle I.;ea=1111G.teillimi(. ' ~ -~~ bia~to.1 'M:afui··~ ~8 •· •1Jt11Mgl1"illlth· ....._:...,:.,... .• Tho ~,11 ~ s~ Innocept ,to Sla~fug ~ "1,~f'i:0iwioi~~. ::-~~·=.~F . = Oi)')nplcl al Ille "'t.:t · ~ ~. the' Pruj4all , tial , 'JI!'!'; PROVIDENCE, JI., I. UPI) -RaJ· COlll\.dri. He eame away fnln Ibo "*( mented,' "11<'1 ~ 1-"""' mond L. s. PtltiFtt, the agl"f, ttputed I wl~r. all•8'•"*'1f for -.! pllce Iii tcm Gonlloo """°'bi~Y. P)l:Or) Cool NOllra cblti!laln ol N"' EdJiand, P!lfl lmw and alllo plated well'ID' •bou\ ~~ "'ihl~ ha~. p!eadedinnottni1nsuperlorcouit'1odoj .~ ~ "· , • • "'!!!·~.'!'!!YL ...... ,,;.,,.~ ... ,, In U., lltllJ ~'llaYlM olJ•~f ·" Y. PILOl' ~I!"' °™Y, wlltln":~""' '''""1':'!"'" oocu-J.fe wu ordered.held tn $2Sl,OOO~;; t·· , ;~ r'• 1Uccea retCbed the' men(, llht 1ddld: ' · • · l ' • I • 2 DAil Y I'll.OT l ~ . • ew ~roop ;.Pullout . \ . . . • WMll!liGTON (1JPl)-P r 1114 en I .... ·'Wu . He N~ --~ followln& a I ... _.,., lull ' . will .... -lllo --" • .,.= ....... .._ .,..... .. Ille Nltltlleld. ' i J ""' ............. ~ ~ • to • ......... ,. -tia.a.m. ' llhl!llr .. vUI~ 8'al "'-doeliled •' •. .-,-o11C.111e ...... -PP!' • •· .. r . ""~-·~Jlllldrllm f-<Olla today. ftl IJr.t w1llldlwol. --, -lo ' bl&. ~ -I Ille Asked about a otat.ment by So<lth Viet '""'-'Illa -l'l!lld 'Y. Jiii , IOI Ii( Whlle . "1ib Mil> ,' ...,.. Vice Pruldent N!M'tn Clo Ky Aul\ISI. Nixon hid lndlcoted be would an-military and lnlelllgence advisers. ~1r.iblt4t,t00 more American Gls would .be nour.ce •the ~ f>1:ilfe ·o1~u.s: ¥'OtJP Ziegler said that decision included 1c. P-"Pdlect out by tbt end of November, White replloement. tual figures. . iAi~ Pras Secrt:tary Ronald Zlecler But @ft Aue. !4, th' Preslileot an. Follo\\'lng the Friday C1Jnlerence Gen. ";uld "actual fllute$,. would cam• fr«n nounced he was delaying a declslOh and Creighton \V. Abrams, U.S. combat com· ~tbe~t. called for .more rtports on ~ed nwnder, returned immediately to Saigon ~ · f.lt&1U refused to &ay whether the ~Wt attacks wWcb ~ irt and within two hours after his arrival, he .. * * * !North Viets ~· ' ·~ ~~Mekong • ~ ·Confirmed • rtported petiOlllUJ lo ~ NsU~ :vaa 'lllllll. • . . 'lbloot Mwllll lllo~'-• to. ~ .,.,.... ~--~ with Abrams. Mir Ibo[ Security Counoll nieollni. Ky lnld-of,the planned 40,500- Dlatl pullout. Ky saJa thore'.wu ... ~·t between the Unl~States ovtl' the 40,000 figure, which ht said includes U.S. m1rlnes, parattoops and other Army combet forces. He said the withdrawal annouacement would oot be caupled with Fast Action Saves Boat At Laguna SAIGON (OPI) -The U.S. Military Command announced today that for the fJnt time it "bas contitmed the prtscmct ol North VI-"Vi>opo' In the ·• ...... i Mekq Delta aoth of Saigon. ~ lieblnd 1 mortar and rocket attack, the • H1ool 1z.oopo tried In ova-nm a South rv1-. army tilininl center near tTrl'Tilil, IJO•mJJes aeujhwest of SallOO land'"llllln 10 miles of Clmbodla. · · Tbt -iment said the iiovtnt-ment defenders, mosUy TeCrtlits, drove off the attackers, tilling 83, but lost four killed and lt wounded tbemlelves. The flait.,... 'lburaday, with ne reuoo given 10< the delay ill re""'1ift& tt. "An element of tbe North Vietn1me1e -ArmJ 118 R<gimenl "" Jdentilled aa pm1:1clpatlng in the attack," the U.S. Command said. ''Thi! conflict ls the tint confirmation in the. history of the war of a ncUJlt North Vietnamese anny unit operating In the IV corps Tactkal Zone I the Mekong Delta)." Seuth. Vjeblalrleff helicopter 111n1hips · 11111 art0Jerr0belped break up the ITOllnd attaelfln tile aav,..bour batUe, milit.ry ' lpoUemtn aaJd. . nt 11~ Regiment was ideotwed either from prllonen or from docwnentJ found ~ ... the bodies ol llaln North Vletnameae . i.ildlerl, ' Lui reports o1 that unit hid It In Btnh Leo& province nor1hwest of S a I I o n . June IO. It portmled a PoBSible new Cornmutmt drive--in the Mekona Delta. where U.S. and:S out h Vletn&mf.&e officlals have r_...i major Jl<Oll'll ill the elfort to ( put 'i. Qlt • areu undtt c<mtrol of.~ the SiJ&on government. -·-1111, North -.. e "-bad boen·nperted infJUr!itlnl jnln ; the dalta.., replacementl.f« Vld ,c;ani ; lllllt&.wllldl bad loll too lDlllJ .IOldJin In ropn with 1oca1 reoru1ts. In anolber development, the command aJlllOWIC<d the beginning of a 3,500-man oflen&lve by U.S. and South Korean marines on the ialand aJona ~ ~ ~ Seuth Vietnam. Since ii lleran Wt weel:. the _.ilon bas killed 1IO C<lmmunl!t troopl. Military tp0kesmen·said the nmnber ·of U.S. troopo In Vietnam droPP<d by 1,11111 11st weet to an ta.month law of 508,000. To the north, American lllJll8 bom· barded North Vietnam's half of the dfmilltariled zone (DMZ) Sunday for the 14th Ume alnce the United Stales called oil the bombilll of th< north Nov. 1. • Prompt action by Harbor Department .\ pa\rol, ve...is Sun<laY aaved a · :is.root po"Werboat from sinking off Abalone Point after three passeni;ers bad abandoned the ....... DAILY '1LOT St.ff'""""' AFTl!l. NARROW ESCAPE OFF ·LAGUNA, 8pAT PUMPER SMIL~S Pa-• Jlrry Gaocfwln of HUfttlnglon hoch 51111 Aboud Mini Mary . -' . 3 Burn to Dea.th in Car Stopped on SA Freeway Four persons,'lncludinr tt>n< bum¢ to death in a car driven by a yoa1h who 1topped to 1.aid. a motorilt ·l'boae auto stalled ()ft the Santa Ana,..Ffeeway are dead today as the reeult of weekend tr~· fie accidents. · Killed in the fiery collision Saturdiy ni&hl were Ronald Honda, 20, hi! si.ster ; !Mt Coanlf. Traffic 1111 ~ UI . llealll Toll UI • Cheryl, 11, and her young friend, 11-year· old Lynn :Riatow, allot Fullerton.' · Los 'Ang<les reiddenl Maifuel'Lopei, 17, wu killed early today when the car in which h~ was a pusen,ger slammecf into1 a slOW·rnovlng street sweeper on the San- ta Ana Freeway near Laguna Canyon Road. ln•esti.gators , for .the C a 11 f o r n I a: Highway Patrol saJd the three Funerton residents died when thtlr 'car wu struck from the rear and two other rnotorists were badly hurt in the same accident. Scott Frederick, 17, of San Marino, driver of the stalled car the Hooda youth stopped ·for, wu !ttlously injured, along with IS.year..old Stephen Hei,mple, of Monterey Park. Helmple was driving the car which crashed into the second auto, according to CHP lnvesU1ator11. Lopez was killed at 5:30 a.m. tOOay in the accident involving the street sweeper, which left motorist Salvador Astorga, 31, of San Diego, also seriously injured. The boat wu the 26-foot Owens crWstr Mini Mary owned by J . F. Wren, 1111 E. Balboa Blvd. and operated by WlDlam >.:. "Wre.n, .'4,· of the same ad<lresll. According In the Harbor Department, Wren and bis soo., Btlty, t and" an adult -er. JU?J ~win of Huntlqton Beach, -abandoned ~ boat alter it atruck a submerred Umber which ripped out a strut ancr plant.' The trio were picked up by another llW"1 veaael. 'Ille Harbor Deplrtntent reaponded to a· Clll lrom the Coul Guard at 5: 10 p.m. stating that the boat waa sinking rapidly. The Harbor Depart&ntnt arrived on the une at 5: S2 to find the veael almost submerged. Pumpo put aboord the boat were unable to keep up wit!! the inf1o!1 of waler and Wreo ,'wenl bad lo help bail by hand. ~ • Another Harbor Department boat was finally dlJpatclled In the acene with extra pumpa ai>I between the two they kept the boat afloat until it was towed to BlaCkie · s Boal Yard where It wu hauled. . Saddleback' s Airport Noise Fight Pushed By PAM HALLAN Of -.. 011tr '1lft iilft "ll Florida can terminate the use of an airport to preserve peace and quiet for crococliles, than Orange O>unty should be able to preserve the peace and quiet for a million potential residents." That statement came la&t w e e k from James WWte, who was reporting CJn status of the Saddleback Valley Airport Committee which opposes possible use or El Toro Marine Corps Air Station as a ci vilian airport. White told a group of Mission Vie}o homeowners In Mlssfon Viejo Hlgi> School that the committee is very active but is adopting a wait and see approach. 2 Newport Men, Lagunan '.Arrested in Liquo1· Raid Learys Granted , One Week's Delay In LSD Hearing So far, nothing ha! been done on the Phase Two study wbich would examlne the possibility or using El Toro as a civilian airport. 1be study was approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors but tunds for .the project have not yet been ap. proved. But another study wtt.h funds by the federal 30vernm!nl which includes a JO.County survey may be looking at El Dr. Tlmotl'ly Leary and has fam ily have Toro. been granted a one week delay (or The committee wants to find out how the hearing of a motion to surpress evidence. this study ls going and in the meantime is By JOHN VALTERZA .._ Of -. Dellr Pllltt St.ff di~tributors. Leary, 4.9, his wife Rosemary, 33, and actively sollclting the aid of congressmen son John Bush Leary , 19, were; ordered and publie Clfficials to their position. by Judge Samuel Dreiien to return to "We're going to wait. and see," said ~!11 l!6'I ~"' ~u. .. -'')'/• havo bmm. Abr-l>Old ~ 1eri,.,~ _..,..._....,,. --,,....., .... '*' an "We 11i1* II M:i -,Jo' lab _.. . .......,_, m• llnl. Ol '111f..'ilall0olal S.. mpon&ibllltlel," It)' llld. 0 We &re now , curit1 c.unan. : . capable In nplaco the Americans." Lui· May 14 ::. e11unc1attd three It would be the,""'1nc1 American troop '• ' ' · withdrawal. The flrat was the puUout ol princtl>\" ~!hi .• !"·wo,<dd ~ riJling 2.1,000 troops wlllch was ...npleted lilt Girt AmfifCan, forces: · · · monlb. It 'PPll1'DllJ was part of Nlxoa's -A scatlq down ol ·olftnsive opera· reported hopes lo withdraw ,aa many u UOll.!I by communtsl "'""'" 100,000 Americans by the end of the year. -Pro-at tha Paris pea<;e )able. Whether the U.S. tr cop Wlthdrawat bod ' -Capablll\y o1 South V~SI fuU So<lth .Vietnam ... 111pport .... DOI troops lo tab -mor. of Ibo f I · . . • For Datu!, Capo . ' Trash Collection Contract Ok~yed ' Contlnualion of the trub colleclioo con- tract with SolBg Dlspooal COmpany for Dana Point and Capistrano Beach has been approv~ by Oranse County Super· visors. Solag Js ln the ttfth year of a ten-year exclusive contract for the area. Petitions of C001plain b e a r I n g signatures of persons representing 31 Lido Couple's Jewelry Loss Setat$225,000 The lwo gunmen who robbed Lido Isle yachtsman Briggs Cunningham and his wile last week made off with $225,938 in jewels -135 separate iteID' -police dlacloaed today. Included In the daring daylight robbery loot WIJ -a diamond and emerald ring with a platinum setting worth $26,000, ac~ cording to Detective Capt. Lou Heeres. He said many other items of jewelry valued in the $12,0CX> to $15,000 range were also stolen. The Cunninghams' priie Australian black opal valued at $-12.<XXI abo was taken by the two men who bound and &agged the couple last Wednesday morn- ing. That piece of jewelry, along with much of the rest of the loot, was also atolenflve years : •so in a ~buqlary of the tun. ningham home at 343 Via Lido Soud. In that theft, however, the jewela were recovered within an hour, along with two young men who sub&equenUy were con- victed. Heeres said investigators have no new le.ads on the pair of suspects in the recent robbery. They a~ lhe jewels: are still at large. Watercolors Set In City Display The prutlgious 49·year--old exhibit or the California National Watercolor Socie- ty will be displayed in Laguna Beach thls year with the Festival of AN putting up one of the prizes. At the recommendation or lhe Festival director Helen Keeley fellow board m e m b er s agreed to underwrite a $200 purchase award . The Fest!Val will rectlve lbe particular art work for which the prize hi given. The annual show will be on display at the Laguna Beach Art Association gallery from Nov. 1 throogh 31. Director Richard Brooks, a potter, called it a ''very high caJlber show." buslnesm bad been filed w 11 h supervi8on: who ordered the road depart.. mtnt, wbk;h overJees tra!b collection f.or county CQ.V~t, to make an in- vestlgatloP. The outcome of that inv~stigalion was a recommtndation, concurred in by supervisors, that the C<lntract wtth Solag be continued unchanged. County road commilsloner Al Koch to- day presented his report. No one rose: from tbe audience when superviaors of· fered a cha.nee for comment. Supervbor Alton Allen then said, "l don't set how anyone can operate a business like this without some com· plaint. It h very difficult to get rellab\f! people who want to do Ul1! kind of work." He called the road department's in- vesUgation "thorough'' and made the mo-tion that Solag Trub Service be retained. In his prese:ntaUon, Koch noted that 55 percent ol complalnta received against Solag have been fronl only 11 people and that 15 percent have been from one person, "• friend of the previous franchise operator who once said he wat going to make it as miserable for the new operator 11 possible." Tom Trulis, owner of Solag disposal, lias filed a law!Uit asking $750,000 in damages from Mr. and Mrs. Charles \\' . Waltman, owners of the Toro Disposal Co., El Toro, and three bu$.inessme~ who clrculaled petitons of complaints against Solag. 'I'rulls claims Waltman, an unsuc· cesslul bidder for the Beach Citic' to believe that trash pickups were often miued and that Trulis maintained ir· regular schedules, has poor trash con.. talnera and charges unreasonable fees. Road Commissioner Koch testlfted that TruUa' rates· compare ''more favorably '' with rates in other parts of the county. Lagunan Beaten In Home Attack Said Improved A young Laguna Beach man who suf· fered serious injury when attacked in his bedroom early Saturday morning is in improved condition today at South Coast Community Hospital. Roqald Lujan. 22, an orderly at the hospital, suffertd neck injuri~ and cuts on the arm when he was beaten by two men at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. He lives at ;m N. Coast Hlghway, Apl F. Police U. John Zelko sald the two caucaslans, possibly hJppie types, had ap. parenUy entered an open window. Neighbors heard scufrung and Lujan's crieJ for help. Tbrtt Newport Beach men and another from Lquna Beach were free on bail to- day after their arrest this weekend and tt1iure of 250 e1se:1 of liquor allegedly atoten Uom a restaurant and ~x Detectives from Newport 8 each , Lag11111 Buch and the District Al!orney'o office arrested the four men and seiied the alleged stolen liquor valued at $17,500 at Fellclano's Restaurant, at WestcWf and Dover di'ivH, 'Friday night. court Sept. 18. The trio is scheduled to White, "but ••ith a very watchf\JI eye." face trial Oct. 8 on charges of poss'!Sslon •1r.;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!i!!!!!~!ii!~~~~ of marijuana and ~D. I They found h.im on the rtoor. He had been struck with a beer bottle. Police listed the motive for the attack as pGSsi~ ble burglary pending a chance to talk with Lujan who was still in the hospital'• !ntenaive car~ unit this morning. Their present motion is in reference to drugs allegedly discovered by Laguna Beach police last Dec. 26 when the Leary&' car was stopped aod searched in Jack Marshall 121 Via Waziers Newport Beach Dear P.fr. ?i.farshall : ~-.. ........ caMW -.11. ..... ---V'let ,,J::::. cz:= . ......, They amtled Eugene Rondondo, <2, 1501 Cornwall Lane, J'.lewport Beach; Charles Dryer. 31. 16'5 Sufll.'l Rld&e Drive, Laguna Beach; Alexamkt.Torbett, 25, 117 V[a DJJon, Newport Beach, and E<tword Whited, 40, 309 Narcissus Ave., Coron• dtl Mir. District Attomty's complaintt charae Roadoodo and Dryer with elgi>t couni. ol grtQd theft from six liquor dletrlbuting ftnns and one coant of grand theft trom the S&ddleback ln.'l, Joe. the Aft 'colooy. Whatever happens tn their Orange Count'y trial, Leary . and hi.s wife must face lQentical charges In Riverside eoun. ty. Leary hlmseU is charged in lhat COUJl. ty with also contributing lo the delin· quency or a minor, charges stemming from the drowning of a 17-year~ld Laguna Beach girl. One of Our Well-Heeled Customers Complains Thal'• the trouble with good sandals. You CAN get emotion~ ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart before you got (JD a first-name basis. At any rate, bring your sandals by and I'm sure we can '1make a deal" -as they say in the auto business. We may even de-- cide to have th• old pair bronz.. ed. II the Smithsonian isn't in· ta.rested in them, we certainly are. •I 'I ·1 J n.. ... "-"a -Ttt.Nt A., M.,,•!Rt MM-..1.1 ... Rltlttr4 '· Ntl ·--Cllf , • .., ---Jll,..... """-· ........ ~P.O. h• •W. t2UZ ·----.--... ·-..._.. ......,., ., ........ , ....... ...,. , ............ ~-·~ ' . . r;r ·- Rondondo, Dr y er and TorbeU face cbarau of conspiracy to commit irand tildt and burglary from the Surf and Sand Towers, Laguna Bach. lnvestigalor& said the girl was under the influence of LSD when sht died in the pool at the Mountain Center hippie hangout. lJp~ Up Away fas_hW.n lsla1ul D~arf ed by H.igfi. Rise Balboa In1urance Company, an aUUiate t;Jl Se.aboard, la owner of .fet tiUt to .the 1lta of·lbe one mtlllon._lfl\llri':.foot struc~ tul't-. 14.ort recent ctty approval involving the 1 proJ•ct>Wlllon: noted, wltl allow Balboa ln!uruet to conslruct a five-story park· ~araa;e adjacent to the Seaboard • Ooe levtl of the parking stnx:· Wl1 bt below fTOlllld. 11 will provide sptct for J,.00 cars. The lryloe Compeny also plans In build Ill ow«,p..,.lory parldna facllllY nen In the S.alioard gar .... Wlfe.n completed. the Newport Center hl1h-rl1t complex will be the larg"l In Oranae County. I Dear Mr. Bidwell : Some time before. you moved into your new store next t~ the Lido Theatre I bought a pw of sandals !rom you. About seven years ago, •• I remember. Now, I don't llke to sound lite some cronic, crank complainer (I've never in my life 1ent a steak back to the chef because it wa.s (Jf wasn't medium rare). However. I must report that the sandals you sold me are begin· ning lo show definite •igns of wear. I admit I've worn them half way around the world -Japan, Hong Kong, Wake Island, Ho~ lulu, Medco City, San Ftanci1co and New York City -nol to mention such show place• as Tijuana and Hollywood (home of the stars). The question ts. has m..v ru•r· antee run out? U ao, would you advise me to have my sandal& overhauled. or trad1 them in for a new pair! I have a feeling It would be cheaper for me to do the latter. But the trouble is, I've develop- ed a decided aentiinentaJ attach~ menl for my old sandals. It bu taken me years to work them into their pl'Uent comfortable -if somewhat disreputable - condition. II I decide lo trade them in, could you find • good home for them? 1 mean. 1 wouldn 't want lllem falling into tlfe ball.ca of just ANYbody. Please advise. Sinceroly, Jack Bidwell P.S. Wben you stop by, you ml&hl want to lake a look al our areal Bally lhoes from SWitze.rland. They'rt REALLY made to last. Jack ·Bidwell 3417 Via Utle a& Newpul't Blvtl., Newport Beaeh. Pleaty of free parldae la &lte ....,., Ollly ahatell (alleat 70) he .. the Veaqra Freeway. UPIT ........ On Good Ship U.N. Mrs. Shirley Temple Black, re- cently appointed to the Ameri· can delegation to the 24th U.N. General Assembly, leaves the U.S. mission's headquarters in New York after meeting with Ambassador Charles \V. Yost today. The Assembly meeting begins Tuesday. U.S. Announces Big Crackdown On Drug Traf fie Leaked last week by a high Washington official, a major federal crackdown on nal'cotics dealing from ~texican sources ~ today was formally announced by the u.S. government. Named Operation Intercept, the pro- gram is aimed at cutting off the supply of illicit drugs -primarily marijuana - but also other types of contraband aubstances: "Our er.tire objective is lo get to tht source of the problems, not to make thousands of arrests," said Deputy Al· tomey General Richard G. Kleindienst. Touiher border inspections with a beefed-up force of customs agents. surveilh;,nce of ainall boat traffic and even radar~ulpped pursuit planes will be used In the smuggling campaign. The program is a jotnt effort by the United Stat.es and Mexico, whose govern- mer.t has iniUated plans to spray mari-- juana fields with chemical from the air to ki.11 the illicit crops. The Operation Inlercept plan was revealed last week when an east coast newspa!JE:r pubU•hed reports ot lhe crackdown on aerial marijuana smug- glers. premalW'el,y aMounced I n Washington. ' A U.S. Marine missile battalion on maneuvers in the desert near Yuma, Ariz.,. a year ago led lo lnlliation of Operation Jntercept vthen they began &potting unidentified airplanes. The aircralt were slipping over the 1-fexican-Amerlcan bor!Mr in remote desert spots. too low to be monitored by Federal Aviation Agency radar netwOrks. Kleindienst pid today the most im· portant point in the enure program is the cooperation ot lofexican orfictals in joining American authorities in lhe crackdown. Top Surfers To Compete Saturday Sutf~ from as far away as Fkirida, Texas, Hawall, N'orlh CarOll.na, Vir'(inia and even two from Auatralla wlU test Jl'un'Ungton Beach'• surf Sept. 20 for the 11th· Anllual U. s. Surlboard Champion· 8hlps. . • The -Y ptOCram be&!., 1t uo a.m. nest Saturday with ellmlnallon beats and quarterflnal! on both sides of the municipal pier. Finals are scheduled lbe following clay and will be CIPJ'"d by 1wlnl ..,... monies in eight divisiona: and the presen- tation ol the Duke Kahanamoku Trophy to the best overall surfer. David Nuuhlwa. a HuntinJlon Beach surfboard shop owner, was the winner ol the duke's "lroohy last year and will seek a repeat victOry. Another favorite b Corky Carroll, of Dana Point, a two-time winner of the eve.nl Divi!ions include Kamaaoas, men 35 and up; Seniors, 25 through 35; Men, 11 through 24; Juniors, 16 and 17; Boys, 12 tbrougb 15 ; Minies, 11 and under-both boys and girls; Women, 12 and up; pad· die races, dory race1 and mixed tandem surfing. The following are included among the 270 surfers entered to date: AUSTRALIA -Keith Pau1, Rusxll HugheL · HAWAIT-AI Ford, Robert Jensen, Dor- ian "Lou" Dunbar, Sam Owes, Bustu Kellum,, Bill Biegert, Keone Downing, Ronnie Romero, LeRoy Ahcboy, Kevin Johns, Reno Abellira, Chris Gardner, Toni Delong, Blanch Benaotl, Kainoa Downing, Bobbie Husic, Laura Blears. Sharron Webber. Toni Winkler, James Blears, Patrick Marciel N. CAROWNA-Mlckey Marsh, Mite Marsh. COSTA MESA-Raymond Kunze, Mary Lou McGlnni<. SAN CLEMENTE-frtike Higgins, B.ilJ Wetzel, Del Cannon, Dan Tilton, Jeff Moore, Randy Sleigh, J. N. Doll, Chris Cannichael, Mike Hop11. LAGUNA BEACH-George CaTey, Doug Browne, Craig Martin, Kevin O'Sullivan. NEWPORT BEACH -Johnny Coontz, Bob Grieve, Bill Pelis, Bill McKinney, Scott Preiss, Jell Kennin!, ~ohn Van Orown. CAPISTRANO BEACH -Hal Sach•, Brad McCaul. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-Mork Silz· ler, Dane SlWer. SEAL BEACH-Mike Wllaon. llUNTINGTON BEACH -Harris Ka- wata, Jim Wade. Steve Walden, Greg Tucker, Randy L<wll, Chuck Ray, Br•d Baylis, Steve Bigler, Jeff Heiman, Nancy Hlynes, John Davb, Davtd Nuuhiwa. Hurricane Holly Far From Land MIAMI (UPI) -Holly became a bur· ricane today with top winds of 75 miles an hour and jooecl northwutwaid in the Atlantic, atilt far from land. At 9 a.m. (PDT) the weather bureau centered the season's eighth tropical twist.er about 1,130 milea east-southeast of San Juan, Puerto Rico, near latitude 14.5 north, longitude 49.5 west. It was moving toward the nortbweit at about 10 m.p.h. The position. considerably north of previously estimated fixes, w a s determined when an Air Force reeon-- naissance plane reached the storm's renter and foood it of minimal hurricane intensity. The storm formed from a depression which moved off the African Coast last Mooday. Helpful Youth Has Finger Hurt A 1%-year-old Tustin boy extended a helping hand and had a finger broken Sunday. When Linda Perez put coins Jn a machine but didn't get her package of cig&Teltes. Paul Martel reached into the dispenser slot to see if the: package was lumg up. While bis hand was Jn&kle Mias Perez pushed the: button again. Thls time it worked and Martel's hand w.u e&U&ht, police said. Two Tustin firemen freed lhe boy"• hand and put a splint on his broken mid- dle fmger. 111 Letln Post President Nixon Friday air pointed Ernest V. Siracusa, a graduate of Huntington Beach High School, as amDassador to Bolivia. Siracusa, a career diir lomat, previously served in U.S. embassy in Peru. Thant Proposes China Inclusion In Disarm Talks -J\rabs Bl~t lsi:ael Camp .. , Ill New. Raid . . . I)' 11..W ,,_.,llloru_: Ar1b ,...,,.u111 ~ ·,u..ked 1n lltltlL ~ ..Ulemenl II> Ille ... e11pleil G<t1111 Bel.,... o1 S)'l'la , . !'Ith • buook• llld 111!91J1aUc rlfltl, • milllary 1potemwi Ip 'tel A•lv ieporlecl. 'l1lo .,..._ 1alcJ Ille ~ at· llCtOd llebfod • -~ llted -~.· .. S,.lil. lie ~--·, i. ... ,~,.. .. ~lnd.-~ 'rllla l;Uiod:illta bfjef,UJmilah 1rtb0 -~ • ,• l!-11.llle-ta!Qt; ·-., !ilil .. DCl1b o( J11rua)an. I lo c:O&o,.p EoJiUan m UH ir y spc.kesmih aaid Egyptian forcea.foifed an . attempt by Israeli planes to raid lfllly poal!JW oil the Gull of Suei on Sunday. lsnel ,.If ill, w1rpla1,.1 paunded Egyp. lian .. military targets" along the abcn of the sulf south of Suez City for 50 minutes. '!be air raid_ Swlday, the.sixth ~al1ht day of Israeli aer'li.1 ,attfcka qainst Egypt, WU cOncentrated an Ru Ra- Riv •nd Ras Warana, south of Suu Cl· ty, anJaraell army spokesman said. He rtported all Israeli planea returned safely to base. The Egyptian apokesman said t nwnber of lsraell planes. attempted to raid EpPUan cuard posts on the gull in Ru Ghareb, Ras stiuteir and 1.afai'ana but were intercepted by Egypt.!an air defenses 'and ·forced t.o flit to tbf: eul He did not merltlon · 1oasea to elther side or the UR ol Egypt.Ian planes. UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Secretary '!be 1POkuman In Cairo also Aid General U Th.ant, declaring that the Egyptian and Israeli lorets dueled alone world is caught up in the "mad momen· tbe Suei Canal fer eight haarl Sunday. Jordan reported mortar ar. on lroOps lum ol the arms nee," urged today that from Israeli forct1 ln the North Asabuna Communlll China be brought lnln all ...... , 111 mlJu IWth " tbe s.. o! disarmament talks. Galilee. Jordanian forcn returned lbt "The threat ot. nuclear · war la in-lire and suffered no cuualtles, . their JpOkesman aaid. creasing every day," Thant told a ne'A's A Syrlan military spokesman in ""'-NoDuU Girl All work and. no pl.ay iJ definitely not Edy Williams' game. During a ph9to ses•ion at 20th Century· Fox Studio\. Edy finds a movie prop and walks through a "pipe," much to the detlglrt of tbe photographer. Tax Aid . Deadline Near ' conference. Damascu1 aaid Israeli tanb fired on "It i.a now Ume for every government Syrian troops in the aouthern part.ottbeir Deadline for filing for 1989 Senior t k · ff~· to · II 50-rnlle: front. Citizens Property Tax Assistance checks up to 95 pereenl of the balance. of h1I tu· es from the tax aasistance program. o ma e stnOl.ll e w~ ISBOC1ate a It Oct. 15, Slate Sen. James E. Whttmore rl.,e n cl · all t1a1· f The Israeli spokesman re--' Arab u ear powers In nego ions or .,...KU (ft...Fullerton) reminded residents today. To be eligible clalmants muil be over 65 years of age on Jan. I, 1969, mtl!t own and occupy the:Ir home and must have paid the property taxes on the home, 11111 must have a total household income of less than $3,350. d. · guerrillas ambushed an Israeli patrol in isarmament 10 one way or an6ther. the occupled Syrian Golan Heights. He . ''This ls the second year of the senior "Only the usociaUon of all five nuclear aald one guerrilla wu killed and two dtians tax uslstance. program,'' Whet- powers in disarmament negolJations will J.sraell soldler1 ·were wounded. more 11akl. "It provides for a Tefund of be the indiapensable step to fashion a the clalmant's property taxes ranging world free from fear." from one percent to 95 percent, depen· Thant said tbe present tmpa,.. REPRIMAND ~~e.~1""' the claimant's bouaeholcl in· between Communist Chirw and the rut of the world was "a tragedy." He welcomed FOR ROOSTER He wlrll<d that thb program should Chicago Alderme, n, s' the . airport conference between Peldng not he confilsed with tlle 1lomeowner'a Premier Chou En-lai and Alexei N. Property Tai: Relie.f Program wbi(:h Wal!I Off" Hi b B __ t.._ Kosygu. or the So'iet Union. He sald. he A complalnt'!?Om •Huntington Beach •ot<d by \he laW11U1ke,.,, th?,Yi;a• to pro-1Ce8 t y Ollll.HI lvould be happy to eee meetings between resident about his neigbta'a roostu · vfde · f~aJ property tu:· ieliet. Senior ChaiTman Mao Tse-tung and President cro"1nl all nlaht bnlJ&bt tbe fallowln& citiu:{Ls are' ellglble fcir both pro&rams if CHICAGO (UPI) -The oWtta of two Nixon and other world leaders. notation on today's police k>c boot: thiy cart meet the quaUflcaUons~ • Cblcago aldermen wen damaaecl w;l1 Thant ureed restoration of "normal, if OfUctr checked. area, repaN: roorter A qualified 1e11i0r clUze.n could ~e today by firebombs. Both men bxiicated. not cordial". relations between Com-v.ill be reprimanded. t.he f10 from the Homeownen 1u Relief community ten.1tom: over urban nnnoal munl11t China and the United States. He •--=============-:.P:.:roar~am:::.:•:nd~g'::et:.:1n:::.:•::d:di:tion=al:.:dJec=k:._f::.,.:__w:"":::_..:in:::':.::'::'':ed:· _______ _ zaid the past year had not seen any pro- gress towarrl disarmament. •·we have Witnessed only mounting escalation," he said. ''The momentum and progress of the previous year 1111em to have been lO!l. We are witnessing only the mad momentum of the arms Taefi. The human community is al a very critical crossroad. The choicc1 are ell.her fo escalate the arms race or to march toward general and complete disanna- ment wh1ch was the unanimous will of the Genera! Assembly IO years ago ... Thant ezpressed optimism about eveA- lually ~ndfng the Vietnam war, although be said he did not believe the death of Ho Chi ?.finh would bring any ch&llie in North Vietnam's policy. 'The secretary gentral Wd said he did not believe a cease-fire waa "pracUcal" in the present ciralmstances in Vietnam but that a general deescalation could bring peace. ··0n the whole, T am optimistic about the Vietnam issue,'' he &aid. Body of Woman In Pit Identified MANCHESTER, N. Y, (UPI) -The body of a "'oman found in a gravel pit wilh her head and face batterej was identified tentatively today as Ulat of rtdhalred Marta Kristine Polis, It, who disappeared last month in Rochester, N.Y. Trooper G." R. Thompson ot the 1tate poliCf' aaid Mis.s Poli1 had been murdered. He &!kl she died of a frac- tured skull caused "by a severe blow to the head by an unknown instrument." for lhlollwr_.....,,,,.. Wt n..i... Wo'w -SoullJom Calffui10o "" ...... lhan lnlt ' ,_... --· .. INod wllh the unog poi>i.;,, : jultOlycuhon. ' . ' 1ho SoullJom Qdllomla -II rocognind . for hcMng -al the bolt oontJd prognims I« air poliutk>r1 tn tho C<Ml!ty. lut-lltll --· Wt -to holp ICM tho problem. Not lull talk about it. And --thilllc -..... 0 _, lo holp. At the·Gat ·company.. w.•..,,. found thaf utlng naturol p GS-0 fuel In "'°"'°" whtclH lhaJply -the poll_ that_ .. !::!'.:i!I-.... ...:: W.'ve all'9Cdy oorw led o ..-a1 ___ _ to -naiural ""'forfvel. And _.,. -1dng lo ptJlott tho sya1 .. fer ar _, floot, and ID that athers con UM it too. . . . There a;• many orgonlza.tlons llke OUl't. Vlftl'I ' flMf..ofwhtc:les, oporaffng """'-MJ"1dftg•and ·1uo11ng IOCG!lohs. opondlng many houn _., · dQY on the stree11 ond freeways In Southerrt' ·Caflfomla. Coitverslon,tona~urG1·~a1 fa mp!•. and rolotlvely l._tve. Opoi'atlcn •• moi• economk:ol. w. •don't claim tho! .... or [IClluial gas In fleets ol "'-lnl<b, and-. ta going to d9an up the amog pn>iljom ....,,,1ght. But tt wtll help. And that's what -· wonted to do. •"t 5tMl.a lilnias,lialC... >._..C."IHI MCICLOmG ... W.'rwlawltlng In-. Publicity Workshop Near Pilot, OCC Plan Program for Press C1wirrnen The DAILY PTLOT today moved toward cto,,lng off pre-registration for Its upeomlnc Publicity Work.!lhop to be held Wednesday night at Estancia High School In Costa ldtl&. Open to press chairmen and other o(. rars of clubs, Ol]anlutions. d:lurches 1nd yooth ll1lUJll -or just lntuest.d <Ht.ens -the program will be pruenttd In 1 tw~ *8lon lllrllng at 7:111 p.m. Wednescll1 In Estandl'1 f'Ofllm. 'lbomas Keevl~ DAILY PILOT f!llil«, will handle the major portloo ol the presenlation. The PfOll'lm will be optned by Dr. Thomas Blanll', dlN:<I« ol the Oraoae Colst Evening Coll,1e, co- "ponsor of the Rmlnar, ind by Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publisher. Many o! the DAILY P!LO'l"1 "ded•lon maken" will appear at the workllhop to field questloos regarding operaUons in their particular areas ot resj)onsi billty. Included· will be Thomas Murphine, managing editor; Bea /l n de rs on, women'• editor; Glenn White, sports editor; and Judy Hunt, usoctate YJOrl'ltft't editor. Also au.ndinl will be Jodelll Hutinp, HIJlllioctoa Bucl>Fountlil! v I 11 e y women!_s editor: Jttn Cox, Lajllna Beacb-SadcDeblck Vality women ' 1 editor: Ind 40 Oboo. Who hnndles women's nen fl'OITI Newport Beach, Colla M1111 and Orange Ccunt, at large. Tom McCIM, 'DAILY PILOT public aervke manager, and Don Jacobi, Orange Coast Colltg• public relations dl...W, wtll 1asill Keevll In presenUnc the temlnar Information. Though much oC the mat~1I presented In the workshop and In 1 "Pointers for Press Chairmen" booklet produced J>y the DAILY PlLO'T for the Wednesday night program will be aimed at women's g,,.,pa, the ptOCram alao will Include tjps for all publicist&. Ill lim I.I to famill1rize •ork\hopptrs with the mecbanics ol wriUlll I good news release, who to cootad and when and how to Jnlb the codact to id I stnry « pboto Into the ntwtpaper ml other upocll ol Ille publlcl1!'1 job 11 $een from the ne:w1paper'1 potat of v._w. l'rffeglstnD!I will be stven nra1 choice of seats •l the Forum. Tbo9e not registered in advance ol the program wlll be allowed to llll !eats only on 1 spa 1vallable baJl1 al 7:IO p.m. w,,_ Pre-reglstriltion coupons cannot be. ac- a:pl<d al th< DAILY PILOT olflce lotu then noon Wednesday. • s.. thl• ncitWol ...,,,.led .~ratthe L:A, Giwity Fair $ept. 12 thro\19h th•21th.' \ • ' • •• • • •• .,.<t • " ,_ • ;\Uott Says Won't Seek GOP Reins WASIUNGTON (AP) -Stn. ll«doo AlloU au:olorldo stepped -"""' 1he race for Republlcaa leadenblp-today, ' luvlq the field to the Ihm 4eclllttd candldata to IUC<OOll the laiAo Ev,...tt M. -•1 am iio!a eud.ldate for the pooltlGn d mlnorttY leMer," ADott ukl. ''l have DO -"""' all)' GI my cal-'"-..., baYe I uDd !or IUCll cam-..._... .. loo. llqb -ol "-'•IDll, 1he dill-; Sea. Roman L. -· ol N-; and Sea. Jlowanl ILBUet Jr. d. Tmc 1 r 11 are cmlldttM. . All* mi 11e ww1c1 not mm .., """""" --In 1111 leodenhip race, ~ 1111 dod""' not lo nm bonellb llMU, -IUppori k buod among the Senate~ more con1ervatlYe Rel>ubllcanl. BUer 18 ~ u a Republican who can ottnd 111ppart """' &.th the left fnd 1118 ·rl&bl Bui Ille -.U ca.-v~Uve Union, W'liDC lbe -ol a _..alive lead•, put -Bak• and -In tlla! catqory. Allott lold----last 'llllndq Illa! be would nm !er the ""' ....... END 'INHUMANITY' Lodge .._ .. for POW• Harwi Asked Are We Wives Or Widows Water . ' , .. Legendury ·Passage .V oyag~ l>y Manhattan • • • • NE1' YORK (UPI) + ~ I a I\ er ttSIJlar llCfwl•M'belwm;tbe eaat..cout Sea la comdderad the end ol an wt-to- Manbattan l'adioa.<l ~today thal 11 had and Euflii>6 and Alaska. 'Iba advanlafl .. ' well ...,...._ achieved ti. aoal ol 1-ln&, .lbe first ol ~ch a link to .the rich oil ~I~ ....,.. Tbe Manballan w~ forced to turn back commercial Jhlp to complete tbe legen· · ~ deV.)o~·1n AlaW are ..tllOaled from Ill· more c1a""4 .... ult on the c1aey Ncrlbwell p.,..p_ ' it more lllio il'nilllljl\ •'.day.' , . heavy Ice ol McClure ~1111 the final A fPOkamao ror Humble Oil anc1 Aboard the llanhallan;, Stanley B. puaage ~·or Barib wana, alter tbe llellnlol Co., -of '!be Ill mlllioo Jlaa•, J>illJeCt ·lllljl\lle; ,IOI' the Vllfl .. , lhlp becariie· f!llCk Dve. lbnel. '!be lasl --"" wy ... , Nici the la!ike<•arrived orilered SlalnpalJlt pul on tee lot llie·.at· -..U. Joi GI the JOW'tlllY lbrough al Sacbl Har-. C&nlda, al mldnlgbl rival al Sadia-· Tbe remote Cana· Prince ol Wales Strati 'llnce then has -., 1,. 1 cbaml>OP celelnllon. dlatt oulpOot al Ibo edge ol the Btaulcrl been nnooth and uaevenllul / Today, -taklnfl OD mall and IUP- pllel and ltlllllatr1nC -the )(anballan WU preuing OD lhroulli tbe -.Cert Seo to 1be rich GO lleld! of Afaika. Tbe tanter'I aeid slop Wll to be 'al Barter !Jland on 'llltnclay. Tbe arrival ol the l,\IOZ-lool lhlp, rein- forced and remodeled wtUt an atra- heavy bow, 1t Sa c b s Harbour on aouthenrutern Banb Island, fulfilled a 506-)<ear-ald dream ol marinen: that a lof>'ol-ld IUtM II leuible for com- """"'· For the oU aompanles, the goal was to prove oil tankm Uka the Maiibattan wlll be able to ply Lbe icy, floe-filled Arctic waters of the Canadian Archipelago on a Nixon Meets QD Space Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pmident 'Ille laak lcrce bepn wcrl: in February Nlsoo today discuJoel U.S. space eoaJs alter Nixon riquestad·tt propose goals for with a special tuk force espected to the spaee procram In !be nm decade. 11 """'1Ull<Od to him dderrlnfl manned ._, I Mars landlop until the llllll. mchxles Vice Prelld<D Spin> T. Agnew, Instead, lbe group .bu reportedly a Mars land1ni enthusiast; 'Ibomas 0. declded. to recommend the U.S. con-Paine atbnlniltrator ot the National centrate on explorins the moon and Aeronautics and Space Administration ; develt>plnfl lion! esrth and l11111t orb!Ung ~ Air Foroe Secretaty Robert D. Seamans •l•lloos that could later bo uaed In a Ian· and the Pmldenl'a sdence adviser, Dr. ding on Man. Lee A. DutJridle. -••• leadt<'• JIGll. Bui -UIJOUl1C<d hla PARIS (UPI) -Four American :!!'" • candidacy Salun1>7, and ii ~as dear -todaJ appealed to 1be Norlh Vie>-I -~ they WGUld have bad to -oupprt nunese clflepllpn at the Vietnam puce ...... Sixt.a members of the U.S. Air from. the same, generally couervative, ta1Q to till them wbetber .. we are wives ...._..Air Weather.:Service who Smale-ency. or wldowa." ftew lnlo Hurricane Cam!Ile to "My eole permal efforts llbaD be Tbe lour, who lle!r to Paris lrom th d la th d ·~-directed toward usurlng lbal wtiat.ver lllllu -~ ... N p er a on e evaswawug the outcome of the race, we llhall have • to WQLl~l u. ortb Vietnllnese, storm w.,.. b-Ooored last week. unilied party in the Senate .. Allott said Ml about loda:I to lrJ to cootact lbe Gen. Jack J. Catton, commander in hiutatement ••-•·•-•·-'~. HlllOl .. -ntaum. Their first laak to-,_._._.. cla•. ,. .. to ....... ·---r.. ~-- of the Milltary~litt Comm"'"', ,.J!Owever ,:a ded!Joa to -· lbe n'' ""-k ~-~-• · ,._, .!•..._._~, .b•• D.•-, a ·-··-••-• ">a,....,.. -~ ....... , presented two · "nJUilhOd'FIY· ,....._, , . .._ -~v Tbe IOOJT wome aD marTied"l us ing Crosses anc1 114 Air Medals to termer, w1.;1 ~seeo •.u ~~~Y splitting airmen ibot ~ aver vSemai: ·~ th . . . th jlWDy some coa..wvative I u p p or t list.ed u "milslnc tn ac&n.." want to uk . a airmen m .•t cererqony on ~ e . otbtnrile figured to 10· to Hrulia. • the . North Vletnamla wbethrer thtir . 1UJbt llne, Sot!Ct 1.lr Force Bue 1n . Whatever the ltnal field h. wtJl ..,. huibands are prlaonen ot war. Hanoi hu DUilols. ' · ." • ' · ~ i::. more than. one ban.ii to ttpeai.d17 r.luled U.S.•appelll !or a list • •-of Amer!can prisanerL • ~. Mll"Prd ai... Smith GI Maine, The Ncrlb ~tetnamae, appam>tly etn· i;, · · cholnnan qi lb .. GOP coolerence, hu not •·-··~ .... ••· •-•~ · A New "l(.orlc a.,. CCuncil" COl!I· yet announcecf a elate !or 1be caucui at ' -·-.,. --ol tbe ,.,....,., mittee ·"1'1'roved a bill' to ~ame<a wllidl ll<!publlcan aenaton will eltc\ a move, r.luled to amwer lhelr telephone street at the site of the pro-eel 1 •• ~. ll will or talk to.........., today al>l-rtmailled •« milli I: be.d"auar-""' ~. 'lake a majorlly ol the closeted behind the high walb of their Dflw .,... Oil .. . qu&l• . C l!tpipHcana now in the Seoate. , <!<legation headquarters al """"-·Le- ters 11Avenue of e Finest."' Tba. Scott said, ~•Y be' had iftdlcation1120 Roi. · --1 f:ttw;:ac:..i ~~~~tw~°!!',~ ...,.ton l•rOF. him for lbejob with 10veo Chief U4 ll'lolialor Hemy Cabot • ~-• or <!e!>i otller posslblllUt1. • • Lodge Satul'lllJ.urged'lbe Communlsh to north-of the Bropilyn Bridge: O" Tbe""'!D'Ylvimiana!Jooaldapos&iblll-end their "inhum111 trutment" or ~··N~~.:;i~ue:"'2•!a g.;l:emts~.,.~· id':!~a\l"lltlhorfor ·American priJcllen.."llllWtnr, North • . '"· .• , j,ledde llll!i-a: · ---a«aaed cap-ba mJclit . lhe·party. lurtd '~ .pil.U. '<ii b,elllg '"air !::%;, ~ 8:~..P· ... tho, piratOI" and 'Uierdcn ~ eltpble for v . ~~,..-, o; nuoway lhroUp tz;oatmoa1 reqWred bf < ·iolematlonal Ill! flnl·-11nn, la the newcomer. qnem"'ta. I A l~year~ld youth wu arrested SW)o. day night l<r llring a gun al a police car Jn Kankakee, Til. Police said he would be charged with attempted murder. At le.ast zo persons had been arrested In Kankakee by eorly today. pollce<Nid. Olber cillel -Cblcag., KokolllO. Ind., and Caln>, ID . -which ' experienced weekend racial trouble were quiet early today. were "·oonded by gunfire Friday and I Saturday nights. Four persons were ar-. rested in conneclion with the wound.ins I Saturday night of three policemen on the mosUy Negro northeast side. Pnttv S"ztt Barker'a dog "DiN>" dotm'& urm very interested aa his ma.it.er 1how1 oJI the four TMdol.i she won durino the world games /01' the <kaf In Bdgrode, Yugoslavfa. Suzy, 15, of Lubbock. Tema won a ooLd mid.al fn thf 2CJO.mt:UT da.!k mad IOJ1$ th4& in the mxl oamu ift. 191! she ~ to toin four more mcdall-but thta time aU gold. In Kankakee, autboritlel aald charges would be mec1 apinal the IJ.yeu-01<1 yoolb.who sbol al a 11qUad -In the th~d nig~ •of scattered violence in the east- ceufra1 Dlimis city. Friday night Gregory Jackson, 20, lden- tlDed 11 a leader of a Negro gang, the black ~s. was arrested after he allegedlY shouted "get your guns" to other youths. Jackson also was charged Sunday with attempted murder. Kokomo was reported quiet Sunday night and early tod.a,y. rive policemen Heavy Rains Hit 'Ibe violence in Kokomo followed I liJhUng at a high school football game Friday night. Chicago's trouble Saturday night and I early Sunday came in a mostly Puerto Rican area on the northwest side. The six-hour club with JIOllce apparently I rnulted from a sbootin1 of a youth by I policeman. At least · 2' J1U100S were taken Into I custody u b&nda of youths smashed 1tore window1, hurled rocks at can and looted. Two po1100nen' wtte injured when struck I by bricks. . . In Cairo Saturday night, 100 police broke up an assembly of 100 Negroes con· I ducting a pl"Otelt march In deflanct of a civU emer1ency declJration. F 0 u r persons were arruted. I Kansas I I Ast.oria Records Coldest Temperature for Season .... ''"' •• '"""' l ..... Ott. u ...... " ""'· " f)d. ' ·--·-... -l-111t "'--.._ -. .. -,..._ ---- c .. ... _ .... _ er~ -..... --"'' ...... ~~ .... _ -::'.Jr"' ·-~ ::: oi:: CJIY kit l"NMIKO ..... .... _ "'""' WltllllltfM ---n " " .. .... . -.. ft .. .. ., " u .. " .. .. " . : .. .. • " ... .. .. • " " .. .. .. " " .. " " .. .. " ~ .. .. .. .. " u • • " .. .. " -.. " " • .. .. .. .. D • "' • " .. • " " • u " " ., ,, " n .. a ... .. JI Low, Low Price Name Brand / Smooth Texture ~~~~~~ ....... ~~ ...•..•.. ~(; Zesty mostard ••. to add flavor to your favorite pork diahes ••. for sandwiches, too! Save here! Mott's Fruit Treats .................. 3.o~l Pineapple Juice ...................... 4 ..,'1 Tuty combinations go with pork I .•• 20 or. Springfield •. 46 o:r.. can , .. luscious goodn~ ! Sldlst Fndt Bars ..................... 49' Lemon Cooler Cookies ................. 43• Six frozen treat! per pack ~. Choice of flavors ! From the happy Sull!hine bakers ! 10 oz. pkg. Pork Oll1p1. .. ~:0!! ... llB! Lean .•• tender .•. deliciona •• .'from gr&in fed mid-western par~, sel~ted for flavor and quaJjty ! Breaded Pork Cutlets ................ :89~ London Broil ........................ ~1.39 .. Jteady to pop in the oven and bake ! ' Pork Sausa0e .......................... 59~ Country atyle ••• perfectly seasoned I Pick up your Super· Shopper recipu al our meat counter! For the-goodneu of beef ••• budget priced ! Brllsilg Ribs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 ~ So mudl hearty IO(>dn,.. on lheae I Pri.eu ia effect MOK., Tua., Wed. Bdpi.·1S, 16, 11: No Sala to Deale r&. . I ' I This week we're featuring 4 delldous pork recipes! El Rancho offers >:OU four ways to beat menu monotony •.. recipes that a.re 5ure to pleue ••• your opporturuty to make r.our meals be<oma qeer adventures in dininf ! I I I ' ! I I I I I I DAM.Y PILOT ........ W .___ KIMMW ALL 'S FAIR -People, young a.id old; are coming from all directions for the thifd annual Fiesta de! Niguel next Saturday. Take (above, left to right) John iu.ed, fiesta ditector, along wi1h Mrs. Jack , Weber, planning director and her husband who get a running start on frivolities... Activities fcir youth will inelude a bike decorating. contest and '(below left, lelt to right) Mark Weber gets his twcrwbeeler · in shape, withoµt ~UC!>. hl!lp,{tou\ ChrlJ!<>pher 1Bo- ban, 3, who is !loping for Jl wafermel~ estiJlg..con- teot. Niguel Nation Indian Guides are among•the m;my groups participating iil the gala ~.len\. Young braves preparing are. (beloW 'riglrt, Jeri to rigbt) Scott Brown, Michael· Brown' who will soon be ~ guide, and Douglas 'Wright. ••• .. .. . . . -· A Battle of the Bands will involve play-off competillan· amoa ..,. •foll< groups and combos. . • • • · · ' Entertainment Is being &l>ODlored 'by Mr. and Mu. Jim ·Jenl<W of Maria de! Arte Music Center w&o ore pnrvlding a 51!11 'l'a,tt Miid •}'•~IA} insure adequate coverage. Light power tents and J!age are IM!ln1 ~"" by Laguna NIJW•l CorporaliOn. Folk ac11 'being·sponaored.by_tbo' _ include Libby 'Boerd. Bob ·Parker 8Jld Barllar:f Cheatum, Bar'ben Carmi· - chael, Scott Mayer, Clanc.v Heard, Ralph Bond, Maynespring, Amy Jeffrt81 and Carol Ellert. Bands they are providing include the Aristotles Libnu;y, '\'om Sheets and Association, Liquid Sound, Soup Company and Evoluti0!1 Band. · ' • . ' .... . . . ~r· Th~ Niguel /.rt Association, under the 1.eadership of Paul Dilze1!- berger. will soonsor art displays including J;>aintings, needlepoint and scuJP.: tuce. Each of the 23 youn~sters who participated in last summer's CJill.. dren's Art Awareness Work shop will have a di splay in the children's di\1- sion, according to Sam Weiner. Fair activities are being coordinal~ by Mrs. Tom Fortune and wfit include a science rllsplay, model building contest and a vegetable growif!~ contest. Mrs. Fortune, al~o in charge o( yo uth activities. said there will be contests for both decorated bikes, which wtll parade past judges, and decorated bats. , · For the yoongsters, in· addition to· the game booths; there will be pony rides, sponsored again by Rancho Niguel Ruling Club. An archery demon- stration will be given. behin<l'SafeWay. Other committee chairmen include Ranney Draper, entertainment; Mrs. Jack Weber, planning director ; Mrs. Roy Baugl\1)1an, Y.Ubticlty; Knowlton Fernald Jr. finance ; Mrs. Gary Dav\$ and Ed'Kincaid, raffle; David Graham, booth construction; Tom Fri'gone, beer and wine booth. Leigh Collins, booth awards, and Robert Parsons, mas~er ol ceretnonies. ' . l 11 ' • • ,. ' { ....................... __________ .. { ,•:JffAN"CO:ir,""'"'6' 1 MlilllllJ, 'lwl t I IS. Hit L ,,,.,.,. 11 . . .• .. ~- ,, .. ' .- You Can't \beb~te That Baby's Da.te ·Wa~' :~at· ~ust ' " 4 ... Fate : • DEAR ANN LANDERS : I hid nol ae<n my lllter in three years. She Is 40 years old and hf!r two children are grown .. When Erma and her husband met me at the alrpoi11 was shocked to ,.. that lho had 1o1ten ao bea,yY. lmmedlalely I coo- cluded she wu prepanl and ·I aaJd , 9'. She became 'furious ~ 1bo.itea, "YGu ore out ol.,_ mfnd l I bove"' ~ condlUm but il'a under control now. I ~ a week and we had a pleasant 11m~ Em11 toorp111s tn my .......... and te,,t 1 d<iclor'• appojnlmenl, but sbo dldnl tall any more 1boolt ber tllyrold oond~lon. I Ittl Mldi.00 DO 'l'uddlJ. 'l1lO lo~ lowing Friday I receiV<d a ldegram,ltinn Erma. It re.ad, "Gue.sa wtM> gave birth to ANN LANDERS ~ an eiih~pound boy I " 1lm burned up becalll< my 11!\er tied to me. Wl11--1d I penOn do IUCh a c:rrrry tbln(? Surely .lie 1mew rd 1earn 111e tnith 'ntdualI,y. lle!p me underlland. r Im --BAFFLED AND BOllJNG. DEAR BAI!!': I tuspecl , .. , .. ,. ... 'eld --.... lllu llorllletl -.. lemaed site •• fttpUl Her refaul to ID.Ike U. -•ceaw:at lpued lier th emNrraw; .c of ......,.. lier con- dllloa. u .. -. ,.. --loolbL Bat h's ~'°'7 aow, 19 ftqet IL DEAR ANN LANDERS: ~·years ago Ille problem 1ian.d. "' _, u tbe hol weather set tn. 011 noee began to awe.II. Then I got thia whlstle in It. It drives my wife cruy and j don't blame her. J can ' hanlly -ii myaelf. tbe problem ii much worse at home than In Ille olllce. It lllaJ'll In July and dllappeara In Sept<mb<r. But for sU: weeks I am peraona non grata. Even the doc "1uns me. I went to a doclar and he cooldn'I find ll\Y1hlnc wranr wblc:b II undenlandlhlo beca ... wbeo I went to him my DOit wu not swollen and there WU DO wblltle. Call you advile mt-? -OF.I" Kl!Y DEAR OFF: II -" U JW Mlpt ... oJlerslc:'lo I ............ -11111 .............. ,.., -· ~ .. allttgial &e mW a boute elll .. be ta ate yoa wk• yovr tto1e 11 1Wllld aad Y"" nlalle Is _.liq. DEAR ·RE.\l)ERS. '!\Is la ID -~· t.r to Ille La L<c:he ~ .... Jlo -· dredl <t members wbo wrote to lell me I am lrtelpODSible, crazy, cruel, unln· formed, urcuUc: and stupid. Tbe letlerl ctlM Jn reoponae to my c:ommeuts on tbt 10tliC mother who wu bruit l<tdJna lier bib, In I b e WMhJngton, D.C. ~ I am .ot. -1111, qainlt IJreut feedtnl. I betiev1 brWI fetdlns Is beoellcl1 to bolh mollltl>llld c:JlJld -u !ho_ .. willing mf Ible. (llome mothero an w\I~ inc bol nol Ible. Otbers ilrl Ible bul nol wllllq) I 10> qallll\ ~ feeding In public, however, w~ there •re rm. rooms a.U over Ille pllce, IUCh u In Ille ' ,.·•I ) ,..j • Symphony Gui'f ds Aim At Successful Season On T1raet will theme the annual tall countywlde iuUd luncheon of the Symphony Assoc.i1tlon ol Oranse County next Wedneaday In lb e Newport.er IM. Guild membert will gather at t a.m. for coffee and orim- taUon and at 10 will attend a brief bullnw meeting and rouod robin workshops. C<Ji:iducUng the v a r l o u s workshops wlll be 1bomu Thuntoi>, conc<rl ticket 118!ea ; Mrs. William J, Kelly, guild ltructurt; Mrs. Norman V. s.iacts and Mrs. L. F. Dlng, Young Artists auditions ; Mrs. C. M. Castricone, ways and means, and Mn. Robert s. Erk:kson, membershlps in ~e Symphony ~iation. Guild members will be join· ed al noon for lunch by sueltl bidden from all parts of Orange COUnly, Following lhe luncheon, the group's attention wiJ be turned to Mrs. Richard W. Blaod, charter member and c:urmrt presldenl of the Pasadena Symphony Association, who will speak on MoUvatJn& the Volunteer Worker. . Mrs. Bland, a former real· dent of St. Louis, has a wide bac~ in club a n d volunteer wort and wu reci- pient of the Catholic AcUon Award in 196$ ln St. Louil. Daniel Lewlf, muslc:Jl!rector and conduclor of the Ol'llllO County Symphony Orcb .. tn, Will conclude the aftermon with a preview ol lhe 196,_70 concert Sta.SOD. BULLSEYE SHOT ~ Scoring the winning point wUI be members of all the guilds of the Orange County Sympilony Association when they gather next Wed· nesd4y for luncheon in the Newporter Inn. Round robin workshops, orientation, a speaker and preview of the 1969-70 musical season all are planned for guild members. Getting on target for the annual event are (left to right) the Mmes. Hugh Scallon, .<\Jan C. Stoneman and John Olson. Golden Key Benefits Unlocked for Members Whllher the Hemline will be discussed when Golden Key. Huntington Beach s u pp or t group lor the Child Guidance Center of Orange County, meeti at 10 a.m. tomorrow 1n the home ol Mrs. John R. PetUllOD. man, had an entbuaiutic turn· out for Its first session 1ut week, and the Monday work· shops for the December ba· zaar, Holiday in Mexico, will continue in the borne of Mrt. Richard Teske, ch4lrman. Horoscope First order of busines.! for Sagittarius: Stress Confidence the seaaon's o~ meeting wUJ be I.he group s annual fa&bion abow, Fete d' Au4 tomne, taking place Saturday, Oct, 4, in the Sheraton Beach Members and friends have turned out dwin& the aummer to wort oo handcrafted ar- ticles which will be offered far sale, and Mrs. Teske hoptl more will join the work group now that vacatioo season hu ended. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER I b By SYDNEY O>IARR . ARIES (Mardi 2t-April 19), t Hold off on any journey until ~ tonight. 'There is a message, a call, olher fonn of com- . munication which e o u I d ch\ng:e plans. ReaUie this and Id accordingly. TAURUS (April 20-May 20), U willing to listen to reason, OBIN SON'S .. WtilfJt:W:fdit!lfl JS cari ig. >I i:d. TAKE THE FIRST BIG STE? TOWARDS · LOSlNG WEIGHT •• , 1 AND KEEPJHG; IT OFEP '\ ' P'Oft GOODl CCME TO' THE OHE AND ONLY · WEIGlft' WATCHERSe •••HO PJLI.5 • NO ~ $TAftVATJOH DIETS •••YOU EAT 7HREC HEARTY' MEALS/\ f t>AV, AND LOSE I WEIGHT! EVEftY MONDAY EVENING 8EGINHIHG OH SEJl'T, 15 1 WITH .AN INTftODUCTORV Of'EN MEETJHG AT 7 P'Mt AND EVE"Y 'T'UESDAY MORNING 8EGINHIHG OH SEP'T • 16, \YITH AK INT'ltOOtJCTO"Y OP'EH MEETING AT 9:30 AM, ltEGUITKATION F EE JS.3,00i WEEKLY DUES, 2.,00, AT AT H£WPOJ'1", THE LIDO Mln'ti", COM£ EAftt..Y •,, WE'"C EXPECTING A 81'9 CROWD! ROBINSON'S Nl!WPORT financial question ls setl1ed. Be recepUve. One ,who wants to provoke batUe lacb com· moq StnSe. Heed inner voice. bey F Inn. 0 rule!, regulations. un 1ure others feel same way. The princJpal funding event indicated ,thrQUgb contact with PISC~ (Feb. 19-March 20): will begin. with a social hour one with great sense of humor. Career and responsibility are at 11 :30 a.m. and luncheon Grandmothers SCORPIO (Oct 23 • Nov. will be served at 12:00. Infor· GEMINI (May 21.June to): Ry tonigh t there is showdo\ffl. You find out what mate. partner really lhinks. Stand tall. Strength or logic is on your side. But adhere to con- servative course. And be a good listener. 21 ): Cycle continue! high, but accented. Your pre.!!tige Is on mation regai:dlng ticketl may At noon every second Thur&- you must protect posse!sions. the line. Cooperate in cmn-pe obtained by calling Mrs. day the Newport Harbor Higher earnings may be on nwnlty projects. Utillu ex· Meryl Winans1 147.7919. Grandrnothe.rs' Club meets in horizon. Yet. budg et should be perience. Display u n I q u e The bowlir'lc group, wi_th the Costa Mesa Goll and respected. Adhere to recent 1-=a=b=lll=tl::.,::·::N::•::d::•y::::;t•::be:=sh::y;;.=;Mr:;::•·=A::l==Kru=1\::en::ber::;:g::, =cbaU'==·=Coo=:;:n::try=C=lu=b=. ====:::;I CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): Good lunar aspect early coin- cides with creative endeavora.' Later. there is opportunity for add,ed income. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Tonight is marked f o r pleasure I h r o u g b chlldun, other loved ones. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22), Get correspondence out of w1y early. Tonight settle to mole buie routine. Hunch pays dividends.. . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be versaw.,, Important to ·chan,ge with tne times. You may be on a short ~ey. resolutionll. tr SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): By tonight, you are on more politive ground. You know where you are headed - and wby. Stress corilldent"e, originality and independence. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan 19): Accent on fulfillment of some major desires. Cla destine activity tonight could cause :itrain on nerves. Take t1mily into co nfidence . Otherwise, you might find yourself making weak ex· cuses. AQUARIUS (Jan. 7.0-Feb. 18): Pressure relieved,' You can relu: with friends tmight. Romance iJ in the picture. Your attitude is poetic. But be 363 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH Why ba:y a youa membership in a Gym lo try Cid La wmcbt through stnuuoaa 1!U1ciM when '°" can buy .Oortlea weisht iedactiou Gld poy by IM inch at Glmia MamhaJJ'..: Moat patrons, bwd m actual zec:mda, adlle.e their g<>aJ inulittleu4to6weebmd ' LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS THIS WEEK ... FOR 1 MORE WEEK lfON. SEPT. 1S Tmn• 4 PM, SAT. SEPT. 20 all 26 Glarla MamUll loatl-in OO!ornia will continue their apemJ 11z PRICE OFFER Jfs V. price on your choice of radadna BlPS .. W .llST ar tmGBS or UPPER ARMS whm ....ah.....,_ witb any ngaJar Gloria HonhaD. pro.,..;. ...,.ii-hDY ll!Oe It - y' Gloria Manholl't ..Z..,,.. '°""' 1-..,,.,..,_ than other wisl>t redoction p.......,., thal'• ooo oJ tha....,... tbq boalme Ibo WORLD'S LARGFBr. At. tqe Nation'• -.:I«, JUD emt depmd on it ••• 1'llaltl come quickly •.• Mfely.,. wi----""'"'""" mete, er..,...,. -tla!IL No ~ WE ARE NIYI' A GYMI r C&ll for FRBE-.iiio.wt. A-1!y-'IJllda .,.,..,isiua, tha Glori& Mallhd...,,......, indudinf out patented .,Cin>Ia·Matic"' •.. -wbyGloria'Manlwlr11'111WC...t<ol-S,.i-t..- tn.Worid'1~ CALL NOW Jl'Olt 1KZll CHllliij mit. No .-_No obBplion. 'Tell• the .U-llize :iua want lo weer, and "9'11 tell yt>a how -ftlilJ it will tab and guarantee in writing that yoo will """11 your -1 In fact, eo absolutely posili.e iue we tbat :iua will obtain yum: objective, that as sl:at.ed in our guara.nt.ee, we will..., let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all furth er .;;a111, 11111il yoa. JMch your goal )l's poeilive assurance that we bad: 1lP oar ruan.nt.e 100%. mona :l-rance:J sc~ril BALLET TERM STARTS SEPT. 15th SLOW -CAAlFUL ATIIHTION ClCHmt & lUSSIAN TICMNl9UI KINDlllULLET e CllA11YI DJ.NCI MODlllN JAZZ PHONE 642-4061 BR.OCHURE SENT ON REQUEST . Come in comfortable emmal clothes, Ill\~&' unnecessary, Prlnte playroom facilities for dmall children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS ... , .... _ ... ' .......... -...... ..,... NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific CoHI Hwy. 642-3630 12 9111llt E•1f 1f l11l111 l1y Ch1l.J SANTA ANA ll40 w~~3~;;~7Slrffl ""'"'"'· .... ,,, Hills, Ce.t11e, CrHtll-. D1•11.y, Gl..-4•'*• Ullew114, Leitt .... II. N1w. ,Mt .._ .. N•rtti H11t.,_-4, o..t.rie, Peltldffe, S.. D~•· s..t. A11-. S.r. ~ S1111l•uf, Teno1111, Wll/m.,. u .. •fM 111 "9&111, hc:NN1t1, Sn Jn•. S•MJY•I .. W1l11t ~. " CCo,,,.n1ht 1111 Gloria M.-rltiJI '°'-'· 0.. lrte. ---- 4 .. ~· .. ·-·· ···-~ •• • .. ' ~~~~ ~;t~ I sears I ~~ ... , ........ ,..-! -~QO~.tl, "'r H•&dJ S..rs Cost1 Mou, 33H •rishll St. In Sovth Cotti Plau -l'hone 540-3313 ANDY HAS ANSWERS TllM1'1 1nlr 1111 ,1ac1 y11 1-1111 A114 "'-111tw1" th111 you, clln4tt111 "'"' <11••ttl111 .. Ch1clt f111 A1k A,.4y f1•t1r1 ••try S\t· '"'"" tfl tll• DAILY ,!LOT. Y11t'A Okt It -1111f •• w!U ,,~ 11ri11lty-fltl1lll .,.lllflhirt. ' I I • l • ' ' . ' ' voe. 62, NO. 221, l SECTIONS, 36, ,ASES . ' • Down the -Mission Trail New Post Office To Serve Viejo SADDLEBACK VALLEY-A new post office bulJding s e r y i n g san Juan capistrano and Mission Viejo will be con· structed near Crown Valley Parkway. The oew facility will be centrally located for the convenience of carriers. The present location lo San Juan Caplstrarm will continue to ~ used for bol: holders and co.mu.. service. Postmaster· Grace BeJardes was In· formed by Congresaman James Utt's of. lice that the new faclllty will be built in about :',year. e Btrlfadag Fete Hehl EL TORO -About ISO friends and relatives gathered al Cooks Comer , in Trabuco canyon last Saturday to surprise Mrs. Flora F.c:lwards who was celebrating lier ll2n<I btrlllday. The honore4 gues'l, who came from MllllOUl'i with her late husband in 1924. has lived on the homestead since 1927. The barbecue party waa planned and aiven by lier gr..-, Cecll _F,dwarda with lfboln tl>e,naj;p ~~·1·.J AJDCEC relatives ~W&ll ~ oc. togeuriln were ~ ion, Cecil Sr. ol Garden Grove; .,noUier grandaon, _Ven Edwords ol Gli'deo Gr•ve; her ·~· Mrs: "Etbiel Devera o( Long Be.a.ch, and a niece and nephew, Mr. and Mn. Elwood Luce of Lakewood. So•p S•th Flollllng • ~ ~ -Pranl<sttts poured detertent lrl Lab Forest's real estate d~elopment t.mtaln by the San Diego Freewa1 oV'er '-the weekend. Sales Manager Wayne Schelin said the soap 11uds overRQw is going to kill some grass. It was the first time soap has beeh put In the f0W1tain since it was turned oo a little over a year ago. e Churc.h Goes .tlobUe LAGUNA Hll.J.S G e n e v a Prubyterian Church has been gran~ed ptrmission by Orange County plannmg commiasiooers to we a mobile office al the church location on El Toro Road "1esl of Moulton Parkway. e Slim, Trim Offered MISSION Vil.FJO -Want to keep your hourglaS! figure from resembUng a wall clock! Join the Recrution Center's 11im. and tzim cWs- Slimnastica will be followed by awim- ming, volleyball, tennis or a minigym worl:out. The ten week course will be from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays starting Sept. 17. Fees will be f4 for members and $'-for nonmembers. e Green Bell l..auded ffiVlNE -A 791-home Presley Devel- opment Company tract. bas b ~ e n ap- prOYed by Orange County pJanninl com- missioners for the central Irvine ltanch area, corner o( Robert and Yale avenues. "'11le plans have a lot more green area than you usually see," commented Wallace Austin, head ol Cilllllty ordinance administration . The Walnut Village plan~ commuplty a.t OJ.Jver Drive and Walnut Avenue will include t\\'O parks totaling five and a half acres and a number of SNtn beJt.s. e 55-home Plan OK'd MISSION VIEJO -Plans for a ~ home developmelll: off Puerto del Oro have been approved by Orange County supervisor!. Cwnty requlrementa call fM $111,000 to be spent on 1treeL1. aewers, water lines and strttt 11.&htin& improvementa. Streets are to be named Puebloouevo Drive, Pu<l't> de! Oro. and Totuava Cir· cle. -· ., ,Enrollment ' .Decreases In Laguna Laguna Beach ..oool population has declined sightly since Jut year, ac- cording to a report to be presented al the achool board meeting Tuesday night. Enrollment figures taken last. week showed a drop of 41 students from the same date last year, with 2,lm students enrolled in all schools, kioder,amn through high, compared with S,850 a week after school opened in September, 1968. Assistant Superintendent Owen Tai\ at- tributed part of the drop to the usual ~Yacation lag ln registr1lioM, with !OIDe atudents still vacationing with their familie•- "We opened earlier than m o s t districta," .a.aid Tait, "and some of them are still coming in." The district has shown UtUe growth ln the past two years, Tait said, and there probably 'fill be no marked Increase in student popula~ until new ~es. oow under construction, are occupied. The Jut big jump, he said, was when housing tracts went in at Top ol. tht World. Entollment alAliao Elementary School this "eek was 393, compared with 37t wt .September, El Morro Elementary was down from S31 to ~18 and Tap of th<· ·world Elementary dropped'from 509-.Jo P'n;if.p·.1·u::,.;1c1 Qp;e b !chedul· ed to io up, bun•~, with transfer d 20 cbi:ii=' El 11orro~1 overbw'dened kJnc!er ,' c~ lo Top of !lie World. A · move Wu made 1ut year, Tait sald. -. Population It "Mlunton Intermediate School U down slJgbtly, Crom-450 'to 432. while hleh school enrollment went up from !Ille lo 995 . Delay Granted Doctor Facing Abortion Rap Abortion chari" againll Dr. llol!trt C. RObb were held over for three weeks to- day in Santa Ana Municipal Court to enable the Laguna Beach physician to prepare hil defense. Judge Paul Mast ordered Dr . .Robb to return to his court Oct. 10 fOf' ar4 raignment. The Art Cokley doctor is free on 11,250 bait Dr. Robb, 56, of 34S67 Scenic Drive, Wa!lrreated by Laguna Beach police Sept. 4 and accused ol inducing abortion in young unmarried women. Ofricers also searched the physician 's oUlce at 250 Beach SL and seized a number ol in- &trument.s:. Investigators allege Dr. Robb carried out the abortions on at least two young single women by inserting a tqbe into the female organi and inducing chemical aolutiO!l.I which acted as an Irritant. Dr. Robb's arrut followed a lengthy in- vestigation by dlatrict attorner1 in- vestigators aided by ofricers ol the California Department of Professional am! Voc1lional Standards. 2 Die as Jeep Hits 12 -Cars MALIBU (AP) -'l'lfo men 1rere ldlled and a third wal Injured earl)' today when · the jeep they weni riding ln 1Jamnled In- t· 12 parked caned·-boules on the Pacific c..at Hlll!woy beloro burll!ng into llama, the hliiiway patzol sald, Plece1 ol cars wtrt tclt$ered up and down the hlibWIY for NVUal bundr<d feet, patrol...., said. 'llley were tryin1 to. reconstruct the .HqUence. of ev.entl that ended with the jeep lyln1 on Ila lkle_ 'RICALL'•-.A .ON• ACT PLAY ALLIN _, . ' ... -. lt'1 o mu•tnr piaV ~t • ~C!!'•flldlllQ al lhfl point, but Ja1a11atln( r...UllQ 110Mlllel•11: who u willing to tpend "P'10 ~.ooo on a ~call compalgn ~ Fi/U. Dfltrjcl.Sllpm>flor A/loll E. AU.n? A IJ>!'d41 DA/iY PILOT fcporl on U.t my&no.. """J>Clfg!o ..I. l!odoodmo • il""'ll•· btdftlloto CCII of 0""'°" C-tloM -toiU bf J>"blflhtd '°"""""°' Doft1 ..... fl; ,_ I - O~NGE COUNTY, CAtlfORRIA' t;<lqNDAY, S!PTEMBER'"rs, ''" • -· ' • • ••• Ill. as IS DAILY PILOT Slat!,... BUSTED llUMBERSHOOTS AND OLD SHOES ALL GO'AT -LAGUNA PLAYHOUSE AIJCTIOtl · In • Day of N~1talgla end Fun,. H;IO!l ~all' ind Rtd'Si.dderl lncll11t.