HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI I • • ''. ·: . ! . ::Sti1n1ner~s . ... -· ! r ...... i ,, Gone .. • O.-ft.'t.>f1t.0r• ....... f1,at! .... P.ieui ¢!Ddy BOill'llger, i::-year-Qld Orange . COl!SI 'College. ·sfudent ftOm ~iol\a de! Mir, took her last' dip of·the'lll69 sunune'r season Monday. 'foday;_al11s, ls.the first .day .of fall and ilie s)Wn 1.UOn for . pret!Y girls .is fa<Ullg ,wlth the sunset. . . . · · · , . , . Aetl0n Postponed ' ' i. I ' Council Shouted Dmvn ' . ~ny Pil3r Fee ()pponents . t . . lly JEIU!ME· F: COLLINS or .. °"" n.. •• Fll<Od wllb ., 1118'1 tlirq ti pier owners wbo at·tfmes lhouted them down, Newport Beach c:\11 .,..m..11men Monday lllslrt pool!>ooed for three -U action on 11<,.,....i lldeW>dl .... ,_ Oppunillla ll lhe plan pocked lhe COlllJ- , ' 3Lag~na.Yo~ Heltf . hi . $U100Q ' . \ LSD' Sale Charge I • ... 41.l "~ ~ • --' . .. . ' . : . • • " ' .. . '. .'a-': ~~ \,,. .. ~ .. . • • • • ' , .. , "'; , ,T _, ' I: l' l ~·r..:c ... :.1.:.r .-i l r ... ~ • ! I .... " ':I -~ ·:. ... • ..• t.'i' ·•tft' ' ~r.~ tio' .-w,_ ~"> <f .. ~ •.\.\I~ ... . .. ·..i. •. • .. 4 ,., • , . , \.¥· .• I ; •. • '!..-j •• ·.t ' ' r· • • • ··n · .. -.. -~ . OW: • I ' I • '· _..,.._,. ·0rur-······ 1 ..• -.~.- Weadler . . • _____ .1 ' -~ ., ... , ..,: 'I-.,. .w; .,~ ......... '.I -~ ~ i. ' •• ~.1 •. • ..... # \< .... , -. . ' ·' •• ~· ·' • I I 5th Division -Dis.solved ' .. l • ' t-' .. , Pendleton Unit Falls to Pentagon Ax '!'Ids .II Jl.Day !or lhe FUlh Marine ' Df"'8ioD. • . • • rlo.dlvallon prtparal!Olll """Onlertd ' ~ for pie Camp Pendlelao-blaed -bot 'llnll, IOlli>wfnl a Pentagon onler to cut armed servicea manpower by 77.SOO men. , ~~.~~ . tllewbere or return to the Marine COrpll l)'slem• stockplle. Two of Ulree regiments cf the.. division Gl'llniUd expressly for :he Vlel1wn war wllfbe·disbanded. a lharp eoonoauc \)low to San Clemente lllCI l>lher couW ciUet depelldent on -· . "Ille allDl>lllOIJinen busin<llmen had femd since .ll -.t111Dored. two ,...kl "'° came !run Brig Gen. -Dwytr, recently appointed ~ o! lhe F!lt1I Marine D!vtsl<m. Gen. Dwyer anld lhe 27th· end l!lh, ' rtglmenti0will be deactlvaUd by Nov. ~. molhbaU Deet. the ,.ven ln·San Diego aro while ,the 261h )\eillitent wut remain oo Ute ,dock • II~ shlp1 (ju-,Hall, chlty lh"Vleillllit. . , Cltamoun~ cOmltock, W ~ e.t 1,1 o no , 'lbe P.entagon announcement Monday Colo.Dial and Fort Marlon and the tant also.J{ldle<I a fA>\lsh blow to pnrUnns o! landtog shlp 'Stone County •• Their ttris-' ' tb,e San Diego area economy -with a total 1,716 officers and men. lesser effect on Long Beach-in turns of Deactivated unll! under1the icommand naval cutbocb. ·of Naval ..!Jr Paclflc, headquartered at . -..~. tlio~'>'ff!I ~!kFiflll !jPJll>:~ ~._. -~1111!1.. "Miilbo-'lll>tiloii. seven Slin 1)!eg .. !>Uid f.1lJ tf\llstecl ii.en. Mcio! w1n i>O ;.~. ships will be deactivated, along wtth the ed to other naval air Pacific unlt1, a enUre AnUsubmarlne Air Group 57, North spokesman said. bland Naval Air Station. Naval Air PacUic haa Ji400 aircraft and • The Long Beach navaJ·unil! affected by 90,000 office(' and men. , .Moodly'a cutback ·order toelude assault Tile units ordered deacUvated ~ at.. transport USS Okariogan and the dock tact squadrons 76 and lU,at 'Lemoore 1andhlg ahlps Tortuga and Cablldo: Naval Air StaUon near Freapo. Gallf.; 'nit Sin D1eg().baaed ftltisubmarlne air ,ftj\U-submartne fighter ,squadron .1 at ,. un1t Wai assigned io the USS Hornet, Al.meda Naval Air Station; Patrol home ported In boog Beach, but I~ ol· Squadrons Z ud 12 at Whlilbey Island, fkera and lbeD lived in the San Diego Wash., Naval Air StaUon~ and Patrol . Ytclnfly. Sjjuadron 18. at Barbers Point. Naval Air ·Of the· 22 Navy ships· ordered to the Sta.Uon, HawaiL From P~e I , 'l nrer(;eif~ . I . ~ , ? I -Produces • SAN DIEGO (UPI) -" T ~!' government's crackdown on drug -~ gllng has turned yp ll~ contraband !Wf. many C01>!P1'ints ~bQul dela,y • ': lhe u:s.'MOxlco bci'rdei •• -• As the . new policy of car.by-ear aixt person-by-person searches went into it! third day1 tJ:lere were dellfl of JUI to aix l>oin'ID~~.~-. loo.¥ llcitjllr _p;:-.-. ~ . ' ' 'l)ja...,y illt~· Aft~6 U S ,,,,. "iJ"· . I . pUEOlli~~~l ".'.!,/W~~ · -~~~I WU·~""*'' •, d6; ;\!Mut llnc!big a .• .. le ln8'Qalila JIMfll~ ~ .. ..-~ ~.Al¢ !lllo '~ 1act ol ., ucc"* a<!uidlr ..,.v..i !l\oj lhe opera. . ti~-... ·~·lit& ii• goal of;"clllnqiling 111" CQl1!ro)>aJid traffic and ~lhe aupPIJ.ol; ' :QI! -' '. · dru;t-andn:.~ ~ Westminster Doesn't W ani :N'ude Daocipg CAROL. ~ •• READY l'OR °lffARV.EST 1.N flRTILE FIELDS OF ORANGE COUNTY Rev. Billy Grfh'm Optlrolallc On Brink of 20 Yous• Cru11dlng _ .. This was a heavily publicized opera- tion and these people who smuggle in the stu!f are obviously lying low. They are not trying to bring Jt in and that is what we want to accomplish." nigh! club. . I Wa,rre~1 without bis usual Judlclal robO, nubbed ~ role u muter of ceremonies \Vhen he noted: "The record will indicate we aft conveoina: in Chuck Largo's Lan~ Anaheim Crasade Opens II The increased air. land and sea surveillance iS being coDducted along the entire 2,SOO.mile border from the Gull of ~Iexl•.!1> to the Pacific. Nude dancing 1111 no place In w-.ier -• tbeOrt .. far suppOrted In personal taste by Its pracUUoners - but that doetn'I stop the City Council from acting to bar bare babel from public ertertaJnolent-.... I • 1 dis .•. ".. · Mi!s Doda was summoned from her San Francisco night club by the defense for go-go dancen Shella Brendenson and 5111.8.Me Ha.Ines, char&ed With lewd and dWolute ~uct anci Indecent exposure for dancing totally nude at lhe Pink Pulsy Kat , beer bar in n e a r b y Orangevale. Their boll, Leonard L. Gian· Graham Says Drugs, Sex The f111t Arizona arrest came Mouday nigho at lhe Douglu Bonier croutng. ' lnspecton found 1115 pounds of marijltlna " hldden In Ut• roof of a van drlv<n by Jock · L. Yoong, '1:1, BW!nss. Moot _ 'lbe five-man panel wUl 1 eoMlder a tough new cit}' ordlnallce wbldl would ·Substituted for Religion The bosi..t bonier crooalng II between Tijuana, Merlco and San. San Ylldro, south of San Diego, where delays of up to six hours were reported. problbll topless, -· "' bolh from mtaurants and bars In tbeCOllUllWllty; Olllclals are ,.ueved thal Weslininater, r~ centuey aso b7 devout German immlgta'bta:, hu so far eaceped the pro- blem. . ' They wan~ bowever, to be ale !nltead of ' V•1 TflilllllOtt .. : o! the COOllCllmen expmsed an HOLDING COURT IN A SALOON lnterelt Jn this at the last meeting," saJd Judge Earl Warren Jr. atr.AllJ.'l'alll:-: I . -4:_.,,r.;:;p;:-:;i..-:;;;-,..;;;,;;;;;_cr.-.,,-,~;;:;;;p • lhe UM-clad law will be received by lhe council "They may either adopt mine ar one currently being drawn up by dt}' a~ t tom<)" fr\>111 a subcoil!1111ltee tn· the League or California Cltie!, .. be added. Tustin Tensions , Taut; T.ome Termed 'Trash' ~· At the same Ume Morgan slated that ' t.ven though there ls no law on the city , boob specifically forbidding sue~ en- 1 tertainmenl, "the city of West.minster Emotions ran high In Tustin Monday , bas been fortunate in this regard a,nd bu flight as 200 parents, teachers and had very few problem(." · students testified pro and icon whether lie ~ lhal t!tls type 9! en-ltudenta should read Aldoul Huxley's tertamment ts 'curren.Uy corislde'red a 0 BraVe New World." gray area within the law anti that pro-In the end, the school boai'd turned the oacutloo\ nsually falll wllbln lhe deQnltlon l\OOk oy lo a llterary commiUee , lor -~ .,.. -, ~~ 't • y #V~_,. • • ·11 ' 1 "r\I • •11'.:,i~ ~ '1l'tf &lifghJY qutsUOnabfe area," Wil The · maiter ·Was brou8:ht • befoi-e the Morgan. ''There ususally has to be board by Bernie Williamson, Tuslln somoeooe Inside who is annoyed ~ an ai. father ot a 15-year-old girl, who called Uie Jeged lewd acln ' boot "''fillh lllCI trash damaging the U adopted by the city council, Morgan's morals of our counby today." ordinance would specifically for~id any He ~ the abock of their daughter "waller, waitress ar entertainer to being asslgne<! lhe book lei read caused puform unclothed or e.JiPOM1 to public his wlf~ to be Placid under.sedaUon, and view the breasts, pubte or genital region he Contends personal damage to hl.s in a place where food or beverages are daughter if &he is required to rud the &old." . boot ia WOl1!i" SI million. He says he will JnfradJoru: o! lhe new law would be bring sull In that amount U lhe book Isn't classified as a misdemeanor. banned. "' Weslmlnater Police Capl Walter Soott, Schools Superlntenclenl Wiiliam ZoJr who also conceded that the city ha1 had said the book will continue 'to be used in cy, also Is charged wllb aolklting lhem The trouble with young people today, for such behavior. ·• says Rev. Billy Graham on the eve of his Defense lawyers didn't mate clear la.day Anaheim crusade, is tbat drugs their entire ltfategy 1n hiving Mtss boda and sex are being 5Ubstituted for that old put On her, act for Judge Warr'al'a lG-time religion_. man, two-woman jury. However, they "Young people's poetry with all the referred ~o ''community standards," and four-letter words has a spiritual quality," ~e question of whether bottom.lw dan· the famed evangelist said at a news con· cing soes beyond commonly accepted ference ~~ill Az1abelm cornnulllit1~ .. kej'1duue \Df~ . ' ~ -i 7il':" 'f-Jt· the case · "They are substl uting drugs and ltx Miss Dooa•s 35-minute act includea her ta: ~ ti;:e . experience IJ'ley could h~ve and two male dancers singing and dan-with God, he added. , clng before. during and after a 'movie The Rev. Graham revealed that he "In shown on . a. special split iCl'ee.D through direct his _messages primarily to .Yotp1g which they come and go. people during the 10-day crusade, matk- Tbe movie shows Miss Doda, frequently ing the 20th anniversary ot his m86s totally nude, in various sexual encounters ministry rallies. with men and a woman, but is played for He said he blames the older generation laughs -and spectators had a tough for the basic rebellion of the youth of '~ lime obeying Warren's lnstructiom not to day, but added that rebellion itself ts ;as show emotion. · old as mankind. i When newsmen -about 25 showed up "Ttie essence or sin ls rebellion agalmt Instead of t.be usuaJ two on mere routine God," si.ys 'the North Caro Una-barn days -a~ed what she. thought of the preacher who has become a presidenUal trial, was.'Dod2iid ur don't understand confidante. . \ Wbj't~;f~ , ·Pll~CNl trlal,,"1>J;ll,lt . ~:I')le,,Yl\"~1ol this_nal!Ga,lln-~ wrong.?1 to ance nijde. ror answera, he saJ.a. She. said'She doesn't appear completely "They want you tq tell it like it is. All l unclad In hi!r live ad be<:a..t lbe doesn 't do ls explaln the Bible In Ute old tern». If reel the Med to. Asked to explain her you act your age," he continued, "they'll, elabQrate act compared to past almple listen." ahowa the tald It's like umayon want to Speaking on the perils faced by a becom0e governors senat«s want to be troubled nation today, he said drug use presidents." ' among the younger gene.rat.ion is the The movl~ she explained under ques-most frightening thing to be faced. tloning by~ prosecutor, "ii like a aatite He added that war -natur~y -is a of pornography 11 birthmark of human nature 1n IL!! most ' devilish manifestation, but said the Viel· Bonn (\)Ks Wage Hikes nam oonfUct is just a sideshow compar~ to other crises. Tbe Rev. Graham specifically men- "very few ~blems" with topless dan-the elective "Fiction of the Future." BONN (UPI) -With a parliamentary clng. Mid, however, "I would be ln fiver cl&Mes at Mlaalon Viejo, Tustin and election only flve days away the West of any ordinance that would ban tt." Footblll higb schools until tbe llterary Gennan government bowed to Jalxlr Bars and nightspots which feature nude committee makes a decision on its con-union prelSUl't today and aeree<1 to 1'&a:e or semJ-nude dancing, according to Scott, tinued me. increases for 500,000-publlc employes. ''attract an undesirable element which -------------------...:..--...:....;... __ creates more problems for law en· rorcement officers." "I'm for any ordinance that would' make it les.s of a problemi" be conUnued. "These places have a way of ei:citing the prurient interests in people." CwTenUy there is no bottomless en- tertainment featlll'ed in any city in Orange County, pending the decision of criminal and civil action taken by the District Attorney's Office. Morgan 11aid. Topless dancing, however, goes un- proseeuted in some cities, tncludtng Santa Ana and Garden Grove. DAIL Y PI LOl ............ ",, ...... ------.-CAUFOllftA 0AAHa COASl f'\jlLISMINO ~ l•Mti N. W-' ) •l'PIWllS ... ,.. ...... J•d: L CtirW, Vlet ....... -o.w ...... n1111•• Ktf'fil .... T11111W1 A. Mt,.hf11t ---. e... ... I OI 'Nat ..,. 11r911 ' Doctor Suspended After Eye Switch HOUSTON (UPI) -Dr. Conard Moore, who claimed last &pring to have perJirm- ed the world's first total human eye transplant, has been suspended by the }I arr is County Medical Society, it was disclosed today. The Houston ophthalmological society expelled him Junt 9 for "ophthalmic prac· lice not in keeping with the standards of this community." YOUR WATCH' tioned the Middle East tensions and the bickering over. border b o u n d a· r i e s between Russia and Red China. Frustrations bolled over in the Jong ' lines ol can, fist fights atar1M and per!~ epldemlca of horn ·hooking spread up and d~ the tralftc Jam. Some driven became lick from carbon monolid~ fumes. Many vowed never 1.gaJn to return to Mexico. The popular evangelist who preaches' mercy via mass media· began his career 20 years ago this month in L4s Angeles, drawing up to 3,000 persona nlghUy for eight weeb. Earlier thls year, his crusade.!! In Melbourne, Australia, drew 3 3 , 0 0 O persoos per ·day on the average, while a June aeries in New York attracted 23,000 person. dally. Treasury offic1als have made tt clear Utat a principal goal of Op<nlloo Inter«pt 1" to jar lhe Mexican ........,.. ment Into wiping out !he aouioe of llllcll ' drugs. . ~ The governmenl estimates that IO Per· cent of the marijuana in the Ulllttd States comes from Mexico. From Pnge I PIER FEE PROTESTED ••• for my own position and the people ln the Boat Yard, said he had read the • audience, I was not aware of th1I report documents. "I managed to 1et a copy at until lhe council agenda packet came oul City HaD, lllCI the "'port bu meny omn Thursday nlgbt. Our discusalons should and premises that are erroneous. It an first center on whelher lhere lhoul<j, l>!!. i-~U,Y'll!"! lr9o>, lb! fees J~··i"~ an ordinance. !4mlO ywljlf 'Me to bo earmarkilll for "So far as I'm concerned, I'm not con-harbor Improvements. We all know it's n- vinced there should be an ord .•• " legal to eannark ta:ru lo r lm- His statement waa drowned by vigorous proveme;11ts." .t applause, accompanied by chetts and Larry Miller, vice pesldent cf Marina whlsUing. The outburst lasted several Dunes and chairman of the Newport seconds, compelling Mrs. Marshall to use Harbor Chamber of Commerce's Marine her gavel for the first time since !he Division, said Parsom' report should be became mayor ,18 months ago. "rejected u lnc:Omplete." That set the tone for the rest or the He said the Marine Division had session. prepared "perUnent" lnfonnaUon on the Rogers said inasmuch as the Parsons subject that had been ignored by the city r eport would serve as the "backbone" for tidelands committee. Mayor Marshall the ordinance, the report should be close. suggested that he present the material to ly read by those affected by it before any the council on Oct. l3, or at subseqUtnt legislation is acted on. He, too, was ap-scheduled hearings. , plauded, as was Hirth, who said: "We Others in the audience, without tden- can't lose much by wailing one more tifying themselves, complained they , meeting." hadn't been talked to by Parsons or his Several pier owners then spoke from fellow committee members, Shelton and r the crowd, despite Mayor Marshall's in. Hirth. " sistence that they weren 't at a fonnally Parsons responded by recalling the ' declared public hearing. Hearing dates many meetings his committee had held 1 would be set on Oct. 13, she said. with boating industry representatives and Former councilman Harvey Somers chamber officials. "There has been ·· \'.as one of the few speakers who used the public discussions of this," he said '"' public mirrophone in front of the coun-"Once I stood up to 44 people who all cilmanic bench. He sai d the first he disagreed with me." knew of the fee plan was when be re.ad ··can a motion be made from the I about it in the DAILY Pll..OT Friday floor?" someone shouted. .. night. "l want time to study the The question W&! ignored, as spectators documents," he said. chuckled. Shelton then called for a "less Blackie Gadarian, owner of Blackie'! emotional approach '' to Ole subject. -----!!ll9. I FREE Your Omtga Salt1 & Strttitt ~,- 0 OMEGA ,,.. ..,., lflll• o.r. ... s,.Mm1rter w1kk "• 11rry ••• 1eltc!M wf+li- o~I •llY lf1t4ific1ti11 lioy NASA !-. be ... .,, by 1vr m11 •• f111 '"" .. T11;1 n1$fflltioft, trvty • , .. _. IT' f • r IJcttltftc .. 1111\tt "' "ovl fe k .,.., 111ther!t1d OM191 " ......... .-0: tlll #Ml .............. -l.MIN.~ .,,_..... • ' .............. , ........ •C-•OIW ·~ .... w IU'RllH5 "-. $100 ,_ • llN•S smo,.._ $3.00 I•••"•· c..., "' -... th!1 lio1.d1M11, 2 .. rtt .... 4 '111, O"'tt' S,.M1111to tt1 chre90,;1ftll, Thi 1ftft -tch ... ,. ~ ..... 1111• .. ~ 111"a. 'rl•• lltL 11 , ( -DAILY PU;""" n.tt P~er Peddles Medals Mn. Bernardo Yorba, a member of family· which selUed Orange County, offers Bi·Cenlennial medals al $7.50 for silver and '8 for bronz.e. Proceeds from 200tb anniversary medals g_o to Mexican· American scholarships. Ki ckoff sale Friday wes at Richard's Lido Markel, Newport Beach. Site was only a tide-washed sandspll when Mrs. Yorb,'s forebears arrived. q DIAMONDS UPl.ACID, ti.. $6.00 tN•lAYINI DONI WHILI YOU WAfT Hlllllngton Clllttr llHcfl at EdllllJlf HUN11NCiTON BEACH m.ssot I and baclc Harbor Sltopplnt Ct11llf 2300 Haitior llvcl. COSTA ME.CA 545-9485 f11 .... " " " .. " .. .. " - ' g g n ~ p l t I· c • • I I ' • + "' • 'f • •. ·,- .1ilD 'lntetcept' Produces ' . ·'. Coinpkiin·ts SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Tb t government's crackilown on drug smug- gling bu turiied up little cmtra-but many complaints about delays crossing the U.S.-Mei:lco border. As the new policy cf car-by<ll' and pmon-by.penon stll'cbel went Into It. thir.d .day, tbtre wen delll)'I cf up to Iii: houra in traffic Jami' backed 1fP fDtO' Mes· !co al bonier point.. • • Treuury Department olftcllll Aid ·U.S. CU.toms agenll oeardlod 411,!Sl pen;ons al II border llallonl wi..n ''Operation Intercept" waa .prong Sun. day wilboul llndlni a. alngJt martjuana amuggler. A ll])Ok'5JDID aalf lblo ,..mlng lack of ilUcCeSS actullly proved lhal lbt, opera· lion was ICbl<ving tu goal ol •dllrupling lht contraband traffic and r<dudni the 11upply of narcctics and other dangerous drugs and marijuana." ''Tbis ..... heavily publicized _ .. tion and these peOple who smuggle In the ltu!f ll1'I cbvlously JYing Jcw. They are not trying to brjng ll In and that Is what we want to accom,pllsh." The lncreued air, land and eea llll'V<illaDce la being conducted along th• entire l,000-mflt border from lht Gulf of Mm» lo tht Pacllic. The tlr&t Ari>ona ams! came Monday n!gl!. at tht Douglu Border croulng. Inspectors foond 105 poundl ol marijuana hidden ln the roof of a van driven by Jack L. Young, 27, Billings, Mont. Tbt bl>iest. border croutng la belwttn ,,juana, Mexico mnd San San Ysidro. :\:.S:~·~eJ;11 ol ap to ~ --In Jl!e ·lollr lints -ff• ran, 1111 ~"lllarlM d pertodle epidemtea ol barn bbnktnf ljll'Qd'111' aod -~~jam. • Scma.drtvera: became ·atck from carbm monoxide fumes. Many vowed never agahi to return to Mexico. Trea!1JrY o!flclala have ·made tt clear lhal a principal goal . of Operailon Interc<pl is to jar tht Mtilcan g°"""" menl Into wipln~ out tho 'aource of Jlllcll ~ go1,.n1111t11t tltlmalts ~l !O pir- -of the marijuana in lht Unif<tl St.atel comes from Mezico. · Graham Says Se~ Drugs 'Substitute' For Old Religion The U.Uble with young people today, 11ays Rev~ Billy Graham on the eve.of his Io.-Oar · ~ .,,,,..d•, la lhat drop and ,&el( are being substituted iar Uwt old time religion. "Young peop1e'a poetry with all the four-letter WOrds •haa a spiritual quality," the famed evangellat aakl at a news con- ference Monday in Anaheim. "They are oubstlllltlng drugs and aex for the true eiperience they COOk!. have with God,. be added. The Rtv. Graham ,...aled lhal be will dl=t his messagts primarily to young people during the-10-day crusade, mark- ing tbe JOlh ~ of bis mua mlnl!lry ralllel. He Aid be blamtl tht older 1-•tlon loc lht basle rebellion ol 1ha )'Olllh of to- day, but added lhal rtb<lllOl1 lllell Is as cld as mankind. "The --o! sin la rebellloo agalml . God," aays the North Clroltna-bcl'n preacher who baa bealmt a lft'fdenilal confldlll!tt. "The 7outh of .lhJs natloa are 1tarcllina for 1111Wers," be said. . "They want yoo to-llU 11 lil<e tt la. All l do Is explain Iha !l(ble in tho Gld term.. If you a.."! yoor ap,' be cootln1*I, "tbey'll llslt:.l... • Speaking on tht ptJill faced by a lroubled nation todaJ, be Aid ·cttua ""' among the ,..,.... --la the mC!I frt1htenlnl ~ to be faced. Ile added lhal--Mturally-ts a birlhrnatk or 1iumon naturi tn Ill most devillab manlreataUon, but laid the Vtet-. nam confiicl 11 just a aldeabow compared lo other c:me.. Tht Rtv. Graham apecitkally men- tioned the Middle East lenaiom and tht bickering ever border b o u n d a r I e a between Ru!sla and Rod China. The .....,iar evlngella\ who inaehe> mtrCJ 'ria mau modta bOiat blo emir 21 yearo ago lhll month In Loo Al!Plet. cll'awln1 up to l ,llOIJ -ollhllf for t!Jl)>l wttlcl. Earll« lhla year, hla crusad" In Melboome, Allllnlla, drew I I, O 0 0 persons J>el' daJ on the averqe, whOe a June series tn New Yon attracted U,000 Pf"'"" dat11. • . -. ' THEY'RE THE· CHAMPS -These Marina High ·School. song' ili!s were judged best in Southern C~iforni~ in •. rec_ent competition at. a Los Angeles Rams game. Showmg their wmn1ng form are (clod· wise.from front) Terri Reed, Cathy <l<!hrke,' Vicki Lynch,. Rho,nda Martyn, Karla Durham and Barbara Gibbs. Song Gals s~ore 'JI. 'J, • ~pbell, pcee1jy dlslrkt oiiper~t of Santa Aoa for Southern e4U/0!1Q_~ Oo. will~ Balph Kjier'<JCt. Lu ~ d!A1rl<l·managtc _ with bWquartm In_ llunllqton Btach, a>mjJlll!y,olftciala annowioed loday. Kti>r~ wtth Edtson<fcr 48 years, tau. ovec u manacer.ol tht Huntil'llon.Jltach Chamber ol commerce Oii Oct. I. CamPben .... ~ 1c. hi! tenure as sOnla: • Aoa "'ll"'~in~ ~ i>Otn ~.manager 'lit.Hanford.and oatalina Island and a Jaber relaUons represenla~ tive. He is a native of Long Beach and received bbl college education at UCLA. The coastal d~trlct which Campbell will bead cover1 ~e area ~ Seal Btach to Laguna Niguel. . K!Jer baa been coastal' d f 1 t r I c l manager Jince 1957. He ha1 been actiw ln Qtqe Coast cilic affain and ii a ' ' wt prosidenl of tht Hllllltiicf"" Beach ' ' . Chanlber of·Commer«. c.mj,bei1 •ia•a member .o!'tho 5anta Ano·Clwnller of Commtret, lhO El Btbl Shrine and V alencla Sbrlne CUb and a pall dlnclor of ,th< Avaloo®'lar1 Club. -. Beach Visitors ~rffig $64i005 • • Have . Guri.,· May Ron HONOLULU (UPI}-Acioi-~ Boone said·todlly be would decide within two weeks .whether tc run fer go.Yemor:of Ha wall as a Republli:an. Boone,. a veteran lllOlrle and television actor wtio.iias ~· ,in the.islands for ail y~. aald.Jle; ' · ·~. approadied by ·Rei>llb!l-. •. runnmg. !• :rt.T. TEN ·CINTS .. !~ll~y y ott:rS · cast ~~ fl\.~·"···· • .• . . . J • ·J -·11a11:ats:.".· · 1n: ... ~ .. ~ReCa11 · . . . ; ) 9,850'.Able . . . ' To :D~c«k Fate of T-rio ' . ' ' -·- ·~ I • • • • • I I OAll.Y I'll.OT Carol . Ul'I~ HOLDING COURT IN A SALOON· Judtl lorl WorNn Jr. Sele, Not Sor,.,, • • oes l n Judge Get$:E~~o# hcdi · tJ'WIA1'qt •. ··*· ........ ,,_C..... I -., • ellYated area and other apectators ~ SACfL.\MENro ·~ "Pleaae refrain td themM.lva on bar ttooll u Monday's lrom any show or emotion," MWllclpal RSS1oo moved lo Cl!u!:k Ludll' Largo Court Judge Earl Warmi Jr. cautioned night club. u he convened his couri. · • Warren, wiillOOt ·Ids 1m1al Judldafnb< He lihen At down ait the Utlle round nut?Ptd lW role aa,inut« o1 CfftmOfti~ lab1t·na11o lbe llaii, carelully nmov. wlleo be noted : "'l'be ,_. wlU Indicate eel tbe poet o1 -witll tbe pictur.. .. .,. cooveofng iD O..ck•Lareo'•'Lu· ol lbe nude alrll lo lbe o-and: dis .•• " .. lll&ht out ol tbe mlldle ol Ille movie ..,,..., mpped Mill c.ro1 Coda, pioeeer or lbe top! ... enterulnment. Witlloul her top, naturally. To the · mustcal accompaJnment or ...,,u.lDg lnm) :·eom. on Baby, Li&ht lily P'lre'" to U.. "William Tell" and "1112" overtures. . To aay notblnf ol the music from the motloo picture ''nit: A Space Oddy,.y." It WU another out-of-the-ordinary session in Sacramento's celebratf.d trial ol two boUomJ.eu daocen.. Wmu and the Juri·""" '"""" tho atace. Ille P'"' OCCQPled llXft -chain OD an MW Doda: was swnmoned from her S.. Frallcisco nlght club by the defense for go-go dapcen Sheila Brcnden&OO and Suzanne Haines, ch>raed with -and dWolute c:Ondlll;I IDd -apollll'e for danclnl total!): n1l4e al tlll Pinlc Pussy. Kat boer bu Iii n e 1r b' Oran&e\lalt. Their boA.1-lrd L. Glan- cy, mo b charged with aolidllng lbem for such behavior. Defense tawyers didn't make cle:ar their entire strategy in bavin&: M1sa Doda put on her act for JuQ:e Warren'• 1~ man, two-woman jury. Howetfl', they referred to ''oommunity standard!," and the question of whethu bot.tomlea· din· clng g~ beyood canuqooJy 1ccep!ed commuruty standards ill a key Issue tn the case. Toples~, Bottomless Law Mias IJQda's 3$-niinute aq lncludel her and two male dancer. tinglnf Md dan- cing before, during and after a movie shown on a special aplll ~ through which they come'and 10. Weighed in Westminste1~ Tbe movie -·Mill Dodo, rroque1111y totally nude. in varioul saual enmmten wltll men IDd a ......., bJt II ployed for laughs -and spectalon hod 1 lougb time obeylrig Wuren'a inltructioos not t.o abowemolkln. Sound of Music To Eclw Again In Oc.ean View · An lnlWmtntal ond YOCll music pro. pm In Ille Ooeao Vltw School D!strld w!licb bu been donnlnt I« Ille put lwr :l'Ol'll wlD be ollend apiD tl!la fall. Woodll Ciaddlck. aalsllnl nd- al for educ.lu.nal ~ ~ mmtal -.ctlao wlD be ollend 11 tbe beglnnlnl, lnt.ermedlate and ldvan«d levelL ~ alriDg-.:tlon wiD be ollend t4 -, 1.uu. and olxth grlden and beg!Jmlnr ...... lo Mb IDd llillh groden. A llmJted munber of students wl.D be llOC<pted for perowion ln!truction il Ibey have bad at leut 1 year ol piano ii> -.. other llU!table bacqrouod. AD IWdooll w1D be required lo rent their lllltnunenll and purdllae approved l-.ctlm bookl. Vocal music will allo be offend and chonl grouflll .,.. pr .... Uy ronn1n1 al .0 -In lbe dlatrtct. 'Ille Satunily montlllc lpectal music Jl<'ll'"ID, ollend In oonjunctlon witll Ille replW' cun1cul111D during Ille put two )'WI, wlU be malnod. lnlemted potftlll an iD ooetact Ille currtClllwn ol· fioe, 1(7~1 -:t:IO. DAii V PllOI l:.Mrt N. WMl ,.,.lclli\f w ,.,......, Jttk It. c,,..., vi. Pr"*"' ..i ~·II """"" ThM•• Ktnll .... lll•M•a A. M11t,~l11• Mt ..... llcllfw ,AtMrt W . ltl11 ~ .. hllllt • beob ~ forbidding aoch en- taWlnmenl, •'the ·dty of Wertmlnst.er .... -fartanate lo tl!la reprd and hu bid "'1 few probltml. • Re aplatDed that thll type of en· tertalmnenl Is c:umau, comldend a va1 aru within tbt J1w and thlt prcr leCtlllon 111111"1 fllll wltllln tbe dellnltion ol Indecent exposure. • '1t'• a hl&h1Y questkmable area," said Morp:a. •"'J'bue UJUsally has to be aomoeone lna1de who is annoyed by 1n al· !tied lewd act." 11 lldopted bJ tbe city COWICll, Morgan's -would opeclficaDy forbid any •'Waler, waitreu or SJ:tertainer tG puform unclothed or npoee to public vtew the breutl, puh_h: or genital region to a p~ wbert fooil or beverages are seld." lnfrlCUonl of the new Jaw woo.ld be c1auified u a mlsdemunor. Westmlnsitt Police Capl Walter Scott, wllo olso conceded that lbe city hu had ..,.,., few yobkma" witll topless dan- cing, aaid, however, ''I would be In favor of any ordinance thlt would ban it." Ban 111<1 ruptapoU which I01ture nude er ""1il·nud• dandnr. ICCOnllng to Scot~ "attnct ll'l undesirable element which cru.tes more problems for law en- for-ement officers." "I'm for any ordinance iliat would make It less ol 1 problem," he coollnued. ''These places have a way of ei:ciUng the prurient interests in people." CurrenUy there is no bottomless en- tertainment featured in any city Jn Orange County, pending the decision of criminal and civil action taken by the District Attorney's Office, '-forgan said. Topless dancin~, however, goes un. prosecuted ln some cities, 1ncluding Slllla Ana and Garden Grove. Doctor Suspended HOUSTON (UP!) -Or. Conard M-., who clalmed last spring to have perVlrm· ed the world's first total hwnan eye lranoplaD~ hu been IUSpended bJ the Hama County lifedlcal Society, it was dllcl....S today. When newsmen -about ZS lhawed up h"1te.ad of the ll!Ua1 two on man routine days -asked what "" thougbt or Ille trial, Mias Dada said "I don't underatand wby they~re being put on trial, 'llh)' is It wrong?" to dance nude. She said !!he doesn't appear completel1 unclad in her live act because she doesn't !eel lbe need to. Aaked lo HplliD her elaborate act compared to past ahnple sbow1, lhe said it'1 llke '':mayon want to become governors, RDAtora want to be president.I." 1be movie, she _ aplalned under ques· tloning by the pr~, "ii like a aaUre of pornography." . Historic Flags Go on Display At Rohin~ood Tht • errtr comlllunity In t h e Roblnwood School 1re1 ol HunUllllon Beach, will have an opportunity to ?;itne.ss a flag ceremony al 9 a.m. Ocl 13 on the acbOo1. grOWJdJ, 5172 McFadden Ave. On display will be hlstorical nags handmade by women living tn the com· munlty under the direction of Mrs. James Dixon, as well as flags of all 50 :state.!, donated by McDonnell D o u g 1 a s Astronauticl CorporaUcn Sludenls at Roblnwood School, who have adopted and corresponded with a ~tarine unit stationed.in Vielllam, will b. officially presented wlUt a flag Down·by I.he unit in combat. Palriotic muskal entertabunent will be provided by Ille Marina llJ&b School !!Ind and a band from the El Taro Marine A1r bue. In addition the El Toro Marines will provide a three-man honor color iuard and a flag raising detail. ... IDAft.Y Pn.Of ..... W Liit,... 'Tb tlee Lat s~ ... of s .. mm.er Pretty Clnc\Y Bellinger, IS.year.old Orange Coast College student fn>m Corona de! Mar, took her last dlp of the 1969 JUmmer season Monday, Today, alas, Is the first day Of fall and the swim season for pretty grrll ls lading with the sunset. • IN OLD SAN FRANCISCO, SHI! STARTED'IT Alt"'',_ Looking Llk• Lody Godlv•, Nudle Doncor Corot Dodo • • Criticism of DA's Men Denied by Beach Chief Hunllngt.on Beach Police Cb1ef EarJ Robitaille today denied a story In a morn- ing paper which implied he was critical of the dU!trict altomey's investigators following tbe losa: of prostitution charges against three local masseuses. "~fy criticism was for the Deputy DU!tric t Attorney in \Vestminster who reductd those charje3, not the in- vestigators," said Robitaille today. The ca&e involved the 81TeSt of three museuats at the .Executive Suite Salon 1auna parlor, 1743f Beach Blvd. 'Ibey were charged with prostitution, but all three charges were reduced to "d.i!turb- ing the peace." "'Mle action was taken by a deputy lo the Westminster office without consulting us or the District Attorney's investigators who worked on th@ case," said Robitaine. Tbe story said Robitaille told the Citf Council on Sept. 15 that the charges were reduced because the district attorney's Investigators feared "embarrasiment" if they had to relate details of their In- vestigation into the sauna parlor. .. I dldn't say that,'' replied Robitaille, "I merely repeated what the deputy at~ lomty told me. As it turned out be never uked the investigator if be would have been embarrassed." "That's what I object to," continued Robilallle, "the ability or one man to make such a decision without even con- sulting those involved in the in· veatigaUon." District Attorney Cecil Hicks has risen to the defense of his investigators saying, they have "never been embarrused" Bonn OKs Wage Hikes BONN (UPI) -With a parliamentary election only five day1 away the West Genna n aovemment bowed to tabor union preilure today and agreed to wage incream far 580,000 public employes. YOll while looking Into vice eoedlt!ons. Robitaille agreed with that statement and reiterated that be never criticized the investigators, "but the deputy who handled the case. in court." ~ aalon parlor involved JOit ttJ city bumn~ license following the incident. New Eagle Sroflt Steve Brown, 14, of Huntington Beach was saluted al recent Boy Scout Court of Honor for achieving Eagle Scout rank in a remarkably 1hort period. He joined Troop 5511 Feb. I 1968 and completed t~ Eagle pro- gram Aug. 21. -----~·· 0 OMEGA ,.. ""' ·-0-.• S..,..41t111ftf w1tcr. .. , lll!f'f WM Nl.ct.4 with. __,, • .., .. .i;n,.11 •• r.y NASA .. It. ••r• ~'f 1v• """ •• tht 1'11011-n.1. Nlltt1tl!-i111,, tr•ly I ,_.. .. ,,4 ,,, nc.n ..... WATOI' .......... •Cits :1• • Giii FREE .. .•.. " '""' .. " ,... •• ~ o... ... ·~ PIOM s4u Gii'••m·--__, .... , .... ...... $2.00 n.ctlUNI ,._ ., ... $3.00 -·-MAMOMll $6.00 ....... c.n. ..... INMAYIH IOMI WHIU 'tOI WAff .. ....... C..t ill -NII tliJi ......... 1 ....... • "•'· °'"1' s,... .... hf 11lrnfffr1pl The 11i., ...... --..... th1 ....... tM .,,..., Pritt fltL Tllllll At.uLAIU CHPPlans • Facilities • . . . . . •. ~ w .. lmlnater planning comml.oslooiei\ Monday &ranted 1 UJe permit for the~ ltnlction of Orqe ~ty'1 eeconi. Ca!Uorni1 Hlpny P1lrol oltlce, U0: man facility to be located on Golden West Strtet between the Se Dleao and Gl,tdeil Grove Freeway1. Tbe ""' brick )alildina:, -• tl!0.000 Ioli vestment. is ei:pected to be completed by; nei:t April. ~ f,Jellllll'lng 1,aoo iqu1n fee~ Ille olfi°' will \le loated on .u 1cru o! land, leaVl log about one-hall acre far future eipan~ a.ion, if necessary. , In preaenting his request to the plan· • nera, contractor George Mallery of ln&]ewood, saJd the new building 'Was needed to provide adequate pat.rolllnc c.f newly de veloped freeways in orange County. At the present lime the only lil&hway Patrol facllity for all of Orange County is located. in sa.nta Ana. Special features of the new office will fnchlde a 91'.k:ar parking Jot, air con· dltioolng, emergency power plant and covered stalls for eight vehicle!. $7,500 Liftoff For Beach Chest A Huntington Bea.eh aerospace firm provided the initial liftoff contrlbuUon to · the 1970 Community Chest by con· tribuUng a $7,~ check. Cbarle& R. Able, chairman and chief executive officer of the ltfcDonnell Douglu Astronautics Corporation prese_i:1ted the money to chest Campaign Chairiiian :Robert Merriman and Presi· dent Steve Holden. lt ii the first con-! lributlon lo Ille cbeol's goal of 1135,D(]O. • Merriman aaid the finn would be recognl.z.ed u the number one contrtbutor to the Fall campaign at the combined • service club luncheon Sept 151. The luncheon. scheduled for the Driftwood Room at the Sheralon Beach Jnn , will officially open the 1970 drive. Park Dedication .Policy Studied A. review ~ Fountain Valley's· park'"' dedication ordinance for apartments will be taken up by parks and recreation com· missioners at· their a p.m •. ineeting, Wednesday. Commiuioners will comlder tightening the ordinance to guarantee th a t apartments must dedicate money to the city's park development funds . The dty currently charges '65 per unit In multiple family projects u 1 condltion of approval for tract maps, rather than under ao ordinance. Countian Gets ' Perjury Sentence . A Loi AlamJtos man convicted of four1 ' counts of perjury during testimony before a federal grand iW'Y on horse race filing. today faces two years in prim. Kenneth M. Brandyberry, 31, wa.\. senlenci!d Monday in federal court In Los Angeles, with three years' probation ad· ded onto the prison lime. , Brandyberry was convicted by r . federal court Jury five weeks ago for false lnform1tlon given while terufyina: _ under oath about the race-rigging. ~ i • ... •• ' " •·· i " ,1,,' '" •' HwllilglWll C..,. ._._,E...., HUNTING.TON llACH an4 bock Hu..... Sliepp!lllJ C"'9r llOO Htii4ior llYtl. •• COSTA MISA ~ 81''-·5501 545-9415 ( I •• ' I I I I I ' l I I I ' l i ' \ r I ll D •• h I Ii hi c F bE g· s or •d Su pi an \\'il pa " 'itfa!f Sturt' · .. , Ageless Oas~ic I . • • Lackillg in Luster • By TOM llARLEY of IM INlllJ l'Ott S .. ff Aak any 10 Orange County t4t$pians and/or theatregoers wbal tbey know @ool "Mary Stuart'~ and we1l wager that at least seven of them are sure to link tht ageless cla:ulc with the revered Madame Heline Modjeaka and the famed Poli!b actress' Interpretation ol tbe chaUen&<lf! role ol England's Elizabeth I. Legend he II 111•1 La Mod- jeska brought to her depicUon of the Tu'do~ sovtmgn a fire and fervor that have done much to keep this pleasing play in the public eye for the 70 or so years that have pus- ed since she trod the boards in Santa Ana. This may well be. To our way of thinking, however , this TOHiii 1\~11,,, . •1n1111111 TAKE SIX : Tum in at Texaco for some real savings-six 12-0L bottles of Pepsi for only • 551 plus tax (and deposit). You get tt with any purchase ••• at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •Soge&ted Retal Price. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 'u~llc ~ CtlMYtyantt Blblittl Vt Fb Preptre for a trip Chr istmas St1110d A. lcoht1l it btvtrage In tht ne•r futurt A.II 81b1 's co1111111nd: Z wt1rds ww.11 battlt ~lie: 2 words Hing 1rt1und Man's nickname t Turn \ti llciuid 3 Grttk dtity Pronoun 6 Of a fainl lusltr 0 C °""" on • wtalth n1tlon: ..... ll Cold disllts 34 Glvtfl to i11lta.lion 3~ OINC I lht tt1Utit t1f JI Gt1ld or G"(, •.. J9 Tw st •Ill 111 sh1pt 41 Shrub 43 Btlort 4.t R1l1Uv1 • ,. .t~ Stt1pping p!act .t7 Sa id .t' Caltndar abbrev iat ion 51 CO!llp1S5 point 5Z Time t1f ytar SJ Assu111td : 2 words 55 Rtslraln 57By tht 1gency t1f 51 Salad ingredltnl 63 Bllrgundy ot hock 64 Involving ont side 66 Sit Ills 67 CoRlm lt a crhnt •I 'roduct mus ical sounds •~ Nu lsanct 70 lnslrumtnls 71 Important narrall¥t OOWN l Horst 9t1d 2 Wiii Rogtrs' tradtmar~ J A.tttntlon 1tttln9 • st1und 4 Putrlt1 ltlcan isl1nd 5 Of h\ltrtst lo pht1IO· ~raphtrs ~ Posstssivt WOid ,/23/69 7 lmmov1blt 37 Drive I rrult out 9 Conlftr, e.9, .ti) Unburdtn lOLlghtln .t 20t1111 tt1lt1r t1utdt10r 11 lmp<rtant chort 111lnt11I 45 Btartr lZ Soft drink t1f news lJ In lh t •• ·~ .ti Mt1sl 11 Command tractablt 111 dog 50 Adds up 2.t St nst 53 Numtrlctl 25 Rovgh lt1 pttflx tht touth .54 Ne91 tlvt Z6 Wilts back w<rd and ICll'th 55 Exthang t 27 "H1td ·-!" 56 Ak1t1n 21 Faci1I product lt1ll.l'ts 57 Sign on 29 Tl111t lablt a door 1bbrtvi1tlon 5' Oisor91niztd Jl Klntl of statt I horst 110 Song )20tstrt .lllSh1tp I fttlurts flavor )) Wht1t of 62 Miss San Eurt1p t Juan 35 Word ol 65 '•rt of tndt1rmtnl tht body <1'"17;-00-11 I) . lllWPOll IUCM -M lk- .. l•M-UM toi. -Ot.. 1-1111 SOUTHllM CAUFOINIA EXCLUSIVE 7TH SMASH WEEK CAROL ~ITE PAUL BUR 11• l~· n1 SHOW STAln 1 l'.M. CONT. SUN, NOM I fl.M. Writing, Directing Keep 'FBI' Chief Abbott Busy T ... '9111 II I IEST PICTUIE IFTllYEU! ••&t/OM••·. Pm/.U 1 ... CAftL POll,SMA!ft lllllllllft IDWI 8:::-.r ~~ ·nocroR ZHMGO Natalie,' is a warming, funny satisfying experience." -CHrtel a...,111, L.J.. Tl.,.. '' 'Me, Natalie.' a charmer." -Wlttftff •.i ... LA. Htr.t4 b.mh1., ....a "Patty Duke giveo one of tlte 'P'! moet brilliantly thought out · ~ \~ performantes seen in a long time!'!....•- Wnt Coast Cotor ti,-o.1.-Me Premiere Engagement FD"""',wsouTH COAST !A. "LAZA THKATRll ~'"Diop~,._, ot lt;,tol • 546-2711 ACRES Of FREE PARKING 1 Box OffiC. Open 6:U--Show ~t•rh •f 7.:00 P.M. "What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice?" \ ".J latoZ _l,.· j [!] •-'i"-"'"'-IL'l l'C'• i!!!» ALSO 'LAYING- T 011y k•Klo... 11 uA Min C11led G1nnon" e ENDS TONIGHT e "ROMEO & JUILET" STARTS WEDNESDAY YOU 'LL LIKE THIS ONE! "Q,., of the F1111Ri••'· Mo1t Ori1i111I 111.I Mod Co11!19io111 Ser1011 Comooili11 111 Y11r1"-N. Y. T;,,.,, "A1mi11 S111'orb"-l .A. l irn o1 "**** '••foct"-Ooily N1w1 E¥011 Judith Cri1t Soy• - -"Not to Do Mi11idl" & "HELLO DOWN THERE" LAST·2 ··DAYS Whoops! 20th Centur)'f .. prosonts ltEX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON In the Stanley Oonon Production .,STAIRCASE" • sad gay story ........, """._..-,STAM.CY DOHC"•........., .,CHMllS om-...-.... ...... OIJOlfT M(IORt ..... .,.....• .. trDlt.--- • 519111 We4 .. Sept. 14 • Wnt Coast Preml-E11t•1eT',"' . . .. '"'·"""' : ........ : . .................. ~ ENDS TONIGHT Will:o .. H.k1011 E.r1101t kf911i110 "THE WILD 10NCH" ... JooMo Woo.lworoil ''.RACHEL, RACHEL" STARTS WEDNESDAY ! ft vii· w"'u :._ -1 -hell ....... we1,., M•""'-• "THE ODD COUPLE" B1r91ln Matinff Wedne1day, 1 p.m. flll llfllSMMINTS ........ A ....... Sl.H a•·a" 1-1l I M =IJ Pl111 -J•1t1•• '91r111r in '"""9tt y.., ...... ..,,,,.. NOW EXCLUSIVIL YI ., . ~I ~··# • Slarrlnt PATIY DUKE ft• AIMii,., H.,l11i"' Al• Artil1 ·''WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plus- J•ne l'onda In 'Barefoot in the ~· l'witl .. ly Ends Tueoday &-:caL·.& Ah•-'-' Mlllt II fl Run Wiid, Run fr••'' \ ' • j, ' ' i .. -'· .. • • • • • " ' •, ' A ....,.I Ml l""U\11 ~ the dt~.Su1t of lhtoc:un and ltireSOllfeu MGM Mum On Offer '------------an ..... -..Ht.ft. ••· ....... ww .... ,..,., ..... , .... .......... _ ............... ... •• •c• ... ""4 f1111d, Inc. ........ Shearson Hammill Announces a TV Special! If anybody can judge what may happen on Wall Street duiing the weeks and months ahead; it should be experienced men like these- Walter Mintz, executive vice presiden t in charge of the Investment Div· ision and Robert Allen, fir st vice president and director o[ rc~'C.arch. And now, for the first time, you can see and l1ear these men in a live-on-tape production from our own TV st udio ~t 14 Wall Street. Learn whal these Wall Street leaders lhink aboul the current market and about specilie investment opportunities. Arc there sensible ways lo take advantage of a down market? Has the decline bottomed out? Is this the time to go bargain hunting? wm there be greater opportunities lo make profitable bu ys a few months from now? • The videotape program l.sls 35 min utes. Follow ing the program you'll· have the opportun ity to question some of our top investment exec utives about the market and individual stocks that interest you. Please •all for reservations. The time: 7:30p.m. Wednesday, September 24 Our Boardroom SSC Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Tel. 644-2442 Shearson,Hammill & Co. lacorporalcd ---~ Highway Pact TAB WILL ANSWEll YOUR TELEPHONE ••• WAKE YOU UP ... DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES ••• TAKE YOUR ORDElll ... AND FILL MANY OTHER NEEDS ... FOR AS LOW AS 14.50 PEA MO. 7 Im lo 1!30 pm. lolh WIJI. 7:00·1 :30.10:00-11 :30 •M-1 :00-2:3M:QO.S ~O.7:004:30 pm. Mor• M Wtt:ktnd• . YorK Stock List Jlarket 'fuesday's Closing ~~ces-fA,mplete :SI • ' T"""1, "'""""' 2J, l~ H IWLV l'ILOT Ne\v Yorli Stock Exdiiuige List ' ' • U DAll.Y P!lOT ' • ' -~--------------. •• .S.8'e I .. T~ r•ont ' . • Crackdoiv~ D'Ue ·OT},, Charwr ~lights· I See by Tooays Want Ads e ~ the Lady who mma It, - 'Sil aco.t_ 4-wbeel driW. Be ftl't apedal ~ Who undtnstanda ,il • sweet &nell <I. ~: flower A: Gilt shop fur leue in pxl. loca&n, well stockied, delivery v an, term• for required lnveet- >nent, • TURllN I TAKE SIX Turn in at Texaco for· some repl savings-six 1'2-oz. tiottles of Pepsi for only •sst plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase ••. at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco-. today: •5lcsgested "9t2ll Pricf:, A $to·o to $1000 check in your mailbox every month! Announcing the New·California Federal Monthly Money Plan .TM Ctllfomia F-al Monthly Money Plan Is a -type of -gs wllhdrawaJ plan-a new way to ·-your c:apltal """ the years with a check+ monlllloryoufor1D~rsl . You atart tho.plan by depositing $10,DDD to $100,DDD. We odd Interest computed at our highest rate poaslble and you receive ••• A _lllllJ .._for_, maned to you on Iha 11m Of MIY mon!h. Of.• -.W,.clloclC for 1111J --for your chlld'l'fOOrll Ind board In college. for the support of aged perenla, for cllurch pledge• or favorite charities. c:.ei·111r 10 _.-and the possibility ol having lllOflel' lell ovw "'-you compfata the pion! · Wotr tor JO<I' ...,.._L Fimds In your Montllly Maney Plan hlrle lhe. aame oaloty enjoyed by regular savtrlQ9 8CCOUl'lll. \. . P-19 llP to $1000 lllO!ill!IJ. Tiie larger your inlUal depoolt ls. the larger your monthlydlecl< can be. No chorgeo of ..., lclnd. You pay no sales con>- m1ssion1, .,oacr charges« fees at any tlme. And, you•,. -too old to at. "'rt adutl, 21 or aide~ la ellglble for Monthly Money Plan. And no medical eXDmlnation Is required. R,.t otop: ,.,d our Fru lloatll" ._,. 1'1911 ,boolclol. Just ask for lt at our ne8resl offl.._ We also have a free, SS.page re- tirement guidebook for you. II Riis, describes and gives you the costs of handreda of retirement communities and facllt. Ues In cantomla. Stop In now 10< 11\eM helpful books. TWO FllU llOOUI More than -·-the pllC8 for the """'"1 JOU can't alford to risk. California Federal .aftd Lo.,,.,. ialAoa.• 1106.w• MMao.. $1.S ... NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: tlOO N. EUCLID AVE. • 77&-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 148-2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE. • 8394033 Head Offloll: l5870 Wilslnetid. Lea~ 1 • l 1 ; . .. ..,,/ 'fn*~ce · t' .. : ~ ' ffil.l p._ , l · l.i 1~r1\ .. Produces ·. . Complaints : SAN DIEGO '(UPI) · -Tb e government'• creckdown en ~·~· gllng bu turned up llttle .. oot;ablad but many COO>pi&tnta ,about clelay1 "'°""" the U.S.-Mei,lco border; ; Al the new policy ol car-by.car and per&e!H>y·p<r,'!111 searebel weot. lq!O Ila lhlrd ,day, the/<i~~ ~1,11, ol up®',U holln in traffic Jamt 1*ktd up ln$o MU· ieo at border pointl. TrW\l'Y Deportment ~ Aid U.S. ·cu.toms ~ eearcbed 411,111 peroons at ll -staU0111 wh<lo "Operailon lnteroept11 WU apnmg ~ day without flndlng a llnile marijqaDa . ""'""""· -. A 1p11tesmln &al<' !lill oeemlJIC lack ol """""'oclualJy proved that .tho-·· !loo WU achkvlDC Ila ,..t c[ "dl!nJllllnl the contraband traUic and reducll1g the eiipply cf nareoUcl and ~Iller dangeroaa drup and marijuana:"' "Thll was a 'heavily publleized open- Uon and these people -IRll1IQ!e lzrtho 1tu!f ,are cbviooaly · 11!111! low. 'Ibey are not trying to bring It In and'that II wlzat we want to accomplish." Tbe Iner.eased air, . land ,and .... """.manoe Is being conducted °"' the entire 2,50knlle border fnmt1tbe Gulf W Mext..~ tO the Paclflc. Tbe flm Attzooa meet """" Mlll)day nigh. at !he . JJouP.I -croeslng. l""l""lor• lound 105 poundl'ol marijuana hidden In the n>ol ol a"an drlvtn·b1 Jack L.·Y-, %7, Jlllllnp, Moot. The bul...t border c:rosalng Is between Tijuana, Mu.lco .and $1!) San Y~.., 80Ufh'of San Jlleco,•Wbere cklllyl of up to oix ~ c:r...;. in ~-1oai !IJfW'et-...... Ill&~ -.aJ\4 -. epdemlca ' lall ........ !!!....... up and d9"1I . lfallle jam. I •rs;;<lrlvors becime llct -cOrbcn moaciildo IUmel. MlllQ' """4 ..... again to'fttarn to M•l\CO· -. TrealUJ')' ofllclala lzave ·made H clear thal • principal goal ol' Operalloo Intercept Is to jar ihe 'Mexican ~ ment into wipina out ~· aource of Wiclt drugs. · The govmunent e.sUmates that.al Per· cent of the marijuana in ' the · ~ Statea comea from Mexico. Graham Says ~~ Drugs 'Substitute' For QI.d ReligiQD The trouble with youn1 people -,, gays Rev. Buty Graham on the, eve of JU 10-d&.Y. Anaheim crusade, 'is• tblt drttgs aoi\·sa are being ~luted !or'1llal'o\d li!De rellglon. . .,Young people's poetrJ with ~ the four-let~r words has a spiritual qul.llty," the ramed evan~ellst. said at a oew1 coo- ferenr.e Monday in Anaheim. '1Thr!y are substltutltlf drup .and 1ta for the true experience they c:oWd have wilh God," l)e added. The Rev. Graham ravea1ed that be will direct bl& messag'8 pt!marlly to )'llUlll people dlD'lng the lt<tay ...-. rnark- !ng the 10th •nnlvmlrJ o( bl&· ,.... •ministrf raJlib. .:. _ · He said be'~ the!older _.lion !or the bulc· rebe!lioa·ol the youlll .GI io- day, but added thal rtbellloo llaell b aa old as mankind. • ''The .... nee ol sin is nbelllon agalzul God," says the North <larollna-bom preacher 1"ho bu become·• preQdeDUal confidante. "The youth o[ this 1111U.O .. ~ lor •nBWera," ht. Aid. "They want you to ien ft like It Is. All I do b ezplato the Blblo•ln the old terms. II you act, your age,'' be ~ ... tbey'U liste.J .. SpUking on •the', pOriti laced lzy a troubled nation today, he aald dro& use am the ,... · get>eratl<ll -II the ·most~ .. :t:, to be lactd •• . Ile "l1decf 11111--naturilly -II a blrlhmirk of huriian Dlllire-lzr Ila-· dev!llab manl[Wticm, b\11.aald,tbe Vlei. nam <'Ollffict !1 Jlllt a alde1bow eompared to othel-crlle1. The R<v. GralzlllI1 apeclllcaJl1 men- tioned the Middle EQI l<nolont and the bickering OVtt bcwder' b 0 )I D d & T 1 t a belween llulala 'and Jled aim. · The popilar "angel!st wbo _,,,. mm.-y vii maq media ~Ills~ 20 yean .., this ~ In i.._ Arlpiol, drawq up to 1,000 ~ nlCbU1 hr eigb\ •em. ' Earlier tbll yqr, 1111 crusade& In Melbooo'ne, A-.Ua, elm! U 1,0 ot P<"""* per dak.: the ............. i June oerlel In York atlractod ZS,000 pe.....,dal!y. l Valle,- THErRJ iiti:: cilAMPS-Th .. • Marfna,Hfgh, Scliool · aolig_·;gh:Is were 'judg8d best In Soulhtrn Califoniia In recent competitfon af a ' Los Aiigeles Rams game. Showing their Winning form are (clock· wise ftom,.Wlnl) Terri ·Reed, Cathy Gehrke, ,Yield Lynch, Rhonda Martyn, ~la. Durham and Barbara Gibbs. .song Gals Seore. R,. J. Campbell T-0· Ta)re Kiser' s _Edison Co. Post R; • J. Campbell,. pr-1l:y dlJlrlct ~tioden! al Santa Ana1or Soulheon ci.Himita·!!l!J;m'ao. wm ...,.,.eCi llalph Klal!r·Octi l <aslecutol dblr!ct manqer wtih)~ .. ~-. CClllJPlh1'olllclall-today. ·Kia«,"wlilz•EdlJoo lor,41,,,..._ la~ ........ _ol.llle~Beach Chamber O!'Ccmnierce on Oc!. !. ·campbell,: 1*vlOus ,to lib temn •• Su&. •Ana ·: ~·ttenctent,' baa been distrJCt manager at lllmlor11 and Caiallna Jslind abd '.a,.Jabor relaUona repreaenta· tivt. · ·He ·is a.' l\3Uve of Loog Beach and receiVed hlB college edutatlon at UCLA. The cdaatal· dillricl which Campbell ·• wm-be&d covers the"41'ea from Seal Beach to Laguna Ntpel I. Klier' lzaa be<n :coaata1 d I 1 tr I~ t ~•Ince 1967, e. bu ~ actlfl ln~Orang.-Coasl'clVlc -aUaln a~IJ I .... _.....__. o1 ·ule u ... ....:... Beacll t'""'~ t'"...,--......1~ I .DWI~...,. , . Cbaftiber; of Commerce. t. .~.ts a member o1 the Banta Alla~~ ol:Cor/tmerc•, use ti - Sbrloe and Valencll Shrine Cul> and a put,d)rodor.ol, llle 'Avaloq llolarl' Club. • • Have' Gun,. May ·Run HoNOLiiLu :culin -Actor llicbird Doone'aalftoday be WWld decide wlihln · tlirn-We!b wbetber to nm' for 1aveinoi of · 11aw3!! .. ~-Re\iabltdn-~ • vetinn movie and .tele'lWon actor .who hq llf"1 ·1111he1aland• r« .&'iWs;·~··)>ail beeo al!Prooched' by Rtpubl!Wi 'allOut ........ _. ' • • • c • .......... & ' ~. .• 1 TUESDAY, SEPl'EMtER 12'; '1969> r • ! ' ( ~ I• >'., • 1EN CENTS 1 .... 1 • f '," ,l\f•:t'. 'l ' . ~· ~ "' ' fal~.y .Vcyt~re:_'.Cil~1 • ... , r1 / \ i I •' r / ··, j ! . -I I I • ( J r , If ~ ·~sanots • · • i'li ?~1teCi!I1 9·850 Able: ' . . ' ' 'fo Decide Fate ()f Trio t • , I , Weadler A d.;,. ol low -b In Ibo I olOog . Ill-, Wedneaday'a • l'"8lhfr watihm, , dlpplllJ Ibo c:oaatal temporatureo down !nlo Ille -SO'a w~ Inland 'rudiop will I bang arcinuf e 'ti!11> 1o·L JNSml! TODAY ' I'' / ., ·~ . , • • . I • .,.. - I I l . I -; .,ud;e GN8 Ey~l ·of DOda 7 ~-· • ., ...... y IWllllN • . . , ' . ~ .... 1 ,., ,,.. ClllMWllllll "\. 1J1va\M aru and other spect.am rtnC· SACRAMENTO •r ••pJeNe refra1n ed themltlves on bar stools as Monday's . rrom any ahoW of emotion/' r.tunfd~ &esaion n\oved to Chuck Landis' Largo court Judge .Earl w._ Jt. eaullolled night club. u he conveoed his court. Warren, without b1.s usual judicial robe He tbtn Ill ,down at Uio Hiiie """1( Olll>bOd hlJ n>k 11 mutu ol ctreOloni~ !able nm lo the lllge, carduDy ,...,.,_ wben ~ noled: '"nl< l'ICold will Indicate ec1 the paclt or matcbel with the pictures ,. • .,.. CGbven!n& in Chuc~ wgo'• i.an. ol the nude girls lo the floor and: diJ .• ," .. • otrnPlans . ~ ' . • , .. ' \V-r planning ~~ Milnda7 granted a """ permit I« the eo~ etruction lol <>range Count)''I.~ ~ CalHomla Highway Palrol ofnCe; tic: man facility to be located on Golden West Street between the San Die10 and Gardei Right out of lhe ml~e of the movie .....,. stepped Miss c.rol Doda, pioneer of the topless entert.abunelil Miu Doda was 1ummoned from her ' &an Francisco nfghl club by the defense Grove Freeways. .. 1 , ... ) 1 The ,,.,. brick bolldlh1 .. 1'll50,IOll 1.: vestment, is expected to be completed b)t next April. , HOLDING COURT IN 1A..,~Lo0N J .... lorl 'f'•r"" Jr; Safe, 'Not Sorr1 . Without her lop, naturally. To the musical accompairunent. of everythtog '"""' "Com< "" Baby; Lllbt My Fire11 to the "William Tell" and "l&U" overturea. , To aay nothl.n1 of the mU&ic from the moUon pict.ure "2001: A Space Oddysey." It WU another out-of.\h~ session tn Sacramento's celebrafidlnif ti two boUarnJesa dancers. Wacren and lhe 1urY'At lldnJ the sllge, the press occupied more -rortahll cbln on an ' for lo-to dancer• Shella Brendenaon and Su1.anne llllnes, chlrged With lewd and dl..slolute conduct and indecent uposure !or dancbi( lotall;f nude at the Pink Pu!sy K.11 beer bar IR n • a r b y Orangovale. Tbelr boss, Leonard L. Gltn· ey, also Is cha'rged with soliciting them for ,uch behavior. llef!:nse lawyers didn't make clear their entire. atrategy in bavin& Min DoJla put on htr ad for Judie Warren'• 10- man, two-woman jury. ·However, they referred to "community standards " and the quertion or whether bottomle~ dan- cing £oe! beyond commonly accepted community standard.! is a key lS5ue ln the case. ' Topless, Bottomless Law Mias boda'1 3$-mlD~ act lnclµdes her and two male dancers ilnglna and dan· cing before, during and alter a movie shown on a 11peclal split tcreen through which they cornt and 40. ' Weighed in Westminste1~ The movie shows Mlu Doda, frtquently totally nude, In various sexual encounters: with men and a woman, but is pt.iyed for laughs -and spectaton bad a tough time obeying Warrtn'a inltructlom not to ahow emotion. Sound of Mmic To Ecko Again In Ocean View An Instrumental and vocal """'• pr .. pm In the ()cqn View School Dlltrkt l!hidl bu been dormlnt l<r the pas! lour ~ wlllbe -again lhll lall. Woodis Chaddick, umtant wperlntend- IOt f<r educa~ -lllld lnltru-ll!Gltal IMtnlctloa will be o!lond 1t the ""81Ming, lnttrm<dJalo and advanced l...U. Be-=. string lnslrucU<>n wtll be o!laod lo~ fifth and dxth ll'ldera , llld ""81MiDI winds lo Ofth .and mth ... .-. A limiled number of students will be accepted for percussion instructicm U ~ have bad at least a year of piano in- .-or nlher suitable becltli'ouM· AD llludenta will be required lo 1'!Dt their lna1rumenls and purcbue approved --· ,vocal musk: Will ll<o be offered ind dl<rll gn>11p1 are ~Uy 1onn1n1 at Ill llChooll ln the dlstrld. '!be Saturday ~ lpOC]ll rm"1o -. oa....i 1n COl\IWlCllcn with the rogullr cnrrlallum during the J>U1 two ,...., will be retained. lntemted parents are lo conlld the curilculum of. fl<I, 147.Wl'llzt. Ill. . OAllY PILOI OlANOI ~ f'\lktlMUIO CQWIAN'r ••Mrt N. w"' .,..,..... W l'W!Cllltt • J.~11 w. e''':T Viet,,.... ... ,_ Mw .. n ..... K ... u .... Tlio111h A. M....t.1" -·· ,\lb.rt W. 11+.-. _ .. ... H1 ............ 0fft .. Jot ,,, .. '"··· M•l1:tlt ~· r.o. 1 .. no.''''' ' ' °""om.. ' ........ tttl"""' 141!11N~ • ~ lo\fMIJ • Wt:ll ..... '"nt .._. ~ m ,.,. .. """"" c • boob ~ lorbkldln( such en- terlllnnlont. "the dly of Westminster bu been 1..-1o In this repnl and h" had very few J"Obleml. 0 He .. plllned tllil lhll type or <n· tertatnment ls currenUr eomldertd a ff1Y areo within the i&l! and thli pr .. -mually lalla wllbln tile definition ol Indecent UJ>OIW'. . "lt'11 highly que.Uonable area," aaid Morgan. ""Ibere usuaally bas to be ,..,....,. Inside who II annoyed by u at. leged lewd •ct" U ldoptod by the dly council, Morgan's onllnance would IJ>OclllCIHy lorbld any "nlatt, wa!treu or entertainer to puform onclotbed nr .._ lo jiub!lc ""' the lJrwt<, pubic <r cenital 1'!glon In a •'-whe1'! food or bev<rages are told .• r--- -. o1 the new law """1d be cluslfied u a ml8demeanor. \V-lnstor Police Capt. Walt<r &<>It, who lllo conc:eded that lhe ell)' luol had ••very few p!Oblem11° with topless dan- cing, said, however, 0 1 would be in favor of any ~ thel w9'Jld bll) H." Ban and nlgbllpolB wblch fe1tur< nude or ·oem1-nuc1e danclnJ, occon!il!C 1o Scot~ ••attract an undesirable elmient w1ilch cnatea more problerru: for law eD· for:ement officers." .. I'm for ey ordi.n&net that would makt It 1"' of 1 problem," be continued. "These places have a way of exclUng the ptUrlent interests In people.•• Currently there is no botUimleas en- tertainment featured In any city in Qrange C.UOI)'. pending lbe deci1ion of crymtnaI and civil action taken by the District Attorney's Office, Morgan said. Toplm dantjng, however, goes un· prosecuted in aome clUe.s, iocludini Santa· Ania. and Garden Grove. Doctor Suspended HOUSTON (UPI) -Dr. Cooard Moore, who claimed la.st spring to have ~rm· ed the world'• 111'11 loll! human eYo tranaplen~ hu been rupended by the Rania COunty Medical Socltty, It was d1Jclo11"1 today. · • When newsmen -about 25 l!howed up tnstead· of the usual two on more rouUne days -asked what the thought of the trial, Mlss Dod& said "I dori't understand why they 're beina put on lrial. why is it wrong?" to dance nude. Sh.e aaid llhe doesn't appear completely unclad lo her live act because she doe.sn 't feel the need t.o. Miked to n:plain her elaborate act compared to Pa.st &imple shows, she said Jt'11 like "mayors want to become eovemon, unators want to be presidents." The movie, she explained under que~ tlonln1 by the proeeculor, "II like a aallre of pornography." Historic Flags Go on Display At Rohinwood The tnuA comtnunitr • In the RobinwOOd School arta ol Huntington Beach, will have an opportunity to witness a flag ceremony at 9 a.m. Oct. 13 on ll)e ICbool ll'ouncll, 5112 Mcfadden Ave. On display will be hi9lorical flags hsndmi.de by women Jiving In the com- munity under the direction of Mrs. James Dixon, as well aa flags of all 50 states, donated by McDonnell Doug I il s AstronauUct Corporation. Students at Roblnwood School, who have adopted and c0rresponded ' with a Marine unll stationed In Vlotnarn, will be olflclally presented with a !lag nown by the uni! In combat. Patriotic musical entertainment will be provided by Ille Marina High School - and a band from the El T<r0 Marine Air ha!o. In addition the El 't\.'lfo Marlnt11 wlll provide a three-Dian honor color guard and a flag raiaing detail . DAll.Y f'ILOT ..... ., t.a p.,_ ''l'l" l'lae IAut Swim of Sumnaer Pretty Cindy Bolllllger, 10.yeaNlld Orange Coait College slUdenl from Corooa del Mar, •took her last illp or Ille 11169 summer 1eason Mond1y. Today, alas, Is the flrsl day Of fall and Ille swim season !or prcUy glrls ls fading wilh \he sunset IN OLD SAN PRANCISCO, SHI! stARTID iT ALL",_ Looklot Like L1dy God! .. , Nudle Dancer C1rol Dodo Ctiticism of DA's· Men Denied by Beach Chief Huntington Beach Pollce Chief Earl Robitaille today denied a story in a morn· ing paper which implied he was critical of the dlstrict attomey'11 investigators following the lo5s of prostttution chargt!I again!t three local museu.ses. "My criticism was for the Deputy District Attorney in Westminster who reduced those charges, not the in· vestlgators," 11aid Robitaille today. The cue Involved the arrest of three muaeuses at the Ex~Uve Suite Salon aauna parlor. 17434 Beach Blvd. They were charged with prostitutlon, but all three charges were reduced to "disturb- ing the peace." "The action was taken by a deputy in the Westmlmter office without consulting us or the District Attorn!r'' invesUgatora wbo worked on the ca11e,' said Robitaille. The story said Robitaille told the City COuncil on Sepl. 1.$ that the charges were reduced becauae the district attorney's investigators !eared "embarrassment" if they had to relate details of their fn.. vm.igalion into the aawui parlor. "I didn 't say that,'' replied Robitaille, "I merely repeated what the deputy at- torney told me. As it turned out he never a.sited the investigator if he would have bttn embarrassed." "That's what I object to," continued Robitaille. "the ability of one man to make such a decision wlthou\. even con· sutting those involved in the in· vestigaUon." Dl!trlct Attorney Cteil·Hleks bas risen to the defense of his investigators 11aying, they have "never been embarrassed'' Bonn OKs Wage Hikes BONN (UPI} -With a parliamentary el~on on!y five days away the West German government bowed to labor union pressure today and agreed to wage . incruHI for $00,000 public employes. whilt looking Into vice conditions. Robitaille agreed with that atatement and reiterated that he never criticized the invesUgattn, "but the deputy who band.led the case in courL" The aalon parlor involved lost fts city business: license. following thfi incident. New Ellfllfi Scout Steve Brown, H, of Huntington Beach was saluted at recent Boy Seoul Court of Honor for achieving Eagle Scout rank in a remarkably short period. He joined Troop 558 Feb. I, 11163 and C<>tnpleted the Eagle pro- gram Aug. 21. ------·· - 0 OMEGA YCMa WATCH' •a 1 •I• OIW •Aill• .. --FREE ,,,. ....., ..... o.. ... l,.M1111sltf ••kh "'• •• ,.,., ..... 111.at.4 with· ... •llY t11"'1fi .. 11 .. ~. HAM tt M-. ~ •~f l'l'lfll •• ft.1 l!IMJI. T~:t JMlfMiN, truly I 1.- WI r4 ftf •n t lltH .. "''•" " '"'will +. M ... 11fltwi.I o .. ., • .... ,." ... ...... $2.00 llMTa11M• "- • ..... $3.IJ!I --llAlllOMll $6.00 .........__ INlllAYIW DONI WHru 1'01 WAn ~Ill', c-. JI -Ml flllt ~ ......... •I ktte .. • 1111•~ o..,. ,,......~ ......... ,... ,...111-t ... tP -~ ftlt "'" •• tM -•ff"• tltL 18.Ml.t.WWU MIUurlog 1.000 llqUer< lee~ ·Ibo Offi~ will be Joc:ated.On 2:3 acru of,Jand, lea¢ Jng about one-half acre for future apan: aion, ir necessary. In preaentlng his request to the plan· ners, contractor George Mallery of Inglewood, llQid the new buildlna ,w1s ·needed to provide adequate patrolling or newly developed freeways in Orange 9>unly. Al the pruenl time the only Highway Patrol facility ft1r all of Orange County is located In Santa Ana. Special features of the Dew office wJTI include a 91'.kar parking lot, air con· d!Uoning. emergency power plant aod covered 'tall!; for el&bt vehicles. $7,500 Liftoff For Beach Chest A Huntingtoo Beach aeroapace finn provided the initial liftoff contribution to · the 1970 Conummlly Ch..,t by e<>n·: 1ributing 1 fl,300 check. Charles R. Able, chairman and chief execuUve officer of the McDonnell Douglas Astronaulica C o r p o r at i o n · pregenled the money lo ci)est Campllgn Chairman Robert ~!erriman and Presi· • dent Steve Holden. It la the first con- trihullon to tile chest's goal of fl35,000. ' Merriman !aid the firm would be recognized aa the number one c~r to the Fall campaign at the combined service. i:lub luncheon Sept. 19. The luncheoo, ·scheduled · far the • Driftwood Room 8.t the Sheraton Beac.h Inn, will officially open the lt'TO drive. Park Dedication Policy Studied -l A. reyiew o! Fountain Valley's puk· dedicahon ordinance for apartments will be taken up by parks and recreaUo'n com- missionera at their a p.m. meeting, Wedneoday. Commissioners will coruider tightening the ordinance t6 guarantee th at apartmenl.9 must de<licate money tO the c:ity'a perk development Jucds . - 'The city currenUy charges $65 per unlt In multiple family projecb as a condition o[ approval for tract maps, rather than under an ordinance . Countian Gets Perjury Sentence A Los Alamltos man convicted of four cuunts of perjury during testimony before a federal grand jury on horse race fbing: today face9 two yean in prUon. . Kenneth M. Brandy berry, :u.. was sentenced Monday in federal court in LoS 1 Angeles, with three year&' probation ad· ded onto the prison time. Brandyberry was convicted by ~ federal court jury five weeks ago foi" false Information given whlle te3tifyin& under oath about the race.rigging. ; • " .. .. and back 11•11191111 ClltW le1da at E•11r ~ t:r!."' Cenltr • HUN11Nl.TON IEACH 2300 r llwd. COSTA MESA ' II t.17·~ '. 8'1.-5501 545-9415 ' ,. ' ' ' , " ... • I. I I I I ... • • • • • a · -' !)Rll.N~.i=6UJ';lrr.· .~tJR?RNJ,.( l ' . ,. I r , , , , •• ~ .. ~ • -• ) .:.J l 4 ~Ii . J• : 'l' ,;,: '!: ' , ~ 0 ,i "/ ' • .' •.' t . " ,. ~ .. Bfach ·Access· P~esents TlfOf,lly City Problem . . ._ ... .. -. ' . ""'"'" .. ~-...... ~.:..... r • O .. ~ .. /•: ~~-' ~:.·.L . ·~·f•--·.-.-n-...,.. ............ -;.i: 'Tis tfae :hut-~ of«,S~a~i"··· · . Pritt1 qi.dr BeWna:er, 1~yeal'Old I Orange Cout ·Coll•ge 'student from 1:oi'olla d!i Mir,' il>ok bar J&st dip .of the l969 summer ....... Monday. Today, alas, ii Qle ~ day of tallied the swim .seuon for pretty _girls lsfadlDg wllh·the .unset. , -- 3-way Meeting to -~is~uss GOals· £or 1.agtina F~:lure John H. Norton Funeral Slated ·- • Debate Over . - Road'fay Near~End .• f -.... ·, .,·.;. ' .... ., "· ; ~"- --JAPANESE EDUCATOR· STUDIE~ SCHOOLS-I ~AOUNA Thurston Sch!>ol'• Al ·Llcop Talb $hop Wllh.Jlro-Hlromlhu ' " • • Jails - Joint Prc;>he Culminates • In Arrests . . . . i;;guoo Decldi'es Ckanup Week .DI ;.a,,...·-...... ," Illa lrim!nioi ucl. ,pnllllng Jn Ibo.• Jani ovdue! Ila a lot of jank ...,onollllod! The City of!.qunl Btad! -~--~'lodaf111roq1.-Bipl. fl "F'1l Clealmp "tl'.eek.. 1blJ aleanl lbe mmidpal rubl>lll! ...,. .ll'lcl!r wlD ·~ .un1Jmlte4 _ .. ol 1rU11 tllal--II If mee1s lllt• and welg!W opec!llcalbll. llepltr welgbl llmlls of ID]XlllDlll Jl'I' conlaJner aJ>lll1, ~ ..... ue llmHea lo two by one by lour i.et. Tb< tr··· cOlledloa .... ~ •• ....,. ( '!'UJ 14"6 ' spruce-up week will be, on rtgUlar collection dl)'I with ooly..,. ~ mad• ot each polnL ' ' ' • ''ll&'s wmklDC w\111 ett1J!Joob. Rt"• ~ a)prtiOit-w111a1ot ...... 