HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 • . . • ' . ' . • DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * . . . ... . • • • . ' MONDAY AFTE°RNOON,' SEPTEMBER. 22, '.1969' VOL '1. NO. tu, ' l•CTKMllS. • •,llOl:I • ' . '. • -.r,.:. /<'~:-tf,, ~~ :l . . ·1 '-.Pen:t~gon · C.uts • ··ilitii~y,-;·:Eotc.e . : .r•• . . . . , .. , , . . .. wASil!NGTOW (AP)'"-1'ie Pen!Jgon' a~ plans today to.fut il.s. armed ·~ by a60111if n ,so111w1, s1&!ililn1f more Ulan 200 planes and il!olhballing another 22 ships. · · The .new economy pwv.es will save an estimllled 135S'millloo lhis year. The manpower reductions include deac-' . Borde¥ .Drug . . . Cta:ckdaWri . ·uvaUoo ..i_,tW<Hlllrdl:of ·uie lilb! MlriM ' .J;>ivision wbic:b wu "ctivtted .tor· the V,ietnam war: in March 1911. 'A l<>taJ of 20,300 Marines ar< ·1nvo1v<ef, but the.divisiOo'1 :r!lh ~ wJll stay in· Vietnam. The N1vy ship layup, which brings the total fM the year to 911, includes thelno tellig~ gatherin& ships Banner - sister ship of the USS Pueblo which was seized by North Korea -and the Palm Beach •.• Ttie ~Air Force. wilt ·reduce ·KI min-- power strellgth _by.50,000 and ls to Cl.Ii Us Clvillan.employe payroll ,by' 13,000 .. • I I • • • lllS ' • ur ' .· , ' . • _.:..• t . ' .I ( ---,, Bogs Traffic A ·tota1of209>planes ·wJll-.be cut·off ·tbe Air Force active inventory or phued out. · These Include such.special types as· %4 W847 weather reconnaissance aircraft, F 100 and Fl fighters and big corgo COSTA ·MESA FATHER ·AND SQN· Kl~LED IN HUNTINGTON BEACH CRASH On a· Sad Family Ml11lon, Alfrod,Alcorn and Son Gordon Ford Are Lost c • From Wlre Service• ,OperaUon Intercept was bf'gun !onnallr Sunday, netUog thousands of d~llars worth oJ marijuana -and even con~ trabal)d auch as nour and avocados -in the toughest International smuggling crack.down ever. ~joint U.S. and .Mexlcan program maied tremendous traHic snarls at all bQrder crossln& PQints, just as It did la~ 'Jburs:day ,'when tried in praetice for the lint tline. · 1be wait lasted up ·to slx hOurs for many· of Qie 90,000 pel'&Qll5 in 30,000 vehicles who tried to return from .Ullfl~hts and hMie racing in Tijuana ahd Agua Caliente. plaoeS. • _ -· ltest at Huntington The latest defense cu~ks are part of ~relary of De(ense Molvln ·R. !Alnfs progfam 'to cut • '3 bil'fion from his previously planned defense budgeL Counting today's 111nouncod cuts, the Pentagon baa Dow-made $1.JllS 'bUlion in spending redoctlons,-wlth·furtiiel'> lhlp layups, aircraft phaseouts-and manpower C~r,ky Keeps , Su~f (3row:q reductions, still to come., . Total· U.S. -'"'·-~--• cuts -By RUDI NJEDZIEUllU U__.J' _,....... Of ....... , .. lllft' which"' to tome' .eltfilt,, eflect the Amerbn withdr8'wili'"trorn Vietnam -Excited ·applause ·~«it· o'1tr the no·... siand at about 198,000. · 'nlia will roar bf the ocean SUnday afternoon as Zl· ~ leave the overall u.s. military force at year old Corty Carroll of Dana Point . 3.2& million ·by -ntxt ~.1 tackled 1Moot1higb breakers-time aner ' COMPLITI! SURFING RESULTS PAGE 3 • • Fithen, mother• Ud c b 11 d re n ' bet tbe·Ulevlilm poop!e are·-r llll'I' thal they dldn' Come.., Tb• con1at had been'tele~ by the ABC network in prevloul yean-hilt was ~-stlortly befiri the 1111 - tell. because of a tcbojlullna ~Jn the "Wide Wm-kl of Sportl" Jftel'•mt.., £ • .... -· .... ·-- ' I • --·-"'."- - > ; A Costa Mesa man and his ~ - • onr-thelt way"lo buQ>~t®-l!l'!!!!l'c.doC which had died ooe hour ear~ -were Jdlled early Sunday In a epectaculaJ, three-car crash In ~tJniton· Beach. FUur .other persona were severely fnJ ' luted In the colll6ton OO• Plldllc Cclasl l!lghway a mile weal ol - JIU 114 Street and ail are· ID loocJ condition lodi1, at.Hoag Memorial Hospital "!lie fatalities , both pronounced dead at the scene, are Allred G. Alcorn, 47, and Mldtael G. Foo;d, 17, both of JW Sldl,y Ave., Costa Mesa. The top of Alcom's car wu lhel!red ol.t as though by a giant.can oPener u it llld: upside down along the pavrment in the crash, which marled traffic for aemal mil ea. Polite said they were declared dead,b)t a physician who was among Ult motorlstl caught in the monumental traffic jam. Injured to the C<Ub but hnproviq loo day were Courtney G.·Moser, Sl; hJ. wilt Mary, 27, both ol 21662 S.aaide !-., Huntington Beich, ind Nancy'· L. K'ait; 21, and Walter E. Sieben, 2%, both ol Long Beach. JnvestigaUn ~ tbe acclderit wu ap- parenUy caused When 'the MOIU cat Jammed Alcotn'1 auto flmJ =r .flipping it, at mp speed..\nlQ_ traffic' 1anes. fbe vehicle carryJng Alcorn, h stepson and 111• <leod:dof landed upside down atop the Sieber\ aato, Jheo coa- . {S.. CRASll, Pop I) I ' ' .. -~ • •• Oruge By the Ume the trifHc Jam reaCbed its tltlght; cars were ~ed up for six. mfles tdto Tijultll ,as custpms agent.s searched, e..-ery sin:gle velllcle for contraband. --1a·~ -·'"lncl··.a-·moooAlrForce time, and.rode to w.t .. ry in .the men's ·~· =---_,_ dlvlsfon of the Jltb Afufua1.u.s,Surlb0ard ·men, 20,300 Marines and 7,200 Na\11 men. , Champ!Qllaljlp1.1ll Huntington Beach; ' ' ' Cmrehfng dn bii board; wttb I White ' C k Foam 'lplubtn&:'oVer hil'"baCkt Carroll repeatedly rushed to the 1West side of the pier lo IOI JI om, hid ma<!< H, only lo find -~ ..,,_itelmdocl head bObb!J>C safeli up ·and "°'!" In: tbe, o;Nteir~Je~ Add•·-1111 thei sairblm aafe, they -blm .. lo --o1 his wild · • The fans, some wllll '°""~,anil.. . .. IOl!le wlth water.fileadiM ici.c' ~;JI.. stead decided to come ,.. Io t tbemselvea. " .. . ' ' Long-haired. or l>earded roung people -~lctably -Were S\lbJected JSl the 1';'rlOSt ihorbugh investig3tlon, lnvolving a' 30-minute vehicle Inspection. INDEFINITE ACTION The muslve attempt to stop lhe now of marijuana and dangerous drugs entering the U.S from Mexico will remain In el· feet Indefinitely, authorities announced Sllnday nllbt. The "°'111WU given by David M.1 Kezt.o nodJ, iecretary of 111• ttta.•.uj, M<I John M, Mitchell, U.S. attorney genttal. The biggeSt game ca111ht la tbe w~kend .hunt was University o f Walhlngloi> stlident Mlchnel, T. Milchell, • 2', an'fsted for tnvesl)pUon of smac· cUnc 'IPhen hi> renled plane landed .~ llokm!leld. AuthoriUes said he carried a cargo ol 1,b poundJ of marijuena reportedly {S.. INTERCEPT, P•I• II • Marine , .,,true . -<'!iit ·Slil\">h11 ~-talls o1 waterJnlo the air and. brought speqalors lo their feet. · ' By Tra•.'J't ,K, illed Sunday'• vli:tory represented Carroll's ~ fourth tiU. In 1111JJ dlvlsllln. having won F the Utit in 1913, llM· and 1Ml A mangled body found on the Sanll e He wu also 1wardeCI Uie Duke Railroad tracks in San Clemente early !Wuutamoku . Trophpy, 11 IJesl ·.V.rall Sund• has been l!l•nUfied u that ol aurfer for' the foorlh time. ' ~lltine~Man~:1""'-.• ti, ol . It . war Carroll's rtlieei-. skill · .1:: • · T?res• bodY' "" 1..d'-11y an--.mwuv•J:I ro111~ ~le hl:rthe . rwdtllt at 111'-oldo ol lr..U Jbollt•lto ·~.Ille 'bravado ·•'\'! :::.!., iuts "t~• ;:';.," .:.,~~~.~ tliDt ~J'! I awiild wen! lo Gtm·~ IO,·al·lloWall.-. -~ """ "":--• i.op<l.J w)lo oolJ pla fll111 .. JD ,the iDcidtnt. r f._,,, . • t , -DMlll'I di~ pedo the·tnctedible, Camp Pendlelo1hofficlall' iOilaY said , ¥fi 'Salw-4-y and 1SUl!day, bf "'~"' T~',home ,a<l'!'w ll,H tlrd SL, h!ghopeed'bamat111NC~gh\Se:mor- 5'<r.-to. Up l>arnade'encrumd pJllnp iif,UW> An l!>qujry Jolo Jhe ·~ lrlarUlc'1 tlngton Bead! Pia:. , death wlll be held at the bu<. Con>ner'' · Some cloaod their eyes, otheni s11outed officers tllned the deltb of Torres •• .. oh no" as Lopez rode what awe:anid ·to about J,IO a.m. SUn4of, 'lbe body w11 bo tolHiol'y watemlls lhroUgh 1he.,,.. dlacovettd four boo'! later. •"!It )lll1ari. rupo. .• Mu1 ol the' juolga, ""1udinl Helid· Juilp liOJlPl' Swar11, ajblOd Jllal Lopez had -tho ~ ,.... of the .--"'1lnl lo .. (cu;id.0 Bul .......... Ille nae., .. paints ... ··-,.. piar .......... Lopez -• 11.1!1111-r llNI .,._ lrl>pll) .. Dnl Blnl!loo. II, al ""'--. -Nod kllow Haw M!ke P..,.., .. !or -tpol -Rolf An-, If, olPldflc Pailsades,""' ol T. v. 'IUftlllnier Jonles 'Atness, captured IOUJ)h place. ' • • Ao utimalod 411,000 ,.,,. Uned the p"1' and dolled the ~ Saturday !or the preUmlnary evcnta while Sunday's Jinals produced an ealJmated si,000 lo 80,000 llpeOlators. .. "The Air{ Is abool lhe bast we've had In tJne )'ell"S," beamed Harbor• and 1 lleacl?'" DJreclo< Vlhce MOClri1eJule. "I I 'l1ley arrived In every ..ii ot'vehlcle hr.aglnabl•. rqtnc from ~tea to aurf•'IP'I· and ap1Jled out onto '10 pier, lllOll ol them w•i&hted down with .....,.., trJpodo aod, Jiuae teleplloJo Je-. Durinl -between 1lle lkl- '....ia tllay .--Ibo iw • .--.. with --· bWnklld pr! fflondl. teylng lo fiI1d a betllr •.,.UC. spot .....,. the oolld waD al spedaton lfn<d up on..both rail~. Cnllonned and plaln<lotbes eoJlceneo werf' vorj mucb in evidence t.ii( lillt tOll!ld .Jt iln ...., weekend. Tbe cro'"1 lookocl strange.but W,&1 on ill best behavior. While eoro]IOl!Jors were tbuDderb\t Into shore on the breakeni, two -10\ltha In hippie , <00tumea, beat In( bomemode megaphonq and bibles Ill-tltrouch the crowd, announclng .. Jesl\f aavu" and (Boe SURF M~, PIJ' .II, • • Once thooe mcrmlng cloudl roll ·by, the sun •1)1 JioJd forth b<ldly Tueaday afternoon, wanning tho coast.al area to 70 degrees wblle II> land -rqllW M. INSaE TODAY .(-l)C1'fttl-com..i~. ,,,.,111tog script dir1:cticm 'awd oc'inlT m cO!l<lc precision -t/14r1 "GOOlll b11t Charlie" at t11t C-II"."\ Citic Plouhotlae. S11 llr\leftof,.; mtnt, Page SJ •. , ' ' .... . • By TERRY COVILLE Of 11111 ~ Plitt St.tit • The climax to a loog story ill! Fountain Valley will come 1\ttsda.y as voters cut -tbiJt-balla&&.Jo~elther retail' or remove lhroe city couoclln\<n Ill • itcall tloctlon. A total of 11&50 registued voters may m.Pe. the cbOlc:e !l'Uesday.' No one has lllrid eilimile !be nter tufu.out. but ~ cent'·aciiyijies hidJcate g~t interest on Ibo Imo. . • • '. • <I Citizens, ' Ro~ IUcbanlt 11!4 Jollll G'- Tbo trio ot -claim !boy .,... Iba !qell ot • Wtll·planned: IDIOOlbly- enpnoenilt' Pol!Ucal -dlredecl by ~.t-tnrextr.mlill. JrOcill. IUpporierl• ~ COlllllleolly • . ()ther ~urf • -" -Divisions • Show Strong Altboo1&h moot opedator altellUon •u focuoed oo compeUIJon In the ,..,,., dlvlaloo al the 11th Acnual flU!lboe1d Champl<mhlps, surfers in UMI other dlvlrloo& were detennlned to slvt In equally spectaculir showing. ' The \h"et incµmble:nts whose council sµll-are Ill jeopardy .,, Ma)')!' Robert Sch•en!Uegor, Vice ~or Donald Fre-geau and Councilman JO&epb Courreges. 1 h~ aw1y at the m11Qr'1 J'ole in real.-and &lleged IUllllcl ,,_ slll!lllonl atl!llll fzam It. Tbo -hro haye been •ltacbd becauoe ol tholr dGoe tie to the mayor and con«'stent block"~ votlq oo bf-. 'lliO iuue !Pl'llli Into the ~ _.. than Iii mmlhs qo In a beal!ld -lro.versy over a 1'0pootd !rad al bomd in wlUcb the ma;.. and City' ,Mlamoy Edwin Marlln bad aded'U ruilod. •• Jn the "old men11" contest. the K&maaina Dtviaion wbkh la open to men 3S and older, it-year old Kit Hom of Fullerton outgtmned Lea Willilnll for flrat p~. Third was liken by Hal Sacba, 39, of caplatrano Beach, w!th Jobn Sevcson. 39, pubHaber of S u r f e. r · Magazine, from Dana Point in fourth. Pat Mareiel, :n, ol l!awall lloJabed.flltb. re~;j..aui«er Is ~ by Geor1• Scott IJld Rob<j1 Sadi>o<; Fregeau by ~mte Svatst.ad, Paul Savarino and Paul .~. and-COurieges by Roa Shenkman, . -· ', ... . 0,,,.......... AT THE SAll'\'SIDRO BORDER TO BAJA. A LONG WAIT Evtn 11 Tijuana T•xf Couldn't 8111t the Bord1r Checkout Ooctor Slays ~amily" arul Self In 'Mercy' Act -' t l: • • ~ MONTCLAIR, N.J. (UPI) -Police dis- cloeed today that a phyaiclan Who plon- eered 1n the X·ray treatment of cancer shot hlmaelf 1o death' Sunday alter kill· ing his wUe and~d aoo ln what 1 su1clde note called ''.Jnerey11 tllllngs.. SIMk·M..-.,a. • .I -• OPERATION INTERCEP.'.f • • • pwobued lo MazaUan Mc! destined for Berbley. Ei-. aloog the 2,IOO-mlle·long i.. tcmalional border, the suddenly-sprung smuggling trap stopped tbousaods more powxb or marijuana and large quantities o! drug pills. A boy who abandooed hJJ car at the Su Yaldra border cb<ckpoJnt rather than riU rtll1l1lll& the Operation lntuc<pt net . wu arrested when 2,000 pllll were found In tbt cu. . '\. Five men IDd a woman frcn1 New York. City ftre captured by 'M e 1. _l ~ a n authorities in Sonoito, a mlJe soUth of Lull..tlle, Ariz., with ljO llllos -• ~t 300 p 0 u n d ! -or marijuana In tMir posae>slon. Douglll! resident Billy Conway. Dr. J. Thompson Stevf;DI, 71, was fouod dead of a gunshot wound in hJs bed by • l'}J'be taxpayers," said H. W. Van family nurse; Mn. Margaret.,,.Ho.ftman. Keuren, ot Tuba City, Arlz., "but It e&n't Police, called by the-nl.ll'M', 100.Dd Mrs. last forever. If tbey're ca t c bing Grace Stevem, 78; and tJ'ie soil, J. Tbomp- somelhing, well fine." soa Steve.Q.S Jr., 49, shot .to"'death Jn a ''They can keep ~arching forever" second-noor b,edroom .. said Sap Pifgo construction company ·~-Jn.a ODe"l'l&C cote, -police said, the doc- ttUUVC. WlWam Behr, "they will have to tor explained that hi! . wife was being to ----'--treated for throat cancer acd.be wa.s be--~~P :f~J: ~wuc:n lhly do,' lt•will ing treated for emphysema and that be ~ felt ..both would die soon. "It'~ the'. most rldkulous thing I ever 'tfi"e not.e wtpit on to say that his moo.- heard ot:~ said M~n Woo4y, 21, of golold sort would have Do surviving mem- ijermosa Beath. •ddfDi she waited for 90 ber of the family fo care for hJm. The minutes. ·i 1 • killings were "for ·mer~ ... the not!.aald. :' -• • • N eW Daily' Pilot Off~e Nl\..f,.ur...,. .... .\TTENDS CHAMPJQNSttlPS Former Wrutlat< B!Mta .. Lord B~ars "'11'7 telldetllr nQod •mi ......0 mlo!~'!Jl,prolallni .the oiae al IOlllO lair -•"'1. cuare f"'1 .wblle. the .tlly llln- . d...i·lrf .ioo oquare fJOd -and the -of lcaHd.'lanil ·for u ~t park. Tile lhoimbent, !rlo fougbl a civk; and 'w • ed 0 ' · let~.blttle 1o '"""''"· °" Larwln Trad, 'Ip t liuUiiiallt Jost·~rt·-tbi ~ · "' • U ;$~l~~1;;;'i·~ Surfing Harper, -qultllyJavor tbt recall. Aflllto th•depl.-oevenl cltiaens 0:.'1 a bad IM' Jn the -ring! latmdfe4 tho rtpU. proJlict· 1llider the but at IUlilJJi -4-year-<>la Lard loadershlf/O! ~'Vin Dalt: II pined Jainea Blwi 11 i be!O•ed compeUtor. 1,rnor1ientulra ·a the~ wu ~tied' 'Ibe· •year~ wre:stler from Hawaii ""cOoilic! of ln!ere,t.lf<IUlldL· ••.• • wu'mlnU! monocle aod loga al tbe IJun. . Personalities have aJ$o entered the pie-tlngton Beach · mrfboatd Champlonsblps ture with many cltlwil aniU'ed over the and probably f« the flrst tbne in hil We, 1ncumbenta' apparent ltubbonmess In the he was worried. tace ·or huvy oppostUon. It bu betn Not only wss be concerned about doing underlined by the 3-3.factional split.On the well in ~ Kamaainas Division, fl! "old · council. fogey 's" contest, but be brought with him Harper recently added fuel to lbe fire his 20-year~ld son Jimmy and his with his disclosure of facts concerning daughter Laura , 11, both of whom v.1ere Schw~t!eger's . inVolVement ln a real entered in the cbampi~ps. eltate tran.saclion in 1968 which ~e 'lbe-bu!Q,,_\whi~ beiP. of oW> Wore the council for • zooe c:ba_Jl,ae cle.-~ pound, ftbt t ~bita, 4' .; w!Utoot the ma~ declario& h!J 1~ ~their 1'111111. volvo:ut"!~ ' . '· :· ll!il ii proved !o. be I 8141.tay for the All three lncumbenta clalm Ibey are B~ famD,y. "8lber -·t f!llk4. the opposed by only a mlnorlly al perpetual f~·Ntltber did soq nor~dalightir Ill ' civic dillldent!. RecaD ~rs cllldl the"lnan't and wormn•1:divii1on. ; . JI Is a cily-w!de awikenlltl 1o 'tommullltt Tba! doe111' mean they c.. poor alfaln. sullen. The cOpipetltlon -wu,-l\ilf.too · .The voters will decide the Issue Tues-t• . .. ...., . day. liJura ranks ~ In the stale '1 Hqall to ~ Weber wbo weit 'u.; Navy patrol boats -and Coast Guard vessels kept a close watch on boats cross-An h • Co } In& Ute lllternaUooal bowldary olhhore, I n· . . ~ d a eIID . up e bui:=:r~~~~t:i::::i~io .. 1ch n untington Qtarte · ···· F d D d· WlJlleit'•~vlaion ""'Jlnuny lo obi of the to1nurlen llOhtg. • • • Tbe whole family practiced in Malibu juit bt.fore the: d)ottst in. what Blears described aa "adverse condlUOnl." planes Oyin( over the border wllhout · -· , OUD ea ' outhorluUon mulled Ill the tumlllJ.ffck • 'f.<\ . " ' of three alrcraJt; nooe•c&rrylolflldon-\• ~<IJlifer ·~·Yon .. own~ain.,.~tilceofF!realde f M' "'d'" "'s· "'j•'' .. d" '? lraband. -'new bulldin( -wltlCb wtll provide office Tbrlft and iiili1iw olllcea ol N.11. Lewis llt er• uJcl e. The pilots were ordered to land °'-the space for ~ HUnUngton Bpcb and and AllOdates. ~ .. ..-~ U.S. aide ol the Jli~rpc!O ~ {O<qltoln V,ollo1~auona GI.Jiit.DAILY The -..i~ will be a ' '" ' • -' llrnp!y had not fllil · t111>na /PJLOt ~ ii 11 comp!Ni~ i. located I b!ack1op area • A~~ ... ~,Jod&y ruslmta departmeiil r IO ta ' • Ho!ln!tbu.; -wJt1c!t . kin(·f ctistomen both ' lo label u ~~~ al Public rospoose t0 tlie ground " , 0 Tarset-Gata for moving the -llAIL Y trt front ..;; '!;: ihe ..;'t.the bulldins. • '°"pie -" I lhlmt> "the momunental smuggling cnckdOwn Pll.OT's HtmUngton Valley offlcel to a The DAILY pnm;.ffi.bave more than . ~ ~ur1y S~in the blllway was just about what authorities eipected more geographically central locaUoo ls tion of the building. 'lbe space will house • That det.emimaUon hinied on the re-- and what m a n y tourist-depen\tent Dec •. 1. Groundbreaking ceremoriles · Uon of the bUOdlng. 'lbe aapce will house , Id'\ of tM oroge County Cotooer's Of. business interests fea.J'e(I. · marking staz:t of the building were btld, , news departmentl for both the Hun-lice wbkh conducted an autolJly.late S1Jn. "They've been very nlce, but 1 can tell Friday. ,. tlngton Beach and FOQlltaln Valley edl· ~ day on fhe bodies of Jainel Fearn, 3Z. a lot ol them are 'holdlng their temper1 The Greeters of the Huntington Beach lions of the DAILY PU:.OT, plus the • anil hls ·'it1!e Jlkllfh M. Furn, 28. But it in," allld one customs agent Who Asked Chamber of Commerce and other of-women's editor and ·a classllled ad· is believed by invuLltators at tb1s Ume not to be identllied. ficiab turned out for the event. Vice vertlslng represenlative. that F.eant llhot hll wile Uroup the bead "We won't be back. J can tell you Ml)'or George McCracken, a general •cyou, probably couldn't flnd a spot and then shot bimlelf. that," mapped one man u be roared contractor (GM ConstrucUon, Inc'.), is · more centrally located geographically ln The c&\lle ~ tbe 11hoot;lnt remains a away from the border checkpoint at buUding the tw1>story structure at 17175 the HunUngton Beacb.Fountabt Valley mystery at th1a ~t. ·an lnvesti&ator Doullu, Arll., after a long wait. Beach ·Blvd., Just north of Talbert are.I the new office will serve," said Jack said today. '- "ll's the blggtst, sorriest me!!,'' Avenue and across the street from Hun· Curley, vice president and general 1 , Neilhbcn call84 _po~ lo the home at lamented W Shell. "'tche f tlnttt ..... Iatercommunlty Hospital. mana1er of. the DAILY PILOT. He of-· 6ZI S': Janu St. 8Undl.J' when ft was Doualu. ~ .• city itto~ey ;'bQ -b~ S11h~ space with the DAILY PILOT ~nctatl)' repre1ented the newspaper at ' noUced that f!gbtl and waw ~ In private pracUce. , in the new building wlll be McCracken's Friday's ceremonies. w had been left on fmn tbt prt OUI day and that 1 radio bad •1•yed "-·•""'•t 11Who's go~ to pay for this?," asked th'e night. ..,... .... ........., .. 'f'nt1t Page 1 . ' . CH.ASH ... tinued on, with the top being torn away. Huntington Beach police said today that caua& of the rpeelacular colllslon 13 sUU under lnve5tl1aUon and that no clta- Uons have been issued. The deaths bring Huntington Beach's 1911 traffic accldent toll to 10, compared to a total of II persons killed at the same time tut year. PollCe were ,1 the home when Mrs. · Fearn'a ~l!, Mr. and Mr1. Cecil E. Hook al Co-arrived. Tbe)I told ofllcen , that they bad 1ieeo unable 1o set a>y rupome to telephone calla made to tbe . Ream. home durilljf the put bro d171. Mt. Hool: bad • key lo the horn< and he and officers d1Jcovertd tbt bodies of his daughter and son-in-law in the hall- way. Both victims were fully clothtd, inves- Ua:atora aald, and there w~ no signs of a struggle. A revolver wss found near the bodies. ~~~ "The~waves tore the skeg riiht out of mfl>oanli" he said .. "II was nially wild." f'!ou1v1 gOt :to·tiaye~courage for thi.!I sort of thing," be continued. "When I stepped Into the cold water at Malibu, I ~\. to. mJlte\I, 'wit@.' am I doin( "'i~ars, wbo claims to:iai. the title al "~rd" even "though inost people art con- vinced It'• just wresllliig sbowmlll1$1p, hallJ from Manchester, England. He moved to Hawaii in 1954 to r~uperate from a !boulder injury. "I started paddliilg every day· to get in shape, just to prove to myself that I co\ild ~o it,:• he sakL. Paddling soon Jed fo Surfing for the "Lord" and he inf~ted the entire family with tbe £ever. Hia · otbei children. Cllnlon, 12, and Carol,: 11, u well u hl! wife Lee, surf in the balmy watua of Hawaii· most every day. . At home~ Lord Blears still wrestles for a Uvlng ind emCees two television Bhows a wetk. · · Wrestling provides him with 1 good 1\v~ ing and "" saya be ·will keep it up "u long as I can. 11 Stock Firm Punished WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Securities and Exchange Commiasion today sus- pended for LS day1 over·the-counter sales by Dean Witter: and Co.. branches ln Bev- erly Hills and San MMino for sellln& un- regi!lered stock of Mountain Statea 1Je.. velopment Co. Ofll ll f'ILO I ....,... ................... '-------CALIFOl"IA OWAlifGI COAl1 PUllllMIMG <Ofll,~NY !l,~.,. H. ~,,4 ~~-"""*' The Old Philosopher Strikes Again (almost) J&cl l. c ... 1 • ., \IQ Prttldlfll -4)ffltft1 ,,,...1111 TlttMI Ktt'fie ·-lli•••• A. M•tJ>•l~• _...,..'""' It wa• Beajamln Franklin who said, "Eal lo pleue lhyHll, but dre!:!I to please others.'' -We go along with that -but only up to a point. Al our store .we want thyself lo be pleased as well. •• others. We belleve, to paraphrase anolher notable o! the P.&S~ "To thine own self be true, and frlghtlUI thou will look to no man." If the remarkable Mr. Franl<- lfn wandered into our store wear- ing his Ugbt knee breeches of sa- tin or velvet, an embroidered waistcoat, long silk stockings and: powdered wlg, we mlgbt be bard pressed lo reoutlit him in that colorful colonial style. But since old Ben was called, "America's Hermosa Beach's Unda BehlOll, • 2$. year old airline stewardeu, falled 'In her bid for a s l r t h straight title In the women'• division and placed third. Sharron Weber, 21, of Hawaii, ,zip~ through the wavo to capture first, followed by Margo Godfrey, 15, of Sanla Barbara. Nancy Emeraon, Pac If i c .. Palisades and Jericho Pappier, both 17, Lor...; Beach flnisbed foW'Ui Ind fifth respedtvtly. Dewey Weber, ooe of the great names In surfboard construcUon, piloted bis own piece of plastic to victory In the senior division. The 30-year old Venice hotdog was followed in the standings by Mickey Munoz. 31, Dana Poini; Jan Gosewlch,.26. San Diego; Fred Gerth, 32, Toirance l{Xf Chuck Linnen. 33, Loog Beach. Sbowlns slyle and skill by winning In other divisions were Niles Osborne, 11, of Los Alamltos, Juniors; Joey Baldwin, 14, Oceanskle, Boys; Kevin O'Sullivan, 11, Lasuna Beach, Minnie; Hal Sachs and Paw Young, MIJ:ed Tandems, and Corky Carroll, 21, Dana Polnt, Pier Paddle Race. Perhaps the most thrilling of all ten championship events was the two-man dory race. Boal.S were smashed around in the. !''"' .. by the ""8• surf, lil!BU"'ds lea'ped cilfthe pler 1o .. ve dorlei nlcb were trt .dal!I" al l/tlnl smaahid •lo bitl by tbe .-.te p!Hilp ol the.Pier. ~auiled bi the 1wo iap trip ar\IUnd the. pier, -the men from U>s An~ Counly •bled 1o .itore filst, fol~ J>y tea.ml from Hlllltington Beach N'a.'-1, Newport, Loog B<ach and H1111lloit0ii Beaiib No. 1. ' * ·-tr * From P411e 1 SURF MEET. •• "All ol us are sinners aod de.serve to go to hell ... Nol to be ooldone by the yount°!Olk·lll the competition for 30Ula, H~ Btach's singing preacller )d§rk l"Glmh. uhs hymns lo pral,. of tbe j,or<J al the stairs adjacent to the pier. •. He hmled oot card.I Inscribed "God Cares" which we.re momentarily received by annoyed hands, only to DuUer to the ground and mix with the trash seconds later. The coolest got .off to a late start Saturday mornlng when a HunUnif.6p Beach SanJtation Dept. truck crunclled in- to a power pole which supplies· elecbjcity to the pier. Computers used in lhe scoring as well as telephone communications w e.r:-e pe.ralyz.ed from approximately 8:30 aln. to a a.m., causing mau confusion until the power was reactivated. Texas l\lother Held For Decapitating Baby MERIDIAN, Tu. (UPI) -An lS.year- old mother said she cut her baby daughter's head off beeause "it is just a cruel \Vorld." The woman, Mrs. Randy Ashcraft, wu held v•ithout bond In Bosque County jail today, charged with decapitating the 21- day-old' baby. The District attorney was expected to talk with Mrs. Ashcraft to- day. ~~~~ patron saint of common sense, .. he would undoubtedly go along with the times and pick out one of our beautifully tailored Devon· shire suits, or perhaps a smart double-breasted blazer with har- moIDzing slacks. Our assortment o( Don Loper neckties would cer. tainly tickle bis fancy. The point is, at Bidwell New· port we have clothing to suit any- body's taste. And a staff of peo. pie who would send Ben on his way with a fitting wardrobe and a smlle on bis face. We certainly wouldn't have told him to go Oy a kite! • On most othet lopica we agree with Benjamin completely. He was Indeed quite a fellow-aulh- or, editor, prlnler, Inventor, di~ lomat, humorist, pbilo11<>pher. And then, of course, be flew kites. He was spry as a fol Into his eighUes and always kept an eye open for pretty glrls (a guy like that can't be all bad). Jack Bidwell OAIL Y ,II.OT llt" '1lttt DAILY PILOT'S NEW HOME -Jack Curley (left) vice president and general manager of the DAILY PILOT uses transit to shoot a sur- veyo_r's line with help ol Ralph Battersby (right ) ol Fireside Thr!Jt, wtiose <lfilces will be CO'lenant with o:a.JL Y PILOT in new buil4ing' at 17875 Beach Blvd., HunUnglon Beach. Vice Mayor Geor~e McCrack· en (on tractor) is generaf contractor !or project and his finn, GM Construction, Inc., will move \ts offices into (he buildlng when il Is completed. Doing the shovel work at groundbreaking ceremonies 11 Bill Woods, president Of Huntington Beacll Chamber Of Commerce. •, 3417 Via Lido at Newport Blvd., Newport Beaeh. Pt ... iy of fl'f!f! parkhllf la die rear. lut dowa die road fro• C..&a Mesa and C.roaa del Mar. Aatl oa1y IO mlaates from lteaadfal do ..... to...,. Bar•allk. (U yoa doa't Jalatl lleiag daot oat of a e ... on). • I - I I .,. I I I I I I •• .,. ~ ..,..._ P • I 0 1¥4 ** U DU c oo ¥; -• .... ..,. ... ~ .... ~ ....... ~ . . . ~ ........ ,._,.... • , Bonii~gion Beaeb EDITION ~* * VO~. 62, NO. 227, 4 SECTIONS, 38 PA,GES ' . • * .. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . MONDA-Y,. SEPTEMBER·22,Jtl>9 .. • DAILY PILOT Staff • ......_ ,. H~ll~~~·: Meet~Dr.aws , t • ..,, 1 ' • I ' • , • • Huge · Waves: . . . By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of ... D&llY Plllt lttff Excited-applause ~rang~ out . over the roar of the" ocean Sunday lllternoon as 21- year old Corky Clµ'l'OU.. of Dana Point 1'cklod 10.lOQl hl&ll lt"ake~ .time altl!r. time and rode to victory in the men's division ol the ltth .Annual UJS. SuNbQard · Chon)ploml)lps In Huptlngton Be~: Croud:1ina: on b,l.s board, ,with white: loam . splallilJ>4, ov~r hll;· ~· ~ ' .. i:OM:Pllif1E .-Su'R\.1i1G • . . RESULTS PAGE' 3 "111.~tening ~r tails· of water ln'D' the air and brought spectaton to lhelr feet. ·' Sunday's victory represented Carroll's fourth Utle In this division, having won the tftle in·llle3, liM Ind 1168. COR.KY CARROLl. OF DANA POINT-THE MAN OF THE HOUR-IN CHA,MPIONSHIP .FORM He Won Men's Division, Paddlebo.trd R•c• and W11 Selected Best All•Around Surft.r He was also .. warded the Duke Kahanamoku Trophy as· b e 1 t overall surfer for the fourth time. It was Carroll's sheer skill in maneuvering hta short' HObie board throoJ!h the Nilling IUrf thet WOil him the title. &t the bravado and sheer guts a.ward went to Gerry Lopez, 20, of Hawaii. Lopez, who ooly pla<ed tilth In the men's cl1Ytikin1 ~ the ~le, both s.wiw·• Somi!IJ, bf mU'lns bllh~~--"' Cbe'!UO'-.... ••II• --Pl!llli tl - t ~~'f!Z·~.,..; ........ rt.d ''IMlt"·uLopea 1tde ~·to be·~ wota'Wls ; dD-' cm;·~ . , . r-., mothe,.. anil e bl ta re a· -lodl1 >Ulhed lo the wat· ~"'the pier .lo -If -0.iry hod made JI; cinly <o. find hit orqe-belnieted' head bobblnl safely up ·and clown In the · whttewater: And u..aoon as they saw him sate,.~ cheered'hlm on to llllOther one of his wild """' . Many of .the Judges, Including 'Head Judge .Hoppy Swarts, ogreelt that Lopez had shown the spectators sonie, ol the n1o1t COUJi11eoUs aurllng to be found. But acconun;-to the rules, oo potnts are awanl<d for pier abota, aendlng Lopez back to Hawaii wttti. a flftb place ttoplty. DAILY Pn.pT ~ W. ..... t«P1t·fr:11 HUNTINGTON BEACH'S NUMBER· I" 1IOAT HITS SQUP FOR SECOND PLACE, W11Nmi ' · ; , Dory Roc .. 1 Pl'Ovidod Som• of Top . Thrill for; TJl""'IJ• ot Surfing Chornpionslilps On! Hamson, II, ol Hennosa Beach, outmmeuvered fellow Hennoeah Mite Purpua, 20, lot second spot wliile Ro~ Arnell, 11, oC Pacific Pallaade8, sen of T. V. 'gun.slinger James Arness, captured fourth place. Valley_ Voters Write End To Recall Story Tuesday Last Beer Was . The W 01·st Beer That laat .beer can .someUm.es .be .the · w.orst. • One -so learned., ~n Jo Ridgeway, a barmaid .at a Huntlngton Beach tavern, early this morning. By TERRY COVILLE Of 1111 0.H'I' l'llot ll•lf The cfimax to a long story Jn Fountain \i'alley will come Tuesday as voters cast their ballots to either retain or remove three city councilmen in a rttall election. A tot.al of 9,850 registered voter! may m.iike the choice Tuesday . No one has dated estimate the voter turrH>Ut. but re· cent activities Indicate grtat interest on the issue. The three incumbents whose council scats are in jeopardy are Mayor Robert Or .. ge Wait ' . J Wea Iller Once those morning clouds roll by, UJe ,sun will hold forth briefly Tuesday afternoon, wanning the coastal area to 'ltl degrees while in- land thermometers register 84.. INSIDE TODAY ' Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor · Donald Fre-- gea.u a.Gd Councilman J osepb Courreges. reg es. Schwerdlfeger is op~ by George Scott and Robert Sassone; Fregeau by Bernie Svalstad, Paul Savarino and Paul Guiso. and Courreges by Ron Shenkman, Roy Richards and ,Jojm Glnoc The trio ol incumbents. claim they are the targets of a well-planned, smoothly- engine<red pol!Ucal coop dJreded by -(See RECAU, Page 11 Tbe Jast beer was one a customer WIDl<d'lo buy, bul decided lo tab l!tll at eunpoint initead. - Police said Miss JUdgeway had allowed the men to enter the Putlme bar at 11760 Beach Bl'{d., as &be was cJoeln& becouse ·he l&id-h< knew the·owner and only wanled to buy "a six pact." But he SOOD produ<ff a tmall handgun and revealed his true interests, .-:kine where \he C88h was, U,.., leaving witJI the money in a tjgar boJ.. • Police •an lnvatiptin( the IObbely. Mesan, Stepson Killed . · • ln 3-car Beach Accident . ·' .... A Costa MeS.a man and hil stepson -crash, which snarled traffic lor . .,veral oo their way to bury the family dog miles. . • • whlcll had died one hour earlier -were Police ·said' tliey we(e· declir'ed dctd by killed early Sunday in a gpectacular, 1 physician .whq WQ. ~·the molcriu. three-car eras!\ In lllo>tlngton lleacb. . cauglit In the'moilumehtal irO!llc' jam. FOUT, other penons ,..,.. seyml1 In· Injured" In tho cs'ub· bot lmprcrY(ba loo Ari esUmated 40,000 £1111 lined the pier and dotted Ille beacli Saturday for the . preliminary events. while Sunday's finals produced au estlmated 15,000 to •1000 opectatora. "'J'be IUrl Is obout the best we've had ll'l thi'ee yean," beamed Harbors aod Beadlel Director Vince Moorhouse. "l bel the televlalon people m"'orry now that the.y ·didn't or:m~. n • 'J'be c:oolal had been televised by the ABC nttwort-fn prevlo\11 yean but was dilOOllllnued ohortty bel'oro the 19111 con- (lloo llUllF M!!Er, Pqe I) A ptrfect comedy, meshin!J .script, direction and acting tn comic precirioft -I.hat'• "Good- byt Charlie" at tlte Costa M~14 Cioic Ployhon1e. Ste i'nterlefn. jured In the -oo Pacific cout . day were Courbiey G. M-, 11; his wU• I Higbny • mfki wet\· of Brookhunt Maey,,S7, both ol,·JllC~•1~ t 11e eo.nty Tnllle .'Jiit liunUngtao ,~ •• and /{lj>C)' L..Jt'eo~ 1 ' ment, Page 3 I . ...... Cal!fllnlle ,_, (N-DMlll Helktt ••lttrilll ,.,. ·--...... -.... _, - ~ -" I IU,._11 ~ •S I 1 Oftfotl C-'J t fl IY"\9 ...,.... It t S.CIM ""' I)." ' '-'1 U·JI JI Ii.di M&l'ltfh ... ., 1 .. lt TtltYlllell U It W .. lfltr • IJ Wwlf N_. t.S • I t _.... Ttl -IP , · 21, and Waller "E. Siebert, D, both Long Beach. Strtet and alt are in good condition today Invt:Sttgaton Wd the accident wu ap- at Hoag Memorial H~tal. parenlly caused when the MOMr ctr , The fatalitits. both ~dead at rammed Alcorn'• auto Itom the rear, Ill< scene, are Allr<d G. Alcon>, 17, and flipping It at high •peed Into oncomJnc MichaelG. Ford, 17, both ol 3111 Slclly traffic lanes. Ave., Costa Mesa. The vehicle carrytn& Alcorn, hll The top of Aleorn'a car was 1hetttd off stepson· and the dud do& landed opalcie as though by· a giant can opener as It 1Ud down atop the Siebert auto. then COD-" ' lq)S!de doWil alonJ the JMl•llnent In lbe tlnued oo, wltli.tlii top befiilliill •w'1. . ' 1 .. • • 'Ur·. . ' . . . . . . , • J • • • • • ' .• ' • DAl\.Y l'ILOT Sleff ..... ATIENDS CHAMPIONSHIPS' Former WrMtl1r .Blears 'Bad'· Wrestler Blears Also Ran ln .Surfing Meet He''• }!d guy In the ....wnr·riiw. but ot au!llni con!IW, 41-,_.lil Lord J•mH~,ls a .beloved -...U\or. ~ 4'-)'iar-old-'lmitltr ti'Olll l!Awo!I -mJous-·and top~the ll!m- Beach lllirfboanl ~ ~bly Jor Ule Oril liJllOlil:blf W.. u •orried. ' · · . No\ ooly was he Cllj)Cern<lf aliout d¢iil · well ,In the Kamaalnu "olvlllqo, tJJ 1'n/d. lbg<y's"'l:<>htest, bu\ !lo bfoi/ght with )ii!ii ' hlJ 20-year-old odn Jimmy and · hll daughter Laura. 18. both of whotn were entered In the champlonlhlp1. lbe bulky, whJte-baired, heap of mua-- cle atrut"ted ~und lite a uiother hen aa both ion and, daugh~ ~e, thtlr 1'11!11· ' But tt proved to be a Wl cloy tor'the Blears family. Father dldn1 mite the flnals. Neither did son nor daugfiter in 1 the men's· and women'• d.lv181op. That doesn 't mean the)' are poor sUrfers. The compeUdon wu just too tougli. Laura ranks second in the state of. Hawaii to Sharon' Weber who won the women's division and Jimmy is one ol the top surfers going. The whole family practiced In Malibu lus\ before the contest In whot Blears dtt.Cribed u "adverse conditiona." "The waveai tore the 1teg rigb\ out or my board," he aaid. "It WU really wild." "You've got to have courage for this sort of thing," he continued. "When l stepped lnto ~ cold water at Malibu, 1 thought to myself, 'what am l doing here?'" Blearr, ""'Who claims to rate the UUe cl. "'Lord" even. though most people are con-. vlnced U'a Juli ...,...Wng ~ (llee BLEARS, Pqe I) .. TEN CENTS •• l e Pentagon Makes New Troop .Cuts WASHINGTON CAP) -'J'be-Pen!eJon announced plans ,t.oday to cut µ.s . arined strength by another Tl ,500 men, sldelinfng more than 200 planes and mothballing another Z2 ships. 'lbe new ecooomy moves will save an eslima~ $3$6 million. this year. ·.'!he manpower reductloni lnclude deic- UvaUOn or two-thirds or tbe 5Ur Marine Division which "was activated for-the Vietnam war in March 1966. . A total of 20,300 Martne. are Involved but the divlsion's,261b Jleaiment w1ll Ny in Vietnam. . , The Navy ship layup, which brlna the total for lbe year to 98, incll!'fn 1heizl. telligence gathering ships ll'l'IJIOf - tdst.er ship of the USS Pµeblo which waa seized by North Korea -and the. Pabn Beach. The Air Force will reduce IL! man-~ power strength by 50,000 arid ts to cut its civilian employe payroll by 13,000. A total of 209 plane! will be cut oil the Air Force active inventory or phased ()lit. These include such special types u 24 W.Bfl weather reconnaissance aircraft, FlOO and Fl flglilers and big cargo planes. The lalesl delense-fUtba<kl an part ol s.a.tary of Dem., Meivln II: toinl'a prdirrm to cul $1 billion -his previously _planned clef ..... budget. Counting· il>d.J••. _ ,_ the P.OJUa&an bu -made ll.214 bllllon In ~ reclucllbm. wtlb furthar ship lfflpi, llrcrait.,.,.....ts ond man;ower rt.di.tttioos, stllti-to come • HtintiJJgton Man Services Held Ftmeral services for Lloyd Timothy Morgan , 22, of 9002 Madeline Drive, Hun- tlngtdn BUch, will be held at IL o.m. Tuesday in St. Mart's Episcopal Olw'Ch, llTJO N. Grand ·Blvd., Glendale, With burial in Pacific View Mern«ial Part. Mr. Morgan was tilled Saturday Jn an auto accident in 'M<Jltrose. He had been home only two months alter spending a year In Vietnam In the armed forces. He is survived by bis parent!, Mr. ad Mrs. Dloyd P. Morgan ol the Huntington Beach address; hta grandlalber Arthur L. Morgan ; and aimt and uncle, Mr. Ind Mrs. W. M. Cline all of Balboa l!Iind. Stork Markets ""'JiiEl?vd!U('(XP) -nie"llOCt'"iiii'rk'tt, sb1ilBfng oU a mixed· trend prevalent dµrlng much of the session, finished '"' high ground today, with advances ahead of decllnes by'more than 100 Issues. (See . quotaUoos, Pages 18-19). . \~ r ' . " l ! OAll.V "LOT " Moodor,Stf._.,22, llM School ·s Set ·'Salaries Huntington Tedchets '(;~J Six Percent Hike • I AllcT waltlnl· thmuih 'the --toowlna what their 11lary would t. lhls ld!ool )'Pf, Huntington Bead> EleiMmaey School Dislrk:t lachen have ~ tor an ave.rqi: siJ: percent pay in- cmse. 'lbe district teachers made out ~tter thao thooe ol Ooean \'low Eleme!l1ory wbo rot a five p<n:ent ra11e « H111> ting1on Boacl! High who recei•ed 1 four ~ lllke. lncroases ill both <&la cleillrmlned l.ut June. Agreement on the six percent wu rudled by JlunUngtoo Beach Elemen- tary trustees and the t e a c h e t s • negotW1111 c:oondJ last weell. Actually. most of the dl!1rlct'• ·~ te.acbers will receive a nini percent in- ~ 'lll!Oll a U... ...,..,. ~ti. •, talM·--llOl ......... lltir ...... : I '°' 111 a<ldJtloojl ,._ o1 ~ u -Scbooll SUpl.-s. A.11rilrlt Ala !ram 111 perlenoe It fll"!'!d ]Ii. ~ actmlnlltratlve standpoint H 11 easier to who haw 1taU,b le M to JU11 ln lhe •doc>t salaries in September because ac- Wstrict art IL \be top,Jtf \be. NJary IClle hm1 fig-iJ.reS art knoWD ror tu income and do not recelve1tb:t lhrM perctnt in-and not just estimates. crement. He wid It is not a written district Teachers Allociatfon President Davr: poUey to adopt tht salary sc.aJe iQ Bortenha_~en 1 a I d teachtn originally . September, but iodk.ated when oegotia. were seellng a 15 ~nt lnerease plus tioos get sUcky 1t is t:a!J to say "'let.'1 the increment. He CIDdldlY a~ted that wait atid see how much money we 1c- wu a figure to start the &arg~ wtth tu.ally ~ve." , and lbey expected to have to cac:De c»wn. Borbnhagen, a music lnslruetor at Tb.is is tht tb1rd year fn 1 ,row the Dwyer lntermedi~te. said l.be ·tuchen school d.Lstrlct dtdn't adopt a aallry U&OC.ialioo is going to work toward gel· schedule unW September. Teachers in ting salaries adopUd earlier next year. June &gned open.end contracts, kn«nvin& The same six percent salary lncrtase they were going lo 1et some kind of a also was adopted by the achoo\ board for non-teaching personnel such as bUI O'ldsters, Gals Strong In Other Surf Contests driver'... custodians aocl c a f e t e r I 1 workers. The new salary scale for teachcn range.." from $&,9'20 pe year for a begin- ning teacher with minimum academic preparaUon lo flS,500 per year for a teacher with 11 ye.an of clawoom u. perifl>ce and a mute.r's degree iDcJuding 60 units beyond the bachelor's. The salary range last ICbOo1 year was M.~ to 112,73.l. Although most spectator attention WN foc:uaed on · competlU'I" In th< nwn•a dlvisiOll ol the 11th Annul! Surfboard Champlanahlps, surlera in the other divisions were dete~. to give IJJ equally spectacular showing. In tbe "old men's'' contest. the Kamaaina Oivialon wbich 11 open to men 3$ and older, 39-year old Kit Horn of FuUerton outgunned Lea Williams for first place. Thin! wa tak111 by Hal Sacha, 3', of Caplltrano·Beacb, wttb John Sew..·aoo, 39, p.iblisber o( S u r f e r Mqulne, from Dllla Polpt ill fourth. Pal Marolel, :rr, of Hawaii Dnllhed fifth. Hermosa Beach'• IJQda Benion, a ~ year old airline mwanlw. failed In her bld for a s ll th straight Ullo ill tbe -·· dlvlalon IDd pl-r tblrd. Sharron Wet.r, 21, of llawall, llpped throuch the WIVU to capture rint, followed by Morgo Godftty, 15, of Santa BarbarL Nancy Emenon, Pac If I c Pallaadea and Jericho Poppler. both ii, Lor~ Boach flnlibecl fourth and fifth r"l>"'tivelf. Dewey W•btr , one of the srut n&me1 tn aurfboard conitrucUon, plloted blt own piece of plutlc to victory In th< IOniD< From P .. e l SURF MEET .I ''- teat becaUJe of a ICbeduli-the "Wide Wo<ld ol SPQlll" The fans, IOln8 Wltb w 1ome wltb water-bleacbedi I I ..!"- !teld decided to cOnie -~· t1' r tbemlelves. • 'Ibey arrived in every sort of vebScl~ llr.aginable, ranging from motQrcyc1el to aurlw•Pll· and opllled out onto the •ler, most of them weighted down with cameras, tripods and huae telepboto lenses. During and between the U.mlnute eventa they paraded the pier, arm·fD.arm witb their broaze-tanned, bikini.clad &Irl friend!, trying lo find a better vanta(e •pot amonr the oolid wall ol •!Jeclaton lined up on both railinp. Uniformed and plaln<lothtl policemen were very much in evidence too but found it an easy weekend. 'Mle crowd JoOted strange but was on ill best behavior.· ; While competlton were thundering Into . shore on lhe breakers, two zeaioul youths In hippie coatuma, bearing homemade ' m~ IDd blbleo lilter..r through the _crowd. announcln& "JH11111vu" and "All of •UI are 1inner1 and deserve to 10 to bdl.." · Not lo be ootdooe by the yOUll( folk In . the compeUtion for souls, Huntington Beacb's singing preacher Mark Fon,yth , gan1 hymns ln pralH of tbe Lord at tbe •lain adjacent lo th< pier. He handed out cordl lnwlbed "God Cates" wblch were momentarUy received by annoyed hands, only to Outler to the ground and rni% with the trash second• later. DAILY PILOI CIU.Nla COit.n' PUlt llMlltG (QMl'Alil'f ltMrf N. W.M l"m...., 1111111 l'vllllllltr Jtt.k It. Cti•l:r vu l"tMl*rll ..... o.r.tt """"""' Th1111•• IC•••il ..... 't1i ...... A. MYt1t1h!111 M.1111111~1 l•lltt ,ll ... rl W. 11111 Alr.ecltl'l •• ,. H1111l1ftM lffc\ Offlu JOt Ith Str11t Min:~, Aii111n P.O .••• 1f0, t2l41 -Of-"...,.... .. ~ •• 1111 """'' hlb!le ....... " c..11 ,._...: »I 'IWttl a1., Sr!'t41 ~ IMCJW; 221 Jlftt! A- dl\'lakln. The »year old Venice botdo1 WU foUotrod In the atandillp by Mlctey MUllOI, II, Dana Point; Jan o-wJch, 11. S.. Dlqo; Fred G<rth, 31, Torrance IDd Ouict Linnen, 31, 1-Beach. Shclw!N llylo IDd alfU by w1Dn1na In •ther. ~~ were ljllel Ooborne, 111, of LOI Alamitos, Juniorr; Joey Baldwin, 14, Oceansfde, llofl; Kevin O'Sullivan, 11, Lquna Boach, Minnie; Hal Sochs and Patil Youns. Mixed Tlndem1, IDd Corty Carroll, 21, Dana Point, Pier Paddle Race. Perl\aPI the 111<>11 thrtllitll ol all Jan c~p event.I wu 'U. two-mu dol')I race. Boala-. smuhed arouiid ill th< waveo by the hU(e lllff, lllquardl leaped oil the pier lo aave doriel which Wert. Iii dupr of boin& ·-lo bfta by tho -pfl1op 'ol tho pier. Exbauated by the two lap trip ll'OWld lhe pier, "the · rhen ·from Loi Anaeies Count)' llumbled to obcn llrat, followed by team1 from Hunllngton Boach No. I, Newport, Long Beacb and Huntington Bea~h No. 2. The Ooe&n View District aalll'Y range, for comparison, is $6,815 to $1(~ an· nually. FrOM Pqe 1 BLEARS ... hal~ from Maochester, ED(Jand. H~ moved to Haw1ll in 1954 to recuperate from a 1houlder Injury. "I stirted paddlln1 every day to get Jn ab.ape, jurt to prove to mysell that I could do I~" he uld. PaddUna-"°"" led to IUl'fln& for the ''Lord" and be infected the entlu family Yjl!h the lever. HJ: other children, Clinton, IZ, and Carol, 11, u well u hJ1 wtre Lee, surf in the balmy waters ol HawalJ molt every ~i home, Ldrd Blears still wr11Ue1 for • livlag and emcua two Wevlalon shows a week. New Daily Pilot Office l n f( untington $klrted ' I . 't]' ... I I ~ ,la under w11 today ao • own firm, • ,.,. brancb ~Ill Fireaide now buildlnc Wbfch will provide ollice Thrill..~ ol N.11. Lewfa l! Jor "'-' lill!\llaton ,Beach and and • · I' Oiijillln Valloff\i;lilUOlls al i!l<,.YAILY The I . ~ \inlldlnr will t. • Jthl' whlo It u complolllil '!!'" ill loc1ted Ct a blacktop aru r l'jo,..mber. , • which olft1 fUtit>( for eualomen both Tllrget date for mc>•inl the DAILY In front allifhi,the rear al the buildlna. PILOT'1 Huntin(t<m Valley ofileto to a The DAILYPILOT will hove more than more reovaphlcally ctnlrll loca~ I.I 1.300 aquan· leet ol flocr apoce In lta por- Doc. I. Groundbreaking cer-. tioo of the bulldl111. The apace will house marking start of the bu!Tdina were bt1d news departments for both the Hun. Friday. • tln(too Boach and Fountain Volley edl- The Greeters of the H1mUngton Boach li<lnr of the DAILY PILOT, plus the Chamber or Commerce and other of. women's edJtor and a clusllied ad- flciala turned out tor the event. Vice vertiJinf representaUve. Mayor George ~cCrac:ken, a generJl "Yqu probably couldn't find a spot contractor (GM Construction, lnc),i l• l110l'e centrally located geogr0phlcally In building the two-ctory structure at 17175 the Huntlqton Beach-Fountain Valley Beach Blvd., just. north of Talbe:'t art.I tbe new office will serve," u.ld Jack Avenue and acrosa the street from Hun· qutley, vice president and aeneral Ungton lntercommunlty H"Jlltel. manager ol the DAILY PILOT. He of· Sharine space with the DAILY PILOT nclal1yc rtpreetnted the newspaper 1t In the new buildln1 will be McCracken '• Friday'• ceremonies. lilft.Y rl'LtT ltltf ,.,.... DAILY PILDT'S NEW HOME -Jack CUtley (loll) vice president and general mahaeer of tbe DAILY PILOT UJll tranlit to ahoot a sur· veyor'• line wltb help of Jlalpb Battersby (r!jhJl ol Flre1lde Thrill, whose Offioe1 will be co-Unanl wltb DAILY l'JLQ'I' in new bulldinJ at 17875 Beaclt Bl~ .• HunUnglon Beach. Vice Mayor George McCrack- en (on tractor) is general contractor for project and his nrm , GM Cons truction, Inc., will mnve its oUie<s into (he building when It is completed. Doing tbe 1hovel work at groundbreaking ceremonies is Bill Wood<, president ol Huntington Beach Chamber oJ Commerce. • . 'Intercept' ! Uf'l 'f•' ...... _, 'Nets Pot, Jams 'Autos From Wire Services Operation Intercept was begun.formailly SUnda)·, detUng thousand! ol dollars worth al marijuana -and even oar). traband .such u flour and avocados -ta the toogheat International amurgli6f crackdown ever. • TM joint U.S. IDd Mexican ~am created tremendous traffic Snarls et all border crossing points, just as it did last Thursday when tried in practice for the first time. The wait Jailed up to ab: houn fo r many ol the V0,000 persons In 30LOOO \•ehlcles who tried to return from bulWgbts and horse racing In Tijuana and ~ Caliente. Bf the time th< traffic jam reacl!ed Its htlght. can were backed up for liz mUes Into TfjUllla u msloml agen!J aeardled every tiDgk vehk:le for contraband. AT THE SAN YSIDRO BORDER TO BAJA. A LONG WAIT Ev., • Tijuana T .. f C.Uldn't Beal tflo Border Choclcout ' Long-balred, or bearded yoong people -predictably -wen oubjected lo tbe most tbol'OUlll lnvestlgalton, ln•olvinl a 30-minute velticle l.nspection. ni. mwlve at1empt to stop the flow of marijuana 1nd dangerous drugs entering the U.S from Mwco will l'lllaln In al· feet Indefinitely, authoriilu anoounctd Sunday night. Frotlt Page 1 The word was given by David M. Keo- riedy, secretary of Uie treasury, and John fl.f. Mitchell. U.S. attorney general. RECALL V01'E TUESDAY • • • right win( ertremlsls. Recall ouppartera have consiltenUy hammertd away at the mayor's role tn real eatate IDd alleged conlllct of toter•'! situations arial.n& from IL 1be other two haft been attacted becallle of their dose tie to the 1111yor and cons1atent block votln( on key ·1.1sues. The Issue spflll( Into tbe plctun more than &ii months a.go in • heated con- troversy over • propo.sed tract d homes In which the mayor llld City Attorney Edwin Martin had acted a.s rtaltors. Aaa:ry residents filled several council meetinp proteat.ing the llze of some Joli ..:... 5,000 square feet while tha dty stan· dard is 'i ,200 square feet -and the use of leased land for an adjacent park. The incumbent trio {ought a civic and le1ll battle to uphold the Larwin Tract, but fll1aDJI lost ill courl wheo the ionlng on tbc property wu returned to agrlc:ultu:re for 18Veral JUJOm. They bad been oppoaed In court by COIJtldlman Edward-Jual llld Joho Harper, wbo quietly fnot the recall. After the 1er11 battle amroJ cttllmlr launched the recall project under the leadenbfp of EU(ene Vao Duk. fl rained m0me$m u the inayor WU attacked on~ol-..-. u.. ~~ pie· I~~ lll(ered ol!':. the incwnbents' appu'mt atubboranw in the face ol heavy cppositloo. It lw been Mrs._ Frampton, 82, Succumbs; Services Slated Services will be held Wednelday for Mn. Stephie Frampton, a realdent of Huntington Beach for 32 years, who died Friday at • local convalescent hamt. Mrs. Frampton, S2, had been a patient at the home aince early August. She formerly lived at 71J Main St. She was born In Austria aod came to the United St.ates at the age of six. Service:. will be at 11 a.m. in Smith's Chapel with Hulda Williams, Christian Science reader, conducting. Burial will be in Pacific Vlew Memorial Park, Newport Beach. Her husband Thomas died in 19.W at the 11e of 70. Survivors lndude a grandson, Dave Frampton of Huntington Beach, a nephew, Linwood Root, of Downey and a nle«, Doris McNelll, of San Diego. underlined by the 3-2 factional split on the council. Harper recenUy added fuel to the fire with hia dlacloaure of facta _ concernlog Schwerdtfeger'• involvement in 1 rul mate transactloo in 1961 1'hich came before · tbe council for a zone change wllbout the ma)'<>< declarlni hia ln- voJvemenl All three lncumbenla c:!aJm they are opposed by Olll)' a nilnority <ii -"111 civic dluldents. Recall supportm claim it l! a dty·wtde awakening to cominunity affain;. The voter& will decide the Lssue Tues· day. Here's Precinct List for Valley The biggest game caught in the weekend hunt was Urllvenlty o f Waiihlngton student Michael T. Mitchell, 23, arrested for lnve.stigatlon of smug· glln& when h1s rtnted plane landed at Bakenlield. Authorities said he carried a cars:o of 1,000 pounds of marijuana r~ purchased in MazaUan and destiDed for Berkeley. Elacwhete along the %,5fl>mlle.lntll· ln- tc1111Uooal liorder, tbe auddellly4Pf11!11 rmuggling inlp stopped thou•~ more pot!l)ds of marijuana and lar1e quantlHes ot drui pills. · A boy who abandoned hi! car at ttJe San Yaldra border checkpointf'alher than rl~k running the Operation Intercept ntt was arrested when 2,000 pills were found io the car. Five men and a woman from NtW'York City we re captured by Me J; 1 c 1 n authorities ln Sonoito,. a ntlle IOUtb o( LukevUle, Artz., with 140 kUol -;'bout 300 pounds -of marijuana in their D1ncall J(J nntinp. ~";:;io~trol boats and eo,11 = 1<~ ~ ~~ ~ , , veael1keptacf•,~•1*1'·. _ Wltb 1.-0 potenUal votm ill Tlleaday'• Ing tho illtematlogaMleund1ey qi~ recall election, founlaill Valley olflclala bul apparel)tly f~endoro ' hf.1' eatablllWl!I--votlnc _ places An aerlll ram.;: .lill.llP :e· tell n~ oG fllO 1 117Mm. !!ere pl"'6 O)'in( .,., boriler they are: • , ' au8Jortzatlnn reau1ted ln'lbe Wmloc ~ Preclnd llllll -1151'1 llil\lllct CU.le. of three aircraft, none Ca!'l'Jitll con- Preclncl 007 -City Hall', llDllO Slater traband. Ave. The piloU wert ordered to land oa the Precinct Diii -Harper School, 11111$ U.S. aide of the Rio Grande bul Ibey Santa Yne• St. simply had not filed fli,11\ plans -with !be Preclncl 009 -McDpweU School, 1'1210 customa department ptibr !<>·takeoff. Oak SI. Precinct 010 -Fire lllatioo, 11'187 Newbope SI. Precinct 01' -11131 San Gabriel SI. Precinct 011 -lllM Buabanf SL Precinct 019 -Nleblaa School, 9.100 Gardtnia Ave. Ptednct 017 -Fulton School, El Lago Avenue and Santa Ellie str .. t. Precinct 201 -~Robin Ave. Proclnct n -Allen School, I !200 Bushard St. Precihc(200 -11861 Lilac Way. Precinct 205 -Fire station, 17737 Bushard st. Precinct 206 -Tamura School, 17340 Santa Suzanne St. Precinct 207 -10701 Peony Circle. Precinct 2Q9 -Fountain Valley School, 1791 1 Bushard St. Precinct 211-9659 La Esperarua Ave. • Precinct 212 -Fountain Valley Righ School, 17816 Bushanf SI. Precinct 214 -Gisler School, 18720 Las Flores St. Voting places will be identified with 1 flag out front. Valley Man Sets Balloon Record A Fountain Valley balloonist trimmed 1 few tree tops Swiday on his way to a recor:! flight over Richmond. Va. George Stokes, 32, of 1732.l Santa Barbara St., set both a distance and duration record for a hot air balloon. His fllgbt went 9.8 milts from the state fair grounds to the tree·lined campus of the Universily of Richmond, Stokes was in the air !or Si minutes in free flight, not knowing where his 8Q.foot balloon would land . When he landed he crashed through a few tree tops -his balloon has no guidance system -but safely touched down on the girls' hockey field . He had postponed an attempt on th~ altitude record of 9,&6S feet betause "of an overcast sky.'' he said. The Old Philosopher Strikes Again ( ahnost) patron saint o! common sense, '1 he would undoubtedly go along with the times and pick out one of our beautifully tailored Devon- shire suits, or perhaps a smart double-breasted blazer with har- monizing slacks. Our assortment ot Don Loper neckties would cer- lalnly tickle his fancy. It was Benjamin Franklin ~·ho said, ••Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.'' We go along with that -but only up to a point. At our store we want thyself to be pJeased as well as others. We believe, to paraphrase another notable of tbe past, "To thine own self be lnte, and !rightful tbou will look to DO man.'' On IDOi! otber topics we a~ w\tb Benjamin completely. He •u Indeed quite a fellow-auth· or, edlfl>r, prtni.r, Inventor, 11Jp- lom1~ humorls~ philosopher. And then, of course, he flew kites. He was spry as a fo1; inlo his eiihties aod always kepi an eye open for pretty girls (a guy Like tbat can't be all bad). • IJ tbe remarkable Mr. Frank- lin wandered into our store wear· ing his tighl knee breeches of sa· Lin or velvet, an embroidered waistcoet, Jong silk stockings and powdered wig, we might be bard pressed lo reoullit him in that colorful coJonial style. But since old Ben was called, 11America's The point is , at Bidwell New- port we have clothing to suit any~ body's taste. And a staff of peD- ple who would seud Ben on his way with a fitting wardrobe and a 5J!;lile oo his face. \Ve certainly wouldn't have told him II> go n1 a kite! ' Jack Bidwell 3oH7 Via Udo al Newpo"' Blff,, Newpert Beadl. Pleaty ef free parll.laC t. '"" rear. ~ast de_.. tile ...... m• Ce8ta Ml!lia aad Corona del Mar. "1111 eaJy 10 mlaates from l>eaatlfal dowato-Bvbaak. {If yoa don't m1ad ltenlf s•ot .. , of a., ..... ). ( ' • \ ' \ MONDAY 7:00 8 CIS &.11111 ""' (C) (JO) Cl Wklrt MJ•l.illt1 (C) (JO) m11 Ttll ... TniHI (C) (lO) QI D!IUT ..... ""' It) (30) flj C..llldltyfkt lillrbt GI i1i.n1 (301 fm C..r'I W.W (C) (JO) CD T1'll tlrt (C) (lOl 7:30119 Cl) NEW SEASON Q1111111 (°Cl "fht De\lil't Outpott" N1r&hll DHloll upturn '" Ollll1w d1Jrift,I 11 1tttmp:lld IU&• hold1Jp, then ~ purautd lfo&pdly 1!1 the w11 bx• to Doell• by tht out\1'11''1 brotlltr and his 11n1 of r1ne1.0.. 0 C~rJSler l'r ... nts T1lO * Bob Hope Comed1 Special Starrinc of TV'• Funniest Guys. 0@ (l')., lllmllJ ---... ..,.-ro160> ... Kope l~I I little hef91 frent Ilia tritn41 to help llUDClil bll 200i .uo11 Oii NBC. Tht flHlfl7111tl 11to vol¥ed Ill ..... flr1I C1plfNdJ .. Oii the new .. son lndudt Soun Sates. StM Allt11, ftp MloL SllllltY 8trN1t, Rid 8ut»as. SW Cltwr, Joll11ny cam., .ll<l Clttll:, W11JJ Cot. l iff 01111, Gtortt Gobel, Shtcklt Gr•ne. Budlfr Hackdt,, JIU £. lton1td, Pit h llbl11. "Ip. t1Y RLWlll, Pllft Silwn, Martr Al· ltn, .ltny Colon111. Rldl1rd De1D1>1 •rid Danl'IJ Thomat. eno-(t) (60) o imwmuc ""'" IC> 'iitlTll n.·Cttmtry" (lllrama.l '61- EMs Presley, Hopt Ltrt11. TutldlJi Wiid. Millie Pllkllls, Gary llc:kwood, .fl)-.... (60) mm ~" (60) 0 m MJ WtrW '" w11o .. " 1:30 a am lllEW SWON ..,. .., It CC) {30) 'Tltt Distntktnt1d.~ (C) (10)~ finds the ""1tcl io11i 9 ,.._, the Sbt'I (Cl (lO} on I S.1 frincix:.o N1azl1111 but ii cert1in lhl is 1ai111 ta Int It 8 MUSIC SCENE-Beatles, G-IC) 130> To!"""" * Tom Jone1, Oliwer m PIOllDlf Kt S.W. a. s.w o @ rn m P1£111£1E • ... cc1 (lO) .. Glraliol• 1s 1tost • uc Sca1 (C} (45) Guab f.ar the Uris WDri-&90dltion P.. ti. fird #low Include Thi BnU.: sin&· :e_• ........ huabands 11d wtN. If Jlmu BrOWl'I; tltt folk·raci ., Ilka! (30) lflMIP of Cmbf, Stills, NUii 11111 You~ "M1rr1klCll flprm''10:0l88(JJ JIEW SEASOI CR topptd ttlt dl1rt1 In rlCOfd time· 11...a (C) (60) Miu 81Jmett tlnp, 1nd 81Jck Owens i nd His em'. dolllNI •nd d.u1ca 111itti IMf sptdll tom. Th1 $how Is hosted by in 1uat Jim. Nlbor1 for hit' third ... lmprwlutton1t lt1m tnch1dln1 ton PIWftllft. HIM/ Korman, lylt Urry H1nllin, Christopher Rosa, Wauoner Ind Ylckl Llwrtnct tfl PEANUTS ~ PERKINS JUDGE PARKER 600P MOllNIW6. SB'ERAL-M' All 6lORI A! •. MIY FKOM ONE l'ffSot.i 0.LlS? ..AIBEY 5A;NC.Ei! tlly Tomlin, Chris Boktno, Divld on hand,. too. In • comtclr Ud!, Steinber1 and P1ul lleld Romin. Nabors ¥1slt1 b1thtlottltt netpbor µ._....,;;.( ly John MUes JJ 11 ,, -1 J € By Harold Le Doux HEIE'S MEJ: NU MJEtr! SHE li\EtrlTIONEP • OJEMT \ICMl're ~PPOSEO TI) IE rr~ 50lri\E· tEPrESBmNG av THE WW.E OF ONE-I SAW BROPV! WE PON'r HAVE NJ't'OHE I.AST Jrll6MT •• U'STW &V THAT WA.ME: LOI Ancel• dist iodl..,. Humbll Butnttt ind triumi a llffas ol ~!'!'!'!!!~~~~~~!!!~::::! Hlrw ind B. Mitchell Rkd 111 bur1l1r 1l1rms in htt apartm~ 1 _ === a1t1m11Jn1 1nno1Jrtt1rs ol tha show. ont-room foltrta 'rollcted by ~1 O Mlllilil $ M .... : "Thf Ckt Hi ~:'i!s.tlrlbl1 n111fork ol lttlllilJ t.n. lrlllnf" lcomtclr) '65 ....._ Till D (i) (i) C Hunter, N1bli1 Wood. W-lbtn .. (~ ·~:e;!.o ~II~ m Tnrttl « c.n..llMtM (C) (lOJ ous slletdlts and lilr• comedr Q) DUUT Jlldl hf tilt Dlf•M sbldla with hi1 (Ulll stJts 111111- fll Ttdl1UI Cerw (30) lirbt flip'1 firll M'tWOtl S4*lfll fm ra.r.. W'lldtll , 1111 lhNtt Followtftt Iris tlltfllflt l!IOldocut. Lift f3Q) "lflfl Ind Semintitl." nip ~ Ill "llJ!lldl11t fllfl9(' \ sblch wittl AfllJ Y(Fllilms; dons • Ill Qtdtt ti ...., (30) blonde •ir to '"°'" ShwlrOm I:• D CD Ll•P.I• (C) (iO) Oi.1111 ti• lftoU tilt· aln1ln1 S11P1ama tht rt.1-.i oft' ID 1uest-Jllr in 1 apool ol Romeo and Julie~ 11111 u I hip 1npl. Alen S4Jel lntrodLICIS Uncle AJ, a •lddle show hosi whe Mitt •ids; Gllltill ~auN" RllM (0.rt Raw1n) returns wllb 1llOll!u of hll 'stl1r111( l1IU: and Mod. Mad Wottd Ma II !ht 1111 1nd olltl ol IM1Jr1ncL Mlcl!HI C.lnt Is ltt!URd In 1 auest umeo rol1. 8 Jld: 1tt1111 (3Dl Clint W1!kll 1uull. m_ .. n.."''"> till Wtrid Pml (C) (llO) IE Hit Pn4t (C) (901 TU E S D AY Gtf1ldl11t with JlM\ltM11 Wltltn at M1udl Frichtt b M11K11'1 first 1ir)l1111 trip; •Ml ,.,,., wlUI Art• .IDtlMOll !or a lllOQf 111tltltd "Mid· lli&hl Clowsi*." 811-ICl 160> G hlW IC> (60) n111 Tim, tlttlt ""'~ ..... .,...., •-160) .. --(60) fii) Flriif,Lm fC) {60} ~Amtric11 POp111ari!J Allfotd. .. 8) II• Mt dt ll Mutrtl (C) (30) ' 11~:30QtUt ''*'• .. °"1caldtl (30) "''°• a ·a m 111m i!J ...;1Cl e--m ,..... . (C) .,, .... " "' t..r" ~11re) '57-i>lln Wl)'Tlt, SO,tlil ....... , di LlllUM't hlwJ '(t) GI iCl -........ <-ml '41-J•n Slml'llOl'lt, DoM1d Hou• .... IZ:OO D "O•IJ Ill lrlVI" fdr•m1) '30 DAYTIME MOVIES 4.,, Coo111r, M1r1 Brl1"' Z:OO CD "[ICl111 hi tilt 11111" (clr1ma) 1:00 D "Oii 111 lslelld WIUI Y1~ Cr• • '57-John Bent111. V1t1 F11S4l m1nc1) '4~£stl!1r WlntMtt. Ptttr J:OO g "Alllfl l•ll(' (drlll'll) '11- Uwfard. Glo11t Htlftll!Oll, lftttllll• Ma. GI (t} "'ft11111 It """" (d111111) C.mbrld11. ' '54-f11n1I Sln1tn, Dor11 0.,. •:J!B (C) ~ •-P1r*' t:MB"'Nllh If .._,. <c."'*1 lld'flrmlnl '!11-R*tt """'"" '45-Jol .. fonlltM. ;.p .,_ l.k* DlnMI. Complete Pi'iliting _Service Top Quality .:... Fast Service PILUT PRIN f ING 642-4321 2211 Wost 81tbo1 lll•d. I N1wport llMclt TUMBLEWEEDS MISS PEACH .. ' . .. ..... ~-.. ~·~··· .. GO FORTH, LAD! VOU MUST !'ROVE TlfATYOO ARE A iRU.E A?OHAWI<! __ ._, .. ««· " ,, 1--1 By Ferd Johnson ,ACTUALLY. MY NAME ISNlT EIUTTE'RFIN<;EF<S,SIR, IT{S LORP PLUSHBOTTOM ... • ,. /! By Tom K. Ryan I WHATEVER HAPPENED 11l BIRni CERTIFICAlES? By Al Smith \i A. l'l'1on'ilr•.1 dog. -HA~ NOTICE THEY SP'EU..EP :=- 'lt>UR. NAAIE W11't-l A ' SMAL.L 'Tb ,I 9 . .,. CARSON ON HOPE -JOhD11Y Canon Is one of %t comedians who will join Bob Hope tonight al 9 p.m. on Channel 4 for "Chzysler Pr.,eols'lbe Bob Hope s~tal.0 The show marks Hope'• .20tb year on UJJ,;.. Nine network. · ; ' • • TELEVISION VIEWS Billy · Graham With Woody ' By CYNTHIA LOWR.Y NEW YORK (AP) -Woody Allen bed a highjy unusual guest spot in his CBS comedy ~peciiµ Swr day. The Rev. Billy Graham sat down with the stat. and while Woody as questioner and straight man tried to keep things on the light side, the evange- list managed to deliver' a nwnber of serious capsu!e. sermons. ·-IT WAS different but it didn't work out very com- fortably. Woody in particular came off soundirig l sacreltgiou.!I and fresh. But the rest of the hour w~:1 irrteresting and bright. Allen and Candace Bergen took on the currept vogue for nude acting in one funny sketch. 'They top~ it with a simUlation of an old silent film llt l' which Woody, looking like e cross between Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton, flayed a street clean~ and Candace was a rich gir who fell for him. \Veakest sketch was a long one with CandaC! I playing a stupid girl being tutored by a 94-year-old : sage who was Woody in a long black beard. The ! Fifth Dimension, an excellent singing group, turned ~ up for a couple of numbers. · ' THE FIRST lawyer segment o[ NBC's "Th• Bold Ones" was a fast-moving and well-produced: story about a frame-up. It shoWed how an bve • zealous police officer, hamstrung by new Supreme-: Court rulings, arranged some evidence to fit some tacts that be had misread. Regulars James Fareh·.t tino and Joseph Campanella, playing lawyer broth-' ers, had most of the action - a chase. a. little fist! flinging and a lot of harsh, tough words. . I THE NEW "Andy Williams Show" on NBC 5'1t• urday had PetuJa Clark, Don Ho, some lavish pn). duction numbers and Jots and lots of sinPi n~. It alsQ~ had an audience seated on bleachers that moved around the area of action. Although it was all very pleasant, it seemed tJ be slow moving and bland. · I "BRACKEN'S WORLO" in Its NBC debut F)i.,, day night fulfilled its promise to take viewers be-' hind the scenes in a Hollywood studio. The sequences; abowJng film work in progress on sets were valid~ and interesting. . ;.., It had been suggested that the series would be; a form of soap opera. The first episode concentrat- ed on introducing the characters in the extra-larg~ 'CUl ot regulars. 'J'he story centered on a director' ' with an alcoholic wife and a yen for a blonde star-) Jet. It seemed less soap opera than the stuff fan, magazines are made of. ~ .RECOMMENDED TONIGHT: "Music Scene "j premiere, ABC, 7:3().8:15 PDT, comedy and con1 temporary music; "The New People," premiere,• 8:15-9, drama about young people building a ne world; Bob Hope Comedy Special. NBC . 9-10. wilhj a score of top comedians as guests: Flip Wilson ' Special. 10-11, with Andy Williams, Jonathan WinJ ters and Arte Johnson. 1 Detatais tlae Me11cree . BARGAINS GALORE i I I I I r • unaaua llORE DOCTORS, DIHTl81'S, I ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PRORUIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE ·WE'VE GOT THE ANSWaRI FORM LOW ASl.I S14.S0 PEil MO. I H Year Me•ey's Wortlt Decline of Dollar Goes On By SYLVIA PORTEii By the time thil firlt year ol the NWlo Adminiatratioo will have alaed, the already wUted post-World War U dollar will have shriveled ano\her fQW" cenls. to date oa Clltbin( the prke- w11e oplral ii Ille wont ol -tlma. IU~llOlll caJJopiJll tof11U.0 '?I-A key lo Ille cooln>I ol thla V I e t om-lnlpllOd toflllioo mUJl be the end ot th1J war. • ' CAl.l US !i<)W FOR The dQUar which was Worth 100 ce:n\3 io the marketplace In 194l. lhe Llrst. "normal" poalwar economic )It.at, waa buying only 1:1.7 cents ol the aame goods and ..mces wbe!I Presldent Nixon took over from President Johlisoo In Ni.iin Inherited Ille prot,ltm, of cour1e; he baa made in- flation control the No. t priori- ty cln tbe domesUc front, lhe Administration, the Federal Reserve Board and Congress are acting in major areas to restrain the spiral. Nevertheleu:, the record since January is Nlzon't-m:t just as he wOilld properly irab the credit (or progress as:alnst inflation, JO be muat accept. Ille b!Jme !or the aby1111111 lack of progress so far. And be mull expect to be. reminded tb1t numy ol hi! pitd&a about ioQ,aUon control now seem ~blrr,asalngly naive. • Meanwblle. credlt la very had to get and erpenalve. 1be White House ia trytna to keep a lid oo federal government splndlng. The locome tax sUreharje has beea extended. --~,,...,,__,,_ ___ _ The otoc:t markel'a Blump la welcomect u a chillln& D> nueoce oo buainw~ ' ~ATIONAND A BftllCHUAE. 1' == .. IUlfAU s.u.2222 · . January 1969. • lj>elldln&. I Off1CES TO llllYE ALL OI' OflAHG! co. r-~ . . Expert pre:d lctions In Wasblngton give thia dollar a value of on1y 63.3 cents · 1n January li79. TIDS PUBlJCADON record BUT TO, DATE, out """10llly ii Doi YET yielding lo the restraln!L TO date, Ille 1ttempil lo c"'11 •lhe oplral " I t h o u I predpllJtihs a .......ioo are not YET Ibo"· Ina ,ldequlte result>. Our country would not accept price-wage controls for so bated a war. Now would this generation st.and still for a bu!i.nesa downturn w h i c b would curb the spiral at tbe oost of soaring joblessness and I I I I I We're holding a seminar on Capital Gains, Murual FUnds and 1970. You can have vour cho1u of dates-Seplember 2l or 30. Speaker: Allan .E. Fltzpalrlck, MBA Account .Executive Time: 7 :4S-9:30 PM Place: Treasure Chest Res!Aurant Algooquln Avenue Huntington Beach Wo will discuss: • Speculllloo and. tbe Stoa Mutet. • Rewm! and R1tk Ratio: How II Works. • Sllel Coll Cont&den.Uom: Slockl and Mllfllll Fund1. • 5 Major Dcdllont 10 M•k• ln Cboollq • Mulual Fund. • 11 Now the Time to Buy? SbouJd you Walt? • Checil: Lltl for Detenntnln.g i\cllon Now. There's no charge, of course, but space ls limited, Plan to attend this provocative lecture. Phone Miss Pat at 213-437·29711 lor your reservallon or send In the coupon below indicating the date mo•t con11enlen1 for you . ---------- Please reserve•-------"115 for O September 2J O September 30 Name----~------------ Address•----~---------- CHY'----------------Home Phone _______ Bus. Phone __ _ ~uttun In f.he eqtire· four years frQm January 1991 to January 1965 -the Kennedy.Joluuon _ era -the dollar shrank a mere 3.7 cent.s in buying power .• This wu the equival~t of price stability ln our dynamic society over so long a period and jt was achieved while the economy was in an historic upturn. Jn the entire four years ot Eisenhower's first tum - J95U7 -tht dollar lost a tiny 3.2 cf!ntl. This also was equal to stability but recession and heavy unemployment maned lhe achievement. . IN ONLY one year of Ni1- on's term, the dollar will have Jost more than in either of these four-year periods. The tey to the accelerated lnfiation was the escalation of the cursed Vietnam war beginning ln 1965. When tbis- war wu piled on top or an all· out boom and Johnson com- pounded his tragic error by I.tying to finance it without the lradltloaal belt-light.nina. our bankruptcies. · The late.st word I r o m policymaking circles Is that this time, the lag between the dale restrainls are imposed 4nd tbe date the restrainb lake bold will be longu than the usual all to • twelve months. We must bopt this Is so -but while ii is being said. labor unions are serving notice they'll demand e n o r m o u s wage hikes d u r i o g ap. proaching negot.laUOM and businessmen are r a i 1 i n g prices to protect their profits. HERE'S THE record of l!Hl's 100-cent dollar to dat.e: ~ oa• ~·1~ ~1~ ' : c ·~ "~ .. t .. ,.~, Di Giorgio to Acquire Orange Camper Firm SAN FRANCISCO -Di Gior~o Corp. has agreed to .acquire two additiona[ rec~a­ tional vehicle maoofaeluren, L & M Manufacturing Co., All M1keo-All Modol1 °'"""'""'" -Trwcb Emphraim, U t a h , and California Camper Manufac- turing Co., Orange . The two companies are being acquired through an ei:· change of common .stock. The terms of the tMtnsaction were DOI diaclosed. L &c M Manufacturinc OJ. I'. More lhan just broker1 t . F. Hutton & Company Joe. I I I I I 1. "Wher• Serwice Me••• t+i, Difftrt nce" Ore11911 Ce\1111'1' wt Ctm!lll' Or, JrOduces a complete line of travel from 15 lo 35 feet Jong, under the "Road Runner" brand and sells through dealers in the Rocky Mountain stales and the Mldwe&t. California Camper, selling under t he "Californian·• brand, distributes campers and trailers throuJhout the western st.atea;, with prime coverage in California. I. 2111 East Broadway I Long Beach, Gallfornta 901102 21S-.CJ7·29711 N-,.n ac11, 11u > '*•u Lu Alletlel M S. \fift1,_,, (llJI 71$.lU• L __________ J ,• • • ' ' • NOW 'EARN % INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October 1st you can earn the new, ~igher rote of 6% yearly on Morris Plan $5,000 Investment Certificates. Funda placed by October 15th will earn from the 1st oflhemonlh 11 the full 6% rate. Interest paid at the end of each calendar quarter; or credited to a Pa~book Account for addilional Income. D1llr tnter .. t on S.25% Pi11book AC(:ounte. Thrift P111book Accounts of any amount earn from day of deposit to day of with- drawal; Interest cred ited and compounded quarterly. Since Its founding In 1916, Morris Pian has promptly met ft11Y request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $125 million. Morris Plan Newport Bea ch -3700 Newport Boulevard -673-3700 • ) " ArH Direetor Harris R. Angell o! Capistrano Beach has beeo appointed South- ern 0 r a n g e County area director for Gen- eral Business Services, Inc. of Washington, D.C., a counseling firm which specializes in re. cord keepin·g systems and tax service for small businesses. - State Pays $821,502 To County Four Seek AJA Crown Orange County Chapter of the Association of Induslr:lal Advertisers hmi announced candidates for the title of Miss Orange Co u n t y Industrial Advertising. 1969-70. One of four gir'ls will be selected by the 75-membu organization to act as hostw at aU AIA functions during the year. Voting will be by mailed ballot and the winner will be announced · at t.he Oct. I meeting. The candidates are Elaine Grammes of Brea, Michahle Cannon of Costa Mesa, Cheryl Waters of Carden Grove. and Peggy Ryan oI Santa Ana. LEGAL NOTICE • Complete-New Finance Briefs LOS ANGELES CUPI) - Automation Industries ~ nounced rtceipt of two Navy contracts. The contracts cover maintenance and management of a saline water conversion plant in Freeport, Tei:. and technical services for a U.S. Navy µeel-readiness t es l system ·~1 Guanlana ma Bay, CUba . York Stock List • Prices-<Amplete New . ... .. . • York Stock Exchange List . -... ,.;..---------1 ~-Y,.a..Cle. 0011' JUNES AVBll4GES American Stock Exchange Li"'t R. Rigler Joins BASF Richard E. Rlaler o r ~Beacllh .. beon•t . 11 BASF ~tiall • Oil Cout re&!OMI ....., .,.....,.,anewDollUoa. Rlclfr .nn make his J\ead. Qlllrl<n In BASF'• w .. 1 Cool! .me. 1t 1115 S. llaochu1u Ave., Anllltlm. Curtis Joins Dean Witter Doniel L. Cortll bu ldllft !be Newport lko<h GI&. el 0tlJ1 WlUer 6 Co~ u Ill ac- count tlet'IJIJYI. Prior to }Olnln1 0.on 1'ltler, Curtis wu a SJlm rtp1tar-1au.. with Slcnocl< Cotp. In IAA.opla. 'I .I '· ........................... ll!!l!!!lll!ll ... llll ......................... _.'"9~R"."'":"' ... ""'""'r"'"P".""""""'.,.""'-""':::""""':""°'-.,, ...:-·""" '" ....... ~·-·~ ~ .. - • ,.ft lWLY PILOT 0 -· ~ 22. 196'1 --s.ifen Heart Attaelt ;. Passage's Owner :.Bob Johnson ~ies , ' 1' 11.AUION LOOIWIEY OIMr,. ........ l _&bert, F. J~ ~ '11kipper of tbe ~ b<uklni ,,_toot ktlcb W I n d w a r d Pusqe·died of I helrl lltlck frida1 nJPt -.!Ille being '°8sted by bis lamllf and <l'tieods IS tile (odfltbtt of I flmlJy 1r1....i·1 n.w chllcL O.alll came lo Ille 51-1W- J>ld liid1lstrialill and former timber tycoon In Ross, Calif. near San Francisco wheft he .,.i his family wen attending Uie cllristenlng. Johnson bad suffered a previws heart attack about \iio yean ago lo Froeport, ~ where he WU ""8(ed in .....rt develap- ment Be apparenUy had com-i>ittel1 recovered and 1p-. .,e.m lo be In .... llent bplth durlng the past year. Acoonllng lo Chip Clery, a d.ise friend and :; a 111 n g ·aiaodate from Newport Jt,;pcl>. Jojmoon had jll!l ~ulitet. a tour year world yal:hlini campaign lhal woold have taken the Windward Passage in eVery major yacht rice in the world. CAMPAIGN Sl!.T The campaign was to have been laWIChed wit the llart of the Long ileadl lo La Pai race Nov. I. Aft.er the dlristenlng at· Ross, Johruoo bad planned to c o m e to Newport Beach and then 10 to 8an Diego where l h e Wu¥1ward Passage was being prepared for the La Paz race. 'According to member1 or thO family, Jobnson oollapsed alf he stood with members of the tam.Uy to reeeiVe the toast .. •godfather. 1be body· was la.ken to hla fmilly OO!De In PorllaDd where funeral arrangements win arranged. With bh:n at the time of his death Wert his Wife Ramol'la and their two sons. Mark and Fritz. He is allo survived by t w o granddllldreo. IrookaDy, death came at Ibo height of '°"'"''erlJ .... the lllcHlour elapsed time penalty in the r e c e n t Transpacific yacht race which ni>hed Johnaon of hll moot coftted elapted Ume yacht race noonl-lhat held by h!J prevloull yacht, th• 72-foot ket· ch 'Ticonderoga. Before entering the Transpac the relatively new Windward Passge had set five new records in Its first seven ootings in major yacht races in Florida. Cl1T FOUR HOURS Windward Passage lopped near!)' four houn off Bil Tl's 116& TraDspac recml, but a two hoar penalty resulting from a minor starting line foul gave tbe new record and first Bob Thorne Wins Title In Metcalfs John Thorne of Balhca Yacht Club suOC£ssfully defen· ded his tille in the Metcalf Class championships held at BYC Saturday and Sunday. 'Ibome's margin of victory was one quarter of a point over runner-up Harry Bourgeois. • The champion!hip w a s decided In a five race series aailed Saturday and SUnday. Finll resul!J: (I) Rogue, John Thorne, BYC: ( 2) Vamoose, Harry Bourgeois, BYC; (') Pelruini, Dick Deaver, BYC; (ti Soggy, Bill Lawhorn. BYC; (5) 8111< Blun- der, Lance McCabe, BYC. Escalihor Best of 14 Tom Ket105•s E s c al 1 bo r tiom Balboa Yacht Club was tha wlnntt of Iha national champi<mhip l't(altl of die J!)r.all!)ur CJaa in I three- not -held Satunfly and ~ b)' Newport - Y-Club. 1btte wre 14 entries in lhe -Winds ...... fight and abJ111 bocJI days. The Ex- Clllbor Ill • II-foot sloop. Jllnal multi: (I) Eacallbor; (I) Howlin' Ow~ Lewis -· MIYC; (I) Rtldy Eddy. lo finlsb booon lo Ken · DeMwse'• 7J.foot . ketch Blacldin wblcb finished nearly' an . houi behind' Windward Passage. Although JO!non took the peoalty In . • lijlOrisawtlike mll)tier, it Wal noted in bil luture yac!lting plans that neither of the race1 &pOl>!Or<d by tile l'ranspadfic Yacht Club -the Booolubl and TahlU races -were ~uded. In a Uttle lesa: than two dec.ades the ooe-tiioe "timber lfamp'' bad risen to the highest ranks in wcrkl .long dlslance yachtJng •• He lint became enamored ·of. y.ch!Jng • hi ibe early 1950a when he purdwed Ille old Hennu. GOerlng yadll• Gioote Be<r. FOr a lark he erUred It lo a Transpac ..,.. lo Honolulu, but the old scow Was 10 ~ that ii flnl!heif near Ille t.ll' end of the fleet. Johnooo later bad tbe 'IS-loot ketch Zia built by Dllmar 111d Donaldacn of Newport Beach which be ·also took in a Transpac race and later auiJ.. ed to T'!biti and the East Coast. He charted the Ticonderoga for the 1963 Transpac and was so pleased w I t h her performanc.e during the race that be' wired the former owner an offer to ~ "as is, woo. is" foe ~tely $50,000. BJ the !line tbe Tlooo- cleroga rucbed Bono 1 ul u, Johnson OWDed ber. He hroaabt her baclt to Newport Beach where be s p e n t mare than $100,000 brinting her up to her original llnes and relurblshing the in- terior. His first elapsed time record in Big n was in the 1964 u,,, ""'"'es to Tahiti race. From Tahiti he took the yacht to Florida for the Southern Ocean R a c I n a Conference where be set at least one new· record, and on the way back to California for the Transpac set a new elapsed time record in the Miami to J amaJca race. TllRILLfNG RACE The thrillln1. -the wire race between Ticonderoga and Stonnvogtl in the 11114 Honolulu race will Jong be remembered 1 n y.cht!ng circles. The two boats finlsbed less than five minutes apart in the 2,225 mile race and Big Ti set the new record of 9 daya 13 hours. Alter that victory, John.son brought Ticonderoga back to the mainland· where he en- tered it unofficially in the 1968 LA to Ma:r.atlan on the way back to the East Coast for campaigning in the Newport, R.I. to Bennuda race, the Trans-Atlantic frace from Bennuda to Copenhagen, and tht Sb.