HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• -w.::~--;~.~~?::::~-cr:~:.:.;~~.~=----~-;;::-;;;=~:--~~....-,::-,-;::::;::::--::-:&-:-.....,....~.,..-;:::~~~"'7:,,.-:::~~~---:--.._:"!"!":'~~~ • • NeWpOrt _;:_ .. - Cqsia. Mesa. · .1 . ~ = -. -:.:......_ '"'=. ::-.. ~ =" ~ ~_. ~ :.,.._ -.. ---___ .,._ -. . , • • , .: ·u. ·1Uaeh • • • Edisen,,. . -. - ' 29 '7 Brea• Laguna 24 7 • • S.Torranee Marina 20 6 PahD.:s · ·ritll-:. 12 --· .P ). San~le111ent~ :: O· Westininster 7 EI Rane1to· 23 Val. Christian -< -Mission~ie-jo 18 0 ,.. -SEE DETAILS~ .SPOlTS · PAGES·-~~-111111!1!11 ____ !91 _________ _ . . .. . - -, ..-4 . c· . .. DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * $ATURD'AY, SEPTEMBER 27, ]969 "°'" .. ...,. .... '"""""'" ........ . --.. .. • . :ce -- --.. . . --· • • -· . Poison Funies Drift OV~r Coast School ' ' . ' . . . ' ••• -~ Bes~ue battle • m Mesa .Driver 'Dies After "90~1f&·i1lur.e :Fight f,(j,:~ee filth By .~ORN VALTE~ Of W. NllJ' ,lttt St.fl Dozem ol rucuers aided by two pbysl• clans worked lo< nearly 9Q m!Dulel .Fri- day night trying to utrlcate a lying Costa Mesa man from his mangled fot· eign sedan wrapped around a tra on Newport Boulevard. Despite the frantio: efforts of finmen. police. physicians, ambulance attendants and wreckel" operators, Gregory Steven Brown, 24., died on the way to Costa Mesa Memorial hospital. The dmnatic rescue alttmpt took )llace as Brown, uncomclous and barely alive, lay trapped In the ooly remaining space large enough for him in the flattened Volbwagen, twisted Jround a tree at 231iO Newport Blvd. Offictn said Brown, or 2104 Samoa Place. wu alone in the car when it akid· IMI ~tr · Trofflc 181 . Deldl Toll !Ml 114 down to the fli>or' boards, plnnlnc the drivtr de<p lnlide the wredlare. The nm offiw-1 to arrtv~at the actne began to took for a body tn the center strip field, then one· patrolman looked deep inalde tbe crusbed cir, found· the victim, felt for a pu1ae and In a ltlr· priHd "VOk:e abouf.8d 1hat the \lfctim WU aUll ·alive. - 14 lhe .-ue attempt \mlol~ed 1everal Lagunans Kwnaped, Taken on Tertor ·R~; Four men who claim they drovt all the WI! from GeorlPa to aol'fe .an u. wted lhell 'kiclnaped twv Laguna 'lluch men Friday night and toot them an a terror ride to Costa Mesa, police report- ed. The alleged abdudlon •I 1\111polnl bt-. pn •l I p.m. on Blueblrd Canyon Road and left a traJI to Costl Mua and back again with a few bizarre twists in be· tween. Police aave thl11 account: Four men, all armed, knocked on the door of James Henry Backu11, 24, barged in and forced Backull and hil roommate, Richard Chafles Kimball, ti, Into a car. Two men atayed behind wbBe the O(h. er pair drove. the tlgunans to COsta M..._ For same yet unexplained reuao, po. lice .ald, the tyo -drove back to Laguna. ~ darln& • llop at ...... ke station tn Ccwta Mesa 8actua wu able to &et an attendant'• atteotlon and rtlay .hll' plipL . , 'Ille .u.Manr cal1<d Coil.i ICeia 1><> nee, who. in turn, notified La~ offi. cers. Policemen stopped the car at Pacific <:out HlghWIJ' at Emerald 111¥, ........ ed the allq<d abducton and ..tad a ~... • .Jl.Ullber •utocMtlc .... tol and • rlll•. They alto found " c&J>' 1ulea and tablell reaembllnc d....,._ drup In the auto. 'Ille two JM! In the <II: .__... I· ./ Scare Delays Flight ' OAKLAND <AP>--All l!lrllaer cmj. Ing SOii Foncltco•.Malw Jooopi Atlo!o ..... -~ ___ ....,. """""" --~· --land• -' ' • '• hundted 'by-!P.ll>ered to wllcb. F~ uaed ~'JS)' bm an4 lni1e metal cuWna..,.. leylll('to flee Brown. All t1it wbllt, he c• to IH!. • Two pllya!ciau stopped to ·11t1p. Durina: the entire rucue and for two hours alterwml polJCe kept Newport Boalevard's eut bnel aealed ·«tf ettlre- ly. Tra.ffici;, wu rerooted on aide streets W1lil nearly J a.m. '.lbe·crasb °""'""'·al 10:47 p.m. Police <aid Brown •P.P'A"d to be still alive as be wu pulled from the tw14fed .... !. He apparenUy. died In the ambu- lance on the way to the bospitaJ. "It waa amazing that he llved u Jons as he did,'' one .rflCUer &aid. 0 1've aeen small CIJ'I hlt trees before, but never·like thitl,'" another eommtnted. Sextet Arrested In Beach Hotel For Prostitution ....... Detedivu arid diStr ict attorney 's m. ve.!lti1ator1· postn1 u ... cmtomeTs"'raki· ed an alft(ed proctJtulkm rln& in a H~t· ln&lon lleacb botd Friday night and ar- rested a Kltet -a-man and Ove warn· "'· lnchid!nr • llu!IUn(lon Beach houle· wife. :.. tnvest.iplorl u.id they set up tht meet- inc In the motor hotel then showed up sl>ol'lly •ll<Y 10 p.m. They arrested Margaret Sue \Vrlght, 31, a, housewife wbose address was list: ed u 7672' Oommodore Circle, Huntlilg- 'ton Btacb;:Marcii K. Wade, 22, a clerk typist from Gardena; Jeane Nina Prophy, sz. a0La)i'Beac~ cocktail waltrus ; Vi- vian 1AMillle ·Thompson, 28, an Artell.a ~He; Belt1 Louise Richard...,, 30, an Auhdm secretary, and Davld Grant Doak, Z5, Loni Beach. Police 4 UJd .Doak cave his occuP1Uon .. ,. --k.\lp opcntor lw .. ··--firm.:.-· .... AJl,llI ,._. _ed -..c11argq o1 ..... 'apiracy "'"COllUlllt;' """®rtlon. Tbt wl:lintn were kldced 1t Orana:e COunly Jall •. ' Doalr"Wla held at HWllinglon Belch city jall - ~ iald. Ibey tel ap the nleell111 wfth: tlla alltpd· ilnr•t lhe hot.I wlUI tlia·~:-wnq-t•a -L 'MteJ Wllil1d ·"" .. ,.,_ detail• -\Ill"""' -"tl!>m. cf"" ~et. • , -..... ' .-(DAILY PILOT TttH Plltl .. " .. ......,. ,i;;. • .:F ,.1-i,, Like Reai D••••·ki••ti iratU; Tiils truck crane on N~rt lslan4 Bridge in New)lOrf Beach Friday seemed.%,,~ belng like a rejil wati>r fowl in dunking its Walt (buck· et) 'Into' el. "It was stationary when It just uppeil and fumed over," declar'ed driver Al Thomp§on of Anaheim. Nobody was hurt. . ' . Gromyko , Rogers to Meet Again UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (AP) -Se<· rtlarj ol Stale Wllll1m P. Roger& and Sovlit Fcnlp Minister Andrei A. GrO' "'Y'o ore Oodln: enough worthwbUe In their MlJeUt. talb tO meet once more pri•1tel1·before ~y ltave New York. 1\tfli uploslve ¥tddle Eut altuaUon domllllled their J~~ ?net ~ ) slon Friday night. It was supposed to be their secood and !&at meeting durin£ lhe U.N:"lraJI session. · But With Q'l(>l'e ground to cover on guldellna toward an Arat>-tsree.11 settle- ment. plus otbe.r unnntshed buslne11t the l'fo men agreed on • third mt!tting tt• _peeled jo bl! held Tucsdll, . • -"t ~·... '~ Morro -Pup1fs Ordered Off . . Playgrounds By RICHARD P. NAU. Of fflt D9(ftr , .... ''"' Toxic agricultural pesticide dtifted onto El !.l'i'"' School nor1h o1 1.quna 11eacb Friday causing: --Ollldren to bt kept oil playlf'IU!lda and noUces of tl"planation sent home "1tll them. -N4usea complaints from a custodlan and sub$utute teacher. -An inVestlgatlon by the Orange Coun- ty Health1 Department. -Notlticatlan of area physicians by the health department. " The chemJcals, used to spray tomatoes near ·the school, included DDT, 10 ptr. cent; Toxaphene, 15 percent; Md Guthlon, 10 percent. Dr. John Philip, Orange County health officer, said Guthion is the chemical ol the most medical concern but bu a relative low toxicity. "In our judgment there is only a remote poasjbWly ol poisoning occurring." rr. Philip said he notified. phyakians.lp the atta that the situation had occurred. There· are about S40 student. a\ the school. Parents with doubts about tileahh of their cblldren s~ cof!.lact their ~. physiclth, Or. Pbllip said. : - He said evidence ol reaction. wlillld bave probably begun to show up P'tlday. Orange Weather Low clouds and local fog In night. and mornln& hours an~· hazy sunshine in aftemoo~ little . temperature. change. INSmE TODAY • Ozvgen ;oN tlte lilt o/ medicine'• modem. "'fracZ. cure• through "'' of ci dromQtic. neto method of treatment /or onct faw.l. accideuu. romn, Wtelclv. • Robtrt Yo1utg prover to r,. a sturd~ ttondbu on tlltvtdott.. He may have 0110U1u \OinRtt itt Ilia nelD'dodor 1erie1 .. TV WEEK ccwtr t&O'l. ...... '-I .._.,.. 21-: :r...t;•c:• < ....... -· <rtt•Wfrf --~, ..... .. ,,.,.. ......... ' f t D -.... , ...... ,; :.:: ... ·~ • • • • l , ' • I "'1utdU, Stotll!lbfr .21. l !f>• 'Let Solons . . ; Alter Taxes' • • • ~ lly I OBN :V.U.TknZA •• .. .. ~filltt ti.ff ~ Stale eoritroller ' Hbuston J'"""'10Y Frid!ll Hked the OOllor1 of 'lJie 'Nie I""· ~hitloo't tax ~ td. Jo-~ ~ \he posliblllly ol tax • ieft(O) ~Y .strikln1Jlems deal· lor'wltll pre1 ..... 11a11b ti'eat- ioent. •• ~ --.,. . :-IA . an addtu& .... it... the . lj~ W. ·ill Ne port • ~ •. 'lh i ~itil~ng ~.,. cOiie,e PNl'l'l!l"l tol\I the revame 'IDd 1&J:lti:Qn com-~ DtlU<cd ~·cal!stltu­ tlOOal llevl.don Cmunllli<>n thl~ geomJIY, CaJI 1re1..-en- tia.I tu provlslont in lbe con-. llil11tloo should bt delecaied, Wtead, to the Legislature. rtournoy specifically related a report by the Governor's special committee on lax re!Orm with I.he editing sh.idies a! the Lu portiOns of the con- stitution. EXEMPTIDNS BACKS TAX REFORM Controller Flournoy that the special laz fCtorm clinmission did oot have e®ugh time lo schedule pro- per hearings. r-. "OUr (tax · rdonn ) com- miiilOn copcJuded that de fac-to exempUons, slltutory ex- t!Qptims, ones galned 'by IeaaJ 1~1 e .. g rttat/on anc1 ·; C... stltui1.0.1 ones airC..iifbute to the sieve-like leaks in Callforpiar• f~l effort," he said. l;le added lhaljt aX.O'did nat \aVe enough time to 1tut1Y completely all t h e C<ln- ::.sUtuUonal provisions .which allow for pttferential tar DAl~Y' 10-10 SUNDAY 10·7 S·PECIAL DUTY OXFORDS l Sund~!-011111! 2··· 44 ~' Woman's oxfords. with ~asy . _ -. to clean vinyl upper1 and • • foam cuihloned i ll so l~A. . ~· :_ __ r WhltP, black or tan. !i -10. ~ Chuge '" Our Reg. 3.47 , _ ... , Amonitheexemptions allowed by the State Constitu- tion at ·present are those aJ. fecUng insurance companles lod a provisions that there treatment. "But we did agree that each ~ and every one of them should . · muit be a two-lhirds vot4=, in _order to chang• the l\l"k and corporation tax. .• _"We recommend lbal both tbeae COOltitutional 'p(OVisftlns 'be abolfltied," be said. -Tbt tone ,o/ l'JOU<!IQY'S IJ>- ,pearance _ belore the' com- 'mlUloo wu affai>Je, studded bybexcy ·~sh\"" llldbumor. However. one se'rious note was struck by member Otis Frost, vice president of Transamerica Corporation and Occidental Li Ce Insurance Company. Frost assailed the I a x ·rerann committee's procedure ol not allowing industry 'repreeentativa a "proper" lieariJi& <lurini ito delibera· , ........ PR.O\'llllONS Fk>urnoy agreed , adding be the subject of detailed •1 review." In another. mailer unrelated to tu reform, but still to the c:omtitutional rfvlsian issue, Flournoy au~ Ole coininlttee ta change · the cOnstitutlon relating to ~ state con- troller's attendance· on the . .State Board of Equa~Uon. • "As the law stands now, in 6rder•for the .controller to be a . , voting member of the five· ,~ member board, he must be in · .attendance at all meetings. "I would like to see MEN'S STRETCH SOCKS ' to attend as a voting member : something allowing my deputy S tltldft!J f)ttly! 2 F 97 C In my place on occas10n, Crl'W slylt' In 75•;, (J r Ion@ 0 , because the state bdard meets ~ acrylic, 251,:. 1t~tch . nylo.n, R nve days a week' at least t~ Spandex top. One size fi ts. • "' wet:b a month and the duties all. Jn ool.oris. • Reg •• 88C e.a .. . 2 of · my office make it im· f6T.M. 01 °""°"1• •nc .. possible for me to attend all tbcse.sessions." Co.unty Leader~~~l.at~ CHROME JIJSHLl~HT WITH BA ITERIES ; S1uada11 Only! . ' Talk on Employ1nent J57 Problems of the disad- vanta ged a. n d difticult-to- lmploy in Orange County will be discussed by a panel of Orang• County leaders at -10:45 a.m. Thw"1day . 1n lhe Carousel Room of I h e Newporter Inn. Moderator of the panel will be: Laurence Gadaire, director Of the Orange County Merchants and Manufacturers Association. Pan.elist.s include W y a t t Frieson, past prtflidenl of the Orange County NAACP, Ralph tchave, Mexican-American community leader , John Con- dpn, director of the Orange County National Alliance or Busineumen and Allen Dem- ing, chairman of the lnter- Agency Resources Committee. The discussion Is sponsored by the Newport Harbor Service League , a volunteer training· organi1.atlon, and is open to the public. Gadaire, in addition to being dirtctor of the MMA, was in- ltnlmental in the organization Dr.Beckman Leader of Award Unit ANAHEIM --Well-known Orange County civic leader Or. Arnold O. Qeckman of Corona del Mar has been cho&in ·chairman of the 1969 Disneyland COmmunlty Service Awards 'Committee. iJe.-•Ill receive help from fiVe other Or•IJif"-C o a 1 I citlten11 Including M r s , William S. Holrteio, of Corona del Mar , Mrs. Lawrence K. Reynolds, or Llguna Beach, J 1 c k Hiiley. ol -Ungton Btacb, Rabbi Aaron J . Tollold', ol Anaheim and Justin M. r;......ty, ol Santa Ana. Or. Beckman 11 chalnnan of the board and euc:utJve of- ~ o{ leckman ln1tnnneni. "6t.. FuUaion and former ·~·· caunt1 p....., Club -¥>n Of Ille Year. •. 1bc Olaneyland awards pro-i:im hll \>eoii la ealatonce for ?' JW'S. .~'!rillt whkh tJme ..,,, ... i,... bee• co .. lrlbllled to i.rpni..trons ctted l'l:Jr -com:mQ:.Dtty 1 er v I c • btnentJ. , o( lbe Orange County Manage- ment · Council. He h o I d s Bachelors and M a s t e 1' s degrees in Personnel and Industrial RelatloM. Frieson Is a co-founder of the Orange County' Equal Op- portunity ltmployers Associa· lion and founder and prrsideot of the Oran&e County Partners for Progress. • p r j v a le bus.int§s assisting" minority groups in finding etnpJoyment. Echave is uecutlve director of the League at United LaUn- American Citiz e ns Neighborhood Youth Corps in Orange County-. state civil rights chair.min fcir · ·1 he CalUornia League of United Latin-American Citizens and a member or the Governor's Advisory Council for Orangt County. . Condon, a retired Marine Corps major general on loan from North American Rockwell's Autonet!Cl division whtre ht is assistant to the president, i! assiated by Dtm-. ing, a deputy director of the NAB who was formerly eJ:· ecuUve director ol lhe Orange County Man1gement Council. Our Reg. 2.27 Rl'ii:ul11.r 2-cell chrome knu1 I- t'd flashlight with rinr hani.:· f'r. 2 "D" size batteries in- cludl'd. Sh o p early a nd Charge_ It! Re,. SJ 45.00 99aa • • ,, e t ; ~ +, Engagement ring and \Vedding baf!d lock to pre-i · vent set from twisting. Total 6 diamonds on 14 karat gold. I&.. ... .-. ......... ...,, ............... ...,. Cash Only For Prison Art Show SAN QUENTIN (AP) -The celebrated public art .show al San Quentin Prison takes plact on Saturday, drawing a "'· word or uut\Ol'I rmm thl!: prison administration. "V11ilors,'' said Associatt Warden Jam.es Park, "should not wear dar~ bloe denim clothin1 as this is lnmatt uniform." The inmates. who usuaJJ1 draw up t& l1,o6o vlsiton lo inapect their art work, have a l'i·orry ol their own. 4" COLOR PLANTS I ii .. 3/1.00 .. R e g .• :1; r l n 4 inch Po1 ~. 60 LB. UNIVERSITY REDWOOD COMPOST • •• J77 ~ R eg 1.97 Nitrogen added for great· er v1Jue .. "All items will be sold" on a cuh bub only," Slid Par!<, • "due to wne: bad experlencu ... the mtn bavt bad with buml ,.,...,,.. •• .,..,. .. :.m..,•-IC!'""'""•"'"• checka." The ont-day Show will offer oib, tcryj~,_ Wl\erc<>l,orf and putels, ~w9tk, 1ewfllcy. le1tlte"'!>rl< al)!! met•I Joolln1 . Proceeds ID to ao·inmatc'a 1c· CM' -~ • • ~ f . • MEN'S WORK PANTS • 288 Reg. 3.97 PPrma Press Polyektf!,t" Cotton. lleavy dri ll J>OCketing. Rugg~ zipr closure. S &'l\.fJI r I b d shrunk. 8.5 10:&. Stron& t'"·HI fuU cut for. comfort. Choose from arry or grrr n. Sizes 29-42.' r COLORFUL BEDSPREADS , • ' I S1111du11 011111! ' JOO~; eorton. Tufted whilP ~ chenille on solid color bar k- ground. ':t;. "'in or doubJ,. 1ize •• trlmnM.'d. wi1h ~ingl'. ~ ;Jn m&ny colors. • . . . t ~.'e-$'.N ;)88 ~ COSTA MESA ONLY LADIES SLEEPWEAR ~ ' ' ' ' ' Reg~ 1.78-•. 96 ... . .. . -~ , ' •· Baby dolls, Bikinis and Cnlott~. Including gowns and pajamas. These items come in an ass ortment 1 of colors and sizes. " I ~ HfRSHEY CANOY IN KING-SIZE 1lARS.:. J L d. K MART INSTANT · SPRAY STARCH t Reg. .38c ea. For ST18cktlmf' nibbllni ! Plain in i I k chocolate, 111. mond, Kracke], i\1r. Good- bar or peanut butter cups. ELECTRIC HEATING PAD S 1111da11 011ly! 11111.de by Beacon. Pad ha~ thrf'l' h!:!al Ml'l Un gs for your f'on1 fort. 100"'11 \\'elprooC \~ith flannel l'O\'Cr and snap t'IOllurc. Savr? J97 Reg. 2.46 S 11nifa11 0111111 lleg •• 42c e a. So easy to u9c! 23-nl't oz~ Just spra.y on and iron. Culc; your ironl ni;: ti1n<'. Save a l K mart's dillcount price! TEFLON ® COATED SKILLET ,. l io" Non-stick ha Td coal f1 Tenon® ls grea t for fas1 , rasy C' o o ki ng and quirk " C'lea n-up after meals: ChargP it at K &:marl. 157 : q:·t >A. If DuPO!ll Corp. ·Re g. 1 .77 " ! ' • ' f I i , . '' lteg. 18~8 ~orfulj ~·1J' to·~·re·for~~· r lor •.viry roqm : 8'h-~ 11~' 10 iilo'A: raynn. J\vocaa0i Gold, Ttl.r.qvois~ and· more. · ~ 9 x 12' P,ty fooln un~arloy 4.9i · 1 ~ ' • • . ) I ' ) I Dramati~ Res~ne Ba1tle ~'in -~vain Mesan Dies After 90-minute Fight to Free Him Fr~m Auto By JOHN VAi.TERZA ot "' Dttb' l"tlll ,, ... Dozens of rescuers Uled by two physi· cians worked for nearly 99 minutea Fri· day niaht trying to ~:rtrlcale a eymg Colla Mesa man from his !!1111'1!!!1 for· eign sedan wrapped around a tr~ on Newport Boulevard. De.spite the frantic dlorts of nrrmen, pollce. physicians; ambulance attendants and wrttker operators, Gregory Steven ~~tf~ ~-~Y-ID_~Sta ~dramii~ . .....,.~templ_'IOOll>lace CONFIDENT OF VICTORY LSD Act<o .. t• 'rim LHry Judge Sa!)'s New Delay for Leary Will Be Last Dr. Timothy Leary and his £amlly ,... the sixth delay of their Orange County · Superior eoUrt action Friday but were lerved fll'm notice that they have come tothe end of the continuation road. Judge Samuel Drtiren granted what ,appears to be the 1ast delay by .schedul- ing a hearing on a motion to suppress evidence for Oct. I -the date actually itl for trial of the conuoveralal trio. Bui the court's ........... jurilt made tt clear that be wu far fl'llm pleued with the day's maneuvering in Judge Herbert Htrluldl' courtroom. And be wimed the Learys' battery of al1omeys that IDf re. quests for further delays will have to he In his office on or before OcL 3 -in writing. . Attorneys George Chula, Robert Law and .Marvin . Cooper -for Leary, t9, Rosemary Leary, 33, and John Bush Lear)', 1' ,..pedlvely -wm sent back to Judge Dreizen by Judge HerlandJ after '° minutes af haggllilg that led the jurist 1o refuse lo co-tile liearinl In Mn. Learfs absence. The wile of the LSD culllst.11 currently recovering in a Berke.le, hospital from what her husband des::rlbed u '"remedJal female ~gery that might allow us to produce anotfier' little Leary." as Brown, unconscious and barely alive, lay trapped in the only remaining space large enough for him Jn the flattened Volkswa&en, twisted around a tree at %360 Newport Blvd. Officen pld Brown, of 2lot Samoa Place, was alone iu, the car when it skid- ded for 200 feet in the eastbound lanes of. the boulevard, rupped over broadatde Iha! slammed top-first Into the tree. 'Ibey we.re still undecided about the cause of the crash early this morning. 'Ibe impact crushed the top of the auto dOwn to the floor boards, pinning the clrlver deep inskie the wreckage. The first of.Deen to arrive at the scene began to kMlk fi>r a· bodX ln the center slrlp flekl, then one patrolman looked ]IQ I C.U.ly Thfflc 1MI 161 Doalfl Toll 15f deep Inside the chasbtd car, found the vlctlm, felt for a pulse and in 1 sur- prbed voice shouted that the victim wu atilt alive. As the rescUt attempt unfolded several hundred bystanders gathered to watch. Firemen uoed Jacbi pry bars arol hua:• metal cutting-iiws tryh'll to free Brown. All the whlloiht clW11 lo Ille. . Two_jl>yaiclanl stopped lo help. ~ ~ entire rucue and for two lioutt · .,.m..nt police kept 1''1fPOl'l Bculevard'• eut-lanea sealtd' elf entir&o ly. • TrafQc was rerouted on side. ltretU until aearlj J a.m. 1he crUh·~ at 10:47 p.m. :Polite llllit Brown appeared lo be still a.live ~ he waa pulled from the twisted steel. Ht apparenUy d.led in ~ amOO. lance "" the -lo the boopllaf. "It wu 1JJ1uin& that be lived ..aa Ions as he did/' one. ·rescuer llid. .. 1•ve' seen amau cars hit trees before, • but aeVer l1kt UUI," another commented. --· . .. - Laguna Kidnitping 2 Taken on Terror Ride to Mesa Foor men who claim they drove all the way from Georgia to solve an as- serted theft lddnaped two Laguna Buch men Friday night and took them oo a terror ride to Costa Mesa, police report. ed. The alleged abduction at gunpoint be.. gan at 8 p.m. on Bluebird Canyon Roed and left a trail to Costa Mesa and back again with a few blz.arre twists in be- tween. Police gave this account: Four men, all armed. knocked on the door of Ja.me5 Henry Backus, 24, barged In and forced Bac.kll! and his room.mate, Richard Charles Klmba11, 1l. into a car, Two men stayed bthlnd while the oth- er pair drove the Lagunao1 lo Cosla Mesa. For some yet unexplained reaMll'l, po- lice said, the two gunmen drove back to Laguna, an«' during a atop at a aerv· ice stailon Jn Costa Mesa Backus was able to get an attendant's attention and relay his plight. The attendant called Costa MUii ~ liet!:, who, in tum, notified Lasuna olfi- c~a. Policemen stopped the car at Pacific Pla11rOJ1nds Closed Toxic Pesticide Fumes Drift Over Morro-Scho;))'.. Coast Highway at Emerald Bay, arrest- ed the allesed abductors and aelzed a Derrin&:et, a .Jk1llber automatic pi5o lol and a rifle. 'l1>ey a!Jo fwnd 17 cap- sules and tableta memblin1 dan.!•roua druiJ In the ... to. The two men in the car who gave up without incident wert identified as Mi- chael' Dane Messenger, 22, an AWOL serviceman, and Melvin Da~la Jack.Ion, %1. Botil .aro from 0-gia. At Backus' home, oftlce.s arrested Clan!llee Michael Smitb, ~. and Billy Guy PHirim, 31, both al.lo from Georgia. .\lt four -face chara:ea of c:onspiracy lo commit lddnaping and n>bbery and possesskln of. coocealed weapons. M""nfer alao·facu addltlonal charg· e8 of pbs!eaion of danieroua drugs for sale. Police said they confiscated tnore firearms alle&ed to belona: to the four llml. in the Ba~, nlideace. ~ ' ·~ti!< roilr ~ liold"!h.m they came to lquna Jleacb to illHsti. sate tile -lholl al a molorc]>clo part, """''"~ .. ~1 to Jlicbs• , door, lllJn&c II iiuu. By 1UCllAIU> P. NAIL Of ... o.llr """ '!"' Toiic qricultural pesticide drifted ooto El Mom School north of Laguna Beach Friday cauaing: -Chlldren to be kept elf playgrounds and notices of uplanalioft aent home with them. -Namea complaint& from a custodian and sub5Utute teacher. -A., invesUgation by the Orange Coun- ty Health Department. -Notification or area physicians by the health department. The chemlcall. used to spray tomatoes near the acbool, inclUiled DDT, 10 per- cent; Totaphene, 15 percent; and Guthion, 10 percenL Or. John Philip, Orange County health o(Ocer, said Guthion is the chemical of the most medical concern but has a relative low toxicity. "ln our judgment there ia only a remote possibility of poisoning occurring.'' Dr. Phllip said he notified-physicians in the area that the &ltuaUon had occurred. There are about 540 studenLs at the Sextet Arrested In Beach Hotel F Qr Prostitution school Parenlo-wilb -,al1011t<111alth of their clJJldren -eoolOcl tbalr own pllysiciu, Dr. Pblllp llilt. 8' aald evidence al -would have probably becun to ll»w ap?rlday. William Allen, ocbool prlnclpa~ Hid both Cllltodlan Lee J1ame1 and IUhllllnte teacher Madeleine Lewla .,_)ained of irlnees and Wf!l'e sent home. Allen Aid Barnes, who oomu to llCbool before the chlldren, had symptoms that Included vomiting. Children were told to llay off playiJ'()W)da during the day and were sent home a half-hour early, their enrich· ment period cancelled. Allen said the pesticide drift came from a helk:opler spraying tomato... The ranchJng operation is on property 1eaaed from the lrvloe Company. he aaid. Allen said asauranee ha.a betn liven by the Orange County AsricUJtural Depart- ment that there will be no more crop dmting In the area by air and possibly no more dusting by grDllDd. Dr. Philip said the dusting hid been "potentially a serious .situation.'.!. He Mid the chemicals Jnvolved can be abeorbtd •hrou&h the skin or breathed wltl> breathing them being lhe worser of the situaUons. He said this may haYe o- plaiDed the tllness of the custodian who wu vomiting. Dr. Philip ~aid symptoms would pro- bably octUr shortly after eiposure.. Allen'• dot.ice lo parents said ''The Department of Agriculture has inlormtd us that the danger in lb.ls 11tu1Uon is m!nlmal. however, we would rather be sale than 'orry." "We ore flrl!ll;t eoo•bk!ed Iha! both vicUms wa1i cbiiiim' by mistake, and 1"~ .... """" Illa lwo vlcthm bad DeV• er teen. the lt1apectl before," a police spok.eamaa aid. "'ll>ey just pli:kecl the """'I &UY· - Udall Admits Santa Barbara Drilling Mistake SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Fonner ln- U:rtor Secretary Stewart L. Udall aay1 ho mid<" scrlo!is mlllake'ln foflawfng the advice al· bla aclentlflc advlwa, ap- pn>vlog oil drllllq in the Santa Barbara Owtnd. Lctokln( back 11 tile dlsMtrous olf leak in the cbam>d, Udall tiald l'riday he feels h would have bee!1 wiser lo ele- ct.re the art.a an 011 reeerve and ban drilling for the Indefinite future. · The cabinet .,..,bfr during both the Kennedy ud Johnson admlniatraUons conceded llll·ded.don w11 "a·serlowl en- vlrontlienlal mlltake." Udall made h11 atatement at a news conference durln1 a. detailed dlicusaJon cl. ecok>gy. He •aid man must become much more careful. "I tend to qr-ee wllh the biologisUi and-1be ecolofll'li and pradfct ......,.. vativlly that we are (Oh1g to.destroy our envirmment totally unleu .we stop tbe coune we're. on.h hi Aid. Anon11nwus Group • • . .TEN CENTS !DAILY l'ILOT Slaff PMI• ~r ._.,.,. ~ Looks Like Real Duta:kitag Cratae This truck crane on Newport lsland Bridge in NewJ>Ort Beach Friday seemed to try being like a real water fowl in dunkrng its beak (buck4 et) into channel. "It was stationary when it just upped and turned over;! ,deda~ed driver tJ l'hOl!lPSon of Anaheim. Nobody was hurt. Beret Accµ,sed_ of Firing Shot T~t Killed Agent SAIGON (UPl Y.-The Army today .., cuaed Capt. Robert Maruco, 271 of Ruth. erford, N.J~of pilling the trigger ht whar the miUtary contends "WBS 'the mutder of a Vietnamese clvillin by U.S. Green Beret!. Marasco denied it. Marasco mad~ the denial In cables to hl1 wife and parenta in .New Jersey ar. ter the Army released &be official charge sheeU accusing him of shooting lo deatb Thai Khao Oluyen Juoe 20. "l want you to know that the charge is mettly that, a charge, and does not con- llitule the truth," it4r85CO said 'in his cables. "Please }H?ar wilh m~. and l know that this is dUClcu1r for au of us, Love. Bob." The cables went to Mara.sco 's •wife, Denlae, Jn Rutberf'ord and to bis parents 1ttr. Blld Mrs. Frank Marasco of Bloom· field, N.J. ' · Marasco and five. other 'Green. Beret officers were ordered court·martialed• irr the sl1ylng of Chuyen. The Anny con- tends the South V~tnamae .civtUart was :daJn near Nha·Trang, Ill mUet: fiOrtbeaSt. of. Saigon. Charges.against. a '6rten Beret warrllJlt officer and an cnlisted1'manibave• been 'held" In abeyance unU~ the higher rankint speclal lorCf'I. oUl<;(ll :att ·~. Def'"°' aUomiys.,.., the Green &lets contend the man slain was a double agent \ . working for the allles and North Vietnam. 'The charge sheets gave ror the flnt. time some details of the charges and m. troduced the name or a possible witness. The charges said all the-men conspired between June 15 and June 20 to m~ the Vietnamese and that he was' slatn after he was carried from the 857 g,;. telligence headquarters at. tbe Grttn Beret camp at Nha Trang. ' The Army said Marasco shot Cbuyen with a pi!tol and that Brum1ey gave hlm a morphine Injection to render . him un- conscious before he was shot. The Army did not mention disposal ot the body of the slain man. In late-July Navy -livers searched un succesafully d1 Nha Trang fOT the body. New York Lawyer Henry B. Rothblatt who represents three of the accused men said the Army brokes its word_ iii •rt- leaslng the charge sheets. · . ~ • "They failed to keep lheir word. They are misleading the American press-and people." ·S~l\l"e Detays Flight OAKLAND (~) -An ail'Uhen carey- . f:1gi,Siln F_anclsco Mayor J03fph Alhio and 52 other P{lssengers \'as delayed' two hours Frida\. after an anoriymcu c~J~ declared a bomb was aboafdf .. ,• . ' . '~a age Coast ' Judge Herlands overruled repeated pn>testo by Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Mike Cappizf to j>Oint out that the lhnlled tesUmon,y be bad heard ''wa' eoough ot convince me that Mra. Leary should be in court when this matter ls debated." At issue is lhe ·arreS ol tbe trio in Laguna Bead! la!t Dec. 211 and their subsequent indictment by tJie Orange County Grand Jory on charles of possession of marijuana and LID. Detectives and district attorney's In· vestigatllra posing as "customers" rald· ed an alleged proatltullon ring in a Hunl· inglon Jleach hotel Friday nigbt and ar· rested a aextet -,a man and five worn· en, including 1 HunUngton Btach houle- wife. Jnvesttp&.ors said they set up the meet· Ing In the mo1or hol.I then showed up ~, aflo< 18 p.m. They arrested Mar1aret Sut \vright,, 31, a ~Ue whole addreu waa lb:t· ed as 1m Commodore (Jlrc.le. Hunting· ton Beach; Marcia K. Wade, 22, a clerk IJpilt'flon> Gardena: J ..... Nina Proph:f, 31, a. Lona B<acll coctt.ll waltrua; Vl- vlaa Lucille TbomplOn. :ze, an Arte!la boulewlfe; Btlty Loulae 111cbard!OO, IO, an Anahelm. MCrellry, and -David Grant Doak, U, 1.oq Beach. Neurotics ~itlk Blues Away •• , J; .. Wea&lter Chula. Law and .COoper are convh>C!ed that the circumstaocel or their cUenb' arres:&. outlined -to a ~tt1UfL throuP witnesses available to the l.a.ry9, will 6Uslain their motion. for suppreaaioo o( evidence. A Lquna offictr booked the trio aftet notinJ that lhe1r bittered station wagon was Illegally parked on an Art Co{ooy street Further ilMttfeaUoo led 1o the alleged dblcovery ol ma.rljuana. and ~D in the veh~. Chula coodeow the 1cUon1 of. Ule police offk:er aa "contrary lo all 1COOpl«I principles of. law enforcamenL "· He refuses to specify, howt11er, the manntr In which the olllctr violated bla autl>orl· t,y. IL appoaml oerilln lite Fricf,y lbal !hi '""":~· Drtlan will Indal tbat Iha trial oct; ·a ~ tbe -i.. • .,.. ~ ~ ii -clown b1 Ibo ... lined j\ldp. Pollc:t said Doak gave bla .occupation u a tubt mock.up operator for a.a aero- IPICt firm. All .a;...,. booked on charge1 of coo- ~ to commJL JlnlllllUllon, ~ womtn were lodged at Orqe County Jail Dolt was held at Huntington Buch c111 JafL Po11ce aid t1ieJ let uP tho meetlnJ wttll Ille lilececl rill at tbe hotel wilb the~ manqmeol'• -n., would live no · fun1iOr detaill about Illa alleg<d opaaUDllll ct the on1d. • '. • • • ~ -' ·• ran)tni: from Inability to :get along with their husbanda lo Jitters ~hl o• by screamhJ& ctiildrtn. 1 ~ .. ~\.. litany of lhe ·anonymous Jlel.U'(l(1ca Juve the group after a reaaonably <bort perltd el Ume. Ot'-, ""'11 11 , Bat(y, ~ ve moar · det!>«a~ einolkR! '.fll'Obloins whlch -'be.cut all ""¥11't· ' "f~have-been a member for 1bm.lt two • yean," she 1ald. 1'!J1va dtQned ouc 90Cn<!limes, lhinkq lljat l ·could bandlio· I~ on1; lo find 11\)'..U ilJdJq back • gain .. • a . . . . "A lot ol people ""·lilce 'thal. II Ibey cloo 't k~ap goln1 lo the mtttlnp they hf~ bGttom qaln." 'lboee women who have problema pmtlllbtfl lhen1 frolD f u n c t I o n I n J -~ In llOdety· -call Belly st 117-llDI for membership. ll't • fl"ll N to do a lltUe IWttach!ni anl "'rid ,al U.. blua at tbe same thnt. ~· ' •.how clouds and local fog ln nfght and. morning hours and ' ·htfly sult!bine-i'n aft.emooris, '){fl.le temperature change, L . • .INSmE TODAY . . :· .• o".11?"' joftu .,,. iiat .of • ~"" 1 mod<m miroclc • ' ... "lf"P' ~ro1.19h. ue of a dronia.ti.a - NW mtih.od of trtat1n411t /M' once Jo.kU (lCCidcnt.s,. Fam1l11 We1klv, • Robert Young pro vu to ' be a·· aturdg •tond.bN on. telcvWon. Ht mo)' hove ataoJltir-wim1eP ;,., • •• A" new doctor ltrie•~ TV WEEK Wfff' •torr. _., '"'!"'4 -c--..... --····~· J• ' • • "'l: n • • ., :ii~ , • :::..• • " -·-,. .. :r:: .... •n n • • " I • It DAl~Y PILOT . .. f Rel' dM . Vnit Ashed . . ' l -!.-_\ . 'Let .. Solons r·~Alfet Taxes" :-. ; . 'By. JDID1 VAL TERZA • .. .. D.11y ,. ... , 11•11 ':..St:ale .. Controller Houston ~l'lk!1 Friday asked the lllloll or \be slate con- flltdlcll'J lax portions to Irr ~ 1ha. pooslblllly o( tu lw1>Rll by'.itrltlnf.JtlmLdeal· ~t~~nUa!. lox tlut· ...... ·IA addreq a~ \he • ,.._ Inn in .llrP9rt l!iach, : t h e cig"""""'killg r.nn.;~college prole<lor 1okt the revenue and tautioii cOii>-niiu~-~Jhe .Slfft COnstllu- tlonal ~vision Coounluion that, eeneraUy, all preferen- tial t.ax (X"Ovislons in the con-- atituUon should be delegated, instead, to the Ltglalature. Flournoy specilkally reta:ted a report by the Governor's special commille. on tu reform 1'ith the edltin1 studies or the tu porUoos ol. the con· stltuUon. ~· EXEMPTIONS "Our {tax reform t.'Om- miqj(ll\~od 11>41 de lac. to e1emptlon1, 1latut.ory e1· emptions, ones 1ained by legal in t e r p relation and con· aUtutkNJ onea all co:ntributP to lhe. sieve-like leaks in Ca!Jfotnil's fi5c.al ellort:" he .said. • Among thee J em p tl on s allowed by the 1itale Con.stitu- tioo at present are tbost af- fecting insurance compante! -and a proviaions that thue must be .. two-thirds vote in order to chanat the bani. and ~UQO tu. "We recommend that both these conaUtutional provisions be abolished,'' he said. BACKS TAX REFpl!M Controll1r Flournoy that the special lat it.(orm commission dl<f 'pot •. ha~e enough time.to scbedule pro- per hearings. He~ded that.. It also did not have enough time ·to srudy coinpletely all t h e con- stitilUonal provision! which .allOw" for· prelm!ntial tai: treatment.· "ttut we did agree that each ind evey one of lbem should be the subject of detailed review." Ji In another matter unrelated lo lat relorm, bot still to the constitutlonil revision iuue, Flournoy asked the committee to change , I.he ~µtulion re:Iating to the state con- troller's attendJmce on the State Board ol EquallutiOn. .._---- • • DAll<Y J0· 10 -SUNDAY 10°7 . ... S·PECIAL DUTY OXFORDS g Sq111lay 011ly! Woman 's oxlordc; \\Uh rasy to clean vinyl UJ.lflf'l'a and foam · Cushldncd ins o 1,. s, White, black or tan. 5-10. Chara;e It! 244 j 011r Reg. 3.47 ' MEN'S WORK PANTS 288 Reg. 3.97 Prrma Press NYf'.ilrr Cotton. ]-{r av y drill l)O('keUne. Rugged zipper closure. S anlo rlre d shrunk. 8.5· oz. Stronst ~·lll full cut for romfort. Choo11 ,. from i:rrcy or green. Si:.~cs 29-4:.! . • COStA MESA ONLY • ... ...... 'j!' .... ..,t .. 'I LADIES SLEEPWEAR Reg. I. 78·1.96 ·The tone ol Flournoy's ap-- pearaoce before-lhe com- ·mhalon . 1'11 allable, studded •il'Y hurty.laugbter and humor. ·However, one serious note "As the law stands now, in order for the controller to be a voting member of the five· member board, h1fmust be in ~ I ' t .wu Mck by member Otis FCost, "ice president o f Tranaamerlc1 Corporation and Occld'tntal Life Insurance Compacy. Frost assail~ the I 11 1 reform commillce's procedure of not allowing industry represent.iti.,.e1 a "proper" huring during its delibera- tions. PROVISIONS Flournoy agreed, adding attendance-al aJJ meetings. · "I would like to see ' something alJowlng my deputy to aUend as a voling member · in my place on occasfr1n, because the stale board meets five days a week at least two '•' weeks a month and the duties ol my office make 1t im· possible fot me to attend all tl'lese •essions." County Leaders Slate Talk on Eniployr1ient Problems or lhc dlsad· vantaged and dl{ricult·to- employ irr Orange County will be discu~ed by a panel or Oran&t County leaders at 10:45 1.m. Thursday in the Carousel Room <lf t h e Newporter Inn. <lf the Orange Counly Manage-· ment Council. He ho Id s Bachelors and M a s t c r s degrees in Personnel and Industrial Relations. Fri@sOn is a co-founder of lhe Orange County Equal. Op- portunity Employers Associa- tion and founder and president t MEN'S STRETCH SOCKS ~ Sunda11 011ly! 2, 9 7 ~ Crr\\' st) lr in i5';. (J!'lon(!j) 0 1. acrylil', 2~r,w. i;lrf'l{'h 11ylun, R Spandex top. Onr siz(' fits all. In ,·olors. m,T.M. of D<IPon!. IN:. ' ' . Reg •• 68c ea. CHROME "-!\~HLIGHT rWITH BA TTERiS . S1111day Only! J57 011r Heu. Z.27 • RPgular 2-ct'll chro1ne knul'l-rd flM.hllght u·1lh ring bani· rr. 2 "D" slzt' batteries In· cludrd. S h op Parly and Charge It! Moderator Cl( the panel will be Laurence Gadaire, director of the C>range County Merchanl5 and Manufacturers Association. of the Orange County Partners __,. PaneUsts include W ya t t 1"rie30ll, pa.Ill president or the Orange County NAACP, Ralph Echave, Mexican-American COOlmunlty leader. John Con· rlott, director of the Orange County National Alliance of Businessmen and Allen Dem· ina, chairman of the Inter· Agency Resources C<lmmittee. for Progress, a private busin~ss assisting minority ~j groups in finding employment. ·J Echave is executive director t~ of the League af United Latin-l American Citizens J Neighborhood Youth Corps in Orange County, slate rivil .. rights chainnan for the . California Leagt=e of United '· Lalin -American Citizens and a ) member of the Governor's Ad visory Council for Orange •: County. 1 Condon, a retired ~1arinc Corps major general on loan • t .... DIAMOND BRIDAL SETS ! The discussion is sponsored by ·the Newport Harbor Service League, 1 volunteer training organization, and is open to Ule public. from North American Re .,14~ "" fl· ., "·"" ' Gadaire. in addition to bting director of the M~tA . wa s in- 1trumenlal in the organiz.atton Rockweirs ~utonetics division ~ 9988 where he is assistant to the president. is assisted by Dem· 1 ing, a deputy director <lf the NAB who was fonnerly ex· 1-1 '°" ~utive director of the OranRe ~ Engagement ring and \Vedcting band lock to pre. Ji County Management cOOncil. I vent set from l\v isting. Total 6 diamonds on 14 ~ Dr.Beckman Leader of Award U1rit ANAHEIM -Wtll-known Orange County ch•ic leader Dr. Arnold 0. Qeckman or Corona del Mar hall been Cash Only For Prison Art Show 1" karat gold . <:hosen chairman of the 1969 SAN QUENTIN (AP ) -The J Dlaneyland Comm u n i l Y celebrated public art show at ; Service Awards Committee. San Quentin Prjson takes ~ He will receive help from place on Saturday, drawing a five other Orana:e Coa st word of caution from the cititent, including M r s , prison administration. ·r_-... ~ .................. , -.. 4" COLOR • PLANTS J· 3/1.00 '.; Rey .• 37r In 4 lnrh Pol.~. .. , 60 LB. UNIVERSITY COLORFUL BEDSPREADS Sunday Only! 100,.; 1:olton. Tu!lt:'d \\"hil,. chenille on solid l'Olor berk-l ,5:1"()Und. T \V i n nr doublt' \f ~iit-, trimmed \\i lh fringr, In many colors. .. 588 .. Reg. 7.96 HERSHEY CANOY IN KING·SIZE BARS S111ulay 011lyl Reg •• 38c ea. For snackt.imP nibbling f Plain mi I k chocolate. 11]. mond, Krackel. ?ttr. Good· bar or peanut butter cups. I' .-t\lo 11411 w111;Jn1 ol'. ELECTRIC HEATING PAD Sunda11 011lyl 1-tade hy Beacon. Pad ha.t thrtt heat Sf'ttings ror your "omforL 100% u·t"tproot \vlth fil!UlnPI rovrr 11nd sn1J.p l'losurr. Savt! J97 Reg. Z.46 William S. HolJtein, of Glrona "Visitol'll.'-' said As!IOCiate , del Mar, Mra. Lawrence K. \\'ardcn James Park. "should Reynolds. of Lliuna Beach, not wur dark blue ~enim • J act Higley, ol Hl.Jntipgton clothina as this is inmate • Bdch, Rabbi Aaron J . unifonn." REDWOOD COMPOST • I Tafifld, of Anaheim and Juslln 'The lnmatts, ''ho usually , M. Kennedy , of Santi Ana. draw up to 12,000 visltors to Dr. Bectman iJ chairman of inspect tbeir an work, have a the board and execullve Of· worry of lbtir own. 'I -flctr of Beckman lnltnzments "All items Will be :tald on a ' )be., Fullerton and fonntr ca&h basis only," uid Park. '°"""' Colml.1 P1ffl Club ;'due ta some bad clJ)Cr1ences Mairti: 1111'1.,r. Ille mtn lllV< hid wttll bum ":~land a.wardJ pro-checks.·· ·lftm NI btt:O iP ~ for 11le one-day . ahow wiU offer •' Jtl.nl~~ '#hkh time · • ·acrytij:s, wo~rcolors .and •t -Uilll-"Wa bltri •L'OD-P.•ftff•t 'fOOC!Work.~ jewelry. 'ltltiw ID «;.niial"""' cl1ed lelllltel!''Ol'I< •od ,,,.,,, loolina. for c:ommunlt1 1-t r v I r c PtocCeds i;o to 11n insnate ·, ac· benefi\8. "COWlL t :::g.: :::.a for great· f 7 7 J er value .. ---------------··--- • • i Baby dolls, Bikinis ~nd Culottes. lncluding gowns i. r, ·' t and pajamas. These items come in an assortment of color.; and sizes. S1111day Only! •.• ~~-... -'=="=' K MART INSTANT SPRAY STARCH S11nctau 011r111 Reu •• 42c ea. So easy lo Ulle! 23·nrt oz~ Jusl 11pray on 11nd iron. Cul~ your Ironing-tln1r. Save a t K n1art's discount price! 10" ?"on· i.ti rk hard cOfl t 1 Teflon® is grrat for fa.~t. 1 t"a.i;y coo kini:: and qu l<'k ~ t'lean-up after meals! Chari::e · it al K &:mlU'L ~ g l M , et OuP,~.· .,"" .. • .. · ""'""'""''"R~e ,.,g,. ..... 1,,. 7'""'7""'.,..t. ~~= ...... -"" ~="=[; ROOM-SIZE I AREA RUGS S1111day 011/!f! • Reg • .La.as. . • ' t Colorful. easy to care for rugs fQr evuy room ! 81~ x 11~' In r. 100% rayon. Avotado, ..Gold, ~1 Turquoise and n1ore. • • 9 x11' poly foam undtrln.4.96 Students at th~ College of Char- leston (S.C.) soon will be able to buy beer on campus. College offic-- lals said the school has oblained a state license to sell beer in the Stu. dent Center. Beer is to be sold only during certain hours when faculty and student governmeot officials are on hand. Prospects of campus beer sales caused the Charleston County Council last summer to consider cutting off its annual con· tribution to the private college. • Ch•rl•s Youngberg of Monterey Se·x Salesmen Find ·Big .. Marke·~ ' ' Meet the People Vicelnve~tigatorAssaiisPostalPornowaphy,SupremeCourt · l I I ~' TOM B~llLEY • ployr Into the )Jandl <&th& merc!Wilo·o! o,.i 'ail:' them lo do whal Ibey can obool lnmdredl o! 1J111Y clll-on lhe dlslric! °' ..,. ,.,.... '*' ''*-· tilth.·~ Jt.'' at.torney'I telephone." T;da)''s pollce cilll<er i.,lho "'Ip .... in· 1 Shalllell ~I'll two ~ "top "We have to pn>Y)l lbol what II bolnc '""-people "" 1oln& all ou~ oo llill ~rtfledlvy betWeen an ~ly sellert In tJit Ifill\ ll<ld" _ elaborately dhdrlboled Is lo.~ wllh commUl)lty !!" llldf Ip a woy thlllblio to be -to -clllzeori and a Uoi!tOll Stales coolr' _, pllaUc llou f slaodardl, lhal H r ~ to prurfenl iil" bellmd," said Sllaldell wa.in, 5upreme O,.wt t8ot fs "aUo.illif'obscii>l· "·~ .!OP 0 •• "11'"" tams• aod °"'' II' II otierly wllhoul oeveral lavlshly lllullnited 'dampleil-ol ty pedtilers to Step up tbeli-Jftaaatve sales 1n tha~ ~ he told an altonlab-redeerfttn·1 socl~·va(ua," ShaideU said. bJa topic from the podlumr of arnut and Q.ltb " a vettran Vice 'In.-~· aOdJ .. the latter 1 cc a I\& l • "Very~ we can P"ITT It In the local "Maf\Y of the maa:uine1·I bave .'hen vestlgilof told ar'.1nge Coun~ lawyers , Of• the maJe sex orpn. la coort.s," be said. ""But time and again dOf"'t trouble to Include ~'.' he added. Friday. • " · ~ed thousands of ,~nap 1~11. dectslona are nVe:r8ed tiy lhe a~late •'They concenlr.ate ori .dtph:Ung the •X ''Pornography -pays," Sgt. Dooald D. .Before YOU laagb ~n, .he said, Jet court and another peiiidler is· free to go on ad 1n every conceivable form and anJle Shaidell told the Orange County Bar me ask you, br· 411 lincerlty, how yciu dlstrlbtiting hi1 fiUh to thousands ol and the male and femlle •iual organa in Association. "Our United States postal ~ouJd feel t~,riur YOW'I& dau,ghter got this homes." every •ind ol slant~ camera 1bot and system passes on a billion piece! of dirty m the mall. . A epe. in point, Shaldell said, ,_,as that setUng knowa to the p60tographer." literature a yeer to cit.iz.em who woukl Many ol ~.same de~ices c~ an of1he WMmtmter book seller who ma.ii· "And the amut aelJen have added like to know what we are going to· do added em~~· stiaideU S&ld -a ed out, attar h1a M1'e5t on distribulion of science to their l.ngenolty," ·added about tt. carved reprocluclioo .• o! lbe Virgin MBfY ,oblcenlty chargel, more lhao 50,000 Shaldell, 1umtn1 to l)10 artificial sex "We.,. uking Ibo same ...,..uoo," the "" ooe lide o! lbe l>i>Jecl. coplto ol lhe material that brought him organs, cumnUy ,.1a111ng in -Ibo frustrated Officer said. "We're dOO\g our "Parenti beg and plead wilh w to do before lhl Jocal coorta. pornography market fcr$24.15. • best to combat a mulU-mllllon-doltar something about this," be s aid. "It wasn't u big a gamble as y 0 u Sbaldell and lWo fello1rlriembt:rs cit:Ute.· N~ Los Al c•1et bu6inest but more than 9f ~t of "Sometimes we.can but many Umes we might think," Shaldell said. "He won his Loa Angeles Police .Department'a J'ice" • , what we actually do is nuUUied by a can't And ~e .npla.fn t~ them l he case ln the appe:Dale coo.rt and was free squad are curmiUy touring Uie ·atate..tn:a.... '*8'vy Capt. Grant Boice, a 29-- Supmoe Court that., by . its dedll:~. Supreme Court edicta that bmd our haod.s lo· go on aelliDg \be tlnd ot 1tuff that putl aeries of anti-vice lectllreL •• ·,· .• ._ -veer c'areer officer, assumes· , · -.~nd of Los Alam! ; Naval Air Station Monday. He Swede Takes Park keeps one of his Thunder· birds parked in his apartment house stall, another at bis daugh· ter's home, and three at a garage. ~ That ,~av•• one for bis ... t•.drive Seri·es Lead and rune mo.re J.o .• ~ J!'ll'ke<t ·•• Bal Bankruptcy Judge · •ucceeds Capt. Lloyd D. Ruth. who retires· from active serv•. ice to become a movie ezecu-. tive. The Orange County baae' is the largest Naval Air Re. serve station in America. Emerson Str.eet where the etaer-·-----~---· Youngberg ·lives. Neighbors Teter to tbe-reaidential av.enue as ''T Bird Alley." Luckily fbr YOl!ng· berg, there are no on-Street parK· ing ordinances. All 15 cars are 1956- 57' models. Youngberg says "I like them." ,0 Vinita KeUy, fashion editor of the Cincin nati Post-Timt1 Starr, '&OOI hon• ored for work in protecting endang· ertd animal !f>tdet'f'rom use ill fa.sh. ion design. RoJJ Reuther, San Fran- cisco zoo dlrtctor ohd' Preiid.tnt tJf ' the American Association of Zoolo¢· cal Park!· and Aquariums, made the preaen!ation. DAILY vlLOI "..,.. ............... .... i.,....... .......,.., ·--CAllfOllllA 01\ANGa [~1 PllllbHING (QMPAtn ~.i..,, N. w .... ••ulllttll ... 1'11111*' J.idi I. c.rt.., t/lc9 ........ ~ ..... n .... 1e ... a ... n.....:.:;.~--C--..i m ~...,"""' ...,_,~,J!U'#a1 .............. 1->9 ...,., ttt. ,,_ .. _ Hln"'-"8 a.a... Jiii ~ . ' In Star Races Has ~Lot to Write About · . ' L9Jtgtime Beach Resident Dies; Funeral Monday SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Elllleoe cO'ley of <llicago set the pace all the way in light to medium winds Friday to win lhe fourth race of the Star Class world sailing charnpionsh.lps, but seventh-place finisher PeUe Petterson of Sweden took over the series lead. Petlerson jumped from third to first when the two frontrunners, Alan Holt and ·Bill Buchan, both cf SeatUe, finished 30th and 4tsl, respectively. llalt skidded into a lie for shth place with Stig Wennertrom of Sweden and Buchan tumbled 1o 12th. Corley had to withstand a challenge by Buddy Friedrichs of New Orleans on the last leg, a downwind run with dy- ing winds. Corley caught the last puff and won by a bare three feel. ... Carlo Rolandi of ltaly was third follr' )owed by Tom Blackaller of San Fraocils- co and Lowell North of San Diego. North edged Angelo Marino of Italy by less than a foot. REFEREE STEPPING DOWN BelbN's Robert Powell For the past 10 years, Balboa's Robe.rt Powell served as Orange County·s referee In ba.nkrupt.cy, hearing financial complainta·by 1he hundreds. And on Oct. 31 the 63-year'<!ld judge Is retiring, and he'll write about those 10 years. "I am going to write my memoirs,'' the judge admllled. There ls a lot to nmembe.r. A California lawyer aloce 1930, he serv- ed In World War It as provost marshal for 337 court martial cases. Appointed to lhe Orange County Bankruptcy Court in 1958 by eight district judges, he served San Diego C.Ounty as well as Orange for the lirst year. He had a staff of three ck!rk.s to handle an average 75 petilions a month, be.,58.kl. ·•Orange County leads the nation tn the total bankruptcy petllions during any given year," Judge Powell.said. Blackaller's fourth moved him Into second place in the standing• while North advanced from sixth to a tie for third with James Schoonmaker of Miami, who wu ninth in Friday's race. The final ra ce in the series will be sailed today. Press Ai.de S~es , More Nixon Visits To San Clemente 'Gods of America' Failing .. X ol!'Jg,. G~~aiii Declares -• ";,. • I-• • President Nixon probably 'will use his San Clemente vacation home quite fre- quently, his press .secretary said Friday. Ronald L. Ziegler told newspaper pub- lishers meeting in Monterey that a res- ponse to the President's Western While House has been "very good." The President, be said, feels good and needs a break in !Chedule from the de- manding Washington White House rou· tine. "I believe the President wiO spend at least six weeb in Callfomja eich year," Ziegler said. "He probably will be here in lhe state when he can spend a period o( live to six days away from Washington." The President recently spent a month at San Clemevte on a working vacation. Ziegler addressed the Callfomla-Neva· da Associated Press Association. a pub- lishers' group represenling 7a AP mem· bet newspapers. Guards Slay Inmate PENDLETON, Ind. (AP) Guards with riot guns killed one inmate and woo~ about 20 others Friday as a group of Indiana St.ate Reformatory prisoners threatened to set. fire to buildings, State Correcttoa C.Ommlssioner Robert P. Htf· ne said. The r t r o r m a to r y auptl"intendent, George l'hend. said the fatal 5hootlng was ••pure accident" when a shotgun pellet ricocheted and struck the irunale lo the head, according to Heyne. ?tfark:ine the toU:t anniversary -ot hi1 vigorous crusades for Ql:risl, evangelist Billy Graham told .. a crowd or Orange county followers Frid•~,fl:;t thlit "the 1ods of. America art · the young people." A.3 he opened a JfMfa7 Southern Call· fomla crusade, the Rev. Graham urged an Anaheim Stadium audience -esti· mate<! by aides at 33,000 -to accept Nixon-Meir Talks End With No Word on Planes WASHINGTON (UPO -hnoen Prime Minister Golda Meir has completed her official talb with President Nixon with no public word as to whether she waa auccess!ul in her request for more Ameri· can military hardware. In separate statements after a final "Onference at ~ White House Friday 1fternoon, Nixon told newsmen they were oot announcing at this Ume any decision• or taking any initiatives toward a Middle East 15etUemenl Nixon laid be believed that from their meetings "could come some protreu to- ward solutions" of Middle East prob· lenu. He said the problema; dated back over the centuries and were not "1111- ceptible to instant diplomacy." 11n. Meir said she and Nixon agreed .. everythii\g should be done to bring real peace Lo the Middle East." She said she was happy l!il:le could return home know- ing she bad found a friend of Israeli with a full understanding of Its problem&. God In the age ol "American idolatry.'" "There are olbet aoos in America to- night and we are giving them more time than we are giving the true and living God," the minlller said. Mentionln1 that he had visited Univer- sity or Callfornia campu!es at Berkeley and Loe Angeles among otlY'...:s, the evan- gell.!t said he wa1 "stirred by the young people, by the search on their !acts.'' "Our American gods," he continued, "will not give the young people the peace, jov and happiness they are look· ing f«. And they are rebelling against them .•• and they are saying give me a God to believe in, give me a faith to believe.. "Young people in the univeralttes are tn rfl>ellion against the inmtution of the church, but they ap not in rebellion agaJnst the person Of Jeswi Christ. "Our gods," said the evangelist. "have become entertainment, pleasure, leisure, sex and materialism ••• "You must aetept faith by God and when you do, something happens inside. "You committed sin against Him but He's not far away. He's willing to for• 3i ve you tonight." A spokeaman elllmated that 1.500 per- aons responded to the address and "came forward to give their lives to Christ." Countiiin Killed WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Delense Deparunent Friday r.ported Marine 2nd Lt . 'Thoma.a E. Caruso. 10591 Hedlund. Anaheim, has die(! in Vietnam. The an· nounoement said his death was oot the result of hostile actkln. "The p e a k number of casu wu reached in 1967 when the court processed over 3,fiOO ," he commented ... The court convenu at 1440 E. First St .• Santa Ana, and now has A. K. Phelps of Corona del Mar , appointed as referee in Funeral servictll for Ame W. Jeruien, 1965: 12 clerks and Mrs. Eleanor Filch, 77, who died Thursday from a heart a1J.. chief clerk for 25 years. ment., will be held at i p.rn. Mond11 at "The tremendoaa: filinp In Orange Smit.:111 lbapel, a7 Main St, Huntfngtea County are due, I feel, to the number of Beach. people who move here from out of state Burial services for the longtime Hun. and bring their debt.s with them," be tington Beach resident will follow im- sal,%e creditor finds~ the individuals and med.lately after the lel'Vice • t levies on their salaries: be explaJned, and Westminster Memorial Park. this is when they find the route to the Jensen, who lived in Huntington Beach bankruptcy court. for the past 47 years, was an employe of ":t never seems to hurt them. Peoplt: th'! Signal Oil Co. untU he retired. are glad to give them credit again. He was the commander of the Hun· "Some wa ge earners Tile e ve ry six lington Beach Barracks of World War I years, as often as the law a11ows." Vettran.s, a past commander of the local- The judge - a title of courtesy -la .American Legion Post, and a chaplain of retiring because of Ill health. He wffered the Department of California World War a stroke several years ago that left him I Veterans. physically handicapped. Jensen was al91> a church counselor for He is a large man. well groomed. The the Latter Day Saints and a chaplain of: wheel chair to which he Is confined is the Veterans of Foreign Wan. forgotten as the sharp wit and alert com· He i..s survived by bis wife Stella, tt tbl ments of the experienced I a w y t! r home challenge the listener. , 5.27 12th St.; HunUngton Beach; He makes Ills home with his wile, Bet· two daughters Fem Bowen. and Shirley Macarter, both of Santa Ana; ·tWo tye, and IOn Larry, 21, at 118 0 c ea n brothers, Wllliam . Jemen o£ pboeil11 Fronl In Balboa. Ariz. and Elnar J..,.. al Hyrum, \flail; (I . ? ,. • .• on4 ,,.. sfsltr<. Ruby .~~ ol 16 A G d . l"al..i11e, eaur. ana Joela Se11Wm, ,o1 vant uar e Redding, calil.-· Survivors also include ••f• n Sh 0 U grandchfldren and four ~at ops pen p grabdcblldrao. To Competitors Sixteen more or less avant garde buslnesse1 Jn Laguna Beaclt wW open their doors from 7 to 10 p.m. Monday to let fellow merchants and interested citizens lmpect their warel. Their proprietors are members of the recently !ormed Laguna B u 1 i n e s • Association, a groUp of youth-oriented bwlines1 people seeking to convinc.e the conununfty that their operallons are ac- ceptable and economically advant.aeous to Laguna. Businesses joining In the open house ft.10flday are Glutton No. I, 485 N. Cout Highway; The Cottage Re1taurant, 30I N. Coast Highway; Leather Mart, 207 N. Coast Highway ; Mainly Trousers, 212 N. Coast Highway; Yoga Imports, 269 Forest Ave.; Ron McCurdy Studio. 120 Ocean Ave.; Les Gamins, 490 S. Coast Highway and The Clothes Closet, ~ S. Coast Highway. Other part.idpatiog firms are Ban & Chain, 656 s. Coast Highway ; MysUc Ari! • World, 670 s. Coall Highway ; Stoneware & Cobblery, 175 Cleo SI.; Vl!lons, 7tS S. Coast Highway ; Small Worki, 751 S. Coast Highway; <Mer Lid., ~.S.·Coul Highway ; Sound Spectrum, UM S. Coast Highway aod The Rug ~hop, l2B'I S. Coast Hi1hway. It's Indian Day In Huntington· An all·Tndian Rodeo and Pow Wow ta under way today in HunUnaton ·Beach. Rodeo events are from 2-4 p.m .• tod&J and Sunday, north ol lllonliJo&ton, !Me, between Slater and Ellil Avenues. off EdWards Street. Indian dances will be perfcnned II I tonigbl, and Sunday. nlgbl. Admlsslon ·to the rodeo b IZ !or adull! and ll · (or children. There is no cbaree for the JD. dlan ceremonies. Booths filled with lndllo frlabls, beadwork and rug work are located on the rodeo grounds. More than 400 lndlam from all parta of the nation are ta11JW part in the weekend's events, the fint!Of ib type on the West Coasl. Nixon,. Rocky Plan S. America Policy . THURMONT, Md. (AP) -1!N1i1e1!1 NiXOQ and Gov. Nelson A. Rockef'elltt were at nearby Carrip David•teday to discuss LaUn ·Alnotlca1> p'.llleycbut.lbo White House said it will keep silent ,aa results .of the conference. Nj:<on said Friday that someUme!nt.Jt ~i:iplb "W.e will be ma~ a maJor new pronouncement on L a t 1 n ~ policy." ltS whatS inside that counts! Inside Mariners Savings, you count the most! And your money counts • , • then grows ••• and counts some morel Also, inside Mariners Savings, the abilities of the staff count. In fact, they count the most, not only for you ~net your money, but In the · community and in the savings and loan industry. ' Mariners Savings offers federally insured savings plans. Insurance protection is the highest and safest in the nation. So is the interest that Mariners Savings pays! And you earn it day in day out from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Extra services include free safe deposit boxes when you maintain a balilhce of $5000. All customers recelvl!the ~onvenlence of free-travelers checks. Don't be outside! Colne on inside and be one of the customers who count so much with Mariners Savings • . . .. Pulplt and Pew • ,, ,,,. OmU of Rell&lool -of IApU --Li&llM Canyon Road, olleriq -In the Sd !JI Mlod, ~ to the geoer• public, beslJinlnl TuudlJ' and w~. Both day and nliJll -11111 be uughl by tho lleY. Helll"J G<rbard and 1111:1; Gerlwd. All cl ..... mtel oace ~ for a lerm ., ... _ .... Dr. Gerllard will preach "The Low cl CompenaaUon" SUndlJ, at t mid" 11 ,1.m. -Annual College Illy will be cdebnl<d Sunday at the Finl AMemllly of God Cloudl, llC Eut Dnd St., Coda Mwl. Prof. Joseph Gut.el of Southern Calllomia College will teach the colleae class during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. Tbe family worship service at 10:50 a.m. will fea.bJre Or. 0. Cope Budge, president of Soothero California College. Dinner will be aerved at 1 p.m. In the fellowahlp ball of the dlurch. Putor Cronic wlll apea'I: al lbe 7 p.m. revival -time W'Vict. ''People Whom God Can Use," is the title or the "rmon to be delivered at Ftnt Cbrt•d•n Cllarc~ of Coda Men, 79% Victoria St .• at the 8:$0 and 10 :40 a.m. wo?Jbip hours. M o n t h I Y FeUowship Dinner tn the Fellowship hall of the church will be held 5::10 p.m. Sunday followed by the e v e n i n g BBVlct, 7 o'clock. 'nle sermon will be "The C1'oice That God Gives.'' 1 "How Jesus Christ Oirecled 1 Church Service" will be the sermon Sunday O( Past.or Thomas Benvenuti at Glad TldlDgs Assembly ol God C!mrdl, tSth and Monrovia, Newport neath, at the IO :SO .a.m. service. The choir will be featured in a special singspiralion at the 7 p.m. 1m1lce. PN1or Bf<>. ~sular mteUnp will be btld venuU will prtach 11Mark: The. &mdlii, 7 p..m. Man Wbo Came Back." Or. Roa:tr Huebner, new pastor ol tamUy rnln1stry at Flnit Church, Costa Mesa Is t b e guest 1puker al Christ Chardl by the SH, 141.0 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, this SUnday. Hla sermon topic ls "Let the Slw..ahine In." Etr· ly worship ar..d church school is at 1:30 a.m. with another service at 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided. Communion will be ob&erved .at the 7:30 a.m. service at SL Joba U.. Divine Ephcopal Ch.fell, 30U Orange Ave ., Costa Mesa. Morning prayer service will be held at 9:30 a.m. and Sun-day school classes meet at the same hour. Nursery care is provided. Young people of the church will hold a party today, t p.m. at the home of Col. Ciampa. Marking b1a J ll b an- olvmary, Pastor ·Dlllu R. 'I\troer wW be h o n o r e d Wednaday by lhe con- ,regaUoo ol C•am•alty Prelltytedu a.rd, t 1 5 Forest Ave., LaiuDa Beacb. A caterecldimlerlnlhecllurcll fellowJhlp ball al C::IO p.m. will be followed by a coocerl of anthems. Dr. Turner and bla Wnlly came to Laguna Beach in 1949 after a aeven yqr miniltry in San IXeco. He iJ active iD Los Ranchos PreabJtert wort as well u servtn& U chalrmu of the Committee on Nomina· lions and a dele11te to the Synod of Southern California. ·Pastor .Ronald L., White "Will preach at both t and 11 a.m. worship services SUnday for Newport Harbor L • t be ran Cburcb, 2501 Cllf[ ()rive, Newport Beach. His sermon topic will be "Lock Us Up." '11/f!IO Ute' Christian Science lee· turer Naomi Price will speak on "The Gate- 'vay to a New Life," Friday 8 p.m. at the Corona de1 Mar Second Church of Christ Scien- tist. The talk ·is free and open to the public. "The Victorious Christian'' is the sermon selected by the Rev . l'fenry Jones for SUnday 9 (See PULPIT, Page S) Celestine V Did • • . Will. Pope Paul Rt3tire? • VATICAN CITY (UPO - Pope Paul VI turned 72 thls month and like many an tlder· ly 11\111 he has been confronted wilh the questicn ot whelher he should retlre 1ome day. It ts not a question ~t l Popie normally mu.at fact. On· J7 ooe bu e~er rellnqulahed the Job short of death. He wall CelesUne V, a hermit monk who was dtafted for the Papacy in 1t!K wben cardinals could not agree on a candidate. He retired flve months later. The Roman Catholic Church canonized him but Dante plac- ed him among the cowards in bell in his epic "Inferno" because he "refused the great commiS!lton which had been paid upon him." PAl.rt. VI wholle birthday was Friday, ts so preoccupied with maintaining p a p a I authority in the church that il is difficult to imagine him lak- Int a step IUCh a.s reUrement which might f u r t b e r wr dennine I.hat authority. But he has been criticiud as no Pope in rgodem bi.story, and some obteners think be may decide eventually to retire in the convict.ion th•t only a new Pope could quiet the stonn In the Church. So tar a& is known, the Pope has not expressed bis views on the quesUon ol rttirement to any ol his close usociate1. But there has been specuJa. lion ol bis possible reUrement, ror several years. Some ol lhis may be merely wishful think· ing on the part of his critics. But some of it has ~ in· spired by lhe Pope's own ac· lioo&. IN AUGUST 1966, Paul ask· ed local bJ..sbQps throughout the world to offer their resignations at age 75, leaving lo him to decide whether to actepl them. He has not applied the age limll to other bl!liool, ana some VaUcan offk:lah: Insist be never intended that It should apply to himself. But some noted church fi~s. such U \he German theolog11n Bernard Haring, have predicted lhfi Pope m_, 1tep down in 1m when he reaches 75. Only a month after selling the age limit for bis))ops, the Pope paid a visit to Lbe grave of ~Jestine V. His reason for doing so has never been ex- plained, but Haring and others have seen it a.! a symbolic gesture indicating his own In· tention to retire as Cele.!tine did . AS UIS BIRTHDAY I P· proaches, lhe Pope's mind is probably less on the s\Jbject o· reUrement than on the Worlrl Synod of Bishops to be held al the Vatican starting Oct. 11. The preparation of the synod has been one of the major lSee RETlRE, Pa1e S) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? TIY FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA.LC.I Fairview Rd. At Fair Dr .• Costa MG-s• 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worship o,._ -s.-ltlwtry -Dltptti 11Mir Shtdy .,. .. ,. PrfMte •4 Gtet11' c....ih1t1 545-4,11 HARBOR TRINTY BAPTIST CHURCH 1 JJO w ... St. et hiinieY, Cestti MtM l..-. Conl• s.ii., l'•i.t Sunday School 9:4.S a.m.. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Bap&.l&t Training Union 6 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer ••.•......••.• 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHUR.CH ,i, I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCHD 0' THI MOTMll CHUlCH THI PllST CHURCH Of CHRIST, SCllNTIST IH I05TON, MASSACHUsms "REALITY" Subject of Lesson -September 28th Cost• Me..-Flrst Church of Christ, Sc11ntl1t JUI M-Y"49 Dr .. Ce\t9 M .. S•M..,Sc~-t:1SA.M, C••rcli ~-11 A.M. IMdl .. 1 .... Jiit M .. ,.,.._ Or. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ I NEWPORT HARBOR I LUTHERAN CHURCH Welcome• Yov. l'I LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER ST • .IAMIS. J20f Yla LW.. N..,,...... .._. ili•.I 1 2501 Cliff Dr. Ll 8·!1-293 2900 Pacific View Dr. 7:ll ...._H.ty IHr-irt lJ 1 Tiie 1..,. J-G. ll•i•, '•"•r Corona de! h-1ar 91H ..._M9"tl1t9 PNJef 11t • >1'4 S111. \ H•tylaci..t.tJa4•4ttiS.•. Tllel..-.le11otdwt.lr•. OR. WILLIAM R. ELLER t:H .. .......cllirc• Sdto.I Aubtut Pator Mn. w.1 .. ~911, 11 :00 .. 111-H.ty I ....... ltt & Jr4 S.11. Ftinily WO<'llo!, f .to lO 10:» '·"'· P•rilll W.,U, M.,.I .. ~ w • 4tk S••· s"'"""'v ktlool •.JO to it:» ;1,m. Phona 644-2664 ClllJ4 C«e _, t:tO .... WorMllo Str~kt ll:Da :o 11:00 9:15 A.Iii. f91J1ily W..Uljl TM lll:n • .J• '·....,ti, ._., Nursery care available 10:00 A.M. S••4.., c11.,..11 n. a.... Dnt4 A. er-, Asloclm ll:ect•r at all services kllMI ST. MICHAEL I. ALL ANGELS ll :OOA.M. fftt1 ... W-nM11 • WELCOME N•l'Mf'Y rr..w.11 ,.inc wn ort .. • M .. .erite. e_.. _. ,..., 11c,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,$:!' """"""""""""""""""""'~ s.....-.,:_ 1:00, t :JI -QIN C... et t :JO r H•ly hr'I • 4•••rcM An a-W.iU1119 Ill C H'R 1 ST LUTHERAN CHU RC H lecter,Tllela.J.Ul..-nDnll-,,.._ '44-046) I Mit1011ri Svnod ST, JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. 760 YlcNtri• St., CHtti Mn• Sodm 7:JI & 9:JO Cli•rcli Sch .. 1-9:30 LottMt Y. y.,_, P•t•r ,,. • ......,.: l:JO ••••• nt.; M9'y 0a.,. -...... ,. I 541-S404 ,50 HAMILTON, COSTA MW AIV. J. D, WALLACE Sund•v Sthool •••••••• t :45 Tr•i11i119 U11io11 • , ••••••• 6:00 Mor11i;1 Wonhip ••••• 11 :00 E••11i119 V.:orthlp ', • • • • •• 7:00 WH. Ew1•11119 S1r~•t• ••• 7:00 Huntington Beach-First Church of Chrl1t, Sclentl1t 110 OHM S••Hy kltMI-9:JO I 11 :00 Cl111rcll-11 A.M. Sen-In l..cllflt lfflll -II I 011l'9 Vlc.t, TN ..... J ... W . Do••l .. ll -Pllaff 541·1JJ6 Worth!, StrYltt•: l :U !v~: :~j, Cl•u: t ::IO .. ~~fY Scl!ool; f ::IO A.M. i?o~~~::-:-:::::::;;~-::::~~~~~;:~::::;';'.:'"11!..:c~H:•~·:··~··~·::,,:·~L·~·~·~·~·~A=•·~·~c:•:O~O~L""'""'"""""",,,:,··~·~4~1~··~ I ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH . P!ttHe 642°9111 H•rwry Al...,. An1'9ble ~~~~~~~1 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2252 S. L l'AUSADIS lOAO Laguna B••ch-First Church of Christ, Scientist 'JI HM)k Dr. CJl•rcll • S111111iay khHI -9:JO & 11 :DI lHCll,.. lironi, 214 hmt •1N1 11• '' ~=::-~:;.:~:;,~··~.:::,.: "1y• '''"" PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Tiit llt•. J1f!Mf C. C11ty, '''''' 111 ... Yirrdt Drive• lolcirr Strt-et. Cnt• Mft•, C•llf. Sunday Sarvices •NoRt:w c. //l.NOERSOH. P••to• l:M A.M. Htl~ C•m..,w11ifll t :)O A.M, 1"1mll'!' S-ltt A ChlH'Cll ~und1y Sc1-I t U MOrnlnt Wauhlp I • t :» .. 11 J:M ... M. llw ... l0111 S~ll 1 l:lt ,.M, E,it~t ll:M f/l...M. Mem"'9 Wlrlhli l'ri11t• •f P••t• lut~•ttll Sc~oo1 -Min Either 011011, P1l"t.i•11 SANTA ANA HllGHTS SUN DAT SCHOOL ................................ t:4S A.M. MO•NINa WOllSHI .................................. 11 A.M. llVINING WO•tHI" ................................. 1 .. .M. lol!DWlllllC Sl!•VICI' WllDNllSDAY 1:11 .. .M- N•wport Be•ch-First Church of Chritt. Sci•ntist JJOJ YI• L.149 Cllwrdl • SnMy 5c...a-t:15 &-11 :00 1.-S .. a-. JJ11 YI• Ud• IF======='= .... ===''="=="'~=============··=~==~='="=·=·=n=··=~====~ll!-~-~o~·~·;~··;.;,·~··~~~,~··~·~·O~·~'';,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,~··~·~··~·=·=·~·,~·='='=''=··~·~·~·,,,.: WllllaM l. Ado!!. .... TW Onrrdl ,.,._. MHU1 NW...,. .tleach-Second Church of Christ, Sclentiat FIRST CHRISTIAN'~' ~::.,,~=~~M~ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH el ............ (AIMflicM .. !Jfllfl ' 17411 M.,..rla. f .Y. . CHURCH ___ ,..,L.,.......,. 'i Victoria & J>laceptia Ave. All ar'e coo:dWIY illvlted tirattend the church 1 Costa Mesa semces and enjoy the privileges .of the '"· D.-H..t-. Ml111ftr Mor11i119 Worslii11 1:]0 l 11 :00 Su11d1y s,hool , ••••• , •• 9:1 0 Youth M1•li1111 , •• •••• •• 6:00 llr1y•r Sirrvic1 , , •• , •••. 6:10 l••11l11t Somtir •••••••• 7:00 Nllnfr'J' A••OUle 01 1n s.t...ic .. 1 .,1...., L '""' Reading Rooms """"' I CMW C.. l'r••"'-' AT ALL SllYICIS I •• ,.......... li'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll !I Yfiltll Mlfl..,., I :r-r: :::r·~.::::::::::::~;~ ::::: ST. MATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Menilrw Wf"1111' .......... 11141 •.m. Y-"" ~ .................. • ,.~ IM 'S <I v.,.n ....................... 1 •·"'-i11ouri y!'IO N C P 'ded wonhi,i119 •t ti<•• • 54~:::y are r~~!.6341 I UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL 842-2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mein & Adams Streets 1 Huntington Beech Morni119 Wonhip •••••••• 1:10 & ll :OOAM 1 l i\,1, S1ho•I •••••••• 9:45 AM Yovtll s,..upt •••••• 6:00 'M l h•11i119 W•rthip ••.• 7:00 PM I •llrilo ttvillf el"Ml ... -W ... -7 , . ..,. Nurury C•~ ...... ldod II •II •KYk li ' Offk •: 536-2.illl t>l•I O.votMS:».tlolO I NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH ~ D. l'lklf111ttr • MllllHtf' IStl! I 1 ..... i11•, N1~orl l•ocl! !54<oior Clllitm •ulkll"91 1:'45 A.M.. Su!ld•v Sth•ol 10:00 A.M. o.Y.lio111I StrYit.• OFFICE: JOO W, '"''' HIOhw1y. N.8. PM>nt: '*-'111 DIAL·A·PlATll -,46°06)9 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE "' "'....,." •••t.11 Mem~tf' Ctitorth ff U~ll .. CtlUTdl a111111vt kl-1, Lfl Allltctd I .Sanclburo •+ M•ttho,... i11 U11i••nity P•rk WOUHlr: 10tl0 A.M. lll:ir•. H. Nl•rm•1111,,•1tor aJJ-1211 11~~~~=======:;1 aNTRAL BllLE CHURCH 'Emph.ttizing l'I The PJ;iin of God The Person of Chrlit I The Power of the Holy Spirit Sund.iy School !I AM Mornlnr wo,.,hip 9 111!1 io:JO Ml [ve"ins Sl!M~ 1 PM Wld.....iay 81blt SIUCIV '"d Pri'f'lr 7 PM I I RRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CMURCH "· rAuL'S '"'"""" 146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa ~"J s"u.3761 t-.1issouri Synod M. c. er..1 .. ,..,., • J,1111 c..n,Jc•. Aaa.cici,.. •29 Cypress Or. Laguna B••'h lll:•y Nith,11011. Mi"i't•r of Youth , 1_., W. L Ni..-nr.cll ANNUAL COUMI DAT 1 Worship Services-8:30 A 11 A.!tt. lofllf•Y k-.r -.... AM. '•""'" "''""1' H :MI ' Sunday School & Bible Class -9:45 A.M. Dr-:·~?,~.~!.~";""~~ Phone : Church 494-7998 Parsonage: 494-8110 Dl•w 5-n..t .. Qurcll Secl•I H•n :._ 1 P.M. l'"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil"i •nl'lfl Ti--1 •M. ,IJIW s,.•kl.,._ f Chwr«i Choir -Sh,ril P•wl••ll, Oir•tlor Yhlton W9ketH -NorMrY An.11d•11t INN L"-41 P,...Scllffl -Mr1. Joh11 Gollnick, Oirotlor rMM: "11-2J2l \\~ IJJ SABBATHSERVICES RELIGIOUSSCHOOL harbor reform temple ~A8BI BERNARD P, KING • ~ fOftting ~t St. Jemes Episcopal Church o 3209 Via Lido, Newport B1ach For Information: C.ll 675-7230 GLAD TIDINGS . ASSEMBLY OF. GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach f 1/1 11.c• W•t •f HHO Hetl'it.U •46·66JO ,, 14'·7166 f'*-n l••-llH. .... lw -'9m MAIM', MU11'tll Olffc!V SUNDAY SElll:YICf.S f :41 A.M. -S1'"'9y Scll•el, Nwiwry C•r• 11:11 A.M. -"H•w Jft" Cllritt Dlteocl'H A Cllvrcfl S..-.k•" 7:00 P.M. -"M.,., tfte M .. Wh• Camir lack" lotlt S•rmo111 Iv P•1lor A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 111/bo• f1 l1ncl COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 115 A9•t1 675-09~0 1:15 l11lorm•I Wonhip 9:)0 Tr•clltion1l Warthtp l Su11.l•v School Coo+• M••• FIRST UNITED METHOOIST CHURCH I •th St. l H1 rbor l lY.I, 541-771 7 Cool• M•1• North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M11• v.,d, l laker St. 549-1 11 9 Won~ip l Church School 9:00 l 10:10 ..... ~. Hunli119lo11 l••t.h-North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H1il A••· 142.<l-1fol Wor,J.ip I Church School 9 l 10:10 A.M. lrYi n• -E••I Bluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH l ll.1231 11422 Culv11 Roi.I •' U11i•1riity Or i•• Wor1hi,. I Churth Sthool 9:JO A.M. l19un e ll11th LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 2 16 J 2 w,,,1,v Driw• in So, l19un1 Woahi" 11 ,t,,,M. C~urt.h School 9:10 A,M, •9•·1 011 SUNDAY SERVICE •,, 11 //l.M Ml11tti.r' ••• Albert •urk1, R S.t..F, GRIFl"ITH CMAIJl!L Nt1DCry durl111 ~rvicu A full Youlh Program Cm. of Ontnge and lJnf. Sf. I l'I I co•m CONGREGATIONAL llF====~'~"~';··~M~ .. ~1~;·~··~·~·~··~"'~'~'~'~,,~o~A~.~M~====~I Huntin9lo11 ll1•ch FIRST UNITEO N1w"ort ll•1t!. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 w .1.1bo1 llYd. 673 -1105 Wonhip l Church Schoo! 9 110:10 A.M. Or'allOI CMU YMCA, UOll UniYl!'tit'/' Of'. WHAT A SHAME • • • • "" .,...., Mftt , ....... flt_, ,.., .. ..,. fNt tlle M"kft 9t CALVARY. CHAPEL -tM _, 1..pl"*'-'"' tMy ........ , ~ ••• tNt tile '--""" WM. ...... •• l•t wMt ""'7'" ...._ M9'CM11t fM ••• th9t ... ~ ............ Mllllr. • ...w, ... .,.. ~ ..,_ .t 11M1ps.w,. TMt ...,. M "" i.t ,...·n ...., ••• ... i-yM ett9tMll SllYICI, JO:JO"""' Mer•I .. , .. tM cirl'Mf' ., ....... ui. • ,..,.,"'· rlleM: HS-2121 .J.Jartor Chri:Jlian C/iurch O• NIWPOIT llACH -I DlKJ,._I MMtl .. a.o•r.ty H.,.,. lle...-t«y kH.t 421 I. 1 ar• St .. c.tM M ... Church School -9:30 A.M. Worship -10:45 A.M. N•tMtY C.. Pt•d4e• Phone: 675-3915 Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA Cosl.t Mew Pistol' It. E. J001J1; lfCA Mbf. UMtM Cli•rcll el RELIGIOUS SCIENCE '420 10th St., H1111ti119to11 l••th l'ho111 51~·2120 , I Aduh ' Yowth s,,;.;,,,, 11 ...... I lit Y••r CJ.,,, W1d .. 7:15 p.111. • &11 HELIOTROPE Wril,-ll:Ot A.M. Choral! Scllffl -I l 10t A.flt. Or ..... m. G, Mlff'rsy, M"'""' Mru Slllrlly !1lllol1, o.c.11. &7~ l!:=='='="=u='='=A=TL==="=1•=1="='='==~':=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~lli s.v,llllh·Day Adventitt Churches J•h11 Sh1wrn•k1, P•1tor Phon•: 54•·65•6 S."-'ll Sch•irl •• , •:JO AM MIM1lhtt W.nltf, •• ,11:00AM Pr9JW" Meetl~ • Wetl07:JI PM ....... " ...... -nnM.-•• '''" SH,_ h11titt Ch•rcll JZ71 J C,._ Y•lliry P•rl!-y A. E. A:1w1011, '••*•' Pho111: 492 -19)6 SoPbcttl Scli•el •••• 9:10 AM M.,.l"t W•rtflll'• .•• 10:10 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tHO l•I~ A-. IT.,._, & M.,...li•), FOUN1AIH YALLIT UNl,.IED SEllVlCE . Swlld•y Sthoel 9:)0 -WOllSHll' • I O:JO Wonhip I Y•uth Group1 -6:10 p.111. ,...,...,,, ~ldN 11 111 Hf¥l(• A c-11y aw..cto -"'"1"" Art ""''"' w.1c- 1nw11• HHIO• _. FAllYllW EVENGEUCAL FREE CHURCH SUNOAY MOlNIN& llllf STUDY •••••••••••• , • •141 A.M. SUNDAY MOltNIHa WOll:SH/fl I COMMUNION •• 10141 A.M. 9f H•ll .. I• .... I .su,.DAT MHIN& woaSHI' ......•....••..••• •r00 11.M. 1•11 ..._...A... 11'°'m1 I In. Al,... L. Mlltlf, """" HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wll&on, Costa M•s• V. l. HERTWECK, P•1lor 541-470'4 CAlllGENTRY Mini•l•t of Mv1ic SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M.-S•nd•y SdMI Clawt .. rAHA ... 10:50 A.M.-H. I : ICelchMr 7 ,.M-H. I . JCMch111Jt COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 'r~Scl!Mf -Kln••l'9'rt.I -l'lt"""4•'l' -CllUoll C•rt ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH ! no11-d•no111i11•li•111I) Costo Mir.•• Womir11'1 Cl•b-W• 11fll Sf. 9t A•• .. 1111 c" .. ,. ... SUNDAY SERVICE , . . . . . . . . 11 A.M. ci..mi Offlcir: 1•1 L lltto Sr, CMN M.,. M,_, Dr • .,..... ...... Dhcf'W it... '--'111111--. ...... .... '"4rk Mlet, ...... ..,. 1...,..._: 64S·2441, Dey-w NitM * METHOOlST CHURCH 2721 17th St, Sl•·l5l7 St r•itft -•:J O I-11 A.M. Nurt1ry O"u 21!d 9r•cl1 • It Churth School -9:3 0 A,M. ·~=-=--~--=-~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 20112fll••li• fN"'A"""I H111ft ..... 11Hcll 1..-. Do-U I •• .....,_, ,...,... $11'"'9y W•rtlllifl: t :JO A.fill. Cll1rch Sck1!1 10:45 A.M. Offtce: 1011J M9'flOli• St. P1to-: ,61-4940 Church of the Covenont 2110 ro.;m.w ltoocl, Cotto Mfl• l •uc• A. Kurr!•. l'e•!or l•tt4ey W•11lll•: 9:)0 611 -Ch1rch School: 9:JO n ... : $4Ml04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 601 St. A-4,...19414, N_,.rt lffcll CHAILD HDlllT DllllNFllLD, PASTOll W91'1Mp & Qwdl ScMel: I, t:JO • 11 A.M. '41-7147 St. Mark PNsbyterlan Church c.,., , ... ,,..a ......... ,, o.t... c...... ... 11!1• -'--....... ltrl. ,.,.., W....W .. •a.rd ScJIMl-11 A.M. 144-1J4t 'W• hll1JV1 h1 Y•t •• , Wff)f'llf:SDAT IVENINW 1111.E $lUDY • ·• •••• ,. , ·, 7110 P.M. tt4t A.M. _ ._..., ._...., -Al..... • MUUllY CAU l'lOWIDD ) Ur• o\.M, -....._ ..,,..._' ".M. -T-._.. 1 1 AU Jawl11\ l•111illirt ''' i111fitJ +. jei11 11 h1 tr1lv •••11l~tf11I 1 r1• ll.M.-.._.,.. ~ 7 PM..,,.....•-""""' "' S.llATH mMIN• lll•ICIS N:IDAT • 1111 P.M. .,_ o. M_,fWI •••• H""' I ....... ll...., ,., °" ..... OI c-.uttll!I"' UNITARIAN UNIVIRSALIST CHURCH I !It Vl1tori1 St., C•tt• Mat• Attand the church of your choice on Sunday ....... 'U ..... M....... C...,.M.......,..,,..,.. .,,,.,... a........-hlllW ...... •••••• 646-4652 10~::1. Phone: J41.J711 O.y or Night M;-. .,_,a-'4•·1112 T1M11l1 Sh•r•• Ch.it -011 .. Sheb•• 541·14Jt I L...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..JIL...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..111.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....J IL-~~~~~~~JI...~~~~~~---' ' I • '· \ I -------- • Ind Bibi•~-at 1:00, NC11n11!1n lalltlnf 09 I h a ""Panotam1 of~ Ages.'' Sat11rda1, September 27, 196'1 D411.Y PILOT ~ Pnlpit and, Pew , ' Chl1dnJr ·or the Sunday 1e11oo1 ,.m •Int ln the 10:.s servlct 1'be day's theme wlll be-"~God'~·Pooplo for ldlnlstry.' Church enlargement month nnd stewnrdshlp campaign· v.·i!I be launchi...: thi8 Sunday ~tt thr. First Cbrb:lian of Laau.n1 lJ e a c h , U5 Leglun Alt. RETIRE ... \~~~~~~-~, If~~,, (C~tlnutd. fJO!: P~e •~ ,. \. t ~~~~'y~~r'.t" Pope d"dng the .. nvm H-oriol potk (Continued from Pare t) and 10:30 a.m. w ors bi p services. He ii pastor' of Cea- 1r1I Blble Cburch, 23rd Ind Orange, Costa Mesa. A car caravan will leave • from the church SU.nday, t :30 . p.m. bou1¥1 lor the SOutbem California Bllly 0. rah am Crusade afternoon meeting at Angel Stadium , A n ah e i m . Evening service. 7 p.m., will be held at the church. Now \•is.iting the Central Unit of the Costa ~1esa Jeho- vah's Witnesses , Watchtower Representative H. N. Snow \1·ilt preach Sunday. 9;30 a.m. on "The Appointed Tin1es of the Nations Havt Run Out." He is aiding the local group in home Bible study rrom door to door . He will answer ques- tions following his talk at the Kingdom Hall, J9SO Church Sl., Costa ~1esa. · ' The Flrsl United MelbOOist Church 2721 Seventeenth SL, Huntington Beach, 14-•iJJ con· duct l\\'O worship services Sunday al 9:30 and 11 a.m. with the Rev. Edward C. Erny preaching "Recovering a Worn Out Word." A coffee hour wlll be held between the two services. Fall Round-up Sunday will be observed in both church school aod worship services. Me.mbtrs are urged to bring a friend on this special day . Church school is also held at !l:30 and II a.m. with y-0uth groups meeting at 6:30 p.m. The St. Vincent de Paul Society's fifth annual "Fall Round-Up" of discarded goods is now undenvay. Clothinf(, fumi~ure, houseware of all kinds will be collected, Henry L. Clark executive director an· nounced. Slogan of the drive is "Make a Call -Serve a Need." Articles donated will be made. available to aee'dy a n d marginal income f a m i I i e s through ten St. Vincent de Paul stores. participate In the B i 11 y Orabam School Of Evanplb1u Mond1y lhn>ugh Frld1y. The school will include study in the scriptures. lectures, laborator· ies on preachina: and semi· nars. The morning wot.ship hour is SnPd111y 10:30 o'clock at.Rew· recUoa Latbtra11 Cllurch, 9812 Hamilton, HUntlngton Beach. Nursery care is provided. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley vdll speak on "God's Order of Im portance." Sunday ctiurch school with classes for all ages meel!I at 9 a.m.: the adult dlscusslon group also meets at 9 o'clock. Third of a series of scnnons of the Portraits of Christ, "TI1e Divine. Teacher" will be the message at the Flr1l Bap- tist Church of Huntington Beach. The Rev . Willis J. Loar \vill bring his message to both services: 9:30 a.m. at Peek's Chapel, 7801 Bolsa, \\'estminster and 11 a.m. 3l Huntington Beach t"hapel, 6th and Orange. Sunday school cla.!ses are held at 9:30 a.m. for both children and adults at the downtown chapel. Youth Echoes from Thousand Pines, under lhe leadership of Mrs. Rosemary Fix, v.·111 be the program al the Sunday family service slated for 7 p.m. 1.m. lJCrvlces will be 11The. Pa· tient ls v~ ~1uch Allve.'1 New members wlU b e received by the congregation at the II o'cloc):; meeting. Ou.idtd tqurs of the church facWties will be made by the church cltacoas following each service. Preaching at 10 a.n1., Dr. Philip G. Murray will address the congregation of Coren• del l'ltar CotUlllUAity Church, Congregational, 611 Heliotrope Ave., Sunday. His topic will be "When God Fulfills HlmseU ." Church school and child care are available al the r;an1e hour. Communion will be celebrated at both the a and 9:30 a.m. services a n d "Angels and Men From Outtr Space" will be the sermon topic of the Rev . John Rogers Davii, Sunclay at St. Mlchatl's aml AU Angels' Episcopal Church. .3233 Pacific Vie\v Drl ve, Corona del Mar. The Fiesta del San llfiguel wlll be celebrated after !he 9:30 a.m. service on the lav.•n of the church grounds. The fiesta will be Jn honor of the patron saint of the church, St. Micbatl, and will feature Mex- ican food and entertainment. ~t 1 p.m. the eongresalion ~hd Sunday school will hold a lJOU\)Ct picnl!! in L..ake Park at Marn and Uth in Huntington Beach. Da vid Bergman. eldest son of Rabbi and Mrs . Robert Bergman, wlll beeome Bar Mltzvah at this morning's 10 o'clock s e r .. v i e e at Temple &th Sholom, 13001 'l'ustin Ave .• Santa Ana, the lirst day ol Sukkot. A Yo1n Klppur dr,nee sponsored by the eh1ple brothetbOod Is schedoled for 8:30 p.m. in the S<JCial boll. Narramore Christian Foun· datlon will conduct a Women's leadership training coursf' at Jluntlnglon-Valley 8 ;t pt i 1 l Churtb, 97'19 Slater Ave .. Fountain Valley. The classe~ 1vi!I cost $25 and v.•i ll be held for five Thursdays beginning this week from 9 a.m. to noon. ' Registration for 1n s and !n· formation are avail<!ble at the church, 968-2218. Sunday v.•ill be proniotion dav for t'hurch school students with certificate presentation slated at 9:45 a.in. Mornini:: \Vorship, It o'clock will feature Pastor James Herington preaching. Youth meet al 5 p.m. prior to the evening worship hour at 6 o'clock. The Rev. hruct Cushing will dlscuss the 1hernc .. Christian c;rowth Through Reverence to God'' at th e 10:45 am. service. At the 7 p.m. vesper hour. the pastor '4'ill consider the question, "'\\'h at is a Chris- tian~" Services (or Harl!ar Cbris- tiuu Church, Oisclplts of Christ, begin with the chu rch school at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. \Vorship is held at 10 :45 a.n1. \\·hen the church meets at llarper Elementary School, 425 E. 18th St., Cosla Mesa. Sermon subject this v.·.:ck 1vill be "His t'ross-Challenges Our Goodne.5s'' by Dr. D. \V McE!roy. Bishop Bloy 1vitl visit Sl. George's Church , El tnro. Sunday ror the day of dedica- tion. He \vi ii preach during the 10 a.m. communion service : The service or dedication is :ilated for 3 p.n1. Ear!y ser\'iCc ~I 8 u.nt. \1•ill also offer eorn- 1nun1on. He hopes the meeting wlU " J f-111 strengthen the relationship .J I / I between Pope and b!llwps llJld The Southlana'1 fl· 01/ B1•uli u reinforce his authority, which ftftn1orials has bttll chipped uway by MAUSOlfUM • COlUMIAllUM. • ClMETE~T \vjdespread opposition to his stand against birth c:ontrol, discontent or many priests TREES of the WORLD over his refusal to allow them att 011 ,.,,"_" A.••1111• to marry and the demand o(li~~~~~~~~~~·~-~~~·~·~·~~~··~""~·~"~'~0·~·~··~·~-~~ su1ne Roman Catholics for a fasler pace in church rcfornt. But some liberal Cathollcs fea r !he Pope will use the synod simply to try to gag t.he bishops instead of granting l Lhem a greater role in the im· 1 p o r t a n t decisions of the church. A head-on clash of conservative and liberal fac- tions seems inevitable, and many observers believe the. synod will serve only lo sharJ>-1 en divisions in the church, not to resolve them. BIBLE THOUGIITS "Sttk ye fint ttle khitd•• •f ••4 _ .. Do thii •11d God 911••e11l••1 'fO\lt ordi11° ••If 11e•d1 of llft ( M.tt. •:JJ, II.om. 1:21 Mt 10,JOl. 11 PAYS to ,,,..,. Go4! Somt ••"•God i11ili•llY b•c.•1111 it DOES P•v (h,re •nd h•r••fl•tl. But l•ler, fh•v 9row to lo..-• h;m •11d '''"• b11c.•11•• ol ti.is hi 9ber motive, love.. On• tho11l.il <Jio .. in Chrl1'i•r 9r•(•1 IGl•I. !>:22-15, 2 Pel. 1:2·10 ), b11com• in9 mor• God.(ik• -"God i1 love" { J Jn. ~; 16). CHURCR D~ENT ha s been the dominant theme of the Pope's speeches in the past year, and he has referred to it sometimes in highly drun1allc tenns. Once he said j lhe church was in a process of •·self-de1nolition'' and another ! First Chrislian Chur<'b or time he referred to "a fer- l!nnting\on Beach v.•ill be menl ,virtua)ly of schism" represented by 120 persons at within Catholicism. · tonight's pacesetters class and Jlis aides have frequently But HOW d o•t on• ''See~ f;,.1 th• ki119dom of God"? R••d. In the llbl•. t_iie reco'd of Chri1t'1 Iii•. He w•• GOD m•nif11t.d i11 th• fle1h' (J 11. i:t,14. 'Jn. 14 :1-11, Heb, 1:1-9L Tht fe11r GOSPELS, M•ll .• Mk ., L~ .. Jn., tell of Ch,.11. Rt1d them to OJ•t FA.JTH IRom. 10:11 ), The~ re•d "ACTS' to put thi1 f•ilh into ACTION. Be btplittd Onto Chri1I, be"omi119 • Chri1li•n. Then. •••d I~• rem•ind....__.,j !ht Ntw Teti•m•nt !o le e•n kow to llv• th• Chritli•n !if1. VI SIT Church of Ch<i1t •I 217 W. Wilo•n St., Coit• M•1•, C •. 111d we will •n i1I ~011 in vour o•erch for God. Thi1 Iii• oH•" but TWO CHOICES, '''"' GOD or SA.TAN. !Mell. 6:24, Jt1. 4:4. 1 Jn. 2:1S). A ,;11ner, b.fo•• h• bee.om•• • CiHistien, i1 in S•l•n'1 ki119dom. bu! ;, !ten1!•t1d into Ch1i1t'1 ·j~'Jdom •f h• b•'comtt • Chr:1ti•o \Col. 1.1:1]). YOU mu1t choo11 GOD or SATAN! a Thursday evening class for reported that the Pope. a man I~~~~~~~~~~ the Southern California Billy ol. unusual sensitivity. falls in· Lutheran Church or the Graham Crusade in Anaheim. \o slates or depression and Master, 2900 Pacific View Uarbor Reform Temple an-The group will travel bY bus lftlrry over the situalion in the YOU OWE YOURSELF Drive, Corona del ~1ar, \viii nounces Simchat Tor ah to the Anaheim St'adiun1 where ~,",',~h-that last for days or l A BETTER LIFE ! v.·orshlp at 9:15 and 11 a.in. services this Friday at St. the n1eetinss will be held. " " "The Creative Process," a Sunday. Dr. William R. Eller James Episcopal Church, 3200 fi e ha~ been known to weep To share the riches of discussion of art and artists. will deliver the messa ge: ··A Via Lido. Newport Bench ... Thc \1•hen discussing rev o I ls THIS THING CALLED LIFE Le F Lil " Th h 1 special 7:30 p.rn. services. against Church authority. ' will be the subjctl or the Sun-.!son or e. e c urc 1 M S } } 1·0 wliat exte"t thi·s , .. o,ry d ' to 30 am r th school will ob!:crve promotion \.l'hich mark the end or a esa c 100 " •T G STER NOW ay service, : · · o e year's Torah medllations, will has affected the Pope's RE I U .n I tar I a n -Unlversallsl Sunday at 10 a.m. honor the kindergarten class G -nhys;cal well be;"g is not F " I 0 w ' b I p of Laguna t A I . -" F r F1' st y r Accred"1ted Course . "\Vhy God Uses Bi l I y of the Temple's Religious e S Wat'( kno1vn. But despite periodic I Q f 83 _ Beach. The speaker w1l be Grahain So Greatly" is the li-School. An Oneg Shabbat. of-rumors that he is mortally ill, SCIENCE OF MINO Dr. Doyle McKinney, head or Ile of the sermon to be heard fered by the parents of the Costa fl-fesa Christi an the Pope went through a the Englisb department at at the 11 a.m. service of Foun-kindergarten class, will follow School. 740 \\'. \Vllson. has streoous, three-day vJsit tol Saddleback College. The lain v a I I e y Presbyterian the family sen-•ice. been presented an honorable Uganda this summer and ii I Huntington Beach United Church meeting will be held al Church, !Mltl Talbert. Ten Sun-The temple's adult education mention award by Instructor h a d no noticable effeet on 1 RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Leonora Portney's D a n c e day-school classes will precede group will have its Initial magazine for ··unstructuring'' him. I StudiO, 336 N. Coast Highway. 1 9 45 meeting on next Saturday at 8 d · tt' 1· " kl 1 p h h t lk d t a : a.m. an 1n 1a 1ng a wee y ree ersons w o ave a e o . Women's ,Club House Laguna Beach. Chlldren will The u1ual evening aclivities p.m. A discussion of the con-day for pupils to spend in ac-hi~ doclDrs say his health is meet at the same lim. have been cancelled due to at-troversial no v e l Portnov's th•ities determined by their ln-basically sound. I 420 Tenth Street Sunday evening, 8 o'clock, tendance at the 3 p.m. Billy compJaint will be held by Dr. terests." He is ;i hard worker who Wednesday Ev•nings at 7:30 Morton Feif 1vil! read his <Jwn Graham meeting at Anaheim Herman Romm . For furthf'r The school rccently opened a gets by on about six and one· Classes start October 2nd t P f or p; f h · s di information call 644-2229. · k. d · ht poery. ro ess e w o is ta um. new in ergarten building to hair hours of sleep a n1g . F',nd YOUR identity and REAL now teaching at UCJ. will accommodate 50 children_ The plus a short afternoon nap. spelilk at 1377 Dunning Drive, Sunday at Community ?.1orning worship scr\'ice ll award was presented by the<="==========;! MEANING in LIFE ;'Baha'u'llah speaks 0 f Laguna Beach. Unlled f\·lethodlst Church, 6662 o·clock at First 8 a JI tis t Rev. Paul Kienel, executive-For further information call: Love" 14-•nl be the topic for Heil Ave .. liuntington Beach. Church , 301 r..lagnolia, Costa director for the California HAPPY S36-2120 .0 r 962_2220 (evenings) 1 l'\ewport Unity Church's con-the Rev, Roger G. Betsworth ~1csa, v.•ill feature a sennon A.ssociation of l' hr is t I an ALL WELCOME _ Not Limited to Monday. 8 p.m. at the Baba " gregation meets for ,vorship 1vill preach his final sermon entitled ''The Calls of God." Schools, when he spoke at the H•v• • h •PP v wee~•~.i. Center, 985 Victoria SI .. Costa services Sunday. 10 a.m., at here at 9 and \0:30 a.in. Evening se rvice . 7 o'clock. d~diciltion cercinony for the ~~·otE~' i~v.~:·~~~L~hepifci~~~~~~~~A~N~Y~A~G~E~;~C~R~E~E~O~O~K~B~A~C~K~G~R~OU~N~O~~~i fl-.fesa. Jae Adams and Mrs . services. The title of h1·s l;=w=itl=="='~t"=';,'~D~'~· ~P~.=c~·~·~":;:'~w~b;";;;[;d;;;n~::O-=====~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: r Sch I ·11 t th Senior Citizen11 Building, 15th rene a er w1 presen e sennon is ''The Body of a n d Irvin~ Newport Beach. program. They will hear lhe Rev. Loren Christ." The Rev. Bet.sworth Dale Flickinger preach "The has been appointed. lo · fill a "The Kingdom is the Lord 's: l'acancv al St. pa u I 's ;and he is the governor among Simple Truth." Methodist church In San the nations." This passage Pastor Flickinger will lead a Bernardino. The congregation from Psalms is Included in the community sing Pr 0 gr a m will honor lbe Rev. and Mrs. lesson-sermon to be read in all \Vednesda y, 7:30 p.m .. also at Bel.!i14-'orth at a potluck dinner Or C Ch · 1 -the Senior Cltizet'ls Building. h ange oast r 1 s 1 an Sunday, 5:30 p.m. in t e E. Science churches this Sunday. Ray Moore Hall. 1 The subject is "Reality." Three services will be he.Id by St. Andrew's Presbyterian It v.•lll be rally day at Sunday will be Sunday Church. 600 St. Andrew's Redeemer Lutheran Church, school "round-up" day at Cen· Road, Newport Beach wilh the 16351 Springdale St.. Hun· tral Baptist Cburch of Bun-Rev. Charles H. Dierenfield tington Be a ch. Sunday. tinfton Beach, 7661 \Varner preaching at all worship hours. Services will be held at 8 and A\·e. Two buses \\'ill pick up 1-=H=1=·s=to=p=ic=fo=r=th=e=8=.='=''=0=a=n=d=t=1 =l="='4=S=a=.m=·=w=1=·1h=S=""=d=a'=y=se=hoo=f,ll t'hildren and bring them to Ii Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. An ' allenduce of 500 is hoped for . The morning worshlp will be at II a.m. and .!pecial muaic wil be furnished by the Victor's Quartette. Training Union for youth is set for 6 p.m. follo\ved by Sunday even- ing wursbip aervice at 7 o'clock. "\Vhat Can I Do?" is the sermon topic of the Rev. 1 Nonnan L. Brown on Sunday, I al the 10 a.m. serl'ice of P I y m o u t b Congregational I Church of Newport Harbor, 3262 Broad SL, Newport 1 Beach. Sunday school is held I , at the same time with babys it· I ting service provided. Duplicate worship s er-vices 1 al 9:30 and 11 a.m. ~·ill be held Sunday by the Fir1t Unit- • ed Method.Isl Church, 420 \V. 1 19th St., Costa Mesa. The Rev. Richard J. Dunlap will preach FIND YOUR IDENTITY AND REAL MEANING IN LIFE SCIENCE OF MIND Regilter Now for First Year Accredited Course. Membtr-Unifed Church of Rel i9iou1 Science, Los An9el11 -Cl•sses Begin Wednesday Evenin9, Oetobec I, 7:30 P.M. -All Weleomo -Not Limited to Any Age, C'eed, or Baek9round For lnform1tion, Write or C•ll: CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE of Newport leach Milling Address: Telephone: (714) 548-6580 301 N. Stir L•ne Newport Beach 92660 at both. Supervised nur sery an d \;==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~!I church school classe.! for all ages \VIII meet at 9:30 a.m. Youth fellowship groups will convene at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Dr. Edwin R. Greene, pastor Qf Wamer Avenue Ba ptl 11 Church. Warner Avenue at Gothard, Huntington! Beach, will be in the pulpit at I lhe 11 a.m. worship service, 1 Sunday. 1 Sunday Bible school classe.! for all a1es meet at 9:45 a.m. I .,.,·it.h a Teachers' prayer I service at 9:15 a.m. in the Lit- llt Chapel. I Coocluding b i s series of i sermon.! on Thessalonians, the Rtv. Davtd lt Wood, aaociate paslDr, will speak at I p.m. 011 "A Christi•n' Peace Movement." The Rev. Wood w I 11 Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column Dr. Ch•rl11 Simon & Dr. Dorothy Simon ADVANCED CLASSES* In the SCIENCE of MIND now Mint offered by th• SANTA .ANA CHURCH of RRIGIOUS SCIENCE 1102 N. Fairview St., 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. * SECOND YEAR -(Graduate with A11oci1te Recognition) * PREPARATORY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING also * Fi"I Y eor lnt,oduetory Morning ind Evening cfa•••• REGISTER NOW Phone: 531 -7567 or 5+4-6637 Regular Sunday Services Ebtll Club -6t.I N. Franeh -10 :30 I\ A boy has a lot on his mind the first days of school. But getting there safely isn't one of them. He·s thinking about his new teacher. And !he old gang. And arithmetic-ugh! He's likely not giving a thought in the world to a car coming around the corner. And he rn1ght run into the street in the blink of an eye. That leaves it up 10 you. the grown-up in the driver's seat. to think aboul htm and be careful It means making these youngsters lhe most important lhing on yourmtnd when driving. But, unfortunately, every year about th1s t1me, loo I I many children are killed or ~jured by motorists who for· get to remember. Your new car dealer is concerned about lhe safety of the children in your community. And he asks ;..:••-.!_<,; your help in gettlnq all the boys and glrls to fill school safety. And home again. Please. \ ' I · i "·!lo<···:;;.f National Automobile Dealers Association Olt1t!1t tfltrllltlitll ti ~·1 l1t11C~rn11 """~•• "'" t111f.l lftjltn • w1,ft1~11tt1. D.C. • • \ I , f I I ' l . ' I DAI\. Y PllOT l;omment Page A Few Minutes in the Personnl Lives of Some Very Real People in. • • • PARIS _ ·Paris 9 o.m. 1be day ts driuly, chilled by the first touch of early autumn. In the charming suburb of Verri.ere. le Bu\shon, Ly Van Sau a member of the Viet Cong or Pro~isional Revolutionary Government as It is now called, abandons his morning yoga exercises, gulps a cup of w~ak ~a in a conference room decorated :with pi~· tures of American youths burning their draft cards. and climbs into a four-door black Peugeot with five other delegates. His bo6s, Dinh Ba Thi, the deputy chief of the delegation, rides alone in the back seal of a larger black Citroen. An identical convoy rolls out from behind the: tall blue ft.nee at the com· pound of tbe North Vietnamese delega- t~ in the less charming suburb of Choisy le Roi. In the lead Citroen •. flying Hanoi's red nag with a gold sta r, sits Col Ha Van Lau, ading chief of the delega- tion. Although Choisy le Roi votes Com· munisl in most general elections, the peo- ple in the streets and at the outdoor cafes neither smile nor wave as U1e motorcade iweeps by with a wail of sirens. The day Is also beginning for ~e Allie~ aide. Wearing a light gray business suit and carrying a black: metal attache case. Pham Dang· Lam. chief delegalt for South Vietnam, kisses his five chil~ren goodby as they head olf 1o the Amencan School and walks briskly from his apart· ment in the Avenue de Villiers. His wait· ing Citroen rues the nag of the Repubtic of Vielnam, yellow will:\ three red &lripe.s. In tho klbby ol the Hotel Crllloo. at tho Place de la Caoconle, Ambwador Htnry c.bol Lodfo, lall aod dehonalr, .strides dviln'll\!l'ln•ln;lfA""-' ~ ...... tal<n tho elefttor: ru 'l'bilndaf,;~ is earllu than usqa!, aod Ju. p othe=an hasn't anived. Alone, Lodge crosses the Rue Bolay d' Anglas Into the garden of the u .s. Embwy. nods •• the Marin• guard on duty, and almost at a lope dl&appeara into the annex building for a last mlnute staff conference. In Vid'n\:Jm., it is now 4 p.m. A soft rain drips through the gnarled rubber trees as Pfc. James A. Reed of Odessa, Mo .. pads along a fresh trail, ~s eyes searching ahead into the dee?Crung gloom. He is point man for a platoon from A Company, 2.nd Battalion. 3rd Re(imenl of the 199th Llght Infantry Brigade, wblcb~ operates northeast of Saigon in the east.em edges of War Zone D and in the rubber plantations of Long Kbanh Provinct. Its mJssion is to prtvent the Vitt Cong: and North Vietnamese from launching coordinated attacks., to devtlop pacification, and to help upgrade the 18th South Vietnamese Infantry Dlvi!ion. Reed, 21, is a draftee. Ht has been in Vie;tnam thrte months. suddenly, gliding around a bend in the trail ahead of him, i.s the first North Viel· ' namese Reed has ever seen, dead or alive. The young American drops to his knee and instinctively brings bis 12.-gauge shotgun to bis &boulder. The Vietnamese swings up his AK47 rifle, but the American is quicker. At 4: 15 p.m., a Huey helicopter ilpins into Cam Tam hamltt to pick up Pfc. Jo!ln Miller, a l~year-old infantryman from Tiffin, Ohio, who has spent 138 days in the field and is being rewarded for good soldiering by being named the ''old guard ol. the day." The honor entitles him to change places with. tbe battalion commander. Maj. Bernard Lceflie, of Malibu Beach, Calif. Pfc. Miller gets to sleep in his com· mander's comfortable bed back in base camp, drin" his bou' beer, use hls writing table and have breakfast in bed. 'The bronzed Loeffle will stay in the field. In the tangled jungles of War Zone D, staccato bursts of fire shred the uneasy quiet. The point platoon for 8 Company, 4th Battalion, 12th Regi~nt of the 191tth Brigade already has killed two North Vietnamese soldiers with a small group heading south. P!c. Richard King ~f Pinellas Park, Fla.. has lugged his c.umbersome 90mm recoilless cannon to a well used path and is setting it up when bullets crack around him. IGng, who is 22, falls to the ground before be c a n man his gun. An AK47 bullet is in his left thigh. He limps pain- fully to an opening in the jungle to wait for a helicopter. Pari.t 10 a'.m. lo the Avenue Kleber, near the Ate de Triompbe, workmen are dlggl.ng up the street in front d. the weathered oJd Hotel Majestic. DOW the Centre de Conferences ' InUrnationale and fur the past 16 months scene fl. ttie Paris peace talks. The top cops Of the Guardien• de la Paix, res- plendent with red fourrageres at their left shoulders, have donned ~r white gloves and shooed the traffic into one Jane. Nearly SO police officers are on duty outside the hotel. but only a doten spec· tators, American tourists mostly, and about as many reporters are on hand as tht delegates drive up. \Vith all four delegations tucked safely behind th e yellov.· satin draperies of the ground-noor conference ~oom. ~ prtss retires en masse to L'Eto1le Verutienne, a cale acrcm the street. At outdoor tabl.es under :red umbrellM advertising Dubon· net they commence the weekly vi&il ol waiting for the session to end. In Vittnam, it ft nota 5 p.m. AJ the rain settles into a steedy downpoor, Ll Col. Nguy<n Con1 Vlnh, an impassive, thin-faced Vletnamese officer, sourly contemplates the water rising in· sit.le tbe old brick house that is his Iorward regimental command post. Vinh, once a sergeant in the French army, has seen war sweep across his land for three VIETNAM Tlab I• Cl'le storw of one fl•• --• "'*" Ill tlae life of '""' separate ""'rids. Ou la. t II e ..,..,.,., of peace t.UC• In P.,..., tlae other the ""'rlfl of tl'le tc•r ht l'letno... Wh•t tollo"'• are tlae hour-to-hour e.,enu that laoppeaed In the llee• of people In these "'t!:.U.. By PETE'R ARNm and HUGH MUWGAN As.socicted Pre11 Writers '1118! llllln'a Parla!' quarters or his '3 years. He and his fellow officers, watdling Ult UnJted Slat.es disengage its troops from Viet~ nam, are ttallzing that the full burden of the war might soon fall on them. Vinh has seen his casualties double in the past few months, while American casualUes duninisbed. aol~iers, and Dale ts not slow to .npress helicopter gunshlps and artillery shred his Unhappiness. "I got stuck with it," be the jungle. Elgbt Americans are wowid· Paris 10:35 a.m. Ambassador Lam selects a microphone ailCI begins to read his prepared state- ment. in Vietnamese. "In order to fincf • solution to the Viel· namese problem," he says, "the sine-qua- non condition is that all parties involved rr.ust be motivated by the same desire 1o end the war by way of negotiation instead of violence. • • " A Vietnamese interpreter translates his remarks into French, and an American interpreter carries Utem into E~gll~h. Across the 26-foot round table with tl8 baize cover the Hanoi and Viet Cong delegations sit impassively. Thlrty-two delegates rim the table, eight to a delegation, like an enormous poker game. Behind them sit the "second team," lawyers, recorders, cler~. By agreement only 60 people can be 1n the ronference' room at • time, 30 from each side. In Vittnam .• it is 5:30 p.m. A Vietnamese man in a panama hat and white shirt threads his way throug~ the barbed \\·ire and approaches tiiaJ. Loef[ke. Tbe ma}or listens W the man ~or a few moments and bruU into a wide grin Loeffke a former Special Forces of· fi~ who sj,ew French fluenUy, has recruited hll own strm& of agent. to . .eek out Vlet Cong sympathizer• among tbe people ol Cam Tam who wort the Loog QJie rubber plant,ation.. This agent has in- formed him of the whereabouts or two Viet Cong agents. "'It's like knocking your bead again!lt • brick wall finding something to work on," says 1.oeflie. "Tbe ru.bber wor~er1 com· municate with the Viet Cong in subtle ways : a stick ln the ground .wearing a Vietnamese conical hat meamng to stay away; the hat nest to the slick meaning it is safe to approach. aays.. { ed. Enemy losses: unknown. lt will be a lon1 wet night for Dale, and • for a platoon from hls company led by Lt PorJs 12:2.J p.m. Carrol Stewart from Albkm, Ill., who wil Leading off for his side, Dinh Ba Tbl Jay an ambush to the east where enemy s~res Presl~,t ~l.1.on's troop movement is expeeted. withdrawal as a perfidious maneuver," Paris 11 a.m. Ambassador Lam, now h a I f w a 'I through his statement, pausei for a drink ol water from a carafe at his elbow. "As far 11 the Republic o1 Vietnam is concerned," he resumes, "when we agreed to sit at this meeting table, we asserted our will 1o put an early end to the war by way of negotiations. We a.c. cept a solution in which there is no win-- ner or loser, as Jong as there is a just, long·la!ling and guaranteed peace , , ." In Vietnam, it is 6 p.m. f!-bedraggled Vietn amese girl sell-con· sc1ously stand• out.<iide a hamlet militia post near Xuan Loe, the provincial capital. She is 17 years old. Her name is Nguyen Thi Nhon. She has been with the Viet Cong 13 months and she is sur- rendering. ''When we wash her, she will be good looking," commenl3 a U.S. district ad· vlser. Thi Nhon says she was conscripted in August 1968 and worked in a labor force. Later she became a nurse. She sur- rendered , she said, becai.ue she heard a taped broadcut by one of her friends who had.surrendered two weeks earlier., No, she sa.Jd, she bad nevtr heard of the peace talk! in Pari&. Not far away, a "slaP!ltick1• road mine Is detonated by a Vietnamese army truck. The 20-pound blast wrecks the truck and wounds tWo Vietnamese soldiers. Paris 11:30 a.m. Lam, alter speaking 56 minutes, sits down. 'Ibere is no comment, no discussion, no applause. a '1nolsy clamor" and "arithmetical acrobatic feats which add to the general confusion." The United States prolongs the war, he charges, "to gain lime to strengthen the puppet army and patch up the puppet administration ... " In Vietnam, it is 7:25 p.m. A silver Cl41 Air Force Starlifter speeds along the wet tarmac ol Saigon'• Tan Son Nhut alrbue and he.ads for San Francisco; its cargo, 10 aluminum caskets containing the bodies o f American Gls. Such planes have flown home 15,&42 of America's dead sons since the peace ta!ks began May 13, 1968. Paris l :I7 p.m. Col. Ha Van Lau, last in the oratorical relay, picks up the baton £or Hanoi. "Eight months have elapsed since Mr. Nixon entered the White House, and peo. pie in Uie United States and elsewhere wonder what he has done lo bring an end to the U. S. war of aggression in Viet~ nam ... " It fs nearing 8:20 p.m. in Vietnam The Armed Forcet Radio Network. in its evening n e w s , say1 that t h e 34th :>esftion of the Paris peace talks is urxler v.·ay. "Just a bunch oC people doing something that doesn't mean anything,'' grunts Maj. Htnry Pi-1. Warren of Friona. Tex., sitting on a cot In the ranuihac:k:le forward headquarters ol the Vietnamese 48th Rtgiment at Cam Tam as he dip in. to a can of C·ration turkey loaf. "The Viet Cong aren't planning any settlement. They go on bullding their base camps out there. They're not preparing for peace; they're preparing for war." Lt. Nugyen Van Ngan, 28, who has seen ·war since he wa~ bom, shakes his head. "No," he says, "the American! will leave • us to llghl, and we will fight alone. We will have to." Pari1 1:50 p.m. The sun has come out ovtr Ute gray mansard roof of tbe Hotel Majestic, but a cklud crosses the norma.lly stoic featurtt ~f Col Lau. He looks sadly up at the «ii· ing and concludes his remarks with a quote from his late lea fl er Ho ChJ Minh. '"The Vietnamese people finnly demand the withdral\·aJ of all U.S. and satellite troops ... " The ritual allows each side an op- portunity for rebuttal, or "additional rem~rb." as the Americans prefer to call it Lodge leads off with a four·minute pJea to the other side "not lo seek to belittle" the American troop withdrawal Lam for (lflCe declines furttler commenL Thi and Lau add five-mi nute asaaulla on "Mr. Nixon's nwnbers games." The third man in the Hanoi delegation says: "If no one else has anything to say, I propose we ,meet again next Thursday at 10:30." The J4th plenary session of the Paris meeting is over. Vietnam 9 p.m. Capt. James V, McGinnis is writing to hi1 wife Joan in Wilmington, N. C. He tel.ls her he misses her and that he is looking forward to seeing her on leave in November in Hawaii. He doesn't tell her he is sitting in a lonely rat-infested out. post with a1J but a handful of his men out on ambush patrols. He doesn't tell her that he hasn't shaved in days and that he is sick and tired of C·rations. A few miles away, a rain-drenched. lrooper from A Company. sth BatWion. 12th Regiment of the 199th Brigade, is feeling his way carefully through the jungle •hen his band closes on the cold body of a man. One of his buddies finds another. The two dead are North Viet· namese killed in a fire fight that al· ternoon. The scouts take grlm satisfaclion lrt their find. Ont of their own. Pfc. Johnny Miller. 21, from Mount Olive, Ala ., was hit in the same battle that afternoon. Ht died in their arms. Paris 10:45 a.m. In the Avenue Kleber. a double-decked sightaeeing bas goes by the seven-story whi~ay buildin&. The tourists are from Holland, and the guide tells them in Dutch that this is where the peace talks on Vietnam are being held. Ambassador Lodge speaks next, for 12 minutes. After two i ntrod ucto r y paragraphs, bis statement is a repeat of President Nixon's statement Sept 16 on the withdrawal ol 35,000 more American troops. In Vietnam, it is 6:30 p.m. Joe Doing~ "Perhaps today, the war w!U be over," he telb them playfully. 'Ibey laugb and grind away with their movie cameras. In Vietnam, tt is •5:45 p.m. Sgt. Jason OaJe, 21, of Devil Lake, N.D .. is saddling up for war, one of two Americans who will set up a night am· bush with five Vietnamese popular torce Pfc. King lies on the opttaling table at the 93rd Evacuation Hospital at Long Binh. Dr. Hoo!hang Kodivar of Hun· Ungton, W. Va., probet King's thigh wound and removes the imall AK47 bullet. King ls ~led away and another wounded 50Jdier takes hia place. Taking advantage of the lut flickering light of day, two sleet A37s from the U.S. Air Force's 3rd Fighter Wing bombard a tiny clearing in War Zone C. The Jst Air ~avalry Division Is landlng a company or Infantry there before dark, and the jets are prtparlng the way. Fin~ Living in Louisiana TAX FOUNDATION INC. \Vhen Jot Doakes, married, the father of two and earning $10,000 a year finds out his company Is about to transfer him to a branch in another st.1te, not the least of the problems he faces may be the taxes in his new home town /state. Arkansas ................................ -····-· .. ·-lll Calrforn1a __ .......................... ,.___ " Co!or1tdo -········-.. ············-··-·-·····... 145 Otlawart ............................ ·-··--·····--215 0. c ..................................... -............ _ 210 Georg!a. .................................................... 104 Hawal) ........................ ........................... 325 loaho .............. . Indiana • Iowa . 214 118 ------------011r "'•" In Sa11 Francisco------------, Paril 11:43 a.m. He may be able to find out the going price of another home : \\'hat it will cost h1n1 to move; how far bis two children \\'JI have to go to go to school. He might even find oul whether the new sta te's tax on cigarettes, say, is higher than in his present one, and get a rough idea of what his property taxes might be. Kansa~ . Kentucky '" 135 ,,, Cable By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Here we are al the Powell·Market turntable. Right ofC. lhat's exciUng, isn't it? Two regular customers board the cable car at the resr -and the conductor begins col· lectlng rares there. instead of at the rront of the car, which is customary. "Hey," complains one or the regulars. "That's not fair ~ You're supposed to give us a lour-block handicap." The conductor grins, touches his cap, jumps orr and runs to the front of the car. The cable starts and lbe two regulars hop off al Geary, after their uauaJ free ride. JUDY PETERS, a sill.b·&rader. looked forward aJ1 summer to her new dutiea on the school tra(f~ patrol - bot alas. The other evmlng, she si&h- ed to ·her father, Kailer'• Walllr Pdttl: "It WU IO llow at O\D' C'OD- ing tod•Y that we walked 1 dog across ·:le ltrfft'' .•. And Ad~lsinc Euc: Pllll Flllln&er l1lmed the flm daJ'• auatom 1t a !ehool in Lalayfltr. at- t<mptlnJ to r<eord the 1.-e aod woncler ol ""'" chlldml btainnirl& their education. Ht conctntrated on a blond• wlde-qod alx·ytar .. ld girl who ,..m<d to embody •Ii the childhood virtues. ,.. be wu packing up his equlpmtn!, Ille lapped him on lhe •nn IJ1d piped: "liey, m!ller. ii this film Is ~, Car Handicap a:hown on TV, do J get residuals?•• ANY 0111Elt QUESTIONS'!: When In doubl ask the readers. They know everything. A few colwnn1 ago 1 wondered about the origin of "116" as bartenders' code for "T"tow da bum out!" and the replies flOCK!ed in. A sampling : "~1y father, Carl Inskeep. owner of Inskeep's Inn at El Varano, told me that most wtuskey used to be 100- proof. \\'hen a customer became too rlrunk, his drinks were twitched to ~ proor. and tbal°s how It 1tarted." "The true beginning. as handed down by my father. In Chicago, when one became drunk. he was placed on a streetcar by the bartenders. The ml d the line wu Nth St .. at which polnt the victim wu suppo3ed lo be $Ober again." "Wbtn I 'lt'as in the 11th cavalry at Monterty in thre early '30s. Army Form a wu used to reple.nlsh sup- pU..." ''Soda fountains u&td to have num~ menus for their drinl11:11, and 8' Wal ~ Wiler." An)·body know how "16" became bartenders' ~ for "T'row da bum out!" FAAllLY "'OTES: Cartoonist Gus ;'Gordo" .Arriola reports lha.I. he and his wife, Atary Francts., wm: driving along when they p8Ml!d a batttttd old ja1opy driven by a long·halred bearded youth "who looked startlingly like your standard portrait. of Jesus." Commented Gus: "Well, if Jesus were to come back today, I suppwe that's the kind o! car He would drive." Mary Frances: "And if He did. who would He have on the dashboard?" THERE lt'IUST be a record number of tired and aching businessmen in lhls town. Jn the new-phone directory, I count 148 massage parlors -my favorite being Lollla's. ATTY. JOSEPH DURRA overheard it 11;fler a performance of "Hair." fortyiih matron lo her husbaoo : "That was really exciting: it says so much about our false v1lues. I found it quit~ profound and J"m so happy our tlaugbter isn·t in it!" OWNER OF A fancy Fillmore St. grocery to a noted interior decorator: "ll you'd pay your bill t could go to Hawaii." Decorator : ''And if you stop- ped padding my bill I <o111d pay it." A draw ! Al\'D AT UP11GITTISR Ca.rlmont High In ~Jmoot, lhls teaehtr s11;kl lo a 14-)'tar-old tophomore : "You could be an 'A' student If you'd cut your hair." Soph : "I could be an 'A' student wit.hoot ;etting a baircut." Teacher: "Not in THIS ~hool you couldn'L" I Lodge concludes, and a member of the SouUt Vietnamese delegation proposes a 20-minute recw. The delegates troop out their separate doors to their separate working romns, beyood the aiffee bars where lunch ia wa1Ung. • '1'be toilet," says Steve Ledogar, presll spo kesman for the American delegation, '·is the only truly democratic room in the building. It b ahared by all delegations." I 1l Vietnam. at 6:50 p.m .. a very for. bidding t1ight is settlillg across t/1e la11d. Maj. Loerfke's ambush patrols are whispering in lheir final positions, "25, 2.a. 25, this is U, over." says the hushed, haarse radio voice as a platoon leader !'leeks to establish communication with his 5<1uad. Jn Cam Tam village, the kids who v.·ere bcgqing C-ration cigarettes from the American Gls scamper to their thatched homes. The babies stop crying. Pari.s Noo11 The Americans are always meaning to speak to Ute French Foreign Office aboul the sameness of the menu at the Hotel MajeaUc. Both set.!I of Vietnamese are alv.·ays rtl!aning to suggest that more Oriental dlshH ht added, but even in an area of agreermmt there is no inlUative. Today. as alw11;y1, I.he.re is a cold meat platter with ham and chlcken, potato salad, French bread, beer, cola and tiny tarts gaml3hed •·Ith a slntlt: strawberry. In Vittnam. IS min11ti1 of(tr dark Ten rounds of mortar fire slap Into the Jll1lgled bivouac of a Jst Air Cavalry 1mlt 58 mil~ northwest tlf Saigon. Enemy troops slldt up to the barbed wire . The night roars with claymore mlne5. tracers, rocket.~ Utat continufl for an hour. The NJrth Vietnamese are drivtn aYi•ay as He'll undoubtedly want to know whether his new state levies an indlvldua1 income tax and if so whether It (together v.·\th tht federal Income tu:) Is higher than tht one he pays now. There are now 40 states levying an in· dividual inc<1me tax. Hawaii ltvied the first, long befe~ it became a state, In 1901. Nine states adopted this tax from 1911 to 1920; six betwttn 192t and 1930, and 16 between 1931 and lt-10. Since l!MI, tight ha\·e adopttd income taxes, in- cludlng two -Maine and lllinoia -tbiJ year. Of the states levying this ta1, a man in Doakc~· wage and exemption category, (SJ0,000) would pay I.he smallest state in· dividual income· tax in Louisiana, $43, with Oklahoma next at $66. The highest state Income tax on a man in thi$ category i1 levied in Minnesota. $407, \\•Ith \Visconsin next highest at $386. And in exotic Hawaii, the Individual income tax t:.b is $325. For the year ending in March this year, istate tu collections of Individual income taxes tot1ied $8.5 billion, or 2$.6 percent higher than a year earlier •. Five years ago, for tht' year ending In March 1964, state Individual Income tax collections amounted to $3.& bllllop. Last year's state lndlv1dual Income tax on a man tsmlng $10.000, married and wllh two children, Is shown In the tabli below: At Sl0,000 Of Annu.al Stitt• lncom! Alab.a~ ••. • .•• " .. -• SI )6 Alaska -·· ··-· ·····-·····-············ ·-······• 220 l r!to1111 ........... , ...... ......................... 1)' Louisiana •..... .. ............................... , Maryland .............................................. _ Massac.husetts ............................ , •• _,_ Micfllgari ........................... _ ..... -.•• _ " '" , .. Minlll!tOta ....................... _ ........ _.-•. -• .., 407 Mississippi _ ............................ --····-105 Missouri ····---····-· .. ·-··· .. ·············-···--104 Montana ......... ·-·······--·-·-·········-........ l q7 Ntbra.ska ···············-···· .. ··-· .. -···-···· .. ···-New Mewko _ .. _ .. _ ............................... . New Yorlc ............................................ _ North Carolina. ..................................... . North Dakota ....................................... . ,. " 21> "' 78 OlcJ~ticma .............................................. . Oregon ................................................ ... •• J18 South Carolina .......................... ,.,_,,_ ... ... Utah ....................................................... . Vermont ............................................... . Vlrginlil ., .................... ,, ...................... . Wtst Vlrgiriia -················ Wisconsin .......................... , .................... . 1'4 '" '60 21> .. ... 'Dooes NI ln<!udt 111"'-~ Wiii! MW I"<~• ffWtJ fM•i•" ~<ICI 1111"011), with O ... (In lf' .. ftll 11'14 lfl~lde•"h o.1i,. (l't"' H1m~ll'tt.-. •<ICI Tt1>n11Utt!, .., Of! (llfl'ln">Ultt\ Dnl1 (N-JffMVI. ' ...... iiliiiiiiilai- Sa lu rd a y, S.pttmber 27, 1969 The Comment Page of the Daily Pilot seeks to inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com· mentary on topics of inter· est and significance from informed observers a n d spokesmen. Jtobtrt N. Wetd, Publlshtr • • •• A11ta Lo11ders QUEENIE Blusl1ii1g Miss I DEAR.ANN LANDEllS:·J've bad a :rotttn1 llll••r~. ·; able summer~ PJea~e tell•me NOWwb,at to do to.make"~ 1- sure that next aummer-isn,'.t t.lJe Uple. ~ · About 75 pert:ent.o( an gtr1,·und!r 30-wear bikinis. ~ "::i~ill fl an1 17.) Mos't of these girls have nice hips, smooth legs and good figures. They have a great !iroe be- cause they knO\V Lhey look good. J3ut \Vhat about the other 25 percent of \l'hich I am one? I'm not fat but a little heavier than I ought to be. I could live with the extra pounds. but l'm terriblv self-conscious about tile broken veins on my hips and leg s. These are not varicose veins according to the school nurse. She called them spider veins. Don't tell me to go to a doctor. I am too bashful. -Purple Network DEAR PURPLE: I'm not going to ltll you anytblng. It would be uacless. Yoo dolls \~ho think nothing of ap- pearing 9(10 naked on a beacb before slraniers but ·are too bashful to go to a doctor wilh a medical problem are to much for me. DEAR ANN LANDERS: T ;im a girl 15. L.ast Friday nighl J v.·ent to a dance which started at 8 p.m. and wa."i over at 11. h-1y father was supposed 10 come and gel me al 10:45. r have an understanding \'.'Ith my parents that I am to be driven to and from these dances by my father or I can't go. At 10: 15 T saw rny father \Yalk.ing around the dance noor. tappin~ kids on the shoulder, asking jf they knew Edith Brown. I was so e1n· barrassed I wanted to die right then and there. Finally one of the boys camr: ove r to me and said, "You'd helter start doing the Minuel in G. Your old man is here checking on you~" \\'hen I left 1 felt like ,.1 .-·:n ...... - I For the ST. JCSl!f'M ..01,.tTAL .... ,.,.._ 1, Mr tf'.41 Mt',, Aon•lcl Ftr_, 112l 1111 $1., W""""ln•t,r, twffl boY-1. ltPl .... kr 1' Mr, •"If Mrl •. Juln MalCIOfl•lllO, IO~I S!ullnt #.Yt.1. Hunllnulcn Bfttll, IM>v Mr. •nll MfJ. KtnMlll 0 . $!t•lln, Ud7 M~·;~~;,,wr,:1"1:.'e~,f~~11, 1171 F'11te"tl• Av• , NfWllOl"I Be•c.11, •Tri. Mot·rioge Lice11ses • ; everyone in lhe place wu laughing at me . l practici!ly crawled out on my bands.and knees. How will I ever be a11Se to hold up my head aga&tt. \\'hat do you think of a fathe~, ·who woold humiliate: his daughter like that? Please all.!Wer in the paper. He always is haoding me your column when he wants to get a point across. Now it's my turn. -L.A. DEAR ANN LANDES: I am a career girl who Jives alone. At varfous times during the past several months r have receiVed obscene phone calls, so J obtained an un1isted numbu. Certain sales clerks · have become downri~ht rude when I refuse to V.Ttte my phone number on the back of a chr:ck to be ca.shed. I've offered to produce any number of credit cards and other legal idtn· tification but this d o e s not satisfy them. My credit is excellent. I have never had a ch~ bounce. ~iy references are the best. Doos a cIU!t h\ilve the legal right to insist that I v.·rite down my unlisted phone number? -ANNOYED DIW\ ANN' No.· 'Z'!f""~~· ""'C:.~~ Record ~ I• ~ •I'd ICl'1J!,nf A .. \f, ol 1~1 C•mhl~. M"'!lt11lt>r1 B••th. kUllAL_Cl.Alt!C, llO"f E~ It, •I Ult •tttel _,.. J-A., II. ., 71'0 11111 $1 , i>of!I of wn1,,.1ni1tr, Divorces I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA euN• e DAYI cu.r-~~lfft. .......... _....._ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 By SYDNEY OMARR Fint ror colleclin& anllquts, art objects. Moon-Saturn con- juncUon In Taunts exempWles cycle wblcb causes great num· ber1 of persons to reflect on tire pall Rtvlval of sen- tlmtntal tune would be con- sidtred "lo" thin,. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Costs for 'completion or pet project may appear high to- day. But key Is to obtain quali· ty. Compare prices. But don't attempt substitute for genuine article. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Added responsibility indicated. Some of the past catches up - you are called upon to make long-rangr: decisions. Look ahead. Decide lo movt wilh the tide. it's on your side. . SCORPIO (Oct. U.Nov. 21): L-----------------------~ '"***** t-t ........... tt•tt•••tttt••..,...t•Aa llll•ili• II• llAili o. • • S..turdl1, Stpttmbff 27, lp' LEOAL NOTICE IZGAL NOTIC!: LEGAL NOTICE ., LEGAL NOTICE ' I I LEGAL NCTICE .. ' I ' I I I ' ' I f • DAll.Y lllUIT ·-~ W•DNUOAY I ll.le l'\Mnt Tontmulv• Club. Mell ..,..,.,_ C-fr'r Club. (.oll1 Mn.. 7 ·~-C.O.t• MeH OPllll'h.I Club. C.111 Ma.-Gelf Ind c-fl'l' Club, l l'Of Golf ,_... OrM. ,.,, Nell, n _.,_ Hi.mffnl'lon k«J1 E .. ~ C I II II , -Slwrllon k.cl'I lllft. Hvntlnlforl 8ftdl. It-. ' Wntmllw!t< OP1lml5t CIVb, k lnt'' T1blol A•lw•.nt. Watmlf111er, 11 eoi.rw:''tMtA Aol1ry Club, Co.t. M-Golf ,,... Country Club. C.0.11 ~. ,,_ F1111nl11ft V1lle'I' E11dl1"'" Club, Fri.,. <ok' ..,e1,ir..,,, 11111 e,,edl a1vd., H""'tlntlon kKh,. U.:15 p.m. Ctvll A I r l"atnil, S<lu.dron 7J, 7GZ31 Ac..::11 S""1. Cost1 ~. 7:~ 11.m. Aerafll/fnlntc TM•trnalllert. V 11 I a M•r1~. lo.Q &aw•~ Drive. NtWJ>Ort 9eecl!, 4130 e.m. • Me-It htflrl/!9 ~ NG. JOI, DEATH NOTICES JENSEN ALFORD ~ E. Allol'd. 111 Corti, 8Plboe hlMif. btte Df •111. Sel>I. 25, Jur- IYWCI br 1011. •ttw111, ittld 1tlr-. 1relld- d'llldt«I. tll o1 .. 1bi» l1lerid-5'1""· vlcl!I M'4 ll!lvmRt w1n ti. Mid INKl-a..,., 11:)1 J.M, MO\lntlln View Mern- orlel p 1 r k~ Cl'IJ"'· orr-cltod bv I.ell ll~l'f Morllllr'f, 11C lroed'#I)', to.1• Mela. MUSE MP!'Y A. Mule. i\te '9, ol lDCI VI- Tiit, ......,_Im. tur111'oed bY tWI _., l1Y-.cl 111111 Jude MUM, .V.1111\mJ thr' .. ....,,,,.,.. flfWl!I, Jolln P!ld Huth Drill", "'"' Yorti Stett; Ind flVI .-Pftd<Nlrre"' lffvlct "'111"'9 ~ Biii llro.dw•Y MortllPrY, c.1. /NIP. ROBINSON Frff '" ~ )014 W. 81Jbol •l...t .. *-1 ~Kii. Dell of 111111!, kPf, U $Urvl'tlel In' •'"'· 1;....,1,n, t-llliltllltet1, M~ Atwwlll C11rl!, Hun""""" IHd'll Mrt Ml•Y JI"' VM De ,,,,.,., ""'• aert11r11 broll•er, Frat* IObl-. RIO-.lftl: Ind fWo trPfldd\llOt.,,, Mnofllc flmffll Si!I'"· wlon. tooa'f, S.lurdlV, 1 PM, Mt1rvu A.btlrp ~\Mllllm C~t 81111 _.. Mn' 17•1 $Ul>lrlor, COfl1 Mitw, DI-,....._ ARBUCKLE & SON WtllCUff ftlortuary C1 E. 17th Sl, Coeta Mesa 14MISll • BAJ.TL MORTUAJllES Ccirena 4el M.. OR. S-IUI Cotta Mesa AU 1-!Ui • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Bn11dw1y, Costa Mesa LIHW • DILDAY BROTHERS Buntinpoa Vallq MorluJ1 1m1 Bua Blvd. Huntington Beacb semi • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEAOI MORTUARY lS Lipa• Cnyon Road Lquna Beacll •M.Nll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemdory e M_,, llllP~~Drtve Newport BetO, Callloralll -• PEEi· FAMILY COtQNLU. l'tlNmlAL HOMJ: 'Ziil 84111 An. ,, __ - • •W-"f'"Bll"' MOl\'nJARY '--4M-U:SS .. are te -..111 • llll'IHI" -TUARY .,_ ... ............. .,_. ... I "Preparation H" SUPPDmDRIES ••• Shrinks hemrhcids ••• hdps: to "heve pain 111d 11 9 itching ill nmt cases. 1.ss 1rs • -.·••z ___ _ "P " ersonna ui P•k .111 sb.1t 11,laf' t~t Sr111 117 C 11j1ct1r 111Hs wilt r1n .. , .. 88 Dl1ry 1t J•nJ Kram1r ••• 1.U h t 1111 D11•11 £ft:1 l!Mn 8SC MEUID "Settlllt.- Faucet "Aerator" for outside ttreaded f&u- :f !W.'i:ti" u:= 1 47 Rems.Upndtba ' sink. 1 rllllJCftlllllMlnQnllllllmOnllftlUlnOlllUll111TOlllllHmllC, "Visine" I -- VISfild STERILE EYE DROPS • • • § Sootlles =" " " "'""" .. 15-ness i• Try it llid see !low mud! better }'OUf eyes win feel ft look. Gilss or pllstit 1 09 bottte. 1JI lie• Silt • Heavy cottoD can~as wili U embossed 6Cle ~ , Yi.G1Uo1 R11fts •t.liP2~~ ·T-,W'!!l • T~e "Caddy" Wit• C•"li•c s_,,., ~ Bla<k 2 29 te.ather·graiood hnWI vmyl - holds DP to 12 cass~ttes. 1 "Auto Butler'' Twins fits over "hump~ af car •• • 1 29 woo't slide; or Up. Plastic ill as- sorted solid ta10f'S. • Floor Cleaner Far £1r111 l Drhewa7 •.• Cuts 5gc grease aOO grime! Sprinkle on and hose off. 2 l•s. Squeegie-N-Sponge 5!k" Wi~• ••• Ideal ftlf' C!I' aJ!!I 4gc l!ouse wimlows. ~ colOfS. lor safety. Col· ors In 2-5 sins. i( 1.49 . '· 'Cotton Swabs lOllNSOM l JOllMSllll "TlllTnf' -400 .,...,.;~ ... ble tipped Helibla JI sw&hs for ~1b7, cosmetic ISL 1¥ l!l$IX . Napkins SANITARY NAPKINS Rtt1l1r, s.,,, -In 11 q "1111i.11" -Pastel Ctl1rs I Pritts .' P1k1l.ll Sil.00 Rinse Away "Skippy'' . SHWoo DRY DOG FOOD r11 Dalfr1H c1m1. ttt~StaJJ! 10i99c U! 69( s IL Size "Aqu~ ,.et" , ilAJRl~Y Formula 409 SPRAY CUANU Cleau 111111111-Ui11ttn1! Stylu lllttr -llitn lett1r - 3 rHm1l11 !IJ,19c131L 49c t293!•z.si1• 79c CONCENTIATE "Micrin" "B k" rec SHAMPOO ORAL ANTISEPTIC ~. ,. ... Nlr st .... l:iRI cit IL . 41LTill1 63( fir M11Urwn~ & Clfl1• 1.lllltr.Slzt as·( Toilet Seat "Mlul11" -fits all rtgular bowls. Scu!pt1ned deslr;i , )lOIS new "spar· ~1~·· in 10!lf bat~· mom. W~ite ind colois. 2.69 "Mells" TAMPONS 1J lllllUI 8onos llol-40.i~ lhd~ FREE t111r1r 111 s1,er ggc £LOVES ••• Neoprene willt l!OJl·sli~ grip ••• kllitcottoo lined. ~sulates )'OL'I' h~niis 1 39 trom hot water. 1.89 S·M·l Sim 1 _ ... -.. ~,...... -- 9 Steam & Dry Iron I~ vent illlll swltcties frorn ~1eam l!l dry a~ JN:lsh of Ille but!o~. Fabric C1al for eor-8 39 rett ironing temperatures. #F62 • ' '-·····----..,, .. .,.....--.-..... -~ NOIRCO Carry-Corder "150" C1tll1ss l•ll• Rtt•r•er •.. Record, play- bac~ up I~ 2 hoim; per 49 95 r a~sctte. Mike, cas.salle & carrying case inclu~d. • --111111111111UU1111111M111111111r1~n111H111111111~""'""_,... __ .,. ID PlllCES PllEYUu StdlJ, Siil l11' 1ln WU""'J, kL Ill HIMttlltff'o• hocll-.Ad-ll1td lr11t1k9l•nt M•wpiJl'f ~11-1 OZO l"lu, W"h:llff ,._. ---- ---~~·-------------------------------------------------------~~~ .,,DAILY PILOT ~se ·~ ~olid Pick to WSUiack · No·r_thwestern " l • !:OS ANGELES \AP) -Soehomore •. quarterb11ot-1 J~my Jones, apP'ftt!ntJy · ~rid of 1n achlng blck, and the Soutbern Califomla Troj~ are solid favorile4 to · tum back 1lthe. aertal·minded · 'Norlhweatem WUdalts l~ · their In· -1.ersectional grid encounter tonigbt. - Flf~·tbousand or more fans are ex- pect"1 to be oo bud IJr Mftnorial .Giants ' Stay Alive With ,, 2~1 Victory· LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bobby Boods' -first-inning lwo-run sinsle and G.iiyJord Perry's four-bit pitching gave San Fran- cisco· a 2-1 victory over Los Angeles Fri- day tUght as the Giants remained l 1h games out or first place in the National League West. Bonds" hit came off tosing1 pitcher nort Suton, 17-17, who allowed tbe. Giants just tour hits after their first-limlag, rally. · The. victory enabled the Giants to keep pace with first-place· Atlanta, which knocked off San Diego 16-4. Walks to Ron Hunt and Willie McCovey ~round a single by Willie Mays loaded the bases for Bonds, who lined a single to left, tcdrlng 'Hunt and Mays. Peqy, who won his 18th game of the Dodger Slate AH ''"'" H Kl'I f..01 Sep•. 21 DOdg.1!•"$ vs San fr1ncl$CO Sl!fll. 21 ooogers v~ Sil" Fr....:IKP kpt. JO OoCl;Ks ,.. Haullon Oct. 1 Ol'.ldg1rs VI Houston Od. 1 DoOgera vi Houston l 'IG ,.m. 12;5$ p.m. 7,~ 11.m. 7:.SS p.m. 1:!5 p.m, season, gave up an)y an unearned run to the Dodgen in the seventh l.nning, Willle Davis beat out an in!iel~ single and went to second on Hal Lan:lp-'s throwing error. He took third on a passed ban and scored on Jim Lefebvre's infield out. . Mays, v.•ho singled and popped up tn his two trips, left the game after the second iMing. The initial report from the Giants' cl~b­ house was that his left knee was ac~g Up but the injury appeared to be nothing ·serious. . ht It was San Francisco's fourt.h stra1g_ victory over the Dodgers and its 12th in 16 games this season. Sutton, who evaded more first inning damage by striking out Bob ~urda and Jack Hiatt, got another scare 1n the sec- ond w~ Lanier singl@. and took second en pet:fy•s sacrifice DUnt. TltcYtueotes followed Witft ~sinile to lfigbt)ut Lanier, who M't 'a "'"' bll!lt ·from second, had lb '.Mli! at thi~; Sutton 'got out of it by farining Hunt and getting .Jll.ays. to pop out lo Ted Sizertiore at sec· ond. fi The Dodgers got just ~e ~it. lhe . rst five innings -Maury Wills' 1nfleld sing- le to open the game. Perry allowed only one other base runner until Sutton opened {he siith with a single to left. He was erased on a double play. SAN ,ltANCtSCO lOS ANGELE$ .~r ~ ~ .,, , ~ Fuer\!ft, 3b 4 0 I OWllt!..11 3 I 1 0 HUl\t,2b ) 1 0 OWD•Yl1,cl 4 l If ~y,, cl 2 1 1 t $lie,,_., :tti • o e o IJ<>nd•, rf • o I 2 Crawford, r • O O 0 I M1nhtn. I~ I 0 0 Llf•Ybff, Jb J 0 • ' eurda, 11 • o o c '.>1brlel1n, If J O O O • McC:OYff, l J O 0 0 Parker. tb J 0 0 O HI01t.c 401 1M•ller.c J OJO I L1nler.» 1 0 2 0Jos~..-.!>r 0 000 • Perry. p 2 O I O Tort10n1. c 0 0 0 0 r.uuon. p 2 a 1 o • Total JI 2 6 2 Tol1I 2f I I 1 Sfn Fr1ncl1to 2 O O O O O 0 0 0-2 ~~t!~:.~oP -San Fr1ngl1~: i.0 ~~ ~r:et51 1. L0 9 -San Fronc!1co $. Lo. ,t.n11el1$ J. 28 - Hl1tt. $ -Pet~, &ut!on, II' H R Elt •& IO rtrrv w. lt-1• 9 • 1 o I 3 l/ttOll L, 17·17 ~ ' ' 2 , 2 1 I P1-Hl1U. T-2:0.C. A-J1/J71. ·Duncan Dumps ' ; Angels With ' 2-Run Homer OAKLAND {AP ) -Catcher Da ve Dun- • can celebrated hi s 24th birthday wit.b a 1 two-rwi homer that gave lhe Oakland A's • a J. I victory over the California Angels Friday night. Duncan's homer, his third of the sea· son, came in the fourth inning after Joe Angel Slate •• ..-. "' '™"c;; en•• • Sept. J7 ~ at oikllfld Seel!. 21 ~J -' o.111911111 t;1p1. 30 ......... at !(I-City C)c1. 2 MgflJ at k•AM• C!IV l :ti p.M. 1:2S p.m, 5:Ur>.m. tr:1.S ,,m, 5:25 p,m, ; (kl, 1 Arivell af ICIM• C!:v Rudi had, 1eacbed ucond base on a throwing etror by third baseman Aurello Rodriguez.. T·he A's added another run in lhe eighth. The Angels scored lheir run in the first Inning qn a double by Sandy Alomar. a ''sacrifice and a passed ball. The victory was the Mlh of the season tor the A's, the most lhey have won in ll' any year since 1948 when they bad an t:-84-70 mark. O•KLA!'• C,t.ll,OltNI• llil"tlllll a11r·•111 l(ubi9k, " ' • 0 • "lomer, 2tl ' I 1 t ·C••r. 211 t'o o O~loN, Cl 1 o • 0 ~ R. J•dtlOll. r! i I 2 0 Hid!~ rl t t 0 I I ll111do. !lb I I I I FIWOll. It 1 • t • lf'ooll1.. 11 ' O l 1 lteldllrdt. If ' 0 I t '~ Moncllv. cf 3 I I o Cowan, rl' 2 o o o Rudi, lb ' I I I I....,.,,, Pl! l 0 • t bvncon. e • 1 l t SHll<llt, 111 ' • 2 e 1tol1Pld, 11 2 • 1 • .1.tc11e, e l t o o .., T•ltlOf, p I I I I ll•t, 1111 I 0 I I P!mro.P o o o ,,._ lltodrtet. 211 1 o o o L....._~, Jtl 2 I I I ......,.,...!\, .. 1 ••• W1t?Ot1. 1111 I t t I ~ £ ,,.,.,, • • ••• I Toltl .)II I t ! Tot.I " I ' 0 ~llfOl'~I• '0' I" ~, .... .,... J~ .. tp,' • • -~n. A. ill<Ml•klllfl, "~"' • "-C•rtforn"" IL 01111-lend .,. ,. CltNOt. tolllb. !Pl"· ctr. Mlt -vunc•~ 0 . I -Alomlr. -""""-· ll•nft. tl'Mltiltll 50 Mu .. n 11> L. 11>-ll J I ' 1 l , $Fl1h ... ''l'I' O!•nd w, •·1 1 2-1 l ! • !lbo1 1-l ! 0 0 1 l"u~re t-1 0 o t e ! S.v• -l"lnlrt. W' -''""4intnl!~. Ill -Dur>· '""· T -1.U. A. -J,JJ.S, ' r, ThiJ wUI be the lourlh !ll"Ot!ni betwetn tho hr~'l"l:>Qo1o,Sooit11ern,ca1 pre\>alled lo l~, 3HI; ID 1151, U-7, and last 70ar, it- SIGHTING HIS TARGET -New York'Jets' quarterback Joe Namath warms up in Long Beach for an AFL game in San Diego Sund!ly •. The a pro-type. offense • .,...1th lolS of throwing , tr•PJ and quiet n~ .. , + 'l'he Whdcats 1vt(aged t\')Ore thio .