1'11111•1r-- ..... ,..., -""11 .......... - 1U When Ids ect ts over!' Lquna Boodl CllJ Ma..,.r J-ll. • Wheaton WU laJkJDC lbout ail«ney MacbllZle Brown, cpcdallsl In ...,... --"""· Brown 11...nlnl Wllll dly olficlllt IDd r c mation Topic '. s~ Coast Group Attends Meeting -1 Orua• Coll\ ...,..mtlonllls wero amoni t,000 partlclpanta In the Planning and ConservaUon Lugue's fourth annual workshop recently at the Mission Trail Park Site Board Asked for Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Mayor Ed Chennalt bu recornmendecl to Ill• city council Illa! a parks boanl be aet up to serve as an advisory committee for the development aDd utiUzaUon of park sites. He 511Qeoled lhal a five-man board be •ppolnled amtalnlq a repmelllalive lrom each ol the lour Histing park districts and one member at large. Part ci their job ......... be to admilllSW • baatneamen '1 ftmd containing fl.S,000 whldrw!D llOl!leday be dcmted ldUle dly lot park equipment> e '.l'en•b Aide PkJcell LAKE FOllESI' -'lbere la a ,,... !Jee on the atart al Ibo ilNcl> and , Tenoia Club. It beloap lo l!>e club'• """ ...i.. tant dlr«tor Rick ~dull· ~ ~~k Beach-began~ es Uill...,k while be oont1mies his educaUoo in social science at UC Irvine · He ii an Orange C:O...t College graduate lllld attended University o! Call!omla Berkeley. He has worked· Sn YMCA pf'Oll'ams in Los Angeles and wu a playground dlnclor in Sacramento. e MemlH!t"• A.ettpttid MISSION VIEJO -The Nadadore1, Miu!oD Viejo lwhn team Is DOW IC• ceptlng now memben •• K beginl Ila winter tea90tl. T-1 home bol\ora after I """""""' IU!IUll<I' wero Brian Goodell. Polly Dick• and Kyle Edgran who received trophies for oulltanding perfonnaous. Todd Layport who was elected team captain also received a trophy frcm the CGBchn Unl~ty o! can!omla. Santa Barbsra. Alta>dlng from Laguna Beach wm Willlain Wilcoxen. who has spearheaded the Sall Creek Beach movement and .Bea Whltt.lesey, of. the I.ague of Women Voters. both of whom took part In the Beach Acct11 and Acquisition dl!cul!Slon; Jam• W. Dilley who attended the Open space. and Pukl panel: and City Cowlcllmlil Roy Holm. Ille Waler Pollu- tion panel. Also participating were South LagQna lalldscape arcbltecla F...t Lang and Ken Wood, both actJ.ve in local comervaUon movement&. Atlendlna lttllD Ibo lrvloe Compaey were " Frank Uqbeo, J.,... L. Weti!I, J.,... E. Tvlor and Gonloo Jooes. The clay·lo!JI CGll!.""-wtlldl ' ·~ tracted ootatandlna figures lo Ille fields al planning and coboervation from throughout California, included panels on otatae planning. regiooal plannfng, local planning, beach access and acquls.ition, open a p a e e. and parts, new tawM, transportatloo, air pollutloo control. waler poUutlcn con!lol, noise pollution contral, ruources and wild life and water resourcu. 'The tli!ff.yur-014 Planning 1 n d Conse"aUon Leacue. a coallUon of all the -•lion -In lbe """'· llOW maint&Jnl a reprtlfll'tatlve in Sacr&Dlerl· to lo follow leglalafloo afleolial COD· arvatloa. mMtttt. -tlcas.cm beach....., llld AClllllll!loo comlni aul of. tbt CGll!erOnce inchaded I ~ !ea£N•lfn pro-gram: ' --Oule .. antherilY tlial would be able to atop lrmtrilbfe ~ harm pm!ln] • lll>lr· . - --!¥ --pniblems. • -~"' ......... ci pibllc !Undll!I !oi:..-1lfllai) of~ frUalap ~ pefll{ ·-~... tD· trmlfve .,IDdl gov9rmneat. ... -. • • , F,... Pqe FENCES.' .. f .• faulljs lltJt Wltll lbe city. Wo ltllUI acfGi,t a ~ _ .. plan IDd ooe lt II pot In- to e!feCI. Zoning Jaw1 m nol inlend1cl"to be Uled r.. blaclanall type tradeoH• or lo inhibit devel0pment but conllOI It Ind promote orderly development," be con- llnued. "Where split IOlllng occurs, as we have an along Ibo belch front propertlu, and ionl!lg la l'lllsted, tlien Ille vartance piOo cedure 1J all that ii available to anyone wishing to do uy development," he com.- merited. Vne.r~ted Game What J. M. Williams, 217 o .. troil St.. Huniing\on Beach, was hunting was not this •~­ foot timber ratUesnake, but he bagged it anyway. Reptile. ex· tremely large for this breed, was shot Sept. 12 near Eti· wanda, San Bernardino C!>unty, after Williams slid ddwn a · slope while bunting -almost on IDp of the rattler. Snake- meat wound up on dinner table. Fro• Pqe .I DEBATE •.• that lbe ll<iyl' Club would lito lo rolain the Thurstoo Trailer park. localed oo lbe lloyl' Club properly adjaceril to lbe ...,. facility. 1 • -' • • Sy!an told pllDJl<rs the Boy1' Club hid relocated a priiperty· Jibe lo !aCuttale electrical ,.rviee !or the trailer pi~k which they originally wanted lo bep Cllliy until the bollclin& went into oper1Uon~ "We now thini It would be good to keep the trajJer park for an Indefinite period or time. It acla as a buffer belween the Boys' Club !aclllty and adja-'pro- perty. We can control what'• in the trailer park," Sy!an oald. Ho oaid there also are financial a>n· slder1Uons !or k~ the trailer park which Is being operattd b, Ibo l!Qys' Club and A«<Jl"ding lo Sy!an Is paytzii !or Ii.ell. . • Sy!an told planners he would · aeek •P- proval of a completed landscapin& pro- gram Oct. 30 IDd said the new faclllty should be ready !or OC<UpallCj in 30 to 60 clays. The team won their Im meel wi\h the Deane swim team and later cheered their parent$ to v~ over the Deane booster club. From P .. e l e Toro .Zone Cll•119ecl EL TORO-Approval al a mne change from dup1e1: to 1fOUf1 dwelling for pro- perty -ol El Toro Road hetw .. n Raloo. !>rive and Front Street bu been given by COW1ty 811pervison. A hardahJp wat acknowledged )>ecause the Santa Fe Railroad rtgbt-<>1-1'•Y -...,... lo the prvpe1ty dl!llcUll The ...., cban]e hits In wttb the El Toro g!Deral plan. 1Uperviaora were toJd. ( LAdV Pl!QT OllANGa COAlf rualiH• COMH.W'f l1Wt N. Wttl ·~...., .. l'lllllllflW J, •• l.·C.... . VIGI ,.,...... _, oaifil Mlntttr '"'-•• r .. .u ·-fh•:::.::. ~ 11 .. -..~ '· .... ..__ Cb ...... ---211 ,., .. , ".,.. ....., __ ,,.._ .... tHIJ --_.~inlf'.::'.:.-=... ,._ ...... , ...... ' JAPANESE VISITOR. •• the best part of the trip, uys Hiramitsu. "At the universily, we had to 6ludy very hard and the traveling was always Jn a hurry," he explains. "Here with the fam.i. Jy I have learned very much." In addition to visiting all the Laguna schools, talting to students and con- ferring with fellow teachers, he has en- joyed IWimmitig at the beach aDd shop- ping at Fashloa Island and looks forward to a football game and a visit t~ Dimeyland. He is most at home at Thurston tntermedlate School, whl!l"e he ha1 spent. two lull da,yl, and probably will opend more. At borne tn Glfu. Hlramltlu teaches at the junJor high level, which coven &rides seven through nine, conduciJng Engli!h clas.ses for all three grades. "These are like my students," he says at Thurston. ''I understand Oitm. They ask a k>t of questJona about .cbool& In Japan -about the ·dilcipllne and wbal the studeata eat and wear and do." DIJclpllne. he tells tliem, la much atemer in J1pan. Whtn • teacher enters lhe room, sludenla prompilj ltand up and bow. When a te1chet pates ln the hall, they bow. Silence II malntaloed dur· lnJ c1a-. ucept r.. di ........ perloda. IJowever' aaya Hiramttlu, hi nu not beeo aware of I lack ci dlsclpline in lhe clasta be bu vlalted h<n. "Tbe students are Vert !rM lo aprea lbelr ldw, but here at Thurston, at least they Rf!D'I genUe IDd Vert lnlereated -not II Ill undlaclpllned or noisy." So far 11 the Jowtr cradn are con- cerned -klnderprten throogh abcxlt ... coniI Jl"1ide -J Optnele clwrooms I.re noisier tlllD American. "I dldD1 npect that,• be lflnl. Jlj>llWM atud"'ta wear unllorms - middy -lllld black l!drla for the glrla, black panta Ind blaok jackets wltll br .. battona lot lhe boys. "Until Ibey •rt H or II they mu.i ....,. lbe unllorms .... -tb•1 .. ilo'llntown," Ill'• Hl:ramltau, ••ao UM)' ara not to frtt a1 here. Abo, jcmlor hlgb atudenla cannot go to the movleo without ll!elr pllHClla." . The study of English is compulsory from seventh grade, he says, but even students graduating from high school rarely speak well, though they may read and >frli. n~ntly. "Jt Is very difficult for Japanue teachers l.o teach the oraJ English," the vlsltor explains. "Also. the unlvualty en- trance examinations are very, very hard •nd enllrely written, '° in hlgb llchool Ille studenta concentrate intenseJy on th-e written language." ' Education in Japan is comeulsary only through the three years of 1wlior hl&h. but 97 percent of the students 10 on to spend three more )teara in hlah. achoo!. Gelling into a university is ex1rem.el1 dll- ficult. "The eiams a.re so hard some studenta commit suicide," s a y a Hiramltau, "but once you do get in, it is not so hard lo graduate." To become an English teacher, he at. ltnded the UniveN1ity at Gilu, spending 1 two years on general subjects and two more on hls major. . . . r J am fortunate . to be In I Very modem, experimentaJ school," he saya proudly. "We have a televtslon in uch classroom and we were able to watch t.he astronauts on the mooa." 1 What will he tell hla fellow leachen about what he bas learned of educaUan In America? The slender, lnlenle yoong man becomes very aeriou.s. "In J1pan we teach the r1cta. not 1 w11 of thlnklni;. Jn IOclal studiet we make llltlD learn elates, not will' lblna• happened. There must be m or e diacul>iona. Thb Is very dl!ll<ull, but many ltacheri alrea<ty ire ~gtnntng to undenland how much can bt done wltli the Oelible young minds Of these ll!udenta. to help lbem lo learn how to thlnl<. I WU 10 lmpmaed in one ci jOUt history classes to see how the teacher made the ltudents find &oluUon1. ''Thtre ta to much informatim ln the world today. lbe llU<lenta jult can't remember eva')1hinc. •• he concluded. "We must tucb them bow to find IOlu· lions lo the problems al the world In which I.hey are 80ina to live." ( ' • Grand111a ' Waves GoOClhy~ Family Leaves For. Haw_aii;:Slufs in Hospital . ' I -•• A ~ 1......U puty briiblan- ed Ibo ..,_ !or patlmta IDd stall It -Cout Community Hospital Sunday J1temooo U lbe family o! I Three Arch Bay ruldent pthered outaide tbe wfnd9w al lier hoapltal room to tell "ar&ndm•" fOOdbye bell>re leaving !or Hawaii. Mr•. Jostph Johnson of 38 N. Portola . had eagerly awaited the visit of her. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wamn A. Daniela of Wilmette, Ill. and fOUF lltUe tr anddlughters. Tbe Daniel.! family. en route to Hawaii Y(here they hav& just purchued a radio ltatloo, planned to stopover iD the w.,.,. -lo vlalt irr'aixtma and gr8P'!J>l Wbn ~ Iiere fun I!ll"ola 10 . moidlil ..... . . • ll1lt plalll !w )ripo 1:0 Jllanl1luil •tr! olbor dellah~ wen: c!ilc<Uad "hen. Mn. Jolwon IUflei"ed I bWI alla:<k aliil WU hoapltalbed sbor:tiY after tlialr IJTIVal. Because~ IUU1.v,nlelsiirla, aaed I to J2, were too younr ta bt permitted to visit Inside the hospital, Mr1. Jolm!IOR asked nurses If It would be okay to have a "farewell part1" outside her window, before the famJly left for Hawall Sunday. With her doctor'• perrnialllon, her bed was pu•hed to the window ind "lhe Daniela ciao, alq witb Mr. Jolmaoo and anolhq """· l":aded "wjtll" glilil alp• riadinr: "We Love You: <rtlftcfi:ni!" "Aldha! .. "Get Well!'' ~ "~ You·~ HaWali!" ' . . . . .:. - "My room was juSt f1lled wilb OJi~ and Can4ystripe.rs curklila to see :W1lat was going on," said Mra, Jobhsop fr.om the hoepital today. ''It was a .Vert emo- tional farewell and l •as SI> gra~ful, to the-hospital for let Ling me have.my .:!par· ty.' I think it cheered up .90rDC of Lhe other patieols too:' Mrs. Johnson said she plana to "get well soon" Ml grandma and arandpa can try for another visU with the family in Hawaii at Christmas. 2 New Instructors Now Traf fie Board Urges Street Stay Two.way At Laguna Design School Two m lnlltuctors .... lo the l•culty will be ctnducting classes at the Laguna Beach 5chool o! Ari and Design thll quarter. Teaching ba!ic and intermediate pain- ting on Tuesdays will be James Adams, former iJlslructor at the Philadelphia Museum Of Art and head of the printmaking departmenL at Flelsche.r lttemorlal School of Art.· He has e:r:hibited extensively in the east and his work is represented in 20 private co11ectioru in Penn1Jlvania1 New York, Parma. Italy and in ilOUtbern !'ranee. Thomas Holste, who will teach basic and intermediate painting and life draw· ing on Thur&dly1, won tbe California State Graduate FeDowahip at Clareoot Graduate Schoo.I and blB works have been l<lected for botll the !iftb and sath an- nual Southern CallftrnJ& Elhibitioru: at Long Beach MtlNUlll of Art. l t • 1 Returning from a year of exiended 1tudy, Donna Sharkey will present a clasa in ~tiya..c:OmP<>Shiof\.on Fridayi. A graduate of ·the Chieago Art InsLitute, ahe has taught at Eastern Michigan University, Chicago Art InsUtute Junior School, Cal State Long Beach and, cunentJy, at Orange Coast College. , The chlldren's art class this fal1 , run- ning !rom Sept. 29 to Nov. 22, will be !ought by Toni• Pocbert. Io r m • r acholanhlp student at the School al Ari Ind Design. From t967 to 1969, she won scholarship awarda: in painting, sculpture and prlnbnaking. She has been assistant children's teacher at the art achoo! and also hu taught arts, crafts and acrylics at the Treasure laland Day Camp. Her class will be held Saturday mom· lngi for children aged 6 to 12. other eoune offerings during the fall quarter will be Sam Calybtrger's ad- 'vanoed pabiUng on Wedntldaya; David Schnabel'• por1rllt and Ogura painting and .life drawing oo 'l'Delday1 and Jane Lyons' prfntmaldng on Wednesdays. ~llulh Oscood'• bulc lo advanced class In color and dailn will meet Monday lllld 'l1l1lnday alternoooa lllld Ro g e r Armstrong will lelcli drawing on Monday and 'nwnday mornings and watereolor on Wedntsday lftemoom. Arthe annual meeting o! 1be boan1 o! dlredora o! Ille Scbool ol Ari Ind Design, Mn:. Ruih Osgood Salyer WIS re.elected president and cbainnan of the board; Miss Charla llgner la vict president; John A. Dundas, secretary and M. Paul Sliker, treasurer. Members of the board are Rogtr Armstrong, Mrs. Margaret Bissell, Mrs. Alexandra Churcblll, Jesse E. RJddle and David Young. Aller studying ........is !or ndncing huards oo VictOrfa Drive, the city's traf· fie committee has recommended to the City Council that it be retained u a two- way atreel Some resident.! had requested that one· way traffic only be permitted to ease congestion on the narrow roadway betwen S. Coast Highway and the ocean in the southern part or the city. Others protested this propo1al and sugge1ted further parking limltatlOllJi and reduc:Uon o! speed llinil. The traffic committee observed that with slow daily traffic volume aod park· ing prohibited on one side of the street, there is sufficient room for two-w11 traf· fie and making the street one-way in. either direction would cause a hardship on residents and users. It recommended r!lention of the present ~mile speed limit, continued prohibition ol parking on the inland side and removal of the two "No Parking, B;etween ~igns'.~ signs on the octan side, where paiking would be permltted. The committee al90 tecommended creation of an "immediate" towaway zone in the no parking zone, which would permit police to call a tow truck without waiting 72 hours. The council voted to 1c· cept these recmnmendatioM. Fro1n Page l Art Center Struck Again TRAILERS •.. homes low cost housing because moblTe home interest rates were higher than a· house, the down payments were 150 per· cent more and that one percent of the sales price on all trailers Is paid to the c11 ly. Laguna's African Art center, hit by a larce group of juvmile vandals Aug. 21, was vjctfmlzed agaia last week, to the tune or $48 in cash. Poliee are seeking two teen.age boys suspected of re.moving the money from the cub box at the Art Center, -495 Broadway, betmen 2:30 and fi p.m. Sun- dsy. Employe Susan Roan said the youths, aged 14 or 15, made a purchase at the store early tn the afternoon and followed her when l!lbe went ta a rear storeroom to get change from a cash box. She told them they were not permitted in the YOUR storeroom and they left. Later in the day, the boys returned 1•.Jth several friends and spent some time looking over the display of African art objeet.s. The money turned up mis,,ing \\·hen the cas.11 box w33 checked out at closing time, police sald. In the earlier theft. art objecU valued .et $284 were removed from the Art Center by a group of vislling t.etnagera from the Malcolm X Cent.er in Los Angeles. Alerted by Laguna Be.ech police, California Highway Patrol o f f J c e T 1 J'eC01iered the loot from a bus relurninl tbe visitors to Los Anaeles. Yow-OflWgs 5Gltt I Smiicl AQt!\CV ·n OMEGA A woman from the audience argued that it was not a question or whether or not trailers were good or bad but did the, people "'ant the valley to develop in trailer parks or in single family dwellings. She said that single family residenc1!,\ pay more taxes than trailers yet stand a chanc~ of being outvoted i! more come in. "Are you saying that people who can't afford a $60,000 house shouldn't be ln the valley?" fired Baldino. "l didn't say that, J say there shouldn't be a &U-40 -ratio of mobile homes td houses:," replied the woman. · n .... ,., 11111• o,,,~. s,..,,...11,, wtlch ... Clfl'y "It MfH!Mf ._;ti.. HI •ll'f 111'4lfi11lie11 ~1 NASA t. H •••• ~, ,.,,. ·-----!!119'91 "''" •• ttr.. "'" .. n;, , •• .,,.1111"' .,.,.,. • , .. WATCH\\! .. _ ·•~•OIW ... , ... FREE w1ri fir 1rt11l111c1, ••• ., .. ,,....., ti ~ re• ,.......,... o .... In'-'-· C-1 •• -••• fllit .... --. 1 ..... , 4 '1t~ OMt• S,...,111,., ... ctw....,;.,._ n. ''" ¥.+di -liy ~. 1111 .. ....... "'" Sttl. ·~ ...... $2.00 'lOM s411 n.mlllll -..... $3.00 --llAMONDS $6.00 ---a. 'S:C,' ... ltl' ..... f'lfM DONI -.... H~ Cetlt1r '-!19tE ....... w"'u '°' WArT HUN11NfTON IEACH 11 192.SSOl and bade Harbor $11oNi119 Cenm 1300 Haifior llvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 I r I I ... J ' : • READY FOR HARVEST IN FERTILE FIElDS OF ORANGE COUNTY • Rev. Bjlly Grah•m Optimistic On Brink of 20 Ye•rS' CrUs•ding Anaheim Crusade Opens Graham Says Drugs , Se% S.ubstituted for Religion The trouble with young people today, says Rev. Silly Graham on lhc eve of his IO-day Anaheim crusade, is that drugs and sex are being substituted for that old lime religion. "Young people's poetry with all the roor-letter ~rords has a spiritual quality," Fountain Valley Voters Decide Recall Iss ue • Voters are casting bailot.s today in Fountain. Valley to determine if three in- curr.bent city councilmen will or will not retain their seats. Election officials reported that more than 13 percent of the registered voters had cast their ballots by noon indicating • possible turnout of more than SO per- cent btfore the polls close at 7 p.m. The polls opened at 7 a.m. in 19 differnt loc~tions and won't close until 7 p.m. City C1fricials hope lo <:omplelc the counting of the ballots by about 10 tonighl There are 9,850 registered voters in the city who may decide ,the political fates or Mayor Robert Schwerdlfeger, V i c e Mayor Donald Fregeau and Councilman J()!Jeph Courreges. a.s well as eight can- didates opposing them. Car Dealer Gets Jail for Fraud A Fullerton used car dealer has been 1entenced to 45 days in jail and placed on three years probation for false ad· vertising and overcharging on motor license fees. Anaheim Municipal Court Judge Logan Moore handed that sentence lo Richard T. Workman director of Fullerton Cadillacs Inc. Workman will begin his ' --a:enl:enc! Yt'ednesday In t>range County Jail. Judge Moore rejc<:led ao appeal by Workman against a jury verdict which found him guilty of six violatioru of !late codes. The district atlQrney's Qf(ice Issued il'i complaint against the used car dealer following evldeoce submitted by area residents Yibo claimed they 'had been bilked when they bought used cars from Workman. the· famed evangelist said al a news COJl· feren-:e Monday In Anaheim. .. They nre substituting drugs and sex for the true experience they could have "'ilh God," he added. The Rev. Graham revealed that he will dlrecl his messages primarily to young people during the ID-day crll§ade, mar.k- ir.s the 20th anniversary or his mass 1ninist:ry rallies. He said he blames the older generation for the basic rebellion of the youth of t~ day, but added that rebellion itself is as old as mankind. "The essence of sin is rebellion against God," says the North Carolina-born preacher who has become a presidential confidante. "The youth of this nation are searching for answers." he said. "They want you to tell it like it is. All T clo is ~xplain the Bible in the oki terms. If you act .your age," he continLK!d, "they'll list1.. ... " Speaking on the perils faced by a troubleJ nation toc!ay, he said drug use among the younger generation is tbe most frighlenin& thing lO be faced. l'.e added that war -naturally -is a birlh1nark of human nature in its most devilish manifestation, but said the Viel· nam l'Onflict is just a sideshow compared to other crises. The Rev. Graham specifically men- tioned the ~fiddle East tensions and the bickering over border b o u n d a r i e s between Russia and Red China. Th.! popular evangelist who preaches men·y via mass media began his career 20 years ago this month in Los Angeles, drawing up to 3,000 person.s nightly for eight weeks. Earlk!r this year, his crusades in ~telbourne, Australia, drew 3 3. O O o pers..ms per day on the average, whl)l? a .Juire series in New York attracted 23~ persons daily. Trahuco Canyon Gtm Club Burns A fire of unknown origin destroyed llle Coto de Caza gun club in Trabuco Canyon early today. Eight county fire units fought lhe blaze, described by one fireman as "being out of control long before we got hert." Damage to the structure, owned by lhe Macco Realty Corp., was estimated at $20,000. The blaze Is being invC9tigated by the county fire department's arson squad. No damage was inflicted on neigbbor.- ing property. firrme.n said. Small brush fires sparked by the major blaze were quickly brought under control. .. Produces ' -' < Complaints SAN 91EGO (UPli -'Tb e gtovemment•s crackdown '°" druc tmU&· gling has turned up lltllt contraba'nd but mart)' complatnta about dellijs crossinc lbe U.'S.•Metleo border. A!I the new polie1 cf car~by<ar and person·by-penon llW'CbeJ went into Its third day,\there-Wtre delays of up to alx hoara in traffic jinn's ti&Cked up into Mei- leo at·bordtr .,o\nts. n· ... ury Department offt<lals uld U.S. CuslDms> -aearcbeil 411,1'1 per:.o~ at 3L border at.allool when "Oper.aUon Intercept" w.,· lpruog, si.m- day WIOloul !lndlng a slnll• mfl'ljuana smUggler. ~ • • 1 ' A spokesman sai<' this seeminc lack of success actually proved' that the optra- tion y;as.achievin1 its g.oal ot•'di.lrJpt.ing tbe ~tra.band tr,alfic and reduclna tbe supply of narcoUcs and other ~arigerous drugs and marijuana·." "This was a heavily publicized opera- tion and these people who smuggle In the stu'.f are obviously lying low. They are not trying to being -it ln I.Pd that is wflat we want to acoomplish." The increased air, land and su survtillance is being conducted atone the entire 21500-.mUe, bord~ from the GuU of · Mexi·~o lo the PaCific. · The first Arir.oni arrest came Mmday . nlgt. al the Douglas Bonltt """1lllg. lnspecton found I~ p>uods of marijuona . hidde.n)n the.roof .. ol a,vu driven by Jack L. Young, '17, Billlnia,,Mqn~ The busiest bc:>r4er Cl'Ofline lg bef;nen Tijuana, Mexico and San S;an Y1idro. south 9f Sari Diegq, wher~ dell)'I of up to six hour!!: were reported. Frustrali<¥11 -~ied ovt;r In ~ long lines of cars, fut fights starjed and periodic epidemi~ Qf horn honking spread up and down the traffic jam. Soine drivers became sick frQIJ1 ca,bQn monosiOI-' fumes: ' Many vowed n'ver again to return io Mexico. Treasury officials have made It clear that a principal a:oal of Operation lntercept is to jar the Mesican gtiYe:m· ment illlo wipine out lbe llCIUl'N of illicit drugs. The government estimates th•t 80 per- cent of tbe marij1.u1na in tht United States comes from Mexico. Tustin T ensi.on s Taut; Tome Termed 'Trash ' Emotion.s ran htgh in Tustin ltfonday night as 200 parents, teachers and students testified pro and con whether students should read Aldous Hutley's "Brave New World." In the end, the school board turned the book over to a litetary committee for review. The matter wa.s broufbt before t~ boanl by ll<rnie WlllWnson, Tustin father of a l5-year:01d girl, who called the hook "filth and trash damaging the morala: of our country today." He said the shock of their daughter being assigned the book to read caused his Yt'ife to be pla~ iioder sedation, and he contends personal damqe to his daughter if she is required to read the book is worth $1 million. He sa11 he will bring suJt in that amount if the book .iso'l banned. . Schools Superintendent William Zogg said the book wlll contintie to ht used Jn the e1ectlve "Fiction oC the Future" classes at Mission Viejo, Tuatln and Foothill h1gh schools until the llter.ary committee makes a deci5ion on its coo- linued use. Goldwater Endorses Baker for GOP Post WASHINGTOK (tiPI) -S.O. Bany Gokiwater, the ISM Republican Prealden· tial nom-. ,today endoroed s.n. Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tenneuee for the post of S.Oate Repubiiwi leader. Most of the Stnate'a other conservative Republicans are expected to vote for Baker Wednesday in his race apirut Sen. flugh Scott or Pen,isyl~ani.a. u,., ........ NEW, $>1.S BILLI ON SUPERSONIC AI RLINER WI NS PRESIDENTI AL APPROVAl. . . But Critics Soy Monoy Could 8t Btller Spent on Notion's Soc:lol Illa • . ' .- T..-.,, Sip-2J. 1%9 L" • • 0 •• ;j 0 • , IN OLD SAN 'f ltANCISCO, SHI STARTED IT ALL Looking Uko Lody 'Godlvo, Nudle .Donur Corol Dodo CarQI Con.tort~· Judge Gets Eye ful of Doda By /ERRY RANKIN .t.i$M111tt ,.,., C.tw-itt SACRAMENTO ·-"Please refrain fri>ffi any ShoW of emoOon.'" Municipal eoWt 'JUd&e Earl Wa1Ten Jr. c.1.utioned as he convened his court. He . lhen sat down al the little round tablr he.Xt• to rtbe stage, carefully rem"ov- td Ult 'pick ol matcAes with· the picturts oC•the nude girls to·Ulc' floor and : Right oot of lhe middle of the movie 1cretn stepped Miss Carol Doda, pioneer tof .the topless entertainment. ~ithotlt her top, natural\y. To the musical accompairunent of everything from "Come on Baby, I.Jght t.iy Fire" to the "William TeU" and "lllZ" overtures. 111 say nothing or the music from I.he motion piclure "2001 : A Space Oddysey." J.t was another out-of-the-<irdinary 11oession In Sacramento's celebrated trial of tv;o bottomless dancen. Warren and the jury sat facing the stage, the }::'eS!I occupied mor.e comfortable chairs on an elevated area and other spectators rang. ff thtmselv~ on bar stools as Monday's session ' moved to Chuck Landis' Largo night club. \Yarren, without his usual judicial robe, flubbed h.is role a& master o! cere.monieis when he noted : "The record will lndlcate we are convening in Chuck Largo"s Lan· dCI. , • '' .. MJs.s Doda w~s summoned lrom her San Francisco night club by the dei.::ise for 'ao-go dancers Sheila Brcndenson and Sll7.anne Haines, charged with lewd and dissolute condUct and indecent OJ>OMlre for . dancing totally nude at the Piuk Pu!!}' Kat beer bar in n e a r b y Ora.n&ev,1~. T~e1r boss. Leonard L. Gian· cy, alao Is charged with .soliciting them for such behavior. otfi!nse l8wyen: didn't make clear their entire strategy In having Mtss Doda put on her aM for Judge Warren's 10· man, tw1>-woman jury. However, they refirrt!d to'''communlty standards," and the·quesUOn of whetl'itr bottomle!I dan- cin1 ~ beyond commonly ~ptcd community standards is a key issue in the case. Miss Doda's 35-minUlJ? act includes her Ul'I Tt'""91t HOLDING COURT IN A SALOON Judgt Earl Wa r ren J r. -And !wo male dancers singing and dan- cing before, duriilg and after' a miwie shown on a special split .screen through wilich they come and go. The movie shows fdiss Doda, frequenUy totally nude, in various sexual encounters with men and a woman, but is played for laughs -and spectators had a tough timl'! obeying Warren's instructions not to . ' show emotion. When newsmen -about 25 shol!ed up instead of. the usual two on more routine days ~ asked what she thought of t.l]e trial, Miss Doda. said "J don 't unclerst\od why they're being put on trial, why: is. it wrq?'; to danct .nude. She iald she doesn 't appear completely unclad in her live act because s"" doesn't feel the need to. Asked to e1ptain her elaborate · act compared to pasl simple shows, she said it's like "mayors-want to become governors, senators want to be ' presidents." The movie, she explained under ques- tianing by the prosecutor, "is like a satire vf pornography." Marines · Dissolve Division •• Tliis Is D-Day for th .. FUth · 1\!'lll'lnl Division. DeactivaUon preparations were ordered Monday for I.he Camp Peodletoo·butd combat unit. followin1 a Pentagon order to cut ann.ed service:• manpower by 77,500 men. ' Equipment and supplle1 are un~oint Inventory today, prior to shipment elsewhere or relµm to the MariM COrp$' systems stockpile. Twu ol three rtglments of the division organtied expressly Cor lhe Vietnam War will be disbanded, a ¥iarp econom;c blow t;> San Clemente and·. otber coastal clues dependent on M~rioes. Tht-announcement business.men had feared since it was rumored two wttb Ago came from Brig Gen. ROM Dwyer, rttently appointed commander of the Fifth Marine Division. Gen. Dwyer said the 27th and 21th regiments will be deacUvated by Nov~29, v. bile the 26th Regiment will remain on duty i.u Vietnam . The Pentagon announcement Monday also spelled a tOU&h blow to portions or 1:e San Diego area economy -with a lesser.effect on Long Beac~.in tenm of naval cutbacb. • . Besides the 12,000 men o( the Fifth Marint" Division, seven San. l>lqo-baaed ships. will be deact.\vated, alone w:lth ·the entire AnUsubmarlne Air Group $7, North bland Naval Air StaUon. The Long Beach naval units affected by ?ilcnda,y's cutback order include assault transport ~ Okanog'1' and .the d~ landmg ships Tortuga and Cabildo. • The San Dieit>based antisubmarine air unit was assigned ~o the USS Hornet, home ported in Long "Beach, fut ita of. fice:n and men lived In the San Diego vicinity. Of the 22 Navy ships ordered to the mothball fleet, the seveo in ~ Diego are the dock landlng ships Glinslon H.I~ Cat.3.m.ount, Coms~k, W h e t a t on t , Colonial and Fort Marion aild the tank landing ship Stone C:Wnty. 'Ibelr crews total 1.716 officers and men. Deactivated unib under the command of Naval Air Pacific, headquartered at North Island, involve 242 officen aDd 1,168 enlisted men. Most will be rallfli>· ed to other naval m Paclflc unita, a spokesman said. Naval Air PacUlc bu.1,400 aJrtraft and 90,000 officers and m£n. The unjta orderod deoctlva\e<f m at- tact" lquJdroni "7f 11nif 112 at ~Gore N•v~l".,Mt Station ~ Frtm0, Calif.; AoU·~bii\1~· l!i1il6t SqUadnio I '1t Alameci. Nav•I . Air Stafloa: Potn>I Squadtoia 2 and 41 al Whldbey blond, Wash., Naval Alr Statloo, and Potn>I Squalfroo· 28 at Barbers Point Naval Alr StaUon, Hawall. Constitutional , Revision Group. Meets on Coast California's ConsUtutJon Revision Com· mis.!fon will meet at Ult Newporter Inn \~ed~esday through Friday with 1 h!g.hhght or the sessions being con. s;derallon of changes In higher edutatiOn, State ControJIU Houston I. Fknlrnoy will speak to a ~mlttee on revenue and taxation Friday on the topic or tax reform. The higher education hearing will be Thursday with the CommWion asted to approve an educalion c o m m i t t e e ' 1 1 ecommendations on political influence and acad~'""· UC Irv! ncellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. ls a ber of lbe commission aerv• ming on the education commJUee. Orange County Superior Court Judae Bruce Sumner, of Laguna Beach, beads the eo.. member Coo&tituUon RevCilon Com~ mission. A first set of Commlss.ion propouls revising t~~ state Constitution were pass· but a second set of reviaion!I· was ed' by the elect;:irate in November, 19M, defeated last November. The revisions being worked on by ·the Comndssion now will 10 to the state Legislature and if approved appear on the ballot in November, 1970. Nixon Backs SST Plane 'From Wire Ser,·lce• w ,\SH~TON -. Pruldtol Nixon gavet &he go-ahead today ror construcUon of -Hie .._.,, '1.liio-mlie-an-hour Amufcln ~IOllic transp.>rt. Even PfOP*lltl forecast a bl1 fight in eoor,....t over a rel•tlvoly mod<sl 196 mJIUen 1pproprlat10111 request this year1 Nixon told reporters he had made the "dlfficuJt decision" after spirited debate witNh hit admlnlstratk>n. and that the guiding flclor wu lhal he winll ii\• United SI.at.ea to "'continue to ~ad the world" In air transpprt. , The· '91 • mlllkm r~uest 109n to go to eo..ma wool4 be u:ied for development leadlpe up to constructlon ot two test model.I of the plane1 which woukt be futer and have far lflUlct rana• than two..:Jivtlt SST11 -1 &he • BrlUsfl.,Freftch Conobnle or the 89viet TU 144. both of whlcb alru.dy have been teal Oown. 1tW • million Ni'lon~ asked tbif year In new fUlldl lrom Conarea lo &ddlUon Lo ' J ... to f99 mUUdn fn unused carrS'(tver .a~ propr1at1olif far ll!t ssr' program. , This would' rise to 1114 111lllioo•1n fl'!'al 1171 then -progreoeively fall lo It• million In fllcal 11'11.148 million In fllCal 1'71 and 11• million In O.Cal 11'14. . The Boeing Co. ol Bealtle will bulld'the American planti. ~ First teat m8J,ta are not expected before the end o( 1912'. and lnltlal delivery lo alrllnt.s Is not anOcipatcd bdore 1971. Sen. Heqry M. J"'ksoil (ll-W>&h.), a 1upporltr 0/ the pro Joel, uld he tipected "a real 'Ugh!'' in Congre!li -perhaps' of slmllir proportklna to the ~nt ol}e In thC.'llMlrte over' Ille inlblalllsUc ml..Jle syd•m. -n.p. WOiiam · E. MJns¥U (ft· Olllo), e member of the tt..... ~ proprialbls . COmmlltee, pr<!licted the ...,,. thlog Ill lllo H..,.. · The jovermnent would 5'17 IO perctnt1 or nearly II bllllon, oi !lie cot! of (bli two prolotfPeP: The coAt Of turning·out opu..,, tlon1I m<idtll for the alrUnes cwld 1o·to IU billion. Critics of the plane mainllin that the mOney Is needed more urgently for other purpooes. One of them, Rep. Bertram I. Podell CO.N.Y.)1 today termed Nirt>a't action "a disaster.•: Nixon's action coincided with a dtdsldn by the Brltbh •nd'ri-.nch lo mah tbel,r rlrst attempt lo break the sound bm-ier with the COnconle by the end of thit month, M for the_ American SST, lhere still •~ problems to be solved before: It can OJ, partltularly lo commerdal -~· But Ni1on said he was convinced 1n,y •• Lechnlcal I actors" could be ovttCOi:De. Transporiollon.Socntary John A. Volpi told reporters af!tr N I x o n ' 1 U. nouDC<llltlll tho! the SST 1'ould be ban- ned from overland llilbta In lllo Unll<d Stain unUI the IMlc tioom pr'1>iom YU aolvtd. The m wlll be Nltrictlltdr to tra.......,I< Olllltta unfll lht noloe !-"coma within aecfiptable Umit11 i. ~01pe ..1c1. ( • • • ' ' • Were Young Marines Beaten to Death? ',. •1 t I I I I ~~-... ,,.. .... , : . Tbe Aldlbilhop of Canterbury at 1 th• time l'rlncae• Ma'111'11 ended 1 bet romance with Royal Alt Force • Gl;OllJl,Capt. Potor TOwnaanol, NY• _ be <lid not ponuade the ~ despite teporta that he did. "She ~ c-Gd told mo her own dear a detblon," Lm l'lahor of Lambeth said In a. llltemew SU!lllay. Mar· pnt broke olf with Townsend be- .. uae be w11 divorced. ~ at the t!mo said her dedlllon w11 ur(td on her by tho Qlurcb of Eni' W\d. . • TIDO Cordova, Alo. hou.seurivtt hai>c btrn 1111&tnctd to 07\C vcor on probotton afkr' bri"g cont»!* tel of stealing 10 hlgh""'V rl¢1<. A.ntl Additatt ond BiUfc Jo Rob- erti t,.rfully told 1"'4/e Robert Gtol• U..y took !he •illN to decorate tMir tltMIOtrt' room.s. ne IDO'mf1l tDft"f find 1100 <a<A and ..,.u....i to 90 da!is al hard labor, ~ for JJ l!!O!IUll, .. --for -do"' ~ of propmv. • Seven brothers and six s!Jten, UPI.,_.... ·wurow Tells About Letters Of Attacks NEW . YOlllt (UPI) -The )'1>111'1 widow " a Marine recruit Dated u ac-. cidentalJJ drowned at boot camp in Par- ris !lltnd, 6.C., uld today obe believet hll. lttler lndlclt" ~u beaten to deatll ID t11a --1<t "Ills attltolie." 1'11'· JOM L. ~ IJll, llald at- tanpW 117 ber ~UGnlOJ, Conrad LJ!lll, to plD -llllrrOllDdlni tbe death ct the lf.,..,..id Marine bavt 1-n ·llhnll&ed oil 117· m!Utery eutllarltlet · w!lo .. Y tbe rti>orted dnmlinl otiD ii Wider iD- veati111lbn. -• "I have just two rUJOal for not believ- 1111 them," Mr1. Coocepclon Uid at· her home. 11He wu. an exctllent 1Wimmer and he wrote mt that they Wirt beating hlm." Concepcion wu at Parril Island only five dafl UU. aummer when the Marines listed hlm 11 miaa.inJ trom hil banacks. Five days later lhe military said hiJ body was found 1D a creek behind a barracU builcllnl· The U.S. Marine Conunllld at the lrllintoi bue said medlcal euminers there reported the 1"1111 died rmn "•c- ddental d1'0W!Jlnc" !In da11 belcn the body wu dltcooerod Julr 5. No other in- formation wu made available. U,.IT.._... l!ATEN IY RECRUIT? Pvt. Stophon Molson got along whtrever he went." Mrs. Concepcion placed a cardboard box in hat' lap and began showing letters htt husband wrote daily from Parris WlllCL "Take a look al his wallet. They said this was on him but these papers never touched waler." Carda and papers inside the plutlc wallet were unmarred tDd &bowed no ligna of water staim. A letter written and postmarked JuJy 1, the day of hit nported death, began: . Probe ShmDa Youth Beat,en By .Recruits ... PARIWI ISLAND, S.C. (UP!l -A buRy lllblele .... -lllo tht Maine Carpi IUllll1nf lt<m a lddnei allnlent that Illar -eel lalaL Rt ._ui,· W10 -by lellMt ncrulta bocoo1• ... -, ''pd! hit Welfll~ •• pr<llmlDary ~ in dlcated todly. '!be Marine,...., ........... -Pvt. Slephm E. Mehoa, 'JI, ct 1111-, Del., dled ID a c1YtUan bolpilll at Cblilesto• Sundat -telllq ~ ha ... -..... I ..... _, koop up witll other recrulll. Maine olfldala uld Mandiy Iha Initial lnveetJPUon ct Mtlloo'1 dtalh llbo!red no drill lmtnlctor or mpervtaory perlOftnd had l>lmically abuleci lhe roindt. Offidtla had indlclted durlnl tht weekend that the inveatt,a:aUon was poin· Ung to one, maybe two drill instructors. The report dld not rule out the possibility that a drill in!tructOI! did not live up to bis "run responsibilities" of maintainin& discipline over all the trainees In hlJ command. "The investigation bas revealed evtden- ct which indicated lhlit ~it mtmbers ol Melscm'1 unit may haw struck him in lhe face and pushed him against the wait on separate occasions because they felt Private Melson was not canying out ll~ ~ of the reapomibilities of tlie uni~" the -" said. .. nnitnc In •I• f{Ml $7 to 71, 1•1& end together at Gary, Minn. Sun- day for the flnt tlm• ever: .Tiier are th• chUdren of the late Mr • ..,.. Mrs. Ja..,.. Klltla, wbo lmmlgrat· ed from ScoUalid In 11195 with th• thrte oldest children. ''Wlien the oldest waa 21; the yo11111os! hadn't been !!Om and the fam1ll~.Un.cl &~ matried and mo away WIDOW IELIEVES HUSllAHD IEATEN TO. DEATH AT IOOT CAMP Mra.-:J ... L. C-lon Holds D•U11hlor, Stardoll, end Lotter "ft ctouni llOllnd rt,ht be would be lyln& there for ftve days and DO OM AW him," lbe aaid. "U be WU mlalln&. why didn't they look for html" "I beU.Ve they beat him to dteth, maybe in tbt bric'." lht Aid. "He atwaya "I'm 111pposed to be 1oing to the brtg to- day. f gueu I crune down with the wroni attitude." Marine officials have maintained Melson's death was caused by kidne~ failurt and not connected with the alleged beating. ,,,.,. llald that Cbul-llhY•i· dana told them "Me.lion'• kidney alhDe.nt Wll unrelated to the allepcl pilyllcll •t· laci." 1 old homestead, 11 d Mra. lorl Davis, 64, of Croobton, one of the six ltlltle siaten . • Colleagiie of Haynsworth Would Have A voided Deal More them JOO persan.t wtrc 01' Jtond ot DmtoUle. Mo. owr th.t tottk- tnd to htlp cclcbrote the 53rd birth- doy of N•IU., nporttd to be tM world'• oldt1t hor1e. NtUfe ond lier conttaftt companion, a cow, a.rt of· f"ed a birthdav cake by Mrs. C. 0. Ba&ehancn 10ho1c hu.sband, an o\lction- tt'I", got the hor11 i" 19:.68 whtn ht haftdltd a fann sole for the original OIDfttT, Letman Kirk of Mexico, Mo. • Many of the o I d cUJtomers stopped by for a quiet snack as UD.d,y's-a Broadway landmark for f2 J!ears-clnsed its doors early Sun4ay for the last time. ''They came In here like IOCWlll and cleoned us out of cheesecake JU1d putry for auld lan4 syne," Did C:hrlatophor Rudd, mgh! manager (or 28 yeera. The r .. tauran~ which wu frequented by the theater dis· trict cniwd . and Immortalized as ••~111' in Demon Runyon's stories, bas been aold to Long· =r.· to be transmutld Into a ouse. WASlllNGTON (UPI) -A judlclaI col· leque clCmdld J""'8 Clement F. ~ aplnJt -of lnlAlre!t alJtp!lw ...,, but .-tded be .... 1d ba90 ·-• atock deal la< wblcll aa,wwcads wu criJeiled, Judie llmllla L. Winter, an ~te ,ct -cu tha 4th U.ji. Clrcult c.Uit i ct "-"'· told u.; Senal• Jlldlcier7 Commlttee be !mew "no fairer jlJd&e, no ...,.. lflcloua leader tDd no ... .... .... ,., better judlclal tem- perunent" than lllJnjwGrth, Pruldtnt Nbon'1 dioico to succeed Abe Fanu oo tha Supreme COUrl. Israel Retaliates With Air Attaek Israeli warplanes alt.eked Egyptian military tar1•ta eut of the Suu Callll today in retaliation for new outbreaks of fighting along the waterway which wounded five Israeli soldiers, an Army spokesman announced in Tel Aviv. Elrlle.r today a cuemna communique issued in Cairo said Egyptian commando forces attacked two Israeli army posl· tiona in tht northern SOW Peninaula Monday night with Kalyusha rockets and caused "heavy damages." 1be lsrttll spokesman aald. the aerial attacQ concentrated in the 1rt1 aouth of the Bitter Laktt IJld Luted for an hour. He had ~ two lsraell ao1dlsrs wounded in a mortar e1clnm1e aoulh qf the Bitler Lake tDd aootber tine 1nJured -tbetr -llruck • mine oortll of El Qaotar1. Winter said his high oplnioo o! Haynsworth WU not changed "in the •li&htest respect" by dilclOIUtO that tha South Carolina jwist bou&ht stocli: in a firm which benefited from a rulin1 of the 4lh Circuit, of. which be ii cbitf judce. "Would you have reprded it u proper on yoor part to purclwe the stock belore the opinion was announced?" Sen. Philip A. Hart (D.Mlch.), uked. "I would have avoided buyina tbe 1tock wilil afttr tlla opinion wu liled and the matter dllpoliol," Winter replied. But ht utd he' aw no legal dlsqual11icaUon, and considered it obvious H.ayneswortb did not prolll from the deal. 'Ille 4th Cin:uit ruJin& upheld • lower lederal c:ourt decilion glvlz:J· Brunswick Corp. ownership of some bowling lanu aod pinletws reclaimed from a bow llni alley proplietor who faUect lo make payments. The dtclsion rtjected the claim of the bowlilli proprietor's landlord who 5lid he abould get first claim on 1ht .... is. Winter uid he, HaynsWorth and a third judge agreed on the d~ NoY. 10, l!lfT. The Justice Department said Haynswarth b<>iibt ll&,DOO worth of Brunswick atock Dec. 20, 1917-after the illd1e.s qrted but before tbtir rulin& wa1 IDDOUDCtd. SS Plans Prepared WASHINGTON (UPJ) -Pr"ldent N\100 plans to send hla ll<W Social Security recommendatlolll to eoo,..... later thll -. the White R .... llld to- day. The chief executive Aki lut week be would .rec:ommend ID~ 10 per<:111t IDcreut ID btoelill. Pleasant Weather Over U.S. But Scatt.ered Frost Hits Rocky Mountain Region .,........ CAtltWMt ... •llfl'ltl,. ~ "' .. """""" a!lf • little aeitr -"""" ltie ..... tlld9J' II .. Ir .... ft!..... -Ille low c:lllutl.I ~'"'""· &M ........ -\'kllllt'f -""'""' -;;;;j~~ ...W wlttl I llllfl ., 1L T'-111111 M9ft. I *' ... "' .,.. "" ~-... "· ,,. ""' ......,.... o.tr.r oi.trkt .,,.... lllN. __. ... ..._Ill .. -a..ct. c""""' 1flh _.......,... .... ..,,.., Wl'lflt ""' ......_ --.......... llltr )IL ,,. ,,,.,. ... .. --~ _..,,, ..... ... , •. ,... ...... "' ........ ...,., -::... ............... ...,,... ...... ...., ... _.,......,..,.,.. ...... ~ • " ff ..... """" ............... ~,. .. --.. ..... ,.... .....,_.......,w ... =::.: ...,. lllcMtt "*" .... ............ ~ ...... ... ......... ,,.,., ........ .,... ........ ... .... ...,..... ... . =-==-.--n:-........ ... TURN ON "-~,... ''"" .. -· ..,... ..... hi" ... ,..._.,..._.., ..... DAtLY '11.ot. '-"' """" ...... ....... '"'""" """"' llitM Miii .,....,.. .._. ...,_. .... _..,.., ... ,, """' ...... Ml Wea •flY ........ ...,. 1' ti n. ~ ..,,..,.,..... ,,,.... ........ .. " "' lfl*"'ll ~ ,.,... frM'I. ft .. Wtfw tlliWillift .. s • .., ..,_. rua TUllDIY ,.,_ Mtiti .............. t 11ta.t11. 6.i l'lnl ... . . .. • 1111 •""' I.I W• ... PN.Y ~Writ "'"" .............. ,, .. '·"'· ... Pir.t .... . .. ''"'"""' 111<1 IA I.I ~ Jrilfl'I ............ t i• f',1111, "' ..... MW ............. l:•.-e.J .. •• •io '·""' a... •11t "'"" .... alHs J:O •·111\1 ktt •:H '-"'· J .... .. " n " N M .... 71 " ,, II Q Tr " 0 .11 " " ,, n • ... n .c 1.n ... .. . " " ,.. a .Jl • • n a .. " ,. • .tt • • " . " " " . q " 1li " . ,. n ... n a " .. ... " .. : : n " " " " " " • t.U = : ,,, " . F. Lee Bailey * * * Patrols Keep Order • Joins Berets' Racial Tensions Boil Defense Team At Another Marine Base • LONG BINH, Viellwn (AP) -Famed llo5ton criminal ltwyer F. Leo Balley is going to defend one of the six creen Beret ofricen char&ed wilb murderinC a Viet· nameJ< dooble qent, the military at- torney for the officer announced today. Balley will take cblrlt o! the def .... of Capt. Robert F. Maruco of Bloom· field, N.J ., wbo is scbeduled to p M trial before a l'oeral court.martial oo OCt. 20 atona with Capt. Leland J. Bramley of Dllncan, Okie., and Capt. Budie E. WIWams of Atberul, GL However• the defena la upectad to oeek a pootpooe- ment of the trial. Edwani Bennett WillilD'UI, anotbtt of Amaicl.01 'bat known criminal at~ torney1, II expoc:ted to direct the def..,. of Col. Robert B. RbeauJt of Vineyard Haven, Mus., the former commander of Specltl P'°""' lrOopt in VieWm and the highelt ranking of the defendanta. Rhuult and two others are to be tried afttr the other thrtt officers, bu! tbert &re indicatkJBI the cbargt3 will be quub- ed :.t the firrl trial ends in ~ acquittal. NEW YORK !UPI) -Racial twloo 1t the camp Lejeune, N. c . Marine bale has reacbf.d the crilil .stage with stttets guarded by patrols wbich try to keep black and white Marines from beating and killing ea.ch other, it wu rtported Monday. An article in the current lnue o( Life Magazine Aid there i:!I aome doubt u to how the trouble started but it it believed to date back to July, 1969, when a white Marine from Mlulastppl died from in- juries received in a series of melees between 40 or mort black Marine& and It whltel. Black Marinea claim one of ~ir number wu beaten to death by two whites in the summer of 196l but the death wu attributed to natural causes. '"Ibere la the tension of the old white racism thrust againll new b I a c k awarenesa," the maga.iine said. "There i1 the reluctance of many company-level commands aimed at easing tension and three are promsicuous acts of black ve.ngeance for pLSt and present in· jusUcea." The result is tw<rman anned patrols with walkie talkies at the base, special armed reaction 1quads in the barrack..'I and buae aearchll&htl on paths where Marlntl walk between moviies, blrrac.b, aervice club&. aod meas halll. No cutting in ii allowed on service club dance floon;. The article quot.ea Maj. Gen. Michac1 P. Ryan, Commander of lb& second division, as admitting "racial problem&" and blaming mucb of them on "the .adverse influmce .•. from our r,ouna m<n going home on le.aves to big c lies, and t have heard there are indlcalioM o( Black Panther influence." Cot LwU S. Hollier, who dmr up a apecial report on the situation for Ryan, said inveatia:ation Jbowed,"IClttered acts of discrimjnation in the put with a general concluaioc by blacks \hat it was widesprud. '' The re.port. made by aevtn officers, ac- tually placed the blame on "relatively senior officers and enlisted Marines ••• the black Marines are special taraet for di"1iminatory actloos 117 military pollce •.. the black Marine is particularly con- cerned that only reaults and ntver causes are the aubject of disciplinary actlom. .• any a u ch incident, regardlea.s how trivial, could flare up into a full Oedged riot," the articie aaid. Both Balley and Wlllillml .... expected to arrive iD Vietnam next Mondly or 'I'uudlJI. A third prominent trial lawyer, Henry B. Rothblau of New York, arrived in Salaon Monday to defeDd. Capt. Brumley and Maj. David E. Crew of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who 11 ecbeduled to be tried With llheault and Ml). 'f'holiiaa C. Mlddletoo Jr. fJf Jeffenon, S.C. B52s Attack as Marines Pull Out of Gun Positions Maruco'• mWt&rr· attorney, C&pt, ,,,_, H. T. YOIDlf, IJIOke by trwpectlic telephone with Balley in Bolton todlJI and told ......... Balley uJd be -be "bappy" to join the clefeme. "We wanted the belt and we have 1ot the boo~" YllWll llid. Chjuese Report Mao Will Attend Peking Festival SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. BS1s dropped hulldr<dJ of tons of bombs today near the dtmllltarized zone {DMZ) to preVr.nl any North Vietnamese infiltration into border positiom being vacated by U.S. Marine artillery unita. To the south, Communi~ forcta sbaUered a South Vietnamese ir· rqular unit. Communique.a reported aenerally li&ht CighUng in South Vietnam Monday and to- day. A spokesman said lhal in the laraest clUh rtported Collllllunist unit. near the Cambodian border killed seven irnplara and wounded a. Four American adflsers a1ao were W'OUllded. Tha lrrell\lltn, with the aid of.flghtar- bomber ltrlktt and artillery. killed 15 Communilt aoldlen In the fig!11 noar 1 RONG KOllG (UPI) -SMnptl lladio 1peclal forcM camp -but more than hinted tool&bt that CGmmUllitt portJ half the South Vletnl ..... C\l"lpa!IJ' WH chllnnao llio TIMmf wu well -11 put out ol ectlon . to •1"'14 llod Clltnt'a Naltooal De.-~ fon:es reported a -Uont In PUtnc .. Oct. t. 1ll)'mrioul blond "mercenary" bad be<n Tha -,_.. to be u IJlo ludln& Viet C:O,,. unlta qa1nst their ci!A<t 1-,t to nta1a ~ lt<m i._ In Phuoc 'Tuy Province. He bad M-that tha,..,..... ._ WU bceo ollhted befcn b7 AustralJan ..,.. "lncapocltatod" 117 a -eUtco'11 lrlel wbo called him the "pbantom 11111.,. -tJ ttdt -· skulker," but be wu nported In actual Mao hu DOI mad 1 pobllc ·--combat •nly one<. olnct tut 1117 IL · AUllr•ltan spokumen 111'1 the blond $bengllet llad1o uJd Mao l!ad glml ~ led a par1J of Viet C..,. out "~ eppmli" for ••hr• In of • newly conotnJctld bunru IYlttm Sbtllf)lal to -1 dolop!MI lo Ptk1na eigllt m11et eut ol the Aumallan tul: lot Iha Oct. I enn1n:urJ (JI lhl -q lon:e al Niii Oat tDd that the Viet eo., of thl Qi1-Peoples lleplbllc. I ........ In a llrefipt wtih u AU11r1U1n '"!be e-1 WU F*Di<d to411 by compo111 W!llle the mercenary directed lhl 11111 clltlman aod b1I cloM com· tham with • oerltt of hand ~analt. red.........., LID Plee, • Iha OilDa. The -l'f wu believed to have ~ brcMldcllllAlcl. been Mllnded when the Communist wtit tl w11 tbe f1f'll word from Qlioa aboul was drivtn bact Into tbe.ir bunktfl. lht 'Jl.Jtar<iM leader alnce npoctl from TM bombtra have recorded nine Moscow lndlcatad tllet 1la wu c:rltlcaJIJ mi•lont •r•!nJt Communllt troop post. ut. Uont below tht DMZ dnce t h e ( Loathtrnecka closed dowo three 111n base.s and began p:reparin& to be withdrawn under Presldent Nilon's latut cutback. ThlJ time , lOO Ind '150-poUlld bombs £tom the Straloforts slammed into tb• natlandl !00 yards aouth of the zone. bringina: the toia.I t.oonace dropped •inc• Sunday lo nearly 1,000 tons. ApparenUy Gal. Crei&htoo W. Abram s' U.S. command kit the bomben could do the same job the Marines were doing - harassin& Communist infiltrator• 1nd bue campo with ID almOll COtUtant bar· rqe of fire. Senate Debates Rent Subsidy Bill WASIDNG10N (AP) -The S...t• celled up l<t debate todaJ • lf.J bl11loo houlilll bill pmldlnc ~ the lint time dinct lederal renl tubsldiea lo< public houllnf tenanll. Altbqll the bllt MMnt1alJy P<'•kles !\Inds to cam 00 _, houllnf pro. ,,.... ~ dou call for • m1jor cbange - 1uthorlzln& the llepartmtlll of lloa\na pd U"'*" Development to Pll7 '75 m111loo toward part ol the rent ol proJ""' dwellers. Sllpportort oalcl thll wu dellsned lo revtt:an. the public botll1ng _..... Uoder the plu, IPOAIOr<d by \1-til ltapubllcan Edward W. Brootc, the ptmment wvukl pay lbat part of the rem which uceeds 2$ perctnt of the f¥Jilly's income. P'or famllles In vie atrtst clmnnslances, the subsi dy plan cou>d mwi no rent payments at all. . . . I I ' 1 [ ' • ' • ' r e • s • j n • ;t • • '· • ,. ~ d ·. le " ,. ic .. .. >Y v, ,, nt in ly 11. 'I I .. ----- -------• JEAH COX, -MU • ,......,. .......... ,... I. ..... u Premiere • Long -Await.ed 'A glittering and long anticipated evening awaits First Nigbtera ol Laguna Community Players who will celebrate the premiere 9pening of the new Laguna-Moulton Playhouse Tuesday, Sept. 30. Festivities. will begin with the traditional Ollening Nip>t Dinner in the Victor Hugo Inn at 6 p:m. and close, after the fmal curtain of "I Never San~ for My Father," the playhouse offerint, with a gala champagne re- ception in the theater patio. Mrs. Harriet McConnell, First Nighter president, is a member of tile cast in the new playhouse's first prod.µction, so she will not be a dinner hostess. ' Hosts and hostesses for the stellar occasion will include Robert Porter, a playhouse board member, and bis wife: Mzs. William H. Bru6gere, a·past president of First Nighters, and Col. Bruggere, and Mrs. Colin Timmcns, vice president of First Nighters, and her husband. . ' . Mrs. Lewis F. Mou1ton , namesake of the new playhouse and its major contributor, will be the honor guest. Joining het1n the receiving line along .with hosts and hostesses will be Geoffrey Riker. playhouse president, and his wife. They also will be sitting ai the head table with Phillip Gail, Mrs. Moulton's brother, and A1rs. Gail. Cocktails at 6 will be followed by dinner. to be served promptly at 6:45 so participants can make the 8:30 p.m. curtain time. Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. Clai re de Bus, dinner co-chairmen, request that mem4 bers call the Victor Hugo Inn for reservations, 494--9477, before next Sunday. I - Col. and Mrs. Bruggere and Dr. and Mrs. Zachary T. Malaby are in charge of the champagne receptioo. following the play, Assisting them are Miss Anne Metzleur, Mr s. Einar Christensen, Mrs. Mary Sartorio, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dennis, Mrs. Violet Adams , Mrs. Mogans Ipsen and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Burton. Pouring·will be Mrs. Mary Maxwell and Mrs. Howard Graham, both . playhouse life members, along with Mrs. William Giescben, a past presi4 dent of First Nighters. ,.l ,. • • • • • • DINNER •CONPERINCE '-·Mn. Cclin Tjmmoo~ ancf Mr>. An-· drew' M. MarthlandJai!Prove •thelmenii•for . !lie Filit' Nigh ten up. coiniJ!g dinner with &bert Sclunldt; manager of Victor Hugo Inn. l\ll members are looting l<>rward to the long•waited premiere nl&!>t of the new-Lilgµna-M\)Ulton eiayhouse and Will toast tli"'oo- casion at the traditional (>pe!\ing Night Dinner and after the play· hou'se offering.at a gala cliampagnenception. A LITTLE HELP -·Mrs . Gay Brant ·(center) won't have any trouble decidin~ when to. try for a hole-in-- one as she receives a little prompting from Ken Knigbl Mrs. Fr8Dk Trane reminds them that it's all in rUn as it benefits Harbbr D'ay School. The in-' nual Goll-in. taking place Friday, Oct. ~'·at Rancho San J6aquin Goll Club and Conzse, ww include .a steak barbecue, bridge tournament and dancing. Big Blast Signalled From moreln( WI nl&bl on . rrlj!IY. Ocl. 3, some Harbor Area raideml woo't be aee:o or beard of. Their friends and nelg);bon won't ate a trace GI. them all day 111111. bec>UJe lheY'll be In the mldlt of activities planned for the smh annul! Goll-In to btneflt Harbor Day School at Rancho San joaquln Country Club and Gol! Course . Dlsla!f golJers wiD take lo the tinb flnl, competing In an If.hole lbotgun touma .... t. Followln1 the rame, a com- ::1f~ :.:: tlien tbe men will tee off for thelr-lbotgun tournament. ,'liblle. Ille men are playlng, the ,'""""' will make bridle tllelr ·-wllil • -In It.bi clabboule. eocktaus and musical en- tertallimerit a£ f p.m. In tht clubllowie wUJ call all the playera inilde, and a steak barbecue will,follow at I . Capplng the dly's activtlie1 and festivities will be dancing undtr the Btg Top to either Dixieland or Big Band aounds. Before rtUrin1 and calling it • dajo, goUeri wW receive tropblea and doer prlzea. . .. Fashionable Benefit An afternoon of informal mod eJing of fall fashions and cards following a lunclr eon is the ways and means project pla ined by Lambda Zeta Chapter of Sigma Phi Gamma. The event will take pla.:l:l Saturday, Sept. 27, in Fashion Island's Island House. Arriving to finalize plans are committee members {left to rig_ht), the Mmes. David Abbott, Herman Tracht and Herbert Bland. Mrs, Mur· dock Payne is chairman. Proceeds will benefit tbe sorority's philanthropies, including area welfare organizations and an assigned international project in tile Appalachian area. Have Suitcase, Begging Quir..k·, ·But Never Though.t of Work DEAR ANN LANDERS: I 1111 a healthy, alert, dean stud mt who wW be 1• next birthday. I live in Ohio and llm bored out of my gourd. The farthest Rway from home I have C\"U been ii Steubenville, 200 miles away. Do you know of ll klnd·hcartl'd col- umnist who would be willing to make a gift of $200 so I tould ,go to New York for al long weekend? sorry 1 dori'l have money for a slamp so you'll ha ve to answer in the paper. -HAVE SUIT- CASE, WILL TRAVEL DEAR WILL: I'm Pd .. -1" Uve 1 a!Utt. Sorry. cbm, bit J ... YU't tncatell tut moetJbos• )'Oii •re drumillg •boat. ni.r.·1 u old-luhtoa..r ectiflty <allod • ANN LANDERS ~ "work" wlli~ mJabl JJ"Vide Ille M11Un to YOllJ' probkm. People wll:o want lh.lap badly t1oa1b o(t,ea resort lo It. I've doae a food bit ti it m7ttU nd l recommend It ldply •. DEAi\ ANN LANDERli: Thia afternoon while sbopplnc In a wen-•r;. men! store, I bad to 10 Ill the ladi<1 room . I walked Into the private booth, llumbled over 10melbirl& and .- -~my !lec:L--'lbal "llOlll<lhktc" !Clmed out to be a boy lying on the floor looltinc up Into th• nmbooth. When he AW' me be ~ up. I WI! obocked. That W wit nearly 'II tall u I WU, lie had to be ll years old, I yelled, "Gel .. 1 of bm aod· .. lo tho -·· .-ii" Ho -out 1111 Iqua mcl -· "! doo't baV'e to mind 7"" v .. aren't 1n1 motblr." I doo1 thlnt !'Ve.__, attJlhlnc la -.,.,,.. 'col\mi -lhlt problem. Pie.- .., ~--STILL BURNING DEAR llURN: !'ft...., Ud .. prol>- lall w .. 1· v.O ._o1 " kallf1oll1, Modome. J -~ .. ,. -.. lier .,..tr . DEAR ANN LANDERS: rm ""'' you w111 never pub Ii.ah thiJ kiter 1 because: tt 1ore1 OIM of 10Ut ·~ cmn, but I'm &\Jina to trite ll anywa1. I cu•tru1hfuJly •1,>ni1 IOCttl 1owr bu made m1 mar- riqa not on1T tol.nble'but happier. '1lllea I married Donltl la 1111 •< -. 1lo4lo -... ~ aod I wu PRf' na111. Aller' a .. ,.... and t1no bibles ....... 1oc1. • .,.---allier, bid -problC!llll, ... pn;bltml and Ja. , law pniblem1 . La.at yw we moved to UUa city. (Don't name Jt please). The move meant more money. a bigger bduse and new ltitnds. Within two months 1 wu madly in )ova wltb lils new bulinesa associate. 1be feel· Ing lo mqtual. Mr. Marvelous and bb wife have the sam'e kind of mJniage my husband and t have. Boring. Marv a.nd I have dedded that divorce is out ot tbe q!IQtloo. l><niel doesn 't auspecl • thin&· Neilber cloel Mn. Marvelous. lfe meet once a week in 1 nearby "Yllll&e-He satidJa my every emot\ooal need. I love beilt( with him. Drtan))nl a"bout , our lry!!l& t.eps me clleorl•I, MOiied and Poc1 to my h111-. No ad- vice, pl<..., l<L't wanted you to know bow one woman 10lvtd her problem. - HONEY BUN DEAR. BUN: 1\ls 11 I ao1•tioa! Plelte kttp m,y_ addrns luta4J, Dtn. Yot may be wriUn& aph! . How will )'OU know when the real lhin& comes along? Ask Ann Landei-r. Send lot her booklet "Love or S.. and How to Ten the DiUerence." Send 3S centJ tn coio ANf a JOng, seU·addressed, atimped envelope with your request. • Ann Laoilen .. w be slid to help ,. • with yow-prnblcm1. Send them lo her In "'" "' the D~ v Pnpr, toclaolo& a ldf .. ildresMd, -atantped envcl'll'L • ' .. ,. . . . • I 1 rr"'~-~=:=---~""':""""'J~---------:-=--:--------::--~-------- Destination: Na1fon's Capital _, • Mrs. Fred M. Briggs (left) ol MonarchBaypacksbercarwlthhelpfzomMrs. Robert M. Thomas. Mrs. Briggs is of1 to Washington, D.C. where she will rel>' niHllt Laguna Niguel Republican Women's Club, Federated at the naUonal con· veoUon J'.riday and Saturday, Sept. 25-26. Those who attended the state con· venUon m Anaheim Included Mrs. ~. president, along with the Mm... BriJr•. N~il Barbour, Lawrence Howell, c. L. Lippincott and Angelo D'Eri:ole. Horoscope Aries: Keep Balance WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 By SYDNEY OMARR NEWS SPO'JUGBT •• mar· ri•se ud divorce. L • " ~ _.t wut mlgllt lie u eeentric twist width grabs lteedli9et. LIBRA 11 lavoJml ... t:M:re COllJd be faror •••r -muy might C!tOllder • ~ laittpttlaU,.. of ARIES (Marth %!-April 11): Formfu.l methods set you ex- octly nowhere todoy, illlVe courap of convtcttons. But speak IOIUy. Many today are l'lldf to throw coution to wladi. You must keep your balance. TAURIJS (April %0-May 20): Conalder your own welfare. Don't go 10 far afield that you nesJect euenUals. Be frank. especltlly with youneU. Ac- cent on gettinc best value from money, .tad.it.a. GEMINI (May %!-June 20): Your freedom may be mtricted by I e I a I com- reaponsibllity. Don't try tG ahiri duty. Great g a In , prutig~ are possible. But you must display unique talents. CANCER (June 21.July 22): If wloe, yoo will finish what you · know. Means don't feel grass i! necessarily greener across the way. Be analytical. Matunty and ca1m approach wla your goal "-this. LEO (Jiily U.Aug. 2%): Yoo may find yourself on the move todaJ. Plans are subject to change. Ride with the tide. Tab oothlng for &ranted. Give full pl&y to intellectual curiosi- ty. VIRGO (Aug. ~pl. 2%): You m1y be tempted to let im· pulse ,Wde financial moves. Key l.! to be receptive to logic. Waists Take the Wrap ' Big ribbln& cinches the waistline In Ibis window· ~ checi:.ed wool wrap which is worn with a ribbed dress with turUeneck. Done by B. H. ~ It ·u pert of hiJ falJ.w!nter coUecUon to be vf.rirecl from 11 1.m. to 4 ~.m. tomorrow and Thurs- doy In Rollinson '•, Fashion Island. Strive for balance. Have tun without ruining your previous plans, budgeL LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Ideas sparkle. You are restless for progreas.11lls ls '• day to express yoursell -in writing, art, other creative forms. You will not be satisfied with status quo . SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): Know values. Don't contuse il- lusion with actuality. Accent on what you get for mQney. Be informed. Have as man'y facts at hand as possible. Then you avoid being deceived. SAGlTrARIUS (Nov 22- Dec. 21): Escltement of going places, meeting people dominates. D1Y b out of ordlnory. J!ouilne aoes by waytlde. Circumstances turn in your favor. But avoid ex-cess 1peed. ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You 1et aid from unorthodox sources. Business affairs are on upswing. In personal life, prestige rLses. Fanllly disagreement can be amiably setUed -lf you so desire. AQUARl\JS (Jan: 2G-Feb. 18): Friendship could blend with travel. Visitor could ar- rive. Individual who was con· fined to home or hospital gels out. Be 1raclous, considerate. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Set sights on goal. Pacing is important If you attempt lo 10 too fast , you miss major point. Message Is clarified by tonight. Cooperate In 1pecial project. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTBDA Y you appreciate the arts, wlUJ empbui.11 on music. Your life bas un- dergone numerous changes recently. You may now be contemplating change o f residence. Domestic 11tuaUon is altered. There Is more to share. • To find M who'' kKtr.! for YOU !11 a"' •nd '°"•1 ordet' ,, ... , Om1rrs :;J;;llt' "l~''b Hl1111 101 "\\" •:r: "~'; lJl';'o~~'?,'~:~. olfC~ ~IL I OI! l2«f, ,llCl ,_..,If•! $!•· !lon, '"' Yorit, H •• 0011. Post Time Announced Instead or the traditional day at the i-aces, Alpha Delta Pi, Soulhem Are. Councll will lpOnlOr A Night at the Harness Races next Friday. Members and their guests will travel to Hollywood Park fer a cocktail receplion from 8:30 to I p.m. In the Turf Club before post time at a. The proc~1 will be given to the McClausland·Holmes Foundalion, utablished in 1957 to establish research fa. cil!Ues In medical, surgical and allied sciences and lo sel up a program for rehabilita- tion of unwed mothers. The foundatl6n has named the Florence Crlttenton home to be r«ipient of funds raised from ticket sales for A Night at the Harness Ra ces: Anyone wishing to purdw:e tk:kct.s. at $5 tach. may c11ll Pi.in. Ro!M!rt Hertunlnn, 962· 4-031. Mission Chosen For Ceremony 'Ille hllloric OW 111-San over yellow, w.,.. Cynthl.t · Lido Ol>llpo wu -bJ-LYM Allrtd Uld Suwine M1ehefe Hanton and li•Vl' Lt. Fealhtrllll!JI, nieces of the Ronald ... Kirby of Colla bridepoom. - Maa to be the aetllils· for Steve Str011u perloaned the lhel~ ~· of weddlnc duties of beat man lllld IUeala ~· and rlap. we~ ... 1ec1 by. Jerry Reker., Tbe · urly. a f .t e r n o o n Georae <Allred, Dick Feather- ctrernony was performed by lnafll and T1m Hlrden1 brother Ibo Rev. J._ Fmba for of the bride. the d.lugb&er of Mr. IDd Mrs, Ora111e anthurium and ~ldon llanleo of San Lais hal)'COliia nown In t r o m and the IOll of Mt. and Hawall were arran&ed in Mn, J010pll F. Kirby of Colla decorolf<al for the San Lais ' Melo. -Obbpo Country Club, whero , .· Aa empire,.... of.-the new~ ftoeivecl lhelr ....med wtlb laco wu dlooen gueala. by the bride -aod bee noor Alter booeymooo1n( I n 1eqt1i veil wu cllllht to a Northern Clliloml& aocl LUe """'I ol freob atep1wJo11a and Tohoe, the -lyftls wt11 pholaenopalt rildl, reside la Hawall. Miu Maureen Harden at. Tbe bride w., iraduated tended her lilter u l!l11d of • from ~on Central Catholic honor wearlJll a IOlll •ellaw H 1 J h School ond has comp. hill ' and pl J leted two years at Calltornl.a c on 1own a cture bat Polytechnic Colleae San Luis of natural straw banded In Obispo. ' orange. Her husband, a graduate o{ Brideama.lds,, wearing Mater Dtl High School, at· malching aown.a aod hats and tended UCLA. where he wa!I ClrJ"Yi;ng bouquets of oranae affiliated with Phi Kappa marigolds, were Patricia Sigma fratern i ty and DO!Ion, Olrby Tfil'll. Cheryl-Callfomla Slate Colleie at Cooper a n d Ann M a r 1 e Lone Beach. He now is sta- Hardeo. tiooed at Pearl Harbor with Flower: &trll, in white eyelet the Navy. Small World Theme Club Begins New Year Diaeue bill and will report on a Halloween candy &ale plan- ned for the October meeting to benefit the Kidn<y FoundaUon. I France will be the first stop in the Small World journey of the. Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach when the club begins a new year next Thurs· day in the Ebell Clubholl.5e. The meeting w:lll be called to order at 10 a.m. by Mrs. Warren Fix, preatdtnt, and luncheon will follow th e buainesr "8Sfon.