•n Er! . · ·. By BARBARA KllElBICH Of .... DliPr ......... ,. Souvenirs of ·an old Laguna landmark have found 1 new home -in anolber laodmark- Tap bidder in ~ weekend auction at the oJa Laguna Playtiouse, St9 OcEan Ave., was Harry Moop.Jropri~ of tbe Cottage Restauranf,1 · XI N. Coast HJit>way. · Moon booihl Jeven of the panel/ by top Lacuna artists, uaqci . ~ acra:n eon. muctron work at tHe site of tbe new Laguna;MOUltoo J'layboo!e, alon1 ,with several rows of seat!: from the old theater, four exlt aign! and some antlque handrails. His purchases, ~foon said, will be used thla winter in remodeling parts oi his Herman Ridder, Long Beach Publisher, Dies LONG BEAClt (AP) -Herman H. Ridder, publisher o( the Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram, died 1.1on· day at bis, home after a !ihort illness. He 'o\'U 61. Rldder spent 40 years in the newspaper business. He had been publisher or the lndependenl Press-Telegram since 1952, when he came from St. Paul, MlM. He had been pubtlsher or the St.' Paul Dis- patch arid Pioneer Press and prtvlously had published lhe St. Paul Daily News. An avid wt and antique collector and writer of aerlous poetry, Ridder steered hll publiCJ.Uon tow an! · communlty' pro- ject.I In hit'l7-year career hem-e. At the time of his death, he was In· •olved m planning a $1 mllllan art museum for Long Beach. • Ridder also waa president and dir~ C'lf Ridder Publications, Inc., ao opec;ali"' company with Interests In 17 n~, lricludlng !he Gai'den Gme aie County) Evening New1, I.be· P l~t St>r-Nrn, and the J M....-y N .... His lather, lli!llaid lUddAr ,la cllllnno If the boad.. , Mafia Chief ·rteads • ....... --- • restliurant Tbt Cott>1e b In the orilinal -~ of pioneer. Lag\11& dev.loJ!'< Joe Skidmore and dal~ back ta 1911-. Tho cattoon panels Wm lle'used lo'Rfve an Art 'Ccuony touch to ~ entrance' to tbt rest'room iie8 khiod the TiStaurant. "For mere prl,aey-a toucblof~wMr,i. 18!4 M'9h. • ' ' He .paid J50 Jor Frank lllterlandi!1 e:•r~ toon ~I starting Laguna's lamed "Lit• lie Old Laey in Tennll Sh..,, .. ':'!(iece ror !tie Qllier si<;J>inels.',bld\v blif. dera·pUn:bUed the!rimalnlo( oulfGi:.., each.. • . r _ 11>• ·th'Jl!F, ""'Ii'' ,111 :!'" .usea rr ... wailing Cllltomer..,,..o!ie .~ the froht ~ at 1he Cottage a5 a vett.Ibule, the handraiJa wilJ ·decorate..the &oot step; and tlil! dlt'iijli.; (Ii eachJ.wiU add a 1Wtably theatrical note .to the inter1or. The-play)lou.e 1Uetloo·w11d..,ril>ed u "a great, ~·1 •ynnahager. Jrmi Nofziger. Cash ·J)W'chasel· n-.1bollt MOO and rriore mane)'. is due aa aucceAful biddi=rs: Rick up·their' souverltr1. • Sale ol theater.seats,; at ts apiect,·•u brisk, with numerrus houaeholden 'bkf .. dblg for the lhcHet 'five-seat rows. ' A dra.m.a teacher, from the Anaheim school district picked up the whole cert- Stoc.k ltlarkets NEW YORK (AP) -Tile 1tockmarht opened Ill week.with a·winni'ng petform4 .aoce today, rtslng from the start. and staying on higher ground, (S.. quota• lions, Pages Z0.21). Trading near the close was mO;!:lerate. 'Tbe Dow Jooes industrj.al average a\ S p.m. was up 8.33 a\ 830.51. . ( Laguna~., School W~dfall : Thm wUI be no "wind.fall" oC.1urplus state mOney falling Into the coffers ~l·tbe Laguna Beach Unified School District •. Headllne5 lieraldlng 111·o~eci'di1tribu­ Uoo to . schOol d~ ~f extra ·llato funds blve prom~ ~ ite~ on ~eiday nlibl'• llchool ~. meetlnir ff<ll.d~ polnting out lo trus\<'8'l1'8l'~·doel not s'tand to benefit dom the wJDdfaD., / LagunaT1·hlit> ratjo-.ol. ·~ vllua· tfon to student populatJc>\I ma\• the di!lrlet. ln<liilble f<r furtlier flale l"ndso says Alliotant Superlntondent .0..llllTalL • ( • • I • TEN CENTS • i .. .. ~ 3 Lan!. .. ~ans ur;~ ' Girl ·-16 ' -' Arrested · ' • By RICBA\U) P. NAU. ot "" o.w r111t a.tt Lquna Beach po1lce talc! todV-IO pounds of bashJah lroln Bombq,_ .,.. "tz.d In the llll>Uailnl CIQOll of a I&. year-old Emerald S.Y;lil! and -Laguna Besch raldeoll Fridl,y. M~~~ifled~ 2~andadc't.: Allen Bowyer, 16, IJojJi of 1411 ·S. c.i Highway ; and Richard W. -.. 12, of 250 Woodlud Drive. i .. _ ~guna Detective Norm Babcock: estimated the, illicit man value of the dnli. a potent a,e old reilnemenl ol marijuana, would be from 17$,IOO lo 1100,000. Sgt. Babcock &akl custom• agents notified polk:e last week thal Ille bublsh bad urived from llldia aboard an.alrllne pta,le, He ·-that ddh(ery ..... made to Miss Mari and, Bowyer later in Lagwia Ni,uet Babcock Aid the halbi&b -. a 1 lransportod . lo the South Coal! Highway address w.here it was seized. It was. he sald, hidden· In •lal-buddhu, dolls and a trunk. "I think it Was for Laguna con- aumption." the narcotlca detective aald. He a.aid the baab1ab was in amalJ packages. °"""""' •1enta·ftl'e, nol lmmedlat.ly ·~allJ!}>le ta C1Jdllnmt ... the~ ol ~ qm'lc , _., • ' '· N~.mlllch-~ la_ 1'r.ol:ll:lli'.._l'.~ • - ball 1<1 l'C'lldlntl ;l!!dKml ltJOI i<!loa. Tilt ~-Pl ... rtJiruel ao lhl .......,,. ol i... -, llill pollce, ,.... ·dJnc -........ . Oraage ' Wndtft' t'lbe:re won't be any chanies made In lhl wtatbe!' picture ,.,,... doy u low ckrl!dl hog the coastal """"' with 1-tura .nnclng r from70toM~ -: INSIDE TODAY - ' ... . ... ' I ' • ------ • llAll.V I'll.OT r ..,,. ,., ...... ~~ , ixon tO -~eit. New .Troop Pullout.-0n rl:ue.sday •• Fast .Action Saves Boat • aiw now ~ lnltialives -"Wt have .. _.er : n!'RF'' -~ "We -11 II time. fo .lali..,_.. rta.PoM\bllltl:es," Ky did. "W'e are no• capable to replace die Americans." It would be the seeond American troop withdrawal, Tbe first WU tbt pullout o( 25,000 troops wblcb wu camplded last month. Jt apparent}J wu part of Nllon's reported hopes to wilhdraw as many as 100,000 Americans by the end of the year, Whether the U.S . troop wtthdrawal had full South :vtdlllm ... supporl was DOI ) For D•na, Capo Trash Collection .At Laguna Contract Okayed • SAIGON (UPI) -1'le U.S. Military ~Omunnd -todaf that !O< the T linl Ihm ii bu cooftnned the pr.....,. ~of !forth Vie......... floops In the . ldHinc Jlolla..IOl!l ol.Jlal&on. llohlnd a mortar and rocket allacl<, tho 'H&ooi IJ'OOllO tried le ....-nm a Sooth t Vi--~ lrob>l111 <ent<r near 'tTri Ton. 110 mlles IOUlhWest 'Of sa11on and within 10 mlles of Cambodia. '.!be &lllJOUDCellMOI said the ....,,,. ment defenckn, mostly recruits. drove off the atlacftn, ldlllnc IS, but loal lour trued and u wounded tbemaelves. The filh: WU Tlwnday, wtth no rellOll atven for the dell;y In nporlJnc IL "An element ot the North VletnamtN Army lUI llegimenl -ldentlfled as putldpaliDI in tbe atlack," the U.S. Commadaald.""Tbb """11ict ls Ibo flnt c:onflrmaUoft in the bistory of the War of a tfCUlar North Vietnamese mny unit operallng in the IV COrJl' Tactkal Zone (the Melal>C Della)." OAILT 1'1lOT St ........ SouUI . \lletnauMee helicopter gunships and adllery helped break up the irotmd -In tbe -e!>llow' battle, uillltary apot....,... aid. AnER NARROW ESCAPE OFF LAGUNA. llOAT PUMPER SMILES p.,...,.., Jorry Goodwin of Huntington .looch 51111 Aboorcl Mini Mary 1be 118 Re(iment wu klenlified either ,lmn pr-. or from documenU found m the bodies al slain North Vletlwn<le IOldfm. wt reporta al that unit bad It In Blnh Long province nortb,..est of S a I 1 o a JUM ·a 3 Burn to Death in Car -' It p:rtmled a poaibte new Communist -· In tbe Mekong Delta, where U.S. 'and s o u th Vtiloanwe officlala have ~ major _.., In tbe effort to ·put \'111;1 areal under c:ontroJ of the ollalppermnent. Stopped on SA Freeway , · E.w lliace uet, North Vi<lnamue ~boll -ftporied lnflltnl1ng Into tbe dflla u ttplao<menta fer VI<! Cong unlta Wllld> bad loal loo-min)' soldlen lo nplace wtlh local nc:niIU. In another development, the command .-the btglnnlng al a ,...., .. offensive by U.S. and "South K<nan mJrines .. the Island aldoi the COii! of South Vietnam. Since ii began wt week. the oper-bas killed 190 Coa>mlUll!t ln>opl. MiJllarJ spokesmen said the lllll!lber of U.S. tn>ops In Vietnam dropped by 1.100 wt lt'etk to an !I-month low of 508,000. To the north. American guns bom- barded North Vietnam's half of the demllilariJod...,. (DMZ) Sunday for the 14th time aince the United St.ates called off the bomblni of the DOrth Nov. I. Four person.\ locluding three burned to dtalh In • CN' driven by. a you&b ""ho stopped to aid a ,:notorilt whale auto stalled on the: Santa Ana Freewa1 are dead today as the result ol w~keDl! trar- fic accidents. Killed ir. the fiery coUWon Saturday .nJtht rere ~ald Honda, 20, hll ~er • Jiit Coanty TrafOc JMI • lit Deatll Toll HI. CberJ~ 11, and her younr friend, ll·YW· old Lynn Rlslow, sll of Fullerton. Los.:Anaeles f11liident Manuel Lopn, 27, "''* tlfiea urly today when tht CII' m. wbJc.h he was a passenger !lammed into a slow-moving street sweeper on the San- ta Ana Freeway near Laguna Canyon Road. 2 Newport Men, Lagunan Arrested in Liquor Raid By JOHN VALTERZ.' .. Of .. o.111 ,, ... ·"" Th:et Newport Buch men and another frun Lacuna Beach were free on ball to- dQ alta their arrest. this weekend and aefnn of 250 cases of liquor allegedty stolen. from a restaurant and 1ix ... '!coui. .......... ~., l.Nfll.w..I ---.-~:..~·:- n....1" •• ·-.,._ A. .... ,,w... --llitllM4 P. N .. ..__ "" ·- distributors. Detectives from NeWJ>OTt Be a ch, Laguna Buch and the District AUomey's offlct 1rrcsted the four meo and stl!ed the alleged stolen, liquor valued at $17,500 at Fe.llclano's Restaurant, at Westclil( and Dover drives. Friday night. They arrested Eugene Rondondo, 42, 1501 Cornwall Lane, Newport Beach; Charles Dryer, 31, 11145 Sun.set Rldge Drive. Laguna Beach; Alex1nder Torbett, ts, 117 Vii Dijon, Newport BeKti, Ind Edward Whiled, 40, 309 Narclssua Ave., Coron• del M1r. Dlstrtd Attorney 's complainll charge RondMdo ind Dryer with eight count.I of grand theft from s.ix liquor distributing firms and one count ol grand theft from the Sadd\eback ln_"l, lnc. Rondondo, Dryer and Torbett face charps of conspiracy to comml\0 arand !hell and burglary from the Siirf and Sand Tnwers, Llgun1 Bach. Investigators far the C a 1 i ( 6 r n i a lfiat>!ray Paltol said 'the lbree Fuller1on residents d)ed when 1betr car wu struck from the rear and two other J;llotorists --wen-badly hurt in the s&me accidenL ~tt Frederick, 17, of San Marino. driver al the st.aUed car the Honda youth stopped for, w111 seriously injured, along ~th ll-7ear~ld Stephen Heimple, of Monterey Park. Reimple was driving the car "''hicb ~rished into the second auto, according to CHP tnvesUa:aton. Lopez wu killed at ~;30 a.m. today in the accident involving the street sweeper, which left motorist Salvador Astorga, 31, or San Diego, also serloualy injured. Learys Granted One Week'sDelay In LSD Hearing ---w.I .. J ~U..,.';:_ ::-.... tJUI --lJp, Up Away ~ -1 ....... ..., """" -..i-.: nu,.., ..... ......... ~ ........ ... • Fcu.liio11. lsla.1td Dti;Ja rfed by Hi$_h Rise 1 • Fiohlon bland will -be lllllTOWldfd by a ... Cl b 11 b· rtae llllll<lln(I - ai:ylc:raW. by Ol'onp Coo""7 staudanlL Newoict II<~ Plannln1 -Lar· ry W\ilon said • baU.<Jo,.. tllo lktOl'l' , stnlctUl'a are'rilll' a> lrvino Coa>pai\y drawtna boardt. • They will all be built on N"'PJl't Center Drlvtt SWTOWK1ill1 F • 1 b I o n llJand. Muntcl.01 l'•enun<hl alr<ady ha• clUTed ihe way !"' C<!Nlru<llob al the fint ol the blc l>alldlnp. the l~ory "-uulln al Seaboanl Finance Co. It "'11 rill mktw17 bttwl!t?'I Santa. Qui Ind Sant• ll4oa d~ves off Newport C<ntu Drive oorth al Fashlq bland. Ba~ lll.!Urtn.Oe Corru>any, 1n affiliate or Sea.board, LI owner of lee UUe to the lit. ol ~one mWlon 1quare root 1truc- lut0. , MOit ~nt city approvll involv lna the 1 PJOJect. Wllsoo noted, will allow Bolboa lnsuranct to CONtruct a five-slory P1rk· Inc farage adjactnt to the Staboard bulldlna. OM level of the parking &INC· ture will be below ground. It will provtae $Ice for l,too cars. The Irvine COmpany also plan1 to build llJ own !lve.&\ory parking facility not lo Ille S..boanl rarage. When completed, the Newport Center high-rile complex will be lhe Jarpst in Orange County . I ~ .. Prompt action by llJrbar Department patrol vtutla &mday NVed a JI.foot powulloal from ainklng off Abalone Polnl all<r U>ree pusengen llld al>andooed tho vaaet. 'n>e boat 'ffU the ..root Owtns cnalstr Mini Mary owned by J. F. Wrtn, llll E. Balboa Blvd. and -•lad by WlllJam A. Wren, 34, ol the same address. -.. lo the Harbor Deparlmenl. Wren and lits '°"· Biily, I and an adult _ .... Jerry Goodwin al Huntinaton Beach, -abandoned the bolt a.nu it attucl< a IUbmerpd Umber wti!cb ripped out a atrut mf plank. The trio were pided up by another nearby vwel. '.!be Harbor De~ responded lo a call from the Coast Guard at 5:10 p.m. 1taµn, that the bolt was 1lnttnc rapidJy. 'the Harbor Department ariived on the scene at 5:31 to find the ve.uel almost submqed. Pumps put aboard the boll were un1ble to kf.elt up with the Inflow t.I. water and Wren weal back to belp bail by band. Ano&her Harbor Department boat was finaIJ;y dllpatched to the l!Ci!ne ffitb extra p.nnpa ana between the two they kept the boat Uloat until ft wu towed to Blaclie's Boat Yard where It wu hauled. Saddleback' s Airport Noise Fight Pushed ConUnuaUon ol the lrub collectim con- tract with Solag Disposal Company for Dana Point and Capistrano Btach ti,s been approved by Or"'ie County Supe<· vi.son. Solag ls ln the 6fth year of a. ten -year exclusive c.ontract for the area. Petitions of complain b t a r l n g !ignatures of persons representing 31 Lido Couple's Jewelry Loss Set at $225,000 businesses had been filed w I l h supervltot1 who ordered the.road depart· ment. which oversees trash collection for county juvemmept, to make an in- vestigaUon. · The outcome of thal investigation was 1 recoounendaUon. concurred in by supervilon, that the contract wl1h Solag be continued unchanged. County road commissioner Al Koch to- day presented his report. No one rose from the audlenct when supe:rvisors o{. ftrefl a chance for ccmment. Supervisor Alton Allen then said, "l d'on 'f. see how anyone can operate a business like this without. some com· plaint It is very difficult. to gtt reliable people who want to do tJlil kind of work." He called the road department's in· vestigaUon "thorough" and made the mo- Uon that Solag Trash Service be retained. In his J)fe&ent.ation, Koch noted that $5 percent ol complaints received againtt Solag have been from only 11 people and that ta percent have been from one peraon, "a frlemi of the previous franchise operator who once said be was going to make It as miserable for the new operatcr as pos.sible." Tom Trulis, owner of Solag dispo&al, has filed a lawmiit asking 1750,000 in damages from ~fr. and Mni. Charles W. Walbnan, owners or the Toro Disposal Co., El Toro, and three businessmen who circulated petltons of compl1ints against Solag. Truli.s claims Waltman . an unsuc· ~cess{ul bidder rot the "Beach Cities to believe that trash pickups wue often missed and that Trulis maintained ir· regular schedults, has poor trash con- tainen and charges unreasonable fees. Road Commlssioner Koch testified that Trull.s' rates compare "more favorably'' with rates in other para of the county. Jack Marshall 121 Via \Vaziers Newport Beach Dear Mr. Marshall: One of Our 1Well-Heeled That's the trouble with good sandals. You CAN get emotion- ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart before you got on a first·name basis. At any rate, bring your sandals by and I'm sure \\'e can "make a deal" -as they say in the auto business. We may even de-- cide to have the old pair bronz. ed. lf the Smithsonian isn't in· ttttsled In them, we certainly are. Customers Complains O.ar Mr. Bidwell : Some time before you moved Into your new store next to the Lido Theatre I bought a pair of sandals from you. About seven year1 ago, as I remembu. Now, I don't like lo •ound like some cronJc, crank complainer (I've never in my life sent a steak back to the chef because it was or wasn't med.Jorn r&H). However, I must report that the sandals you sold me are begin- ning to show dtlinlto alcm of weu. I admit I've worn them balf way around the world -JiplD., Honi Kong, Wake Island, HOii<> lulu, Mexico City, San Francisco and New York City -not lo mention tucb ahow places as 'njuana and Hollywood (home of Uie stars). The question is, has my guar- antee run out? U ao, would you advise me to bave my sandals overhauled. or trade them in for a new pair! I have a feeling It would be cheaper for me to do the latter. But tbe trouble is, I've devdop-· ed a decided sentimental atta.cb- ment for my old 1andab. II bu taken me yun to work them inlo tboll' prestnt comfortable -ii somewhat dilreputabl~ - condition. II I decide lo trade them In, could you !Ind a loocl home for them? I mean. I wouldn't want them falling Into the bands of just ANYbody. PleutadViJt. Sinctrely. Jack Bidwell P.S. When you stop by, you mi&bt want to take 1 look at our ~real Bally shoes fTOm Switzerland. They're REALLY made to laol Jack Bidwell 3ff7 Via Ude al Newpert Bl"d" N-rera &eae•. PleaQ-of fl'flfJ fNIJ'klaC la die a.ar. Oaly alaatu ( .... , 70) I.-die V•mra l'reeway. • ,, • . l ' •' .... • ' ORANGE COIJt'TY, ·CAUFO,RNl.A: , • JEN CENTS . . ' Harbor f eacherS Tell"Their WO Es,· Tonight -. . '-" BJ TIJOMAB FOllTUNE Of "" °""' "Miii st.ff The Newport Mesa 1 c fi o o I ·ad· ministration hasn't beard the 1aSt of teadlera' · dilplea!ure over. the alary aca!e adopted Jut June.• • Te.cbts representatives from ta.ch of the ~'· 36 achoob lonJ&bl will bear a report !nm the .Withdrawal • ol· Enlhusla!in !WOE) committee • n perfoqnuce of dulits for which they are not paid. It was ~d last Ju~ that such extra ' Wkl ~ode dJaperaolng at d.,,.., and sporta events and teeing that students get ;,. the lachool bus or are picked up by theii~ -..._,laaven't 1p<cilied anytbill( yet that -sboWd not do/' said Bart -· executive. secretary of lht teachers' as90Ciaijon. 1'We're tee.king tecal, bona tide ~·of impreuleg ... tha d18trlct theft are a lot d. gratuitous eervie6 or- fered bJ· the. teachers." Formation of the WOE committee was ne&rlj" ':vnanimoualy approved by tht 90 ~. ' . i.idim ,._t at • BepraentaUve Coundl m"'6D( ID J-The -.nlttee met durina tbt MDDW'_ aad '°'2fghl~ wW report CID is findlnp. ''There -1111111 peOple h01Joring lei's make up 1 llst,'' Slid Jl@.te. "Don't come in unlil I cutaiD tiJne .. llCJ leave al the first bell... -.eUt be uld it ii the committee'• feeJ. Ing thal such conduct would not be proper for penons who conaldtr tbemRJves pro- fessiooals. The committ~ will not recommend teaCbers· cease perfonnlng DOO(I01in( utra dl.'lles, tw said. Insteld, the recommt!tdlUoo wm be to dlacuas with the sd!Ool ldmlnistratioo tha reuoo and ~ for cutaiD after bolirs asstanmeots. ~ will be ev1luated u to how they contribute to !he teacher'• primary respmsibility to provide quallty, tn<lus ill!truction, Ude S11J<l. • Fur lnstancf, he.said .... or tbe things the achool districJ 1baolutelx._ haS to have, and proper value ls not given to it. Is cur· riCulum committees. He said supposedly -wboaerveonU.-""-are -•bo •11111 to bot --pio>-ned down to do II. ' ffUe.aJd lbe odlool bomd·~ ·aver tbe llllrJ ale md --teadih ... IOinl lo tplbble -wllal tbq "" .ul!ed .. do •• Newpi>rt Mesa l!cloatlolt "-la\IOn Prtl1dent <lordan -lul J-Jiii tt t11at. the feetlll( GI tM teochen b tbe community wru get wbat it wanta In ply for and if lbe community orily wanla to 4 Held •• Ill Liquor Theft Detectives Raid Feliciano's ·in NewP.ort Beach Making A Spwh· By JOUN VALTERZt. ot ... ci.lb> PMll Stiff . Three Newport Beach ·men aDd another from Laguna Beach were free on bail io- day after their arrest this weekend and seizure of 250 cues of liquor allegedly stolen from a restaurant and six distributors. DetecUvea Crom Newport Be a ch , Laguna Beach and the Dbtrict Attorney's office arrested the four men and .elied the alleged llolen liquor valued at 117 ,500 Udo Coqple's Jewelry Loss Said $225,00(); _ .... 4-: .. ~ 1100-)Ibo~ Lido Isl~ Y•'ll .... ~-l!lls we 1a1 we.t ,,,..,. 111 With 111S.•.1n jewela -U$ aeparate !tem.s -pollce dlltj>led today. ' Included in the daring cloyliahl 10bbe?1 Hot-<logglng surfer throws up walliof spray as he cuts •h"'l'IY on shore break olf Newport Beach. SOme days, when the beavies are notably' absent •about all .a surfer ctlp do iJ practice his footwork on smalle r waves. 1 · 1oo1 wu a -and emerald ring with a platinum oetting worth 111,000, ac- cording to Detective capt. Lou Heeres. He aid many ather itemJ o! jewelry valued in the $12,000 to $15,000 rqe were also stolen. Nixon to Anno)lnce Latest Troop ~ullout~ Tuesday The Cwmingham!' piu Australian black opal valued at fl.2 ,000 also was taken by the two men who bound and gaged the couple last Wednesday morn- Jng. Thal piece of jewelry, along wUh much of lbe rest of the loot, waa. also atolen fiv1 yean ago in a burglary-of the Cu. ningbam home at 3'3 Via Udo Sowl. ·Jn that theft, however, the jew~la were recovered within an'bour, along wttb two yOung ·men. who lllbsequenlly were con- victed. • WASHINGTON (UPll-P res 1 dent Ni.Kon will aJJl'IOUnOI. the nen stage of American troop withdrawals from Vltt· nam Tuesday mornlll(, the White Hou.. aaid today. · Al!iked about a statement by South Viet namese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky I Water Fou)s Up New Pipe Burner In West Newport The !ig)rt against the noxious llllellJ In west Newport Bea<:h bogged down this weel< -Jltenlly. ·water from unknown undergroand ...,.,.. ts dogging the underlfOU!ld works cf, lhe new pipe-burner appilratu1 com· pleted in the parking Jot of a .servke lta· lion , sta111ng the expecied iBl'iUng of the smelly gas to destroy Its smells. Unlil the water problem is corrected, city aides said todaJ, the bl11'1fer which is erpeded to force the gas up to the burner wDI remain on a city office Ooor. The eoillrlldor hired In build the lf,000 bljrner snd llad< bu c:ompleted his part of the job, ....u-;ng Ilda aaid, and 1e11 the blawer'unlnltBUed. ·--.;Until we ftnd JUl •titre that water b: coming fropi, we can't fln1* the job," a ipoktsm1n uld. Mooey for the wort came from tht cl· \y, the Uolon Oil ComPARJ ('lhlch """' the land) and the Balboa Coves Com· munily ..\,ssoclaUoa. When the -is lnst>lled, ..... pr<>-· . blems mJ&hl develop becJlus< o! Ill underground placement. "It might bum out pretty quick," ooe source sald. ff that happen! an above-ground bJowtr 1y1lem woukl have to be desJgned. tben r measures 1galnst vandall would have· to be devtlijj)ed. No completlon dalll has been promlsod, dty 1t1{f member• Wd. • ' • . Uul ~ _. American Gls would ba po11<d out by the end GI N...,.ber, Wllite "'""" f?fM Secntary Rooald Ziegler said "~ figures'' would come from the "Preiielent. Ziegler refused to say whether the 40,500 figure wu correct. He aaid Nixon wouJd make public the "actual figures" in a wrilfen statement at aboJ,lt 1:30 a.m. Pm' -rue,day. Herman Ridder, Long Beach Publisher, Dies The first withdra.wal, Involving !S,000 men, was completed by the end ol LONG BEACH (AP) -Henn.an H. August. Nhoo had indicated he would an-Ridder, publisher of the Long Beach """""" thf second phase of U.S. troop Independent Pr.,..Telegram, died Mnn- reptacemenL day at bis bome after a short illoesa. Re Bat on Aug. 24. the Pre1hknt an-was 61. llOUtlCed be was clelayln( a declsl.., snd Ridder spenl IO yesn In the newspaper called for more reports on lntenaiOed buslness. Communist sttacks which tlCQlrred In He had been publbher ol tlie mid-August following a }""IJ -lull Independent Pfeso.Telegram alnce llSi, an the battlefi<ld. when he wne m>ro SI. Pau~ Minn. He Ziegler revealed thal Nixon decided on had been publisher al lbe st Paul Di• the ~ phase or the withdrawal prior patch and Pioneer Preas &!i previoosly to Friday's'bic strategy swion at the bad published the St. Paul uauy News. White Route with top dlplomaUc, An avid art and antique collector and milUary and intelligence advisers. writer of serious poetry, Ridder steered Ziegler saic1 that decision Included ac· his publication toward com.tnunity pro- lual f:igure.,. JCCls In his 17-year career here. Following &be Friday corlference Gen. At the Ume o( bis death, be was Jn· Crdgbton w •. Abrams, U.S. combat com. volved in planning a $1 mUUon art mander, retmned immediately to Saigon museum for Long Beach. and within two hours after h1a: anivaJ, he Ridder am was president and dlrector reported penpaatlY to President Nguyen ol Ridder Publ1callons. Inc .• an operatbig .Vsn nueu. <ompany with lntererts In 17 newspapen, Thieu met lllth hiJ oecurtty 1dvlms to-· lnclndlng tbe Garden Gme· fOranre cloy 1>elften. .-r meet!OC with Coimty) Evening Ne111, the Pasadena Abrams. ·Alf<r tlie Security Couni:il Independent Siar-Nm, and tt.. S.. JOM meeting, Ky lold GI the planned 411,llO-.i.....,. News. Hit fstber ~ U. man pulkM. Rldder, It cbalrman of the • 'UCALL'··A ONE•ACT PLAY . .. • ·- f l --------- at Feliclano's Restaurant. at \Yestcliff and Dover drivea, Friday night 1'hey arrested Eugene Rondondn. 4%, 1501 Cornwall Lane, Newport Beach; Cbarlea Dryer, 3J, 1145 SuD6et Rklge Dlilve, Laguna Beach; Ale.under Torbett. 25, 117 Via Dijon. Newport Beach, aOO Edward Whiled, .fO, 309 NarciuUs Ave.1 Corona del Mar. Diatrlct Attorney's complaints charge Rondorido and Drjer witlf eight countJ or grand theft from six liqoor dillributing firms and one count of gram theft rrom the Sadd~back In•. Inc . Rondondo, D r y e r •nd TorbeU face cliarg .. o! COllS)>lr&ey to commit grand tbeft and burslary from the Surf and Sand Towers, Laguna Bach. The distributors named u vlcUms of the thefts w~ the Mlllord Company, Don W. Snyder Company,·sterli~g Llquor Company, tile David Kay Gompahy, Bohemian Company---canct-the Western Company. ( .J W.ILYPll.01' ....... W.....,._~ Wreck Traps Motorist · - Rescue workers attempt to remove AJer.uider Tapl)nl 36, of 657 llou St., Costa Mesa, from car which ran oU Newport Bou evard at Indu .. trial Way at 6 a.m. today, fiipplng over µ.to deep ditch. Victim was In .. rioll• condiUon and 11111 1111CODscioua-at Hoag Mematl.llJ. HClll'flal, several houri after the accldent.. Newport Beach police 1&y he ""'1 have fallen asleep at wheel. , • • 'Candlelight -Killer,'·RUI~d Sane, Released by Ju4ge , '· · Rax1ondo and Dryor also are nained In another recent court actJon -a civil JUit bnlugbl by popul&r singer and guitarist Jose Felidaoo. Tbe bllbd entertainer ls uklng lllll,llGO In ct.mages over alleged quatlonable practices by llondondo, Dryer and Roo- dondo's wife, carol Tomkin .Rcmdoodo.. The entenaioer asks $11),000 in waau owed him for three appearances at the rataurant-which bears bis oama alld (Sft FELlaANO'S, Pap I) 'I • • ·--. .... -- . --N utth \liefs M~kilug· -... ' . -..•. \_ , ~QO!j (UPll -'file U.S. ~ _..,lllMI announced today Iba\ let lllo rstl't\me ii has confirmed the _.,.. llortb Vleln1mest troopo ill lllo ilelta toth ol Sal&'"" • ' a mortar aticl rocktt li1lclll Iha tu•il'lroopo tried tO oftM'\111 a South 1~' ~ 'tralnin& center near .:ton, 110 miles southwest ot s.110" l(lllild 111\!W> ~o JJ!il" o1.cambodia. • . • er ·"'l'be announcement · uld ·the gavern- !!!<:4'!"'1\'r'I< mos"• recruits, drove ~-~ ~.113, but lost fOUf tol,;all ~· •"#.ed ~1-. The O:l<fb 'llwiadlj', wltll 110 reasoo givt!I ·ifor:~~,tn~lt. . ' ''""8_'.,..."" o1 ~ NO/th Vletn.m.s, --· · 'iii'Re-entwM't ..... lled ·u ., "' I j ~the •'Utld:,;.7\'be 'lJ.S', . d. 14Tbil cdftflfct 1s the ftrtt c:oilllri!l*tion in Ille blilol1 ol the war o! •· 1'1"!11' 'llqrth Vietnam"' army wut ,._.lo ~ JV Corp& Tacllcal 7.0M ;> (~'"!'!<Olli Delli)." SOuth VlttnaDl.,. helicopler gunships ~ arlllloiY belpe4 bieat up -the srqund ., a~fn UiO Hv..,hour battl~ mJf1l>rY. r;f aPote11nen Aid. ' '!" 6 '"*W' Jltglmeilwii ldectilied either t 1ro111 '~or lfOm llocuments'found o?t the bodies of slain North Vietnamese &0ldim. • . Last reporl3 o£ that unit had it t~ Btnb Long protjnce not1hwest of S a t g o n June 20. · It poifftile.ta pooolble -Commwilst drl.,. iii flje Mekong Delta, where u.s. and-S 0 u th Vietnemeee officials have reported major progreas in the effort to put vut areu undt.r control of the SaJ&on gqvernment. Ever·. atnce· iill, North Vieltlamese. frOOJ>I had been .. ported in!lltrallng Ullo the delta u replacements for Viet Cong 1mJ11 Wlllch·had loot ll>o many soldlen to ~ with l<lcal rti:ruita. ll) .inOther developinen~ the command 'annoUnced the beglnnil'\g of a :,500-man .itenilv.--by-U.Sc and . Soutb··KorWI miriries on the island along the coast of South •Vlelnam. Laguna Police Seize Hashish , Worth $100,000 BJ RJCJLUUi P.'NALL Of .. OtllY '"" ,,.. 1.aauna ll<ai:h poli<t aaid ~ lhat so poandl of hubiab front 11 Bombly •. were MlJed In the mt~I ln'eat...i a. IS. y..,...Jd Emerald Bay girl and three Laauna Beacb ,..!dents Friday .• Pollce fdenlllied th• l"tee adults· u Mary Chrlltlne Mm; 21; and °"*' Allen Bowyer, ze, both of 2u1·s. Coas! Hll)lway; ind Richard w. Emw, n. of WJ Woodlfnd Drive.' JM1llla Detective Norm Babcoc;k est&iated t!le illicit retail value of the drug, 1 potent age old refinement of marijuana. would be from f/5,000 lo $100,000. Sgt. Babcock said cuStoms agents notlfled police Wt week that the hashish bad arrived from India aboard. an atrl{ne plane. He auerted that delivery wes made to Mis! Marl and Bowyer later in Laiuno Niguel. Jlbcock said the hasbi!h w a s v~ 14>,the South Coul Hlpway addreal where it was ltited. It was, ht ,aid. biddtn in statues. ·buddlw, dolls ,and a -k. · "t: tiwlk ... it · was for Laiuna con~ .aum~a," lhJI narcoUcs detective uld. · He uld the hashish y,·as in' amall packa&M, c~ l,lfllts. were not immediately available to comment on the dl11position ol tlle.c ..... N«mally, in auch cases, arraianment ia conducted by i U.S. Commlssioner and ;bail ut pehdini addJtional legal action. 1 11te l&-ydr-0ld Jlrl was released to the tcU1'* of her mother. said police, pen· ''""' silch action. t ,.-~~~~~~~-­• • • ! r,( r • " . I Ul\ILY PltUT -..... ~-­•• ..,. ... w ... "r.'!".!' .,j - • r -· I , Cat-frt ".,......,.. ...... ...., ., ..... " . ...,, .... TN,..,. :.t.. M,r,t.lu ...,.,....... E•li,.r . J,._, '· c.rn., _ ..... .... _ --'""-tJll w ......... a..t.w•'4 M•iliws AIUrm1 P.O. a.. lits. tJ66), , . ._. _;..__ . ==-~·r-::·'"'4 ....... : . ··= Up~ U ... A •Jt~{; · .I.it: • ' ~l~:. . l I.. J ' • • -' ~ t .; FashionlslandDwarfedbyHighRise ==·· -':. ~ .... ' by~ 1:ti: r.u~ ":I.~~ .~.,.. _ ; c,.\l.rr· 1' u.. akyscr•pen by 0rlll)C• CDun~ardt. '~It• 'If "'I" Z 1qu~ struc- •. ;>:. .. , .<,...; ,, ~ • ' , ""? t:IAIL Y l"ILO'I' 1tetf ....... Temp0...t'fl. Rqom, Permanent Ed1reatio1a ·Instructor Lorean Wis.s:erhof and cla!smates of on· tb .. opot pupil JVait for glliz MSwer tn porlable clasnoom: al O>s!a , Mesa's Lincoln School. Too mahy ·chUdren and too f.W schoolroom• have led to use of 42 1uch units throughout Nevrport-Mesa Unified School District this year. Portable class- rooms are used by more than 1,000 youngsters in elementary and so-caHed middle schools. 3 Burn .to Death in Car . .. ~ ' . ' Stopped on SA Freewax four persom, ~1udlng three burned to death in a car dr:lven by a youth who stopped to aid a motori.si whose auto stalled on the Santa Ana Freeway are dead today as the result of weekend lraf· fie accidents. Killed in tl'le fiery collision Saturday night were Ronald Honda, 20, his sister Jl<t Connty Traffic 116& 1~ Death Toll 149 Cheryl, 11, and her young fl:lend, ll·year· old Lynn-RiBtow, all .of Fullerton.-- Lo5 Angeles ruldent Manuel Lopez, 27, was killed early today when the car in which he was 1 passenger slammed into a slow~mo~ street sw"per on the San· ta Aiia Freewiy ri!ar t,agil.aa Cinyon Jb)ad. .. Jn•estlftl<irs•1or tlh• Ca I If or n.J 1 HJghw&y Patrol aajd the three Fullerton residents died when their car wu struck from the rear and two other motorists were b~Jy hurt In the same 4ccldent. ·Scott Frederick, 17, ot San Marino. driver of the atalled car the Hohda youth stopped for, wu ae:riously injured, along with 18-year-oJd Stephen Heimple, of ]\-1onterey Park. Heimple was driving the car whiclt crashed Into the second auto, according to CHP investJgators. Lopes wu iUfed at S.:30 1.m. -toaay in the accident lnvolvinl the ltrfJet "'1eeper, ·whicb left m<>lortst Salvedor &lor&a. JI, or San Diego* abo aerloualy injured. l ;. • ' 1·" \ • I ·, Ha,rbor Patrol ! ·~.i.. ~!\·. ""'~ s. Tll '...1 -'i ·;. .. 01n P .. "e 1_ · -==saves -Boat · I FELICI~NO'S ~ • _ Prompt 'action by Harbor Department ~trol vessels Sanday saved 1 25-foot $100,000 ill damageJ to his reputation. . · powerboat from alnklng oU A~ Point Tbat llilt.bq yetfi> come to trial. '. . .~--"'bad a~ the Whited will ln!Wet charges of neeiv-. The 'boat wu the 21-foot owens cruiatr Ing stolen property. >JI arralgnljlfnt date fo( the fQW"-•Mini Mary owned by J. F. W1'!11, 1111 E. bad not~e\ Wen 8tt this morniJl¥ . B<lboa Blvd. and operated by William None of Uie four could be reached tOr A. Wmi, Sf, of the wne address. comment today. · Accordiq to the Harbor Department, Deputy District Attorney Martin J. Wren and his aon Billy I and an adult Heneghan declined to elaborate -on tbe -~let J•-GoocJwin of Huntington clrCUlllJ\allC<I of the; thefts, • • -., . . -';Tha~ · Would be connnenting 00 the' -. b, abandoned the boat . a~ 1t evldenee, somthing I honestly can't do at struck a submerged limber which npped Utl.1 point," he said. • out a atrut and plank. The trio were He' said .the fout ·lntn were arrested plcktd . .up by another nearby vwel. .togother at lhe restaurant and ·boolltd The Herbor Deparlmet1t responded to f.'jlrtly all>r mifillllbl at Ofange County a call irom the Coast Guard at 5:10 p.m. All I.Ur h1Ye posted ball, Ii> •aid. alallng that the boat was slnl11ngnpidly. Rondondo and llyer posted $5 000· The ' Harbor . Department arrived on Torbett bBUed out with $2 500 and whited the scene ~t 5:32 to find the vwel almosl •-• ' subiperied. ,Pumps put aboard lhe boat pos""' •t,OQO, • were unable to keep up with the inflow Heneghan sara the investlg~tion mto of water and wren went back" to help bail the case is "still very much active." by hand , He said h1a office, the two police Anoth6' Harbor Department boat was departments, and state a 1 c oh o I i c finally dispatched to the scene with extra beverage control agenl5 conducted in-pumps and between the two they kept the \•estigatloos for about three weeks before boat afloat until it was towtd to Blackie's the Friday arrests. Boat Yard where it was hauled. Namath 'Double' Gets $221 Haul At Camera Shop A Iook-alike for famed f o o t b a 11 quarterback Joe Namath eluded Costa Mesa police Sunday night after evidently taking $221 in a carbon copy burglary at a camera shop looted of nearly $10,000 last May. He was almost in the clear -but he tripped a burglar alarm. The suspected burglar drove out of a profess.ional building parking lot In the 400 block of East 17th Street about 6 p.m., just as officers arrived to check the sllent alarm. They found someone had broken into Da._ve's Camera Exchange, 474 E. t7lh Sf., tunnelirig from an adjacent office through two plasterboard walls lo the photo sbop. The same company was burglarized In ~ )denUcal J98.Mef last May .22, but the liitnidet escaped wjth a wide v~tJ of camera equipment besides the cash. Investigators saJd the burglar in Sun- day night's job used a pry bar to break into another otnee in tbt same-f bu11'd.ing. bdm'!i!lashlilg tliroug!i lhewa1l liit.i the camera sto~. Sgt. Jim Green and officen Dave Casey and Pat Rodgers were dispatched to the shop when the silent alarm went off at police headquarters. · Officer Casey said afterward he noticed the probable suspect, who had long sideburns and was 30 to 35 years old, driving ofi in a late model car. Patrolman Casey said he bore a remarkable resemblance to the New York Jets' quarterback. Namath -linked to the underworld by some sources through association in the New York nightclub he recently sold - was presumably relaxing elsewhere about that time. He Ted his team to 33·1<>-19 victory over the Buffalo Bills pro football team during the afternoon. Teachers to Stop Work For l\'la1·ch Thm·sday LOS ANGELES ' (AP) -Tuesday Is the fir st day of school , but on Thursday most of the teachers plan a one-Oay work stop- page in support or de.mane!! for higher wages. Newport Beach Painnlpg Director LIJ'· ture. """ · ry Wilson said a hatt-dozen 16 to 20-story .} Most ~t cit,y. approval lnval:vina the st.nx:tures are now on Irvine Compjny ,Pn;>j~ WU10~1 nqtet 'ff.iJ1 lll9W Balboa drawing boards. 1muraoce to censtruot-•·fi~1park· They will all be built on Newport .tng larlP adjo<ont to lhe .seaboard Center Drive, surrounding F a s h 1 o n building. OM levtl ot Ule park,inl atruc• Island. . ture will be below around. lt will pr_ovide t.tunlclpal government already has: spaet; for 1,400 ear1. • 1 cleared the way for comtrucUon of tbe 'lbe Irvine Compaoy ·•lso pl• to bulJd fif&t or the big buildings. . the 11-story Its owp five-story. P4fklng f4c1Uty ue.it to headquarters of Seaboard Finance Co. It lhe Seaboard rer•ae .. will rise midway between Santa Cruz and When completed, the NeWJ)Oft Cen1er Santa Rosa drives off Newport Center high-rise comple:i wUI be the large.st in Drive north of Fashion Island. Orange County. From Page J BAY SW AP REFUTED • •• Attorney General'• office. .. I have no permission to speak for tht office," be said. He pointed out that formal opiniona ol t,he attorney general are announced only after "elaborate procedures'' and the signed approval of Attornty General Thomas Lynch . Lynch told the DAILY PILOT this morning that he is not familiar with the is5Ue. He said Shavelson is the stiff ~· pert on the exchange, which calls for the transfer of 157 1crea of county' Udelands for 457 acres of Irvine uplands and tidelands. Shavelson indicated it ls not oousual for the Legi!ilatlve Counsel's office to iasue opinions that conflict wllh those of the Attorney General's office. He explained that the Legislative Counsel responds to legal questions from legislator!, wbUe the Attorney General provides the !&me service to state agen· cies, such as the Lands Commission. And whatever the opinion, whethet it is from the Ugislative Counsel or the At· torney General, it is "not binding," he uid. "The rulings are advisory," The agencies .seeking the advice, though, generally coofonn their actions "11th the opinions reached, Shavelson con· ceded. His office, in any case, will not Jssue any opinion on the Baci: Bay swap. "We. don't do that on maUers that are cur· re.ntiy in UtlgaUon. The ruling will have to come from the coum." -· --shave1iiin ld<fed tllat the. quutioo of the amendmenb, and their impact on the ' origjnol ~-t. will very likely be rule<! on Wly by the coqrts. "I lhlni< ft is veey deairab!flhat lhe ,coorll consider Uiat," be aaid. Three, Arrested I After Holdu~ Of Gas Statibn A tip from a citizen who o~ a description of the getaWO)I carijlaed led lo the arrest of three young Colrta Mesa men early today, following the $80 holdup oC a aenice station. j The suspects were arrested on charies of anned robbery and also culUvation ot marijuana, after police found several small plants growing in a coffee can. They were idenUfied as Richard H. Curtin, 20, Danas M. Helll!llty, 21, both ~ 131 Albert Place, and Raymond D. Smllh, 20, of 463 Ogle St .. Costa M .... Police Lt. Tom Durham said they were all arrested at the Albert Place address, following a stlckup at the Lerner Oil Company, 2360 Newport Boulevard, ahortly after midnight. Allendant Paille! L. Lanqui.<t told of· ficers two men entered and one pulled an automatic pistol, demanding the keys l~ the cashbox on the pump island ouUdde. The victim said he was held at gunpoinl whJle one bandit got the money, after ""Which he was ordered to stay inside until the holdup men had gone.. He went outside, however, and waJ able to get a description of the car whicb led to their arrest, however, according to Lt. Durham. County Youth's . . -... ---Pea~ ~1J?~rf Caused by Heat 1. ..Pol,l~ ~it yary ~~,llil afld Offi~r Bin lfechtel· said they arrfved at the Alber1 Place address to check out 1 susped 'vehicle -and were approaCbed by two a A youth from Orange, found dead last week under odd circumstances at a desert commune where a small boy was penned up this summer was apparenUy a \·icti.m of heat proslratJon. Christopher Hartwell, 21, was discovered by a party of dove hunters la&t Wednesday, four days after he was reported missing from the isolated ranch near Blythe. Riverside County sheriff's deputies said at the time that there were suspicious aspects to the case, but declined to elaborate pending a coroner's in- ve£Ugation. The victim was nude and lying face up under the furnace-like desert heat when found, apparently having walked Jn circles. re-crossing his own tracks before collapsing. The ranch where Hartwell was · rmployed as caretaker gained notoriety thii. summer when lawmen raided it and found six-year~ld Anltlony Gibbons leashed in a crude, wooden pen. · The child, son of a Los Angeles county probation officer whose estranged wile was living at the ranch, was· made a ward of Riverside County. the •men. " They fit the description of the bandll pair and the third auspect was arrested in.side the house. where the alleged mari· juana plants were found. Rosary Slated For Mrs. Walker Rosary will be recited tonight for t longtime Harbor Area socialite and com munity worker who died Friday at G~ Samaritan H<>spltal, Los Angeles, a heart disease. Rites for GraYce Walker, 66. of 190) Bayadere Terract, Corona del Mar, wi~ be at 8 p.m. in Our Lady Queen of Angell Church, Corona de! Mar. Requiem Mas.s will be celebrated Tues- day at 10 a.m., at the same church, witl: interment scheduled in Holy Sepu1che1 Cemetery near Orangt. Mrs. Walker wa! a ~year resident <>! Newport Beach and was active in social and community activities. The family suggests that those v.•h1 wish to remember her make con tributions to the Heart Fund. Jack Marshall , 121 Via Waziers ' Newport Beach Dear Mr. Manball: One of Our Well-Heeled Customers Complains Thet's the trouble with · good sandals. You CAN get emotion .. aUy involved. A cheap pair would have fa1len apart before you got on a first~name basis. At any rate, bring your sandals by and I'm sure we can "make a deal" -as they say in tha auto business. \Ve may even de· cide to have the old pair bronz- ed. If the Smithsonian isn't in· terested in thenl , '''e certainly are. DAIL 'I f'll.OT l11ff "'-"' AFTER NARROW ESCAPE OFF lAGUNA, BOAT PUMPER SMILES P111en9tr Jerry Goodwin of Huntington 811ch Still Aboerd Mini Miry ( \ Dear 1'1r. BidweU : Some time before you moved lnto your new store next to the Lido· Theatre I bought a pair of sandals from you. About seven years ago, as I remember. Now, J don't liie lo sound like some cronic, crank complainer (I've never in my life sent a steak back to the chef because it was or wasn't medium rare). However, I must nport that the sandal& you sold me are begin· ning. to show definite 1igu of wear. l admit I've worn them half way around the world -Japan, Hone. Kqn;, Wile Island. Hono- 1u1u, Mexico City, San Francisco Md New York City -not to mention such show places as Tijuana and Hollywood (borne of the stars). The question la, has my guar-- Mtee run out? If so, wouJd you advise me to have my 1andals overhauled , or trade them ln for a new pair? I have a feeling It would be cheaper for me to do the. latter. But the trouble is, I've develop- ed a decided sentimental attach- ment for n1y old sand.is. It has taken me years to work them into their present comfortable -if somewhat disreputable - condition. If 1 decide to trade them in, could you find a (ood home for them? I mean, l wouldn't wan\ them falling into the hand& of just ANYbody. Please advise. ~ulcerely, Jack Bidwell P .S. When you stop by, you might want to take a look at our great Bally aboes from Switzerland. Tlleyre REALLY made to tut. Ja.ck Bidwell 3417 Via Udo at Newport Bh·d., N~rt ~ela. Pleaty of ffffl parklllll ill tlae rear. OaJy mbiatu ( ... ut 70) from tho Ventura F~t11ay. • ( ........ ·~ . G~an co!urnnl 1bimmerln1 lri lb• sun agalnft a backdrop ol bio. wa~ and · a hint of white i11and1 !n tlie dlatance will recreate, lhe leeling at ancient Greece tor modem dayGre<lb ..,rt Wfidn•ldal" 'llejinning with ·the Jf.Htlrlf of XAIPE; Ille G~ee~ tel'ltrtorwelcome, . ljewport lfartiar J'anhelleillc will launch a new·year during <a memberllhlp ' ,bruncb al 14:JO a.m, in II!• home·~ Mrs. Ca,r! G. Moore of Corc:na dot Mar, 1 Dra~~on lh• Wi,!dom o! anclene.,Guek'pbil04Phers, the l""1P ol so~rity wo . ·.will ·explorii the theme l\elum to · Reason during the year< ' · . A mod"l:I' d§ lelltler, J,lr_ John Hoy, vice.chancellor in charge of 1111' il"l!t aftllrs 'Iii Uq, w!U· bt gues~ s~er at Ille brunch, ol!ering lnformll- tion.and'corruhents on the ul)iversitf ilt.i(eneral. • , Mrs. Leon Fry c1>t••i~ent1 IO(llf welcome old members baek alter U>elr · • summer of traye! and •acUylty and ..creel ·prospeffive ~ew '!'embers . .' , Honored guesls will incjuile pNsi<lentt of all area sor0rity alumnae. Jll'OUl>S. Past presidents 'VIII presldl! at ·Ill .. coffee•~ tea tables and Mrs. C. R: •-•an.Jr." pri>gmin chairman, will present a preview ol ••e year's attiviti':s~ ' I~ ~ -"~ - Making arraitgemen~ for tli'e. -bninch-~re membershio' ~en, ·Mrs. La~ Kittle 'Snd: Mrs. lfart:Hiclmlan• and SQcial ~. ?.fra. ~lrginlll Bollman. · • ! Assisting are the Mmes. Leilalian, Samuel Roach Jr., John Butle~.·C. · . Paul Dubois, Ernest J. Vitucci, F, M. Reaman and William C&mJ>bell. · Newport Harbor Panbelleruc org"1t;ed ii) llllil, .js open to Olf·wome~. who belong to:a sorority .alfilial<!I with the 'Natlonal:.Panbelleide C.... ferenCe. . . · · ' ' The group nieel!. the tJPrd' We.d_nesday of.~ 'l!l<IDlll at 10:30 11-m. for ptograms,t,n-memtieN' 'homes. Buffe~ funch~s are:c served ·following- . ea~ ~eietingi by, comY!itt~sµ.nder: the directiott-0f·Mrs·. Bollman., and tho~ . who1wlsh may pJay t:ir1dgelol1Qwµtg the lunc~eonS. , PanheUeriic, a group. Qf 1women interested in the activities, intellec- tual growth and 'probfems1 of the college student· in toq.ayi's world, presents "a· scholarship eacn ~ear lo a deser\ring college student. . . The ors;anization each year also presents a· MineFva award to a coed registered with the Newport Harbor groue, including a $500 scholarship grant, and supports the American Field Servtce program. The Frances Bloker Panbellenic Memorial Fund at UCl has assisted '. more than 25 students in the-pMt year with their educational needs. Outstanding Harbor Area women are honored through the Atherfi award. Past recipients are the Mmes. Alvin Pinkley, R. L. Bacon and Wal· ter Burroughs. All National Panhellenic Conference sorority women are Invited to become a part of the Newport Harbor group arid may contact Mrs. Fry for furtb~r information. • ' . I ficers o! Newport Harilor Panllell (left to right), the Mmes, GREEK GREETING -Saying ,w~l e the Greek way are of· Lawrence KitUe and Hart· Hickm co-membership chairmen, and teon Fry I president. The sorority WO men Will greet ret.urning ~.new members during a brunch next Wedne6d.8y at 10:30 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Cari G .. Moore of Corona·del Mar. 6men I . llEA' 'ANDERSON, Editor MtM••• l•lamiltr ~ 1fft N '"' 11 • . ' •' t·+.·.: ;. ' . .· .• -~~.'~·":" ~~ ... yJ,.:.i, .• ,.,,.." ,rt. ' .... ..:• ' . . : • 7• ..... "'f~ .. .. ~dpp:ing t:orks:s19r,0~. S~·~s~n Qper)i.~g • j • • .. • • • 'T' ; ;I -> ... \ \ · Mesa-Harbor Club boa·rd · All Aboard for Family Cruise Heading up Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club's annual famil¥ cruise ·are (lelt. !O right) ~Commodore Brian Carter, Bnan Jr .. Scotty ahd Mrs. Carter: Sall· ors will cross ·tile obannel Saturday Sept. '20,Jor a rendezvous at Sl!ndy Beach, Emerald Bay, enjoy-a steak bake ih,t,evening and on the return home the next day there will ·be the Homeward Bolind Trophy and Predicted Log races.· .members, headed by ·Mrs. Wllli~irr'HoTmes will brief new asid' prolp!Ctive me.m be r s• about · clYb activities and sec· ._ , tion participation during a t cl>ampagoe tea next Thursday; . The new Mesa Verde home of ·Mrs. LaWrence &)lertzer wlD be the selling for the afternoon ev~t1 • and hosting will be Mrs.. Edward Schmok, membership.chairman and ht:r committee, the Mmes. Jim B r a z d a, Bernard Connelly! Paul Kee, William McCann, Duane Steputls and John Stone. They will greet guests and preside at the punch bowl. Silver tea services, which have been presented to past presidents, will be the focal point of table appolntment.s. Past presidents are the Mmes. Kee, Jack Elliott and Arthur DeCubellis, who also·-will pre- side at the tea table. ·Further inroJ'l?\Btion is avail- able by calling ~n. Schmok at 545-0968. VARl'ED INTERESTS -Mr&. Philip Donoliue,. (left), a new member of Mesa·H•!'.'/O~ Club §etmS to ha¥e a bard time daciding .whfCh ot' IJ//,.sectJoni to join. Mrs. Lawreoce Shertze~,.. wh<> will h<><t a • cbampagn~'lea Jn her.&me ne~ 'Fh~M'•~g­gea~ te11111s, whll' ·Mrs:. Edward SChmoli, mem r-llli!P cha:lrman says1 "Tr)' the gounnet-or 1h ter g'l'Otlps~'' · • . i , -; ." ,, t.. l ... . . . ' . "" ,. Baby's Date · ·W~S.~i,i ot ·1ust .;fat~ • -"' ~. { •' ~ f:'!. 1 I + •• ~ -r,, r' DEAi\ ANN LANDERS : I bad not seen my. si.Jter, tu~ ye.¥"•· She is 4Q Year'! old ulil her two children are. grown. :when Erma and her husband met me at the airport I was shocked lo ,.. tbal she had gotten 110 heavy. Immediately I con· ·eluded she wU pregnant and I sakl 19 . .She became furious and shouted. "You ·are out of your mlndl I bave a ~id ·condition but Jt'a under control now.• · I tt.ayed a week and we had a pleasant ·11me. Erma took pills In 11\Y pre....., and 'kept a doclor'I· aPJ!Olnlmenl; but ·lhe aldn1 lalk any -· about her U1yrold condition. . I lelt Madl!on on '!'Uesday. The lo~ :1owing Friday I received a telegram rrom ·Erma. It m~ "Guest wbo gave birth to • ' • ANN LANDERS • an e!Jh~pound boy! " rm burned up because my sister lied to me. Why would a person do such a crazy tbJna! Surely the tnew-I'd learn &he truth evenfuatly. Help me undersiandrl aqt ' l -BAFFLED AND BOllJNG. DEAR BAFF: I ntl*' your Q.yur- old..--lal lhan ·lbrllltd wbta 111< Jearaed' lbt "" prtpuL Ber re(apl lo mike Utt unoan«ment apartd her the emburaumeat ef dlsca11lng her etm- dftkm. Unrt1bttJc. )'Cl -even fooU1h. Bat ll'1 biJ&ory now, to forget lt. !)ll,IB ANN LANDERS : fyo.y~are.ago the problem 1tarted. Al 800n as the hot weather set JO. my nose began to 11well. Then I got thi1 whist.le ln lt...ll drives rnY wUe cruy ;n!d 1 don't blame ber. I can • ~ f • " j • . • ~ • ... • harql): &tan!!-l~mysolf.. • l)EAR:l\EADEl\S~T)ll1 ls'an -lei· Wajlblnfl<!!i, D;C. ~ . , The problem Is much worse at home lllr.!'!·lhe,t;a Leoll•~Y'.8111111• hu.,., i. A1J!) Ji'.S .. I'd lib'l:i',~io ·lhe lhan In the office. 11 starts in July and dieds Of menib6s 1'niJ Wrote~ te'll me I I.A,'~ Soclefy .. 'lbejf !ilw '-"lelter- dlappears In September. But for silt am lrrcsPonslble, craey, ·cruel, llJlln. .1'r!Ung membenlilp !bill cou14 break a ~· I am persona non grata:Even lbe formed, aarcastic and stupid. m11:llman't back. • doJ ahUns me. 1 went l.o, a doctor and he 'l'be letters came in response lo my ~ couldn't find anything wrong Which ii ~menl.$, On the young mother who WBS ..t'TM Brfde!1 c.dde," AM_ l rlldm1 Un<lerataridibte )>ecause. when _I 1'••l to breast' fei!dlng 1ior-baby In lb e beolle~ .,.wva """ of lk -tr. bJ.m my ~ was not swollen and there W..Jhinglon, D.C. alrpoct. I am 1ot, queaLty, 11W tvtsUou abell wed•• was no whistle. can,.ou adVise me'? repeat not, agal~nst breast fffS!lng. I To• receive JOI' em I( •11 eem- -,OFF KEV believe breast I is beneflcal to prtbenslvt p!'lt, write lo~ ~n, • both mother and cllll -II thO mother Is lo care of lllls -•poptr, eDCjeoloc a DEAi\ OFF, II IOUndl .. H ,.. mlgbt . wllllng and able. (Some -are will-Joa,:, .. u.,......8'd, stamped ..... be allefgld lo a lal'e 1umm" weed Ulat Ing but not able. Olhm are able b~t nol aad II ceotil ta cola. grows • m.ma your bou... Alk ... willing) Ann W4eri wfU lie PM to 'llelp ,.. all•ralot lo make ii bouBt nil 10 h• ca• I 1m against ~ feeding In. JOJblic, '!I~ -i\n>blems. 8tod ..,. to· lltr i. see you wben )'our ROif! 11 twolltD nd howevm\ whc!:n there are telrt rooms an can, "ot 1bl ·nmv ,nm, ettdllllc • yoar wlUJUt 11,.oper.U.a. over lbe place, IUCb u in the 1tlf·~, stan:tped ll'\"9l1pe. ( ·' l • I • BULLSEYE SHOT -Scoring the winning point will & be membl>rs of ·a11 the guilds •I the Orange County ·SYJi!phony Association when they gather next Wed· nesday for luncheon in the Newporter Inn. Round robin workshops, orientation, a speaker and preview Horoscope of the ·1969-70 mPstcal season all are planned for guild members. Getting on target for the annual event are (left to right) the Mmes. Hugh Scallon, Alan C. stoneman and John Olson. • Symphony Guil~s Aim At ·Successful S~ason On Taraet will theme the iuuwal fall counlywldo guild hlncbeoa ol the SJD\pbooy -tlon of Oranse Counly neil Wednesday In l h e Newportu !Jin. Guild, membel'I will gather at 9 a.m. for coCfee and oriett- taUon ud at 10 will attend a btlef buainess meeting and round robin workshops. ' ConducUn1 'the variou s worbbops \will be Tbomu Thuraton, coocert ticket aales; Mn. William J, JWb', JIUlld Jtructure; Mn. Norman V. Salaets and Mn. L. F. Dlnc, Young Artists auditions ; Mn. C. M. Cutricone. ways al!d tneans, and Mrs. Robert S. Eric:Don, membenlUps in the Symphooy Aaaoc:latioo. Guild memben will be join- ed at MOn for lunch by l\lt!ls bidden lrom aU 'pons of Oronge County. Following lhe luncheon, the group's attention wll be turned 10 Mrs. Richard W. Bland, charter member and current president of the Pandenl Symphony Assoclallon, who will apeak on MotivaUna tht Volunteer Worker. ·Mrs. Bland, a former rtsl· dent of St. Louis, has a wide 1>$eiground in club and 'ftllunteer work and wu reci- pient qi lhe Catholic Aclioo Award in 1185 in St. Louis. Daniel Lewis, music director and cooductor of the Orange County S1111phony Orche&tra, ·will conclude the afternooo with a preview ol the 1969-70 concert season. Golden Key aenef its Unlocked for Members Whither the Hemline will bt dilSCU8Sed when Golden Key, Huntlnfton Beach supp or t group 1or the Ollld Guldanee Center o( Orange Count)'. meets at 10 a.m. tomorrow 1n the home or Mrs. John R. Peterson. Flrat order or business for man , had an enthuJiUtJ,c turn- out for its first session Jut week, and the Monday work· shops for the December ba· iaar, Holiday In Mexico, will continue in the home of Mn:. Richard Teske, chairman. Sagittarius: Stress Confidence the season 's open~ meeting will be the group s annual faahion ahow, Fete d' Au· tomne, taking place Saturday, Oct. 4, in the Sheraton Beach Members and friends have turned out during the summer to work on handcrafted ar· ticles whlch will be offered ior sale, and r.trs. Te.ate hopes more will join the work group now that vacation season has ended. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 16 By SYDNEY OMARR AIUF.'I (March 21-April 19): financial question ls setiled. Be receptive. One who y,·ants to provoke battle laclt:5 com· mon sense. Heed' inner voice. GEft.llNI {May 21.June 20): ~ Inn. Obey rule!, regulations. "'un sure others ·f!!tl same way. Tbe principal funding event indicated through contact with PISCES (F'eb. t~March 20): wUl begin with a social hour one with great sense of humor. Career alld responsibility are at 11 :!0 a.m. and hmcbeon SCORPIO (OcL 13 • Nov. will be served at U:30. Infor· 21J : Cycle oontinues high , but accented. Your pre,,tige is on mation rtgardiiig Uetet.s may you must protect possessions. tbe line. Cooperate in com· be obtained by calling Mrs. Higher earnings may be on munity projects. Utilize ex· Meryl Winans, Hl-7919. horizon. Yet. budget should be perieoce. Display u n I q u e 'I1'le bowllna group, with Grandmothers At noon every second ThUB- dl,Y the Newport Hubor Grandmothers' Club meets In the Costa Mesa Golf and Counlry Club. ... ~ 0 ' • • • Ho1d of! on any journey until tonight 71\ere is a message, a e&ll, other fonn of com- munication which co u I d change plans. ReaJize this and act accordingly. By tonight there is showdown. You find oul what mate, partner really 1.hinks. Stand tall. Strength of logic is on your side. But adhere lo con- servative course. And be a good listener. respected. Adhere to recent abilities. No day to be shy. Mrs. Al Jtniktnberg. chair· resolutions. !;=============================:;! • ' TAURUS (April ~May 20): U willing to listen to reason, ROBINSON'S r::~·::-:;,~..:,.-c·.:..~ . TAKE THE FIRST BIG S TE? TO WA ROS LOSING WEIGHT••• NfD KEEPING IT OFJI' fl F'Oft GOOD! COM E TO J THE ONE AND ONLY · WEIGHT WATCHERSe ••,NO PILLS• NO STARVATJON DIETS •••YOU EAT THR I:C HEARTY MEALS A DAY, AND LOSC WEIGHT'! EVERY MONDAY EVENING 8£GIHNING ON 8EPT • IS, Wini M IHTitOOUCTORV OPEN MEETING AT 7 PM; /.HD EVEftV TUESDAY MORNING BEGIN.HING OH IEl'T • 16, WITH AH INTRODUCTOltY OPEN MEETING AT 9:30 AM, ftEGI STftA.TION r:cc IS. 3,00; WEO<LY Dt.J ES 1 2:,00, AT AT tf'EWPORT, THC U'DO IKWP'rr • COMC EARL.V • • • wc'A£ EXP£CTIN G A BIG C"°WD~ ROBINSON'S Nl!:WPORT CANCER (June 21.July 22): Good lunar aspect early coin· cides with creative endeavors. Later, there is opportunity for added income. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): 'tonight_ is_ marked f Q r pleasure l hr o u 1 b ·children, Other" loved ones. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Get cw1esponderu:e out or way early1 Tonight settle to more basic routine. }lunch pays dividends. LIBRA (Sepl. U-Ocl. 22): Be versatile. Important,.. to chapge w)lh the times. You may be on a short journey. SAGITTARIUS !Nov. 22- Dec. Zl): By tonight, you are on more potrit.ive ground. You know where you are headed - and why. Stress confidence, ori&inaJity and independence. CAPRJCORA !Dec. 22-Jan JV): Accent on fulfillment of some_major_ desires. Clan- destine activity tonight could .cauae strain on nerves. Take family into confi den ce. otherwise, you might find yourself making weak ex· coses. AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb- 11): Pressure relieved. You can relax with friends \<dPl Romance_ is Mi the, picture. Your alti!Ud> Ip poellc.,Jlul be 363 NEWJ1()RT BL VD. NEWPORT BEACH Why ba:r a 1M'll ....i,...m;p m a a,,.. to ti:!' -i i-woigbt llwach ,...,,.,. .,...... whm,... am ba:r elf-...,;pt mom... CldPl:l' "7 IM indl d I Glolia M,"'1111'0.: )bt patrom, bad m lldull noonli, rli-tllli: pl ill•liWea4to6weobmul LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS THIS WEEK ... FOR 1 MORE WKEK l!ON. SEPT, U THRF 4 PM, SAT. SEPT. 20 all 26 Gloria V1nlu!D JoQtioDo iD Califonia. will continue their •pecial Yz PRICE OFFER Ir• !'> price on,. • ., choice of ndadq DIPS e< WAJST or 'IBIGBB or lJPPER AR!IS whm med I• _,._.., with ""1 replar Glad&ManltaD --~ hoT litlle It- { 0!¢otVaroha!J"aa/moyl an S..-·1-lbm-'WOilht,..luction J)tOC:laml. thlt'• ~ Of ti. p,z •• ..,. ........ ~ WOlUDS UBGP'St'. >..ill"-·-.,..._...,_ ... it ••• --quiddy ••• alely ............ ____ dilllf, ... _,. --No tlilfttio&-WE ARE N<Yr A GYlll { c.llfarFREE-.plo'flllt.Aclllall;!'---·-... lhe Glod& MamJwll H#Jat., Srd•M!'nr our i-imt«I "Cin>J.a.ldatic" •.. ... lrilTGloriaManboll'•lllln Conbvl s,.i--the World'• ha:Jt , CALL NOW POR J'RD wai.., ·..Wt. No ~No oblfption. GLOBU lliRSllAl.L aayw: \ . '"l'ell •the .i-.... ,... ...... t to"""'" and ft'JI tell,....""" . -ftlita it will -...i guannlee ill wlilin&' llJOt yOQ trill ,_. ,_ IOOL ln fact, ao ab .. luloly pooitift .,..,... that,... . ..m obtom ,_ olUecti ... that .. ·~ m oar pnntee, ... will -let'°" bave FREE OF CHARGE, lll1 and 1111 further 'rilltr, 1llllil,... reoch ,_ roaL Irs pogia .. ....,,.,.,. that we bode ap -_ ... 100%. mona 5-rance:J sc~~OL BALLET TERM STARTS SEPT. 15th SLOW -CAlE.fUL ATIIHTION CICHml & lUUIAN TICHNl~UI KINOllULLIT • CllUTl't'I OANCI MODEllN JAZZ PHONE 642-4061 BROCHURE SENT ON REQUEST NEWPORT BEACH 430 P·~2·~~ Hwy. 12 llec.•• Ettf •f It~• 1.., Clwbl SANTA ANA 1840 w;:,~:;~/''"' ~MW-. ......, Hiila. Ce\'fN, C'""'9w, Dewuy, •S..ffle. l.tn .. l, loflt .._ .. H..,. ,.., .._., Mwft H.!1,w-'. o.t.n., ,..._., S. Dt.te. S... AH. S... ..,.... S."-'. T--. Wlilttlef. W... .... I• ,,..._ S.1www•,., S. JON. 1111,..i., W.tMt c...i.. I I Sears I A~ ""?-'-,... ~ ,,~~""'4~ ~ . a., ... •4.t~"4CIDl\I. Sears C0tt1 MMe, 3333 Bristol St. lo South Co11t Pl1u -Phone 540-3333 ANDY HAS ANSWERS Thtr•'• .,.t, •tte ,llfct y11 ci r; fi nd 1"0'• 1n1""'" the11 yew• ehlllr1r; '-••• 41111tie111. Chtc. .. tfte Ai• J.ftdy l1etwr1 •"•"T S\I• •t4.., M ffie DAILY PILOT. Y•1'n Ii•• rt -t 1td t1 will v•lll> ••ri•1lty.ltll14 , .......... . ~---------------- I I :· I t I I I I I I ' I I ( I I I I I E J I t ~ I t t l I ' I ' • ' j J , d t • 0 0 n • c I 2 • Jo c • Ii ., il ~ • il • ~ L E p v II p ii p , , w I ol « II' lh I • • ' . . ,_ • - f;osia Me"a • EPIIIO•N N.y. . • vor. 61c NO. 221', 3 SECTIONS, 36 P.AGES ORANGE COUNTY, ~tlFORNIA ~AY; SEl'llMIE*'IS, 1'69 -TEN CENT! ' . . . ' ,. ' ~ . -. ·-,; t•' .,J -- Harbor ff eache~s Tell Tlieir,. !OES ,' T~ri$~~ By THOMAS FORTUNE tr tM CMillr PIW St.If The Newport Mesa 1 c b o o l ad· ministration hasn't heard tbe last of teachers' difpteuure over the ~ sa1ary 11Cale adoplec\ last June. Teacher representatives ftom each ol the dist¥'• la schools tbtjiJht· will biar a report h'om the Withdrawal of Enthusiasm (WOE) committee on Performance ~ duties for which lhey ar1 not pald. , lt was said la.st. June that such extra Oil Drilling Furor Goes To Council Control! on the drilling or even 'l- ploratory boles for subsutface petroleum -~h as created a furor r~tly -will he dlscqMed tonight by the Co&ta Mesa City Coiincil. City Attamey Roy June will report on the anti-exp)oration ordinance be , was asked to prepare and it may get a first nading, the initial step in makipg it law. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley called for auch a measure after an unsuccessful probe for oil by tho Octjdenjal Petroleum Com- pany earlier lhili summer. Roklents near the site oq. Paularino Avenue near 9.ear Street bitterly ccm- plained of noise and unsightliness cawed by the towering rig. 1)e C!>fDpany obtained count 1 ~·to drill from Out&lde ttie city limila and Costa Me.sa councilmen added the& <liuly 'for ilanl-drlllin beoeath the town lisell. . -' The olned was -hopefully -to settle lbe question of !jbether oil does J1' beneath the clly or' not an6 apparllllly It doem't, based ... the Occldeolal el· ploralioo. The City Coolleil agenda for tonighl's meeting is relaUvety alim, Including BeYeral matters'passed on by Utt plan- ninl CO!lllni3li<>D. Citizen's Tip l,,ecul,s to .tf rrest .tf ft,er Holdup A ti? from a citizen wbo overheartl a description of the getaway car used led to the arrest of three YOWll Co«la Mea:a men early today, following the $88 holdup ol a 1enke staUon. 'l1Je wspects were arrested on charges of anned robbery and al5o cultivation ol marijuana. after police found several maU plants growing in a coffee can. 'Ibey were idenlifled as Richard II. Curlin, 20, 0anu M. H°"lley, 21, both ol JSJ Albert Place, and Rayfllond 0. Smith, 20, of 46.1 Ogle St., Costa ~esa. Police Lt. Tom Durilanl said they wert: all arrested at the Albert Place add.ms, following a stickup at the Laner Oil Campany, 2360 Newport Boulevard, alicrtty after midnig)IL Attendanl Daniel L. Lanqui&t told ol· fleer• two men entered and one pulled an alilomatlc pistol, demudlng the keyt to the cashbox 00 the pump Island-· The victim said he wu held at gunpoint while one balldll gol the money, after wblcb he WU ordered to Illy inside untll the holdup men bad gone. He went out.side, however, aod wa1 able· to &et a. description of lbe car whJch led to thtir arrest, however, •ceordinc to Lt. Durham. Police Sgt. Gary Shull aod Officer Bill Bechtel said they arrived at the Albert Place address to check out 1 iuspect vehicle and were approached by .two of the men. lbey ftt tbe d""11plion ol the bandit piir and the third 1USpeCt was arruted inside the house, where the alleged mari- julnl plaDIJ ..... found. ' Wilson. Elected To league Term, Colla M~ Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson has been e1'<:ted lo a t~year d • director ol the Orange Coonty !tb•ptu or the Catlloml• League ol Cl(fea,' fie hid completed a one-ytar tenn. completiog tho period ol olffee ol Duano Wroten ol Fullerton. who "lilDOd ,_ ~ organilation. . I Wit.on'• tleclion came: last w!ek Wftel. Hunitocloa -Mayor Jad< G-WU elect.s p!ftldrnl ol the -cbaptu of the orpnbltlon. 1.,.n)nc1ude chaperoning at danees and teachers pment al . I llepteaentallve nonpeylng,ntra'dUtlia, ba aald. Pll'I!"'. wWier\>e Oil Ult .......itjOa .,. P., "l"""'I rate II wilt pt~ cJaa "11r!(eyenls and seemg Ula! &tudenls get ~I Uleellni In June. The conmtltlee lnllucl, Ult recammonctatlop will be-lo -who qi to bO! leodNh-m Pin-OUVICe.'. , oi( ua School ,bus or afe pic.ked up by mt! during the _,.. &DCf torilaJil Will dlscuil With the~ admlnlilratlon tho ~ ,\loWft ~ do it: • ' ' ' 'llie .aalary 1<aJe ~by tlli ldiool ~enls. repon on It. lindlap. ,. .... w ,neceaaJfy for eerlaln after J!ata 11!4-llle -Ilion! quihl>IOd board ·gave teachm an 1veraglfLI..,.. ·'.We haveo'f apecilled anything yet that · ''There aee rnany.-lt ~ lei's houn aaslcnmenta. Tub will be _ ~· .;...,_ __ ;,. . ..,..._ ,...........,. cenf pay rabo. The kachm' liDal re- tdlcj!er• sboul.d not do," said Bart Rajc, m.i<~ up't lllt,~ saJd lf4!te. Dan'l come evalua~ p lo how they coillrlbute lo' ··-...,..., -..., _. queg was fo•"ID.I ~ ·:. ~ec;µUve "&ecretary Qf the teachers' in antll ,. certaln tlmt ~ ~ve at, the the ~che<'• prlmary ....._ibltlly lo ire'I •It .,i~ -~ di!1 an To show lhett re 1 llW1Y 81.ialion. "We're seeking legal, bona nnt beUJ' ~ l • piovlde ~Uty, 1JH:lau loatruc:Uon, HU! ~· ~;,... ."'f. • •·· ... • teachers June 5 tu(ned atucilm.out fidtrways ol lmpresalng on the district Bot he said 11 IJ lhe":111nm1ueo:1 fed· said. • · . n....,.n ltltA -"-llljoa on" the playll<>Ulld after. t.e1<iu.,. four tMt< are a l<>t ol gratuitous services oi· Ing' that llll:b conduct would not t.proper ' For tnslanct, he sald, one ol the tlep Pltildat! °""""' lledllolll lut J-1111 ho!Jrs.Jlie ~ lchool d1J re!ldrtd letled.j>y the teachers.• !or per-.. who ~Ider Cbemaelvea pro. the IChool diJtrld ahoolutely hu lo have, tt11iat the teeilns oi lbe-1udim IJ the by law .. Al ea.-~ltlar lllP SCbool, lormaOon of the WOE comm!Uee was fess.ionab. 1be . COOJmtllet will not and proper vaJue is not &Inn to It, is cur-community wiU ett wbat.Jt w.anta to pay 7( of IOI teacbtra.jiioy:CDtted ~the nearly' unanimously i.pproved by lhe 90 recOmmend teacliers cease performinJ: ricuhtm committee. He uid aupposedly fQf,..IDd Jf lbe~i cmJJ ·~ to wiM>Je day. • -• , _ . " -. -.. " New Pu~llollts Set Nixor:i t~ 1nn'!unce N~~~er ·T~~@y , · • . . °' . 