~ .; 111""' 1 1am•, !alt· ~r and McKay noted. ''The .wua.,,~ ,,.n pmeut ·.,.., of a ptobfem to ~ def•.,. than did Nebraska. • · .... ' '"l'llef'm .. ed thl' bal1'"1i'"'91'l'lotre Dame as well aa any· team outside of Purdue I've aeen ~ yean." The coacl) was pleased with. the, efforts ol looea, who completed 8 .of. II _. ·(Qf )M prill Ind two touchclownl •&•Inst !lie Comhuskers, and tailback CJat~oce Davis, with bis 1uo.rn11.plµS ruah!Df. J!'I\.,' wa.. platued las~ week by· back muacle •Plllll• but told. the coaclt th• condition has 'abated ·and· ~cl-be' almost back 100 percent in efficiency for Nortb\vestem. VlltT1 ........ Super Bowl champions are favored over Sid Gillman1s Chargeri a:tter 21-18 ·loss to the Denver Broncos ·la.st Sunday in Colorado. ' . . GLENN. WltlTE Sports Editor . - Pirates ·Fire · .. Shepard;· Phils Hire Lucchesi PITTSBURGH -.Larry, Shepard was fired Friday as gian3.ger of. the Pittsburgh Pirates -· five games ·before the end or Ule" N!itional League sea.son. Shepard's firing was announced by Pirate .general manager Joe L! •Brown who saJd, "thihgs fUs1. 41:idn't work-out a1 we thought tbey would." Shepard was not immediately available for comment. · Brown said Alex Grammas, a Pittsburgh coach, would be asked lo mana&J: the club in its last five games. •• PHILADELPHIA -Frank Lucchesi, a minor league manager tor the past 19 years, has been signed to a two-year con- tract as manager of the National Leag\ie's Philadelphia Phillies. Lucchesi succeeds interim ma.Mger George Myatt, who took over the club alter Bob Skinner quit in a buff last Aug. 7. • SAN FRANGlSCO -A San ~anclsco federal court judge ruled Friday that Rick Barry may. not play basketball for the San Francisco Warr iors pending a trial. JudgC Gerald Levin -granted a prelltninary injunction lo.. the Washington Caps, of the American Basketball Association, purchasers of the. Oakland Oaks; for whom· sarey: played last year. Tribe, Ore~on ,-.. • . ... , 80 AU:gry Pfit~i: s · Batt)e Sundti:r. I !° J~4 i"~ l . f:,1,;l':, ( . ! ~ t ,. 4 " ~ I "1 °" , '4 " J >'i '" "1•" .... '. '1 ,.. . .,. r..~ -• .,. l' .. I . ' .•. ... ' . ' . -· POR'l'LANI) -· Lee 1'r'evin<>; who declared ~I've been .dre~nf ·of 1pen-- din1;thls 155',CXlll l!tsrlit'IU lif!!I# tilt day I helfrd of it," fired a 67 Friday IA these. condl round of t~' Alca'n Goller of the Yeai competition for .a. one~troke lead ovE.; Bill Casper and Be.rt Greene. • ;A. • ~ 11 1 < I • • • "' ~ , , • l~, .t, P' ' ln 'Day's Only " ':Nafua.th~ Jets at "Si11n "Diego Pacific-8 'I;'ilt . By THE ASSOCIATED Pllm Stanford and Oregon meet in the only Pacific-4 Confei-ence game today while the Big Ten provides the opposition in five of the remai.nlng six games on league sch ools' schedules. Stanford, whose star quarterback Jim Plunkett performed well in a 63-21 vic- tory over San Jose last week. is at home to a dark-horse Oregon team that bat- tered Utah 23-17. In other games today, Washington is at Michigan, Washington State travels to Iowa, California is at Indiana, UCLA plays at Wisconsin. Southern Cal hosts Northwestern at night and Ore&on State meets powerful Arizona State. Washington. beaten 27-11 by Mk:higan State la.st week, meets a Michigan team that stomped Vanderbilt 42-14. And the Huskies' Big Ten foes get bigger and bet- ter every week. Nert Saturday.: Ohio State. Washington State, a winner over In· diana 19-18 on a last;.seCond field goal last week, meet5 an Iowa team that was crushed 42-14 by, Oregon State last Satur- day. Cal lries to recover from a 17.(1 defeat to. Texas again?,t an Indiana team that outgunned Kentucky 58-30 last week. The Golden Bears may press inexperienced juniot quarterback Steve CUrtis into ac- tiofl. UCLA. surprise of the early Pac-8 seaoon with two bJg victories, ls favored to gaJn It& third avalgl!t victory at Witcomln, which Jost its opener 43-21 last week. Southern cat, a convincing 31-21 winner over Nebra!ka last week, h o st s Northwestern, which lost its first game $-10 tut week. Oregon Stale, whicl:i rebounded from its opening de.feat to UCLA to beat Iowa last week, is up against a strong Arizona State team that manhandled Minnesota 48-16- Mc Laren Gunning For Can-Am Title IRISH HU.LS, Mich. -Te am Mcl..lren, with 1 string of seven straight victories to its credit, can clinch the 1969 Canadian-American Challenge Cup series title Sunday by winning tht eighth event ln the $1 million aeries at Michigan International Speedway. The New Zealanders, Denis Hulme and driver-builder Bn»ce McLaren, have commlndlng points leads of 110 and IOS, respectively, going into the 2()7 mile, 65 lap grind over the recently 1pproved 3. 18- tnile road c::ourse. SAN DIEGO (AP)-Elgl!ty angry foot· ball playen collide Sunday wben the alrelldy upset Super Bowl champion New York Jets meet the winless San Diego Chargers in San Diego stadium. The American Foothill League game Is expected to draw more than 4S,(p) fans. it will be nationally televised With Southern Califomis blacked out. 'Ibe Jets, 1-1, are coming off a Joas to Denver and noted progno!Ucator, quar- terback Joe Willie Namath, has aaid New York will not lose another game. The Chargers, 0.2, lost to expansionist Cincinnati last week, 34-20, and the men of Coach Sjd Gillman must play catch-up in the league's tough Western DivlsUm. San Diego, off to its worst atart ever, Old Pancho Keeps Rolling LOS ANGELES (AP) -Veteran crowd • pleaser Pancho Gonzales changed hls sl)'le a bit and raii Stan Smith into sub· mission Frlday, 6-2, 9-7, to advance to the semifinals of the Pacific Soothwet:l Tennis Championships. Later, in an· upset, Arthur Ashe of Los Angeles lost to Honoluiu'1 Jim Osborne, 6-3, 7-S, 6-3. In t.IM! day,'1 other matches, Cliff !Jlchey of SM Angelo, Tex., fought off Biuil'1 Tomu Koch, u . w, M ""' olattt Nan-cy Richey stopped Francol!o Durr ol Franoe, 6-2, 6-4. Ann Haydon J .... of England defeated countrywoman Winnie Shaw, 6-2 164 aild Billie Jean King of Lona Beach topped France·!! Gail Chant.eau 6-0, 7.S. In late action Earl Buctu;,lz of St. Louis ad vanced to a semifinals match against Richey with a M. 7-6 victory over Bob Lutz of Los Angele$. Then Gonzales teamed with Ron Holm- berg of Brooklyn, N. v .. to outlast Denni! Ralston of Bakersfield and Chuck Pea· rtll of Puerto Rico, M , 104 In a doubles contest. 55,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The ......, Is barely 1n Its lnfaney but the Atlanta Falcons and the Loa Angeles Rams will be struuUn1 Stmday for the top spot in the Coastal Division of tbe N1Uoo1l Foot· ball Leaeue. .. Both teams reelatered divisional vic- tories in their opening games, tht Rams taking a big ont rrom the Baltimore Colts . 27-20, and Atlanta upselUng the San f-'ranci sco 49trs, U-12. I has a big question mark in quarterback John Hadl, tbe eight-year veteran who has been plagued wilh a safe elbow aince a preseason collision with the .Los An- geles Rams' David Jones. Had! received shots or. pain·killing cortiSOne during the week and was throwing better. He's slated to start but will st~p aside for rookie Marty Domres Jf necessary. Namath was roughed up In the Jets' 21-19 loss to Denver, suffering a brulsed chest when hit by tackle Dave Costa. But Broadway Joe should be ready. Each leam has outstanding wide receiv- ers-Lince Alworth and Gary Garrison for the Charaers, Don Maynard and George Sauer for the Jets. Obviously, the bomb is a big weapon for each. But Hadl has yet to connect after lead- ing the AFL with rt touchdown passes in 1968. Namath has thrown oae scoring pass this year. On the ground, San Diego's-Dick Post enjoyed the young season's biggest day last week, 147 yards in 15 carries~ He'll b~am w1th big Brad Hubbert. ini the Charger backfield. Matt Snell and Emerson Boozer art New York 's probable starting running backs. San Diego will be without all-league offensive tackle Ron Mix, who has. ·a pulled leg muScJe. His spot will be taken by rookie Gene Ferguson. · Charger linebackers . Pete Baines and Bob Bruggers, both ailing last week~ are expected back. ' Charger tight end Willie Frazjer pulled a hamstring muscle against Cincinnati and probably won't be available. In hls place are veteran Jacque MacKinnon and roolde Jeff Queen. The· flamboyanL Trevino, Scrambled tor his second round ~I. the lowest ·9f tho day. Combined wilh his 70 oC the openin1 da7, his total is 137. Ken Nagel of Australia acCidentally placed his 9-hole tota• of 35 in the square on the score i;ard allotted to the ninth bole. . . . ,. When he signed the card it beeame or· ficial and he was chat&ed with taking 68 strokes going out. Actually bis score at the ninth was par 4. • LOS ANGELES -Edgar Lacy, form er UCLA basketball standout, announced Friday he was ietiriag fnl:rri the pro- fessiooaJ game and planned to lurlber bi.I education. The Los Angeles Stars of the American Basketball Aslociatlon signecf taey last year·aitd he worked With them1n lralnin1 thls fa!L P'*Rll I &1¥ IE\il!S!Ei jl!tti! lW ~ Laver to ·ne Feted Top Tennis Stnrs nt NBTC Tennis greats past and present will gather at Newport Beach Tennll Cl ub Tuesday night to pliy homage to Ro:d "The Rocket" Laver, who is probably the greatest pell!or,mer i.n the 1port'11 history.. r• . The' occasion is <ie:Staned to honor Laver for becoming the only m~ ever to· earn mor~ than: ttOO,!Xll).,in a single season (or play~ tennis. " Jack Kramer, ooe. C,f ,~lea's all-µtne tennla greaf;S, will terVe u master of ceremonies. -, .• ' · Eipected to be on ~b8Jld fat the testimonial diMer and ensuing awards program are ; Roy Emerson, whom Laver defeated In the Aust14'.11U1, ~b and American finals in 1962; M;dfes (Jimeno of Spain whom La~ edged in the Australian finals this year; John .NeWcombe, Laver's final victim at' ',VUnble- don this year ; Ken Rosewall, who • Jell to Laver in ttie 1969 FrenCh Onala; Tony Roche. Laver's final vlctim itl the United States Open at Forest Hilla two weeks ago. , The only Gra.rfd Slam defeated linalist ·who will not be.present Is Marty Mulligan, the Australian wbo fell tcr 'La ver at Wimbledon in 196% .. Mulligan is-retired and lives in· Spain . .. · Don Budge· (1938) iJ the only other man ever to win I.he aJam-taldnC Wimbledon, the U.S., French and A'.ustralian opens in the .1ame year, ! TO RECEIVE ' TROPHY Rocket Rod Laver •• zn-:. --'<;'A_,.,,., .. .,. to Watch Rams, A croWd ot SS,000 la expecttd to see Sunday's kickoff at 1:05 p.m. in Memorial Coliseum . The game shapes up as an Issue between the RaIM' experient:t and the Fakoi\I' yootb. Coach Nonn Van Brocklin, himself ooe or the Rams' brilliant quarterbacks dW-· ing h1t playing days, has listed seven rookies In Atlanta's starting line up. On offenee, four of the six interior linomcn arc rookies. Thty 11ore guardi; Dick .Enderle IUld M1lcotm Snider, latkle George Kunz and tight end Jim Mitchel!. AUan.ta's leading rusher against San Francisco, Paul Gipson from Houston is • first year man. He. &aJned 69 yards in five catrlca last week. Van Broctlln's backf!dd lncludu Bob Berry at quarterback, and runntng backs Junior Coffee and Jim "Cannonball " . Buller. The 13Uer was the lcegue's leading rusher -330 yards and a t4 average - Fal-cons In the 1111 preses.son contests. The Rams ' Roman Gilbrie4 leading passer In the NFL art1r one• game, wlil direct the attack. Both ol the rµrtnlr>f backs who started 1g1tnst Baltlmoro. rookie Larry Smith and Les Josephson. are ailing with a kntfl and rib tnjwies, rtspectlvely. Veteran Olclc Baas hanged up bla Jer In practice and was put on the injured re-serve list. He'll be out or 1ct1on for 2 weeks. I ) ~ ' I I " Saturd11. StoUlnllor.27, 1969 ' Can't Rap Officials Tars Fi~t Oft, .Sful)borD: e-sa, This Tune By HOWARD L. RANDY ot ... htlr Plllt tt•tt A major 11nafu 1eft 5.000 football ram toolihg the.Lr heels for 75 minutft6 F:lday night as ~farina· and 'South Torrance High marked time, waiting for e:ame of· flclals to arrive at 'Vestmlru:ter High. They never did appear. Finally at t : 15 three volunteers from the stands-including this writer-went into service and relereed the game which South Torra~ won, 00-6. The debacle ended at II :25. No~ of my r.1lls were questioned, Nor did r get any he~ from players, coaches ·or hlns for calls r had to makE. Of course I didn't can back any touch- downs, either. To be sure, you won't find any criti- cism of referees In this report. South Torrance sc<ired in each of the final three quarteni to gain a m vie· tory over coach Jim Coon's Vikings in a game that saw both teams hitUng hard from st.art to finish with few penaltles. Glen H. Dysinger, principal at Marina along with athletic director Jar:k Ken.. nedy, said it was the first time to their knowledge such a situaUon had occurred. "There must not have been any offi· cial! assigned for this game or th~y all went to I.hf: WTOOg school. Usually the officials come in separate cars and at least two or three o( the four-man crew is on hand," Dysinger says. "Our other problem ill the fact we have a campus three miles away from .our playing field .'' A check by the DAILY PILOT after the game with Don Davis, the man ~'ho assigns high school officials in Orange County. indicates no request was ever made for men to work the varsity en- counter .although the Cee game Thurs- day and the JV contest Friday had offi- cials. The controversy over whether officials were requested, or assigned, is past tense at the moment and a problem that will be solved by school oUlclaJs and lhoSe from the Orange County Aasociation. · South Torrance scored first on a IS-yard pass from Rlchard Peterson to Dan Carl- son midway throogh the 1econd period. Marini's tailback, Joe Ventimiglia, rac- td 16 yards around end for the lone Vik- ing score and neither team was able to convert leavine the haJflime score, &-0. PeWson hit Sam Robertson on a four yard aerial in the third period to put the Spartans In front and the fwl touchdown came in tbe fourth stanza with time run-. ning out when Rob Warrington pushed through guard for three yards. Peterson hlt Rob Andrrwa for a two point conver· aion to conclud~ the scoring. VenUmlgDa carried the ban JS Ume:s for a net gain of 5.1 yards while fullback i teve O'Hare made 17 yards in six car- ries before he was injured and forced to leave tht game. The other two officials working the game included Nelaon Lantow and Joe Costa, both members of the Orange Coun· ty Officials Association. OAMI STATISTI,$ ""I lltwnl rlllf\!119 Ml 'I" ......,. .... 1,. s F rst dtlwr. .. nartrh l Tot1t llrtt downJ ' Ylrdt llU111"9 1 y,.., ;)'!,_ \G1 v.,.., I II Ntl YI ' 9'1!1'td OJ Fumbl1t/Fumt;lel JM! 1 I Sun ,., ll!Urltrs i : n " 1 " '" " " "' "' : :=:: BOBBLED _BALL -Steve Fish (20) looses the ball for Newport Harbor to end ta .Sailor,scoring bid late In the second quarter. The Costa Mesan who made ·the folting tackle which caused the fumble was Pat Sweet- land (73): Other Me sans identified are Kim Woll t 41 L Brad GUI>< rt .. -· ' . . Fiambles Ila.rt L1Jguna t .. By RON EVANS Of tM 01U1 Plitt SllH BREA -Lagtina Beach struck early and the&faded as Brea's Wlldcat.I rallied for I 24-7 victory In Friday nigbl's renew- al• 6f the lwo schools' ancient rivalry. The ArUsts hopped off lo • ·7--0 lead when Miki Abbey dashed 65 yatds to the \VUdcat lit, then Punched it over from the two moment.II later. Kieker Manfi-ed Heine eonvertcd and the invaders were in the lead. Loss However. Brea came back for three ·tallies, all on long scoring marches. An d each time the hosts added two-point con· versions on sweeps. Letterman Jeff Oxandaboure was the key figure in the \Vildcat offense, quar- terbacking masterfully. Despite the loss Laguna Beach coach lla\ Akins says he finally saw a ray or hope for his team . Weekend Television "We startea to play defense in the sec- ond hall and held them to a o.-0 tie. ~lost o.C the second hall was played inside our own 30, but we finaliy did some hJtUng. '' Pro Football TV Bonus; Key Baseball on Slate Pro football follower s get a bonus this "'eekend "'ilh baseball fan s watchi!"lg a leading contender for the torrid National League West title as virtually every sport Ls represented in some manner via TV. In addition to regularly scheduled games of the week in pro football tSan Francisco 49en at Green Bay from the NFL and a double dip from the AF'L) an outmandlng new program d~ul! today on Channel 5. "This Week In Pro Football" is the name of the new show put out by Hughes Sports Networt. It ls an hour show employing four cameramen at every pro game 11J both leagues. The production staff of two dozen works out of Philadelphia. Wtth the Giants and Dodgers on NBC's game of the week, the Southland area will be blacked out. The backup game comes from San Diego where the Atlanta Braves will be playing the Padres. The Angels and Oakland A's are on Channel 5 throughout the weekend. Collegiate fans can now .watch the USC· Notth_Weltem game on Channel 11 at I: 30 on Sunday afternoon with the UCLA games aired by delayed tape on Channel 5 at 4 each week. Mii\)' Jfollywood st&rl will appe.ar on a Cbaru>el 11 spedol today called the First Annual Celebrit.J Bowllna: C1u:sic. This one calls attention to the Joe Kennedy Foundlilon/1 1peclal Olympics project for mentally n!lanled youth. Golfers, horae 1how fan1 and Just plain atttltta appearaoct1 on regularly achedUI· od 'Ilion II•• fans amplt opportunity to ttfflt the dial and come up with their favorite 1port or • myriad ol aporta th""'""'"t tho wttkmd. Ttttre'• t180 ttnnlt. ~Inc. jal alei, rollet dtr1>7"1nd dra1 racing on the air. , (~ .(l -.JillJ.L -S11f!to9 ~~~.!~ .. ~~,'"~J.IM,:: ~·~ .. M '"1'.: "'""" ... ,. • •1 M1 ., ~WOllll ~rOIHb1 rtMll(I, I , Akins singled out linebacker Steve Pal- mer for his outstanding play. PJlmer suited up at half-time after being given his father's permission lo pl&y. Eight days .ago he underwent a loncillecton1y. ffowever, Vte Artist offense still wor- ries the Laguna boss. "We need a Jot of help on our offensive line. We !till aren't blocking the way we should· be. "We were awful in the first hall. We set up .all three of their touchdowns with fumbles," Akins said. Lquna, 0-% for the campaign. opens Crestview League .action next Frld1y. en- tertaining Villa Park as Akins' group tries to defend last year's litle. Florida State Edges Miami 1'.1lAMl (AP) -Grant Guthrie's third field goal of a clo:!e, enor-fllled football gan1e broueht Florida State from bthind wilh J:55 to 10-Frtday night to a 1(-14 victory over the Miami Hurricanes. ( Bill Cappleman ' drove the Seminoles fron1 their ov.·n JO into posilion for the 'vinning kick afler ~llanti had gone in front in the fourth quarter on a five-yard touchdown pass from David Tea\ to Rick Slra1vbridge. Miaml breezed lo a first period 7.(1 Je1d on an 85 yard. 11-pl•y drive climaxed by sophomore Tom Sulll- ,·an's one yard dive o~r the goal . Then. in rapid succession, a blocked field goal and two Miami fumblea inside Hs own 2U enabled the Seminoles to rack up 13 points and lake a 13-7 margin into the linal quarter. Sullivan's dov.•ning of a Florida State punt on the Seminole one led to the touch- down that put Miami in front tl'ilh l .(H left in the game. Frank Wi,R"ham's punt carrled out Qnly to the 33 and Teal, who had repla~ Lew Pytel in Miami's battle for the quarter- back spot al U1e start of the second half, led the flurricanes to the score. \ (61), Dave Edwards (62). Costa Mesa had the worst field position im· aginable the first half, taking possession on its 20, 16. 3, 4, 10 a11d 20. Newport won, 9--7. WORDS OF WISDOM -Costa Mesa High football coach Max Miller offers 'vords or arlvice to DAle Kubeska during Friday niebt action 'vit.h arch-rival Newport Harbor. Area Sports Calendar H1111ll"9torl ltlt~ :sd~~Y :·~~ .. Ser~~· . ·~ . Mustaµgs •• <QNN WRm; ~v . \G( ...... ,. .. ,..,. •• 'f. ·~ . . ' \ H .. "111 favored NIWJIOrl 'l'!!J b•r capita'liied on a safety-IJld a li~-)'11<1 scorina .PJI• on ,fourth down to<'tff\Wr.ate ~ Men'• ocrombUl!I M~. ~71 Frldly nlJbl bdOI'! 5,500 at. tltl olc1Dr'1 field. The vanquished Muatanp put .., a fan- ta.stic ct.......tration ol delenme ·loot6a11 ablltly the lint ,hoJI u tllty _..iotoped Newport drives four Umes IN1de 'th& 11- _yard line with 1puited pl-llne ~tl.J'ds. 11tret. at the TJJJ" assaults wer, stop- ped at the!, 4 IJld I. 'l1le Play that turned out to be the BCOl'eboard decider came with 21 mecond.! left }ti the fir11t period, aft.tr one of ~ patental defensive effort.a bad thwaited a Bluejacket threat. T~ om on tla· lhr;., Me" lrl<d • danprciwt pltcb baclt .to ill end zone and Sailor ddender Dan H"1'lnl -Dave 'Davi& to the Wif for the la(ety ud two poin~ , I The play that didn't ~kt the scoreboard was also a decider. It came in the garne•a ~I three nUntlle•. J unior quarterback" Kim Woll, a .cucumber under the most-severe pressure, spotted Dave Dies and unleashed .a 25-yard toss. Dies had outlegged the Sailor defense but suddenly appeared to alow hia 1alt, apparently mt.judging the oncoml111 aerial 1be ba!J fell a foot from hjs outstretched hands and that was to be the 1'f'8tanp' last ..rtoua i•"P· Newport upped ii.! !<ad to H with 8:37 remaining in the third q~ when quarterback Blll Shedd hit Al Wallace with a short pass at the five. Wallace eluded would-be tackler Steve Lefever and made it to the end zone. Al Whlte converted. The score seemed to brine COila Mesa's dormant orfense to life -that and a switch of John Manix from end to halfback. Wolf un.loaded a 32-yard pa!S to Davis to set up the en.suing touchdown. 'Ml.en Man~ took over and ripped Newport's defense on a aeries of dJves until he cracked over from two yards out r~ the touchdown. Benito Ricardo addtd th<, CCHl)>er~on tllld the rars: i...i ... , trtfiulu•l lo t-7 '.-itb 1 :53~ell lntbt tltlrd period. Manix wound up with 41 yards In nine carries. Stars of that splendid Mesa defense were headed by Dies, who intercf:pted • pass at his own three and who broke up a bull!leye throw from Shedd to Fish in the end zone. other standout!!! v.·ere Dick ·Ferryman, Pat SweeUand , Brad Gilbert and Da ve F.dwards. Newport unleashed a fine set o! running backs, paced by Rocky Dixon, who had SQ yards in 15 carries. •.&.Ml STAtlSTltS ,. Flrt! down• "'"'\::: ' Flrtl ""'flt. "'.:re ' F!rtt ~· OfNllt1 ' TDll l flrll llOwn• ' Y•rds rll&t[.lf!O " ~:~: i::""' " " Nnl Yl f0$ g•lntit "' Punts/A,,,,. e dl1I•~· ~ 31.5 Pen11tl~l/Vtrd1 ptn1l•11d "" FumblWFumMH JO~t "' "'"""" W1ll1ct ~· 11 Ol~tn .. !~Hd " Fl~r, • J S'" T~ • lt~•~er ' 11~ Toi.11 " 01vi1 '''" Mr• ~ Yloll 11:r111v l " Poul ' M•nl, " Te!ll1 " " PASSINlt ·~-..... " 'l "'I " FIJ~ib ' • I " • Wt!! '"'' 111 ... • ' Stwt ,,. h t r1tf5 NewJOrf H1rW (11:1!1 MtM Football . Roundup Compton 29, Santa Ana 15 South Torrance 2tl, Marina I Newport Harbor I, Cot1-. Meaa 7 MUlikan 32, Wettern 7 Hunlington Beach 29, Ediaon T Sonora 14, SUMy Hills 1 Rancho AlamJt09 28, LI Habra I Valene.la 8. Buena Park 1 Kennedy 13. EJ:ceWor 11 (Ue) Palm Sprincs lJ, 8an Cltmente 0 Lakewood 3~ Gardena it Mint Lute 21, Loa AmlfOI 13 Troy 34, Saddlebact 7 Savanna %1, Villa Park 11 La Quinta 21. Gahr 0 El Rancho 23, WutminJter 7 SA vaney 21. El Mod"" II till) Brea 21. Laruna !U<h 7 T' I • i " ' " • • • " 1! 0 .. " Loa Alamitos 17, Tustin O Volley Christian ti, Mission Viejo t K1t.ella 14, Fulle:rton I Blohos> Amat IO, La Puentt II St. Anthony 17, Serra I SL Paul !3, Madison ? Blair «, Clthtdral I Poly 28, St. John Bosco O Pa11aden1 21, Monrovia t We!l Covina 20, Arcadia t South Pua<1eo1 21, Cbarter Oak o • " • I lJ, r. '" 3/ti.7 ,, ., "l 11 , if -'I b '·' '·' j . .. ., • I I , , ' ' I ' ' ! I ; AIRBORNE CHARGER -Edison quarterback Jerry Hinojosa leaps out 0£ the grasp of Huntingto n Bea~'s diving defensive back Craig Zaltosky (10). De!'ipite Hinojosa's acrobatics he was stopped for no El Ra11cl10 Buries Lions With First Half Scores, Little Scatbac1ft " 23-7 ' 8'' TIOGER CARI.SON • 01 lh• Dilly JOllDI Stiff PICO-RIVERA -A 155-pound. 5.9 half· back for El Rancho High School litormcd to three first half touchdowns in le<1ding 1ht Dons to a 23·7 victory Frid ay night over invading \\'estminstcr. ft was the second loss in as n1any sliHL'\ fnr the proud 1008 Sunset Lcn;;uc football champions. Dennis Tarango 1ras 1hc back Y.'ho broke the Lions' backs as the speedster bree1.ed to 131 yards on nine carries in the rirst half ei1 route to scoring all of the Dons' touchdowns. Sloppy Westminster tackling. ho1,•:e1•cr, seemed to aid the enemy's cause. And. some key error~ didn't help any· thing either for \Vestm1nster. Here's lhe series of events that led lo 'Veslminsler's downfall in the first hall I. Tarango ran into a wall of ta~klers on the Lions"38, simply bounced off and ~ped do"·n the sidelines for a girt touch· down. , · 2. After tying the game up ~t 7-7. \\ ~~t­ hlinster was guilty of a roughing lhe k1~k­~r penalty (only one of two penalties 1ga1ns~ the Lion~) and El Rancho "'3S Baseball Standings American League; Eas1 D\vlsion w L Pct. GB a.Itlmor• 108 49 .688 -86 71 .5'3 22 llelroll 86 71 .Ma 22 Wuhlngtoo 82 75 .522 26 New Vort 76 7~ .494 32 Cleveland 82 95 .395 46 'Vest Dtvl~ion fo.llmesota 9-t 63 • 599 Oakland • BS n .~41 9 ~tifomla 1 70 17 .446 24 cago 66 91 .420 2811 K&M&.s Clly li5 92 .414 281 ? given new life on the Lions' 40. One play and 40 yards later. Tarango had given the Dons a one-touchdown lead. 3. The Lion:s could nol hold on a fourth-. ;ind-eight situation on their 37. Instead a 13-yard completion was allowed and then Tarango did it a~ain wil.h a 24-yard sca mper over the right side of the.A.Jons' llne \rilh 34 seconds remaining in the ~alf. They might as well have called 1t a night at the end of the half. The Lions consumed nearly eight min- utes in their unsuccessful drive to the ~t Rancho four-yard-line and then the win· ners came right back and drove ~ ya rds lo the \Vest minster four . Wesllninster finally held with 6:58 left In the game. .I\ futile paS! attempt [rom the enri zone resulted in quarterback Ed Bane being spilled for 1 safety to round out El Rancho·s output, "1estminster's onlv score came in the firs t quarter on eBne·s ta.yard pass to ~lonle Downing . The Lions' rushing game -a sore poinl \vith coach Bill Boswell in recent days - l'eerned to hold up. But the passing game failed to click for Westminster. Bane felt the Dons' rush in completing only six of 16 attempts.· ..... IT,t,TUT1C$ CM " Flul '°...,,. rl/Slll<'l!I • " •lrsl WM ~"Ii.er • ' Firs! !low,. 1111Mltlu ,j ' To1111 Hnt .W...nt .. Yaros~rualllnot u "' y••llS f.:i"'"° " '" .. z:;-~.n1sl "l"'ia 31J'2 "" P11n1.,-,t,~·~ llUIC• 11n l rtnail!tt/ • ...... 11.1ed "» '. FlllT!~ fymbl• 1111;1 '" " 1Af'9 ft 011t1r1lll'9 El ll•l'd!6 .. ' • ' -n wes1..,i..,1~ ' . • ·-, IUl~G WttlMIM!d l1 •• •;, iil::'M " • !;!,. • • • .., • 'I • " .. ~ ' " •• .... II:•~ .. " " " ,.,,,_ 'l ·~ • "' k~ • ., • • 1·~ " • • Art.~ • I ll • i M'~ls .r.:,~i?... " .. !ta~ "1 :r M• .. M "'' '""'"' II ••"', t • " "' DAILY PILOT .. 11ttt1 tr L" ... ,... gain on the play. Edison held off the Oilers until the.cl9sing minute of the third period. After that Huntington Beach scored three touchdowns Lo romp. 29-7. DAILY PILOT JJ Oilers Fight Back From 7 -6 Deficit,. ' . ~ting E4ison, 29-7 ) By JOEL SCllWAU bf "'-Dlltt "''" .... " T'My0 were dreaming lllo lmpoo~ble dream Jl Edllooo Hiil! Sdlool qalll, bu• Hilllllngton ~ch quarterback Garth . Wiae twned II llllo ., nliblmare. Coach Biil VaU'a fledging Edi.son team, wblch pulled off a atunrUag tie in ils first.- ever pme last week, battled the ~a· wred Oilers to a standslill onty to run Olll of ps wllh 16 a«oods lefl·ln tbelhird 'period and Mr• buried by Hunllnglan .&a.ch, 29-7, be.lore •·packed house on the' Oilers' field. Everything aeemed IO be going lldllqrl'• way in the thlrd period a1 the Chargers scored a quick touchdown to take a 7~ lead and then held ijuntington when the Oil~ had a fourth and three at the Edi· soo five . But that 1tand was the ead of the Chargers' drea~and~a har:sh welcome to the realltle11 or football. Five plays later HunUngton Beach got the ball at the Edison .'4 following a 20- yard punt return by Craig' Zaltosky and the Oilers were nevs; atoPPed again. Wise. the Oilers' slippery quarterback, early In lhe game on lhe Oller•' ...,...i play ftom acrtmmaae. He .rolle:d· out arow1d his riabl end and !hen cut. bock o!WJ>lf lo dar1 52 yanll for a IOucbdown. Hane kick wu wide. · • EdlJOn moyed !lie baO fitfully unW ball· bacl: Jirn Mintey ripped over ltft taWe wllh t:U left ln lhe third Jierlod, bnlh two ~ and raced 49 yard! ·ror lht equalizer. Ken Funke's kick was bkd::ed, but Huntlngl<n Beach WU <if oddeo and Funke made good oo the llCODd attempt; to briefly tantalize EdllOn fana with vfs.. ions al a victory. JIUSHIH9 ···-.. ,, " ... • • . " ' . ' l H l1f Hlllll~IMC~ 1~ 117 . " l 11 ,, 101 ' ' <I) 11• 1'&.SS1J11• ·~1 ..... r. " • ' ' .. .. • • " • " ... . .. • •• ... ... ••• •• ... ... ••• • •• ... ... zig-iagged his way to the rnd rone and Htnolau Huntington wa~ ahead to stay, 11·7, with ... pc: ,,.. . ' ' HINllllltlMI IMdl 45 5CCOftds left In the third period. Wise Wist " ' IAMI STATISTICS .. then rolled out for the two-point conyer- sion. The Olien got the ball twice more · In the foorth quarter and ground out a pair of touchdOWM to break open the contest. Flrst they drove 72 yards in 10 plays with Rocky Cerda gobbling up 41 of them on six: ruJhea Including the hnal six over right tackle. Wlse passed to Dan Moatl for two more points. Following the kickoff, Mike McCord picked off a Jmy ijlnojosa pau and raced 49 yard& for a touchdown, but a clipping penalty set tbe ball back. at the 28. Nine plays later Dave Crockett dove over from the one and Frank IHaDlll kicked the extra point. \Ilise had put Huntington Beach in frpnt """' HvnU"DlOn k•,_ ~ Ovtrlt,.. 0 0 , 0 • t I lS Pal111 Springs Shoots Down Tritons, 12-0 By STEVE ANDREWS 01 l'lt 01ltJ fl lltl Sttlf :• ' ' tt· •• Im:· " • • It \\'as a dark eve.ning ror San Clemente booster!t F'riday as the TTitons dropped a 1%-0 decision to Palm Springs tn a non- league footbaTI contest at San Clemente'• Thalassa Field. The first bad omen came mid way through the !iecond quarter when an the lights went out and engulfed the stadium in darkness for 2S minutes. Disaster number hvo came in the third gt.anza 8li the invaders (rom the desert controlled the pigskin for 13 of the IS minutes scoring the only two touchdowns. Palm Springs' tallies came on a 21·yard burst off ta,ckle by Stewart Rogers and a thre!-game romp by quarterback Tours Poist. It was a fn.istraUng n1ght for t.be Tt1- tons, \vho l<X'it their S«ond game In u many outings. At the hair they could man. age only 15 yards rushing, none pa:ilina: and only one first down. Rick Geddes. taking over the helm for number one signal-caller Kelth Gibson who broke. hls spqulder last week apinst Nerf. couldn't generate any offensive thrust at all. The senior attempted only two passes and missed connection on bolh. The leading ground gainer for the '?Yf. tons was senior halfback Rick Brown. Brown totaled 16 yards In 1ix earrie11. Missed aS5ignments and costly peflll1. i tie.s had the Triton offense wllh lta: back lo lhe door all evtnJng. The deepest pene. tration was On a 21-yard scamper bJ Geddu, who carried lhe ball to the In· dians; 35-yard line. l:foweVer, a clipping penalty· moved the ball beck lo mld field. -tr -tr -tr OAM• ITATISTICI Fjrll e.,.. r1.9111.., '{ '"A I' r1t dow'fts MHl"9 1 Flr1f 'JrlNll'IS 11tnellltJ T~ rll llOWIU ' ~· Y rv.~1no '! Y1rd1 11 • .,1lno Y1nh 1.'J.' "~i ffef y.11 I O•I 1'1111~-·'f:s nc:i.t1rtie.t ,,,,.. ,.,. Dllflll!ttd 1'11111blft!Fwmblaa loslt UIMIMI '""'" ''""" """""' •• " ,, .., • " • ... Wlllltm ' ·' • u llaldtru .. •• ' u ·-· • ~ • • •• • .. w ' • • .. Pols! • M " " lllUJttll ' • • .. ' • • u ROCKY ROAD -Halfback llDCky Cerda ol Hunting- ton Beach 111gh School shakes oU an Edison t.Qclder \vhi!e Ken Balch (64) tries fo .run him down .• Cerda came off the bench to put sOnie niuscle into the Oiler running attae!k: and wound up with 97 yards in 19 rushfls and ;r;cored onl:e in Huntington Beach's 29-7 victory . . . Mtr.lta.I "' w , .... ·-PID'Mlel'! ·- • " • " " "' St" Cllmtrll'I " " ' '" • .. ' " • " • " • " ·-" ., "' .. Tol•I• " .. "' ,, P,t,lllHlt ,.,Ill 1,r11111 .. " "'' .. '" 811n•·~r • • • • .... Seattle 82 95 395 n. 1'rld1y't GllN "fllW Yor~ 4, lllhmort 1 W•tlt•M ._ Cltl~•ltrod I 9111..., " Dwlrlll! ) OHiand l r C1llflN'!llll 1• IC...s•s Cl'Y S. C~kT ~ S•llltl ~. Ml<\nnoC1 U 1111>~ Valley Christian Slaps Diahlos, 18-0 Po!st • ' • .. ..m 'TOflll " • • u .m St11 Cir.Ml!lk ·-' • • • ... N11t\onal Ltague Ease Dlvl1\oa IV L Pct. GB New York 97 61 .614 Chie&IO 90 68 .570 7 Pitl!bUrgh .. 73 .533 11 St. Louis 13 74 .sl!I 131~ Phll~• 82 IS .395 34,'I Moo fi2 11111 .3Z!I 45 Wui Dlvl•iol Atlanta 90 68 .5'11) ~an FraocillXI 18 69 .561 J lii C,inclnnali rr 11 J.11 3 Los An11eles 82 75 m 71-1 ltOWllOfl 79 711 .l03 101~ San Dieco 50 107 .311 391..J , ... l .... fM Plttlbllttll t, (lllu'° "ftW Ylf'C t. "'t*'-ipfitt t 11. Leulto l.J, Mllf!ir~I CW:f!lr\111 J.4. Hiovt fol. •1C.1111 ... Sell Dl4'0 4. t a. l'ra~~J. ~.,,...~I ( " ' John Gootlh•rt. ripped through lbe ~tis-ya rds .by, JIJ" SlOUl, Valley Qir~1\1t Valley Chri1ti8n used up si~ minute., . . sK>n Viejo defenses for touchdown jaunts found itself with a first doWn on lbe and 17 plays before Goodhart ecorcd of 14, 10 and 4 yards as Valley Christian . 35. from IJ:ie D11bkl JO-yard line. ffi&h School downed the Diablos. lS-0, An offside l"nally dropped the Crus-:i al n.' Van EueJ'l'S kick WIS no aders Uve yards beck, but, after an in-before a crowd of 3100 in the Mission g but Valley Chrlsllan led, 12~.:wllll complete Ron 1.tJersma pass, Goodhart 4:05 remaining In llle thtrd period. Viejo Stadium Friday night. gained another flrst down on the Crua-Five minutes fattr 'Goodhart was driv-Goodhart didn't 1et atart«I until well ader 46. Ina: acrou the goal line again. This Ume tnto the 5eCODd period of the clash. but Miersma then connected on two of forir it WI! from fCJUr yard! OUl after the CN· when he did get ln high gear, he charged p8sses to move tbe ball to the !mt J4. sader11 bc!nefited from a 15-yard holding his way for 145 yard3 ill 11 camu for Good hart carried\ over from thtr~ on ptnalty. a 7.8 yards per C&rTJ ave-ra'gt. a buri;t over hia own right tackle. with GAllll srATllTICJ Miukla Viejo opened the game by 26 seconds' ttmalnlng in Ute hall. Randy " . , controlling the ND throu&h most of the VanEssen'11 PAT kick WA! no good but Mr•! 00"'"' ri..11"'9 " • Finl tloWM ~II~ ' ' flnt quarter and the first five mlnule1 Valley Chri$llan took 11 6-0 hall-time l'ln! dOYlnt lltfllt ' • of lhe occond. lead into the lockerroom. 1Gt~I !ft-! dowrl• " " Yard, f'ltiflll>O , .. HS • But, with the ball on lht Crusader Through I.he: first. half action was clOllC Yard• r,~nl119 " ~ Y,'11. Of.I " " 11.yard lint after 1 tiflu:lon Viejo punt, ,vith neither team able to shake loose of Not! v1•11t o~ln"'4 "' "' Good hart. scampered for 11t1ns of i;ix 11nd the mher. aut, the second ·half w:..s an r11t1111Av••to• dkt~~·· • ~1 1 ~ .II 1 PIWl/ll!lt,/Y1rd1 ll""''lltd "' .,. 13 yanll eouple4 with .. burall of lour '11Qaelbet dillerenl game, l'llll'lbl•/P'~le losl ll~ " \ f .. le.tt " htrlwn 'Y~llt'f CVlsl!•n . ' . M 111at1 Vltlo ••• ll:UlfflHG • .... ~ "'-1" ... ". 3Mrlou . " '""' u ~ ._," " "' ,_ ' " v-• ' • l'llkt ' ' V•r...,...tt1 ' • r -..1 • • ·~ "'"" MIH!lll Vltjt ' • -• " -" ~ "'"" I ' ... , • " w"'-' • tottll » ,. ..... !l"f V•lltf CIH1tt'9tl .. " "' ·~~ ' ' ' """°"""' ' ' • T1»1ll " ' I Mlnllll Vlttt G~•V J • 1 Wiii<'..,~ ' ' Tol1kl " ' ' ' -I - " • • • • ' • • " • • " • ' • " " ,. .. n ~ " • • • . .. ,, u '·' u " •• •• •• " ... ... " " ... ... "' .m .... "" ·"' ·'" .... POW TITLE TILT A.T UCI TODAY Champlomblp of lhe lour1b annual UCJ water P,>lo tournament . will bt delenn1ned between •lihl ol lhe lnp coJ.. legtate leam1 on lhe west coul wllh lhe t!Ue game al 3:30 lhia allemoon-in lhe Anteater pool. Action aot under way this mornina W'ith UCI plarlnt hon to use, UCLA, Slan- lonl. Callfornla, Cal Slale Long Beach, San Diego State •nd UC; Santa Barbara. Consolation and lo&t:r'1 bracket 1ame1 will rontlnue afttt the tltle contNt wUh the flllal malch 11 !:IO th!~ ~ng. ., • ! I J~s\'i I,li l"olQ ' 1:Classics " . ~ .. Oi-as• Cout ud Golden . Wiit ~· ..a1er polo ·-inoool lnle -t -.lllfs _.. with the ~ 1n•1•e1 GI _. ·lho!r """"-...,. • ""°'""' •• lldel-:trid.t:J· on;,,. I<* 1111 llam!O lo-.. 4111 ' 1..-· il!e lllllUll Plrole Jnvltolloool -I Cid ... =. l'ulltrton'• cttf( la • .1 fa~le to ; liic "!be • -...... -Ille Cllll1lr -tfelnil ·~: .,, __ _, ' t CoDtce GI the Soquolu ond Santa Monica are seen as the f PiraW' d!ld rivoJL Eacb ' -in the .......,. pll.ys : throe gam .. oner ~ ocUon . ~ cmder'W~ ol.f•tllli morn- r q. t Gol4e• -" ~ .. blMd up the coolll•l4 cllilpete m the Gaucho lmilatlonol al tbe Unlftnlly or caJlfornil at Banlallarbanl. Tom Henn.st.ad's team mee11 the UCSB junior vanity in Ila lint -· ond could piay U many II three COO· lata today ll tt mUOI tt to the finola. · other teams in the tourney are the UCSB Frosh, Mt. San Antonio, Rlvemde and Santa · Barbara Cily College. In action Friday afternoon, Orange Cout found the going """' ogain>t • f .... .,..,. · untvenity and the Pirates were blown out of their own ·pool by the UCLA vanlly, I~ .. UCLA jumped Into•~ leod in the fl1'lt period and never was In trouble. Mite Allbrilhl ~ &le•• Wqner each _...i o polr of 1goala in tbe 1osinJ Pirate ef. •fart. Goldm West olao w • I ·bocmcfllaramd.TbeJIQsllen tnvolod to FuDmoo and d!Opped .. 1-i decision. Fullertoo ICOfOd tWlce In each period during the romp, three lfmOI (Cl ponalty ....... Golden West, which didn't """"' untn the rma1 period, bid lbr .. goab nullified by lb• ofticl•Is Don IJppoJdt ecored the -only polnl Trey Rosh ond Bob ,llrauer pa<od the HtrOeta w!lh too ant eadi. ~\ Bucs Drop Dual Meet To Santa Ana Orange Coast Co 1 I e I e. • s '""" c..ntry teem dropped Ila second straight Southern California Conference match of the young .....,. F"rmy. losing a 17-44 decision to Santa AnoCollejle. Bob Llpm or 11\o Dons lod all finilben: lcrtlll the line ond In the process - counie ftm'd oo the Pirates 4- mJle count wtth a 20:15 clock· ~ finisher for Orange Cout was Ralph Dean, who too1t fOUl"lb with a 21 ,se effort. Foll01Wlng him in further back were Dan Mooney (7th), Rick Pierce (Joth), Hatry Noonan Clllh) and Joe Bodnor (12th). Fnd Sklrde, one of the Piratu' top runners w11 bothered by leg cramps and only pl.aced 14th. Saturd.IS', ~ 27, 1969 GAUCHO "AC~ -Paul Cox, Saddleback College's outslending all-round aUtlete, will be operating at tailback toltlgbt u Ibo Gaucbo< face Gros1mont at Mission Viejo Hllh ~. The latter Js fresh from a stunning 23-711pset·of·San Diego City College. Gauchos, G'riffins , Struggle Tanight ',""~ • .! '· ... •. . iii iS.v I) '*> {. lhoolde!;~.,en<f ~·cbad ., ;;. _,., !"'" '!!" , ' .. tnes J · llllQ giiard BOb uren George Hartman oomldtn (hrulJod leg). Grownont College to be a With his secondary In such sleeping giant and U he had poor shape, Harbnan is wor· his way he wouldn't mind if rled about the bomb and he the Grilfins dozed off tonight hu reuon lo. w h e n they tangle with Sid· Acalnst San Dle10 Gross.. dleback College. moot ooly hll on two passes, It's the home opener for but they went for 81 and 21· Saddlebaclt and the contest yard scom:. gets under way at 8 p.m. on Groumont ls basically run- the Mias.ion Viejo High School nlng team and tailback Dennis Field. Sutton ia the chief thn!:at. He Grosamont, n e v er con-totaled 106 yard,, against San sidered to be a Junior college Diego, despite having a pair or football power, woke up tut Jone gainers whistled back. weekend and pulled a stunner, Defensively, the Griffins are whipping a good &an Diego llllall, but coach Clint WbJ~ team. U-7, and that worries field believes ln gang tackling the Saddlebact coach. and lhat e:zactly what his club But its only one of a number did last week in holcU.ng San of worries for Hartman. Diep to 70 yards on the Foremost ii the physical ground. condition of hla team. which la none too good. Thre&<juarten of h I s • • --. Rustler·s, llef ty MSAC Meet~ .Eagle8 G0n ' . ·. :For2·game 'Win Streak )!llancla IUlh School will be oul lo do oomethlnl tonflht . !hot bu been accompllabed only twice bflore In the Eagles' four.yetr f o o t b a I I blalory, put lo(elber a multipl .. game wlnnine streak. .. ' Klckoll fer the -leque game at Bolsa Grande High School will be 8 o'clock. And the ouUoot< for coach Phll Brown'• ouUlt It good be\'&U!e Estancia ls ~~ lalnsl Pacifica. a team the Eagles have enjoyed regular success agalnsl Estancla has wt>n three o.f four previous meeting between the school!, Including a 33-1.1 romp lut aeaaon. Brown ii well aware o! Eltancla'• habit or winning a game and then suffering a let- down the following week. The result of thla up and down atUtude Is that the Eagles have never enjoyed a winning seaaon. And only in 1966 when they won three straight games and in 1961 when they followed up the Pacllie vlctmy with , u,; dec:i!llon over Garden Grove have the Eagles managed to string wins together. Brown would like nothing better than having la.ill>J;ck Dave Johnson...repeat his 1968 perfofmanc~&Jnst Paclltoa . ln that on t. !obnson ron'j}>- ed lo< :Ill Y'1cils w and Pacifica Is bound to key on him tonight. ·Brown, however. wu -wor· ried about the blocking of his offenstve line after last week's lt-0 victory· CMr TusUn and the Eagles spent a good deal of Ume ironing out that prob· lem this week in .pracUce. Pacifica a!BO had offensive line problems In lls opener but coach Art Michalik was happy with the work of hi.a: backfield. particularly quarterback Paul Lindholm, who he considers to be a fine field general. Michalik worked hi.a: club on e.liminaUng mental mistakes which coat the Mariners 120 yard.1 in penalUes last week. It *'We have u avera1e tean tldl JUI'· We're olweys fairl7 lllh~" be leyl. Tho Golden West defenae will. have It's handl full u the Mounlalneon neid • polr o1 2QO.pound ronnlng baqs. Joe Corey, a letterman, and Jack ~rke open ot lullbaclt and Wlback . Both leamJ will uUlfze a puOlng game although the RUIUen will probably throw more wltb the 1<tum of Tony Boo,..U. 1be f o r m e r Huntington Beach afcna1 caller 1<tumod fran,Arllona Slate tb1' -it be npoclad. lnd could start at quarteli>ock · • "We tnow GoldeD West bu oltbougb Sboctlelonl aald be a good defenslw unit but feel would not~ 1 atarter until we can move the ball apinst game time. It could be let· t'-em. Our dd'eue dld a a:ood terman Steve GriltlUi oi-• last week." ' IOUthpaw flnt-year ,man Ted Shackleford coocurea "ln Hamilton. · Gteeley'a oblervaUon about Both learns lost opening the MOllll-~ e I e n " • g._ laot -k wltb Ml. SAC . "They are a Utile cjulcller ond dropping a 19-13 decbion lo almost u big u Orange Rtver.td~. Cout If they cut down on "We made a lot of mistakes ~ their offensive mlltakes, they against them," coach Don will give w: a lot of trouble." Greeley s.,a. "With .atx new The aeries opened with a U. players on both our ottensive )4 Ue In 19N. ML SAC won ln and defenilve unlll, lhorla lo 19"1, 48-21, and the Rustlers SEA KING BRUISER -Fullback Rick Petros will be seeing heavy duty to- night when Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings take on Bolsa Grande in a non· league football skirmish at Newport Harbor High. Each is looking for its first victory of Ute campaign. Can Corona del Mar Rebound Tonight Against l)','.l~tadors? lll ;g A que.rtlon may be answered strongest. Newport struggle, despite his disappointment with offensive efforb. COll:ONA tllil MAit LE-Div. Krah" LT-K..,t kl/Mtr '" ~· = •• "' ... m ·~ ·~ ·~ '" ·~ .•. m ... '" ii! "' .. ... .. Barons Bid For Win, Host Argos Two modest win streaks are at atake tonight when J'oun.. taln Valley and Garden Grave hlgj! school! club ol Hun- tington Beach Hlgb In a noo- league football lest. Game time ia I. Fountain Valley's Baroos won last week in tbelr 1M9 opener, 15-14, over Rancho Ahunltoa and coupled with two wills at the tail end of the Irvine Le.ague season in 1988, coach Bruce Pickford's outfit will be seeking its fourth vie· tory in a row. Garden Grove, meanwhile, hu a fiv&-(ame win streak of ill own, Including four I.all year. The Argonauts: were highly impressive tn·tbelr opener last week with a 22-0 romp over South Torrance. The big win was featured by a crushing ground offense that netted 370 yards mostly on power sweeps over the tackle and end positions. Leading t h e balkontrol style of play for Garden Grove are backs Scott Albertson and Willie Gardner. Between the two they 8C'· counted for 2fi6 yards against South Torrance, Fountain Valley's hopeJ 11& ia the 1Ucces.s of the two-pla· toon system Pickford has in- stalled .. His backfield is small in size but Pickford 1ays his running backs are as quick as anyone in the Irvine League. And, apparently they11 ba .. to be plenty quick kl penetrate the Garden Grove defense. The Arg05 have blanked four o! their la.st five opponents in. eluding the last three in a row. So, the problems lie two-fold for Fouotain Valley. First the Barons must atop the impressive Garden Grove ground attack and they must find a way through the Argonaut defense w i th their tiny backs. Latest member to t b e 5tart.lng Baron bac:kfitld is Glenn Goto, who measuru S-7 and weighs 140. '" tonight when Corona dfl Mar's There isn 'l a strong passing Ill once-beaten Sea Kings take on Rame present nor is there the 110 Balsa Grande High ~hool at breakaway back. Instead, it's 1'° Newport Harbor High in their a sound line from end to end lfi second -and Jut -non-on offense and defense that's l~J league football game : -the trademark of the Sea LG-Jtff Tt"Mr 1'0 POUNTAIM \IALLIY i~I! WUl the Sea Kings be able to Kings. 1 J come back,? Bolsa. me~nwhile. brin.gs a l~ Last year under similar tough club into the contest, 1" circumstances, the Sea Kings despite its opening 12-6 loss to played perhaps their wor11t Lynwood. C-0111nl1 "•••.scm 11.G-Do<il H!Ultrll llT-Jlm North llE-Jfll G0111!1 Qfl--GllM Mllltr f8-R;lck l'llrOI Ta--Jtft T~I W8-S!tv1 Mo<rll aOUA •RANDI!" 190 Ll!-G1rv Hlrl'llnOf>: 11S LT-Cit'Ol"91 V1lbu- U$ LG--!101> Holfm111 110 C-1'111! Ch1m111on no fll'G-8111 Krl1tln11 1111 i!f-lob W1lk1r UO Al!-A•~ ~1'1•'" I'S Ql-G1ry \11tbl.tt!M F 1-llldl Mllrlln .. •• "' "' ·~ '" •M defe!Ulve secondary ls bob- bllng around. Halfback Steve Sntilh probably will mlas hla second game with a sUght shoulder separaUon while Paul Co:z and Gary Rupar have bruised ribs and a bad leg. m Cincy First game or the season and drop-The Ma tadors threw away ped a M decl1k>n to Bolsa the ball game in the first Grande after losing their quarter and coach Orville opener to Newport Harbor. Nellestein indicated that er- 16') LH-8rl.,., Mewl l lS RH-t>ll'I :ShlW HO OARO•M GRQYl "' '" ·~ >U 115 LE-Ev1~ 11.1.,,.,UlMll I~ Both, however, will play ond Cox will go botb ways, hoping 11'0 l T-ICtnt W«t1ntr Ito 11S LG-tired Ul'l'lbtrt 1JD 1'3 C-0.YI M ll11r ll'O 160 Ra.....Mlttl'I Rk:h1rd1 110 0 t.o match his 108-yard TURN N performance al laUback lut mll! The !Int major-league night n game WU p)Jyed In Cincinnati ti in 1135, MYS World Book !~ Encyclopedia. Again they've IOfit to ror& committed in the opener Newport and now It'& a ques-Would be taken care of in tion whether the Sea Klngs practice. LE-Marty Dur1nd LT-Jo. G""'°" LG-tltrtlld "aflllllOfl C-Stewt rl ~lrff llG-ICfl! Ltr.1 llT-8111 LYCllll ll"E-Jolln Dullllll QB-lruct 1<1"'9 Fl-Marti Morll" ll--SNW Wt lll'flbu" W!-llol~ Tlll!ICOIO ll'fl RT-:S1tvt Woc:tuMr llO ljQ 111:1!:-Jll'l'I Sc~w1nk1 110 115 OB-Jim l1H 1'S TV WEEK kttpi yeu tuned wetk. t& wt.et'• h1ppe11i111 Mhi11d th• Also troubled with minor tulle -h•rt S1turtl•v I" th• ailments bul ready to play are =;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=i DAILY PILOT. f ===================-....:':qu:arter:::::ba:•:k~Rod:=~G=r=a=••=•~(=ao::re SOfT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers 1_ ( WHIU THI ACTION IS - UDO THEATRE-NEWPORT BEACH Burt ldinci11t•r in "CASTll KllP'" Richard Burton "WHIRi IAGLES DARI" • I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAYI can regroop to make the long Nelle&tein says i( his club trip back from a tough loss. can contain Corona's fullback Coach Dave Holland in· (Rick Petros) the Matadors dlcated his lhock troops with stand a good chance of knock- Ruth's House 1'11-Jalll'I Hln~11 17' kll--koll Alti.rt911n 16S l 1-Wl!lllt G1rdn1tr 110 ---- thtlr ball-control offense will ing off the Irvine League Sea Yankee Sladium was the do just that. Kings. biggest baseball park in the l!ff'I St.artlng again for the Sea Leading force in Qolsa's of-country when it opened in Kings Is quarterback Glenn fmse Is ta ilback Steve 'Valten-1923. says World Book Miller, a do-everythizlg athlete burg, a 150--pound senior who's Encyclopedia. Its sea t 1 n g who alternates at r ig ht a tough runner. capacity is listed at 67,000. halfback when aouthpaw Keith His 100 yard dash time in 11,:;iiiiiii Samuels ri:clls him al the track ls 10.1. quarterback post. ~lolland made a couple G I f I It's the offensive and chsnges in his defensi ve lineup 0 • defensive lines, however, but the offensive starters re· whtrt Corona .seems to be main the same as in the I LOW COSTA MESA !II.II -M 645-0900 UIHG IEACH I fllt.WITOH 24'0 ..... -II. (%13) 4ZJ.5156 711 l -·-·-526-6691 ' I Winter Rates II HOLES RANCHO SAN JOA9UIN PUBUC GOLF COUii.SE On The I rvlne Ranch '3.00 w ...... ,. •s.oo w ...... . C4lrtl A"n.M• "VISIT THE 191h HOLD CANTINA" J11•t •ff tlMt ... cu ... ""••' •• c..1 .... ... Phone 833-1253 S."'fdlY, Soil""'"' 27, 1969 OAll.Y l'ILOT J1 Heal Estate Oakw~od Opens Coup.le,s Apartments Quodlons tnd Comment By Rtaltor R1nd1ft MoC1rdio If I offer my home for 11le myself, can I rtfut• to sell ft r191rdl111 of r111on under th1 pr1aent clvll rltht• lew1? MLM Corona dtl Mir I trust that yours is an academic question, and, academically, it is a good one. It not only deserves an answer, it Dl!MANDS one. While the subject is toc>"com- plex to answer simply yes or no, you would be well ad· vised to discuss the subject with competent legal coun· sel if your reason for refusing pertains strictly 'lo race, color, religion or national origin. Plloll and b I o lo I' I 1 t 1 , couples aro waltlna looger to research 1 c le n t I s t 1 and have tbetr flrst child. architects -mostly young In turthtir research con· and married -wllJ set up ducted among Youn& married housekeeplnf this -• 11 the people, 111< B dl-.rtd that unlque new fl4:.1 mllllon, 715-when It carne1 to housing, they unit Oakwood G a rd e n are aeekina a country club Apartmeoll. way of Ille. They deslnl all the Ooe hundrtd YOIUlJ couples te<n!aUooal lacillUos found In and proreulonal alncle adults contemporary apartment com· hailing from as far away as munlUu for alngle people but Vtctorta, Australia, are the with the added requirement of fJrst oceupants at Oakwood -even more privacy. a contemporary ' ho us Ing For acUve young· adults, phenomenon. 'Ille project ls a Oakwood'• fl million recrea- new concept 1n country club t1onal package off era a bulJt-ln living which feat~s tree·liD· f.ncenUvt. Included lo rotdoor ~ walkways, I u sh I Y , amenIUes are two I a r g e landscaped interior courtyards wllirl~ therapeutic baths, and a fl mWion recreaUonal an Olymptc-slze swlmming packase. pool, nJaht·IJ&hted t e n n I s ' The U.S. 1866 Civil Rights Acl as confirmed and ;:larified by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Jones vs ~'layer case last year seems to bar ALL owners of real property Irom discrimination in its sale or rental be- ~ause of race. This is presumed to negate the .. owners ?xemptions" allowed, in certain instances, under the U.S. 1968 Civil Rights Act or the Calllornia Rumford i\ct. The claimant of discrimination under this act. bow· ~ver, must seek his own relief through the courts at his ,wn expense, as there seems to be no governmental 1gency set up to enforce this act. Also, this Jaw applies >nly to "race" as it seems not to mention "color, reli- &ion, or national origin .. as do other laws. A survt:y o! the new courts, plus separate courts resldenta Indicates t b e y for volleyball, balketball, pad- repruent the affluent, mobile dle tennll and sand volleyball. young generation. Some 87 For indoor activiUes, a percent of the tenants have at· three-story clubhouse features tended college "'hlie 48 per· separate men 's and women's cent are college graduates. health clubs complete with ex- Most of them are professional erclse equipment and saunas, people with 19 percent holding billiard room. indoor golf drlv· aerospace and engineering lng nnge, color TV theater, poeitions. Other rankings in.-aru studio, fireplace lounge!, elude electronics, 9 percent; conference suite, game room medical, 8 percent; attorneys, and shuffleboard and ping 6 perti!nl ; teachers, 6 percent; pong areas. The entire bottom and pilots, 4 percent. floor of the cluhhoose contain! INTERIORS OF OAKWOOD DEVELOPMENT AT Nl;WPORT BEACH PltOP~SSIONALLV COLOR Kl Averaa:e salary range for a party room complete with ------------~--------------...,.,-'-----------­Oakwood tenants ts $14,000 per fireplace, dance floor, catering year, ranking the in It I a I kitchen and service bar. memben far above the na-To complement this new tional average. total environmental living con· Jn addition to representing a cept, a fulltime clubhouse well-educated and highly af-director 1.s available to plan Pilot-OCC Le~tures Slated fluent group of ~oung people, . social and educational ac-Lecturer! with expertise in both on the Golden West and the first tenants are highly UvtUes the varied fields of real estate Orana:e Cout collep. cam· mobile. About 13 perooit of At Oakwood one and two-Investment and Its allied sub-puses and at all DAILY !hem are moving to Oakwood bedroom fu rnished and un· jects ha\'e been "signed on·• PJLOT offices. fror:n . another state. Of the re· furnished apartments and r or th e fifth annual Re a 1 Programs and lecturers for ~a1n1ns 87 percent. a tot~1 ?f furnished single units will be Estate 1 n v es t men t Con· !he entire series include: 10 percent come fron1 w1Uun available. All unit.~ feature fcrcnce. -"F"'ir'"s1'""'s'".,"'"•'"to""'o,"°"'0c'""'L""'1- the Orange County area. professionally color-keyed in-The program, a series of Opening, Glenn Martin. con-n eve Io Pm en t or lhc teriors, draperies. wal\-t()-\l'all four programs held on con-fercnce moderator and ex-O~ood concept was based carpeting and all-electric seculive Tuesday nights, \'>'ill ecutive officer of the realtor11' on m-depth market research \Yestinghouse kitchens. Some be presented jointly by the board: Introductions a n d conducted by R & B Develop-units feature pushbutton gas DAILY PILOT, Orange Coast Welcome, Dr. Thomas Blak&- ment C?mpany: Lo_s An~el.es-fireplaces. Additional features College's Evening Dhsion and ly, director, Orange Coast ha~d firm which_ is bu1ld1ng include laundry rooms and the N e w port Harbor-Costa Evening College and Robert Oakwood and "·h1~ recently dry-cleaning pick-up facililies. · Mesa Board of Realtors. N. Weed, DAILY PILOT wa;i named the. third _ largest Rental rates range from $160 First of the four programs publisher. ReaJ Eltat.e lnve1.tment Anal)'lll," Dana s'mlth. Sttond auslon, Ocl 14 - "Managing Your lnve5tmenl," Don Ward; and "Syndication -More Important Than Ever?", Cap Blackburn. 'Iblrd aetslDJI, Od. !1 - "Yield Leverage T h r o u g h Wise Financing," Charles H. Callison (Society of Exchana:e COunselors); and "Investment Huntington Man Advanlqtl el tht Real Estate Exchlnal.''.·ll<ue< Howey. Foartb -Hatta, Oct. ta - "How to Tab Title Advan- tageously .-. A Case Study," Jack Li11C1>lri; and "Tailoring Your Real Ell.ate Invest• ment," Randall ll. McCardle. The 1969 eerlea is the fifth annual coofereuee or Urls type presented bJ the t b r e e sponsors. It. 1' open free of char1e lo Iha _,a1 public. To Head Bank California's Rumford Act makes it unlawrut to dis- !riminate by owners of O\vner occupied homes, and >\vners of 3 or more units having publicly assisted fi- 1ancing such as F1'l:\, VA, or Cal-Vet. FHA home im- >rovement loans on the property might bring the owner lndcr this act. It applies to owners of 5 or more units -egard.Iess of the financing. Exempt from this act are 1ingle family homes not owner occupied; duplexes and 1nits less than three even though publicly assisted in heir financing ; sin~le family homes and residential snits less than five if NOT publicly assisted in their fi~ 1ancing; and non-profit housing operated by religious, ~raternal or chari·table organizations. This act makes it 1nlawful to aid. abet. incite. compel. coerce the doing 1f any of the acts or practices declared unla\vful by he Rumford Act, or attempt to do so. Eniorcement is hrough the Fair Employment Practices Commission. fhe complainant goes to the FEPC 'vho will attempt to ·esolve the grievance through negotiation. If they are tot successful, action may be brought b,Y the state 1gainst the o\vner on behalf of the complainant. ~u1l~er of mu.lt1ple·un1t hous· to $290 per month. ,viii be held at Newport The lectures: '' 0 range ing tn Ulc United Stales. The Upon completion next July, Harbor ~ligh School, 15th and County -A \Vay of Life for Robert H. Smlth Qf Hun· supervised loaD lctivlty at 21l s l r on g ~pular appeal of Oakwood will be a 23-building Jrvine streets, Newport Beach, Business and Pleasure." J. lingt.on Beach has been named Seeurity Pacific branches; in recreat10.n~r1~nte~ aparti:ient development gracing a 16-acre on Oct 7. All four sessions \\'ill Peter Barrel!: ''Why Invest in a branch manager for Security the western Loa Angeles area, com~unit1~s is ev1dc,riced in R site which borders on 16th be held from 7:30 to 9.30 p.m. Real Property?", GI en n Pacific National Bank. is taking charpol a branch in & B s chain of lt Soulh Bay Street and Seagull Lane Free tickets are available Martin; and "Com puterized Smith, who former I y Beverly Hu~·-· Cubs for single, young adults.1---------·------------------------------------------ The overall vacancy [acLor at The U.S. 11168 Civil Rights Act prohibits tbe follow- ng acts based on discrimination because of race, color, oeligioo, or national origi.D : refµsal ~ell,~Tent or deal vith any person~ making different te . ·and conditions br hur.ing or renting housing; lklvertliinc that housing • available only lo cer141n persons; d&l!Yibg.bouslng i• 1vallable for inspection, sale or rentalj.,.lleli;:ln fact; It s available; blockbusting, persuading some to sell boos- ng by telling them minority si:roups are moving into the 1rea; denying or making different terms for home oans; denying anyone the use of real estate services. This act applies to f\1ultiple family dwellings of five 1r more units; multiple family dwellings containing four 1r less units if the owner does not reside in one of the 1nlts; single family homes not owned by a private indi· ~dual; single family homes owned by a private indl· 'idual who owns more than three such houses or who n any two year period, sells more than one such house n which he was not the most recent resident. And be- ;inntng Jan. I, 1970 the following wilLbe added: single amily homes sold or rented through a broker or other 1erson in the business of selling or renting dwellings : ind single family houses offered for rent or sale through 1 discriminatory written notice or advertisement. the South B<:1y Clubs ,UJ less Ulan 1 percent, oates R &: B partner Howard F, Ruby. DesJ&ned by Rober\ a. stJn. :ra-=wA=i.tia°= club living !or ~· lo!al YOUlll aclul1 market .-.bolJ> marrfed and alngle -lid! with primary emphasis towird young mar· ried adults, "Current :sbtistics reveal that by the end of 1979, there will be 10.3 million more primary familieS -mostly young couples -for a lotal of 61.5 million young couples in the United States," Ruby said. "' AdditJonally, during the last few years, birth rates have continued to decline and young New Land Firm Forms The Department of llou•ing and Urban Develop. nent can investiga1_e.-cOmplalqts, hold hearings, Issue · :ubpoenas, etc., bUt does not have the right to issue Announcement was made t<>- :ease and desist orders or fine the property owner. The day by A. C. Funk, Newport tecretary of HUD is limited in his power11 to ''educa· Beach real estate Investment ion, conciliation, and persuasion." It is unclear as to broker, of 8 new . California iow far he can go in bis efforts to "conciliate and per. corporation to acquire land in d ,, the Wut Antelope Valley, Illa e . The new corporation, R(>- The real estate broker legally has been unable lo Mar Land Invewnent Corp. lo liscriminate because of race. etc. since 1959 when the date has opUoned in excess of Jnruh Civil Rights Act \Vas passed, and he is responsi· 2,000 acres adjacent to the Ile for the acts or bis salesmen. new Water Wonder I and With no Implication that a.DY of us would desire to, t seems that as far as raci&l discrimination is co~ :erned, all of us are barred from doing ao by one o·r nore state and federal laws. Enforcemeitt of the laws, >rosecution of the violators, and allowable penalties and lamages are unique to each law and should be dis· mssed 'vilh your attorney, if pertinent. In the meantime, you may remain a person or dJs .. :riminatlon es long as it i.a not based on race, color :efigion or national origin. ' i:DITOR'S NOTE: RondoU R. McC~rdle I• aft tn;iUUMnt 1nalu•t, p7'11:idesU of the 3tal E1tat111, a collco• letturtr, a Urtctor of ~~ CalifonHa A11odation of Real E1ta~ Teach.- tTI, author1of. ""R~ Ettdl• in Colifornia." Send uour quer· ioTll and "COm!!l<nt• to Randall R. McCordl< clo the DAILY nLOT, P. 0. a ... 1660, Coato Mtso 92628. lntemaUonal Recreation Cener. WJter Wonderland plan1 to build an International Recrea· lion complu depicting the early history of Cllifomla, San • l<Tanclsco prior to the great earthquake of 1906, Europe, Latin America and the Far East. The development wlll be on St.ate Highway 138 near Quail Lake and the new California Aqueduct. A route has already been adopted by the State of Callfornia for the metropolitan bypus freeway which will ae.rvlce the park. Pacesetter Picks Paris Paeetetter Homes, Inc. hs1 Corporat.loo. Encqed In rtal couraes at Ohlo S t a t e· named Don R. Parts itllnarer e1tate for 1eveo yurs, he also UnlveraUy and through the o! land acquWUon. John Klus. w11 a partner 1'llb Pasadena Armed Forcos ScbooL A president allllOUllCed t b I 1 Trust Compony, a property lkonaed real l!ltale broiel' h week. ruean:h firm located In ts a graduate of 1.umofiau "' In addition, Paris w 11 Puadena. Real Ertate School of Loa ooordJnale Janet.use plannh\g He attended S t 1 n f o rd Anplu. ~ 1 and iovemment ttlatloils for University for two ,yean, m• ti• bu been ICUft In thfi all PaCtJetter proJecll. Jorlng In ensJnoerfn&, and la a Slaftlonl and Clmmoot Alum· Qlmnt Paceaetter proJecll sradltate el Claremoat Meo'1 nt MaodaUom and the Include PlacenUa, Anaheim. Co/}~· ltudled ;.... .... t•levd ~~ ~ ~ ~! Tultln. 'Ibo IWlcll oear 1rv1ae •· ..... _ all ,,.,. 0r..,.. CountJ._b_u_1_1_n_•_•_•_•_dmlnlltra ___ u.. __ 11_land_._. ------ communltla -and p..,.~ ter Hornes at lt a ac h oir--------------------,1 Calllomla In Illvettlde eou .. ty. Also. new unltl al Cyp!W in Onna• County and at Vtn• lW'a Ke)'I, 1 N& mllUoa. man. made marina community In Venton. EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ty •cf••I r.•4'.nhlp ,.n., •N •f tti. 1t1•1t ,.,.,1.r "_,,.,., fe1hr•1 111 AfMtlt• ts th• AA. L..114•r• 1:•/11111•· It'• a .rany "rtpltr" 1411 th. DAILY ,llaf. Paris Connerly wns a1,_ __ ·-----------------'I business de v e 1 op men t --------------------I rtprtaen~dve forDl~lllwDJ~ha~m,, ____________ "°"',__-----~ . ' ' ~ • • • At Last! .... • thOUQht •.. Someone of us! We thought everyone had forgotten us until we saw The Great Estate with Mommy and Daddy. We were afraid to cross the street at the old house; but here we have 44 acres of private park and specially d~signed children's play areas. Mommy says It's nice 'cause she can watch us while we play. Daddy says it's nice· 'cause he doesn't feel crowded Ilka ha does at the office and ha likes It 'cause it's private and safe for us, too. Sometlmes:f;lomrpy and Daddy take us swimming at the club and while the lifeguard watches us they play tennis and talk to their friends. We Ilka It here. You should bring ' your children over •. too. They'd Ilka il11s,much as we do. ' . The Great Estate. Priced from $27,995 Interest: 7% to 7Ya 'lo on SG year loans As low ea 5% down ,,._ --- Stanley C.Swartz Company-Comn\unt1au11c1t11 .A •• I ! I ) ' I I •• For Aparlments WASHING'l'Oll -Hotllf and aplhment J>ulldm UU)lugh- d the natkln·illve been sum· mOoid to ·1a.-,,.ergeney meet-1"1 on Sop(. llO t4 aeek a tum- ' """""' In lhe dffpenlna hou>-JOC erllll. ~ .,.,, ~ ool from th e -· Comm!Uee of l he Nl(looll "-'8Uon-of Home &lldm. tra;i. ..-.uon of ...,. ll0,000 member& "ll>e 1'00!1111! lndultty la In the ·middle of the WM!l crisis • ol thll aeneraUon," the NAHB ' ExeattlVe Cai:nmlttet said in utlrig manben to joamey to " Waahlnitoft to take their case to ·con1res1 and the . Admln!strotlon. · tn 1161, at the height of a similar "credit crunch" more than 1,000 builders converged on the capital In the midst ol an airline strike and staged a similar ''Clll to AcUon." Leplidon1 wls approved at th1l lllM ~ch helped to ease theiiluaUon. The E:recutive Committee aaid that Ute Congre!s an~ the Adml,niatratlon must be con- viriced ·now that action is im - perative. The builders are seeking a re1~loc1.tlon of credit reaioUreel: that· would mate up to · $10 · bilH'arf additionally available to consumers ror financing homes and apartmenlS. This w o u1 d amount to about'a one percent addition to the a.1 percent of tolal• naUonat 'OUtput . (the G~ 'National Product) llOY( going• Joto residential coo- 'flnJOtion. HOU!lng producUoo ~nder the iplpacl ol Uahl monty h,. been falling for elshl straight months, and Indications are that unless correct.Jve action is taken the hoosing st.arts an- nual rate will' fall ~w 1 million units by the end of the year -less than half or that needed to meet national hous- ing goala, . Legislation it needed, the executive eOnun.itlee s a I d , "that all correct the im· balance in the economy and bring funds ·into .&using im· mediately. We m\13t have tax policy that piovides a healthy climate for bOusing." The Exeictrtive Committee also has feOOnmended this program to1 ease . the mOney crisis: ~· · · -Thst the Federal 'Reserve Board be directed by Congress ID purchase obligaUons ol the Federaj National Mortgage Association "1d Ille Federal Home Loan 'Birik 'Board in ~. '!.> . .,... .'!"" .. • • On~ a-Day At : Harbor- " . Harbor VJPr, jl'Oqll!11', In NewJ>C!l'I -ii, curi'ent!Y enJoyl;;.l ~ Poaillon ol be!.{i ... ~.the llitoot !ellJrw ' .... -ua1 · _...__,,_, •. Iii ,::,,•'I"* '~" I t ' · Soiillleni ~· S 1 I e 1 , ,1 , ~. .. ·have been '~-.rqiil.I more ~,, -than one home ~ d~ sl'nte order; Jo lld!fort liOualng .Horbor View, °""" ol*>jil ' fina~Clng~~ Jjlpports l\10 nearly a y~ ,.;.1 • FHA ond VA rn or I g a 1 e • Custom featdm li>cluded In marl<el b7 liQ>ln1 ,IJl\I aelllng the purejlaae ·price ,,.. a, kev theR morttagea: the Bank reUon for the developmeotrs Boal\! ~ In the COil• siic•e.ss,_ accordlnc to· oa!OI venlkmal motli•i!~l<et, ..manaaer llulfle Fryling.,~ .:.That the "PreS!cJetlt and ("'!ture. ~ lncludel a COogress authorite 11111 wie ~! ·wide "~<JI ldlchen bull~ all Governmeat NaltonaJ .. ~im. ~ a-pa~Jtui~,.~ , . • . • . 1 , , ~=~ =1~!_.jft.