• race from Sweden lo Norway. In the Tram-AUantic race TiCOllderoga set an an. time record, bettering the old mart by mort than three days. After the European cam- paign Johnson brought Big 11 back to Florida where he once again made the SORC and the Afiam.i.Jamaica race. By this time, Ticonderoga was getting tired and Johnson already had dreams of a new boat that would be even faster th an Big Ti. His dream led lo Windward Passage, a revolutionary new design by young Alan Gurney of New York, which Johnson had built in his own shipyard in Freeport, Bahama. The on- ly boat-for-boat defeat of Windward Passage came In the Calllornla Cup series at Marina del Rey last summer at the hands of Blackfin, thus setting the stage for anotbet bitter Trampac battle. TIMBER TRAMP JohMDO liked lo re£er to him.aelf as a timber tramp in hiJ younger daYI In the northwest. A1thooab h I a father, the late C. B. Jobnann, owned a lumber cOmpany In Toledo, Ore., Johnson con- tinued to roam the timber stands of the world, aervlng as a coosultant to many Lttge Umber and lumber firms. After he Inherited h I s father'• e. B. Johnsotl Lumber Co., ii was bought by Goof11a Pacific Corp. in the 19110s ml Jolwoa became • -pr& dent ml -of Ille llnn. Al1boucb bt was IW1 a m• j..-stockholder in Georgie Padlk: at tbe lime of bill dell1'. he had retirod lrom ... u.. partldpallm in Ille flnD and devoted much of hil time and ._, lo developmait and c:oost!Udlon in IUcb places as Hawall. t be Bahamas, Me.Dco. Alaska, Canoda and California under th< corporate name ol R. F. Johnaon Co. . Kun :Wiese Wins • 6th Sail of Sah9ts ' . ... I llo ' Kurt~ofB~ belled' m r1va1a ·s.tur4&Y m ' ibe. P~ yachl .and. BaUooo Club'• llllllaf . lall cil Ille ~-~ Tbe evemJIJor-llOppors un- der 11 yean '!I<!, with or wlthoiil a c:mr. Y~ club al-• liliaulo 'not-~ • The'•dilen ~race wu allod-In NeWport ' H-.· llartin( and !irilslihla 11 the Sea Scoot bue. There were , 124 enlrie:S and 91 finisben. · Ronner-lip,.uOp'l Oboo o1 ====='---- Cofllornla ' Yacht Club aoif Mork Gaudio, BYC. was thliil. ship Trophy; Unda Hesler, ' Trophy for.Iha )'<ii~ boy with brother Jimmy u enw, to DhiSh went to a.~ oid Bill f i r 1 t akjppet and crew to Bendr!Won. no yacht . club. finish. ·.and ibe ~ girl lo finish cmr to finish. wu Chrllly Walchli, .SO.Ill First 10 fil\lsllera: Shore Salllng ·CJ¢>. 1. Kurt w1eae, eve. Jud}' -lclt lof Bahia 2. Cull Olson, eve. Corinthian Yicht Clil.b won the 3. Mark Gaudio, NJO'C. lroPhY IOI' Ille lint tlirf lo 4. <;att.y O'Rrilly, NHYe. . • , •. BOb ·s....,, eve. firilah.' . • " · : · . 6. Ty Beach, BYC. CR~WDED ST 1,RT -Most of. lhe. skl~rs ,in ~tyr-under . way Jn ,Paci.fie Yacht and -Billloon· Club 's an-Oilier opoclal trop!ly "'.il!nen 7. John McClure, NHYe. day's Sail of ·the Sa~. appear to fa"l'r ·the. wind· nual junior .classic. were1 ·Bill Whl\ford, flnt Sea 8.'David Wallace, uve. Scout to finish; Stev'e de 9. ·King Humann, BYC. ward end of the starling line· as tlie .125, boats get M06konyl, BYe, Sportsman-10. HUi<I Schmidt, UYC. ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~ • 10b.DSOD•SOD UlllLI UllllEIT&L • IUllDI • IEICllY • ClllU THE LINCOLN CONTINENT AL l11trod11c.lnt th• flut •lh19•th••-new l incol1t Continenttl 111 •ll•r1v • d•cede. All'l•tic•'t ll'llllt cli1ti119ui1hed motorc.tr pr•••11h "'"" di1?11n1ion1 111 1ptcio111· "'''• h11urv ind eppointrn•nt• ffi• interior room i1 mor1 co1?1rnodlou1, fro11t •ltd ''''· Th• body i1 lo1191r. The 1tenc• i1 Hie wide1t •~•r i11 1 Co1di11ent9'. The li11col11 Conlintnlal •..1•11, in the11 9er'!1rou1 11ew proporliont, e1eh ele9ent h1llm•rk of Conli11e11tel d•1i,11 -The 1culphir.d hood, the t••c•ful tr••11ho111•, th, 1w••pi1HJ reaf dee.le -h•t btcom• , '"ore dramttlc. A11d '"ore •P•rf from ,. other c1r1. The h••dlernp• ••• "'"" c.011· c••led. N•w cer111~i119 lalllp• li,ht th• 'Wl'f for hirM •I 11i9)tt. CYC.LO,NE GT M1rtut'f i1 you!" pe11w.....t le •ctiDll •"'Ii -'"'"'"'' 111 th• 70'tl Mtr· curt 1•~ it ell, •nd no M•rc.ery ••Y' It bett1r th•11 th i1 Cyclo11• GT. Sl,ek, h•rdlop •tvli119. Thni1tl119, 1coopd i.,od. A11 1111mi1takeblv bold griil1. Speclal Cyc.lo11e t111111in9 li9hh. Cottc••Sed ht•dla..,pt. Stro11t l5 l-2V Mffc.-ry '1/-1. 117" wh••llNM• W,d, 60.5" front •llCI &G.O .. ,,., treed. Fr-th• hi-h1cli buck_. 11•h '" 0111, Cyc.10111 GT it '" •cfion c1,...._. tre•t leeder for L:h1col11°Mercurt'• cOMpl•tely re1tylff, •ll·n•W' int.ftlttdlete1! See .TM ·Entire Exciting Line Of All New Lincoln Mercury8 . All New All Exciting All New Luxury . ~ JOhn.son-·s ·on . . -\. . ' . rll.llOO©@ll.00 ©@~'ii'OOO~OO'ii'&ll. • ~£00[{ JIII[ • l~llR©lIDIRlW • ©@lID®A\IRl l 2626 HAlllOll BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I NEW CARS 540·5630 642·0911 '9 1 Mlle .South of the San Dleto Freeway USED CARS 540-5635 QU:t Edel)', BYC: (I) flfd Bamll, BIB l!Jrlie, lfuu- U....., Hort>our Ye; (I ) Corn- modoa, MeJ1oo BuUer, MIYC. ln more recent years he had arranged his affairs !IO th.it be: could 1pend more and more Ume camp al gnlna ~'•!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Windward r....,e. 11 I l', 11 i · I , 11 ' \I 'I ' I J , ..... / ... it ~ .' • J • • DAILY;Pft.OT Stiff-,... ·coRK'I" CAl{ROtLi OF DANA POINT-THE :MAN OF' THE· HOUR~IN CHAMPIONSHIP' FORM He Won Men'11Dfvl'lon/·P•ddlebollrd R•c• •nd W•s Selecteel Best All:-AroVnd 1SUH8r ' ' . . . ' : ' J • .~ o11i.Y'Pl'°1' ...... '.,,,:.J.J....: lild'' .HUNTINqTON BEACH'S .NUMBER 1"•¥!AT!HJ.T.S.•sOyj>, ~OR ~~<:~~·f~~~E,'~INJSff'.' '; ·j • Dorv, .Raco" .'!•••~oil 59m~"'° fM>, 'gh\Hl.IP~ 'T:li!""t .. at Siiif1"9 Chompfo!'ifilPl':, ~ '.. · • , '· . . 'I: . '' ' ' ialley Voters .Write. End Last· .Beer· '\Vias : . . . . . ... ' · The Wrirst Beer ' ' T~. Recall · Story Tuesday That last beer can someUmes be · tJte worst one -'so· teamed Karen Jo Ridgeway, a barµlald , ot a' l!uiitlnglon Beach·lllvern, eatly t\lls morning .. By TERRY ·COVILLE or fllt O.ttr 1"1191 Stttf jthe.:cumar-to a tong story m·Fountain \iiJley will come Tuesday as voters cast t~ ballots, ft either retain or remove three city councilmen in a recall election. A toi8.t · or>(,SSO regtstertd ~oiefs may niiJfe '.the' c:hoiC!e ·Tuesday. No One has dfj'ed esli/ru!te tb0>voter tW'l><>Ut. but re. <:fDl·a<l,i.~ ~te· gr<at interest OD tDe issJJe.. t ,. " . , nae •tfiree ~beut.s whose council ~b: afe .. i~jecipardy ate ~ayor Robert ... '~ . ) '.;.J, •• j,..._..~ C.aa&· i • • . ·weao.er once. UlOlt morning' clouds roll 1 by,·tlt•i,... will holiHorth briefly i Tuesday '. altemoon,-wanning the l coaital area to 70 degrees while in- , land thermometers regiater 84. 1 INSIDE TOBI\\' A perject cofnedy, me.thtu.g • , Script, direction and acting in l comit:Fecision ~ that't '.'Good·, ·ii b§i Charlit• at the Coat.a 'Mes:a 1 CiW Pl4~houu. Sit llnr.~ ; nwnt, PaQt ll. ,. -· ·l =-··-\·--,,.._, ... , .... _ ==·,. ---- I Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor.Donald Fre-The last. beet was ·-onie 'a cuatOmer i"I• anil CoUncllman Joseph C<>w:rU!"· wanted to buy,.but decidl[d to~··~ II reges. -gunpolnt instead. -~ • Schwerdtfeger Is opposed by George Police aaid Miss Ridgeway had allow<jl • the man to enter the· Pastime Wat Scott and Robert Sassone, Fregeau by 18760 Beach BlVd., as she was .closirig 1'<""•Svalstad. Paul Savarinoond ~au! .. beca; ... ,be &a14.heknew the ~·lli<f Gulso, and,.C.~ l'Y:~n)ihenkii>ln. oO!y w'Mtejl.to buj,·"a Ill<~ Rey RicharctsiaOd;~ .. ~ -. ~t ~ .. ~ pr#u~·•.11¥1J~handauh The trio of iiicumOOita claim lhey are and revealed hiiJ true Uitirests, astir(& the targets of a well-Plinned, smoothly-where the cash was, then leaving with the; engineered political d:Alp &rected by money' tn a cigar box:-' , 1 -, (Seo RP:AU., Pile II · ' • Po11ce an IDV!i\fP.linll tlie~. ' ( ~ ' Mesan, Stepso.n Killed In 3·-efir .Beach Accment ·, ' . "" A COSta Mcp man and· bis .stepson -crash, Whicll wried !ralliC" lor ~ti on their way t.o bliy u;e.r lihilly ®g -D!lles. · -!~· ' . ~ 1 -\- which had died one ttour earlier -wen Police aaJd the1 wue deClareif·dtad ~ killed early Sunday In a spectacular. a physician who was iitiOftttbt!'rnttoriiti three-car crash in H~Un~ Beach.. caught inJbe mooutnental tiaffie jam. Four other ~ ~ere aevuely tn-Injured in ~ er~ ~l ~v)ng, ~ r jurld in tba ~· ..,. Pacillc Coast day were CourtMy .G. -.·31v!111~' 1 ' Highway a mn .. -wes1 o1 Brool<hui'll ·• 'Mll!Y. rr, both ot;21(9~,4 'i . .......,ll'tollli . i• i . ffuntim!ton ·Beacll •• mltt ·Naqey •L., , llfl ' _, ' • . ' · 2;: ·iftci\,'lf~U.t' E. CCS!Obert,i •II,• botb ' . Mt ~ ~~ .... Mt . ~ -Long Beach.-.. 'l (" ,, • .... '\_ Street.and all att ln good -today ln...Upl<irt ~.Ul(t ~ wu apl· at Hoag ¥•moritl HGl!liW-parenlly callled w~oen-.Jl!oltr car 'lbe latalfiles, 'both prooounced d~ at ramm.ed Akorn'a ·1¥10 , )be rur, the """"·we Alfred G. Alcorn, 17, and flipping It at' blgh into «>Comtoc Ml<hael 0. Ford, 11, both ol 1151 Sicily traffic lanea. • '' ·-' • Ave., Costa Mtu. nie vehicle c•11)1ng Alcorn. Mii The top of Alcorn'• car waa aheerod oll llepoGl1 and tho d~ jlot, l111decl'aJlll!lt· ., though by 1 giant can opener as it 11id down atop the Ste~ •"""-""9-cil'o. ' upside down alonl tbt pavanent in the tinued oo, with tho ~.l\dl!C '°II:'-· ' \ ., .. ' ·-r • . •• . .. . . ' , -: • 1 . ' ' -. ? ' • ' • ~Y.'• ~.1 • . N.Y. Steeb I ',l.,f -,. ';I r.,I l ' ! I • I • ~ " ·1 ,.e ' • ..I t ~ ~i " ' .. • • ' l , ' "I ' .. ., . . ' '·~ ' -.. -. ' P.~Denmgo:d -· · · Mllkes{New HJJDtmgton · Man . . ' services Held · • Stoek -llfa11kfts . ' • " ~~--'!~-----.~'!"'"!'!"~~1111!'""~---""!'9_"!" ____ .,. _______________________ ...,_...,_...,.,.,_..,.==-""·---····-"""'···--.... ··-.. -·-.- I H Schools· • ' alaries ' Huntington T~ .~ Get Si~ ·f'erceni Hile,. . , ' • " '! After walU., UUooqh the ........., wtthml! l:nowlnc what their sa1aJ)' would be tbll edlool )'UI', Huntlngtoo Beach Elementary School District teacben have &ettled tot an averqe '11: pe.rctnt ,,_, in-.,,..,., The district teachen made out better tban U-ol Ocean View Ellem<ollry wbo IOI 1 !ho 1><-1 ralle ce -l.lngtoo Beocb Blgb who recet"d 1 bJr pe-1 bike, incrolou to both .... determined Jut JllllO. Alrtemeftl on the aix percent wu ftoibed by HonlJnilao Belch -. t.ary trustees and the t e a ch e r 1 ' nego!Wlng c:oundl last week. . Actually, most of the district.'1 213 teacbe:ra will receive a ni.ne perumt in- ,. ... . "' .. • ' ! ................. ~. . ...,...1111·.-~ .... .-... , ,., ,. -'~-al ..... ~··"~---'pedmcj, '-. ~ ' -.... -slandpQlnt ·lrb .. aloT lo who have IO « eo .~ to the odoPl salaries in September because oe- distrid •~ 1Ubo top, ol the ,;i.ty acole tuol Daum • °"' IU!own Ice tu Income and do oot receive the three' percent in-and not }usl e!Umates • crement. He said it la not a written diatricl Tead!en ""9<1aUm Prooldent Dive policy "' 1dopt the SllUy ocale la Bor\enbagen 11 Id teachen originally Septeml>er, b1J1 indicat.d when neaotio-, wm !ftJdn& • II ~ -plus tJooa ,.. sUekjl It ii easy "' ..,. "ld'1 the lncrttntnl.'Re caadldl1 •dmltted fliol "811 'aJ\d ,.. bow much mcmy we ao. wu a figure to llort the )>arplillni wUh tually ,h!lve." · and thef expected "' have to C<llle doWn. Bodim1hagca, a 11)llaie lnotruetor Ill 'tbls u the 1lllrd YW' in ·1 row" the · °"1el lnterm<dlate, llld the teachen aehool dlstri<I didn't adopt • sal1ry .....i.uoa ii roJng "' wort toward 1et· schedule unW September. Teacbt.rs In ting aa1¥ies adopted ea.rller nut year. June signed opelHlld eootracts, knowinl The mne six percent salary 1neftaoe they were loin& to get IO[Qe tiDd d. ~ also ... adopted by the school board for ..... j.eaebing. peraoonel IUch as bua Oldst.ers, Gals S·trong In Other s·urf Cont,eSt.s drl~ CUllodJ1Ds Jud c a f e t er la wotkers. . Tht new salary scale for leachert ranges from '8,920 per year for a begtn... rung leach<r with minimum aeadtml< pnp1rallea to ttS,lGG per ytar Ice a teadier trUh 11 yurs or clwroom et- perieoce and a mast.er'• degree including to units beyond tbe bachelor's. Tl;le oaloey range Jut IChool year was II.Iii Althouib most tpectalor attentioo waa focused m compeUUon in the men'• divialon of the 11th Amtuol SUtfbolrd Championships, aurien in the other divil.klna were detumlnld to live P equally speellC:ular abowlq. In tbe "old me11'1" comest, the Kamuina Division which 11 open .to men :is and older, 39-year old Kit H«a ol Fullu1an outaunned La WJllllms for, flnl place. '!bird w.. IUtn by Hal SKm, It, ol Capistrano J1Ue11. with John Sevt.:aon, 39, publllhcir of. S u r f er Mquint, from Dana Point to fourth. Pat M...,1<1, 37, of Hawall flnillled flll!l. . . lo •tl,111. , 'lbe Ocean VJew Distrlct aalary range-, for eomparieon, is $1,825 to •t4,259 an- nually. ,.,.... P .. e l BLEARS ... haJll from Manchelter, En&]and. He moved to Hawall in tllM "' recuperate from a aboulder injury. "l started paddling every day to pt ln shape, just to prove "' myJell that I could do It," he sa!d. Paddlin1, ,_ led to suriina for the "Lard" ml he tofected the entire lamily with lbe fever. Hi: «her chlldron, Clinton, 12, and Carol, 16, u well u tii1 wife Lee, surf in the balmy waten ot Hawail most every day. At home, Loni Blears lllill ......U.. for a living ·IDd emcees two televllm shows a week. Hennola Beoch'• Linda Jlenlo\I, ~ J$. year okl alrl.l..ne atewardest, failed 1n her bid for a 11 X th maJlbl iltle in tha womm'1 divilioa and placed third. fiham>D Weber, 21, ol Hawall, :Upped throu&b the waves to ~ture ftnt, followed by Marao Goclli<j, IS. of S..ta BarbarL NllJIC)' Emmoo, Paelfl< Pallllda and Jericho Poppler, both 17, Lor.. 8eoch ~ fourtli and fifth r•pldively. Dewey Weber, one ol lhl ll'tll...,.. In aurfboard -· piloted bis own pi... ol plUUe to Victory in the .. n1or SURF MEET .1 ... New Daily Pilot Office l n Huntington Starred • • . " cGaatruction .b~ way todsy on a test beeouse of a IChedulioc cnalllel to M!f boildina ·Whlilb' -wJli JOOVlde ollJc:e the ''Wide World ol S~" r;iroclw. , a-fflf. .Ille Hunllaatoo. Belch and The fans, -willl aewcail ad 'l'oudalnValleyoperalimaof-il>Ol>AILY "°""with water-IJI-..S,looe balr, '""'· PILOT when it ii oompleted lale in •lead decided to come oea lo r November. thanaelves. Tsrget date for movtoa the DAILY Tbey arriYed in every tort of vehicle PILOT't HIDltiJlltoa Valley offices to a lrcapn1bfe. ranlinl bun motorcy~ lo owe _.phieally centrll location ii ourfw.,...., and lpllled out onto Iha pier. Dee. L Groond~Ji., ..-. moat Gt them weisbted down witb martiq start ol the wtR held eameru, tripodll and huge teleplloto Friday. lenses. The Greeten ol the Hunttoatoa Beach During and between the IS-minute Chamber ol Cammen:e and other ol'- evtnta tbey p&raded the pier, amHn-arm fidall turned aut for the eft4 Vice willl their llnJole.lanned, hitlnl.clad !llrl Mayce Georae McCracken, a tonerat friends, trying lo find a better •anlalO conlra-(GM· Construction, Inc.), ii spot .._ the aolld wall of lpeclll«• bulldinl the twootory llruclure at 17115 lJned up "' -ralllnp. Beach Blvd., jllll north ol Tall>lrt UnUormed and plaJn.elolhel po1leemen Avenue and IUWI the atreet from Hun- were •tl'J' much in efldenct too but facmd tingt.on IntucommunitJ Hospita1. It 111 easy weekend. The and lool<ld Sbartog _.with the DAILY PILOT ltrance but wu on it• best behavior. in the new bulld.inc wW be McCnckeu'• While competJton were thunderin& into gbore on the brtaktn, two zealoa youths Jo blpple ...twnea. bearing -· meppllonel and blblea tillered 1J1rou111 the' erawa, umouncin& II Jtsill llftS" and •'AD or UI 11'1 ahmen and deserve to .. to hell. Nol to he ...-. by the young folk in the . eompeliUm lot !Oll!s. HIDllinglon Beach's singing prucher Mart Fonyth, •IOI hymns in prahe ol the Lord at the 11tatn adjacent to the pier. He banded out cards inscribed "God Carts" which were momentari)y received by onnoyed hands, only "' Duller to !ht ground ind mix with the trash aeeonds l&ltt. DAllY PllDT . 0UNM c:ouf ""'"llMIMO COMNlf'I' ..._.ti. W--4 ""'*"" ... ""'4 .... J•&lt .. C.1le:r ~,,...WO..~ 1\•1111•• k"'ll .... n...1 A. M ... .t.t... -·· ).lhtf w, ..... ~lllllllw . ................ .... lltl"-Str.tt ....... JwU,_, PD. h• ?ti, tll41 --"""'"' ,,., .......... .......... ....... : -..... ..., '""' .... ,,,,....,._ own firm, a D!W branch omce of Firuide Tbrllt and the law ollicel of N JI. Lewis and A8'0cll1e1 1 ' The S,llJ0-11fU1r<ofoOt bulldinl will be located Jn tht midn of a bllcttop area wblch dfen parkfnl lot c:ustomm both in front and in ·the rear al the huildlna. The DAILY Pnm wUI have more thin 1,300 aquare feet ol floor apace in Jts por- Uon of the hulldJna. The space will house news departments for both the ·uun- Uqton Beach and FOWltain Valley edi- U"" of the DAILY PILOT, plus the women'• editor and a clusifled a~ verUsl.ng rernaentalive. "Y"' probably eouldn~ find a spot more centrally loe1ted geograpblcally in the H)11rt1nston Beach-Founlahl Valley area the new dfice will serve," aaid Jack .curr.y, Vice president and general mana1er of the DAILY PILOT. He of- ficill]y represented the newspaper at Friday's certmonles. Ml\Y PILOT""" ,._ DAILY PILOT'S NaW HOMa-Jaclt Curley (left) vice president IDd &Olleral m11111ar of the DAILY PILOT UM1 lr8nsil I<> &boot a 1ur- veyor'1 line with help of RalJ>b BattenLy (rifhl) of Ftmlde 'lbrllt, whoce ofllcu will be ~ with DAILY PILOT In new builcllnf 1t 1ms Beach Blvd., HunUnITton Beach. Vic. Mayor Geofle McCrack· en (oo tractor) is generaf contraclor for project and bls firm, GM CoosllllclloD, Inc., 'fill move Ill olllces In!<> !he buUcllng when It is completed. Dolng the shovel work at groundbreaking ceremonies is BlU Woods, president O{ Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. , 'lnt~r~ep,t' Nets PQ~ . . ~ ' • ,Jams Autos ....... Wire Se"""' °"'""'" Intercept WU btlUD fonn1Jly SUndlr. DOliln( °"'''"""' ol dollars worih of mirijwma -and even cort- tr.hand ouch u o...r and 1voeadoo -la the touPal inlernltlollal smuullnl enc:tdown tn'tl'. The Jo~ U.S. and Mexican program creah!d tmneodows trafTic snarls at all border CJ'05SiDI points, just as it did last Thursday when tried in practice tor the first tlme. The wait latttd up to six mws for m~ ol the 80,000 persons in 30,000 vthlcles who tried to l'f!tum from bu.Unstrts lJld Jiorse racing in Tijuana • and Agua C&llcal .. By the time the lrafllc jam ftlched it!1 ht1'Ji~ ..,. were backed up for six mllu Iulo Tlj ...... Oll!oma .,..U -• ...., llngle vehicle tor COl!lr*band. ' . l.oaf1.i.atred, or bearded YOUlll people -prtdlelably -...,.. aubjected to the most lhoroulb toY<IUgaUon, involvina a »minute vehicle Inspection . .. ,_ A\ THE SAN YSIDRO IORDER TO IA.IA. A LONG WAIT •-• Tijuana Tul Couldn't lloat !he llordw Checkout The maulve aUempt lo stop the Dow of mori]ullla and qerou1 drup caterln( the U.S Mm Me.ilco will remain in ef- fect toddlnltely, aulhoriUes aanounced Sundly nigbL l'l'OM P-.e l The word WU 1lven by David M. ICen- ne<ly, aec:retary ol the ..... ury. and John M. Milchell, U.S. altomly 1eaeral. RECALL V01E TUESDAY ••. ri&ht wine extmnb1s. ~ aupporim have eomlatenUy hammered away at the mayor'1 iWe in ftal ...... and alleged c:onlllct ol·- situallma aristoa Imm IL The other two have been attacked beca111e of their close· tie to the mayor and COlllbU!nt block vottna on key iJsues. The lauo 1Pf1D1 toto the picture mon tban Iii. mootba ago in a heated coo- troveny over a proposed tnct of homes in which the mayer ml City Attorney Edwin Martin had acted as rea1tors. Angry reaJdents filled several council me!ilnp proterth'tg the size of some lotll -5,000 aquare feet while the dty stan- dard is 7,200 squire feet -and the use of le ased land for an adjacent part. The loormbtnl trio foqbl l civic and lesat ballle to uphold the Larwtn Tract, but finally Jost to emrt when the toning on the property wu returaod "' agriculture for averal reasons. They bad heca opposed in court by Q>mcll-Edwlrd Jull and John llarplr, wbo quietly favor the ftCa!L After the lepl ball1' several dliJem launched the recall projed Wider the l~ol-VanDllk. II ploed momentum u ·tht iDoJor wu alilcted oa...mctpl-. .,..-.-' .. l'enonall\les have lilo -the pie. lure wttb many cltizmi angered over the incumbanb' apparem -in the taco ol heavy, apposlUm It hu been • Mrs. Frampton, 82, Succumbs; Services Slated Servleet will be bold Weclneadsy for Mra. stepi:Ue Frampton, a ruldent of Huntington Beach for 32 yean, who died Friday at a local coovaleacent home. Mrs. Framptm. U. had been a patient at the home 1lnce early Augmt.. She formerly llved at 711 Maln St. She was born In Austria and came to the United St.ates at the age ol sil. Services will be at 11 a.m. in Smit h's O>apel with Bnlda Williams, Christian Sciwce reader, conducting. Burial will be in Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach. Her husband Thomas died in 1944 at the age ol 70. Survlvor1 Include a grandson, Dave Frampton ol Hunlington Beach, a nephew, Linwood Root, of Downey and a niece, Doris McNelll, al San Ditgo. ""'1erlined by the 3-2 iaeUOllll split Ofl the alUIICil. . Harper reeentJy added fuel "' the flro with 61.i dlaclosun of flCb c:oacemlq ScbwerdUqtr'1 tnvolvemeot ln a real estate trwadlon in 1'81 wh1ch came before. the council for a zone change willloul the mayer dec:larinl bis in-volvement. - AD lhr<e ln<umhenb claiJli they m - opposed by only a mlnorlly'OI perpelltal c:ivlc dlllldenb. ~ -rten claim it is a dty-W'l.de 1watenin1 to community aJfairs. The voten will decide · the iJlue Tuel- day. Here's Precinct List for V~y The biggest 11?1\< eaua)ll in the weekend bunt WU University O f Wlllhlnltm llli!<jent Michael T. Mitchell, 23, amsted foe tovaticaUm of mnua· aUaa when bis rented plane landed at Bailenlleld. Authorities uid be carried a carao of 1,000 pounds of nwijllll!I r<portedly purcbaMd in M1utJan and destlDld for Berkeloy. . ' -. ElMbere aloej. the 2~10q ... tonll!J<ml -· the .~ smuAl!na tnp atG!>ped tboiJsandl more pouDds of marijuana and large quantitl&a of drug pilb. A boy who abwiODied his 'car at the San Yaklra border clleckpoint nther thin risk running · the Opuatbi lnttrcept net wu arrested when l,000 pi~ were found in the car. -Five men and a-womiin from New York City wtre captured by Me 1 l c a n authorltJes in ~1 a mile aouth of Lukevllle, Ariz., wllll HO kilos -about 300 p 0 U n d I -al Jnlri}ulna in tbeir D -~ E~ . • posausioo. IWC ctwn ' Navy patrol bolls UM! Coast -Guard . . . , . . -Upl·-~-looali­Wllh l,lllO ~tlal wtera In TueodiY'• !J'l tho tntoruatioOarl>clugdlry 'qfllboft, recall el..U~ Founlfin Vllley alllclail 1ppmntl;y I~-• : .,_, hive estaN!ihfil 1' _ vottnir plaeea • Alue!W ~ Ml up_ to...., nuniberod oa the 'mmlJ llyllem. ~ pl..., flyUw ,... bonT<r without lhaJ' are: , aulhorbaUm -lo the turntoc back Prec:tocl !IOI -11117 tt_em)ock Circle. ol -aln:rall, -c:arrylna COii• Precinct 11111 -City Hall, lOIOO Slater lrlbaod. Ave. The pDoll w.,. otdmd to land ao the Precinct !IOI -Harper School, 111115 U.S. ilde ol the Rio . GTIPde but they Santa Yne1 St. simply bod not fT1ed 1TJc1>1 plam with the Prec:lncl 11119 -McDowtll School, 1721t CUllOIDI deplrtmeat'prior to taileoff. oat St. Precinct tit --llotloo, 11'11'1 Newbope St. Preeinc:l llS -HIM Sin Gabtiel St. Prec:incl tl5 -i!IM 1!w1w11 St. Preeinc:I Oii -Nleblu School, 1100 Gardenia Ave.. Pftdnct 017 -FUiton School, El Laao A venue aod Slnta Elbe Street. Preeinc:l·:1111-1511 Robin Ave. Precinct 2111 -Allen School, tAOO Bushard St. Prec:toct IC3 -lllNH LUac Way. Precinct 205 -Fire 1latloo, tm7 Bushard St. Precinct 20fi -Tamur a School, 17340 Santa Suzanne St. Precinct 'lJ1T -10701 Peony Circle. Precinct 209 -Fountain Valley School, I 7911 Bushard St. Precinct 211-9659 La Esperanu Avr. Precinct 212 -Fountain Valley High School, 17811 Buahard SL Precinct 21(-Gisler Schoo~ 187%0 Las Flores St. Voting placu will be identified with a flag out front. Valley Man Sets Balloon Reoora AFounta!nVall~bolloonilluwmeda few tree tops Sunday on his way to • ftCOrd Dlght over Rlchmoad, Va. George States, 32, of 1~ Santa Batblra St,. Ht botb a distanct and daration rflCOf'd tor a bot air balloon. Hi! night went 9.6 miles rrom tllt state fair grounds to the tree-lined campus of the Univenlty of Richmood. Stoku wu lD the air f<r SI minutes In free flllhl, not knowina where bis 11).foot balloon would lane!. Whtn he landed he cra sMd through 11 few tree top11 -ltis balloon has no guidance system -but salely tooched down on the alris' hockey field. He had pc.l5tponed an attiempt on thf' 11IUl.Ude record of 9,665 fett because "o{ an ovttc.S 1ky," be u id. The Old Philosopher Strikes Again (almost) patron aaint of coimnan ..,,,., " he would undoubtedly . 10 al on& with the times ODd pick out one of our beauWull7 lallorod Devon- shire IUita, or per:baps a smart double-breasted bluer with bar. mcmizln1 slacb. Our assortment ol Don Loper neckties would ce.r- talnl7 Uctle bis linty. It WU Benjamin FnnkJia 'Who said, "Eat to pleaae t.b)'1eil, but dress to please others." We go along wit.Ii that -bul OGiy ~p to a polnl Al our •lore we want thyself to be pleased as well as others. We believe, to paraphrase 'IJ!Other notable of the put, "To lhlne own self be lnlt, IDd fri&hlfUI lliou will look toMman.'1 OD most other topics we 8fr00 wltll Benjllnin ccmpltlaly. Ile WU indeed quite I fellow-autb- OI', editor, printer, invut«, dip. Toma~ humorist, phDooopher. And thm, of coarse, be 1lew kltas. He wu spry as 1 w In!<> 1111 eJ&hties IDd always npt ID • ,. open for pretty girlJ (1 guy like Utat can't be all bad). U the romarkabl1 Mr. Frank· Ila wandered into our store wear· ing his tight knee breeches of sa- tin or velvet. an embroidered wai!tcoa~ lonC silkstoctlng11Dd powdered wig, we might be ilanl pressed to reoutfit him in that colortul colnoial style. Bui since ·old Ben was called. "Am.rlca's The point is, 1t Bidwell New. port we have clolhlD& I<> suit any • body's Wle. And I staff of J>e<>- ple wbo woold send Ben on bis way with a lillinJ wanlrobe and 1 smile on bis face. We certainly ""'11dn't have told blm lo go ~7 • t.itol Jack Bidwell M•7 Viau .. Id New;~ BmL, Newpo,.. ....... .._.,, •f ..... )IU'ldaa ...... -· I-••-CM ...... fraa C:..... M..,. ...i c. ..... t1e1 Mar. Ad ea1y •• .a.wtea r ..... liealldhil ...................... (If ,. ....... . ... llelta• ......... ,,. ••• ,. I I 'I I • • • - ' voe 62, NO. 227, 4 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES • ORANGE COl.JtlTY,,pALIFORNIA .. • . ' .. , ana· s ~ ~arro " . .... . . . . . . . I , . ) • • f' .. J , -.:'" -f • . DAILYffLOT11""' ....... •l J '!,~ ~ .. ~ . · \ • I, , r , · COl\J<Y CARROLL OF DANA •Pi>IHT-Tl:IE;~J OF TljE HOUR-IN CHAMP.IONSHIP F.ORM Ho WOii Men'~:Dlv J~ P~nl'R--w.i.. Soloctod Bost All-4""""' ·Sumr 1 ,.. ~DLEBACk' VALl£Y' -''l'hurS\lay will: be the nnal day charter membef. wm'\e accepted tn the newl1 formed Sad-d~t Vallty Buslneu and Professional w_.•,CJub. ~ lnlmsted In memberitlp may tltimd. Uie 7 p.m. meelln1 In BuU7'1 RaUu:ranl A reelection of ofDcen and a dballsion ol amendments and bylawa \flll 'tatt ....... . e .Trfple; S9"la Cl1-p I.AKE FOREST -Dona wt.,. Inn· mhis In.-. for f.year old~ and~-· w• lbe an17 triple wiM<r lb lbe )leach 11111 TeMil Club recenl Splaoh 0.1 llC· U~tiu. 1Je won in such categork!s as a front di~ from the low ~ 1wtat shirt race In(! Individual, ...sle)'I. -. . ' ' . _, . . - • ' . • - -IUS Hu.·ntington Meet ·Draws Huge Waves By RUDI NIEDZIEl.'>KJ Of .. .,.,., , .... ,,.., EJ:cited applause rang out over the r~r of the ocean Sunday afternoon as 21- year old Corty Carroll of Dana Point tackled 10-root high brtaken time ~ter time and rode to victory in the men's d!Vlslon ol the 11th Annual U.S. Surfboard, Championships In HuntlnJ!on Beach. · Crouching on his boanl, with white roam splashlna: over bis baclt, Carroll COM PL E1'.E SURF ING RESULTS PAGE 3 • - ~ • DA ·Y '""'°" .-:..n.. . LAGPN~S TOP ' SURFSR M""'lo ~· ()(Wllv.;. ., ~·. wa · . . . cy .,, . Plan8: Baseball .. . - T~y'• l'Ja .. N.Y. S.erk• ' ... 'Inte~pt' .~ . -. • · . N-ets:-P9t, • Jams· Antos ' Boy, 7, Escapes Serious Injury In Car Accident A .....,.year-old LaguDO Beadl boy acaped fFlous ioJury SundlJ when be WU-atrµck by a car in. ~Ian crcioswall; GO Sooth Coast llld Anita SL llich>Td Scott Ewing ol IOOI S. Coul HJpway wu ~ to South Coat Qm. munify llolpital after the acddeiJI at 10:20 a.m. and fe)eued after treatmeu& for minor IDJury. Police said-Ule boy was caucJit up b7 ~ bumper ol a car drlvm by Cecilia Dallas· lloernbrack, II, ol It< &oz. SI., Costa Mesa, tossed up on the rigl!t l- and landed R81JnSt the.wlndsbleld. A second w tr1~ vk:ttm lreal<d 1111CI.-Inn 11ou1b Cout <;uuDillllity e..,... -~ Clmlel Ware, U, of lM Anple:t.. WU. 8IJffered IJlh!Or :::l::,S when ~ car In whlc!l be WU drfHU by Jesso James BaW., 21, alto of LaO Angeles, -off Ule ftllUfler • tu. blew oul while the vellicle wu --on LaguDO CanYoD Rood al'El Toro~ ....... ' ~ r :·uz.\ ,·· ,_ ·-r ~' I ....... t I -tbiie JilClrn'bii ckiud.·~ by' Ihle; 11111 WIJj hold lorth brfoll1 'l'ueoby~ w•millc u. .....W,ana to 71 clqr-wldle i>-i lud.U..-n IWI ~ K. INJIDE TOD~ Y .. ' ...... . ...... . c~ • ....... ,....a ~ lJ .._=' . ~7~'i~crn 'i, -=••;• ._ ,d = .... 'ilt .,.._.. l I ... ~ !!!!...._......_ 1p -·-u ~ '' :r ... !!1' 1: ..... __..... .. r f . ' • • • I j • • ' J DAll.Y PILOT l q 0 • H;~Ip Paraae ' . • Vegas tQ , . . ,. . Trip P,µ-t of E·~JUtnge _tJlub Ftfnd -Rau~ng·. ~ , ' Lqun1's fourth annual PatrlolS' Dlj' 1 lll ~J: ............. V:k 'Eitlii ... Clllb ·ineimim .... lo tell l'arodo will gtt off to a flylnc llart Fri· Dauahfen Oi'iht Amlrii:U 11/oYOiutlon, 1116 Ucl<dJ for the IUght al 110 apltee. cf.a>', Oct. a, when memben of the Ea:· hopes Loftile ~10-•ibe es· n. .... 1..... 11 .... Ill k chlllll" Club launch fund-robing elforts cunion,'jnilc!Ut Giiiy Zlirufiinnllii told ev-,. ou,... w ta e orr from f<1r the F<bruary ev.nt witb 1 "cham-memben Toi?ldlY: It Wiii bl! noctssary Long B<acb airport at 7 p.m. Friday, pagne tun flight" to Las Vegas. t1> raise p,ooo to mee' parade e:i. Oct 3, n=turning at 3 a.m. Saturday, OcL The chit>, which co-sponsors the parade peoditure.s, he said. 4. Tlckt" wW include round-trip fare. ----'-----------------------buffet and the &how at Las Vegu• Qrcus.. -. , , DAILY_P~""'- l'ROUN NATlJRAL. G~ CUTS Alll POLLUTION PROllL•MS GH Compony's E. II. "Gino" Olr<llor Do"""'°'ralff In L19~ Future Viewed Rotary Sees Gas Demonstration About 100 years aao 1 new t.'$ ol IClence was horn, cryogeny -Ille 11\idy of. producing very low temerat~' Laguna B<ach Rotarian! •watcl> tt come to life l"tiday lo 1 eo artul demonatraUon that may be a prdude to the motoring ol tomorrow. Roli.rians watched 1 rubber blll bounc· ed. It was then dipped into liquid nJtrogen at mJnus 320 degrees rarenbeit. It was bounced again. It didn't bounce. It shat- tered like glass. The demonstration eventually 1 e d outalde the Hottl Laguna where a Southern CounUes Gas Company-pickup truck was parked. It WIS powered by natural gas which, It was said, would pro- duce 90 percent less of the harmful in- gredients iD smog than aasollne would produce. E. B. "Gene" Girdler, community re\a- tion.s representative for Pacific Ligbtlag Service Company, condacttd t ·h e' demonstration. He used llqUld nit.rogen to turn natural gas to llqWd, reducing Its volume. Girdler said &37 cubic feet ol gas are reduced to one cubic ltd of liquid. Gird.let said enoup cold 11 used on a' tanker of liqufd riatural gas shipped to Englaod to freeze all the lood tbe British would use in 10 years. He spoke of ~nt natural gas finds In the English Nortb Sea and the North Slope of Alaska. He sa1d natural gas can now be synthesized from eo1I. During the fast-paced demonstration. Glrdler ate a froien graham cracker. Rotarians chuckled as smoke poured from hia nose. Uf\11 ~ fl!lO I lie i..u Clf tllo;PDM"~ o1 u11nc ~ ID ltCODd ceDeratJon superlOoic k r.'iil ta to ellmlnsla lric- , lloii ·Jita1 -~ by lbe trii!lendoll5 1peodl. He told of lta applications in u1ery - "no bleeding, rterlle and not muCb pain." Girdler aaid ol the fubae, "I fetl the demand for enerp is ,Oin1 t o skyrocket." In demonstrattni the conve~Jon of an Internal combuation engine to natural gas, the speaker 11ld, "right now we can reduct e.xhaust pollution by 90 percent." lnltlalJy lranSt'onnatlon, he !aid ia ~imed at urban fleets of vehicleii:, poiice, fire and commercill. Glrdler admitted there are lechnlcal problems to be work; cd oul He told Rotarians, ''The state of Californi1 has already set the tr1f 1tl!')o dards. If an engine burned rose petals and it productd less smog, we're oo lbeir side." Laguna Thiers Taste Excellent .. Laguna Beach Police are seeking to latntlfy a fashion·minded thief who repartedly strolled into Tbe Wet Seal, 240 Broadway, selected fou r erpensive knit dreues from a rack near the front door aod strolled out with them while store at- tendanl.! were looking lhe other way. Georgi LaPierre of The Wet Seal told police the theft. believed to have oc- curred Wednesday, involved dt'U3e:S valut.d at S96, i&O. $56 and $$0. . CltOlll. . Fur\htt lct{ormatJon can be obtained by CD:lllnt Robtrt Huddl~ton of RMera Realty, S. bcuna. 499-UOO, or Cal On:utt '<ii Fannin lnl!ltance In Laguna B<ach, ~-Since JU lnaugu1alion in 1967, the Patriots' Day Parade has been the hi&hllgbt of Laguoa'a observance of W..aington's BirlhdBj', doubtblg in aw. ead:I year ... '!bf 1)>111110n have ,.lected stturdlj', Feb. Zl, as the .date ·ror the 19'70 parade which, assuming city permission, will follow the uaual route from the hi&h &Cbool •. doi..1i Pari Aveaue, up Forest Aveout, pu~ • reviewi11c sland at City ffatl, ti) the dlabanding point at th& mouth or the Canyon. Theme for the event will be "My C.OUO. try 'Tis ol Thee.• <Amona tht first groups to sip up for thf: 1970 parade· was the Santa Ana High School Marching Saini.! and DriU Team, winner ol the sweepstake.s award this year. The Santa Ana group now heads the list ol bandM 1elected to march In Puadena's Tournament. of Roses parade on New Year's Day. Inv~ to participate in the parade or cont.rfbutt to its support are belq Milt to orpDizlUona: in Lquna and olber .,..,_ Contributions 'may be Jent to parade chainnan Gary Zimmerman, P.O. Box 1207, Lquna Beatji. Parade entry blanks and otbtr ID1onnation may be abtalned ~Y calllnlf Mn. Fred Ross or lbe DAR at UU477. From PGfJ" l SURF MEET. • • test because of a schedulinf conlllct ln tht "Wide World of Sports" proaram1. The fan_s, some with crewcut.. and some with water.bleached lpng hair, in· !lead . decided to come see f o r tbem.aelve&. They arrived in every sort of vehicle lreaginable, ranging from motorcycles to surfwarOna, and spilled out onto the pl er, mOlt ol them wei&bted down with cameru, trlpo4.a and huge telephoto 1e.naes. ti"' ~ • ,_ During &nd between the lJ.mlnute event.a tbly~pier, arm-in-arm with lbllr bikini-dad tlhi friends, trY a' better vanta1e spot amon& the solid wall or spectators Uned up on both railings. Uniformed and plaJn..clothes policemen were very much in evidence too but found it an euy weUeM. Tht crowd looked strange but wu on ill belt behavior. -\Vhile competitors were thuoderinf lnto shore on the breaken, two iealous youths in b1pple costumes, bearing homemade megaphone.a aod bibles filtered through lhe crowd, anoouncing "Jesus saves" and "All of us are ainner1 and deserve to go to hell... . Not to bt outdone by the young folk in lhe compeUUon for souls, HunUn&ton Beacll'a singing preacher Mark Forsyth, sang hymns In praise of the Lord at tbe stain adjacent to the pier. He handed out cards inscribed "God Carea" which were momentarily received by armoyed hands, only ta flutter to the ground and miJ with the trash seconds later. Texas Mother Held l"or Decapitating Baby MERJOlAN, Tex. (UPI) -An 18-year- old mother said she cut her baby dauglHer's bead off be«u!e "It Ls just a cruel world." The woman, Mra. Randy Asbcralt, was held without bond in Bosque County jail today, charged wltb decapitating the 23- day~d baby. The District attorney was expected ta talk with ~lrs. Ashcraft to- day. Cl~ eot.11 1'\111.llt!IM O*flrNl'I •~ N. w • .4 ---J••• •. Cwt.y Vici ,,....,.. .,. °""" .. MMlttr n .... i ... il .... T\tM•1 A. M1r,til-• -·-lllldt.H '· .... Foes of Capo Trailer Park Urge Protest At Council ---, .. -'---111 .... .,. ...... Mcllltrt ,..., ..... r.o. h• "6. tJ61J --c-. MIMi .. *"' ..., $•rttt .._. ..ui ttn ,..., ....... .....,.. ................ I .Mii ....... ' Oppontnls of trailer parka wltbin San Juan Capistrano have been bu 1 y ctrcullttna nren over the weekend ura· in& realdents to protest trallet part UIO- ing st lonlihl'• clt1 councU meellng. "Do we want Sao Juan Caplstrano to become the trailer park capital of Southern CallforniaT" 11y1 the UnJlgned circular which is enUUed The Trallen Are Coming. Uodtr tho h<adlng crlab one It reads "at pruent we have only 1,0ll·rttldences <l,900 voters) ln Sin Juan Clplatrano as oPF-rato a •ltlY 1,31111 trallen {I 2,800 vottrl)." · mttta&e ur1e1 telidenta to call lhelr councllmen llld a~end the 7 p.m. metlJnc to oncourqe the C<lWlcil to "deoy further uplollalloo of the San Juan •alley blforw it la too late." Councilman Don Durnford, who Is familiar wltb the comptaln4 Said thtrt are four mobile hcule attea under con- aideraUon at Ulll time. "l'v1 heard "JU!'Wtl btfore. dpedaU, 1boul the nioblle homo part near the alrporl." aald Dumlord. "People faraet lhot ooe ol lbe ( condil.i?na of anneuUon of l b a t particular property w11 that It would cootatn a mobile home park." Anolber conc:tm or lbe c1n:u1ar 11 111e lmprovtment ol the HCUon al. rront:-11e road alonplde Camino C.plslnno which run1 .tn front of lhe po.at ofllce .. "The city owns 1111ly olne 1eet of that road," Slid Durnford. '"I'be rut is privately owned. The dty doea Its belt to maintain the part It owna end I've 1een Oarl Hankey, al bil o"" -nae filling tht chuck holet on the rest of It." Hankey lo 1 lonJl!jme resJdenl of Coplllrono. Cowict1man BID Balbpto aald tbat he had ncdved only one obone call pro- testb:Jc tht trailer park. 11111 wu from 1 ruldent In Million Jl1llL "f don't know MW' lride the drculalloo hu been," iald Batl!pie.."bul I did ool rt<elve a Oyoc." Althou.Ch lhe circuJar w11 unslfned. Bruce Winton, prtsldent of t h e Capistrano Chlmber of Commerce said it waa from the San Juan Clplstrano B<auUful eommlllet. C.p Durenbtrger, pruldent of that l'J'OUP was unable to be rtacbed for comment. Pentag~n Makes New Troop Cuts WASl!INGTON (Ai') -Tile Pentqon announced plans today t.o cut U.S. anned '°lrength by another 77 ,500 men, sidelin~ng more than 200 planes and mothballint anorher Z2 hips. Thf' new economy moves will save an ea ti mated pse mUUon ltli.s year. The manpower r«luctlom tnclude deac· Uvatk>n' of two-thlrdl of the Sth Marine [)lvlslon which WU adlvattd for the Vietnam war in March 1966. A tatal of 20 300 Marines are involved but the divlsio~'s 26th Regiment will stay In Vietnam. Tile N1vy sbip layup, which bring.I I.he total for the year to 98, includes them- tclll&-gatberlnl ships Balmer - list.er abip or the USS Pueblo which W.IS HiUd by North Korea -and the Palm Beach. The Air Foret will .reduce its man- power rlrf:J1llh by 50,000 ind is to cut lls clvWan employe payroll by 11,000. A toll! or 20ll planes will be cul ~ff the jjr Force active inveniory or phased out. .., U'lT ..... AT THE S~N YSIDRO llORDfUI TO ISAJA.J. LONO WAIT Evon-1 TIJuano Toxl Couldn't' Boot tho llordor Chockovt These include such special typea as U W847 weathe.r reconnaWance aircraft, FlOO and F4 fighters and big cargo planes. • • • _ FHnl Pl-.e l The latest defense cutback!! are part of secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird's program to cul $3 bUlion from his pr<vtOlllly pWu>ed delense bud&•l_ OPERATION-INTERCEPI'. • • Counting today'• announced cull, the Pentaron bu now made $1.%56 billkln !n apendinc nductiom, witb further ship l1yups, aircraft phaltoUts aM manpower reductlons, llill to come. smuggling trap stopped thousands more pounds or mariiU111& and Iara• q ... uttes or c1ntg pilla. A boy who abandoned his car at the San Yaidra border checkpoint rather than risk running the Operatlon Intercept net wu amsted when 2,000 pills were found in the car. Five men and a woman from New York City were captured by M ex i c 1 n authoriUea ln Soooito, a mile south of Lokeville, ArlL, wltb 110 ldloo -sboul 300 p o u n d 1 -of marijuana in their po!iellslon. Navy paln>I boats and Coast Guard vessel.! kept a close watch an boats cross- ing the international boundary offshore, but apparently found no offenders. An aerial radar network set up to catch planet 11,yln& over the border without autboritatlon raulted in the turning back of three aircraft, none carrying con- Police Get New ...... ~ ~··· . ' . . Tool w Help J. • jl' ' In Recruiting The Laguna B<ach Police Department vrlll have a new tool in the blr:hly· com~ pettu .. 1as1r: o1 hiring eaperiellCed .,.uce offlce.n: _ .... Police Chltl Kenneth Huck, with four Pollc:omen to hire, had recommended adoptloa ol a policy used ~-It would ol1ow lhe etty to hlre --persormel at a aalary equivalent to their experience and to what thef reCelve at another department Under wstblg onllnanc< Ibis could not be d"1C without lncreulng the salaey of Jen experienced personnel alread:J on the force to m1tdl the salary 1t wblch the new perlOMel are hired. City Manqer Jamea D. Wheaton said munidpal employe assodaUODJI agreed with the recommendaUon. Sa did c:ouncllmen Wedneaday. They set ordinlnce revtaioo in motion to adopt Huck's recommendaUon. At lhe Police chief'• recommendaUon, the oouncil also held nm rtading of an ordinance that will lower from 120 con- secuUve houri to n the mlnlmum time before which a Yehicle may be rtmoved from a public street. "Not only would tbia ame.ndrnent et· pedlle the removal process, but often ellmlnate the hazard al these vehicle& on narrow streets," Huck wrote. lr11band. The pilots wen -to laod oo the U .~. '1de of Q1e R1o • Qraade but they almply had not filed nlpt ~tana with tbe customs department prior to takeoff. Public ... ....,.. lo the ground upecl or the monumf:;Jltal smuggUng . crackd;owtl wu Juit about wbal -oril!U aj*.led and wljal man 1 lola1'~ bullnesa ,lnlamll femd. "TheY .. e been "IY lila!0bul I Clll lell • rot or ~ ate boldlni theJr te..pen 1n," sold one customs agent who asked not to be identified. Toll! U.S. military almlllh. cuts - wbicb to · some· extent reflect the American wtUKlrawals from Vie~ :--now st.and at about 19',<0J. Thia will leave the overaU U.S. mllltary force al 3.21 m11lioo by nql aumm•f · j Laguna Planners Study frogress • On Boys Ouh ''W'e w"1't be' back,· 1 can ten yoo tha:l." snapped one. man is be roared away from the border checkpoint at Douglas, Ariz., after a long wait. "It's the bigest, sorri~t mess,'' Laguna Beach p\aMing commissioners lamented w;. Shelley Ritchey, former tonight •Ill study progress on the nt\V Douglas. Aril., dty attorney who ls now BoY!' Club, th9 problem of fences ~ the lo ertvate pJ1letioe. beach and traffic access to tbe proposed ''Wbo'1 &~~ to pay 'fot' this'?," uked e1pansion of Laguna Shoala St. 1001 S. llooilas mjdinl 'Bl117 Coow11. Coul Hlglawayl "1be ·a\f ·" aald H. W. v_,. Builder Benwd Sylan will. laU the IQitm, ~ Cil!fil'.&llL, <'but tt CID'I, plannen th.It Boya' Club would lik•, ---.r. r .. ih<J're ca I e b I a; for the Ume i. lo retaln lhe Thurston llO!llelhlnr;:,,.o ·floe-" ,Trailer Psrk, on ~.Qluh pro- • ..,,,.. eaa -W ~ f,...er• ~ adJ ~facility,"• sUI &an·.J>kllO ~ coDipaqy Q. ~er 1 betW club and adJactnt ecutlve Wllllun;Jeht ""tbeT wm hive to rtaidenct&. h atop somelime •"' ,;hen they· do, it will The trailer -k n~w Is being operated atut up qain. •O'""C by the Boy~1 C1\tb and, according to "lt'11 the most i'ldiculaus thins J ever Syfan, "is artbrttsing itseU." He also "1ill heard of" llid Marll)'JI Woody, 11 of advise planMf1 ~t the front part of the Hermosa' Beach. ~~the wait~ tMto new fai:ility ·should be ready for OC· minutes. • t~ cupancy. in 30 to eo day1 and will seek air ""-~-SUndaJ that onl7 provol nr I !""'Pleled landscapin1 pro- ... tweatlelh ol -1 numbor ol gram. penons, lncludloC pedellit..., bod Plannen will consldu Dr. Joseph Tom· croaed over IJJ1o· ·clue to 0pera. chak'• auggestion that a lellar be Uon Intercept. ' forwarded tcr the C1ty Cauncil regarding clarification of the city's policy an mainttnance DI lJUblic access to beaches. ' ' Dryer Bldriied For Laguiia Fire ' Accumulated UQt ftlj:n a clothes dlyer, lgnlted by a water &eater, wu blamed by the Laguna Beach Fire De~Dl for a residence ~laze Sunday after-.-. Flremeo said lbe clothes ctry.r at the Patrick E. Cory bome, IU Billeblnl C.n- yon Drive, wu vented into an area under the hOUJe where a lar&e amount ot lint had accumulated. rt caught fire when a nearby water heater turned on. Tba owner was able to eiUnguiab the blue with a garden hose and dun1ge wu limited to charring of studs under the houoe. In a ~ draft of such a letter, Tomch1t wrote, "We would reque.Sl that the city council direct the city attorney and the planning department to in- vtstl.l•te poililble altematlves to what seems to bt the imminent cl0&ing of cer- llln beacht1-Jo lbe general public, •. " The reference was to erection of fence.o;. chains or o the r barricades around beaches tn front of privately owned oceanfront structures. Alao due for study b a. variance ap. plication by Richard Burt who seeks to add 32 units lo Laguaa Shaals. The ex· p1n1ion has been protested by owners of the ntighborln& Laguna Sands who a!ISerJ that serJous traffic circulation problems rni.Jht arise on narrow Viking Road, an exttna1on of Bluebird Canyon Road used by both propertleo. The Old Philosopher Strikes Again (almost) patron saint of common sense,·• he would undoubtedly go &long with the times and pick out one of our beauilfully tailored Devon- shire suits, or perhaps a smart double-breasted blazer with har- mollizing sJacts. OUr usortment of Don Loper neckties would cer- tainly tickle hi& fancy. It wu Benjamin Franklin who •aid, "Eat to please lhyself, but dress to Please othen." We 10 along with that -bnl ooly up to a poinl At out sto"' we want lhyae1f to be plwed .. well as others. We believe, to paraphrase another nbtable of the past, "To lhlne own self be true, and fri1bttul thou will look to no man." On most other topics we agree with Benjamin COtllpletely. He was indeed qulta a lellow-alJ>. or, editor, printer, In-tor. 4Jp- Iomat, hwnorllt, philosopher. And then, of coune, he flew kites. He was spry u a fox Into his eiahtiea and alny11 kept an eye open for pretty girls (a guy lilt that can't be ell bad). I U the nmarl<able Mr. Frank· lin wandered Into our store weaz- ing hi& Uibl U.., bnechoa of sa- tin or velvet. an embroJdend walalcoat, IOlll •ilk slockiDg1 8lld powdered wlf, ,.. milbl be bard pressed to reoutllt blm Jn that colorful colonial style. But since old Ben was called. "America 's Tile point ill, at Bld...U New· port ,.. have clolhing to sult any- body's lalle. And a stBtf of peo- ple wbo wonld send Ben on bill way with a fltUng wardrobe and a smile on bill face, We certainly woolcln'l baVe told him to go ny a kilel Jack Bidwell 3"7 Via Ude at N_,.... 81 .... Nft'pel't Bead!. Pl8'y •f fNe )!lll'ldll• la die rear. :rut ··-die .......... c..ta .... -· €:9.-a HI lllaP. AH -ly 'It ........ frem ... lldlld ••watewa 8uft••lr, (It, y .. •-•t ala• llela• ollet Ht el a emu). ' ,. I They ~ BACKED BY BOILING SURF, HAL SACHS AND PATTl·YOUNG WIN MIXED, TANDEMS EVENT Th0<1Hnd1 Turned Out to Witch Ch1mp'9n• in H11vy Huntlritton Buch BrHkera CHAMPION CORKY CARROLL OF DANA POINT IN WINNING FORM Thr0U9h B1rn•cl11 ind Pier Pilin91, Shi;aoting to Victory . . Oldsters, Gals Strong ln Other Surf Contests Alt.hough most. sptetalor aUention was Pat ~rarciel, 37, of Hawaii finished fifth . focused on competlUon in lhe men's Hermosa Beach's Linda Benson, a 25- divl&ion of the lllh Annual. Surfboard year old airline stewardess, failed in her Championships. surfers ·la the other bid for a s i 1 th strai&ht title in the dltislons wece dclermined to &]Ye an woo'len's division · and plaoot third. equally spectacular showing. Sharron Weber, 21, ol Hawaii , tipped Jn the ''o4d men's'' contest, the through the wavea to capture flnt, K'maatna Divb:ion which ls open lo meh followed by Mar11> Godfrey, 15, of Santa 35i·and .older. 39-year old Kil Hom of Barbara. Nancy Emerson, pa c If i c Fdlle~on CJl!lJUJUled Les WiJUams..J.or P~ and Jericho Poppler, ~ 17, fi~ pjace. Tllird w ... ·taken by nal Lo:._ Beach finished fourth and mth Salm!, 39, of Capistrano Beach, with John respectively. ~·Soil, 39, publisher of Surfer 'Dewey Weber, one of the tfut namta: M~e, from Dana Point In fourth. In surfboard construction, piloted hll own 1 , piO::e 'Of pluUc to Ylctory ·in the senior di;visioo. 1be :JO.year old Venice hotdog ' St 0 f Living WU foUowe<I in the standings by Mick<y Munoz, 31, Dana Point: Jin Goaewich, 28, t ' San Diego; Fred Gerth, 32, Torrance and Makes Another Chuck unnen, 33, Lons Beach. Showing style and um by wlnnln1 in • other di~ were Niles Olbome, 111 of JUm.p in August Los tJanilfbs. Juniors: J"l'f lllldwfn, 14, . OceaNid•, Boyl: Kevin O'Sul!IVan, U, " Lquna Beach, Mlnnlt; U.1 Socho and WASffiNGTON !AP) -Paood by PaUJ Y-, Mf1ed Tudeml, mxi Corky hi~ coots fl>r food. houalq and CamU1 , 11, Dana PoiAI, PfOr Piddle medkal care, the 'cost of liY1Qs watt up Race. ' ·-notch Jn AlllUll,, four--ol Pubapo lllo -urtw.. ol au ... :..1e ·percen~ the ~ ~ to. ~ldblp ..,.._ "1r• the '-<nan lat, · · doiyr1<t.8-la-.eniUhed~ln iii prices wmt up Ill pe<...i flom Ju-Ille ·-11!' tlle bufe oat!, 11/tiuard• bf )ii AUIU•L ' ' lelJ"!! oft tlle pier lo -Giol which 4!!1Clfd Chaae, a..utont ~ • wtn ,bl dlnm ol bllq tmllbod to bits If Ille 8UTOIU of Lobar Slallolico, Uld by the concrde pl)lnp ol tlle pier. :he demand lor •Fii• and COOlf<IU<nt Exnauated by the lwo lop trip ......., '.ow~ supplies rtOected a Shift from the pier, the men frnm Lot Anp:les riJ!Mr prkell rod meats lo •Fii•· County stumbled lo <hon flnl, lollOwed Jttnb went up rour·tenth1 ol one JlfJ"' by ttt.mt from Rlmttngton Beach No. 1, ?ienl. tht largegt monthly lnctt.aae in 13 Newport, Lone Belci and HunUnston teth. Beanb No. 2. ' \ Top Surfing Trophy Won By Carroll Here are the final official rtllulta of Sunday's C<JmpetiUon in the United States Surfing Champioriships in Huntington Beach : DUKE KAHANAMOKU TROPHY ' l. Corky Carroll, 21. Dana Point MEN'S DIVISION 1. Corky C.rroD, 21, Dana Point 2. Oru Harn,on, It, Hennosa Beach 3. ti.tile Purpu!, 20, Hermosa Beach 4. Rolf Arness, II, Pacific Palisades s. Gerry Lope:, 20, Hawaii WOMEN'S DIVISION I. Sharron Weber. 21, Hawaii %. Margo Godfrey. 15, Santa Barbara 3. Linda Benson, 25, Htrmo58 Beach 4. Nancy Emerson, 17, Paci fl c Palisades 5. Julcho Poppler, 17, Long Beach KAMAAINAS DIVISION I. Kit Hom, 39, Fullerton 2. Les Williams. 38, Dana Point 3. Hal Sachs, 39, Capistrano Beach 4. John Severson, 3i, Dana Point S. Pat Marciel, 37, Haw'ail JUNIOR DIVISION I. Niles Osborne, 16, Loe A1anUtos 2. Gary.Wursie'r, 16, Fountain Valley J. Brad Bayli.s, 17, Huntmcton Beach 4. Mil<e Hopps, 16, San Clemento 5. Jobn Van Omwn, 17, N•wport Beach _, SENIOR DIVISION 1. Dewey Weber, 30, Vertice 2. Mickey Munoz, 31, Dana Point J. Jan Gosewich, a&, San Diego 4. Fred Gerth, !2, Torrance s. Chuck Linnen, 33, Lona Beach BOYS DMSlON J. Joep Baldwin, 14, Oceanside 2. Mark McMillen, 14, Henn06I Beach 3. Pud Allen, 14, Torrance 4. Robbie Hu.sic, 1.1, Hawail S. Brian Hope, 14 Hermosa Beach MINNIE DIVIBION 1. Kevin O'Sullivan, U, Laguna Beach 2. Ty Page, 11, Hermosa Beach 3. Jdf Hamilton, to, Dana Point 4. Douf Browne, It, Laiuna Beach S. GJTY Wurster. 11, Fountain Valley ~T!NDEMS 1. Hal Sachs and Patti Youna 2. Ler.oy Abchoy and B.lancht Benaon 3. Jack lyerson and Esther Algaw 4. Steve Boehne and BarrJe Algaw s. Or. Robert Scott and Lisa Ordaz PIER PADDLE RACE I. Corly Carroll, 21. Dana Point %. Bob Moore, 24, Redondo Beach 3. Kit Hom, 39, Fullerton 4. MJckey Munoi, 31, Dana Point S. steve Walden, 21, Htmtington Beach DORY RACE I. Loa Angeles County 2. HilnUl\flon ,Beach No. 1 3. Newport BUch •. Long Beaqh 5. Hunt)ngtoo Beach N~ I BEST HIJNnNG'roN B&ACll GmL Nin<Y a.y ... It. HUNTINGTON BEACH .IUNIOR Brad BayU1, 17. Closed Schools Open FORREST CITY, Arlt (UPI) -WHll mlnfateN pleading for brotherly love, 14 1chool• closed last week by racial tension roopsned today without lncldenL r L announcing: the opening of our fascinating new Robert Carrier Cookshop We 're introducing our new Cerrier Cook1hop during Lt Grend Tour, but it will remain long after. Here you'll find, in art• piece, ell the accoutrements that mek• th1 differ1nc1 betw••n cookin9 and cuisine. There'• a complete selection of 1how0 off cookwar• end acce1~ori11 9ethered from tht cooking capitals of th• «1ntin1nt by Mr. Carrier, ferned chef ind re1taur1t1ur. You'll find •v•ry• thin9 you ne•d to •imm•r, stir, 1eut1, sift, 1trern end ••rv•. And ihis i1 only a 1t1rt • , • there are·ov.,. 500 jndividual itemt. Visit our Carri1r Shop 1oon ••• 1v1n if you'r• just talrin9 • coolr'1 tour. Here's ju1t a 11mple of t~• s•l•dion; Spic•• end herb• from Fr1nc1 ....... JS 9las1 car1f1s .... _ ...... 2.50 to 5.00 pott1ry pl1t11 .......... I.SO to l .OO Fr1nch wirt whitb: .• 1.215 to 3.00 · Fr1nch fith lr1Hl11 ... .l0.00 to 30,00 Fr1nch 1ouffl1 dish1i .• 2.00 to 11.00 9em• ca11erol11 ... 1 •• 6.SO to 20.00 1u gratin cH1h1s ...... 2.00 to I 5.00 Mr. Cani•r's coolrboolu ··············--····-·········---12.95. 15.95 iU11sfret1d recip• cards ............ 1.25 mMI• Mr. ~ !ti -•t M•y Co, South Coe1t Pl•z•. Mond•¥• S1pt1mber 22; IO:~ to 12:00 noon an~ 2:00 r.·"'" to 5:00 p.m:. on th• lo~•r ltv•. m1y co carrier cookshop 116-louth coest pf11a mey ce 1euih co1st pfau, san dl•to fwY at Orisfof, co1t1 rne.-1; 54 ... ,lZ I shop_ mond1y lhrou9h .. turday 10 •.m. lo 9:30 p.m. OAfLY l'l!OT :J ----------------. -----------------=-------------------·------------• 4 w.lV I'll.OT ta..f!M ...... Olh ........... Actor John Dr•w B1rrymore has been onleted to stand trial in Su. perior Court at Indio OcL 7 on charges of possessing mariju~ and barbituales. Barrymore, :fl, a free on $1,250 bail. 1:1• waa anuted Aug. 4 after an auto accident DMl' Palm Spring&. Police laid tlaey found packages of the dnlgs Wider a seat of his car. • St. Lorm Det<cliw SQl Adricm W mnon holds a 20().pound 1tatue, 11Ul .. d al about $2,5ll0, which war rtoln from in JrOnt -of tM J,ffttscm Mtmoriol in Fore!t Park. n.~dtieo­ tiw found the bronu work under a: bedspread in a 115dant Eat near down- toton St. Louis. • A Miami judge has vantod the daughter of former· '"Venezuelan President Marcos Pera JlmtMI custody of her two children. ali- mony and child support-but no dt· vorce from her husband. Ma'9"11 Brook. 23, was granted custody o! the children p!ua $'15 a week in pay- ments by her bmbaDd., one-time Miami Beach carhop LH Brook, 26. The ''alimony without divorce" arrangement was ordered because the couple did not meet Florida'• six-mouth residency requirement. • WO?cester County, Ma1&. Sheriff Joseph A. Smith Is ap~g a two-month sentence in his own Jail. He was sentenced and fined '35 last week by District Court Judge Waller D. Allen OD charges that he left the scene o! an Aug. 5 highway accidtnt in suburban RuUand. Smith testified that he left to drive a sbort distance to his home, where he unsuccessfully tried to reach RuUand Police Chief Joltn Collini. Two persons injured in the accl· dent were released after hospital treatment. • Eight-veo1'·old Clinton BcTrett of St. Loltit, Mo. IOGI wounded m tM ltg bv a buUtt firtd from tJ ~JI wrtnch. Police said 1M ha!/ fotmd a bull<~ clamptd tt fn the monkfv wrtneh and pcund<d 11 °" 1M 1f<JJS of 1"' Mme. Tile b.U.t fired. • Aatronaut Alon Shopanl has join- ed the new Los Angeles brokerage firm of Thomas, Power & Coogan as a nonvoting partner. He 1aJcJ many astronauts are going into side businesses that do not conflict with their duties as spacemen. He will have no regular work with the finn but will drop in occasionally to look after his lnvestmenta. . ShootDo-wn ' 5 Choppers Munich Bishop Suspe~ Dut~s •f' MUNICH.~._ (UPI) -~~ Bl!llop Mllthlu llefreUer, · Romlll! Calbollc vicar 1eneral ~ ln- \-estig1tion u an alleged war crlmill81, today suspended hUi own tuncticns aa a. bishop. A spokeimau for the office of·Cardinal· Julius Doep!ner Nid llefregpr ""'1ld not carry out conflmuUons, ~ti- 1rcllioetse visits and other fundlons u a biabop IDIW tlto criminal P~ acatnst him are,completed. He Nid DeJrqger now then would a<t only ., vicar gtncra~ handllDf" the . paperwork and other ailmlJliltrlllVe tasks cf the archdiocese. Wage Cost Board Created by Nixon WASlllNGTON (AP) -Prtsidml Nix· on created 1. special commission today which he bopet will belp halt spiraling wage CC!b in the ~ ~ that have contributed to nationwide in· flation. Ni.Ion set up a construcUon Industry collective barp.injng' Commiision to give equJJ representation to employers, ~bor unlons and the public. . A major commission role, Nino t!iald, "ii to develop volunlacy triparl!te pro. cedum ID oettllD& dllpates." Re ..id thla machinery would not provide for com- pQ!ooty arbllr1U.O nor ~ It lnlrin&• Oii rights to -16 locJl;out. • ..,,_ "SUFFlltS STROKE Chine L11lltr: Meo l~rael Seals. Off Arab Frontiers For Yom Kippm· . ByUaltod!'mlllWnaUooai Israel aealed olf Ila "bordm with the Arab tarliorl<a lt occupies u a security measure againll Arab guerrilla attacks tocloy on Yom Kippur, JudaiSm's holiest day. All roads l<adlng IDto Israel !nxn let· ritories captured dwinl the 1117 Middle East war were blccked ·by barr.icades, with troops standlug by to enforce the bonler cloBure during the day ol atone- 111tnL Tel Aviv's brternatlonal Airport WU cJoeed. In the occupied territories, Israeli ioldleri st<pped up their patrols and pcsted extra gtiardl on rooll" and in the Jtreets to prevent 1 llareup before the day ol fa:sting endl at aundown with the blowing ol tlto sbo!ar (ram'a born). Praym beaan Sunday aftemoon u the Isr~ Foreign Minls&er, Abba Eban, was telling an American televisloll" audience the bi& four powers were ·"Uable to ccut- plicate things" in resuming talks on fin. ding a balls !or Middle &ast puce. "The· lour powers tlult ought to be meetln1 are Israel, Egypt; Jordan and Syria," be aai<Hn.p.[OllOllng direct Aral> t11racU nel'(ltlaUool as he had at the United Natkins in a apeecb Friday. The United Slates, Soviet Union, Bri· lain and France qrOed Saturday to resume their Middle East talks. with a call for llrOel to pull out ol the occupied ~ PrlV~. lhet: Pfe lbtir tilblitift cbanDt oljllle:e·•· !> \ * * * Jordan Charges U.S. Obstructing Peace Settlement Heavy Rains Hit Showers Continue Throughout Southeastern U.S. Clliltonda -HAPP)' H.,. • •• ,,, ..,. ......... St•rt If .,. ,..tdiltl th• WEEK· fHOfl I• tk-DAILY 'ILOJ. Coutal ~ ,,.. ~ ·~ \.lll'tt "',.. ...... 1,. """' .,,. -"-"'"" llKioml ... -~ ti .. ,, lt.""9 "' ~ loMY " f.,.,.y, t41tfl ,.... ..... n. CMlttl ...... , ... , ........... '° It n. ....,. ""'"' .. .,_ ,_ "'*" SI te 0.. w•• ~ ........... -s .. , Moow, rues TUllDAT Fl"' llltfl .• ... .. ...... ,.. l ;O 1,1 .. .,.., ... ' .. ....... .....•.. t:ll '" .... """ ................ ltlll u ............................ t:ll l.J v.s. s •• _,,, T'W9 ..,.. 111/f '°"""''"-' r.inftll, """""'' Ofl .... tf'Mkal ~ mWlllt~.,..~ato 11 lfldles t'f Pllfl Ill ""' l'IDr ... p- Nftlllt, uutlM ·~ "'°""' "' ,... ......... , ... ,.,.. .,..... n. .......... ~ ..... ...,,...., :..~"=~~~~ Ttlltlll-WW .. ll'lt AHi~ ·-· TIM -.t -. ~ "411 Kati" r.t lft L-. Gtd""'911 tM Llbtfi'Y CCMlllft Ill !tit "'4111Wftt MCfl(lll ftl .... 111i.. wllh --~ .... .......... '°""" ...... ,..,. \ltlOlll' .. ,.,. .... '#If" ...,.,., --...... ,.,. r-pertlt•res "'"' '--,.,._ .......... • " Atln19 .. " "" -· • .. -• " ·-.. .. -" q 9-lllt· .. " ... Cllldi• • .. ........ " " .... • .. ..... -" " Det~I .. • ..... w.,.,,. .. n ·-• • ...... • .. ._ ("' " .. U•V.... .. A U•-" .. M""I u • ... M"-POlll • .. N-C)r1M111 .. n ,,..,. YvJI • .. Norffl ~"· .. .. O.~t.M n " Ot~ Clt'f' " • ,. """"' • .. . _ ....... • • -.. • ·-n • _ ... .. • ·" ltlttlll CHY n • ... ....... .. .. ·-n " S!(tl"'f"lfe .. " l•lt t..1t., CflY " H • ,.,.._ n .. '-" l'r1JKIM:1 .. .. S..lllt .. " ... --.. • T-~I " .. 'NIAl'lltwfeil .. • 1Hr'!ft!t1ts •err~ ' Mao Ill, . Run PU:k up your Sup;?r· Shopper redpea al our IMalcounler/ 'China Troika · Marine "Dies ~.. • r , • After Saying DI Beat Him PAllRIS ISLAND, S.C. (AP) -The Marine Corpa Is IDvesUgatlng the death of an 18-year-old Parris bland recruit who dabned he wu beateD by Im drill lnsWctor. '_pyi, Stephen E. Melson. of Millsboro, Del.. died Sunday • at the Medlcal UnlverElty o! Sooth caro11na Hospllll in Charlerloo. A spokesman there said ?ifelaoo had been hospitalized for an acuts kidney aliment but declined to dlsdoo~ the cause of death. A Marine Corps !PQl<esman .. id an autopsy wu planned. An investigation wos begun Wedoeoda.Y wbeo dootors reported MelJOn had told them he was beat.ii. the spoktmllll said, but "I think medlcnl ·ro<Orda will subslanllate' tl\Bt be was ·nOt briq»taUud as a result ot physical injurlea." The spokesmao confirmed thal a drill lnstnlctor had been rtlleved of bis duties but added that this was standard pro- cedu!I! pending the out<:ome o! an in· vestJ&ation. The drill instructor wu not ldeiltllled. Pri<u;,, effect Mtm., T..,., Wi!Jl., Sepl U, 1.1, 14. No Salu to De4kr•. I I f Yours for the takilg ••• fOll ldtls for sert.ig pim ! \ Piuu art for fun ! ... Euy to fil ... iireat to eat I And El Rancho'a ncipeg offer deliJbtful variationa OD the main theme I PRI drel Cos star - DE man W\!'l: and one Serio refu! ra Evet PREPARIN FOR PARADE .-Queen or Heart. members, Cbil- dren's Hospital or -Orange County (left to right) Mrs. ROOert T. Cosgrove and Mrs. Howard Hinrichs practice their moeieHnl? stances with prompting from Mrs. Cbaries F. --~· Th• guild Lqts of. Glit:te·r;; Attracts Gold · An army of bargain bunters is expected fo 4esce11d on the Festival of Arts grounds Saturday and~"id Oct. 4-5, for the second annual Treasures and Glo Junk Sale. ' Proceeds from the sale will go to South eo..t CDm-' munity Hospital's expansion fund, and mo'!>.~ 100 volunteer workers have combed the area for new, used and antique articles. .. Quite a bit of valuable merchandise W.i collected during a series of Bring-a·bundle coffee 418tcbe1 and teas which are& women hosted. '- One such tea took place in the Top Q( Jbe World home of Mrs. Peter Saltamacbio IDday. Other 1-- tesses helping collect saleable goods wer4f. tie' Mmes. John B. Lawsoo of Laguna Niguel, Jamea T:yan Rens- selaer of Three Arch Bay, Chester J. Tho'rne of Table. rock and Tulley E. Brown of Monarch Bay. Mrs. Victor C. Andrews is coordiilaling Bring·a·bundle gatherings for Emerald Bay. · The benefit sale wt yar. according to t,frs. Van Rensselaer, committee chairman, raised about fl,500 for the hospital. This year a I8rge ·amount of clothing, new and used, has been collected. ·Other items to be offered include several pieces of antique fum.iture, a large selection of costume jewelry, several hundred new and used books, paintings, a number of serviceable bicycles and a var· ied assortment ol household utensils and appliances.· Mercharrts in the area· are donating a coDsid~rable amount of new merchandise such as cJOtb.ing-, books and ceramics. In addJtlon volunteers are. preparing handicrafts, featurin..e~Cbristmas decOrations, for .a spe. cial crafts and boutique section. A· bake salt·_ will be condllcted on Saturd8y. , DAILY PM.OT ..... lt"t Diii S...... will sponsor a fall sbowbrg or fashions at a champagne tea hosted by Mrs. John Leeds Kerr or Three Arch Bay from 2 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct.. 2. " . • -~---~ -- JEAN COX..,.,_,_ ......,, ••• I .. l,. ... ,_.,. Fall ShoW Fash·i;o~ned • Fashions will be ~ at a cb81npqne tea afOO? · for mO!l\bers and friends .or··Queen or Heet!a Guild.-1!( Children's Hospital or Orange County, 1bursday, Oct 2. Mrs. John Leeds Kerr will open her recently decor- ated Three Arch Bay house and garden for tile lint fall &bowing of clothes from Rene Boutique, Laguna Beach. Husbands also will be welcome to tile 2 to 5 p,m. champagne affair which benefits Cblldren'1 Hospital. Those modeling clothes in tile garden will be tile Mmes. ROOert T. Co<grove, Jacl: Fromm, David Graf, Howanl lilnricbs, C. R. Hulst, Hal stratton and Ricbanl Wortblngtoo. All guests are welcome and ticket&, at $2 per per-"°"• may be obtained at tile Rene Boutique or from Mrs. William Gwinn, ~. The faJblon show kicks off a host or activities for tile busy guild wblcb b planning a tea for lb affil!ate members in the. Monarch Bay home or Mrs. Francia Fabian Wednesday, Oct. 15. Also upcoming will be a Halloween party, a Gob- lin's Hob Nobin to take place Ocl U. ' . . Those assisting Mrs. Van Remselaer with arrange- ments and sales conlmlttee include the Mmes. John W. Taul -and· Bert w_ He!ldrick1on, coordinators and Har- old Ekman, tressurer. BUNDLES BROUGHT,_ Mrs. E. F. Minoux and Mrs.' ·vasco Batschwarn!f bring a bundle to .Mrs. Peter Saltamaclllo Oolt to right). Mrs. Saltamachlo hosted a Bring-a-bundle coffee klatcb in her Top of the World home loilaV lo collect Items for the uJICOl?. lng TreallttM 1and Glortlled Jun1c Sale to 18ke place Oct. 4-5' tOr the benefit of South Coast Comm1lnity H01Pltal'1 expansicm flmd. r Big Que~tion Mark Plagues Curious DEAR ANN LANDERS: I llD M lo marry a very One girl in a lew weeb. w~ have gone together fOf almost a year and are compatible in every way. Only one problem: She has admllled to - serious love affair in bu life ~tu lht refuses to tell me who the guy Wiii. I am going cruy trying to 6-11 eaL Every time we run into one dWfonner ends I tonure m)'ll!U 'waode1na, 'la lhil tht one?'' U we are coin& to have a pod life lo!!elber t think ohe !houJd !di me YTHING. I have told lier all my previous aflain -w~ when, 1 , how -every d.WI I could lldnlt < ow, l'd Ui:e the same C'OMidetation. \ do you say? -V-IJ DEAR V: I 117 JOI UVS I YOr)' bii • ' -., lloll)•IClbc .. "" ... W;lfa i11t' 1••t111r...._ ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: MJ' lnDhlnd • -ed ,.... column -1111 -uu emiln&-''Donl mla w.,• be llkl 1mugly. '"11 wu written Mp"cl•Dy for )"OU." The ldffr he WIJlled me to .,. wu- from Mluourl Mult -the &lrl who 11111> bomll' ref-to all her mothiO-in-la• Mom. ''Vulo" relented .m.. her- ln-law wu on her deatl>bed. (Ent« "1ollm -lild don't forget 1 mop for tbo tesn.) II so hlppena 1lll' motber>fo.(aw (lfl me mien fbe day her mn and I became engaged. ,,,.,. "'"' u follows: ''Don, ever call me Mom because I am NOT "'}'JUI" m«ber." I if'u 10 hurt l went to the blthroorn and crl<d. From !bit cf11 OD I have called tier Mn. Jona. The old ballJHn bu -up -put JO ,.an, but llbe'll lhroy1 be Mrs. Jooes to me. My husband 11f8 l'm bard u . nalta. Am I? -SANTA· FE R06l!l DEAR BOl!ll:: TeD ,_ ...... ... __ ,_,_ ........ 11,... IPafJ'O'll--lo-- --7flflpl I --... .,,_ Ille -...... M lleloop -• Mn.J- DEAR ANN LA11DERS: A lellow a · eculive baa clllled ... no md GI nu. lion -.... «llllateotly -late for_,.,~ 'llllalllDI ._ •hrot> _.. to be late for tTflY soctal qagemeoL Nol onl1 doel llbe fill to •poiocfle but lhe ""'!" ._,...i, Bridegroom-to-be faJ+lelle.Allt~·,· 2 1' ..... ........... t ............ .. _,,......-,11 ....... ,.._ lmplltool .... 1-11'1.lll·-c ·1 • _ _. ..... ..,. ct I Too iDlllJ Clllploa • -a ' lamJ lo 1t1b-. DllD, lot--" p llop bef .... k .. ----1,onden' -. "Xlnlilt -'111111 to Elpecl." --....... lo Alll Llndm 0ln ...... GI Ibis .......... -~ • -In eoili llld a. ........ ...... .U"iddre:11ed. ..,.,.. Alla ......... wtD "' .,.. .... ,,... with,.... pr-. --lo l.r lo care of the D.<ILY PILOT, •wlt • c a ldf-addlwed. llunped ...... . •• t I t • • • • r . I . t - I I . ' l I I I I ' I I I t t t I ' . , ' I t ' I l I I f • ; I I I I • t • I I • fi a " • -· fl L I t ' I • r • • .. .. 0 0 . .,._ .... . ...... _\ .. I Horoscope Transportation . I Club Bills Performer Bob ManlUe wW eolerlafn SOUth COao1 Club memtien !11111.,.Udulin(a- -.. ID tbt 'fowera hltaW'lnt WedZlesdly, Oct. l, ' .r" In Spotlight 9* Mn. G. P. K!i .... m, l • I \ TUESDAY SEl\TEMSER 23 By SYDNEY OMAIUI NEWS SPOTUGDT 11 .. lnvel, -.-ijoo. Muy leday look lo hM u4 mu. predSdlont. Spt,ce en·~.,. lo be lnvtl"4, u4 ~flclHI comiecled wllll ............ ... Id .... •ltelllloo wllll ........ wr111ea " spew .-. AIUl!:S (Marcil 21·Aorll lt): to put ..... o( your tbeoll• Into actlcn. Key will be >""II' own eonftdence -or lack ol. tL Be nady. LIBRA (Sept. II-Oct. 22): You pt chance 10 show ap- pnclaUon to one who bsa pro- vided joy. -of gilt COQ)d brillt yoo a• much Ple&IUJ't! 11 one who recelva It Ac1 aoconllaal1. Aa:ent op-limllm . ~cblirDWL The per!..-r II qullo versatile aod hu enterWned on teltvlsloo aiic1· In dU., , ' tbloulbout the world, oo- cordlD& to Mn. R o b e rt Dllbman, publlc\tl' dJalnnan, Guesta wlll1>o-poeted al an . -11,lt LID. soelaJ -by Mn. Han.rd Swft11r, bospllallly cllalnnan, alonl wli& Mn. Paul· Hill aud ~ CLUI PEii.FORMER J . W. Lona-i-i-will flo4' Mantik• aerved a noon. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Raervations for the ever\tl 1 VISIT US ••• \ \ You m1y be drawn between nec11Ulty to complete buic chore •rid desire to get away from tt all. Key is planning and deeree or patience. Ex· preu ' .)'OW'ICll in sensible SCORPIO (Oct. D-Nov.11), Follow bunch where mone1 matters are concerned. Property wllkh belonp to you ls Worth .,... lhan orlglnsl estimalo. Know thlJ -deal from poellion ol slreqth. SAGITTA!UUS (Nov. D-._. ................ ~ ~~ ~;:; 1.:: MRS. STEVEN W. STEWARD mar be oblaioed by calliac the Mmes. Phtllp Towne , cbalrmao, '9&-1131; Mabel Nichols, 491-4181: Dishmon, --, or Clay ·Weller, 117- ' '( I 61659 ---phuized. Take. inl.UaUve ht Former Jtnet DawlOll 7!06. S.fora the Fontana I , 1 j .,_/1 I Fcmtana of Italy h a 1 enated the loveliest a!-ternoo~ dnl ... The Uay st.end-up collar ls cltverly pleatod-<Jver and bowed at center front. These pleats are open at th2 seami and upoae a llW• of you in a most .subUe way. The princals seaming continues down into a soft A-flared shape. Tbe shoulder& are quite bare. The zipper a placed at center back. • To order 61659; &late size, inclQde D41De1 addre$5 and zip code. Send $2. poslpaJd -IM eacll pattern. Send orders for books aqd patterns to 'SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15, Milford, N.J. 088U. · SIZES BUST WA)ST HIP$ · .-~ENGT!i 8 32 23 3.4 16 1/4 lo 33 24 as-<& 112 12 3f 25 38 18 3/4 14 36 26 1/2 37 V2 11 . . 16 38 28 39 . -111/4 18 40 30 41 17 112 'F'n>m Nape of Neck to Waist. Services Reviewed · Various aspects of com-Ralph Almgren: Mi!S Pat TAUBUS (April 20-May 20): Mpoey situation improves. You find way ol obtaining tttm which adds to home com· fort. Streu diplomacy. Tum on natural charm. lt will pay dividends. GEMINI <May 21.June 211): Play wailing game. Jrtorm• tlon you ntfd is being col· le<ted by legal expert. Don't try to rush maUen. Control l<n<!ency to 'l!<lk out of lum. CANCER (JW\e 21.July 221: Watch diet. Tendency is to atve In to temptaUoo - e~ly where food and drink 11'1 cancerned. Excellent day for tmiroving relaUons wlth as59clites, c<rworken. U:O (July 23-Aug. 221' Al- tention could center around children. Strive to break thrrugb generation g a p . Change your ways without gtv• ing up principles. Message in~ ~eallnaJy clear by tonight. VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 221' You may feel restrldtd due to rtd tape. But you get a ch&nce malllDg slpllJcant -· One who altempll t o di1COUra1e yoo II bolled "°1rn • With useless tradiUon. CAl'IUCORN (Dec. 12,!an. 191' Remain behind th e 5eenes. You accompllab more lhrouglt subll• methodl. Don't be too quick ti> Jorm con- clusions. one who baa: been out of toucll mUa rtappesrance. ' AQUA!UUS (J1n. IJ.Feb. U)' Accent on friends, booes and wllhei. Miii)' toda7 feel you hive rectlved rped.aJ. prt-.Uege. Do wbat you can to dispel thia notion. Be diplomatic_. and avoid loud clalma. PIBCES (Feb. 19-Man:b 20): Protect lmqe. Mtana be rea- dy to Clelend bulc posllloo. 5omema7 al!elnpl lo dilcndlt -Maintain dlplly. stand up fir prlnclplea. tnllmale pin Is lndlcaled. To find~,~ for YW 111 e:"~.'.7.i:·.~Z1 P18>'r.''.:f'3i12r rl'l!ll 0~'1r:i'"k'i .. tlon. Nft' v0r£'""U; • 10017. Friends of Library Triple Fete Planned Mesans Marry In CdM Rites Hair Stylists In Competition More than JOO Southern California co1metology 1tudenll will compete for trophies during the 12!h ... Mind fall Oowerr aud well wisben. nual Jlalntyling Ex!ravagama n • .,~ -·-•-•-~ •-•~ •~• the next SundlJ at I p.m. ID the .,,_ ~w• ~••-~ bride and Dlsne7lanclHo!el. I be Community CooJr<la-brlde,...m are Costa Mesa Nine tropbla will be award- tlonal Church, Corona del Mar Hltb Scboo1 .,.adualos. She eel ID fJ<abman. junlor and wben Janet Ruth Daw30n al.!o Is a oralfualo Ill Orange senior styllng calo1or\es and -the bride of Sloveo w. Coast Colfer• where be at-thr<e will. be given ID balr col- Sleward. tended. oc cla!>lflcatlolL Puformlng the clouble ring The bride COOllDued lluclies Added features will be a fall You f.9r Yeur C.r11pl1t1 ,.,,,,..;ty w.n1,.ti. ,, re•1•111bl1 p1lt11 , , • CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 1767 "_,.,, llftl. C....M.. 64 .. Ull cemnony wu the Rev. Dr. at California State College at fashion •bow aod a preview of Pbllip G. Murray. Parenti of Lona Beach, and her blUband 1970 hair styles, desiined by the bridal couple are Mr and served wltb the Marine c:ori-. some of the Southland'• best.- Mn. Arthur O. DawSOA of having just rdumed from • known 11U11t1 Music fer the Colla Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. tour of duty ID Vktoam. public 1bow will be provided Clsrence A. Stoward, also of The newlyweds an reslcliq by Fraokie Orlop aod bJ> Costa Mesa. 1_1n_Santa __ An&_. _____ .. _-cbe_s!ra. :;;==~~~~~~~~ Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white silk shantung gown fa5hioned with a filled bodice and long full sleeves. Heavy Irish lace banded the cuffs, neckline and bodice. Her Illusion veiling was caught to a fabric bow and lillea of the valley • nu.mlty len1CI wilL b e HaiQes will modetatt. n.x. New and p r o s p t c l I v e ~t..i by a panel of Las are mtmbera of the p.ibllc __ i._ th r0,-•• -··tm;_.___ ..,,.._the relations comm:ittee.. me.nW11:fl, e new president Miss Ann Haramia served as maid ol honor and Miss Joyce Dawson was her sister's bridmnald. Lime green gowns secretary: Mr5. William D. were selected for them. Redfield of Fu 11 er ton• Attending as best man was Lingerie Robes C,f eci.r"'ii'e Girdles Panty Hose .... ,...,. ..... ~ .. """'' A ---~ .,_ J M and offk£rs for 1969-70 all will new ,~r. iwu~. . • be '"-~ .. eel b the Fri ol. HunUngtoa B<ach club ~Ls Clar~ will lead theO.,,U.le· --Y ellds at ,,,, p.111. nnt Wem-lly 1i!ildl ill! be ...tDlled bf . Ibo Ubruy ol. UC! during a ln the MercurJ Sa!Ulp ud Mn. --cl;tlu< cllampqne .....U.0 n e I I Loan Bulld!q.•· · . ton. : • · . W~. ·F Coa>prllll!llbe-1wlllbo ' A~I ~ 11 HOClllnothoS<lolp.m.event Mn. All!!. )leiioedy, Mn, avlllahleby..wn,Mn.Jtailo wlllbellt.m•Uln.~amaS. Druglu W~ Ud Mn. ' w-. 11W01t " -~Ill _Newport 1leaclt. -· l\elljln( tho--for the . , . =~ J"'ti~be~ TheHotel $$Lurline .!!~ ... wrl.;:~b'::: is goingaround ~Cl< tho us. Gov•m- recording secretary, and Mrs. a · d R and ·'-~ Thomas Pole of r ..... ooa de! tear o uz, u~ 1ng """'' guesta to their au.ta WU ~~~,boardforthe 8r71n Ste•ard, the ~ ..... ,.... bridegroom'• brother. fil'lt Ume will k Dr. Giles T. · A reception followed on lhe Br=~~ Mn paUo of the bride'• pannll' B N Deaenberi. lor oi home where Mn. David B.W uie world of Art.,.. '11troulil . ....,..., ~gna1ures trom the n Boots <*ll'ltl rtvm at 1Jtt and UCLA. witf f>%nl11ln her classes. Mrs, llesenberf, a teacher <1t tbe Laguna b....IOOI of Art and Dtllgn, lJ the wife of the Frleuda founc!IDr prest. Phon~'171-19SO IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE 27'11 Eatt Coeat Hlghwey, Corona dtl Mar • . 6erYfnl on tbe executive South America ·=U: ~ :;_1.e~ dent. Frttnda volunteers w I J I serve u hortuses, direct6d by Mn. Carl Wlley of Corona del Mar and Mn. o. A. MaWn CJI Sanla Ana. FRANCISCAN EARTHENWARE me -'<lent: i-Wm o1 Jan. II, 1970, . s.. Juu Clplltr1110 and Mn. timed for tummer'•.balmiat weather- 53 day•/14 ports. Nows the time to book. Maison's Hot.J SS Lurline b going around South America on ~ pn1mler cruise around thb glorloul Latin ContinooL While wlntw r<19fS up ....... you can 10mple the sun in Mazatlan, Umd, Valparat.o- SanHago, Puerto Monti, Punta Arenas,Monmidoo, luenoo Alta, Sanfao.Sao Paulo, Rio do Janeiro, Satvodor-8ahia, Trinidad, Curacao, Balboa and A<apuko. You'll see everything thef'O is lo_, do .-yth~ there Is la do. What a cruilol Wltot a W1COll011l SEE 1l5 FOR RESERVATIONS: Lat' us book yaur .. ArDUftd · South America" au•vamtion now~ n.. Holal SS Lurline sails from San Frandsco Jan. H, l9i'OJJan.12 from Loo Angola and San Diogo) ""53.,., Fens n-$2224 lo $8376. .. -. ' , . Dllllle DeKalb of Newport Bach; vice ptttldenta; Mrs. Wllqa Lemm of Newport Buch. corre1pondlng Anyone inte'l"ested tn at. tendiJ1i the event may cootact any of the ofllcers. 1111111' -•1• .. 1 .. a-... IM wllill lllH t11• 11ill1W1 CmrN Wiil •lllll-llfllf flctla& FlRll: "Fealherc"'r w!tile goose lealllers/po~ roam p1n.n: Sllndard, rte. e.m. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • 2112;11 Queen, rtr.10.00 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2111.n Kine, rec. 12.00 ••••••••••••• , •••••••• , • 2/11.11 MEDIUM: "Ann" hallwhlbt lOO" l"lhelS, haKtbils Ill"" dtMD: S\lndlrd, ree.12.00 ••••••••••••• , •••• , ••• 2111.M Quwl, Tq. 16.