1 ... o'<C. I .' , " .. 4.,.. • -• WASHINGTON CUPl)-P re 1 Iden t Zltglf:r -refused to say whether th9 ealtea ~. m<n tePorts on lbtendiecl · Nlxoo 't'ill _an~ the ~t. stage of 4~500 figure wu eorreet.·Ht aid· Nixcn Comm~ attacb wbk:h octurre4 ln America11 troop withdraw.is [rom Viet-wP~14 make-.plibllc iht "acb&f.l .fiauru•• niid-August followlna .a tong_ lllDllMf lull nam Tuesday mornin&, tM White House in .a Writ~ i;t.atern'ent at about 1:30 a.m. 00 tbe batUendd.' ~. sa.ia today. PDT".TueSday., . , • Asked about a statement by South Viet 'lbe· fltst wtuidrawal, Involving' 25,000 Ziealef ft.vealed that Nixon decided on namese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky men, -*" l>olnpleted by U... end o1 the ·second phUe d the Wlthdrual !11for that jQ,500 mo,. American Gb would he Auglist :NaQO.bad lndicat.d he "9uld an-lo Friday's big alrategy, -at · Ult pulled oot by' the end ol November, White nounce the second phue ol U.S. troop White ,Houte.: -_ !111! diplomatic, House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler repl~cement. . military and tnteltlttDce adrisen. said "actual fiiUru" would oom• from Bui on· Aug. 24, lhe Prellc1"1l an-Zlejler said Uill didaton ·liidudad ... the Preslden~ . nounced 'he ,. .. delaylilc • dedslOll and (See NIXON, .... I) , ,. , • _, • • r I --r-' U.K.YPtt.OY ........ , .............. Wreck Traps Motorist ' ' Three Perish« As Car . Burns . o.n ·lfr.W1tJ$..' 1111 c-ty Tnflle t• Ill llealll Ttll 1• Cbeey~ JI, and hes' )'Olllll friend, u.,, .... old Lyon Rlllow1 'all ol Fullertm. ResCue workers attempt to remove Alexander TaPltn, 36, of 657 Ross St., Oosta Mesa, from car which ran off Newport Boulevard at Ind~ trial Way al 6 a.m. Wday, flipping over into deep ditcb, Vicllm 1f8W- in serious condition and still unconscious at Hoag Memorial Hospital* several hours after the accident. Newport Bet1cb police say be may have fallen asleep at wheeA· Loi Aogeles l<.tdenl Manuel Loper,. 17, wa1 kiJled early· today when ,the. eat ln- wtik:b be waa a pasaenget alariuaed 1into a sJow.movin( atreet sweeptli' °" ibe,saJJ.. ta Ana nleway near Laow cm.;On : • ' 1 ~ • Vl'IT ...... M..,.._ttan Makes .It . . 2 Newport M.en, Lagun~ Road. ' . ' the ·~ ~!tall~.· ndi..d wol'\I tl>at ii Ilea aclllevecl'lu ..,i ' ~ Jba~ ~ •blil ta-complete ·lbio 1eg-.,. N'ortliw"' :l'auai•· See iiOry, Page4. . · . Arrested in· Li~1ror Raid lnvestigal«i for the C a I I r o r n I-a llighwlJ Patrol said lhe three Fu11<.r1A1n rt,aicfcnll died when their car· wu .ltnJct from the rear and lwo other motor1&tl ...,.. badly hurt In tho 111110 iCl;lciiat, Scolt .-.~ 17, ol San lUrlno, , driver~ the stalled car the ffonQ')'OUth By, JOHN VALTERZA None ·of the four cou1d be reached for s1opped for. wu IUimaly injured. akq Of,... Dll"" Pllff st.tt cqmment today. • , with l~)'e&N>kl stephm HtlmpJe.1 ·of Three Newport Beach men and another Deputy District Attorney Martin J. Monterey Park. frora LagUria Beach were-free on ball to-Heneghan declined lo elaborate on the Helmple wu driving the car which day after their arrest th.i~ weekend and circumstances of the thefts. crashed into the attond auto, a~ seizure ·of 250 cases of liquor' alregedly "That wou ld be com.nentinc on the lo CHP lnvtstlgators. -· '~dle~h·t Jutler.;·nu1ea S~e, ~~l~ase<J . by Judge . .. .. ' stol.f:n lrQm a restalll'_ant, and six evidence, somthlng I honesUy can't do at Lopet wu killed at 5:30 1,m. today in The man once ,charged u •'nle dlltlibutors. lhia point," he 1aid. _ the accident' brvo;lvlng the atreet sweeper, Clndlellght ~ ," Robert W, Lz1:1e:riy, Detectives from NewpOrt B e a c h , He said the four men were arrested which left motorist Sal•ador Astorp, 31, ~>' ls u free as b1a name implies.._ . Laguna Beach and the District Attorney 's together at the restaurant and booked of Sao Ditgo, a1&o Hrioully lnJared. Judie Robert Gardner Of Newpcrt office arrested the four men and seized shortly after midnim.t at orana:e Coon... Beach declar~ u sane the man who the "11eged stolen tiquoc valued al $17,500 Jail. ... ·~ , • , pollC!> • ·1-c1 . ~-dl.p;..,i •ii hlJ at Feliciano'• 'Restau111nt, at Westcllfl All foor hove.posted ball, he sald. Long . Beac.h poninoar'1froo Jf!'I' .,0-ln. a .'W'tlld, and Dover drives,,Fri<lay nlghL . . Roodon4o and Dyer posted l',000; ~·~ .................. • They ar..Red Eugece Rondondo, 42, Torhelt ba\led ·oot·wlth '2,IOll and Whited • JJllp ~I' !ulmc -thal no1 Cornwall 1.ane, N·-eeach: posted 11.000.. p .. 1:.1!-her Dies· . LlherlY;u.· ... ..,. • trlMJar ti. O.arles Dryer, 31, 164$ S:;;.;,t JUdge Heneghan said tho investigation 1n1o UDJ.Le • -ii J11o. ~~Ill• Drive, Laguna Beach ; Alexander•Torbett, lhe.case Is "still very much active." -~ ~-ytlb wimr-mtil_June 1$, 117 Via Dijon, Newport Beach, and He saJd hlJ i olfiee, tile twiJ .police (.ONG BEACH (AP)'-Herman I!{ -·4'•!-:M·-••luirlltal• Edw'!fd Whited, «l, 309 Narclssu~Ave., departments. and state alcoholic R1ndl~puhflifierPr' ,!!,_the Loni i;: · ii'lllinintbr~'fl., '!'-· ' ~ del Mar, · beverage control agents conducted In. ... ~ ... ent tsa-'•en:aram. ciled ..... ~ ,_ ~Jlliel ;._w Dlslricl .AUo • 1 · •· ch vestigations for about three weekl before day at bis home after a short illnat. llf 1c.Ukir,0·fnftt.~ wM .........,-to rnty s comp a1ni0 arge "''U 81. ,......_ --~ ~~ la•ll"t!ee!e Roridoodo and Dryet w1lh eig~t counl.s o( the Friday arrests. Rldd .... -.,_ -..- gtand '""'I ftbm six liquor distributing crspentlOyeanlnthonewspeper 1hllt1Mtedlr.,lasd ~'· ' fi !'~ I I nd »J bu1inell. .. ' 'llior -. they -Lillorty rmi -one coun o gra "~'t from H• 'had·· been publlaher ,Gf • lhe ~~ ~ _.~ _.._ the Seddleback Jno. tnc. Two V aluahle Coats --_.., _... Roodondo, Dry• r and Torbett lace ln<lepend!lll·Pftas.Tel..,.ani alnce !IP, . wtiDOl!lf lltl..Lllldla.1111 ....... cbar&es ol conspiracy lo commit grand S I . C M when he eame lrom St. Pou~ 'Mino. lit. -·• 1lrilitl,..., -A4dlli( lo'lhe lhett and burf:'Y from tbe sur1 and to en tn osta es·a had ~ 'lib~ or lhe ~ Paul D1J. • ~.a. """''tl' 111111o .;port. Se:01:trt~toJ"::!m8.ta. victlmJ o1 ' Employes of a Cosia M ... lhop lold crpu~ st';'1111~ == ~-~ °:!::': the thelb """ the Mllloro. Compaoj. police thll ''"'""''"' _,..117 l'al"bled AD avid art and anµq,,. ad ....,_ . Dan w. Snyder Company, ~terlina Liquor ool with lwo muilial c:oatl worth $1,%14 wilier o1 ....-poelrJ, lllddor -Birat LllllilJ • -~-looa' Compa1'i, the David Kay Company, SalUnbly. hll publlcallon --111' prO> !\Cir -1 ,,, ._ ..C -..w llohemJil> ComJW11 and the Westem The burglary \VU reported by .Be~ Joell In hta 11.,_,...., hlle. iloli :aoil-,Jo.1111.111111111, Company. Vaoiandt, ol ~:Inc., 1l3S S. llrlstOI <\I the ~---~~ dttlll, ba waa In-.... Oolltlr 1 .. 1111' o-r. RondondoondDryer .alsoare.namedln St., In lhe Sooth Coul 'Plua ahopplJ!ll •olwd ill "'""""f • .!_ •1 mQlloo ort· ·1• cll ''-•lotleMlitllillll- anolht:r reoentcourt action~. clvll 1uil center. m~ forLq:--. Mlril' ti ,.. ...... mt1 •A brought by 1>0pular stoger and guitarist .----------...,-----------·-_, 8-IW 0-Jl!illa a,nii It. Joee Felidano. -Mdmll t ril llts -* UbetJ tt ,,.. bu.I .. lc!rUlner ts asking •t!0,000 'RICALL'--4 'ONLACT' .... y •1 't. -B '*' -... DI llam .... om alleged questionable lltlt ..... ti 1 111111 -liw prtCl!eel by lloodondo. llr)'er •nd RorJ. ' : -• aod -• -In lilt-.,_, clondo'o wile, Carol Tomkin Rolldoodo. ft'• • m]lst•rv pl/Jr IOllll01rl a c1 .. re11I f!ld!llQ d ·=• --11 u.i u. iw. ,,._ enttrtllner W. l!0,000 In wages thtl pofnt. but fOlcfnaimg rcodl!lg -~ ... "11t1•U, be Jilllnlod 11• owed him fer th ... appearances al the Who ts willing lo qnd •P to ISl/,000 Oii o -a.rt ...... mlYal d -... re.lauranl whlcfl bean h~ name and comppfgn agoimt l'fflA Dtstriel S•pcrvlaor Al(o;o -d I ._ at• Gf Wt -- '1111,!0tl Ill ctamaaes lo hlJ reputllioe. • An I A ~-' D 'ILY Pl' -Ill -' 1)1>1111!1hu1'1 lo CCIOle lo lriaJ. ~. t• IJ>f~ n WO r<f10rl Oil I ~ ..... ' ..... tr-• to Whited will answer <barges ol ....iv. ..,,-., COlllpOlgn -lnelodlllq • •lnl•ll'· lltlz.,.iJID i!late 1fmlillll al .llonralk In( llollJD property. btdfcllow eOll of Orana• C.......,,, -oolU bo .~.~:::::...,..,!di~ 1llll , Aa an1""""'11 date !or the lour men ALLEN publla/l<d IO!ltOmM Demit llllii It. • • • .,.._..., 11.,111rl:!d 1 IUror had 1lol yet been aet thls mornln~. lo 1.,.;;.r c.urt: . . . -. Ora•p .-• . . " . ' • c o~ Viets Me,~ong onfirmed ~:::t." . ' . Informal ltlove • ~Bay; Swap· uling - Oppose-Cl by.'Sta~~ By JEROME F. COLLINS Of .... CNlf1J """ 111tf - The State Attorney General's office today dilaareed-hlit only inform&llY- wlth a legi.tlaUve counael's opinion that tho Upper Newport 817 land .. ,hanle mllSt be resubmitted to the Stilt Lanils CommW!on. Only the courts can compel reopeninf or the tideland1 swap question, Depoty Attorney General Ja1 Shavelaon em- phasized. He expectJ the lands commlas.lon to reeclve that lrultructton In Jess Uian a year, "one way or another." UUgatlon testing the legality or the tranuc:tkm between Oraqe County •and the Irvine Com(llllJ is DOW pendtn( before the county aupaior court. -• . .-f . . . H1! otl'tct, ln ahy easel.. will not Issue any opinkin on the 'Back lily swj,p. "W• don't do tha\ on matters that •re cur· renUy tn llUgatim.· 1lte rulilll •W ·hav• to come from 1he cowU. " · Sbl~ lddod Iha! the quealion of ~ ainadmeda .. and their lmlM!d on Utt ortpnaJ qreeme.nl, Will Yel')' likely bl ruled' on early by the courts. "I lhlnk it is very desirable that lhe courts consid er that,'' he. sajd, Lido Coup~e's Jewelry L~ss • Said $225,000 Temp0rar11 · Biiom, ·Permanent Education DAILY "II.OT ,, ... l'~ Lut week, Leaialative CoumeJ George H. Murphy told Alsemblyman Alan Si<roty (D.Bevorty llillsl, 1 long-time critic ot the excbani:e, that the la.ridt comomslon "m\.IJl" reconsider its Sep- tember, 1987, approval of the contro- versial plan. I The two gunmen who r9bbed Lido Isle yachtsman Briggs CunniJlgham and h~s wile last week made off Ith $225,938 1ft jewelsi -135 stparate terns -police disoloaed tod1y. Instructor Lorean Wisgerhof and classmates of on- th&-spot pupil °"ait Jor quiz, ~nswl'.!r in portable classroom at COsta. b1esa's Lincoln School. Too . many"chlldren 'IJld too liivJ scl>oolrooms have led to use of 42 such units throuahout Newport-Mesa Unified School District this year. Portable class· rooms are nsed by more than 1,000 youngsters in efementary and scrcalled middle schools . Murphy based ~ opinion on amend· menta to the origtn&J llJ'ffmeut. Tht amendment& were approved by eounty auperviaors tut November. They pro- vided for drodgl111 or county tidelands and removed Irvine uplands included 1n tbe trlde from cowrtj t.u rolls, pendln( the out.come ~of lld&adon. I~luded in the dating :daylight robbery loot was a diamond aod emerald ring with 1 plafinwn aetllAI worth $26,000. ac- cordln1 to Ddective'Capt. Lou Heercs. Up" Up Away ' Fashion Island Dwarfed by.High Rise Fashiori Island will .!JOOn be surrounded by a •a of h i c Ii rise fiuUdinp__ - skyscrapers by Orange County standards. Newport Beach Planning Director Lar- ry WLl.son said a hall-dozen 18 to 20-story structures an now on Irvine Company drawing boardr. They will all be built on Newport Center :brive, surrounding F 1 ab ion Island. From P119e J NIXON • • • Munlclpol government alreody lw cleared the way for construcUon of the first of the big buildings, the 18-story headquarters of. Seaboard F'inance Co. It will rlae midway between Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa drives off Newport Center Drive north of Fa'shion Island. Balboa Inrura.Dce Company, an affiliate of Seaboard, iii owner of fee Utle to the site ::>f the one million square foot slruc· lure. Most recent city approval involving the project, Wilson noted, will allow Balboa Insurance to construct a pve-story park- ing gara.Je adjacent· to the Se8t»ard building. Ont: level of tht: parking struc· ture will be below ground. lt will prov.ide space for 1,400 can. tual figures. · 1· The Il"Ylne Companr also plans to buJld foll°"ina the Friday conferel)Ct Gen. ltt own live-story parking facility ne1t to . 81. ted ~ton W. Abrams, U.S. combat com· the Seaboard garage. '°O"""''"'V "' malider, ritumed fininediately in Saigon -·· -pleted, u.., Newport (lenkr \ft £NUt '3 a • ... and within tWo l\otzn after li1s -a1rfvlf, be high-rlae complex wiU be the large:it in • 0 W ~-repottd per....UJ to Prulclenl N111Yen Orange Coonty, For Mrs a er ,v.,, 'll11eu' • , 'l'biou.n!et wttltllluecurity acMaerrw. __ ·-· _ __ _ . • --. --da1 between another meeting-wtt!!r,r -t:-:.. p· J 11o1uy wW be rtclled tonisJ>t for a Abrans. After the llecurlty Council. narDUr atro fOlllllme llar1>ar Atu 90Clllito and com-meeting, Ky told of tbe planne<! 40,$00-=:'~~~dl°t..~.~.~~ .. '!'ktf"Jl~ih.o. iris .. ~~f Saves Boat heart cllseue. · bet Ween the United !ltata ovet'ih0-i0,51!Gl · Rltu f0< Gr&Jce ·Walker, fl, of 1901 fiJJUre, Eh he •Id ~hides U.S. Pr9 ~ action by Harbor DcmOrtment BaJadtr~ Tfl'?~ Corona de~ ·Mar, will ",natinel, PAl'J~ and ~l t;\T1f9,'. _ trol \.ease11 Sunday aav~ -;T :z&:foot be lat I p.m.1"'tllif·IA01 ~ of Aalflf ~bol" "1¥· said the Wlthch1wal ~erbbat from afnldn.< off Abalone Point Chureh, Cdrona cfel Mar. announcement wOWd vot be coupled with aft.er three p.assen&era had abandoned tht: Requiem Mui wU1 be ctlebrated Tue... any new 7 ~c:e ,iniU..Uvu ~ "We P.'ve vessel daJ at IO a.m .• at the amt church, with Made el)IUi6 ~om." . l.J . The boat was tht: 2&-foot OW ens cruiser inte:nDent .teheduled Jn lklly Sepulcbet . ..we:thlM'. tt is Utne to take more Mini tttary owned by J. F. Wren, 1111 E. Cemetery near Orange. responsibilities," Ky said. "We are now Balboa Blvd. and operated by William Mn. Wilker was a 3G-year rt!ideat or capable to replace the Americans," It.. Wren, 34, of the same address. Newport Beach and was active in :!IOC!al It would be the second Amertean troop Accordinll: to the Harbor Department. and community activities. . _ withdrawal .The (lrst wa1 the pu~lout or Wren and 1Us son, Billy •. 9 ~d an . adult The family sua&estt that thoae who 25,IXIO ~ Y.ihlch Wa1 completed' 1ast paasenger, Jerry Goodwin of Hunt1ngto_n wi.8b to remember her make -con· month.1t apj>artritly was part of Nlloa's Beach, abandoned t~e boat . aft~r it trlbuticu to the Heart. Fund. reported hopes to withdraw 81 many as struck a submerged t1mbt)r whic~ ripped Hungry ~lesa Burglar Visit& Coffee Shop Someone dropped In for doughnuts .tt a Coit.I Mua coffee shop Saturday. WhoeVer did so did not pleaae Richard C. Prt1colt, who found the re.ar doOr or the Cout C&fe, 2278 Newport Boulevard smuhed wbeo he arrived to open up. Pdlice officer Frank Jordan said the ~relar took 9$.'8 worth of loot. lncluding doleD dCJu&hnuls, a dOU:ll swtet rolls ... apple pie. ' '*""' .. COAn ....... Cl»U'..,., ........... w ... _,.._ .,, .... c..i., .................... "'-Ill n-·· ltnlt ·-n.,,,., A. Mw,lii•• ~·•lter c ........ OMM JJO W ... hy Strffl M1llif1t AHt~ P.O. a. I .... tJ6t6 --,.._.....,.: 1111 ....... tut'I,,. L.._. .,._. "',_.. ,,_ "~ ... , ........ ' . • I 100,COJ Amerlcaf\s by tfle end of the year. o~t a strut and plank. The trio were Whether the u s troop withdrawal had picked up by ahotber nearby vessel. · · The HarbQr Department responded to full South Vletnames1 lllp~rt was not a cat! rrom the Coast Guard at 5: 10 p.m. kno'ttQ. Abram.s tfld • aena of confer· slating that the boat was sinking rapidly. enc:es wUh 'Itli~ 111d ThleO tilled an The Harbor Department arrived on e~gency ~eetmg of hl.!! National Se-the scent at 5:32 to find the vessel almost cunty Council. . submerged . Pumps put aboard. the boat' L&s.t May 14,, Nlxoo enunciated th~ee . were unable to ~eep up with the Inflow principles on which he would base pullin& of waler and \Vren went back to help bail wt American forces: by hand. -A scaling down of oUensive opera. Another Harbor Department boat was Lions by CommuniSI. forces. finally dispatched to the scene with extra -Progrets •t the Paris peace table. pumps and between the two they kept the -Capabilll}I O{ South Vietnamese boat anoat unUI it was towed to Blackie's trOops to take over more of the fighting. Boal Yard where. it was hauled. . . ~ ,. . -· ~11.Y 11'11.C)T llffl ""'9t AFTER NARROW ESCAPE OFF LAGUNA, BOAT PUMPER SMILES P1111n9•r J1rry Goodwin of Hvntlngton Beach $1111 Aboard Mini Mary N amaJh 'Double' Gets $221 Haul At Camera Shop A look·alike for famed f o o t b a 11 quarterback Joe Namath "'eluded Costa M..a police Suriday nllht alt.r evidenUy taking $221 in a carbon cqpy burglary at a camera shop looted or nearly $10,000 la.st May. He was almost in the clear -but he tripped a burglar alarm. The IUSpected buralar drove out of a professional bulldJni parking lot In tbe 400 block of Eut 17th Street about I p.ftl., juat .as officers arrived to check the silent alann. Tbey ·found someone had broken into Dave'• Camera Ezchana:e, 47• E. 17th St., twmeling from an adjill:ellt om~ throug~ two plasterboard walls to the photo flhop. The same company was burglJ.rized in an idenUr.al manner Jut May U, but th~ intruder elcaped with a wide varl!ty of eamefa ·equipment besides thti,,cash. • lnves!Jiaton said the burgfor In Sun- day ajabt~ job qied a _pry bJr Jo'./>ieak into.~ ollJot In~ WD!> buf!dlng, before amuhlng-thrwih the wall Into the camera store.. Sgt, Jim Green and officers Dave Casey and Pat Rodgers were dispatched to the shop whm the silent alarm went off at police headquarters. Beaches Prove Summer's Over The summer Is really ever. And a glance at Newport Beach·s weekend !kits and beaches would prove it. ''ft wl.!I a truly dead ·weekend for us ," said one lifeguard. The t.owera are all In and accounted for . guard spoke.men said. A few surfers ventured out over the t~·o days to pursue their sport under gloomy skies as residents strolled on the sand. The harbor's waterways, ha r b or patrolmen said, were about as crowded as the beaches. Sunday's yachUng 1ction on the bay was almost nil, they said, Murphy .,ill the amendmentJ, R effect, cblofed tbe orlginal .,......en!. M a result, the Jands commiulon must !ull111 it& oblilatloo under the law . by conalderfn& the entire packa1e once again. Shavelaon, however, today sai:I Jt la his 0 peraonal view" that the amendmants were only tochnlcal and "did not affect tbe value of the land or the demablllty of the exchan.ae." - Shavel.son stressed thal hia opinion in no way reflect& the official stand of the Attorney General's offi~. 0 1 have no permitsloa to speak•)or tbe office," be said. . He pointed out that Conn.al opiniona or the attorney general are announced pnly after "elaborate procedures" and the signed approval of · Attoniey General Thome Lynch. Lyncb told the DAILY PILOT this momtn1 !hit be is not familiar with tbe ialue. He u.ld SbavellOll iJ the staff ex- pert oo the udlange, wblch c:aJll for tbe transfer of 157 acres of county tideland! for '5'I • .,..., of . Irvine uplandt .-! Udel.ands. Shavelaon Indicated it la not UDU511a1 for the Legl1laUv1 COunsel'a offJce to iuue opinions that conflict wftb tboee or, the Attome1 Gtneral'a offi~. He explained that lhe Le&ialaUve Cowtsel respondl to lepl que!llonl lrom teliblator11 , while the l'ltt«ney Geqoral provides 'Ule aame aervlce to state aim· ciea, IUch IS the Landa Commisston. And whatever tbe opinion, whether It Is from the LegJslatlve Counsel or the At- torney Gener at. it is "not bi.ndinj:," he aald. "Tht rulings are advisory." The agencies seeking the advice, though, generally conform their actions with the oplnk:IM reached, Shavebon con- ceded. Woman Arrested In Shoplifting A Santa Ana w0tnan who allegedly made out a shoppina list but failed to pay for the items on it was arrested Saturday at an e1:cluslve Costa.Mesa store. Suzanne ?.i . Royal, ZO, or 2031 S. Cedar St .. was booked on suspicion of burglary a.fl.er being arrested by a y,·oman detec- tive at Joseph Magnin Inc., 1t South Coast Plaza shopping ttnter. Patrolman Frank Jordan said rtore employe.s arrested the woman after sbe allegedly filled a shopping bai with anorted clothing \vorth $135 and left without paying. One of Our Well-Heeled Customers Complains Dear ~1r. Bidwell: Some time before you moved into vour new store next to the Lido 0Theatre l bought a pair of sandals from you . About seven years ago. as I remember. I have a feel'llli it would be cheaper for me to do the latter. But the trouble is, l 've develop- ed a decided sentimental attach- ment for my old sandals. It has taken me years lo work them into their present comfortable -ii somewhat dhnputable - condition. If I decide to trade them in, could you find a &ood home for them? I mean, I wouldn't want then falllng into tho band> of ju.st ANYl>ody. Now. 1 don't like to 3ound like so1ne cronic, crank complainer· (I 've ne\rer in my tlfe sent a st"'k back to the· chef because it was or wasn1t med.bun rare). However, I must report that the sandaU you sold me are bop niDg lo show deflnlle · 1!0>s of wear. Pl1a11 adViat. He .said many other items of jewelry valued in the $12,000 to $15,000 range wtre also stolen. The Gunningh.a~' prize Australian black opa1 valued at $12,000 alao wa.!I laken by the two men who bound and gagged the couple last Wednesday morn- ing. That piece of jewelry, alon1 with moch of the rest of the loot, was also stolen five yeara ago in a burglary of the Cun· ningham home at 343 Via Lido Soud. In that theft, however, the jewels were recovered within an hour. alon& with two young men who sub&equently were con- victed. Couilty Youth's Death in Desert Caused by Heat A youth fro~ Oran1e1 found dead lasl week under odd . clrcumslances at a d~rt commune whue a small boy wu penned up this Swrimer was apparently a ''iCtim of heat prostration. Christopher Hartwell, 21, was discovered by a party or do~·e hunters la~t Wednelday, four daya after be was reported miS!ing Crom the isolated ranch near Blythe. Riverside County sheriff's deputies said at the Urne that there were suspicious aspects to the...µse, but declined to elaborate pending a coroner's in· vesiigatlon. The victim wa.s nude and lying face up under the furnace-like desert heat when faund, apparently having walked iJl circles, re-crossing his own tracks before collapsing. The ranctt , where Hartwell wa.s tin ployed at caretaker galned notoriety tbl6 summer when lawmen raided it and fqund slx-year~ld Anthony Gibbons le11shed In a crude, wooden pen. The cblld. son of a Lo.s Angele.!! County probaUon officer whose utranged wife was living at the ranch, was made a ""·ard of Riverside County. His mother and 10 other persona at the ranch wert arrested and currently face charges of felony child abuse, with lrisl yet to come. Uttle Anthony wu kept under the blaz- ing sun with only a small amount or water and no sanltational facilities in lhe cOrral fashioned from a packing crate, investigators said. Jaok ~farshaJI 121 Via Waziers Newport Beach Dear Mr, Manhall: That's Ibo trouble with good sandals. You CAN get emotion· ally involved. A cheap pair would have fallen apart be.fore you got on a first-name basis • At any rate, bring your sandals by and I'm sure we can "make ti deal" -as they say in the Iulo business. \Ve may even de· clde to have the old pair bronz- ed. ll the Smithsonian isn't in· terested ln them, we certainly are. Sincerely, Jack Bidwell P .S. Wheu you slop by, ~..., rniCbt want to take a look at our s-J= Bally 1hoes from land. Tb1y 're REALLY made to tut. I admit I've worn lhem half way around Ibo world -Jaj)an, Hong J{ong, Wake bland. lfono- Julu, Mexico Ctty, San Francisco and New York City -oot to mention such abow places as Tijuaoa and Hollywood (home ~ or the stars). Jack Bidwell The question 1', b11 my guar· 11ntee run out? U 101 ti.·ould you advise me to have my nndals overhauled, or trade them In for a new pair? ' 3417 VI• Udo •t l'fewperi Blvd., Newport h•e•. Ple•ty •I IJ'M Jllll"klall la die ...... . Oaly mla•tM {Uen70).flloea .. . Ve•t11r• F.-w•Y• Ii I I Top Surfers .tr T~ligle • • I Huntington ·Tourney -Slated -for JJr-eekerid . ' Surfers !ream as far awlY as Florida, Texas, Hawaii, North Carolina, Viralnia and eve.n two from AUJtralia wtU test , Huntington Beach's surf Sept. 20 for the 11th Annual U. S. Surfboard Champk>n- &hips. The t·NO-day program begins at 1:30 a.m. next Saturday with elimination heats and quarterfinals on both aides of the municipal pier. Flnals are scheduled the rollowing day and wiU be capped by award cere- monies in eight divisions and the presen- tation or ttie IAlke Kahanamoku Trophy to the best overall surfer. Devid Nuuhiwa, a Huntington Beach surfboant shop owner, was the winner of the duke's troohy last year and will seek a repeat victOry. Another favorite Is Corky Carroll, of Dana Point, a two-time winner ol the eveot. Divisions illclude !Um•anu. men. 3S · COS"A MW-llaymood Kuiioe, Mary and up; seniors. 25 tbrou&h )5; Men. 11 Lou MC\.1!nnis. ~ ~ 14; Junlon, 11aDcl17; Bo)'S, II SAN CLt:MENTE;-Mlto'IDHfk BIU u\riiugb 15: Mini.., 11 and under-'both Welul, Del c......, Dail 'iif'l<iii;' Jell boys.and girls: Women, 12 and up; pad-· •Moore, Randy si;,;gi,, J, N, Doll, Cbrb die races, d<J"Y racea and miled tandem Carmichael, Mike ~ , •urliog. LAGUNA 8EAl;ll . ~c'arev. Di>ul Tbe follawing are lnclud.ed amorlg the Browne; Cr'iig Martin; n 01$u1fi\14n. 270 surfers entered. lo date : NEWPOR1''BliACH _,Jdmny•Coohl.J, AUSTRALIA -Kellh Paul, Russell Bob Grieve, B111 Pelis, Bill McKinney. Hughes. Scott Pre.IS!, Jdl Kennard, JoM Van HAWAII-Al Fotd, Robert Jensen, Dor-Omurn .• Ian "Lou" Dunbar, Sam Owes, Buster CAPISTRANO BEACH -Jil.I Sach5, Kellum, Bill Biegert, Keone DowninJ. Brad McCaul. . . , · Ronnie !\Omero, LeRoy Ahclloy, Kevon SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-Mork Silz- Johns, Rtn0 Abellira, Chris Gardner, ler, Dane Sutler. Toni Delong, Blanch Benson, Kainoa SEAL BEACH-Mike Wllb. Downing, Robbie Husic, Laura Blears, HUNTINGTON BEACH -. Hatria Ka. Sharron Webber. Toni Winkler, Jame.s wata, Jim Wade, Steve Walden, Greg Blears, Patrick Marciel. TUcker, Randy Lewis, Chuclf RaY1,..B[ad N. CAROLINA-Mickey Marsh, Mike Baylis, Steve Bigler:~ 'Jeff-HlkmaD, Nancy Marsh. Haynes, John DavlS, David NUUhlwa. Publicity Workshop Ne -ar Pilot, OCC Pl.an Program for Press Chairmen The DAILY Pl.LOT today moved toward closing off pre.registration tor its upcoming Pub licity Workshop to be held · Wednesday night at Estancia High School " in Costa Mesa. Open to press chairmen and olher of- flcers of clubs, organizations, churches and youth groups -or jusl interested c.itizens -the program will be presented In a two-hour session starting nt 7:30 p.m. Wednesday In Estancia's Forum. Thomas Keevil, DAILY PILOT editor, will handle the major Portion of the prelentalion. The program will be opened East'\vood School Program Slated Frank 0. Mcintyre, J nf or ma tl on ecrvices exeeutive for the southern SCC· lion of. the California Teachers Associa- tion (C'TA) will addre59 Weslminster's Eastwood School PT A tonigh t. He will speak on "General Trends in Education Today" at 7:30 p.m. in the &ehool's multipurpose room, l 3 5 5 2 University St. This opening meeting of the Eastwood PTA is the first in .a year-long series planned to present programs of general interest to the community. by Dr. Thomas Blakely, director of the Orange Coast Evening College, co- sponsor of the seminar, and t.y Robert N. Weed, DAILY PILOT publisher. Many of the DAILY PILOT's "decision makers" will appear at the workshop to field quest.ions regarding operations iJJ their particular areas of responsibility. Included wlll be Thomas Morphine, managing editor; Bea Ander 9 on 1 women's editor: Glenn White, sports editor; and Judy Hurst, associate ~·romen's editor. Also attending will be Jodean Hastings, Huntingt.on Beach-Fountain V a 11 e y v.·omen's editor; Jean Cox, Laguna Beach-Saddleback Valley women's editor; and Jo Olson, "'·ho handles women's news from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Orange County at large. Tom McCann, DAlL Y PILOT public service manager, and Don Jacobs, Orange Coast COiiege public relations direct.or, will assist Keevil in presenting the seminar information. Though much ol the 1l)lltl'ial presented in the workshop and"'in a "Pointers for Preas Chairmen" booklet productd by tbe DAILY PILOT for the Wedne3day night program, will be timed at women's group&, the program al90 will iDclude lips 1or an. publldJfll. lb aim is to Wn!Uarize -bhoppers with Ute mechanics of wriUng •~good newa release1 Who to conlact and. when and how to make , the contact to get a story or photo into the newspaper aiJd other aspects of the ,publlcl.st'a !ob as seen from ~ newspaper's point o view. Pre-registrants will be given first choice of seats at 1be Fonun. Those not registered in advance ot the pfOlfam will be allowed £o fill seats only 'on a space avallable basis at 7:Zl.l p.rn. &harp. Pre-registraUon coupons cannot be ac- cepted at the DAILY Pu.pr office later than noon Wednesday. Published here is the last coupon the newspaper will print before the Wed- nesday night event. Senior Citizens Tax Aid · Filing Deadline Oct. 15 ' • ; I \ -. N~ Ford Triumvirate Sitting behind Fonl's chairman of tl!e board, Heniy Fonl ll Is !he new tliumv~ate which will direct the gi&antic ~utotCOmpany replac-- ing ~ presi<\eot. SemPt>. f;, Knudsen. From front to rear are Robert steveosoo, president of Ford lnt.emational automotive opera- tions; Lee A. Iacocea, president of Ford's North American aulomo- tive. ~ti.on!; and _Rob~--\ J, Hampson, president of. Philco-Ford and tractor operations. , County ·Business Official Eying Hong Kong for Site Management'of a Santa Ana electronics company · today is considering . the possibility ol _.ing a bi'anch in Hong Koog, due to low labor costs and the ex· Wit of lechnological development there. The anoouncement came -from a spokesman oo tour with 30 other Helpful Youth Has Finger Htirt A 11-ye.ar~ld Tustin boy extended a helping band and had a finger broken businessmen from 11 states. Burge31 Dempster, an execuUve wllh Electronic Engineering Company, UIOl E. Chestnut s~., is ooe of. a group touring the area, selling, distributing. licensinj: and startin& joint veotlD'es. '"I1Us i.s not only because of com- paraUvely , low labcr cost, but also because of e I e c t r o n I c technology," Dempster said. No definite plans .are set for an l.$embly plan -in tbe ,BriUsh crown col- ony, however, he empba.sUed. "We . are merely Jooldng Imo the - possibilities," Demp<ter eiplalned. s~ Linda Perez put ·coins in a 'I Shall Return': machine but didn't get her package of S • OAA. Y !'ft.OT 3 Few Clues To Identity Of Remains No fl"ll"• hu -made yo1 bl e.-ier·· cltpllta in-lpt1ng Ille Id ... Illy.and «ilia d body jlartl whldl wasl> ed up in Surfskte a week ago. "We have not yet determined H lbel are human, f'IOf. do we know whl're the, came from ,'.' u.id Dep. C<rooer John Cale Friday afternoon. He indicated that skin tWue and other laboratory tesa condu<led by bis olfict through the cooPerauan ol Cal-Stat• Fullerton might ·u111mareiy provide an answer. Cale said he could not spe(ulate when the test. mlgbt be completed. The mysterious torso part!, which con-- Wt of a portion of the spinal eolwnn, the hlps and a leg bone, meamrhile rest at Smltb's Moriuary In lhlntlnglon Beach. The remains were dllcovtri!d tn the water by a woman swimmlng in the ocean last Saturday. cigorella, Paul Martel r<ached into the MIDDLE'fOWN, <:onn. (UPI) -Ted d~penser slqt to see ll the packqe .... Saul"tefaoo ha1 reuoo to believe that In Latin Post bung up. . , _ . the thle( who bro~ into his auWmol>lle While his hand was inside Miss Perez a[!lency during-the Weekend plans to Presideot--Nbi:on Friday ·BP"" pushed µ>e. .~ttO:"' J. again. ;This ~. it return to the scene of the crime. pointed. Ernes~ V. Siracusa, a worked and Mane.rs hand -was calljht, The ttder pot only stole a new car, $25 graduate of Huntington Beach police said. In cash and a .22 caliber rm>lver frOm High School, a.s amDassador to Others include discussions of popula- tion factors, learniog and teaching pro- blems. Deadline ror filing for 1969 Senior Citizens Property Tu Aaslstance checks is Oct. IS, State Sen. James E. Whebnore (R-Fullerloo.) reminded ru>idenlll today. Two Tustin firemen rreed the ba.v's Al's Auto Sales, he allo>took the kr;:a to Bolivia. Stn:cusa,-a .~ 41·p. lhej can meet the qualif1Ca.tipos. hand and put a splint o.o his broken m)(!. all the other cars oo the lOt, Sfmtot;t.efBDO lbmat, previoualy aerved JD V.S. A quaWled senior citlze:n could receive die finger. told }>Ollce. embassy in' PerU. the $70 from the Homeowners Tas: Relief 1--_;;-------,,---.--,,---'----------------_;'--'-'------Program and get an additional cbeck (or up to 95 percent of the balance of hi! Lu:- t:s from the tax .assistance program. OV Board Slates . Meeting Tonight Ocean View School District trustees begin their first board meeting of the new school year al 7:30 p.m. today with a session at district headquarters, 7972 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach. Action items listed on the ageMa in- clude a resolution to dedicate easement property to the new Suo View Park, a revlslon in the maternal leave polky for teachers and a contract with a medical group to provide nu shots for employes. Chicago Aldennen~' Offices Hit by, Bo1nhs ClJICAGO (UPI) -The offices of two Chicago aldermi!ll were damaged early today by firebombs. Both men indicated community lensiom over urban renewal ~·ere involved. "This is the second year of the senior citizens ta.I' assistance program," Wbet- more said. "It provides for a refund of the claimant's property taxes ranging lrom one percent to 95 percent, depen- ci ing upon the claimant's household in- come." He warned that this program should nnt be confused with the Homeowner's PrOpt>rty Tax Relief Program wllich was voted by the lawmakers this year to~ \ ide general property tax relief. Senior citizens are eligible for both programs if REPRIMAND FOR ROOSTER A complaint from a HunUngton Beach resident about his neighbor's roost.er crowing au nlght brought the following notation on today's police log boo);: Officer checked area, reports rooster will be reprimanded. Painstaking Piece Work To be eligible claimants must be over 65 years ol age on Jan. I. 1969, must own and occupy their home and must have paid the property taxes ·on the home, and must have a total household income· of Jess than $3,350. Body 'of Woman In Pit Identified MANCHESTER, N. Y. (UPI) -The body of a woman found in a gravel pit with her head and face battered was identified tentatively today as that of redhaired Marta Kristine Polls, 19, who disappeared last month in Rochester, N.Y. Trooper G. R. Thompson of the st.ate police said Miss Poli• had been murdert!d. Be !!Jd she died of a frac· tured skull cal.lled "by a uvere blow lo the head by an unknOwn Instrument!' UP'IT ......... The remains of an Allegheny Airlines DC-9 let Md a Piper Cherokee are being assembled in a banger al Bakalar AFB, Columbus, Ohio, The lwo planes coUided in mid·air nea_: Indianapolis last week kilJing 83 penons and federal tnv .. ugators l!cpe to ftnd eoough of tl!e planes to make moclrups to determine 'vhere the collision occurred and bow. ------- . is waiting _ I ) " • ·to do somithing aboUtsmog. Meet Thfs ls ox cmwnunffy. W. Uw her•. W.'v• served Southom CdWamla le< men fhan 100 years. And -· .. 1iwd with tho smog problom. just OS you haw. The Southern Coallfomio area is recognized far '-Ing ,_. of tho best conttd programs far air palluttan In fho muntry. But we still have smog. We wontod to help solve tho 'problem. Nat Jurttalkabauttt. · And "°"' -think we have a way fa help. At tM Gas Company, we've foun:d that using natural gos 01 a fuet In motor · "'1icl .. thorpty -tho pollutant• that c:ouse ":~~!11;-.r.,.: W.'.....ir-ly-1od• number of ....-..... loorvQ' vohid .. to "vie rlatural gos for fu.T. And we'r• -king fa porfoct fho l)'llem for ...-_, fltol, and oathat athon""' UM If. too. Ther• ore many organlzatlont llke' ours, with flHb of "'11clos. <>pe<a!lng from central servicing and luoting locations, sponcfang many haun ...., day on the streets and frHWOys In SoutMrrr Callfornla. Conversion to natural gos f9 1lmple. and rolatiwly ~ Oporattan Is moreec;011iomk:ol. w. don't dafm that .,.. d - gas In fleets of.&.-. trucb, and an lo i\ gcing ta dean up tho smog "I' probfemovemtght. But ff wtll '.,;,.,.'f help. And that" what we · o.t:?):;;.:i WOntedtodo.. SMl'81I C'adies lim CallllllY A ...... OF'MJ'llOIC lJQHft<tQ SdTlM We're lllYffflng In lomol•-· See this natvrol p-fveled car at the L.A. County Fair Sept. 12 thr0U9b the 21th. • • ---...- __.... .......... ... Wheft •tfl~t "call OU~ "M'elviil Laird" at the Anny tralnlng ceoter ~ at Ft. 1-ls, 'YU!>-severll l<il- dien do a doub!Mak.o. But stepping up froo1 and center la P¥t. Mo\WI Laird of Topeka, Kan., not Ibo ""' "' . Uoa'• aecrelary of ~efe..., Pvt. ~,;..t. 'l.elrd. say•, "'111ere may be • few 1 t levels of command in between, but : ! I take my orders fn>m Melvin .... Laird.'' .. • • J .. ---------.. " ' . . .: ~ . • ; • -. I£ I f I , All~tt ·s.rs • . Won't Seek · ·GOP Reins '.· i ' . Heavy Rains t ................... . . .,...., ............ ....., .............................. ....................... ...... "" ... .., .... _..., .. ........ ............ ........ .... ~ .. .,....., .... ..... _...... '~' ---. -. •. .... • u - .. ft .. " '..,, ,, It; ti '' " a • .., tr ,,.. . ,,, .... .. " .... .. .. g. :: 1: " Q ~ ;: .. M U Al " .. . .. " .. .. " . ~ Q .. .• ,, . .. ... .... ~ :: "' " a : = .. . :: ~ .. " Q " :: :: t l ' ' • . \.· - ·.4fm9 . Route · Found )' ,_, ~ . . Nixon Meets on Space Plan WASHINGTON CUP!)· -Pruident Nlxoo today dilcusses U.S. space goals wllb a special tas li: force expected to recommend to him deferring manned Mars landings unlil the 1980s. Instead, the group bas reportedly 'decided to recomm~ the U.S. con- cebtrate on expff>ring the moon and dev!loplng giant earth and lunar orbiting staUons that could later be used in a tan- . ding on Mars. 1llls weet we're felfurfng 4 dellclous poit req,es ! The task fora began,W«I< In Febnlary alter NU.on nq-.d it ,._. pll f<>< the space program in the next decade. It includes Vice President Spiro T. A.pew, a Mais landing -st; 'Thomu 0, Paine a~ ol the Naliooal Aermauib and Space Admlnlstration; Air r..-ce Secretary Robert o. Swnans and the President's science adviser, Dr. Lee A. llubrldge. El laneho off era J'OU. four waya to beat menu monotony •.. recipes that are l!IU?e to please ••• JOU? op~ to IQA.ke r.our meals bocome aheer adventures in d.iniq! ..., ...... a -..,.., 111:.11 ... Clltlil .... , aWlltChlltM .......... 119m .. H U ..... . ,_ ........... .._.,;, u t 11221 r c....i .. .. .. f1'11 .......... .. 2151 w llr. fM'+'IW!tat Cum! • ' ' ' f • . • -----~ ------~-~·--·-----·-,__.,_.,...,...,~..,_~"" ... ,.., . ..,..,_,..,.~~•-"'"'""'""'-~~A"""'r--"aaopA"''""'~-~•='="...:+J---=*"'""'"' _...,.._.,.....~~~~~-~!£~£~£!!:1 !2i!S!2!!£!:!it~fM!'!~~::::··::::::::··:·:-:~~'1'A~~lL~T~PILif!!~"11i".-'··- '1 'Irish ·Barriers ·Stay Critics Ai . Fg 1 At Boniber WASHINGTON (AP) l' - Pentagon trilko • to l(IJ90I dolin plll!ll 1w • mqllf-bfUIOn dollar Air Force bomber u 1 the Seoa~ entm what lead~ say may be the last week d. , debit< on the pi blllibo mililuy )»'OCU1emenl bill. --,,. ' . .. .-· i ' µ ~ .. CatlWl~ Vote to Push 'Six;lhrmands BELFAST,. NO<tbem Ire· "civil rllhtl ..;;;.;.,rt:•.-'U: lhelr poeillon towltd die re- ' 1:11od (UPI~ -Romon Clfl1o. Ov~refonn pr~-.... Idea ...,-the · 1iC1, Bvln& beb1nd the born. noiiqcld b7 llrtlllh !fiil>Or.-°'" opo<adlc r .._....._ J Bell·~ .-~ ·~--J-call.... , , . tbe 4talh al two ~ w -• ·--Y -PnlmlM ol Brlilil/ Parlla-Bliit.li< 'toldJett, , ' to keep-their own barrlen up ,_ ~ Ille rdonDI ov•r . Tllo an111 called Jor roln- Ulltll the Brltlah army •I?!"' lllO~: "!'the N<ilh«n m. · forcemeilts '"' tho li>ldlm 1' •to a ·m.po1nt danand. llnd, Pa•!-If tbe Ulaie. •bo have> hem · paCrollng M I • Alie two day ol dlllcusalon llaulo fa II I to .• -· ·Ill• .. ~rtlillllll'o leep a kind . .-r • • rerMnS. : ' j • flf'~ce Htweertl the cattio- • tile Ceiltral Doi""'" Commlio. Tbo Cathollca hardene\I ID ;Ilea aDd "'°"'tanlll. . t#. wlllch ......... 11 7~000 ' ·, • ·-lamlll .. ln .tbe·bll'rJ. "qdod zone, rojected appeals " -rr.om the ~-and -: • ;:..,.C...m....f ...;-~. J.f~~-f"'+-I Cfthollc Church leldft'w to .... Bye Bye~ Dippy . r • ' ' ' " ..,· "'' ,.....,.. • lnod~ the barrl.cadtt. FloOd. Waters Bit -'ukpot . , : , . . 11 Atota1o11sobarr1cadesre-'La. h I 'Ch i;r Heayy thund~lorms fu the moun&ains near. ~ Scores of automoblies w~. d~ecf or HVet:t!Y ; ::.:~:~ ~:~~~ ·ug • n anges I' Ormat An ameodrgeot cutting back • funds for the Adva~ Map.. nee! Strategic Alreralt - AMSA -from 1100 mll)ion lo_ $20. milUon Jw l:leelt-in· - troduced by Sen. George S. McGovern (0.S.O.), Senate Democratic Leader M I k e :tifansfield' says he hopes to bring It up for .a vote Tuesday. Noting the defeat of other amendments seeking major cutbacks in the bill, Mansfield said the odds are against McGovern's proposal. He said critics of Pentagon speqdlng hit a high point with the so.so vote on the Safeguard ABM system and "we haventt been able to get within striking distance sinte." That amend· meht died because it lacked a majority of votes. Vegascaused!loodwateratopouracirossthedeaert damaged before boavy equipm<11tCould t.>w them lbe C<>11structlon ol 1 barbed BURBANK ('n) and 1lirough the parking lot at Caeser's Palace. out. · Wh'• "pea<e line" by Anny = new things,'' . Jurisdiction Decision Due in Ax Murders , • • : Malnetrs to keep Pro&estanta Televtaioa'1 zaniut, tn08t-wal- n' -•~ and Catholics apart. ..._. 1 e r i ea , "Laugh-In," Pill 'Fun' . . Kills Girl ,,,. commfttu said• lodoy cbarl<i lnln lt.s tllii-d ..... , the bsrrlcades would Illy up lnoipt wtlb old gap lbelved ' i u.nW it. rectlvtd written .. and new tRtts. in the ca!l suranCes from the anny that the Ca\h01ia' air point& would , 'Mitre are no plans for be adopted. further U~ol the phrase "You , The demands: . bet your aweet hippy." Nor Ooe new thin& will be Dick Martin's costar Dan Rowan •• ··oen. BuD Right. .. Coproclwlr Ed Friendly calls t b 11 character "an eia:ht-star general, a war buff, a burles- que of the extreme." ~ecli Pm·ge Expected;· Amnesty Up S~EN, N.Y. (UPl)-Lyn--Dt.,nninl and disband-will Judy Carne cry "SOCt it JERSEY CITY, N.J. (UPI) Polico Aid Ibey !Olllld Uie a& J.eo SincWr, IJ, and her ment ol th< B.Speclals (a to me!" and be drenched by -The juvenile court was ex· ~of youoc Danlel J'r. on friend Laura Pepe, ·15, de-Protestarit para·m.111~ ~ bueketsful . of water. Me Also new will be "our 'man' in Washington" -a Capitol g05Sip reporter played by willowy, red·haired Pamela Rodgers, 25, a .former showgirl and a newcomer to the cast. The AMSA has been sought -by' the Air Force for years. but it was blocked by former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. In l 9 6 8 , Secretary Clark M. Clifford gave it a g<H.bead and some $25 million has been spent on research so far. PRAGUE (UPI) -Amnesty expires at midnight for tens of thousands o( Czechoslovakians cided to try out ...,. old pllla lice ,.,....,_ ' Joll!loo, doddering up to pected to decide to d a y the Ooot in tht bJood.spattered they found "in LYnd&'• bcime. -Disanning and reorgani-rts1stant Ruth Buiz.l in the whether a teen-ager swrpected •partment. Nearby were lhe The effett was ftth&J: Lynda tation Gt . the regular police. p~ won't tempt bu with as a double ax murdertr cut and bleeding slaters. · -died Sunday and L,ura was -Repeal ol the Special J>ow. W.mettos. "She's diflerent," producer Paul W. Keyes explained. "Goldie HawR ls Cute, Jo AMe Worley is lood, Judy Came II hlp. Wltb Pammy we're going a little more the Marilyn Monroe route." v.'ho have I e f t for the west since the Warsaw Pact in- vasion that ended the "Prague spring" period of refonn. should be tried as a juvenile Police cculd £Ive 'no reason in critical condJUon ~cu.' .UU ers Acl ",Nothing should e v er or charged with homicide. lor the aU.Ck. They said the unconscious. ' ~ -Amnesty f 0 r Catholb becamt predictable," ta.!d ex· Seventeen-yeat.old Michael youth bad· only one previous An autopiy waJ' scheduled -"''ho defended theirt hcmel ia ecutlve" producer George Mitchell's 7·year-old sister "minor run · In'' with for today upon Lynda, who riotJng last Aug. 14 and 15. Schlatter. "We've dropped Donna, critically wounded in authorttkt on his ucont. died .at 11.m. Sunday. -lmpJein«ntatJOl'.I _of th.e these Items to make room for Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R·Ky.). meanwhile, has in- -troduced a revised version of his amendment limiting U:S. military aid to Laos and Thallond. The remaining reformists will be purged from govern· ment and party offices at a Communist Party C &n l r a I Committee meeting "within the coming weeks," a high an ax attack Saturday,, died ml---...;;_;. _ _;. ____ ;;.;,"'-_;.;..c;..c_....:..; _____ :;,,;.;...c._;_;_ ______________________ _ I. Communist party oflicial said D II P Sunday. 8 8S 8 per S1"fan Sadovsky. a member of the Czechoslovak Com· Merges With mun~• Party's powerful Presidium and Slovak Party the Jersey City M e d I c a I Center Sunday. His brother, Daniel Mitchell Jr., 15, had been pron-OUI)Ced dead' at the scene. Aoother sister, lf.year-old Diane, is in poor cond!Um tn the hospital. Mi!chell, 1 high school dtopout enrolled in a local Job Corps training program, was being held in city prison on charges of juvenile delin- quency. Tun. es Co. first secretary •. confirmed the expected purge was in the of· ( fing and appealed to ~ husky youth was sub- dued early Saturday by police who came when the apartment superintendent notified them of screams coming from the family's live.room flal t-LOS ANGELES (UPI) Czechoslovaks in the west to '• The Times Mirror co. has return to their homeland. i__ reached agreement with the Those who fail to take ad - Dallas Times Herald to merge vantage of the amnesty risk • in a $91 million transaction. arrest if they ever decide ,to ' Tim .. Mirror would acquire return after tooay. Their Cuban Refugees the assets of the Times Herald apartments wlll be confiscated Printing Co. of Dallas in ex-and they will lose their social R d b B change for $91 million worth of securi ty privileges. escue y oat convertible stock. according to "Everyooe who: , .wishes the joint announcement Sun· the best lo ttie republic had MOBILE, Ala. (AP) -Two day. l.hf1; opportunity lo retµm," 1 y~ Cubans who hoped to The merger is subject to ap-Sadovsky told a "! i n e r s '. mak~ th~ 9().n_iile crossing to proval by Times H e r a I d meeting 1tt Jels.,ava lI) e~tern Florida m a tiny rubber raft 1 shareowners. consent ol the S!ovaki •. ~-S~ay:" .. ot~ wt¥) bavt re~~ b: U • S . t Fed e r a I Communications , did not . -will be regarded mainland m i rt.SCUlll& carao Commission and receipt of a " as emi . under our laws." vessel.' favoi-able tax ru\ing. No u~te offk:iaJ in-Juan Manuel, 21 , and R.aul The announcf$nent W a s formation OD the number of Quintana, 22, completed their made by Dr. Franklin D. refugees· Is available b' u t trlp to freed.om Sunday in the Murphy, chairman of Times diplomatic sources estimated U.S. steam~p Gkides Lykes, Mirror, and James F. between 80,000 and • 00,000 which plucked then from the Chambers Jr., president and Czechs and Sklvaks felt under Gulf of Merko 7S miles publisher of the Dallas Times the category of "emigrants." southwest of Key W~. HeraJd. Under the agreement, Times Mirror will issue a new series of I .8 million shares of con- vertible prefei;red stock to sharelio!ders of Times Herald in exchange for the assets of the Dallas company. Based on Friday's closing price of $45.50 per share for Times Mirror common, the total market value of the l ,999,000 shares reserved (or . ~J:~ion is about $ 9 l Murphy said U<te Tilnes Herald Printing Co. would become a wholly o w n e d subsidiary of Times Mirror and would operat e autonomously under I t s present management. Murphy said the management will con· tinue to formulate newspaper and broadcast programming policies. In addition lo publishing the Dallas Times Herald, an Even ing and Sunday paper, . the company operates KRLD- . TV, and lwo radio stations. 1 KRLD and KRLO..FM, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Times Mirror is engaged in publishing, printing and forest products. It owns no radio or television stations. 'Electoral 'I • Relorrn Plan ; :: Faces Test •• ;' WASHINGTON (AP) -An ,~ternale plan for electoral . efOrm boomed by its backers ' a following the intentions llof the Founding Fathers is 1 ilJresenting a key test of House ·i.f~ for th< direct election loff the pruldenL Rep. John Dowdy, (0.Tn), la.Med to offer an l!!meM· I today that would keep electoril vote sygtem bul e the tlecWn cbosen by ~onaJ districts rather than statewide. ~ {ftJ3Ft.ClADW.A.Y. Huntington Beach 892·3331, Ext. 283 Let us copy that old famiJy picture now SALE! THIS WEEK ONLY 333 ' Sx1 e®)' of rour pletur• In rood tMldltJotf Preser.I• fond mamoriM tot •n tn. t1rn1ry: h..,... your, ftvorit1 old p~ph copied now. If your plctu,. Is In #KIOr condftion. the •ddiUOnaf c:t\lrau for restmtlon . •re Ml•prictd. tool Orllln1l PhOtotrlph win be· ~urned unhermiid. , Dowdy'• statement. known 11' the District Plan, ii 11!glfd.. tbe main challenge to tOO election propo 11 I to the HOUie floor by udiciary Committee and ,;)lcked bJ' lbe leaden of both ..j>attlCL ------~--~----------~" • . ) . ***:s~.~l:n:·uc~ wi~· STATES Ot ·t:b:·UNION OOINS • ' .· WE'LL ·STAKE YOU TOYOUBftRST FtVE Clip out the paper Shell "coins" above. And use them to play "States of the Union:' Shell's }:>rand-new coin 9,aJne. And every time yo~ visit a.partio!pa~g. Sh.~11 station, we.11 give you more· free coms. ·Metal Snell cams. Fill any groupmg.. on the game card and win prize indicated. · You qan~t have. to buy a thing to play. So, clip out the coins above and start playing States of the Union-at Shell. (Void where prohibited. Licensed drivers only.) · 1 mt1 •• .. of 396,MO •• wlD be 11•111t1e 111 loatllera CaWornla. . . ' fte mlnWma larlldil: 2 $5000 prizes 3·22's100 pnzes,257,749 $1 prizes 26 $1000 prizes 215 $50 prizes . 129,000 Bronze Sets 86 $500 prizes 8,600 SS prizes of 50 States ' t ' • ' ' • " " • i ' ' ' • r ) I • • > • ' • • ' • I • ·. ' ' ' ' BrlllllQI llot Mtlon'tpoolll .....tce-lnlo tha 1-4 bait bf llit NIDUllll ~1* lorul "-~ ' .... prior!IY Died In Ilia lfilerea{' Gt e\luy .\men. can. < • But gelling the job clone lw hetn 11Ut to lm- albl• Ill Ill• fact of -llftlllonal politic• -hlltorlc ~· taeton beinl fn Iha f01olr0ot 1onJ y .. rs after tbeJ·llbould bove been dUcarded. A clJnlri>er of hoi>e may now be seen, 1!0'fever, jJl the new Citizens Colnmlttee for Postal Refo"'b Inc. J.-!!~ F. O'Br1111; Jormu Pos-ter GtMtll~---illd CIWm!ao Ol-thTDeiliOCrallir'Tatliiill-COnunltlii, and 'nmuton B. Morton,ionner U.S. Senator and chair' man of the Republican National Committee are bi. partisan c0<bairmen of the copunlliee. '!'bey have at- lracted the active support at~ loaf µst of dl!llnsubhed citizens as volunteers tit the cause. ' , Included are scoreo of .presidents of majo; natiOnal corporaUoos, former cabinet lllem"¥', Unlvenlty prtlidents, JegWa1ors at all leteb, atete governors and ~· ainmnttee came Into beb)g beceuse: -'!be American public deserves vastly bettor postal 1ervlce than It Is getung now. -They are afraicJ that the present mall ayllem may collapse completely some day soon under the w~t Of It. ol!solete machinery and Its complett Jack Of sound rnanaiement practices. (This happened· In Chicago for three weeks In 1966.) , . -'n!e American lul>aYet mlilt evt!I)'. year ante up fur a deficit tbat now rtaridJ at $1.2 blllloo a year and ..Wd total $1.S billion over the next 10 years. -'n!ey believe Ibero Is now a way that the ~ service can be put on a businesslike buia. It {1 HR 11750, a bill proposing total )>Olltel reform, which Presi- dent ·Nlmt and Pootmuter General Blount submitted ti) Congress this .,,.,. It ts a totally bipeJUlan bill and .. . • . . ). ' of ·"Hope. The Saving Factor Al lf atudenta nlllminl \O.acliool dldn'i hay•~ • to -In the MW 11111>()11.the-moon Jaiowledge, ll!ey =.:r~ have to 1ooli: bec:k)I(~ on the rewriting of Juan Rodriguez C.brlllo has always -. .....\11ec1 '111111 i111COYerlng Callfomia when be landed ~Int' Loma.}Jead11n san Diec• Sq Sept. 28, 1542. Now there'i the proopect lllat tht remains Gt a wrmed ·•hip lying on the floor.of San Dleco Bay may be Identified 11 !laving rea!M Iller• 1tnce 1540, two yean beton Cabrlllo. . 'nle aemg factor for the kids, however, ia the mod· em day. 1 .. aeiled emplluis oil memorizing blalorical data ·and plaees and ~ed emphul1 .on leeming bow to !Ind ud uae llUCb inlonnation when ll'111t'4ocl; Two·tlairds Rul.e for Bond Elections Car Designers Result: Socia.I ~· ' .. Miraculously Recovered You must remember with a twinge the talMlp. dementia which afflicted the ~le tndwitry in the late Fifties and early Sixties. Jn Olcjoe days ~ you wre ioollng along .Jn~ 'II Cbevvy °'Ford. you loolted abool and wondered when the men in the whit& coata were going to gather up the automobile designers.. Every year their masterpieces became mire ludicnus, seeming to derive from Marc Antony's c:llor!at for dashlnc aboot Rome bustlJng !lie Pia. Yet ttli3 waa .a aeriou! busineu. not ao ineanlncJess .. it looked. The pcycbolo17 ol the manufacturtrs was that each IWft- mer everybody from blades to IOber householder• were panting for a new model whkh would establish them aa lat- ter~ay men. What it did wa!I establlilh them as sheep. A Way to Fight Inflation mE TRADE CALLED it "dynamic obsolescence," and non e were m or e zealous in the cult than the .new car salesmen. They had 1 ball poinllng oot the breathles1 beauty and grace ol t(2e flying carnival booths, while·the industry w a • piously saying style cban,gea kept ,.,.. hlgb, and the national ec<>110D1J IOUnd. A lot aounder, indeed, than the 1argoyle protuberances affixed to tbi cars, which promptly go< Into !COl!Jq . New Yorker magazine cartoon& Hcrt10ith another umoriUtn chopttr ,,,,,,. that wpu/Jlilh<d wort. "A Hi!- ""' of the World, 1950 to 1999." lu Cftie, •Amniea Wins a War." u .... In tho foll ol 111111 lhat a11 ...... '4 lolt In the -tlflm and .eemlnlfy ~ war that America had ever llfl!lbt-the War on lnflatioo. Id General Staff Beadquart<n on the e;pth floor ol tho Tnaaury BulJdlna, the hllb command pnd over battlefield clili1s 111111 anpba m an almolphore ol .....-., ....... "What'• the lat.est from the front!'" ubd Gf!ll. G<osspolnt Grommel wearily. "Non-agricultural employment is up another .03 per cent, air," said an aide nervously. ''Good Lord!'• said the generaJ. "Don't -that in our communiques. W1 dllll wul the nation to panic." M .yd I'm afraid carloadtngs have IOIJ'll1another1.J mUUon carloadB, 11!' ." The c-raJ aurveyed hl1 sW! and where their attenuon was directed. The light dawned. He jumped down from the wJnctqw 1111 and ci.,ped Ocl•thqrpe'a • band. ''Br "-,'' he Aid. 111 think "M.A.YBE n abould f"" realtt.l,., ~a· Desplt. tl1l•. you drove through prooo ptr003 subdivisions to behold endless ., rows of theae chromed and ICll!ptured hippogriff1 parked In every drivewQ, Nor were the eJegant rid! spared -Con- tiMD!ila and Ca<llllacs joined the lan- mlnp. you've got tt!" gen~emen,• Aid the genera~ lr)'Jnl to HOW VALID WAS ibe phil060pll~! Fil· look gune to the end, '"and tumnder.'' THE REST 15 blatory. Under the ty years ago Old Henry Fonl had Jooe ground, out Model T's, and only cbana:ect "And luily, air," t 1 Id the aide, slot;an. ''Tate off Your Bra f<r a Sound the radiators from brass to paint. Brus wringUl& hia bands, 0 the Dow Jonea ht-Dollar,'' palrlotk: young 1adSea: 1avt their wblau !~ and Henry was one to look to dUltllala baYe dtmbed m more p1-" all and llaled lheJr way to -coolers ...., .. "Another rJae Jn the marl:et?" .,.i.ct and pem11 ~lifadorteo and of. Around lbll era came the two.lclled the generol. •t11ere 11 bot -'-able fices ~ the land. painl'job; maybe tlu<e. A guy wuuJd )I fl~ for the Bridge jump if he coulln't course open to me.'' And be climbed out In lb: weeb, product1on had f1llen D.4 have a coril and cream body, with bllCk OD the window ledge to pick a JPOf. on the percent. Fadorie1 closed. Offices went or blue fenders. Maybe this was dynamfc pamneot far below. baUrupt. llnadllnea formed. Wido\VI ot..oleacence, too, as the Du Pont foll It wu al thta. bllt6ric -that a and ori>l!alll wei:e im)>Overllbed u the ailo lilte profits. ' brash :iounc suballmi, o I I• b y marbt· piummetod. Carloadlnp dropped nien mysteriously the highway aceno .,_,.thorpe duhed In. • ....._ 111 Iba carload. 'Iba wtr wu-. chan&ll-It was as il cockatoo& in the v"'"' • 1 ...._ _,.. At a ......,,_ d!nner·ol ebtcl: -and 1··-"'• wtre supplanted by bllckblnl!. ping tn bla hand. · ·-, -.. - '"WitL air, loot at !bill"~-· '"'lant-in.lhe-~ ~},\~i_~ You bad trouble dlstingulshinJ yw. and Of1etborpe breaUillaly. *A lldJ named . ~~· ara-...-1-..ui1I moilela. lt ls not of record, however, that Mrs. Jane Aqdre liu been !lnd by hlf.b<'l •1'irll on Oglethorpe. the n11lon1l economy collapsed from tht! Gtnersl llyna!lllca In -''*' tryin( , Al11Glie who thoughl my idea w .. nul· drear phenomenon. 1o -cet otber !tmale tmplom IO stop ty," said the younl hero ~"1"dir,• "illll , -...a .... bru _...... tit.'' ~!t1&Ddentand our ecoMm1 THERE WAS A story in the New York .. _.,.. •a .,._mD'ftn'lF \... ~ · t · Tmtea rec..Uy rtviewlntthe 70 modtls, •'DON'T wOnln me ti 1 Ume tile·· · I and lo! no m.r. than a gnat'• eydJrnl'f ol ,.,_ cbange from the •§•s. 'Ibis may be tough -Oglelborpa," antppad Iba 0-at Dear oll !<en-age,.. who pride themlelva on ~ t!":!. ':'"~~ -... , spotting year1 and models at llO mph, but "But. air, tt'a the aecttt wc:a-. that GI it may rest the eyes of the old cent. ~·· oomy There ara economic reuons. too. AI> wlU win the war. Let me &ivt Jail ID K-nual 1rttoollnC w1s expensive, and ~ %~:,. oo.-tratloe. ~ In, Gus: perhaps didn't pay out Then there b the A -" ~ blonde, bl•......._.,...,._ added co 11 ol Nfety and anti-pollution ~·~ -• .._ device.. To a.t tbea, you mull !orqo J:r, entmd. 5he wu ftarinl .-..;·-. all the earmarks ol an eye-. u the • UlhtlY·DWna ......... and, olrrlously. la H true that the trad!Honit -late McShed!y 1l!IOd to say. noOllna-mucb else. All beads tumecJ to "R'a"·ln Oran&• Counlf scbooll Or maybe tt was jull the end ol a w1tcb her pau. have come to metn D-.. an. Raf-dreadJul disease. Tbe geniuse1 in the ••very nice, Oglethorpe," aaid the • ._. Detroit design shopc were pretty sict general. uNaw get her out of here IO that ferty, Ralllton? -R. w. boys IO ye1rs aao. and after yeen ol. I can l'L on w1t.b my 1uJclde le1p whlJe 1'MI ...,_ """"' ......,... -.. ... recuperative agony, they 1lmpty and the staff' eoaUnuel workln&." --...1tr ,.._ " .. •••• s r, .., mlr1culoua1y recovered their bulth. Let .. Who'• warklqt " ubd OeJ.llbarpe. ,_. ,,.. "'" • ....., .... hllr ""'· us all drlnt to lhaL • • • Policing Concept Needs New Ideas Tht ao-calfed "police forte" is 1 relatively modem institution -only about 130 yem old. During all of an- tiquity and the Middle Agee. up to the Industrial Revolutioo, there was no general police power The wellthy med to have: their own bodyguards and protective ..rnce.. while the poor were victtmtzed by ban· diu, cutpunet and boodluma. throlJlhout hlst«y. It was Henry Fleldtn1, the Brtlilh author and judge. who devl.oed the ide1 ol. the ~odern police force. . . ' WHILE FID.DING'I idea Wt:i"ked wen for a time -and belier in Eo&tand !ban ID U. U.S. -it was meant for a different :::=:..c:e:=~~°':. and' cannot poulbq wwt in the COO• temporary urban setttnc. no matter bow much money we spend or bow many more police we employ. • We require a whole new concept of police PoW<r: one that ii espectaUy georedlor~-1atioolmade up ol many mtnority -pl. where the sense of "community" has been. almost UJtaDy roplac<d by a subculture whlcb looks upon it&ell as the victims, not the beneficiaries, of police power. FOR THE OLD kind of police ad- ministraUoo can work only when -as in England -most people c o n 1 I d e r themselves as an integral part of the fain: ol IOClety, and when the police are ...... the impartial ...-. ol lbll fabric. Sucb a feeling no longer exist.I, U it ever did, among the alienated muset in the large Amtrlcan citJea. Thia means a re-thinking and re-st:uc- tw-ing of the whole policing concept. 11 means that the poHce cannot be u~ a1 an occupying army to impose the Jarge1 culture'• will upon the. aubculturea -fol that way lies insurrection Ind, even- tually, a perm.anent garrison state. WE NEED NEW IDEAS more than 1'C need new men, °"" equipment, ne• weapons, new aecurtty tactics. None d these will help -they will only •It gravate the tituatlon -unless and unU we. devise a police force th1t is a natural part of the neJihborbood. that Ill) dentands and rellecU. the needs. th1 re.,,, the hope•. lbe rtghu anc1 !hi reaponsibillt.ies of the people: who liv1 there. Up to now, we have scarcely made 1 st.art In tb.9t direction. Every experienc::eC Police olllcer know• that yoo cannot d fective1y reduct crime in an aru wltbod the cooperattcm ol the citir.ens ; and thi1 oooperatlon cannot be gained IO loag • the -le !eel they have ~ to leaJ from the cops than they do from thl criminal&. Until tJlia tragic flaw is first rectified, no amount of brute fora wir "pad!y the llUlllL Day Dreams, Phantnsies ' Are ,.. afraid ""''" hava nothJnc to do but lit and lwldclle your --you retire? ' Tush and ,,.lldcll4! . A ntlrtd mu 11:.-like a -.. pul out·to pUt.r.,and eoilfined 111 - ban. He II tree ol mind: and at lut liu the time. and ooe bopn the trrrra. to 11y and pul Into eliecl . 1001e ol the cla)'dr<ams and phanWtes tllat have entertained him throulh the 1"1!"· He can't mate them an ..... -. f)f -. but be can do a few ol the odd thlnp be thouil>t o1 ctoiDI b!ll nmr IOI arilimdto. FOR EXAMPLE, here"s a Iii! of • -1bWtteo that wuuJd keep him -· •etlln& !1111)': Die f"" burled treawe. Sall the Spanllh Main . 1w'n to •peak Tqalor. Bridle the 1eoeration pp by adoptinc I teen-apr, Invent a new card laIM or 1 new· Oavored cough drop. Male a collection of cobw~. cicar wrappen or old credit cards. Become a llndlord for tun or profit. Take leSIOM oa tbe tambourine or an Afrtcao jungle drum. Enllll u an unpoid IP)' f0< the CIA. GO BUNTING for a unicorn or 1 srif· Un. See if you can Ond 1 IUY named Tim in Timbuktu. Organize 1 union tJ ClyJll7 Jadin and comer the fortune-lelllnc market in -Train a falcon to dive bomb UlllU8)ltC> tin( old --and fly oll --~'lllat'll make,... & ~Jn -t muuJnl, a bllberto ...,.looked form of crime. Wear 1pata, and otart a· new clothinJ fad . C.p a cUm1tx. OpeoaDOW era. SUBSTITUTE for the Phantom of IN Opera while he takes a long-needed vaca lion. Launch •. new business as 1 nyin1 carpet repamnan. Develop' a computer that will traruil1lf government 1obbledygook into moder1 Enaliah folk mp, ao it can be 111t11 ., well u read. End cariipus riots by leading a reviva of interest among coUtJe studentl in UH old New England custom of bundllnc -and let them practice tt in classrooms . Publish a II guidebook &ting all th1 pubs and bars in America in which tht third drink ii 5till served .. the-· n sbouldn't run to mare thlD two pqt1, trt pie opaaed. ~--Bfl Geor•e --- t>ee.r Georce : I My husband started a big row becauee I liked this bacbelor on our 1 block. He toot me to tee a mer. . ri11e eounaeb' • who turned out ta , be a real dreamboat •• , Unfortunately, the mar r I 11 t counaeJor 1ot med and lefi me because I fell for my tUvorct ~ l1wytr. I need advice -ean 1 call '°" for a panonit appointment, 3weetle? Are you u eute u you -! I. CHOO QIOO I l ~ Dear Choo Choo: I l1ll an elderly berrpit ·-;!hone liu bttft cul olf for non· 18ltm<GL iWrtte to Geora• -it'1 loneaomf In hen.) CHECKING •UP• Bikini . . . Pacific Jsl,ands End Decades of Nuclear Test· BIKINI ATOLL (AP)-Th< mid-February. two mlcror0tolgens. the ten! Does Anyone Know A Fat Vegetarian flnt no-mao'a Land ol the . Tbe 187 Bikiniiw: who wue "An averqe rt.adi.na on Lbt harbor. atomlc~e ts ready to weJ-.evacuated am.id weepinc far~ U.S. m1Jnland," be said. landin& ._ Its people. well4 aa Mardt I, !Ml,~ ·~-lt<>m JI lo fll ~ fldlM .J;':..A=. ~IY1aof:t:i aloce srown to !&I IJld --=:r~;,. ~Ar !I;."~~..::.·~ Pacific afoU. ravaied by a are ~to return. tlllt' llW nMill ii tat ii:ldDI. tM • ' ~ Pu• :"'1::':~*:ii:; ~-.1a~e;i~il~~~~~= ::ii. C'/!?11l111~.,hlr~' f:'l!,·'f,C:.:" 'fflol .. than the U.S. mainlaild. ,Uny 1 al and ol Kill, in the occurring radioactivity. Gecqe N•Qnldtl, •year .. "We can't say there la abto-aoutbern Marahalls. .Reaporialbllity tar reatorint old Hftallln who aerv• as By L. M. BOYD TBIS DEPARTMENT Is now commjUed to search for a fat vegetarian. Am told there aren't any. That can'l be right. 1r you know a fat vegetarian, would yoo report same? Appreciate it. Hip- popotamuses don't count .