~~ ~ aii/! "°""''..DOUBLE DOOR •ENT,RY, PICTURE WINDOWS POPULAR AT NEWPpRT'S HARBOR VIEW HOMES' mortgage markett lD.i,bull~ ~~tirii,poted. however, that· •· • 1 • • • • ~ low and moderate ~e "~ '.'f~t\lre" provea.-~ be ~·(!lose to the l)each at prjces places to go. but they also have situated within walking dis-and turn north on MacArthur housing. It is ~s~ted th~t unlve.na!I J:lbtlular_: '" j t ~ w6ich we know to . be UD· a lot to come home to. The tance of every hom,e. Boulevard. Models are un some '2 billion 1S avalla.ble ~. bOmebuyen Harbor ,,VI e w paralleled in te~. of quaHty neighborhood is tbe result or a Harbor Vie\V Homes cur· display from JO a.m. lo 6 p.m. Co ngresslonal &althonzaUon ·.-Homes - a 1 ! e ~l9 de d ~d value". . 1 carefully-designed ·mast e r rently offers three, four and each day. for this purpose, bU~ bas not n e I g b b o·r hood. with I~ .. \r ~bor VilW )19{ll~S . are plan. Homes are situated on five-bedrooril homes in one ---------- been released. own community facllltl~-ii: .;,pri&d-froro $27,!m-,to $311~ .. quiet, sale streets wtth un· ;ind two-story Qlans. The com- -That pension .and reUre-just a few minutes from :t':rJiert-. lsn .'t: .,&, ·~!lr-w derground utilities, munlty is lot;:ah1d at Ford ment trust funds be directed "Newport Beach and Baltio.. neighborhood ot .JK!inu, .~ The Harbor View Homes Road and M a c A r t h u r by ·congress to invest a Bay, one or Califoria's most ct0Mf l9 tJle )•f ."~d, ~WI Cabana an4 Swim Club -a Boulevard on the Irvin e substantial portion of their famous seaside resorts and that oflers p~ ~Jpj, wf!S large recreation facility with Ranch. To reach Harbor V·jew funds into the mo r-t gage small boat harbors. ours are," Fr )r1fJbl: em-Olympi.c-slud po o 1 and , Homes, take the San Diego or market.. "JAcation Is one of our key ph8.si.zed. • --handsome clubhouse -is NeWport Freeway to the -Enactment of credit con-selling factors,;: F r y I i n g Fryling was quick to point reserved for residenU' private · MacArthur Boulevard offramp trols to gtve. boush)gJ a .more stated. "People are surprised out that Harbor View Homes use. A landscaped park with and drive soulh to .the coast. equitable share of credit. and pleased that they can live residents not tinly have lots of elementary school site · is Or tUe-lht Coast lijghway -. l~ '· 'I. r•• • 1 • f. 'I.;-" .: Make a Sharp Deal; Use DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines ' '~.I'·'" . J• "'\"••\•.~ .... ' .. '.?-! ....... , \.· ,. .. ~:<"" .. :;:'" -~~1:..·\. ' ,, MoO.ntain '· -in • I 1' ' 'I>' •Privacy Stressed ·<.¢1;tiffe Fore8t . "\ i 41 i,· lhCi~ftd\veue1rs can.!~~fJL,"" 1Lake Frlorest h~· pl~~ ~ ' . • • ._ e "' ... m1 o mounui1n vr og or P vat}'. ::I.:;] • P·t:· e. the w1hnth of th!s convlVll.1 without "going rustic" at 1.Afke wbelhe( OJl tbe ~ iht Forest, the "litlle town of lake, in tW•.V1fCiCI' ..... ~ .. ~ center ff.ll l.ivio1 .• ~cij~ ii water and woods" being ~~ the'tOreSr "'T~ the t!llrd bath and a.bedroom. developed by Deaae BrojJ)en:, sati!i.~. , ~ . • . 1 , • • '1 d!!f'. ·~I ror_ ·~u. ott 1at ~a Jnc. in soulhea~m, Orange "Ttie ~es in ~~ Wqocb it hidea_wi'f ~for-Uie· mas~r., of Coun\y,, a l!CO,l''din g t.o Lake Fomt ar~ ~~ ~th.,~· . , .. ' .; .. markeling dli.cto< Warren E .. h1,t,....·lefl in ~It. llf!l!ral Prl~~ o(: the'[eftst, b<>mes Toman. staL! '"'¥':ibe ro,.i-tl<Ni fnd be ·•I l30;91S. !;lk• olhec · Located ooly minules from pa~·,,,.~Pl'~.Jllaln-'boiii 'al Lli~i'.~F'o re~l the beaches ·at Laguna and the ~lhe<i " iald T-'~ ownershli> I n ct-µ. d, ... i \nem. great commetclaJ.l.nduslt•ial .archi~ or our. -betshlp ·~ the ti!·a'u t lfu ! , cente rs at I rvin~ Orange ·)11.....,,la usles Umhar .many '500,000 , Lake Fotesl ·~ County AirpOf( an~ Santa Ana, i~~s an(lhe d;~"",-'fght and Tennis Clu~;J•'itb !Jlildpor I · , _ JQ!wd in·~oil> ,YI) •. sports anit'.Pl"\'!~.~~~n · P . · · , ',;SWJ;e OUl'·tesJPelitS ,are ~n (or,.a,llagcs. . , ·1 , acescttc1~ . prj)fosslonal~le who)ikelo : ,1,11-!119dels ,;. Mkesbo ... · • , ; · eritf:rtajn~ wgi have; llSo 'Pr'9" . llotl)¥, ~<iarden Ho"1U'~ 'od T . 1 SI .. te .. d. .videc1 • sopliisuc.~.1111ep .. tpe-s.id9J•ba~ .. S<!)es belug. 1 ac . a . ..iting." "' • . . . 'tiull~1o Ille !oreot -m>Y "" JRVIN,E -Pa c e s etter Hon1es plans lo construct a housing con1poncnt 1nanufac- lurlng facil ity on 3 1 ~ acres of land in Irvine. I n d us t r i a I Complex on the Irvine Ranch. The. annou11cc1ne11t w a s n1adc by John l\!ug. presiden t of Pacesc!lcr, and Evere tt Davis, vice president of JIG. Jerry Cole of Crildw<'ll-Bankcr and Co. \\'<iS broker in the transaction. Pacesetter ll onies \Va s fonncd in 1961 Jn Ne\\·port Beach, and presently is head- quartered ;1 L 454G Campus Drive. An example, Toman said, is visited seven days a week. the Timberlake model, a four· Home Moppers who spend bedroom. three-bath home Sunday arternoons at Lake wi th a large sunken Jiving Forest can also enjoy a roo1n whose ceiling soars a · delight(ul program of en-~ t (ull two stories high. A Jux-tertainment -"The Sights urious n1aster bed roon1 suite and Sounds or Lake Forest" - \vi th private dressing-roo1n, \Vith musicians. puppet shows, bath and balcony, and the jugglers, pantomimists, and fan1ous Deane •'Ga rd en portrait artists performing Kitchen" \Vith pass-through fro1n I lo 5 p.m., keeping the bar to the patio, are among children amused white their !he features of ths spacious parents inspect the homes and house. Beach and TeMis Club. The family room Is gla ss-Lake Forest is reached by walled through9Ul its length, driving south on the Santa Ana with a wet bar tucked into the or San Diego freeways to El stairwell. Massive beams and Toro Road turnorr, then or1en wood pland ceiling add to following directional signs. ' TIMBERLAKE FAMILY ROOM INCLUDES WET BAR AT FOREST ' ThisSun•y - ·1pin to.7pm CAnd next Sunday too) . Luxur.y. Features . . . At Pur-tle Roek: .... _t I LUxuiy homes. designed !or heads ·°" ·ii!!; •i · tiaihour the modetn ra·mily, a r e eleriient.s that , ma.ii · rthe3e •vol\abl• ,lor lmniedl.i. i>c· bQfnea dtsti!ioUve. . b t'.4 • r wpaocy at Turtle lbxk Wll.s klt.cJ1en el~ta LP.~ l p ,d e ·In the ~pletel)' master,1plan-·~ ~~a.dor. ~J~!n:· · O"V~nl 'ned Irvine ,Raoch oqef.looklng venteg to Ute o u j l,d e , the Unlvenity of California. Tbenn.ador sl.ainles.s 1 et! lin- Jrvlne, yesterday .annrunced ed dl.shwash~, tu~~iJ.. r.liddlebrook-A.ndel'.,IOO Co ., lngs,·ceram!C':t!Jt coUtlter,tops develope111 ol the. proJecl; wllh !tigl! !J>lasl\. and FCl!'.mka Inc.luded'1n thct llQmeS which cabinets. .'\·:· •·· • .. ~· famlJies can m.Qve io\a ,as ~d,m~ At Tyrtle • Rock quickly. U, the p u.r ch e 1 e Jiills have tbeir.own rlive .acre pa~a citn, be proce~ 'are tennis ~nd .~)flm P ub,. "with l. [amcµs ~tlona:J and , wqtern two &w1mmlJ1& ~ .~ a award winning designf\ These . wading pool, ~~iou,1 ~ are lhe same .homes ·Which Cot family fl<:nle&. (egulation won Jo·r Turtle flock Hi"s: the lennts couru;~·~ ~~etbaU highest ratings by· buiJde:r court. A h11l! bille aw~? ._ itie judgesJn annUal CoQ'lp,eli.tlons. San . Joaquin Col[_ COUrse rn the poup .are three whic'h ·Ut~y c4n uSt, ' . ·~­ .bedroom. ~· tour be~m An, uuuues a r _e :.; ur..: jiomcJ in a variety of exterior der11round, Streets, c.p r b s, desl¢. CarpeUng with heavy sidewalks,, l!f~l i 11.C-h t.,, rut)!Jer padS is inclUckd ·ta .~ ~wen and ~ay· (~~ !U't purch'I-"' ptice. , Jn. and fully .J)al4 . ro,:. ,(Am- All the luxury· .CeaLures. munil)' cab[e sttvici l:s, in- v<hich have nm~ Turtki ·Rock stalled (or the' fin"t 'teleY)sio1 I !ills hon1es prize winners and reception. . ~ · have \von tbe accePl.ance . or Turlle Rocle HiUs Sal~ Of· buyers as shown by lbe pro-fice . is open from 10 ·a.ID. to ject's remarkable cecord 'of dusk. ll can be reathed by sales, are included in -these turning · of( lhe Sari . Diego hornc.s. Freeway or Sarita . A n a The Thermador range with Freeway al,CLJ,1ver-Drlv!! and '" a ne~ comb1r1at1on griddle and proceeding. ·¥Qtb,· .~ ... t6rnin1 bar~ue wtpch. add,, to the oU f:>aciOc CoN( Hl&bwly end usc.f4lness o( the kitchens proceeding nortti. . _ . __ _ I • .. • ·-. . '' ' -4/·_l:. .. ... Toi~~roc{~cet~ei mq~ · ,~ ... exc:1t1ng new apartment .· concept in Americ~~, '. .. 1tr. 011kwood Garden Apartments wllh private country club'1un·ard - activities ·, 3/ 41nilllqn dollar clubhouse • Racquet club wlfH 'I · •. night-llghted~erin,is dourts and 4 paddle tennis 'courts. Reslderit'" • 1 '!., . profess(on~I wlth ci)mplete pro shop .'Olympic size swlmmihg ,pool ~;-:-;.. '-, ;.. -.. ! I• ,... ' Jacuzzl;hot therapy pools • 9-table billiard room • lndo~ g'ol •• : • ,-r driving range • ~eparate men 's, and women's health cl!ltis WI!~ ,. ~ ,~r;,., .. '; complete gym and wet sleam sa~n~ baths,· 6,0D?.sq. foot P.arty\ 't:· ,'•,:~) , {~, room • Theater TV lounge • Seclltl(y of(lcer service • Plu1 'triiJclun0re (, ~ . ' On display will be beautiful, furnished and unfurnished sing!~-, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom apartments, each with its own patio:or balcony. Fireplaces In selected apartments. • ! ' .,.' Come to our champagne open house. party this Sqnday:andiee'fhe.,, · 1 ' · Oakwood style t>f living. It's th'e way C'allfornla~s are sup~ostil 10 ll~e.7 ,. : '• ' • " ' ' 170016th Slteet ' NEWPORt BEACH (714) M2"8170 '. ' , .. ;~ . ' ' ... ' . -. •• ) i ·' ' I ( " I ~ ---~·~~-----~ ......... -···~·~~~-·-~-.,..·~--~~------~---------------...,------------------------------, DAILV PILOT S..turda, Stpltmbtf 27, 1969 Raising the Roof . Heavy beams accent the cathedral ceiling in th& San Jose model home at the Ranch development in. East Tustin. Burroughs President Inspects New Facility Progress on the 300.000· square foot Burroughs Corp. plant in MiMion Viejo, I I ,000. acre new town in Orange -COOnty, wu personally viewed -and approved -by Ray ~tcDonald, president of Bur· roughs Cory., during a business trip from his Detroit, Mich., h~arters. Industrial Park v.•ith George Baird, v.·bo will b e c o m ~ manager of the plant; and Philip J. Reilly, prt.$ident, and John f..fart.in, v1ce president of marketing and sales, respec- ly, of ,..1ission Viejo Company. The new Mission Viejo plant will produce high-6J>ted disc memory devices used in Bllr· roughs electronif;. computer systems. 1.tcDonald said that despile the recent strikes. it looks as though the projected mid· November move-in date "'ill be met. More than 1600 pnifwional , office and direct labor person- nel Y.-ill be employed al the McDonald visited lhe s.4-acre. ne1v $16 mlllion Burroughs site in the ~tission Viejo plant within the next two to three years, McDonald noted. Key management [ I g u r e s , such as Baird, will be transferred to Mission Viejo. Baird, who has been with Burroughs for more than 20 year!, will move from the Huntington Granada To Open • ,. -com.pall)'}• Westlake Village . Idt.Y in Thousand Oaks. I· '-<!Ill~ and his !file. Jdltzl" "1Jl JDOVe into 1 new fa Pai JluntinitoD Granada, a 310-Home in Mission Viejo on Ckt. unit garden apartment com-l. plex at Warner Avenue and Golden \Vest Strett in }iun· W } Ongwn Beach, will hold its 4 . atel'CO 0f8 open house today a11d Sunday. '_ It is deslgned to combino On DIS" play reasonable rents and an at· tractive environment. 1 Generous living arl!as extend California scenes. from flit outward to private patios in desert to indwlrlal a n d ell ground-level apartments. A historical locations, are shown variety of amenities are 0(. in an exhibit o[ v.·atercolors by fered, from brightly-styled kit· Dr. James S. Crafts at Cal chats with built-in ranges and Stale Long Beach, o~·ens. to private dressing The exhibit. "Painting of the rooms in all one-bedroom California Scene," includes 86 unils, Two-bedroom studios paintings completed since 1964 feature oversize w a J k . i n by Crafts, an art professor al clOiSels and unusually large the college. master bedrooms. llis v.·orks will be on view in Furnlthed mode l Gallery A and in the Library and Fine Arts bWJclil1j:, lrom I apartments are nO\Y open. t s Residents will be able to move a.m. 0 p.m. in by mid-October. Portions olJ~~~~~~~~~~ Huntington Granada will bej~ rci::erved for families ~·ith children. Some apartments \\•ill be IUrnlshed. Construction is b e i n g supervised by PRC Develop. ment Corporation. a subsidiary of P r o p c r t y Research Corporation. a na· tional investment manage. ment finn specializing in real property. The public is Invited . Refreshments \V iii be served. Problem Property? No Suell Th ing SI ,SLAVIN RlALTOll EXCHANGOll.COUNSILOlt by 11ppoll!Nfft 642·6222 UsD;ry ~aw: Ceiling Caves •• Ill on ·.Market lt wun't the hl&tl tntuut rites wblcb devutated t.btc new home market this year. Al !mt they couldll'l hlvo done II wlU,..,l help. 'Ille more lmmtdlat8 rta.soa was the low usury low cellln111 w h t c h mile conventional mortgag« money unov'!l'ble In many states. .., These 1 r e flndlna:' rx· Ad-- vance Mortcfj!• ~e>n'• first-hatt IUr\'U .i ~{illl.. Ing Mork~ ~Uy, yiilbltsb- ed. . • U S: home building lcllvlty In lht flr1l hill of, thll year felt to the second loW'est"level since World WU" JI, the 1U:rvey noted. ( • But the decline waf con· eentrated in nine states wbere the usury law celllna Wti 7'fS percent .. !us. . . 'lbtre was no~decllnt In the ' slates wbut buyers wert free Ross, ls that 11 lnterelt rat.es to pay whatever interest rate keep rl!lng, they intersect the·marktl. required . with more and more state The new home trend is 1ef: usury law celltngs. ting even worse. Fer 111 of For exam,ple, here are 13 !Mt, ..@ ~projectl, •lates 'which had a percent starts . Of our -r•1 UllD'Y law ctllh:lga prtor to Ju- bouue: wut hi t tr. io.. ly 1. Permits for one-to-four "'~ent. ltart.11, on the family houses ln these states other hand, hit an all-Ume increoed 14 '!)el'Cellt in th e high Jn this .llnt hoU, 27 per-fin! quarter. But tn the second e«1t bl~ thin( Jut ~·· quarter, 11_ lnteresl rote•. kept ._.s. 1'" A 'ii v 1iitt e rising, nw.ie permits declined MortP,g• st~ e.pecls _\lit, two percent. And this decline, Hdor to 'cantinUe at ~ ·IWss points out, wu cushioned ~tfs 'in \lie ,ieCOnd 'j1Jll, by the fact that Jarger . thoush It will Ill'<' oil 1Ul)>lly bWJders obtained their lull from first hall level!. {And year's mortgage commitments apartment gains w,re well at the beginning of the y(ar. above the national average in There were alx rtate1 wrth the statea-wJtb lhe lowest cell-se•en percent ceWhgs. HOUJe ings.) , permits in thue states declin. One reasod for •l)\ e "" !\!id 12 percent ln tltQ: the first downtrend In home b\iyfnj. and ltcond qUl/let'. In Ont suuuts Ad1ance Mort.age eeven percent c:.tJ~·tnarke~ senior vice president Hugh C. ~t. home ~ decli~ ed fO<Jr percent In II>• --4 quarter even though there was no building 1t all ln two of the three monlha of the. cor · responding perlod la8t year (beeiuse or • strike). -Three states bad 7¥.a percent ceilings. Thelr house permits declined ln both quartera. In the 28 states with ceilings ol nine percent or more or no ceiling at all, house pennks remained lhe same as a year ago and even increased a frlc· lion of a per«ot in the &ec1:1nd qu1rter. In the U.S. as a whole, house pennit.s declined two percent in the half, three percent in the second quarter. Elght and a half percent is now the minimum rate on con- ventional mortgages, Ross reports, In most markel5 withoot tower ceillnp:. and the rate goes up as high as 10 percent on 90 percent mortg111ges where l h e y • r e avallabl~ This means I.hat Jlllnoll and North Carolina, whJch railed their ceilings from seven percent to eight percent on July 1. will sUJI have problems. And three states with nine percent ceil- ings may expect problems in coming months. Mortgage money doesn't. dry up completely in states with lower u.sury law ceilings, Ross points out.. But the tenns on whkb U Is available become more restricUve. In many markets wiUt law ceilings, today's minimum downpay- ment on conventional loans is .(0 percent -and that only on the best properUes a n d credita. The usury law celling don't apply to FHA and VA Joaru in m o s t states. uBt not in all states. In llUnals, until the law w11 changed July I, insureJ and conventional mortgages were subject to the aame cell· tng. Jn Maryland. the ursury law hu been interpreted to limlt doscountll on FHA loans to lin points-way under the market diseount. And I.he.re are several other states, Ross warns, where l.nBured loans may come under a ceiling if dilcounta get high enough. "There is no question lhat the steady nae In interest rates and discounts has hurt the housing market," Roe1s declares, "just as any other cost rise would. "But this trend becomes mo~t damaging when it in· ter'act.s with the patchwork of state usury laws. That con- vert! what was merely in· fl a lion Into outright famine ." Grand· f)pening " ..,, 1 , . . -' r .;Jr.1-V " \ f ' .... 4: ' : '") '. • • - n-..... r·~ Jr.Q~ .. ~, ~' .~,.,,'iii'"' ... , f, ~~ ~m.'fi!Jf.¥ttfj1 ~-ti , ~ .................... .. ~,. ~,. I , .. of the ladder Mesa Yerdf hak always been a spec ial place lo live. Now it is even morJ special. Because the finest homes ever offe red in this master planned community have just been introduced: Mesa Verde Estates. We've faceted these homes like jewels, for those who can afford to Jive lavishly. You'll recognize it immediately, as you rediscover"bygone" luxuries like heavy shake roofs with wide overhangs; concrete drive· ways; two (in some cases three) dramatic fireplaces, with wood paneling above masonry; premium natural woods in cabinets, and heavy, rou gh-sawn bea'!ls; plush, foam-padded carpeting, fo r that sprin.gy feeling underfoot; impressive counter-tops o( culiured marble and ceramic tile; broad sweeps of plate glass. And Kitchens? Absolutely panoramic, with top-of- the·line. appliances, including self-cleaning ovens. You'll say we've done the impossible-come through with "the fine homes you ~an't buy anymore." And we have. Because that's what people like you require. Impres- sively big homes-with up to 6 bedrooms, banquet- siz e dining rooms, and garages for three cars -an established prestige community between the private Mesa Verde Country Gfub and the· Cosla Mesa Municipal golf course-54 holes of greenery, in all. Minutes from every service you'll requ ire ••. most of them within the Mesa Verde area itself. We're' ready! You can come home now-all you top-of·the ladder people. REPllB~OMES ~ A DIVISION OF NA TIONAl fNVIRONMENT'CORPORATION , I . .. I l - I I ' I I I l I I ~...i l7oung Man Going U~1~;iv4 I I Bacharac.h Break,s Musi.cal Rules * HIY KIDSI * 110 PAL IHOW IAT. 1:W New Theater Group Set In Newport An Opt.n house for Harbor Area residents interesl.ed In formin& a community theater in Newport Beach will be held Tuuday at 8 p.m. at the Ebel! Clubhouse in Balboa . The new group, to be known as the Newport Community Theater, is being organized and z;ponsored by the city's parks and recreation depart- ment. Veteran Harbor Area dittctor Bill Fucik is resident dl~tor and Mrs. Eleanor Petersen is administrator. A program of workshop seasiom and a series of play rev:lews are included in the plans for the group, with p~ duction tentatively scheduled for the lint of the year. The Ebell ClubhouM" is located at 515 W. Balboa Blvd. oo the Balboa Peninsula. On Broadway George Abbott Back For 91st Production By JACK GAVER theater circuit lhis year with NEW YORK <UPI) Levene and Tom Post.on George Abbott is at it again -~~~dr: th~e pie~~:!· w~::O!! dittcting another Broadway orange juice in the Polo Louna:e of the Beverly Kiili one afternoon. He had just llnlshed taping "'!'be Dionne Warwick Specia1 " and was laking off for London IG oversee the debut of his slJ!ge musical, ''Promises, Prombea." .Burt II an arllculate, outgo. ing m a n , handlome and athleUc-looklng with shaved face and contetVatJve hair style. He elaborated oo his rule-bruklng thesis: ft vlA~. cJ&i. ... ~--1tQltllCllDll .. ALSO COMIOY J•ck L•rnrnon Wtfltr M1tth111 "THE ODD COUPLE" production. his 91st in a \Yas decided to brin& the pro- the.ater career that he began duction to town. , !~~~~~~~~~~ u an actor 56 years ago. He This seems to be in line with Ii \Yal 82 years old in June. the recent trend to re.vive old The tall, energetic writer· American comedy successes director-producer is staging an such as "You Can't Take It old friend. "Three Men on a With You," "The Show-Off," Horse," which , inc identally, he "The Front Page,'' "The Time suved u co-author with Joh.a of Your Life." "Harvey" and Ctdl Holm. He directed the '"Beggar on Horseback." The on,tnal Broadway versioo of last four are due this season. thls comedy hit 34 years ago. A b b 0 t t • s record is Thia revival will have an phenomenal. He.was co-author original cast member. He ls of 22 of the plays he direeted. sf.al' Sam Levene. a g a In He was producer of 35 of them playing the gambler who and co-producer of aeven. He latches onto a na1ve greeting was producer-director in 30 card writer who k n o w s cases. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE Chuck O'Conner IN "FLIPPER" S CARTOONS ALL SEATS SOc: absolutely nothing about horse He 'll probably be heard racing but has a knack from as director of a new pro. for picking winner!i. duction before the 1969-70 The play 111 scheduled to season ts over. h• Office o,_ 11 N.011 return to Broadway Oct. 16 for i;========== Sit•• srwm 11:JO a limited engagement. The ll:~===~~;::::::;::;~I venture stem• fr om • sue-x--f!J]]L I -010-lll! cessfu1 tour of the summer IALIOA •tWPOITl!ACH • Ol ... Hb 673-4048 DOCJOR ZHMGO ~,tr.* -~· 2'01 Int Ce .. t Hl')".,- c.,... 11191 M--.t.. 6n·6Z60 EXCLUSIVE AREA PERFORMANCE THE ACTION SHOW! A 10th Century Castle In a 20th Century W•rl uu. ~ti.._ ... ''-.iii"-" Burt Lancular It 11111111 ll.llPOf'li ~ ~.!'.!!P ; ALSO IYI, SHOW ST.t.-.n 7 P.M. CONT. IUN. FROM 1 P.M. '"' l:.r1 fir-· . II ·a. Maw C1 &!-D G•••ai __ e _, ............. A PROGRAM RAT ED IRl FOR ADULTS Tho story of a man ••• a wom1n ••. ind a girl who rated all her lover• In 11 little black book! I ... ., · am •tom JadyGeeson ··J-a.--"J illlll z fftlit ,.. !!I Cl» I OPIN 6145 ,.,,_ .. _ lelkll hftlMUla • Now· Ends Tu•sday e You'll Llko This Ono!! "On• tf flit funni•ll, 111011 o•· it ln1f •n' moot conlt9io111 I 1i:r•tn corn•di•1 in '(t•fl." - H. Y. Tll'!Mll "Aikin S11p11b" -L.A. Tlrnn "**** -~trite!" -D•ll'f "'"'· 1,... J11dhti Crht 1e14 -- "Not to bt rnl111dl" St.m WM. -Oct. 11t -1xca.us1v1 SHOWINGo - A ..._ Nn S1rfl•t fll• .. ,.., ....... , tMt i..,. .,.. tl_...fnoH,., -S~rf•r M •9•· sin• ------' 20th·Centuiy·fox presents " REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Oonen Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story """-f ""4 Dirt<W lo, STAHll 'f OONEN · ~.., CHM\.l! DYtft a-1 -.,. • """'ll'JD!JOl.EY MOORI • NllAVlllOll" · COlOlt~---• l111!11Mi * EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST ENGAGEMENT * ?N Ftttlir• et Ch1trn• J•ct• Lem"'•" in "THE APllL fOOU" I 'l F.1fvrt 1f HI -WAY Jt Sk•ron T•t• in " ,ALLIY 0, THI DOLU" e NOW At-IQTH THEATRES 8 ........... dff .., 11411.m Jap•ne•• Movl•• Ewry Tuttdey Night ... -~ SPICIAL NOTICE TO OUI PATIONS THll PICTUPllll IN THll •ox MAY •• CONllO. f:AED av IOMI TO ea UNIUITAeLll "8" CHIL· OAEN AND YOUNG PllOl"L.ll-.AND "IQ 1 .. 1 ~ .... RENTAL DllCJlillTION. "J INTO 1 WON"T 00" ffl) "A MAN CALLID GANNON" Ill "ST.t.llCAsr• Ill CONT .. AllltY TO ADVllliliTlll!llO elYOND OUlt CON . TAOL ANO AP'P'IAPllNG ILl&WH•PllL YOUNG ll'fO. PL.I UNDllPI 11 INOT 1fl WILL NOT •ll ADMITTIO TO l'ACl,,10 TH•AT"la TD •11. TH• "lllt" P'tC. TUPlll LlaTID IN TH1a aOJC UNLll& AOCDMl'AN• 11.D av """•NT o" ADULT GUAPIDIAN. ~ Mt..... Jec~...tl .. lluet - "BULLITT" .. .. w""" '""' ,.,. h110~· • .................. , "IONNlf AND CLYDE" ,...1111,.•••lii ....... , .. ··········~·._.... ........ ... • •-' ,,.,.., c1 .. 11ffflll "3 INTO 2 WON'T GO" ... "A MAN CALLED GANNON" Ht -...itr ,. Wlll M ""'""' ... JtJI tc~-'J Mr_,. *' Mlllt ,..,.1111. ...................................... •• ... ~ AlcMt4 a..,... ••x H.m.. "STAIRCASE" P.ny D .. e u. ... T.._ "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" ... "" ........ " ""' .. """""' ... ,... K~ .. ., ....... W ........ nllM. -----· ~Ped: .............. "THE CHAIRMAN" . ,,... """'--Lft ...... "THE DET!CTIVI" ,. ......... .., ..,,. ............ et._,_. ......... Kiii! Hn~ll-(t111I W•llW ''THE GREAT SANK ROIBERY" 1>1.UI 1~Ai''i'R'Sl7a'i.i'- w1TH GIRL " I ~IN~Ool>t• --~ -~:!!11~!~•.r_ ~ 2nd Top Comedy ,, , . '"Th,· , .. .\pril Fools " ~ r;, ' . . .. . 3rd Exclusive WHk 'Me, Natalie' with Patty Duke Plus This Shocker i STARTS WEDNESDAY I PARAIO..Nl POLm- ' AIEIOIAI. 'fHIEMS FlM if .... i in.II! A PAl!AIO.lll ltlll(J>- . FOR ONE WEEK ONLY THE USILD BUM CH --1111·•1 I' -· --:'""'::5:'.ttm""t'· l969' ' ' DAILY PILOT J7 ... , ••• .......,., _...... • • ... 1 • 0.11 ..... ,_ LA. n.- WllT Q)~ ,.IMllfll "WI IOMllD IN NIW HAWN" • , lrf ... ~ _, z.cATCH r ,.,. .......... ...._ C11111 M• ,.., ._,....._ ...... -·------·-·--r ... -• .... w --·------·SUGtiTIJ) •OitMiitlilt !QCtJZllJ~ HELD OVER! 16TH AND FINAL WEEK POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY Jack Lemmon In "THE APRIL FOOLS" * STARTS WEDNESDAY * PARAM!Li~ ltl\l\!S "GOl -FOR THE FUR'I FORCE ANO FUN OF -I llEIOIAl .... D--'OOI" u: "T/iE MOST INTERESTING FILM $0 FAR THIS YEAR" V~UI AREA RUN @I» EXCLUSIVE * * BEACH BLVD . AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847·9808 TONIGHT ONLY! .. •.·:M.•.o.~·:/ IMPORTANT MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW ~ I '00-, MAJOR STUDIO !!REVIEW AT 8:~0 t • JHll r1m1W II A sttc1AL '1:f0 LIASI '"owtH• . POI AUDllNCI llAC'rioN ~ , , IT IS A lltAJOI fli.. TUii ,.O!llCl'ION $00W TO 11 llLIAID IN ttol. · .&.l'WOOD. POPULAR CAST, COLOl IT 01 LUO. TODAY AT 3i11 & 6:50 ONLYI "The.April Fools" Jack Lemmon • Catherine 0,neuve ' • l I I . I I . " Jf DAILY '1LOT S•"""'· Stplf-27, 1969 , ...... '-'---:---:--~~--~_;;.-;-"--:-,'--,-;--'-- NEW YORK STOCK WEEK'S AND :YEAR'S HIGH,. LOW CIDSE • • • ~ • • I - t '· ':: •• r· •• .. ,., '" .. " '• •• •• " •• •· •• '• .. " .. " •• .. .. " " •• '• " " ' . .. .. :• •• •• • • . ' "• .. '• '• .. . . •• ,, " " " ~ .. .. ·. " '• " ... '• " .. " .. •• '• ... " .. " •• •• " " .. '• .. " '. '. •, " '• " " .. .. • " '• " •• ' .. " .. •• " • ' • ~ • • • • ' • l • l • • • I • • :· ; • • " I f r . . . S.turdq. S.pt ...... 27, '"' DAILY '1l0f JI ' AMERl4N ,STOCK EXCHANGE .• WEEK~s .. · AND .. YEA:WS J HIGH, WW, cIDSE • . New York Stocks Continqed fi:om Page 18 .... c.•.1 ..... ~ I .. ti I ' I ., ' ' I j • I •, • ' 1 r i . . l • ' Rldio & huter, pod- ded lash, SHI belts, red line tires. ' lic~Mt Mo. YPU ~6 ' . '65 CHRYSLER •. .., . • 1!£WPORT 2 DQOR, l!ARDTOP ' ~ =· = ~ ~.t(._-crJ':t 1105 .... 'f , ,. • -. '63 PLYMOUTfl ' I ' STATION WAGON ~ \I .. , ..... I ll!; !rMl"""ll\oll, tldll I. -!ti', PDWI<' l'itfr. ,'· ~ '"'~;•-sos .; ~ , b, __ ... ,., .. . : . ~ .... ' .. **\* * ' .. ' \..~. . : stlOW ROOll FRESH ~· USED '69 ROlDRUtulER ~., '67 PONTIAC U MANS 2 DOOR HARDTOP. v-a, •9flt,, t"Jt;~•~ lrMIMl'llnlttl. -•!Hf' ~~.,1895 : • • •. • l • • ,/ ~-~ . - '55 1tJMbUtB VALIANT 'V·200 1'D<JbR .-.v1omru•n5'!>l1li«l..•lr <Ofld!tio~"!· rtdlo 1. ~11tr, '"' '995 \ !VERY RIMAINING , '69 1HAS 11£N ' ~EDIJtlD IN PRICI TO .ABSOLUIE ROCK BOTTOM '65 DODGE CORONET S00 .2 DOOR . HARDTOP V4. 1lllcrNt1c trMI!!!..~ .. lfCIOrY 1rr~ -,, .. ,. Ir. . ....tkl .. llfft9r,.~ 1'18 Hf. '' •11195 • • . •l ''&A fORD \ " '66 CHRYSLER 300 , 2 OOOR HARDTOP v.a. ~trtmimhs=(rldkl "\..tar ~r 1tttr· ~"-$i,&95 . - ' · 'S7 Pl'YMOUTH 'G:T.X. 2 DOOR HARDTOP "'"· .viorroat-~ tr~sml&1i0t0 rlldlo j, l'ie1f9<', ""w" 11H ;-"""il"7'95 ': ' ' -. I . \ . I. ~!tl 1 -.. ___ .. __ . Yll 115 ' . . . . - ~ .._\,_.. . ,., Atl11· StrYke. De · pride nNktf the~':,..~ l'lhere Wt hht wNt _., ,._, • •• ""'" _ ,,;.,,,, d ;.;r to be the Or1n91 Co~,;:,7111111r Irr ~fcal% ~-.... diblt •nd . • ,. , .. •nc1 ""'"'""" L~ W 0 '.,k' ...... ,.h.., by 1•-, .... , tr.,n.O· .i.J:...:. , ,._.. corr'ii • ''r'•Onttel. For .. trntnte , *• h C1rte 8Jineht , -0. <;.. ortor: 1 ' nters "JUb Am tin Exprtss M , , tr· l1nlcAIT!erlc1rd G 11t~ff. Ch1rgt, C•rlls ' 110. nf Credi~ . . . ., ' CHRYSl:ER . ~ ~ .. '. Pl¥MQV;1H ,. . ' ' . ti; i . . • :~IMPERIA( I ' ' ~ - l " ' . • ---,. \' • •• _, • I ,,.· ' . . ' ~· ., I . ' . . I ,. I , . t' •' ' ' .. $A .Vt .. YDU' 'Ml ''IY! ' ,, ~. f! .. 1 "The Quite One" • .. -~ . I;' ~ .-'fJ """!t. ... • ,.,, \ ft ~,,y,." \. , I . ' .. ~ ". . , . . ·. . IMMEDIAT~ ·.D .. ~IVERY ON ALL 1970 FORDS! < ~ • ' ~ ? , ' > • . .... ' , .. 'f:'' ~., ,. . ' ""'"; II I > YfD~IP:, ~CLEARANCE :!' ·dn ·'~111 • NEW~ -~·69' s. ' " ' , 1'.,f' ' '' I "' · ·.~us,p . .-•• • To ... in-s, · ' · f-:Bircfs ·· .. Galaxies • LTD'$ · .,._~:, ,twusr ~e: Jcdct·... : We're-Reacly-~o Deal! ~o-Gonle In TodayJ -WE TR~AT YOU RIGHT! '". For 51 y.,., DUNTON FORD ;t..1 told •M ',\ utl1fled mor9 For4 Gw11111'1 t~" any ether ' Ferd diNlw In Or•nt• Ceunty. • I I i.; .. I . ' " ,, •I • • • ' • ..... . ' • ' ' - . • -:-~ -" -- .; •• . . ? .. • • ~· ' ' • -~ ? -,, ; ~ • I I ,. ..-----..,.-----..,~~---------------------------· ........ :'l' ------·--""r'"""---~--- ~ Hello there, ~ and girls. and welcome to a ralhu light &iturday morning in Uncle Len's Corner. : The mail bag was slim 'ln- 1deed this week, wilh only one :fcontributor. Mary Gustafson p Huntington Beach, entering )ither the poem contest or (Arol's Corner. 1. t NOW T1IERE must be some !other poets·and riddle spinners /OU1 ther~ so let's hear from ~ lilif,.t! 1"l*1i.1Jb.js ;.ohly eoodtJCting a coptest (ot itJro or three kjd,;, he migbl as !'well call it quits. - S.irily, Stpltn\ ... 27. 1969 - •tr. .. .) ,, .,. ,, ~ ; Since the new tele9i~ion ~Is upon us, ·Uncle Len t1s ,mng to ask all you yoong ;.rtil1I to depict your favorite fnew' show for nut week's art t<ontest. Remember, the md,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,1 = count, just the new ~ m<111iot1rin- ~ tn·!1ll' well's art contest * PRIZE WINNER * CaU1y S\Yeeney, 8, 474 CabrilJo St., Costa Mesa Any child. under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you . do ; ~(U Qra\t:picture on piece of plain, white paper s• inches wide and ·4 inches dee$~ ese black ink and maJce lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace · piC'fll"· Jf 'Ql.trst be your own work. (3) Put your .name, age and address on back of d1tawing. Mail it to U.ncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY P1LOT, Costa r.1esa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. J:.'~las Verdina. T, Hun-~ Beach; Turi Let JBeisman, II. C..la Mesa; N> ta Starnes, 12,. Costi 114-~a; Craig Thomas, s. 1rvine: ~-Guatahon. Jfuntington :Be;cll: Cathy VaU~rcatnp, 11, liulstfngton ljeach ; :r i n a ~mJ:tb. 10, Corona del Mar,'--------------------------------'! *.nd _Lynne Thomas, 8, Irvine. .. .. ROSES ~ , Roses are so pretty. ( They don't grow everywhere, 11-~~~~~aro/~ ~orner·~~~~-.i RIDDLES AND JOKES ;, Roses are red , pink and yellow. ~ But when they get old, they Hem to mellow. A K_..-Ill• ........... t. IMrt kf-'-flMt SllT· Ji911'olll A ...... ....., .............. !tit ........... •IN i. 1111 ....., ... -~. Mell ""'r "9111 ... rttrt .. UM.II .__ -... 1-. c.t1I ...... Cllffifnlla. S... ,._ q a ,.._ t'9 Att Allrdy, C/• ar_,. C... hfly Pnot, 101 1561. c... ...... C.11f. • * PRIZE WINNER Dear Carol: \Vhat did the big chimney say to the little chimney? '•>fOws OJ 6uno.( 001 eJ ,no A : JeH.SLft/ -Metf G\ltt"-, 11Mt a~r11~ An., ............... l tl dl Dear Carof: When is a sheep like ink? . .r ·utld • u1 •! 1nd noA U.1.fM :JeMsuv Dear Carol : \.Vben is an ear of corn like a baby ? ·qJJ:> •I.fl U! S,I! U•l.fM :J .... SUV -/IMl'Y G11•l•fM.ft. HVnli"''" a.:C..• ~-• -..... • .. .,.llllM .-., tM ~ .... ~, ....... ~..,. e ... tl, al Rcicheffor, ~ ... .,.... It -...sflol\! ~ cu tl!lt earth be two- G from Ille center of lhe ene? ually, Cary is not Utoni.shed by the position of fl-be earth or other celestial olr ~eCts. M a space-ager, he )aW the orderly locations cf Ji\e heavenly bodies f o r JP&Dted. His problem concerns -Oie universe, which we are 1~old ls infinite.. Al any rate, if ,'lt has any limit in any direc· lion, our .astronomers have not 1oond it. Naturally, then, \ve ~annol pinpoint its center or \he earth's position in relation to it Crossword I ' / ' I J 1 1 ACROSS 52. •ti~t Sant• Anita Is 1 Featurts of s._ Ma~Pllll of Ytrltbn1tts til t wt1irt 'Hits wllh 1 lamil,. limitless eosmod jjfi,.i an I I pinpoint it quite accurately in ou.r"' home Galaxy. When we look up at the Milky Way, we have an edgewise view across our whttl--shaped. !pirallng Jsland Universe. Its diameter from side to side spans an estimated 80,000 light years. bl1ckj1ct S7 Linking l 0 Obsrrvt a forc.r ltnltn r11lt S8 To -· ·-: 14 "ll'l•t l words ttu!l't's • -60 Iowa cily on Puzzle : As our knowledge o( the ~eavens grew, it stretched our- -b ma gj nations unbelievable IUstances in all directions. It ">lso stretched that word \Jniverse ~·ay beyond i t s "Original meaning. At one lime ~t meant the slar-studded "'ttlestial sphere that "''' see )urrounding the earth. Part of i't he picture was the f.lilky ;way, straggling over the sky ri n a pale. hazy arch. Some fth_ree and a hall cen1uries ago. ~Galileo spied this heavenly ~alo)ll'ough a small telescope •.and saw that its ghostly glow was the blWTed 11 g h t of billions of distant stars. Lat.er astronomers lilted the l.1ilky Way into a vast pin-- ·wheeling system of about 100 ibHlion stars, plus immense ·eolouds of gases and dusty • ~ris. The Big Wheel was called the Galaxy or the Milky .Way Galaxy. The word j qnjverse was st.retcbtd way • beyOod i1J original dimensions but so01e astrooomers still ·~c.l}lnc to it' •'Ibey called the fGaluJ our Tsland Universe. i 1'e • • its siz.e and shape ! afld .Ww tt wheels around a itenlral 'hub. Hence we can iP\aiee the location or ou r litUe planet in rela· the cent.er of this tsland ... 1ta crowded hub of stars is estimated to be 8,000 light years in thickness. Our Solar System is in one of the starry arms that spiral out from the hub. II is an estimated 26.000 Hght years from the ~ntet. just about two thirds of the distance from the hub of our Island Universe. But where our local universe is located in the infinite cosmic unive;se, nobody knows. A::. the earth rotates and revolves through the year, the night sky brings us a changing picture of the Milky Way. A series ol telescopic pictures taken through a yt:ar have been assembled to show a straight, flat edgewise view of the enlire Galaxy. The patient figuring of astrophysicists has revealed the: shape and mo- tions of its spiraling arms and \1·here v;e are located in ou r immense, pin-wheeling Island UOiverse. 1 \ Andy -• World ..... ot.IQf to JloY Alllll Mor11, IH lJ, ot4 ...... Ar· .... ~1 ... fOf 1111 -''"°'" Some animals are 1nore gabby-thaft\peOpfer.-And make· no mistake. tb.ey usually know what they mean lo convey and so do their Iriends and enemies. M<U~ ~OU ...have heard two rifal' cats disputing in an alley. Those snarls and hisses are fighting talk. \Vhen a motltd' cat .calls her kittens. she uses $Ort !QUndS. A pet dog has a cheerful bark to welcome you and a menacing arowl to warn intruders. So far as 'l''e kn o'I'', animals do not have complicaled human- lype languages, But almost all of them use different sounds ~·ith gestures. An affecli onate puppy croons and \\'ags his ~il. An angry dog snarl! and • .": 2. words the St unk R. 15 Golf 63 Sporl IOllf/'IJ:lllt nt l wOrd S )6 At I 91t3l 65 A StJ: distinct Mi On liplo' 17 Tract rvrnt 67 Hisloric 18 Livrly dine r !llUl'ctrr victim 'J , 271 &'J 20 F1<11nc is &8 Baghdad Pact'slO Tempo rary 37 Oamagt ·--Hartt succrssor: fashion 3'J Gulf of 21 Hit Abbr. 11 Wa lking thr Ba ll it 22 Rah, In b'J Hindu Quern 12 Frtnch rooPll 41 Likewise Barcrlona 70 Boy's n-amt 13 Pt1rnni als 4( Evtrgreen 23 Cius 71Having 1 l'J "Narc issus"•• Allo·/j 25 Mi!111bfwS of one bordrr composer 49 --••• ollhtttlltts 21 Tim r ordty All ty: 27 Worttd outdoors DOWN 24 An9lr1 's 2 wo1ds JO Prrlormtd ac.crSSOl'Y 51 Brought up 31 To t111ploy ] ,olnl of 26 Wrdd ln11 vows:52 In a 'late 32 Flowtt a weapon 2 words of combat: 34 Robtrt z IOU ,lgnrr 21 Sudden fl.ISh· 2 words Strvlct's J Color: ing ol wind 53 Lariat 11illai 2 words 28 Conc.rrn!ng:· SI Soap 38 Ending used 4 Extrt111t ly 2 words ir191rditnl with mini happy 29 Goddrss of SS Kind ol and lorr 5 Snta~y thr moon soil 40 Fabric Ii Somt TV 33 Music-m1k-59 lnstcl 42 Vaccines comm rrtials: ing dtvicr: bl Town ir1 43 lnvl9oratin9 2 words 2 words IUly ~gtnl 7 On._ )5 Bringlnq +.2 Not barr loot 4S Frtnt h food with: 2 wr.tds from b~d 64 Upon: ittm 8 Oin9t r lo 9ood Prtfit ~7 Evtf~lttn 9 Movtd J& Golf "65 St. law1er1cf •8 Rtt tlVf sm· loum&~rnl SeilWay •dnlff SO Waltl119 room uou~ly 9ro11pin~ ltaturt ~ Bul the probing eyts of big· ~r aod better tele.sc<:1pes did , ~ st.op at the rim of this lilJand Unlvene. They spanned ·11!" oufU r<a<bes nl 1pace and ~thou sands and • Gf otbtt galllies. bares his fangs. ~~;!;~;;~~~~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~;;~~I Most wild animals arl In cbn!ltant communlcation with tht1r nelghl.JoMi. Birds Sfng tO; warn riv1ls away from their ten1todeJ. Chirping cric kets and croaking frogs art singing Jove SODp. A prairie dog ul· tt:rs a sharp whistle to w1'm his k:lnfol~ that t.roublt !is ap- proachina. Eren m a r i n e animals kctp up 8 noisy clat· ter nf communlcaliOfl!I. At pre$tnl. we know ~ry l\ttle about 1he del.ails. but animal convusaUon Is • mo st In· • boWo unlverte e1te.nds In : d1ttdkial and no end is in · .-...1..... we U5(' a ' · -~ii"ckilgnate the !~ J.l ....... -but the ! :CUm1tect meanings 1till eq to tht word. Nowadays, . ......,. -drop the • qld. t~t& and 111balltule , ~ tftlll.,,,,. Infinity of ''*"" *""' with counll.., ,rat1111111 piuloa of kerning """" lll<tllod lht$0!mos. • lllobod)' can ••• ~ the locolJoo il our plinil Iii Ute • e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quallty Printing and D•pendabf• Servic• for mor• thtn a quert•r of • century • PILOT PRIN TI N(" 1111 WIST IAUOA I LQ ... NIWPOIT il&CH -"1 ... Jt1 .. teresting S\lbjtct for sclt!n• ~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~! Lists. -c • I \ \ -·--------. --,---- PEANUTS ly Chartes M. Schub • r I • I • • STEVE ROl'll ' -BY Saunders and Overgard T BE OllTHE 5"FE SIDE, "QJ AM' THE ')t)UNG 1.AOY BE1TER STEP OUT IN ~HE f<Att, MR1 SWIFT/ PERKINS JUDGE PARKER ly John .t,tll• By Harold Le Doux NOW, MN P\Q ¥Otf MIT ME. NOP'//' rM 'flOUR' RIENO! I\\ MEtE TO Ha.P YOO! I ~T KNOW~ &ROPV, ME WAlriTEC> ME HE W-'S 10 Pl.AV WITH MERE TO &LOCKS.. TBT YOll .. MOON MUUINS r::=:::----@@7 sORf<Y, NO REDUCTIONS IN RENT, MISS SWIVEL. ~,,_ TUMBLEWEEDS HER£, 6E.AR! ME.RE, BfAR! YOO-llOO! WHAT IN THUNDfR 'itJU DOIN: B<J(? MUn AND JEFf JE~ FILL THE TUB '!=OR. ME! I 'LL BE UP IN ABOUT FIFTEEN MINUTES TO TAKE A BATl-1! GORDO HE.ls · TURNZD OF Ff • , .. ,.,., MISS PEACH HUN11N' 6EARS AREYoUourA VER MIND?!YOU PON'T HUNT EJEARS LIKE THAT! YOU 601'rA CALL 1tl'EM IN A 6REAT, !JIG, ·LOUP VOICE!! ()M ,MYGOSH, MUTT IS GETTING THlN.1 +IE's ~1..LtNG AWAV .HE'S SOTt-\IN HE R.EALLY HAS ME WORRtEO! IO NOTHING.' ,..,, ..... .. ~ ... --..... ,..,..,,_ • ' I ,_...._._........__ t I By Ferd Johnson EMMA, WHAT /IRE YOU l>OIN~ ,,. By Tom K. Ryan l'MJUS' HUNTIN' U'l ~lifY BEARS ,.. .. __ ····-·- -~- By Al Smith By Gus Arriola · By MeR • • ,. • D ' I ' ' R c • -----------..---.. --~-----·. ---........-------------------~--~--. ---------~,.......,.,., HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE -•I 1000 GOna_ral 1100 General 1000 General lOOIGenaral 10!!0 Pete Barrell Rea./tg pre:Jenl:J · END OF SUMMER SALE llayc rest Barga ins BAL80A .PJONINSULA OnJy fl00..._000 tor this spectacular prime bay- front property. Thi• also inclµdes a 4 BDRM houst.&'bealltilu! sandy beach: ' OPEN HOUSE S•t, Sun. 1-5 222 -10th St., CM Thia ft .. cialy planned ""'" ert;y 11 unUSl,l&I as it will .Wt t~ older <"Otlple who "'oU!d like to retire rp-acefully in 1t T'BORM Eatfy Amfi'icao designed home and have mos1 o1 their expenses paJd. Or the investor \\'ho '"'ants a hOme + guest houst on a S9 x 275' Jot + 4 2-BORM. units , \\'ith a separale en- lra.n<:f: on s;erks St, °"'~r will carry first TD lo quali- fied buy('!', SALL Y'S S~Q.Y ~llMMER,SHAC K Now attractively remOOeled 3 bedroom 2 bath "dune dream" home. Stove. refriger- ator, 'Vasher, dryer plus some other furn- ishings included in $69,000 price. Deep P.--4 lot bonus! '\. '' tiON 'T DALLY, DOLLY ..,. .DICKER I hrthii ,~rner we have-a W,.1148' C-1 zon- ed co'rner ,Jot just oU Newport Blvd. in co1n- mercial area; $95,000 with just f!0,000 down r~uired. 50}aU rental units a s Carriers. FOUR UNIT,S• : HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE -~11 lOOOGener.11 1000 Gentr•I IOOOGener•I 1• 1 =~-------1 !Jri•ep/acea t fe /lnJa !J6/e Open Sunday 12 -5 82 Lind• Is le D rive ~-_e\\' \raterfronl home just con1pleted. Spa- cious 4 Bedrooms, 5 Baths, 2 story home with large sunken living room, separate dining room & breakfast nook & kitchen. Fully car- peted. Beautifully decorated & landscaped. Pier & 8lip installed. Priced at $155,000. Linda Is le Development Co. 1080 Bayside Or, N.B. Bill Grundy 67 5--32 10 Gentral 1000 General 140 Harbor Island Rd. (off Bayside Dr.) Beautiful executive home on 6/7th! of an acre. Sparkling pool. 4 Bedroom.• -3 Baths OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 Marine, B•lboa Island . 675-Jl ll Open 'Ill t Every Nlgi.. 31 8 Buena Vista, (near Newport H • r b or V•ctit.Club ) Open S•t-Sun 1-5 VIA LIDO SOUD • •• • • R'-2 LOT Beautiful TI x 100' corner va. cant lot for only Sl2,900, 10th Street beach location, in)maculatP, com- pleter. furnished units. Firepl(let, disposo:, sut( eek; ,patj_o. Always rerilfd su1nn1er & ,·,·inter. $64.500. O\vne~us for offer. COMMERCIAL SLEEPER lOoo General l~~~;-f ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;; POOL SPECIALS WANT LOTSA LAND? 1000 1000 Gener1I 5 BEDRM + POOL Lovely 3 BDRM, 2 bath ho111e near Lido clubhouse. Pier & slip. O\vner 'vants immed- iale action, so priced to sell at ..... $165,000. • • • • 4 UNITS Oflf! l BDR!\1, 2 bath + thrte 3 BDRi\1, 011(' bath, individ- ual garages, These a1>3M· ments are alwa:,ia in de- mand. Only one block rrom 17th Stiwt. REOUCED $8,DOO -WESTCLIFF This custom 3 BDRM home on cul-de-sac has been greatly reduced for instant sale. Sepa- rate dining room. family room, and many extras plus garden play house. 1606 Harrow. Open S11..Sun., 1.5 • • • • EASTSIOE CM .:: BDRM, 2 baths, 10 x 20' building ..___ double garagr, ldt'al for hom'°·!ypr buslness on 8j x 131', R·2 lot. BARGAIN BASEMENT Back bay fixer-upper. 3 BDR'-'T. 2 ~~ baths, on secluded cul-de-sac. Large sheltered play area. Askin I? .-•..•.....•......•..•... $29 .500 * • • * TWO ON A LOT Office Open Saturday• & Sundays Nrwport Hci.ghts a1'f'a. l\o;o Z BDR.i\1. I bath homt's on ~ x l::O' lot. SZT.500. PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.8. 642-5200 Lachenmyer Realto,. lOOO 1860 Newport BlvCI ., CM General 1000 CALL 64~3928 [;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:=:~=~~ ----------1 Eves. &J4-16$-&IB-ZZl() 1343 MAR(ff[RS Big One By The Beech 16TH TEE 5 Br, 5 Ba, fam rm, 1V rm, MESA VERDE Counll:Yrcllib & goU CQUrse! Ct'nter-atrlum ·with lis.hPond & troPical plants. Epanish 1ile. 4: bedrooms, 2 bat~. formal din~ room. family room_ studio. Dual fireplaCf'. fuicsl built-ins. 1\\'c have '2 10 rlKIOSt fro1nl. :>40-ITlO TARBELL 2955 Harbor LEASE \VITI! UPTJON 2400 Elden No. l2. Full price $18.950 $1i0 total per 1nonth. Bkr. $2-4471 ;,1fi--.8JOJ BA YCR£ST 3.J i;\ePfi to beach. 3 t'ar garg. 2 lrplc"s. great plaee for OPEN SAT, SUN 1-5 kids. S78.950. Riddle & Ross. Delightful J,•an Wells built 3 Rltrs. 61.>T/2). BDRM, 2 Bath homr \\"llh _2_S_T~O~R-Y~E"L-E-G~A-N~C~E~ family room, and dining room. 2 firepla{"es, bean1ed 4 BEDROOM $35,5001 C't'iling!> 1n livini; rooni and 2 fu1I baths, Modern kilr nen dini11g roon1. Oon 'l mL~f. this with fint'st buil!-ins. Dish- Ofle'~ 'vashcr. Largr fantily room. Arnold & Freud Land~r:1pcd to perft'chon! 5W.17'20 TARBELL 2955 Harbor DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! Generai 1000Cos-te Mesa Unbelievable! Ocean View· $2~;950 This has lo ht the hotlesl hon1e on the ma.rkcL J\':o; a sharp 3 bedroom. 2 bath homt' ~"ilh large CO\'CrPd patio and rear vard ~undeck. Ir hal' a li\'- ing area Or 1600 S.<J. ft. 11nd a llf>attti- ful assumable loan at 5~ ';l;. Set' it today-It's onr-of-a·kind, Bac:k Bay Expanded This bl'aotifu\ 4 Wr0c>m custom· huilt hon1r in th., lxlck bay features an expandf'd n1a.o;tC'r bedroom suite \\'ilh pr ivate bath and glass doors opening to seclud!.'d rf'ar ~ardPn ya rd. Further C'xpandffi \\'ith an isolatPd riC'hly paneled den \1·ith ifs 01\·n ma~· i>ive brick fireplace and bt>am r!i'il- ing, The tiicklin~ rock "-"all'rf8lt and pond is offset by extravagant land· ~aping. Full prier is ~.500 \\"ilh FHA or VA t"rm.s e\"ailablr, or af · ~11me the 5% ~ l''-istin; loan. Cu.I- de-sac. terraced lol. Clean And Vacant $18,750 FHA-VA This homP I~ immsrulat". ju~I [l'lint- M inside 11.nd 0111. All ne1\' t'arprtin;:- throughoot-it rvt>n ha.s fir"plare !01· tho~ rain)' \\-"int('r nii;hls. Set' ii. ifs 1ih&rp! 1100General If You Insist On Renting 1000 Do ii right: 1-rlre·a ho,,. you go :1boot it-you find a real nice duplt'X In Costa ~lesa that you can buy !or no n1onry dov•n l! yoU'\'EI been in tht> l!e1•..-it't". Yo11 move into onf' of the 2 txoroom, l ¥, bath uni ls and )-ou rent nut lhe olher one to help pay yottr ht1lf of thP l"f'nt NOY.' you O\\"n "- <iu plro;: and it hasn"l rost. you a <'l'nl. Ev thP 11·a)'. \Ir just happen to ha\•e one. Come and Set' il' View For Vets-No Down TI1is tx-auliful PXC"IU?>it·e home il'I ,,n the bluffs, overlooking NP"' port Beach. \ViU1 3 mastt'T l'ize hcdroon1l'I and 2 qu('(!n sized baths, it's in hf>1. 1er than nr\v condition \\"ith all (')('("• tric built-in kitchf"n al)d a ~pe:cta1·u ­ Jar O<"ean vie11· rron1 th(' Jlvin>t room and master bcdroon1. Pl"i\"alely en- t'losed !tonl yard patio. The hom,.. Ill! only 6 )'Pilrs otd and the oY.·ner is an.xio~. S37.500. 3 Bedrm, 2 Bath 1 00°/o Finonc:illCJ ln 1·('tS. ~23,950 on a lr('e lin1>d i trPt>L TI1is home is in f'xcellent cond ition \1·ith a d1ni11~ room, double garagr, CO\'rred patio. hardwood Ooon;, Jo\\", lo1v do\\"n to Bn)'OIK'. Hurry, it \\·on't 111$!: 2 Small hou ses on C-2 lot in strategic area near Lido Isle approach. Suitable for s1nall business & living now. Hold for appreciation; $30,000 puts you m business. SPANISH STYLE OCEANFRONT 2-Story home, 4 bedroo1ns, 4 baths. Beauli!ul gardens & cookout house. T\vo lots. (One could be sold oil). $105,000. Owner '''ill fin- ance . PIER & SL IP PLUS VIEW Spacious 2 bedroom home with fireplace. forced air heat. many other ammenities. l<~xceptional buy at $63.500, '.\'ilh owner fin- ancing. Open Sun. 1-5. 20 Balboa Coves, !'J.B. THE "INN" PLACE 19 Unit Dana Point Motel & apartment com~ plex. ~!arbor & ne\v marina helps make a good investment at sale price of $150,0CO. Q\\'ner will carry loan. SELL OR EXCHANGE 1h Acre lot in beau~ilul Brentwood. R-1 . clear; lo\v price of $33,000. Will trade for do"'n ~:::iy­ ment on beach area income property or resi- dential v,i~\V home. OOWNTOWN MOTEL SIT E 225 Front feet on Harbor Blvd. al Newport Bl\•d. \VO\V! Talk about major thorofares~ 76.000 Sq. ft. no\v priced at just O\"er $4.50 a ftJ?I. Income enough l? carry il you don't 'v1sh to develop immediately, As« for .J in1 or Rich . '. 2'£Xr.'i "\Vr~I Balbosl, Nt"\.\-por t Beach 67;,...woo 2443 E.aJ;t Co~ua l-hgh\1.--ay, Corona del ~Jar, 675-6060 ---~ ------~ -- General 1000 Genert l 1000 -------NEAR THE BEACH SPLIT LEVE L \\'ilh r~mblin; :O fl. f"'.\'.\llLY ROO~I ;1•lth noor to rriling .slumpslon(' f1N'pl<1f"r_ Lovr- 1,v IOI' tin~lin; carpr1s in lili ni:: roon1 and F'OR.\IAL DINI:'-<G ROO'.\!. Oprn s1air ease lead.~ to :: massive hard\\'ood lloor....-J h('(Jrnomg. '! IWlwiOUs pullman b.1.ths up. Another oil ehrerful la.r;e all eloctric kitchen and utility room 1P01d in::-to ~ide anrf back yard \1'ith ('OV- ERED P ATI 0 plu~ r :ivcd room for BOAT ACCESS~ Asi;ume !his grt>al f_~l.A . loa.n at $1,'.() P"r month nr subrnit new V.A. or F.11.A. trrmo:. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 27'30 llarbor Blvd. at Adan1s :i-15-04f>:i Opf'fl 'Iii 9 P'.I $18,500 LOOK BEFORE YOU BUYI OPEN SATURDAY '.\lov('-ln t·ondit1on, J .~, d1n1ng plus po<>' r11n_ ~:n.:ro 1518 Sylvi• • Completely M'df'cOrJ!rrl 3 & dh11n::-. Jr v in r Trrrac:c. $42.!"IC(t 1319 Bon nie Doone • Blnrk ro OC'('an: 5 BR . ~ 3 bath. \\"U! trade. $47,900 3320 S•aview Al .~O OPEN SUNDAY Unil'('rsi!y Park .. ~ & du1. t.:11. ql.ll.!He ilrmr. Tr1111s, s::4.9JO 18061 Mann • 18 1;; fainlly ~peri<il. 4 S: den -~ d1n•ni::. £6.fr...O 2919 Pciper Lan• HAL PINCHIN 2629 Harbor Blvd., Costa 546-8640 Mesa J bedrooms, 2 both~. all <'lf'c.. I trio buill·in ~tctlen Spac· lous yard. IX'lightiul patio 011.'rlooks a gardf'n paradu;c. 1146-0604 TARBEL~ & ASSOCIATES 675-4392 Anytime BA~ISIDE. 3 BR 2 B~ f'HA, Iota} pyn1nts S160 1~1 fl will c.-onsider lea~r op- tion. Broker eves. 8.'.8-6341 THE REAL ESTAHRS COSTA MESA 2790 HARBOR BLVD. 546·2313 MES" VERDE NEWPORT BEACH 1700 NEWPORT . BLVD. 646-7171 SOCl< IT TO 'EM! New Listing l.ll\-cly CO!Ttt'r ., Bn. NE\\'. POR'.f \l'EST !1o1nr. Fully equipped Anthony pool, 18x ;-:.~·. $12,200, 5'. "< IO<ln may bi' i'ISSUmi'd. LISll'd $3~,!f.}O, hu! O\\'!l('r anxious • 1rans- fr1T1ng to S..1lt Lakr Clly. Full P rice $21 ,950. Includes Uk' land! Cutr 2 BR. also wi1h Antlxiny pool Nc1v paint, quick posS<'ssion. Utterly Fa bulous Lu.'\ury at its het>th1! Rrally -1i·s al' plush ii.~ CaeS!ll''s Pa!a1_.,. -111th us Roinan 111b. llon1an pool. lush pa· ~1"1', rurn1~h1ng~. aod d.CC"GI", .\ horn<' on laJ'J:t' lo!. big ~tttcri aCl'elili for BOAT, TJl,\!LER. E-\.i'llA Vi::- lllCLE. ETC, Or pul in '.! POOLS il you \\ ish! The l11-1~r 2-story hon1P has 1 BDRll1S. sptink- ll'r:<. & stmlre roor. Big 1·ovcrcd pallo. ideaJ for lite> \\'l'f'k-cnd BBQ. P rlc- ed for quick 58..le at only $31,TJO? t:noubiJ said ?? ~COATS ~ WAtLACE REALTORS --546-4141- (0JMn Evenings) ~.·,.~ •. )('-0 u1tac! <1S niodcl · 1 !!~~~~~~~'."'!"' $.'il.000 unru1111sJ)('d_ .t BR. OPEN SAT-SUN, J.S 2001 COMMOOORE ~&·~&BO Ba)·crest's finest 1 BR, ......-.J fMltCIMmltbuM) ...,..... LLEGE REA.LTV hOrn('. A.-.sume 5:~"'u loan. ""'"""'~""""·CM. DAVIDSON REAL TY 5.i6-5'l60 Eve6: :i45-4198 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Fabulous view home on Ebbtidc in fashionable Harbor View Htlls J &droomll, 31,., Baths Fonnal dining room .:;pacious family room luxurious living roon1 large pool ~7.500 COMP'ANY REALTORS 673-4400 MESA VEROE FAMILY RM· $2~.950 Gt'nerous sized b.."drooms. 2 b<tths, family room. Hug..' living room. VA -F'HA lin- anc1ng avallabte. 540-IT.!O TARBELL 2955 Harbor General 1000General 1000Gener•I 1000 ~IULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IT'S A :\'I UST SE E AT $39,500 . Lots of ehiu·rn. CoronA df'I i\lar Duplex. 2 Bdrm .• i Bathi;, front unit (\\'ilh 11dditional Room and Bath fran1t'd in -ras1ly finished) Pl.US Rear rt>ntal 11n1t (l\'rr 2 car _garag-{>. f\othinsi: likr it 111 this pricf" -pcrft""Ct for l·landY· man fi,..,.rr-t;ppcr. 67:J-3000 E\"f'S. 6TJ-o.>.14 IRVI NE TERR ACE SACRIFICE Value and ~auty ? eXl'('!1lional fl11antinf;. Vacant. r.1ovt·in-ablf' Condition. 3 llchms., :\Balli. Hobby Hnom off garagr 1\ilh ~ Bath. Quality Carpeting &-drapei>. Hu:;(' i;to11f' firrplac(' In Livtn~ Room. Co''l'red Patio. Profeuional landscllplng. Qc_"f'an Vir1-1• from ~ll'l~l l'r Bdrm. Vi!'\.\' of exciting Fashion ll!land from P11tio. Price reduced to s.34.950. Submit do1-1·n lr terms. 67J..3000, E\•es. 67!'>-6772 QULET -CllAHl\'[ -PRLVACY 832,500 In Cllffha,·r-n. on a sttef'I (If \\'Cll kr1H homrs. '.\ Bt'droon1s, 2 BaU1s, nparly 1800 l>fl. fl. (18x30J Livinc Room, fireplar(', Eire l\itchf'n, doublr garag(', 16')xl201 all-frnrf'd yard !you O\VTI ill. Vacanr -just reduced -stt it: E.-.:cel!cnl ,aJur. Quirk Po:<S('Ssion. 675-3000, Evr:;. 6,16-5227 H0!\1E AN D INCOME· ONLY 831,950 Vinr ro\·rrrd ro1tn~r Y.1lh intomr unit, Hardv.·d firs., fircplaC't, Palio; dr- s1rcabl,. Cn1·nna de! ~!ar. :>:orth of High\vay. Good value at $31.950. 67;;...JOOO E..-cs. 617>-4666 EX CITI NGLY LUXU RIOU S 3 plus DEN "So you·rl' fu ssy"-nothin): '1rnng \1ith !hat! So please let us shO\v you 1hJ,. Sf'('li zded 3 bedroom, 21,; hath fovrr 2700 sq11a.N' fool l home. Has 15x.30 Pool, Jorgr covt>red palin ;ind it ~ho\vi;. absolutely beautifully, rvery dt?tail in rxqui!'itf' t<islr. If you"rr lookins:: for honl"ll in lh" $70,000 brackel, by all mt'ans, include this chnier offl·nng. By app"l. 6Ta-3000. Eves. 64&-.S227 BELL RI NGEH BUYS Uni\ P11rk Condi. ~ Bdrm. 51500 off, nQ\\" .. Ac! ffl.~t: {_n,,. intrrcsL J Bdrrn .. 2 Balh. Vil"'w ··-· 4 Units -'l Bdrm. 1 1~ B11. 1>a<·h. 0"·11rr'.s vac11nt -----·- CDi\I ~ So. fl"'-Y· D11lrx, 2ond val11e. 2 &: l Bdrm .. S('e 1900 Seadrift. lrvlne Ter. Open Sat. &. Sun ..... THE REAL ESTAHRS ... S25, 9."JQ .... SJ7,700 ...... S.";8,500 S44,500 .... S54.950 l 8ATH $26,9501 Big I.an1ily home. fiesta Jl()Ol Jr. Estate grounds, RI c II Y.'OOC! panding, bandao breakfast bar. EJ~t tirt- placc. Notl\ing comparable at the price on today'a mu kct. 5-tQ.1110 TARBELL 2955 Harbor Gener•I 1000 FOREST E. OLSON·: Inc. r.ealton THREE ON ONE . WHAT!' $15,500 ft '' true! \Vhere can you find a house and two cot- tages 11·ith income on a · bl: R-4 lot. For on ly SU,500. Full Price! Bia" living room in m.aill hoUH with hand • hewn bramr, Cenler island fireplace ""'ith tons of old brick.· Center island kitchu. l\feditcrranean artist 1'in. do\\·~-\Vroughl Iron. Much 1norr'. Stt ll lint~ Hurry call 6l:)..0303. HOUSE. BIG LOT;· BUILD 5 MORE ; Up to I.he minute • 3 bedt room 2 bath stucco homef Near ne\v , Sits right up· front on this big 55 x ~ h R-2 101. Near the hearf of IOWn. Walk to every~ thin:. Ideal for investon or builders. High l!t Joan and seller will carry _ \vitlf" only 10% do1vn. Best R-J. buy. Only $28,950. Dial.- 645-0303. '.; CUSTOM 4 BDRM·· BIG R.4 LOT )'ou ran have bor.ies too!- CUstom built, 4 maa&ivl bedrooms. l...arge 2S It. llvs lnz room, Sig: countrY kitcht;>n 1-1·1th tons er tile • and di-lu.xe: built-irlll, H~ lor 66 " 236 \vilh plenty or: rlbo1v room for mort'' uniU. $'.:W.CXXI. You can •s..· 111umt> low interest loan +, exciting tenns. To ace tOf' day, dial 66-0300. NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Across the street and ~ .. r.and pebbles throw from.. the pounding surf. Tw" · large bedrooms, I a t '•. kitchen with deluxe: built;, ins in each unit. Sundedtl' and verandas. Gn:at )oca.. lion. Big rents, and that(. • Beach Power! 0 n I y. $38.500. Call rmv! ~·· FOREST E. OLSON Inc. ReaJton at Harbor Center 2'299 Harbor BJvd .. C..M. 1969 VOLUME $115.l MILqON INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS A l'IPW Rrp•1blic homr'. 8 month~ youn~. 4 Mdroom.s. ~ balh.~. cuslo1n draDPS and car- prf$. F111nr.111.s Garden Kitt'hen. J C'llr 1:3r- 111re \\'ilh pal'S-U1mugh bf.at doer f,.,r f1111 , COrncr Jot with ra~y t CI."'~\ to rr11r y111·d. ~luch morr to Sf'I." and Bpprl"Cialr. fuJ\ prleti $4J. 1:>0. IACK IAY VIEW HOME WE NEED LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 8·DELUXE UNITS THINK llG SPACIOUS 21no FQ. ft. 3 l>OOromn hom .. 11·it.h HUGE 46 ft. !1:\\'imn1ing pool And GIGANTIC 17x18 m111itPr bedroom, a TRF.· ?-IENOOUS lSx18 fllmily room PLUS bal- f'.tlrlY df'n. f.nth.,.Jy 11urroundf'd by GlAfl.:I 7~ foot wall for total skinny dippin' pri- VRC')'. Only one )'t'&r old -land11caped and dtt0ratf'd lik"' 11. mod"' homt>. All thl.s value for a little bitty M!'i,000 -can us new." ROOM FOR MOTHER 11•-l.awl She c11n relv: in her o\'1'11 rrl- \•atP 1n1i1P "'Ith private beth. .1 olhrr bedroom11, 2 baths &: an tinormou' family room. •tou'll apptPrhll~ this home ~ti('() In quiet and "lf'J:ant Co1· il'l!" 1'11.rk -\Vtll "·or1h ~2,s;(), "EDUCED JJ,000 .1 Spacio11s ~ooms, f 1, beth:\, fnmily n)()ln a.nd J11.nai. lka\llifully decorated h!OVt: in condition throuJ:hout, Ownrr "''ill trade r r small homi> rondominium. dupiex, nr 1\·hat ave you. Asking $47,000 -t..rrs talk lcrmii•~. ----- ASSUME 51;, •;, Y~ No qualifying. lntnesting hol'ne. lmmedt .. atl! possesslof\. J'ull peyments cbe.ape-r than rrnL 1156.00 P@r month pool size yard. C"'lose to stlopping. 3 bedroom. 2 bath, brick fircplacl'. $22.950. NEWrou HEllOHTS ("ool. b1 ight, spac:iou~ fan1ily liomt'. 3 bf.fl. rooms. 2 bath$ and ~per11te dlnin: roorn, lan11i and t1;UO dttk. Gr(!at for tnlcrtaining. Oouble praii:e and works.hop '"ith aUc1 rntrance, Only s.39,900. ' WE HAYE IUYERS WAITING! WE OFFER - e FREE APPRAISAL e TRAIXEl"'I STAFr Of'' JO e MULTIPLE LI STING SE~VlCV. e TOP FUGffl' ..ADVERTISL\/G. -DON 'T SE.711.E fOR LESS. PROOF POSITIVE .Mk flnyonc of our clients -We "'·Ill ~ ~hid to gi~ you name5 from our fJI~ - 70'ili or our business Comes from rl'ftrrals 11.nd former clltnts. "'LOOK FOR nttl SIGN'" For Real Ac:tion In Real E1tate \.15) THE REAL ~ESTATERS " 55,000 PRICE REDUCTION CAMEO SHORES Bc.11ul1ful VlE'V H0i\1E J BR .. conv. dl'n rilus forma( dinins: roo1n. All thi9 plw; gor- ;tr.atl."i large pool in a protl?<'led L'Ourtynrd. (h,·ncr \\'ants ACOO!\. NO\\' only $7';:!,50(), WIN!IR LEASE Charming-nc\vly redecorated 2 bedroom 2 bath. Unfurnished homt'. h block to the ocean. & Jn Corona del r.1ar in t.ht! pret· tit'tit time uf the. )'ear, Available through June 15 -$.350 mo. rENNSYLY"NIA DUTCH Ch&rmins 2 Jtory farm hou~e. with every. thfns. lnclu,din1 JM'-ii ed hnrth,..ood floats to modem built-In kitchep . Privacy on fer land. SdOth cf thct l·ll·"'ay, 3 ~. 2 l:Mth. + lar#1' f11,mlly room. $47,$)0. 6·2 BRs &. 2-3 BR all with l btths. •JI tht custom feature-.~ of a nice home. Located on Cll.raway Drive, Cost.a MeSR. &xccllf'ftt !or livr in or lax n"turn propt:rty, Prlf't'd $1J9.000. Only 2 yrars bid. M·I -STREET TO $TUET • 06x300--0f( i\lonrovia. LP.vet -Ownl':r \\'Ill fina.oc:e or lease. -$20,500 PLUS '* *" 60xl40 Clean :Z·BEDROOM bc:ate fot orrrcE or RESIDENCE. • Finandnr available -S2'J~ ROOM FOR 6 UNITS 60':<3::0' In en:ellent loe1lSOn \\Ith small hou~e. ReliN'd mv11- rr ,, llnXIO'lS to lf"llVt no'w. - Only sn.900. ' t \ \ I 1 I I I ' I I I " I I I j •' ~. :\f,umMr27, 1969 R E , SIS FOil SAbl HC>µSIS !'git ~I HOUIU POR SALi HOUSIS POil SALi ·HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES POii SALi _IOOO 0-ol .1!'!!!! 't!!!; lllt O..iNI *' ,~ral , 1000 -rat __ r-_ 1000 Otnor•I 1000 .Cnto ftltto 1100 ~ ~Sf' FINER HOMES MATI lA BORDE, Realtor 5 BEDiROOM MES~~~~DEI F: .. ~~· ~ =: ~bout the k>weal priced home gate l lhelttr. lmmac owl. BAR HARBOR LOCATIO,_. ;:~.:':ii! ~~.i'. &:: i:..= ,:.,.::·:; 2 bdnn home on a largt R-2 }of. With pknty bf room ·Jot buildlni an- other wit Nicely ka.t· cd· )ls\. ott N~t s1W:tff950 Mes it. UNDA ISLE A !antastlc bay!ront buy. Larae 3 bedroom, 3 '11111 borne will> 1e~rate dfulog'.~m. 16 Ft. o! bayfront with pier & sllp. New-at the u~atable price of .... , , .......... $105,000. OPOll Sat., 'Sun. 106 Linda Isle Dr" DOVER SHORES Beau[tful µiarlne & mountain view home in better than new condiµon. 4 Large bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dining room. . Over 3200 sq. ft. Beautifully planted patio. • .-·I··········· · · · · ·. ·. · ...... · ... $89,500. LINDA ISLE 5 )ljldroom, 41> hath. A luxurious home, car· peted & ready for your private pier & slip, i~:~at: "&·sw; · · · · · ·: · 14 unii~·i;1~~r:: .. " DOVER SHORES VIEW 5 Bedrooms or 4 & den; 31,i tiaths, huge sunk· en family room with walk·in wet bar.I' Sepa- rate maid's quarters. A fantastic buy at Vinyl slate entry, separate non-walk thru llv· ~11~lly =lb ~~~ dentiAI •tr'ffl 'suiltin It..r1• m .soo. OWner. 5f&..999.1 ing room, Sla~e hearth and marble,froot fire-.or1ener. Need• 10me TLC. family kitdleo. s.ao.1r.20 ~ place In lPadQl!' lamily room. l'IVE BED-lll<MED!ATE POSSESSION, TARBELL 295S H•rbor $22,500 FHA-Y'A.eonv. ROOMS, TWO "liATHS. All ceramic Ille elec-J077 Jolmson Ave,. CM VIEW HOME-3 BDR, 2 Bat..__ble frlc bullt·in kitchen with b re a kt a s t area. $Z9,750 .. "!'" & "1'°" "" im-Sbake roof all interior and exterior trim 3 BR ha.rdwd fJoorw. le. cov. mediate uJe. Call 5'54«24 I~~• pain'•·• ul!ATED AND FlLTER"'D Dr ive b1 and ~.n ~ patio. clQse to tle11l. school. SOUTH COAST REAL.'001\S P-.OO.uuy loCIU-" ..--p . llf $27.100. Vets-oo dwn, ~ .. L -low maintenaqce yaiu. need 1tt Optr1' Sat./Sun. 1.& $18,50'.J. • FrxER UPPER• $36,950 -more to 5ee by appofntmen\. 20422 Bayview, S.A. Hts Sound 2 BR, l BA hou1e, FULLER REALTY dbl. g1'r. Xlnt area. Need1 ,PERl=lDN PARK LIDO CONDOMINIUM Fine adult living • entertain your friends in the neighborhood pool -BE FREE OF YARD WORK while you travel! Sound great! Watch y.our wife's eyes light up when she discovers the HUGE MASTER BEDROOM SU IT E. and bath with "man-sized" ceramic show· er!! Top value for $28,950. Submit mobile home in trade. $20,425 - 'J , ........... , •• 642·1771 Anytime Costa Mesa Dirty How about 4 larre bedrooms. 2 baths, e1ec blt·ins, double garqe. l&l'le cul-dwac lot, farced air htatlng, 6% lilt.er. eat on an auuma.ble Joa.a, paint It, fix it, love it. -Farr-...W- 546-08!.i handyman painter. 354 Ma.c- 110Ua, C.M. $17,900 2BR + 3 BR houaaon !lot. LIVIN ' IS EASYJ Bdwy nr 'J\u!iUn Ave . SJ>a,cioUs bedroom.s, den, 2 $29,950. ~1460 separate baths. fireplace, 1.lESA Del Mar 4 Bed 2 dining room. Cheerful kitcb. room, en • 1iuei;t built-in applianc-BA, new crpts, drpK. Lr&: Cl 54().1720 Jot, (rait ll'tts. $31,95(), TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~6-97SS or 5(5.0033 B Y 0 2 BEDROOM. l.araa COl'Dat A FR NT APT. 1o1. , "" ..,...,_ Vtgta Del Lido. Pier & sl1p BY OWNER.*5'5-alal available. Sell or lC'ue/op. ===="====;! tion. Pri~ $28,500. Mesa Verd• 1110 • co.r.rs .. & • WALLACl REALTORS 54M141-' ..•....... ; .... •'• ........•... '' ...... $88,500 . DOVER SHORES Exquisitely decorated 3 bedroom home with formal dining room; large sunken Ii vi n g room, huge master suite. Electronic oven. UmtiUally beautfluJ landscaping, with lanai. Spacious, Neat THREE BEDROOM, lath and plaster constructed home. Excellent condi· tion in and out. New carpets Living room and hall. COVERED PATIO, cement block wall, fruit trees and well landscaped. An excellent buy -ACT NOWll ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 George Williamson REALTOR Lease/option or ule 6T.;.-1:DrJ Eves. 67~15&1 one 3 BR, fam rm, dia rm, 3 BR, Pool.dbl fenc~ onP 4 BR. ra m rm, din nn, :· " 'I ;:nu.w • • EwniQP Can 67J.6ll6 1: HA!l,BOR Ll<iHTS 1'$t-w of ocean &: bay. Steps ~ beach. Lovely 'home with lalll!d garden. $Ull.~. ,• 61A9'o LOAN "•lk•r Riiy. 67S.5200 #46 Via Lido, NS (}pt!n Sun. ~ BEDROOM· $20,950 • ''T.L.C.'' Al i t ~ ii a little pa.Int (Open Ewnings) " . ,\• BAYFRONT . • PIER & SLIP S.ver•I very choice 3 & 4 Bdrm. homtt From $139,500 Roody to "'°"" lnl Lee sl:.tionek ' ' 'c•' 67:1-3585 2 BEDROOM CORONA DEL MAR Very channi.ng hOme which has been redecor, inside A out. $4,t'OO down. Owner pur- chased ntw hople. cal.I to !ICC OR come by 510 J~mine Ave. Sun. 1'"':30 675.4343 r.)'81'd work and ttndeT lov. care It you save $$$'•? aepara~. bath•. Oleerful ~tdletl 540-l'i'J) QR BELL 2955 .Harbor Dover R<'a.llY Corp. 'tllE QUICKER YOU CALL. Tl-tE SUN NEVER SETS 6. ~ QtnCKER YOU SELL DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! i.n•r•I 1000 G.,.er•I 1000 t Coldwell, Banker • ;:OFFERS: I • • • i ' IRVINE TERRACE • BAYADERE DR. I' One of Newport Beach's most glamorous ,-homes with spec. view. Beaut .. furn. 4 .Bd- : nn. 4 Bath. Pool - 3 Car. Will consider I lease ............................. $189,500. : Mrs. Raulston . t SUP & PIER $79,500 :.custom built 2 Units, waterfront. Ch~rm· ~Ing S BR. 2 Ba. Gourmet kit. Lge. patio --~r,tus 1-Bedroom apt. & sun deck. Make of· ·> er. ·•Mary Lou Marion • ; OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOMS ·!A real year round ho~e, ~ith fireplace, •forced air beat elec. blt·m kitchen : 2 baths. (Best beach. Large enclosed patio -all :i~!J~:~a~-s~· ... , ........... , .... $69,500 l '. ·C '. CAMEO SHORES OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 ·r· 4512 Roxbury. 4 BR's .. _ conv. de_n w/'v~t . bar. 5 ,Baths. Lrge. swim. pool in scenic .1• setting. Owner moved. Anxious! .. $69.500 '. Cathryn Tennille '• i JUST LISTED ~~~at & s~;,: ............ i:iii:i i:i~i::5gi: BAYCREST Immediate occupancy. 4 B e d r o om s, 2i11 baths; immaculate home on large comer Jot. f.ar&e pool & deck area. Beautilul landscap. 1ng with complete sprinkler system. $72,500. Open Sat. & Sun., 1756 Skylark, N.B. WESTCLIFF LOT Located on one of the most desirable streets in the area. . ....................... $27.500. IRVINE TERRACE Entra.nce gates open to free-form pool in beautiful, lush plantings, in this spacious 4 bedroom home with ma~nificent view of bay. Large living room, dimng room, 21> baths. Asking ............................ $115 000. Open Saturday 2015 Galatea Ter~ace BA YFRONT LOT ln excess of 110 Ft. Wonderful location. Pull bulkheaded, Leasehold interest ..... $89,500. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642·823S UPPER BAY EXCLUSIVE Beautiful entry, expensive carpets, elegant drapes and exquisite decorating greet! you as you walk in. THREE LARGE BEO. ROOMS, TWO PULLMAN TILED BATHS. Bright cheery kltchen wilb built-ins includ· ing dishwasher and service area with pantry. Family room with sliding glass doors to large patio surrounded with lush dichondra lawns, ROCK WATERFALL and cement block wall. Double g-arage, electric door opener and con- crete drive. A BARGAIN AT ONLY $32,950. EASTSIDE COST A MESA Hall block from ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC CHURCH and PAROHICAL SCHOOL. Two bedrooms. dinin( room, deluxe kitchen and large 18'x l8' family room. Family room could be used as a third bedroom. Two patios (one covered) -16' x 30' HEATED and FILTER· ED POOL. Double garage and boat or trailer storage off alley. Fenced and beautifully land- scaped yards. AN EXCELLENT BUY AT $26,600. SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED 646-0555 220 E. Seventeenth Sr. IE. 17th St. ShoppllHJ Ctr.I 21DLllUI Iii-' COSTA MESA 1000 you'll like our friendly service Transportation Evening1 Call 541-3265 or 646-4579 OPEN EVES TILL 1:311 GOOD NEWS Travel5 fast so hurry! As- sume S2'1',000, S~% loan. long with oolo.eaal BDR's, J large baths, formal dining: room and paneled den with fln'place, Enterlain around l8x40 hC'ated, fil tered pool. For appointment to see, call Dan Lee 540-1151 Upper Bay area. Pan'ld & OPEN HOUSE 1-6, Sun l>i·1tn1 cC'il'gs & walls. 2 full 2722 SANDPIPER ha, Bltns, 1>tove, buffet, dsh. Owner/agent whr. Lrg. plne trees. Va· COZY & Clean 4 BR home. ;:_n1, clean. $29,950, Bkr. G4S. 1a4 Ba &: partially crptd. .li50. \\lilt assign to Realtor ln :z MESA VE ROE 'veeks: but not at tht.: price: $25,950111 • VA. FHA 123.900. >16-1308 Prl- Spacious bedrooms, 2 baths, only please. .family room. Handsome fire. =e=E=I =1 E=R-llwi--.,.-,-. -,-BR,~-,• place. U~ your G.I, eligi· ha, !am nn, blt-lns, ww, bility hel'I!! 540.1720 d~.. t.'lc. cptd. pat to, TARBELL 2955 Harbor Choit.-e loc. nr everything. Low dwn. Ownr: ~9-1096 IRVINE AVE. • 3 Bedroom P•-«er. '~RAGEi Cus!om built home, large ell· Large yard. Near AdamB -~_:--~,mm closed eourtyard for maxi-School. S:12.750. Principals mun1 p1·1vacy, .'.