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2/2&.• Klrir. ree. 20.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 2/al.11 SOFT: "Boss" 111w!tlll1ome~""1: Standard , rer. tt.00 ••••••••••••••••••••• 2/22,DO . Q111t11, ret. )7.00 •••••••••••••••••••.•.•• 1/11.• Klnr. "" ZS.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 21•.•· lleddlnr.'°""11M Lmt Be1tl , Sanla AN, p...,,, Peloa V•. u llablt Buffums· u lmort • fl FASHION ISUHD • NEWPORT CENTER • mS' Save 5.0Q on 16 pc. Starter Se-ts September 22 through October 4 This earttienware is desi~d and 11ade ia Calilamia. FuncUonal as well as lieautlful. Chip resistant, oohrfast, and safe In OY11D or dishwasher. 4 pc. place satti11t lll()Judes one dinner plate, tread and bu\Wr plate, and cup and _saUC81, 16 pc.set_l1ltlodes IOU! each . Choose frlllll 6 lowly patrems. Gifts and China, all stores except Marina 16 pc. sets 4 pc. place:settinis RI&. ult R•&. .... iloct 1111 ApPcl -2l:is 11..Sli 7'51 .... --2l.ll5 11..95 7.54 c.u Hlclooll Goll 2L95 11.n ·7_50 c.u HlclOldl"""' 21.95 11.IS 7.50 4.lt lfldelra '11 2US 11.n 1.60 C.11 Pebbll-... 2J.95 11.11 l.!O c.11 644-2200 -• lloa., Thll/$., fri.10:00 till 9:30 • OCJer days 10:00 dll 5:311 ' ' - . I • • • ~ ·~". ORANGE CQMY, CALIFORNIA: ' " voi:. t.2: N0~227, 4 S&CTIONS, if PAW -' . ' ·' A' • -' J ' .. • ~ . •• -. . ,, .. .ana ·S.· ... . . ' . DAILY. ,ILOT s•n """' CORKY CARROLL OF DANA POINT-THE MAN OF , THE. HO\IR-IN CHAMPION$HIP FORM Ht Y(on Men's Oivl•lon, Pacl,:lltbCMlrd ·Reff •ncf ~·• S.IKt.d .Best All-Around Surfer Down tlae -•. Railings ·,Slated For SD Freeway • ,. I . • CAPISTRANO BEACH -Conmuction ol llx.fool high railing& on Via California one! Camino de El!r<lla bridg.. in Capistrano ·Bellch,have been promllJed by the Division of B;igbwaya w'f}en tbe San Diego freeway Is widened lo 1971 , The request Car safety measures was made by PTA group!, lhe Capi!:trano Unified School Distriel and C,IJ>istrano Beach Community Aalociatlon.. A ~ian overvass near f:alisades ~ also WU requested but Bpard of Su~isors apProval must 'be received. 11' Ii 'a!!o. the ~!icy ol 11\e DiY!siOO of Highwiys that public a&:encies al).ar.e hall, the <(\it when a strui:ture ,Ii . biillt af1tt th• freeway is coril.pleted, 'according to Wallace Knutsen,. "diltr1d deSign engi- qeer. e Vafle11 Plans Dance LAGUNA lllLLS - A get acquainted dance for Saddle.back Valley residents wlll take place Thursday. MesicanJiesta will be the theme of the event sponsored by lhe Workl Trends Professional Building penonnel and Dar· reU ·Ab one! Marjorie "!11aggard .of. SCIOthem Gourmet Catering Servjce.. Musk wUl be provided by Los Pajaritos matimba band aod dinoers "Will be avlitab' ~t the • e ~ e.n in g . Admwlon' ts If. lo 'the eill porlloo of the World Trendl Building and dress U in- formal .. • FlUhi.n SllOtD Set LAGUNA ,HW1 -"High road lo faJbion" JllU be the theme ol a fashion """ S.turda). Tile event hosted by St. ~ge'» Epil<opal Chruch women will tat• place in the ma\• lounge ol LeJsare World Clubll!>Ule Two. 11cketa for the event which lncludel a noon lunch~ will be $l50. and ma): be purchaied. at Jtht: church office, 20381 p-del \liltnel~ or tij calling l30'4$40. e . M-ber• SOtlght SADVLEBACK VALLEY -Thuraday will be the final day charter memben will t e accepted in the newly formed Sad- dlttitct Valley Bustnw 00 Professlonl l Womtn'I Club. Anyone ~ in memberahip may atitnd the 7 p.m. mee:Unc lo BuHy•1 Reltluraat. A reelect.Ion of olficen and a dill:uaion ol amendmenll and byllws will lake ploce. e Tripi~ SfC'hii Cll•MP. LAKE FOREST -Dana Wine. M m· m1na h, eventl Jar f.year ok!a and under, wu the only b1Plo winner In Ille Beach •nd Tennia Club '**It Spluli llo7 ... llVW... '& won Jn such cat.e1ortet u a front dlvo fl'oal llie1'°" boonl, awut shirt race ~ lbdividuaa medJeya. • ' " ' -OAIL T PILOT Stiff """' ' 'HEYS' McCl.ELLAN GREETS A SURFING WINNER FDf".$inlor,Mlckey Munor. 2nd Pl-olld • 11'9 llNr Hug ~Gremlin' Creates Havoc • I • • • • W if,h .Playhof:tSe Lightin:g A technically talented smnJin, or grenilins.. • sneHea. bacUtage '1 • at · the Li.guna·.MoultAll. Playhauae,: fj)f Laguna Canyon JloH, )al(.--' one! •c:rea)M havoc , in< tbtr-neW! the8ttr'1 t elettrical 1 1ystem thal wlllltlia a Rel< to unsnarl. Th< 'milcblel '11Wer, "Id police, ®laclled,callle'lll*!ll<lo""'lllrol ll<iu!e and ... , . . . Marine ~truck , M<?NPA '(. S~Jflt;' 2; '1tr ' ' ' •• ; ·1ns Huntington · Meet Draws • . Huge ·Waves By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI or 111e 0.111 ,.1.,.. 11.w Exciltd applause rans out over the rOMr of the. ocean Sunday afternoon as 11- year old Corky Carroll of Dana Point tactlcd IO.foot hi&h breakers time after time ar:d rode to victor)' in the men's dlvblon or the 11th Anniial U.S. Surfboard Championships In Huntington Beach. Crouching on his board, with while foam splashing over his ~ck. Carroll COMPLETE SURFING R!ISUL TS PAGE 3 sent gllstentng ~er tails of water into the air lllld brought spectalon to their feel Sunday's victory represented Carroll 's lwrth Ufle In thla ~vlaion, having won ttte title tn 1M3, 194 and 1981. lie was also awarded the Duke Kahanamoku Trophy u _ b e s t overall surfer for the fourth Ume. It WU Carroll's sbeef skill in maneu"rfug his short Hobie board throuah the rolllni surf lbat woo. him the uu. .. llut u.. bravado aQI) ~r guts 1'1Ud went to <;erry Lopez, Ill, ol l!lwlliL LQpez. who only placed: fifth In the, 111<11'• dlvlaloa, per!OQ!led tile lnmdlllla, bolh S&Fda~lllld .... Sundlf,;bY~~ ' ~~~~ ....... ,,.! . . t!!t~'""'I". . ~ -....... : '1oll iil"~~~t-ff.l ti ' :.. "";:!:.~~.Ibo 1"': .. - Fathers, mothers and . chttd·?eil repeatedly rushed to lbe west side of the pier to llO!O U Gorey had ma~ ·1~ miq Ii> find 1UI oraog .. helmet<d head "l'b'>inc aafely up lllld down In the whiton'f!r. And u soon as tbey aaw·bhU ~ t!)t:y cheered him oo to another ·one ol hli wild rlJns. - . l.';(GUNll'S TOP SURFIR Minoil• w1,,,,... O'Sulllv ... Maoy of the judge>, hicfudlng Iliad Judp Happy Swarta, ..,...i· th.If~ had shown the Spectatoro' ...... ol the most courageous llllrllng to he 1.oiiod. llUt according to the rules, no -po1ilts are awarded for pier .&hob. sendln& Lopt1 back to Hawaii with a fifth pt.ce trwbY . Dru Harrlaon, 18, ol Hennau Beach. outmarteUvered fellow Rermosan Mlle PurJ>ua, IO, lor ae<ond llpol wblle ·&U Arnw, II, of Pacific Pal!Mdea, "°" TV gunslinger James Arnesa, captured loutth place. - ~y ·ql}~es: An estlmated 40,000 fans lined the pier and dotted the beach Saturday for the preliminary events while Sunday's fma.ls produced an mtmated-15,000 to 80,0illl spectalorl. " "'I1le turf Is about the best we've had In three years,'' beamed Harbors and Beaches Director Vince MOQl'bouse. ''I bet the tclevltion people are sorry TIOW that they didn't came." The contest bad been i.levtJed by the ABC network in previous yean but was diacoutJnued shortly before the 1961 con- ISee SURF MEET, hp II * * * Lifeguards Busy As Lagmta Surf Be.st in Years , Plans:· ·B·aseball · Cher Football ~ ~ "~ ti.: TEN .qN'TS ·'futereept' Nets fo~· Jams A11-tos . ' Boy, 7, Escapes Serious Injury In Car Accident • . A aeveo-yeaMld Lquoo lleoch' boJ escaped oerious-lnjluy SuDi11J ·-be waa .truck ~ & car 1n a pedeltrian -.lk .. South Coast ~ 11114 Aoita Sl Richard Sc0tt Ewing ol IDOi S. C..at Highway waa taUo lo Soulh Coaat eme munit)· Hospital olter'lhe aa:ldeol al 10:20 a.m. and releued after treabneld: for minor injllJ]I. • Police said the boy ,.., caught up bi the b.unper of a car driven b{,.:="ii Dallas Doernbrack, 18, of .:144 SL; Costa Mesa, tosaed up oo the right I~ and landed llgalilit the lriodsllleld. - A teCOOd -·-Ylcllni lreafod lllld ~ !nm Soulh Coaat Comrnuolty """*"' .... Donnie O>arla Wim. 1$, of Lol'Allples. . " Watt suffmd-injurtea when the car in Which be WU ridiJJ&, driven bt Jwe James Batlle, 11, also ol Loi Angeles, -oil the rood oltor • u.. blew out while tbe vehicle wu eallboun4 Cll Laguna~ 1told •t°EI Toro~ ....... I' I : ' ' DAR.Y rnJ)l l ._.,.,,~t•':'•li !'!' .. ~ Vegas -Jo ·ueip '~rade Trip Part 9f E# .. . e Club :·'f a~,:Ra~ing _ · ~ .. , .t t ~ = . . i . ' -• ~· 'fourth aQOUal Patriot&' Day M tloi ,._. l!lllM of tlli' · ~ CJ1!b ....,liera iiOpo tio ..U Pandc wUI &et off to a Hying start Fri· Daugbterr•r llio lllnirfoU yolllllbn, 11111 Uckel! for the tught at Ito apiel:e. dl1, Oct. a. when members of the Ez. hnpet lo· .f&IM:~-to '800 1wtth· the tl• Tbe evening outing \YIU take off from cb-'Club launch fund-raising efforts cursion,.~t Goty i-an told . . for U. Febn&arJ event with 1 "cham· rnemben T\18911J. Jt-wtll'"&e'"necessary Lona: Beach .airport at 7 p.m. Friday. pagne tun flight" to Las Vegas. to raise tsA» lo meet parade ex· Oct. 3, retunung .at 3 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 1be club, which ~sponsors the parade penditurts, be"aaid. 4. Tickets will mclude round·trip fare, · b~tfet QCI tbe lho-,,at Las Vegas' Circus. • DAiie! Pll.OT 119ff ,_ FRQZEN NATURAL. GAS cuts AIR POLLi!'l'.IQN l'RQILf!MS· G .. Compony'a E. r.·:'Chnt" GINler i>emoftalr~tea In Lotone ' ' Future Viewed , I ,, Rotary Sees (;as Dem'onstratipn About 100 years ago 1 n<w branch or He apob cl the J191111"!1ii of UJing ocl<nce wu born,ICl)IO(•IY I-tbe•;\iJdY ~ hl'·,..o.!'.1e 1.iton of producing very low temerotum, oupa'aic tr~ to 'e!iriiinate fric. Laguno Beacb Rotarians "'llch"'l ~t •. ~i>Ut catti..r 1)1. lhe • tremendous eom1t to Ufe ~da1 fn a qi~ . •:r-.:.. -' •.a-:•': , , demomtraUon that,lr\11 be -~ Prtl!ulO-~ . ~' told of lta applications in sur .r, - the motorin& ol tomorrow. "no bleeding, sterile and not mucl( pain .. , Rolarlans watched a rubber ball boul!C' Girdler aaid of the future "l fed the ed. It was then dipped into llquJd nJtroftn demand for eDeflY is ' Coirll t 0 at mlnua 320 degrees fartDbelt. It was .. ..._ .. et .. bounced again. It didn't bounce. It Illa~ ,.,,~ · tend like glaaa. In demonstratina the conversion-or an The demonstration eventually led in~ combultfon engine to n1tur1I oUtaide the Hotel Laguna where a gu, the speaker old, "right now wt can Southern Countlu Gu Company pickup red~c~ u;llaUJt ~Uulion by IMl percent." truck Wll parked. n Wll powered by . tn1tially lrt1n.stor:maUon, be &aUi, is natural gas which, it was said, would pro-~1med at urban fleets of vehlclu, police, duce 90 percent less of the hannful Jn· fire and commercial. Girdler admitted gredients in smog than gasoline woukl there are technical problems to be W'Ork· produce. eel out. . E. e. "Gene" Girdler, communily re!•· 1-1.e l~ld Rotarians, ''The state of tions representative for Pacific lJ&htiJli1 CaLifonua ha1 already set the 1974 1tan- Service Company, conducted t b e dard.s. If an engine burned rose petals demonstration. a.nd 1.~ produced less mlOI. we're on their He u~ Uquld nilrl>&en lo turn natural SJde. gas to liquid, reduclna Its volume. Girdler said 637 cub~ feet (l{ gas are reduced. to .... aiblc foot ol liquid. Girdler 'llld enough cold ii u&ed on a tanker of .Uqukl natural gas shlpped to En&land lo ,,_. oil the food the Brlltsh would use ln 10 years. He !poke of recent natural 111 flnd1 in !be English Norlb Sea and th• North Slope of Aluka. He 1aid natural aas ca.n now be l)'lrthealzed from coal. Laguna Thiers Taste Excellent Circus. • ,, - Furt1'er information can bt obtafntd by calling Robert· Huddleston of Riviera RealtY, 8. J.aguoa, 4119-2800, or Cal Dr<utl ' ol Fanners Jnillranoe in Laguna Beach. 40W/24. Sinee Its inaugutatlon in 1967, the Patriots' Day Parade has be.en the highlight of Lagut)a's observance of Washington's Birthday, doubling in size each year. . 1be aponsora have selected Saturday, Feb. 21, as the date ror the 1970 parade which, assuming city permission, will ronow the usual rou te from the high ~chool, down Park Avenue, up Forest Averuw, past a reviewing stand at City Hall, lfl the disbanding point at the mouth of the Canyon. Theme for the ~vent will be "My Coun· try 'Tis of Thee. '1 Among the flnt groups to aign up ror the 1970 parade was the Santa Ana High School Marching Saints and Drill Team, winner of the aweepstakes award this year, The Sant.a Ana group now headl the list of bands &elected to match ln Pasadena'• Tournament of Roses parade on New Year 's Day. lnvltattons to participate in the parade or contribute to its support a~ being sent to organizations in Laguna and other areas. Cqntributions may be sent lo parade chalnnan Gary Zimmerman, P.O. Box 1207, La~a Beach. Parade entry blanks and other inlormaUon may ~ obtained by catllhg Mn. Fred Ro" of the DAR at -11. From Page l SURF MEET ·. • • teJt because of a scheduling conflict in the ''Wide World of Sports" programs. The fans, some with crewcutJ and some with water-bleached long halr, in· !tead decided to come see f o r themselvu. They arrived in every .sort of vehicle ln:aa:tnable, ran&J.ng frOD) motorcycles to aurfw""°', and,IPilled out onlo tile pier, moat of ~ welgbtef! down with cameru, t?tpod1 and huge telephoto 1-~--i ' Ourinc·· and between ·uie ii-minute event.a tliey paraded the pier, arm-in-arm with lbelr -~ronie-loruJ'!d, bikini-clad tliri rri•ndl, trilu. II> find •• l>ett.r vantage · -$pol amoni tile solid wan of spectators lined up on. bcrtb railinp. Uniformed .and plaJn.<:lothes policcmeo were very much In evidence too but f0t.md It an euy weekend. 'Ibe crowd looked strqe but wa.s on tt.s but behavior. While compeilton were thundering lnto shorl on the ~ers, two z.ealous youths In hippie costumes, bearing homemade meaaphones and bibles filtered through the crowd, announcing "Jesus savu" and "All of us ate sinners and de.serve to go to hell.'' Not to be ouldone by the young folk in the compeUtion ror 10uls, HunUniton Beach's ainging preacher Mark Forsyth, sang hymns in praiu of the Lord at the 1talr1 adjacent to the pier , He handed out card1 ln.lcribed "God carea" which were momentarily received by annoyed hands, only to nutter to the ground and mii: with the trash seconds later. Texas J\Iother Held For Decapitating Baby ",,,. ....... Pen~on I ' " , ~~ Makes .New ' . Troop .Cuts . ' WASlllN.GTOfl (AP).-The Penta&oo 8Jl00Uriced plans today to cut U.S. armed i;tttngtb by aoolber 77,500 men, sidelining more tbao 200 pia,,., .and PIOthballlhi an<>ther 22 hips. The new ~ moveS will save an <stlmated l!M miUioc thiJ JUC. Tllo manpow~ ro3ucliool ioclude cieac-. ti.votton ol two-thirds .. r tile 5th M1trlne bi.vialoo. which wu activated for tbe Vietnam war in March 1966. A total of 20,300 Marines are involved but the division's 26th Regiment wlU stay in Vietnam. The Navy lhip 1-yup, which brlqas the loll! for !be year to 98,' includel thein· klll1eoce gatherln& ships Banner - 1itter llhip of the USS Pue~io wl\ich w"' 11ited Oy Norjh Korea -and !be Palm Beach. . The Air Fo~ce will reduce It! man· power 1trt1>glh by io.ooo' and it lo cut its dvllllil ell!PIO)',e payroll bY .11'000, A total of IOI plallet wjfJ oc cut oil the Air rarce.i1cUve Inventory or phased out. AT THE SAN YSIDRO BORDER TO BAJA, A LONG WAIT Even a Tljoene· T1xi Ceol~n'I Beet th, leNer Checkeol ni..e ioc:ludt aucb spedtl type1 u 24 WBtT we1U:it.r recoanaissance aircraft. FIOO .and · Fl filhlen and bi& cargo plones. ·· · , The lattlt defense c:utba<u -are part or Seo'tlary of De!-Mdvto R. Laird's pr"lf&lll 1o c:ut IS bUUon from ' bis p"'viOU!ly planned ddeme bud1et. ' ' f'rotlt P.,e I OPERATION INTERCEHT. •• Counting loday '• announced. cull, the Pentagon baa now made fl.isl· bllllon· ~n spending reducUons, with further lhip layups, aircraft phaseouts and manpower reducUons. still t.o come. smugglina trap stopped thousands more pounds of marijuana and large quanUties or drug pills. A bor who abandoned his car at tbt San Yi!dra border checkpoint rather than rial< running the Operation Intercept net wu arrested when 2,000 pills were found in the car. " Five men and a woman from New York City were capturM by Mei: I c 1 n authorities in Sonolto, a mile IOUth of Lukeville, Artz .• with 140 kiloa -about 300 po u n d s -of marijuana in their posse~alon. Nav)' patrol boats and Coast Guard vessels kept a clO!e watch on boats cross- ing tile international boundary offshore, buL apparently round no offenders. An aerial radar network set up to catch planes . flying over the border without authorization resu1ted In the turning back of three aircraft, none cart}'lna con- Police Get New T oSi r.0· Help . ' ' In 'Re~t'iJ,itirtg tr a band. ne p~lots were ,ordered to land on the U.S. side ot the Rio Grande ~ut they aim.ply had not filed flight 11lans with the Cll!toms department prior lo takeoff. Public l'<!ponse lo the ground upect of the monumental smuggling crackdown waa'}U# aliOul .Whit aulho!ltiea _ppedod and ·•hat m·1•QY ·~ bq!ineu ~ feared, , ' '"lbey1ve· ~very n(c:e, ~ fcq tell a lot of thein uo boiding lbetr Import in," said one customs agent who asked not to be identified. 1'otai Ii .S. miUt>rY strength cuts - which to some extent reflect the Amin-lean withdrawals tram Vietnam ..,... now atand 1t about 196,000. nus will Iuve the overall U.S. military force at ue million by ntil 1ummer. Lagrlna Planners Study Progress o~soy8 -aUli "We won't be back, 1 can tefi. you:. that," <flnapped .ane man as he roared <nvay from the border checkpoint at Douglas, Ariz., after a long wait. ';It's tbe blggest, sorriest mesa," Laguna Beach planning commissioners lamented W. $Jielley Ritchey, fonner tonight will study progreN on the ne\v Doua:Iaa. Aril., city attorney wbo b now Boys' Club, the problem of fences on the h1•prlvate practice. beach and traffic access lo the proposed "Who'• icing to, pay for thll?,t' asked u:pansioo of Laguna .shoals St. 1601 S. Douala Hilden! BUl7 Conwa7, • Cout lliglnra1. f'I'he tUp,_,era," laald H.• w. Van Builder BemaM Sytan will tel1 .the K«ll'tn of.1'11~ CitJ,,)Jil. "ttul U can'.t. planners that I.he Boys' Club would like, lljt\tcriter • .)fl ~ 'C (t e b In r 1 for the Ume being.,to retairt tbe;Thurston aamethln&, w,~n· fine.'' ·Trailer Park, k>;clt8d vn. B.Oya'. ~ub pro- 1'.'fhey catt::-~. Aarchtna forever,'' ~Y adjacent to .·IJ!;aew ta.c1Uty •. t1.s a .af4iSan Pl<i<i-~comPan;o ex· :bitfler betweei• lliiPclUb and a<11acent •tivu wunam 1'1hr-!'tbty .will have to residences. . stop sometlm.e ,ani W~ ~y ·do, it wUI The trailer park.now Is being OP'.f:rated The Laguna Beach Police $1rtment atart up aaain." ·... ".' ~ · by tbe. Soya' Club · and, accordi.llc to will have • new tool ill tbe hl com-"It'~ tbe -most rtdlculqui \bmc J eVer Syfan, "Is amorti!ing ltseU." He also will pettUvf! tut ol hiring u:perlen . police beard of " · llld Mai:tJ)D Weody l1 Or advise planners that the front part of the offlcen. Hennon1Beacb, adcJlDiabewattidtc:rlO new f1c~ty should be ready for oc.. PoUce Chief Kenneth Huckt wtlh four minutel. , cu~ 1n 30 to to days and will ~k ap- p0llctmtt1 . to hire .. had recomme~ Aulborillu -·SW.W that oiily prov of a completed landscaping pro- adoplliip, of a policJ uaed et-. II one twenUtlb ol ~ llOrmal ·ilumher of aram. would ·allow the d!J to hire uperienced penona, indudin& :111,GIJO pedea\ttw had Planners will consider Dr. JO!eph Tom· personneJ at a salary equivalent to their cio8led over into Nmco cft¥t to oPera-cbsk's auggestlon that a letter be experience and to what they receive at tlon Intercept. · • forwarded to the Clty Council regarding another department. ' ,·. clarification of the city's policy on Under existing ordJnance.thia could not .. ' , maintenance of public access to beaches. be done without incnastn1 the salary of D Bl' d 111 a auggested draft or such a letter. less experienced per!Onnei alnady oo Iha . ryer &me Tomehak wrote, "We would cequest that force to m-alcb the salary at whtc:h ~!. ' ..,, -< . , • _ _ the City councll direct the city attorney new personnel ... hl,.d. City Moilqer For i:-..::guna Fir' e and the planning department to in-Jamea D. Wheaton slid munlcJ.pal .L.fl:I · · vestt&ate poMlble 1lternatives to what employe uaodattom qreed with the ' '. aeema to be the bnminent closing of cer- rcc:ommendaUon. , Accumulated IJnt)llJm e·d""*' drytr, lain bucheJ to the geoerai p<1blic ... " So did councllmen Weddelday. They set Ignited by a water helter, wu blamed by The reference wu to erection of fenm. ol'1iln.ance reviaton tn motion to adopt tile Laguna Beach F1rt Department for a chains or o th e r bmicades around Huck'• recommendation. residence bllie Sunday aff:emoon. beaches In front or privately owned At the p0Uce chiers racommendation, Flrwrien aald the clothes dryer at the ocelllfronl llructur ... the council also held tint reading ot an Patrick E. Cory home, SU Bluebird Cin-Also due for study is a variance ap- ordinance that will lower from 12:0 con· yon Drive, was 'Ve D t e d into an area plication by Richard Burt who seeks to secutive hours to n the mJnimum time under the house wbert a Jarae amount of add 32 units to Lagu1a Shoals. The ex- before which a vehicle maf be removed lint had aCCllrnulated. It caught fire when pansion has been protested by owners of from a public street. a nearby water heater turned .on: The the neighbor Ina ·Lagwia Sands who assert "Not only would this amendment et· owner WU able to,_ exuncwah,. the blaze that serious traffic circulation problems pedtte the removal proce.u, but often with 11 garden hose and damage was might arise on narrow Viking Road, an Durins the fast-paced demonstration, Girdler ate • h'ozen graham cracker. Rotarian• chuckled as smoke poured from his nose. . Laguna . Beach Poli~ are seeking to 1c!entHy a faah1on·rwnded thief who r!!porte.dly strolled into The Wet Seal, 140 Broadway, selected four expensive knit dresses from • rack near the front door and strolled out with them while store at· tendants were looking the other way. MERIDIAN, Tex. (UPI) -An 16-year· old mother said she cut her baby daughter's head off because "it is just a cruel world ." eliminate the hazard, of these vehicles on limited to charring of S'.llds under the extension of Bluebird canyon Road used narrow street.a," Huct wrote. house. by both properties. l11\llY 1'1101 ~ COo\ll l'\lll !Vtl ... COMN.N'f leffrt N. WeM ............ ,._ ... ,"' J•c.• .. ~1.., Vkt~, ........ Mfuttt' De••• K"'il .... n111111 A. M.,..,hi~• Mffllllfll ....... ,idiof111 P. H•ft __ ... _ ---ltt ,.,... ....... M11U.t -'"''"" P.O. 111 ••I, 'llJJ --"" Mot: ,. Wiii ,.., ,,,... "'-' 9"dlll tttl .., It ............ ,. ~ .... 1.Mllltr.M ' Georgi LaPierre of The Wet Seal told poll~ the theft, believed to have oc· curred Wednesda y, Involved dresses valued at '96, '80, SSS and '5(1. The woman, Mrs. Randy Ashcraft, was h'ld without bond In Boaque County jail today. charaed with decapitating the 28- day-old baby. The Diatrict attorney was expected to talk with Mrs. Ashcraft to- day. Foes of Capo Traile1· Parl{ U1·ge Protest At Council Opponent.I ol trailer parka within Sin Juan Capistrano have been b u 11 y circulitin& flyers over the weekend ura· ing mldentl to prot6.'l triller park ion- , ing at tonight's city council metUng. "Do we want San Juan Caplslrtno to become the trailer park capital of Southern California?" say1 the unalgned circular which is enUlled The Traller1 Are Coml111. · Undar the beading critit one it mds "at,,,_i l'e i)lv,e Cllllf l,* 1<1ki<nceo (1,800 votm) in Sm Joan Clplltrano 11 "1'f'O'od lo approlimaltly 1.100 trallors (approximriei)' 2,800 Vollrl)," The me11111 ursa resident. to c1n lhelr councilmen and at.tend the 7 p.m. meetina: to enoouraae the council to "deny fUrlbtr upioitaUon of the San Juan valley btlare 1t ~ ~ late." Councilman Dan i>Urntord, who Is fomtilar with !be comp1.ain~ said there are four mobUe home altea undtr con- sJderalion at thll Ume. "I've helrd 1qu .. ta before, eapaclalfJ about the nioblle home park neor the airport," .. id Dumlord. "People fqOI tbal one of !be conditi!!ns of annexation of l h a t particular pror:rty Wit that it would contaln a mobl e home park." Another l'Wlctm ol the circular is the lmprovement of the section of fronlr1:e road alongside Camino Capistrano which runs in front Of the post office. "The ctty owns only nine feet o( thal road," at!d Durniord. "The rest is privately owned. 1be. city don its but to maintain the part St own& and I've seen Carl Hinkey, al his own .,penae filling the chuck holea: on the rest of It." Hankey ii a lonattme reakJent of Capillrano. Councilman Bill Balbgate Aid thai he hid received only one phone call pro- taatin1 the trailer park. This waa fn>m a ""!dent in Million HUI>. "l don't know how wide the clrculaUon has been," iaJd Bathgate, "but I dld not receive a flyer." Although the circular was unsiifted, Bruce Winton. prealdent Of t h e C.plttrano Chamber of Commerte said tt wu from the San Juan Clpltltano BeauUrut committee. Gep llurenber1er, president of that tll'GUP "" unable lo be reached lor comment. The Old Philosopher Strikes Again (almost) patron saint of common sense,•• he wuld undoubtedly 10 along with the times and pick out one of our beautifully tailored Oevo .. shire suits, or perhaps a smart doubl .. breasled blazer wi1h bar· moolziDg slacks. OUr usortment of Don Loper neckties would cer- tainly llctle hia fancy. It wu Beajamill Franklin who said, "Eat to pleue Uiysell, but dress to pleue olhen." We go along wilh that -but only up to a poiot At our store we want thyaell Lo be pleased as well as others. We believe, to paraphrase another notable of !ht past, "To thine own self be true, and lrighllul lhou will look to nolnan.11 On most olher topics we 8f"O w!lh Benjamin completely. He wu Indeed quite a fellow-auth· or, editor, printer, inventor, d.Jp-- lomat, humori&t, philoaophar. And then, of coune, he flew kites. He wu 1pry u .• fox Into his elgbtiu and always kepi an eye opeo for pretty girls (a guy like Iha! can't be all bad). I If the remarkable Mr. Frank· !In wandered Into our no,..,..,. in& his tight ltnee breecbea of sa- Un or velvet, on embrolderecl waistcoat, Imig silk stockings and powdered wig, we might be hard prusld to reouWI hbn In that colorful colonial style. But since old Ben "'as called, "America'• The point is, at Bidwell New- port we bove clothing to sult any- body'• tute. And a staff of peo- ple who would 1end Ben on his way wilh a fitting wiuerobe and a smile on hia face. We certainly wouldn't have told him to golly a kilel. Jack Bidwell UCT Via Ude a& 1".ewpert BlvL, Newpen BwJa. Pleat.y et_,.... JIU'kla• la tile ""· . l•st ••-th.e ,.... In. c:..te Mesa .. .. «:. ........ Mar. Alld Mly ......... ...... Jpeaatlfal d9W1!1&e-Jlar•aak. (U ;roa dft't .............. , ., a ., ..... ). l '. . I I t • .. * . * .JOc. 62, NO. Z27, 4 SEC~ONS, lt '~A&ES . . - • DAILY PILOT A.,191 ,. ... ,. ._THE RIVER THAT TAKETH AWAY SHALL NOW GIVETH S1nd From Jetty Moulh Wiii R1ploc1 Eradld Nowport llucltfront HugeNewportS.andllaul Opemtion.~la!isMonday ' • . J r ' ; .. 91 JE1IOMI F. COLLINS aw~ l'N6 ~. In<., ind John • Of 1't Ofilr, Plllr Sl•!f W. $uchap&p of ~.Jeacb. They jointly Starting nm MO!lday, earthlialllen will '1imllflled· • 16irtiili GI .1,267,lOO, more rumble · through lhe muck GI the Santa tliin,lll itillliori_ ~the hlilbett bid. . Ana Rtver from 10 'miles inland to the N~ B:ea~. City Tideland.• ' Uin h th 'II d . n.~ · Administrator GePfge Dawe!,' who 111 ~ e, ~ ere ey WJ ump .....,.~ workiiig 'wilb the~ Corps and the con-- load of Blll aking West Newport J tractors on. pl3M ·for· the project, aid beachfront. mobifluUon·of equipment and «her in· It will be the beginning of a six-month--iUal ~paratiool will take place Monday, long $1.2 million sand-moving project but i1 may not be.unl11 later in the week ' . that the ~ ol the sand Oil th• that will serve two purposes: beach actually ·bel1M. • · -Unclog the storm-battered, sill-He said yery llttJe; H any, debris shou)d swollen river channel, !teeing it for the wind up on ~~ii lludl during \the smooth· now of future rain waters. spreading proCels. • 1 ... -Provide an 'esllmated one million tons "We doo't 'r~l'll any dead. chickens, of' sand to build up the periodically erod· logs, bamboo s~ or 'a!lythlng like tJ1at " be sail!. "We'.re'lhootinJ ror quaU· eel beach between Uie river jetty IOI.Ith to ty ~~iy?-' :-,.._ • ' the Newport Pier area. li.par.ting 1bO 'debris .rrom the sand Ricord storms last January and will be one of the contiactorst pt'ime February packed the river wtth sand and respoos.ibif,lties, accortling·to. the Corps. debris. l.-1uch of It has pil~ up • at the · Dawes em~ there ts no-chance rfver mouth, closing .tt ofl and threaten-~e clt.Y' wlll recerre aey con.tamlnated ing a massive back.up -and overflow -silt A brtak in ~wer fhlea: in RJvenlde in the event of more heavy rains. list spring polluted the river and coastal The U.S. Corps of Engineer• today an-waters, com~ • quar•ntine luting nounced a contract for the job bu been several weeb. "There la no bacteria pro-blem in there now," said Dawes. 4'lt'1 all Seaplane Soon -May Take Off From Upper Bay A seaplane may soon be laki.Jli off and landing in Upper Newport Bay. But It. would be only for a day, and thert won't be more than thm take-offs and lan4in1s. been percolated out." No city mOney is involved Jn the massive undertaking, the largest aand- haul projtd since municipal; state and federal agencies 1 began-wrestling with Wcsl Newport erosion crisea five years ago. · '"'°'-rll'er.,cleanup wUl IDclude. con- ~~~l:;:..t,:;::~ high tidd while 1he lianl rigs dO' their work upstream, Da,,.. erplatned. 'Chadwick and BucUnan have llO cfayl to. fmiJh the job, lie·~ 'rbls ~ lhe eatthUulen would ~ olf lbe btacb well before lpring vacaUon. • ' ' • • ·o~N6E ·cQeNIYf q,..CIFORNIA'. . . -. ' ,, "' . ~ .. ,, TedeY'• :P••el TEN CINTS •w, ... 'I , ' • ' .. 'J , .. ' ' • • ' ' • •• , . it Pentagon Sla~he.s Military: . ' ' . . ~~orwmy Move .to Sij,~. ~~5~ Jl,illifJ'! a Year • ' ' I • .. WASIDNGTON (AP).-'Ille Pentagon allllOllllCOd ~ todqlo'i:UI U.S. armed st,...ih by another 'IT,lOO men, sldelliilng ..,..., lhli> 20ll pl8111& anil mothballing another :12 hips. Tbe new economy moves will·-save an eslimated 1118 mllliO!I thil year. T·he_manpower.r.eductions include de.ac- tivation of two-thirds of lhe 5th Marine Diviaion which was. activated for the Vietnam ·war ln March i»&e. iSewport Pair . Didn't Give Up In Boat.Salvage By EVELYN 'HERWOOD Of .... 0.lt)' t'lW St• • Insurance mtn had declared the 4.>foot ketch 1~ched on ~ .r_9Cky shoreline near Monterey a total toss. But Newport Beacb'1 Bob Btay, ~.and two friends didn't think so. They bought the ill-fated craft for $2,000 and worked on a plan. . T'ne trio, Bray said today, hild a boat, but the problem WU, getting it off the rocks at Los Pines aftu ltl former· owneNldpper ran it aground' on · a thwaried attempt lo ..U ll1lUnd the world. "We got a pile or mat1resaes,'' Bray said,· and lined the outside « the hllll with them so she wouldn't break up ad tat. ~ ... ·~ . . Aa·ll!e lllne-J!IO!!~ ~Pi&U lo1.'llftltllll ~.~"'fiJ81t.w"v1'bef1 cam(led ....... ,__ lo·-"11 oilter .,~.,..11 • • ' I ~ lllef ~ ~~'1'f :ti. .-.-==n~w. ... crw, the bin Uppod. tile ullboat olf the "'°" aIJ4 ralaed'ber onto -lop on the beaCh. They then dragged "1.6 Bateau" lo dry land, then lo 1 boil yard. · "ft'll lake a good year .llld 41,000 to brhlg her back into abape, 11 Bray Kid. "~t we think we can take up when! the former owner Jdt otr. We'll try·to linish hia voyaae," he .added. J1111ea Wells of Sauaalilo bwahl "Lo Bate.au .. new for bil clrcwtm.av1•aUll1· He was at the helm when ahe hit the roca three miles aouth ol Monterey. Wells, a aevtn-yw veterin of the Navy, Ind his tliree jllUengen setombl· tC! ald,y lo !l>ofe.: .• Wll!n! 11 n;, ,_, · '1fe went td Hong Koll.I to order a new boal He's aoJng lo tl"f 1he !rip· again," B'ray aid. ' . . Coast . Man ·Loses $8,000 in Gems • Whlle &bert w, Llmacher dined al a Corooa de! Mar restaurant burglan atole more thin $9,000 in jewelry from a 1a!e in' hla Irvine Tmace home, police repo<\ed today. Umacher, 1717 Bayldere Terrace, told . ofllcen be left home It S p.m. Friday afternoon and returned before midnight to fmd the jewels a:ooe from a rutnc · cabinet 11.fe. Investlgolon. a,ald the bufl!ar tlltered °" home thrOUlti lb unlocked polio door. then pulled lncb oil two more 111dlng 1doon befcrf enterlnc · the muter bedroom. .. A Iota! of 20,300 Marines are h1'01Tld -ci'<ililn .employe !l'YIOD by IJ,llOO. but the division's nth ROgiJMlit wUl 1ta1 . A total ol IOI P1f'* wlll.~col olf Ifie in Vietnam. ~ Air Force actlve ~er ~"Ollt. The Navy ship layup,-whlch bring• the These Include '18th q>edal f1pa 'U S4 Iota\ for the year to 1118, includes lhein-WB47 weather rtcQnnaluanee aircraft. leU!gen<:e gathering . shlp;a, &anner ,~ r100 and F4 fl&hten and big· ,cargo sister ship of the, USS Pueblo wlilt:h) ~ plane•. · • • i ' sel:ted by North Korea -and the ·Palm • !J'be latest defense cutbacks ~are1*ri.:Ot Beach. Secretary ot Defense Melvin R. Laird'• The Air Force will reduce its man-program to cut SS billion from his pqwcr slrength ~y 50,000 aod is to cut i!-'i previously P,.aoned detense budget. .. CouatinC today'.I --....... Peot-·bu lmr ti10de II ... billloo 11 sp;qdlng nd~. with -llllp llJUpi, aircraft ph.-rta and ....,.._, reductions, still to come. ~ta! U.S. mill\P)' st,.nglh cuta - which lo ..... ~ rellect the American withdrawals 1tom ,Vietnam - now 1tand at about 198,000. This wilt leave the: overall U.S. milll¥f foret at 3.2& miUloo by -·~'!'· Youth to Face Charge in Lido Traffic Death A 17-year-old Los Angtlt1 )OOlll'loday awaited juvenUe court ad.Jon o n mamlaughler charges In the death this weekend of a 17-year-okl girl in a freak Lido hie traffic crash. Dickinson Crosby Rou Jr., 17, WIS booked on man.slaughter charges Frid&¥ immediately after the 10 p,m. cruh, poUce Aid. ll<boroh Lee Anderoon, 17, of Loi Anctles. died lmtanUy In the acddtnl 11 VII Antlbes and Via Lido Non!. Sbe-lllflered aevere lntema1 lnJuri• lfter Roel' -car, apeedlq on Via lJtlo Nord, alddded for "'°"' lhli> IOI feet 1M blt.acurlllnadslde. ,_ lmjad u.r... .. An<ltnOI\ ll!nalh. ., - -on ' tho l"--'a lide 'Ulll ealo tilt paYMt. --""IDjurleo cGU1d --~ U,1111 Pl lilt .. -framlo . ot·~ ._ wu ijected Ind feU onto tilt .... lil\itil. t. ; . '.. ' ... . .. Ar r~E SAN· v~1~1tolao~DER ~o LUA, A. ~Oti!G ;A-~' Evin.a. Tlju1 .... Taxi .eouldn't l!;ft·tho· Bordar Chocbut : .. . Border Drug Crac~wn ' J • • . ' Causes B.ig .Trqffic J~m ,.J_·,· !·~·~JI ., From Wirt Stl'\'itet and Agua caueote: Operotion Intercept wu begun fonnllly By the time the traffic Jam rud>ed Ila Sunday, netting thousaDda or do!lm h.·~~ .cin we~ .backed !'J''for ~mo • .- worth or1marijuana -and · eveB " o:D. into Tijuana u euiQr•llltl IUh:bed Ira band 111ch .. noor and avOcadbl -In every singlevihlcle J<ir ~ the toogl>est International lllllUQllng Long-halred, or beoldtd young peopjo crackdown ever. . . _ predictably -weie-1Ubjected to ttte . The·Jolnt U.S. and Mexican· proiram · .... 1,thorough ,l~tloo,,IDfolvlal a creited tremendous traffic an.arts-It all . .»minute: veltlc!e ~(lfl. · · bonier cn>Ming polots, Just as It dld l11t The ma"1vo attemP!·lo lllopthe now ol 111ursday when tried in practice for tbe marijuana and ~f~ drugl entering flnt tlmo. the U.S ·from · wUl .... .m In fl• The wait lasted up to slx houn for feet fndefinltdy, autbortUe.s lllDOUllCed many of the 90,000 persons 1n 30,000 SUnday ni&ht. vehicles who tried to return from bullfllhb and hone racing In Tijuana 'Ille woi'd wu al..., by .DaVld M. It.,.. nedy, oecretary ol lhe•tnaoury, and John . M'. Mltcb<ll, U.S. attomey•aen.tal. . I _., 1 • I ' NBW Ylllii 1AP) -Tbe ~ -ht. shrvall1I : all .. mlled tmld jnValeat du"'1( much ol ·tl\e atai<ll. finlslled on Ng!> .,..oo.tllday , with advanceo abead ol d.alnea by m«t than 100 llluea.. (lit< quotations,. tqea 11-11) .. ~ biUt>t p'me cauibt In the ~ .l>mt .... • Unlf<~IJ--<>f "~ ltudeni·Mldiett'l\"Ml1dloll, 23, llril1il fiir ~·ticlii ol' ...... I~}" ,.~. P'; ~ tt -. wllO .... not huri, "ll8lered I hi,11 ..... i>iolDI ... !bl -tllafywt tllt to.~ charges ol -driving, ol~ alleged. Two •-lo Ille cnlh Aid Roa' auto was trd-at least 70 mUes JMI' hour ·-It ml.Ued the curve at~ bJo tmection, Wdded, hit t~cur1>. then tfp. ped over on lb aldt. Mias Andenoa wu sitting on the con- aole Of tbt ear between the driver and another puaenger, Carl F. Meyer Jr .• tr, ol Loo Aneeles. lie .... nOt hurt. Police and firemen ad m In 1·1 t ere d nitRllcltafion to Miss Anderaou bef'in an linbulance arrived. She wu· -on arrival at lbrC llm!Orial Hoepjtal II 10:25: p.m. Roos w., taftn lo Orange Oiunty Juvmfle Hall lfter hit bookJni at po11ct boadquorten, Minibu8 Stolen In 2 Sections Mldnlibl meclianlca this weetend made off with Jama L. Roal' · mfnibua tn Nnport lleach. 11\eY did 11 the hard way: !Int the veh!cfe, then the eoglne. Roa, who kept two buaea parked near hit borne at 470 N. Newport lloulevaid loR one vehicle wbich bad no engine. ' The thieves, wbo needed llDelbinc .; make it go, unboned aa b,100 engine frGm the other -llld look that, too, police said. . Roll r'1lO!te<f the thelta Sunday morn. mg. . . . • Producer> of the Walt lllsney film, "BoatnJP," staring Phil Slivers. are seeiing .dtr,. county and ·PAA approvaJ to UM: the ,plane 1t the. Back Bay's upper end. ,~., . \· Best «t Hunt,lngtoa Authorlllis u!d be carried a-dlljo o1 J,llllll pounds' GI rillrtjoana reooried& l'littbaled In Muallalt and deitJned fOr Bertell)'. Police th-lhe w<... ...,ked through the nla!!t utracUng lhe .._, Jve power plmt. • The fliibll, lhey aay, would -take place !Ometim~ nei:t month. . City councilmen · tonijht ·will dtcidt whether lo amend a city baa. againlt seaplanes In the ·bar.. T I d' e l a n d 1 Adminbitrator George Dawts recqnt· mends lh6 miiion, which' woul(l 1 tum · over the <leclstOIHl>lking the" ci1J m"111u'1 olfict. Dfmey crews have been filmin& "Boat- nlki'' aroand Newport for the pQt few weiekl Qawt.i .slid ll is likely the county H~ District would approve the "lll'ltne request If the city -· The FAA would then determine when woukl be the ufOll t1mt lo fly lhe old twi. .,,,... StlNon L-L • 'Movlea .an continually ll!jq Newport as 1 a bacqround, and • tbll IOOvte could hafe a favor1ble effect on the ctt:)," aaJd Dawea. Orange CountJ Aifl'O'I Diroctor &lltrt 8runalian Aid today he is 11\'are cl Che Dltoey Qigbt plan. "'"'°Y 'asked me lor permluiOft, but tt 1sn't up,,_~ t:n'.': he Aid. "It's ap lo the cllJI, lhe Hiil>iir OiJtrict and the FAA. We have enough problems without crtatlnc any new MIL" , I ' _,,_ •looc the l,IOl)-m!le-Jong Jn. · :(J9~ckY., Keeps Surf Crown tomaUonal ·bOrdet, the ,..,.silenly"Jlru!IC 11111aallnl tn~ llopp<d -lllon! pounda Of mlr!jUana Ind ilrlo quantlllOlo of drul pUla. A boy,.wbo abl~ ,bi. car at. the San Yaldla border -Int· rlther than risk ~ !he ~atlon Int<retpt net ' COMPL'ETE SUR,.NCJ chemd him oo .to anolher ooe.of his wUd ~., amtteit-l,llllll jlllla ,,_ louDd . "'"'· '"~~::Olnda·~-Niii'Yill'I< ' RESULTS PAGES Many GI the Judg81, lncludlnr !load ' CllY were coPfunif by Me~leao title. But lhe •-vado aDd .-: M•• ~ ="u!"~.::'4 ..:1 ~ . (leo OOllllCliPT, P• fl W• ~ .M~ ...--r-,-4 awanl went lo Gerry l.opei.11. bf.J11wa!L 1mool 'COU .. ...,. surllnl·lo be I-. BUI i t . ,,... • _.. pllC!ld liflb in the "*"'"""'' '° °"'-"""'' .. -. -N '.fh • !::i:-,· ~ .••• ~~·-·~ 1or. * -.-.. ~ ewport "ater · m<ll I ,i!lvllbl,, ""'°'d!'ll -"""-"", bocl: '9cHiwilJ wijh a !lllb plKttRl>llJ~ • V boll> Saluntoy ibf'tiidoy, i!1 mUing I Dn1 11arrieon, JS. o1 ~ a-1>, hllb IJlllCI "-' """thnolJI 111o razor. OUllnlneu•oced fellow H._ Jll!fto flit by· Burglars · lhlfP blmacle eocnllled Jlillllp ol H""' l'u<puo, IO . for --" lplll while ~ Un&tor1 BtlCh Pier. . • I t • Arnt., 11,' of Pacific Pal&adet, -.Tv'~ ~ ' ' : I Som< c1oaed their <felt~ ollouted poallii(• Jam" Amal, i:apj\uOd ,...... • ~...,.1'Jed~~ ~~ ,.'::;.• 14oh DO" II Lopes roile 'fnswii~ to lice. ' ' , "!:'•"":; ' W'lf cf..fhe-<>aei'r--bl~ W\terfalis ~-COO'. r._.=I. '",1(1111 f ... Unid •llie pllr , °!f with l~f!I·--....... ......,.' crete plll111. · 1~ ._.;.i-.....,,..,' iJ...,h S1tlll'4J1 lor'-tbe. 11\wpol -pDllet ""111 lliof.- t • -:..,-1 , u --.it·tliO .-on Ille .-111 · Fathers, mother> atld crl f tr a~ ~ eveoll wh!Je.~U!ldo1·• fiiiall side lrl • the' l>atldhol: rcpeatedli' rullM11flo.!hl..-*' Iii 11!1 ~.an. atimttecl 111,000 lo ~.ooa. T11<I.u.i 1-t·u~·lo·tllo a111ce, pier lo ~ il Gerry had inlde'ttfon)1 f.O 1pecl11orL • ' pried -I ~ and foond the "8l>llQI Und hil oran,..belmeted htld bobblnc ''.The aurl 11 oboul the be.st ~ve. bad Jn •• caim.I , '. , · ,.fely up and down In the wbltewsler. In: three Y•o~." bt8lned HorbOrt .adll Tho th elt •Wit dilco~tfed 5-y • And u aooa.11 lbq uw him Ill~ lhly . ' (ftt SUR!' lllEEI', Pap I), . m0m1nt. • , ' • • l ' . . ,. .. . . . . .. •.. ~l_J._ -~ ·-."-lol----... 0r .. ,. ' J • l ' ' l -,. - •, • ,-... i .~ .!':,.,;.. ·-{' 1t. . -DAILY ,!\.OT Shift ....... CORKY CARROLL -OF DANA l'OINT'..:.lSt\; w,)j OF THE HOUR-IN CHAMPIONSHIP FORM H. Won Min's Dlvisllft, Podd~ .... RK• •nd WH Selected Bat All-A,..,nd Surfer l'rot11Pqe1 Wrestler '"Pinned!' ~~R~~~~~. :; .. );,:. bet the tt1m.i.., peopl• are sorry.... None ,,in Family in Surf Finals that ibeY didn't come." · ., ' 'Ille -bid bee~ teJOvised by the He'• a bad py Ill the ~ ring, ABC network in previous yun but was but •I Uffnr coat ..... 41-,_..ia Lani di8cooUllUtd shortly belort the 1911 q>o-J._'llloorl 11 a belovoil c:o)opetitar. tut becl ... d • -.iUn& ·~ In n. ~ -flam Hawaii lite ''!J"Jde Wocld of Sporta~ pnllramL w• mlaai ~le IDfl toca.'aMhe --• The fans. some wtth crewcuts and ttopn. ....,.._ ufbocd f~ ....,. wHb w1t.r-bleached long bail', in· and ~ts the 11rat't11Dt In bi& Ille, stead declded lo i;ome see 1 or lie --. , tbemlelves. . Nol Giiiy Wu Ito coacemed llbout doln& 1bq arrlved in every aort of vehicle ' wallll!J,lbe XlmlalnN Di•ili<lll, t~' "old In:qlolble, ranging Ir= motoreycles lo· 101")''1" ~ Ji!it ho l>rougb\ wit~ blm 1orfwac•o!, and spilled oot ooto the pier, hio I0-""1'<Jld eoo Jimmy and bil moat of theln weighted dawn wi\h daJChter ~ ti. bath of whom were CIDltrll, t~pocls and huge t~lepbolo eniencl In the dllmploi>!hips, lenses. , Tbe bq!l<y,'wbile-hllr<d, beop ol IDWl- Oming 1Dd between the lZ..nUnute cle itrUtied mound UU a mother hen as events they paraded the pier, arm-in-Inn both son and claugbter made tbt1r runs. with their brorJzo.Wmed, bikini-clad &irl But it proved to be 1 sad clay for the Irlendl, trying to find a better vantage Blem famllio, l'llberi dtdn'I make t!>e spot among the soQd wall ol opedaton !inall. Nelllllt did 1111 -dfllllbler 111· lined up oo both rlllinl'-the m<n'• and ..,.... .. di-. ' Uolformed and p111n-clotbes l"Ucemen Th.ti doelo'I ·meaa they are ~ ; were very moch ID·-tao but !o<md surlen. The ~ WU just tao It u euy weekeod. The crowd io\*ed t..P, · 1 • , • IU'8Jlgt bat was on it.I best bebavior. Laura ranU aecand fn the atate ti ~c::~.,.::.1:"~ ~~to~.:;:;~= In blJJ!ie oostUmes, beorlng .. top mrten lollc-. .. : me111P',.,.. IOd bibles llll<rod lhn>uP The whole ~ In Mlllbu tbec:ruwd.~"Jeaa,.-1 j=:. ~lo '!bll"Blearl •AD ol u are sinn4rl add•••"•· d " u_~....,lt~li ~ · 1 lo bell." 1 · · / If 'ir1 ... ~1bo'q -of ATT Not lo be outdooe by !he Ol!lll mi'·JpTd,'' bt ilald. "11 wu . ,_ l'o the mmpolitloo I« ~· ~ .,..,'ve Fl to bave courap I_ )bis ':-1 : ' ' Beac11'1 1inging prucbft Mfht FOl'IYJt iort of thlq," be coatlnu«I. ,._. I Ulll llJmlll in praise of the" Lani 1t tbO 11'pped into the cold W111"r II Mlllbo, I ltlln adjaceot lo the pier, . thought to Jlll'oell, '-.bot am I do~, Be banded cut cuds inlcnDed ''God here?' " Cira" which were momentarily received Blears, who claims to rate the title of by annoyed b.md.s, only to Dutt.er to the "Lord" even though most people are COD· grount and miJ with the trQh teC'Ollda vinced it's just wrest.ling showmanship, tater. hails from Manchester, England. Tbt contest 1ot oU lo a late st&rt Saturday mamin& when • Huntington 8elcb Sanitation Dept. truck cnmcbed in- lo a power pok wbicb supplies electricity lo the pier. . COmputen used in the scoring: AS well_ u te.JepMne communications we f e ponqud rrom 1p~tely g,30 1.111. to I a.m .• cawiinl mass confmian until _ tbe power WU J'!aclivated. Shah to Visit u:s. ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Shah o( Iran will make an o!Hcial visit _to WashinitOn on Oc:t. 21·22, the While House said today. nie empress will not accompany him because she is e%pecting a chlld early next year. H.! moved lo Hawiu in ISM 'to ncuperate fr!>"' 1 shouldtr injury. ••1 started paddling every day to get in shape, just to prove to myself that l could do it," he said. , Paddling soon led lo surfing for the "Lord" and he infected the entire family • with the fever. lU: other children, Clinton, lZ, and Carol, 16, as we:U as his wife Lee, surf in the ~Y waters of Hawaii Ol06t every day. ·At home, Lord Blears still wrestles for a living and emc~ two television shows a week. Texas Mother Held For Slaying Baby Marines Shorten Vietnam MERIDIAN, Ta. (UPI) -An 18-yur· old molber aid she cut her baby d~'s bead off because "it is just a ~world. .. 1bt woman, Mn. Randy Ashcraft, was held wttllout hood in Bosque Coontr jail today, charged with d<capltaling the 21- day.old baby. The: District attorney was upected to talk with Mn. Ashcraft to- day. OAllY PitOT ..... CIOf,S1 ""9t.llMIM9 ~ ••Mrl N. w"' ..................... J•di l . c..r.., VIClf ,.,..._ -0-., .._.., n ••• , c ... ;i ·-n.. .... A M ... .i,1111 -........1 .... . .i.-'· c.n;., --... _ ' ---HI I w ... lelMt. ._.,,arl ...... ~P.O .... 111l.t26U. --c.-........ ..., """' U9N~m,_._ tis•~~--..... ·-e' ' ' ,..n.oi ............... .. . _ ....... _ ........... ..,. .... .. ., ............... ~ .... C.-...._ U.-..... ••MM ... _ ... .._ .......... -.............. ,.., ....... ..... ._ ..... _.9" ... --.;. .................. -.... -.c.. .... . 7 7 t7'41 '°'4121 • &~F 'P ''Eta.NII =.--~,..._, ·-=..,:'I• -·-,... ..... _ ............ _ -·---.-:-!9tU!'41£"1 ,-:-r,.:.-= ;...-.; __ .. _ --- ,. Duty From 13to12 Months SAIGON (UP!) -The U.S. Marine Corpa has shortened Vietnam duty for its troops from 13 to 12 months, to match that o! the Army, Navy and Air Force, military officials said Monday. The order, iuu~ by the Pentagon and effective immediately. will affect not on- ly Marines arriving; in South Vietnam _i;(I the fuluro but also the 72,000 leatherneck.\ cUrrently servina in I.be war iane.. Military soorcea said Marines aua,hed to the 1st Marine Division al Da Nang who have ai least 10 months in Vietnam will be transferred to the 3rd Marine Division, which Is being · wilhdrawn from lhe war zcnt. Marines in the 3rd Oivls:ion with Jess than six moolhs duty h<A will be reassigned to the i.t Division, wbicb will remain at Da Nana. Memers of the 3rd Divl&:ion be.gan withdrawing Sunday from batUe positlom alOll& the demllllariud zone (DMZ) and reasaemb!ed In basts at Dong Ha and Quang Tri cities, where they wUl man final .inporaUoos 10< departuro \o the United States and Okinawa. T b e dlviaion'1 Jr.s rqiment will leave Viet· Marine Struck · By Train, Killed A mangled bodY found oo the Sanio Fe Rallrold tracta in San ctemmte early Sunday bu -idtnlllled .. !bit of Marine Pvt. Vktor Manvel Torres, It, of Camp Ptodletoo • Toms' boctJ Wll fOWld by IR lttl mldent 1t the aide of tn<kl lbeut lllO Itel west of IJnda Lane. It' Is btU.Ved !hit Toms wu alone II the tlme of the incldenl Camp P<nclleton offlcilJJ today said Toms home llddrt,. Is 3Mtl 4llll St., - nam for the United States by Oct. 15, military soure<s said, and it. Ith Regl· ment will depart for duty in Okinawa by Oct. 31 . About 18,000 Marines are in- volved in the withdrawal. The di vii.ion's 9tb R e g i m e n t was redeployed to Okinawa last JuJy and August during the withdrawal of the first 25,000 Am~lcan troope from Vietnam. The Nix.on administration tw ord~ another cutback tGlaling 3$,000 by Dec. 15. r \ '-~ 3 Additional CdM High Youths Merit Scholars Thre< Corona del Mar High School students In addition to the seven 1'hose names were published list week are Na· lionaf Merit Sch01anbip semlfinalista. They an Ingrid Rowland, Elena Schroedtr and Ian Shelf. Miss R°"land took the quaUiylng test Jn Austria whert her father, UCt chemiltrJ Oeparttnenl Chalnnen F, Sherwood Rowland spent the spring quarter. Miss Schroeder ii a tranaler from 1n Arizona hlgb tchool when she took the test. Sbe.lf wu absen t the d11 the tut wu given 1t Corona del Mar HJgb and took It elsewhere later . The seven previously announced Merit Sdlolmhip semlllnollst. lr<>m COrono del Mu lllgh ire K.1hieeo Camp, C.therlnt Egli, Btned1clt Fr111, Ethan Gelbaum, l..aurle Hudson. Nelson JohMCO and Susan Thompson. Willi 10 lludinb 1cbievin1 the honor, Corona del Mar lllib did but ol Ill)' ICbool in tbe areL Crash ··KiDs .·Mesia Bair . ~9url1fjut""; '!)l!p_.of Auto Sheared t • -• ... c. ""-ill'li ~ 1111 atopaon - .,., ~ "" .. ...., the lomily d .. wtJlcl) Md ~ ---lier -. .,. killed. ~ S\IDdl!Y In I IP'<~• thnt-Cll' cnlll In ffllnliJlllOO 11<.tch. Four .ui.r jlerioos wen NntelY in- Jlftd in th( eoUWon en PICillc ~ ~· Dtll<-et .- Jiit ' !~ tiOlilC t• Ill , ilooal Toll ID Street and all .,. in l'JOd coodilioo todlJ at Hoag Memflrill Holplltl. The lala!JUes, both ,,__ dead 11 the -· .,. ·AlfrOd G. Alcorn, 47, 4nd Michael G. Fon!, 17, bolh of 1111 Sicily Ave., Costa Mesa. • The lop ol.Alccim'1 cor WU -..S·Glf a1 lhougb by • lilnt CID -u lt llld upoido ®'f1l along the povanenl In the era.Ii, w!tich ...,led trlllic-for oeven! mUea. Police .aid they were decluod·deld by I pbyslclla who WU ll!IOlll lhe molorilt. caught bi the monwnenW lrllllc jam. Injured In the croob but tmproring·to- day were eounne, G. 11(1111!1'. St :' b1I wife Mary, 27, both of .tJIQdleu\dt .Lalie, Huntington Beach, and Nancy L. Kent, 21, and Walter E. Siebert, 22, both of ;-Beach. Investigators Aid ·Ult accident wu ap- parently caused when Ute-Moser car rammed Alcorn 's auto trom the rear, flipping tt al high opeod inlo OllCClfllinc tnlfJe lanes. The vehicle carrying Alcorn. bl! siepoon and the deod dog landed upside down atop tbe Siebert.auto, tben cou. linued ... -the top befnl tcro ••• ,. l'ro• Pqe 1 INTERCEPT. • • authorities in Sonoito, I mile llltJ1h of Luteville, Ariz .• with 140 kilos -about 300 p OU D d I -of marijuana in their posse~ion. NayY patrol boats and Coast Guard vessel! kept a close watch on boats ~· ing the inlernaliooal boundary offshore, but appal"eoUy found no offenders. An aerial radar network set up to catch planes flying over the border without aulborization resulted in the turning back of throe -~ nooe Cl1'f1]ng con-traband. 1be pilots were ordered to land OD the U.S. side ol the Rio GfWde but . thev limply bid DOI filed fli&l>t Pilna Wtth ti* -cioJior-.it prior lo -· PubQc -lo Ibo (l1lllllCf .UJ>e<ll of e:.·~~ and Wfiiaf ' m 1· ; • bustnm inter..ta feared. . '' . "They've been very nlct.. but I can tell a lot of them an boldln& their tempers in." said one customs agent who asked not to be ideoWied. "We won't be back, I can ttl1 you that," snapped one man as he roartd away from the border checkpoint 1t Douglo~ Am., after a long wilt. '"It's the biggest, sorriest mw," lamented W. Shelley Ritchey, fonner Douglas, Ariz:., city attorney who i! oow i:'I private practice. "Who's 1oin& \o pay for this?," asked OougJas ns!deot BU1y Conway. ''The lalpayen," said H. W. Van Keuren, of Tuba City, Ariz:., "but it ean't last forever. If they're ca t c bi i. I somethbJa, well fine." "They· can keep searching forever,'• said San Diego constniction company e.x- ecutive William Behr, "they will have to stop sometime and when they do, it will start up again." "It's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of," Said Marilyn Woody, 21, of Hermosa 11<.tch, adding sbe willed foe 10 minutes. AuthoriUes estimated Sunday that only one twentieth of the normal number of persons. lncludlng I0,000 pedeotrians. bad crossed over iDtO Muico due to Open· lion lllttttepl t \ AW..,,.... 'THE WORST l'VE EVER SEEN', PHOTOGRAPHER DECLARES . TwlafMr. l'UMll,SfM! oiv..-.Ev~ of Cr•sh lori-' , -• • . ,.. -J Co~ntwh;~~B-iuldy .Held ln Holdup of Cripple An Anaheim min and his bitch-hikin& he drove the men nearly 1.0() miles before buddy are jailed today in Pennsylvania bt.ing held up. . for the holdup of a disabled K<nan War One of the bandits pulled . 1 ~volver ~--bo thr ·•~-...i •~ --~'-k :. and demanded money, at which time the Vo;:oca fll " e~ "' wi~ •mo . gutsy disabled wteran tromped on t ~~ ... nktll-.i..-_,,• .• .., '--·-1~:1111·eat., ~. Roilald •E. Lellor;. ')3, IDfl Gordoo ''It I die. you iIJe me,'' he w~. Thml, 23, of Jacboo.W,, Ark., .... beld -said belf!ru!I!1~-ed ~ti in!ffi,Olf-~oll!! Cl,..ter Coun· and the pall jui$oi!. ol lb'l qr,,00 ty i 1!111', , ~ lo fled u be stopp!d fdt' IIJie II Kl!lfof· P tvula ~ !~ • ~ Pa., 'OD Valley Forge niey ....,, -~~ foOowing . interchange. the Saturday nlgbl Wbeo 1 oecond The vletim told Jhe service station allbl in wtijch tbef·had bilched a ride had operator -who saw the men picktd up a flat tin, )nveatlgatcQ. llid. · . by another motorisi -what had hap. Howard Pestano, ~. tbe .disabled pened and they notified Pennsytv~a veb!ran robbed by a pair of hitch-blker£. State Police. oo the PeonaylVIJlia T\ampike,.toJd police Patrolman John Eberl found the -car Flag Football Signups Start SignuJ>O ltarl ~ 10< city..ponaored f1ai lootbaD leOma IO. Barbor Area boys in gndea threi'fhrough eigbl.. Parks and Recreation .aides will con- duct the signups from 3oS0 t0 5:30. p.nt. II Mariner's Park. the . ceimmunlty ·Youth Center, Eastbluff Park. Irvifte 'l\m'ace Park, Peninsula Park, Newport Hei&bts School and 38lb SU..t Park. • Registration fee is '3.50, which includes a football jersey for each pl.ayer. Coaches and volunteen to supervise the program art needed. too, city lid.es said. lnfonnatioo for children wishing t~ enroll and adults wiahing to serve. AS coaches is 1vaillble through the Parks, Beaches and .RecreaUon Department at 61WlllO. with a flat lire on the turnpike bridge over the Delaware River aIJ<I, arrested Lei.ta' and Thorn at the scene. Hindus, Moslems Clash; 200 Dead NEW OKI.HI (UPI) -The death loll rose to 200 today in. fighting between Hin- dU& and Moslems in Ahmedabad. 300 miltJ no<tb ol Bombay, according to reports reaching New Delhi. At least 400 persons were reported ln· jured and 7llO arrested. Police said guns, bombs, bottles nf acid, spears and truncheons were used in pitched battles between the rellgioll! groups which spread to areas up to 75 miles from Ahmedabad. Mobs de!ied a police shoot-to-kill edict, lmposition of martial law and a 24-bour c.urfew, reports said. All hospitals in the city were full. Fire brigades answered more than 100 calls. ·' The Old PhilosoP,her patron saint of ctnnmon ~nse, '' he would undoubtedly go along with the times and pick out one of our beauUfully tailored Devon- shire suits, or perbaps a smart double-breasted blazer with bar· lnonizing slacks. Dur assortment of Don Loper neckties would cu· lalnly tickle bis fancy. • Strikes Again (almost) It wu Benjamin Franklin who sald, "Eat lo pi.. ~ bat dress to pl ..... olllen." We go along with that -bat ooly up to a point At oot store we nm lll;yself to be pleasecl u "''ell as others. We believe, to paraphraie 8DOlhor notallle ot. Ille put, ''To tblDe .... self be ITUe, and frlghllul thou will loot to DO man.•• On most other topics we qree . with Bmljamln complelal1: He wu indeed qutte a "'11.,,-U.. or, editor, prbrtlr, iDftlltor, dip- lomat bwnorlit, plillooopher . And thea, ol oovae, be 11 ... t1iu. He .... 1pry .. a fax Into bis eighties and alw1111 kept an eye open for pretty girl> (a IUY lite that cu't be Ill bid). U the IU>arbble Mr. Frank· lln wandered lnlobur store._. Ing bis tight"-breecbea of .... tin or vttvet. an embroidtred waistcoa~ IODg silk sto<klQgs and powderod wig, We lnight bO hard preued to reoutfit him in that cokWtul colMlal a1y1._ But me. old' Bell .... called, "Atnetk:a'• The point Is, at Bidwell New- port we have clotblllg U> salt any- body's ta.le. And a slalf of peo- ple who would send Bell on bis way with a fitting wardrobe and a smile on hii face. We ce.rtainJy woaldn't have told him to go fly • kite! Jack Bidwell , ' MUVla IHe at Newpert Blv~ Newport Beacla. Pleaty ef tree Jllll'ldaS la die rear • lmn •••• die .,.... fr•• C..ta Men and C:..Ma o1el Mar. A.M ea1y Je ---r.._ llealldfld •••• .. -........... (U Y" ._,, •'•• lie'., 1119' Ht ef a em•)· , I . ~ I •' . "' ..... ._ .......... -• • ... 4•4 ........ _.;....J - WESTERN SETTING -A typical scene Saturday, Oct. 4, will be partygoers riding up to the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club for a barbecue and dance. Mrs •. J~ D. Ryan, chairman, invites everyone to join her while Mrs. Ralph J. Gray serves mouth-watering steab. An early amval is'Lisa Motl. .. .. ,.,,. - (I~ • ..,.,, ._., •> .• ,.... ~ Le · fJo.n Morch•· ' ' . ..... • • j ~ _,t .. '! ,.., •• f;1"' ' ' • t-» .i, Art Mus·eum "'Bursting" ;1 . With Sale Bargains r~. ~~ Le Bon Marcbe bas outgrown its old home and bas been moved to a new market site. . . . . , . . , This is the proud annooncemeut.ai Mrs.idnr.B. Witmer, .pr~ident of the Newport Harbor Art M1J.Seum, spoosor·of tlie annual Best of Every- thing sale. which includes. art objects, anli~u~, records, gourmet 1pices, handmade articles and many·enticing · ' !' , The sale, formerly taking place In· lhe·'m11-. tl>is ~~~ J1lOVtd to the Junior Exhibit Building at 'the Orilijie-CGuntr -· ';' ~·-.... .., Artists and craftsmen already are bus)f!pabitiiig, carving,, _ • ,,. and creating treasur~ for the. ~ov. 19 sale, .ADIJ. Sft!8 ~lane ,_ · , "• t~, invited to donate antiques, furniture, art obied>, boob, reOordl, cJaqitnk and other saleable items. · · 1 Encouraged by last year's profit of $16.oOo, the ch~ MR. Jo,Jll>. ston Ballard and Mrs. Nora Graves, already have begun lo fill a storeroom in the aft museum with merchandise for Le Bon Marcbe, and many voltmo teers are spending lime on Tuesdays lo help produce originala for the .lale. Others assisting with preparations for the art museum's biggest neDt of the year are the Mmes. Harvey Somers, coordinator of cOmmittee chair- men· Daniel Thompson,. treasurer; William Groatruger, cashier chairman; ·J.40~ Aubert, tax receipts; John Paul Jonell. decorations; Hal!iburton Swedlow, press; Beverly ·Lane, transportation coordinator and Bly Love- gren, Cale de la Rue. . Others ate the Mmes. H. Page Parter, information b<M>lh; Jolin Bun>- dall, supplies; William S~ler, Le ?aleriei. Riduud ste;eJ.e, '~ques; cay Crail', Chicken Coop (suctuli!nts); Frank Lewis anct John15w1iert, l!ib<!ot$1 Donald McCone, books and records;' Sdl~lilt Rbse, CU!slne; F'rmik Harring· ton, Bon Marche originals, and Richard Braley and Willlam Lapworlll, gourmet. . More are the Mmes. Edwin st.> and 'Jlarry Man:h, travel finds; ' ' .- • • • • ~m-en • t•A ANDERSON, E- ......, .... 9 n.• ... u Old Ranch .era · • • D.ays 'Revived Seemingly. Cinderella's falry godmother will wave her wand, and presto, early raochero days will return. Bu~ it's Just not"that simple, explains Mrs. Joseph D. Ryan who has called on the entire membership of the Cinderella Guild of Orange County Cbildren's Hospital, and each has devoted numerous boun to planning the major fund-raising event, the sixth annual barbecue. This year the benefit will take :place Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Laite Forest Beach and Tennis. Club,-and prom!M1 tO be one of lite main highlighla on the fall social calendar. Aa 'Uie sun sbW In the west, 500 expected partygoers In westem togs will-c:ooverge on the scene for a barbecue steak dinner. Afterward they wlll clance to the mqsic ofRonnle irn.wn.and be entertahiect bY. the Art Miller Square Dancers who ..m Invite audience partlclpatlotL Serving on Mrs. Ryan'• rommtttee are the Mmes. James c. Evan1, William ~. Donald G~ George i:. Woodford:,,,.,. mas W. Queen, Hugh Bowe, Jack H. Adl!mS, Robert J. Lucas, Loring E. Dyer, Sam Gurley Jr., George M. HQJteln III, ·E. H. Finster, Nancy CUnnlngham, John L. Sigrest and 118ri>Id F. Diion. Mrs. Ralph Berte is president · ·Bene!ii tlcliets maybe purchued fJOm any member of the guild, and all proceeds are ~ed for Chlldn:n'a lloopilal. .. ; , Thayer Crispin, Deauvfile; George Yule, .A la Mode; Robert Perkins and Orrin Coonell, baute cooture; Miles Lenon, Ye Ye; Nancy Rau accessor· ies; Gerald Madigap, Les Enfant.; Ray Ramming, linens; Mp•Wllls, Noel Boutique, and Raymond Elliott Jr., furni~ · Anyone wishing to donate items may call the IDIJ.'OUID office, 6'/S-31166, . . . ... ..... ..... or the membership Office, 673-8603, to arrange for pickup of donations. ARTISTS AT WOllK--Buu-·--qay TueldlO' !n,the New-port Barbo< Art M..-are Uo!Jpc'Ofai'listl, prepartog originals !or· Le Bon Man:he NOv.019,-fui».nlslng. sala lol' the · m...wn. Putting linal touches <m lhelr cr.O!llliou are .(left lo. right) the The sale will take place fJOm 10 a.m. lo 9 p.m. and admiHlon will be $1. ' Big Question Mark Plagues · Curi()U.·S . DEAR ANN LANDERS:·! am ........ ~ a Vflr7 fine girl In a few ,,...._ W. """ gone together 1.,. almost a you ud are compatible In .very way. °"'1 -problem: She bas ldmltu.t .. -wioos love affair In her life. but lllt ttfults to tell me •ho the CU1 WU. ANN LANDERS ~ I am going crazy trying to flpre II oat. Every time we run into one of.her farmer boyfriends I tortUll myseU -..-log, -;.., ....,,....., .. Pl ... .,...,_..., ........ _ . . ' "II lhia the one!" D U we are going to have a good life EAR AMI LANDERS: Mr llulband totzether I think she should teU me -,_ column under llV -tl>ll EVERYTIUNG. I have told bor aU tftll!nc. "Dool mill llil," be llld -my -lous aflai(B -who, when, J amul¢'. "U waa wrltlm _.,,'11 for ·-· bow -.. ery detalf-1 c:ould ~ :IOU·" -cl. Now. I'd Jite the same cooalderaUoo. The Jett« be wanted me to 11ee wu What do you 111!-V·11 fmn -Mole -Ibo girl ~ lhJb. DEAR V1 I •Y Jtl .. .,. a very blf bomly -lo' ciD 'bor motfler.llHI• -• Mom. "Mole" r'1entecl -her -in-law WU Oii fls deo!hbod. (l!illler vlo!inl -ud daa ~ !orget a mop !or tile tun.) It .. hlppem my motller-h>.ln -me onion the clay h<r 1C11 ud I be<ama ..,.,ed. They . were .11 foilqn: "Doa1 ..,., Call me Mmn -I 1m NOi' ___ ., ..... burll-lelhe belhnml aod cried. ...... tl!ol .,, .. '1 . ba'8 called lls ll'n. Joiia. ' ,,,.... -·bit .tdlleof ap '-11111 It ,......,.but.n'D.111<11i w ..... 1-lo me. 111 --1111 l'lll 'lloril al Wlli. "Alll 1t -SANTA rE JMlllB. " . ' oa-. aoa1.-r.1.,..' e ..... __ ,..,__It,... .,.. .. ,,.... WC I te ,..... ... ........... ,.. .............. "-.. --.11..._ __ ..... ,_ DEAR ANN LANDEllS: A f-G• ecullftbu.-meaomlllf!n11a- lioa-·~-lato ,....,.,, ···-"'*--.... aln1t--... lo be ~ ,.. • ..., .clll~ 1'1ltoly-llltfoll 1o ~ 1111.i.-.. '"'"'""""'11 Mmes. Wllllam .Stlhler, Nora Graves and ·E • .Rlcbard 8or11110D. ,,,, ule will be moVed lhta year lo Ille Junior Emibit, Bulldjl!lf at the Orange CouDly F~. · I Brideg·rqo.m-to:be .. • • .... . • • ..... , f I • "!'\!"'!• ~ iJ, 1M 4 I f t ,_ I. I Horosc~pe •• Transportation In · Spotfigl1t ' I TUESDAY S~Bef\ 23 ay~ Ol\IAlll\ lo pil -., ;io<lf a..w inlo AcUO{I. Kty wlll be -OW1I cotifi_. -or ll<k ollL· Be rqey. • LIPA <Sept. l3.<lct. :DI: You tel clwlce lo lhow ip. p«<latloo lo oot wbo hu- vlded joy. Purchue ol sift could brini you • 11 mucb pie..,..... u one who ~vu 1l Act accordilJily. Atceol OP' · Umlm1_. SCOllflO (Oc:I. D-Nov. 21): Follow bunch where ,,_,. matters ant concerned. ~ cM.!dJ 21-Aiiru II): Properly w)Jjcb belGop lo you You 11111 bt drawn lietwffn b WOl1ll moro than ori,tna1 -*"1 lo complete bule estimate. KnoW' lhlll -·deal ~ and dulre to get awfy from posiliOJI of atrenitb. 1...., It 1tl~ !(v b plaanln1 S.\Gm4JUUS Crfov. u. to.0:..o.,;iili lllJll .~ of patlellce. Ex· Dec. Ill: P er 1 on a I ap- -,,..,.. )IJurlel.f lo , ,...;ble pearance, perlOllAlllJ em- mai;etr. , phlsized. Take inlt1atlve in TAIJllVS (Apnl :11).May 20): m-g slpillcant -· Money aituation improves. One who attempt.I to Yoo find way o( obtaining dil!OOUrage you b boned dawn Uem whic:b. add& to home com-with usefe.s1 tradlUoo. fort. Str111 dlpfomaey. Tum CAPRICORN (Dec. INan. oq nah1ril charm. It will pay 19): Rtmain behlnd the divldtoda. scenes. You accompllsb men Gl!lMINI (May 21.June 20): through subtle metbodo. Don't Play wattln1 game. Idarma· be too quick to form ~ ti.on you need is be~ col-clusions. One who hu been out )~ by l~Jal expert. pon•t of touch makes reappurance. FCll!lana of Italy b a k crea~ the lovellUt If· ll\Y to rusb. mattm. C.O.tro! . AQU,'1UUS (Jon. :m.Feb. ten>oOn-<:ocklail dn!Si. The tiny stand.up ,c;ollar 11 lellde!ICY to speak Ollt-ol tuin. 11)' Accent "' friends, bopea deverly pleated .. ver aod_'bowed at ceiiter (Tonl CAl<cl!R ·(June 2t.Jaly 12): and wlahe>. Many today led These pleats are open at the a~ and U}fOle '(atcb diet. TendencJ' ~is lo -you have recdved aped.al a UWe of you in a most liUbtle way. Th~ pri&Ceaa · .. arve J1' io, temptatloa . ·-J>!ivilege: Do what you can to •wning continues down Into a 10ft A·llal'Od ~· ¥aJ!y Whero food and d~pel this notion. B • --·• uJd 'te bare ~-·.;,.. •• p' °'="• • '. d!iU '1' conc:tmed. Eu!Jl,...1 dipl!JmaUc, and IVllld Joud "'nu iutO ers are qw · "uo. -.,per . .-UM::llN day t1r Improving rel a~ claims. al conter back. : • · . • · · · Willi &.ioc:iote<, c:o-workm. · PISCE!I (F<b. JHWcb 20): To order 616119; state •~ •. mcl!!'!• Pll!ll!~dl'eu-, . ,LEO (J~ :13-Aug, 22).: A~ Prot«t Image. Moons bt , ... aJld iip code. Send $2. postpaid fOr each attarn. IOnllon could cent..-arouiJct dy to defend bolli: t>Ollllon S..d erders tor books and patterns 'Ii> · . ADEA; . clilldren. StriV. to break ' Some may-~ dlacndli Box "'· Dept. CX-15, Millonl,.N.J , ~' . illr<ogb generation 1 • p _ you. Milntaift • Sland SIZ•S BUST WAIST HIPS -·-..E_NGT!f Olangeyourwaya_wiehoutgtv· up for princlpl& 1Jltlmalo 8 32 23 M 10 1/4 Ing "!' princ:lples. "'~J.: in-aaln ts lndicaltd. 10 33 24 35 l& 112 crea11ngty clear by ~:· ,, .,.. re., --• t~ ~ i: 1/2 ~ 112 n 3'4 v~~,!:iu~;..~l~ e;."~-.: .... g 16 38 28 39 1.'7"1/4 rtdtape.But)'QU1etachaoce ~~..,ef/lf.. ;'\,. 11 sl. 18 40 30 41 17 112 'From Nape o! Ne~ ID \Va~t.. Friends of Library MRS, STEVEN W. STIW~ltD Forrnor Janot .Daw• - Mesans Marry .. In CdM · Rites Mind 1111 n .... ,. and well .. labtn. . lisbltd canclel*-dtconted . Bot1J lbe brlda ••. a t b e Community . Qqrep-bride.,.... are Costa Meu lional Oiurdi, C..... ~el 1W lngb School padaatel'. She when J-Ruth Dawoon allo Is a ....... to el'Onnce became Ille bride ol l!tevm w. Coast C:OU.,. -. be at. Stenn!-• . tended. ' Performiq the c1oub1e ring Tilt brtde COllllJued -.. cemDOI\)' WU Ibo Bev. IJ!'. ~Callis:: !italt Co=:: Ph!Up G. lolUJTay. P.,..la ol ed wtlh the ~ Capo, the brtdal coople are llr and =., just -from Mn. Arthur D. DaWIOll ol toor of dlJly In Vlefoam_ 1 Costa Meu and Mr. and Mn. The .,.r, eds -"''"• ~.! Steward, Ibo ol In s..::" J: are •--. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a wblte •ilk ahantuna aown faahloned with a fitle<f bodice and long full sleeves. Heavy lrtsb lace handed Ille <1Jffs. neckline and bodice. Her illu1ion vei.lln1 was caught to a fabric bow and lilies of the valley. Triple Fete Planned .. M::..~ =.':":.i .. ~ Vlriool upacts o1 con>-llalpb Almpi: Miii Pot Joiu Dawson was her ebter'• Services Reviewed Lingerie Robes mwll:r -1ee will b e Halnea wtU moderale. 'Ibey . brid..,,,ald. Lime green gowns prelelltld by a panel o( ~ are membm of the public Ntw and p r o s Pe c t I v e secretary; M.... Wllliam D. were selected for thtm. IJlaUooa commtl!Oe. members, lhe MW5t RA>llljtld ol Fu IJ e rt o n , AU<ndlng aa besl man was In 1be ._, • Sa..tila .anil .ll1'1j; !rlJllt J-. " SliD-! · • ~:• •$ ' -• .., on Iii bqlijl !or lhe brtdegroom'o brother. 'Lqon llalldlnl. • <• ,:;: • '°"-' ~ -W .-,; , ' flnt tlnie .Will lie Ill'; Giia T. A ....,.pt;m followed on the • £nd Phone '73-1950 VISIT 1,15 ••• Be faro the Stork . Visits You fer Yo~r c.,.,,1.t Metert1i.., WerdreiH. et re•••••W• prlc.e1 ••• CATHY'.S MATERNITY SHOP 176 7 N.-,.rt MM. C-. M.. '46-IJll C.f e"'r"'""'e Girdles Panty Hose l>,NKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE ot.~.,.,Ulo A...,memlw lb.l'~ :"~fllrJ• :a11'11j1!· r .... diJl~olat,illdMn. Ricardo Ruz. and uobtrtng llmJllnctoo BtodJ dub 'iiieeta ~ irilflud *'I!.\<.~ -IJ! ltJO ~GI -~-Pole "al CriJa de! suata to lhelr ... la WU at T:IOJl.lll--W~ "*1> 11111 be _J,:" j§tlle !,lllral'r,o(llS~•" ~:.~• • Br71n Steward, lbe ~tbe...-....'ilt!1be , ,......_,, lolormatloJj 11 . tllli·llo .~p:111...,._I BtownCJINewpoitBtadJ_ patio of the brid • ""~·· 27J7 East Coast Hlghwey, Cor..,. cit( M•r ll(n. ~ ~. Mn. 1~'bj~llrl.Rollo wlll1'o .loclMn.~amosS. During tbe II-Mn. homewhereMn.~=$ihl:r ;:..._~....,~·;Jw·~-~~-~ud~~llrl.~~w~~~..,~-~-==d:::::,i u..raliaaol·NIW]l<l'IBUcb. B. N. -... creator of --~11·-~-~----.,........ ..,..._.., -. ~ ~ ...... jllO poilp .for the tbe World of Art 11Jroug11,~. ___ w_--'"''------"-~"-"-~'"-=== ' t\ll!llnc )'Ill' wlll be ,_i;ric Boolm -glvu II UC! I • ' TheH. otel SS Lurl"1ne ' -of •Newpcri l!Oicb. and. UCLA. will ........ her Hollywoocl writer ilnd 'com-c,.,..._ Mra. lloRnberr, a mentator on the SW.6 pro-teacher at the La.gun.I ~1001 is going around =. '"' tbe u.s. 00ve ... ~::=~pr"!ie ' Serving on tbe '-lllve denl · SouthAmer .• ca commlU.. will bt LeRoy P'rl-vohmtem w 111 Linder of Coeta M•H, f1nt ..... u -.. ... directed by -prooldtnt: Leon w-ol Mn. Clrl Wlley of Corona de! FRANCISCAN EARTHENWARE Jan. II, 1970. timed for surilhlen'balmiest weather- 53 ~/14 ports. • I Now's the time to book. Matson 's Hotel SS Lurline Is going around Soath America "" its pramier avlM al'CIUll<I !hit glorious Latin Continent. WhiJe wintw raqes up.h.,., you can tample the sun in Mar.atton, Uma, ValpmufSC>. Satrtiago, Pv"'1o Monti, Punta Arenm,Mm1twwicloo, luonos Al...,, Sont-SOO Paulo, Rio de Jar-. SalYmor.&ahlo, Trinidad, Curacao, Barboa and N:iapulca. You'll see everylillng lh.,. is to_, clo -.ytitlng thera is to do. What a avltel What a ~· A us FOR RESERVATIONS. IAt .. boolc ,_ ~~ South Amettca" avile'tQCQ4'foa now. The HiilOI SS Wrl1ne JOils from San franclom Jan. !1, 1'7Q(Jan.12 lrom Leo Angeles and San Diogo) """..,., ,_ "-$222.5 ta$8375. ti ~ • ) ! -llOsam:l-M-TICUTI Ollmlll (7141 '44 4600 201S San ~· Hilla Road. Nftport Ctftfor ""''" •fi'MMA'*'I._ --........ ,.....,.. ... u. a.. ... ........... lill&htUll el ...,, ~ ,_ -... ......... .-.............. ... San ·Juan Capistrano and Mn. Mar and Mn. <>-A-Ma~ ol Duane DeKalb of Newport Sante Ana. Beacb, vice pruldent.: Mn. Auyone lnterated in .~ Wlllys Lemm of Newport lending tbe event may c:<a1act Beacb,. c o r r • a p o n d f n & any cf the officen. ... 11 ii 1 111 111111111111111111111 "II n l!l Ill I 1!11111~11 · .~-_._ -. -~-~~----~-~~ ··---~--------------~ lltllllw" ......... """ ....... . ..i •111 PMI flllllr 11U11n CIYlf .. Wiii .... ""' flckl•c FIRll: "Fealhe!tlur'Whiill-!ealliets/paly !Oii pl11oos: Sllndlrd, re1. 8.00 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2!12:• Queen, 1e1·.10.oo ....................... 2/lLM Kinz, 1ei. 12.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2/U.H llEDIUM: "Ann" hlttwhi ~ lllOSe ful!Jers, hlKwbllll '°""' d°"'; $\lndlrd, Ie(.12.0IJ • , , , , , , , , , , , o • , , , •• , •, 2/11,. ' Qi.t • .niz.16.111 •••••••••••• , ••••••••••• 2/ZL• Klltli re1. 20.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2111.• son: "lloss" all whlta-~ .... : Stlndlnl, re1. ll.lll ••••••••••••••••• , ••• 2122..• . Queet,re&-}7.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 110 •• Kint. 11&. 25.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ZJ•,•· llo!d llll. llawnilln l"'f Boocl, SO.II AN, P-; Piles V.nln, Lo Kain Buff inns· u IMOrt • 11 FASHION !SUHD e. HE11PORT CE>11ER • mS' Save 5.00 on 16 pc. Starter Sets September 22 through October 4 This ear1henware Is desioied and lt3de In CaHfomia. Functional as well as lleau1Jfu1. Chip resislant, col<rlast, and sale In oven or dis!twasher. 4 pc. place seWn1 lnt:hlles one diM&r plale, bl8lld anti IKrtter p1a1e, and ~ and . saucer. 16 pe,set.includes four each . Choose froqi 6 lowly patterns. Gifts and China, all stores except Marina 16 pc ... ts . 4 pc. placuelliap Ras. ..... Rofu ,_ k 1111 A"'9 21.95· U,H l:lll 4.U --21J5 11,1& 7.lO 4.U Ha:ieodlGold 21.95 11.95 ·1.lO 4.U HKIN-21.95 11,H 7.lll ••• llldal11 23.95 ll.li 8.£0 c.n p--23.95 ll.11 8.60 4.99 • '"' 2200 . • lbl., lbu!s., f Ii. 10:00 611 9:30 • Oller days 111:00 till 5:30 ' I I I 'I \ ) • ' ' • I ' • t I , I I ~/ a:= I COSTA MESA.FAllff.R AND SQN 'KILliD IN HUNTINGTON BEACH CRASH On • Sod.F...,ily Mi11i..,, Alfred Alcorn ond Son Mlcho•l'Ford Aro Lost Troop Streng.th Cut Again 77,500 'Me~ 200 .Plqrie_s Taken Out of Actio1i WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentagon announced plans today to cut U.S. armed atn:nith by another 71 ,500 men, sidelining more ttban 200 planea and mothballing aoolherZl hi . '""'~~ Jnm.y nioVeS will $ave an ~ ~ Jllll1lon llllJ ,..,.. ' "ifte manpower reduct.in inclode tleac· U.atlon.tCc two-<hlrill of' lhe .Mh Marine DI-~ w~ aclivoted for the V,letiiar1'11 ,ln Mardi Itel. A waJ Of 21,* Matinett al'f! invo1ved bUt 'the 1diwlaion11 26lh Regiment will stay tn' Vietnlm. · The N•"J' lhip layup, whlch brlnas the Kickoff Meeting Set for Fu1ul's lrulustrial Group A tiCkoff breakfast !or the Costa Mesa United ·Fund's industrial division is acheduled Tuesday at the Sears, Roebuck and Company store in the South Coast Plaza shopping center. 'I1'e affair Is scheduled ror 7::KI a.m., aecording to UF President Chock Edwards who said Sears' executive manager' Joe: Metcalf will ·head the in- dustrial dJvision campaign. The effort last year brought in $156,900 out of .a $186,732 UF Industrial division campaigc goal. Mel.call wil1 be asstsled by Ken Hicken· bottom, uecuilve director of lhe Orange Empin Cooncll ol the Boy Sc<luts of America, one of 21 reclpienl ageocies benefiting from lhe United Fund. Community leaders inYOlved in the in- dustrial dfvtmon campaign this year In- clude Earl LeVan. Nick Zlener, Werner Esche.r. Al Gei3er, Dr. Robe.rt lsaaC!, John Toner and Ken Fowler. Others are Art Adalr, Robert Paley, Windell Rice, George Barnett, Franz HIMon, Gordon Martin, Harold Boebnq, Betty Tbomal. Ed Topalian and Ron O>lemln. Mesans Charged hi Drug Case . •A pair of Coata lMesa men who·tlleged..._ Jy JOld ·si:r kilos or marijuana worthi m~ than seoo· tp I team of •sblte ner.eotics aCenu 1wi.s arrested Saturday ...after tbe bUslness deal . ~Ian W. Harding, 30, of !30 C..Wr St.. and Raynlond O. Perkills; 34. of 411 E&ther St., were booked for lnvestigcition ol Ille ol marijuana. Complainll charging the men will be M!Ulbt Tuesday, acconling lo Jam,. C. irWt. agent-in-charge (or the St.ale · aauu of llan:Gtlcs Enl.........,t ofnce ;pi;.m.Aoo. imn and~ .... -·~ •msled the . polr at llan!lni'• apuUnellt !olloWlng tbs allepltranaadlon. · •1 The latest defense cutbacks are part of Seeretary oC Defense MelVin R. ·Laird'• program to cut '3 billkm from his pr<viooaly plapned defeme budget eowitilig today's aOnounced cuts, the Peotagon bu -made $1.S billlGo la· speoiliag' ndactlOm, db lllr1W' lllfp layupo, aircraft pha-U and !Dllnpower · ~ sllll .... _ ~ Total V.S. ~ ~ cull - which .to .,6 Uu6t rentd tht Ainerlhn --Vletnlm -now stand ot about 19S,OOO. Thi* ..in leave the ovt:rall U.S. military force at 3.26 million by nal· IWlllller. Ex-officer, Housewife Seek Crime Board .Posts A ronnU palice officer of lhe year aM a bOUR!tife· Who hu ne'er· even been issued a traffic titatiod have applied for appoinUnent to tllo newl)' cruled Costa Mesa Crime Prevention CommiUee;- ROOert 11. Wlltlmon, of,4K E: 161h SL, Js an lnsllrahct man wtmee· background includes siJ: years aa a policeman and also teaching ln the public llCboolJ. Mn: GenevieYe D. Anderton, of. 2515 Duke P1-says all she knows of crime is what she readl In the newrpaperg, but has time for community servk.-e after rai.slng a famJJy . Wilk.bison has a bachelor of arts degree: ir1 sociology from ·Chapman College in Orange, with a minor in history and religion. He waS voted lawman ol. the year by the Costa Mesa Exchange Club in 1966, while. serving as a detectJve in chaf'le of lhefl cues. Mrs. Aoderaon, a former Newport ... 8dch resident, said she ha.t led I very law-abiding .life:, 10 much '° in fie\ that she bu MVet eYeD been &iveo a tnftic ticket Anyone else inleruted in appointment to tbe Crime Prevention Cammmee may write to Costa Mesa · City Clerk C. K. "<barlie" Priest, upla.ining b i I bockgroond and int<reol in the post. Appotnbnenll"..tll ao<libe mide by the City Council, with oeven oclult ...is to be filled on the ontkrlme panel, •loog with two created far. high tchool and colleae youlhl. TmnJ. will be four yean. -with aeveral lhorter It lhe outset to provide for rotational appointment,, -and the committee will meet once each month or oftener. Mesa High Cafeteria Looted by Burglar A b<Jti1at brnte lnlo Costa Meu High School over the weekend, 1ootiJ11 the cafeteria kitchen ol ~41 ·burritDl,•a half pouod ol cheeM and a fir< minl\dlber. Police> aid .the intnJdo< gained entry lhrouah 8 window lod lbt }ou WU ealimated ot -by scboof employe Donlil!y L, ,Williams; wbo cliacoYend the i...Jt.jn Sw>day • . --\ TEN ·CINTS ~' ,,·: '·. " MeSa,Ds · .. ' ¢ • ~ ·t • Die Hunti~gtf,r_i Qras~KiUS:Ma~ Stepso~· A COiia M ... min and bis 11.,..o -' ao their way to bur, the f.amily-dait, . which bad died ... bour Oll'lier -wlii' ~led early Sunday in a spect.icn1ar, three-car crash in Kuntlngton Beach. Fwr other penoos ........ -y ·Ji> Ju.