•. AN n •YEAR. OLD SUBSCRIBER who has work- ed around riding stables most of his 1ife writes, "A horse never throws a woman who's expecting a baby. I t ' s peculiar. But it's true. Never ," Fascinating, if factual. WAKING , SLEEPING -A Morning Gl°'l' la a &irl o:bo leaps out of beJ:t with alacrity and wl1.ips thru 90 percent. of her day's work before noon. An Evening Star is a girl who rises late and shines most brightly alter the sun goes down. Young lady, how would you categorize yourself in this regard? Best secretaries are Morning Glories, u you mlpt surmise. The Evening Stars are more apt to be attracted to the restaurant businesa. lutely oo radiation danger," Although rich In ralnfall1 and reseltllDi BWn1 atoll is ~ dlrectar cl qrlcuJtura w¥Ji•t sh< Holl~'• top ..,. AEC phy>lcist Tommy Kill has no lasoon or sheltereo lhared by the Deputment ot for lbe 11.s. trust terllor)', hu bOx olfice draw onei yw?" A. McCraw, ''but 1f there Is we sea approach. The l!Jandtrs Detenae, the AEC and the ID-set up a _coconut~ wbkh One year? Fiv~ ye&r!: ~ can't find ll" have been earning about $20,· terlar Department eventuf.Qr wm Jllld 100- 1912 to 1916 , ... Q. "BOW OI'· McCraw wu· among a team 000 lllllUally throu!" the sate The cleanup began Feb. t7 coconu1 Do1Jno lo i1oe l'flllantocl TEN shoold 1 le'4 • my ol llJIOl'W who · """..r the ol COP'• and ladles hallljbqs ~ llt -ol lhe Do-oo the Islands fl 111klnl and goldfish?" A. Onct a-. bluled atoll list weekend with· inade ol coconut fiber. le .. ~t. Enyu. DOGS-HoW to> keop the a BJ'<MIP <l American and for. . Thirty Blklnians wt1I arrln ThoY ..tibtlsbed 1 tent city "llnder tho Ja-admln- neighborhood pups r r 0 m ell;n newlmen. He said his next. month to help plant coce>-on Enyu, second largest island lstratlon prior to IMI," aays ruining shrubs-that [s a ques-'.1 S atomic l'OUDltr showed anly nuts, breadfruit and pandanus, in the atoll, and withln a w~t NatJnlsbl "the Bl1inlaol were '' ·on that ar•-trequen"•. A ~~ faint allm ol radfoactivtty, makingreadyforthereturnof hadcleartdthetanrleolterUb -...t~'•=a-~ -v 0 n. F-...... -. .,.,, "lest than JD Denver, Colo.'' the others. veget.aUon from Uie island's ,..n•• ..... n.. ~ feminine client says she bas w..w ,..___.. vt..1--ol ... Uon .. _.1 McCr 4 of Ge I airatr" .. ~_.. f, ~· .,_ sol'('ed the situatioo De4tly. By -~ ve...-...... aw, 1, nnantown, 4,600-oot 1p, un,_.,,,, or tO 30 tam: a month the ··"'·g unbaited --~~ ;'Ol --, -· ...___,_._ __,._ ~ .-... to ftYe badly scart:ec1 by :11 thermoou-Md.. said conslderablo testing a decade. -11 _N" ~ ~u• ~---..-.-........-~-clearde1<>oalioubelweeo1916 basbe<aconductodtodeter· 'M>eltnlphueollhell.3 •<~ -, __ around bet pet plants. • ___ __.:~&1~ft~t1t:_:fl~.,~r~m~9~•~·~Jow~~Ne~,.:·:..· :____ and JJG1, tbe lslandJ have ·mine the moot o1 linaartnr lhlllioa -.. pnjoot'wu Copra, dl'led cocomit meat, soys the tTapo never bial the alDqlled off·aD Y1sfb1e otfocta radioactivity. tho ,_val ot IOl'IP mat brlao llllO • tcm. dotJ. ln !act. none bas ettr· ot their former devaataUon . . "There b virtually no radi-and other lndustrial jUnk. The U.S. ~ plana snapped on. But being pretty Lush foliage baa returned to a lion lelt," be said, "and we Three hundred truck1oada ol. to build 4 lc6ool beuae, • ~ savvy,mostdogsdonoHW.·to Judges· Get Tougher · the meqor llrlng ol ialanda, ""find no .discernible effecj a<>:•p.alll>lll-·r-llllllltrfli!!!'andawaWlooM go tippy.(oelng around such ..... 1,11111 mileB wOll ol Ha• OD either plant or animal Ufe. n aCl!ve, \'ti• dllmped Into the for'4hoi Jllklniam. A rttur• lttt.Je land mines, so sta'.nd oH. wall, and ita lagoons are swim-McCraw used an atomic sea or buried. bished cblpel aJrudy 1s la me OPEN QUESTIONS -I. min& pool clear 11.Qd bountiful. counter to sample radioactJv· Salva1eable scrap, including on Enyu. How old is a rooster before It W •th D ft Ev.-J --Tbe ruated scrap metal ity on the island of Airukiraru, more than 100 miles or copper Abo cin the cfmrinC bolrdl starts to crow? 2. Why do l ra uu,efS and debrb that nu.r.d tho across the chaoaet from Enyu iablo which lint tll ol the are IO ___, ._. women get more dent a J white sand beaches tor more in the atoll's southern complex atoll's 25 islaoda1 will be left the govemmmt. will build ~ cavities than men? 3. What WASHINGToN (UPI) _ dants increased to $It. In 1967 than 20 years are 1me. A where 13 nuclear shots were for the Blkiniana to use or sell. the retumlnc ~. breed of dog has blue eyes? linll1 force of U.S. mllltary fired ftQm barges and air When the DASA W'-force Blkinlan Judtra asked thtt AN ADDR~ _ Take the Draft evasion, once a relative--there were 996 defendanb and and civilian workers bu been drops. , completea. ill wort. m ~Oct. 1. they be of cindetbJock con-- Rock Festival bunch, if you ly minor problem for the _1'.::.m'.'.:.:'.'.ln..'.l::ll68:·:_ ____ _:cl:Wllnr;::~:!"P~lhe::__:a::lo:::ll_::_::;: _ _:ll::...:.rer!ster::!::::::;od:_:•:::li~gh:::ll::.._:Ybe::l:::.ow:_.:tbe::._: llltdnians==:..:"::111:..::fall::..:hait=':..:to:_='tructlon:.:::=.;:witb.:::.·::•lllm::::-=::.:;noli=. will Tblt batcll ol kids b the Seloclive S..Vk:e, hu Jn. ltnl ol !ta 'kind. Loot, durb\g creased oo rapidly in lhe put World War ll, the coumry four years that previously needed tho boys, just about all -fud,.. have taken of ·them, lo fight, and the '"'" • hard line wtlb viollllon. to work in tbe vacuum. Alid ID Althaugl> Ibo draft call· bu everr previous decade, most tripled in the JIOSI toor yem. families, particularly farm tbe nu m b er of YOUDI famllios, o e o·d e.d their Americans c:t.r,..C w It b youngste's lo bclp out. Wu a ~--• ·•·•~•-J ~. •-~ matter of money. Bui thil ~~-·-~ w --- Rock balcl1 ls tbe lint ~·· bas -about 10 !Ima. ·---JUltlce Doputmenl lion oot needed 1bat way. r_.. lndicate the number of ,ecooomicaUy, and In trllik I • •· CUSTOMER SERVICt Q, "Do you .recall that old aong with the lioe, 'A loin fer me, a groin fer you, we'll barbeque the saddle, &oo, so Wilberforct, get oil your horse, and bring him for lunch'! A haunting melody, that one." A. No, sir, that classic escapes me. What opera was il in? ••• Q. "I SEE BETfY GRABLE .is doinlJ TV commercials now. fact. not much "a n t e d • draft defendant! -n yean theN!lore. No 'ft'ODder they 1"ben 300,000 men are drafted hurt. They feel .superfluous each year -is nearly the am. hate the (eellng. To-same as in 1945, when nearly a morrow, an addrea on Jewd million civilians were called and lascivioua behavior amonc and 4,287 refused to .erve. NOW EAi .iN _J Drug Use Doubles in Last 2 Years the elderly. Please attend. Altboogh court ftg\Jrft !or HORSE'S MOUTH -Js it fiscal 1969 are not complete, customary to brush a fancy the Jmtice Departmellt said It horse's ·teeth? Geo r g.e had filed S,455 draft "cues" Washington required it. Daily. chrlng the put year, dooblo A historical note contends he the number filed 1n the wouldn't take his si:ic w.bite previous year. SOme of the horses out ·unless their teeth "caaes" Include llKft than one WASIDNGTON (UPI ) -A were ·bl'UJbed. defendant and ...,. are "!> Senate 1 u b c o m m l t l e e • Your quutiom and <:om-peals, but the department aid reportinc on a detailed survey ments cr1 welcomed and charges against 1,111 wen ol 89 cities, disclooed today 1Dill b< W<d ,.,..,...,.,. po,. pending July 3L that arrests tor narcotics and liblt in ... Chtclcing Up." In 1965, when lnductlom .marijuana vJolations doubled Addresi mail to L. JI.. begantbe!rdramaticmE•e, "'•""•• -· -~ ""' BOJld, in CCl'< Of fM DAILY Ibero wore Sil drift del11> ·-· .. -,.... 1""' u PILOT, Bo: 117.5, N~ d-. In llllllbedraftalup ·""" ... spread to schools and ·-.-·. IUl>urto. . , ''''=B=<::a<:::ll,"=:C::ali::'f~:·::9::268/J;i:i:·===lo=abo::::!v~::300=,0llO::· ==and==tbo=del=fD.;j "By now it ap~ thallt '· • .. there are. a thousand different ,drugs that in one eombin8tioo or another find their way into the hands aod heads ol . our youth.'' Sen. Thomas J . Dodd ( 0-Conn.), said of the survey by his juvenile delinquency subcommittee. The subcommittee opened hearings on various propoaall lo crack down on narcotica sale and possession, with Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell the leadoff witness. Mitchell's chier d e p u t y , Richard G. Kleindienst, tQld a news coofertnce Saturday the Nixon administraUan planned lo make it so difficult to smuggle marijuana tnto the United Stateo from Mo:.ico ~ would push the. -ol tile drug out of reach. "We hope to drive the price so high that it will be unavailable to students in col- leges and high schoob ••. who are u1ing it so commonly to- day," he said. Sources &aid t h e sub- commJttee's two weeks of hearings would show a sharp division of opinion, w it b Mitchell pushing for tougher jail sentences and federal health officials pleading for more medical treatment and less emphasis on arrests, fines and prison terms. Dodd said U .s. youths under %1, many of the from "good" families, now are arrested fU' drug oflenses at the rate ol. one every five minutes. - Tht survey showed there were 33,1%4 drug and mari· juana arrests in the 89 cltJes in 1964. The figure cUmbed to 35,339 in 1985, G,713 in 1966, 62,S70 in 1967 and 85,542 in ·1968. "Heroin use Is crowing in lhe suburbs where it was unknown several years ago," Dodd said. ''Lut year, drug arrest& rose 16 percent among young malea and JOO percenl among females in t h e suburbs.'' Get tit• motf on NSURED SAVl"GS! KEYSTONE SAVIJIGI A"O LOAM AUQCU,flOlf ....., w c.-.. ""'*lft ... _. 5 381''" IP(Dll-PIJI • AHHUM 1'"'-"" .,..u""'-... AM. _. ... ,. ..... .,..WO....., nu &S11tt.MU. ftl1W1" rOll YllUI llQfl I - The Hotel SS Lurline is going to Expo 70 and the Orient " Mar.J7,l970. for a once-in-H"ifetimevaeation - '4Sdays Now's the time to book. ·Maison's Hotel S.S Lurline is going to Expo 70 and the Orient This is literally a once-in·a·lifetime cruise adventure. You'll cruise Honolulu, Yokoha- ma·Tokyo , Kobe-Osaka, Keelung·Taipel. Hong Kong, Manila, Guam,' and on the way home, Honolulu again. While staying at the Hotel S.S Lurline in Japan, you'll see Expo 70 during Cherry Blossom season. You'll see everyll14Jg Uiere is to see: do everything there is to do. SEE US FOR RESERVATIONS: Let us book your "Expo 70 and the Orient Cruise now. The Hotel SS Lurline sa'.ils Mar. 27 from Los Arigeles, Mar. 29 !rom San.Francisco for 45 days. Fares from $1890 to $7110. (Or 35 days, II you jet to and from Hono- lulu, with fares from $1470 to $5530.) DINERS FUGAZY TRAVEL NO srav1c1 CHAl61 -TIC:Km Dlt.IYlllD (7141 644 4600 2075 San JNf1ufn Hiiis Road, Newport C...tor IA,ITY fH'OltMATICMh TIM II LMI-., ~ Ill IN U. 1 .. ..,._ Sl_,....111 MMfs lllfwMt ..... ......., I~ fW -Ill"" ......... ... ..,.., ..... _ .... ,,... ''" .. "" ........ *" .. , ' IN I EREST PAID .QUAR I ERlY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS - Startlng <>ceobet' 1st you can eam tile new, higher rated 8'J' yearly on MOtTls Plan $5,000 Investment Certnicat,a.. Funds ' placed by Oclober 15th will eam·from the 1st of, the montf\ at the full 6% rate. Interest paid at the end of each calendar quarter; or credited to a PMSbook Account for additional income. ' Delly ln .... t on 5.2S'J(. · PaAbook Accounta. lbri1t ·Pwboo« Acc:oUnls cl arry amclut:it earn from day of deposit to day d _.. drllWlll; interest credited and compounded quarterly. Since its founding in 1916, Morris Plan has promplly met -r request for witlldrawaJ. Assets e~c~d $125 million. Morris Plan " . ~,two offtoel rhtwdlOIClt C •ornfa; 1 • j. ' ,. i /. • , ' .. I - IMwport leach -3700 ttewport Bo11"vard -6~ •• ( l " ( • , ~ .:.1 • .\ . .. ' >( < t 1.' 1 ' ' • I • --------' - • . ' • ·y··~i ':\:, J."1 -i.• . I • ·r • .. HAPPY HAPPY SAVINGS ON ·OUR BIRTHDAY! •· \ • . . '· ' Mrs. Penney's . ~nawir'lo ner has~4nJ · ' Br ROBERTA NASH Oni day we "were up in ·Mr. Penney's •oflice t•lk· ing about ho1'" hard it ii to get "tfie.Pcnncy differ· cn'cc)' icross:to people outside the i;Ompany. Mr. Penneytolif thisanecdotC.. "Once after a very in-· ' - 1pi ring meeting with store managen, I said to Mn. Penn,cy; 'You k~qw,J am not yet 11ti1fied th'lt I have .ever been able to tell the real story of ·this c.om· .. . . ,..... pany. Wh~'J' ·"'" •· ... ~·· ·'i ,. ~ ~.~ ... ·:1t!~,~l.'.'.~<'t·1'!' -~ .• ) . \li!~4 . ·~1•;1 -;;f td ~··B.:;•11 ~can- not define tl!e ooul,"m lnlWl!rcd. '' ' DRAPERY SALE! . ·• . j i • I I ' I . ) ; i ·-· ' I ' 1, ' ' ' . • ' • --· . .__ .... ~ ... ' . 'AURORA' Fiberglas• 'TIQUE' insulated 'JEWEL TEX' insulated / ..., .. oi(I -••M ... ~.~ -- AU--lo-er....lt...i•...i ... ....... . 71"..W. W.W. , ........ '"· -• -... . ·-... 4 .. .... -... .... .... ... .... '" '"" ..... ... .... .,, .... '" .... $22 .... ... .... .... In .... ... .... "' 11,11 ....... .... ... ... ..... lrl . .. "' ..... 'tr "" .. "' .... ... ... "' 24.tt • w;tW. l 7"• ef ,....._ -wll ...,i-'0..ve' 4,.,...i. witlri •••pl•!. ef Ill• -., ::qui:•~•~ W ......... W.,. _,..JIM_..."' kt _....-+- Ii•• ... ... .... . ... ,,. ..... ... ,,. ... glass fiber in modern bulky weave REG. 5.99, NOW 5.44 . ,-~ -48"' x54" sill length •; \ I ,. Mod~rn, cco1ucil '11ow' loo~. Hond wo1h and hong. Nft1r iron. White, ontiqu1 gold or rnou gr11n. Bring your window m1asuremenh;. SCJ¥1 11ow. ~ Available on •p9ciol order. beige, cosmit blu1 or orange. "'Mercchandi11i"1todt TIQUE -In atoclc o'r rwh ordffff jO"' ...... ,,,~ ........ 100"'-. lJj"' wWe 1sr ww. .... • •• •••• ••• •••• ••• . ... ... .... ... U9 .... .... . ... "' 12.11 Ill , .... "' ..... "" ... "' ..... '" 16.U "' '"" S2f "JS.II "" ... "' 12.fl "' , ... "' 21.U "' "• 1.49 , ... "' 11 ... m 11.U .... "" "' 14.11 m , .... "' J4.U "' ,, ... .... "" "' 14.n m 11.U "' .. ... SU .. .. 10.00 .... Ill ''·'' "' 20.11 "' , ... "' ..... 11 .00 .... "' 16.11 '" ..... ,, . JS.II "' ..... draperies in lavishly draperies in versatile elegant brocade textured weave REG. 7.99, NOW REG. $11, NOW 6.88 8.44 .so• x Sti• sill ltnglh .50• x .sc• lill t.ngtloo lu:twtlou• royon/cotton brocod1. Royo~/cotton droperi• that .,. Mlf.. Mochl"• wa1hcibl1, "'"r n11d Iron· lnuilat1d. Smort1111 011ydecar.ModtiM1 ing. 2 y1or 9uorcint11 CJgoiMt 111n· -1bobl1, "o-iron. Oyster ., •.tictw• lod in9. • Whil1, rno11 gr111'! or al'!tiqu• gold. gold. Avoilobl• en s,.001 ~ .htt., A¥Dllobl• on special order. bro111e cchompogne, eliYO, COP1ic bfw, iockn. glow, cholflpcig1111, willow or 1un b1om. poppy red or pu"'pki11. JEWEL TEX-In llfodt: • ruth etdeNd Ii•• ... 7S"WW. , ... _ 12S"WW. 1W • ••• • •• •••• ·--••• ... ... ... . .. ... .... "' .... .. ... ... ... -'"" ,, .. 14~• • Sii .... 19.Af , .. ... .. .. .,,, ..... "' ..... ... "' ..... ,,_.., , .. ... . ... "-" -"' ..... ,... 111 . .. "·" , ... "' ... .... •112 • •• 21.49 ••• "' .. .. ..... ..... "' ..... ... 21.•• ,,_. "' .. .. -..... "' .... ' AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • ' • J • • 1i ' ,·,.~ r • • -. " , \. I •• . '. , ( • • MCI srnrll! SIT-1Gm1 feol,Ur" GI al;>oYe~Can· ... of l·li and~~'lt. CVltred ~~""" and.a_• frypan. REG.19.99 ••••••••••••.. ~ .•••..• ~ ••• :NOW16.81 ' ' c • • t . ..., .. • • t • -t .. ;-. ' . -. ' .. -~7 .... . ' ' -. '· , ' . l . ·. ' . , ,. 'SA~E!. •• Display o~ 5fore on · .our walnut finish -shelving ... Reg. 11.98 NOW 10.44 Stow it, Mew it ••• th... IMIY• can do both! Sur9 to odd .fO ony roOM decor as a boc*ca59, room cfivlffr or twin \#lits. 0.Mgned in sturdy 1t"I with walnut pebble finisMd wms and ,_,.. finMl>od landom P"'h. lndudos, pOlt caps and Ito ,1-.. si..; IMGIUf• 'Jd"Yf JC 36"'ff X 12"0, ., S ehelf sl1•, 2c·w x 41"'H x 10"D, 1.,.un •••••••• NC>W1QA4 ... . ' shelf •i••, ~O"W x WM s 1rw, • • ..... 11" . ....... NOWIUI Pe1111crest9 sprey steem and dry lre1 Reg. 13.99 NOW--····-11.88 I ' ' r Pe111crest• 20 lb. low suds d1terg111t Rt;. 3.99 NOW.,.-·-·-· 3.33 • Laundry cert that holds all th• wash , Rtg. 5.99 NOW .............. 4,88 • ' The adjust•ble ll1l1ht lro11l119 board Rt;. 8.99 NOW_ ........... 7.77 . ' • ' . .,. ""' ' ' ' . } :· . ' SAVE ,l.ll " . . , • '"I ·, .... ON : &Rtg:E·SS· REG. 39.99~:-. NOW . -3·2.:' -~8 I \ I~ ..... ' ' ... ': ' l Htre'• hllriy Deva• alunliri\lftt ~ "*'9,railil!y'. euy CGNI The aulsido· is poruliiin.enantel fillish.~· , and lade reolodant and tt rinses,~·-•• i,n--~ washer. ;rhi_~has no-stick; ne>"'"',scfa:!;Ji'~ont fired.Ill tefiM)I fOG!ing ••• t~enouah to -.~I •poOnl'or . .;citv"". Add tho-pr... Qf color •.••. your;chO;.. of crv:aco14o, ~·ry .. L1111ld ~r blU. • · •• and',YiiU _!ia•· <aaliwar~ wwt.1'1. o!:~"'" ,fl.~. '!!.41!!H s_it·!~'.1 )1 • Clllci 312 'qt. :<0'1·-···~-5 .qt;,~Hld ·ouich'- oven,&" atld ·10" f~iu.·~,fOf ·IO ... ...._ftt .. ·frypans. '' ··,~·r"·.·,'' ·· . ' . . . . ' ... . ··: . " •1· I . . . . . CANOGA PARK. DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ; .. I• I I ,, I I I l ---....... ----~-~----....-- X$m ~ Look Seeks :Qelay I i In Alioto Suit ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -::. Ill<_ tolciol .ol ~ I Allome)'1 for Look m...-! -~ ~ Cail!oo go to court toda y In an eUort and ~ 'BtiMa, ~ of t to slow speedy maneuven by the mag. :art • and • Mayor Jooeph Allol'! I"-his l!:j~LeOoanl. senior editor !· lll.5 million .Sllit IPiml th~ 'M•_:,1 Bl......, Aliolo'I ' , ' . . magaz.me for 1mplic:aUonl coo---~· neeting tum with !be nUii alto..,, ""' ~ lo CIP' Look ,.present>p,.. ~ :::k ~ i!lldiii lei',.. ..... they would ask u~. Dist. ' ' JIM!ge Oliver Carter l o 'l'be mayor filed legal actlon -. charaial libel earq Jut w• ' upoo r!CllT)ng adiamce notloe Oil T -ak • ol the •l'!lde. wljldl ..,. to ~ ; ~sst.andl throujlout tbe na- tion 'l'bul'lday. -woa STANFORD (AP) -A Co U S •' court _..,a1 lo lib ~ m!NJd-alrltne pilot lronr Sea~ Sts • • Uons from prloclpals this Ue ha. received the heart of r-• --' "--.::..: •• llril•od. Calif.. g'""6at Ex-pilot . , Gets Heart WASHINGTON (AP) -The l>epoiMli'w allo ;...., oougbt victim lo tlie llUJ heart - • fedecal govermnent ril lose • by Ali<M8'::'¥ two (lnlll aide. p ... l at Sl.llllO<d U-1 • about $300 million ii), expocted of 0... Reagan, Paul Hospital. oil leasing ,......, ilili rear· !leek' ,111<1 'J!:l!Ward a..,., who 'l\e reci~leot was Berman because or a six-month shut-were a.:pected to present them Joslyn, 64, Who came to Stan- down ill offshore leasin,g oear here today. Alioto's suit ac-ford th rte weeks ago with a Santa Barbara -CaUf. and ~d Reagan's office of badly deteriorated heart to compeUlion fro~ sta~wned "lea~" the story to news await a donor. lii.s conditi.ot1 ~ oil leasing land in Alaska. media. after the 41h-hour operation ~ .The Department of lnterior Sunday was called saUsfae- ~ says revenues from oil leases ' tory. .. on federal lands will be 1295 To Visit Mexico Donor of the heart was ~ million during the current Clemal Clarence Clari: Jr., a : fiscal year, rather than· Pie · -RIO, TeL (A.P)-Tbe 32-year-old outdoor sliD com- .. S59S miWon forecast some ' 'Aaollo ,Lt aitronautJ will inake ' pany ernploye who wu found • ' • •• • . ' • . ' " . . • t • . I . , . • • . time ago. Mexico the first stop on a early Saturday in his apart. Leasing was restored under world tour begi.nni.n& Sept. 29 ment with a bullet wound In a new set ol rules ia&t month. or Sepl 30. his head. SlumtMr party • Camping UKE IT ... CHARGE IT ! Our daisy comforter leads a double life! It's a sleeping bag, too! Our delightful 1Daisy Floral' zipper comforter reverses to a coordinating cotton gingham c.Mck. Not only thot, but it's a seeping bog ... great for slumber parties, bool, camp, ski bunks, dorms! The covering'1 lOO°lo cotton1 the filling -Monsanto Blue (" Polyester. ~d to prevent fiber seepage. In yellow or red . ::~~~;I~::'::~ .~i·t·~· ~~~~~'.~.~'.'.~.~ .................... s13 Matching polyester filled pillow 17X23" ............... 2.50 AVAIL.ABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE \ Kidnaper Walks Into Police Trap BEVERLY HILLS (UPI) - A poHee. detective, wbo ror <igbt baln Jlla3ed the part of a ~ victim bandculfed lo tno, ca.,;;,-' llM ...... ~ .~ ~ Ille .,,jdd When he walked int6'tbe trap. .\1!14 8"m!>. II, IOO ol "1119_ ... ~ illli!O. Ylce .wr-"tllo $l.l 1b!W.O ••""C eomp\iaJ Tiit.' hie., WJt; llllbanned 1'1hen a c3fttaker beard hiJ Cf'!ea for help. The $200,000 rinsom was oever paJd. • Detect.J..'ie R1c1'ard ~ 37,-look the place of young -• ... a bnllb- covered hlll!lcl< ............. a water tt.VnOlr in 1 ••Dey abool two mllel norih•est cf the city. • -· happened '"' <i8bt bl.u;,. '"""· at 1:20 Sllllldoy evenJna, JOO. J , s.nttn. II, a -seaman (r!ln :;. ~-. Cllll., ~ Bodrp ~ tho'bruab. He wu armed wttli a JI. callbl'f pillol. .Rodripei firid once, N.r· rowly m~ Sanle!I'• head. other emcera bidden in the bruah c-In aDll' Sanl<n auneodei"ed. " Slnten, who ""' to be lomWJy diarl'd -kid-1bovt the quarter-mlle Ion& lllJlfnl todioy, waived hll rflM FnntUa Canyon aa.volr. to remain lile!Jt and Wu ta));. Ramo'• ......... handculled Ina -delecliv.,, police lo a tree, hll anm bandculfed said. behind hll ba<k, and • Details of the abduction, bandkerchle! Pl jammed into reacue and e1pture "'"" hll ,n>Ph. ... ealed Suodly by Be .... ly. The kldoajler'lattr rtfU!:ned ""' Police Chlel Jooeph P. to lloi! lllmO -and l!Jppe<I Jllmblt. ..... undfrrtbe""" ~ • Young Ramo was ,.tum1ng dlo&·..,.,;t11111 ru-. ' " borne from a date jlbortly • At Jt a.m. S.turday, Ramo 1fter midnight Friday when he lllOJMC<d to loo.9en the gag and was aecosted by a cunmao bepn yelling for help. Russ near the frml door ot hll ~ KJJt, _51, the re 1 er v o i r home. carcuer, beard the shouts. 1be abductor took Ramo In 11iree car&oads of Beverly a car to a secluded hllla.lde Hllll police aooo arrlved oo the scene. RodrillJes took Ramo'• p1ace Mil bea•• the wail for the retura cl the kkl· .. ,.... Reagan Hit On Bill Veto ' . SACRAMl!N'l'O fUPI) State Siu. Anthony C. Beilcrr son, (0.Beverly Hlllia), says Gov. Ronald Reagan Jgnorod doctors' advice when he vetoed a blll allowing the sale of pro- phylactics to unmarried per- sons uodtt 11. AU ~CENTER --Foremost® retread , .i • ~ I . - tires mean savi'1gs! ' • I FOREMOST RE ·T·READS " 9.a·a 650·13 black tabeless plus 31c fed. tax 735· 14 black tabeless plus 35c fed. tax BLACKWALL TUBELESS SIZE PRICE 775.14 1iss 775-15 1 11.88 825-14 12.88 FED • TAX ..................................... : 815-15 12.88 37c 37c 39c 39c 40c 40c . !.tit9fWWW A I ;.w ••••••~••••••••• 11-"'t ,,_ rt•I ll Ult ,.,W •• • •• • • o• • • •• • l..f _,.. '°" .. ~ ···················· 10.14-"" ''" .. ,.,... •••••••••••••••••••• lS.11 ...... 3 days only! 855-14 13.88 845-15 13.88 VOLKSWAGEN SIZE 560-15 9.88 Professional tune-up MON ., TUES., WED. ONLY HERE'S WHAT WE DO FOR YOU: • New points, plugs, rotor, condenser and distributor cap •;...ixpert adjustment of cam-dwell, · timing and carburetor • Result ••• more pep, better mileage • More enjoyable drivh19! Volkswagen 6 cylinder 13.88 15.88* 17.88* •Most America• cars I BUENA PARK(~v."?:;"°V::) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA ) DOWNEY 32c FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • Aide Named For Mmp~y Lot ~ iiiwy<r Waller T17lcr D 1111 betu atlacled ftp.al chalrmu fer Calllor- nlalll for llllrpby ln their bid .. pin a .-.! lc'm for BeoatarGear .. lllll?bJ. T07lor, a S.. -rul- dmt, WW bead tile cW...'1 campalp ln au Soulbenl California -·· lncludlnJ Orange County. '!be <1-Y<M<>ld 1a..,., ..,.,.. ed u vlco cbaltmD "' Loa Angela C«m17 for Ibo - ceutuI 1111 ca.ian or Preskl-..ntNlsca. ~nn~J ~~· . . . r .. , . Y Ollthful Elegance Cadillac'• 1970 Coupe de Ville shows the youthful elegant styling of this popular model. Tbe overall longer look is achieved by the sculptured !root fen· ders, new cornering lights with horizontal chrome trim, and body colored. extensions into new tail lamps. The framed grille dominates even more in 1970, and the bew lu!ed lemp bezels are trimmed in body color to provide a finely tauored loot. Winled c,..ts on the I~ edge .of the fenders replace the "V" on the s of the De Ville and Calllil series. The wheel di.cs are new, and feature radial ~. • ' . ' .~ l Newest Oldmt~Jrile Start a new autumn image with a Roux 'Fanciful' rinse Elegant 1970 Cutlass Supreme Holiday Coupe is de- signed with growing customer. demand for sporty !usury in mind. The car is identifiable by its notcb- ·back, roof line, body shape and ultra-luxury inttrior. shampoo and style ~ -___, ---. 3.88 Wiped Polio Not T . ' 1 • , · . Out S11e Cory 'hstival' Wow 8. 95 Includes haircut, shampoo and s1yle set. We spedaHze in the care of fashion wigs. U.S. Warns Tlireat of Disease Exists Everywhere USE YOUI l!INNIT CllAR9E CARD-WASHINGTON (AP) Public Hea!Ui $entice doc-when vaccines first became ,---_ _.:N:::O:.;/\:::iP~ NfCHS/\RY Government health experts, tors cautioned a~ any un-available. there were up to warning against a resurgence due c.omplactncy from the 20,000 cases annually of deadly of polio if the nation lreUi down fact that so far lbis year onJy or crippling polio. NIWPOl:f IUC" Fasll\ofl lslltrloll W tlloor, N4-2:Ut in vaccination guard, 1ay IO cases of paralytic polio -But the government doctors potential pockets of the dread the lowest rate in history -said that even now on a na· disease already exist in every have been reported. 'I'here Uonwlde balis approximately metropolitan area of the COUD· were '8 such cases last year. 30 percent of the children in \ry. In the ytars berore 1965 the most bjghly suscepUble I ~~~~'--~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~- ~~!!.~· CARPETING SALE • Beautiful buys on beautiful carpeting through Saturday only! "Nylshag" nylan, pi • sh.pg 'carpeting luscious, deep carpeting .for My Reg. 6.99 NOW room in the ho .... Lively, Wl)'s!Urdy, weor. like onything. Eosy to ci-._ Two tone solids in 10 decorator colors 5.50 to suit your tastes. SQ. YD. luxurious 70% Zefkrome•/30% Verel • pile carpeting "BolleY'Zefkrome•ocrylic/Verol• Reg. li>.99 NOW modaaylic tip sheared pile in hand- some sor.ds. Resilient, mildew-re1• tont, non-ollervenicl In 12 beautiful colon. Redecorate now! $9 SQ. YD. For Shop jJt· Home convenience, Phone the store in your local area • W• brl1111 JC1111p'"1. • frH cw.vltatlon. • Free ostlmolo. • No obttgoflon. fUllEITON (111-4343) LAXEWOOO NEWPORT ll!ACll (634-7000) (133-()713) PQWHtY HUNTINGTON ll!ACH MONTCIAIR \llNl\llA IW-4541) (892.mu (621 ·3811., m1211) (<W.2·7~1'21 • · .... -I I . ~ Big . .1,191 on n1tio"1I brand products· for ~Iller clanlngl The great new Bi...11 Geftllni CANOOAPAAK DOWNf( FUU.EJITT)PI HUNTINGTON BEACH .... 14,MNOW 11.88 Shelllfl09 y-: rupwllhlliotll'a iiMleAdlon 5h&ftlp00 Mut9rl ilof.12.MNOW 8.88 Shani~o9x12l'UI .. :!Onlln ...... s!on Ina vpl Ori•• ... ftw ·i-nt =.:.·m to 4 year aae &fOUP rtmaln without vaccine. Most of these are in &beUo or other low soclHCODOm.ic sectors. The possiblllty of OUlbrtab in the.st comnnmlUea worry doctors such as F. Robert Freckletoo, chld o( the im· munizaUon branch ot the Public Health Service's Com· municable Diseue Center at Atlanta, Ga. "ll we lose any of oor pre!tnt momentum in the vac- clnaUon program -and we alnldy have problanl Ihm -these poclitls ol .... vaccinated "' locomplettly vaccinated cblldrto may in- crease 1n number and me,·· be said. "And, if for a period of xveral years we had an oulrllhlly poor promollon and uttliiaUon of vacclne senlcea, ooe could foruee aome fairly 11 r g e outbre.akl occuntnc lbrouabout !he c:ounby where. for uample, you ml&bt blve 70 or IO caaa in a lfvtD state," Freckleton added. Freckleton and Dr. Mlcbael B. Greg, cllief ol CDC'1 Vfru dlte.,. epldemloloa sectkm, discussed . !he litwllillt In oepante teleiJI-interview•. Gregg forecuta that unku somethin& IJ done to lmpnwe the ~ ..... and eslent of pol.Jo vacdnaUoos, -and roalntabi ~It as new babiet ccme aloq: -0 pockets of polio may be with us fr:r many yeart -that is, for example, two or three cues in a neiJhborbood, four or nve ln a ahelto .•. " AO\lllltTISEM!NT Why Do You Have A Poor Memory? A nolld publisher In Chlcar<> ttpottl tMtt la a s.lmple ttth· ntqUie for acquirlna' a powerful mefDQl7 wt)lch can pay you rtaI dlWknda ln both busJneu and soda.I advancenmit an4 works like magtc to give you added polle, neceuary selt- confldeOO! an4 aree.tu popu- lar!"' . Accordin.a: to tbia publisher, many peopfe do not reallrit how much they could lnlluenot othen slmpl,y by renwnbertnr accurtttly eve1"1thln1 tJ)ft)' see, hffr. or rea4 Whether lD but:l-neu, at sodal tunctianl or f\len In cuual cotlYtl'lll.tlont with new acqualntancn, the-rt are waya In wbl.cb ,OU can &xnlnatt etich .StuaUon hy YOW' ablllt;r to mntmbel'. To 1cquatnt the rtaden of this paper with ttlf eaq-to- follow ru1e1 tor dtwlOPlnt Ulb. In MTWmberins lltY\hln1 )'OU cflOC* lo remember, lht pubUthm haw printed ftill _,. ot . their ..U-trainlnr mtthOd In a new booklet. ",.\.d- 1 wnluttt ln Memory," •hkb will be mal1e4 fne .. an)lpnt who ~ IL Mo obllpUoft. I llrnpl7 lncloee a 6ne to l'Oftt "°''""' •n4 -.... -)'<>Ur ~addreu. and ltf' code tot MMO SbJdlea. 8SS "'-· • -· Chi-cago. nt 6061'- 1. D.IJl.Y PILOf JJ Visit the ColotieJ • COLONEl IANDERS' R:ECtPE ~-·,.'fried Ckiek•. 2929 E.. C:...t Hlohway 693 S. Coat! Hl9hw1y Cereno dol Mar 67"3722 L1gun1 llH<h 4f4.H18 water heater SALE! SALE! 30 gallon gas water heater Reg. 69.95, NOW 56.95 • C.livtn 68 oalSen. ., hot ....,. the fint IMWr ot 1 oo• ,iM • GJ .. lirwcl to1dc: • 1• 1hld: fiMr glou IA1ulatio" • ~vt91Mfk gen control with 1peclof htgh f*MpM'lltvr9 c;ul·off 40 .. , ...... w.nir ............ 19.15' HOW 66.95 ... • t SALi! 42 gallon electric water heater Reg . 59.95, NOW 53.95 • 0.lWefl 53 9ollonl of tw.1 ......, .. flrJI hoVt at 100('1 rS.. •GS.u litlN .... •1• ttiick ~ber g\Oll AntlillotlOfl' ............. ·~ n1c htotilllo COl'lttol wbh _,.,.. Wea. -. ;:..,.t...,. cvNIF • c1 ... 11.dik ~ ..• ... ., ... Mo~ ID t•Ue" •S.U1k .,.,., IMetot, 1 ... -4411 •.. : MOW 40.4S ION '"'"'"' l~I PAf ..... nA ... NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND • ' • ' ----· MEETINGS nll-polllle." -..._ -loclllr 11111"'-for ... -al lllelr ...,_, lbe pobllcodoa .. _.. brieliop ... Ille - ject " ..... 1clo(" -1n --lbol mlP&. YOlvtradal-- It ll ,......, -lllt artlde. that a I • I e I ID • D & '1*':.aJ11Waper .... ftlltJ' talld•WI '\" read JI a -11111-111 "JlllHD. .... ~- It dtM CGiMfOiidece Iran a -who atlempled to list her Coota Meu home wllll a ruJtor who, n fell, would be ccnplel<Jy unprejudlctd In ~·buyer. Of II -en Ille called, on- ly "'" .... Ille tiir1Ju1&!i• On 2·1 Beard Vote BlA.fRA with· ....... " Sherri Gets OCC Ticket llalrlm,chl---·4y1,..NOW1 . YOU CAN·DO ~ING Divorces Rental Bid Rejected EL TORO -A request by a service station owner at El Toro Road and Rockfield Boulevard to rent trailen and small trucks has been denied by Orange Coonty planning commissiooers. Plannen indicated th e y don't l i k t the clutter of a trailer rmtal business at a ps 1tatSon. DAILY PILOT Sllll ...... s..,...,.1 .. Dr. Doris Araujo of Or- ange is t h e newest member of tbe Orange COUDty Board of Educa- tion. She won the right to rep~ent the Fourth Supervioorial District on the board in a spe- cial election Jast month. She is a physi~ cian, specializing in in- ternal m<dlclne. $5,000 Tab To Wreck $1,200Home SILVERAOO CANYON - Orange County supervisors have approved an expenditure " $5,llOI to ..., -. • clwell- lng ...nh on I y 11,200 but in dangtt ol falllni on bouses below. The cottage owned by B. Shamrock ol A1tadena was un.. $25,500 Paid To Laguna SANTA ANA -Paymeot of ns.soo 1a 1he c;1y of Laguna Beach to include an unbt- "°'1>orated county terrltoey portion of Balboa A venue in a road widening project hu been autboriz.ed be~ b y Orange Coonty super'rilon. The city is wideol.oj: streets In 1he Arch Beach Hetal>U .... to 41).feel wltb curbs and guttm. The cumty portloll Is Balboa Avenue, formerly Ulah 1treet, between Ali!O.S and Del Mar avenues. Slid !talion owner Louis Gualtieri, ''Tb< don 'I 1hlnlc you need the extra money to eiisl They're going to see a lot of. eyesoru -closed 1ta· lions on coroen.'' dermined by wlnw floods andlfiiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiO= js in a staie. of near colla~ supervisort "Were told by a:afe- ly i.mpecton. But Shamrock says: he doesn't have the Irvine Roads moneyto take care o1 It. The cost of tearing down the home i1 high because it ii in Survey Slated an unaoces~bte spo1 and a contractor bid 14,:;oo ptu. '500 IRVINE -Orange County to move )>erlODal effectl Into .upervilon: have IUred Boyle priv.ate l&orage. Engineering Company t • The $5,000 bill will be placed location " Barranca Oil -·· prQP<rty tu survey ~~= which otberwW Road from Laguna Canyon to Sand Canyon roods and an im-,-;;;...,;;;;;;l;;d;;;be'="about;;::;"";;·=== pnrred Sand Canyon bridge!• over Sin Diego Creek. HAL AEllSCHU HEARING AIDS ,.,. ... ._,., ~fflcaflen NO IALUMIN 3409 L COAST HWY. CORONA DIL MAit ,., •• , ... & - 675-3833 OYERSTOCS Must s.n -Fr•• Dtli .. ery INSTANT CREDIT New 9 pc. corner arr&DI· cholce ot. cln. rei. $230, now ::~~'~ 110.50: Twins, S'-95. Trundle sets (duo r*r) with inner MPl'lnlmatt..re"'~"°" "9.50 Roll•-'t'Va1 wttb Inn. sprlna matL re1-~.SO. now $39.SO. Full u.. llffPer: IOfa. !'f:I· $239~ now $1fl8.!50. New beds: Kin&. $99".!il>: -· 189 ... ; Full, -Twlril, -$39:00. full>' guuan. Kmc lite-1i:nads, $13.95, II ,., ........ tlonooY Beds, ..... 119.00, -189~ Beautiful Walnut 9 drawer dtts&er, 2-2 dra~ com- modes, headboard •-framed mtrror. $172.00; Spanlah (longboy) •1ffper aofa, h&nd earved wood, beautlfull.J up- hoktemJ, ftC. $449..:M>, now $329.00. Qu11:tmu l&y .. way. now. SIESTA SU£P SHOP 1927 Hori.or llvd. Coit• M••• O.Hy 10-9, Sot. 10.r., Sun. 124. 645-27&8 ARBUCKLE • W!llll A tbree-man survey team will be paid 141 per bllJr. Total ellimated cool;,, 12,IOO. Wes&cllfl MoriurJ ACIY~Tt•IEMl!NT m E. 11111 SL. c.ta -11-----"==.:._---g NY 111 :" Why Are c.!!!'1!r~RnlFs,_ You A Poor Ceola M-Ml MCN • Talker? BEIL BROADWAY MOJmJABY 111 Bl .... .,. c.q Mm u~ • UILDAY BRO'l1IERS -.....va11ey M__,. lltll-Bh~. ---I0-'7111 • McillRMICI: LAGUNA BEACH lllORTUABY 1'1151-c.,... Rood ....--_, • PACIJl'IC VIEW MEMORIAL PAl\K CemderJ • Ma"twy -P~Drtve Newport-· c.Hfonla -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL -...... A.ft. w• · ID IN-iPI • "'iiiU..,'"i•ER" MORTUARY '---a.a 2 ....,. • 11m'111' lllOllTIJAllT .,_ .. I' 1 ---1 ... A noted publisher in Chicaao reports a simple ttthnique of everyday coovenation which can (l&)' you real dtvidenda in IOd&1 llnd busineu adV&J'ICe- ment and works like magic lo s(ve you poise, self-collfldence and peater popularity. According: lo this publishe.r. many people do not reallz" how much they could inOu~ othcn r.lmply by what they AY and how they say It. Whether in buslne5s, at soda] f\mctlons, or even in cuual conversations with new ac- qu&lnt&nc!S there att wa.YS to make a lood lmpnuion every tlm\lt you talk. To acquaint tbt' readen of thl1 paper with lhe eAsy-to- follow ruls for deveJopina skill In ~veryda.Y convenaUon. the pobllshers have printt'd full details of their interestln1 self,training method I.ft a new booklet, "Advenlutt1 In Con, verutlon." which will be maiJ. t'd tree to anyone who requnta IL Simply enclose a dime to COYer pogtqeo and b&ndllng. No obllptioo. Send yaur name. ......... and dp cod< '°' Con· vergation, 835 Di~ Pkwy •• ti.pc :m.919, Cllicoao. DI. 60614. Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column Every Saturday • @ [' -\\'I S R R 1.."" \\ N I ' 411 E. 17th St • Costa MeM 646-1614 ' I • ' ~ .. . ' AiouT 11' NOWI •OCiML<Nli'nCI PUMn Il'trr.T~ - SJNO YOUlt ·DONAT~ TO:· llAfltA CHl.tDREN'S 111~1,f COMMJTTIE, . ' INC. ' P.O:..;. 31}; .. w ....... ,. ... , LooA,.lat,CaUfarnlafG024 ' SILVERWObDS HMn".:1ws 2•1b a •·llQC~ w.M..'1WJ!' www1www ·• us Si191&1t\AdWV. 91522WlillW. 41290• .... •·u&t.• r:i ,, •••• w ... Pau••iwCllJ • T~ ,._. • ~iltl!lh t.lllr' •·on:.r.ar • s.t ew••di!'° 591111 ..... •Na µrtlm:tt•M•"5!4' •laHlllni•Ul.,._,• .... 5'11tnss weather gear Glmeagkr gives you the best for a rainy day Gleneagles presents two dry ideas for the M!t 9l!a90n, the 'Epsom' and the 'Wincl$0r.' ilodunade frOln a element~­ i ng blend of 50'llo llaaon• P.Of'testeri'SO'llo .ClOlton that's Zepel" tn!llted. 'Windsor' has shaped waist, wool Qnillg-in • • • diainpagne, 17.50. 'Ep5orn'. fealllres raglan sleeves, f1!1119V- able ~in cognac,~ • 1 ' .. ..... -. ------~-o---------~-·--~---------~---------- • 1'.el!°rl' $1Jows \( ... • •e • \ ~Red China Lacks . ' . 'Ct;ipw:ity for War -- WNDON (AP) ~ l!ed tbe momtDlum -llOW ~ China'• ermo\1-lfe not In .,.,,,,..._.. -' "!u!Ppfd (tit modtm ,., 'anc1 TM instltute'1 estlmltes of I•-oucl·'• .,· -· .....,..,. tbe ~ of . the 'Sotlet ~ -· ' -...... \lnlod' and Cllioi line<I up tllb seems to be I= badl,y1-•• wi7: • · au\horllatfy~ ~ -n:b GIOIS 111tlGof!J.L•d;~ in!Utui.. said .-~ • • . lJt8'.SA-' IP· blJUao, "Olin.a'~ conventional ann1 f44.71 blllton. . .IA t oul' be Military ~ .. In 119: 1.,..us ry W ' Jn Ill' J>OSI·, US.S.SR.· iiii!lfliOd: China tijl> to .....,..,,..~PollS on a 14.a.u bllllaii.'' 1 sCi1e needed for war; neither Army: uu.Jt'· 2 >nWon c • .u I d. C ~ i~ qe...produced men, Clllna 2:1 mlDloo. ' nu?ear aims til'l •.substitute Soviet Arm1 ID.,Alil ,,uJ\lD lo• them," .Iha lnltltute !or close '"8\lb of !be' - Sttategic Studies sat~ in it.s frontier: 55 divisiOoJ, 10 at full ~I · l[llIYOy GI ".o r I il C<llllbat streqth. E!ghl ol tbe rq.Bitary ~ ~ , 55 divi..s.ioos..are tank divistool. ';china's military poteoUal China has a 'tolai of 1111 bl- strll lies basically Jn her large fantry divisions and f1vt reteria of .mappower," the annored, three cavalrJ and re!>iri ... Uoued. two lirbame ~ Four -.i • . are stationed iii Slnkiq, oo D:Q",,GRADE STRENGTH China's northwest border, ~ a newsman CQm· Foor are in lnner Mongolia, ~ted that the report ap-and 26 are between Peking · ~ted to down,rade .Chlaa 's and China 's northeast border. mJUtary slrenith, the di~~r SbVIET DESIGNED of U. institute, A I a s t a 1 r · The bUlk f Chin , ta lus Budu.n replied . o a s n f; ' · . were made or designed by the .,'l>oes that surpnse you Scwiets The survey aaid Qli.na wb~ you compa.re China 's bu a' shortage of heavy g"°'8 national product and in· aIWlery and a big lack of dus(rial (a~c with that of the mo~ sophisticated equipment Soviet !Jru~ .or the United . 'I'Umj.ng to the eompvaltve Sta~ -strength· of the United Slates China's anned forces , he ad· and the Soviet Union, the ded, ~ in a much poorer report said the Russians slatf1n regard to equipment" within the ne:it four monlhs lhail '1e Soviet Unlon'1 .. but be w t·l l b ave more I~ relllltd to speculale oa the i..rcootloimlal and medium !uhire. ., nnge 'i!Ucleat weapons than • 1 'C h i a~ s e s~U of . the-United States. But it said lissiQnahle maT.riaNlilgbl M ·· this 1br<al aod lhat GI the sufficient for'a~lOO.-,tom.ie~ numerlcally IUPeriqr ~­ bombs of nomfoa1;'(28.llU-l -ll'll!J)ol I~ In ~ an, yie14-or a smaller aDialgam of. Offset. bx tlle Cblil.,. th..at IC bot~ hydrogen and atomic the RhsStW. v a~Ues '' the report said · Tbe survey said the Sovleb "~ of the fusion (H-bomb) t;id1 l. O 5 a. lnter~tlnental we.apons could be of sevefal ballistic mlss:iles with nuclear megjtons. w~tieads in July and are ex-"1\le Jenglhening g~p !hat pect.ed to have 1,160 by the end has .•. been noted be-tw·een o£tbeyear.1beUnlt.edStates nud~r tests may mean, ha1 had 1,054 ICB~ a1nce howi!Ver, Iha\ liJiile 'maluial 1967 and Is not buildlng aoy is not beioa: JR'QC!uctd 1n tbe, __ ne_w_o_nes_. ----- quantities f~ 1n. the .uv.rti...-West. . ~ .. : NO'f l'llOGR&Sll;:I> Now Many Wnr FALSE TEETH '.'~~ew~{L~ OIJ;inese mislile • P{1JCI'3Dl has a~ parOiitly Dot progressOJI as ' Wltli Mor• Comfort ~ "'f'•.7 , fuA. •rtnlie PAS'l'aTB oa \ ·sears ~ . ~ I STARTS TOMORROW C1!![£BRATINO 83 YEARS o( providin& new ideas for the mod!lftl home as weatS..n N4ffirm our pledge of continued quality, feablret, nlqea. co11J'le•r 1.nd oUto~er uti,facti'on. • , ' " " . ' DAILV 1'!1.0f Jt I Couldn't Resist Sears Terrific . Bath Towel Sale ~y Chance to Hoard Super Absorbent Drylon Towels '3.25 Bath Towels t • 25 for Some people just don't .know when to srop. But can you blame them? Super-absorbent Drylon, of cotton and rayon, is 20% .more absorbent than ordinary cot• ton rerry. In a handsome "Jacquard" pattern with the iridescent depth and brightness of toclay's fashion colors or , •• rhe modern look of tever>ible "Twin Toaes." Both eoft and plush and trimmed with fringe. So you can't raise tempwion .•• a cowel o.c half the price with twice the style. We don't blame you. Add to Y oor Collection With Coordinated Towels Alao Priced for Saving• '1.80 Hand Towe,L!U'-----------~-4 7 . I -75• Wuhcloths 67° 85' Fingertip Towels 77' Use Seiin Revolving Charge j , ' , j , . .. • • • • . '· .. fast as ~ • t--Jt ii -n. tMilp nu..e cu.camt:art. ..,,_ _....... ~ ildvan<ed --""'...,. ... --w!f.1 , . .......,. in ,..,., ,......,,. ..,.. -I -~~ I~~ ._.._.....'f".-wc. .·'".·. 1!!.~?r ~~~ ·=~t..:t:7i;:~ ~~ '~ ~ ~-•on tbe ~~1 4.nu.t~. I p'!f'""~~el!on;t?~· ~! -. .. .. __ __ ~ , •• • I 1 llvltea:::· -.. .. , . ! ·:you ·:· ·ng1e ! A I • "'"n you're single and young, life can be so grut. Sc> many fun things to do with your freedom. (o·many interesting people to get to know. That's whet South Bay Club Is all about The most , ~lete_country club you 've ever seen witlt 1 e~artmenls located around il-·full of your ki~of · p$op1e. A 3/4 million dollar clubhouse, tenniscO:ai'tS. olr"pic pool, heaith clubs, and much more1 '. . Cop'! say you know II until you've seen It., C~AMPAGNE OPEN HOUSl THIS SUNDAYSTOTp.m. ~ i'l--1'""'-- ' SodthBayCiubAparto•ents Ntwport Beach---lrvineal 16Ul Sllee\(714)645-0550 r . ' ' • . • .. ', • . ; -• . ' , ________________ ... _______ £ .. _______ .. ------------------.. I ~~J_:YK ' El MONTf LONG BEACH PICO at Rlmpo• l'OMONA SOU1lf COAST l'IAZA f , . ......,..,.;AllC GLENDALE OLYMPIC&SOTO 'SANTAANA '~ !•·'. I COMPTON. HOClYWOOO ORANGE ~ SANTA fE SnrNGS VAUEY I . ~- QllYINA INGLEWOOO PASADEW. ears SANTA MONICA VEllMONT .. $louloft ' , _______________ ... _______ I"'~ -____________________ , "SalWoctioftGUG1011teeclorYourMonoyBack"· •" . ..... Sf>tP.6Nilhb~*"'9h Solunlo,,_,30A.M. lo~ P.M. :, I ------------------ r 1' I ~ l ~ I ,, • •I I .) . ' hmenipdng ~laltress 1.1250 finelf lempercd coils in full ~ize mattres~ .... ~coils in t~in liize for the Le\;l in sleeping comfort 2. Sanitized sisal paJ over eacl1 side of coil u11it \vit.h edtzes tucked over hor<lers 3, C~bioned with bouncy cot:o n fell oo•each side '29995 Qneen Size Se '24 9 •39995 King Size Se '299 ImmediAte Complimentary Deli•ery,. Of Coune Matching Fonndalion 1. Strong IO·sla t wood fnme with center braces and extra side braces 4. Sheeting co"ver .... inner tufled , to keep all fill· ing i:ontents In place 2. Four plastic corner guards to protect fou n- dation corners 3. Bottom cover or COii.OJI &hee tin g to keep dust out of the coil unit 4. 108 coils lo full size posturized u,nit, <:on1· t>le tely latex di1111 efl, \Vitli heavier gauge coils in tl1 e center . ' • .,, I • ' • • . . .. ,. .'' . . . ·' • S. Imported damnk cover quilled to :Y..oz. Dacron polyester pad and two v .. in. polyurethane ' form pads fu Pre.bnilt border bu 3 rowa of eyelets for com• plete ventilation. 4 cord bandits for easy ban· dling 7. Quilttd en1bion pillow top panel hand 1titched to unit before b~ing taped to border. Ask About Sears Convenient Credii Plana '· . ~ 6. Sanitized felt padplaeed .. over sisal to give that cu1hioned feel 5. Sanitiud·1isal pad over nnir. wra.Pped around •ides for complete in· sulation 1. Impomd Dim,.! co..,.. upholsten'the nnlt with cover anac)led to the bOuom of'tbe frame Immediate Complimentary Delivery, of Courie! ~\\E'lll'. ) • 3-Pc. Spanish Bedroom Group A Striking· Re-creation of True Spam.Ta EU!g01U!e.,. Old World Dignily Regular •493 •349 • Inelndea triple drnoer base. framed plate glass min'or and choice of 78 or 60-ln. crown spindle headboard • Muterfully crafted of the fintst 1olid oaka and oak veneen with other !elect hardwoods. Lightly distressed, lu1troua Cinish • Intric•te carved .. Cfect detailing. authentic hardwue • Luge triple dresser has 6 1pacious dr•wen plu1.tr•y•type drawen behind 2 doon. Com• plelely d<ut proofed ~-------------~~----------------------------------, I BUENA PARK EL MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I . CANOGA PARK GLENDALE: OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTAANA TORRANcE · I . COMPTON HOUYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I COVINA INGLE\VOOD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson • ,________________________ _ ___________________ , . "5GtisfactionGuaranteedorYourMon1yBaclt" •Pl••c1-co. Shop6 Nl9htsMonclaythrou9h Saturclay9:30 A..M. to 9-.30 P.M. • -· -··--·· • ' ' ! • • \ ~ -. JODE"""HASTIAeS,. .U...n1 ,....,, ..,._.,-iVt -• , ... ,, r,. 'j October Sorcerx r • - , J • New ~y ~es Cast Sp·etr . A bewitdllng idea bas been con~ u~ by members of tho ~.:!~ ~~l. !or Christian ~ce, · st United Methodist Church, At noon Wednesday, Oct. 8, the public Is Invited lo mingle with frlendy ghosts and goblins and WSCS members In the Peek Family Colonial Terrace lloom, 7801 )lolsa Ave., Westminster • . A ma~:i.nspell will be cast with Bewikhlng Fashions displayed by model.I .Miss Prim'• Acapemy. Enough fall styles to fill a witch's cauldron-8JldltJi an assortment of enchanting prtces-have been selected from Huntlnctoo €enter.Shops for the luncheon show. Tickets, at $2 each, ,_ an on sal~ and.JllllY be obtained from any WSCS member or by.caJli!lg Mn.'~d Kingsland, 962-7291. Serving u ~eneral chairman ol. the beoefit Is Mrs. Douglas Phelps, and asoistlng are MQ!, Jrirr.t 'AndersoD, · decoratioos; Mrs. Dooald Taylor, food, and Mrs. Klrlgsland, tickets. • • • Proceeds from the event will be used to help support missions In California and oversees; lo help de!rar the expeme of special needs in the church, and to obtain-room dividers for the Sunday School rooms, according to· Mrs. Phelps. · · BEWI TCHING FASH IONS -Cool'uring up the nel"est fall styles from a cauldron are (left to right Mrs. Jerry Knderson, Mrs. Dooald Taylor and Mrs. Douglas P,helps, members of the Women's Society. for Christiaa Service, . First United Methodist Cburcj>, F0untain Valley. The group will ~or a beoefit fashioo show a<MI luncheoo Wednesday, Oct. 8, in the Peek Family Colonial Terrace 'Room. . VISITOR GREETED -Prasit (Frank) TopJ(,.6ai of Cholburt, Thailand (rtght), is welcomed'tiil"oun- taln Valley bt his host mother, Mra.--llobert !\loss, and Ted Lyddoo, member of tile student chapter of ,. \ Amertcan 'Field, ·Service. AFS studeol.s and their families were ~ed to the new foreign ex- change student' dllring a poUuck dinner in·the high school. 'Welcome' Mat busted . , Praslt 1Frank) Tongsavai of Cholburir <ThallaJld.-~ & I l'ekoo!Od lo Foont:aln Valley during a' poUuck d l n a e r spDn80J'ed by the American Field ,Servk:e chapter and at- tended by AFS students and their families . . ~ new exchange ltudent will tie living with lh• Robert Moss family ;uxt ill JI senior at .FountaJn Valley High School •~ his ~ brodier, Jobn, l.s a freshman. Co-chairmen for the dinner were Mrs. Joseph Sekera and Mrs. K~ l\larlz. The chapter already has launched several fund;aising actfvHles, They s o I d ad- vertising In the high school 's football program whict. will be offered at all home games, and will slaf£ a popcorn booth at the Halloween barbecue. In cooperation with other area AFS chapters they w i 11 parUclpa(e in the White Tag aale taking place Oct. 18. ... Anyone Interested In joining the AFS program Is invited to contact .Mrs. Richard Lyddon, chapter pre.l!ident, 962-4891. Fountain Valley High School students In the AmerlCB.M Abroad program I n c I u d e .Kathy Crozier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier, . who has returned after at- tending the Imelda lnrtitute, Antwerp, Belgium. A l s o returned ls Christine Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver of Huntington Beach, w'.K> was a 1tudeot ln Bombay, lndia. Lorrlliie Sekera, daughter of Mr. •nd Mn. Sttera. now la attending • girls' acbool In Rio de Janeiro, BrazU. . I Who,. Me? When? Righ t Now? If bathtubs overflowed, toast burned aad coffee perked over in Fountain Valley last 5aturday it'• because 100 members of the wmiaa's club wel'l! kidaapped before breakfast. Planning tbe·"lltBtch" w,re m~rs at the exeCuliVe 'board, aad "victims" were taken to the home of Mrs. Vance Dertngton·, llOClal' chait- maa, where Uley Oll)oyed doughnuts and coffee. GOing to· any enmiie·lct calCh Mrs. Clarence stewmon (rtgllt) Is Mrs. Wallace Short. Robes and curieR!wer., appropriate &al1> for the .,_....you..aro party, ' You Can't ·Debate That Baby's Date Was Not Just ·:fate " . . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I bad DOI -my sister in three yeara. She iJ 40 yeara old and her two children are crown. When Erma and her husban4 met me at lbe airport I WU shocked to lee that she had gotten 10 heavy. lmmed!ately [ con- ANN LANDERS cluded she WU pregnant and J uJd IO. She became furi.OWI and shouted, "'You an eight-pound boy!" are out of your mind! I have a thyroid condition but It'• under contftll now." rm buroed up ,,....n1e my •Lmr lied lo I stayed a week and we hid a pltuant me. Why would a penon do IUCh 1 crazy lln>e. Erma toot pills In my ,._ llld · lhlngT Sur<Jy abe -I'd lum the lnth kepi a docl«'I appolnbqen~ bul she .. .-iQy. Help .,. undenland., I am dldn\ talt 1111 more aboot her lhj>roid _BAFFLED AND BOILING condltJon. • I lell Madison on Tuesday. The fol- lowtnt Friday 1 n!Cdved • telegram flOm Erma. Jt read, ••c;uea who save blrtb W mob Ille ............i tpored .. , Ille embanulmnt ef ditcluthl& Itel' con- dition. U11reali1Uc, ya -evee foolilll. Bil ft•a Mtt.or')t 110W, IO forget K. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Two years ago the problem started. As 900n as the: hot weather set In, my nose began to awell. Thel'l l got.. thla whilltle in It. It drtvtt my wlfe crm and 1 don't blame her. I can ----------- llardly stand n myself. DEAR READEllS. Thia la u open let· The problem b much worse 11 borne ter to the La Leche Society and Ill hun- than in the office. It starts in July and dred8 or members who wrote to tell me 1 dliappeara la Sept.ember. But for a:ix am irrelpoaalbJe, crazy, cruet. unln- -kl I am per800a non grata. Even the formed, lllltaatlc ud atupid. doc sbum me. 1 went lo a doctor l.Dd he The Jetten came In response to my couldrii find aiiythlng """'I wbleh ir-....,....11~ the-yo11111 m«her who""' uodentandable bee..,. when I went to breast leedlnc lier baby In I he him my noee wu not swollen and tbtre: w~. D.C. l1rport. r •m Mt. was no whistle. Can you advise me! repul atl, againat breul feedin(. I _ OFF KEY believe brtaat leedin( la ben<tleal In D,:AR OFf: It -· H U 701J mlgllt be al~gic to a tato romm'!f Wftd dti& gron arwnd your houM. Alt 11 aller&l1& &a mUe a bOUJe call M tte cu tet JOI when yoor ftOtt la IWCllkt ud VOW' w1tl1lle la eoeraUu. both mother and child -If the mother la willing and 1ble. (Some mothen 1re will- ing but not •ble. Olhen ... •ble but not wtlllng) I am against breast feeding In public, however, "hen there are rat 1'00ml 111 over the place, lid\ aa ln the I Waablilglon, D.C. a!iPort. . And< P .S., I'd Ute to coogrltuWe 1111 Ls ~ S!>dety. They have a JeUao. ::l!.~P ~l could bnak I , •• ' ,, .. ,, . . ~"·' I J '· .:· > ~ .. ' •' l. " ' ., ' ' • -• '> . . ' J I Symphony Guilds ~im At Successful Season On TargH w.UI theme lhe &MUal laJI coun1.ywllie guild hmch'°" of the Symphony Assocl1tion Of Orange County next Wednesdiy In t b e Newporter Inn. Gulld members will gather at t a.m. for Coffee and orien· talion and at 10 will all.end a brief business meeUnc and round robin workshops. Conch-!cUng the v a r I o u s workshopa wiU be Thomas Thurston, concert ticket sales; P.trs. Wllliam J. KeUy, guild !ltrUcture; Mrs. Norman V. Salaets and Mrs. L. F. Ding, Young ArUsts auditions ; Mrs. C. M. Castricone, ways and means, and Mrs. Robert S. Erickson, memberships in the Symphony Associallon. Guild members will be join· ed at noon for lunch by guests bidden from au pan.s or Orange Count1. Following the luncheon, U1e g«lllp'a attention wU be turned to 1ttrs. Richard W. Bland, chart.er member and current president of the Pasaden1 Symphony As.wciaUoR. yr~o will speak on .P.1ottvaUna: the Volunteer Worker. ti.trs. BlaQd, a former re1:1i· dent o( St. Louis, has a wide background ln club a n d volunteer wori. and wa reci- pient of tbe Catholic Actlon Award in 1965 In St. Louis. Damt:I Lewis, music dlrttlor and conductor of the Orange County Symphony Orchcslra, will conclude the afternoon vdth a preview of the 19fi9-70 concert season. IULLSEYE SHOT -ScoJlng the \Vinning pQint will be members o! all the guilds of the Orange County Symphony AssociaUon when tl;iey gather next Wed- nesd~ for luncheon in the Newporter Inn. Round robin workshops, orientation, a speaker and preview o! the 1116~70 musical season all are planned for guild members. Getting on target for the annual event are (left to right) the Mmes. Hugh Scallon, Alan c. Stoneman and John Olson. Golden Key Benefits Unlocked for Members Whilher the Hemline will be discussed when Golden Key, Huntington Beach support group lor the Child Guidance man, had an enlhuJla$UC turn- out for its first session, 1ut week, and tilt Monday work· shops for the Deoonber ba· zaar, Holiday in Mexico, \Vill continue in the home ol Mrs. Richard Teske, chalnnan. Horoscope Center of Orana:e Count)'. mfft& at IO a.m. tomorrow in the home of Mrs. John n. Peterson.. · First order gf businesa r or Sagittarius: Stress Confidence the season's ~ meeting will be the ln!UP s amwal fashJon show, Jlete d' Au· tomne, tlljQg place Saturday, Oct. f, in the Sheraton 'Beach Members 1nd friend• have lurned out during the summer to work on handcrafted ar· ticlea which will be offered for sale, and Mrs. Teske hope! more will join the work group now that vacation season has ended. TUESDAY SEPTEM~ER 16 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March %!-April 19): Hold oU on any joumey until tonight. There ls a message, a call, 'Other ronn or com- munication which c o u I d change plarui. Realitt Lhis and act accordingly, TAURUS (April 20-t\-1ay 20 ): tr willing Lo listen to reason, ROBINSON'S ... _ ••''!'.!~~-.' ...... .. ;;i;-.-::: ...... --·· ' TAKETHE FIRST BIG STEP TOWARDS LOSING WEIGHT • ., AND t<EEPJNG IT OFF 1 FO!lt GOOD~ COME TO ..... THE ONE AND ONLY · WEIGHT WATCHERS\1 •••NO PIU..S • No STARVATION D1E'l"S •••YOU EAT THftEE HU.ATV MEALS A DAY, AHO LOSE WEIGHT~ EVERY MONDAY EVENING BEGINNING ON SEPT• 15 , WITH AN Jl'n'RODUCTORY OPEN MEETING AT 7 PM; ANO t:VC:R\" 'TUESDAY MORNINC: 8~GIHHING ON S~T. 16 1 \VITH AN IHTROOUCTORY OPEN MC:ETING AT 9:30 AM 0 AEGISTRATION F E:l. IS. 3 0 00; WEEKLY DUES, 2 0 0 0 1 AT AT NEWPORT, 7Ht LIDO BUFFET• COME CAJIL Y • • • WE1RE EXPECTI NG A 81G CRO\W~ ........ -.......... .............. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT I Inn. , financial question la settled, Obey rules, regulations. Fun ·sure others reel same way. The prlnclpa] fundJoi event Be recepUve. One who wan'8 indicated through cont.act with PlSCF.S {Feb. 19-March 20): will belin with a soc.lat bout to provoke Dau.le Jacks com· one with great sense of humor. c.reer and respon.sibillty are at Il:i> a.m. and hmcbeon Grandmothers moo sense. Heed inner voice. • SCORPIO (Oct. 23 • Nov. will be served 1t 12 :30. Infor· GEMINI (May 21.June 20): 21): Cycle continues high. bul a~ented. Yoor presiige is on maUan rtgardlng Ucketa may At noon ever} second Thurs.. By loo.igbl there is showdown. you must protect pos&essioJIS. the line. Cooperate in com· be obtained by calling Mrs. day the · Newport Harbor You find out what in&Le, Higher earnings tnaY be on munlty projects. UUliie ex· Meryl WIDlnl, &47-7911. Grandmothers' Club meet.s in partner really thinks. Stand horizon. Yet, budg~t should be petlence. Display u n I .q u e The bowllna: group, with the Costa Mesa Golf and tall, Strength of logic is on rq:pected, Adhere to recent abllfU.ea. No day to be shy. Mrs. Al Xrulenber&, chair· Country Club. your side. But adhere to con· resof1.4.t1ons..; • ''Ii ==:::===========================;I servatlve course. And be a SAGl'M'ARWS !Nov. 22· good listener. Dec. 21): By 1onight, you are CANCER (June 21-July 22): on more posili11e ~round. You Good lunar aspect early coin· know where you 3N; headed - cides with creative endea vors. and why. Stress confidence, Later. there is opportunity for originality and independence. added income. CAJlRICOitN (Dec. 22.Jan LEO (July 23-Aug. 2%): 19): Accent on fulfillment orj Tonight is marked for some major desiris. Clan. pleasure through children, destine aclivity tonight could j other loved ones. cause strain on nerves. Take VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): family into confidence . Get correspoOOence out of way Otherwise, you might find early. Tonight setUe to more yourself making weak ex- basic routine. Hunch pays cuses. ) cnvratnW.--AQUARIUS !Jan. 20-Feb., LIBRA !Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): 18): Pressure relieved. You / Be versatile. Important lo can relu: with friends tanighl. cban&e lrit.Q: the ~. You Romance is io the picture. may be on· a abort journey,· Your attitude is poetic. But be !163 · NEWPORT BLVD. N_EWPORT BEACH Why buy a yean ~P in a G,... td tzy 11J>d looe ,..;ght tliroogh 1tnn110t1S eurciae -:yw can buy effonleu we1gbt reduction and pay by th< inch at Gloria M.mball'a.· Moot patrons, based on actuA! records, aclllevo their gool in as little• 4 to 6 weelal aod ' LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISO'S TIUS WEEK ... FOR 1 MORE WEEK KON. SEPT. 15 THRl. 4 PM, SAT., SEPT. 20 all 26 Glaria Man},an locations in Califomia will continue their 8J'edal \ Vi PRICE OFFER It's Yi price t1n your choice or nidttanz HIPS or WAIST or TWGHS or UPPER ARMS when used io conjanrtion 'll'ith any regular Gloria ManhaD program _....n.,.. ho-r li!Ue It ""'I& y Glen Marobolra abeys coeb 1-, awcla·U.. than olw welgbt recluotian --Iha~• -of tho ....... u,.,. -tba WORW"S LARGEST. M ~ Nation's laader, ,.aa. ce depend oo it .•. result£: rome quid; 1)' ••• aately ••• w.it.haat abeoUOOll es:~. •fruva tioo diets, or meslly 5Wt'&tsuits. No disobing. WE ARE NOT A GTit ! . ~or FREE.sample Tisit. Actue.Dyn&e, under-mpe"1Wn. ihe toria M . ~~,including OUf paiJ?nt.ed "Circ-IA·Matic"'.,. ... G • Manl•ll'a I!!,.... Conlzol Syalom became 1bo World'•~ CALL NOW FOR' 1"RZB ~.,;sit. No <barre-No obligation. ' ' ' GLORIA MARSHALL says: "Tell Ull lhe dn'8S size YoU wont to wear, and ""'Ji reu you how many Tisi.ti it wiµ take and guarantee in writing that you will rach yuur goal In !.act, so ahsolut.ely positive a.re we that you will obl:ain yom objective, tbat as stated in our guarantee, we will...., Jet you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all !Urlber visits, unt.i1 you reach your goal It's positive assurance that we back up our guarantee JOO '{o. . rflona :J.rancej SC~OOL BAlLET TERM STARTS SEPT: 15fh SLOW -CAllFUL ATIINTION CICHml &: RUSSIAN TIC_>tNl9UI ICINDlllALLIT e CllAnYI DANCI MODllN JAZZ.· .... PHONE 642-4061 BROCHURE SENT ()N REQUEST ('.ome in comfortable euual dothM, nnd~ UIUl~sary, PriTate playroom • facilities for .imall clqldren. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS Dal' S.I, $al 1-S • ............. *""ca.it W*-• NEWPORT BEACH 430 P·~:~,-3~;~t Hwy. f) lloc~1 Etrl of l1li•• l1v Clui) 1140 Weit 17th StrHt 543.9457 A11~111, h••rty "1111, C1•l111, Crenh-, De.....,, C.JeH•, l .. ..-.e4, L-. ...... New. Jllrt IHU, Nertll HollywetMI, 011tMit, rcned11M1, Sn Di .. ,, S.N A ... S.... ......... k11l-4, T•neH, W)rilttl•f. s.te11 .tie 11 f,...., s.c,..,..._, S. JIM, S...,._Jt, W ..... SANTA ANA Crtft, ... ~ !o • l • ' • ~tr~~ ~;t~ ........ [';I: I Sears I .."4. ~ ~y! -1~00~4 4'°""" .HI • ,µ • Sn" Cotta Me .. , 3333 lrl1tol St. In South CNll Pina -Phone 540-3333 ANDY HAS ANSWERS n..,,•, ••ff •11• Jllltt l'" e111 flntl "'''' 111111w1t"1 th1111t Y•W chlltlrh ht•• 11111t1tle111. Clri1ck •II• A1k Andy f•1l11r1 1v•ry Sat- •ttl1' l1t ~· ~AILY PILOT. r ... ·11 l!k1 It -inti it wlll ''"' c•tl"lty.flll"4 '••nt•t•rt • I ' • . --·---------------~-------------~........--------~ ..... ..------~ -~ -.. --..... - .Queenly Creation ~ Z'u.· ~~ I Luncheon Planned · ProcpecUve mmben of the Women's Auillluy to the PbannaceuUcal AJooclaUon ( have hem lovl~d \o a memberahip luncheon n e x' t Wednesday.·. Mrs. Dean Reavle will open her home for the noon event, wlllch will be J>r<Ceded by an 11 : SO &>Cial bour. lnvitaUona have b e e n prepared and mailed by Mrs. J •. N. McClellan and Mrs. 11.,,.Jl Yimaga. Plans are now being made for the auxiliary's annual fashlab show Nov. 6. this year to be themed Fall Fashi on Festival. Proceeds frorri the event, which will take place in . the Santa Ana Elks Club, will 10 toward the auxiliary's stu- dent loan fund. Mrs. Peter Perak and Mrs. A. L. Ramirez are co- chairmen of the fashion show. h• t ,j, Marc or OiJfl•s · • Call .for Rdmmage , ' ·Have anythiilg" arollQO!. ~ house Iha£ Is n't being used and i1 jysl cluttering up space? Do yourselt a· fllvor lind •help counU'fSS others . by coUectllui thoee unused.items and• donating tliem' to Iii~ Marcll of Dlmea bye, . fit rumman ,sale to' take place In October. Books_;.clothi.ng, f~ture, household items and Whit• elephants are needed for the sale · which Is being sponsored by the Orange County S~uarelRound Dancers In-addition to their annual benO!it d~e. · Area Chapter Go"e$ t.o Sea PlennlJ>g'' • lwl>or crulll -•\>qOrd• Ille ,_ Wenda art mtrnben flt Delio 'llletA Tau lntemalloliol, Mu Eto Cbapttt. • 141'11. William Wflgh~ of Olola Mesa, Mu Eto prell! · dent, lllJlOW1Ced lbaMbe lloot w!U depart Wlbnlnglcla' Y ""1\ Marina al 7 p.m: witb the owper, J. Norman. Cave as UipPer and Chrla Cave as O'llte. ~ A buffet will be oerved ot sea. Servlni will be tJte·Mmes. Terry J. Butner, Donald Neilson. Ruby Ball, Jerry Larson and Barbara Thorne. · Th< Orange Coonty J!:pllepoy ;Society will receive the pro- ceed<. Tlie' 1970 dance will take place ·Jan. 25 In .Ille Retail Clerks Union Hall, Buena Park. • . Date and locati9n of the rummage sale will be announced at a later 4ate Anyone wishing to donate items may con-Wurlitzer tact any of the following for pickup informa· ORGANS lion : Corona do! Mar, Mrs. ·Michael Carl, AAl~A· ~lc;[lB~·~·S 673-ll7S9; Costa Mesa , Mrs. Joe Kirby, 543-, 7590; Fountain Valley, Mrs. Lon..Jattkv, 962- 9763; Huntington Beach, Mrs. Juan Dillon, T •E•R•M•S 536-6013; Laguna Hills, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cusson, 837-5234; Newport Beach, Mrs. OneJ.. WA lL I C H S Waht Watchers ta Correll, 673-8838; South Laguna, Mrs. J. B. Hollow'Bf, 499-3253, and Stanton-Wistmtns-MUSIC CITY TOPS ·waist Watche rs t M k H ff 897 °"• SOUTH COAST PlA'ZA --. -~ NOWAY 1oa1NsoN·s ll•{IROD!!CTORY OPEN MEETIN&S MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 7 P.M. ,T(JESDAY, SEP]tM!ER, 161 10 A.M, : (C"'9 ~·,,..,...,_,,.. .• Mt Cl'lt'#llJ I Toke the first big step <ftefS. YOl(. • ib·ree hearty ,fowords losingW&Jght meobodcvqnd!Mft ond keepin" it off for .some.ondVOl.f '9~ oood. Come1otl\Oooe wtighL ond only Weight Oo,;·t·Mis.s thfs chonce. Wotchers•. Mony , Reg<st,.,,._ SJ!» 1hoosands of peopkt • w .. ur ~ S2QO throughout I~ un111!1d --. ,11rmi· -~ Stoies ondino'tl.!'°~ . VV[] · - ol!he worJdsvccesdulty tl/~" me:'. lollowoursensl~weiglit vvr. ~ controlpfOQro"" ._......,_. -•-' No pills. No stOrYO!lon · • ,...,.....__... •-·-•] every -ursda l? er, rs. c o man, -vv.IU· -~Y '" Ya lltStoLATSANDl!•OFWT. CAll Sl).5505 FOR RESERVATIONS-1P~·m~·~ln~Clrcl~e~V:_ie_w_Sch_oo_l,!!~!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!! L..~c~o~sT~A~M~!!A~~·~4W~t~61~~!!!!!A!N!D!!A!ill!!C!!'!!OMPllMENTARY 'ROCHURE""llll!!~ _Huntington Beach. = ~ Norman Hartneil \ \ Be a queen in this creation by Nonnan Hart· nell of London. The simplicity of design is the story. The bias set.in waist band is .fitted and topped with a narrow sash. The bodice and skirt are eased on with a small amount of shirring. Perfect for plaids, checks, mediumweight cot· ton, lightweight woolen, jersey. 61619 is cut in Misses sizes 10-18. Size 12, long sleeves, requires approximately 2 5/8 yards of 54" fabric. . To order 61619 ; state size, include name, ad· dress and zip code. Send $2 postpaid. Send orders for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX l!i, Milford, N. J. 08848. New Paint Displayed A lecture and demonslra- tion on acrylic painting will comprise the program during the meeting of the Fountain Valley Art Association at 8 tonight in the conununily cen- ter. Rober t Wilde and ~nny Pringle, representatives of an English cOmpanv, will intro- duce a new acrylic paint noted for its special capa city to be used in the 5ame manner as olJs. A finished canvas in acrylics will be given away following th e meeting. The meeting la open to the publi c and area artist! are invited to aUelJd and enter a painting for judging. A cash pri~ will be awarded the first place winner. Anyone interested in paint- ing, rfiusic, drama, stitchery or poftery is invltel:I to' attend the meeting and join or the groups, ad · ooal in- formationi ~ tained by calllng ·!lln.· Joseph G!esliig, 962-o985. SALE! .Buffums' permanent wave 1 7. 5 0 reg. 35.00 perqenb 2 5.; 0 0 reg. !">l.00 peilliiiieals Look yoor pre!!fest tr all lllose specio1 sehool activities. lbls ~ value includes sassy MQlllpUS cat" and stylin& ("campus QI(" alme, ~.00). Beauty Stud io Bu1JUmS· -- • ! ! ( ' ... NEWPORT CEHTER • fl FASHION ISlAND ·------- ' I • • . . -. 11 t1tt..., ••• golden metallic pleats shim~r In 1he soft wann glaw of cand~elieftt. Blac~ wlvet captures-llld holds file tnaglc of-nl~L Jump suit and pleat dress from-Dress ShoP1 wlwts fiom. our Bc\Utique. I • 644-2200 • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL S:30' . . •• • • ~- I, I l I: ) I .. ~ •• • !II DNLYPILOT . . . , .. . . • . ' . THE BEAUTY SALON'S PRETTY LITTLE COIF CAPS It's h .. d hugging lime with the smooth and curly lines of fe•hion 's soft, soft looks. Let us style ydur favorite now. Soft body holding permanent, 13.50 in the St udio, 8.50 in the Selan. Both comple te with cut and set. For those with longer heir, who wa.nt the sho rt look , loo . we offer tho Tovor Wig. MRS. DONALD W. SUTHERLAND San Francisco Hon.ymoon Sutherland-Martindale Vows Said in Newport St. J8.Ple• Episcopal Church Brown. Ken MUler and V1all. was decorated with baskeb of SOlollt ;was GUJeUe. . white carnations when Sally A fe?Ption for 200 guetta Jane MarUndale and Donald folloireil in the home of the W. Sutherland exchanged vows brlde',I ~· Afterward the and rings before the Rev. John bridal cpJUple left on a honey- P. Ashey. moon trip lo San Fnuidsco Parenti of the newlyweds ind wUl in8ke their home iD are Mr. and Mn. James C. Walnut. t Martindale of Lido Ille and 'Ille bride fs a rraduate of Mr. and Mrs. Roy sutherland Newport Harbor lll&h School of We1b:nill8ter. ' and attended Orange Coast The ,bride, who wu escorted C01le&e and California State to the altar by her father, Coll•ce at FU!lerkln. Her_bus- wore a slipper satin empire band was educated 1 n IOlm with mandarin collar Michigan' aehools, b a and full .sleeves. Her cathedral graduate of OCC and will at. train, whicti. was bordered tend C a I l for n I a State with cbantllly lace and seed Polytechnic Co 11 e a e at pearl&, waa mantilla style. The Pomona. brldqroom'a-=tber-made-. Ca.mpu~ Look · Probed SB .Club Resumes M~etings Acadlmlc COromunlly: New ' mitteea, and area wamtn community probtema_; WIJUam 1Aok on Campus, will be the graduat~ from aocred.lted Stanley, world pt°Ob'J1m 11; topic dllcualed by Dr. Julian unlvera!Ues or colleges ~·'In· Albecl NUMl\ow, fellowship. Foster, IJIOclate J»'.O[~ ln vited to auend as pro1pecUve and Robert V. Peterson, the Department ot PollUcal members. · bridge. Sd<l!IC<, Calllornla S ia t e Study .... 