\1any extras only. 54e-4681 in this beautiful 3 Bdr home. QUIET CUI-de-sac, J B( :2 ROOM FOR THE >11,500. Ba, u~tom op~ & d..,. BY IN·LA WS Well1·McCardle, Rllrs. OWNER: >l>-!161• 18l0 Newport Blvd., C.M. Cuslom 2 BR & gUeSl house r>48-Tl'29 anytlme in choiee Easts!de loc. 2 BR ~~~!!!!!.,;,,,;,,,,.,;,,...,,. home compl!!t!!ly tt-decorat-YOU JUJ1t can't find Uiese ed. GU't'St hoUJC needs to be anymOl'e.! llere'.1 llJl ocean finished. ImtEDIATE POS. ,.-iew home 1 blk to beach. SESSION, New cprts, drps, lireplc, liv rm, din rm~Priced at only $23,950. c!a.1r-owner. "Art"; 536-4558 or 847-r519 A FRIENDLY HOME In top Newport 'lfls. area. 3 BR, family rm, iarJ;e l1v. rm, stone firepla~. On R-J lot. A.'lktng $28,000. Newport Beach B/B DRASTICALLY REDUCED I 1200 Out • •d° ~ ~n' Owner II.Id "Let's Sell.'' He hall ~uc­ ed this lhret bedroom cutt. haven !Jome tn $32,500, to l!!t's bring him an oUer. Open House 1-6 P.Af. Sat. & Sun, 324 Snug liarbor E\'f'S, 5'18-4810 ALSO THE BIG APPLE i" 16582 Apple St. OPEN SUN. 1-5:1.o 1-"ountaln Valley OPEN SUN. 1·5:31l BIG OCEAN VIEW . LITl'LE l l OO BEACll HOUSE: Laree llv. ing room with tittplace. _N_O_D_O_W_N_V-.A-. Step."'''"• built-In kilohOIL Two bN!room!I, fenced patio, OWNER/BROKER 646°2Al4 Costa Mtsa Problems? 3 bedroom, l~ baths, firt· plaoe and a vC'ry large dJI). ing area. Patio with fire pit designed for outside fun. BIG 5 MESA VERDE 1000 Come by & inspect fanlaslic OR ONL y Only n•,;()J w/15% down. Eves. 613-UlS 4 Blockll to shopping 4 Blocks to elementary 4 Blocks to freeway , •• and <1 few giant sirps to Jr, Iii, Hi School or Col. Jege, F.H.A. end No down VA, tenns availablt •• $28,000 "for A \Vist Buy" A dandy REPUBLIC 2-!tory ho me, 11" yC'an young. For. COURTYARD POOL J'!l~I marbl!! til"l!~act In bug!! ''FOREVER VlEW'' l1vtng ~m. Bnck tirepla~e [n Dover Shores. Brand Jlf!W In . f~mily. room, Electric plan b)'. IV AN WEI.LS bu1Jl-1n kitchen lncludine 4 BDRM 3 bath · 1 • • dishwasher. Shop this prict: der ~. 3 cars ia~:g~t $43,995 OPEN HOUSF. SAT, SUN. 1. 5 2ra8 t.tAu;.RD DR . \i\IESA VERDE! C.r.1. Newport •• Victoria -II (anytime) course. Step down living room \Vi!h high bC'amed etlling. Rich· ly panellC'd family room \virb second fireplace & wet b11r. Large Island kitchtn, separatl! brt'aklast nook. 19:<32' heated pool. This beautiful Wells-built home i.s tnily an invitation to !!legant Uving. Wtlcome? Roy J . Ward Co. IBaycf'l!St Office) 1430 Galaxy Drlvt 646-1550 "THE BLUFFS" SPIC 'N SPAN Here's a beautilul 4 BD- RM, 2 bath home that i~ lmmacl4atel Many cute decorator ldeu, spacioWJ single story floor plan and clever r r: a r yard ld.scping, Not avail, until Nov, so plenty or time 10 sell your house; but 5ee thi.os one today, OUered at $34,950. (51,~'f,, loan available with substan- tial down). 5 BDRM, J bath, J car gar~ home, with pro- fessional wurk-free landscap. ing, $-47.!XXI. Rex, L, Jiodgcs Rltr. 847-2'SZ, Full Price $24,750 Sharp 4 BR, 2 Bath On Butiness-z:oned lot New Anthony swimmlng pool. Owner says sell quick! May be GI or FHA LOCKHART REALTY 646-2301, Eves: 548-2851 CUSTOM BUil T $20,000 MOUNTAIN VIEW Spacim1s bf>drooms, rich wood paneling, fireplar..e, carpet. ed & draJX'd thru-out, util· ity roon1, covered patio, double garag(', 2 years new. TARBELi... 837.o845 or 837-3776. $2,800 DOWN BAY & BEACH F H A REAL TY, INC. • • • 901 Dover Dr., Suite U6 NB "Squ~ky-clean'' EASTSJDE 645·2000 hon1c with FLOOR • TO • LIKE li C E I L I N G FIREPLACE . ;o ve on a .small HUGE I. In d SEP' island . For sale by owner 1v grooman . d ,. ~·-ARATE FA~11LY ROOM ue to lvOt"ce ..... 110.•·1ulng LARGE BEDROOMS 2 .-.Jc~ old hsc, on Newport l s!. 7 gant baths and F:LE.CTRIC rooms, 2 baths, has been built-in kitchen l~'CLUDING complclC'lY_ r <'mode 1 e d dishwasher. Neat as It pin modem kit. \v/bltns. Lota ~~~SC:{;n~~~~11;~;~~ .. :~:~~ ~: st~~i~~ U:!mbrlc! ~11c: }!URRY FOR THIS ONE! Balhroon1s new \V/~ken WE SELL A HOME t~b-Lri;; .. sundeck w/v1ew. EVERY JJ MINUTES Nc"·ly painled outs i de . Across st from Bey on 2 Walker & Lee ~~~~&b~~1~~isr~r:: 20(3 \Vcstclilf Dr. 4008 P.tarc:us, NB 6/.>-0363 or 6-16-nll Open E \'l'S. 494-5420. $1500 DOWN EASTBLUFF $31,950-4 BEDRM !!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'OCEAN VIEW• $27,000 HORSES! HORSES! Prestige atta. 2'i baths. $20,950 Illness forces ult • submit Ch&rming view custom home Huge 26 rt. master bedroon1, Colesworlhy & Co. and assume 7l~',,, Joan on btg 3 BDRr.r &: family room. O.vner's loss on lhis 2-slory home can be your gain. All nC'w home features 1nclud· Ing 2{) x 27' fin ished. bonus roon1, S2:17 mo pays evcry- lhing, Varan1, £1.'C at any time-. UNDER $30,000 J. Bdrms.. 2 baths. single story end unit. Many extru. Lo1v leasehold. Lowest maln- tcnanrc. OCEAN VIEW "BLUFFS" -$27,000 Presllge area near Fashion Island. Newport King atxed bedrooms, 2 baths. Exquisite split - level. Illness forces sale • Try $25.000, 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor MOST IMPRESSIVE ~ n!asonable oUer. Pres· uinred for honn 3 BR, 214 elegant fireplace, dellghtful Beautiflli exterior with dee-tia:e an:-a Newport. Klng bath.o; 2 fri>lcs in beaut fa mUy room. Patio, Electric orath•e £tone \VOrk. 3 bed+ al.zed bedrooms, 2 balh.t, Ez. cond.' Owner ~ n x Io us: buil t • in lutchen. 0v."Mr's rooms, 2 baths, Built • in quisite gplit le>vel. 540-1720 $49,500. Back Bay leaving area, 540.1720 drean1 kitctx-n, Room for TARBELL 2955 Harbor JEAN SMITH REALTOR TARBELL 2955 Harbor boat or trailer. J BR 2 BA, family nn. Prof 440 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa BUSIEST m!ll'kelpla~ in 841-6691 TARBELL decor. l ~i yr old-xlnt cond. 646-3255 town. The DAILY Pll.OT For Dally Pilot Want Ads $32,500. 12382 Fleet Ln, 1-IB. DON'T &ive It away, get Classified section. Sa v t" Dial li42-fi678 CN.·ner 64&-4328 quick cash for .lt with a money, time & effort. Look HERITAGE Open Eves. 54Q.J1.5l Anylin1r EASTBLUFF REALTY Call lL" for olhM" Blulfs cxclusivc listings, '.! 11 11 VistH De.I Oro NEWPORT BEA CJ f : 3707 Inlet Isle -Harbor Vie'v lli\!s. Lrg. •i.sty. Lusk built. 4 Bcirrns .. Fam. rm. 'v/ ! ~le. in sep. 'ving. Pror. landscp. & decor. ; gs:~ bo.~~~. ~~~~~~-~~. ~--~~~d_c,~~~~9~ Dial 642-56'18 lor fl.ESUL TS Da.11.Y Pilot want J.f!/! now!!! i .:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;~G~e~n:•:••:l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l:OOO;::-i;~~==,:::~~;;;:;;;,!,=:;=:===::~======~~==============­l,:oi 1000 G.neral 1000 General 1000 VACANT 644·1133 644·2467 Evos L'IL OL' HOUSE [~~~~~~~~[ j' 3 BR. on R-2 lot, 1969 Fuller. " ton Ave. llve in front, build' FIXER UPPER : Mrs. Harvey . , 128 HARBOR ISLAND RD. •Open House Sat & Sun. 1·5. $02,500. Calif· ~ ornia living; Hi beam ceiling, immacuJate ·• 2 bedroom & convertible den. 2 Cireplaces, ~21A baths. Add 2nd story for v .. ater view . .~Mary Lou 1.1arion ' " ' OPEN SUN . 1 TO 5 , NEW LUSK LISTING We have a new 4 BR. 2'h: Ba. Lusk home. t1ThJI house has prof. landscaping, 2 fire-- places, dining area. !am. rm. Open Sun. "l lo 5, 915 Sandcasllc , Cd~I. ...... $49.950 ~Joe Clarkson J I ~ . TOI' VIEW· . a. ~ CAMEO HIGH~DS , • j!New listing. 4 Bdrms. 2 ballis, 'lrg. tam. :room; 3 patios. incl. one poolsLze.. Jmmedi· :~~~=~~~fs·t~~ ................. $49,500 .. i! CAMEO HIGHLANDS ;:First time offered in 7 yrs. -Orig. owner j!,-3 BR. 2 Ba., kll -Fam. room. Room l;far pool or add. "Sparkling." ...... $43,0\3 COLDWE.LL. BANKER & CO. tSSO NEWPORT CE'NflR Clt.,- -NEWPORT BtA~H aJM1IO -~4311 l li' I Uke To Travel? Maybe you·codld use a space to park that travel trailer when you are home. Adult occupied 3 bedroom home on the Eastside Roomy family room with beamed ceiling. Separate workshop ideaJ for crafts or holr bies. Full price just . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,500 Vacant And Waiting In Westcliff Sparkling clean with new carpeting through out and complete redecorating. 3 b ed. room plu s formal dining room. Lovely covered rear patio. Mature trees and dis· tinctive landscaping. Owner will heir fin· ,aQ,Ce wjth~% down and carry the fll'S '1'.U, Solid value at ... , .. ;, .......... , . $42,500 3 Beciroom-$17,950 Looking for a bargaln? WtJ.1 here lt Is. AS· sumabfe 6% financing 'vlth a total payment including land purchase of only $133 per month. 3 bright bedrooms, all built in efec~ tric kitchen, big fenced yard. 2 car garage. Convenient to schools and shopping. Great starter home. •• FOR A WISE BUY COWWORtHY & CO. 642-7777 F.._._...,...... .. L ... I•• k...i l11tffM1M i. A W ....._ c...t'P fnie lel1rm1111•I• a.... Cell,., ......... ... Solve ci Simple SC1'Dmble:d Word Puzzlt tor a.Chuckle llEAPPA I 1r11r 1••KDON I I I I' I I • '"N' N ..... afo. · r 1· r 1· r r 1' 1· 1 tfTT[tS IN S9VAlf!_ . _ . _ _ . . . ·e ro,sc;;;~ lfTTUs I I I I I I I I I SCRAM-Lm ANSWElt IN DIME·A·LINE ) Jn rear. $15,750 • Low down, 849 GOVERNOR ST. 0J)9n Sat/Sun 1-5:30 ~ Bdrm. 1 bath. Just repaint. <"fl inside A out, Lce.-fcl)ccd yard. $20.500. Ca.11: MR. ROBINSON Davia Rt'alty 642-7000 OPEN SUNDAY 1010 OAK ST. SPOTLESS I Reduced to $23,9501 J BR + fam, rm., 2 bath 2 units -cloSc to btach & t channrl. Includes boat moor. 1 ing, Onl~, S23.oon. f, OCEAN FRONT 1 Tlus 3 BR. 2 Bath with beam. ed ccflinp, fn Prim!! beach a1'C'a. 0\\11i;-r leaving 1tate - !\take oUcr. Asking: $57,500,,. ~<:",., : .... ,,., Nl>ar Npt, Pnt1t ore.. 646-2414 hon1c. Cov. patio, swxfeck, ~~~~:!\'!!!"~~:OI rn.iit trt'Ps. Take over 5:~ % PROPERTIES WEST loan! PRESENTS BALBOA BAY PROP. A most dislillfl\lished home 673-7420 ANYTI~1E for tJ1e eminent buyer, Ctllt. * By OWNER bit. wtlanta.stic back bay view, formal riin. rm. l ·I BR:, 2 BA, rul-Oe-sac, Eas.y <!ream kitch .. gourtnf!ts de- m11int-te1Taced lot, prof Ind-l11j:ht. Lush lnd5CJ>f .. w/ pu1. 1 11epd, Ne1v gold shag crpts, 1 ing g:1ttn8 & pool 1teJ)!! Rtonr frplc tnr !o c<?tling:l away. Onl.v S64.500 & owntr N,..,.,1,y painted, Moving 10 ~·ill bt!lp finance. 1170.C~ Ohio. n1wt i;elt fasl, lmmac 67~130 675--1642 • !mmed ooeupe.ncy, $27.900. m BrentM>Od Pl.. C.M. * BY OWNER * :;46.19!J Oruntront Home, 3 BR. utiJ BY O\VNER _ 4 B::t. 2 rrn. 5'wtng rm, tiv rm w/trpJc & ocean vinr. pullman ba's. 58xl35' lol Roomy kit. wfbltru " Very cleAn -rfady lo movt 11.vcado shag etptg thrD- ln. Crpls, drps, d.!ihwhr, l F 1 .~ / "" l sh'l\'t'. tmm!!d. pos¥Mion. ou ron iu w pit. 123,000 FHA or owner CM CABANNA . .$63.SOO. 613"990 f\nafl(.'C. $43-3'Z4I or Cllll 693-3671. BAY AVE . DUPLEX CUSTOM BUil T 2 ~todem unlla In bt1t area. Comrort11.ble lf\•lng. Lt; Jl'nc. Easlly rtnted, idlqUll(a ""' I rri lot. \\'1'11 land11Cpd, 3 ll'R BR'15, 2 BA'l, 11):: Uv & din turn. Tcm1s: $S!.<m. cm. ""'''" kit, 2 """'' BURR WHITE Il<'lliOli. S29,500. CAii :HS·~~ REALTOR for "PPl.. Prhx:1pe.la only 2901 N,c.y,·port Blvd .• N.8. p1 .. ~~.. sr:.4fi~n 5n.22i;3 r.\ .... , ---..-........ -~--..-....-.------~--------~ -.-------------------·-----?" -- • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALii I HOUSES FOR SALE S.aturd11, !eptembtt 27. 19'' HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL! -HOUSES POR SALE HOUSES FvR SALE DAll Y PILOT tiEi HOUSE$FOR ... Ll""1t Newport Be1ch 1200 Dover Shor•• 1221 Unfver11ty P1rk 1237 Caron• dtl Mar 1250 Huntl1'J9ton Bt:.cn l:itOO Hunting.ton Bt•ch 1400 Gentr1f IOOOGensr•I 1000 G1"9r•f \VA't£R1''RO NT duplel< W/dock. Ntw kit, erpts, etc. $62,:.00. A sttal. By owuer. 67M702 ·I BR. 3 bltth ~ beach, clubhouse, tennis crt, Pool. Lease/option. 6"2·Ll91 ur 646·2838 eves. LUX\1RY ' ' EYE APPEAL lleaJ.'t •ppetl.!1 pum "-Pfleal. 3 &. wllh. at.rlum; J.11101')' townhouse. Low $31rs, SM It! e Red Hill RHlly Univ. Parl< Cenltl', !.-vine Call Anytime 3$3-0Srl •• OPEN SUNDAY 1.S 1900 Sf'adrlH ln br.autUW. Jt., \'ine Temt.ce, a private rcsid. lll'Ca. 3 Bd. 2~J bi., U11u. & d.111. 1·n1s. $54,9.iO R. C. GREER Realt y 3355 Via Lido 673.9300 FAST MOVE IN New homes, ready to 1nove in, lh mi.Jc -koni beach. First payn1enl up to 60 days after move in. T..-ms VA/FHA. From $22,990. TO\VNHOUSE 3 BR, .1 BA. o/Jooking-pool, You painl & saw: Try $2500 Lin. Bkr 616--0P..2. CUSl'OM HOME Located In ~w l!f:ction Ba.ycrest, Oowr Shores. 4 BR. 3 bath. lh1ng room, loi:mal dinlog room ,._ faro.I· Jy roorn. Hu.re patio v.-ith <'WllOnl bari>et.'UC. 3 car garagt· 011 llU'gt ftt lot J250 $82,fJOO. Submit Tetn\11 or Coron. dtl Mir Trade. Call 'red Bolte I;;=====;;;;;;;;;; OPEN HOUS E 415 IRIS CORAL SHORES 2 BR, 1 1 ~ ba. rple, pinr·panellng. i;a1·it.i:c Cllll>Ol'I. Nr. lx'aeh. OIU', 5'18--0914 BLUFFS BAY VIE\\I, 3 81', 3 ba on \vide gre<'nbclt. Reduced S6CKXI for quick ~ale! 01vncr. 64~2W ---EASTBLUFF 3 Bdr1n, 2 bath, laniily rn1. deltLxi:. By 01vner. $36,9;JO, 64'1~240:l Newport Heights 1210 OPEN llOUSE. Sun 1-:i. 3 BR, pa1io, antiqur shul· ters. $28,950 by 011ner. 531 Aliso. Newport Shores 1220 e REOUCED $J.OOOe If you need a great (an1Hy home, see this ollC'! Lgc. liv. rm. plus lge. party 11n.; 4 Br. J Ba .. kitch, bit-ins. 1 1~ Blks. to beach. Fef' ~implc. $16,$00 Equl1y $19.300. ~1ay consider trade. e O"'NER 646-78~9· LARGER A-fraine. 2 S1y, l BR. 2 BA. nr beach, vacant. $29,000 011•ner. 612-3:N7 aft 6, & Sa( & sun: or 213: 43" ..... 2704 days. B1y1hora1 1225 OPEN HOUSE :110--299t Open H'~ Sun· d11Y 12 10 ti. 1907 Santiago. Neut ~fa.rt!Ji Realty * CAPTIVATING DHfClt'nC "Oki \Vorld" (.'On· 1cnlpo1·ary, exccutlvto 111xwy hon1e. U11obstructed Ba)' & r-.ttn vu.moil rn1s. 5000 SQ. fl. 4 BR , 41!r BA + ':'l~d'> qtrs. Idell! for cntel'\a1n11)4:. 1-:as)' 11111in. !mined occup. Furn. $178,000. Assume 6¥. ',!. IQCl n, Box 1632 NB, 548·7'M9 We1tc:liff 1230 * SP ARKl..ES &. St!INES! Ln~ide & out. Living r1n, din. lfl4:" 1·n1, r.lcc bltns, clean crpts &t drps. 3 BR, ~ BA, prof hxlscpd 1' n1aint'd, heavy shake roof completes this charming: honl<'. By owrwr. $41,800. 642-1:>98. University Park 1237 OPEN HOUSE SAT&. SUN, 1-4:30 182~6 Y\"UOW\\°OOCI 3 lgc bdmis, + a: hugt., "bon- us room" . 18 x 30'. Less than 1 year oid and ha:> niany, 1nany c.xn·al'i. Owner leaving U.S. and 1vants AC· T!ON. Be sure to i>ce tlus one~ BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. 8l1-01Ql BY O\\'NER • Universtty Park 4 BR, 2Y.i BA, Village 11 model l1on1e. l\lany e.'I{· 11'a.s. Prime location. $37.000 or \\lll sell partia l l y !<001ny family honic; garal:"c apt; <loul>lc lot; (on Garfield between Beach & Magnolia MUST SEE Unexcelled View of Horbor & ()wll('r \VL1 C<ll1)' 962-1353 Ocean Attractive sPlll lrvrl llo1nr localed {ill J\.J fidclll tor '1 apt unl!sl, :!JOO ~II. fl, lot. sm.wt 2501 Oct an Blvd., CdM By aJ)poin\n1enl only Bill G1·undy 675-3210 Linda 1$1• o ·.velopment Co. 1teo Bayside Or .. NB J ONES REAL TY 673~210 or 67S-0998 8 lboa p . 1 1300 BAY VIEW 63/4°/, LOA-N • entnsu a r:njoy fjtmily llfe in Ll1is bay VAC!\N1' 3 BR J r e s h I i vic1v hotnC'." ·I Br. 211 ba p1:1in1ed, iTpl~. flagstone Din. r111. 3 ('ar gar. patio, Btwn Bay &.1 o.:~an. nr 1210 S!al'board , Broadn1oor ~11•1tnn1ing bch & boRI ra.1np. Open Sun. 1·5 \Viii r.ons tradr tor v11.c land. Chc:>.hire ReaJ Es!a!e 675-2503 S43,500. TC'nnJ>. BEAUT. lh'W :1 B Rhome, FRANK r-.tARSl-IAl.L, R.lty . 1•lo:;c to twac:h 11·/ vll'w. 61!J.4600, 673-309:-1 Custon1 built fnr 011o-·net-. Drlvr by m C.oldcnrod. Lido Isle 1351 Call 673-5068 for appr. ""' OPEN SUN . 1-S ACTION!! l79.500. 211 VIA KORON Action is what tlHs 01vnrr BE~T I NVEST~E N! Nifty z BR, honie On Juvt'IY 11"an1s! Brighi, l'h<'rry 3 61'. 2 Lots. f.t bdrni. units. \\·Rik street varant . Inirne<l. 21 ~ buth hooic w/big', bl~ !o shopp111i:: & beach. lligh octup9.ncy. Only S~Z,'j()O, living rn1 ., 11u1npus r111. 1nL'<.t111e. Try , Sl0,000 ca.sh LIDO REALTY INC. do11·nstah-s; ovl'.'rs~ I o t, do11·n. "C d .. c m rs n quiet stl'<'rt. Rt'ad,V lo on:u. CANOi'J REALTY ti75-::.j81 :un .Y Ut e e -~ -c.-o-"°'.,,--o=~~= ;i.3n Via Lido 673-1 .. 00 PY. Aclion! Action! A8k. INVE ST !\'EAR THl::l-oo======== S.i2.500. OCl'.:AN. 3 BR. 3'~ Bu., den, Huntington Beech 1400 O""n Sat/Sun, 1?:30.&:"" I I -· L•as• w/Optlon Abandoned Spanish c11sa, 4 BR, J bath, 2·story Lu.xu1·lous 1nienities, near ocean &. schoo.Js. Retl1,1.ced to $39.900. l\ATBLLA REALTY S~7..SOS.l ONLY $28,9501 LARGE <I BDRr-.1! Pl11.~ 20 x 20' drn! Assume low in1c1-est loan. Carpets, draprs, large lo!. Boot A'a1e! HAFFDA L REALTY s11 •. 1.1~s llAV E openings for ~ Real £state Salesmen In our new offlcr. Call for appointment. R. D. Slates, Realtors 536-8801 .. ~ "" :Z p ~. LJ1n. 1'111. Build -~l~~PPY aooU1er hon1e for Jncomc on "FranCi$tan Spaniih'' BEAUTl~"ULLY Decor. ~1 PLE lgc. lo!. Sonic v1c1v: nr. 4 Hugr bt'dt'OOnl~. Dc-l'fl pile BR. loit·nhoust". Assunir REAL ESTATE beach ,I!: shorn1. Bkr. a\ocadosh<J.gcarprt.~.·· Sep· r.1· c· Co 11 s·· "101 5'!!'~ FHA . By own~ r ~ ,) i:.., as! II')"_ '~"' 67:{..-2010 ar;i!r" fan1\ly roon1, 1vilh NO WAITING--SHORECLlf'FS SpcciuJ. 277 p11111urt floor and bc'11utihll S2ti,;,:;o, !li:i"2-5291 · LUSK HOME r.lorning Cat\yon Rd .. CdJ\L "Spanish" firrplacr, lctids 3 BR, 2 BA PI't'stlgc horn~. t '1"(J p L. sw·ro1.n1tlcU XI n 1 loe. 5~~ 'IC loan. ~aut. decoi\, iv/low malnl . 2 BR. & den, lge. fee lot. o co,·c1 a 10 $'9,TM. 847_7180. ya1i:l, 4 BR, 2 ba. Assu1u-W.500. Open house Sat ~ by go1·gcous landscapin~. •vv able loan. Sun. \.fi. Lets ol (',>;;Ira roon1 fat· the ---------·11 O S t S 1 s 1·hild1"<'n. Elecu·ic built ins pen a ., un. · INVESTOR'S $JlCciaJ f~I R·2 !or 1llom. i:;xi!IUng f .11.A. 3500 SEABREEZE lo!s. S. of h11J' -i· 2 gd hi;es l.Oiin can be assun1cd ll'ilh 30~9 E. r.oa.st I/Ivy .. Cdl\t $~l8.500 Ov.•111" 1173-4169 Sl,500 doii·n. LC't us show BOYD REALTY •Oceanfront -Pool• you lhis n1ockl hornr. 675·5930 Carnco Shores -4 BR & Den WE SELL A HOME Huntington Harbour 1405 BEST BUY! 115 M;11m·d Ro. 67:>--0w; EVERY 31 MINUTES SAT. &• SUN. 1·5 P~t REDUCED $4000. furnished. Open llouse & Vacanf R.2 lot Garage Sale 111-J, l''ri, Sat & 5230500 ELEGANT OCEAN VIEW w I k & l hon1c, 3 BR, 2 BA, !ani rn1 . a er ee Owner + 61·1·1392 BUI LDE RS CLOSE OU T! I Fro1n ~J9.99() . Fro1n 10'0 dn r1nn1f'd. oceup11ncy • Exciting Pri1nr 3 8: ~ Bl'droom Homes Ruildri·s Agrnt. 546-6283 Sun. 18102 Lcather.vood. Immaculale 3 BR. 3 BA, \\"i1h dill rm. Steps to yach1 all· clloragc, Terms. No1v S~,950. This \\'on't Ja~l! 2591 Bay· ~hore Dr .• :'>-iS-8.fBZ. Is Your Ad in our ciasaifieds? Delancy Re i l Estate LGE. hilltop loL Pern1. v1e11' o! ocean & hills. Privacy. Someone will be lookinr; for 2828 J::, Coas1 H"'V .. c.dl\f Realtor 673-2010 it. Dial :":''·:56:7S=====·===6=7=3·=3=77=0 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ... , thiJ llo11dr dl,..ctory wlttl yey tlllt w•kflid en JO" 9• llot11M h""''"'· All tH locotio"s lb~d below •t• dflWbff t. ,,. ... , d:etoll br CMl•ettld11t m... •We 111 tedoy's DAILT PILOT WANT ADS, P'etro11s Qowl11t •pe• ato .. MI for Mile •' hi Nllt .,. '""' to llst well l11forinotlo11 Ill tltU c1lvm11 1ocll frldo'f. 12 Bedro om) 211 Via Koron (Lido Is le) NB 673-7300 (Sun 1·5) **20 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 675-6000 (Sun 1-51 12 Bedroom & Family or Den) 128 Harbor Island Road, Newport Beach 833-0700 0 644-2430 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2.~1 Larkspur, Corona de! l\Iar 675-3000 (Sun l-5) (J BedroomJ 920 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach 494-6174 (Sat & Sun 1-5) W4 IV. Bay, Balboa 675-6000 (Sat 1·5) 20422 Bayvie\\', Santa Ana Heights 546-0814 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 422 Belvue Lane j Bal. Pen in.) Balboa 675-4600 0 67:1-3095 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 2591 Bayshore Drive (Bayshores) NB 548-8482 (Sat & Sun 1-51 717 Poppy Ave., Corona de! Mar 675-2101 tSat & Sun 12 030-5 030) ** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Ne\vporl Beach 642-8235 tSat & Sun) 464 Serra Dr., (Corona 11ighlands) Cdr.I 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5 1 1501 Bayadere Terrace, Corona del Mar fi75-3000 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1900 Seadrift, Corona del l\1ar 675-3000 !Sat & Sun 1-5\ 3~3 East 21st St . (Eastsidc J Costa Mesa 43:i,i141 (Sun 1-51 324 Snug ~!arbor (Clif!havcn) Ne¥,rport Beach 645-2000 0 548-4810 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3256 Nebraska Ln (Mesa Verde) CM 545-9616 t Sat & Sun & Daily ) 258 Virginia Place. Costa l\1esa 646-3750 (Sun 1-51 1802 \V. Oceanfront. Ne\vport Beach 675-6000 (Sun 1-5) 20::12 Miramar Dr., Newport Beach 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) 13 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1125 Essex Lane (Westclifl) NB 642-1598 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2913 Chestnut Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 549-1096 !Fri, Sat & Sun 1-5) 1606 Harrow (WestcliU\ NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1224 Nottingham (\Vestclifl) NB 642-5200 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1901 Glen\rood (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·51 1363 Galaxy Drive I Dover Shores) NB 642-8i15 (Sat & Sun) 1014 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) tt301 Evening Star Lane. N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun I 302.~ Country Club Drive (Mesa Verdel CM 540-1720 (Sun 1-5 :30) 1147 Gleneagle. Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) 1010 Oak St., Costa Mesa 673-7420 tSnnday) 6981 Nyania. ~luntington Beach 847-8511 (Sat 12~) 418 St. Andrell'S Road !Newport Height•) 1'7942 J\1an n. University Park 675-4130o67iH642 !Sun 1-5) 29fl4 Ellesmere (J'vlesa Verde) CM 546-5990 (Sat & Sun . noon-5 ) 2043 Palo1na, Costa l\1esa 546-2313 :?51 E. Bay, Costa iVJesa (Sun 1-5) 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 134~ Mariners Dr (Baycrest) NB 646-1755 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 413 .l\cacia. Corona de! l\1ar 673-8550 /Sat & Sun 1-51 14 Bed room) 13102 Leatherwood, ( Unlversily Park l Village II (Fri. Sat & Sun 10·5) 15031 Baylor, 11untington Beach 847-252.\ (Sun 1-5 030) 1210 Starboard {Broadmoor) Cdflfl 675-2503 (Sun 1-51 **318 Buena Vista /Balboa Penin) Balboa, 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1756 Skylark (Bayer est) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *140 Harbor Island !off BaySide) NB 675-3331 (Sun 1-5 ) 14 Bedroom & Family or De n) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) 915 Sandcastle, Corona del 1\lar 8-~3-0700: 644-2430 !Stm 1·51 3707 Inlet Isle (11arbor Vie\v Jfills ) Cd1\-1 833-0700: 644-2430 (Afternnons) *4512 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdJ\>1 833-07000 644-2430 !Sun 1-5) 3500 Seabreeze, Corona del Mar 675-5930 (Sa t & Sun 1-5\ *ll5 ~lilford Road (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-6996 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1907 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 540-2991 (Sun 12-6) *1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 !Sat & Sun 1-51 1330 Galaxy Drive /Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1007 Holiday (Baycrest ) NB 642-5200 (Sal & Sun 1-51 *2015 Galatea 'ferrace. Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sat/ 4615 Perham <Can1eo Shoresl Cd!\T 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2341 Irvine (Back 'Bay) Ne\vport Beach 540-1720 !Daily 1·51 2722 Sandpiper (Mesa Verde) CJ\l 540-9719 .lliat 10-6 Sun 1-61 277 Brentwood Place. COs!a Mesa 546-1960 (Sat & Sun 1·51 **82 Linda Isle Dr !Linda lslel NB 675-3210 (Sun 12-51 2016 N. Capella, Costa ~1csa 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 1 18 18 Jamaica (~1esa Verde) CM 546-5990 (Sun 1-5) 1207 Berkshire. (\Vestcliff) NB 646-717l IS Bedroom) (~~n 1-5) **14 Linda Isle Drive, Ne,vport Bes ch 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) IS Bedroom & Family or Den) 16582 ,-\pplc St .. l"ountain Valley 847-2525 (Sun 1-5 :30) 1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2708 Mallard Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 646-8811 (Sa t & Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 4J5 Iris. Corona del ~tar 673-621 00675-0998 APARTMENTS FOR SALE land rent) 752 Amigos Way IE.,tblurf) NB 768:.? Edinger 841-44:15 Oprn r\'r«. Mariner \Realty As$OCiat1s ·-'· . ' ' Fountain V•lley 1410 $1500 DOWN 1u1d assun1r 7~< ~) loan on big ~ BDRM &-family roon1, 2·story, Owne-r'9 loss ean be your :::ain. All 11<'11· frallu-.~s and clean as a pin. $248 pays l'1•rrythini;. Call Ray Gaul! " SPACIOUS 3 BR· HERITAGE 540.1151 fan1ily home. Wife -save; WHY PAY RENT? sran1lrss floors. Flai;:s1011e Yr. o!d Spanish style. As· ri1t>pl11ce. LO v I! I Y yartl. ~un1c 5s< rt, PHA loan. 3 BR .. S~~·INER REAL TY pa1io. BBQ, bltn!. Adj. to golf 1:ou1'$1'. pool. $26,950 17849 Beach Blvd., HB CORBIN-MARTIN 842-5541 or 546-1322 REALTORS 675-16621 I:"'""""""'~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!• I :J036 E. Coast tll\'Y .• CdM I 280o SQ. FT. Vacant •t lxlr, 2 be, J\.i yrs SpJit.Jrvrl ~ BR, llonli.'. 1111-old, cor 101, nr Harbor &I Pl'l'~~vr s!a1r sieps & Pcn'cl'l. £di112er. ,$:.?8.900or \\'\ij trade J•'<f)l:'ni>ivo c1t•~liiig k (1J!i> for San Diego home Jim l to1n dn1ric~. Ron1an -d1·s1gn. c0, JUtr. 5i'1·4294 I'd pool 1vHfl Jat'U:r.l':i. Ol11lt'r has $4$,COO in\'l'sted & ha.~ CONDO, must sell, 2 BR.I niuvrd. Subniit of.fer. bonuN rm, 2 CR• gar, $1000 cio\\'n & assuinc 1oan. trade I l f '11614''~"'" I ,,% .... ,1 = 1 1 Desperate Owner 'f17111sfrrrcd and fl.JUST Sell bcauliful llunHngton Crtsl hon1c built around atJ·1u1n. A-l landscaping. lireciari 1>~1th. ovc1·gi7,Cd n1astrr Ucd- room sui1r. Bc11 buy in ai"ea! MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 Open House, Sat. & Sun. A nr11· "Classl(" Honie" 10171 PEREGRJNF. CIRCLE J.arE:e rcnr<"d {'Qrner 101 , 3 BR, J~, balh, Bcau1ilul car· pets throughoul. ~lodel-like furnishings can bl' purchas- ed. J111n1ed, Occup. 5•6-5880 (ntar cinema tlltatl!) OLLEGE REALTY JSIXI AdtrM at Harbor,CM. BEVERLY HILLS I~ !lie next Sh'J) up fron1 this elcganl 1110 SIOI")', 3 BR, 21,, h11th. h1111 1·m. din rm, 1111 drr·ur11rr1! profes..~u;inally Jn I g1'f'rn$ & hiue~. Nursrl"y· 1wrfcct lanflscapin;:. fron1 8.: rrar. As:;un1e Ille rxisling (;J loan. ONLY $J3,9j0. TR.ADE\VINDS REALTY 8-17·8511 $1 69 PER MONTH Jn("ludini:; tnx<'s l: ini;ur:111.:r. wirh SH!:.O do1vn, 3 BR, 2 bath. rlecfi'k buill-in range $.:.oven, 1vw cetpets. & dn1.p. cs. covered pa!io. Compl\"!c. ly ft•ncrd, Priced 1vay under the markrl At $16,fiOO. l' DIFIYP:M""' f4J.4471 :... 546-1103 TRANSFERRED LO\V 110\\'N, A~~UJl)(' 10 n1onth olll Cl loan. No 11u"1. Hyint. :1 BDR. 2 B11th hun1r nrar evcr)'thinl{, ()11·1~r an,,_;. iou~. The R t1I Et late Mart 847 .. 531 1;m1 Baylor, HB for boat or ('ar. 714: 96'1--03&1. Westminster 1~12 -----3 BDRl\1. 1 Bath REPO. Low down, Jo1v paym1s, BuiH-in rnnge. oven. F.P, $21,:XJO. BY 0\VNER 642-3092 Laguna Beach THIS OLDE HOUSE 1705 BELONGS TO A BYGONE F;R/\, Loc111ed in the heart· land of Laguna's Riviera Coostlinr. SllualC'd on ll't'e shaded ground.~ & shcHered by high brick 1valls. Jn palio ga1'tlen srntns: that 11froro.!s a SCENIC VIEW 01'' THE1 OCEAN & CATALJJ'll'A rs. LANDS. TllE ANTIQUATED J BO. RM. FLOOR. PLAN, 111 1'fm· inL~L't'nl o/ anot!1rr tirnr & f)la cf'. ~1a.~sivt" Jlv. nn ln "GREAT HALL DESIGN," IJAS COVF:D CEILINGS & I IEAVY \\1000 BEA,\15. ~VHERF. SOI-I SUNLIGl lTI JS flLTERt::D THROUGH TRANSPARENT SKY. L[Gl!T, GRANDI OS, L 0 C BUR:'JING FlHEPLACE, fl'amed by rough hewn lin1- bers & msnU!!. FORl\fAL DINING R~1. llAS Bf G BA Y \VINOO\VS OVER- LOOKJNC: TT-IE BALCONY WfOCEAN VIEW. Remodel('(! kifchc,D. opens to olde. fashioned drudgery k J>CWlni: roon1 lhat ovr.rlookl •hr pallo !crraee. TH I S IJN IQUE. OLDE HOUSE rlAS SEEN C.'Or-.tPLETELY nESTORED. llR11 nr.1v rloor l'<1veri'n~:1. 1•arpctir1g, df'COr. a!lr1g. eh· If you havr been looking for an older hon1e 11• '/ l'hitr.1('1Ct', consli1<'r llds al >J&,95Q FULL PR ICE Te rms open to offer MISSION REAL TY 98;, So. Coam lh1.'Y .. Laguna Phone 1714) 494-0731 Open SUnday 1.5,30 SPECTACULAR \VP "'ant to 11h0w you a fint .4 OCEAN VIEW BOit. IUlrd"'llOd noor home wlU1 t'Xl81h'ta Gl loan Yo\! A r c h I t e c t ' s contempor-. clln lake over. $23,900 laket; 11ry .,,,.ood Ir 1!11.u home. 2· all. \Vc'U hclp 9.ith tht Story Jivin,-11rt": 3 Bdm1s: down payment. R.ex L. k drn, \Vall p11.tio. $89,500. Hodges, Rltr. S.17·25%i Can)! Totum 4 Bdm1 2 Bn•h Patio nn PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN .'It..., 4o- 11 SOLD ~ Paul· White· Carnahan Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR Want Quick Action? In sellinCJ your home -list now and let our professionally trained staff 9uide you in sec:urlnCJ a top market price for your home. P-W-C BIG 5 1. Multiple listinCJ service. 850 brokers working for you to help sell your home. 2. Prrofes$ional advertisinCJ pro9ram. '3. Immediate flnanc:inCJ is yours. 4. PW C trade-in pion. 5. County-wide referral system. CALL NOW FOR A MARKET APPRAISAL I No Obligation Of Cour1t l WE KNOW IT'S TOUGH To fuid a lovely hoptf! at lhe right price In l\lesa Del J\lar, but \\'e found it. This 1.'0n1pac\, 11·ell-R1'• ranged of BDRM home is your an~\\·t;r. !las quality or graciOUSOf'S~. 1~ balhll, stall :>1)()1\·er. Spacious lh« ini; room. 11'/IV carpets &: rlrapc~. Lovely used brick flr~pla('('. Near $!Choo\tc and shopping. Large lTar yard \\'Ith patio-Only $29.500. £.z !erms. 546-54-10 KOOL-KOMFY KLASSY Rela.\: .... thll'I gracious pool ho111e ls a f1tlf' value. Feahu'Cs. 3 good 1lze bcd1'00111~ p!ull. Fan1i!y roon1 + l'v. baths. 17 x 71 living l'OOm. \\'all lo 11•aJI cpl!I &: drapes. rireplacc. S1e11 savrr kitchen. Bit-in~ &. dish11·ashrr. Doub\to yard \Vt'lt rlrvelopcd. Askin~ $3:l,9."i0. VA no do1vn or min F'HA lt'rrns. :l-16-5440 IUZZ-IUZZ- IUZZ Even If you're busy a~ " bee you mus! !Ice thi~ Plush-Plush n1ode111 4 BDR!l-f, :.? baU1 hon1t, loaded whh ex!ras. Bright kilchen with bull-in 01•en & range. High qualily 1v/11• t:arpels & draprs. Park-like yard w 1 I h built-in BBQ. 22' Cove1~ patio spacioll~ I i v l n Ji: room . Only S~l.9.l<I. I! URRY: 546-1)~40 WATCH YOUR WIFE l!<"r ">'<'~ \\'ill ligh1 up 1vhl'11 she !K'I"~ ! h i l'I ouL~landing kilchen 1vlth In door-outdoor w/w i·arJlCIS, rlectric buill-in oven & range. bakers ba1·, 4 BDRM. Mll.!ller hcdroon1 11·i1h o,1·n b::i!h. ~pacious patio. Price SlJ,::.00. l\-!rsa Vrrdc ;,.1&-J440 l BEDROOM & FAMILY ,ROOM Excellent location -L-0\11"- l,y 1nodern hon1e with au electric bullt-in kitchen. 1% baths. stall shower. LargesiJ.c bed roo1n5, load~ ol closet spa~. Spacious living r o o m , lovely s!oor fireplace. Qua.lily w/w carpets "- drap('s. r cnt'."d yard nice- ly landscaped. 0 n I y $26,2.".0 t:-Z tt•rn111. ;,.1&-5440 NEED TO SELL NOW7 LET P.IV.C. DO IT L1':ss TIIAN 2 \VEEKS 1821 Tltarinrrs Dr. NB 482 Traverse Cl\I :IOJ9 Tyler C?.1 10231 Kain1u H.B 1880 l\laui C~T 81J Camphor NB WANTS IDRMS.7 WANT PREFEUID AREA7 You\'(' \Vail c d long enough. Va cant 2990 sq. t@l mansion. Ba,.yer~sl. NC\\·port B!'ach. It reeks qu'aJity fn rvcry drtail .. 1 baths. Ali carpeted 111lth Grct·ian tubs. \Vallpaper. tlugc master separate bedroom \\'Ith O\Vn bath. t\lng SIZ!' kit. bit. ins, rormal scp. dining room. Plus park like yard sprinkler and heatl'd Tllhltian pool. A must u-e at 171.000. 546-5-HO WOWI 5'1•'1• LOAN Assume $27.300 loan at no interest change $233.00 1nonth h1cJudes prin., 1111. laxes, insurance. Vacan! ( BR. Eehllcr honie. 2 btlfh.'(. J.::xtra lg. lot. Lots of trees \\1'11 landscaped. Large kit bit-ins. Family l'OOn1. fo'inr att11. Ne<1r !«'hools. Only S 3 2 . 9 O O . Orangr. 54&-:»-10 NO DOWN PAYMENT Cule 3 BDR nining l"OOm In a quiet neighborhood, \Vell-krp!. all I re s h I y pain1rd. 2 haths. spacious living r no n1 , 11'/1v o;;arpl'lJ, dr11pcs. 2-<:ar i::aragr. Trrr-11hadr r'tlvr1•rd patio. 0 n I .v $23,ij(I. HURRY~ J<IN140 TEXA$ $IZE Terrific family home has 5 large bedrooms and 3 baths, 2 sho\ven;. Farm size kitche n wilh bu0t-l11s, dish1vuhcr k breakfast bar. ti.taster tiearoom with bath "- dressh~ room. 1~ x 27' living room, f.ln-platt, qualfly IV/IV carpr.U k cwitom dr-.tpe!I, Water softener. Pool ~ize 14 x 29• f)Qtio . Asking $36 .. 'iOO. Call for 11howlng. 546--j44.0 COUNTRY CLUI Atm0111pher~ with your o\\'n fun 37 foot Blue J.Iaven hrat~d pool with board It slide. Lots ot d~ck!ng. 3 good aiz• BR's, charming liv room mirror panell~ mantel. Quality hi1:h. pUe W/W i:pts & custom dra~s. blt·in kit. 2 bathi;, plu1 added paneltd ~ tiJe-4 n1mpu5 room. :Priet: ~31,3()(,. Assume 5%'i; loan. 546-6440 OWNE~ DESPEliTEI Thi!! -trant1fcrr~d and gone -vacant ~ BR. "'ell l."OnditioN"d home ,1·iJI delight som~ family. Near all schools I.: ~hop. ping. Different deslgn- Hu 1900 fttt of Jivinr space -25 foot Jiving lli'f wfth drifl1voo d stone fiI't'placr -st~p.o toa\'C"r bullt·ln kit. plua D'V -2 baths. Asklnr SJ:J. 7.30. Aiake otter. 54&.5440 DIRTY A NEGUCTED Grab your paint bnuth! '111is 5 BORr-.1 home J'M!eds help. Bui what a value at only l29,7Z,O. Vae1nt A 11·a1ting for a llmart buy<?r to pick this up and make money. 1~• baths, Oll('I' 1950 sq Jee!. AU ~lectric built . in kitchen, flisl11rashrr. l.iood loc:a· lion, nca:r school and ¥hopping. Call no\\' J·IG-$440 VACANT S BEDROOM Owner anxious !or quick llale. Vacant 5 BDRM, J bath home. No down PIY• men! VA, or minimum do11·n FHA . Interior all nel\'ly painted •nd carpeted. Largt-re a r Y 11 rd • s pacious Jivl"- roon1 , brick fireplace. ~v/w tarpcts, hullt-l n kitchen. C1ll for d~tail11. 546--5440 THE ILUFfS VllcAnt 3 bedroom. Much sought after ' ' Li n d a • • model. 2 bath11, sparklina kitch~n. built-in oven & range. La.rte livina room. fireplace, alngle level. Near grttn bell. Extra large enclosed p • t i o. Close lo schools I: shop.. pine. Price d a t $39.900. 548-5440 I Open House, Sunday 12130-5130 I 971 PAULARINO Stt this ouUtandlnr 6 bedroom. 3 bath home that has ovrr 2400 aq tt of llvln,z 1.r~11. Immaculate condition. High quality w/w carpels In moat room11. L&rp kitchf'n with built·ln oven 4 .ran5rc. Pool alzt )111td, pror,1~lon&lty l&oo.caped, sprinklers. Only S37,000. Open t2:J0.5:30, Inspect at your lel1urt. 546-5-440 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN NI\ 646-2414 (Sun 1·5) 1t , ••• 675-4130 : 671>-1642 !Sun 1-5\ I GLEN MAR ....,.,,. lnl<"rcon1. other r '.'c: tr as , m .950 J9'llt P1widN>« (oltiwell, !lanker & (o Realt11 -Co. 002-171:;. '! ! ' l . I I I I ; l i I I I ·' " j 11 I ~ 'I '' ,j !• ·' 11 I . I I .1 . J ., I :1 ! " :, I " • " • 3915 1nlet Isle Drive, Corona del Mar 644·1392 (Sat & Sun 1-7) * * Wof*rfre11t * '* • P1t l •llf Wftlrlro"' 550 Newpor t Centt r o r. K R S EET. OS A ESA 546 5440 ~$~UME "''' Gt loa,, 3 Newport BH ch, c.111. 1093 BA E TR ' c T M • ' BR. 2 BA, N!!llolklrt \\'est. 83U~OO 6«-2430 • • : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: °""'" .. n m.ooo 962-1.m !!!!!!!!!!!l!-!!!!l!!!l!!!!B.i-------------------------.i., ! ;. . . .. !1111!!2!!11 .. 41!2!1••••• .. c•uU'IQ!lll•••,., t"'t"'.""''''·!'!ISl!'C~f-"!.l!C!!2.-"4"'.!"'!J!! .. !"l/"l!F"'.!':'. "!."!9"·'-!!!1~.'l!t ':'l .. '":.'"':'!R~J-'!!.!"I. $!"'!'.'. '.'. :-:. -~-=..''.'. -:.".'. ~--="==~-!:':"::.:-:==:::::::.:-::::--::::::::: :;. ===:;~7,-:::;::;::.::.-:;:;_::_-;,-:--:.-:;:-: ~~;-;--; ::;..;-; .. . . • . • . 4 ----\.. ..... • 'f' • I I I I l· '.1~~;~~!!~~~~~~~·~'*~"i,._;·;v1·i!"'~11t~TAU '"..T'" '' UNTW _ . . "INTAl.S llNTAL .. ' ~tlffM.a . " .. :~IA~ tsTATi"'° ,,. ~ 1105 , -, l7DS HouH• Fvrolaliool llou111 Uf!furtli-~·;:i.:urftlo!>M ,Hf!. '""',""°" --!m: U~flH.'""'1' •I ~ .~ o ... ~ ____ ,.._ ~~~~~#=;;~~~=~;;1L11una !If,~ .. !70' 'l!~t-'",--HOO , , .• -: -4,1t1 ~ 411 Mir WI ~ ~ • 5!! ~ ~·. ,iji ~'i. We.W mo .' MOMAllCH IAY • • • U.OUHA ll!ACH 1B1t.3i.blbto~....,,\1 u . -4ln wnr,lc A AVA1Lo.t.1;;;Jllllt,f"lt! ...... 2 Ill. a.. l!f Ihy. PlOM.·I~ 'I , I .. -·.~ •• l.., NOTICI • Jn SW~ 'MOllltCh Bay near the' ltl>nla .new. "!"'IP· .-; aftll " "".u. 2 .... la<'°"' ms oo• llDO t • < 1 •tU. ~· ms . .w.111 "'*'· ~ . ..,... ·wa• 1 flM·MIM -"'°'·$di~ · KMlo'IO!tS a ~ '~ 'This "showplace" home desf1ned & i.MllJ or """nri"Mlf 'tll ~mo. Ind~ 6 pool mtttlri ~ 11hti0 tJ,,.,. 1-Bdtm., 1 -1111 4Pt>, ballM..( 'Aloo fltlo 1'Uo. .. UU' • Ttlf -~ 0( ......... ~ by noted. Archllecl W!Uiam Moore. July 1. ltTG. ·ID -m ,,...... At!......,,. llltr. l!!O. fUm1"bod 416 .,.._ 111 '-tho. Ho c1'll> . ll!J' oe ~lo; i?iliil ta 'Hu about 4.400 tq. fl. of living area. and c.Jon. ....,. 1itW .....,._ .........,., iili iiP.' Altntjlft 1 $li; 818 ""1'1 Ille. ~ -br ~ -~.. , !f! _.... Ito~- there's much, too m11tb lo tzy & describe 1 iiii -ill -N'°'4' 2!0il ,., It 3 BR, I IA. fin! ""'· utll oUI. Gi.et~ UY. 'l/AN1jD "m•turt. 4 u r11 NIAii st!OP'1NG t 1111; m llA rla ·1oo1e, ~~~ ":..;;.~ here. However, a few hlghllghls are: a 25 IL lurn .• uw. °""" "9w, 2 !Ill· IP Amlp W • • · "-· _.., • ,... 11116 ..,lllO>*I -11 ttnt HARIO!t "'"' ·-"61. ~ ~vall locWo ,: ,·muter bedroom wilbmarble tub. Big enlr)'· bib,.....,. IDQUq11ir.. m<oltorllMUO •allolt· ~--.,.. IUli TOWNHOUSE .,,., -Ho ptta, .,.... •elt ;::;:J° • oiltP""' hall picture 1alleria. UPique bu & wine eel· m1J -. 'iil.'hi> ba., 4fn, ram,,,,,_ I iR. i il ld1>ntiali0 c.o-111, ~II.VD. "'*'· SJOOld\O. MMoa 4'1tll l lieu!!)' , __ ,... lar, Huted A: Fllteltd t!Wllnmlng p00l, Sau· ' o, mt! din • .,..., ~--n-Oo. Btt."' ~cu.ttbnl ...__ · ...._ · CWIA JIJl.t, -4,._ to out llltt ""'" ·na Bath & dressing room, S-ear ga r a R •· '""'"'"' •-1• 2'IO "· 2300 " h, Silb .. '*"4ll """"' • drP<· . II. no ~I,..,. ' ~ Molt m D-1 1'42 OI' Piion' tor • 1~..W fom1 I Abou,I a aif tl<J'e in groulldr. walled 4.-f•n· 2 llR Balboa~ '" "4l ... ~ -=-~ -Cl.EAN ...,,.!or Apto. "'" HC<lllnf °"'"· u. .dd !or ·A,JISOl;UTE PRIVACY. Tr u I y a .. ,.....,..... ~'Ml!G wkl1.41l\:. I llA, 11lp. to liCii; 2 2~llll. lfulllOAJ;, 111 ~. All llW 111<1 llS..; UI-111-I • :Iii '° ur. tot -l>rvy Mlltllnl>tratl6c llldr. splendid home for enlertalnln~. or for either 536-Jlll. t'JWUO f:rplc • $315. PH: gc...W1 or N..,. Hatbor A-Mama. U5 E. i&i* Shllff. llftftllUR ~ JMI .,..e IMltr' 11111* din l1C Imnt, ltvint, C&lil. ' 1 ":casual or fonrial -livinJZ: "in-the.grand-man· siso wk, t. u :ii: u r 1ou1 6U--2831 Att 'pm. Evti '!l 5. *4:m. IA1i80A m-tM9 iACHtl.OI. Wl.ftltn t~e ft'I: rm.· A di-t ..n,., ~qto. _. Pf>ont: c,nitJ llMIU. -ner." REASONABLY PRICED a.I USO :OOO. _.., • .....,,apt. pool. F"'n 2 i ll1i"""""""' 5 BR, 21; I BR ha troiltr, iiil + uttL I 81t fUrn ....,, """' apt. '1lO--lnll 1 • 2 6 s -..,..,., •"11. Pool A i i:ANi5LOJiOS i I. ~ For complete r<tetail &: inlptttion, contact ea. 2 BA. (714) 57}-3003 BA, view CowttJy Club. Prt! eldh1,y peNOD tit Q50. Maturt ad:" It•. 14:na. Kea.* poola. ddJd rte. .,._ Nr. Cathclllc mi: RENT1.\; =VlCE . owner's aitenl ParUalJ,y furn. 5f&...115l mahue ttudtlrt. 131-THO. ~1tflt o.y.. I 4 2• 2 SI t cart c:tnt4ir, lldJ to~. a.iattta • Id*' 1 COfOQa IM:t.r,, ,. . ; : JAMES LOMAS REAL ESTATE Genetti 3000 l iiiiR l10. utU hid. iim.i •-!lo -'IL Ml -lllfll· 1 Jdi wtlll btth. IC'lvate ... 315 No. Cout Hwv. 714/494-1001 OC£ANFRONTS..-t .. ac' Nh(~rt Htl,,... HIO Nt .. portllY4. ••sl :moPa-1\'q .atlt.Y12W.e .,.._ No-· !70. • • ·-h c Ill ., Call -· Lido Ille -~ ..... 51$.{1)M .. ;J'" w .... N.J. --· fT5.0l71 .... ,vna --• , • . -3 BR. 3 BA, 3 fittp 2 BR houle. oomer 16t -._,. '"' m • . den. blt·inl, cp~ drpf, l Yl' ch&ltt locatioft, t' ~I c ' 2 i'A, 2 BA furn. mw j41rtt. .... Yf'ftO~ • pa c I 0". I 'fOIWNJl 115& Mw s 6 4 ( 'a. 1705 kr"'l•A\.5 leall! minimum.. No slna:lt prazt, Sl15 mo. 548 D Nr abpnc omter. No lMluxtlBtaptftirn. f ...... VII lats p , sncl IU'llU-1'3 M1fM ftp RMt Sf9I , .,unt 1ch ~ouHs Fumf~ or peta. $3?5 . mo. (Zll) Modena. 64U4.52 cblldnn « "ti . ....._ * ~ * • n•J "P' = Way. ~ or . --------- .. OH J LOTS Nowpert lloach 2200 592-1'43 Na .... ShorM 3220 I iii. liiil\I dJliiii, new H 1211......, ......... •-11-.r -.,_ C. -a ~ ;:.;.:a1~ ... ~: • .;. R.<tu: COMBINATION 1195. 4 BR. 2 S.. ChlldrOo a w,.-• crpll. !Um. drpo: t4tlltl. ao u = ....., ,,_ \let. Mll!ll ~·. 2\litl C-. '"1 M1f IUO Tlllltl Inn, 4lO V!G-~tr·. R~ ~cyst~ CHOICE • petJ v.·~tcomt. Avail now. NR Bt&eb. 2 Sty, lsf' A· pttt $151 + •tlJ. tc2..l5a Ntw 1 llt. SUI. I IA 2 k Sa.ate Ana Aw. &11).trtl (near Harbor BIYdl C.?I. "-m ..,.u ~ LIDO BAYF"RONT Bier. ~ill frame., 3 BR, 2 IA, sm;. 1 ii iPiX: w&ttr tum. iiliti SU5 ., stg.,.2129 (9 am te 5 pm). lilb. to bc:h. 2 bdrm, Den + Two bdma., den&: twa l>flthl. $200. 3 BR. ftnr:td )'tt, wfw, MJ-3M1 aft I. A ! ,l S 213: (1(11,y, n& ptta, .J't.:: mo. Nr Ocon. llli ~. rvap. ~tt 1U50M • wl~tclien' pr1vp ~tcbuild .. Atunl:loUlle Sllp tor larce boat. rum. drpl:. Chlldten &:: pett con-(!S...2'104dyt. c 8W.11th, Badlwdt1f15,P5,•f16. MllMf'•llJS. Mature wortdn& wem •~ + wiH lnwsttnf:nt. l5:A Wlnl•r. WXI Ytl.[IY. &idtrtd. mer.~ 2 iii: 2 iiA, duplex, idii'.w. i R&ilaii ,..,.m; i :3ID l 11tb 1'13-lTM, *-111t Vft""'"1J IV' _.,. prettJTltd, No • m. 0 kt ai . • 0.Z,,'t,.';"~~~ IRVINE TERRACE l195. 3 BR. 2 Ba TownM<. $1'5 ,,... MU:!!. 215 1l21111. ~ 2 111: 2 &i ,.; p0tio. HM J •• ••·" ,4ulto •• ,... 64&..oto. Sptttaeul.ar V1ew, Baya.dtre . RIO \ ID o--.. ..... -1n g 22nt1 St fC-:3IMi ' . an -. ~ wo~ ON 1'tN Aat.5 I r.,..,,,..,c:,--,'=-=:-:.,...,=~ 1 e BY OWNER i Dr., 4 Bdnns., 4 Bath$. Patio, \V/W, ' v • ~ ·-..-.t SL ~ 1 · • • • .a >:'ftllt potl, ~ ~ up. $115 1 6 2 Ill J"uro 6: UMan ftOOM for rerrt. ln Privl~: a.tom built 3 B n. Beau! furn Pool 3 0..r Bkr. 534-fi9llO LJ.DY pttf. l.oYeJy, .._, month · . lTil Tustin. O>ltl Me.a ~ I flriv. »&Hot I bomt. Mtn or .tud•ntl. I Panoramic ocean v I e \V n.ooo· Per Month. . EXF.cUTIVJ!. name 5 !It. 3 ... , llvff tt42 ~~· \ltll:.r.o:Uo· Ad:ll:I. CLfAN. l ·BEDR06?tt Mir. ?.Ira. C:mon. ~ .'OoU. Ttmrla .eontanlJ~ * ~2114 * I::!. W•lk to ,.,hool, K&thm> Ra"'"°" ::.;;r•:.;;~\':, bltnl EXECIF,'}VEU: .~~~f!' 131'1"' 1 :r:i. llUl'Lif iih5 $'5.• "6-7041 Or1elova .,ult LI~ .. · ;:•• Lona!.;,,00!.-jlri~ "!!plEP~ ~~ i:,:-c~li Qtie.n satfSun. 1-5 ........... mo. _. 1 uu•uv 0 y. FrUhiy oatnttd. Garftntr. Orin .. Ceunty .ilM -"' • -• • ~- c"" - 'IOO Rettrence1 ex ch an at d. Ll ...... -. Clll: '*'2UI .. -•. ;:r: 1'Uft.N • urnrn 2 JA. Otts. N su. wif-5'1=-0ln . ~ SKYl...lliE OR. I ,. 644-2557 --1 SINGLE Yowic adults. IUJC· 'fi!/w ape., trplc. Pool, j;tf. Pi'il f'tlOn\, bl It •ftC'.ifi ptt 116.500 <M-0114 (ol.L..tfl •-•er & (o. LARGE FENCED y ARD -""' t .... n apb. wtld cltnt• O!C, No tlllMM. ! ~· !, b&.l'r",?k>. Cptd., me. 2US Eldon, apt I C.M. * COUftty of Oronr •" • -eov.,... patio 3 BR , baU.. Coron• dol Mar 3250 ~ ._ 4200 ........... l&dllllto a ....,. MISA IAST A"1'$. ;;-· .:="':,,.ltid. "':; '::; Mar. j AUCMON oc:r. 3()tb. 1!169 550 Ntwport Ctnt1r Dr. tfl'l'plart built-in~ 1 n ci pltte privacy. Sou~ a..y tts !:. lath, C.M. MofttJs. yearly C.AR.AGE tor rtrit ov~ 32356 Stoninsfon Rd • ThNe New~rt Buch~ C11IH. much ~rt~ Families only. F'OJl LflH, CUM& Slwt1 I Ntwp0rt Beach C11tb Apta. 277 s •. ~7· k 54&-STt.5 · doublt-SU ~. A&ait Arch area. 4 Room. 1 bath. au 00 644-2430 $1'l5 month. Agent: 546-4141 moe. or less. 2 ~· convt. OltAND Ol'INING Br&oldnnt. Maheim tn•> NtWTu. 11.4. •" ......... t. ~ ~. Uyti~. I Opiln HouSe Sept, 26th, Oct. WATERFRONT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba · den, 2 Ba, •pu. hvtna rm, IMMIDIATI ~ DtN. -... ,.. %0th . u arn-z pm. htin bid EASfSlDE. Small 1-Bfi. dtnlna rm, cardene:r pd. OCCUll'ANCY ceillli _dlf'1wha', pttio, beam a.a 2 Sittptna: f'OOt'l\I, a1ta 1. pl,OOO. Call 834-2560 :~,:;::Cfl ,:1":~ ~~~ house $85. Freshly painted. s:m mo. 573-177& Luxury tudtn tpart!Tlt"tt Gar4tn Orne 4'tO ce:; ~.· ~11;; ~ ~ts. ~ :r w/Mp kit.SM ~ $70 ;er !ft&. 180 oEdftiE. VJEW LOT i•w· Olde.r man or wom"n, NO\V READY! 3 Bdrm. 2 · r •· w. -El~n. COAOlJDO ApU 2 nl\, un. Quiet empl men ~ of white wattt I: mutline, Finley or call 133--ll.34. pmnailf:nt tenant on I Y. bathl. Not tu trom Fashion :!'!~:.a i:f.:..~;•: SINQLE Youn&: Adult& Lule• T-GOl2 *'*' 7 Pl'."'• $un. Mn. aP eltc kit'er.tn1. Yrty 1't1RN"1toom in .btaut CAM small but~. $1,950 \Vlth BAYSHORES. f Bdnn. 3 ba. 646--2113 l&land. Ytar round Jene paralleled rtmaUonal fl.cU-UQ' iardtn tpll wiUl c::euft.. 3 ilt 2 lt O,U. ~~ lJt. $llO A i:· Adlllts, no homt tor MSI penon. SUS. $1.!))) down. bill at $85 mo. ::;,,~~~~~a~~~~ EAStSIDEi'f'BR home, dbl UM. BIB &T;NOOO, ltlt1 tn a country dub at· b",V dub atmotphttt tnd ~tnl, _rr,tc:1•>fwbM. Pttio. :;!'~Alie · a)\ !urn. Rffs. no smokers. fB.4169 AD d 3 pr. All utilities pd SlfO. 4 BR. ho / 1 mo1llhert. Now llu1fta in complete privacy. SOtrrH u~ pr . .tWulta:, no Pfls. , _,.. ;a;:r;; pleuant room lh 494-ll~ oryn. 67-1021 mo. 646-l!BS Agt. 2 BR Sm!. kneed yd. l panoramic m:il'w~ ~I v: N•wp&rt &tatb. BAY Clo\.tB APTS UlOO !4G--1t'ISI, llG CeriandeT ~· f •rt. 2 ti&. 81tns. cpu: .• ~·h,omf:. Elderly man BAYFRONT A dodr.3 Br. 3 child. no do(1. 646-~ buches. Arent f73..2:222 l"urniJMd or untumis."ied O\Spman avt., Garden ilfi6i J ii. ih.ar:O: O · PaUo, trtts. So. of preilmd. 5'8=3T90 ~···· Niguel 1707 :. ~~..!:""" ~· '. BR .... Euwde "" .. ' '"°,;;..','' ' BR, dbl ....... ,, yml, Mod<o'' 't'Knw• ""oo'·o; Pm D~n4J ~1 Br 'cw ~.'i:"'oii:. ~ ... """· l22S ... ~-COMtO!tT All.E. Adj l>ll!>. • m"' re · -' '· OK tor bool. tnllar, "~ " '""""" 11• ' ""'°"'"• ' . pari<'r , 'N. ""°"'· -Lagun11 Nigu.I Terr. 2 BDIU1 1~ Ba GL-aat Oct ru,,.. I'll.rip, water pcl. S2SO mo. ff3...202S G& ·DEN Utr, ectu vttw, CU"ptlft, Aft. etlJ ~ ...... noo o't. w.1i4f:, CM. LI W2IOT N•' 250'.I IQ. ft. J.4 &:-5 Br. 1-July l FamDy onl:y $95. Ill 546-rm Evt>s. ~ft Sle 1 ..... Uti1 pd. •tfll i BR IU!fum, new Siid liftf,. " _ 2 ..... ~ y arl l1tt 1-''----'-----hom., in ocean vi•• area. 5J&.29l7 &fi.r 5, 30. &P' &RTMINTS "ti N 1411~ -• ·~ w• t y ,. _ . ______ _ I W>d ~ 3 BDRM 2 Bath + pool. Huntlnpn llotch 3400 " " ~ °'· o e ~"--!of !ttv• j,. ~· N -C'.lrpeted: ront k:lt"'"• OCEAN TRONT fun house. 4 t.arre pa.tio. Garart in back lTCI> lllh l!itrfft Laoune faMeh •10S Santa Ana Ave., Apt l 0$ .. ::, .. ,_.. _ .;.:,:;,.. r. Mtt•lt~ Trlr. CrtL ~"7 · 'fFitb .ipnnklers; bltn&. .elf· BR. $250 Wint('t. Boy& ok. I I ·• R_. 2 BR 1 BA dbl I"''" I•-1175 ~t.'==-="='~='~z::=-1 3 •• , ·-·• o ot, convert..... "'"'" or . , .... ..... n4: et1-a110 ......... E 2 •1t --·-'• .,_ · · - .... --ACES c tarunc own; ... ,...... . 673-3088 .,.,,, .,,,.. d I'°' 1_ + ..,. a..n.nv D ~· .. •""" '™"' "r SS'.150 To m.950. Excellent leue. S200 mo . .,...,.....,,.. )' . ...... mo. IJl mo. ....... SINGLE You.I\&' AduHI 1.A&X· au. No. tnd. 2 blkl to NEW 2 t1t Apt, East lid~. I Ibo• I ,.... SilS . fi!Wlcina with declining fn. 3 BR. 2 BA upper duplex. S?itALL 2 BR h o u 1 e , l'f'turnable clng de~ ln adv. ury ~n eptl wttta ewn, 1lift~ll. #(IO. 'M=Tt97 '1r CfU: *Js. blt-ln:I. ~. ,.! · • 1 Pb"* P~?~ tere st rate from 1\4 ~ to Ye.arty rm. Adultl\ only! rtdecorat~. $120 mo. BIOl Newma~, H. B. -club atm-.,,~,.. ... _. -. ,..__ encl d pr, P\1 ~at I o . * YEtt.itLY, Mw 1 •apt.,• :;;=:=-;,C~C...,=-.,.,:=:.J -~ B "" "'3 -.... .,OQ ._......... ~7 ..... ....a. '"' · 'WfEY.LY rites Sta 6"'4'it. * u<~ * Adults. l R, Villa racllic Condo complttt privacy. !Dunt LUX 2 Br, 2 aa. oce&nfrt. in · carpet~. IWI ..... _, wtinS, ·Lagun1 Nigu.I Corp. 6l2-a101 "'fall extra!. Pool, tennis, BAY Q.UB APTS, Jl'YW at Lag Roy.ale U50 m-1700 J BR ~ J~~ Sa, tlee WJp. ni..t.uc Met.ti!, 2301 Newport llvf., •ll+t st7-n61 Coron• def Mir 2250 4 Bdnn, 2 bath. L.&rie re~ P•~. Walk to sc~a-bf:ach. 11th, NeY.'POf'l Beach. or fro...o,w t* · bltns, nr S. Cout PIU.. •2 u, Mw, <.T'f)ls. cfttt, 1...;°"".c;..:.....td-""------1 I:======="' 1----yard. ~n ~ pett OK. sm. Mo. 962-tl~,) (n4) ~ . $150 W/ retrta:. no pets. blttrv, noo -)"ttri)' 1tut. '---::-----:-::::.! D P ' t 1730 . BACH l'urn or unfurn. near ~9 en. -· 1• R 1nt Oln PRIVACY plus! CbarmifW Z &U-8951 3 HR, 2 ba, df:n, frpl, .,·/w Q E A U T J l' U L Ly film. Mach util lncl vi r y ~ MIN. ent1l1 !;:,='-'-='-----~R tum doll house.ocean 3 BR home. Next to St John.I. crpts, 1creened porch, ~· (Spanish) 2 I.DR apt 11"1' nlet 11• lS &Mt25• A"V°'A"ILA""Bl=E"N"o"•-'."'2-:B:;D:;RM=. ======== · · * County of Or•nge ;;1~~ of blvd. Open bes.rn SllS mo. I.st It la.M nlO In refs, no pets. $250 mo. Ill· Hoe.1 Hospital SU.b-ltue · ;-:z;;: ·.. ctpts, drps, bltiM, CU110ft. Huntl'!f':' ... ctl 5400 •t>Ou&.E GAflAGE. US. AUCTION OCT 30th, 1969 cc1hnp, 1M,g CJ'Pli thruout. advance. Rell. M!J..l4?5 eludes water, I.st. $40.1&2 $210 mo. Inti. C'J1 HIWia rAi\J'Wus 1 91\ on octan. A4ulti. No pet.s. SCM16' • · · ClOM in. Cotta Meaa. Call MJ01 Amber Lantern. R·2. Blllns-breaklht bar, priva~ 4 BR l'lomt 2 •ltlry 2 ear \Va:y. IG-4U7. f'rple. util. CUI ~. Su.\ S2T5. 3 ir + sutet hM. Pobl. EX ... LUSIVI' 1..:.";;c1,o;ll;;;221c... ______ I 4 Room 1 Bath. ()pen House paUo. Color TV. yrly le•af! CLEAN l BR. wfw, •to\.~. praae ~tio Ji'~ d. OCEAN TRONf 1 ill. ,..c mo. 3&4 Oltt Dr. ~nu bltnt. w/w, 4rpt. Family • "' ~:~.zi;i~~thB1b1 am· $195. Call •ft 6 PM, 673-6513 :;'~tu~ cou~ teenapr Crpts i.: ~-PIS mo11~: kltehtn &:: llv rm. Nlctly rifltN. atnall tlJr1 pl.ct & aml ~ O.K. iii'~ ON• THE•llACH tJ.1.7"' CAI.I.'''""'° lalbot 2300 ' BR, ~ • ...i4 ,.,,, 8la2 Aanl• Dr, H.B. ,.....,,, ~ .. ·~""'..:'mo Ind ~· nt. Mad>. 11(10. ·1 i 2 Iii\ •Ylll. 6Ci. lat, 2;. I h4rOOltl Apta. .. 1---------drpa. prare. No pet.. l T4 3 BA. Cmdo. Crl'ts. drps, ~ · ~ · -0 l'I l Y · r""'=~-----Bl tins, eltt paid. 241 Luxltiy livinc t6 ~UM the 121.!0o .... $!11>1 C.1 '1 Ae adj to Vtl\SCM DeflL Sta.\er ?.Ort and t!sty bid.I nr. Duplt:c renfa $190 picyt plti SW.I In •.• ~. $15,!Wl fq\rity LEASE. rukNJSHED. htonte Vilta CM bltns, Sl7'$. 9!152 C.Ontin*ntal Ul.>-U:.S or <213) RINTALS Wllt11n, CM IU-MOl most dllcrlminif:inC. Now •'~•-ndo __ m_ln_l_u_m ___ 1_u_o Peninsula. 45' biQ' tront&C"t ' · Dr .. HS 2U/431-TU4 a::EAN, Lrz, dtNxe 2 or 3 A,tt. Unfurni.._. ftAUt: l..,.e, print• i fiR availlble at "'ffioat. 2-Story. s BR, 4 1 BR duplex, quiet 1treet. 3 BR -d di.I-· .. , Br apts. Bltns. frplc, wet _..;..______ n., Huntl...ton • rosrJN Area. 6';"f. loi n. BA plus S\vimmer·1 dmia-\\'atet pd. $100 mo. Older I ~ rps,. .......... bar, blk OCtU' i.. ... Avail O.neret 1000 untt, yard, drps, crpta, lfl .... lmmac 2 BR. !'lir cond. Lots . petlOn!I ca)] 6'U-8221. Call .982-8578, ·' 0 r In· J~~~:§~~~!f~I;;~~?.:;~:;:~;;. ltovt. au. mo.~ .61 D"tral!. 67~2741 Ag1 . ing rm w/shower. Front all formation & appointment. to Junia 3). $210 up. ~O PICifiC ~la511. Olshv.·asher, dispopl, 3 BR, 2 BA, crpt1 I drpa. OCE VENDOME 1 BR. erpts, drpt, "*"'·ty 2 refrig. aeparate trttw, Bltln kitchen, nr collegt:. S225 MO., lease: 3 Bl'. 2 Ba. AN Front )'l'ly bt. 3 BR. df:cttrattd. Adults, S 10 0 . ~ S25M when tht m truie. lhlwa: Dbl oven. eltttric 1tov(', s:m. 12131 846--5459 Afttt 5 Bltns, cptll, drp3. Near '.! BA. Dtluxe. m5 mo. SU-1579 after 4 P'f.t b · 1 1: 11ehOOI•. Call: 962-l639. 220llt \V. Ocean Front. DtMA.CULATE APTS! i BPt ""'ll~ E-sid~. avail RENTAL~ ~ Houset FumlahH SM Y.'. 191 h 54g.9493 I. yn. El\EAI. TY I s e Par• I e r o 1 er · 1 EIR turn cottaae. $130 incl -~3914 Al>ULT • f'..v.m.Y ... 'f 11) Ocean Ave .• H.IJ. h'-ne-'-rt'-l ____ ,02000-"-' tollMerir. Laundry rm utilities. Garqe. 64>-0436 $1n Cltmente 3710 NEAR Ntw J B turn apt. \I SECl'IONS AVAIU8LE ~ .. ,1~.4Wts enly. $US. m.o. <TI4J 536-ldl -Automatic £;arage ope~r. 1rt 6 or \Vknds .... \e; '" -Q fl«>. OO'tY l BT ft'P. ~. Yearly or winter. 673-2039. l BR Mesa Verde . 3 BR. 3 ba. 2 fl"pl. a, nWd'1 ~ ~ ~rlya.ske-:. ~~::c:.~:P.~'?~ark NEW 2 Bit. SttO. iltn1, * llACH ILUl'f * 513 \V. 19th 548-9493 6 Units • $39,100 1 ~ ~ E ·•id e Sl7j \Vintet lease. Peninsula Corner lot, tra; yard. Ctpt.t, nn., UO' Ocun view exec. Don Crevier * 2 !tdrooms patiO, IU'· Adults. only, no New 2 6 3 !Jt. 2 BA. FOf(· Point. Sptlc.ious 2 Br. Call er drp~ bltna ~. home. Lte.e. !PlilLi: 3 SI\. talJlt. IUfto *Swim Ptlal. PuVltffn ptl1. lSO 211t st 541-2121 ed air, dahwlhtl. p&tlo. Exctllent rtntaJ rttOC'd. TGJ• for 1m.all lnvtttor. $$IO month mc.me. ""'rite Mrs. Beardslee, 213/ 4 iR 2 ·BA CLEA.NI CANON REALTY 675.-3381 dtck. Empl:oy"d: adult!. no * h'pl, Indlvllndt)o f.ac'll NfW 14 aft a.pts. ~. p»I, vitw. 1 • 2 stM)'. THE REAL ESTA.TEI\! 1100 Newport !lvd. 61$-nn ~~~.1:;~Y. Glen-All Extru $250. S4CM215 i 'AL~ pt11, 120 • 21th it., v,.ta.in 1145 An•hetm Aw. AdWtl only, no peta. sTa Walk to s Point Shops. SJIARE s BJt bouae. 3 ba, 3 -::::::::::::::::::::::::::= Apts. Furnlthtd nar fn4) 68&'503: eotrA MESA Ml.mt Avoetlh. 541-mostt.~I lwlneu ltnt•I 6060 Lido '''' 2351 -N-,w-.. -.-,-.-.. -.-h--J-2-00 ca.n1r11 4000 1 • » iii: turn • W11urn EASTsmE ,.. 1 l!lt. "'1>•· . i;.r,;&.~r~~ lt1nt1la to Share 2005 car aar 'v fmat u rf', imployed m & I e . C!ot. -646--lOSI. 5$-2623 ask Mr. ....... NE\VLY }'urnisbed • BR, 4 Tti. GORGEOUS Ne\V pttl. ~Ii; l~ N... Jlf'ts. $135 me. M&--11&2 SU"l\r$1Dt OiAL!:T ft Of lqer tatrly MW 11>141. --------c apta. Pool. No chi141'1n 6r crpta, bltlnl, 1ar. Mutts, no A.DULT L."VJNG WANTED: Approx 11,oaO 111§ Ba. A'ail S.pt 1'th. Wlntu I/I VAL O'ISERE '4&-4864 l Br. bltlnl. crpto A -· -AUanta, '"'-'*"' w"'. • .,cai.1:_ lutnltlon -,.. ,'.:~~ or torcer. (nJ) 1~9369 or 1 2 BR Li:.= .1....... M»•fl •" ....._ Upetain: Apt. No pets. 5611 -..... -.oa ~ • Q>llere Boy "''OUki like to <2lll 412-6692 TO\VNllOUSE Sinai-I br-2 br, Furn-uni. .I: .. ~ n.r-....,._.._ ""2 '"'a"'o"'JU1""". "'1"'1A.""'-,..,-:-,.=00-, I P.fesa=Newport. Beacb a.ru. :aha~ •Pl in beach area. 1 -~--~----Adults only. 3 SR. 2'~ Ba, Saul'I&, Acfy Rm, BUliatds KU·t\'-Pool-Mak! Stt. S35. ur .... -.11 .._. W. Wllaon:. ~. btated pool, v.·a1~ hook \\'ill considtt tak1nf ovtr fTh-1200 * f'\irn 4 BR. :: BA. Con-&au!. decorattd. S27i month Therapy I: ~· pool BBQ! ptr \li·k. Ir: UJI. TH!: MF.SA $1M upr 2 bdr, crptl, drpa. 9Q.aM nistint furniture 1tere. All 1emp, ne .... ·ly die. $400. Avail Bay & leach ~ Pa~n• Rd .. "2-8870 413 N. Nwpt Blvd. "'"9611 •w.,,,.,cw.,...,....,11 ililvt, rtfria, util incl. ~"-,~----~--~ oUtn v.ill be held in strict STAHLE. woritiog ,,,,,,man, Z.').30 to lhatt Ba.ck Bay condo. $100. 548-T87'7. JI()\\', Yearly. <n•l S24-TI09 Re1lty, Inc. WHY Rentwhtnf(llJcanbuy 2LctlBrturnS175.lil'un-·=~.:• RENT' .. "'f M2-33'73bf:Ion! ftOOft, 2pet1.' ~ ~tO:~t!j! "rmilittence:· 2355 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 30' tnllrr wtth I BR 6 BA l'l1rn $1!5. Em.•1 cpl or Neb. allO. 982-lSM b Philltp \V. Marty _B_•l_bo_•_l_•l_•n_d ____ M>:!OOO Eves. SQ.698f for $2.500 ltrms. J -5 ~ tor appt. 2 ltMMt l'urnlture Nrw!I':! ltHh. 5200 LJ\d Mach l\pti. Yearly Wtathetby"• 1'urn1turt Ntwport Botch 2200 WINTER' Baytrcnu . 4 BR. I "'"""...,"""""' ... ""''"'"'I eay,...,. Trailer P "k. VERY omlll ,..m apt. iTh $25 & UI' YEA~L y ~INTALS n it, pool. A4ult>. m l>lh ~~i. ~..::... Ca!U. ~3103 l~-'-------1 3 Ba.: 3 Br. 2 Ba. laland e LEASES • Owner l:llll 790-270S. rno. Util pt.ld. Stepa to ?i1onth-To-Month Rentals 4 91\. 2 Batha ••...•.• $350 St., Apt. i , KB. LINDA ISLE Rlty. 498 Park A\' e.. 3 l 4 BR. dl!\uxr Blutrs Con· Sl 1:J. BAOiELOR tpt. util btach. 644-44%3. \VlDE SELECTlON M6DtJlN 2 iiRs 11 tr NEW 1ndu1tria1 Bldss tor Nrw bt&utilul 6 Bf:odroom .Ii 67:>--1200. pd Private 2 8dr beach • IMpl 3 IJR. ~ Baths ... •· •· • S3ttl • a ex 8.S, ltue. ~ llCI· tt. 9c tt. 1m ~·. 4,; Bath homl'. 00, do homes. Rates from $325-· B-ok . 534-59&0 near Sun HFRC Furniture ~ntala 3 BA. 2 8titNi ••••.•• , S2G3 130. Avail MIA'. lTUl Km ?<.fonrov1a. CM. 813-9011. ·•;p, 2 Yr•• I•••• s·~· mo. \\linter. 4 BR . 2 baths S450 mo. Bay ''it!w 1-arttn-1 er ~~ ~ue11. -~St Slt/ 517 \V. 19th, CM su.3431 2 AR. 2 &aths •••••••• J26.j -z""=l.n=i:.::HB=. le'::'·::''"':=·== ·-~ • Good location or .. ~ wv.1 Ish1~ Rea.lty bell toe. Al~: srvrral cnotce su:;. 2 BR. Oldtt chUd, pot ..... y. ~ '1'"" • 3 a• 2 •• , .. _ •!Ullo 'l'.N ..,,. "· • • L Ind I I 3 .D!W 2 Ba a ... to bt.ch. Sl20 1 BR. ,..._ti, drpe, l\10, ""· -•ia • • • • • • • • ~J'll 11 hop ·-~ -~ • Se 4~ Park Ave. 6Tl-12DD turn. homrs avail, for win-O.K. Avail no\\', Brok-.... ,.. 2 9• I Ball\ ~-WMlmlna~r 5612 ct. a • '"""'' •'"' -.. I " -hi pool. Student O.K. Bkr. ""· ""· ••·••••••• .. ..., ====··~--= H"'1M'f18lvd. MS-254-4 . Devt opm1nt Ce. lf'r. 534--6980 Carport. ~....,.. mo n t y , M>-OUI 2 IJlt . 1 -.. rum , .••• , srra B1il Grundy 67f>.3'110 Huntington Bt1ch 2400 BROKER 6H-11ll $l3S. l BR S\\'1!'0nllnl pool. fm..t!ITt llfttt 1 pr,1 l aJt. 2 &... J'\lm ..•••. $250 L4Jl<;E 2 BR. Crpts, drps, Offlct fer Rent • LINDA ISLE • -OCEANFRONT 3 BR, 2 B>.. Nfat J're•\l'fY. Broker LAiiGE 1 idmi. nictly turn. Sl45.. 2 BR. 2 aa. l't/0. IURI WHITI blbu. Pttf~ple. 1 child ::t12 \V. Cst H.._')', 1''8 H>fAl(I Fc:r )OU &: your boa.I! 50 fl. NE\'/ 3 BR home, Huntington Z-10IJ '<I· fl. Sens,.ate lho\\"er '4'"lU w.. . , • 4 tnel d rar. w/w, avail now. ok. S130. ltnJ Mcfadden eoo....-3 bltn• ~b drps .. -,.... n@ w crpt, ~ .. Aft 1:1 , ...._ .,.~ ii.~.. .. ..... -·---'""23l4 ,,.70 alip .,.. beaut. fum. 3 BR. "'""'" ' "' ..... ' ' & dreuing f Ac i 1 it · QM. ~-~tun ....,..._,"' -Offl Rtnt1I .., ~.m,.e._1iilmmJ•~ ~~Uable for ~1:~~ ~.il:;.~~ pets Out1tancllna view. ~ ~o: 2 1iR •:MpU,y 1~ 00~0:, DbeE"'111...J:2J. 'i;~~U2 $110. sP&cttl&i 3 ii'. 2~1 Bat. 11f'::.wport ~~N~s. S. •oo u-laha.. ........ ,. , . .,. ... .., .wu1. 613·1442 Sun1n .. 64 ... ,,,~· 2 11a"t""h. .,"'!'!"~ ... ~. ·~·•"'to 'tltx· Nr echooll. Avall 104. "' .,.. ~·· ~ LAGUNA llACH ..,,d Rully 61;.;930 L ..... Botch 2705 I.EASE/OPTION Im MO. --"''' "'!· ii!!".;;;'~ lier. 66<1Ul. """ !~L,u!fl Cplo .. 1 ·.,' n. .,, ... ""';:·,,;I;, o:~~"1~ GREAT VIEW on main bay, I"-;;,;.;;._;;..;;..=;.....---Santa Ana n,ts 2'00 sq n I CMtl M... 4100 • wtNTEI\ PZNT.Nwl • SJ.20, l Bft. dr)s .• blb'ls Ovtrlo6km&" v-t>t. 1ttNe, dilhwuhtf. Dtsk spact available tn nr bea.t-h. 3 Br. 2 e.. $195 mo. 2 BR borne 1~ blks BR, 3~ BA. formal din rm, WINI1'1tSC> 1.. fOIS. Act. w/w, drps, pool Melt My :iont 1oc nr ahop dl.fpotal. pOOI. Adults. DO !tf'llt'tst Otoe. buildinc a w/p.r. Winter S3Xl mo. S39 lo oct"an, atmpg. Gar, fpl. Im nn. Crpt1. drps. bltN $30.00 Wk. Up • to-sao • Btoktt. !l+«llO errtr cm.ircM. idcois, ete. pm. SU..2\11 prl?M locatk!n in doNntowtt W. Ba,y. 61""a-6845. 633-S580 Adnlt1 No. End. ~2427 Ind dlsh"''hr. 5'5o-&11 e u N1.t.t Up r .,.~ 2 B1t, J Bt,. iitN. tli 0,U;1-.. w'..v, ~· p.,· La*"•n& Beath. Air !===~:;=~;::=====· ·::: .. =-======~~~== ~ ~" 3 9~. 2 IA. ""'· 4?pa, ~.....;. 4--· o.M ox. ~-~ -Tuttln 5640 •• I : ~~:::,1:; Apta. ~ :._4nlmo.'.::'n to ·~~·-· Mo, Yrb. niE~s ~'~~ta~: • STAR GA'ZEKl<~ •P1>ontStrv1C••Poct1 or '7'-£111 0 ll6llWllliamSt. ....... Aw .. ttarl<odr l'-"="""-C:....---ie, a.AT l. POLU.N e Cocktail Bar Sl37.~ Bact'lf.lllr' "'''· utn Jl'd. CMt• M... SIOO -'''? a.a Tustin'• P?t•dl:e addrtSJ ?ttuncif>l.I parldna lou. e Ot.y. week l r.Jonth Crrit11. b .I: bltina. Pool. per month tor ~ce. ~ M v-Coif)' Acf;...;,, C..JJ. H ?376 Newport Blvd. s.a&-97"~ 152;; Plac:ada Adult IMnc. no petl and CM.In available for •. ...,... AccerJi111 fo !Irie Shin. ""Y'" CONSTRUCTIOll $300 lo $39.\ \Va.ttrtront. LtJ.x. Sbaf earpem. * VIL• A POM......... \\'INTffi lltnW 2 Bdrm :! · ai .. 8UBIM•• houn anawert J~d=~=~~~i;.!.0:C,~~ :"\'"'' 1 k '"2 an fu~t& Ba Crplc. pr. t.owtt. Jl70. ~:OOt. ~':'1'....!..~~i",; Tetalu::=:ninl .ervice avllltble for S\O, ,...,..._ • , .......... •. ..~ ..... ';. ""'Y AD Utllltlu pa.id ex-t ofyourZodtocbil1h1ign. Cloa.td aaraau, pool, laun-~.,...,, ...... ~ JUST (QMPlmllG apts. Boe.t slips avail, Oymnulvm1 I: Saunu •• ., 1 Ya.1 JI ..v. .,•1 ~~ dry nn, adult.I ol\ly, no pets. STIJDIO, wrldfclt: beach; 1 1.41.. 1Ulitm'IJll!an parklnr, Apu1:mtnta tram $1'0 ltlep~~y PILOT' ~T..,. 3211 ......... ITIO Pomona. C.~f. tm~rt or '¥o-om&n. Cir!Mi &!boa Apt! -..~. tnfarml.Hon tl>6l581' za FOREn AV'ENl.JE i[ -~~ ~~ ~~ ~ \~~. c:AN mW~ s;~·w. "'',":' ,":,r~eur ll4 F~ N.8. "~"! ~ S70J LAGU::.:SEAOI ~t;;;::•• ~~ ~~ blodtm turnlturt. Pool nn•. wtNTr:lt JtENTAt.. .:!.::n ~:"thl. i" iJiO I' BA. crpta, drpe:, WAKE up b1 flit blue CO?O'l.ZT!l.Y ~ 9 v-:ttlroawlol .,,,,. ... 1,..., t<o Ptll. f1JS moatb. m«ll ltantal Manatv _ "''\&. frple, dnltra'175. ltol hdllt. J.J U . l Ba., l· U oftior. lOO% ..,.,.,. If=• :.i:a.:e. ~= r.trr. Lqtin • MMl74 oELUXt 1'im 1 llt. 2 BA Mn. ~n 9td1ord Ln. 2 a1t. 2 •A. el\ .• 1 ... .,u. -..2001 Pi"""' putDaa. ~ lJs.r.e. 4'-w 72AN P'URNISflED °"" room Ii. \Jflll. Oc.enhnt NtWJOrt J117-A ClnMIMft Av.. aptl, drpl. ,,.&, lrplc, llf'oMr c,.,. ' .. a t 1l~ "3p.11cy 7lW ball'l.,•t.1Aa1tbytMvtar. •··· -•u.t 41ahwtlr Nr Wt1tdtt P\s. ··a wla ,.,-. dU1 to 1,M~ .... ,_.,. 7,w.r11y -~ ~h. 91..._..'f AM etll.)'. Cett1 Mlt• lta t~. S200. Adolti! lt~L a1ATI +cnan IJl!tf. St:10 m& m. ~:;;:: ~r.-~:e ~~-'ll~r :.prt~ ~ s...11M Call •aPOl f0.4m. ~e' :n~aJ~~m:.. t 'f ;:i:,. !'~ ft,,_"' PhOnl n'tnlflP 5'l430G Nw,e" ."!!'= ~10 VNTU1lN &; 1 ii{ bltna. 5.Wt: J IA, ,.uo, w;;;l'IY, It_..)! Want-I 5'90 ors )'Uh. No lnc:rlut. ~!~ ~t-"" :;:--i AOUMM NICE rum l aft Jlv nn. 'idt. • Oun 1 2 91t * -.rn Cf'illnp. erpta, 4r111, tfttl. drpa. Mtns. Hoe&: • ' -· • Lut monua Gn.IJ'. Wdte ,, ,_,. ~·"-a1 OlfflcMll ~,. ba. s1"'1e mM "nly. l\ef. Ad\lltl ne,.: )421 t. llU. pry yard. No ctUldmL. KostKtal .art•. S1Ti 4249 RINTAL SllitVICI oany Pilot, Box Mm ~~ li~"ll g=::_a ,,.• 11 SLXI ind utU . 310 ~lta.dow S ..w '*1111 Adultl. $120 ptr mo. Set It Hna:t. WI)'. Ca.ti tor Appt_ nu TO ~LORDS ,, I,. ~Te .. ,,...... !S.17.»' Wk Ln (oft 2311 Santa Ana t. I 1 rqe. up,: · ISM Pomona, Cl\I. 53&-mt ~. * Slut BMl:'on t4M1U * ':.nte~Tth A I~ ~;:-il~ft~ 52·7N1"4 Avel ~aft 19.ltl. a.ck 1-r •240 AT't'l'tACTtVl: ntwl.Y GOU> 1'-tt:DALLYON. 2 Bllt. NtE6 2 idfl'M. ipt i:a hfaa. Over 700 ._,. fiill. 27'""4 !1W.$1't ~7Yw ,_ PVRN A: utllurn b&cll' t Br redtcorattd spaciou.' 2 or 3 2 BR. CI D, bltns. adult1 ne KUplr"Sdl.. aftoi hy S.pt. J. ~ ptt month. ~ ~~. i:~~ :;=-~1• 'D . apts. Ft&rn suo lb StlO. J\EALLY Quiet. 2 aft.. 1'~ llt. 2 bath art,. Poo.I ~ p$ IM SlU. Mt4TOI. NutMMt, .,._w5 cone. room j a" I to aa e W• ~~ MAI.It~ .Av•ll 10/L Oldtr J)trfOl\I IU. Adulta. Uftf $15S. f'm rttftation room. O..ildrtn 2 l:A unfurl\~ bOI: te lift.Ch. W0\1L6 IDat to rtnt ptap Mf'i\ct an utilities tri Gaol A~ ()~t'Jh i.11.-.. PTffe1'Ttd. ~ Mir, 2133 $190. 2310 Santa Ant . OK. tf&.TCe or 2214 Qlltp Frplc. bltna, apta.. m-tGk ior ........ o.ta Meal dudtd . .,,..._ Mr. 1Uf9 El~ Apt I , CM. 64~ AV•. _,~TI llftlL ~ MMlflll -------- " 1 • ' • --... ---------.,. ---·----~~------------------------------~---- '"' ' ;;;;;~i;;;;:;ii;;:i1!lrt: ... ~1~ .. ~A;pp.1:,:,.;lttShopi;;; OREY mblt. $.6lj6 ot ' • • ~· 1 Llkt: to O"Q j04-oft,, ~ ~ if 1 . PRICED TO SELL' I """ ~ -... ---flijjiijl$ ~ ".t4. K· • ' • • • Nruty to OWi\ Your own &hop Mirt sf,m., "C.M'~ ·MUJOl !iiUUful.',.-rn 4 ._ riJcl':..t~-nH01~;;::======= ....... lit\!!; ancl furi!Jy . -.<tbo!F ..... ,,, v ... '"" . . 6401 ....,,'Bit~!'-''"'· 0o ·tey ""-AU)ftetd>andl~ , 211·~~M .J.; .... --.,.,., .lf4 ·"" GOU>-weddl~ ,,,,.; !IOnI ="1"7. I -.;:.1311 llNnd • nl• -•-•t . jii ~b•""Lse, deslan. S dlamofld~ Made • • When You Want it (Jone ~ right ••• 611.2!3t...,f"' 1 ·~~·~ · ~·rnr1tli el>i.Cwl:°iAID ">-P>l\· Mhllnl ,_ "'""· .... ... YG¥. 4 \U~rvile .>'.® at no . ~ Bcb •tece illl. -l"!!~~~~!!!;~~p-.,..· YO, "'""'lie-· RA.wan!, 491-11252. Call one of the experts listed below!/ W~I ·want?.~~':'. '•·. 1: tnaflon, write Ol pb<ine.F. L. L \DIDS Wlliet Vic Cute!' Slii~IOL CLASSIFICit.TION>l'Olt • ~ Out ·Stiho P.111p. 4~ T!tmeY. mo N"th HoUy. ~t CM or 3n1 '""·· Loauita ... • , · wood Wy, Burbank. Calif. Be·~ .. i. """'-' 8/1 V l bl T RAL BORN SWAPP&ll$ ' ts· 'UtL :PRJ(E -lil3) SIM340. ~·· r n . a"' • · Speclal. Ratti • _ • 5 Acres Duchtime County, • EN.CO · Pa P 8 rs. Reward: •:f9.2369 Asphalt, Oils 6520 Roofing 6950 lroni"I 67.SS SERVICE DIRECTORY SIRVICI DIRICTOlty SlllVICE DlltECTORY S L~ ~ ~ t\m0t ~ 5 ~ucb ""'· ~ c1o&e lO .,... . 1,.,at"'t."&_. -::=-..,---.,...,,.-1 -'-~----,-I·_...,,_,._ ____ _ ll:VLEl--AO 'Mun' IHO.UDI llke,XlothU11tlqr,JilhJnil LOST-: Call~ cat, black. SEALING" PATCHING QUALITY Repa.in -AJ!va· lRON1NC-30c an hoo.r ,__. "" ..,.... ,. ""'-llooWMt \'Oii wt111t • ,,.... lnve..tmei;tt .• n4> ~ JtumbJe OU & Refiplng Co. whltt &. orange. Nr. Orange Rtt!dtntial • Inr.1m -Comc:1 Hone -New COt11t. b;y hour Pleue brirlg ban&en ..... 't'OUll: ......... ,., ~ ~ 11'* of tfVfirtlS'-t ell . rvl • 17'" c ., ·~ -·-~ ~-l .. ~.-Uy ;;;eon---·-~~~.. 2$1-B Avocado. CM -l-llOTl'llNO f'O• SALi!-TRADES ONLYf • has w loc&Ud se Ce sta_. ""' Ul, .... -'"'........ '""""J•P re strv .... w n :;n """'· ~ ' PHONE 642·5671 . ' Exch111f11t, R. E •• 6230 tlQn a..U.b!e ;n Coata M-. Call 646-"'3. <-by CHy of C.M. (,.. AIR, Partitloi>s Stoll! lltONING Ta Pl1c-t Your. Tr~er's P1r1c;llS:.. ~ ··~~-.... No inve5tment required in Losr tame ycllow /grttn street iutorallon. Remodel, etc. Nlte or d~, Rusonablt 897-1~ WANT 3-p!I!¥. or 4-plex in Uris. batt~rl~, ~ssories, P.ll('aketl vie CdM. Talks. NATO CORP. Reul Call KEN MG-4f19 Oelil:ci 3 room ortice l 2 4J>b. on Palnl Canyon Of, Pl!ltn s..:;,.... ·w.soo. Equ\. ty ~.95f .. f()r income, bu&- lMS.1 ot ro·s . 61J.1883 , $36-M Sherntan Oaks 3 BR, l BA, fp. stu4io. tree!:. $9 M eqty. F()L"Okhtr houae? Blg yard, coast or lnland. o."n· er (213) 'ZS.J.SJI);) Peninsula Pt.. Balboa. 2 BR. doll hciust! Approx. • J15,000 ·equity_ \Vant multi- (lle.,,income unlt4 Balboa. Bly Prop.. 1)13. 7420 View .bome, new, Laguna Bch,. 3 Bit, dtn. Pum ce:U· lnis.. elec kit, Roman tub, b-ade $15.00U eq !or Motor Home, Boat, Lot Or 7?? 83(1.2825 Sah Qemtnte 2 _J\,.3 1evtl C.M., low rentals. Will ex. gasoline or molor oil. Hum· Re.ward guaru, 673-l849.' Gen'l Contraclon 63&-5818 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Jot.I ~ clU,J\ Cloet to $1.0 M eqW,y Univ. Pvk 3 ble ~ all utilities. Equip.. "1op'g & beaeh. ·Trade· for BR:: J.eaiec:l'•t SD>. ... ment .rental 4vaila.b~ to PE.l RaCOOfl. ~ rolla.r Ir. 81by1lttlng 6550 CABINETS. AllY &l%e job NB, CM comm'l mtg. or 9 Red Hill Realty quallffed indiVidual i'or 1n-be.IJ. Vic A.U:eo. C;'Jyn. Miss· 25 yr&. exw. 5'1W713 units. 6(2.38), CAD Pld · Univ. Park Center ,{orrnalion 1=all I;irf ~Wood "big J wkil. 499-3106 CHILD CARE 'f} acmi "1TiahJre'i&YftC&6.o, 83&-0r.!o Anytlnie da)'.s ~ •. tvri' & v.-eek-REWAI\() For lge b,luepoint l lllUe alrl. aae 2~ tD S Cement, Concrete 6600 :(~ -~;~ty W ' 6" ...... 14:.nd.s ~$52il.. cat. J.S$2'Wa!Jdkl Lne Apt )'ttan, M playm,ate •com. 1'$26.ooo. ThrhOO§e. iifiitS. ? R. E. .1ntecf ~ 1.Ai.'1.P & !ih&de manur'g B. 'ftB. tMIHMfM Pf,nlon ior my 4 )'Car old e CONCRE"T'E "'1>tk a I I Bert Mo.It. Riddle Rlty HOJIC£ business. IUoeu foreca we. FEMALE; tige~ cal, w/\vhite duughler. MeW inclOOed. types. Pool ~ks le custom. fi46.8811. 833_;0437 eves. ' t \ ,r Retail sb:lp, iood location, mlq;&. "tJ.na.," Vic So. Near Magnolia le Ediltgt'r-Call 54&-1324 • 103 .. _,......_, ..... ........ Fountain Valley area. $15.00 ==~=-"-=o1t=-,..Jo,..,-.,-Modem N"'POrt Bch in· · ' ' w,...,.,_.e aotts. con-Olpella Ct, CM.~ a ~-eek. Call S4?-'.71S7. CE~fi:.w' " K, -no b too come unit g;u.Ss S8760 yrJ.y U YoU have,• 3 or 4 ~toom temporary fUnllta?e 'iltcres 6tnall, ttasonable. r re e rental, Nr'bc:h.J:;0,000 eqty. bot'ne for Sale or for rent., & decorators. 21 yrs in Perionals ·6405-CH11...0 Cate my home, lie, mtm. H. Sturuck. MB-8615 onih>rf•I 6790 SPARKLE Janltorial le: Win- dow cleanina: Serv. Win- dcr.Vll, resid.; romcl. const. Clea11t1p. Free ,el"t. OOS:-26!Jl. DUTCH M&ii\t Serv, crpt clng, 11,r ,vaxlna:, window waahlnc. Harry van Bcynen 537-~ If no ans call art 3. ESI' ,4. TE Maint Tree Serv Romoval le: trimmlnp, m. estimate. Call 541-0088. Trade for cM area comm'! call U5 today •. We repre&E!nt Laguna Beach. $10,IXXI in· e.xptt, finest care! Limited mfr. or unit.a.' Call PM,. the ,employees ()f a ~a~ ventory •• SrnaU cyh down, *.·Alone? _openings. Baker/Fairview _c_·~"'"'-_c_ ... __ •• _ .. __ 66_2J_ Landscaping 6-12-3490 · ftrm rn<Mng tct tbe Harbor \ylU consider R.. E. trade. P. =C 7 M=""==5l=il4"'1,;..,.