-..! £n the colljsloo on Pacific CoUI HJ,ghway a mile West ol 'BrookbUrst fl8 C.U.ty Trsllle 1111 114 Deatll t.11 . ti' Street and aU ao:e In eood coiidlJ!oo'ib.\'1 ,- at Hoag Memorial HospJtal. ·~ The fatalities, both pronounced dead 't the scene, are Allred G. Alcorn, 47, and Michael G. Foi;d:i1, both ol 31.52: Sic(Jy Ave., Cosla M~. ,. . -: The top of Alcorn'a citr wu sheered off as though by a giant can opener as it alid IJJ)lide down .a]~g ,the .pa_Ypnent in~the. crash, w'b.lch snarled lrafflC fc. several miles . . Police said they were declareii diad by a physldan who 1'a~ among the motonsta caught in the monutndntal traJfic jam:' Injured in the craali but lmprovllia to- day were Courtney G. Moser, 31; h1s wife' ~lary. 27. bolh ol USU Seulde Lafilo, Huntington Beach, and Nancy' L. KeDt, %1, and Walter E. Siebert, Zl, bolh of Long Beach. lnvesUgators aaid the aceident was ap- parently caused when the Moser car rammed Alcom's-auto-fronrtbrnir,- mpping it o1 hl&b speec1 illto oncoiruna traffic lanes. The vehicle carryin& Alcorn, his lllepsao and· the ctead doc IU>ded uplide down atop the Siebert auto, tben COQ.. tinued oo, with lhe top bei!ll ten awoy .. • * *'* , I , • ' ' • • ~.'!upl,e,. ~~,:itl'ft ; . -' Crmk Siniilar · t~ Beaik~~u ' A Cooia M,.. couple eocal>ed ' Wllh :ri:.·~-:~sm:rkl~~ local JIWI. and hla ·-In lluotlq!<>il B<ach. Richard F. Rulkowtkl, 14, and his wife Sharon, 23, of 1177 ·Rora! Luo, are both liated ill good condiUOn lod.ay al Coott Mesa MmKlrial Hoipital with Cuti, bnllaes and other lnJ1irla. Police said Rutkowlk.i was drivinc soulh on Newport Boulev"J'f alFalrvf<w Road when bis car rammed the reu-eDd oC a mO\'ing auto driven by RObe::rt K. Bond. ti, ol Long Buc1L Invest.igatcn said Bond escaped ~ when hla car wu amacbd ~ .Ridtowai, wbo tried to . "'erve oot aiound him but spporeoUy acted too late. Mesa Council, ' I , I I 1' ... , •' ' ' 't I ' • t 4'1 • - til«.~;·Dr=~g CrackdOwn . . ' ' . ' ' ' Causes Big Traffic ]af!l .~. gling whtn bia rented plaoe landed at llakerslield. Authorities said he carried a cargo of 1,000 pounds cl marijuana reportedlf purdiased In MuaUan and destlned ·lo'r BerU!ey. Ebewbere along the %,500-mlle-lonJ·ln- tcmational border, the suddenly.-prut11 smuggling trap stopped thousands mon1 pounds o! marijuana and larp q- ol drug pills. . A ~ who •bandoned hJa w at the San Yllidra border cboC=nq·alber than riat l'llllDlnl. tlie Opera Ilileml!lt net was arreated wben 2,000. pllls ,..... 1awa1· lb the car, Five men and a woman from New Yark City were capturtd by Me1:1lcan authortties In Sonolto, a mlle ..alb ol I,ukevme, Aril., wilh fl<> ldloo -about 300 p o u n d 1 -of marijuana In tbe:ir posse~n. llavy patrol boats and Collst Gilard vessels kept a close watch on boats cross- ing tbC lnter!UiUonaf boundary ollsbore, but appm<ntly found no oflende1>. An aerial radar network !let up to catch planes Dying over the border witboul aillhorizatioo.raulted ln.the.tumJnc bock (See INiau:zrt, hit I) NEW YOl\K (AP) -'lbe stock marftl. lhrugging off a mixed trend preulenl during much of Ille _..,, finllbed ... higb '""""' today, with --ahead of deC!inea by more than 100 Issues. (S- quot.tloos, Page. l•lt). We.doer Once ~ morning clouds roll by, the IUD w1U hold forth brieflJ Tuad07 afternoon, wanning tht ~ .... to " cfear<es while In-land tllermoinetm ,..imr 14. JNSmt: TODAY A perfect -M. t!IUAfno scripl, cilNJdiO!l .. ti cl:~llQ "' eomlc preclsion -11uir1 "°""6- &ur C'Mrlie"' a& '1\t Costa Jr1111 Civic Pl'ovllomc. Sc• hi~ tnf11t, Page 11. " -~ I ............... 4J lJ cit.It ...... • It 1Yt¥ill ...... tt ' letl9I ..... ,,.11 . -..... n-...-.....,. .,,, 1•1r T...,_ '' r u -~ J 11 .......... • • l 014L Y .. l\.OT lllff' ....... CORKY CARR~ M.JWIA· ..Ot~nflif,\AN QF THI HOU R-IN CHAMPIONSHI P FORM Ha Wfltl ~'s DI.ftlon. l'otldlelluril ·~-Wao Salactod loot '.Al~Aro<md Surfor Fn• p"~ l SURF MEET. •• mOll ....,..,.... lllriln& to be foWid. Bui ---to tbe rules, DO. paiDl8 ari awarded for pier lllota,• 8'lldlDI Lapa back to ffa....U with a fifth place tnlpby. Dru llarrlaon. J!1 of 'Ji...,... Beac!t, oulnWWYmd feuow. HennOlaa .Mlko :Purpul, II, !or ""'10I! '8!i.. wblle Roll Arnea. 11, d Pacific ~ .ion TV iluntllD(er Jamea Amil, capt"""' lourih ~estimated 40,000 lant Uned lbe pier and dotted the beach Saturday lot tbe prtllmlnuy evonta Yldle SundaI'• lbWI produced aii eatlmlted '5,000 to I0,000 opectators. '"Thf surf ii about the best we've Md l!! three yun1" beamed H1rbors tnd ~ts Director v~ Moorbouae. ••1 bet the televlllon people are aorry now that they didn' come." , 'Ille contest hod """ televlled h)' tbe ABC network in previoul yun but WU -lhort'1 before tbe I.Ill coo.. tut. becanse of a acbodullnr coafllct In 1be ''Wida World of Sports" - The fam. aome with cmrcuta and MJlllt with water-bleached lq balr, ln- rt.ead dfldded to come 1ee f o r -'Ibey arrlftd In every IOI'\ of vehicle ,, • • Countian, Buddy Held . . ,f-n,.H~~.up ~f Cripple . ' .. Anahilm -ad bll, lllld>hlldna ·~_are Jallod lod4Y 1n Ptmvlvaola tor the holdup ., a dlll~ ~·war .... ·w11o lhrell!ened ~ his · IJIO<lal!7 bUlll car.and km ,. . ~ 1llinald -l!l. Loiter, :11, ... Gord'1n ThOnl, -.,,,J..-.me; Art<:-beld la llou .~Qtlll ball 11 the~ Coon· 1J i>rjiOol; West Chelter, ~I to Pennaylrimla autboritlea. l '" They wen tull7 caplured•lol!Owing .. 1 p ' .. Seaplane Soon . May ·T~e Off FrOJl;l-~ lJp~r ~JlY fi \._!' . A -1111t "'1 .... taklnl oU ml landlni In u-,11...,.n11q> Bui It would be on)J for a dly, and Ihm ..... :1 be nioA·tll!iP tll!oe tak&ofb and l.aodlnil. t the Salurday nichl holdup when a ""'10I! aut · tn whlch Qle:y bad hftcbed a ride had a Oat lire, lnveatJ&ators aald. Howard Pestano, 31, the dlaabled veteran robbed by " pair oC bitch-bikers o0 Ibo Pennsylvanl1 Tumpl)<e, told pollco 1"' drove .Lbe men neafly 2lO miles before bel111 beld up. One of the bandJts .pulled a revolver aqd demanded money, 'at whlch Ume the gutsy disabled veteran tromped on the accelerator, speeding up lbe car. "If I die, yru die with me," he warned. Pestano iaia-he flniDY handed over $1 and the Pair jumped out of the car and £led u he stopped for gasoline at Kin1-of- PruS!la, Pa., on the Valley Forae Inttrchui.1e. The victhn told the service lf.ation operator -who saw the mm picked up by · ---what had hap-pened and they notified Pennsylvania State PoUce. PalrolmlA Jobn Ebert found the e&r with a flal llll'a .., the tllm]llke bridge over the .lW&wite River and arrested Leiter anif'rliin kt tile ....... -war Shortened I .. ·Mar~nes' Viet Tou r C ~t tQ 12 Months . . Youth to Face ' . •, I . Charge in Lido Traffic Death A 17·year .. ld Los Anaelu youth today awaited juvenlle CQUrt action o n m..,Iaupi.r cliar1ea In the death thla wae~nd of.a 17·Y'IMld slrl in • freak Lido IJle traffic craah. . DicklnlOo ~h)' 1IDsl Jr., 17, wu booked oa manalau1hter char1es Friday immediately after the 10 p.m. era.sh, police said. ~-Lee Aodenoo. 17, of Los Aqeles, died .lnltantly In tbe accident II .Vlo.AllW... llld Via Lido Nord. flhe auflered aevera Internal lnjurl .. alter Roos' -car, apeedlng on Via Lido Noni, •kidded '"" more than 100 feel and bit I curb broadllde. 'll!e Impact threw Mia ~ through an open window on the passenger's side and onto the pavement. Polici said the injuries could hive been auUered u the girl hit tbe window frtm• t1r after she was ejected and fell onto the pavement. RoS!, 11Yho was not hurt, registered a hijh enough count on tht breatha1yur test to constitute charges of drunken driving, oflicers alleged. Two witnesses to the crash said Ross' auto was traveling at lea.st 70 mil~ per hour when it missed the CUM'e at the in- tersection, akidded. hit the curb, then tip- ped over on its side. Miss AoderlOO was aiWna: on the t"On- sole of the cir between the .driver and another passenger, Carl F. Meyer Jr., 17, or Los Angeles. Jfe WU not burl Police and firemen ad m 1ni1 t er t d rmtacitatioo to MW: Anderson before an ambWance anived. . ' will be tranot......t to the 3rd Morine Division, which ii be!ng withdrawn from the war mne. Marina In the 3rd Di.Won with leaa than aix -. ditty here will be reaaafaned to 1he • 11!1 Divtaion, w~ wlll remala at Do Nllllfl. Memers or tbe 31ld Qlvlilon begaa wllhdrawlnl liUod~ trom bltoe !>O'ltlo!la. alq the cilmlllla1ml -!DMZ) ad ._1oemliled la -II llDOI' 'HA and Qu"'8 Tri -· .... tbll' wlll '*" final inparatloal (Gr dof>ulln to the UDlted Stales and Ol!lqan. Th • division's 3rd rqlment will leave Viel· nam for the United States by Oct. 15, militory sources aaid, ud ita 4th Rogi· meot will depart for d~ty u.. Otmawa by Ocl SJ. About 11,000 Marines are in· volved in ihe withdrawal. The divislon'a 9th Regiment was "'!<Ployed lo Okinawa last J'!1f and AllPlt dw'1ac the \rithdrawll of \lie first •11111 American l>oopl flon\ ~· n,. Nixon odrnlailtratloi: haa on!ored llllOlller eulba_. totalinl :tl,000 b7 Doc. l~ Ul'IT ..... AT THE SAN YSIDR·o BORD ER TO llAJA, A LONG WAIT Even • TIJuan• TaxJ CouSdn"t a.at the Border CheckOut From Pqe l OPERATION INTERCE PT. • • I or-ol'ree al~al~ ~ carryloc con-,. ,. ' . -" l~i' "We won't he back, ~ ~ i.n ,,.ou ta:aatz>able. r!Uliinl from mot«eyclol to '•urhn-. llld spilled out pnto the'J>ler, nost -ot · llllm we.lghtid down . ~!h 'anteras, tripods and huge tele~o Hsea.. '" ' .. ~ and bet;;een the I~ •"'111 they paroded tbe pier, anJ>il!.ann •ltll tbeJr hrome4anned, blklnklad drl lriends, trying to find a better vanta;e rpot among the soUd wall of spectators tined up on both railings. Pn>dqcers of. QM Walt ~-film. 'flloal!il\s, 'I -PIJll Sililn, are ..-~ eii,, ~ d 'AA·Jllllllr.01 to '111t the, pi-·at the BKk By'~ end. T I ~1 ~ ~:-l4p Fo ~tandidates ill· Race trabilod. · l)t pilota ft? ~ to land oo tile u~\icte of the 1IIo ll(~ but they simply had not llled ~plans with lbe CUJt<ms department p~ to takeoff. , Iha~" mapped, oti; Jll&• ~~;.i away ~om ti;" ... ~ . . at Douglas, Arh.~i"!'r· IOllg lvlill'··. ' "It's the ~st SOITi"'t mess," 11am<nted wJi'S!ielley ·Rltclrey, firmer Douglas. Ariz:, city attorney who ls now ia priv•te practice. Cnif<rmtd and plain-clothes policemen were very much ln evidence too but found .t an easy weekend. The crowd looked 1trange but wa.s on its best behavior. While competitors wert thundering into >bore on the breakers, two ualous youths JI hippie costumes, bearing homemade mogaphon<a anc1 bib!" Wtered through• Lhe crowd, announcing "Jesus saves" and "All or us are sinners and desuve to 10 to bell... . Not to be outdone by the youn1 folk in the compeUUon for souls, Huntinaton Beacl>'a alnglng preacher Mark Fpnyth. wig hymm in praise of the Lord at lbe 1 1tairs ~aceol .to the pier. Ho bmled out cards Inscribed "God :ares" wbkh were ~omentarlly rectlved ~ annoyed bands. on1y to flutter to the uoun! -and tnii:· with the trash sel'OC'lds Later. ·, I , The contelt .aot off to a late start Saturd1y morning when a Huntington Beach Sanitation Dept. truck crunched In· to a power pole whlcb supp~ies electricity to the pier. Computers used ln the soaring u well lll telephone communications w e r e ?afalyzed from approximately 1:30 a.m. 'o a a.m., causing mass confusion unW ibe power was ructivaled. OAllr PllOT DUMOI cc..i<1· J'Ull l&Mllrtti COMll'AH'r t.i..,. N. w,,4 .,. ........ "*1-*f J•clt •. c.r1.., Viii ""°'"""' t'4 ~Ill ~ T\-•1 KH..,.1 .. * Tlrt•111•• ... y,,,1i1~. ,,._..,,.Etit9r ---110 W .. t ..., ShHf M1m111 ~P.O.~ lltO, 92616 ---.......... tacti: nu •ttt ..... ~,. LHll'N ..-ai ftt ~ ,,_ ..... "'•""' '"°'/ .. "" ....... -Thl·l)lahto, they oay, -1d tab ~1 ... tOmetimt> nut month. City councilmen tonight will dtc:lde wtielher to amend a clly ban qainst seaplllltS in the bay ... ~~JI e la n d i AdJninllh'i.tor George uawti recom- t!lends ·the revision, which would tum over the deci11ion·making the city manager's office. For Mesa Plan Board Seat "' Public response Co the iround aspect of the monumental smuggling crackdown v1as just about what autHorities expected and what m a n y tourist-dependent "Who's goirig to 'pay ror this-?," ·asked Douglas resident Billy Conway. Dl!My crewa have been filming "Boat- n!U" around Newport for Ibo past lew y,•eeks • ' Dav.ti" saJd it is likely the county Harbor District would approve the seaplane requeat H the city does., The FAA would then determine when would , be the safest time to Oy the old twin· e.nllne Stinson L-1. 'Movies are cootlnua,IJy wing N!wport a.,11; a bacJraround, and tbia movie could havt a favorable effect on the city," said Dawes. Four peraOns, lncludlng a former Scot· ti.sh rrewepaper 1Viation columnilt, have appUed for a COlta Mesa PlaMing Com· nliasio post beinl vacated by educator fl6o Hout. Someone will aoon be appointed to fill oot tiie r<mainlnl three yean of the term to which Hout •as appointed last year. followins hls resign&tion announced a week •JO· Hout'•. expanded duties as director of currleukun for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will take too much time to allow bis conUnuecl Planning Commission service. Gentle, He lping_ Hallfb . ' OJ.I\. T •ILOT lte" ,,..,. Ambulance etl•ndantl Dennia Baume~ ""41 Ray Romero prepare to mov1 Wendy We1tco1t1 S'.of 'JJJ77 Paloma Ave., Costa Mesa, afler ahe was struck b:r. car Seumiay on Costa Meu Hillh School campua. Driver w11 I enUfed at Richard ·A. Young1 IS, of3039 Coolidge Ave., Costa Mesa. Girl was treated and releeaea from bolpllal. These are the applicants interested in taking oVer for him : -John G. l'olcDonald, ol 13fi Magnolia St., a oneUme Scottish newspaper avia· lion columnist wbo bu been acUve in development and who is a fr~uent observer at city governmental meeUngs. -J•clt w. p.,_., of 20I Suw!nah Place, whose wort involves corporate public rtlatlons and merchandising. -Don Smallwood, of 1981 Kornat Drive, business interest5 feared. "'111ey've been very nice, butt an tell a lot of them are holding their tempers in," s.;id one customs age.nt who asked not to be idenWied. Mesa Girl, 14, Struck, by Auto an attorney who hu been beaviy involved A Costa MeA teenager crossing • busy with the Mesa Verde H o m e o w n e r s road en rwte to achoo! was struck by a AssociaUoo and ls an a.Jmost..colutat car today when she ran Into 111 path Planning CommiJson and City Council while other vehicles stopped to Jet her visitor. cr068. -Domhdc J. Raciti, o( 1831 Newport Diane McKay, 1,, of IO'J YorkLown Blvd., a longtime busi.ne.ss:man and cur· Lane, was admitted to Hoag Memorial rently a member of Ule Costa Mt.!a Hospital with a possible fractured hip, BeauUficatioo Commtttee. according to accident lnvesUgators. Hout's resignation was 1nnounced at Miss McKay was aossing Fairview the Costa Mesa City Council meeting a Road at Dartmouth Place with a week ago, but be plans to remaln on the schoolmate about 7:30 a.m. when tdt by panel until 1 aultable replacement iJ the car driven by.Mrs. Rose ti-1. Pupura, "The taxpayers," said H. W. ·Van Keuren, of Tuba City, Ariz .• "'but il can"t last forever. If they're catch in g som ething, ~I fine."' "They can p searching forever.'' said San Diego co tructlon company ex· eculiv~ William Behr, "they will have to stop Mme.time and when they do, it will start up again." "It'~ the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of," said Marilyn Woody, 21, of Hermosa Beach, adding she waited for SIO minutes. Authorities estimated Sunday that only ope twenUeth 1>f the normal number of peraons, including 20,000 'pedestrians. had crossed over into Mexico due to Opera- tion Intercept. Shah to Visit U.S. WASHINGTON IAP J -The Shah ol Iran will make an official visit fOt. Washington on Oct. 2t~t2, the White· House said today. The erripress will not accompany him because she is expectina: a child early next year. found. o( 2190 Westminster Ave .• Co5la. Mesa. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~' The Old Philosopher Strikes Again (almost) J)atron saint of common sense," he would undoubtedly go along with the times and pick out one of our beautifully tailored Devon· shire suits, or perhaps a smart double-breasted blazer with har· monizing slacks. OUr assortment of Don Loper neckties \\'ould cer· talllly tickle his fancy. It was Benjamin Fnmklin who •aid. "Eat lo please thyulf, but dress to pJease others." We go along with Iba! -but only up lo a poinL At our store we want thyself to be pleased as well as others. \Ve believe, to paraphrase another notabla of the put, "To thine own sell be tnie, and lrigbUul thou "ill look to no man.'' On most other topica we agree with l!eJljan\ln completely. He was indeed quite a fellow-auth- or, editor, printer, inventor, di~ lomat, bumortat, philosopher. And then, al coutle, be new kit.es. He wa.s spry u a lox into his eliJ>Ueo and always kept an •T• opan for protty girls (a l\IY lllte that can'I be all bad ). If tile remarkable Mr. Frank- lin wandered into our store wear- ing hls Ugh! knee breeches of sa- tin or velvet, an embroidered walncoat, fClllf silk atoeklll11 and powdered wig, we mlgbt be hard prossed Io reoutfit him In that colorfill ·co1onlal sl:J>le_ But since old Ben wu called, "America's The point Is, at Bidwell New. port we ba\o·e clothing to suit any· body'• wt.. And a staff of ~ pie who woold send Ben on his way with a filling wanlrobe and a smile on his face. We certainly wouldn 'I have laid hbn to (O Dy a k..itel Jack Bidwell 3487 Via IJll• at N~rt Blv•., Newport Beat!b. Pleaty a f free parkl!l• la d ie rear. .Ja1t 'Ila ... flle ...... f...-C.ta Mesa aad eo .... a llel JllaP, Aall •1y •• alaates from ltealldbd II•••-Barllaak. (U yaa daa't alall llela• .. .t ..i af a _ .. ). t I l! 1 I c l n • p n " n ti fi 1 ' .. ] b f q ( ~ -- ' • .. • . They R~e . &he W ·aves -· I • ' . SACKED BY BOILING SURF, HAL SACl:IS AND PATTI YOUNG' WIN MIXED TANDEMS .IVINT · Th..,..ncb Turned Out to W•t<h ~homploni iri HHvy Huntington BH<h llrNkors -OAll. T f'll.OT Pllett9 ~ LM ... , .. CHAMPION CORKY CARROLL OF DANA POINT IN WINNING FORM Throueh 8erMcl•• .nc1 p .. , Pili"G•· Shooting to Victory Business, Professional Leaders Aid Chest Drive Business and professional 1 r n , members of four Huntington .. each service clubs were chal\ertged Friday to play a leading part in the current Com- munit y Chest Drive . Campaign Chairman Robert Merriman toid the more than 100 assembled com- munity leaders, "You are expected to set the example i1s key men and men of aJ. flueoce who do make possible the basic Boys Club Sets Second Annual Pit Barbecue !l'he Boys Club of Huntington Beach will hold its second annual pil barbecue from 11 a.m. tQ 4 p.m. Sept. 28 at Club Head· quarters. 319 Yorktown "ve. Tickets are available through the Boyl Ch.lb and its members Tor a doqaUon of fl !or adults and $1 le< chiljlrtn llnder 12. Alt ~· benefit the operation Of the Boys Club wblcb has been In ...,_ ttnet In Huntinatoa BMdl for mon tblD t\ft years. " • About 800 poundl ·of 1'l'OPll'ed and wrapped meat will be place4 on dae feet ol coals, six feet underground. colvt'red and lert to cook for more than 14 hours. n-1ltendln& the bal1>eclle Will receive a personal lour by one of the boya ln the clut> •'ho will explah) IL, v@OM programs provided for the youngsters. . " organizalions that serve the community'• needs in such organir.alions are the YM· CA. Boy Scouta, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Salvation Army and 13 other wnrt.hy groups." ~I-le urged Lhem to give lime to raise the dollars r.ecessary to make the various agencies' programs e.ffectJve. The meel.ini was a first for Hunlington Beach, the first time four servtce cluh! had met in common caus~. Present were membtrs of the Huntinjton Beach Rotary Clob, the'Huntlngton Beach North' Rotary Club, the. Kiwanis Club and tf>e Lions C1ub. The luncheon at l h e Drillwood Be&fh club marked the kickoff of the Com· munlly Chest drive to raise $135,IXIO for youth and welfare needs. Merriman pointed out that the Hun· tington Beach Community Otest was formed several years q:o • ' w he n buslneS!men became tired of workihg on numerous individual charily drives." "This .... .....,. ,.... ... and the !Und 1111 tlfOWft 'llom tllat Ont amall aoal of a few thoomtd dollln to today's fl35,000,'' he~. "'l'lie bnt drive benelltted only lix . agenclea, compon>d fo todl)''1 II. Yoo,.all ~ -that Iba -"'in-dependent compeipa a...--l6 centa for .,..,. dollor l'1lloed. Our combined drtV'o cOlla only U cenll per dollar." • Mayor Jack Green Jll'e&tDted a ctt.y council reeoluUon naming Sept. 11 lo Oct. 1' as Community Chest Month. He added, "Most _,. do llQI ruHzo bow muc'li Rood chest aaencles do. Unlll you n<td It -~ }'Oii cannot experience llle 11111 Impact ol lhe money you ralJt." Top Surfing Trophy Won By Carroll Here are the final official results cl. Sunday's competition in the United states Surfing Championships in Huntington " Beach: DUKE KAHANAMOKU TROPHY: I. Corky Carroll, 21 , Dana Point MEN'S DIVISIO!'.i I. Corty c.nou. 21, Dana Poinl 2. Dru Harrison, JI, Hermosa· Belch 3. Mil<e Purpus, 20, Hermou Bead! 4. RoU Ameaa, 18, Pacmc Pattaa4ta S. Gerry Lopei, 20, Hawaii WOMEN'S DMSION I. Sharron Weber, 21. Hawail 2. Aiargo Godfrey, 15, Slllta Barbara 1. Linda Benaon, 15, Hermosa Bacll t. Nancy ...;Emerson, 17, P 'e J f I c Paliaadu s. Jericho Pappier, 17, L«>i Beacb KAMAAillAll DIVISION I. Kit Hom, 39, Fullerton 2. Les Williams, 38, Dana Point 3. Hal Sachs, 39, Caplstruo Btacb 4. John SeveriOn, 3S, .D~ Point S. Pat Marciel, 37, Hawaii JUNIOR DIVISION I. Niles Osbome, 16, Loi Alamitllo z. Gary Wurster, 18, Fountain Valley 3. Bead 8ayll1, 17, Hunttnaton Beach 4. Mike lioppl, 11, San Clenienle I. John Van Ornum, 17, Newport Bead! SENIOR DIVISION I. De:wey Webtt, 30, Venice 2. Mickey Munoz, 31, Dana Point 3. Jan Gose.wtch:. 16, San Dieio 4. Fred Gerth, 32, 'Torrance s. Chuck Linnen, 33, Um& Buch BOYS DIVISION 1. Joep Baldw1n, 14, Oceansid• 2. Mark McMlllen, 14, llmnosa Beadl 3. Pud Allen, 14, Torrance 4. Robbie Huslc, 13.. HaWail 5. Brian Hope, 14 Hmnosa Belch MINNIE DIVISION I. Kevin O'Sullivan, 11, Laguna Beach 2. Ty Page, 11, Hermosa 8eti(h 3. Jell Hamtlton, 10, !lei Point t. Doug Browne, 11, Laguna Beach i. Gary Wurster, 11, Fountain Vl!ley/ MIXED TANDEMS I. Hal Sacha and Patti Younc 2. woy Ahchoy and ~-ee.- 3. Jack lvtrton and E9tblt AlJIW 4. Sieve· Boehne and Bmit-Alpw $,Dr. Roberl Sootl and Liu Onla• PIER PADDLE RACE I. Corky Carroll, 21 , Dana Point 2. Bob Moo,., 24. Redondo Bead! 3. Kit Hom. 39, Fullerton 4. P.fickey Munoi, 31, Dana Point S. Steve Walden, ,.. Huntinlton Beach DORY RACE 1. lo! Aogelea County 2. HuntJni!<>n Beach No. I 3. NtwpOrt -4. Long Beacb S. Hunllngton Bead! No. 2 BEST HUNTINGTON llEACll GIRL N1oey 1117,., It. llUNTINGTON 11&\CB .llllllOR Brad BayUa, 17. Closed Schools Open FORREST CITY, Art. (UPI) -WICll mlnllltn pleadlnc lor bmherly love, 14 IChooli dooed lul -by racial knalon reopened today wlthout lnddent . .. -- M..d.f, StPI'"""' ~. 1169 • • ~ announcin9: the opening of our fa~cinating new Rober:t Carrier 'Cookshop -..-- ' '; 5 w.•,.. introduchi1 oUr new C1rri1r Cook1hop durir\9 le Grind lour, but it' will remeln lon9 ~•r. H9te you'll find, ·in one piece, all 'ffie accoutrements th.it make the cUfference between cooking and cu11ine, There'• e complete selection of show.off ,cookwer1 end ecc.,.1orl11 91thered from th1 cookin9 cepital1 of th• continent by M.r. ca,rter, femed chef •nd rts•eur•teur. You'll find •v•ry· thint you n11d to s1m1"•r,. stir, 1eut1, 1ift, '\trein' eftd '••rv•. And this it onry • 1t1rt ••• +h•r• er• ow•r 500 individuel item1~i1lt our C.rri•r Shop soon .•• 1v1n If you're ju1t t1kin9 a cook'1 tour. Here'• ju1t • qmpl1 of the 11lection: • Spic•• and herbs ffom Fr1nce ... , .. .2S au 9ratin cfi1h•1 ----· 2.00 to 15.00 f a • Mr. C.rri1r'1 cookbooks 9li11 cara •• ............ 2. 0 to 5.00 1 . ---·-.. ·····------·---·-............ 12 ,,51 IS.ts pottery plat11 ···-·····• I .50 to l .00 illu1tr•ted recip• cercf1 ............ 1.25 French wit• whiik1 _ 1.15" to .J.00 · ftlNt Mro c.tt. .. ,.,._ et Mey -• Co, South Co.it Plese. ~onday, French fi1h kettt•s ,_.10.00 to l0.00 September 21; 10:00 to 12:00 noon French 1oulfl1 dish••-· 2t00 to 11.00 . .rid 2:00 r,m. ·to 5:00 p.m. on th• t•m• ce111role1. ·-·-· 6:50 'to.JO:oo: lower 1..,,. ' ' 1 m.y co cetrier cookshoP, flS-solrih cu1t pl111 • I • m•y to south coett pt.11, sen ~f1eto fwy et Drl1to,, c0tf• m•tt; 546-932 J •h•P. m0ttdey through 1•turd1y 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. DAILY Iii.Or ' iJ . '• ·, ' . MAVCO • ......................................................... l!ll ......... '91 ......... S'.Ol!O:::Oll::!m ................. ::::::::::=:;:::---::;.~ •• ~.~~;c;;::;::.,.<ii< .... ~"'·;:;;::"•t::-. ., ,._ .... ~ ..... ------ ) ' North Viets • ( ShootDoWn 50ioppers troops sbOt fiva • 4' m • r 1 c a n SAIGON£.-ll«lb Vlolnameao hellcopten, di-dorlnJ an in- · fan try _..it ... fllo <di< " lhe 1 Que Sonh Villi!: fO\ilh ol Da Nang. Actor John Prow liirrymororbu A U.S •• ~t-n · .ald tt was no1 lieen ordered to stand trial In SU•' known imm<dl•!<lf• how badly Ille threo perior Court at Indio Oct. 7 qn cboppera were dainaged. obar&OI of possessing marijuana A fled ol beUcopten land• d , and barbituates. Barrymore, 57, is . AmerU:u Infantrymen from the llltb tree on it,250 l>aiJ. He WU ~ Brigade in a hill)' area M miles IOU1ll " ~llf. 4 after an auto acCldent llNf Da Nang. '!be men lmmedWel)' .,.... P-alm Springs. Pollet aald ~ cont.ct with Nol1b Vlllnamae ln>opo.. -pactages of tile' dtu1• under triggerinl a 1\1.bwr fllbt I seat o( bis car. ''!be U.S. Cammand .ald -"'""""""' ' e was tilled and nine wwnded, but tt could St. Louil Del<cliN Sgl. Adri<m Wcnman hold& o JOO.!'O'lftd st.Ihle, Palutd at about 'JJ,.500, iohkh tDGt rtor.n from In /Niii of the Jeffmon llemorial in Fcwe!C Park. TM detto- livf: found tilt: brona work undn' a bedspread i" a oocont lot Mar down.. town St. Louil. • • A ·Miami /udge bu granled tile daughter o former Venezuelan ·President Marcoo Poru JI_,.. C1Utody of her two cblldren, ali- mony and child support-but no di· vorce from her bwband. Martott Brook, .23, was granted custody of the children plus $75 a week In pay· ments by her husband, one--tlme Miami Beach Cl\.fbop LM Brook. 26. The "alimony without divorce" arrangement wu ordered because the couple did not meet Florida's 1ix-montll residency reqwnmenL • Worcester County, Masa. Sheriff JOMph A. Smith ts ·~s a twc>montb sentence in his own Jail . He was "Sentenced and fined S85 last week by District Court Judge Walter D. Allen on charges tllat he left the scene of an Aug . 5 highway accident in suburban RuUand. Smith testified that he left to drive a short distance to his home, where be unsuccessfully tried to ~er: RuUand Police Chief John • Two persons injured in the acci- dent were released alter hospital treatment. • Eight·Vfar-old Clinton BarTett of St. Louil, Mo. was 100undtd i• the leg bJ1 o bullet ffred fr""' a monJttv wrtnch. Poliu 1aJd Ill< boll foimd • owi.1, clomped fl ii< U.. nt<>nkc~ tor01'Ch and l>C)1tftd<d fl .. Ila< 11<pi of IW laome. Tiie b.U.t fired . • Aitronaut Alan Sheperd has join- ed the new Los Angeles brokerage firm of Thomas, Power & Coogan as a nonvoting partner. !ie s~d many astronauts are going irito · side businesses that do not conflict with their duties as spacemen. He will have no regular work with the firm but will drop in occasionally to look after his mvesbnenll. not 11J wbetber 'any of the CIR't!t5M ' ...,. in the bellcopten -down "all ..... In u.. ground figbtfng. '!be flgbling occumd elibt miles east of Rlep Doc. a refuaee raetUement town which bu been tlu<atenad sine< last montli by" two regiments ol the Nonh Vietnamese 2Dd Division. In two weeb of lleayY fighting in U.. area Jut moath, the U.S. Command reported 75 Amert~ and up to 1,000 North Vietnamese. twed. • The other two American beUcopera shot down were destroyed and ra!Md lo "°* the tolal ol u .s. hdlcopten reported Josi .. V1elnam. One ol thom; a small Army obo<rvall<lll helicopter, was downed Jut Friday' about. U miles west of -re the three troop. carrying helicopters were hit Mcnday, the U.S. Command said. Three Americans were wounded. An Anny Col>ra ginblp WU downed in Tbua 'Ibien province &mday za miles northwest al Da Nana, wouodln& one man aboard. . TM South Vletnamae 1ovunment reporled' that VJ<! Cong t<mr!ala rafc(ed two refugee c 1 mp a in Quana: Npi Prnvin<:e early Saturday and killed II persona, includlnC elpt memberl of the family of a ..-i policeman. Eleven .other ciVtUlna or mDJUamen were wouiided fo. t&6 attacb, about 100 miles south ol Dll Nq. North VJetn...-ooldlen l)ll'priled American fnfanb1men wbo bad JUI\ du( sblllow !Olboles Sunday nfChl al<!ftc • ridgeline 12 mUes llOU.thealt of DI N ant and blasted them with beavy 1DOl18r and rifle flrt. Heavy Rains Hit ... _ SU,.'IR~~OKE ChlML..._._ . . Showers Continue Throug1wut Southeaster{!. U.S. Callfonda c ... ta1 TUllO&Y ''"' """ .. l :d 1.1 ''"' ... l :U f.t .._... Mitll •.......••• I.JI f,1 kW low ............... J.11 1.~ ------ Mao -111,. China Run. by. Troika Pick up your Supu. Shopper redpu at our meat cowater ! YOllS for the t-... tu klels for smig plm ! Marine Dies After Saying DI Beat Him ' PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (APJ -The Marine Co11>0 lo ioveslfiotlo& the delth of an IS.year-old Parris Island ..crult wbe ~ be .... beaten by hJJ drill ln!lnidor· Pvt. Si<pben E. Met.on of M!llsbo"', Del.. cfled SUnday at the Medical Umvenlty of South Carolina Hospital In Cbarlertoo. A spokesman there sakl ):fehoo had been hospitalized forU acute kidney ailment but declined to cflscl"' tbt cause of death. A Marine Corps spokesman .ald an autopoy ,... planned. An 1Dvestigaliol1 WU begun , Wedneaday when docton ~ -bad told them be ... , bealea, the spoloesman said, but "I think medlcnf -will substantial• that be was not hosPitallzed u a result of Jil!Yalcal Injuries." The apokean•n confirmed that 1 drill lnsll'llclor had been relieved ol hJJ duties but ldded that thll .... slandard pro-ceaurc pending the out.came of ID in• vestlptiou. The drill wtructor wu not Jdentffled. Pi.au are for fun ! ... Easy to fii ... rroat to eat ! And Et Rancho'• recipeo offer delightful vari&l.iona on Ille main tlleme I • • ~-~ ... ~--~-~-----~--------------------_..,.._______.._ ........... _ ·----~ ... -------....-------·--------------·-------------------.... ~-~22.196t M 25 {. Kille·d in Mexican Plane Crash Abrams' Sen. Scott i .. Gls A1igry as Sailor · Killed by S. Viets SAlGON (AP) An American sailor was killed - apparently by a South Vi~l· namese pa ratrooper -when he tried to flag down a convoy following a shooting involving American vehfcies, military sources said today. U.S. Navy spokesmen sald the incident occurred Sept. B in Go Dau Ha, a key district town n e a r the Cambodian border in Tay Ninh province 35 miles northwest of Saigon. They said South Vietnamese officials are investigating. Sources at Tay N i n h reported "some bad feeling" among American troops there as a re s ult of the third reported k.iling of Americans by a South Vietnamese soldier in 212 montfu. The Navy said the lalesl vic- tim was EM I.e. Carl L. Meier, 20, of Waco, Tex., a member of the Riverine Task Force based al Go Dau Ha. Navy spokesmen said Meier was killed by a bullet through the neck, "presumably fired by a South Vielname se soldier," when the American dashed from a ,restaurant to investigate shots being fired Hippie Band Forced Out Of Mansion LONOON (AP) -Police evicted a band of hippies Sun-- day rrom the vacant 100-room mansion near Buckingham Palace lhey had occupied for a week, but lhe youths said they planned more sit-ins in Londn aod olher cities to draw ;,il- tention lo the needs of homeless people. "We aim lo have so many squats the lllgh Courts will be flooded with orders to get us out," said Gabriel Elrni. ''We an: prepared to go to prison but there are not enough prisons to hold us." An eslirnited 400 youths had fllltd the bou9e in defiance or authorities for &ix day&. PoUce .. id Oley tool<. lOD per..., lo headquarters. Th1rty of them. including three juvenlles,Jtttt Mtd for a hearing on cba.rgel of assault. t~re•l•t:Cln1 bell> vi or, lhell and pouesaln1 drugs. Among the U juvenlles laken from the house were 22 girls under the age of 17. Most of them were pkted up ltY parenl.s who had reported them amslng. in the street outside. The shots, the spokesmen said, apparently came from the last of three trucks in a convoy passing by. Meier tried to rlag down the trucks and was killed. Another sailor with him, \\'ho was not idenlificd, took cover and \\'3S not hurt. Other sources gave a dif- ferent version. They said the South Vietnamese paratroopers had opened fire on some American trucks on the road "apparently because the Americans didn't move fast enough to get out of lheir way." Pileier jumped into his jeep, overtook the convoy and \\'as standing in the stti!i!I trying to slop it when he was killed. Sources in Tay Ninh said at teast one South Vietnamese paratrooper was reported in custody. Bo y Starved And Buried; Co uple Held LORAIN, Ohio (UPI) -A YOlUlg couple starved lheir 4. year-<>ld son lo death, buried him in a vacant lot and then reported him missing, police said. • The parents, Robert Dell· inger, 23. and his wife. ap- peared in court today on a charge of child neglect Police found the body of Loonie Dellinge'r Friday night in a shallow grave in an empty lot on the city's east side. An autopsy showed the boy's body was ''extremely emaciated" and he had died of starvation. a coroner's deputy said . The De/lingers told police Wednesday their son disap- peared from their car while tt was parked at a supermarket. The father later told police during a lie detector test they found the child dead in bed and buried his body. The parents said they dld not mistr~t their 900, ac- cording lo pollce. ' 'The Del.lin«m have another child, ooe year okf. Police Chier Jobo Mal\noYSty salil the modi<r weighs almost no po\lnds. "11'1al was almost 2 O O pounds more than her boy wei11:hed \vhen he d I e d •' Malinovsky said. "She '11~ parentJr knew how to take care of her own nutritional needs." ' Testimony ·Says GOP . E~pected Post His • -·- bill have a hard time Kr.ding a wagon'as easy to get Into as a l9JO Chevrolet.- Try it sometime. Oimb into any other wagon, then clim b Joto one of oun. Chevrolet wins in a walk: W}lh ~ d"'!-1..action door lhat swings open wilhout any 1ut1n1.g hinges. With a rubbered stair built right in10 the bumper. With a roof I.bat &lull thou&IUfuUJ forwud so you won't hit your bead. With an extra-deep ~" to step into. With an eltra-bl.a; 1eat to slide onto. (A seal that faces the rear, incidentally, so that srowa people cao aotaally lit in it.) We've 1ot cijbt models this year, four with a t 16- inc.h wheelbase. Tdur with a 119. ·AU with ao Anti·lhd\ stoeriDJ column Jock. itttl Ade gvard beam' Full Coil 1uspemioo. J""1 b7 Fisher, EnJii>a b7 Ole>y, And · .. awful lot al room. Lookiolo a wall:.fn at ynur Chevrolot cloala'1100L You11 llnd lhef,. euy to pt into. -rlar · Bodily. And ftnanci1Uy. l'llllioa you fin~ kiepe ua &rll. On TI\I .._ • ·' l 0 I' ; ' \ ' I I l • I ' Ii I I I • ' '.I ' ~ ~·--. -.. --. DAD.Y PILOT Eol'l'OJU.U. PAGE Children and the. Law One group of high school studenuo o&reed that If -owed. them DlOlley and didn't 1>11. they'd talk It.,., .. with the debtor and then cot toqp, pllyslcally. Another group would tall: It over aD4 then go lo court. 1be students in both groups were from low income areas ol. Berkeley and Oaltland. Tiie dltterence wa1 that the second 1roup of Sl youngsters bad gone to 11law school" for elgbt weeks on the UC Berkeley campus lhll aummer -paid to do so from a' Nelghbor!iood "Youth Corps profr8111 and ln>m schofar&hlps from Berkeley schools. The first group, not e~aed to the facl;s a~ut law and its enforcement, typified attitudes ln bog oty ghettos The second group was exposed to a course em· phasw;,g "legal reasonin~ ability." As a result. their aWtudes changed along with' the way they lhougbt and reasoned. A sample comment from a participant: "Before I bad this feeling I would be getting out of school and face all these monsters (the oystem), and there would be nothin~ I could do. Now I have sonlo confidence that there ts stnlethlng you can do, thinga J didn't know about before. Now I can see where I can use the legal system, too." A private community-based project with tbe same objective had failed last year. Tb.is ye~i:'s success w•s credited to professional help an~ .orgarµZJng. Tbe young people toQ1t courses in legal wn_ting ~ case P!Oblem- ,;olving teCbniques, and made fiel~ trips to police sta-- tioDB, court~ the s I a t e Legislature, and sta1ed mock trials. Oh, No -.N~t-· Again! , Reading ot tbe''l'llallll filtber who ~· •1 mllllon suit. a(alllltilit '1'ullll Ualool Blih· Di-. lrict for IDCllldlllC an.AldOua' suier-In II& currtcu- lum, the avtn&• .COlllll;y• nlldent mJcbt well excl•lm, "Ob, llC>-llOI o&lln! Anolber boot burner!". The last tlmt It wwa IMl!lbtr·Qf tbe cowdy·board of educatloll waotlu to delete JGlul Benet• cllalc "Hirolblma" from Ille coanty adloob' llat ol llbri111 books in punult ol .... ldeolostcal qulrb. Now 11•1 an lndlvldll.ll'a p!Olell anlnst a Huzley book, "Brave New World," llUbllllleol.fl ;yeon. oao. lllo point, as explained In ~ lfnt of three Jetten on tbe subject in Mailbox below on tbli peae, was to show the potential outcome for the human race If we become enslaved to modem teclmolOI)'. Altempllo by lndlvlduall to lmpooe lhelr literary tastes and prejudlc:ea on othen have hoc made throughout human iu.tory. 1lnce the lnven~ ol lan- guage and printing. Tbey have· nceeedtd 'Giily r&r91y, and then only temporarily-fortunately fi>r the Intel· Iectual lnedom of manklncf. • • • 'Ibe next move will be t~ try to lncc;>~rate the pro- gram on a continuing basts into existing orgaru.ied acbool sys-terns. This is an essential program that needs prompt attention from scbool authorities and the bar assoda .. tion. It can help reduce the pervading distrust, fear What ls perllepa lllOlt cllaturblng about llUt latest effort at ctlllOnbip ii ihe w~ auclt prolalil wa.ole-tlHo Ume ol. educaton alid boarda of education. It beh0ove1 board members aad admlnlstraton to dee! llnnly with · lhll sort of lbing lest ti get out of band to the point wbere there's lillle lime left to keep the ICbools op- erating. '7 woa nilibling on thia .taxpayer when a guy from tk White Holl# 7W up andaays, Take that, yau cur!"' Jockeying for Dirksen'• Mantle Senate GOP Is Fragmented WMll!NGTON -Pltbllc jockeying by aepubll?ft senators to grab ~ he leadership mantle of the late Sen. Everett Dirksen, R-nl., exposes for all to ,.. the !rqmented Senate GOP. Di.vlsim amq Senate Democrats - liberal va. couervatlve, North vs. South -is an old. old story. Now it is quite cleat that Republicans have their dif. fe:reoctl too. though the fact.ions are not so easy to define and regionallze. For President Nixon, who has been well aware of theae party splits, the ltadenhip wrangle may signal dif· .,ftculties in weeks ahead. 'lbe President's ~live mJtiaUvm Dll1 have even "'1gber &ledding In the very dilatory Consress which 11 now in sesslon. One of tbt char1cterlst.ics of the Senate GOP IQUlbbles is that. while they are essentially d i f .( e r e n c e 1 between "liberals," ''moderates'' and "comiervatlves," there Is al.so an element of personal1ty conOict involved. SEN. HUGH SCOTf JR., R-Pa., i5 viewed 11 the liberal rontender far the ludenhip post. Scott. however. Is not the darling o( all the GOP senators who would lite to be regard«! a& GOP liberals. By the same token, Sen. Roman L. Hruska, R-Neb., bas emerged as the. can- didate of GOP conservatives whose view1 "ere essentially those of Dirben. However, Sen. John J . Williams, R-Dd., who fill that mold, is understood to op- pose Hruska as the result or a con- troversy long gone. Unlike the Southern caucus of Sen.ale Democrals. which meets on mat.ten of interest and can be lilted Ute by stale and senator by senatw, meinbenbip of the GOP power blOCI lo t!nll - and the split on UJ pen 1slue 11 fre- que:nUy in doubt. EVEN BEFORE Dirk&en's death thett were rumbliop in the Republican cloakroom of somdhlnc like moll ,..___,s a re9')11diaD " ane meran .. ~. . " GOP seoattt lald 111, "but it'• a little lllil the C8lll(>UI -In lbal llepubllc8 senal<lrl 4'ol quJle -wbll lhq an revolting aplmt. '" Some of them, be said, objected to Dirksen'• occasional clasbeJ with the NiJ:on Administration. "but. 1hen. BuP Scott is regarded by aome 'u jult a duplicating machine for the White House." "There'• also a ltnlng feeling qalnll Vice Pmideol ,,., .. , .. our lnlonnanl ~. "llll lobbying for Ille MmJnillnllqo rlslJI OD tbe flow ol tbe S.le In tbe fight .... tbe ...... --all tbe Manjull ol ~ rulu lllal we are to proud ol. an:Mld beft1 •• be llJd. SOMll or THE ID feellioc la aimed directly al the White House and Ila handl- ing of patronage and of the repruen- tational chores of lawmakers -the re- ~ that members ol Ille Senale help tllilr -or, at leut, ap. pear to Icy. "One trouble," mapped one angry GOP senattt, "Is lbat the only -In tbe White HoUle wbO has ever been eleeted to an}'thinl 11 the Preaident ~U." In that stormy clfmate, tt lo clear lbat President N-la well advlaed lo loiep clear <i the Senale leadenblp opt. The wne -. In 'Padel, for Vice Pnlldant ,,., .... The loq view II not an WJ one to tote -especfally amid the lmmedlote P't"°"' <i the White --Presi-dent Nb:on CIA wtll afford to vibr tbe Seoafe • leadereJp bltlle In - pa apectlve. lllrbeD .... u Nam -In lolo euloa, a laWited pollllcfaa. 1111 a- perlence In both the -,llld·-made him an able 1tClllalfve tecbolclan who "'"1ld gel lhfnp -In~. HAVING 1IAID THAT, however, 11 mmt be Clulckl1 noted lhal Dlrtaea had -bll lhlng1 u a minority leader, operal!nl u loyal oppooltlon for Democratic PreAldentl Kennedy and J O b D a O D , R<cenUy be bad lleOllled llllCWln, and -unhappy, ..... -a llepobjican cbf<f eucutive. Prealdent N-ls, <i ......,, looklnc to the day wben his Seoale Jt.adfr wfl1 be a majarlt)> leader ~ to - Wbfle -InllUOlf .... lo 1llo eti«, alter Ille -bbllag lo<Ml, lho Ptioldaal..., be well aerved by a~ .,. -.. ,\lloa udJlloaA.~ His Flagrantly Legal Acts Loot M1gazlne has shocked the Nation with .:itl accusation that San Francisco's Mayor, Joseph Alioto, knows 11 i; membera o( the Malia. Personally. Moreover, charges Look, the Mayor oo several occasions acluaJJy performed nagranUy legal acts oo behalf of these 1enUemen -the most flagrant being to help one of them 1et a bank loan. The Mayw has stoutly denied perform· lng any flagrantly legal acta and is suing Look !or $U.5 million for saying he did. But anyone who's read the Look article wa t.e.11 there's more here than meets the eye. 1n fact, it sounds as suspicion..pro- "*-inl as an article 1 recently finished wriUng entitled: "Look Maguint'1 Secret Ties lo the N.A.M." The juicier pa.rU follow . IT WAS AT 2:32 p.m. on November l 1161, thal Gardner Trowels, a seemlncb"· retpOClable publisher, held a highly un- 1UblidJed meeUng wllh tine other men '"lbt: finl tee dl lbe Bide-.a-Wee Country l:lub. ----' llfooday, September 22, 1969 Tllo cdltorioi ""°' ., Ille DaU~ ' Pllol _ .. lo 1111-. ...i -.wa-. llr _,mg lllfs ---· opltilooa and com-....,.,, oo 1oJ>1a of lnter11t ""' 111/Nl/l<IG>IU. br ~ • ,_ /«" IM ~ of -_,, opllllonl. ""' br ~ fM -ofno. ,.. *'/ 114\1FJ t• oMrrwr1 .... ••• • •• -loJilc> ., lllC -; R41*t If, Weld,• !'llblllber l • ' . n.ww bad bofll a van -ot mqazine:I: and newspepen wbkb were openl)' purcbued bJ ex-coavlcll and tome of which even found their WU' Into the nation's moat beav111 llW1led peni1entiaries. Present at lht tustoric meeUng with Trowels were th~ three characters: Roger (Ten Fingers) Blout. notor1oul )lead of the U.S. Slee! ring and reputedlJ the N.A.M. cbfeflain for the enllre Midwest. T. S. (Four 1')>el) Peterman, the beapectacled -ol 1111 Rumble Oil ems-camblln& ring, ·-allqedly rlcged -bl cbonco have -forced on -->tatloo operalon -Iba~. R. J, (lrOll Lunp) ReanUa, Eut Ooul don <i tbe N.A.M. -ne!uioul cam- palp to -AmerlcoD ,_ .. habit-!~ nJcollne bu 1"" -under Io-vestlgeUOn by 1-.i aiititorillell. THE FOUR MEN. all wwlnc darl: &Jauet and chtwlng on erpeM!vt clgan, shook band1 and beeln playlnc what was purported to be a carefree game o( golf. But lnvestiaatort, di!cuiRd u caddies, picked up ......, <i tbolt canvtnaUon to -lbal IOIDelbln(· WU UP. Thert was ta.It, they told thla rtporttr under oath, ol "pena]Ues," "aide bell" and "pt,)'-Clft1.'" And Trowels. whost: .. phew " married to R<Mfll' -COUJfo OD his mother's ~dt, pttiodicllly lolled lll)'ll«iloul Ogw-.. on a amafl card be carried. Blout. who has a pollce r_.i doling Mei LO a p;rkin1 meter vlol1Uon In 1938, "completely bJew" over 10me remark aller hlttlna three tn.ns Into • water buard ond slared at hll ...,. Dear Gloomy Gus: Refer to the Bible, Sl Jolm, Cllap. ter 11, Vene !. It T"Mdl: uJ- Wept. • And I -did °"' c.s.., Blbllc:al -(Gui, Sept. ti) t.r h II pmonal p-ajudjco acafnll 1<111 hair. A. II. v. ""' .............. .....,.. ........ _ _..; .... II .. II •111 .... """ ...................... ...... • Huxley Book Not Filthy or . Porrwgra:phic To the Edlto" Everybody is entitled to bis opinion, but the ''TUJtin Dad" who i::lalms Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" is just pomosrapblc fllth is going a b" too far. (DAILY PILOT, Sept. 11). Tbe -Is neither pornocrapblc nor fi\b:I'· iae G<ora• 0rw.u·1 "1914." u 1s an eu.mpt to show · members ol the -.-whae tier an heading -lbq bOcome alavea....r modern tocbn6lo110, In rllJ oplnloo, the Tu&t1n Union High SChool Dillrlct la to he coogratulAted for includlna Rusley'• booll: in tta curricUlum. EDGAR O'BRADY PHELPS. ClM..,el.eacu To the !dfltt, l'rtallJ p11J IJ.yeer-old "Baby" Jane<te Wllllamsm now that her father, Bernle W'011Jpwn, bu taken it upon hhMelf to becomt a .,._ In Ora"i' Coonly (op. position to u>e <i Aldous Hmley's lll!S "Brave New World" in Tustin Union High SdlOCll lllotrict). Obvlonsly he doesn't ttallze that we an: llvi:q' ln a brave new -1cf, Or, hunl he picked up 1 """PIP" lately? He tJ creating exactly the aame lituaUon he's trying to keep his daughter from reading a-. 1 REALLY FEEL sorry for Janette; she pr1lbably hasn't been allowed to read anything besides the Dotty Dinsmore books. WbaL sort of meutal protection is "Ille Brotbe.r" offering Janette against tbe leunll llcr hf'1I llCbOol peers are going to toil at ber witb tbe.ir usual sadistic 1Iee? Wbal if Janelle decides to go to Cal Po- ly and lake IQ> aitlmal huabandry with the idea ol becGmtn« a raochtt? t can see the fun that Bernie Wllllamlon will have with "The Brt<dlng ind Raising of Black Angus Cattle.." By the Ume he gets tbroulh with that piece of pornographic f.lJth. lhe only textbook an agricullural coDege will be able to use is "Rebecca of. Sunny brook Farm." AND POOJ\ Mother Williamson. She bad to be heavily sedated because of the lhock caused her by "Brave New World." U this upset her IO much, what wu her ruction when lbe found out how behifl '"" .,..,,,...., I hope ahe tells Janelle the lr1llll about babies -lhal lhq art found tmder cabba&e kav.._ Wbal we reaJb' need la men enllgbien. ed -1t Ulot tbO WUllain>ons. We can lhllll real """"" lbal Peter Pan Is alive and llvlnc ln Never0Naver Land, whose <fllllal la Moocow. MARTHA O'SHAUGHNESSY Is She Serlou! To the Editor: 11 Ja.netla WUUam.:Jn Rrioul abclrt not wantJnc to pe:ru11 Holey'• 0 Bnve Ntw World" t ~ U!Dt abe perpolralOd a dfaboUc plot to c<t GOt ol 'IMnc·a - report. JORDAN SIMMS Memory: Great Gift to Mankind Everybody bemoans lhe l1rift p.&S6.lng of time. Some of Shakespe.are'1 most mournful sonnels were written on this theme : man's Ufe la ravenously de- voured by · the tlger-jaw1 of time. Mom of us, however, fail to be suf. fkienUy grateful for an almost unnoticed compensation -the great gift of memory. We take It for granted that we should have a rich and powerful memory of the past; it never occurs to us that, of all creaturet, we are the most blessed in lhla rupecl . MAN llAS BEEN called I 'l't.iJ'be.biAd. . lng anlinal," wtuch means that all human history would be impossible if the race did not possess the memory lo transm.ll knowledge through the 1ene.ra- tioos. AJ>Mt. from this unique endowment (which bas ptrmitt.ed us to make the: earth aur own), there is the deeply personal gratifil!atlon of living in the past. Ute.passes swiltly, bul It ii pttpelually rtnewed in the mind. We can conjure up memoriet. of past delights. Jn a few mlnuta, we can Jive over many ytan, and re-taste the sweet savor of triumph or love or friendship or fun. F.QUALLY IMPORTANT, we can track backwarc and live in the mind.I ol grut men. For those who UR rudine cruUvo- Jy, AristoUe still walks ln the groves ol Academe, Dr. Johmon still sits in P..1rs. Thrale's parlor, Napoleon still commands tbe field at AUsterlltz, Darwin still nils on lbe Beagle. In the mind of a cultivated person, life stretcbel back thousands of years., and IU ril<iocll Or\llOl lln>lted to the handful of Dflng men and women around him, but ext.end throughout the company of heroes and sainta and prophets and arWta wbo bave died only In body. THERI! WllJ. ALWAYS be a blealmess and a bittemeQ in lhe lives of people who are greedy of physical time, who are resenUuJ of the rapid encroachments of age. They are incapable of communion with hlst«y, they lack a aense of the p.ut. and therefore they can find no serenity in the future. Life will always be too short for the pusoo wbo does not &tt btyond his nose. To use God's magnifkent gilt ol memory to Ila fullest ii the only way to accept the ravages cX time with pte~ ~ and with cract. Rechecking Five Books Rttlpltulalioa: Now the fall publishing season is upon us, let me recheck at least fi1•e summer books which particularly in· terested me, all nonfiction. There were others, but If I were compUing a ruding list of new titles for a late summer holiday, it would include: "An Unfini.sbed WOffitn," by Lillian Hellman. The dislifllUished playwright described this as a "memoir" rather than autobiography. Slighter than her ad· mirers might have hoped for, It is nonetheless an hone.st and enga&inr: scrapbook whii::h sugge1ls the u- perieoces, delights and pain that b a v e shaped this fine mind and unusual woman. NOT MUCH ABOtrr ,Ibo theater, but Mi.sa Hellman Is a certlfied member of a 20th Century American pantheon and her shoula: and murmun In this record are pertinent and rewardinJ (Little, Brown: IUO). "The M-g ol the Preaidtnl Ill&," by Theodore H. Whl1". The lhlrd 10-round by this m e t i c u 1 o u 1 journaUat-hllt.orian received less than glowing notices lo some major critical media whlch aui· gested that 1968 wu far more than a poliUca1 year in the United States and that Ttddy Wh11f! simply wasn't up to covering it all, or even uncknt.andiq it all, as a one-man analysl The year obviously wu beyond tbe comprehenston of any of us, but tt 1etma to me White handled OM of the molt. dif. rocult stor1e1 in Amerlcon hlatory wtth 10- llch~ hll -.ary --and pollllcal oophlltlcatloo (to .., nolhlnt ol his tireless I<r-t). Tbe -1Dlll' u. vile mloor ....,..,..11, but on lbe whole tt ls I VutlJ' abeorbiJlt report GD the con- t e m p o r a r y American dUemma (Alheneum; '10). ~'Jf. G. WELLS: His Turbulent Ufe and Tlmel." by Lovat Dlcboo. An ll>dtplh analysis of the compln E rt c 11 t h journ111at, historian. propbol, aclenUll< &eer, anU·Manlst IOdallll and wrll'1' of celebrated ecl!:nUnc romances ("The War tJ the Worlds," etl!.) by an English biographer who concentrates on Wells' most dramatic years, 1905-1115, when he Ureatenec: to become some.ting of a 20th Century Swift or Volt.airt. A scholarly recoostruction of a pulsing literary er1. "Life on Mu," by Theodor Rosebw-y. An inordinateJ-1 l!apUvaUn1 work for the layman by a Chicago bacteriologist whole point, broadl.71 is that a litt1e dirt is good r-or you , ru1 book is a paean to normal body bacteria and the positive functicns they perform. It 11 allo 1 criticism 0( the Ame:rk::an tribal rile of cleanlioess aod the c o m m e r l! i a I emoUlenb wtrtch freque.ntly do away with more "good bugs" In the human body than they !hould. Both an anrusing a n d enlightening work (Viking; $8.95), "THE BAD POPFil," by E. R. Chamberlin. Borps, Medlds and mora ob9cure if no leas menacing rascals who, for one reason or another, occupied the throne oC Peter in the pre-Rtfonnation Roman Churcb. A dazzlinc opera lhal survtya: the reigns of seven decadent pm- tirtr, including a 20-year-okt nobleman and 1ambling man wbo was elected u Benedict IX. The wonde< b lhat the Holy See survl•ed. A scholsrly and lntrliuln& cbrooicle. (Dil'l: _ .... W1111am Hocu ..---..... ,.,. --~ Dur <leors<: .\ rn bee\ laklnr your adv1ct for riine ,..,.. and llOlbln& bu -ked ytt and thlnp are llUCb a mea I'm golio& to quit !>king your advlce I DISILLUSIONED o .. r DialU_, See how much you learn reading lhla column?. • I .. , I • •' . ---. --~------------~--------------~·-~-------------- ;c~'~· • I ' I ' -.----eNot . . For Young Lo~ers By L ftf. BOYD fatm , you'd bttter learn the FlLET OF S 0 LE-A aqswer lo this one : Which has Hollywood re.Uurant, whii;h u.p greater number of scales, caters to the snauy, has two a !·pound trout or a 2-pound menus. Ftnr lists prices. The tr1>ut!"· A. On my trout farm, second dotsa'l. Otherwise, U I ever gel it, they'll have ex· they look alike. When a aclly the ·same numbu of romantic couple cornea ln, lhe scalt!. Trout are I i i e waiter gives Ult memz WUb that. • , . Q. "WHAT SORT prices to \be fello¥r, the men11 OF merchandise do the mall· withwt to the woman. Thil ls or~ houies sell the mOJt a Ditty wrinkle. A girl of?" A. Shoes held that shoulda't be called upon lo d1stinction for about 40 yeara, consider the cost of a dinner Will check to see if they still when out wl\b the gentleman do. friend wbo is ~g her. In THING ABOUT an Aquarius the fear of overburdenln1 _hin1, girl is you can come lo count she is too apt to· ni gotiate on her in money matters, says herself out of the: lobster into our Planet man. Not right Lbe filet ol sole, and she ought away. That's expecting too not, Our Love and War man much. An Aquarius g Ir I frowns on premarital fil et of usually has to blow about sole. ' $5,000 before she gets control IN ACCORDANCE with this of the check book. But she does department's eammitment to gel control, eveatually .•• tell it alt, must report a WRITES au ldahoian: "So a pollste r claims every third customer says bee stings are college ro.ed now goes to good for arthritis. How true! l classes without a bra. , . . got into a hornets' nest the YOU'VE HEARD OF that other day and my arthritis town called Gnaw Bone. But didn't bother me for a milt did you know it was named by and a hall." an Indianan with a twang UNMA~"I am a sg. after the French village of year-old woman who is un: Norbonne?. • . .PEANUI' married 6y choice," writes a BUTIER is not the only Fresno lady. "And I suppose American deli cacy a 1 m o s t what annoys me most i!! the unanimously despised by the person who asks, 'How does it fore ign born. I'm told. They happen that you're not mar- are said to loathe root beer, ried?' How can people be so too. crass as to ask a question llke CONSIDER THl84fister, that? I have finally come do you take your car to and come· aniund to· the place from the job? If so, on which where J always answer, 'How trip do you tend to drive the does it happen Lbat yoo are fastest, to or from? Believe married?' J suggest your Love it's clear men are generally a and War man put that in his lot more eager to get home fil e, too." than to wo_rk. In most places, Yo ur questiom and com· at lust six Umes as many met1!.t ore welcomed and will speeding ticket! are handed be used wherever possible in out between 4 and 6 p.m. as "Checking Up." Address mail • between 8 and 9 a.m. to L. M. Boyd, in care of P. O. CUSTOJ\IER SERVICE : Q, Box 1875, NetopOTt Beach "U you're going to run a trout Calif. 92660. ' Top DemoContender.~ Have Their Troubles WASIUNGTON !AP) -The f<llr' top potential 1972 Demo- cratic presidential aspirants are ha ving difficulty In getting attention and keeping peace within their own party. For Hubert H. Humphrey, Edmund S. J\iuskie. Geor.ge S. McGovern and Fred R. Har· ris, Incidents over the put week illu¥rale tile problem each faces in trying to assume • pooltlon of Jeodershlp In.the still fragmented OemocraUc party. Humphrey, the party's 1961 Italy Says_ Other Lines To Cut Fares OOME (UPI)-The Antall•· airline predicted today more than half the airlines flying the Nortr. Atlantic route lo New York would ·aJuh winter fares In line with Alilalla's own reduction &MOUnced Fri- day. . Martello Mainelti, AJitalia's assi.tantJeoeraJ director ror traffic a Illa.. told a -news conlerence this predlcUoo wu based on a sound.in& of airlines taken be!Ore Ali1alia decided to denounce fares set by the Intematiooal Air Transport AalOC!aUon (lATA). He said Alltalla w a s especlally confident the two big Amerian carriers, Trans World Airlin es and P a n American Airways, would go along. Mainetti gave further details on the Alltalia action which made clear it was not as far-reaching as Friday's announcement indicated. He said AJitalia proposed to cut individual roundtrip fares between Rome and New York lo Pit for the winter teason rrom Nov. 1 to March 31. But the reduced !are will apJl)y on- ly for ""'°"' making trlps of at lt.ut 01ree weeb. Frlday'a announcement did not specify restrictions u to season or dur11Uon or trip. The JATA individual fare for the eame trip dtirlng the winter sta900 la $409 and group fares for a minimum of 40 penon11<< !320..'l'he IATA fares 1pply for trips of only 14 day1. presidential nominee, breezed into a reception of top party leaders last Wednesday night, fuU or enthW1iasm and pleased that his role as titular Democratic leader had been confirmed by his appointment as chainnan o! the n.ew ~Uc PoUcy Couoc1L But wben Hwnphrey lUI m. ln>ducecl, fully 11u'ee.!OID'tha of those In lhe room l,lnor<d him. and his llknlnule opeedf pro- ducec! only perfunctory ap- plause. '!be neil day, Muskie was the chief speaker al a lun- cheon for the Democratic Na- tional Committee and state chalrmen, but a SS.year old woman, Mn. Emma Guffey Miller, stole the !haw. The Maine -"'111or, IMI year's vice pr es id en tt a I nominee and a leading lJ7J possibility, spote without a pnopued text and had l1ttle .,.w to aay inc!Udlnc brief criUci!m of Prtsldent Nlzon and an appeal for party Unity. But Mrs. Miller , Pennsylvanla's national com· mitteeWornan for J1 yean and ljl.lest ot honor at the hincbean, delilhled ·the audieftco ml brouaht repeated appllUJe wllh a aeries of sames at. tbe Republlcans and a remark · that .,,. 1IOll1d be !WI of • DemocHts beca"" tbe Bible said '"hleuecf m ' the po«." ML'Govem, who9e p a r·t y reform commJ.ssion ls nearblg a cruclal stage in its efforts to make deleeate selection pro. cedures motfi d~atic, ar· rived at the National Com. miUee meeting just in ~ to hear the applause for Sooth Carolina Gov. Robert E. McNalr. The governor had unJeadied a sting1ng a(tack on party le>dm, l<CIUinl Mdlovom of rtYtvlng Iatt year1s confHctJ by giving utremists a plat· fonn before nallooal television audleocet. M>J\)' J>lltl1 leaden a1ao .,.. stroncly critlot.I of McGm>em'1 efforll, wh1dt mlgli{' waken 1helr Cl&ht .... ln>I of local and I t a l e Democratic organizatklna. McNalr wu a1lo aharply critical of Hams, 1 h e Ol!alwxna aena!Or l1ld the party's naUonal cbainnan. for pursuing an ~nly liberal course. a~ 1potllghted by hl8 aPJ)Ointmenls to the policy counc:ll. • Mond~, StpUmber 22, 19&9 l • • , .. ' • Fashion Manor accent rugs on Sale! .. GET ONE FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. OBLONGS'N OVALS . .. thru Saturday! THE Pl!NNl!Y STORY Old-fashioned words fora modern store . Br ROBERTA NASH There's a funny thing that happens. when you try to · describe the Penney com- ' 'pany to people. l'art of you wants to talk about 197~ while the other part wants to talk abi>ut 1902when Penney's ·-~it.J'd;' ,, Andyou may begin with · --the youtbquake words '• like hip and mo4 and tuff. But before long you're back to the old-fashioned words like ltonor and iri· ltgrity and sln•JarJs. 'Can you be as contem· porary 11 1970 and u old- f uhioned as 1902. We 'SPART A' handsome geometric pattern rugs reg. 3.99, NOW luxurious .dePl~ di,tiridive patterning achieved with cut end loop pile in 100% virgin nylon pile. Dacorate bril- liantly with honey-gold, olive, eo1mic blue, bitter1weet, . . 2'" x36", r19. 3.99 .................. NOW 2.81 27" x 48'', reg: 5.99 •••••••••••••.•••• NOW 4.18 36"x 60",rog. !II ................... NOW 1.88 <4811 x72", reg. s1a· ••••••••••••• , •••• NOW 14.11 LI KE IT ... CHARGE IT I -. 'RAINBOW' shag rugs in high fashion colors reg. 5.99, NOW 4.88 Multicolor shags ••• purt foihfonl Continuous ~lament nylon pile in blue, golds, greens, oranges Rounds and ovals art fringed. 21"x36" oblong, rog. S.99 .......... , .. NO:.'f 41.11 27" x ~S" oblong or oval, reg. 8.99 ••••. , •• ~OW7.ll 36" x 60" oblong or ova I, reg, 116. , • , , , . NOW 12.1,I 48"x72'' oblong or ovol, reg. '27 ..••.. NOW 22.11 AVAILABLE .~T YOWR LCCAL PENNE'( STORE " OAIL y l'1LOT T • .. .. ' • • ' • . -~ . -. -------. ..,.... - ~ Jlands in Article , F f'RANCISCO fUP ll - yot Joseph L. Alioto says will prove that key !!lepublicans h e I p e d Look Giagazine develop its story l'11ch t'Onlends he is linked tfth the Mafia. _.~ .. Not the go\' er nor t;rsonally b u t Identifiable Republican figures .·• Alioto says. B~ he b ~onvince• Assemblyn1an J esse Unruh·s bands are clean despite a Republican legLslator's claim. mooey and a vote of con- Odence from Stat.e Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch. Lynch, a san Francisco De1nocrat and long-time friend of the mayor, stopped short of re(uti ng Look 's statement lhat Alioto's "name appears on dozens of pages of law en- forcement in tel Ii g e nee reports." But, speaking to the 2,420 persons who filled t h r e e ballrooms at the Fairmont Hotel, Lynch said "I have never seen in all my political experience such an outpouring for a man who has been so maligned." State Ends Drivers Lists Sale SACRAMENTO I AP) Gov. Reagan has ordered the stale lo stop selling lists of the na1nes of licensed drivers, and lo review all information any age11cy sells or gives away about Califomi.ins. Jn making the nn- now11.-emen1 Saturday, th t" governor told his cabinet members to report to him on wha tever informatiun other state depart1nents may be providing to anyone. He .said "lhc a1..·tion 16 just ., ' -" -~-="-•• -=-~=::r-.-"' ' .. -I • ------•. -. -...... -.... - • ro@le_lnjure~ 17. • I • i!VEllSIDE (ljl!I) _A·-..,,~ arrt1~1·11111 no CIMCo.'poct!qt.....The cllnll priln&.•~, UH 1ru ~ hijurloo Ira the $200,IOO blue ~ tbe desttoytdbyftre~J~ ~-lldll(J and two,nllrood .box- lollowb!I a dlllertiaJm In the ~ fire .,._.. .-an can adll damapd two ad· ~\11 N~ • llde•,_:bao:;;a-:_l:;z;.er:....;'"-1-IM:;;":_Fl:.;ndla:;;;;::..f....::l•:;;=:;;t:.;a:!:partme=="tc.;hoo;;.wsc.;sts.;_:__ thi!.)ell i1 pOJ)oe o1hc.n ID-"JUre!:I. .,_" I • ' .., · Poli<e said the blaze oc- curred one bloo.t ll'\1111 1 dance hall '™to 'I~ IOO yo0ths pelted them. witli rocks, bricb ·and bottl ... Grass fira we.re set ln the one.block aru where the melee was confined. Wbe!ll snlpen began shooting at police, electmtty to tbe parl< and " adJ/Jinlq neJibborl>ood was cut oil. - Tbe 'distul'bance subsided about 2:30 a.m. Sunday. There -··J don't believe that Mr. Unruh would stoop to anything like 1hat." said the mayor, who is expected to run against lhe Assemb l y Democratic leader irtl (heir pany's gubernatorial primary next year. lndlrectly referring to the article's authors, Lynch said "I may have more knowledge , on SOqle. subjects than other people do, and that's why I'm proud to be here tonight. . .I can't think of a night in which I have been so proud to participate." another e1ample ol-the ad--1-:r:;Vf:~e...:;~ ministration's' many effort! in ._1-;::;;:::::;:-.;-::::-...;..:::.;:;:,::::=.:=::::.!:;..'.!::::.!:!:;~'-=~ the r,ield oI consumer p!'O· Hip RaJJy . Quiet in ~'.µ. Alioto commented on possi- ble political involvement in the Look article (ollowing a $100 per plate testimonial dinner Saturday night in which he picked up $200.000 in campaign Get the most on INSURED SAYINGS ! KEYSTONE SAVINGS ANO lOAM f.SS.OCl•HC .. ,,,..."',, w c.......-. ,.,,,,,w. "' .... , "' s 3 a~ "' SPEtl.U llllJ PUii • Af'fNUM It was the first lime Lynch flas publicly spoken out 01\ the article. He later told ne\\'Smcn he was speaking "as a (riend and out o( knowledge" of "what's in the files." I-le declined to elaborate. adding only : "Interpret ii yourse\(." Alioto was asked by a reporter whether he believes political rivals may have helped the magazine develop H.!! article. "Do I think Ulat there is Republican parUcipation in Uti.!! th ing? We 'll prove it before \\'e're through," Alioto said. te~on." His order ended the 18-yt'ar- old practice or the Moler ---------------------· LOs MGELES I~) - Ab<itt 11,olio per!Olia li<!d what Police called. '.'a.r .orderly hip- pie fa]Jy" 'at Griffith Park " Sunday protesting a proposed ordinance that would lhnk such gatherit!gS. ' Vehicles Department sellirn: its lists of licensed drivers Ill private businesses . This meant canceling con- trac!s for the names no1v h~ld by a Los Angeles mai l ad- vertising firm. Abstract a,id Record Serv ice, and a OJ · tionwide distributor of a teenage driver s a r e l y magazine, ll. L. Polk Co. Polk paid about one h~U cent for about 3.5 million ne1~· li'cense applications cir renc\\'als a year. The names are valuable because auto insurance ~:..ud equipment firms obtain them and then mail advertisernents to drivers. Tee11 Girl Credited With Saving of Pair The .. park-in" was organiz.. ed by the Coalition Agalnit Repression as a m855 protest against an ordinance that would ""!ulre special permits for any groups tn any park ot beach under the jurisdiction Of tbe Los An&eles Recreation and Park Conimisalon. ' PALMDALE (UP I) -A 13· year -old girl today v.• a s credited w i th sav ing two companions who were trapped in a 400-foot deep canyon where they lay injured for 17 hours follo wiag a traffic ac- cident. Theresa Brolze, Lancaster, 'vas thrown clear of an auto that plummet.e:cl over 1 cliff near here, climbed down the mountainside to aid her com- paniOJIB and then climbed up again early Sunday \o sum- mon help. 'Ibe chief of administrative services for the CoJlUlliisjon, Jobn Horan, aald a new ordinance had been mbmitted to the commissioner11 last May because the present one is 100 years old. Authorities said Miss Brotze .bad beeti asleep rn tHe back seat of-the car driven hf Kay Sanford, 18, Lancaster, when it went over a cliff In Boquet Canyon Saturday. night and plunged .fOO..feet to Ole creek bottom" Ther.,. was thrown Orbit Try Fails from the car part way down -aod landed on a ledge -un--1UCHINOURA, Japan (AP)' conscious. -Japan failed today In its '~ '--°'."";, •. • "• ·, . \ How to improve on an almost perfect hairdo "Springtime• by Helene Curtis $10 Includes haircut, shampoo and s!yle Helene Curtis Conditioning T reatmeot Shampoo and slyle ....................... ,. ....... 3.88 1.me'"'-n W. speciaUn in the car. of fmhiui wigr.. USE.YOUR PINNEY CHARGE CARD- NO Al'POINTMENT NECEsSAlY PUl.LIRTOtt Or""lllftll' c....... Inf ..... 171-00 MUJfTIH9TOll IUCll Hllnllftot. c..t... w flew, n m 1 M•Wl'ORT llACM l'Wlllrn IW.1111 ""',._., .... u11 Recovering, she spent the fourth attempt to put a night aiding Donna EIUa, 15, satellite into earth orbit when I Lancaster and Miss Sanford, the uncoupling third stage O{ who were trapped in the car. · the rocket bumped the: fourth Aller dawn she climbed up the payload stage and threw it olf hlll and stopped a hunter on the planned trajectory at an the canyon road to ask for 1__:a~lt~it~u~de~of:_:1~oo~to~l~2~4~mlilil':•'~"-__i_::===================== help. The quiet car gets QU1eter fo r 1970. Nevir rubber body mounts, riew sus· prMion system isolators and 25 SQ. ft more ol sound 11'\SU!ation Chry:sJer's new Sound tsolat•OO Systern. Hetdfightl.. Beauttfufty con- CQ!ed. Undl you need them. Theft )'O"' Qvysler 300 lums ~inlOc&.y. Chrysler's unibody cons1ruc- tion. 5.000 '™liv1dual Wf'lds produce • unrt of unusual slrength ••. sllE!'flce and durability. This year the rein' wheets h8Y'll a new wide stance. To make your Chrysler eYen more stable.. You can !]el quiel rides will OCher' cers... bul With Cl'lryslel" CMS fOV gel ~ ideaf comb1nat1on ol Quietness. stability, and control , , . all Irani the btendinv ol 101SK>n-bar suspenston. Ul'llbody ~ t.truct1on afld Souod boUW>O Syslem. A mountain rescue team and a heli copter brought the two girls ool. All three were taken to Swan Memorial Hospital, LaACaster. Miss Brolze was treated ·and released, and the other two girls were reported in lair condition. Solon No'v Faces Drunk Driving Rap SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Assemblyman Edwln L . Z'berg, D-Sacramento, was charged with misdemeanor drunkfln driving Sunday poliet; said after a high-speed chase through a residential area. Z'berg was released on bis own recognit.ance by Superior Coort Judge Joseph A " DeCristoforo. He is scheduled to appear for arraignment ~ day. but said ln ·an interview he will ask (or a postpone- ment. The 1 1 -y e & r legislative veteran said be didn't know how he will plead. Z'bt!rg, 43, said he will decide that later. "I was just stopped," said the lawmaker who in private Ji(e Is an attorney. "That's all that happened.'' However, Patrolman Allen Hayes, the arresting officer, booked Z'berg on .lhe drunken dri ving charge and a I s o recommended he be cited for speeding, unsafe lane change, no lights, failure to yield to 1 po\iet; car and driving without a license in hi.!! possession. OVERSTOCKED Must Sell -Free O.livery INSTANT CREDIT Ne'v 9 pc. corner arrang, chol~ of cln. reg, $23(), now 1159.50. Hl'lldboanh: IOng:g,' $15; Queens, '12.50_i, Fu_!J •. $10.50; Twil'li, $4.95. ·1-~ .. i;cts (duo rlscrl with inner 11prlng matt., rt-g. $106, noW S79!i0 Ro\1-a-"1LY beds with inn. spring matt. rtg. $59.50, nov.· $39.50. Full sz. sleepc~ sofn, reg. $239.50, n o \V $169.50. N cw beds: Kini!'., S99.50; Qurens. $89.50; FUii, S49.50; Twins, $39.50, fully J:UArnn. King s\u spreads. s13.95. r1 ~z. i9.95. canopy ~s. f't'g. 119.00, now $89.!iO Beautiful Walnu t 9 draweT drtt..~r. 2 -l dra\\-'et' com- mod!'.'!I, headboard I: framed mirror, $172.00: Sp an I ii h (long boy) slt!f'per sofa, hand c111'\rd "'ood. bcsutifull.y up- 1 ho1~tl"red, rcit. 5449.50, now ~129.00 Christmas lay.av.'al'S 00\\'. exciting designs in vinyl Corlon ® from Armstrong A mstrong The 'Coronelle' Collection goes with any per.iod ... now! 8.49 SQ. YD. You can ccvnt on arry of t'-sparkling, d'ifferent poll&1 lb lo provide a cleai.! alive, practical floor thot will fift your rooms out of the doldrums • _ • great for any period. White, beiges. gold, -®., reds, oranges wilh exclusive hydra cord bocking. ,, r . I . \bur next car: 1970 Chrysler -with Torsion-Quiet Ride SIESTA SLEEP SHOP 1'27 H•tbor 8IYd1 Cost• M~1• Come in or phone • SEE IT TODAY AT YOUR NEARBY CHRYSLER DEALER'S. 111 Ill. N. •f 19"' St. Dilly 10-9, Sit. 10-6, Sun, 12-6 645·2760 DOWNEY 869-4541 FULLERJON 871_.3•3 HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-1n1 LAKEWOOD 634-7000 • -·-~·· . --------·---~----~-----~-~------·----------------..,.------:----::----=--. .. • . ~~.· courses .. Offered llwh r Firemen , Enter Academy , Co~vent~~:·Center . ... .. , ; To Hos~ Big Rotko ANAHEIM -Tiiis city will abed Us hard-won toot of u r b a n sopblsUcaUon to become the cowboy capital of the couritry Oct. 10-12 for the Pacific Indoor Rodeo in the Corivention Center . The Anaheim competition and that at San Francisco's Co'!' Pala~ w~ follows. are the last two major rodeo dates of the regular lJ6t stalOQ, and every top cowboy pro makeo U,. Wu! Coal\ swin to battle for a 'berth at th"e NaUonaJ Finals I n December. World Champion All-4tound Cowboy Larry Maban last week pledged his entrY for the Anaheim rodeo, where last year be was the leading money winner wltb.$1 ,160. The 25-year old Salem, Oregon champ has already w o n $41,000 thlJ year and IJ"lryitlg to better hi$ own se.aaon record of $.SJ,000, set In 1187. This will be the lhltd year the Anaheim Conventio n Cent'r has become t h e plushest rodeo arena in the nation. Six hundred cubic yards of dirt cover the arena floor. Thick carpel covered by rubber matting, cushions the broncs, bulls and c a t l I e waiting their tum· to enter the arena. A total of 40,832 spectators · \'iewed the rodt0 contests at the Convenlion Center the past two yeani -seeing the action ARBUcKi.i: 6 SON 1 Wtslcllfl Mlriul'f U7 E. 17111 St.. Col .. M- '4Mlll • BALTZ MORTUMUES C.... del Mar OR ,_ ~Mna 'tqWCM· •• BELL BROADWAY ~IOimJARY •• Ut Bnadwiy, Ctftl "Mt• [J a.ms . . ... DILDAY BROTllERS Halhl .... Vall*J ... M..-Y 17111 -81•4. H ........ ludo iemt .-. M<i:oilMIClt LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Lapu Cnyoo - Lap•• Buell -II • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAllX C.mderY e M-., Qopd 3M PKlflc View Drive N...,.. Beld, Calllonla -• PEE& FAMILY COLONIAL FUt'IEllAL BOMB 1111-Aft. w---• SBEt~-"t'"ER"' MORTUAl\Y Lapu-... In comfort W' beyond Ille dreams of rodeo', early cow· town audiences. The Padlic Indoor Rodeol are a sporta.sbow business blend taUored for appearances in West Coast arenas from San Diego to Seattle. For Anabelm Ille b,_ and bulh to IOI! ~ahan · and tbe other toul!I hands of the Rodeo Cowboys Alsociatloo will be topped rrom the two c.Jll~ pro. re..iona1 -ri>deii' strings o1 Ille Flying U • Rodeo Company, Marysville~ and the J11 Spear Ranch at Newhall. Aroond''lhO ii." mpet!Uve events, the rodeo will pacta;e Elaine Kramer's d air t n I RomancRl<!e; &landiq on th! rear pair ol·i ,lix·hone llltch wbicb abe ~ owir a Mrte• of jillnpo; lit Sl!ltt wtlh bl1 traliled dogt·fealund In fOlir Walt D i s n e y Productions 1ilms, and the work of rodeo· clown Larry Clayman. ~ PerformanCe times at the Convention Center are at eight p.m. F r i d a y and Saturday evenings. Oct. 10-11, and at 2 and I p,m_ oo SUnday, the 12th. Ticl.ets are available at the Convention Center._ ~B Mu.tual Agencies an«-. 1 pll'lcbt outlet& ml a!llnllid c.Jllornla Banb In Or1n1e County. Pr1ea run ln>m $1. to 15. wllh jun!Dn 11 and under ha•lf-prlee f or all performances. . . ~ . ' .. ' -. • - . .. ' .)· •• --- HOME FAIR IT'S A SALE! SA VE 20% on our custom-covered convertibles thru Saturday-. •. • Sssnhh ••• it's o secre t! These sometime sofas leod a double life beautifullx ••• ond in on excittng •election -of sty~s,, fabiicS and colon. "Early American'·Or modem ot 'Trodifional' In .shir~y tweeds, ecnt . core solids and floral patfems; Coll . spring mattresses. ore qvoilable ift . s!onda~d, queeri .anCI king' sil.e • : .•. not all sizes in every style but all first quality in lasting comfort. Pick your favorite J.tyle, f~bric and color ••• then have the salesman dedud 20% from ~··.~er .-gular low price. Our ~­ covered convertibles are )'OUI' 'bis! bet for •rN!ci !he CIOdc ' ,C'!!"fO[l.JiVJ:~ ii -: '. · , for bl119 .. 1 ~ , " . • •• < I s-a.-1a -• • CANOGA PARK DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD SMITlll' llORTUAllY 1%1 M1lw SL HoaUqtoa -llMUt NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' ..• . ., ' • .... ... ~· ,.,. L ., ... " <• •• ., .. • •• •• ;•, • •• ... " •• •• v .. .. " v • ' . . .. .. l ' .. ' .. ·' < .. > ' • ' .. • ' , • • • , • • - J• DAILY PllOT •• PO Hopes For Mail • ~·Speed-up ~· • WASHINGTON IAP) -The "'fost 0 f f i c e Department, ;teporUng a flrst<:lass let.let ;: • takes about a day and a half "for delivery , Is inaugurating • ,,. •program to advise patrons- ;; . how to get the most ol their " stamp dollar. f. Among ptbcr things, the · "department says, air maU is ·~'..taster only when mail travels ::,.-,nore thar. 150 miles but has a .... decided advantage over first- ... ~ class for th e looger runs. • Postmaster General Winton :'": M. Blount released the .:. department's first slatistical ;:: report on the quality of its .,.. first-class and air mail service ~Wednesday. He said testing ···will be continued and ex-; ( panded. STEPS TAKEN , "Because of the importance "of this project." Blount said, ~·"I have ordered that steps be ·taken immediately to expand ::·1he system to other classes of ··mail. :: Res ullS of the speed delivery ':reports, he said. also will be •used by the postal syslem to detect Its weak points and to : find ways to improve the overall service. • The first report was based on samples during two three- •• month periods -the first ·quarter of HIM and the final Anothei• Bay Crossi•ag Aerial ptloto shows view of San Francisco Bay. Dotted line show s path of the undersea Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) subway, tube, which when completed in about 1972, \viii be the longest in~the \vorld. The 3112-mile-Jong system will provide con- necting service from Oakland International Airport and downtown San Francisco in a traveling time of 22 minutes. quarter covering the Christmas rush se ason. --------------------! Perhaps surprisingly, the study showed first class mail required an average of only 1.6 days for delivery during the hea\'y volume holiday season, rompared to 1.5 from January t!lrough March. And as urban dwellers may have long suspecled, service between major cities was "it'Onslstenlly poorer" than the ti.verage transit lime between other less populous points. · The tests provided some vin- dication for Blounl'a deciSion to retain air mail as a separate mail cl8S!ification after his predecessor. \V. ft1arv in Watson, pro posed co1nbining it \Vilh first class. DELIVERY TIME On the av~rage, the report said, air mail traveled 1,234 mi!Cs and required 2.1 days for delivery conwafed to 247 miles for first clasS With tile shorter l .s.da,y transit Ume. Overnight serVice was: prcr vided oo 6S percent or firat class mail and 26 percent or air inall, the sampling showed, and only 500,000 pieces -or Jess than half a .percentage point -look si1 or more days for delivery. Delayed mail, h o w e v e r , cli mbed to about 1 million pieces during the October- Dectmber period. The tests also disclosed wide variancq, in transit time between some major citiea and othes's. l\nnelfJ AUTO C•Mftllt • Major surgery / _or just an aspirin? There's !!.Q guesswork at Penneys_Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is ~r there isn 't something wrong wit~ your car ... and we'll .find out scientifically! / I in less than one hour, we put your car through a aeries of acl- entifle tests (212 of them, to be exact) that plnpoint any exlstHlg problems-and wam or potential ones. Steertng. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Eleetrical and cooling and fuel end exhaust systems. Expert analysl' ol everything from headtighls to tailpipe. You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goet over the report wilh you. II you wish, he11 give you an estimate ol any necessary repairs. You'll be abte to take care ot small problems now, before they de· velop mto big probfems eosting b~ money. And, if you wish, Penneys will make the repeirs-qulckly, ac· curately, economkally. Repa irs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. If you prefer. you ean like th• report anywhere you Ii"•· n..-1 0n1y 9.88 Pretty reasoneble lor • doctor, lhese days. I ' Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center The Sc.lent!He Troublfthooter& FUUEATON HUNTINGTON BEACH . _._ .... _. _ ... __ -"---~- • ' Barg~in With J:152 s ., ( ., \ , Hanoi ·Hop es Raids WUl Encl and Might_De-escakae War in South WASJllNGTON {AP) -Tho N ·I I on admlnlttradon ia 'prepared to nqotlate an end to B5l raids In South Vietnam In return for enemy st·eps to de-eacalate the war, u.S~ of· !lclatJ ,report, ' U tbe ~ W not ended deadlocked... While there b take the lniUative with new Offeri any lmmediate hope for lb own cuteJire on acbedule some speculation the post·}~ bombing raids which could progresslvdy extr1cat.ing the laat week Nimn could have Chi Minh regime in Hano quJckly wreck ahy such at· U.S. from the war, but the prolonged the B5rZ suapemion might be more peacefully in tempt at de-eacalaUon. possJbjUty of wcrking out a de-and a ~· of. J~lation clined, top policy makers her• BUt Niion's hopes, however ~lion arrao1ement ac-rru,t>t have been tcb.leved are deeply skeptical. encourage I.hem rather than • wlhdrawal proeram .seems lo '!lie eigb><nglne, higMlylng bombers are. the most dreaded and leist COll!IY of Amerlcan weapons being used In the war, officials say, and some believe the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong mJght be willing to pay a price lo get lhe at- tacks slopped . slender, were quickly· blast~ tivel,y intereets Waahlntton wll.hout 'any 8,greement at all. "We haye to realize thal th1 as ~y ~.OOPS resumed policy, makers. SUch an ar-White House and State di ea<ld h~nd llofk llhetlr depa,rt: ope rat~ when ••· ceue·f;•e r~ement coukl be negotiated ea er 11 e y o para y .....,.... .. or might be arrJved at b)' Departmnt aoUrcea report the their policy for qulte somt ended. panllel actions. Paris peac;e talks are totally time," one official said. Last week officialt here [;::::==================="'========= denied any signal had been ( "\J3 President Nixon suspended &: raids for 36 hours last · week at the end ol a cease-fire called by the enemy to memorialize the late Presi· dent Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam. Whlte House sources said this week a major reason for lhe suspension was to make clear to the new leadership In Hanoi that everything in the war is negotiable except lhe right of self-determina.Uon for the South Vietnamese people. P.tAIN CAUSE The primary cause of lhe suspension waa military. Nix- on felt that if the enemy in- t.ended to prolong the cease- fire indefinitely he wanted lG directed toward Ille enemy for R.OADW.A.Y wb.ich the U.~. expected al response. Tuesdlf, however, in• explaining President Nix· on's late¥ trooP wilhdriwal decision, White House sources said the 852 suspension definitely was a signal, OM. to1 wh.ich the new leadership in Hanoi might be slow in reac· ting. , President Nl1on, has in- dicated for oionths that ll he could not ntgoUaLe a. mutual withdrawal Of troops and a I ~ peace settlement he wanted to[ de-e~e 1~e war as much as ~~ibl; ~y action not re· quiring agreement with the enemy, ANY HOPE At present, only his troop • Bring your child in now before the Chri stmas rush! 3 FINI GI". PORTRAITS OF YCK!R CHILD ·795 IAIJ Hll1l011•tnS1J Givt Did 11'!d Gr1ndp111nts I Marry Christmul 192·llJ1, lrt. 2tJ ,holo9r1ph Stutllo , , , I 11 Floor Introducing the new Foremost® --< - MILEAGEMAKER 11 -••• THE 4 PLY NYLON CORD TIRE WITH THE NAME THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! For bettor mileage • • • ·• TIRE SAVER I SPECIAL 8.88 lrnproper w"-el allgnment can cut tht lift of your lirt1 in half. Let our ltrYict experts help you gel the most mileog1 from your car's tirts. S.r¥ic1 include1; whnl alignment, 4 wheeh bolanctd, 5 whttl1 ratat.d. braltt adjustmenr and complele pil·bou. in,pection. 27 MOS. GUARANTEE WITH 14 MOS. FREE REPLACEMENT 15.95 520..13 blockwoll tubeless plus 1.34 fed. tax and old tire 600·13 blockwoll tubeless plus 1.59 fed. tax and old fir• 650,13 blockwall !unless plus 1.79 ·fed. tax and old t ire ILACKWALL TUBELESS Size Price Fed. tax 700-13 16.95 1.94 695-14 16.95 1.96 735.14 17.95 2.07 n5-14 18.95 2.20 825-14 20.95 2.36 560-15 16.95 1.76 685-15 17.95 1.89 735-15 17.95 2.08 n5.15 18.95 2.21 815-15 20.95 2.38 845-15 20.95 2.57 fOIEMOST Tllf GUAIANllf "'*··· ..... , ... ,,., ............ ,.~.,. ... .i. .. l•h<O , .. , •• , .... ,>ff ,,, , ••,,., ..... , J7 .... ti., ,, .......... -"' ,,. ... , ..... ········ ,.,. _ ... ~ ............................... ·~, _ ... :U'li. •• ,,.,;..i .......... ., . " ..... 11.11 _, ... -... -,. .......... ...,. 11 f"•• Ii•• .... " -4,.; ...... ,.,, ~-~"' ... ·-·-,......i, .J .. . • Free tire rotation every 5,000 mi les ~ ....... ,. .............. ~ ......... , ,, ...... ..,. .•. ...... ,. ... ~·· ............ ~··· .~ ...... , .. ~ .... ho tloo '"'""' .. n; .. "'"' _] ........ ... f,,;.. , • ., ~ ,.... '"' ......... , .......... - -. -... , J),. ............. _,,., ....... ...- ........... , ..... h nN l•o. '--_...-..11 .................... . ... .. ,._ • .,i.c-.............. ,. ;, .. •"-•1•1 ~ -.......... ,, ....... ""' .............. ,_ .. •••lt4, , ....... ,.,,.. ... J)"lo .... -....... ._. ... -. ..W.of"''"''""" ....... , ....... l ..... TP. C-.W Uw. n.lt. --0. -.14 ·-,_.. _ ......................................... .. "'""" -JCl.IOO ..... lo -r-. • Free puncture repair for life of tread • Free tire mounting WHITEWALLS ONLY $2 MORE! FREE from our 1erv ice c1nt1r ••• BATTERY CHECK 'N CHARGE Winter's coming and now'1 the tim• 10 moke 1ur1 your battery ii ln good shoptl Our exptn ..rricem.n will give your electrical •)'ttttn o thorOiJgh inspection ond If n1cn1ary a free chorv•I lnduding haHtry. starter. g•ntrotOf, allolrnator and regulator tt1b. BUENA PARK !"'=;~:,:•) CHULA VISTA DOWNEY NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA l • • • • • • • ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • " • ' .. ... l • ,. .. I • I r T ' t < < ' f T I I I T ; r I • I I t - • n . M°"'!", Stptlmber 22, 1969 DAIJ;Y PILOT ~ Offers Wjde ·variety of · Courses Women's Cluse.r turu and lull workshop It b •---••••••••••••-•• .iso. • L<!ll II"•• 2~~$2 OnlnO"' Covnll/ r~ts emoU<!d Three daytime p170grams for . ..J. · , 1 • M rl • ln Ofle-or anotltn of UC EztlMfon'• 820 t.10ritd pro- women -"Pleasurablllil' What r fno tv. uroms. states: Theif>BlolOQ and eon.. Question: WbJt majority is There will flt tVfn great.tr coune-o//rrfng1 this .1·tro1,~•. '''Ai !fe a a fti en t or a i'i\lnotity? Auwer : Women. uear b11 the adult divilfon of the Vnivn'litv of Cali-fomin -t'Gnging from ardaitecturc &o iooloOJI. , Personal Potential" and "The 51 Petceat> .Mlqorl.ty" Mo.st· of the cov,.sea. lectures, anNnart, Jilmi anct . "Developing Sell Awarenes.$" Is \be UUe ol. a coune offered concerti are aiuen on the UC Jrtnm camJ>UI. A /N ore '"-· will be ollered by UC Es-by UC Exl"'8IDn beginning offered in ollur lo<oliona, some in hom<r. tension beg!nnlng thlJ· week. tblJ "°"k at UCI. • Jlrogrom! ••• d<ngn<!d for ell tooll<1 of 111< from . , The "Pleasurable States" Classes will meet 1:30 to 10 houa:.wivt• to professionals. an1101it who miohi be in-p.m. Tuesdays in 101 Physical tert&ttd in conhnuing education. ,, course will mebt six Tuesday Sciences BuUdl.ng. UC E:ttenlion, whkh comt to the coimty ahead of ':mornings 9:30 to ll:30 in the This course, for both men the Irvine campU$ in 1958, has gained rapUUy lince the "1·auditorium at Orange County and women, deals \Vitb the campu.s opened iii 1965, Exttlt.Sion Dirtcto1' Df'. Ric:h-1.fedical Cenler, 101 S . d N B · d ads -Manchester, Orange. UC 1 changing status of wom.en and a! . au en now he a .staff of 29 persons In of· r-.1edical School profC$.$0rs will its implications for society. It /ices at UC!. teach lhe C<lUrse which "'ill "'ill attempt lo answer ques-Wl M% :ew. •t~~"'"'"''C""'""'""'".,. • ...,.,-•• .,,,.,, .. ,a••• cost $25. Uons like : "Ass:essment of Personal ' -. What ~o the new 7 lo 10 p.m, Thursdays in 175 derstanding ot the natural Potential" will meet 10 Friday femlnlSts ~ant · . Fine Arts Building. features of S o u t b e r D mornings 9 to 0090 ln:.RooriJ B -What 1S1 the 1mpai:t of_ the B'll f Jt1 Calif · · 1 ~: ...... the at St. J~ph eou.se;• MO, 'l"'l\")\'OQlen! JlberallDn, • , O •9lats • orma, mcu....,., - Batavia St .. Qrange,· l\Oberl -~! . · , Emplwts of tho 90Veral 1 ... Daviilson, cltnicat:p1y,lhO!OiJfl J.<i _ ll'llll <are oc<upations so ·=GI Rl&b.Js 'f"'1•Y," lun!s wlD Include' lli!tory, at UCI Medical 'SchOol, will strongly sex-typed in the U.S.? a 1 coorse inc u_ding_ 8 pollulion, and what can be ch be I lecture Oct. 7 by . California done to preserve some of the tea t course which Wil There will be a different lee-Supreme Court Justice Stanl~y natural environment for future cosi ,$55. turer eB.ch of the 12 weeks ~ask,. will be offered ~gm-generations. "Sel(~Vfif~",..will a1i~-... )V~ ~ists i!-1SO slated to ntng this week at UC lrvme. . 10 TtnPisd~ mornings $" t11 -respiOtld Jpthe leCturer &evera1 Tfie class will nieet'ruesda,y Fee for t!>t course will be nooa1 -th ~ Juditoliwn at-St. '•$ j evegiogs from 7 to lO in J04 f40. Adml!swn to a sinalt le~ Josef>b'~ge: Dr.'D!vtdson -" COSt 10 attend all 12 sessions -Physical Sciences. Cost for the ture, if space pennlts, will is the course coordinator, is $4{1. Admission to single lee-course will be $55, for a single cost $4.50. which will Jeature rive guest tures will cost $4 if space is session,. if space permits, Wau.• of M-lcflhl ~ 1 e c t u re rs and panel available. $4.~. discussions. Fee for the lee-"The W8ys ot Maiiklad," a '""' only is $25, for the lee· Bla"k Atnerica l' 0111111 Retarde .. Why Do _ You Read So Slowly? ~ ,... • w I d e-raDCing antbrODOlogy A course ror parents, course, will be offered by UC teachers or social workers 00 Extension at UCI Thursday ''Meeting the Special Needs of evenings beginning tl:W week. the Mentally Retarded'' will The course will compare be offered at Fairview State societies and consider such Hospital beginning this week questions as why a partirular through UC Extension. people acts contrary to the ex- \•The -Literature of Black Anlerlca" prior to the ac- celeration of the ci vil rights movement will be discussed in a 12-week series at Buena Park High School offered by UC Extension. Chief of Psychology at peeled patterns of another SOC· Fairview Dr. Irving R. Stone lety, Will co0rdinate1 the !-:course A different lecturer every which will feaWre 1Q, guest l" week will discuss such cliverse lecturers. people as A u s tr a 1 i a n Kindershule Oass Set The litUature ot California and the enjo)'fOent of poeLry art the §Ul>Jeets of two new evenlnt courses at Orange Saturda)· morning sessions Coast .College. • ol lhe Long Beach Jewish "Calliomi.a Lite r a ture," Children's Sc b o o I (Ki~· meeting Wedntldays from 7 to denbule) will begin sept. ·:Ill in \O' ~.m. 1111 '.llqo!'I 1 of the tthe Long Beach Jewill!t Com· ,wi.u1t111o , liulldtnlr. coo- munity Center, 2601 Grand .,ilaets the 'w~rki ~or~ State Ave. · Authors who have contributed Enrollment now ls open for ,to American llfu-afure, iii· sltldenlJ in grades one Jhro"gb 91"dlni Dre ljarl•• A(nbrooe aeven. Studies lndude J~lsb ,Bierce, Georg' SterJinC> JaCk history, literature, culture, Ulodob, RobinlOll Je.ff e.r s1 holidays, mus.le and lhe Yid· John.Stein~ anif Ray Brad· dish language. Classes are bury, held from 9 a.m. to noon on ~·Poetry: Enjoyment and SatuntayS. Appreciation," will give The Kjndtr1bule was student$ -e1:perlence in thoughtful re a d I n g and establlshed lt years ago to analysis of poetry. covering meet the needs of parents rhythm, rhyme and metrical wishing a comprehensive, oon~ devices, imager, symbolism religious Jewish education for and metaphor. The class their children. The curriculum meets Mondays from 7 lo 10 offers instruction in t h e p.m. in the same room. Fee is • Bl AF RA • We C•nnot waste time with words .•• Biafr•n children are 'dying NOW! YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOWI SOCIAL Sll'flCI PDMIT P..137 Ta I-pt SEND YOUR DONATION TO: BIAFRA CHILDREN'S RELIEF COMMITTEE," INC. P.O. Bo.r: 383, 308 Westwood Pl1u, Los Angles, California 9002<4 Jewish heritage and the role $5 per class. of Jews m today's society. 1.============================== Further lnform•tlon r<gardlng tuition lll<I· enroll- ment procedure may ':tie ob- tained by calling 894-2317 or -1. A noted publisher in Chicago reports there is a simple tech- nique of rapid reading which should enable you to increase your reading speed and yet re- tain much more. Most people do not realize how much they could increase their pleasure, success and income by r~ding faster and more accurately, Books to be discussed will include Frederick DoU£lass' "The Conteti1Jons1 of, •Nat Turner," Harriet B e e ch e r Stowe's "Uftc.Ie Tom's Cabin," Booker T. Washington's "'Up Fron\ Slavery," Ri c hard \Vright's "Native Son" and "Black Boy.'' and Ralph Ellison's '·Invisible Man.'' Class meetings will be 7:30 Abori~ines, Peruvians, to 10 p.m. Tuesdays in the M<l:orts, Portuguese, Maya and ---------- auditorium at Fairview State Swiss. !tea!!!._ C~re~!" Cleaning 1 Cost of tbEi course beginning tonight at 7 p.m., Room 36, Buena Park High School, is $45. Hospital, 2501 Harbor Blvd., The course will meet 1 to 10 Costa Mesa. Cost will be $40 p.m. Thursday evenhlgs in 101 or $4 for a single lecture. ' Physical Sci~. -Fee for the African Ct1lt11re ''Backgrounds in African Tales 011d So~91 Culture," a eoqrse particular- course is $4-0. with attendance at a single lecture, if space pennits, to cost $5. Life Adjwtment Tal d ll' fm:.t<acb<l'iywill,be ta::f!t • "Americana in e an •l.1. 1 U "m·v..,; and n---'.·-," . • bl k b ·~ ~ lltrougb UC Exl<rt on -.. ·--.•-Song," stories in ac , rown, at UCJ. an lJ·week C!>Ul'!le. will be o(. Tho Oronge ~ast's'\, Mod Complete t PRINTING SERVICE Phoite "2-4321 ·~Jo ' e Sterilius ·1 e Carpet "Like New" e Economical e Steam is Clean I "1111 MIMI.,. l'tlt.. ochMlllf e1trGdl d"ply e111bed4red toil att4 9rf111e ......... llfy. ' ·"'"" c.o•trollH '9fl of ..,.. •"-pall••••I• -..,, fwt9 ... c•~ . , . r-t wltll u,.r All '"'•de4 soH ls ~•lclr, tDTllC.tff. 0.. 'i.o.1"9 wlll '•nitKe yo1. ·' red, yellow and v.•hite. is of-fered~ UC ExteiiilOn. ·Mon.. fered at UCI beginning this Tuesday evenings, beginning day 'ti; be&innin& toni.gbt. 147 E. 17th ST., COSTA .MESA week by UC Extension. ~ week, instructor Ronald 645-1313 ,,,,, •.• STEAM MASTER CARPET CLEANING According to this publisher, many people. _regardless of their. present reading skllt, can · use thi s simple technioue to improve their reading ability to a re- n1arkable deg ree. Whether read- ing stories. books, technical matter, it becomes possible to read sentences at a glance and entire pages in seconds with th.is method. Instructor r-.iiriam c 0 x, Atwood.'it'lll discuss Africa and at=Sowle~, mamait .~ NEW METHOD TELEPHONE assoCiale professor of English its people, geography, history'-~~~~::...'.~~~~~=-;========~===================,;,,========~ at Cal State Fullerton will tell and trade routes, the people's , -. i of tales and songs tbat have art, religion and social •f. "" been broUght to the American organi,za~O)D: • ,.. t · melting pot. African, 'rbe course will meet American Indian, ~fexican, Tuesdays 7 to 9:30 t..ni.' tn .: To acquafnt the readers ot this ne"'·spaper with the easy- to-follow rules for develO{!ing rapid reading skill, the ~cfin­ pany has printed full ~alls of its interesting sell-tra iog method In a new booklet, " :o.jo' to Read Faster and Retain More," mailed fl'ee. No obliga- tion. Send your name. address, and zip code to; Reading, 835 Diversey, Dept. 305-919, Chi- cago, 60614. A ixistcard will do. Orieotal, PP.piesian. Irish, Trailer 90S near the Fii@ Arb . E:ngtilb .anll · ScottiSh con-Building. Fee for the ~ b . tlt~ullOns will'lea\J uP lo talts $45: j, 1: 011 .. lhe \\iest and J.00a;)"s roclt .,llms ' mUs'ic and hip 'ruJture. r Analv:e&I Folk singing lecturer.. . . performers Keith and Ru!lty A ... four-evening senes of McNeil will assist in the classic films analyzed by course. Cost will be $45, or tnedlcaJ • and p!ychiatric tx· $4.50 for a single session if • pert.1 will be presented Jn space permils. Class will meet October at.UC Irvine. T1le movies will be shown as examples of themes and then YOUR PROBLEM: diJcusoed by a dill.-doctor of. PoYcbiatry llom UCl.,A eacti week'. You want to stll tome item that you no longtr need but someone elte can use for · Oct. , a the theme "Will be heroes and the film '"Nine Lives,.. Oct. 15. 0 ne 'l1l1rd Man.. b chosen to illustrale the theme vlll-. '!be !hem• . Oct. U will be violence and the movie "Mancburian.1Ceilo- didale." On Oct. 2t JM' fllm NOT OVER , , $50 ? , • • • "BJow Up'' will be Wed to show' apathy. Classel will be a to 10:311 p.m. in 167 Bllogical Sciences. Admission for the course will cost $20. Single progrrut11 can be 8Uended for $5.50 if space pennit!. i\'otttrol ButerJI A 12-lecture series b'} ' oobtanding Cillfornia scie:>- tists on "The Natural ruatoiy , of Southern California" will be " presented by UC Extension ~ ' beginning.this week. Classes will meet 7;30 to 10 p.m. Tue.!daya In the UCI · Science Lecture llBIL Or. R ·i ch a rd MacMUJen; associate professor in Popul• lion a n d · Envlronmmital Biology at UCI, will GOOrdinate the series which will feature 10 guest lecturers. · The lectures will provide a basic appreciation and Un· ATTENTION FOUNTAIN V~llcY RESIDENTS Our City of Fountain Vallty is ·ln danger of sul· lering long·term damaee•'lrom lack of confi· ence in the municipal goV.rnment. RON . SHENKMAN, 'f~rmer chairman of We Follntain :Valley· Park• and Recreation Com· mission, can restore confidence abd re-estab- lish important communication between the I!""' pie who live in Fountain Valley and the City's government. IRUCE Gossen -CHAl~MAN 17190 APRICOT Cl•CLf-FOUNTAIN VALLEY VOTE for RON SJIENKMAN for CITY COUNCILMAN SEPT. 23 •. " 1970 Heml·'Cuff. This y~r, there ore 10 now Barracudas. And we've changed the l9ob substantially. fl/>Je've packed o 426 Hemi engine under o "Shaker'' hood on one of them and called it the Hemi · 'Cudo.I However yo11 look at it, our Barracuda is oll -new. We've rnoved it two inches closer to the ground. Pushed the wheels farther a port on our stondord torsion·bor suspension. Put a tough optional bumper on lhe front that comes in most point colors. And given the interior the design and comfort of o jet cockpit. If you want o cor that makes it ••• pjymouth makes ii. •• 1970 Sport·fury Brougham, . . ' Here's our' luxury model. IOne of 28 Fury mo'dels with a new wide stance.I It's big enough inside to carry six adults in com- fort. It's plush. But the price is· still Plymouth. Wtth o front seot that hos individual odjustmentt for the driver ond passenger, cent~r armrests, and o reclintng bock on the · passenger's side. · Of covrse, the carpeting is thick, the head lights ore hidden, and the price is still Plymouth. · , Whether you like your~u.xury in small poc:koges, or as big as o 1970-Sport Fury .•• Plymo"tn makes ;1. If y0u want a car that makes it, visit your PlymOuth dealer's tOday,_ ' . . . • \ ! I . , I • ( • • JI Olli. y PllOT M"""', -12, 196'1 . ~11:tiquated Electoral __ Colle-ge -Faces • Best Challenge WASHINGTON (AP) -Tue Hou><: ..,. dbpuiOd; llldlldio( 11 ~ awaftled' Uaia GOJ> canled New York stale ton h1Ve refused to vote for The ......,..take-all gystem -and moot of n already has. Eled«al College,. -bcln& u.nry Cl&J, '""' Jlol*'I '""" ---l1i1l aU the dl!pJ1'd ...... and by • few r lbollland ...... to the canclldalel lo whom tlley of givil!I the leadlJJc candidate Whal really worries the ad-lta moot ..nous thall\m&O, lw fourth, lbmr Ids .,~ to under -....U.. whea he ,,.,._ --~ gift lWriloe the vlc1ory """ pled(ed, llOl!lellm<s In all of a llale'1 electoral ..te1 .,,..let of ehange Is the ...... the moet problemltlcal John Qu1n<y Adami, wllo rw1 • It waa ~ "7 Haya the Wt of the Yube ... lhmogh the eleetoral rude. CGllaidtnhfe numba'. also Is mel'e traditloo. Il has thooght of what might happen - omlse In 1ba1 grul 1-.1, aod Adami -die that _,. iGulhenlera mJ&ht OJpalkio "-nwd>ed out 'l1lett are other pn>bl<ms NOT ALWAYS been dooe a number of olhu lhould the people ever again _,....._ called the U.S. l1blle -· _.1e1ce ii die)' "Olllld -of Dixie. ' wllll.lhe eleetonl-. For MOit cilluna pn>tiahly think way1, lncludlnl the awanlin( give a "1&jority lo a ean<Odate Comtltutlon. lo 1171, Democral Samuel J, that the Sc>utll II -to he In 1111, Democrat Grover -, It alJon 111 I nor i l y they are V<>llnr !0< the pnoi· ol electoral YOJet by dlltrid. ooly lo ... him lose in the ·; 11 baa nearly led lo civil w" 'l'Uclea· (IUbtriP!"'I Repd!llcao trulod wl1.I! 11 n cf -~~~ ::J.~.· pretMel!Q, .whlcl! baa hal>' clenl Instead ol eleCtorl, CUr· ll's simP11 ¥P lo the states. Electoral Colltge, or should ,_. than one<. Rutberfard B. U.,.. at lite lidenlU... • ,~ ~ ............. .....,..... .-cl l~ times. r<nlly, it baa that eHect, buf U With the Eloc:toral Coller• the College ever again he ·.Because ol it. the president _..:po1:.:.:c1~:.:.:cbu1---•-electonl ___ vo1 __ • __ A __ Rtptbllwt-'----.-cloml--na-led __ H_a_rnsoo_·_·_,_b)''--l-DO_,ooo_._Bu_•_the ___ 0n_nu_m_erous __ ooc_•S1_·ona __ •lec-__ h_•_sn_l_al:..w_ac:ys--heen--:..so. ___ ' __ •_lmosl __ •nythln..:...·-.:':..coul __ d_ha....:.cppec._n_una_hl_e_1o_;p_lck_•..:Jll"'c.__1<1en_l __ and vict president are the only 1 • elective federal o0lcl.4h not selected by direct vote of the people. • 1be Founding Fathers, so fi<que'nlly -In the CW' -clehate, really thaual>t Uley had worked O&Jt a grand JOlution to a thorny problem. ' "The mode of. appointment of the chief magistrate of the United St.ates is allllOlil the on- Jy part or the system, ol any tonsequence. which h · s escaped without s e v e re censure,•• boasted Alexander llamillon. Today, Rep. Emanuel Celler, 0-N.Y., ooe of the col· 1ege's chief critics, calls it "an historical blunder."' ~UST EXPEDIENT James Madison, p r i m drafter of lhe Constitution, ad· milled the system for picking a president was an expedient. "The modes oC appointment proposed (at the Constitutional Convention) were variowl," ~tadisoo related, "as by the people at large -by electors chosen by tbt people -by the executives of the states -by the Congress, oome preferring a joint ballot of ttlf! two houses -some a separlte concurrent ballot allowing to each a negative on the other house - some nomination of several candid.ales by one house, out or whom a cltoice should be made by the other. ''Several other modifications were stated," MadboD said. "'l'be erpedienl al length adopted seemed to give pretty general satisfaction to the members." 1'be delegalet took 60 ballots before deciding on the elec· toral college system lor choos- ing the nation 's chief ex· ecutive. The conveouon voted ave times lo (avor ol having the president picked by Congress, but ultimately rejected this because it would have made the executive subservient lo the legislature. The idea of direct popular election was ()ppo&ed b y P.1adiaori, who believed_ voters would 1"'1r candldhla from tbcir own states, giving lbe Jar...-i.u~. an advalllage ()VU' 1ht smauer. Aoother coosideraUon was just bow mocb al the novel idea ()f democracy t h e Constitution's framers were ready to accept. It amounted to plutocracy - a gathering ()f the elite to do what the populace at large could not be trw;led to 00. This may sound shocking to 20th century Americans, but it was pretty advanced for a c:onvention that actually con-- &ide.red, although b r I e f I y , c:reating a king to rule the United States. 1WO MEN TIED At first. the plan seemed to work -that is, until the elec-- tion ()f 1800 when Thomas Jef. ferson and Aaron Burr each i()I 73 electoral votes. At that time each elec:tor voted for tw() men wilh<>OI distinctioo as to ()fl1~. The ~·inner was president; the runnerup No. 2. The system was devised "''ilhoul anticipating t h e emergence of political parties. As a result Jefrersoo found himseU tied by his runnina mate. The losing Federalist party saw a chance to thwart the D e m o crat--Republican Jef. fcrson by bavingf'llurr. whom they coosidered the lesser of two evils, made president. The House, called on to resolve the crisis, deadl()Cted through 35 ballots. There was talk of civil war before llamilton persuaded l b r e e Federalists t() cast blank ballots, givine JellerSCtn the victory. nus all led lo the 12th Amendment, which pr()vided !hat eleclors deSignate lheir y_ote~ for president and ,vice president on separate ba\l()lS. But it left a lot of other pro- blems unsolved, including the demonstrated temptat.ion to wheeling and deali ng. LACKED MAJORITY In 1814 Andrew Jackson recei'°ed a plurality ol the J>OtX1).ar aod electoraJ vote In a four.way race, but he lacked a majority. ·sendinc it to the HAL AOlSCHH HEARING AIDS c...-Aanf Am,tHltatl.., NO;SALISMEll , J40f I. COAST HWY. COIONA DB. MAI .. Al•····-675-3133 • • • In. this age -()f planned; obs_ole_scence, . . is there a pla.ce ·for~ car so unconventional that it may Well.last for decades? Mercedes~Benz :thinks so. M~rceG~Benz lavislin such attention on t'nsint'crini that some people say Men:edes-Benz motor c:us .ue too soph.Uticated. And, by conventional stan- C:l:ards, they art.. But Mercedes-Benz engineer5 step lo the music of a difttttnt dram- mer. They insist on build.tng: margins of performana and safety into thdt machines to meet the Mntrpccfd, as ,.ell u tlio ecpectod. And they stub- bomly refuse to design anything just good "10ugh tu .. get by" for a tlmo- and no better. Tiu:t, in essence, is what dis tin· guishes • Metceda-Benz, what Iris it apart from the Crowd of conventional cars, brtd of conventional standards. An ailwing ..,...verick The automobile at riglit ii .a • shinU!g ex..,,ple. Men:edes-Bcz ..US lS mnarkable gaaolino-powaed mod- els in the U.5.-j>lus thil one,~ the most ranarkable of all. It is the legmdary Dl...Z. · Thismaverlckissedetlahtlyun- conventiorW that it can prob.bly cut your fuel bills In half, eliminate many of your usual ~air bills-and ls likely to be suving you faithfully when most of today's sledc. new drumboa.ts have been chopped up for scrap. Nol for everyone To appreciate the OitNI, you 6nt have to understand the idea be- hind it-and be able to adjust to Its three foibles. It is not for t:very man. The Diesel is built for people who want an economy car, but who decline to ve.nturT onto the highways ·in a featherwtight, cramped m•chin• If you are willing to pay for the safety• and comfort of a big, 3,000-poand. &«Ian. the Diesel will teWard you with fuel costs that matc:h the 8lrnstest little half-pint on ·the road. The thrtt Di.,.I foibles : Finl, you cannot hop into tliis car and rou off in a doud of dust. The Oie&d stuU like any other car when it9 motor is warm. But, in the morning, you must be patient for about 30 sec· onds while the motor preheats fot fir· ing. (A minor nuisance which tums to 11dt10ntog1 in winter-, mabUns you to gtt underway while othm may still be cumng and shivering.) Second, you must abandon any thought of 6ff:ball actt.leration. The Diael will cndH lncWinltely at any posted sp«d limit In Ammca. (Ona, tt even won the 8,728-mile African R.Uyl) But, as a dragsw, ire a bOI~ , ' 'l'hlid, tlioagh theDi ... JIC>UNls exactly like .an ordinary car when 1r • ....w.a. you'll d,tt<t a ... tlgW ••poc:bta" at ldlo-a sJlahtly bizarre nolt In a car oth.n.ts.,so gnnd. If Y"" can Jam lo shrug off ID OCCHional jest about one of ~ c:entridlies, you'll have the wt lausli on evaybody at the end of each month -yeu aftoryear. Cuts fuel biRs In half n, Diesel works its incredible fuel economy in two ways. To begin with, of course:, it uses lowly diesel fuel. (In a pinch, ii will .run on soya-bean oil.) The price of diestl fuel vuies from state to stat-e. ln almost all states, it is lower th;m rttplar gasoline. In some sta.tes it costs onJy half as much. The Diesel also sips its fuel tft a miurly rate. Jn fact, the: engine bums every drop oo efficiently that exhaust is virtually smo~free. A surprise: to many. Now-if you've: hem ttSianed to getting 1z.1s, 18 miles a gallon from sw.dard sedans, brace youm!f. The new Mercedes-Benz. 220 Diesel ually dcllvers over twenty·five . . . miles to the gallon-.and on tri1t9,. when you get Juli benefit . of di...t fuel's price advantage over Sasoune, you can averne JO, 40,, nm .fO ~ forth• cost of• pllon of n111t.rl · /iAMly rwaJr costs vanish More: g0C>4•news. Th' die:se:l engine ii such a gem of simpllQ.ty1tl)at II merely di<p•n..,. with mariy pan. that normally end up costing you money. ft ha1 no spark plugs. No points. No condensers. Not nm a car- buretor to repair orttpla~. II goes and goes and goes Best of a.II, this 4-cylinC!er diesel injection engine is designed to give you uncommonly reliablt service -forye:us. Not only are th.,.. relatively fe:w parts to go amiss, but the parts that ore prtSalt have bttn engineered ' to have charactmstic Mtroedet-Beni stamina. There's a ~ ovu!wad camshaft and a filtt-bearing craf\k· shaft. Tw<lwofthe16pislon rlngsare coated with expmsiw molybdenum -an exotic HIP«'t age" me~l that won't melt below <C,712 d~. The mgeftiou9 enginffl'S: &ete- • lng·that valves wore unevenly, Cle-- signed them torot•teslightly witheadi stroke, vastly prolonging thoir llfe. Mertedes--Belnz does not ~ ra'!t the Diesel to last for 10 or 20 y..,.,Any W's life depends on how \ianl It ii driven and how arefully it is nWntained.. But a "lifetime measured ift decades is no pipe dn:am, either.· Of the 100.000 Dieuil it lia built since: 1936, Mercedc&-Bcnz csti- tnatt"s that fMllv 80 ptrctnt are 1tlll hummini alonit First, a Mercedes-Benz nie ~ makes this Mn- cedes-Benz: an economy car. But the rea.l va.lue of the Diesel lies not to much In the things that make It dilm- ent from ovay other Mercedes-Benz as in the thhlp that make 11 the..,..., Like every Men:edes-Benz, the Diesel Is wilded Into being, not bolted. After 50.000 miles or so, you may be- gin to wonder lf it will ner rattle. , . , The bodr is dunked ln primer, baited, spray-painted. Jiand-tanded, sprayed qain. thea hmtd .. pnyed. Even the ;.,.;.us of the hub<>ps are coated. Total pirnt and primer rust protection: 44 pounds. ., lilte every Merceae:s-Be:n1, tlie Diesel bristla with 50phistiated, ultra-performance features that are: simply unavailable on domestic se:- d&ns. All-indcpendt'nt suspension. Taut, recirculating-ball-type steering that gives you the ··1 .. 1" of the road. Massive, ncing-type disc brakes on ill four J'lheels. It sfe:ns, 1111ZJUMVas told stap• uif-lif~lkpmd•don it. '11tls •-reason wliy C4r «nJ brioir;wltl>.: wodd of can to choose fri>m, amcludes that the cumnt M..... ced-8mz ~ •repments the pres- ent phylacle In sat. cu engineering.'' Many oars are d"lgned to-Wln: admirationfortheitowners.Mm:edes- Benz car.; are designed to win admira- tion from thrir ownm. . Quito • distinction. 24-page brochure 1f you'd like more "facts on tile' ·$4,780" Diesel-plus details of six other 1969 Merades--Benz gasolin'"' powered. motor car5'-lll.ail the coupon for• full-a>lar brochure. Even better, drop by tlie sliow- room today and arrange to te:st'drive a M~Benz. See for yourself what a de6antly unconventional car ft.ct. like out on the road. Other models to mull over; ;.so Sedan-an unflappable f'OllC! cu, with superb h~g and. braking as standard equipment, $S,i99'. 280 SE Sedan-tlie most road- worthy car you can buy in the luury1 class, /wel..fnjection engine, $6~. 2BOSL Roadster-& sports cu for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring performance with comfart, $6,&es•. 300SEL-an undmota~ lim- ousine. $9,M9•. 600 Grand Mm:edes-the ul- timate motor car, $23,759•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • Maooda·""" ol Non> @ • Amui<a.ln<. • • J im S~ lmpor\I. Int. • • • • 120 W. Warner A.vt. • S1nt.1 Ana, CA!lf. 92101 • • • • PlUM send. IM 8 :u.pq., hall-color • broc:hare oft the new gcner1t1on of • • • motor can from Mcrccda-lem. • ' • • • • • ..... • • • • • • ........ • • • • an ,,.,. "' • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lM.~ .... .nrtwUIA.mu,1111:. Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. 12ow.wamer~venue.Sanu:.<:na,Califomia92101Phono:11c.s46-4114 •. • ' " • . • . .. . • • JODEAN HASTINGS, MZ,4311 M.Mtir, """"""" 11,. 1Nt I P• IS For Beauty's Sake Women's .. Division • ' '. Urg~s .(_lean ·Sweep Now is the time to make a clean sweep of the garage1 and pmvid· ing incentive are members of the Women's Division, Huntington Beech Ch~ber of Commerce . . J:.. By starting now, area residenls· will be able to take advantage ~ the last two free dumping days for cumberSome articles taking place Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 4 and 5. Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. lhe cily yanl on Golhanl street between Slater and Warner Avenue will accept old stoves, refrigerators, mattresses, and other miscellaneous items without charge. Mrs. Charles ~uer, beautification chairman, also emphasized the importance of disposing of all 55 gallon oil drums now in use. The city ordinance forbidding these receptacles will be. enforced beginning Nov. 1, and the containers will not be emptied after tlu;lt date. Mrs. Bauer and Mrs. Jake Stewart, Woi:nen's division president, at· tended a regional workshop of Keep America Beautiful, Inc., conducted last Friday in San Diego. \. Cooperating in the workshop with the national public service organ- lUl)ion for the prevention of litter were the California Anti-litter League and San Diego and County War Against Litter committees. ' I• I Litterbugging - a national challenge -costs an estimated 500 mil· lion tax dollars a year to clean streets, highways, parks, beaches and other public areas. Tit addition to creating an eyesore, litter 8..lso is a health menace and discourages tourism and new industry in the community, Mrs. Bauer explained. l'iylngo blgh will be members of lhe Monday Morn- ing Club of Huntington Beech. Zeno Klinker, Edgar Bergen's writer for 24 zears, will entertain with bi& 1ilm, "IDgher'n a Kite. ' Alltlcipating lhe c9Uection of rare and amusing aviation motion picture shots · ~ are Mrs. William Bruce (left) and Mn. Norman Mehl. A social hour at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by dinner at 7: 30 p.m. hi !be Sheraton Beach Inn. Topics covered during the workshop included community action, gov .. ernment cooperation, the role of business, litter laws and enforcements, trash receplacles, scnool and youlh projects and cooservatt~. Enthusiasm Reflected for Annual Silver Tea ' • . ...... ., . ' ' , .. .. Preparations for a ·Wee/ding Original ~tings by members will be given as prizes when lhe Allar Guild of St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church, Huntington ·Beach, ·sponsors its annual silver tea from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26, in the borne of lhe Rev. and. Mr1. James.C. Caley. Promiling a sblnlng afternoon are (left to right) Mn. Jack Byrd, Mrs. Gonlon Holmqulat and Mrs. Art Acbey. Tlcl<ets, at •1 each, may be ob- lained by coolacting Mn. RolJert H-. ~Z!M. Bride Meets Groom, a skit slgnll)'lng the mllrrying of new memben Into the Sisterhood of Temple Hillel, will be pnisented wben the group meeti far tl>e lint time in its own facilily Monday, Sept. 211. Participatlng will be (left to right) Mrs. Marvin Oils, Mrs. Laurence SUrfas and Mn. Ed Farber. A cham- pagne reception will follow, and additional Information may be ol>talned by calling Mrs. Ahrabiim Gallas, 53U921, or Mrs. Ricbanl.Bobrow, m:.3!03. Big Question Mark Plagues Cu·rious ·Bridegroom-to-be 0DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am going lo marry a very fine girl in a rnr weeks. We have gone together for almost a year and are compaUble in tvtry' way. Only ofte problem: She has admitted to (l'le WiouJ love affair In her file bul &he refuses to tell me wbo the iUY was. _ :1 am going cruy trying lo fl~ tt out. Every Ume we nm Into one of bet b'mer' biyfriendl I torture m1..U wooderin& .. 1,1; lhiJ the onet" .1f we are goln1 to ha•e a &ood life llfeelher I thlnk oh< should tell. me EVERYTHING. 1 have told her all a~t my pre vious affa irs -who. when, where, how -""'trf detail I could think of. Now, l'd like the same consid.eraUon. What do you say? -V-11 DEA.Jt V: I NJ you Uve a wry blc J ' ANN LANDE RS ~ -a. si., 1oa11yng1q till 11rt ... -·i-mcellelotalk...._ DEAR ANN LANDERS: My busblDd abaved j!l1ir. calumn under mJ -lhll nenln(. "Don~ mlts thla, • Ila Aid tmugly. "II wu wrilten <Opedl1J1 for you:"• The letter be wanted me to see wu from Mls>ourl Mule ~ the glrl Wbo llub- bornly refuHd to call her JDOlber-ID.l1w Mom. '1Mllle" reJented when her mlJtbulo Jn.law wu «1 her deatllbed. (Enter "1ollnl -and don't lqd I map lor lhl tun.) It IO~ "'1 DICllber.Jn.law pvt me ord<nibe di!' her "" l!ld I became tDP«ed. They ~ u follows : "Dani ever ·caU \'ne Mom because 1 am NO'l' YlllJf -·· • WU IO lmrt I went lo Ibo balhnlonl llld cried:~ that day oa I llaYf called lier Mn. Jona. The old balUWie has • sol1"'1ed up theae past 10 years, but she'll always be Mrs. Jones ~ me. My husband saY.a I'm ' bard u nalla. ,\Jn I! -SANTA FE 1108! DEAi\ ROSE:·TeB ,_ llmbud Ills -p ... ,.._ ....... y~ ap bd ,.. ....... -lo lollow th.,. ..... aUJ 71" ... I ""' dlftc:!ln. Plleotill--.M~-­ Mn. J-. DEAR ANll IAMDE!lll : A fellow tt· ecuUve bu clUll!d me llO end of. lrrlta- Uon ·because she conslttenu, lllTiva la!e for every 1ppolntmeoL Thil same 1'0mAD ...,.. ..... to br late far~ IOClal engapmenL Not Of\IY does tbe lail to 1polo(!Jo bul die ...... UD<OCDtiloo(y • prood ol her habitual tanllnesl. Recently I decided to ~ to her about IL She lofonned me (In blgb dudgeon yet) that people wbo lllTive prompllJ for businea oc ooclal engag .. mentl are ignorant-and, ln a aeme, Alf. miffing lh<ir Inferiority. Alao, the .,.. llled. the -who .. J~ ..,.i at the appointed lime ldv-the llct that be l>iid nothing .... lo do. Tbll, Ille lnsl.ru, .. dlmagjn& lo -~ pm-lige. I aay people wbo keep otben wliUng are rude aad lncoosJderate. Wlll you please erprua your views? -AVID ~ER . DEAR AV: Tbe pe-wilt b coo- allf<atly Illa b lllde«I rudo and i.. • caolidente.Ala,_i, .. I 1.- tlooll ~ ....... to ........ .. lutoo oflm~ 11 ..... ,.__ lmpo<lut pe'!lle "I --till ----till-.. 11. Toa IDll!I' muploi f! -_..,, to 1tt1uiout. Dan1 lel ,__..,.flap before ll I'll ~ -Ii< Ann Landen' boQkJet, "Jlintlll -111111 to Elpect... siad )'llllt roqmd to -Linden In ..,.o1t!* _p1r_ inc IO cent. In coin and a laal, allDlped, "11-addr<sled .. ........ ' ·Ann Landers wm ... glad to Jlelp ,.. with your problbnl. Send them to blr In care ol. the l>AILY PILO'I', encloolnc • ..u .. -. ..... pod ..... • • ! ~ I 'I I I I I • . ,• • . • • . ·! I I I I I l« DAI\ Y l'flQl I I \ \ Fontallll 1 · '( I 616,59 I I Fontana of li,ly has created the lovell,est af· wrnoo11oC0Cktall dress. The tiny stand-up collar Is cleverly pleated-over and bowed at center front. These pleats are open at the seams arid expose a little of you in a most subtle ,way. :rtie princess seaming continues down Into a soft ~·flared $ape. The •boulders are quite bare. The zipper Is pl4i;ed at center back. ' To order 61659; state stze, include name, address 111d zip code. Send f.!. pootpald for eachJatlun. Send ordero for books and patterns to i!;"',ADEA, Boz N, Dept. CX-lJ, Mil!Qrd, N.J. 0884f. SIZES BUST WAIST ·HIPS *LENGTH 8 32 23-'M-. 16 l/f I 10 33 2f Ji "-, . 16 1/2 12 3f ' 2S 36 "19'-31.t -'• 14 36 26 1/f ~ • .u: 17 16 88 28 38 17 J/f 18 '° 30 41 17 112 'From Nape of Neck to Waist. ' • • Services Reviewed · Varloua: upects of com. munlty &ervice will b e preaenled by a panel of Las Olu Toastmistresses when the Hunu.,ton Beach club ..- at 7:IO ·p.m. -""ed!leldoy in Ille M"""'7. '"""'•ft ad Loe Bulldlnt. .,,.. ....... Compril!nc lho.,.Wwtll.be Mn. Allili Xftmody, Mn. Dcug~ w-.m. ad Mn. llalPh Alm~1 · Mlsa P~t Hil'nes Wiii mi>deiatt .. ,,,.Y are memben ot the public relations committee. A new member, Mrs. J . M. Clitk, will leid tbe l!og oal\Jte Whlcb 1'l!l be evaluated by Mn: EmOot ·JQlmooo ot Slal>-ton. ' \ Addlllooal lnl<ll'mallon Is Holiable lw elrun, Mn, 'Rollo Wert;~ The Hotel SS ·Lurline is going around South America Jan. II, 1970; timed for summer's balmiest weather-, 53 days/ 14 ll0!1+ Nows the time to book. Mahon'• Hotel SS Lurline Is goino a""!fld South America on its premier crvi1e around thb glorious Latin Cqntinent. While winter rages up here, you can 1ampl9 the sun in Mazatlan, Lima_, Val para~ Santiogo~Puerto Montt, PuntaA°reJ)as,Montevideo, lueno5 Att9.s, Sontos-Soo Paulo, RKt de Janeiro, Salvadot-Bahia, Trinidad, Curacao, Balboa and Acapulca. You'll see everything there Is to,.., da iweryth1ng there is to do. What a crui• I What a -· SEl US FOR RESERVATIONS. Lot us book yoow .. Atound South America" end~ now. The Ho191 SS Lurline soils from San Francisco Jan. 11;197o(Jan.12 from Lor Angel., and San Diego) W'3 dGyz. Fara from $2225 to$8375. 'DINERS 'RJGAZY TBAVEL MO ~Cl CHAl•I-TICKm DWYlllD ' 0'14) 644-4600 2071 S.n J.....,in Hiiis Rold, Newport Conte< ... ITT IO~T-. fl "'1MI!, ,............ tt "" U. '" .... _...., ... ..,..., ,,..,..,.. flt -............. • .,., -..... .. '11"1 ...,,., .... ~ Hor05cope Transportation • In Spotlight TuESOAY SEPTEMBER 23 lly ,IYDNEY OMAl\R .. put ..... ol 1"'11' -Into action. Key· will be yrq owo C«lfldeoce -or lad: ol 11. Be nildY.- LIBRA !Sept. 2S-Oct. 21): You get chance to show ·~ preclailon to one who bu pro. vlded joy. Purcbue of rJlt could .bring you aa mqch pleasure u one who receives lt. Act a«ordlngb-. Accent op. tlmhm. SCOllPIO (Ocl. :S.!iav. 21): Follow hunch wbw mone1 matters are concernod. Allll!l5 (Mardi 21·/,prO II): Property wbldrbtl..,,. to ';<u You may be drawn betwetn is worth more than or1Binl1 nt<:oalty In complete bulc .. tlmale. Knw this -aw . Club Bills · Performer Bob Minim will entortaln South eo.st Club members and guests during a luncheon meeting in the T o w e-r r restaurant Wedndda.y, OcL t, } uld Mr8. C. P. KrislM>oo, program chairman . The performer is quilt verpfUe and has entertained en televJslon and in cities throughout the world, ac- cording to Mrs. R o b e r'i Dishman, pYbll~lty chairman. 1 Guests will be greeted at an 11 :30 a.m. l!IOCial session by Mrs. Howard Switter, ... hospitality chairman, along , with Mrs. Paul Hill and Mrs. CLUB PERFORMER J . W. Long. Lunchean will be Bob Manb:ke served at noon. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ chore and dellfe to get away from position of llrenRlb. l!~:.;l..,; trom 11 all. Key .b plamtlng &AGmAllllJS (Nov. n. 11 and degree of patience. El· Dec. Zl): P e r 1 o a a I ap- Pr"' )'Dllllell In 8eD!lble pearance, peraot>a]lty an- Reservations for the eventl • may be obta.ined by calllng the Mme:i. Philip Towne , chainnan, 499-1531 ; Mabel Nichols, 49*-4381; Dishman, VISIT US ••• ~':°Jius <AP!il 20-MoY 20): :::::· s1~":ca:~~ Money oltuoUoo Improves. One "bo atwnpto I o You !Ind ,., ol obtaining disoourage )'OU 11 bolled down limn which adds ~o home com· with useless tradlUon. 1 fort. stru1 diplomacy. Tum CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. on nalljral clwm. It will pay 11): Remain behind t b e divlden4f,I. ecenes, You accompllah more GEllllNI (Maf 21.Jun< 20)! 11\rOUgh '"t::;btle methods. Don't Plsy waltlnJI game. lillorma· bt too lck In form con- tion you need ls belns coJ. clusions. who bu been out Jected by legal ,upert. Don't of touch makea reappearance. try to ru5b matters. Oonlrol • AQUAllllJS (Jan. ZO.Feb. tendency lo opeak out of tum. 18): Accent on frttnds, hopes CANCER (June II.JUI/'. 21): and wlsbea. Many today fttl Watch diet. Tendeocy 11' to you have received rpecla1 give ln to temptatlcm -prtvUe1e. Do what you can to especlally where: food' and diapel this notion. B e drink are coocerned. Excellent diplomaUc, and avoid loud doy for Improving nlatloos clalm.s. with associates, co-worteri. PISCES (Feb. lt-Mareh 10): LEO (July 13-Aug. 21): A~ Protect Image. M...., be ru- tenUon could center ~ dy to defend bul.c position. chlldttn. Strive to break Some may attempt to diJcredlt through generaUon 11 p . you. Maintain dignity. Stand Change your w1y1 without gtv-up for principles. Ultimate in, up pr1nclplu. Meesaa:e in· gain is lndJcat.ed. creaaln1ly clear by tonigbl To 'llld ~.,....:~lvd;r 1or .,...,. 1" VIJlGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): t:mf. ·r:ci~ · ' '~' em.~ You may feel~ due to l:'S::.':'.; m; ".~~Ill'~ red tlpe. But you~ 1 chin~ ri£O~tw'V:ft f'fi~iii1r1('il .. ' Friends of . Library ~~~~~~...:.·-·-~ Triple Feta=-Planned New and pro~ p e ct l v e secretary; Mr1. Wnuam D. members, the new rrresl,de;nt Redfield . of F u I I er t o n , and o1ncer1 for 196J.70 all illl .... retofdl!li secretar)'; .-rid Mn. be booored by t11e ~ o1 ''l'liornai Pole ot .eon... de! the Ubruy ol UCI during .t Mar, u..sur.t:·. • ~ nceptlon •• it a Oii th(·••!.for tbe w~1. .-', lillt ~will i.1)1'. Ollet T. !{Ming Ille 2 lo ( p.m. e\ltlit . Blolm lit~ Beaeb. wlft be Dr. and Mri. Jama &. · llliriof ~ "'-· Mrs. H1Waban ol liewport Beach, 11. N. Dtllenbe;g, cr&tor of lfeadlng the group for lhe -tile World ol Art Tluvli31' <Dluln1 yell' will be ~ 'Boou,-·liven' at UC} Strult ot Newport Belcb. and UCL4 1ri1r """''"'"' hn Holl)'WOOd writer aod co111--clssaea. II@. ~llaenberr. a -~ oo tbe Seallb p~ leacbor •rlho Lquna .... o., 11:am for Ille U.S. G\IVern-of Art ~ lidlon~b the wife ment. of l!J• ~:~ preJi. Serving on tilt execuUve dent.,• · v • committee will be LeRoy F't1<ndl volunteer< w 111 Under of Ccllta Me11, llrst · serve• hoeteuu, directed by vice p191dent; Leon Wm of l\lrl. Carl WUGY ol Corona dtl San Juan C:.platfll1ci aod Mrs. Mar and Mn. O. A. lll•tkln ol Du.lll6 DeKalb of Newport Santa l,na. Beach, vice -ldents; Mrs. ADYobe lntm!led In a~ Wlllya Lemm ol Newport lending tbe event may contact Beach. c o r r I a p o n d i n a: any ol the olficen. l!lfflm' 1W11 l11Pllllll Riii PIH C• 1111 lltllll IHSI fu1111r plllen ctft!IC •Ill ••·lll'Hf tlckl1c FIRll: "F .. lliertr>St" "1ilo -fealhers/po~ foam pllloos: Standanl, rer. 8.00 •••••••• , •••••••••• ,., 2~M Queen, rer.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• , • 2115.0I Kinr, rei. 12.00 •••••••••• , ••••••••••••• 2/11,ID MEDIUM: "Ann" half while'°'"' '"'lhe!S, ha~ whilo zi>mo d"": Slllldlrd, rer.12.00 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2/11,H Qoeen, rez.16.00 •••••• , ••••••••••••••••• 2/21.• kinr, re;. 20.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 2/11.R SOFT: "Boss" all whl~ 1"'50~own: Stlndard, re1.14.00 ••••••••••••••••••••• 2/%2,R . Queen, re1: )7.00 •••••••• , ••••••••••• , .•• 2/21.• kin&, res. 25.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••• Z/11,H' Boddinc. l>ownlM L0118"cl , Santa Ana, POlll«la, l'llos Veldes, LI Hsln Buffums· MRS. S.TEVEN W. STEWARD Former Janet Dtwson Mesans Marry In CdM Rites Mixed ran flowers and well wishers. JJ1bted candelabra decorated Both the bride a n d t be Community Congrega--bridegroom are Coslfl Mesa Honal Church, Corona del Mar High School graduates. She wbtn Janet Ruth Dawson also is a graduate of Orange became the bride of Steven w. Coast C.oUege where he at- Steward. I.ended. ~ertormlng the double ring The bride continued studits CIJ"lmony was the Rev. Dr. at California State College at PhWp G. Murray. Parents of Long Beach, and her husband the bridal couple are Mr and served with the Marine Cor~. Mrs. ArthW' D. Dawson of having just returned from a ~.~. M d M d Mr tou r of duty in Vietnam. ~ esa an r. an s. Th 1 eds .d. 499·3665, or Clay Welter, 837. 7605. Hair Stylists In Competition 1'.1ore than 100 Southern CaJjfornla cosmetology student.s will compete for lrOphies during the 12th an· nual HairstyUng Extravag anza next Sunday at 1 p.m. in the Disneyland Hotel. Nine trophies will be award- ed in freshman, junior and senior &tyling categories and tbree will be gtven in hair e-01· or classification. Before the Stork Visits You For Yov~ Compl1i• M•l1rnity W1rdrob111 r1110"1bl• pric11 , • , CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 17•7 Ntw,ort ll•tf. C:ost• M... 646·5Jll Clarence A. Steward, also of . e new yw are rest mg Costa Meaa. in Santa Ana. Olven In marriage by her 1 father, the bride wore a white 11 silk shantung gown fashioned with a fitted bodice and Jong full sleeves. Heavy Irish lace banded the cuffs, neckline and 1 bodice. Her Illusion veilin1 · was caught to a fabric bow and lilies of the valley. Added features wW be a fall fashion show and a preview of 1970 hair styles, designed by some of the Southland's best· known sylists. Music for the public show will be provided by Frankie Ortega and his orchestra. =::;;:=~~~~~~~~~~ Miss Ann Haramla served as ma.id of honor and Mis5 Joyce DawlKID was her sister's bridesrnald. Llme greeo gowns were selected for them. Attending as beil man was Ricardo Ruz, and ushering gue.sta to their &eats WU Bryan Steward, the bridearoom'.1 brother. A reception foUOtred or1 the paUo of the bride's parera• ~ where Mn. DAvld Baker ...,,ftcl slgnatuns frorq Ille 71 Lingerie Robes Phone 673-1950 C,f e"'r"'rice Girdles Panty Hose BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE 2737 East Coast Highway, Col'OM dtl Mar FRANCISCAN EARTHENWARE .. ,_ ' mS' Save 5.00 on 16 pc. Starter Se-ts September 22 through October 4 This earthenware is desigied and made , in California. functional as well as , lieautiful. Chip resistant, coltrfast, ·and sale in own or dishwasher. 4 pc. -place settin1,jncludes one dinner plate, · btead. and b\tltef plate, and cup and saucer.16 pc.~t.lncludes foor each. Choose from 6 Jowly pattems. Gif!S anti Chjna, all storas except Marina 16 p:. sols . 4 pc. pl!ce.uttines Rs1. ult Re~ 1 -$lock Hit Apple tl.95 l&.95 7.50 c.u Oesart Roso 21.95 U.95 7. r.ci .... Haci..ta Goll 21.95 11.95 '7.50 .... Hscllldl -21.95 11.95 7.SO (,Q Iii de Ira 13.95 11.95 8.60 c.n Pebb~ Bosch 13.95 11.95 8.60 C,19 ,. ' ' ,. • • '. " lnoort fl FASHION ISi.ANO • NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2200 • Mon., Thurs., fri.10:00 till 9:30 Olher days 10:00 till 5:30 • • " .. .,._._..,.. ____ 1 __ .. -~--.. .,.. _ •••----•·• •• ••-•-• •••••,. ,,. • __ ,. • ..-.._,,.._..._~--··----.--•-•-•-·-•-• ----.. -• ..-"" --=••+www •• =•----·-~--~~--..-~-.. Hartman-Root Troth .. News Told . at Brunch News of the betrothal of Kathie Hartman and David Thomas Root waa revealed <IUrlng • champagne brun<;h In , !be Balboa B11 Cluh )loaled bf Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Hartman of Newpcirt , 8Hch, parenll of the future bride. First Sister Grpup Chartered • A "11111" will 11ke place O.lo mu~, exccuUve dlrtc· 1, membenhlp ol it~ • -..... wh o tbe Town and C-IOr o1 !be U,.; Geoeral Alumni Ollf<r ..,., olficen .,,. tbe Junior AIWUUJ o1 I h e ~ltUon. wl!l ~ tbe MIDCJ, TIJll9"11 0 e v i l1"0 , UnJveratty Qf s 0 u t be r n presentation on behalf of the Coro111 "dtl Mar, J vice prt.Si-university. dent ; James Hewitt, Corona, _, Viti - California meeta for luncbeoa The ntW cbapter, lite the corr e 1pondilig tec.reta..ty; -;=.:..,- ne1l 'lbundoy In !be Jooalbon patt11l chapter, will hove ,. Edward Brumleu, Colla MOii, TiRMS Club, Lor Aqela, ita purpose lo pr 0 v Id. recordln1 ...... tary; William w A L I e H s A Cborl<r wlll be pven lo universilf ocholarshlpa and Hazewlnkel, Newport Beach, tbe Town and Gown Junior granll raised from beMfiL lrt<surer; James McCunoill, MUSIC CITY A..W1r1 ol or111p County, func~ons tbroullhoul tbe 101r. Newporl Beach, hospltalicy SOUTH COAST PLAZA the fir1t branch charter to be Mn. Oby Woods or Hun-chalnna.n, and Do u.g I as ,. Yellow daisies ond white carna.Uons formed the table centerpieces, whfch Included yellow hearts bearing the 1 names of the bet.rothed couple. eztended by lhe p 1 r e n t llngton Beach wtU let'V'e 11 &he Simpson, Corona del Mar, :;: ,.'ft. '::4;':• i~°'~'~an_i..~11_on_.~~~~~~~grou:;,;;;~P~··~rl~n=l~pru:.::l=d'Jl::!::!l,~l•=•=~:::."' __::w:11~·~·~n:d~me:::ans~c~b:ai~rm~a:Q~·___:~~~~~~~~~~ • , Miss l:lartman, a gradtJate of Newport Harbor High School, attended N o r t h e r n Arizona Univers.lty and DOW b a student at the UnJverslty of Nevada. She is a member of Delta Delta Della sororlly and was selected as liUli;: sister (or Tau Kappa Epsilon {ratemity. Her !iance, son of Dr. and Mrs. Terrell L. Root of Laguna Be.ach, Is a senior at the U of N and Is affiliated with Sigma A1pha Epsilon fraternity. He i:i1 a graduate of Laguna Beach High School. DAR Hosts KATHIE HARTMAN To Say Vowa The coqple will exchange vows next summer. "- MRS . DENNIS LEE HOLLAND Former Betty Schmitz Russian Author Due ,' Lutheran Rites Canadian Honeymoon Selected by Couple Russian princess a n d lelevision and radio personali- ty Miss Maria MeUeva , will present a program tiUed Black Bread and Caviar for the first meeting of lhe I969-7tl season of Colonel William Cabell Chapter of DAR. her experiences in Russia dur- ing the 30s, smuggled them out of the country, and later used them as lhe basis for her hook, Mrs. Guy Holmes Cherry Jr. will host the meeting next Wednesday in her Balboa home at noon. Costa Pt1eu will be home bouquet of white daisies and " after their honeymoon in baby's breath, while t h e Canada for the newlywed Mr, bridesmaids carried yellow and Mrs. Dennis Lee Holl and, daisies and baby's breath and the junior bridesmaid held a • who exchanged wedding cluster of white daisies. Miss fl1cUeva, author or a book by the same title, escaped the Russian revolu- tion at the age of 2 and return· ed to her homeland as a teenager with her mother. Mrs. S. Jl.t. Reber. regent, will preside over the com- bination luncheon and bu!iness meeting. Among those attending will be Mrs. George D. Buccola , assistant state secretary, and a ssis ting the hostess chairman, Mrs. Frank; Y. Hutchison Jr., will be the Mmes. William W. Joni!!, John Harold Kellogg, John A. Hopwood and M. W. Martin. • · pledges io the L u l h e r a n The bridegroom's brother, • Church of lhe Master, Ccirona Michael L. Holland of Cost.a de! M_ar. Mesa served as best man and · The evening double ring ushers were Bob Chapman " rites were solemnized by the and Dale Williams oC Costa . ~ Rev. Dr. William Eller. Mesa and Mac Renfro of Parent& of the bride, the Newport Beach. She kept numerous not.cs of DGs Color Individuals former Betty Schmil.1, are Mr. Following the ceremony the The first fall meeting of I.he and Mn. •William Schmitz of newlyweds received 300 guests Huntington Beach Alumnae Santa Ana Heights, a n d in tlle church reception hall, Association, De.Ila Gamma Glass Fiber In Curtains parents of the bridegroom ace "'here Mrs. Harry F. Kohaut, sorority. will take place at Pt1r. and Mrs. Walter Holland aunt or the bride. served cake 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24, of Costa Mesa. and Jl,frs. Larry Johnson, aunt In the home of Mrs. Harry T. Given in marriage by her of the bridegroom, poured Riegel, lfunlington Harbour. Glass fiber curtains father, the bride wore a floor punch. Miss Diana Vance will draperies come in both length gown of silk organza Both the new Mrs. Holland discuss lody's fashions with tured and open weaves. over taUet.a fashioned with an and her husband are special emphasis on color Naturally wrinkle-free, they empire walsd and pintucked graduates of Corona de! Jl,1ar coordination for -each in-are rechangeable immediately hem banded with alencon lace. High School. dividual. after drip drying. A circlet of alenc<M:l lace wlthl-~--------------------"-'--'-,,:,..:--''---- 1 seed pearl inset held her elbow length veil, and sbe car- ried • ~ade or white roses, dailies and baby's .breath. Weartng a pale yejlow crei)e aown with an empire wal!t and elbow length sleeves. Miss Mellncla WllJon ol Costa Mesa was maid of honor . Bridesmaids, in similar gowns ol pale green, were Miss Carol Salstrom of Cost.i Mesa and MW: Julie Stone of Santa Ana, and juniol" brldesmaid, in a yellow dress, was Miss Jean Schmitz, sister of the bride. 1be maid of honor carried a Graphologv , , Discussed Graphology will be the topic of Mrs. S a r a h Engle of Honolulu when she addresses the Orange County Chapter of :Phi Mu at I p.m. next Thurs- day in the C<ma Mesa home of Mrs. Bruce Johnson. Mn. Engle has taught the 1ubject In adult education cla~ and has appeared on radlo and television. Alumnee interested in at-: tendlqc may make reserva-~ tloos With Mra. F. o. Butler r. Jr: a154M'l'Ot. f Convention ' Reports Due i Ii' lleports on state and n• f Uonal polltlcol scenes bf lllate , convention cttlegates w t 11 highlllbt Ibo meeting of Mesa Verde Republ~n 'Women. " Coming or going, you're COLORFUL ', " with our INSTANT • Mrs, WUllom Fey will open l ·.-:_ her home fOr the t :IO 1.m. event -Wedne!day, VFW Auxiliary Let us make the moat of your hair: a coiffure lovely on all sidee, and color love!¥ jn every lirht.1NST ANT RO~X ~lllne Auxiliary to Veterans of Forei&n Wars, Pf9t SSH pthen the first and third Fridays at I p.m. Costa Mesa's Amtrican Legtori Hall ts the 1Dfftln1 actDe. WEIGHT CONTROL ... ' GLANDUUR THERAPY IEN I . THOMPSON, MD C.-hf tl!W9..._.. '4t-IHI o,_ M...., ttr. Prlfty 1127 Wutcllff Dr. N-port looch ' color; our marical Fanci·fult Rinse thaL need.I no peroxide, no after·rinse; Lhal abampoogout whenever you wish; that covers rray, tonea bleached ha.ir, rtfrubu dull hair. Fanci·fllll colora while wt setyobrhalr, to 1ive7ou a new k>ok of bea.at.J without any extra time! RINSE 7Sc "'US IH•MPOO S2,5Q AND SIT fM•L ._ n.n.,1 !lont H1lr btr1I •fNr S , ... S2.71 Mfty, s ... ,.,, ._,.,. , ..... SJ.II 11•?::1111 a,ClllH. 111 II ...... ....._ ..,_., ..... ~ C.... M-.CalH. ---•-M•" , .... c ... 111-.c•. .,.. .. , ........ ,~ .. , .. .... '"'"" -c.ow. ltttl ''"""' .... ~ '""" '"''"' --· ----,.._... Y.tt.y, Callf. ... , ........ "'""" VA..., C-.... -- ( BufliimS' Walk, IWIJ Jll'lllY &trl •• , in Ti!Yira ~polye~r knit pleals that flip 'n flare. Choose tile brown and apticot plaid dress With sleeveless coat Or, the spirited flip dress wilh curvy vest; 6 lo 12, 120." 11, Sportswear Boutique • Newport Center 11 Fashioo Island • 644-2200 . • Mon., Thurs., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 Olher days 10:00 U\l 5:3Q I I I • ... -.... --............. ________ ...., ___ .,... ___ :"".".,.... ____ _, ___ ..,.....,._..., ___ ,.....,...,.. ................ _.,...,~----~~~·,..-....,.-.g WI ff --.-~-------•-r --P • ----- I I l I l I 'I ' • • DAll.V I'll.OT ·,'Betty Cfayford NQw· ·Mrs, JQhn c: Russell ' ., MOS . J. C. RUSSELL HB Bride ~ don."° ahle of W a y f-a r a,rs Cllllpol In """"""'° Bend WU Betty Barblra Crayford when ahe ncball&td weddlna pladau ud riOp with Joho Cllappell 8'-11. Tile Rev. J. W.,ley Brown .... the morning cmnloll)' lot tbt daulhltr of the Willlam J. Crayfords ol HW1· tinglon Belich and Iha aon of the ~arshall H. Russells of l Lallewnod, Ohi" 1'>e brJda wen a tong gown Of lace over peao de aoie with ' ....i pearl accents. ~ flowing ' .mantilla WIS edged with lace and pear.ls, and abe carried a ,bouquets of gardenias. stephaootl.s, baby's breath and fem. Gowned in Opwing green druses and boldl.ng yellow l roses and fern were Miss Pearls Needed ~ Doris Field, maid of honor, l and Mia Marl\Yn F i e I d , By Importers bridesmaid. W!Wam M. Russell, the i · There's so much of a pearl bridegroom's brother, was 1 acrent to winter clothes that best man. Uabtrl.ng was Brue• ~ America's cultured pearl Im-B. Crayford, the br ide 's , porters have been ruahing brother. I ·back to Japaq for more: pearls · The -bride's pa:tents' home to fill the sudden demand. was the setting for the recey. Some importers. new 1 y ti~. MRS. CRAIG J. McCRACKEN September Bride Costa Mesans Recite Pledges '·returned from Japan, repo_rt .The new I y weds honey· that the cultured pearl supply mooned in §an Luis Obilpo • situation is aelting despen1~. and will mate their borne in Newport Harber LuQieran A smaller than u s u a I Qardeoa. ~ Chun:Ji wu the setting for the LiMa Daub. Shelley St. Clair was D$er girl in a long white formal. harvest o( pearls was drawn Tbt new Mn. R u s s e 11 double ring nuptials linking in up from lhe seas last winter, received her BA from the .. -i..... n...00 h aggravated by 8 n un-Unl~ ol the Pacific,-m~1 "'6e ..,.. ra. Ann Sl Asked to stand as best man . precec:lenttd cold spell which StOcttoo. and her husband Clair and Cr&Ig J oh n was Plascencia while usher killed millions or pearl earaed biJ degree from Ohlo McCracken. ...duties were assumed by oysters. Slate Univ~. The Rev. James G. Blaine McDonald, Tom Pipes, Steve "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii~[ performed the ceremony for SL Clair and K e v I n jii the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MCCracten. Charles Robert St. Clair and Mrs. Pipes circulated the the son or Mr. and Mrs. guest book d\Ping the rece~ Herbert McCracken, all ·of lion in the American Legion Costa Mesa. Hall, Newport B e a c h . EASY·CARE "JUST FDR YOU" Many •tyl• to -i-. 19 91 s..... ........ . Cathy's · Uniforms .Given fn marriage by her Asslsti~ were Mrs. Nancy father, the bride selected ·a lJ u r w 1 t z , Mrs. Omar satin gown wtth ch J ff on Dickerson and Mrs. Walt ~O'm'laid with brocadff;-lac\r---MiYL--- .adornlng the bodice. A Dori.I Special guest.s w e r e M r s . brocade veil waa cautht to a Isa!>el Newcomb of D e s pearl llned headpiece and she Moines, the b e n e d I c l ' s carried chrysanthemums and grandmother and Mr. and white gardenias. 1rfrs. John McHugh or. Cos 1 ta Mn. GUbert Plascencia was M e s a , t h e b r 1 d e s matron of honor in an apple grandparents. Home ~n Long Beadi Selected by Gaileys The bride is a graduate of Estancia High School and the1 Fashi on Me rc:hancljslng t Institute of Soutbern· California, North Hollywood. I Her husband, also an EHS graduate, is serving with the j Navy Medical Corps and is C1'.lmpleting training at Balboa I Naval Hmpltal, San Diego.' After a honeymoon i n Oklahoma, the newlyweds will J reside in Long Beach where the bridegroom wW be sta· I tioned. Laguna Beach Ceremony I Taft-Beemer Rites Told San Diego is the new home of Roderick StepPen Taft Jr. and his bride, the 'foiiner Ellen Lou1se Beemer, who were married in SL.Mary's .Episco- pal Church, l.agWla Be>cll . The f\ev . Balrd B. Coffin performed the ceremony link· ing the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Beemer of Em· erald Bay and the son or P.'lr. and Mrs. Roderick Taft of Belvedert. Taft and Jane Curry aTid ~1rs. Sam Mercer wore floor length lime green empire gowns and wide brimmed hats and car·j r.ied slipper orchid bouquels. 1 The bridegroom wa! attend· ed ·by Wybom Mercer, Thom· as Cooke. Thomas Goothers ' and Mercer. 1 Following the ceremony the j bride's parents hosted a recep-j tion in their home. The new Mrs. Taft is a grad .. . ' Peering Around GUEsTs ol -t al a party the llollU!n'~ Uppet 8-1'- hooled by Marine Bri1. Oen. "'°'"' -crei.> and Mn; Tbomulllley _ __,,___ and Mr. and Mn. Geor1• Holateln UI wtrt lhe new commander ol the El Toto Marine Corps Air Stati<JO. Brig. Gon. Henry W. lliae and bls •Ue1 Ind the ne'N COID- marl!ler ol the Third Marine Alroralt Wing, El Toro. Maj . Oen. Robert Owens Jr, and bill wlfe. The buU~t dinner a, n d cocktail party loot place in DAILY PILOT Dime-A-tines ii ·f •· d " ' . ' ·! ' I' 1"1•; , .. " ,) . ....\ r•_ali·, ·" ·1· l· ) ; WEIGHT•. WATCHERS. • Somt l•lklng, IOfl'lt li1t11\lng ind • progr1m th1t wotlu.. I• fUt llOCMUU-w.L UJ.JSOS : --· beauty • fashion • personality it's new, it's fun, it's exciting may co's fashion arid beauty clinic for girls 7 week beauty and chorm course 10.50 ·m1n1 teens, ages 11-14 maxi teens, ages 15-18 buy tickets in the coed shop of any may co st.ore classes begin the week ,of sept. 22nd IARCO 17.7/Mowpen lw. C-. 11-~SHI green crepe dress. Wearing The n e w I Y W e d s are pink crepe were bridesmaids graduates of Estancia High Mrs. Colin ~cDooa.ld and Miu School and the benedict now is For the ceremony the bride chose an ivory organia crea· tion. Appliques or lace adorn-- ed her cathedral train and shoulder length veil and she carried gardenJss and steph· anotis. uate of Laguna Beach High lim•••••••••••••11111•••-' School and Lhe University or 1- l 1· . -• L t I • • " ' I CORDUROY MACHINE WASHABLE· COTTON have a sew.in • • • swing out with beD 'bottom pant suits, groovy ctr co1its or , jumpers and mini dreues! Is "NOW LOOK" COLORS Rt<J. 98c yonl • SAVI lie YARD fine pinwe!e 87:d 36" wide 808N~EDse KNlT JERYSEYS 58"/60" WIDTHS • n<><:rush knit of •c:rylic and wool bonded to acetate tric:ot. dre11 or suit weight, comes in 12 fall color1. DRAWING TD BE HELD WED. OCT. !ST. WINNER HEED NOT BE PRESENT FREE $25.00 MERCHANDISE PRIZE Jud 0.-lt Coupon "' Ciur Store NO PUACHASI IS NlCD!tAllY WIHNll NllD NOT II Pll'SINT NAllfi.1 •.•• ,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ••••••••••.• ,, ADOlUSi ••• ,. ,, • , .•• , • , , , .. , . , , , • , • , • , , , •• enrolled at Orange Coast College. Callfornia, Santa Barb a r a where she majored in psy. chology. Be!ort making their home in . eo.ta Mesa the conple hooey- . mooned iD Hesperia and Her husband , an alumnus al Redwood Hl~h School, current· ly is a seruor at San Die10 State College. Cmtline. Bridal attendants, the Misses Fred d e Howarth, Ronnne Why buy a years membership in a Gym to 11)' aad }Oljl wei;ht tbroagh •tn!nu= exercise when you can buy <ffortka welght ?eduction and pay hy the inch at Gloria M8"'hall's. Most palrlinl, baed on actual lecords, aclife.e their goal in as little as 4 to 6 wet!ks and - LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 110 VISITS . FINAL WEEK .•• THIS IS IT! list Ch•nce -Monday thru S1turd1y, S.ptM1ber 27 LISI Chanco lo lako advanl•9• of 1/2 PRICE OFFER. It's !'z price on your choice of red~ BIPS·or AIST or 'JllIGHS or UPPER ARMS when used in -.f1111Clion with any regular Gloria Marshall program roprdlem how little it cost& ,t Gloria Marshall's olways costs 1..., mllCh·/us than olher weilht ....i.ction programs. that's one o! tho J'CWiODI they bec.pe the WO RLD'S LARGEST Owned and Operated S)'stem. ' As~ Nation's leader, you am depend cm. it ••• ramlts one qalcily .•. safely ••• without stzenuoUfl e:r~ stun.lion dieta,1 or me&Sy .....,.tsuits. No disroblng. WE ARE NOT A GYM! ,t Callfor;FllEE samplewR Actually-, undeuupemoion, th& Gloria Manhalt machines. including our patented "Cifc.f.A..Mctic" ... tiee why Gloria Marsbal.l's'Figure Control System became lhe World's Jargost. QA1;L NOW FDR FREE courtesy ..Wt. No charge-No .ohliptlon. ' GLORIA MARSHALL says: '• 'Tell us the dnos Bize you want to wear, and we'll WI you how many visit. it Will tale and INlltD!ee in writing that you Will ,..ch y0ur l'lOL Jn fact, IO absolutely pooitive are we that you Will obtain your objective, that u stated in our guarantee, we Will even let you have PREE OF CHARGE, aey and all further visits, until you Je1ch your goal. It's po&itive assurance that we back up our guuantee 100%. m•v eo 1011th co•tl pl••• 1•n di•9• lr11w1y •I bristol coll• m111; 54•-tl21 1hop mond1y throu,h 11turd1y 10:00 1.m. to ':lO p.m, • MAVCO I HUNTINGTON CENTER •• Newport Beach '" ._~~~.~:· ""'· 12 ll•r.lr• E••t •f l1llt•• It• Ch1h I AftAMllM. IO•llLV HILU, (OVIHA. C'l!flHAW, ~W..-V, OLIMDAI.•, L.A«IWOOO.. &.OftO IWAC"' NIWN•'t 11,t.CM,. NOll'tN llOl.l;'IWOOL OffTAAIO, ·~OINA. IAH 01100, U.HTA AHA, IAM'tA U.lllAllA, IUNLANO, TAlllANA, WHlfTllllt, S.flM ~ ..... UMO. t.M:llNMHTO, "'" IOIL JUMMVYALa. W.t.Utllf CllllK. I IDIN6R AT IU.CH HUNnNGTON BEACH 897°8013 OPEN MON. THRU ,.Rf, 10 \TIL' P.M. -SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. Santa Ana "" ~.":'..::~ ""' I • - I • • ' -• " I I 7:00 f) C1$ Ew1nl111 Nm CC) (30) Cl Wh1t'1 Mr ljlitl (t) (JOI m re Ttll ltl1 ''"" ~ Ql DEBUT lt•t tltt Cfld. ~C) · (30) fE C.1111K1dity/stoct Marut ·em Allor.! (30) m C11Mr's World (C)--(30) CB Tll•t ;111 (C) (30) 0 Chrysler Presents The * Bob Hope Comedy Special Starring of TV's Funniest•Guys. f ' O~@ a;) 118<11(! CINJ* Pfm11b 1eb Htpt (C) (60) llQb Hopt rtetiYti • hfll• help fnun hil tritnds to help launch h!a 20~ se1911n on N8C. Tht lunnymtn 111- volvtd In Hl)l)t!'t first comod7 1hot or tht new ae1son lnt1Lld1 Soult S.let, Stevt AJl1n, Fl!p Wilspn, Shtlley Berman. Red Bullons, Sid Caesar, John111 C11ll111, Jld cart.,, W•ll'f Cox, Bill 01111, Geofc• Gobet, Sheekey Grunt. Buddy Hxt.tt, Jack £. leon1rd. P1! P1ulS11n, Ni.- str Ruuell. Phil Silvers, Marty Mo !en. Jerry Colonna, Richard Otacoi. and Danny Thomas. 0 Tht lattn (Cl (60) 1 7:J06~(!l NEWSU.SON,.kt D @(J)EflAIC M1vl1: (C) ctl " he_Oevlri Oulpl)St. ... }l~sll11 ·• , ,·"',.,.',",7,,',,", ... ,.,",'"",,,1"',. ·.~~.'~}.i. Di!IGn u pluru 111 o.uU1 durin1 • ., ""'""'"' an 1ttem~!td st111 h~ldup, then Wtld, Mimi P11kins, Guy Lockw i!O. pursuei! dng&edlr 111 the wa1 E(J Mone Oper1 (60) bM:k 1o Ood1e br lht outlaw's fl) MET Jou1n1/ {60) luotht1 and his pnf of 'tnettde1. 0 m Nr Wodd 111d Wt1ct11H te S:lO ft 9 (j) MEW SEASON Dtris 8' It (C) (30) ~Tho DiseJ1Ctianted." (C) (30) Doris finds the peffed. I~ By Charle$ M. ~·~· ' ' Ii ,, !j l' -1 J JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux HERE'S HER ~UM!ER'~ 5'-lE M~TIOWED O Stump tbt St.rs (CJ (lO) 611 • San fr1ncisco m111tine blll b certain sh• is a:olnt lo lo~• It. fJ MUSIC SCENE-Beatles, i:IHtwi (CJ (30) Ted M1r1 r1. GOOP MORNIWG, SEVER.l.l .• 8\IT .i.u.' FlOM ONE PERSOM C.O.:./ll '<.#.M!EY 9ENCER! SHE WA.S VEIN SECRETIVE •. aur INStSfS JT'5 Ul!:G~NT ! A. WENT' 'i'OU'R:E SUP~ TO IE IT'S SOME· l!:E"'ESENTING !V THE NA.ME Of ' ONE I '5A.W !ROQV! WE DON'r 1-1.t.VE A.N't'ONE LAST NIGi-iT •• * Tom Jon et, Oliver liJ l'REMIERE Ht S.ld, Sitt S&lf (CJ (30) .lot G111tlola ·is host Ill D @ (]) m l'REMIDIE Tll1 Mn· this word-1ssoclllion 11me b• lit Seine (C) (45) GutSts for the )i;'" ctlebrity husb1nds ind wlvet lorst show include The BeaUes: sin1· tr James ,Brown; tht felk-roc~ · ltwilt. Muslc1I (JO) 1roup of Crosby. Stills, Nash ind Youn2-whose "M1naktth Express" 10:00 m 9{[) JIEW ~EA SON ~•rel tapped Iha d11r1s in record lime: iWnttt IC) (60) Miss. Burnett s1np, 1nd Bue~ Owens and His Budia-clowns .and dancu with he1. specl• rCIOs. The sha• ;, hasted by an tuest Jim. Nabors for htr third sef. lmp1c~is1tlon1I teim includina son premiere. Ha~e.r Korman. Lrlt Luiy H~nkin, Christopher Rou, · W11ioner ind V1tk1 Llwrence IJ? lily Tomlin, Ch'ls Bl)keno, David on hfl)d,_ bl. In I comedy sketcli, steinbsrr ind P<1ul Reid, Ro.man. NaborJ villt'.s b~chelorette nelallbof .. ,_., __ ~·a. Los Mieles disc lockers Humble -fhlrMlt-t~:---tt1ue11--:1-serltt-ol H11Ve and B. Mitchell Rttd are ll11rfl1r ~l11ms ln her 1p1r1ment, 1 """!!"!"'!"!'!!~~~::=:::::!:~~~~~=== altern;itina; annaunars of lhe ahow ~nt·rGO fortress protected b1 ~" · 1mptnetrabl1 network ol secu!!tf fJ NillieA $ M1wit: "TM llrt Ht devi~s. LISTEt> 8Y THAT NIJf.E '. Lert ltllind" (comedy) '65 -lib 0 9 (iJ a;, flPIC1ei1:! Th1 flit Hunter. ~<1t1llt Wood. Wl!Mn Sllow (Cl (60) TMI humar; m T1ulh If Coftstqutl!CtS (C) (30} °'' . Uttdles1tind three ct1medf (!) DEBUT Judd ftr th1 Dtltnse sMetclltt With ,hie Nst st1is hi&f'I. Ei) T1chniul C.1ntr (30) liaht _f1ip's . fl?st n~twark s~a{- . ·• '. ·~ AcTUALLY, MY NAME ISNIT E1UTTEi>FIN<;e1<s,s11>, IT'S (.Of<D PLUSHBOTTOM ... EilJ lntern Wbdilll and Mlcltrl Follawint· Ills ope~ll)_l monolQ&Ut., l ,. . ,. Flip does an "ex\t&l1nl lalhef't lie (30) Ztn and Sem1rrt1u. 1 , sketch with Andr Wi!li1ms: dons 1 8J Chudlo 11 R1t. (3G) j blonde wi1 lo btcOfllt S1tw11dus . Gtn!di111 wlth,Jonath1n Winleu as 1:00 0 mJ laUafl·IR (C) (60) 011110 Maud a r1icke1t· ior ... M1ude's Iii• Ross a;ivei lh~ sln1in1 Supremei ~irp!int lrip· 1M t11ms with Art1 tile niaht alt to 1uesl·sl•r in 1 Johnson fDt ·, spoof enliUtd ~MllS! spoof of Romeo 1nd Juliet, 1nd 11 nliht Cowpok-. .. 1 tliD 1n1el. Al1n Suu introduces 0 m Mm IC) 160) Unclt Al, 1 kiddi1 show host wllo hates kids; Gene11I "Bull" Riallt ~Delli! (C) (60) liny Tim, Llttlt (Dan Row1n). 1et11rns wlth 1oothe1 fhchaJf ~ ,,.. ,. 1;11 his ·s~rrin( t1IU: lfld Mod. Mod mm'WnHJIOf ~'" WOfld loOb at the in_a-tnd 01111 at, fJJ R1Wh1te·•~111t (60) Y.,4-' .... •' ..o;;;;;..;;;l.jWOl:JL---lio ~n1ur1nce. Mlch1el C11n1 b fNt~ fZi) Flrills ttife (C) (60) "Amtfic8 • ,. - - . , ~ " • ., •• um .. •1•·' '""""~ Ab(l>Odr TUMBLEWEEDS _.la lellq (30) D11l1 W1i.w lilJi ...-11 M• ft j1 .. _. (C) <ld) l\llSt\. ,..,,, 1 I m~,-160) · l~1t•P• lritt "·" -1.Ji I! ... ""' (C) 160) • ' Iii ... ·-(C) 1"> '''"'•Dam Ill.., m..., 1~ I ·-·-,1,11atHJmmPA1111E1£"' "" ·•-(C) "L.,... "'"""" llMP~ LIZARP, 1\lE''flME HAS COME fOR 'itJ(J 10Sll:'lW1HAT 'ICl,h HAVE A RIGITTTO ~E CALLEO A POOHAWK! ... ~lflS!i~ MUST FAST FOR 3 DAYS AN l HEN WU MUSl' DISPL/I)' YER COORAG~ BY SLAYIN(1 <$0 FQITTH, LAD! YOU MUST.PROVE 'THAT YOU ARE A iRUE POOHAWK! JI ,, I" ·1 ! ' l ) I I r.,i.-(e) -(45) ln th• openln1 (1dYenturl) '57-.John W11111, Sophlt tlr1ma Wiiiiam Htllniche~ (Slits!· Lo11n. star llicll1rd 1Ci!!1) iif. the S!fle De. 'm L"""'I ~ (C) p1rtm1nl lnltrctib 1 cullu11I tx· et1tn1• arou11 (l'-;l kas bMn _tottt· 11:10eaw"*' "'CrKliA (C) m11 Ina Europe) 11 rtl1t¥1 John P1lrrlm Cll'#!Ofd, R~y Dinpffii ld, 11117 (P1rle1 8~11.). Tht iatttr la lr1h Butlei Mrs hltJ'Hui~ wil• 111 bte1ust d1SS1det1IS l"ltfll tbt MUf c' I:.... u ' of JOUllC Amtrielnt' hl\'t t.IUud f'IJ. 1#, j,..,./d r•Ut,fla, ind Dofo- i!Kidtfltl •lllbirr1sslnc ID the thy L~1r1 tenlltNtlr tthHlulM Unittd StlW.., Whtr. H1p11ichd in· 1uts11. torm1• 11'9 .students lhat the IOI.II D Q} (I) m Ttnilllt Show (C) win bt dncallM unlus they con· Diet •Ca;ntt, Gloril L.rin1, Sei1ie form, thty eltct to to homt. Dur· Fr1nchl, P1mel1 Maton, ind C~ 1n11 ..,.,, storm thtit pl1n1 crllh· .lonn a"lld Ttm Se1vef (or lh• Mets) l1nds on ri1!'9t1 ikfnaflO lsl1nd In 1r1 ach1d111ed 1uuts. tht Soutll Pldflc. In tl>tndonld 1J Ml'lle: "'fMq Daniel loon .. 1-... -----..... -r---"1 .-.-----,------, tut Jttt .tff~ 111ith ~11ildin1s C•d'llllt11r.) ·~o.\licl Bruce. MU-, YOU'nE i~EYVE GO'T I;--- and 111pp.hta. tr set their tiop11 D@ci:lGJtet liUlll IQ 1·1. ~ YOUQ. NAME WHERE? :r:_ ~~n/u'~ :;•: i:m:~~ SCPittllilld 1~ ln~l!lde .11~rt FAMOUS! IN THE fact~rll p1t"1' In his 11r4 •r•lnsl YotHlt Conrue Fra11t11. Netl Di.. O\CTJONA~! t bl1ct millt1nl mond, •nd London Lt•. (8 MeN: "Sbt. D.,.t111nl r~ . · A F~OCIOUS 61iAR! Mun AND JEFF !1:30 8 9 (f] NEW SEASON H111'1 ~Mf' (dr1m1) '49-Willitm L1111o t ~ICJ lt)°130) Thi C.rttt flmlly is d11111, Vitiltit1 Bruce. hired to drt.-1 1 c1m11tr lfom lM • . Ati11l&1 to Sin frtncisc1 ind lutr 12:30 m CiHI kid decldu to sllow Crail the U.S. Air Fore1 AcMemy "• the wir." In ·"'" I of 1 Ulo-Ptit story, Lucy llUintllf ID &et htlltlf llr1f14ed I~ tht mtn'• donn. 1111S11CUUhl1lr lrin ID enroll Cr1 i1 IS t sludtnt.1 ind cfrit'u 1111 ~· super-1 ~···,1 11 ·1\• ! l TUESDAY ~YTIME MOVIES t:OO D "01 an lsl1M Wii. YtY" (10- manct) '~Esther Wllli1m1. Pet rr l1w!Ofd. m (Cl "llw1 lltfftt" (1clvtntur1) '4f)-J11n Siml'llOfta, Dan1ld Heu• ... lZ:OO D ''Onl1 tlMi Ir•• ldr1m1) 'JO -G1ry eoo,,r, Miry 8ii1R. 2;00 m "ElcljN .... Siln~ (dr1mi) 'S7-Jahn Ben111r, 'ff•• f11Stl 3:00 O HAn1t1 lib(' (dn1111} '&l- GtGrl• H1r11l1lan, Mt1cedn M~ Q (C) '1'1vn1 tt Hurt"' (dr1tl'll) CtmbrldiL 'R.IGl-\T I-HERE.' mutt rmut!, n. a A com monph1.,;e or stupid , person· ly Tom K. Ryan Wl1AT ~VER HAPP'tNED 'TU BIRTH' CERTIFI CATES? ' .By Al Smith b A lllOn'ilrel doSJ ~ +IA! NOT1CE Tt-IEY ~PELL.ED ~ YoUllNAAIE WITf.t A s MllL.L m ! By Mell • I '54-fr.nk S!111t11, Doris oar. 4;JO II (C) '"lltcMletrl tM l"lrali- t :)CI 9 "Ar11lrs ti S11uil" {tornfdrl (1dY1nt urt) '52. -ltob41r1 Ntw!Of. . ., ____ ._,_ __ ,,._. __ ... _._,_ .. __ ._..,_._._._a_ ... 