· Youth chairman, Mr 1 . James Murar, will announce a baby -si tting clinic In November for Clrl Scouts. New olflcers and chairmen will be introduced, including the Mmes. Murar, recording aeeretary; B I m Hutings, hlstorlan, .and William Burke, program cbainnan. THIS IS A LAMPSHADE? -That is the que stion ballgoers will ask when they attend the seventh annual Lampshade Headdress BalJ next Saturday bene:fit- tiog ,the Orange Cou~ty As.sociation for Retarded Children. Trying on la 1 t years sweepstakes winner ts Mrs. Gerald L. Thompson (center) while Mr s. Jack Nelson {left) and Mrs. Geor&e Zavas oUer a helpine: hand. Headdress Ball Mrs. Ro1er Sherman, first vice pnstdent, will call upon chairmen for reports, in- c I u ding Mrs. Harlow Richardson, ways and means, who w:lll discuss a Nov, 12 boutique. Health chairman. M r s . Lionel Da Silva, will diseu&s writing letters to le&11lator1 in support of the Venereal Welcomed as a new pro- visional will be Mn. Richard Bechtel, aod reinstated into membership will be Mrs . Burke. The program will b e presented by Miss Ann Struck, owner of an area boutique shop. New Series Improving Diel, exercise and weight control will open a four-part series on A Better Self C.Oncept Through Fashions and Good Grooming being con- ducted by Golden We st Even· ing. Ooilege.. Old Lampshades Have New Moment of Glory November Date Set The enPg_ement of Judilh Ann Mueller and Dudley Lewis Rosser of Campbell hu been annouDC«I. by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J O s e p h Mueller of Huntington Beach, parents of the bride-t~be. The cou ple plan to mill'T)' in La Veota Inn, Palos Verdes Estates, Sunday, Nov. 23. Miss Mueller Is a craduate of Marina High School and her Hance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rotser of Campbel]. also was graduated from Marina Hi1t1. JUDITH MUELLER Wllf Morry Peorl Harbor Cited The session will begin at 7:30 p.m. today in lhe college center and is open to lhe public at no charge. The series is sponsored by the college in collaboration with the May Co., South Coast Plau. Future topic.! to be diJCuss- ed include Cosmetics: Your Be!t Face Forward, on Tues- day, Sept. 30; Ha Ir: It's What's On Top That C.Ounts, and Fashions: Your Personali· ty Is Showing. Speciallsts trom the May Co. staff will lecture a n d demonstrate, and the series will be aimed at bolh men and women. Speaker Gives Warning There'll be more fancy lampshades in Balboa next Saturday than you can shake a stick at. It won't be an Interior designers' convention or a showing of new h o m e furnishings, but the seventh annual Lampshade Headdress Ball benefitting th e Orange County Association for Retarded Children. Ballgoers, wearing plain, ordinary lampshade! decorated to depict Historical and Unusual Happenings, will enter the Tale of the Whale restaurant at I p.m. for the ESP Facts Analyzed Facts and Fantasies About Extrasensory Perception will be discussed by Andrew W. Kish, instructor at Saddleback College, for members of Parenti Without Partners next Friday. Kish, history and psychology "We must atve importance credibility cap in our tijAmerica initiate every means ~~erKa, is a m~~ber ollonf Phi to the ltslOll of Pearl Harbor munist confrontlUons, the cl-possible to make sure that the Del.II ppa &JIU 111 al tod1y," wu the warning Of miral added. If they said , Communist Chinese regime honor sodetles: fOI' language, n ••• A~ (-1.) Wlll'-m c. 'd h to throu~ I economics and education. He ~· wu. ... .. wt ave 10 &" w ever has the means to carry l j -.-. Chambliss, first ipeaker in the it. . t its threat of nuclear s a ma or m i.uc Army Mili· airrent Harbor Fonun series. In the cue that we would destruction or subjugation. ~!!' J~elli'/:1gencle lle5ervl es! lllldth "We are threatened," the h to th-... h "th I a 1gen ° e ave 10 ,..,...., Wl t, "We must recognize a basic Counter nte.lliaence Corps in headdress parade. Judging will be Dick Lane of r ad i o and televislon fame ; Sally Baket, ttlevislon's· Hobo Kelly, and Kathy Marlowe of movie fame. tbey will present the Queen's Trophy for the most beautiful and outstanding .t, hat and model , alon1 with foor trophies far the runnuB-Op. Dick Weeks of Newport Beach, district director of California Council for Retard- ed Children, wtll serve a1 mast.tr of ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tetzloff of Fullerton are producing the show and Mr. and Mrs, George Zavas of Anaheim art coordinating the activities. Following t.'le parade of ~ lampshade headdresses, an evenin& or dancing w:lll be en· joyed by members and gueats to the music of Tracy Well and the Yachtsmen. N~bost cocktails and door prizes will round out the evening. Tickets a n d information may be obtained by c1lling the OCARC office in Santa Ana , 541-4458, or Newport Beach, 612-S0%5_ Rummage Sale Slal'brlght Clnb of Ne'wporl Besch will sell rummop Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, Sept. 25, 26 and 27, at 171' Newport Blvd., Colla Mesa. Doors will open at t a.m. speaker further stated, saying Chambliss sucraested that we fact of life: conOlct ls in-Eu h -rope. t at the United State1 must first send fllgbts loaded wlth evllable between d i c t a t o r I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;; not let another Pearl Harbor leaflets over the. industrial eamomles and own f r e e Single parent.s in the South 11 happen in lt.s approachln1 con-areas or Red China, and drop eillerprise system. Coast area who are widowed, ilict with Red China. the leaflets, which would say "In our free enterprise separated, or divorced, with or h without the custody of their C ambllss described the "Boys, get out of town. The system . we are so children are Invited to the a event.s leadinl up to lht Dec. 1 next one's for real." economically efficient that p.m. meeting in the Laguna surprlse attack, presentln& the "For all the criticisms level-dictator economies cannot F d I Charges Of n.gl'-8ence lai·d d l .. Ch bll W U e era Savings and Loan e a us, am ss com· compete with ours. ar is ie b lid' L B ch against Adm . Hll!band E. mented, " w.e Ii v e under a only way dictators can reach u ing. aguna ea · Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter government more responsive their o~'ll es dictators." A social hour w Ith C. Short, In command at Pearl to the demonstrated will of the refreshments 11 planned for Jiarbor, and the Pentagon majority than anywhere. the latter part of lhe evening. commanders. "To prevent a Pearl Harbor Medical Group An yone wishing further in· "Todax 's threat Is nuclear coolrontation with Communist formation may call Mrs. WurRher ORGANS ALL MODELS AVAILAllLE WALLICHS MUSIC CfTY SOUTH COAST PLAZA T•E·W·M•S COSTA Mill M0-31&1 UtSTOLAT U.N Dlt•O FWT. attack ftom Communi s t China , we all, as Amen'cao E d Tuesd f Marie Miller, 494·2025, or very secon ay o Mrs. Arline King, 496-3314. Chlnl,., he said ... 'I'boulh Chi· cilllens, must make l he the month members ot Orange 1__::::_::__::_::::__::~~:::::__~~~~~~~~~~ na cannot deliver nuclear supreme sacrifice of takina Shores Medical Assistants' warheads to speclflc tJrgets flve: minutes out of our lives. Auociat.lon assemble at I p.m. now, they will have the · spendin& six cents for a OOcatlon may be obtained by capability In 2'-36 moolhs if stamp, and writing to the calling Mrs. Janis Anderson, allowed to ao on." President, a s king th•t 45l511. China has 'no fear of nuclear\,_;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;.;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;" conflict wtlh the United states, Ctu1mbliu stressed. Mao Tte- tung has !tiled that two hun- dred million Chinese lives could be spared-as many as the whole population ol t h e United States! J What are the 30luUons ! We .. IE COMFORT.4BLE IN YOUR CUPS" BRAS -GIRDLES· PROS,SIS CUSTOM FlTIED IY S~ECIALISTS ... can say lo Communist China, f or YOUk Co"'lerf 1R Ml ~d "Either you knock off nuclear ';. preparations or we'll knock fo f.~p r.'1 ff • D'• and DD'•• ~;I' oll loc you,'' the apeaker j°'· l4J'Ji'Y' ...__G_••_d_•_•1_._c_._,_••_1_;._,_••_....J In this ..... they WOll!d 250 I. u.n 17TH STREET either stve 1erI ou 1 con- 11ideratlon to the threat or they Hllltt•R s._M••• -641·14)0 would say no, not bl.Uevjnc lin9•rie _ Rob•s COSTA MESA that "''' meant It. There is a•\,..,_..,....., ___ ..., __________ ..!I "HIAT TMS TO M> NATIYI IN" HAWAIIAN SHOP'S 136 $oilll , .... c .. ,.. 11r1 .. • • o,_ S•ll.,s --· ' . l • I 1 I , t r r r 1 • I I ' , • • l • 'T•ila7'• ft•ill ' .. -. ' ' I . • ORAN&£" COUNTY, CAltrellNIAi ' ' I "" ' • . . ' ~ -. ' ' TEN CENTS . ' .... 11 ( ~~ i ,t. j j \I ' B~a~h · Act~ S P;r~.~~~~ Thorny· CitJ'.~PrOhlem ' 3-way Meeting to Discuss ' Goals f ot Laguna Future Goals ror Laguna's future will be dl!cus!ed 'I'hlnday night a\ a io\nl meeting o£ t.be Citizens Advisory Coap4 mittee, the 'City Council and' the ~g Commission at 7:JO p.m. in city ball council chambers. . Culmfnatlng several months of study, the ~member advisory committee. met last Thursday io receive goal statements prepared by its three aubcammluees, 60CiaL and cultural, -physical a n d economic. After discussion ot the ]ftllmlnll'f statement.a, the steering committee set up additional meellnp lo flnallz• the Jo~ B. Nor!on Funeral Slated Fellow Leglonnalrm will serve u pallbearers at ~lcea '"!' John H. Norloo in St Catherjne s Catholic ChtJrch, Laguna Beach, at I 1.m. Wednesday. A :13-year La(U!la -~ Mr. Norton died -MIJnday eveninll in the BeYerly Manor Convaltacent Bomt;Colla MeSf. ' Hewuae:. . 'He iJ ~Yed by his Widow, Marlon,,,_ the family' home, .0 OU Sl;-i dlugbtei, Mn. Rlchard 11. "°l'P• 181 Callllna St.; and l)y thrff "-.... . 'Mr1 Norioo, whO was tn the metal con. otfuctlon bulln<u, amed In the U.S. Amf1 In Wor~ war I and wu a !""'"her a( 'Laguna Beach Amerlclo Le8im Pool 112. . Burial wHI be at Holy liepuJcber ~ierl'. 0ranae. " NEW YORK (AP) -Slocb llillihelr In the plua column ror t.bt lleC(Wld.. con-- •OC11Uv• day 1111! afternoon after llipplng back from thelr beat plnl ol'1lle -In fairly aeUve tradin&. (See· quotatlom, Pages 111-lJ). , IQOls before Tburoday'1 pmeniJ!tion•:fo city officills, . ·' . Tbe.adviBQry comnUttee was aPPQlnted by members' of the City CounCll. to assist in revision of Laguna's general plan. AQiong the many top1cs covered in the goal statements weft maintenance 'of the in~grtty of the commu.nity's natural set. ting; preservation. of the village at.. mosphere; parking; rights or pedestrians versus automobile!; develOP.flleDt of beaches; control of highrise to avoid desttnyfng-vitual beauty-while pennfttlng sufficient development· of t, o u r 1 a t facilities; . economic aspeds of an- nexation; desirability of underground utilltte.; and equal enforcement of-Ille law. A compilalloo of the goal statemeots, 11 agi>eed upon 1by .lhe cithesls and lhelr go:oieruJDent representativel, 'Wllt:be Ultd •• a guideline by· Ille general plOmml ill completlnr their 13-m-atlld1 ,,_, Lagunio'i lu1ur<. lo the beglnn\n& of U.,Salt Creek -~-and ,belorit ' -Property ......... -.. holela and motels have from time to time fenced off b<aibes with nrlQ IYpe& feoclng: The city"-Uy "'!'"-'• permit for Ille ,.,,.. bat looka oo prtvaleQ< 41Wned beach t.cbnlcally. aa-lt -.,ould. 1 l>ack ~l\ld. It may be 1tn<ed wlllJ Ille l!t'Oper permit Tomcliat' Is · ieeklng a lull anlllylis ·from the standpoints of cHy · ·policy, legallty, en~,.plllming, jlabllc &<:· . .... and •flltun \ial'IQoe .pj,lic:a~. In the letter Tomcbalt--~ ''We would roquest that the c1s.; clir<d tbeclty otloaey and the p . ilepa(!. ment lo lnYestllaie posS!ble ali.maUV'es lo what -11 lo be the hnmlneot clolb>g of certa~ b e a c h e 1 to ttie lflDl!ia1 _,,... " ..,.._ ... "What we're saying to the clty council ii 'look, we might hive a prOb~._f'hy don't you -le fonllulale•IOlllelhlllil'!or ua1o ,....k lrlth."11 lnvolm tha.;totaf pk-· ' ture or ..ri.1·1-,or..no 'lii"°lo tie d-· ty," ~·It,·•• f dl1o liipllln 1111 m. ten.Oona. • lie mo .aid he personalJy WU. tbero, ate ertenuaUng circwnltencel .. ~ tbe city can ult~· for ~-In "'turn !or .PriYiltl'L I · ''ForJ DStance, fhero jl ' In '1he audienc< wlio ~al askal the dtY 1<w' ibciot 13 variances, 11 be added. AmQOI the !n peoplj!; in ,the a~ .'wu ~ Haneline, oJil>ei' ~~ V"?)lon VD!ap • $12,000 LSD . R~p . Jails . . ~ -. . 3 Laguna :Beach ·.YOUths . ' DebateOvet • Roadway Nearing End A de~te, ovor acc<ss lo a dtJ owned roadway oeemed cjooer, lo resolutldn MO!Jday nfaht wben -l:aglina Beach ci\y pl!nnera and reproseotattyes of LalUI!& Sanda took Iha -~ 1o. the ..,... or the problem. . , . Aller ,p1o•-drove.i°"" •'!•!Jn . 77"' '. -' ~,,~El»· '~\ii~~~'.~ clrilo1aai. ,, ••'• , ..•.. _ ;s· . . ! ' . ' . ' ·appl~ 1· _ .· •. _lo ,··~~ U1 ·Unb,'.1i,fJl)e!~ • . opOitoiento it"''"'"'"'Shclals. wblC!r1a-0n Rt {n\ulU' Ii!'~· pruj>erly) af-11111 s. Cout rogbway .. nelll lo the Lagirna Sands, • 32-unlt cooperat1vt development at 1$$S s .. eout ~way. . RepraeJitatl ... ·.s<al and Vlclor Gran~ vice president of the San '1 insisted a hawdous tralllc lltuatlon would be -led by tha.-si>oell·elJ!ll!Sloo. Viking ·Road, ,a JWmr exlel!!lon of Bluehlrd Clu!J"' :o!ifch , both propmles adjoin; WU pav<d al the upellSO al the Sands when Ille de""-ent wu granUd a varianct aeveral" years ago.. . . Actian oo the ~ appll!'lllon had been ddayed'lo give the·c!ty-~ ltafi an opportl!nity'lo evrih!ile plans and consl.der 'l1temltive solutions to the traf. fie problem" preaented by the applicant and tile Sands. Joeeph R. Sweanf, "city engineer, lold planners the Sboal·'s plan wa.s least ob- jectiooable from the city's. standpoint. "I am part1cularly interested in the city's Uabtllty On BJu:eblrd and congesUon at the Coast Highway," said Sweany, ~d­ dlng, "! re<ogi;1z.-tbere·1s go1n& to be. traffic coofllctl,... ~ • Sweany reminded tt~latlves of the Sands that Butt has as much riglit to Ille' publlc road .. ~ dO' and oald that they ....... --In the stnet. The matter wiD be ba4 be/OR planner!. In other aiody -business city pJanien: heard a. pnctW report on the new Boya' Clllb wblclt . ~ being built -Upaa~llold. Builder Bemord ~ lold planners (lea -TB, Pqe I) { ' '" Joint Probe Culminates In Arrests Laguna-Declare& ·JAPANESE Epu,cAroR srui:i1&$ ~~H<>Pls(il'µq'uTA"-"', -C'leanup Week ThvrstCll School's Al Lrcon Tafk1 S/iop With Jlro HlramllMI Doyoubaveaclutteredgarage?la·tllo Japanese Teacher Gettirig IUiowledgeinLaguna V~sit S,, BARBARA KllEIBICll Ot ... °'"" ...... Jltfl' Wiien Jlro 81ran\11!U· , ... home lo Japan ' next week, he wJll be tajln& a handlJI& 'for bll~ 1!,lfe, blue jeans and cowljoy 'lillrll· for hJa 5-year .. ld -aon, oallor aults far the S.yea!'Old -and a Frlibte for bis 'atudenta. • • trimming and inning Jn the yud 'ovenlue? Has a lot al junk accumulal<d? The City of Laguna Beacb lllldentanda and has declared today through l;ept. rt upan Cleanup Week." Tbl!' means the mllnlclpal rubbllh - traclor will accept unllmJted amounla of truh that week II " meel! alie and w!lgbt opecllkatlons. ~ welght llmlll <K IO poonda P!'I' container .apply. BuDd1e al:es are limited lo two try · one by lour feet. The trub -daring -wo<t Will bi on -1ar collectloa' day1 with onb' "" pickup mode at each potlit. Areh "Ro'• -'1os -.... ybollJ ..... .... ., ........... -l11{ ...... .. .. air. Pl • ·-- -~u; -lie'U"lie ililo lo ...... -- all wbe:n bls act .. ovv.0 LqWlll -City ~ Jamet D. W1Moloe WU 1.l]klng lll>Wt aU0rney M•-Brown, !pedalil\ 111 ,_ ---It. Blown II wortlq wllb dty ollldlls ml C~er11.ilon l'Gpicl. •• S. Coast Group Attends ~eeting S...ral o.-..p. Coul oonserv1UoplJlls w•ra .,,.,., 1.000 partldpant. In lhe ~Janning and Conservation League's fowtb annual workshop recently at the Down tlae Mission Trail Park Site Board Asked for Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Mtyor Ed Chermok hu recommended lo the city council that 1 parb board be set up to serve 'u an advisory committee for the development and utilliation of part lites. n. suggeMt that a fin.man bolRI be appointed contalolllf a reprHe1'ltatlfe from each of the four erl!Ung pai:,k distriets and one member at larat. Part ol-theit-job -1d -be to--... basloessmeo'• fund containing $1.S,000 which will aameday be dollau.l lo lhe c:l1J for part equipment. e Tet1nb Altle Pldu• LAKE P'ORESr -'nlere ll a Mlf face .. u.. -ol the Beach ml Tennis Club. It belong& lo tho club"s -uslJ. tant dirodor Rldt Kenney. The •Newport Beach raldent began bis dutln lhll -k -he-.. his educaUon In 8DClal l!dencs 11 UC lrvlM He la ari Orange Coast Coil'C" podoate aJl<I atleoded Unlvenlty Of Calllorn!o Berkeley. Re hu worked ln YMCA programs in Los Angeles and wu a playgmmd director In Saaamento. e Member• Aeceptecl M1$10N VIEJO -The Naclldort~ Mlasion Viejo .wlm team la now ac- cepUng new members u it bepPa It.a tri:nter se&DI. Taking bom< hooon afltr 1 llllCC<>Sful summer were Brian Goodell, Polly Dicb and Kyle F.dgran who rettlved trophies for out!tanding performancu. Todd Layport who wu elected team captain aiao nc:olved 1 lrophy from lhe coachea. .. \l.nlvenily ol c:alilot)lla, Santa BlrlJarL Aft.~ rram Lquna Beach were William Wllcoun. who hu spearheaded the Salt Creek Beach movement and Bea Whittlesey, of the League of wmneo Voters. ~lb c( whom tOqli part in• lbe Be>ob A""" "I'd Acquisition dl$CU"loll; James W, DIDey who 1U.llded tho Open ~~~-and Parks 'Pl~I; and City CouncOman Roy Holm. th6 Wat.r Pollu- tion pant!. Also partJclpaUng wore Sooth Laguna landacape architects Fred Lang ~. Ken Wood. bglh active In local c:mserv1Uoo mov.nerits. ;Attendln& from 1"' l(vlne Cam- "'1ere Frank' ~. James L. Webb, ;'James E. T01Jor aiid Gordon J.Ou. The c!O)'·IQOI-eooferuoe, which •• ttacted outstanding figures in the Heldt of planning and COQ&ervation from throu&hoot California, included panels on stalle plaanlnr. rqlonal planning. local planning, beach access aod acquJsltion, open s p 1 c e and parks, new town,,, ~4111, air PoUuUon control, Wllfr l_JOilutlooo. cootrol. nol&t pollution cootrill;~ and wild !lie llld waler ~.~· . ,...._ U.-yur_-old Planning 1 n d C<JmtPr1tt0a . Lo-• coalJUon o1 .u lhe ~aUoa IJ'O'WI In the llate, now ma!nt.IN I reprelttltaUvl 1n Sacnmen- lb. .to ·follow ltllJllUon lllectlnc con- lltrVll!olt· ma1i.r.;-• ~oabaoch1,...a11<1 ~ comlni oat ol lbt con/er""'• ~..r-a ~tbJ:e.e 1&rp-k1WitJve pr. .,...,, --Qale 1111 ~ lbat would be .iilt lo llOp lri••• Cl>Utllna bum . ~~lludll!· -p<ObltmJ .. Pl'l>crun ol pobUc flmdln( far .d b<lldf rrontap ""'" porty, 1111 .......... tO Involve 'looal ~ .. - DAll.Y rll.OT tl1ff l'Mlc Vnezpeeted Gome Whal J. M. Williams, 217 o .. trait St., Huntington Beach, was bunting was not this 4¥.1- fool timber ratUesnake, but he hagged ii anyway. Reptile, ex- tremely large for this breed, was shot Sept: 12 near Eti- wanda, San Bernardino County, after Williams slid down a slQpe while hunting -almost on lop of lhe rattler. Snake. meat woll11;d up on dinner table. From Poge l DEBATE ..• that the Boya' Oub would like to retai11 tho Thurston Trailer park. localed oa the lloya' Club property adjacent lo lht new fadUty. Syfan told plannoni lht Boys' Ch!b had reloe>lod • P"PtrlY lint lo facllltlte eltcfrlcal service for the traller park which. Ibey originally wanted to \ttp ooly 1111111 lbe 1iuildlilg "'111 Into operaUoo. "We now think Jt would be good to ktep t~e traJler park for an indefinite period of Ume. lt •ell as a buffel' between· the Boya' Club lacillty and sdjactnt pro- perty. We can control what'• in the traller park," Syfan said. He aald there aho are financial con- slder•Uons for keeping the tralltr park which b belq operated by tho Boys' Club IOd according to Syfan 11 paying for ti.ell. ' Syfan told planners ht ...Wd &eek ap- proval of a completed landscaplng pro- gram Oct. 2'l and said lht ..,. lacllity should be ready for occupancy In 2'1 lo 60 dayL "!be tum won their laat meet with the Deane swim two m:I laler cbeettd the.lr parents to victory over the Deane boolter club. ""°"' r.,e I e Toro Zone Chm19ed EL TORO-Approval of a zme change from duplex lo group dw•lllng r ... pro. perty wai of El Toro Road betweeo Rato11'l>r1vt and Front Street bu been given by cOUnty suprrviJorl. A hard&hlp w&& acknowledged bee"""' the Santa Fe Railroad rlgbl-of-way makes access to the pl"tlperty dlUicult. The lone change hits ln with the El Tort> general plan, Rlpervlaon were told. ' (Jl\IJ Y r1101 ~ '*" ...,._ CDllWr'r ........ w ... ---J., ... ~:z v..,,........ ..._. -· .... ·-. ""::'..::. '=t"' IJ&luwll P, Hill ..__ ... _ ---111 hf..t A.._ u.nt.lt AUr"" P.O. a. 6M.. fUll --c.lllMIM1m ....... .... ........... 1,,.ltfMt ..... ..... jlwl--~---- °"'-'P "'-OI ...... II ....... :.::·::.:..-:= =-: -n-: "::~:.;;-;; ---~II •ill .............. Vito ---·-... ., ......... ......... ... . .. tr, m.,.,..... Q I, , s ... MM.Ill if.------..... -· .... --., •·•"• 7 ..... -.&Jd9CIA ............... .......... ---. :.. ~J;,·~==--= :;;::.,-. -:: ....... ....,, • JAPANESE VISITOR . • • the btst part of the trip, nys Hlranlltiu. "At the univers.ity, we had to study very hard and the travelln1 waa alwaya In a hurry," he uplalns. "Hore with lhe run1. ly l Jiave learned very much." ln addition to visiting all the Laguna schools, talking to students and etm· fminl 'l{Jth fellow leaclle:n, he ha! tn· joyed JWimmlng at lht beach and ahop- ping al Fashion Island and looks forward to a football a:ame and a visit to Dt.moylsnd. He ii m08t. at home at Thurston lntermedlat.e School, where he bu ipent. two lull day&, and probably wW spend more. At bomt in Glfu. Hiram.Ital teaches at tbt jun1lir high levtl, which coven arades &even through nine, conducUng English cl.uae.s for all thrtt erades. "Thue are like my studenta," he aay1 at Thurston. "I undentand them. They uk a lot of qu~ about IChools lQ Japan -about the dtaclpllne ind whit the atUdenu ut Ind WW and do.'' Dbcipllne, he t.e.lls them, 11 much sterner in Japan. When a tucher enters lbt room, stud'"" promptly aland up and bow. When a teacher pa•1 In the hall, lhty bow. Siience is mlinlllned dur- ing classes, e1cepl for dilcuu.lon periods. Howevtr, sa,ys Hlrambu, be bas not been aware of • lack m diaclpllne In the eta-he bu visited here. •'the lltadonll are very free to ezprea thelr ldeu, but htre al Tbun:ton, at least they seem pntla and very lntemt.d -not 11 1U undlaclpllned lit nolJ1 .• So rer u the krwtt lfldes lf'I con- cerned -~erprten lbrou&h •boll! ,.. c:ond ... -J•pa-<tam.oms .,. nolaitr .thin Amerlc:an. "I dldn' Gl*'l lbei, •he .,W. J1puae liudtrrtl ww uniforms - mlddJ -Ind blact •ttrt. ror the 011, black panll and hlack jacklll with lira11 buttona r..-tho boy~ '"UnUI they art IC Of JS they mull wttr the unllorms •vu wbu thty p downtmm,"' 11ys Hlramlbu., .. IO they art not II) frff IS lien. Aloo. funtnr hllfl lltudenll cannot 10 to the movle.s wllhout lhelr parents." I 'The study of English is compulsory from E.evenlh grade, he says, bul eve n student.. graduating from high school rarely speak well, though they may read and wrlte fluently. ")1 Is very · dilflcult for Japanese te\cbers to teach the oral English," the vl!ltor explains. ''Also, the university en- lranct uamlnaUons are very, very hard .wt enllrely written, so tn hl&h school the students concenlrate intensely on the VtTltten language." EdUC1tioa in Japan la compulsory only through the three year• of junior hlgh, but 97 percent of the rtudent.s go on to spend thrfe mart yea.ra in high achoo!. GtWna into I university i5 eltremely dll· flcult. '"lbe exams art so hard tome 1tudentl cornmtt suicide,'' 1ay1 Hiramitsu, "but once you do aet In, It is not so hard to graduate." To become an English teacher, he at- tended the University at Gitu, spe.ndlng two years on general aubjecL!i and two more on hi.a mljcr. "I am fortunate lo be in a very modern, experiment.al school," he s1y1 proudly. "We have a television In each classroom and we were able to watch the astronauta: on tbe moon." What "111 he tell hls fellow teacheni about wblt be bu learned of educaUon In Amt!riCI? The slender, inttn8e Youn& man become1 very seriOU1. "In J1pan we teach the r1cts, not a way of thlnldng. In IOclal ltudies we make lbl!'l lean. dates, not wbjo thing& happened. Tl):ere must be m o r e dlbsalons. This I! very dlfficul~ but many ltacben alreldy are beginnlnj: to undersland how much can be done with the OGlble youna mlnd1 ol these .tudenta, to help them to learn how to !hint: I wu oo tmpmatd In ono ol """ history c1 ..... lo ... how lbe lolchtr made the -la find aolullonl. 1"Illere 11 '° much lnformaUon in tht world todq, tile •ludenll Just can't remember enrythln1."' ht c:onc:luded. "We must teach tbe:m how to flnd aolu· Uon1 to the problems of the world In whtch lhey are goln1 to Uve.. '' . 1 ..... llMI ... -""'"''"'-. ./oW'JJI ........ ) fl!~.= "-..... foci-woal4 .. flrlaa '1'1111 lftlid ,.,,,..d • -tut Wiit •• caMfUlitioo bids were far ...,. tllu tho """*""' ..Umate. I.mt blddtr Cosco 1 ... o1 Slalltoo bid lbe job at .,,.,. The eaUmate for the work had been 11111,3!0 or 1119,137 '"'· Wheaton hid the city II pmmUy .... -·' U,lnl te Pl'" -~ l'We'N _. .. -to taU ....... ""' "elljal: -. ... - IApl Jl!ld ~-..... PllfOtDlal• ot ' • c 01-t •• Wheaton said both Iba ctty attomoy Ind eng1neer of work hive ap-eed to peg tbelr ctllrges to the CON!ruclioo -le rather than the bid. Wht•too iald lbt bondln& company wW nol agr'" to inc:rWe It. ·l""""'ilmtnt ol Grand.1na Waves · t Goodh1~ Family Leaves For Hawaii; She's in, l{ospifid, ... A IJ)Olllantou& rareweU party brighten- ed the teeM for paUenta and 1taff at Sout!i Coast Community Hospl1.ll Sunday artmioon u the f11111ily ol 1 Thrtt Arch Bay mldent 11lhtnd oul&lde lhe window m her bosplt.al room· to tell "grandma" flOO<lbye btlort ltlvtng for HawliL Mn. Joupll Johl1JOl1 of 31 N. Portola. had eagerly awaited the visll of her. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Daniela of Wilmette, lli. and four litUe graoddauebten. The Daniels f.amlly, en route t.o Hawaii where they have ju.st purdtaaed a radio 1t1Uon, planned lo llopover In the Lquna ana to visit &r•ndm& and grandpa w)lo retlrtd bo>"t lrom lllinola 10 mootha qo. , But plans for trips to Disneyland •nd other dellghta were CUCtlled wben Mrl. Johnson su.Uered a htaJ1 1tt.act and was hoopllallzed ahortly alttr their arrival llec>uae lbe lltUa Daniels girl&, aged • to 12, were Loo yOuni to ht permitted to vlslt inside the hospital, Mra. Johnson asked nurses U It would be okay to ha\'e a "farewell party" oublde her window, beCore the family left Cor Hawaii Sunday. With her doctor'1 permission, her bed waa puahed to the window and tbe Daoltll clan, along with Mr. Jolln&on aJl<I aoolher ""'· paraded wlib glan\ ~ reading, ·"We · Love You Gi;_~!" "Aloha !" "Get: Well~".and ''set YO!{ tn Hawa.U !'' . I ' "My room was just·fUled with n~ and Call<lystripers curlOllS lo ~ .. l'bat was going on," sakl Mrs: Jobnlion .fn?m ·lhe hoopltal .toQlly. "II w•s J.•lrY-.llllOo tlonal farewell .and I was so grateful to the h0spila1 firlet.Urig me Oiiye-MJ •par- ty.' 1 think it cheered op aome or lhc other paUents too ." Mrs. Johnson said ahe plans to "gl!l well soon" so grandma and grandpa can try for ariother vliit with the (amlly in HawaU at Christmaa. 2 New Instructors Now Traffic Board Urges Street Stay Two-way At Laguna Design School Two art lnstrudors new to the faculty will be conducting classes at the Lquna Beech School of Art and Design thla quarter. Teaching ba~c and lntennediate pain- ting on Tuesdays will be James Adams, former instructor at the Philadelphia Museum Of Art and b'-"d of the print.making department at Fleischer Memorial School ol Art. He hu exhibited ntmslvely in the east. and bis wort is represented in 20 private coDecUons in Pennsylvanil, New York, Parma, tllly and tn 90Uthem France. Thomas Holste., who will teach basic and lntermed.iate painting and life draw. ing oo Thundays, won tbe California State Graduate Fe.DOW!h!p at Clateoot Gradllllte School and hls worts have been 1elected for both the fifth and sixth an- nual Southern Ca11fomia Exhibitions at Long Beach Museum of Art. Retum1ng Crom a year of extended lludy, t;looDa Sharby will pr; .. nt • class in. trutlve compoaltion 0t1 Frldays. A graduate of the Chicago Ari I..Utut.. lbe bu tlught at Ealfl<rn Michigan University, Chicago Art lnllltule Junior Schoo~ Cal Slat. Long Beach m:I, CWTently, at Orange Coast College. 'The children's art clau thls fall, run· nlnr from Sept. :It to Nov. n, wW be tau&ht by Tonia Pochert, f o r m e r acbolanhlp &tudent •• lhe School ol Art aJl<I Design. From 19117 to 1969, 1he won scholarship awards ln palnUn&, sculpture and printmaking. She bas been wilt.ant chlldren'a teacher at lbe art. achool and also has taught arts, crafta and acrylics at the Treuure Island Day Camp. Hu clau will be held SaturdJy morn- ing• for chlldral aged 5 lo U. other cwne ollorlngs during lhe fall quarter will be Sam Calyberger's ad· vanced painting on Wednesdays; Davld Schnabol'1 portrait and figure painting and life dnwing on Tuetdaya and Jane L)'<lllS' prlntmakln& on Wodntadays. Ruth Osgood's bulc to advanctd class In color IOd d..ign wtD meet Monday and 'Iburaday aftemooos and Roger Annat.rong will teach drawlng on Monday and nwr.day mornings and watercolor on Wednesday afternoons. At lbt annual meeting of the bo<rd of dlrodon of the School ol Art aJl<I Design, Mn. Ruth Osgood Salyer wu rMlected pmkltnl Ind chairman of tho boaJ:d; Ml111 Olarla Ilgner is vice president: John A. Dundas, secretary and Al. Paul Sliker, treasurer. Members ol the board are Roger Armstrong, Mrs. Margartt Bis.sell, Mrs. Alerandra Churchill, Jesse E. Riddle and David Young. Art Center .Strucl\: Again Lquna'1 African Art Center, hit by a Iqe lf'OUP or juvenile vandals Aug, 21, wa1 vlc:tlmlud again 1ut week, to the tune ol 141 In cull. Police are seeking two teenaae boys suspected of removing the money from the cash box at the Art Center, 49~ Brnadway, between 2:30 and S p.m. Sun- day. Employe Susan Roan said the youths, aged 1' or 15, made a purchase: at the store early In the afternoon and followed her when she went lo a nar storeroom to get change from a cash box. She told them they were not pennltted in the YOUR ~toreroom and they lert. Later in the day, the boys returned \\'ilh several friends and spent some time looking over the display of African art objects. The money turned up missing when the cash box was checked out at closing time, police said. In the earlier theft, art objects valued at $284 were removed from the Art Center by a 1roup of visiUng teenagers lrom the italcolm X Cent.er in Los Angeles. Alerted by Laguna Beach police, California Highway Patrol o f f I c e r s J"eC01rered the loot from a bus returning the vlsJtora: to Los Angelu. -----!!-•• Yov.r OmtQO .!o1n " Stmcc Agcl\ey 0 OMEGA WATCH\ --·~·-FREE Ti.. very ..... o~•t• Spe ... M1tf., Wtklt. "'I ''"" ... , .. 1.ct.4 ,..; ..... ••••• , 111 ... ifi••ti·~ i,;, NA.SA t. lti ....,. 11, '"' lfl•~ •~ ffl• .... "" r•;• "'""'ti•oi.. t.~ly • , .. we14 f11 1111111~ .... WIC'M " ,..~~ t. II. ,.... • ..... 11t1.4 OM•C • I•-'"· C1M1 •• -... thlt lt.1N1-. l fftt•' '4 411L o..,, Sr1.4111 .. . ...... ,_ s411 a. =.· .. -.., ..... , .... PIAW $2.00 u.stlVN• ,.._ llNU $3.00 ...... - tlAlllOM• $6.00 ............. rnu•u .. .on WHILI TOI WAn ............ ,.. Th "" •tfJl ""111 lrtfJit Mii .. -. ....., PY!H SltL After studying propouls for reducing hazards on Victoria Drive, U:::'• traf· fie committee has recomm lo the City Council that it be rttained u 1 two- way street. Some resideolll had requested that ont- way traffic only be permitted to ease congestion on the narrow roadway betwen S. Coast Highway and the ocean in the southern part of the city. Others protested this proposal and suggw.ed further parking limitations and reduction of speed limit. The traCfic commiUee observed that with slow dally traffic volume and park· ing prohibited oo one aide of the street, there is sufficient room for two-way lral· fie and making the street one-way in either direction would cause a hardlibip on residents and users. It recommended retention of the present ZS.mile speed Um.it, continued prohibition of parking on the inland side and removal of the two "No Parking Between Signs" signs on the ocean side, where parking wooJd be permitted. The comm.Jttee abo recommended creation of an "immediate" towaway zone in lhe no parking zone, which would pennit police to call a tow truck without waiUng 72 hours. The council voted to ac· cept these recornmend8.Hons. Fron& Page I TRAILERS •.. homes low cost housing becauu. mobllt home interest rates were higher than a house. the down pay ments were 1~ per, cent more and lhat one percwt of the sales price on all trailers is paid to the q. ly . A woman from the audience argued that it was not a quesUon of whether or nt"lt trailers were good or bad but did U. people want the valley to develop in trailer parks or in singll! family dwellings. She sald lhat single family residences pay more taxes than trailers yet stand a ~hance o! being outvoted if more ~e m. "'Are you saying that people who caFfl afford a $60,000 house shouldn 't be in the valley ?" fired Baldino. "I didn't say that, I say there shouldn't be a 60-40 ratio of mobile homes l.o houses," replied the woman. ' . . . llatls"" c .... l11di ., ...... HUNWNGTON llACH and back Harbor Shoppl119 Cetlltr 2300 Harbor llYd. 11 "2·5501 COSTA MESA 54§.9485 \ I I I > ' Ne~ri~~~ .. • EDIJ.'IO'N VO(. 62, NO.· 221, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PA6ES • .. Ill' JORN VALTDZA Of .. DAltr ...... Olmning n<arly I yW IJld I0,000 man boan ol wort..Newport TOIJI_.• 14 dt.aon plannm today unveiled their gllmJll'I Into the Newiiort Beach ol tile Mure. . I Olgesled Into • :ZO.page document are reeommendations in about 50 basic' categories for planning lssues that touch an 11egments of the community. Among the key recommendations : , .. """'""" bljdplo be balll °"" U-• f -. . Newport Bay. -llD,!e" parking Jots -lo res!dential ..,.... .U.·a llN)Uo lrusporta• lion syltem. . -A <i!nter for !ht' pOttormJnr llld visual · arts. preferablr In tbe new ci\l10 c..... -~·In Ne'fPl!rt center. -Newplil Beach\ should keep oil In- dustries ind jot plants .Ul . -fr ahoUld be a beauUlul · clty wttll , L..:.. , '• l .. •!1 • , • N.IL"T'PILOT ..... .,. u..:,.,_~ 'Tis · the' fAUt ,Swim. of Summer '· Pretty Cindy BeUlngei:, 19-year-old Or!'!ige .C'l"st College· st~dent from Corona·del Mar, took her last dip Of the 1969 swnmer season Mcinday. Today, .W, is the first day of fall-aDJ!.the sw!m.seas<m lx>r pretly girl~ is fadi!jg with the 511Dlet. Newport Gives Green Flag To Bay Flights ~or Movie A oeaplane ·wtD be rp!ashing •around Upper Newport Bay Friday or Saturday. according to Walt Disney movie officials. Newpcrl ~ city mandlmen Mon- HEW YORK (APl -Sloclll linlll1ed in the plu column far Ibo" ""°""" <01>- HCQ!l•e day lhll a1"'"'°"""11<r l\IJ>Plnc back nun tbelr bell plno ol the -In fairly acUve !riding. (W quotatlans, Pages .111-11). • " OltANGE ·coumY,. CAl:IFORNIA ' ,. '\' + . • • . . .. • Tedey's Fl-1 N.-Y. St•ek•. TEN -~1 , I. \ . ·n,e1ayed . -. .. . • I • • B~_rgl4r P~ing • • , • \ r ... Finders Keepers ' In Costa Me.a . ' . . ' ' ·Have ,Guu, May ,Run HONOLULU (UPI) -Actor - -Sllil todlJ.bo .would d<clde,.,. ,two weeks whether to nm hr go•erncr ill Hawaii IS I RepoblicoD. Bool]e, I vol<rf!! movie an<tldo>blm IC!« who haa lived tn the bland& for six years, uld ho\ bod been-•flll'Oaebeel by.llepubU.-·-1runnlng. I • - • I ~ -llAll. Y I'll.OT N ·- ' ' . ~ .. -~ ........ ~~ .............. hi~. Opeii aplc<ll should bo preaemd and thtlr dcv<lopment .. ncouraaed. _, _, . llolh cllJNr.ll'!'" dWelllnP ;,.,._ .,,,g1 .. bOQIMo.tot dewlopment plana abould bo ......... ed. . IJ'be committee uraea U\e keeping of pollution "to the lowest J'O'lible l•vel." l!Wlllea ' h. o • I d bo iostaUed •n- dqroand when•vu •ble. munl\l' pride In d•terior•Ulli arm to Tbe ·COl11lllillff urjt> Instilling <Om• m~vate rtcODStruct.iOn of lnlerior etruc· tunos. COMMERCIAL -The committoe calls 10i-·markeUng 'and f!nanclil teallblllty ltudies to'd<tennine poi.nUal gqppor\ (or bclS-propoe!d for tpeclflc area1. New CU1U11etclal dev~ent lbould !ollow the luldaUne• of lntepted• MoPo ping centers, instead 0( "strtps.'1 '!'be general Cl\J pbjJooopby . foword commerclal developnient sbou'ld ctnter on presenaUon ot tbe character of the commQ!l!ly, stabilizing ~ values, providing security to invmmmt& and matnt.enance of )oca1 integrity. The committee calls for the formation or a municipal de.sign and retriew board to inlegrate site and building designs wilh DAILT Pllo01' 1ti!f Pllllt V~eted Ga~. What ·J. M. Williams, 21T D&-• troit SL, l;Juirti!1£loD• -~~b, ' · wa~ bunting was not this 41'.··'. foot timber rattlesnake, but be ' bagged it anyway. Reptile,' ex· tremely large for this breed, was shot Sept. 12 near Eti· wanda, San Bernardino Courity, alter Williams slid down a slope wblle hunting ~ '8Jlltost on top Of the rattler. ,g,,ake- meat wound up on dinner table. ' , ' ~~~"l' ........... ~~ -lit .. ·s . . to·~-i.¢'. ... ~--(.~"~ ..... ow.~··"'°''-"' (-' .. ~ to 1lle ......_ P~i*t~111s~Tll!! dl1tri~ , • I ; ' 1. ,, ~111Qel~ re bjly-oi!enf'4 It C<JDCedes lnal !bO fioll[c Coast r"tuoranl8. • ' "'--~ -• -.. --., --A4 an ._,Ide !<>fll.rf1'ommendatlon, tbe rrceway ~u h~p revltalite the area '7 commercial goal! cotnmlttee has recofn· •J>lirring "!I!"{ d~velopm•nt. , . meil<ied city poliey-onlatur&anne<aUon,_ Whal !he. <Oll]iniuee· h•• in mlnd, Only land which .. p)iysicolly r•lated to h~~· er'I S I eompl~ or r-t •ind 1ht·ocean ltr bay ~ bo C<lriRdtNld "[or n . lion'fljclllUN siml!Ar to 'S.n Fran< aMtlljlon, cornlllltlee '!"""ber•' reoom· visc.o Ohlrardetti Square. · • · mmd. · .... ' " · •• .•• revltajiialion c:ouJd be induced by Jt excludes lnduatHaJ land 1n lta r«:om- lmprpying acce.u and circulation . . • mendafion. •nlarJ!n'&1>fl~eet ~k\lig~ use-or l_NDUS'I'~,... 'lll~.COlllmltleeln lhi.s lnotntlve l'Ollilli anil · a'~~l!'f ·.to ,., dlvillon lollowed e.Uet ~ICU...·on cl· """-"I.' ·lh att:aoUve ,niw. ill•Ol!tm8!1! ty aWtudes tpwarci.Jnilllllrial powtb. sw\b _. .<fbil'ardelll Sqaite -~alt;' ••• the COlpmlttee rowld Iba, city f1f shoppljlr centlif and. apartme~t:hotej NtWP.>il '8"'!cli to~ unique to m<at other conipleip11,overlo01<1ng Iii• ~or ..... : clUts In many ~· 'Ill•, t:f(ti!Jonal '!1i4 ·Oomlilltt~ r-eilds rU1>nlnC oommuOJty, desu-e fnr addltkmal in· eml>IY 'b!Wnps bOudlng 41'0¥ Into reii· dQltr)es was ,fuund to bo lacking. ltloll deritW 1"nes and lmpl"1iYtn, access, traf, Importantly, the e<Ol10lllica of 1'1>d vallltl !lc'(Jow' and P¥1fil!J'ln dowotown llalboa, and blgb atandards 9f land development Fqi'< Balboa lslaiid, iml'l"ved parking appear lo limlt. prOopecliv• Jijdlislrial sh"l'ld . be provided ror: Iii• business tenants to t.,imlcally-oriented lndµstrlil dlstnct aJong with a transit system to researc{t concerns." · • carrj shoppers from westerly-orlented It re(Oln~etlds further that 1ncreastd ntuniclpal parking Jots onto Marine in<tustry wiO not necessarily•attrad more Avenue. Tbat street should be converted people to the area. it warns against ac- J • ,.. '·· Froni .. Page 1 . . TIDELANDS FEES ... ordij>~-T~ sai~ pier Ol!D~ sfioUJd be g\vM an , ~porll)ruly: lo r~ the . Parsons• cominlttee rtport. • ''I know thj8 has been under study ror a long tJme," said Mclmila. "BUt ij>eaktng for my own pcslUon and lb• peop\t In th• audience, t·waa not awafe of thl.!I report until.the c6\mcll agenda packet came out 'llturSl!ay nlShL Our dllcusslons should first center' 'on ·Whether ther~· shQtiid be an ordinance. '1So far as l'm concerned, I'm.not con- vlnced there 1~ould be an otd ... " Mia &tatement \y'aa drowned by vigorous applause, accompanied by cheers and whistling. The outburst lasled several second8, compelling Mrs. Marshall to use her aavel 'for the first time since she bec1D1e mayor ti _month.$ ago. Tbat Ml the tone for tbe.,est of the aesaJQn, - Jt.Ogets Aid inasmuch ea the Parscds zleport would serfe.11, the ''backbone'' for Iha ordl!Umu>tlie-report. allou1d lie 1:1 .... ly.nad by,&boe8' l'*ted bY It befort any leg!ilatlnn II actad '!!I· He, too, WU , 8P- p11µ,ded, as wa1 Hiiib, who said: "We CAJ\'l ,)ose 111uch hl 'Wiitfui Ollt. more meettijg." -f ~ · r · ~·-~~ tl\on -•poh'!!P!n !hi '.ll.'~lf°""1.!arsh4't'11\. • piat tlleY wer:en't et a f.11ppally i.lllilllil<. Heam ~l ocr()c(ia.s.~she~~i r••, ~-~ IJamy" llltr> =. •· ·~I Ifie' I~ SPealt•t• wbo,_uie'l! lhe Jiu Jtiicro]!hl)be-Jh. -ftOlll 1~rtbe couo-. c' IMpdi, He Slid', Ille ' litli 'lie ~'*!!\erJee J>ian wu wh<n .h!!ead a.,,;.,.Jl'ln t!>e"ll1'1!-Y tJ'll,Q!, r ridiy 111"11, "!• ; 8Jll ~time ;to, ;l•i\l" !be ~:~J:t.:·owner Ot B~ckie'a Dwies and . ~·ll ot !he N-rt Harbor Chamber of, ColnmeJJ't'j MariJ\e Divls:loo, slid Parsons' report should be "rejected as incomplete.'' He said the Marine Dlvl~"" bad prepared "pertinent" informaUon on the subject thst had been Ignored by th< city Udelsnds committee. Mayor Marshall suggested &hat he pre!e1't the m(~al to the' council on' Oct. f3, or at sub:5equent scheduled hearings. Others in the audience, without iden- lllying themselves. complained they hadn't been talked to by Parsom or his fellow conunittee members, Sheltorr and Hirth. Parsons responded by recalling the many meetings his committee had held with boating industry representatives and chamber officials. "There has been public discussions of this," he said "Once I :stood up to ~ people who all disagreed with me." "Can a motion be made from the noor?" someone shouted. The question was ignored, as spectator!! chuckled. Shelton then called for a "less emoUonal approach" to the subject. ''I don't feel too atrimgly that there has to be sbmething in the fonn of an ordinance before Wt· can talk about it. But if we don't take the route, I hope we can go about.Jt more intelligenlty. Lefs tty bi.strU~llirlng dispassionate discussJons, without i lot ol applaus~ and charges." "Speak up!" someone in the back demanded. "Yeh, we .can't bear you!" someone else loudly aJl'eed. "Do· we have to have this?'' snapped Gruber. "Say please, at least." Mr. McClelland Funeral Slated BOil. Yan!, said be had read 1jle ~ents: "I J!l~ed to get a copy at Cll1 Hal~ and tile IOJ>Qrl has many errors ~ 'and pmnists .ttiat ire' etToqe:olls. It SlfS ~e 1revenue fi'orrr the fees ,Cestimllted at· .$07,000, f e&r\l') are·-·to bo eormarked fur , biit>or qnprov~""ta. We all knowlt's il· legal tq_· -"~~--. tuu I or 'Im· pfovemefita.'; ~ ,. . • "Please," said a third pier owner. Shelton did not resume his plea for decorum. Councilmen then quickly voted approval ot Mcinnis' motion for the three-way delay. They also ordered the city staff to pre part 200 ·cop lea of the tidelands com· mittee report for public distribution. They will be at the clty clerk's counter Wednesday, said City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. Services for Ernest B. McClelland, ex· ecutive of a manufacturing f1nn and hus- band of Mrs. Elizabotb M~lellsnd, j1llllo!-past president of toe Tuesday c1.~ of Newport Beach, were held today at Pacific View Memorial Park. Mr. McClelland, 56, died Sunday of an apparent heart attack at·hi11 home. He had been 8.!!0clated with Trunline Manufacturing Co., Santa Ana, for Ule pas! 11 yearg. Survivon besides his wife, Elizabeth. tJf the home, 4532 Golden Glow St., University Park, include a daughter, Marilyn Sue of Newport Beach ; molher, Frieda al Glendale; brother, Edward of Burbank. OAllY PllOT . OU.NOi (.l)Al1 ll'Ull•HIMO CCMf'AtfY l•l».ti N. W•H ..... llMftt ..... PWll .... J•clt •. e~rlty 't'lc:e ll'rakllM -GtMP• ~ T"'"''' l•evll .... Th''"'' "" v •. ~tfl9 ~l!dtlel' , Jtr•'!"• F, Colli• --°" ----2211 w .. 1 '•"••• ... "" ... u.m .. u.i'*' r.o. a..1tn.taw. --c.i. ,....., ,. #Mt .......... ~ a.Mcfl1 m ,.,.. ~ """""-'-~: -Jiii &""'9 Larry Mill'V yl& pesldenl of Marina CA1L'f ,ILOT Slaff'°""' Pioneer Peddles Medals Mrs. Bernardo Yorba, a member of family which "tiled Orange County, offera Bl-Centennial medals at $7.50 for silver and $S for bronze. Proceeds from 200lh anniversary medals go to Mexican· American •cholorsbips. Kickoff sale Friday was at -Richard's Lid~ Market, Newport Beach. Sile was only a tide-washed sandspit when Mrs. Yofba's forebears arriv6d. ""111111 toe \iiltli lndlulry ~ "liopiidlllng tht llivUUlmalllal quality 0 ltie art&~''" Al J C011$eqU"'11» of its recomo meodal!Olll, tht-Conimftte• '"""'is that no i>N iildullrlif iootnt be -bllshed and that the city encourage owners or prtsently existing industries to upgrade th&ir structures to contemporary development standards. Under no ctr:cwnstances, the com- mittee added, should the clty encourare p&troleum·related Jnduatries within the city. On airport problems, the committee suggests that the city o( Newport Beach conUnue its drive to have the Orange County termJnal relocated and that ti:· pans.ion of the preaent airport be dlscourqed. HARBOR -The first premlle under which the Harbor Goals Committee ba&e!! its recommendation! is that Newport Bay ts croWded and it will stay that way. ''It ls obvious that with a harbor and bay area which is static, and a city popullUoo rapidly growing, the city of Newport Beach alone wlll place demands on the harbor far in excess of its capacl~ ty." The harbor could never satisfy all the boating needs of local citizens, Jet alone -· ... ~~":'l':!i:.:rtiee ~ tht, =iru:.irr.. . ' oily abotlld prep~4 cpmprehen~ve plan PIJl!LIC FA~ -1'bO ·~t to. gold• devel~t and ... of the • sl1nill<ant recom~lon mw bi-\l1s sho!lline and wattr· areas In both the c;6ft1!'11l~e center1 <P! 1 i;ujl~rtl ~ io lower and .•pper bays. . be JOca~ iq th~ civiC ientir,' o\n~1n .1'be plan,_ the pommlttee •UQ6$tt, N~Y..:PQrt.Center. · '· .~-· ... ,,_ , sliou~ lnclu.de tl'1e following : . A parUon of tbe 'civic center 1~ his :dtintenance of the prtsent ratio ~f been set aside for govemmen!A~; boat storage areas to O(Ml!l water areaa I~ community purposes, The com e the low~ bay; .~alntenance of pu.bllc suggests prompt -action on . a cu) 1 llW'IChlril ramps and ade"Qµate sqpport center bouslag both the visual fac.illtle1; aMWsi~n and developmeqt performing arts · ' · for putiUc"Usi of !he !!trip of Jana between ·· • ', ·.. ""; Back Bay Drive and the Upper Bay The co~(~ d~scr1bes the P(Of!O$~ tidelands, extending from the fo.rmer salt structurt as a rtg1qo~ nucleus'~ :W!l'oh works 1~ to· ~ Newport . Dun(S; coold mvgly~ s.ttqqlP&(ijog ~o~tfea ti . B as well as Newport Peach. • ·' -prl!!serva on or a poruqn or Upper ay as . . . _ . . . _ ... · , a .wildlife sanctuary: connktlng the Up; Jo11!-t ·use and fwullnc ~Y edUC~?;J,PJ. per Bay Udehtnd! and lnland areas with a governmental aod · . prjy~~ , ·~s ..iwork of. bleycle and hiklnl trans, and should Ile explored (or the .cower. , se\ting a!lde of areas to serve as ~lb~arles' role in ~ ·~ity ~u}d ~ ~· unobstruc~'view-ar,eas-pverlooking the pan~ to l~lude the eoncepta ~ .. ~· harbor provldillg "windows to the bay," m u n 1 t y nlformatlon~. ~l~n. The ~ommlttee ~ests thit • waler cultur~l an~ r~~aUoriaJ ~·,,the qua1lty atapdard IUgh enough_ to ~reserve committee suggests. . • the harbor's ~logy be establlshed. On matters.relating to ~tka;·tbe·<:Om- The first steps loward th.ill goA! woukf mittee suggest~ addition o( -bluff,top, y~w include ldentificaUM of bacteria, oil and parks "whJch will prtaerv6 t be ellemical']>Ollulion,~and·wastt and debris relatonshlp of thci cotruillfhilY Wllh the discharges; determination of the causes marine environment." of depletion of dlli.$0lved oxygen, and Joint development of parks with other OAJl.'f r1LOT $1.tf '"''- government aienciea and schools ahoulil be explored. 'file committee also asks for a master plan of city-owned prOpe,rty~ inclU<iing a program for timely acquis!Uons ot,..more city Janel. 1'0WNSCAPE -This committee, while overlapping others' recommendaUons in &everal respec~, ·integrates a serte;.: of goals relating t6 pure estbetics tn the ci· ty. It recommind! the fonnulatioo of a qlUISl·leg~IaUve and q•aUlled botjy to perpetuate the f o 11 o w I n g reoom· mendaUons: De!lgn criteria for future public buildings; freeways to serve as 11perctp· tually enriching" roadways inltliad o( dividers; making mandatory the in· stallation of sidewalks and walkways iq future developments ; implemenUn1 plans for bicycle trails; creation of minlparks on small parcels cf public land; erosion studies; undergrounding of utilities: slan· dard city entrance signs, and a liaison between the city and the Irvine Company to work on future city developnent. • The To,wnscape group· a1so suggest.s a strengthened fine arts committee and the improvement ot: communications chan· nels for dissemination of city planning in· formation to the public. TRANSPORTAnON -T r a ff 1 C, • particularly vexing problem in the 6Um· mer vacation months. was the pfhne con· siderll,Uoo of this committee . 'vAJid its recommendations include some new approaches to an old dilemma. Estancia High School student Linda Shafer shows hO\V it's done in homemaking class as visiting Jal?anese teachers of English Cleft to ri~ht} KagUo Sakuma, Torn Makita and Takehiko Kato look on. With anot!ier teacher, Mrs. Chiyoko Mishima, they are staying sev· eral weeks with host families learning about American life and schools. A brkige over Upper Newport Bay at about the midpoint between Pacific-Coast Highway and Palisades road ls SU&· gested. The committee describes th~ structure as a "low silhouette" bridge \\'hich would make east-west travet easier ..... To cope with the certain increased crush of tourists the committee recom-1 mends building parking lots ,away from.. recreational areas with s h u l t I e transportation provided in between. The city :sbould discourage expansion of Pendleton Marine Dies parking lots on existing beach land, the. committee adds. ~ Possible compatible sites for helicopter an1 vertical·take-ofr craft should be con-' :sidered, too. ~ The commitiee also suggests a trial Of Accident Injuries plan to offer city-funded p u ~ l i c transportation services between res1den~ tial and recreational areas for summer/ only, followed by feasibility studies to see if the service .could be expanded' on + vear·round basis. •. • The committee makes a firm recom- mendation on the future of Orange Coun- ty Airport: '" early morning accident. t. A Camp Pendleton Marine died thl!I morning at South Coast Community H0spltal Of head injuries suffered in a Sept .. 17 traffic accident that left another Marine dead at the scene. A deputy coroner said Lloyd Forquer Jr., 19, died at 5:20 a.m. California Highway patrolmen said !.he driver, David E. Moore, 21, Camp Pendleton Marine and Forquer were critically injured in the accident. It occurred QJl Camino Capistrano one- quarter mile north ·or Rancho Viejo·RDad. Investigating officers said the car struck a guard pole and plunged into a drainage dltch. Move the jets out as soon as possible. · 'The committee asks for ill).· plemenlation of noise and pollution levels compatible wilh the surrounding com• munity for all craft using the terminal. David Prout, 19, ()f Camp Pendleton was killed outright when a car plunged jnto a culvert near Laguna Niguel in the YOUR --.WATCH' ---""""'' • C11a1I • OUlll ... ~ Wlitl9 Y• W• FREE •Ml-.... u $100 FROM s4aa ll4TIUNI "- llNIS $3.00 llJID,~ DIA MONOS $6.00 llP~CIO, ,,_ °'=·· IKllAytN• DONI _,,., 1 llltkr• Huntlll!JfOll Clllttr Btack at ldlngtr WHILI YOU WAIT HUNTINCiTON IEACH II 892.5501 • • It also asks that Orange County ~ licials find a new site for a regional airport. Your Om.tQti Sole! I Service AQtnew 0 OMEGA Thi v1ry 11#11 Omt~I Sp11cl!fl.it1r ..,,t,k ... ,,,.., , ..,,, 1111,tM •Hh· e~t •ny J11o4ifit1tlo11 by NASA te be -r11 by t w• 111111 111 f~t Mtt•, Tliit r1 c0911iti111, tnily • '" 1"'1•d ftt Uttlllflt .. "'1~11 II IJl'IM ft ff )'lllt 11th1ri1t4 °"'''' '''"'''· ~. 1. -••• thlt ........... 2 ~ ..... .. ' dl1t, °"'"' s,..,,.u .. '" .,.,,,..,;.,11. n. 181., ........... ,. ~ tht ''"'' •• . tht 111111. frl11 SI t .. TllM1 A'IJLAILI and bade Harbof Slloppln9 . Ct11ttr 2300 Hclrbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 '" ' • I ;·· ' \ ..,,. , .. • .~1,i;;;;;;;;;~~~~"""."":~:;:;;;:::_=._:::;:;c;--::~ ...... ~:""'::""'~~ .... :--7":~==~--:';':'"~-:"'.""""7~::-:~-;~~:-'.....,,._~~-:-~-:--c;--;;:c---;;~--,,...,..-:-~~-:;:c'"'."';:;ir--7"1.""''1"''.'""""'l'."-;-';""'~~~--i;-:-i....,,""'?~,, -. • • • • . I ·~.men 9EA AN DlltSQH, l!dU.r ~·····-.... • h'fll ' ' De butanfe. Ball ' .M0fttl S,:,. ·Learn . ' • • Proc-edures • Mothers of 1969 Chlldren'i Home Society debutante1 ~I' be brie;fed on. .. bJllLprocedures when they are guests of honor at 811. orien- tation coffee Jn the Dover Shores home of Mrs. RoyJll D.'l'ucjter, bJlll ~. Tuesday, Sept. 30. lllcluded Jn the orientation. will be,lnformation re~i , .. bearaaJ and'ball 11i:ocedure1, seallng-arrangements at the , appro- priate ball go"'!'B and forlhc!>m!Dg parties, . · On baJld lo' discuss the 'Importance ·of ralslna' funds. !rOm IUCh functlon.s .as ' the ball will'bjl'Edward 'J, Mooney, ilistrict'<lirector 'of the CHS Santa Ana office. He Will talk about aclo!!llon procedures and will give a·cslioit history of the ·society, the Jartest, private adoptian •el!llcy In the state. -· . . _ Conducting the orientation ·with Mrs. Tucker will be her com· mittee members. the. Mmes. Frank H. Trane, John Killifer, Wallace Genie, Robert Diemer, Renfro C. Newcomb, Ira W. Smith, W. Phelps Merickel, 'Rich,ard. Hess, William F . Harper, Robert Hodson, TerreD L. Root, and Wilson V. Woodman, president of the Newport Harbor Auxiliary, sponsors of the ball. Mothers invited are the Mmes. Leroy Langhenry Carver Jr., Alvin Stewart Cox, Fred Victor Newman Ellis, David Ladson Fraser, Robert Yardley, Robert Evans Jackson~ ~ency Lincoln Jones, Her- bert Warren Kalmbaclr, Vernon Lester Lit1lejohn, Frank W. Lynch, John Robert Meservep J ohn Bernard Parker, Charles Ragan Peyton, Hugn Julius Plumb Jr.-and.ArthurFarrand Thompson .. . • Their debutan1e ·daughters; who will be presented to society during 12le traditiOIJJll ·Christmas .holiday boll, are tho ·Misses Eliza. beth · Hanson ~Carver ..-Marianne Emis00> ~. Terry-Ann Ellis, Laurie Ellen Fruer, Vir~£_~e ~ell, K~fltuemmd JJ_:fson•~~es,si~ ca· Molford Jones, La= Anh -Kalrn,bacli; llinda Lesl,e!! !.itUeioJm. Katbeyn Leona Lynch, Pamela Jean Meserve, Mariaret Lenore Park~ er, Deanna Kay.Peyton, Diane Plumb and .Sharon Thompson. INfO~TION c>AP.BRIDGEO'-So. that.mothers oi :~ll69 Chll· · dren's 'llome•SocietY cl~< Will' be well informed on.ball.pro-· cedu'res, 'th1! bell'committee will outline detalls ·durlng an:orierila· " • . A LITTLE HELP -Mrs. Gay Brant (center) won't have .any tmuble·declding when to. try for a hole-in- one .. .she receives, a lit1le prompflnf from !!;en • KDJglrt. Mn. Frank Trane reminds lllem Ula! l\'1 • all· In fun as it benefit• Hirbor Day School. The an-. nual Golf·ln, taking place Fl:lday, Oct. 31, at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Club and'Coune, will include ·a steak barbecue, .bridge IQun\amedt and dancing. . ' . Big Blast . ·- Signa I led From morning UIJ night on Ftiday, Oct. 3, !Orne 'Harbor Area reside.ots won't be seen or heard of. Their friends a~d neighbors won't see a trace of them aJI . . ' ' ' . . • \ I .. .• ' . . . ' day long, becituse they'll be in ti·~"' the midst of activities planned for the 1iicth annual Golf-in to beoefil Harbor Day School at Rancho San Joaquin COuntry Club and Got! Course. Distaff gouer1 will take to the links first, competing in an ti.bolt shotgun -tournament. Following: the game, a cem- .' blit~ :luncheon with the men Will follow • .Jn the · dubbowe, then the ·men wU1 tee off for their-~ tournament. While 'tbe l'f¥!D are .playing, the w0mtn1 will make bridae their 1ame filth a tournament In ijle 1club~oqse, COcktalla and musical en- tertainment at a p.m. In the clubhoule will call all the players instde, and a steak barbecue· will follow at a. Capplrig ~ di)''• activities aod JeatlviUes will be dancing uMer the Big T0p to either llillelaDCI or·Blg Band sounds. Btfori retiring and calling It • ~1· eolfers will recelv• troplllel and door prjzes. Fashi on able Benefit I ' An afterno.on of Informal modeUn~ of faU Jasblons and cards J.ollowtnt a lmlc:JI. eon ts the ways apt! means project pla inea by Lambda'. zeta Chll>ler <!! Sigma Phi Gamma. The event will take pta~e Saturd~y. Sept. 27, in Fas'lllOn_ la1Qd'1 Island House . Arriving to .finalize plans ar~ committee members (Jell Ja right), the ·Mmes. David Abbott, Herinan'Tracbt aud Herbert Bland. Mr& • .Mar- dock Payne is chainnao. Proceeds will benefit'the SO"!rity's pbll~, ' including area welfare organizatioos and an uslgned International •proj'ei:t, In tb·e App81achian area. ~ , 1 . . Have Suitcase,, Beggi.ng ,·Qui·r"k, I ' DEAR ·ANN LANDERS:• r 1m a htalthy, a ten, clean atitdetrt wbO Wiii• be • tt next birthday. I live in Ohio and am bored oul or my ioµrd. The farthesl awfl from home I have "er been )a S~ville, 200 mil., na:t• .ljo, you know of I JdJ1Cl.bearled col• ..,,111 who would be wUlin1 lo mike a glf\al !200 "' I could go lo New York liir a Ij>o& weekend! Sorr)' I don'I · have ID*1 for a stamp IO you'll have to in the paper, -HAYE SUJT. WllL TllAVEL WllL" l'a .......... ,.. ~. -··· ....,, ...... £1111.1 ... ~...._. . .,._ ..... ,..._ -· ''worlc" nfc-mJil!I pmt.re u.i 1Clllilloa II -pr11bkm. p..,ie wlo WUt llllD .. bodly ,_,., oltn !<Ml lo IL I'" dooe • pe111111 a1 11 .,..u ... r recommeod b.MtfilJ', .. broke rrty 'IMICl:k. 'l'hat·"tomethlnl" tllmed out lo be a ~!17lna oo the Coor looking up lnlo the neat booth. Wben he ,.., me he stood up. I WU abocked. 'll>al tld •wu nurij u 1111 11 I wn. Ht bad·=· U years old. I ytlled, "Get oul al, alld .. lo the ...... ,oo'i colwml abdot lhll problem. i>l..,. "'1 1!!>!11.Wlli. -STILL BURNING . DEAR Bl/RN• I'" lever'*' ili.'prOh. lera "*wet Y• hMW It beutiflJIJ. M*lame. J co.Jdalt hve dote better myttll . DEAR ANl'I LANDERS: I'm oure yoo will never publllb th~ Idler beclUJO K 1oro one of your .sacred oxen, but l'm loinr lo write U ..,...,. I can trutbllllly 11y, my HCrtt lover baa made my mar- rilge not only l<>lerable bUI bapplet. vice,~,.._ youlo·-· ---btt problem. -HOl'ISY BIJll . ..• DEU 11111'1: 1'111 It I_, ....... hep 111 -~.Boo. Y"' mar bowrllflc ..... • -~·--c. '11n11 a ellM'rM If I.,.,...,.,_.. DEAR ANN LANDIJ:RS : 'l'llfo·af-· WlllJe !lbt>pplng jii I nil=-~ • ment stLi't; r hid lo go to ,the bdles roam. I ·walked Into !hit pri•ale -. -bled over ~ and almosl • room)" Ho, llluct ovt' Ills, toorue snd shOtled. 111 ""1'trhave to mli>d you;. You -t mJ'D\Oiiier." .J.cll*t1 lblalt·l'•e .... setn'llJJthlni .. ( ' J ( I • • • ' •' •• " .. " " ' -~1 • • J ' • .. ' •• • .. • • \~ . • •• ' l • ~ tl ·•J •• ... ~· •• . ·' ~· • • • ... • " • • • J I /, I • ·--~ OAILY PILOT Destination: Nation's Ca.pita/ Mrs. Fred M. Briggs (ll!fl) of Monarch '!lay 118Cks her car with help from Mrs. llollorl M. 'Il>omas. Mrs. Briggs is off to Was&lngton, D.C. where she will rep- l'lfelit IAguna Niguel Republican Women' a Clab, Federated at the national con- -tim Friday and SaturdaY, Sept 25-28. '!bole who attended the state con- Vllltlon in Anaheim incluaed Mrs. Tbomal, president, along with the Mmes. Briggs, Nell Barboor, Lawrence Howell, C. L. Lippincott and Angelo D'l!:rcole." Horoscope Aries: Keep Balance WEDNESDAY · SEPTEMBER 24 BJ SYDNEY OMAllR NEWS SPOIUGRT • mar· riap ud dJvoree. L a w c ....... .ceeat Dl mlgllt be u ecc:adrle twW w1aldl gabs b 17 'M. LIBRA Is lffelved ... llllere caakl be faror evu wlillt _,. mlgbt comldtr a &tie Uberal laterpretaUon of Ille nila. AJUES (March 2l·April 19): FOftdlll m«hodl 1tt you a· adly nowhere today. Have ......,. of <00\'fcUons. But -t toftb'. Maoy today are """1 lo throw caullGll to wln4S. You must keep yoar balance. TAlll\US (April 2Go:llay 20): ~ JOUt .,.. wellan. Dalli sa ao ltr afldd tbal you necle<t -Be frank, eoPecfal1J with yoondl. Ac- cent on cetttnc best value from m<:mey, ltudiel. GEMINI (May 11.June 2"): Your freedOm may b e restricted by 1 e g a I com- rO!pOOl!blllty. Dall'! try to shirk duty. Greait g a In. prestige are possible. But you must display unique talents. CANCER (June 21.July.%1): 11 wile, yoa will flnllb what you know. Means don't feel grass i.! necessarily greener across lbe way. Be analyUcal.- Malurity ud calm ~pproadl win ,..,.. goal Know tl>IJ. LEO (July 2$-Au(. %1): You IDIY find yourself Gii lbe move today. Plans an aabject lo cbanp. Ride with tbe tide. Take nothing for &ranted. Give full play lo lntellectual curios!· ty. YIRGO (Aug. ~· %1): Yoo msy be tempted to let Im- pulse culde finlDcla1 moves. Key ii lo be ""'l'liv• lo lo!ll<:. Waists Take the Wrap Bir rtllbhl!! cloches the waln!ine In this window· ....,. cboc:iod wool wrap which Is worn with a r;ibbecl dreu with turUeneclc. Done by 8. H. Wrau.e, It 11 ~ of. hlJ fAll-wlater collectlon to be vltwecl from 1l a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow and Thurs· dq In Robin!on 's, Fashion Island. strive for baJanct. Have fun without ruining your previOUJ plm., budiet. . IJllRA (Sept. 23-0cL 22): Ideas .11parkle. You are restless for progress. Thia Is a day to express yourself -in writing, art, other creative forms. You will not be satisfied with status quo. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Know values. Don't confuse il- lusion with actuality. Acctnt on what you get for money. Be informed. Have as mA"1 facts at hand u po&sible. Then you avoid beln1 deceived. SAGJ'ITARWS (Nov 22- Dec. 21): EICltement of 1olng placea, meeting p e op l e dominates. Day b out . of ordinary. Routine pes by wayside. CJrcmnstances turn in your favor. &It avoid ex- cea speed. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. lt): You aet aid from unortbodoz BOUrctl. Business attain are on upswing. In penonaJ life, presUge rises. Famlly diaagreement can be amiably settled -if you 10 desire. AQUARIUS (Jan. 26-Feb. ti): Friendship could blend Mlb travel. Vl.alttir could ar· rive. Individual who was con- fined to home or hospital 1et.s out. Be gracious, considerate. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Set 1lgbta on goal. Pacing b important If you attempt to go too fall, you miss major point. Meua1e Is clarifled by tonight. Cooperate in special project. IF TODAY JS YOUR BIRTHDAY you "l'!'rteiale tbe arta, with emphUla on music.. Your life bu i& d...... llUllW<IUI cbangOI recently. Yoo. may now be <OOtemplatln( change o I restdeoce. Domestic i\tu1tton is .it.erect. There is more to share. Post Time Announced Tnltead of the tradiUonal day al the races, Alpha Delta Pl, Southern Atta Cooncil wW -A Nli)>l at the Harness Races next Friday. Members and tMir cueats wlll travel to Hollywood Part for a cocktall reception from C:30 tot p.m. ln the Turf Club before post tlme at a. Tht proceeds will be given to the McClausland-Holmea FoundaUon. established in 1917 to eslabllah resurch fa - cllltits ln medical. aurglcal and allled 1Ciencu and to set up aJrogram for rehabilita- tion unwed mothers. Tbe foundattOn bas named the Florence. Crlttent.on home to be rec.ipitnt of funds raised Inn ticket aaiel for A Night at the Hamew Rices. AnfV110 wllblng to purchase llcbt& at $5 each. may ..i:•ll Mn. l\obtrt Hartunian. 962- '1034. - Mission Chosen ,For Ceremony 'Ille bJForic Old iw.m San o:ver yellow, were Cynthia Lub Obispo wa -by Lym ADrtd ud 5manne Mlcbele llardea ud Navy IL Feolberin&ill, nkces ol tbe 11ooa1d r: KJrtiy o1. Colla bndecn>om-!iaa to i,. the aettlng for Sieve strauss petf"11!ed tbe thelr e.i~e of •eddln& duties of beat man and ,uesl! pledltJ and r!nl•. wm ataltd by Jerry Reiten, Tbe early a f t er o o on Georae Allred, Dick Feather· ctmnoey w11 perfomied by ln&lll ud Tim Harden, brother tbe Rev. J1111t1 l"rerkeo for ol the bride. . tbe da\lllhter of Mr. ud Mn. . Oran&• llll!Junum a • d F. Sbeldon Rardonol San Lull hab'coail Down In Ir om OblipO ud tbe acn of :Mr. and Hawaii "'"' arriu11ed In :Mn. JOllph F. ll1rbJ: of Cotta decoratiooa for tbe San Luis M,.a. ' Obispo Country Club, where ', An emPw ,.,.. IJ( °'llDIO tbe MWiyweds r<e<IVed their ecceoltd with Jaoa wu cboo<D "::;. l>oneymooclnl I n Ill' the bdae .,.i her fteor Nor1bern Calllornla ud Late · loagth ..0 -caupt to • Tal1oe the newlywedl will ===--ud natde'inHawall. ldbs M lian1m t ..,,. bride .was areduated t-'ed belll~ maid •of-1-W..loo ~Ira( C&lholle ~ r -~r as H I 1 h School and hal comp-~, wu.rtna • lOlll ytllow leted two years at California chiffon IOWD and a picture bat Polytechnic College., San Luis of natural straw banded in Obispo. orange. Her husband. a graduate of Bridesmalds, w e a r 1 n I Mater Oei Hlgb School, at· matching aowns and l\aU: and tended UCLA, where he was carrying bouquets of orange affiliated with Phi Kappa marigolds, were Patricia Sigma fraternity, and Dalt.on. Clrby W'ia:ell. Cheryl callfom!a state College at Cooper and Ann Marie Lona Buch. He now ls sta. Harden. tioned at Pearl Harbor with Flower Cifls, in white eyelet the Navy. Small World Theme Club Be.gins New Year France will be the flrat atop In the Small World journey of tbe Junior Ebell Club of Ntwpart Beach when tbe club begins a new year 'nut Thurs· day in the Ebell Clubhouse. The meeting will be called to order at 10 a.m. by Mrs. Warren Fix, prelident, and luncheon will follow t b e buainess HSSion. Mrs. Roger Sherman, lint vice president, will call upon chairmen for reports, in· eluding Mrs. Harlow Ricbard.wn, ways and means, who will discuss a Nov. 12 boutique. Health chairman. 1'-1 rs . Lionel Da Silva, will discuss wrllinJ letter• to legiglaton in support of the Venereal November Date Set 1'ie enj:a1ement of Judith Ann Maelltr and Dudley t.ewis Rosser of Campbell has been announced by Mr. and Mn. Elmer Jo s e p h Mueller of lluntingtco Beach, parents of the bride-to-be. The coople plan to marry In La Venta Inn, Palos Verdes E!tates, Surlday, Nov. 23. Miss Mueller is a graduate of Marina H1&h School and her !lance, !Ol'I of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosser of Campbell. also was graduated from Marina Hi&h. DI...,. bill and will report on a Halloween candy aaJe .plan- ned for tbe October meeting lo benefit the Kidney Foundation. Youth chairman, Mr 1 . Jamea Murar, will announce a baby~1lttln1 clin~ In November for Girl Scout!. New officus and chairmen will be introduced, including the Mmes. Murar, recording secretary; B I m Hutings, hiltorlan, and Wllllam Burke, program chairraan. Welcomed as a new pro- visional will be Mn. Richard Bechtel, and rtinstaled into membership will be Mrs. B1.1tke. The program 111·ill b e presented by Miss Ann Struck. owner of &n area boutique shop. JUDITH MUELLER Wiii Morry Pearl Harbor Cited • THIS IS A LAMPSHADE? -Thal is the question ballgoers will ask when they attend the seventh annual Lampshade Headdress Ball next Saturday benefit .. ting the Orange County Association for Retarded Children. Trying o.n I a 1 t year's sweepstakes winner is Mrs. Gerald L. Thompson .