1w offered w!D Jn-,:;:=:::::==::::;:::::;::::~ U al •--~" b Collqe at FUllerloo. elude 'l'hls Beleaguered lllarth :. · nlitu ~ ...... ons Y ije wW 1put dufinc the Can Man Survive; Academl\: John Xenntdy, ~ teachec -11na of the Huntington Community: New Looi< on al M~rlna Hiib sdioql, will Beach llranch, Amer I c 1 n Campus: American Foreign canl!t'lle Ille -~l whin AllodaUon of Un Iver 1 It y Polley, Re.lj]lty and Dilemmas the -WCJl!\ID'• Club ~ Seel Women at '&·m.· Wednesday, ~ Power, and Hum,n Use of -me•to W-y, Sa b S •··din th !i'epl 17, 1n:·t11e·c11y ball, Sept. 17, In. e 'MerCUlf oav· r an pace .. ~ g eie ·-·· wm· ..... 11~ lap Butldtn1, JillnllnCIOn seuiona .,ill be the Mmes. •~ -·~ ••• Belch. Willian> Taber. Ri>nald J. !::irl~tiDI~ '=wtr'-;:'1::. Dr. FOltclr ha1 appeared on Coyne, David Berrier and • •-"'"' TV and radio pro-Mic]\ael llooch .. tionl ave enJoyld •variety of C1' and bu authored a new Other corumlUee leaders tn- actlvlUes. · , "Protest -Student elude. the ' Mmes. D • v l d Don 't try to lose weight .J~ I ,,.,,, a one . ~ 1 WEIGHT@. WATCHERS. I, • M~ today II the Garde• Actlvllm In America.''. whlcb Carlberg, le,W.Uon; Robert ~on with M:n. Homer IOOD will be publlabed. Horner, l(!W'met; Herbert A. Some 11tki1"191 som• lislenlng ind Roughton being a.ulst.ed by During a cotfee aesslon from Moss, cultural; Jlm Henlsley, 1 program that W<>rk$, lAI Mr1. Harry Jiodle. P• for '1:30 to I members may sJsn book rextewti Mlcb,a,el Saba, 1 Flll llOtHUlE-CALL 835·5505 an October plentc and a tree ~u:p~l=or~•=tu:d~Y.ilJ10Ul:'.:~ps~or~com-::~e~du~ca~t~i®~;~Vtnce:::•l~D~al=•lm=er~, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pl•ntln& for the new club~.i now belnl C0111truewl will be dlsCUlltd. Mn. Albert '!bunion hosted a patio party In July and Mr&. AJb«ft 'lbomas entertained during a l~au latt month. Members wore llland faelliOfll and Pol)'ll~l\D ..crealun<nts were featured. A potluclt luncheon hosted by Mrr. Qlenn MWer in her Huntiiigton Beach home ralsed funds for club ways aod means projecb. AAUW Starts New Decade Of Service '!be Newport.Cdala Maia Branch, ~aa· Aaloclatlon of Unlventty Women begim a new decade.. of study and .. rvtte to tile -munlty. On We<tntlday, Sept. 17, at a new locltloft, the Newport Riviera Towul1oule Lounge In Costa M.,., the WOD1t11 w!D 11ther at 7:30 ,p.m. Dr. Ro(>r lluuell, vice cba.ncellor for ttadem!c If. fain at UC! will dlscUll Whal II the New Loolt °" Com]ll!I. Dr. RUSltll, 1 prof..,.r of psycboblo!Ofl' and Pll'cllllogy, Jqlt nturned from .London Where he WU eltded pra.i· dent of the Jnternattonal Congre" of P1ycholOI)' -the flrlt president to ~Ide In the U.S. Dutel• Crunch Bread You 'll Ii~• the deli9htful fl•vor fnd textur• of this loat, toa5t1d for br1ekfast. I For French Toast, t:c:>o !I 49c Butter Flake Rolfs Flaky-light and buttery, th11e ere th• peren· nial dinner roll favorite. 6 for l4c Date•l\'ut Bl'ftld .,Rich with dete1 end nuts •nd iein9 topped. '!:preed it with butter or cream 1:.heese for snacks or tea. 59c Banana Slices Individual chocolate c1ke1, layered with whipped cream, 1lic:1d b1n1na1 •nd topped with a cherry. 37c eo. 5 WINNERS EACH MONTH! Never needs setting. Just bruJh into plac..!L__ 25.95. Pho ne Anaheim, 535-8121: Huntington Beech, 892-3331: Newport, 644·1212. -Tho Beauty Salon, 60 I, the creaUon. Her cascade was comprised of white carnations. Mrs. Fred Glllotte, the bride's sister and matron of honor, wore an empire gown of blue crepe, and servln,g u bridesmaids we.re Mrs. Rudy Malik, Mn. John VWI and Mn. LeRoy Sutherlind, the bridegroom's sister-in-law. Units Combine Forces If your birthday is in October, November or December, stop in and fill out an en try •.• • decor1t•d 2.l1 yer cake to 5 lucky people •ach month! .. !l• " Attending bis brother as best inan wu Sutherland, while ushers were Bruce The biggest sate of t11e·year ' Celebrating their 50tb year, membirs of the five unltl com- prising the = of Women Voters, Huntlo Beach, will gather to pre ew thetr 1969-70 prosram. Fifty Yean: of a Great Idea will be the theme of the meet· in& taking place at 8:15 a.m. SHOPTODAY. BRING UVINO cosrs BACK TO EARTH. Now)OUcon-morelhln-""""9'"1 the newestGoldonl\!ucb&Sew'~neby SINGEJl(-&40)inthe"Ba . Clesk. It~ the one with all the exclusive S!NGER features indudlrgthe pusl>butlon bobbin and the pusl>buttnn-tt<eader. And Singer has a credit plan to flt.)ruir budget. tor-of the stotenoarestiou. see whita -·-SINGER COMPANY ~ll•••ldntEStNOERCOMPANY COSTA MESA I lrhtol i Svitffo ... r i40·26JJ Sovlh C..1f Pia• COSTA MESA 1100 M•1bo1 Blvd. Kl ,.11 •s H.,i,., C.11fff HUNTINGTON BEACH Edl119•r •f Bt1ch t•1·1041 H1111tfn9to11 lt•ch CtnlfH' •4NTA ANA Oow11tilw11 JOS W. 4th St. Kl 2·Jt41 I GARDEN GROVE t9J I Clt1p"1111 ·i)0-4010 Or1119• Co•11ly 1'1111 2l7/22J tomorrow In the r .... munlty Metbodlll Cburcll. Contrtbuton to the Golde!! ~~LIDO CENTER Aonlven:~ve and friend.I al tha lea e, Including many 3433 VIA LIDO IN EWPORT BEACH 673·6300 ctty and offlcl&la:, bavel!;!;;::=:;;:;;::;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:=:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;;:::=:;~ betn Invited to lltend the meeUng anll a aalad luncheoo at noon. Child core will be prOvlded. and ruervatkm: for the t1U1> ery can be. made by calling M!'I. AJbtrl .....,......, lllU05!. HB TOPS Club Allen School Is the meellllg pl~e for Huntlneton Beach TOPS Pound PIJlcben at 7 p.m. eacb Monday. BE FREE- OP' P'ACIAL. HAIR FOREVER. LIT US SNOW YOU HOW EASY JT IS TO "'!MOVE EXCU• tt/.1111: Wint MODERN ELICTROL.Y515, MEDI CALL V APPROVCD • • • SAl'E1 FJ.ST • GENTLr;, COHSUL.T WITH OUR LICENCE> 1'ECffNICIAN IN OUR BCAIJTY SAL.OH • ROBI NSO N'S NEWPORT CUT AND CURLED. IN .JUST THE RIGHT PLACES FIRST IT WAS A WHISPER OF SOFT EXCITEMENT OH THE HAIR COUTURE HORIZEN, NOW, JT1S A FULL....v'LOUNCED FASHI ON FUROR! A L.OOK THAT1S I MP ANO ANGEt.., PIQUANT , ELEGANT, ,.,._MAGICALLY YOURS ,•, VIA OUR VERY OWN END cURt. CUT, 5 .00; • AIDED BY AN ARTFUL.LY PLACED HELEN£ CURTIS END CUR L PERM, AT 15.00. BEAUTY SALON, ROBINSON'S ROBINSON'S NEVvFORT • FASHICN ISLAND • 644-22CO I MRS. MARK M. MALTER Former Sus•n S.nson Clubwomen Hit Road For District Meeting Mrs . Terry 'Thomas, Orange District, California Federation of \Vomen's Clubs, Junior Membership is inviti ng of. ficers, chairmen and members of Orange District to the fall department clinics. Macro me Technique Described NOWHOW'69 beauty• fashion• personality it's new, it's fun, it's exciting may co's fashion and , beauty clinic for girls 7 ~veek beauty and charrn course 10 .50 rnini teens, ages 11-14 rnaxi tee ns, ages 15-18 buy tickets in the coed shop of any may co store classes begin the week of sept. 22nd """" ....................... ~ .............. ... m&y 'o 1outh coast pl•t• sen dl190 fr111w•y et bmt.I c.ost1 mt••i 146-9121 • 1hcp mondey throu9h ••turday 10:00 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. Bay Area Honeymoon Selected by Molters Zodiac Charms ~1-""' In Connel opd Bu l'raocltoo prier to atabUabtnc the~ Ural borne In Lor ~ti at1 M I r Ir Mlllrlce Malter and hit brldt, the former Sman Call Beoson. The a.v. Dr. Ph!Up 0. Mur- roy performed !be double rlllf cerelllOll)' In Ille Ooinawnily ~1ot1on1! Cllurch o I ~ clel Mar. Pareols ol Ille brillll couple • .,, Mr. and Mn. Cb1rles w. Benson d Balboa lllond and Mn. R. C. llentits 'of Newport Buch •nd Ji'rlllk J. Melter of San M1rcoo. Eaeorted to the •ltar by her father, the bride Wore irt em- pire 1own of Bilk orp.,.ne with a pprtralt collar, )Ollg 1leevet and ~ A-line 1klrt which flowed into a cathedral lrlln. Venlle I ... lrlmmed !be deaign and wu repeated in a bN:dband which ca~gbt ~r tiered tllus!on veU. White rmu and baby'• b~ath formed her booquel. whKe organz1 cages Over Exhibition PENTHOUSE COIFFURES Begins Year Proudly Announces Their went! ... Unwonted fotty tissue simply seems to mtlt awoy effort- lessly ·and pleosantlv, leo\ling you looking and feeling rodiont, glamorous , desirable and lovely. Many women lose severol pounds ond inch.es tht very fi rst treotment. But remember, weight loss alone solves onl.y one figure problem and. often cou!es others ... Let Shope Shoppes properly contour, trim, mold, slim, reduc.e and build as needed to fashion the perfect shape for your frame and bone structure ... lt's what we do best. Shcpe Shoppes is different. Come in for yol.tr frM shape analysis today ond ste for yourself I summER EHPAns1on SALE 20 1•£ATMENTS •20 LIMl1£0 OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figure faults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at lhe lime ol your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where • personal "SHAPING PROGRAM'" is designed exclusively for you ... Ther~·s no nJ)'stery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! ' t AJIL.t P.M. DAllT, t A.M.·S P.M. SAT., (HllO CAU f ·I ' AllAllllM Clll'IA -CAii TODAY ··635-0271 642•7032 IHfO:~~TIO" tcnlGlllAw. \•l ....... M " :1112~ •111 u. 477-112:1 SAIU MN1tA 11111101 HIW lflitTHllDGI · IUHAll 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 ,,,...,... IO)tt....... lfnAt.tdiiM 1nsW.VrilotA .... --~----~ ..... -. --~ .. -. ~--·~ ... LEGAL NOTICll !STABLISH YOUR PRESTIGE Complete Modern Plaat Facilities For Every Job. From Businese to Social Prlntinf. Mondq, S.•llmbtr 15, 1969 WITH PILOT PRINTING Pllone 6'2.•321 Por PltEE rlclr·Up -O.llwry 2211 WEST BAllOA BLVD., N.B. \ DAil Y I'll.~ Jf LEGAL NOT!c,E . .... ~ ••• COUOT .. I COMPACT n, DAILY PILOT t1U1 y "'''' -111 litt ,,.,. -••• ,., G1y 1b1,t y1ff 111nM1111ltor tt.11' ll'!Y lf~lt l'llWIJIJlr lll•f Ifie 4"1.t °''"'' C••tt. • • • I ·' 4 1 I i I I t ! i 1 I . • . r • 1 I f l I l --.... -----·------.. ----~--.~;:;::;:::;;;::;:;;:::;:;;;======~,,,.,.,..--------~ ., .. .., •• '""' o :;:;,;; ij t; ... ·=-:x::,.:s;::mc;._..~:;s ...... J@!Ji:SCPV!JiJi4.@ $ $ $ $ $ 4 4 $ I IS$$ Mc ; U 0 O OF u<• ·;24-year Gas firm ,~ l.Manager Reti~es • • •• 1 • . • .. . ' • , . • l • J"ustil\ M. Ken~. Santa has reUred from the m Counties Gu 00., j:lbm:i<tnc St yeart as qlvtsion lnaooa•er ror Oran.ge County. lie Is succeeded by Donald • Shively, Newport ll<ach, ormerly the manager of the pany's public relaUoos. Kennedy, who joined the gas and a lrume ol the Boys' Club ot Santa Ana. He ii abo a member of the lnduslrlal Devmpment Division of the Santa Ana (])amber of Coen- merce. ' puy mono than U yean ~. hu, seen the custornen ot lhe gas company in Orangle biunty grow from U,000 IO '70,000. He ls a past president ot the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, the Associated Chambers or Commerce of Orange County. Santa AnJJ.. Tu.Un Community Chest and J'-'' ~·•· the Sanlo Ana Rotuy Club. • ' , . ' ' • • ' • • • . • ~ \ He ls president of lht Cbap- t:n College board o f vemors, • mmiber of the ud of Orange County AID I 10% INTEREST ... . .., ASGIUSIYI OlANGol' COUNTY COIPOUTIOM ..._ .._ ...,_, .. Cff0i11L l'clft' lee.,.. ., ·~· - Busiest Year For Irvine Complex The Irvin.e Jndustrlal Complex baa Jts "busiesl yW yet" in fiscal ll6M9, presi~ denl Jobn Murphy announced thi11 week. 1 ... Land sales and ground leases in tbe 3100-acre in- d u s tr i a I developmer:it sur· rounding the Orange County Airport totaled 67 transactions for 267 acres, Murphy said, describing the activity as "snowballing." ; l: All Ma"-All Mode" .......... lei -Tl'llCb ,• f • • • ( ' .. • ' ' • • • ' • • • . • • • ! • • \ • • • ' ' .. • • ' ' , , • ' ' I ''Wti1r1 Sunoic;1 M•"•• lll• Oiff1r1nc•' MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATI'ORNEYS, AND OTHER· PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAl,ISE WE'VE GOT THE ANSW•Rl FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR IHFORMA.TION AND A BROCHURE. ii!Jh=: BllRfAU 543-2222 ' t OfFICES TO SERVE AIL OF ORANGE CO. Escrows closed at the rate of more than one per week he &aid, with the number o( firms increasing from 180 to more than 225, with a work force in excess of 14,000. Firms purchasing five acres or more during lhe 12-month period included Charles Pfizer & Co.. Rockford Aerospace Products, Ericson Yachts Inc., Coleman Engineering C o .• Comdata Corp., Greentree Electronics. Datatron and Prudential Overall Sup· ply. Newport Man New Manager Newport Beach r e 1 i d e n t Charles R. Archer has been appointed national accounts manager for American Es- press Company, money order division. He -will be head- quartered in Lo6 Angeles. ln bis new p()Sition. Archer will be responsible for 13 wt:stern states and t h e devefupmenl of a marketlnC program with·all.cbains of 25 or · more stores. A Navy ·veteran. he ·auehded Unlversl· ly of Arizona, .Tuscon. SEEKING ASSOCIATES WHO WISH TO JOIN A FIRM DEALING WITH THE LARGER INVESTOR • Wt llavl I c"""""' l'rllfl!K!Mll C:. ... r1ttom Ad 1'1(11 .... e T111 SIMI...-& 111111 PllMlnt 5,_111w Oii $1ltl. ... _ ...... n, llllrlllt Speci1liH " AWd ...... • l'llllft«d IMUflllCI f'totrlml.. • W1 etlw beil lr•hllnl & flhlc:lll911. ,., nmmbllOn & 1"11t. ALVIN COLKER & CO., INC. Investment Broktrl ll1cmber Bofiton Stock Exchange CONTACT: DK;I< MITZCU!lt 11141 '4H24t II' JOHN IUltJI: (2\JJ "l·IJll Offl"" llt: Newport hadi IMnw• O.i11• D••HT Torr•ite• P11I• Yordes p.._ REMOVING THE MYSTER,Y FROM PUTS AND CALLS Simply and clearly this free lecture e-xp liin1 how Put and C1ll Options m1y: • protect your profits • minimi1e your risks • Increase your return& • Increase your l•ver1ge Lecturer: Will•rd T. Moore, Vice Presld•nt in charg• of Wntern Region Option Department. There are many misconceptions about Put and Call <?ptions. For example: some reel they are too comp- licated for any but the professional investor. Others fear that buying or selling Put and Call Options L! too speculative. Attend this lecture for a clearer picture of how and for whom these stock market toola can work. The lecture will last 90 minutes a~d will be followed by a half.hour discussion ses· SIOD. D1te: Thurtcf•y, September 18 Time: Starting 1t 7:30 p.m. PJ1ce: Slddleback Inn, Tr1buco Room "A" Off Santi Ana FrMW1y at First St. S1nt1 An• For nservatlona, phone 644-2292 or our toll free telepl)ono number from Orange County, 833-0230 office listed below. ' ' or write to the Newport Beach Dean Witter & Co. ; I .. . • ' • • DEAN WITTER. al: Co. 1 ... • DICDJUtORA%ZD ......... Yi1111 .,_. l•Cflllltt. 550 IMwporl C.nl.,. Ori.. e 644-2292 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92660 ' Bold F.ornaolitg Thunderbird !or 1970 presents ·a-bold new look with a more formal front end de- sign. All models feature a longer, lower hood and the Landau shown here can be oulfitled with a Special Brougham option group willcb !ncludes grille Jai:rips, <:<>lor-keyed w~eel covers and high back bucket seats. Hidden wind· shield wipers and radio antennas emphasize Thunderbird's clean design . Yqur Money's Worth Detroit Awai is 1970 Impact By SYLVIA PORTER In the auto showrooms of the nation beginning this week, you, Mr., Mrs. and lt1i55 America, will offer a crucial clue to the magnitude of 19~'s auto sales and by so doing,, give w a vital signal to the trend of our entire economy in the decade now opening. Sept. 18-25 L!I when the 1970s wlU be Introduced and It is after these introductions that you will make y o u r move-responding to t h e models, their prices and finan- ce charges as well as to con· tinuing steep inflation and the Vietnam war. \Vhat will you do? The auto magnates, as usual, a re publi cly <>ptimi!lic, with top General Motors officials predicting that the 1970 model year will approximate 1969's record. But you, not GM's Roche or Cole, will give the final answer. Right now, the automaker! are in a "go" position. They are scheduling 944,000 car assemblies for October, ac· cording to Ward's Automotive Reports. Bible ol the ln<lustry. This would match the 9.14, 516 record Cw October, set last year. RIGDT NOW, the auto in· dustry is regaining its momen- tum, from the inventory.ad- justing ringer it went through in April.Jone. ln that period, auto output plunged 12 percent to a dismal fiflh-best level for that span in history. Right now, it's a virtual cer- Officially Opened Norman M. Dah1J. resident manager announced the formal opening 01 the Merrill Lynch ' Pierce Fenner and Smith lnc .. ~egional office in SegerstrOm Cen- t~r. Santa Ana this week. Dahl, shown here with As- sistant Manager Ge<Jr~e Dunton Jr, (standing) say::; lhe ~17~,000 of;fice is 'one oC the most complet~ and soph1st1cated investment facilities in the West." 1.·voiiii''iiioi'i.(M:***-_ .......... ! You went to sell some Item ~ that you no longer need but ! someone else can uH for ;: 7 NOT ? OYER , , • • $50 ? , • YOUR ANSWER: You coll THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Clauified Advertising, and pl1ce 1 .. PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 2 LINES 2 TIMES 2oOLLARS . AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 ,, .. ,,_ """' c.oaty 540.12111 ................................................ -...... - --------- I : tainty that October-December auto production will t op January-March's total to set the highest quarter of this year. But then, whether it ap. proacbes the Z,S2Z,337 peak posted ln October-December ol 1968 will depend on you. In the "Alice 'Through the Looking Glass" era of fall, 1969, l find myaelt' wl!hing yoo would llhrug off the '7tls and thereby he)p c1,1rb this, evil price·wage spiral~and I know Washington is fervently boping for thia. Bui I think you'll go for the "70s, atJd I \hlJlk the" modela themselves aren't nearly as important as Qlher forces such as the following. -Your incomes are still zooming, and your demand1 for cars climb as your Ur comes climb. Personal income ip tNs 1a¢ spurted $6 billion ·in July .alone, about $1 blllion higher than the a v e r a g e man1hly in the firsl hall ol this year. ALTHOUGH THERE are plenly of 196lle around (as · Ward'• says · '1some of the 1969 h!Ve~s didn't come tru:oUgh the April.June ring· er as dry as t!.Xpecled") your love affair with lhe U.S. automobile continues as tonid as ever. -The change in our popula· tion mis is of profound im- portance. The surge in young marrieds cannot help but lead to a ballooning demand for cars. The three and four-car family, meanwhUe, ls becom- ing commonplace in many areas across the country. -The hlgh and rising level or auto scrappage Is a factor of mounting s1gnificance. With 100 million cars on the roads now, a yearly junking of up to 1 million and more cars becomes logical. -U we just maintain OUI net investment ln autos at the rate of a decade ago, total sales in 1970 will hit a new peak, just as total sa les In the model 1969 year are doing. BACK IN January, I reported on a detailed analysis by Ward's Auto World which indicated car sales in the '69 model year would reach 9,700,000. GM has just come up with the same count, giving Ward 's a spectacular record for long.range forecasting. Now I think the new estimates, which Ward's will be releasing in a few days, fla sh a similar message of a record year In '70. Perhaps we can Invent some ~epressing forces to spoll th.is in 1970 -and maybe we will. But the decade of the 1970s has to set!: auto sales croS!lng the 10 million a year mark and surging up from there. For this, you see, Is about to become no more than I.be new norm for us. Mesa Plant WorkBegun Should It 'Cbst·More To Invest? NEW YORK (AP) -The tbou.landl ol Amerlans of mod,0$!, ....... who fot • ·minbnwn broker '•· com· -of 11 cu become WaD -tnveston, ... being ... c-of not par.!l lhelr wa>,. ~obert W. H pr.ltdeilt oll 11\e New Yen Slbck Ex· cbilnfe, aald Prlday ' I b • mlnlmum charg• Iii<' hahdllAc Jtoct tranucUona c.t tbi ms . Board "1oUld be raised. And ••id tbe oominis.!iool oa large sates ore too high. "There b little juatllleallon for lhe theory !hit big transacllO!'I should aublldlae the small," Haack told a meeUng of the Assoclatlon ot Stock E1ch1111e Finns. 1 One major broker supported ttie proposal. but 1 spo~man for Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, ~ world'• largest brokerage firm. called increasiruz the small tr~ tlon fee •'fwidetnocratic." Of the s.J billion total shares traded on. tjle N"' Y orlt stock Exchange In 19'8, 301 million were In odd lot transac- tions-less than • 100 shares. Odd lot sales generally are COD!idered· to be transactions by investors of relaUvely modest tneafll. Stock brokers charge a percentage of ·.tbe transaction value BJ thetr fee for handlln& the. e:Jl:Change. AJ an e1ample of CUITtlll commla:slon ra~ a buyer of sham ol Ameri<an Telq>hooe and Telegraph Co., whicb cJo&. eel at 152 a abar. Thunday would pay a commission or ..,0 on a purclwe of SO lbares, $44.20 no 100 sharel, and $732 on 2,000 shares. The mOst recent revision of commission rates occurred last December when char~ on transactions m more. than 1,000 shares were reduced. Tbe rates on 1maller transac- tions have been in effect since 1958. The exchange haa advist!d the Securities and EJCha.nge Commission that it would ~ mit a new rate structure. "Any new corhmission rate structure should require more revenues from s m a I I e r transactions," llaack said, and reduce the rate for larger ex- changes. William Fleming, president of the brokerage firm of Walston and Co., said the $6 minimum corqmiJ8ion was ''ridiculous pond. unprofitable:." He .aaJd the rate should be raised to $10 or so. While, he added, "this still would be un- profitable, we don 't want an exorbitant rate because we don't want to exclude the small investor a,, be is the big investor of tomorrow." Haack emphasited that, "A new rate structure must be so deslgn~d that there will be an Incentive for firms to el'J>&Dd the role of the individual in- vestor." He said there are about 15 million Individuals who own stocks traded on the Big Boad. Haack said higher commis- sion rates on small tran!ac- tions-whJch would be related to brokers' cost of han- dling-could ''Increase direct ownership because f I r m s would have an incentive to provide more emphasis and depth in services to the smaU customer. ''The American investor is a se nsible person. Never will an lndivjdual buy stocks only because the seller offers them as a loss leader. On the con- trary, 1 expect individual buying wil l rise once firms can afford to provide the level of services an individual investor has the right to expect and deserve." $30 Million Job NASHUA, N.H. (UPI) - Sanders Associates Inc. has announced receipt of a $30 million contract from Lockbeed.caUfornia Co. The company will produce acoustic date processors for the N1vy's new carrier-based, anti-sub- marine aircraft. The company al!o saJd the 1ward could lead to an addlUonal contract of $100 million over the oest five years • Market Sgmbob • I Who Reath the Stars For the Stars? .. ~ . . r-l .. It's Sydney Omarr And now this artir.ulate writer who has been called the "astrologer's astrologer" reads the stars for you. Sydney Omarr, longtime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood's ond tho literory world's most famous stars, is a DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions based on astrological analysis is amazing. Whether you read astrological forecasts for fun or as a serious student of star-gazing, you'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's doily column in tho DAILY PILOT -.. -. ---. -. --~~-.~ ------·-~-·------------~-------------------·--------·-~----· ... ---... -----------------~------ DAILY PILOT ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_~~------...;...------------------~--------------------...;......_ ________ ...,;;·s ' . ·AMONG. THE · GRE~T •. Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap- pening at City · hall . Whether it's news from around the w or Id or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in the world (for local news). • ' ON ·ES ' • :: ·, .. •, ' ! • ~· , . . . • • Ii I I I J I 1 11 \ i I I I. > p DULY- 6PM18 Paradise~, .. . . . . . . -....... Hun~ngtan .. ~lfl~fli ·Ft,i-;cf3 .. ...._ • .t .,.,_ 1. • ¥i .... • •.t -I • .Overcomes Shoddy .~crip~- By TOM 'ITl'.lJI ... fM ..... ,.... ""' .. Wa1chlzll ';Pools l?ara.ld&e" " the ' llunllnalDn a..cb ~ P11yhouae l>rinp to mlncUwo ~ old s.ayingir-one is "oot £ood. tum de&ervea anotber'';.. thee other, '!when you have a good tblng going, don't bJSe It up." Somewhere in between lies the maxim applicable to Ibis UNCUT! -INTACT! EXACTLY AS ORIGINALLY SHOWN ~,P.!~f -~ Jf05 Eon Cocat Hlthwoy Cofou del Mo,_,h. 673·6260 ALSO PLAYING NIW llll WESfERN Ll.M.ITED ENGAGEM~T Win,,,.r Of 5 Ac1demy Awards "IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT" Rod Sttig1t Sidney Poititt HELD OVER IOX OFFICE OPENS 5:45 SHOW STAiTs i :Oa'' COOLED BY REFRIGERATION A PHIL FELDMAN PRODUCTION UffaB ~l[tm mtf£J,BU Nie 2ncl 811; ATTRACT!ON ........ ,.,. WIW ...... Iii e:• :Oper~ <;:onrse " 20 . ' 70 • A ONl·!YED MAJOR HIS ODDIALL HEll:OlS 2nd FEATURE BREATHTAKING REALISM I ncbts .. eo,..•tki:et ..., ... IHl .. htt l1nodl· .. Rctlpll'• ..... keta, Wollkli't .., ., ttie hr Offlc1 ••• How Uciwl., 4ollr tr.• 7:ot , .... ; ...., ..... 2:00 , ... :ff do NIWf'OtT lfA<N -...... ..,.._ .. 1.-.i-ll4• loi. -OL WJJO Co~9' Tfilent Sought 'f h·e ..LI P..rt.t e-n di"r I . in piioductton or-ffadr-• Playbou&e.'' In San Clemente acta. We also will oonslder all h.. achedllled Weekly alJl!I. ·original plays bY I o c a 1- tlfl!ll aJ¥I taltnl regjstralion playwrlgbls." for all lnexp0rlenced Md ex· Reglstrallon for Ibo llsl aJ¥I ~ actcn. vaudeville the audlUons for upretend"eni" ·irtlst.., '!healer 1echnlclans, producUons will he conducl<d olllywright.s an d direcJon from 6 to a p.m. every SWJC!alf: lrom th~ uea. at the auditorill!» ot M~; 1be ldta ts. provldh\11 to all Lodge '171, 105 Trabue<>, B, Diiie ~'-groups a list of c1e._m_e_n1_e. _____ _ ' names Ind e:taUslica of au -, ·•vallable talent, ace«dlng 10 ,;..ll!'!!!!!l~"l'l~ ... WIUltm Barrymore, inanaging -· ' . , t'Jt' ls a known Cact that. while easting a play, 'tOme <iireCtors find it c\llllcllll, U not )\D~le to locate,actora of oefta1n . type, age a n d cii»bilil~," ll<utjinore said. OUr registration list will elimlMte much of lhe direc- tor's wasted time in search.of a needed talent. "W~ are · in a process o! bilildfug ·a pool Qf, at least, 150 thespians i D \.fl r -e Ste d in furlbe!:illg their 1alenl. We also JntendJto produce various ooe· to three-act plays, satires and Yariety abowa ~ assist Mayerling f'lllTT'I' .we $lrit!M Mo\ lrWC MMm Dln·FARENllNO·..!NS·LA/llJ-ESllR·MAKJi.Wl .. EWSt>.M I ""*lllr-.,_ ..,..,...,_ ~t.,""'10..~111-~ ~ C.--,,,_.,.. Akoo!-6-9 ""-,_.,,... C.... "0.-. 8 --::=.;::oo,.· 2nd FEATURE AT NEWPORT * 2rid FEATURE AT ORANGE I HET.,g ~ GREGOllY ·EVAMAAIE I -Ml lllClllUID · PECK SAINT fll'' .CllEMIA 1llE STAU<lNG MOON' WlUT Ulll1L -'"""""'"" ............ "" _ .... ,... -• ....--=-------''"'"" NOW AT BOTH THEATRES . . 1rrt:1w.., If c11ap.,.: 5474011 : •••••••••••••••••••• BALBOA 673-4041 OPEN 6:45 7"1 ... _ .. u, .. PtnllWI?. .. -NOW-IND$ TUESDAY e -SHOWTIME 7:00- A...;_Mlclulel J. P'ollanl I• "HANNl~AL BROOKS" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI Starring PATTY DUKE Pl111 A11cfr•v H•pb11m I• "WAIT UNTIL DARK" , -Plus- Jane Fonda In 'Barefoot in the Park' IOTH RATED "f.i." ---JOHN GLEN KIM WAYNE • CAMPBW. • DARBY Aho1 T o"y C11rll• •nd T 1rry TlioM•• In "TKOSI DARING YOUNll MIN IN THlllt FLYING MACHINES" . ~ .. ~--..--..... -~ -..--. .. . -.... --~-.... ...--.,. Mor.do!, S.ot>mb'1' 1'. 1961 bAILY P'tip! :p lle's ~GoU,g to Be Cfeat,. Says Namath of O.J . BUFFALO, 'N.v. <AP>~ ~ ••No autogr1pi.. no eutogr1pha -ju8I keep gotng," the JIOllce ofltcor Cll'dered Joe Namath and il.J. SJinpeon u be Jed tho two players lbrGUih the moll ol autogn~g Y°"'1pt.fn ~ tile tunnels under War Memorial Stadlwil. Tl1're WU ntll< doubt from lbe of• nc1et1s words, u be-and a c:Ordon ol baU a ~n poticemen eocorted lbe J>llt that he wu concerned ooe pause. woold lead to .an tod.ollnito • .l.y. , , That Utile tcent, p1')'ed "'1 l!o<ir Iller the: ·~w York Jets•· S3;-lt V\dor)t over Buffalo, Mowed more clearly thin •. ..,tin,,. ... lbe field 11111 S&npa !JM ' -u .. Idol ol lbe lino _. to Namatb. , .. Nllllllh, -, ~ to 111at lo 1be -.inc ....... be -with ponable tee Cljll on Illa -.,.i bepD IO - -• -llrvQle In willch the JelS bad to bR01< ""' ol • ll'li lie !D llie lowthquarter. "Mlle up anything JOU wanl to -O.J. am-wrtte tt._" aaktNematb. "'I can't say -" good t1>lnp 1boul lllm. Ht'• &oing,to be-'" ' Wblle Sim-wuo' sr<al In \(f debut tie did Jive every tni!lqtlon ol hll· llfllllcy by .-tug tile lint -ol • . .. .. . • "'''........; the spectacular nat1lre f>f tlte mishap, Duncan walkod away from the crash witlinut injury. ' · • elgbt.yard rw>and •·l~ard lleld pl by Bruce Alford tied it. So Namath went to the ground and directed a ii-yard drtv•c•~ by SoeU'1 u.yanf loochdown nm to lllAp IL Paul er ... then rett.l'lled .. lntercOpltoo 2$ yanfl for tho final touchdown and Namath walked off a wlnner. As be.did, be 1pltd-H.,,._ In the tun. nd and walked to tile dr'91lng room with ·him, .oflttlng · bit ad-to· lhe Y<JW1t rooklo from Grambling who eomp(eted only thl'ff of It pesaes: · "Don't worry. There wlhibe more bad days. I know. l'fe bad them." But not th1I time. Pro Gri.d Roundup Rams Face Colts; ' . ' AFL Play Opens Baltimore and Loo Anceles, two of the National Football League'•· powerhowes, clAah bead on far the Couta1 Diviaiorr lead Sunda.J In Ba1!lmore as the NFL le&llOD optAI. The llaml tw>ed'up for the Important opener by eililnll the Sao FranclJco tiers Saturday In Analielm Stodlum before the tar1eal .i:rowd :to .... !Ootball, li'lll" In 111e c:OW1ly, n.nc. The Amedcu Football L ea I u e, Dodgers &nd Osteen AgafuSt Cincy Tmright l.(l5 ANGELES (AP) -Havln1 at long last fattened up on lut-place San Die10. the Loo Anael., Dollgers tomcbt open 1 steady run of 11 games agilnst all the contenders In tile N1tmal League'•-1· Ing Weatem Dtvt&lon ICl'lp. . . . - --;.,,,., u lbe DodgOn ·~lo -·. three-fame aet·with Cidclinuitl tonlgbt at Doditr 'stalilum, the «.wOtd ti · en- cOOragement. r Tonlgbt Claude Osteen 1 .. 1%, •bol>tl to · become the Dodgen' fint 2D-game wtn. nor I!!' !]lree year a, wheD 'lie -bis -IA!ammatea. He'll loee TCll\)I ClonlJii'r, .. 11. TUe .. day ntgbt tile llodien and Rodi meet In • !wt-ntgbt doubleheader. Don Sutton and Jim ''Lefebvre, both burled Jn teV!lt 11umpi the lut month, 'prOrided the encouragement ln Sunday's J..1 victory over San DleJo-wbkh enablld the Dodger• to tweep the three-game aerlea with tile PW.. and """e Into ,.. coDd place in the Well . They u.U ftoot.runntng AUlnlA! by 11> ·-•' Lefebvre, fl11lng lo·f9l' alump(ng third meanwhile, got a one week Jump cm the NFL and in opening day ac'Lion O.tland held off Houston Zl·17, Kansas City tJWn. ced San Diego 27-9, Denver walloped Boe!on 35-7 and Cincinnati topped Miami 17.Zt. The National Football League, wblcb doesn't open Its regular season for aqolber week, finlBhed ti• pre«8ll01l ICbeduJe with five games. On Sunday, BaJUmore beat. Dallas, 23-1, an·d Phliadelphla SUTJl!l'cd Washington_ 21-17. Saturday, it Wa& Green Bay 38, Atlanta 24; Mlnneaota 23, Cleveland 16. Daryle Lamonica-snapped out of Ult doldnims with a 64-yard paas to WarrerS WeUa In the fow1h period that 1av1 Oakland a come-from-behind victory OYd Hou!!ton. Two touchdowns by Cbar'lit Smltb had given tbt Raiders a 14-<I lead but the Oilers went abed in the final period oo a 16-yard pass from Pete Beatbard to Jerry Levias. The Oilers missed a chance lo win-ft when Levlas dropped a pass ln ~ cleat abirUy alter Wells' tally. . . .Len Da"son'a SS.yard touchdown past. to Olis Taylor and four lnten:e~ · powered . Kansas City past San Diego Dawion b\t Ta~lor oo the first play ~"' · saimmage after the Chargers bad tripl• mOd the Chim' !••d to )3-9. . • Denver quarterback Steve Tensi en- joyed ooe of his finest days with ~ touchdown -u'llle Broncoa jOHed the Patriot> under now coach Clive~ Two of the scoring passes went to llell!Oll while Tom Smiley allo twice. ' BostoD' quarterback Mike TallafeiTt was interce~ f~ times, with two ·°' the steals settfng UP. Denver tQucbdowns. Roo~ Crega Coot P!'lled for l!ff touchdowns and Clncinnatl'a defense held off a late .Miami r~y ,,as tbe.,~ala gave Paul Brown "his 300th coachlng vit> tory in a career spanning 35 years. . SPECTACULAR BUT NOT FATAL -Driver Sonny Duncan Ls at !Jte wheel of bis super sprint car which flipped 'end over end at tbe William Grove Speedway iD Pennsylvania during a preliminary beat. Despite ~"'"---=-~~----'~~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- baleman BUI Sudakla;hammered a.bon)e run and a donblo to ·drive In all the Dodgen' J:Ulll •. In Sunday's NFL e :r hi bf t'I on ~z - Philadelphia came-!rom beblnd will! u I pololA! In the third per:iod1 lo bell Wuhlngtod whJle in a,Jl!ltlonally televis-• ed nigh! contest Ba!Umore Intercepted • four of Roger Staubacb'• pasaea aod j trimmed Dallas. Sulton,. Without a victory tile pal! monlb, allowed tile Padrea. only four blla Gurney Runs • Bruins to Chal,lenge USC ~~ =t ::~=-Brown "I alw1y1 ,.i eopeclally high when I face the Redl," Oateea laid after StJn. c1Ay'1 win, tile llodl<ri' third etrllgbt "Flnt, they'.f'e a treat-hlWng team. And, too, llncc I playod then> I llway1 try • UUJe harder to bOt them;" -------· ' OLD-TIME BOXER' Out of Gas, Still Wins BRAINERD, Minn. (AP) -Costa Meta's Dan Gurney ran out of gas and ·missed victory ln the first 100-mlle ra<::e, but conserved fuel in the second. and won the over.all top money Sunday In the U.S. Auto Club Indianapolis cbamplomhip car races at Donnybroolta lnternaUooal Speedway. Gordon Jolmcock of Hastings, Mich., zoomed past Gurney with 600 yards to go In the first heat and finished with tile ~ Ume of 110.436 miles per hour. Gurney ·coasted to a second-place finlah. Both drivers were in Eagle Fords. Al Unser of Albuquerque, N.M., was third and the favored Marlo Andretli of Nazareth, Pa., fourth. The race was a!Opped oo the loth tap when Hamilton Voss of C b i c I & o , overturned three t l m e s on the inain Tbooe who allegt to know about IUCh things aay USC will ·make an un.. precedented fow1h etralgbt trip to the Rose BowlBy winnlng tile Pacific a foot- ball champlOMhlp this fall And they have allo decreed that Stan· ford will come the closest of. the seven other circuit acboola Jn the drtve to RUCld 5 di $bbi iddiiCUI WHITE ·-WASH tecuus: euuccu:uasu ea umeal the Trojans. 1111 Ml dllllcult to agree with·lbal first concluslOll drawn ·by 40 wrlten and TV alUIOllhC:tnt who toured Pac-I practl<:e aessiom and made a comprehensive itudy ol1he loop'• arid onUook for ·ee. · Howl!ver, it is impoulble for thlt ICflbe to Imagine Stanford u a lint nto con- len!ler. Why! John Ralslon. etralgbtaway of the three-mile uack • lie 11 aald to be lbe """'11 al lbe i.. lj08r the resort communtcy of ·Bralnerd. cllw, I have bean! he II. a line, HJ• car irtoJ>ped 100 feet from the lrack. bumon!uJ speaker. But. 1 have never Tracl<.offlclals said thore were no oeriOUI bean! anyone say anything too com· lnjuri... pllrn<mtary •bont any• coaching be may The drivers were given the yellow nae fOr three ti.pt, and when the race w11 mtarted Gurney charged into· the lead. He and ~-betUed back and forth before Gurney'• car nn out of ga1. In the secood beat Gurney took an •tr• Jy kid In the 34-lap nee and aurvtvcd a •tronc cblllent!e from J 0 h • c 0 c k. Gurney'• l'innlng time wu UUU m.p.h. • USAC ofOCiala named Gurney tor the over-all Utlt on the strength of hi• vic- tory, and decided other money wtnn!nga en a point system for the other ddvers: Gurney won 18,705, Jobncock $1,IOO alid Andretll 12,780. bavocfotle •. And after -.Vlog UCLA In Ill 3'1.0 btill al Oregoo StalA! S.turdly ntgbt It would ...,. more logi<al lliat lbe Brulnl w)ll be SC'• prime cballeoaer tn lbe race for P1aadma1e l'Oltl. UnleA or.goo StalA! wu woefully weak -and thal won't he l:Dowo tl1 the Beaven have gotten a 1 ... pmes under their --lbe IJ!ullll ar."" ·-· Jookln1 oulf!I. Tiley-nm,.°illck field p11 lthree • .-06U), _punt . and play '°"lib del--lite a cbamp(onahjp aquad. They are WllA!ilcd, llowover, .. tw01>ofnt convenlon 11dll.1. ll<>n' be lhockcd If UCLA 1poUa SC'a bid IOI' tht Role -~ Bui )'OIJ Clft be joltod out ol your lllppers H Stanford I• anything more exciting than a atack of stale tortillas. Concern for Miiier Orange Coast College basketbail coach Herb Uvsey is genuinely concerned about the future of Roy Miller u guard at Cal Stale (Long Beach). Miller, ooe of. Huntington Beach High~s three great stars of the past four years, was originally ticketed for OCC but recenUy changed his mind because playing forward in jaycee ranka would not enhance his chancea for a college scbe>larship later. MUler correctly observes !hit at .. 21> be is not likely .to make much of a tplash as a big sch0o1 front line man. That leaves the guard· spot for tile two-time aJl.CIF flash. But here'• what concema Uvaey, "U I have U1l'tt pardl who would }lave played ahead of·.Roy,.how la be aoma•to make it at Long Beach! Jmt Tarkll\lan (Cal State coech) live. on Jaycee tiln!fer1 and good guards are a cilh\e a dozeti,'' 1ay1 the OCC bola. "I've aeen this 1ame thing happen to kids going to BYU and Utah -the · 1<hoola go oul and .....,,tt all kinda of talent on a books' and ;tuJt1on type acholarlhlp. By Cluialmu many of them are packing their bags to come back home. "The 111m• thing happened to · Phil Rhyne at. USC (Rhyne baa now i.an11 ..... n!d In UC Irvine). They ,.i "' many playen K geta out of hand. Then the illd baa to u...rer and .... -of hla credill.10 ' SAfll Ollto LOI AltOILal ••ltl'M .. , ..... Arel•, a ll I • • WIHI, ... 4 • 0 • J,w11111ot111, 1111 1 I I I Slurnor .. a J 1 1 1 lit.I"-. u I I I 1 1 W.Dlvll, d 4 t 1 I o.a-. l'f ' 1 ,I I Gillrltr.t. "., I • I l"•r1r1, If 1 l I Keteo. lltl f 11 I I MIWl'tll, If J I I Jolllue, If f I f I Ql!Mn, lit J • I '"'""'· lit J t t I Y,l(tll't', ,_ J I I ~ rf 2,1 I I """"''""cf J ' I .......,,... • J. 1 ,. J C11111lul,., c J I I Hel'-r, c t I I I Klrbv, p I I t S11non. I" ~ t I t Stt.11(, p11 1 I I Dllk•. .. I I • $pltrlo, llfl I I I McCoclr. p I I t . , T11tt. • 4 t Tllftle 27 J 6 I 5-t'I DI... · IOCI 000 001 -I lM Anteltl Ill Ill Ollill -I DP -$.tt'I 0 .... I, ... AllttliN I, LOI -St!! Diii' 2, U. Mpttil f, !I -~rt, Sir• ,._., w. Drflt. Hit -L"9trl'r9 UJ, 0 , l!'Nt'I Otl. lll'NllllllllO K"W (l..J.ltl f J I S J I M" 2 I I I I J McCOOi 1 I I I I O Suitor! 1w.1•u1 t 4 l 1 I ' TllM -t :ft. Antr'IHllCI -MA1&. DIES IN ANAHEIM ' ' . Ever Hammer, ,Joomeym8n' 11 g ht. welgbt boxer from 1911 · 10 1925, dlnd Saturday in Anaheim of a beart attack. IJeill't':ll 7(. . .,. amm.er ro&e to . a measure of prom· inence In · 1116, figbU:· 'l!l,round no dectslons with former igbt" ~ t ptoo Ad Wolpll and ampiotl Fr.cfdX Welsh. That same year', Hammer lost 1 a. round knockout to Benny Leonard, who won the world t.lUe the following year from Welsh. Leonard was quoted as saying that _ Hammer aave him one of his + ........... t n lit.!. .....-~ recent years, Hammer wu euratar. of the boxing museum it, i(no!('s'Bereyi Fann here. He wu ltrickm-Slbmll;~ and died that night Blood Clot .Kills E.x-Trojari B'~ncom _ Game Ball Goes to Dead ' Star's Son .• •.,_ CINCINNATI (AP) -Frank JamOI Buncom m was presented with a aame ball .today by his dad'• bell friend , Ernie Wrigh~ from a pme In which bit dad never played. 1be one-year-old would never aee Ns lathe< play, Frank J. Bunc:om, Cincinnati Bqalt llnd>acter, dlnd ·1n a downtown hotel room, ,the YkUJn of I blood clot, Sund1y ...-ntng. WHiJ!I, bll roommoi., wu. wllb him but cOWd do nothing. "Frank -mit up with .... btlabond bteathtng," Wright rectllnd 111U 11\o game In which lbe Benaall duinpod the Miami Dolphlnl 17.U -lir...-l\lnt~ Football Wt1ue opener. "He wu .tire.thlna UA he lltd an uthmatlc allack or aomathlnc, "t called to hlm. Then went over to hls bed alid lhook him -real aood. 1 &ot no . r.._. I checknd bit mouth ' to mah ~. ~. w~'t hayin&, a convutik!n and, "'allowln1 lffa tongue. 'Then'l ·callcd I'll' help. Thero wu liothln,J I could ·do.,; "The wilole·leam, ..,,. In Ille lioter ""la Utt night cw:tom before home games." . Wrigbl apok°' ~Joit his teammates before. the 1am;e~aM avoid~ a ,._Jn one for Frant"' speech. .,[ WU in I si.te of lf'lef, '\. be' 18Jd. aftorwards, "and ,veryone on llie'IA!am WU dffp(y ~. II ...... 'I the plice for Roll,rilood, Fnnl<' Wlan~I RoUjwoed. "l told evetYone tha~ I dldn\' wint If' to ute F(w. 8! Jiii ~,foi;'cf"1U,l I 1o1a the!ri 10 ao out Md 1>111 fo win, not for Franll, but in the waj rranl:· would have played." BunoOm, a: n.,et...old, flchl·' ~ar veteran · of ·pro loot lion, an an, league p(~yer In 11&7, w11· acq~ lalt· year from t1ie·s.n D1•1• Charaen 1n the ... panslon drill when the Ben11la-en1m<1 the Jeai!!e, He PlaY<d coll•p all at tht 'llnvtVenlty ql-loulllem ~· -"My wile and I bave l:Dowo'Franlt-aild · ' his wife Edith for. a loq time, Edith. taught"" dlugblA!r·ln-)he.1111"1d ~ when.I Uyfd .. tn San· '"eco,:• W111Jtt aid, -, wu·a 'te"".I; hfmlelt In' the' off aeuon. --, ' """' wu·one ol'lbe cleanest -~em mew. JI J!11.-• ..., ... be tllll rnnt;, l'dbe~~·~111d'. ' .. ~ lo llll'VJ•ed fw his wire, - ma malbor Mri: Elinore -· bl'othenJtme1'Clrvar Ind 1\'alttr'O'NdJ 8u.tcom lllil I itller, "Mia Mary Sandra Bun<Oln, Ill of Loo Anples, Sentm wm 11• held .tn to. Anceles Wednellday 11 the An(elel Wut Funeril Hom« \ Fronk I.,_ I I I I ' I I, • l I • .............. ~ --....... ----... ·~ ----.. -.. -.-... .-.. .--.. ~ ~ -..... .......-...... ,.,. ... ~.-·" "~·-· ....... .....-................ ._.....-..... ~---·----·--~..--..---..--.. -•. _.. ..... ...., ... .,._.., __ ..,_ ......... --·~~~·.:;; ... ... ...-~ ""~:ir,. . '·""··"·"'t~• ...................... ._ ... ,, . .., ................. • ...... .,, .. ;;.,.,1 .. ., ... 1~ ., ... ~,,; r•,····· ~• • ••i ••• ., ..... ,~ •• ~, •'•''-"''"· .. ,. .. , .. , . .._ ..... 1 .. ,.....,.,,.. ....... _ Bruins Roll; .89Aerials In SMUTilt By ASSOCIA'fED PREllS Whoo Dee Andros returned home last winter-from I trip Eut where h• WU <If· ferod the coaching job, at the Unlvertity. of Pi-gh, be WU gr<eled by a ClOWd o1 <Jrt&Ori State <tudeots cbtntlng, "Please don't leave! Please don't leave! " Andros didn~. but be may be wlahing today that he had. The reason for Andros' discomfort is a 37.0 shellacking imposed on the Be4vers Collefllote Grid. fto1111dup 8aturday night by UCLA, the ·•aUoo'• 17th-ranked team and the only member of The Associated Press' Top 20 ~to see action as ({)liege football began its lootb anniversary with a smattering of games. 'lbe results of a dozen major games in· dicate that 19&t. may be just u wild as 1968, when all sorts of offensive records fell, and a far cry from the first college· came baclt in 18(,9 when Rutgers beat Princeton by a mere M. In a nationally televiled contest, the Air Force and Southern Methodist filled the air with 89 passes before the Oy·boys made off with a 26-22 cliff-banger. The big&est score was run up by West VlQlinla, which clobbered CinclnnaU S7- lf QI -Roy CallalW>'1;deblJt .. t:<Jacb ol Ille~ ... Ciil•ho• llbouldn't haVe been. loci !Rl1pri9eil, lhot,gh.' ~ ol Clocy'1 ·1~ loose! ;i.year ago w-·by ..,,,.. of ~ -and 71-33. • AnoftieJ! new coacb,.CaJ Stoll of. Wai<e F.areot. dlrocted the flnt upoet of the RaaOP• The Demon _P.eacons Scored with nve .leConds Jeff aDd then conhected on a two-~ conversion pass to nip North Carolina Stile ~22-21:--- Elaewhere, it wu Villanova 41, West Chester 14; Miami. Ohio J$.,:Xavier, Ohio 7; Wlcblta Stata 17, Utah Stale 7; Drake and Louisville battled to a U-Z4 tie. Dennia DummJt, UCLA's root I e quarterback, stunned Oregon State on the fourth play from scrimmage with a 60 yard touchdown pau to Gwen Cooper and it took the Bruins only 10 minutes and &even seconds to run up a 17.(l lead. UCLA unleashed a powerful running Bl· tack, led by Greg Jones, who scored twice, and Mickey Cureton. SMU's Chuck IIllSOD, the nation's leading passer as a sophcmore ln 19158, completed 34 of 53 tosses for SSS yards and two touchdowns but c o u I d n ' t overcome a 2U Air Force halftime lead. Messersmith Shoots DoWll Enemy Pilots • CHICAGO (AP) -Joh n Andrew Messersmith -no close ffi•tive of. the .lV..;!d )Var II aircraft maiw!acturers o( a '1eey ,uhllar name -takes a particular deUllP.I in ollooUog down Pilots. :Mq°X cut down 11 or the Sea Ue variety, ustng missiles covered , wUh w114e Angel Slate -Al ._ -llMPC j71t) S<fpt. IS Nlgtl• al ChiuOO J:ll p.rn.. htlf," ....... k _. Chiuoo 12) J:" p.m. Jea'i&;:, aa the 'c&:ntornla Angels dOmid the Pll<M 4-1 here Sunday to give the l"10s • spli' in a four-game series. He allowed only·u..e hits. Jim !lcG ... 7-15, b the pcobable slarter ro~ ~t·s game agalnst the White Sox, leading oil with Fred Rath, .. o. Until be weakened a bit ln the ninth in- ning, the young rlghthander from Toms River, N.J., allowed the cellar-dwelling Pilots only one hit -alUlouch that one produced. a run. At that, Messersmith, the Angels' win- ningest cbucker wUh a 15-9 record, a&id the apparent laxity in the final inning was uncalled for ; "I still had all my stuff," sald Andy. "And l believe I got my control well in hand after the fourth inning." CALIJlOIUllA JI.A TTL• ab,111114 alrllrtll AlorMr, )II s J i o .HttPtr. lb ' o t o s_..-, 111 4 O 1 O DOMldlOll, lb ; O O o l'r-1, 1$ l I 2 2 eorrw,, rf J 1 O I l'ttlchltdl, If J 0 ~ I ... vi.y, d .o 1 I 0 COW•P1,itf ~OO~Wal!O!',ff JIOO J .Tah11t1, rf ~ 0 1 0 Mlncner, lb l 0 I 1 A.ltoarlgun. lb ; I 2 I H9911n. pr 0 0 0 0 Arc~, t ' 0 2 0 McN1r!N1y, t ) I 1 I MW¥1ml1P1, p J 0 1 0 Stanley, II ll • ' 0 hrtlitr, ' J 0 • 0 WO!Md<. it I 0 0 0 VllMI.*-,,,. 1 0 I 0 l.oditt, .. • • ' 0 Tot11t. .1' ; U 4 Tollb. 30 1 J J cantornl• &Gt 001 100 -• s .. ni. ooo 1aa GOl -1 E -H•rper, o~ -$f1n1t I. L08 -C.ilforn11 II, Seenle J. 111 -fi:tldulrdt. Hfi: -A. llodr1Q4111 en. s• -Alomtr. liovlly, s -MellV't!Tlllll. ,,.... -· HJ~ -Q M_.,_1111 IW11toftl. W,. -1!11r• W . Tl"'9 -2:11. All.,.,.,_ -4.216, RUST~ERS llEA\:HING· Hl!JH -'Ii\ree freshmall defensive backs.al Golden ·W.si Coll~ go after loose b8ll in pr-ation tor £ross~ rivalry with Orange ·coast,Co!Tuge Sallu'day night at Lel!enl Stadium. '!'be game kicks ofI 1he 1989 football campaign for both schools. Play- ers include (!rem left) right: Tom Lawrem:e (20), Bud Moen (14) and John Carroll (24). All three could start on defense Saturday. JC ·Tranfers, · · ~68 Frosh, Vets To Spark UCI "It's a Jong way from May to De- . cember.'' Those· are the Jyrics from "Septem· her Solig" Tim Tift is singing the6e days. And just like 1n the song "the days grow shorter when you reach Septem· ber" for TUt as he prepares his first UC Irvine basketball team for its season opener Dec. 1 at the University of Nebraska: . The Anteaters won't start practicing for a 25-game schedule until Oct. 15, but Tift is calling the 1969-70 slate thp tough.o ·est ln the university's brief history. Tift has three .returning senior start- ers but the Anteaters sUll figure to be .A fairly· green outtlt. liJU. 15 sophomores trying out far the team. Heading 1 amall list ol two jlmlor ·col· lege transfen ls Lester Mingo, a U center from Los Ange1es City Collegt. Mingo, however, onJy weighs 175 pounds. "He's big and he can shoot, but we still don't know how well he can re- -bound," admits Tift. The other JC transfer ia Jim Hamilton, a t-1 forward frotn Fullerton. TUt also has' 10 members orr hi s freshman _team last season, which was J.M, to·draw from. Leading the returnees ts M forward Jeff CUnnl.ngham, the Anteaters' leading scorer last season with an average of 21 points 1 game. Cunningham ls a teg!t· lmate small college All-American can- didate. "He's a fine college player," Tift says. CUnningham excels going to the hoop. and has p~type moves. He bas 11.!petior court sense, but he's not built (or the power game." Other starters back are the Anteaters' steady backcourt combinaUon of Mike Barnes (5-9) and Steve Sabim (6-2). Also return1ng are lettermen John Glavlnovich, a 6-5 forward: Keith Bean. a s.i guard; and Gene Zeck, a 6-6 cen- ter; along with redshirls Brad Baker, a 8-2 guard : John Farewell, a 6-3 forWard : Steve Schlesinger, a 5-11 guard ; and Ed Burlingame, a 6-4 forward. Tift thinks Butllngame might be the ~\eeper on, his· sqµa~ aod hopes he can help in the critical rebounding depart- ment. Top prospects or£ the frosh are Bill George, a 8-7 center: Bill Moore, a 6-4 forward : Steve White, a tH forward : Gary Fox, a 6-21/i southpaw guard; and Roel Sagehorn a 6-4 forward. Moore is our most imeroved player over the swnmer," Tift uys. . Other frosh candidates are John Strock (&-I.center), Jeff Jackton (6-3 forward), Jim Btauer, (~2 guard), Bob Vieria (&-10 guard) and Larry Wasserman (5:-9 guard). "Right now we have good shooting, good speed, desire &J'lct )an unusual amount of intelllgentt.", asseases , Tift. '.'but we are weat on the boards. Fluid Arm D~-s It • Key to Namath Success Tokl by Former Pro QB The key to Joe Namath's ,uccess in throwing a football is a fluid arm, says former pro quarterba<:k Rµdy Buldcb, -·who's . now coacblng at Orange Coast College, 7'Namatb doesn't have to plant himself Fassell or Bill Audlno, ud excellent quarterbacking w11 one of tbe key1 to Fallerton'1 47-game wlnnln& 1treat Ulat barely wa1 snapped tn 1H8. Bot Polo Streak on .both feet to ~ an accurate pass. Taking about winning streaks, Jack He just uses his arm to throw the ba14 FuUerton of Orange Coast haS a couple of ex:~ the bomb.'' the, ex.chicago Bear ..pretty fair ones going for him. said as be was W~ JVith P.irate-.... -His Orange Coast water polo .teams quarterbacks ~e Tilm!yasu and Ed have won their 1ast 24 games against 1un~ Wa~o. <" 1 ior college compeUUon and 42 straight Tom Keiling ol the Oal.¥<J Raiden. agalnst Soothern Califurnla jayceea. ·who ~ *nf mere than one Sunday In the last two years the Pirates have chasing. Na.math around, confirmed won 52 of 54 matches in junior college Bukkb'I j\t(lpnent this week. play and are 5H overall Four ol the "He CIA Uirow off b1a: left leg, bis right, Josses were to four-year schools like ( powerful UCLA. .1 ~•M•***-(**~••• .. JOEL SCHWARZ '********""****'* . leg or no legs at all," said the frustrated tackle. Bukich, wbo ls coaching Pirate QBs wllenever he can get away from his con- struction bu!lness, shot the old thiOry that a football should be thrown from the ear full orhotes. "You can't pass a football accurately from the ear. Away fp:nn the ea; is the natUral delivery," he says. 've ever seen a picture of Sandy in the middle of a delivery with extended oot, that's the way you d thiow a football. "It the lone·ann delivery. The closer you have the ball to your head the less you can use the forearm and you can't _guide lhe ball," Buki.ch says. He says passing is a four-step operation using the wrist, Joreann, elbow and the shoulder while keeping the entire arm loose and fluid . "All the top passers throw with a fluid arm. You don't' have to be set and planted to· Jhrow• that way. Anytime a quarterback has to be plalited before he can throw, he's ·losing time and limiUng his effectiveness," he says. Hor .. ets ha Trouble Sources close to Fullerton Junior Cellege foot.'1oali P1 the Hornets may be la """tile'llm H88'D deiPfte a turaovl ol 150 plaJen. · '' The main concern Is at quarterback where coach Hal Sherbeck is ex- perimenting with Marv Owens, a tailback lut ttuon. St far, 01t:.en1 ,doesa't 'measia"t! ap tt eitber of laat season's quarterbacks, Jim Tlrkeu to Nb:on Orange Cout ls t..be latett In a long line of schools to send 1eason football pas1es to President Nixon. Tbe President and OCC bead coach Dick Tucker, along wilb most of the Pirate grid coacblng staff, are WhilUer College graduate1. Tucker and the President a1so belong to the same honorary society • So far, there has been no word from the White House saying whether or not the Presldent will Lake tn an Orange Coast 1ame. Checking Out Pe1mant Races NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division New York Chicago W L Pct. GB 88 58 .603 85 62 .S78 Ill To Play 16 15 N-Yo,. -11 home 1, Plthbvrsih J, SI. LOiii\ !: •W•Y ,, Phll~li>hll ,, $!. Ll>Ull 1. Monlre11 '· Chlt1.o 2. ChlCl!IO -11 h""'9 10, $1, L1111l1 '· Phllldelph!1 ), MOll""-11 2, Ntw Yor~ 21 IWIY $, Pllf,bu'11~ J, MOnlrt•I J, NATIONAL LE~GUE West Divlalon w L Pct. GB Atlanta 82 6S .S88 tos Angeles 79 6S .549 l'h San Fran'co 00 66 .548 Ill Cincinnati 78 65 .545 2 Houston 7S 69 .52f S1h To Play IS 13 16 19 18 Alll!\11 -If t.ome !, Sin 01"90 l , CllKIMtti 1 I 1w1y l0, Holltlol! 3, Safi 01"'9 l, Lo-Anleln f, $1" FrlflCl5CO L , Lot.' "'1>11tlt1 -lJt tioni. 11, Sin Fr111tl1C11 3. ~"" J, Clnclt11M1ll S, At1111!1 2; IWl'I' 1, Cl11• 'IM11l 4, S~ Fr1nctKO 3. $.lln l'rtn<:IKO -It FlofN! 10. Los An9'11el 3, $In 01~ l. All1nt1 ?. Hou1loll 1; IWllY .. le. A,,._e111;, 1, S«11 019911 l. Clncl11n1tl -ti llomt t . Houston '· Los A"9~l•1 A; IWIY lG, H-ten l. LOI An11tl•• l, At11n11 l. $11'1 01-1. Hovtb'I -t i homt 6, Clndnn11! J, At11nr1 !; IWIY u. C!ncjnn~tf ,, LOS Antrt!t l l. Sen F••n· cl.co 1. Sin Olieto 2. Pilot Football Contest Opens This Tuesday The DAILY PILOT and W. J. Voit Rub- ber Corp, 's Sporting Goods D.Ivision Tues- day kick of.fa 10.week, prize.laden "pick· the-winner" contest which will run through the enUre Orange Coast area football season. The contest, Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO, is open to anyone who wants to enter (ex- cept DAILY PILOT and Volt employes and their immediate familie3. lt offers more Ulan $100 w or t h of prizes each week. Top winner, the person who picks the most winning teams in each week's Ust of 20 games, will receive $10 in cash aJ¥1 a Volt Collegiate football valued at '10.95 - or his choice of any of four Volt prOOucts. Winner and nine runners-up each week will have their choice of the footbaH or a Voit Collegiate basketball, tether ball, swim fins or eterclse kit Though entries are confined to one per person each week, the same contestant can enter as many weeks as he likes. lJe can wln as many prizes as he qualifies for and can outiit the entire family with sporting goods if he 's lucky enough. The Voit Collegiate football is a rubber· covered, fabric-lined ball -of official size and weight with a pebblegrained finish, simulated white lacing and white stripes. First player's fonn in the Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO contest will be published in the Sports Section Tuesday. It will be repeated Wednesday. This week's entry deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Norqirac~·-· -• t ........ . ,O .fo:r GWC ·In Scrum By JAY DAVID-. Of ·~·pal~ ~,,. ,~, ThlngS are' back tb ~al for Goltten fwest College's footbflll teilffi, • ' The Ru.stltirs r,etur1ied. to their ~lt~ . habl4; In a scrlDlll\!ge Saturday a,g~t San DJego Mesa eoµege, but _head ~~ Ray Shackleford l!fl't pushing the paptc button as Golden West prepares-for~1ts £Cason opener ttl.is week against ajch- rival Orange Coast. Sltackleford, in fact, was prttty pleased with hiJ club, despite the 9-0 setback it suffered in the scrum at Orange· Coast. ''It was a typical scrimmage for us. Last week, when we scored. four times against Glendale, wisn't. But I'm •not worried because we always play well in our first game," says the RJstlar boss. "I hoped we'd score, but we didn't ha ve a good day offensively. San Diqo used a slightly di!ferent defensive allgmnent than we expected and we didn't block well against it "Also It was hard for us to sustain our offense because we had no cootinuity, \Ve were changlng1 backs on every play and used everybody on our squad. Once lhe season starts, we'll be using 22 "'Players not 60." Shackleford was pleased with ihe work turned in by his defensiv e wtit, despite the eVen 300 yards It yielded to Mesa. "I was very happy with oor defe~. We had two mixups in our secondary'· but I'm glad they happened in the scrim· mage, not lhiB week against Orange Coast. "We dld a little stunting oo defense, but we basically played an Okie defense. \\'e are a stunUng and shifting team on defense and once we start to play for keeps our defense is going to cause a lot more problems than it did Saturday," says Shackleford. · Passing gave Golden \Ve3l most of its headaches against San Diego Mesa. Freshman quarterback Otto Brlno hit on eight of 15 throws jl.nd two long bomps were responsible for all o[ the day's scQr- ing. - He threw one long SO-yard strike for a touchdown and a second 66-yarder set up a fit?ld goal. ln all, lhe Rustlers yielded 197 yards,,J,n the air. On the ground, Mesa found the going a bit rougher. The Rustlers dumped San Diego backs for losses 12 different Umes. Golden West made two deep penelra· tions of Mesa territory, to the 17 and 27. The first was hailed by a personal foul penalty_ _ Freshman tailback Bob corn u Jr.e rambled 32 yards to set up the sec<>Ud threat, but two incomplete passes and· a fumble ended the thrust. SCRUM ITATlntcJ ·-•wo TO!•I llnl do'twfll " "" Ytnh r111hl11g '" lM Ytrds MUln';I "' " "••di .. , .. ~ . fUt Vlfdl Olllltd "" "' P4"el 1tt1mptm/compt1t.i 11110 ,.,, ' Pen•lllinly1rd• pentllHd "~ ?Ila • fumblat/lumbln losl ,,, "' Golden Wu! ll:uttlint "' YO Ye .... C:omuk! • " • "' Butkl&~d • " ' .. Jone• ' " • '' lf•rnll!on ' " " ... ··-' " • 1•.o ,l~chbe(~ ' " • 10.0 VelM n• ' " " •l,O V/lllkk ' ' ' •• GrlH!l!I ' • • •• C:e~lo!a~1e , • • "' lc!al~ " ·~ " "' GOllSI" Wet! P1,1ltlg " " "' YO ~d. t<arnllt<>n ' ' ' " ... Grlf!ot~ ' ' , " ... Y•l~a • ' • " "" T0!1l1 " • • " .J15 ' Toomey Misses Mark, Will Try Again SOUTH LAKE · 'l:AHOE CAP) -Bill TGomt,y, Wbo fought o/f elbau>Uon unUI be croned tho flnlOb line ol the 1$00- metct ruo, MY• be "HI male at lust one _.. 117 i.. the world clecllthlon r<eord lllli duded him ben Sunda1. Tbo Olympk: &Old modal wlnntr ln>m topna -...Uy topped the tlo"••m lfdd lq die IDdlon Summer 0-11111 Wttlrend and -ared on hli •'1 lo lhll record unlll the llnal event. ~,a, fln1lhed the two-day event wills 1,1'7 pi>lnll, jull 13 polnll Ill/ Ru" llodJ•'• American rtc<lrd ol 1.230 and f82 potntl &by of the world record of Kur1 Btndlin o/ Getmany . He entered the 1,500-meter final event needing a time of 4:28.7 lo 'break the world ,mark and 4:42.f to top the American mark. Although he ran lhe 1,500 meter in 4 :21J lasl year in a London decatblon, Sund•f he scored a dl1appolnUng,4'53.7. Jell Bannister, 2%, Of S..rborou1h, N.H., wu second at 7,!02. Batr)I King, 21, Haywan:IJ Heath. Engl111nd, took third with 6,978, ·•nd Ric\: SJoan, 24, FuUerton, was fourth with 1,736. "f'll compete Oct. 4-S ln a decothlon at t 'CLA," Toomey said. "and it could be my last.." It was the seventh decathlon of the year for the English teacher al Santa Barbara City College. "l was trying to stay with Bannister, but 1 couJdn't move," be said of the 1500. "My legs fe1t so heavy." Bannister won in 4:36.3. •·tr It hadn't be~n for the lousy high jump, J'd be enjoyin& lhi11 race," Toomey said before the race. He high jumped 6--011 Sunday, ooc of his poorest efforts at the even!, and led the field with 4,375. f oomry, who has surpassed 8,000 PQints nine previous ti mes in !Us career, pulled within striklng distance of the world mark by v.·inning the javelin at 225-8. Earlier, he had taken the 110-meter hurdles ir, 14.7, won the pole vault at 13- 2 V. and placed second in the discus with 149-0 to King 's 162-4. '""""" n111I 11vt Milts: 1111-IM!lll' l!lgll hvrdlft -T-~, U.1 ntl kll-nl, .. r, k••~I!, N.H,1 u.t Jtlek SJ1111n, SC:. $1rl<ll••• U.f l8rry 1(11"41, "'y"''"" HMlfl. ll'tlllnd, 11.6. DIM:" -Kl119, 162-4,, Totll'Wf, IM , Jloll\o IJ7.], llt nntuwr, t:i..1, Poll Y11111 -Toom"'f.• l.t.11\. 1111111,'-,n.:, k"'1f, II ... sio.n. did l'IOI, n1lh. J&wlll'I -Toom.11v. "'"' IC!nt, z.t.& 111111111wr. ltW, Slol11, 1'0 ... •,JIXI -11~nn1,1 ... ~·1.1 i. Toomtv. • w.1. 11;1fl!I, J 0) I S~n, dlG !IOI li1IV.. He's a Trojata Now . ,, ~ . ,, Gary McArthur, former Orange Coast College !oot~all whiz, is a can· didate for a defensive tackle berth at use thi5 fieBSon . Coach JobJl' ... McKay's Trojans are picked lo repeat as Pac..S champions again lft\ 1969 by most West Coast experts. .I I .. ' ., ., ' ., '• " • " .. ., ., : ' " .• ,• :i " . . : . . ' :1 :· " " " : : . . :j ' " . BOM BS AWAY -Despite heavy pressure from an scrimmage. The pass fell incomplete1 but Tamiyasu oncoming. \Vhittier College lineman, Orange Coast hit on 8 of 18 throws for 144 yards and one touch- College quarterback Mike Tamiyasu unloads a pass down. Orange Coast opens its 1969 season this Sat- int~nded for Carl Pederson (85) in a Saturday night urday night against Golden West. ~~~~--=~"--~~--=---'=---=-~~~~~~~~~~~~ No Pushovers This Time Tars Get Sunset Powers In First 3 Loop Clashes When Newport Harboo Higb School'• football aquad was H just after lhe mid- point of its 1961 &eallOll, Sailor fans were ecstatic. Others were less than overly im· pressed, however, pointing to lhe op- position the Tars had disposed or in those meetings. Coach. Wade Watts" ooUit had ripped Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Sunset riValJ Marlna, Western and Santa Ana Valley -all weak sisters. Tbls time around, however, it can be .................. ROGER CARLSON safely said that if Newport again finds itaeU in the position of being able to boast a $.0 mart there will be many believers. After meetlhg district rivals Corona del .'.Mar and Costa Mesa the Sailors will 'tan«le with Santa Ana, Anaheim and ·:Westminster. :~Watts' new-found pa~ling attack could the ingredient reqwred to handle that .. ' posin& slate. :~. * * • ;~ Water• p •Io problems: Coach Er I c :Zmery ef Edlaon Hlgll School finds '"'1DRH I• tbe middle o( the Irvine J.eape wtthout all upertenced kam or • : pool. · .. TH poel at Edl&oa Isn't eii:pected to be : ~pltte• antil November .,. Dece.mber ' -w'1dl probably meant a r o u ad febru.o -forclag 1wim,.se~ lo work f;t wben tbe1 can. .. Tbe Chargtn bope lo 11llli1e Foantain alley aad Hanttq:tol Beacb pools aJoug :"-Hll tile acua. ! Two-t I rn e CIF champion Ne"·port • arbor illl't ii mucb better shape, Lack : 111 working lilteri force1 the Sall on to • oat at UC Irvine until Nov. J. : Hopefully, wlten l/C Irvine beiilll Ill . ~ th first of November, the Tars . lsnf be h a c k la ba1ine11 on UH!lr own •' . ,.mpa1. • Problems are slightly more severe at San Clemen.Le Blgll. Tbe TrUan.1 have no problem w1& Ulf:ir po o I. Howevier, there ii no team. San Clemente still lacks the accessories for water polo to He.Id a team. * * * Tub thumpers at Costa Mesa Higb say this is their year in varsity football. Most observers are taking a wait and see attitude. And they won ·t ltave to wail Jong to see ii the Mustangs are for real. FoUowing the Orange opener, the Mesans meet Newport Harbor then follow lhat with a meeting with 1968 CIF AAA and Irvine League champion Loara in their second ~ine League game. 300 Top Drivers Set to Compete I n OCIR Drags More than 300 participants, th.e largest rield in the track's hi.story, are expeeted at Orange County International Raceway this Saturday for the final races in the National Hot Rod Association world championship series th.at will include all 92 classes, competing in sevt:n different eliminator catego:ies for $12,000 . An unusual Innovation to the OCIR final will be a special funny car national record challenge. The Raceway has posted SI~ for the driver who can surpaSs the existing 7 .58 second mark held by Bobby Wood of Birmingham, Ala. John ~Tazmariian f\\'hittier) and Charlie Allen (Glendora) may be joined by t.1ickey Thompson and Dan9y Ongais (Carlsbad) in the record assault. Thompson is considering calling his driver back from a tour of Easten1 tracb for the atlempt, since any record / tet Saturday "'ill stand until the Win· ternaUonals nexl February. ~1azmanlan, Allen, and Ongnls have all run quicker at OCIR than the national record with low5 of 7.38, 7.40, and 7.35 respectively . Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division w L NEW .YORK 88 ,. CHICAGO 115 62 ST. LOUIS 79 67 PITTSBURGH n 67 PHILADELPIDA S7 87 MONTREAL 47 100 Weit Division ATLANTA 82 .. LOS ANGELES 79 .. SAN FRANCISCO 80 66 CINCINNATI 78 .. HOUSTON 75 69 SAN DIEGO 45 101 51111411'#' .. lteMHll P!llsb\l•tll s. ~ Yori! J !I. LOUii 1, CMt890 I All1n1t J, HOUllOl'I 2 Lo~ ...,,._,a l , Sin Oieto 1 ,.,._lrfll 1, PllU.0.1111111 2 Sin fr.nclKO s, Clnclnnllfl J Tllllllr'• .. - Pct. .603 .578 .Sil .53.1 .396 .320 ·"" .S49 .Sia . S45 .521 .308 GB 31,i: 9 II 30 41 i,J Jl,~ I'~ % 5'> 36 V, CMt890 tSe!m1 n .7J •I Monlre1t CWevtr>e'r • 12), """' Plttburth 1Ve•~ 11·11 •l'ld 910n!lk.y ~'' II PllllK1tllitltl1 CJ1ma 1-'I ""' Fryrn1n 1~U), 2, twl·11lflhl N.w Yortl IM<Al'ld~ 6-6 .,. Gentry 11·11) 11 Sf. Louil (C1rtton 1Ml. 11ltht Hou1loll 1w11-1 .. 111 .t S.n oi-(Slnlwlnl J·IJI, n)flnt ClnclM•l1 (Ctonl"'°'r f·16) l'I la Anltltl (Otfffll ,.121. nltht Ati111t1 CJ~l1 11·10) l'I Sin FrfflCllCO (Mc- Cormld!. f.t) AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division w L Pct. GB xBALTJMORE 102 45 .694 DETROIT 83 63 .568 181,J BOSTON 78 67 "'"' 23 WASHINGTON 76 71 .517 26 NEW YORK 72 71 .493 29\~ CLEVELAND 57 90 .388 IS xBalUmore clinchf':d East Division West Divi1lon MINNESOTA 87 S6 .600 OAKLAND 79 66 .S41 8 CALIFORNIA 63 81 .438 24 KANSAS CITY 61 81 .121 28 CHICAGO S6 86 .403 28 11 SEA 'ITLE 57 88 .396 30 tll!Ml•'t"I 11.