1 .... "ij~.·.· .... M.· ............ 1 r--;.•TI<-ER._;eP'S'-GO-~IN_C,_..,...__,,~-~.~--"":,-~-~--::;;==~~~-~,T'S==~M~AltO".':::;::'~TI:>::-8:::::E~U~e~v~E=-.._,""' ___ ~~--,. r 1'0' 9E ... • Ciff!. 'T><"T IN .J<.lST A l'£W MO<JRS Complete Printing Service , . ' Top Quality -Fast Service P ILO T PRINTING . ' . I I '".' 64~-4321 2211 Wttt l1lllOI 11..t. Newport 0.1ch -· - I• P"T'A· MtETll'IG MV FATMElt WILL BE lN 11'l15 ::SLEEPIN6 lN TI<AT CHAIR ... "'1tV llCOM 'TONIGMT! I ,. ' r' (.;_ " • -CARSON ON HOPE -Johnny Carson is one or 21 com'edians who will join Bob Hope tonight at 9 p.m~ on Channel 4 for ''Clfrysleri Prejents the Bob Hop•, Special." The sbo~ marks Hope's 20th year on lhe1 satne network. ~ TELEVISION VIEWS IJilly Graham ·with Woody ~y CYNTttlA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -Woody Allen had a higblY. unusual guest spot in his CBS comedy special SU{r day, The Rev. Bi Uy Graham sat down wi~ th.e sta.t... and while Woody as questioner and straight m~n: tried to keep things on the light side, the evange. list managed to deliver a number of serious capsule sermons. IT WAS different but it didn't work out very co~· I fortably. \Voodv In particular came off sounding sacreUgious and fresh. But the rest Of the hour was ' interesting and bright. Allen and Candace Bergen took on the curren~I vogue for nude acting in one funny _!ketch . They topped it with a simUlation o! an old silent film ifl which Woody, looking like a cross between Harold ! Lloyd and Buster Keaton. pla~ed a street cleaner, and Candace was a rich girl who fell for him. · .; \Veakest sketi::h was a long one with Candael;:i playing a stupid girl b~ing tutored by a 94.year-OI<!_! sage who was Woody in a long black beard. Th.'e1 F'ifth Dimension, an excellent singing group, turn~4' up for a couple of numbers. THE FIRST lawyer segment of NBC's ''The) Bold Ones" was a fast-moving and well·produced story about a frarg.e.up. It showed how an over;.j zealous police officer, hamstrung by new Supreme1 Court rulings arrang_ed some evidence to fit some. facts ll!al he had misread. Repilars J~mes Faren-! tino and Joseph Campanella, playing lawyer broth:i ers. had most of the action -a chase. a little ftst flinging and a lot of harsh,. tough words, ' THE NEW "Andy Williams Show" on NBC Sat-, urday had Petula Clark, Don Ho, some lavish pro, duction numbers and tats and lots of sinP.:in~. It alsi:i1 had an audience seated on bleachers that moved! around the area of action. t\l though it was all very pleasant, it seemed to. be slo'v mo,-ing and bland. .. "BRACKEN'S WORLO" in its NBC debut Fri-· day night fulfilled its promise to take viewers be- hind the scenes in a Hollywood studio. The sequences1 show.Ing ·film \vork in progress on sets were valid and interestiog. It had been suggested that the series would be a form of soap opera. The first episode concentrat:. eel on introducing the characters in the exlra·large• cast of regulars. The story centered on a director, with an alcoholic wife and a yen for a blonde star~i let. It seemed less soap opera than the stuff fail . magazines are made of. · : RE~OMMENDEO TONIGHT' "Music Scene,"·· premiere, ABC . 7:31)..8 : 15 PDT. comedy and con· temporary music; "The New People." premiere, 8:1$:9, drama about yonng people builrling a new .world: Bob Hope Comedy Special. NB C. 11-10. wiih a scor~ Of top comedians as guests : FliD Wjl sqn Special . .10-11. \Vith Andy Willi~ms, Jonathan Win· ters ai\d Arte Johnson. BARGAINS GALORE " Sh4p •I ~'"'' or till frem your ennc'iolr, It ~trkt ,;thtr w1J ~ witfl DAILY ,ILOT D11f10-1-Llft1 t4t. l'h1111 l~2·i•71, ' .. .. ) I • I l • I l I JI IWLV l'llOT ' " llaJULTl1j 5 5 J MORE DOCTORS, Dl!N118T8, ATTORNEYS, AND Decline of Dollar Goes On " Ontllt PROFESSIONAL l!!OPLE USE By. SVL VIA POllTEll ' By the time this nm year or the NiJ:on Admlnlslratlon will have ended, the aluady wilttd post-Wor~ War µ d<>Uar will bave s?liiv~ -anol'.htr four cenll. ·' TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANSW•RI ' I FOft AS LOW AS .I $1,.50 PER MO. The dollar whlch wa1 wtlrth 100 cents in t,l'le marketplace 1n 1948, lhe first 11nonn.al" postwar ecoDOO'lie year, WP buyl1J8 oruy 67.7 cenls of Ill< urne goods and serv~ when President Nixon ~ • OYtr from Pres.ldtol Johnson in January 1969. . CALL US NOW FOR INFOAMATION AflIJ 4 A BROCHURE. -th= lllUAU 543-2222 t OFFICES TO SUV£ . All Of' ORANGE CO. - Ex~ predi ctl oiis In Wasti!ngton give this dollar a value of only 63.3 ccnl.8 in January 1970. TIUS PUBi.ICATION record We're hold.Ing a seminar on Capilal Gains, Mu1u1l Funds and 15170. You can have your choice of dates-September 23 er JO. Speaker: Allan E. Fitzpatrick, MBA Account Execullve Time: 7:45--!1:30 PM . Place : Treasure Chest Restaurant Algonquin Avenue Huntington Beach \Ve will discuss: •Speculation and lhe Stock Market. • Reward and Rlak Ratio~ How II Workt. · •Saint Chit Ccm1lderallon1: S1ock1 and Mu1u1J Tu.ndt. • s Major Decitlon1 10 Maks In Choollna a Mulusl fund . •I• Now !he Tlms to Buy? Should you \.Vt.117 •Check U.t lor Determlnlna AcUon Now. There's no charge, of course, but space Is limited. Plan lo attend this provocative lecture. Phone Mlss Pat at 21.H:57·2979 lor yourr9'Brvallon or &end In the coupon below lncUcating rhe date most convenient for vou. to dale' oa curbing tho pr1c .. wage aplral ta the wor:at ot IJIQdemtlmeo. Nixon lniletlttd Ill< problem, of course; he ha.s made ln--nauon <001.rol lhe No. t priori· ty oo Ille domesUc !root. tb.e Admlnlstratton, the Federal Reserve Board and Congress are acUng in major areu to restrain lhe spiral. Nevertheless, the record since January is Nixon's-and just u he would properly grab the credit for progrw egalnal lnfiaUon, so be must accept tilt blame for Ill< abysmal lack of progreSJ so far, And be · fnust. .upect to be reminded tha~ m8.LIY of his pledges about inflation control' now teem embarrassingly naive. ,. Jn tbe enllre (our-yearir from January 1911 to January 191$ -the Kennedy.Johnson era -the dollar shrank a mere 3. 7 Cents in buying power . This was the equivalent of price stabillly in our dynamic society over so long a period and it was achieved wbile lhe economy was in an hi!toric upturn. In the entire four years ol Eisenhower's first tenn - 1953-67 -the dollar lost a liny 3.2 cent.!. ThJs ;i;lso was equal lo stability but recession and heavy unemployment marred the achievement. IN ONLY ooe year of Nix· on's term, the dollar will have lost more than in either ot these four-year periods. The key t.O the aceelerated inOalion was the escalation of the cursed Vietnam war beginning in 196$. When this war was plied on top of an all· out boom and Johnson com- pounded his tragic error by trying to finance it without the traditJonaJ belt-UghtenlnJ, our """'Ill 19~1 U57·1 I l!U:\"' ,m;m Di Giorgio to Acquire Orange Camper Firm State Pays • 1. $821,502 ' To County State Controller Houston I. SAN FRANCISCO -Di Emphraim, U t a h , and Flournoy today announced ~ Gior,io Corp. has agreed to CalUornia Camper t.ianufac· . Please reserv·~ _____ sea1s for O Scplcmber 23 O Scp1ember 30 acquire two additional recrea· turing Co., Orange. semi-annual apportionment' of I I Uonal vehicle manufacturers, The two companies are fl,346,470 among counties, • L & M Manufacturing Co., being acquired through, an ex· cities and school district! of :, I Na.me_______________ J change of common stock. The trailer coach fees for the first. Addros$ _______________ ternu of the transaction were six months of. ltll. I ootdl~loeed. :.1 City________________ L &: M Manufacturin( Co. Orange County's share was " Home Phone _______ Bw;. Phone____ produces' a complete lint of $&tl,50'1. -·.1 I travel from 15 to 35 feet lonf, 'll;\e Vehicle License Frg law ~ under the ••1toad Runner" provides_ that' .license fell ·.be ·= I raa.Juttan I All M\1in-All M..i.1. brand and .. u.. i h r,o u I ti paid on• all 'tr1llet 'C..ches 1.9.rTI dealers in the R .. ky Mountain. re&Uf<fed ,ln caw.iD!a_-aiid ....... ,. -Trwm state! and the MJdwest. · providea for aemi-aMUal ap.. · · I More than just brokers I "Wll••• s.,.,;,. Call!omla Campu. ··'Ung por\lonment of the revenue :· £. F. Hutton & Company Inc. 1 M•••• the Dlffar•11(a " under the "Callfo::tlan·• from the fees to the countlts · I 219 E.l!sl Broadway I brand, di!tributts campers on the basis of the registered : Long Beach, California 90802 or.._,...,_,~ "",,,","""' "· and traile-"'·-·ghout the addressea o( the vebicles. ". 213-437·2979 Ntw cJI. 4 .... JIU •<> \UIUU ·. L j "1 .. ..,.... "' " w.,.. westem state.s, with ""'"'• · uu1 1u.u1• r • .... ~-==.:~~============-==============='°:':•:r"::•:l•:Ca::Ul:o:rnl::•·:::--1 ' ' . , ' ' , ' . , ; , • ' , , • ; • • , . • ' • • . ' ) NOW EARN % INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October lsl you can earn Iha new, higher rate ot 5"' yearly on Morris Pl lln $5,000 Investment Certificate&. Fund• placed by Oclober 15th will earn from the 1st ot the month at lh• • full 6% rele. 1nteres1 paid at the end of each calendar quarltr; or crediled to a Passbook Account for additfonat Income. Dilly lntor111 on 5.25% Pi11book Account1. Thrill Pa11book Accounts or any amount earn from day of deposit to day or with· drawal; interest credited and compounded quarterly. Since its rounding in 1916, Morris Plan has promptly met every request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $125 million. Morris Plan Newport Beach -3700 Newport Boulevard -673-3 700 Four Seek AJA Cro.wn Orange County Chapter or the Association of Industrial Advertisers has annoonced candidates for the title of Miss Orange C o u n t y Industrial ActvertiSing, 196f.70. One of four girls will be selected by the 7kne.mber organization to act as hostess at all AIA functions during the year. Voting will be by mailed ballot and Ule winner will be announctd at the Oct. 1 m!!eUng. Tht candidates are Elaine Grammes of Bret, Mlchahle Cannon of Costa Mmi, O>eryl Waters of Garden Grove, and P,eggy Ryan al Santa Ana. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE · Finance Briefs PROJECT MANAGER Wln!Gn M.Alhten . Coast Man Oversees Park Plan \Vinton ?.t. Ashton of Newport Beach.bu been nam~ ed oper1tlom manaaer of College Park Fullerton by S. W. Lynch, general' manaier of the project. In his new ,post; Ashton will assume a dm inistrative responsibilities ol the $7S million master planned project includina College Park shop- pes, Newport National Bank Financial Center and residen.- tial racilities. At the present .time, con- stlucllon is being completed on the IO-story Hunt We.uon Foods. ~ n c . hea~uarters building. Ashton had formerly been dilltrld. sales managu for American Pot.ash Co. i n Southern CalUornia, ArizoOa and New Mexico. Prior-tO ibai, ht had been property, manager of trust real eslate Bank, Loa Anples. Taft Picked Charles H. Taft of Tustin; haa joined Stlndanl computer Corp., Santa Ana, .. cllftctor cl marketlnc ~ P.rest· dent Fred J. Howden Jr. on· nowx:ed. Formerly Taft ~ wu .-ated.. With · )D(emotjcoaJ BuJlneos Mldllnel, Ille. Market . Sy•bob Who Reaih the Star11 For the Star11? . ·~ .. ' ~ ri.. .. . It's Sjduy Omarr And now this orticulot1 writer who hos been coiled the "oslrologer's astrologer" reods the.st ors for y0u. Sydney Omo rl, longtime per.sonol oslrologer lo mony of Hollywood" end the literory ' world's mostfomousstors. is o DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions based on astrological analysi s is amazing. Whether you read astrological forecasts for fun or as a seriourstudent of star-gazing, you 'll enioy Sydney Omorr's doily column in the · DAILY PILOT \ • -------.. ~-·-~-------------------·--·-~--~~""'""'----· -• -••• --wwww -••• = =. --..... DAI\. V PILOT ' I ' .. f • -·.. . ~ .. ' .. • • Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does et the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that o "home- town ne~spoper" can be s9phisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap- pening;·,at city hall. Whether it's news from around the .w·o rJ d or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you . And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PllOT emphasizes local coverage, you 'll find a lot of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international ·news rack , it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in th e world. (for local news). • • l I . ' • • • . . ~· -~ I, •• I• ' I . . -ONES 1 DAILY PILOT • .. • • j.; .. ~ '· ..• . ·~ ' • . . · .. . -. . • l \ I '· • I ., DAllY PILOT Kurt Wiese Wins ' ·Passage's Owner Bob Johnson Dies • 6th Sail of SaJ>ots • By ALMON WCKABEY .. ...,,.., ............ • ROOut P. Johmon. owner- a~pper of the record breaking moot l!:etch WI n d ward ·Passage died of a heart •tlack Friday ntgll\ while being 1"'ioted by h& family and frtellds u Ule godfather or a family friend '• new child. -Death came to the 58-year- old ~'trialist and former timber tycoon in Roa, Calif. Mar San Francisco where he Aod hls family were attending Uie christening. Johnson had suffered I pr~vious heart attack about two .yean ago In Freeport, Bibamas, where he was er\gaged in resort develop- ment He apparenUy had com- pletely recovered aod ap- peared to be in excellent beB.lth during the past year. According to Chip Clery, a cloSe friend and t a I I I n g associate frqm N e w po r t ~ach, Johftson had just foi-mulat~ a four year world yachting campaign that would have taken the Windward Pa!sage in every major yacht race in the world. CAMPAIGN SET The campajgn was to have beeil launched wit the start of the Long Beach to La Pu race Nov. a. After the christening at Ross, Johnson had planned to c o m e to Newport Bead! and then go to San Diego where t ~ e Windward Passage was being prepam:I for the La Pu race. According to members ot the family, Johnson collapsed as he stood wltn members of the family to receive the toast as godfather. Tfle body was taken to hi! family home in Portland where funeral a.mlllgemenlJ were arranged. Willi him at the time of his death were his wife Ramona and their two 30ns1 Mark and Fritz. He ls also survived by t w o grandchlldr<n. Ironically, death came at the height of cootroversy over the two-bota elapsed time penalty in the r e c e .n t Transpacif\c yacht race which robbed Johll30ll of his moot coveted elaJl'l!d lime yacht race record---that held by his previous yacht. the 72--foot kel· ch Ticooderoga. Before entering the Transpac the relatively new Windward Passge had set five new records in ils first seven outings In major yacht races in Florida. CUT FOUR HOURS Windward Passage lopped nearly four hours off Big Ti 's 1965 Transpac record, bul a tv.·o hour penalty ·resulting from a minor starting line foul ga ve the new record and nrst Bob Thorne Wins Title In Metcalfs John Thome of Balboa Yacht Club successfully defen- ded his title in the f\-letcalf Class championships held at BYC Saturday and Sunday. Thome's margin of victory "'as one quarter of a point over runner-up Harry Bourgeois. The championship w a s decided in a five race series sailed Saturday and Sunday. Final resultJ: (If Rogue, John Thome, BYC: ( 2) Vf\moose, Harry Bourgeois, BYC; (3) Petrazini, Dick Deaver, BYC; (4) Soggy, Bill LaWhom, BYC; (S) Blue Blun- der, Lance McCabe, BYC, Escalihor Best of 14 Tom Kellog's Es ca Ii bor from Balboa Yacht Club was lhe° winner oC the national championship regatta or the Excalibur Class in a three- ,... ..n .. held Saturday and Soi>day by Newport Ha- Y1chl Club. 'Iller< ,,.,.. JI cntrta h\ the Itri... Wlndl were fllht and oldlf1 bolll dlys. 'lbe E.<- ca!l\>Uf II a .. loot aloop. F!nol -111: (1) El<.lllbor: (1).Howfln' Owl, J.ewls R<lo.<, MIYC; Cl) Ready Eddy. Clulck Eddy, BYC; (I) llfd llorron, BllJ Har1je. · Hun· 11.,io. Harbour YC: (5) Corn· mollnn, Menon Bullet, NHYC. to lin1sh bonon to •K.., DeMeuse's 'TS-foot k etc h B!acklln whid! flnishod neatly .., bout behind Windward' Passage. Although John!Oll took the penafll' in a spodalll&llll<e manner, it was noted in hb: future yachting plans that neilber of the races sponSOfed by the Transpaclllc y ocht Club -the Honolulu and TahiU races -w~e tnchJded. In a UtUe less than two decades the ooe--time "timber tramp" had risen to the highest ral\ks In world long distance yachting. He first became enamored of yitcbPog In the early 1950s wften be purehased the okl Herman Goering yacbt Groote Beer. ·For a lark be entered it Jn a Transpac race to Honolulu, but the old scow wu so slow that it rinisbed near the tall end of the fleet. Johnson later had the 72-!oot k!tch Zia built by Ditmar and Donaldson of Newport Beach which he also took in a TTanspac race and later cruis- ed to Tahiti and the East Coast. .CROWDED START-Most of the skippers In Satur- day's Sall of the Sabol,, appear to favor the wind- ward end of the starting line as the 120 boats get under way In Pacifl.c,Yacht and Balloon-Club"~ an- nual jU!lior c1 .. sic. Kurt Wiese ol Balboa Club -111 rivals SaturdaJ In tho. Padlle Yacbl and eallooo Clob'1 annual &all or the Bobola. . Tbe event 11 lor llki~W>­ dtr JI years old, wltb, or . wt-I crew. Yacht club If, fUlaUon not required. 1 1be 1Udden death race . was. · aJ1ed ' In Neliport-~bor, ltarlily! and finlsblng at the Sea Stout hue. Tbere were JU entries and " finiahera. jlUnner-up was Curl Olson of Colllomla Yacbl Club and ~ Gaudio, BYC, was 1hinl. Trophy lo< the )'Oll!lgl!St boy to Qnllh wept to ~year old.Bill Hmdricbon, no yacht club, and the Y<JUl!IOSt girl to finish was Clll1sty Walchli, South Sboro Sailing Club. Judy Bootwick of Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club won the trophy for the first girl to Uniob. &blp Trophy; Linda Hester, with lrother Jimmy as crew, .f Jr at ~kipper and crew to llnil!>. crew to !lnlsb. ' Flnt 10 ftnlshen : I. Kurt Wiese, BYC. 2. Curl Olson, CYC. 3. Mark Gaudio; NHYC. 4. Carey O'Reilly, NHYC. 5. Bob Burn!, CYC. 6. Ty Beach, BYC. 7. Jolin McClllt"e', NHYC. He charted the Ticonderoga!ri~===========~===~~=====~ ror the 1963 Transpac and was II : so pleased w i t h her Olher 1peclal trophy winners were: Bill WhiUord, first Sea Scout to finilh; Steve de Molkonyl, BYC, Sportsman. 8. Da>id Wallace, L!YC. t. King Humann, BYC. 10. Hugo~!, LlYC. performance during the race that he wired the fonner owner an offer to buy "as is, where is" for approximately I00,000. By the tim< lhe Ticon- deroga reached Hon o I u 1 u , Johmon owned her. He brought her back to Newport Beach where he s p e n t more than $100,000 bringing her up to ber origina1 lines and refurbishing the in· terior. His first elapsed lime record In Big Ti was in lbe 1964 Los Angeles to Tahiti race. From TahiU he took the yacht to Florida for the Southern Ocean Ra c I n g Conference where be set .at least one new record, and on the way back to CalifornJa for the Transpac set a new elapsed time record lD the Miami to Jamaica race. TllRIUJNG RACE The 1hrilling, -the wire race between Ticonderoga and Stormv~t in the 1965 Honolulu race will long be mnembered In yachting c:ircles. • 'lbe two boala tinlsbed lesr than five minutes apart In the 2,22$ mlle race and Big Ti set the new record ol. 9 days 13 hours. After that victory, John!ioo brought Ticoaderoga back to the mainland where he en- tered i• unofficially in the 1966 LA to MazaUan on the ""ay back to the East Coast ror campaigning in th·e Newport, R.I. to Bermuda race. the Trans· Atlantic frace f r o m Bermuda to Copenhagen, ;;nd the Skaw race from Sweden to Norway. In the Trans-Atlantic race Ticonderoga set an all- time record, bettering the old mark by more than three days. • After the Europt!an cam- paign Johnson brooght Big Ti back to Florida where he o.-ice again made the SORC and the Miami-Jamaica race. By this time, Ticonderoga was getting tired and Johnson already had dreams of a new boat that would be even faster than Big Ti. Hjs dream led to Windward Passage, a revolutionary new design by young Alan Gurney of New York, which Johnson had built in his own shipyard in Freeport, Bahama. The on- ly boat-for-boat defeat of Windward Passage came tn the California Cup series at Marina del Rey last summer at the hands of Blackfm, thus selling the stage for another bitter Transpac battle. TIMBER TRAMP Johnson lilted lo refer to himself as a timber tramp in his younger days in the northwest. Although h I s father, the late C. B. Johnson, owned a lumber company in Toledo, Ore., Johnson con- tinued lo roam the timber stands of the world, serving as a consuJt.ant to many large timber and lumber firms. After he Inherited h l s father's C. B. JohM>n Lwnber Co., it was bought by Georgia Pacific Corp. in the 1950s and Johnson became a vice presi- dent and director of the finn, Although he was 5till a ma- jor stockholder in Georgia Pacific at the Urne of biJ dealh, he hid reured lrom •c- Uve partlcipatloo In the firm lad devottd mucb ol hll Ume and lllOlle)' to cleYelopmai! and -In IUcb places u Hawaii, t h e Blhamas, Mezb, AJ..u, Canada and Colllomla under !lie corporale name or R. F. Johnson Ca. In more rteent yeara he had arranged hi.!1 affairs 90 that he could spend more and more Jobnsozi+son. LllCILI UITllEITAL • 11um. IEICllY ·•MUI THE LINCOLN CONTINENT AL lntrod1i1c:in9 th• first eltoqether-n•w-Uncoln Co11tin t11tel h1 nterly • decedt. A111etice'1 l'\Glf cli.tin911i1hecl motorctr pt•••nh new dlmeMion1 in 1paclo1i11• "'''• lu•ury tnd tppointmellh tht.inttdor room h 111ore commodious, front tnd rtar. the body is l<1n91r. Thi 1l1nct is the widest t¥tr 111 1 Conti11tntal. - The Lincoln Conlin1nt1I 11d1n, ii• th111 ~on1rou1 n1w proportion1, 11eh 1l19tnl_ htllmork of Contintnltl cl11i9n -Th1 1culptur1d hood, tht 9r1c1ful 9r11nho1i111, th1 1w11pin9 rear decli: -f.11 b1com1 more drtm1tic. And more 1p1rt from ath1r ctn. lhe h11dltmp1 111 now con- ceelecl. New corn1rin9 l1mp1 ligltt tilt w1y for turn' 1t 11i11ht. CYCLONE GT M1rcury 11 your p111word to 1clio11 tnd 1dvtnture in the 70'1! M1r0 cury 11y1 it 111, ind no Mercury 1e~ it b1tt1r thin thi, Cyclone ST. Sl11k, herdtop ,tylin;i Thru1lin9, 1coop1d hood. An unmi1!1k1blv bold grille. Sp1ci1I Cvdon1 runni1111 lithh. Conce1led he1dl1111p1. Stron11 J5l-2V M.1rcury V-1. 117" wh11lb111. Wid1 60.S" front ind 60.0'' r11r tr11d. From th1 hi·b1ck buck1t 111h 011 out, Cyclo111 GT it 1~ action c1r-1 9r11t l11d1r for l lncoln.M1rcury'1 .compl1t1ly r11tyl1d, 1U-n1w int1flfl1di1t11! See The Entire Exciting Line Of All New Lincoln Mercurys All New ·All Exciting All New Luxury ~ Johnson-. son i!LD!m©@ll.00 ©@lm'ii'OOO~OO'ii'&\11 • ~&\00~ m · ~~!m©lllJOOW • ©@lllJ@&\ffil I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I IC NEW CARS 540-5630 642-0981 1 Mile South of the San Diego Free!fay USED CARS 540·5635 ume camp at an 1 n a his•IU!::=: =::::::::::::::::::::= Windward p.,..ge. ~ • ' • 1 • SpyiSliips .-. ( Now on . . Way Out ' WASHING10N,(AP) -The Navy ~bly will lay' up ..... ' of It. intelligence- gathering lbipe; P ~ n II go n IO\ll'Cf,I 88,y. ~ . 'Ibey for..,... lhcreased use of warsbiPs, cllieijy destroyers, equipped, lo'·"""Y out "'~ .. · . m18itlona · a 6 reJativtlY<l~ijHtliire inter· ception of radio coinmunlca- tions and motUtoring of radar inslallations. The action likely wll1 be bound up in the Navy's trim· ming of the fleet to help meet its •1 billion share of W!Yte House-ordered spending cuts. CONGRESS CRITICAL The move may {llso stem in part f r o m congressional criticism and ·Pentagon Stud- ies foJlowlng seizure of the spy ship Pueblo and tlie sboQling down of a Navy recon- naissance plane, b o th by N~ Korea. Sources indicated some of the estimated 12 lightly armed inteUlgen~ gathering vessels will remain in service, perhaps to operate in areas where danger of attack is at a minim.um. A destroyer, with five-inch guns and missiles, could hard· ly be overrun by the kind · of torpedo and patrol boats the North Koreans sent against the Pueblo in January 1968. The Pueblo had only two machine guns for defense. Destroyeni, fitted w i t b special electronic equipment, have carried out intelligence gathering chores in the past. Lay up of some of the special intelligence vessels may be announced along with the next increment of ship retirements expected soon. The Navy Aug, 22 identified some 76 vessels of various kinds to be taken out of com- mission. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird has said more than 100 shlps eventually will be taken off the active rolls. Sources said the total could reach about 125. There were hints the next Navy economy announcement may also disclose the reduc- tion of some antisubmarine warfare and other a i r squadrons. OPERATION VITAL During t h e controveronr ., •" follQwing seizure of t,h e Pueblo, Pentagon oUiciali In- sisted such operations are vital to national secui:~Y·. They said spy ships operated without naval or air esco~ to enhance their effectiveness beCause, traveling alone and apPearing somewhat like com- mercial ships, they drew less attention. The United States, in those days, relied on the safety of international waters, general· ly .respected by most nations. However, the North Korean capture of the Pueblo showed that international waters pro- vided no such protection. and the focusing of world attention on the spy ships stripped away whatever anonymity t h e y might h a v e enjoyed pre- viously. Last July, after a House armed services subcommittee strongly criticized" the handl· ing of such int e l 11 gence missions, the Pentagon an· nounced it had taken a number of corrective measures, including station· ing contingency f o r c e s to come to the aid of intelligence vessels or aircraft and new scutUing devices for spy ships, At the same time, the Pen· tagon said it had undertaken a study of world wide recon- naissance and intelligencee missions to detennine among other t 11 i n g s , "alternative means ol. accomplishment"' Aide Attends DC Seminar Newport Be a c h City Manager Harvey Hutlburt will attend an airport n o 1 s ~ seminar in the nation's capital next October as a side trip to 8 city manager's convention in New York City. Hurlburt will attend the 11eminar at the Invitation of Hempstead Town, N.Y., wtiose • mayor extended an iqvita~ . , to Newport offidali lo participate in the meeting. 'nle City of Ingle\'".'OOCI, near Los A n g e I e s International Airport, also will participate actively In the seminar. Hempstead Town PresldlnlJ Supervisor Ralph G. Caso said he hopes that the meeting will produce ·~ natlona.J organiza· lion which could serve as a powerful pressure bloc td stimulate federal a ct I on towards'ooplng with the noise problem." Tile meeting will. be • held Oct. a and t . • ..... --........... -......- ' • Always at Sears ~ Seai.s ....-. ..\.- ~lebrating 83 .y !!ats:oJ Customer Satisfaction ''Spring Lake~; Acrilan • Acrylic Pile Carpeting SAVE 26o/o! Regular u~.99 Sq, Ye!. ' Plu.$2 oq. yd. pad 11111d installation ' U!!e<Sea~ Revolving Charge! Withstands even the heaviest traffic and practiCally ends 11ta.irway "wear·awaY-.•• becatlSe it'a exquisitely thick and durable. Now you ne61 not worry about unattractive carpet wear on your stairs, or alxiut a new carpet looJdng old within a few years •. Resists soiling, staining, and e\1en children's rough play. Elegantly patterned, it comes in 10 rich colon and blenda. In 12 and 15·foot widths! ~..,.,_...,,., --• C.rpel• e Frualtlft • ..,..._ e W~ e Rq1 ~ !loan . .,.,..,, .. Pbetd 93i·l571 for i'Rb-~1 Phone 875--0741 tor DiaperJ ~ l!ifwl hNte ... "Royal Family" TV SPECIAL Tonight on CBS 7:30to9P.M~ 'CHANNEL2 ·-------.... I Monday, S.pi.tnber 22, 1969 , DAILY· PILOT, V \ ' • Guaranteed or ••• .. Satisf acti·on ' Your Money . Back Check These Great. Low Prices on Sears_ Jnstalled Carpet "Pico" All Nylon Pile Low Priced! INSTALLED 49?. Yd. Ideal ·tor-the bu~1et-minded homemaker. Reailient{&ll nylon pile resista matting, 11oil ataina.· 5 colon to cQmplement any ·decor. •'\V estem Hills" Carpeting 69J. Yd. Sean Low Price! INSTALLED Bright tweed colorations add warmth and texture interests to country and cuual de- cors. Continuoua filament 1L1lon pile. 5 co1on.-1ut.-width. ' "Vermont" Textured Pile Amazing Value! INSTALLED 59?. Yd. Cobblestone textured pattern for modern or cont;e:mporary decor. lOOf"o continuous filament nylon pile. Jn 6 ·warm deeorative colot'!. "Windmill" Shaggy, Pile Great Value! INSTALLED 79J Yd. Made ot oven.set twilit nylon pile for Ju_x .. urious yarn b'loom and Jaatin1 texture sel- dom found 'in ahas carpet&. at this lo• price. 7 colon. 1 _. '~I 0 ___________________ , I-------------- - ---• ---- -------flQOWE .... 262 · SOUJHCQASl",ft.u.A J.f0.2m 1 IUENA.r.ukTAl·«00,52t..f530 aMOHTEGls.3911 " 1.0N011AOtHEU12t POMOHAB>2-ll4S,HA 9•5161•VU~-675 ' w«AANA.klT-3311 1ot1Na5.f2.1&11 I I CAHOOA ,,.. 340-0661 . """"'1104 5-1004, <r 4-4311 "'"""'•'*>To AH 1-5%11 SANTA IUll-?#SOil vAUtt PO ~I. '84-2220 •• I c-·NE'-"8t,-N!2.576! """"woooHO·t.sNl . 0~637·2100 s --~--EXU711 ......... Plf.ltll • COVINA ·t66-0lll . -01 S.IDl ,......,.. 68t421l, 351-4211 ears ' · _, . ---------------~---~-~--·--------~---------· r "SatbfadlollG•lll\llll••dorYowMo11fJlat:lt9 ... • ... , ... Nab ..... ..., ... ua~Sullado,9:30A.M.ID~P.At_ ' ! .. -------. -· ~ . ,, . . . . . . ... .. ---.. · ..;. :.. · .. · .. -.~-··· ........... ~ .... "" ...... .. ' • • JJ • ~All Y ~!-OT • Mo~ay, Seitttmber 22, 196~ ~ r. .I ' I 1. 1250 fin ely tempered coils !n full size ntaltress ••• WO coils in twin size for the best in !.'lecping comfort 2. Sanitized sisal pa<l over each side of coil unit \\!ill~ edges tucked over borders 3. Cusl1ione<l \\litl1 Louncy colto11 felt on eaclt E-icle $29995 Queen . Size Se '249 •399•5 King Size Se '299 Immediate Complimentary Deli,·ery, Of Cour!e Matching Foundation· I. Strong l 0-slat wood f ran1e ":ith center braces and extra side braces 4. Sheeting cover ••• inner tufted to lieep all lill· -ing contents in place 2. Four plastic cor n er J!Uards to protect foun- dation co·rners 3. Bottom CO\'er of cotton t;}teet ing to keep dust out of the coil unit 4. 108 coils to full siz e posturized unit, com· pletely latex dipped, with heavier gauge coils in the center , . .. . .. " ~~. ''·: ·/ ·, ,. . '·' ,., ... ~ ... , ... I earS;, • .._ ' I 5. lmporled damask cover quilted to ¥4-oz. Dacron polyester pad and two J/4·in. polyurethane foam pads 6. Pre-built border ha• 3 row& of eyelets for coht· plete ventilation. 4 cord l1andles for easy l1an· dling 7. Quilled cushion pillow top panel l1and slitcl1ed to unit before b e ing !aped to border. ., ' A•kAhout Sears Convenient Credit Plan• • 5. Sanitized •i1al pad over unit", wrapped around &ides for complete in• sulation :--i\\E 'lll: 6. Sanitized felt pad placed over aisal lo give that cushioned fe el 7. Imported Dama!k cover upboleters the unit with cover attached to the bottom of the frame 3-Pc. Spanish Bedroom Group A S1rik"'4f Re-creation. of True Spani&h Elegance ••• Old World Df«nily Regular •493 ' •349 • Include• triple dre .. er b ase, framed plate Jtla!s mirror and choice of 78 or 60-in. cro~'tl •pindle headboard • Maat~rfully crafted of the finest solid oaks at1d oak veneers with other eelect hard~·oods. Lightly diatre.,ed, lustrous finish •Intricate carved-off eel detailing, aulhentic hardware • l4rge triple dre.,er hos 6 spacious drawers pin• tra7-type,dnwen behind 2 doors. Com· pletely dull prqofed • $349 Laip Door Chest . . . • . . . . . . $299 Matching Night Stand . , . . . . . . . . . . $19 Immediate Complimentary DeliYery, of Coune! ' ,-----------------------------~ 1 BU ENA PARK EL MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA ---------*---------~ POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I SANTA ANA TORRANCE . SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson · '--------------------~---Sears ____________________ , "Satisfaclion Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M • • ,\ ... -- .. -. ,, ' . - $.ears Classic Traditional Accents Your Lii:ing Room Traditional Channel Back SoL.1 SAVE $50! Regular 5399 C lusic Tradit ional sofa in 3-cushio n sryJing. Deep sco;i,•n ·channel back. Re- versible T-s[yle sear cushions of Kodcl- wrapped heavy density polyurethane foam. Quilted jacquard vel\'et cover in choice of decorator oolors. 96 inches long. Sl99 Club Style Cha ir • Velvet cover. Reversible foam sear cUlhion__ 179 Class ie Style Tables Ric h butternut fin ish 5129.95 Cocktail T.able 99 $89.95 Square or Hexagon Commode, ea ___ _. Compliment ar y Delivery, Of Conroe! Ask Ahout Sears Convenient Credit Plans ' I .- Contempi)rary Sofa ..• Designed for Young Mod erns SA VE $50! Regul~r S399 ~169 Tub Style Cha ir l'honf' Sean fur ln-llom1: Cl~ani na; Sf'r,·iet!I Carpe11 e Fumitu.tt e. Windo"'' • ~1al111 e Rugs • floor1; • Cei lin•s Phone 9J J.J5;I for FREE Eslimatrsl Phone875-07·lo' for Drapery Cleaning Dramatic Transitional Style Sofa SA VE $50! Regular S399 Handsome 97-inch long ~ofa in bold matched fl.Ir. and Mn . Chain Extra long: 3-cushion sr ylc sofa.. Nubby textured t9.'eed cover iR matched stripes ... Scotchgard treated for soi l resistan ce. Deep Kodcl· ""rapsn:d polyurethane foam scat and back cushions. 101 inches long. with polyurethane foam seat cwhions SJ 69 ~fr. Chair in vinyl cover ______ _.149 Sl,59 Mrs. Cha.i r in tweed cover $13'} hie 5-i nch deep Kodel-wt1ppcd polyuttthane J\fodern Oec1"ional T1l1les plaid 9o'itb attractive vinyl welt trim. Revcrst-$ 3 4 9 foam K it and back cushions ,,. plus two foam-Rieb black fin ish, smoke-gray tcmpcrrd glass tops fi lled bol ~ters "'ith sol id color vinyl covers. $1 59.95 Cockra.Jl Table 129.88 Hidden casters for easy moving. $89.95 Square Corner Tabl Si9.88 Sco!(hjli rJ rrc~tc.I ft xnircd , '149 l'llt t J cover, fu~m sttl cushion. ln1 riguinp: Coc kl ail Table Desisned of .olid Koi "1)()11 ... a i upeth hird,.'OOJ from \·!1.,,.1.ii. Lun1 11~icd i~r rop in choice of pearl "'hHc, bluk or penurunun, ur wliJ Koi .,·oocl 6ox.!6xl6-inch. \ ,------------------------------------------------~ I IUENA PAIK TA 8·••00. 521-<53 0 n MONTE GI 3-3911 lONG &EACH HE 5-0121 -POMONA ED 2-1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 PICO WE 8·<262 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 5;0.3333 CANOGA PA•K 3;0.066 t GlENDAtE cH 5.1 oo•. a 4«61 t otYMl'IC • soTo AN 9.5211 SANTA ANA Kt 7.3371 10~CE 5'2-t 511 I I COMrTON NE 6-2l81 , NE 2-5761 HOUYWOOD HO 9-59'1 ORANGE 637-2100 ' SANTA FE 5'RINGS 944-8011 VAU!YPO 3-8<61, 98'-2220 I COVINA 966-0611 INGlEWOOD OR 8-2521 ..... DENA 681-:1211, 351-4211 Sear-8 SANTA MONICA EX •-6711 l'tRMONT Pl 9-1911 ,________________________ _ ___________________ , "Satisfaction Guaronteed or Your Money Back" war.•--co. Shop 6 Nighb Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M . . , • ( ' ' ' ' .. ,,_ ........ -.-...__ .. • MoJlday, S!pt1rol.r 22, )96~ • Anyway, It's 0.rigitaol ..Bill Deputy (R) of Seattle recently discovered a way to use the hair clippings !tom h.is barber shop floor, and may set a new style trend. fle's be~n restyling Don H1ltburner's ( L) car with wbat tl.Sed to be waste material. The clippings a:re attached to the car with an undercoating, then trimmed to uniformity. After eomp,etely covering the car, sh·euac will be added and the surface polished. llight now it has the appearance of a musk ox, and.at 45 MBH tbey say the dandruff really flies. .. . . Job Clinic " I .~For Women _·Mature women who are in- terested in returning lo work 'Of seeking employment for the first time are inviled to participate lq a free job clinic beginning this week at the Santa Ana YWCA, 1411 N. Broadway. ' '~ serl~ of seven weekly tneetlnp will be held from 9:30 a.rp. to 11:30 a.m. on Fridays, under the sponsorship of the Santa Ana- South County YWCA, the California St.ate Employment ServiCe and University of Qlifornia Agricultural Ex- tension Service. Child care ~ be avallable. ')JegUtraUon will be limited to 100 and reservations for the coune may bre made by call-1" the Santa Ana YWCA , 542- 351'1. WASH WITHANY FILL-UP ----------------------$ e •l-VE ";:;,a,. ST"M"S AVE W<TH ALL nLL u•• WITH THI• I COU,.Ol't "l-1.. C"ll'.D IT C""DS AC,Cf.,.Tl:D JO•~itH 1•1 Come over to 3848 Campus Drivt: September 24th and you 'll see som e· thing you've never seen before. W• c1ll It "printing instantly" and it can solve your office copying probloma. · Tho newest Goodway Copy Canter Is ready to handle all your duplicating needa and provide you wllh high quality printing service with Incredible apeed at a very low cost. Probably less than you 're now paying for office copies. So whether you need a few copies, or 100 copies of a 1,000 page book, tot us first. Come In during GRAND OPENING WEEK end ll'o'll produce a supply ol FREE memo pads for you whlla you wait. Refre,hments will be on hand, too. ! . For all the printing you need, faster than you need it, come to the newest •• Ooodway Copy Center. • 'SPECIAL ClRAND OPENl!ICl OFFER! 100 COPIES FOR $2.75 GOOOIJJR'-1 copy center 3141 CAMPUS Df!IVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1'2ti0 l7141640.9681 St:<_ars : .<\ik About !Scan Revolving Charge • ' Acrylic Automatic Blankeis ••• Machine Washable, Guaranteed 2 Years This year you'll be toasty warm with a soft acrylic automatic blanket. Ma.chine wash, dry. Resisrs pilling. 6·in. nylon binding. Control hangers. Choose fron1 Blue, Gold'and Avocado Lime . Regular '14. 99 97 ' 'J'win ~inµl e Control '17.99, Full single conlroL13.97 '21.99J Full dual conlrol__l 7.97 ... t' «fr ' , , I ROYAL FAMILY TV SPECIAL 1·011igl11 on CBS. 7:30-9 pm, CHAN:'i[L 2 Lightweight Year Round Thermo-Weave Blankets Re~ular S6.99 • JUUt;O coUon therm o-.,.,·ca\e unnappe<l, iind dry, thrinkaJ:e conlrolltd • Hold1 tihape heller :1r1rr \•a•hin~ tha11 loo&er .,.,·ea\·e.co\lon ther111;il ~ •Choose from pin~. hlue and.,., lii1r machinr \•ash ~K.1J1J. Full Thcr1110 \\'ca\C---------~ .. 97 SI I.'>?, Queen 'fht"rmo \\eav Q.97 ~l :l.')9. 1'.iH~ Ther1no·\i;·ta\' 11.?7 Save 28o/o Now! Soft "Fortrel 7" Pillows ~~ ...,. Regular Si l I I • J::njoy 1he c:n n1rort nf pol)e5t,.r 4> fibrr- fil pillo .... ~. i\on·allertenic. 1nildew and n1othproof. f\la cbine "'·ash1ble e Clu~tly \•O\rn cnuon 1it-k ror Jong,.r \\'tar and i! ~nru•rinr to an y olhtl' u ~erl on~~ nthel ic pil1o.,.,·g ~'}, Queen ~ize Pillo.,.,• Sil , t-.in_t. :-'ir.r l'illt111 • 1 fo1• ~I ' ' .\ !JP! Ttie.111 .. T J•ieky Dowti91•ade It's called the Crookedest Street in the World, eight sharp curves in one short, steep block on the edge of Russ ian 1-Iill in San F rancisco. Touri sts love to zig-zag thei r cars down it and neighbors living in \vhat they consider the best part of San Francisco iind life never dull. To most younger San Francis~ cans it's called Lombard Street Curlicue, but olde r residents remember when it was called Jacobs Ladder. S tuden t Ha s A 1iswer T o Hou sing Problems ANN ARBOR, ~1ich. (AP) - David Hoover is one Universi- ty of Michigan student v.•ho's no t worried about lhe campus housing shortage. He 's planning lo camp out in U1c woods near Ann Arbor all \vinler. AFL-C:IO v s. Reuther Labor Facing Worst Split Now Possible To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop The Itching, Relieve Pain In Moat C-. l\t•· Yor~, N.Y. (Special): &i~ l'nre has fou nd a n\edieation Ydt.h the ability, in mo!t caa.s -to pron1ptly &top it.chinr, relieve pain and actually 11hr i11k hemorrhoids. Tests by tloclors proved that ln case after case, "·bile a:ently rel ievin' pain, actual reduction of the Infl amed hemorrhoid• took )'lace. The1ecrt1t 11 Pr111p11ration H•. There'a no other formu la like itJ Preparation H alao soothes irrita ted tisi;ues a nd helps prevent furthl!lr' infection. Jn ointment or auppository forn1. COMPLETE PRINTING ,SERVICE • Bualn•u Forms • Letterh•ad:; • I nvitation1 • T1ck•t1 • Posttrs • Buain ••• Carda • Houae OrS11n1 • Menus ANDY HAS ANSWERS The 18-year-old freshman told university housing of- ficials he finds ''more security in the \\'oods than in an apart- inent. '' adding, "I really like to live v.·ith the weather ." Hoover. a lean 5-foot-10. ha.~ four tents with an overhead larpaulin coonecting them. The tents are clustered around Almon Loe~•b•v i• t h• o"lv full-tim• botling •dilor worki "<J "I just hope a lot of other on '"V "''"'P•P•• in Or1n11 students don't get the idea,"' County. Hi1 1Jdu1iw1 c.0¥1r•t• said lloover whose father is of bo•lin9 i nd y1cht<n9 "''"' an Illinois ~sislant attorney• i1 • d•ity f11lur1 of lh1 DAILY general. I PILOT. Th•••'• 0111., 1n1 pl1c1 you ctn fi"d mor• ''"'"''' th•" yo1rr childrtn h1¥1 qu1J!ion1. Chick th1 A1• Andy f1•hl11 1¥1ry S•+• 11rd1y in th• DAILY PILOT. Yo11'll 11•1 It -t nd 11 will y1wr e11rio1ity.rill1d yo11"91t.r1, Sears e .Fie ld or view i1 s;s feet at I,000 yd! • ..., • Extra wide •nKle lypt1. amber coated optic· ally ground achromatic leneeJ and pri!m1 •Simulated lea lhe r carr:ring case inc luded t-U,99. 7x5'1 Po"·er Binoculars with 2997 :-:imula1f'4'1 1~ath er Carry C1se___ Regular '34. 99 2497 .\~k About Sein Coa•enicnt Credit Plan1 , _________________________________________________ , I tull"IA FAHi TA l ·'lD0, ~)1.4,lO I\ _.:1 GI ,.3111 ~OMG tUOI HI JO!Jl •O-::l'O• lO 2-114J, NA 9.~1 •1 . YIJ •MSI ~Wf M26Z i0111'11 C0.1.$11UU. ~'l»lJJ C»I004 '""' 3•0 0661 Gllf<l)oOll CH J.1004, Q l .l61t 0.TWIC' IOI!)""" 1-Slll ~ WfA MoiA.Q 7.Jm l OHJrlltl J~2.1Jl l I I t0111110t<i ...it i 1111, Nt : Jt~I 1.ei .. wooa HO t.J~4 1 ci•4""' i 11 7100 1..r«A " snJHCs ~•·111'11 v...ulY '° l ·l4'1, H l.J'»O I (~""'°'I I !'11'~1-o• • ,,11 tU•DUU.•U·J11 1, lS1·•l1 • Sears s..Hl'4 lllOHIU. DC ...,I, YU.lil(M ,.. •-1•11 ~-------------------------~ ~----------------1 ''Satl1fo(fion Gu arcnlt•d crYourMonty&o,k" ~MUIU-• Shop6Ni9h" Mond'o)' lhlt1.11h Sal1.1rdo)' 9:3QA.M. fo ':30 ,,M. • • Mond.ly, Stptembtr 22, 19" THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the man wh o Jmot01 just how to turn the phnut to gl!:t tht mtJ.Jt out of the barb is DAILY PILOT coLum.tlo i.s t Sydntw Harri.J. He ha.1 betn c:aLled the modern • dait H e n r 11 Menck e n. Jf 11ou'rt read11 for his use of the acid adj e c ti u e and t h ou oh t -prouokino prO.Je to give 11ou thl' needle • , . if you want to find something to think obout 1n what !IOU read ••. if you have a sense of liumor, 11ou b t Jo n a with rtadtra who deUoht in telling 0U1trs what "Sud soid" i n one of tht T1ation'.J mo.Jt • quoted colum11.1. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: 4'0ne of the hlghlltt p1ld [Ht In America conai1t1 of 1t1ndlng up In: front of• mlc- 1'ophone, .. parati ng the good recoN1 from th. bad ones -~l•yint the bad onei." "Ir• ud but true th1t while alcoholics are til e best arrument for aba:tinence, 10 many abst1iner1 are equally effective ar- iUment for a little drink now and then ... "Most of ti.. IO<llltd 'lncompolll1lllly' In merrf1ge 1prfn11 from tM feet thtt t• mHt men, 11x It en ad; whlle to 11J womtn, Jt It •n emotion. And this dlffe,... ence In ettltUde cen be brlclgtd only by love." "The sole dUference between a 'dedi<!•· ted crt111der' and a 'DOI)' reformer' con-- gists in our agre ement or disarreement with ha objectiTes." "The rnoet ex,1 .. 1ve combln•tlon In tht world cen1l1t1 of alnc1rlty 1dded to lgnor•M•·" "Whenever I am the recipient of an er· cwlveJy hearty handshake, I 1u1pec:t l!fr. Muacle.s is trying to !itll something, hide 1omelhinf, or prove 1omet.b.inc." Check The Editorial Pace For This Sicnature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature of umn, the DAILY PILOT Your Hometewn: Dally Newapaper LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • ,1 I t • ·1 • f ~ . • t • • i • • " I• " '· i. ,, • 1Wl'f I'll.OT - ears • Blackwall or Whitewall 4-PlyNyloo Tubeless Silent Guard II Buy2Tues You Save s11 Celebniting 8J·Yean of Casto mer Satiaf action 'Now in Progreu ! AUSl'ATE Puaenger Tire Gaarant"" Tread Ute Caanm• c..--1 ~·AU &ihuaot the lll'I; ftl9.ltlac from ftllnDd -.I ha:::wds or ddfta i• ~ or -S. maotbip. ,_ u-.._., 1« the liie d m. arigi!IAl ttad. wh.i SM" Wiii De• l.t-pair nllil ~ 1t ao c.h.qe. I~ ca.~ £.i!-n~. in~. far rbt ure. "fbtt-1t chQins DlllJ die propcwti" ~ (llf-~ ~-lelliiw prier plut hOent &ci1t T• chm ~Dll u-' .ed. Tread Weal'Oat Cuanntee c.-.-1-......,~~ l"•r Be• IA•a• The 111u11bn ol -o..,ord. WMt S-.. WW De• In~ fot rhe lift. rqi1flOe ii. dmJ.il\I dw: ''"""'' ttp.J. "'lliQI """ phll ml«..! &. ci1oe T• lcv doe follo.ul& al.Sont-: -......c-.a&eM ....__ 12.::>24 1~ 27111)39 209' Blaciwall or Whitewall 4-PlyNylon Tabeleu Silent Guard n I ' Blac~all or , Wliitewall ' 4-Ply Ny~on Tubeless Silent Guard II Buy3Tires You Save 3.6 .Month Guaranteed . . Silent Guar.d II Full 4 Ply NYLON TIRES . e Deep tread for (!l'ealer mileage, wi<te tread for better traction e MOdem design foroubtanding high speed performance and otability _ . • Patented.1.Ccty oboulder for positive steering and cornering control • Heavy, rugged conslrUction to assure strength, long wear You Save $7! Buy 4 Tires You SAVE %1.95 18.95 ULfS 17.95 17.70 U.95 19.95 19.£5 1L95 18. 70 1.96 26.'5 ILts ,2.LfS 28.9S ..40.71 .2.07 27.95 . 22..95 21;70 2lAS 21.95. ..... "'" '"' ...... 23:.70 ~= 26.9' 26.45 ..... ~.70 ..... 29.95 '!9.45 28.95 28.70 37.95 il2.9S 32.4S 31.95 Jl.70 31.95 2"95 2US 25.95 25.70 3'.95 "'·" , ... , 28.95 Moflday and Tuesday On11 September 22nd and 23rd Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans Short Engine Blocks Priced with Trade-In (or Cbe,y .. 383"' or Fotd .. 292'9 s199 AAk About Sein Convenient Credit Plana , I 99 All cylinden are re- bored and honc!d, and the crankshaft is re- ground. All new pans include pistons. rinss:, timing chain,: cam~ shaft bearing. ;. · .•. x :· ... tp- With Tnd~la Noe.3-U. 95-74-66- 53-90 Fits 90% of all American Made 12-Volt System Cars Includes Installation by Sears Trained Experts Sears Engine Blo~k Guarantee 1£ any put fails due to deCecta in meterr- ial or workmanship within 90 d1)'1 from · date of sale 0!"4,.000 miles, wbicheft!' · occa:n 'rll'll. we will repair-or replace pa:rll free of charge. Sean has our 950 makea and models available. All Are Guaranteed. , --~~~----------------··--------------------------, -P.W:TA 8-4400, 521-4530 El MONlt GI 3-3911 lONG W.Clf HE 5·0121 PICO WE 8·4262 ' SANTA >.NA Kl 7.3371 TORRANCE 542·1511 I CANOOA r.w: 340-0661 Gl.ENOAl.e O! s-1004, a 4.4611 otYMMc • soTo AN 8-5211 POMONA eo 2-1145, NA 9.5161, vu 6·6751 soo• FE sn1Nos 944.9011 uPU.No 9e5.1~21 I . I COl!IPTOll NE 6-2581, NE 2·576 1 HOl11'WOOO HO 9-5941 ORANGE 637-2100 . SANTA MONICA EX ·4·671 1 VAUEY PO 3-8461, 984 ·2220 I COVINA 966-()611 INGlfWOOO OR 8-2521 PASADENA 681-3211, 351 ·4211 SOUTH COAST PlAZA 540·3333 VERMONT PL 9-1911 , _______________________ _ Sears --------------------# '15ati1faction Guaranteed or Your MoneyBack" Shop 6 Ni9ht1 Monday through Satvrday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M • • 1 -'· • •• • : .. • •. .. • . " ' '"11> careei pl aye< and bl The Angel mosl Georg Baltin Footb Alie bl• It even 1 81 je< gr S<;> 3\' , Ch. Oakh decis He man• lhoul • . ,..---------~--:"-,...... ----....-.---.--·-·-· ---·-· ..._......~.---~~-------·----- Moncfq, !fptf-22. 1969 As ·Jones·.Pri·ts· :Jt:.W-e· Knoc.ked Hell Out of 'em '"I1lls was the. blggesl eame of my career," sa1d Deacoo Jones, who bas playl!d In aomo big ones. "We went out and hit. We knocked bell out of 'em.11 The defenli1>e Goliath of the Loo Angeles Rams' ex~ the sentiment of most of his ~anunates and ol C.oach. George Allen, aft.er the Rams stunned Baltimore 21·20 ,ln Suoday 's N1tiooal Football League opener. Allen said tl$e s.~e was the biggest in bis three years with the Rams, bigger even than Loe i#Jlft!es' u.m victory over • Battm.t !or the ood-UUe ln•lll7. "It WM the bi. .... boconlO tbe odds were .against us,WliJd .Alleft. 0 No ooe1 gave us a -cbance.11 "We bad tomei p(tll.l80D injuries, °t)ll Coflo, are toogb ... beat In lllelr . own ba<l:yard and they're tho NFL cham· pfons;'' ' ' • QJw:1<rba<k Roman Gabriel, ,who threw thrM ~wn· pasaes, aeknowlodlili'that "ilnce'tbe lint day bf pracUce we ·had be<n' .polnlloc ti> . tbe Colli in Baltimore. ft ,. .. The ' Co)ta ue DOI -. Bob Vogol, ollemlYe ~Ille, nmarkocl "it aeetm like we apead, most of our tJl'lO com1ng back !Nm -lblna.· We have a lot ol gameo loft Pd ll'•.al!fi ii>o .,.:1y lo quit" \ Hia llilopokeo r<le.....,. lo the paat wa Ille 16-~ losl lo the New Yor~ Jell in the Super nnw\. that• 1967 finale, loU1 to the • Rams ... in .. ...rum. 1165 cOar . ' p1ay0tr 110ie.1 11 Gree!! Bay anc1 ~ Ille JlFL· ~pioMhlp. lo Cleveland in 1914 .. Coach Doa Sllula !llW"d that throe poss lnl<rceplions and two fumble ,... coverles by the Rams were the difference• In tbe oottome. One.oftbe,lnlerce!>Uons by FA ~leadOr I<\ u~ tbe .-.I ll!ld goal .by Bruce Gossett wblch ll!!pt...the rams Into a JO..l7 lead lo stay at· Ille end of Ille tliird quarter. . .. " · Reicevery of Preston'Peareon's fumble ~ f ll!lnl al bis 13 by J!ob lQeln, a rocikie !rom Soutbern Cal,.oet up the deciding Al.ston' s Str~tegy Backfires i11 Loss lhlnl touchdown puo'by Gabriel The Colla oame withJn alr!klng ranee three times alter· tha4 the last -dY1nl when Rldtie Potilboo lnlerctpltd ll1C>thu Johnny Unltas puo at lbe II. Shula went all the way with Unltas and liid he ha1 oo, idea of S\lbstituUng Earl Morrall, the quarterback all laat aeuon. and voted the most valuable ,player In Ula NFL. •rA lot of ,thinp Weren't Unila.s' r.al!ll and . he waa lbro'f"lng Iring wen, '1 Sl1Ula said of Ille chroolc IOfe elbow, thrower. Dodgers Leave Their Hearts • Ill SF UPI T...,_.. BYE, BYE DODGERS -San Francisco's Bobby Bonds looks at a de- jected Maury Wills, after the Dodger shortstop let Jim Davenport's grounder go through him for an error and allowed the winning run to «;ore in the bottom of the !Olh. The 4-3 defeat dropped the Dodgers 31h games behind the first-place Giants. Messer smith Pitching Angels , Seattle Collide; A's Bounce Haw's 12-2 Charles O. Finley, owner ot the Oakland Athletics, made two b I & decisions last week. He decided Hank Bauer was out as manager o( the A's and that Jim Roland lhould be given a chance to earn hi! keep u a starting pitcher. Finley implemented his first decision st Friday, replacing Bauer with John cNamara. Sunday, Roland gave cNamara his first managerial victory, !ding California to four hits as the thletics breezed to a 12·2 triumph over e Angels. The Angels will attempt to rebound ight when they &end A n d y essersmith alt.er his 17th win of the against the visiting Seattle Pilots, will counter with ex-Aogtl Georae ~ J.12. bis llnt start agalnal bis ez-mates days ago, Brunel pitched a five-hiller hit his lint home run alnce 1!168 in a Pilot victory. twas Roland's first start of the season r rT relle.f appearances and was his complete game in more than a year. H~ had pitched more than 5Vl lnnlngs during any one game this year. "He gave me the ball and said to .throw as hard and as long as I could," Roland said of McNamara. "I knew I was tiring in the ninth but I told him that I wanted to finish the game. ll wu more of a challenge at that poinl than a!IYlbini else." Roland, 3-J, WiJl• JikeJy get two and possibly three more starts before lhe end of the year. OAKl.AffO tALll"O•MIA •rlrl,... •rllrtll C1-lt. u 6 2 3 I AlotMr, a • I I Kvblm-, 2b 6 2 • 2 Jallw!llM. d J 1 T R.JtdllOn, rf 6 2 • 3 F,...I, M J I I ll11'10o,3ll 51111ltra.• I II Fl'8nCOl'lll, Ill 4 1 1 1 lttktlwdt, It 4 I I lll"OOb,lf •llla.tft.rf .... ....... V.d $ ! 2 t Alt;w, c J I I Dllnc9n.c JJ2511-.c t ti Rollo,,.., p S I I t ~· 111 • I I ,,. A. ........ a I I I M..,...,, , I I I ....... .: . . . "ldfa. • . •• l..Alleft. P I I I J.t11"""' JI'!, 1 •• fir""', , I I I 9ortlon. , 0 • • LllWll1, Ph I I I W•fhllunlr p I t ' I I Toi.ls .. u 11 ll tmi. JI t .. I Oe-t.lld P2 005 too -11 tlllfomle 002 ODO 001 -i I • SAN. DIEGO (AP) -San Franci>co~ alreatiog Glanta · may be gjving San Diego fans a look at the National ~ague's western champion tonigbLwben they •Ii"' a ~ame aeries bere· agalnsl )he Padres. Altbaugh they bold ooly a ball game lead over the second place Atlanta BrAves, the Giants served notice Sunday 'lhey'll be tough lo beat in the stretch by concludillg a successful lo-day home stand with a ~ triumph over the Los Angelea Dodgers. The victory. achJeved on Maury Wllls' error with two out and the bases )Oaded in the 10th inning. g~ve lbe Giants a s.o aweep agalnal tbe Wrd place Dodgers and an 8-2 record for the home atand. Included in the amazing we$ was a two-game sweep ol the Braves, wbo then kepi pace over Ille weekend by taking three rrtralght !rom San Diego. Atlants begins a three-game aeries ln Houston Tuesday olgbl San Franclaoo baa nine game> ..... maining, three Ibis weekend al Lo. 0.. TV Tonight ChaitRf!l II, S p .m •. Angeles and all-the rest with the Padres, who are 2-10 against the Giants. The Gianll have an 11-4 edge over the Dodgers. "The Braves are a fine club," d~lared Giants manager Clyde King, "But I hope we can do well enough IO we don"t need anyone's help to beat them" for the pen. nanl , A seaaon-big)I crowd ol 41.1161 watched ll!e triumph at Candl<sti<f Park in San Francisco. . t King Is aeodlng rookie leftbilnder Ron Bryant, 4-2, to pitch the 'opener agaio.t How to Crunch Kernait the Padres' Mike Corklqs, 1-2~ a former Giants farm hand. Mike McConruck, 11·9, will pitch Tues- day night for the Giants, followed on Wednesday by Juan Marlcbal, 20-10. "I sure didn't ex-pect eight wins on the home stand," King said. "I would have been happy with M and overwhelmed by 7-3. And I certainly dldn'l figure aeythlng better than two out of three against the Dodgers." Manager Walt Alston's strategy backHred in the loss that dropped his Dodgers 31> games off the pace. Wltb two down in the 10th, Alston ordered reliever Pete Mltkel8en to purposely pus WUlle McCovey. Tblt wu the Un:l lntenUonal walk t.bia season to McCovet who bad boosted hLs ·average to .3Zt with (our singles and • walh: in hJJ: previous five trips to the plate. LOS UIGELIS $AM lllllAMCISCO 1llrllttol .,.,..,... wua.11 4 t•oF'*'' ... .-'''' Stumln. :I'll JI t t O lllrlon, c: 1 I I I W.Dwll.cl 511111 ........ 1111 lffl l'•rtw1 II• • I 1 f LINy, p I I I I c .. wtorcr,. rf 4 1 I 0 Ht.Int, 2b • t J I o..lloj'ltboft. If • 0 I 0 Ml'/t. d ' 1 T I Josllwl, If t 0 0 0 McCOw1~, Ml 4 I 4 1 '-"'*'"-• :ill J O I I 8ondt., rf 4 I f I H1Uer,c. ll20H1rt,lf JO fl 91111111nf, P I 0 0 0 Heioi!•rllllft, N I f I I Sl,ldi-11, pll l 0 1 0 Hiatt, c I 0 1· I "-• 11! 0 O O O 0.wnpatr, 3b I f 0 0 B~r. Ph 1 o t I l.Mtler, u $ I o I Mltk11Jtr1. p t t t O P•rry, p 4 I I I w.,....-. pll 0 ••• FOl!W, fl' 0 f I f St~ c 0 I If To~ll 3' J 1 2 TOllll ,, 4 ll 1 T-°'11 ......... WIMinQ NII _..,, l.1115 ....,..., 010 -110 • -' St111 Frand1co 200 a 1• l -4 E -CBW'W'd. I.Mii~, Wll... LOI -LOI Ano "'" I. Mr! fr1rdtco 1,. JI -Cr1w1UN. Hit -W. Dl'lll 1111. SI -HI.Wit 2. S -~. 09_,. '''" IP M • •tt la JO •-ir. • 6121) ·-2)1112 Mll<lltlMn fl.,7-SI 1·21> 1 1 I 4 I ~ '7J)J2 LIN"( (W,1'4) 1 f I I 1 f WP -I,.._.. Tlnle -i:ll. A~ -. ..... Ul'IT_.... Atlanta's Rudy Redmond bas just slammed into San Francisco's Ker- mit Alex~er on a punt return, forcing tbe 49er to give up the football. Redmond fell on the ball to set up the Falcons' initial touchdown en route to a 24-12 upset victory. It was AUanta's first~er opening win. Davis Cup to Be Open by '71 Ashe Predicts Change Afte r 5-0 U.S. Win CLEVELAND (AP) -Arthur A!he pr<dlct!d today that llie Davia Cup will be thrown open to Rod Laver and other coolract pro11 in U'll and bis captain, Dooald Dell, said he would weklome It. "There Is oo doobt tbal changes mll!t be made Jn the Davis Cup fonnat," l8kl Ame, AmUlca'• lnp player. ·-pmenl dlJcrlmlnalloo agalnal the pro11 -la ridlculowi. "The Davis Cup must get in tune with Ille limes. I bell .. e lhete Is enough strength now amoog lbe big tennls coun- lrlOB -the United Stste1, Britain, France and Amtralia -to throw the Cup oPen in Jl71." Dell, who captained the U.S. team t.o a 5-4 rout of Roruania in a successful defense oC the Q.ip, said he would welcome a confrontation with the tough lournameol proe. "( have alway1 been for open Davis CUp play," he added. 0 To remain the premier event In world tennis, the com· petition mwrt have the best players. • "Our tear11 ls young and getting stronger. The Australians are up in years and aoon wJU be pin1 downhill. Laver is 3t. Roy Emeraoa 11 paat bis prime. John Newcombe ii 25, TQl'lJ Roche ls 24." Tiriac in doubles U, &-l, 11-9. Smith was voted the event's outstanding player. Officials announced the Challeflle Rowxl would be held oo ll!e asphalt courts here again In tVIO. The Davia Cup nations already have voted that the formal wiU be Ille wne -the mnlract pr1>1 are oul H~er, the Davls CU.p commlttee will meet again and vote on the q11estton again. Emerson Tests British Foe In Tourney LOS ANGELES (AP) -Billie Jean King lakes the oourt today as ll!e $30,000 Pacific Southwest. Tennia Tournament continues. Roy Emerson ol Newport Beach !"""" Roger Taylor and Pancho Segura lakes on Marty Riessen of Evanston, Ill., In the day 's other hlghllgbled maU:bes. Tile tournament, with day. and night play this week, conclodes Suoday, The lady from Long Beach, in her first appearance In the tourney, is opposing Australia's Janet Young on one of the feature matches. ets Shot Down in Denver Albe, 211, and Stan Smith, 2Z, woo the final 11nglea o! the Challenge round agalnal Romania, giving the United 5tstes ill lint M neep -1948. "I am con!l:lcnt they wUl vote open Davis Cup," said FhWppe Chatrier, vice president al lbe French FederaUon and referee of tbe Challenge Round here. "Tbtre la a new procreafve elemert on the move in tennis." A!he llald he believed there lhould he no d1stioction between players like himself, who can play !or ptl%e money, and Lava, who i. nlfd a contract pro. In action Saturday. Rod Laver ot Corona del Mat whipped Erik Van Dillen of San Mateo, M, M, and Emerton handled Alex Olmedo of Beverly Hllll, 7· 9, 6-3, 6-2. Swiday's play featured a couple ol veteran Pancbos-Segura and Gonzalez -and both of them easily defeated their younger opponents. ER (AP) -An amiable bill lll1!d Joe Namath rdued In the room Sund•Y aller bis New Jets Iott to the Denver Brcocos 21· ~lied he c:roldn'I rocall when hft harder by -linemen. Lm't loo olten ,,., get hit u hard u ve Costa hit me," lhe shaggy· quorleltlJclc uld with a •llgbl th Btayed down alter Costa him down during the Jets' ltnal Wn drive in lhe•last period, but he k oo his feet as the record crowd ol I0,583 cheer,.i and th .. w too sllable -th•t lel up llle0 ll0Cft. Namath c:oooected m It et bis fl Pl'"" roe 28! yards altlJaoib he lllaeof none for toumdownl. "But when 100 looe;tl Lm'I a pd dlr)'." he said. He csai.d this year'• Brcmco team II a better oullit than Ille -that beat Ibo Jets In Shea Stadium Jut teUOO. Namath was aarteYed over what be thooght was an unjUJUfled penalty •gairot the Je!s In the setOnd period. "I saw a Denver guy gtab Bill Malhil Jd .; back by lhe lhoulder and hold blJn, • Joe -~ . "So I cxmpJained In the olfldal and put DI)' hand oo hll lbouJder lb -what I meant. 11leo Ibo olftdal said, 'Yoo can~ lay a hand ..... like that In r....1 ol all tbete people' and it WU 1J yank." c:-Ji Lau Saban' " Denver uld he WU not IUrpriaed by the aha!1> performance ot Pete Uste who took over at qu81terback after the No. J man Steve Tenn ,.., hurt eaily In the second period. Ashe turned back loo Tlriac, Ille elght- tlme Romanlan champion SJ, u, u, u, '11riac retiring beloce the end or ll!e !Ollrlh oel lo keep a prior engacemenL Smith rallled !rom two oeta down and looabl oil lour match poinll in •verqlng a loa In the U.S.Open lo young Die Nuteli U, 4-1, M. g.1, 11.a. Neither ol the matches maltmd. Tbe Amerlcanl cllncbed tbe Cup during tbe Ont two clay1, Ashe beat Nu!llO ~. 15- 13, 7-5. Smith btat Tltlac M, 1-3, 5--71 $-7, M,M . Smith palr<d with Bobby Lut1 ol Los Angelet in luruin1 back Nutase and .. I would like to aee the Cup open to everybody,'' Alhe said. "'lt doeln"& mean that Laver, for lnstaoctl, wouJd be com- pelled lo play. But he could ~ he wtm. I alto would like lo ... the format changed .. thal Ibo Cup-bo1dlng INm woold be thrown lnlo a bracl<et with the other =~';!V:;'1n. '!f'>l Its w•y lo tbe Both learnt departed !or Waahlngton, D.C" where Ibey had a morning dat. at lhe Whlle !louse wlth President Ni>on. The Americans then ylfto Los Angeles ror the Paclnc Soolhwest tournament. Segura, U, Swept by 23-ye.8.Nld Jaime Pinto Bravo of Chile S.2, 7.$, and Gonzalez, who admits lo being 41 brushed a.side New 1.ealand"s 22-year-old OnnY, Parun M, &-1. In other matches. Tony Roche. Australia. defeated Micael Macbett.e, • England, f.l, M; Earl Buchholl, 51. Louis, topped Tom F.dlefson, Los Angeles, 1-1, M ; John Newcombe, Australia., defeated Francbeb Guzman. Ecuador, &-1, W, and Tom·-Okke.r llolland, stopped Peter CUrtJ.s, ED.gland. . I . . . • • ' • • '• .. . . . . ., . . . • " .. .. '• ', '· :~ •. .. ' I ot ' 1ili- vho · ght· lier oed In . del : ' out , ~ 1ela' I'<· re- i<>d ""' lck f,04 :!3 ~ty , ,, I • 2f DAILY PILOT Monday , Stptlmbtr 22, 1969 • >1Fam~y,a:su2 s ~ Re:tu~~'..Sinks iGolden West, 30-20 • t... • ,. ' .. .. • I . ' : • • ~-! • ( · ~ , By' JOJtL SCHWARZ i t • I OI tM.~llJ ,1191 lttlf , , •• ' ' ~(l Wben Mlkt 'l'amJyasu left t'.ngon Slate' , ?J~l•Wsitl' last optlog •nd ftecid<d lo lake • ; • ,,_ ~ 11• ·Junior c.o.ce · 1 ... 1oa11, bolb· d ..,...,,. ~sl Co11&ge and_'Gol<len West •: "" .,._. , 1Mger to land . tlie: .)7~pound : I ~ct from Marina Ill.ill. · ~ · prariie Coast -the l<crultlng ballle ~ ~ rn ·uie proc!oii 'won U!e !O<Jr!h civil, ~' 'Mtr battle wJ\b riv& Colden West Satur•, f ~n1gbt beforeiabout 7,000 ran& jn tbe --~ ~.stadium, JG..20, as Ta.miyaw scored1 ' ·. lout .touchdowns. :: .. , T&n)iyasu y;as the d!ffe~nce 4?1t the 1 { : Freboard but he received amplt he1p '. t.: .. ' ' . i! I~ .• • ' .. .. ,. ,. .. . · .. , . .. ~ f .. I.: ' ,, .. , . •· . . •• • . . . • t • ;. • • :I'. , . ' ' • ' • . irom ·• l'Ullei! OPftate defe.1116 !bat· •ow: drW.. alive." -'·· ,. recovmicl, pu~ Oranae Coul oo !,!lf wiy · shackled Golden Weot in. llJI l!<09D<i half, Golden W.,f aetual(y Outaail>ed :u.e . lo vi<laey, ·. • • anil punter \)eorae· ~t. . _ f>irai.a In total o(lenae, tol 16 )9'. bit Ibo Follett fell on tJ\O i.,u al tho Golden •:oU,, defenoe wu 'tito del~g .lac-, J,'fra~ turnll<f the aable aj'o\vii! alt!". West thrte· and . three •playt , later tor,• ,;.Jd •. sm)llilg Or411ge .(loalt "l•ci\. , (\oldCU WesJ ba~ ~or~edluto a ~f.7 lead,· Tlll)fyaku ro,llid,out (fomlbe oot for the Dick 1:ilcker, wtio 5'"1 ~o teamiiilce a !'t'. )'illi 8;4(1 to go Ji{ II>• "'£<>tl<! pe/;o!f.,. go-abead•iCore ,.;ti! $:47 left in the third lead fq lbe ,.ries Q• the .R\\sµer~ TI>eo ,Frojl),'llulC point on tb<i Ph'a~ didJI' · ·period. \ ;1 l • • ...,.nd,s tall!' 'he. chW.a bi. l!lfnd iOd ~¥w lbe llusll~ 'a. llrl\ Clown Jllllll, lbtY. An0tlttr1U111ble '(ecoveey, this ope on .. td, "our delen,.·w6n"iHor us: • • · ' had raitjtd.U-·~ straight j>cilnli ~take a ~ lllJstltt U •by kurt Clem.., set up ''Our defell.1' K~'e."' g;0ai.oerd p.s; .. COinmaildlng 30'14 lead. . , • Ibo foOrt!i Tami~~ TP. It cam~ 0o a lion ail ni~l, alOrig•w)!h~tt's pun' '!llal!WBI> de,fense and llam<tl's !>W" SJX·f ard aneak with!:l.l lelllnthe l -· ting. With ilie ~tiofttwe ~we ~ t~g -~e averaged 41:1 Jards on eight Less IP·'two mblut.es lat.er Bill J5wlkth have scored-•nbtli~r',,.,eil<!Own· and· a ' kku -kept th• Rustlers deep In their blocked ._ puh\·and Bob Ry~ 1/00led a ft~d goal." Tucker,sald. ·own lerrilDry. as.yard ·~Id gqal for the final Orange "Tamiyasu dftt S,1Jfal job for us. He ,Finally a fumble recovery by tackle Coast poipts. , ra9 w1;1J and he itil 09,the key~ to yeorge Follett, one of, four the Pirates GoliJ(lf) West ~-one touchdown to I ;o:i narrow the final tcc:l"e on a liJ..yard pa.51!1 from Sieve GrUfllh to Roger Parkman. The.ou>er two 1Rus.Uer:_BCOl'e! came on runs of one and thrtt yardJ by Gary Val- b\iena. · and Clw!es Buckland. Long pasSes b7 Valbuena set up both touchdOWntl. ~ ~not CNil 1 t 13 10 -30 • • Gtlferi W•t 7 1 0 ' -20 •AMI ITATIS'l'ICS occ ' • • " "' " " "' ""'·' '"' '., GW< I ' • • " >M ~ ... ,,,,,0 ... "' T•mlyMl.t M8Ytt Rk•r4D Cor•ln Ven11m lo!1• fpi.lt 6t)d(Llncl Wl'lllllcil. "'""' Chlldttl Hf mlllOll Grl fllftl V.ibl/ellt Tot-I• T11ml11u u Vtlb!Jonl GrlUilh H1mn:on RU$NUfct Ol'Hlt CHiii TCt YG " u .. . " n • • • •• " 111 GtlGlll Wt" " • • ' ' ' " .. .. • , ' n • " " \'L " ' ' ' • .. • • • • • • a • l'ASSIMGI Of'•"ff COUI PA l'C llttl YO 1610011 OolclellWnl .. ' " . ' .' • • •• "' .. • .... ... •• '·' " •• '·' " ,, '·' ... n .o -1.l -2 . .t • •• Pel. ,. ·"' .... .... DAILY PILOT Pltolo by Rlc.ht nl l(fefllll' ORANGE COAST QUARTERBACK MIKE TAMIYASU FOLLOWS FULLBACK COE MEYER (42) INTO· THE END ZONE FOR: THE FIRST. OF. HIS FOUR TOUCHDOWNS SCORED AGAINST GOLDEN WEST. Baseball's ) Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dlvblon w L Pel GB NEW YORK 93 61 .604 CHICAGO 89 66 .574 ST. LOUIS 82 71 .536 Pl'M'SBURGH 82 72 .532 PHILADELPHIA 61 72 .399 MONTREAL 51 104 .324 West Division SAN FRANCISCO 86 67 .56Z ATLANTA 85 69 .5.'12 LOS ANGELES 82 70 .539 CINCINNATI 81 70 . 636 HOUSTON 78 73 .513 'SAN DIEGO 48 105 .314 Suftdrl"5 Ruuth NtW Yonc "'· Plll5tlurull I l Se" Frenclsco .t, L(>! .\"!!flt! l, 10 l"nlng• Montreel 1. Pll\!edel<>Mt I Ch!C"llO '· SI. Lovls l C!l'leltinlll •· Hov~!on 1 T9d1,•s Gtmt5 31~ 101z ll 311:: 421 ~ "' 31J 4 7 38 St. Louil (Brlle!. 15-ll) t i /lftW York Staver i:l· )!, ~T~~ll fNltkro 20·131 t i Hauslon «Oltrl<tr ;o- 'Ol, S:~11~rancl!iCO !Bolin 7•11 11 San Olt'VO ICo•k· .... 141 I.PS A-In (Suttofl 11·H ) 11 Cl..clnnt!l !M• r \kloWI 10-151, nl911t OnlY filfmtl t.rl>t<lul~. . ' ' Tll9Ml•r'~ Glrnff SI, l.oult ti Nn YCll'k, ft19M PlllladtJ"'11t I ! Pltl\bufll~, nls~I Mo11fl'HI '' Clllcavo Lfl A"9tlti ti ClntlMttll, lwl•ftlr;l\I AH..,!• 11 Mou11t>n • .ilfjlht Sin Frtncl!JC:O II Stn 01990, nipht AMElllCAN LEAGUE East Oi\'ISion w L Pct. BALTIMORE 106 47 . 693 Olim!OIT 116 67 .562 BOSTON 81 '11 . 533 WASHINGTON 'i8 75 .510 NEW YORK 75 77 .493 CLEVELAND 61 !l2 .399 Wtsl Division MINNEsafA 91 61 .599 OAKLAND 81 71 .533 CALIFORNIA 67 35 .441 KANSAS CITY 6' 88 .421 CHICAGO 64 88 .421 SEA'l'f'LE 59 93 .38ll 'I • GB 20 24 '1 28 301~ 45 10 24 27 27 32 Sports Clipped Short Pac-8 Teams Win 6 of 8 Games Afler one successful weekend of in- tersectionals Pacific-8 Conference football teams go at it again this weekend, wilh ~u but two teams again playing non-con- f crence games. Stanford and Oregon clash at Stanford Saturday in the on ly league game. Both were winners last weekend . Stanford tlcmolishing San Jose State 63-21 while Oregon stopped Utah 28-17. Five of the six intersectional games th:s weekend are with Big Ten teams . California is at Indiana, UCLA Plays at Wisconsin, Washington joµrneys lo ~1 ichigan. Washington St.ate is at Iowa :incl Southern Cal hosts Northweslern in a ni~hl game in Los Angeles. The ren1aining game has Oregon State at Arizona Slate also at night. The \Vas hington-Michigan game will be telecast regionally beginning at II : 45 a.m. Pac-8 teams roiled up a 6-2 mark against a rugged national schedule last THE VANQUISHED Roy Sh1ckl1ford weekend. The only teams that lost were Washington. 27·11 to Michigan State and California, 17-0 to T~xas. Other winners were UCLA, 42-1 over Pill; Soulhem Cal, 31-21 over Nebraska; Oregon State 42-14. over Iowa, and \\'ashlngton State, 19-18 over Illinois. • • • LAS VEGAS -Tommy Bolt, carding a one-under par 691Sunday, rallied from one stroke back to win his second sb'algbt U.S. National Senior Open Golf Cham- pionship by two strokes. 'I'he SI -year-old wo from Sarasota, Fla., shct a four-day total of 277 to take the $7,500 top prize in the $70,000 13th SD· nual tournament. Four golfers tied at 2'19 to c I a i m four apiece in runner-up money . "I really had to scramble out there to- day," said Bolt who, in his first shat at the title last year roared ott to a first· ' room! 62 and waltzed lo a 28li IM a nine- stroke victory. • • • St\N FRANCISCO -Steve Endicott, Oregon State quarterback . who led the Beavers to a 41-14 victory .over Iowa Saturday, bas been named lhe Pacific-8 Back of lhe Week. Endicott, a 19-year-old sophomore, corn.pleted 16 of 29 passes for 209 yards and three touchdowns. Oregon State Coach Dee Andros ~escribed Endicott as "the quickest passer we've had around for a long tiJJte." • • • TRENTON -Mario AtKfretU, winner Of llie Indianapolis 500, sewed up the U.S. Auto Cl1,1b championship Sunday with a victory In the Trenton 300. AndretU, of Nazareth, Pa., -· Andy Granatelll'1 No. 2 STP Special, a rear engine turb<K:harged Ford, to victory at Trenton Speedway. The car was a replacement for the one in which he won at Indianapolis in May. The other was destroyed in a race las~ month. Andretti captured the lead on the 142nd lap of the 200-lap race to win the $19,999 prize. The total purse was $73,5<Xl. Pro Grid Scores Bonwell May Bet .. rn toGWC Rustlers Lose V albuena-and the Game By HOWAllD L. HANDY Of .... ti.lb' ,.~ lt•ff Is Tony BoowelJ, lhe former Hun- tington Beach high scbool s ta r quarterback and defensive halfback disenchanted with Ariiona State after one week in the neighboring stale? Such may be the case if a discussion held alter the Orange Coast Pirates humbled the Golden West Rustler footlml team, ao-zi. Saturday o i g 1t L ls any indicaUon. GWC coach !lay Shackleford spent con- siderable time in talking wilh the star of the South team In the recent Orange County North-south game near the R11st)e.r dressing room following Saturday night's cont.est. If Bonwell iB contemplating return to this area and enrollment at GWC. It could be jusl in time. Starting quarterback Jim \1albuena was helped from the field with an ankle injury after the game. • Vatbuena sparked the Rus\Je'r offense in the first half bul. a determtned rushing game by the OCC defense in the Second hall pyt loo much pressure on both GWC slgfial.callors· and bJnied tile Ude of bal· tie. "I've always said It and I always will. J f you can't protect yoor passer, you can 't win ball gamttS. We had eome recclvers wide apen on several occaslOll! but we weren't able to hit them, Orange ~Coast bad a tint rush in the second half," Shackleford said. "I thought our defense played a good game. ·And when our offJ?nse had good field pOS(ti<in, ft did an right. But the big l~ Wal turning the ball over too many Umes on fumbles and that bad kick." The owe mentor praised the Orange Coast team when he said:• "Tbey'll do rr.al well in their confetr.nce this Season. They are every bit as good this year as they were before an offense and their defense played a good game and put a lot ol prCfSW'e on us the second half." Shackleford, whUe disappointed in tl1e loss, was the typical football coach Soon after the game. !'This one is behind us now and we have another real tough game ahead of us at ML San Antonio. \\'c have to forget Olis one and get ready for them.'' Lbst of Vafbuena undoubledly hurt lhe Rl.lsller attack in the second half. Anolher injury the GWC coach faUed to menUon unto after the ga~ was ane to hailback Charlie Buckland Thursday in practlce. He sprained an ankle and wun'L al full strength for the game allhough ht played. Don Kellon. a flanker back, suffered a twlsted ~ct In prcgamc drills and didn ·t get Into U1c action causing furlher dismay to the RuiUer coaching stair. Coll ege Grid Roundup THE VICTOR Dick Tucktr I • •• \.. , • • • ..... ,.,. .. ..,,.""' .. '"'"""""'""'"'',...,~.,..,,....,,., ... ...,~~· .......... ~.,..,,,A,"''''"'"""..,.,._..tl"'"lr"""''"'""''"'""'""""'''~'"'"'""''r"'·"""""""'""'"''""'""~''~'•r•~•,..,..,~.r•n•~••'"''••>~M••~N••••~•n•~•..,,P~•w'"'~'••~-"""""~,,,.,,.,,, .. ,...,"'~'~""""''"'' .. ""..,~""..,..~""'"""'""""'""" ( Edison E11ds .. Opene1· He~,. , Tie s, 14-14 By CHRIS YOUNG Of tltl Dall, fl!llf $1111 Tradition Is somethnes made to be broken, and Edison High School of Hun- tington Beach may have startled Orange County rootball circles Saturday night by ticing highly touted Lil Quinta , l ~-14. The come.from·behind tie, oblained with only 32 1t:coods remainmg in the game, broke a lonij·Standing, o~ning game "tradition'' for Orsi-year Orange Coast area prep grid teams -they always lose tneir Initial contest. Charger head coach Bill Vail t'OUld only relate that he was "Very, very happy." His players shook his hand until it must have hurt in UlClr ecstasy .. "\Ve won'l really koow y.•hat happened until we 've got a chance to look at the game rilms," Vail said, still some what in a stale o[ shcok. All his fledglings did v.•11s upsel -and tie -one of last year's CIF' powerhouses, and on La Quinta's home field for adt!ct! measure. La Quinta had takcrl lhe lead, 6-0 in Lhe third period, and jumped in front again, 14-9, with only 5: 13 lert in U1e contest. The Chargers came back strong With the equ:ilizin~ drive, however, ni oving 55 yards -with U1e aid of a lf>.yard personal foul penalty against the Aztecs on a crucial third down, five-yard play.• Quarterback: Jerome Hinojosa found the range for the tying score. passing to cod Gary Balch on the kev, fourth-and- scven play from the JO. Oi1ly 32 St!conds remained. Balch. wide open wHh no dclend<'r within five yards of him, raced into I.he end zone untouched. Edison wasn't out of the woods, yet. Trailing, 14-1 2. Vail sent in a running play for Lhe extra point. Moxley dived into the cna zone for the two-point conversion on an end swe<."p. The tying dri\'e was saved on another crucia l third-and-six pl;i~· \vhcn Hinojosa passed to end Hera ld Clair for nine yards and a first down on the Azlec 30 . • ~1Sp!te .Edis?n's breaking of "tradi- tion Jn llS first varsity football en· CQUntcr, the jury may ha\•e to wait uni.ii Friday's clash with district rival Hun- tington Beach at !he Oil City field for a final ruling on the Chargers. Charger followers can mark 9:35 p.m , • PDT, Sept. 20, as the time Edison hit paydirt for the initial time. Mbxley plunged through the line from one yard out to give Edison its first icore, and lJe La Quinta, 6-6 with 10 ·46 remaining in the founh period. GAME STATISTICS F<rit OOWl>S •Ult1lnt;1 ,.-frJI 4DWN. p,11'1og "l•s• dDW!ll J>efl•fll~ To!ll '"" -s Ydrdi ru>lllng Edoi.on • ' ' " '"' " " "' L• Outn!a • ' • I '" ., Y1rd1 pdUif>U V1rd• kl$! Nu r•r~ ll"nfd Pvrllll•Wr&g~ dls!~nGI ,,tnlllloti/'(ftf'd) pcrNOli1.:I Fumb!n/lumblH 101! J ?l 0 J11l "' " "' 11:16 0 7/JJ '" Edl•on lea._ bf Ov.rlt'1 LI Qul•\11 '""'' H!nairu.t Mo~lt~ .... ··-..... Taltl1 l:l>P!el'ltomtr R~m..,.11~nger 0.!1r...,.r Ovinn '""" Ou1nn Spro9~• lo"ll 0 0 & ,. -1• OO t l -U l!USHIJIG l!dl>On TCI YG YL ...... I l• 1 • D t l• 11 1 I 11 JI D 2.1 1 J a J.a 1 0 1 l 0 ' • 0 • Q ~1 11)6 11 '' Lt O~lnll " " I ' ' " " " • • ' " . " . " . " I °' JI hl U 31 P'•SSINO IEdlw~ PA PC P'lll YG P<!. I• 5 C 41 l.'11 La O"l"t• ' . . . ' " !0 I ·O " l~O J ~"O . "" Record s Fall In Drag ~leet · Championships ~1ickcy Thompson and Danny Ongais will take their record-breaking Mach I f\lustang to the Dallas World F'inals later this mo11th after srnash1ng both ends of the naUonal funny car mark al Orange County lnternaUonal Raceway Satu rday night. More than I LOOO drag rncing buf(s were on haod for Lhe. National Hot Roel Association's world cham'pion11hip series and the Tilompson·On&ias combo stole the show. , With 0 n g a i s at U1c wheel. 1!1e ~. Mustang roared down the quarter·mile ~ dlstanct: in 7.37 iieconds with a speed of 198.67 miles an hour. Copttitlon also was held in eight othrr classes and Don Enriguez or Dana Point was lhe only area driver lo "llrfn. He look lhc super eliminator title w1lh "' bests of 7.46 S(!(Onds and 200.44 mph . Other Winners Included: Kelly Brown, top fuel, 6.'lt. 222.22: Rici Ramsey , top 11as. 7.60. lrl.ll: .Ed Sigmon. compet1llon elimination, 9.4&. 143.76; Ralph Smiderle, street ellmlnatkm. 10.72, 127.47 . Ed Ter· ry, super stock. 11.60. l~.81; and Lindy Llndholm , stock eliminator, 14.l9, 91.00. Saluda), oClR will feature a program of fuel altl!reds, gu snpercharaed and In· jectcd runny cArt. Sush Matsubara end WUlie Borch, who re<:entl{ set records on ... • Eastern tracks1 wHI head I.he field Bolh will be In fuef altereds. Qualifying will begin at ~ p tn wilh t1imin11Uons In all three classes gclU11r. under way at I p.m. • '.' DAILY PllOT ff • • DAILY PILOT PlltfM •1·0.iii,......... NEWPORT 9UARTERBACl< BILL SHEDD I! 4) TAKES 0 FF WHILE TEAMMATES BLOCK CORONA DEL MAR DEFENDERS. CdM'S DAVE KROHN DEFENDS AGAINST STEVE FISH ' Newport's Pa.ssing Tells It . , In .14-6 Win Over Sea ~-ings By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille D•lll' .. 