(center) while Mrs. Jack Nelson (lelt) and Mrs. George Zavas offer a helpin&" hand. New Series lmproyiDg Diet , exercise and weigbt control will open a four-part series on A Better Self Concept Through Fashions and Good Grooming being ron- duct.ed by Goldeo West Even- ing eouep. The smion will begin al 7:30 p.m. today in the college center and is open to the public al no charge. The series ls sponaored by the college in collaboration with the May Co., South Coast Plaza. Future topics to be discuss- ed include Cosmetics: Your Best Face Forward, on Tues- day, Sept. 30; Hair: It 's What's On Top That Counts, and Fashions : Your Personali- ty Is Showing. Specialists trom the May Co. staff will lecture a n d demonstrate, and the 1eries will be aimed at both men and women. Headdress Ball Old Lampshades Have New Moment of Glory There'll be more fancy lampshades in Balboa next Saturday than you can shake a i;t.ick at. It won't be an interior designers' convention or a showli:ig of new h o m e fumlshln&S, but the seventh aMual Lampshade Headdress Ball benefitting th e Orange County As1ociation for Retarded Children. Ballgoers, wearing plain, ordinary lampshades decorated to depict Historical and Unusual Happenings. will enter the TaJe ol the Whale restaurant at I p.m. for the ESP Facts Analyzed Facts and Fantasies About Extrasensory PucepUon will be diJClllltd by Andrew W. headdress parade. Judging wiU be Dick Lane of radio and television fame; Sally Baker , television's Hobo Kelly, and Kathy Marlowe of movie fame. They will present the Qleen's Trophy for the most beauliful and outstanding hat and model, along with four trophies for the runnerHlp. Diet Weeks of Newport Beach, diltrlct director of California Couacll for Retard· ed CbUdrtn, will serve 11 master of ceremonies. Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Tetzloff of Fullerton are producing tht ahow • and Mr. and · Mrs. George Zavas of Anaheim are c00rdinaUDg the activiUes. Following the parade of 1 • lampshade headdresses, an evening o( dancin& will be en- joyed by memben and guestt to the music of Tracy Well and the Yachtsmen. No.host cocktails and door prius will round out the evening. Speaker Gives Warning Kish , lnstructor at Saddleback College, for members o{ Parent! Wit.bout Psrtnen nen Friday. Tickets a n d information may be obt.aioed by calling the OCARC O{fice in Santa Ana, 541-4458, or Newport Beach, ... ~. Ki.oh, hla1ory and poycho1o11 R S I teacher, la a member of Phi ummage 0 e "We must give importance credlbllity cap tn our Com· to the lesson of Purl Harbor munist canfrontaUons, the ad- today," was the warnln& of mlral adcted. If they ukl no. Rur Adm. ("'t.) Wllllam C. "''d havo lo go throu&b wltb Chambliss, lint speaker tn the it. current Harbor Forum series. la the cue that we would "We are threatened," the have to Co throuah with tt. speaker further staltd, sating OWnbllu .,,_..,sted thst we that the United States must ftnt send fUJhll loaded with nol.. let another Pearl Harbor JeaDet.s over the lndu!trial happen In tts approachina con-are11 6t Red China, and drop ruct with Red China. tht leaflets, wbJcb would say Chambliss described the "Boys, get out of towu. The events Jeadlng up to the Dec. 7 next one's for real." 7 surprise atlaci:, p~1entln1 the "For all the criticlsma level· charges or negllrence laid ed at us," Cbambllu com- q:ainst Adm. Husband E. menled, " we I j v e under a Klmmel and U. Gtn. Walter government more iesponsive C. Short. in command at Pearl to the demonstrated will of the Harbor, and the Pentagon majority than anywhere. aimmanders. "To prevent a Pearl Harbor America lniUlte every means poafble to make lllf't that the Communist Chinese regime never has the me.ans to carry out Its threat of , nuclear destruction or aubjugaUon. "We must recocntu a basic fact Of Ufe: conruct is b>- evil.able between d J ct a to ,. economies ar>d awn f r e e enterprise system. "In our fru enterprise system, \l'e are so economically efficient th a t dictator economies c a n n o t compete with ours. War i!I the on1y way dictators can rea ch their own as dictators." Beta Kappa and national honor IOdcUes for taniuase, Starbrlgbt 'Club of Newport economlca aod educatlcift. He Beach wm seU rummap la a msjor In tbe Army :11111-Thunday, Friday and Satur· tary Intellilence -.,., and day, Sept. :is, :M and 2'1, at was a -1al agent of the 1714 Newport Blvd., ·Com ,Counter fntelll1ence Corpo In Mesa. Doors will open at t Europe. 1-.a;;;.m;;;. -· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Single pannts In the South .. Coast area wbo are widowed. WurDher separaled, ordlvorced,wltb<r ORGANS without the CUltody of thtir children . are invtted to the I All MODELS p.m. meeting tn the Laguna AVAILABLE Federal Savtnas and Loan building. Laguna Beach. W A L L I C H S A socbl hour "Ith MUSIC CITY refresbments ls plaMed for SOUTH COAST PLAZA the latter part of the evenina. Anyone wishing further ;,,. T ·E·R·M·S Medical Group formation rruy call Mn. COSTA MUA 5414,., P.farge Miller. 494-2025, or llllTOL AT SAN 011•0 PWY. Every , second Tuesday or .:_M~n~. Ar~li~ne:_Ki".:·~n!:g,~4~~~~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ the month members ol Oral'lle1- Shotts. Medkal Asst.t1nt.s' Assodatlnn aseemble al I p.m. LocaUoo may be obtained by calling Mrs. Janis Anderson, 499-2511 . "Today's threat is nuclear coofronlation with Communist aU.ack from C o m m u n I s t China, we all, u American China," he said. "Thau&b Chi· dtizeM, 'must make t b e na cmnot dellvtr nuclear .uprmie uaiflce ol taking warheads lo specltlc targeU flft minute.! out of our lives, llO'lf, they will have the seeodin& siJ. ctnts for a capabllhJ In !WI moalhl if stamp, and writing to the: allowed to go on." President, ask i n 1 that Otint has no fur of nucltat\p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:I ..... ,,.._, TO 90 NATlYI IN" ' M•ri CirtYfl "BE COt.4FORTABLE IN YOUR CUPS" .. .. conOlcf with the United Sta It•, Chambllu stressed. Mao Tte- tung has stated that two hun- dred mi.Ilion Chinese Jives could be spared-11 many a.s the whole population or t be BRAS • GIRDLES -PROSTHESIS .. United State!! Wb1t are the solutionJ ! We can Sl1 to Communist Ollna. For YOU• Cor11f.,t t11 Ml"tl ~~~J:', ~ .. ~\1~ foi'~~-!1 1 ~.Jl .. __ •_o_·_, _ •• _:i_o_o_·_, • __ _, ~off for you," the spe1br ()t J' Graduete Corset;eres aaid. In fhlJ -· Ibey -Id 150 I • IAST I YTH snm either atvt 1 e r l o u 1 eon-"idention.to the thrut or they Hill1r•111 S41•1r1 -642°S4JO would say no, not be.Jiering Linv•rie. Robtt COSTA MESA that \l'e mffnt It. Theft i3: •''-------------------...:1 CUSTOM FITifD IY S,ECIALISTS ... I HAWAIIAN SHO .. S 1J6 SHtti •• c ..... Drlw Of-·S .. rp • ,. r f • ' ( I I ' ,. r r f ( ; f I I I - • r • Mesa I EOIT'ION"- Pretty Cindy Belllilger, '1g;year-o!d Orang~ Coast College-student from Corona del Ma)' took her last· dip of the 1969 summer season Monday .. Today, ~.'is the 'fit~t day of fall an~ the swim season for pretty .girl& iS fading with,the sunset. · Double Funerals Slated ... . . I Fo~M'Mmr·W:•~ttmer' . , ... _,,;r-. t ....... 1'. ..... ·~~~'.~.~, ' -• • A-doobl< funeral !or -• Costa Mesa 1be-hpme, Mr. Alcorn 11·-tunived by ..nor and. his_ stei>falliet-. killed Jn, a brodi<n .Dean. Saiita Ana and Ridlard. car crash early Sundiy while en route t!J . Loa N!g~~o _listen Helen . Tracy, or bur' ·the (amily q -will be held Moritana and Nellie Eckert, of England. wedne.day, wilh a "Navy chaplain ol· ficlat:ing. Rites will tie at 11 a.m. In the Finl Melhodist Church of Co6ta.Mm,•wilh Jn. tennent for both victlmi ~to-folloW at Harbor Rest Memorial Park, llOI far lrcm the family .home. Alfred G. Alcorn, 47, and Mkbael G. Fore!, 17, bolh of 315Z Sicily Ave., CjJ<ta MeSa.. were deal:l'at the mdentSCP'#·on Pacific Coast .lllgb,;ay 'nW-.Newlsiid Street in Huntington Beach. • N&Vy-aiapllim w.,...,;'D..'Truinbo'will o{ficiate at the dC:ilble ritft. With Bell Broadway Martmry ditecting the I'!'· rangements. · 'lbd -Fon! boY Is sm iifti! . by . his mother. Mrs.1 Cai-ot •Alcorn.' hil father and mpmother, MrL ·and MA. .c/onlon H. Ford. Torrance; bnJtbm,, Joffrey· Font, COsta Mesa; ind Bob Ford,. Torrance; tbre<»-rs. Dale and Wendy Alcom, Costa Mwi;. Kalhieen Ford, Torrance; grandparents. Mr, ~ .-Jamu Ford, South Gatfi ~ grandmo&her, Mrs. Macy Pehuua, Lo& Anielea. Besides his WU.. oiel""" Jeffrey 1'onl and claugltters Dale anc1:wen<1y Alcom, o1 Burglar P.laying Finders Ke.eper.s In €osta:. Mesa . House Group ~jects Nixon . Postal Reform . . . . . ~WASlllN91'0N'(~)-Plesidenl Nu'.· ~ai·1 P°Jltil ~..corporation ' propoaal,.Wll8 · ""'-Iii: <l!Jlm lJy • the 'House Poot OHie. :Cmnmit:tee today limier a ~ -~'1!1air proceclllre Jhat Jell In , doutit W ~for JJViyjll. · ;,...· VQte,. w.hlth was r e,c.o rd e d ' unAhlmouSJy by · the · 26-memlier . com- mittee.. was to aCC1?pt in alternate refOrtn plariby Cbairman T!wl<leul J. Dulski ([). N.YJ, as the bas.le approach to be ·follow~ ed. . .lfb8.-vote was eipected. Bot under JrOo «dur.e· approved last week, there was supposed to tie a secood vote on whether taTft'rlte the chairman's plan lrito a . COlpQl"atioo bill But 9bjections were rais- ed and the RCOOd vote was not·taien. Dulski 11aid he will 'call a new meeting, JlO'll!l>ly'llUI week. I • 3 More Seek Vacant Seat On Plan Board ' . KJ.SKO TO TAKE <. RtD SOX HEf,M . . · N.etvPoi:t: Delii11• Aetfen . . •• . ('I . ' . . :Pter· Fees J ' • • ' . . ... . .. .,., .. ,..,-,,..~~~ ...;, . ..~, "'°'·"""'""''' :.a:a~ . ./")1~~·",,;;'f. ...... :ff Gfl '" . ~· . ,. -.- ' trtkidi HJlitl·.Schobl '~,unda.,Slw ;or ;nows how il's 'dli)le iii homemilililg 'class as ritllii!·Jlloane8"'iteachers of El!l!liSh '(left to riglltj !Kagfio Sak11111a;I Tom:ldaldta and Takehilto J(fto. locik ·OD. .Wititeoilier teacher "Mr.I, •<Jbi10ko -:Mliblina,'llt.Y are llayln(, aev· era! ·w..U •Wllll .h!>st.':timilles· :Ieambig'jibout ·American, life, and ·~chool,~. , -· .... : _ ...•. • .. • I • • ' .. ' . ,• . ' .owners. .. 1'.Y. \ • \ j DAILY 'ILOT ttelf""" ' Report~rs ' . Want'NiXon • Come~nce ' J WASIDNGTON. (AP) -Presidut Nil· oo bat not held a formal new• contertftce • .In more than Uu:te month,, and reparttra bave bee~ peppering hlJ Fl'™ oecr<tary, -L. Z1e1ler. with quelllonl lboolt their lock of direct contacl with, the Prtoldenl ' Aft.r aucb a go.roond Tuuday Zle1ler aaid wwllJ': "I think we will be having one In the near future.'' Since takbig office, the Prealdent baa held formal preu confer.nce lllx Ume1 - the motJt recent one on Jime 11. He also met ~ in July In Guam, bot tl!at MUion wu restricted to dllcutalcn of the Far Eut aituatioft. On Tuesday a reporter ..,ked once agaJn wbJ there had been none lince June. "When we ha\'e one 1ehedu1ed we·u have a tlme and date," Ziqler old. 1he newsmen went on io other ques- tion• and then IOmeOnl asked whether Ute lack ol meetlnga with Nb<on wu due to policy or clreumstanc:a. "Ob, L don~ want to 1et Into why he baa or hun't had a ntw1 conWtnct,'' Ziegler said. And apln be wu llbd. Pioneer Peddles Medals 1"1bere ii no bWc Polley rtuon. f<r nol havini a preu confennce," Zle&Jt.r llnall)' said. "I think "''D be havlq one m the near tututi;" • ' ' . Mn1 BUnl\Mo Yorba, a m,ember of family •hicb settled Orange Councy, offers BU:entonnlal medals at rr.!O for silver and 13 for bronze. Proceeds from 200lh anniversary medal• 10 to Mnlcan· Americ;an &cbolerships. Kickoff sale .Friday was at Richard's Lido Martel, Newport Beech. Site was ooly a tld,..washed sandsplt when Mrs. Yorba's forebears arrived. Tboee eori 1 espondeotl who t r • v e 1 rqu!arly with the Praldent on Air F«ce One have hid 100M1 aWdanoe not available to 'others. Travel on a preflden· tlal plane la lllUll1y natrlcted lo repraenta1lvet of the maJor nrws aervl<el and lo • nportu ucb from macu!nes. ..._,., and broad· cialm. . ' Newport Gives Gre~n Flag Theee newmen are able to talk with prooldenUal -Oil IUCb Oishi>. Ziegler n«maliy meela with Iha White Houae prw corpa twice daily I« brief· lnp. . •\ . To Bay Flights for Movie A ouplane will be IPlalhinJ UOlll1\I Upp!I" Newport Bay FrldOJ « Sllunlay, acoordlllg lo Walt DilMy movie ollidab. N""JIOl'I Beacll dty councilmell Mon· ' Crew$ Sealing PiTare~ Nowpoot Jlelch dlY 'cmr' today lllr1<id lo !Ill In tbe ---ol Ccnnl. del Mir'• ,;u.ate CQve cavern whlcb "111 be ~alid ol!'by. Iron ban and pt.. w!lhln the nezt few weeka. The actual installallon of the !rm hara and gates to close off the aiJne.at. tnct1ng caYea far the wint!r montba: will tab place nezt Wedneadl)', city aides said. '""' plel and tunnel In Ute ICellic cavern wUJ be open during the daylight hoanlnaumm<rtlme. The councll decided lo authorize Ute selllng pf the landnwk after """m· menda.Uons from police, who cited llCOrel of. arreata and la.w enforcement problem blamed on the cave'• attracUon aa a Estancia Boosters To Meet Wednesday El!l&nda High Booalen Club wUJ bold • fmt..of-the-year 1eoeral meeUn1 at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the faculty lounge at the oclJool. Movl" concenilni the foothlll season will be lhown. Lasl 1<" the -n ""'trlbuted 1921 lo the athletic -· '4U for acadrmlcs and '1150 lor studtnt welfart. ' ' ' CllWf09 CONtt "*-COMPAll"I ............. ---....... c.w, .. ..._ ........... n..t•A.~ -----IJOWnl a., sn..t \ 11.m..-•.o. .. tUO,ftlll --............ i tftl ....... ....... .._...., ..... ._ ............... - . t'!t' """'· ...... -:: ' IWL•.,._.. ... _. =..:.-.:-.~ .. o:.= ~" ............... 5 ::011'"i = .\-:. =r= .................... --... ,,,-m•JMMJn a r ''' C' , ....... = .. .._c.-........ -... ---....... --·'::' .... ~. •••llf .......... .. = . ....--. . , .. u:--;r~ :r,:,:-= _,.... w-'I••...,, 1.,......, .. ........,,,. '~~~ .. . . . . " ( d11 llltht -lo Ute -and lmlinp. 3 Laguna Youths Held in $12,000 LSD Sale Charge A Dlmey opokmn1n emphasized that only ..,. clay's lllmlna la involved ml no more than three Oighla requited. The 5ctnfis will be med in the movie, "'Boat.. nik4," llarrin& cmiedian PhD Silvers. nu.. Lquna llu<h youths and a eotn· Munldpal lawmaken called lo r panion fnlm Sooth Galt were arraated ......i-ta of the dty cade. lo a1law the Monday ,qht on charl., of l<lllnl -'-ntplr( O'l!I' baMed by law. '12,000 worlh of Ll>D lo nan:otica in· Althongb the-I W«lll .. Jo,ef·,-vutJcafln. , feel iJntll, -llir weolt'I ntptr, City The mall II) lbe parkinl Jot of a Allornq 'Mly 11eymo1Jr uld beeaute the lhopplns c:ompla llOUth of lbe Lquna ci· coaDdl'1 tnttnt b clear, '"we· can fw\Ct 1 ty Umttl culminated a joint undercover little-ch the"time." · l:nvestlgatJon by detect!ve1 from the Laguna Buch •nd Downey police IMll.Y Pll.OT Stiff,... Vne.rpected Game What J. M. Williams, 217 De· lroit St.. Huntington Beach. was hunting was nol this 4111· foot timber rattlesnake, but he bagged it anyway. Reptile, e>· tremely large !or this breed, was shot Sept. 12 near EU· wanda, San Bernardino County, after Williams slid down a slope while humlng -almost on top of the ra!tler. Snake. meat wound up on dinner table. departmen~ and the Lakewood StaUon ol · the Lna Angel., Police Departmen~ Held in lieu of tl0,000 ball ucb, as detectives aeU complaints from the District AUorney'a office are: Keat Ktlvhl Kelly, 20, 825 SU View St., Arthur Jord1n Stlney, 17, a Anita St. and Ptlart John Simmon, 19, 789 Park Ave., all of Laguna Beach and John Pastorello, 11, of Sooth Gate. Detedlvet reported that immediately prior to making the arreata at 7:40 p.m. Monday, they had purchased a large quanUty of LSD from the auapecUi. Street l!lle value ol. the drua: purchased was eaUmat.ed at $12,000. Father Sentenced! For Hiding Body Of Go-go Dancer CIUCAGO (UPI) -BuainelSlllon Samuel Saikin, found innocent ol murder· ing the a<>go dancer b18 aon hopld to marry, wu 8enlenced to from two to lhree years in prison today for plotting to hide her body. A jury lala Monday loond Salkln In- nocent of the 1layin1 of Ella Jean Scott, 18, but guilty of conspirina: with hlll aon to ob.!Jtruct jusUct. The son, Joel, 211. tesWled his father fell in Jove with Mlll Scott and uked her to undergo bratn IUflBY to wipe out her memory ol Joel and or her soldier hus- band. The father killed her when she refused. the aoo aaid. The elder Salkin iMisted his son wts the murderer. In passing r;entence, Criminal Court Judge Philip RomiU aatd, ''Thia ls a very grave and very aerkiw offenu which is borne 0\11 by the fact !hit the murdor and murderer ma7 have to ao unpunlahed." Pendleton Marine Dies Of Accident Injuries A _camp Pendleton Marine clJed thil momlng •t South Coal! Community ~ of hesd Injuries ...i!ered In a Sept. 11 lralllc accldent !hit left another Maril!o dead al Ute ..,.,,._ A depot)' c•••ntr uld Lloyd F <rqUll" Jr., Jt, died at 6:20 1,m. Olvid Prout, JI, of Camp Pendleton wtl killed outri1ht when a car plunged into a culvert Mir Laguna Niguel ln Ult \ eat\v mOl'llins accident. . Callfomla ffll)iw11 ~ said the driver, Da\oid E. Moan, 21, C&mp Peodlelon Marine and Forquer wm crltlcally Injured In the acddanl ll OCXCllTed on Camino Capistrano ..,.. quart. mile north of Rancho Viejo Road. lnves\)1aUn1 ollicerr 11ld the car atruct • guard pola and plunged Into a draina1e dllch. -· J~ CJaim -u .Bars ' , • .. ... .. ~ ,,., • 'i. ,. }. •• ' .. • ·~ • • ... '.;;i ... i' ..... U1111ED -NA'J'fOl:fC, N.V.--1~)~ - ,Egypt and ltlo Suclao .. cetited ~.\Joited S1ateo ~ of~ pesoa'~ th• Mlddte Eut by ~ aupport, to -1. • 'rhe tiro Arib coontita made the cllarger.lh ~ ..... lo Iha ~··· u ... Genenl Aaoql!llJ,~#rird country, ataallecl Jirtot but "'1f.alnec! from 11\Y cflU-~ i,W \1llltocl ••· out111c1o !he~ lllW~art. ihe ~rtllJlj" I~ ~;t~red the mi l,'ltil in'. ttif·~~~c:riai.< W..'that Jmi:el lind.'lbe ~ itf*.pould freeze their "°"tml t<iwiif .. -IOhdlon. "U once they lroiie tl\riilelver)I may be lnipossJbJe lo iii: a ~'It ail," ..... be'lllid In reply ~quelUcos..:ar a news confernict!. ' • ~ DIA y "II.OT" 11.n ,... Westclitf Drlve's New Mantle Construction workers rake base coat lnto the eastbound lanes of Westcli!f Drive in Newport Beach for new asphalt pavement. AJ they patch over the filled trenches of a ,300,000 storm drain, crews up the road a ways are still laying the huge pipeline. Traffic bas beei: corr densed into the other :side of the road divider as the work continues. Newport's Future: Group Sees Bridges, No Planes By JOHN VALTERZA Of Ille Delbl P'lllt Sllff Climaxing ntarly 1 year and S0,000 man hours of work, Newport Tomorrow's M cltiien planners today unveiled their glimpses into the Newport Beach o( the future. Diguted into a 20-page document are recommendations in about 50 basic categories for planning is.sues that touch all segments of the community. Among the key recommendations : -A new bridge to be built over Upper Newport Bay, -HUI' parking lots connected to residential areaa via a ahutUe trangporta· lion systm. -A center f'?f. .tht perfonninc and visual arts. preferably in the new civic ceii!er C11mplex In N~ Center. -Newport Beaich lhiluld ~eep :oil ln- dustries'and jet planea out. -It should be a beautiful city with parka: and view point.a -windows to the aea and bay. -Upper Newport Bay's tidelands on tht easterly aide 1bould be city-owned, for public use. -The Back Bax. area should ha ve a wlldllfe refuge. -Plana should be dra\\-11 up lo guarantee the air and water do not sue· cumb to pollution. · OffJcially, the document will be handed out thla: eveninJ: at a sociaJ reception honoring tht volunteers at the Balboa Bay Club. Whal the Newport Tomorrow members will set is the dlslillate of hundreds of hours of :neeUngs, hearings and debate!. It covers seven basic planning areas: re&ldential, commercial, l n du at r I a I, harbor, public facllitivi, townscape and transportation. ~EN11AL -To preserve the high.quality rt!ldential environment, it is essential that a general plan be developed to dealgnate aubcommunlty and density requiremtnts for residential patterning, open space and view developmenl and protection; quality standards of con· $truction; priorities for redevelopmenl of deteriorating l!ltructures in the city; re- YOUR quirement! lnaurini control CJf vi· vtronmental Pollution and future an- ne1aUon plana. The committee recommend!! that :single-family dwellings be encCJU1'aged, along wifh as much diversity as po11slble. "Geographic configuration and n:at estate development have created village. like subcommwtiUel!I in the Newport Area. "They should, therefore, be en· couraged." Private subcrimmunities, lhe m1n- mittee: recommends, should be en· couraged , as long as legal prtcaulions are taken to make sure private facllltles Ate mal.ntained in perpetuity. From Page J FREEWAY ... ported the N""J)OJ't action to his council. His councihnanic colleagues acctpted his report and conclusion with little com· ment. Wilson explained to the DAILY PILOT : ''I believe that on anything that will help Newport wilhln it! own boundaries, it should be our city's policy to tell them to go to it." He emphasited, however, that lf New- port's studies ~tend beyond the Cooa!t f'reeway'! adopted route corridor and hence lead to a request for reopening of the issue before the California Highway CommiS!lion, "I doubt. very much that our city would support it." A few years ago, Ntwport unruccess· fully promoted 15th Street in Newport Heights as an alternative freeway route. The street at points ii a common boun- dary of the two cities. "A route like that would definitely hurt Costa Mesa," said Wilson. Devlin ~id his report to the Newport council on Oct. 13 would probably be in two pa.rl.5. "First, I'll bring them up to date on recent Coast Freeway develop- menUI by state designers. Second, I'll review the advantages and dlsadvantage:i; of an inland alignment ol the freeway." He said he would make no recommen· datlonS". ''That's a policy matter that is strlctly up to the council." -----!!19•• y °"" Omtgis ~4l•• Ii ServM:I Agenc~ 0 Olt\EGA n... "'"' ...... c ..... ~. S,.9'M11itt Wi it~ "I lct1ry w11 Ml.ct.4 witlt- ... ..., •-'!flutl1• ~., MAM .. M -lty • .,,. "'" •• .... "'""· Tio.it r1c0fllltl1"' trvf.r 1 ,.., WATCH' .... -·-·-... , ... FREE •••• fir -"-••• 111••· .. .,.... ... ~. Ylltf •w .. wl-4 0..1t• i-el1r, C.-I• -H• thl• • ., ....... 2 ~""·"' 4 oillll, °""f1 S,...tlM1 .. .., .1w....,.,~. '"" .. i, ... kit ..... "' ....... ~ •• ........ Mw ,,, .. •Ml-...... $2.00 FROM s4aa ll.m:UN• '"!It lllltS $100 -~-'"!.°""' $6.00 MP\A ••• ,._ .~ .. u:,..:. . '"'"''= '°"' WNILf t;f'Arf 11lMS AYAIU.AI But bo addod thaf hf be)loYedm'; pro- ~ was .being made in 'tho .0Qlllinuin1 illplomattc efforts !" .,\Jrk.100!.<an Yah- Iaraeli peace package th'af ~ ac- cepted by both sides. Mahmoud Rlad, the Egyptian foreign n1inister, told the asseriibly that U.S. military and poliUcal 111pport of l!rael - such as the 11Upply of U.S. Phantom jeti!ll -violated the U.N. charter 'Ind ''is against peace in Ute Middle EUl" "It is wllhln our right," be aaid, "lo asl< the Uolted Stalea lo fol)ow in Ute Middle East a policy ol llJ!ltice com· patible with the charter and tn its own commitments, and to proceed fnm the principle that the right of an Arab man tCJ peace, his land and hla home lho!lld not be sacrificed to 1aWfy 1Jrael'1 drUms of territorial expansion." ' Graduate School For Mesa Dog Training Slated The Costa f\.1esa Recreation Department's dog obedience course opens IUI doors to canine enrollees thls month, complete with a graduate !Choo]. Actual training begins Sept. 30 at the Community Recreation Center, re.ached via the west gate by the Orange County Fairgrounds. Fee for the 10-week session is SlS and each :succeeding class attef. the firs~ orientation -(or masters only -Will be held at Te\\'inkle Park. Registration will be Sept. 25 from I to I p.m. and Sept. 26 and '11 from I ~.m .. k> t p.m. in RecreaUon Departthedt offrca at the Costa Mesa Civic Center. Children 9 to 15 and their dogs meet Tuesday nlghta at I p.m., while 'T p.m. ls the hour for adults and I p.m. ii the Ume set for graduate school. Completion CJf novice dog obedience training is a prerequisile. Labor Warned Not to Make Inflation Worse .... ATLANTIC CITY. N.J . (AP\ -A Nix· on administration official told AFL-CIO construction unlon:r today lhat the nation cannot solve its critical housing shortage: unless they hold down inflationary wage demands and open their doors wider to give building trades jobs to Negroes aIJilJ other minority groups. "Over half of all American Iamilie.~ cannot afford a new home today," said Undersecretary Richard C. Van Dusen o( the HousJng and Urban DevelCJt>me,( Department, In urging the uniooa to moderafe soaring wage increases that are running about 20 percent thill year. and bade' " • " • -Hwlhi"'911 c .... ._.., E..,., HUNTINCJTON IEACH Harllor Slioppl119 C•nlll' . 2300 tt.bor llY4L COSTA MESA I m m.s~1 I I 11 I· I I j DR EW 'ROUGH EST HEAT' Huntington'• Lewis BAD SET, BAD BREAK Sumr John DOYis Wipe Out Time 3 Beach Sur fe rs T urned B ack By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 llM 0.111 rll91 S1'ff The tumult and shouting that sur- rounded Huntington Beach's U.S. Surfing Championships has died away today, but not the gloom in some local surfing cir· • des for "what might have been." Three of Huntington's top contenders in the national champioMhip competition fell on evil days as last weekend's contest got under way. David Nuuhiwa. last year·s winner tn tht men's division and recipient of the Duke Kahanamoku Trophy, hobbled around on a driftwood cane Sunday, his hope for a return victory nearly reduced to nil after slicing his foot on a surfboard fin. Twenty-0ne year old Nuuhiwa, owner of his own surfshap on Ocean A venue, had a collision wilh another surfer in practice Friday when the other man's fin ripped between the toes of his left foot and cut a gash that went down to the bone. "That's my surfing foot,'' said David / Saturday, "I don't know if I can compete • or not." At the insistence of his father who sew· ed up ttis gash personally, David entered Sunday's competition with a swollen fool. Father David , a world karate cham · pion, ttis mother, and cousins all watched aniiously as Nuuhiwa, his ta'ce cringing with pain put his board through the paces. Unfortunately a bad set of waves, cou~\ed with healthy c?mpetition, put Davld out of the running before the finals, At Chuck Dent's shop, just around the comer on Main Street, 19-year-old Randy Lewis, another top contender in the same division, was already back on the job as salesman when the finals were held. "I got last in my heat. I think it must have been the roughest heat of the day. I think l'll go gel a beer," said disgruntled Lewis after his event, grabbed his wife and left in silence. It was a tough break for Lewis, an outstanding local surfer. who has designs on becoming the world's number one boardman. John Davis, 17 , a veterinJ.ry medicine rnajor, who rides for the Greek Surfshop, failed to y.·in in the juniors division, as he had anticipated. Although he d~ribed the six lo IO.foot high waves as "my kind of ocean,'~ hapless Davis caught a bad set and was unable to prove his skill to the 10 judges on the poor breakers. This winter, if he can muster the cash. Davis hopes to go to Hawaii, get in some practice on the really big ones, and come back to Huntington Beach to win. It was a bad day for the loca ls, the best showing by the army of Huntington Beach surfers having been a third place captured by I7·year old Brad Baylis in the junior division. BuL there is always next year. F/Jeerts Confounded .....,,. I SurprMes Come Quickly In World Star Regatta By ALMON LOCKABEY D•llJ' ,lie! llMIJRI 1t:•1ter SAN DIEGO -When 44 Star sailors square off in a major regatta surprises are not unusual. And so it was in the first race o( the 4Sth Slar "Worlds" here Monday when Alan Holt of Seattle confounded the ex- perts and sailed home a winner ahead of several former world champions and Olympic medalists. Holt, who for many years has played secood fiddle to his mentor and boat builder world champion Bill Buchan, came from behind to win by two minutes I Scl1ool Boar ds Cannot Bar I Tap e Recorders Westminster Elementary S c h o o 1 District trustees today have the opinion of Orange County Coonse!, legal adviser to school districts. that 'the)' may hot bar tape recordet& frbrn school board meetings. They also may not, county counsel rul4 ed, restrict discussioo from the audience to those who live within the school district or have been invited to the board meeting. The county counsel opinions were re- (lUested by Trustee Matthew Weyuker after other board members stated their intent to pass · palicy banning tape recorders and rest.riding those wbo could address tbe board. "I found this an abridgement or lrtedom of speech, Weyuker said. Deputy County Counsel R a g n a r Engebretsen didn't use the same word s, but struck down the prohibitions. Regarding use of a tape recorder, Engebretsen referred to a ruling given the Fountain Valley school board in 1966 that courts have heJd tape recorders may not be be banOed from public meetings unless they are so noisy •s to disturb the med.ing. Fountain Valley &e:hool officials made their 1966 inquiry when a man with Lape recorder concealed in his jacket was seen standing near board members and ad· mlnlstrators in conversation following a board meeting. The Westminster board 'JSt spring told a man in the front row to remove llls tape recorder, which he did and attempted Jong haod r.otes, Weyuktr said. Regarding limllalion ol lhose who may •ddreu the board, Eng~bretsen said courts have ruled against n. and IO seconds over his nearest rival, Stig Wennerstrom of Sweden. But it wasn't that the SeatUe skipper came out of nowhere. He was in con· tcntion for the first hair of the race as he :;ailed close behind Foster Clarke of the Bahamas and Malin Burnham of San Diego over the first three legs of the course. It was on the second weather leg that lfolt took command after what appeared to l>e a desperation tack away from l•'ostcr and Burnham to get clear wind. While Clark and Burnham continued !heir covering duel on port tack, Holt flopped to starboard and wriggled his way through the rest of tbe fleet still coming dO\\'n wind. The maneuver paid off as Holt lacked into a freshening breeze on the left side of the course. As the fleet again approached the windward peg, Holt was a minute and five seconds ahead 0£ Clarke and Burnham and dropped back to sixth place. So it was a new race as others who had played the left side of the course moved through the former leaders. It was on thi.s leg that Wennerstrom and his coun· tryman Pelle Petterson made their bid, as did Holt's hometown rival Bucban, all of whom had been far back in the pack on the first beat to weather. Petterson finished third and Buchan fourth: Lowell North, three time world cham4 pion and 1968 Olympic gold medalist. won the start but soon disappeared in the pack as he chose the wrong side of the course and was fifteenth at the first mark. On the lasl two legs he moved Past several boats to finish tenth. Other Southland sailors finishing in the first 10 were Chuck Lewsadder. Newport Beach, sixth: Burnham, San Diego, seventh: Barton Beek, Los Angeles and Newport Beach, eighth. Tom Blacka\ler of Sa!I Francisco Unished ninth. Wind at tbe start was a light six knots but freshened to about 12 on the second beat, dropping agitin to about eight knoli on the final two legs. The series continued here today and Wednesday with Thursday designated as a lay-day. The series concludes Friday and Saturday. FIRST-DAY FINISHERS t. Ariel, Alan Holt <Seattle); 2. BloUX, Stig Wennerstrom (Sweden); 3. Humbug VII, Pelle Petterson (Sweden): 4. Frolic, Bill Buctuln (Seattle); $. Creepy IV, FosW.r Clarke (The Bahamas); 6. Zucker Kanninchen , Chuck Lewsadder {Newport Beach ); 7. Ulassbox, Malin Burham (San Diego): 8, l·lannah, Barton Beek (Los Angeles); 9, Good Grief. Tom Blackaller (San F'rancisco); 10. North Star, Lowe.II Nort.:.1 (San D!f)go), 'I HOBBLED BY INJURY Nuuhiwa and Friend Fountain Valley Apa rtme11t Plan Draws P r otests ~1ore than 100 apartment opponents ap- peared before the Fountain Valley Plan· ning Commission last week to express displeasure at a proposed apartment complex near .Brookhurst Street. In the face of overwhelming odds, the applicant retreated and withdrew his re- quest, but wilh an apparent eye on a larger apartment request in the future. The area concerned is a narrow stretch of land at lhe southwest corner of La Alameda Avenue and Brookhurs\ Street. Charles Ishii, owner of the land, bad wanted commercial zoning facing Brookhurst, a long stretch of apartments leading back to a small parcel of four homes proposed as a huller Lo an already existing neighborhood. Residents flatly opposed the extension of apartments behind the rear line or the ~mco shopping center. So did tl)e plan· n1ng commission. • A representative ror Ishii explained lhat he was working with property owners lo the north (behind Gemco) and to the south which might resuh in a total development of the area, hal[ in apartments and half in residential homes. His proposal brought a firm warning from planners that they wanted no apartments behind the rear line of the Gcmco shopping cenler. The area is currently master planned for R-J (single family residence) with apartments only facing on Brookhurst Street. Commissioner Elden Bainbridge wanted to initiate R·l zoning Wednesday for thr. area to make it obvious w'hat the coinmission desired. He was warned by chairman James Dick and commissioner Carroll Mohr that it was helter to allow a developer to re4 quest the zoning, because the commission ~uld then control the type ol tract going 111to the area. Side li nes Sight 4()0' Indians Reapy for Big Rodeo A young brave cups hia hand to his mou\h, bW'lts .out with a cri1iJ war whoop and begins aplnnlng and dancing, his eagle feathers Oapping4 Twenty more young lll'•ves. join him, all cbanUng, twfsUng ln a circle. It's· not the filming of· a John Wayne movie, but part of tbe ac:Uon speClators can expect at the all-Indian Rodeo ind ?ow Wow Friday, Saturday and SUnday ll1 Huntington Beach. 'C....ponsored by the oranie Counly ln- dtan Assoctatloo and· the · Huntington . Beach Jaycees, the all-Indian Rodeo ts the first of Its kind on the West CoasL More than 400 lndlaos representing 70 tribes will participate in the rodeo Satur· day and Sunday and the Indian dancing and ceremonies all three evenings. Twenty.five riders have already entered the six rodeo events and entries will be taken up to the time the event starts. The rodeo will be put on by Far Western Rodeos of Laguna Niguel. All events and ceremonies will take place nortb of Htmtlngton Lake, betwetn Edwards and Goldenwe!lt Streets. Best entrance will be oft Edwards Street south of Slater Avenue. ' . Ceremt.nies Friday night will lead o{f with the crowning of princes! Wanda Walker by Huntington Beach city official. Then the Uny-tot set of Indians will take over for ' a series of cor.tests in ceremoriial dancing. Rodeo events will be held Saturday afternoon with the preliminaries. Satur· day night more Ceremonial dancing in· eluding the Hoop', Eagle, Pony-Tail, Nav.aho Feather and Yel-bei-ehl dances. Finals in rodeo events will be held Sun· day, with the best of the Indian dancers competing for honors Sunday night. Following each day's rodeo events a group of players will have an "lodian :itick ball (early LaCrosse) game." Durins the weekend Indian teachers plan to give instructions on ceremOnial dancing to the Boy Scouts. Admission to the rodeo is $2 for adults Sl for anyone under 13, and childre~ under six free . A Sl,500 purse has been offered for the riders in the rodeo which will feature In- dian riders from all over lhe country. !he lnd.ian Association hopes to make this a national, annual event to rival the great Indian ceremonies in Gallup, N.M. and Arizona. Read Appointed , To School Post Robert Read, 37, has been appointed assistant supe rintendent tor personnel at the Fountain Va1ley School District. Read, who hrur been an administrator In personnel for more than three years. replace's Michael Brick who was recenUy named superintendent. , Tl~ • new assistant superintendent previously served as principal in Foun· tain Valley and Magnolia School Districts and as a teacher in the Santa Ana Unified School District. He received a bachelor's and master's degree from Cai.state Long Beach and is currently working toward a doctorate at use. • His new duties Include the supervision of payroll, credentials, policy deve lop- ment budget!ng and personnel selection. Read, his wile Joan and son Chrlstopher, 6, Jive. In Santa Ana . Mrs. Read is a principal in the Westminster School District. OAIL Y PILOT tllfl ....,. The inspiration or Huntington Beach High School football rooters is this smlling group or song girls (sealed) Sandi Contreras and Sheri Crort, (kneelfng) Vicki Joseph and Janel Schaefer, (standing) Nance Gr~n and Pal Lunt. Their sidelines show keeps fans alive and \YhOOping. . I Tue1~11. !1pt1mb<r 2,, 196• '. S DAIL V Pt(or :J f;lia,age s .i • Offing? r , I ' . Planners ·Await Recall Outcoine The outcome of tod~':s recall elecUon \ maw shake up more·than one public: body in Fountain Valley. \Vhile the ballots ~t will directly af. feet the. Clty Council, they mlght also in- dicate. a .change in faces on 1be plaDning comnuwoo. A new City Council might see Cit to reorga.nJU (appaint new planner!) lhe commission either immediately or in the near Juture. None of the eight candidates has men. tioned a c~e in the planning conr mission, but 80Jl)e planners, are lcnown to favor the current incumbents, which could -!hem !heir positions il lhe ln· curnbents lose. No immedlai,e changes appear likely, since three of the five planners willbe up An impendlng general electJon in April of 1970 might also preclude any early changes in the city st.Ncture. Up for ~ terms of' office in February \V'ill be chairman· James Dick and com4 mwioners Elden Bainbridge and John Mangapo. Oddly enough they !lfe the most likely planners to be opposed by a new council. Dick has made hi11 dislike of the recall movement no secret. Mangano wu the lut •~ltd · •~inlment made before l!>~ electli>n, and' ealnbridgo has beeo labeled >jthe mayor's: man," although no one has criUclud Jµs actions on the com· mission. The other two commissioners, Carroll Mobr and Ruben Alcala , don't come up (or reappointment In February of 1970. Also, .no-criticism-bu-been· leveled at them b~ thol!e supporting the recall. Plannllli cornnw;sJoners are appointed by the mayor. with approval from the council, for a four-year, staggered selec· tion term. Planning Director Stan Mansfield. whe.n asked to look, was surprised to find that the cily ha:i no ordinanCi! covering the removal ol planning commis.$ioners. ''It used to be covered by state law un· til 1965. then ttie matter was turned over to local governments and 1 ·guess \\'I! never adopted an ordinance," said Mansfield. • lt seems apparent, however, that the ('(luncil can remove a commissioner ai wi11, with a majority vote, he e~lained. But dllierent candidates may have dif. f~rent views on tile pla nning commission, and speculation may increase after tb '! election . Building Rites Slated For Two Beach Schools Cornerstone laying ceremonies will be held at two Huntington Beach $Chools Saturday with the grand master of Masons Jn California presiding. Scene will be the Park View and Mesa View schools of the Ocean View School District which yrlll open in January. Botb school!, which were originally scheduled to open in September but were delayed by winter rains and construction industry strikes, employ a new type of construction which will aid in the district's program of "team teac:blng'' and "mulU·age grouping." 'The cornerstone ceremonie:ot mark a first in California School history, ac· cording to Charles A. Grossman, master of the Huntington Beach Lodge. For the first time four cornerstones will be laid in one day by the Grand Lodge of California, two in Huntington Beach and ··two in Bakers!ield. Saturday's ctremoniea will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the convening of the Grand Lodge at the local Maaoruc Temple, Lake Street and Palm Avenue, wttb Slate Grana M .. ler Robert A. Crigler presiding. A caravan will form at tile temple and journey to the Park View School, 16686 Tunstal' Lane for 11 a.m. ceremonies. - The caravan will be escorted by lhe police department and wtll include state, county and~ity officials. A lunc heon will be held at Mari06. High School ~at 12:30 p.m. and the Mesa View Goldwa ter Endorses Baker for GOP Post WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Barry Goldwater, the 11164 Republican Presiden· tial nominee, today endorsed Sen. Howard ff. Baker Jr, of Tennessee for the .post of Senate Republican leader. Most of the Senate's other conservative Republicans are expected to vote for Baker Wednesday In_ his race against Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania. School ceremony at 17701 Avila Lane will follow at 2 p.m. Ocean View School Superintendent Dr. Clarence Hall will arrange for the ceremonies at each site. The Order of De Molay will conduct flag ceremonies and distribute programs and Assemblyman Robert H. Burke will present California Slate flap for each sclioot. · Valley Resumes Mailing Zone Change Notices A return to Mailing noUces on tone. change hearings may be imminent in Fountain Valley. PlinnJng commissioners Wednesday night aiJ"e.ed to bear a &talt,npart Oct. JS <>n W 'l>est mellledJ ~or mallhlil ,nollees on zooe changes lo nea'tb)' residtnt!. 1 The suggestion was made by newJy ap. po!ntOO commiasloner John Mangano. He had opposed the cessation or malled notices months .ago when the city council decided it was a waste ot time and effort. Since that lime many residents have complained about not being aware of hearings for zone cllanges in their area. Commissioners agreed a thorough study was needed to make sure that nolices sent out were received by those concerned. One problem posed was th.at often the resident never received lhe notice be- cause he was not always the listed owner of the house. Commissioner Carroll Mohr suggested addressing the notice to "occupant" to avoid that problem. Chairman Jack Dick said he still favored posted notices to mailed notices, but agreed to go along with the change if needed. . .Junap Into Season Huntington Beach High School chccrl#ader Andre ; MacDonald jump• in to the football season for the Oiiers. Other cheerl•aders lor the year are (chins on hands left to right) Dorothy Bond, Kerry Smith and· Debbie Schoeppe (standing left to right) Kerry Barrett and Sule While . I T-.~ll,lM • z; o o c Were Young Marines Beaten to Death? ___ ............ , I Tbe Ardlbbllop of Canterbury at ! lbe time Pri-• Mo""Nt eadtd lier ,,,..,..... with Royal /Jl Fon:e Graap cap1. P•r r-..i. -· ~ be dl4 not penuade lbe prlnceas -dosplta nporta that be did. "Sbe came and told me her own clear iii ~eclslon,'' Lani Filllot' of Ll.mbeth · said In an Interview SUnday. Mar· caret broke oH will! Townsend be- caUJt be was divorcecl. Reports at tbe Ume sald ber decision was IJ?led on ber by tbe Church of Eng· land. I • 'f..o Cordova, Ala. hoU1'1D11><1 1laft bttn SfllknCCd to OM l'COf' on probation o/tn bring conofd- td of dealing 10 hfQhtDOV llQll& AM Addilcm cmd BUU. lo Ra/>- .n& UMf1dlv told 1"'111• Robcit Gwi• thq too1t the rigns to Mcorate their tuTw;zgen' f'ooms. Tht 100m.tn were fin«d $ l 00 each ond stnkm:ed to 90 daws at hon! labor, l1Ufl<wded far 12 moflth.i, cm convictiO'ft for molio- cio1o1s dutruc:1ion of proptrt11. • Seven brothers and six sliW's, ran£1DJ: in 1ge from 57 to 78, ,ath- erecl tOgether at Gary, Minn. Son- day for the first time ever. Tbey are the children of the late Mr. and Mrs. JamH Klltla, wbo lmmlgral· tel from Scolland in 1895 with the three oldest cbildnn. "When the oldest was 21, the 1'!"".llest lladn't been born and the famtly llarted getting married -and movblC aw1y rrom the old bomestead, llald Mrs. Earl O.vls, 64, of CrooUton, one of the llx Kiltie sislert. "''' ......... WIDOW BELIEVES HUSBAND BEATEN TO DEATH AT BOOT CAMP MrL ~ L. Conctpeioft Holds D•ughter, St•rdell, •nd Letter ' . Colleague o,~ Haynsworth Would Have A voided Deal Mort than 100 ptnont wre on hand al DcmoiUt, Mo. ooer tht tDft~ md to Pulp Cf!W!bro:te the 5Jrd birf1t.- doy of NtUit, rtporUd to be the 1DOrld'1 ofdut horse. NtUlt and htr con1tcnt compo:niow., a cow, OTt of. ftted a birlhd4v Mk< bv M.,. C. O. Buchanon whose hu.sbcwd, ma auttioft. err, got tht hor1e in 1963 whn ht Ptandltd a farm sait for tM origmal owntr, Ltnnan Ktrk of Mt.tlco, Mo. • Many of the o I d cu.storpers slopped by for a quiet snack as Li.Ddy's-a Broadway landmark for 42 years-closed its doors early Sunday for the last time. '''Ibey came in here Jike locusts . and cleaned us out of cheesecake and pastry for auld Ian( syne," said Chrlstophar Rudd, rught manager !or 20 years. Tbe restauran~ wblch was frequented by the theater dl&- trict crowd and Immortalized as ••Mindy's'" in D•mon RWIJ'9"'' stories, has been sold to LOag· cbami>c, to be transmuted Into a steat.lioiae. WASHINGTON (UPI) -A judicial col- ltque defended Jud&t Cltmtnt F. Haynsworth against a>nflict of inttrest allepliooa today, but cooceded be would . have avoided a stock deal for wbicb ~WU critidud. Judge Barriloo L. Winter, an associate ol Ha;rnswmh CX1 the 4th U.S. Circuit Court ol AppWI, !aid the s.n.i. JildlclarJ Cclmmltlet be lmew "no fslrer judce, no more graciool leader and no ooe P""'Sh'I bellu judlcltl tom· peramenl'' than Haynsworth, Praident Nixon's choice to •uceted Abe Fortu on the SUJfttDO Court. Israel Retaliates With Air Attack Israeli warplanes attacked Eoptian milllary t.rgets east of the SU<S Canal today in retaliation for new outbreaks of figbliog along the waterway which wounded five hraeli soldiers, an Army apokesman ilUlOUOCed in Tel Aviv. Earlier today a guerrilll. aimmunlque issued in Cairo said EgyptJan commando forces attacked two Israeli army posi- tions in the _,, Sina! Peninsula Monday night wilb Katyu.sha rockets and caused "heavy damqea." The Israeli •Poieaman aaid the aerial attacks concentrated in the area south of the Bitter Lakes and luted for an hour. He had reported two Israeli eolditrS wounded in a moRar n:cbaqe llJUth of the Bitter La.ke and sJ1Cllber lhtt< lojund wben their vehicle. struck a mine om1h of El Qaalar .. ' Winter said his hlgb opinloa of Haynsworth was not changed "in the slightest respect" by disclosure that the South Carolina jurist bought stock in I firm wbicb bentf:lted from a ruling of lbe 4th Circui~ of which be is chief judge. "Would you have regarded it as proper on your part to purchase the stock before tht opinion was announctd?" Sen. Phi.lip A. Hart ([).Mich.), .,ked. •·1 would baYe avokled buying the stock until after:-the opinion was filed and ~ matter disposed," Winter replied. But he said be saw no legal disqu.il.lification, and considered it obvious Haynesworth did not profit from the deaJ. The ~lb Circuit ruling upheld a lower federal court decision givlr.g Brumwick Corp. ownership of some bowling lanes and pinsetters reclaimed from a bowling alley proprietor who failed to ·make payments. The decision rejected the claim of the bowling propri<tor'a landlonl who said be sboUld get first claim oo the ....... Winter &aid he, Haynsworth and a third judge agreed oo the decllon Nov. 10, 1917. The Justice Deputment said Haynswor1h bought $18,000 worth of Brunswick stock Dec. 20, 1987-afttr the judges agreed but before lbeir ruling was announced. SS Plans Prepared WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon plans lo send his new Social Security recommendations to Congrtss later tills week, the White House said to- day. The chief exewtive said Jut week he would recommend an across.the-board JO. perceDt iDcrease in benefits. Pleasant Weather Over U.S. But ScaUered Frost Hits Rocky Mountain Region ........ ClfltiM'fM -· 9lltflf!T -llt .. .....,., .... lltnt ~ ....................... ... ..., ..,...., ~ ._ clll* """""""' .. -· lM ............. WWf'I' ... """" __,. wlllil • Mlitl fl! 11. TM Mlft ._ .., ... n. ...... _... ..... Ttllll Alt ,..,.. c...tN ct.fl1d .......... lllN ............ --............. _.... .... ........... II....__,. ......... _,..,......,. ... ... .................. -::: .. I a ...... ,..... .., -::;.. .............. ........ ........................ .................... ......................... -...... ......., ... _ .................... '--._. ............... ..,., ......... .. ....... na. ........... IMt. ...,.._ ............. ... ., ~ ...... _Non_ ___ TURN ON ,., WWt ·-,.. '"" .. ...._.,, • .,,..lttt Mflllll tM .... -..... s.i..1., ...... DAlt.Y tn.Dt. -, C-c.I Mltltr .,..., ,...,. UIM -W. ......................... ... .....,, ........ ~-W•• ;. Hl:ltli ..., 1' '-1S. """"' ....... ,.,.. ,_ ., . , ................ ..... --• " .. ---.............. 4. s-. ·-l'Wa ........ '"" hltlll .............. 1:11 ........ t ,ir,f ... ~yll ll """ .,, ''"" l'lltfl ••·••••••••••• f;N Lift., J.J '"*' ... , ............. l ;loll 1,M. I.$ ........................ •:""""·"' ....................... t:•ll.l'I.•, -·-•~ct "-"'· .... ''" ""'' ..._ IU11tt l tC t.r1'1. ..... •:II 11.rfl, 11.S. s .. ..,.. ~ _,.., ....,. ...... _, .. ... MftM ,..., tJie """ ..., flf" .... ,..,_ "' "" -~'· ... .., .................... ,... ...... --A ...,.. *" -llfWltif rtlll .... """' ....... tllt -"' P"'1flc: C-t t.MY. ~ ~ ...... ll>lt ...... -"'*"*" ,._ _. r .... • _.. MlallNfl, ~ °"''"'* -iOIYCt: ol "" "°""*'' elll'llWfl .. "'""'Ill' ..,_.. _, llllt ........ w l'011 ~ .. , ........ ~~,.""'~' ........ olf. ~ tfWI PW 0-.. Ill h ,....,.. .. ~ "'' ... ,.,. ... ,, " ~llloo\. " Wllfft ..,. 1i.l!lftl l'*r twtt. 'Ta .. ,......,_~ "lfh' r:.rr t:lt:,. """' • ,.... .. .._,.. ., '!'IV:' .... ·-"'llfllt ..._,. ·-... --• .....,...It ,_ "" ... ...... --..... l'•lt'l:em ... _,, ·---._ '"' w. "-' -··-M-M-_.,._ ----...... Ot"'*'-(Irr ..... ~'""'"'"* -:=-,._, ... II:"' •111t1 ... S.lt l.tlt ("' ........ $.ii ,.fMd-..... --'"'""' W1J.111nt11n "'• Ln """'" . " 4J ,, .7t .. ff a » n " . ~ • n l'I Mi Tr . . " ts a .t• • M -" . .. • • a a 1..n . .. a " u • 11 G .JI .. . h .. • • 11 II .ll • • n • • D n • n " I.a • • ,. n .. .. . .. n " ,. . " . ~ • • n " " .. " " ... • l .lS " " ·'' .... ~ .. ·I - • ' Widow Tells About Letters Of Attacks NEW YORK. (UPI) -The young widow of. a Marine rec:ndt lilted u ac. cldenla117 ctrowoed al bool camp In Pat· ris Island, S.C., llld today she believes his letter lncficltes--be-wu-bealen--to wth in the .-for "hll allilude." Mn. J ... L Coooepcloo, ID, aid 1~ tanpla by ber allonlejr, COnrad i.,nn. lo pin dttalla .........UC,, the death ol the ! .. year~ Marine bave be<n ltiruaed olf by mlllillJ' alllhorttie> wbo "'1 the ,.,,.ned drawnb>c stD1 la under in- veatlgalloo. • 1'1 have jlllt two r~uons for DOC. believ· Ing them," Mn. Concepcion said at her home. "'He WIS an excellent swimmtr and ho ..rot. me lhll they were beating him." Concepcion wu at Parris Island only flvt days t!liJ aunmer wbm the Marines listed him as missing from his barracks • Five days later the military said hiJ body was fOUDd in a creek behind a barracks building. The U.S. Marine Command at the lralnlng base said medlcal examinen there reported tbe youth died from "ac- cidental drowning" five days before the body was dilcovered July S. No other in- formation wu made available. "It doesn't sound rJgbt he would be lying there for five days and no one saw him." she said. "U he was missing, why didn't they look for him ?" "I believe they beat him tG death, maybe in the brig," sbe said. "He always F. Lee Bailey Joins Berets' Defense Team LONG BlNH. Vietnam CAP) -Famed Bosto!l criminal lawyer F. Lee Bailey is going to defeDd one of the: six green Beret officers charged with mlD"dering a Viet· name>e doobl< agenl, the military a~ tomry !or the officer~ today. Bailey will take charge of the def~ of Capl Robert F. Marasco o1 Bloom· field, N.J ., who is scheduled to go on trial before a gentral court-martial on Oct. 20 along with Capt. Leland J. Brumley or Duncan. Okla., and Capt. Budge E. WiUiams of A then&, Ga. However, the defense Is e.i:pected to seek a postpone- ment of the tria1. Edward Bennett Williams, another of America's best known criminal at- torneya, is expected to direct the defense of Col Robert B. Rheault ot Vineyard Have.n, Mau., the former commander of Special Forces troops in Vietnam and the highest rankin& of lhe defendants. Rheault and two others are to be tried after the other three officers, but there are iodicalions the charges will be quash- ed :J the first trill ends in an acquittal. Bot.li Bailey and Williams are expected to arrive in Vietnam next Monday or Tuesday. A third prominent trial lawyer, Henry B. Rolbblatt of New York. arrived in Saigon Monday to de.lend Capt. BrumJey and Maj. David E. Crew of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who is scheduled to be tried with Rheault and Maj. Thomas C. Middleton Jr. uf Jefferson, S.C. Marasco's military attorney, Capt. Thomas H. T. Young, apoke by transpacific telephone with Bailey in Boston today and told newsmen Bailey said he woukl be "happy" to join the defenae. "We wanted tbe best and we have sot tbe best," Youns said. . Chinese Report Mao Will Attend Peking Festival · HONG KONG (UPI) -Shanghai Radio hinted M>oJchl that Communist party chairman M90 TH-tuna; was well et>O\lgh to attend Red China's NaUooal Day celebraUons In Peking on Del I. Tho broadcasl appund to be an in- direct. attempt to refute reports from Moooow thll the 7$.yelJ'Old leader was .. lneapedlaltd" by a -. allt&ed!Y lllffered esrl1 thll IDOlllb. Mao has nol mad a pul>lic •PIJWIDC< ain<e laal Ill)' It. Sbaqhal Radio &aid llao bad gift!! "penoaal approvaJU ror W«\m In Sl>Angbal to -I delt&•llon to Peking for the OcL I annlfttlllJ ol tbe founding of the Ollnese P<oples Republic. ''The approval waa snnttd today by the great cbslrman and bla close com· rade-1.n-arms. Un Pleo," the Cbinue Radio broadcut said. Jt wu tht Ol'lt word from Olina about the 71-year~ld 1eader sinet rtports from Mo.scow indicated that he WI$ aitlcally Ill. • UPIT ........ BEATEN BY RECRUIT? Pvt. Sttpli•n Mol•on got along wherever he wenl" ... Mrs. Concepcion placed a cardboard box in her lap and began showing letters her husband wrot.e daily lrom Parris !!land. "Take a look at his wallet. They said this was on him but these papers never touched. water." Cards and papers inside the pla.!ilic wallet were unmaJ'Tt!d and showed no signs of water stains. A leUer written and postmarked July I, the day of his reported death. began: "I'm supposed to be going to the brig t~ day. I gueM J came down with the wrong attitude." ' Probe Shows Youth Beaten By Recruits ~ PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (UPI) -A huai<y athlei. was Inducted into lhl Marine COrps sufletlng from a kidneJ ailment that lat~ed fatal. H"€ apj:t.arenify WU tiUt.en by fe!JO" recndLs becaUR he_ -~·t 0 pull hil weight.'' a p~veatlcatm in di~~j,,,,i,. WU begun When Pvl Slepheo E. Melsoo. 11, ol Mllbboro. Del., died in a dvillan bospllll at Cbarlestott Sunday after telling physicians he wa1 beaten because be couldn't keep up with other recruits. Marine officials said Monday the Initial Investigation of Mebon's death showed no drill instructor or supervisory persoancl bad physically :lbused the recruit. Officials had indicated during thfl weekend that the. investi1ation was poin· ting to one, maybe two drill instructo . The report did not rule out the possibility that a drill instructor did not live. up to his "full responsibilities'' (lf maintaining discipline over all the trainees in his command. ''The investigation bas revealed evtden· ce which indicated lhal recrWt members of Melson's unit may have struck him in the !ace and pushed hlm against the wall on separate occasions becaust they felt Private Melson was not carrying oot hi.• share of the responsibilities of the unit," the ttpOrt said. Marine officials have maintained Mel.son's death was caused by kidney failUtt and not connected with the alleged beating. They said that Qiarleston physi- cians toki them "Mebon's kidney ailment was uweJated to the alleged phygkal at- tack." * * * * Patrols Keep Order Racial Tensions Boil At Another Marine Base NEW YORK CUPJ) -Racial tension at the Camp Lejeune. N. C. blarine base has reached the crisia stage with streets guiin:led by patrols whkh try to keep black and while Marines from beating and killing each other, it was repcrted Mooday. An article in the current issue of Life P..1agazine said there is some doubt as to how the trouble !tarted but it is believed 10 date back to July. 1969, when a whlte Marine from A1issisSippi died from in- juries received in a series of melees between 40 or more black Marines and 12 whites. Black Marines claim ope of their number was beaten to death by l"'O whites in the. summer of 1968 but the death was attributed to natural causes. "There is lhe tension or the. okl white racism thrust against new b I a c k awareness," the magazine said. ''There is the reluctance of many company.~vel commands aimed at using le.nsion and three are promsicuous acts of black vengeance for past and present in- justices." The result is two-man armed patrols with walkie l.aliies at the base, special armed reaction squads ln the barracks and huge searchlights on paths where ?ttarines wali: between movies, banacb. service clubs and mess baUs. No cutting in is allowed on servi~ club dance floors. The article quotes Maj. Gen. Michael P . Ryan, commander of the second division, as admitting "racial problems" and blaming much of them on "the adverse inl.luence. • Jrom our young T?Kn going home on leaves to big ciUes, and [ have. beard th.ere are iodicalions of Black Pantber influence." Col. Loo.is S. Hollier, who drew up a special report on the sltualion for Ryan . said investigation showed "scattered acts of discrimination in the past with a general conclusion by blacks that il was widesp read." The report. made by seven orricers, ac· tually placed the blame on "relatively senior olficen and enlisted Marines. •• the black Marines are special target for discriminat.ory actions by military police •.. the black ~1arine iJ particularly con- cerned that only results and never causes art the subject of di.sciplinary actlom .•. any s u ch incident, regardless how trivial. could flare up into a full fledged riot,'' the article said. B52s Attack as Marines Pull Out of Gu11 Positions SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. B.l2s dropped huOOreds o( Ions of bombs today near the demilitarized zone (D~1Z) to prevent any North Vielnalneie infiltration into border positions .being vacated by U.S. Marine artillery unit.s. To the south, Communi~ farces shalttred a South Vietnamese ir- regular unit. Communiques re.ported generally light fighting in South Vietnam Monday and to- day. A spokesman said that in the largest clash reported Communist units near the Cambodian bonier killed seven irregulars and wounded 61. Four American advisers also were wounded. The Irregulars, with the aid of right.er· bomber strikes and artillery, killed ~ Communist soldiers in the fiiht near a speclaJ force.s camp -but more than half lhe South Vietnamese company was put out of action • Australian forces r e p o r t e d a mysterious bk>nd "mercenary" ha4 been leading Viet Cong units against their troops in Phuoc Tl()' Provioct. He had been sighted before by AUltralian se°'" tries wno called him the "'phantom sku lk.er," but he. was reported in actual c«nbat only once. A"""lian spokesmen sold the blond mer«nary led I party ol Viet Cong out ol a newly constructed bunker system eight miles east of the AU!tralian task force at Nut Dlt and that the Viet Cong engaged in a Httligbt with an Australian company while the merttnary dirictf.d them wllb a aeries ol hand siJnals. The mercenary was believed to have • been wounded when lht Communist unit was dtl.,,,, btck Into thti.r bunkera. The bombtrt have recorded nine ml&slons against Cornmunl1t troop posi· lions below lht DMZ Wee t b e. . I Leathernecks clooed down three gun bases and began preparing to be withdrawn under President Nixon's lale1t cutback. . This time , 500 and 756-pound bombs rrom., the Stratoforts slammed into the flatlands MM> yards south of lhe zont, brm,ing the total tonnage dropped since Sunday to nearly 1,000 toos. Apparently Gen. Creighton W. Abrams' U.S. command felt the bombers could do the same job the Marines wue doing - harassing Communist infiltrators and base camps with an almost constant bar· rage oI fire:. Senate Debates Rent Subsidy Bill WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate called up for debate tod.ly a "-' bi!Uon housin1 bill provkfin& for the first Ume direct federal rent subsidies for public housing teMnt.s. Altbough the bill ew:nti1Uy provide! funds to carry on e:iistin& hoosln1 pro. grams it does call for a major chanp - aulhorWng the Department of Housing and Urban Development to pty m million toward part of tht rent of projecl. dwellers. Supportm Slid this "" d"1sned Io rtvltallae the public housing procram. Under tbt pl111, s pon aor td by \1usachmelts Republican Edward W. Brooke, thi government woukt p..y that part ol lbe rent whk:h exceeds n ~nt of the farn.i!y's lncomft. For famllles h• the dlrtsl <':lrtUmstancta, the subetdt pl.an could mut1 oo rtnt )tl;ymenti at .n. '· , • " ... ' '• V.S. Dismayed at Soviet Skilling on A_rms Parley NEW YORK (UPI) -The Soviet Union continues to stall. on opening strategic arms limitation . talk.s with t b e United States, lo the disap- po!otmont of hlgb omdals in the Nixon administraUon. Socretacy ol State William P. Rogers, Guan! C. Smlth who heads the U.S. Arms Con- trol and Disannamenl Agen- cy, and o~ diplomatic tx· perts had hoped a positive Soviet amwer wwld b e forthcoming Monday oigllt on beginnlag talks. Diplomatic sources bad i.ndlcated the Soviet Union wa.s 1ready to an- nounce a time aiJd place for the negotiations. -llato departmeot "'" licllll aald the.. -dlaap- polntm<nt lhe Sovtd ...... r -.. k>N lo coml.,. U and whea the Unlltd ~-and tlJa Soviet Ullloo -.,. • lll*ffi• time and , place ,to bl8ln 1a11:s, the nm -ol .. goUa-wUI he ...,......J with preliminary matten. These would Include tho formal qenda, meetlog limes, te c bnl cal ar· ran&ementa. us. d!sannameat expert. ~ coooerned that the lwo aiper """"" ... lakin& ..a. a loag time 1o open the . 'lll1Cil" Instead, Soviet F o r e I g D Mlnist<r Alldm A. Gnimyto prnr_nlsed Kogen at a wortiog dinner ooiy that the Kremlin'• answer on a date and pl.ace for lhe long-awaited parley would be forthcoming "soon. II bad tho lmpruslon the - might """° later I b 1 u 'Grom)'b'• ,.lllm -for Rogers m Fri.day, -or even after the Soviet o!lldal'I return &o Moscow. .oOgotlatlom. Prosldent Lyn-L:::=.=::::::.:.~=== doll B. ~-began JftSling "You'll lllre It hon foe the t>lu lo 1111, and~----,--~-~---~-~-~~-1 Gromyko, a U.S. spokesman said, did not define what he meant by "soon." Spokesman Robert J. McCloskey said he For the record, t h e spokesman said the United States was satisfied with Grcmylr:o's assurances. But Negroes Protest Bias In Building Industry • , Tiii ..._...., '""'" •'Btack Ji.1onday" was observed In four cities across the nation by Negroes pro- testing what they charge is job discrimination in the building trades. In Chicago, Oklahoma City and SeatUe, parades and rallies were held. The Rev. Jesse Jackson, director ol Operation Bread· basket, economic arm ol the Soothern Christian i..e.denhip Conference, spoke to some 3,IXM) persons in Chicago's Civic Center Plaza. He scoffed at a construction industry offer of 4,000 jobs for black workers in Chic.ago. Jackson said only 1,800 of 90,000 skilled construction jobs in Olicago now are held by blacb.. He urged b I a c k Scott's Job Now Holds GOP Focus WASHINGTON (AP) -With Pennsylvanian Hugh Sc o t t claiming be is the favorite in Wednesday's election for Re- publican Senate leader, cam- paign activity is increasing among contenders for Scott 's present job as GOP whip. Scott's opponent for the ~ sition leit vacant by the death of Everett M. Dirksen-Sen. Howard Baker of Tennessee-- is one of several Republlc.an senators meqtioned for the post of whip, or assistant leader. students to boycott ocbools every Monday in protest. One youth was arrested at the demonstration after a scufile wifb police. About a dozen b 1 a c k demonstrators were turned away from coostructon sites at the U niv e r si ty of Washington in SeatUe. A spokesman for t h e Negroes said, j'They may want to close down the coo- struction sites." The action came u Gov. Dan Evans pnnised action to end job discriminaUon at publicly financed construction proje:ts. Jn Albany, N.Y., a group called the Brothers 1 e n t telegrams, asking for a discussion of hiring policies, to Gov. Nelson A. Rocte:feller and Eastern New Y o r t Construction Employers, Inc. The Brothers said they wish- ed to give the cootractcrs and the government a chance to talk before taking direct ac· bon. The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy led 400 march<rs to City Hall in Otbhoma City, where the city's garbage col· 1ectors, most of them Negroes, are striking foe hijher wages. City Manager R o be r t Oldland said he would speak with Abernathy, head of the SCLC, bul not with 15 strike leaders. Abernathy re.fused and called a rally Monday oig)ll in support of the strike. llayden to Act In Own Defense LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Christian Hayden, 21, son of Rogera l"OPOSed to the Soviets the negot1a!J011S open in the ,.. COlld ball ol lhls year. Eaperts report that the develas-nent and testing of .missiles tipped with mulUple warheads Wlll complicate the intricate efforts to put a Jim.it on nuclear m.i.sslle arsenab of the United States and the Soviet Union. Crash Toll Reaches 30 MEXICO CITY (AP) -The probable death toll ha> risen to 30 in lbe crash Sunday of the Boeing 'lffl jetliner from Chicago, Mexicana Airlloes aaid Momlay night. The airlines said 25 bodies had been recovered and five more were believed under the wreckage in a swamp near the intematioual airport. Th e army was building a bridge through the marsh so a crane coukl remove the wreckage. The plane carried I 11 p;mengers, many of tOOn Midwesterners going to Mexico City and Acapulco for vaca-- tions, and a crew of seven. Five ~ lbe ttfW were killed, including the pilot and copilot. Russ Resume China Attacks MOSCOW (UPI) -The SovieL 1ovemroent resumed ' its propagaoda b a r r a I e s again.st Communist Otlna to- day, ending a 12-day moratorium that r o 11 owed Premier AleJ:ei N. Kosygin's visit with Premier Chou Eo-lai ln Peking. The Soviet Niws Agency Tass accused China ol coo- ceotraling more propaganda against the Soviet Union than oo "the imperialist struggle." Cholera Bared HONG KONG (UPI) - Authorities in Macao, the Portuguese enclave near Hong Kong, declared tbe colony a cholera-infected area today after finding a confirmed cue of the disease there. Baker, however. contends he can outdraw Scott in voting during a closed se~on Wed· nesday of the Senate Repul>- lica n Conference, which will choose a new leader. Scott has claimed all along he has the votes. actor Sterling Hayden. intends,---------- tu act as his own lawyer when 1.