-lh lfllW Yortl l. 80$loll i l1tlll'Nft J, Cl!Ytllnd S Cl'liuto 12·'· 0.lllnd ... !>llnl'll 7, W11hl111i1IOll .. It !M!ntl c1n~11111 4. "'"'-~ k'" .. 1 City, ~. M!"nnol• l T""rw .._ Sl•llle /9r•~r 12·12) •t K.,,.... Clf\I ll11t• ler 1.f), 111tht 01k!elld CKr"'* 1-1 • 'lnlm .. Jl .t Minn. •t• llloswt!I \6-11), 111tnt C\IHornlol IM.cGlotnUn 1·UI •I O!k•to (ll1!11 0-01, nln111 llt!tlrnon! !Ptl1ntr ,._!), 11 W•slll"'lton , .... """ .,,.\, nlolll Cl..-tlMlll (Jl111I ,_11) 11 ks!Ofl (St.,,.. ... ,, ni.nt OtlrOll (Ml;Lllll 22·1, •I Hew Yori! c•-"'-,.. l~J. """' TllftH't"I GI"'" !lo'lllle 11 klnlll' Cl1Y, nlthl ee.t~ t i Mlnrie:iot1 C•l!lor11I• 11 ChltlOO, 1 IWlillohl a11t1 ....... II W1!hint"tO•" nloM Otl~l! at N~ Ytrtl, nltl\1 CltV'llllncl It lletlcon. nlgftl ~Gaucho Coach Displeased : 1 With onl1 five days of praCUce re- :11Datnlng btfore the sea110n opener against . ~western Coll<ge. coach George · '1larimln jg ltlll wonied about ltiJ of- '~ · 1be wonies !\em from a ragged :.ertonnance tn a l lfrh:lur scrimmage ; iaturday at UCJ Irvine against Cypreu ~1 .... The G1uchoo outrcored the Qia,......, 11-11. with • late nUJT)' of touchdowns, WI Hartman ""n't pleue<I wllb lhe overall result.I. "We had lots of mlssl!d asslgnmenLs #ld our bulc timing on ofrense wu very p;ior, OUr quarttfbacks and reet!vers couldn't get together. We just haven't gotten our oCfense down pat yel "Our big contenlraUon ln dMIJs thl1' week w'ill be getting lhat Umlfll down," 11y1 Hartman. Hmman lhinb: his defensive sccori- dary needs more work, but he was Im- pressed with the work or his front four - tackles Dave Burkholder and Bryan Colbert pills guanb Ray Tyler and Gery Lime. ''They played 1ood Iootball and "' did fullback Toby Whipple, 11 Ila rt man says. "Whipple has had a badly bruloed lei, but I wa!I happy to lt't him come hick. We may move him to taJlback so (Paul) • Cox-can gel a little rest." Whipple ocored two of lbe Saddleback touchdowns on a pair of 12-yard runs. The third was added l;y defensive end Brad Whitbread, wbo returned an int~ption 15 yards. !{annum also was impressed wUh the work or freshman end Rick Day, who he aay1 .. lhowed us he's a good receiver." · "We showed good destr• and a wtl~ lngneu lo hlt. Our. two eoall are ellminallng mistakes and •laYhta: away from Jnjurle.. And wt're st.llJ looklng fpr people 10 relieve the four or five player• we now have going both way1." DAil Y "LOT ¥$ Bucs Shine ~espite Loss -Pirate-Attack A~ • 1v-e s lly JOEL SCllWAllZ Of .... ,, ...... WlllTl'IER --ifler com-pleUng a vlclo\q ocr1.._e wllb Wbll· lier College here Saturday nlgbl, Or•nge COasl Coll! football ~ Dick Tuclcer coiled hll yen fole!btr and told lbem U.ey had mproved 100 percent in one .... t. It wun't purely a pep talk by Tucker, lt ,. .. tn accurate analylil o( the pro- """ hll team bu mode In preparation ,.,.. lbfl -k'• --iplmt rival Golden West Saturday· evening. Whllller outscored_ Ille Plra\es, M, but lbe Poets fil\ued to ,_. m°" points with all tba junicn aDd 1enion lbey bad bact hilm Jut year's conference cham- plonahip team. However, Orange Coast ootgalned WhltUer In totoI offense, 324- Jlt, and that certa1nly wasn't anticipated. What wa, tvu more atapristng, was lbe w&T O<ange Coast ttlUsed to wih under a COOJtant eUort by Wblttler to ln- Umldal< lbe y<iunger Bucs. Wllb only two officials lnstf&d of the customary four, the practice session fr;tquently was savage ftand·t~hand combat more than it was lootball. Whittler wu penalized seven times for 130 yards and the Bue.a picked up three red flap for 45 yards. And lhert wool~ have been many more penalties If a full crew of officials had been on hand. ... The bl-t and most pleasaol surprise for Orange CO.st wu the emercence at it.s otrense. Last weet•tbe UUC. couldn't do anylhing right wllb µ,. bill, but It waa a dltferent story ag81nst Whittler. The OCC front wall ol !lob .,Purnell, Ray Hunt, Steve Purdue, Marshall Johnson and Tom Nelson afforded quarterbacka Mike Tamiyuu and Ed Washto'exce.Uent pass protection and tbe two throwers respoJlded. with a potent aerial game that ~tted lM yard.a. Ta}nlyasu hit on I of 11 throw• in- cluding one six-yard touchdown toss to tfg1>t end Carl PederllOO. The Oregon State transfer ran tbe OCC attlck witb poise that dkln1 surprlae Tucker. "Mike really didn't pt much ex- perience at Ore1on State mt year. He on!Y played In two gaJilea and both of thole were. ta the rain. He'1 been throw- ing tbe ball at least 100 times a day before practice and he's realJoj coming al~v~; ~more •astonishing was the pertormtnce of Washko , a converted flanker. a. only had t~o days ~f practice at quarterback af~ transfer Red More Sport s On Page 26 Stephens qull the team -1· However, he showed plenty ot. sldll, eom- pleting five of nine pilAes far u yard• and .. nn1ng lot ·-24. i•t•m really h•RPY wllh WILlbko,'' Tucker said. "He'• Boinll to make a pid backup quarterback," 'l'lcker -prailed the •running ol · Tamiyasu, Illy Rlcanlo and lreabman Steve Corwin, who be vaned the &eam'I aecond best runner r11Jrt now. "I 'thougbl ..., flrlt olfeosive and cttrenslve units did 1 good job. We had 1 couple of mtlups In Ille ~and we mre beat 1 coup&e other times, but we played right wilb Whittle!'," Tu<:ker aid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sears Having Transmission TRO LE??? '"The Nat Bm Thing to a New Car" is a Sears Remanufactured Automatic Transmission l\louday, SepL 15th and Tueaday, SepL 16th Only! Satisfactwn Guaranteed or Your Mo ney Back I Sears I I Sbop Moaday ~ru Satanla1 9:30 A.M. a. 9:30 P.I. • I ( • I n IWlY 1'11.0f M-. Stot.-15, 196'1 .13 Area~ Schools Stand By for Grid Openers -~ --blolclll~Jj)IJlevll')' Ille IS Oranp COut area hl1fi ont." -adkloll dominat.fit the uoe Westmluttt ours c o.r • d Sa&urdaJ u the preps prepare Fountain vauey, 12.:0 -both . "" -fJIOlhlll -· _., ""'""' "' bl( -w. •..und. pla)'I a1atn11 thi ·-c1o-F0r Ille mOll pan, coodle9 flll&lve Wilt. • , Title dl .. ti,lled l'illl lh6lr of· Founllln V a U ~J --" 1-1 Md llllldlY llappy wilh ooct Oil Servll<!-Wi>U~ bojdjn& Uielr dt/eboel. lhe Friarl """"'"' ind Str-, ~ ltUI coo11 .... lhtlr vllli nillptd , W~lillor with ollN-<IQ drilll' . thb week a aing!e IDUcladW')L l>lfGtO !aJ*'lni all 1blnday Gary VaJINiA on a q~-'m. lllllc!Pfll• o1-. t.erllack .~Plloa ..u1 Olll pliy, . · carried over lr<m our yllrda H~~~~ "'°' at the ~ to cap a lf.ywq lllfldt by nine -~: FOUDlaln Vtlley for Ille Bar- ' om' only aeore. 1 Tsr••1'f.......,lls W .. lll>lnllot ....tng came Del<Nln work .., ~u... oo two 50-Yird = w 11 h ~ Is coach Wide ttll' ~~.:~ Dedric~ major ""1<ml at Newport ·~ H-Ifill> School alUr his lh<Th~i game, how· squad underwtnt 1 fOW"--WlJ evu, left a bit to bt desired scrtmmaae Saturday w 1 t b for Weslminlter aa the U· Miter Oet. Loata and La ons, IMI S u 11 1 e t League Serna. champions, were able to av- .. , tboqbt we did well ... I erage only 1.1 yanta per car- wu satlafled • • • but there ry a g a i n 1 t their two were aome thlnis we haven't opponentl. worbd oo that were called to Boswell n o t e d that h1s our alteoUon. squad would be apendlng a "Overall our kids did a good great deal of time this week job. 1be only place that needs on the running game in prep- • lot ot •«k la defensing op-aration for the Lions' opener Uon plays," •IJ' Watts. with Lakewood Friday. Coach Bob Woodl of M1t.u Pickford saya bia club will Del alto seemed pleued with be concentraun1 on b 1 t 1 hll Clltflt'1 lhowtna. handling and receiving. 1 Mater Del ared twice on .. A few ot the things we I Newport Harbor while holding need to do are to shore up , die Slllon ot baJ. lhe deplb at olleoslve tackle stu JacboD rm for 1 '°" and to lfOl'k C11 our recelv· yud 'ft) add QUarlet'back Bob ... .. ayo Plcklilrd. Ha~ _,._ a 11-yard Vllbueoa hid a 100c1 day -play to Jim BiacldJunl. pa111D1, llut aevera1 aertalo NH""1 IUld IC&ler Doi wwe dnipped b1 Beroe , .. )11.,..i -.. duelJ ··-....... la lhe acrimmage. 1111 MA CIF chtmpl"1 l"ounlaln Valley meeto Ran. Loon. dlo Alamttol Frtda.Y nifhl. Newport racked up foor •1 Tiii touchdowns againat La Serna " esa-er• with Court Reeser l'lllllliq for The most explosive show three touchdowns of 80, !S and of power acroa the Oranae 20 yards and quarterback BUI Coast area was racked up Shedd got oU a &().yard scarihg by Costa Mesa in the Mus- run. tang1' lmpreutve workout Maler Del outscored LI wJlh Tustin ID&b Saturday. Serna, lU, with Mark Dunn COOch Max talller'1 Irvine and Don Roy going over on League contingent racked up short dive plays. an unofflcla] m yardl to the Watts was happy with the opponent's five yards (71 pass- defenaive work of Bob and ing, minus-66 ruSMng). Ron Tripp and Larry Friday And, the Mustangs scored and Bill Hendershot. seven times while Tustin was "It was a great day for ex-bitting twice with TD passes. perience ... especially with Le.adlng l he impressive three different offenses and ground assault were Jerry three dif[erenl defenses to Reilly, Kim Woll, Dave Davis look at. and John Manix. All four "What we didn't do well can were credited with 100-yard- be correctea," aid Watts. plus days iD the offensive de-w-pralted his del•nee partmenl. but added that h11 tQm was a Woll scored four limes - liWe slow reacttnc in the twice with 4>yard pass plays secondary. involving quarterback Bi 11 N"'P"'I duelJ r!vat Coroot Adelaon -and wllh IS and de! Mar while Mater Del ~yard rune. tackles Slnta Anl tbll week. Davil broke 1oose for 50 'lbe former b a sa.turday and 45-yard touchdown Nna nt&ht tuale. while ReUly was 1oln1 over once on a short yardage aif... BarotU-Lietu ~uon. Wetlmlnmr ccacb BUI llo&- ...U IOd POWllain Vllky boss Bruce Pickford " e r e both ml1411 tallallod w I t h lhelr laomt' lbowlngo Saturday 1"" volvlJol Ille two, aloor with Senile Hlgb, at w--... And, Benito Ricardo got Into the scoring act with a 2$.yerd lltld , .. 1. et=.el!.~~ =~ Miller, bOwever, wun't comple~y 11Uaned. '.'We're stllJ matlng too many mJ~ taku. We've got to polish up our technique," be •aid. ertng lhe YOUth of our !elm." Alld Plddord noted tl!Jt he'd aocC.mpllabed what be wanted to do -0 We UJed IO kida in tbe IClimmage 8Dd we were Dick Ferryman, Dave Spiel· berger, Mark Turner, Jim Miller, and pards: Brad GU- btrt and Dive Edwards gave good efforts on the Mu.tang line "'1lle quarterback Adel8on WU impnlllng hla WIDE STANCE RESTRICTS Hll' ACTION Those of you who hove played basebell m1y have been told 11 onll"tlme or other to narrow your s.tance in Ptder to drive your hips throuah ahead of the bat. Tht 11m1 principle applies in golf. • • If your stance is too wide (illuslr1tion #1), you wlll h1Ve difficulty clearina,your hips 15 you 1w1n1 lht. club down into 'I ! Q .i.,..::..,.,.. tno bill (illu11retlon ,2). Th is may CIUlt • badly hooked shoL It certelnlywfll restritt your club· head sPff(I, b)> d•tmph1slzln1 !ht Ult of your I'll• With 11tanceoflpproxlm1tt- ly shoulder width (lllustretlon 13), you will "-"-tltr able lo luh your hips lhrou1h !ht hit· ting zone well ahead of your hands ind the club. Better dis· ttnce and accurKY, will result. • ' .. IM ""i\. -.,... I~ OUT tHOlt tROH ltf9T11ArMMI ,11tMr'1tlookl1t''Hlttln1 ttte ll'tfl•" llHt ~••Mn.hip tlPt to tltlp tft11'pt'n your lron11'tot t.ehniqut. S.nct 20t end • mrn.,.ci, rtturn tn•p• to Att1old Ill·•-.... ,_ ........... -·····-····. 041l'f .. IL.OT Plltt1 ., Dall Sa!l*w NIFTY DUO -Mater Dei Hilrtl School fullback Ron Muniz takes handoff from quarterback Bob Haupert in Saturday scrimmage . a·gainst Newport Harbor High. The Monarchs scored twice against the Sailors but were held scoreless by Loara in actioo at Newport. boes "1th 8-for·14 and 123 yards. Turner, a 6-5, 24().pound senior and Miller were term- ed "outstanding" by their coad!. Two Ont-string ends, how· evf!r, did not see. action. Greg Jordan received a gash in his leg in practice and will be out for 10 days. Hll w o u n d required 25 stitches. Dave Dies (flu) will be ready for the Mustangs' open- er Friday night with Orange. Oilers-Knights A rugged two-hour workfui. with Foothill High's Knights Saturday morning at Tustin High School reveaJed acme shaky work in the defe:MI~ 8<COlldary and In lhe pualng game, but coach Ken Moats ol. HununKton B ea c b was generally pleased with his oUl· Ill's ab01'lng. The Oilers musl now get down to the buslnesa of prepa:-lng for their 1981tcam· palgrropener with La Ha11ra of the Freeway Learue Friday night. "From a team standpoint I was happy with condltloning and hllUn~. "But we ve got. an awful lot of work to get ready for Fri· day nlaht. We'll ccnceolrate moetly on the olt8Mive ex- ecuUori," say1 Moats. Some poor ball handling by the Oilers In the scrlmma1e with Foothill resulted l n aeveral fumbles and breakdowns. And the pal! receiving wa!n't up to par. The tlmlng showed raggedness a n d receivers weren't making the tough catch. Foothill scored t~·lce on Baseball's Top Ten AM•IUCAN ll!.1.GUI! "11~ ... Cl\I~ G Al It H ,ti. C1rew Ml" lilt 41 74 l:M ,137 R~H Mh• 122 llS 50 UJ .l'lS Jl.Sml!ll ''" nu soo tl 1-'' .111 P-11 1111 l..i ..,, 11 HS ,JU F.lllltll"IOll Ill Ill !01 !OS 1St .ll• Oliva Min l:M ~ ti 1n .llf F Howllto' W11 1•7 539 10• 1"6 .:IOI Ptr!"IK'.1111 8111 137 'iof M 10 .:ms C!lrllt N'I' 1•1 sn 7S 17) ·'" W.Wllll1m1 Chi 117 3fl 4' 111 .J9t N .... I llUM ' F. Mowlrd, W1lll>l"9I011, 4: It. Jld!· ton. O•~t1rld, .. , l(llllbr1w, MlllM.OI•• 4': Pt!rottlll. ltotlo11, ll: l"DW911. Bltllnwt1, 37. Jtu"' lltltlll 111 1(111tbl'9w, Mln ... IO!t, l2t1 l'Owlll, atttlmort, tlh It, J1Clllllf" 01~llond, 1MI I'. MGWll'01 W111hhWIOl'I. lN1 Y111n1mlkl, l llflllll, lot. l"lt<"ln1 1t ~ltlln• P1lmtt. ll•l!lmore. 1~! •. 115; M~· L1l11, Oelrolt, 7'·1, .1!t1 MCNtllY. 111· II~. 114 •. IJllJ Odem. Qa.kllrld. IW, .1101 J. P..-rv, Mfll!lllO!I, 114. .1SI. MA tlOMAL L.llAOUI ,.,..wwc11111 •••1tMl'n. C.JMtl NY JJll .U " lff J.47 ltOll Cl11 127 S4S 101 UJ .Uf Cl_n .. Pwll 115 tlol 1t lM ,JM M~l9u "'" lM f.ll f6 ~ J:27 Mc<:ov.,. II' '" ()! to u1 .m A.JallnlOll Ctn Ill m ,. \JJ .n. W.Otvll U. l!f 4JI SI lll .JU lll•Hll ~II 12' Ill 11 UI .117 Teo!.,, Cln I" 177 100 1111 .311 hllWlllllWI hh IU ,,, 1' IJi .311 -·-~ ..... l'r~ 411 M, A1f"Oll, A!l.,,lt. •1 1 L. Ml¥, (l,..;I,.. ... u. 3'1 Pffft, c1nc1 ..... 11, J41 WPllll, Hot.1111111. JI; It.. All..,, pn1i.c191pt>L1, JI. • II""• llftfll •• MCC_..,, $111 l'r111eliu, llf:I "'111111• Cl'lk .... t1t1 I"-.. Cl11Cl11Mll, l"I L. IN~. Cl!'ICl-11, IGl1 hr.II&. Cl\~ u ...... P'lkllllle 14DM~. S11Y1r, New YO"•. 7'·7, Jlt1 M .. '°""'• c1nc1 ..... 11, 10... 11•1 Jt1"111n. Cl'lk1to. 11·S. IOU 5j.,..,., LoJ An. H ltl, n .t, ,t7'1 Mlf"rlll. Clttc:l111111!. ,., .... ,, Ctr,..1t, Clnc1'11111!1. 12·'· J67. ' HantinglOn while the 1alter was able to score once ..... that a 15-yard pus play from quarterback Garth Wise to Arnold Ruiz. Defensively. Moats seemed happy with his team. Safeties WI.Se and Craig Zaltosky, linebackers Paul Moro and Dan Moats, guard Jim Haberthur and euds Lee \Vallers" and Frank Hanss received praise. Moats indicated the Oilers accomplished whal he wanted. "That was important. We had too many people whil hadn't seen varsity acUon. "A change or two is pro- bable in the oUense and defense this week but we'U be ready by Friday," Moats says. Offensive leaders for Hun- tington Beach were Wise at quarterback, fullback Frank Neal and linemen Jack Crosby and George Olivet. MV-Fallbrook Coacl1 Ray Dodge ol Mission Viejo High School Is In the • a m e predicament he was before the Diablos' three-way scrlmmage with Fallbrook and Norco high .schools. He's still looking for an of· !ense. Saturday's labor p r o v e d discouraging as the Oiablos were unable to get anything in the way of a con&istent of- fensive attack -thus going scoreless against both foes. Fallbrook and N o r c o , however, were also unable to acore during the twi>hour session. "We didn't have much of· fense gotng for us. Wel'll deffnltely bave to wori: on il more this week. ''\Ve just couldn't seem to get it together Saturday. Too many mistakes • • • missed assi(pllnents and poor ex· eeution," JUmmed up the DiablOI boo!. Andre Holroes and Doug Citro were the brlg'hJ 1poll !or Mluion Viejo, each getting off 3f>.yard-plus running plays. Homes is a sophomore and is considered, along with Citro, as a prime threat to the starting backfield. Backs Don Wilson (pulled thigh muscle) and Tom Berce (bad back) did not compete in Saturday's scrum. Nothing was solved in the way ()f finding a :;tarting quarterback in the scrim- mage. It's still up In the air between Ed Gray and J Im Davis. Standing out for Mission Viejo on defense w a s linebacker Mlke Gray. Dodge will be working his group on the kicking game and ofrensive drUls this week in preparatiot\ for Saddleback High School Friday night. "We're about a week behind where we should be. We had t.o put in so much time with the fundamentals,'' says Dod~e. LB°Cl1arge.-s Host Laguna Beach High School took care of Edison and Los Amigoe Saturday with a~ parent ease in a controlled scrimmage, but coach Hal Ak1ns Wll3 anything but .satisfied. The Artists outscored Edison, 24-', and Los Amigos, 24-12. ''l'm really disappointed with our running attack and the offensive blocking in particular. We're going to have to work a great deal on that this week. •·rm disturbed with our defensive end and linebacker action against the outside play and the lack of cohesiveness as a team in general. "The offensive blocking was Los Alamitos Ent1ies CINr & 1'111. l'l"I ,_, J1U P'.M. Oou*>l1 111 111 & 11111 It''" QtllMlll Ill fth ltlCI l'IRIT ltACE .... r1rd1. M•lden 7 Yft• old1. C:!etmlnt . Pur11 ili'OO. Cl•lmlno or!ce '2JQO. alrocious and the b i c k s weren 't running hard enou11h. "It's going to take a lol more team effort th an that if we're Lo win in the Crestview League," finished the Artist boss. Quarterback Brian Ottmer was the bright spot for Laguna Beach, tossing scoring passes or 48, 42, 23 and liva.. yards. The latter three went to Mike Abbey while Denny Schmitz hauled in the 43-yarder. Defensive standouts f o r Laguna Beach were . Roland McElhany and steve Palmer, both llnebackeni. Coach Bill Vall of Edison was happy with his squad's ef- forts in the scrimmage, and tn particular his two backs - tailback Jim Moxley and fullback Ken Funke. Quarterback Kurt Orahood scored the Chargers' Jone tally against Laguna with a 60-yard run on an option play. Edison ripped Los Amigos, scor:tng once on a 60·yard Al»!che Pas.um (Smith) F•ncy Wiiiow (McRr,nold1J '" ,. lll(TM llA.CE . V11,..h Sr. to..,.._ 110 Vlrdl. 3 ye1r olCll •rid 1111. (l1Jm. Ing. PvrM S'«IO. (l11m1 ... price p:)Qi). Gtnlt'I ll~uest (S!r11111) 111 GOOCI lnltnllon1 (Smlllll SolldY W1!Ch (Har!J F l•1! Tn Go (Ll11h•ml 8old MIXlfl (Walllln) MOOlfh 01K11 flrlnltlrl') Rich Wiiiow (A.d1lr) Oo Flo:oule Go !RIN>ldl) 114 117 l11Clner1lor (llr!nk1.,.) 119 12o D'Arcy IC1y (Hi ii) 111 ·~ 11'0 lllcMtr't TM!O IR B•nk•l Ill 117 lludd'I' M11e1<1v !Ll....,am ) 1'1 117 Wll!rlv Ooo IDrtvtrJ llt 117 Nf•t Move ($ml!M 11' drive and twice on goal-to-goal situalions. SC·KateUa San Clemente High tuned up for its 1969 season opener wlth Katella Saturday night with a tou&fl scrimmage a g a I n a t Katella's Knights last Satur- day afternoon. Although outscored, 24-1!, coach Tom Eads was pleased with his team's progress, saying, "We're a lot further ahead than at the same time la st year." Last year's conlin1ent, with little in the way of an offense, was 1-8 for the sea.son. "The scrimmage told us whert we have a lot of work t.o do. "The defensive secondary needs help and we need to tighten up the defensive enrui . . • the defensive perimeter (cornerback.s and ends) needs a lot of shoring up,'' said the Triton boss. Eads pointed oot the lack of San Clemente's ability to stop Katella 'a triple option series as one of the Tritons' key pn> blems. "There was some hesltatlon and assignment mb.ups in that area,'' he said. Ea~ was happy with hla linebackers and o f l e n s I v e backs. !\tanning the linebacking spots were Steve Divel and Mike Coit, the Tritons two of· fenslve guards. In the backfield, It was fullback Dennis R.?ese and tailback Rick Brown who were sparkling. Both were termed. "200 per· cent better than last year's backfield. "Thia year It appears that Rt11!d M1rl1ll• (R l1n~I) Tllr" 1'11r All (Ctrdoill W"O"I Wilch (Wiiton) To• fovr 1<1r IA!Mld•t•1 "' "' ,. 11COND 114(1. olClO Y1rlk. ) YHr aldl tnd 1111 In Grld9 8 PIUI. P11rH ST JOO. 5EVl!:HTH llA.CI. a y1rd1. l .,. .. , old1 lt>CI UP In Grldt AA Plu1. P11r11 12500. we have some backs that are 1u capable of moving the ball," ~~~ be aaid. Wller1°d Sl'IPl!D fll11111m) fO~¥ DOii tWllWn) A.l!anll Jf! CA.dtl•I Min 0111)1111 oen.oll• ecw !Smllftl Rt!I Didi: (H1'1) 111111 Rey '" "' "' '" "' "' Ledy Nellor Otck !Rob!n11111) Fiiiy " Go Ge V•llt n! Prince (Wrlfhll Too l!llmlnaror CC•rdo11J Ml•ll!r Moded< /Smlll'IJ Cl'lll"!le ROYll IHlrtJ ~l: The starting quarterback 111 question remains unsolved. ~g Keith Gibson and Rick Geddes no alternated during the scrim· W1r C~b tW1IJOn) Aorll Roque•! !H (fG'ltw\ S1r1W00t1 tP•pe) IU ltGHTH llACI, ,. v••d•. ' YHr 11' 11101 llld 1111 In G••OI MA M!tW&. mage and could well e.nd up doing the same th I n i througtout the 1969 sea.son. Touol\ TH'1 tSllH) Leo Dand'I 81r (lllP1clocl) M!i.s Super Ol/I (C1rdot•I ll'O P11n1 1J.51l(l. T... CCIII Prcoltuioo.11 IU A.1111 . THlllD llA.CI . .U0 Ylrft. Mtldtn 1 ¥tlr ''" 1w..i In C1lll. P'11,_ 111DO. Lo Jo'• Prldti 1511111 ' 111 011"" 1'111" • 0.., (5mllftJ 111 G1t11n1mur <P•ttl no Sir L.-IA.dtlrJ 110 5/lort 1tldc11 IL.loft11T1) !iO Mini ltoY1I (C1rdcl11) 111 V111•1 Tl91r 11.-iwrl9111) 11' Tim Toucll !A-'1C1) 111 Ro l!n!ry (It 11..tll 170 Glrll1 Go tWtltonl 11' f'OtlllTH RA.Cl:. DI y1rd1. ) Yelr Old1 •rid u11 In Gr1df A. P!UI. Purii.e ..... Than•1 Ooc (Wrl"'I\ N"n"'I ..,_y (0,..Y•rl Ooublt H1ilr !WlllOll) lllll P•rr IC•rclo111 (ft1r1' forlhrH ILl11/\lml Mr. P1t1 lllr tAl>Odltll Trlllll Glntt• (Robl1111111I JUM P-1111 Fll!1 (H Crwby) HotMl'I DIP!h OlnlUlll lol'llfKI (AISllr) f'll'Tlt llACI!. lSll Yaf111. S I'll• old1. Cl1lrnl1111. P11ru U!OO, ci.1m1111 l"k ' UJOO. MIHY Ill s.,,. IH Cf'Ollllol Sue1rtown 1w11_.1 lrl&rl Sia ILllllltml 1(111••...., (llolll11 ..... 1 MCDlflh DlamOllO !C1rdn11) Otnd'r ll1r DUI IAPOCllCI) RObln ""n Do11ttn Cit llnk1) Etltft'I H•llCOdl (Wit"°") W1r G1l1~le fltotolr1son) Hobt1'1t1 (H1rll Metk11 a. S!1rr (,l'1M) O.v1d J1n1 1sr .. uu1 JOMl>i'l!M Jl/nt (8rll'l!llt1) Sl'l~ltl !Llllfl•ml "' "' '" '" '" '" "' >tt "' >tt NIN'nl llACI!. a v•l'dl. J '''' el~ lrld UP 11'1 Gtedl A .Y.111\11. P11n 1 $1100. Aid E1tlt Bir (Smith! 111 It-! J1ne fA.01lrl 1t1 JOfln Gotll fW1!1on) 110 SI/Ii. Pao Roc:k•I (Wiibur•) lU C.1•1 011' Did! !ltOblnJOn) IU TlldclY 811r Too (Herl) l7l S11ptr Aor1I 111 SI.Ill Gt.lrs! ( R 91nkO 111 MoM' lleU CSt1111) 121 Henrvtll•'• Oo!i IL.tpl\11n) lU COMPlETE MINOR SERVICE Eaglea·B0ttlt• "Thia team "lhowed 1 lot ol pol.se and character Saturday nlght. I think they 're starting to believe we're &olng to win." That w11 coach P b 11 Brown's summation of hJ.s Estancia Eagles after a moat auccesslul outing a g 1 I n s t Bontta, Edgewood and Antelope Valley high schools at West Covina IDgh. Estancia stunned blgh1y- OPTOMETRIST Ch1np tt11od, Mj11•t MMI. t9t ll!lut'9. C11111 ""'' I. llU!len, H .. ~II ...... "'"'-tlltlf. llloH ..... -.,olnt"""' 10.000.Mlll lllJAllAHTU ... $24.95 J. P'. Connole O.D. • eves EXAMINED • CONTACT LENSES e PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED e BROADWAY CHARGE AVAILABLE OFFICES In Tht BROADWAY, PASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH ~4-1212 EXT. 301 TRANSMISSION LEAKING? ltullll 11-NII ~ 9'" rMf1 $13.95 wlttt ••tltfKtor1 """""' •••• f•11Jt11n1MI I ,...... ... AlfW u,,, .. •c'.ACH 2450 Loni ..... COSTAllUA ,1134 ~ IW. 645-0900 (W) 427-545' I m1tC.,_ 52Mlll7 nprdtd --two ~ (lbt .. , ... -.. -durillC .illi ... ) IUld tdded -talllot each 1plnll ~ =-""='"~~ii!: ~ I !'&111 Joyco blt on 110-1wd -·play to Lie Frl- and Mer~ Terrill carrlld ln lnlD two yarda out for'the two Eltaocla _,. SI 11 D I t Boolll. Scoring 11atn11 Edtlewood were Dana V aclc bn a one- yard. run, Curt Tbomll on a lbree-yard dub and Miit• Sclwme"1 on • IO-ytrd pus from 'lllomu. HJ!Ung paydlrl lor Eatancla lgalnJI Antelope valley and former Estanda coach John ~ w«e BUI Wqner (JO. yard run) IUld BUI 'lllomu and Terrill on :SO.yerd pus itlaya wlth qu·ar\erb1ck Steward. "We made a lot of mJatakes -but they'll be lllrallhtened out thla week. DefeMlvtly we did some rood hitting and lh• ltCOOdery dld an oullttndln,( job," aays Brown. Tbe secondery allowed only two enemy puae.s to be com- pleted. Two lDcHvidualt who were impreulve tn the wcrtout.t were linebacker Rod Feltl and Bob Fate, a middle lllanl. The Eagles will concentrate on lhelr kJcklng game and lhelr 1oal line def..,... In preparation for their opener Friday night at Tultln. Cd/If-Ma rina Jim Coon ol Marina Is hip- py and Dave Holland ol Corona del Mar la worried u the two schools moved into the final week Of preseason foot· ball drills following a tbree- way scrimmage with Kennedy_ High Saturday. "We're ahead of where we've been for the lut couple of years, both on offenae and defense and I think we'll be ready by Friday, .. said Coon, whose Vikings open on the road against La Puente. HollaNt, .. ·meanwhile w a s jolted by lhe iosl ol llrs~ string fullback: Steve Judith. Judith suffered possible tom leg ligaments and will be in f cast fo( three weeks. HJJ'"" replacement, R I c t Petrol, however, earned Holland's pral!e and wu call· ed "the best player on the field !or us," by lhe S.. Kina boss. Both area teams ICWed twict" in the three-way ICJ'bn. mage. Corona del Mar'• touchdowm came through tM air. Glenn Miller threw one score 50 yards to Carl Killefe.r agaln!!l Marina and the other for six yards to Je!( Cum· m.Jngs against Kennedy. Dave Lacy and S t e v e Monahan each cauairt acorinc tosses for Marina. Following the 1 c r b m , Rolland said Corona del Mar will spend a good deal of this week's preparation for Satur· day night's opener w Ith Newpcrt Harbor worklnc on its passing game. Holland pral1ed the defena.lve work of Petrol, Jeff Goelltz, BUI Martin, Rand1 Kent, Alec Ramsey and Dou( Hilliard. Coon, meanwhile, was plus. ed with hla defen!lve unit. which Intercepted 11.x puse1. He sai<t, defensive tackle Bob Lancaster a n d linebacker Dave Teel both turned 1n U· cellent performances. The Vlkin& bola 1dded that his offensive line'• blocklnt WU sharp and he WU irn- ptt1sed with the Marina rur>- nlng I a m e , ptrtlcularlJ! fullback Steve O'Hare. A.. 9 .. •A.,•ca IN•UllANC• fo, speciel GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Fomily Auto Insurance lob Paley and Auoclafll INSU RANCE 474 E. 17th St, COSTA MISA 642-6500 .. • . ~-,~------·-·--·-•~·~··-•--" ___ " ____ ..,~-~""' ___ ,.r __ ,.~...,..~··~·-~•-•-•-'1r-• PEANUTS I MONDAY I ------TWiii ifMI. Qeiy ow.. ,.,.. I fV[~l'.L ~:00 8 TH llJ N ... (C) (60) Jefr.) Oirnphy. D !lll • .....,.., • .., fCl IJOl 0 stwt Alltn stia. (C) (90) Aoit1 C. Cilmel. Chet 81kef, Chlrflt Cal· 111 and Gypsy Boob cuest. ll RodJlll, All• SW.. Jt An11t w~. *"'' UoJd •Ill '"°" CUl/1111. Debtllt R.,,..ia is ttlt 111• ....... flflll: auat ..... -(30) .ow Hoof ...... - ID ""'' "' • ... fCl fJOl Dkl .,.._ ... k .. n..tr.(60) fD W.,W ,_. ('C) (60) A tunt- muj' of Jlobll P1JS1 rtld.iolls to IOcll. /lll:lonar, .lid hrtnnalklnltl eve11t.s. m .. ·-ftJ f901 0 Si• ~ Mowit: (C) "Dul11t· l:JO 8 QI!([) tleft'a lllcr (C) (30) 1111 Woiu11 Part I {romtlle4) '51 lucJ $1/fltfl 1 slflht llll~l}'-lllOSHJ -l111rtn hell!, GrtlO')' hck.. A to ht!" dl(rlil)o--wtllft tht fallt while ~Ip fashion ~tJianer •nd • Mtw worWnc 111 Mr. Mt.ione;a ttoma. Yott; sports wnter "''"'· tfltn flM Mary Jane t«aitdts twr lt claim th.y ll1vt nothln& h1 common. d1111q111,. witb UM _,, d 1 ctill QI fpJ (C) {60) l"'Ytf, Jack CM« 11*b. (R) 1Dht!D11 ?11c. (C) (lC) O;rnl Mllont stirs. m """'" 1C) (30) B S!'llM • AdiM (C) (30) TIH!I· my Prothro ~11111 the Slturd•~ 1:111111 b11ween tha UClA Bruins •nd Ille Ort(Olll Stitt Berms. WHEll~ POStll~ AS A S~NET: SERVICE I.Gurr, TMES POSSESSION . OFTllE LllSTlJOO BILL CARY/. llASC-0. NE GlTSA SHOCK/ Ill WNr1 M•? (30) "The Ad~tn· 1 tures of Tom Sawyer." Whlle .arch· illl for boried tlffsurt, Tom 1fld Hid fim(klju11 Joe, wllo ls w•ntid for riunl•. ~~,.,,.."lb~:'st!'nd~! -,.-ER-KINS ___ _ pttier." win alld Jeff m 11100 bl €D J..wd Piwint TttOJ• (30) Q) N..-s {CJ (60) Jack Hickey. e1ptur1 Jt11111 Soinnett by 1 lllln who ban whn lie b. (R) ID -'"" fC) (90) m 11111 .... , .. life (C) (&0) 1:30 0 IHBC Newurv1tt (C) {60) ' m stniai• Pndllt (C) (30) Je•n· 9:00 IJ MfirblnJ lfD (C) 130) 0 ID @ ll!l OEW SWOll OIC Mon4iJ M~: CC) ~a Ptf. tact" (comtdJ) 'fi8-..0ou1 McCIW9, Nancy Kwart. hmtS W11ilfll0f1, J1rnes Shlctta, David Hartman. Tht story of • connivirtg ailOf iA Ja~n wflo sleats a/Id hldtt 1 3l'llllin1 BuddM-not rNlizint th1t lb db- 11>9«rance will brint bad luck to • small vHl11e. ... ' r•u! l>!smond. Q) NfJ' D11kl (30) m Offk:il tt tiit Pmiden1 130> I m rw11 Clrde K.dn111 <Cl (Joi m -,. ftJ 1601 7:00 IJ C8S EMGiq Nan It) C3C Walt• Cronkite. On. ko• CC) (60) "F11twt1I to Yli!lltdtJ." fJ WMt'1 lilj lillf (C) (30) W~I' Bruner ho"1 IDT• Tiii ... Tndtl (t) (30) Gan Moor. lloslL BiU CUl!trt, Iii!: Carlislt. COin Bein and P'lf Cass ara panelists. ID Mdi•le's Navy (30') ii) Co111111lllity/stoQ Report f!i.) Allora! (30) m c.w. w.rw (C) cJ01 fl) hHI Hou1e (ti (JOJ {i7J !]) m"" Avt11111s (C) (60) "Death's Door." Meml>ers d 1 Brit· DflllClJQl1"' -.., fC) <60) "Ari off11th." Elri an4 Jtmal beliM a 1111rder au~ they have captured and turnld owar to 11\1 sh«iff Is inllOClnt (II) EE""-Opn (60) fI) MET JclllfMI (60) "Still 1 B1oth· tr: Inside the Nltlft'I Middle Class." Two black producers Pfti&nt 1 whit r1ntlnt studJ ti tlle middl•cl•a Nerro's conflict bebMn Iii• lllf6. Nrned stlt.111 tlld Ills ~thy with tM blltt f!IOWll'ltllt. 0 hn (C) (30) Ted M1y111. m Portrait ., • st. (t) (&0) ''D•· vid H!Yen." Ralph MtllOft intln'itw! the 31:tr. OlhlrJ 1pport11 1r1 Pe· I« Uatinow, Mldl;IJ Roone, 1nd J1111."""'"" (fl) OJ D lrito Sc>tcitl tt) f9lll fl!) f""irin1 I.Ma (C) (60) "R1dictl! and M1nnm." Brirld llfophJ lftd John Sjlanow diS1CU11 Gvillt;r, dll¥· int into thl qutstloo ti wllettltt OI not lo call 1 ..vlllt "llllster." ish deJe11lion lo • secret lnle1n1· . liooal conffltnce e~peritnce pre· 11:301J 9 (i)-.,.. Crim8 (CJ monitions d d"th ind 1efuse to 0 ID@ m Tanljlll SMw (ti attend. (R) fl) Tldlnical CW. (l{I) fJ!I hsterl WWMi W --.n . U. (30) "Z., Ill Ftndnt lfld Juclo. • · Nan Witts lhows the use ~ 0 ~ "'Cl W..C. Y111ng M11• (tomldy) '36--MM West. R1ndo!ph -DIHICllf!J"" -m of t1111 body and t1111 IWOfd In Judo lZ:lD m cm. 9111 and ftndn1f to illustr1i. Zen con· ceptl l$ appllld to ''ll'I arts... m Actiol n.n: "D\111 Alibi.'' TUESDAY It I· Complete Printing Service ; Top Quality -Fast Service II 642-4321 PILOT PRINT ING .,2lt1 Weit Bilbo. Blvd. NowpOrt 0.adt JUDGE PARKER ,,. WHEIC ~-~ ~"~ PRM-11: --~ WSS JA.5f'ER FCC A. LIST Of THE MEM&e~IP OF IMEt Sf'ENCER'5 U!&, SHE LEAVES TI4E '°""' -IMMB¥ffiY CCII· 11£.-ri ~E Of ~ twE ~OllP: ~ 7/7-P.:t:'J" TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF MISS PEACH ly Cllarles M. Schub W•OW"I~AWAP~ ~~~sel!f 61!«l1Ni PIO'lf (j)fElj l).\(lp £Na.IEll 'll ee $1" _ ----1 By John . MUes By Harold Le Doux YES: •• • By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith THAT THING AIN'T COMING IN °™IS HOUSE! By Gus Arriola fli •I LANCASTER ON FOOTBALL -Burt Lancaster kicks .off pro football 's golden anniversary as b& narrates "Big Game America" tonight at 10 p.m. . on Channel 2. The speciaJ uses film clips to d~u-­ ment the sport's growth, from Jim Thorpe to Jun Marshall. TELEVISION VIEWS Bill Cosby Talent Shows By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Bill Cosby's new half· hour NBC-TV series which ar"rived Sunday night to open the televisioO season, gave an indication of intelligent thinking behind it. The actor-comedian know s precisely who he is, and what he does that is unique, and therefore it obviously \vould have been wrong for him t? do. the standard situation comedy. with dumb routine plot. snickering cuteness and giggles. HIS CHIEF talent is as a superb storyteller, contemporary in flavor, and with tales thaf often offer warmth and human insight. How, tben, to beat . tbe situation comedy obstacle? Cc>sby's .premiere overcame the hurdle by siln~ ply not being a "situation" comedy. The press re- leases had billed him as playing a high school phys .. ical education teacher, and surely thls will come more to the fore in (uture episodes. But in the opener, the special ~ualities o[ Cosby were achieved by essentially making the show an · extepded monologue in plot form -so that what emerged 'vas, rather t~an situa.tion comedy, a show that could be described as "incident" comedy, with vignette as the crux. If th is can be maintained in the future episodes, it will open the door 'to a more adult and satisfying fonn of video series humor. ALL THAT happened in the ~rerniere was that Cosby was out Jogging, chatting with hjinself amiably (monologue) as he went along. Reel Streets. No laugh track. Confident of the force of bis per· .!i--onality. Establishing immediately a sense of the absurdity of the human comedy. . He answers an outdoor pay phone \vhen it rings . A good samaritan. before he kno\vs it he is tracking: down a guy for his wife . who placed the call to find her spouse. He finds the guy, gets involved in his proble1ns. and doesn't want to. HE Fl NALLY breaks oil from !he guy, resumes jogging, and is mistaken by patrol car cops for a wanted thief. The more he opens his mouth, the deeper he puts himself in trouble. He's fUfl.Jly,.and the easy assurtjption oC guilt adds a wry effect. His ' only alibi is the J?UY he broke off from . Cosby is cleared. of course. And the sense of ''In· cident" is small but \vell rounded off. Quincy Jones' fine. droll mµsicaI score added ·the grace notes "to a unique premiere. MORE STANOARD wa s another NBC-TY.debut Sunday night. "The Bold Ones ," an hour trilogy about doctors, la\vyers and cops, alternating week· Iy in the $ame tilJle ~l.ot. The opener dealt with a possible transplant operation and on old-style doctor who foug-ht fo-r the life of his potential donor patient. "\' ou could tell he was old.style; he knew his patient'"I first name. , , Den11is tlie Menace e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS ' e N~SPAPERS Quelity Prin ttng f:n~ Otpend•ble StNi<• for mort th•!' • qw•rt•t of • century. PILOT PRINTING ' 1211 wn1 IAtlOA ILVD .. NIWPOltllACH-.ut-4m I • t .. , ~ -·f. If 1 --=-h Ol!AHOI COUNTY'S 1.ARGIST • 1411141 onN ms TIU llll nm ts trub .. doll house • I "' wfth 2 iood alzed bed- rooml a COZ)' livina: room with lloM to -brick fireplatt, this lit.o · · t1e house· hal been com• _ plettly repainted inside ; ' and out. it has all new ~ carpettnc throughout "- ~ it al~ on an R-2 lot. full • ~ price is $18.000. lOtAi dn. ·:r wUJ ~e it )'OUR. L_. . Casb. Mesa Dirty How about 4 lar&e bed- roocns. 2 bat.ha, elec blt- lm. double pn.ce, larJ:e eQ}~ lot,, forced air ·bet.Una. 6% lnlerfft on u aaumable loan, p&int it. tis It, love lt. • --. ~;..;..;,;;..;....;.;...;"""":;;_. HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSES FOil SALi HOUSU FOil SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1 IOOI -•I lOOI G"*"I 1000 _.. lOOI BIG DADDY Collep hit Area Neu new Olltom built home on over an acra of NCIUd- .. llvlnc. "A ,..,,,. to the belrt o1 tbt clt,y." can w appointment $75,000 Newport SHOltlCUf:FS New, .exclllll,. U.U. at ~ StaWud Roa4 , -o1 lmnllW °"""" !toad 3 Bedrootne. 2 Baths PIJ?eled llvlna room with ---.. On lnlse comer iot ' $11.llOO call Jack Scq:I)' Rn,. "4-2250 SOCK IT TO ME COWGE ·PARK· SpriM 1tme Fresh ~ "• -Vt,rile lotatlon. !Alire • -.. plus. ,.,.. * ! • .... ' ltd-lli b&lhr. """"· Ay room wttb' -rich wood • "!'. , drQet tlreplace, e.lectrte .......,. and rPeif·heartb I'm· vacant A. mY ktepefl blt-inl It: wuber· • dt)'et. ~. Ywnrn,y custom' are Jn Rani~ 11\1 nelabbon $2£,250. -pil< .,..,.tli>r throulh lool< '° &Ood a I "9l ,. Woll..MceonHo, Rltl-s. out Cuslom1led: and 4ecu'-mbltrabl~, m.Y 11X'i" hu 1S10 Nf!WJIOl1, Blvd., C.M. ated 1n .-.. tam. U """"" bniwn a I'm dJrty. 508-7'129 - you .... ...-..... -, .... -for ... '""'""'l•"'""'!''!l!'~~!I!! ... •-a -"°""· ,.. thll lu<t wan! "' pt rid " me. $20 900 ... l'm only !Ii ;yrs. old a l bave _,.,. .. ' Ont. Olli> 131.!60;. 3 ""'-fAmll1 .-, 2 4 llMrm + 2 Bath• HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Ulllnnlty P1fk 1237 !luntl"!""' leach 1400Huntl.,ton Buch 1411 BONUS ROOM l!t 1ddll'IO'n . to t.he 3 la.rp bClrm.t. tbts cboiec properl,y otters a HUGE bon!l1' room (JJ:x30'), ~ Jot Ulil! Q rec. room or could eully be made into 2 additional bd· 'maa. Bullt-ln kitchen, Fire- ,,ia.e. 2 Balli<. All tile rool. Less than 1 >'W' old • in IMMAC coodltlon. Realis- tioally priced •) 13(. .... BOB PETTIT, Rultor SU-0101 fllVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS New homes, ready to move in. 2 to S bed· rooms 2 to S baths. ~ mlle trorn beach. First . . . payment up to 60 days after move m. V~/FHA Torms. From $23,990 The Bea~h Ion Broolchurst I mllo South of Ad•m•l 962. 1353 --., bathl. with e:lt'c buDI • ID Nee.r ~ Cout 'Plau. titct.. You can but me Luse patio. Boat gate:. No. ~'"you want. thine comparable at tbe: --------~'5 000 ""°" to nlc< aroa! S40-17'0 Back 81y 1240 Corona dol Mar 1250 $20,750 FULL PRICE Vimrlo -IJ (anytime) ' .,,_ 1 TARBELL 29SS H..-llor Cott• Mes• 1100 NO OOWN TO VETERANS. ORANGE COUNTY'S Sparlilino 3 BR 2 oolh home CMsar's Polocol HOME & RENTAL LARGEST lo quiet .-.~dential area. Truly·thls outatandin& model "For A Wise Buy" 15366 Golden Weit Lovely tree Shaded patio. pool home giVea yoo that C le .Mo & C nicely landscaped in traffic leellha. It'• tha1 luSh. com-$26,500 0 SW01 u1Y 0. HUNTINGTON BEACH free '""'" Pri<e<I tor im- p1ete1.y CO'l'ered &; enclo9ed 194-5313 mediate Mle at $23,750. patio 14' high. 4 bdrm~ tam-Li>< in lite lll>ot I bdrm hard-·--·642--"-rm____ I BLOCK SOUTH OF CALL S45'W4 South Coast ily dlnln• areas. Oflfted wood Jtonr home • i.r 1 1 __ SA_N_D_l_E_G_O_F_R_W_Y_11 _aw.;...;__Eota.~="=· ==~- 151,000 .. IS8.5<IO lumlabed. bdim ... .., ..., _., ,.ur iuurn POSS. 5 ledr-SPOTLESS! s.t&·SUO expen1es. Call for appoint. .....,_ 2 •--.L.. 3 Br. + fa.m. rm., 2 bath _._._.. ment to .ee lhls DOWN-llUTrA home. Cov. patio, sundeck. OUEGE REALTY TOWN DANDY. 5 BR & FAMILY Up-lay '"'" ""'" $24,500. Tak• .._ • ..._,Cit r•• ~r 51'.% loan! EXCEU.ENT Ba c le &y * CAMEO SHORES * location ot1 cul-<Je..Mc street Oceanfront 4 BR I: Den 3 BR, 2 BA, fam nn, hdwd 115 Mllfoid Rd. 6'7H996 nni. bltllg, hllilvy &bake root Nttda p al n t i .n 1 . L~ Isle 1351 Assume 514~ $21.lOO loan & NEW LISTING! $165 pays all. $26,500. By owner. 548-1059 Real sharp %-sty. home ap- IPt"OX· ~ sq. ft. 3 Br. 3 Irvine Terr11ce 1245 Big One By Tho BH_ch 5 Br, fl Ba, fan1 rm, TV nn, 35 steps to beach. 3 car 1iuy, 2 frplc'a, great place Im' kids. $78,950. Riddle I: Rou, Rltni. 675-7225 baths. By app't. only. LIDO REAL TY INC. Vic Woehler Believe me! Tbat1.11 the price Situated on huae 60 x 125 toot lot. Covered Patio. New Car- m thi.11 3 bedroom RancherG. pell. Freshly painted tnaide. SUbmit $2,000 down, auumc !<"HA loan 6% tnterest with payments 11t $162 inciudes all. Call before it"s gone! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MIN!JTE~ Walker & Lee 7682 Edins~r 8-12-4555 or 540-SUO Open eves. 5%. % -$175 mo. Walk to bch. 3 Br, 2 Ba, channel home. All xtras. $27,900. = Capimsnn Ln, H.B. -9611-1132 Newport Two Story· BALBOA BAY PROP. ~'~~":.!'. '::: ::; $26,500 __ ,_n_7_<2'_AN_YT_U.~IB __ t Coron• dol Mor 1250 ., Victori• ••-~-" •--includ. HOME + Income. Z hamr!s ·~ ~1 · "~ mg a -• CORONA DEL ~·R 3317 Via Udo 673-7300 MOST Beautiful .. ,) story home on Lldo. By owner. Principals only. 5 Bedroom. 4 b&th, l.ar&e living I: play room. Maid'• rm &: bath. $149,500. 938 Via Lido Sood. 673-<650 DISTRESS SALi! $23,500. 4 BR 2 botb, bufll·ln range & o~. FA heat, car- pets &: drapes, landacaptng, fenced. Divorce forces las! stlt'. CORE WINDERS Torodal eiperience -11 (anytime) vli.oR IN FOR CLOSER water condiOOner. Need& a SLJGHTLY SPANISH, ;i.iate on 1 klt near Harper Sehl. 2 ml" BAYFRONT HOMES little TLC. Vacant'° -entry, brick L.R. !Jot»', BR houR rented. 3 BR INCOME UNITS Pnced from $98"1l0 way Wider matktt. HW'T)' _ "Death Valley Rocle Bark" newer home avail f o r SIX 2·bedroom unit& IOI.Ith See us for the Udo this won't last. ON Ly ftreplace, ?i.tuican tile bl owtm'. $29,000. By Owner. of highway. 2 blocb to home to suit your reed! $29,150. balhl. COSTA MESA'S BFSI' 5'8-1460 oceall. 1ri a Hawaiian Id· Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 BIG • FAMILY BUY. ~esU.l--,,Qui=·ck"°"P"'.,=,.=,."'1o"0:--ting. Each apt. with seclud· 3336 Via Udo, NB Open sun. -. $SAYE$ ELECTRONICS, INC. $44, 900 3100 Pullman Sr., 4 bedrooms, family room, 3 PERRON ,./1 ........... ~, ... ed at the end of a. private 2 Bedrooms. Iarie living ed patio. Bit-in kitchens. I"""~~~""!!!!!""~ 1---------~~!.~·" r;~~y !,~k: room. w/w epts, insulat~. Carpeted and draped. Ex· * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. Aaswnable Widower Must Sell · NEAR y MC A .Attach. gar. Trees, pal.lo, cellent summer ~ntal area 5~% loan. By owner. 111&" .11pe.ce. . . ' .• flowers_ R-2 lot $ x 131!, $143,000. S60.SOO. 673-Tn6 4 BR 3 bath trt-lew:l with ~ charmed, see thla, $19,5i:lc>. Tuma. 373 Ralcam 673-lllO formal dln1na: room, aepar· ' eo.14 Maa -"'°""' balh,®'4-0 poo1. onl>' J >"" 642-lm Anytime BGms • $21,300 --;;M;;::rt'~IY;;;ER0=;-£-1 old, aod on :a """' cul do '"""'"""'"'"""""""""""""' ~ sac lot. iroorn for boat &. $'l .an DO Mo trailer. ltJca~ In a prl!Stie:e Pl 642-7649 Bilbo• l1l1ncl 1355 at·· family room with fire. '-0 THE REAL ·0-ESTATERS OPEN HOUSE 4-7 place. Only 5 months young, " . ' '"'· • Spotlt'U 3 BR It family. New are•. 6% VA loui ii auwn- cpll/drpa 6 t*int. Spri:ok-able. Newport Baich 1200 approx. 2400 sq ft. Assume 712 Sapphire Ave. Room to GI loan • Ews. 536-2123 build new house on front + You'd better see this -cme. all new olive itttn , · .hl&b pile carpetinc ac- c:enied by rich walnut -.,.. · J19MllnZ", all on an ovtt- -llaed-Jot. beautiful tl'ff · llMd atreet. take over m.tina loan or 1:el a ......... 3 Year Old L Mansion Thia: home-has 2200 sq. tt. of prestice Jlvlna: with 2 belrooma downatain and 2 btdrooml upstairs, beautiful entry way with ~ hua:e llvln& room and a 7r' a.ep. family roorn, not too mention the heated and tnt.eml pool and a:iant aide· yard able to house , MY boat or camper, the owner b derpen.te and must sell ukin,r: $4(.900. MAKE OFFER. Tllese Are called Quickies * DUPLEX 2 BDRMS. li.-432.460 VA·FHA *3 BDRMS., 2 BATit -$00.900 , • 4 BDR11S., 2 BATH I. FAM + OCEAN VIEW -$39,500 • 5 BDRMS., 2 BATII BIG WT -~28,500 * VACANT MESA VERDE 3 BDRMS - $'l6,lli0 *COLLEGE PARK J BDIWS. -$26,..., '* $ 'BDRMS.. 2 BA.TH + . POO.i-.s:J&.~Wowt '*SHARP 3 BDRMS, 3 iLU'll OONDO -~ Q),900-Whew! * 2 BDRMS. BEACH OOTl'AGE -S26,960 * 3 BDRMS. NEWPORT RElGHTS VIEW -....... '* 5 BDRMS 2 STORY . -sn.aoo •~TE MESA VERDE PACESETI'ER -$35,500 * 3 BDRMS., 2 BA'llt, BUILT-IN -$23.900 'w£ HAVJ: 82 MOR& - BUT WE RAN OUT or ROOM • • • OOMJ: IN lND BROUSE 4 BIT. LAil GEST MtlHt ... na nu. '"' LIVE IN COM exlstlng 3 BR, 2 BA newly The Rt•I Est•t• Mart FOR $100 MO. remodeled. Own• 67>-02C>t 147-1531 Assume 6% contract on this ~~~~~:=;;;;;;=-l ---S$22'6[,500iiiii ___ I lers. Corner lot DAVIDSON RHlty 546-5460 Eves. SG-1(9 3 BR 2 BA. amity nn. Pool ORANGE COUNTY'S dealr. 114 yr old-xlnt cond. LARGEST Popular story and a half floor pl.an in upPer '.\iesa Verde. Needs paint, etc. Has • bdnns., J baths and LARGE fonnal dininl; rm. Pri~ considerably below marll:t'l Owner extremel)I anxiou1, your chance tor a barpin! As.kin& $38,$0. *BY OWNER* Oceanfront•Home. 3.BR. utll rm. sewing rm, liv rm w/lrplc &: ocean view. iiiiiiEvii,iiniitnii,,iiiiCatiitii6ii""iiii1ii16iiiil Roomy kit. 'v/bltns & avocado shag crpt; thru- So. ot H~')'. 3 BR . duplex. Huntlngtorl Beach 1400 Glen Mer By Owntr Apply ?Tntal credit & your 4 BR, 2 BA. blt:M, dlahwash total ........ " """"' $100. MERMAID'S "· frplc, .,.,. paint tnsldo • :Mo. Call toe de.tails. . out, 600 &q. Jt patio, lots ol $32.500. 12382 Ftttt 1.n, HB. 15366 Golden Wost 0wnor 46M32S HUNTINGTON BEACH ONLY 13110 FEET out. Front )'d wfpatio A CABANHA. $63,500. m-8990 194.5313 Hal P inchin & Anoe. MANSION cem•ot & nlled pl&nto.,, GeMral 1000 1s~~~~~~;~~ TO BEACH ~~~~~UPLEX I: yoo'll also get 4 bi1 bdnns, 2 bat.hi, "'''"' ~s. drapes, plulh lard8caping &. much more. Walk lo schools le shOpplng. VA NO 00\VN or FliA financ- ing av'allablt'. Be qtUd<! 2 l\todem units in best area. Easily rented, adequate re- tum. Tenns; $59,lnl. 39CQ E. C.OUt Hwy. 6r~39'! sprinklers, pr workshop Frankly. this beach home k>a.ded w/ cabinets. Walk 10 Lusk View Home ""as de.11igned for the mer-elementary, 1 mu" to H.S. Open liouSe Sat-Sun 1-7 maid In your lilt' to sit 2 mi to J .C. Lt'ss than mile FOREST E. OLSON RENTALS I Largr 2 + all·purpoee roon1 overlooldn& S.A Ol- tl'y Cub. Lt'aae S1E w/ •~I ' . ·"' - ' I' .. ,~ ... r.,.,,'t" 546 -5990 ' option o $23,500. 10xu:r t ., ... iiii..,&liiiiiiiiiiiiiiOi Joe. I' BURR WHITE REALTOR :."'901 Newport Blvd .. N.8 . 615-46311 6.U.2'253 E,·es. \Vttk Days 4-7 around leisurly I.: nick her 10 all chain stores. Elep.nt 3 Bedroom. :! bath, golden Lail in the sea breeze. FHA Appr•iul $27.400 tamily room. Thi.I homt"'s It has all the conveniencet; 96?.1151 ~ tl.!··' , __ _. i n-•-.. A_ that lets ht'r bave extra -~~~====~ ""'au .... .., ... scap,... .. ~ I h "•NY FEATURES orafhw: compliments t he hours or 1ree time to sp a!'! '""' lvonderful view ii ha!! of about in the surf or sun or i\11\e to beach. walk to new Catalina and the mountains. !hop or !ix you an extra Jr & Hl schools. 2 pools, 2 ./ 2 bdrm. Townhouse com- lnc. Realton plelely fu.rnl1tht'<t Sl75/mo. l~YFRONT HOME 1 QO/o DOWN Owner. 644-1392 special dinner afte'r a hard tennis courts. Beaut. decor- ---•--pl G-·• r· ~=~~====~ days work. Bcauliful glaM 1-• • BR r-•o •---, Oceauu'\Un du ex. ........, in-·wELL LANDSCAPED a al " '-"'"' • IWWl'LI"' COST_. MESA ./ 2 bdrm. Antbot\Y poiot " !.<"' 1100 with option at anc. avail. Owner most anx. 1 & .174 ,o • .,..u,.A,N • .......,., &. ious $64.SOO (l22·Cl 3 Bdrm. Lge. iving rm. lime savlng applillnces liki:-Wavecrest Cir., H. B. 9&?· • COATS kitchen filled '"'ilh all the c:.vC'! FHA ·~·~ ~~ c ·sr SIDE with p,., ,, Slip. CT"\ SZl.950. Near Balboa Yacht Cl; WALLACf: PR.OPERTIES WEST !an.ill! y nn.,IWStonOo it-peal. \\11/l<lV dllshwasulto•., doulble ovc&n 5291. Oeaneat and prettiest ./ <4 bdrm, fam & din rn\. and white, sandy bea irtreet tn town. ~rated 2 story IMae $325 with 3 Bedrooms, 3\ie Ba . REALTORS 67, •130 67>1642 cps. over rs. rp . one se c caner. range ~~~~----- ;r-oo Patlo. Sharp I& clean. A ial'-dlsposal. Romanlic •·parent SiiORECREST 3 Br., fam. 3 bedroom home, formal option at $38,gj(), luxurious master suite -546-4141-den se!ting. $28,0XI. saver retreat" adull apart-rm. 2 Ba. blt-lnl, frplc, 'Open Evening&) EASI'BLUF.t' 8)' Owner. Graham Rlty. 646-2414 ment. 3 bdrms. 2 baUis. very nice. Assume existing: """"""""'""'""'"!"'!!!!~I Least" option. 5 BR. 3 bath, Near Newport Poat Office Draperies throughout. car-rii... r;.. FHA. low down. VACANT 3 car garage. family rm, 2 pcting in livini;, dining, hall, Bkr/OWTEr 213-670-1378 trplcs, c1111s, drps. ihutters. EXECUTIVE HOME master bedroom wilb pri· ASSUliiE 5% rnA loan. 3 Spacious 2300 aq fl home In Nr schla. shpg & churches. Assume 6o/4°!o Loan vate ho.th. Completely lene-years, 4 BR. 1'~/R, DIR. dlnlng, new plu&h pile ~ 546.5110 on second Door with carpetin& over hardwood, (lllMcinMllthallm tweepina: bay vie.,·. -tile tn kitchen and UEGE REALTY Booklined "'" bath! Giant lanai over· J5m,._11Hlrlllr,Clll. "office" separate from house, loob tmmenae 1arden or II"'""""""""""'""'"""" I A quality .homr pa1mg. Alley accus '°' VACANT SlBll,ooo rnave Jn condition. -4 bed· 2131 Aralia St. $550 mo. New Broadmoor 4 Br. & ed, private gate, !root land· -·• .. •M 000 -u J •-••-rt'bl "" -o L-w ...... t--sac. .,...., . """"' room UduQ • conve I " .,........,, r • Fam. rm. Ta.stelully da'Or-seeping. Move in today. s a J t A \ r Cir, H B . ..... and -c .... , ~·-ao• !ocatlont .,,,., """' '' EASTSIDE """ " ~n -forma l ~lning and al-'-:.:..,:B~E~T~H~E~F~l~R~S~T,---ated &. landscaped. $30.tsO. Only $595 guaranteed n 4/962-8271 kit~hen "?Ok w1th a private To see this 3 Br. 2 ba!h home Call : Jack Chcshirf' closing cos.t to all! {TI4l ~======== right! '24.9115.00. Here'• Cklice Costa la1esa neighbor. the clinclltt! Ne..ar new hood convenient to llChooll patio. 11us '"7il built borne !h Eastblutfs. Jn1mac corner Cheshirt" Real Estate 675-2503 51997 • 2190 Vacation Lane, G•rden Grovt 1475 Ls ready for immediate oc· prop., huge yard beaut. ind· VACANT'. Huntington Beach. Bkl'. cupanc:y, Our trarwf~ acpd $39 500 !!!!~!'!"'~~"'!!~!!!!!!~I 2 BR OLDER HOME BAS home, hurry! C.U ~ and stx>pping. Immaculate owner will carry a 2nd,. or o.Len~y Re•I Estate Ckt'anslde of Hwy, 2 Bdrm., BY THE SEA JUST BEEN RENOVAn:D 0303. "Oitt l\fay" 3 bedroom, 2 e~n CCNkler t lee.ae. op.ion 282S E Coast H 673-3TIO reconditioned. Best loc. INSIDE & OUT. GREAT CITY RANCH- HORSES! Assume b 0/. Loan The big 6~ loan pays everything al $166.50 mo. 4 muter muaive bed- rooms. I..arge, 25 ft. living r001n. Big country kit- chen with deluxe. buill·ins. Huge, ~ lot riaht in the city! P1entY ot elbow room, and yoo CAil have hones too! Don't de.la¥! Call today for exdtlns iow" price a.nd terms. Dial Ki-0303. TAKE OVER 7112 "!. be.th home. Alley prace abo J>l'QYide& boat and cam-1-========= peT' access. Reduced to 1 • $25,000 and READY! SLIP & PIER $79,500 .11 you.,. tomporar!ly short · wyEX. LARGE LOT. 135,900 LOLO DOWN FOR AN OLDER COUPLE of a cash down payment or DUPL Gene Robertson, Realtor AND assume GI loan ;201 -• · are waiting (or that house Sale or lease. immac. tum, 67" ... ...., $20,500. We will he>p you With -1'1' month pays everything. 3 the dawn payment. back east lo sell. Call us. near beach, 4 Br. den, 2 Ba, bdrm!;. 2 baths with garden r. Hod RI * \Veil priced at !40,9$ * 2 11,i., each unit. 2nd unit I% blks from Bch. Ne"·ly "'ex L. ge1, tr, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MIN\JTES Walker & Lee bit CU to ho 3 B ' kitchen. cwito1n drapes. o •i ~~ leased at S.35.l mo. Sl0,000 . s ni me; r. "" . ........., Custom built, :.! units, water-.,A.,.,~..., Ba, unique-modern dt>sign. beautiful carpets, hardwood I <=========I •-1 ~--•·· 3 Bed-... dn. oWher ................ Lo I •-· r ..,,.,.._ •. -'--"e _, Adult :?Q.13 Weatcllff Dr. 646-nt.l Open Eves. DOVER SHORES ESTATE tntimate in irracioul family livlng A entertainin& ln thill 5 'bedroom home with iara:e llvine room, richly pe.neled family room with brick tire- pla~. Vil!!\v from all roomL $144.;JOO. john macnab 1714) 642-1235 901 Dover Drve, Sulc 120 N~rt &ach uu;1 • ... , ..... u ... q; '""''" !,-,==-:--;::==-;:::=-:I Is o Xu .. s. or appt .,..,.., • .,. ,......,.. i........ Sant• An• 1620 2 baths. gowmet kitchen, LOVELY, 3 bedroom home 673-5068. 228 Golderu:OO occupied only. HIUT)' on this large patio· plus 1 bedroom at THE BLUl~FS. Prime $79.500, O.vner. rare flncl of a borne. BY Owner...s\V Santa Ana. apt. & sundeck. Make offer. 846•7171 • &t&-2313 waterfront view. SUnset filli MUTUAL REAL TY Immac. 3 BR, 2 BA. new ft1ary Lou Marion home with light & color. 2 BR .. den, 2 baths. Bcaul. 842-1418 a.nytlme drpl f 1 blk me CO. RONA DEL MAR l=Call==644-0843======= decora.tcd. All '\\'OOl ~ts. CANT/C I p I =pats.tlo. F1ru~~ <PtO•. n~ 1nany shullen. Elega.tf bar VA 00 00 •-st t •-h ' BR 3 S b ·1 T / L I t schools, cu1~t'-S8.c. 540-1435 eps o Ult'OC • or Dov Sh 1227 &. restful garden patio. u m1 erms ow n • BR home. Asking $46,000. er ores $48,SOO. Own/agt 673--014a Very lgc home with 4 bdl'ms, Coldwell, a.kw & Co. HORSE RANCH ~ VIE\V duplex. Lge. custom 2 family room, 2~~ bath.~. ~•gunll Be•ch 1705 550 N•wport Center Dr. 2 BR 1 bath.borne oo~x200· For sale by Owner Br. house + brand new J Br. R•pos/V•cant/Low On. PANOnAMIC Ocean view, 3 Newport Beech~ C•lif. lot. apt. Choice loc. S62,!XXJ. HAFFDAL REAL TY BR 2 BA. top of li1ystic Hill. ua.G700 644--2430 Spacious custom 2-story ex-_o=w="'='"'673-""4===·====-'="='°=w="""'='=·=F=.V=.=""='=-44(11=-~146=,750=.='='l7=-11<='9====I ecutive home. Large formal - dinln.:-room. Paneled den \Vi th "·ct bar &. fireplace Sitting room w/flreplace. 3 Lochenmyer ACRE IN NEWPO~T BEACH Real r 1860 Newport Blvd .. Of bdr. 3\i baths. Garden en· CALL 646-3928 try. Vit'\V of bay & moun- Gener•I 1000General 1000 Gener11I 1000 FANTASTIC BUY Fantastic $20,!m Joan. No fees. One or 35 beeutif'Ul town botots in excluliYe 4 bdrm home + family room Eves. 614-l&:Ja s.15-2'.!90 ~ & oW.ce. Horses dK Spanish 5 ... 3 lath tile roo(, wet bar; view, B/B ·* Ceptlntlng Newport Bt'acb area. To-II ~~~~""""!!!"""'!!!! ta1 price $21.200. 2 extra tarie bedrooms, :! blltha. ft.re~, built-ins + club bouae and llJ1M!r pool. Only 10% dn. Hurry! Call 645-0300. NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Sand pebbla throow frotO tbe pm1nd1q: sw:t Two ...... -... Cup lup bedrooms. LarJe kitc:ben with delun buill- lna, lliUftdi!ckL GMl Jo. cation. Bit ~Lt. ~· tor lttoll. Only -· Call nowt ~ FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Rtllton •t Harbor Center 229lt Harbor Blvd.. C.1'1. . m • S n1any e)Ctrb. DlUerent "Old \Vorld" cort- "Pool" • $26, 950!! JEAN SMITH, SHARP MODERN DUPLEX ! tem-ry, ''°'""" JWtut')' Swedish fire~a~s. Large homt'. Unob!ltrucred Bay & O Rtorron09 letters "' lite f~r tcrombled wordt b.. low '" form four simple weirds. Finest location nrar every. Realtor b a I c 0 n y w/cx:<"an view. 111tn VU-most rn1s. ~.000 sq. thine. Lostrollll wood panel-Large garden patk>. Three It.. 4 BR, 4 •., BA ... ma.ids I K E E R U I I~. handsome rireplact, at-646-3255 .._.._..,.m,, ••-•-i•-, """h qlN. Ideal for ~ntertaini""· -tractive breakfast be.r. For <OO E 17th "-t '1 ut:U•wv ·v .,.. , .. ..-. In -~ I I I I' I . • ..... s a "csa unit, Price reduced to EU)' ma . lmmcd occup. a laq:e active family • fun $49,5()0, $178,000. AMuine 6~% loan. .:AAta~tt"9~~'!',bor BAYFRONT APT. Bay & Botach Rlty, Inc. 8" l&J:l NB. >18c7249 IN y HOE I LOWEST PRICE Va~~~. ~:r 1~~~1.901ij..,_ij. iii~iOvi.".Dri_·,.i~Oi· suii'ii!'.e,;Sl;;:1~~-32tti0Ni.i~l;W;-;-;-ut~cl;;llf~;-;,;;:;-;-~1:;2;;;30 -I' I I · MESA VE ROE. $23,950 m.soo I' 1115 SOMERSET LANE . . . ~J!"':.~ :~""'; GeorrEA~~~n BUILDERS REPO Ao ,, • ..., .. ot di'1ln<tion l ID 0 v IE I ~le bait.. Queeu l.lzed ~ ... ,"" E·-· 6~1~A Owner's lou on his 2 slory Bd .. 3 Ba. Pan/den. BI Kil-. Mo -.~ If A .. L ~ ··~ ---·~ ~ 1to n ~ · So brlt '"'"' tedlhnl I' I I I' m~ wo ' guy~• _...rooms. buill·in r&Jlie II IRVINE TERRACE-m" ca """ )'Ollr ga111. p. . rm. a . wan1s to hove his coke ond oven. 5*1120 . Comp!etely ttpalnted lnstde out. A~ll. NOW $68.500. TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Ou lJJtandinc 001 borne in & out . AU new holase tea· R. c. GREER REALTY r-------__,someone else's -, t.oo. t-tS' Rush. , .It's Plush I 1 priv. mid. Jll"f:a. 3 Lge. Br. lures lncludlnr bonu1 room. 3350 Via Lido 613-9300 ICU NE AN I Fam. nn.;_htd, lilt. pool, moo'""~ -$737/mo PAYSI""""'""'"""""'""'""'""" I I I I'· I' 0 ~ ~...i. •:::t HUGE 6 Of' 7 BR + lam. CORBlrt -MARTIN AU. V•cant. -. .nytlme. Univ•nlty P•rk 1237 ...,. ..... ,, '" """'Jl'hllnv rm. 'Aitb 3 ba, Ideal tamlly :REA~L~TO!!RS~-~,.'.!:~"'~·;~~lti62~1 !H.E;.R;IT~A~G;E~~=~~:'.".S~-~~~~~1 ---~~iiii~~~~~f,~.,..~~""f,'~'"°it'::"""~-~;No.No.~ 3~"';;'°"';· homC'. tmmaC', Sparkling 3036 E Coas1 11"''Y·· CdM --roXlJRY,. . 5jl kl I d A PRITNHT!SNtJMBEE saulf •• l?J.l1Ttl$ IN I' ,. I' ,. I'' r I tcien, custom rps/c:pts, WESTCLtFF -v,ry SEETHfS-BEAUTYI atLOWCO!lt.Designcttltde-V ~~ ~ _ hlt·lns, aprinklt'rs, l<Ncl.Y desirable location. Th I a Collete P•rka Sh•rpest cor for modern llving patlo. Only $37,(0). •paclous JS bdrm home is ASSUME 5Yt% Bcau1. decor. 3 Br. home • UNTSCORGMlfT •'N·SW~!l unm I I I I I I I P.W.C. S.i&-5440 beautifully decon.ted 1 hAB $171 MO.PAYS ALL w/fam. tm. Nr. park11.. • • • _ . _ • LEASE WITH OPTION 2400 panelled family room \\.itb ) Dr. 2 Bil, f•m rm, sep din pooLI. Low $31J's. lnteresled~ E11~n No.. 32. Full price wet bar. 3 separate outdoor nn. 2 trplc!I, compl ldt. utll Red Hiii Re1lty $1S.9SO SJ1D tolJtl per month. Jlvtna are11a. Peter &irtttl nn. tmmac lnd1CP9'. By own. 1b8 CUlvrr Or., JrvlM Bkr. 96)..4171 5"1&-8103 Realty 642-5200 l!f e~s le ~·knds. 549-19:10 OPEN 9 AM-8 Pilt 833..(&l() SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 WlY I'll.Or JI HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS ·••HA~> RINTAU , MY.rt._, tMJ place hlr .0 a., ~etie Pllo-Are Open 8:00 a.m •• 5:30 p.m. • 1705 .._._ Fumhhod ' -Unfvmbhool Apll. FumbW ' If!: Pum-Apia. ~ l•pun1 leach - OCEAN VIEW HOME B1ti.o. ltl1nd 2U5 E11t iluff 3242 c..t1 -4100 NewpO.i "9fl. ~ c..to Moo. 1-----1-r-1 9 lo Noon Saturd•y -Closed Sunday ~ .. ~"~=~'".• ~:.:... ";",..7.!"RI'.!'°~. 9AYVU UNSURPASSED2 ·$30.00 wL. ~.~ 1 0<,!.,BR * -• -Y• -1"&Je 00' ~ $400 n>O, • """ --..,_ ID --• £. Uth OllWNS DIAL DIRECT ••• 1>42-5678 B>', 'Ba. W/w ...... --Pult ...... m.:.n 'BR, 'BA. 41• ...... 4 ...... lllltdio ·-·~ t"St". $1lS=="'-=· ;'P;:·,;6'6-1""'80"1'= °'' lot; comp! """"""· • ,...., '"'"''·· °""" 6'1Wl5I • ~ ·--"~ -An xi o u •. • ubmtt. F/P Summef: Rent1.. 2910 or 6'J5.-0621. • M:ict ~~~· CoNne del Mir 4250 ' . WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540·1~20 ;<4,"10. ,, e N"' cafo 6 Bir -th ot hi PLACE l!EAl.T'i 494-mt 2 BR . s.n,.. •Pl ~ Co-.. .tol -32.50 -N ~ --~IOU way, aptJo., HANDYMAN'S ~ ~ ~. ~.. --~·~ -l>t>lt. EUI-No child, Special! 4 Income units 120 ~ 67.5-6110 FOR Luse -Cameo Sbcfts. FURN l.u&e badt apt; equ!v bo ~ts. t'rly lso $l85. mo. )l(b. IObeach.Patiot.decks $250 wk. Luxurlou• 6M01orltu.2Bdnn'a.eon. to lmt. Util pd. $13$. Hr Av&llnow.Af:t.1,642-7898 Huntlnvton Buch: 540-1220 L19una ~ch: 494-9466 Hours-Regulations-Deadlines W/octan view. Ndi. pa.l.nt, watertraatapt.poot. FumJ vmibki den. 2 ha.th'•, MW rumlture. S4t .. Jlf6S90 FURN bach. Quiet. See UltOltl: All~•....,. .._,kt cMck ftttlr Ml ••Hr aM ,....,, lmm•ll•t.t'y .,,.,. etc. Should rross $9.0t» yr. BR. 2 BA. c_n4) 673-3003 spacious IMnc nn, din1,.-. Smith to apprtt. 8ualnesJ man. _. ..-....afka...._ THI Dl\ILY PILOT ~m. llaWllty for..,..... .nly t• Pr $69600 .....___._. __ ,,_ roon1 S3'?!S _per mo. BACHELOR A.Pl' ...... .i .. tJtll _. No 0 kl ~ -_,. _ ... 1 ... a..1"' --.,. __ c---I• -tlm"' • • ........... JI.IQ' ,,......,...,. __,......; Incl· ... __. _ _ . -wv .,... c o n 1 • N ...... '"'raoSft ,.._ --..,::.::i ,,.. -_.. _.. ..... -~-· , .. MJSSJON REALTY 49&-0731 RENTALS •-"'~nt!t ~· "''.ro''" deoorated Jncl crpts 'd:rpl. ~ -""M.u, "° ._ DIADLINI Poa '°"' AND klLLS: 5:SO PM. the d•y..,.,. ll'IWIAtlM, ••c•i-t 1WQ.-UNJT LO't nr. belch. HOUMI Unfurnished or collect 2l.3JMT-2Sl9 all utiJ .fUrn $UO 64J..8«0~::::::::::::::::.1 ~-Ana A'fe. L ..,. ......... "*'-.... M...., ........ when '*'"' time ii S:~ ,.M. $21,!Xll, tertn5. Owner: (TI4) roR Lease, .camto Sboru' cla)oa: 548-0797 eves. 4300 PrlUJ. 365-22S4 Gener•f 3000 mos or leas. 2 Bt, CIOllVl $135. l BR upgtn apt. Crptll, i.:•::•:::illN=-----=:::: 1--,:-:-:-:-"-,,:---~ TOU MUST HAVI! KILL NUMllRI W1Mo lcllllllt •~ M loacaUaa of ..,kk ..,.,.., COiY, modem. 2 R 1175. 3 Br & :io x :lO don, 2 Ba. -· llvinl rm, """' • blUns. "'°'· Milt, CLEAN Bae,_ Apl.L MAIOINl9U• ::..::::..:. ':(b • ~~ .r tM klll tuamlter t~ r-t.y JMrr "" t•k•r u PJ.500. 190 Canyon ~ playroom. Lge yd 10 r ::~ ~r pd, apt E. 1346 Plactntia All atU incl $85 up GARDEN .&l"R' ,.., u · [)rlve. 213: 39&-2501. cbildrtn & pets. Q k r · 0 Studio apt. util. pd. 315 E, Balboe BJvri. Excellent, SIUMA. ~ 1..,.., .tfwt hi ..-. to ldll or c...,.... a MW H that hu ltMn .,...,., turf we a~ 645-0111 OCEAN VIEW H MES $95 mo. BALBOA 6'f3..S945 1--b adalta .... 1.. J • Mt ,_,.,.,.._ ff • • untll tht • IM• • ..,..,.. In th• ,.,.... Duplexes For Sale 1975 $llJl s er, l% Ba., frplc, ~ ~ =.:. 6U-4014 YEARLY l rooms by the '""&cb. 1. 2 Ii: :S ~·A. DIMl·A·LINI Mt.,. 9f'rktly cuh In Mvance '1 mall .,. at any "'9 .t .ur •fflcQ. DELUXE duplex. 2 Br et.cb blttne. Wtw, drpg. Children em: 2 BR, 11i BA, Bltina; cpta, !:its~ .. mo lnclts u~ Poof, ., lboppiiw~ j NO ,...._.,.,... unit. Ooee to ocean &: bay, ls sml pets ,welcome. Bkr Duplox, large lower, 3 BR., drpl, rdrl&:. Gar. U• p:xtl. .......,., bCJ pc . 1Tl1 Santa An-. Apt. :Ip. -, h L •-,ooo. ...._ ___ -~" ""----. 534..esao m: llCboola. 213-HT.416'f Fernando St.~ e MSGG e , 1n wAI Y 'ILOT rwn• tho rltht f9 cl•uify, ellllt, c.,.w.,. nfuM •:;t advw-_, vwuoa• ww. """""""' 2 BA, trplc, blt·inL So. CllELOR Ap~ Ulil --•• , • • c ,.. rattit .... ,...,r.tt ... without prior not .. ...., ..-~ .... ~.., of Hwy. $325. 6'15.3S!t5 -~ -._ $80 El ~--M t·' -· ~ tlMIMnt n4 t ho Its _.. no-.iJlts,Villa....__._ ... __ ,h, EXECUTIVE home 5 Br, S EAST&de2BR'".-. dean. .... ....., UNFURN 1 -2er-=· 637..(16.14 or 61S-3C5. BA, crpts, drp8. dee bltns adults only, no ptf.s. '364 E. •00 • mo. ......-0 Cl ly painted, w / w M•ll Add,_: l•:r 1175, Nowport JMch, CaliJwftla -. F~. r>l:A 5f6.6740 2 BR, dbl prqe, le yard, 16tt Place. $165. Mo. llO E. Balboa Blvd., $150 , __ , til. ,_., ....,... OK for boat. trailer. ele. l=========:=-li;61HI02~~~=----=• mo. u...,. u -~ CLASSIFIED COUHTlltS ar• loc1ted at follows: RENTALS $160. 2 Br hao. ea-. l250 mo. m.lll'lS Mu. 135 Albert Pl, CM. HouH1 Furnllhtd W!W, cllildren &. petal====,,--:-:.-,,-Newport IMch' 4200BAYFRONTYearly, t BR.. call&2&-4968att5:l>JM11 welcome. Bkr53.f..6980 SPACIOUS New 4 Br. viewl--"-------pr, frplc. Adulbl, 92.8 E. I BR, prl pe.Ho. aJJ. General 2000 =,...,.~~--,.-.,--I home. Avail. Oct. 11rt USO N ft. ch Balboa Blvd r.-... .-,. -.:;:,~it J130. l Br hse-, pr. Jae fe~ month. Agent 673-2222 ewport Dea ' .... _ _...,, .... .,.... .. • F,.. R1nt•I Service ed )'d. ~t o.K, Bkr COUNTRY CLUB WINTER Ir )'Uriy ·rental&. Pf!ts: or childttn, Daily Pilot Classified Rave tenants waiun<>. Give 534-6980 S BR. 2 BA, 2 story bowie. · 1.IVING 507 East Balboa Blvd, adults onl)'. $115. S..Ult ' • Frple, gardener ind. $350. -•-Balboa Broker 613-&80 us the infonnation of>. your $275. .3 Br, 2 Ba. Many ex-635-5t2l Lu,xucy pi-den aparlmew.o • 1 BDR. ipr, qrCi, rental & we will rent it free. tras. Avail Oct. t. Children Mo. ofterin& complete-privacy, Prefer teacbtr or CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES POR SALE ,,.,,. '"'" •IJllUL t• MIU VlllDI Cott& MaA l1M NIWPOll:T allACN MltA Dll MAii 11• ttSWPOltT ntewn MUA YlaDI lilt N.WPOaT tMM:IQ -.. ... wt:ITCLI'" .,......,. PAltlC. 1111 UNIVIUl'n' .. Altlt Nl'WP'Olt'T aU.CH t• IACIC llAT NIWPOttT Hll•Ntl 1111 IA.ST at.Uf'll' &Auo.t. COVIi ltlf COllONA Dal MAit MIWPOaT SHOall lttt Ul.AOA •AYC••n im llAY llLANOI MTINOlllS IUI LIOO ISU DOVllt IHOltll 1'27 IALOOA ISLAND waneu"" 1111 MAltlOll Ml ... LANOS 1UI KUNTOlflOM atACW UMIVSUITT PARJi: 1111 ~NT::cv..W..Y tRVIN• 1UI LON• atACM llAC:K. .. ., ltfl llASTalU,,. 110 OllAN•• COUICTY rav1a1 TlllllACI 11e ..a.101111 eaova cottOlfA DIL MAit Ult WISTMINfTll IAUOA ... NIHSl.llA 1• MIDWAY CITY IUCON OAT 1• SANTA ANA RAY ISLANDS 1:151 1AMTA AMA MEIOMTI LIDe ISL.I llSl 1VmN lAlAOA ISUJfO IJQ COASTAL MUMTINeTOM a1AC1t 1• U9UMA llACM HUNYIM•TOll MMIOU• ,. LA•UNA MIOlll!L FOUNTAIN YALLl'Y 1411 MISSION 't'llJO Sll.frL aucM 1• SAN C\.l!Ml!NTI IUNS!l'r •1ACtt 14" OANA l'Ollf'T ea101• oaov• 14n T•IPt.ax.-. L.ONe &IACM IMI COMOOMINIUM u.icnooo ,,. RENTALS :r"":: =::; !: Apts. Unfurnished ... 4111 -mo .... ... .... UM .... -... ... "" ... -... ... --... ... ... •• -... ... .... •nn .... •71t ... -- OllT ~ ITATa ,.. MNlltAL - STAMTCMI 1'11 COSTA MlllA II• Wl!STMINSTl!I 1611 Mis.A Yl1l01 J11' MIDWAY CITY 161' MllW,OltT lllM:lf f2M SANTA AHA ,,,. JllWl"OIT MlteMTI nu SANTA AMA 119Tl. 16'1 lllWf'OllT SHOl:IU tftt OllANea IOI W'l!SKLlll'P tut T\ISTlll 1.-llNIVl!llSl'n' PAllft "'1 NOllTtt T\llTOi lW IA.Cit M'Y SJ.9 AJiAMllM '"' 11.&ST at.UP.. no llLVlltADO CMfYON UlS COaOM,t, DI\. MAit JUf MAYA.SU LA.kl 1•7' UUO.t. 5M U.GUMA Mlt.t.s 1111 UT 11LANO$ SUt U.eUNA •!!ACM I,. LICO nlt: US! LAGUNA NICIUl!l nw KUNTi••toN aaACM .... MIUIOtl YllJO 11Cll f'OUNTAIN VALU'Y S411 JAM CLIMl!MTE Ult •H.aOA 11LAND ms SAH JUAN CAll'ln"ltANO 11111 SIAL llACH Sdl CA .. ISTllANO lllACN ll'IS LOMe SUCH SS• DANA l'OINY 17'9 OltANGI COUMTY Ult U.ltU..O U41 OAltCl!N QltOVll Mii UHllCI 1711 WISTMINITlll N1t N Dl•M 1111 MIDWAY C~ Nl• IVl•StDlt COVlfTT 1• LUITA ANA Sl:lf SIEI TO II MO't'ID IM SAHYA AJtA Nlt$MTS 5UI OOMHIAIM '"' TUl'nll N41 UPLllXIS l"Oa IA.LI "111 COASTAL stM Al'AllTMlll'TS fOll IA.LI ,.. U.OUN,t, llACH PIS RENTALS HOUMS FumisMd OINlllAL llMTAU TO SMAltl COSTA MllU LAGUNA NIOUIL 17'17 MISSION VIEJO f1ll SNi CUMENTS mt IAN JUAN CAf'lfTllAMO Im -CAllA POINT 17• = REAL ESTATE, 11M Gentir1I 1111 T1UPLl'X. tt&. 1111 COHDOMntlllM = 111"1AU WAllttD mt ROOMS "°" ltl!NT .... .... "" -... MIS4 Dll MA.a MIU VI.DI cou1•1 PAltl NIWl"OllT SIACN N~TMeTt. Ml!W'°IT SMOltlt tAYSMOalS OOYlll SffOllU Wl!STCLlllCll' UNIVlllllTT PAllJ 1•v11111 aOOM a 110A1tD 2H:f MOTii.So T'ltAILalt :tn1 ClUl'ST llOMU ?2ll MISC. ltlHTALS COUltTS tm tACIC aAT IA.ST &LUl'f l•YINI Tl'IULt.CI COltONA CIL MAit ...... IAY m.ARCS L.IDO ISL.a' &AUOA lsu.NO HUNTINOTOll lfA(" '0UNTAIN VAL.ll.Y 5UI. aUCM I.ONO IUCM ORANCJI COUlfTT JMtTA ANA NESTMINSTl!lt MICWAY CITY SAMTA AllfA Mll•NTS COASTAL LAGUNA llAC.H ~OUNA •10UIL MISSIOft VllJO $AN C:UMINTI! 1M JllAJI CAl'ltTltl.HO CAPISTa.uio ••ACN OANA l'OOfT RIVlltllCI COUNTY VACATION lll!NTALI CONDOMINIUM lUPLl!XIS l'UIL RENTALS m1 IJICOfrolll P•Ol'l'•T'f = IU51Nl!!51 .. llOl'l!