-.,.,-'--,,-;.,:.;;.: -----~--1 Area and tbe.Y mu.st have O 'Blx 1583 1 .. -·na Beach BABYSI1TING · kl M * DIAMONDS Are meuured HILLS L SLOPES r 58' Salling C.lam4raJl ,cus-·bousUl&1 AlJ c&Jh ~desired. '. · '~'"' 1 ... 1.. ' wee y, )' by quality, so are we! "' () u 6110 bn-bif 2 nJ>.W. ~4"~-eau 'F.miw 564--8640. Coin la'PK(ry WAW1•rs YES IT'S YOUR home. ;a-ta. Mesa *areL DIAMOND CARPET specialty, Next years r.tln $1.25,00) ~&i.\;P,"'°. \\ftnt 20 plnk !ale K model wash-. FAULT 646-GS • 'CLEANERS &e.13J1 enytime will be.' wor"R! ~t pro- Ullits, can add eaeh. MORE CASH trs, XlnL mechanical cond. For ~rded 'message that OirLD care, xtra la: yard, CARPET & :rum. cleanini: !ec~d~~ =~pe ' 642-148.\ Rltr, -20 yl"llow early K model VfUI . ch•""• yo••• Wc •• n play. house, lunches. snacks, . !nd · .., • • .. · washers. 7 htrqt~ llue K ... .... ......, Ed toc l daY service & Q.1.18.lity c:orttnctor; cornpli!:te · Near new beautiful lalian FOR YOUR . ORANGF! OJ. 5'f7.fi667 VIC'. Goldenwe!it & lnaer. \\'l'.lrk. call Sterlin.. tot scpg &--..A.ong 830-3031 Contcllo Accordlan. Fall l20 model:o;. All 1966. See Uicm .,. hoU" -'""!""' Call 842--6817 -... i> ...... ~ $! ,, Women 7fi0 a.tA1TURE -.....n ~a 11~ ---~ ,........,. ar.,..q ;,; ~ Forest. 531--1271 1• nlU. OW\GE BookktieJ 1n my home . &16-1017 BABYSIT1'ING. My homtt l child. fncd. yd, tel. 5:?J Mon-Sat. 6t~ F/c BJl:pr·ll!C, Th.ru PlL 15 )'rt. e.""q>. 5.16-7248 Job . .v(_ontod '1!J>'. A Woman 7030 COLLEGE STUDENTS AVAILABLE for all types Of W<>rk. Part time. Call~ Southern Californle College Student EmPoyment Strvfc,, Kl 5-ll'll ~ . . Joba-Mln, Wom. 7100 cibilities CJnlimite() agency QuaJlly Posltioo. lor ~ ·' Qualified Applicants t88 E. 1 Ttb SL. Suite 224 Costa Mesa &U-1~ ALTERATION ASSIS'TANT experienced in w o m e n ! , alterations dept. a mu.ii. Apply 10 to 4 pm , APROPGS. 29 Fashio n Island, N.B. Roadster, Dodge eng; tork· rule trans, e!Jrm fr11t ~·nd, i-adius rods. drag wire whls. '69 lie. Trd VW Bus or 7. Greg ~1"41. •-· Q . t u m !"'"ITY on location. ~ ' •""""''" .. ., 'L"JCEN="°SE"D;:-"""--:-:-:--brighlnep\ ~ .,.,..,,s. ria ~'OJI over.,...,.,, --.p.u C<>in.0.1'.laticEqulpment Inc PALl\t '& Cant ' Reading. Day care , ========='I Mlto"'l,Brlck 6130 Assemb~rs For :lnd.:~!s.~~~No junk. ?t1id~-eswrn Invt>stment Co'_'P 2334\~ W. Valencia Or. . Advice Ii h'1p on many \veekdays. ln(ant thru 5 yn. Drafting S.rvlce 6637 ·.;.:;;;:.:;;O;.Ae<.:::;..;;;;;.. _ _o.;"-' ihclUat, income on Placent'ia liiilue _$lll'l,OOOL T~ !13 for clear €alif. buS. prop, balan~ T.D. or! Owner 548-1~2 TRADE: Fut, 33' 01,ymp.- ian ftbtrllus sloop inboard. Extremely ·..roomy. ideal family boat for Jl'JULller boa.t Qr whatever. 842-2-Q Saerilice! 1.~ ac prime C·2 land' wtth 4 blctgs_ S. Mt.In St. S.A. TR '$6(),000 eqfy f()r .TO's or f>!?' 'Bj<r Sj! ..... e CHEst' TYPE F.REEZ· ER. ._FqR GOOD BABY -.BED, a TABLE & Cl-lAIBS FOR srEREO. 5'S-3360 NR, beach, C-1,-Coast Hwy. d"-1n. Laguna: 13 u.. 2 shops. Take 'CD's, Janel, bolt, ?!'.for $64.M eq, Ha· iel WatTen' Bkr:· 499-2001 Fabulous mountain mal\.\lon on--iakP-. -ltlcl.----S2o .M top qll&lity fumWi.ings,. $100 .i'ol cielµ'. Wan\ similtl\ M~~ !'11~'1\'Wl"r 'Or ~a.~·tekT. 64&;9132' • • . 1968·~~ t~·in diestl fiber· glass houseboat. Oear, for inc:onie. or acreage. * 613--lll4 * Jf;jen, ~~J j! t;·;![, nbW 'purchasing hol!'es ' in F:ullmrut, CaliJ, 525-7833 matters. Jo:ully llo'd. Open -~ Cout Plaza •re a· --------RICHARD AUIN 180" level ocean view lot in Orange Cklunty. Seeking VA ... u· d a 11 y 1 O a m -1 0 pm. 5<19-4038 TOOL & Mechanical detlgn. Custom & $n.ani1h $16 ,.,.,. ...____ · !i Fi-f"A equities. can any. ADuRESSING I Ma 1ng I B BYSITIING M ...._ Draftlne Service-r-San Qem&me. ·\IW. u ·= time ·~ -Robotyping, If YoU have CX· 2131697-9272. 210 \V. Whit· A y .,.,me, 642.--6989 M1aonry A Specialty I & clear. For lme~ved,' ~. · , perience & some sales tier Blvd, La Habra. Next focd yard &: companions. ::;=.=,==.====;:rn; Block, Brick, Concreit• Dl~o p~fe~. \VANTrn:. Commcrc. bldg. ahihly, rll furnish l'Ompll?te to t.aHabra walk in theatre. Hot lunches, hr or wk. i:lectrk•I 6640 Free Est. 63,_2343 Owner. &f9.1006 oh ~ Hwy, Corona del equip + some acc\6 on a L.ICENSEO ="~ ... =""~'='==--~~ ========= . 9 Units $T.l.!il0. $42,IXXI Mar area. Broli:er 644-432.1. ll"ase + % basis. $800 req'd, Spiritual ~&diJlgs. advice BABYSIITING my Cd t.1 E~~:,~bs, ':::! Piperhanglng ('quity. incls 3 BR hse 55 BUSINESS and rwtr. Kar 546--6089 evrs aft 7 ()11 all matter$ 312 N El home, daily or weekly. · ~ 6850 "' 300 1t4 lot. Lo~g Be8"ch..., FlNANCIAL FLO\VER &: Gift shop for Camino Real ~r. c:terii.ente * 67>7993 * ="="""==·======'I cP_•;;.i•;;.1;;.1";,I:_ ____ _ For be~ch home, ranch or · lease In goOci location. \Veil f9Z.9µi 496-9501 WIU. Babysit your home by Fencl"& 6660 PAUl.IING Int A E:xt Ll>\vest Ai't 536-1894 2lJ: 59Ull2 Bus. Opportu"ltltl 6300 r;tocked. Delivery Van . -10 AM: 10 Pf.l the week. You furniah 1.'0ntracted pric!eL'Fully ins. ·Strategic a.i..rport-11!tllribce. _ l h Vest n\ e n·r reiuire<l. AttractiY.-..Expert transportation. 642-1407. WOOD FENCING, custom Sallsfactkm llW· Free est ,prop. Vacant. :zo~ C-Z. FRANCHISE: No fOOd exj>tr. lferms. 642--6902 • YOU-1\G. WO.\IAt; LlceMe:d chlld care for 1 or work. For estimate. call Jiru Weeka 673-1166 50.620 sq ft. Price $152,M ·nee. · 1 ' BEAUTY' ~ · JAiuna dancer~ Lead! yoo all 2. age 1·5. N. CM. 5 days. 646-0821 anytlme. cleii.r. A sl~rr.'~f!.r ~h~ MULTIPLY Bta'ch. Very 'nt~. Slhall, latest atrpa. call Ardell Si0-7809 ========= 6665 ==-l 1:. & i!'~;· 90';'&esJ.r.~ bayfront or . ()writ 6'13.%6J5_ CAPITAL weU-e1~shed. Low 111nt 213: 591~ l-10 PM EXCELJ..ENT Care for your _F_loo--:-'"-......,'."'.'."-:-~--1 642--0455 after 5 p.m. T.rade 3 A.Qloliff ,pq,,,,iq'4: in 12 000 tulJ price Low down RIDE needed n; OCC trnm child! ?-.iy honll! in Htc. C1r-t Vinyl Tile ~==~~-'--,. •. -~= Garden G'riWS, iocome $360. Dynamic Co. combinlnc best p.;,m_/ 484-4S98, · 495-5133. Cd.'d for TUea k 1'hun nlte r-PAINTING &: paperu.,.ui;.ilJ:. for 3 bdrm, 2 bath iJt ·lillfrt. .features of fast 1ood fie.Id as * i.JQ LIC'S Orarige. San clas.<1. \Viii llhal't: e x p • Beh. Call 96&-6746 All style1 f'."111 colon Reason&ble. 25 yn exp. ington Beach,..un_iU, or 1?1 never done before. • 0 .. · _ n' 500· 1 . ~l60 \VILL babysit my home Frte e1t IJc. contr. German altills. 642-1322 Owrlef' llu.2'Jl9 · Highest antic. Investment.. iego ' M' on sa e • H A. r b or I Mairu. nleals :=::"°=::7262:::=5l=M4=78== -I G? 1 Ut tio. \Y provide $10.00> oU aa1e .CalJ \VlNS. W'AN'T' to shlll"f' r Ide :ed 1 54~2881 NEED PA.INT N 1-(AVE 2 br, oonv den. Vr. o-pro ra . e . TON collect <zi3l .2724249 Nc"·port·Mcsa area t 0 ~c P 81 area. Gardening 6610 Call us! Reliable Service \I// l~, ba. 1150 81( fl; al!IO :~ the cus~ers via massive • . . p d • d Call .. Quality at it!I be5t, at the ac Cucumonga $32M.·lfrd: TV ads, you own tl;le bus. RESTAURANT Toe. avail. asa ena, " ays. artek, Masonry, etc. mo&t reasonable prices. Home ()r unitt NB,_ CM. and keep ~profits. Newport Beach oceanlront. 642-9887 ' I 6560 ANJHONfS r·ree estimate&. 54&-fiOO'l ~1312844608, ~ 96 Sa.I] Va· ~ invested in compe1;Hor'1 Balboa Ba.y Prop. fi7l...7420 ALCOHOUCS A,Doll>'mOUS BUil.D Re ode\ pair PAINTING, Exl-Jnt. 18 yn ,., .• :I ASSl!MILl!RS " ExperienC'l!d in prec::U!lon ~g. sembly involving close tol. erance, alignment & fittiof on products such as deUc./t aear trains, valves and -trr stnlment1. f.tachiniat exper:. ience bclpfuJ, ·' Call Ptr1onnel Dept. 111•1 '"""°' . TEl.ONIC :; .. Laguna Beach ·: briel. ea.. · ~ -~~\· ;t.966 •. 1:'-'at!h over $300 . . -. Pho(le Sf2..721T or writ. to • m ·re • 644 A860 t"" Y.' t '·t p o Box 1223 a.ta Mesa. 8rlc1'. bl~. coocr!:~. -r e;icp, Ins. Lie. Free est. '·s Vnilli. Eaf~,.;awiie?i 3 . vu~·· ~~ t"'..en ~ • lnv.asfinent,lJppor; 6310 · · · carpentry, oo job too small. The Btst, COits no mort! Acoust. ceilings. 543-632S Equal ""'--ity -p•-·• Bl"f 2 Ila.it(~ 14iBR., l·l .te-r. _ . Lie. Contr. oo:M9(5 ~--rt M · .,.....,....... .,.., llUJ..., :.·"" CostaGin.-"" tor ~<-'9· ap\:rro."t $12,00) ls&Ur~) PROFJTABL& ~· 1iome _,.... enced wittnance ' INT & Ext Palntina; Lie k ASSEMBLERS · •:11c;.·,. FO -r •n.'""f .~ ·hkrd :word + •billty to business. No OOmJllelilion. Ann0Uncemtnt1 ·-6410 BudJet Land.seapina IM. Free ~timatea. so yrs ~ .71'. .st i>fl. N..a. cantrol "-Y.Ql.lr emptotet:s un-s!t your own houni. \1nllm· ~ Grand· Ope·.·m''ng luain... Service 6562 Graduate Hortleultur1st •. •fXJXT. ca.II Chuck 66-0809 =· 0;:1~~ s:i:~ ~ · -. dar i;iur ~Oqn, Simgle op. 1t't"tt1)0lential. £aU -fo.r-•pPl. SMILEY'S COMPLETE PAlNTING, Pa~ 16 yrs. -· y A-• ........... firm, 40 yn in bull:tleas,, 1 Whatdo)'Oll~vef9>~! e,a. .. ~n. 1 5#.231'.U ~ Plll--ll••· In Harbor area. Lie. 6 Chit• Electri C ' List It •·no C. ·~· '"""-..._ ~t in at sttlrt ·for-;tower · Academy Sprinkler inltalled A-repa.tr. bonded. Re.ts. tum, 642-2356. r 1 1• c orp. ·~ v.,..... J t -•-1 t ·1 ., h B • S • d N ,_ ·•----· 2120 Placenlla, C.M. ~ ·, eow.1y·, -·· •«W· ""'':· ~ce •m .• w•. USlfleSS 8rYIC8S '· ew ~wn" _.,. •FOR Better PaJnti"'· ;.,. """'"i;;;;i;ii& .... &i;&I ll1i post-&D'.f make a dea.t. est y11"Jd. . Mon•y to Loan 6320 of Physio Ther1py Monthbr Seivlce. terlor & exterior. acoustic ASSEMBLER ex Pe T. in INVE.SrlGATE crmERS 2 .TD· :·Loa· n" sauna k mu11age. '6 femalt Taxes, bookkeepin&:, mutual I ~=:-:-963-__ i,,. __ _,,.... c:eilinas. 646-40n & W.J.502 coil winding,. 0 Id er i 11 1. .. ..&:. *. * *. * . FIRST i"'* n.I tech, 10 am·l2 midnight 1 fundll. lnsurance. Real E~ NEW Lawn 1 re--seeding. p . o-!Dec Female. Wqes ()ptl3. s.. a. 1ll: Jll · For appt,, M'rs. B• 2131 :U days, 235 Thalia, Suite C, O:implete •·wn c•-, cl••" SUBURBAN a.m ... ,.. I !J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!'!ll!!!!!'!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!PI =2 -•o (°' b ) An , • 0 • 4~1313 tale, etc. Free quotes. .. '"" .... ExP'rt Guaranteed \Vork Engineering, 834 Pmdutflon 1; ""·o;u rH . rs. execu· Prompt. confidentia.l servlce ...,.guna uo::ach. "".. 64&-9&66, 642.2221, up by job or month. Fftt' PJ,1NB IEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE tive \vill return your call. 642·21n S4$.t0611 SUN SIGN AsrROLOGY ,:,:=,:;=:====~I e!Umates. Call 848--0932 ~ :: ~lr.~~l~ I "~"l'!:~~'!!'l~~!!'I ~ntr1I -Gener•I CANDY SUPPLY Serving 1-{arbo'r area 20.yrs. cluses. Regisle:r no\v. Build•rs 6570 AL'S G&i'&ntng & Lawn * ASSEMBLERS * 1 ·6(f~,.'-~-~--..,.;·= :ic ~~ __ ROUTE Sattler Mortg ge (:o 13£oginners -Advanced. ---------1-I I Co ert1&I lNT & Ext .. average 3 br. Experience help.lul • , __ 1c_o_._R_i_n1_1_1 ___ 6_07_0_ ,fn~t';f1fR.n\lii gnu AFFILIATE f36 E, Jilh ~lre~.t. ' eaq. W! Sun . Sign, 67~ * Room Additions i~~~·ttt11d-:~ ' hae, lalx>r ()nly $I2'7.50. VALOR • SJ\1ALL Otiice unit-almost · · · (No Selling lnvolved) days or 6/;r7140 aft 6. *Apartments &: Unit! * 646-3629 * Call 548-1-546 ELECTRONICS 300 sq. fl. C8.rpet&-4ltililies 3.:Jl)oo sq. it:, 4 · offiCes. Excellent income for few . * Custom Home&* Kitchens c &: s PalnteNJ. Int-Ext 540-92fil •; paid, Short term lease OK. 3 · phase power, S3lG nio.· hours weekly work (Days or Mortg.gu, T.D.'1 6345 TRADE 2400 aq ft btaiocss * 7 Story Specialists FREE Exp'd Japanese Gardener. House & apls. No Job too 1 -==,....;=-=:_-.....;·~ I G-at 1-·"·o ad,. a cc,, t Calta Ml'$&. · ) h-'"·g • 1 rent.al ; offioe. Ol' rettiil ~P tayout/de's'1gn 20 vni ex-p ~mplete yard service, •mall. 61c-• alts. ATTENDAJ'lT tor apartme"'1.J '" "'""''"' eve~~·~ • ~·CT)NS'ftlU,.....,.ON ·Mo n ey fur .2nd TD'&. 211-213 62nd r.-.-. · fret estimate. 540-13.U -=:;;::=:;~~:;-:=;;:;:=='I •r Ruben'&,,. Otlnge Ctlunty lecllng mooey f.rolll coin . ...~. . Pacific C011t 8yiJdtr1 _ complex, aae 18 & over, nt a I r p or 't llUU:' Phone 3.000 gq, ft. warehou~.' ,or operated dllpensen in·Colta ·~~a~ble for il'._c()mH'Jll'O-~~~. ~12~1~1 . 2435 E. Cout Hwy, TREE ServJce, reneral yard Pl11t1ring, R.,..lr 6880 long hair, good pay, Apj:ll)- \l'ttkiiaya. 9-5, 54~23SO manufacturing ace:a. $225 1.iesa It-8UITOUnding area. uaetnf preperty, Fortlgn &: Corona del Mar 67>U91 cle:anup. Rqtotill • apri.11kler in ptrson at 31423 Coe.sl mo-Costa Mesa. c~~1 domestic. Motels, Nµnlng 646-5848 a PATOI PLAST'ERING. Hwy, South Laa"una TOP EX~U~E I \Ve es!. mute. na.uu es Hbmes. shopping' ,,-Cenfm, -~--'-----1t EM 0 OEL-AdditloN-Cab-JeN. ttma Pr'·m, -m•" avail, oppo&ite 15 ooo ft. N "··Ud' .name brand candy &: o t t I · B ·I d · L~el Notices . 6450 lnels·Block fenc"e1.concrtte 1-;;CLE;-;;AN~·-;;UP,..--,SPECIALI;;;;;;:;;,,-,sr;:;;!-I All typ,:s. FrM et 18• BABYSl'ITER. 1 child .5. '"" , , sq. ew ·uu ing. ks) $1575. Cash . tt-c e u i In rs. can 54()..6825 Tues & Thun: 7:30 a."' to Richard's l\fkt. in Lido shop... custom oUice&-Irv I tie IMC .• ,_ Apartmenta, elc:. Write OT ----i work. 642-9852 Mowtn&. edGh'll, odd Job&. -========= ··• ping area. (Our lormer oU· industrial Pai:k. ready hir qui~ •. For person(LI u .. call Title Rt!alty . &: I WILL m t be ,,. • .,..., .... ble Reasonable. 5t8-695.S "' 90 12:15 noon. PolitiQn fW i<:e Joc:ationl. occupancy terview _u! Cogt~ ?icfesa area, lnlltttance Company, 215 ~..::r,~Ja~~~tsf\.f~~~~ my Cut A £dge Lawn ~IJ'bl".! 68 year. EastbluU N. B 1 LIDO RIAL TY INC. aend name.~ & P~"' Clark But Id I ng, Binn· Ctrpenterlng 6.590 fl.1Aintcnance, Li0tnsed PLUMBING REPAIR 1,,,&11-=l"'764==-~-,.-;. l377 Via l.ido 673-1300 r.. Robert Nattress JUtr, oumbell to MulU·State nc ., 1hg1'1am AISbam& $5203 TIM£ FOR CARPENTRY 548-4808/549-1994 aft 4 No job too small BABYSITTER. full lin'i&, Costa J\fesa 642-1(85 9037 E. Imperial Hwy., PhOne i-mf 251:..S2116 e 642 3128 e incl Sat & ()TJC!: evt", Jrvtne· i. OFFICES Downt"y, Calif. 90242 (2lll · QUICK CASH MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Jll\1'8 Ga.rl'lening I: lawn · NcWpOrt area. &33-224& Art Reception-Amwtrirti RENT M-1. 1125 9cf ft. $115 "61--0871.. -$75.IXXI lST 1'D on ll.!XXI r;q . Tor Small. cabinet in ga.r-maintenance. Res. It Com· 6:30 - Secretarial mo. 1355 Logan, Cl\f, 1----,------fl .. bdck commerc. bldg. in THROUGH A aa:e• & cit her cabinets. mercial. * 540-4831 R~model, Repair, 6940 m; Newporl Blvd., N.B. 6lS,.SllG l'TE o..._ Cow>ty. '" loog DAILY PILOT SM11S. U"" .,,, .. ,. ltav• l--,*-E=--x--rt'"J""•---.. -,.-CARPENTRY P I t I BABYSITIER Nttd<d 3 di\• · """' 1601 1--~~--~-~-t • · · ' _. term leucd land. P•vable "'.,,. a! •~2372. H O r--r-• a n n.g • a wk, my hOme nr Ad&l1llf"ft 1 -==~"--r~--,,....,-, 4,<XXJ SQ. FT .• nr. Harbor & MANUFACTURING . $-mo~. ;..,.,, 10~~. alid~e 5 WANT AD And··-_,. . • , FINESf WORK &tS-0384 1.linor plumbing repair.!. Brookhunit 3 ch 11 d re n . ~16DERN. !'IJ)adous ()!fices &ker, C.M. Avail. al once. '"" Re ;;;J . "'$:2400 · 'Tsetn Mobile home ~pair$. 546-QJS 968-2730 • · in prime l oea·tion . SULLIVAN 54Ci-4429 ... lh Y1'11· n inc. mo.; Gen•r•I Se;rvlca 6612 ~1824 fltiuion Viejo-. Contact Roger ==========I needs associate w t ma.na~· 31% distount. B r o k e r N 0 MATTER "0;;'~,.--;;:=:;:;-;;:::::;: BABYSfITER-Live in. rm &: -"9 1 ment and I or engineering 497-1210. WILL drive or tow )IOUf' car Bun.I>, Remade.I. Repair bo&rd + small salary, HB 1 ,:"',::P:,:P~·..:&17=-1 -,,,.--,.= Lots 6100 background .. ~1a.nuf<Kturer 'lcr · fl""""htt'e. Pick up &: Brick, block, co n crete, area. 536-7403 COSTA Mesa offices.· AIC. ""..;...--~~~.,--'I in program for national. dis-1.STTD on White Wa VlCW • ..,.. Job t 1) crpts, drps. Parkin&. Very Rl s.s· tioNTAGE tributlon $2~ per wk. to lot in Laguna Beach. $6,000 delivery. 6U-6989. crpntry. no 00 sm& BABYSITTER wanted evt!')' nice otficel. r lS5rS Baker, ll4 <14lh-St. NB · 1 rrtart pl~s ieq~al share of at $60 mo;..,. incl: 9:_Q , all due 3 W' H AT GARAGE Doon! Serviced &: Y<:-Omtr. 962-&145 1-fON 8:l) am to 12:ii, 546-48!30 Steps to Sch pro.l;tJ· ~ actl"' party with years. 12 ;o Dlllcount Rep&lred. General Hcu&t S.winv 6960 Cdl.f. 75c hr. 644.-090.i DELUXE· office ht Costa * *• <21Jr 788-9939 *'* $1%,~. cdh. ~Uld •easily B~OKER. . ~9'-1\31 ~laint. $10. min. 67$.-S384. -BABYSITIER, lite hskpg. 2 Mesa. 1500 gq rt Air cond, 2 AC. C-1 maJ. bl~. Nr net selected party-$25,0CKI TWO lslt TD'11 Ut13 ea. 8% a Drcssnlak.ing ~ Alttratlon.9 chlldre.n 5 & 4, 5 day Wlc. <'.f'PHi, drps., 548-6761. ·• ocean & fn\'Yriflne re.~. ul-stc yr, For tiel'!'Onal lhter-~nt a.II due 2% Yfl· Subst eq. H•ulln@ 6730 Spc<:iAl on hen1S, Own transp. 968-1620". 50'x58' BUILOG. Joe. r.Jr. Stl'ft( ~1 _ 'yl~~" t;all 71U71.2952 tS. ty pr,pty. qMOOO y ARD/Gar. c Je a n up . _..,,,_..;*:,.,....,...;:.:::::.:.;.::..,,*:..,=,-BABYSITTER & Ute hlkN: . . "'2 LITT, 30· JI !O'. . 1-'-P-'~"~·EA,,_,."''"''"' =·"'1"'5,..,--ANNOUNCEMEllTS ·IT Is R<move ...., '''" dirt. 11t1rotlons ~ 642-5145 2 child"'"· Sal. rm. ~ SUNSET BEACJl.. -;-II. D TH ' rr. e e e , tractor bf,ckboe, sr·a d e Neat, accurat~. 20 years eJCp. board. 548--1573 anytime. ~ 592-19tl .• ,_ and Nqntl'~ 96U!IS 6974 BARMAID; O oc pt . tlm•. 6fSO Xlnt ~r ntiml peopk Found· '(Fri.· "Adil 4400 CLEAN UP It lite movina:: .;T.;;IL:;E::•..;C;:.•:;•..:;•;;.m;;.I•'---'--nl&hts. Good salary. Apply 1Rl;;;nc;hff;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;o;;;;,J · • Y 0 U C A N -A abrllb mnovtll. * vemo. Tbo Tile ~ * dayt1 436 E. 17th, C.M. J 1 If Y\'.IU want a part Of\ iun BltlEf'CASEi Cciota.illing im-Reaeonable. ~1359 Ou:t. work. lnatall It repa1n, :.Sj:.8-~991=9==--,---,- + ~. -__ , • .,.. HORr". RANCH ~m• ~ty to mm ~~n.I! ~lde~tyon S E LL IT HAULING, d<arntp. !QQ otc. No Job too "'1&11. Ptaatu BEAUTICIANS. ,.male, to """'"" 0~.""' ~~ """' .... ,-...,..; ~ a_;..,, of -U< "~ ..... ~ ••M <O< • ,'\' lo I .... , •u.¥ .. ~~ m J" Handymand)'time )'OllcaD Jatdl. Leaking ahow•r workewnlngs&SUnda)ll.ln epacf'. Exffil~nt exposure to Spaciouf I. gOO(t 1vea.,. owi'\. ::F'Or". a•.•;,,·;;-,. l~.-In. .Has btt.n 111~~1t.'•m,.•,• «I A 7 ... -I heavy tral!lc 11trect, Re.uon-'home with 8 corral.ls a.t ()nJ.y ~sbtieri'i c~~ $Xl wfcty by traU1c. 64s-:ctJJ r.r.o WITH * •&42-3398** ftp&it'. 84 .19571_...._.,,. Co&ta Mesa's bu I e • t , FOR SALE OR ~1·~ 'th I • CLEAN-Up and r.:ht _,..,_ popular .priced NIM. e>p. 1ble ,priced ~ ,......., wi «'mu. by spending ' hrs makirlg FOUND, 81fMc c e'f man '--'¥ ,...,. LEASE. PACJF'IC SHORES REALTY deliveties. SM-uo.-r";J. plPQY~) ·, v 1 c . DAILY PILOT In&. Ca1*1 ~~~ * T • ..:;'"::....:S.~rv:.i::<.:• __ ..;6;;;t.;;;IO =~ty v!:~i ~~'f; Walker & Lee f.Jr. Levine 8474G86.' FJvC"1'. '962-9111 E•'~'.:' · 1 ..... ""'"h~'-,...._,, o--"" - ............ '6" .,..; ........ ........ 1-,,..-,,-..,.;:,..=:;cu""'' s RE --Rv fotKr. Crownlrt Glory BMu· Income Jnveglmcnt Ocpt. Call !\-fr. Thomas .,.,,~ ·~u Cl u a-~ Haul GtNE' T ... .,... : 54S-s.t51 tntl Jn-6588 F~oa :. ,8f'111·q~ '.:/l!...tty AD s~:~ J!i':"6:G.2521J tret's / shrubbery removed, ~.M~· 267 1'~. 17th St., A 6200 " -· W A N T !rimmed, haul<d a way 1-=:.::,~~-=~- lnw1tor1 Attention! .u"!r ,. PARTNER mix? male, full Kf'()\vn, hat Hou-.cl .. nr.,g 6735 ~~;;,..;;JJ59o:ii=...-;==-,;= BIKINI Barmakl/dancer. i>' frontqe on Ottan Avt. THt .. cotJNTJty Jl'! p!A· Need man to operate local col?at. Vic Brtat<>l '~ ·s.D. '-------"'.".--:-""'.'. iltWARE!! . Rubber trees Full « pe.rt.time. Costa ·1n Hunttneton Bead'l. with MONO BAR.' A vt#.-~-.11ervice ctcter Cfrana:e Coun. Frwy. ~ For f•st Service &-WOULD You btUtvt I wlU break foundations.~ ett MtA commercial ballding In ttar cillfll land developlilol ty &rd. J"actory 'dllrtCt GREY & 'wtilte: male cat clean )'OUt home W Bliw Atr¥. tree Service.~ l----""="'=''--- wlt. .. $1SO monthly inc;oa\t. 1'rtil! · Bro~ h u ~ ~ • L. wholeiale. 1'9ta.il out1ct. nut. w/flta ~Ila{. Vic Ett&ncla Expert Assist1nce Chip Statr\pl"r 19T-'m0 Doua Bott service f"UD pri~. $35.000. Coa { • 8 rqk t r ·~ S. 'it:: SuPlll'Vislcit-a: 1nwnt0ry & A~. C.?-.t Notify BAY lee.th CltudnC Serv. I:======== FOREMAN · PA·anc SH?R~ RE'A~ Hartxn'. Santa Ana~ · <Of\tro1: ThonflCK tral.atftg, qraoae, R'fifM $o9~· DIAL • tupets. ~ Poort. I· 6.-Immediate cc>tnirra: & oM- -· £w•. ·842.rnl Sl 'DOWN, SI .P'l';~Mfl.,. $15.lllo'!rM!sim<nt -· LONG """"· ·l>l>d< caL • · •tc. ""A Qtlftmc1 61&-l<lll I .U::J~r;;ho;;;, :;:lot:::ory::..:.----""-!oot opportunity !or . !ndJ. ~FULL PRICE· lO ·~. SlllaryU15 +equal about ~ ~ o>d. nd flea 642 5678 aYKOSKJ°S CUit. Upbot vktuaJ with aD arotind yachJ FOl\-'ftttt 1 -' acte lat, M·l ac:rtJ_ •. in *t·~· ·~ '-· L. •hart of pmtlll:. "Should re-cpllir "'fiC.~Ma!o. 4.:iE.dirmr.r • Houtec ... nln• 6715 Euro,.an Craftm\anship mai,,tenance, inJJtall•Uon A t tone. Completely ftr>eet'I W/ • Sbewll!il. ~ --~.11 )rd a. him $~,l».) fint ·yt&r, Ytlltt -s;A flif"cfl-12'.:ff. ~r-'"""' ttpalr exp. Ability to Opet· . • % tre p tea, ttriGI ofl.lce. L.A. (21J) ~-' most rifld lnvut!gation ~ FOUN. 0 • Bl--': 91..,.. vi DIRECT HOUSECLEAN t H C • lOO~ fin! &42-l.f.5.l "tc shop maehint"ry. SUptr. ~ $17S mo. ~ . 'f.\l(f" OVER.'ii \Jlci(iil; Yll.ed, Rtfrrenct-~pd, Chsts ~te&a..~Calj to i;ntlty~ General Maintenance. Call l83l N~'J)Ort 81·• C.M. vlaory exp nect~I')'. iood I M·L. NEAR Briltol ·• & Neir-~Ute lake., no &:nm. S25 J:or ~ lnwvle" pbOOe ~ anytime, aood refa, "a11 DIAL direel 64U6i'1. Oiarre ptnol}llily, neat Rt"f~ req, ~ Newpoirt Bl\.'d. All util. mo ·894-47cs Art • .~':::"::1,::"39-,;600~:::;·==--~,l;;;;n;;.-;::;:::;;--;;7'= 64HOM ,aut .ii, then tit i.ck and Salary" ~fits xlnt. Wrfl• 11 J2g,950. lffn.11. <;anr:m Rlt:y. : ' ' ntAVEL A.~CY for afv. LJqlfr. (')lored kilt en CAR.PEI'S. 1w_1nc1o..,,... nti. lltten to I.be phone ~! P .O. Box ~ NB or call 675-S-BUilEST marlcetpl&ot tn in Newport Beach, ... .,11 W/blik' eol:Jar, DaNi Knolls tte. Rt• Oft Comc'J. Xlnt 'DCIW! ?ttr. Garcia ~735 8HO':'flNO C~TER,: Hun-town. The DA.tt."i PO:.OT eatabliahed. ,~x.ce l l •-11 t vie . .C!llJ-.6Ul ~lllnp.' work Rtall Rd.a, 5'8 411L U'fl!Oo Bnd>. ~ ·.~, .~ -Saw l'f?'latlott. Hol<h .it .... wnJ: Boy .am<Act !ady thot tenanla -9.~ Mf.ritt-het· money, tlma .i: elklrt. Look p0tn1Jnent1l. OWntn movlni. ~ ~ktd to about tlnclina ' 1340:0. (n4) 331...SVS . now1f1 · S"#.D nt1m-.1na ~. model plane call 4!JS..S.470 ·-----------------• 5 ---. -~ --------- ' More Help Wonttd °" Ncrl Pogc ' •• • ' ,• • . . < • NO . • . ' --I· • t • ' --.. • --.. . . • ...i'' T" ' ; . ' . • , r ~ ; " .-:;_ .. ...-i. lit~,,, 1,. •• J..:O..--~; ;a,,, 1.J .. '+ + ~ ""•· ·., ,. -1 • -.. • • 1"1' .•0.1-'.~ jlJ. -·i, "'II\ •. •1, 1'.;!A1>t· ~.1i1 t-. . .. · ... --2~:-~tibt.:~1·;;~ii~1~:;•e1 ,._:~· ~ ;;~~;-·:: ~::~· ~-· ·, . ' ' . ' 1' . ~. " . • · -·'i.{;~'j_l~·" • '" 1 ,. 'f I . ~'.~ ' -JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOliS .. EMl'l.OfMllf!:· JOe\-fl EMPLOYMENT JS>IS .. ~IJJ'fi ''f~· pW.QYMINT "Jols .. lftlllLOYMINT' J~t.a.'1Mlii.OY~T ~l>·····9~Nl Mort lldp Wat>l<d -• • ;or: · • • • ' . .L.., • • , · 17 , <::.Y ""'·' • • ·'ref' :I < • on Prtvio"' Page Jo~,_~ ,Wofo. 7~~ Jo~ YI~ 710J) ~°"" W:•,..;r 7100 ~-••I" Min. w....: ".'oo •Jobi· Moil. W1111. 71,00 Jobo-Motl, W\";. 7~~ J1~; -·wino. 7100 J•"' Mift.";}'f..,._ 71~ .. ' " • . JOBS ·& 'EMPLOYMENT CHILD cue. }I""°' View COf.LEGE ··wdinl ' L... fACTOll'I' " " .... Th . " :" ' I' ,Ml:DI<!At Ofllcf l'"h• Ip, ltesJa""'" ··-A ~-' ' s?1~..: . ..~ •• r-it • • . .,.., 1 """"""-""° ·"'l't·.!UodY m&o.'1or.1>oa1 . SUl'IRINTlfill>INJ rno• ..... 11 ... ·~ P••" 1e111.ie" front ~ 11> AM!eM'-HA!lbwru: Wbo ·Wiif" a ·• ~ ("" J~n. Wom. 7100 "vuld pro\dde "emm~" dN.ler. GOO!l.i ~lt1 C&ll Mt. Sdll:llO&t Mtar. bu1 ~ want#i tot J..aJuna BC.h. wra6¢e titm)J.·Experien.:iecf now liJdd& .QpUQUoqit :.eor ~ture LD ~tall mtrcliandit: ·•• Iii\ .... ' t care far children qe 12" Jjlrte. ~·; tor . qualified 'min to f.11-tnotel.l ~ .. ~~· ~·d. 5 only •. GOOil Pa.Y t t<ir rf&ht Fu.II ' A pan 'Uuae.\._~ ' ina. Exp, not nee. bu.t,.~tp: ~~ OP r I • ', Bj)AT ~HUF. 13 ,,.fiose mother workl ·tn eot.iifi?i;.TJON. 1SJ;aip Bar:. aum~ fu1!.. ~ThlJlty }Of :day '~·~ 1ncl. ·wk• n d • • pe.r90n, Sf!M573:;11e AM · -~ .... ~ts. . ~ .., --., . . tul._Xlrlt ~ eond'a, ,.s. 1 ...... ;t•Ac·H . • P•.wl•~· ill-2300 '"1t l:!O 'M&ldi. l Go • .,.-· """"ctlOn~~:il'f!~ ... ~. <9<-a521 ... _ ~ ..... MOTEL 'l.UibS: Apply-at e KITCHEN .HE~P ompl, benct,,.'AWy ....... 'AbJiW")Oi'~.,..,;.i .. C: CARl"E:i'r.J'ERS p.m _ Top Wli!'$. Pbor\e~for ·In· ne~ob:W M \et ui» A.~ :· ,o~ to .work 2205 ·)Hatbof• 'Bl.9dl, ·-co.ta e DISHWASHER See .Mr.• • . in ~ ~ ~: • bU~.. , pt~ 'RS ChUdCuo te.Ww. "'IY IA!a>'· 2901 pe"'"' ""'l'~ .. llne "1!. In pA)j>I ~-$iort Ion. M.,,.,, <'· ,. • <' • e BUSBOYS ' ' ~ ., ' ALE wp'ilc-~Aia· ~ ~ . : ;~~sASSE.'1BLX PLAYROO~ a~lidant over Harbor, C.M. -. ~t:ri~~!u~~ruf. ~PR: ~).$17f • -MQ'tHIRS HELPE~ ,Ap;ty_ in ~n ~Tr'_s, SP~D :_ bt~ ~I -~ •BONDERS 21. Par! time .needed lm·,<;o ~tPAN!ON, ~·~ lion pnf~·All frlnie GfRl .. J'RidAY Bt~ ~ ~-pa11 26l)r .:W. ~t R\\')', ~"~ri.oJdale'St. ot. t )'ear~. ,S4Tl , TOUO-t·UP med. Call Ray Randall womin, lM U\, l,Jt.eJcOoking ~neJlt!. \Vrite -or itop irt. & . . . . . l • thn1!f.m1?tbers M-lper. P1eµ. New'J)Or1 Beach • b~. . to ~ ~~ "'·QUl)!fi· - , • 962""3366 I.: h!kpa:. Pvt nn l ba. 0&,)'s Jee: V'ictor J.lorteriicn, '.3211 Typi" ··1uin: · 10 lc6Y" addinf ant conditiona 4 allrnlWMt-Jtei;taunp.t MaleJ!Smate Ul.F.$lAN y drr tati'oM-. A~,'.~5(16. .. .Ffres1 . ,. ' CLEANJNC lat.I.)' '" a n fed ~n. own transp. NO tm~k· Larikersh:im . BJvd., North mac~, eoQd. ,pli'One voice. itlp.' c.iJ 'Mime f15,.0993. YOUNG mother or Gudent lO ; ~ sAn; • 00 .A S .\ve. , • ~ ~ : 1 ! ~· O'DAY YACHTS 1 ~ day/l\•k, $2 hr. ALSO oc-1n1 or" d;tnJtl"&. \Va:;cs Hollywood. . _ ~ ...... nJ.. ~u ... =U o:e.~D~Luu work btwn n .am-1 pm. """li . ~-h~-1 .. _ ~·oo·t "M " •. ,,,_, •-p U C •· '' · ·' ~-ht ba-alt open 5'13-3555 ' -;;;;;;:.i;:;; ·"' ~-..,.; • ~" • ~ .·~.) 1 •~ C. req. • ~ _,_, .... ._., • "'~'"''··••·n " ·tr ·· .-· t.w;,u u man, os.... esa cas1oniu ove ... '6 • ..~ • • Fltl~fl""'~mbleh: • . r n • • • ~ • ,.,. <).!on-Fri. •tartib& pf.Y ll.65 potentiiJ.eood line 64i>-1U3 ~rlt~ in i'ailmt ipttftj..: ; 80AT CAi PENT-ERS tar. El Toni. 831).W9l · f· 18. \Voman to ca.re to~ 11¥1~:-t~ ~~-·Applr u; 'Wri\fl_,_ • ~ -~~.~~M~'. · -'!t' 9'or + meala. Apply any otc.· or.su..t•iB~s. reci .. 4i>P1Y i,a,pel'IOll w. Q, •f!'perienct'd. Largo cwto1n ellftrlxJW O{lt.Ot lnO di.Ya ·petsdn.·1916 Pli:&ritia. or: H 0 ~ f • ~ 10Pe~i !•\t~. ;Jnomlll& be!r U) am. Jack tn SALESD. • ?'!i: 1i:~ Sc~ -Oo •. o35b2 .s. G~ J;.,.nsli'l.lctlon. Top \v11ges. CHUCKER .-W~k. MS-1829 ; .. ~ -~IA , .,. . · .z.&•OV' f ·~: ;? 1lle Balt. 3&5 E. tlth St, CM. .~~: ·Sta. ~ \~' Sabta Ana .~ .. ,.. · .. " ' " • · · · ll' "'"""" "l:qu'1 OpportnnHy Etnpfyr time, ~ .. I.. Musi =,.'=.,.,--,,---,...,....,,-1 •:\VILLARD BOAT Woclo> OPERATOR CoOk.<, • FlltEM.(N u,. . ,"'1n<', ,i1;"·""'"""r ... '.' . "'" 'rn •appearance. ·so. SlvrtOlllOARD. :. , h';l l~B:-kerSt.,C\I . , , .Ja 1 , N.B.. .,_, ~ .. ·.~.,.'..· QUiqt1~ .. ·~:.,. •. 'ir'"~ .. ~ABLE Woman tor J'i;.n,2500 .. ""C-¥.:" ~~tc:tJld4. Pers•-n&-ttn.; BONDERS u,. to machi/llru:, ~-flY (wl(S '614 to Ull· ,., Month HOU • '.~~ "'' .''l';rn7•:i:..,~' · t" <tenon.I _"°""""'""'""' iJt~ IGiQOL ARY.' tarvlew only. .,.. Whl,. :'ofinimum I yr recent iexp In ttainleS& stecl parts to' ,.._ ' • --· M~'~' j • .ehlJdf"eb. . WQRK WHEN.,& Ironing, 4 llni.~~l_\~ ~ fl. ~1." c~ Chr)rller •1 P1YPOl.itb;-1. l86lll l''\CrmocomJ>rcssioo & ult.ra. cl<>tt to!l!t'lllloes. Able.:to Top .\\.:aa:c::11, P~lll&JlUl.t, boll> Clty; •f aPtl,'(. f, I; ~· .ipeil.. ·· · ' hr. Call l\l1'8. ffardifr tot fut. o (fl e e '..-~bttJbes. ;Buch mW,. Ji\µlf. ~lkb. · i!:>nic bonding, s'alary open. ' do.own setups def sired. •st. llKI good w4d<in1 con-: NeW)tfrt. h i ch in1tk.·~~5 > wura·E .yo" u wiN' T tervi~ a.Her Ii Pt l, ~ Bt~qts • ~~Win~n. TELEPHONE souaroRs. ;\.pp;y in P<?I"Mln.. .4lt\onii" ln &?ea'! ~ad.ill;· · •. .1' • . · llOU , r. 4_ ~ a ""'-"" • ' -f Wt'!~· iaX l\Wll& ~ bit1Y romale. Work .ln · ~ -CoUt . Re.di:-: ?.Jlcrocleclronlc can Sheila,.J{ic.lanan ttstaurant. APJ?IY"fl ·tm tO 0 Ct~ ·~~ 1t'tt . life,. ·d~, J ~J-· "'"'k. $1.6.5 Kr IECCE,RNITAETllfO,N Pilot aJ'e'a hm.ft9icknte'f9f' i•L . I "'Co1'?, 31:10 Pullman St. 642-2400 pm fot tnterviav at h~¥~· ~ntl} and mater· ~tilt f .P!l l.: 6 PM On.ttmporaJ")' a.uiritmen'4 ~ar strvlci Cd. 'Ml or p~ Costa Mesa. f>46.:!350 n1ty , 1n.sur~ t;OVeraa:e ·i:inl)'.~ . . . . COOllDINA!f'OJt . . ~ • •. ; • '~ i2 per hr. can 54f4393 .r BOOKKEEPER GUL'roN INOUstrn MANNINIPS .. ·lo' •mployoos,,and . ... HOuijjkEtiiii,•·Compon .• SECRETARIES · •· · · 'H' U 'G · M E. S, 49MS63. -~-7: · · . 164* l'lhl/li!J,cl'.f • "· CO. PPEE SH_DP· pondanu. 10lho tUltion Ion H_, o;io 1'oed tm· • · · CITY 0, " '' wAl'l'ii~~·" ,. ., .. It~· Expe1ienctd, thrtl TB. c.oS'1 !4~. ··, . ~ ''M' -Toro Rd. and b6ok ~imbW"Mment, . _;o · 'u :.-l ... ~... ft-•· • TYPls·rs N"'Ml'Oll~ .. · ... 11:""-cH\~, . NIWIPO, .11 ... '1'.'.IEACH . ' ~.;> { l •. .H "' J ,._..inl' approx G wpm, Call ~ w £J liberal. aict ltf.ve and mcu. n:w~ ?=F'.. r.c.i 1. llYT • •1111 ova, hn. T, AM4:;() PJ\f. fo' •Ppt. '' to. tf!rvle1v Equal _opportunity empl,oyn ,• -•-, ...... World ' .• ..,,,.,.. Hills ' !47~ ' •; J "'AICA INN HOTEL .. :.t • """'1:1-.,.. ~-~ paid vacation. · .,.. --. -has _lmmedi.ate.opezrin&s for .::"'.· .2101. '"·-~ ~~-fi1c MAR IN'CORPORATEO CLERt~AL. part t \.me: -83T_·f014 · HOUSEKEEPER.: tor couple. $591. t, $7)1. ...,.,. &bog ---rt.n\? Commando Motors Div.' Inventory ! c 0 s ! A~· COOK~DtNNERS. llfttt1r -be Requil'emenbs include 21 ! Liv~ ~ ~ OU!:. ~terttont • BKKPRS. per rMnth EXPEkitNcEo c&I:. In~ ber:w9en to'. 500 l6lh St., N.B. ~c!~li~~~~· p':~~~~ expbe .. ~~.· AUP~~Y ·.~~e. ex~:: to 30 years old ·without .~ ~~lfll , ' • PBX OPER.S. !tesponsible for coOrdinlt\1)11 SEClETAIJES. ll .k"l{.w~""'~":g· Bookkeeper ':'~ " " ...c= pMvieus fire experientt: · HOUSlfi(E~ER ·1) school . . '.o•· A~-'-'~"'·-.:.-~ .ui~i.&.-: Ac:cnts flee. bffil rll; '1rl for INC. mi Enterprise St. Francis: ~'l'\ 14& pounds rnini-•a&n,-:<prlva,,\e~.-·apt.. GI. _ tit commuruty ioec:reation r. .. w1.~ w•w~u•u... ....... FOOD l.:"COCK'l'AIL •ilboat 1nfg, P.lu~t be good C.~t 54>-3667, Vlne;:a.rd'1 R~un.nt n.:IUm"helJ:ht ancf-.w:ight; · '675-°'1UI: .*'f.l.9?' . and relait~ •cti'litits. 1\6-.:...,. ... ce~ De~t Mk for.· J.11,iJohnaOo ••mis!. A""''Y \V. D. Sc:hock O•n·--• 11 843 W. 19th St.. 01 20/::0 uncolT ted I =" ·• GEN'l OFFICE quinas BA in PE, ttereation · · (!) ,,.,. ..... ,. ' !o7t-_. ...., t;C VI!! on; · HOUstietEP~K. Jteliabl• , o• -'·t·' f;old, one .,_. .... re.. A minim"-ol 3 ~ ol re,.;nt : . , "'!;~.,.· . . · Co. ::502 S. Cttenville, Santa K HOUS.,.""''''"'~ ..,,.,.h llFhool dip1om.a· U S " ,,..... '="' ,,.._ ...,,, J•W "" ~ COO -r..n.J:.r,,n:..ro., '':t' · . ' · • ·Da.Yi Onlf; ~-area. cent tun time PJ.fd t-::Q>tri· lndwrrial exp ts }'IWWl:atory. • WA.ll~ • An. lii1-·"' or houseman, apnt) tor 2 c-irt:cen, ' \ ~94-4\1G , ence In ncreatkirt leader-AboVe avt-:Tage typin.r and Eveniiip.. ' Ova" 21. BOOKKEEPERtACCNT. adult,,. NB. Write Dally \Vriten 1est 8:30 a.n1., HOUSEKEEPU;· liva . in. V Hollld~yP"I llhlP. Apply lmtnedittefy to shorthand aki1l! requittd. ', .~ :·, r-.ta1e. F/C, t.till. 2 yr, c'.\:p, ~ Pilot Box P 904. Priv. riil'lt'bltb. 2 children. 11c11t Oft •n the Personnel Office, $00 :lV::&.rN11'c:1:: NYM~ ,, progreuive thinker. PH : COOK~ .. 'd I wtd · Sat., 'Nov. 81 lSM, Costa Ftn .. va11· •• •••''ll:.I Ne..,......rt Blv~.. Ne"""'rt Please .... ,.1 .. Jn pe1>on lo.· ** ~ ~~~~.-.._.. ·· -~p or ow in Z..fesa Hieb School, 2650 .,.,..... ....,._ APPLY NO\Y ...... ,.._,;: ~:r--~ C91'FEE ~:Si!'W• .. , ~ &12-2666. tfChanae tor pleisant llVinl; FairvieW, (?.osta · l\f~. Vl'fER19R • : DESJGNER • Be a e b,. .......,.ornia. (Ilf) St. C(,ata Mt, . . ~ ca!e:':.~~.;~. ...... . =~,~~;':iW';·N• ~~N~~;i:'~n~':. ~.ru·;r~r•wlni VOLT :.i~· N~W~O~T~E~C~· w~c.:i·~tt~lW. ! ·, 1or Cool\, c,.v.,ar•.llillui." ••rt.Fortw<h<rworme· JANrro11. ,...,_M.,t.. * fantasti'cl .. --.Pm.exp'LAp,iy, ·t k."Un~~~P;;m, La:wu CLERk TYPIST '-· Cota&o Colloe· Shop. ·:1• 0";"'',,: ,f'"'"t ;ox?'do • .,... '1t<ad)' posttlo• INSJ.AN.T PERSONNEL 500 Superio'r Avenu> woiAN'~· , ..,.. your • • • ' ,51)2 W. l~hiC.P.t · ce, ewpoi :wtth ttinte 'Mnrfil!: PH: ia tM y,·ord for tl'ri.s·natiOnal Newport Beac·h, C&lit. ,,....-~ ·• • ..:...=..__, ;:;, 64:l-U2l -· lmm•dl•'· o""ning in sales COUNSEL 0 R NH<\ed: Blvd., Newp!:N;t 8ell'th; 613--Wf ltt.~».A». -~ '· comp"'""• Mw;-... for w'"':Tl'"',~":':",,:..:;. -r.:· ..... ::::~....... ~ v BUSBOYS v " ~ ! C&lit (n4>'6""""'1 · ·"72 , ,.. , NEWPORT IE.1,CH -v ··-··-·· Equ.i •pportunHy ~ ·~ ·-·-dept. J\.1ust type ~1»TI on Gloria ?.!arshal-:.J:l.e.~\.\'Ort .. _;• · · i j , , /! : ~6 • ., ,.., __ ,,,, ~. •·•to!"" Southern Calilomit.! \Ve 1 . M ti~ Htj)t~ '--=-.,itnl0-.'6 _. :J run tilJlC, or for Juncb tim<! elecfrie typewriler. Oiversi-Beach. Hrs. !>.-9 PM. Ate • J(iul n•.Yrrl•ln ~ ....... Si.4741 .3W w need emp ayer • &F ' ee.:ucy CoUNel&ri: 8'1..oti 2 onr,.. AP~> ;, pe""'' ,. "'' """"·· ,,...,_ ww _1ra1n. Trim e FRY COOK • , , 'ec'h •• .,, _-? .• ~cra~.oRS s E c: rt ET A R'X. Exo'd, • , . rltr. Horst Chiesi. bet"·een figure a.ild en.JOY« \\-'Orkinr: m an Equal oppo~ty employer .. uu._ Ln.:> tliortha.nd ~cal typll\i: 11 &. l pm, exc<"pt ltt on. & Call PtrsoMet. Dept. 1\ith people. 642·3630 Fottitn f!lr f!xpet'I~~ pre. -SALESMEN i·eq. Call U'T-20!!0, t":Xt 2ti7 Scheol .. lrtltl".\lct~'76o0 Tues. (714) 494-9401 CUSTODIAN. ?o.1ale, a-rave-* EXPERIENCED teB~R·w,m. 1;"c.K'. YP•.~S.~U· .N Otrlce ~REPR· ESEOlNTIENA..;.~s .,~o:,',~!:intmCl)t . , NEWPORT HARBOR yud.•h"" !495-IS<J. saddle. ,. .. r. DID YOU KNOW ,,.~ __ , 1... ·, ' YACHT CLUB TELONIC back Coll-•. M,, Shennak, ;•PL,. 998 So. Cst H\\-·ay, Lac Reh ' , • • -TRAINEES -''"On -; ·..;, ":·•' , BU:JY\~ .. ~a~: ~100a o~1;~~~::, married J,ffE ,~RIGGER 494.9m, o; -,a'-i-0034 Tht Ntwport ~~1;o;~ity~~1~':0~~:::_ see~~~rA;!~ct ~4~~,;1~1,., 1 1 net nou daily Tu • · tADIES'l9t670eunmto P I A matic electronic equipment trust office manager. ?tlust 1 _~_·\.' ·t..~i i~:-~~r • . l·i,:r::Y :~7tn~ ~?6 ENGINEERl~G co. :;n\\~~ ~-.. ~;om--' '·:'' ~ . _: ... . l:etl'~~_il;~1 ~{_(·~ 1:':"~~ '!tl~:t~~! jit·m that H1(!GH .• ~~ t ~~~~ e ~ t =~~ ·~·~,N~~J.1 P~f. EL PESCADOR, WI E. . L•aUna· Beich ..• ,: .. o::;:~ ... :~~j,!:__ .. _~~·~"!5e_· . ·~ · #:i.f ,Fa.$WJ!.~S~ . emplQla,i\ lf!\iifal ~ :: ~! P=f~ _ Jlhmeclfafe · ... Permanent care~ r w-·;J)· .· ~·~~ , 17th, CJ.-1.__ . ' ,.,,., """'-.!" . .,_,,., ""• .-1• ,Newport Beach LAND~E.-li-"Q~~N ·· . poriUJU~'.tor:-~u•lifled (ij • ·-· . _ • I . _ ~ ·~· .. ,Resumt .to .p0, BOK .,_ • . . ~ lro~en aetkiJ\( per· EornJn·. M pe-•n .,_,,.,...., · · ,,,,,,,..0!.hl' ' ' I' 6 ~-~.~ff:o~~i~:i'T~ EqualoeportunitYr.mpoyr.r ltl~\ ·-· ';fRf.iJmc •* -·o;:::.~l!f"~§: ~n~a_:tnf:~~ .S46.JQ$o . m;:'~!e~'i°~1:~1t)ico~ 'l',.. -· . · School. ?Just .have previ911S Clerical DENTAL ·'Exec •. .secy. I.: Apply •THE Fi.YING Bt!l'· ot l~Pe A .CO!\S.l;ruCtion. sis: For further in· ~oxR r>efitr~~.· C?nU.ct l'illl. · ~.:; ~ir~d, · Sub-PAYROLL CLERK ·AamtanLBothexJM'i'iencei!. u:R·-4J.Ol ·ffewPOrt 'Blvd., Calltlter;Spm,&Jf.:4151 formation SAL~,s : Won:i~.n t~r f:I .... ,... _, -.Jkrc;tlJ quantitY COoki ng exper. A,t least 2 yr~ exper, in pro-'hone aJl6'liJne. -~'i82. YOU ... ™•llJP c·'"" ·~o· newspaper actverti8ilt1 ty Pacific Nit't. Ba.nk , , .. mlt a'pplicat i on 10 in ... .-11 ·1rom caIC\I J; N.B.· · · LA-.. ,.iniw·i ' IUI...........,, phon!:sale11t.:renefaloffi0t 550 Ne .. -c.tilter Dr. oa,;,""" untO_od School "" • •~·-• DISHWA;:,HER · · & TYPESl':Trl!IC '!COLD> 833 ·oovo, r Drive · · ·~., You '"''" ~ .,,...,.., Dlsl ., Personnel 0 ff ice~ lating time cards, pa'.yroil 1 • F•.re .... ~.•r .Me~lt•nk• Part time: :Mon., 'lifes., Fri. "'ork. Sales experience and suite 3.>0 Newport Beach sional "'Ould", @ .'your ~126 Victoria Blvd., adj\1.'i~ei: k! ~eco1::: EXPERIENCED " Good ~· benefits, incl , pa.Id 3:30 to· 5;~0. A~cy and • , • OPERATORS , • • 11~ typ:a: needed .~~hr., SECRE.7ARY, ill'! wfiOod ho!ne. ~1'11 f.~MOl'o- ·ca.pistrano Beach, Calif. payro c c • vac~tion,. Jl'OUL> ins. uni· speed e:mrifW. Immediate E.xperlenced ln ..i11&le needle 'I' ' an <»mp&ny . ~. •horthand /t.·typinc •killll to ies, funrl.MM arrana:~ : CAMPER '.,PRODUCTION PERSONNEL •J.!Ulman •Metal men .9:Cablnet n\akc rs e Sidewall framer~ • }'loor builde~ fl. Assemble~ • Detail (rough & fin l ~\vledJe of housing, plumb. ·in& & electrlcal code. Top W"'e!, overtime, paid holJ. .<la.vs. vaca tions & ins plan. ··OLYMPIA IND. INC. J;)(}tO Goldenwest Cir • \\'estmln!ter. At S.D. f 'rl\)' & Bolsa Ave E. n1achlne .. 10.ktY. ldder, lYP. · Apply in Ptrsen forms fum~h.ed fret?, Gooi:' open•-. AppJY in per1SOn a.iid overloeQ. Good ... iece PH: Lynn, '7iH)271 lt'drk w'ltli .flnclnters In a ment, , ,. P er.y !rt ..... ;ng rt-·1.-.. Must hi! able SURF • Sl"LOIN -m •-•u1 ""· t "'• _.,. ·_, · ..:.. · h ~ • ,......... "' " ' ... u m.... itueu e. "'"'" or \Ved thrn Fri. Tht Penny. y,·ork prices, stea.t .. ~ork. Sales s.ues-onent.,.. abnosp ere. montoi noor ........ 6 -...... to take r-ull rt'!liponsibilily. 59•• n. C 1 H • Moo Ph "'"1'6' · ' • "-¥ ' ~~! ~67 . ...,., ~~,.., ..... "!'·re<. I .· 'f'IY .,~ . re • "'I' 1 • saver, l.545 Newport Blvd., EDDY. ?IIOSS.14042 Loc:ust MATURE Lady, dl'u:store .,. -l 1. · • 1 ell' ..• ?tiYourun:·-. . •• Neat ,,pcarance. and per~ Newport B. ach FOL T . . . ~o•., I full tirn can f ' ~nable. [,. ime maldll, reso11 Costa ?.lesa . · St., \Vtstminste.r: ~n . t':Xp, e. or ap. SEAM.srREssES -Mature r.fISS , NI-1 , Draft1m1n Jr to $525 hotel, l.aiuna Beach. o RT Ho Do NT I c dental polntment ~Z?04 women, e~'d only. Full or Final reiri~lim fer Call Shiela Hickman. D1ys Fee paid, outstandinr earccr ~94-~ , See Beft;Sl Si'1et al assistant. E x p t! r le n c e Sales put rime. Joseph ?llc:Gee 001'. crlASS!:S: 642-2.wJ. ~'ves. 547·26C8 op-pt)', 2 yrs coll. no exp nee, GARDENER hainee, no exp m ex prefem?d chairside. Salary Do You Take 494-4418,. · Noo0 :t;'.'"~• .,_. 1: Also ~e job, Call Arman, nee. Xlnt opportunity. Call ' •6' 6 open. 642-2(1..10 ,(SALESMEN SE.UmRESS, vtapery .' 'r· .-j '· CULTON INDUSTRIES '4~5410 e d'll'" rut. ln4' 19<-"'7 I . ~c ORTHOOONlST Rec..-. WANTED I .. ,1. .. •• ~. -1.a.,, .. s.,.ch ToNI ~!ti .. 1644 \Vhi ttier Ave. JASON B ST s G!fl3 _ Ladiet $ A:.eney for C~t. il'lt ti 0 n is t/Alsiatant. Good Interton. 1020 s. Coait INTlRIQR·S "' Co&ta J..11sa, CalH. Employment A&:ency Parent&' Institute need.! 2 . '10 W. Coast HW)'., N. B. •-'"· full · ~... ..,__ with a _:raln ot sa.lt J. W't HwY, iriornin:s. <194-6&41 2400 \Vest 'O>ast-~·a.y Equal opportunity empleytt 212(f So. ':r.laln. Santa An• v;omen to explain benefits By appoint 648-3939 ~~=· Vm!C: ::e.~~Q· say ·01a1 I blame. )'O.ti;l fOl. S.Cret1irles t• $600.00 Ne11.~ Beaeb' C-l277 CLERK TYPIST DRAPERY o-ratorg -to local rttidents ln ......___ -Jow~· a :few myse.tt Ol.b'·to A -...c;. · ...... '-" · ,,.,_,, • • ,... .., .... ., -PBX Answerinf servt«i, ex· be . d;.• .. pointed. The ·job ~ .... ner .. AO • '"''IJll aec. · · · Immediate opening in Police Expd. Top pay, vacalion!. Co. Tran a Jo 11 tat lon MANA. G[MENJ ptr. prete~·· hll' tirne-1eldo~.._..Uved up 'to t'ha with skills are needed in · · · · 1.. • Dept., night ~hift {4 p.m. 1o Cluslc Draperies, '3 B 5 3 turn48hed, no exp. nee. $75. 00,100· n V·""-... h • u, 1 -'·!-· ,. t"· •d. • th¢ tuchuea. Call t.on.ine, ' )(EYl'UNCU mldniN"t). File application Birch St. NB. ~1431 \\'eeklu. 9 AM to 3 Plot, 5 ~ ........ ;. ...:""' . • u. ........ '"" !. ~ ~· , ~· DO YOURS.El.F !erchents P•~-· ..... TRAININ.li..·· ' i~ Pel'sonriel Dcpt.,.R:m. 511, DRAfo~RY \lo'orkroom takinc day« a week. 546-5754 JD&Mr· . cy, 2043 Wl!'Stclitt Dr., N.B. Wt Ctty c~~all, 77 I' l lr Dr. appll~tiona for experil!''lleed Genera· I ' "!""""' '. p~~.tN~. xtimp: r~o:~:: A FAYC'JRI SERVi.64~2'71j). ' W11ntef;I s IW:~ 1&34-....,...,l. & tra.lbees. DA .... h Dra.....-v, ' • • ·~ CE STATION ro -A-M«•• CITY OF ooo W.17th, OJ. .. -... ~celleht:tnlninz prozram neceSSU')'. Choose own -'AND p · "' r'f• .... """"'" , s Office , .. for a ·e...:etllent·poeltion. hOW'!. Telephone and UPI.ORE \ bi4llps Petrole.um Co.· l\lONDAY, ·ocr, 61!1. COSTA ME A DRILL PRESS , .. Liq M -• , , __ ., · r No1v hifiJlZ .tor Salary· PUot .K~r.:uneh .~ ... R . . h,,...· ti" 0 u r llJI ue-•, ana,,f:ment person.., Uhc• v•ewmc or THIS -ONE! •--t·• .... '-•"tion. rl 1· r~r.·-:-.. . 1 Operaton. Assembltrs I: eq uiring '".o:1~ pos "£:, Train~ Prciiram tollowt a twe.nty-yetr-o!d 1urvey .,.., .. ..,.. aervx:e "' o!k nr. he 1ne,Jt ,..equip. PLANNING to move? \'ou1J CLaL~~-Fmo~t. fl~Ue ! k f~I~ d ~ ptl'lers. · ng E. t61tt St. C.Z..I. filil,li. hillinr &l)d an$Werln.; well pla.ni>ed, Complekelulve ~search company. $?.OO per U yaiJ \\-'OUld llke to mW Experience d'!sired. Good mtnt l< facilities-•Vailable! . t1nd an amazing number o1 w ...... u I--:--,====-,:-· I ttlephonr.1. MuSt ~ha\'e \'10' schedule, • ,provl"--vnu·the hour, pt.us ·C.,._" ... L E""''"' $2j(), -r ~:eek imm.edia.tely'. •~I . ·•a I ar y plUll Join the Jtadtr:f . .;! • • • " ho·m·· In '"'""'• o ... llied ~fornlng " evenin• ·-· * DRIVERS * . ,,.,,.,, .. 00 tea ••v ••• i.... w::s "¥ -... -...,,. ...... ,,.. .. -. 'with It _. .a-.. .:.... ""' G45-l65D · '<J • ~1 ..,.. ·be.st 'opP.,mmlty tO ·d~elop opportunity employer. Wrlte With an , opportuni,ty tor ....... wi Cflmm, uce "'111-.. .,,.,., 1 ~Ad;·~·.:°'~":;:'~tho;:m=•~ow=, =:.:.~:=====:"'=71 No Exp' ertenc. m'ar::hin~: Bookk~pi111 e~ quickly: 'i1'to • responsible Box M-645 The -Daily Pilat much mor• in t)te tutu.re, 0 pp 0 rt \In it I e. tot ad-Cemputer Tec,hilllfoty ... eriene.e h!lp.fuJ, Salary ·com· ex~ttVe · in Conmner Fl.f). PR, ODUCTION I \\o·ould like to Wk to you, \•ancement. Fer il'Ltonnatibn Call 54'7·~~ .~ . J~n. Wom. 7100 J~n, Wom. 7100-·. NKHSOtJ!. . parab!r lo ftpetk!nce: with ince. f .Intervttwlnt i! a -FOREu•N-U your qualifkattons match co_nttct.manqer,.Bookh~ 9 am to~·,.. ' CLERKS Varian Data 11'lachin es has the following immediate openings-. STO'K CLERK \Ve prefer a recent minimum of one year · stockroo m experience in the electronic -in· · dustry. and be able to work with a mini- mum amount of direction .. f1$µst have clean Ca.liforni• exccUent frtngea.. major parl of this non-sell-'""' our ttqulfe'menb, this could '= Adam.!., HunUn&ton Bok. , • ' .~ drivi" .. recOrd. A.;6"'. . 0111 642'..4321, .u. ... ·_·aala.riea position. Pro:rusive, fl'X1)&l'ldlnf com. bit-the career you've ~n Equl! ~portunlty Empfo,v: JOIN.THE Ff••n ·~ '' an• · k I '°' th 'T• 7 ........... -•·-"""''' foreman. . ~ YELLOW ~~ CO. u •.• er "u ,_.~ -.-..~ lookin,: tor. Cal! for pel'90nal er. \vrrH A ~! ' · us E. 16th SL Le1vitt for ap.-lnt· lJbel;'al employee bene~U' Experteneed w e b Ot.fsiet interview bel 10 RM I! 3 PM SERVICE Slatioh attendant; A&e/oducatiQtt ~-" 1 "A""-'''~• M9ftt. ~ -R.a ·-,1. _,.,. .... inCtta field. 25 {f) 3$, happily mar-('Tt,C) SU,110} ,. .......,. .. """"' ..,.., re.-r _,...-T--s.. rled. can Mn. DW)'er for eirp. nee. Stt l\like, '613 .... ~~;ou --ty ... the DAILY PILOT. ~ based ,on )'Qui proareu. .,,,.,,..... Si.let Catnpus Dr, N.8. ii,i.,n.c.£,r.z.~ Ellectronle ' General -·-Mith •ehool.fl'duate. appt, ,,...._...., ESCROW JNTERNAT101fAL . 1· LECTRON Pro!Hllonol ' SERVICE: Sto. Atlndn't. Ex· Mo!fl/HoteVApt Mont l<hl IC Jmniodlate part tim• help ,..~IFt*'•iN•uc"' f'!o:f OFFICER porioncod. Apply' 19tl •·· · .. " 1~ · ··-.. _ h "'"" "' r ~ ~ Im ment H bo ...._._ A DMSIVA 'OI' ' TEC"'NICI, "' 'N •• ~ '" ~suna ~ac · ·.,,,,,,... " '· ~·~ ,..,., ANTRONY~ n ~ Capistrano, Dana Poil't. Sin • -• • "' Outstandin: opporrunity· fOr ~ Exp .in uiteal-ate? clraltry & Cleinente attas. Car Mi. 1771 Newpon Blvd. COASTAL AG.ENCY exp'd. sales fllCfOW offiett -.. ... VICE S'rA, lal&nd tne-fl. ltt7 S. ·BR.00 • di...!tal system. T~o.u b 1 e ,Call Mr. De • -u'"'''"• SU"•. ·Costa lkil"· _. member of ,. l\,,rit in our new Mialklh l·tuil·t:fme', 1·part tim~. M'Ult ANAHEIM, S PING CL"RK ;l~&teilt\ _o_ppor-.DAY '~o\1L·IN!:'.'ITI·lf43, . '.;'. ~lcSnellinr.lnt •. Vlejo,Savinpfr,Loariottice, 490E 17th st CM p~ , "t' -..,... ,,. • ·-""" ~ -· ~ be · exp'd A:-have ,haircut; . OAuei 1or"tq_ *"~· . Wffk HIP s; • Wni!)rforlavanceftlfnt ·"·/ t>el.9amltl2,:r.ton 'thru ?OlN:1-UinSt.; 2'1'DOllatbarBl;CM·541J.«165-~fUs\becapabl•olhandlu. •· -.• ·. · ·--••vNEfOR• •. f.1ust have a valid California drivers 1iten5e. iro'JJnr tltttroriic Mr, Co., n-t. ' r ' -' S.nta Ana, • .iet ~WI torconvent»n. . Ask tor Betty . ,-.saoo and • re<:ont drtvtnr work history. We-r• ,tmtport lie.oh .n.:i<ll-lSOI · , ' .. . PROGRAMMER•. al 1,,.,,., l<lnt -cood. s'EJ\VICE' STATION i....i.· SAUCEiiijA!i '~L quire a minimum o( one year expei"lenc:t · · C.oen.1 . • . Equal 0P{l0l't!f'I~ tm~. · ANAL"YST .l opportunity~ for ·lf09.'lb. !!~~!~ n'~!_~ ~A · CO. fa1ritoWL4s. st. -14 and kno\vledge of iycking electronic tqu.I~ EIYJ~tronlcs ' Young man o\'er 17,.3 pm·i 1\fANA'G~ .b\ · · Contact roa-m-.-n1.. Vl".>U v. ?II Whtre the~ · d viii f .O.Pill man to "'Ork b:t small pm w"'·"•, --•.•• ......_ .,,;'t It bouof .... -. ltf:m.!1, for Ora.nit'-CoUt . Ji:. Collect DOWNE'/ SAVINGS I: conditioM. n..yl. Union Oll, · Tits••~ .merit is preferre . ou ' per orm. l v.ar1· ...._ ........ .,...._r_ ~ '"I.. ""-Owl t ~~ xpe ~ · ~· 1Tth st Co ta •1 •• \\'arehouse opera.tlol!. Prtfer supenif&lr. io year old boy: MR. l\fJT1:¥'Sr: f\tl.I . fuM, "'"'"'e • tee ...... e r. ,..¥ r WAN ASSOClA_TfON -. ·• -! " ega. .WillaM H. Sau6tt'rnu. ety of shipping department duties. some u.ndent&ndini 0 f . • ..... ......... ,..,_., -~ ~'"'" • crammer for tB~t.s&O tel~ •~t-t " · · E"' r. -;:.;·· e111ap 1n spo, "'· h=• ....... v •• ._..... proc:esain• system. l\·I us t N 'Wl SERVICE ·s-1•·n o-•• ,-~ ~.,.,.,.,..,. .... V·E~:..u ·-· ELECTRO. MECHANICAL tcclltlical terrA;S. Possibility horne\\'Ork: reliable, ;:oocl . , .. .., •• ~ ......,....""" .. ,v ....... · · of advancement. Sfit.-7167 "'h'"""'Cto,, m"•t , w rm·. Macliinis•-have · aix months of ~r-sALES. Bf a l\oife and htft, 10.T I Al\t Su Ev ~1..17:;,t INSPECTOR " ...... "" '-> ienc:e m~t dla:ltaJ t!CJUip. • • ~or • n. l .,,==· -:·:• ="°"".,...'='"""''""~~1 _This is a beginning position. ~linimunl re-Entertainment: ROCK TRIO prefer.Cl.I . $11 \\'k, 64.6-5M.l • Punch Pfest & model ~ di3k system. ALC mothe r fint. Put or tuU Mon. ·Tues nih!s. Apply 1t ATTENTION ~ ·quiremenU are the abilit y lo read insp_e_ ction needed for Newport. Bolch .a1t 6:30 please • Mult!1lkl~·0pr1 •. RP.cl. used. Selary rana:e time. no 'exp nee. 'Hlcheat Qeyron .Sta.tioft. Hart;ioi' ._, ENi'~YOtn1J .'"~ a_ "-i'"hlclub. 61'"';>47.U To $'?<* per v:tek AP"''.. incotm r with • JUc\V LH, Sift 'f'IR•...._ F'r1t'y OJ WO OP •-'-1•· T ; measurement devi ces and simple speciuCl· . ._... -· · ... · :-. • IN St1741074. Phloement com. ,00 ••• , of . M'--~·" No ~..,.., · · · · · · ,.._, -,..·1 · \VANTED ·M (rttlred) Wilh Tohy:[)Uchl. tun.t ·th~ ,..., iN .....w. SERVIQSt.a..AttndJl't. Lee.m 'to~\\-..u;~ • lions. ESTABLISHED tn~ • room In ht.r bOmt to cal'e \Vu.Co·tooL t: l>JE • ~~: .. WI r. del. eon Ol' inW!lt. ~1'62· Exp. .nee. See,. Mike e.t •t~_.,,.t. After~, A • Excell•nt starting rates, witl1 a fi ne benefit Lew ••all. N.B. Gu""-tor orderly "1Jy.'col)tiJ>ed IP !ISO.Pullma!t_~ ORANGE COAST, 'COLLEGE 8 .. ~· ·: ~:-,....;_,_~.. ~~T TEXACO. ~ ~·~t.1a.r1,r:JUal . d . " cUier ...... L. ~ \\'~ chalr, Lquna Bch Coa-·Jlela..\ l)lll).sm 1-.:.0. -__ ... ··--.1 .. II.. n.---Dr .... --.... __ L ~·*'I .. i Progtam including J2 days vacation unu: ••• A , ft'" 1112 %1.0l..Fa--,-'!'lloM -,., . ..........._ Sarah --··u·•~-.~ Wili ·:.j!Ui'"\' I I al h ll area. P.v. -, • a.ta MelJ. C:alU. ~• ...-.. .1.·-p fll'$1yearolempoymentpwanannu o • --...1n.mi>ooeod!• w"ttria Stallon"l'ornnce.MAIDS • . '1>-Oo.....,., needs 1'111 "'-"""""·-·~ ....-<'!.. C!Jy vacation !rom Chlislml$ to New·Ynn .;.i O\'V!odc. ,Good "'"" -.. . . FULL-Tiln.., . ....,. """"· "'" . put·dmo htlP. No~. pli~-1'!<:"! Aw.,~. 8rldft blvltattonr,.....,!li • and a stock purchase program. ·-i. Jlrlot•. ,...~ ~""'" Larune-·ffl.1111 R•Cl!llftONIST ... '"''"· ,.,.,_,,'"" aeec11. -eT-~ ~ ~ ~.P,l'P;'~ '-EDl!Y MOSS 1IOO ,Looua! Ge,..rol . . I: Ii~" · ~OJ , SEWING ·maelrine 'opttt..... ~COJO'!ll"I'• . ,.~ •• ::~:~~lT st.. W.eabntmtei:: ~ Conge ~~work that ~~P· :t_\ill or .part rtme. ' ~: Matt, whndl i. b"p'd, top "PYr ldtal ooM. l"OOA~ :r .. ~~~ '. 11 •-'-~---~,-,-can be t1~~urclu1o Jl.a:i tlr, I d~lt l.quna PIX eo.-et. A-1·· ln peno•, 1\eno. 1589 Monrovia. C.l\I. · ~· , • PIOM I AM TO I PM ,,.. • WY VOQll. T ~. rACTORY T'rainet and lhl~ fS, $:2.63 ptt br sruar LI fihord-.MoteL ~l tuc)Cy Fried Chicken. &93 s. SH.UtPOO Girl. }°'M' ap-..,-.. ~~ A '!"~'6 ill;' Varian Data Machines A, VA•lAN SUlSIOIA-Y 2'7fJ MK ...... ,, • ., 1"1"'· C.tif, ftl14 ISMI Df•t• Frwv •• Jtlft~Ot•• •"'''"'"~ I MMk S. •' Mld•l .. tt Ot{ .. .,) AH f9UAl O,IOJ TU,.111 tM,lOY'I• M·ll )nl c1'1'k. d!Q'~. Shilt ro ta,, start, Car nee. PH: M~ ~I u • t be attraet\\-e, m U Coast Hwy, Lquna &Nch polntment AL y R E 0 0 • g ttrpttt.iliell. ~~ '!r' Hon work, rERRO CORP. rutJ..ER BRUSH (:.'(). l\t~C tor Serv Sta, I'~ "' l t h trter&f \' t :US.A l\·tarlnt ).\~. Bal 181. Mh~~nito ~4t f'ibilri:rlau Dtvlftkln. 1&811 1\lllfll\t '1:· lite -mtthaniea) ftmile, tO ha~ bw:y and SALESLAOR •. Exp, 0. r IT' -o sw' l:r , ... t-~'--,. ., I Olli •MM\ 00 Gd hn: nd lntertttlni front deflk for 1..adles ea Y lo \Vear m .......,, · n.,. -•-•'911_ ntitr;:l&M nd .. Hunt Bch. q.nerl Cite......-. • k'rvttf!I, !Sa)<. a !Inn •··•ted In ~n 0 ..._ Lasuna.. 49+-1949 , SlLK-Y'Jnisber. E:. :o,-.... ......t , r or o qll ', t~f (;ood ottlce back(round, ~ 't.-or~lb; ctnd.·t. Corona del ,.,... .,.. ... -.,. ,.......... :;:;;;;:;r. t?1iV !1'art\ ~re&, tail Lor.aint, l.lat· Shell Sc!rv. 2501 £. menw. 'fyplnt 1lrills tt. Saleslady v.-ant!d .. O:perten<>: but 1~1u tnin. C lo ~·n M0l'lt~•.1rPlllllo Qa:- l-ftrehant3 Pmonnel, %043 Codt ·Hwy •. at OOfdenrod. qu~. Pinst e&ll 492·m3 f'd, toP. .W.r)'t Lillian'• peanm NJll Sch.-Mf..~ 21,9 --~ 1 , tldld \\'e&tel.i!f pi"'tll!.:N,B. _ 17.....U. • -_. __ -for ~tme.nt: Orto Sho• 333! Brtltni CM.. AM__, • ---• ~ btllt.f&l1 • .. /. t IA SI -fl 1 LI i< .; .. et N< w F 1. • Bl ' ' 5 Q' t f 61 8' [ ' K ' • • L ( ' n ' -• ' I E ..... ----------~------"':""""------------~---·--·-----·----··-··· -·-·- IJ~~d'­ ·The . .. ~-·•"'t~ "l • ;M; u w.i p lblj> ' .. Y...> 9/1t h lne ,.,.,,._ -"""'· 9,,, White '' Ahotll, o me. 9130 ....... """ ..... -· 9JIO e'r kit· .._ •. ) 91'!1 5' .. wbi I on & hriul; ...... 9111 6wks ¥re.. Adorable ma.le kitlc Unique mark. "· T '"° Very loveabl~ .. &y rit or &-"538 1/30 s wja, 6 PRECIOU~ pUppies, Terrier pocdle. f'ree. good, lo.i~ home 496-- Lag Ng!. to 3714 r clq ' 2 EE to DACHSHUND. I yea female COCK-A-POO y e a r old wale, FR )¢\'Ing ham~. Mi-101 \VHITE Cal, 4 mo11 5 9/29 wolJ ctlf'l'd lor, vie. 16th near \Vbltt i er, 642-'J414 &: 17th CM 9/11 K -1825 odle ed. "'1. · ture, p i on 114: •mele, !tie, =b. "'""· 1.$1'1: Cbam· wtcks AKC Tt"ee~ :, . ' 11 1 , 1 11 'I I I ' ' ' ., ;, • . ' • •• • ~ ' :I I ' ' I I 'J ! , I I I ,,I ·•· ' ' . '· ' . -· ' . il I -1 11 • I ' ' ' ll j , I• " ' ~I I I - • I I '" eaoh. -I DO " ' 6 .. ' . .. "' ·~ ..... • • AKC • Stud ' • AKC • pups. • ' ....... . AS A $30. IUO ...... ' ·ck\'.Je. ' ' I ' ' I I 1· r I ···-... . :1-r..:~ -iO;>'-- ... ~ l • I l-.. , ... l._,, FoUI CO~Nll!NT OFFICIS TO' saw YOU HtN'• How Yu Can UJJ, Our JIGlllW''Dmle • A·~ IJiMs " ·~ ...... -... pr '•!:.: .............. e lllWPOIT llACM Z211 ...... llM. .J.'! ..0 ~' ->t , ,., ~ , • COSTA lillSA U0 Wm lor • .... 11 o "°"'""" .. !1111 ...... e HV!ftl~~N 114CH -IQt 1'11111 -....... "--N pried wflll IO """' ..., I' e u.-.illA llACH m -A-Wi.:_. .. \• -~.u._ .. _,.. .... I , +, • • • ' I 'iOASTm 13.10, .d>l1ds -TV ..... 11. couch J5. -FRON'!' Ell-door, 3' • llOYS ......... ma 11-ll,,.. IRONING ·-12. s bll' MESA v ..... , Deslca $1.eo H 0 0 v I!: R Co~ l!M!<fERATOR $2', JI KODAK Browni• -12. siJO. act.an tnd. tabl• er 50e, pole lamps 50c, arcbe:ry 6"r" x l"' •• wltb lock. mail $1. F\lmlture $1 • $ 2 !ii • stoolt $5 each. W:inl back and $15 ucb. ~ $3 vacuum dea.ntt us. Rtatna wort& sa-1132 Dl.IMWt!r $22. ~T ' nlflol a1and $4. -..... tet 13.'. model boat IS, tabl• olot. ucellent oond!1JM. m, 51MSl8 chair ud ·ottoman $25. ud 15 F1roplaoe "'°"' 12 Elec!rlc a..... $10. 2 Reel . . . I~--------·I I: U1e~~.f!:~ Wnp$1.s&_walllamp~, CbdnlwlthteNiol:llPl'inP.LADIES Wtttem dothtt, Diabesandpo~andpans$1 Canister v~UDl Q ·Pole i. ~-JU each BJCYCIJl:..'l'ype Ex¢mlor, QUl:EN SI I• we.'lnut LEAVIMG· tht· slf.te 5 3nd Jack La Law aerclle. bir new, tit titta 6.10 x 15. TJO me U to lf. $4 to $10 .. .is.. 5,18-;,6f90 . ...,, &be:~ $3 e&ljh ~ chair Samaonlte attacbe cue SS: JlO. U x 15' Heavy pile "Ii bookcMt headbo&rd $1S. i · taMt p. <to $3 2 .: __ $2, t2. :.on.. d~ sec$;!. iWI :z l4. f.OO x lS. $10. Two Handmade 1tretch w 1 g • GIRL'S dotbn Ju.nkr a1iea 3 S:5 J ~ ~ Jl "'f.ch La.~• bUce $5. M&n'• blke -and iW1 ~ $25.. 9• gx5 Queen she m'.attr::-RCbox • .... ...., ~ ttt 1ac, troll $1.tiO. Coltman luleml, double ' · Bookc.ue htadboud $ 3 $5. Peeboard t 0 Id 1 b I e .,.__,., ~ .,. · 1prlng1 and frame .-. A !· ~~and1~~ carilmt •t p, titttnc mutda $1 each. HoDe)t ~~~:;:i•t· 1~.!·;:.1!i:..new~_: Pbono tumtabl,e $S Photo dlapJay bovd, $10. Oilld'i ?wfapea oraan $2S. Set child'• flOl'lable record I·. -• broom · $1, Pli:-nlc buk<t maple -with 1 lx -....,., ' ~ -wear_, <riJariu &od equlj>Jn•nl !IS plpatlc ""'""""" pool 12 all"'"""' !or I. $7. Qulll..t playtt $5. lf63,100l ~ $5 eath., nic; S15. 75c. book dlelvee: $1, double drawen $20. Oothts dryer BLOND fall, $25; Short nd Soout Bh1rt •ize ~ and Cu dryer $10 E1ecbic Ammean nag an! pole ..,: I !-~!!:!!•~dC:IOf!:·:..'.-~~7~-1 ;;:-;::;r;;;::-;;;:;;;;;,;;;;;-;n, I •. *'-" $35,, ldt.cbea ~table bed ~ rolJ..&way bed $8. rack $4. lmperlaJ Sctten-wl.r. $10. Blown ha.Ir p\eccs, pantJ slu 14 like new $3 dryer $5 Gifl's 26" bille $10. Green n;a.ua:= chili ahd !J'RERMADOR EI e ctr f c. a. TV $1.2;· Stt'am iron St: "-ls8Q $1.flO. Hoowr dot' baaktt SOc mtrron 50e muttr S15 U,cht bu wU:!l $6. each wry l(IOd. 644-&17 each. Scout hat large 50c. Rattan couch $25 Chair S15 otu.---.. I -odl"-n built-•---·-ft"-.. -·bl• !ted lantern itz: Lleht fix· ,. uprtpt $10, bl.ck iuue 1 ' ~ ,.Jj:1· • Scarf 25c. Oompl8te CUb .......... "' ....... ...., u ... _,., ..... ..,. '"'"'"' tures far ........... wOl1ahop I ~bo1& 10c Ucta. kitchen awn mower .... m~ . cue $10. Laree ~ ln-LOVELY old Japm!se hand scou~ u n i 1 0 rm &be a. <:orner table and lamp $10 $8. Cigarette itand p , :l ~n and Cooic: top ia> eacl.. · .. ---· · clOck · .$1, 3 double lheeta airp]ane w/motw S1. desk ~ cr1b mattreu, painted tile on teak stand $2.!k:l, Bueb&Jl cleats 11.Jt 6' ' sUding window & n d aluminum paHo ch8.irl $2. 2 Set of 8 molded plutic Ol' whatever $4 it a ch· (pew) U. .3 i-irs pillow lamp SOc. Sat. &:lid Sun. 124 ~ new, $6. Enrcycle $!5. 1974 Federal Ave., C.M. 9 $3. Books Nancy Drew screen $10. 4' 51ldin& win-prden hoaes $2 each. Hand reindeer, each l feet. on Bathroom It.Ile $1. 5 Blue Cues (new) $1. mirmr $1. Tow i:i e ' Colta ·lites& $5. 49G-St70 . ONE twin HoJl·............t bed &ood condltkm Zn ~ dow a.n<f screen $'l.50 EJ.ee.. rttl mower $5. La r I e stainlea itttl cable $25. Stamp bocb $11. 2 Metal -•• -·c V""""' trte treD::b .....,_ .. " Drtnlt ~ .... 1e .. plc•·-1 ... ,,.... '""--• -•ee ··-!-a-·" bed at&nds wtth springs$(. bl,lr1'eoeand:~,$3..old ~'.ru Bn;iomllkenew wlth$ealytpringardmat·.Mi b\!14 .~~ aold ~1"-4.. ..,_........, •uo: -..... .no:M•u -.-\M ......... Book'50c Cub....J .. t Kilt $2. 3 ti·! ftdwo6d patio DmETl'E table $10, JlM.ra $ 11. At tac be c a 11 e, ~ $11 Good condtUon. »rinl l'ftti ,reef rutt!es $15. blf:lnder $1 Wattle iron $2 Small picture frames ~ anlmal $10. 536-iMfiO tiK:ls:; ~ f P.M. u .. ..,. i -.... .am ~ ·JS. 1131 eha1r $25. P.hllco AM· radio S&m.lonlte, py and silver IJ)Otlele.. Newport Heiebts. Se.t pink twin eovtrtet wltb Books Se-$1 Bab;v to. tee. each. 3 camp stools 50c I. ~Aw:. Apf•7 upper $15, cqitains ~ PJ, 2 $9. 2 Te&!cwoOd end table.I! .,..,. ..... white ~ l-'l1Ule $2."' Otb'er aieclottiet~-~$SG&mts each. 3 piece gas lop $10. STEREOS:Uw:rtoneport&ble, rur ec.t.. Mesa. vaportlm (IW'W) $S each, from pre.war China $11 -~adJ ::Qt: and $L lOe fKl $1,S). ;iW Sennllda. Black iron ti.replace aet $3. 4 locd t'Ondttioo $25'. 8G-45:n , LadieJ Pd tillfd. ~ne each. Bathtub shower80Y'Sbtke28''$15.838-8619 Bejze df.a,pn ~ $10. ~tw& Walnut bar atooll $10. CRIBAndmattreu,cubed, I Y~ .. ~ :: f~~ wrist watch $25. 2 cloclu .$3 enclosure-tlldin&' doors and TORQUE f11&:b.t transmlllslo.n Childttn'• pm.es 5oe .. $1. LARGE aewn d-r a We r, ~~. w;~. hood0~. ~ baby scale, duck ~O,y l w ._, ~ ...... ~ each. Ladtt• bandb&p $1 rails e ·· wide x a:J" htP for 56-57-58 Chev $25. Buick 962..fi3G9 tlarciwoo.:f-de:I)[. 61.,. .. x 30" ._.-, ..... u.. .a.111· and diaper baf, all for $2$. : :;au:-~ ~r'!°' !~ eacbt;~• Nb SOC each, $12. Medicine ·cab~ f!. revetae rlma $10. Solid axle 31", $25. Nevu-DW' buffet coat, alze 6, $3. Girl's Matxl::'"7=-"'ii=.,...,,....=~~= 1 :-C::ocktall-c!Nlwlth~at Ladl•~;Joc.$4,boxOf J!l..fl aptakq, 8" dlamet~ tronteDd$10.Towbar$S.SO "s?s~~=:=: 47i,.s x 171n" x ~" $4 vanity table $5. Suzy DOUBLE Bed Sl5, ~. neck. nwer _.,, paid $60 d6t&Cttw, ~. $ 2-, cUioa JBL-<rlB $8. New 5 iallon saddle gU tank $1(1, $9. Ri&ht front tender Motor, electric, ~ .llP U ~~'..:1~=r ov~ixmun ••. ~r .. .!4.. FEnala-~~~ ... ~ 111150. • . · · ~~ ' batl\toorn QJe Sile, C:hlldf d.iamtter spe&lr:tr U. Shut· Electric ~ ~tor $2 ~ ... -• , .. ..,.,_-,.,,..,._ , , etll $25, aiJ:e u , Jlot plnk rocking clWr $2, spQ1 tiottle tets, indoor, !oldln& ad· 15 foot color antMna with (allghtly bent) $4. Bu.mpen New ~ctric 8 b 0 t t It' artWclal .,.Im tree ~ Iron or toW price $25 ·He.'. FORMICA Top dinin& lrl 6 chalrs $20. Sofa ~ $5. 4 ~Ing.le beds $10 e a c h . Roll--a-wa,y $2. 2 End tl.blrs P each. 2 old chairs $2 ea.ch. Rdrl&uat.or (l'O;tirtop ~:tel' $15. Rotobroll $10. Odds and ends 50c-$4. Sat 9 to 5. l1ll w. Oceanfront, llalboa l, al#wlem ~ "'Oftl· ln raclc $3. Uquor dtapenaer $8, Jultable louvers, one set, rotor and UHF $160 new, no each. Motor lid {hood) iteriliier $3.50 Crib and candlt'labra $3. Trotlltr rack .,_1304 • · ' '. · Mdd1ni wltb in 1 t ch 1. n • l'C01'l'l puttntt $3, _ Jt;d!U. 25'' hl&b x 4t'' wide $6 each. now $25. Large color Tl/ $8. Side window& $5 each. martreu $10. 5f4 Hamilton, $4. Patio po ta with plants'"'"'°'·==---~-~ COINS For aale 8 AM to 7 , table net and J*ldlu . $10, •botl .libe ~&Ch, 1adlet coats Movie projector, excellent 11tand $10. 1584 Seta Ana. Seata SS each. 531-3148 C.M 646..fi892 $3. eactt. Maple swivel KODAK Camera Ale. movie PM Sal and SUn. 68 and 69 ' headpiece $10. Pina pone Sl-$5 ffcli. ~ bo't¥Uha mtld!Uon $25. }l(e_w 643-8383 SCRAM LETS . secretArycba;r"5.Gtttshop $1.SO, ln1tamatlc $4. proof sets $20. Indian Head j'. tal>le ret and paddles Slb. ball, bt.a. lhoel $15. "framtd $9.• V!twer $.t .Sample caM HIDE-A·BED fl5 LuiJqe • FRENCH Prov1ncial &Of& itenu $2 «.clJ. &l abttt4 .$1 ~ $2. SU.-i426 centl, 4/$1. 6 different BU i S4MM6 19IO FlamlnsO t:ir., plctmt• ll-$5 tach. movie 8 ·~ and Vln.>'1 9" x rack $14. Ladle; bllce $10. . . $25. Chair SS. 640--34511 Uch. Phone 96W2'TL -20511 MO'i'Cll'ilit'aE He J m e t • , rol1a, «nts. $l2S. BU Lln· i' C~-mm camera $2. 64).6880 12" .x 21", $&..M~traa tor Vnieycle $4. Electric deep ANSWERS AQU~IUM, 20 eal S25 S&lt Air Circle, Sboreerest. faclDry seconds, halt price colru 59 to tlO, n. st p mint 1 ELU"l'RJC ironer $15. 6" SOYS· Schwhin 1n::.__. bike crib S3. &42-6935 try 41 Corn popper-15e. Aqu~um . supplies 1 0 c Huntington S!ach, on $16. 982-0661 set $1.25. Other ·coi.ns., in, ' bench ~ S1S. body and US 200' Eu~ X M AG NA V 0 X Portable Melmac C!tahea iservea 11 Appear -Bodkin -Rakish Pho~aphic ~pm~nt & Btookhurst Street,. IOUth Of ~FO"RME'M'E===-:11e=1t'°m-.._--r. price or leu.536-3021 '1 tender hammers $2 and • ._----~-TV need fl ... ~ •--'· ....., _...Ill\ N d' ..••• _ U bin ~ h .,.R_ auppliee llJc.$1 Saftlite $2 Adami. 1 ti~. Belt m~11 oU ~-------;i $2.50.. body and fender mO'll'W! mm '5--;~ . • •we ""'n• ...,, ••. w . ew an ,,_... "'3'" -re -..,.,tac -D<U· Typtwrtter stand $3 Cot-! t ln $25. Ex C.B. Equipment for nJt: : · dOWes ,$2 l1ld $2.50, ~ ta~ S, 6 ~ 1'. rte!• !50e. ~t ~k ~ 0: buttet ~· records and books tt!_-:-~~~. "YUPl'ou know, '''"'· fee table .$5 Chain fl An-=N$20~~~.b~~ ~:i !ciae b~ ss~r:i.9794 • c:oaxaI cable. Sc foot; con-ftlt• $2 hotly and tender SlJt 12 ~dance drelus · n ey or 25c ~ $1. Plaid drapes and ~..., ........ .., ~ tique 5• dla:me-tPr stage coach ntttora. 4/ll; Telephone jack at $:l5. 0-l" mUcn $8, $25. Se1rinr patfmll lirl•' drlwway. 310 Fe l' n I eat, twin.· spfeldi' $3. Kitchen lne $1.50 tor• ahot of Scotch wheel $25 Sunbeam .. deep tat Scout and Brownle unilonm DUX Walnut chairs $25. typt·n;tches, 41$1. Turner '1..2" mikN fl.O, J.mike• $10, me g. to ladles' ·•I• 24~ 20 CclM ttem.1 ~Oc ~ $l. Jewelr)', In here! is r~iculoua. Wby, fryer & trying 1>4n S3 each $3 and U. 64&-3680 Larble coffee table $15. hand mike $1. TeJephone ,.3 .. milDe9 ns, lnlk!e mikff tor $1 2230 C&n;yOn Orive, CARTOP Canier, -new, $10 • .bills, punu lOc • $1. l've had ~ a drink of BBQ $1 Doub~ dresser $20 1 MAN life raft $5. "-4 x 8 ached mahogany end ~ mike $'1.50. Underwood 112. machinett tool b:Jx $10, CM. 548-6197. Coffee t&hle, M:edlten'ane&n puiltmu decorations lOc • Scotch for 30c a jigger in the Double & sin1]e beds $5 plywood M. F(l&m eu1b.ion1 table. $L5. Comer table .$2]. Communication typewriter ; ~ c.allpen and iJ(ii HOOKm rug • pad style $15. Mateblne OCUD• 50c. Sat.sun. 1249 Conway ~t~ Sar down the each Lawn mower & new 50c. Mot<n $3. Wooden ~ ?r-7 ::ite croclde -$10. Jobnlon CH.lf c:rystala : · !HVkkn $1 to $2, 3 miap $10.00, &d Bfaidtd J'Ui·nlce mode $15. Yellow sle,51 stool Ave.. CM. Fairview and B&l'teodel>: "Wily don 't YoU araia catehu S8 Pots, pan11, chain $3. Milk pail $3. rood co!:tt~. ~· all $ 2 · 5 0 · 6 ' 'f o 1 t ·' Pae• $10. ~ tilcicb $25.00, me,tchlna: IM&ller $1.50. Camp stool• !iOc each. Baker take your bu.she& there 1,. diahea and eiurware Sc·2Sc Wooden clamps $1 I..arp c~(elimiqator ~.50. 115eet,ear1tandl $3 ~. NII $5.Q'.), lamPI and K1ng-.&1ze sprtad $4. TV ADldlRAL retnaerator lO Drunkard: ''Too bad. They Wood grain paneling $1.50 beach umbrella $2. Shoe MOVING Must RU, gu and ~~.~ra~~~nl tOekets 25 and 50e each. ah&dt1$5.00uch. 5'8-3900 $17.50. Cblldre~ wall ft.$25 548-'1396 • wentBANKRUPf." sheet. Moulding 4e ft . holder 50c. Candle holders hand ~ $10-$5. ta-. -6 -ua. .•• ~ F~ tools 5 to $4. trlkt and · deooratlona St each. 1119 cu · · Primus 2 burner kerosene brass ~-Gas can $1 Auarted prden toob 10c to .-.... --. -• ptdan car wheel• 25 each, 't,~;: Viejo.:~-Cbarleston. CM 540-42'75 GIRL'S coata, Uze 7 $2. USED Danish modern atove $15 Porta-a.freeze Unicycle $~. 961w.11th Sl $3. 3 ladderp $2.SO to $7.50, llahts S4lc. S36JCrll. ~. 10079 san Pablo H~~e · beds ~ BROWNIE Drffl w/tle belt, ..Boy's red blazer, she 6x $2. furniturt: coUee and end camplfli Ice box $10 Child's "N" cy. Ula $1 QbinetB $2. E1ec-KIRBY'-Vacwm, $25. pro- Court Fountain Valley neu Walnut table lamp $15. pole pune, cap Call pteea new), u inch Motorola TV $25. tables $10 each. 2 swiwl lki• $1 Ski boots 50e Ski srtNGAftY boy'a bicycle ::.f:" ~~~ =t~ 1easloMI hair C1ryfr $25 • . pn-ner Brookhunt and lamp& $2, ftreplaee tools alze 7, $6. Glrll. swe.aten 25e Kina: 111.ze mattreu $25. chlirs • matching ~ach. poles $2. Slip-e.rHllde $2 $15 548-&29 .,.~ 9xl.O. tent $25. Tent ae- 1 Ellia • $10 244at CbN&nta Drive each. Boya Y'Uow ri.lnooat 644-1869 Lamps $5 each. 56&-Teak ac:rap OOc-$1 Sat only. · Filing cabinet $10. Hens ceuorlff no. Table rv fAP ._. almost new $3.50 831.am. · $1. Ladles winter coatt COMPLltTE dwble bed $25. HAND made oval rug $10. 9-lPM. n7. Center St. HUB caps SOc. Blue rue 8 x clotht'a '15c:. S&turdaf and &OOd wm"kln&: $15. &inhearn •lie 1. Bird cq:e and stand ~ Mena ewtaten 25e 4 rattan upholltered den Hammock $12. 675-6572. 833-0581 eves only. 10 $10. Bathroom N& blue SUnda,y only 147.Q4S. 17702 e I e ctr t c mower $20. $2.50 546-6441 2 CHILDS desk $10 ea., 70 fl (M). Boys lpert eo&t (new cha1rl $20 each. Rattan ot· '62 CORV AIR parta SI • $15. 1958 MG ftlr parts wl.re $2. Ro u n d rug $4. Wrlghtwood l.zl., H.B. Portable TV, good working PAPERBACK · and bard· ~ J. ~~~ = t:,e ~ condition) aize 1'. S2.!it'l. lll9 tom.an $10. Rattan tables $10 Convatr f bam.I manifold 3 wheels S7·.50, other parts 50c STINCRAY $16.50, 546-6317. MAGNUS Chord organ $15. $U. 893--7479 North Hun- «iund boob c 1nc1udin 1 Vol~n mumer $ 50 Olarletton, CM 5tO-f215 each. Vt.cuuma $3 • no. months old $25. carburetor to SS. box. outgrown worne.ns CARPETING used, beige, Patio tabl~ and umbrella $5. tington Buch ; P'}'CbolozY book:I) 50c ~ d~wt.ibfr $1'. AQUARIUM PwnP* $9--12, Sofa and chair $20 Leather $2.;. VW pa tank $8. 6 cylin· clothea me 12 a.nd 14 in-pieces approximate size 17 x Complete tilh tank $5. BEAUTY Rest Queen mat· ~. ·t0 '1. juz: 71 rto:rrd• ~to enclosed ear top cari1er tor Tift with rim $8. Large vibrator coQCh iz. End cellent S15. 646-4780. cludtngblue unilomt5$2,bar n $25. Size 10 M 10 $12.SO. Walnut comer table $15. treu. aprlnp ·sso .. 'Larae ; ~1, antique lamp i l O , late mOaeI Fof'd..Mercury atutted doC $3._ Tffn l't«lfdJ tablea and coffee tables $2 • FORMICA dlnttte b e i g e · doors $2.SO. 546-ZTn Size 10 x 11 $12.50. Smaller p 1 an t 1 50c to $5. ''l-pc. Silver tea ~Cl $40. ~ $25, AM rtd.'° m.tion waeonai $15. 549-ot9S 50o42. Small figure skat.ts $4. Slack curly wlg $10. 20 brown table with JeaI $20. BOYS 10 apttd ractr $20, pieces $5. Call 962-4888 :X,~ ~llehold Silver tray $20. Glria broWn 55-QNl.mu tree $10, 60T WlUNGERt~ h 1 ~ Custom PI an t e r • • volUJn~ ot Book o f Six chairs: ;25. 968-2398 Stingray $9, record player SIMMONS twin bed aOO grey wool ~ki suit $10. Laip pie· 'Orchld Corona ~I Mar.-mu:hlne $20. ·aari~ :J ~ &eraniuma a.nd KhoW!ed~ $5. Lawn mower GIRL _Scout un tform_, $5, 2390 Fordham, 54~104 headboard $:kl. st&-7052 REF R lGE RATOR S25 tuft $10. Ott#&: $5. ~ae WHl·TE plistic co& ftd ch&if ~ ep!<tible $S, eW ·=in&: b'eel~~°?~~!!!; Sf. Sm.lll electrteal a~ SW\!ater. blouse, 5hort& $5. CHEVROLET transmiMlon MOTOROLA VolumaUc AM ~~ :i1e$25~ ~= $5. Vases ·50e and $1. EJl&. , bedroom 11i.JrNture l driNler fe.t ~· ~··G.£. portablt: ~· 545-UU,>)~ 1. • pllancts Sl • $5. Fonnala $3 oo.:aisJ automatic $2!S, radiator $10, Radio from 1955 l>nntlac picture plates $3 .a ch · I 1 ;tD~ .' dett • $15;· 2 router $15,\'!floW, ~· ~ :, • $1D. Dl5he1 lOc • $3. Sal· RECGlW 1 r Portable b o l h out of 1958, 17" iio. Old Chief~ AM Ra<Mo $2) ea.ch. Double ~ $)). 1 8 am t On it e Cu• $7. 1 · .~ -~ 'iT eac.h ma Jilt · M~¥t; brae $15.• ._ ~metal ~tehen · iibfe Sun. 501 Ktnp Pl. NB automatic ~~ &0..:ns3 portable TV $2.5.. 5«8-6529, from old Ford $5. MJ..8507 BU' .tool no. 673-7 Saturda)', s a n •, 1 2664 .~ ..aimer table $10. 2 end Jarnp.i $S; iewuia maeh!nt 'lnd « chaln $2),. lnlayed BABY lte . 6 'band t:ll!A l!:. 18th Costa Mesa or M2-l37S ·BED, stnale •. compltie with Bu.swttid. Ea• t bl uf t , l :ttblet $S qch all in tx· $15. ,.n 4 ~lrqn~. c.om.. t~ .. ~nd v~~-$5. 15" rnattren ia_ ~en scalea 5i'ro J::'" $10 hand iro:; GOOD quality ladies dttssea GOOD kitchen stove $1.5 "'::;";.;'t.:"':;...:;JI;;';..· 543-;:;::::1&1t:=====N=""'°"===· I!<:="::· "'::-~·-~· -;:::~,, , otlltnt con d It Ion 235 del Mar. • v•....,,..... ·~·...,.., map · ' 14-16 $3. $5 $1, maternity · •. '8r'ol.dway C.0.ta Mt,. :m · near new S15 each, 1 double $4. Wooden playpen $6. board $1. Step atool $3. ll1ackl n 'ta . 39 Green davenport $10. lMT LEGAL NOTICE ' ~ FORD va.n ~t $2$. 