---------- A p pa rent I y anUcipating Scott's victory, Sen. James B. Pearson of Kansas Monday distributed a letter among lhe 43 Republican senators advis- ing them he is lnterested in the No. 2 spot. Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Michigan already h a s an- nounced he is running for whip. Sen. Charles Petty of Illinois is another who has a· pras<d lnterest. Baker aid once again he was not running for whip, but did not .. ,. he -id turn the job down if he ll defeated by Scott. he st.ands trial Ocl %1 on charges be violated draft laws. Hayden, a bearded youth with long hair, pleaded in- nocent Monday to failure to report for a physical ex- amination last March 6 and failure to rePort for induction Mlly 6. Tito to Egyp CAIRO (UP!) -President Tito ol Yugoslavia will vi!ll Efll'Pl in January, the oemiof· ficial newspaper Al Abram taid today . ----------------------...... -.ua C.H .. ST'AWI"• w rrM ........... p ..... ""'8 • W l'TM TWt• -- TURN IN Turn in a\ Texaco for some real savings-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only • 55¢ plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any pun:hase ••• at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- toda}!. •ScJga t•'WPrb.. Quorum Call Errors Reported in House W ASIITNGTON (AP) - There might have been a pat. tern of minor but deliberate ce of House memben: last year ,the Bouse Ethics Com· mill.ee ch.ainnan aald today • But in reporting this, Rep. Melvin Price (0-Ill. ), said a !!lludy by this panel showed no indicatidll this type error oc- curred in recording actual votes, only quorum calls. "lmiroved voting methods are unquestionably lodicated," Price said in calling for a modernized, error-proof system in the HOUR. Price's committee, at the reqoest of Speaker John W. McCormack, lnvestlgaled Jr. regularities in r e c o r d i n g House rollcalls last fall. lo May the commltlee said it found no evidence of com· plicity in a series of roll call errors disclooed last Sep- tember, but called for a modernized voting system to minimize cbanoes of human error. Price, in a statement prepared for a ff o u se Admlol.traUon subcoounlttee, said today 1111 421 .. u c:ails In the ......i session ol the 90th Coogress -:m .-and I95 quonan can. -were u· amtoed. Price said the lll"4< -~may have -I minor paU.m ol pu!1)ClllOlul mw lo quorum caI1r but no tndlcatlcm whatever of such mist.aW in actual votes. He. 11k1 ateps already baV< boeotabo1oillsun>the ...... plele ...,..al ol the J>CiO.'fbUI. ty ol purposeful erron. 60 Take Over ROTC Building ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) -Nearly 80 antl·war demonatratora, cailin& lhelll.9elves the ''Committee to Smash ROTC," barricaded lhemselves in• i d e the Unlve.nlty ol. Michigan '1 North Hall for nearq five hour> bet... lavlnC -fully url)' tOOay. The takeover of t h e llniventty'a main ROTC building came aft.er a mq rally In the abKleot union and was tbe latest in a mies ol campus di.sruptioliil a i m e d qainllt the Reoeno Olllcen Tralolng Oarpa. u lollowed • t11JO.day weUeod t e a c b -1 D qainlltthenrloV!etoam. WE CARRY NATIONAll Y ADVERTISED BRANDS: Ven Huesen Shirts • McGr990" Sportswear • Ltncer Shirts • Bardon Shirts • Jentzen Sportswear • Turtle King Knits • Puritan Sportswoar • Sh<lpely Shirts • Interwoven Hosiery • Keepers Hosiery • A-1 Slacb •, Herris Sleelcs • Rough Rider SI.ch • Asher Slacb • Hogger Slacks • Timely Clothe. • S.9nor Clothes • lo Roy1I Clothes • Rough Rider Sport Cotti CARLTON'S FINE MENS CL01HING 270 E. 171fi St., ·costa HILLGREN SQUARE DAILY 10.9, SAT. IM ' States Pledge Building Cuts . . WASlllNCJl'Oll (UPI) -A blportlun _,,,_ o I jOffi ootl bat pllllttd to Prt,.,. ldad Nlxm Illa lllltea wlll curtaJ1 c:onttructlon of ---· In nlunl. Vim - ,....m or laol tho Imo of • -al 11<1. idlll•Qio' -""' -proJodl to ilflp in the ~ Spin> T. J.ar-aDI the ad- mlniltraUon IOftened a a earlier Implication the alltea ~ bofO le cul -.l>J i5• ·u. aid no.Joraoll or IOola .... Id ud that --wClllld bl llUed limply to do ftl belt. . ,,. apill&)>Dallan. .. .::.;.-: ~.: ~=i Gowman1 Coot~. llJd. the IJ llalo .....Uvtt who at- -a private .-q al the Whit.e -Muidoy ....... that although • ..... ilNdlon cut.bad: Wll "a bit· eer---)iJ1.. lnflalion-....... ... Plane on Fire SANTA ROSA (llPIJ' -An Air Weot Fllrdilld F·rl, wtlb Democratic Aaombly leader J-Unruh aboard, eaugbt tin! In the left eaglne llmla1 night and .... loroed 1o -. to -CoontrAJrport:-- ,R9o1 .... """"°"'' c.•111 .Selwd Tlorv lxc:hengJns SI Sl.AYI llAL- 111-MllllAll .., .. rat I MUm ROBINSON'S THE B. H. WRAGGE SIGNATURE YOUNG IN SPIRIT, S'ICUJIE IH>SfMPLJClTV • • • TKE •• H. 'llMH& COLLECTION ,.Oft FALL TO SE MODELED IHFOftMAL.LY P'ft<>N II A.M. TO .. P.M. IN HEWP'ORT1 'EP"t£M8Eft 2iC-i5. EACH OlltdS WILL IC: LUJLY ftECOGNIZEO BY THE a..EGAHT' LOOt<, THE P'AHt'AS'l'"IC P'ED.., AHO T'HE SOPHISTICATED CHARACTl'tt PM)JEc:T'ID 9Y KW1tV WlllNiGIE CREATED. SHOWN HERi:, TK.E SHIEl:ft WOOL ORD• WITH HAftDWAl'tE 11UCKLIC, HAW• IUT' OH&~ TWIE coc 1 l'CTIOH; P'l'tOM 1101 00 i:o 360,oo. IN OUll DESIGNEl't DA&'IS SAL.OH • _ROl!INSONS NEWFQRT •FASHION ISLAND ·644-2800 • • • ' - ~ • '.I " I l I . . ' . ' l D~Y PllM -~ PA.G .. * •• A MiSsing · lllgredien~ ' . -....._ ' +. ;r-'t . Manlve lnll!c bacJr-upi, bolllJ1g racllators,, lat.to-. -"' cllanlptloDI and overfleeled tempers have, eccom• ponied the Mwcan border narcotics eracltdown by _... agend11 of Ill• U.S. government.;'l:biY're carry· ins out one of President Nixon's campalfD p!ed'ge1 lo ijOc'k jho ~or "°""'!' of the natiOD!~ dl't!I .tr~. The bl>Jecllve ls gopd, but there11 'a mll;slnfin&redl· ent. That's a crackilown on tr. s. ln811Ufacturers of d:llUI• far more· dangerous then marijuana-th•' dep,..,,. aanr. ml the stimulaall which hove caused 49 fatal . · cues of drug overdose in Orange 'llollo~ alone In the fJlol eight months ol lhll•)"I&<. : 1 • • • Tho manufacturers ·lhlp out ol the country far more millions of ''reds'' and. ''yellows'' -and-.cilhe, jfangemua c1rogs then are needed for IeC"i. mecllcal purposes · .im>ai1• they find their" war lo•llla U. S, u con-1rat;;l. . . Until It Is controlled, the M .. lcam have a right. to be a bit cynical about the cumiol Operation lntarcepL ·Big Trouble f ~r Big , Oil Big Oil as the major oil ~ art CIOllecllvely labeled, apj,ear. headed fot trouble.on froata other than· pollution of the envi.rODIDent. The Sonia Barbare Channel~· ':'fol!owed re-cenU arrogant, Im ve alaleJllenla on .mo[~ by en Am=• eliJn l.oslltute rtpre-sentallve, were adversity enmigll for-l!lg OU'• public image. • -'-- ' • -· \ -1 llfenllon ol ganfes in '"rvlle llal!Olll u<'~:t~lllllljlte;, . for price compeUtion." Relall gaa lllatlon oper~ In •, Io?i• nwnbera conten4 thq 1n -...a 'Into 11J1ni : alon( with Ibo gllDe promollbo& llld llien Ibey, notilllt 00.?ii.Y'tbecotll. :·• • · ,: ' The 'bu comp.anl• ,deny llllJ. But WHJi. 6nf ucep. Uon, test1m0n1 from •all dealers ""4 dealer anoclotions bef6re tile FecH:al Trade Cornmtulon charged the com- panles'toerce dealers lo aecept pmes. , ' The Otl\el". Btr' OU muut1111-~ract1ce condemned by NFIB I& llod'ln Wl1ll Ille "sam'u lnotead of price eom..i:;lit1on" complalut, N1'lll pilta II lhis way: . • Gompellt1on-i..-Ille majqr oU-<:OmplDlel , .. ~ always seemed to be ilw !>( ')lalh!!n,g lll(lrt suvlce ,.._ llons'lhan reqdlred by l1IDlll1' llld.dl'mand, 1\':itll the w , suit Iba! gu .pr!ceo are Olia118Ceully prlce-llxed, con- trary lo tile spirit llld IDlellt ol'anUtnaf ~W.L T)llll= opinidn oeem.s lo tie '!hit u JGaf u fovei'Dji>eiJt . t&I this pl'.llctice to continue, government is·then llCaled. to ln.Y down some ndes,of:ai-• that woulll :lle.pro-. lesfed If applied lo.any.olhor~~· whe~11tert.11 .actual ~p~Uon for consumers." EVldence of the effect& of the grab for service Illa• lion locationo .well .~ of .demand, and la the detri• ment of Big Oil'a own ntailen, is.abundant~ 011 the. Orange Coasl It obow1 In abandoned service stations. victims of station proWeratlon-farbeyond·demand, and jn intersections ·wbere'revery comer b6s .a·J:as SUitfon. NFIB's major"complalnl' ls for&g games of ques·. tionable fairness lo consumers on dealers already harassed by Big Oil's·rebbit·llkerepi'od_.tion of service stations far beyond consumer. need 1>r demand. aUt now the oil Industry: Is underattaek from anoth- er direction. No less formidable anioPP.onent of govern-. mental restrictions on free enteJprise~than the National Federation of Independent Bullness, lnc.b Is inceD!ed over current marketing prectic .. ol Big Q. One practice drawing NF1B'1 Ire end llri'h the pro- It appears Big OU Is askln4 for big trouble · In the form of governmenta1· 1ntervention in drlllil!g ·end mar- keting-and ·maybe even a · cut in II& near.sacred 27 pen:ent deplet!Qp allowance. "Ttl~'(\/E REA(HEI> f\ Hl6f.l 1.EVEL OF INTELl.IGEN<F, SLiT THEY'RE BREEt>INEi THEr'<.S'_E~VE_? INTO B<flN(TION. .. ,A Personal~ty Is • . All of a Piece Oolof lbobed be!a-1 -1- -I wlilel:f --opontlc tlnger --tfllloc me Ibo olber eftlllng bow sbe Uled tO be nvqed b)' envy ol other singera. "I finaJIJ -to I l)IYChlalri!I with tlda problem," • said", '1and tokl him bow m.rtiidly depteaed I would pl '!'hen [ ' beard a voice tba1 WU better lhaJl ~;.PD by pointing wt to~ lbst H .... _wanted Ille voice ol Madame X Ille !joald bave to be pttpared to aocept ~ayfldnr olse Iba! went with Madame x -tho bolt, the -face, Ibo ca•i@m charact«. '.'I IUDDENL Y rtallsed," she aald, ':Iba! we cul ltolate qualltlel in ~e. Iba! I penaoality II all ., I piece, aod lbal M>dlme X may have I beUB wica lbsn I, but I didnl want a.,u.tnc else lbal belonged to her." Envy, I tbJnt, bi an emotion that makes Ulla fallacy ol .. panting • quality from an indlvldoa~ and forgeWng Ille rest that ..,.. with II. N~ In Ille world is without serioul flawa that we would be reluctant to take aJcing with tbe quality •e may admire and envy. A MAN OF MY acquaintance seems to havt everytbing: be 11 attractive, weaJ.. tey, pomeaed ol a lovely wile and cllil· -. and ... -~ .. '!be cuual -... mJcbt eDVJ 1bls man, but I do not, becaule be Is proloundly restless, unhappy, and. In 101De deep way, ID-_,,,.. P~ be bu ...... ldlieved the tblnp be rtlJ1y "ablli I cogoo1,.y wbat hil -... beca~ It lleo buried 1n .. 113* d' tho mind that even be b a llranger 10. All I can "'Y Is Iha!, lacking mlllJI ol lhe good lhlngJ be ........... I -111 not dlangt pllcu with bim. oNE or TBE moot lmportaot.truisms, wltidt we olU!n lend to forget, ii that nobody ever reaDy knows anybody elae's problomL Ml<Wn< X, with the ilor!oua voice, 11111 delperately destr. Ille other &Inger'• face and form with a bitter envy that CIDDOI ilve her rest. "U all tbe world'111eCret troubles wer, put in one pile." Socrates Aid, "and eecb pel'9IXI. aak6cl to tale ID equal lharti - W. -id ...-elJ prefer to keep tbose WI llrtad1 have.'' 'Somebody Loves Me' 1be Nilon admlnlmatton wants to tab •u bWloo In propooed tu cub for Jn. dtvid°'la and iJve H to corporationl tn- ll<ad. It ca1alnl,y K<tnl tho humane thing to do. 1 WU talking to • corporation I know just the other day, and I can'I tell you how pleased and happy it WU It the ...... "It IJnl just Ille money," Aid the..,.. poralloo, wagging lb corporata lall joyfully ... Of course, every little mmion helps. Take care. 0( the millions... ( always aay, 1and the biWooa wiD late care of Lbemaelves.' "But what thrilled every channel ln my corpcr1te structure." aald the cor~ pon.tlon, tts c:ol'}Q'ale voice cracking with emotion, "is to diacover at long la5l that aomebody loves me." TllE CORPORATION, with ID obvious effort, managed to pull !Iseli together. "I don't know whether you realllie. how lonely It lo being a corpcnlion," said the cupOn.tkm adlJ, ''Nobody Jovec cor- poratlona. f "Oh, at the annual ltockholden meellnc l pl up and ,.Y what a won- derful, good, sweet. dear corporaUon I am. Then I &Jlllllu<' myself brldly. Bui my burt's not nally In il .. And the finaDdal writ.era occuionaDy ' Dear Gloomy Goa: Jl'I t .,.,;,. -I bolpllal ........... dayand-to Pl)' I ....... pollqe due OD & lel.- J<r for I pol}eot. call me 'dynamic' or 'solld.1 But they never never call me 'lovable.' "Now you might think I could fiOd sol.ace among my fellow corporaUons. Not for a minute. All they want to do is gobble me up. Il'a a corporati~l-cor­ poratlon world J live in. Al this very moment," wblspered the corporation, looking nervously over ita 1boukler, ••a conglomerate might be creeping up on me. .. lf I grow weak.. I'll faU easy prey to the flrst predatory manipulator who com- es along. And yet will anyone care? "IS THERE A MOTHERS' 1-tarch for Fallin& Corpor•tional II lbere a Com· m\Ullly Drive for Needy Trult.7 When l auctwnb, wlD anrone mourn me? No, the Wall street wolves wUl fall on my belpiell -al< body and rtnd me BUboidWy from subsidiary. "For so ye.an It's beeni 'Soll the poor corporatkml! Split them up the middle! Keep them puny!' For SO years, I've been klq:M. ~ by every two-bit pol}Udan, cr .. pin( Soclan.t and trus~ bUltlnc demagogue In ~ country. For DO yean, l'l'e been unloved. "And r.c one'• ever caled." · ''Thert, there," t aaid, paiUng 1ti cor- pcrate head to atop Its whimpering. "Mr, Ntxon cares.'' . AT 'J'llll TIME oorporaUon btiihl<ned and tt Ueked my hand gratefully. "Oh, I JU!\ know In my corporal< heart Out he'• aolng to be the -tell Presi· dent .. «¥• bad." it laid entbusiutk:al~ ty, •1 atn<» Wll1lam Howard Tall" So iot·m: all (l'IJ that Confll"'ll pJU humiJnJlart1n COMideraU<rti above crus poDUcal (•~ency and swt!tly •nocta Mr. NI""' 1 lqislaUon to belp our deprived corp«ationa. When ta• time nut rolll around we ln- dMdual• can then pay OW' full Ihm wtth happy beal'll, lmowin8 oor money Is aollll to -who need tt lllOll. Nixon SlrouM Read Small Town Dailies: ft is certain President NIZOlt regularJr read s the New Yort TJme1, the Wa!>hins\,On P~ the Wall street Journal and some aober periodJcala, presumed mirrors of ~ aocio-economic com- munity. Whal he need! from them ii what our gurus call a "specqum," ·indubitably neci!!sary tn hll" exacttng job. Add to • them the summationa of congressional thought •and ~ebal<, ind mountalnot11 reports, of bis poliey boards, and 1t1s ' enough to dlsmaJ • collq• crJnd,• If ""1 survive. ' · . As he Is a private man, and doet not emblazon hlt 1medltaUons on h1s sleeve, as his predecusor did, be must find time to put the jlg-uw together and come up wiU. declsion1, which obaerven aver are cautious and not impulsive. , BlIT IT IS A"falr guess Mr. ~boo does not encounter one "spectrum" wblcb ia crucial in· the formation of natlMll opl· nion, -are that is the 1ma1Mown daily newspaper. The ,Ttmet lt for the city, thti POSI !or the11overnment function, bot the small-town dallJ tens tt Ille It .b (or bet. ter lhan ball the people. There are too maD1 ol them fer me man to read, several hundred ac:roa: tbt country. They live -and flourbb -In tho shadow ol lhe mttropollt;,i dallles, but 'tt is the gloey of a flu pr.a that Ibey ans rarely in,t.ellectually subservient to the metropolitaa dallies. Their editor• rustle around among their neighbors, an_d ~y formulate their editorial · attitudes ac· cordingly. IN OUR CENTURY. Ille IOOd small dailiea have ranged from a llttle· left of center, U:ltou&b center to a little rjght of . center. They seldom freak Min political or social ~int. U you'~ read 4 &ood one for llWblle. It will often amaze you how courageo\15 it ca• be, not onr,, ~ Its parochial tnt...sl, but In Ille rtal< and national lntuesL · II Mr. N!Uljl had read a few or these· when he attained ·nauonal pot.enUi.I a year ago, ml could· read· a f~ ~.he · might DO!< I jftfo!jnd c:bange. . If I little cnipthg, the change ha.a not been subtleo and lt ha& become a clear call. Any number of them are now op- posed to tho Vl<tnam war. TREY DIDN'T REACH Ibis state without .some soul-searching, and daily briefing with their townsmen. They have never beea notable opponents of "lhe Government."• They tend to oppose visionarte1 and zea1otl. But the mindlesl futility aod obloquy or the . Southwl Asian adventure bu turned them O(f,,ooe· by one. They no longer tondone Pentagon ar- rogance .,. llou Pentagoo blundering. They no too..., repeat Saigon IOPhlslrles, or think anll-Vletnam b only 1 few thou'8nd cruy, paclf!!ll kids who lie do:wn in front or troop traJns. Though their maslbeacls often pnsclaim .tbem RtpubUean, Ibey appear to think tho Praldent 11 .,.._tln1 loo &lowlJ and lwo coulloollJ In lrllOp wllbdronl TheJ' are alepllcai ol tbe ~ ol Henhey, and on tbe .-w ol endl• new wespona syst<ma aod endlea aquonderJnr ol tbe natlooal-. Mr. NI""!' lbould uamble 1 bundred ol Jbeoe poblkalions and IPtnd I day or lwo wJU! thea They mlJ!hl bav• moan.,:: for 'him whlcb dldlll nial wbm bl _gl[loe J IDUIQ' llO. \ . . .. Power , $ti-1qJ9'1e ·in Deinoeratie Party No Real Reform WASIUNGTON '!be : two ma]ol- politiC•l partiel are e z a JP l a 1 n .I tbemHjvu to ,.. If Ibey wi survive; la tlielr pruait farm, In an ero of dissiilvtni polllkal ldenlity. . Neither pa;ly baa yet 'fully ~ from . their 1188 national convenliona, one a cul aod dried, c:onlrived ·affair, and tbe other a trauma Uc experience· which '4'0Uld have wrecked a lat Des.Ible . political organization. , A year after these umtlWng .eftDUI t' cannot be1 llid that either party is mov· ing ln ·lbe direelll>D ol rul reform. The gaining control of the party in the name of refonn ce.ntertd. Unle53 Kt:nnedy can somehow restore his credibility as a pn!sidenlial prospect. whk:h will be extremely difficult, the reform movement remains without f0Cus on a leading peraonality. c:onvent19Q l)'ltem 11 qot: being junted; a THE REFORMISTS have also ND out presiileiiilal prtmary aod rµn-olf b far ol money and · Ibey darkly hlnf that away and-.me~·of selecting delegates HumphreyJ1 IOlne.hm!' im~g the~ at.- are not being.algnil.icanUy altered, . Jempll to gel fUnlb .to cmlinue ~· Tbe move for relonn Jh the ~•tic 1 •• anil rueeUnp on hair tbe Democratic Pmj'bai'flCIUally. ~a po~ Mll· Party can be dOmocrallzed. ale for control of the fm convention and Reform b offklally in the bands of two ~Ung .~. The opp:>sing: forca commiaslona appointed by Democratic art the aame u in the' 1111 cot:1vention, · J<fational Chairman Fred R. Harr.ls. One with ~ .DKft liberal Side now deplet.ed • ',clgunission on democratizing t h e by,tbe'>Cll(IBO of Euatll6 Mccathy and delegate oelettlon process b beaded by Teddy Kennedy. Sen. George McGov~ of South Dakota rilE PARTY MACHINERY remains under the control of the aame forCes whlch nominated .Hubert IL Humphrey for pr~ ~,lines wbk:h:~ now forming pll:Humphn!y again ag!'in'I ·the reformbta Jn the party wbo haft litUe d\Oice now but to. tocul their 8"J't)Ort on Humplny's runnln& mat< Ip 1111&. llumll.nl' will ·certainty run for tbe 5ena1e lln 1m u l a prelbnliiary to ~ bid' for Ille presidency, and the luue will be Ille ume u In JIM, lhe old line Damoc:rallc orpnlzation 1galnsl 'U>e ref~ K-,.affalr aJlered the ·..,upot *'>llllcalll', for It wu around the M-"""tor lbst tbe move for · with Sen. Harold Hughes of Iowa as vi<:i!:· chairman. The other commission on refonning the party rules is headed by Rep. James G. O'Hara of Michigan. However, the national commJtlee can- not any longer finance operations by the cwnmisslons and Senator ' H1.1gbes has threatened to raise money by general subacript.ioo. Al Ille root of · lhe problem is eliminating the unit rule In any phase of the pnnsg of selecUng delegates to the natiQnal convention. Essentially Ulii idea. ")eels Ille traditional concept ol ma· jorily rule and substitute.a for it Uie more oopltisticated Idea that mlnmity ·view· points should aJao be represented in tbe party cooncils. Sight • Ill TIDll IS CONTRARY to the winner· take-all principle of the American poliUcal proces.s which bu encouraged the emergence ol ~ boss systein, and lhat U what reformists are fighting. They despair of ever getting their way if a group of bosses from key states hol«i;ling control of their full delegaUoris under majority rule maintain effective control of the national convention. This is the way it has been for many years in the Demotratic Party. The reformists did no~ object when John F. Kennedy exploited this kind of boss control to win the presidential nomination. They were powerless when Lyndon B. Johnson perpetuated hlmse1f once by tbe: same methods and prepared to do 10 agalo in 1968 befort be decided to relinquish the presidential nomination under · t be pressure of opposjtion to the Vlttnam War. THAT ACT OF Johnson's released, among olher things, the full force of the reformists moveme.nt against h t m personally, his record. his chosen he.lr, Humphrey, and the Democratic boss system. The new politics, however, was not strong enough lo overcome the en· trenched power of the Democratic organi:iaUon but it provided the stage for wild scenes of disorder and protest botll off and on the Ooor of the convention. That fact alone negated the purpase of the reformists and they were overwhelm- ed in part because they became iden- tified, contrary to their intentioo.s, with irrational disorder and violence arising from causes only remotely related to con~ vention reform. In the aftermath, the reform move- ment lost Its momentum and it is floundering today, Questions I.rvine Land Gift To lbe EdJtor : . Tht .Oranle CounlY Board of Supervis- ora will be dlscU&Sing, an!l possibly ap- 'pf'Ovtng. a· ptan fcJr development of Uni· verSlty Pirk When it meets Wednesday, sept u. · . AJ!F.<l;VIL of , \he plan lnvotvea accept- ance by Ille -nly of a gift of land from the frvtne Com~, subject to as yet un- dbclos<d !<mis aod r'eatrlcllooa. 1be ex· 'act 'th'nla ~I Ille dOed agreement llaitpot ~veu . been tnld~ av11llble to the memlsen ·Ii Ille ·Board Ii Su~ifors,at Ille Ume ol their medln& yeste'rltay. I HA VE WlllTl$N to lbe members o! the board, ex~ssln& concern over some alleged tmns ol the agreement between Orange · County , and lhe lrrine Com- pany which were mentioned at the SepL 17 board meeUng at which 1 wu pttsenL In partJcular, I am disturbed to hear that the: donor will draw up the plan& for the park development and apeclfy tho cootractor who will carry them oat -at Ille .._ ol tupayen. If llUch slipula- tions l>icome pan ol lhe llnsl asn--1. It ~ CONllln.te I "flvMlf.," ol public lll<lleY to Irvine Compaey cronies. The JIOll)blllty of such actloD · m<rua dlsclolure snd pubUe dlacuaaloo. · Could )"'!' brlna Ibis mauer to ·111e at- 'tenlloo Iii Ille mldtnll o1 ~ Councy . ' . ~-•• filnl'f•.-. --• Dur Georst: Wbal can be dona abaul I hUl- bend wtio k-bangtnc his clolhl111 on Ille doorkoobl! FURIOUS DMr FurlouJ: How aboul euturw doortft!sba h> · · lido his c~.l'/hal hid no plao- ..., 1o do -llrub blm? 'f ~ .. ~ i ' . ' I Letters from rcadm ore welcome. NormcsU11 toriterr should conv~u their musagc1 in 300 words or ltu. Th• rlghl to .-,. letl<ra. to fit fl)ac• or •Uminate Ubel.U re1•rvcd. AU ~e­ tcn .fl\mt it&Cludt rignatUr• end maU- ftig cddre11. ·bvt Mmfl mav bf ~ htl.d °" request if ntfiCWll.i rea.son U apparent. b<lore Ille Boord ol Supervlsnn' decl!ion ta madeT MRS. FRED WALTER Runa..,.s Credit To tho !:dltor: Why all tile myst.ry ...-rounding the ligbt moner ~jcb Is Ille primary CSUIO ol1he houllll( sborlagel . · n· b -almost lmpoulble to sel a Joan to build bousel or 1partmenta even al I or l per<elll llltemt. The money dldnl auddenly dlslppear. It II qui!< obvious wi.r< lhe money 1\1• gone. It haa aone to be ~vested at 11 per· cent b7 Bankamericard and Master Charge and olher COlllUlller c:ndil mertbanta. TllE BAND ARE c:umint1J engaged 1n In enormous 1dvtrUling campaign to encourage the pubUe to bomsw at II !>et· cent for anything from groctrles to v1ca· lions and Ibey sre Ondln( plenty ol takera. . • According to our ConallluUon only the fedfral gqvt.Jilment can issue c:urttnC)' • In practlco, .of .-... lll1 bont or merchant can issue credit which for sll practical purposes is tbe same as cur· rency. Few people would deny thal credit has played a major role in making this coun- try greal Traditiooa.lly, b~ers have been lhe epitome.of respongibility and in- tegrity and have conducted their busiDess in the ,best 1nterests of the._ nation. · WHERE A.Rt THF.sE guardians of this nau.mYs We blood? Mao are these people who nOw divert mooey from bou&Jng lO toyat This tnnaUon ia being caused not by the war in Vietnam or by the insatiable defense contractors, but by tbe lr- r<SJIOMlble lenden who are pumping billions ol doflan of higb Interest credit tnto our tottering economy. II is bigh lime Congress faced Ito responalbWUet ind applied 'brakes on tbla ruoaway credit altualion. GEORGE WHYTE --·---Tuesday, September 23, 1969 n. tdltorlal pag• 01 ,., Dear PjlOt 1e1ks to inform and .rtffn.. 111o1c rcadcn br P"'•tnthtg Wa .._,,.,,, opilllona •nd ...,.. ,...!Ori oo topfQ o/ htlnesl ...i rigrifjiccflc" br pn>vidlnQ • torvm tor CJl.e-tJ:Presrimt o/ our rcadcn' OJ)fnion.s, and bV pttHttthtQ Ott dtHr&i vie• pohttl •I la/orflltd olii-n and apok<amcn on topi<:< o/ IM ""v.· l!obert N. Weed, Publisher ' . CH N .. .a • I Cons Look Do-wll · . On Students Proposed LOS ANGELES (AP) -A requirement that all can- didates for major stlident of~ fices meet qualifications set by each slate college was pro- posed today to California State College trustees. The proposal was part of a report by a special committee on student elections, formed last summer. It came as trustees for the l!kampus college s y s t e m began a two-day meeting at their Los A 11 g e I e s head- quarters. The governing board also Is expected to consider its 19*71 budget. The rqajority _of ~ trustees' Finance. Committee agreed earlier this month to cut the prol)OSed budget as Gov. Reagan has ordered, possibly denying admission to some ff,CKKI students over two· years. · • OOIN ''"" 2 Japanese city ·:&,ag~n :~ .~ 912.Z/lo! .. I Group 34 Chlinoe ·cnm:trntd dir•ctlon wHh youth: J5 Very Abbr. 1tr11191: V1r. 'G;oup of )7 European ttllltd ltMS caplfll , 10 C9lor , JI E.uropnn 11 P'191n rllt: .mon1rcll; .. 2.,ords: ?WOfds: 11 Fttd .a Ft111h)lnt . Ast•lr. '•· n111t slsltr' 4~ Agrnq ot l J l1shtl • the '30s; '4own AWr; l' ll111l tl1n1•, ~ •S·Sufl'llOftS a~cessorlts 44 P'otttc 21 ltnl tnto contrtttl~n sttluslon 45 Turlr lsh 24 ltttrtation: govtrnor Abbf . · 411 Talked 25 SubJtcl lnc111i1nt ly;. 26 Sam• 2 words Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column LET'S BE fRIBIDLY It yoU ha'le new nef&hbor1 or know ot .nyone movln& to our are&. p1eaM tell us so that we ~ extend a ff'tendly ... e1.com1 and help them to become acquainted 1D th•lr IMW IUl'l'OUDC1lnp. So. CNsl Ylslfor 494-0579 494-9361 Harbor Visitor instant . '·lasV.S 1"£Slrvations _ NOW! At your flngertiJ!f, Instant room ind Folios Bereere ~ ihow rese~ations at Las Vei!S' mG$t fashtonable resort hotel. FOtYOUI ADOIO CONVINllNCI YOU MAYDIAI. LOS AHGIUS 17Wf00, IEVIW' KlUJi .a7 .... 00. ' : ' Reagan has ordered all state agencies to submit proposed budtets cut some 20 percent from planned costs, then ask for more money I a t e r . UniVersity oI California l Zone 4 "I CIMOf 27 QUIPJ.d 47 Rellglolill zt So~ of rtpresentlllcn " 4)1 1n · ft Rt1111ln For tho b.1t 9ulcl1 to wh•t'• heppefti119 011 TV, ,...d TV WEEK -cli•trlbvtod witli tho Seturcl•y eclltie11 of th1 DAILY PILOT. TOHiii Turn in at Texaco for some rea l savings-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only • 55¢ plus ~ (and deposit). You get it wi!ft.any pun:hase ... at participating Texaco Retaners. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. ,, ··-. -": J-worcls S C1111piss: ,JOl•I ' Kurt 7 Logal · clalfl 29 lll9oted 51 Balht ~. 30 P'olnt of 52 Birthday I Ctlt•Ual cakt tXptft sphttt 53 Rtf111t 32 Prlntlplt 55 Container h,tJd to Sit APrlcan.f'llllv. be> lhtt · S1 Blrlat :-r.,--..,.-,,.... ll ll BIBLE THOUGHTS · ·,DISCll'UNI i1 '" imporl•"t tible .flri"· f c:ipl•. I H,b. 12:5· 11 I. A ch iW who' r1b1l1 MUST la di1c:ipli,.ff. If "1J;'li1 'wlll t.ht 11 ei11'entl ''''" entl will 10•1t·M ltey1nd P'''"''' 9uid•11eo, Othon, pM1i"lf ,fho · LAW, will ...... to diclplh1• hl111. Pr11oflf dey PElMISSIYeNESS (in-t1e'll ef di1ci0 pl!11tl l1 tht 9reel•1I +lriroet to our 11•tio". GOD, el10~ m111t 111•rc:.i1• di1c:.ipli11• wh•11 reb.llio11 eccun. Oth1t· ._;,,, ho will C:•••• t1 b1 &odl Wh•11 A.i•111 r1belled, Go.i could 11ot l01ieelly w'itk1iold di1eipli111ry •clio11. Ho HAD io t•· eel •t•i111t th•t rohllio11 er c•e•• bet111 God. lhi1 ,u11cipl1•i1 well undenlood. If Goel l1 to be God thro111houl el1n1ity, Ho mu1t 111orei10 di•cipli110 i" tho hor1•fl1r. Soult who r1b1I 19ei111t Goel 011 oerth will f•el God'• ditcipli11ery ectio11 #ire~lt· oul olot11ity, !Mett. 25:41, 2 Cor, s.iol. OIEDIENCE 'loo &.4 111 thi1 life will "'''" h1ppi11eu l11 tho lif. h1r••fter. Jo1111 1eld, "He th•! b1!i1••ilt 1MI ii b•plit..d 1h•ll N ,,.,,111 •• ", IMt 16:1•1. H'"' VOU obovtd tht• cor11111•M1t11rrl1 Vi1it Church of Chrl1!1 217 W, Wi11on St., Coit• Mo1•, C1lif. 92627. Study tfl• l ibl• witt. u•. I• ~•ptised l11N Ollrht. President Ntxon: ' ' ' ! ' We salute you.on cancellatio.n of lh1 Dralt•OO far S0,000: of our young America.a malu In November and Decemlier Ila.I• ' CONGRATUl>ATIONS. ' I A. Leonard Robbins , President CARA'T Men'• hiblon Clotbln1 • ' . . . -, • " '. . . ' I • ' ' \• ... . , ' . • . -· ~ How quality • • conscious . are you whert itcomes --· · ·m· ,,. ' to W . SAey._ •. m, ' i tlere's the chtq Ji5t, • ~ " 0 ~ j •• • ' 1 ·1, My (,fandt never "arlft.11.tnow· th1t t•ch bottle 'WID ·ta t le' futt '' I smooth 1:ricl pllaiq u-tM. Wt one. yesOnoO ''" ., .... •1•1 vi "" Z. lt>miira wt:ll.·But-I! f.lso Uttts Sne str1ight. Or on the rockt, ycsOnoO 3. My friends enjoy it, lt't the k,lndl of whiJkey I -C,,i\ ~rve lYith grkle. yesOnoO ~ · 11 you'w 11ns~ 1n unqiMh&ed yes to all these quattoos, ,you1,.. ' qtu.llty<on!dous buYtf. And prob1bly(n(lthtt pmon who h.u m•d• X&gr•P''' .1 Crown tht most-bought bruid or..,~tskey ht tM whole wrde world. Say Sea$fam'sahd Be Sure. . s1 .. r11m Oitlllltr• Com.p11r1~" Nt1"'Yo1k (Uy. lltndtd \\'hl•ktf, 111 rroof.~il Gri11r Nt\llt~ .t1i11t .. ' • i -,I IWlY '11.0T TJl''lllt• S.pltmblf 23, 1169 · .-Toro Wife Works for Doshand~s Return IL TORO -Todd II.woo his a s1!fC1a1 blrU>dlJ will>. '" Ht wants hi• daddy to ((llOI Jiome ll:om Vl .... m. ~ Hll motMt Mn. Clrole Hanl(l'l1 be1;;d Todd blow out bb birthday cudlet lut week when Todd turned •. The celebntion WM held a day earlf in order for Mn. -to Dy to Washlnplo. D.C., ler congressiooal con- &ideratloa of a resolution uk-·-me-bumaDe treatment of = ..-priaooers ol war. :m -a ·~~ ... . - y : . •• I • .... ' . J ~i " , . . ' • • t ' . For The Record Marriage Licenses ARJIUCll,E • SON WealclUI Morloary err E. l'IOI SL, eo... Men "'-• BALTl MOrmlAIUEll c.n.a def Mar OR S.- Caala Mesa in~ • BEU. BROADWAY MORTUAllY bt & ... w.,, Coda Maa UiJISS • DILDAY BRO'l'llERS llmltlqtGO valley MGl'tallJ' 11111 Bue .. mvd • Hntlqtoa Beach IC-?Tll • MeCORMlClt LAGUNA BEACH MOR'n!Al\Y 1711 ~ C003'w Road ~­-• PACD'IO VIEW llDIORIAL PAU Cmlj • ......, CUpol --vtewom. Newport -. Clllfonill IUmt • · l'DX FAMILY CQWNW. FUNERAL ·---A ... WW !frtrr ~ ISMS.ti •• •W-'"l"'D• llSl'UARY r rr ~ •flll .. arr · -...ue • IMi1Br MOlloftJABY 117llala&. , ,,,.. ... ·-,·---------- • Todd'• dadd,y, -.Clpl Stephen -· left for vt... llOID 10 dlya betoro his ""' WU born. A helicopter pilot, H,ansoa WU &hot down June 3, oo, near Kite Sahn. S1DCI f.M'ly ttm year, Mrs. Hanson. 14'bo Uyes near Ule giant Marine Col'PI Air Ste· lion, hu devoted the majorily of btr lime to lpuldna GUI Gii the pli&hl of famllia 1'1111 mWin. servicemen and vrc- tng action by the goverument., Mn. HalllOll and Ille olbtr wl'1H race lhls Sinillat dllem- m.1: art their husbands de.ad or lllve? While directing her energy to addressing civic aroops. wrllinll to neWIJllper edilOr& throughout the world and cor- rtrpondlng with military and ci\lilian o!ficials, Mrs. Hanson hu made a point of talking to Todd about his father. ••ae•s very awan for bis qe, and tells me thlnp wt're golog lo do when hi> daddy cell botne." • II.kt 1•0nce-1 he lol4 me thal hll dadey ihould lob hla ¥Jcopter to a aervlce slaUoo ln Vietnam ao be could get II Dud and could fly home..~ Mrs. Hamon, al her own ex· pense, mounted a bumper sticker thi.a put summer to remtod Ille public ol the mJa. Ing men. The bumper sUckus read : "Don't let them be forgotten -', POW" MIAs (missing in action)." More .. ' . than 10,.000 hive been crea." diatrlbUted-oatloowide alJx:e Mn. Hanloo Uld ahe bu J"""!1. "'6 lljd. "Man Y .arrvlved the past Z'I l!DClllllll f--.... mi..u.. -of rny 111111 iii God, have wrtieri JM llld ul:ed for rny fallll In my INlud ud rny them." • ~ of hll!)o I -Tiit SI Tcirowoala!> belle.ea b1i delonnbiiiloo, his driv'" the natloil bu becOme more 'his -, faith In God and his aware of the Jlllss1nl men deep love tor me an<i our l(IO. !ltuatton dllrlol ~.,"I """6 I ,bellae llleae thtnp wtll 535 -Wt Mardi.'' brinlf him borne. she aald, "and J OOlJ hoord "Eacb nll!h~" !Ile added, from 20. Now. this wtde ~ <'our little boy prays, •p1eue !em Is be\l1J , dbcliRed In God, bring rny daddy home Congrea. I d Call thol pro-soon.' • Investments Lecture Series Opener Slated · Do:ing on Duty Welcome home kiss goes tn Sgt. Wade Stewart Jrom wife Nancy, but son Scott is asleep at his post as dad arrives at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station from Vietnam tour. Stralghl lalk-on tbe marlcet iusloo will be olf&lil'Dy ~==~-~~----------­ and investmerua in a time William L. O'Bryon in biJ 19th .-----------.---------..., when all appears to be coo. annual "Investment!" 1eetUtt a series for the Orange Coast · _ F• H J Evenm, College this month. ll'e e p The Iectu1es will starl Wednesday and run on sue-late kefigious School Registration Sought cessive Wednesdays through to be held at ~· ~:':'30s!:,:~ ~:0 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH F 01• County Mariners Drive, Newport 3209 Via Lido, Newport Be.tch Bead:I. There is no tuition and S.tturday, Sept. 27, 9:30 A.M. -12 Noon studenll may register at the For Information: Call 644-0140 SANTA AN . .\ -Plre HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE announces lecture. !'::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::==:=::= So Long, Blackie fighters are needed by tile U.S. Forest Service in Oranie County. Students who worked as fire control aides this summer have returned to school leaving vacancies which must be filled for the balance of the fire O'Bryon, owner of William !~------------------~ L. O'Bryoo and Co., seauities Veterinary 1tudent Charmaine Bost~r, 22, parts company with. her prize-win· ning Angus steer after sale to A.. E. ''Hap1' Craycbee of Newport Be at h. Craycbee, owner of Foster's Pharmacy, paid about $533 for the prize-winner. Pair Sue On Floods In Laguna SANTA ANA -A Corona deJ Mar contractor and the ci- ty oi Laguna Beach are nam- ed as defendants in a $10,IXX> flood damage suit on file today in Superior Court. Ronald K. and Eliiabelh Annstroog, 1223 Starlite Road, want that amount In damages from the city and -or Everett Davis and Sons o! Corona del Mar. They hold the defendants responsible for ex· tensive flood damage to their borne last Feb. 24. AID-Givers Appoint Mucha Representative TUSTIN -Or811ie County Atn.United Givers president Peter J. Remmel has a,.. nounced the a(ipointment of F. Ronald Mucha ~ division representative. Mucha will work with Division Manager Jack Collini and Represen· tative Carl Hawkins. ''The addition of Ron Mucha to the AID staff', said Rem· met, "is in keeping with the growing financial needs of our community's charitable season, District Ranger Clif • ford M. Stevens said today. lie said it is imperative the vacancies be filled as fire danger in Southern California watersheds is high and will get worse as tbe area gets drier. Landscape Pact Given Medi I C organizations and AID's cor-SANTA ANA _ Ricbard ca enter respondingly increasing ef· Schllllg has the approval (lf forts to provide area giver Orange County planning com-Wiring Done groups with the most efficient missioners to establish a com- means ol channeling their con. mercial landscaping servicr in ORANGE _ The Orange t{ibutions to these worthy the Santa Ana Heights general causes". :-·1tural County Medical Center is now agrl'.;w zone. wired to handle UC Irvine Mucha strved as Orange PlaMers agreed that slnce Medical Scbooi requirements. County district representative the aru isunder the takeoff A '",900 electrical power lor a national consumer pro-pattern from Orange County The Armstrongs cootend _. fi be! j · · th that creation or a firebreak distribution contract was com-duels ·nn ore om1ng e Airport a landscaping buaineu pleted' two weeks ahead of AID organization, and has is a good use for the property. area in the vicinity ol Morn-schedule by Allen Electric Co.. been active io area civic and Schtllig will locate on the i.og.side Drive and Rancho Santa Ana, and approved by charitable affairs since mov-northwest side of Acacia ;:: ... ~din ·~:~!a~ the county Bo a rd of ing' to Orange COOnty a year Street 235 feet soutbwnt of and contriSuted to heavy _s_u.:,perv_isor __ •· _______ a_g_o_. _________ <>r_char_d_Dr_i_v_e. _____ 1 floodi!JI. Top soil aod vegelaticm washed down off the higher land and blocked the drainage system in the vicinity of their home, the Annstrongs claim. Flood waters, it is alleged, rose to a level of six inches in the home. The couple filed an identical claim with the city last J.1arcb 13. lt was denied by the city councll April 14. brokers of. Newport Beach, said of. tbe lecture: "The public has become aware that It must meet the problem of inflation hea<kln. Savings are deteriorating rapidly. In l.Qday's !eCUritles market, a much greater return can be secured than is available in savings and loans and most mortgages, and with as much safety." 'Ihe course serves as an in· troduction to the basics of In· vesting' In corporate stocks, bonds, mutual fund s, municipal and government borcb, and building aod loan associations. It is offered in theJanguage of the layman. Visit the Colonel COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE Ktat11ek11 fried &kiefctK. 2929 E. c .. st Hlghwoy Coron• del Mar 673-3722 • 693 S. C0.t1t Highw1y L1gun1 Beach 49~ 11 an I exlrathatS 1TURNIN e. I I TAKE .Sil Turn in at Texaco for some real savings-six 12-oz. bottle5 of Pepsi fol' only •55~ plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase .•• at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry - ! they' re going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •5t1BPSWC1...,... Pnce. Come over to 3848 Campus Driv• September 24th and you 'll see som" thing you've never seen before. We call It "printing lnsi.ntly" and It can solve your office copying problems, The 'newest Goodway Copy Center Is ready to handle all your dupncatlng needs and provide you with high quality printing service with Incredible speed at a very low cost Probably Jess than you're now paying for office copies. So whether you need a low copies, or 100 copies of a 1,000 page book, see us first Come tn du~ng GRAND OPENING WEEK and we'll produce a supply of FREE memo pads for you white you wait. Refreshments will be on tumd, too. For all the printing you need, laster than you need I~ come to the neweat Goodway Copy Center. SPECIAL GRAND OPENING OFFER! 100 COPIES FOR $2.75 . GOOOWR~ ~center *8 eAwus DRIVE", N£WPORT BEACH,CAL.IFOANIA. 92660 C71•1 l40-9681 • ' You can bank on it. Sawbetween$48and $72oo)'OUl'na;tcar. A free checking account 'vith every auto loan is not the end of the world. But it's a savings of up to $2, every single month. This savings could be the difference between a push-button radio and no sound at all. Or enough gas lo take you to the East coast on your next vacation• Maybe even the last payment on your loan. Sawewnmoreoolowioterest. If you're ready lo buy a new car, come to First Western Bank, fir.L Car loans from other places may cosl you more. They may allow a healthy chunk of your money to go to a middleman. In tbe end, you might be paying mcite for your car. Or .getting less car than you 're paying for. Earn moremoneyonthemooey )'OUsave. If you're really inlcrestal in being prudent, open a bank-safe savings account with us. Then com- pound the money you save on your aulo loan. \Vbat this all amounts to is simply this: \Vhen it comes First lo money management, \VC want to help our customers. 'Banr;tr After all, they've helped us to J.oans become a $900 million bank. --·-- ' • TUff4lr, Stpltml<r 23. 1964 '1tfa!fl S(yart' • Writing, Directing Keep 'FBI' Chief Abbott Busy Ageless Classic Lacking in Luster. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Tariana, where Abbott lives employ a gardener. He can be Philip Abbott, the Jot\n Edgar with his wife, Jane . found two or three dayt a Hoover-Uke boss or te1evision's The "Me Tarzana, You week pruning trus, lriqi.ming ''The FBI," would rather pUot Jane" gags have worn a bit shrubs, mowing h 11 coo- hls power mower around his thin wilh both Abbotts u well slderable lawn and plantiui By TOM BARLEY Of 9't 0.Rr Plltl S1411f Alk any 10 Orange, County thespians and/or theatregoers what they know about ''Mary Stuart" and we'll wager that at least seven oI them are sure to link the ageless clwic wtth lhe revered Madame Helene Modjeska and the famed Polish actress' lnterpretaUon of the. challeng-ng role or England's Elizabeth I. Legend has it ttlat La Mod- jeslca_ brought to ber depiction of tbe Tudor sovereign a fi~ and · fervor that have done much to keep this pleasing play in the public eye for the 70 or so years that have pass- ed sincf she trod the boards in Santa Ana. This may well be. To our way o( thinking, however, this TURN IN Tum in at Texaco for some real saving s-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only *55t plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase ••• at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they're going f ast ! So turn in at Texaco- today. '•Sbgpsted R.,gl Price •• ' tragic. ta.le o( a bitter struggle between two queens, a pecu]iarly chilling ~ frontaUon tha'l only ended, as it only could end, with Mary Stuart's lovely head on the block, survives on its own substantial merits. It will not survive for very much longer, though, il it is to become the vehicle for the doubtful ta1ents and lackuster direction assembled under-its proud name Friday night at the Santa Ana JUgh School. lt .,. was unfortunate indeed that this limping, unutterably bor- ing o!fering should b e dedicated to the city or Santa l Ana's centennial celebratic>ru. Director li.oss Corbin must Buster's Back shoulder the blame for this The late Bu.ster K'eaton, among the ·most invenlive wretched presentation and we of silent film comedians, will be seen in "Steam· intend to pull no punches in boat Bill Jr." Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Open End Theater in Newport Beach. An additional this department. We are not sh.owing is planned for 11 p.m. Saturday. un~amiliar with the thespian -~--"---'-------'------'-'----­ art or its staging and if Mr. modest Sun Fernando valley as th~ir offspring Denise, J7; flowers . . estate than lret aboµt the 10 David, 12: and Nelsen, 7, "Oanknlng is relaxing.~' be;\l~~~~i~i~~fi most wanted Uat. A combination of Ca lifornia says. uctves me time lo gel Abbott Is a lall, spare man, ranch and contemporary my mind off work and other a naUve of Lincoln, Neb., with modem, their hon1e is cen-things." a dry wit and a penchant for tered on more than an acre of Weekends Abbott and family creativity. ground and contains ?!me often head for the beach. But While acting has provided 3,000 square feet, allowing for his favarile means for lt:aving him with sufficient wealth to spacious rooms. the world behind is to camp enjoy the good suburban life, . Thei:e are four bedrooms, an near the town of Frasier Park he is l\ilpplest writing for the <l-!11' hvlng room and roomy in the Tehatbapi mountain!, l 1 .u... s * U1eater and ~his own dining area. But the center o( ~',.S:, __ lhan !,!0 hours ~ --ENDS-lOHIGHT-works. -----iire for the Abbotrtamlly 11-a •11.1un:. Si.nee "The FBI" went on m ~ g ~ lrtcent den-~layroom Abbott discovered lbe area Willi1111 H.ltl111 the air five years ago, Abbott which UlCludes an antique pool while on loci.lion for an Etn••• a..,111111 has authored and directed table._ television set, stereo episode or the adventure "THE WILD BUNCH" .. Robert Frost's Promises to t: q u 1 pm e n t and other drama. Keep" and "The Wt:b and the diveraions. . Jane does tht: famUy cook· Rock," an adaptation 0 I It_ loots du-ectly •out on a 1ng and the couple entertain Thomas Wolfe. pauo swimming -tfOOI. moderately for . .small groups . Pruit trees abound In the cf friends . They sel~om dint Both were produced 10 garden, and Abbott is one of out and Abbott would rather The~ter West, a s ma 11 the few men in the face the rack than ·a d.iscothe· legltunate playhouse . n e a rli~ne~ig~h~bo~r~hood§~w~h~o;::;;d~oes~~no~t [~q~u~•·===~~:::::::::'ill Warner Bros. where his ABC- 1'V series is filmed. Both playhouse al}d studio ~· .£ are a 20-minule drive to ttl"T ~· '3 ricj; eo"'AST~ ""~""*j' ~mt n ~ THEATE~ ~j'\11! ztos Eat c-t Hi.•w•'t Coro11t1 Del M........,._ 6)l-'J'O o,.. ,:41 '"'-...... .. , ... '"'1...e. . .. Jo111n1 W1otlw1r1ll "RACHEL, RACHEL# STARTS WEDNESDAY Corbin were to> tell us that he was satisfled with this plod· ding, stilted "Mary Stuart" then we should have to tell him that he's in the wrong business. Eva Gabor Decorating TV Screens and Homes .OWAl'&ilfnie I .,..;:::~~~:... ·n11 , I . "What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice?" e ENDS TONIGHT e ft vft.r1Jlu ·_,,_· immlllt 1 "ROMEO & IUILET" We're prepand to allow a lot of leeway for first night nerves and errors but there was· no excusing most o( the cast (or a production that was almost utterly devoid of in- spiration. Ann Filian, a beautifully gO\\'tled M a r y Queen of Scots, did improve in the final. stages but she had. for us, irretrievably blolted her copy book in her opening scenes. About the only thing that Margaret Boyer really did well was to look amazingly like Queen Elizabeth, But there the resemblance ended with a lame, unin s p ired performance that should have -and we almost hoped it would -brought the shade of 11 maddened Modjeska back to take over her most famou s role. There were those who de- served a lillle more than our curt dismissal. Frank Ballotta stood 'OOt in the role ol the limping, wily dipl omat Sir Amias Paulet; William Carden polished up his role as the Earl of Leicester as the play wore on and Ron Langseth nQticeably improved in the part of Sir Wiiiiam Davison as the mill sof Jean Goldstone and John Reich ground slow- ly on. l!OLLYWOOD <U PI ) since birth. Being a Gabor is'not all sable "~ly father was one of the and diamonds. But it's close. lop antique colleelors i n1 Eva Gabor _ zsa Zsa"s 11ungary," sht explained. "We 1 1 lived in a museum . My mother younger s i st er is used to gel upset because the dissatisfied with the limita-house was filled with so many lions acting places on her antiques. IWJUI llPl'Y" artistic creativity. She didn't "Now I can spot an original put il exactly that way, but from a copy in a moment. that is the gist. This is what I mean aboull~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~~ll artistic creativity. Interior! So the blonde lJungarian decoration gives me the 0~ beauty is branching out. She portunity to create." has already opened an interior l-':;m~;;::;;;;;;~--1 decorating shop in Palm! Springs and is completing l T.,.itht ti I plans to set up another in • Beve rly Hills. She reached into her \\'allet and whipped out a license, proving she is a certified in- terior decorator u n d e r Califomia"s statutes. "Oh, my God!" Eva cried . ~'Does that . paper give my age? ls that my driver's license?" Assured her years had not been revealed, the actress sank back in her booth to regain her appetite for lunch. A catastrophe such as that could give a glamor girl hives. lt was a near miss. "I do not wait on customers in the shop," Eva said. "I con- sult. '' BEST PICTIIE OFTIIEYW! •"""'flllOll"-lolllll:leaQll L1mll'11 "'"'''.,,...,, I llotl SttiCtt · Clain lllMm I JudyGttson ' 1-.J.1nroz-nlJ'O-I [!] ''-"~••"''" ... 'l"''.otl ~ ALSO f'LAYING- To11y M-011eio10 1111 "A Man Called G·annon" STARTS WEDNESDAY YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE! "0111 of 1~1 f11Rn i1it. Moil Ori9in•I •nd Moll Cont19io11t Scrt•ft Com1cli11 In Yt111 "-N. Y. Timt1 ,.Armin S11p1rb"-l.A. Ti"''' "• • * * 1'1,f1ct"-D1ily N1w1 Ev111 J11clitli Crht S1y1 - -''Nol to b1 Mi111dl" & "HELLO DOWN THERE" LAST-2-DAYS .... Jock Le-• Woltet" Motttl•• "THE ODD COUPLE" Bargain Matin•• Wednesd•y, I p.m. FllE ll•IHHMINTS Metf ... AtlltbllM$1.tt ft i.Jl.w¥u .. '-·mimu =' I 1'1111 -J•"'•• 611"111r 111 "s.,,.rt ,..., L.ul' .... ,,.. Crossword Puzzle Asked if she incant an analy st, astrologer or the yellow pagt!i, Eva explained she is a consultant for those wishing their i n I er i ors deC(lrated with a Hongarian fla ir which is quite different from, say, a Poli sh or Yugoslavian flair. 9/2J.•b9 1 lmmovabl t 37 Orivt 8 Fruit ool 9 Conlftr, e.g. •o Unburdtn 10 Light in 4Z Oo M color outdoor 11 lmpor\Jnl chort minttil 45 Btilrtr 12 Soft drink of nrws lJ In !ht ···• 48 Most 18 Commind tractabl t to dog SO Adds up 24 Sl!nSt SJ Numtric af 25 Rough lo prtfi~ Ult touch 54 Ntoativt 26 Walks ba cl( wad and roru. 55 Exc hangt 27 "Hard --!" Sb Akron 21 Facia l product fl!ali.rts 57 Sltn on 2' Timtlab lt 1 door abbr tviallon Yf Oisor91nlJtd 31 Kind of stalt I horsr •o Song 32 Otstrt bl Sllarp ltaturts flavor ll Whtat of ~2 Niss San Europt Juan 35 Word of b5 Part of tndrarmtnt lht bOd~ ,--i;--r,-,;-,,-12 IJ, ' ., • .. "I 11m really in the anlique business," she said. ';It's a very good business: better than diamonds because an- tiques keep increasing in value. "There are very few genuine anl.Jques left in Europe because they arc all imported to the United States. I shop in places like Laguna Beach, but nol at tht: tourist plact:s. I look in the little side streets." Eva said she has been an authority on antiques almost NaWPOlf llACM -• "'-..... _ t. l•NI-U41 lo&. -OI. J.-ll~ SOUTHllN CALll'O•NIA EXCLUSIVE 1TH SMASH WEEK A ONl-n'ID MA.tOI HIS ODDI.ALL HllOU WY THE NAZIS A.ND CHANGE tffl CALINDAI 0, HllTOlY • • • I ... CAROL WHITE PAUL BURKE .. ''°"'*. n1 SHOW STAln 1 P.M. CONT. IUN. NOM J P,M, " 'Me, Natalie,' is a warming, funny and satisfying experience." -Cillll'in Cllo1'lplh1, L.A. Thn" '' 'Me, Natalie,' a charmer." -Whtfretl IJnln , L.A, Het•hrl ho•l•M ....a "Patty Duke gives one of the ~ most brilliantly thought out -' '( '~ performances seen in a "'-long time!'~"' RrM \ll'llt II ~, 1 II ,~ l)\.~o.. ,o I w P'dtty Dukr West Coast Premiere Color t,., o..,_ !je Engagement Ph1r-Aurd1y H1pbur11 In "WAIT UNTIL DAil" Phu-G•19ory f'1ck in ''THE STAUINa MOON" ~ii Fo.,,,.,.SOUTH COAST !A PLAZA TH .. HIC S.an l»e(o f1"11'ty at lristol • 546-2711 ACRES 01' FREE PARKING Box Offiee ()pin 6:45-Show Starts at 7:00 P.M. --- Whoops! 20th C.nlury-fox presents REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Donen Production .. STAIRCASE" a sad gay story ,._.,... °"'"'°"' .,,TAlfl[Y OOMff·...__, "'OWl!.U 0¥0...,_ ... ..., -"OVOLl'I worn •PMIAVWltff" •COLM., .,.._•Iii cu • Starts Wed., Sept, 24 • West Coast Premiere EllCJCIPll!tllt . ., a.mH•W ! muu : ··············--~ • NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI """1., ~M··•*­ s1.rr1ng PATTY DUKE ,.. AIHl'*Y ...... "' AIM Artll• ''WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plus-- J•n• Fond• In 'Barefoot in tlie Park' Potitively Ends Tuesday ---a .cJW:u..& A.II•-..... Mllfll "!lun Wfld, Run l'f'ff11 "' ' JO OAllY i'ltOT s MGM Mum On Offer OVER THE CO.UNTER AflVJtual fund investinc In the ""'lopntnt and ose of the oetan and its resootces , __________ _ DEALER'S NAME • 'Pl ... U 'J~ "'9 • ClllHIJNo(IVS on <1ht -notr•Jlfilt hmd, Ooc:. • lddr.u ORANGE COAST COLLE~E No Admission Charge }Ht i11trod~ct!o" to lhe b11ic r.,nd•mtlllal.i of lnv11lin<J ;,. Cot• po•1ta 1tock1, 8ond1, M"tu•I Fund1, Go"''"'"""' lono:h, 8uildin9 I loin A1u"i1lion1. !nttndeol to qivt pr1<0lie1I knowl1d91 of lrv11tm1n'fl e11cl 1tocl fJch1n9e op~r•llon1, WM. l. O'BRYON, Instructor 141fi••i .. Septt-mfff 24111 Fer S Wffb -W.411~oyt 1:30 t• t :lO '·"'· Mori11e11 ScJtool 2100 Mori"" Dffl Nowport ae-h Retist., 11t ftr. Lech1t1 ShearsonHammill Announces a TV Special! lf anybody can judge what may happen on Wall Street during the weeks and months ahead, it sliould be experienced nlcn like thcse- Walter J'vlintz, executive vice president in charge of the lnvesta1ent Div- ision and Robert Allen , first vice _president and director o[ research. And ncrn'. for the fir st time. you can sec ;ind hea r these 1ncn in a live-on-tape production fr om our own TV studio at 14 Wall Street. L_earn what these Wall Street leaders think about the current n1arkct and about specific investment opportunities. Arc there sensible ways to take advantage of a down market'/ Has th e decline bottomed out? ls thi s the time to go bargain hunting? Will there be greater opportunities to make proftlable buys a few mon1hs from now? The videotape program JaMs 35 minutes. Following 1he program you'll have the opportunity tc' question some of our top investment executives about the markcl and individual sloe ks that interest you. Please call for reservations. The time: 7:30p.m. Wednesday, September 24 Our Boardroom 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Tel. 644·2442 Shearsoo,Hammill & Co. loc.orporattd CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATK>N ANO A BROCHURE. r TWPHOME -~ AllSWERIM& IUllEAU 543-2222 I OFFICES TO SEllVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. I ~PSA . .evert m1nules to San Jose! 1 im 10 t :30 pm. loU. way•. 7:00·1:30· 10:0~11:30 ...,.,;00.a~O.C:00-5:30.7:00·1 :30 pm. MOii N w11k1ndl. Why w<Kf'/ about a ,_.rvtlion ~ PSA tiu o*' 1IO flights• dey? Such an eaty•to-rwnemb9r tchedttl• )'tXJ can carry ft •round in your hMCI. Why ter:'ltmber lowest farst? Or all Jets? Or grtat MNlc• to San F1anc:1co, Oaklt!'ld, San Diego, end Sacrtm1nto? Or lh11 kid• under 12 Uy PSA (wlll'I their ptrents) tor htlf 1•r•? Still wan I a 11$1Nalion? Just call your travel 1g1nt er whttw.hsname 1lrtfnii1. PS\1h'9,.,a11L r. Sg1nbols " OA!\.Y Pll.OT .. . • ' ;M.onda.y's (l~ng Price.s-COmplete ;New ·York Stock: ExCbange List • r , __ ...,_ .... ,_ ....,.__ ___ , _ _. ___ ~----·------ II 1».11.Y PILOT • • I See 'by'Tooay's Want Ads 1 " l!J rn. In at Texaco for , ~real savings-six1 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi, for Of!~' plus'tax" (and . ). You pt; it with' any.purchase .. ; at particlpeting T ..CO R;tailers. 'But huny-r tl)ey're going fast! So turn in et Texaeo- today. •&1a1 I tW ..... I... • ' A $10~0 ·to $1000che~ 'inyour mailbox ~ery$.Otd:h! ,•' ' Announcing.the ·· New Califor1lia Federal Montlilyn.oney Plan . ,_ ....... Iii $1000 .. ...,, 'l1le """".,.,. 1!1111•' dopcelt lo, Ille ll!P'/OfJI-""" clieolt-be, . No"""-al.., 111111. Yai P11Y no ..r. -m~ '"'load" char1119cr~.a1.., am.. And,.,.... ... ~ loo aid 'ID-'-,,,., adult, 21 « o•.11 eligible for. Monlllly Maney P!ln. And no medlcal...mlnatlon i.r.qutred. Ff!ll llop:,... -..... ....,, • ..., """ ""'*'""Just Ilk for 11111 --om... We ...., have.a free, !51N'Ge·,.. tll'emenl guidebook for you. nf*.~""' glY111· yoa thee colts of hundred• or rwtliement conlmvnltle1;and laclli· lies In ·c.lllomlL Slap In now ·IOI' theM holplul boob. "• Ah•E-2'1 ._.,.,tti11.C!0011r .......... --..aie.,.•-•OCoo.,"'°IOZll•• .. ,•••-•__,11 .. w-.1: s: ii - I .J I I " '" .•. ,_ '" ' .\ .. "' . ,,_ r I I I j ' I I /' • •'. I l I I • ' . .. --,., .-OJ> ' w.. ..--··-'!"'!"""!'--~'!"!--~!'!11--,."'!l-!!!'1 -" •• .. • Of .. .. = ·i-·-~····--· ,... ... ' ' ' ' 'I ' " • •. : '.J . . .. ) ~ '· .!:·." .. "'" ... ... •;.; ' I "' 'I •• ''" ,~ 'i .... ... ~ .. ,~ . .. '-.. '•· ... ,: .. l .• . ' . ·~Au x~i li :a r_y ~ .. '\' . ' . . . S·ee;ks, :._<;·itts · ,, ~ . ' . . ' ' ' . .;. . . 'On .a sb'l!lpiiii(spree .are member! . .of· Las Brizas• del ·M,"\" Au~ iliaiy, Cbil_drep s !lorn• Society. , . · · · , ." • • •J-. • •• ' They are Searching for appropriate gifts for a layette -show.tr, ti!• first fall pt'!ject fo' Ille Fountain. V l\ll~Y. gr?up. · Between ·l and 3 p.m. n~xt Saturday; .th~ patio of Mrs. Willilun Pobn's boine will ,be b)igbUy de~orated J"llh·SJ>tighUy storks and baby . buggies which Will qe used as eijnta!ners !Or the wrapped gifts which will be C!)lle,eted forn~-bOrn infilpfl. .. .' .: . !'' • • " -. Prior to the time that a baby-io•pl•""4"9ith adopting parents it .. g>~nd§ . .M _inJelirn. ~riod of from six to eight weeks in If.he care of fos- ter parents. Providing layettes. for0 l!l.*·.ln-J>etween; d8y11cis· b"l•·one~ ··ot1he:"1D.any flifiction·s-em.braced by the auxiliaries of the Children's _H?me Scx;i~~Y·. _ _. . ___ -_, ___ _..., -..•. -,_' . Planning the shower for the tiny babies are Mrs. Robert Isaac- son, chairman, and Mrs. Ed Lavelle of the associate membership. They have invited the participation of more than 60 associate mem .. bers whose support augments the auxiliary's efforts. Also attending will be Mrs. June Hendricks, director of Orange County's 16 auxiliaries, and Mrs. Gayle Boswell, who will relate het impressions and experiences as a foster mother of five years. Families and 183 infants or toddlers were united last year through the facilities of the Orange County District Office, and.the ma.. jority while the child w~ under S mQPths. Their layettes wer:e due di· recUy to the efforts of auxiliary"VOI~i:s-, -... . Refreshments and the opening of the eifls will comprise the $iiQwER:QF' AFFECTJO~~ Mrs. Anthony Gajewski (lelt) .pre;i- dent, and Mrs. ·Ro!Je.tt Isaacson of Las Bnzas dei Mar, Foµntain Valley's auxiliary. of the Children's Hom, Society, enjoy an after- noon of s4opping ·for a ·layette •hl>Wlll', 111• first fall project spoil- ·sored _by the auxiliary. All the clothing and' baby supplies collect'ed '!ill, be ·distributed to new-born infants-awaiting permanent adop. ti on. afternoon's activities, . Surf Sounds " Pace Picks : ... ·. In Two Citi~s:z.·::; ,• ·. ~. ' ' : . . By JODEAN HASTINGS Of tti'°e Dally Pilot Staff POSITIVE T B A T Hun- tington Beach is a city on the grow is Joan (Mrs. Nonnan) Warner, who recently assum- ed the: duties of secretary for the Chamber o; Commerce. During her first day or so on the job, Joan dedicated a solid eight hours to answering only one batch of ~nquirle.s regarding the city. assorted commumti ~~ to enjoy a night on' tt.e tow'n iri - celebration of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. SINCE THE mayor prr claimed this as Safety Mont: in Fountain Valley, the Four tain Valley Woman's Club t cooperating wi!h the polict del"'{lnl<nt ,ID ~i"'\'~ "'I of· ficer"wbo'"ilf 11< .P.,i.Jililg ID · kindergarten children in all nine elen\entary: schools this week. MEMBERS OF the 5-0uth Coast Junior Woman's Club in He will be discussing lafety F.ountai~ Valley currently are _ = ':r:!: .:®~= d1stribut1ng bumper. st!Ckets . to l n-..1 T~-· tll with the warningi· "School's . 6, range~, ·'"""' l'<}U . Wl Open _Be Extra Alert," to distnbute,llterature. all community residents. ·l.n ·chaFge of errangements- In addition t'o u r i I Ti g ~s Mrs. R91:.1¢.$µllivan,_yQUth motorists to be cauCious, the cbairman. club also is e n co u r a g i n g The club agairl Will Sponsor parents to review .ufe\plcy.cl· tts duplicate brtdne pro· ...,......_, ing and pedestri~ i:ule! witb a l!!i ...... their youngsters. · l!adr Sa~day. at'·B P·~~ in ~e , • , .• , ·, OOJWDlDl•\y ·center lililldlng. • The group 'f ec~'•i,.Y· !l'hl . ol'oUD Ill . bpeii 1o iill. presented a ch,eek '-lo· Or,. Li"'"·_\,;~ ,. . ... ·. Ralpb Sher, di~ "Of •tlle· '!D? ,-w~ 1 •• to ·play, -and emergency H:ELP LINE !or · es~1aur. ~~tdellts: who .~anl drug situaUons . :WtUUn the: • U> earta_ th'eiJ". m~~= .po~ts. _ :. .. .. ' . . community. Proc~· were' ~~e alsO ·Wiii_, J?e J~_ n~v1c~ , i ~ " . realized from a Sbetr HqpJast seqion. ~ ~ J:>:e~s-ar'e • . , . . " . . ~ , . month 1 Fountaiil Valli!Y Big~ weli:omo.'Thtre ·is ;.th>rge of IN· THE · DRIVER··S,fEAT·-, Geo<ge. Cartillo, ·sale8'. '' preilaeJ>t!ofthe.Marma High ,Scllool ad wt .chapter; School n · ·ti .~ .per p.1;tyec;· ~•od r,4rs.: manager-of Bill Maxey Toyota, Inc., sbows "the car . Ai~h-...Hailu, foreign ~xcbange student , from . • .Helen Cree<f ~ directing the which will be donated during the White Tag sale Ethiopia, and Mrs. Owen Miller, representing the TED AND AUCE llartlett -1"'08ram ·'With the cooperation sponsored by the American Field Service program. new chapter forming in Ed,isoo High ScllooL took an evening off from their of Mn. Will Romine. Admirers are (left to right) Mn, C. J. Weronko, . . With · White Tags . n . · Student Army · On the Marc·h Huntington Valley . residents will ·be-ask8d to reach in their ·wallets for $1 beginning. next li'rlday as adult and student chapter members of the Amen-- can Field Service program open thtm' White ~TB& sale, Participating in the lag sale will be ·the student body from each of the .four area high schools In- cluding Edison, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Marina. Miss Esther Funk is chairman of'tha combined effort. Cooperating in the program are more than 180 area merchants who will offer holders of White Tags a 10 percent discoun't on all :rn~se except sale or fair.trade items on Satur<!aY, OcL 18. Most of the participating merchants, "'.hose names ate listed on Ille tags, also will b• offering them· for sale in advance of White T~g disd>unt day. This year an imported car and five classical guitars have been donated to the sch!llarship pro- gram by Bill Maxey Toyota, Inc., and· the Hunting- iton Center Merchants' Association. . They will be given away at 2 p,m, Thursday, Oct. ZS, in the Huntington C::enter Mall,· and the·Win- ner must be present to qualify. Student clubs sellin): white tags will realize 40 percent of th~-proc~eds and 60 percen~ will.benefit lhe AFS sctiolarship program., Foreign students from . 61 countries throughout the world are b,rougbt to the U.S.' each year to live with an American fem-. ily and study in an American high. school during their senior year. , As a reciprocal part of the· program, outstand- ing students froµi tlils" country are·aeot 'abroad ~ 44 foreign countries, each year. Object ·01 the AFS prvgra\n· Ill to brlng·uiider- standing and friendship among peoplOs .of.Ille ·world on a one-to-one basis. Studen\j from other ,llinds visit more than 2800 cbmmunitl~1here during each school y.ear. · · Last year more than 200 mercha!l!s in the Hunt- ington Beach Union High. School District and more than 10,000 students participated in the White Tag sales, the major 'fllnd-ra!sing event of the Americaa Field Service, - Have Suitcase; ,.Beg~ing -Quirk, .But Never Tho·ught of Wofk . -. • ' \ •.:i:r·,_· ' • ' DEAR ANN LANDERS:·{, ai:", a :' io' r Your column aboul lhls problem. PleaSe money -problems, sex problems and hr. viCe,pieue,]ustwantedyoutoknowhow healthy, alert, clean stude.nt who· wfil be ........ • -saf 9eniethlng. -STILL BURNiN'G · Jew probiems. -'one wo"11n lblved her problepi. - 18 next birthday. I Jive in Ohio 8.nd am DEAR BURN: I've never bad the pi-ob-1.ast yeJt we mOved·to this city. lD:@n't HONEY BUN • bored out ol my gourd. The farthest lem bdorel• You llucli<d·ft ~ulllaUy; name ii please). The move meant mpre DEAR BUN• '1111111.• -? Plout away from home I have ever been is Mtdaine. I coalda'& bave dole \be''fti' ' money, a bin:~ house_ and new:frhdds, htp_.JSlY Hlbu -..,, BID. Y• .., SteobenYilie, :ioo miles away. , ' m)'ldl. Wlthfn 1>10 lnOlllh& I wu•madly In Jove be wrWq •pbb • Do you know of a kind.i.e.rted col· "'tr<dt" Wlddl. dald .....;;.... ~ ooiauoa bn>l:e ;.;.;;or,, 'ftt.i "~g" lumed ' . ", with bJs nel' buslne&S woclato.11Ie feeJ. llllUlfsl who would be willing ID make a o.i:.: .. -.,.~---• --• .. , · Dl!lAB ANN LANDER$: rm ..,.. *"' lna 18 "mutual.' Mr, M........,. lnil bla gilt of $200 SO I could go ID New York for to ,_..,...._ Pqle wlNt nat tldnp" hut ID be l lioJ' '1lnif .,..the. Door· looking will never pub11sh thl1 letter ~allst! It . .-~r,1have tfiO same kind of marriage 111)1 a fo0g weekend! Sony I don't liave badly....,.. oileo rwirt IOJL.l'ft -,1up.lnfo:lbe.dn~bo0rh: · hbsba!ld and I.bl! BOr' M and I monty for a stamp so you 'll bave to a good bl& of It 1111.ea ud I recmameH ' ~.he sat( 'Ill' M ~ up. 1 was gore. one "! your sacred oxen,. .but..l'ifl., • have decldhcf ltii~edivo~1is :; or the anrwer In the paper. -HAVE SUIT· It lllgbly. shocked.. That Jtld wls nearly 11 tall as I t going to wnte i1 anyway. I ClJI ·trupi!UllY quesUan. Dal'l\el doesn't suspect a thing. CASE, WILL TRAVEL was. He had to 'be 11 years okj. ly'lled, &aY •• my'stei'et lover bas made my mar-.Nellher does Mrs. Marvelous. · DEAR WILL 1 I'm glad Ii> '"'°11 ,Jll!I DEAR AfiliMl!D&RSc ~afiern-• "Iii! ~U) '11, ~ and 10, ~·thel meJ(•--riaif,.~t "l'IY toJerable,but hap\)ler. We meet 'onee a W!'