•TT rt:AJLl!lt .. AllKS ttff lllSINISS ltllMTAL HU OPtrlCE «l!NTAL = INCUST•IA\. ,.ltOl'ERT1' COMMl'RCIA\. U5t IMDUITllAL lll'lftAL "" .. ,.. "" 1 .. IUINCMt:5 NII CrTltUS oaoves ACltUGE t• LUCI! EUINOltl ,,.. at:so•T P•oP1•n ~~ Olt.ANGI! CO. PltOPliRTl Mlt OUT 0 .. STAT• PltOP. 1416 MOUNTAIN II DIESlltT SUIDIVISIOM I.ANO U• lllAL llTATI 111Vl(f. = It.If. l'XCMAN•I t1t1 It. L WAlfTl!C ,, .. 1111 BUSINESS ind :i: FINANCIAL 1741 lllSINl!SS WANTIO H• IMY•ITMINT °"""""lllt'• ,.,.. auSIHSSS Ol"POltTUNITIEJ ttSI INVISTMENT WANTIC 117S MONIT TO LOUI Housu Unfurnished Pl!llSONAL LOAMI 'IWt!LltT LOAMS COLI.Aftlt.AL l.OANS a•Al ISTATE LOANS MOITOAOl'S, TrW 0.dt MOMrt WANTSD .......... COSTA MllA MSIA DIL MAit MllA \lllltCll! COLLl•I PAlll: NSWl'Oflt 8UCM HIWPDn Mon. Na'#f'OltT IHOltll MYSMOltlS DOYl!lt sMOan WllTCLI, .. uN1v1asrn PAllK !llVINI &ACK IAY IMT SI.""° tltVIMI Tl•UC'I' COMllA Oii. MA• ....... UT Ill.ANDS LIOO ISLe IALIMA 1$1.MD N&WPO•T WllT !llNTINGTON •IACM MUlfTIMeTOM M.Alt&Olllt -... .... )111 ... .... .... ... ... "" "" "" ... "" "" -"" ... -"" "" "" --... -"" - ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES l'OUND Cf"" AtM .... Pl!ltSONALS ANNOVMCllMINTt SlltTHS FUME It.AU PAID oaJTUAltY ,UJIEllAL Dlt:llCTOltS 11'\.0lllTI CAllC OP' TMA"U tN MIMOIUAM CIMl.Tl.•T Lon CIMlnl•'r CIYl"T) ClllM.lTOl:lal MIMORIAL PA.lllCS AUCTIONS AYIATIDN s1av1c• TllAVIL Allt TllANSl"OltTR.TIOH AUTO TltANIPOltTATIO/O LltOAL NOT1ca1 el!IMAN a TUTOltlNe '"' .... -... .... -"" -'"' .... "" ... "n "" ... ... "" . ... ,,1, .nu '"' .... ... "" "" -"'' ... "" "" .... -.... ... -... .... "" "" ... ... ... '"' ... ... ... ... .... ..,, "" ••n •• .... ... ... ... The Real Est•t• M.rt A pets O.K. Bkr 534-em CUTE 2 Br .• trpl:. beam ceil. beautiful landscapll'lfr & un-Huntington B•Kh 4400 242 Fk>wtt, C.M. \ ~~~m,,INO ::: 1741:~ 8e1 1 •cK~ Bfv~,::!f·,8• ,..__,. ._.____ 3100 f:!.~~ $250 Mo., r::11fn~ =~u~: NEAR Be a ch, ~wl)' 21_~:: .. w/ .!~• pau; ··1 CAltPl!T LAYIPt$ • •IPAllt .. ,. 0 1nney ... OU><'s ...._ •• --_, ........ --. Now l••~i ..... 1n decorated Bach apt. Util pct .,,. ......... In ,........ I ou,•asl!s ~ OCEAN ... .,'"......,."' -.. ••'>!::: .... .,.,. • ....., .... I I •• --,T,.. ..,. SLOE, View, 2 BR & Newpo-ft•ach. Slart -per mo. Also new. '" ..._.u..w ,. ....,., s Bedroom, 2 baths in ex· Huntington Be1ch 3400 • • oc ~ CllAPTIN• Sl•Ytcl "" den, 2 BA. Washer/dryer, -llenl -· C.M. , __ .... _ -1700 16th Stn!iet 2 BR, crpts, drps. No pets DELUXE 2 BR studio. -"' ELl'CTatc:AL M<11 d h b "l Se l hru ~ uu~u• """'""""' ch"_.__ *"'"" _..,... IOUIPMINT ltlNTAU u.H s ws r. av&J p t Built-ins. Dishwasher, en-3 BR. 2 BA. 2 cv1p.rage. Furnished or unfurnished or UUIC.lJ ........... m 0 • drpg, pool. No chil4 ..... 2 i ll'INCINO ..,. June S250 mo. 1 s e. d Fo---' • ..a, To•~n •• fedec. Modds •-· DDM 10 9 pm ~25'19 thru 10. Call "'""' ,._ •, j l'LOOtll closed patio SZ75 lease. Ki s '"'"-"" "" .....,,. --~ ~~::~:.:'."l!~~:it1~':-:! ::ed ~~ m"::. O.K. :r ~:',J :~~-=! OA7llK1 W64UJ0700D ~~~ ~ ulp~2 BR apt. 2poolBR .. ""',,.':!'P'-... ~ ... ' ~] a lE,.UlflSHING "7s lse. ~Sun It Mon. THE REAL £::.'TATERS 846-357'5 -..,_. ----·-.,. i"' •uoeN1N'" ~ 546-2313 646-nn GARDEN 536-lm SSS.·-536-1366 pets. &C-80t2 $1Nl!llAL SlltVICIS 6'lt J Br, 2 Ba. den, trpl, W/W :~1"• cisctNG ::: Rentals to Shire 2005 AVAIL Sept 3, 3 Br, 2 Ba, crpb, acreened porch, pool, APARTMENTS LARGE Deluxe beacbapts. 1 2 BR.!!':--= drpl. fOltlll'll TMUMI Crpts, drps, bltns, dS\vht, Ml:/\ ,_ ....., :n •Vl'll SlfO.. = SHARE 5 BR house, 3 ba, 3 p:iol. Pool service provided. re1s, rio peta. _,., mo. """'· SINGLE Young Adults Lux le 2 BR. fumJunflun. 219 e 540-323.5" e , :!~tT:. c1..u1i :: car gar w Im at u re, E-side loc. $280. mo. lse. 5'0-16.12 ury earden apts with coun: 15th st, Apt 1• HB 3 BR, 2 Ba. PMr Nt¥t: MovseCLEANIN• ms employed ma It. Cl.I. 546-0584 betwn 8 & ,5 Eves A New 5 BR, 4 Ba, bit-ins, try dub atmosphere and O C 4600 Garqe w/ wiork ~ lNTE1t10• OltollATtN• 61'1 646-1058, 5'19-2623 ask Mr. until 8. LI ~13TI. df1>S, fenced yd, water pd, romplete privacy. SOUTH rante ounty Crpts. drp&. $180. INCOMR TAX, '74f Bake $350 968-6013 utoN, Of'MIMl'll ... ''" 6751 r. 2 BR, cpts, drps, !tove, · BAY CLUB APTS, Irvine at SINGLE YOlltl& 8.dults, tux· $135. t..ge 2 BR upltn , :::~r!~INO !: SH ARE M y e I e g ant refrig, Upstairs. Ideal for 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, blt-ins, neat 16th. Newport Beaeh, ury garden apts, wttull Crpts, drps, blttns. iasuuNce •"' waterfront home \V/dock. older cple, !mall pet. C10lle bch. schls. newly crpld, (n4) 64.5--0550 recreation facilitiea &; com-Mgr apt E, 1846 ~A~~fo~~:~111t. ~" :: Man 35 lo 60 yrs. SlSO mo. in. 548-5331 or 548-0065 $200 per month. 536-8129 BEAa::>N BAY VJEW, 1 Bd:r plete privacy. South Ba,y 3 BR, 2 BA, Xlnt North CW.. 'IWl.lltY ••,AIL ate. ..,. 675-4331 3 BR home. ~ area. tam-lrg !iv rm. pine pa.net, beam Club Apta. '111 So • Mesa location. $110 .,.;,. ~::s~~NO :: MALE 30 would like to shAtt ll.. only, ms. Mo. Fountain V1Uey 3410 ceiling, Beach I boe.t avail. Brookhurst, Anaheim (n4) 546-6288 I 1 MASONttY. 81tJCk m1 2 BR apt, COM $100. Agt. 968-4362 l BR. 2 BA, frplc, w/w $175 yrly lse util incl. 4-7 PM 772-4500 MOVING a ITOU.01 .... 675-2903 AVAIL .Now .. BR, new,... • ., I . 675-3337 AVAILABLE Now, 2 PAINTING ... ----..ku .ne "" ....,,._ crpts, drps, b bu; •. patio. G rd G 4610 crpts c:trps. bltint. PAINTINe,, .... ... CAREER Woman to share bit-in range, drpg. fenced Leue $225 mo. 962-0076 B E A c 0 N BA y. Cozy • •n rove ' ,ATIOS .... 75 96 bac.h I l I k i t h No pels, adults. ,ltOTOOltAPHY '°' home in North Huntington yd. Le~ Sl · 53&-44 e or ap w c en SINGLE Young Adults Ltllt· ,LASt11t1N .. Pmi.. "'"1' "" Beach. Call 897-7544. 3 B drps stqye 1 · Jg L'lun• Seich 3705 facilities. Lrg patio. priv ury gan:len apts w1tb coon-1 Br. crptl!I, pool. No ~~~·:~=MIN• :C:I ========== fen~ yd', chil~'; ~gj,e~ entrance. UW pd. ~vail to try elub atmospbett and G' pets. $125 mo. 3131., POOL sE11v1cE n11 Niwport BNch 2200 k $1'10 968--2950 'TIL June 1st to responsible 7-1. $100 mo. 673--7"::>35. complete privacy_ ,SOUTH Apt L. 64l-3f9!I · , f'OWSa SWlll,INe tn• 1--~-------o . mo. adults 1 BR. pa!M!I liv rm WINTER Rental _ -BAY CLUB APTS 13100 t BR, ,_,ta, d r p· p, l'UMP s&av1ca •m UDO Sands. 4909 Bruce EASTSIDE 2 BR Duplex. w/frplc, M'P din rm; ......a ,. _ _._ --"--/ft....:;;_" 'D-"-~ llOOFIMO .,. N n.I.. decorated Patio lil t>U•I, max. 3. 3 Br. 1 Ba, QIAPMAN Ave.. ............. wa.a..<,.;:l ... .., ............ '"" .... 1tAC10, •...n. mk. '"' Crescent. Avail to June 15, 3 e .. Q' -• crpt/drps. SJ75 incl u gU'J', $225 mo. incl util. No Gtvve (n4l 636-3030 lfil Mesa Dr. $lJD. al!MOoELIH• • 1tlPAI• 4MI Bed• • ha.... ....~ .. --1..1-..... gar. $140 mo. 642-2657. ~ •""" alMOC~LING. 1tnCNl!NS tHf ·" "''· '"""''"" ... ,. .... , '"''='======== 1 _0_•~-~-·-------pets. See wkends or after 6 DELUXE Jg, 1 8', -kt-. a..-ffU feneed yard. Pool avail. 1 · 116 34thSl N B. IEW•NO ''* Near beach. fBl mo. No Mesa Verde 3110 RENTALS pm ·• -Uar, ocean view, carport, ~:;.;,~T':~.1i;:,..::.P::~s !: pet:;. (11 535-4575 or fll Apt F · heel OCEANFRONT. tear 2 BR, $165 lease. Util pd. 499-14'13 YAILORING •t1' 77&-3834. LRG ~ BR. 3 BA bi-level, -•• urnll garage. Married epl. Close '(EARLY RENTA S rE1tMITE C:ONT•Ot. Hn panel'd fam rm. tnnl din General 4000 to schl3 & churc:hel\. $160 Laguna teach 4705 TILL C.•llllt 'm PENINSULA POINT rm , 2 1--1($, lronl & rear -r mo util incl. Winter. • BR. 2 Baths ...... _ TIL&, ~ & Mm..-i1 '"' .r-uo:;ovt>""' n ~ t' .,.. Tltal! s1;avic1 ''" ~ u ... 3 BR. 2 Ba. patio w/ gas firepit. $360 2 BR. 1 Ba, view duplex. util 673-0057. 2 BR duplex. furn *-unfum, 3 BR. 2 Baths •••••••• TILJVISM* ........... ,... 6tU w/ae.p. tamily rm .• kneed per mo incl gardnr. &12-7364 incl, $150. OCEAN FRONT 1 BR.. 1pac: nr Vk Hu I 0. new ~~~Y ::; play~. Steps to beach. 1 Br furn apt 1or single lri r N'cel cpts/drps, frpl, rar. 3 BR. 2 Baths ......... ' 2 BJ\. 2 Baths •••••••• ' 3 BR. ' Baths ........ . Avail. Sept, 1~ $315 Mo. N rt ... ~ 3200 tchen " iv rm. I Y 497/l<ai • a-o Ba JOBS A EMPLOYMENT Hal PiDchi & A 6'5-e'l ewpo ~" ienUtman $110·incl util. deroratro. shag crpt. $1ll . • ~ 1 th ········•• n 6110C, 3 rooms with fanla!ltic ocean mo incl util Bach only. LUX 2 Br, 2 Ba, oceanfrt. m 2 BR.. l Ba. Fmn •··••• JOI WAJfTEC. M-. JOI WANTl!C. W- JOI WNITliD, MEN• WOMIN S(HOOU a IMSTltUC'ftON JOI Pkl.PAllATION THIATlllCAL -"" '"' ... -"" MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE ,UaNITUltl! ... DFFICI! ll=URllflTUlll! .. ,, Of'll'ICI l!OUlf'MEN'f Mn !TORI. EOUll'Ml!HT •1t C:All'I, ltESTAU!lNl1 •14 IAlt l!QUll'Ml:HT MU HOUS-ll!HOLC GOODS ft2f G,l,llAOI! SAU Ion fUltNITUR.E AUCTION au AP .. LIANC:IS 11• AHTl$UU 1111 501NO MACNINES lltf MUSICAL INSTltUMliNl tlH PIANOS 6 OltlMHS lllt IUIDIO ntt Tl!LIVISIOM ltlS ttw:1 • n1R10 a1t TAP!! ltl'COllCIU Im CAMl!ltAS & l!DUIPMENl llOI NOllT SU .. f'L.111 -ll'OltTIJI• OOODt Ull 81HOCUUltS, SCO .. IS wt MISCl!Lt.ANl!OUS ... MISC. WAJfTIC "11 MACKINl.llY, lie. IJll LUM&fl llJ'Y STOkAOE 1111 IUILCINO M.t.Tl•IAlt 1161 SWAPI .,,. PETS ond LIVESTOCK WINTER, 3 BR, l BA B/B view fDI' elderly penon 673.-6990 or 1zi.31 698-3627 Lag. Royalc. ~. 871-17(11 a BR. 2 Ba. Fllm ···.;.••;.;.·;,-' -· duplex, lower, ~ front, &lone. Bkr. 49!l-1900 or or 871).-0453 eves. BURR WH prefer family. 6210 Ocean-TOWNHOUSE 4!»-5488. 1 & 2 BR-Bachelor Apts.1=-========: I REALTO I front NB. $2'25. 213: Adults only. l BR. 21tit Ba. •Q~. 1 Br. garde.n tri-ple.x. Kit-TV-Pool-MaJd Ser. $30. Dant Point 4740 29()! N R 596-1109 Beaut. decorated. $275 month _.. per wk & up. THE ewport Blvd., N B & B h W/\V, drps, avail now. BAYCLIFF 455 N. Nwpt $25 Week&: Up, heated pool, 8T;H630 642-2253 BAYSHORES. 4 Behm, 3 ba. ay NC Broker 534-6980 Blvd. 646-3265 kit.. laundry. Ulil pa.id. Dana PX! to $3$ Wa.tietfront. SepL • June lease. Privatl! Re•lty, Inc. $145. 2 Br. "''"" Children ac-M · 1 34Ul C t IU ~--••·-· community willl/beach. $315 · _. 1 Bel. Fireplace, very nice, arina M s • uclUUl!I "= _......,t J mo. ~1006 Agt. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suit~ 126 cepted. Avail ~14. Bkr. excel.lent peninsula location. way, Dana Polnt, 714! RA, pool, pri bltlcain;y, ' 645-2W> Eves. 548-6966 ~-~~~-~~-~-I No pets. Employed adults, 496-1300 apta. Boat Ill.Pl DELUXE 2 BR u PP er • $160. 2 Br. Nicely turn. avail •tiJ JurlE' 15. 673-2123 subterrantan partdnc. duplex. furn or unlurn. neat TOWNHOUSE: 3 Br. 2~ 8&. Convenient loe. Child O.K. aft 6 Pl\1 , fALS Caribe Balboa Ap beach. $175. 675-4432 eves. FrpL :.a,llo,I pool. 2 Car Broker Ma-OIU OCEANFRONT, v....., nice, Aptt. Unfvrnlshed 310 Fttn&Ddo St, N , BAyrnoNT • "··k , B 3 gar.; .. b tns .• c pt s., ~•; 17141 ~ -""'"' ., r, drapes. Lease $2751\fonth $135. 1 Br. pool, nr shopping. turnlshed 4 Bedroom. "'--I 5000 °'~ Ba den. Lease/option $500. 871-8811 or 642-2497 Avail now. Broker ~Ul 2 Bath. v.nira BEAUTJroL BAY mo. 67S-4331. A1so unfum. •"KP" * * &12-1260 Split-level condo in Newport Hgts. 2210 2 BR, newly rcmod .. cpls, applncg, \\'a'lher, lncrl yd . Frp\c. $22]. 645-1446 Corona d~ Mar ~250 CAMEO SHORES. Luxury 2 Br. den. Ocean view, e.du1ts. $550 mo. 67.J-5698 WATEIU"RONT with 3 0' ......., OME dock. 3 Br. l~ Ba, crpts, Costa Meg 4100 \l/AT1'.."RF'RONT pier & Doat, VEND Trina modeL 3 BR. 2%1:;, drpa. adults. $500 mo, yrly. • Nalil!l&u Palms e 2 Bdnn TV &: patio, boat :~·. =· w'7:-to ~· 673--6698 1 &: 2 BR. Pool slip frplc, $185 .. incl uW. 410 11\fMACULATE APl'S: ope°'1'. Avait M.d1 EAST'BLUFF, 5 bdrm, 3 177 E. 2'2nrl St. 642-3645 River Ave. 673-8229 AO'uLT It FAMll..Y $"25, 644-4464 , bath, tam rm. 3 car gar. 1 BR turn apt. SlOO/mo. incl, OCEAN FRONT. yrly. I & 2 CISECTloIONhS AVAl!LABLEP k 3 •• 2 BA r--•-ft : Gardener pd. Lease S550 BR apt&. Adults only, no ose s opp ng, •r _., ~......... 'I uHI. l\tatu~ people prefer-2 a. (745 Dominao Dr M ) mo. 644--0TIO _ _. ~~" ........... Rltr pets. $1~ ea. util pd. Rer.s. * Spacious 3 er·1, Br--• ~·-ut· "'· '"""· ~ ' Avail 9/20 It 10/t. 675-3127 • 2 Bedroom• .......,, new, -~ DEWXE Condo. 2 BR, 2 1 BR fum $145 incl util. • .swtm Pool, PuVereen from botb muter BK "' Ba., pool. $250. 3 BR, 3 BA, Heated p:iol, adults, no pets. 1 & 2 BR-Bachelor Apts. * Frpl, fndiv/lndry fac'ls nn area. frp1c. , SZ75. Broker 646-0732 S4~?.62'1 or 968-1740 Kit-TV-Pool-Maki Ser. $35. 1 ... •--hal A $310 mo. No ctdld:ftft per wk. 1c up. 1HE MESA .w ~ m ve. fit>lMJ --._u... 2 BR, convert den. 2 bath, 4l5 N. Nwpt Blvd. ~!1681 COSTA ME.5A 642-2824 pets. or~ .. ETS. Gl!Wl:ltAL """' Lido Isla 235 I -·----------.... frplc, refrig., bit-ins. nr -'ii';iii:;:;;.,;ii~;;;;'-;-;.:--u:i'"""'~""!!!"!!"'!!~""!~'"INEW 2 BR, 2 Ba, ocoan. $250. ,,,_.519 TIME FOR NEAR Now 2 BR !um apt. % e RENT e -· h-pk, clahMr, • ..... KOIUl:S LIVllTOC.IC. ---CALIFORNIA Ll\/ING NUltllltlEI IWIMMIN• POOU PATIOS AWHIN•s VAUTIONJ TRANSPORTATION .... ... "'' ... ... NEWLY Furnished 4 BR. 4 NICE 4 Br near !!Chool &: blk from bay. Yrly lease. Across trorn Oxo'a' 1•1: Ba. avail Sept 15th. \Vintcr shop'g. 1st & last mo. renl S250 mo. 642-0010 ask for 3 Roomt Furniture \Vestcliff Plat.a. ia:; to .•• ' or longer. 1213) 789-!069 or G4U9l<f Don Crevier $25 & UP 1665 Irvine. 2 BR,. 1 .JiA, (Zill 412-6692 QUICK CASH NEAR New, acrou from MonU>To-Mooth R<nW. $170 up, $175 doWll. iUPJ roRN 4 BR, 3 BA, $Kl(l. Newport Heights 3210 Bay. 2 BR. 2 BA. Winter WIDE SELF.cTJON Bedford. ~ ,, N~ly dee. Avail now. rental. $225. Inquire at 211 HFRC Fumiitzre. Rentals a Bdrm 2 Ba c:atpet:1. dillt wn1, ... 1a1 or ydy OIARMlNG 2 Bdnn 1 Ba, THROUGH A 19th St, NB. 6'13-2106 511 w. 19th, CM ~ hpfc, blt·lnl, bch 1 ' (n4) 624-noo garage-, carpets, curta~ BAYFRONT, apac. 2-3 Br, $145. 2 Br, gar. stove, refria. $725 yrly 1R. l33 fttb aOAn • YACMT1 SAIUClATS WINTER rental, cm:y 2 bdr ra~ Choice location. pvt. patio, 1ml. boat dip, Oilld -pet O.K. Bkr. Days 541.(611 txt. a ult :::: 2 ba, .,, ... patio, •~ ,.,., DAILY PILOT winter "" $t91H7lS mo. ..,._..., Dick Smtth. 61>J810 :: 218 Via Dijon. University Park 3237 incl. utll. LI 84395• 673-8229l:II05.="1"B"•,..d'"u-p'°le-x.°"F"e'"nced-,,.y-,.d. 2 BR. Roq HOep. A;$. l'OWllt CllUISIRS 5Pl!'&D-SKI &OATS tOAT TitAILl!RS 80,1.t MAIJfTIMANC. SOAT LAVNCKIN$ MM:INE EOUI ... ROAT SI.I ... MOOlllNG aoA.T 1111¥1C11S tOAT lllliMTAU IOAT CMAltn:a ,ISMllfG &OAT1 aOAT MOYIM9 &OAT STOIU.$1 ·~-1'1 WANTID AlllCllAll'T FLTINe LISSOMS MOllLI ffO"°"l!S MOTO• MOMU llCYCLl'S l!LSCT'ltlC CAU MINI &IKl:S •Jtt DIAL direct 642-5678, c.'barie ----·-*NEW BAY FRONT* w/w. Gardener incl avail Crpts, drps. bltine: It Mel = your ad, then .:it back and 3 BR. &. lge. fam. rm. Avail, WANT AD 2 BR, 2 BA. $330. Yrly be. JON. Bkr ~ 1ar. S18S. Mo. Call ff.It~ ...,. U..ten to the phone rin&! Oct. 15tti. $325 Mo .. leue. Adults. 233 19th St. ~ $140. 2 Br. new crpts, bltins, 540-<Km. 4247 Hlluia w,., = t -.:"""='===-======..:_:Call='=833-o=ll31.======-========: !SPACIOUS, crptd, 2 BR. 2 patio. pool Broker 6CS-OUl N.B. I ""'' BA, N•. ocean 5000% N<P-1"======== YEARLY·Od.11tSBR# .. = "tu~"'~·~W~in~ .... ~-~171~1~):;629-~1~""~1;C;oot;;•;;;;M;•;•~;;;;;;;;;;;S;IOO;; ~~St. % bloclr ~ = ~ $?7..50 Bachelor apl Utll pd. -STAR. G.AZER"'~ """· • .,,.. bltino •poof. (A11n1111l'ftllll • ea. 2 BA. ...., ..,., nM p==-::':i---illJ<IArtL.0..UN---"T"'-::=~ 1525 Plactntia.. UnllllUlllVll bl-Adults, DO pe:ts. P5 ::: M •---"""" M e WINTER RENTALS'• la<5'W1tlll,6l3-2310 ,'!J: ...,. A-..... -. ...,. W1N1FRED I. FOSS. .... JUST COMPlfT1116 "'''· llaysldo V"'·-N• .. ,,,. iodewlopmeuoge forT~dar. • 642-3850 • ~ .. '"MTl.IN VAlllT SIAt. &IACM OAllHll •11ov1 LONG lllACN OIUMOI COUNT., UNTA MA WIS1'MINITI:• MICWA't' CIT'I' -•• "" "" -.. SERVICE DIRECTORY =~:g:~;~::111 ::: ..eodwordso:inaoµ:wding10rurt.5 1 Br. den. 2 Ba. deb.. dt.IPleX Harbor Helsiht• Four :.!t~. ~ts.~~· :: ofycuZoclac:birtfotsign. near beach, Refs ttQ'd. 2 &: 3 BR UNITS IAHTA ...... t1a1•M'{S COMT .. ~OVNA llo\CM LAOVNA IUGUl1 MISltoM VllJO ' U.H CLIMS,.TI CAP IS TIU.NO CAPllTltNtO •IM.M OAJllA POINT COMDOMINIUM OUPUXll UNPUll .. RENTALS Aota. Fundthad .. ,., .... ... .... .. .... ... ... .... -.... - :=r.~~· •••vtc• : :::g ~~~c~ :.~~ .. ~Tl A,Plt•H<"ll ltlPAIR'-.. .,., t \lf TilA!Lllt, TltAVaL A,,..AISlfll• 6Hi TltAILf;ltS. lltllfho AIPNAL f, Oh 6Rf TIUC'ICI AltCMJTIKTVllAl 1f'RYICI UU ,.IPI AUTO 11 ... AllU M• CAMf'l•I AUTO. MM ..... T ... lie. .... CAMf'llt UMTAL.1 &AIYsm,.. ... ~11• auoetas ..,., MAtMTW'M~ _,. IMl'OITIC MITOS ell.at. MAIOWllY, tic. •Nt POaT CAaS lt\ISIM .. HINICll 6M1 AWTICMlll. «.AnlCI lUtutOI 4111 ltACI c.utl. lloot CATl:ltl.. 6&n AUTO n1wn USllli'TMAICIH "" AUTOS WAKTID C.t.aPalfT9••• 4"t •l'W cat• CUUHT, ~ -a.uTO t.USlH CMILD CAltl. ........ 'flt &n•O CAU HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? --------~ --------- '~" ~= ~~ !~~· Adults.~~ aU with ttreplact&. ~: 3 D:n'i Jl('lppoPN 4'.JU,.. DELUXE tum 2 BR at dlahwaa:hen I: 2 bath! . '"' .CTo l4~•'Y 6ofe.--Jn ReiitaJ u .. ,. • .,l!'r -5G.t 35 §.,; 65YOOI' beach. W tf.'r. ~ I $165 ••--. ~: 4 "-~ ~ ri ~ uW pd. Call tiQ..SS. Mrs, O>.ril&naen nn i=--Jloi.-.. ........ -,-LA7'RG=E"""t:-:B:;ED=llOO="M:-·l 3117·A Clnn.tmen A'lfl.. flU • ~ l•WWI Mc. Cott• MMe :: IO...,_, .co.... 70......._ $150 Month. oceuMew Phone .. ,. ffl) II,,__ ·O ~ 7Jt.:::-•613-8lSI• NowportShoNo 2Br,2Ba--. $IBS .... -.. ,.._ """-c-• .,_ .. ,. ~i~ :~ ~......... MEN -Divorced -~ HAm GIEEllS '6tf '"'"-"'~ ,.~ ..:r · = ISM :::--~t.-U'a~Jo:. ~~ , ~> ; fltt ~ ::--"Of ,."' ?-BA--Aft --·-I ' ~ ... Tl()f 40..... -MODERN 2 BR. dote tO ~""""" lUlllllTI ro m - -lfY-...,. "~ beteh, trplc. Adult.. All bit· $110. A.I_, naD l • J Ir S . • ;\';i i... :ie .,,. $175>'1!1 6G.!Go Bdrm. Rea1<d ...... chlld ON TEN .\Old ~=... ff= fi~tn, ~ nuJm. t. 2 • s care centtr, a4' to sboPPtnr. 1 I: 2 BR. ~ ft ~'l".I ~=-~:::. -:=-........ WINTER ~AL. No~ e ....... Way =~.to':~.r:::::.. 26~ 56s-iw.t-M ,,_.,, 6'f3..8088. Colla lteaa 546-0370 900 Su L&m, OSM Milm1 :D~ S7To 11J!llllf M "-·-"'--~ 2169 .51Aoe •!W1PM LRG lovt.ly 3 br, 2 b&. beh AfTRACTJVE new17 C aeArt~•·:::;zt::£ ~ldlu9 _,,,.. ltYoir 11pt. Winter. Xnlt uu. redecorated~ 2 ors --~_.,,. ~~~ ~~ Family prtt $22!. 54M&«. BR, t bath •pis. !loo.I I: 'HUGE older 1 Br,. lo.: ti 'ISJ°""' ~ '1 oa:ANJ'RONT 2 BR. 8 mo ..,.....tlon room. a.l1dtto Rwy. Ntt ..... It .. $tout, PlO mo. St 0 9 OK. lt&-1(85 « 221.4 OObtie '115 Mo ........ ........ &mhon! Or .. m.12-11. A... DAILY PIWI' WAHi' "f! ' I ' , • t· ' r I I I r . ' • I ' . t • • .. .. • • • • I ~. WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: I' I I 642-5678 \_/Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540-1220, toll free) 3 • . . . ' ' .. . . ' IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS 0 ~ PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! . ,• . . . . . ' . . ' . ' . . . • . ' . . ' ' . ' . . . ' . . . • • . . • " . . ' . : ~ • ff, "' w or ,,; 5' to· ,h N. "' ~ bl .. ro: "' "' ·lo or .. w ot SI "' (2 ,. "' m ., 51 "' .. UI .. "' ... 3 "' ' u V• d "' In .. " " fo S1 " " . ! ·~ ~ I • :; ' . ' . -I -L ( I i ( ( -~ r 2 l I l I I ' • ' ' • D I l I • ' -• " 1 ' ' • ' I . ( * * * *' * lllAL ESTATI UAL srf'ATI IUllNUS 111C ANNOUNCIMINTS -I -•I PINANCIAL · 1nll NOTIC'S ~-lt•nl•I 60IO ~!'•' '6200 IUo; °!!Fl';llllll!IOI .......... iPfW iw.1 '400 BALBOA ISi.AN!> • Leuo 2 OOUN'?llY IN DWIOllD FRAN~ No Pd,._. FO!JIG> 2 ~ ..... Wlll1a "°""" !07 Mulne A"" 11a , IAlt. ....... S ... -IC, ... ....., ~ p, ~ ..._ Ol).<75.1. 0r ., .i-. lllllablei -..-• ''ULTIPLY -·.....,. dlif" -1oo1 )'OI#' broktf.. estatf. $ 3 I , 0 0 0 • t t f m I M A cbMl. Mered.Ith Ottdml. Sllloll..., ~"' t11 & HuW, 1CAPITAL -C.tallna hl&nil 'fri Mo. SA. -Now Co. comblnlna. -1... "Bl"°•cl<-.-port=°'S!smne==-ca1~..i-=1Ji ---l!booL4-llT -II DOWN, II l' Ji: R MO.. -ol f.ul ""' tiol4 u -Vie. -..... $!111. !'t1!L Jll(Jcz,--111 _..... ... --· ~ -419. s 114 Ofllie ....... t070 ·-In lo. "ClllJI. '.Jo ffirWt ....... --~ -··Plf . -~t. 115 W. 31\f $1., -,."'t Wt .,...id• LADIES dlunopl waddlsw LAGUNA llACH : ' L.A. Cl!Sl aMlm tllo·ai-via ...-..... auts>St ~ Btlalllll . When You · Want it done right ••• COii one -of the experts listed belowll WI... W "" ~ ~ Air CondltlonM 'IV odlo >Oii """-tlit 1-IL CIC aw-~ coll 6 snCIAr c..lss1FICATI N-FO·lt ON FOREST AVElllJE Mount. a o..t '110 Md~ .... .,..n... . ldonllly -.":'. • Desk 1p&ce available :In 1.111: ~ 1n oamPftltartl NATUllAL IOIN SWAPPllS newe1t otttee bulldlnc at ' 'tf'd' Y.• ¥c 0 ~. tuat tn:ll'ttl ·om" ROD DACHSHUND V1c. ot Glen -1 Spoc1e1 -.i. prtme Jocotlon 1n downtown , tnda>". we ·--l>tl· Mar b:t, betwn Adema ., ~!ltVtCI 'DIRICl'ORY SllVICI 1>1UCTOl'f llltVICI DIUCTOllY S LI--5 ti-.,... 5 bucb L<fvna B<ach. Air condl· SILVER VALLEY ter. B~=: .. 118,,..~, CM2912 _,. llbya!Hl"I '5SO C.~ne • 1 6590 Hou11clMnl.. 6nl ""'" -"''"'" "'a."°" . tianed. .,.,,...._ "'••ttrul RANCH HOUSE ""'· '1•11.000 !,...Ml + ~ ~... •-;::. "::.:':.:., ":,.... ~ ;; ::~.::; entraaca: Fronf&ae on hd wort ,+-abWt)>"C!Qll1l'Ol coune, ot tr.e 10 aoocl humc CHILD CAR! CARPlt.fTRY WOULD You 1 ~ I wDI .......,.,..," P'Olit &All _ TUDll ONl.YI Fore.t Aw .• rear ltada to & )'OQI' emeio)'ttl uncw ow 11 unclaimed. 60-5803 1 lltUe pt. .. e 2~ to. 5 MJKQR JUCPAD\& No Job clean JOU!' llllinl' tw m. PHONI 642-5671' Mlllldi>al llR!idnt Iola. 150 dlrectloo. s~ _,.tion. WOMF;NS· &l-~ vie. K· ,...._Jo. ,i.,ma1e •com-Too .sm.11. Cabinet In -Qilp 6-T lfl-'lllO To Ploco Your Tr1der'e Per,dl" Ad P<r month r.. -· °""' ACREAGE Get In ·~ olati lo• 'low<• Mart...,.., CM. 642.filOI p&lllon to."" c ,.., old .a.. & olbu cabinet.. BAY •-ote·l•Sav· and chain •vaflable for $5. invest., choice ten'lt, hl&b-GREY r&bbit. 5t&--51.S cir 4'ul}iter, M-11' included. NMl.1&; tt eo &nswer' lea'9t CarpN. windaw1. Jloan. HAVE,llO'twla<H<teltu.. 'a a.mu. 321 ft.S. P/S lluslnca hoon aMW<rire CITY OF .,.,-·--Ii.or v.-u. 4 rAO-. -· et~ It o. •lc.llct6Coounc:11411-l«ll ury yacht $175,000 clear. R/H, Auto. Trade fOl' T.D. &er'Y1ce available for '11). INVE511GATE O'nlERS .,._.._ .._.,_.. .._.....~. WANT: prim• vaca.Dt 11.0d camper or con&ider any. All utilities paid except 100 LA.IC.IS f'lftST FOUND, Rabb i \, vie. ~~~~:J;_;:,a. $20.00 A1'ldenoD ' WINDOWI DlR'n't ' ., Income -ty. llr 1" t!Wtr. 284 K1toi< St, CM. telopbone, NEWBERRY IPlllllGS ~ -Mn. s...;.,. 2U/ Mar1nen School ~ a · QUALITY ~ • Altera• Jollntt)I llwlll .,_ - win m.8460 Aaerrt. 6629'31 eves. -~~:!.., l'tl.oT,.._... .. ..,. MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE 65U530 (.M W> .b txee» LARGE 'J'\lrtle, S'' V~ Gf CliIIp ca.re; mature EUftlo Uonl -Nft comt. br boar ~ n. C -... San Clemente l R-3 level UDO TM"' 3 Bdnn '"-n..~ ~ .. ~... "~'"'L ... _ ...m Santa Ana NB ~ oean lWOm&n wUl care far Pt Cootract. Ml-MG ~ c u<Ot• LAGUNA BEAQI """' ....... reblrn yoar c:aU. ' · • chfldren in nice home irl C LRP~""' ,.._ .. .,,.. -lron1-67•• kits 90xl00 ae.z., Oote tD PALM SPRINGS 4 Bedrm 2l Mllel El.It el..,..,.., on ...-.c.u,.,.. ... ........., ---""'-=---------"I ,hop'& 4 beocb. Tnde fD< LAGUN A BEAO< 3 8'dnn -===.;: .... .:,-=---1-· Nev. :IOllO ft. N<ar , ~fq AjlplN .... ~ LOii 6401 CM. (4. 1"""' yd. Alt 5' 0.W. doort • t...... J.ZJY - N.B., C.M, comm'l mfJ. or \Vill trade ~.!Xll equit,y AtODERN Air condlttoned [Ab Loreen. Wonderflal land ~ 10 own your ow;n ._.. ...-. IUe Job, c..ti 666-2576. ~~sm: DU' bcme. units. 6i2-3eO all pm. Submit _ C>Wner, 613-71)71 au.ite, 17th Street, · eo.ta fllr apricots,' altaHa, ut tree =~ ~en'a & r"1 ~ JtEW ARD for at white 6 MO'IllER w..,_ts plqmat. REPAIR. Partttiooa Small se.ft * '67 vw Bue ~ ~ I Mesa.~ 'RID aquare feet. l'O'fllnl', fish rallmc. bone v own )'Ol1r own ..... p black AluJwt pappy, nan.. 1or ~boy, S:esa de R.emodd. e~. Nlte or d.11, ---,,===---1 bllc interior, sunroof, ~. ~ ~ ~mi?~!~ $240 per month. Parking -rantb, boatin&:, etc; etc; with • tlNll invutmw W ''Panda" Los\,_, Newport Ji4at uea~ ~169'J Reul Call KEN 51),..'4819 I RONI NG rd c:ond. all ao!!!SS. TRADE ... -S40M. Will consider Ci01lee room j a n it o t tiJ:nlrtil in ~ Huntizwton I; Fairview, Dar WU under WILL tlall;Sit for child al Aeuom~ ~ !or boat er '!''!' ·--~... ...,.,ice aU utWtiea !.> 40 Acft• Ranch Lud., tm-Beach &re&. AU mefcbu:' medication. Pleue return. tacber X·tffcber now REPADtS, .ALTERATIONS * 673-3524 * =r d~)Of' -~er boat eluded. Phone Mr. Rlfr pl'O'Ved wrm modem I BR dtle is cn...coMipment,. No 16-lfB). motbm'' mo>e ' · , CABIN~ Any mt job J1nltorl1I 6790 T.~;;c:;r.;;·;;;~~;;:h;;;: I ~=~~-~=~===-1 rancb bou ,,. ltY m~t m merch&Ddilit. • 25 )Tl. exper, 54M7l3 '"'-=='-----;;.;,:.1 Dod&e custom bulJt Mlnl-Mockm Newport Bc:h. in-beamed ~·1..... ~ pay after it la sold, We train L\DIES wallet Vlc Center BABYSl'ITING, Nexl ta WAL.LS. Windows. 0acn. Home, 1~500 value. Trtde ""'"' W>i~ .,_ $8J'1>""" MOOE RN OFFICES --;;;;;. ba & ,.. 6 .......... you at no St, CM°' 3rd A ... , Lqtma NewpO!t ll<l&hla p.ik. Mon carpoi.. Oommerclal 6 ·for eqult,y in home, dUlll!Z rental Cose to bch. iso.ooo .FROM $6.5 PER MONTH :.rin::nTant ':. ~n-UptOMI. Far complete lntor. Be~h. Fri 8/1. Va.\Glbl• thru Sat. M&-1154 Cement. Concrete 6600 n6ddtnt1aJ. Daily, ,....i,y or tri-pler. Newport Beach eqty, Trade tot C.M. area ~., pe.rklna, central to. cJomJ& 1000 pl plv: star-m&Uon. write or Phone F. L. Pa I> er L R.ewvd:. 499:2.169 BABYSITI'ING My home • roN--tn>tk 11 and/or Mo. 181'-13:111 area. 548-9661 comm1 mJa: or units, Call ca.tions, SecreWi&l .ervk:e. • T1ertley 2130 Ncrth Holly-aft. i. •-· · """"""'""' a ""3t90. So Cl.li!, ht Nat Bk Bkl&o ap tank under «>lbs PR• wood Way Burbank. CaUt. .,, 11th st, ....-. Fenced t)'pll. Pool decb 6 custom. DUTCH Malnt Suv, erpt WILL swap crca1m.1 ue <A. ski chalet at Moonridp Ski tow near .. coune far use ot beach lro.nt place. (213) 1'8l)..940J pm, 2lo E. l'1h. o;,.. ;,... -. With -pr. Cat> _,.; !Nl 143-GCO TOY apricot poodle, loot vie yuU. 80-'11112 Call i!4&-l.llC dnr, llr waxlnr, - HAVE: Searl -drY-642·1415 Cftle eoptlc tulr, all elec., . S.,avlew 4 C.taJhiO, Lor EXP. llcemed chlld ctn,"" CEMEJIT WORK."' job too ......... HAny VUI - • .,xtnt.NEED:Equlvalent OF'F1CES 5lippwnp,301pip11'mln READ THIS Bch . GENEREOUS -.. Not II.,._.,......,, lmol1, .......... Fr 537-1SOl!UmU11calllfti. cas dryer. at80'deptb.Jmprovemenl!: REWARD. 49f.03,n or M.2-&108. • 9 •1:==-:-==,...,..,,_,=-Call aft ' p. Reoeptn....Anlwering FUIC'ed witb 1".,, •• x 300 n 49f...m)g area. eltlm. IL Stumck. 548-161.5 SPARKLE Jal!ltmiU • \lftD., 28' Jettries tlabinc boat, 350 hp eDC, aood radios, nnae, mecb ld.nt, Tn.dt for new, antique cu ar dune bQay. S48-~ alt ' pm. 968-6Sa!: m. Secretarial redwood fence. 1 Miles East Xlnt tor retired ptgple LOSf· Brown suede purse DAY can, my home. State Block FUICtl -Patioa ... dow cleantrw; SU.. ~ '&i OleYy Soper Sport, 32?, 3345 Newpcrt mvd., N.8. cl school. $'16,0'.n U want a part er full Rx ilaws (M&uren). Red Li e. Hot lunc:het. Fairview Planten. AdctA rtrnOCk), ~· ~~a:- . p/ plb. R/R, lo mi. ~1601 : . -. mab cue Har1xr lU ASB card. I: Baker. 540-NC Freci .t. 60.aisa Eves. anup, est. ~~Trade for 'G7·'6I DEWXE o1fice ln or.ta Or will •.ubdivid• 10 mobe7 ~ ol )"Om' ~. m..«SG, ~ BABYsrrrJNG, M)' borne. ESTATE Malnt Tne 5-9 vw Bui, same cond. Mesa. 15(X) sq ft Air cond, •er•• •II 1mprov.men11 own. For example '2000 m. '°' Lmpard. " Siamt• cat M•&mU• • Warner, F.V. Contractors 6620 ~~~tr. 963-3121aft1 pm. crpts,. drpg. 548-6761. $55,000 or 30 •cre1 un-ftStmient can net $50 wkb' lf'8f lb1adc spats. Rtw'd. ~ qe. HJ..6f15 GENERAL Omtn.ctor . All ta, -Giii. 3L4 acres dtrus. I..indla)', AVAILABLE Oct J st. lmprovN .21,000. by .~U. C hn maJdnl !M&-0191 BAB'iSIJ'IJNG, My home, carpentry, concrett, ~ &:: l•nchue!!?I '59 Cadillac Sd.V, aood tires, palnt $500 value. Wont pick. up, truck, C1lD'l,ptt or wa.nt to ttnt S BR, CM house, l cat Kiln.If!. 646-54116 Calif., $80.000 equity fat Carpeted •walnut panelirrc .. 0 ?'. Dowft. lelarte• Gn deliveries. Maa Verde area. remodellnc. zs ~ 0 - boa.t, airplane or TD'• ct $'5.. mo. 675-6MC I 1t trust d•ecl. ~2732 perlenci. 531-'f9M, MT-2'2· HILLS A SLOPES ea submit. Paul Stuart.; Own-CMl'A M~ ottW::es. A/C, Call D. W, Wllaon Personlla 6405 BABY srrnNG, my home, ~. Na:t )'tan IA llabn. HgU Sbaqin.L& 3 BR, • BA, bo!tAlcal ..... den, pooL $25,IQ'.l .itY· want 2 ar 3 ccndo ~ts, Npt Bcb ..... Bia 64&-0732 ulb ..... '9<m:I -.,...~. --$2)5 ,., ~ 15'5 COUllTUY TO m11 .... ..., FREE! ..., -...... 3-.... old c • .,..i Cl11nl"9 6625 will "' _..., Got .... PUERTOVAU.\llTA,M,.. Baker,54&-48"~ lllOICIR. MANAGER boy, ..... 6*0188 --1CaD-.ril!ll ico: Com.mm:lial +apart. WILL NIGOTIATEI Retall l:wholeuleoutlet,CJr.. Buie Boattn1 Count CAJtl'C 6 hrD. d•ntnr. * l.Jc'd J.,.._ i.ncbcapt ,......, $85.000 • Trek tar c:..nmo.dll tol5 CALL 147"640 .... Cty °""· Men toeloeled -., th< pttbllc by Ille lrlck. Ma .... ry, etc. fM l U> tlorvlce 6 ~.,. conlnclor; -lnil- ulabl• So. Cll. Pavl Sbw<. APTER 6. muot bave die obWlor to Bolboa....,.SO-..tor 6560 """'· call S1"11ne to. -•aardeno SJ0.1<111 Bkr. 494-3223 10% NET manqe a rftlil store .., ~~~er~:. BUILD Remade! pair brlgbtnea ! 6G.m:I Ventura. Larp new home, clear. wm ucharl&e fer bayfront, w/dock, view er income property ln N.B. area. Lorin ~ 615-2071 Ba,yfront 9 Bdrm_ home. n-p-i'a"A-P~ua._,._..,.. ticn 'If$• ..,_,..'fl\• "t ~.,.h~-i!i ..... WC:..~ Every Monday ·nJ&ht fer l3 Brick,, block, cJn:.e~.· DIAMOND II a carpets bezt Plptrfwinglnt '85q Want smaller or induet 1Jt: ,., ... ....,., • _...,... -...... ...,. &ao;w • ., i.. L-..i .... i .... 7 job too --" friend! Diamond Carpet P•lntfnt Fully leued,, !leW 4 unit dbTct merchand.1-. $15,000 Me...,. ""•"........... p.m.. carpentry, no •11,...· Cleaners. 66-UlT ---=----~ prop. Local ., :;:a-• bJd&., .,..., .,,.,....,..., po. Exchll-R. L 6UO Invest "'I'd, lWly J<CUml. Mon., """'· 15 <brlnr "°"'" Lie.°"'"· 96MM5 \ .=;;::=:==:=::::== 2 ret.1bl1 coll-. I OK. ~ti;-420 Ba~ tenti&l $U5,000. ~" Wm-. VIEW Home Xnlt cond. 3 $250 per wk. to atart + book ant nlabt) at Newp:art & ·~ . .,.,, lotlt. Totol $21D.OOO. BR, 1 hL Xwl hill .,... llh&re of ....... Should ,.. 11arW Ytcht Cub, 1lO W. lulldln 6570 C.rpol Loy!": 1 61126 lludonts contr1ctl119 Trade 2.fOO aq, ft bu&lness rental; ctlice: « retaJ1 ahop for 2nd TD's. n1·21S 62nd St, Npt Jk:b.. awnu, (213) J.M-31"1. eve (213~ l4S-0700 WhatdoJOQbafttt>trldet OwnerM8-<&l1 ---0r,n~-·. turn $25..000 per year, F« B&1 Aw., Newport Beach. 'Pl' • • I • Liit It heN -ID Ortiwo =='======I-·~~ ~uw detail nt.63N8Tl. No--lloo.£1>. *Room Addi"°"' •oR c•RPETING interior orloroot'. °"""1'• 1arpot ftod ,,.._ clnoe San Fru-OUland. ' roll ot c1.ua. J.ZJY -* A-ts 6 Unlit r ~ h qpOll-IUllmeaodeal lntludrill Rllltal 60fO din rm, wwk llbop + 2,... A TT ENT 10 N BEAUTY call m.1155. * Cu&!DmHomea * Kltcbe>" OR CARPET LAYING ousa p<iinling. FOR Leuo, l300 • ""' .. n In .......... dbl .... patio. OPERATORS Own ,.... --* 2 $1My specloll<ts FREE c. A. ,,... m:mo Fr.. 1stl"'-'"· -A * * * * * indvL .,...,.. 111c ., tt, new !4l5l 52>7953. want: own •bop, ..,. "°" could "' HUNTINGTON BEACH la>oot/dnilJt lO "'· exp. 1 !!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bid&. 1"" Lopn st. C.M. "'""'"""' horn<. P..,... of. 3 atatlom, end Sept. 1 • D<c. l6th at Hun• Peclflc Co1tt lulldlr1 Electrical -~ 6640 _X=lnt=w=o~rl<~.~~~9=~=9~3~6-·1 I' '" 0681 '°""' '°' 0"' ..... In ._ B<acb lllllt Scllool, '2c; E. Coolt Hwy. Etiiffi'IUCW<, ll.,.....,, NEED PAINTING? RENTALS REAL ES1AT1! BUSINESS ,.. ilowntown Colla M-. O..t 7 pm. For 1n1o call llG-"39. em.no de! M., entl -small -malnt 4 can us! Re11ab1e -w/ ~-RENT""' M·l! W5 sq. It, FINANCIAL ... pmenL "°""' bu, d>e ftP&ln. 5'Wl!3 Apb. u~m-.....;-..:_;_•'-----Sll5 .... 2Zil ... fl. S2Z ........... -· _., WANTIDI RElllODE!r.\ddl-.cal> ========= Qualltyatltsbo.t.attllo lllllN lallnll 535Sliltlo!!?'.•~l·~~W~1t1~-~~_JS!_!ff0!!! mo. l30ll i-.. C.M, 11111. 0 ortuotltln AOO "mod" """' ond tnnd 0..rwolght Ledin ~.......omcme Ploon '665 rifl=:= 1---------I; 6T5-SUS c.-new, for cnty $4,000. Let I want 10 women 1'bo ll1't 10 .:;:;;:::.===----1 '-'="-----..o.;;;;, LITTLE Balboo lllond on FAMILY N_,. b 0 .,, FAMOUS ,...-iw. -., and can pound• or ...,. """"""' TIME FOR C1.,..i Vinyl Tiie • !PECIAL • GrandC&nal.DeLuu2BR daperate)ylchildftn.~ L... 6100 IRANP NAME Van, at'l'beRealDtaten t.otakepartlncroopwilcbt Allfb2et11."'Clcokn INTERIOR 6 exterior . 1 BA wa...-. w/boot 11, is, 15 6 ll. 646-4511 CANDY R0111'ES M&-nn ond start -1ou P....,... of ,peciolhed lj>UICK CASH """ ••L U.. COlllr. Sl!P· 3 .BR """"" 4 lrim dock $26:io. Yeut,y leue. No NEED .z Bdrm. apt in VACANT Now avallab!e in Costa Meta money! reduclnc. AD inqu1ries co~ 5'1).nt52 5'Mf71 $288. 41 BR er 2 •l:or>' $311. ct.lldn!n o• ..... To -call IWl>er Scb..,... by Sept. l. k many o...,. IDWD< In thll e .. .Plex -$48,IOO, W% lld .. tlal. Aok to. Mn. Tbom. THROUGH A 30 ..,._exp. Chuck 6'5-00 owner rn.<l2ll1 """°liable, 64>-ll55 CLEAN R·2 LOT ..... All io..t1on1.,. com--.. T • u 1 n c o..,,. ., Mt.om. DAILY PILOT Gerdonlna 6610 SV8VRBAN PolntttwJDe: mercl&l er 1.actory, Veey cln&-take OVffr ·P'l'.100 11t Expert Guaranteed Wart H 11 ...., leech 5400 • LANDLORDS • 5 BLOCKS TO BEAO< blah "'""""'no aelJJn& In· TD at 6%%. o....., wlll * D 'ti WANT AD ANTllONY'S Free •<L No job too Wr< un "a;;== FR.EE RENTAL SERVICE R. D. SLATES Rultor1 volved. To qualify )'Ol.l muit finance bt.l&noe at i %. i500 on e or too small.~ 1' URN IS HE D OR UN· Bloker SH-6982 5J6.l8al MT..3519 be miahle 4 have 1 hr & to $600 mo i1X1ome, 3-J BR • PAINTING Int A Ext FURNlSllED W.\jiTEDt C.,... Oir cu LARGE R-2 lot, """ bnlld 4 u, ,..,. time <U>• "' ~ 1-2 BR 2 bath opt. with Coll "' il ynv '"'1 belie"" In PlAINUIG 644-4860 contnclod picel. 1"llr Ina. Z 8edm'Jm carpeta, drapes. atorase, vie. Balboa 1111.. units.. Centnll3' Jocatmd tn eves). . fireplace • air c on d . cave •bte dati~. The Be1t, CIOltl no more! Satfd¥tlon OW'· .,_ ..a. builtina. aood location. One m-9685 Mary-Franoel Hunttnaton Beach. $1DXJ. ~ to ~ ~UIRED Buildlne CM!r «XXI 9Q. fL ORANGE ro. 5411668 TO na.nna t Experienced. Maintenance Jim Weeks t7J..llM block to 5 Points Stores. BOAT Slip er DlOOl'in& fnr •· 53&-«i6T ~ ..!~. ""M·'-~~ well be Io w ttplattment 2-4 Hr record1na lllil'SVKl.J Buda'et Landacaplna ll.10 up. Owner 64.J-.21135 •"""" _., ouoe ... ~ ,.,. --• .. , 5 ~~·" "··t .... 1o Graduate Horticulturist •FOR Better Pa.in~, in- Mana;er 'l'ZOl Ellil Apt D ~~!.!:_~.~? l -918 5 M LOI'S. Coat& ?if~ l'lOJt ture stture with tn. & Dwm ;;~, ~ ~·~ WANTED: Lovinc. kind, terlor le exttttor, &COUIU 8G-83ll3. =~-~--~,-,-==--·I 309. Zon!d 35 units. Phil &: Bradstrfft rated National Smiley Rltr. g 4 3 _ 2 2 21 cbl!erful DWI over 40 to be y~p~ ="'=il""'=',;,· ,,.64M077....,,_,..,,.,6,..54W:llll=....:,I ).iiiiiii;i;i;;;;;o;;;;;;;;o;;iiii5 I BAL JJL. )'rl.)' to $190 by resp. SUlltvan. S4l-678l. Co. Tor more information $46-9666 ' father to tffnll8 etrl and Sprirllder inat.J.led &: • _1.. PAINTil"lG. Ext-Int. ~ Jn * IEACHBLUFF * ......._ Fum/un!. eva. lelld name, •"""u 4 pbone Ri'flRED "°""'brother, p!UI hWlbend ··~· exp Im Lio. ,._ oat N ' , 3 8 , 2 Ba, FA 6t6-S1. LI s..zm Ranches 6150 no. to: ROtn"E DEPT, P. o. Per 1 on for to tbetr mothef. Send name, ed. New lawna. cleanups. ._:._. .. • "'-~· ·- ew ""' · · ·• l~~~~~:":~~ii\.!"-~-~~~~~~C.~l~U~. ~~! -In -frao.. .1---'-"'-· Monthly Service, ""1Ua\. .......... -diahwshrs, patios, pocl, MOJ'HER, w / 2 daughter&, P<J.'o !1769 · addtta I.~..,....,., to P. view, 1 & 2 Story, waIJc: ta needs l BR home ar apt in 0.Mrt Resort R•ncih CANDY SUPPLY chi3e business. $2IXX> fttuml 0. Box ~ MJ.uicn Viejo, 968-19'28 p~i:. ~~.ir: :Ii Points Shop'r, H.B. Nn.'JIOl"l Beach.. 6'2-1633 232 acres dole ln to Palm RDtrrE ~!,to~. PIT, no Rll-1 ,,:Collfomla::;::=:,:...~~~~-Qu1ll'1 L1wn Service bended. Reta. ftlm.. &a.m. 847-3957 * RENTAL SERVICE * Sprin&1, All fenced I: crou AFFILIATE "•· PALM 1:; Card Read.in&. Establllhlnc new route by FREE TO LANDLORDS fenced wtth steel plpe posll CNo 5e1Una: Involved) O 6•10 Advice A help en mmy well Qown proleaional PAJ:NTING 8Q' area 15 m, DELUXE newly ~ted l Blue Beacon &15-m.ll &. drill nid.. AD 1t:ed worlc11;'i' Excellent income for few Investment ppor. " matters. Fully llc'd. Open Reuon., refs. 645-2754 expel', Immediate ~. J!R l~ b&thl; 1tud'ic with =========I=:-~hu~~mapln.:! hourwnl-) D~~1or1 SlLENT Interest. Chain dally 10am-10pm. NEW Lawn1 ~ _can='-'Bol>=.;•;;.t.:,-;;.;.o;.;.. __ I retrig &: blt-U.. l blocks to Rooms for Rent 5ns . i.u•• eve. np • ~-.... co -motor hold lnd Sambo cof. 213/1117-8272, 210 w. Whit-Complete lawn care, clean Planerlng, Reptlr 61IO beach. $140 per month --'--'----"-'-"I ~· .. io.:,.~· .. -..1 Aof 1~ leeting snooey from. coin fee shop. l % yr aid-Net tier Blvd, La Habra. Next up by jqb or mcnth. Free ___ _..._.,__, ...... ;;;I n-adewinds Realty 841-8Sll. PVT. room A bath + me.a u=s ~;o;J P ~ operated dllpen1er1 in Cotta Xlo/o _ tax ihtl~ for to LaHabra walk ln theatre, etUmates. Call 846--0932: • PATCH PLAS'l'riuNo. MODERN 2 BRa. all extn1. ~ ~-'7 :~ ~ puttitt and al!alfa~nch :a e! ~ 2%-7% avail. ~1893 LICl~SED adv1 ~~. ~ ~ Fltt attmate. $13,;.$145. Some w/pool. ocean in Laguna. Ref.a. Is Pft!lerrtly UMd for pUre name .brand , candy I: Splrltual Rea in&:•. ot -=========\ Mgr; 174n Keel!lon Ln, HB. 494--Q61. bred beet herd cperatlon. ana.ck1} $1575. Cash ~ Money ~ Lean mo on all matters. 312 N. E1 lndustrlal·'*"~"' ~de •. nti&J. P1umbln..i "'° Eves: 847-lb94 Thia ia cne or the fin6t tm-quired. F« penonal in-Camino Real, SU: Clemente ~ • CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS ~~R~~ =~J:: p~ rancbea In~-Calif. tervtew in Cost& Mna area, 2nd TD Loan ~·. :-::1 JapeMH Gardener PLUMBING rtEPAIR No job too tmall • 64W2JI. 8234 Atlanta .\ mmt be seen to ..,... &JP~ eend name" addtta I: pMne , ExPllt ., comp! yard &e:rvice r 1 Bdrm. Pri pr. Pool. ~~48 now. Ma.n on I Y :~ = S:OO·: = number to' Multi-State lnc. Prompt, oonfidentJal service Attr•ctlve Exptrt Frw est. 66GlU. a2303 waabu/dr)'f!r. SJ6..3927. ......iv For f~ inform&. 9051 E. ~perial Hwy., '42·2171 545-0611 YOUNG WOMAN Exp'd J&plDell!! Gatdl!!ner. ========:I vrw new deluxe 2 2 BDRM'S So. of Hwy. 1 blk. ,_.tlon.v ;.,_ue call Emert Eck-~. C&liL WU2 (2U) Se.rving Harbor area 20 yrs, dancer wW teach you all ~plete yard aervtce, ~~_model, Repair,. ... Br, 2 Ba A 2 BR. 1 BA aptL from beacb. SJ.BS. Adults, no hoU """' 861411. Sattler Mo.._,_ Co. l&tl!!lt ltept. Call Ardell tree etum&te Ml)...1332 $175 mo. S36-6TJ> pets. 642--7898 ''• •-213 : 511-m8 1·10 PM . " BUILD, Remodel. ~ BEA,..._.. 1 bolA" 1 .. -. --. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. AAA. CANDY SUPPLY 336 E. 17th Street ENJOY ti TREE Senlce. tuerai yard Brk:k. block, 11 an ct• te 2 BDRM. 2 BA. pvt patio, healed pool, washer book up. 96]..899f \,J1. ...., .... "' '"'" 1813 W. Cllapma.n Ave. ROUTE , economy vaca on cleanup. Rototill I: sprinkler crpntry, no job too sraaD ' private entt' hltb, Util. pd <>ru&:e, calif. (NAME BRAND CANDY) Morf:aHM, T.D. 1 6345 C&t&lina lalaz.d. Fram S8 ll!!l'V. fM6..6M8 LLlc.~Oot~~,~·=-· =,,.-,o..!i!_!;~ $75. 675-0542 eves. «•• 2621 Ewf.wknas -· _4 Exd•'-wort mu-I: ~ mktweek fl1r two; Hermosa -7 LARGE comfortable room. .;ru· ' __., ....,. ""~ OONSTRUCl10N Money Hott.I Ph:me Avaloo 117 CLEAN·UP SPEClAUSTl * lF yau nm1 remodell:rc, convenient ara, Pl per ~"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-"'I = .. ~"°: coin available 1lr iDcome pro. iLlX>OOucs ~~ Mowizw, ~ odd ;j)b&. p&intina or ttp&h's. Call l'L:::!l~"';o..:ll:;U:;:.:;ch:;__.:57.:,0S;;;; I week Call IG-1758 Ac,.... 6200 l.ftlL Mut~1o dt'f'Ote dudas ,........1:y, Fcnt&n • Pblme 60-7217 ;;;;m.'"'i: R.euonab!e. 5tM955 Dick, &tJ..1197 OCEANl'RONT, Utll pd, no SEPARATE.-....nvete 22 + ACRES 2tollnper-kli>mob =-= :'"' P.O.Bozl2230otla-F;J;,!".;:,~p= ............. """ ... 1175. bath. 'IV, .. ,. crpl&. f15 c"Lo·SE TO """ rood Income, No -0 If I co B v 1161 n ';':: I wUI not "' _ .... for s.w;., '"° Will furn. $1Ml5 att 6. mo. * 60--M • inc fD?Wvecl. Apartments, etc. Writ• or any debts ~pt my own. SLEEPING Room for man, ANAHEIM 1991ID13.9IO required call TIU• Realty l Ronald "..,,.,. _.._ REAL ESTATE -•...,. l entr ~. mon111 (8uod on..,, or full -l •---~--~ 21.i ••. . ., STADIUM y., penoaa1 -'" :::::::.~e·,,,~dw1.~,· '••-Ann-nts '410 General only. $35. 15f3 <>ranee, C.M. )'CUI' era. seJld name, M-~"' , .-rur llentata Want9d 5990 BEDRM, Pvt bath~ kit and UADY lot devdapme~t dreu I: pbtme: no. to: tncbam. JJabem• ~Ill PlltMANINT~ , ·.;;;;.;:.o;;...;__.____ ... v'a, ln<ley, prr. lleflnec1 Productive en,.. Grove will l'R.\NS-Wli:STERll DIS!' CO Phone <lml z;t-5286. SPICI •L ,. c"" °"""'' READY to • • ~ • y ~ WIDOW. Teenqe IOR Ir wen lady. Refa, $85. '93-3188 u ~ WILL FINANCE 590 No, Azua Ave. to% Ret ... r. n. 2 wb •wtina Sept, 12 ............ ltll1 do( -FURN ...... In beaut CdM ::'mCED RIGHT CALL OovO>o, Calli. 91122 IJ,$n.<S 2nil """ -... 112.50. ;'7.IO parUy fun) 1 or 2 Br apt or home for angl penon. $125. NOW! • DISI'RIBU'IORSHIP wrrH· bl.nd amall ht en lot wtth Rqren: Btauty World llb1 boua Net over $12> Rds, no 11tdx!l1. fB.4lS9 WE SELL A HOME OUT 1 NV Es TM ENT: Lquna'e tlnnt oceu view. So. Cout Plua. *'1'990 mo. """""1 EVl!RY 11 MINUTES n.lwoe .,.,,,.,, .. dru1 $C0 P<• month Incl. 9'° 3 SUN SIGN ATROLOGY NEED1orJbedruom.hoUle Motela. Trlr. Crta. 5997 sped&lltlea to tavern1 Jl'l,229'DisooWtt. cJu1K. Rf&'\,lte' now oro-ntbyOrlDbl<ltt liNIGJlTUP Walker & lee ............ ·-•1•: BROKEll ... 1131 ' Betrlnnen·Advtticed: • mo.oo lMl1 "' ... 1 dilld • ··-~ _ ... ~ ,.....,, -..__ w ~ •• 50 can the ""' m.,., m-em call a.fta c or week.end&. Rll'O'--•"'• 1' •• m-. ~ 201,J WestdW Dr. eUTIUW htah datl7 cub ,..._,., .,.,_ .. dQ'I or ~aft. .. 548-:W •--""""°" 146-Tru O,,..EWo, -•montb~71--------w ·~ TO •u•r• ecate.Bar L~ •--..&. ovuwrlt&E•e.rrth trwWANTEDt 111),000 1st TD, CHURafclloill,~l:lllNdo ~ ·~ -~ 2311 N""°" Bl. CM -fun<ll>od -. but mut be W% 15 ,.... -by ed. Oppor1Wt1'1 6lr - MATURE ooupla wnvld lll•• 5'l-9lOS 7 ACR S W/~IRMIT -•bl< Pvt or full "-185.000 Comm. bid. Bkr· \!"~'~"'"~===== to "'"" a nlot ....,,.. About WEEKL.Y ra!ts ... Lutt TO KllP HORSIS Wrtte O<EXCO D ti. M+4D l:i;.'::J:..""""'·Box "113 -. 23111 N<wport m ..... AdlM:tnt -~ ;•• 1 ... 111.. Pblla..i>.. am 1·AN=NOU=~N~C:~~=~s-·1 c""!'W>' Lott '418 MEDICAL -.-°"'* -~·l'"c.":w 1.11.::0 iiAUTICIANS encl NOTICU BY OWNER. f P4CD'IC L--..:0.. dad. Be Y<IUt ~ 'Doll. lWrtfd V1EYr Wter7 ••••. ~·=~~ MllC. Rontalo "" MAKE OPl'IRll -. -Ille. "7.aJM l'ountl IP-Mil -liC5 ... ...,.,.. -In !ll1'lll1 ... STORAO!I Conae Oir mil Writ< or con1act1 C-W-II. •IJQ. IJC'S. Onnp, SU GREY • ""''" -litt. ..... I N~ "SO cf9JVt for nnt. m...3l93 $J> ~ 0-.. Mesa Kre.-. Bax 81" l,,qUDa Dttao SIJ,500 on taJt; ten. •bout M lftOI old. Vlc .,.._. .,. Ellll'LOYED .,.. -apt -llucll or -'°'"'711. ll0,000 oU tol<. COll WINS. ....... Dr. NB 1(1.1563. I Will not lit ~ llr In..,.,_ f<r _k .. nd-'-SINGLECAIIGABAGE.C... loYourMlit--t 1VH..Uect~) mot! 14 YOUR 4D IN a.A.SS!· atifdtblsorobllplltDOir RIM CIM&tllcatlolls 650CMfOO ...... 0111\Y PllOT Houll"I . 6?30 TRASH HAUUNG .........,,.. ·• us.mo 'l'ILE, Ceramic 6974 YAllD/fll' --trea, tvy, dirt, trutor ,..*..Verne, TM 'n19 Man * ..,_,andttlU?CS -L-it.ImtaD6 ..,,.in. ll,CLEAN;.;;:;;:;:;:UP::;:,.:;llts-;,;•=_...::.;:;_ I No job too mtllll. Pluta Tree A ahntb temovaf. patdl. ~ •·bowe r Rffsonable. MS-1358 repair. M1..J.95T/tlMIB - nine work. P.O. Box n ona del Mtr. Sl5 month Someone wtU be looklns b 'nl!: SUN NEVEi\ 8ET8 a. f'IEDJ SomfOQll wm be Manha Cramer. R1chard L. &lbot. lll•nd • 675-&m • tl ow &G-6611-16 Q :-;;,ey,m w.urr ~~. '°*';' tw tt. ow tOa'JI ..,,en-,,.._. __ _,____ ·========= • I ' . I' ~I I 'i 1 • I I · ' I· I I I r ' l • .. . ----....,.._ ........... ~ -. ~----. --. t~11'..,:Xt~"-.i'\~'iC~ "~ ilf:'IVW'~'"fltvw....-.ff . • ' Fior Your Con'tenlence -AU Positions OH.reel ARE LISTED 'ALP.HABnlCAtL Y IN CL'A$SIFICAT10tf ~7100. HELP WANTED <Men and Women) NEW! ' . ' ..Oas .. EMPLOYMENT l Joas .. EMPLOYMENT Joas .. _1,W'LOYMmNT 'JOBS .. IMPLOYM!NT JOU .. iMPLOYMENT JOU .. IMl'l;OYMINT JOIS .. EMPLOYMINT JOU .. EMPLOYMENT JOBS .. ~MPLOYM!NT Joi> Wontod, Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Joloo ""°" w.,,.. 7100 Jobi Mon. Wom. 7100 Joloo Mon, Wom. 7100 Joloo Min. w..,,_ 7100 Joloo Mon. w .... 7100 Joloo A\1n. Wom. 7100Jobo Mon. Wom. 7100 w-7020 BOOKKEEPER · • , • ,~I ~'C.="'...;.~ 'ri:i"""~~ RE$TA!JRANT,PART&FU,LLTIME ' CHECK HERE -, -· - Npt Bell ..... 6""""' ~E1Ec ~ BUSBOYS -. Wl'TH THE . ;fi••· Jolt W1ntod <lj) w. °"""Hwy. WAITDtff£S , • plllOllftll Mtn & Women 7030 "'7oo~~EPE~J> 11 -JOB ', KINGS!' ~ COLLEGE STUDENTS F/C. P/L HOSTESSES AVAILABLE DMV ....,.....,. helpful. a1'o for all m-s cl wot1r. ""'tact w/yoq (>llblie, ' OISHW'"UERS MALE Commercial 833 DOVER DRIVE N&WPOllT BEACH fH2.3870 P t1m ~" Niguel""""""",._,,.. IWll art e, 'I.AU! 26(£1 Gel1)' Roa4 c1111o~C:11. Laguna =Tl""' Parl< COOKS D""'-, Jr, ,. $UO lor Dear Appli .. nfs , • • Tool • die. _,. prev. '""· Pie ... la apprisocl that th• COUMelots -~Senn ... BOOKKEEPER F/C BARTENDERS ....,. pl -lmmed. w UPLE WANT to manap Can YoU take full cbarae ot Apts. 1 child -experienced. pa.yable, r • c •Iv• b I e (%1.3) .-..2255 prepatt )l'OIJI' OWD ttportB, "' 2 ,..... ooilere -.,. •I Newport Personnel would vory APPLY IN PERSON 17.$'s'is r,,.... much ~k1 tho plHsure of your com· 2 y.._ con.... ;:': .-.. pany to clisCllSS with you th• mony Jive-in. Domestic. type A work t.odependenib' Perm.anenL Experienced. ll ao -please call us! -OJ>P!Y. advnc. bHutilul jobs evaU1ble to you 11 this REUBEN. E. LEE Far Eut ;......,, 6'U103 Salary open. 6""'1>0 151 Eoat Cooll Hlghwoy lsmy Coot Cit! to $SOO limo. Fut o:p. inv. eOtit. " Kar- dex. Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 A=antlng OMV BOOKKEEPER BOYS 10 • 14 Newport llMch CUrler Roula Open tor t .. etthry C-._ ~~i:'.ar""""' Jobi-Mon, Wom. 7100 J .... ·Min, Worn. 7100 IT...r111I $450 / -~ ~-~~-~Wh=--~ ..":;i * DRIVERS ·* wlhl ..-., ...,. co11,. •. CPA In pluah ,., .. o!lioe. Mu.I"'~~! ':y~ ...... FRY COOKS No Experience =··· . -to a.rm & personality • mu.st ings. over 16, good appear. Necessary• :.~ ~!aoo~ J~ a.nee required, App),y in Pl"· T6p wages, permamnt, boft.. Jdust bav. deu ealironiia ( Nltht Operotron $450 Employer pays all lees at l'l:ln. Richard's Lido Market. ~ lhd &ood wodcin&. ~ drivtnr m=d APPb. =e) Compeny wants Aamel Bureau of Employ. 3433 Via Lido, N.B. ditlona in arte's lea.dins" YELLOW (AB CO young rnan with biih •-·--.t.-.>.. ~ • .:::hooJ. CK fl yrs. o( college mmt Apncy located at 91'.M BUSBOY res~~·t. ~ 9 am to :> 186 E. 16th St. in bus or ~v in off N. Main. Santa Ana. All h'et' Available: lunch .I: dinner. pm for mteT"riew at Costa Meu. bkgmd: Good oppiy, tor~ Also, pleaso be ovclisecl !hot m1ny of th... top p•ying positions ere IN poicl by our lovely employori. To b4I perfectly honosl, howovor, not .n of our employer• ruli11 yot that this is the opplicenl'r marht right no:w. W• will b1 expecting • telephon• in· quiry from you 1t your ••rliest con· venience. MACHINISTS (Must ... 1Xpori1ncM) Hone Operator Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators CADILLAC CONTROLS Dlvlalon of Ex.COii• Corf!- 186G Whittier Ave., -CO.ta M ... 6*-2491 An e_qual opportunity employe r MAIDS ~ pORTERS ExciHna apt complex needs tun & part time help, Good pay. Call Faye at 642-3170 M•lntenanee Mechenic to $606.00 call Ann, Merchants Person. net Aaency, 20U Westclitt Dr., NB. &l.S-2TIO PART TIME NOW HIRING Largt:, national compatt:r, ""- pandiog in ar.,,.. .,,.,,.,.. We need part time men to work ewninp 6:30 to 10:19 p.m. Accounting Supervisor Preler18 yrs. or over. MANNING'S ENGINEER: Civil or Strue-vnc. W~ 2 to 10:30. $750 DISHWASHER tura!. Growing C., nearny. J A MGMT. TRAJNEE: 01" lino eareer opportunity for )11& 24631 El Toro Rd. sleeL Head engineer. Co. 2 yrs. college or equiv.~ N bent. Co. pays fff. To $MOO. TOP STARTING PAY No experience neeeaa.iy, For intaview call Mon. 4: Tue~ ,,.._ Not .......,.,.. XInt AM • PM. o.., 11 :vn. COFFEE SHOP De•ign & detsll '"'"""" r. ....._,. $600 ifi= Kindost lt•gorcls, c:o., outstan<llns oppt;y flill man. Can Kay 546-541D * APPLY IN PEltS'lN ,. Ltl.Jure World Lquna Hills benas .. nied ins. $12,00J to bkgmd. GL to TB.' 1wport Call co~~~ JASON BEST 831·1Dl< 111.000. Avto PIS ClllT M.. agancy p I S ff 2190 Harbor Bl, c..ta Me,. l--:o-'7.:.74-.:,725=1'---1 2120~ ~"'k. Snaclc Shop No. 1 ~··$2~ ,:."'L 3 Call~ Whi~EN~ -.. $500 1nonn• ,. MARINE MECHANIC PAYROLL A/P 2305 E. C011t Hwy. <Xl'l'TAGE (X)FFEE SHOP 7190 Harbor BJ, Costa Mesa Minimum 1 yr, exp. in coun. 833 DOVER DRIVE Experienced. tarre CU5tom 180 emp~1, mllft be fl. Accounting Cltrk Coron• del Mar, C•I. ,,_ W •~• CM. ter aa1ea jobber '-1-..i NEWPORT BEACH ......... ,------s. rnillaJ" with data pJ"OCeUhig Must be accurate typislJ --==-===--ll cco.i-'::-'T;'~-if§i""~·~ER ESI'ABJJSffED 105lll'a0Ct • • .,...-,iu.. 642-3870 ....,., ........ •vy .. _.. procedures. Good--· BUS BOYS COOK -HOUSEKEEPER. Leada avail. >I.I!. olllce. SKILLED Wl!'~~stAT CMW-MISS EXEC AGENCY ABILITIES or ~ma.a. (Xlnt) far 2 Outler oppt. 615-6383 ~I UJ.J Polll.1:1' •• 410 W. Coast Hwy UNlJMl'I'ED AGENCY Daya. 5 dan/week. adult& NB. Write Dally Vtttdlq Mecll Stnc ~I MECHANIC Newport Beach 646-3939 '88 E. 11th. &rit. :m Apply In perao•" Pilot Box P 904• EXECUTIVES $2.75 .. GENERAL OFFICE ·• JANITOR e fm_oort autot, Good "" bon. PBX Receptioni.t: x Int Costa Mesa 642-1410 HEAD CUSI'ODIAN Il -mavitJe to Newport Beach. Cl.ear> cot, aharp ~-man Permanent,, full t ime. dits. Gftlllp ms. fil'.lOcf comm. work oond, Loe.al. To $375. ANSWERING service Opet· COCO'S High IChooJ graduation, and New Ivan Well's quality to serve vmdinc machs., Lite Typing I ISLANDER Harbor area fastest grawlng Call Sally Hart ~ al:Dr. Experience preJerrm, ...., .,,__ .. : __ .__, __ .. ~ Y'8IJ'I of experience in view bomea in Dover Shor-gNlveyd. shift. llnnde& pondeentAvP,• .• r!'!',"'c MOTOR HOMES · !~'!, _&_?..totordMeallke•r.. Ph. COAsrAL AGEN,...... but will min. · •o&-.....a uiana: icltool custodial w or k, es,La.tge4bd:nn3bathfam. L. Orang ..,...., .,..............,_,,, 2790HarborBl,Coat.a. ... Meu e 540-~ e Newport Center, NB preferably including one ily ?'00lll$. Stt models a pen Jour••rmu Mech CM 6f2..00l6. 545-0979 I ;rus~~ea,,,..,~~_!Dr!!·::.· !:°"~tac!M~eoa~jj..;..-;;;Mi;eclwllcclii:Oi·t°:wanwrtitedd.:--- BUS BOYS needed t or yearina1upe r vi1ory dailyat 1430Gal&xyDrtve. toSlOOO a;neraJ ' JANITOR Ulllon '16 Station Auemtte1'I various lhift.a. Apply at 5 capacity. Salary be&: ins 646-1550 Min. S yn:. e:q, .. ell a.round TALL )'OUDI man. Jt.S. &:rad 1900 Newport !llvd, C.M. pm, in pel"tl01l to Mr. $544.00. Appty Monday thru EXEC SECRETARY mech., own tocts. for 5% Day week. incl Sat I: OR Medicel B•ck $00 Ana:e l o, TO WE R S Friday from & a.m. to 4:30 Sun. Bays.Ide Fish Market, JANITRESS Local gen1 praetioner. Xlnt RESTAURANT, 1515 s. p.m. at 1901 Newport Blvd., To President. Top tiki.lh and loaf Mtch from $).hr 2!llO Newport Blvd, NB. working conditions. Call Kay Coa!.t Hwy, Lacuna Beach Clauilied Personnel, Costa grooming. Lite Bkkpng. Pub. Gas & diesel e;i(J>Ccienoe. GENERAL 5'£54lO om.D care, Harbor View Mesa, 645-0600. Closin&: dale lie contact. sharp, :telf Part Time 7 AM to 11 AM P/time. aft 5 pm, Mon-Fri. to JASON BEST areL I need a nelghbmo who September 19, 1969. M"""s er. Lube &: Lot Mn $2 • ..,. or 8 AM to Noon. No Sellinc. wt'lrlc ur CM, NB or Irvine Emp~nt Agency W'OUld provide "emertency'' DELIVERY -Men wanted I S EXEC AGENCY It have service ,ration lube 6384698 or su.M60 area, Apply at 1775l·2C Sky. Zl20 So Main. Santa Ana care tor children ... 12 ._ tor early mom;•• ...... 4lD w. Coast Hwy. exp. wW trn. in lot .. m. ,;:;;.;;:;;;:..,::::.::;:;;..~-=1;~..,..=~0n:le~:O.Itvine~-:0~"'°'~191=011MDl·.:;;::::.=::..:::::_ ~~!!!' .... """"'"'"""""' • --e ... v N-·-Bea h ~··~ Oca ut GENER A L C'ook I: ' ' IUIEN 13 wh:>se mother works in rw~. HB. FV area. AptnvX .. ~.,..,.. c """"'""" n c ' HOU.!lekecper, salary open. nt PHQTO..lab tech. Mot baw Puad,,,.. 644-2300 an 7,30 2\i hrs per day.,.,...,, EXEC SECTY $600 Tr•od •o1 Opor 0wn t••••,. l'1'-~1318 • Journeyman 0-.'litx," • tut..,. r.. .,.., "od ......., ;10 .., .ASSEMBLERS p.m. Delivery Fee rdmbuned. Laguna to $3.90 hr G EN E RA L: Full « pert M h • men Who ~.will!hc to work 388 Runttngtm,. Beai::h. 1£1<--""'"*'aJ usemhlY Child Care WANTED: Auto earrien for Beach area! Pttfer some Do aetuP. time-Over 18-TAS TE E ec en1c 8 hrs per day. That'a tf>I! p LA$ TIC$ ·~-.~.rl ............. ..t~ PLAYROOM attendant over a!ternoon Register Route corporate experience. xlnt ~~ 2966 ft~~• CM Foreign car experience pre-anl.Y requittment. We will WOM:r::N TRA"-· 1.~ UJC> Ml'll'I' ~.. &kW CCI ntlfl, ~ .... II ~~-.-....... • ' fened, min 5 year& exp. train YGU Open in: . u•~: ..,...._-enced. or will train. 2L Part time needed im· for CO!lta Mesa & beach a. rpe -• Gfl>eraI • lot • • -z_ ti~n moldin&' on • w f 11 c . med. can Ray Randall a.real. Pleue call 540-3006 A?D..ITIES Moken $3• hr. « ..... VY.... shift. Must be-d-ndab'· 002-3366 UNUMl'I'ED AGENCY be SALESMAN-Mechanic. Ai>' e R.eceivilll: ~..-ll!J, 1,,..===....,.,.----DENTAL otttce Ne~ 188 E. 17lh St., SUite 224 $l. ., must be eXJ>er, ply 1725 Superior. C.M. Lube Man • Aaaembly and •~1Y in Ptt30n; 1 1D 4 C1ll Por.-..1 Oopt. (n41 494-94411 TELONIC I ENGINEERING co. --- M.tS :r: SITI'ER needed before school "" 3rd ...-. Newport fih:fta. - MD J: SlTl'ER • 3 mo 00y, my home. Mon.3 hrs. Fri g. 5.15 wkly. Call ti4&4798. M.DJ:SITI'ER. pt-time. 2-4 PM actt001 daya, o w n ttamp.54!>-4369CM YSI1TER -ma tu re man w!t b own transpartaHon for 2 older cbildrtn fool' attemoons per week. Mesa Verde. ~2928 att 6:!!0 PM tsAJ:S:iSI'ITER. 8:3(1..5:30 or 11:1).5:30. my ho m e . 5l6-J161 tor want: weekday rnomB, my home. Lit• lw:ll.aekeeping. 833-0431 PROOF OPERATOR • TELLER CHRISTMAS Money now. prefer mature woman with Coi;ta ltfesa 642-14?0 Phnnben, EIKhtdolli ~ statian . nee •I: Parts dept. PM. 850 w. 18th St., CM. Sell l.miet' CDsmetics, a Co. front dealt exp> Send resume General Office $400.00 nect-·-. tx:pent Company re!ocatinC in Irvine Press Man to $7 hr. Of """_._, .... _ _.. 841 -• • qu-"4'-""-..... Box p. 11' ...... -.. ........ Jn .r.. .. 1 .. --~-$3. hr., most be exper. ""'"'ing 50+ and wutk. ..--e1 P,,....,. '""'J"".,_ "OoU .,. ~ ..... uv•• w ...... .....,~ --~ ',t!_i.-und, •all '.....::7:..:. BARWICK DATSUN Industrial compl~ Oct l sl Or will take traint'e ($2.JO CLEANING •·•· d 912, Dfl.11y Pilot. and overlock. Good piece "'"'"6'" .. .....,,,....., Local lntervi -.. hr) 4 -1---.......,. w&n te Wt'lf'k """" rudy -~· UNSKILLED Me----•-Per&onnel A......_ 99&So.CstHway,Lq Bcll . ewz:, ~IK a.p-~n '-UIVI"p ........ ,prus, % day/wk. $2 hr. ALSO oo-DENT A-L C b l ...S • d ' 8 ,,...,.-,., •-u .... ,.,, tcllll ~--.· 494-9771 or .,..., _.., potl'l:tmet\t call (213) 619-2261 Service completed. Tremen-• r 1 e EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust cy, 2043 Wes Dr., 1•. • ............... do ~ · · caaional oyernlght babysit-Assistant. Send your work SL Westrntnster· 534--8738 Cook1, fr $J. •r 64.S.2TIO I '!'"'! .... '!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MODELS WANTED us. "l'l'Y' ·IUllt)' with ex. ter. El Toro, 836-5591 resume and qualifications ' ' n ,;;;;:,=.:,;;,=.,.,......,...-,--1 LA D I ES 23 • 6 unm-Women-Men..cblldren ot al1 cepnona.J cont)lQlly benefits. ,Cl<rical;::, . .:::,.;:::.::...::;:.:=: __ I lo: 8oJC M-644 Daily Pilot FACI'ORY Trainee (shill io-Experienced boiler m<'n. GIRL FRIDAY: TY Pi n I • cumbered, nicely built, in-aees to do T.V. Com· GAYNOR .DENT AL assistant, o r a I surittY ottlce, x·ray C!Xp. tation) and shipping clerk good location. S'lartlli at $347. telllgent to work tn A: lattt merciah. Trace S b ow g • Pt>rsonnel Agency days. Shift work. FERRO Disltwosher, lushoy Opportunit;y. manage new bar in Hemet Grand Openinp, Magazine 225 E. 17th St. SECRETARIES S48-Tll9 CORP., Fiberglass Division, Sl •65 ltr Call Sally Hart 541)..6(155 area. Salary now + l9lary layout-. Fa.sh i 0 n and Santa Ana 542-72111 188ll Fibeflla,ss Rd., Hunt COASTAL AGENCY &: .__..__ I Ge.,.,.., Photogra -of all R I £ vJi lkh. • 2700 H ...... Bl. Coeta M"' """''"'-• a In • · p .. , · 83 state Sales KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Swing thitt. One year key. punch experience desirable. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jomborff Rood N•wport Beach Equal opportunlly empleyer CLERK m1sT· • DISH ASHER • 1-i'=.,--.,,-.,,-~~-213/592-15'n kinds. There l!l no fee in· Foreign Cor M1ch1nlu DriTlf $2.00 llf. wived and .,. are "'' a Good co. benefitll. Incl paid ~:8;1 llc1·• know Or. Cnty., HOSTESS ~~IES.!e:y'lO ~~tFan~ school. We are in the vacation, group iJ:u, um. n cu · adverti.s;...,. and marketing F'ULL TIME Llnprit-. Equal o p p o r t . .. .. fonna furnished free. Good employer. We train 546--3508 bw;lness. Part time work. comm. schedul~. Ask fot Madllnt.t Trolweea $Z.J5 Nights &. weekende Excellent pay. P hone Joe Moore Pb. 540.1764. swmg abltt. Must be over 21 Laundry Pre&Mn 62.S-292J Anaheim No experience nece68al)' Fry Cook H.B. 84....,.. MOTHERS .. """. • .. ,,, r.. ll Foct TrnHS to $2.10 Apply between 11 & 5 IChool (irl + lite duties, Mon * FULL TIME * EXPERIENCED THE RIGGER l:Jlper, top pay, fu time All .. ~. FIV! CROWNS Live-in, motherleu home. tl!rU 'nlur M. Fri ~11 am. Bob's Catlee <:\v,.. ,., Lit d ti ••••• #16 Faatrion Island 1400 s. El eamm:.''&ri a RESTAURANT e u es, ex..,_.,.e for Own transp. ;so wk. Balboa Newport Beach 3&t1l E. Pacific Cout Hwy. room & board. 645-0770 Bay Oub ~2479 FRYCOOK wonled, Exp'd. FEMALE CM>oa del Mar LOT & DETAIL MAN NURSES AIDES Apply \n person top wages, mu.st have re!s. Ov :n. ood --~~~---· I Bayside Inn, 353 Paci.fie lnY Cont elk te $500 Housekeeper . er K steady posi· Experienced. Large olend· DTSHWASHER I KITCHEN Coast Hwy, N.B. 673-0934 P.<1.st Inv. cont. exp. & Kar-URGENT! Live in or out. l10n wltb outstandin& co. ed care bospttal need! YOU! HELPER (Male) s•··dy Mo••··Ie" ho-. Ma..., benefits. Group ins., etc. 0-1 .. tho11e who care need uoa FULL-Tbne m&id!I. resort dex. Heavy phones. wg· ...... Phone"...,,"~"""A·'t ~ k ·~ job. Day Shilt. Top wqes. hotel, Laguna Beath. woman onl,y, 2 boys 1 A:. 9. ~ -or ....... uc apply. eau w.,,,,. 833-0113 2 + 64&-1365 w.1m • v ... MACHJNE OPERS' Ideal ROY ALE' RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN ,,.,...,...'O;,._i;Jl960i;i,...,...iii,Onlor Dllk Cit! $105 I,, S4>.J9'l2 oppty. 10 ,,.,..... .nth · Goll Oiur!e, llKl21 Culver GeneraJ Mtt5t haw carpet order de&k HOUSEKPR U~in. I 0 r mechanical aptitude. Will 546.6450 Rd, NS--Irvine, nr. ua. exp. elderly coople, m at ure a.ocept traineeL Full Co. NURSES AIDES A:. LVN DISHWASHER • Full time. Apply OOIE's. 21.2 E. 17th St., Costa Meu. Goo otc $105 wk. \\'ork with Vf'Od. control. woman preferred. 642-fi861 bent. Nearby, train at P.U Experienced. .;,,:,:::::;.:;c;;;;:,,;;;..c=...;;.;.;::.,,. hr. Advance to $l.~ hr. 549-3061 iimISEKEEPtt. uVt; in Call GetTY White 549-0055 NURSE REG'D motherleu hou1e N.B. uea. COASTAL AGENCY SUPERVISJR * 549-3061 for Advertising •oen- cy. Sh•rp, alert, type Dlspl•y Salesman, exp. 55-60 wpm •ccuret., Only, to $900.00 Call abl• to spell, handle Ann. Merchants Personnel phone •nd clerical Afency, 21>13 We11tcli.ff Dr .. e P•rt-tfm• Lab Tech- nicians, students pr• ferred, but not nee· ess•ry. • Permanent Molders • Apprentice Mechin- ist 2 teenaemi. W.oman with 1 2'190 Harbor Bl. Cost.a Me11 Nun.;..., atnl chUd ok. Prder under M hin. t5 M .. 45. 531.J.45-: • ~h Press & Nunes Akieii, E>eperie~ HOUSE~E~ wanted: for e Multlallff Oprs. nece~ Valley Acett Clk fr $450 Clork Typl•ll $75 wk. couple, live tn or out. To $432' per week Apply CoovaJes;cent HoapltaJ Walel'fronl. $ 2 2 5 mo. Tony Ouchi · 8382 Newman Ave. 673-13.S2 W0..C0 Toot.&: DIE Hunt. 8ch. Mz-5551 HOUSEKEEPER, live • in. 3190 PW1man Lane dutle1. N.B. 845-7"0 DUREL ADVERTISING lh'apery Wor_,,, PRECISION· 42S N. Newport mvd. PART & full time Drape:t)' Jr Stono $400 SH 80, Type 60, IBM Exec. Front omoe. , Experienced aalespenon for busy San Clemente-otfice. Free telepho111! service, iota at Ooor t l m e, llstina: com- mlSEion& paid pror.:....""1.Y. Ellen C. Mahoney Realty 1624. No. El Camino Real San Cle.mente or call collect for appt (714) 492-616 Rocopt/Typiot to $400 Will train sw1tchboard, Love. 1y offices. Lag. Bch. Call Diane ~5'tl0 JASON BEST Employment A&encY tUO Sa. Main, Santa Ar. Receptionist 2 POSITIONS avail: At- tractive, p I e a a a n t ex· perienced RF..CEPTioNrsr \\'/rood typing skills plus a neat a p pear ing TYPIST-STENO, 5pttd l accuracy required. For tr>. formation & appointment call 646-7434 Restaurant N~rt Beach 642-3910 Opera.tors. Expt r lenc CASTINGS UNITED CALIFORNIA CLERK TYPIST prefernblo or will trai" I BANK 2 ~ poeral office, aood aood aewin; m a c h i n e ' NCR Op.,.Gn Ofc $400 3100, \vill auisl floor fllil'· Priv. rm & hath. 2 cblldren. Com M .... 54t).M32 OFFICE CLERK Ftn. Vall, UZ,.'J1j.t MAID, tun time. Relia~ trainee needed u HOUSEKPR., Live in, out. 1 Apply in penon. Contact ~~ ~k~n gi~ * DISHWASHIR *BUSBOY needtd af ALLEY WEST 21Cli Oceanfront N~rt Beach 6'1S17l4 Mot.! Mold• te $1 .70 with np, Ormstroctiori f1t ~ton. 2044 PLACENTI,._ 2Zl Ooeu >w.. peyrcl!. ~-Working on Laguna Beach lnterion COS.TA ME'SA . 1 1 time card11. Xlnt potential. l020 S. Coast Hwy j '!!~!!!!"'!'~"'!'!!!!!!!!!"' IFa T $1 90 lw ~Beach MISS EXEC AGENCY ... Lacuna Beach. c.au morn-Gentr•l Production ~nt ":~ iirun_. • · 410 W. Coast Hwy tnp 4!M-6848 FEMALE I BARMAID Newport Beach 646-3939 =o°"REM;,.,,,,,-J.,.ob..--~K.,-... -.---No experie.noe Mtf!~MUY I n;a:::,,,. 8!:" CLERK-TYPIST 1""""""'' job .. wUe & TH EApplHyA•R.,T,..,..,.LEY 'co. l-~=~..;;:,-.--~..,-1 Requires st r 0 n f clerlcaJ mother & earn a wkly ~ wanted. JJWlt be akilla, &ood personality and pa,yd\eck. 544-3854, 54(1.81 l!IST Placentia Avr. Stat Typist to $421 lblrp. Nlte lhW. .., ap appearvK:t!, Public rel.t.Uons Dress Oper1tors ,,--,..::Oo::ota:::.;M;;.,.:=. ___ 1 Ordf.r desk, heavy phone. L':°a~ ~m= work. lnquir. Penonoel TOP SALARY to lhoae with Gf.neral Dept, Joli ot exper: 646-2766 ~I.EN fot &hlPPif\1.receiv\ng· Jhd.. C.M.. HOAG MEMORlAL 11'29 Monrovia, C.M. deliwry. lndUll:rial Office !l JKJNI BanNdd/dancer. HOSPtr~ ND DRILL preu • other Supply, QSO.CC.a.rnllu1,'Dl' .. APEX child, 9.Wrt TOOrn. T V, Housekef:per at the Pnm. Some-!)}ling and 12$435 wk. Mission Viejo J.U.WCA INN HOTEL filinz expenence betpful. area. 838--092.1 2101 E. Cout Hwy Moat have ear. Houra 6 AM -+ • Houeekttpet * * COl'Ol'Ul del Mar to 3 PM. MondQ' throu&fl 5 days/week MAIDS. Ate m limit Fl'lday. -tM--3647 Laa:una Beach Part and full time. NO PHONE CALLS. HOUSEKEEPER. E ll p er , KEN NJ.L.ES MOTEL Delly PUot EngU.sh or Cennan, Lquna 1021 BayPdti Drive, NB 330 W. Bay St. area. 49Hi1TO Maid. OYtt 30.. Full or part. Ccsla Mtaa Rtstaurant Help YOUNG mother or atudent io work btwn 11 am-2 pm; Mon-Fri, ata.rtmc N $1.~ hr + meals. Appl.y • n y morning befr 10 am. Jadt in the Box, 385 E. l7Ut St, OL Equal 0p"""'1nlty Emplyr Re1taurants SNACK SHOP '#9 H OUSEKPR/Ba""1tter. time. 11.lS hr. 6 d.,./wk.. •.OPERATORS ••• Jive in Jot 2 abi&-Aft g .. all l..q\lna Shortt M o t e I • ~· in i:tnp. netdla day wkends 54.1-4405. 4!H-8521 and owrlocka. Good piece ~.! M,\IDS -" -mady -. DI SHWASHERS INSURANCE Agency I Ir 1 f1JLL.11mt, ~ll!lt't hottl, EDDY MO~ 1'°'2 Locul'I Part-time. over 11. with full know!~ of I A_, .... e A ....... ~u-SL, Wtat:mtnattr, ~ .,.,,_,,, _ IFlll-er = a.ta Clerk Typlat $450 machlro. -opaallooo. N.B. _ ._ BN.ufil\4 otfloK. Xlnt Hew-Mutt be neat. ale-rt .t hGei,=""'1::....,,------ port Beach CompaJ'IY. dependable, Exp. pre('d but CoUeP .tuctent p/t \11ork !hat Employment Agency operadonc of ~ in--.--.._..." ..,.. -LY'!'•""•"· -• suranoe offi<:*. Not lift!' in-f.'~GR. omCE: Growth C.o .. PART T\me female help 11uranoe. Neu or 1111 t convenJe~ location. Accta. want~. Genenl officit, t)'i> J+f6 E. Coe.3t }IW)'. BOAT LAR.PENTERS Call Kay 54W410 not rt1q'd. Small precise can be taUortd to Your claP.. J;qwlt--t. t.up C\AAom JASON BEST part1, cltah shop Wtth aood es.· S2.M per hr ausr. to -~Tep..,.. Employment AJ•ncy M>rkl~ cond. '-bendlts. atart. Olr nee. PH; 5f6"'339 WILl..u!D BOAT Worb mo So. Main. Suta -Olae 1-.,i., 27111 S. FUIJ.ER BRUSR 00. la .... 9t.. CM Oe:rk Hallada.Y. Santa Ana C«nertJ tt.ULT PILDT DIJlE,.A.. J'EMALE cln1r., apply tn 'l'flE SUN NEVER sm oa EXPERIENCED rurntture UHD. TOii can Ult ftlfDl pawon t>r'iff.ln Uquor, 706 OUIUled't acUon power. mRn 4 dr1vtt, full tlmt. bjalt,...adtl.Dlll PacitiCCoa.stltl1bwa7, For an ad te eeU trowJCI Military obllaatlons tilled. .... Hunttua:tot• Bch. Che clocli:. diaJ sa.n. Call 641-2000 I 11/a bl1r So. ol 1't'1 1873 HARBOR BLVD. 548·3426 cpount;y An,,ort. M0-5454 will tntln. Future with ac-lnc I. NCR. pogtinc. InYtst• l--=~C.~""'"..;.."de'-1-'M ... •c.'--I JR. Mt'Ch Draftsman Fee tive Co., Co. bcn1 .• mt:d. ment Conoepta 5f9...2286 Rat•R Accountant paid. 2 )'f'I eo Ji t 1 e, ins., to $8400. . PART-Tlmt AM/PM. $1 hr, l>q'rft, home furnishin;a: e-i1- knowlf!dlf'I' of ll\YfXll .\ Call Gerry White, fi40..605$ tU'. Optn amall buctpt pt'l'\enct'. Fet paid. m oditicatton. Independent OOASTAL AGENCY accta, no np. 545-8803 lncMpend•nt Personnel ~l"llOflne). 1715 Oranse 2700 Hartm 81, Com f\fesa aiAR.GE IT' 1716 Onlna:t A'tle .. &Jlte C Ave .. SU1tt C CM 642-0026, Mutt t.:lerbants T Ft1t DaB)' PDol Want Ads CM ~ S600'll 545--0979 OW '42-561'1 for-R.ESULTS D\a1 642-5678 for RESULTS White elephantJ! OtmH-~ '' . " ' '• "' "' ' '' " " " " ... ·'lo ' . .. ' ... "' ' .. : " "' . ,, "' " ' ' " . ' " . ' ' " " " ' , I .. " ' .. ' ' ' -----.... ~ .. ~ ..... -. . . ' ' • • 30 OAfl.Y PILOT DAfl.Y PllOT $:! if. . Ml'I: MllCHANDID ~· MEllC~NDISI "6li ~llCNlliDISI ~Oil .MIRCHAN!>ISI POR ; •~Oii & IMPLOYMINT JOJS & IMPLOYMINT JOll & IMPLOYMINT ~Oii & I :OYMINT JOel & IMPLOYMINT IALI AND TltADI &ALI AND TltADI SALE AND TRADE t SALE ANb Tl!ADI ~?fon ,.,.;,, \YQin, '7100. ,J• ~;.: Wom, 7100 JoM Mon. Wom. 7100 lolll Moft. W-71.GO Jo .. Mon. w-7fOO 1 ,;P~um,ltu~,.;;;;;·~D~Oft;•;m~llv'9;~;,;.;'°~G~Gp11A~PP~l~lo~...,~~~·~· [;"fl~Clf Pl~nos & ~-11'0 \ •! ' ' •·•· SALES· SIC1'Y/RIC!PT ... TIU.Ell•.. 1 U··• H '·d ~~n '! tes11u~1 n • -...:II • KNOwi.EooEABLE Stereo ~~""-'bac:k&!'ollad. no YOUNG, ...