2 b&blcbe 1*rbaeue $10 1 Mobile $1. Bathinette $8. Haasoek $5. 4 pc. bed frame ..,, mena IUl aue Placentia, Costa Meu • 4 l'iii.c".lP.RES.S ~Ana American d f'& Im•• tel' sln,gte habactie b&rhecu~ ~ c.ar aeat $2. Baby clothes, (). $5. Hand made candles .5(). ~edlum_2..ike~.::wi. $15-110~ HEAD traction 9e1 (new) ad· 11etatrts, MIU"· Senfl Ana wheels for V.W. S25 each, 8414964 ' 2, 5c • $5. Teet.tr-tot $4. $2.50. Salt, pepper wtg. er.s """' •• ,,.. e bl $10 H •-- Airport Maytag wrlnpr Falixnt wheels and ttres p. Mesa Verde. 1658 Mlnorca $5.00. Dresser $lO. SOfa $10. $15, ladies after sld boots Justa e • · eat ""'11P type $3:), pltar $l5i boys each'.. UJe~ p, band GLASSWARE lOc-SJ, Alta Dr 546--lOSl Jee M<atu: $2. Clothes Sc· 71,ii SS, assorted bath room !floor model} $25. C:ampice boxing gloYies $2.50 work u...._ $1 each. anorkel dMn ~tte F4!.5 le1f timer • $l 00 S 1 llk:·Sl 00 carpet $3 to SS. hand hooked cooler 13 x 17% x 211Ai, ex· helmet $2.50, claw hunmer maak $2, . atandud bed camera $15, ,8u11hne11 "'.Al.NUT crib and mattn!s1 ~k~ »~:. ::xer $5. H·al~ rup $7-$15, clock ra~io SS. celle.nt condition $5. Trailer $1.!IO, __ bunch -~ll'lf..~• gpr1ngl. S1. Bon-Air cu Telephoto ~ $1.S, $15. Port-a-crib $8. Stroller "-•er $5. Car rack $2. steam tron $2, electric cot· hitch SS. ToUet seat «Upport U. 1;\ .htrie ileCtrit; \l10tOr cooler llD, electrtc beater Amplller $8, 'ltalb 'raitib with b.ln cover and canopy Di:hes 5c-$lOO, 2579 Oxford fee pot $3. &U-1352 for invalid $5. Step on metal $1.SO. .-Ctrlc motor with $5. 642-9361 reeelwr $25, Antenna $13. $10. Frames for paintlnp Ln C.M LIVING room drape1 144x84 wa11te container $1. 545-2529 wa1er pump $65.0, two~ COFFE't and · end . tabiJ := ~ ~;(' $8$1.0, eb.3 and phfttol SOc -43. Cabinets BAB''/ ~lb "Edia>n eolid white medium weight us. LOVESEAT oventu!fed and f. ::_~1:. ~~~== ;t~te!:·t=~~· ::V~b~~~·~~~ ~1~ ~e !:: :: =e,:~ea~~;; ~!i:d~~~:e~c! ~:~~o~~.M~~~ ~th ca~ $7. 6' fenoe toman $10. table lamp $& rtua'· 4 'x 6 i4, ·T= $2: Birch d lnet t• aet $23. a:mdltlOn: Revet Ware 10 tainl $6, baby'11 room cur-way lamp $4. 545-8530 troll pott !50e each. 2 clothes wall tamp $10. 519 El BlnOcUlan u.' Lace table 6'13-UJT. pc. zet SS Tape n!Conier fl. ta.Ins white with flower TYPEWRITER re c e n t I y , . line. po&tl $4. mini bike Modena. 548-291.5 SaL &lid. _._... ... li9l2 Elm F V LADIES 3 epeed SchwiM N traN radio $3. 4 rno-border~ and rods SS. overhauled good u new ex· •'· wheels and frame $! ' Ul.l'loll ..... • • ew • bedroom 2 pair aqua cur-e.Uent for atudent or ottlcc blcyclu -4 $5 to SB. pick u; Sun. ., 9IM3&2 bike $25. Men'• 3 speed bike el engine. $l. to $20. talM li&;ht $3, 2 pair heavy p): Electric steam iron llke tool box $15, bcxt link flt· MAPL.E coftte table 30 x BROWNIE dru.r, aweater, $25. 3026 Kill)'brooke Lane, Hampster ~ $1. 2 BBQ belp $5, bathroom 1httr new $3. 548-7165 " ·ttng, $5. 46" S6, hea.,,. d .. l-ilx~ bat., tborta, T-thtrt, book. 2 Costa Mesa. 545-~ motors $1. each. 2 side view ensemble plu. window cur-~l,5S10N V\ejo, mo v I T1 I cushion fir MO rubber rua: SOCkl Slit 646--1351 332 HAMMOCK $5. Tetherball mlm>rs $5. Ball&ntlne Jab AC talns red tie back $6, au 17" PORT.;: $10. 2 twin Sltmday afternoon and Sun-p&d $6, 2 IUj:e lamp •hl,: Walnut Sl CM and pole $2. Touter $2. :t me:r ~n:se~~~U: Jtove O'K~e and Merritt ~ri:ir. 1m ~~~J~ day. Hollywood lifl&le bed.1 S1 ..u.ch,. 4 .chrome w • 2 BOYS Schwinn Stinfp'aye Desk lamp $2. Rotleserle ea. ~ pl 6-U voe $8. apotlesa condition $25, 1929 frame and headbovd $3.. pi, walnut table lamp S15. ~ eor:.,•:·J!!. Potnaet wttb·manufactured extended barbecue s.;. Small =t r!e[ver power •UP-c Ana.helm Sl, Costa Mesa, Heavy duty lawn chain (4l poll! WTu>s $2, fireplace _ lm'k-and shock: absorber ex· barbecue 50c. Sunbeam ton-ply 6-12 or usv $8. Carnero 645-0074 $3 each. Typewriter fl.Sl. 1 .. tools $10. 24481. Cbrisanta 71 RECOR.OS of lNO'a 10c telll!nt condttkm $» each. neau cover ru. Pr Int trailer hitch $8. MG mttten VW part• ftlr sale hl'tl like pair small bedroom lampe Drive, 831-5215 frilht factor)' set $ 4 • 11(11 Yorktown, H.B. 962-7898 wUhtt $2. Contact printer car co~ ui. Pontiac $5. new vinyl le'&tJ $12.50 each $1.SD. 1 des.Jo; !&mp $1.50. 1 '. l.AOm'!R z ft, iextieQllan $11 &t2-31&3 JEPPESEN a;rounc1 school $S. Zenith TV portable ts", He a I y b 0 d y p art a , tuned exhaust with muffler gas mower $10. 2271 PaclHc 'line! Jacka $4, 3 plloftl m. FORD chrome rinu and tirll bookt eoJ'l'l1Dtlcl&l $25. m. 5'6-8666 head Ught&, .speedometer UJ, Two complete head Ave .. Cosla Mesa. 642..a780 ,t aide white mamel $6, $15 pt.It. MotO'l'C)'de solo ltMnfmt $25. Unkyde SlO. 54&-6666 tacb etc. SL to $111.. Al10 light units $4 each new TABLES. walnut flnl1he4 .· f?>.1962 M!!llt $20. ~~ OltY)' rear end $20, STAMPS, coins: U.S. plate wll'ft whe<els $4. eacb. M1· pregure plate and clutch woodgrain fonnlca topt, w A Sll l NG mac b In e CRIB wtth mattreu $15. Car parachute '25-fC53MUS · blocka, blocks, FDC's & . _84!9. lliD82 Glare Ln .. H.B. :inp~Pe~ ~im:3e; Coffee ta.hie $20. 2 -2 tier ~utornatic Kenmare $15, 1eat ~Bunk beda complete PORTABLE '_ liii¢hk no. root ~ $7.50 • $25. STOVE with &riddle, two Ford hub capa $8. sun end tables $15 each. Lamp M6--t06I) $25. eomrttode Without tank $111, IJHAVEX fM!:W) el~c m. Proof cent! and hllws storaae drawer.. Clean 8.lld transistor 5 rrand tac SlO table $15. All like new. 2 BROWN fall $3. brown $15. Gun rack SI. c.eramlCS. _ahavtr retail d:I for $15, $1.!iO iz. 1964 Kennedy In rOOd worklna condition. one whH:l utility traller ne~ walnut trame chalrl with human hatr wtaiet SS. riever :)eWetry $1 to $10 Kid.t ~ZE 'hood for nnae halves 15e each. Sat-Sun. 12 s1s. 646-1249 tire $25, brand new Badger olive green ·1rinyl CU11h!Gril 'wam ~ pme1 od °PJClee. boO~ (.WW) $20, door knob&. ID 5. 549--4221 BICYCLES . 3ebwfnml, sung. tire extingulshtt with moun-$15 each. Round torm\ca ~ ·-and ftCOl'dl:. ton. 1tuu""' bin&t1, and other hardware 1_....._._ -i..i~ 24 .. _...,::i b 0 2 900 15 table $2. 20121 Ba}'view 24" AND 26" bkycles 3 anirDf,1f 60c \0 .$).00. Small 'J.tctm lOc to $5. 53&-6183 GOOD clothes 15c • $1.50. ray" .,~1 5".. •""" ting racket Sl • · Ave.. Santa Ana Hetahta. speed '&nd alntfe spetd. with arlum !.ith· niter $1. -. Electrie eye movie camera 0:11'ldltion. $15 ea, 545-1693. sand tires $10 each Two 5'15-354l Mmw tim: ~ 20" ~ .~~ (need• WYiJNi maple crib and $17. Ll&ht bar $5. Jewelry GIRL SCOUl clothes.,. brand Wolvtr Hamton spea~ $10 DINING .et, 5 chain $25. ,. str1a $12, 16" sidewalk bike repair) $$. Lldlta puran. ma~trea drop skies ~ 25c • $S. Pots and pans 15e. new: ~er. $3; blQUSe, .'2 ea. Full eize cnb $10 White sewing machine ~ .!nil W1.IOft $3 eac~ ~2841 ~ ~-11. W«Qtn'• 'drttlK, Ktotbftt ch&1r aood ~ Nf!w llCart'• 2Se. Day bed skirt, $3: hat, sash, tie, bathlnette SS. &12-4222. NAUGAHYDE rrom $1 co p ;[. S.tr$2 tf $25. Matend-diUOn $1S. •7138 $1.5. Thermo. juga i l . $1.25; pup tent, ~. never FOR Sale: BriGI 3 HP and skla $25. TV S5 call &16:-6715 :rant..nmm.nts to tun ron. tJ clothes, 1\iea t0-12 ~ STUDENT l'l\lpt!"·desk 40'' The.rmol boxei $2. New uaed. $15: sin' 10 Cadet J)artJ for go cart all for $15. Go to 1951 Santa~ StrMt. MW c'iI :ll MO. ea1 25 SUO .Two men'• IUlta. wild l>Y 20" $25. •111&1• maple lan.tmt and cue $9. 275 i\rls navy blue blaxer, $5. 646-8133 C.M. In rear. eueb&on moer .,t, S2D eaeb, 32 $15 eacli. Gilt scout bead board and nUa. maple Brentwood, C.M. &Cs.3523 6«-(1311 POOL T1ble. T, bUJs and 1WIN btd frames wlib .c:omplet. lO ft dliV carrvaa wUfOnn "1th neater lhtl rµpt stand, -e Y.q ~ • d 0 SILVERPLATE 8 eerv1ce 2 SETS golf elubm $21 eech or aceessorle• $25. •1141 tlookcue headboards. Black ftl'ier S1$. 19T Centtr No. 21 U and 14 $1..'l5. Towtl•. ~ bed~ $15, ant Q u• $25 Chests t dra • $8.. best oiler. Mens and GUITAR $10 Car top earner with 'fltl:lte Nevermar tops .C'.olta ~ ·~ tD $1. Lamp With. lh&de $1, white bookeile ~ b ~ U~ttrtd :rm c:!: $25 wom•ns aid boa la .JS each. 4'x7''Jl9' sio: Mlnw S2 each. S:~ b~ ~~~~ G.E. Wrlnatr WU&T. with ~ 54~t,Cll' C ~ toSa~ ;!:i':d::S:e~ldina ~ Electric try PIN $5. Klee: ~7824 . Cement mtxlna pan 30"x40" BABY crib. white ~-Wind. pomp $10. 516 Besonl.a. er 6. . • •'Jil roun:I &Old trim mimn' Irle blanktta $5 Curtalns WORKING TV $10. Ple.Uorm $1. Pcywood $6. Green wi S3 Port crib $10. 'C.4,M. day to 'Si: marble ha.nC11'I'. lbeH and drape• s2 . SS-, rocker $15.. 10 G a 11 o n upbolste~ cM;lr $3. Booka U'P g '11 -a ,. A:SSOfC.TED clotbitc 5c45. COLONIAL Br1dp tab I• llO 536-«131 · Tabteclotb8 75c. Bllnll:ets aquarium $5. Water cooler lOc. Rollaway bed and mat· ~=nta~~·w1':~em:.;: ,Toys.' pmes &; ebill!rtn lamp is. CoKO hiih-ehair. ') dretlM, S2 PScturta Sl Wtltclax $10.Pridebabyb&lhJS.R.ed trt111 Ul. Fertilizer $lO. Hlih chair $5. Strolltf . boOb 51>$5. T1V. $15. m E. .~.. •tffi tnl' $10. ~JES c~\r· ts, ~ clOcb u.5o Eltctr\c common brlclts <65) S3. srreadtr $4. Portable drill 110. Jum Inf horse: fl.!IO. :. WU · c M. ~Ip drtpH ~ Jtoom .,.;,$20: .WU -• 009 ' 962,..9971 stand $4. Black and gold &j .::~AY, ~•-t to dtvldtr $.i. Ctramtc lam) '5t ~~ !?A~i -3 P• =• lh~:·!it'I• ~~~ SWINGING Lon40n boutique hl-fl cabinet SS. Pipe fit· ~ Tl88 11 PL C • M • J~ SA: ..... -:1'" ... ...,. .-a.m.. $15. Ktl'I&' U dlt. qWJ.t.d Pllh• •ll't, _., DI'! era ..,. ant ,,... Pants lta $4 Unp: Sl Raflnlthed olive vu- J ;:ta; lmt ~ Ttr-aprttd $10. 1"wln white bob-*'1tn1nc ~· a1%e 1' to 1. ~r $4. Good women.'1 ~the•p Latest :.i ~ and c~ table ss. TV MOVING. La..vn mawft' St.5. rJ nt:e. Corona dtl Mir· Good riall ehenUlt ~ $3 12. to ~; iood nfl'I coat. clothbw, capris U. SWeaten an~i $3 Dreisn $3. tn.ys u, Ugtlt bulbl Sc. Stone ~ $10. Record ti crib eom~tl', .. Nf1 nch. Role band • k n It ibt 14' $!5; 1l'loeil, ~ ~. $3.50. Suits $5. Orts&e1 Ji • ~ ~ n6 Jumine CdM 1038 White Salls Wt:J, CdM table SS. Comer table no r' ~ sa. Olttte anct end ..,,...ter-o>at .s1e 14 ta11 ca,. TB. i1 to $3: haridbl.P. $5. Blouln T5c, aift U. 14 , 0ime uty but mt belcmi 9 644-6387 Dtn and chalr ~ ht1o ~ ta.bin: $10. I.alp. ~. $10 c.J1 Mt..Ql9 $1.SO to SS. 6t4-CIS11'~ • 1«. Men's slacb $5. Jacktta e table and benches '$25. •; ::: .... ~:-~ j -brft<n .MtUonal ps. BRAND ntw, allfQm made $3. Frl-Sat-&m. '52 Santa 2 :A:~~:uz:a~c J~ ~ ~~:':J! t.aqe mto'Ot' M. GM-ml. ! ; cbolrc .M. Junior aoll clohl S15. ~ ........... ~I • .!.,,~1~ l.oabo~ C.1'!. Sc C M $1 eacl>. c-le ndlo BJWDED -9112 $7. •) ' trlc ,,.itar llJ. &,. "'1let wldll> Wdl, ,... 1969 S ""'°( "' 18.50. • . • ........ Pia>et Alll/FM $10. 114>-1'32 1\ DJU!';:SSD'iO table '31). ()t. slclta. tlzt t $10. Gil'il and $25 pt.ti'. PhOnt $G.192S Mint tea.led set $3.50. Old LAUNDRY hib, tarp double Colco atap atooJ $3. Jee '""=~~bl,-"'32"",..,, __ 1 ~ ,p Four tmdrc boys elothlni, tMM like iii vXiU5S belle ~Una. BotUt• b'Om $1 to $S. 1904 on st&nd. with f•IJCell no. cream chain $10 each. ~~S: e. lqll8ft i ~ "1151 ..eh. tloublt new, 5llo45. f'o1I, 50c to $3. cltan, pad eondlUon $1.50 GWttU! ramr with cU! 54M319 Patio umbrella $4. Totchler CH •• kl •• ~ alittrta. $11); Doublt 'bax ~t n.so et.Ch. Sat J*l' yatd., deltvued l!'ft (taUtttcr'• lteml Si. Jlrn RIFLE. Marlin, ae m I • lamp $10. Cotfte tervlC9 Aln.v. Oraftlt', tcw:n -J( ...., 11S. ... -. d4 Sun. 1820 "'A"' Wall&ce, loctlly, pad lnetaded. nJt Bt&rn pin u. 675-S258. automsttc with ellnc $30. $1.0. \Vroual'lt ll'(ll'l patio 2 tor $5. ~J..1832 ,r. G6ii tia1b iiiOfiC eaeb. CM •. MM831 mural (u.ilboatsl 6~~1\oi' u§Eo carpel1ng 65 ya.rd& 540-4319 cMln $2.SO each. S 14 ciiAtR.I). Of'Mlt, llitchen $3. ·~· -.Jlt:·~· II!. -Witffii iOtl! i1iiii>i ... -l:lS. El-.: -polisher no. t.mps 12. °"'"' $11. EXCELLENT ..... ...,,.urc ACAd• CdM 67S-1001. u .. ~ SU-1332 • djl Mlil\' • • · ..... $11> ~ .W..rtJC J5. <!07 Cl>nlaDd Dr. CllM Twin bOx 3Prinat 13. Small 81t15. !OxlS, 9xl2, IOc ,._ NbD-A·WAY "1b .. d ""'" ORESsES. Bloae~ capril. , a&i iiJf (19) idOtico plhlt W.. ~ -Ml 6'l3-403S . tablt1 13. Dinette RI $11 tool, 134 Knox St. Colt& .. ,. !20. G.E. ........ >1\1 $1-15. N .. blandt Wla ~ P"tl. Wbun-0 ts. ld4ttl wl\itc l'tll Cd $15. -.1504 NORGE wuher fl5. tff.1123. n&-4893 Mesa. evenlnp S to f d1apoal rJO.. MM236 1 -"~"-'131;;.;...·1'23"-'----- • ···-~ -. I )· • D•!W l"'\IM, Oc~ber t. ,,,.. LEGAL NCYTICE LEGAL NOTICE ) ------~~--~-~---------....... -----------~--~ ·-··-·-o-~--- " • ,--• ..._ · · -_ • ,S.lll'UJ, s..-. t11 UM, TU""'10.-_TATiQN ... TWS..0RTATION-TWSPOllTATION TiwisliOiiTATiON TltAHSPORTATiON. TAANSPORTATIOH . TRANSPORTATI rltAN l'Ok A DAILY 'ILOT ~~~~ .... _,,.,_.,--f-~~,---·~~~~11~~~~ ..... ~---f . I ' lolta a Yldllo 9000 ... "· •90 •• J .• ___ ..... noo T,..... ''°° ""•"IM...._ HOO,_........,_ -''°° ,_.........,"' •·-, a,_· 1 ' 'I ' • · " • :Ari" • I roolnltfltnfO .. ---_,·•~---''--.---•• .,...,_ ,..,.,..._ .....,. ""'"lmpor!M /!-HOO .1\111'-CloNlcs 9' ) -;.=t~\»1~ ll' J'\b"rlla l>lol.A"" -·~.!f.M~ P'J'.1 'VANS 4 ,uses DATSUN MG . 111UMPH VOLICSW .. GEN . Olli"' with -jet A -UObpVolvo.11',. ,.,_,for till.dlrt l800. 10 to c-qjli. Mottl..,~'.'.""..,,--.,,.---·I~---,...----,. ,..1; -· M ce..r. clrlvt. "' rodte. hott ,...._ llieJ AjATCHLE:;s IOOCC lU&J'Bnt...t. Prlcilo ll&rt at rlt.I PICIU p MG '86 'i'ftllJMpff Tit f -19 ...,,,. '11 ,.._ X!nt oood. Qd. o1<i boat. G,l80 ' ~bltr. Tor 1l>o 159!. L78\S '""'*' ~· 1"t s.i... SeM'ko. "'"' • pOl eandltlon • YW BUGS _.,....__ ....,. 1 o. """ -Bal'-tlirr'lot. -· "°"'.., V\V·~ Bi< 1btm lmmtdtal4 1>1u--, Rt-bro. lfM224 -.,.,........ ~ -. ll&'I T!t!UMPH 1' 1l10C a" Ii Too. "'°" =iniJW -·-• ( ....... la MMI lot. No. lll1 n..-liOO cc:. vm cl•.;, mo. KUSTOM MOTORS ~ ml ........ lnl, dlr. All -18 TRIUMPH Spit. ii& ml. FROM , ll fl'. °Ciitdi Crall C&blo M · 903J JAMiS LTD 8f5 &l>f It. CM_:Hl.6m , ..,.. -'1'do ·or ....ii ~, <r belt otter. Xlnt $399 ~iltr 11> HP crut., at ill arlno Equip. toil Now"°" Bl,.., "2-00IO TRUCKS down. !inc Prvt prty. FUii .....i. ~ J~llL1~1 1q I jl111pl1t f~, ::'~:=~~0th; tactory',.bullt (.,.iwt ~ 175 HONbA. 1600 AU kinda. neW &"uMd, SO ~:Ce,S:J::.~~ fltl»t tell. Call after I p ~ l'tlft' Gen'I Mtn &.11 model mila. rtmaimkf of 'War-unJts to c:~ from. Bnt .._00 . 61 llNG l"Y -dtelal ...... JO,. -· pli Pill-de&ta °" NEW INTI:RNA· ORANGE COUNTY'S 3100 W. O..t Hwy. NA ,67 Toyoll Co-o , ~· I=-===,..,.=:-;= I .,,.me. Ccmple!e wftw\n. C&U att.r 5. M>-39lT T!ONAL """"' WI ...... NO. 1 MUf05 .... l1M '-· 1•· nijrstua &iiiOi1i boa!. dbc reduC1lon .... ,,, '6T Norton TIO "°• .... naea ..... -· ·. OATSUN O~ALER AU!horiied MG ,,..,,, Loco! 1 ...... car. In c>rlf-0 "°hp FHd Int ........ """' For lurlhu detal1'. '""'· -i paint. lot ol KUSTQM. MOTOf!S D. OT DATSUN = lnalexOOl•ntconciltlon.Low ~. VO, malt)' extru, m u at all P. Suttoo ttll) 626-9.1)1 chrome. $950 or ~st oiler. 84~ Balter St., CM. ~ MCB 1963, reblt Ua I: trans, m~s. Fully equlpped 1ncl1Jd. ' "111. ,S24.'i6. ~ aft 5 PM .,.~1*ys. at (11C) 546--00I 56-0243 NE \V lm'ER.NATJONAL 1883S Beach Blvd. New llHts. ma.ti, ~. lnr stereo tape. cvo.ma>. Af.:.5910 v.eelcends. 1600 , •••• 1, ... WB 'l Hunttn.stoo Buch R.ltH. top .Ir tonneeu. $1095. Only Q~ ORAV MARINE . ., HONDA MW Tnll. All • ~•.u, ~ . mm1 or -546-8736 alt. pm $1245 11' ~ Ulbins boat extras, incl special. Ql'r)'tna gpd axle, v..s, 4 1pd, 11,7001 ,.;;;67;-iD;;'A;,TSUN;;;;;..F-~1600;;:,;~Snd,.,,-~I'======== EDDIE HOPPER "" ........ , .. Excel. -· ""'~ f2T cu In. 200 hp, 6 cyl rack. Xlnl lor huntlna. l20 GV\V Only 14299 lt ..... , ... PORSCHE CHEVROLET 54~ El<t. .... rr Slcridce $2:11)/best offer Set Ila en&. M)'dro rtvef'ie. 2i,t. ml. Will ull $2llO. MT-2042 lut iona! • auto. RA:H~: ml. $UOO. --------10511 darden Grove Blvd. l97t'I HAMOR 81.VD. ti .,pl'tC!'. kt I SI.In I Mon 1 J'td. Xlnt cond. S300 et. Stt at: * * PORSCHE Open Nltet I: sun. SU·2'lOC COSTA MESA ~ 1014\j Anaheim. OI. Can bed• m" •" • t • d. BELL HELME."r KUSTOM MOTORS 19611 -'"''""'Wagon. 96 • m:M:ilTEO L&P .....,.,. or 612"165. C&U John~. PM .. , "''"' St .• CM """"' hp.' opd. Good cond. 11195. ov ... "' to'""°" flom. ""' '69 CORONA ''4 vw auca ldfal U~. V • r y SE~ or trade 3 HP ' M5-Q391 ·~CHEV., atlck: 1500 ml. on MM731 ; ~~~ II colors, From Automatic tranmtlNion,. ra· 41~U::S:rt.~'t:~ fQUnd hull, re!rlt, head, Evtnrude, Ca1·25 Splnnaktr new mtr tnf1I ttrea & --dio, heater, low mll11. budatt Mlncfed bllyet OC.OJ ro$-ttlt•"°"'· Coiy Int. • main: anchon. boudtna HONDA ISO s" • m b 1" paint. ~;, 0...;: Sf0..4316 EN GUSH FORD BIO ~AVINGS rut. Prkool to •tll t11ia ~ M.,t otllt 12195. 5f3..l635 ladtl<r. fi•PP'r •'"'PP a r. -tct co'."'ltlon. 1310, tncl. ~u am. t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j JIM SLEMO"'S ml. Only i,t T! f;Cpiaa, bllOw mkt! miK:. hardwen. 545-.IDO. =111'. ~ver he Im t t 1946 FORD 'ii ton P.U. New 11 ORANGE COUNTY'S n n• Dt ... 1 K•i.b. anxtow! 390 F°"' •natne. ""' "'"'· VOLUME ENGLISH IMPORTS EDDIE$~~PPliR Paclftc Yacht t-•1t1·6n.1570 loCat•Yacht 90 •9 '6' 'HONDA Scram b t tr, cl body . PhOM: 540-2512 CHl·VDOLIT ,-.. h1rten ,. 250cc, 1trfft equipped, xlnt ean 4 lntenor. $475. FORD DEALER "" cond. 494-2940 &l&-2313 SALES. SERVICE •100 w. Coa•t Hwy .• N.B, l!i;U Glnlen a;.,. Blvd. 'JlliH.h 9010 SAIL CAL 24 $25 per day. '61HontlaCL160. Like new "'6~7~CHE'°"=v~\l~T~P~.u~ .. ~She~U I '69. IdOOEL.S 6t2A9:tiorb:t'd MG 0e:~76'1 rr;;'llnfVXm:ilQl>:r.y=ioo.r:-110,... Nt,w A: Sun. JU.2'TOO lT O'tiAY Day11&iler c.a1 36, $fiO per day. Slttp1 cond $365 or beat ofter Cam P· P/,S AIC, R/H, lr?UMdlate dellver,y • a;:a.:.._ ~ 68 vw 0.MO $11'50. U&ed $1350 6. nf..M6..29!1T. 5'6-l184 Auto. b'anl. Xlnt cond. LARGE SELECTION PORSCl:lt 6C SC Cpt, Ori&-a.~t 0,.11 AN At 14'.()'Day 1."ltd •••• ssoo 67>al97 Theodore Owner. Total n:blt 6T. DEAN LEWIS ~ ~ •• Zone Boot "·. B·'~· M•ollo Home1 9200 '66 x.s SUZUKI. Not uJtd b' "·65~. ~CH=~=~~\l~T~Pi~.~ck-u"p-=v.g 6f5...-0445 aft 5·30 A condlUoner, • IJ'd, dlr, ' -~ --1 N "' haul ··• ~· • ROBINS FORD ' · t..d·•r -c-am ••t .. GOOD SILl!CTION TOYOTA APA!" •.. CASH . WE PAY WH .: ' FOR YOUR W ·; CONNILL , CHMOLIT i ----.: Coltl .._ flll.UOO ; j wm a., •• •• "'1""' • •o. ""'" b • ,::;.:_up. '.-.0:I's-'t989 -~ wlhtw•• """" cam-r. xt. '65 CONVERT * ~ " -"', r• n ~ " ... ~-......., ... -.,, r-2060 Harbor Bl d 1966 Harbor C.M. MS.9303 pluab black Int Ta~ small Y&ur Volbwqtn or~ Eiabtnltub 1982. Needs o·REENLEAF MAny extra&. Immac. v . tcorld . .WxtrU,nupnl. • d -· ·-Jo • do)••-' -u 67 Y ...... 50 "··ta 111... u•-10 BILL MAXEY own •••••• ~w, ... ,., ... -~ ~-•• -..L. .... at otler. c~•J Al•~ ~~ aftu S. .....,. U'UMN top. Must sell. N6J2U ,.._,~ --~ -·~ Good"'"""°" $l20 ~lU;ffCffEifci'v:&.TiPd.I !!!!~~~~~~::!!•l:;;IPorurnEiiiif't-;;;;; Pl-L ·~~. Clll .. nol. Coll Ralph • ~ 546-4109 1.964 J\.ANCHERO v.a •• gpd. -·-·----'6' PORSCHE 1600 ·c. New r:;:r."'o~:r.;:r7'1i1'0K•tn-;;;f&l.;;'-'•::;m-::-:"'~"7!>46~63f::·..,. -~ =~~~l::.t:~ PARK '66 SuJuk1 BO. ·~tor tTUJ. ~;~~~ .. atll ~·Pvt 1---•_ER_RA __ ._1 __ :~: .. s:~:M· $2SOO or (TIN_ Y __ rn_ [T_ IAf ·~rv·i:or =.'~ ~ itWfiii: ~ will Stat oUer over $125. Attl!r • ~ ~ QI ...... ....,.. ~ ~ 1 aU!1\mtt, 11tll fur tn clear. clean, cool Cotta a:oo. 593-.54TC JHps 9510 ·FERRARI '60blPORSCHE 1 . New pa 1900 1n1, 11881 lSEACH BLVD. many extru. $2630 new, . TOP S 8UYD !J J2SO, &4T·2042 '-l•aa. New 92 IPAct Adult TRIUMPH Bo•-villo •~. --'-------Newport lftiporta · Ltd. Or-~ t eng, x nt cond. S Hunt. Beach 147..USJ $1950 w/ 77,000 nlL Xlnt IDU. MfJ(Ei TO'YarJt iJi)() 1C No. 1350 1'-'/hiihway Park NOW OPEN! Mobllt ... ,., ._.,., * FOR A Sp E C I A l. anae c:owitra only author-or oflE"r. 968-7144 3 mJ N o1 Coaat Hwy on Sch care &: lmmac. <.1)Qd., l8lll Ilea.ch Blvd. · : trailer. boat coven, all in Home Dbpla)i Mod!la 4 196a. Nttda rtpairg. PERSON lzed dealer. '6T PORSCHE 911..S. 5 ~ .• 1967 TO. ~A f ~· •·•·· .• ~2141 ff. ~-Pb. ~ U -~1 . en •) s.Jea ottlce located at Parlr.1~=~·~67~"5='~"~·-~ '' ·-4 hl ••. h s•• •s SERVICE PARTS ....... IVl \,11. ~ net ent "Vllll tion. .. · .x.vut -1v u.ivr, vy n.i...w • • mags, Alt1 /Fr.1, slate grey. Hu factory a.ir·Stlck-Great 15 VW, 2 door, • ll)etd. WI PAY TOP • i.: f75..0984 . OPIN '65 MAJCO. $250. Dirt bike, duty titts. e:tc. Need 1 3100 W. Coast H~·. Mlnt cond. $5 500. M8-T4n ~nomy car! Prl. Pty. rtd.!6, heater, beauttful re4 DOLLAlrt / H· 'Rhodt:a Alball'or;.s. Very 9 AM TO 6 PM ~9.':'2ndltion, make oUer. uodtrstandlng Just ask the. 642·94~wport Bta~0.1764 ' 646-4567 after 5 p.m $1299 and •harp. RUM lfO. $1~. kirr p>d. dfu UMd c~ Jd. CM(I. 3 jibs &: tlect 4""'" "" · lady owiier SU-9780 Bua. Authol'Ued Ferrari Dealer TRIUMPH . . · · Carl'• fa.fotor C.O •. Inc., 19'1 &L1 lbali:ea. See GIJOl1t ~' .,,. ..... Day" •0 -0222 ACCENT MOBILE l --,Y~amah&~~ ... ~il~bil<,..,-_642-65 __ ,._R_ .. _. ---=======!·-~==:.:__ VOLKSWAGEN Harbor. C.M., ou.oru. Tboodor-e lloblna '""'., Z,•o:M>-139S 1oodcond.$150 Campers 9520 FIAT '65 SPITFIRE SAVE;newVWcampor.just lOGOHmorlllvd." sEA Sc o u t ' s desperately HOME SAW 5t~23S6 tiler 6 Pr>·f --------'62 VW Bus. blue. Jn toad Ntllmed from Europe. l.lk» CJ.s. 142-~ a MAIN s.all tor 22 '64 YMIAHA 80, lo1v ml.. lop PICKUP CAMPER Shella '61Flet150 Spider En white, Italian red Int., condition $575. 16101 Plim&n Ml Ttnt, pop top. AWTM -~ , FOOT .A·L 8 AT R 0 SS. shape. $175. CAb-hl, aliJtit frel1ht This car like new with 21.000 4 apd dlr locally owned Ln. HB. 847--6110 radio. $3700. 645-0200 Aufo LNtfnt 981t 6')-6119 1750 Whittier AVe 642-5341 dMt •. Cheap! 839-1800 milt!. White v.·/black top Excellent ~nd BlQJ tiook WANTED: Prl pty ~i vw '68 VW AU. XTRAS like ~w -;· 1£lii()'.::;."'"°'i<"°.~1u11y~-... -;,-ped~-,nc~1 1 Colhl Mesa .. ~66'"""Y7A>"J7AllA=..,1"'00'". "man=y.,..,,,-ex-• * * '68 DODGE .cam. and an the goo<Uta. <WXU-S1275 . run PriCec Sl050. will Bm or Bua:. Good condition !000 m.1. $19!iel. 2114'4 w. LIASE .. RENT ~ ,.drl& .,.,. A hwy trail... 714 •• 642.l ]SQ tru. 1250. 3 Cyclo trailor por/V"" io&ded wllh ex-298J. Brina Jh;. &d lo. Spec. line prvt '""· NRZ86JiLB. only. 646-<3611 DcHnUont Apt 206 NK ORDIR YOUR · U1Ut JttW. '6"-1370 $100. Xlnt cond. 548-2938 tra.o;. r.tm off~r. 64~146 ia1 Pnce. Call Phil, C94.9T73 or ~4. .66 vw Sedan. Sunroof. AM· ~ 1970· TODAY , Qb6 1~: alrn1>1t nfw ccnd.1 '!!~!l!llJ!!l!'!!J!!'!"Modl'!"~~ 6T Honda 205 Chopptt with 4 Door, 6 paaa Inttm'I PIS, $1695 e ·61 TRAA·IRS. pr It e FM. New paint. ?t1uat Jdl. 16i3 V\V Setian. A•l eond. FQR EARL, EST ;. All equip w/trl. SU.90. CJo ... Out· '69 els If.D. patt1. ln~ted $1500. w/ near new Cllbover. EDDIE HOPPER draalically reduced. Leav-beat oUer. 548-8168. Clean inside .t: out. .lt/H. DliLIViRY '~ SAfJ6T cltan $185. 84&-Uf,5. f9 make room far '701. Make Otf,r! MIJ-4050 $2,I~. 968-3965 CHEVROLET lnr for college. Maey ex-1968 vw Sqo.arebtck $300 ~tire•. f7SO. "2-447 aft AD siepU!U makt•-3 PENCiiJJN sailboat 11 ~. • 24x50 2 BR, 2 BA, tam rm. •.~.a~Ho-nd~a~90~Scr&mbl-~,-,-. =400 -."'66'"""Vl"'•,...C"am""pe.,.,-,-.,.o:.,.=n,=nt 10511 Garden Grove Blvd. tru. $1900. 6Th-322'i Below Book. • 5:30. . authorhed kut;i.i . w/1&il • tn.Utt. To;i con-"'-et ·bar, crpt. \Vaa Sl?.750 mllea. J325, condition. Completely Op@a Nites & SUn. 5lf.2TOO ---,C!Ak==a;;E-,rr"""• --.,, 546-9941 • •i'vvl Ccnv. Be\ae wtblk. Gel OurTltC<>m .. dU olltlo•M2i>.837-a591 • Now m.~. * r1r 5.13-lm + equipped. Roaa. 61~ JAGUAR 1-========-========l ltttor. •top. l\.tll, Poncht ROBIN's' •Fi'tO.RIJ.fr • 24x4S 2 BR, 2 BA, crpt. ~~=~k~t ~f,-.~---_,.,-_ lm-rted Autos 9600 lmDOrted Autos 9600 rirnl. lmmac. S l SS O • f<ITE No. 616. Wu Sll,500 • NOW SJ0,500. '69 KawaM ...,, expauawn S2 ---------•• 673-Mrr a ..... Blue. Xlnt eond. • 12~ 2 BR. ~K. 11,,, ",995 chamh, \Vehco head, CU1Jt.. Dune Bugg!" 9 5 ·~~ JAG cou-top ···-,liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i!liiiiiiiii-iiiijjjiiijiiiij;jiiiiijiiijj\i~~~;:i:Ji;ii~7biii]i! 2080 Harbor JIUvd. " ~-. 613-3&43 * """' ~,..' .., ca.rb dirt or r;trHt. 962--0849 ---=----'" · ,..., •n ..... '116 '1W Snrf, help w/blk Int. l~Co:~:•~l4=-=·~~..::::1 , .,=.,7-iii:,.=:;:":-;;:::--::;c;:-I • NOW U,""';i· BODIES $140 &: UP wire w h e e I r, Everything lVH ~-·· ~ Xlnt r;v.:;x u-. U II Beiu~h TrailtT Supply \\"Orks. S798. 847·2094. THI 1051 H a5 · rvrM:liw ···m•, ~ 14. ,, .. , tra er, RI ~. 19261 Beach Blvd., H.B. Auto Services Rolt ban; SU. Buc:ket seats " cond. $135!l. 548-ZT16 JJlll LE~E I" . • full t!fUIJI. $700/oUer. & P ~ 9400 Sl2. Upholstered covert $12. '64 JAGUAR S.8 automatic ..... VW ·-S -·•-'·ck. •n ~·"'·c ,. ,_ v Gold cond.146-0053 WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIV}; -"-'..;'c.";.;...•____ Skld plat.PS $12. Chrome sedan. 1'.tAKE OFFER. m H~CI &.-. ~ .... -. U& VD .....uu. -$jiys LS 13 .Sailboat IN THE DRIFT\VOOD TIRE SALE bumpers S:J. Chrome roll 546--9941 . $11&0. ~ equlpPed. Wl,r..· W/trir utta :z S9TS BEACH CLUB JN HUNT· White _. ... , Poiy&ta• Good ha $22. Wlnd!hltld11 $34. ST 491·1~. Aak f9r. 09,N' '6$ TO cpe, air, • , .• ' l'flOI, • INGTON BEACH'!' ADULT ""'&r • ~G•t•., A• low.. Phone Sant& Ana , 5'7-4179 ' JAG 3'4 Sed. 4 &pd .l-·~ V'\if Red.lo, better. G;&i ra?~ilil·' SlEl.ot ...... ~:, .. • ·,700. : ; 8J0-32U U u ANT ,,_ ..., oventrtvt X!nt ent & run-' ..i-. J?:xctilent .omdldoa WAl.1 C'::J:"~ "': 'I• INTiihU~:L 16 libtJ. a lau PARK R. I: ST A '' ' $29 95 SUP'&R r;lrttt b u I & Y · nlng par. 642-417' ™--~ iww r '1 ·trailer, xl!lt, Sacrifl.et S'195 POOL &: LOTS~J'UN. EARL WiLLIAMS IMcyca.m. fuel 'lnjtct.ed. all '64 JAG XKE Coupe:. xlnt i~ , ,!;-'1· ~1451' ~...:~.. . ,C~R .i.l!ASI ·~ $45.0l.111 · .. " CA.LL BETTY . TEXACO chrome. r.tovlna-must it.IL rond, Prv prty u.~. Li .. ;;;.a.• ...... ~ ~ W. Ctt fhn',.NB, M'OhILE Home for u.le, 2 1695 Supenor Ave. ""=2=-8392==· ===== 6~20 67J..T.f18 Sat/Sun. ......iaqwim ~-PoWtr (rufpnr . 9020 BR. family s.e ct ion . Co!-ta ?.Ier.a 646-250.1 .... *'* '541).ltlS ** UMd Can IAO<bc•ped. C&U 111 '· lmportod Autos 9600 KARMANN GHIA '65 vw & ·es iw.-d\114 ;::;:::...:=--_.:,:;;;1 CltUIZON 16' ~bin crulnr 536-186.1 'ST CHEV Hard top body r;et -'-'-"-------'?AANSPOftTATlOK ,..,. • ., •ood/. ,.._ ''.· .,..,,. • tr~.11 ~-"-="'_-A--~1.-1~B~R.~he~r1,-, up tor -· 175· 301 v~ AUSTIN HEALEY During 011r Expansion ~ P".\'.'.'. ~..;,,!."" ottor. _,,., "4;..45'3 •~ 1hort block ""ped $125 c&U 2-"5' KARMANN G h I". '" ·~ ~~ llWPORJER MOJ-~· ~ park. 6U-3236, 6 PM or rent 637·8746. Good tranr;portat.ion CWI or And Construction '66 vw Sq:bck, xlni cond., ' YIW 2t' FAlJtl;!_NEhR Sf)l)t'~ia!~:. ,,;1,,100.;.,,m,.:o_nr~h-~=--,,,--AFB 4-hlllTtl and 383 carb. AUSTIN AMERICA buggy msterlal . $175 &·$250. 3.f,000 mt. $1450. f'rlv 3,0.11 H.\UOR .It.VD. S"1an. •~ ';,.coin~•~ lll6; Flaming<> 2 BR. 55' x nwliloid. "''"'d new, »J Sal.,, ''"''"· Par1• PhOne 64!1C-2621. HE SAYS SELL; SELL, SELL AND prty. -)296 alter f l'M. · · CQlrrA MU\ I' -m<; · ~Uy~:~·~ mnd. mU" ,.,._.,1, . tmm~J'i:!'~"'"' THES~ PRICES ARE THE 'U vw. ndlo-hoater. W/<X• ~:r;• A~~· ~p!ad ~kl llol!o '°30 "61 10· ,;. 16' ROD & REEL vw Part" u"" '"""'· LOWEST YET tru. 11:'1~ • IDEAL Suri 'wiion~~ ..... tran&axel, front end, tire1, GULF STREAM !:."'' !Urn. To =61~ w""~· M....,. 1965 SUNBEAM ALPINE $1095 '.N VW mur. r&dto. ra~tol llth,..ttonal ltltlon • ===--,-~--::-c-:c: CORVAIR f n gin e and •••d1t•r h•i R., H., hetdh:., 111~ •ulo· . tirta. Good condl"9n. SITJ. Jlurif JOOd, tcUd. $. 17 Ft. Ski loaf OWNER Luvtlll. mu J t tran1Tnias'°n parts. m•lic +r•ni. RPR 200. ~548:::::-1::<il8.:;,=-:::=::---l-',.._'"'-illll~-;::;;;;;;;;o.;;--''"'I 120 H.P. Mere. Crule1r lnltHrd -Outbo.,d Read;y for tht water rlt:ht now. All the t<JUlp. Incl. compua, lift prese"erea k fUll cover. aacrlft~ 2!,~ ~~!!_er than Mo>~ a1oow. Cout Hwy., N.B. 1957 PORSCHI · ------$895 '89 VW, sunroof ~ p~~~lh 14S~ / MW 'M. Ca.u ..............,,, M2·9405 540-176' s~nroof, 4·tP••d-s ..... ''' JKF14] 14l~ .~l!e· ~ V",,.,.. ""' 9300 Triller, Tr1vef 9425 Authori:ed MG Dealrr •~* * 54&-0976 * . .Mo.=t0;;.:•.;;•,_Y<;;.:la;;.:•;____ "·s"2~sP"'R~rr=E=M~a-.rk"'1""1.°'eu=.1""om°'' 1966 Ol'eL KADETT $1095 vw Bua, '62 w/'M re£Uut 'ii ii'ORTS 1Klan. 13.""" -LJ!CE NEW! '66 Ariatocrat H mJ ·•• ·•··• ~!P'./ New 1969 BM\V , • , <w• 16• C 1 exhaust. Radlal1. $650. Call Fa1lb•ck cpt., It, ., 4 speed. low q . Ntw p.lnt. Map. ., -· pwr .. ·~"J~ top. 600 cc:* R"60 .....,..uun:r, · 0 m 'P 675-&119 mil••· SIR400 !ili&-4669, ~5. oondltlOD. 49'-sm. 1'. l'lUV ATE PTY 673-3144 543-9311 rn£E Boat n:pa.Jr e11. Trailer Your boat to the ritY.."elt, futul boat aervice in the lreL (.et UI make your boat like ntw (no job toe amaJI). \''t aho Mii fiberzta1s suppliff, Open 1 dy!/Wk, * ... -* w/awnin&• tram• Jock&. =~c-==-o.,-,-c.c;-;;:= °'19"'66"'k"AriRMrnr1\TN;oN"'G"H"IA.----$=1-:395 nd ....,.."°"' mltrort. Ready to ao -but '65 A.H. 3000 Mark lfI Conv. '60 VW &edan. toOd co . MOTOR HOMES 9215 wt don't tlnd the time. ~ Wtre v.·hl1, Ar.ttn1 radio, Con..,erti blt, 4 1P•-'· ~ ... H., $550. 51()..2464 ext 28 dlnl , 0 IUICK . i, ,.,,. .... ,. ••Ir• cl1111. TPC 776 137 ·-eve . . ' eves at: 3065 Johnson Ave., )(lnl cond. 646-6604 . .,,.......,....., .....,,o, •· WINO AN' SEA . im Sqperior Colt.a Meu. "2-7607 ts' AN'T'AON'Y, 30 hp. ?o.ferc. Let; whl trailer. Oeanl $99S or oUfr. ~11g1 hat Malnton•nc. ton tTin OUTBOARD e & b I t1 ~. sleeps 2. 1laaffd up to the wattr Jl1te •. w/trtller, both llC!ll»td .. NO MO'f"OfL lll5. '94-2119 alter S PM IOAT M&htt. Frtt Elt. Paint. Vamlab. etc. WteklY or monthly gt5..15M after 5:30 P~f U' OweN w/85 hp Mm: t1'fl., lie whl trlr, •kilt!& equip. Good cond. IUS5 54s-2'31 14'6" Gl.ASPAR. TS HP Evtrrrude motoi. Good con- dition $625. GTJ...."1158 1987 16' Glastrota. 5D h.p, Mtf't\1ry. XJnt con.;_. $105. Call '7).1259 15' Horbcm Ski tblt M HP t.ferc. New ~:r $1250. -! altt1'14 MUDQUARTERS FDn MDTDRHDMES ow ltSl'Ul YM£ au •rw DOD&£ "'EXPLORER" ''""""'"" •ttlt tlr ...... tllBC, M •et' WI .. "'"'· tlttlillll, """ tlPt. ALL 11111. II 'IHIT, 7' '00T, ii ,o~r. 1 ,,,.., fi1t411t• 111l "'" ..,,,.o,te tarerr. BAY HARlOR ""O:~i: SALES Clearance Sale ., OI All....,..., M ...... U"' C...... "-M 41 s-. 1 r ht J4' wi• ,__ __ _.... -INC~UDING-----, aoiu.wAT •n PAtlYI~ r~nn• CASA LOMA MT HAatol H0Mtm CAJn'AS COINnL ClutllrTY SHIU.TOM M4HO• PAJ"ION MANOI SA ... U 1425 BAKlll ST¥ COST A MESA Ya "-" ... flf ,...., ...... c.AU. 141-flN fOIAT ----· ---!!!!!!!!t!!S!!l1=!!11 -- C.M. 54&-601' 1966 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE $1195 '69 vw Fllbk. 14 .. t ""' '69 RIVIERA :.: 24' YELLO\VSTONE Trlr CORONA 1960 Mercedes J!IO. Clean, Ro.~Jltr, 4 tp•tcl; ll., H., r••l 11t.rp Home : ~ work: ; ' ne'v tires. tt50 ft rm , i111id1 •nd out. YLT l2S ~ Ja k ScoU ' ~ .... ~,:.nt~~·CO:. ~~l--,-,-.-C-O_R_O_N_A_ 642-4452eve1.t• ~ VOLKSWAGcEN E~ • ~!i:.u=:~ tilt~ "'~""'· Hardtop. Radio, h•&lo<. tow 1968 MERCEDES 280 SE BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA tranomlAton. 1111"' ottor. lactO<Y *"· vfnyl top. - 16'· FIELD • Stroam T""" miln. W!J 714. A,.to, Air + +I Ex. cond. 1969 VOLVO CORONA C&U Dan or B!>b, 54s-9101 " *"•rlnc. brakes. ~ 54Trlr;..._"-";;ter~~d. SllSO. f179.'l ' 64;HJ44Salt!5:30. z Gr .. full ftclorv tq11lp· E~ec1111Y• cir Co10111 '6SRedVW·conv., xlntcond. ~~pu. $4395 tlr. ~ """""W JIM SLEMONS DAILY PILOT DIM&A· p•d. Ser. No. 7160 s,d., Full f1c.t orv •quip. ' new tire•. 1915. Call att 4 . t!1 '67 KIT 15'. Sips 6. Xtra 1lN IMPORTS LINES. You can UM: thtm ptci. Str. Ne. 0907 Pr.t.673-2187 '&9 Buick Rivlt\'I. ~,;~·.~~~3gu. Xlnt Ph, 540-2512 ~.:!pennlu a~.Dlal $2698 +Tll $1798 +T&l ·~er':.~=·::;.~~ ·:S~r·i:·m=:: :i 96001mportod ""'°' 1~$~1-3-9_-5. '"'•lcku•"'""·IJ9-423T t!i_!:;.;l~~k~uut~~ lm~rted Autos 9600 Imported Auto• BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S 50 BRANO NEW 1969 IN STOCK Raody & Sorvlcod for lmmodlalo Oollvo•y WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKENDll e COROLLAS-Sedan1-'••tback Sprlnt1ra-St1tlon W.1gen1 e CORONAS-4 Door Sodano-Hardtop Coupe• e MARK ll't-Herdtop Coupe1-t Door Sedans e CROWNS-Station WofOfto--4 Ooor Sedona e LANDCRUISIR5-Hordtopo-4 Whtol Drlvo W1gon• e PICKUPS-ol Spood Standard Trant. Autom.1tic1 -4 'P••d• • f.sc.tory 1ir c.onditloninf -stereo t1p1 4etk~ m19 wheels 1110 mei'ly other opt1on1. . • Many DtlnOllllNtorl at Reduced Prlcn NAME YOUR DEAL -we Wl~L TRY -EASY T!RMS • e Soloct Domoatlc & lmporlod Uood Cato Bolow M .. kot Prices I JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS · 417 W. WARNER, SANTA AAA Open $un. 11·5 540.2512 F•1'b1clr, rich m•roi\~ f!n/lh, VOLVO ,._. .. -u.. """ 0 ~- 4 1p1tcl, H. l It SUD 141 stylatlc. Set 111 Knox .~ 1967 TOYOTA CORONA $)195 VOLV_O __ 1..:CM;;;.:;.;.:&16-Mn;....;;;,;,:._,...,_~1:, S•d1n, .... H., 4 1p1~. A l•t •I .,,, 119 iutet JlMtra. f'Ul1 i·· • llttl• ~rlc•. UTD •01 _ att. Jtlnt cond. MUil tell lh2 VOLVO $1099 lloot D11l1 Aro At wkond. Maki t<lfr. i:vo,.,. 121 •• cho••• frOfl'I. QYJ 107 . ... ..;:; ~""4 11.<>11•-., PrlOO c ... "" .......... H., • orAN LEWIS .!"'~~~~· ' 1968 TOYOTA CORONA $1495 5,,,11, R.o1 H .. ••j•k, f•• 11tlle•. Ill• 11•w. Ul' 44 lt6i AOlflN Rl:lllY $1299 JOOO loN'1ter, r•ll .. ht•~'· 4:.'"4 Prit.d .+ wli•lff•I .. Decin Lewis Oran .. County Toyoto-Volvo HHClquart1n 646-9303 1966 HAlllOR BLVD. COSTA MESA TUNE UP SPECIAL -····-• :r NEW s~ OP AUTOLnl SPAii< PLUGS : WITH MRY MAJOR TUNEUP .. • DAllV PllOT rf!~~!J!T!AT!jl~:::~~~~!!l~~~~ PORTA~"!_ T~NSPORTATIOt:f TRAfo!SPORTATION TRANSPORT~TION TRANSPOl!T.t,TJON . _!RANSPORTATIQ)':! TRANS!!.ORT" TION F:;.C;:a;.:".::....--..:9900= UMd ca.. 9900 UMd ca.. 9900 u .. d Cars 9900 UH<l Can '900U .. d C.rt 9900 U!O'I Cars 9900 u .. d Cars 9900 Uood Cars 9900 IUICK • CADILLAC CHEVROLET 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;==p:;;:;=;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;=;=;;;;;;;;;;;l~.i:.;;...~F;;O:;R::D_..;_:.;.; 1967 BUICK GS '61 ""''" "" vm .. "'"' '66 IMPALA Enormous 'Eldorado Sale . A11to • .P9\I.~ Stttrtng. cleAn, !or sale or ,v111 trade ·•1 ,..4_ -... R.odlo, ""'· '" ... VIV ... ""'~· moch Cadillac& IJJO&t vesired Car "1969 Ford Countrv Sed•n CONNELL CHEVROLET ., V-8. Uc. UJWM, good. Oa.,v5 67S-2946. aJt 6 2dl~. ~'c.~:~t~:. .. ~· ;i:: e.<1299 P~t call ~127 ~ ........ ,. 1967 ELDORADO 10 PaSll. Station \V1£0n. Pow- er stetring: . power brakes . factory air • Juggag" rack. aulomallc, radio, heater . 51111 in \\'aJTanty. Lie. XTA 5"!. SQUEEZE-OUT TRADE-IN "' <n1ned loc&.lly. Must ucrl-SUNSET FORD '68 BROUGHAM. .,,,.....,, ""' Tak• .... ,., "" ., $440 Garden Grove Blvd. ~ misl brown, 18,000 ac-$1075. LB WQ0582. CalJ PhU, • I 1961 ELDORADO . .1tamf!ilCO· l ei With white vlnyt top Ro&f'Wood nremllt. bl&ck vln.)11 top est.mlnster CTI4l 636-4010 tual mi. Pvt Pt,y ~.,150. 49~.9773 or ~. ,.......,. -=-='-'-"-'-'=- and red ,leather fJ!terior, air condl· tionlna:.~t·rto AM·F"M radio, power lt&ls. t and ~. 1tffrlll&' It black leather tfti.or, lllr condi· tlonlng, AM·fP.1 dlo, 6-"''aY .eat, $3599 SUNSET FO~D CK No. 22:5. He1 "°"°"':;:---;;-:;::--:-::-:c '57 Chev. !tt•. Wgn. / tOtr:""'QI! "' l&m CAO. • •• new Bei Air,' Or, Very~ oond. Wheel,~ door Jacki!. Many other tilt and tl'lescope 1teertnc wheel, extras. e. No. VTM681. pwr. door loc.ka. etc. Lie. No. VIZ247 ~~o Garden Grove Blvd. s.\RdAIN! premium •thi.,• •Xtlaii, llke RebuDt 283 enrtne. new tire!\. ~alter 6 PM new $2350. Pr pty 494-1887 new tran.11 .. power steering. $45,5 $529.5 Weslminsler 1714~ 63S401f WE'RE BUSTING AT THE SEAMS WITH GREAT CA MARO power brakes, auto trans. Mtllll see to appreciatr.. Rea. 11anably pricrd at $550. '68 CaTJW'D Jtl'. n.s. PIS Can 847-TI87 RJL Aulo. 284 Knox SI. Ci'' -.~6~7~C~h-.-vy~S~S~C~o-.-•• -,~,-. 645-2991 eves. Will trade. Bucket seab,.console, radio, 1967 Camaro 6-cyl. P/S, heater, 396 VS, automatic auto, radio. 3160 Country transmission, JXIWer steering Club, C.M. ~106 & windows. power toll' & CHEVROLET 1·1969 CHEVY Impjl.la .. fully loaded , lo11 ... mllep.ge. $2700. Call ~200 'IP 1~1PAl.A. Factory all'. full power. new t i r e s , Sacrifice $1200. 54S-13J.I. "J9 CHEVY Panel. asking $375. Fair condition. . •673-7596 • DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK MClt• Than 200 Cars To Choos• From many more extras. !VIN 2551 Priced to seU • ThlS "'eek· end Only $1795 EQPIE HOPPER CHEVROLET 1().}U Garden Grove Blvd. Open Niles &. Sun. s.wmoo SON in S. East Asia, must sell! '63 Chev • 4. on !he floor, mags, New 409 reblr f'ngllll!. New starting motor & fly wheel, bucket seats, \Vhite w/black int. Real !!harp! $895. Call aft 6 PM. 61"->-5513 1961 CHEVROLET Ma.l!bu H.T. Cf>('. factory air . P/Sleenng, a.uto., rad10. heater, V.S, landau, Llc, VlN &;9, $2799 SUNSET FORD 54-ID G&Tden Grove Blvd. . 1968 ELDORADO 1968 ELDORADO ~n 1ttateo ml, black vinyl top, black Silver Pine Green. white vilcyl top Interior, &lr eondltioning, stereo AP.1· green Interior, air conditioning, atet'l'o P:!-1 radio, S.way seat, Ult k tele· Aht-Fhl radio, S.way lifill, tilt and iCope 1teerin1 1.1.·heel. ~·@r door tl!lescope stttrinc wheel, po._:er door locks. ?o.tan,y other extras. Uc. No. locks. 1'1an>' olher extru. Lie. No. VVE133 XCJ468 1968 ELDORADO 1969 ELDORADO • . Rampur green gofd vinyl· top green Sable bl! "black '1hYI top._ black leather tnt@rior, air conditioning, leather erior. alt condlt.lbnlng, stereo A.~I-F?.1 radio, 6-we.y &eat, Ult r1tereo A ·F1'1 radio, 6-way seat, tilt 11.nd h!IHCOplc steering whttl, po~·er & telescopic stttrlng \\'hec-1, .PO"·er door locks. ?tlany olher exlras. Serial door locks. Lie. No. \VBJ649. No. 89151149 1969 ELDORADO 1969 ELDORADO Sable bJ.att, black vinyl top. black Chalice gold flrl'l black vinyl top. lcf.tl\Dr interior, air condltlontng, black vinyl top, black leather intl?r· stl':~;. AM·FM radio, 6-way seat, lilt ior, &ir conditioning, 1tereo AM·FM i: t el!!fCOpe sU!erinr y,•heel. power radio, 6-y,'fly seat, tilt "-telescope door, IQ(:.kl. Many other u~ .UC. 1teering 1.1.·heel, power door Jocks. No.4YNW438 .. . Many other extraa. Uc. No. XWT149 Many Other Cleon Leite Model Codfl.cs It Other Makn ro Choos• From ALLEN--- 01dsmo&i1e-cadi11ac, Inc. . 1968 Ford Gelaxie Spt, Q>e. Po11"er stcerin; - auron1alit. V-8, radio, beat· er. Lie. WEG 8jJ, $2599 SUNSET FORD 5-140 Garden Grove Blvd. \\1~stJnin1ter (714) 636-~010 196'7 Ford 'Countrv Sedan P/stcerini;:. p/brakcs, aldlo., radio, he~ter. Lie. VKJ 980. $2299 SUNSET FORD S.WO Garden Grove Blvd. "'es1m1nster 1n41 636-40!0 "66 FORD Co Squire, 9 pass, ps. pb, py,T v.i ndows &. door locks, b1i;: motor. air cand .. A~t/FM radio, Jo mi., like new. $2095. or olf<'r. 5;W.-9251 60 FORD falcon 2 door radio and heater. goOO transporta· Hon car. 1532 Pegasu. Santa Ana lleighlll. 549--0449 '66 F or d Country Squire. 9 Pass. PIS. P/B. Air, bii; motor, A~I radio $1650 or Offl"r. 830-3184 "69 FORD GALAXrE 500 fully loaded $zg) * 534-5290 * MERCURY 1965 Mercury USED CARS ;~IK .. ~-~.~~!!,!!~~ .. ~::.2 $1595 '66 Cadillac $2295 ~:.': · .~~in!'.'r':olo~t>lr~r ~15.acl"l 'i' an•n~. ...,) :!5 .. !!~~~-· "'"' " . "" _,$1295 '""'""'· -· l'Mr!l\ll. '""'· ntll!<. NRY 01 1. .. '67 Chev. Impala s.~. C-. Allio. tr1n1 .. -•r "-'"'· r~J.o. llH!e< • .....,.I •oof TH" 51$ . '66 Chey, lmpada ST•T!Of<I w•GON. V-1, 1u1o. '""'·• -•l"r,,,., rlOID. tou1t r. SUY 11.I. ~~,~~!!~!!.! ~~"'""' ..... $1595 '63 Ford Fairlane 'H Cl.MARO Sport Coupo $2999 V-8, auto., R&H, P.S., \I hlll" walls, vinyl top, linted glass. gold acrylic lacqu<'r fin ish ~-ith Westminster fTI4) 6364010 '66 CHEVROLET Caprice. One owper car with only 21',000 miles, has All power + air cohctilloning. Absolutely the cleanest one in town. .Jim Slemons h1 e r c e d e s Benz, 12D \V. Warner. Santa Ana, 546--4114 Aut horii:•d Dealer 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 4 Dr. H.T. Factory air, power stel"ring, automali<.', rarlio. h<'atcr, Landau top. Lie. VGY 995. $1099 SUNSET FORD '64 El Camino s495 '895 $595 black vinyl roof. YN\V 951 'J7 CltEV Station \Vagon. Surfc1"1 lpecial. Orig owner. Runs good. UXt. 646-7281 . ·--~-:···" N•xt I• +h• Pott•rv Sh•ck '64 Chevelle JO OTHER LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS GOING AT FANTASTIC DI SCOUNTS All MODELS AVAILABLE e CAPRICES •IM PALAS •WAGONS e CAMAROS -e MALIBUS Late '64 Chevelle Malibu, C'OITYert, blue, one O\\'nr.r, 962-8271 960. 4 DR ~-RJH. Rebl! motor & trans. $385. 675-5161. '6l ( Dr. Chevy Iropala. P/1, P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt cond. $650 548-2654 .. ~~Y.. ... I : ' CHEVROLET CHRY$LER '67 Chevy 112 Dr. '67 Chrysl•r Wagon Equipped with radio. heater, 9 pas&engcr Town & Country. autJJn1atk, whit@ y,•all tires. Equipped with all accessor- ~HRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER ~ Garden Grove Blvd. Westminst@r (n41 635--1010 1967 MERCEDES Benz 250-S. 4 Door, auto.. FJ\.1/Al'wf. Xlnt. cond. $4200. Days 642-3910, Ev"~ 64Z...1598 MUSTANG BeautlfuJ blUe inside & out ic~ including air C'Ondition-2·DOOR HARDTOP For economy with lull site ing. Low miles. Under fac-Y-8, automatic. factory air, 1967 MUSTANG car -Be surt to see this lory v.·arranty. Stt this power steer!~. power bra· Landau top V-8, fa ctory air, one. (UJF 786) bc>auty and eomparr: (TVD. kes, radio &: heater. lmma-~-er !! I e er i n g, poy,i!r $1295 189). Only culall':. (UDE 7431 brak<'s . au!o., radio, heater. EDOIE HOPPER $2995 $2295' Lio, UUF Wi99 4 DOOlit. 'cvl , rid!~. "'-'tr. H!Y •·" '64 Corvette $1895 CDNNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach '62 Impala 4 dr, air-eond, 11uto. lriins. Att r active price. 67?-4JIO 1 , , : • ·ss Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good Cood. Auto, v...a,, $1.200. Costa Mesa 546-1203 CHEVROLET EDDIE HOPPER !!l';ll G'"''" Grov, Bl,d. CHEVROLET ATLAS SUNSET FORD Open Niles & Sun. 534-2700 10511 Garden Grove Blvd. '. $.Ao Garden Grove B!vd. . • Hwy. Jt So. et Str11 DI .. ~· i: Phone 545-8863 or 847-6809 r Open 7 Day~ 'Til 19..P~. t 6~". ..-t- "68 Ci\!llARO 327 R.S. P/S. Rlll. Auto. ts-I Knox St., Ct.1 ·m.-mn:vl"!I. Will trade. 1969 OiEVY Caprice, 4 Dr. Open Nites & Sun. 534-2700 OIRYSLER _ ~Yr>fbUTR \Vestfuinster (7141 6364010 ~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~I h•nilop, !4.2;,o m•lo.. Pl,, DAILY PILOT DlME-A· 2929 HARBOR BLVD. • 67 """'"g •••••••••••••••••• P/dl.Sc brks, air, tinted LINES. You can use them COSTA 1'lESA 546-l!IJ4 E.'>:cep. clean. stick !ih1rt, glass. S3JOO. \VU! sell this tor just pennies, a day. DiaJ Open Dally ·u1 10 Pm racho, healer. hue ke ts. T1'me For QUICK CASH Whne t.J.erba.fib! \\"eekt'l'ld. ~3868-PILOT Cla.ssilied ad. I ~~o'--"'=,..=..:::._::::·::::._· -1 \11hite wa.ll!i DLR. Lie. TRH ===~~====,:...O=========-========= '67 Chrysl<'r Newport Cust., 600 $119:) Phone 642-6023 ' NOW IS -JHE Tlt:jf TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE·R4TED USED CAR OLDSMOBILES '66 OLDS 91 HOLIOAY SEDAN '66 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME V4, 1uto. lrtn11• fKtor• •" cono,t•o~· i,.., -r ''"' ,.., ,.,, . ...,,, 1>r1~t1. r1<1 o. n.11..,., w1111rw1ll '"e" ~·"~I >ool, H~!­ .,,j 911>'--I CffVt<' SLW 9l1 '66 OLDS DYNAMIC II • DOOR H.T . '1695 $1595 I CHEYRl>LETS- '68 CHEV. NOMAD WAGON '67 FORD MUSTANG 2+2 'I ~. i J"'!'f<I, .r..:~ 1~111. -rt~r­'"g, ~).,.., ld,S<;l l>r•~n, ••d•o. ~eltfr. "'''"''"!' ,, .• ,, I ntrd ti•"· wMtl ~· t i"-Ulh' ~I '66 CHEY. CORVITT \/•I. I ~' ll•(:I( •~lft. r~~oe, l>M!M, wn<IMlll tor•, ""'Ml ~"· NHK ffl • '65 CHEY. II NOVA 2 OOOR HARDTOP \I.I. l<'IO, 1'1"1· -~• 1tf"Or "'• •loto. ""•It•, W~Hf <flil t'fft, tl"ltd 1110• wt>«! '°" .. ' NI.I' ~. . '~095 I FORDS I MISCEWNEOUS '66 FORD '64 CADIWC GALAXIE SOO, 2 DR. H.T. CONV!RTllLE $995 '66 FORD '66 BUICK FAIRLAN! 2 DOOR HARDTOP SPORT WAGOH '1395 $2195 '65 FORD '&& YOLlS STATION WAGON WAGEN '1295 ~095 '64 FORD '62 CHEY. STATION WAGON CORVI TT '1495 e OLDSMOBILE e 2850 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA 540-9640 Open 7 Days A We!tk ·-' . ,. ' • ,, ";;·~ ·: ""'· .68 ~usr~NG ,-.. ,back, 390 Through a DAILY PILOT I =========d GT, P/'!., P/db, air, am-fm __ c_o_Rv_ETIE __ 1 :;::;·.,~~ ,;;~~15-;';~;: CLASSIFIED AD! 1969 350 hp, 2 tops, Pis *~965 1.2 Qb,,k HroRll~f· 1~91~· P/b. P/w, 4 •pd. S.•t o1'. "'• ""' ' '· ' '· ................. . rer. Leaving. 642-6217. ;'='>-==:3";;'=·=======-==========~;:::~~==~~~· COUGAR New Cui 9800 New Ca" 9800New Cui 9800 COUGAR '67 XR7. Car farl iiii~iiiiii~ijiijiij~~iiiijjiiij;ij;;i~i;~;i~iii~iiji~ the young at hear1: 4 on Or. GT group, atereo & all that goe11 1vith ii. Xlnt cond. 642--6182. '67 COUGAR, 2 cir, Jia.rdtop, pb, ps, a ir coll(L 5 i\tlch X radials, like nu co n d . 646-6611 1968 Cougar. $300 It take over payments. Xlnt condition. Call 646-5832 DODGE '67 Dodge R/T Convert. Bucket seat~. console, 440 VS, auton1111il', po~r steer- ing, r3idio. heater. pov.o'r top_ R-d \v/whitQ top. In- land priced for beach use. lUSO 5341 S1795 EDDIE HOPPER CHEVROLET lo.:>11 Garden Grove Blvd. Open Nite:s 4 Sun. 534-2700 '67 _DOOGE DART \Vhlte \fith vinyl top, air con. dltlonlng, auto. trans .. po1v- er ateuing, radio and he:afer . l\f111t 91!.ll. S119J. 35,000 orig- inal miles. Call 637-4156 Original owner. FORD ·53 GAL.AXIE 500. Xlnt cond. AJr, new paint 1 01vner. ~1ust sell. S.i75. 67~29.:>4 6181J Clubhouse Av<' .. NB. '65 rORD Cust. sl"Clan; pliv. party. Xlnl. clefln cond .. R&JI, 11.ir<0nd. lksl oiler !)62..83.tt '66 FORD Couhtry 'Srdan, 'i'2 enit. pb, pg, fact air. P.1ust sell! $16."il. 5'\8--6843. '31 Model A Ford sports COUfll'. C .. Pvy gear . S16:i0/offtt. 644--<m4 '63 Ford Galaxy XL Excel cond. New tires S 8 O 0 . 67:>-6514 1fler 5 Pl\f FORD '67 Econollne Heavy duty v•n 6 cyt. R/H. Auto trans. 54>-3103 '60 FORD 2-Dr. S~ or will acl1 parts. INcy mar cam m. ""'"" 'ST FORD 2·Dr. Floor flihift. Motor nut. 12,;. 312 T-Bird mlr. for 18.TM S%"J. ~8-1989 0 DlAt. dtrwct 642-5678. Char;e your ad, thl!n sit back and illten to the phone rtnc! Respons• to our all new 1970 line of Lincolns and Mercwrys hos be•n o.,.,.. whelmlng. Owr Used Car Dept. ts loaded with trade-ins at fantastic Ml'llngs. We ho'le too many to list ell •. , Bwt look at these exampln: 1968 C.t.DllLAC ELDORADO 1965 FORD COUNTRY Sf?UIRl •••ulilul lurq uiote .... it ....... Ilic li11i1h w/ o •• ~ tu•quoi•• fini•h wilh bl,,~ inltrior. m•+ch in9 inle•ior wt.ii• l J.lld1u roof. Ful-Full po"''' •qUiDm•nt •nd f•clor'I •ir CDll• ly lu,ury equipped i11cludi119 +•l t /fi(t 1h9 dilioni"'l· Q.,, of tht nic•r 1l•l1on w•9on1. whe1I. AM-FM •'••eo, feel. •ir, r1dio, •lc. HCN I SO WFU466. $5475 1964 C.t.DILLAC CONVERTIBLE Attr1c+;v, S1tfo•m 9r••n filli1h w/m•+ch· ;,.q inttrio•, whilt 'DD. 1quipp•d wilh .,II 11!1 lu•U•'I ft•lure1, iodudint leclo1y 1ir. E•c1ption1Uv clt111 FXG661. $1475 1967 CONTINENTAL Convf!rtible M•diuM turquoi11 "'t lt llic f<11 i1h with m•tchi119 i!\ltrior •nd whilt lop. P11Hy lur· ury eq11ipp1d, l11cludin9 l~clory •ir cond. lmll't1cul•I• co11ditio1t i111id1 i nd out, UOG I I~. $2875 19'7 COUGAR Z·Dr. Hardtop Summtr 8ti9• fi1ti1h wilh bl•c~ hue~•! 11t h I l e11d111 roof, >.T., R .. H .. P.S .. P.I .. feclory •i•. Co111ol• t ic. leeulilul co11di· tion. YOG441 $1695 196S T·BIRD CONVERTIBLE l•tulilul liqhl tu..:~uo i1t lini1h with whil t 011!t1ior t1td le~. Fultv power 1quipp1d. l11cl udOnq feclo"I t i•. Very w ill mtint1i11•d. P~Gl7 l $1895 1969 VOlKSW.t.GEN 2·Dr. IUCO R•dio '"d hteltr. Sliowroo'" 1h•rp with 011!v 10.000 ... a ••. OXA69~ $1795 1967 FORD 250 PICK·UP ~-Ton Lo119 hd. 151 v.1 e n9in•, •uto, RI H, ••*'• <Jlt l•ri~. wrep •rou11d tl•t •l•P bumD•r. w11t co•1+ .,.;.,on, .+c, Sh•rp! 011Jy 1400 mil es. V461SI $2195 $2150 1964 JEEP W.t.GDNEU St1lion W19011. C~ .... rol1t Y.f , conv•rtelli 1966 T·llRD LANDAU 1n9ine, .t-whetl d""' wilh dutl·o·mtlic l rili1h Gr1111 ,.,,,.n;c ••lt rior wilt. ivy fra nl wl!t 1!1. r1d la a hrt!tr. Nttr lll W 9old ;,.+1 riot . Fult'I Dewer 1quipptcl, I\., H ,, ~:~.~~~~~~;:I See '"d d"v' lo t PP"t · l•c+ory ,;, tic. RT872' 5,i375 1962 CONTINENTAL 4·D,, Stdon Pl1ti1111111 fi11 i1h w/bl111 lttlh•r i11+1rior. Full pow•r 1quipp1111l end f•(ID,,, •ir cof'Cli· ti o111d. HEPlJ2 $775 1'67 FORD CO.t.lAXIE 500 l ·Door H•rdtop. l111 ulifvl lrithh Gr1111 wlth bltck l11ltrlor •nd wliilt l111d111 1001, •ulo .. RI H, P.S., P,I., •ir co11ditio11111t. tic. V•rv cl11n ffirouqhetul. VUZS37 , $1995 . . .. '. $1295 1961 PONTIAC lE MANS 1-0oot Httdlop Flt.bird 9re•n. bl1cr but• k111. f1ctory •ir, P.S .• P.I., ,,,,,c t •p• decli, •le.. Low 25 .000 miln. VCT91l $2795 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 1-0001 H1tdlop. ~relic .. h!i 1 with bltck inl1rio1 tnd L1ncl111 roof. Full DO'W•r •quipp•d ••11:1 l1clo1y t ir co11cfilionin9. 0111 ow111•. C1r1fuUy 011•!11l•i11ttl. UOFl61), $2495 Johnson.son Lllttl~ Ci~Tlo Uil · blt~~ m · l !H IY •I HU 2626 HARBOR IOUlfVARD, COSTA MESA 11 Mlle South of tht Son DiltlJO Fr•ewoyl USED C.t.RS -540·5635 ' r . -----· ---·----r.:::----,-.. I I ' • HERE NOW ON DISPLAY · ALL .SERVICED & READY ·~ ' CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY A Magnificent Experien~e 1967 EL DORADO t·irembl Rotewood with broWll P.11dded rool t 11ddJ• tutbtt rrim. fllll powerf ·taet." air, till 1elo.oop• 11·beel, Ah!.f'!\I r1dio. cru.i1e~ontrol, doot locl:J. li1b1 ta~ & dim-. rear, 1dodow delo11er. dU. "bfUtt. fTVKlt7)' 1 ·"" "' ! ' ,\ Cadillac proudly introduces eleve11 J;W1gnllicent choices of motor- ing pleamre for the spirited 1eventie1. Each brilliant new 1970 Cadillac herald.t~lbe beginniug of a motoring lil .... iyto antidpatod for a great new era. The clean, cot1temporary styling clearly loolu to the future and distinguishes Cadillac from all other fine can. And there are ,D-6~ luxuriel!I, new features, n~ innovatfom in all Cadillacs for 1 ~70. Tcl!ll dri\•e lhe new Cadillac-••• Today ••• ! SALi $2700 PllCl SALi PRICE SALi Over 80 Quality 1968 CADILLAC . Ceupe d1 Vil.la. NN!ld:r bl11• lritli bf1clc tu.di• 1311 blue le1thu trim. FaD fFi(• ftClGl'J' lir -· dltionin1-tlh·tele 'Wheel. A?i ·FM' radio. etc. Lout 11116 ll•'llet, (VGZ117) 1964 FLEETWOOD full poY.·t r, f1clo11' air tonditieni11a. Hu .ii ef C..dil11c'1 populu eptiona. &.utifn) bci&o aateao- bile. (0QB61ri) 1966 MIRCIDll IMI $4500 HJa IALI $1400 !,.. -. I I . ...... "., .. .. . • . " ... .. ' 969 IMPIRIAL 54700 Cadillacs to Select From $1ro:o ~ .. I ~JOe COUpl. f.U "°""Ir. ltclclrJ aif, l l«ao U~ , crili1t co11trol, fl'l'U'J pouiblt eptioe. Padde4 top. IXSP777). Low milee. ~ 1968, CADJLLAC 5td1a DeVU!t. f'nll l'Ower. f1cto11' air, 1ttreo A!-1· r~1 radt., tih·telas:opic ,..hfd, pewer cloer Joc;k1, cru.IK l"Ontrol, all optiont. Btl'1)(flle p ie! ....i1h bei11 top ind c!o1h 111d leather interior. (yGYI091 1965 CONTININTAL' rall po~r. f1c1ory air, 1ilt·tcletc:11pic:\.·b~I, A)l.f M, power dOl!r lockt. 1U op1ient. Vmeti&a bl11s wi th m1tehin1 leatbu IAtcr.iol:. (NBW7i2) 1965 CADILLAC Ceupe DoVWe. Sherwood JTten wil h hl1ck padded l~p and black lt1thtt mierior. full po ... n. f.ct1!'7 1ir condltioniAS, At.f.fM rutio, tilt 1l.eriel ,.it;eitl. !"'""tr trunk opitr1er. {:'\CSJJ;i PllCl SALi $4500 v· PllCf . · SAU $1600 PRICl SA If $2100 PRICE ' .... ·~ .. . .' :~ • 1970 CADIL-'f C TRADE-INS Sin" lh1 1he•ing ol •v• gorgM111 ntw 1'1G Cadlll<K ,... "*"" 141\tn In lfltny, _,-tir.dt1. Mo1! •••'1 en• or th• lraft·l<I• i1 In .. tuoluto!1 fllinl (endilian, Do 'l'"'"''lf • ......, •Jld "' thi1 1uhlalldlng Ml1t!i11n ol p,.., ..... ,1y own.d, "'"" aallMd Cev,. DtVllt11, kd11n O.VIU11, t.11v1halftl, fl DorcrilOI, t1Yi1ro1 and Conli• ntnlal1. T11t drl~• ono lod"'f· ' • SAlf ,tlClS lffECTIVI OUOUGH 1\JfSO,t,Y, SlrffMllR )d, 1Nf BENZ 2305 .. Door S..: Au'°' .,..... d c eft:fe. las, pow• ~ l bnk-. Saddlt lealbc llim. ~ (SVC2<1l -. ' ' )Alt 1967 CADILLAC 531,00 Ib ., I ··~ Cen•M1ihl fr.lb wfillo ~ '°1 ud '~lids ' f,11 ·'!li!i«· 'll la<IH!q tteeri.a~ra.ltt • wtn'tow1 • 1 -i. ~ radio. f716m7Z) HJCI 1965 CADILLAC IALI 52100 Sed111 de Villa. Tah~ bla• w\O lllat d~••:r. cl6tli. and le1tber trim. Full JIOll'lll', focterJ air oepditioe1q. till 11htd. aa•J optlou. (J'l'D2t14J - 1966 CADILLAC IALI $2400 Fleetwood fl Dcrta.. N pow•. ~ tlt,, fall leather lAt&rior, Ute AM·1'M. tilt •Mal, ...., coac:ei.,Ult eptioL (TIR741) ... c. Your Fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Servl119 the Orange Caut Hvbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 • SALES D~P ARTMENT OPEN 8:30 MI to 9:00 PM Mon. thrn Fri . • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat and Sun. NAHRS CADILLAC AnnollllUI A Ntw Subtidiory '4NLC'' (N~bers uasing Corp.) LIASI DIRECT " < Order Your 1~0 :cpcilllac · Toclc;iy·. for October Delivery Outttanding Sonico fuililJ II Oran Coun t moot modem dealenlti . ... . : ., " ' • ' .1 •, "'° u...i c;... f90f 990!) UMll c,,. ---::--~~...._~, \-~--,:----~.....; '1 ,ON11AC PONTIAC· 'PO!fTIA~ ' T MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC . PLYMOUTH , MUSTANG ~~ ~·:~ .';.': ... ·~~!"~'.;.:;:.,:,:, •• :!~1c St,~s-· '65. PLYMOUTH· :.i:.i~~%,~r,· ·~.,:,:::~IA"!~~·~ ~ :2: .!.':.~ i:._T·B 1ow mi· .. Gt l'AlbbJe hood • " speed • nc· dltion. one owner, Jµ9S. er tttetina: etc FTN 956 Satelllle, :z dr, HT. b\l,Cket * 673-f650 * ' ilreS Dtce&nt ODndltm ..,....,...~ , . pl. "¥"""".. p/a, pfb •. fie • ttrc lt7D 1'or 111& eqUlpmtnt. Lie. NGC 654. 67~70. 'S7'5 . setts, f•ct air, P"!l' 1..teerlnr. '68 GRAND PRIX Pow«'. 5f6..m ~ heatlr ~~ eo)d w.!b*t o:irdofa top. Wt, $XMJ OM''°" MIMI $1699 ·68 V-8 hdtp, •on Door. 19,000 JIM SLE di" Hu hAd • <lCcepOonal POiiTJA(! l!OnneYlllo, • • , "" Pbont -l24lll 1'171 '*7121. Ev& SUNsn FORD ml. AM·FM·Slmo. Mull MONS caie Nutt tell· bd"• Ill< full'""" air, prl P'Y. 1980 .,. bot! of. • lllll'p. Llc,'l'Elt IOI, m.filll5 • I 0 11' Wui 11nc ,rv1 """ LB-11193 • '1'445! Good 6"'· 12311 "" bot! $1"9 : IAMILllt 1,;:::;;=:.,;;:-...,,=-:ii::1I 5440 Gonl•n c ..... Blvd . .., .. m.-. MP RTS NP\J90I, cau Ken, 49i.om '64 !AMAN~ • •peed, ljmo, fer. "32 Sanburf Wo:t. suj.i~rr FORD • 'sr T.Jl!IU>. blidiO Xllii W"tm'"'"' "'" 63&<010 OLDSMOBILE fhono: 5,40.2512 or-._ ldnt """'!. l9!0. Uni..rtll;Y' Puk. -M40 G....., c .... Blvd '65 RAMILER ._ : ·u MuaWll V..!: ,.T. ,,..,, t913 llOIJDA> •-· "'""' '64 Plymou<h 9 pea ~atlon &,._2571 ''.i GIW«l P!Ul<. AD -"''""'lnlttt <Tiil GMino W'"""ON ~ •540-1*111• • di.: bf'Uea. fact . air; low 1B OLDS Super 83. 4 Or. stttrlnc. brak", air cone! .. waami. aJr-cond. Original MOVING, must 11ell. 19"6 ~1'~·~~'.s_Wlll .. Eilfc 'iS GTO .-...W. YA:UANT hd. Sealoam IJ'ttl\. blk. FUH pwr, tie<: wndws, W Top condition in&klt and oot owner. 111ichelbl tirs. $1150. Pt>nU.C Cat&Jlna, xlnt cond. l LJOtfd. tnll wbHlJ Indy VI. &Jr, tun power. lnttr. S25CXI. l>fiWon YltJo oond. Evrrythfn& "wlal S69$. 5*-1234 fl) SJS..112:a SlOOO. m-3".15 '6.1 Le Mans convtrt, ltd tires, aisptNion, ~ $tts - P'"""' 13'-9563. . '115 CUTLASS, r .ss, nd, rrs WONO~ U!e many THF. SUN NEVEft'fi:-rs iii 11>111. r •ti. lOod oond. PlO: 1119 ,_. ovtr l'OOO lnwt• JIM SLEMONS 1969 Mllll•n& 250, l 1pd. a '68 Qld!I 98 Bonv, PIS, P/8, TW.f, xtnt cond. bl!Y• In appl~• )'OU flnd Qwlfi!d'• aotlon powtt. M'utt-11!111 848-100'1 an S:!o .d: Wlll ltll for $10. SH IMPORTS A take over pymts ot si1&1. air cond. lull Power. "fl !i pm " \\'k-cnd1 In the Oaulllied Ad1. Check For an ad to eeU l10vnd TH& QUICKER. YOU CALl..i lt'-lhil sun. at 120.11 9tll St., ~19.l .$1.'IOO ~5-6341 644--0.177. . rbem now! tilt dook. dlll s.t2-:llm. tHe-QU10ttt\. YOO SEU. o.C, or call n ~J'82 cvtf. PhOM: M0-2512 ' l • • -.,. ' • • •• :•, ·• ' ', ~•11·• .ii ~.'-A~R~GEitii!iST-. ELE -' IGN OF "e'fflRG~Rsl IMMEDIATE .319tn 'DODGE-to CHoosE FRi · 1N souTHERN C:ALIF. DELIVERv IE~, '17 SRA D·NE , __ : "69 ,CHARGE RS , •·, "' . P9,llrn 1uckot 111h • · ~~~.., hudlillflt• • (•II 4 DOOR , · , 1tnyl lnhrlor • Nylo~ arp1tl"9, • ltu • >· ·ftck11;-.n., • Full r14t;'illatrv¥fa'1ofi • & t ..ftr fttrd1 e Ash tr1y light e·H.D. Tor· 2 DOl)R HARDTOPS · 1lon sw1y bar. ~;Jllflffl!1 • ' .ll.!'2!1'1""" • .. . • ~·, 1"15.I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 14 TO CHOOSE FROI ALL SOLD AT THIS v.a, ••lomllk tr1nsml11ion, powu mering, vinyl YEAR.EID PRICE OF OILY r . '"fl ' r ·!: "n.! t:.Rll) ~ ~ 1 • • t;,_ .. u· "' lntlt'ior, tlnt1cl wlndshltlcl, h11d rtlfl, 111t btlts, Whitt side Wiii ff rel, eU11ide tW-\'ltW mirror. s 3 fend1r mounttd tum sltntls, dtluxt Urpth, hid-· den wlnd1hl1ltl wlptrJ, deluxe Aftty featuru. Ototce of colol'I. . Wf lEi: filrilfill:R;: Etl(.:&~IIl;l: a:&illm: ' 1969 DOD.GE CORO NETS ., . . . BRAND NEW «STATION WAGONS Flltly fac:tory equipped,4 haler, Afr•Jt•r, 1tc. WL,5191123047, WL4S 191121966. SIDCA .. '68 ffONT •• ~.T.O. '68 DODGE 2 DOOi ltAIOTOP CHAlGll '.; ... 'Tiii & I.le. i;:;...·=-~::i;; ·s19·a9 TOTAL~£ V<.•-"'--~98 ._..__.".. . budi'.t ... , •. rjdlo .. • ~"O· srlM'iw ':l'i TOTAL PRICE + TU & Lie. '67 PONTiAC '4S PL YM0'1(:fl ·,. _ ,;· "fll.._111!,« ,;.... .-..... WIACUDA'~,!'UcK ..... ;..:, ;-.,;.;!!,, '11288 ~ . .::'=~·;,~ ~ew • twllf' liCWY1Y-:\Tii ' .. ,~Ill 'lt..,K MJ i I @) ' TOTAL PRICE ' • ' ' .. , - .TOTAL PllCI • .. +Tu I. Lk. '66 .. CHEVROLET '64 .VOLKSWAGEN llSCAYHI· 2 DOOl $588 · ...... ·~ .. "' $4u· ~tr. ll'Cr !Nil TOTAL PRICE Price Total !f~~~A£. r:~,~A\~·U.f ~ii ECI: ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST RECREATION & VEHICLE CfNlER ·-- flra nd ~ f' ft r . ..,1>"~·1 (") 'I ".)~[,< fl~ 1 w L 9J ii "°' "4-~-.. -• ~ (.>\;~ V-1, lfflo, Heeter, 6 Ply tires, Double ltd, T1Wt Sink, Waftr Supply, ltt ltx, Vlnyt Roof, C1bi'nets, Louvered Windows, Weit Ct11t Mirror, Curtll'ns, Wood P11tli;n9. No, 1~·87123930. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ¥ijar;ind ' · Clean-up . Price · TOTAL PRICE + ,., • '"· I $ 'tOTAL· ·' PRICE ' + T1i a.. Lie. 1969 ·DODGE CORONEl ·. . BRAND· NEW 2•DOOR COUPE f•ll llit..., ,..,,...,W\2llt£130t77. JMMEDIATE DEJJVll{J., · 't· .~ . '' ·• ' . i-:< ~ ~ • I YhrEli $2 c~~u. 1 , .': TOTAL PRICE + To. l Uc SID CARS I ' ~ . . . -~ ..... -..... --------...,·---------· --···. '' - Show Iha deaier 11y guarantee aad ask if ~· '68 DODGE .Dort 68 P,L Y.MOUJH ch . 1 If I • I HARBOD DODIE GTS 1 0901 HARDTOP SATµun 2 ~ liAJDTOP . CH mat "· Ill ' CODll In D ., -·t..~~"'' := $1788 ' ,, '"":"'"·.!"'!:. $4;&!'88 home of the GOLD STAR 8UARAmE. ~h\-51-, •• · •· 'li"vlr,,, I ;i TOTAL PllCI • TOTAL PRKE + T•11: & Uc. • + Tu & lit. Bob Swic£, owNER-GINiui MGR. '67 PL YMqllTH', , '61 CHDIOLET FURY STJ.liMt~AGON ''.' •:·· • !!APAL(:l ~ HARDTOP , 100°/o UNCONDITIONAL A GUARANTEE , YAl'. L09K FOR !If[ GOLD ST~R IN T~I WINDS~IELD , , for your proleqtjonJ'l'00% Unconditional Guarantee -This Star stal· es in writing ttlat H!rbor Dodge guarantees !he car 100~~ aga inst mechanical defects for 100 days or 4,000 miles whichever comes ' fir3t after p~rthase. Th is includes all mechanical ~rts, electrical eQl.lij:>ment, battery, _5ptedomeler, rqdio, heater on all cars. J.Qis guarantee cOvers . all part~ a·nd labor frtm bumper to bumper absolute ly free 10 you. · · · "T"' 'T' . . . . FL~IBLE FINANCING EASIEST TERMS ~.::ti':::,::.~ ~·oa,,s , ~~.!!i-~"'~'8 GOL1t· s+1MT>.t1WI:\ ··1 ' ' ~'o sTA11 voz~ti . ·~ I~ · ·TOTAL PRIC~ ,.: Trx' & Lie. TOTAL P~f • '\. ~:+ ~;f & l tc '65 FORD LTD 2 DOOi HARDTOP ,tclor'I' Air, I VIOINI!• k, '°"'., 11 ............. bttln,. !wit•!, •1111• wtll Jiru, r~la, co~ ~11 $988 TOTAL PRICI '66 PLYMOUTH . VALIANT 2 DOOi ""11'Pllleft" """' "''IY ~ m'itti .. · ' " TOTAL PRICE s. $588 ~ .. ' 66 MUSTANG ... ,2 0901 llARllTI>P .-• -·,..,r, .,..,,., '4t788 ~~Hy fy~~ • I Tom PIK! . , + T111 &. Uc. . . Family weekly DAILY PILOT SEPTEMBER 28 , 1969 HYPERBAR1C MEDICINE A Dramatic New Way To Save Lives . Plant Now for Your Child's Spring Garden ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA · JACK LORD Painting or Performing, He's a Perfectionist __ , Ask Them Y ourseH .... 'OR J.4MES J. ROrLEJ', Dirttto,, U.S. Secnrt Sert1ict 80111 c.n • /Nraoa teU • co-"rfeii coU. f~ • real coin7-Alldael Ir• /lleO'IM., Nortla Brl&IUll1ie'1 NJ. e CC'nu_inc coins arc not C&L1ily cut with -.iPife. Counterfeits are often eui}y cut or bent under slight pressu~ Acid will blacken a scraped or cut portion of moet counterfeit coin.a but will not discolor genuine •ilvcr ooina (all ~nt. 10-eent, and 25-<:ent pieces prior lo 1965) . FOR /VUA CHILD, dt.e/ I CouU you •hOflO ... /aow Freach '-o•e••Jcer• 111alwt FreA<ela breflfl1- EUferte L Lieoa, l'air· ~"'· C.lif. e They nC'•er make French bread. There is always a bakery around the com er that makes bread three times a day anci c-an be bought bot and f..eM before nch meal. That's why we have not shown bow to make it. One problem with lrytng to duplicate French bread ia that the French u!IC unbleached flour. coMisting mostly of soft "·heat with aome hard wheat mixed *-it. We could duplicate it, perhaps. with two·third11 unbleached pa11try Bour and one-third unbleached all-purpote Aour. Another diflicultJ ia that it doesn't tum out well in a home o•en. A bakery oven has steam in it, to make the proper texture and cru11t. FOR MILT Jl'OODA.RD. J>rnil/ err I , Ammcan #'ootboll lea&iu Flaal u ~ reuon for l#ae .. hile .lwe1 arwl .oclu "'°"' by N>Me JHll-Jn.owm pl.yer• in your ~•1ue!-RuKh Bui- ler. Layto .... Utnla e There is oo regulation calling for &ny partic ular color of football ~hoes. All players, however. must wear knee length '40Cks in the colors of their club. Tb~ .ire u~uaUy the 11rirrup..type which pulJ •1 vf'r regular aweat socks. FOR DON RICIU.ES Flt.c e1ar1.J yoa ;,. your 1U1iqa.e "in ... ll" type of laamor?-Ro1er Trent, lh11ur, Colo. e It wes self-defense. While working in a honky-tonk cJub in Wuhingtoo. O.C., in 1946, IDY audience WU mostly wJon on leave. Wa.iting for the stripper to come out. they uied to boot me off the stage. But I yapped back. making them pay attention. Theo they laughed. and it has pa.id off aince. FOR YIRCINIA KN..4UE~ Prt~identUJ Aif!Uor, Co1t~me' A8air~ la llaU tl.y of w ,....,. tliH•reJll bl.ltd. of f-b- rit:, why u Ila.ere a i.., ogtrilld re,,.,..,., .iore• labeW., tlae contenl or lrind o/ ,,..14!riltl beU., ..UP-Mr•. L. Relpla R111uloU, 01· flea, Va.la • I am not awa~ of i>ucb a law. To the contrary, the care and labelling act adopted by the textile industry eocow- agcs full diacloeurc. FOR DA.YID KENNED¥, I Secretary of th~ Tr~ury Don llae $2 bill luioe a11y •pedal Hlae? I eoUtta t.lt.em . .r--Mary C. Friflat, /tloanlai11 Ho•e Air Poree BOM, ldalao e The Trea&ury recognizes all U.S. mon. ey at (ace value. Whether aome issues have a collector's value in eJtccss of stated de- nominations is a matter into which we do not inquire. I suggest that anyone in· te~ted in numismatic valueti should consult dealers in old curreocica. They are liitted in most clas ificd telephone directories and in numiMnatk pubUca- 1 ions, availahle in local lihraries. FOR ARNOLD PALMER R~ ""'"1 1olf IHIU. tlo you cue in one round of o rour1u11n.en1?--Ro1er Ne~ •on, Bloomingro~ IU. e I usually change to a new ball after every three hole8. 110 I wouJd W1e 1ix in the course of a round. On some occa· -1ion~. particularly in cold weather, I might chan«c even more often. FOR BAltB.41U STANJl'YCK 11 ii lrue llaot you hinlc ~ quarb o/ millc • U,1 TJ..1 '"""41 be 21 q .. rca • wee._.nd yo. •lill wieifla 110 powul..? -P. A~rilio, Altoona, Pa. e I have cut down coruiderably on my daily milk intake but still weigh 110. FOR DON SHULA, Jm1' coacA. Ba/tiMOT~ Colu Silu:e daere ha. ~e" .. 1nt1cll pa6Ucity •6oal cAe ,..,.,.,_, efttt. of •.-ok- u.1, Jo you prohibit Y'*' players /rorn •Pft.OliUtg?--Claarla B . Ro .. e, S•r•~ Fla. • No. We have no rule against smoking. Professional athletes art men who must discipUne lhcmsclvcs. ' ,, ........ a ,_ .--a 4 I 0 '-f Y--...... IMa eei.-. -.t _ ..... .. -1-.._ F b M ,.._ ,_ +s'p , • 5eM 4" M+, ...,,en.My -• .,.. .... .,.,.,._ .. A.l n.. f-W, F-Dy W-6Jy~ Ml .......... A-.. "-Y_._ l't.Y. 1oen. We ~ ...._.._. __..._ .... IS will .. ..W 1-wt. ---. WHAT~ WORLD! Immortality, Anyone? Uke so many schooh,, Christian Collep, a two-year college for women in Columbia, Mo., it suffering from a lack of funds. 8ut this institution has come up with a pos- sible solution. h is advertising for a rich patron. In exchange for $5 million, the 118-year-old college with 540 stu- dents from 32 s1ates will rename itself after its benefactor (Of' anyone he designates), thus cmuring Hfhe op- portunity of a splendid memorial that will live long after you're gone.'' Women's Votes A woman hod no legal control of her cht1dren °" P"Of>" eny before 1919, exc«ding to "Wom- an Suffrage in America," a collection of 13 volumes published by Amo Press. "Frequently she could not swim or goff, ond a husl;.,nd could sign away an unborn child without hs Suffragettes making their Y'Oie9s heard mother's consent." Public sentiment was so much against the suffragettes that in one New York State auditorium pepper was placed on a stove to break up o meeting, and at on Albany rally, the mayor had to sit on the plat- form with a pistol on his lop to J>f$Vent tarring and feathering of the women. In five de<ades, we've come a tong way. Uke Father, Like Grandson Rich- ard Boone (now s1orring in '11'e Krem- lin Letter') hos made enough money acting to live royally in Honolulu and commute to fobc. The succns might have MH'prised his father, who wan1ed Richard to follow h;m in law. "But I RichorcJ Boone was thrown out of law school In the third year," Boone soys. "I knew I'd do well as an actor, though.. Nothing wrong with law-I iu~ didn't want to be what my father was, H And whot about Boone's own son? "Ah, as a mat- ter of fad, he wants to be a lawyer." Calling All Hospitals The rise in air pollution, soys Dr. Ste~1 M.. Ayres of New Yoric's St. Vincent's Hospital, is particularly dangerous for penons with chronic lung dHeose. They may develop irritation and infection from it-or eveo from o sudden rise in hu- midity. His advice: stay indoors with windows closed and air conditioner turned on to "circulation" to fitter the a ir. He puts his own patients on onti- biotia, increases the use of a neb- ulized broncho-dilator and expectorant for about 10 days. Added tip: use air conditioners which have good filter- ing systems for greater economy and efficiency. Discovery, Cockney Jack Wild, 15, looking like a wizened midget under a thatched roof, grimaced as he told Family Weelcly how he got into show business at 12, "Me and me brother was playing football in a London portt when this lady come up and soid, 'Do you wont a job?' We thought she's a mental case. 'We have jobs,' we ioid. 'Delivery boys.' But we told our parents anyhow, and there we were on doge in 'Oliver."' Then Jock quit Khool because he was ''bored.'' Now he's in N8C-tv's ''H. R. Pufn- stuf," one of the new nonviolent chl1dren's pro- grams. 8ut Jack isn't OCJ<Jinst tv violence him- self: "Since criminals don't get away with it, tt teaches children that crime doe$n't pay.'' Jade Wild Family W~ ••••••r ....... ~ I. DAV.OW " 'lrl MOaOMW,....._ I09RT I. laOW'N ~A~ 11....- IUISIU. l. SPAmel W.,._ Ab•~ 11•-.- AI~ Of~ 641 '-Wm...___.._ T ... tl9Q 4'1 .. ~ "-. am.,.. •111 Wll ._ -· ....... IWe., Det ..... 48Jl21 Ott ......... l.lwlil., .... ~--......... _ ... .._._ .. ... ~a.+s_..._.._,._ .._ .... ..._ llow.11.. -... __, "'11 . IC. Utw•cw.J JAat IYAN ltl~ 11411# MAllUI N. 1'llMOUI Art~ -·-• "°" ,.... • .,.,., ....... .Mc., ........ ......... ,.,.,........,,...... ....... 1 ...... ,., t b .... c... ~Art~ ...... ..... •Mt.rial om~:"' '-' ••• A-. .._YM_M. Y.1tnl © 1Mt, PAMILY WllKlY, tNC. All ...... __, IMAGINE! 