•k In a nesrby lnt•e • IUl&case. Sony, cbu:m, 6it r while shopping jn a_ well-known depart. room1 ~ ~ck out hi! tongue• •rid . ,_ y.'tien.J ~·f!I~ Dani~ in 19S! we were village. He·~tisfies my every emotional haven't lll<llkd tllal mooey boJD you are ment store, l'ffid lo go to 'Ifie ladles 1hootel, ! don t lmv• to mind fOO. You licith yomig 100!00fi1h, and l was png• ·need. I love belng with birn. Dreaming dreaming about J .. room. I walked into the private booth. aren't my.mother." - -naqt. ·After five ye&rs and tlire6 bablts+ abOUr'" our trysts~ keeps·-me cheerf111~ There's u old-fashloned11ctfvtty called stmnbled over something · and almost -I don'tthlnk-I'Ve-ever---seen anything tn "°wt -were. fftf 1lp-.tt:b each." other, h&d fulfilled and good to my hoSband. No ad· ~-"--- < • I How will you.tnow-.u. rM\ thine coni.s along? Alk Ann Landen. Said llf her booklet "LovJ or So'and'!l<1w to'llll the Differerlce'.1• Send 35 ~is ln 'coin and , a 101lg, se~·•dd(W41, atoml(Od eovlli>Po with your request. • Ann Llindcrs wjll b6 glad to help ,.. with your problems. Sjolld thdn lo IMr ID care ol the DAILY PILOT, enclloill 1 ..it-addressed, stamped envelopo. ' ... "' .. .,. ,, . ., . ' " . . .. . ' , ... ,, -' ~ " , .. ~ ' ' -., .. '" ' "' .. n • ' ' •• • '. .. • ' ,. ,. ,. , • ' • l I ,\ l I r I .----· Destina tion: Notion 's Capitol Mrs. Fred M. Briggs (left) of Monarch Bay packs her car with help from Mfs. Robert M. Thomas. Mrs. Briggs is off to Washington, D.C. where she will rep- resent Laguna Niguel Republlcan Women's Club, Federated at the national con- vention Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25-26. Those who attended the state con· vention in Anaheim included Mrs. Thomas, president, along with the Mmes. Briggs, Neil Barbour. Lawrence Howell, C. L. Llppincott and Angelo D'Ercole. Horoscope Aries: Keep Balance WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 By SYDNEY OA1ARR NEWS SPOTLIGHT 011 mar- riaJt and d.h·orce. L a w cW .c:es accat wbat mi1i.t be a.a eecentric twist wlUcb grab! headll:nes. LIBRA Is involved and lhett COllld be furor over .whit many ml1bt ~sl~r a too UberaJ iatttpret.allod of the nles. AllI&S (March 2l·April 19): Forceful methods get you ex· actly nowtlerc today. Have courage of convictions. But speak softly. Many today are ready to throw caution to winds. You must keep )'1lUr balance. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Consider your own welfare. Don't go so far afteld that you neglect essentials. Be frank, especially with yourself. Ac· cent ori getting besl value Crom money, studie.s. GEMINI 1~1ay 21-June 20): Your freedom may !Jc restricted by I e g a I com- responsibilily. Don't try to shirk duty. Great gain, prestige arc possible. But you must display unique La1ent.s. CANCER (June 21.July 22): II wise, you will fmiah what you knaw. Means don't feel gra.u Ls necessarily greeber acr(JM the way. Be analytical Maturity and calm app:oach win your goal. Know this. LEO (July %3-A.ug. 22): You may find yourself on the move today. Plans are subject lo change. Ride with the tide. Take nothing for granted. Give full play to intellectual curiosi· ty. VIRGO (Aug. 23-0ep<. 22): You may .be. tempted to let Im- pulse guide financial moves. Key is to be receptive to logic. Wa ists Tak e the Wrap Big ribbing cinches the wai&tllne In Ibis window· pane checked: wool wrar, whlch is worn with a ribbed dress with turt eneck. Done by B. H. Wraue, 1rr1 pan of his fall-winter collection to be vi iod troll'I Jl·e.m.•10 4 p.m. tomorrow and Thurs· day In Robinson's, Fashion Island. • .. Strive for balance.. Have fun without ruining your previous plans, budgel. LIBRA tSept. 23-0ct. 221 : Ideas sparkle. You a r c restless for progress. This is a day to es.presa yourself -in writing, art, other creative forms. You will noL be .satisfied with status quo. SCORPIO (Oct. :ZS.Nov. 2t): Know values. Don't coofue i~ lusioo with actuality, Accent au whit you get for maoey. Be infmmed. HIV1! as many facts at bind IS possibie. 'l1len )'1)U avold being deceived. SAGl1TARIUS (Nov 22· Dec. 11): Excilement of going placea., meeting p e o p I e domim1&. Day ts out ol ordinary. Rou1ino goes by wayside. Circumslloces turn in your favor. But avoid es.- COSS ;p..ci_ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You gel a.Id from unorthodox sources. Business affairs are on upswing. Jn personal life, prestige rises. FamUy disagreement can be amiably settled -if you so desire. AQU ARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. II): Friendlhip could blend with travel. Visitor could ar- rive. Individual who was con- fined to home or hospital gets out. Bt gracious, c:omi.derate. PISCES (Feb. 1 .. Mareh 20): Set sighls on goal. Pacing Is important li you aUt:mpt to go too fast, you mits major point. Mes.sige is clarified by tonight. Cooperate in ipeci•I project. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTIIDAY you appreciate the arts, with empJw.ia on music. Your Ille has un- dergone numerowi changes recenlly. You may now be cootemplaling change o r residence. Domestic situation is altr.red. There is more to sha~. T• "=...i:...e--~~~)" =··"I!!!~. ... 'II" ~ ~ =-..: i:;;;,!!." """-"!-' o.f!r~ r~r.:~.l~.t.r1o11?ftlr.,~k,~ Post Time Announced Jnslead of the traditional day at the races. Alpha Delta Pi, Southern Area Council will sponsor A Night at the HJrness Races next Friday. Members and their gue_M.s will travel lo Hollywood Park for a codtail recept.ioo from 6:30 lo I p.m. in the Turf Club berore post time at 8. The proceeds will be given to the McClausland ·Holmes FoundatJon, ertabllshtd in 1957 to establish research ra- cilitles in ~teal , surgical and al lied sciences and to set up a proaram for rehabilita- tion o( unwed motb6s. Tbe foundation ha! named tbe f1orence Crlltenton home to be recipient of funds raised from licket salet for A Night at the llarness Races. An)'Ollt wishing to purchase tlcltetsl. ll f5 eech, may call Mrs. .Hobert Hartunian. 962- 4034 . ,,, .. __ _ . ..,. • ----------... • Mission Chosen For Ceremony 1be hlltoric OW MJadoa San over ~now. were Cynthia Luis Obllpo w,. -by Lynn Allrtd and Suzanne Mlch<le -ud Novy LI. Featbellnglll, m.... ol the Ronald F, Klrl>y ol Colla bridegroom. -to a tbe aetilng f0< Sieve SltauA performed the ~. excblllP o! wedding duties of bel1 man aod suests pleilges ud r1op, wett seated by Jerry Jlekm, 'n.e early a f & e r n o o n Georii Allred. Dick Feather. cer<m()I!)' was performed by lollll and Tlnl Harden, tmber 11ie Rev. JID>OI, rr.m. for ol the t.ride. 1he daUl)>ter of Mr. od ¥~. Orallle anthuriwn a n d F. Sbeldoo ff-ol Su LUts halycoola flown in f r o m ~and the IQD of Mr. and Hawa.il were arranged in Mn. Joooph F. Kirby ol Colta decorations for the Su Luis -Obispo Couotty Cub, where ,M. emplre. gvwn of orgama the newlyweda reoelv~ their tceeiJted W'Ub, lace wu ctu:mn guests. bT the bride llld her 11oo< Aft..-hooeymoooin& I n leiigth veil .., <,IUlht to a . Northern Calllomla and Lake crown ol.lmb atephUotis ud Tahoe. the ~lyweds will Unopds orchids, reside in Jl.lwal1. • The bride WU ~ ~.JI.Inion. at-from llllsloa c.utnI Cllhollc tended her liJler u-mald ol H I g Ii School and bat C<IDJl- booor. weartne a long yellow Ieted two yean at Calllomia dlilfoq gown and a plcture bat Polyt.cimlc College. San Luis or natural straw banded in Obispo. orange. Her hu.sband, 1 graduate of BridesmaiM, w e 1 r i n g Mat.er Del H1&b Schoo!, at- IX\ltdllng gowns and bats and tended UCLA, when he wu carrying bouquets ol orange af!lllated. with Phi Kappa m.arlj:olds, were Pa t ricia Sigma f raterni t y, and Dalton, Clrby Wtgell, Cheryl Calllomia State College at Cooper a o d Ann M • r i e Loog: ·Beach. He now is sta- H1rden. tiaDed at Pearl Harbor with Flower &lria, in white eyelet the Navy. Small World Theme Club Begins New Year Disease bill and will report on a Halloween candy sale plan- ned for the October meeting lo benefit the Kidney Foundation. ... ... -..... . " . .. . .. France will be the first slop in the Small World jwrney o! the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach when the club begins a new year out Thurs- day in the Eb<ll Clobboux. The meelhlg will be caUed to order at 10 a.m. by Mrs. Warren Fil:, pnsident, and luncheon will follow t b e bosinesa session. Youth chairman, Mr s. James Murar, will announce a baby-sitting clinic in November for Girl Scouts. New olf1CU1 and chairmen will be Introduced, including the Mmes. Murar, recording secretary; B l m Hastings, historian, and William Burtt, program chairman. THIS IS A LAMPSHADE ? -That is the question ballgoers will ask 'vhen they attend the seventh annuaJ Lampshade Headdress Ball next Saturday benefil- ting the Orange County Association for Retarded Children. Trying o.n 1 a s t year's sweepstakes winner is Mrs. Gerald L. Thompson (center) while Mrs. Jack Nelson (left) and Mrs. George Zavas offer a helping hand. Mrs. Roger Sherman, first vice president, wUI call upon chainnen for reports, in- c 1 u ding Mrs. Harlow Richardson, ways and mearu1, who will di.scus.5 a Nov. l% boutique. Health chairman. ~I r s . Lionel Oa Silva, will discuss writing letters to le&iJlators in IUpport of the Ven e r e al November Date Set • The eniq:ement of Judith Ann Mueller and Dudley Lewis Rosser of Campbell hu been IJlOOW'.ICed by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J o s e p h Mueller of Huntington Beach, parents of the bride-to-be. The couple plan to ma!T)' ln La Venta Inn, Palos Verdes Estates, Sunday, Nov. 23. Miss Mueller is a graduate of Marina HJ.gb School and her fianoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosw-of Campbell, also was graduated from Marina High, Welcomed u a new p~ visional will be Mrs. Richard Bechtel, and reinstated into membership will be 1'1rs. Burke. 1be program will b e presented by Miss Ann Struck, owner of an arta boutique shop. JUDITH MUELLER Will M•rry Pearl Harbor Cited New Series Improving Diel. exercise and weight cont rol ~·ill open a four·p~rt series on A Better Se!'r Concept Through Fashions and Good Grooming being con- ducted by Goklen West. Even- ing Colloce. ' - The session will begin at 7:30 p.m. today in the college ctnter and is open to the public ai no charge. The series ill sponsored by the C<lllege in collaboration with the May Co., South Coast Plaia. Future topics to be discuss- ed include Cosmetics: Your Best Face Forward, on Tues- day, Sept. 30 ; Hair: ll's What's On Top That Counts. and Fashions: Your Personali· ty Is SOOv,·ing. Specialists Jrom the May Co. staff ·will lecture and demonstralt, and the series will be aimed at both men and women. Speaker Gives Warning ''We mml give importance to the lesaon of Purl Harbor today," was the warning o( Rear Adm. (rtl.) Wiiiiam C. Chambliss, first speaker in t.M aartnt Harbor Fonun series. ''We are threatened,'' the speaker furlher stated, saying that the United States must not let another Pearl Harbor happen tn ill approacbin& a. llkt with Red Oi!na. credibility gap in our Com· munlst confrontations, the ad- miral added. lf they said no, we'd have to go through with lt. In the case that we would have to go through wilh it, O\amblils suggested that we nrat send fllgbls loaded with leaflets over the industrial areas of Red Otina, and drop the leaflets, which would say "Boys, get out of town. The next one's for real" America l.tlitiate every means J><Wible to make sure that the Communi!t Chinese regime never bas the means to carry out ib threat of nuclear destruction or subjugation. "Wt mUst recognize a basic fact of life: conflict is in· evltable between d i c t a t o r eeooomles and own f r e e enterprise system. "In our free enterprise system. we are so economicaJly efficient th a t dictator economies c a n n o l compete with ours. War is the only way dictators can reach their own as dictators." Headdress Boll Old Lampshades Have New Moment of Glory There'll be more fancy lampshades in Balboa next Saturday Ulan you can shate a slick al It won't be an interior designers' convention or a showing of new h o m e furnishings, but the seventh annual Lampshade Headdress B<411 benefitling t h e Orange County Association for Retarded Children . Ballgoers, wearing plain. ordina r y lampshades decorated to depict Historical and Unusual Happenings, will enter the Ta.le or lhe Whale restaurant at 8 p.m. for the ESP Facts Analyzed Facts and Fantasies About Extrasensory Per«plion will be discussed by Andrew \V. Kish, instructor at Saddleback College, for members of Parents \Vithout Partners next Friday. headdress parade. Judging will be Dick Lane o{ Tadio and television fame; Sally Baker, television's Hobo Kelly, and Kathy Marlowe of movie fame. They will present the Queen 's Trophy for the most beautiful and outstanding ~ hat and model. along with four trophies for the runners-up. Dick Weeks of Newport Beach, district director of California Council for Retard- ed Children. will serve as master of ceremonies. ~tr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tetzloff of Fullerton are producing the show and ~tr. and Mrs. George Zavas of Anaheim are coord inating the activities. following tae parade or la1npshadc headdresses, an evening of dancing will be en- joyed by members and guests to the music or Tracy Well and the Yachtsmen. No-host cocktails and door prizes will round out the evening. Tickets a n d information may be obtained by calling the OCARC office in Santa Ana, 511-4~. or Newport Beach. 642·5025. Rummage Sale Starbright Club of Newport Beech 1o1·ill sell rummage Thursday. Friday and Satur· day, Sept 25, 26 and 27. at 1714 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Doors y,·ill open at 9 a.m. · Kish. history and psychology teacher . is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and national honor societies for language, economics and education. He JS a major in I.he Army Mili· tary lntelUgence Reserves and was a special agent of the Counter Intelligence Corps in Europe. Single parents in the Southf,;;,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,__, Coast area who are widowed. Wurlitzer. separated, or divorced, with or 0 R GAN s without the custody of their children are invited to the B ALL MODE LS p.m. meeting in the Laguna AVAILABLE Federal Savings and Loan buildin&, Laguna Beach. w A L L I c H s A sociaJ hour w I t h refreshments Is planned for l MUSIC CITY the latter part or the evening. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Chambll&s deocrtbed the evenb leadlog up to the Dec. 7 surprise attack, presenUQa: the charres of negligeoct laid against Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and LL Gen. Walter C. Short, in commaod al Pearl Harbor, and the Pentagon commanders. "Today's threat is nuclear att.ack from Communist Otina," he said. "Though Chi· na cannot deliver nuclear warlleads to s:pedfic tlrgets now, they will hlvt the capability in 2-4.-3S month:> if "For all the crWci!ITls level· ed at us," Olambli.ss com- mented, •· we Ii v e under a govenunent mare responsive lo the demonstrated will of the majority than anywhere. "To prevent a Pearl Harbor confrontation with Communist China, we all, as American ciUuns, must make t h e supreme sac:riflct of taking five minutes out or our lives, 11pendin& six cents for a stamp, and writing to the Pmidenl. a s k I n g that Anyone wishing . further in· T •l•R M•S Medical Group formalion may call Mrs.I • M •1 ·11 • ~ COSTA MESA S40°JllS ! arge " I er, '!!H ·2Q2;i. or IKISfOl AT SAN DIECiO FW'f. , E\'ery second Tuesday o _::'~''~':..· '":''..'H~ne~K~in~g':.. ~49&-~3348~:_· -~I ~~~~~~~~~~ the monlh men1bers of Orange1_ allowed lo gf).00. ·• • China has no fear of nuclear! conflict \lith the Unitrd SlateA, Olambllss stressed. Mao Tse-. tunit has stated that two hu..,. dred million Chinese lives coold be spared-as many u the whole population ol l b t United States! Shore! Medical Assistants' Associ.aUon assemble at I p.m. Location may be obtained by ~alUng Mrs. Janis Anderson, 4~2.SIJ . Mtrl Gr1¥91 "SE COMFORTABLE IN YOUR CUPS " BRAS -GIRDLES -PROSTHESIS What are the soluUons? \Ve CUSTOM Flntg IY Sl'ECIALISTS ••• an say to Communist O!.lna., F., YOUR c.,.,fort ;~ Mtrtd ~~i=ir:. ~ .. ~i,~ foi_ r~°pt4I' ri..u ... __ ·_o_·._._"d_o_o·_· • _ __, them off for you," the speller (} "J'' Gr•du•t• Cor1efi•r•1 said. In thb case, they W11111d 250 I -l!A5T 17TH 5Tlffi either (Ive s erious ~ slderaUon to tht thrtat or they Hi11,,,~ S~v••• -•~J .5410 would uy no. not btllevlnc Lin9erie _Rohe• COSTA MESA that v.·e meant It. There is •''I. _____________________ ., '·' .J I ly Chanes M. Schulz --~~~~~~~~ TJt~Ct..l' . 0 I DJIEAM OF JEANNIE * Tonight, Ojinn-Djinn, I itnie dog, turns NASA into a madhouse 0 Q) @ m I DtM• ti JHI· Ut:OO I) KMXT • .,.,_ (C) (30) "The n1t IC) (30) rwr ON"'1" A repol1 M ha. Ost., Die S&llt (C) (30) Mi\e ''°"'' 'rotKl themselves lrvm i.w-Stoley llosts. b1e1kert, Ulinc fttt}thin1 from bu1- 0 @Cl) EE NEW SEASON MINI tl•r 1_11rms to wttchdop •nd ludt ~Ad (C) (fiO) .,,,, Gtrl in Chlir to 1nl1·muuer IP.'IYI. '?'1• Roberti •. .. ... • Eri ,._. rrporh Oii the b11 bUSIMU pn•· _int, .... 11rvoy1n1 t mot Prt· 1te4 by 1 ll'lJWinc clim1t1 of aitM didl, blfort U.. start of I clUS. I~ Yiollnce. that OM ol the up.did students, .._ CtH Whnnef, will not 1rrift. Hb 0 m "-(C) (60) pMiction come:s tNr ·~ tht mts.-0 @ ()) QJ l'IDllDIE Maras !nr. 11!1'1 ll'IOthW ltttfm. I nolt W""7, •••. (C) (60) "Hf!lo, 6ood-1nd1t1hn1 ~. Ills bt~ kid111ped bye, Httlo .. When tht Mad Squid ls mi&rltd to · lhfi c1~. they hlld 1111! tile 1irl O DWlt! (C) (60) Mct:an ' Brill "" )!Yin& IO olJUJ1 Ill il!tfll &uut. °""'ion. 'iii'""" ..... (60)' 0 IOliH $ Mwit: (ti "1t1Pt 1H D.,.. (music.al) '-46-C.ry G11nt. [ve An!M.. m USC Mllic flltinl (601 GI Trdl • C.....__. <Cl (JO) a> Mas Alll • 11 Mwtt (C) (30) m"°" "'"' -(C) (60)1~.lOIJQ!l(j)CIS -...... (C) f.BT~ Contr (30) (30) ~Ql.lllenrt !11 the Coil Minu; f,Dn. Cit:r Watdlm (C) (50) MtnAoiestTMir U11io1u.~Thesl.OfJ a> 0.-ti lote (30) . ·--- MOON MULLINS of I lltuftll Dt I lfDUI Df Appl· l1cbi1n min11s 111iMt conditions fn th1ir OW'l'I union is reporte4 by CBS New, CorrU4)0fldtnl John Hut €E U1 Crill 11 11 IHllrliriUll (20) ~10 B @rn !!J """' ""'"" <Cl (30) "It's • Bird! n's 1 Plane! ti's ~ Dlbblt!" Jim's pl1111 to rld1 with 1 IJ'DllP fll stunt llyen 111 int6f· rul)tld ""''" Dtbbi• decick1 lo 4o 11:• IJ 0 0 m cm mm KIWI (C) I "'--'--------------' tome llrinc of h• own. O Allrtd ~ e w .. "' {lO) Bollby O.r1in 0 111111: ..... fl'Mdl ~ ,uests. ldrtlllf) '6J-Ju11 Stbtfs, St1nlty ID 0.-flf" 1 DI)' (C) Dldt Ci.lrtii Btktr. ~. m L""-'' c.i1trr <ct m....,.. n.1n 1r.oi IB DilClltMljM ...;.~ (C) (60) ll;l0 8 ~([)Mtrw 'ritfi~ (C) 01. l;lll IJ 9 CJ) NEW stASON llM SUI· Joya BfDtheu. J•c~it M•son. ran. 1111 (f) (60) Pettr Gines, stir al n11 F11u. Del'id Sclloenbaum. Alt· MissiDll: lmPDUiblt, 11111 Thi Iron j1nd10 Ray alld Bwttlr Silll 111 l lttttiflJ. popul.u muJicll 41Ulftlll, ltnUtiwly sdledultd ruesu.. •r• IMtured 1s Rid opefll. his 19th r:onsecuti'lt uuon on ttllrision. Grer Moms •nd l1D111rd Ni111D7, wtlo to·R•r with Grnu 011 Mlulo•: lmpouiblt.. 1\Jo make britf 11111111· •nets on th1 prttenst of lf1ilin1 Thi Iron Buttertly. In the main comtdy ~etdl, P09 ttle Janitor be· camu I SIDWIWIJ on I SP'C• flirht kl Jupittr. 0 QJ@ m luli1 (C) (JO) "The Wlleel Dtal." Julia's tl1orts to PllMI Ille can buy a used t1r without hflp sends Dr. Cllerley Dtl B ~ 00 €r3 lMli(it saw. (C) Jlnet Leich, Robert Kl11n, Trot Don1h111 rue:st. 0 Mo.it: "Hi·Jfd.td" (mysltfJ) '5G-J1m Onit. u l!!l mm"" ._ «> Y111ctnl Price; Hines. Hines ind Dad 1rr schtdYlt:d ruut:1. II) M"'it: "four in a J•p" (Id· ve11ture) '51-Ralph Metktr, Vi· VKI Lindfon, lo run lnltrfettnct ..-ithout h11 lt:JO m Cltillll" k~ltd1e. Dr. Ch11lt7 usu lht pritl ol • lonsilltctomy II ll1r11in· I ·DO 0. . "Klllcl A 0oer-in1 ,.,..... willl 1 used tll da1ltf · .....: 111 nf 1nd ttirtlitrll to put tlMI dN!er's (d111T11) '•9 -Humphrey Bolart. aon'1 tonsils back ii• II Hit 1111n John Dnk. tells Jull1 about IM d11l, This B 0 "-! (C) bothers Corly Ind £M1 J.. MIO 11~1 fht th1Ht Mriously, lleelust thf: tonsils In ~ bllont to theif fntnd. 0 C!MM Macltftrit'1 letllt MaN· 0) Actitll TlllWt: "Sh1Clolf Dt 1 Woman." Htw (C) (JO) V•• M11t1 ind Rote 1:30 m All·Jtjpl Slttw: "fanny bl M11ie fliai. G1sll11rf' Ind "Code 664.~ WED,.E>DAl DAmME MOVIES •• D .,_ .,_.. t.,.:li .,,_ 0.111 Andrtw1. Linda D1mtl1. m "ht. ,...., """" (~rtn'lf) '6ft.....'011)' Mtrrlll, E1fl AMUJOL 12:00 0 "Htlll')' AUrkk Ctts lla,...- (comtdy) '43 -JimlTIJ L,,ion, Cllanes Smith. 2:00 Q) "I ~ M1 P11tt1b• !dr1. m1) 'U--M11'J' Betit Huslia, Jotl~ Mtl)1n. O "'1\t llllll!Alr'" (d11m1) "51-l :OO 0 (C) "llld Cm" (music.al) '$1 Al« l!l!l!nlD, lr1nt Du~nt -P1! Booftl, Ctirisl.Jflt tar1J1. t :H IJ "hlNllfk ... (1111111n,1) '50 ':JO fJ "Cad..,• (suspense) 'CS- -ttuP Wini1ma, Ma! l1tt1rfln1. I hi D'BriH. Cilirt Trnrot. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service PILOT PRI NTI NG 642-43%1 • 2211 West 81lbo1 Blvd. Newport Beach TUMBLEWEEDS WHAT 9PJ' MANS DOWAYUP ~,WJl-'MY? HE'S FASTING, DfAR .. llEl'RIVING ' HIMSELF 01= FOOP ANO WATER 10 PROVE HIS WlLt.rowER! MUTT AND JEFF 0000! WHAIA~WAVE MANS! COME AW-JG, 17£AR! ... W£ MLJST RETURN TOTl1£ ThEPEE! ,.HAl WAS THANK YoLl. AW, A MOST SIR.ll~E 81LL I p NoW ~~~si: r-ii'-s_,1,...s"2_.9_3-i 1 GUa. J J'&~EP WAITER! GORDO MISS PEACH z o.v~v ~A/OW NALJ;-c:F 1:.1/ERl/11/IN&f A.SK OW/...! PE KNO\V.S 1Ht: OT/.IE~ """"'' • . .... ..__ - H&Y, Ot/ ()}Vl! 'S IT 7T<UE 7JIA.T 1µERE. .At:!E Al() A!!i50UJTES? ~I> l(}CKOFF MPil Tl«E A WHILE ... . ' .. ... ... IVHAT DID MAMIE ME.AN BY NEVER MIND WllY IT WAS HIGH TIME IGoTHDME? 1·2l DO MR..~lMMISr SPE~HE5 EVElt ENt>~ By John Miles . ' ! By Ferd Johnson I WONDER WHAT ··u!-Wi.\AT'S·HIS N.AME'S BEoN 'UPTO. By Tom K. Ryan ' . .. . /" " ~ : By Al Smith )OU KNOW.111E PAPERS WHICH SAY. 'WE.TilE . UNDERSIGNED.AGREE ToPAYFIVEOOLLARS Pov.JN AND TWO l>OLLARS A 'NE.EK!• By Gus Arriola By Mell DR. WELBY'S LOVE -Oscar-winning Anne Baxter wil1 be seen as Myra Sherwood, a widow and 11Mar-. cus \Velby. ~1.D.'s" love interest }Vhen the show premieres tonight at 10 p.m. on Channel 7. Robert Young plays \'f'elby, a general practitioner, in the drama series. TELEVISION VIEWS ABC Faces 'Lau oh.in' ~ By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK IAP) -ABC tossed its Monday punch at '"Laugh-In" -two early evening _sho_"''S whicb ABC hopes v:ill attract some of the v1e""!1ng audience, particularly young people. from the rival channel. The first program ,,·as ''Music Scene." 45 min- utes of the top musical numbers of the moment, with guest stars that included the Beatles -on film -plus To1n Jones and James Brown. ~he comedy was entrusted to a company of young un- provisationists recruited by the producer. IN THE first show the comedy. used to intro. duce the musical numbers. seemed weak and un- certain. But: the young performers have been work- ing together only briefly. ~ven so it is hard t~ get excited about a sketch \\-·h1ch has a man asking a store clerk ror a pair of elevator shoes and the clerk starts lo grow in size. THE PROGRAM ended at 8:15 PDT and, w;lh- out the usual pause for commercials and station identification. the opening scenes of "The New People" appeared. This 4~minute dramatic seri_e! promises to be an interesting novelty with a pornt of view. lt is based on the experiences of 40 young Americans, from all social and ethnic strata, strand- ed by a plane crash on an abandoned tropic .island. Figbls and feud s broke out, there were racial ten- sions , persona.Hty clashes and finally almost a lynching when one mentally retarded boy ruined th eir chances of rescue because he \Vas angry at another member ol the party. The young performers are in interesting variety and promjse to make the show in te resting viewing, after the large cast is sorted out. BOB HOPE returned for his 20th TV season \vith an hour special on NBC that included about two dozen comics-"all the comedians in Calilornia except ~1ayor Yony." quipped the S'tar. He handled the mob smoolhly with a loosely constructed story- line about a comedians' strike against network censorship. Flip Wilson's special that follo,ved contained some of the comedian's Ion~ and amusin~ slories but included some material he has used else,vhere before. Andy Williams was a singing f!Uest and .Jonathan Winters came in with one of his lesser Maudie Frickert romps. The hour seemed anti- climactic after the boisterous fun on the Hope show . CBS'S NEW "The GoYernor and .J. J.'1 will have its premiere tonight at 9:30 PDT. The ha lf hour opening show \vas seen in preview and seemed Jong on charm. warmth and fam iliar humor. Dan Dailey plays the widou1ed 2overnor of an unnamed slB'te \vho is facinl! re-election. J . J. is hi~ uninhibited daughter. played by pretty Julie Som~ mars. Inevitably there are youth-versus-a.Ile prol>- lems. some misunderstandinP,s and a laugh track. Also recommended toni~ht: ''Movie of the \Veek .'' premiere. ABC. 8:~10, anthology serie~ lilmed for television starting with a story of blind people trving to rfl:ach safetv after a mountain nlane crash; "Marcus \Velby. hf.D." premiere. ABC, 10- 11. anotlier new doctor series, this one starring Robert Young as a general practitioner. De1a1ais th.P lff Pnace l ( l l ' ' I I • 1 - l. I I I • I ,. • ' .tf DAILY l'ILOT T....S.,, Stpl"'*' 2l, l'lt9 i,779 See Mays . So~k No. 600. SAN DIEGO (AP) -WIJlle M>l'I say1 he-'"'_,., liut he !elt rellev· ed Lo .... •-ot t 111\ed from bis back here wtien he became U>e ~ major 1<1.-<vl!r Lo hit IOO home nw. ''The pceuure wu buildinJ up, l hod beell trying to& bard to hit home runs,•• Hill the 31-~"-old wonder a!Ler he 'cltulld N9 ... aa I pinchhttL°"~• nJcht with one on In the' sevenlhoi!Di.i Lo &Ive San Francisco a 4-2 victory OYer SI.ft' ~ hi(· lhing I. . thit lt won 'the came •. " said Mays after teeplng the Olanta a half 1ame ahead or Atlanta in Ult Natimal Leape'1 frantic We.stern Division race. GLENN WHITE Sporn Editor Trojans Fifth, Bruins Ninth . In Grid Polls The milestone amash earned M-.>'S a SU,500 spocU cat and one share ol stock tn a bit company for each foot the homer traveled. The blast off Padre rookie righthander Mike Corlclns was estimated to have tra\•eled 390 feet JL follow~ an Wield hit by Ron Hunt and oblller1ted a i-t tJe. A SinaD crowd of 4,Tl9 gave May.a 1 stioding O\'IUon and lhe entire San Fran~ ciseo bench wu waiting at hQme plate as Willte roundf!d the bases on a gimpy knee injured several w.eeks ago in a home plate collision with Chicago catcher Ran- dy Hundley. "ll was a thrill to see all my !earn. mites waiting at home plate -that 's something you don't see very olten,.' Mays said. lt was oo Sept. 15 that Maya hll No. 599, off AUanta righLhander Pal Jarvl1, and lhe pressure of waiting ror No. 600 was like the prtSSUre he felt In 11$ when be was striving Jor the National League record of 512. "Alt.er I hit599 I knew I'd hllGOO. But 1 was begjMing to wonder when. That's the way it was with No. Sil. I waited eight or nine days to get it. 1t lt'a a homer he rt.members well. '1It -'as off Claude Osteen of the Dodgers at Candlestick," hr uJd. Mays a.l&o remember.s his first big league homer and so does Bill R1pey, ~ former teammate and bli league manager who now ls a Giants broad-- caalcr. "He hit his first one off Warren Spalm In l~I," RJgney laid, ··aoo IL went ovet, the roof at the Polo Grounds." Maya, 'k>wed by age and injuries, doesn't even consider the pO:Uibillty of c1tcblng the all-time home run leader, Babe Rutl:1 who hit 114 rouncltrlppers. Ruth was me cnly other big leacuer evu lo hlt u many u 600. .. "[ don't tnow how mu~h longer J can go," says Mays, "but r knt>w I'll hit 90me matt home runs if 1 can stay bealthy, that's been my trouble. 1 was out of the lineup for • coupie ti weeb and I had trouble getting my timing back." Martin Drinks Chaµipagne, Minnesota Wins AL West KANSAS CITY (AP) -Billy Martin would let nothing detract from his mo- ment of glory. Some of Ptlartin's veteran baseball players held their enthusiasm in bounds Monday night as I.he Minnesota Twins edged Kansas City, 4-3, to clinch the American League West title. They poinled to the impending fi vf!- game playoff with the Balllmore Orioles for the A. L. pennant and a berth in the World Series as enough reason for them to hold their celebrating lo a minimum. Not sc Martin ar.d most o!" the other Tv.·ins, particularly the younger players. "I say let's celebrate it, with cham- pagne and the 1,1·hole works." Ptlartin bubbled in the clubhouse as he drank from a giant-sized brandy snifter. '"\Vil hout this celebration .. , he asked, "why split the leagues up into divisions. I was all for the champagne. This is my biggest thrill." There was Jillie doubl Ptlartin relished Uie moment. In the minors ; the press; and even wound up giving pitcber Dave Boswell a pretty good liCting in a fist.fight after Boswell got heated up because a coach allegedly told Martin be had dogged It. Martin, earlier Monday n i g h t , slauncb.ly defended hi$ aclioM as necessary · to bead of£ more serious troubles. ··1think 1 had to be tough." he said . "l bad to stop it rigb t then, before it spread. I've had my players' respect right from the beginning, and I've got it now." Players like ~mon Killtbrew, Bob Allison, Jim Kaat and Al Worthington, all \·eterans of the Twins' 19&5 peMant-win· ning club, pointed to the play .beginning Oct. 4 in Baltimore as the reason they couldn't get so elated Monday night. "We haven't won that much, yet." Kaat said. "We've got a tou.gh five-game series ahead of us, with Baltimore. The one in '65 meant n1ore, because that was lhe whole league. It was tougher in '65, too." Killebrew added. "We haven't won anytblng yet." Mlrtin. who received telephone calls of congratulations rrom Gov. Harold LeVan. de:.· of Minnesota, Twinls President Calvin Griffith and Mutin's father~in-law in Ntbtuka, talked of his pre-playoff plans. "I want to rest Leo Cardenas," be said. "rll keep Rod Carew in there because. of the bdtting race. I 'II get Rich Reese back in \hue, and let Allison; Frank Quilici and Rick Renick play more to get their ' timing down. '11 don'~ know about Harmon. I'll talk it over with hlm and see what be wanu lo dv about resting. He 's just been fan· tastic." Marlin was encourc.ged by a strong eight-inning pitching job by Bob Miller, hl.!i lirst •tart in s1x weeks because of a pulled muscle. BiUy admits bis pitching is DOt deep for the playoff. ITS NO. 600 FOR WILLIE -\Villie 1'.1ays (24) of San Francisco Giants, watches career ho mer number 600 travel tO\Yard empty bleacher-seats in San Diego r.·tonday night. llomer came as \Vill ie pinch-hit for Giants with m an on base and gave S.1-~. club a 4-2 vie· lory. Only the immortal Babe Ruth has more career home runs than \Villie -714. I I l NEW YORK -Ohio State's national champion Buckeyes find lhemselves ex- acUy where they left off a year ago - ranked as the No. I team in college fool- baU. The Buckeyes. idle thus far this season. were assured of lhe top ranking today when United Press International board of coaches and Associated Press' panel of .sports writers 11ave them a landslide vote for the No. l spot. There were other pioments perhap.s less enjoyable this season as MarUn found himself the center of controversy as he feuded with fellow manager Ted \Villia;n~ of Washington: the T~·ins' farm department over where to ship a pitcher "The other:: can do the celebrating for- me." saiC: Killebrew. who helped the Twins to victory by socking his 47th home run. He now leads the major leagues in both home runs and runs batted in, with 137. "\Ve \·e got a long way lo go." Fading LA Plays 2 I I Cincinnati Pulls Victo ry From Grave • ! l • l ' 1 • < j ' ' ' • l • • • < < • • ' ' ' ' ' • • • " " • • • • ' ' ' • 1bt Buckeyes easily surpassed SttOnd place Penn State, ·wh.ich mauled Navy Saturday, 45-22. Texas, a 17-0 victor over califomia, gained third place with 223 poinU while Arkansas, which wall~ Oklahoma State 39--0, took fourth with 21'.ll. Southern CaUforn.ia was fifth. UCLA Uni.shed ninth in UPI and 14th in AP. USC got cfr to a winning start by top- ping Nebraska . 31 -21, and comes back to Los Angeles this weekend to meet Big 10 member Northwestern in a Saturday night tiff. UCLA has thrashed Oregon State (3&--0) and Pitt fU-8). This Saturday the Bruins tretr. to W~in for a non-conference battle with the down-trodden Badgers . Wisconsin was bounced by Oklahoma over the weekend, 43-21 . as was Northwestern (3S-IOJ in its outing with Not.re Dame. llPI Poll · ..... I. Olllo Stile IMI 2. ~ '""'" n•i J.T-Cl•l • -·-11•1 '· $eultlfrll C.tlfwflle !1 .. 1 ._ Oii.tar.Ni n•I 1. ~1. n .. , I. Notr1 0.""' 11•1 t . UCLA U-11 1 1D. Flor'61 11-01 11. lnllll"ll 0-tll 11. 1111""'-'" I I-Ill ll. Mlu oS1laol c 1 .. l 1•. Pvr<llM O•l 1~. Mkr>Un SHll 11-111 16 . .\1.,.lonl Cl"I 17 ............ ,, f\.(11 IL Arl1-Slltt fl•! lt. L.oui:lllN S!llt 11 .. 1 ,._ WWmlfll 11 .. 1 AP Poll I Ollie l hllot J ........ '""' J ... ,. ...... . "-"Tun J. lwll'ltt'fl (l !lfWfl .. •• Ol!\.lhlrrle 1.~le I. Ml-. .... I. HOh"9 0.- l t. lnlllM 11. Ma--1 U . FIDriill 11. 11\ld>IM" Sltlc 1~. UCLA 11 . .t.!1111 .... 16. f'unS\11 11.AllDIHfl lL Ar110M 51111 lt. T~-N 2'0. Mkhloln l'OIJITS m "' .. "' "' "' "' "' " " " " " " " ~ " " " " "' ~ "' ... 0 "' •• "' ~· "' •M '" '" ·~ " M • " " ~ ltfet Bn111te1·s Tell Tale Ju~ilanl Ne\V 'i'ork M~ts fans display banners depicting plight of I.be Chicago Cubs as the Mets continue lheir winning \vays in the National League East flag chase. Fans a lso hung a Cub in eUig.f after New York's 3-l \\'in ove r St. Louis ~londay night. Any combination of three tl-fel \vins or Cub losses means the title for those incredible Mets. CINCINNATI (AP) -Pete Rose sho1,1•. ed again last night why he ls paid so much money for playing baseball. Along with his old fr iend Tommy Helms he Jed the Cincinnati Reds to a ninth iMing: rally which defeated the Los Angel~ Dodgers 2-1. And earlier he made a tremendous .. -leaping, whirling, one-handed catch lo end a Dodger rally with the bases filled. It was a bitter defeat for courageous Don Sulton, who had held onto an unearn- ed, one run lead unlil two were out in the ninth. The victory put Cincinnati in third place and the Dodgers in fourth in U1e West Division of the National League. In today's twinight doubleheader the Dodgers nominated Claude Osteen, 19-14, and Alan Fosler, 3-8 to lace the Reds' LOS AfCGIELIES Wiiis, U ~l1emor1. lit W.O.wlt, Cl Cr1wjonl. rf P•r•tt, lb G1brle!.on. H Jlus.i.rll. II Let1ir.re, lb tl•ller. c Sunon. p ........ ,, ~ '' r lo no •• 0 0 ••• . ' . ••• • 1 l 0 1 0 ' 0 a a a o 1 o o a • o o a • 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 CU"CIHNolTI ••r~rtl j o l I j o l I 11:05'!. rl Htlms. 1ll LJo\l y, lO Pl'<tl, lO • (lfft(:f!, c l ~!r.w•"· II l S•Y"9f, cl l CIWinty. ,, 1 Tol.o~. pl\ I Rui1, ~-0 Whi!litl~. pl! 0 MMl'IO<t, pr 0 Moio,...y, p : A.JOl'louon. pl'! 1 Grl'!Ot ', p o (IHuc:IMIT!ll, pl'! 0 . ' . • • • . ' . . . ' . ' . • • • • • • ••• ••• ' .. • • • ••• • • • ' .. 1:.11:~ » 1 • e "To111. ll ' ' ' l w• °"' W111n wlnn1119 r1111 Kored. Los A~lu 000 Dill ow -I Cinc. ...... 11 o.JO (IOI) 001 -1 E -L. M1y, Htlm•. OP -Clndmttl 1 LO(I LDI A"991n ID, Cincmnall 10. :e -P••k~•- 11 -s1 ... r:, L. Mtoy. tJI H Ir IEll 11 50 Sutton tL,\J.lj) l-3/J .S 1 2 S II •• , ...... 10 10 ; Mllllr>fy 1 <1 1 Sl Gr1ngcr (W.t-6! ' 1 0 I I I Tl--J.U. ,t,Tllfldlnc.t -6.41 . EX-UCLA ACE DI ES OF INJURIES Wall Torrance. 32. a former UCLA basketball star, died ?-.looday of injuries suf£ered in an automobile accident n~ar Sacramento. Torrance. a member or one of John Wooden's conference championship teams several years ago, was fatally injured when a car In which he was riding went out of control. New Rams Outlasted Colt Attacks " . . . LOS ANGELES (APl Two newcomers to the Los Angele.s Rams front four defensive untl, Diron TaJben Jrom tezu aod Coy Bacon Crom Jack9cln state. more Lhan lived up to expecUtions 1n their tou1h inlUal s I a r I I n g U1lpm•nl" They llCOll the National Footb;ill • • Tea.tut dtlend.fnJ champ.ion BaJUmore Col[s and rtfUJed to be overawed. .... -: ~ ··No qUPUon that Ballimort was co.Ing to ro after oiJr rltbl fide,•• commen1M -, -ualllJlnl C()ICh Tom Cattln following the • 4).JO Los Angt.les up!el victor,'. • "But the first three tJmcs they los t yardage and ilarted to looi elsewhere ."' Talbert, 6-S and ~ pouod.&, manned the right end po1iUon. He moved over from tack)e when Lamar Lundy was in- jured. Bacon , 6-4 and 270 froa1 Jack30n Slate, manned lhe tackle spot. taklq over for injured Gregg Schumacher. Defensive slgna1 caller M1xie 81ughAn. the Jl).year pro vGter .. n frorn Georgia Tech. commented, "Talberl and Ba('(ln ctr1alnly have comt! along. The'l'e the type you Tikr to bavc because they'rt hit· tcr:ii I lik"(' lo ha\ e tOOn1 on our &de.·· Baughan direct~ lhe Rams' defense 1n the game and intercepted l h r e e Baltimore passes. He found one big ad- \ an ta gt In calling his defensive signals in the noisy Baltimore Stadium where the din hampers rival quarterbactr.s. "Johnny Unitas has lo call audibles. tOo. and lhe crowd quiets down for him.'' Baughan e1pla.ins. "\Vhen he starts hollering signals. I start hollering ours." Baughan amt Catlin said the R..tm s ex· peeled the CollS lo come up with surprise formations $IL the sta rt or the gatne and they "'cren 't disappointed. as Baltimore came up wilh 'iucli variations as 1wo tight ends on the same sidt. "\Ve tried to mix our cove.race on de:fense and ovttshifled a few times to take up the slack. So ~)' didn ·1 hurt us ldo much." Callin reve.al«t lht Rams had scooted Baltimore in five of its si1 pre-Beason games yet ··so percent of the formations I.hey used In the ball game, "'e hadn't :JCen before lhit year.'' The Rams open their home NFL season on Sunday (acing lhe Atlanta Falcons, upset winners over San Franc!Sci> in their opener. Gerry Arrigo. 2-7, and Jack Fisher. 4-4. Sulton, ~·ho's at his best in September, had turned back threats in both the seventh and eighth innings. But he ran out of luck in the ninth, walking two men after two outs . Dodger Manager Walter Alston the n called in lefty Jim Brewer. Rose singled to left lo tie the score and l·lelms drove in Beauchamp with the \\"in- ni ng run . The Dodgers scorCd their run in the Sports in Brief sixth. \\'ayne Granger. who pitched the last two innings for Cincinnati, lied the Na. lional League record which had been held On TV Tonight Cl1annel J l , 5 p.111. by Ted Abernathy for relief appearances -84 in 1965 with the Chicago Cubs. ''It was a victory out of the gra\"c,·• said Reds manager Dave Bristol. Red Sox Fire Williams; Emerson Suffers Upset BOSTON -!\tanager Dick \\"illiams . who led the Boston Red Sox to the 1967 American League pennant, was !ired today. The club said coach Eddie Popow- ski will manage the team for the rest of this season. • • • LOS ANGELES · -T·he U.S. Davis Cu p team, joinlng the action today in the $30.000 Pacific Sou thwest Tennis Tourna- ment, will ha\'e a hard lime following Ray Bllrth·s act. The litUe-kno1,1•n, unseeded player from !As Angeles pulled a majo r upset Mon- day, drubbing Holiand·s Tom Okkcr 6-4, 6-1. A similar fate "'as suffered by 3C\'enth~ seeded Roy Emerson of Nc"•port Beach, who had taken an ear ly lead in his match against Roger Taylor. But the unseeded competitor came back to win 3-6. 6--3. 6--3. And, ir a night match, Spain's ninlh- Feecled Andres Gimcno was upset by unseeded and relallvely unkno"11 James Osborne of Salt Lake City, 1-6, 7-5, '-"· In le~ surprising play Monday, ~larty Riesse n. defeated Pancho Segura . 6-1, 6- 1: Earl Buchholz. dereatcd J o h n "Voemans. 6-J, 6-0 ; Ray 1'o1oore, defeated A.Jen Foi, U , 6-3. • • • TORONTO -The dispute between the National Hockey League and 20 ga"*Of- ficials \\'as settled l\1onday and the 13 referees and Sf'\·en linesmen v.'ill return to work Immediately. • • • INDIANAPOLIS l\lario Andre.tti's victory SUnday in the 300·mile race al Trenton, N.J., made him the fifth driver in hlstory lo "''in as many as three U.S. Auto Club national driving chanr pionshlps. The previous three-time winners were A. J . Foyt Jr., Jimmy Bry1n. Louis P.fC)'er and Ear1 Cooper. • • • KANSAS CITY The Kansa~ Cilv Chlt'fs sent ace quarterback Len Da"·~on to Oklahoma City today for exaO)lnatio~ by a specialist of his in1urcd left knee. • • • DETROIT Joe Louis, forrnes heavy\veighl boxing cham pion, was ado 1nitled to Henry Ford Hospital Pt1ondaJ reportedly for treatment of an intern~ infection. A hospital spokesman said ~ \\"as nothing se rious. • • • B,\ RRlE. Ont. The Los Angele! Kings .. noounced 1\1 o n d a y le!J defenseman Brent Hughes will be s\delill> ed for at least two weeks with an eye in jury. Seattle Trips Cher1tbs, 5-4 His mother and father were there. S4 we re a collection of aunts, uncles, cousirn and friends from nearby U Puente. TheJ had all come to see Danny Wilton pl&J major league baseball ror the first liml'. Danny said he did not wanl to disa p point them. And he didn't. He launched a two-run homer otr 18 game Winner Andy f'.1esscrsmith helpinl the Seattle Pilots to a S-4 victory over tht California Angels Monday night 51!AnllE t<l•roe• lb o..eld.on. l'b W1non, II .,.... ..... ri Mlncht•. lb Mcloll"lftlY, t Wl'llllklf . .., ltennel!"f", '' s1an1r1. '' 11.--. " '*""·"' f'1tlifl. pr w.n-l. 11 r..1. p '' r ~ r.i ' ' ' ••• ' ' ' •••• • • • 0 ) 1 D 0 l I I 0 I I I I I 0 0 0 l ••• I 0 0 I . ' .. I t I O • 0 • 0 ' 0.LlffOlllO.I. ., t ti "' All>tNr,?b •10 Jon~•IW!t. d J I 1 ' """'"''· " • J J •tt<;"''''· 11 l o I I c-..~,.., l 1 1 l~~I. ti I I 0 A1cvt, t J I I ~-'~ .. 'I ,. ""°"91H!l. • ' ' • &.own, on 1 1 t Ptoru. )cj • ' • \.'ou,pjl 101 1 ,,.,_,.,,,lltl, p ' •• l'-'· .... , , I Wriglll. II I 9 Morl9n, 1111 I 'I I Tetlll JI J 4 J T•l•'1 ;) I t s.~111.-C101 HI ODO -li 'C1 lllO..fll• 100 1'4 °'° -• E -MftM,.,.,.,fttl lOll -~•!•le I, C~lllO•fll f. a -t<l•'Ptf. '"''"''' fJll -Freoat• OJ), Will "" ()), Ctw•n (fl $ '""'"' I~ H II fill ti lO ,,_, ••l •ll Womld fW.J·ll l J 1 l ~ l I 4 :lel\14 1111nt1 1 1 Ma..-.,m1'tt(l,l6--!DI I I 5 I 1 11 W••llllt I o o o I 1 ''"'' -1 n A!ltnll•~c• -1.1>f • I I • I ' • l • i ! I ' I l 1 . . . ' I • • ' l ,. j • •• ,, " d ,, ;li r s. "' •1 •1 . op I! nt ll4 ~ ' ' ' 'I ' ' ' : I 1 I " I ;'l .------·~--·-·-·-···~· ·--·-. . ~-.... -~ . . . ~- t, Coast Area Prep Players of Week Colony t · · Top CIF .-.. _, .. • ' • ~ '• .. DOUG Cl:ntO -:wioi. -5T£VE DIVEL ··-~~~ '$'• la. ""r tw I •• "' .-Culls Boast Usual Grid Machine ly ROGER CAJIL90N Of .. Dllfr ,. ... ltlft Loyola lllgb School's Cubs will ...-a famillar Jn'O' btem to Mater Del 'lbunday nfcbl when the two col1lde al 8anta A.DI Bowl in their· se- cood game al the non-league STEVE O'ltARE - BILL SHEDD NftportllarW DAVE KROHN C...*IMlr MIKE McCORD HatlagleoBead KEN FUNKE - MIKE ABBEY Ll& ... 11< ... ROD FELTS E1tuda Keeping Bucs Up Is Concern By JOEL SCHWARZ Of tlle Dlll1 Pl ....... fftP football seuon. JIM BLACKBURN BRADY MOORE As usual, coach Mario Maier Del Foutm. Valley DICK FERRYMAN Costa Mesa Complacency, not Cypress College, figuru lo give Orange Coast College its main source of trouble this week., and root. ball coach Dick Tucker koon it. DiMmo's outfil II comiog off a ___ .::;,_;.:_;.:_ ______ ;.:_;.:_;.:___::._ __________ _ The Pirates, who have just three days of wort to 1et ready for their second game of the ......, Thursday nipt at Western High School. .,. 11<:- ed with a common l'ldiran alluation. the bi( i-. league a>dlampi<JMhip year and possesses an imprusiv• ael al credentials. Hia Cubs blalled Centennial lllgb In the opener, IM, and ::.r loto Its """""'ter with lob Woods' bi(h.flylog -dawilhJOaeolars •ID the tWtillc a11-. Hneup. The Cubs ...... ! a tough nut to cradr annually because of . lhefr Ulllque atr.nslve syllem-tbe old aiogJe will(. Jading that cootiog<nl ls t.ailbri Rick Garner, a tough U, I-runoill( back in teeplll(-'with tradlli<!a ol Loyola lailb8ckl. To go with Gamer and bl! nm-pus option t.1slneu are five AD-Orel ~ Leacue rtbii Dtei to the Cubs' of. tensive unit. Dt Muro says. however, that his club is not as fut overall u some oC his team.I of the put. ••we hope to cmtrol the pme with a grind :em out of- leooe. "One al the keys to beating Mate.. Del ...Wd bave to be curtalnlll( their quarterback (Bob Haupert) and I b a l hallbact al thefn (Mark llwm). DlMuro wasn't happy with his team's efforts against c.entennial, claiming there were too many penalties aplmt bll squad. primarily --ol bad llmlllll and -llllgmnenla. DI lllun>1' oulllt bu liven Mater Del prollleml in the put. tylll( a heavily lmred Woods' tum in U67 (7-7) and turnlo( Mater llei back lut yur, tu. In both lnstenc:oa Mater Del leeD'lfJd to have lbt suptrior fon:e, IMll the Cubs managed to come throu&b with nne dutch perl<lnnaacoJ to ..... the- For Mt. SA(;, Tiff Dixon 1st - 2 Rustl,ers Out Pickeroo Tucker had hia tum ol a mental peak !or Its Saturday IUSOD opener against Golden West and the .Pirates won it, 30->l. Foor entrants picked 16 win-Now the problem b how to With lnjurie~ Winner By BOWARD L. HANDY Of .. ~ ..... lflltf Golden Weal College bu lost two al lb top football players via injuries auffered in the weekend game "itb Orange Cout College. Jim Valbuena, start log quarterback, and Don Bellon, a Ugbt end, have both been declared out of Saturday night's football game with ML San Antonio College by coach Ray Shacldefonl. Valbuena suffered a badly sprained ankle on the final play. ol the third quarter agaimt Orange Coast. X-rays taken Mooday were nepttve with DO broken bones but the injury will sideline V albuma for this week's game, ac- cording to the Rustler coach. Greg Henry, shifted to de!eme st\leraJ weeks ago, bas been named to start on Saturday against the Mouo- 1a1 ....... Hellon, backup man to alJ. ..,,....,.,. tl(bl ead Hocer Putman. toffertd a sprained back ID pre.came drills and miued the Oran&• Cout coo--He baa also been declattd out al this woelteod's Wt. Hf!Ol'J', a Marina b 11 h ~ WIS tbifted lo a dtlmal,. bact position alter the G!mchle ac:rlmmage. He ' baJ worked 1 o m e at quarterback aince that time in -drills but didn't •P-pear al the signal.calling post apimt San Diego Mesa or Orange Coast. Steve Griffith toot over ii\ the fourth quarter against\ OCC and directed the linal touchdown drive for t b e Rustlers. During the drive, he hit Partman three times for 51 yards and a toochdown. Ted Hamilton was in the 1ame for the fina1 series. Pilot Picks Bucs, Tars Over Foes ners out of a possible 11 (there keep the Pirates up for were two ties) but Rocky Di1-Tb u rsday'1 ~erence on of Costa Mesa wa.s the win. game against a , team tbat Wu BU in the first week of the slaughtered by FullertoD, 514, DAILY Pllm's P I g 1 t I n in N: opeMI'. Picteroo contest by missing "lt'a a famlJar siluatioo, '' on hi> total point guw by only Tucker says. 126 points. "Tbe only other time we A total of 675 points were played Cyprus (1187) wu just. scored by all 40 teams listed in like it. They were coming off a the contest with Dixon guesa-big losa ( &-23 to Golden Wat) ing IOI. Roy F. Beer, also of and we almost ended UP, with Costa Mesa, was second. He more than Wfl could ~ esaed 400 • t. >;.-We ooly beat them JU. gu pom ma ...... 1 "Right now '" ~ oU to a differeolial of 275. good stall and J doo'I think Balance Of tbe winners in our team wants to blow lt." the first week's conteJt In-the Pirate boss Jays. eluded: Francis W. Ferguson Tucter .ent the Pirates (Costa Mesa ), Steve King throitgh an intraquad acrim- (Fountain Valley), James Fln-mage Mondly and another negan (Huntington Beach), was planned for thi!I a!· Henry Leiclltlrled (Newport ternooo. W-y I h e Beach), Jad IL Klog (Coote · Plralel 11ill only bave a Ugh! Meas), Dennis Ryan (Hun-wwmn u they taper all. tington Beaeb), Jim Rooaui'r , One plwe al the game (c..ta M,..) and Todd H. Orange Coaat wtll cooceotrate After chalking up •• m McCardle (Colla Mesa). OD "the rest ol the wttt ia mart (~) dllring the open-Entry blanks for the secmd dowolleld coverago no punls log week al the football week contest will be printed and ldcJIOffs. -. the DAILY PILOT today and Wednesday in the Golden Weal burned the crystal ball looks for Orange DAU. Y Pll.OT with deadlioe Pira:tes aever1I Umes, running Coast College and Newport for mailing or bringing thtm back ticka and twict a1most Harbor and Huntington Beach to the Cmta Mesa office at 5 sprung a man all the way. h1gb acbools to pick UJ> their p.m. on Thursday. "Some of our linemen were llfJcond wiDI cl. the season, All ties will be broken by the coocentntlng too bard on orqe ~·s Pirates a,. total point guess al -maintaining their bl-and an OYenPbelmbtl 2 2 -po I n t &estants. Several entries were never did ,et dawnneld. Our luortte ...,. Cypraii CoUqe received without the tie break· clawnlleld conrace wu vvy 'l1luncll1 Di(!il. er ..itmata lut week. p>OI'," be said. Eleven Aoahdm ID&h School. Colomatl, ~ u.pected, were namod to the flnt nm& al the CIF AMA Top II lootboll ratlnp allU lbelr 17-H win over Cbaffey ~gbt. And Mater Doi mado tt bade Joto lllo allU an ablenoe tl. two yean. The lllonardis ... rated fifth in the poll beblDd 8lalr. AngeWa Leque -St Paul and Lakewood alter tak- ing care of Saale Ana, 11-<1. Tbe only CJl!ier Orall(e Com> ty school lo make the AMA top 10 WU Loara, a \tam that -Burrouaba, *'· Santa Ana, Weatmimter and Newport HarW, Ihm Sumet League eotrtes, also j>lcked up votes in the -band of 11 learns. • lo AAA aclfoo, Orange County twm Fallertoo (third), Garden G r<1 v e (,.,.nth), K1telia (eighth) and FootbllJ (tenth) made the elite llat. Top t&me of the week a~ pean ID be Iha Mater llei- Loyola claah Tbunday nlgbl Loyola ii lied for ......,th with Lo1ra with 17 polnls behind Mater Del. Anaheim mUll defend ii! No. 1 ranking in a club with Redlands Saturday nltht at La Palma Stadium in Anlhelm. AAAA I. Anaheim (I .. ) 131 2. Blair (I .. ) JlG 3. Sl Paul (I .. ) 10 " Lakewood (l .. ) • 5. Mater Del (1-G) 14 •. Poly (l .. ) .. 7. (lie) Loyola (l .. ) 37 Loan (l .. ) 37 9. Santa Barbara (I.ti) 31 10. Pasadena (1.tl) ~ Olhen: Wllaoo (JI)), El Rancho (ti), Paclllc (14), Bishop Amal (I), Santa Ana ill, Mllllbo (I), Weatminller f4l, Redlands (I), Compton (1), Newport (1), Amlyo (1), Sierra 1J, Huenemen (1), Burbani (l), Ramona (I). (AAA) 1. West Covina (1.(1) t7 2. St. John llo<co (I.fl 10 3. Fullerton (I .. ) 76 4. Temple City (l.01 75 5. South Pasadena (l .. ) 74 •• lloDJo& 111111 (l.01 51 7. Garden Grove (l.0) 31 I . Katella (l .. ) 31 t . Albu (l .. ) 2$ JG. Foothill (I .. ) 11 Big Three Head Poll The Big n..., Anaheim, Mater Del and Loara,. dominated the llnl edition of the oUidaJ 1961 Orange Coun- ty prep top 10 poll, each bav· Jng posted impmstve oPeniDC game vldories. Anahelm, lavortd to win the Sunset League cbamplooshlp, received all but one first place vote alter domlnalfog Cbaffey Friday night, 27-14. Maier Del had the lougbeat opponent al any team in tbe opeolog week llld escaped with a f..O verdict over ei&btb- raoked Santa Ana. And Loara. poaswor al a 4().(1 rout over Bumiughs of Burblnt was 1ccordtd 1be lhlnl posilloo. Another Ora111t Coelt area team made the top ftft - Newport Hul>or -ofter trip- ping up Corona de! Mar Satur- day ol(b~ JU. TOP tt I. Anaheim (I .. ) 3t t Mater Del (111) rt 3. Loara (I.cl) 31 4. Fullerton (l .. ) 27 6. Garden Grove (1-0) 11 7. Troy (l.0) 17 •. Sonia ,..,. (O.J) 12 !. KateOa (l .. ) I 10. Sonora (1.01 S Other" FoolhiD 2, Walmi 1. In two big all-aru , ........ ------------------------.. Newport's Tan are a I~ • ' pick Oft'!" Cotta Mesa while Hl.lDtinaton Beach ii rated leftD poinla: better l b a D lloci(llng -In -.., high -....... Mater Del looks 10 -b<lter than Loyola and El Rancbo II lnored by .. .,. over Wedmimttr. Tbe Soulll Torrance-Marina pme _.. lo be the most c1ooeJY maldled Uk oo the tr:bedule. SauUt Torrance is a J-poiol pi<L ·--AO• .. bl' lP K -""'"'•*"•" lilf n UCl.A ..... ""*"-111 .. " ~1-MrlMUlll't PUl'lll.lt -....... o-"' ' .,._ -,..,,.,. .., ' on. c-t -c .... "' ,, 0... W• -Ml, IA( Ill' f .,....... ................. ..,.. Mt• hi -........ Ill' It ....,..,. -C... MIN "' lt ~~ ... HIMRW1 Vi• °""'* -....-..,... .. ' ,,.. ..,... u.. IJr • .,.~'"" .,,,_ ... l.i CIMIM" "' ~ Of9" -'"-ftl!I "'""' ... '"~"""~"bi..• Ill ll•lldl9 -W.'lr!!I"'"' .. ' te. T.,--. -MlrJftl llr I c... cW --.., ... Ofll'llill .. ' JC Players of Week KURT C:LEMINS Or•ntt Coa1t MIKE RICE Goldlft W11t DAVE aURKHOLDIR Sad4iollack Pilot -Pig•kin PICKEROO DAILY PILOT _.... ....... II A PROPHIT FOR PIOPIT 110 1 0 Voit Football (or .... , . Sports ......... ) ... -- 11 • p;9sk;, prophlt. Ploy th• DAILY PILOT P'ock°'" t•m• ,., W•tkfy P';i ... Win11 ... NCh Wffk rec•;." '10 cesh and • Voit Coll99W.te f..+Nll liUft .. tM retail price. $10.951 or prit.•·pic•M frot11 list ,.I ..W VoR qU11ity 1p..+l"9 toods 1 .. pri,. u•d"' $10 ,.. tell value I. _ Watch for this player'• r.;;,; ~h Week ITutscleys ood Wod•1sdoysl ;, th1 DAILY PILOT Spom $ac- tion. Circle th• fMml you .. lnlc wiQ wl1t in tt.. lkt of 20 9eme1 efHI 1...d itt the .i.yer't fwm er,......,.. eble fac1imile. Than watch +•• DAILY PILOT 1,.m, ,..,,, for Mch wetk'1 fist ef I 0 wh1nen. RULES I. luMllt fllll Witry tlltll "" 1 ....._ ... Maimn. • 111tw ... c-.W. 2. S9!lll llt ~IL01 PIGSIUN Pteklll:OO (OffTllT• ...,,. 0.1 111•1, ~. 0 • .OX UM, C.n "'--Cl. "'26. ,_ Diiiy -Mtry ..... ,.,,_ 19(11 .... ._ l!ntnee ""41 M ....,..__. (., N II ~ ~ ...,_, 111 Diill1. Y PtLOT lftb ~SP.ll'l.~. I. W. J. 'Wit ...... c-. .... OAR. Y P'fLOY' ........,. #Iii .......... mzll'lfiM fMllllm Mt ........ t1o -· '-Tll all:IAKl!lll 1141 OIOICa ~ ,..tll! ....._ fl'Mf .. flu. .... Miry It ..W. ••••••••••••••••••••• : ENTRY •JANK : • a..M .... .,.. ........................... • • .................... AltMJ • • Atlanta YI Ra1111 • • Nartll-tern YI USC • • • • UCLA YI Wlsc0111111 • • • • SMU YI Mlchl91111 State • • Natre Da-YI Purdue • • • • Allb111'1' YI T•nnftlff • • • • Cyprau YI Orange CMlt • • • • Golda1t West YI Mt. SAC • • Gl'lllllllant YI Saddl1back JC • • • • Loyola YI Mater Del • • • • N•wpart YI Costa M-• •• Edison YI Hlllltf!llJI011 leach • • • • Valley Christian YI M1ulan Vlaja • • • • l.apM YI Ina • • Palm Springs YI San Clemente • • • • Ganla11 Grove YI Foa1.lal11 Vallay • • • • Esta11Cla YI Pacifica • • • • Wastllll111tar YI El RallCha • • So. Tarra11C• YI Marina • • • • lolla Gl'lllltle YI C-dal Mar • • • • TIE lalAKEI -My ........... tei1I ••Mt-ff ,.il'b • • 1c9"lll hi 111 ZO 11 .. n litt.4 '""' it ••••• , • •• •• •• •• • ·~d . • • •At11DI • • • •CnT llP • • • • """" SD • • CMOICIOl'PID ca..-. ...... .-..... • • 0-l'loo 0-llt o-• • IM ML L n OT ..... W DI.a•• 8 ••••••••••••••••••••• Race Result.s \ I • I l 1. I I I • 1000 • nfnr pW15' 1 COVllTT'S LARGEST 2629 HAHOl ILYD. 546-164,0 " Opn EH•I• Ill 1:30 3 -Bedriwllls . $21,JOO A gharp hotne \\1th olive ireen new carpeting l paneling, 60xJ 00 ls the lot slle at that price ,. . -·---... - ' .. HOURS Oii SA~E HoOSES FO! SALE !HOUSES POR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE H~ FOR SALi HOUKS POil $ALI HOURS ioOll Mi!E HOUS~S f'OR SALe Ganeral 1:0.:ral loot General 1000 0....ral 11• General' . • 1IOI ~!!!!'!! ..... 1• ·'H-;.,.,. 11-:h 1400!!"!•1~1'°" .... M id 6 1 ' ==:: , Newport tfei9hts BIG' FOREST E. i/1 ' • r .W.01 LOAN· Wltli FHA SS/40/o ~~:~::'~.!'~ o l s o N BAUIOA PE:lfiN3ULA . . FAST MOYE IN 1'f{ .. 19 l;~ 3 bedroom, wtlh lea condition with °""'' ' ,~:;I .:tu c ID,~ New homes, nady lo mow In, ~ m)le WITH 1101o DOWN ~~ cipe': = .:!:; ::.:· ... .:..~u=; '"'· Re"'-. !:'.'!~.,~· ........ ti..~:~ed from beach. Firs¥ payment ~p~lo 801\1111 '..!..., ••• ., M v-~ Bdrm pllment the ...,. rueptaco . .,.,.. and HAND TOoLED """\' ---~-~-aflu move In. ..,;1eaa1as a WUN1.1e esa .aue 3 . We hav 23 adjectives to bal:Vlna:lllmpe Bullt:fnWET 01 -. Terrm VAfF~ 'rom $22,'91:. near schools, shops & Jibrary. <r floor d.-toe ·~,.,.find the BAR ID .p;a,.U...1'AMILY NEWPORT a., & lleach R1'!:.1"f-·e · L' SHORES plan with s~rinkler,.s lr<*lt & back, COY• _, thiN .,. "Bri.~~ !!QOM with UNIQUE FIRE. BEACH DELUXE BO:°""' Dr., SUlte.-NB O.RA . ered j>atio, lind oeveral fruit tr.... chttrlul .,.,~,.call us oow PLACE, AK ud Fil,...,._ D''PLEX 162000 """· f13-0f19 oWner will carry a Znd T1D. lo the $19,llOO and ,., will """"· you tJ>o """'in ·A ou1. """' tot.I"' , u , ,0"4 DOWN ,(o~ Garfield between ~ ..,. .?da~olla Fi.qll T.D. tilb,as lltUe as 1091. Down. ....alning OJ. Just l~lod 'POOLaMtaoapgofrnomfor Sand pebbl• throw trom 'l'wo"8dnlJ,oceantrontunil," , . • 962-13l3 , . So/-1~ FllA Joan 1s easily assumable with •t .................. $26.$0 kid& or all ages tor great the poundine aurt -r.o · -· "!!!!!!!' no interest increase entertaining. Flower garden ~e bedroom1. Large ~-~~uio Owner '::::: j. $27,Sqo Price 1s firm. An exclusive UslinB of MESA VERDE REALTY. Prloetples only .. 546-5990 ~'txf~R~: ~~.c1e1c::, ':! PROPERTIES WEST !:!"!!1° "'" ...... , 141\' Qalyl4,000downat&LO'W _Bl&...,b, payatortt. '7MUO 67>1'42 PRIVATE BEACH Pi.•4••-' $39,su>. • telt. Onb' S38,500. can mwt I ........ !!J!!!!~~~--rJfllt a ttw steps aqy. 3 ~'Y-..nt" WE S!iLL A"HOMI -. · ' DUPLEX ' --den, l1'0.,.. -\Jo Ind-oil EVERY '1 M0GJ'rEJ 64$.0303 , Sale .,. leaa, tmma,,_ "'!'!-family room ud fufma! dll>. on W.tlb& toU _ . ..,. Walker & lee ·•Harl>Orc.m.r ~~~!iil'~2 !:i ~an"":.twi:..: ~~ ;:'"'"-:':":.."'= 2299 Harbor Blvd., C:M. leased at .$355 V"K>. $10,odo Pl.US a _gotteOus large poOl 2 111XW'ipu1 ba'tha. cti.umfN 2.700 Ha.r:tio,: BIY9. at A.dams ROOM> FOR dn. owner 6C-:M90. in a Pl'Otect~ ~ .• ,, ''Queent" Kitahen. GrtU I&. ~ "l-6 UNITS BLUFFS BAY VIEW. 3Br. 3 tor~ family ffiat4dele.rvea Lag room wlU. rich l*,nel· a matter or .fact, et General 1000 6-r•I 1000 ''For A Wise Buy" ()pea.'Ul 8 P,M · $22,950 ·· b&·on.wide~eenbelt. UM! best, S'M.SCIO. • . lng. Ankle deep carpetini. . swirthy~ J c ,.....,. ...:....~ •--'-'-67"5$0 ]:!xcelli!!Dt cul-de-Pt.. WllJ Cole • o. " SEE THIS Ownor .. ....,.. .. db-~~~ ~. qu~ ' .. 11 FHA and VA. of JllD8ll hQuJe on 60'x330 ...... Owner. 644-4l65 WE SELL A HOME you can'L miss, 11nd aa I/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;. that. price-Wh)' rent?·! • 642-'l'Tl7 'i'ak• a drive on a dn:uJar lot lo top )l'.alde location. No'!l!!rl Holghh 1210 EVERY 31 MINUTlil . · Income UnilS No Down -Vets That's right no money down and this unit "'Ol pay for itself, you can nve In one unit and en· joy income from the other,' it's located In COlita Mesa and I.& in ex· ccllent condition, Each units hu 2 bdrms. &. I !Ai be. lh.<1, it's ah~:ay1 rent.cd IO no vacany problem thr full price ii $32,450, buy 'ft and you can send two kids to collei:e fr~! Growing rains? . Here'! the answer a 5 bmroom 2 ba ti) h:2rne jn "851.side C.OSta hiesa. 'nle fuU price ii $28.500 with eiUK'r FHA or VA terms avatlable. the. se.IJ· er is very anxious be- cause the houee ii va-. cant, see It and you'll want iL College Park eargairis • Tender lOYing. care is what this house ~ it't lotnted In a cul-de- sac and f l4rge lot, the dlcoodra lawns front & ?1?al' netd. lo~ watered. ~ automatic 1prink· Je-s should take mrw-of t.hat. and you can take care o( the· painting. You can also assume the 5%,. FHA 108D with low, low monthly pay- ments lncludinc 1.Uts a imuranee. H u r r y tt won't lasl! 4 Bedrooms View $39,600 This is an lmmaeulatr 4 bedi-oom home on the bluffs In C06ta ~iCSll over looking nJI of Ney.·. port Beach, it shoY.'S like a model home y.•ith beautiful cupeting throu'ghou I., tbt'l-e is an unobstructed view from the rear terrace and master bedroom su1te. and a pro{~onally 1-nchcapOO. f:ronL yard mt:lo5cd patio and atnum· ~Jll' \\"Sf. It's va.ncant so Set' it now. Cozier Than Cozy You've go to Sl'e this house ll'1 as cute as Jt can be Y.1th 2 nl~ sized bedrooms Y.rith wall to wall carpc!ting •through..1 out that is like new. The living room featurcl y.'8.JJ to u·all carpetini. and •· Ooor to ocllln&: flttplace, the entire home hu just bt>en painted Inside and out. Thi!! ownen have a:one awt,y and left It vacant ao you alll ftlO\.'e. 1n right away. How dots $18,000 '"''""" HOME & . COMMERCIAL Live la the '3 _BR,, Sharp • Sharp home,~ bava 84' x 233' cqmmercial lot to w;e for business. 2 separate gar. ~ Jdeal for storage or ? ! "$39,500 (Name )'OU.I' terms) Newport •I Victoria 64"81111 (anytimf) Costa Mesa Dirty • PACIRC PANORAMA l--=-RA~M"'B"'U""N"'G=--I :::!':.o::.i~'fut= OCEAN VIEW ' BROA,DMOOR .., v; .... Walker & Lee Unfold• lrom moot of thll ·HOME fiome with '"'"lous mut" ·2\!)!dmlo. 2 ...... 3 Garal· "'"'''"""" slio lot;-4 BR, 1682 Edinger. '.• elR"'"1FHa~ v31ew9R Ii~ nso sq, fl. of customJzed I~-el.rite. Plus a 20x40' bUlld-es.,. ~ ~~: ~ Wn nn.:--fom\11 din. rm., M2-4455 ome, eatunng ·• n ing. Spacious FOUR BEO-in& that could be converted tns. • ipa ew. 3 cAa GAR. ·Extensive deck-()pen eves.~ Ba .• lge. lam. rm., gourmet ROOM TWO BAnts, 20'x to an apartrilent, or use it ---.,M;;O'°D"°E"'R""N;-....,.-I Bright l cbeerfUJ. Needi Wg wlth · fantastic view11. "ll;;;;;~r.c;;:;.;;; I ~··.with a.IJ elec. built.ins, 30' FAMu.v ROOM wt t b tar t ·YEAR OLD IOme work. S32.000. $69.500 •. A ssu ME 6'l% Desperate Owner f Fltf!~~7~I. landscap. FIREPLACE and separate All ~is ~e-= !~:t 3 BR. 2 Ba. home desiped G;aha: Rlty. n..~o~~l4 LOAN. Transferred and MUSI' Sell JW, Y ' · GUEsr ROOM. (ideal Moth. for only SM,500. tor 2nd dory Ullit ,2 ,B1ka. to ear ewport .-...,, ice Cheshire Real Estate beautilul· Huntmctc-crut Otuck PlaCI!! er-In·Law quartersl. Eodos-bay, ocean, sboppina. $49.~. Dovw Shorn 1227 =~-,;•;,.:'1>:::;,:2503;::.:o,,.;:•,-,= home built arounct. atimm. JUST LISTED cd garage, 1wo protected pa. Reef Carpet RNlty --------i...GE. hilltop Jot. ~ view A·l )andscapq, ~ tlos. Th< ""'w" '° a large 2025 W. Balboa, NB 6!5'6ooo * CAPTIVATING o! ""''" & hW.. Privacy, bath, oven;i>ed mut,.er bed. family's: problems. A bar-' BAYCREST Dille.rent "Old Worid" COD-Realtor m.20lD room suite. Best buy· AI'!al gain at only $25.~-~itb 1Kn N-81·..a ~ Beauwu.1 ' BDRM, formal temporary. executive Juxury :=======::: MUt'UAL REAL TY various means ol 1.UM:ULU\& -..... l"". ""'··......,, • .._ l"I 14241411 available. CALL FOR DE-CALL ~ dinq rooiu, Heated, filter-home.. Unobsfrueted &aY • lido Isle ~ TAILS E I od pool, Auwne 5\1% loan. Mtn .vu--t ,.,,,._ 5000 ,.,. ;:;;::..=c.-----GARDEN~R? !! ves. 644-655 646-2290 DAVIDSON R.afty lt. 4 BR, 4i\i. BA + ma.Ids GRACIOUS Likl! ~ Mx2Q lath ~ S4&M60 Eves: 56-tHl qtrs. Ideal !or -entertaining. ·ATMOSPHERE w/work beoches attuhtd to Be utiful Dupl Easy main. Immed occup. fkaut., pvt. patios, spacious 2frxl2 cov. patio! All this SMALL HOUSE All 2 .~. Priv, ·~ti~· Furn.tl.78,000.Aswme6~% llv.rm.,tnn.1.din.rm.,conv, attc'd to a;ot&COUS 3 BR BIG LOT ...... bltna. .Xlnt """'-Eu> loan: Box 't!-12 NB. 548-7249 •kl1ayrm1. •ooo" eSqrc,, •. Gall~~: Nwp1 w .. t """"'· $33.950. How a.bout.4 la.rg:e bedrooms, terms 21 Rex L. HodJct Rlti-, M'J.2525 1 bathto e1ec blt·ins, double . o..--kt Ex'"" .. ....__.646-2629 University Park 1237 J195M · ONLY ••• _1 A reol nk, 2 BDR hardwood .• ,,_. ·-~~· -R. C GREER Roal('( ...,.,,_ garage, lat:1Je cuk:le-sac Jot, Ooor home on quiet "banjo" APPROXIMATELY 12 ~ ,ARE YOU A SLAVE·'t 3~cc y." -Lido m9Joo LAROE 4 BURM! '-forced'alt btaUng, fi '7o inter. street. Room for another AvOCado ~; 3 .BR. 1% To )'Udwork I: housework'! ~ ia Plus 20 ¥ 20' ·deol Aasmne est on an asmunab[f! Joan, Evenings Call 646-4579 separale unit on tbla J.a.ra:e Baths-Hill Top View boml!!. Here's a home you'll appree. LIDO SLEE~E~I 1cr.v lntereat la&n. Carpets, paint it. tix'it, lave it. ;~~~~~i~~:1·-1uo!r--1 R·2 lot. 6% laan available. Barn w/ • studio apt, late. 2 Br. 2 ba. bit-in bar&: We've done it aga.m drapes,1 larae k>I. Boat sate! ORANGE( COUHTY'S 2629 H't:~1LVD. 546 1640 OPEN'EVES TILL 1:30 EXECUTIVES Who ect~~~~thl11 spaelo&s, cnamruig home . Living room has beamed ~illit and· lOoka OUI on de- lighUul patio ard landsca~ ed Y•rd. Formal'ctining room • family room with fireplace • M!PIJ,l'ate •bt¥kfut ioom. four bedrooms • 2~~ baths. BA YCR.E,11' $56,sqJ, ' . JEAN. SMITH, · Realtor --~5 · • 400 E. 17th, C.osta Mesa DISTRESS SALE 2CM3 \\'estcliff Dr. &IS. 7Tll Open 'Ews. ' IMMEO. POSS. . 5 BR & FAMILY Tbls large family home ln North Costa Mea. with all tf1lt' built • lns including a water con11tioner. NHda a little TLC. Vacant A priced wayl\lnder market. Hurry • this \VOn't last. 0 N Ly S29.1'0. BIG 5 U4/728-89l6 den. Modern&. easy to main. Nifty 2~bdnn. home on love-HAFFDAL REALTY $20,700 Vi ACRE~POOL tai!". Xlnt locntion, too. ly st~. , 8424400 MESA VERD£ Custom 3 BR 2_ BA homo?. :;1::a~!. only $34.200. Call L JOO O~~:~~!'? INC. OPEN House 2 to a1x Walk to A dandy REPUBLIC 2-story home. l~ years young, For. maJ marble fireplace in huge liv1ng room. Brick :fireplace in family room. Electric bul..lt-in kitchen fnclw:li.QJ N I Horses or units. $(2,950 e Red Hill Re•lty Mr. Gundersen =cb.Hil ~ ;A +ml r! · ewpor Ownr, 531·1636 u . p rk Cellte 1.rv· 33TI Via Lido 673-1'300 at EASI'SIDE. 3 BR' 2 BA. a ~ _!ytlmr ~inc w/wet . bar. a>ndO,, xint Vlctorl• FHA. rota! pynu>1s l!Ol 5 MONTHS NEW l Hunlln-on Bo.ch 1400 .. """' ..... .,· ii"""55iiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiliiil ,., HJJ Pm will consider lease op-•• HA'~ -0;~ t•· 4 "·-• -3 Bl', "Princeton." Llwd in VL vr--._-.,... ~ ( yt• ) lion. Brokl!!r' eve!. 83S-63U just big enough. :for a $25 500 Estate SaJHmea. irl IMIP •w an !'"° S BR 2 BA. family nn. Pro1 ,...,._..,. .. i. pl•Dyt·al· ' ott!Q,, Call tar _.,,....,l decor. 114 yr old-xlnt mnd. "upgnil:llng", Quldt posses. ~~~h 4~1:·a1:u1\,!~ R. D. Slam • .RH'ltW.· $32,500. 12382 Fleet Ln. HB. sKin. Only $32.!iOO. & a v<!ry IRJt:e living room. .,..,..,.s~3=6=11D:l~!l!l!'"· .. [ d""""'""· 9""'..,, •"'" ! .................... ..... $43,995 NeWport •I Victoria 64"81111 (•nytlmo) IRVINE COVE Ocean View l.arge vacant lot Build the home of your drcan1s In this beautiful private community. 135,001 OWoer. 64S<t328 e Red Hill Realty . Beamed ceilings, large kitch. Univ, Park Center, Irvine en • family room combina· Vacant 4 bdr, 2 ba, 1~ yn Costa Mesa 1100 Newport Boach 1200 SPACE & CHAl!M Bu~ brook, rellection pooh fillod with ta.,. Carp set a tranquil scene for thi1 4 Br., hideaway den A frun, dln. rm. Priced at FHA val. w/assumable 5%t'/b In. Hal Pinchin & Assoc. 3900 E. Ola.st Hwy. 87S-439'l * BY OWNER it Oceanfront Home, 3 BR. ulll ~ sewing rm. liv nn w~ A ocean vieW. ~ ·kil w/bltns I: a't'Ocldo sl:m.g cri>tg thr'U- oul Front )'d \\'/patio le: ~A. $63.500. 6'73-69IKl or (213) Ql&..3671, BAY AVE. DUPLEX 2 Modmr vnftt ln belt area. EasU,y rented, adequate ~ turn. Tennl; $59,000. BURR WHITE I Call Anytime ~O tion w/buill-.in range & oven. old, cor lot, nr Harbor & Carpets & drapes, curved Edlnge_!' ~ $28,900 or will ~ driveway w i t h oversized lot SM Diego home Jun double garage. Large back Cox RUr. 544-t29f \ yard overlooking forest nf BEAtfriFULLY Deecr. 4 Christmas trees, Complete-BR. townhouse. .A.ssurue ly fe nced & la.rxlscaped. 5\.21o FHA. By owner 1240 126.550. 96i-S291 l,!IJ11!!,l!~l!,1~;i. !'l!.,!l@Rin?!!· 0 pr.1.1 E:·~i=s~ TRANSFERRED Huntington H•rbour 1405 S.al B•ach 1450 i OCEAN V.li!!w, S BR. 2 BA, trplc, llO:tl~ lot. $44,800, l ~ Bols.a Aw .. n+.531-4239 Wntminster 1612 I 3 llllRM. t Bath REPO. Low I dawn, loW ~ta. Built-in · ~.own. F.P. $21.