-.. Clll'.ftoo KENMORE autom•t -amm~n .....-_ ; • Anc ent, Mal'lner * Fantastic' ~ Al<t ""1Mt. ....u chlldN.•. C.nenl ·.a. ....... -"1Jer/new ... ...... .. ''" ""'"''· .. ~. -SAil :"how la'.ldn.1 tJ>pllcatlOfll tor • . • Jt.30 yn. cau Mr. Vann ice. SH so. twtnc so. C®nta lll'l. l. t. )'Tl. up. ~ $40. MT..aus o-r .~,Full A P9ri time, d&JI l 11 the word /or lllla nationel 61M1!11 MISS IEXEC AGENCY' fll"l'd.,-~ ....n ... !. ' O\'e• ah.Ub. .._ compaO)''• new Pf'Qll'l.l2:I for SA1.ES 6 ll&bt omce work' -c:to w. Coat R.,Y. flcoe a:tnw ''en tn· lap. WASHER Ir dryv, aYOCado, ; l• KITCHEN HELP Southern Calllomla! W1 ""-ble Lido --8-h -bwltlllll _,.,tCl.., 1L1S. Relrl ... O'Oot 1'ee UU. · ~· DlSHWASHER ~ISJ'!UBtrro!IS .u... lle\Oll Jeftliy ...... Sl~TY, LiOA[ ~ :fVri/J'. IKOIATill tlTS ~IATJON '™ .. ' 165. M0-109il , e IU~OYS -MANAGERS -... ne.c1uory, 8ento Alla. 1.J ,_..Calli LOAN ,AlllOC:IA1t<:fl Of 11 WXl!l'f Al'.Aa°1m MAYTACAu_tle_, 1 • AVJIOY fn person -sALESM.EN Ptrmane_gt poCUon. CtJl *" law. "*"1tt rxper llOt MC, 131....mt e ·llilitoft Vlejo .It: _.. late tnOdel, xnlt cond. $6S. ... 21171 w. Coast Hwy. -sALESWO>IEN ---L8'WIM . - ' TypeliG; .. Id... Sp111W. & ..... [ .... ,_... M7-&115a-*"'72 ;~ N•.,_ Beech -REPJUSENTATIVES Saleo MISS EXIC AOINCY ''l'tdlnlqfu All lllAHD NlW, ,RESTAURANT ASS 1 ~T • -Tfl.AINE~ HO~ tam $500 tor 4,1.0 W.._ Onut' Hf@wa,y f·p~ Mtdlterrene•n Bedroom Suite \rt Pecan : . MCll. wllhofl'.y coolc'up. !or ,...,, .. a mt 8"'Und a,., O!rlstmu.. kc.pi -ll•W[>Ori lltach M6-31311 IRt9. f34t.OOI -·-··--·-····--"OW $Ut.ao i, new tut-food nitaurant tn opportunity with a SOiid auto. tor a na~WTtlled ~ Dt•Ptr1 ,..,,. Gcirteous Sptnlsh Cu1tom lullt Soft with ~tlquoo ~110 B.11 laylnp Now~lll attr End. o1 Swnt:ne.r Clearance Sale!! 1-CAMMONO •' CO It & Mea. Xl!Jt op-ma tic electronic equipment Jm 1tem. Far appointment wark. IDqialre 1tcum B1tcb ~· matchlnt love S•et-Choice of beautiful ; : ,........, :;i-Dnn that oilers lt!tervlow, -lntmon, lOIO S. Cout fobrla. IR09. '419.951 __ .• JIOW SUI.GO : ' ..._"' HIGH SALES -Earn .,..,., with Hwy, -. -s,..1.h 01.1.1 s.11 ---·..:···-··--·--·--'''·°' : ;.. • I rnecllat no lnveatment. Sarah SERVICE ~ATJON ts' 'p Solid O•k EM r.ble1 and Coffee T•bl .. _$11.00 :.:: REXAIR INC. m e °""""" """"' IUD 6 Pbllll,. Pe-... Co. Tall Decorotor Tobie umps ANTIQUE 56" roll top, bu aine11 type desk. Complelel,y ......... $495. 146-)1!5 In CORONA DEL MAn 215< E. c.ut """· ~ THOMAS ORGANS '" -P•~-~ OPEN Earnl-part.time ...... ~~ Now_... IR·i· "''·"' ····--·--·-···-NOW $11.00 "•N•n -• • 54L]'o"T'so w•_ train. Far ;..~-~ •·•·-led eerYice. lta· S . ; "ING IN ORANG COUNTY u-S45-6l.OO ;""~nee ~ fllale; TV, circuit board and Spanis H•n9ln9 we9 ... mp1 '"PROVIDES MANY OPEN· ==::...:_:..:_:.,:-'----i,;;.::=:::=,=-,,=-:= -•·-1 .,..._ cbeck out "'"'"' IR"J. '49.961 -·-·-·-········-··NOW $1'.IO s-1"!1 Machlneo 8120 SEWING MACHINE 1969 SINGER Elcclutlve CaM>f\oll,o program· med l')'thmn, Many othtt plua featurft. Sae the oew Lewrtnce Welk model. Tre- mt11ious 1avlnga on tdect· ed demonatratar motleta, .:1. , SALES SALESLADY, ·exe'd, lull .Good•~_,, P "' tnce, U1e aQd Jmowled&e ol .J ___ hou d I 3 0 "INCSJ'OR.MEN1WITIIALL ~LOOK time .. ...tc In~ ---.... --~---· Meteu, A decorator"'""'" ~on lspay -' 1 TYPES OF Wdfu< BACK· 'ni:. -" .. -..nltiea for _.._...-.. .. .. GROUND. NO EXPERI· " lookina '°' oharp""" who •tore. Fublona lot !AF""" ex.=enl ~·· · .,,..._ -mbi> -... rooms of gorgeous SPtnish furniture (was CONSOLE Zig Z.r Cab. model. Slightly uwd. Stylllh wal. cab. Does f'Vel')'f.hl'nt without attach. Used Org!Llll from 1199. 1 need , pmnanent position.. me, 23 Fuhlon Ia1and, advanct'n>enL l'or m-and llllderlns. :'~ 0~~=S. N M"'t be experi.,>ced It! rugh Nowport Bead!. 6'UJ.10 formation -tect .......-, reg, $1295.00 '" h Io" d 'e "e' • SALESLADIES· curtain • -• Adami. Hun-toll l'e,_I Dopf, SICllFICE $398 11ydro-Alr Oeanlnc: Systems a po r t s w ea r • For ai> drapery .rr. ~. UdoU't tlnston Btad1. (714) .tM-MDI • • • • • • polnl:rn@'f'.lt, ca.11 1be Look, Home ~ So• SER. Sta. Exp. SalaJ'y + 1°"' Credit Ttnnt A•til. Credit Cle•r•~ lmmedlat•ly TOP WAGES ~fUST BE 18 OR OVER, GOOD \V 0 R K RECORD AND HAVE lJVED IN THIS AR.EA A MINIMUM OF : ,. ONE YEAR, CALL PERSONNEL OFFICE :-..., ... Fultloo llland. =~:: :· ~. ... ::'.""Nu~~= :. TEL011c mm RJRNITURE perlienced ln knitt1rlc • "CU""· R;;;W7,;.· 'iNB.i:;;::-=.:::;::::-I Sales crochet.in&: . can TM Knit· SERVICE Station attendant. ruGIN~I' CO, · UNUSUAL WIL So. tout Plan, -l>OC. So< Mike, Im Mt "1111111 844 I Bl d I• . ><>-2W .,. 111........... c.mpua Dr. N.a 1 ewport v • Herber-., 0 Ortun "1ty SALESMAN· S.tv Sta. Full S&RVICE -Gn.-L19un1 lle1ch pp time •• wm; lhltt. Must bt 8hitt. *' or I AM, Sun. Codi Men only The Independent Order o1 rieat in appearance. See ~ TunSta= i: ~ Equal opportunity empol,yer COAST MUSIC Built In controlt to ovncasl, NEWPORT &: HARBOR make but·hole&, aew on buf1, COSTA MESA * "2-2851 ~m dreUl!s, make fancy KIMBAU.. Conaollelte pJ.aoo. ltllchea, etc. 5 rr. parts and Xlnt MWt lt'UI aervl~ i:uarantee. SS.&4 • ~ dwn. a: ll pyrnta:, ol' $5.6' I========== °ZO~P1L~T~ 1RiCE T•l•vlslon 8205 ------$$6.40 Lea.se Color TV or Blaclc tor no qblll'., free home &: wwte. Option to b1J¥. demo., calt Credit ~tgr. till Free service. No deposU 9 P .M. II toll, Call C.OUe<:L A· Active TV kental Co. 21S -531·9694 11\ 522-IlS.1 Fo..,stcrs have oP'ned a Jim, 2590 N-. C.M. ~ ..,,.,,' CM Tr1i-le $700 ....., • '111 t -'fl ... Sot. I loo. 'II I new o.ffice in Orange Co.on-Sal W _._...1 San ... ._.. • Must have caDta:e dearee or : : + * ty Require lntellia:ent man esmen amsv S.wl"' Machine two )Tl. collea:e plua work ·, ·"s.~1-,.------,,; -59. Oillege not oe<> FUIL TIME . Opor1ton exp., mllila!y complete, call MIRCrfANDISI FOR 774-7251 ----------------- Singer, wto, ti& zaz, 6 moa COLOR TV 21" RC A, old. No attach needed to do w/remote, In top cond, tr, design, mo:qrm, blind hem. Prov. $195. Pvt pty, 642-4977 _ $5.21 mo or $42.00 cash, iENITii TV portable, l("• essary. sh o u 1 d 'have ex-Inquire tn person Experienctil on ~ I. Ann. Merchant.I PmonneJ SALE AND TRADE perie~ In meetinr publJc. KINGS FOR MEN sportawe.ar. Top JllQ'. 863 Aa'ency. 200 WestcJU:t Dr., FURNJTURE' cabinets Uke Mu1ic1I Inst 1125 ·• COSMETIC " " SALESWOMEN l'umltuN 8000 526-6616 includ.~ •tand. )Ont condition. Call 838-S69'T : · Experle~td prtferrMI ExctlJ.ent bendita. FUll time. Dia;nilied rue time position. 2300 Harbor Blvd, CM Prod\le&n pt NB f16.030t .,N.,.B_, . .,64$-=2770=-=--.,.,-,.,.-'umlture IOOI )'CKl bave newr seen at ' .-~mlnc commences immed· SECRETARY SEWERS. experienced. A> TRAINEES: Office America.'• lartest & moat F•ctory Cl•trtnc•I Hi-Fi• Stereo · App!y in penon, Person.ne.I .. oWct. 1ntely: Should be ln excess 4 yrs exper, cOrporate or ply 523 Forett Aw .. Lacum l'lnanoe; Dental •. Man f OVER -STOCKED ~ c::n=~ ':n~ ~~~~.~~,,_<:,o.,m1 '.!!~tcl;~ STEREO 1969 dlx CQllSOfe, of $ 2 .iO weekly, Je1al background. Mlllt be Beach. 491-M bentftta. opportunities. Qk. ""' ...... '"" WCK ....... • ·comp! wllb lull atereo f ipd executive callb~; advance. ~'25 MUSJ S£lll All& Fwy, TulUn. l ml So. .systems, GuitlU"cBass ampa Garra.rd changer 60 watt 8210 Telepho~ betwePn 10 am . 4 MISS EXEC AGENCY SEWING machiM optratcin. Cab Sally Hart 5tO-«fi5 • or Newport Fwy. Open 362 &. Speaker Boxes. standard dual clw..nnel 4 ~kr IOUnd pm, Mon. Uuu Fri., for ap-(1f) W Cout mpway Exp'd, top Pt¥, Ideal eond. COAST..\L AGENCY days per yr. MC-5410. Amp $600 now $200 Guitar • ot .2i polntmenl. N _.. fsew 646-3939 1589 MonnM.a., C.M.16<l'81 :mo H&rtlor Bl. Costa Mesa New 9 pc. corner arrazta. S' SOFA never used, quilted & Bau cab 412 .!Quilter sy1tem. Pay oU bal rn J. W. ROBINSON Fashion Island, N.B. , Equal opportunity employer . iWhfte·e1epbants! DtmN.-lln! SM-1701 ewpo~, .,.,... ....... G a: ... .., of ===,...,,,..c..---,,, choice of cha. reg . ., .i-1 • '"..__' .. -'ed fl~ Spkn) $540 now S200 412 cull. Of' l'mall pymntL SECRETARY =...:'..'.'.:.... p-~ !.'..:.. TIWNEE YN•-man b> n w ~·•!IO.. H··"--· --""~-· • •-· · Crecht de-53>-7289 -...--.:wo ..-1-....1n:: --0 .......,, • aauuni.a. Matchine low .eat $75. (Allee Spknl $900 now $300. ·1"• ·DON'T PINCH YOURSELF : ' '• .. (You';e Not Dreaming) But You Can :tPINCH YOUR PENNIES _ • " ' ~ I ' • ' .. • .. ... • . . with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified ·Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES- $2.00 DIAL DIRECT 642-5618 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD -·-----·----------~ --~ - To Yacht Broke, y,.'Ofk 3 ~Hunt. Bch. tertitM In leamln&' tr.de. KlQa:a. $IS, Queens $12.50, 531..&:m 4l5 lAltec Spkrs) $1100 now ·--·----- kenda month 'l)'pe 60, Mmt have pxl nltftDOn. F\111 $10.50. TwiDI $U5. $409 PA l)'l!emt --mod lOOO C1m•rt1 & E9ulp. 1300 ;: So oui'ce 00 &,y SH AMP 0 0 Ii r 1 I: Good pay a: bendlta. Stead;y Trundle •ta (duo rile:) w/ 6:d Pinklwhlte rua $25. (Quilter IPknl S21BO now MISS EXEC AGENCY tnUll~ Call tar appolat. tmp6oyment. ~TT21. lnnu IPl'lair matt. ftl', $1QI, Deep pink artificial Oawtt $700 mod 1000 CAltec Spk:n) CANON Ql.JlB 33 mm. 4lD w. Coast Hwy. Alfredo a. 6'B-8Tll). Hluon Metal f1rdthln&: now $19.50. Roll-a·wa.Y bedl tree. $15. •·1·• White IOfa. $2900 now $l.OOO ms Pia· 1Jke new, 1 Yr old , Newport Beach 646-3939 Sh1ppl.,...lnwntory WAITRESS w / inn. sprlna: matt. tel· $l5. 644-l604 centlo Ave., Cc;ta Me 1 a Write Dally ~ilot Box P-911 S ••rol•ry Steady, ga..as EXPlllllNC"D $59.M, now $...11.M. Full IL 2 Earl,f Amer. vinyl Jove ~ - 5 ~ ~. $339.50, now lll!atl, 1 vinyl oventuffedl..:::::::::;,=,.._-=,,...--1 · 8500 ' SH. typfnf, kMwiedp o1 $hlppl"I & Rec:1¥ftl $600 $189,.~. New bedl: KI na rocker 175 ea Newly reup. GUILD F-30 Sporting Goods 1~~dent Personnel ~,.7=:,1y~.OO str::r ~" sr:~i':. =-=· ~i:· ;::·:: M&-srii. s::io..6:30 =g~i.~ '::J· SURFBOARDS 9'2'' Hobis 1TI6 C>arnJ:e Aw .. smte C Gecqe S46-SC10. ~. Kl1ti: a ipreadt DESK. Governor Winthrop $125 • 64>2246 \Voody, U' Quig Tandera. CM ~. $ti.0979 JASON BIST 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. $13.95., D. IZ. $9.95. Olrilt· Fr. Prov. bedrm. rum. B. FL A T CWinet-?iiartin both for SSS. 673-0632 ...,. .. ,,. LEGA( SECTY Employment J.ceney ==-=;,pert,-,,_loo=;c=h=,.. I mu...,....,...,.. now. SIESTA 494-9252; 697 Anita St, 1'm'ef. Complete w/cue & NEW T2 R.lwe.U surfboard. mo So. Main, s.nta Ana WAITRESS • COCKTAIL SLEEP SHOP, un Harbor l.quna Bch •land $60. 545-4260. Xlnt a:Jt'XI. f15 . WA!TR!!SS. Mta Lanea, Bl9d., CM 86-2"790datb'10-t Governor Winthrop desk. TRUMPET with cue new * 6'6-3500 * Legal firm is looking for an SHIPPING AND 1703 SUperlor Ave, Sat.Sun JB.6. Xlnt cond. 69'1 Anita SL, lacquer, $50. ' exp'd i:al with corp. exp. RECEIVING CLERK Costa Mesa. 646-3983 1.quna Beach, 494-e:m * 548-80ll * Miscellaneous Good •kills ...,wrec1. Start We haw an l!;;;ollatc need •WAITRESS• 17 Pc. Kl119 . SIM Quality ltlnr bed-<Juil""'· 12 Sl'RINC electric guita< & 8600 at $525 + bnfa. Em.plo)'er for an e~rtenctd thippin.( Fut, exp'd over 21 Bedroom Complete-wJuaed $98. worth amp. SUO or best oiler. ~uall o~eea E~=. and recei~ clerk. Don Joae Restaun.nt l..afle 9 drawer drtaser, mtr. USO. Aft a 6 wlmcb 84Z-6536 546-&69 .att 5 P?tJ KIRBY vacwm cleaner l\ith attach & polisher. Xlnt cond & euarantecd. Pay otf bal of Sll.12 °' take over pymnta. Credit dt>pt $35-7289 Agency, can Anna tar de· 9093 E. Adams, HB rot, 2 ~ atandll, kl!W QUEE]'l 8lie bed, perfect ANTIQUE Mayflower MtJ; ta.ib at 835-2361. or stop ln You must havf: a "'1id can. WAITERS, W at tr e • • e • • ldae headboard, frt.mt, quD.i. oondiUOa $30 Dreuer $20 dOun llke new Appraised at90IN.Maln.Santa Ana. fornladrlYUSlicaleandte-2121E.Coaatllwy.CdJI. e4 mattrni, abetta. blank.-531-2841 s:Dl;,makeoffe.~.6'75-5116 00 F Pd' cat dJ'tvlllc wOric bi1b7. Bmlloy. Pnf. exp'd. Applr. ets. etc. . Soc. $600Als~ FM" • IV• require a mlnlonun ol WINDOW GDUS Hn U.2, O>olce al Spc'.sh Offl•· Fu•nlluN IOIO Plonoo & Or9ano 8130 KENMORE electric range, near new, 24 Inch oven $125. Simmons hldeabed, near new areen tWffd $100. M.i.sc. tables $10 each. 2 5 0 0 \Vestml.mler, O.t 545-0014 one year eXperience and qes 25-40. Salary + meall. or .t.Iodem Style -s;:"',. rewwit~=~ knowledge of packlnr elec-Awb' in penon Ir om All For $249 uSEI)..(;ood condition. Desk. e PIANOS tronle equlpm!.!nt is prefer-9:~11 am dally. MAC d Pm on1 ..i 2 cbaJn. couch. lamps. e PIANOS Call Loraine, Merchant:ll Per. red. You will perfonn a. vaP-DONALD'S, 635 W. 19th at., No O'Nn • ta:. Y ~mo. tables Ii: other J t em 1. e PIANOS :;~6r~~~2~ West· ety of ahlpplrW department l-"Coeta-?.i;-M..,eui"-. -.-----I WB.K'S WAROfOU$E 847-2507 or ewa ~ Final Dll.YI of olll' Summer 1-====_;,;:,--_,.,...,-,-1 duties. ·WJ-.1--•-.--er Sale. Save on tab u Io us Settetar,y.fU(tptlonlst IRIVW~ 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Office Equipment I011 GRANDS tncludlng CARPET lnstalll!?' has one roll, avocado nylon carpet, double jute--bacbd .. Will aell all or part, $3/yar d , Attr. girl for Civil enainttr'• GGOd stut1nc ra~. Excellent Top pay. J"UD ttme. open OaJJ.y 9 • 9 • Otlckerlna: •Wurlitzer oWce, near alrjlort.. Ma)' com.Pill)' bene:fttt tnclndl,_ ~ Orily Sit. t . I Sun.. ll • I TYPEWRITER. Add. mach, e Steinway e Kna:be consider part..t;.me, U 4aya-v.c.tlon cfurlnc the Appbl at 1T7S1·2C ESPANO'L IN QUALITY calculail', Vt!!ty reuonable. PLUS MANY AfORE! i GOLD naug. upholstered 5«>-7245 ~ fint year of eniplo~t. Skyparlc. Irvine xtnt. Cond ai..2423 S bar stool.a, 6 mo old. 6x9 StockpUrehu,programand S.0.19lo Model Homo FumltuN . SPINETS&CONSOLE ""°'., .. rug,""""°""" SECRETARY a holiday vaatloo teaturinr Savin(• to !5%, E-Z -Oii S I I022 SAVE~ TO· · • ~-.,...,,, 2'0 hp mower"""' 2 Vena tile pel'90n to mat time paki for time off trorn WOMAN~~ u:,; inr. Nothlnc down. 3 com--r .. • 1 • BUY NO ~ ! ~ce.. will not 11)0. -5t5-465Q. nl&nagtt & district manastr Ouiltmas day to the Mobday 1pan: e · plete roon11 of decorators GARAGE Sa.le-Sat-51.m. Sept be thl1 low a1eJn~ ! ,,:::;~~-'~--~- in sales. handling comapon. toUowlnj: New Ytllr'll1 Win prtzea,limit ""w ... w !!_~t. no 1tyled Spanish f~t\lre. 13, 1.4, 15. 300 • n.b. comer COAST MUSIC SURlabri~U~ _Fm•nan"'"Z. •-dreld ;: dence & ~nenl aecret&tlal time • ., .... u Consisting ot the famoua Santa .Ana, O>Sla Mesa. NE\VPORT & HARBOR ...... "' ... "" d · c-,. _ _. .. _ _, ..,. ... _ • d Beauty Counaekln. 847....(1846 custom quall'" Madrid lJy. Proleu'-·-• ha;,. -·er, oo-A MESA .._ ., • ., .,...,.. the public 8-4 fi.tonday lhru Utics. ""'""'.""""" ....,, vr-ata v h """in-...,...... ,. ""3 o' "' ....... ...,...~ Sat. 182.0 Monrovia. C .. M. 60.Salacycommen&W'alew/ var1an School•ln1trudfen 7600 Ing room poup. Tc o.,. eltttrlc carpet aweeper, Open 1().6 Frt 10.9 Sun 12.5 -"'--'.::.:,=~=~--exp &: ability. Cmnpany ,.._ al El Prcsldente spacious slant botrd. antique mirror, . n GUil.D F-30 locating ln Irvine Industrial mach"1nes SAUCEDU•N SCHOOL master king isizc bedroom a1ant board a.t'ltique mirror NO\V. rent & Ba.ldWJn orga Acoo!Ucal, «t.eel string complex, Oct, 1st. Loc&l In-Co. F~ IT. l-8 suite and tbe authenllc La waffle ~ c 0 JI e c t 0 ; i: to1 ~ ~du.It GOOD BLUES AXE terViews. For appointment A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY Wblre tbe Proiram Pu wrought iron dinette recorda, diahn, stusware be rs on Y· va or $125 * 645-2246 call {2131 679-2261. ~ sett, Limited atoclt • $488. and junque cluaa lessons available -R"" .. 'CH Emba tttlnk Stole, 2722 Michelaon ,..., .ve Fitll the Oilld Hamilton Showroom, 5iC8 · re&ulta .a:uaranteed. Believe "'"" SEC TY /MEDICAL {San Diero Fwy. to Jamboree Willard H. Saucerman, \Veibnlntter Ave, Weitmin,a. PATIO FUm, 2 couches, cof· 11 or not _ SJ.GO a \\"eek ten-Ranch 1'1-fink llfng cape, 5 years experlencf', 1 clrl otf ramp 1 blk S. to Ed, D. ter 894--fU4 fee tbl. 2 mahog ann chrl, tal lesll()N; extra. while Ka.lgan j •ck et. office. Medical terminolo17, B.Uchellon Dr.) SiM(GJ Enroll now . . mple cheat, day bed wAfto·s BALDWIN STUDIO Leopal'd purse, etc. Oolhins good OI'J&nizer. Irvine, CaUl, Di64 EvH 541-1758 MOVING to Hawaii. Uke w/bol!!er comp, ate e 11819 Newport. C.M. 642-8484 675--5175 MISS EXEC AGENCY An Equal.Opportwtit)' RETIRED Atatter art new: custom quilted curved chest wht 2 dn, misc. s in y COMMERCIAL trimrt1.er .lo \" ~--~ H""' E-.. 1--Ml:F •-beip aect, oval Drnel d1n 837-1~-or 837-9368 ~·· HAMMOND . te w1.y . a· lawn m-·-r. """, -·•t -nd. ..... ........... ..,,. ..,......,, .. ~ teacher, bored with ,.,.. rm .&el, rettlg, 3 xtrll lolc '""" maha • new • 111ed planos .,.... .., ""'" ..... Newport Beach &16-3939 SHOE SALESMAN. activity, will considtt adult twin bed sets w I e I e c CHINESE MOD ht. ft I rad, ot all make.I. Best buys in $100. SECRETARY: WI th iood Part time. Experienced. amalJ &l'DUP• for paintinz blanket, sewing ma e b, turn. IO!u cbairl lamps. So. C&Ut. rliht here. 642...s528 sldlls. Xlnt advance for lnqulre in pera'.)n. and drawinz cluse1 ln your screen, goll cart. hl·H ateno wicker turn. mhc.NB Sat/SUn SCHMIDT MUSIC C'O., R E FR I C f Jt A T 0 R $35 right girl. To $550. HEMPHILL'S home. Contact: TSOIUDI, comp. Antlq white: ff&m. 14, 50U Rlver, 1S07 N. Main, \\'a!blng: maciUne SJil 2 'Call Sally Hart 540-Q).ij 1831 Newport Blvd 1289 South Cout Hi&hway, mond chord Ol'ial1 Ii end CAR.PET, sbq, bJ·lo NEW Santa Ana piece .ectlonal $20. Dl.ntng: COASTAL AGENCY Costa Mesa Lquna Beach tbta. Antiq .t.fandolln, cop-S4 sq. yd.. 391 Hamllton, WE HAVE PIANOS! table, ,.,,.ood $4. 548-2152 2T!IO Harbor Bl. Costa Men Stenographer-A F.docaHora.I Vacation Sth per, bn.u, cryata.1, bric-C.M. Saturday only. You maY purchan or rtnt CANON QIJ19 35mJD SF.C. TO P R E S l D ENT ; Qalknflns poaition tor per-cnden • • • Sr Otmna brae, silver, tbl linen. No GARAGE SM..E and ettdlt all montes paid Like new, 1 yr old.: Mature, pod 1killL To '650. 'fttlo llkM varitty H~ Qillcoat 10 leuon typiaa: dlra. 515-617& rm I..a.Aftna, beblnc! Foun-toward purchue. , $50 "'nell" • Adv' t . ap. :: ''"'° dtltlee ... i dept Sclll. 1>1al LeuM. l'n Del SPANISH taln Valley HJ. 868-1'11 HOUSE 01' HARMONY Dally Pllot Box P-m portunity. ~ 540-m55 heada. Some pe110ftnfl exp Mar, CM. 5'3-2859 MEDITERRANEAN R..E Moo EL ·Sale-I>ouble N .a· f!!h: 1:ar;:-1-039l 53 Pt. ov&I dtamond. a ·band Call Sally desired Sborthand 30 type HAPPY Odld, pre· school; Ali-Shown tn model bomet., oven, eltcCrle, coppe'l'tOrle f!WPOrt .oca wtth small dlamond. $690, OOASrAL AGENCY 60 Sa1U,, open a,,;,..,,, .... 111 _ .... evall. lor 3 3 Rml"ol ...... (din nn, U• ...... 'l!Otl; •s nalllahJ'de •• YA"AHA ... al 129 441h S4 N.B. 2700 Harbor Bl, Oxta Mesa rtica.tlnl bl ~ 1nc1... I: ' )T olda. t-ll:30. Mrs. rm, Ii bednn) priced t1le-cha1r'I. I nrltc:. $11°' , PIANOS a ~ROANS , _67>-_3396 ___ ~~~,_ trial complex, Oct ht. Local fllnirvtDn. t0-1'26 when at $895 la YoW'8 tock1 . See tl\e cernplete t~ at: Health Spa m'embenhlp:1, 1_, For appolntm•nt MONTEBSORI tnlnlt!a, , .. , at only $399. Euy er.dlt Fumltu,. Auction I025 "OAST MUSIC U month& !Mr 200 vlsl1')' TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH 'A DAILY PILOT WANT AD call (Zl3) ~ 2"' to :Ii. Clv111 )'(!'Ir dilld Tenn•. • ~ • for $99 Ragula.rly $200 .. Miu STOCK Gb1; Ales traillee. best education. '*'3106. S1nt1 An1 Furniture · • furnltuN • NEWPORT 6 HARBOR Hill s4s.142:! Yourw. aharp, quick., lull GI w. 4th Sl, Santa AU Appll.cn· e Color TV OOSfA ME8A 1i 6'2-2851 E:N~CUJPE~IA re 0 t n t time. lntmOew I 0 -0. MIRC~NDIS! POii e "7..,,. e AOK AUCTIOf'.I NOW-nnt o Baldwin piano edition 135. AJ>o b., t ~ROPOS, 2t Fa1blon SALi AND TRADE SOFA bed, 2 matcbln s TmG&l'dtnGJ'O¥eBIYd. Jot -jwr ehild tor $2.0Q children's cncyclop@dia land, N'.B. -· ehaln, new upholstery. 28' W11tmlntttr nr. G.G. ~. we•k. Pro&uiocal in-5"-.9360 STOClQlOOM Girt. Un1tonn 'urnltun Knox Place, CM. Tud I: Tburt 7 PM·Sat 6:30 IMlctiotl available .. results ..:..:;'-"':;:,.--...,,.--- rentalt exp. helpful. WW MOVING• china• Norttake • BUSIEST 11\.Ubtp&aee ,ID J:statecancnmt. Rtpo. New ~Wed. FAMILY:* :e.:~, I ft train. tl.d. ~ Na~ complete lot 12. town. Tb• DAILY PU.al' Whtte e).lphdtll OlmH~ WARDS BALDWIN SMJOtO lrvtne Out c.6utll.r')" Ch~ SOCK Tt TO 'Dl1 all or pUt Furniture old at· 1l1J N111~ C.M. &C-8484 for Nle. Pvt PtY. 6Tl-913l DAll..Y PnDr W.Afft' A.DSI tJc, lat. iarap, ~t ~ Furniture ... ,umttvre ... PLAY B&r'ORE YOU BUY .;;;:,,::;;;.:,=~""'=:=--;; Uque1 ln cha1rs, tables, FJtEE ptam claael tntmln& MUST SELL LEAVlNG..ST. W 7100 d ..... ""'--...... ; .... , ,__ _ __ ,. ,__ -~·rva"'"--C.Omplete boUM f\lniltt.trt. J.bo M .. n. Worn. 7100 Jebt -· ..... •-•T •-••T -·• •-• ~ -•-~~ ~ •-'---·· •NO tabl• ~ ·-.......... -knlclHna<: LOST LEASE Gould """' """""""· .,.; ~· --· -~ ---t l<ANUFACTU"N& PRODUCTION • TRAINEES NO lXPER.IENCE NECE.$SART. 21 lO 11 'r£ARS. HIS.H SCHOOL S~OUATE. ,, YOU HAVf THI A'· TITUDE WE WILL TkAIN YOU. PE~~fJfT tM· PL.0TM0fNT IXClU.INT OPPOITllNITT fO• AD• VANCfMENT. INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. SPS Western sblH, mtmin, Jami-and N. Main, Santa An a, saw. 93t W. l!th St. CM JUNK. Alao Teen cJotbu, • LAST 3 DAYS • W-4&81 S!MJ40NS hldH-bed, -~IDld, .a tb•otl SATUllDAY·'SUNDAY·MONDb WANTED ;'.'~$911.El .. ~r • l'umlluN· e CONTRACTO~ ~ll'L~ u,.s u::,1 PIA"f~1FS TYP&WRITERS. oUlct ''''" App111-. • c.'°' TY $111,oot lnvontory_ or~ "'"No""'w I ,. oooo llr>rilht ~ a•· .,. conct. llndtrwootl llO, .AOK AUCTION....-> Must le Sold .,...., !11'. 200 Parlllt Coa.<t Royal ltltl. Mlhlm • rm Gudett Grwve Blvd. SP~llH MIDITl!RRAc':~N ffwy, H.B.~ Et£CTRIC SO>vo llO -""'· WtatmlmtunrG.G.J'rWJO, ATCOST • LOW HAMMOND Mlll ORGAN .... """ $50. Hsu Tues A Tbut. T PM.sat G:IO ltlflt Yeur Trucb1 Tteiler• er llcycl.al Excththt condition fl&O, ~. S.A . ...-0."54MOti l'.ltat.cu~11t. Jltepa. New lank T•rms Stort Chartt Mt1tet ~•rt• • _ * ~lllK • ~ Kew hom8 '&erci'IOUlt ~ OOUlSPOI' R<lril 111 yn S.okAmerlur4-All Acctl'fe<I • ffAAl110ND Oior<l Orpn, ~udlno: ... • 003~ m. old, comp auto $ISO .. Colar 0,.. '" 4olly, Solt, N. -1 .. L 1141-tWO 1f/-anllq wblte, JJl<e .-_ TV-ls. Pblk:o conta&e•bmv new $.195. 875-51'1t BRANO Nt1!. w~ df«Ual ctytd nlnot SlTO .• 1 blacll: 8,_ m-~-In ·volt mctu, um ..... t:m. conhmperery chalr 2065 Charle St., C... MIA . ;:_-:._ O'A'if.r pnM' &l-1-1'64 -w/whlte naueahyde Behind uHtrbot c.r W1thtt _.,,_ .... ,,,.. a:T~ culhlons QI. Call: lf.T-9809 _.JS Oaalfted teetion. S.:w GOOD Btltone 6 Zt:nllla 2701 So. H1rb ... , S.nt1 AN 1 PM ltttor off ~omflto•., .. , .. ,., f, \;;oney, - • eUO!i. Look hoartna alclc1 ,. .m.ct · AH IQUALOPPOUUNITT IMPLOYIR · o-:-i ~ W.ut'T Aiii A tt • llM'tl .. ""· W-.,,.,... h '-Iii" "''°''1 nowtll l'm'littOon. tM ni~. ~ , ...................... !.' • I, I. I I' I I " ~------·---·----~-------~--'-''-=----~~===~-""""--.;.,__ • IWl.Y ~T -· S.,t-lS, 116• llCiiliiiiift"~tF;;:::;'"~'=:;:;:;:=;TiT ID SPORT A TION 'lllANSl'ORTA T10N TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TUNSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION SAU AND TUDI FREE TO YOU llooh I. Y1<hh ~ S 1 ~ ~Id looh 9030 Mobllo H-• 9200 ..... ..._ l600 I ADORABL& hoaltll)' kit-• :f ! --'---'-'---··-· Tr•ll1r, Trowol 9425 Trucks 9500 lmportocl Aul°' t 6DO ING _,,_ .,, ::,~~.;;·\ ~~ SCRAM-LETS 1!!...~~:.: Mos:,~=~: ... '" 1r _,,.,,.. OJodl. , ,., °"' 11 ton •'" .... '•· CORTINA llffptt, monomatlc . refri1 • S'1SO lb ltrtt. ... ~ tnd. aeed 1004 il•m• •. AN·swtR to .n. ... -w/tfailtt, Cua Ulm• RoO. Awa:t. Oemorll*Nkr SSD 1\ttnace, 539.1B9G/$42-'QC both Hcen.tm:l. 'NO MOTOR. Sheraton Manor. Homette • --l>P' ~ ~l!ll~er 6 PM t<tt. PtuUco • Sabata and ttl!f.fto.tat. Z.llDD 'Wl\I G.ER/S.p. malt. blad: Rebukr -Hone)' -v\dto -"+"'' ~==== , -.,_ ~ AU. SIZES ... new $10. • trade 1or fft)' ~tie. needl l*Kt NUIJllCI! -COOKIE Boat M&intenlrq; 9033 NOW ON DlSPLAY area kl run ,,_ good home. -_... -~ watk. Seo t t' 1 6'6-l.688 9116 t.farrled "'·oU: A 1JU1 ~ho FR& Boat · 5t 1425 Baker St., c.o&ta Mesa landlder lift MW $9 wants to have hle ~ aqd Tnil ::;:a1' e · ',ii bb:k &ul o( Harbor Blvd. .....-' · FREE: 4 Kittens. 5 wla old, aomeoDt' elie's codKIE too er )'OW' 1 10 the Coa:ta M• (714> 540-$410 P'1"I blk tem.ak 2 strltJp!d ' · niwl!St, la!lest boat aervke * AUCTION * ""'"'"' 1 .,.j, "''"""'· . ., GLA&5?AR c ... ti 0.. In the ..... L<l "' mak• GREENLEAF PARK PttJa;ure w a t er, fl).50, 675-1353 or 675-Jl)H 5*1491 9510 Trucks 9500 . '-'-=::.. ____ ..:;:.:::.; 1968 Btvnco Station \Vqon, '60 Ford 1f2 PU "9 V-3 .,,.. 4 wbe<I dmc. to 22,000 mi. fl49:i. Phone KI s-ssn or 642-!l690. l owntt VB, •Utom.Hc, must -sppreclat~. Uc 11CEi20 $599 . U JClll will Ml er bqJ ~/Sn-DI 9/16 ln~-ou~boatd. 120 ~ >Wl'"boat like new (no job ln clar, clean, COQi Co$ta ,.:.::,..::::;=-==---=I Cru111er "''1lb pcwer i;et l too ismallJ . \Ve aho sell Mesa. New 92 apace adult '69 VW Sundlal camper, ,.~ ~ a1 !? 21 HaU ~ hokittens( """hol power trim. Full eovtt. fiberglass supplle&. Open 7 park. Jdodeh l Salta oUice water. Ice box, table, bed, ~ ~ • .....,. :~ p.rn. ove i &........ me w e Ready to enjoy. A 11 d)ra/\\'k. located al Park, Open 9 AM storage. .Owned only 4. mos. Windy's Auction Bem family was d e a e r led I . nUllnle;iance records. 1 \VIND AN' SEA to 6 PM. Mu.I aell, Movin& to Africa. n-~ ~. -.,_1•1 M9-1846 9/16 O\,.ntt. Kl 6-M44 1731 Superior ACCENT MOBILE $3!'tlQ. 644-2962 ~N;.;n. CM·6;a FR.Et: Puppie1, Toy Collie Costa Mesa. 642-'1'607 HOME SALES '61 CORVAIR Greenbriar. GUITAR. f\lll me So1k Pl and C«bpoo mixed. 7 ,, .. u S.llbo.tt 9010 FIBERGLASS 1750 Whittier Ave. comptly record. wJcustom 1o 10 boob: Bh~ Cttipt. ~dorable, to good home CAPTAIN John says seU bis REPAIRS Costa Mesa 71': 642-l350 top. Conv!!rted to camper, Boy's blkl! 2J•• 3 speed 50' Schooner a Vintage ship Boats, dune buggits & camp. MJnl BikH 9275 >l!)..3031 Ext 66 or 67 will alp S. $850. MS-S727. Ergli&h. SoOd condition $20. NEED good home Wt' lovablt' v,./ loll of potential. Set on !!ti. --------':;...;: 197tl lfARBOR BLVD. PICKUP C.UIPER Shells o.m beat and musage black and whlte kitten 8 mooring otf Balboa Caribe Smith Boat Repairs Bonanza. 5 hp. jack!ihatt, COSTA MESA cab-ht, aliaht b-eight pad. new $21. Orea form. 84.-ta7 :,...;;!otJter Slameesie. apta. To bolU'd boat contact * 3'7-5453 • •hockS. Jcndmi, $100. ,65 DATSUN damage. Cheap! 839-1800 atand, adjust 10 to 14.. $5. • • .n.-,. Ernie Minney at 54&-4191. * S«J-1483 * 646-0fiM 4 Ador&ble puppies. sma11 All offet1 owr $15,00'.I con-Marin• Equip. 9035 1951 CORVAIR, radio, ice BARG ... INS afledlonale bm;d. 6 weeks siderr<I. oNE' Lactory ,...-·"t 1-··-_M_o_lo_r_c_,y-'cl-'os.:;... __ ..;9::3::00.:. PU "''/camper. new eng. ~ ~ wS800ater,64~tllu, ta()t' n. ..... n Anne Ta~ $20 ,.......,,.n old. 504 Westminster N.B. f'L YING SC..'OT. t~ as test, runl Gen'I Mtn 6:'71 ;;;d~'1 side mirrors. 4 spd. dlr, xlnl. 1--·--·------1 •~ """"... 642-0022 9/15 f •-1 & bl Small dn or , ..... tt•d•. • -10' CAB OVER. excellenl ~-~ <<l M,. (2) paddl!d &a t'li'I, s ..... nges · gge:;t iw HNG ........ ....,.,., __ d~-1 -~ "''-....-. .., · ··' -~~ ._..u,., '"'""' pymnls. NOZ&3k' A. call Rob condition: '6S Chevn>let ii rnap1oe cha.in $9 ea. MarlJle POODLE. Female, 9 moe. 111 19' fiberglass ;ii.OOp buUt. engine. ObmpJete w/t¥t·in· ,..... cocktail ~ $22. Mim>r Miniature. % S la n d a rd . Complete w~ t:raiJer A dl5e reduction gear 2: 1 49-1-9773 or S4Xl634. ton. ~73!M· '67 Cortina Sport Coupe, ' speed. Radio, healer. VTY!.28 $1299 0~1~4' o,;i~ ~9--30.ll Ext. 66 or li1 1970. HARBOR BLVD. COSTA P.IESA DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO, 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 BeaL'h Blvd. lluntinaton Beach 8112-7781 or 5-10-l\M2 '67 DATSUN border picture $9. Stove $25.. 54S-O'J6.l 9116 sail!. Appraised v a I u e ntto. For furthu details. '681/J FORD CUSTOM '62 O::>rva.ir BUB, '66 eng, 9 Wuher $25. Couch $25. om. LOVEABLE Kitte.... 7 wks. $2,475. Sac ~ $1500. 1n4) call P. sunoo (213) 626-930'1 club Wll&Ofl, aulo, r le h., red, pau. great for surfing, S650. • "' ••-n •n4 ~-• SlO -.. 67l-t46Sor645--06llD """"··-1..1 •• -(7' WBJ019 . 642-11623 C Oil Sed, , s • uu. near et~ Id • ....,...~ . ..,... .. rua: . old Various colors. ~ .. .........,. wee......, •. or 4) S«i-OU8 • priced to sell at: ne"''· Has had exceptional Electric stove $15. Elec. dry. good homes. SC2-7096 9/16 VIKING zr s I oo p , im-~wo;"=:""''="""====o==~ kUSTOM MOTORS care. \Vill sacrifjce, small er UW Jlfi. Girls 20'' Bike OLD Boat for lumber or maculate. slip inc I u de d -· Sfi Baker St., 0-sta M~ une Buggl" 9525 dn. tine prvt prty, VGG879- $10. HOUSE IN B CK ,.pair, plut car ......... 936 $16SO or trade for equiv Bott Sllp Moor1ng 9036 ;z:.=;::7==7.=:;:== 5.ffl.5915 * \VE DEAL! SUPER MANX LB, call Phil, 494.9773 or THE A ,,... ... value Mercedes or smaller -Auth Intcrnalional Dir 545-~ '45 E. 17th St .. CM 642-57'1 Sunset. CM 9/16 boat and cash. 645--262!1 SLIP WANTED Puf1)1e meta.Ulak finish. Spec· 1-::::::':::· ====== EVERYTHING GOES ADORA.BU: Angora kitten, for 35' cruiser. Will pay 6 '67 DODGE SPORTSMAN ial Bill Tbomas Corva.ir en- u"'"'" mariri-10 wks 11· O'DAY D&yt;ailer mos. in advance. no bn·dg.,. V"" V-8 •· 1r -~.. O'ine >L OFF AT ·~-·-n-11~~ u-• 113~ ..... ~. . ra to, a ... ..,,...... •· . "11 • • • • • • • • • • • ·' old. CaD 646-56UT 9n6 ...,,mo ,...,. • """" "" 968-4257 "'°'"""',,,.-.,.,-,.-..,=---extra Rat. Sl875. Call $169.J ''ANYTHING GOES'' 1•· O'Oay u.sed .... $500 '66 BSA Hornet trocc. xlnt AJl1 top with any bottom! LARGE Grey and white Fun Zone Boat c.o. Balboa FREE Slip in e.'lchange for sha $850 Ml-226.9 646-2491, ext. 226, be~·een JAMES LTD AD Bikinis reduced to S7 long-ba.im oaL 6 yean old. • partial use of pciwer boat or S. :i..s?n · · After 7:30 A.1.f. wxt 4;30 P .M. 158' Newport Blvd. 642.004() ORANGE COUNTY'S ENGLISH FORD TRANSPORTATION· Imported Autos 9600 JAGUAR '64 JAGUAR 3.S Auto •• Mark JI Sedan. Wire '1.'hls. New G o o d y e • r Shelby-Cobl"li tirell. Xlnt cond. RAH. Dark gret'n w/beJce: inter. ;i,:a;,o, ~9Ml. NO n1atte.r what it 18, YoU can tell II With a DA.IL Y PU.oT WANT AD! ! &t2-56"1S MERCEDES BENZ 1960 Merctde!I l~. Denn, new !ires. $750 I i r rn . 6(2.-4152 eves. '68 Z:JO SL. both top:;, p/s, disc brakes. AM /f?-1. $J595. 494-1532 MG MG Salt:&, Servioc, Part.a lm1nedlate Delivery, All Models J2rtuporr 311nporrs . Neut.em:i 6T>-0389 9/16 SEA Scout s desperatdy &ail "''ilh drop mut Mk for ·~~~fi':S~iib~kilj,;;M;ond;;ay~U~""~'"~·o.y;;.· ..,.., MEYERS Mame for street or VOLUME ENGLl~H 0wr GJ suita to choose from, • need a MAIN sail for 22 . SUZUlO 12> cc trail bike lo FORD DEALER 326 Marine Ave. KI'ITENS, 5 trWcy ones from FOOT ALB AT ROSS . Lea 675-6005 or ~ miles, 1200. fili Ki"""' Pl., 19" SCOUT 4x4 oU road use. 1966 53 hp Bus 3100 W. C.oast Hwy., N.B. Balboa Island a calico. Vk Harbor Hi. 615 642-5769 ~oe~ """ eng. Xlnt cond. SUDO. Call SALES · SERVICE 642_9405 540-l7&1 FOR SALE Gary. 548-8594 9/1527 ~~. "v"1KIN.::..~G_A_ux.--.. -.-,-L-,-nd.-ao.t Services 9037 c.~~·-w,,,~-.;~lh~~~:"''=-:-:-·,~,,_-blk-,-5 ~ i:Jp~, HPGT";i6 pric. -·-·~·m_. _,..._9861_· ____ , Im~i:.~~D~ery Aulhori.icd ?.IG Dealer Beautiful original oil paint. PERSIAN type dark tabby Moor avail. T!:d 0 K. COLI.EGE student seeks se-hp, :Hpd, near new. KUSTOM MOTORS * LA PAZ * LARGE SELECTION '6'i 1\fGB Rdstr. R.H. Wire in&. mountain sotnr in beau-kitten, exquisite markings, 546-8lJO x43C Mr. Postma, questcred shelter on yacht $200. !)68..1587 8-15 Baker St .. Costa Mesa Buxgy BuUders. 3623 W. War. Theodore wheels. all extras. Very tifW blues l-IP'f!'l!IU. Dade 548-0097 9/15 SM-4004 \Vill ma.lntain in return. 540-~15 * Authorized ner, SA 546-4045, days 9-7 ROBINS FORD sharp! Low mileage. Must ~ -~ •--I '67 Honda 160. A Beauty! ._._,1 ~ Bayvl A .-..... ~ framl!. "'"' o PART cocker, terrier, 2 WEST Wight Potter. Gd. 3)8* 20th NB. Like new condition International Dealer ---------~ ! ,.._..,.., ew ve .. • .. -, '".., te. Reuonable-. Call ma.le, g wkL old. nitt pup-cond, 2 bunk. sis & rig. "7; ""1184 RENT-A·SHELL Imported Autos 9600 2000 Harbor Blvd. S.A. Hgts. 549-1445 ·-• ~ ~ ~~:=~~~~:=::==11~C0<~ta~>~l;•Q;;;::':':':'~M~2~.00~l~O ~,,.--7--cc---,_..--·I · · pin. 962-2158 Seagull mlr &: trlr, $1200. Mobile Ho~• 9200 1966 Triumph 650 CC Trophy \VEEKENOS, \YEE KL y ALPINE t.tGA hardtop coupe, aew U1 Spd bo)-1 French racrr. TI-IF.SE are the cutest kltte.rui 637-1668 ~,_,.ial. Xlnt sha-. $695. P.10NTHLY * 839-1800 cng. tires, etc. Xlnt cond. !Dee new $6.S. Refrig $.'G, 8' ever, ..... ,.,.nteed. 494-8Ta8 l..100 14 no. 441, j-~· .... __ ••. CASH FOR YOUR 54~ .... -UI ·-i\lusl ~JI $49J. 495-!7!18 qull'..... ch ..,.,; . . tbl •--· ""' .... ·57 fORD '1 Ton. Custom 67 SUNBEAl-t Alpint' Ex. FERRARI ~ "'" •·• "'""' 9/IS. --•. ~. "•-o 6 o 3 • MOBILE HOME -.o====== ab E t ' 37 000 with 4 benches .-.~"" Giria ,...,,._. __.... -c · x r 8 s · · cond. New tires. P.tust See! MGB ~· •• • .. , __ .. •£ "''~---..... 67J....8392 e-ye/wkrnl Auto •-rv·1-I S1595 893.-31115 bike $5. 56-S3ll ......._. UUIUl ~ .,...,..,"" ..... ~n. Pri'iste party 'IV8JltJ-8 x 40 or .-mt es. · $1495. 673-Z!M FERRARI Gr•nd Or»ning SALE I Pemeo tanks • fl5h • ac<.'<l1& '11S TROPICAL FISH !0111 Edtng,, <@ Mognolla) Fntn Valley e 842-4.S.'.IO Houle trained, gd. w1lh NEW Naples Sabot 8', lbgls, larger to be moved to mou.n. & Parts 9400 19'".>4 CHEVY '~ Ton Pick Up. New.'J)Ort lmporll Ud. Qr. •63 MGB, bard .t: soft top, child. 839-6462 9/15 complele. Eu)' to Car top. tain lot. Send description, ---------Oean. $295. AUSTIN HEALEY ange County's only author-new tires. radio. wire wheels. SNUGGLY k]ttens. 1860 Ne-w Call 879-17•7 price & location to: Write 1967 VW 1500 engine, appro~ * Call 962-8996 * ized dealer. 4.!XXI miles, almost n('\\'. Very good cond. Must sell. Jersey, C.M. 540-<ll63 9/15 IT VENTURE ~ sails, trl•, Box P 424 naily Pilot. •a:J GMC. 4 ~. SALES·SERVlCE-P.<\.RTS ?.l•k• oUo•. 494-9808 complcl~. WE DEAL! Set .,.,... RARE '67 Austin mini i:;ta. 3100 W c t H · ' 4 BLACK frma.lc. 1" Siamese oulhrd. many extras. $1995. '61 10' x 46' ROD & REEL •I KUSl'O'l 'IOTORS. st~ stake bed. S275. • oas \.\')', I ==~~-,"--·--·----1 CUSTOM made desk $35. ~ """"" glu& -$20. ' I sinb $S. ;7.511. SC&-4476. 495-4798 " " ~ ~ lion \.\'agon fwoody). $1500. Newport Beach IT'S Beach ,..,..,;..-time. Big· kilte.ns. SC5-597S 9/15. partly turn. To be mov-Bakr.r Ave.. Costa Mesa. · lMi, 673-~ ··r.1ary·Fran-64::?-9405 540-1764 pst selection ever! See the RED cat, male. g months. il<\BO'l'S From $100 lo $400,1.<d::;:·======64&-~~3Slll~~,_~~1;5======:.'._.::Wlti~·1o~,l;•phan~~~~! ~D::;un:;: ... ~·~lino~="'~'·=·=======~=A;":;:'~"°:;'~;..,~~F;;'~;;:n~·;o..J;;;::":..._:,;D~Ail.~~Y~P~ILOT~~IV;;ANr:;;,;,;AO~S~! MS.-7233 xlnt cond. 53-4542 or! 1..:::....:=------I 6U-Jol30 New Cars VW Engine 36 hp complete $l5. Mini bike Briggs A PETS ancf \.IVESTOCK PENGUIN sailboat 11 'ii' Stratton efW. $50. i(2.-7369 W/Mil & traiJt'f', Top COD- LADIES Golf clubs A. bag: $50. Tile v.-1lll mural. 1%' x 5•i,s" (u.ilboat) $50. 673-4038 LIKE New: 'Pi!aple bdrm &el, Ice frost tree refrlg brown, china cabinet. 646-U87 ' ~ Misc. W1n'11d 1610 rl-~---~~-- WE PAY MORE CASH ' .< ' • : For turn:iture, appllancei;, • colored TV, pianos, organs · i a.ad antiques. . I Day OI' nigbt ·l=-~~·~3'.~:16~20~~ :swEBUYS I; $ FURNITURE $ ; APPLIANCES · · Color 1Y-'i•Ao-Sf•r•o• 1 PSec9 et HollM ftiU CAIH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH WE PAY CASH! • NOT Checks For GOOD, USED 1\unitutt-, Stereo, 'IV or Houebold Ite:nu of 11ny kind, • 547-5722. e WANTED FURNnuRE TOP CASH IN 30 Mimrtes Quality fumiture, color 1V1 stereos, appliances tools, office @q'Uip. 531 -1212 Peh, General 8800 dllion $475. 837-8598 SIAMESE KITTENS $15 KlTE No. 676. 111688 Lehmhardt FV Aqua Blue. Xlnt cond. *531-9716• • 673-3848 * ----CAL 2.1. lrd ln NATIONALS, Dogs 1825 2 years. Full set oI sails. '-'=--------1 $3700 .• 846-2951 HURRY! These ·v,.on't lastl ,:C,..:,C~.,CC~~--­ Jong! S weelu; old Siberian LIDO 14 No. 2756, ~ry rac- Hualdes. OKlOISf: youra no .Y' Ing extra, new sails., trlt Ge.ntle, atiectionate. good, Sl200. Sabot $175. 84&-ll&S wUh children. Onl)' $75 • becaute o1 no papen on Power Cruisers these little be a u ti e • · 36 ft Quoiz Craft Express 545-&&n Cruiser '61. Many ex- p ED I GREED Cocker tru-radio/DF. etc & Spaniel 7 months old, black. deluxe interior. $14., 0 0 O. male SlS. Lynn 0 l t o 642-J0:,4 673-7617 l-''-'23"'·"'ro"=RJ~M~U~LA.--200-b--p- PUREBRED Miniature J obnlonOD. Llke·new • Dachahundt ([)oj(y'1) $50 or $4000. 644-060.1, or best otter. 841-3813 67l-&'!:92 ews!wknds ADORABLE mixed poodle CRUIZON 16' Cabin cruiser pupplea; ·I weeltll old $5. wood/[bgls, motor &: trtr. ~ 19'1'0. $S;JO. !>45-4588 OOG TRAlNING • -Priv leuona only: ree.s rates Speed-Ski Boeh 9030 213: 423-350& 713: 423-1830 is• FibergtJ-boat & on s~hore REG'D 15 mo old Irish Set-mooring 110 hp Volvo, stem !er, hou9ebrim. drive. s/s radio. bait tanks, 4194-291& etc. Xlnt cond. Gd. ski boal On shore mooring Balboa Hones 1130 tsl, No. Bay 714-615-2899 ---------SMAU. SheUand chi Id 18' Owens w/85 hp Mm: txoke. dapll! gre; $75. eng:· lge whI trlr. gkilng 545-5828 equip. Good cond. $1395 51S-26."\I TRANSPORTATION 1~'6" GLASPAR. 15 HP Evlnrude motor. Good con- 9000 diUon $625. 673-5158 Both & Yechts FREE! 1967 16' Glastron. 50 h.p. Mercury. Xlnt cond. $1495. Basic Boating Cmrse offered C.a.11 673-2259 lo the public by the Balboa 115 c-0,-'H~onm"""· ..:,.:;.:,Skl_OO.--L~!O-HP= ~wer Squadron foT people Men:. New trailer. $1250. interested in u.llboats u 642-9!111 att 4 PM well u po1V'er boats. Everyl--------- 'Pifonday ni;:ht for U Wtt.ks THE QUJCKER YOU CALL, beiinnlng 7 PM, Mon., Sept_ THE QUJCKER YOU £EI.J... IS. (Bring notebook lirsl NEED bricks one to l!XXI, night) at Newport Harben· MOTOR HOMES rnwmabl1 priced. &14-4687 Yactit Cub, 120 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. No Mlc:hln.ry, etc. 1700 advance rePtration. !:nroll •I claae. Any question call 12 x 11 FULL KLUGE m.us.. Automatic ~ New ideal roll--e- ROY CARVER PONTIAC ontiac's • • • • • • e wa it's "'· N<w Morgan..,,.,....,. HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ tnJclta, 25 cases o( SepL 8 Dec. 16th at Hunt· pid barxi&et type • aione -2 lngton Beach High School. • chuts A mi&c tunuture l 1 pm. For Info call 962-1839. • lettierpres& ink. $700 Jor all. '66 t .,r.-28' d HEADQUARTERS 5Jt5.&tl.L ~ .. .., • e a n , lapatrake, twin 185 VI rrey marine, ma.hog int. 7S wt ndk>, be&IJL family boat $9100. E-Z bank: term.a with 16 down paytnenL No tn.de. &ud'1 Aircraft -Marlnt, 2312 Newport Blvd., N.B. '' FREE TO YOU NEED aod home 1or """" lolll haired white and g-rey cat Male ~. 536-2091 NJCE J.ookirw pey '-white ldttal,, 5 mos.. male, to a alor. hamt. ~t.m 9115 ~ FREE red a White Ole.arxfU balhes. You. dl,s. 21U Con- Unmtal. C.M. t/16 .. Need lood homes for ' ~ alM tariollt abell kittens, 675-<;a; 26' Endeavw, 1969 Nati. Champion. FuU race, 12 volt, 8 aa.il£, new bat. .A: boat bath. Many other xtru. See at CYC sip 535 or call days 213-391-7171; n lte ~ ' 1D111. .id. 127.zoJ 22' CABIN CruiMr at slip, H 'EPK ERD/Scbnamer near l'l!W, 100 hp Ma-wry mt.. mUe. 10 mo&. 50 Iba. outbrd. a.tom trir, must Lowm JQdl f&.0781 9116 .ell S2%iO or bt!st otter. - WHl'J'Z' Dort hbblt 1'0ftMULA a A v • " 1 e r --d -·-eaf'llllCe -· m w. 2 W ..... -l _. ODut Hwy. N.S. (acnt&f .._ cond-Call-= •nl'-'h-''"-"..cs_tutt-'--'sntrt---'..;.Rm=cc'·- I I FOR MOTORHOMD • lm'Uf 111-AU. ID ODD~ "llPl.Dllr .. ,, .... ---------· ---[I) ROY CAR\17ER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA , • Kl-64444 I MESA ) ' -----------------------------~-----------------· .. ------..-------~-~ --T --0 ._-~ ----:,....,.,...,...,..,.,.. "' M-. -15, 1169 D,'11.V P'ILOI' H TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION"'.-:;f .. Rl:Tuf11SUPOli>IS.:fA ... T""ION""'"--;-.,1runN:nsr11PO><il"'tl'1A"'T"IOH''1l"' ... TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION lmportod ,Autoo 9600 7RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ---·-1--------= 9600 lmoo rted Au!OI 9600 lmeorted Alltoa 9600 lmportocl Aulo$ HOO Au'°' W••led 9700 Au!<> L .. 11"9 H iO lllod C.'-1'-"'----9900,..-lho4 ~ '900 -lmpoited Aut. OPEL '6.l Opel ~. iood con- ditioo, very efficient, R .t H, $600. 66-0137 RENAULT TOYOTA VOLl<SWAGEN 1===vo=L=v=o === WI' PAY ... "'LEASE"' . CONTINENTAL 1 .... --~~ i ---...,. CASH ·• Cadllloc °"' .... -· 19fJO RENAULT in rood con- diUan and very economical. 25 mi per pl . $125.00 Cal! to see GG.'468 BIIL MAXEY ·.~;,.;,.~..;..~ V0.LV0 iun. equipped. $121 ... . • '11 .nird, 10 llUI 1tation ..,. ITIS!!IOITtA~ ~,.~,.·,.RI!!' liOI . ~ for ...... '"'"• -Jud "'· rib. air, .,, ..._,,.mo. PORSCH E J! ...u-' .mo r .......,, nc., uu Best O.al• Ar9 At ca11';'° far fM nttmate. ·a i:I Camino. aJ.r, ffOO. • --· --""""· C.M .• 6'2-04l3. DEAN LEWIS GROTH OIYRO'" SOUTH COAST .,. PORSCHE 1600 Su"''· 11111 BEACH BLVO. . .. vw >'utbacl< 1'00 Low u;1 CAR LI ASINO Near perfect, radla.I Uttc, Hunt. Btach '474S55 milft:, new car suarantee, ,...,. H·~ c~ ...... _ 300 W. Cat Hwy, NB M5-l132 TRIUMPH chnn wtm. \.\'orth $1600. '66 TRIUMPJ:I TR 4 3 ml N. ol cc,..t Hwy, oa Bcb uldna' bdow blue book. Pv .._ ... ._., ·•· _.._ A* far &1111 Manacer \Vill take btst oller over * rood OMdition * ( pl)'. Home: Sf0..8695. Mlrk: '65 Volvo ttdl.n. kl mJ.e, Id. 11211 8-:b 8tv4. Uud Can 9900 ~call •flL'r S pm Reuo11a.ble 54&--m4 TIO[VIQITl!J 1-----'·-'J-•ck.;__Soot=J---~~.t~ Ura. $100. Hw1e:r-NSS:l8eac:b TRANSPORTATION CAM PORSCHE 1967 _ 912 _NEW ·~,~· t:--en~· Bttt· De•I• ~ At ·~:: :~=· s'::. -======== WE PAY TOP RP0RT9 MOTORS TIRES CH.ROt.tE Wl-lEELS 1 __ ~"""""~--ev-'='·~-· I DEAN LEWIS ~t Flo~r. c.~f. (right rear Sport C1rs 9610 DOLLAR • COCOA MATS • EX-e '61 T1UA-IRS ~) !>4S-3155 tor eood, cltu uaet! nrt. X1J6 HAJUi01t BLVD CEU,.ENT CONDmON -?.1ag..,.micb~r&Jrroll bar U66 Harbor C.M. 646-9303 =-=~=-=-"· ---,--,-L&DAU Ital fbrglu !!pOl'tl; all make&. Set Gearse Ra, CDSI'A MESA ' SA.350. (Phone) 5'J...4010 /J'-AU $2100. Owner~ • 196$$.::fW 1500 s lq\IAn back. blt Chtv V8, aw •tick a: 'Ib!odore Robins Ford 541.$2" or MMS11 TER •·oo p •• u.;,JU, OD. $2800 invested, runnine. lalO Harbor Blvd. ............. CING AV D"Rf'. · ...... 497-1135. Ask tor DON ndJ completlrv. Son aooe to CM 6'2-0llO ............. A~~ .._ MS-3CXJ1 Ext. 6' or fl 1910 HARBOR BLVD. PORSCHE '" -912 . TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN 61 bl "'11 .... $1000.M&.3238 • • '68 SPORTS ...... l3,10ll AM/FM, chrome .>h I•. ' VW c.m..,. R< I. ens. Wj(( 8 I air CGSrA MESA CORVAIR 'U MUSTANa $11'5 2 Door H.rdtop. VI, 1Hc:• 1ltlft, ,.~u., h••t•r, whit. wtlf ffNI, hlt h ,.rf.,_. t 11c:• p•c:lt•t•· lYN 322 Konkihoc.,, ""· c1"""· ELMORE MOTORS '68 VW • """· 18SO. can m-0562 1 UJ ~:~, ' """·· """' top. Top after 5 PM. Auto. W1nted 9700 <;UJM !Jon. ~-Xlnt mo.Int. ~rd. $3900. Your Volksw•-n or Porsche '&t Greenbr1ar Van. 492-3117 '66 V\V. Strong rnMing:. -- BARRACUDA New Ure1. Clean! '650. 541-7442 ''5 CADILLAC $2495 TOYOTA Air ro..nUm10r, • •pd. d~. Drlv• to -te $UOO. WE PAY CASH • "" tDp dollan. Paid lot ·~ PORSCHE Spf-eUster Bil! loaded! Hwiey Cft&m. ext,, * 6Q.-0040 Days only or not. Call Ralph Thoma! CORVAIR engine plU&h black int. Take smaJl1 ---------m.tSOO DODGE lnoiallation. -• !Arg•" ..tection of a ll down "' "'''· Low, lo• "'' vw. red, """"runnln& FOR YOUR CAR 1========1 ~ ~:,.:; = -------D• vt11t ........ fvll ,.w•r hllhtcU119 f•cf•rv •ir ce11o 4lH011i119, Sh•r,. An 121 * '65 CONVERT * 1a""""'·r"'""'• ~m °" Kpymnen ~~lF890'' .!!'.;...can. """'· ';""5.1939 * c·ONNELL . Auto Lo11lng 9110 Mu.t ....wee, $150 . '61 DODGE DART Xlnt cond, All xtras, nu pot. rgest oyota eiLIC'r, _.....,.,~ ~ 833--06 White with vinyl top, a1r con. top, Must aeU. 64:6-123.f NICEsr USED CARS '57 V\V Conv!).nable MUST Sell '66 VW Cal:nper, CHEVROLET dttt.. .. 1 .... auto, trana., pow. 'U FOID $7'5 GAU.XIE 500 FASTIACK. "J'O" Vt, •11toll'l1tlc: tr•t11• ml11To11, t•dlO, h••f•r, po-r 1t••rillf, •It coiwll· tio11l119, whit• wtlli, Ut • llG tl6 IN ORANGE COUNTY f U I lo mile• xlnt LE•e:E ·RENT ...... _ '67 Porsche 912, Ml-F?a-1, 4 S250 u Y cqu p, .,. J.. -BUICK er 1teerizW, ndio a.ad beatu , pd I .1 ,,_ 'Ir 15300 Beach Blvd. * 98&6:163 * cond. 642-1538.eves. :ma Harber 61vd. ORDE R YOUR Must wt $1895. 3:5,IXIO 0..i ... 5 • ow mi es . ......,.. . ., · WettmWter Phone m3322 Cotta~ 566-llOD 1'70 TODAY . ---------·~ . hley,673-8282,673"78l9 SEPT 68 VlV, lmmac , '66 VWSnrf.beiaewlblk tnt.1-~==-==~-1 FOR EARL IEST 61BUJCKR1vitn..Topaxto inal miles, c.n 637-4156. •61 super 00. reblt """" new '61 Toyot• Coron• am/fm, aunrf, n1m Qt' ot-R/H. Porsche rlma, Xlnt UCPOR'l'S WANl'ED dlUoo. fully p:J¥o"md, a.fr.. Ori&fnal owner. '65 MUSTANG $195 pai1:1t. Must sell snsii"or V\V \Vhlte with black bucket fer. 540-1580, cond. $I.3SO. 548-7116 Omn&e O:iundel DELIVERY cond. Xlnt buy! Ca 11 -~--~·nrf & CMh. ~.,"""" seata. auto, radio. VHLJO.I. ,68 V\" 8 hll , 8 ·~ V\V eam-r. New"-'-, L _"roP 1 BUYER All popular makes. !'ord 837-5426 Leisure World. FORD H•rdlop, VI, pow•r 1t••t- 1~,-.11 •• ii ip•ei•I. l1111111 'lloocl. ATl116 .,.. ....-.,,,1e, Sharp! Priced to sell •I: ,. uz. w r, '" & ..-~'6u"" BILL MAXEY TOYOTA thort I ul te 65 Porsche. one owner. KUSTOM MOTORS tn.ck tape deck $1650. 5 new tires. Ready to gul ._.. a..-.. mvd. au zed e "I !YI m. BUICX No 225. Ha 1 '64 FORD Coun...., ""'""n. * 962-066l * S2400. MS-4783 olOOlli "" Get OUr c.ampetJIJve Rates ---.11.i -t • _1 "' ··-ov Like new, 1t1any Extras! M5 Baker St., Costa Mesa ft Beach. Pb. M7-f555 Theodore ...... , .. liARGAINi rwr. atee:r., R&H. Xlnt l3300 645-1462 54<J.5915 * WE DEALI '6' VW '51 VW VAN $550 DONT JUsr \VISll fouome. ROBINS FORD 64>-2252 aftor 6 PM Cond. Orfa, owoer. $795. '66 MERCURY $169S CYCLONE G.T. 2 cir. H.T. V-t, e11t.., fi e. •ir, pow•r •t.•r., pow•r br1~11, b11tk0 •t 1•1h. TSA IZJ. '59 PORSCHE 1600 Coupe, Cassifled'a action power. Ex. cond.. $1«;0, SCl-7816 · 542-69!M eves. thins to fumllh )'OW' home 613--3'7M. -•-t _ _, .,.,. ......., -" __ ...... ,....,,;on L 2000 Harbor Rlvd. BUlCK '66 RJviera, factory '66 F rd I' I ..... , u.uai. .....,....,6'11. or For an ad to "'"" .... ..,...... THE QUI.......,..... YOU CAU., Fal' Dally Pilot Want Ada , , , find p.at buy1 ln ll>' Costa Mesa 6G-(1(110 air, full -. ,,_11,,, o afr I M 613-1150 e\o"H: I: wkends. the clock, call 6C-$'l8 THE QUICKER YOU SELL DlaJ 6U.s678 dl.y'1 O•astfied Ada, ,...._..., ~ $495 l~~~;;;;;~~;:=:.'.~~~~~~~";'=~~s;;;;;=:;;:~~:..:===;;:,;;;:;~==-~~~;;:;;~~=:=:::!!!!!::!'!!::!!!!'!'!!!!!!!J!!~!'I condition. ~to appreciate! 2 Door Loaded. VI, etc. Uc. New Cars 9800 New C1rs 9100 New Ca rs 9IOO New Cars MOO $2595. ·~ lRM9t9 Pt.or. &a.6023 Dlr. '63 FAIRLANE $995 ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~n 'C Buick RJv~~. -11', llf. •-roRo 1'!1-· ~Mi. "~"' MACULATE loaded ""' >.AAJ· .,..4\, ....,... $ll75 ' 'Mu.....,~ 10 a.m.-2 LJll,. !136-«110 very · .. .............., clean DURING JOHNSON & SON'S BIG ClfARANCE ':.."'v';Js oil .-.. Llko IS62 FORD: New brake• 100 Vt, ,_,, 1f1•rl ..,, ti· tli•, lii••f•r, 2 door H•rtl• 111111. Sh•rp. Lie, klE 260. '67 GAL •. 500 $1"5 2 dr H.T., VI, t uto, ft t t lr, I'S, 1111, l&H, w-s-w, Y!nyl ro•f, th1t 9l•1s.. UKH71 A '65 FALCON $795 THArs RIGHT!! AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE BIG MONEY 1 ON mE NEW CONTINENT A~ MERCURY AND COUGAR. OYER 78 NEW 1969 CARS TD CHOOSE FROM. LOOK AT mE EXAMPLES BEi.OW. Don't Wait Too Long BRAND NEW 1969 COUGAR XR-7 "THE HOmST ONE ! ! -BRAND NEW" 1969 MERCURY CYCLONE SPOILER While 35 1 4V, Vt, ii i.et •Iliff, whit• 1id• w•ll1, pow•r I Mll roof, bl1ck 'f'iRyf roo f, 1porh c:o11tol•, pow1t 1l••rin9,' pow1r brilk11. · tilt wh11I, AM-FM rtdio witli l•p•i.. i11t•rv1I wip•n, tin! 9l1n, d•lu11• 1111 •nd h•lh, wira wh•1I c:o~•ts, frori t bull'lptr 9111rd1. STOCI #411t Sil.# tfflMSt0714 $AVE $713.00 LAST ONE EVER AVAILABLE AT SAVI NGS LIKE THIS - 11/&f MERCURY CYCLONE SPOILER: llr•rid N,.,J BRAND NEW 1969 MONTEREY 4 DOOR HARDTOP Whitt with dirk \.111• m•t•llie. l SI Sp•c:l•I Hot CIO 4-V •fltlft•, Hot 125 to I re•• .,.J,, two ton• roof & d•ck, 11yl.t1 Jf••I wh.1li, r•eint mirron , rNr cf•ek 1pollt r, Yinyt 1tMr wh11I c:ovf r, ••l•~t 1hi ft, FJO tr•elion lir11, P•""'' 1l•eri119 l br1k11, r•di•, •ntl 1poil1r 11"1odiflc:1fion1, $AVE NOW ONLY $AVE Cullom 4 door H1 rdtop wifh Jl/O 2V, VI, b!.1,k 'f'invl roof, 1el1ct 1hJft, 1ulom1tic tr•111mi11ion, whlt1 1id1 w11ll1, powt r b11~e1, pow1r 1l1eri119, whi1p•r 1ir c:onditiontr, ••· tlio, ti11t1d 9l•u, tompl•I• ht•d r1il1. rt· 11'10t• mirror. s922.oo $3268.95 s702~00 • OR·ANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • Johruto11 & Son Ras T he R e putation of Offe ring the F inest Seleetio11 of Vsed Cars in the County! 1967 CO UGAR Pt:lwff l!ffdflt. P<IWfr bt~ka. fetlorV 1!r, IU!Ornllk lrlnlo tlOio l>ullt. ti,, UNl 1111 $2395 1968 COUGAR Autom.11< "•~•,, pgwer '"'"""'' pgwor IM'•kts. f1Kto•r 11r, lioncllU !PO. XEV loW. $2695 1969 MARQUIS 4-<loor '11rd~, 111!1pg-r,flCIOf'Y 1lr, L1nda-u fVp, •ll!Omllf< ""''' rtokl, ,...,.,, 11'. $4390 1968 MERCURV Co\ony' 1'1rk lllllon .... _ "' PSH"1Cl•rl, -·r ''"•Int. pgwsr b•1~ei.. 11erto i.PS, f•ttorv 11r, •ulorN!i~ '''"'• r•· llkl, ftNltr, l!C. STK lQ2 $3795 1967 MERCU RY c-Lie:. UOF 560, ,...,......uc 1ran1ml•ID<I. rMJO, ,...,.,, N II POWlf It l.Clor~ l lr. VOi' llO. $2595 1965 COM n 41i '""°"' 1uf111N111c tn1n1, rtdlO, hMl1r, 11t. lltlH .5'l $1395 1968 MllCURT p.._,~ L-Con•llllioo . .Wloftltlk tram .. rtcllll, Mlt.r, Pc.w- 1r •'-lnll· -llrtka, ~ -b. flc:i.r, •Ir. VI I( J.(J $3195 1967 FOID 2oCloor ht.,,lop, Jl9'ftr 11Mrlng, ,.,_ brtk-. t"'°'l' •Ir, L1!dlu -· 111torn111c iral'f., rfello, Nlt'I" ale. VU? W $2295 1'67 THUNDHlllD l'ull JIOM•, !fctorv t!r, Uf!O;IU 10fii, 1lillllmlllc tnns, rldle, fl.t.ltlr. 11<.. TTW Ml $2695 1966 FOID 1968 CONTINENTAL 1969 VOLKSWAGEN lh,19, lltldlO, ~Nit•, thtr,. l!c. XOA MJ $1895 1'64 PONTIAC 4 o... N.T. a-It snwr •iw nwlllllr.. !K!Ory •Ir, ••1111. IM'lkfl, t it. HTI.. "1 $1195 1'65 CHIYROLn IMPALA 4 i:1aor lllntll!P, Lie. NCA Ill, Altlftmtllc lr-"'IMIOll. rlMllo, ,..., ... , jlOWV ,, .. ,1n9. $1395 1'67 PONTIAC cno AUIM\tlk trellllTlllt...,. rMlo, llellw, ~ 1 ..... int. 1W Rnll!llMlfll, Lie. TtJ IP $2395 1'68 IL .DORADO l"llH PIJWWf tKM<'I air, l.Mldilll top. ""'"'9.lk. rtdlo. "-•1· tr, tall, ti! lllhMI. t""9. AM/,.M, tie. Wfi'U tU $5895 1964 CONTININTAL Ct.wlYwflb", 1\111 _.,, flc:terv •!~~ lle!Mr lllttrW, rldll. _,...,""°""lie: .,.,.. ek.. oML.., $1795 1'67 CONTININTAL +.oP, lvll ,.,...,, Hc'°'l' '"" ... ,...., lllfWllor, l.lndt• ,.,,, 1111 ""911, rl(lll!, l\MtM, 11111m11k. ~ #122f $3695 lohn.son-.son. I NEW CARS 540·5630 642-0911 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA 1 Mlle South of the San Diego Freeway • • I • USID CARS 540·5'35 I • 6C.4'7l2 * new batmy. U:O uk lor Dtbble. M6-l550 or 646-al23. CADILLAC MERCURY 2 dr. V-t , 1tic:k. r1dio, h••t· •r. lte•I 1h•rp. N&O J6t . EoCalo -'66 CHEV. $149S '61 Cad CdV .Pwr, air, etc. '6T Mere Col. Pk. Wgn. lO IMPALA 2 Dr HT. Vt, •uhi, -a/c, ndr. PIS. P/B, d ' Mechanical-in aV'tl'g cond. po.,er 1t1•r.., r• io, ••ftt. Front pau 1eat mnwrtec1 to P/W, Jl'M'• lll!all. spd. cont. SQL OJJ • .-.. lmlld. SUfJmJt .... dar ~ AM/FM, '6S MUSTANG $11'5 ·--· BU> much mire ......... 830-6448 "n.a.' 'Ln C.11.,..rt. Vt , 4 •P•M, r•· To: W.CA TNst. MUSTANG die, h••f•r, whft• well Attn: D, Holt.by tir••· Hi9h l'•rfonn•11c:e P.O. Box 1139 lt•llv l'1ti:. Uc:, PIX t l l Santa Ana. Cal 92702 '68 Mustang '65 cHEv '11" lmp•I•, 2.d•oo H.T. V.1, '68 SEDAN de vme, Landau top, full pwr, AM/FM GT, 2+2. ht bclr, alr, ps. PS, Pl, r•cfio, li••t.r, whlt1 ltefto, ~ fH..1532 pwr strs A btb. dlr , int walls, tint tliu.. PDEtOI """"'· Bl Bk $l!IO will ""' '67 MUSTANG $1695 MUsr Rll ch!ap! 'M Cad rif $1950. Take older trade. H.T. V-1, 111to,. pwr, 1ff•r. Coupe, '66 Cont Both load-VZl11l21B call Phil 494-STll rid1o, ll•1+1r, 'f'i11yl ,_f, ed, xlnt. 540-7828 or ~. TUR 010 , '68 CADlLLAC Coupe de l MUsr==AN=a"ss=2.,.+"°2-... "',h'"•-.. --c.. 169 TORINO $3195 VWe, leu than illl,to> mlln, W -w--i-L.-..4 HI m ' vinyl $4850 40" 6'0'•""'• ...,.....,, • e 6T. ]II Vt, •\rto, f•c:t 1•tr, l lereo, top. · Pvt hood, beaden, spec. wheeUI PS, Pwr dl1 c: lr~1. R I H, "p~ty~SG-~2711~·_,..=,...,== 1 til'H, and more, Cl..EAN •• ., tlr•1, lo., "''· XHV6&1. '89 Cad 5"dlo"" Vllle, 12,000 613-<llll6 'H MUSTANG $11'5 ml. pyt pty, 9lll-6013 67 Mustq CONVEITil(E Vt, •llh111•· CAMARO Exoep. dean. 1tlck shift. 'fit h•111111i11I011, p • w •'I ndk>,. beater, b Uc k e t·s, 1f1•rln9, r1dio, ll•1ffr, m191 whlt.e walla DLR. U c. TRH wh••l1, Interior d • e • r Z 21 Camaro, ma11, 690.$1195.Pbone &G-"'23 t roup. Ut. NOY'''· 1 ~ F-«ll!S, '"""" '67 FORD $2095 1 $2lllO. 1'15-33811 OLDSMOBILE RANCH WAG, v.1 ...... '68 camuo 311 . R.S. PIS -----~--~II f.c. •Ir, , __ .... r .. pwr. R.ll AutD. 284 Krm st. Of' '65 01..DS 442 Cutlasa, 1 br•lret. 111991/fO raek. TVD ~2991 eves, trade. owner, k> mlg, best offer. ;11:;;2~· ===~== 545-1498. '68 MUSTANG $2195 CHnROLET '67 TORONADO.Dtluxe. Full CONVEiRTJIL!. v.1, 111to., pwr, air, AM·FM. tit wbla. pwr, •t••r., ,.11., Htt.r, '57 '"hev. f Sfa.~. I ;:i:$29:;;;;25=. ;:9'J3.;:112ll===== consol•, b11e••t H•''· '"''· "" top. vaa tsJ. Bel Air, 4 Dr, V1!17 ccmcl, . .. built 2S! •JWIM.""' ""• PLYMOUTH '67 coUGAI $UH beW tra.nl., pawer 11.eef'lnl, H•rd t.p. Vt, rHl' ll••I· ponr lnba. auto tram. 1961 ROADRUNNER ''· ,..,.r •t••rin9, , • ..., Muat * tn appreciate. Re.. d iic br1k••• f1etory •Ir ionabb priced at ~ Racing creen. 4 speed, m.gs. condlfioni119, whit• w'•ll ..._n "~T."'.., RM21H8G2Gl900. Pr!~ In tir•1, .. 111yl top, tilt •/it•I. '"""' "" ,....,, 1e1J at: Lie. USD J7l '66 IMPALA KUSTOM MOTORS '65 Spott' Fwy $fts 2 Doar, hardtop, V-8, ltSdt U5 Balr!T St., Costa .. !'!~~ 2 door h•rdhlp, VI , •ut•· lhilt,, dlr., r&h, owned by WE DEAL! * ~w 111tfit tr•t11ll'll11l•11,L l'OW.r little 'ole k>cal pollcemu, 1taerl11t, pow., br•11"• 1•· Hu hl.d L-.o.i ... , CV'I!. Oe•.. PONTIAC dio, "••f.,, lturck•t •••ti, ..,y.,,. _,, I c:o"'ol• PA& '01. lnafde & ouL $1298 fUll pico. '66 TemP"ot Station wagon, '67 CHIV. $1ftJ RFH582LB. Aller U AM. P/b, Pia, factory air, $1095. m97T3 or 56-0634. 833--2273 or 833-8Jll ::~.!i;ti~.·11;:d~~'i.~.~~: 'f.6 OIEVROLET Caprice. '68 PONTIAC LeMam po""•' 1l•eri119, ftcfery t it One owner cu with Obi¥ Good o-nd. $2500 tONltlo11l119, lie. U06061 · .2'.000mfl~ ba1111 _.., + 546-4529 Aller 6 PM '67 FAIRLAN!! $1"5 air coodl-. AboolateJ.y ...,.-=,,...,=-,,.-..,,,,.-,,= ' H T V cl -~ lb '"" Gran Prix -•-tilt whl 500, 2 .. r • , t, •11t•, the e .. ..,e~ one town. '" ' ..,., ' PS, r•dlo, he•l•r, wliiJt.. Jim ~ M e rcedee ete:reo, nu brim, o'haul frt well t1r••· UPSSSI "'"" t:lO w. w......,, Santa ::1165Good oond. $2095 '65 FOID $H. Ania, 54&-4114 GAL. 100 COWVEkTll\.l. ~'68"°"IMP=ALA:-:-:-W=rn.-cA1r:o-:-,-:p"'°ls. 1980 Pontiac St& Wlfl. PIS, v.t, •uto., PS, t •dio, h•1t. 16,000 ml. Xbrt o:nl. SDI I PfB. xlnt cond. Cal 1 •r. UYR 2t2. l&1oe oonr payment.I, $90 mo. IS9-lm. 16675 Spruce Cir. 642-41'9 aft 5,30. FV. '65 F~RDHT V $1495 LTD 2 or. • • •I , •ut• .. atEVY 'Sf 2 Dr. Impala. V-'64 Tempest LeMana COllvt. fi e, •Ir, PS & Pl. r1dl• I !, pl•, alt. ~ Call New red palnt, dea11, S950 h••l•r. ATA 311. m.o122. or ""' atr. 613-31&1 'H l'OID $9'1: '65 Chevy lmPoil 2 Dr. Good RAMBLER GAl. 100 ........... VI , cond. Auto. V-1, $1200. -·-••'•· '5, llH, •hlt-•11 m.4'11 '6' REBEL SST tlr••· 1Y12ot 'IS CAMAIUl 377 R.S. Pi ll. This cu only bu 6500 mlla. '66 FORD $1595 R/H. Auto, 2U KnoX. SL, CM Factory warn.nt;y, air cond.. &AL. 100 2 dr. H.T. Y-1, 645-2991 eve1, WUl trade. PS. PB. lancbu top. Mint •ut•., f.,1. 1lt, PS, klH. condldon, A9A197Ml57243. uou 560 ' '62 4 llr. Chevy tm,.i., Pi• S&ve at i '66 IUICK $1295 P/b. Radio! tlm.· Xllrt comL 1650 541--255t KUSTOM MOTORS LE SAlll:E 2 cl•or H•nltop. 345 Baker St.. C'.olta Meta Vt, 1ufOll'lttlc tr•111ntl11l•111, 'fl6 Malibu, £tPHd1 o:c:el. S4l).5!ll5 * WE DEAL! po.,•r 1t•th119, p o w • r oond. Vl!fJ IOw mlle-ae, new br•k•1, r1tli11, h • • t• '• equipment 9G-966.l 2·1961 Rambler Americans, 6 ..,hit• w•il t;,.,, lUL .lOl. II(~-==:::=.=:=":':=:::'="° I ~$9!5-~ Nood molOr '6' FORD . $3295 CHRYSLER 6Al. IOO ... !I. .... v ... T BIRD 1itfo, f1d. t ir, n. "'· ••. '67 CHRYSL£R • "'· ....... JCTH Ill. '59 T-BDID. ad. cbnd., 2'DOOR HARDTOP !300. , ... automatic. factor7 air, 51:5-2T9G power ltecr\Da. pnw tir. 1966 rnuNOERBIRD Town kt .. ndlo A Jwlk!r. Jama. Land11.u. Every cona!M'able culate, (UDE 7fS). f.11.dory ~tra, Incl 11ereo. $2295 Xlnt """'· $21Dll. 54l>ti/i00. ·ATLAS CHRYSLER -l'LYMOUTH "2t HARBOR Bl.VD. OOSTA MESA 546-UIM Open Dail1 'tlJ 10 p.m. CONTINENTAL 'M t'OhTL. FU1l pwr, air, 1-ther. Sow mllu. Xnlt cond. JIG. (213) GE 1-6310 White Elephants! TORINO '68 TORINO GT, T•stbeck, 350 hp, 4 spd, dlr, loaded! Would llk~ fOl"- f'len CV In tNde If poul~. Blua -$%!65 • boot olW -$1900 wn.mIJl. c.11 Phil. '9+9n3 or 56<1831. TORONADO ('66) Otluxe, air, f/p, Landau top, $241'. - I •· ' '66 GAL.AXIi $HI 100 4 Do•r w ... 'ft , 1wfo111ttlc ~11U, r.41., htl•ry •ir eoadltt.._1111. wlllf• will tira1, Uc. SHIC ill '67 FORD $1495 C11•t. 100 I 4'r. V-1, 111t-., •s, 11.IH. TJM '''· '66 PORD . $17tS Co•atrv 5'i1iti1iN 10 ••11.., v ........... I'S, , .. l l H. lun•t • t•e\. UTI 7tt DUNTON FORD U40 S~MtD 541;.7076 /I • ' - 'I , l . I ' r • • I ~.~15,1969 Sundowner Trans-bay 12th Ann-.al "-flail" Overnight Argosy 4 Champs-Seek .Star · Title I Winner " World _C~1f!:piop,ships at Mission Bay Next Monday Race on Oct~·4-5 Thu• wlll be 1!0 de/ending form.,. tiJree.tlml w or Id Bore ·•"' the «<tllled en- dwnj>ltAI u auch "'11en the cbtmploo !ntan,.liavlnt won trlea In the Star Cl ... World lid &wlbura'I Cal-lll Sun-lnlemallonal Slor Class World al Havan1 In 1957, Newport Salling Cbamp~ps: downer wu 1111 ...,all 'finner ~pl<>l\ShJp Regatta gela Beach In lllit and Rio de ArgeoUna: lloberio Mier ... S.lurday ol callloml• Yacht Ne"l!\)l'I Oceen sailing AJ. 'llley should bo ·malled lo Wider way at San Diego next Janeiro In 1960. Qn1y one other Australia: lir. w. J. Rock; Club's Trana-B•v race, the aoclaUon' has· issued invlta. NOSA Race Committee ctary· Monday, but1there will be four man, Italy's. Ac o 1 t Jn o Dr. K. J, w. StUmp. fifth In the siJ:;.ce Overton Uons and entry blanks for lb StaCf, 40t 29th .st., 'Newport former champions ·-one of Straulino hu ev~ ,WOQ three Bahamas: FOflter c1p.rke, Setlel. 12tb 8t)llUal AJamitos BfY M-"Beach. them an O I Y m Pl c · Gold Star Cius world tWes. Br a 1111 : Walter Von 1 sched led 4-5 The f aec1 u medalist. Since winnirlf'.· tn 196 O, Hutacfiler: Peter Slem:ien. Because of light Wlndl and gosy u Oct. · · race was oun ...,....._....,.._...______ 1 The 1966 aod 1967 world Notth's record bas been S-18-Z· Capada : st mo n Prinsen- low vlslbWty tbt race com-11le Argosy is an overnight YeA{• 'ago by Clark Sweet. chl.mplooshlps in the Star M-2--2. Other former world berg; Charles Kosa. mltt.ee. shortened the course race designed to give sailing ' NewpOrt Beach yacht and ln-F Class were won by Paul dwnpions who will be making eo~-• German Hartm --the---•u-"-1o20 · o • T h ~ ~= an '.'._';':~ ·~--~ families and guesb "" oppor· suranee broker who is a long reign · · OUC Elvstrom of Denmark. Re wJll another bid ll 9an Dlego 'ate Bogumil. •~ tuntty to ~le In inlor· Ume member of Long Beach • not be Oii hand at &an Diego. Malin l!urnham, Sao Diego, • 'West Germany: H. W. RucneMJp waa M. I!. Pit-At B t Sh nierewasno"world"'·beldin l!M5: Walter voo •liu•~hJer, Za·"·rl--·.UweM·-·. mal racing and to 1,et1ogelher Yacllt Club. In the early days 08 OW ) ~ '-"lll ~· ....... m••'• Ericson-32 Blue/In from · . _ _ _ 1968 l>Ocause of the Ql,ympic BraZil, 1938, and KI e I , J••ly : • "'"' Croce: Carlo th ~-Salli Club a-..1 nt an overnight rtndezvous. before the new Long' Btacb 1-- -.., ~ Sou ~Nre ng wN Tb 1 ·•-tiJUch h b games. ... Gennany, 11139; and Bill Roland!; An&<Jo Marino. thlrd was Meltemi, co-skip-The Argosy consists of two Yacht Club was built, the e or"'-6" as e-Lowd!! North of Satl Diego Buchan, Seattle, 1911. Pcrtugal: Luiz Roberedo. pered by Pearce and Sturde-separate races. The first race )'.Jchtsmen lied up at the Long com~ part Of ~ ~avor of the stands out as' the most An tnterestPll sktellght on Sweden: SUg Wennerstrom ; C-Oloradn -F. B. Bnsetl Florida -Frank Zagaruio, James Schoonmaker. Hawau -Charles Hall Jr. Ullnols - Chresen Jensen. Loulalana - Williarn Cowles, G. S • Friedrichs Jr. MlChlgan - Phil Griffin, EGgene CO'rle7. New York -Steve Andrewi. Oregon· -Tom Fortt. Texa' -John Slack. Washington - Alan Holt, Jay Winberg. Torn Nylund and .Bill Buchan. Final Day For Filing vant .of Pacific Mariners will be Crom Balboa Pier to Beach Marlna and were oo,.. new Southern CalifoniJa~Ma-·formldable threat by sJle,er Burnbam's win in 1»45 la that John Albrecbtson; Coraa Tell ; Yadll Club. Alamitos Bay on Saturday, sed to a nearby restaurant for rine ~UOQ SailbOat Show virtue of "hill record In the-he· was 17 yean old •11 the Pelle Petterson; Sune Carlsqn. Thursday ~ the final day to Cl• results: Oct, 4. The boats will rendez-the Saturday night fesUviUea. Oct.. 24 to:Nov. 2 at the 1A1& class-. In the 1966 and 1917 time, and bis crewman, Lo-Well Switzer J a n.d :.. Arnold file entries lo the San Diego to OCEAN RACING-A -(J) voos at Long Beach Yacht CooperaUng 1n the race are Beach Arena. • "WorJd.'1" he W~ runnfi!f~P to North, wu 15. Osterwalder; Jurg Christen; Ensenada race sponsored h1. Viva, Gorham Getchall, CYC; Club for· an evening of dinner, Larry McDowell, manager, SeVeral lines of aallboats Elvstrom, losing by only ~e.e 1 Another Olympic g o I d Oskar Meler. the Southwestern Yacht Club. (2) Firebrand, Jim Parks, dancing and entertainment. aod Tom Mcinturff, harbor-troi;n Eii.gland plus aaJling paints each year. Jn 1968 medalist who will be seen in United S.tates: California -The race 1s open to boili CYC:. The second race will be on master of the Long Beach Ma~ crift ·from Sweden, lUllland, North was the ·Olympic gold action in the Star "world's" Lowell North, Malin Burnham, ocelin 1acing sailboats and OCEAN RACING-B _ (1) Sunday, Oct. 5 from Alamitos rtna. Norman Scott ls com-Hong Kong and , Ne1f 1.ealand medalist in the t;lase, aoundJY. will""be Buddy Friederlcks of Alan Raffee, J o b n Bennett, predicted log power boat1. Sundowner; (2) Bluefln: (3) Bay to "the Newport Pier. modore and 'Bill Effinger is will •be on display at the ln-"be&tlng Elms in the' process, cit· New Orleans who Won the Chuck Lewsadder, Ra Ip h Ent-ry forms may be securec;l Meltemi. Entries must be posbnark· port captain of the host·Long du a try-sponsored "sailboat wiJpll.ng ~coveted gold. DragOn Class at Acapulco in DeLuca, Barton Beek, Bill from SWYC and must be tiled MORF-(1) Sudy Ill, Andy _ed_be_f_or_e_,ml,--dn_:ighc.l_Se..:p_t._2_6~. _E_ea_ch_Y_a_ch_t_C_l_ub_ • ..;' ____ onl,....:.y_'l_e_xhi_·bl_,Uon,_. ___ ~-.,:F_u_rlbermcc...c...,°'r'.:.•_· .:.N,.:.ortb __ 1s_.:.•_:;l::ll68.:::.~-~------G::.er:::.:.:ar.:.d.:., _::T_o_m __ B_l_ac_k_all_e.:.r.cc....:by:_4.:.p_.m_._Th_urSda_..:Y_· __ _ Lockt<m, CYC; (~ Pull 11 (Cal-25) Rnd Slmenz, PMYC; (3) Puff fl (Cal·28) Glenn Thorpe, CYC; (4) Baluba, Robert Losan. SBYC; (5 ) Summer w Ind, s. Ellis, WYC: PHRF -(I) Fon:e Seven, Colgan & Llnder, LAYC; (1) Yellow Jackel, Terry Greene, CYC; (3) Dutch Boy. Fred OtUger. WYC; (4) Bongo, Johnston & Edward!, PMYC; (5) I Duno IV, James Wortblnglon, SMYC. Five Oasses In Harbour Keel Boats Ftve classes of sailboats partldpated I n Huntington' Harbour Yacht Club's lnvita· tlonal Keel Boat Regatta Saturday and Sunday. Courses were laid out of Seal Beach. The results: PHRF-A -(I) Sea Chase U, William Gal~ SI BYC; (2) Nlmrod, Andy Cb amber a, llllYC; (I) Celine, Bill Mone, l.'iF. · PHRF-11 -(I) Malal Vaa, Paul Smith, LBYC; 12) Esprit n, W-tlliam Slegrill, ABYC; (3) Away, Jim H~ Si BYC. -SANTANA -(I) Brigadoon, Art Koox, HHYp; (j) D'Mur, Dave, Newpian,. HHYC; (3) Ciao, Bob Uccilerrl, SI ,BYC: CAWOA-(I) Dirty Thirty, Hanle Schofield; ABYC; (2) Get Away, Lee Berlingeri, SI BYC; 131 Toad Stool, Isabel Lounsbury, ABYC. CAL-20B -II) Wlng·A· Long, Nancy Wing, ABYC; (2) Jlne, Rudy Ried«, SI BYC: (!I Mlslral, Richard Tobin, RRYC. Coast Guard Sets Exams To Academy Prospective candidates for the United States Coast Guard Academy's class o! 1974 will have Utelr final chance to compete for appointment to the academy when College Entrance ExaminaUon Board tests are administered Dec. 6. These are lhe Jast. CEEB test results which will be ac- cepted for evaluaUon for the 1974 cla511. Appointments to the academy are made solely oo a competitive basis, with no congressional aj:ipointmenli or geographical quotas. Applications for ap- pointment mllll be submitted to the Director of Admissions, U.S. Coa,,t Guard Academy, New London, Conn., 06320, prior lo Dec. I 5 • Ar· ranaementa to take l h e necessary CEEB tests may be made througb high school counaelon!. To qualify for competition, an applicant must be Un· married and must have reach· ed bis 17th, but not his 22nd blrlhday by July I, 1970. Mt .n I m u m educaUooal re-quirement is a blgb school diploma, hilt high school ll!nlors uaured df graduation by Jime lO, Jt70 are eligible to compete fftvlded they have al leart IS credill by that lime. n-app>lotad will ...,.Ive a college educaUon which amp b a 1I1e1 engl.oeering- pl!yllCll lclenc<, 1 o c I a I itldenrt or marinl! iCience- ootanopllhJ 111d leads to a bldielci< cl..,. -and a...,.._ u an ~nslp in the c.t GIW'd. HAPPY H..,• • •• ,,y w••~111il. l4•rt It t.y ,, .. 1., flit WEllC- ENO!I I• Ht. DAILY •ILOT. I Pricet Effective Monda7, Sept. 151 tbru Satvd~, SepL 20 Ask About Sein Convenient Cr<ditl!l1ot ~----------------------~ IU&IA fAlK TA 8-4400, 521'"'4530 n MOHll 04 s..3911 lONG IEACH HE 5-0121 I CANOGA PA!tK 340.0661 GlENDAlf ot '-100.C, q ' ... 11 OlYMl'lC & SOTO AN 8-5211 I CO....ctl Nl 6-2581, N~ 2·!7&1 ltOttYWOO• HO 9-5941 OUNO£ 637-2100 f'OYINl 9.66-0611 JHOl!WOOO OR 8·2,21 PASAOfNA 6'81 •92 1l, JSl ·-4211 , _______________________ _ "5atiefaction Guarantied or Your MoneyBack" ' 36 Month Guarantee Belted Fi.herglass Supertred .2 Fiberglass Belts Plus 2 Nylon PlieJ Regular s249s TRADE IN PfilCE SIZE ._ ... ........... ..... . ... , ... Tl"od.la ,_ ·~ T~ Tubele .. 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