11111 Still Whenever ,two tra~ilional rivals squau off in the opening Jootball game of the year there it &tways ~· fear that the loser's CBDl:palgo will be virtually ruined before the se1son really begins. That proposition was put to coach Dave Holland of Corona del ~far High School Saturday night moments afler his cltib ha,d •...dropped' a 14-6 verdict to host Newport Harbor before a packed house. "We 're not hurt bad ... not my kids. We're going to give the Irvine League all Blames Homeeooking Made Too Many Errors To Win It-Hartman By RON EVANS 01 1111 0111~ P'li.t S111f CHULA VISTA -Minutes after he had seen his football team drop a heartbreak- ing 31-28 decision to Southwestern College here Saturday night. a fan came up lO Saddle.back coach George Hartman and said ·•we Jove to watch yoor team because you play such a good game for the spectators." "I'd like to be a spectator," countered Hartman, who had seen his tea m come from 20 poin~ down Jn lhe final quarter to lie the score only to lose the game on a field goal in the last two seconds. Hartman thought a little "home cook- ing" by the olfk:iaJs wa.s partly responsi- ble for the defeat. Alter Saddle.back tied the fiCOre with 15 seconds left in the game , the Gauchos al· tempted an on.skle kick, but Southwestern ,recovered. Apache quarterback Gene Guerra im- mediately went lo the air and fired' a pasii lo the Saddleback 15 that fell in- compJete. HoweVer. orrlcials tagged Sad· dleback with a pass interference penalty, "OUr film• showed no pass interf(fe11Ce on the play but, of course. that's qur • version!' Harttnan said. "Three ·of our kids knocked the bat! away and they didn't touch'the receiver i.:n!U the ball hit the ground." '"But you can 't blame our defeat on lllat one call. We Just made too many miltakes to win. After ~ penalty, Southwestern had one ruonlni play and lhtn .settled for a tield gl)&I from the 20 by Guerra· to win, ~ 31·U. "We just had a case of first game jlt- tera, particularly in the first quartet.'' the Soddleback boa said. .. We fumbled seven Umes and lost sb: ot them. Our kicking came was very poor. On one e1tra point attempt the ball was centered ovtr the holder's head and OJl the rteCOnd try the holder dropped the ball. "The game really wasn't a lrue. in- dication of our defense. We had poor field positron the (ir1t three quarters and oor ' defense had to play most of the time." The Gauchos had no trouble moving the ball once they stopped making mistakes. In all Saddleback rolled up 43$ yards In total offense and 242 or those yards came in the lart perioJ. Quarterback Rod Craves, who com- pleted 13 of 23 throws for 235 yards, spa rked the final period rally. He moved the Gauchos on drives of 54, 72 anti 60 yards for the three tying touchdowns. Tailback Paul Co1, who ran for 106 yards, scored lhe first TD on a l·)'ard run and Gravt.s' followed with a ll·yard dash that made it 28·ZO. Graves lben conne~ With hl1 favorite target, tight end Marc Hardy, on a JO. yard scoring pass lo narrow the count to 28-26. WiltJ just 15 second• lo (O, Grav.es lied the score by pusing to' Hardy for' the two-potnt conversion. Hartman .·naturally di sappointed by the loss, still was pleased with his team . "Our boye showed a lot ·of character coming back the way they they did when they were downed by 20. Gravts, Hardy and Cpx did •a fine job for us once we got Ol.lr otfena going and defensive back Gary Rupar and tackle Dave Burkholder played·wtll on defense." Next ttst'for Hartman's team Is Salur· day niabl at Ml!slon Viejo Hlgb School against, Oroumont College, which .stun. ntd de!9dlnc South Coast Conference champion San Dl~go. 9-7, in I~ opener, Pennant Check ""' .. 11, . , • 1: It can handle,'' Holland shot back. lils forces met Bolsa Grande Saturday flilht at Newport. A somewhat relieved coach. Wada1 Watts of Newport Harbor saJd, "We were fortunate to :win the ball game. You c8n't take anythirig away from Corona del P.l:ar." His Tars tackle C05ta Mesa Fri~ day night at Newport. And you can't Corona de! Mar played the fa~ored Sailors nose lo nose with a lou&h defensive unil and showed middle ol the s e a s o n form 1n the offenslve department. If there was a difference In the two foes' slrength -it was the classy passina game the Sajlor1 came up with. . : Quarterback Bijl Sbedd was hlgtily Im·, prusive with his throws, compl.etlng ; seven of nioe aUempts (or 92 yards and i each toss was a bullseye. , He lefl little dOubt to the question 'or 1 Newpoft•s passing game. It's there ••• with bells on. Corona, meanwhile , unleashed a mu!ll .. ple thr'eat back In Glenn Miller, who · alternated at quarterback and right 1 halfback, Among othef things, Miller passed. ran, p u n t e d and . returned kicltoffs. I Newport's margin of victory came In . the first quarter wben some c:orona del: Mar strategy backfired. '. Disdaining their normal grind 'em out 1 style of play, the Sea Kings ..,-ere burned passiug w h e n Sailor linebacker Bill Jlendershot picked aff a Keith ,Samuels aerial and raced « yards for the score. Shedd's Jl8.5:S to Steve Fish wllh l :09 re-- maining ln the first period ma,de: it U . Corona got close in the third period when Dave Krohn fell on a Ne~t ;;!~e wo;nt~~~0rr:~~~~8~f11 .~~' to go. · Newport's final tally came with 1:$6 · left in ·the ~hird stanza on Shedd's nifty : 14-yard run. It capped a 56-yard march. '" , .. l'll'SI da'fl'l'\I •IMlnO • • F'~J.I de!-pl:U~ ' ' ~lrit --~It • ' TOMI nm~ .. ,J Y 1rth rvtlllno ... Y•nQ. ......... n " "'•"" leat ~ " ~ Ntl l'9fCl.f "'"" ,.. ... 'wtlf• ...... dlsllllt.t ""·' ''J7.J Pe..'19!111a/.,.;di ,.....UUll ... J/•I ""'*'-'""'*"' loll '" " SCWI"" ... ''-" . -,, JI~ H•r'OOI" ' • • ,_... ,.,1 Mfr • • • . -. •USMIN• ......... "•""" "' TO " .... ..... " D • " '"' • " • " ·-" " II " Waltect • .. • • • ~-• • • ... HtrrfflQ ' ' • " '~" .. •• n u c..--... ""*' M111tr " • " " """"' " • • ••• ........ ' " ' ••• MOfflt • • I "' l"ot1~ • ,. • " P'AltlHO ""Ir'"' ....... A PC P'MI TO ..... ., .. • ' • " '"' c.tt.11 .. I Mir Mltttt • I • " .... ; ... , .... , ' ' I " ... 1tl•b I ' I • ..,, ' """'------------------------------~--------·--··----·· Mlftdt1, S.,lt-22.1~ _ i -Si SOFT SEU SAM ly ,_.arvbl Myers COME TO THINK o~ It Mlt IN A Mlp~rrY GROOP .. , .. CXJR CAR JS PAID FDR . Corona -~_e~ Tough Going for] SC~ In 7-4 , 1111P Lin' IM '.'OWlll'' ntlE IAL1 ....,, ...... roblll.......V.. of -1nc1· eontrDI boc:IUM ... SWlf, their •PllOI'. l>odlla : 1-..iy ... 1119 l'fllit(lllliftlllon 1 J l llortnr llllir blcl!lwtnc. · · For Ml eolHn1 of mu.tl11 for malmum dlllance end COh· trol, th9 sollllf" 1hould koop hi•• hUCI •'over•• the bell. 0 ~ly, I like to think ttiat my hit oor 11 -tho ball lhrouahout my 1wln1. Thia not enly htlps ....,,. thet I won't sway, but It also .kotps my upper body property "behind" Ill• boll _durin1 lllJ cfownswinr. • Nab Horwrs "' '" ·~ "' •• "' ll~1 ... "' ~ 8A ... CO IN-.i.NCI :Base~all's ·Top Ten for spociol GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto fnguronce • A As Neff Romps, 26-0 11J DAVE •CSAJIUT o.ftN Jillnlll by Nell's ' ...... - -Dia ........... llandt Kill in &ID Clo!neiiW• 1-(Cir a Ibo -ud third quart<r11, --.ic -·waro • .._ plut a ltfltd m pw from JIO*l -·S'a I u r d • J MlcDodald lo Jerry Maddox .a!PI. 11 Ibo Tl1lolli ,..,. oulad the late of the pun- lliowJed»m by the 11111 ~ c:hlels Trlloal. i-IM. • &ID ~ mouotecl cnly Tbo ~ Tril4ina tel ooo ........ tcorlNI threat, up a ...mlflic lite. 1W ti. , late In Ille f«lrlh peilod. f~ 11_.i Ibo . NII! A l&fard -f""' Rick l'Ulben ID Ibo Ont lll!lfler, Geddel lo ml Jack Kalota bul °hojlll lfpl1 coJlia' Jim pta Ibo Trflom a flnt down ~-had tree AlilDI In ... Ibo Miff .. Cl<dda follow· Ibo air .. be -led "' .. ... with .. ll·yard tou lo 1'-78nl ""'-' lo Clw'lla llo.,.k ballbed: Jiiek Kram.,, -11 ·lhrooch Ibo Onl panetratbll lo lhO 17. . period lo .,..1(111 a 7.t lead. Bui, Iller a abort run and - PrepR~up Mater Dei, Loyola Clash Thursday Losen ll1lnl lo ........,p ... wlmen boplna lo ...... llMlr wlnolnc wa.ya are Ibo Im- mediate ....,..iuo.. Io r Orqe Coal! area hllb ocbool f PPiball teUm as the aec:ood weet of actkla opens. Maler Del HJgb geU a jump oo the rest of tDe IC'OOll wtlb a Tbunday nJib1 encounter, bent 00 matmi it two in I row after dismal llarts Ibo put two yeara. 'Ille Mooardia ploy bolt lo Loyola at Santa Au Stadlvm after downlni -Leap power Slnta Ana, M, Jl'Jiday. All games are at a p.m. ' Old rivalries play a bl& part Friday ni!ihl with Newport Harbor's " unbellen Club medlng Colla Mesa a t Newport. L 11 u n a Beach travelln& to Brea a o d Wettmilllltr at El Rancho. Other tests are Valley Oiris- tian at Mls!lon Viejo, Palm Springs at San Clemente, South Torrance vs Marina at Lightweight Football · ..... ed•-, , I ,_,, ll • Q\1""9 I I t -I Wlllrnlnlter and Edlaoa at BIJllllDl1aa Beach. s.tarday'a busineu shows BoJaa Grand& at CCf'Olla del Ml[,_ Estancia '' Pacl!lca at Bo111 Grande High and FOUJ>-IJlo Valley hosting Gard .. or,ve at Huntington Buch. Colla Mesa 1riU be trying lo bodnce bock from ti> opening pme defeat at Orange (&-0) in itl encounter with Newport, a lU victor over arch-rival COrooa de! Mar. Edl9oo11un be I lev able Charsera. unba1ten but litd. will be up aplnsl the Big Brolher Hunt!Dgton Beach. Coecb. Blll V1U's outfit stag. lered La Quinta Saturday nli}ll, tyllc. Ille favored Altecl, 14-14, en a last-minute toucbdo'tin -and two-point coraven!oo in its firat-ever football JIJM. Laguna .Beach and Br ... both beaten 80UndlJ i n openers, square off in the S6th renewal of the long standing aerla bHWeen 'th! two. I llol.., _ Edi-14, La Quinta 14 Nell a, San Clemente 0 VllLl.Pn 11, P~ I !llO]IOrt 14, ~ de! Mu Los AlelOll U. Workmao O two tmcomplete plMH, the drive eoded when Gecldes fumbled the snap on fourth down at Ibo II. San Clemenle't offense 1pul· tored th-bout. especially In tbe flnl hall. The Trllona &ained only 41 yuds, all on the 1round. in the !int two periods. While Macllonald "" fllllllg the air wllh -· ' San Oemente 1truck mainly to the ll'O'll'i wtlh • I a r 11 n r quarterba<k Keith G I b 1 o n throwlni but two pa&1e1 In the first half. Geddu plckecl up tbe of. fense somewhat lo the fourth quarter With a pair of lrouil<f. gaining rollout.1. ~ The Tritonl' ground 1ame turned sour. Fullback DtMy Roese picked up · 30 yards In five carries in the lut two periods, nearly all, of the Trllons' secoocl-half yardaae. The only real bri,ht l""e for the TrltoDS WU the defemive play of back Bob McN1111ara. wbo plckod off a pair Of MacDonald passel, both in the endlOOe. MacDonald rtlll manogad lo rifle the Triton pw defense, completing 11 of zt toaaes fo r uo yard>, 11$ in the !Int half. OAMI STATllTtct .... F lrtl down1 T\lthlnto • . .. • " • .. •n Flrtt dllwni HUI"' 1 F~I .,_.111 iMNltlu I Tela! first ~ 7 Ytrllf; Mfll"t ts Ytrdl Nlllnl 11 "' " ... Y1rd1 101t lt N .. l't•~ plr'lld 121 l'ul'tb/A..... dl1!tltCt' 1/'N.S l'tflllll"!Yft ,.,..111t11 Jtn Fvmlll"/"vmlllis loll l/I om v• ~· , .. ..,. CIHrtllft S•11 Cltl'l'Wntt o 1 1 1 -o Nl'lf ''llO-t• ......... ·-....... ...... ·-M<:NlfMl'I ·-Tot•I• D. Mutt It ..... wi ... ........ l!Jtr ... .,. Ttlltll ltAnllrt• ... - ... ~·" Mt t I I I Miii IJll7 .J1S 10 J I '# .Sil ... " 11' 2 14t .~I ltUIMIJM ... ,i.rMll .. td '' " "' II 11 I I., I 11 I 11.1 10 " .. '·' 1 11 I I .I I 2 I t .I I t I I .I »HltJ.I .... t •S I I .I JJ "' I l.t 2111.0 I 1• II-l .r 12111.P 2 I I I.I # JD lt J,i T~: l'".,-f S.ftfld: WI,,..,..,, ll"lllkl ,_.,!ft Vallrf I I I I -I Jtffldte A&tmtlH I I I I -t TOllChfOWll: Cllildtn ·Sports Calendar l"AT: Otfkllrf (1'\111} S-tte I I I 1( -M B1tlnd9 I I 1( I -D Taudldlr#fll: "'--(!J, 111:.tlbe "AT: •obit CNI), Moon crvnl C.1111 ... • •• ·-• Or•-· •• 'i.-• lll:llO!deuX • • • • -• ,....,_., 1• • ,, 1t -• T~: Coku It). J~ •-· "'Intl, w.st l"AT: O~ ll'lll'IJ. """"'""' ·~· '"'"" onoM. c..LU. ~r'"" Uf1 & M"'lc1I PHtlMt • Pr.fit Sh1,l11t P1rh1rthlp0 St1ck lM1M,.tl111 K1y M1 .. 0.f1,.,ed c-,..,. •• ti111 Does Your Life Insurance Adequately Protect Your Estate 7 1'111 r1ion Agency If ccldential Ufa , S23~6 CO<UI Highway, Suit• E SoUlh Laguna, California 92f11 (714) 499-4070 """" .............................................................................. ,,~,.,,.,,, ~~Goodbye ~IJ,a~lie' Shine~ .. A~. Mesc:i,: Civi~ Playhouse -. ··~ ' .. By TOM TITIJ8 01 tt1e o.!IY l"llitl ''•fl . Al1 tQO in(reqt1.ently in com- • ··· C:eA8orsliip .Fight Set by -Networks · HOLLYWOOD CAPl in ottr sociely Is coming from Sl>okesmen of two major social chtnge; T'/ In effett la tel~vision networks say they not responsible !or it." IJIW!l~ ~"" &here romes ~ '~rfect co1ucdy, ·• the SliOw with everylhlng going Wr it, where the script, the acting and the direction mesh like the gear$ of a well-oiled machine and the production is uodlmmed by the memory of pl~n to resist censorshlp and But, he added, "we're going catef to more sophisticated to coritiooe a tle-em~asis on viewers. but that orders to violence at all limes." play down violence will stay in ;===========.! effect. I "CJOOD9TI! CHARLIE.._ A comeciv ~ Geor~ AQ:11'11C1, d(l"Kled by P1U T1mbelllllJ, •5bltlll bJ Loll WllWl'I, lechfl!~I dlrec;lor W1•rtfl C-CII, P<'oducfkl't ,..._, Ba .... r1 Glt- lkJI, Pl'eHtl!td by !he (0511 M•11 Clvk: P!IYhou~. Fr~YI •nd S,a11>f'<l'fl thl'Gillll Qt1. • 11 !tie Community CM-tv lllldllllrnlm on ll'le Ori"'" Couiltv F1lrtroun1h. , TNli tAIT th1rllt .... 81rtio.r1 Vin 11oll G-.,. Tr1cy, , .... JO* DI-I llouo R11rtY Mlvtrll"" Sally Brown Ftllll'l'I' S.llurwn He'itM Ash Gree MOrrb P1ul Gr1c~ 1rv1,,. . . . , . . . Rn Scott Mr, s.hrJt.r •• .•.••• Rick G~out previous offerings. DAILY PILOT St.if P11oi. Neiv Drama Exercise in Bitterness "Television is b e c o m I rt g more permissive . all the time," Michael H. Dann, CBS- TV senior vice prealdent for programs, told a meeling of nearly 400 broadcasting and advertising executives. "I know we are going to continue to be more adult." By WILLIAM GLOVER ?i.1ort Werner. NS.TV vice NEW YORK (AP) _ "Hello president for progr;µns and' talent, said he saw no con-and Goodbye," off-Brpadway's certed drive to censor tele• Thursday night arrival at the casts and as for "a lowering Sheridan Square Playhouse. curtain, J don't think so." 1 manages to be that un-of the curtain, 1 don't think fortunate d r a m a t i c im· so." probability, a piece that says are going to knuckle In," he both too much and too little, added. JOHN GllM "Goodbye Charlie'' al the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse is that kind of show, a refreshing left hook to the funnybone by a cast obviously enamored Of its assignment. Ifs the sort of show you'd like to see again just to catch anything you might have missed the first CHARLIE, HOW YOU'VE CHANGED Mesa's Joe Del Rosso, Barbara Van Holt With considerable finesse, Both spoke in answer to i South African author Athol quest.ions by members of lhe l Fugard plucks at a lot of em1r H o 1 I Y w o o d Radio and tlonal heartstrings, especially Television Society who ex-·-' !'.~' WAYNE • CAt.l'llEl.L , ......... el!! time. · If di.rector Pali Tambelltni ha5 staged a tighter or n\ore polished production in four years at the Civic Playhouse, it escapes the memory . "Charlie" rings with the joyful sound of crisp comic lines deftly and imaginatively delivered. George Axelrod's script of- fers a most outlandish premise -a Hollywood playboy sbol after being caught In nagrante delicto and reincarnated in voluptuous female form. It's one of the few one-gag plays capable Or sustaining a full evening of theater. Charlie himself -or herself -is bcaulifully interpreted by Barbara Van Holl in one of the rinest col]1edy performances of the season. Tough lalking '""'"' FoxsOUTH COAST ~JtfJ• PLAZA THEATRE COHmn::i11 San Dileo fretWtJ It lriltol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING &ox Offic• Open 6:4S-Show Startt 1t 7:00 P.#.t ALSO ... Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 44 Fine aiid dandy· l Business-Slang tstabl\shml'fll 45 Unit or S La rge tarQO qu1.ntily 4b Sub1ect of a 9 Having a London foundal ion Statue I ~ Cover ..vith 49 ~arment asphalt 52 Etstacies 15 Engtls~ opera 56 Past COfllflOS~ 57 Command 16 Pigment 58 Give off 17 Not sloping 59 From side 18 Incapable Gf ICI side S pee~h bCI Nickel allt1~ 19 Fr.ull fll Uncovered 20 Timetable bl State: abbreviation Abbr. 11 Fitted wlt11 3t. Fo1k ~ jalousie feature 21 Auto OJ River from accessoiy the Alps 12 Sta eagle 38 Bumptious 13 Caribou's 42 City of 23 Platt for 64 Ultimate relative ' Btfglum meditation purchaser 21 tiulng bw"n 44 Push ind 25 E~ttnsive b5 Sin9er w ·"5 .sfltidttd "l shove I ~ .22 Sha~·d llif' 4 5 Sound of llllld 2& Belo1111!ng · !Cl oneself 27 Bird 29 One t1f !ht la!"f ft1lt JZ Started )5 lllCIVt frCllll place to place Jb Indonesian boat 37 Propels a boat )8 Sophfslicaltd 39 Item llltnllon· ed In~ !fest 40 Miid o~lh 41 Ga1dtn tot' 42 C111tOfllS •3 i;iental • 7 20 J ' • " 60 ' telepathy:. Abbr. , J DOWN an ew · a11111stment 24 Cut :ol ~7 Kllchtl'I ' Y.'eapon . · meal accessory 2 • -• · • 27 Cause to bum4s Subtty di! Gr ace , less strongly derisive Ma1yland l8 Well 49 Quttie·c City 3 Open ta view inlorm~ university 4 Ball· 30 unaccom-~O Discharge po lot panled 51 Part ol the S Kind of boat 31 Certain body 6 Item of foods 52 Oar: tableware 32 Forelell Comb. ronn 7 Put up money 33 "I'm all 53 Bustllng 8 Proo! of " statts ownershi p 34 Rumor 54 List of av1il· '1 Musician of sp1e~dln9 able dlshe1 ·lht '4Qs; !lltdiurii 55 Birds ol COiioq. 35 Bomber Down Under 10 Real estate pllol's 59 T~f: unJts concern Suffrx 10 " lJ " ,, .. ,. •• · •• 1 · t 1 pressed apprehension over and cigar smoking at the ~uose m u1e ower regis er o h •-th H h f It censors ip threats. I outset, t.1iss Van Ho I l • 5 .,... os. e as orgo en, air-parently that a Stal d "Eight to 10 years ago there I metamorphosis into a femme • su ne e.x-erc., et lf 't d 't t. "'as an intoxicating ex-fatale Is devastatingly funny. s n se -pl Y oesn s 1r 'd d' th citement in television, with an Partl·cularly ,·n 1•-scenes w1 e au 1ence em pa y. 1n:: ')Ccasional 'hell' and 'damn.'•• \Yhere she tries to act like a Just two characters share th ·d bed k't h f said Harry Ackerman, vice lady. Her attempt to negotiate e art room-1 c en o F ga d, I t f t l president and e:i:ecutive pro-a pair of high heeled shoes will u r s oca e -a erre ·S y '" d h' h b ti d ducer of Screen Gems. ~c. bring down the house. youu1 an 1s muc a ere · te ho ft t5 f ''Su dd en l y it's like Only inches behind In sis r, me a er years o i pe rformance is Joe Del Rosso. prowling the back alleys of Czechoslovakia. Everything's1 life. changed. Are the 11etworks who conquers a sh a k Y firsl c--going to knuckle in to Pastore I scene to deliver a strong .,._;ene piles upon scene of ambiguous bi t t er n es s . and institute a new dark age . portrayal of Charlie's best malicious secretiveness and of censorship?" friend (and, for the play 's t JI n · h d Sen. John 0. Pastore (D·i Purposes. straight man). Del even ua y ar1ng atre as the pair skirmish toward the RJ. J. who has conducted an Rosso poSiesses a com-reason for the reluctant reu-invesligation of TV program manding stage presence and a nion . The imagery is content. is an outspoken critic 1 fine sense of timing, as well as brilliailtly savage and the of violence on the home the ability to make the most of dialogue stark, 'yet never for seteen. a dead moment on stage, such an Instant can a spectator Dann commented, "Violence as his lengOly telephone dial-identify with either specimen ;===========,II ing sequence. of rampant selfishness. Sole support of these two. Instead, one is constantly LOCAL No otf11r 11tw1p1p1r t1lt1 yo11 rnor•, •v••v d1y, •bout wh 1f 1 9oin9 011 in flit Gr11t1r Or11141 Co1 d 011n th• OAIL Y PILOT. who are on stage 90 pl!rctnt of aware that the whole cryp- the time. is given by Sally to melodramatic c h a r a d e Brown who vividly captures would instantly end if the the veneer of a Hollywood so-woman would just go through cialit.e given to indiscretion. that door in lhc rear of the set ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; Her solid performance: is ham· and dise-0ver that the tyrant pered only by her employ-f ment of various vocal inflec-ather who sired such enmity tions from the Southern belle and sibling greed was dead h d h.51. and gone. to t e pseu 0 sop 1 icate. Considerable assets in this A quartet of cameos turns P!.,1 -J1m•1 G•t11•• i11 "S11ppo" Yo11r Locol Sheriff" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI '\I . 'lY<L, ......,_, t II , t\.,.U-ca..Ll 0 2 Starring PATTY DUKE Pl111 A11ctr.y Heplt11r11 Alci11 Artih1 "WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plus-- Jane Fonda In the first scene - a funeral teapot tornado are t h e service -into 8 howler. performances of C er) I e en H e l e n e Ash is particularly Dewhurst, an Amazon well notable as a producer1s wife armed against brief sen- who snaps from pathos to pr1>-tlinental lapses, and Mart.in fanity like a light switch. Ray Sheen, perhaps not quite Mtss Scott and Paul Gracey lend Dewhurst's emotive peer but needed balance, and Rick possessed of a boyish bounce Gunst turns a tw~line role in· that fltfully eases the persis--. tent, plaintive mood of Barney to a. veh1cl~ for exit applause. Simon's direction. / 'Barefoot. in the Park' D1rector1al touches are very ------------11 much in evidence and com-[-..~• _,....., .... ..,,. plement with high effect the I .._ remarkable rapport between Del Rosso and Miss Van Holt. j .... •.11 Played against the backdrop of a bright yellow set, the Mc~·"'""""'~1·~'',"'"•"U-•P•..,.0::1~ show .is as snappy. as its sur-Bftlll&ll ~ ........ roundings, a creative coup on llVll'IUI ~ M1111 lln all counts. "TNI Without question one of the MALTlll llPPY" outstanding comedies of the year, "Goodbye. Charlie" will be on the stage of the fairgrounds Community Center auditorium for two more weekends. The Civic Playhouse could not have picked a better show to in· augurale its extended engage- ment schedule. BALBOA 673-4041 o,.. 6:41 ,.,, ... ..... .. , ... ,.._,,. .... ~...,._- Fw.cob:mREw -· lloMEo 8'JUUEI' ,Noordl~Jowe "'°ry .... ., ........... ~ .. .,,. .............. ,,. NOW ENDS TUESDAY FEATURE AT 7:00 • 9:30 P.M . Specl•I Short -"SKATER DATER'.' -9:15 Only 1'¥1 SHOW STAm 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS IHOW SATUIDAY PIOM i P.M. SUNDAT PROM J P.M. MATINll WID 1 P.M, A ONl-ITID MAJOI AND HIS ODDIALL HllOIS DIPY 1 THE NAZIS AND CHANQ.t 1'HI CALIND#tlt OF HISTOIY ••• ... ' • ·CAROl WHITT PAUL BURKE 8• l"tlried« Cl EVE SHOW STAITS 7 P.M. CONT. SUN. F•OM 2 P.M. 2t05 l!Dlt Coatt Hlth-y Core'"' hi Mcir-ph. 673·6260 ·:·1- Al11 -Jo•11 Miiis I" "Run Wild, RUf'I Free" TWO SUSPENSE NERVE TINGLINE PICTURES EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING ~~hcr~p ... 'Wtll•~nt. lilCCtoknOw! -2HD OUTSTAHDINCi Hit - * -"""" -~ Lllnlte• , .. ,.,_, f l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i· "'Me,-Natalie,' is--a ,warmlnq, -funnr r.-_,• and satisfyinq experience.'' -Jr- -CHrta C•omplh1, L.A. Tt- 11 'Me, Natalie,' a charmer.'' -WI.tied llll'llu, L.A. Her.Id b..a.., ...,.. "Patty Duke giYes one of tlte ~ moot brilliantly thought out · ' '(1 ~ perfonnantes seen in a ~ long time!'~.~ R.- "?t\Jl, '\\.J:ctl .. 'o ~ Patty .OullP .. •t CalorbryDel._'1!19 ~est . C.oast Premiere Enijage"'-ljt ~ Pl11f-A11rd•v Hepbu'" ;" .. WAIT UNTIL IAlk .. : ' ,,....,.a.-: 547«111' :· -·7·········-· ' Phu-Gr•9ory Ptck i11 '"THE STALKiN• MOON" Can this marrifige last? 20tN Century.Fox presents I 1. I REX HARRISON ,1 ~RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Donen·Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story • ~oft t'-11).-bySfANtEV OOMtN·S.r_pl.,.,cHAlltES ovu ............ ,..._ ~OUDltV MOORE •"A"IAYl•IOff"•COLOlt1WO.U..411P'l"lfMll 1l Exclusiv"e' 'West Coast l'renilere * . • Statts Wednesday • ON ._THE,· TUBE . For the ~est ~ide to what's happenin'g .on TV, read N WEEK -distributed with the Sat- urday edition of the' DAILY PILOT. 1' It t • • ' •'*' ..,_,., ....... - • ts lroit SALE_. l;fill!•Ss"'FOR.~E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOil SALE ' • I HOUSES FOR SALi . HOUSES FOR SALE "HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES'FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE •• , .. -·· 1000 Gontr•I " , lDOD Gec1er•I looi Gener of )DOD ~~-'?'!"' llaaeh " 12 .. 'lock flay 1240 Hunffngton lluch 1400 H""tlntfon a..ch 1400 . Pa~lal & Public INDUSTRIAL Mao/tllleo'ffa~land• • 1 School1 Plu .. (burch, ~ with bta(ned ca~tiedral ~· . Par~ .. · PIOPEltTY . ~Tw,,"' U:;":: au::~ M>REST E. _ '. I/ 8 ' ,. :rm: m.uFFS, ."''""'"''°"· 0 l S Q N HO\V TO· BUY A BEACH Beautiful bay Vie:w. 3 BR., ·• • llOUSE YOU CAN'T AF· ~m, 214 BA. Adul!J. FAST MOVE IN OAANfl COUNTY'S LARGEST 2Uf HAlllOI ILYD. so IMO o,.-!Oti ffl .l:JO 3 Bedrooms $21,300 A 1barp home wJth o1ive ·ireen nc:w carpeting A.. paneling, OOxlOO ls the lot llze at that price ..,~~ to ahoppina: near me. ~Ced Ln lhe QJOtet .pt. ~ SPAM!$lf' f\ED TILE fUlOF' rm la a CHOICE AJl£A ln COSTA MEM INDUsttuA,'w Ir h ........ ai.d ..North tblta Meu. and boul otsrrucr Sb: old 2 .'!!-Ir , uae . ~rwms , 4BIG·.QEDJJQOH.Si.2batha ·. • year . '.•{ luxurioYl,Pnvate bllW:.E!r· ln 1mmaculate f'Ollditlon ODO squire foot. bulldln&: pre-clUnl; pl.\114 'carpett le solt . • · .i;ently used as J plipnbirc dnped UMd walls in all with PILnh ~ts A a:team; shop, euly adapted to l\1AftY t'OOOll. Qoacitling cozy ~ U,,. J'.WU?WOOD FLOORS. industrial or commttclal lact:' Ranche lied eklc- 1.nada ol rich ma.hopll)' .~ Uliel, 'Three privalt' omm: ~ MODERN ro.J TOMOft... elirw. I bave a ranch &ile!t storage room plua farr:e &bop ROW KITCHEN, Double gat. MODERN AS TOMORROW, .uea with ovrr head doors. ed back garden arta with KITOiDf olf my sehnlb_ a: J>n;iperty completely black-acctlS6 for BOAT OR TRAII- lush covered bl.clc yard wtttl topped and chain link feno-ER · O.ta ·it · fl t FUN COVERED rATIO! My f!d, AN JOE.AL BUY AT in....__ . '_ l!Sa;illion'. ""1 owner it transferred POS-• ..,., -... area. "''"= m • m a · · · • •• • • •••· •• •• •• •• • ·•• ·-·~ S3f 950 with MOST ATTRAC SESSION NOW at a sacrifice Present Financin&: can be as-TIVE ·T&RMS• ~~~ ~Lro:·~. sumed_ WE SELL .A HOME WHEN YOU SEE ME. E)IERY 31 MINUTES WE SELL A HOME w· lk & L EVERY 31 MINUTES a er ee Walker & Lee 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams >45-0l65 Open 'ti! 9 PM , , FORD.! U.'"r YOUR TEN· $5.\flll or l&e lot $500. per . •, -!Nn\ PAY \'OUR RtNT! mo. 6'l5--0ro9 <>*ner. New homes. ready lo move in. 2 to 5 ~­roomJ, z to 3 baths. Yl mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in . . Inc. Rt.altbr:a ', Fourlmlb: near Ocean and Eastbluff .1242 Ba,y, All furnilhed. Uva ln•f ::;;:::::::..:----= VA/FHA Term.,. Frvm $23,990 NEWPQR.T BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX one, 8.nd t.be o~rs wW make ~"payment$, .Pr1ee • $65.995. SllARP MODERN DUPLEX! Sand pe~ throw from Swedish fireplaces. ~ the. pounding surf. ~o balcoey 1~dtb Ocean view. larie bedroonu. Large Large ganie.n patio. 'I'1;ree ki1chen with del~ built.. bedrooms, two baths, each ins, !!Undeeks. Great ka.-unlL Price. red~ to tion. Big rents, pa)'I lor 11-$49.SOO. .• self. Only J3.'.500. Call now! Eves. 613-1355 66-0.11ll6.45.QlOl Bay & lkach Riiy, Inc:.' 901 Dover Dri\'C, at Harbor Center Suite 126, NB 2299 Harbor Blvd., .C.M. 200> . ..,..,., MOTEL . Nt'. Disneyland. Priced •I * BY OWNER * RARELY Ava.llable. Lus.k Eastbhdt 5 BR; 3 BA tarp: family nn. 2 trplcs. 3 car gar, brick palio, cul-de-ot street. Will lease; prdentr The Beach paid or consider trade A·1 "!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~P~::!i~~t ;I (on &rookhurst I mil• South of Adami) 962 • 1353 v.'ilh owner. ,_.-r -Huntington Beech 1400 . $22,008 4 Bedrooms Coron• del Mtr 12.50 "Vacantn $140 per n1onth includes all PRIVATE BEACH °" "''""' 1oan ...,...,. ,.,. a matter ot fact. at 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams you can't miss. and AS 11 ..... ~::"5-~9'9~lO:l..,...l ''""E~w~"~'~"'~'~C,.~ll=5~'3-3265~· ~--- 3 x grou! Oceanlrotlt Home, 3 BR, uW Pyramid Exchang011 646-2629 rm, sewtni: nn, liv rm 3 bedroom .. converUble dC11, assume without qua.lifying! ~ Irunily room and formal din-Featuring 4 huge ~s. lng mom with a view ol 2 luxurious b:i ths. Chatm1~ ocean and jelly. AiJ this "Qul!C!ns" Ki1.chcn .. Gl'eat l1v. PLUS a gorgeous large pool ~ng J'OOm with nch pa~I· in a protected cOurtyard .. . 1ng, Ankle deep carpeh~~· for the ramny 1hat dellt'rve~ Exctill"nt cul-de-sac, \\ W HOUSES FOR SAL& Lag~~~-~ach 170~ E3f.ERA~ BAY .. tint of· fering of an authentic Spanish-l'lyled hotni 'with red tile roof l tlagstone-en- lry garden. 3 bedrma., 2 b&thuiis-~ 31 ft. Jtvinc rm. B:ttlkfast nn. I: lanai. Lovely landscaping I-Jots of chann! Prictd at $64,500. JAMES LOM.(S R ea I Estale, ;85 No-Cout Hwy. Dial. 494-1008 U:iat price-Wh.Y rent!! Open 'til 9 PAt HOME & IMMED. POSS. IRVINE COVE Beautiful Dupltx w/lrplc Ir ocean view. Roomy klL w/bllm. & AI\ 2 Bdrms. Prlv, patios, avocado sill.I crplg lhru- gar., bllns. Xlnt cond. Euy ouL Fratit yd w/patio &: tenns. CABANNA. S63.500. fi73-6990 Pyrami,2: Excban1ors &46-2629 or fZl.3) 698-362'7. Income Units No .Down -·vets" for itself. you mn ive Jn one unit and en· 1 Income t.rom the ~· It'• located In ll!£SB and ii in ex· nt condition. Each its· has 2 lxhms. & 13· baths, trs alwa)'ll tt'CI · so no vacany 1em the run Flitt $32.-450. buy it and oo can send 1Yo'O kids ' collet:e fret ! tte'1 the ftnlWtt a '5 ""''°"'" 2 bath home in tside C.OSta ~IC5.L full pritt Is $28,500 tb either FHA or VA available, the sell· ia vuy anxious be· U$e the hotm is Vil· nt. see It and )'OU'U tic College Park Bargains endtt loving eare 1t ba.t this house needi. . t;s locattd In a cul--d~ c and a large lot, the condra lawns front &: need to be v.·atered, automatlc sprlnk- m should take care or pi.at, and you can take Fare of the pajnUng. ou can also assume the % 'N FHA loan with , law monthly pay- nts includ.i.ng taxes I ura.nce. H u r r y it n't Jut! 14 Bedrooms View '$39;600 Is Is an lmmaculatt: 4 room home on the uffs in Costa Atesa looking all of New· rt Beach, It shoWI q a model home wilh eautlful carpeting rwcflout, there Is an .. bstructed vk'w from e rear trrracc and Ultt bedroom sultf', n d • professionally Ion""' pcd front yard osed patio and ftrium entry \••ay. It's t so ~ ii now. ou've go 10 ser this It'• AS cute as It ·be with l nJce sized rooms "'ith \l·all to aJJ carpeling throu&h- that Is likr nc"''· The g room features J to wall car))f'fin& & noor to ttllln& plaor:. l h e ro:ntir' hu just bet-n lnttd lmldc tnd. ou t. <*'Tlttl have gone • ...,. and lf':lt It .. -acant ~ you '°'" movf' In i'tlh\ B"'IY· 1-iOll' 00..·• ,18,000 IOUnd? • iut HAUOI ILVD. j ~ 54W~ # o.,. ··-··· I tll l :JO C.OMMERCIA.L 5 BR & FAMl[Y Uw: in the 3 BR~- Sharp bon)t' and have 84' x Thia latte family home In 233' co~mercial 1ol lo UBe Horth Costa Mesa wilh all tor bus1nns. 2 sep&n.~ ~; the built • ins lncludini: a •ICL ldffi for Skn&e or -· water ronditioner. Need! a $39,500 littJe TLC. Va('ant & priced CName )'OUt terms) way under market, Huny . u. I thls ~·on't last: ONLY ,_wpor $2!1. t~. at Vic;toria 6c164111 (onytime) £osta Mesa Dirty How about 4 largt bedrooms, 2 baths.. elec bit-Ins, double garage, large cu.t-de-sac lot. forced air healing, 6% inter. est on an a.s5\lmable loan. paint ii. fix II, 1o\lc it. ORANGE COUl!ITY'S · LARGEST Owner.i havl' oppGrtun- ity in Chicaa;o; so you ha\-e opportunity here. l good sized bdrm:t 2 ha.tbs, f o r m a I livin&" rnom & lvge family room. Beautiful shag carpets. N e a~r roll """"· ""'"1&..126.Jl'O-212' HARBOR BLVO .. ' .. j411640 "--·-- GoUahi&ltlf!! .... • •. · .. 1 • ~)1?.-si\(r~~ )\i ,,, t \' 546-5990 ·oPEN EVES TILL 1:30 EXECUTIVES INSIDE OUT \Vho entertain wW lo\'t! thll or s~~ious, cha.rm.in& hoine. UPSIDE 00\\'N Ll~1ng room .hu beamed An)'Yt·a;y ·you k>ok at It Yo\I cei.lln& •rid .look!! out on de-can·1 find a ffner hOme than llghUul patio and. l~ndsca~ thi$ handsome 3-bNroom, 3- cd yard. FormaJ dm1ng room balh trl-level Spack>u11 llving • family room with .fireplatt room 20x26 Paneled den with • separate breakfut room -drtf~ .,one flrrptace A lour "bedroom! •. !~S baths. dramatic home for enle~ln­ BA YCRESf $56,500, ing Beauliful landscaping ~ patio for happy family living_ cau us for dct.alls. $42.9'0. JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-32sS 400 E. 17th, Ccata Mesa DISTRESS 546-2313 O THE REAL "\. ESTATERS SALE CHARMING Owner m"" ""' 5 Bed-CUSTOM HOME room s. 2~ baths ertra large Brick walls, beal'fled ceiJ.ing living room with wall ot in family room \vlth Door 1liw •• Auracli\le stone ·fitt-10 ceiling brick fireplace. 2 ' pl.ace .• Garage convertCd '.Bedrooms, separate dining to 20x24 playroom .• Reduc-room, eating area in kitchen, 00 $3,000 to $<11.500 • 1{]% ioolting out 10 a back yard d~·n and au:ume fl~~ Joan green "'ith lrult trees & ' beautiful planlin&:s. 2. Fire.- ·o THEREAL "\. ESTAT.ERS places. Ea!>lcrn chnnn ln a Soutl~m scttina;. $65,DOCI. john macnab (7141 642-t2ll OPPORTUNtTY I 901 Dover Dri\le, Suite 120 Need 2 licensed Real Estate Newport Beach salespeople. You have ~·our -COROl'A DEL MAR owrrtif!l:k and phonf. wen. . ~ establiahed olfJce. c 0 0 d SOUTll of h1gh"'C1)' on J~• walk-in trattic . .nCIOr time. mll'lr':. 4 BDRM, 3 belhs din. Top commission Call for ap.. lng room. Buyer can 11- pobUment. · sumr fi1~'1 Joan. Askirij: W. E. 'Lachenrn:;er, RUr.. S~S.(X)). Coldwell. &.Iker & (/I. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach. Calif. 83).0700 644-1430 • · Q.UAINT EAST SIDE HOME COA'IS . I &'''' WALLACt ~EAL TORS -546-4141-. (Open Eveninp) IRVINE AVE. Custom buill home, large en. closed courtyard for maxi· mum privacy. Many extras in this beautUul 3 Bdr home. $47,500. ·Wells-McC1rdle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport mvd., C.M. >48-1729 anytime APPROXllilATELY 12 acre BAY AVE. DUPLEX Awcado grwe; 3 BR, 11,4 Batb:s-Hill Top View home. 2 Modern units in best area. Barn w/ sludlo a PI. Euily rented, adequale re- i14/72!h!9lS ham. Terna; sa9.000. l'z ACRE-POOL BURR WHITE Custorn . 3 BR 2.BA horn.!. REAL1UR Harses or units. $·12,950 ZOOl Newport Blvd., N.8, "---61:>-4630 6l2-2253 E\IC.~. vwnc\ S31-i636 2 Bfon.001\f. Large comer l!IOO-Newport Blvd., e&,t PH : 640-39'28 or Gn-4.:in Lochenmyer EYE APPEAL kl~: ~~~54S-mll OCEAN VIEW 4 BEDROOMS near Adam'I°"======== af'.ld Brocithurst. 2 full baths, Me V d 1110 Realtor "B~UFFS" -$27,000 1860 Newpon Blvd., C~t shake roof, carpet, drapes, ~",.;...;..:.,.:;.:;•;_ __ ..;.o.;.; ~.!lllge area near Fashion CALL 646-3921 only 2~ Yt!trs old. Almost $26,950 Ii.land . News;ior1. King gi:Jed -· y ~·-·•••. 2 .,, •• , ~·"·•'te Eves. 544-\6.).1 ~2290 every roof)'I M.)'a " ou are ...,..,...... •• ""-".... , ..... ,..,..,..,..,..,......, , the instant owner." 'M'ie priC'I" i!i right fo r thi.!1 spilt • IC\lt'I. fllnt!SS fo1'<ie1 C d p I HARRY A. BOGGS -Men Vrrdr brauty near lilllc -Try $25,(Q), 541).lr.lt Ovrtyar 00 Rell}t 96:2-6&n ~. Cour!t'. Large Bed-T AR BELL 2955 Harbor "Forever View" New w~lls' Y roomr, excellent Uoor plan. .AYFRONT a... plM '°°" to be romplolri, y.,,, w/cove>'ed Pa II 0 '< Jutt llal<d. CALL NOW Jor . • -" 11'1"' '-• 41 ll.lt .31.& ba, (am rm wet llREA1HTAKING! dctalla. Vista Dd Lido. Pitr ~l .slip baf,'19iJ2· pool: . Yahl w/~red patio . WE SELL A HOME •..Uablo. Sell or 1e ... 1.,. :';~2 ~= ·EVERY 31 MIN\Jl:ES '""'· Prioe m.500. Roy J. w.n1 co. WW -• dn'-P--" Walker & ·tee George \Ylllltmson (BayCJ'ftl Ot.Heel .. ,,_ "" ,..--.....-. REALtOR . 1<JQ.Go!axy 0,.;_ . fWB,lSO) !111., <:hQJce l>f ... Del Mor d.. • 67:\.435(1 Eves. 673-1564 k>cltn.. Or"1 $31,950/ . &VU, Wt!!tdllf Or. UNBELIEVABLE I MESA VERDE P.w.c. 546-51t1 846-mi °"'"Ev ... s BEPRM +POOL VIEW LOT MODERN 1 YR. OLO " ·rt a h lMO l BATH -$26,9501 ! 1111. ' Bo. borne -,.awpo He ruw-st locaiion netr every-Lar&I'! Jot on ~c. \VW fOt' 2nd story unit. 2 Bika. to WELL LANDSCAPED 1h1n1. Jr Estatf' s I :red ex~ &Qr..,..unlta. be.Y. oettn, lbol)ptng. $4$.500. 3 Bdrm. \ct. llvlna rm. A grounds. Rich wood paneJ. ~ DS~_R·~~!'f ..,.., -R~ Carpet Rutty family nn. Si.one rrpl. w tw U\1.-handlOme brt'f.kt&s-f bllf, ~ C.YTS.. ~ .iCUQ \¥~ Ba.lbol,ilfB t1"5«8J !C'p(I, ovtf1{W nrs. Cltpl'd, Elea•nt OrepJacc. Loads oJ $23,500 MESA VERDE-$23,950 Patio, Sharit I clc&n, A pr. deckirc "-patio areu. · WATERFALL .l B)Q Nic6 3 bedroon1, 2 bath borne. den ll'ttlrw. 12Bt<m. 5tll-l7'ZO ~ OYCN!!ed brd.room., ,ppee.1. Q u I et reslditntlal strttt. Gtaham Rlty. 646.2414 r•::a~:'~!G~;~ ~~ttr:~~1d~n,1~=0~~ ~ ... ,~'.-~r~=~ :~~~ ~ N~~:C';ia~~~~:~ Vlew of O<.'!'nn & bay, Steps Sprlnklr'rs (ronl A rcAt. a "Je\\'t'I", 511)·1120 0111.rmln$:' 3 Br. 2 00 . hornc. to lltich .. Lovtl.y hon'C wll h Brlmm,!n1 \\")th charm & TARBELL 2955 Herbor Carp., draiW"s, bltns, Stc:p- W1Ulld iOtdi•n. SUl,500, As· &ff:a.L-potcntW&! 5olOJ720 LEASE WITH OPTION 2.ioo to 0t.'1'an! $23,900 'sun~Jqian 1116'i'~. TARB!t.L29S5Harbor EJdr-i No, 32. FuU price CAYWOOD REALTY ·Welker Rlty. 675-5200 White elephanlal Dune-a-Uno Sl8,900 $ti0 Iota.I per ,month. ~ \V. Coast 111 .. y., N.B. ,,,...., .. .!Jdo, NBO,,.ns.., •• oAlLY PILOfWANT ADSI Bkt ....... 71 ...... 3_ • $4t.1290. the best 177 500 Sl'll f1!A and VA . . rn-855iJ WE SELL A. HOME -Q· THE REAL \0. ESTATE~S EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee OCEAN VIEW HOME XIm Vet loan usumption. Int. rate \vill not lncreale. 3 Br, 2 Ba, W/fl crpll, trplc. 7682 Edinger Cor Jot·, comp! privacy. 842-4455 LIVE IN COM Anxious-Submit. F/P Open eves. FOR $100 MO. 144,SOO. Asstn1lt' 6<Ai contract on th ia 2 BEDROOM PLACE REALTY 494-9704 So of Hwy, 3 BR. duplex. Electric built-in ranae & ov-HANDYMAN'S Apply rt!nl&I cmlit & your en Gll!bage dt1pQSll.!. Ther-Special! 4 lncome un.Ir. 120 total expense is under SlOO. most~t1CaUY con.trolled fore. )'di. to beach. Patios. deda !\;lo, Call for details. I'd all' heal Wllh swnmer · \\'/OCf'an view, Nds. paint. Hal Pinchin & Assoc. fan. ~~e double garage etc. Should 1ross $9,0XI yr. 3900 F.. Coast H"YY. 61~39'1 ·\vlth s.ldtng gla~ ?00r 10 Pr. S69,61)}, Consider trades. OUTSTANDING rear ya.n::I. Co\lcred 1nclosed MISSION REALTY 494-0T.Jl patio. Fenced and landscap-1 c.,=::;:;c;,.:~=,:~"":..;;,;.; I ed. $1600 total down. 180 DECREE VIEW LOT H"'ntirigton Herbour 140l w A TEru'RONT nci(l;hbors acrosa 1hc srrret! Stlll just $46,950 for nc1v 4 Bclnn., ft.lrMa\ din. mi .. 21~ baths. Rumtnd $5,000 price In- crease! 414:Z Moming Star, J.luntington Harbour. Broker.• MG-6288 of while Water ~ coutline, !!mall but level. $7.950 With $1.000 down. bal at $85 mo. All due 3 ;yrs. 494-1131 or 497-1021 L1gun1 Niguel 1707 La9un• Niguel Terr. Nei.· 2500 sq. ft. 3-4 6' ~ Br. homes In oeean view area. Ctrpcted, lront landscaped. with sprinklers: bllnl. self- cleaning oven; 3 car garaae. $58.750 To $61,9:i0. D:cellenl fma.ncing with declining ~ le?Tst rate from 7%: % tn 6~%. Laguna Niguel Corp. 499-1344 :H7-116l RENTAU Hou1es, Furni1hed 2000 e LINDA ISLE e Fc.r you & your boat! 50 ft. siip + beaut. furn. 3 BR. home. lmmcd. available for lease 'til June 15th. Boyd Realty 61sa30 PENINSU LA POINT CHEERFUl. J BR. 2 Ba. .,,/sep. family rm., ~nc.'lf!d pJay yard. Steps lo beacb. Avail. NO\\!! $375 Mo. Hal Plnchin A Assoc. 67J.4.l92 BA YSJ-IORES • of Bdnn, S ba. Sept • .June loase. Prlvatt community wllhlbe•cb. $315 mo. 646-1Jlll6 Aat. NEWPORT Channel; 2 Br. wlhtldrytt, dllp., pr. Leo food . yd. Skit tie avaU. Fo~ht1ln Valley 1410 Winter. 3507 Finley 83J..lll41 2 BR F\lrn home, I n WHY PAY RENT? -$320. mo. CYl11 Yr.t pk! Spanish st)llr, At-I •''"'"';;,;''"";,;::2-3863;=:_...,....,..,:--,I Mn)it 6\1, % FllA loan. 3 BR .• BAYFRONT I: dock 3 Br, S patio., SBQ, bltns, Adj, to Ba den. Lease/option $500. gol:I rour..e. pool. $26,9.;0 mo. fi"IS-Ul1 . AJllO \lnf\!m. CORBIN-MARTIN lt£ALTORS 6T:..lfi62 3006 E, Coast Hwy,1 Qilf Bay.no,.. 3 BR. ' BA. tum. dlshwabr, ·--1 •• h """ldm .. frpk. --· l--jCi~-,•;;;c;,-;-;~-;1~45~0 yr'ho. Priv booch • .....,.. K """" BR. ' BA. TIME FOR ""''· -.ioo 1o1. Muoo. 2100 · "°'" '"· 114411~239 QUICK CASH w .. 1mln1t•r 1612 ___ ...;.:..:..: 3 BORi\f. l S&lh R.E:PO. Low down, lo':" J)e.Ymt~. 8UUl"ln rwtgn. O\lt':D, J'.P. 12.1,lOO. BY OWNER~ THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD • . ' • • ltlNTAU RENTAL.I . ,\ RENTALS_. UNTAU RINTAU , UNTAU RENTALS ; .. tie ·111. ,.,...,,.. Kwt l'urnllbed HelJ111 r..,,..... H1 'Ill Uilwnlthal .-.... ,..,. .. ,... Alfl. """""""" Alita.· UMuint.., 1• : c-.. .... #IO LI• Ille, • 2HJ s..-Ronlolo 2tl0 !!!;•Iii ...... -No....,, .... ... sooe "."..; .... • ...... : OCEAN" llile, '" -.. ·l'UllH tlll._3BA,_Ja '~=bo& ... adj. $311. ~~1111.!J\ N ....... -' VEllOIE YIARL..y 1 1'1MTAU -. 11'.dl-. ....,. 1 Ntwb'·-A..il -· . --·.BA, view • OUb.' COUIJIT'lrl C&.1111' 'BR. 2 Mlhl ....... . : Br. 2 ... 14t-..... ""· Wal< iihiOl or yr\y ' ·A114811, ~ Putla1ly Jurn. W.llSl' ' • ,l,l'Vl• 1 llR. 2 -....... . C-'Ill Jtllll 'II; 13'15 1"0, ('14) W.tlOll jii6 Wk. L • • u r Io ., N . . rt 5........._ -Luxury ,_ ..,_ ~TE AP'l'SI WI<. 2 ..... """" . Boyd R.e:tlty ~ 'fll":tertrant apt. pool rum :I ..... .._..... • •AIM oU•rtrw o\'ll''Jfl.._ ,mac,; ADUt:f. FA.N'.ILY 1 8Jt. , !'itJal ••.••.•• - CAM110 ijll~ 2 81lbo1 lalMtl :USS ,111t. 2 BA. <!jll m-IOOI 2 Bl\.' 1 BA.. ~x. lowtr, ~-._,.,,. 6 :mt" ~S AV.<D.ABl,E 3 Bit. 2 -'"'"" Bll. den. ocu'n T te w, • $1U mo. ~ 2·1 $ JIUIJJiJlcl •~"• 'flldl. CIMI t9 ~ Perk J BR.. 1 Bath •••••\•••• adulti. New!)' dec.1 Ownu. S BR fW'n 'tD Julf 1· F$ UNTALI Prolpie(1 St . ...._ ttJu ia • a...,. dltb ~ • 9pl 1l~• I~,-.. J Bil 1 ~ f'Utll ••• ~.. :TS ~ dbl pr, tam01 ool)'. no Hl1JMI Uftfwnl*'*' · · ·~ NOif llublc kl •J8t1lrM111i1 J8Jt.Jkl'urn1.,,,,,. 2 pem. 1215 tad• •ID • • • ' " = lut al·'" -42 N...,... _. * -,... PW-• IUM WHITI 2 BR. BA. On lhe boach. toltp,_, Coll l'IM241 o..orol -~'' , -J'nlll lA,m..,t *ftll. _./lndtrJO<'ll 1 Bft&kus Dt, i.>'11 9 ~' J'Umlibld1'o-labtd i-• •-~-I llEALTOR -13111) •mo. ~1") WINTER; 3 Br.-· OCEANn!ONT~UNSURPASSEl>-YVIEW ___ ... ,. --m,Aft. ··"-BM.,11.B. .• .Ci ' • 1 •• ' 799-6185 Aloo, yearly f BR -3 BR. I BA. I 40' ~ 2 a., 3 Bo+ pool '11:'.....,... ,.. Qllll'A llDA -mQ 10.. i:-, W!ldily,i 11'-' WllO..,. -1==,-,=:;;-..,.-;;;i-=· I • 2 BR. lllond RllJI, '91 ' •-... 1M 111111 D>O or -' ' ,..,-" . ,..; Sl'ICIAL Cl.AUIPl~TIOtffpl)it CHINA ooVE. •· BRrden. Put< Ave. m-m den, ...... ....,...,.,~ 1' apl:to -..;.'-. llMl2l OAKWOl:»D ~~ '!'5~w.-, • BR"'"'. 2 11 NATURA• ·-N sw·~•o. FanlQllc vi.w. 1 or 2 '' !uk mlllhnW11. No -· .... --• • ., ...,. n" • .:''T" 11e. 675,3221 er 615-3808 27 . O.I ar pet>. 131' mo. (213> I BR. 1.1/SK 14e. vie~ ~D"" RA, ~. prl, , vltw Spoclol .._ I=======-Loguno _,, !m-llU homo; 2% ... Nico cpCL • '"P'"ITM•.._. O!!la. BoOt '..... ovlll, I Llileo-1 11 .... -S ·- Lido Isle 2351 RENTALS -·-Att· '"'" °'"'" 111b1emmp-IUlU-N>-•O!CluO•~T OCEANSIDE, vn. 2 Bl\ .l 2,3,4. bdnn'• SINGL£-YOUftt klu111 Lux-cma. a.i.o. Aptl .__.... .,... ..... .. ..... ........ ::. ... • ..... ' I MATURE COUPLE will lovf! den, 2 BL Wuber/dryer, The Real Eltate Mart (W11M·4l'I Mw 3250 ury prdea .,U with CDU.D-110 F~ St, N.a. a-Yout ~-= fl':':i.1..-~ .. ott ... :"..... 11 lhl> lmmo"'1ato ' Br .. 11\ ............ oval! Sept. lhru 111311 -Blvd. HB • ...,. -~ i(qa ' .... ----· (!M) ~ PHONI ~ ..... , frplc,, SOuth .. tlo ~ June 12511 mo. 1 s • · 111....n FOR i.e... ~c.--...,,.. .. prtv~.: SO(t.ril NEW 2 BR. t Bo. ...... Te -Yout;., T ........ 1 PorHI• /14 ' ~beach. $300 Mo "'~· :'~ ~~ .::l. ~'BR. tom rm, din rm. !.;: ~ ~;:;:.:; ~u!:;.:,.. ~ ot • UNT • -..,.,., -· -Tl'ldo MO "I II ....,;.. ·w-: Lot> -v ... j Lee Scbonek, ~tr. 673-358? be. ~ SUn A Mon. r,,Jptc. bltlnl. w/W. Fenod IPldoGI liWc rm. cUnlna Cn4) ''6C!SO Acrw tram Coco't 6 rtntalo omce or retail tbo,P wlD.' 1W1.P t ' _. 19 ...... .... . NEWLYFurnbh<dfBR.fDON"TlUSTW'.:lllfor.-. ;dfotd>lldttJl.Bkr.&e-roam. )mper mo . lSllOCIA.Nl'R&fT 1 "->alium1tu .. ::-:...~~~':!~=·~~.2.!'::: ~~~·=l Ba, •vd Sept "''· Wint.. -lo -..... -QIU. '"= ~ 3 Bdrm, , BA -$25 & UP !.1~ .!!1.!...-... 1111 Mm!, .... (211) ,24M!OO ~-..,.,,.. I or )onpr. (213) 189-9369 or . , . fin4 sreat tx.o'I in ~ SlflO. 3 BR. J Ba. Sep. hoot, er . 1*. 111'1. ;tUb!dry. p$ Montb.~Month ~nt.i. -..-'Qo ~ ;;-7,··;;';:-:•...;oo.°""=",_~.,...=I !2131 412-<692 day'< On•-Ads, 1 chtldr<n A peu wtkome. FOR L<Uo, Comt<t-\ mo. Coll !213) art.UQ: WlD!! llELllCl'ION $115. -Vllloae. No SL 12' CruJ>u Twin · D, °""'. HAVJ;: Oiolo..rati IOI: Bkr. oe.<W1 mo& er lta, · 2 !Ir, .....t. llFllC ,_ ..... IWltaa 3 BR. I BA. Carpet. ...... pilot,,.._. ml·mf: ft<ftll lit .. 115.000. Loll< : S250, 3 BR dupb. Gu, petlo, <!en, 2 Bo,,-. liYUw rm, ~= .! B ~•~I 511 .W. llllll, CM· 5IWf8l -pool .. Mlllll. mall -$GI. WUl '°""~ IMd 110,000 -· W.utr: ttove, rt:frie. w/w. BJcr. dlnlDI rm. aardtmt pd. ._ mo ~ ilk ~ 1125. J BR f.pJex. RIO, b'Ult dted •~llbalkr bolt; What )IOU Mff ....... Q) -· ~ mo. CtMm i;;; ... ;... crpb, drpo, d>lld O.K. ' Ownr <n~> 1»3100 • llMl9l -3 BR, 2 Ba. ...... I BR. ................ r .... 1 " 2 BR -A -· o6<nn ..... ....,,, ' . '242 HAVE: 1r GlllsU.om ... "iv"1 .... ::::-.:-=.,,..,_,=·-=i.q._==fl lrplc, R/0, w/w. O>lldron :~ ,:..-u.,,. .,._ JQ""1V~l-llold Ser. : $145. ,1 IBR, 2 Bo -e NIW•DILUXI e =:.'~.!:'·J!!: ~~ :..•.:-.=• j A pe~ O.K. Bier. 5M-ao . per wk. 6 up. THE MESA Encl d pr, atow. w/w. S Br. 2~ be Ill for ..... °" Malibu, 'etc tubl trade 115.000 ... tbt Mo! I EXECUTIVE nome 5 Br, 3 2 BR. dbl ........ Ir ,...i. '11 11. Nwpl Blvd. -lln>kft ..,.._ · Incl. ..... -"'· ..ii., dbl aU1 1er H-. -. Loi t ; JJA. crpta. drps. t1ec bUm ~.:: ~ trantr. etc. OCEAN Frant )Ti1 lee. 3 BR. $13J. uiil pd. Patio, R/O, ~· ~ dbl. 1¥'9P· i.11to. Adjacent lots, Wtatcllff: ao.ms l tenctd. $350. 546-tf40 . , 2BA.Oduxe.ilQOmdutU. -~ w/w. Broker:: :_r ~~~NB. Value SS0.000 de.h: $.10.000eqult)',Sll,17tef . .tt..; --------!Huntington looch 3400 =>111 w. O.:.oa Front a.ircb • lclloci " °"""' Tl'ade us er dowu: '-· Cl prop .• Pi-. IOcallon. , Coote Mou 3100 ~· . . de! 141r ffllh. ,_,,.,..duplex, "',.. So, Bristol, S.A. Tar_,, j 1 BR. 2 BA. 2 car -· OCEAN FRONT I, 2 • 1 Co.to -JIOO eQNLY -· ldeact, boot I. ""5$S Bia: Btot' 11U. n-<i1 ea., I 2 Blt, 1arqe, pa~ crpta, Fenotd )'d. To,tallJ. ftdee. bdrm&. WINTER RENTAL -,.\pUpl Wt'J, N.B. 8a,yfront t Bdrm. hOme. mak, 541-SN4· ! dn>I, no~. retri1. Trop~ Nr IChools .l lbop.na. S2t5 , CTM£A (Mlf'l'Bllt'llM TOWNHOUSli:! "' S 6 ' Want lndUltriaL ~e HAVE: ll•Wllts, wU1 . 11tttin& tor adlta. l blJc ptt mo itlCl wattr. Ilda! vnllllU\INft new.. O>unty c;:baJWe w unit.I, tD' .-. mo. MMl1ll MH>"73 f!tw!!rt Htfl. 4210 :ILl:;,, ~ W•>'-Bll1* a., l'Toper1its aono1 oot or n J.~ I I BR. EuU!de. $l90 Mo., 1 3 1111, 3 b&, den, frpl, w/W ~. 1 2 BR JUST· (llMN rnlle. llJ.lGI -,Noncy ,J, MorO, -· , YT· lease. ht a: 1ut mo'L crpta. 8C1'9entd pcl!r'dQr. pool, * ""'"'an • * Vl'rll.lllN' 11' P.arti:lh Hlwt ...Uboat I ttnl Wottt paid. No pem .. i. ... pet&. $250 -.... Adulb, .. ""' :un !:. lftb eo..... ""' -J250 wtlll --.int nm ~..:...-~.... I Eve.twee..,... ....rm 50-1652 st. IU5 '""· up , .._,IOl Hor,": 1~'?f~d;''" volut. wtu' nc1e ..; c:or, Ina. Want -· .. molioe 3 BDRM 2 Bath + pool. LEASE 4 BR. J !la. blt·im. all • cycle « tnP'. home or -? Luge pallo. G&ral' In back fe-)'d. fl35 mo + 1st • W-llfl 42'0 dbh..::.. ~,~...... ~· •w $1114 C&aon Reolllt of lot. converted. Rent « lut + $100 aeeurity. ~ Manapr • ~ .,... Ctnttr dntn. Lquna Cit. leaS!. 540-t044 Tradtwind& Rt&lty M743U 2.!,DR11_ Wbloctll ._.fltm., 'web~~ Mn. Oiriatitnltn • . Hwy, Cl iir. bt&cb, 13 u .• 4 BR. Mta V•rdt. Htd. ' 3 BR, 2 BA, ocean view M~c. I'll A ."""""' 3117-A ClnMmen Ave. Otf TtN AOU:S 2 abops; tnde '6Bl eq. for fill. pool. $325 Mo. incl. pool PJO month lhop cntr. Adulta. No Peta. c:.t1· Mete 1 a 2 BR. tm. Is· UDfara T'DI, land. mtr . .uu. !T m&Jnl g MonU.. ,..,. * '3S-U61 * l2CIO mo. ye&rty. IWM312 P1-l*llM ~ I priY, palloa I H .. I Wort,n, Bl<r. - Owner 546-GTl 3 BR 1,1ntum home, crpta Ir Coron•., Mir 4250 · .-Poola. Temila.Oontnt'lllldst, l.91if) Boc1MX>d Coufe, 21 AVAIL Oct. L ,__ 3 BR. ...... $2'5 mo. leue. HARBOR Gllttllt' 900 a.. 1o1J1t OIM '""Ill mn. ~ A•l -~ houte, bltlnl, da:bwhr, cpts, •5SS-388Sir FOR 2 Adults. 41 room apt. ftUn-1 (M'.icA.iQur ~' • <lout;> tlon. For M'utanr ot llte drpl, .$%ill mo. 642450 -On ~... e-ut v·-- -model l'.aonoUbt or Ford. -7 :::-".,-~-~w. -lft5 '*'313-3 Bdrm home i!-<ldo on \I L11un1 Nltuel .,. ··~ BAOIELOR Wlfluu fro DI lalbN Isl.... SUI .. · ac. Fenced yd. Dbl car. 1 LG. deluxe J Br, J BA, · ::n.~:' ~J !J -Stra~~ ~ :::mlr.:.::: aa. chlld. $176, ~ convt. de:n, ocun view. la11Me 4300 ca,. center adj to lbopp1nc L1TI'LE lSLE. Att MW bit J ~ ft Pr1ce $1$2.000 Ot 3 BR. l'looe. bit-ins, cpts. l •1344 t:rr M'f-mt 1..UtC!: l BR Ba.Yfr'ont, No ptll. ' • BR apt, """~tck. !'~ cifu. :',.etptr, For ranch, '-::UAN1'~ I.and. drpl. PIO month. ' 2700 Pttmon WQ •tow, re .. ,.. cpta, --~t t Own: f1'3.llS3S ltw1n 13Mtl0 Alt "°"""' Duplox11 """'"" '975 ruoae. pall6, frplc, ulD '°"''* Mtaa 54S.(l31f) 123-0 ""la, mGt "' • 3 BR. 2 BA. Montlctllo C... . ~~mo. f2I E. NEW I.lip I -...,, opt. 1\ * * * * * "° Kid! OK S200 ...., °''' 2 ""'· newly p<Jnltd, MAlnN19UE l~.,...~~·~-:;f..-:,;..,.u:1:~i:::··ir::~=:~··1 ~ • no ... ....ootO -...... rm, pri .... $133. CLEAN. Ytly ..... 16 G '"RDEN Am boal m-awa ,;..;~:-.=,~;'2'::' ::'-o=lfnod '"'"".,..for Mldd 2 BR. Utu. pd. Crpls A '" • -RIAL llTATI' lllAl.-'ISTATk FOR rent 1 BR """'· 1113. prlq:, encloood pr, _,, drpl. No ...... No -"-lJeot, --!IQ "'"""""' Htlftll"""" IMch 5400 --II • 0.-ol Reference•! d:qm, 1 d1Dd only, no pets. 547-11!5 " 1np 6:ir adulll onJ,y. _, :::::--::-"----- • ...... l. • &VIII Oct 1, $1'" mo. 210 CLEAN -..... Bad!, I, '.t I BR. ..... * II •cHl'UI' ... ~ R-~ -.,,. Office ...,.I 4 Bit. 2 BA. C?-ptd. drpd. CttU Pl, om. Mesa Ml-'153S . All aw Incl SSS up Pool. ar lboppina. ~ ,.. - dlhwhr fenced. $250 mo. N. 315 E. Balboa Blvd. 1m Santa Ana, A)l. lU. Nt"'ft' 2 • 3 Ir. 2 .. r I sso. pa' wk. iu.id lll'V. htd MODERN A. j r COIW:l!tfme4 Cllf 540-UlS. l!NTAL$ BAUIOA ~ e M1!5G •• dW..:lhil. potlot, P•.ol, pool, cenlnl loc. Mold ..ite, 1'1lh 5-°"11 I ===:==::::::==;;;;;J_~A~llf!!!;1.Jf~um~~l11!!'M4~-vtew, 1 .l I •ton', woli to T&hld Inn. 4lO Vlctorl& Mno. ow; 'l1lO .......... I , 3200 2 BDRM, 2 b&lh, II block to f irw Villa l..t S P-Sbop'f, H.B. (nou H.-Blvd) CM. $3IO per -~ Newport INch -•I -~ $113 Ind ulll. a IJ "1''$ 141.SSOT '4&-2!22llam.,~pm). --J1o•fl~; · I/I 1311 WEEKLY. 1 Br, peol, YRLY •-, 1 BR -or ·-Neor Oro••• Co A......., 6 NEW WXURY 1 6 2 BR ROOM for -· """'"a ~ ID ""'1U. II> /w ~•~ 0 --· -,..,.. p -os • e .. ~N-· -••-°"""'" dtl Ml<, -· Phone Mt. TOWNHOUSE . :ro. '-JUO~H • pets .K. f\trD QI. \9 block from ua. MUltl OllJy. 20122 AA.iwLT UViNG ~ p;,;,j:""'~t ' aru. I'm • '43-9660 . Adulta only, 3 BR. 2\1 Ba. """ -· baocb. m.1*11 Sant& "8& Ave. SIO-m6 StJRFSU)!: CHALET -· qulot• 114:, ll>l1ll .• OJTJCa Bel.ut decon.t~ $275 moriUi $1'10. J BR. New paint, w/w. ..·.11 1262 Adanta, 531--JIOO evn. ~ADIW'trlrw · & ieach Clllldnn 0.1<. w.c. pell. Ude lale -- B .... -DR' r1ur •nrs. AVAIL -· new , BR. -;..., 3315 11"1:: ·~ If 11hy Inc IAYPllONT APT. ' LIN1.J IV' lrplc. crpt.o, -~ ...,, Motels. Trlr. trts. Sn1 ,::,":°" .a. 90'1 Dover Dr.,'NB &iu. 126 JJM, 1 BR. or ocean. bQ'. WOO'ER LEASE. 3 BR J Avail Oct 1Stb. l. 21::::=:..=:.:...:=;;..;.= -"·'"'""""' T'o-·. "~•-AV&ll now~~tl. Brok:t.r BA -1 .. 1 .. -""'do .. '.n.. 1 BR. av&U. Adults,..,,,., BR ...... ;.. new t •11 NJGR1' UP MODERN, •Pldoul · l!~~·!!'l!-~'l!!!!••!!!'.!~!!-"!!!-'!!'l===-;;;:;:~3:;===1 t11f;_a-f1s..'%Gi.-or' [ii) vuv ~2579,.' no P.• '· •:~.TV,ma!dtierv Jn prime lo'c•tl•a. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Wolk Ca fl Miio 4100 ~. 1141 ""tin. Cotto Mtaa CHEZ ORO APAJt'l'MENTS e l'llo<lt .. mo. 11111 pool · ~ ,.!"}!-,0..Uc! . to Harbor Hi: Older but 1 Msr. Mrt. Clnon, '°""'1 a34 Atlallta e eat. · Bar ._..,. -•--u. ~ l BR. I Bo homo. $30 00 wk lolbN· lololMI 4115 l Bdnn Pr! ,..1 23ll N-Bl. CM DELI.JD: am.;. Ill Fonnal din rm. ........ • • up Oroclout Mvit Livlnt ......,,;,,,..., ~. • -. -UlllJ 1q IL Afr -tam nn, owr 2,000 ft. sm • 0.,, week, mcmth. SUiO WINTER. nnta1 Utu. f\1RN " wdam J 8R. Orpl, po. wk• up 8acl1dor' AptL crptt, drps. 54M'1ll. mo,ltue.-•StudloAllldl.Apta. l&lo.-:M'LR.U'l>onlboat wlw.,,,l&,frplc,Pool.Stt>2.!'~~-:;; Kt-.O-TV1-Jll&ldS-. AVAILABl.E Oct {it TOWllllOUSE; 3 Br. 211 Ba. e Incl Utllo A -....,, 4oclt. <U• $15). 2 Bil, b>d dont> OK. No cbildrm. --· • CllJI ol °"'*' Biid Of C..,.lod A -,._. No Matter What It Is I F11o1 Patio, pool 2 ear e Nold-· 1V ovail b&r, pr, 141'" m..... MESA IAST APTS up. -Pandtle -:11311 W. US. mo. m.-- pr.; ID bltao., .cpto., :sN= t::' 5IUlla Winter, cbolct locotlon, USE. lltb. C.M, lllAL llTATI C!oapmon OO!lrA ..... Ofllc:tL Aki l l dr&peL Leut $27S Manfb 3 BR -DR, LR. 142-347' at 54347<; -rot WEEKLY '°"' Su Lori& crpb, -rm lor I. lB m.mi or M2-207 SHARP 2 IR IUO + .... SHARP, ..... , BR .... .. • Moul, 2301 llnport Blvd., --l YOU CAN SELL IT WITH~ WANT AD! AVAJL Oct l, JM/opt. 2600 22M Maple by WUaon. adult., (Puadena) T9M003 drpe, crpta, bltfm, quiet R1nt1l1 Wanted sno Costa Mu& ARCADE Ott! sq ft 4 BR. 3~~ BA, c:rpts, Alodern fllrniture. Pool. , bk!s, Want OK, $150 mo. ce I •a c • ckJ>o, blUno. Coron.a de! Mor No pell, ~ mootb. Hufttl..,... ...... 4400 5<7"'612, ofter 5,30 or IVAl'IT I or 2 -"'" Outal Homh "" ::f ::J:' B N- H! Dial. $3CIO Mo. ~11 or Mar. Loncttn • &IM914 New 1 Bit. sUs S BIL J Ba. wkndl. on ocean or Ba)tront. _...;.• =='----1 MM184. * VIL,LA llOMONA $1.is · ATTRACTIVE newly Prettr \Veit Newport orPRI nom la Uc'd Guett -,,..------- NEW hOme-llke townhouse, New .1 '=-.-~ Bl\ tum apta. Nr Ocffn, pt1 deck .• ...,..... rtdtcorakd ,,-.~ J er 3 ~:· ~e::: 1:r~: Rome far elderl.f mu; ~rd•I al . 21iJO ... fl. 3 BR. 3 BA, Wn °""t. ~' pool, 11.... Bach Wllb.$'15, Ill. • 195, BR, , b&lh ..... Pvo.I • Wflch ''~ -Gm "1od, ·-" SHOPPING ~ ' ' rm. 'M Amlaoa Way . drfnn,a4UH1·$lbl)r,ntt.pet1. 202'B14tbl1!-1T14.,53f.UD recreation roor11. Qrtldftn pnla1 a~pa.., av.... ~ .. ·~ Htm- 75-0033 or 615-4130 ll&o.fomJ>na.C.ll. I BR. D>obU·-·,.. ~ OK. H>llllO or 221f Colltp MGR. Of ....... -co .. now. If& 1215. . lhWloo ~· '-iii;iiii~I , JW UP. Attnctlve 1 BR. · · Ave. . . · bUbeefttransterec1~1oc:aJ _ . ne.,t·•et ... a•t-.,: PARK LlDO lnhle. 3 Br, 2% poo1,-uw '-·•u'" a...!tn U Mui"° .$ll0 Yt1,v, llJ/I, Ill' BR. ~"·--0 • •-· .,..., W"'lld .wee to -s.a , 1 i " ~n=41~13Jr!=;-6l~·li~:;·;:::::=~~I Ba, frplc, htd pool. $265. Loe ,_ •~.,,':""' "',mo. 211: ~Mr. 'lhl· 2 ~~OK.™-· BR l>Onle •• llltl· to ·$1A15.1-!!II!'!! -- w/opt 1ltir Jf8-0!32 -· -"' JletL IJtlt) too , cpb, drJ>&. l<le -yd. -dll':IU: -' !" • ·'~·~'j " WA'l'EllFllONT, '1' dock, 3 w.na... . 2 ,BR. 2 BA, pr! -Rtd No peu 11'5 m0:'-m2 '™ ' .4-f!LIX 1 ... _,,. ·-.iii er; l% Bo, crpb, .,,,,.. $100.-.Aitw/bO; pDOI,.....,. -up. $"5 ..........,, nr v.1ctorl1 e LAND~-~,!.; "6.000..lo .,,,.__Xlnt ,...., rOR 1-. llllt.:.aot 11 &dlla.$500mollt,6l3-81!11 klt.·-::ldd111o•man ....... -. Eltnt.5f&.l5ll FREE~~·-.---Ol.·\IUBDR, ~-~ICI."!;.., 3 BR 2 .. ••--• ..--.,... ~ NEW2BR 'Ao~Eoot-. · , 1-... unJ11 ,111110-thlrll> ~ •-•~11.·~~ · ~ -mo. ~-Vlll11t. ·· On t.....fw 4400 Cpla. -bl•lloo. dlbwllor, NEID 2 lldna. apt ,ZLi • J>rl'J: B.ut. -,_ --· - •BR.-· 211 ... S2IO mo. QS..Hlli -op1. &iii; .,. = ond'd pr, ,,., , L 11 o. ·-"'--Ill' 11pt.1. ;r :1:':n-&a.a~: -, · C:O.-cRallJI ,.._"!!'. ·-·-.· llli' SINGLEY-odulb, tu. tcW%l7 JI#....,.,,,_ ' -...... · ,. } · 61• Whil<~io~ ... !:,.,.. ~ ' ~-~ ,•:::; AVAILAll1Z -· 2 BDRM. ....... .....,_ .... lnlftlll....... M ~;;~~~;;:! l======-:;o;o====<r-:o-=...:.======='-;:o -~~ ':! 1111n_,-,~ -'""9'' _.,.., =ta:~_!!~ ~ =..i. ic:.,.:: "WIOA !Sl..Alli>-l.cue 1 }"'-•_. . rGo~ne~rol!!._-:==1~0~®~' ~·:-::•~l=::;=:;1•;:;:o;•:•~·:o1::::'-_!l!GC1!!-0~~-~~· ~·~-~~;-;..,~, a.ir-~ :m sa. r---· a.on M tot.• 9....., Hth Plw.4'L "'· ~ 'A/llbtlm ('14) NEW 2 BR, Sl•· mu., 06VERNMliiri' 1"o•ktr -'*"":"It tioich 111 H .... !.._. • I '\'.'2 1111, 11' pool, 1'l2-Cill! • . patio, pr. A4ltlll anly, no . 'lllll>eo ., -fliqflr )o!nt. 20'I -•'*" . IL'D. ·-.1lMllo;91 d/l'Q~ .5'1,,, ,. I)~ ~Q.e -II, MO lllL(UlfSUil> 1 • 'I , ,ptla..111).f'·:llst It. ~M ,t,. UM5a. * NF;W lad ' • lorltUT:·~-:;~· .;;~-~ P\!o l.'lilt,S ~---~ pq•w mo 8!ola -~ o.,.,,-q,_,; :ilio, 1111. •· ..._ *RENTAL smYH it -.,.,.:11:.1c 111t 1, · eliamu Palra&e ml""-y''' •-•-tlw, P,.,.,........,...,odalb,. FREE TO LANDLQRDI M ........ f'l-~1• l!ltAN I _Jl'I . l uwr:1~Q,. I I Evw1-thocneaboui'ilia • _ _ ~ _ _ hippie connibol? Ha, 1 _ _, ..----------a cloy. !SIX Cl I I • ..,. _ 1 r r r r ! attz~= 0 :~INl, ~~!IETIW SCRAM-LETS AN~WER IN DIME·A·LINE •Jt;e • ' 1 6 3 8ll Pool Y~ -....,w ...,. m peto .Sl2>. '*"'10. Blue Bacon oe.<W1 . 1 iJ , " l!T !:. 2111'1 St. 64W6l5 ':: ~',".=:°':j ~ LIO 2 811 -apt, . I • . . jfij Offjc~ ~OJ ' 1 · ~ -, 2111t.•BA•1B111pa..Nr .. ,mp111o 1111-..· SOU'nl ·c.tota. -""""·,Pool..~ .... -L~~Ew • .,,.,,. :$ --·No -·Of BAY CLUB APT1I lJIOt) Mir op<!!, lHM'lldralto COLh!:GE or·-.,..,,.. ~ ~ , ..... MMiOt......... OWWAN Aw., -bEUJX&l·BR ............. u.. ... 111),l&lo,btdp-ON . . 1r:C "'t;;m. GOiliiiOili iitw 1a211r. a.-<THl -·' drpll, Jool, NO,ehllilltfiu > . 1111. • .;..nn. • TV • .._.; ""'" -._ ~lloblo ,. • ::r" ~;llOtl!'lllOIFl~,.;~, .. 4 ~ 'J!n, poei, -: DELUXJ:•liO 1 llr, •Ph<lt. Dlrul~c,n~ loOm.lll'•llP• m.-· _1,,-, lldlldlllr ·ol -~-... ~ --C.M.-i>l!r• -Yla'fl, -•• i( apla, .. pflL C1t114 lliilfu l.;;il Li {if, pdmO ld<illoo1ill --Pl -1, lllt,-,blaut.fln.»o. 1115-.llllt1.•1ll1 *':=-~ • .trlftlt<~.--==AW~;;;: F•r ~ • Mo. Sl«t. Mal• tab-. « • al_..seo.:mc entra.nctt· J'toatact • Socewa --· l mDEldtn.&G-1151.W. L_...... "1111.aR.WW.,~lw~-· t.Ar!oJ!!OCliillOilolole--. FomtAw. ............ . " 2 BDRMS. -peol, ,m 1115, A 111'. ~--s:r:=-• aop« llo. _, W .'-1111 .... Ku-i)Olldlo lolit .. !~"9!!!!11!1~..:.::_:!!! fl'W. 2165 ea.,,.. ·Drlw, dlo 1)1". Al •ID A ltledolr -I PM. · -¢afl .~11'! ,,., -~·'4r -· I>"'* ' laeok . -tad. .... onl>. ~ 1 BDR, . pr, --I BDiiii "' '""'" Pr\"t\l< """;.-~*:~ 1 .te"r./:PllUln' H••""'1 IMdo 4200 wx,2 Ir, 2Bo,-' %:°'~ .. -~ =· Slt alo. =:-Ir $IO. 10..DP ... ' . . r IAC. Ronlt. lli!L m-l.,. ' ' AD IDIU.. poJd Cl"'fl MJo-t ltl-¥ •Wllmll ~· or---w. ....., 5200 JIDiM·s110.otHwr.1liii ..-,_ -L.ia-1 • -i.; .... , ,;;;:•rort. -...... 1115. ........ ~ D~Y PDD?" $IS,OllO, 1' c.:ti, i:Ol 111 e !p Oe ~TALI . · I ~ 11oq ~ ..... _,...__. 122 FOUi? AlliJlt;IC . -. .. , . , UilGlE i 'ili8Jii06M ~ UotfUrMhott o-pts. dip&, -·6 ·"'5<1 'l'iO ,_ Jor root, . LAGIJlllA ll!:'.AIZ .• MAXI Oi!ilall • IUl'M.IJ. _,..,, -· 0_.. soOij pr. 111$. Mo, can for°"" .....,.. """6151y. l50"" ~ wf\lt .,:~,a... Ill •'!IMl!I! • -. on llllfrtl WI!!, ... Ml• MODlttli ,Ol'"Cll -.. .., 181(!8AWWifftliiiJ.11> SIA·l>OYlELY >~, -N.B. 1''1\N _,Ill beoUI Qllll a .. <l'SllMOl!TH -• Jl:mo blk <O ....... l'ila '"''an. CAD.llilllto'boitll.Odld 2 BR, 2 BA, <Pb.""'°' 1*notor_...i-.11A ,pojldos,c:<nu.JI\>. 11 , "'"'· I0-2'152 O.K. -!45;0111. b!Uno, 4d:llllo ........ '11' Ill!' .. --. IJou•ll:rl&I .. ..w.. '1111. FUU. PllD. I BR. l ., \I bllc, .. l:eotb. i BR d•ptu Wlfllrntll:olL. .... -. llN!l6l tuAA ...... prlvtu ... So. O:llt;' 11\.N•L Bk. --Ill 8o. . Collt, ... -..... ,,., .... er,&,""" or .. lr~!IO Jaa..,.,1t1ifiYO-. llOnco· w"-lh. Gld,anly. ,:IJ9E.1llll, ...... QoWllll, ll$ If, llt-. '... •. _.llWtll .... -' ~· 115 ... -·-... , l.A .. (:1111-· ' I I I I I I I I 1 OAJLY PILOT • ..-Fiii., l'!llC' , ~ \ \ Mondiy, Stpt~mbtt 22, 19'9 BUSINISS eM aui1NESS 111<1 ,f'INANCIAI. . , flNANCIA~ _ i ' CHRtSTMAS OEALElS I j When You -~ """"""' °"'""· "'""-~ ~"'% $9tll.CA5HIN1lESTMENTCOULD MAKE ~ 114i , '(OU..$500f 9.R MOftE CHRISTMAS PROFIT. • Wont it done ' right ••. Do 11 ·all In 1'ov. • Dec .• 1>((\er ni>w for l!ul ••· • a Dofitt~a10 lectlon llt dellyery ~Best locaflon~. 1 · ' -• -We 'be!p qllal!llM parties~ ffud 'temporary· sale! . Coll one of t~ experts, listed below!} llABYSlnER Matonry, llrick 6t30 ,,,,,._ 1o1y "°"" Unlvendty RICHARJ) AUtN ~ ~ ~~:.:: ~ ~ t , •• locations (2 ~ontru). Includes all mercha9dise, y ALLEY displays; signs & pricing. Custom & S,.nl1h BABYSITTER 1 di,)' a wetk :~ t.11'\UC:JJ: Fa•! cash ~ ~rry sales! 'Holiest ne-: 11 n es I f,11~" '"~" ,.,,_ Ever.YbOdv btJys our goods for Christmas. IN· ' Ir . .>• VES'l'!Gt.1'E 'NOW! You'll re a 11 y make big SlllVICl-OlllECTORY ANNO!JNCEMENTS. ind NO.TJ<;!IS . SERVIC&,OIRECTORY SEllViCE QIREj;TORY Muonry A Spocloltyl ,., 2 oma11 boY~ my borne Block, Brick, Ccinc:rete Munl Bch.. !Q-7544 FrM Eat. ~S.UfJ BE a wife and mother first. , Parl time or full time, no ACREAGE money 1as1. 1 WHOLESALE PET COLLECTION Phone (7141 968-7373 -10 to 5 daily ~1perhlngino exp nee. Highest income •-b 1 55 G1rdenlng 66IO rafntl 6850 wilh JUdy Let, sponsor ot u. Yl!fflnt J. 6 0 -'-';,;.;;.;....c;:.;.... __ _:;:.:; ___ "9.,:.. ____ .;_ !\Ills ~a It f t1r11. I a. Ao CITY OF 100 LAKES NEWBERRY SPRINGS MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE 20 Miln East ot Bantow on fitenill)'. Elev. Dll ft. Near Like Uireen. Wonderful land b apricots., alfalfa. nut tree irow\ng, f1sb ral.slur. horse nndl, boa.tin£ etc; etc; CHILO CARE Exp'd JaPIJ'lt8e·Gardenet. PAil\"TlNG Int A Ext Lowest fkll~, no collt'ciions ot Complete yard aerv:h;.~. Investment.. Q.Jl U lo S ~ oowr Poodle, AKC. 1 Uttle airl, aa;e 2\ii to :I tree eathn&te. 546-1333 conSa_tt:~-~-~ lnl.,,· PM only. 842-7862 · US E R-·-~ --. Al .. i .. ..-.. le &. com-... ...., •-· """"' '"--~------Bus. n.........-ltlot 63GO B IN SS end ·•~•. 1617 Tustin Ave, .--• ~"-TREE "'"""'· --...i ·-~ J '-· w--•-~u.. " ...,..._., ,.,, •-" ' panloft lot my ' y~ar olcl .. ~... ~.,..,... WJ --.. .,,.,.. FINANCIAL c.M. ~~"" . • . • ncl·~~ •"'"'"" Ro.,tt11 • "'rinkler ' n•.•pr Ass·1st FAMOUS ---augbter. Meala I """"'· aerv. 646-6141 NT & Ext, ave~e 3 br IHUl 1 BRANO NAME Mort--, T.O!a 6345 COCK-A,.POOS, l gray/blJr. N""' M•gnolla & Edlnv.• 00 • bse. laW only M.SO $350 up CANDY ROUTES -•-o!Jlrr ~ ptlppJ. Vie Baker Fountain VallC!'y area. $15. CLEAN.up SPF.clALISI'! 642--0456 after :I p;m. Now available in Costa P.fMA CONSI'!lUCTJON Mone YI .,;&;,~£~:,;·,;C=.M;;·;,;~~;1~4'~= I ·='=wee="""k.:.Call=c,"~'-·718l~ . ...c.·~= Mowtoa, ~ odd joba. PAlNTING .t pa~. ~~d.°'i!=U le man,y other 1owns in tllil availal.ile for lr.come pro---CHILD Care. M)' home. \Vill Reuo.t:lable. MS-6$.S Rruonable. 25 yn exp. Person-I •--y area. Al.I Jocalionc att com-duci.nc pn:i~rty. Foreign A PersoMll 640S take infant or up lo l yean. JU.1'S Gardtnh1g I: lawn Germa.ri skills. 6t2-131l 1716 ~~-A~ .. S::ite c merclal or factory. Very domeliUc. Motels. Nitrsini WANTED• Have fenced yard and )1,1 mat~.· Res. &. Com. lost 64111 high earnirgs. no selling in-Homes. Sbopplna: Centers. • old child. Location bct1vcen mert'ial * 540-483? NEED PAINTING? C.M. 642-0026, S4>0079 .. •-• Ranch LaDd, lm· wived. To qualiry you mus! 0' f I c e B 11 i I d I n &: • , Overweight L.dJes Fai.rvk-w & S u 11 f J 0 we r * Ex-~ J Call UJ! Rellable Sen•ice w/ BOOKKEEPER iood typ-~ ... Wl'nt modem f ,BR be reliablt a-have l hr a Apartments, etc. Writ. or J \fant 10 women wbo-al\!: lO ~ FINEsfWOR:= Quality at its tM;•t. at the ing, lmmedi~le openlng. ranch house 1~, Uv rm, day ~ time (days or c:a11 Title Realty 4 pounds or more overweight EXCEl..LENT Care for )'Olli" · most ret:'-'°nabie p1i~1. The Newporter. Mt". Tharp .._ _ _, 11'1 .. ~ b alU st eves) lNurance CClmi-ny, 21:1 to t.ake ~ Jn aroup weight child? My home in HtJ Sch. Free estimates. 5481002 615--0271 ' ucam~ c:e .... 16• re a Sl20o 0 t J3l50REQUIP.ED Clark Bu.ild1na:, Bmn-loss Pl'Oltam ol tpeclalized Haulln1 6730 rm.; kitchen. modern balh I: I . q.._.. , ___ ..__ '-ham, A, la~' ,,.'JI'\, ttducl ... All lnq•ln'•s --'=Call=~llQl.<=='=46~_,,,-.,.,--.,.-~AINTING, Papel'ina 16 )Tl. BABYSITTER from CdM -.1 •• -.. 1-.. Tank house en-nquire a.,.,..t Ollr "u'l:'I< ...... us '"6 .,.._ ....... r ; YARD/ 1 m Harbor area. Lie. A ~-· r rout plan" "f i.. ""''"' fu. Phone (205) 251 • fldentja), Ask far Mrs. Thom. BABYSJTI'ING My home:, Pl' c tanup, Remcw bond~ "-f #,,_ ... ., _u area only, 2-6 PM, for 1 boy . ... 1...-. 1000 pl plv. Ito,,.· e • "a""e .1v~ • tree · d'... •~~ ~ n.c ll ,,...,. .,......6.>JQ ~,.. ture Sf'cure with L18 a Dunn 1-.000 ·~TD 00 U.000 ,.. as 537-54.12. Mesa de! Mar. Any ~e '· ivy, "" trac..,. i~~E· ~;;·:iiii;' ~;:=i;;'J,5',.<d~ay~w~k~. ·~~~~~-~ .. e tank under 4!i lbs pres-' . •J ~· I -• ••• •~3 backhoe, -de 962-87•~ •FOR Bet'-n..•-11-I llW't. With double: gar. con-&: Bradslreel rated !S'ahonal fl. brick cornmerc. bld&. In * we como:u .... v-.JUU h''" ..., . u::r ,....,, '11i• n-Bi\BYSIITER. tile hskpg. 2 CT"ete septsc tank. all elec.. Co. For mort' intonnauon Orang• countY, on long Don'ff. -i;:xp-~.D~,~lU-ld--....,-~,.-m-,· 1 CLEAN UP & lite ma...me terior & exterior, acou1ttc hild 5 l 4 5 d wk s tip pum.p,J301 Pl ptr iPln send i_irune. &ddreSl &. phone term leased land. Payable lovely home, $75 mo-Mon Tree 4"\brub remou.L ceilings_ 646-4077 &: 541.JSO'J ~n ~:nsp. 96s'.-1&20.lll' · at 80• depth. 'JmJ>rOvements: 1.0. to. ROUTE DEPT, P.O. $750 mo. incl 10'/o, all dues lhru Fl'i, 646-5537. Reasonable:. 549-1359 SUBURBAN PainUna:/Dec BAKERY. Semi-retired man Fenetd wtth l" by.6' x 300 ft Box s,, Pomona. caIU. 91709 yn:-Rental inc. fZ400 mo.: Call ut U you alill believ~ In BA e y s ITT 1 NG: My HAULING, cleanup, lots etc. ·Expert Guaranteed .Work to do cleamqi .,110rk in redwQOd fen~. 7 Miles Ea.st AAA CANDY SUPPL y 21v."c discount. Broker cave style datiae. Newport Heightll home. Aa:e Handyman anytime )'OU call Fn:. ~:· :!a11.)o~ara:e: bakery. days. Apply Trot· of IChool. S76,000. ROUTE 491-1210, ORl\NGE CO. S41~· 11-' to i;,;. Call ~1289 **642-3398•• ' · 1er'11, 234 Foftst Ave, {NAME BRAND CANDY) lSI' 'rt> on white water v~w 24 Kr rtccm:ilng . \lflLL Babys.it )'OUt bOme by CLEAN-Up and light roov-C I: S Painters .. Int-Ext. Laguna Bch. Or will subdivid• 10 e~tJI all improve1T1ent1 $55,000 or 30 •cr'es un· improved . $21,000. 40 % Down. Bal•rice on "1st trUst deed. COURTESY TO BROKER. WILL NEGOTIATE! CALL 147-6640 AFTER 6. ..,. . E.'1'.clting work rtlilUng I: lot ln J..a&una Beach. M.000 PALM • Card Reading; the week. You fuml&b ifii. Call Dave: House " a.pis, No job too>l--"-------- colll!ctinf money from coin at S60 rno. incl.. 9r;I., alJ due Advice ."-help on many traJllportatioii.. 642·1407 * 893-429ii * lilnall. 675-2$5 aft 5. Banking •P'rall!d dlspo~ Jn """''" 3 years. 12% Di11COUnt. matt.en.' Fu.Uy lic'd, Open ..::.==;;;,,;=----1----=='----~Pl'l •·-91 do IJ·y l O am 1 Op m ----------Plasterino . Repair 6880 aru. Must be able: to devote l=~=B-rok="-='=·121~0-= -· :! to 8 hrs,... week to makl! ~"<Nin BLUE OUP 2nd TO. 7131697-9272. ne W. W}iit· Brick, MAsohry, ,tc. Houuclunlng 6735 e PA.TOI PLASl'ERING. ~ tlu Blvd, La Habn. Next 6560 very a:ood income. No se:!J. ~'i' dilc. Sea80Md 3 yrs, to l.a.H.ebra Wtl.lk m theatre. ---------H 0 U S EC L E A N 1 N G l AD typJ&. Free estimate. lng lnvolv~. Joe apl. complex. 6'1!1 <7o qrtly, BUILD, Remodel, repair. General Maintenance. cau Call 54G-Q:25 PROOF OPERATOR • $995 to $3,980 required 3 yn due. M4...f265 LICENSED Brick, block. concrete, anytime, &ood refs, reas! I=========: I fBased on part or tull Urn<') Sph1tual Readings, advice carpentry, m jOb too small. I,::......,...::..:::;: ______ Plumbing 68~ UNITED CALIFORNIA For .pe;rsonal inlerview in on llll matt~n. 312 N. El Uc. c.ontr. 9(i2..ffit5 CARPETS, Windcw.'S, Ors, BANK )'Out' an?t. send name, ad-Money Wa~"·::'::.od::__::.63::5::0 CaminO Re:aI. Sat Clemente etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt PLUMBING REPAIR dress & Phorle no. lo: 492-91Jfj, 4~9507 k R Ref 548-4 1 No job IQD small ztz Ocean J ·1e. CRANS-WESTERN DIST, CO, $2500 Needed! Return $5000 '7.",_,_A_,M,_-'"C10.,....P_M~--r ~~~';:;de"~-----6_s_1_0 WOI' eur s. 11 . • . Lagun• "·a·h UM. in 90 day&! No risk!.64&-J.ZM .-. II WOULD ••• ~,,, .. , I will 00-:3218 • """ .. """" No. AtUS& Ave. -Attractive Ex,...rt ""' • ~ Covina Calif 91722 day or ew ,..... * Room .AddlUOns clean your home tor Blue • . YOUNG W~ * Apartments & Units Chip Stamps'! 897-7350 R~~l~palr, 6940 BEAUTICIANS. femalt, lo , PARTNER ANNOUNCEMENTS dancer wW teach you all *Custom Homes* Kitchens "BA=Y'-&'°"'"-=-cl>.c.,,Clc.;_.:..=-0 _-.· lcARPENTRY, pain 1 in <, \\'ork evenings&. Sundays in Exch•ngu, R. E. 6 230 ~maC:nt: a=: 6i0: inCt HOTIC __ E_s____ J~tU~t ~~ <'fiOA~Mell * ~i!~d!:~~'~:~~;: Carpets~ wlnd:;:mg~~ J\Unor plumbing repaln. ~~ar M:~~ bs'::o~.e ~~ Arken1e1 For N•wport ty area. Factory direct found (frH Ad•, 6400 YOUNG 55 yr man, iee'ks Pacific (o.tst Build•rl etc. Res Ir Commc'I 646-1401 Mobl!e home tt(>B.in. 546-6215 portun!ty for top earnings WIU · lti\de 2U acres on wboleU.le:. retail outlet. Out. \l.'Oman far comp an i 011, 2,135 I:.:. Coast Hwy. WINDO\VS DIRTY? or 64&-1824 w/paid ~·acation. A pp I y beautifuJ Lake Hamilton, ies: Supe1viskln & lnveiitncy bNE Boys & one girls 2 could lead lnto marriage. C.Orona de! Mar 67s.7191 Johnriy Dunn your local BUILD. Remodel, Repair J\lgr. Crowning Gloty Beau- Hot Spri~s. Ark. for contra. Thorough training. "'heeler bikes. Vic Villa Write P.O. Box 1051. S.A. se.rvicc. Free est. 6t2-2Z.64 Brk-k, block. concrete, ty Sa.ton, 267 E. 17th St., .. h ~ 11· 000 in ,,,_, Call REM 0 DEL-Additions-Ca~ 11 Newport ac 1 ..... .,.. •• y. a, vestment reqUJ.1.=, NoYa,· C.~1. to identlty. WANT 10 share ride ,.,__ I---------crpntry, no job too~~·=·"' ..:c _.•_1. ______ _ Hal Ewry, 351 S. Van Neu, sccured. Salary $27j + eqUll) I '"OI0-4~;;'8;:1'=---.,-,-,-~-lnel!-Block lence&"VJl"'rete Lie c.ontr ~1 • , .:L.:_::•::·•::cal=iL:..::OOOO=l'-. ---I share ot pro!IU. Should re-BLACK p-~ pe-,·an kllle• NPaaa~·latesa, dare• Calli o wurk.. 642-98521 .. r..:•,;;•.;;ln..!g:_ ____ 6::7.cc:5S . ' B t KIN I Barmaid/dancer. •· tum $25,00J fint year. Your ... , Po•• 8_,_ "• uo:na, a)'S. -S 6960 1''ull or part-time. Co6.la ..i .. kl 1 H~ lion 1 found 1924 rt ~ ... 101 642-9887 DROP Clothez off! Will '°''"w";°"""'-----'--'" ?iiesa R. E W ' _, 6240 most •Ill fT\lts.'fia n-C'-·'e NB "'" •••g ==,.-~-~~---I C -to Ing 6S~ w••• fold & ·,...._ "" -. an cu vlte!d. RefttencHe:xehallgtd. l'°;,=:;:z:.,• ;,;;:· ::·..:•.;c--~~C,--'"C BLIND, d ls ab I e d , sep-.o.,;.••;.,•=-"-'-'--'"-----Y" ""'" " .,...,.....,...,, • Dreumak1ng. Alterations 646-7301 Jo'or personal interview phone BOY'S Bilce vie GOO!e.nwest tugenarian vet ieeks ha!>" CARPENTRY afier 6 pm Special on hems. Boat St-rvle!' WANTED : Comme:rc. bldg. n41539-5600. k Warner, H.B. CaU to piness. 968--78.17 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job * 646-6446 * FOREMAN on Coast if"''>'· Corona del --'-'-"'-"=-----identll)' 842-3738 . "ALCO'--H-O_U_CS--.---.. m-o-., -Small. ~bioel ID 1 ..... J•nitori•I 6790 Alterations -642·5145 Immediate openi~ &: excel. ~Mar area. Broker &U-Q23. HAVE &tab. amut}tt'Cial .--,.,, ,..,.. .._. -- bosiess lit'r. ivlth over ro WHITE female •apanlel, vie. Phone 542-7217 o.· write to q:ea & o t be r cabinets. DUTCH Malnt Se:rv. erpt Neat, acc:ura1e, 20 yellrs e:Xp. lent opportunity for indi· Accountants ' Executives LOl'.Al JOBS MEN 100% FREE! Acct /Sy1tem1 $14 • $16,SOO \\'ork "'1th EDP Prorrammers * Acct Sr. $10.S2t,OOO For expandin& CPA firm * Sr Program Analy1t Min $21 ,000 * EDP Qper•tions Mgr $10,800. $13,000 * EDP Library Super $9600 * CPA $1J.$14.000 Corp lldqtrs of llnancial leasing: Co. * Acct Controller Slt,000 Prefer recent ttrtllication. f\1fg. Co. * Controller $9·$12,000 J\1fg. Co. * CPA/Acct to $13,000 Opportunity with Eleclronics Co. * Atst Controller $9600. $12,000 * 2 Jr Acct Trainees $600 . ~so * A/ R Billing Mgr to $12,000 Exp EDP & Acctg. ISUSINESS •nd beautiful a:irls. Need active Victoria &: Pac\Uc Sireeta.. P.O. Box 1223 a.t. tafesa. MS-8175. u no answeir-.;Jeave clng, fir waxing, window vldual with all around yacht FINANCIAL backer ID' expand. Good Leather oollar .. 642-3843 GENTLEMAN lo serve your msg at 646-2372. H; O. 11·ashlng, Harry van Beynen ,T.;l;:L;:E:..• ..;C;;:•c:,ra:;Mc::;i<:__,._6:;;9;.:..74 maintenance, b~tallation & * BEAUTJrin bl .. Tom cat, parties &: clean up. ,(1) Ander.son 537-1508 Uno ans caU aft l. V ~-'NI u~~ repair exp, A ihty to oper-lenns. For detaill! Box ..-.. ...., '6 1'18-283J , * erne, 1uc e: ........, * ate shop machinery. Super-Accts Pay Super to But. Opportunities •300 P685, 0&11y Pilot bl~ck w/some grey. Vl!f)' QUALITY Repairs -Altera-SPARKLE JanitorlaJ & Win-Cust. work. Install I: repairs. visory exp neeeuary, goo:! FRANOtisz: No rood l!xpef. TRAVEL AG~CY for We, ·friendly. CaU-lil62 •• tklns -New const. by hour dow cleaning Serv. Win-No job t0o small. Plaster per!Onallty, neat. Refs ttq. $12,000 nee. ·. in Newwrt Beach, y,·eU BLACK Cock-a~, with Announcements 6410 "°':,:""o;""""o-.:;':c",:&16-"-"c,"c."~'~" dows, resld., eontcl, cons!. paten. Lea.kine sho1ver Salary&: benetitsxlnt. Wrile * • Mµ LTI PLY e.stabli.shed. ex c e 11 e n t collar. 9wner Pif,ela!m 3008 :.:;;;.,;;c:;.:;;;c:;;,:.::;;:__,.....:..:.;,; REPAIR, Parlitions Small Cleanup. Free l'!llt. 968-2691. repair. 8'17-1957/846-0206 P.O. Box :2328 NB or call rt"putatlon. Hold! all ap-Roya) Palm Or. 51&'.-8961 Grand Opening Remodel, etc. Nlte or day, ESTATE Malut Tree Serv T,·,·~·~S~e~rv:!~l<:!• __ J.6'~1~0·i.Mo;'r;' 'iG-.•re";.,, .. >Di'~,,",,;..,, ... I Planning Mgr to $15,000 • CAPITAL pointments. Owners moving. GREY rabbit MQ-.6146 or Reas! Call KEN Mo-t6'19 Removal & trimmlnp, free ·-BOAT CARPENTERS Exp in bu5ir;ess expan- Dynamic Co. aomblnlng hest $28,IXXI. 714/673.:-1718 eve!, ,,_""""".,:,,"""~~---~~ A d REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS estimate, t:all Ml-0088. GENE'S TREE SERV: Experienced Large custom featun:s ol fast food field as •LIQ. LIC'S. 'Qrv.nge, San WOMENS glasse~ vie. K: ca 8~Y '" CABINETS. Any size job B~Tbe :-:~ tr~s I shrubbcl')' removed, col'llltructlo~. Top \vages. sion -mlg. never donl! before. Dleeo f12:S:O ' on sale:: Marl atore, C.M. 642-filOl of PhysiO Th8rapy 25 yn. exper, 548-6713 trimmed, hauled aw a Y \Vil.LARD BOAT \Yorks * High I I ' 110 000 U --• r-• WINS. ~9-1359 1-""~ Baker St., CM est IU'll c. ITYCllmen.... . o ewe . ......,J I-'---------sauna ' massagl!, 6 female ~"" to-proUt raUo. We pro11ide TON collect <213) 272.-049 tech, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, Cement, Concrete 6600 PLANNlNG BOYS 10 • 14 the customers via maastve '='=='l'=AILS=,...c•""~°"'1a:......,...~. L_oa...;...1 ______ 64_01 255 Thalia, Suite C, Lllguna Uphol1tery ____ 6_990_1 Carrier Routes Opea TV ads, you own the ht.a. old established. ln Industrial wsr Jn HunUngtoo emst, Beach. 494-1313 e CONCREI'E work a 11 JO RfMODfll, CZYKOSKl"S Cust. Uptol. !or mt keep !he proUta. area. &acb town. 644-2100 H.B. my baby kitten, lialt I SUN SIGN ASTROUXIY types. Pool d«.ka A: c.'Wllom. European Craftsmanship La;t1na Beach, So. l...quna $5 Invested in compelitor'1 aft 6 pm. pepper, tiger stripe, "''ilh dtwles. Register "°'"· Call 548-1324 !00% fin! SU.-l4S4 DAILY Plt.m ope-. 1966 worth over SlOO =e°"EA=trl'Y=-aa'°lon-~in~Lago,---na--:Nie. pawa & ch e St· Beginners -AdV8.l'IC'l'd. CEJ\IEMT WORK, no job too 1831 Newport SI., C.M. 642-4321 lo;day .. We expect even bet-Beach. Veey nloe. Small. ~ to '' P •a•••, ' ' Call . lhe Sun Sign, 6T'Xi661 amall. reasonable. Free .wr. well-established. Law down p1eue can ·Vick)' 96&-3229. days or 6'5-2140 aft. 6. e£tlm. H. Sru!lkk. 548-8615 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ·approx Sl'2,000 lsecuredl pymU '94-4698. 49f...513l. L\DIES 'IVallet. Vic Center TRAbE 2400 sq rt business Job Wanted, Min 7000 + hard wont + abl.llty to C t Cl t 6625 control your employ~1 un. i ---------St, CM or~ Ave., Laguna rcntdl: office or retail sOOp •rpe ean "9 der ou.11 direction. Simple op. Money to Loan 1\320 Beach, Fri 8/1. Valuable for 2nd TD's. lll·lll 62nd CARPET A :rum. cleaning: J\~k T~~= ~. ':~:~ era.lion. 1---'---'-----pap• r a. Reward. 4199-2369 St, Npt Bch, owner. 1213) for 1 day !lelVlce 4 quality 1 Get In at slaJ:t for lower ail 6. 244-3101, eve (213) 246--0700 work, call SIC'rllna: for tgUan:I. .1 A t'! x • n de r in~sJ .• choice terrlt .• hiab· 2nd TD Loan l.Ost Dia SoLltaire engage-brtgbbftli! 6'J.8S20 ' 6T..-fi099 est yield. JTient ring, South Coast Cemetery Lott 6411* -'-D,!'lC,AM~O'°N~D~S~.,..--""-.""""-,-, Job W•ntecf, INVESI'IGATE OTIIERS Prompl. confir'.entlal servlCc? Plaza Sept. 19th nc1va1-d , Women 7020 *BUSBOYS N.lG!ITS It WEEKENDS Se•food Rett•ur•nt APPLY lN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE Office Services Mgr to $12,000 Exp supervising etc * Credit Mgr to $12,000 i\lanulacturing Credit Background * Manager to $15,000 1-loving t.. Slnragc Co. Supervise. 20 ' FIRST 642-2171 54S.O.•l 838-7450 2 OR 4 lots Pacific View b)' quality, sa are y,·e. 'F • • S l\femorial. Improved, Bay DIAMOND CARPET ~~ ,!~!.~~"~~) art.on 213/ ~rvtnE: Harbor area 20 yrs. L&:e llUl.\! Ger Shep w/CG1.le1·. view terrace. $Jj() ea. CLEANERS 64.5-1317 anytime 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Be•ch ~-------.!" v.u"OOUu lH. •u-:'I. An P:<ecu· S•ttler Mortg•g• Co. t.!ed male blk Pull w/ collar 673-7506 live wW return )'our call. 338 E. 17th Street Vic HtJ Harbour 1213)592----------C•rpet L•ylng • CANOY SUPPLY PRIVATE ~ ... , avan·ble -5969, (213JW-93ll col. 4 LOTS in Blue Spruce sec-Re~lr .,.26 r u '"' t!on. Harbor Rest Memorial =======~===·I I ROUTE It'll" TO 91!1CUred k>an al-dis-LOST vtc. l&th &. Park. C.M. Park. 543--3075 AFFILIATE counted TD'L send detatls Black kitten w/Oea collar; FOR CARPETING <No Selling lnvoivttil·· to : Dafly Pilot Box M-lttl "Judy." 67J..7a> or 613-9187 6450 OR CARPET LAYING oellent 1.ncome fdi' few DAILY Pfim DIME-A· Reward.I I ~L-"ag:.a.,_l_N""'ot.,_l-' ... "------I C. A. Page £.12.2070 houn v.·et!kly v.·011< (Days or _ _. .. , """lngsJ. Relilllng &: col-LINES. You can me them REWARD \Vhlte Parakf'Ct. I .\VllJ.. not bl! respoua ..... e: Electric.I 66'40 lectina: money from coin fo1 just pennies a d&¥. Dial banded, ~1 vk: ·fi!O Blk for any debts olbe:r than "'1 ELEffiiCOJii:-licented, operated dispensers In Colla PILOT Clual.fted ad. JumiM. CdM. MS.-0017 o"'>n. James J\Iichael Fox bonded, small )obi, malnt 1 fofe1a I SWTOOnding area. Asph•lt, Oils 6520 repairs. ~ W. nt:. route. 1Handle1 name brand candy 1 mackll $15Ta. Cash required. ' For · ptt!IDl"lal interview in C.O.ta ?.Ina uea, aend name. addreu & phone number' to Multi-State Inc., 9lSi E. Imperial Hwy., ~. c:aru. 90l42 (2U) •111-GSTJ. LITE MANUFACTURING ?'I"< ---'ml ......... 11111 tDM, 1111s••t1 • man • ....,. .. a ...... c:l)rOUr :-.11or ......... l'GOO fn. ................ "'1 ............ , ... ~ +dc!Wldla. i • CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Men of women to re1toc~ new typ• coin dl1pen1•r• --:Ith high que.fity p•ck191 c1ncfx p>odoch. NO SELLING! DEPENDABLE PERSON ·CAN EARN UP 1'0 $800.00 A MONTH. Pert or fYll time potitlons ne1cfed '" •r••· Requires ~1 r,6icdi•"9e of r1f•renc11, fl450 to S2990 e•sh, secur•cf by inventory •nd equipmlflt. Writ• for p1r1on1I interv1tw, givint phon• • nwnber to: Strefetic Fr•nchlset O.pt. t9 5Jl South 2nd w .. 1 ~n U.b Cily, Utah u101 SEALING • PATCHING Residential • Indus • Cbmc1 Compl rea.s sel'\'. Currently engaged by City or C.M. tor street rtstnratlon. NAro CORP. Gen'I COntraclon GJ8.S8l8 ••••••••• NOW'S THE TIME FOR ' QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Floo,.. 6665 Corpot Vlilyl Tllo AU llQ>ies ,.,"'(( colo~ Free est. Lit. contr. 541). 7262 54M418 'Gerdenlnt ANTHONY'S 644-4860 6610 The Beat. eoats ._, morel Experienced 1.1alnWIWICI" Bodcet Lanci.capiq Graduate JIGl"ticufturlat COMPLETE · y A.RU MAINT. Sprinkler inlt&lled It repAlr- ed. New lawns, clunups. Montbb' ~rvlce. ...... ,, NEW La w u a rc-eeedlna. Com.plete lawn catt. dean Up •by ~ or monltL P"rft atlmatu. C.U -6&0932 AL"S GardenI,. It Lawn Main~nance. Commercial, lnd....W • ruldentlal. * 646-3629 • BUSIEST marketplace tn ti:iwn.. Thi DAD. Y Pllhr OUaifled section. Sav. ••••••••• =.y, -• '"""· Look ·------------ I ,. . : : . ., I "' RHd Clo1111lutlona 650o.+900 In the DAILY PILOT ' For Expert Ani1tanu TYPING MY J{OME IBM SELECTRIC CANVASSERS ""=A=ll=S='='°='·o,;mO,. ="•""""""'== f!IAKE $50.00 A DAY. l\1AKE • $100.00 A DAY • MAKE Job Want~ Mon A Woman 7030 COLLEGE STUDENTS AVAILABLE for all type• of work. Part time. Call: Southern Californie College MORE. HELP GIVE AWAY RO WATER. Call Harry Ward Gray U4/6U-6861 10 am.J pm TIIE LINDSAY CO. CASHIER-HOSTESS Neat llPPl!arina;, 18 to 40. No experience: ntCe.saary. Apply In pel'IOn. Student Employment Service, BOB'S BIG' BOY KI 5-1178 J54 E. 17th st. QIINESE live-In, Domt1Hc. Costa Mea Permanent Expe:~.,.._ Cashier, Biiiing (Jerk Far East Agtney 60-8'll3 ' J to $400 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 ~~=n!~~1;'ine loc. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ' cutter -Basin -Squaw - Excise -SQUARE! Ever hear tlle one about the hippie canalbal T He H.tl tttrl!e: SQUARES a d.ay. ANSWERING Sel'Vk!f_ Op1~ ator. Experienct prtfe:rrtd. but will train. • I • Stl)...aJ6I • • * ASSEMllLERS * E:xperk'nca M:lpJul V_ALOR ELECTRONICS 540.9l$1 JASON BEST EmpJoymenl Agency 2UO So. Main. Santa Ana CHECKER Ol'ERATOR Ult to 91achinln1. small atalnlea ated parts lo do. toltn.nce1. Able to 'do own ll!t\IPf desittd. Call Shelli. Hickman ......... " GULTON lNOUST'RIES 164.f Whittier A.1.-e. a.ta ,.. C&llf. F.quaJ oePQrtunU:y emplO)'t'r APPRENTICE in OULD care:, lWbor vn PHARMACEUTJCAL plant &reL 1 need a ~ who lcs.mln& tndt. ~ for would provick "~e:rq" appt car1 for dUldRn aae 12 • -"''-~BAB=Y~SJ"'1"'1"'m~--I JJ 'who. '"°""' _.. in Houee.keeptt. U1.-e II\ SlOO P'aade.na. &H-2300 aft 7:30 per mo. J\hllt ha1.-e refl. p.m Call aft 6 I ll'knds. 968-2393ICh-~l-ld-C.:-re------ PLANN1NG ttt cnow1' You'll PLAYR00~1 •lltndlnt ovtr find an arn&&1ni number of 21 . Pwt time rictdl!d ln1- homet tn toct.y•1 Ouslfied med. c.lJ RaJ Randall Ada. Q>ecJc fl>ea> --96>-m I Repuloble Co's, long range programs, Co. Benefits. Our serv· ice established over 20 years is 100"/, free to men. Your inquiry & record is confidential. Superior Agency E1toblilhacl 1946 1857 lf arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa c.n for eppolnfment 642-7141 " I I I .. , ; .. • . ~~===:!:!~~==·!!!!!!==: +;~.·~·=·:::· ===·=~==·==!:=-Fiiil:!ii .. _. .• "ii·~·-·i!i·m·~·~ ·'1 ··=·~ ..... .,.~·!!'Si ·"1·=·····=11'!'!··=.; ~-~i·=··1·'""!!ii"l"~1=·=~=·===·===·=== .....,, ..., ... ~,,, i,;.. ~ J l .. -1· j •' 0 -,. ... " I -0 --••. '_, ii .. , _,,_ N. ~a· ·w-·.·I •.. -: ~ · For vour eonv•••nce.-AI •oa11ons o,,. ...... ARE LIS1ED A~-PHABETlCALL Y 1·N . ·. . , · CLASSIFICATION , ~7100 • , ~ 1 • 1 HPP WANTED ·(Men and Women> 'NEW! • ··.;i,!1.)il. 1 ~ _ 1 -.y_ ·• , -;,,.I • ~\l Mor~· H•lP Wo•t•d Joas ·& ~~OYMl!fr JO\s & ~Pl..OYMINT Jolls & u.l!!Lo!Ml;_NT .IOU & " · ' ~-;('IENT '°''a WLOYMINT 1ois & iMJ!LoYMINT Joas & WLOYi'Jll!!! _.,. ~~ on-I'<~ Pog1 Jolll fi\.... ~-7100 Jobi Mtn. Wom.. 7100 Jobe .Mon, w,....,nl!loJ~ A,.,., Wllil. 7100 1ioW ;;;;;:_w.;.... 7100 J~.,;-;;\.-;;:w.;.,,_ 7ioO Joh 6'/,; ... 'n1t.1ili' ·Moh~ 7lll ,JOBS& EMPLOYM~NT cuECK H' ER' E ' . ' 'IWIASEMert '!""~-.. ,,,_...liiiiii ~ ' ~obi Mari. Wom.'7100 DISPA~HER n . ., MACHINISTS ' -_....,., with ... RISl'AUIWIT,l'ART& l'ULL TIMI b..EANtNG IUy w a n t e d " day/wk. '2 hr • .ALSO 0i> : cuional overntgbt be.by1it· tu. FJ Toro, m-5591 CLEANIG woman 1 -day a wk. tar. ironing & i housedea'.nina:. After ~ . ..... TJ.14 Oer!< f'EMALE clerk. apply in ;~Drive-In Uquor, .. 706 Pt.clfic Coast H I i b w a y , , __ _ KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Swine shill 4:30 to l AM. One year Keypunch ex· perience deairable. COLLINS : RADIO CO. 19700 J•mboree Road Newport Beech Equal opportunity emplO)'er lin-j>roc1$1 I Requites one year of related experience with matntalnirw files and records in ncelV- ing, ........ and· ~tins engineering docume:nta: o~ erale multilltlt'm&chine for reproduction of plannlne and 1h0p orde:rt. WUI alao pe.r- form pl!!eventative m.'1nt~, anee on equipment, and oiv der necessary i;upplle, ind rep1Jlcement put&. O:intact or apply to; • ·Bert Mills (114) 54&-8CGO Ext. 153 Missile Systems Dlvlaion A nANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of the ""-hanna Corp. Dr•ftsm•n1Jr to $525 Fee paid, outstanding career IClerlcal:==------1 oppty, 2 yn coll, no e:qi ~ FINANCIAL Institution has a Also fee job, Call Arman, clerical need. Exp. as a ~5410 teller, new acoounts or loan JASON BEST ;depe,rt. helpful. Mum have Employinent ;\&:ency • a:ood. stable work back 2120 So. Ma.in, Santa Ana ·ground, lite typing, good at DRJ\Fl"SMAN _ St art i na :figure& and detail. Call 9/22 thr\l 9m, male ot Cl13) 67G--0150 f e m a le, -Moonllgbtet JC- • CLERK TYPIST ceptable. 64&-!l6ll ·Dictaphone, public contact.. iliiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii May be required to work , itilfts. Xlnt opportunity. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W. COa.st Hwy. Newport Beach 646-3939 Clerical NAT'L Co seeks girl 20-30 for Recep/gen ofc. 2 girl ofc, .37~ hr wk, 9-5 St sal $350 •mo. 646-0521 PIZZA MAN DRIVERS EARN . $2·$4 HR. WITH THE TRAINEE =~~"".:"!: BUS80YS . · · <Mull bo -rlon...i) . .-.. ~...... . . . . JOB. KINGS' Hone o-rator -tnlninc ,...,..,, A· Taub .... : .... w .......... ... · • r-.. .for a ....u..t .poottbl. ._.._ _..., lhi<o llllllWIQ M.ALE Our ~ M&nasemeftt )'tan~/ Grinder Operator Sr. ~~e: ~..:1or": llOS~ Cammercki( ocbodule ...... -""'the ond ......... -.. orsn••um IA best opportunlt)ri to dew}Op Appl)t ,at IWfl RtH•rch Ht!per1 $550 Mo. (Tr•lllMSJ Drill Pre 0 t quickly Into • riloponsll>le Sta FQt Inc. ss pera or -.u .. 1n 0onaomer ,,.. Mi s. -r. 11. COOKS L fl .,.,., . . ~ .< ..,... """ at e Operators :::!'"' .J:l!i°L~ ~oMEY...!'~·-· ~ ·-~· _... w -Al'PL Y IN l'lltlCN CADILLAC CONTROLS '='1-~·= :::..!!' : •• t!~~~ RIUllN. E. LIE S•les Tr•inff Dlvlston of Ex-Ciiio Corp. ea hMed. 00 )'Oq?' ~ ~ ~ Nt0a1• TIJ I-a #o_ ...... 11.1t.1 ISM Whlllief Ave., Cotta lleaa Illlh ICbool paduate ......... Fa1blo• ..... .::.·,.,.~~:!.~··r 2 ~ A: 1 totatln& ahltt, 2 years of collea;e chemistry. $100 wk qu.r•nt" · · -;: · Genual ~-.. of all " w.w-__... 646-2491 ·--~· .. ' ' OeM cut young man. '· PACIFIC FINANCE lllnoh. The,. 11 no ,.. in.j'l~~:::··j•!:!!!!r~ earn, while tralnina. An equal opportunity employer . ' ""'""' and ... ..._ ... • ~ , . tchool. We are In OW 1 -• • CHI Acct9 ' 171' N"'°" 81"1 -anll nwtitll\c ~ It lllipl-• , Clerk from $375 F•clwy TralnM1 UOVSEJ<;EEPER. live lo ""ta r.i..._ . bullnetl. Put --. ftlWPlll j ~Ill-· Some coat background. Production w.;.~... -..... N.B. "'°' 500 N. M&ln st.. Ellcoll•nt pay. p b 0 •• pellOlra COMTAL MINCY wllllng to grow with Many; availab\e. 2 teenqvs. Worn.an with 1 Santa Al)a 6354D>·Arlibe1m •MN'V A mtmW:,, ' company. -male &: fffnlle amt child ok. ~ Qnder .... -, Snelhnl • ......_ Ille. Jr •-ct 10 •-lnda,.......,t • ; «I. 1;,i1-1«111 j';qual 0,~ ... ,,, -·•--MOTHERS H!1LPER 9SS DOV!R ·DIUVJ: mo H""" lllL ':¥--~ ..... Ptroonnol Aeoncw ff 0 u s EKE E p ER. 2 ..... -· _....,,... lleulllrolll ..... De<do ..... NEWl'ORT BSAOI ·'"'I -' FamUlarlty with cost l71' °"""' AW., &>! .. C ~ prlv. •P~ °"" MAIDS """' ...... ,. botper. P1tu-M2-#lll . POLIC.IWOMIN ~r::ii:: procesatng d&-CM 6fJ.0026, ~ Mtsa. 6'15-0310 ot ~ni'I. FULL-Time, resort hatef,. ant condiliona & aUl'l'O\mlS. A/P Clerk te SIOl IPP* FULL-Time . maldl, ,._ HOUSEKI!lEPER, liw , In. Laauna lleacb • .,._11911 "-9. Call Mucle mo993. Ao '-llont"""" tor a tmt. $111 to $1M ..... -"'· Aut Parts & Service hottl, Laguna Beach. Prtv. nn .ti be.th. 2 children. MAJ'.D, Full or part Ume, MO'IllERS HELPER, fes' tXDtl' Yount 1acf¥ to wtft It Wrltor to $6GO .... IU6 Fbi Vall. 81$-7254 11.85 hr, 6 """'wlc.J.quna mo. of Nov (beby .... ) • with o ,..... tnt.lllitnl $754 to=1' '""""' Would like aome parts General HOUSEKEEPER .. Uve _in, Shont Motel. 49M531 !~ ~';"d boy. lJw in, refs. i!'OUP-fer all ~ ex~rience or service • CABINET ASSEMBLERS bch &reL profl!Sll, cpl, 16 yr Ma1nttnanoe ~ 1 Inc Secty S651 1 IPP M•lrlft ' &t.a:Uon. e METAL BODY CU'ITERS dau&hter. 673-4091 eves. -NEWSPAPER dtUen fer Secftta'7 to tbt PNa. (l.t,. • e ELECl'RJCIANS -WATE!! & SEWER Herald l!:xamlMr Oil -.,_ °"') m\111 bave -C:ITY·Ofi • CARPENERS • MAINTE"•"CE delivery In 0.... c.untJ cxper, NIWl'ORT l•Utt Balboa Motor Homes * 0 S """" "l'L Bond dePGllll ,.. L ... I Seely $500 _..,_,. Brown & Sharpe 30'!0 Pulljnan, c.M. H U EMAN * MAN qulnd. E • r n tn 11 ap. Callt '"" pnt t>r 2 ,..... -. """""' w.;i-.,'JI Machlno0porto$4hr. ---~'-'-"""'"'---CITY OF -lely $SIO -· •-YL tlonil61!"*'by:~· ~ Muat •P<alc -wrtl• eo. Pk.al 6!'IO Al..,. Soc/Sales Aloi $17S lllWftlleo or _,_ · ' Do own ,., •P"· General NEWPORT B.EACH Blvd. -Pull. ll'I' ,,..,,_to tlto· • M•chin. Oper•for1 C:e: = 1:.,/t: C:: Nllbt lhitt 1:30 pm tio lO pm Nursin&" SeCfttal1al duUtt are: !laht-Dlvlalon ~ • to $2.46 hour "· $2.65 per hr ..... to PLEASE OONTACT $53'. to $65!. par month * LVN * -to In.,...._ 2 ~ dlpl/iM. , OllliDi: $ Swing • Giilveyvd, alarl. Car nee. PH' 548-&39 HOUSEKEEPING DEPT. Requ1rea two ,_. .,.,..i: 1'uII or part Um• T-S -· ,.,.._ .. """' :i:.:.: --..-i ,,. prefer factory exper· FUlLER BRUSH 00. ence In maintetM.net ot wa. panyl . ObuJD lddtttieMJ. llllalnM~1 ''""" a.n.ra1 -ni-,., .,, ...,... lints In coo. *RN '-3 i::-rEF * u~~ Frida~.!!!. .l&Hiko_,,..,tlltM Man .. clean & -l!2 ............. -,..... ~· ""· .. -·-"~"' -Olllot. llOO ~ Utllltloo M•lnt. It OlriJCrafl •-111&1' a NEWPORTER INN '"""""'or almllar fteJ<L Ar> Hun-Valloy -tl'Jllllt at 45/90 Bi'fd. -11oMf1, Q111< M•n to $4.20 hour ~k. Boat 11 located near U07 Jaml>Qn!e l\d. ply immediately ttl tbil Per-Convalffciint lbpital wpm, wortt: wlth aldmen. ... ('14} rrM1al ...._ 1'.1a1ntaJn plant ~Wp. Balboa ~lland. 1'bo l Ii NeWport &.eh. Callf. IMnel Otttce; 3300 Newport am Newman Ave. Ins Glrl Pr1 to $75' IPP c&tlofta ~ uMll .l ".11:1}. ment. atrong mechanl· seldom uted, want lt kept ~ Blvd., Newpott Beach. CaJi.. Hunt, Bch. ~ P'ulltrton &fff. Muat '-w Mondt.Y, St;t,m.ber ... ._ caJ background. clean Md In nmnlng order. fomla. (11tr 673-6633 qency exp -,,. depend.-Wrltt.b tttt f 3o p ... wrtte Dally Pilot eo. M-3'0 INSTALLERS MAINTENANCE man ., NUllBE AIDES ' : ..,., · M:~:~'i:"'h~::) Gener•I Office $500 up ~ i;:~= 0~N~~ retirement tmm 1.quna 01¥ ~~ eat G1:fri to $511 ,•mter P:iiiir• • Exceptional oppty, beaut off. PER MONTI{ TO INSI'ALL Bcb or Lelaure World aft&. Laauna Beach Nunlna 8oiM , .. Nt1 Qqallty tl.G ..... «I MW, Skilled Familiar with resins. lcet So. s.A. c_au Ka¥, RO WATER UNrrS. TAKES Job bi~ work, about 6 hr PH: 49HO'l6 Excelltnt opportWdty wD &Ueomatlc ~ ,._:i . * COIL WINDER * FULL-PART TIME "Ill' I $1.90 h _,. , ~· 11!AN '" HOUR. per 11&1'. T d&l'o per wlc. " 11<!'.llrlll. MUI! Iii Wroottlo .... Vlllt, .loClll6o. ,.. : Toroidal exper. pref'd. Aflemooria lhr4 late eves,• m m•n r r · JASON. BEST YOU MAKE smoo AB AN Split lbl1t. Apply at Ta,yJor. NVRSES.AJDES a LVN tn. aJl ..... cl llMNl of. ~ ewl. . -VALOJt.. MANAC9EMENT Do own .. , upo. Employmant A .. ..., APPRICllTICE. YOU MAKE ~~Co. A-•m, ~ nee. -· -"°' ltlCll'TIONIST ELECTRONICS OPPO" RTU .. Nm Ate Walder $4 hour 212> So. Main. 1'M1' Ana MORE AS A MASTl!lR IN --~-S<O-m E$ L.A. certified. GENERAL OFFICE SrALLER. MANAGEMENT Olflce T"'"" to WS lllrt 'rVRecpl S4IO Gononl ollke .,.......... O>ontu girl • '--NOW Good o!fl<>o !!klliJ, top co., ~ U.,,., Ward G,.,. TRAINEE Co -. l alrlo tmmed, wt1l ~ E,I', ~ IRI' =-.J:":..:.".'"'' • YOUNG; WOJ<AN H11iuc W•lcler $3.15 hr call Loraine, Mercbanlo Per. 'lll/W'861 JO am..! Pill Conet """'"""'"" lor """ ""'-'°" _,. • ..,. -bne aood -Ml"" IXIC :e..._ 'Ideal """"'· U-2:30 Mon l,00..,,st.,A!!!ME!!!!!!SA""'!!!!!!J!J!!!!21)!!!H!!!arbo!!!!r aonnel .1.--· 20a w ·-UH THE LINDSAY co 21 to 35, blppUy tn&n1ied, ... l;Vpt 50, pentJpallt)I; accaratt tntnr .. . ~I Not certitled. "'6="'1 • ea,.._ · • 111*Ddal1y 1table. nv.. VN. GAYNOR + -"o111' ---.., .. -. 'JO W. Oout . ..._· ;!hn> Fri. Apply in penon * DR""'RS * Dr., N.B . ....mil JANITOR p/thne. Muat be r-•~ "--~ ·• n; ~~ -•·· ru •n; $ 75 h ,....rtence Ll....,_pb • Peraortnll A1eney t--.. 19 uaa IPI' -~ . •m ... ~~• o Y. ArcWoldors 2. r GIRL FRIDAY exp A able to work d&l'o.., G-c Arts llald.. Call 22! E.-1"" sc °"'~..;;:;,. sh. ... Rtlifl&iiilf $ii i SirMlchael's No Experience 'Take trainees with IBM~ttveb'Jlfneexper. wknlsl:Wednltea.5e-2f25 Mn. Dwyer for ap. SarttaAna SC'Z-'l'D _ .......... ~.·-""""" •·--~~··--::.....-..... • Fountain Valley t..1 . some welding e~· lence, llcht ·btkn, finance poi.ntment Tu il Wed & . .,_.., w.-•-rwY -f -l.-...1.-,..., ~ ~ .. i 17217 Brookhurst. necessary! e:nce, Jou of ovuffine. or b&ndupn;ence tood. • Journeyman es. · .... OPERATO"S ••• crowinear.. ""-~want • : * COOKS Muat """• dean ~ MISS EXEC AGENCY h • 60-<J8J.I ~In olOdo needle Sale1 ''fGl!'Ollon Per-I AMole'f " AIL SHJYrS drl ............ ApPly Jr Oraft•m•n to $3.50 hr '"'w. °'"" """"'"' Mee an1c MAN--. wtIIJns .. .... -Good pile• ~ + (:~"' 1111 ~ .... : ltd& c , THE F1.Y1NG BUTLER YELLOW CAB CO. <Tool• DI•) 2 Y'"" Newport Bead> 646-3t39 Fottip,.,... ,.per1..,..,.... 1""" wpet e!eontns worlc ~-11''4> """-~ ··pfl, ~ lltl' Cll ~ ,.._ • 673-0977 186 E. 16th SL of coJ!ege or equivalent GIRL F'ridaY pt time femd, min 5 )'eal"I exp. ~. Must be neat ln EDDY au::sa lAOO Loc:\111 FteJCttQ boun, Newpert JUttaurant ·Coote M-· "'Jl<ne,,... A ,..... s.s.' In small::: BARWICK DATSUN appeannce A ombltiouL SL, w .. _ 5IU7l8. Beach. MUii be ,._blo ~ lftto ......... fW ~ka ESTABLISHED in.uranc. • C•rpontars from $3 hr ...,...,. p-& Plea.aoi 998 So. c.t ""''" Lai Bcll' i::1 =..,,~ :;-i ~ PARKS DIVISION w<iI .,......i. pol>ed .l' ,.,;· KITCHIN . Hll.P ' F"Y (OO((S ~-oapvpt.ail, .,..!'!;,. oltlot. • penonall"• v·~-.. duti 491-$771 or -••• ·-City o( lAolmo Beach pie °""""· • -• oi-.i " ~-··~ Finish • rouah ,...,,. V • ~-... "'""'--. Tree trunmer cllmbe SaI..,, Socty ... Al'P ft -~ ~~r:n=ntch:ii0~: ~~ ~ 1701 KEYPUNCH OPERA.TO~ MARINE MECHANIC $585 • $677. Elp. trimmm, Reqtt duh, Ute bktq1s + awtJll JOO tn a. ......... 1 1-op wages, permanent. hon-Exec:. Secretary .man. G~NERAL: ~anted, tome-. Twelve month po• l t l o n • Experienced. La.rp custozu Eucalyptus 1: lJllm treea. lll!C'Ntar1ll woHc: tor 1nflr. =-~ "t, ~ est. and good working con· Pluah re.sort Hotel In Beach Cl k.$ 2 75 h one to care tor Jnvalid Startin& salary $481. Fduca· corltructlon. Top WI.let. Knowleclp of 1laliw I: dine archlteetutal ffrm', WOlidl 'ditions ltl area's leading area. Fringe 'bentfits. Send Shippi.. er • r woman in yoor· home or Hon I: experience; gradua. .WILLARD BOAT Wo.rkl equlp. req'd. S05 rONtt Avt. Otrf ''' tm llt' 11 )1lba 18, brftld· 6 alert, r,-estaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 rtaume to Box M 421 Dally Experlenctd, clean cut. hers. Call evet « wk endli tloll from Htah Scboal. llx 12'5 Baker St., CM PAYROLL A) p Mlllt be sood tn111: tor llfta1l ntat ........ a .,., at \..pm for interview at 1...,Pilo.,· ,.c===o-.=-= 536-621.f mon~ T'1~ ~ MrolANIC, ap'd In brake 180 em~ mutt bt ta,. Office w1U. e!ll'ltlllat opper.. leut JI YMr1 of .... w • "•"NING'S EXECUTIVE SECTY •·tvVond1 .. mlng00M$•2ch.751r:_~ .. r GIRL FRIDAY needed 1or ="' ,...._ ..-• 11va11anm: ~ in. m111u w1121 data,._..,.. 111>11y 1o ""'""'t · • ....i """· -., ~ To ""''· Corp bac-. --__ _. '"" "'" e, -•· A life proce«lureo. ... Socty, St-$500 l!XI' NOT NIC ; COFFEE SHOP lite bkkpg, top aki11a. Fill a: seNtce machines, small construction office. ,,, ..... ......,. to file ap-iu, pa.Id vat. Se& Bob MISS EXIC AO'INCY ........ • . , : 24031 El Toro Rd. txcellent· be.netlls! 12-8 AM * 5f6.298:2 * plication., September :a&tb, Ba.sham, C Octa.n Ave, 410 W Cout ifwy. J"or tntfrt1nfc N'ewpott W• diet: ~~~~=~ i.ellure World i:.a,una liil1' MISS EXEC AGENCY General ~-Ap\ly Claullled l..,uno Bcl>. Ne..,... Bffch --ftm, mu•tl••-b:..,-w!-i\o. , 837-1014 410 w. Coast Highway Unskilled SAi FSM4N-Mechardc. Ap-rw:>nne · lB01: Newpceot M@clwdc wanted. DilptQ Ill•• , ttve a:·Jlft"IOMble thin -, COOK • HOUSEKEEPER. Newport Beach 640-3939 ply l'IZ Superior, C.M. Blvd., C..ta Mm. 645-0600 Uolon 1B Station *PART TIMI!* RN, P•rt Tlni. $* ~e~ 'or tv:JuJe:man, <Xlnt) tor 2 Exl)erlencea in single needle Factory Tr•ln..1 GIRL.S, eam $40. $8o a day LADIES 19 to TO, earn $25 to 1900 Newport Blvd, C.M. APP. MepttabmtklQ.pl ftea-i&du1". NB. Write Daily and ovor\oCJ<. Good p;e.ce From $2 hour betogomawu.e. WUI trail>. l:m."'.""~ ~:!~~~~ Mach Dr•ft•m•nto$6GO NOW HIRINC9 1'te1 .l WodM, !lalloU wltll ~1111,_ -'kl~ IPllot Box p 904. WtWk prkies. itead,y Work. All 1hifta f!H..1313 employer. We train 5tG-350IJ FH pakl, Xlnt oo., rapkl ad-~ "'' oft A is pm., "' -... Cook, Graveyanl Shtlt 12.25 EDDY MOSS I~ Locuat HOSTESS LEGAL SEC -~ tap ba!<tit.. AI1o WI' natlalal Cllll!JllJ1)I .., ' X·R~, l'•rt time p. -or c1a1 .. )>our. Cottage Col!ee Shop. SL. w ...... ter. !!M-8731 f EMAL£ .,._ • •ltr. Somo office ' tee Jo"'-Call Annan. 546-6l10 ....U.C In OrallP eo.incy hr ~I' S.O. Mr. -....._ , 562 w. l"'1 C.M. ....t. ~'.In ......, srenore:, ~ Boo~ JASON BEST we need -limo ,..0 .; 'ror-.-ot·-A&WCOl',11 ........ 6ELIVERIES: y.-.nno-man Factory Gerti Offlce Tr•lnffi betwttn 7 I: 9 p.m. exp, ewpart Emplo)tment ActllCJ' wort'~ 1·30 'to 10:30 doetOr. 4 efUtrMell 1·wt1t, -JWbor. ..... ''°' 1ervtcing ,..i;.i,, "°"' $80. wHk BLUE DOLPHIN Finn, ~ Ann. M-2UOSo. Ma,,, Sanl• A'8 pm. . . l :31H• 1:1!). 0,,,. llils 511-'MI i>tnict1o• equip rental yard. ITT JABSCO Type 40. robd personality. RESTAURANT ~:t:""Ms.~WQt. MEDICAL 0-help, TOP STARTING PAY ' !e'r~.!!!!!!!!, For appml phone 56-8al8 335.S Via Udo, N'pt. a.ch ·• ' female. Ftom aWce in-No ~ ntett1117. ' • lt"P, ..,,..,., ~ ELI Man. lull -· .., Acctg Clerk to $425 HOSl'ESS • ..,,, Cub' i.. ... "':i'~ PrN• & .....,. tonno. """"'"'""' For IDt<>rvWw call Meo. • , • r.l:,':"_.,_ Alldeilt M.i111r \Ten-y, HI Time Llqoora, 495 A/ft 4 A/P lite tyt>ina Cbrto1mu. ~udy Lee Jewell e Multlsllcle Opra <mly. Good pay lor rtaht T1lu. 774-7251 ' ...,.. --· .,,ilcalliN II E. llth St, CM. 548-9314 Payroll Clerk lo $425 Ms..'m\" plan. -· T4 14.12 per ~ A;P11 ........ ......,.,_ lO AM •-, i..._ hit • pol't 1lllli. tfll 1 Dont•I AHl~l•nl TURRET LATHE Tony Ducbi THE SUN NEVER llETS .. nroDdl!r'Pllill w ...... ' • •R•,,_,..,. -.!!blltl. . ....... ,....,............. OPERATOR , Good -math bacl<ground, HousE11EEPER For wn.ooioot.•om oAJLYPlLOTWAmADll ·'' Dial..,_ .. 1mliuno0i.t ' • KltCHIN ·HILP I Furnish owriunttonn. work in pmonnel deal· Blcbek.-lhH•nttnrtor. aao Pullman Lane · e DllHWASHlll .. '-. . uia·Bd> loca&o. STO_C_K--ROOM Ing with people. Harbour. Rcont lo board, """ M-. l4l»IU • Jobo Mon. Wom. 7100 J"!'• r,lln, W1111. 7100 . · -~' , e IUllOYI V' ·MISS EXEC AGENCY Record Cler~ SIG wk $3)1) mo/ °"" II U > Machlnllia .. · ·. ~lo - : 410 W. Coast fflahway CLERK Poot daily ....,1pt., well 231"'340 1 MINIMUM I :in .., oo .. ...._.-_.,,,,. NewPOrt Beach 646-3939 l"Oo~ J.ad,y, H USE8F:f:Pl:R -Cook. La&hn.1'Dntl A Milla. · ' , -'~ n~ , DENTAL Cb•l..Sld• MILL & DRILL Ge-1 Ille dull••· TAPMATICCORP. MACHINISTS ~.11.!!P .GiWiiU.-,. Au&1allt. Senil '""'I' .work • F•brlc Lady SIG wk a........ aalary. 11·1 845 w. lllh 8t. . " ~ •~ ,.,um• ...,. quallllca!ioN SETUP & Familiar with . labrlc ~-Own tnN. NB. N~ BelCb , • , . 1 • DUllW'Allll&I '10' Box M"44 Dally Pllot OP.RATOR oalu, toOd with.ft.,,,... IS YOUR AD IN a:..usr; lsY-Adlnourdolll-t (Ellperfmeiltal> . '™-· ... ;:-· rt<¥ .. -..... -JI, DENTAi. Exec.. siC,. • -· e -'. Cl•rkTyplst$3J5 nEDT ~--WfD ~ •. ~·~·~--• •. _, . •~.:....._• • !'! """!ln_)lo .... • AYllW>•,!li>tll .. periencod. All pool&ns _,._ 5$-accu"'" ' ---·~ ---llljh ,Schoolteducelloo or complttlon of --. Ho •••*rl•••, *-'""*1111...,.IN• >Phooe,,,,ttilte.968-!1'2 ·-.-· -.,.111<1t.Dill~ Jt.Dlallfl.IIl1I reco-•· ... ·-•tlctlhlp plut etsht ... ,,,.,.,'a.-••• IOtlllitGIOY " 1c DISHWASHERS · NJGWl'S A Wl:EKENOS , S.•feod fl ... aur•nt . • APPLY IN PERSON ; REUlilN E. LEE. j • • • 151 E. Coast Hwy. • No_.-tBeach ' • • : "DISHWASHER . EXPERIENCl!D ' APPiy l• Pa,._ • Slift, & SIR OIN '5"0 P~. Cit fu N•w~ hotli' • • FOi' .Dat.b' PUot Want Ada ~la! ~ tor.*81JLTS 1--. ',~ I • """"'_.,,__ NCR2100Gonolc$400 •-~-rr•-........ ~ a•t ' Ul.i: dii Jobo Mwi.·w ..... 1100 J .. • Molt. w-. 1100 •.. rear• shop• ·~-In ma11ufactulln1 ,.._ ·•·••'"' 11r I l · • GOOD WORJ<ING CON· • p~-~ton . -. DITIONS AND BENE-Coomotlc D"" s.1.. ' -~ . • ' " . ' -·~ ... ~, . • ... Frrs 'to $2.U hr. MANUFACTUlllN8 ~ Must hive •• ,,__.,, ·~ --l...-l r11tlildlf411d1 Jq'.$10011iW; f,,ILLY . PRODUCTION I .,... ""...., ... -•• b>ttr, 1'ltW --lltUll ~I'll SlfOI' woui.1;w.. -·exp, 2 ...,k on .... mllllNI mac lne. Somo _,.,.,,.,...,..1'111J '*~rl..'!:.:!.~all·oi>llti EQU"i~"/.ci'1'y~IUTY to 9 ~on.. (bru Fl-I. TRAINEES H~ ~Ired. ....,.,...... on' ill . licii ir...S.'nil lllllT ~ * . oli iiilfto F•ctery T~•I-From bon, i'<ll•i"f •blo, fll'll!Olypo, "°" .;w · -fi«ICI -1* !!'\f.1..-.!'1 olllltl · 1415 Dole Woy $1 .46 hovr 11"1'"" prtlorrocl. . ' Dlll'ATCM CLIRK . 2t12~ P±-~ Cool• MoM, C•llf. All •hllta. ' r,NO IEXPIRIENCI NICISSARY. 21 TO a c.n or·= ·-~ Miii• -.... _ . ~Uf) (n41 .MS.WI VIARS. HIGH. SCHOOL. OllAD\IATI. IP' . ( , ..,. 1510 *'MU. Pit ---· • "I j• j Ap~x YOU ·HAYI THll Al'TITUDI, WE WILL n,J ,lit!. Iii !lliliiebod-.1;.w. Nii.NU --14 ;i Forot..n C•r u.~•n'c• TllAIN YOU. PIRMANINT II Ml' LOY. Mllllely*'-ml"'111Dll ~ 1a1 ~ '!)JCill lO ..... !!!"!~~ D•71 ,. ......, " MINT IEXCILLINT OPPORTUNITY l'OR .,.. ~' Rctotloi ~ Xljlt 1t10et -. •·-"· ~.:;. ~ ... :=: ~ Employment . ~v~c8""rg, ITUITIC llSEAll -ftio111_. '* .. 111c1mow11t1WQ torm• fumtahed tne. Good Apncy . lt;Q)l'fl~ t,ION. THRU FAI. CCll'l'OftATION ~s=o =::-::: J, w: ltOllNION'I ~-~~tit.'°' ;;;~:A~~;~ · SPS "Western • Ir .;~'"°'""' "·: m · ~s-·j.~~~ -~~· ,,...r.i~~um. ILYD. · 2io r So. H•rbor, S.nt• Ana ~~I(!' ' %.'~ .... ..J 4:.!:t:s:;i:-,:1 eobCotfeeShop 54S.3426 •A~·.:.""""-•• N·1-·-'··'·1• 1' • "'-.•9r ,__ "'111111~•---...:"'0:: hihlonlilaod, .IJ. 1400 S. El CAmloo, San 0 -' ,,. ~· vnv., " lM,w, " ' -< .,_ ' " -'-!'*"If ·c:; ·.l{_orf Rtfp Wlilll!ld i . -. . , ~, . .._-~-°" N•l'iiN ' I ' ' I l l . , I l ...... -.... -.... -· ----·~--..----~--.--...--, -· -----• ' DA!l. V ~!(OT Montt.y, Se9trmb« 22, 196' , _ Joas & EMPLOY , , M• .. ~HANDl~~R M11tcHAN01s1 ,OR I MERQ44NDISE ,011 ,..~•UlANQJSI •ott 1'111tCHAND1s1 •011 ME•tHAN01$E FOR -FRE0e-ro YOU . .,, 7100 SALE 1.ND TKAl>E SA~f l,ND TRADl . SA~E ANlt r1<A1;11!' SALE AND TRAOI SALE AND TRADE SALE AND-TRADE • Jobs-Men, norn. ~ -~ I t cz~ .. ~.!v~w Page , Furniture . IOOOF~~ : • 1IOOl I F~fWtute ~ 6 fOOQ.Purr~re '...'-;u 8000 l!l•IMI & Ott•n• 1130 Mlscell•neout ·'600 au~ Az.s Cl>O\\' mix pgJ>' ' ........-THOMAS Rt"l'IRED u will .... -""· 6 ..... old. Vtcy ' ! Joes',:a'e'!' :O~MENT )H u G H E s lliil: , :I ,. ~ , . . I I G11J:~-' ORGANS =t:-i~-:~~~~ ~':"1ir1u:00..:..~~·C:~ r:t -: W 7100 Exel sl I'\..•·-I New Cal 01--t ,..,., Cod and i:;ee at 8'13.Towtl& St, or i to•' ~ I~ \ ~ewpoRT BEACH ' • ~ -~ 1ntdu ~~~\;.~ Fotftl ~ii ~ter. : call 54M6%1 9/?3 i ~· Nale/flimaJt l "" -, _ _ llfliiliii _ pl!J5 tn.1ui-ei. $ee the new wllh ptivile&c of using same NEED &d home f~ncd )Id tol ' 'IOONG'MOtt.er er -.n1 to h" lmm"'1•Jt•openlngs "" SPANISH -l!KOUTO. -Gff.S CANCIUATIOH J..aW11>11Ce ~..model. T,.. trom ti&no to time. M. A. lo.able Be"'c/terrte.-, I l l'l'!!'_ ~'1"'.Jh. "":' vm, ~"ER~'C!:D OF 11 lUXUR" &lllDTllWtt men<loua AVlng, oo aolccc Stu.,... 6'4-1551, 2 2 1' mut. loves car rld<s, "°"" -· .. ..._.,.,.$I... ~ .. ~· and tMEDJTERRANEAN ' '"''""''"'l"l• . ed ~ ................. oi., Foti•"'" NB .... Oldor childr on . hr, -:Ii ,,...t.,.Appll'•• •'Y • $••~"£ & u.••t.,.inlll f•-lhwl U8'd '~"' from $)9'J. 840-3&!8 !/22 l o;Oallhi.b.'iito Om. Ja& In SECflET4RIE5 Show Room · Floor S•mplu • Foclory Closeout• • ,...,';" AURANd'NEW 7 •;-••• COAST MUSIC * AUCTION * FREEi =..i. ~o:,:!;f~tll J;J;· for Adihlnl•tra'tl" and 3 ROOMS" OF FURNITURE $389, 9·pc. Mtdlte"anHn ladroo"' Sidlt in Pec1n NEWPoRT 6 llAllBOll If'°" will "11" buy Cui. loveable k!tt•f". oil olZ. £na..iqeeriM. Department IR •J•9 001 NOW $ 0 COSTA Mf;SA * 642-285J g1vo Wlfld.y a tty C:i & rolons. Black & wlute, : Sile.-• 5 pc. 1uth1 ntic Shanlih lclin'i. Mt, • 94 •9. • • ..... ·-•-····~·l:· ' ,.-l 6l.0 'rilEY'RE HERE' Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. tabbie.s, etc. , . * Fa ntast"1c! A lnlnlmu(TI'of 3 "''or,...,., -· I . 56 • tchl I Gorg•ou• Sp••'·~· Cusf ...... a,.;~ >.of• .. ttb N•w ~-y .... ,_..;an .. -• W'1ndy's Auo'tt'on Barn * Call 67'<>I31 • ''"' • illdustrlal exp ii n'!f.nd11.tory. in. qullt.u so 1 wit in. m • ng ov• metching l ove .~hoice of b.i1ut iful ~'c. ~ ~,.. ....... ! _,, tel t, Or chfllr e S pc. Spaniah OIMtte, 01 k I b 1 IR •• NOW $225 OD Cbcrd Ol'l[ana, ~eal tor Behind T.....,.,., 81.t~. Mal'!. CU'rE White & gray ten1ale • ' · l Above aYCl'llge typing: auu e 3 h M·'lt t h i 1 r Cl. f9-.., ' .-......... ' hA....l -v ,.. kllt 10 "-Id \ ill ' • is the word for this nauona i;horthand skills 1-.uired. table top uvv -erranean m• c ng S • h o· · S • ""l!i'nners, Only $300-ternis. 2015~~ Newport, CM 64&8686 en. ,vee,... o . v • oompany's new program for ~.. tablH, top dur able •nough for Fl amtflCO s:fid'O.~ 'E~n1 r.·~i.~·~-~;,··c~·;i~~···r-~·bi~~·:~$$~:::: Abo ARTISAN Ol'gan$ Ir at.l~=":--'"""'-'-'-C.,C-"-havr lo go to sleep if she : Southtrn California! \Ve Pl 1 r 1 D•nc·,,_, Wltl sell pieces lncli't'Jdually. "'1 taehments for at 1nam. WlFE passed away and must doe~n·r tind 11 home 1 need ease appy n perioon o: ... Till Oecor1tor T1bl• Limps NEWPORT ORGANS dis~ ol llOme fun;. AP-642-6789 91n ; -OisntIBUTORS HU ,;. HES Sho~Firif!ThenSe•01.1rUnb•li•v1bl•811y•I IR•g. $.J9.951 -···············-···········NOW $18.00 1593 ?.1onrovta Ave prat s d valuea by 1 FEMALE Great Dane 5 : -Pt1ANAGERS V 1 other Item • wi'lh t1rr(flc 1avlnn1I Sp•ni1h t11tinin9 Swaa ~imps ' NB e .~11:.,n Robinson's. Be au ti I u l 1 ... ·--, I ~ vi · in-r <MJ natural mink .,10ie $300. mos o d, 1 1nale ": Lab, •,: i ~~~N NEWPORT BEACH Bank Terms Store Charge Master Charge I Reg. ,,.,,,5 ............... : .... -....... HOW $1t.SO-NOW-rent • Bald,vin piano Natural 2 skin mink scarf Pointer l't yts o Id ' ' " -REPRESENTATIVES 500 superior Avenue BankAmericard All Accepted A dec ocator dream ~se on, display -3 for )'Our child for S2.00 $78. Natural mink box hat /webrokcn. 64;)-2J65 9/22 -TRAINEES Newport. Beach. CaJU, f · S 'sh f · week, Prof~ulunal In. U). Col. Wine 64&-0042 2 Hall Man.x kll!ens net'd .. rooms 0 gorgeous pan1 urn1ture (was struction available -l'esuttal l!i!!i~ii!i~~!i!i!!!ii!ii ,.,,, ~ ho•oo. (\V"·l· ; This is a real ground uoor $l'l9S QO l' • •• • , 5uvu uu" • opportunity with a solid auto. Equal opportuniiy , • • • • reg. • --·. guaranteed. • EAT LUNCH at HANK'S f 11. m i I y d cs er t e d) : matic ~lectronic eqllipo1ent employer-~1&1-~ SACRIFICE \VARO'S BALDWIN ~IUDIO Oceanfront, corner Z3rd & 54!l-l846 9/23 , 1irm that offers • • • • • • • $398 1819 Newpcrt. C.M. 642-8484 \V. Ocean Front Jn Newpo11 CATS 11 lat.tens, ha 1 f ' HIGH C -••t T A 'I C • I I SPECIAL -Organ classes Beach. Speclal each day. Siamr<se. matl.x, !orly \V/long ' SECRETARY reu1 •rm' v11, te1;1it 'Ce1re.d' ,,,,mediat•ly · G Monday lhru Thu'Sd y , , • , . : •• , 1 no1v forming. et In on the 1 a · tail, 3 tabby, l Thomasina & : Immediate C.Onstluctlon bkgrnd. Xlol m·m . FUR' N' ITURE fun and play by Christmas. Plenty of parkini llQIY! !! o!hCl'S. 847--6551 9/23' , nl oppty \vith N.B. co. Both Qualilied adults only $1.00 a ' Ear nC)S tee & fee paid jobs, w \\'ttk. Exclusively at: FOR SALE llELP! l-'A:\11LY ~10VLNG: : 54L . ~oso ABILlTlES Furniture toOOFurn\fYrl -\llARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Need good home for 4 darl- j • -V-<iJ • ll'NID1tTED AGENCY Beautiful original oil paint. ing killens, gray twins &. 2 ::i-~~~~7.'=M"'"E,-J 1844 ll"'!POrt 8fy.1,...__~--1iL....a.) 1819 Newport, C.M. &t2--8484 ing. mountainscer.e in beau-black. S4S-9578 9122 , SALESMAN S IL ·188 E. 17th St., Sulle 72t C . nv \I ~,_ .. '"' \VHJTNEY Baby Grand Uful blues & greens. 1Jark : YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN Costa Mesa 6~2·1470 £states-OftSICJRmtnts Piano, REASONABLE. wood carved franie. sf't' to 4 ADORABLE kiUens need a : OR HEARD OF AJOB LIKE SECRETARY Repossessions Costa Mesa ·only $48-3926 alt 6 PM appreciate, Reasonable, cau hOfll('. They are gray THIS. J..arn company, Type 60, ::'7=':'7'"""=='""==::;:1~8~47~·n~8~7:_. -~----s1riped tabbies and 7 wks. · N 0-111 New an..t Usecl Furniture, AppUancn, Color TV's, ld .._ • ., n179 91." : O<J<O n.g: tihld80,potential] 1111 s--m....-t-W·'-'·t.&"-.'116 Ttfev1'••'on 1205 Good Ne\1'5 Sln""rs, a,,....... o . .,..,,....,, ~~ N &nvassirno G Stereo's. lOO's of hous~hold 1t1m1. • ..... , ""r' •• •.,,. -. ..,~ ,,.~ , O • .... ood benefit&. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!! •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-___ ..;;... ___ ..;..;..co1 fessional singing group have CUTE and cuddly, adorable 1 No pbOnlng MISS EXEC AGENCY INSPECTION _ ;:: ~ RCA COLOR TV, used, new a fe,v openingi;. \Vill book baby kittens, 6 wks. okL ; Earn a$ for each minute of 410 \V. Coast ""•'Y· Daily lO a .m . to 9 p.m . ESPANO'L IN QtJALITY Applflncet 1100 picture tube, l yr fact guar. 11ow for banqueti;, ladies 5<19--0046 9/23 ' actual work. Nl!'11·port Beactl 646-3939 Mod I H F ·---.;;..."-'I L:e i;creen, wal c ab . clubs or 1veddings. Benefits J\.1aggie -Class1hed : No C'rf!dlt rejects SECRETARY to $550 AUCTION Sa . 1 ome% umiture NORGE auto washer, late Perfect $249.95. Also many consideri;:d. 646-3513 or FE~fALE Ausb-alian Sheep ' No chlll'ge ba,cks h 7 30 p M * Wigs 10 85 · Very easy model xlot cond •= others: new & used. E·Z ·=-~ ~2" N • •·---•et Fee re!Jnbunled. Shtd &. typ. * Every Tuai. & T urs., : . . financing 3 complete · ..,., ............, "" dog 5 mo old lo good ostgna1=•v · rooms 54&.8612 847-s1i-lerm s ava i l. Check -. h • c ,· · 6 ; No papers to fill out ing, purcl1 exp. Also fee jobs. * Saturdays 6 :30 P.M. * of decorators styled Spaniah • 3 HENDERSON'S first! 1877 P~arocop: machine $40, ome. aJ after p.n1. : can•t work more lllln 14 lnd•pendent You don't have to b• •dialer t o bu y 1t de1le r prices furniture. Consistfnr ot the REFRIGERATOR, like new HaJ'bor Blvd. Costa Mesa d1tt~ machine f75, Coldspot 4~2 9/2'.? ' hOtirS per week. Personnel Agency famoua custom quality Ma-Westinghouse. $55, 548--0!55 ' refrigerator $35. double bed 2 FREE tnetaJ cabinets S2" :. Very limited tralning req, 1n6 Orange Ave., SUite C AOK 1722-G•uln Gr•'• tiff. dl'ld living room group. The * 64fr0222 * =~==~~~~~1 $25, matching sofa & chairs x 46" x 34". You haul. \Ves ' Sales meeting limited to 15 CM., 6.U-0026, 545-0979 AUCTION Westr•IMt., * ll1·1212 original El Presklente 11pae. KENMORE al.Ito washer, 14" COLOR Zenith-TV, still $35. 495-0811. 24321 La Dugan 5~J.39C6 9122 '. mtnute9 by co. rules. ioui muter king· size bed· late mode1, xlnt cooo "°. undet• 'varranty, Xlnt con-Hennosa. Laguna Niguel. C SECRETARY -]; Hlgh I/,. n•.:--L ... ~ .. _. ...,., <d~lt~;o~";,,· ~·~·-~·:__~~~lif;.:;.:'ii~~;r.;i'i:ii~11roRTOISE shell kitten. 6 Call Harrr Ward ray ~hool £111.duate \l'ith hvo 1 '"' • -•-.... n..-y. room suite and the authentic 546-8672, 847-805 -;; -~ Grand Opening. SALE I '"'eeks old. 615 Gary, NB. ; 7J4/642-686l IO am·3 pm years of responsible arid I!!!.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,..~.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,..,,. La PIU wrought iron dinette ========= ZENITH TV portable, 1'1", Pemco tank, -fish. acc.:!sS 548-8.194 9112 ;, _ _:T_.H:;:E;...c..U_N'-D_S_k_Y_CO_._ varied S<!crelarial and MPLOYMENT EN sets. Limited stock • $4..~. Antiques 8110 including atand. 'Xlnt cond. 'TIS TROPICAL FISH .'1SaJes clerical exp e r J 0 n Ce JOBS & E JOBS & EMPLOYM T Hantilton Showroom, 5948 Mr. Thomas (714) 521-658.S 9080 Edinger (@1 Magnolia) BEAUTIFUL Black Cat Weslmtmter Ave, Westmln~ BRASS bed I: · Aba!ldoned, any takers. Call S~hand 80 wrm. typing Jobs-Men Wom. 7100 School~lnitructlon 7600 ter. 894--4434 ' misc antique ' f'nln Va\l!'y • 842-4530 548-9668 9/22 ; Ex.-cutlve Silts 4J wpm. Slarling littlary • 1...;==.;;::7:=""'---fw·nlture +co mp one n I !•l1vi1ion 8205 9.4.. Fiberglass surfboard ! Starting annua1 salal)' $7'JOO. $481. Apply Monday thro ME N SPANISH steroo equipment. 202 Rose 10-11 Mo old male lg. mini&· ! Plus comm. Two yrs. train. Friday 8 am to 4·30 pm TYPIST CLERK II TRAIN IN YOUR SPARE MEDITERRANEAN Lane, CM. 54&-Ull Lease Color TV or Black $35. Electric st~ve s:~· ture black poodle, Very ac. I ~--m ,.,,, cen"""' old ' · · · · ·· & White. Option to buy. Small 01·nate cabinet s..... tive. 5.16-925!1 9122 "'6 ... _._ ":t '""':t Clasailied Persopncl, 1001 TIME FOR PAY UP TO As Shown in model homes. POST Civil War 11868) an-1''\'ee service. No deposit 548--8(}.16 ! national company, Business Nev:port Blvd., C'.osta ~fess. CITY OF $4.Zl P ER HOUR • 3 Rms of tum, {din rm, llv lique bdnn set, din nn set, A-Active TV Rental Co. '====~~~--c DOG. Mostly Pekingnese yn~ • •sales bkgrnd, helpfu l. No 64.>-0600. Closing date NEWPORT BEACH BIG FtrrURE rm, & bedrm) priced else-Hiboy etc. 545-5124 {11522_1153 EXQUISITE Sapphire and male, loveable. To good : travtl, management opp's. September 26, 1969. "236,000 HE AV y EQUIP· where at $8$ ls yours today I;="'==""'""'""=== ===~~~~===I diamond ring. Appraised at home. 675-2533 9/22 t Busy people can't wait. IS.,....Cor'-eto-..,---'-----1 $452. to $549. ?t1ENT OPERATING ENGi-At only $3$. Easy a-edit S•wing M1c:hln•1 1120 Hi-Fi & Sttrto 8210 S87i \Vill sell fDr much les:s. r.IALE & Fen1ale Chihuahua ' RON SMITH NEE•0 MUST BE TRAIN Ter1ns, 673-5784 ' Construction Secy./Glrl Fri. nar month .. ~ ---~~~~~-ro kind, loving homes. Call '. CllJ today: MS-7810 or f\1on: 3 yrs. min. (!XJl. in all r--ED, 1900-70" -U.S. Dept. of Soi11nf1 An1 Furniture SEWING MACHINE STEREO 1969 dlx console, CROSS top • Ref rig ., S4S-:»36 9/'!.! ' 82?-'1900. phases. Gd. typing & SH Openino in City Clerk's on. Labor! Go ll'IOil anywll'tre 426 W. 4th St., Santa Ana 1969 SINGER comp! with full stf!ffll, -t spd auton1atic detrosl. Exe. $63. DARK al k. ! SALES . .,. for top wage& in heavy con. • 547-0189 • CONSOLE Garrard chllllger, 60 wat1 Th:' House In Back 4.\J E. grey, m e Jlty, 8 I Professional Employoient :~~; ~4 mo~\heBo:tn:.ill a:: ~~h~i:l ::iod~fo~~pi~ struction. Earn while you FURNITURE & cabinets like Zig Zag Cab. model. Slightly dual channel. 4 spkr sound 171h. 6fl-5741. ll'el'ks. Very cute, 8•l7~.~ i COUNSELLOR n1ust be able to take charge. }'ear general clerical Cxpcri-learn -keep your prtscnt you have never ieen at used. Stylis:1 wa1. cab, Does ::.)'stem. Pay off bal cf $77.26 NEWPORT Beach Tenni:; • If vou have the ability & Salary open. Call I\trs. ence. Apply before 5 pm, job while preparing yourself Amerlca's largest & most everythilig '~1ithout attach. cash. or small pymnts. Club Membership. SOOJ''incl Adorable Kitten Unique ~larking:1 Lovable 642·2079 I · k tth 1 for a better future. Sta11 at -' "' · ,__d r · Built in controls to overcast, Credit dept ooo 7289 de-sire to \vor 1Y peop e Jurich tor tpt. 642-9470 Sep!ember 26th. to the Per-unusu ... unutusr.., urn1ture • .-r transfer lee. 838--4136 · pl I nd'" & home in spare time, then 1et Jo "· Redhill & San make but·holes, sewon hut's, f 1n easan sutTOU u•iS SECR TARIES sonnet Oriiee, 3lOO Newport il re. urr ta BEAUTCFUL Pecan Med. n.,-•\ty k•·ng bed-u•'lted '. ha"• "·d ,.Jn1 .... public · two weeks' resident training .. __ Fwy Tu ti 1 · So hem dresseti, make fancy •. 1 •• ~ , ~ .... " v• U YoU att a beginner ol' Blvd .• Newport Beach, cali· at BraidWOOd. , m. No special """" ' s n. nu · stitches, etc. 5 Yt. parts and "agnavox Stereo• 2 yrs old. Complete-unused $105. 1YOrth 2 fiU(fy black kittens, I male and 1 female. 6 11·eeks to gOOd hOfne. 641).2169 I contact experience, we are fornia. tTI4l 613-6633. ol .Newport Fwy. Open li2 $200. 644-5896 12~. Aft 5 & wk--'o .,A,,.,.,.,., 1 looking tor )'OU. we. v.'il! swinging see. caU Loraine, requirement& to take thls days per yr. 544-5470. service gu8.1'8ntee. $5.64 ,,., uu .. o-u......,,, j traiil. Poten'Oal $8,000 to Merchants Personnel Agen-TVP!Sf/CLERK course. Both grade ~boo! dwn. & 9 pymts. ot $5.64 C•meras & Equip 8300 CHINA Dishes. service for s, I $l0.!0'.'_ Call !'.fr. CUiium, cy, 200 \Vestclill Drive, N.B. with billing exper. Pleoa!C and college grad.s .w!"'ve ~LDSPOT Refrig I~ 1 ~ mo, No intere~I chge., or: • $40. 3015 Cliff Dr. NB bllvn m6055 COASTAL AGENCY 645-2770 call Mrs. Zurick, 642-9470 trained are top.paid opera· 0 d, comp auto $150., Color COMPLETE PRICE CANON QL-19 San1a Ana & LaJolla Sts. PICK up free Ju-c,vood. , ready cut. 615-159-1 9/2'2 ' I JI'·· & SEAMSTRESS, · tors. ·Learn ho\v to · read TV-lg. Philco console.ebony $56 40 , A member or Sne u15 repair de-pt. dyed walnut $170., 1 bla'k · 35 nim Elec.tric t.'ye BELL And Ho\\l@JJ Canon 1.7 PET_S tnd LIVESTOCK S .Ing -Ha...._ Blvd E:-<p'd po11o-er c h i blueprints, i;et grade slake$, " For no oblig., tree home I Jd Xlnl nd ' ne ~r:JU • ...,r ' · ma 11 e * WAITRESSES · I cont e rn p o r a r y chair yr. 0 ' co · lens 35mm still camera with J Costa Mesa. operator. NORTH SAILS, n1ake-corre<-t cuts and JU s t.demo., call Credit Mgr. till $jj) Pets, General 8800 • Sol<• : LOOKING FOR : THE; GOOD LIFEI ' : Outilde ta.1'es. No exp. n~. 3 mo's tntininz, Nat'I Jines. , $7200, + per yr, Gd, co. 1 bt'n's. Prefer men under 30 w/AOme college, , I' Ubo DISTRIBUTORS ~4.JMl '' Salesman $650 netall, Inside. lndeperident P1rsonn.al Agency \ 17!6 Orange Ave., Suite C 0.f 642-0026. 545-0979 Sales J U CASH for Christmas S$ udy Lee Je\\"t'.is -party plan. Stylisl.s earn $34.50 on avera.ge party, No deliveries. Company pay hesless-gift!I. 545-2036 ALES -Earn rnoney with no inveslment. S a r a h Coventry need!i 1ull & part·tinte help, No delivery: 11.-e train, For interview c&ll 545-GlOO SALES: KNOWLEDGEABLE Stereo component sales tralnee. 21-30 yrs. Call !Jr. Vann -* SALES\VOMAN * MATURE Part 1jme. Young l\1aternily Shops · So Coast Plaza. PM's only Saleslady 11.·anled. expel'ienc- ed, lop salal'y! Lillian's l>tti;.~ Shop 3333 Bristol C.l\1, 913' Ele-cll'ic, Seal Bee.ch. DAYS -ho\v to opera le grilders, w / '" h i 1 e n a uga h Yd e 9 P .M, U toll. Call Collect. Gfa-0397 alter 6 PM case $37. 54B-2330 PH: (213) 596-4461 S1afood Restaurant scrapers, dozers, elc. Nation. cuaftshio5"'PMS30. Call : 847-9809 213 -531·9694 BELL & Ho .. -Jl MOVIE -·t-C.B. radio ,vith antenna, \VELSH Apoloosa J yr. !\tare. wide placement assistance. I:~~"~.".·~·..,....,_=~~ I S:i;;;;;f,"au!O,;...-,;;;:,;;;;o; I "' -G U SEAMSTRESS, D ra pery Thl!I training eao be your CLASS top stand Sl2 Sun-Singer, auto, rig zag, 6 mos fit. Used litlle, zoOm ele<:t. base station. $200. .en e. AJI tack & saddle. IYOL'k 1~u'-'·-·na Beach APP\.Y IN PERSON 1 old No at'--h --~-· to do eye camera, •ulo load ,...___ ~>-3586 S300. 838-II4-9. · .. ., ..... .--.u fil':st step lo employment n beam toaster $12 Round · · ...... '"=""" '" v- Interion. 1020 S. Coast REUBEN E LEE the-Heavy Equipment Jn-hassock, !egg $8. 402 Coi!ta design. monognn, blind hem. jector, light bar & scl"e{)n, ORICJNAL paintings $35-50. SlAMESE_ KITTENS Sl5 Hwy, momlngs. $-6848 • dustry, Mail.coupon TODAY i\fesa St. 543-7392 $.l.27 mo or $42.00 cash. $100. 673-8689 Rug 9 x ll $40. Cha.in $35. 10688 l.ehmhardt EV SERVICE STATION 151 E. Coast Hwy for Illustrated Folder, No 526-6616 Garden tools $1-8. 642~3.'.i. l---*.:"'::'l..:"'1::.::!6.c• ___ 1 N t 8 h KING-Size ma.boa'. headboard S Phillips fetroleum Co. ewpor eac Obl\galion. & ••. bed M 1 b' bu M I I I Sl"r porting GoQds 8500 3 Pr. ladies sz 8 Bogner ski ' N h.. f 8 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·.-in . a c 1ng reau us c• nit. 4<I o;rat~ng ae~ice a st~~:n~ X WAITRESSES X NORTH\VEST SCJ-iOOUi, & mirror. Good cond, $100, SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hobie panti; $20 each. 646-5720 Dogs 8825 Experience desired. Coocl APPLY 1N PERSON Heavy Equipmenl Trainin& 1-,499.=3938="'°====== ELECTRJC Gu It a r & ~oodth Y10.rl! •. ~~!. andem, Misc:. W•nted 1610 starting a al a r y plus Dept, HS.18 Box M761 amplifier $35 Gib!JOn old .,., ....., 111,,...,,,,.~ generous comnl, wjth excell COCO'S Daily Pilot Furnltur• 8000 banjo $2(1 3015 aw Dr. NB -8600 $WE BUY $ opp or t u n it I es ror ad· between Santa Ana & Misc:•lf•neous ''a1tcement. For information Naine • · · · • · · • · · · · · · · · · •• • · • BEIGE naugahyde hide-a· La.Jolla. sts. · 78 Fashion Island bed, double size $67.50. Anti· I --,...,~===~--STOVE Sl5, 1vashers ~$25. contactmanazer, Bookhurst Newport Center, N.B. Address .................... queavocado3drawuchest. 1 CLARINET & Oinett 1 $1 R r $22 ti~:~:=~r::to;m~-1--"*~W:;A;o,;IT"'R;_:;E,;:S~S;;E"'s;,_ City , ............. Zip ... ... excellent condition $ 4 o, 1 FLUTE C.Ouch "s22~ King~ize ~ 15.1: E"r. Apply at TH.E FLYfNG BUT. 5'19--0614 962-1268 Port TV $22.50. Wrought LER, Experie11ced, 673-0977 State ..... •• ...... • Age · ... Quality king bed-quilted. B-Flat Coronet with iron twin t:M!d w/mattl-ess W · K Del' Complete--unused S105, Worlh C&!le. $j..j.00 $15. Girls 20" Bike $10. Lot~ SERVICE SfATION needs a1b-esse1· appy's I Nearrst Phone .............. ~'},,.,...Mt 5 .._ wkn-'-842"'~.,., ~7843 Th "· . b k exp er 1 e n c e d man, Exp pref'd. Morn & eve shift. ~ ""' ...,. ..,,....., n10N". e ,,..use 1n ac of $ FURN ITURE $ APPLIAN CES Color TV,-Pit110•-St1••01 1 "lie• CM' Ho1M hll CASH IN 30 MINUTES • 541-4531 • CHIHUAHUA puppies. honey hlonde. Beautiful lovable pets. Also Stud Service. ~6--3634. U69 Dorset Lane, C.ill. CHIHUAHUA Puppies, no papers, 6 1veek~ $15. * 847-7389 * GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS * 7 \•;eeks old.* Call 839-594-1 P t Good .....,.,. Ask for Belly 4M-9441 Hrs. \Vkd: fl'Otll ·····lo····· CORNET (trum""tl. E.-X· l-'-~5_E-c. ~Jl~th~·~",-2-~5,-1~41~--I ermanen · w.,, ... ing • Office Equipm•nt 8011 "" conditions. Dayi. Union Oil, WAITERS, \Va 1 l re s se 1 , flfONTESSORI h'alning, ages CELLENT school band in-CANON QL-19 -~~~~--c~~-\VHIPPET Pups, ch amp 393 171h St .. Col:;ta Mesa. 2121 E. Coa.:!t Hwy. c d t1. 2\; to 5. Give your child NCR 32, b 00 k keepi n g strument $40. 54&-0281 :l;in1n1 Electric Eye WE PAY CASffl. sired, AKC reg. Top racing WE PAY CASH Bustioy. Pref. e"p'd. Apply: best! 646-3706, 646-2325 ma:ehlne. Will install for OLDS TROMBONE for sale. l yr old, xlnt oond. stock. »1artincresl Kennels SERVICE Station needs two Woman Stockbroker your business needs. 714: $75. • 64~154 $50 546--098fl ··-rir:"'""'"'~E FOR ,,.,.,,,. &1:>.0397 afters PM • NOT Checks OOBER\lAN ~. 14 k tull time men: 1·4Pfl.1 .to 12 a months tralnlng, business ,JVO----• 1 .-ups 11,1 s, PM. l-12 AM to SAM .. Must or selling exp, lop grooming, SALE AND TRADE_ CALCULATOR, Facit, model .P;;i•::";:°'::...;A::...;O:;"Vc..:':::"':_-•;..T;.;3:.;0 KIRBY vac1.1um cleaner with For GOOD USED AKC, champion stock. Very ~ ·-1° A I Un-n 76 8 l c I 13 XI ·~ • attoch • pol'-•-XJot co--' t friendly. Rare liver-rro roJ. '"' o.... "" PP y, "' · 5· •· or taler. 1''an1asic o~ Furniture 8000 A - . • nt con. ~· B .,,,,.._,,, "" Fu -t TV 19CXI Newpo\·t "1vd., C.M. ply! 646-0800 Play Before You uy & guanaateed. Pay off bal ol mi ur~. Stereo, 0.r .o;r,,.. "~'"~";":_,~~-~I --·~~.12 o:r t•ke Ovtr pymnts. Ho!l!lehold Heo1s of any kind. ;;SJ!IH SERVICE statio11 r-.1 an. MISS EXEC AGENCY TYPEWRITER, Add. ma<h. -e 547 5722 e TZU Puppies, akc OVER STOCKED Credit dept 535-7289 • · __ .. senti • retired w/ some·eJCP. 410 \V. Coast l·hvy -calculator; Very n?aaonable. \Ve have best l!Clcction a nd regzslen ..... adorable. chan1- App: CHEVRON. 604 So. Newpol'4. Beach 646-3939 Xlnt. C.Ond. 892--2-123 best teacher& in Orange 196>140 HP reverse c a m * WANTED * I c•.c;0:;,"'oO';;'""';;;~':;:'"'c::·c.;83:;:;:7·:;24;2t1:'.__ I Coast HWJ., ~ Beach. WOMAN-housewife, U9e your MUSJ SELL! C.Ounty. Coivair engine, nc1v o'haul SIBERIAN HUSKIES, SERVICE Sta. A:ttnda't, Ex-· spare time to earn money. G1r1go Sile 8022 From $10 monthly $950. or co111plete bus $2500. Fun1itu1T . Appliantt~ Puppie1> $35. perle{IC«I. Apply; 1944 Win prizes, no age lin1it, no New 9 pc. corner arrang. Gould Music Company 36 hp VW engine, needs Color TV's_ Sl.ereo·s. Qfl. e ;ns..oon e Ha.rbor. Costa Mesa. tlme limit, Will train a9 chol<'e ol clrs. reg. $2!!0, DINING table-, 4 chairs & ~~ N. Main, SA 547-0681 -"-""';,..-"~$7.,5_._>tS-'C7_9.i09~.~-I ice Equip -Tools -e1c. POODLES. AKC rt>gistered., SERVICE ·Station attendant, Beauty Cou.nse.IOJ'8. 847--0846 now $159.$0. Headbrds: ~ ~:C::O, ·~a:o .col:. HAMMOND , Steinway. Ya· carpet layer has Hi Lo TOP CASH in 30 minutes parti color, 8 wetk.o;, 1 male, exp. nee. See M)ke, 4678 WOMAN (or Ironing in Laun-Kings. $15, Queens $12.50, toman. salmon color, $2S. 2 maha • MW &-used planos nylons $1.9!1 yd. Shags * 531·1212 * T female sso. 545-6691. Campus Or, N.B. dramat, Mesa del Mar area. Full S10.5U, Twlna $4.9S. double beda "'/Hollywood of all mlltt. Be-st bul's ln from $3.5() up + my labor, 1 'o"LO-;,-F;;a~,7hl"o"n<d"'"<~lo~rhe;co.-•-,-ru-,.,, "N"O;<R;;W"'E°'Gce!AN07.-:.;Elo'k~H:..ou-nd~~I SERVICE stl.tion attendant. 54S-007l fl.ft 6 Trundle sets C~uo l'iser) WI fl'ame11 $35 ea. Kenmore So. Calif. rl.Jbt he~. 90c per yard, 968-6910 costun1es, jewelry. I ace n1os,, shoh; & papers. Part&. full tfrne. o.,ys. 6400 inner spring matt, l'e1:. $106. vacuum, xlnt cond S20. Call SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., SURPLUS Faclory dress tablecloth$. et~. P v I . 6/a-7669 afl 5:30 \". Pach•-,.__ _ _.. Iu .. -y, NB Schools·lnstrudlon 7600 now $79.50, Roll-a-way beds ., .. ,. """l or 54 A "~ 1907 N. fllain, labrics & ttinnants. Sold to 675-6024 ·• ux: VM>I< ru:w• w I Ion spr!--·tt -~ ~· Sant Ana •._,====~--~ DACHSlfUND puppiell. 8111.-1• ,8ALESMAN • 0 e co rat or -· ' "• ,._ .... .,. ==_,,-..,..,..,__,,.-.,.--a lhe public 3-4 l>f?nday lhru1RESTAURANT cwncrs chefs '--" I Jlime r.1ust be exp'd, Sewing Mach1n1 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL $59.50, now $39.50. Canopy ll-,.S of luga-age, drapea, WE HAVE PIANOS! Sat 1820 Mon1'0\lla, C.M. & dishwashers. I buy no 10 & tan; l'tc!d. Al\C tf.'t;. G . "--ato-Co y,·,,.,-.,, •• "' 1" beds.....,.. U19.SO, now $89.50. polisher & waxer, numerous y h Cc,h,.•~m,.P,;':..'"'.:.':::·..:"c;'.;--0::2'l:.:7:... --I ua.ran\Cf' again~• oomm. .;;:_ . :::!::' •A·-• ..-• \.Vh "'th ~:--o Full ·;:;_ slft!p -sofa ref. lamP"S & turniture, misc. Oll m~ pure ase ot rent OLYMPIC TV Consnle s!ereo. cans or 1 gal cam. Call BEAGLES AKC . t ~ 19322 Beach Blvd, HB. -""".-f'.ill•""""' on """-" · t're e: ~ '"f;.'_,' and credit alJ monies paid AM/FM. Lo-.vrey Organ iv/ 642-5249 -regis e ........ 90-6631 sportsWear. Top pay, 863 Fits the Oiild $239.50, now $169.50. New 1Tl34 Santa Lucia. F.V. toward purchase. be h Bo h XI 1,;:;;,;;;:.:;,...,-.,---~= 9 \\~ks. Tri.rolor. 1_;;;::.~';:.,,------1 Production PL NB 646-03~ Willard H. Saucerman, bedg: King S99.50, Queens 8424i&I HOUSE OF HARMONY nc · ~ 1 n1, s.c! NEED. bric.ks one to .. t®, Call ;~19 Slf!Cl'lt.arial: SEWERS. Uperlenced. Ap-Ed. D. $39.50, Full S-l9.50, Twins c;=1ANT='""'c"'._....,.-.,Sol<co--. -... ,.-48 Fashion Island 96:1-8595 reasonab)l' priced. 64~687 AKC Gcrntan Shepherds il ply 525 ForeM Ave., l..aiUna 540-4060 . EnroU now $39.50. lully guam. King al Uques tools. drPll desks Ntwport Beach * 644-0391 * * * * 11 Month.~. I Male, l female -r.: u G H E s Beach. 497-USI Eves 518-17'3 ........ $1.! ..... n .... $9.!15. furn.;.,,. oak tbl, &t. s.m: FAMILY Memb=hip In FREE TO YOU 5'0-7>.;t; N .,...PORT BEACH -N OV!NG Ouiltmu lay-aw.,,, now. -· ~·-•· NB • • YAMAHA Irvi"' C°"'t Couo!ry Club --------'--•" SEWING machinr operators A, iENTIOi L PAR-SlESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1921 --...,,,,·-=w,,-,'==,,..-;=-DOG TRAINING •hli bnmMia1r open111p fOt ~EXPEPJENCED SECRETARIES · tor Administrtitl~ snd ~rillg Departmertt A mmtmtim or 3 yn of recent '~exp is mandatory, A1ft:ifJ ,11vuage 1yplng and ~ akilJs .-.quittd. ., ' ' ....,.._9'ppty In pmion to: H Ill ~·ff E S Nl~t B~CH ' Ex 'd top,.-,, \dee.I eoad. €N'TS! YOUTH SPEECH Harbor Blvd., CM ~27GO QUEEN atu twin bed: PIANOS & ORGANS tor salt". Pvt PIY. 673-9ll1 3 kl'ITENS. 6 wks old Prlv leSllOfls only: rta11: rat~ ~Monrovia. C.&1. 66<DJi WORKSHOP. Ages 1 to i:. dally 11).9 Sat-Sun 11).6. s5o inchldhl& blanket see the complete line al: GOOD Bellone i:. Zenith beaut. healthy & b 0 x 213: 423-.\'Xlfi 213 : 423·18.30 " ti Learn to speak '"'ell. !"nunci. .:=""-.::..:-==:c..::..::. __ I & llnel'l8, 231 19th St. COAST MUSIC hearing aide11 111 perfect trained. CaU 549-2081 or T.:. AC H El\ S «lllll tule, a~. pro)fct. After SChoo1 l Balbo&.. 675-4422 condition. $50 each. 642-3228 56-0180 9/22 ---------tnteresti]lg • hit n d I)' C&lurda)'l, Privatt!' or class 17 Pc. KinCJ Size NEWPORT & HARBOR UTIF'U k. w1l.:s work·g eqnd. 64f.01 ;:ltt11:. 494-8295 8 d RANGE/oven cabinets $50. C'OS'l'A MESA * 1)12_2851 UPRIGHT RCA f'reet.er $75. 6 BEA L itten:i. 6 1.::=c_::~:.;;.=~---I e room Doublt' mattress set ;l). Bedroom se1. $50. Call for old. 4 white, t red. l grey. TELEPHONE WHY PASS UP Large 9 drawer dresser, mlt. etc, 2332 Tustin, NB • PIANOS appt. 536-J.9.M ~llllll find home. 546-6666 SUPERVISORS ' &1dge invit.atlon.!I 'vtten ln 6 ror, 2 bed&lde alands, ld na: I ~=~------• PIANOS 4-STEEL CORD RADIAL 2359 College Drive, C.~f. CAN YOU GtV£ AWJ,Y WA· tvY ies5(.lns you can be a !'.lze headbQJl.rd, fnntc, quilt· 7 PC Rattan !iv nn set, port e PIANOS TIRES 900 x :m. UKE 6 PREOOUS puppies, a wk&. 'J'ER ~OM AN AIR CON· gQOd player? Call rncl Jotie ed martrt:11, thecll, blank-:~ ~o~:t~ ,Final Days of OIJ1" Sll.mmer NEW! 642--~ Terrier pocxlle. Fret" 10 OM1.0NP.l) OP'PTCE! fowler eta, t'IC. Sile-Save on I ab u Io u 1 S3 PT. oval dlarnord &: band good, loving homt 496-3714 cs.n Harry Want Cny *~8--9668* Choice of Spanii::h CARPET. shai. hi.Jo NEW CfUNDS tncludfnl wt small diamond. $690, Lq Ngt, Tlt/64U861 t.n am-3 pm e PIANO, Theory, H.__nnony or Modem Style S4 sq. yd, 396 Hamilton, e Chlckerin& e Wurlitzer 675-3396 ·lr;R;:EF.~.:;Pu::..._pp~i<S-. ~.,1-,-,_-,,;-,,-..,,11 Tl-ft t.il'.fl>SAY CO. lauht by n)ember of Mua::ie AR For $ 49 C.M. S.turda,y only, • S~ilJ'"'aY •Knabe TRAINEE : ' T•ehe,., .woe ol Call!. • 2 PLUS MANY MbREt FULL MEMBERS H l P. cocktt, oome •ll day Sat & H.l(h acMo1 &f8duate-, perter sfitrv.'OOd 'Music sch I . No down PmtJ. only $9 mo, at'OO SPINET'S & CONSOLES Nt'\\'port Be11cb "'ellTlis Club. sun, 227 M1>t1te Vlata. 9123 military complete, manqe,. Bfginnef'I & tntermediatca. Appl1incet · SAVE UP 1'0 ... $2SO. $600. ~s..et19/ 644--0637 HALF Ml.rue female calico ment ,opporumlty, •tar I Sae Denlon, ~ WELK'S WAREJIOUS£ WASJ~ER &: dr)'n, avocado. BUY NOW! l Prlees wUl not BEAGLE pup 3 1 ARC cat, ~ sv.'t'CI. l montht $500.00. Cail Ann, Merchants Ed\lcatlonal V&catkln Sth $125. Retrit--trost tfte $115. be this Jow-:afnt! recbtere:d. 10 wttk:s old old. 546-2209 9/23 Pmonnet Apn<;y. 2l>l3 .,,.,.,, . • . .sr c;u,."' 600 W.Alh SJ., 5aot. Ano Freezer I&. 5411-loo;; COAST MUSIC $!0. 8'7"6TT FlVE F1ulfy ~•cl< • '"" Wt~clltf Orivt, N.8. 645-2170 Ch\lcr>a1 10 lcsaon 1.YPina Open Da.jly 9 • 9 lS YOUR AD fN Q.ASSI. NEWPORT 4 11AR80li. 1'1ARQUbTl'E tl.tne up equip, kittens, 6-fb.4629 9/M THE QUI~ YOlf CALL.. !kh!. Trial Llluon. 113 Oet Sal !M S\ln. l l.e FIED' Soml!one tfQI bl COSTA fd~ * fe2.28ll llkt l'lt"#. CAil after 6 p.m. TilE QUICKER YOU CALL. ~ QUICHER YOO SELL Mor, C.M'.i''3-ml DAll.Y PlLOI' "Al<j ADS! -tor fl Dl&J "'""" ,Or><• JU "" lW Snn '"' lm.¢11 rRE QtnCKER \!au SEU. Horses 8830 l'" YR OLD rru.v t:JOO, Partly lraiood. -SilfALL Shetland, c h 11 d broke, daple il'l'Y $1~. 54"-5828 TRANSPORTATION . Bo.ts I Y 1cht1 9000 '67~ARCit8tlon . lnbMrd-OUtbootd. 120 Mart. t'tuistr with pcwer jot & Po'!J.'tr trim. FuU COVf't, Ready 16 enjoy. A I I mAlntNlfln<:t' reoonts. 1 09·ner. l<J ~ , DAILY lllOT TRANSPO~TATION I TllANSPOA.TATION TRANSPORTATION TltANS~RTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI TIUINS ATION TRANS loolo.,l Yodth .000 Mo1it1 H-"9200 Trir<fs '11500 l""'lllod AU191• MOO l"'flO!lld """° M0o Aue. I.Nol~ 9110 U.... Cm tt00 Ut111 c... 9'00 Uttd C... l!lllt IT-toot Giuooo:, wllh;; _.,tAY HAltlOlt '85 DATSUN IAIMANN GHIA YOLKSWAGIN L•••1 •1HT., CHMOLIT POID !bp 'M.......,., 1rallu • .,... Mo:>lla Hon1* Sa... · .... ·" N "'11blo ., .. -1nl """' o... Loma Roll.;,_, • .PU L ,. .. KARIWIM caia_o. _, _ OltDl'l'OoR YOU" 1968 EL CAMI 0 .67 Ford Gel. 500 ......... ,.,, __ ... ._ SJieratiinw...r.-... ".._ -...... c:...i--.r •• -•m AY 4 Sp11d T-. ;.i... !O houri uu. Bl\· Prullp. 8a1tua .iaemtmn,,•~dlr.-~,.,..""'1.$1'pA-POR IARLIEST ., , $2095 ""'"'-""""tlon. $1990. ALL Sl%ES ;::::..'"'N~ ":::·,.!: l'JtQilo • 'Pl • f l1IQI< DILIVE ltY :;r b~i ,f': °W' n. i door -1DP. llarll mo1alllc :m.mo NOW ON DISPLAY ..,_ ~, I'.-All popolu maJcea. Fool '· 5.2•399· ........ with "bl" 1'ndau. 1< rr. c.rroett Crall ca'*' 1425 -St, CaOJa -. ..,..,, ... "' ~ · • • '<f<'N -le':'lllf .,,_ OumtandJnat -, 1u, Crul.lt 115 HP cru11o al 31 \i block Eut of Hubor Blvd. 'tr QODGE ~ 10t. G'et o.-~eom.-tttlve ltitn ~ fac:t:oly alr, RAH, e:tc. vvz. RPM. Tip 1DP cond, Full> 0.1& l<eta ('!Jl) 5'1>9410 V-1.,A auto. S SeolL • Thiod.... U?. • · «1uJppec1. to wate• oow. GREENLEAI' PARK Otlten 1" -1rCm. ROllNS FORD Q~ -JOHNSON & SON : P.tU1t ldl. Call altre 8 p.m. tn clear, c1u.n. COO.I Cotti Kustorn .Motors. MS Baker 20Go H&rbar Blvd. '° IJi>coll>-M......,, .~ll18'1 ....._ r;.,. 92 -adull St., 9-'1, ~ {Autb-IJI. o.ia Mna 60<0!0 ' -!al 33' TS Expreu, below mkt! park. Models A Sales offtce: Dealer) °' "28 liar 31' Di-Kelch, arudoult located at Park. Open 9 AM 'S41N';t'E R'N ATJONAL • 11' ml Sc> <itts..:'~C:., Pacllle Yocl>I Sal'" 673-15'70 lo 6 PM. TnveJaJJ, ao<>d oond. Muot Uoad C... 9900 ' . . ACCENT MOBILE ..U.S.. M,.. Aloha ""'1tr 'b5 Ford $b75 ROME WES Put<, 132 W. W:Jaon, CM., '68 SPORTS . IOdQ, IS,'11JO ~)!:xi. tlJ or CT CUilom f o, Sedan. Gold Sollbolta 9010 1150 Wbl-Aw. or call 1!4WOT1 li60 --ml., air, i>"'"·· vln>1 top. Top lmJWWoR BLVI>c-wltll lllatchllt1r"ll111rior. Auto. 1r O'DAY Da.1NJler Ollt& Me11. ,114: 60-1350 67 CHEVY ~ ton. klr\I bed, nn tlrea. fr.iO condition.. ~ CX>STA MF.SA. V8, make a. fiDe W"Ork car. '61 MUSTAN5 •tHI Demo $1'150 • Used $1350 '61 :lil' x 46' ROD • REEL wl!l'loada, step bumper, fG...m eva. 2 Mu.stuws $2650 et. SVZ714. • 14' 0·0ay .,,. ..... llOO ec1"""' tum. To": •• ": lllllO~ 1163 1"'. PRIVATE owner. 3F°"'Galaxl" $21\'.llea. '~000~ ~'r'~~ JOHNSON & SON Fun 1.one Boat Co. Balboa • ...,.,.._ C AM/FM, new tires. Mab YOUeR .. ~?,LCE 1!lm ou't. U95. ~'193 IJncoln.Mm:ury SEA s c 0 u t •• desperately MOBILE ~ w/ cabaM. ~rs 9520 offer. 842-.!9l5T attft' s p.m. -• -.uas ._, • MAIN ..u '"' 22 .., view "" ~~ lJl' CAI! OVER. ••••JJ.,rt BR"';.~. 'Ji..':':~~·,!: CHRYSLER "28 l!ort>o• Blw., CM FOOT ALB AT R 0 s s. AdullA"""' 165(1). ...iitloo: '65 Cbmolel " M.-Lil. '&nail ....... low .... BUICK \I ml. !o. "'Son Diego Fwy. :..,_.,.. 8x21" Lancer SC la NB bcb ton. 646-'13115 ments, WW !lac priv """· '67 CHRYSLER GAS SAVER PENGUIN ullbcat 11 II' d~ • .'1~·~NB· w~ ~l"· '69 VIV CAMPER + ...,.. •·•--~---· P!l'!'GIUI. Call Phil, 0.-9713 '66· RMIERA ·oe r""' i dr. N•• mum.r. H1ntt1p. VI, -' ,,.-, fl• dlo, h••f•r, white d4. will tlr1t. MDM6l6, -''7 CAMDO $1"5 G•up1. lit ._.127" ~I, 1.t., r1411 .. ~11ter, p1w1r 1tMr. VGKI09 • . w/ull & tnnor: Top -~ ~ ... ,, ., Low mOeo $3'50. ~ -=~~. <~~ "' -ruu....., ~ ........ 2 -HARftTOD "" ..... 2 IMlr'1 new - ditloo $425. 13'1-"5911 • 9275 al)er & lmmedla,. J:lellw!Y, tJc ....,..oilon, air ·~ ......,.. ~' < chrom.,.JmL Nffdo ._.,, ''7 Ol'IL S1Dtl KITE No. 616. Mini I lk•• PICKUP CAMPER Shelli All Model.I • '62 vw Bus Uon!nr. etc, Uc. 1\VA"196 ~~ factory::: clutcil. $50. 645-2765 1Ce4ett. 4 S,..M. 11 ..... ' Aqua Wue. "1nt oond. MINI • bike with side • car Cab-bi, lli&bt,trqbt , $2199 kea, radio a ~-f:r~~a-'66 FORD C.0 Squltt, 9 put. Hurry on tf111 oM. Uc. * 6'B-3M8 * Street-lepl wlth . motorcy. damap. Cheap! 839-1800 New tnalne, reblt trans, dlr, ~ culate. CUDE 743) pa, pP. pwr wlndov•a A door uo~. CAL. U. 3rd in NATIONALS, de: §Ill. $250. ~ cam"~,,.,uiprnent. Small 2 yean. Full set or aailll. down. -1 trade. LSZO&llLB, '6f MIRCUIY fl"f i:i1oo. * 846--2951 BANDIT mini bike. 3 hp, Dune BUggl• 9525 Call ~' PhOnt 494-9T1J or 1 ~--------1 B1F eng. reeent o'haul. 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. ~5-0634. Coll'ttt, Hertilf•I'• ... ,,.ff, JNTERNAT'L lf fiber glass $15. 642--1492. SUPER MANX "2.-!Mal 5t0-17&C h••ter, wtw •. o11y 700 ••• =3 xlnt. SaC(Ulce $795 -Purple metalll&ke • tlnllh. Autbarh"ed M'G.Dqlei: '&8 vw MUSTANG fuel mll11. Y'l:W7•J. 1---------I MotorcyclH 9300 Special Bill Thomas Corvalr CHRYSLER -l?'LYMOtrrH ____ ,..... __ _ Power CrulHn "' dlllUooo ms HARBOR BLVD. '68 M I '66 PORD $12tl engine. MG•· ; ... "'ec1 " '· • •pd. ·"· = .. MESA !146-!Jm . us ang $1695 ~ !~ Ont)' cream ext.. 5f9.303l Ext. fi6 or 6t Open J')dy 'ttl lO 'p.m.. F1lc111 St1. w•t• VI, 1vt•, 28' FAIRLINER Sportfl.aher Sedan. 200 hp completely equipped, $8750. ~­ CRUIZON 16' Ca.bin cruiae:r ;M>Od/fbgla, motor • trlr. JAMES LTD '66 MGB ·Roadatu. Wire pluab>black int. Take small 19!0 u•••~R BLVD. GT, 2+2. ht bet. air, pa, powtr ,t .. nitf, i lt i1MI,. down. or trade ·• -w 1"w n.tU'-UV wtw tlr1t. SVZ.,IJ. l58f Newport Blw. 642-0040 wtti., .~ P"'1lla; .~ pynjnts. VllFisoiB. • &I COSTA MESA CON11NENTAL .,.. •as81 • IHb. dlr, lat BODIES tl4D le UP cond....., Ml. $1600. 491-.J.GUO Ken 494-9773 or 560534 BUICX No. 225. Ha 1 if'OUP, Bk $2810 will ao-'65 FOID ~. ~~ ~ 1964 MG!·~~· IOOJ. '68 vw BUG,"'"'·...,,;.,,, ~ 'b7 Continentol $2995 Oh:a~ ;::~ $14tl --Skid plates $12. Chrome radio. Uni-Yentl, puabout ~ml atta' ~PM Conwrtible, tun pawer, fao. or 560634. bumpers $9. Chrome roll windows, coco ma.ta. Xlnt · tory a.tr, Jeathu lnterior,l---;67..-:M:c...,=•nc __ _ ba $22. Wlndoblelds $34. OPEL ~·_:if VW. • ...,, dllc ·~.~~TE~ air, W. Landi• lop. aulomallc E>lcep. clean. tttlclc aJUlt. P.boneSant&Ana,541-U~ .....,.wwte-,radkl,Xl,lmao-~ ... u~ ,-.ued, tranl.,-AM-FM rad.lo, till~ beater, bucket1, '65 OLOS 1 $14'1 '68 OPEL_.....,, .. ·-11-·, like tual mL Priced for quick $11'15, fS4.to53 wheel. UOG 184. whlte waDa DLR. ••A TRH GUL~ STREAM 17 Ft. Ski Boat 120 H.P. Mere. Crui1er l"board -OutbOolrd Ready tor the water ri&:ht now. All lhe equip. Incl compas.s, life preservues & full cover. PRIVATE PTY 67:1-3144 54:1-9311 DUNE BUGGY Manx VW, ---. p;-.-sale 673-83fO ........ blue melal flake, "'"'-'-nu, oharp, 102 qtne. 115S5. · BUICK '66 Rl'1en, facttty JOHNSON & SON 690.11195. Pbone 60-«m rOll bar, kid plate. Need& KU1tom M~ SO Baker '65 VW, 2 dcu. • ipeed, air, full pwr, xlnt cond. See Lincoln-'Mert'U17 '85 Mtll~ Xl.nt eond.. V$ '69 HONDA 90 CC. Sttp..tbru T.L.C .. $950. 5 4 6-8 5 81, ·St., CM. 5f0..6915 radJoi, beatft', bee.uttfbl red to apprect $2496. 494-M59 54Q..56U auto. $1400; 14' aid boat, street model. $225. Call at 644-1618 and ahal11. RUM l40, $1095. '65 BUICK. It bl1111 oonvt• 2626 Harbor Blvd., CM mm: OIB., $12XI. Buy both 5,30 p.m •• 642-7'67 ======== PORSCHE Carl'• Moler C.. Inc., 1511 L<Sabn • "'"'llent ""'· \I ml So. tJ! Son OJ ... -· lnr $2300. 645-0!14 Imported Aufoa . 9600 --------1 l!ari>or. C.M., "2-0413. Nloely equlpped. 67>-1444 ~~~·~ + '65 CONV~RT + '65 vw BUS. llllO rebuilt 'b2 Continentol $795 ·~u~ANv".a, "!:;' = E""' SJl.1411 AUSTIN HEALEY Xlnl rood. All al?U. nu Pill engine, tadlc & hea!tt. CADILLAC 4 Doot-T°"" Sodan, plaUnum p/o, Id con<!. la ml. 149t1 blp, MIUl aelL 646-12S4 Muntl ltereo. $UXI. 2Kl\.I -color, leather Interior, fUU 673-6M7 '65 BMW OlOcc ROO, full dr. RARE '61 AU>tin mini •la· ,59 POJISCHE 1600 C..pe, 15th SI. Newport Bead>, or '67 ELDORADO ,,,,.,, 4clo"Y alr. Priced to ,65 MUSTANG _,_1 -·• Immac. $985. tton wa&0n (INOO!b'J. $1500. xlnt cond. 5&8291 or Call 6'1S-"ltl95 ll!lll today! HEP232 • .....,, .....,. ..... * 61J.0931 * ,..,', m.9665 .. ...,,........ 613-ll.'IO ""' • -1962 vw Sedan. New pofnl Owned by Utile 'ole """"' JOHNSON & SON -m-~ ~:..4.!J>d..;.. •· v.a. FREE Boat repair eat. 1966 HONDA trail 90, $175. ce.1 ,61 PO"...,.......,., •~"-tites, brafts, n~t •85 ene. teachn from Laguna Beach. .,.. "'"'"' v•-•.>& Traller :your boat to the 1964 Yamaha trail 55, ~ • ....,,,. ....,.. Pert edw'lical _ _... Hu had lovlna' C&n!. StW Unooln-MtTCUl'Y nl!weat, fastest boat service noo. 548-9509 TSUN perfect A all ~ m .__ $750. under ¥ct Wln'. dlr. WW 54Q..563S in the area. Ut 1111 make DA rebll $2250. "1·~ ~ fine Prvt prty w/ small down 2626 Harbor Blvd., CM -,.,. •bcamallt)l.""'w"', ~.~:x> !?~1 Triller, Tr1vel 9425 ,67 DATSUN '68 PORSCHE 91l Xlntcood. '69 VW CAMPER+ extru. oPh• 0~eN....Y00 .. ~~~ .. 6Call. ~ml So. ol San DltKO Fwy. OLDSMOBILE ~ ~ 1Sim Low mila. $3'50. ""-'1133 _,,,, • -'bB Continontol $4b95 ·~~H~':':'! fibera:lus supplies. Open 7 1968 20' Fireball, se.U con-. * 64M158 * afttt 6. '67 CAD. Std. DeVllle. Full 2 door, Teal bl1.1e with blue mllel. ol1g ownt'l', ~t dy.1/wk. fained, sips 6, xlnt cond. ii DR Std, 4 spd, dlr, neu '65 VW Camper lSXl Reblt pwr., fact. air. All aec:ess. leather, facto .... air, landau ccmd. $800. M9-371J7 aft l. WIND AN' SEA Paid $3900, will &ell for new. Hu had eXceptiom.I SPRITE Enr. radki I hea-/Muntz Fact lttl"l!O. 1-0wner. Lo •J 1TJ7 Superior $2900. 5U-048f or see at: can. WW aa~. small • -----atel"l!O $1300. 673-1095 Ml Xlnt oond. $ 4 , 4 9 s, to,i·w'111~~ns •• ~dzvlc,P!lhea& t. '68 OJl'LA.SS Supreme 350 Costa ?.fesa. SU-7607 2062 Placentia C.M. dn, fine prvt PI1Y. VGG879-l9Ell SPRITE. LookJ lfJOd Ii '60 VW SEDAN 67'"rf130 - 8 to 5 P.M. ' .,.,"""' · ""'· q p1 6 pb alr viQ)'l top. Bou Mllnten1nce 9033 Truckt 9500 Ul, ca11 Phil. 494-9173 "' runo .,.au JOHNSON & SON 121!1il . .., ....;_ ,,,".;im 545-0034. -lea --$165 '68 CADILLAC 8'dao de IJn<cln.M 1-·'======*=-== *613-4349* Ville. Loa-. power. 22.DOO 540-s63$" '65 F-«J CU'n.ASS 5prt ci>o. 8' Fiberzis boat 1: on more '56 FORD, 1 T, bat bl!d ORANG& COUNTY'S 1 '62 VW, top eond. overhauled m.Ua. Private party. $4695. Full pwr, lo mi, cd tbu. moorlng 110 hp Volvo, stf'l'n ,w/tDql boxes & .gpra.y eqllip. NO. 1 TRIUMPH lnotOr.,new brakn. ad t1rta, 8:1).(1581. 2626 Harbor Blvd .. CM xnlt CDhd. $132S. ~n ;drive, a/1 radio, bait tanks, DuaJ whll, xlnt cond. $850. DATSUN DEALER f695. ~ atter 6 PM MAKE low offer! '6" Cad 11' ml So, o! San DltKO Fwy, '65 OLDS euuu. -f42. Low "'"· Xlnt rond. Gd. ttld beat. ~613-"'"="°'~~~~,.---. DOT. DATSUN '65 SPRITE 19611 vw -XJnt cood Coupe De Ville. LOADEI>, 'b l Continentol $3495 mllap, 1 owner, ln>b a ·On shore moorins:; Balboa '62 Ford % 1'. PU, good ll83S Beacb Blvd. tbrou1b out caD afttt 5 xlnt a:ind. ~7828 4 Door, Beautlf\11 Hondlll'U driYl!I ijke new. 545-1498 :isl, No. Bay n~2S99 oond., w/10-camp shell; HWlttnrton Beach Ea white, Itallan red prt., p.~ 543-1397 '69 CAD FLEETWOOD maroonL'!1atch~ cloth In--------- 1711 OtrrBOARD cab l" $650. '65 Hond• 90. su;. SU.mt or .......,, f •J>d, dlr, locally owned. 1StJll vw ""1 s aqqara -. BROUGHAM -· '"" power, tac. air, PLYMOUTH •crulaer, sleeps :l, a:taned up 548.6680 64l-85981Jll!6 "=~o"AT=S!JN=,..-.,-4-d"o""o-=r I Excellent cond, Make offer $llSO. 9500 miles 49f.fi882 tilt whe@I, etc., with 41.,000., ________ _ 'to the water line, w/traller, '62 CliEVY" i,s Ton SEDAN, Ua:ht blue. or small dOWn, wtll 11nc prYt 497.1835• Aak b DON mill!.I. Stk, # 1222A 1· :~~:~;-:."~·.:'~~'~,,;'R. PICKUP R<uot>abl•.!143-2431 •">"· NRZ868Ul. Call Phil. 69 VW Olamootl bl N CAMARO JOHNSON & SON ·:.~~ ~~r~ 18' Ow•M w/8> hp M= 11'1l. 675-1355 61'-304< EN GUSH FORD ,•6594-91'13SorP545--0634.ITFl,RE . condition. Muot s.JJ~·~ Z28 CUIARO . ~ = c. "';: = '""·· 1"" wbl tr!•, '"''"" MOTOR HOMES 9215 . , 83>""9 GocNbeu . F~ m .. ",!,!; -u.~ Bl·~ CM equip. Good' Q>nd. $1395 '67 VW, AINmnd. reblt ere.. $2b>. See at 129 fftb-s;; I~;-~·~-~-~~~~·~· ~!!:Jl=st;, ;°"~· -~;:;:;:;=:·=: 5'1&--2631 Rd•tr. dlr, anaD down_ low ne wbatt. rtarter, senarator NB 675-3396 ' I:"' ml. So. of San Dlqo Fvry. 1<"6"' GLASPAR. 7 5 Hp ~~~~~ c=e~:i.i;r~ ..,... ..... TU. ....... -• -$lli<IJ. 9llMlJ3 '88 c...... :rn. R.S. PIS '67 LINCOLN O>nllDeolal • PONTIAC Evtnrude mo..,.. Good """" FORD DEALER :;..rvt~ Call""' GUm R.H. Aull>."' Knot< st CM °'• ~ :J:! 'b7 Pontioe GTO • dttion 1625· 813-SW SALES -SERVICE VOLVO ~2991 •vet. WW lra<!e. e '67 TRAA-ms. Prlco ----$2395 1967 16' Glulron. 50 h.p. '69 MODELS drutlcally reduced. Lav· VOLVO ' '61 , ~O Rally $porl. CORYAIR -Mereury. Xlnt cond. P,495. ,.. __ edlate '"I-.~ P/• -ML 1l ------~------JAtrfnmatlc trammlu\on, ,.. "."·ll 673-W" UIJ,.W """ •~•J ing for college, Marl1 Q• ... , • ;,uw ....., .&.~ LARGE SELECI'ION' tru. UQ), 67>32211 Private party. 675-aim _ '60 CORVAIR , dio, beater, power ateermc, Hi' Horizon Ski boat. 80 HP Theodore S.st'0.111 AN At i========~!Red.Reb!tenr teautotrana. air corwtiHonirc. lJc. TRJ. ~,t:, ~"· ll'50. HEADQUARTERS R~l:!,F!~D Re~ ran::.: i..u DEAN LEWIS 1 __ c_H_m_o_UT__ ~-:i.-$250. e= alt ".foHNsoN & soN Marin• Equip. 9035 ONE factory re-built (never • run) Gen'I Mtn s.n model 64 HNG rrey ma.tine dine! .cngine. Complete \Y/lwin- -disc reduction gear 2: 1 ratio. For fw-!her details, :can P. Sutlon (213) 626-9301 \\'eekdays. or (714) 546-008 .'veekend!. Bo1t Rent1lt CAL 25 for rent. S3S per day y,•knd. Ul per day wkdays. Incl lns. fully equip, nee or cruise. 968-4840 Mobile Homes 9200 CASH FOR YOUR . MOBILE HOME Private pati)i wnntii 8 JI: fO or ~argcr to be moved lo moun. 'taln lot, Send description, price & localton to: Write 'Box P 424 Oail_y Pilot. FOR °"" ..... -.63 m .. __ 19llt -c.1o1. -'66 IMPALA 1==c=o=R=YETTE====1 ua;::lU"' MOTORHOMES 1~~~~~~~~1 ·-"'" ""' -. · -~• 2 Door. hardtop, v~. -2t1211 Harbor Bl..i., CM ON CIJSPUT Tiit lU ID DODGE "EXPLORER" 1111 .... 1111111 ... * •••. l!Mlllo "' htil wllll fhwlll'. ~ ........... .111.L •tZlL 1.1 rooT, u roor, • roof. 1 TIAU n•A•C- 1111 4JI APl'IOVll Cltlll'. I Reuonable. 8S3-.1054 A-W•~ 9700 •hUt. dlr., r.lb, owned by ,65 CORVEITE a Red \I mL So .. d. Son DI ... FWy. FERRARI llttl• 'ole loco! pellcemon. WE PAY · · • Has had loving can. crean, O'.>IM!rt. Hdtp. Immac, reblt '68 Pontiac LeMans FERA.ARI Newport Import.I Ltd. Or- an&• County's onl.1 author- b:ed deall!t. SALES·SERVJCE-PARTS 3100 W. Coast HW)'. Newport Beach 642-9405 540-1764 Attthorlted Fl!rnrl Dtaler FIAT BEAT lnfiatlon! 68 Flat 85() CPI! noo under Blue Book. Loads of Xtras! 548-TI2i JAGUAR '67 Jquar 3.4 Sedan, wire chrome whttls, R a d I a l tires, AM-FM, power 1tr, power brka, auto. $2995. 546-85.!1., 644-1613 TOYOTA ELMORE MOTORS 'TOYOTA e Lara11t telection ol a I I modolt, colors. ..... ... larreat Toyota dWer, NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY 15300 Beacb mvd. Westminster Phone ~ BIIL MAXEY !TIOIYIOIT!AJ 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt, Beaeh 8474555 3 ml N. Of a.st HwJ-. on Bch (TIQJYLQIT(AJ Bast DHI• Ara At DEAN LEWIS 1.968 ltvbor, C.M. 6f8.9303 VOLKSWAGEN CASH far WJed CU1I A trucks tmt call U1 for free ntfmate. GRODI CHEVROlfT WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHmOLET --Bl..S. ea.ta MNa Ml-)20ll WE PAY TOP DOLLAR fer aood. clean med can, Ill maket. ... ~· Raf ~re Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. C.M. "2<00ID Will Buy 'Ii) vw ....... Good .... 'i' v ·~-dldon -Or ·•-r a.zro o_.... ... n ar Ponche • --• A P1Y top dollan. Paid tor -• "' not. C>ll Ralph '68 VW Snrf. beJ&'e W/blk Int. 813-0900 RIH. l'llncbe rim1, Xlnt l--;1MPO;;n;:;R;;;1'1;;.,....W7'ANTm==- ccnd. '"'°· !143-:1716 °'"""' Coun1lto 1967 VW $00). -"bnJmo. TOP I BUYER Ute blue. R/ll. Ca 11 BnL MADY TOYOTA --111818-hBJvd. ..., vw Radio. ........ Good R. S..Cb. Pb. .., .. Inside&: out. $1299 lull price.. ~ $2595 or beat otter. $2795 RFH582LB. After ll AM, 494-9713 or 543-0634. 2 Dr. H.T. Ftrebird srfen. COUGAR bt.ck 1>uc1<eta. '" u , ,.,,.. --------·I tn, and braket, .tereo tape '57 Chov. Ste. Wgn. decJc, etc. Low 25,000 milee:. VCJ'9U JOHNSON & SON Bel Air, 4 Dr, Very good cond, '68 COUGAR. $2695. Radio, ~built 283 engine, new tirel, &tr, extn,1. See at ~ new trans., power-1teertng, Texaco. 29:11 w. Newport pewerM bnlku, auto trana. Blvd. 613--0395 Llnccl-M-•-Wlt see to appreciate. Rea-,,..-,.;;;;;=.-=o-=::I ,. .. _, IO!lably priced at S575. '67 OOUGM XR7. Xlnt 540-5635 Can 847-M cond. Stereo, lthr. seats. · 26111 Harbor JUvd., CM '66 CHEVROLEI' caprice. many more extru. 642-6112 1ii mt. So. of San Diego Fwy. One owner cu with on1,y '6& c1Wfu PRIX 24.000mlle1,hu.U,...,+ DODGE NI .....,, '8, prJ' p)y air conditioning. Ablolutely 1 $2795 * 6'15-4257 "" c1...,.11 one '" town. 67 DODGE DART .61 Gro , -. &;n;;;i Jim Sl.emoN1 M er c e d e • White with v1n1l top, air con-~ Ertn.a. $1795. Brll1. m w. Warner. Santa dltkml.na. auto. ttan&., pow. 838-0'J93 efts Ana 54&-4114 er._,tl!ffirw, radio anc1 heater. · ' M"" oell. $1195. 35,DOO ort9-•ilj PONTUC, llOOd coildltloo CHEVY '61 """""' 2 DR to.i nill,., Call 637.fl» • tllnoul ISOO, . landau Kdtp. P/1, P/b, Ori&fnal owner. Call 80-9121 R/H, factory air. $216S. =======1-===i'::i::::== ....-..... FALCON T-llRD CHEVY '66 Impala 2 -·1-------1------- vl'IYI lwdloP, outo, V~. rac 1965 FALCON Fulura !IT 'b5 T·Bird $I b95 air, P/a, P/b, R/H, Xlnl -·pe ~-0--Aot• • cond. $1495. 546-6439 """" • Vl1lll' ... ,.... " Convertlblt. Auto, factory =-===-,,,..,-:-=c I tr&nl, V-1, PIS. XNLT air ~ and brake!(. '64 MALIBU SS p/a auto. cond. $'1400. 673-7851 RAH, etc. 4-n outatandlna lmmaculats. M111t tell 1960 "Falooh, 4 dr aeda6 one owner new cu t:raa .. $1000. G"g • 6'6-U61 '" Runa ao<>d $155 In. PJ'G373 "7-71114 !ll0-1t11 JOHNSON & SON '62 f Dr. Chevy Jmpa1a. P/1, P/b. Radial ... L Xlnl FORD ua;:~""""' cond. $650-·~ P>ovY lmJIOJa 2.J>r. Good 'b7 Ford 250 PU $2195 11 :6 ~~;_,,81~ ~. cond. Aato. v_.._ S13XI. " Ton Iona bed, 362-VS-erw, .1961 T·BJRD. 1 owntr. tm- 1S'J5..6571 awo. a.H. extra 1u tank, mac. cond .. low mi's. Get· '61 CAMARO 327 R.S, PIS. wrap around ~ar step u._ 1J70 T-Blrd. J'or quick JVH. Auto. 284 Knox St., CM bumlltt, We11: 0.St mlr--Ille, $200 owr low blue ~ eves. wm trade. ran, etc. Sbarp! Onl7 1400 boolr aeo, Da)'I •'n21 '65 tm-•· f t -1-'"·" mlll!I, Y46851 --• urea. Excellent condlUOn $1!ill. 66<-le& power:--'-"~. :'iitisr JOHNSON & SON ~~. 1'1Ml65 • Auto L111lnt 9110 SELL 5'S-133< • Llaccln-M"""'Y TORINO '68 • '67 vw enctne•. lo ml. J.SOO, 1300, 1200. 6CU050 or 646-'7610 196.l vw, eunroof, aood cona. l!IOO. • 64z.6906 * ·ss vw, an txtru, ltlM new. IXKXI Miles. Sl950. 211.4~ W. Ocea.ntront Apl 208 NS. ' ,,, LEASE ,,, 'lli CHEVROU:r. 2 dr, ••lo 54&-5635 '68 TOR '!S Cadillac eou,. do Vllle, trano. v.a. llOOd condftlcn. 2626 llarbcr Blw., Cid INO full.)' equipped, $129 ,no, ! su.G:UT *· 'Ai ml So. ot S&n oi. FwJ'. '67 Ford,, 10 11911 slat~ • .,.1 Jll63='""i'""""D'=R-=a..~.,.~11'"".-.s"1a"tion,.... '1 '1"960=r,..""''"""o"a1'""~-.'(lf".'"'R1~JJ". r=-15.oic 1GT, F1atblck, S50 hPi • spd, on, r/h; air, Pl. $89.SO mo. Wagon, Radk>. Sig 6 ell!:htt. air-.conct. Exoellent. =o. dlr. loadtdl WoWd like r... '6.7 El Ca.mif)O, $700. Auto tram:. $893. 962-MSS Aft 7 Ir. wkndl 9Gl-6002 etp cst ln trade u poJSlhl.e. SOUTH COAST '57 OlEVY rtation wagon. '69 FORD GAUXJE 500 Blue Book S25Z ·best offer CAR LEASING Rt<rr. $ll50. 84~421" Mly loaded 12S111 cYft $1000. WTUTILB. Cail aoo w .. Cit Hwy, NR ~2182 Good condition, Air cond. * 53f.S25IO • PhU, 49Mm ct $606.14. ,, Yi.ti c;,,1,.,, ' , .... .,, ••• VI, 1vt•, l1ct t lr, PS. Pl, r1dl1, h11t1r. Uc. V1\JIJL '6' MDCURY $16tl Cv1l1n. 5 .T. t dr. H.T. YI, 111t.. f•ctery 1lr1 PS, rt. l:i11ck1t •••h. Uu1111 TSAl2J. , '67 PAIRLANI $1"1 2 D,. H.T. V•, 1llfo ft•flt, PS, r1dJ1, h11ter, ~ will tlr11. UPSSSI. 'H PORD ia.11:&11 100. 4 Dr. SHI. VI, tlllo, PS, r1dlo, h1•t.r, whit.will tlr11. SYl20J, 'H fALCON 17'1 2 Dr. VI, 1tlcli, rtdi1, h11t0 1r. l11I 1h1rp, NQOJ6t. 'H NU STAN& $1 HI C.'"" Ai.'ht, n, «IH, "''' 'f'hl1, l11!1rior d1c1t. tr•11p, Uc. NOYtl9. '67 PORD R111ch w•f· V• ,1ut1, f11t. 1lr, PS, Pl, lutttt• Nik. Uc. TVDI02. . '67 COU6Alt '12fl H.T. VI, R&H, PS, P-dl11 ttr1li11, feet •Ir, ..,.w, viflYI top; tllt wh11I. USDJ7J, 611•1111 100. C..W. VI, IU .. , ,, ... , ... .,. .... UH . Uc. UYl2t2. '61 POJUI $12tl LTD 2 Dr. H.T. VI, 1vt., fist 1lr, 'I, Pl, , ... ,, I h11ter. Uc. ATAJJI, 'U &AL IOO .... 4 Dr. S .... VI, 1.t., rl41e, f•ct. 1lr, llldiit1 w•ll 11,... Uc. 5HKl2• • '67 PORD SIJt5 Cu1toM 500 l Dr. VI, •11t1, PS, r•cflo, h11t•'· Llc111•1 UTl79S. • '66 FORD $1615 Co11•ttv Sq1lr1 10 p111., v.1, •tito., PS, Pl, RIH, li•tt•t• r1cli. UTI 791. 'M PLYM. $H5 $po" fury. V.. 1vto1111tic, r1'11, h••t•r, power 1t••r· 1119, Uc. OL.5171 . '66 OLDS F85 $Ut5 Deluq 2: Dr. H.T. A11!0, r1ll1, h11t1r, PS, Pl, f1ct. 1lr. Uc. SRL790. '66 TOllNO SIH5 l Dr. H.T. VI, ,11ct thlft, ,.,uo, h••ftr, cvttorn t11!1r· lot. Ue. ICSOOl. '65 T-llRD $12'5 VI, •utoni•tic, r1dio, h11"' 1r, full powtr, f1cfcny 1ir. Uc. Y.0776. '62 DODM $4H St•tlo111 ••t· t p1n .. 1vt•, r.dlo, h11t•r, powtr. u .. VUl'<6f, '66 MUSTAN• S12tl H.T. Hi•'-' rrf•l"llllllCI VI, tllck 1hlft, t1di1, h11!1r, LJc. lVAJJ2. DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Mal• 546-7076 ' • q ; 0 • • .. . . On August 4 of this year, a plants here in Southern California- power shortage· plunged New York close to --:here the power is used. into its most serious power crisis A new Edison plant can benefit since the massive blackout of 1965. your com·mµnity in many ways, lights went dim. TV sereens got including millions of tax dollars fuzzy. And people were asked lo every year to aid your local school cut back on their use of air condi· districts.-In fact, Edison is the largest tioning. ' single taxpayer in man).' of the com· The· problemt not enough gen· • munities and counties where we erating .plants. The, reason: New operate ·generating plants. York utilities were not permitted to .Does a power plant create smog? 'build new facilities as planned. Building schedules were postponed Accol'ding to Air Pollution Control because of delays in governmental District authorities, Edison power • authorization . planJS now account for less than 1% .· . Could a widespread blackout of the total tonnage of air pollutants ,., ... ' happen here? Not likely now-but in the. Los Angeles Basin. In com· 1 -it could happen in the future if we p~rison, automobiles account for ' . don't build more generating plants nearly 90%. . ,e· • •• J • now, as well as substations and Nobody wants smog, including -. transmission lines. us. We've been pioneering ways to To make certain you will continue prevent pollution since 1954. You can count on us-wherever Edison ' to enjoy low-cost, uninterrupted builds a plant-to more than meet ~. we must build some new the most stringent controls for clean I • • • I \ ' • • . -•• • air establiShed iby local and state authorities, plus 'the U.S. Depart· ment of Health, Education and Welfa~e.:u·ecau8e it involves you and ,,Our envirotiment. To us;that's important. After all, 11,000 of us work at•Edison. Our families-live in Southern California, too. Based ~n population p~jections, w.e need to build:new .generating plan~ and, of course, transmission lines to bring the power to you·in certain key·areas. We should build a plant near Vic- torville in San Bernardino County. We Deed another, with two units, ·in Ventura County. Work is well und·erway'on 'the first unit at Otmond Beach 'near Point -Mugu. And we needtwo new generating units at our Huntington Beach station in Orange <;aunty. Later, we'll need other "plants with.in our 14-c<?unty service territory. • • To mel!t current demand for electricity, we'te generating power for Southern California by every practical means -water, gas, oil, coal and the atom. We're also importing electricity from New .Mexico and the Pacific Northwest over extra· high-voltage transmission lines. The best way to prevent a power shortage is to avoid having all your eggs in one elecirical basket. That's why we need to build more generat- ing stations, substations and trans- mission lines throughout Southern California. Should it become necessary to bl,lild in your area, may we count on your undentanding and support? You would be helping Southern California to remain the brightest spot in the natit:Jn.sC.E Southern California Edison I I I • I I l l .. ' . l • • I '· "