~. l BY OWNER 642-Jem 1 0 Loguna Booch 1705 · ··-···- OCEAN VlEW HOME XLNT Vet loan auumpdon. J:nl rate will not incrtUL 3 ar.: 2 Ba. w/w ~ frplc. .Cot lot; compl privacy, Anxlo u1-1ubmlt. F/P -PLACE REAL TY t').l...l'1lM HANOY~N'S Speclal! f Income un!t• !20 )'d1. to beech,. Patiol,, decb w/ocan View. Nih.. p&int. I •tc. Sholjd croa a.ooo yr. Pr. Mlllltl OJhsldor ........ MISSION REALTY Gf.07lJ ! IBtJ DEGREE VIEW !Dr Of wtllttl ..am-" eoutJine, ~ mall bu1 l..,.L ST.... villh ' S'l.ll<ll -. bol at 115 ,,,., t All doe 1 yrs. 494-.1137 or DIAL dlm::t 6Q..5811, O\ara'f! )'Ollr ad. tMo ltt back afxf lbtl!ft to the pf'mnf ,.., .. -----------·-----·---·--·-~----• •4-• );loySIS 101l ~LI , IEHT~l,.S • RENTALS RENTALS lENTALS RENTAU REAL ESTATI ~.·Hl..,.I t101 ' M••:~ , 1111•1 U.dtw h•d "r"' F""'llhM A,IL Fo11tlohd , Aplo.Unfuml-o-r~~·-·---- m=;t .. " I I ' .. ' UN'fALl,L•.-·~~·> U~ Porli tu7 Coote..... 4100 Ga-0-4410 tata Mela 5100 llOnl•li Wa.....r 5-L-N ...... Ttn'. ~!e'-"""!"'1¥P! = · · = -. , " .. ,_ ,.,, 11.o• Jlllt "· 'll, M a 9 81'. ....._.11 ' iOoo i Bllt + ab-lum "' one LEASE $!GO. Studio Aft~ SINGLE Y"""l Ml111'1, J..ax. WANT 1 or 2 b<j1toom 1pt. ~ In _. ,yin('~ -·.-' ' . ~ 2 ... lb. bl•!\'<. ·~ Id~ l'l!dor ~.,. _,, ury -'911 with.....,. NEW t "SR, S1l1. Bltm. .. ' De.an or $<)/fl'oc)l ~ed."°"'~ oa;ANJ'l\ON'l'SW>eotlleacll, o.o!Gf .,_,boll IOO,,.... ,........_Sp.II-IJ'jl clllb o,_.,..... ml J011c. pr. Multi Gnly,"' l'ftl~ ll'<•t N ....... ., J'<lth .. ~~ b11aa, ..W $ 8R, 3 BA. a -MED OCWI'. @ SltlO mo. Tnllet V!Dqe. -.it"' privacy. SOUT!I pet.. 160.F 21st~ 54.ru! Lido , !alt. Ytuill ~. ~ .... ,I Olt ~ deo. 1111-1,., -· dfi<,.t.... ---'· , . • y CWll APTS UUlt DEwxE I BR t"•'" bi hlcbelor, 8.lt-lllll. M f ; *1Slr't~ ltue mlnimwn. No a1fiP'!' . • 1 It 2 BR. ~ OlAPMAN Ave., Garden 1J ~· crp ' Welcb ~ ~~intnc in. or peta. $37S mo. (2U) s BDR + huc.r ''botlui'room.'-' lTf & ~St. ..,._ CroW (110 &36-.JD) drpt. pCJOI. No child aaes 21,3~8dnn=i--~u.~ .... -~Hoo--..,--$ltlll-~ ·..,.. 114* to S!tlJ.lJ3 ;,.~ .. ~~ :=;2Bl<. 2llA • 1 BR <ptl. Nr Oil.Ula: la. I Br, -.':"'.:::'.. =~ "aui,, Yrlylae. Bal PM!n, rell&blt L....,o N!luol c...,. $.150. 5 ~ rm. din rm. .._ .. 1310 mo.· lllpow '""· "° dllldn• .. ;;; ,:::" uw""pc1"' ~ ok. IUI per mo. · ™'" J\efll. ~ or 09-llH .,. ~ • : 547.7761 frp1c. bltim. W/W~ J'ucd ptUI. ~ bellft 4,. ' . 14 .139-7021 ot ~ 540-6SlS RENTA• ~ ,.t lot -Bl!r· 66-Brand -4 BO!<..\ le. lo!!\. 3 BR. boom celllrc. -l·BR. .....,.., w/w •Pl$.''""'· e LANbLORDS jll , 1 . HeiuJil'umlit.Jd Gll1. rm + .... 41'1. rm. 211 bl, ...... Olm, m..,;'ldQ!ts, no Loguno -4705 IU Mita. 00 .... WO Mo FREE llEN'!'AL SERVICI!: , , WMifM Wintf .~ 0.,, · 1181.3BR.2S..Sep.-• .._.._,.1ocate<1 ·1nTunJe pets'1M +u~-.i -~19Ait.r5PM . ' Broker 53U982 SP~CIAl CLASSIFICATION POil General .-2000 ~ ··~. -· """' ... ·--· Oct 1 LUX 2 Br, ..... -in ' NEED 2 B<!nn. ... In NAtu•• .. ft ..... , I ' Bier. IMSoGfll , 001,_. -@ $.150 mo. J\IHTAL'S Laa. "°"'" $350. 811·1100 I BDR, gar, cpl$, -. Harpor Sch. """by Se .. L , , • ,...$poclL """1.~---, • , so '-1 bdnn. ..,.. ·A-·fUml-or. l!'ro-003..... Pr<fer teocher or """""-..._bl · ... ,,_ • ., ......, ""' -"liid ·;.,. Avail' $250 •• BR -""· patio, IOI PEnrr .. ASSOC. ··-242 Flowu, C.M. I=;,· =-~·"""·~~-'--"7---I, -s LI--$ 11 ..... Ls ~ • , l ;... fo ~ ~ (:;) ~ stove, rtfril. wtw. Bkr. 833-0101 N......,_, &Mch 4200 RENTALS 1 1r. 2 BR avail, Ocl. lit. v:1LD ro:: to ;:t ~e •ULU--AD 1"Ut! 1HCLY011 it ::'~!:.to. JW.lo• ~BR. fsa. 'Pollo, Eo0tllvff , -42Newpnrt&ldl Aph. Unfurnlohod wB',~~-CM~«!!! ..... ·~,,ro ta .,. ::=',":.."":.~~ ""'=l:i7'r!':.::.l: ,• '. ·trplc.~~Q.1 -.1w. ailldrea ""' COUNTRY CLUB G.neral · SDOO ........ ,. ~ GOVERNM.ENT worker . ......or"1Pff()Nf'l..2J67i11 0M.: . bntols to Sfut19 2005 •potaO.K. Bier. 5M<;980 m:'SIJN'ASSED BAY VIEW LIVING 2 BR duplex unfumllll<d -., I!> ren<lamily homo. To Ploco Your Tr-1 P•rodloo.'M-. 1 . EXECl1l'IVE . ...,. 5 Br S fO -Hlr', 2 Ba+ pool, Lux.., garden --VEN DOME Qpl$, -· gar, lg yd. No * '*"'541 * ~ S BR boua, 3, ba. 3 BA. crpjl, drps. elee bJb. Immed OCC:_ IM $400 mo or offering .complete , prtvacy, dogs,~ * RENTAL SERVICE * ~ 2U 1 aq ft ' ~nets Vk!w ~. ,.... t.tcvna1 C&{ ·t~ 'f I m4j-.,re. Fenoed. $3.'ll_. 546-61'40 opt. tn, bl&y. Q:wner. 61S-()62]. he&utilul landacaping • ~ FREE TO LANDLORDS rental:' oftlee rw retail ahop ·Beach,° 3'BR a-~ braa\ ~ tn ale • a.J. · . paralleled recreaUonal taciJ.-IMMACULATE APTS! N le h 5200 Blue &aC'On 6t5--0W. tor 2nd TO'a. 211413 62nd ceillnP. &c;,at, .ftol:Nn• .§4&.105B, 5$.'621 uk Mr. C--3100 Corono c!!ol Mir ~0 '"'" In a <OUDtry clnb at· ADULT & FAMILY -rt IC l;:::=======I St, NPt llcb, Ownet'. (2131 tub, trade'15,U!)"1 for Babr.' mosphero. Now 1euina In SECTIONS AVAILABLE YEARLY RENTALS R...,, for Rent 5995 2~111. •v• (213) 246-0100 tor llnme,·lloe~ J.Ol..t ' WOMAN, 35. aha.re 2 Br. 2 ·3 ~ ~~S.. C?LDER 'i!. ~kl-..~~ Newport J;kach. Clo .. ·to shopping. Park -t BR. 2 BB:~ ........ $350 ---------= HAVE: l'l'' Gulatrtam i"-I s;I0-2825 ~ 1 Ba. apt. w/~ Pool. home with. ~'<iillar. flplc, vertibl dep, 2 bath' 1700 1&th Strfft * Spadous ! Br's. 2 Ba l BR. 2 &pi. ....... , $300 p::l. per .wk. Ma.id aerv. htd boud/o1itldrive 1966; 15G HP I $30.<m equity, $1f.'t10*1• ~ patib. Mult' like Cl 0 I s . bafd;.vood t.J 0 0 r. • l' dbl • ~ livillc ~ Furntahed or unfurn1sbed * 2 Bedrooms 3 BR, z Baths •••••••• $265 pool, central . loc. !.lotet TRADE: for late c.maro C·l prOp, O>mer loca~ 968-3Jn.. range. !'dult _,!s,• m 11 y t:n. u $315 :· m 0 ModeJa ~ ;::70to 9 pm ! SwlmFrp1 ::!'n~:'~?.-2 B~. 2 Baths •••.•.•• $:165 r, ahlti u~-450 Victoria or Malibu, etc. so. Bristol, s .A. J'or cabin. ON~ Young lady wanted to w/re:feri'ncea. ....-mo. card includod. ~ :• ., ,.,....,,~ ••C.a 3 ·Bn.. 2 Balha •••••••• $250 near ~uur mvd) C.M. S4s.3221 Bi& Bear Ana. heel Ol!J' ohat. Olm apt w 12 Bia . ......,, or ..:':t 213J34TC2lllll OAKWOOD 1145 Anaheim A.ve. 2 BR, I &lb .... ; .. ,,. l200 5'8-2129 (9 am"' 5 pml. A"·-nt ... W stclUf mak. ,._ 'BJt. ..,..., patio. crpl$. GARDEN OOSTA'l\IESA ..,_,.,, 'BJt. I Ba.....,, ...... sm ROOM "" ""'· !cit""'• ~-, ~•. • , ==_,,-.,,..~,,.-.~1 =~ ~ bcb. $'10. dt'pa, etove. refrig. Tn:iplo.l ~ ':7-~Br~ APAR. ™' ENTS 3 BR •. u' BaRR. FUrnWH,..ITE ... $2SO privileges. Corona del htar, ~e ~~:~~in::: = t!::.:.ro~ ~ !;;=~===== .,ttiog !or """-1 hlk den, 2 Ba, -. living l'ID '°91• beaut ''''" I'm a ~.,.. d'lP!..,.., ,... _. "°' ~ ff ~ ~p6,t. 8Mdl 2200 shops. $150. ~ dinlog rm, prdeDer pd'. SINGLE Young Adulta Lux· RtNTAL flNOERS REALTOR si:rigle, qulet lady. 615-7117 ideoee, boat .? 64&8565 Nancy J. Mott, Brobr, • UNDA ISLE • 3 BDRM 2 Bath + pool. $J?5 mo. 613-8118 ury a:arden apts with ~ IDP9isM ... ~ 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. I;;;."':;-',,·=,,-,,-,,=,,-.,.,-,-Bayfront 9 Bdrm. borne, Lakd:tollt ft!w prop .• ' · t.arge ,patlo. Garqe·in·back ,. _ tr)' club atmosphere and ll!SIUfW.-IUSllSS 67S-4630 642-2253 Ews. COLLEGE or working &'irla. Want Industrial. "--• ing 11.J.1.:. ... dfDin& ~ )'00 A ywr boat! SO ft. of lot., converted. &nt or 4. BR. 3 ba. ..-.ty. home Year. -1 .. te ri SOUTH 1t'IM to it"""' WaterlronL • ··--Jive on Bal Isle, in<;! phone, "~ .. .., r. .. .' 'w-~"--Jlillit !dip + beaut. tum. 3 BR. ty, $2'15 Month. comt""" P vaey. llr.-IOOMMAn SllYKI ..-~ ......,.. County. · · u., aat.""~·«...,. home-· Imtned. avallable fDr lieut. ~ Winton Real Estate 61S.J331 BAY a.ue APrS, Irrine at urious & elegant 2 BR. 2 kit, rec nn &: TV. Rooms Balboa Bay 'Properties borne or • t u·-"tll '"··-· ,~"-2 BR Ea.aside ;115 mo lat 16th, Newport Beach,. OfW.tM,c..t...._6Cofl11 RA, pool, pri balcofl)', vfew from $50 up. 67S-36ll '673-1420 AQytime Canoq_J~·~aU.y --t · ~·....,...,• · •· , _ _.. mo'• --• ~ .... t BR..dbl garage, lg yard, (n4) f45.«60 'll'l'tP•o-nrw' ••rue• · apts. Boat ~1;-M avail, LARGE comfortabl• -m, Boyd Rally ,. 615-5000 « -og•. ~--OK Jot boa~ ....... , et.. a RENT • b """'.' • •-16' P.U>JOn Hawk sailboat 20 ...... lmf fll'ID W>d, PllfINSULA POINT drpg, range, water , pd. $250 mo.. ~ CHARMJNq 1 Bd. &lndeck. .,.. au terranean parking. convenient arN, $20 per With traller, both xlnt. $1075 Winnemucca. Nev, A OiEER,FUL 3 BR. 2 Ba. 546-3222 Eves. pr, Excel penin loc. No 3 R~1 Fun1iture ' c:aribe Balboa Apts week call &G:l7S8 . v~ue.· Will .trade to:r car, l'ii bni 'driv~ ta Reoo: w/rq. family nn.. fenced 4 BR. Mesa Verde. 'Htd. &; Huntington Beach 3400 pell: Emplpyed ad u I ta . $25 & UP 310 F~ ~ N.S. 1 BDRM wt bath. Private cycle or truck. Trd far camper, f'll', !)lay Yarn. Steps to be,.cb. fill pool. Sf.15 Mo. tncL pool · Avail Oct 5 to June 15. · < entry. No cooking. $'10 mo. 49!}.1084 · w/ pool, apta. 546-1189 Am •NOW' $375 Mo. maint 8 Months Ieue 3 BR. 2 ba, den, trpt, w/w ~2123 Month-To-Month Rentals NE\V 2 BR. 2 Ba. crpts, furnished. 675--0771 Center dntn. Laguna Ost. Haw: 110' TS 'dldtl Hal Pinchin. Assoc.1'15-4392 can Walker A: Lee 545-9491 crpts, screened porch, poc;il, 1508 OCEANFRONT WIDE SELECTION drps, trplc, dabwhr, ,patio. LARGE, pleasant room in Hwy, C-1 nr. beach, ·u U., yacht 6000 mi~ $175, 1;;=;;;,;;:;;::;..:;:::;::..:.:::,;;:::1 -;1-;BR;;;;-;;;;;;~-;....,.;;;;;;-', ;;; ... ;;--! refs, no pet&, $250 mo. m-3 Bdrm, 2 BA furnbh'!d. HFRC Furniture Rentals Across · from Coco 8 & nice home. Elderly man 2 shops; trade $6tM ~-tor ~ar. WANT: JAnd. lno,..f ~~O= •1~pJv!_~ .l Water paid. $!1l.50 cludell water, lse. 54()..7652 Frplc, garg, wuhfdry, $285 517 W. t9th_. CM 548-3481 =~~ ~ ~ 'i1!: relem.'d. 54&-3790 TDs, land, rntr. sailer, ! ! a: smaller tioai. 'community with/beach. $315 (1) 772-0142 LEASE 4 BR, 2· Ba, blt·ins, mo, Call {213) 37'1·1169. $125. 2 BR .c.plex. RIO, $170 up, '115 .down. 1601 Ft'RN Room in beaut CdM Hazel Warren, Bkr. 499-2001 lnrin &1S-34SO Ai(" moo fi46.llll6 N:t., 2 BR boG&e, fncd bWI: yard, ='! ¥~c:3" ~ty+ lat & NEAR New 2 8 tum apt ~ crp~·~· ~~ O.K. Bedlo"1. 60-0239 hOl'ne for sngl penon. SlZi. 1$9 · ~ Coupe, 27 San ClemeDte '2 'Jt.3 ··~=-~·CY:.; iu.-~Y~42S1W0.-TnldewindsRA!~~ 841-85u ~~ ~rl~~ea;:; $145. 2 BR. 2 & 4-plex. 2c!!·~blHJ::. Atta. ~~~::;·:-4~ ~0~·t':epM~·1~ !:D'~be::"·~ leasir) 642-3863 AVAD.. Oct. L E-0Se 3 BR. 3 BR unfurn house, crpta & Don Crevier Encl'd gar, atove, w/w. ii.as M Call f .It eod $50 per month ~ eoeerno~ model Eoonoline .or Ford. NB,' cM' c0mm1 rntr. or BAYl'RONT " dock 3 Br, 3 house, bldns,. dshwbt\ cpl&, drps. $225 mo. lease. 1 & 2 BR. fum &: unfurn Broker ~ ~-. .uti mi.ari: ~~~ St, C.M. ~5289 . 548-MSO aft 5., 646-&lf..s wkdy unit. •. ~. Call ,PM , Ba ·den. Leue/option $500. drpl, $250 mo. M.2-089) *536-3898* apts. Pool. No children or $130; Util pd, Pallo, R/0, NB. ' FURN room private e~ Strategic Airport entrance 5 ~· mahft avocado. 975-4331. Abo untum. pets 2405% 16th N B relrlg, wfw. B r o k e r trance /ba'tll. Girl onJ prop. Vacant, mne C2, Fallb(ook, $41'.M. F.aui 'mo. f BR. 2 BA. Crptd,, drpd, LaguN Niguel 3707 ~ . • ' 534-6!8) 2 BR. 2 BA, patio, balcony. ....: w _... ,....,. y. 50,620· aq ft. Price p.52,000 $26,000. For bouae. uqita, ! dshwhr fenced. $250 mo. N. crpt8, drpe. bltmi. Hoag -" per mo. "'<7"V"""' clear A sleeper Fo ranch Bert Mott, Riddle Rlt)' ISanftores.. 2225 CM 540-4275. • LG. deluxe 2 Br, 2 BA, 1 &: Z BR-8acheJor Apts. $16.5. LOVELY 2 Br., bit-ins, Hospital area. $175. 4249 . ba)'tr'.ont or 1 ~ ~ comrt. den, oeean view. Kit·'IV-Pool-Maid Ser. $35. C & D. 1 blk tD beach. OUld Hil · w Call tor A -646-8811, 833007 eve•. 3 BR, 2 BA. rum. dishWtbr, 3200 .-.1344 or 5fl.7'1fil pe.r wk. a: up. THE MESA O.K. Broker 645-0lll. 54~. ay. , ppt. Mottil•. Trlr. Crh. 5997 Deluxe 3 room otoc:e l 2 72' erui,.er TffiD D, autn wshrldryf, frplc. rudener, m N. Nwpt Blvd. 64&-9681 apts. on Palm Canyon Dr, ptlot, nuiae 1200 n:U: ~ yt he. PrfV bea.cb. 646-4709 DupS.ea Unfum. 3975_ rv= A.., FRONT I. . 2. • 3 2 BR lower duplex, nr ocean. Pl: wk &: up Bachelor Apts. Palm Spiings. $49,500. Equl-!UneY $WM'. Will 00,MIO"rt 1/1. ~· • Costa Melli 5100 $175 yrly_ Frplc, bll ~ iM. ~tCbens -TVs -Maid Serv. t,y $32~954. tor income bus-trust deed· or tmaller bl Coron1 def Mir 2250 TOWNHOUSE Cute 2 bdr, newly painted, ~WINTER RENTAL Crpm & drps. 1 child ok. 311 City of Orange. Bird of ineu or 'ID's mi8ki <>wnr rn4) 729-3400 ~··· ~•-!'_,( ,_11_ .._ Adults Ollly. 3 BR. 2% Ba. 11ereened garden rm, pri yd, e ....,.;...,. RENT"' 0 e · (ftllrmllCTION S6th' st". (2l3) 248-1.921 ~.: Motel, 2430 W. $.l6 M She~ 0aJai 3 BR. Modem Newport Bcb m.. ~· ..,...,, .,. i,lll.llll. .... Beaul decorated. $275 month fned paved area for addtl ""·"4 """" ~ VIUlllU 2 BR, 2 BA. cpts, drps, 2 BA, tp, 1UM1!0, ~ $9 M. come llllit, ~ $8760 ~ beach. Well furn. home. 3 lay & INcb-prkg, enclosed 1ar, CJl>l!, WINIFRED L. FOSS. AcL bltins. AduJta, no pets. $175 WEEKLY rates Sea Lark eqty For <*ier housef Big • rental Nr ~ $50 000 eqty J ~ .:J;:Js .. ~75 :: drps, 1 child o~y, no pets, • 642-3850 • JUSJ (QMPlEJING Lse Sf3..371E. 6i3--2J70. Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., yard, coast or lnlafld:Own. Trade. for CM are~· com.mi -Realty, Inc. avail Oct 1. $165 mo. 2l01ii 3 BR. 2 BA winter rental. 1% Costa Meli& er {213) ~ mfg, or . units. Call PM. I Boyd Realty 675-5930 9Ql Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 Cecil Pl, Costa Mesa 64&-7535 lilk to ocean, Furn or un-Herbor Heights Four East Bluff 5242 Guest Homes 5998 Peninlula PL, Balboa. 2 ="'=-'·"'°~-~--~-.1; CAMEO SHQRES.Wxury 2 64S-200I) Eves, 548-6966 rum. &l.2-275l 2 &-3 BR UNITS BR. doll house!· . Approx. ~t do )'OU bt.ve to trade! !:;.fL ~~. vc::::r:-NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Walk RENTALS 3 BR. 1 Ba.%: blk. to beacll. all with fireplaces. e NEW DEl;UXE e I?Rl nx>m Jn Jic'd Guest $15,IXXI equity_ Want multi-J'.Jst: ft befe -in Or8Jwe 6'75-5698 to Harbor HL Older bat Aptt. Funtlshecl $240 Mo. yrly lse. di&hwuhen a: 2 bathl. ~ Br. 2'4 ba ' apt. for lease Home for elderly man or ple ~me unlb, · O:Julrty'• larJcest n.ad trd-~ .. :--1-3 BR. 2 .Ba home, ~----·· .. -. 126% 40tb SL 675-3249 Rental Manqer -Incl. qirac. maatr. suite, din woman. Good food, con-~.Bay Prop. 613-1420 ~ polt-U'J' ...... • deol.' 2~ ~ ~~ =~m ~ -: GORGF.OUS N:-~7~/~mr~~ J117~~Av... =:r ~i:! ~Pt!iu~ :~ ~pbue, avail 1' I '*'·' ~ * * ·n ff 1~ ~* j ..,.,..._ $.100 mo. <213> mo, lease. 642-2940 VAL D'ISERE U>O Ma. No .... 642-3837. Cosio Miu rec. area. Nr. Catboliel::i;i;:;;;;;;::;;:;====I 'l99-Q85 LEASE/OPTION Im MO. Slngl-l .,..2 b•. Fum·wol 2 BR,upsta;n, yrly $165 Mo. Phone 546-1113t Chlll'Ch & scl>ool • C.rooa Buslnon Ront•I 6060 REAL ESTAtE . lEJ,.L E "Tll . . . c:.:~~~-3 1 ::-t;; Santa Ana Hgts 2600 sq ft 4 sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards Adultw only! FROM $Ill del ~~ $255.e BALBOA JSLM~Lea&e 2 General ~·r •· t i' l&e. 6'1S-JZ5or~ BR.·3% BA. forma! din nn, Therapy Ir. 45' pool, BBQs * 673-&l88 * 865 Am.lgos Way NB slores together or separate. Office IAntil 6070 Commerdar 6015 •-;;========I inf nn. Crpts, drpr, bllnai 200'.J ·P&rllOns. Rd, 642-8670 Lovely townho~. Lara:e 2 WNHO t"S '2 ~ ~ 4 301'Matine Ave.~ ...... ------=,;.I I incl diabwhr. 54S-5.l1L fl/!, WEEKLY. l Br, pool, Newport Hgta. 4210 BR apts buUt-1ns Abo stu-TO us new , Mooi::RN OFFICES FOR rent ~ KR Jot, 111·1 j Lido Isle ~ .2351 ..,., dio apts:_' 1% ba~. No ctill· BR. $285. i:i2 Amigoa Way. NEW Industrial Bldp; for FROM m PER MONTH IOne. ,.,;.... .. 1 ... t ... t~ • .....:..-..aw/ ---------ITQWNHOOSE; 3 Br; 2% Ba. w/w. Ollldn!n I. pet& O.K. * Clean t or 2 BR * dren or pets. ~ or·61S-OOJ3 leue. 2500 !Kl· fL 9e rt. lS39 -....,,.._. ._ ......__ NEWLY Fu,,,w..i 4 BR, < ~ Po&, -'2 Car Broker 5M<;980 Adulls, no pels, 2421 E. !Sth NEAR SHOPPING Monrovia. CM . .,._OOIT. AJ.-cond., -· cenh·aHn. I lge gatp. small nllk(. k avail Sept J.5th. WintB gar.: ·all blb:lll., c PI 1., $170. 2 BR. New pa.int. w/w. st. $135 mo. Up. 646-1801 HARBOR Coron• def Mar 5250 -t00. Sq. rt. .Good kication. Of· cationi. Secn!ta.rialk~a:· $1'15" itao.·~ or longer. (213) .789-9369 at drapes. Leue $215 Month Ch11dre 0 K. WC tJ lt'7C 2340 So. ca.Lil h,t .Nat. B . . . c213> <n.am m...u or 642-2497 Bia'. ~ . • "' . W..tclllf 4230 TOWNHOUSE ~ ~';'~~,:i~i54\ 230 .E. ~~.~ Mea 1"4".""'I. ll''"'ol d090 =-t~ ;,;::. = NEW home-like townbouee, $150. 1 BR.. nr ocean & bay. 2 BDR · Well lum blt-fns. 2217 HARBOR BLVD. ~•y 3;1000 aq. ft!., 4 omc.. • ...1_ 2700 lq, ft. 3 BR, 3 BA. fam Avail DO~~~~t& 8toke.r -1~, I.! block to 'westcUU . COSTA MESA Q.: . -· Office Rent•I 6070 MODERN Al r conditioned J ~ ~ -power, sno· ' Wntr rental or ~·q rm., 752 Amigo& Way. .........,.LU. "t"'-~ "MGR APT 0.1 .....-... suite, 17th Stred. ~ c:c.ta ~ m41 624-7100 rn.scm or~ :J' ~~;..="~"· HARBOR GREENS ON TEN ACRES LAA.GUC~'IBtlEAedCH M .... °"" 700""""" ,..~ 3 ooo , fl-~·- PARK LIDO trib!e. 3 Br, 28.4 Costa Meu 4100 l & 2 BR. Fur A: Unturn 1r wtU on $240 per month, Parldrig -• &q. • ware......_-· W llolbN blond 2355 Ba, lrpl<, hbl pool, $265. 1.5e U • I p k 4237 n ON FOREST A VENUE coflee room ja nit or ~ uea. $225 . w/opt 8kr 646--0732 $ 0 00 Wk U mven ty er BACHELOR unturn tr om Fireplaces I priv. patios I Desk spare available tn service all utilftiel in-....._..... .. Mesa. . WINI'ER: 3 Br. ba¥front. WATERFRONT 30, .a....... 3 3 • • P 3 BR. &: fam. nn. Compl l $110. Also avall 1 • 2 & 3 ~Te~·=~~ newe~t oflice bWlding al eluded. Phone Mr. Rile -. A.I.I». yearly 4 BR bayfrorrt ' """"" • $6. Night Up nlceJy lumished, 21$ ba, Bdrm. Heated Pools, child _, a • . prime location ln downtown 642-9600 IJ.<Dt lq', ft. New tiuil41qc,. A 2 BIL 1dand ,BJ.I;)'. 498 Br. l% Ba., crpts, drps. •Kitchen & TV fireple, blt-ins. IMMED. care center, adj to &boppin&. (M~ur nr. Chut Hwyl Laguna Beach, Air condi-custom offioel.. 1 rv t rte Parle A~. 613-lD ad.Its. $500 mo lse. 673-6698 e Phone Service A: Pool No pet& tioned, carpetclt, beautiful TOP EXPOSURE I I1l!ultrial Part.-ria«j 1ar ' 3 BR. 2 bathl $265 mo. • Cocktail Bar =£~1T0&1 M~O(· 2700 p re w entrances: Frontage on Prime corber avail. opposife occupancy I'----------4 BR. furn. 214 ba. $280 mo. •Day, week & Month 833-0llll • Costa M~sarso~70 B1fbo1 l1l1nd. 5355 Forest Ave., rear leach to Ricbard'a·Mkt .. in ·Udo shop. · Summer -"-"•ft 2910 Caywood Realty 548-1290 2316 Newport Blvd. 543-9155 MunclpaJ parking lots. $50 ping area. tOur l.o?TJ!er off. 1c ,Robert Nattreu ft11r. . I BR Balboa apt o<lj * = """""°"'-5 BJt. "• SHARP 2 BR Bock 81y 4240 MARTINICj)UE LITJ'LE ISLE. Att new bit 2 .. , month 1., •paoe; O.•k '" locatlonl. °"'1il Me" &C-J<lii pt $'115-llSO wkly BA. v;ew Country Oub. 2264 M1Ple by wu.on. GARDEN APJS. BR apt. sW>decll. N•w and clWn avaOabl• 1.,. $5. LIDO REAL TY . INC. · 1 = ~ · PartiaDy"furn. ~1751 Modern fuJ"nlture. l)>ol. REAl.J..Y Quiet • 2 BR • l% stove, re.(rig, epls. drps. Business hours answering 3377 Via Lido 613-1300 Lots ,6roo No pet&. S155 month. BA. Adults. Unf $15.5, Fm Excellent, park-like llllTOwd-$23() yrty l!e. 673-4394 service available fol' $10. OFFICES szo· wk. Luxurious ' waterfront apt. pool. Furn 2 1 BR. 2 BA. (TI4) 673..3003 3 BJt. •-en, ~~. BR.din, Mrr. Longtin • 646-6974 $190. 2110 Santa An a , ~ .... ~1 ad,u11e,on1y. ...-All utilities paid excepl Re<:eptlon--Answertrw" lnvo~--1u1••·ro cpts, • 6 ........... , ..,._,,""''7-:.==r:--1645-2933 .......... ., , & BR. Apts. telephone. Secretarial •••• • - $300 up, "6-4414 * VI LI.A POMONA Poo< "' lllopping. Huntington S..ch 5400 DAILY P!Wr 'Blvd , Cleon 11-2 lot. 5 bloclts Ii> ---------New l & 2 BR furn apll. ~lboa . ,... '300 lTM Santa Ana, Apt, 113,, 222 FOREST A VENUE 3M5 N~liOl ·• N.B. ~ch tti Hunt. Bch, -------S""-a...d. ........ pool, laW> e 646 ~ e * IEACHBLUFF * LAGUNA BEAOI R. 0. SlolM, RNltofs ', Dup1-Fum. 2975 Newport 3220 dry nn, adult.o only, no pell. CLEAN Bachelor A ts New 2 l 3 B•, 2 Ba. F .A.. · 494-"'6 MODERN, apaclous oftlcu 817.JS!t 5J6.880I ~ ~ i,., anA a ... ~-• -3 2 _ 2 a• dU-'-~. 1760 Pomona. C.M. All trtil •--• 1t1K upp ' f J Villa Apts '"'-1 In pr l me Io.cat Ion, ~ E""'"'"::' U<01,7UVU.. ~ ..__., ""~ .... ~-Utu ...,.. a rway I dllhwshn, pa....... p 0 0 'c OMPLEI'ELY Fumished Mission Viejo. Qmtac( Roger c.2 I.OJ', ao: x BO> l8R. 2 84,.tirpt, bl•)M, 3 $115. '""'" Adulta. 215 .$1.S UP. ,Atb-lctlV< I B!I-315 E. Balboa Blvd. .new, I l 2 ~tmy, walk IX> RE om.,., 100% ._.,., Lapp. &37-4911 SUNSET a•~~ IJ»rkl'· spaces. I au n dry, Prolpect St. f9t.«m ' pool. utU ·paid. Garaen ~.v· BALBO~ 6J3...SlM5 Near Orange Co Ai"""'rt & 5 Points Shop I, H.B. PJenly parking. Center or'°'"~,..;.,,.,_:;,,;,:.~-~= ~ lf'Urnished. Wllltm'. Mlts, oo • · irw. Adults, no pets. l,axt 2 BDRM, 2 bath,% blodc. to er .. ..., 847-3957 Coata !lfesa. tdeal Jor COS"J'A Mesa ot&es. AIC, ~1 1students. 673--2599 DON'TJlJSTtrtsHtortome-Walla.o?.. bE-1.cb. ·$115 incl utll , ~f.. ,t!\:U.tve.0::.~7196~ +.man oper. $150 mo in. crpts, di:es. Parking, Very 1 tb$z:c ~ ftmdl:b ]IOllr' harm F;ASf Side 2 BR .furn. cloan, 675-31rn NEW LUXURY 1 &: 2,BR dude• all furnhshinga & all nlcr ottiees. 1556 Bilker, Ranchel 6150 1 Fat 8'fl1 Pilot W~t Adi ••• 1 fllJlf anat buy, tn. lo-adlills ODly, no peta.. 364 .E . PATIOS A: BALCONIES utilities. Will lease for 3, 4, 5f6.4890 _ • 17 ·ACRE+ frrip:feli iiCiti1 iDl!l iG.5611 tor RESULTS ""'"a""""' ..., IStl!. Plue. $165. Mo. llolboo l•lond 4355 ORLEANS APTS. ADULT LIVING o, 5 ,....,. No ......,., JS!' DELUXE office Ill-ca.ta Ralldo, --4 11 . .....,.,_ .-.r"' SURFSIDE CHA1Ef & last month on1,y, Write to Mna.•1500 aq fl Afr c:ioad. Bedromn. s bath lane: General ~ 3000C"ner•f -$100 WINTm rental Little 8262 AUanta. 536-2800 Da.ll,y PUOt, Box M518 crpta, drps. 548-6761. mabop.n:y panelled· dlnlni Iale.24'LR.lS'fl'omboat 3BRava.ll.AdultsonJ¥, AVAIL Now, new 2 BR.AVAILABLE Oct la·t. ARCM>E O!Hce ap.ac:.• room.. VUM .1$30l'.Jl!I. P'P I I· I' 1. • I ' r ,, •..... _ --.r-.. four taanlMicf ._., .. ...... _ .... __ ITEYIAI 'i ' I _11111'. .. I ICIPlll · 1 ·' _lllr. I H • , 0 w I A g;ify.gog; "SJ..~·""' h.'-.-1 ..... 1'_1,_,I~.~ .!:!'~r~.:::.;,.~ ._...__.._._....__, WJ&h-pin.,• INAODll •. j-1"• ~'* .:.-il.•t,?,', .. _. I I I I . L ,..Z.':,'1!:.~.:.!J.:= • "~s~:S lfmls '~ 11 r r I' r l 1· I I I I I ··--.............. [ 1 SCRAM-UTS ANSWq .iN Cµs5IFICA110N 1000 , ¥ a t ; dock. CU• IJlil. 2 Bl<. tood !rplc, crpta. -. $156 mo. ~ted l walnat -· wlailt. pdi 1BOO B Niwtxitt S10M. •F o 1-"'appoln-t, bar, pr, adltJ 673-5644 174.1 Tustin, Costa Mesa Avail Cid tstb, new 1 A 2 $4.'i mo.6'f5..6444 Blvd., 6f6..39IJ " • 'Sorenll!nRelLlty. (1)'.-n Mgr. Mta. Cataon. 642-4641 BFL Adulta. 119 Pet• -1=:=:;==:-===::.!=='======;=:.;-::;;==;:;:--::::::::==I Huntington BollCh 4400 53&-2519 ~=-.;...,~===,,-I NeW l BR. $135. 3 BR 2 Ba, A TT R ACT J VP.: newly OIEZ ORO APARTMENTS S1!ti ftde<:orated apadoua 2 or 3 8234 Atlanta Nr Ocean. pri deck, garage. BR. 2 b&th ~ Poo.l A:. 1 Bdrm, Prt gar. Pool, Bach units $75, $85, A. $95. ~-.Hon room. Children wasbl!r/dryer. 536-3927. IJ2B14th 673-1184, 536-lll9 ~K. 6f6.1095-0r,22l• CoU:eat 3 BLOCKS to the beach, 1 2 Blt. mobil home I!!· bch ve. BJt. garagt, mve, refrla, AdUt ... $!Ill Yrly, l!Bo !>¥ 3 BR. 2 BA. C>pl$, drps, -· lartle """1· $.105. rnn. mo. 21.1: 292-Uill Mr, Traf. bltna, trple, d$bwblr. Pa&, "-84~7~-<540'°".~~,--,.-,,-I ton dbl gar, Adults, no pets. 2 BDRM, 2 BA. pvt pe.tio, 546-7088, 1642 Coriander Dr. heated pool 'fVUher hoolt l BR apt, one mile from " beach. Gu ' water paid. IMMbl AC 2 BR, ctPll. drpri, -""-P-· """""-------$1.15 * 8f6.2957 tns, refrlg. patio. Adults. 2 •BR. 2 BA. pri patio. Htd NS 0 pets. t14S. 546-6386 after Tustin __, pm. ......._ __ _ ;th~~ up. $185 ~LAR=c"'E;-1;-;B"'R.'""""s7b-.-,-p"71 THE ASPENS Drapes, Ca?peta, near So. U6S2 William St. 5640 Oro ... Counly 4600 """"' Ptua. occ. $130 """ 1\tstln'• P""'""' addttu 1--=~--•'-'---Agt. call 546-MT9 • Adult livirw. no peta SINGLE Y-ldultl, hD· Nf;W 2 BR Apl, >lut ~ Shae carpeta ury .&aiilfn ..... w/lull ep11, ..,,., bl>.,., -· Total0~~~~ ........ recreaUon 1aciUtiet A: com· end'd pr, P\1. P .a t 10 • muo:u111"-"'1 ..... -•South Ba)> ~ GymMtln"" .. Sunu Cub Apta. 277 So • -~~~--~~ Apartmenf,I f\'Or?'" Sl!(') Bronldourlt, -1114! 2 BR Studio, lJI Ba, •lee 1lr ln!ormallori -1-.~ bltnl. nr S. Cout Plaza. $150 W/ relr:ig. DO peta. BUSIES!' marbtihct In ~ IOWl1. ?ho OAJLY PllDT AVA.lLABLE Now, 2 AriRM, au.Ultd lildJoa.. Saw ..,,.., d .... blU... -money, -.. tl!orl. Look Adl&l1s._ No peti. 548-6769 DaWI I I ' " "! ' 'lf I o . ' .. I• -'' ..... -·-·---.. ·-· .......... .,,,.,...._ .... _'I'_ ........ .. • I!: TillllCllr, S1•1N 2'. 1969 •It• ' ANHOUNCIMINTS ' • .101S ~11MPLOYllNT ~~·I IMl'LOYMlllT l'INAHCIAL FINANCIAL .... NOTICU Joi. Wantwd, 1 Jolie (\\on, )Y-7100 :::;:::__6::,:l::;JS~lho. Of#!!""'-63111llus.°l'l*"!"fllll631111.Mt ' '401 W""911 7Q20 · CDJlftl<Y m -. J'ltAdss: 11o--· T11AVEI. AGENCY ... -· llLI< 111a1e .. , SAM 11oo""' When You VJ:llSATILE. •r••· ... MQID BAJ1. A _,, °"' -In N ....... Bee<h. WI Jar. -Dr. 6 WU-tractive -Solle -.... "'A••e;• MULTIPLY. :::.'fa':';,:;·~·:; St. --Want it done :-:::rn:~~ie':'I~ ,.,.. "•••••••· ~ CAPITAL ~1n-°"""' ~-,..._... 6405 _.,,__ u-PWU.. CoataBroker,t01S. ..., .. ..,... .. ,., Tl'ghf --•-•--- llelW, --~ Dynemlo Q,. --..... $28.000. n"61W"' ._ *. Al . "' . . . --~·-• ,,.._.,lutl•••lllolduFLOWER .. Gilt obop... oner Ca// one _.t. r/c-."""' Pll. ': 6200 ~ CSO. Wen. Jeue In &OOd kxw.don. Well , • OT ll JlS. op.. -· ..... lm>alnien~ olocla!d. Dell.... v a.. the experts $- ., A==MIT TO KEEP HORSES ~ + Adjacent .ubdMllon o n e mile E. al. b,W)', utD. aw.D. $35.000, II Cub. bal lit ''"" d~E OFFERll Write or contact: Georp: R.. -Box "~ Laguna •' Beach er phone t9U12I&. '~ $8 OOWN, $3 PER MO., • $7911. F\JlL PRICE. """ 10 ~ acm: l.ll So. CaliL L. i 91nfett, !25 w. 3ld :st, ! L.A. (213) m.&112 ' out of Stato Prop. 6208 $395 FULL PRICE 5 .,... Ducbesne CnuntJ, U1U.. Treta, close to new' lab, Xlnt buntin&', ftshlna I investment. nt: &H-«1.85 ._,ratio. We .,...vld• !nv,.tment -YES IT'S YOUR JoL Wan~• o.. ....-via maaive Terma. 64M90I FAULT /' fee/ be/ // • ·-TV W. JOU °"" the ""'· BEAIJTY Mloo · In j.quna For recoo!ed ........ that IS OW Mon I W-7030 Ind keep the -!& ....,.., Very nice. 6mall, wW ctww< """ ltle call • NTS SS lnvated In com~Utor's weU-estahlla.hed. Low rent OR.A.Nmf CX). 547..Qi67 COLL EGE STU DE -· 100t1 w-over S300 12,cni full Price. ,,_ dawn 24 bour i<cordlnr SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DlltECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY AVAILABLE tod.,. W•~ ""bet· pymt/-. ~ WANTED! Aapholt, 0111 6520 Electrical -Jonltorl•I 6790 1"p~~or: ~~· ~· -c_,..ii •LIQ. uc·s. o,...., s.. Ovorwe ...... Lodln =•• ~G • PA~·c EL '!Xti'ruCIAN: ~. SP··~~ Jani~" • wm. Southern ·~·-·~·-· rn.eo SU,!00 00 nale; """ ~· • ·~ -.amalljobt,maintA -~M--.·--·.···-CollfomloCol1-+ bud word + ability to SlO 00> ott &Ile CalJ WINS. I want 10 women who are 10 Relldent1a1 .. Indua • Comc'I repairs. 548-5203 ...... _.... DIUT "-...... control your employeeg un-roN collect <ti.sl 2'l1-G49 pouDdr or tnore overwd&ht O:vnpl reaa 11erv. Currently doWI. re.kt .• comd. corwt. student Emplo)'mene Senict, dM' our direction, Simple op.. ........ .-,_ ·-" to take put ln ~-~~! ~ by City o1 CM'. for 1..t.1.11 OellDOP. Free at. gg..213&1. KI 5-1111 en:Don. R&Yl'Avn.••·n' ""'· av .... 1qiim Pl'Olfllm ot ~ street rattntion. Fencing uuvu Of!N!:.SE ltft.bJ,. Domeltic. Get la at start for lower Newport Beach eceanfront. ~ucizw. All 1Dquira con--NA.TO <DRP. WOOD FENClNG tom Landtea Ir.. 6110 Permanent. ExperiMced. Invest., _,. teml, hl<b-Balboa Bay Prop. m-7421 tidentlal. ... I« Mn. Tbam. Gen1 Con-""'818 """'-,.., .,u.i;.t:" call e e5 Far Eut -6IU7ll3 est )'idd. u 511-SC.2. 646-0821 anytime. HILLS 1: SLOPES o a rl=========;; INVES'J1GATE OnlERS lnv..-m Oppor. 6310 PALM A Can! Jleadlnr. Blbyllttl111 6350 -1alty, Next ,_ rain Jobo Men W-. 7100 FIRSl' PROFITABLE new home Advice I: bdp on ttWl;Y Floors 6665 :1tiobbeoow~ ~ ' FOi' eppt., Mn. Barton ml bairna. No competition.. n:i.atters. FuJ.b' He'd. Optn CHILD CARE ~12'bn.lAn•"'""' s.t,...,own...,.. llnltm-dally tOun-!Opm. 1 JJntc t(lrl. &i• 211 ta 5 C•rpotVinylTllo *Lic'dJ...-landlcape cibilities tlve wlD ....... ,..,. call it"1 pot""1al Call ;., appC 213/69'1-<rll; 210 W. Whit· ''"'· ;., playma .. 6 com-All olYlea •."'1 cobs '°"'""""' oomple<e Ind-Clflli mite{) CANOY SUPPLY 544-2307 . tier mvd, La Habra. Next panion for m)' f ~ old Free at. Uc. oontr. acw .. p.rde111 83().30!1 ROUTE ta Lal!abn. wall<"' theatre. dau&bta. MeaJa Included. 540-"'2 MM478 agencjV AFFILIATE Mo L •-LICENSED Nou -4 -· Ma-ry, lr1dt 6830 ~ .. •~· Pool-•-· n•y to 01n ._ .. v Fount&in Valley aru. $15.00 G1rdenfnt 6680 I '-'""''""-"-'"'-"'---'--' ~-~ - (N• Selling !nwl ...... ) Spiritual a..dtnrs, ndvlce a· ...... Call 817-M. RICHARD AWN -Appllcants ·,··Mount. a -6210 ~=).~lllling~ :~ .. :~2nd TD Loan ~~-. s:r~:.: .. = =-.,~.: AHTHONY'S M~'::.,to;'y: ipoc""7~ihtyl a..':";;! .. SL, sw'::.'m .. ~_ ... _ .........,, .. 1.... •-Be h *-ACCOUNTANT, Male, F/C. Jecting money from coin Prompt, confidential Rtvlce 10 AM -1D PM ~ ~ ac .,. 644•4860 Block, Brlck, Concrete Min. 2 yr. exp, pl'CllttMive . t stLYER VALLEY -RANCH HOUSE & ACREAGE CITY OF 100 LAXES operatld dtspensers in Costa 642-2171 56-0611 Attradlve Expert The Dest, costa no rnort! I Fr" E•t. 613-2343 thinker. PH: 642-2666 Mea 1': surrowidln& area. Serving Harbor area 20 yrs, YOUNG WOMAN EXCELLENT care for your Experienced; Maintenance ATI'R. women to train as We est. route. <Handles Sattler Morta .. • Co. dancer will teacli )IOU an child! My home In Ht.a Bch. Budget LandlcapUW P1perhanglng makeup arttsta. Full or pt. name brand candy. & 3.16 E. 17th Street latest step.a. Call Ardell can 968--6746,. Graduate Horticulturist P1Jntlng 6850 tbne, op 1o SS hr. 83Sa'l3'7l. snacks) $1575. Cash required. ,..,., r.., ~,,..., ~ PM FOi' peraonat intenriew in PRIVATE Funds ava.llable .u: ~~~JD BABYSl'M'™G My home, COMPLETE PAI?.'TING Int A Ext Lowt ANSWER.ING SUYice ()per. Coeta Mesa area, !end for TO leCUnld loan or dfa.. YOUNG 5.5 yr man,, seeks M~ dd Mar. Any age YAlW MAllfI'. contracted prm. FUlly lnL ab>r. ~ preferred, name, addres.s &: phone O'.>Wlted TD'L Send deta!.ls woman for comp an l_o n, welcomed. 54&-Dl3 Sprinkler installed & repair. S.Hchictio.n llJU. Fret est. but will train. number to Multi-State Inc., to: DailY Pilot Box M.Jfl cou.ld lead Into l'llUI"1.lp. WllL babysit my home ed. New Jawna, de&nup&. Jim Weeki 6"B-1U6 • ~3£t • 0057 E. Imperial Hwy., Write P.O. Bax 1051. 8.A. Harbor I Adams. meals Morithb' Se.rv:iO!. Downey. Cllif. !m42 (21J) Mortglga, T.D.'s 6345 WANT to ahare ride fenced play area. ~2881 968-1928 INT " Ext., averq:e 3 br ASSEMBLER exp er. in ( -NEWBERRY SPRINGS N M t bse, labor only $127 .50 coil windina:. 8 0 l de r I n 1 • ~•= YOUR OWN • •~ 86!-<111L OONSl'RUCMON M ewport-na aft& 0 EXP'D Child care in my NEW Lawns ro-eeeding. 642--0455 after 5 p.m. Female. w..., o-• s. R. ~ ~ 0 n e Y Puadena. 5 da.)-&. C.aU lovely home, $15 m<>-Mon Complete lawn care, dean ..... " Or will 1ubcliwid• I 0 ·•u•1 111 imP"tv•m•nt1 ' $55,000 or lO 1cre1 un .. improved $21,000. -440 % Down.. Bel1nce on ::. .I 1t fruit dHd. ' . CO!JKTE$Y TO BROK!tt. WILL NEGOTIATEI CALL 147"'40 AFTER 6. AAA, CARNODUYTESUPPLY da=blp•~rty-. ~'~ 642.-9887 thru Fri. 64&-55.31. up by job or month. Free PAINTING A ~-Engineering, 834 Production ~-~ •¥.-.ru•"'6" • tima Call RetUtOnable. 25 yrs exp. Pl, NB domestic. Moteb, Nunlng J (genUeman)will!lmfe)'OW' BABYSITTING; My es 16. 846-0932 l~Ge~nn~an~okill&~·~~&C-~1322~--''"';""';~;;;';~~~7"'! (N'~ BRAND ~TI•-Homes. SboPPina: Centen, perties & dean Up. (1) Newport Heights home. Aa:e AL'S Gardening " Lawn AS Exel""' "°"' -~ o fl'" Bu ti d In 1, m.2833 111 to 2\1. Call 66-1289 Malnte..,.,., Commercial, NEEO PAINTING? * SEMBLERS * -n.-.... IDOM1 from coin i. le Wrl ' ind"--' • _ _,,_ "" Call "''· Reliab'· •--•,, w/ Experience helpful ~;;dlspe Ill your Apartmen...,. e . te or BLIND, disabled, sep-WILL bab)'lit In rny home, ......... ·~n........ . be...,,,,, VALOR = Muit be :t:8to devoU-eall Tille Really & tug\!rwian vet aeeks hap-vicinity Bushard &: Garfield, * 64&..J629 * =1y~a~t.~": ELECTRONICS 2 to 8 bn per week to make lnsura.nce Company, :ns plneu. 968-7837 Jm. 962-435.1 Exp'd Japanese Gardener. Mt).9261 eood iDoo No sell-Clark Bu 11 d I n I' • Bl.rm-ALOOHOUCS Abol:lymOUS Wil..L Babysit your home by Complete yard Rl'Vice, Frt"e ntimate1. 548-Wl ~ inVolved. me, Ingham, Alabama 35313 Phom SC.'7217 er write to the week. You furnish free estimate. 540-1332 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs. APPRENTICE in .. .,,, Pbone (21?)) 251-5286 in Harbor area. Uc. Ir PHARMACEUTICAL plant $995 to $3,980 required • P.O. Bo:r 1223 0>sta Mesa. transportation. 642-1407 TREE Service, general yard (Baaed on pare: OI' tun ~) $15,CKKJ lSI' TO on 11,IXXI 1q. cleanup. Rot.otill & spril2kler bonded. Ref!. rum. 642-2356. Jeamirw trade. 646-39ll flit For penona.1 interview tn fl brick commere. bldg. in Announetmenfl 6410 Brick, Mltonry, etc. SCTY. ~ rr & Ext Painting Uc &1,;;••:;;P,:;l===--=---....,..,... yoor nu. send name:, ad-Oraiwe County, on Ions 6560 Jn1. Free eatimf.tes, 30 yrs BABYSITI'ER Dtspen.teb' ..... A -... ta' term ....... land. Payable Grand Opening CLEAN-UP SPEClAL!sr! exper. Call Chock 645-<ll09 needed ... 2 --2 fRANS-WES'TERN DIST, 00. $750 mo. incl. 10%, all due 5 BUil.D, Remodel, repe.i.r. Mowing, edJ;ing. Odd job&. eFOR Better Palndng in-.t: f. Pmer mature Mm.aft. 590 No . .AJuu. Ave.. yn. Rental inc. $2400 mo.: Academy Brick. block, ooncrete, Reasonable. 548-6955 ' tic Permanent <>n11. 3 days, Covina. CaUt. 91722 20% discowiL Broker carpentry, m job too small Cut & Edge Lawn te~r le extmor. aeons will be 5 in near futurt. I Ph ' Th ....,.. ""'" ceil1111s. 646-40'71 Ii: 541.3502 Re.fuences. Wea ... •~-Calta 497¥1210. o ys10 erapy Lie. Contr. ~ 1i1alntenance, Licensed ..._,. 548-4ll08"°"" ~""· • SUBURBAN Paintlng/D@c Mesa. 646""836 aft 6 PM LITE 1ST TD on white water v\ew sauna & musa,re, 6 female 6570 ·~~ aft ., ~ G 1~ w ~ Bu'ldero -~rt uaran = ••• BABYSITTER MANUFACTURING kll ln Laguna Beach. $6,IXX> tech. 10 am-10 pm. 7 days. I JIM'S Gardenifl& l. lawn t l60 Incl.'~-all d ~·Thal. SUit C. 1 .. ~·-.. • Free est. No job too 1arp 7·.'" •. u .. ~--Unlv-lty a mo. ""• ue w;> 1a, e ._...__ * Room AddlbOM. mamtenanoe. Res. &. Com-~ .. too small. 494...3190 ...,..... ~ •IUUae '""' U~ o· • Be h -· ..... ... · _ .... area. 2 ,•••-n, I & ~ needs uaociate with manage. 3 years, 10 1SCOun.. ac · .,:;r"f-.ww * A .... -.ents &: Units mercial. * 540-4837 In Ex ~· _, I ·....-i.... Broker 4971210 _...,.. C &: S Palnteni. . l-t. Call 833-3439 aft 6 pm. ment and er engi."'""~'"li • SUN SIGN ASTROLOGY * eustom Homes* Kitche11!1 * Ex1»rt J•panese N job tJack&rolmd. Manufacturer $5CO> BLUE atIP 2nd TD. clasan. Reaister now. * 2 Story Specialisbl FREE FINEST WORK 646-03.M Howe & apts. 0 too BABYSITI'ER 1 day a week in PJ'Olfl.Dl for-nation&I dis-3'.>% disc. Seaaoned 3 yn. BeaUmen -Advaooed. layouVdeaign 20 )'1'11. exp. small. fi75.295S alt S. h 2 small boyl, my home bibution. $250. per wk. to loc apl complex. 6~1J' qrtly. Call the SUn Sign, fi7S.Qi&1 PacifJc Coa•t Builders. Hauling 6730 rP:!;IHt~or~int!!:,•.!R~epo!!,l~r..!68~80~l;;i'H"'wrt.R.Bch-ii'Ti'!&-"N;7Sl4ii'i';;:-;;; start plus eqUa1 ~wl:! 3 1l'B due. 6f4-GfiS da.YI or 675-2140 alt 6. 243.S E. Coast Hwy, "---=----_;~ .. • BARTEND E Jt,.. Ex profits to acttve party TRADE 2400 aq tt buainea: Corona dei Mar 675-7191 YARD/pr cleanup. Remove e PA'I'OI PLASI'ERING. rienoed $12,500. cash. Should a ANNOUNCEMENTS rental· office er mail s00p REM o DEI.rAddltlona--Ca~ trees, ivy, dirt, tractor All typs. !'rM estimate. eBAR BOY -no nJ1 nee. ::!.t ;.ec;: ~ biter: And NOTICES for W TD 'L 211-213 6'lnd inet&-Block fmces-OJacrete backhoe, grade !J62..8745 Call 5t)..6825 Must be Oft!' 21. Apply In view, ~ nf.8Tl-2952 f.9. Found (fr• A.dsJ 6400 ~~ ~ptOl Bch,<213°"""'> .,.",. ~) work. 6G--8852 CLEAN UP &: lite moving p G I 6-Jp@:s ~. ~ 6 PM) ~~ • eve .._.....,,.,... Tree & shrub removal. _.!! room ng ,_ .. FOUND Sat\U'day, Kitten. ~ Ctmet•ry Lots ' '418 Carpentering 6590 Reuonable. 549-1359 PLUMBING REPAIR Beach Blvd, Hwit Beach. PARTNER grown. grey striped, kind ot 2 OR f lots Padtic View CARPENTRY a.EAN-Up and light mov· No job too small BE a wile and mother first. ''11•_.,._ .... ~_,..1 Nffd man to operate local fiw.Iy.. Vic. Wilson & Memorial. Improved, v .. ~ MINOR REPAIRS. No Job In&. Call Dave: • W.Jl28 • Part time or full time, no Jiii servioe center Orui&e ~ Fairview 548-6319 ~ * .,...., ~<V\" * ===="======I exp nee. Highest income · view terrace. $350 ea. Too Sm.a.IL Cabinet in gar-~ I 6940 with J . ..i •• Lee, oponsor o1 l========oo I t)' area. Factory dltect FOUND: mnall ift!)' Poodle. 673-7506 b _._,_ R odel Repo r ~ 62JO .,wesale. rriail outlet. Out. Vic. Balboa Blvd. &: 40tb . ages A 0 t • r l;Al,H.L..,tL • ~m ' ' Misa Ca I i for n la. No l---'.._'-----1 ies: Supe.rvlsion &: lnverrl;Dry St, Newport Beach. Call &: 4 LOTS m Blue Spn.ice RC· 5f5..8175, U DO a.newv leave Houaecle1nlng 6735 CARPENTRY, pa Int In 1 , delivery, ro collections or -:· 'Arkansas For Newport contrd., Tbonqb trainil:J&:, identity. 6~7154. lion. Harbor Rest Memorial msg at "6-Z3'1'J. H. O. Minor plumbing repain. Investments. CiJI 12 1o S trade 'J) acres on $15,CQJ investment required. Park. 548-3075 ,;,AOOmlon;,;,:,-==o-:c-.,--=-H 0 USEC LE AN ING A Mobile home repairs. 5t&Ql5 PM only. ~1862 beautiful Lab Hamilton. aecured Salary $215 + equal Bl.ACX Cock-a-poo, with QUALITY Repain _ AJttra-General Maintenance. Call or 646-182f BOOKKEEPER. good typ. Hot 5fainP, Ark. tor lhare ~f profits. Should re-~·~t':i3008 Legal Notices 6450 tions-New const. by hour =·rood refs, reas! BUILD Remodel Repail' Ing, l.mmedlate openina;. Newport Beach ~. turn $25,000 first year. Your ,...,J'... m · I WILL not be-responsible ar Contract 646-3442 Brick.' block, c 0 ~ c re t •. The Newpotttr, Mr. Tharp, .Hal Every. 351 s. Van Neu. most rig)d lnvesUgation in-BLACK Fenian female cat, for any debts other than my REPAIR. Partitions Small CARPETS. Windows, fin. crpntry, no job too small ,rn::.;'"""'1;;;~=~~~--,, :1... A., callf.. so;m. v1ted, Re'fennces excha..,.-ed. few while, 1pots, vie. oJ San-own. James Micha.el Fox JWnodel, etc. Nlte or ~. etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt Uc. Contr. 96l-6'9t5'8ABYSl'ITER. lite J\s.kili. 2 i.,;;:;::;=::=,=== I For penKJna1 intttview pbOne ta Ana Ave. C.M. 646-4346 Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 work Reas! IWI. 5f8.4lll. children 5 & (, 5 dl1 wk. t:ll.::..:E.::...:W::,l:;n;;:IM,::c __ ;:.62AO= n4~· BROWN Fema.le po o d I~ REPAJRS. ALTERATIONS WOULD You beUeve l will Sewing 6960 Own tn.Mp. ~1620. Jound SUn. night in Hunt CABINETS. Any size job cle&n )'OUf' home for Blue WANTED' Commerc. btdl. on ec..t Hwy, Corona d9 Mar UK. ~ 6ft cm READ THIS Bctt. SJ6..8Jl.3 z; )TS. ~. 54U713Chl .~p-S:.,tam~po=! ,;,'"'cc·..;'l350:c...~-e Oressmakinc. Alteraliom Ban!dnz GREY rabbit. 546-5146 « BAY & Beach Cleaning Sen>. Special on hems. Expe:rieDOed BUSINESS and FINANCIAL 5f9.-3888 Cement, Concl'lt• 6600 carpet&, wiodows. fiOl:lm, 1---*,,..;;....._ __ ,,*~=cl etc. Res & Commc'I 646-1401 Alterations -'41~5145 PROOF OPERATOR If you want a pert er fUll WOMENS glaues, vie. K· time opportunity to make Mart storr, C.M. 642-6101 money in a business of YoUl'i---------11 "'::TJl•'li\' Food take out Harbor own. For ex:ample S2roJ in. Lost 6401 I" •· vestment can net $50 wkly o.:.,.-_____ c..;._ n Blvd. C.M. No trancbiee, by spend in& 4-hrs making $1001 REW ARD • 1. ~ ie..::: = ~ delive.rle1, $HOJ reward is oUered for in. 1 kinnation that will result eoldt llllthla_mo,.,n: ~ ~ CaD M:r. Thomas in the return to owner ol • -o "'"" __, .....,..... 1nf) 52'\-6S88 watch & approx 56 In-'! and fl!!lml to llUit, a real op--=...;,,:.::..=-"''---I t pxtu:nlty. Call Van at the HAVE Estab. commercial neat ln appearance. See .:1Real ~ 646-nn holti!ss su. with owr 20 dlvidual large, heavy gold : tiXXfAILS .t: Restaurant, beautiful &irls-Nttd acUvt charms.. Abo pearl & dla· ,,r old fttabl1lhed. in industrial backer lo expand. Good rnond ring, earrings &: i .. -n---'-_ ., •• .,....., lernll. Fer details Box atrit:g of pearls. Stolen on _ ...... ~· .......... .............., January 19, 1969 rrom aft 6 pm.. PC85, Daib' Pilot Cmona dcl P.tar. Calif. 1 \Vrlte Dally PUot Box M , flus. Opportvn-6JOO Bui. Opportvnltle1 6300 :e"'<::-"""'::--;==:::-,= CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE lit or women to r11toc:k new type coin cli1pen1•ri with hl9h qu1Uty pacbg• undy P.roducft. NO SELLINGI PENOABLE PERSON CAN EARN UP TO $800.00 A MONTH. Part or full tim• po1ltion1 n1.ded in this .,.. •• Require• c.er, exch1n9e of Nf•r•nce1, •1450 fo f2fto cash, ••cured by irtv•ntory ...... .q11fpmet1t, LOSr In Huntington Ctest, H.B. my baby k:ltten, salt & pepper, tiger stripe. with while pe.ws & cheat. Answen lo ''P"IS SSs,•• pltuf' call Vidcy 968-JZ!9. MIN. TOY poodle, white. fem.. eurty tall Vic of Coast 101 &: Balboa NB 911) Chl1ds pet. R E W A R 0 MS-.-3560 days 64~ eves. L\O!ES v.·alleL Vic Center St. CM or 3rd Av~ .• Lag\ma Beach, Fri 8/1. VaJ114ble paptra. ~ f!l-m aft. •. TERRIER Pup, b e i g e w/p-ey...gm eyn. "Brnl- dy" Lost 9/19, Seabury Tract, HB 536-6.164 Let. maJt Ger Shep w/collar, M4'!d male blk Pull w/ collar Vic Htg Harbour (Jlll582.- ..... ('13)4'1-8311 ool. 7 MOS old if'>'• fenal• kitty, Sat PM Galdearod I Seavlew, O:D4, cblld'1 pcL liC1 •CONCRErE work a 11 WINOOWS DffiTY? Neat, accurate, 20 ye.an exp. types. Pool decks & C\l5tom. Joh ...... OUM ........... local • Ca.ti Sf8..1324 ....... .,,. ~~ service. 1''ree est. 642-2364 CEMEMT WORK, no job too TILE, Cer1mic 6974 small, re.e.!JOnable. Free estlm. H. Stufiick. 548-8615 Carpet ClunTng 6625 * y.,.,,. ,,,. Ttlc >!an* UNITED CALIFORNIA Ironing 6755 Cust work. Install & repairs. BANK :.:.;:="'-----;:.;..;.: No job too mnall. Plaater DROP Clothes oil! Will patch. Lealdna: ab owe r 222 Ocean Ive . wash, fold &. iron. 545-06n repair. 847-1957184&-0:ll& Laguna Beach CARPET & ~ clear.Ing; after 6 pm 1-:========l===-'-;::..::,::C-."":;',,,. for 1 day service & qU&llty IRONING TrH Service '''° BARMAN. n °". pt tirM. work, aill Sterlin&' for Reasonable 897 T350 nllbt&. Good ..W,-. Apply brigbtness! 60-853> ":::::::::::::::::::::=·=I GENE'S TREE SERV; daye: as E. 11u., C.M. -lr'eH I abrubbery removed. 543..s!M9 * DIAMONDS are measured J1nltorl1I 6790 trimmed. hauled aw a1·1~;;,;;=.==-::=;:--.: by quality, !IO are we! ~9-ll59 BEAt.mCIANS. temalt-, ta DIAMOND CARPE"t' DUTCH P..1alnt Serv, erpt ..uic evtnlro .. &lDdayl hi CLEANERS 645-1317 anytime clng, fir waxing. window Upholstery 6990 Costa Mesa's bus I e • t, Carpet L1yln9 Ii Ropalr 6<\26 FOR CARPETING OR CARPET LAYING C. A. Page &Cl-:1110 WnJ1hing. Harry van Bcynen popular ~ced salon. Op- 537-l!iCll ii no ans call an 3. CLYKOSKI'S Cu.It. upbol. portunity for top eaminp ESTATE Matnt ~ Serv Europe&.tJ Craftarnanship w/pald vu:atlon. App I 1 Remcval .t: trlmrnings, b'H ~ fin! 60--1454 Mir· Qownlna Glory Bee.11- estima1e, Call S.U.~. 1831 Nf!WPO!'I Bl., C.M. I)' Salon,, 35'1' E. 17th St., If you've found whit you'ra looldn9 for in tod•y'1 PILOT Cl111ifi•d Acl1. MAKE AN OFFER C.M. Boet SeTVloe FOREMAN . Immediate openl'* It o:ceJ. lent o~rtunlty for lndl- vklual W'IUi all around yacht maintenance, lnstalla.tir>tt lt- repalr ap. Ability to opef'- ate ahop macbin«ry. Supe-r. . ....., ... ,...._,,, .... perd\alll;)', neat. Refs ttq. S&1ary i beMf1ls 'llrrt. Write P.O. Box 2328 NB ot caD Mr. Carda HUi135 BOAT CARPENTERS ~i LArse custom conotNctlot'. Top -WIU.ARD BOAT W- 12115 -St., CM AGINCY PIRSONNIL ........ ,"' ..... --'46-IQI 11M ... 17111..,.., --M7·t111 MALE Chom Lob TtnNt $550 Some educa1to1f ln ctiem:latry I mat.IL nts natlooal co. oaen top opo portuntty. M•torl1f H ..... lor Tr•.._ Slut $SJt Co ~ oan.n "' ,;,.,, 1urw "' production· of buk: raw materials * lnaurln1 stabllib' Mech Aaaomblor Tr•ineu $500 1\rtuft manqen leun products . throu.sh. en 1 r' level auembly wort. Mechlno Molnt Tr•l-$500 If l'D\I can mw maintain forldilta It-liaht tractor - this co will tra.ln )'OU 111 bJ&hb' paid factor1 machine mainten&nce. Meferlal Hendler to $475 Learn ~ ati1ll with this uniqt1e comJl91'Y, Weft --mdo!L Lob Mon T,,,_ t. $47' Retired servlcema• wdoome. Xlnt entry tD .... tiona1 com.Ptil)'. No aper .... M•il Clork T,,,_ $375 Ideal for night collep ~ dent who will stay wlfb coll• 2 or men yetn. Remoclollng Trnao $372 Learn ... -by ... ,,. ""' tn.Wlen. Adfullor Tr-$7SO Plus company car. Varief1' .t: JocaI teITltory. u )'OU have exp in B.!. )Ul wm be trained i n com- penaati<m. litoro Mgr Trnoea $600 Unhmlled future, multiple outlet&, fttail chain, recent dqree requlmf, some a· ................ Computer T•st Tech Jr $600 . X·military welcome. ll JGa have ~ exper. tntins 'tromc components. lft 1111 Prlnto•":Jr $600 6 months aper desiftd ID hl&h volume &ilk screen. You11 find a home in 1bis -factory, Inspector, A•Mmbly $573 Know lnspection tools, nad blueprints, full un- derstand~ of meuurinc A tolerance. F Kfory Halpor $416 Stoody """ -renera1 helper. Molnt Moch $559 1 to 3 yrs exper, ~nenl shop ma.lntenance. w~ la.the ~ mill, acme electl1caJ -FEMALE Ceahl1r $400 lf )'UCl have one year ex· perience as cuhler. know AIR A A/P come Me ua, medical backcround helpful but not ntteU&J"y. PBX Recpt $440 6 months experience on PBX Pulhbutt:on board, type ... ·--vote.. Clork Typl1t $360 Great opportwilt)' 1o lHm a new field. 1)pe ~ .. me are the dutlea requlnd of a sharp glrl. Medical A•st Trnee $UI Tbey want BOITJfOne wbo can rrad a: write Spanlth,, no aper or tchoollna ntc. they will tuch y 0 u evtrythina. Genl Ole Tmoo $US If )'Oil can type 50 ac- curately Utey will tt&ch you OU' line cf work. F /C Bkkpr $550 Ell(JM!rienc:e Yll CPA or acctc deirte, A/P, AIR, ..,.,.,U.tametc. Koypun<h Opora $551 We havt lt'WftJ. _,lklnl open both day antf e"". 1hl1\s. l YNr expn-ml Alpha l-Numttic. Recpt Glrl Fri to $350 If you like worki!'ll wtlh people, btie 40 )'OU'll low Ibis one, beu.tiful place to ..ni Writ• for ,.,-..nal fntef'Yhtw, ;ivbtig phone l)Ufnber for -LOSI' ............ , ...... ......... vie QIM. Talko. Reward auam. m-1ae. REW ARO White Parakeet. banded, loet VIC 500 Blk Jumlnf'. CdM. 5f5..ro17 WHITE femaJe G ,. r m • n Shepbmt Loll vie 24th SI., H.B. """"'"· 4!1&-1711. RNCI Cl•aalllcotlon1 6500-6900 TIM£ FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT Give th1t party with the item or it•rn• for s1le 1 phone c:1ll, Ch•f\cas •r• it'1 jurl whit you':ve be•n w1tc:hin9 the Wint Adl for. All that'1 l•ft i1 to m1k• lft offer. How cal'I you lo1t7 Corp Soetv $650 BOYS 11 • 14 v .. ·,. rot to £e """ i. °""" ~ Ope ""' -· Lott ot ..... 11ve Slr•letlc fl'•ndll .. a O.pt. H Ill Sovtli 2nd 'tY01t S.~ I.oh City, Ut•h '4101 ' In tho DAILY PILOT For Ezperr Assistance WANT AD Thi1 i1 jurl lnoth•r of th• gr•lf thln;t 1bout the PILOT Cl•ssified ••c:floh .• • it le1dt you to th• bergeins1 ---------~ ... met:tfrcs ' dMllnp pl111 Lq.--So. '-lalltutlc ....... DAILY PILOT 'fl2ooCIZI Sacrot1ry $475 up 0===~-':-~;::::::== I _,.., or knowltdo 11,_ H•lp Wonted. Of &btd, aoeurste typ\t\I. o; Nu:t Pa;ge teneral cmoe dut'"'- • • F.or Your Convenience"'-AIJ Posiffons Offered ' ARE LISTED. ~LPHABETICALL Y IN NOW! CLASSIFICATION •1100 HELP WANTED (Men and Women) NEW!~ Clerical . CLERK TYPIST Wiii -work In programming •r••· N11t· ness 1nd •ccuracy 1 must, 60 wpm or better1 \Please Apply in Person to : General Automation 706 West K1t1lla Orange, California. 91667 An equal opportunitr employer .~fore Help Wanted on Pr11trious Page Join-Men. Wom. 7100 CAMPER PRODUCTION PERSONNEL Jabo---Mon. Wam. 7100 FRY COOKS Tllp ""'<li:eS, permanent, hon· E'llt, 1.nd good wontlnt con- ditions in area's leading PIZZA MAN DRIVERS EARN $2-$4 HR. A(ency for Caner Girl• 410. W. amt Rwy .. N. B. 81 appofnL 6*-3933 RESTAURANT, PART & FULL TllilE BUSBOY.S WAITRESSES HOSTESSES DISHWASHERS COOKS APPLY IN PlltSON REUBEN. E. LEE 151 Eoat Cool! Hlthwoy Newport IMch -----~ --- -. ------- Jabo---Mon. Wom. 7109 Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Nur1lnit REUABLE Woman t 0 r • I ' COMPUTER SYSTEMS ; '/ -TECHNICIAN -.1 ' Qvallflod lochnlcol ad!ool i..c1<,,_,,. •nd thr" or more Y••r• workfftl with dl9ttal compultra And relot.d porl- rola. Wiii porform <hockout of unit ..i 1y1tem1 level. Please ApplY In Person to; General Automation 7G6 w .. 1 Kotollo Orante, Callfamlo 92167 An equal opportunity employer l I • ?.Ullman e Mrtal 111cn e Olbinet makers e Sidewall framers • Floor builders rcstauranl. Apply 9 a1n to 5 I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"ITypin&:, lllin&, 10 key addlne pm !or interview at * DRIVERS * ma.chine, ltxld phone voice. • Exccllent company two!netlts • TURRET LA THE * LVN * Full or part tlme i-3 general housework, occ lite Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100 :n~ ~ = ~'7~ SALESMAN SMILE s.cretar.r e Assemblers e Detail \rough & fin) Knowledge of housing, plwnb. lng ,(:_ electrical t'odc. Top wages, overtime, paid hoU· days, vacations &. ins plan. OLYMPIA IND. INC. 1;l{}lo GoldcnY.'cst Cir \\'cstminstcr. Al S.D. FrlVy & Bolsa Ave E. MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2.JCGl El Toto Rd. Leisure \Vorld ~ Hills 837-1014 COOi< -HOUSEKEEPER, or houseman, (Xlntl tor 2 adults. NB. \Vrite Dally Pilot Box P 9CM. COOK-Exp'd for \vidoW in exchange for pleasant living quarters &. small salary, No houS<'v.'Ork. 673-1879 CANVASSERS Cook, Graveyard Shilt $2.25 h1AKE $.j(l.00 A DAY· MAKE hour. Cottage CoU~ Shop. Sl00.00 A DAY • MAKE i\IORE. HELP GIVE AWAY I ~=~"'""-=. ~W~·~'~'th~C_.~M~. ~~ RO \VATER. Call Harry C 0 UN SE L 0 R Needed, \Varel Gr~y 714/642-6861 10 Gloria ~tarshall NeWpOrt am·3 pm THE LINDSAY CO. Beach. Hrs. 2-9 PM. Age CASHIER-HOSTESS ~o. \Viii _train.I T~m figure and en,JOys working with people. 00-3630 Neal appearing, 18 to 40. No experience necessary. Apply in person. BOB'S BIG BOY I~ E. 17th St. Costa Me!a C•shier, Billing Clerk to $400 Gorgeous oUices, Irvine-Joe. Call Dial'K', 546-5410 JASON BEST Employment Agency 2120 So. r.tain, Santa Ana .CHECKER OPERATOR Use to machinin:, small stainless steel parts to close tolerances. Able lo do own selUPs desired. Call !:ihcila Hickman 642-2400 GULTON INDUSTRIES 1644 \Vbittier Ave. Costa Mesa, Calif. Equal opportunity employer OIILO care, Harbor View area. I need a nclghbor who \voul.d provide "'cme.rv.ency" care lor children age 12 &: 13 \Vhosc nioUn!r works in Pasadena. 644-2300 alt 7:30 p.m. • Child Care DELIVERIES: Young man for servicing equip. in cort- struclion equip rental yard. For appml. phone 545-820ll DELI ~Tan. lull time. See Terry, Hi Time Liquors. 495 E. 17th St., Ct.1. 548-9314 DENT AL Receptionist, den· tat exp desirable, but not csscnlial. Expericnc meeting the pUblic cssen. tial. 644--0611 DE N TAL Chair-Side Asslstant Sc:!nd your work resume and QUa.1.ifications to: Bo1C M-&\4 Daily Pilot DENT AL Reeept, exp. des. ~fon-Fri. !\I/type, a g c lG-15. RcsunlC to PO Box 10 Cd~! DENTAL Exec. Secy &: Assistant. Both experienced. Phone anytime. 968-5782 Display SEARS COSTA MESA ANNOUNCES OPENINGS FOR DISPLAY MEN ( Experi1ncad prefarred.) No Experience & chance for advancement. Necessary! wri1e Box P-99. Dail.v Pilot. !\lust have ctea.r:i Calilornia GIRL FRIDAY ~ro tor clrivtrrg record, A!>PIY i;mall construction olllee. YELLOW CAB CO. * 546-2982 * lB6 E. 16th St GIR.l..S, earn $40 : S80 a day COl5ta Mt'Sa being a masseuse. Will train. ESTABLISHED Insurance Leads avail. N.8. ottlce. 4!}.!.1313 HOSTESS Career oppl 61>-6383 t.1aturc & attr. Some office work. Apply in person Exec. Secretary bel""•een 1 &: 9 p.n1. Plush resort Hotel in Btach BLUE DOLPHIN atta. I-Tinge benefits. Send RESTAURANT n;sumc to Bax ~f 421 Daily ll» Via Udo, N'pt Beach Pilot e 1-IOSTESS a MACHINISTS • DRILL PRESS OPERATORS Experienced in close tolu- anc:e, short run work with a.bility to make setups, Nine. hour day, 6-hour \\-·eek. PROFIT SHARJNG J . C. CARTER CO. 6n w. lTl'H sr. CDSTA MESA 5'8-3421 * RN -RELIEF * 7-3 shift teMrw &fte:r Ii Pt.f, 00-0252 YOU HAVE: NEVER SEEN ConttructJon Secy./Girl Rntaurant OTHIS.R HEARD OF A JOB UKE 3 yn. min. exp. ln ........ Gd. -" lfunlinaton Valley Now Interviewing for' No Sell.ins akills a mud. BoM will Convat•...,nt Hospil'1 KITCHEN HELP No Convul""' away ll of o.e time. 8382 Newmall Ave. A real career 0poprtunily No phontnc . mWlt be able to taft llunt. Bch, h2-$&l a.waits you in the rest&uranl Earn a $for each DllllUte ol Salary open. Call tnduatry • Now the third actual work. Jurich tor &Jlpt. 60-9470 NURSES AIDES largest induatry in the No Credit ~jects SECRETARIES Experienced 0"'1". '"-e ex· Id No c•·--bee'-,..., .__. wor ! ,_.""" "" It you are a ~ tend~ care hospital bu I! )'OU are briaht l.: alert, No •il!\8lute1 to 1et fW1.,,..1 .... tee. caU Lorai opcnin&:s on all shltts, neat Appearina & are at No papen to fill out Me~ls Penonnel ROYALE' lea.st 18 yeua of ace. we Can't work more than 24 ......... W ·-·-~-N' 546-64.50 lJUd fOU. hours per Week. ~mo Cll.QW. Ul"l".:', • NURSE AIDES EXP NOT NEC ~'7. =~ = 1':'!5 SEAMSrRESs, ...... Day ~p1t_,;ru1tl. \Ye oUer: Complete traininc mlnute1 by co. rules, E:xp'd powtr mac b I Iii at our expense -Promotion Call HaJTY Ward Gray operator. NORTH Experi~nced 1n l.ltlgle Dttdle Eves. Must t)f' over 71 . Apply and O\lerlock. Good pitte after 4 PM Don The Equal opportunity employer work prices, steady work. Beachcomber. 3001 E. C.oait MAIDS l.aiWJ& Beach Nuninc H~ from within -Co. benefit.I n4/642-6861 to am-3 pm 913 Electric, Stal PH: 04.a:rra such as: THE LINDSAY CO. PH: f213) 59&-4t61 Ollie Tr-. I ••75 Life ins.meals-wtlforms. • 0 ...., ho'Pitaliu.tio*-' vacation S&lei SEAMSTRESS, D 1 •Per EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust H\vy, Cd FtJIL.Time, resort hotel. St., \Vestminster: 534-8738 l'H~o="'u"s"E""'K"E"°"E"'P"E""R-;F"o'rl Lquna Beach. 49f..1196 Co nttds 3 atrl!1 Imme<!, will ,.,.... LOOKING FOR work. 1-·1-1 ·-· ...... •-•-~-t ben-" · Interviews betwttn $ll am • .,..,_.., _ ...... u ....... 4'W.ll i:ut. le l'al5-1: 2-5 pm. S-6 0ay week, THE GOOD LIFEI lnterlon, tCJ20 5· ~ Faclory ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE OPERATOR --STOCK ROOM CLERK --·--M 1 LL & DR.ILL SETUP & OPERATOR --·--All positions requi!'e some experience. B&.chelor in Hunting tor. Harbour. Room &: board, $200 tno/ Da)'s (2 1 3 ) 231-4347 HOUSEKEEPER. live in n-.olherlcss home N.B. area. '.l teenagers. Woman with l sml child ok. Prefer under 4.'i. SJI-1450 HOUSEKEEPER lot couple. Live in or 011\. waterfront. $225 .mo. £73-1352 HOU SE KEEPER, 2 schoolagers, priv. apt. Costa h1csa. 675--0310 or 548-TI97. HOUSEKEEPER. Reliable Days only, Laguna area. 49Hl70 HOUSEKEEPER. live • in. Priv. rm & batb. 2 children. 1-'tn. Vall. 842-7254 HOUSEKEEPER -Llve . in, heh area. profess, cpl. 16 yr daughter, 673-4091 e\les. MAID. Full or part time. $1.85 hr, 6 dayl/Wk. l.quna. Shorn Motel. 494-8521 lt!AlNTENANCE man nr retlttment trom Laguna &h or Leisure World area. Job is easy work, about 6 hr per day. 7 da,ys Pfr wk. Split sltiff. Apply at Ta,ylor. Dunn Mfg Co. Anaheim, CaJif. 535-fill'll es, type 50. , Hwy, mornings. 494-680 I GAYNOR nl~ht or day. Personnel Agency Stt Mt . Kahoilua Ou3 tllid,e II.lei_. NoNexp. ote. SERVlCE STATION A& WCOFFEE SHOP mo s tra11un1. at1 lines. Phillips ~troleum en., 225 E. 17th St. $12Xl + pe yr Gd Santa Ana 542-nM ~ ~'!°rS:~in btn'~ Prererrmeil undU ~ N~ra~:"'~·~:.s ••• OPERATORS • • • Equal opportunlty emp)oyer w/10me collqe. Experience duired. Experienced in h• .. le ne@dle LIDO DISJ'RIBtrroRS ,_ .... , t ~.:.. _.,. RA!staurant "~~ .....,1 11 ... -urw: 1 a a r y _ and overlocka. Good piece A • M • .....,.,,.,., generous comm, with ~ , St., Westminster: 534-3138, Full &: fl\rt time, dl)' l Coventry needs fU.LI &: contact manqer, work prices, steady work. ftCleftt G~ftlr SAL& _ Earn money witb o p po r tu n I t le 1 far ~ EDDY MOSS 140!2 l.ocu>l now takina appllcationo for no inv .. bn•nt. s a r ab vancemont For 9 Pl1t1ant, part lime work, no e\·es ahil11. part ••-~ "'' N d II . It Adams. Huntlngttm Bch: liiANAGEMENT e KITCHEN HELP we 2'.:;n~. For•·,.. o e very, TRAINEE ~~ e~ieon:~ e OISHWASHIR ~ terviewcall ~ Opportunil,y Em~ Career opportunity for man hours. TdephOne and e BUSBOYS _ii Z1 to 35, happily OWTi«I, __ , j _ _,_ SALES: financially stable. Five yn:. pm!O•iu nli;avKlvina'. for Apply in per.on KNOWLEDGUBLE Stereo SERVJCE STATION ~ e11:pc!rie~ Lithograph & twenty-yeal"dd s urvey 'SIT \V, C.0.st li'lt)', mmponent u.lea trainetl. eJCperlenced man. G hie ·~-"-Id Call research company. $2.00 per Newport Beach 2l..:fl .,... Call Mr. y...... Pennanent. Good .....-,._ rap ....,,_ UC ' hour, plUI ~TIJltS. EquaJ f\a5taW'&n\ .J•-...... conditions. n.,.,. uni;~ Mn. Dwyer for &J>-opportunity empl())'tt. Write 646-8891' -~-....., polntment Tues. &: Wed . Box P.1"45 The Daily Pilot • ~=~S SALES: ?dale, wktnda I 393 17tb St., o:i.ta Mea. ' 642--0813 ewa. Apply In perw:>n, Ken-'I MANAGER, evenlnrs & -POLICE -F'Ull ll lucky Fried Olieken. 693 S. SERVICE Station GtaveJii'i ivttkendi. Coat& Mesa lJ. D,IS~!~~ F~~RK neat~~ :;~~. ~~rexp'. Coast Hwy, Laauna Bach shlft, 10.7 or 8 AM, ~ quor store, Retired service nee. Apply tn person ll).S pm. * SALESWOMAN * Mon, Tues Dita. APPlY ,., man pref. Apply at: sru S510. to $619. per mo. BOB'S BIG BOY MATURE Part time. Chevron StaUOn. Harbor ::i-w I B I Hl1h School '"""d. 1 yes.r cler. San o•--~ CM · est m n st er v ... ~ 154 E. 17th. C.M. y,..,_ Matrmitv ~ ............ ,. • I lct.1 exp, Typing 4() wpm. --.. v """'I"' GOOD \\'ORKJNC CON- DITIONS AND BENE- FITS. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER \Vcstminsfl!r So Coast P1ua. PM's only SERVICE Statklrl netdl * HOUSEMAN * MAN-Married. "'ill;. .. , lo Rotalin& shllts. Xlnt frin:e Restaurant .,_, __ ,_.. . . full time men: 1""4PM to 1$ ~.. benefits, Residence not re:· SULLY'S .31Ueai&Of wanted, expenenc-PM l·U AM to I.AM. MUM 148S Dale Wey Cost• Mesa, C1lif. (714) 54>1251 tllusl speak English Night shift 1:30 pm to lo pm PLEASE CONTACT l·fOUSEKEEPlNG DEPT. learn carpet c I ea n l n i: 11Uittd. Apply We1tmirt5ter COFFEE SHOP td top salar)t' Ulllan'1 ' * bialneu. Must be neat In ctty Ha.II, 8200 \Vestmlnster ~u Shop 33.13 .Bn.to1 C.M. be over 18. Apply, Union _.. •-·--& --bl"-·-. Oc be I""" * Waitreuts. all shiltl l9IX> Newprt ~·· C~ •t ,.,... ...... .._,. ..... .....,..... Ave., before to r ID, -· SA'~~ • .., o :! · Good future w/ coocl co. p n ) 89J..t5ll * Dlshwutiers -all ahi1ts ~~ . e co r a t o r SERVICE ~ M • a\ Xlnt opportunity for ri&bt • 5 P~· b: C 4 * Butboya -all shlftl F/Ume Muat be exp'd. semi. ~tired w/ .ome ed. man. ~2425 ext. · zm Harbor Blvd., C.M. Guarantee a.p.huit comm. A : CHEVRON 60C -slt! MANICURIST. F\lll or Part POLICEWOMEN (form~~.:tt'1J ~!Beach Blvd, HB. c:'.st Hwy., t..a.;u'na ~ FACTORY time. Newport Beach Salon. RETIRED man _ buainna: SALESMAN: Serv Sta. F\lll SERVICE' Sta. AttndP't. ~ SUPERINTENDENT -The-613-41116 $711to$7.54permonth sales bacltKZ'oond Daya time, swing shift. Must be perieDt'td. Apply: 19~ Sailboat Mi<<. ""' opening NEWPORTER INN MARINE MECHANIC * ~. m.<>77. "'"' In , ... .,..,,... See lfarbof. Coola Mna. ,; for a qualil1ed man to a.s· Rd Experienced, l.a.rgc cmtom $754 to $916~r month RECEPTIONIST far Jlm, 2590 Newport, C.M. SER.VICE Sta.tkla • i;umc full responsibility for ll07 Jamboree : f I d I •--..,~ N I "-a~ Cal>! construction. Top wage&. or ••• ,.ne et act ve SCHOOL -~~ • "Y. Skill exp. nee. ._ ~. produclion o! all depb, Also,~ ......:.._~ '-=..._ ".'..!:......_ _:_ .-• ~ni.:.•ftl\. Cam Or NS. PLAYR001t1 atlerxlant over 21. Part time needed im· I med. Call Ray Randall I 96Z-33ti6 \VJILARD BOAT Works division J. W. ROBINSON 'S Meded In .._1 .. -, reneral pus · · E.'\cellcnt Earnings need. foreman to set up & su.-._ 1-NST-AL-LER-S -1296 Baker St CM ..,.,.... •--··I M-~1 Plus perv1.5e assembly 11/l(" for ., BEAUTY SALON ° ff Ice mponsibWUes. ,... "I _.. ne 'I e Prolit sbaring new modt'I. Knawle14:.-of WE PA y TJiE UNHEARD MECHANIC, exp'd in bra.kc CITY OF Part Tlrne Btnetits &: hospitall.zation. Optrmrt '· 1Cl.EANING laciy wanted 1,; day/wk. S2 hr. ALSO oc- casional overnight babysit- ter. El Toro, 8JO.-j591 e HospitaJ\iation fibet'i:las sailboat C(lrnltruc· OF JNOOME OF $1200.0D I< allanment. Salary in. NEWPORT BEACH Apply in peraon to Mrs. o.J.-Write: Box M-646 The Daily Experienced on drt&ln - •Croup life ins, tion preferred, All fringe PER MO~il TO INSfALL ccnlive, tree hOsp. &: life ton, Beauty Salon, 3d t1oor. Pilot apor"tlWUr. Top pay. "3 •Paid vacation benefit:1, \\'rite or stop in & RO \VATER UNITS. TAKES IM. pald vac. See Bob Poslllon involves invest111a· Fashion lll&nd, N.8. ~l&Jia.I; Production Pl. NB641-0'.JOS:' • 8 paid holidays see: Victor Mortensen, 8211 LESS THAN AN HOUR. Basham, 482 O<:can Ave, tlon of olftnaell by or against R.fftaurant Male/female SJ:WERS. expedenoed. ~ • Employee dillcount Lankershint Blvd., North \'OU l\tAKE $10.0D AS AN Laguna Sch. juvenile• or women. Nonn&l H U G H E S pl)' 525 Forest A ~ e Hollywood. APPRENTICE. YOU ~fAKE Mechanic wanted. us!enments to the Det~tlw YOUNG mother or student to · ve., Apply in Personnel Olficc 1-.~c,.--,.--c...-~~-1 MORE AS A l\lASfER IN· Union 7& Station Divltlon require• a Hla:h work ~twn 1~ a.m-2 pm. NEWPORT BEACH Bl!:ach. 48'1·Wl Foreign Car M1chenic1 STALLER. C School diploma. minimum ~IDn-Fri, •tartlllg pay $1.'5 SEWING machine optn.ton; 'c LE AN I NG w o n1 an, Monday lhru Saturday Good ~o. benefits, incl paid Call J-11\rry Ward Cray 1900 Newport Blvd. .~f. 5'4", 20-40 unoorrttted vi&-• hr + meals. Apply • n Y hu immediate openi1111 for Exp'd, top pay, Jdtal 1 Newport SOOres, Fridays, s lo A.\f to 4 PM \IQCRhon, group ins, uni-7141642-6861 lO arn-3 pm Mech Dr•~1m•n to $600 slon. morntnc befr 10 am. Jack In 1.5&9 MOllf'U\lia, C.M. ~ I or 6 tu's. $12.50. 646-0616 SEARS forms furnished frt.e. Good THE LINDSAY co. Fee paid. Xlllt co., rapid ad-Obtain additional inlonnation the Bax, 385 E. 17th St, CM. !:XPERJENCED TALL kid ovti-lB fdr ~(id Cl'rk comm. scheduJe A&k tori====--====-va.ncemt, top benefits. Also &: appUcations from the Ptr. Equa.1 Opportunity Emplyr SECRET .. RliS Vo'ftk, lncl Sat A $&, Joe l>loort: Ph 54o.17&t INTERIOR • DESIGNER fee jobs. Call Annan. M&-~O I om •-N rl Sal llti ,_,_ ••-~-- 1-'El\lALE clerk. apply in F'" 'T" · . E;{pedenced. with follD"'~. JASON BEST 8190~ N "•rt-::'.' •"'Cal"°· es • I for Adminlttrt.ttw and · Bayside Fien manct. - """"" Ori"-'" Llq ...... 700 Roebuck & Co, v~ •mo mru.... ""'" 545-9419 or 644.007 .... •wpo ~·· ' ,. * Fa ntastac. ""'"""""" Deputm•nl Newport Blvd. Na. Pr.cific Coast H; g h w 8 y, OOtel, Laguna Beach. Employmonl Agency fom1a. <n4l 673-6633. Appl!-TEA.CH E.R § .-ullst1Qtliti Huntington Bch. 494-ll.96 JANITOR p/time. Must be 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana ca.lions accepted until s pm, l l,,,--,--,'--------i SOUTH COAST PLAZA I ,,.===~=~~~~1 exp & able lo work days on MEDlCAL OU!ce h e 1 p, Monday, Seplembtr 29, 1969. Is the word for tbl• natSontJ A mlnimumof3 ynof ttef!nt Intel'fttlng A fri e nd 'I Cle.rlcal 3333 s. BRISTOL GARMENT MFG.: Needs wknds &. Wed nltes. 549-2425 fema.le. Front ollice in-Written teat 6:3() p.m .• Sdp.. com~·· MW prop-am Jor lnd.ustrl.al ~ ia mandatory. lWl'k'1•botli:I. ,~.em Ii FINANCIAL institution has a COSTA MESA UNDER PRE~RS, will tembcr 30th, City Hall. Southern californiat Wt Above averap b'Plne and 'P clerical need. Exp. as a train. 1580 Monrovia. N.e. • J aurance forms. ~ienced need lhortband skills l"!qUired. TELEPHONE ,1.: teller. new accounts or loan An Equal Opportunity 642--2666 ourneyman only. Good pa)' for rlaht -DISTR.mUTORS SU"PIRVISORS dopart. hclplul. Mu.i have Employer Mechanic peroon. 540-4153. to AM * BUSBOYS -MANAGERS Pl .... opply tn ""'°" to' C,\N YOU GIVE AWAY good. stable 1.1.urk back ~ newport . f orciin car experience pre-MFG. -SALESMEN TER l'ROM AH .\lR. · iiround. lite typing, i:ood at ~ _1 le~d. min 5 )'UJ'I exp. A prorre111iw manufac. ~~GHTSfaadARWEEKENI o 1 s ~~~_..-., H U G' H E S omONED OFnCEGT t' rlgures and detail. Call persDOOtfl BARWICK DATSUN turtng oompany, with ex--• 11 auren •W:..f"•~._.,.. ........ ,.c..:> N•WPORT BEACH Call Harry Ward rar a I tml 67!J.-Ot50 * DISHWASHERS "' s.. c.1 uwty. Laa Sch coll•nt -"'n<litloM -TRAINEES n""2-10 """' -Clerlcul .... 8Q80CV 4!M.97'Tl or 545-063.f and CMnae benellta; hu lm. APPLY IN PERSON This ia a nal cround deof 500 Superior Avenue THE LINDMY 0), ' k! . l 20-30 f NIGHTS & WEEKENDS mediate openings for-oppottu.nJt)' with a I011d atJf6. N 1:1-.... ...._,,. T ONE ln llNte~~(;::,~. g~ girl of~ Seafood Restaurant Professlanal S.rvic9 KEYPUNOI OPERA'IOR: A-Taub auto. •crew REUBEN E. LEE ma.tic ~ e(ultmenl ewport .__.., .......u. from tiome I I ~·-I·-month p 0, 111 0 n . m~ operatQrs. thftl! firm that olfert ....... _ >'O'll'-2 .<n , 37\) hr wk, 9-5 St sal $350 APPLY lN PERSON or the emp f¥'ftr '"" •"' rimce 1SI E . Co.1st Hwy. H H Equal opportunity c.an1 ....._,.. • 1rio. 646--0521 •nd tha •ppllc.nt StarUng &a.lacy $481. Educa-yean upe • Newport a.ch IG employer . Mj1' TIME. ltours al )'OUI' ~ COIL WINDER * W Dov D N B !Ion ~ experience; .,... .. 8-Experlenotd hard ..,,.,. I ---"-. --· NO • REUBEN E. LEE or r., · • tlo" °""' Hifh School. lill machine optralort tor ,... "'-"'" SEC It.ET A I\ Y f -Htah Call iMUI02 bhnt t" U • Toroidal oxp<r. prcfd. MJ.3170 $49.2743 . · the ond operauon ""rlt •-I Sdlool ad -VALOR... 151 E. CN1t Hwy.,=--..,-.. ~------• months expenence in A....i .. at • RECREATION 159,. np Ill uate w!Uli two ~; JIU"l . N Be -L '-"I: ""'"'rt.Uon ol IBM "'-•-" ffVV _ .. _ of ..,paa1lN• _ _... ~-~ E' «~ONICS owpart •~ ··-'~,~~.. St F t •-ER' ~~•30~" ·--· ~~ "~ ·'lor-_•" WLA-• ·~ e CABINET ASSEMBLERS and \!ert(ying machlnca. a u ........ CENT ~ 8V varied llttfttartal a n d I( Mart ;i:_ CM ~i40-92i6l -======~-1 • METAL BODY ctrrrERS F\nai da1 to ti)(' •P-640 s. Santa Fe sc. COORDINATOR ~ • i.-.:, ' LI --:c:-,"':,7:.,"-,'=•<"'n-.--DISHWASHER • ELECTR!CIANS pllcollaos. Septomber ,.th, Sonia Aaa SA =... :,•:;.,:,1 ~ TltAiNElli I ~OUNG WOMAN EXPERIENCED • CARPENERS 1969. Apply c I a,, if I• d MOTH IRS HELPER CITY OF Pntl•=~nl '5 wpm. Startlq[ utary U~ ""'°' ..-io. P' Id~aJ houn. ll-2:30 ~ton Balboa MotO!' Home• P«30nnel, 1901 Ne,vport Bcachfront home llffda part NEWPORT llACH Ir )'GU bl.Ve die ability ! mt. Apfll) Moncs&y U'lnl . tary <:OrqPlttel thr11 n-1. Apply in penm Ap>ply In Person 3070 Pullman. C.M. Wvd ., COila M1!$6. 64.5-0lDJ time mottle,. helper. Pleu-deilre to work with people l'r1day a t-m. 10 4:30 p.m., mtnt ~. sta 1 mornini:,.s only. SURF & SIRLOIN 540-5103 LADlES 19 to ro eM'I sz; to ant condUions • aurround· $591 . to $718. tn pleuant sunwndl.na:a & OuaWtd Ptrtcmntl, 1901 ~i!wt~~l'IQ' ·r~~~t~~~~l:y 5t30 Pac. Ctt Hwy C.eneral $100 wttkly Cat I an I ln,i: •. Call Ma.tde ~7S-0993. per month ht\'6 bad l&lt1 or public Ntwpnrt Blvd., o.ta Mna. WMt.difl DrtW "NA• ..... O:illegc student p/t work thal unacne. Equal 0 pp o r t . NEWSPAPER deaJen tOf cont.act eXJ)trlt~ we an MS-Ol!OO. Clollna d a t e • ]Tll 7 Brookhurtl. Niwport BNch can be taUored tG your cia. em~. we train stfj...350$ Herald Eu.miner on bOme ~•ponaible lor coordination ~ tor )'OU. We will 8epttl'Obtl: 211. 1111. ""' Tit K DRIVI .COLLEGE -nt >I ht> DlSHWASHER HELPER. ... 12.6' per hr &llU. \o LliOAL SEC dtll""l' hi ~ Count> of <0111munl1> ...,..,loo inltL Pottntlol 18.000 to M"'1 be_.._. per wk al ChevtU\ Station l put time, FM. 1' Sl.L Ask atart. Cat nee. PH: MG.'339 ' are&. Bond deposit.I N-u:i rt:lattd actlvitlea, ~ flO,IXIO, CaD Mr. Oallum. n:cu:TARY, put lit¥· 1\b'nlture Aon. Htrtz R e-n d-A-C • r iP lor 'l'Ury1 GS E. 17th, C.W. FUl.LER. BRUSH CO. S1enontte il 8ookkileplna. qutnd. Earn Inf a ap. qub-tt 8A In PS. recru&n 541)..0S COAJTAL AGENCY Mlllt he qwek, nut l,)'pilL 1 ,r._,.-...~;;;,;;hl.,,,,,.,,,"=_,:,;.;.. J..aauna Beath. Mu.st be li Ll S-8314 Gene."1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ proxlrnatlly BIO monthly. or rN,ttd ndd, one ~l.f,.. A J'Ml'ftbtt o1 SMll1nr ' SClme ~ G. 0 d TYPIST/Q.EIUt &: no lolli: h&.lr. Salary &. DRAPERY OpcralOC'S Man lo clean A. main!Aln 32 Pf~ Ai;nt:1 *1 Wat. Wr11,e !ox PR al l3'1'0 Altura etnt ND tiqte »aid experi-SN:Ulns" 2190 Hartlor Blvd. apa&kr. lnltfftliN b; I With ...... ..... ~ con1mlsslon w/ r a I 1 cs. Expd, Top pe,y, Vaetalk>M. fl OlrbCnJt •bout 1 W 1 rlltf Dr .• N.B. Ms.mo Blvd. ButnJ Pvt. e~ In l'!Crt•UOft lettdu· com M.,.. denwtd.11'11 ~.._ Job call Mn.~~ ~S4-!m3 Clwk DrnpeM, 3 8 r; 3 WHk. Boe.t bt located nelll' •hip. Apply im.Mtd.l.atclt te l.n am.ill, prilite~ rut 1 5Z • =====9 * COOKS Blreh St. NB. ~1<31 &!... !~And Tho I 1 • tn •--tll~ T DAILY PILOT 000:.A-!Ito Ptmttnel ~. UOO DIAL tlitct f0.1111.. Clbul< powlt.t ad-lal"I ... ncy. ' ALL SHJ}'TS lddotn Uied, ~ant It kepi l~~\O wiUo~ c~.,..,t~r LJNM. Yau can Die them Newport Bfvd.. Newtort ~ lj, I.Mn 1IC be.ck ud Write f\&Jly, E • c I O St Afore t/tlR W~ THE FLYING BUTl..EfL For O.Oy 'PQol Want Ads dun and ftlt\bt:iw order. il Dial~ -ie,, Just ptMlea a dt,Y. Dial 8 tac h. CaltfDMlia. (fJ4) lllttn to tMi pU'li riJlll f'ttltmt. D.'R.C., P.O. Box on Hui f'aQt: 673-0917 01a1 sn.sm Write Dally lll>t aox M~S40 , • ~ 6TM63l. now1 • Nnpott 9tllcit ,... O.J::ANIG woman 1 day a \vk. !or ironing: &: housecleaning. Alter 5 . 494-7134 • ' , I l WAITRESSES DAYS , S..foocl Rut•ur1nt l APPLY IN PERSON 'l • Sl'ANISH and MEDITERRANEAN Show Room • Floor Samples • Factory CloMouh Dally ID .. m. tot p.m. AUCTION .f REUIDJ E. LEE ~ 151 E. c .. 11 Hwy f;l};wpon Bead! 3 ROOMS ·OF FURNITURE $389. * Every Tu11. I. Thurt., 7:30 P.M. * * Saturday• 6:30 P.M. * Mite. W11\ted 1610 You don't h•v• to bt • d•tlor t o buy •f,clotlor Rtic1s WANTED: Old fuhk:med Al11.ESSE$ x • S pc. authentic Sp1nloh Bdrm. HI, • 96 in. quilted t0f1 with 56 In. matching love Hit, or chtlr e S pc. Sp1nJ1h DIMtte, o.k table top e 3 he1vy Mediterr•ne1n matching t1bles, top durable enough for Fl•lmenco Dancing. Will sell pitc11 individually. AOK AUCTION 11u .... ..,.._ .,.._ dre•s. run, cwtumes. APPLY JN PERSON' • COCO'S jewelry, lace lln!!ns. 67$.8?l4 w .......... '* 111-121211·~~~~~~-· v ...... _. .... -.m SAYE 78 Fufllon Island • Shop First! Thin See Our Unbelievable Buyil ' lt--;N-•w,:po;,.rt"C."nt•'io;''';;'c;;'·,.a,... _ 1 1001 other items with terrific s1vin91 I WAITRESSES Bank Terms Store Charge . Master Charge Pl•-& °"V•ns 1130 I WEEKS* $16 Orp.n ciu:s leMOns for be- ginners. SlatUng Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 7 PM. Practice organs available. Abo clas&. ff for Advanced. Join t!le fun! y at THE FLYING BUT. BankAmericard AU Accepted , Experienced. 673-0917 8.l~Kappy's Deli p pref'd. Marn &: ew shltl fOl' Betty. 494-94-41 Walt re 11ea, E. Cout Hwy. Cd M. boy. Pm. ap'd. Appl)': MAN-bou5ewl1e, use )'OUI' time to earn money.:!========~======== If=~~ =t.: Furn,ture 8000 Sewing M1chlnet 8120 auty <Joumelon. 847~ OVER -STOCKEO SEWlNG MAClllNE 1tr Ironing in Laun-1969 SINGER REdJSTER NO\V~ HAM.MONO ln CORONA DEL MAR 2S54 E. Coast I-fwy. 673-8930 mEY'RE HERE! New ESI'EY dual-manual Chord organs, ideal for be&inners. Only $300-tenns. Also ARTISAN organs & at· tachmentii IOT at makes, t. Ml!&a del Mar area. MUST S[llf CONSOLE used. Stylis:1 wal. cab. Does NEWPORT ORGANS .l!m Monrovia Ave NB. e 6'.>1530 lj~~a~lt~6~~~~1 • Zig Zag cab. model. S!lghtl> New bed~: King $99.50, everything without atlAch. hools-lnstrvction 7600 Que"ns $89.~. Full S49.50. Built in oontrob to overcast, IWifMOND -Steinway • Ya- Twins $39.50. fully guarn. make but·bol~ sew on but'&, maha • new & ustd pianos UCERMAH SCHOOL King !ll: spreads Sll.95, fl. hem dresses, make tancy of all makes. Best buys tn . FalrrrouOOs, gr. l-8 si. S9.95. New 9 pc_ corner stitches, etc, S yr, parts and So. C:alll right hett. Where the Program a.rrang. choice or clr5. reg. service guarantee. $5.64 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO,, Fits the Oilld S230, now Sl.59.50. Headbrds: dwn. &: 9 pymts. of $5.&I 1007 N. Main, i1lard H. Sa.ucennan, Kings, SIS, Quet>ns $12.50. mo. No interest chge., or: Santa Ana FA. D. Full Sl0.50, Twins $4.95. COMPLETE PRICE \VE HAVE PIANOS! Ennill now Trundle sets {duo riser) w/ $56.40 You may purchase or rent Eves fi48.1758 inner spring matt. reg. ;106, For no oblig., free home and credit all monies pa.id ON LOVING PAR· now $'19.50. Roll-a-way beds demo., call Credit Mgr. till toward purchase. ! YOIJrH SPEECH w I inn. spring matt. J"f'g. 9 P.M. If toll. can Collect. HOUSE OF HARMONY OP. Ages 7 to 17. $59.50, now $39.50. Canopy 213. 531·'694 48 Fashion Island to speak we:U. enunci-beds reg, $119.50, oow $89.50. N rt Be ch * &W--039l , project. After school A Full sz. slt't'p . Sl()fa. reg. Singer, auto, z.ig iag, 6 mos ewpo a lurdl,)>S. Private or cla.u $239.50, now $169.50. Christ· aid. No attach needed to do e • y AMAHA es . .f:!W..8295 mas ta,y...aways now. SIESTA design, monogrm, blind hem. PIANOS & ORGANS WHY PASS UP SLEEP SHOP, 19ZT Harbor $5.27 mo or $42.00 cash. d CM dail 526-61il.6 See th(o complete line at: '"""' invlta-when In •1 ~Bl~• ~ .. ~~""~"~"'~~y~l~-1 ~~:::;=;::;===;~ COAST MUSIC lesaons you can be •i~9 Sat·Sun 1CMi. w\t:r player? Call me! Josie SCRAM-LETS Muslc•I Inst. 8125 co~~ 1r ~~1 NEW Fender 15" Ba.ssman ~=.rHannony ANSWERS ;~~UiU.:ut~n1:00~ ~~:v-= ache:dw:r p~ t by member of MU!ic over payments. 642-4689 &ft we e k. Professional in-!~=~A&90C of Ca.lit &: Betray -Prier -\Vhole -6 Pt.t struction available -results Music Sch I, Daring -BO\VEO guaranteed. · & Intennediates. A girly gag; "SUre I've got 5 STRING Vega "long neck" WARD'S BALDWIN SI'UDIO Dtnlon. 5C8--3tS4 bowl~s. but I'm not worried. be.njo, 1 mo old, S32a new, 1819 Newpol't, C.M. 642-3484 M fish ha bee ht 5ell $250 or best otfer. R1 train.iQg agn any a s n caug 7 SPECIAL _ Organ classes to 5. Give your' child with BOWED pins." 644-005 · now forming. Get in on the ! 646-3706. 646-2J2S DINING table, 4 cha.lrs & PRACTICE clarinet w/ cue fun and pla.y by Christmas. I ~'1-----'-----· J small chest, avtlC8.do color $50. l\tus.ic stand $3. Electric Qual.illed adults only $1.00 a RC'4ANDISE FOR LE AND TRADE $50 I.it ann chair & of. Metronome $8. 842-5610 week. Exclusiv~y at: toman, salmon color, $25. 2 OLDS TRO?i!BONE Jor sa.le. WARD'S BALDWIN STIJDIO double bed.s w/Hollywood $75. * 6«-0154 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 frames $35 ea. Kenmore 'I'ra.nsterred·Must 11ell vacuum, xlnt cond $2), Call Pl I. 0 1130 · Pc. "MADRID•• 5"4G-0101 ar 544-8507 •nos rg1n1 Spinet Piano-37" high Perteet condition Room Group CHEST 01 ......... 17; Red 1 OF A KIND MAHOGANY CASE upholstered chair $ 1 5 . Perfect condition RO~ MODEL HOMES Floral upholstered \vi n g SALE Best of1cr. 838-4982 udes. Quilted &Ola and chair S2S. 611 Kings Pl. Pl.ANO, ORGAN Ir -2 encl tables & col· Newport Heights after 3 "'ttii1 i& a legitimate sale WHlTNEY Baby Grand table -2 Iamps-dress-PM ' & is being done to make Piano. REASONABLE. mirmr-headboard -l;;-n;·-,.,,,;u."°"'°';;:::;:;: way for new model& of 548-39'26 afl 6 Pf\1 IOOO F ,. • Mlacetl1neou1 ATTENTION: ELEC TRONIC MFGR'S It HOS. BYISTS We have recently purchued a company & have inherited a quantity o1 t.urplus equipment. Partial list lnchades: Olfioe equip & fixtures. l.abratory t e s t equip, eltttronic test equip. productjon equip, f\Vdrautic press-~ Tons.. measuring tools, trans:formua, electric motors, switches & relay&. & llll,nY additional items. B<!eaU6e we are moving to new .. ta.dlities, appointments may be made at 1570 E. Edln~r Ave, S.A. or by ca.Lllnz Oa.rk Electronics 835-1153 REIIRED Law will Joan- might adl Library, full Pac Rep'er, Calil Rep'er USCA, New Cal Digest, Cal Codes, Form books, 3M printer, etc with privilege of ming aame from time to time. M. A. Sturge1 644-1557, 2 219 F0rtuna, NB *AUCTION* If Yoll will !l?IJ or bQ1 glw Windy a .IIy Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Barn Behind Toriy's Bldg. Mat'I. 2075% Newport, CM 646-:8686 FOR SALE Beautiful original oil pain!. illil'., mountain 5cene in beau· ti!ul blue11 & greens. Oa.dt wood carved frame, 8t"l' to appreciate, Reaso1:1able. Call M7-n87. Good News Singers, a pro- fessional slngirl& itl'OOP have a few openings. Will book now for banquets, ladies clubs or W1!ddings. Benefits con&idered. 64&-SSU or 546-52:15 SGLE Bed $35. Maple din rm tble-6,chairs S'l5. Stuff chair $20, 2 Cab Stereos $25, Pro- jector screen $10, Sunlamp led box •Prine & matt· }I 0 LL Y W 0 0 D Double piaoos & organs arriving - 5 pc, dining room; bed, ~-Traditional ~-soon. e .l 4 hi-back chairs. any cockra.il table, Pl. Wurlitzr.r player piano $119.> Tel•vlslon SS. etc. 2317 Colgate Dr, 1205 Costa Mesa LP"'n=aroc==o~P=Y~ma-chine~.~-$40=, I ditto machine $75. Coldspot retrigerator $35, double bed $25, matching sofa &. chairs $35. 495-0811. 2"321 La Hermosa, Laguna Niguel. "BLAUPUNKT" radio \Y/VW kit. modem table Jan1ps, b londe dn:.'15er, port TV, l.'Olor TV. 642-6243, 2 days only MPARE AT $76.95 ~ New demo. RCA COLOR TV, used, new !• $399 LIV Rm scctional, s pcs, Wheelock Grand. wal, .• $895 picture tube, 1 )T fact '1W'· NflTPm•-onlv .. ., mo. $135. Hotpoint refri&, 38 cu Premier Grand, Wal. •• S895 Lee scrten, wal cab, i.a "" ~ ., U-~ 6 F'""hcr (-··) Eby grand Perlect $249.95. Also Dlan> 'S WARBIOUSE $Z,o_ M'i.~mo, ~. -~· .... :~~. .. .. .. .. . $1445 others: new ,, used. £.Z 1 Knabe style W. contemp. terms avail. Check GC»t W. 4th St., Santa Ana LOVESEAT. HIDE-A-BED, coMOle New demo .... Sl005 HENDERSON'S first! 1877 If Open Daily 9-$ rccenlly reuphol, new mal· Wurlitzer mah. spinet •. $495 Harbor Blvd. Costa t.1esa, :,&i.l 9-6 Sun 11~ tress SW. 21.1: 592-5947 Nl.'.'w demo 548-0155 E ANO'l IN QUALITY £l:EGANT Dark ~gany, C. J, Gould Spinet, \\,U $495 "ZEN="m=i 0TV..-:port=•"'bl:;:,:--. ""a"'"". l ~~I Hom• Furnitur• dining table, 4. chai~rs, Dun-NC\.,. demo including stand. Xlnt etitkl. s lo 85%. Very euy can Phyfe styling. 548-5003 Fischer11, 3 only. Consoles & Mr. Thomas (n4) 521-6588 I~' ncinr. 3 complete rooms BLUE quaJ\ted Ilo"'er 8'11' 1 !ltudent, reduced 20% & Lease Color TV or Black Grand Opening SALE I Pemco tanks • fish • acoess 'TIS TROPICAL FISH 9080 Edinger C@ Magnolia) Fntn Valley e 842-45.10 <.< I ~ F · nd' · more for lhis sale period • o 1 ttonators styled Spanish so a .• ,J, air co tlJon, •<>=--&. \Vhite. Option to buy. 'f,"""· ConsisHnA ol the 54~7648 your choice .. • ...... · · · "°"" ~'5 Janmen wal. spinet , . $550 Fre<! ~rvice. No deposit f lS CUSl.om quality 1'1a· SOFA. End tables, roffec I A·Active TV Rental Co. d , living room group. The table, lamps. ~fobart cablf', t:;by conso '". • (D 522-llSJ o ina1 IJ P~side.nte t:pac. Call 644-9031 '· ·" " .. ·· .... •· ··" ·" s.=;45 ""=:=:=:====== r-.fUSKIN above . the -ground pool, 24' round. Comes com· pl.?te 1'1/ laddrr. filter, pool vacuum & c-xtras. $100. ....,,.,. mu1er king .siz.c bed··1~========= Gulbransc-n thc-atre organ$895 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 guile and ~ au~entic Offie9 Equipment 8011 ,:~;~~~-Ti.:2 ·~~.· ~·~: ··· Paz wroo.ghl tron dmette' 1-----------1 . Lllllited stock • $488. NCR 32. b o o k k e e p i n g W·B '· · · · '· ·' '· • · ·' ·' · $295 ill~ Showroom, 59'8 machine. \Yill install for Wunlilzer. Model 4059, eby, tminster A,,.c, Wes~ your business nct'ds. 714: New demo , ...... , ... , $&14 STEREO 1969 dlx console, comp! with full stereo, 4 spd G8.f1'8rrl changer, 60 wa dual chan.n('J, -4 spkr sound system. Pay oil bal of m .26 cash oi-small pymnls. Credit dept. ~7289 EXQUISITE Sapphire and diamond ring. Appraised al $875. WW sell !or much lcsi.. 673--5784 I 89f..+IJ4 968-1486 J; SPANISH • TYPEWRITER, Add. Illich. i!fEDITERRANEAN calculator, Very reasonable. A~ 1Shown In model. homes. Xlnl Concl. 892-2423 3 ~s of fum, ldln rm, Ii• n; & bedrml priced else-Garqi• S•I• 8022 \\'fjere at $89,j is )'OUrS todliy af '. on1y $391J. Easy Credit CARPE'T, zhag. bl-lo NE\V T~s. $4 sq. yd. 396 Hamilton, Sfnt• Ane Fumiture C.M. Saturday only, • W. 4th St., Santa Ana 1 i • 547--0789 • Appll•ncn 8100 FiIRNrI11RE returned from ~~------­~Y studio&, model hom· WASHER ~ dryer, avoca~, I?\. deconltors canccl.lation. $125. Rebig-frost free $.115. ~sh & Mediterranean ~le. l''rttzrr $65. 541}-1095 ID FURNITURE KENMORE '"'° """''· l"4 Newport Blvd., CM lite model, xlnt eond, $75. ,; every night 'Iii 9 54&-8672. 347..aus )!ed., Sat. & Sun. 'Iii g DISJnYASHFJl-tnp of the li"fNJTURE A cabinets like I~ PHJLCO porl'able, 3 ~ haw: never seen at "'ks old $160. 540--60.17. Amnica'1 largest & moat NORGE auto washer, late utbual unfllliAhed furniture model. xlnl oond, SSO. .... Cor Redhill & Santa ~8672. M.7-8115 ...,,. Fwy, Tustin. 1 mi So. 1 ________ _ al.I<.....,. Fwy. Opon 362 Antiques tar. .... )T. 544-Sf'/O. 8110 SPC1J' &frig in yn 4 DAY SALE .. 11 TO 6 Pl'ot lllrf. c:ocnp alllo $1SO., O:i&ar Trunks S10 Ir. up Hall ltt<'s Nie. Philco """"1 ... _ ' ~ wain l l1TO. 1 black $45 11. up, Oak !ables Sl7:50 ""'-' u • A \Ip. Cedar chests, V1c-C1 0'11 I e m Po r a r '1 chAlr rori.n bt-droo.m Mli.5, Brass w !:,.. h t I e n a ~ti '1 d e bc.'Cb., Jee cn:'flflt tables &. co..,kn UJ, Call. 847-8!ll9 ctta.ln, Tlllan:y I e a d e d &flllir I PM. ahadct. £: nluch nwre. 2 I' 9)FA...11eW:t' UMd. quilled LocaUons: Antique TlUan,y a..t.l, leOlh • prded $12$. Houtr:. 2131 N1t.'PI Blvd. CM lbtdlJrc Jo\'f! Rat $75. I U2 S. CJrancoe, S. A. SJT..CJ2 P06T Civil Wu (1868) an- IQHC.a. tnlbol. heldbou'd t1qw bdrm ttl. din rm v.t. 1 Orin btd. M&hSfrc butuu, .:"c:'"°'=.:.'='c.:...:.545-61;;.-=21 __ _ A mJmr. Gaatl """· SHll.t· .._ rf'S \\l(»llJ)ERFUL ttw nwQ' ICI-..... Uiltod. """ .. O.~ )'OU llod I~ -_. •• ... A1'. O*" J'l5fl. Att I 6 tll"Wk M2-IUI ..;';c"""..c..c.,_'-,----- NOTE: Several Conn & \\lur. liU:er organs, used in con- ~rts & &lightly shop-wom, oflered at s ubstantial reduc. lion.~. A cuurse of 8 private roll· secul.ive ltS!OOs offered "·\th the sale ol any Pia.no or Qr. gan during lhis saJP. event. GOULD MUSIC CO . 2015 N. Main, S.A. &17--0681 CROSS lop Ref r i1 ., nutomaLic defrost. Exe. $!iii. The House in Back 145 E. C•m•r•1 & Equip. 8300 t7th. &l2..S741. SPACl: age e I 11! c Ironic OLYMPIC TV Coll50!e ~tereo­ camera, takes pl ct u r cs AM/Ff\1. Lo1vrcy Organ w l without flash bulbs, auto bern::h. Both Xlnt. sac! 962 ""'!}';. push button settings. Takes l--~-'-"-,-------1 !J(!rfect pictures t'verytimr. * * * * Paid $300. Sacrifice for $7.i. FAMILY b1embership l n 213: 59'l-5941 Irvine Cout Country Club • PIANOS POLAROID automsric 100 Jor 581e. Pvt P~. 673-9131 e PIANOS Land camera, new $249, Sell GOOD Beltone & Zcnllh e PIANOS S•IO.. 646-8369 hearlna aides in perlecl J.'inal Days of our Summer ----------condition. $50 each. 642-3228 Sale. Save oo fa bu lo u i BARBER Chair. sink & GRANDS inclUdin& Sporting Goods 8500 b:trlx-r pole $2J... ca 11 • Chlckerini • \llurlltzer SURFBOAROO 9'2" Hobie 646-9778 e St,.lnw11y e Knabe Wood u· Qui Tand PLUS fltANY MORE! y, gg em, NEWPORT Beach Tennis SPINETS&. CONSOLES both for $58. 673--0632 Club fl1enibe.J"llhlp. $OOJ incl transfer fee. 838-4.136 SA VE UP TO , • , $250. BU\' NOW!! Prlct'$ will not Mlscell•neout 8600 QIWity king bed-quilted bo !his kiw again!! Completc..anulled $10.5. v.'Orth COAST Music KIRBY """'"m ........ with 1250. Alt 5 • Wtmll• ..,..,.,. attach A liolisher. Xlnt ('(Ind NE"~RT • HARBOR BE.1..L And Howell Canon 1.7 ~•T.-v 11 KUara.ntttd. Pay off bal of COsrA MESA • .,. -~ u il'ns llmm 1lill camera with ........ _, SJJ, or tllke owr pymnts. Open 111-6 F'rt 10-9 Sun l?-5 Ci~t dept ~7289 CR!le $37. S44}..233\),, l!&-1-40 llP rewl'At' cam UPRJGl{T RCA !-"rce'ler $i."J. THOMAS Corvalr engh'll', nciv o 'M.ul Bedrnom &el, $50, Call for ORGANS 1'950, or eomple~ b115 $2500. llPP!. :l.16-1944 ~ hp VW •""'inc ---~M 53 PT. oval. dilllTIOnd •-'----' FJ1cluslvt Co.1()1'-glo program. .,., '-& • '""""" .., ...,,,,,., ~ lh •fa .._ ~pain $75. 548--95()9. WI small diamond, $600. m~..... ry inn. ,. try ot .... r ;;o;;;;;;;o;;~,-,..;;;;:,=:°"';-= 6r>-33!6 plus felfW'el, Sec the nt!W RUMMAGE sale Th1n'$-Fri i Lawre~ \Velk model. Tre-SAt. Back of WatTen'1 ruu. ?ltE MB ER SH 1 P, mendocu ..,,\llnP ·on select. M~navo.'C lTI4 Nt1'VJ)Ort N("\lfporl Be•ch '"'f'nnia Oub. ed demonstrt.ll1r mod<'ls. Blvd. C.M. Sin). $43--941!11 6#-0637 UllCd ~TIS from $1~. -c.=.,..=,-...,=.=,7 .. =,~n'1 '"Lo,--1'f.ARQUEITE tune Up ~ip. CO.AST MUSIC "''°"' 11.00 yd. SM,. """ '""'" cau '"" • p.m. NEWP<JRT .t WAflBOR from $.1.S(J up + my labor, &17-4837 ~ COSTA fltESA * 642-285l I o;="";;-;;""'.-"'-;oc"'-..,,.9'!8-00 __ to,--l3'""°'Pr'".01,::0;;:1n:::. -:,,.,...,,-...,.,,.=:=,=11<1 SURPLUS Facfory dren pants $Jl each. ~no P I A N 0 Urri&l\l::Pricllce. fabrics &; rc1nMnls, £')Id to Good rondlllon. S'Ta. Uw.-1)llblic 8-C Jifond1'y thru &l:>-0.ifft S.t. 1820 Monrovia, C.M. EXERCYCLE $250 • 513-m&O • ~ASII Read The DAILY PILOT c L A s s I F I E D . TIME F9R QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD llBST llUYS! . ... -. azt -rm••P•_,,,,. •• .,_ .......... , ... \ A4-Wwt1Mn mar ,&au the'r ••• •1 ,.,,~ Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon Soturdoy -Closed Sundoy DIAL DIRECT ••• 642 -5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY'l>IAL FREE 540-1220 Huntlngtan B11ch: 540-~220 L1gun1 811ch: 494-9466 Hours-Regulations-Deadl ines lllOISi AflwvtlMn ahoul• cMck fflllf' ads cl1lly •nd rtpott lmmldl•t.ty ''""" or mlacl•laJflutMna. THI DAILY PILOT auumn ll1blllty for 1rron •"IY to tho ut.nt fll publlahl1t1 tho lldvlrtiloment. corrKtly on• tlm .. DEADLINI •o• COPY AND KILLS: 5:30 P.M. the-d•y ........ pu~lkatMn, ••<•llt ,., WMlteM lcllHM an; MoMay HCtlon1 whon cio.1,. tlrnt .. s:-ia P.M. frWay. YOU MUST HAVE KILL NUMIERI Wht" klllln1 an •ti beuutt of -.ulck ruult.a, .. tvN .,. mak• • NC~ of tho klll nvmbff 1l•en yoi.i "' y.ur atl t•ker as vltffiutfon ., your c.alL IYlry otfort ts ma41 to klll ~ c1rrect • "•• eel th.It hat ...., ~. ln1t w. can- not 1v•r•aM ti do lb v"tll tM 941 hat .,,..,... In tfM papor. DIMl·A·LINI Ad• .,. •trfctly ca•h ht H•anc• by moll or at any ont of our offk• NO JhMe onl..-.. Tllo DAILY 'ILOT rOMrYn the right to d1uify, edit, c:tnsor or AfuM ony u.,.,... tlMm1nt, ancl t• cha,.,. th rat1t anC regul•tlons without prior n•tke. Mtn Acldr9N: ••• 1175, Newport IMCh, Callfonilo CLASSlflED COUNTERS .,. loctted N follows: Daily Pilot Class ified CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOR SALE COITA MtlA , .. MIU. 'f'lltOI 0•11auL COSTA M•&A MtlA Dtl. MAI MtSA V•ADI COl.l.l:GI P'1Ul:lt lll!WP'OAT l•M::ll ll•Wl'OIT HtlOHTI Ul.&OA COVIi lll!Wl'<lll"f SllOlttl AAYCll!ST IAYIHOltl!I oove:a IMOIRS WISTCLIP'P' HAlllOll HIOHU.NOS UIU'f'OltllTY P'AltlC Ut'f'lll• t ACIC t_.Y IAITILUP'll' lltVlllt TOltU.Ce COIOllA O•L MAI aALtOA P't:lllNIUU •l!ACOH •A'I' i#'I' llUHOS LIDO TSLI! •AL&OA ISUlolD MUllTllolOTOlol ll!ACM ltUNTIHGTO• H#AMIU• l'OUllTAIN \IALLA'I' Su.1. ltACM IUllS•T tUCH 9AltDl!ll OIO\I• 11M lll!WP'OltT aLUH 111$ HIWP'OJIT "EIGlfn lllt ll•WP'OR.T SltnlU l!U Wl!STCl.IP'f' 1211 u111v••SITY l'Allt In •.... Cit Lfl'I' EAST ILUP~ UU COltOHA DEl. MAit lnl tALtOA :: IAY ISUllOS ltt.I LIOO ISL• 1ut •ALta.. HUND IW NUHTIHGTOM ll!ACH 1H1 P'OUHTAIH \IALU.Y lUI ll:AL IUCM 1141 LONG •UCN 1142 OllAHOt COUNT'I' 116 GAIO•H Glt0\11 lut w•STMIHSTlflt IJM MIOW•Y CIT't l:tt9 SANTA ANA 13.M 1.ANTA ANA MltlOHTS USI TUSTIN llU COAIT#L , ... U.GUllA l l'ACH 1115 LAGUNA NIOUl!L t•ll MISSION VIEJO IUll SAN CLl!Me111ra 161 OAllA "01NT 1UJ TllJ'l.tX. tic. IHt CONDOMINIUM •Ht -"" "" n• n• •• nu .... .. .... "" ... .... '"' ~---~ .. ~ .. .,. •• ... .... n• .... '"' n• •711 .,. .... ... LONG IJAS:tf .•. UK•WOOO O•ANO• COUllTY OUT OP' COUNTY --, .. ReNTAtS OUT OP' UATa STANTOft Wl!ITMIMSTllt MIOWAY C"Y SANTA AHA SANTA AHA llOTI. OltAHO• TUSTIN NOllTH TUSTtll •HAH•tM Sll.Vl'IADO C._,.'1'011 llAVASU LAKE U.OUHA Hll.L.I U.GUHA a l!ACN LAGIJH• NlllUF.L MISIK>H Vl•JO SAN CL•M•NT• SAit JUAN CAl'IST'llANO CAP'ISTIANO a•ACH OAllA l'OlllT C.Aal.'Sl•O OCl!ANSIO• SAii Oll_OO ltTYlfltllO• eQUNTY HOUjlS TO alf MO\'l!D COllOOMINIUM OUl'Llfllll'I l'Olt SALi! AP'AITM•Hn P'OI IALI! RENTALS Houses Furnished 81!N01'AL atNTALS TO IHAI• COITA MlflA MISA OIL MAit to1•1.A vaaor COLL•Glf P'Allt 11awP'OIT llfACN lll!WP'OltT MOTS. llllWP<lltf SHOltl!I •AYSHOJll'I DOVl!lt Sl'Oltll:I WISTCLl"P' UNIVlltSITY l'Altk llt'f'IHI: IAClt IAY l'.O.ST &LUl'I' lltVllll' Tt:lltArl! COllOHA D•L MAI IALIOA SA'I' ISLAHOS LIOO ISL• •AL•OA lfLJ.#U> HUHTIHOTON le.ACM l'OUHTAIN VALL•'I' Sl!AL tl!ACH LONG t l!ACH OIAllOI! COUNTY SMTA AMA #l!STMIH$Ttl ~IDWAY CITY SANTA AA • HEIGHTS CO•STA(. U.OUlrlA al!flClt LAGUN.1 HIOUI!(. MISSIOH VIEJO SAN CLl!MEllT• t•H 'UAll CAP'llTJIANO CAl'ISTAAHO ltACH oANA P'OINT 111\ll!ll:S!lll! COUNTY 'l•CATIOll 1t•llTALI CONDOMINIUM CIUP'LIXl:S PUAll. ~= Apta. Unfurnished 1HI ••Nt:IAL -1111 COITA M•SA SIM 1•11 Ml'SA vt•o• 1111 1111 N•Wl'OllT tl!M:H )7tf lUt Nl!WPOIT HllOHT1 Jilt 14a HtWl'CIT SKOllS Int l•H Wl!STCLll'P' Sllt 1'4t UNIVfllSITY P'AlllC n11 1141 •ACK IAY 1111 UJt UST tLUP.. J111 lill COllOllA DEL MAI llM Uts IALIOA J1tt 17" IAY ISL.ANOS IJSt 179' LIDO ISLI llS1 11'7 HUllTINOTOH ll!ACH llot 11M P'OUHTAIH \IALLIY S4U 171t tlL.tOA ISUllO JBS 1111 SEAL l l!ACH S4M Int LONG I EACH net I nt CHtAllOI COUNTY Mii 11.. OAIOl:ll OIO\I• 5'11 17" Wt:ITMlllSTElt Ul2 111f MIOWAY CIT't MU IMI SNfTA ANA UM ltlt SANTA ANA HllGMTS Ult ltSI TUSTIN ..... Hn CO.UTAL PM 'ltM U.OUN& ll!ArH S1tS LAGUNA Hlt'IUl!L l>tl MISSION VllJO S7'llt SAM Cl.llMllHTll 1711 SAii lUAN CAP'ISTitAHO fT7t "" OAllA l'Olh"T J74t = REAL ESTATE, ''" Gener•I 1llt TllP'Ll!X, lie. f* nu CONDOMINIUM '"' ~ llHTALS WAHTt:D stM tt2t ltOOMI l'Olt lltllT fftl IOOM I IOAIO ffN tnt M01'ELS, TltAl(..lt COUltTI I"' 2117 eUl!ST HOMES f"t H1t MISC. 1t•NTAl.I Im 1'111 INCOMll J'l.O,lllT"I' ftOt 7UI IUSIHEIS l'llOPEllTY IUt ?HI Tll•.ILElt PlllkS ffU '141 IUSJHf.SS al!,.TAL. •064! 1lU Ol'l'ICI! ltl!NTAL H7f '!H lllOUSTlllAL f'ROf'lllTY 40H ,,.. COMM•ll'CIAL leitS '"' INOUSTlllAL lil!NTAL '°" nn LOn 4Hlt ms llAN~HIS '1M ''°' CITitUS OAOVES '115 Mii ACl•AG• f?M lut Ultlf ELSIHOltl! 4\'11 HOI •l!SOllT l'll'Of'l!ltTY f1t5 Ull o•ANOI! CO, P'ltOPl!llTY f1'1 1Hf OUT OP' STATI! P'IOP'. am 1'11 MOUNTAIN & Ol!SEltT tilt HU SUIOIVIStOH UHO oin1 ~:= !tPAl. llTArlf IEltVIC• 4ttS l1'S It.I!. EXCMAfrlOI! atu l7'l It. L WAllTIJO ftU ,,. 1110 BUSINESS •nd !: FINANCIAL ,,. IUSINl'SS WANTED tHt lllVtlfMINT O,...n\M"ltt ""' aUSIHl.SS (ll'P'OITUPl•llll ,.,_ IPl'f'l!STMl!HT WAHT•D 11J1f MOH•'I' TO l.OIH "'' tlll ~ 4lU RENTALS . P'lllSOllAL LOANS JRl!LltY LOANS COLUTEll'Al. LOANS "" "" "" ... Houses Unfurnished 111!'1111.AL "" COSTA Ml'l,I, JIM Ml:SA 01!(. MAI Jltl WllA VtlOI Jl11 COl.l.lfOt: P'AlllK lllS ll'l!Wl'OJIT ll!ACH "" 11ewl'OIT HOTS. nt• "leWl'OltT IHOlat ll'2t aAYSHOll!S n7I DO'f'l!lt SHOaot fttl Wl'STCLIP" »• UHIVl!ltSnY P'Allt JttJ 111\11111! ant IAClt UT "4t 11#.ST ILUI'" •10 llVIN• TlfltltACt: na cOIOtU. o•L M.fr.• nu IAl.lo,A tlM IAY ll UNOS lJ.M LIOO fSLI! 1!U IA(.90A ISUHD JUJ Ht'#P'OllT WlllT :nn "'"Tlll"TOPI IPArH >41111 HUllTlllOTON HAll'IOlllt l4ts • 'i'fT.t•"' Vflll.IY ~It St:&L ltACH :Mft GAllORll e1ov. ,.1f LONI ltACN ~ Olt..-Olf COUKTY ~-SANTA AHA 3111'1 WOITMIHSTll MU MIDWAY CJTY 1'1' SAl'ffA &II.& Hl101tt1 JiPt CO.t.fT44. "'9 UOllNA •I ACH J1'S l.AO:UNll. •tou•1 ,...,. Mllll°" \Ill.IC a111 SAN CU.Ml"ITI Jn• CA,.lfTAAllO tm CAl'IS1'0,HO ••AtN Ult DANA POIJtT J1ff CONDOMINIUM :If" OUPLIXl:S UPIPU•H 1"1 REN;rALS Apta. Fur"i1h1d •tNtllAL - ••Al. tSTATI! LOANS MOITO'-GEJ, Tnetr o.f• MOHl!'I' WANTIJO ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES fl:GUNO (I<,.. Aftl ..... ~tltlO ..... Ll ,l,NllOUHCIMllH'1 l ttTHS ' P'UNlllAU P'AIO OtlTUAltT FUHt:llA(. Oll•CTOllS FLOllSTS CAltO 0(1< TNANltl I• MIMOOIAM CtMITtll 'I l.OTS CIMITllfl'I CIYJ'TS CllMATOltlEI MfMOlllAL "Alkl AUCTIONS ,l,\l'lAftON lllVICI TllA\llL All TltANSP<llT•TION AUTO Tll'ANl-OITATIOlf l.llAL llOTICl!J G•IMAM A TUTOllNG .... • •• "" ... .... ... .... t01 101 "" '"' fOJ .... .... "" ••11 "" "" ... ... ... .. ~ ••• "H ... S~RVICE DIRECTORY ACCOUllT!HO utt ANIWU11t• ll1t•1Ce ..,.., APP tl•Mf'lf l•PAlll .. """' •~U APP'IAllllN "" AS•ttat r OM! •Ut AltCHITtCTUllAI. ltll\llCt: 6SU All ro ltlll'Allll~ 1m AUTO, S... II,,., twl1. lie, 15'0t IAIYSITT1N0 USI 10.IT MAIHTl!lll•HClf dU SllCI(. MAIONl'I', tic.. t.!M IUllHl!IJ SIA\11(11 "''' •UtLlllllS Ull l:ATllll!N• "" ClllN.TMAl'tlHG d• CAll,llNTllllNO .., .. Cl:M•llt, c:.wrw. ... CHILD CAii•, Lie..... Mlt CONTllACTOltt '"' C'AP'llT CL•AHINe MU CAtPtt LAYING I llPAll. MJ• OU.P'•IU!I MJI OEMOl.ITlC»ll M !rl OllAFl'IHI ltl\llCI flUI l!l.llCTlllCAL l~ -l!QUIP'Mtllf lttNTALI :; UH Pl!HCIH• • MM ...... -l'UllHACI ltllP'•tlll. ltc, ...,_ P'UltHITUllt lll!ITOAlll• I ltllP'UUllllNO Mn •AllOl!NUtO 6Mf OlllllltAL Sl!ltVICllS '6ll GltAOIM .. OISCIH• ffH OU.II "'91 OR•tlf TMUMI ,.,. OUN SHOP' 1111 HEALTH CLUAI •nt HAULIH• •nt HOUl•CL.AHINO 11H IHTl!ll~ o•COIATlll• •m INCOMO TAX U• lltOlol, Onlfnlllt ... •1-. •1H 110111110 ., ... 11111.!UflN• 1161 IHSUIAllCI! tnt lllVl!STIGATIHO. Otfectl'll IJll 'AHITOlllAL 11'11 ,.WtL•'I' ltl'P'AI .. lie. '* UNDSCAP'IH• &rlt LOCKSMITH ...,. MAtotlltYt lltfCK flM MOVIN• a STOllAGI &Ml l'AINTtHG, P'~ti.t. UM P'AINTUIO. SI... H11 P'ATtOI ""' P'HOT(IOltAP'HY •Pt P'LAITllllHlilo P'1I~ ll1Pllr .... P'LUMllHG "" f'ET GllOOMIH• ,,.. P'()(IL Sl'IVICE ltll l'OWElt sw••P'•H• •U P'UMJ' lllVICI fftt R.OOf' ING 4tft llAOIO, llMln. •Ir. 1t• ltEMOOl!LING A llt:P'Atll tMf HMOO•LINe, klTCN•fllS 1M kl ..... Sii•..,. '"' ll!WIHG llH SEWING MACMIHI ltt:,AlltS •Nl Sl!P'TIC TAHICS. s.-a, lie. ll'le TAILOltlNG tm Tl!llAUT• CONTAOL tm TtLf,. Ctnlftk "" TILt. L""'-& ~ lf1J Tltlll SEAVICI! ,,. TELllYlllON, .... ,.. lfC. ... UP'HOLJTUY "" WtLDIHG "" JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT JOI WAllTtO. ....... 1'llf Joa WANTl!O • .,._ ,.,. JOI WMTl!D, MEii & WOMEN H)f SCHOOU & IHSTAUCTIOM 71M JOI P'JlliPAU.TIOll 1tM THEATllllO.l. 1'tl MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE P'U1tlllTU1t• .... OP:l'ICI: P'UINnua• 1111 01',ICE 110\llPMtllT 1111 STOA• OOUlP'MtHT •U CAP'I!, ltl!ITAUUMT ltH IAI I OUIPM•HT MU KOUllfHOl.O Goe.OS Ifft OAltAO• SAl.E tm P'UltlllTUllt AUCTION 1121 AP'l'l.IANCU l lM AHTIOUIJI 1111 SEWJ HO MACHINES IUt MUSICAL INSTllUMENT t lU f'IAHOS I ORGANS IUt ltAOIO l lM Ttl.l!VISIOl't 1tM '111·1'1 I STl!llO .,II TAP'li ••coaot1s 11tt CAMEIAS & tOUIJ'MEHT Utt HOllY SUll'P'LllJS .... SP'OITINO COOOI UM tlNOCUl..AltS. JCOPll UM MIKtLLAHl!OUS N M MISC. WAN'Tl!O NU MACHINl!lt'I'. ltt. 11M l.UMll!A 1151 5TOIAGE rns tUll.DINO MATtlllALS l'W SWAP'S '"' PETS and LIVESTOCK PETS. GllHlllAL llM CATI llJI DOGS IHI HOltlll Ull Ll\l•I TOCI: 1M1 CALIFORNIA LIVING 11u111••••• 1111 IWIMMIHO roou --· PATIOS 1111 AWNINGS 1tM 'f'M:ATIOHS ttll TRANSPORTATION IOATS & YA::HTI "°' IAILIOATS t f)I 1>0w1:• cau11e1s "" I Pl!l'O-S1t1 IOATS M l:OAT TltA!LlltS •"ti aOJT MAINTllNANCI! tUJ IOAT LAUNCHING ff)I MUIH• IOUIP'. .._ IOAT SLIP', MOOAINO ,.,, llO#T llll'f'tCt:I ta1 tOAT ltlNTALS ft» IOAT (HAttTt:ll .. ,, PISMIMO l(IA'1 .... IOAT MOVING "'' IOAT STOltAOe tlfl tOJll WAHTtO ffiM AlllC•Al'T '1ft ,l.YIHlll LESSONS •!ft MOlll.I NOMll ,,. MOT(IJt llOMtl f!U llCYCLI'' f'l2t l!LlfCl••c CAltS n• MINI lllCIS .. --·-nn MOTOtCVCLIS ,_ MOT(lltSCOOTl'lll lat AVTO ll!lt\ltCl'I l PAllTS t• AUTO TOOL.I A l:OUIP, f41t TltAILflt, Tl.AVE!. t4JJ TllAILlltS, llllHly t UI RUCKI tS• Jl!l!f'S •stt CAM•l!IJ t'11t CAMP'l:!t ltlNTALS •sn OUHll IUGOltS tJJS PMPOltllO _,UTOS ... lllOltT CAii ••11 ANTIOUIJS, CUISICI t•lf ll'•Ct CAllS, 11001 tttt AUTO IJ'll!lllS t'!t AUTOS WANTtO ''" lllW CAii t• .1.UTO l.•AUH• t l!I usro c.t.as ,... -----~-~--~------~---~--------·---·~--HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME L~ TEL Y? , ' --·---• .i. r_,ay, s.,t""btr 2', 1'169 DAJ1. Y ,,lGt MERCHANDISE FOR FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOln'A.TION TRANSl'OllTATIOH TRANSPORTATION TRANSJ'ORTATl~~r~RA~'N~Sl'O~lt~Ah<!~::i:r~~~~~~~ SALi! AND TRAD! $~ !kl BOits W3Q Motorcycl" 9300 lmportod A1ot-. 96114 lmport..t Aufo1 MGO Auto LNalne 9110 u..t ~ . , 9'CIG linif,,CMI Mloc. w •• w 1610 '._.~~u,! ':" ~='=8ULF STREAM ' DATSUN .. TOYOTA LEASE. R•H'I'• cONTl!if!l!AI:, s WE BUY s = t'a1I "~s,; 1., ,. . ai ..., .. DATSUN • • d•°"' nm fllTDRS oRo•:om• 'Ir ~OOl.lf =:"'~. $ FURNITURE • i~\kl,!h'~;:. 12lt1,1'."Mor1. Cr~l .. r ~:,;. = blll,I. FJ:' IARLllst Jlr, lllo!;'e ft APPLIANCES ftUil l!ill! hom•. "6-86611 1nbNr4 -Ovf~llN TnYllTA DELIVlllY 0 c.1 .. TV......,.,.,_5,,_ • Oolllit Dn,,.. c.M. Roady for the water"""' ENGLISH • FOID ..:t• ••• All ••• ~~ ......_ ~ • COIYAll 1 ,._.., ....._,. STcar.2rli now. All the equip, Ind. e LU&at telecltfon ot a 11 ,_,,._ leu.laii J":!~'f,...,....::;::;:;::;:;:;::__ CQH IN !I 11!"11111 • I P...,..uus puppleo, 5 w... campus IU• •"''""''" mod.... aobl. !tom tht Gel Otlr ~H~ ·~ .... CORVAI*' • 541-4531 ·• ~~ov:"'~F~ ~!ull.o.:~PTY !969 175 H ~~~'l.'e~~~ Jaro<ol-dealer. 11l11•1g· ftod.lltllllft~olll;llW WE PAY CASH I.qi<&!. .,..,rw MS.till mileo, ' o(..... l'ORD DEALER . :;:~g.,-00~ ·~1!t~. ~-.---~ FOlil •-•~; 11"'-nlt, u .-:: ' ' ,..,... lllol """"' prl Pl>'· S 0 LES SERVICE ·-0~-· -••• ,... CASK -•;;;o111;;;s,1l ,l'.U!; ~i -it c.11-·-A '69MoDELS Wt11m;;;....""Pll.IH-33:l2 Colla M-"2<l0l0130>Mlr0onvt.Runowdl. WE .PAY I &u1, itiJ.!oo~ .,. ~~·-~!:t.t..!iMX jj lc'uftiblu lmmodlal&dtll-swr ...... v~ .,, LIASE,,. Gd~=" . .I iWJ -!iiiiilt& In the' an Let uo --t •-• lnd. l.AltGE SELECTIOll IU. u~ I. 'It c.dlJloc CotU>< de Ville,I==~;;=;:=:,~:;:;== I • NOT CllMlta . oat. vet-~ 2 monU>s ,.... boalti.. new 1 ... job ... ~ 111• btlme • llteo.... 111 . lllllY eQllippod.1111.mo I CORY For GOOD-··uSiD Gld.-· 9123 "" small). We .... sell ·~ ·--·~ ROIJNf PORD -~IOIVJOl;rW '61tord,10p&1Utatlllow11-• r:ur: F~lllT, Stere'o, TV 01 ilJLE. ~= bed ll/23 ~i:k.au isuppUes. Open 7 '':!~~t· ~ 'tiu:: 2050 ffuW Blvd. l--rlftlraLli' Oll. ~f"C.:i:'#oomo· '65 CORVETTE 396. Red ffousehokl Item1 ot all)' kind. WIND AN' SEA 5:3o p.m., 912-n&T a.la.... 80ClG10 Hunt ... tch 147-1515 SOUTH COAST • ~nvert. Hdtp. lmmac, nblt e 547,5722 e 4 °"'""" 0ge, otripp00 kit· 1137 .... ,io, '66 HONDA~ SmlN,Qf(loutRwY.ooBdt CAR L&AllNO ~ $2S9$ °'boot otter. *WANTED* ,'::;,:.:.:~. rema1c.';: ea.ta M..._ ...._1007 c=.,~ .. IAll VOLH 300~W~,~Clt~H!:wy'.::•:2N~B~rllWUl~~I*'=;;;;;;,;=;::;=:;== Fumilure -Appliance, Budrnell Road. CM 9/25 BOii Molntenanco 9033 ·6"BMw tlOOtc MO:'iiiU li'. •llWI 'tlCWAGEN UIOd Cira '900 COUGAR °""'TV'•. ste...,•s. ou. PETS ond LIVESTOCK Ir FIOO'tl"' beat• en,,,;. """"'°'•$985. • No-1-9 Lid. °" '64 VOLKS '68 SPOllTI "'411>, 13,100 •• COUGAR. -. Radio,• ice Equip • Tools • etc. -· -mooririg 110 hp Volvo stern ~-. lll(t ClllO'I tD1Y eu~ mL, air. ,..,.., WQ1t top. Top alt, extras, See at Reed.I TOP CASH in 30 mlnutes Pth, General 8800 dtive, s/s radio, bait ·tanks, liiil HONIMtiiJI ••, ilft: ':1u:~;'ERvxC£.PUTS Bui. % dr led., 4 spd, dlr, coadJUOO. ........ • ="'X 2lm W. ~ * 531-1212 * SIAMESE KITTENS ns etc, Xlnl oond. Gd. ski boat. l!llf Yamabti tftll II. ' SlOO W Coast H ~.·. ~~ ...!!..,tchoollo ... ~ 13 ~-... --~ ...... IW ;_~Gn 11_ ' -n RESTAURANT cwners chefs l0688 Lehmbardt FV On shore mooring Balboa $lDO. • 50-9509 N~ Beach"• .... ~ ..., .. ,,. .. ,........ z""'"q --.. ,w ·11 u.ou ....... "'' ··~~ le dishwashers. I buy no 10 *531-9116* Is.I, No. Bay n4-6&2899 61' .Honda Z).) Chopptr wltll "2·~ M0-118' menta. WIU tint priv party. YOO'R Cl:IOICPJ.·U.· ,W/)natcl1~i\ il'lteriqr, .f.U.to, cans or l pl cans. Call l'1% Otrl'BOARD c a b j n H.D. parts. 1ttvMttd $1500. Authorized Ferrari Deller PHT62&LB, c.a11 Phil. 4U9Tl3 9 5a4-S290 I :>f/h, •te'reo tape, nw tltti,, 6112-S2'49 cruiser, sleeps 1, gluaed up llf.ake Ofter! 5t8"40fl\. or ~. prtvat~ prty. 613-J68S. WANTED: Beys 26" bike. ~I• 8'20 to u.. water 11ne, w/lnJ!er, FIAT '82 'vw-I ' IUIC:K •ii rou<lAR XR7. Xlnt Good runnlng cond. Call SEALPOlNT Siamese kit-both licensed. NO MCYI'OR. Trailer, Tr,.vel 9425 US cond. Stereo, ltbr. seati. after 6 P~f. 546-7817 tens. Medicine Lake + $245. 494-2189 &fttr 6 PM ,...,., .,... t'>&-ball, -". -· BEAT Inflation! 68 Flat &50 BUIQC No. 211. HI 1 many more extras. "2-&&2 -~ , •• -New '°'""· ,.bit trans. di!! ....,UW.,! NEED brickll one to 1000, De.blin lines. Sbow quality. ll' J)wens wtaS hp ~ tained, sips 6, xtnt cond. Cpe $100 under Blue Book. C&mllll' tQ\dptntflt. 8mau ~AINI reasonably prloed. &K-468'7 C.F.A.·shobl. 842-mlo ent .. lge whl trlr. skiing Paid sm>, · wtlJ. aen tor Loads of Xtras! s.tS-TI.2? down, take trldt. J..IZGIOL,8, IG-DI After 8 PM equip. Good ooncl. $1395 $2900. 542-04&4 or aee at: Call Roy Phone 41WnJ · 8825 548-2631 l062 P!a«ntli: c.M. JAGUAR -. ' "' 'i ailldi llh>llro iii, ilZ: '67 DODGE DA~T 14'6" GLASPAR. 7 5 }Ip-MAC'Ul..AT!:, k,ided. White with vln,yt top, air~ GER!o.fAN SHEPHERD Ev' d t ,......,,. •51 JAG 3.t •~. < ~ • '&8 vw $11?$. ...at dltionin&. auto, trans., pow. PUPS UlMJ e moor, U\NU co~ T kt ¥500 o:J<:U .. .,.. ... HUSKY And Chow mix pup. *7 weeka old.* dition $625. ~158 rue overdrive .. Xlnt ens: 6 M BUICK '81!1 AMera. IAoc.or)' er ateerlnc, radio and heater. pies, 6 weeks old. Very can 83S-S944 FIBERGLASS boat repairs, '67 DODGE Sportsman 108. nln& iev. &U-4119 Ai1' condltiontr, 4 spd, dlr, air, tun pwr, alrrt crmd. let Must sell. $1795. 35,000 orig-fri~ndly and love to pl~ ,,A_.. · JG G ,._ V-8 & 3 .,A_ •<><x1o1t loaded! Robey crJam at.. to apprtef Sl4l5. OM4f1t ina_l . miles, Call 637~ • DODGE Dogs FREE TO YOU :•1 MUSTANG S1Zt5 I H,nUop. VI, 4 ,, .... , t•· cflo, h••l•r. whit• •ill• will f titM. MDM6J6 .. ------..... ~ .. 11 . '67 CAMERO Sl "S: J Co11p•. lit "111,. VI,~ r•di•, lio•fft, p•w•f ttMj-~ YCKlot. '67 om Slat k.d•tt. 4 $p•N. hNt. ' Hu"'t' .,. thi1 0110. ll UOlM44. 'H MElCUlY S1'9 , C:.,,,et. H•tdtop. 4 1,...I: h••f.er, w1w. Oirty 700 •4~ tu•I fllll••· YXW7t5. f --------'H FORD $12'$; f•lc:o11 St•. w•t· VI, •••• • pow•r 1tofrln9, 1Jr cold. ...,w ·1;,-.1. SUZ4SJ. . . ''H FOlD with little children, Come WlUPPET Pups, c b • m P (:;."~·aft· 6 ·~"' Others 8 ':' ~ts. f;;: KARMANN GHIA plu&b black ~t. Take amaU '6.5 BUJCK. It biut oonvt· Original owner. and see at 873 Towne St., or sired, AKC reg. Top racing K to M,.._.-845 n-•-down or trade. LQw, low LeSabre • -· lltllt ..... ., C.11..ttv· Sq11ir.._ VI, •'Ito, call ~·· -9/23 stock. Martinc:reat Kenncls 1961 16' Gla.stron, 50 h.p. us m .._.. .-..ci· .. vu~ & ~.. ·~ FALCON t•cflo, ho•t.r, .. W.t .... ,. ~• 546--0989 Mercury. Xlnt cond. $1495. St.,CM,541)..S91S(Auth.I.H. 2-'59. KARMANN Ghtas. pymn . nz........._ • ....u Nlcdy7t11M:t~ '".'.::-::"."."::-----llf1cto,., •ir. R6U147. NEED gd home fenod yd fO!' Call 673-2259 Dealer) Cood tl'MBportation Cll"S or Ken 494-9'173 or 54&0634. -~ • r 1965 FALCON }•·tura HT lovab'' Beagl./ .. ~e 1 BEAUTIFUL Shepherd & , • ...,, material. $115 l "50. '65 VW. % iloor, < .~. C 6 DILLAC • oc.•• r. Lab mix puppies, fabulous 15' HoNon Ski boat 80 HP 641 NT ERNA TI 0 NA L Phone &t.>2621. radio, heater, beau~ "' coupe, Ooe owner. Auto mos. loves car rides, ~ d'........ilion .,,,, 531)..2)91 Mere. . New trailer. $1250. Travelall, aood ~-Must '68 CADILLAC El Dorado, 18 trans, V-8, P/S. XNLT pet, older children. "'t"">' .,..,. 6U-99l? aft 4 PM sen. See Mgr. Aloha Trailer and sba.rp, RUM 140, SJOOS; nd S1400 673-78S .,._J818 9/2% FEMALE BEAGLE Parl<, 132 W. Wlson, C.M,, MERCEDES IENZ Cart'• Motor C». foe., 19<1 m0$. •Uice purcbaaed now, I,"'==' ;,=·=:::;;;:;I== FREEi 6 weeks, $30 or call 548-9577 Harbor, C.M., ~. 28,l'W mi. Xlnt condition, FO cute loveable kittens. 11.ll siz.-* 962-1547 * Marin• Equip. 9035 1946 FORD % ton P.U. NeW '65 vw BUS. 1500 rebuilt ~mph!t!n ~~sioPr~~ p.m':· RD es &. colors. Black &. while, ~-A·POO Pups· Cham-ONE factory re-built (never 390 Jo'on! engine, a.uto tran:i, ::!';• .,;;:,.» ~. :-:~ ~ or aft 6, l13: 62 Ford Elr. cond. 3 apd tabbies, etc. p)Ofl Cocker 1ather, 7 weeks ) Ge •1 Mtrs s.-n model clean body ~ lnter\Qr, $475. J.ldl It. N~ le&Ch. or m..mi New brakes, new tires, * Call 673-6434 * 912.l old. U> each. 548-«>08. ~ HNG ngrey marlne die»el 646-2813 , Call.t1'S-1* '67 CAD. Std. DeVillt. Full = ... ~. • d I• t b ' CUTE While &: gray le~e NORWEGIAN Elk Hound-' engine. Complete w/twiq.-'56 FORD, 1 T, Dat bed rm i1w.: rm .,,,,,,, tact. air. AU &eceQ, "wui 2:30-&; call kitten. 10 weeks old._ Will mo.s., shots .t: papen. disc reduction gear 2:1 w/tool boxel "s~ equip. -YW ..... New.--1'lot. •tetw. t-Owner. Lo 54&-029l ask for John have ,tD ~ to sleep if she ~7669 aft 5: 30 ntlo. For further details, Dual •hl.s. xlnt oond. $350. = .wt';.:1~ ~ Ml ~t cond. s 4 1 4 9 $. '66 FORD Co Squirt, 9 pus. doesnt find a ~ome .DAO:lStWNJ> pUPPies. Wack calJP_. Sutton (213} 626-9301 673-75(5 ~l<l, ~ .111M1Sl• 8 tt>SP.M. pa, pb,. pWr windows.A door &l2--6'189 9122 & tan; Red. AKC reg, weekday£. or (TI.f.) Sf6...-0l38 '62 Ford % T. PU, good 19fD ierc;a; ii: CGJU1t a 'i BROUGHAM, Jocb. bi& motor, air cond., BLACK Poodle male. Large Champsired.6#-{122'1. weekends. cond., w/lO camp shell. new tires.' tTIO fl••· i!!J'WllOOI ,...,.. fire m.ist...b uT" AM/FM rad1o, lo ml., like miniature. AKC. Has shots SILKY TelTiers: beaut AKC GRAY MARINE $650. '65 Honda 00. $135. 6Q...M52 ewa. ~· tual ml. ~ Pt;y, $5~ nrw. ~.or offer. 540-9251 ancf papers. 9 ?1os; old. T!) champ stock, 8 wk. pUP!-Two 427 cu In. 200 hp, 6 ?°I ~ 642--&'i98 J9Ei8 MERCfiS~ 2iO .. f ..,.4111.. Aile~ DON scs.-8836 • 1960 Ford Ga1axie. R/H, PIS. good home 64;J-14:i6 art1 6 Terms. (2l3) 4~5992 gas E"ng. Hydro reverse. 21W· '&a CHEVY 'ii Ton PtelJ Up, Auto A" + +I Ex. CIOM lfVW, ~[•I'll·• ,61 CADILLAC Sedan de alr-eond. Exctllent. $560.. pm. 9 2.5 AKC "·-·• She"hn,..... 1 red. Xlnt c:ond. $300 ea. 6 t g· Flfftaklt -Alt · u-. ' nt wbaft...,.f~·---tor Aft T le wknd.t 9G002 ~ ......... , ~··"ua Can~ dem ons trated. cy' ~ ••-· &G-OC45 aft $:3q. ..: A UNrSUOO. ....aaa . VWe. Leather, pnwtt. 22,QCXI '69 ~ao r" ·--lm~:U:. Great Dai:ie 5 11 Month!. 1 Male, l female 548--3414 or 642·~. 5, ....,.. 1963 100. Pli'VA'fi °%l:; >a VW -Oood -.. ~!;.,.Private party. '4695. :.~, .. i-~ -l male i,~ Lab, ~.; 54G-7!t36 '66 Chevy \\ TOi1 PLik Vp. Alvl/FM, ntW ......._ L-1!'--....,. _.... •....Y ~ _..,.. Pointer 1}1 yrs o Id •&t.--. 4ltSoa. f11JU Ort atfez' • 53"6290 'It bsebroken. 645-2565 9/Z? MoDil• Home1 9200 $900 or --= OYlf PQ1:DIJrtl. oiler. 842-3967 al*' 5 ~m. ~ ~ ' '81 CAD FLEETWOOD ·"'°"=-=--,.,,,,.,,---, 1HonM 8830 1'13-Xl< alt ' pm. · , . __ , BROUGHAM. 2 !WI Manx kittens no:ed BAY HARBOR 'ii diNY 11'Ton M• 'iVWtad. w/ll1lllnt. lliollmllal -MUSTANG low, good home. {\Vhole l~i YR OLD FILLY Mobile Hom. Sliltt PICK UP Ml. .Ponobe l'lml. X1at ===---.;;;.;;;:1--------- f am i I y des er l ed I $300. ~trained. Casa Loma Rall • Away • $750. GlS-13$ $15-30fC MG oand. $USO. NN1ll CAMAIO 67 M1111:anc 5411-1!46 9123 Sheraton M~ -Homette • ,,., rtn:'t.rv ,,_ ..... 1,...,.. "-I Sal StPltclt Pl.rel 'IS VW ~Mdr Good Droe,. ollan. tUdr lhltt. CATS •n ki"· h If \VELSHApoloosa.Jyr. Mare. Kit p tig "'A '"--'" "'"""'"".1. 71 _., --es, 1 .... ~ ""--t _!..:,, ..... %2t CAM.ARO, m.•r•. ndlO, hut«. buc~et1 , Siamese, manx:~~w/l~ng Gentle. All tack 1.:. saddle. • ~L ~1ZJ:"';...,. OYerloads, step bumper, Immediate Dtllvay, ;.;;;,-6"-16: u.H.MI...,. GoodYNt F-60xlS. pupt, whit.e walla DLR. Lie. TR.ff tail,,3 tabby. 1 tb0maai11a Ir $300. 833-1149 NOW ON DISPLAY $1500 546-8776 All Models $2800. See at 129 44th st, 690. '11.95. PhOne 60-«m =· :=~ MO,,::: s:, ·== u:. bi Id ~~ks~;,~~=-J~e 9510 l~:w~ = 7 com .. :·= ur. R.S. PIS ·~u:.uii~; ~~t .~hoe~ 'IS OLDS $149 Vlda Cruis.,. t pt11. w•.-.- VI, •wlo, f•c:f •ir, PS, Pl, r•4io, h••f•r. li4. VTUSJS' ·u ~·v ·suts Cvtl•llf e1T, f cir. H.T, Vt, 'tllt., f•..-V air, PS.' Pl, ~ .. .h. licoo111i r_s_A_••_•'.·-~---·,·1~1. ''7 FAlllLAllE $1ff5• 2 Dr. H.T. VI, •111• tr1111 \ ,$, r•dio, li••f•r, whit .. ' •• n •1,."' urs111. 'H FOlD $ff5' 6•1•-.i• SOD. 4 Dr. Sotl. VI,' 111t•, PS, , • ..ir.. IM•t•r, whitow•U tit••· SY12DJ. -l . , . 'H FALCON $7H' '' 2 0,., VI, .ti&}r; r•di•, hNt- er. •••I tll•r~ NG0l6f. '61 MUS'fANi. $11'51 Cefrit. A ... , "· •ll:IH, lfl•t wbl1, lllf•ri•t cl•cor. 9rov1f. ~ Lie. NOY,tt. • .. , ••1 FOllD Sitts Need good bome for 4 dad-~ Coll& Meaa <n•> $404470 *FOR A sPtCI AL R.H. Auto. 28f Knox st. CM mere 018 .. $1XC. BU7 both ~~~11~ tWioa t,~ Ll ... IMk IMO lnO~~N.\'!,~ll ,!A~ '6% Scotlt I'="'~. 11'1 aiqo w. c...t H..,-, N.a ·~~~~-.Good 645- 291110""' Will trade. .; ::.:..n w/blk 1 <AOORABLEkit-no:eda "'.,., """"' ._ &t1ult dul>' um. ..... N11d1 Ml'* •• ~~~ • CHEVROLET ,,.,1 ""'· V-8. ••to trana, ll--cou"•~ .... , : -· IT'S FUN TO BOARD f:; Xodtlt Ii -ef11o1 underltand'-JUll ult IM "'·lbon•ed MG ~~~1M '!6 vw """· Sunroof, xl"t p/" Rd eond, 1o mi "95 ·p WA~ .,.., • lt•114Jt ••t• VI ,•o••· f4ct, •ir, PS, ,, .. \iltt•to r•i&k.· Lie. TYO 02. -" ... hOme. ~·--~ are 1r1.7 y ~ TALLY HO ·•--lul. M ....,an:T .,.._ ---.. """' T ~ , I • slriped .._ ...S T -our ·--at 114 ot Put>. (Jpltl t All !ad> -.-0:''" • ='--•·~· -· op ,66 IMPALA 6'!3-lo547 H.T. vt, HH, •S. p • .n,, • I Old .... ·1-. .,. rARM, I. BIN stalls $51 per to.,,., . ·IO-el't, • ...... .. • '.. MGI cond. (9f..25«) "·~="rr-=----1tr ..... '•c:t ••r, ,.,.W, ..-irr,I ~ '" " -· u--1 .... ,;a,... ........;..i. .-n • 2 ~r •-~-V • •ti-'· 6S M1J ANG, xJnt colld. t "It ' I USOJ7l ' " ~ .. _ -....... "u CWTWll ACtllN1' ..-~ · '65 VW le '65 Karmann Ghia ~ • ™"'...,.,, -o, ~ RaIJ,y ..i..i. 4 pd 289 op, " w " • • BEAUTtroL PlaylU1 .,._ .-~ .... AutomaUc Wl· HOME W.111 c.-, < fnt 'If uQI •--·--both xlnt eoo>d. Be<t .u... lhllt. dlr., r&b, owned by ~ ' • • V-8. 1--------I kitttn. hOUlebricn. J monOW ttr, Md &. de~ ~+ l'llO Whll'tltr Avt, ;.;:..:;;.s-.~~ ='r .......,.l.O::r. WU. Prv prty 5'9-CIOlO llltle 'oJe local po~man. mW olb!r. 115-7131 '65 FORD $895 ! old, '' lovinr -on!)'. '111 · &Olff liJlllt.d ot<na, Coota lrell T1C1 Q '• VW. lllttidtal c.n.pw, J161!. Plro111r. xlnl ' Hu bad 1ovinr can. Oean. 531-9945 w tN.inblc tlllr. River trail IC. a -Must • llftmld, ..... I;& Ml. $1600. ff7..J868 < '69 vw. all extru, like new. ltl1kie a cut. $1299 run price. OLDSMOBILE 6.1 ... 10 100. Coft... VI, ~i CUTE and cw5dly a&bli ~ -Dpert EnsUM I ..-AIH FOR Y -tor 0--.. Orie ooit lit flifui. Xlnt oond. $WI. 9000 Miles. $1950. 2U4~ w. RFH582LB. After 11 AM, ,...,,_., HOLIDAY< door l.~o·u~lif~.•t.•,i119, R.lH. ; baby "'"'""· 6 ·-old. Westem lnsttucllon. Tally MOllLI HOMI l4000, 11111 ~,-llQllO, , * ..,,,..,,. * °"'"""""' Apl. 2IJ6 NB. '94-6773 or 54>®4. -'power •.I 54.9-0046 9122 Ho Famui, l'DU Ntwhope, tt.lcll. ltl •· vw 1965 Bua-only 24,000 mi. steering, bra.ka, alr cond. f'ountaln Valley ~9511 Prtvalt portr wan/SI a 40 or 'l'ICRtlf &iiPllt llltlli OPEL , Good moch. Body OK Need _'57 Chtv. 51•.;::J•· Top ooO>Cf!Uon inalde and out '65 FOlD $1295 ' \VELL behaved, I mOa 11 f•.auSfi()RTAflON W..r to be moved rt moutlon. eabobi 111 ..... t flot._.,t paint $195. 675-3493 Bei Air, 4 Dr, Very oond, $69a. ~1224 LTD 2 Dr. H.T. VI, •uh, f e m a I e d 6 I• d • _..,. talll lot. Strid delCf'lp ti, • ..., •" Re-built 2S3 engine, new tires, •68 C'UTLASS c,,.,_-... 350 f•i&t tir, rs, '•· rH1io a 't • w/children, natdt a COOd ... II I YKhh .._,. Driot I looatiOn to~ Wrf~ dl.JMCe. Oieapl 181-llOO '68 OPEL wagon, yellow. like new trans., power ateertna, l b .~.;-1 ti••f.,-, u,, ATAJ1S. ·.I home 893-8162 ~ YVW h P Ofi l>JilY POol '69 vw CAMPER. pop -up nu, sharp, l<rJ eD(ine. $lSE. VOLVO po'IVCl' brakes, auto tran&. enr. Pl P • _-, ... ny top, ~: FREE to you 2 PeruvI&; 'it CJ.Am-AR cit at t 0 ti. 'ii 10' :r 31 ROD l REEL root, tent, blue. l.ike new. Kustom Moton:, 16 Baker Must -to •WJ"fcla~. Rea,. $2600. or beat 831-3891 '" G-AL 500 ms '' I cavies. male A tema.i. (a Inboudoouttioud. 12) Mere. pu1I¥ fl&m ro· be roov· l.(iw mile&ge". 495-0f18 •St, Of. 54G-59l5 VOLVO aonabl,y prictd at "575. '65 F-85 CUTLASS Sprt Cpe. .. • kind OJ ~·-~-) wtth Cfouller wttb -~ A td. ~ . Can 347.7117 Full pwr, lo ml, id ttm, 4 Dr, S.d. VI, •uto, r•dito, I ', •• ,,. ~··-· ( 9SU POUCHE -·•t -~ 1·-I!.••,.._ f,,f. •it, .,;lilt• w•ll tir, .. "'"· 893-3111. 1111 ....... -1'1111 -· lidli tan<et !IC in 'NB bch """• Bun.. '66 O!EVROLET Caprice, ~· -· -· ~.. u .. SHK'11/ .. FEMALE A1Utnil&ll-:.::t .. ! ·~"11 ,1c.11m.tmn•.112w.P•· SUPIR MANX *''scONvEilT+ Da.EA"No.•••L ...... EWAl•S ~~:;;::::.,r: ... ~ PLYMOUTH dog, 5 mo. old, to eood owner KI 6-4444 ci6c C.t Hwy, NB Sp l'...f. ·-•fl·'-,_,_ Jant cond. All xtru. nu pnt. air conduio..1-. Abtlolutely'---------home. cau after 6 p.m. · Purpl~ me~--nn ... u. ..... M t 11 ,,.~,. ...... '"'QI; • · 433--6542 1181 .N IT. ()nTectt Craft Cablh Mini ll'kll 9275 Special Bill Thomas Orrvtlr •uP. l15 se · .,._ .... "' the cleanest one in town. '68 ROADRUNNER. V-8. 4 !-"""'=~_,.-.,..,. __ -:I CruJlt 116 HP cruiJt at I) engine. 'fl PORSCHE, everytllina 1966 Harbor, C.~f. 646-93ro Jim Slemons Mercedes spd, dble 11harp c ar , 8 K'ITENS. A: a l t • r' d RPM. Tip top cond. ruu, MIMI • bllte With skJe -car $1695 perfect le all mechanically Autos W•nt.d 9700 Benz, 13) w. Warner, Santa metallic green, map. $2295. female cat. Fl'te to aood equJJPld. In water "°"'' ltrtet...i..,a1 with motorcy· .IAMIS a. TD reblL $22i0. 8.f'l-2022 Ana, 54D-W4 Kustom Motors. 84& Baker ~~Kitten• just \Ye~ Must 1111. Call lfttt ! p.m. cl1 cna. 121!0. 54&-U 1584 Ntwport Blvd. fU.OQtO FORSCHE 14 SC Cpe. Orlr. WE PAY • • • CHEVY '67 Caprice 2 DR St .. CM. 54G-59l5 ~ SANDrr ft11nJ bike, J hp, BODIES $140 & up Owner. Tot.al reblt 67. c SH landau Hdtp. P/a, P/b, l'o MIN -" • l'o lhua •et Ii n w11fuiill • 116 hp B&F ..,. ....,,t •'haul. Roll ,.,., 112. Buck>< ... ia 645--0445 a11 s::tl. A R/H. facto"' arr. $211\5. PONTIAC . ~~= r:::·t!;~~ri;s Chr>'tltr o.b. *' br1 cm both. IT~. 64Z-lt92. $12. UphOlBtered OJwn $11 '68 PORSCHE'!U. Xlnt dlnd. 494-5324 eves. 196? }S()Fl1TAf BOiineVUie 2 9/25 Cotnpltte. xlm: mM. tJ.600. IS Y'OiJR AD IN CLASm· Skid plates $12. Chrome $500). '65 Malibu, 3 speed, excellent Dr. BZ1.te wtlvoey landau . ~. 173-UCK). FJED! Sornaone wUl bl bumpers $9. 01rorne roll * 642-tJ.5' * tor ued•can A trueb 1lllf cond. Very lo mOeqe, new top. By orie owner, 2%,cn> NICE oomii:onent Hi·Fl ftte 3.1' TS Eiqnu, NJow mktl ~ tot ll Dial ta-6111 ba' 122. Wlndsb11ld1 SU. call m tor free etlmate. equipment. 962-9663 miles; Like new tires, AM· to non--profit group. 673-3238 31' Dies@! Ketch, arodoul:! Phone Wt& AM, M'T-4119 SPRITE GROJH OIYROlfJ '62 Impe.la 4 dr. aiM:Ond, FM stereo, P/b, _P/s, P/w, alter 5 pm. . 9125 Pacific Yacht Sales 673-1570 MOTOR HOMES 9215 -auto. trans. Attract l v e & WI,)' power seatt, Wt &tr( 2 FREE metal cabinets 82" Imported Autot HOO 1llD SPRITE. UJob aood A Aa fl:lr 9a1e1 Mana;er price. 675--4310 whl, tac 'air, very clean,. x 46" x 34". You haul Wes r-Ubolts $2395. 6<2--080< """"" 547-3906, 9122 -AUSTIN HEALEY ......... 11 11311 Bnrll Bhd, '6%. Dr. Chevy 1mpa!L P/1, . . lT O'DAY Dayq.iler '500 * 49WD> ~bi a.di P/b. Radlal tire& Xlnt '68 GRAND PRIX TORTOISE 1bell kitten, 6 Jnmo $l750 _ Used $13SO JQ t&Ul cond. $650 IWS--%654 Full power, air, prt pty ~.old. J;l5 Gary, ~~ 14, O'O.y ........ ISOI) AUSTIN AMERICA . TIJUMPH WE PAY CASH 'II; Chevy Impala% Dr. Good "195 • 615-<%51 1 _-_SiilliiiOS.:0--ll!F:;':un~Zo~ne~Boa~t;;Co~.~Bal~boa~I Sires, Servk'.le, Pull d)ncl. Auto. v..a. im. MOVING. mUAt aeU, 1986 I STIJDIO BED WEST WHITE POTI'ER NO. Immediate Delivery '65 SPR·ITE (AR &71)...65'18 Pontiac Catalina, xlnt cood. 9'1--5549 9/2> 184. 2 bunk1" otbrd, trlr, All Model• FOR YOIJR '55 CllEV-6 cyla. llOOO. ll3l>-3900 I==="'"'-;;"'°':--:=; I read¥ to sail. 1110 O. llu whlic, ltallan IWd tnt., CONNIU Stick, Oe•"· F.P. $115 '6% TEMPESr Sat W11. BEAUTIFUL Black c • t Al-1111. He 'D"UIRTEllS ... -.,., dk, lccallr CWJted, • 548-SC e $300. Call atier, 6 PM Aband<med, anJ taJcen. Call :r. 1 , .,. " ' ZX..Ueot otJnd. !(&Ill ofltt CHMO' _.. 64t;<IJ.14 .,. •• ...,,,. ''" IMI"' oout I dllpttl.1111 " 1.51 '63 CA.MARO 32'T R.S, P/S.f===,..,.:;:::::::;._=-11 .,...,....,.,.. Mtd I NA.IH 1111 ftl' '2 FOR or·small doWb, will ul'JC PfYI RIH. Auto. 2h Knox St., CM '63 PONTIAC, aood condition 10-11 lofo old male tc. mlnla-J'OOT A LB AT RO SS. ...._ _ _. R NB prty, NRZ9&8, CaD Jtbill ~ =--~ 645-2991 tve•. WW trade. tmwut. $500, bl k ~ v l!IDTDRHDMr• 31oow . ...-u• wy.. • • 49'-9173 or Y!L.M.U. -~ .,._..-..... oure ac ,......e. '"' ... -.. -541H1M = lllti5 3 DR Olevelle, Station C.U 6'2-9721 u... 536-9'l58 ll'l2 PFllQUJN iillbiii tlkl Aorth>rize<I MG Dealer e'67 TRAN-DI& Price WI '1iY '1'.0P W11on. Radio. 8lf6eno1ne.I====""'==== DOG. Mo<Oly -~ w/1111 • tnlllr. Top -dO'Batically ndllcod. i.... DOLLAR Auro traru<. $895. 962-3865 RAMBLER ma1e, ,.,.. ..... 1-. ....i dlt1on 1<J1. m-DATSUN tnr f" -... Mw • 11r *""'• --,.,., :ii""i:ii;i:;i;~;ii;;;;;;'-'v.;1--..:.;:~;;;.:;;;.:;__ I I 1'>m•. 615-2533 l/12 klTiil lio.'i1t tru. $1000. ltS'm8 Ill ma1otL ... Glcqt..., '61 ~ W11on. V-8. 1961 RAMBLER Fair '°"' MALE & F.,,,... OJliU&& Aqua BIOe. Xlttl-. '67 DATSUN =._ Tiffilijjijj Tli l _.. l!o!Mo l'c1'I 67,000 ,,.-Xlnt inatde ~ dltlon. 1125 ., . bat cflor. 10 kind. lovirc homes. ean * ..,,__ * • l(lOd .-n1111 • • H&rlllt Blvd. ="":<=1<95.~~-~~~!=J=-==~be~!m:~2~•m:·::=: II """"" 913! lti st. lid I• kl'iiOl'IAtl neuonabi. -o.x. eo-omo CHRY'LER DARK grey, illili ti)lf>, I I ...... l'ull ... " •Ila. • DR ~· • ""'· dlr, ·= '83 TR ... ""' !illiii; Wiii iay T·llRD weeks, Vtt1 · culf. NT•t $3100. * ~l · = will. ':crtfi:'P~ Jlberalass top, . ..,, a '67 CHRYSLO 1 --~-,,...=:--tm_. -1INTEllNAT'L 14 fiber 1laml dn. ilnC prvt prty. VGGf19. Reasonable, llS"*6f Your Volklnctn Of ponche 1961' T·BIRD, l owner. Im• Ado,..bl• Kitten traU.r. xlnt. Saerlllce 1195 t.a, call Phil, .,..9773 " TOYOT& • Pl11<111 ""'1.ltl, Paid for 2·DOOR HARDTOP m•c. eoO>Cf., low ml'•· Get· Unlque Markings 6ti-OU3 Oii llSPUY TR All JD 545-00.14. • ~ or nclt. Call fUJph V-3, automatic, tactoey d'. tine 1970 T-Bird. For quick Lovable 642-2<179 °'..,.. l.S u S&llboao. w/ DODGE "EXPLORER'" ORANGE COUNTY'I I! ;;: m-OiOO powu ·~· _.r .,... ,.,., llOO owr low """ 1.~u11r =:.~~"!.!.:-:: ""''· ~Dlf'.;. im. =:..:.:.y.:. DArsu't.°'Dbi.1111.· u,IOIYIOl 1@ 1:1' ~ ·::;,:i;fj.*· -= 1::i.~ .. Tr.lL :i;;;: ":';·.!2111tmoi ,._, CrulMn 902CI --DOT DATIUN 1111~ At W.'IWKAk'°'=ou . !f1M1 ~· .. ad1 "'·-.!4! Cl\ullOM If C.llfa _ a:w.~;~;.~:.: ~i:i:::.= DEAN LE111 II. ~~.:"':r-. •rLAS QUICK CASH i.ov/.iLi ~m1or. g """' .....v(bcll, -" t11r. aa.m .. -• uaa -c.11. ,...,_ 1111llUI' -• ~ • THIOU•H A all .... ITMJM-. l/?l ""°' -&iLY fllbji bua:t Ddll'f·hitWiln;;:--,,.. DAD.it m<!1. --rt.)'MOlml D_AILY PILOT FILL DIRT· Yuu HAUi. !i• FliiiL!iifi\ LIND. Tou <M .. tltom 0W. to fumllh ,_ ...... o.uiU!ed oeetlcn. Sa• t 2929 HARBOR BLVD. OOS.5.14' 9115 Sedan. V!Jl hp eomo!ettly Im Just ,,...,.., • d.,. lllaJ ••• Ond .,..., beys In b> "'°""'· -A elfcrt. Look COSl'A MESA M&-ll<M WANT--AD DAµ.Y P1LO'T \VANT ADS! f:Qulpflf.'d. $87S(), 673-6128. Pll.1'T' Oul1fled ad" da.y't Quaffled Adi, nowJ ! 1 _::ope:!:::·n:...::D•::U:<y_'::tllc.1:.:0'-'P::·m;;·;,.., -,t--------. ( . ''7 FORD C11tfe1!1 SOD 2 Dr. VI, ... t.. PS, r1dio, h••l•r. Lico .. • Ul11tS. 'U FOlD $1''5 Cou11hy s,.,.;,.. I 0 P••• .. V-1, •ulo., PS. Pl, RIH, l•tt•t• t•ck. UTI rts, 'M PLYM. $8'5 Sport Fttr'f'. VI, •1,1lo111•fft, r•1lio, 11 •••• ,. ,.w., ,...,. l"t• Uc:. OU571. 'HOLDS NS $1HS' Dit.!1111• 1 Dr, H.T. A11h, rffio, ~•et.r, PS, Pl, f•.t. •ir. ~ Sl:L7tO. 'U TORINO $1''5 J Or. f'.j.T. VI, tticlt 1htft, ••"o· h ....... ,.Jt..,. , .... ,. ior. Lie. ICSOOl. '65 f-llltD $12H VI, •ut-•ti-. r"llo, k.4 .. •l'l hill p~ '••tory ..... Uc.1Y1:Dn6. 'U DODGE $4H St•flo11 ••f· t I'••• .. •1,1 ... r•1lio; h••t.t, ,.wor. Uc. VUMM. 'U JolUSTANe $12H H,.T. l:fith ,_,fortt1•1tc:o YI, tfl,tk •lifft, ,.,1.. .. ..... Uc. lYAJ21. DUNTON FORD 2240 s. Main 546·7076 j, ; • < " ·I '' ~ii l'.I ! 1t ", , . -.I'~ /,. ' . ... • . . ,. ~ ;', " . •• ,, • ¥" j .. .~J. -~ . ' . ' I ;ii -~I i: : .. I ; '• ,,... • ' ,, • :J -·- r l ' ~ • . - 100.Cou... ....... '9c: ... 3:s1 EllYELOP£S . '. . . ·COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA VOL ONE VOL 4 • NOW AVAILUU ..._ ____ __.,__,,. ( • ---.l.-----·--~ --... ·~ .,, ...... ~ _,... . . ' . ' --· . -· -. • . . . 'NO ·tJAMPS • 10 GAMES• 110 GIMMICKS :• JUST PRICES EFFECEIVE • ' LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS 4-STAR ; SPECIALS .. .WED. 'iltRU Tl:I~~ SEPT.'24. 30. • >. ~ , , I , liASllllll QIW.ITY • l6'H & lliATY c , PA I ', I , \' ' :lb ·. IB uSo:\ ai0ta'.Oit.-""° ."T9llE!llll..., · • "' C· ·ROUND . . STEA-'' 1lb I ' • • ' USDA O!Old: Cit FAD "TIJUllU. • c .CHUCK~ ROAST lb UtDA C....._ • ., 9'•11 ..,...,~I 79· RUMP 'ROAST " PAllMI" '°"" • •ual! ,.. • MOWUilS • OUNC& •l"ACKA a 33 UNK SAUSAGE ·.• c Cl'"':"'.latH • l ·OL ,ACltAO& 29· C FISH CAKES ·-' · · PAMIL~ PAVplUTa 69' SOLE FIUET " . • ( . ' ' STORE HOURS . Dln.Y 1~ µl.Tq 9:00 P.M. !ATIJll).lY & SUNDAY 1o;oo·A.ill. TO 7,()Q P.M. SPf!INGflaD APPLE SAUBE GREAT Wllff POl:lt . 15 . NO. J03 CAN ' c SAVE Si: FA!i • l!Al8Y CHEESE IRW TAm' AHD M9M 1 ·ll; lOAP SAVE lOc 29c ~£NOST ICE CREAi fAMllY PAClt 59' ,ll GAUON SAVI 10c •\ SLICED-LUNCH M1 EATS 29C TAsrvNG;.·ENDiii'w•E.NERs 47•. CHW. iRlclcs'.aAGf 65° t-LS. PJICXA<Je e G~'t •POii SANOWIQ-IES ftft&. KRAFT : VELVEETA. 77- HuNGRv~JAcKHOT:ROLLS 38• voNsoN'voouitT 21° Eiiisil'iiFFis"'~ 29c iiciiONToiii'NERS 19c ' • ' • . . . . . . ... • ' . ' '"' """"°.__,.~I~,_,...._ n.. ....... ,.,..,_ h"9tloi, ..... hp ~eJ••· Veli., ..._ .... 0.-"'"°· 0.-.. C-Do.I~ 'llM, 19,.._a.., f:lr lfff.. ~ ._. ,o' ... ,,,,.. ..... ~ , .. , ,...,, ~ ........... ,,, ........ '-O.lrr4el¥'•"-11'"'-. , .. ,., ... , .... ~,-.... ..,._....,., , .... .._ .... ..........,..__._.U, 1 ... . . ' -STARTS WEDNESDAY Prieee Eff'eedYe Wedne1day, Seplember 24th thri Saturdo;., September~1tb Umlt<id Qunliti .. 1 Shop Early! • • ·- ,------------~------------------------------------, I iuEHA PAllC TA 8-4400, 521 --4530 El MONTE GI 3-3911 lOHG lfACH HE 5-0121 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 PICO WE 8-4262 SOUTH COAST PlAZA 5 .. 0.J333 cM..oGA ,..,.JC 340-0661 GU:NDALE CH 5-1004, Cl .t-4611 OlTMPte 1. so10 AN 8·5211 SANTA ANA kl 7-3371 TOllUNCt 542-1.511 I I COMrTON NE 6-2581 , NE 2-5761 HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANG! 637-2100 I I SANTA FE SPRINGS 944 -8011 VAllfY PO 3-8461, 984-2220 I COVINA 966-0611 IHGllWOO• O• •-2521 ...... NA 681 -3211, 351.4211 . Sears SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 .... ON, Pl 9-1911 '------------------------. .--------------------' "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ......,......,.,.,.."°' Shop 6 NJ9hts Monday through Satu rday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ' ! I \, l ' I "f. < ., ' • ' ' • • • • . .. - a 0 • 4 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • .. = • -• • ~For Top Quality at Low Prices ••• You Can't Do Better· Than Sears ' -00 • --• 0 • • • • •• "' • ~ . • • • •• =· 0 ' • .. • • •• . ' 0 ' ., . • •• ••• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• • .. •• . •• •• •• • • • • • .. • • •• •• • • •• • , Sears .. . ·' Use Seal"8 Revolving Charge . .. SAVE •201 • .. •• .. • • .. •• . . .. .. •• •• .. •• :: Regular 1100 •• t ~en's ~ing ~: : Crown Suits • • • • . ' t • Annivenary Specia1 • • l" 7988 • • : • • • • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • ExPmJy .. uored.J:n lhe esch11i~ KI,... Crown deeign wilh • f•hion ...... e !)iolJretinly 11yled ia Tete.,, .. .. wool wohted ud imported 1ilk • ·r...1ur· inoctela In ee1ton -new color• inc:ludin• blue:. brown, P"f/bl1<k •Jn nplar. long. ahort I' ~2A • .. j • • EasJ.lllll .. ''DA\'s -~ ·• CELEBRATING 83 Y,EARS . \ • --. • i Men's Twill Styled Slack~ Regular '6.99 97· • T1llored in 659& Blae .. C .... polyetter and combed c,otto"n with Dul Action Scotchcaid4' nnitb to reti1t "ter •Pott and oil Riina • t,., 11yle. tndltfon.al trim cul In popular twill weave. Loden or blue: • Mc:n'1 w1i11 sises 29 through 38 .. • • . • . . . • . • • . • . . • . . • • . . . . ' . • . • ' . .. .. • • • . . . . • . .. · . .. . • . . • . . • ' .. . . • . • .. . y .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. -. :· .. s(j ·4~ e SI m " eH " •64! 533. •u •C ·~ " eF c Re1 (>.ft .. • Sale Prices End· Saturday, September '49.95 Cabinet and Credenza • Slidin, doors .. , doon are re-- movable for cle•nin! and reorpni1in,_ •Handsome walnul-finish vinyl covered doon • 60-in.x36-in.x:l8-inch SAVESIO! 3988 533.95, 30.in.x36-in.x 18-in. _____ 23.88 '10.99 Standard Weight Shelving • c~mplelely enclosed posl • 50% less hardware for rapid assembly • Heavy steel bridJe stype shelf cons1ruclion. 6-ft.x3-f1.x 12-in. SAVE S2! Re~lull9.99 1588 Re~lu113.99 1188 6-ft.x6-ftx 12-in_ 6-ft.xl-ft.x 18-ip_ S2.69 Chewable Super-Kips 2 ..... h 269 of 100 Fruit-flavored Super· Kaps chew and wee just like a candy treaL Children 1ake them ... and rhey like them. Rqular$3.98 Multiple Vitamin• 2 ....... 398 ..... Ont tablet daily sup- plies the •itamins nor· maHy nttdrd u adiewy supplement for adults and children over 6. -·-l"OftMUl.A SUPERG Regular S7.98 Formula Super G Vi1.amins 2 ""'"" 798 oflOO Out most complete high Pofeocy viwuin min· era.I formula detianed for chc senior tncmbtn of your family . SEPTEMBER CELEBRATING 83 YE . .\RS "'··-BITE A MINS --":::'. ':..~ _. ReJUlarSJ.59 Bite-a-Mins 2 .... , .. 3s9 o( 100 Bite-a-Mins, chewable candy flavored vicamin- mineral tablets fo r chil- dren. Buy now for school.rime. Regular S4.98 Liver, Iron- Multiple Vitamin• 2 ....... 493 "'"" Each tablet contains I\.') minimum daily iron re- quirement plus all the vitamini you need daily. ' '· Tumblin1 Tomboy Doll 1197 MATIEL D•ncerin1 Doll 1494 •• P1rker Brot. Monopolr 3"" All Packer Bros. Toys ac Lowest Prices ' -~-- 27th! Quantities Are Limited! ' SAVE •20! Easi-L<!ad Citation Typewriters Resular 189.99 99 • IO-in . carriage, line retainer • Easi-load cartrid[E:e ribbon for easy ribbon change •Plastic line indicator. half-s pace key. carriage cenlering device e Snapo.Qut roller for easy cleaning Sears Easi-Load Electric Typewriters Regular 1164. 99 88 •Oversized 12-in. carria(E.e. pica or elite lype • Easi·load cartridge ribbon with four color ribbon e 2 change-a·type keys, 2 segment space bar Sears Pledges the LOWEST PRICES Town • Ill TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR TOYS FROM SEARS ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ' ~an will not be undersold on any 1oy1 ~an has one of 1he big:esl loy seleclions in lown ~•n convenient credit plans available Sein offen one 1top 1hopping for all Chri1tma1 needs Sean convenient l•y·away plan av1il1ble ~•n gifcwrapping available Sean doee not limit qu1nti1y ~an has courteou1 salespeople to a11i11 you Sean hat 23 convenient loc::ation1 in Loi Angeleti and Orange Countiea to terve you lo Sean 83-year policy. ••sadaf'acdon • Guaranteed or Your Money Back. .. ONLY SEARS THE WORLD'S LARG- EST RETAILER, CAN OFFER SUCJ{ A BROAD SELECTION OF TOYS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN WITH SO MANY CUSTOMER CON- VENIENCES. Ba1tlin.1 Tope by Ideal 222 All Ideal Toys at Lowest Prices • I l. '· r -' ' • ' / • ' ' . ' For Top Quality at Anniversary Days Low Pnces You Can't Do :Bette ' ' SAVE 25o/o! Cotton Gauze Diapers Regular '2.99 Packllf!e of 12 e Fast-drying heavyweight cotton e Ex.rremely absorbent and com- fortable, 100 222 •Buy now al this low price! Ute Sean Re•ol•ing Ch•J1e SAVE 28o/o! • Pkg. of 3 for '2. 19 Snapoide Shirt P4of 3 }57 for Rib knit SuPima• cotton. Short sleeves, fuJI double front. Sizes, newborn, small, medium. Pkg. of 2 for' l.39 Receiving Blanket Pk~of2ror97c Softly napped blend of cot- ton and acrylic. Machine washable, dryable. Regular '7.99 Comforter Set SAVE37%! 497 Print nylon taffeta reven('S 10 solid color. Vycron• poly('ISter filled. Gifr bo:s:rd. Pkg. of 2 for '2.39 lnfanta' Knit Gown Pi.,. of 2FoRl87 -.... Mineo slecvn. 0.-awstring bottom. Frttdom slerves. Solid colors. Infants' I size. 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' • • I • ". ------------;•=="- Sale Prices End Saturday~ Sept .. 27th! Quantities Are Limited! Hurry! Past6A ~-·-- '· SAJIE 22%! Choice of 2 S_tyles Stretch Bras Regular !3.69 • Everybody likes lace ... s1nootha and enhances . , . does wonders for your figure Na1ural cup 32428, 3244C S4.SO"D"cup sizes32-44 3 .44 •Contour cup 32-36A, 32-388, C Lacy Hose Hugger Mid Leg Panty Anniversary Priced $6 •The itreal hold-up beitins with this garterless wonder • Clinittex• leg h ands hug yo ur h o1e. keep them secure •Creamy call a lily in S-M-L Use Sean; Revolving Charge • Ban-1011 ® Sli ells and Kicky Pants lOOo/o Nylon Ban-Ion® Toppings • Novelly slilC'lu•s in runlenetks. mock turtle and jewel neck sty les • Easy-care . , , just pop them in the -wa~her • Loads of colors to flO with just aboul every lhinit in size~ 34 to 40 l..ow Priced 491 SAVE '2 ! '8 Nylon Knit Pants •Double knit1 cau~ht up in the fun of the 1trai1ht lt5 thing • e 8l1ek, navy, brown, p-een Mnd more 5 9 7 •,Mine•' proportioned si:ces ... lin)' S.16. typical 10-20 and tall 10-20 $9Women'e 1ires 38to•14 6.97 • • • Sears Action wear® Panty Hose Re~lar 1.99 Pair 3 Pairs for Only •Sheer mesh knit styled wi1h nude heel • Sunse1, mocha. bare bt:iitt and black maiic •Proporti oned 'izes in peti1 e. average ind tall 12.29 Exlr•·l.a"le Size Bare bei,:e 3 537 11nd ~unset. Pr~ . r -------------------·----------------------~--- ~ ~ ~ ti} <iJ M @ Flannel goes to print with two editions ... gown and p.j. Tiny Price! 297 e At te nti on flannel ran· cien • Snug,gle-so(t cotton flan· nel is here (or Coty winterinp: ' • S4 tailoredjamarette5 in sizes 32 to 40 • Lonit ,:oWn in 5-M-L SS PERM A-PRESTO No-Iron Jamarettes SAVE 21%! 391 e PER MA-PR ESP tailor- ed or Kodel• polyester- cotton e In print~ and solids •Sized fo r comfort in 32-W " , . ' . - . • ( " :0.' : • . . . '.~-~~· :. " " l". ... -. . . Sears • .. A Complete 70-Piece Service for 8 .. Includes Special Value 22-Piece Hostess Set 70.Pc. Se1 Includes • 16 reaspoonti • 8 iced drink spoons e 8 holl ow lu~ndle • 2 tablespoons dinner knives • I co ld meat fork • 8 dinner rorkR • I pierced tablespoon • 8 soup ~poons • I butter knife • 8 ~·lad rorks • I suF,ar spoon • 8 cocktail forks • All the stainless tableware you need to serve eigh t graciously plus 22 additional pieces • 3 lovely patterns: Roseanne. Plantation, Sa nd Dune Tradition Stainless Clearance Sears elegan1 stainless steel flatware 1n wide assortmfn[ of panerns. lf: Off Re.gular 3 Prices Mink Stole with 7-Row Full Cape Back Anniversary Price! $ •A luxurious design in superb natural mink •fashion colo ~ include Pastel, Ranch or Dawn Fur Prod11cu lllhelrd to tho.,. c01.1n1ry of ori,e:in o/ 1mpottt-d furs Ask Aboul Sean Convenienl Credi! Plans • • ---·· ·- c. D. Exa1nple of Savings A. Men 's Ring R¥11ul ar863.99 .. _ 5l 19 F. Cocktail Ring Re 11ular S39.99_ 3l 99 B. Men's Ring Re11ularSQl.99_7359 G. Cocktail Ring Re11111ar S3 1.99_25 79 C. Wedding Band 4319 Re11u la r S.53,1'9 __ H. Cocktail Ring Re1t ular S.t:?.99_3439 D. Wedding Set RrJ[ul arS.'>6.98_4558 I. Cocktail Ring . 37s9 RrJ!ulars-46.99_ · E. Cocktail Ring Rf'!l'.ular S.>8.119_4 719 J. Cocktail Ring Rr11u lar S3Q.99_3l 99 Ask About Sears Convenient Credit P4ins Women's· Fashion Shoes Regular · '15 Pair •Wide '•election of Featherli1e fashion shoes for dres& and casual wear · • Latest aea1on l tyl.inp in au wanted colon and wide range of 1izes • •Buy a whole wardrobe al thio low price Pase 7A I ! I I .,. • ( ' ' ·-------------------------,__,.,__,_._ A WWW P Sears .. Sears Tailored Acetate Briefs Smooch fitting, long weanns elastic leg acerace bnefs io white and assoned colors. Sizes S-M-L Lingffit D1p1. Men's T-Sbirts with Pocket Short sleeve high-crew neck conon knat sham in a wide range of colors. Men's sizes S-M-L-XL Mtn's FMmishings Dtp/. 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V #<#Miii CU.ntr D1p1. ,------------------------BUENA PARK EL° MONTE LONG BEACH I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO '2.99 to '3.99 Girls' Dresses .~ I l our~ Onh' l.11111tr-rl <)11.111!11\. Final clear:ince of little girls back-co-school dresses an many scyles, prints, colors. Sizes 3 to 6X. /nfants'-Ch1/drtn 's Dept. soc to 95c Paperback Books ] I fours Only' l.11111kd Qu .. rnl 1h '. Wide selection includes adventure, mystery, science· ficuon, wescerns, romance and humor srones Stfltl0t1try Dt/JI. Cotton flannelette pa1amas an assorted styles and pac· terns. Assorted wash(asc colors. Sizes 6 to 16. SAVE So ll ' ,,. Bo)J' lfltar Dept. Use Sears Revol~ Charge Regular 'l. 79 Extension Cords Orange colored heavy 2-ware extension cords for out- door appliances, garden tools, 25-fc. length. Eltrtriral Dtpl. --.. " . ; . ' I 3~ Heavy Duty Motor Oil Stockyard Steer Manure Our best single grade motor oil contains full deter- gency additives to keep engine clean. Stock up! AMtomotil't Dtpt. "Sun firearm end Amiounilion Polic:r" "All guns, 11iclud1111 BB end ~llet suns. told onlr to rnidn11 o( netr wbc~ purchue is made (Proo( o( rest~ requittd) Purchuen of fittltlN end emmun11ion must be 2J pari ol 11;t end show proof. No del1vrnn will be llUlde ou111de ol ~. All sales sub1ec1 10 Federal, Swe end Muakapt.I Latr1 end ~~la.hons." NarucaJ organic steer manure enriches soil helps hold moisture. Weedfr~. 2 cu. ft. bag. ' Gartkn Shop PRICE SLASHED 50%! Centerfire Remanufactured Ammo Were 14 199 Rcmaoufactuttd from once-fired military brass. Choose .30-06 caliber. 180 grain or 1 SO gram. Gives ~performance as~-. amidgcs. Sp.rtint, G-'s Dtpt. ---------------------PICO at Rimpau SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY - - -'\ POMONA SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson I I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE COVINA \INGLEWOOD PASADENA , ______________________ _ "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back'' SANT A ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I Sears I TORRANCE I . ______________________ , Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Pa&e SA ' ' ..