24 full color storybooks and sturdy bookcase-all for less than 13~ a book Poaibly the gf'eateat enchantment value ever Little Eyes Light Up when they see this TINY GOLDEN LIBRARY of 24 diHerent volumes- stories that enchant the kiddie car crowd and keep them entertained for hours. There arc two complete libraries of twelve boob eacll: 12 Tiny Nonsense stories and 12 Tiny Animal stories written by Dorothy K.unhardt. famed author of Pat the Bunny, and illustrated by Garth Williams, including the story of Roger Moµ.se (who wanted to be an Indian) and the Hallowe'en adventures of young Robert Pig (who frightened his father). with these colorful, sturdy miniatures. Fill out the order coupon now, and you1J soon see those little eyes really get big. 12 Tiny Nonsense Stories /Jy Famed Dorothy Kunhardt Happy Valentine• Mrs.Sheep's Little Lamb• April Fool! • The Naughty Little Guest· The Wonderful Silly Piaiic • The Two Snowballs• Poor Frightened Mr. Pig • Roger Mouse's Wish • The Cowboy fCitteo • The Easter Bunny • Unde Quack • Little SquirreJ's Santa Claus. Designed For Tiny Hands-Each book in this tiny library is a beautiful 24 page. fuU~lor mitria-12 Tiny Animal Stories ture. The "cbild-proor bookcase is specially IJy Famed Dorothy Kunhardt designed for hard wear. It's enclosed in a ~se&-TI1e Little Leopard and His Fat Stomach • The through" carrying case ... easy to tote to Grand-Baby Camel and His Naughty Father • .. Meow,· mother's-or to ~chool for .. show and tell". Said the Fierce Baby Lion • The Tiger; Kitten's :\ gift of Lov~ The TINY GOLDEN LIBRARY Poor, Poor Tail • Why The Little Elephant Got is a gift you11 display proudly at home. TilC book-Spanked• Look Out, Baby Bears, Here He Comes case keeps its oootenu intact (not all over the • Shame On You, Baby Whale! • The Brave Father house!). It's just as colorful and attractive as the Corilla• TI1is Little Gira.flt-Wants to Play · Hop, boob themselves. Hop. Little Kangaroo • The Baby Hippopotamus's Start your child on the most wonderful adven-Adventure • The Two Stuck-ln-1be-Mud JUU- Children are charmed by the unique 2% x 81h" me of the 24-page adventure itorlu. Each book is beautifully Ulmtrated in full color and ho4 a hard durable cooer. There are 24 boob Wee thU in tlae TINY GOLDEN LIBRARY. r--~--~----~------~~--, To J"OQI' boobelllPr or nulil to: GOLDEN nESS. l>qJc. TG-200 2~9 Great Neck Road. Great Neck. N.Y. 11021 Pl .... rusti me TINY GOLDEN LIBRARY Mb. I am .ndo51na $3.95 tor uct'I set I °"*· plus 25' postqe and Mndline. If not com~ utidted I mey rtitum the Mt wtthfn 10 mys tor a complete refund. Amount endOMd ___________ _ Name--------------~ Add res.__ _____________ _ tu"' of all-the world of books and make believe-oooerose5. Cltr s.... Ip Cod•--- Pric."8 lllJCMly ...,_ ht c.u..cs. ....... do nat for:&t'f -tip aode. GOLDEN PRESS. A Division of Wntem Publishing Co.J.uc....139 Great Nedc Rd.. Grat Neck. N.Y. 11021 L _____________________ J • f 1 I I I Family~/ September !8, 1969 Hyperbaric Medicine W HEN A JETUNER crashed into a motel near New Orleans International Airport recently, one of the guests, Stefan Bogen of Holmdel, N .J., soff ered severe burns.. After emergency treatment locally, he was flown to SL Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston~ N.J. Theft. Bogen was placed daily in a -'#tank under hi~re WQfldl wbile reeenin.-COD'ftDtional barn treatmmL The ·~ US)iED. in what. ia lmoWD. u a byperbaric cf>.amber. made ..._line eui•. mini- mised illf ed.icm. a.ad allowed akin srafta to take mo.re radily. A few weeb later. Bocen wu a.ck at work.. Lat NO'f'mlber. alter the rilO">QS PreaidentiaJ cam .. i.p. Sen. Eftn!tt Di.rimaa found l:aimaelf IUPiac f ot ,...._ ........ SJ, ' ... ,_. breath from a lunr conrution.. At St. Barnabas. he received treatment in a bieb-praaure oxygen chamber for a week. When ~ was discharwred fTOm- tbe hospital. t..be SenatoT talked with- out pauaing for a deep breath.. "I feel in ~ight condition... be re- marked opti.miaticallJ'. E..ty-moMli.o.K. Mn. Rena Gold of West Orange. N ..J •• wu overcome by carboD monoxide f UJM8 from a car left running an night in the garage below her apartment. At SL Barna- bas. teat.a showed her blood .... 47 percent saturated with the poisonous gas; 60 percent woold be fatal. Jira. Gold WU glftD immediate bn>erbaric treatment through an opening made in her t:ncbea. Thia waa continued watil test. abowed normal bniD W&Vt!&. Then Mn_ Gold WU able to Co home. Vany people in a wide variety of critical conditions are being bdped. and oft.en •wed. by having their sys.- terns drenched with almost-pure ox- ygen in a high-pressure tank or chamber. It is technically called hyperbarie oxyrenation (HBO>. To understand HBO. corurider the well-known fact lbat we can'tt func- tion without oxygen. Our body ja like a lq)Onge soUed with it. But that sponge tends to dry out when there's an injury, disease, faulty heart. or poorly function iog longs. A great lack of oxygen is just about a death sentence.. Tbe pressure tank is used when the conventional methods of giving oxy~n prove inadequate. How clo preuures influence the ox- ygen ~ take in? At sea level. we enjoy one .. atmoephere.'' equal lo about 15 pounda of oxnm per 8QU&re inch.. In a ~c tank. the pa- tient ia generally expo&ed to three atmoepherea or 45 pounds of oxygen pressure. At Ws level, body tiasues are saturated with up to 20 times the normal amount of oxygen. High-pressure oxyge poisoning, gos gangren It's equivalent to the patient being submerged under 66 feet of water while breathing 100-percent oxygen. t That's why it's sometimes called "taking a dive.") At this preasure, oxygen dissolves more easily into the fluid pnrt of the blood, much like carbon dioxjde dissolves in water to make ordina.ey aoda.. Before taking a dive, each patient is thoroughly examined. lf found to be a proper candidate for HBO. be i3 taken into the room-eized chamber. Steel doors clang shut. ~ the prea- sure is increased to the oxygen level prescribed, be breathes the pure oxy- gen through a mask like an astronaut or scuba diver; the difference is that he is in an air environment. The aver- age treatment Juts about an hour and a half. Many patients are re- laxed enough to read. The basic concept goes back 2.200 years. But about 25 yean ago, a U.S. Navy medical officer began studying oxygen inhalation in divers and sub- marineni doing-"dry dives" in a com- pression chamber to e8tablish the human tolerance limit.a of pore oxy- gen. The new era of byperbaric 1pedi- cine, however, started in 1956 when a Dutch doctor proved that bigb-pres- aure oxygen could cure gas gangrene without the need to amputate a limb. In Boston. Dr. William F. Bern- hard of Children's Hospital Medical Center. pioneered in using the tech- nique to treat babies born with severe ox,.-geo hunger due to heart defects. Ry doosi ng-the blood pfuma of tbe!le infants with oxygen. he wu able to clAmp oft the veMels leading to the heart safely enough to correct the defect.a surgically. Today the Duke University Medi· cal C-enter, New York's Mt. Sinai. and SL James Hospital in Chicago Heights. In~ are among those that Wle byperbaric chambers. Thaa far, the chamben are functioning chiefly for research. Some medical cent.en in Japan. England. Aastralia. and South Africa also have one or more. St. Bamabaa. which proudly refers to ibelf as -rhe Hospital of Tomor- row-Today," now bout9 that it baa the world's largest and moet complete hyperbaric clinical and research setr up. Unlike most other medical cen- ters involved in this field. St. Barna- bas freely accept.a patient.a for HBO. ( ( < < A New Way to Save Lives .... chambers ore successfully treating victims of severe burns, carbon monoxide cancer, strokes; !heir potential see.ms limitless By THEODORE JK.WJN Since it opened its HBO facilities more than two yeara ago, the medical center baa preaaurll:ed more than 700 patient.a. At St. Bamabaa there are two master chambers, each capable of tttatinc 15 patients at a time and equipped for sorsery. Three individ- ual chambers are devoted to radiation therapy~ ~ aad other pur- poses.. With its own helicopter and landing area. St. Barnabas often re- cei ves dange.rooaly ill or dying pa- tient.a ftown in from many part.a of the country. Who am be-&t from HBO! Vic- tims of carbon-monoxide poisoning like Mrs. Gold. In such cases, the poisonous gaa worb itJs damage by preventing bemogk>bin in the red blood corpuscles from transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tis- 11ues. Mrs. Gold might have died from asphyxia (lack of oxygen), but under HBO. her blood plasma could senrt enough oxygen to her body to save her life. Frostbite alao baa been effectively treated with pressured oxygen. Near- ly drowned ecuba divers have been resuscitated; sickly or dying .. blue babies" have turned healthy pink. able to withal.and aurgery impossible only a few years ago. Victims of blood poisoning involved in highway accidents also have beoefi ted. The most •GMlltic result.a have heen achieved against gas gangrene. When this results from dirty wounds. ~a catttte the di9ea8ed ttesue to become filled with dangero08 gu and R blood~serum discharge. Wben an arm or leg is involved. aID}futation generally is about the only solution for· survival. Sin.oo the gu-gangreoe microbes liw and thrive only in the a.lu•enu of oxygen, when the body is soaked in oxygen. destruction is halted, and the process is reversed. Recently, Mrs. Geneva Pugh of Coatesville. Pa., suffering from ex- t.ended gas gangrene. wu flown to St. Barnabas. She was given 24 by- perbaric treatment.a. and in 11 days the dangerous infection was com- pletely controDed. HBO bas wodced miracles even in abdominal was gangrene when. of coune. the abdomen can't be sargi- ca.1\y removed. A Newark. N.J ... house- wife. wbo contncted the infection ~ aftey an appendicitis operation, was not expected to live. At St. Bamab&a, 27 HBO treatmenta made her well enough to return home. In strokes, too, HBO is reponed to be etr ective. Leavins bis of&e one afternoon.. a buaineaunan auclden.b' cte.ek>ped double 'riaion. felt numb- ness on oOe side of hia ace, and cou&dn't walk fel"W&l'd. Be Md auf- fered a atroke. Within 15 minutes of his first )Ui>erbaric treatment. bi.a double vision vaniabed.. Four mott dap of .. divinr' permitted him to walk. Today, instead of being a per- manent invalid. be leads a full Jif e. As for cancer. especially that of the head, neck. and eeophagua, HBO's advantagee lie in treating tumor! that resist X-ray therapy. Under ox:y- ge.n pressure. such tumors become about three timea more eenaitive to radiation, ao that the cbancea of kill- ing them are greater. "Our result.s with 22 patient.a." sayR Dr. Peter Gianqainto. director of the radiology department at St. Barnaba.a. "in which 150 treatment.a by radiation under HBO were given, leaves no question of the method's inc rea.sed efficiency." Doctor Gianquinto cit.es the cue of a 54-year--old man with an inoperable Ol1llignant tumor on bia neck the aize of a baby's bead. He waa choking to death. After aix radiation U.tmenta Within. hifh-:pttBSUft chamber. tlte tumor metted away. A 48-year-old troman bad cancer of the eaopbqua. which kept her from nraiknring nen her own u.Jiva. A.fW' the combina- t ion tniatmeo~ abe could eat ham- burgers. With BOme of these cancers., death might have rome within a month or two. TryiQ&' to keep pace with other medical advancea. the St. Bamabu docton bawe tbu.a far performed six open-heart operations in praaured- OXJ'Xeti chambers. ~ (the froz.e:n...lcnife technique) bu been done u.ader HBO &o redaoe tM laaa.rd9 to a hil'b-riak elderly man with an en- larged pra1tate. 1-' .,..., the tint o-rpn trans- plant-of a kidney-under t\yperbaric conditions was ubiend at St. Bar- oabu.. The donor kidney came from a 16-year--old girl who had died in a C&T cnah. The recipient WU the 40- year-old father of a cJ111smate. Two connecting cbamben were oaed for the six-hour procedure: one for ex- traction. the other for the implant. The transplant wu a triumph. What are tbe drawbacb and limi- tations of HBO? Some people are e.xtra.-eensitive to oxygen. Still, out of more than 10,000 treatmenta at St. Barnabaa. only three patients have felt the side e1fect of mild convul- sion&. When eucb signs appear. the ID88k is removed, the patient breathes ordinary air, and BOOn geta over Ule discomfort. Prolonged exposure to preaeuri.r.ed oxygen can be danprou.a, PArticular)y to the eyes. IUJlP, and central nervous system_ But thia can be mi1ri1rtiad by cal'dul)y acheduled d~ and monitoring. AClCOl"d.int' to Doctor Be:m.baM. at M!a.t one pa.ti~• death baa been at- tributed to .• ..,ubnonary UQaea tGll- icity" (OXJ'lett Jun• poDcm.iq) ia a patient wbo wu given HBO. - Much dependa on how hyperbaric medicine ia practiced.. Well-trained and experienoed doctora and techni- cians carefully keep the period of es- posure weU within bounda of medieal safety. Every •dive" must be acien- ti6calty coatrolled ao that HBO ii not miau.aed. "'We don't claim HBO ia a CIU'e- aU." cautions Dr. Charlea C. Abbott. chief of surwery at St. Barnabu. .. Aa supportive treatment in certain in-• feet.ions and dieotdere. we are con- vinced it is a big phi&. Except foT such conditions as su ~ and carbon monoxide poi.eo.n.iq-where we hue moun~ eridence of ita ef- fecti veneu-byperbaric medicine is still 1.a.rTel1 experimental in many other areas. One thing i.a aure: we're all goin~ to hear a g-reat deal more about it in the next few years." I• ...... tly MIO eoald even have an import.ant bearing OD lougevi t;y. "With aging:• a.ya Doctor Abbott. ''tbeTe are significant changes in ti .. sue compoeition, some uaoc.iated with decreaaed mygen intake.. ()x:ygen ia important to vital functions. and with aging there's increased senaitivity to oxygen deprivation. Thus, extenaive reaea.rch on a poeai ble cawie-&n.d~ - f ect relationahip must be done to de- termine what influence can be derived from hyperba.ric oxygenation to f~ 11talJ and diminieb aome of the e«ecta of agiq!' Through research, not on\y at St. Barn.abu but a1ao at Dub Univer- sity and other medical centen around the globe, inveatiptora are probiq the appare.n.tzy limitlMa uae:t o1 this extraordinary t«hnicrue. Some da.J 9000.. "'takiq a dive" may become a way of lire in the medical and wr- gical world. • Coned Ant S....S Oft. S.W u,,. in m•rg•ldes l.Aarw eital /cni ~ to tab it& -..,.. dliA{/ .~ of OOtllMOlt ..udicol ....,.~i-'-1.UW.. 61ood ~ '-11• •.............. ~. eo...u.. -... dMlkt• -.c1 ....-.r n ... ..a.. .w. "'I• n. ,..., ... --u.. lif• •/ .a11 .... dMa-' to ,.._ Jlail nl• l1.a5 plu 8.St .,..,,,,,... /or "'f'/e• N.., Jl""'1ww. a._. P4~,. t. F. W. 8-b, ()qi. A•4t• .. a.. Tn. ~ c.-bwl s..-... N_, Y-*. N. Y . 10011. ~ •t. •I __,. .-1....i. ••t.-.ioal ....._ -. -·*" fr-. 1 I • - The world's only . with a FREE VACATION*to shoot ••• ~ CaptuN your p.-:loua momnb in ODMt .. MM111 and white. or slides. with the most unique. cam- ped camera w ,,.._ The Sim.,._ St n-r ~ ewrJ'M• an •ptft-dMld or...._ Noth- Jng to opeo--nottlina to load-notNnc to aet. SMp your 3M, Kodak « OU.. film c:artridle to the beck-elm erid lhaalf I ~ Slmpla si....-ia tlny·lilht~ and fooi•proof. ·~ ......... ..,¥ ...... ......................... .,_.., ..... ,11p11•nandfocuawlllt~ cm__. ... ..,....,.. ....... • Sp9dlll ..... J • plbll ............. ........... • ... lnU.s.A.llJ ............ • Uncondllonelly ptenl J ftlr OM full.,._. No matter which fastbKk you c.hoose, we will give you up to four d8ys Md th.-ni&hb in an ucitina 'AIC8tion cfty free. Send YOUI order In now and ,...... pictw9 taldna a snep with • &....,.... llASTO-CWT /NUMTS .. IUTD ~ 149 Fifth Aw, .... Yon, N.Y. 10010 EftClolld is lftY ~ITW.NJ order fw ___ _ C--• Tn ta .... a':•• sm. __ __...._.. • ._95_. atW------------ sn me -..,...,..... $8.95... ITATI._ ______ D'>---- FW ... ______ a ......... ______ _ I in WE "F. " ' int pre An a.nc les. th it me.. the- "Bl likE He' der his maJ dur too· Im he to t l kt a S• fide E Yor He fari wer frei sket VI one fas~ "W• he f! diffc mer life . L ing Calli to I Frei achi I dE m11 "I old · an i man year wha my JACK LORD: ENTERTAINMENT Painting or Performing, He's a Perfectionist I T w AS POURING outside the converted warehouse in Honolulu where interiors were being filmed for tv's ''Hawaii Five-0." The company was only four days into it8 second eeason, but the pressure wu already building up. And Juk Lo•d,;ing the floo• a.nd nervously c ·ng tµa knuck- les. didn't help a l-' ---.... "He always drives him.self like this," a production ass istant told me. "It's hard on him. Harder on the crew." The producer added : "But having a star like Jack is like having money in the bank. He's always on time, no bags un- der his eyes, and always knows bis lines. He's a perfectionist." "It's the character l play that makes me edgy,'' Jack explained during lunch in his luxurious 30- foot dreasing-room trailer. When I made comments about the trailer, he volunteered: .. It cost $85,000 to build. I had it made even before 1 knew the show was renewed for a second year because 1 had con- fidence in the show." Even in his early youth, New York City-born Jack was restless. He shifted from painting to sea- faring. His high..scbool summers were spent at sea. working OJJ freighters. In his spare time, Jack sketched and painted. When be returned from the sea one year, Lord met and married fashjon designer Marie deNarde. "We've been married 18 years," he said. ".Meeting her made all the difference. I might have sailed on merchant sbip8 for the rest of my life. S he gave my life a purpose.'' Lord said that he turned to act- i ng because he could never get on canvas what he felt and wanted to express. "l kept looking at French Impressionists and couldn't achieve the quality they had, so I decided it wu time to change my mode of e.xpression. "Enc:ovragecl by Marie and my old friend Gary Cooper, I gave up an $18,000 job u a CadiJJac sales- man," Jack recollected. "The next year I barely earned $1 ,100. That's what we lived on. t wouldn't take my wife's money." Giving me a rare smile, he added, ''I've been poor and rich in my life, and be- lieve me, rich is much better." Jack's acting career hasn't been sensational. He has done some tv and Broadway roles, supporting movie parts, and his own, short- lived "Stoney Burke?"! series. The star of "Hawaii-Five-0," who works hard at keeping himself in top physical shape, ha.a eetab- lished himsel f as a dedicated, some- what humorless profe.ssional actor. It has reaped J a.ck a 80li.d 6 na nci a I harvest. He owns property in Los Angeles, Australia, and Hawaii and has heavy stock investments. But he is not a happy man because he takes himself and everything too seriously. Lord would rather be iu:claimed for his painting than for his aet- ing. He sold his first painting at 18 to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, which has sin~ purchased three more. His works are on exhibit in more than 40 private collections in the U.S. As with his acting, Jack is his own 11eVeT"eSt critic, detiltroying moft than 30 percent of the paintings he does. Will Jack Lord ever let go and relax? Will he ever consider bis painting or acting good enough? I doubt. it. He is a perfectionist. And perfection is an elusive goal to Rchieve. -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER FamilJI Week/JI, S•ptmil>er !8, 1969 7 Tella How -to Make Money Writing Short Claitago Man llmMls a Short Cut to Authorship Dladoua DttlMaewa ..... ltr wJalcll ttewm•n often ••• ,.1.t five"' .._ ti• .. ••,.. per w•nl tho• the retff ,.W .. hmecs ....... New GiiJCIH who am write a ••lwe In plehs E,.. IWt cea write,_ lllOMJ wlttso• .,...._ 11119 ••tUY y .. ,. "learala1 to wrtte." ~R years and years a relatjvely few .r people have had a "oomer" on one of the most profitable authors' markets ever known. ihey've been going quietly aJong selling thousands and thousands of contributions. None of them has had to be trained authors. Non~ of them has been "big name" writers.. Yet... in hundreds of cases they have been paid from five to ten times ;is much per word as was earned by famous authors. Shut-ins. housewives, folks who are re- tired on small inoomes, even empl~ed men and women who like to U9e ~e hours in a constructive way-aJJ types ¥e making money 00 short paragraphs. Mr. Barrett does not teach you to write. He shows you wlial to write, what form to put it in, and whom to nnd it to. He shows you a simple method for gtJting itkas by the hun- dreds. He gives you a list of more than 2<XJ "'°'~ wboae editors are look- Tbe successful men and women in this ing for this kind of material and"Who field bad such a good thing that they will buy from beginners. In other kept it pretty well to themselves. Mr. words, he teaches you a method, an Benson Barrett was one of these peo-angle, a plan for starting to write fo r pie. For years he enjoyed a steady money right away. income-made enough money in spare p you would like to see your writing tirnetopayforafine(annnearChkago. .J.in prml and gel paid for it-just Finally, Mr. Barrett decided to Jet send your name on coupon t<> Mr. others in on the secret. Since then he Barrett. He will send full information has shown a number of other men and about his plan of coaching by return women bow to write for money. He mail-postage prepaid. He makes no has not had to give them any lessons charge for this information. And, no in writing. He rum not asbd lhem to salesman will call on yoo. You dtcide, go through any long course of study at home. whether you'd like to try his or practice. In fact, most of his pm-plan. If the idea of getting paid for tkges have started mailing oontribu-writing short paragraphs appeals to tions to magazines within two weeks you write to Mr. Barrett for this after starting with his plan. information. Mr. Barrett says that the only skill No telling where it might lead. Such required is Utat the beginner be able a small start may even open oppor- to write a sentence in plain English. tunities for real authorship. And, since Almost anyone with a grade achoo! it can't cost you anything more than a education can write well enough to fol-5¢ stamp, you'll certainly want to get low Mr. Barrett's plan, because the all the facts. Please address coupon contributions you will send to mag-below to Mr. Benson Barr ett, - a.zines are almoet never more than one 6216 N. Clark Street, Dept. 376-0 , short paragraph in length. Chicago, Illinois 60626. r-----------------------------, I BENSON BARRETI' I t C16 N. a.II SWeet I I Deft. 37S.W Clliac-. UU.U 60626 I I .. Pl! aerlllt met ~Obtip.tion; the fu1t story of yoar1Dlique ooach-I I ing method, lhowing bow I can write to eel1 right away, how you furnish names I I and addte.ea of editon who buy from beginneri and UlJ me bow I CU\ start I I lllhm.itting rnanutcripts the tint week. I understand that evuything you ee.nd I I me will oome poetpaid and that no aJecnan will call. I I Name I I I I AddrPa I I I I City State Zi ., I L-----------------------------J 1 ~~--------------------.................... ....... Sizes: Small, Medium. Large. Ex. Large. Guaranteed Non-run. Washes like a hanky. Now AY•llllllt: '350 Extra size Panty, Girdle and L-B_n_e_f_._s_i_ze_s_30_to_48_. _______ ___, Available at your favorite store. Q.WRrTE FOR FREE OCET·STYLE BOOKLET 0 WRITE FOR STORE NEJ\REST YOUR HOME Reaa..fonn Girdle Company, Dept. f-3, 358 fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10001 Generation Gap Daughter and I meet, Both of WJ yawning. To her it's good nlgbt, To ..., tt'e good mo1niag. -Dorollay Dallon QUIPS AND QUOTES As the children of a large fam- ily scrambled into the back of the family etation wagon, one of them called out: "Whose foot am I sit- ting on?" "If it baa a brown sock," came the reply, "it's mine." -~ Oli?&ghowre Politics: a game with two sidu- and a fence. -Dorothea Ketit Five-year-old Peter aeked bjs older sister why one muat be quiet in church. "Because it's God's house," hie sister replied. Peter looked thought!uJ tor a moment. "Gee," he said, "aren't we lucky to live in the same heigh- borhood as God?" -A . T. Quigg SwHt Charity She'• helping at a rummage sale, She gon around with a comtant mutter, She aslu henelf to what avail Aft thfop she bu that only clutter? Sh e fi.lla her car from trunk lo clutch, Then buys and brinp home hoic:e u much. -R. S. O'Connor One nice thing about a 01ui..,wa11 street is tM.t y~u can. ~111 be bumped in the rear. -L1tcilu /. Goodyear Mrs. Brown was ambitious and made her hueband'e life mieerable trying to get him to rent a more expensive apartment. One evening he came home, all in a dither of excitement. "l've got good news for you, dear," be announced cheerily. "We don't have to move. The landlord has just raised the rent!., -A. T . Quigg You're Mt reallu bald until the barber stop1 allking if 11ou want any of! the top. -David 0. Flynn The young bride was lecturing her husband: "Listen," she said sternly, "I want you to do as I say. When my mother comes to visit ue, I want you to take her out eomewhere." The husband blinked mildly. ''It's no use doing that," be an- swered. "The last time she was here, r took her out and she found her way back by herself anyhow.'' -K en.t Clif fmi " ... and 10he?i relatwu come vUitiftg, there'• 7xn1itivel11 no way of turning it into a bed." DllNEtlMD Records PRESENTS ACTINQ.OUT THE A, .. C'S 1Mml111 en be lob of fua. Couftt· 1111 and Actinc-Out Son1"S. surw to make I IHtlnc Ind IMlllOrablt I• pmUoft. ClNDDD.l.A All tM -.. and 11191k f,_ UM or111n11 motlo11 picture sou11d tnlcll. A tntly mtlNrll>M ~ nwMncl for _, clll Id. THltU uni.I'. ,.._ A fnorite clu:ltc namted for J'Oll ~ Stlfllnf Hollowly Wltll 111111k. (1111 for ti . CHIUJ'S INTMOUCnOM TO MO.OOY & ln.U.-b of IM OrclMstn. A plttntr of •Mc: -how It'• _,. Ind pl.,.. All llUk l"*-b of tlll ordlfftrl "' ~- l"ETBt AND.,.._ WOU' Hlf't la N 1IM:llM teworltl Dl-.y clullc tlD141 i. • ucltlftc '-lllloll. llM ottllf aide of tllt ,.,_ -TM Sorcerer's Apprntlce fro111 flntull. AN ALL NEW and EXCITIN& LIBRARY of LON& PLAYING RECORDS AN INCOMPARABLE 15 RECORD UBRIRY SENT TO YllR HOME foR TEN DAYS fRH WINNIE THE P'OOtt All th dlll111tlul lllUllC ffo111 Wl1111lt the Pooh Ind tllt KoMJ lfff. Shi IOftP 111 111. HA11SD. AHO~ Music fro111 the world f11110111 .,. by Hulllpefdll!Ck. Ordlntn ~by ca-rata. All et-I 1--ltl. e •RECORDS THAT TEACH •RECORDS THAT TELL STORIES 'V • RECORDS TO INTRODUCE YOUR CHILDREN TO MUSIC! In 15 fabulous records -30 long-playing sides -your child can now have • total of 91 great children's ciasslcs of Music. Edu· cation and Entertainmentt It is a library filled with fun and happy surprises. Every song, f!Very story, ttVery educatk>nal record i$ • stimulating adven· ture for thirsty young minds. And best of all, the whole Walt Disney Library is yours to examine and enjoy for 10 days free before you commit yourself to spend a penny! AN INV£STMEMT YOU Will TR£ASUR£ FOR YEARS The Walt Disney library is by far the most complete antholoSY of children's records ever offered In any record library. But make no mistake -these are not just ordinary "kiddy" records which you might expect your children to play a few times and toss aside. These are fully on:hestreted record· lngs of the finest Quality and richest ma· terial possible. Here are stories, songs and lessons that never grow old -that become a lasting and treasured part of your chil· dren's childhood. FROM PRE·KINDERGART£N THROUGH SUCTH GRADE No expense was spared to make this library the finest collection of chld~n·s maten.t ever recorded. It is a collection with ex<:eih tonally wide appeal even for toddlers a young as 3 and <4. And because of the Disney penchant for perfection, your chll· dren will relish as they never have before stories like the 3 Little Pigs, The Utt1e En· gine That Could, Swiss Family Robinson. Mickey and the Beanstalk end 101 Dalma· tians, every tale brought to them by story· telling artists with fascinating sound effects and musical backgrounds. You will be utterty amazed how en· tranced youngsters are by the simple way Addition and Subtraction are presented - at the way Music is explained, and how the magic of the alphabet and the mysteries of time are unraveled. And in addition, there are thrilling scores from Mary Poppins, Winnie the Pooh, Hansel and Gretel, Peter and the Wolf and Cinderella -5 of the most beloved chH· dren's classics of all time. This remar1<able library has ftle variety to suit all tastes and fill the entertainment and educational needs of youngsters of any age. Only the Walt Disney Studios could have created it. SPECIAL IN-HOME FREE TRIAL All 15 Albums Yours to Audition Free for 10 Daysi Save llore 11111 38" All 15 Albums yours to audition FREE for 10 days! Save more than 30%1 YES, 110 childhood favorites. filled with hours and hours of great enterblln· ment, fun, adventure, laughter and ex· citement . . yours on fifteen 33 % RPM hi-fidelity records for ten days. FREEi sell for $29.70, through this announce- ment. you may now own all fifteen for just $19.96 ... a saving at more than 30%. Think of it ... The entire collec· tlol'I yours for only $19.96. Only after hearing these records and decldln& that you w.nt your children to own therri •.. to en1oy eaarn and again The entire Library ... fifteen albums. . •. do we ask you to buy! Even then you 110 selections, costs far less than you need not pay all at once -but only would expect to pay for a collection of $4.99 a month for tour months, If you this size and qualit y. Originally made to prefer. ~ r----------------------7~~~-·-MAJL THIS COUPON TODAY lllAGllJW DISNEYLAND RECORDS Dept. 8-3 \-.·!!i;;J 4n Madison Awnue 17ttt Floor .. _ .. New York, New Yoftl 10022 Pie-send me t,,. Watt 05-ney Ubf'9ry dftulbecl on tftlt pace for TEN DAYS' f'RU TRIAL If I declda to llaep ttM eollectlon, I wUI pay ~ lu.t M .99 • momti for ~,. monttle pfus small ~· and h•ndllnc CM'I•· NaihM'~~~-=-=~-:-:-....,.....---,~~~...,....,-=-=....--=.,,.--=-=-=-l'lteN ,.-Int to ewold enora or dtlara In UllPll!Mt) .,...'---=-=-=~~~-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=­ C lty·~~-=-=-=-=~~-=~~ ..... ·~~-=-=-=-llp---=-=~ O I endoM $19.96 In full payment plus $1.49 to cover postage and han· dllng co.ta. Send me f'REE Watt OtMeY ~al Edltlo<I Record. C.lifomla t'ftldents add 5% S.lft Tax. N. Y. City ,..ldant9 add 6% S.les Ta11. N. Y. Stete reaideftb add l% Sa'-Tu. ~--~-----~----~-~~-~--~-~ ...................... -----------------------~~~· New KLEENITE gets dentures cleane~ brighter, faster. New .l.oQm>ved-.F.onn.ula J'1..El!H.a"E Dmbgr •O ., 1 . , _____ _ by UllhtiiP••ad dtuwe cknq ~ U- O.Xy~ pu&a or powdcn.. Alon ~rgou llCIMM, •ron~ ~INI~ llfg powu, mou b"bbly ,tJen·uu~ Chan ew:.r. 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OeWlll'• P1ll1 con1.am an analgesic. to redua- pam. and 11 mild d1urettc 10 help eliminate re1111ned flu1dr. lhu1 Uu1h1ng o ul bfaddrr wastet wtucl'I can ca.use auct- pe1na OeW1tt·1 P1111 otten auc· ceed Where others 11111 II ~'" pen1sts. always consult your dOCIOf, but hrst lry DeWrtt' s Pills I FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Don't keep wOIT)'Ulg whet.her TI>ur falae '-'b are golruf tO OOUle I~ 1t the wroog tttne. ~or more aecur· ltr &Ad mm-e eollllon. ~ ~ a little PASIEEIB on your plat.ea P ASIUl'B bolda talae teeth firmer looser. Makes eau.ng e4Uller It• not acid. No gooey. put)', gummy taat.e Deniu.res t.bat. flt. are -nttal w health. See IOUJ' dent.1st l'elrUl•rlr ~t. P A8 I !:E1 H at all Cl.rUg cou o ten I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A OATlllG GAME We successfully ftnd ~rtners la< I m1tnnionv •nd com1>11hbte tfoendstt•P~ I All ACES -CNnRc us" Absolutely mnt>Oeflb•I '-'~ llfrtl Wnle IOI tree t>roc:flure 11no ~oonn11ore ~ llPfttlC "'-lly" _._ yov I COMP.UTER MAT.E Oeot 13. I t list 42 St . New VC>fll. N Y 10011 W~e1 Yo1 Order IJ•ail fn• f1•ily Weekly ••• PINw •tlow llO 10 tMf "'8:1 tor llttl\OttJ Tk "'1 art p!Mel bp "PUUll>k -in lht lte91 ... COll1 -cMQ.t(I '°' rtl• UthlJ ., F_o, Wfft!IJ, 100. II ~ft any llft\llOft .tllOol\ INll °"'"• ,.SI w•1\t ~er ~ ,,,_., ~. f>41 lft....- A-. ~ Yon, N Y 1002~ PHOTO CREDITS eo ..... Mo~ Ottowo Page 2: MIC; lill Marl flue-12: Netherloncb "'°w•r·8ulb In 1tlnn., In<.. FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK ple Pltim Delights MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • t•r~ll) J>Urpl e prune plum& 1rive 1rt-n f>r · o'"1y of ab.-ir 8Wt-elne.ie Mnd eriftl1M)n jui<'i· aea.. in each of ttM-M' recipe" for t'oft.,.., f'•lu·. tt011p. and f~n d~ert. Fresh Plum Coffee Cake 2 t.Jtbl#s pooaJ< -A arm wat.er (105•t 11:;·r 1 pQ . .a('ll\'I' dr.'' ~·eai:t • 4 cop butter OT mafl!'annt 1, CUI> 8Uj!IH Ii tea11pCKm !'Bit 1 1 cup milk. !l<'alde-rl 21 1 to 3 C'UPtl re~t·aritour l e1u! 14 teaspoon irround cmnamon ~. tea11poop j?T'Ouftd dovf'-. 2 tables poons butter or mar1?aran1:. ~oftent>d 2 cups hahed purple prune plumi- 1-Spr inkle yeast over warm water and stir until diti~ol \'ed; set as1dl" 2. P ut butter or margarine. 1;~ c up of the s ugar. and salt in a t>owl : pour the scald- ed milk over a ll a nd stir until bulter 1~ melted. Heat 10 about l cup of the flour. :-,u r 111 yeast 3.. Gradually add a second c up o f flour. ueating until s nwoth. Heitt in eR~ .t. Uraduall~· add e nough rem1unmg tlour to make a ~oft dough. beating until smooth anfl dough comes awa~· from t1icle s of IJm, l !'1. Turn <lu11gh onto n lightly tloured 11 ur- face. and let it rest about 10 min. Knead. :u1clmg more· flour if dough i1eems too ~ttcky. until ~atinr s mooth and small hl1ster~ appear under the ~ttrface of <lnugh. Fc11 m into a ball ann place dough an n gr~scd deep bowl large enough tu allow it to double. Turn to hring greased irnr face to top. rover: let Tl!:le an a wnrm place I 80" F .1 11 ntil doubled (about J hr. 1. 6. Meanwhile. blend remain ing 1 1 cup sugar. cinnamon. and cloves; set asid1:> 'i. Punch down dough: turn onto a light- )\· lioun~d surface and roll mto a 15:t l0-m. r('l·tangle. Sprend with the 2 table~poons 10 Fnmil11 Wukly, S epC..mhr 18, J 96!1 ~1wpn1H 11e111hlwr" whCJ come )ti.Sf 1111 r111- lee wit It s11cc-u.Jent pm·ple plu111s and xtr1p,. tJt t rPsltl11 bakui pt11111 cc1ff et: rakt . of i-;oftened butter: arrange plum halves, t·nt Ride down. over the cen ter third of dough. Sprinkle t he sugar over plum:-. I'\. Overlap the lonj!er ~ides nf dough onto plum!'. sealing well. Seal opposite end!>. Place on a well )lreased cookie sheet; f"'ntke crMsw1!le cuts. 1 10. apart. over 1op isee photo •. Allow to rise until dou - bled t abuut J hr. I. Make cuu. agarn. !I. kake nt 350°.F. 18 to 20 min. HI. While coffee cake is hot. Rprea<I with a glaze rJrepared b.v blending 3 tnhle- spoonR confectioners' s ugar with 2 te;i- i:poons lemon .1uire. Chilled Purple Plum Soup 2 11>8. purple prnne plumi: :\ <'Ups cold "' .alt>r '• cup hon<'~ l t.ablf't1poon k-mon juice 2 tableffl)OOn11 11ui-ar 1·1 teaspoon 111al1 I stKkd••••-ia~ I teaspoon •·ho~ ck.veto 2 tl'aspoons cornt1l.arch 2 tablespoon!' cold •·ater • 1 lt'a!lpoon almond e"tra<'I :? cupt1 heav~ crea1n 1. ~uarter and pit plumi-. Pul in a large saucepo~ with water, honey, lemon juice. ~ugar, and ~alt. Tie cinnamon and cloves in a small square of cheesecloth; add the spic.:e bag lo ~aucepot. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat: simmer until plumR a re ten- cier. IO to 15 min. :!. Stir water into cornstarch to blend ; pour mto soup. Stirring constantly, bring to boihng: cook 2 to 3 m in. until slightb · thickened and clear. 3. Remove from heat a nd diRcard spice bxg. Stir in extract. Cool completely. 4. Add cream, stirring constantly until blended. \hill . and Rti r aRair. before serv- 1n~ About l lh qts. Note; If a frozen dessert is desired, al- low al>out 1.i cup RUga r per cup o f plum l\OUP; stir 1n: freeze in trays. -----~~--~------ ONLY $1495 POSTPAID . LOOK AT THESE FEATURES T eJls you the exact hour. Tells you the exact minute. Tells you the exact day. Tells you the exact second. ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL, INC., Dept. DWA 210 S. Desptaines St, Clticap, Ill. - Please rush on money back guarantee O Computer Asr.e watches@ $14.95 each, Postage and Insur- ance prepaid. I enclose full payment to save postage and C.O.D. fees. O Send C.O.D. r enclose $1.00 goodwill deposit O Charge to my Diners Club Acct. No._ ____ _ C Charge to my American Express Acct. No---- NAM----------------- ADORES --------------cnv _______ .STATf ___ _z1p __ _ ... " ------------------------------------------- - (Adwww•-0 ---A Bmdy FloilThatletpsbir Skin Wd8lly Beautiful T bat lovely moist bloom you•ve noticed on a baby's complellioa u llridly by c:cM by of Madler NatLft; lbe aquilite. mnooth bloom you see today oo a beauliful wamao'I compiaion ii mere than probably by vir- tue of a ramrbble tropical moist oil di9cow:red dlraaab 9Ciieatific ~ Ne¥Cr before ha~ women becD man: farn.ak ia dleir ability to bclp preaone the .. '5Ciom. youthful qualilies al the mmplnioa 1'be ex:. e of this UD.ique beauty Ouid DOW maDs it pNWC to da- U and moilbaizie the at.in ., tbal it bq:im &o bbecMD al- .... at ooce with a mpertt pctakmoolh "'"'*" and • aoft. dewy fn:abnea lo Amtts- ica die moilt oil dMoowry ii of pu:tjculpr jmpnrt•oc;e ja a«aMilhina .a Ma.Idly belancz .... die OOlllJMa. teeck eo be affa::ted by ctitmrtilC n - tnma. "l1lc e&taemely ·1owety com- plaian al d>ildhood ii ..... tained throucb tbc arty yan by a ~ mpply of aabnl oil and moisture. lo- nitabty. ia tbe falloea of time. the at.i.o matara ud die body .. OCllWS ...... -ad 6ia ii where the 11>- blik: lidtw:a mlidie "' wadtll• alr:im amc:btn ca llll:pill1Dopm_ ..... of .... --..._,._ n.aap 6e lid ol 8le lropical moill oil. lM pcl"fed coeditioa --.... ,_. doiliihod ..__.1 ... a......., ~ re-created to maintain a wonsfuOJ mpple. c:ffkwer cmt comp&erinn As water" ii 1D a 6oiwa' • ., this beautifyia.& fluid is to your akin. revi~ a.od bdl>- in& to bcp it flawbs. fnsh. constantly flourishing. "En- dolftd witb hf•'*"'* • mmb that aniact and draw moaun fnJm the .........,.c. the moist ail dieow+s dehy- ...,._ of the qlidtimaJ (tap) ~ .-1 ..... in the fttce- tioo of a ddica•e bk>aln an the W:a all throush the day. Bttamc it u isoioaically ... U:ed1ot.lvw:p~ fully wUb the ma's 099 Ouida the moilt oiJ coalribulcS ao .- stahilintinn of die cell Rplace- mcal la1le ., that Jauda ad railience are eaic:r IO main- blia. 8ciillS a pedcd blmd of oil awt ............. hn-w>- Jotual to the skin's owe ftuick. dlil beMllifyifta eombil\1tiot'I -wnralpiiiiWIEI spoutaaw:omlt ..... dwiadliac ..aural moill oil supplies and effectively aida in bepiQa dayw and wrinkJcs al bey. Women ol all qes smooth this ramrbbAe bca1lly ftuid owr ti.air c::omplrz••• each aisbt ..t .. it -1111 iaacm- panb&e bale far mak.MJP by day. ... aapical Wuarria ill ii tnown -cil of Ulm. md in ...... ...s odia' )mll..d die wartd -oil of m.y _ la Allltlls- il:a ii ii zmza.¥7 fnm ..._ .... -oil of ma, •• ....,. 8laill willl a •M"*f ... ;qaw-· .,,. •• it J ...... fm b: ... ... ....,.__.. Siht. TULIPS, HYACINTHS, DAFFODllS Plant Now for Your Child's Spring Garden F BOK A CHILD'S pUZ'Zled world come questions that constant- ly challenge a cmiscientious par- ent, such as, ''Mommy, how does a flower grow!" A child ean"t l1'UP bow that bed of tulip9 ahoob up in the apriq. Or how the llW tmu .,_.. owem~ Or bow one ammiq lesftlS addmlJ· apraa1 oa trees. Bow do you amwer? Well. you might refer to poetry. bot there'a a better way f« --dlildrm: let ... baft • p.rden of t.beir own. 1....,...h a joillt wnture into the ainde of ~ Go out with )'OQJ' child and bu.y him eome buiba. for i.mtanoe. hu o.,,,. garden where he can plan and at.age bis little spring bulb ahaw. %. Get him aome t.oola and~ imple- ments made especially for children-a tot.- sized trowel, watering an. wheelbarrow, and rake. maybe even a h09e.. 3.. Take him to your local nunery or garden center, and bay him a selection of bun.. Show him eome catalop and plant- ins pamphleta and treat him to the color- ful spectacle of what tulips, hyacinths, and d.aftod il.s b>k like in f 0 n bloom. Tbat way beit al80 start learning-to diffaentiate among the t.howranda at varieties aftilable. Soon be will be able to pick out the cup- like shape of the tulip~ the dense spikes and Fall u tu tilru to pl4at bwlba. Sifflfplf 1et I um. triz indtu deep I uf t pltoto). 3iz iYU:ha apart rcn.Ur-1. aad watch. tl1em come tip in flit' ttpnng, a owrfoua array of wlorfu/ tvlipa. Then show him bow. when, and where to plant them. Fall is the ideal time to take a st.ep to- Wllni 80lvin,g aome of nature's IJlY&teries. lo fact., this is when you most plant bulbs if the object leaon is to be a spring gardeu ol tulips, hyacinths. and da1fodils. That much time i9 needed in most parts of the country (slightly less in warm-wuther ttgiom) for a bulb to go through its grow- U:ur proceu. The bulb is ideal becauae it's big eoougb for the younl' child to uodentand. A bulb t'St1 be hetd in the b:snd.. He can see where the pointed eod wiU open up, allowing the flt&Uc to push ouL You can cut one in half and ahow him the tiny flower in the center. sun-oanded by laytt11 of food.. Then explain that this ia one of nature's many miracles -the bulbe coming "ready-pacbged" with all tbe food they will need during the montba they lie in the ground bdott bbMniQI' in the apriq. They doo•t need fert.iliRr, eliminating the rislt of burning up )'OU?' other prden plants. For J'Ollr joint ftllbin into th.ia m.incJe at utme. hen'• what JOU do: L Stab off a plot of 90il. as tiny u you lib. and let ,..,... child Jmow that uu. ia bell-like ftoret.s of the hyacinth, and tbe trumpet shape of the daffodil (. Back home., tum him loose with the trowel, explaining that the bigger bulbs go in deeper and farther apart than the •mailer ones. Show him bow bulbs are set.. point.II up, covered with soil. and watered. .After that, it'-a onty a matter of waiting for the miracle of spring to happen. And all it really took was a couple of dayi. of your time this fall. -TONY KNOX For All Gardeners Young crnd Old- 200-Poge Ulusboted Volu,.. FR& A• a Nl..-d frinul ../ Fcffrilw W•klw. ~ _,,..ad for FREE VoZ.... I of "'THE NEW ILLUSTRATED ENCYCWPEDIA OF GA.RDENING"-Ut.e gr-Ht.at 11old MtM of 11•nlncifc11 iutrKtioa attd ~ nn- ..,.,,,.,,.led.I Snd for «>1'1r/Ml. Vo&nu lJ al aa_. tiae! Mflil 07tlfl 11.U to F. W., Boob, GARDBN BNCYCWPEDIA, Boz '107, G-rwmd C..ir.l s,.--. N.. Y-*., N. Y. I 0017. Y cnt toill IN ftlitlad to reoriw /arlJ&,n- oolaMu (18 '1t .U.) n tMXtA.lr Fr-.'l'riel S~ PU.. (/.u nc.r. ~ ,_,_ ___ , -' .,._,. P..U .,,.., ..a.. pbla ~ ,,U.g. Stop aww ,.._. .. ~ t.o oow- tiw! K-. ~ NO~ V..._. I ,.llBB ia sq-..! ---~ --------- A COI.I.ECTOR'S MASTERPIECE Fine Bone China has always been a prU:ed po68e88)on ol collectors. Tbe9e superb roees are made petal by petal in exquisite bone china by skilled artisans witit a proud tradition of their craft. Read how they are now available to you for an amazing low price in th.is special oft'er! Magnificent Long Stemmed BONE CHINA ROSES EXQUISITE HAND MADE ROSES IN DELICATE CHINA. CREATE SUPERB DECORATING EFFECT Imagine, if you will, the Dl06t magnificent roses you haw ever seen capturd forever in the exquisite, hand wrought beauty of genuine bone china. It's a decorating mas- t.erpieoe! Working with proud arti8ana we have combined the superb beauty of the rose with one of the most prized decorat- ing possessions ever created-genuine bone china The result is almo8t unbeliev- able. Each roee is so real it seems still wet with dew ... and to its beauty is added the valuable co.Uect:ors quality of fine china Whether you choose to display them individually in a bud vase or grouped in a bouquet, they add an incomparable t.ouch to any setting. Unfortunately it is impos- silJle to capture their delicacy and glowing color from the black and white illustntion here. Only when you see them in your home can you fully appreciate their charm and beauty. OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED TIIlS SEASON Became each rose must be band made, supplies are limited, so we urge you to order now. Each china rose is approxi- mately r in circumference (about the me shown in the pbot.ograph) , and is mounted on a Ir stem with life-like, velvety t.ex- tured leaves. Each rose is just $1B> (less in quantity) on full mooey back guar- antee if you are not absolutely delighted. Huny, otder now, this offer will not tJe. repeated this 8P8M>D • ~ i-. CilllmW ... COWNIAL STUDIOS. DEPT. BR-74 I 20 Bank Street White Plaina. New York 10606 I ~ aend me the Bone Olina Roee tor )USt f suo (VM!r not included) on run money back J(Uarantee ar I am not at>.olat.ely delighted. I Pteaw add 251' postap and handli.n« with em::h order.) CHECK BOX 0 Sl..60 for l 0 $2. 76 for 2 0 $4.00 IM 3 I Enc&o.ed a s 'Print a-riy) I Name I I A.ddrem I 1 City State Zip I 0 SA VE MORE! ~ 6 Ro.9 for jmt $7..liO. I Ertn &.. make • peTfect gift. '-------------- Start MAIL ORDER Business MAKE BIG MONEY AT HOME FREE REPORT show• men. _,"°"'&!Ml .,.. unw ._,.,. rnaot Oft* buO.-No - ...-0< ~cl ·-menl .-Hd. ,-:--111~ F11T>O•H "'*' .. ldo; l°" lfll ... ~~-=!!.~~~-~--"!!'!le : MAILOO. 0e94. cnwv ruu •• 1 ISS-1 S Sel>u-Loo AftCt6ft 9002!1 iilllJ ! Rull\ltM-1 (ll Ul'd.,21 11•1~•1• I : ~-•it-: .ldOtcu __________ _ : c.1, ___________ _ ! SIM# b•llo.--... ______________________ .. _ INSTAlllLY GIVE HAIR HBGHT WITHOUT TEASING! only79c ~ ·-.. -... *'Yte '"-" ~Mir or tell -pl.-k l'l•lr.Hfll. l'l~ r.. 91.•~ Ill ,.,...,,. wltll • boeby pin. -......... ...-................. t.,.. "lift. 5• -..... --~-~tall>.. l'wt.ct tw -_.iw ...,... ~ OnJ,. 1'1, 2 ... llA:t. (Md 19' Md! ..... ....,. -........ Ill. TENSION SKONDAIY TO . llDMR IHIT ATIOM Common KJdney or Bladder Irrtta-lloru make many men and women Ceel tense and nervoua from !ttquent, burning OT ltchlng urination night and da)'. S«:ondarlly, you may lote steep and have Httdacbe, S.ckacbe and fttl ~k-tlred, de~. ln auch CUS, \.:T:::iTEX usuaJJ.y brlnp relu:ln& comtort by curbing ln'ltat- lna senm In acid urtne and ciuJclUy ff.II ln.<AtCYSTEXatdru i.u An Important Message To Every Man And Woman In America Losing His Or Her Hair Ii yov ore troubled by thinnl"IJ hoit, dond<Vff, itdly ICOlp, tf yov feor ~«Jdl­ Wtg boldneu, ,_d the ,.,t of thi1 stoi.-nt corefvUy. It moy -n the diff .. -. to yov ....._ 111Mn9 .,_. holt ond loJlot9 .... ..-.1 of II le ...... to;ol boldMH. laldneu b 1ifllply o "'°tier of 1ubtroction. When the """'~ ol n-hoin foil to eqvol tf\e nvoabe< of follift9 hoir, 'fOV eftd vp "'inua yovr '-d of holr {bold>. Why not O"IOid bold· neu by ~ting vnn.eceuory lou of holt'1 Why not t ......... tide .. bottt. Of\ ,.,..r heod by elY,,lnof;ng Meodleu covMt• of hoit lou ond g;... Not\I,. o d-.,nce to grow more hair for you? Many of the country'• dermolologi1h oAd of'-*"'-t holt ond JCOlp ..,.clolm1 ......... !hot .. bont>eo. 0 '*"-IC!Olp di1- 0f'def, cov,.1 hoir lou. Wltol i1 Mbon'lteo? It ;, o bacterial Infection of tt.e scolp tho! CDft -e-fly COVM pe:moo-t doeo99 to .... hoir foUict.t. ht Yitibl. evldetlce it "1hinnin9" halt. lh end ,.,.,11 h boldneu. lh 1ymp....,1 ore dry, ikhy Kalp, dandruff, olly hoir, ""4 ecolec, ond pt09,.n;,,• hoit lou. So, If yo.. ore begit1nl1>9 to l>Ollicie rhot 'fO"' forehead it 9elli119 lot9er, be9innl119 lo nolb llMst the.• it too m~h holf Of\ .,...,, ~. beglnnift9 tO be WOftied obovl .... dry· Mole patt..-n boldneu k .... COVM of tf.e FMt fftOjorily of COMt <if boldMll ond .-tlve hoir lou. In 1v<h COM• -5ther the C-t. treatment "°' ony eth« treoi-nt h e«ective. neu of yOC1r hoir, the 11'Chyneu uf ,.a..• Kalp, Ille voly danctru11 -.,..... ewe Naitvre'• a.ct Aogt ""°'ning you of impending bald11eu Even it you ho.-e been losing .,_, hoir f., -''-· do..'t i.1 .. bo<rheo rob yov o4 the •eat of yo111 holr HOW COMAn WORKS ON YOUR SCAlP The d-'opfne111 of on onwnin9 new ho., ond Kalp onedM:ine ootled C-i. it tpeaf>. colly de1l9~ lo control .. borri..o ond atop !he ho it Ion It cou .... h often the opportvn1ly to thovaond• of meri ond w-loti"il the;r hoi• to bacterial infe<~ to ,_r .. th. baltl. they ore "°""' lo1in9 on th.;r 1colp1. lly 1top- pln9 !hit impedime11I lo norinol hoir 9rowth, new hoi" con 9row o• Notvre It.tended. Thi• 11 how C-Ote won.a. Ill It c0Mt,;.,e1 1n o ungle Kolp i,_tmenl the euentlol cor· ntetivw foc:ton for riormol hoir 9rowth. lly ih rubifocient action it 1ti,,.vlote1 blood <if<:.,. lotion lo the scolp, thereby •11pply1n9 more nutrition to •till~live hoir follicle1. 12) At o highly eff.cti .. onli1ephc, Comote ~ilh on conlo<t '*-• .. bonheo-a1v•ift9 SC10lp boctetio beli...d ,. be o cowM of bold,.en. 13) .., ita Note To Oottors O.Oor1, dinia oftd hoapi+ol1 ;....,. eJt.d In ""'P di...deu wn obtotn jHOfHalonol aompl•• ond Ui.roture °" -itt ... t9qllest. k..-otol11i< actioft it diuolves wgly dandrvff. ly tendmg to nonnolin the l.,bri<ot;on of the hotr 1hoft it conKtt eacanj-ty dry ond oily hoir h .iiminotu "-d tcole• ond ac;olp ildl. In Jhor1, C-"e ofte<i ~ ;.. o tiftv'e lreolm.,.t the bell thol mod.,,. fnedidne ho1 deveiot>«I fo. ti.. ~• .. "'Ohan of YoUf hoir. Ti.... i1 -e a<V .. fodoy eaoept ignoroMe for ony "'°" or womon lo ...c;iled Mborrhfta olld pay the penalty of hoir lou. COMAtt 15 UNCONDITIOfW1 Y GUAUNTHD To ,.-we ofller thi1 UNCONDITIONAL GOAlAN'Tff. Treot you< KlOlp lo C-te in yow own h-. tollowin9 th« •itnple du·ec- liertl. S.. fo< youuelr i11 yovr own mitror how of ... o few tr-tmen1s, Comote molie1 your hoir lootr thoer ond olive. How C-te .,,c1, .,..... daftdrvff, •!of>• your 1colp itch. How C-te gl"" yovr hotr o ~ lo IJ'OW. Mott -oftd women rep«! result• oft .. tt.e lint lreolll'lent, JO<lle tolie l-9'1". llu1 we 10y lhit lo yo... If. for ony reo•on, yov ore not -p£.tely soti•fl.d with th.e imp•-nl in y--" mM -AT ANY TIME -return tM vnvted ~fat o ~ r..fund. No questions 01lied. lvt dOft'I deloy. for the t0ke of your hoir, .,., c-.. today. Nothinv -not ·-c-.. -°"" grow hoir ~ deod folltdft. f"tlt out the covpof\ now. ond toke tt.e fint •tep towotd o ~ ~ of hoir 0901n. • CDMt. H CMPOllATIOll JI .... •-'"-< . ..._ T..t, 11.T. •M ·----------------~ COMA Tl O:.f'Oll.t. no.. Dot.. All ·-......... -..... -... --, r.: ~ .. ~! 4:':.:r .. --::. ~·~~·; .......... Col .., -.... ....,._,If C::.t;". 'O:::!.'I ~ ....... ..i• ·• ••. °"_c..,.- ::' .!:" n'::. ,;:._!-. -• • I . e1• '"· .. ' ~-~= _ .. _, ....... _ ............... •Iii .. ~~,.:..-::.; .._ ......... .-. ._,_,.. __ -.. ~.--... ·-::.. _-i,.. ~ .. ., -c 1.11 .11 • ...-.•-. .., ___ ., .. ....,.. __ .. __ "-.. --.. I<• tMI "" .... , ... s-........ '"· ·-... --..... ---# ' • • ""'-· "' ...,_ ... _...._ --·-........ _1,_•_C-___ " .. -· --· l.(.~C.. --.w--~ -·~~-i..- "",..._ __ _ =.·:=:i-:::: _ __ , __ ._ _ , ........ 11 .... _ .... , __ _ -~-- 11 ....... ""-'· .... "-'· "''· ..,. Pt .... -" .. .,. .. .._ '-I••• co.4TC i..., ....i '<•Ill .._,.,,. 160 4-r•' _1,I "' ,, .. ., ._...,_.,,, I _., M , .......... , .... ,,.-4 .......... ,.._, .. ,, .................. ., ,_ CUARANTE( ,._ wJ 1..11 ,...__ -,.,..,.. •t .-wfle4 .... ~ a r ... ._.. '"" sio ,...._., ....... -•'"''· M...i ..... ,..,_ 0 5....1 C 0 0 I '"" ...., --" S10 plw• ...... 51.50 .,.. ••••I~~-.••·..,..., S.... •h« S1..SO ttv ... ........ 110. c--. .......... '" ..... -· ( •• ----------------,,....., ________ _ QLJ~H ,~,~ N O Ill\~ COUPON r oOAY ' F MST AF ..4)" I Walk mid 10ear a '1in11l Waiat Rtdv.ur Belt -"foreu" mweles ta fl.e:e against th.e 10eight. Eo.q way ta re.duce 10aist- lme I Fit11 all. Men: black or brown; women: white, yellow, pink or beige. II!.76. ln11enti<meer1, Box 140-35, 114 Third St., El.Uabeth- port, N. J. 07!06. 100 .4DORABLE DOLLS make ddightful. little pla.11- matea for 110ttr doU. 8""1/, nurse, dancing, co10bo11, eloum, bride, and foreign dolls, plua man11 more. St11- rene 'J)Uuti.c and syntltetic ha.rd rubber. 11.!5 for all. 100 Dolls, Dept. 689, 160 Amherst St., Ea&t Orange. N . J. 07019. Weekend Shopper '2a-... ~ • .... , ~ .......... , " . \. BY SUSAN PAINE FREE SAMPLE! Montgomery Ward's new 126 color print film for lnstarnatic and other car- tridge snapshot cameras. Send ~ 25t for postage along with a self-addressed slip of paper foT shipping label. Wardway Film Offer, P .O. Box 821, Rose- mount, Minn. 66068. READ TINY PRINT very ~sil.y with these handsome half-frame magnify- ing glasses. All you have to do lit simply '1ook over" the top for usual, normal viewing. Specify men's or women's black with silver thread; brown witb gold, black or brown tortoise. ,5.95 ppd. Send your order to Joy Optical, Dept. 876, 84 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10011. HAPPY NEWS FOR HOMEOWNERS! If septic tank trouble is a problem, this nontoxic reactivator powder k~ps septic tank or cess- pool clean, worb to prevent overflow, back- up and odon. Regular use can save costly pumping or digging. 6 months' supply, $8.95; 1 yr., $7 ppd. Nortbel Distributors, Dept. FW-9, P.O. Box 1103. Minneapolis, Minn. 55440. MOTORLESS DRAfNER for base- ments, pools, boata -in fact, any flooded area, does the dirty work quickly and easily. Cou ple between 2 lengths of garden hose; attach one end to faucet. A great saver for you I $2.98 plus 351 post. age. Larch, Dept. FW -9. Box 770 Times Square Station. New York, N. Y. 10036. 1968 ... S'" MINT COINS, the first minted at San Francisco mint since 1966. Uncirculated P .D.S. set of 10 coins, $3.96 plUB 26' postage. In velvet lined presentation cue. 10 eet.a. '37 .50 plus $1 posta~. 20 sets, $70 ppd.. Write tor free catalog. Novel Numismatics, Dept. 168, 31 ·2nd Ave., New York. N. Y. lOOOS. 14 F'1t111l11 Weekly, Se11teml>e1· .!II, 11169 BUTTERFLY wall p.Jaques brighten any bare area. Real butterflies are mounted under glaas on white plaques with lacquered frames. With silken corda for banging. 3¥2.. diam- eter . Set of 6, $3~48. Harriet Carter, Dept. FW, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462. SELL Happy Home Dish Cloths to raise group funda. Earn $40 to $126 and more. On orders of 100, 200, or SOO, get extra bon- uses, Teflon fry pans as prizes. 40 days credit to groups only. For sample, details, write Southern Flavoring, Box IE- 0199, Bedford, Va. 24623. MENO PESO tablets help you lose weight by less eating. Cuts calorie intake. 17-day supply, $6; 34-day, $9 ; 61-day, $13; 64-day, $16.50. Bellido Prods .• Dept. FW2. 414 Broadway, New York. N. Y. 10013. ucm the way to fund raising for your group. They can sell PoiMettia Candles with guar- anteed profits of $80 to $476. Always burn at same level. For full details write Abigail Mar- tin, Dept. 28EE, 1118 Washing- ton Ave .• St. Louis, Mo. 63101. UKE TO DRAW OR PAINT? s HUR OLD FUI COAT lllTO lllW JACm •tAPE•STllE lofOllOH"S .......U .,_ oW _.. fw c..t, l°Kket O< o;.ape I.to • 91--fw eahlOll tor oely Sl4.'5. l1teh1dea ruty111t9, ,,.. liniAt, i..terlhtin9. moft09f•n, ci...lioq, 91ni99, writtH ,. .... ~. ~=~.:;:...~~:.~~ ... _ .. Al ..... M ... -u I~. :!.'"1..r~-~ -::.=·:. ;....,, .::,:.. -· =.·w..:.-.::-:..:~;.:-::=..:---= --°" _. ... -'· --..... -· M0ft09t•s • ll.8111-~~ I I ;'4i;1 I I ,..... ,..... AtU "'" cow cat1tas ot I c-..•stftl~Pi ..... I "* fllf T.CI ... lie-· I I :S. I P£RllA TWEEZ AWAY I Min ,..._.. ,..i.tl I UNWANTED HAIR FOREVER I mMA TWUZ ·~ .. ..., w .,.,. I ...,.. MWllUJ ~ 111 UllW9ttc1 11e1r ''°"' L lili 6flCi ___ 2!! __ Ii _J a~~V,~:ea J,...-F_R_E_E_u_.s._eo_v't~ ~ .a111. AWllMtlc 'twMnr-4 ... ec-"°" lifts uft _, peewwwwt ,..iu. ""°'"" =~ .. ~·0·~ Benefits! CIJRAl llEllUl c... ...._ ,.., T Map FREE' s101 w.t MMls 1tw1t. reasare • Ln _.. .... Ctttf. 90011 "Cash in" on all th• Pllyments, Servlcn '----------------.and Benefits tbe ~ -yOUJ W£: lfM YOUR""SIZ'f cat lf1111Ndi9te~P9Jme11tsoUl50':tlO, 2 to 14. AMA to EEE $900.00, and--· Get FREE land. tt'M$. shrubSI FREE trout. col~• tuition. house Stlld '°' fl[[ COlOlt CAT~ plaM, tr-'1 FREE hospital and nurslns 11r11St11t11tc "°'ts ol taint hotYM ca,..1 FREC c:ampinc. huntJna and ~!lions •If slor:kd 111 fl&hlnc near your home! Hundred• mot• Mid-IO·liftd sl.tts. ....... FREE Benefits! N-lfant, J,020.0.p tllcrpl ~. CO$t "ENCYCLOPEDl4 OF U. S.. GOVERNllil£.HT ,_..!II.. $109 BENEf'ITS" telh ~howl Mall only $7.96 $1U9 l'lm$l.OO,.P. Sln6 .... --...11... cl!K• Of kO. lllU. BROTHERS OEPT. C6'1 741 Cttl<ttlf st.. W1llllam. Masso otlSf HOROSCOPE WrtteY .. o.. Wrtta y_. F.....,s to B.&P., "BENEFITS." &ox-, F.D.R Sta., Hew Yortl. N. Y. 100iZ2. 1 reasure Map Inducted FREEJ Full ~nd cuaranteed. --~-'-__,.....,..._..._.~ ....... .... ••"',._._ ..... _.. .... ...._ _.._ ............. .. .... _ ...... _..__ -~~··-..... -.._..,,.._, ....... __ 4~· .... --,,.. ... ____ ......, , .......... .,..., ...... owr-.. ,,.... ---.,-~,-~, .... llY 11101 .._-:. Make$$$ 10 WAYS with flowers Garden llowen M aniJicials cosi ptnniei. bring in t •'- Cur»g"-Wedding Flo'll'en., Table arnngmwnu.. Hobb). home bu\ine3os. .c:an >our o .. o shop. FREE Color Orochun """'" vou haw to learn pcoft:mon:al flowu Arnngio« aoct'fl<P ·r Shop Opu-ltioa.. Alto FREE. ).mooth> whKTipc.ion 10 ~filr*tt Talk." ~ I liatioo for home to-au dftl1tnen. AonCArtsCentw Home Study OifJ ~ 481C8. 1628 E MeOcJMU Rd . Ptloertili. Ariz. 85006 Cucumbers and Beauty ... AID Utm MEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS leJ ,._ U..S. A.rlDf ~and •rvla ltaUoD aUaadaal ltDWAAD 0. PAIGlt '8 oow eJQlored u daff ~by f '1-.. S&.a&. Adf~ la ~ ••YoYr l.A.8. Ho~SWd fl eow-. la •7 o....... 19 bell lbaL C&D be ~~~-:!.s~.!=:9:1ca~ ':~rJ MU>!:i':C . bu•-..·· You cen eem tGtt ~in this •--'"'· et'lton p ut19d field. lt'lsurance Investigators .,. urgently needed to .nle claims WOl'th bllllons of dot~ ___,IY• The•bw1w..-...ino--ot 9UtD .-:idlnta efone.~ the need of ~lfled .tjumn. tNIURANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS lets you train at home in vOUt "*9 time, foll~ by R91kMnt Training at 9Chool O'ftn8d facilities el MIAMI BEACW. FlOAtDA or LAS VEGAS. NEVADA. Nationwide emplO'(ment assistanoe. Don't delavt Write for FREE lnfonnrtlon. AmwdiM ....... ~ ...._ Sludv C--". ' ,----iNSuRANCEADJUSTERSScHOOU.o;;uw----, 1901 N.W. 7 SC.. Mi9ntl, Flor9 3312!5 I 1__ I '~ ' 1Adcln9 ' I at "... 7JJI I ·~ ~M I ~--------------------------- m ~~'i9;, ............. -' -· n.. -. -· ......... ~ ... ._.. ..... _, .. M., -.. -'-' _. """· , . ..,, .. -----,ANTS to motch 9 S.Wfw3.H ,--. ..... 9 C S.w ___ _,, 4 fw Ut.S _,,,. ... .....,... . COYIMUI • • • -·-•2.,9 ____ __,,, .... 7 .... ---·· •• ,........, __ l ,., $7.25 L-____ __..z;..._ ___ ~ "'°""' UClt G41AIMYU # -...... W. 0... lODAYI ._,, SI ....... • C.Q.9 ...... ,.,..,, .......... - -MAIL THIS COUPOM TO .......... DAY9 C. C00C ......... CO. GAi.CO SALIS CO. Dept. E9 °"'"" .._.. .. ,. ..... FJlllC99 ·-C. 71.t ...... 1 Q .-'-4. OW• t4115 ' A\13.i.lable direct from the publisher New edition of the world fumous ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Plus Britannica Junior FREE of extra · cost You get all volumes now ... pay later on easy Book a Month Payment Plan. Yes. the latest edition of Britannica-the greatest treasury of knowledge ever published-is now avail- able on a remarkable Cooperative Offer. Under the terms of this truly amazing offer, you may obtain the latest edition of Britannica Junior at no utra cost when you choose Encyclopaedia Britannica. Also in- cluded, fru, the latest Britannica Pre-School Library- First Advmw"s in uarni11g. The 3 complete sets will be placed in your home NOW ... you pay laur on convenient budget terms. Ifs as easy as buying a book a month. The .llriblmlic:a Pft.Sdtool Ubrary-First Ad~·entures in uarning-is now available for the first time from Britannica. It represents years of editorial and educa- tional ~rience and was designed to help provide every child with the proper pre-5ebool prepantion. Thi.I Pre.school Library offen a wealth of exciting and oolodul new materials which acquaint the smaller and introducing Give your child a head start now with Britannica's Pre-School Library. Each book covers basic and important childhood experiences-with words. numbers. colors. sounds, signs. shapes. sizes.. time, measures. nature and many other things. 13 volumes, bcaurifully illustrated. entirely in full color with read-aloud passages to help your child discover the world about him. child with the world in which be lives through simple words, pictures and signs. Britan.Dic:. JuaJor is written, illustrated and indexed especially for children in grade school ... easy to read and undcrsta.od, rich in picture interest and carefully matched to school subjects. Eacydopaed.ia Britannica Offen Tbousuds of Sub- jeds of Pndic:al V aloe. Th\! new edition of Britannica has special articles on household budgets, interior dec- orating, medicine, health, home remodeling, cbjld care and much more ... useful information that can save you many dollars. New Edition It Profusely Illustrated. The new Britannica offers over 22,000 magnificent illustrations -thousands in vivid color. But it does not merely show "attractive pictures"-it is the work of 10,400 of the world's great authorities. F..elltlal for Homework. For students, Britannica is indispensable. It is the finest, most complete reference published in America. It helps develop the active, alert minds that brina success in school aod lat.er life. Preview Bookld Otf tted Free. If you would like to learn more about how your family can get Britannica Junior and our latest Pre-School Library-at no extra C'ost with Encyclopaedia Britannica on our Cooperative Offer, plus a Free Preview Book.let-simply majl the attached postage-free card now. FREE! Mail card now for Special New Preview Booklet If card;, clela< lied . ..-rite /0 Enc)'clopaedia Brilan11ka, Dept. 492-Z, 425 N . M1<"h1ga11 A' t!., Chu·ago, Ill. 6()611. and complete details on this remarkable offer. ' ~----------------------------------- till HOlDER DO YOU BELIEVE IN SIGNS! Here are a few that would re- lieve some tenaion on a long trip: Seen on the back of a car creeping alon1 a mountain road in Northern California: "Nervous lady driver from Florida, where the highest hll1 ls only 325 feet. Pleue be courteous. Do not blow. Do not shout. Just pus." The Flor- ida Turnpike has placed into service a tree car wa.sh on a ma.jor highway. The car-wash· ing equipment has been Install· ed at a service plua near WUdwood. Turnpike authorities said the reason tor the lnstall- atlon wt(& not only aa a con- venience, but alao to provide a break In long trips. "It ls hoped." says the Turnpike Authority, "that travelers will stop &nd stretch their lep, helping to rtd themselves of road hypnoals and ma.king their trip a safer one." Now that's a great idea. Hope it catches on all over. Spealcing or Ideas ... Have you vlalted our store here at 182M Bet.ch Blvd. in Huntington Beach lately! Well we've 1ot &n outatandlng col- lectlon ot better Idea cars by ' Ford. There are 21 new Fohl models to tempt you: three luxurious LTD's, two sporty XL'a and a da.ttllng array of sedans. hardtopa, soorta roof · m o d e l s, convertibles a n d ' wagons. Each hu a velvety ride . . . preclae, resporulve handling . . . and otters a level of luxury unPtteedented In Its clua. Add these exciting cars to the rest of the better ldeu from Ford and you've got the greatest selection ottered by any auto maker. All the better ldeu are hf"re at WllM>n Ford Sa.let -Thunderbirds, Mus- t.an~. BroncOI, Mach I's. It JSays I.Ji more wavs than one to shoo at a dealerahJo who's 1 offel'tng the mosl Your Mtis· faction means a great deal to ua. We know from years of proven exnerlenoe that oaullty Md qu!lntlty are key tacton in a dl'llOClUC between custo-m~ and dealenhJp. DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES II 18255 BEACH BLVD .• HUNTINGTON BEACH FO_R i?_] 1535 15523££• .. •••• .. ························••i••················ . See· all the g .... newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. o ·N BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-6611 SALIS DIPr. ' ...... 10. , ... 1 hrs SllVICI OPIN '"'· ""' M ., I •·•· te I P·l'I· Me:t., I•·•· .. t p.a. 592-5511 I 5:5! 6:0C 6:3( 7:0I 7-.2' 7:3 11:0 l:J 1:3 a:• 9:( 9: 10 10 11 1l ll I. • REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNING 11:25 II 9 {I) C8S Ntwa (C) Oooatas 3:0019 (j} '-tr Pyte (C) !! ... (C) Biii Bonds. Edwards. • PIEMTERE It's Y•• let (C) DOUT th IWatrt W. ...,_ 11:30 II 9 CI> Stardl for Totnorrow (C) Hal March hosts a huttlands·and· (C) A variety lhow featurlna 5:55 fJ Gtv. Ua This Day (C) 0 @ CiH?!HREM I ERE N•Nt wives celebrity panel show. Players various types of artists. lndudlna 6:00 I) RETURN Sunrise SetDIStaf (C) Droppers (C) Al Lohman and Roglf bet on their partner's abllity to an· rerular John stewart. a 111na·poel This semester's cou™s from New Barkley host a game show that swer questions. Monday's guests are The Canned York University are in eeology and peek.s into the private lives of the K~ Patrol Heat mathematiQ. stars. (i1) @ a> liitetr1I Hospital (C) IThe MMnst.n 6:30 Odyssey (C) B Johnny ~rant at Univmal (C) Dtnnli" dw Menace (]) PttTY Mason Education Elchange (C) Th• Annrvmary Game (C) Al Bozo Ille Clown (C) Pocketful of Fun Educational Fublres (C) Hamel hosts. F•bns (j) Tiie FUntstDnts (C) Educational Alm (C) 0 Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and Roy @ MatinM: Don Rodewald. ltwftdMd 7:00 CBS News (C) Joseph Benti. Elwell co-host. • Matin .. : Don Wilson. 5:00 MIC N1WAtwice (C) Q)@ m Th• Today Show (C) I Sheriff John (C) 3:30 6 LudlJ Pair (C) Richard Dan>n IJ TOM REDDIN TELLS Ex•dse wn. Glori• (C) Trawtl Films (C) welcomes auests Deborah Willey, * IT LIKE IT IS! Mr. WllllboH (C) MirUt Clae Kent McCord, A&nts Mooreheed and Felix the Cat (C) : Poc1ttfvl of fun Reels Philbin. News (C) Tom Reddin. Commodlty/$1Dck Report 11:45 Conls Guy (C) Wed. O Mike Dou&111 (C) Gtof'ge Car· flipper (C) 7:25 Community Bull.tin Board (C) 11:55 ' @ (6) m NBC NIWS (C) fin is co-host. News (C) Gl()(ft Putnam. 7:30 Forelcn Leaionn1irt Ozzie alld Harriet Bib1111t CC) Tbt Ed Nelaon Show (C) (i7J m &) Ont Uft To Live (C) Pltlr liunn Rtlllious features 1lie -FlintstDnt1 (C) · 00 Jh•mf Thontuon (C) Wondenma (C) 12:00 II Boutigue (C) Hobo l(tfly (C) : Ona Upon a Dir Bozo (C) 0 @ 00 m You•,. Puttlnr Me TV Raden' Direst Ci) McHale's NnJ S:OO 9 00 Captain lanproo (C) On (C) Larry Blyden assumes per-(f) Popeye Cartoons • Cifiipn's lllnd (C) Unct. Waldo Cartoons (C) manent hosting chores. 4:00 SM Hunt; Movie, Wed only. 5:30 · ~~· tt.~~.f>,.... It"\ Daphne's Cartoon Cntlt (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tiie NaUd Tmt. (C) -• ~nd m::' ~ , .. , Sumby (C) @ CI) Bewitch«! @(J)G) Dart SUdowl (C) -... News/~ Martet News (C) Biii Johns. Dlktart (C) Glltlpn's llland ( 1:15 (3) Video Dlpst (C) Stock Market Analysil fNturts Suns.t Traits 8:30 11\e AintstDnu (C) : Once Upon 1 Day 4:15 m T1't fritnclly Clant : (i)lstlcn:'.!...11 J~Ji._. RocMt Robin Hood (C) 00 Andy Grlffittl (C) iii a••• ._..,,_.,_..., 1 [3) RockJ and His Frifllds (C) 12:30 Q9J (i) As the World Tums (C} 4:30 6 Movie: See Daytime Movies. ~ N....,_ 29 (C) 8:45 Yo11r MonlY's Worth (C) Thurs. , ~ 00 a;) DIJI of Our Uwta (C)i-••OiiiiiDiiilworceiiiiiiiiiiCourtiiiiiiiii(Cii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiii...,iiiiiiiiT1iilkm(C)miiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. 9:00 ~ 00 The Lucy Show (C) P ~ CV T111t Girt (C) ~ 00 a;) It Tabs Two (C) m News (C) Jack Latham. Vin Scully hosts. Guests are Mere-Q) Dlalinc tor Doll1rs (C) dith MacRae, Morey Amstudam. ti.) Offke or Ule hesident John Gary and their spouses. 1:00 I) Qj ~Love Is a M1ny Sclltn-0 Love That Bob, Mon.-Thurs.; dored Tlunc (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies on Fr1. O eil@ m The Doctors (C) O Movie: See Daytime Movies 0 @ Cil Drtam House (C) Jackie Joseph is hostess. m Password (C) I Debbie Drab D1~rci21 (C) ff) Ttdlnlcll Corntf @ @ llclc la l.annt (C) G) The C1lloi>lne Gourmet (C) UndtrdoC (C) 1:30 8 tii) (i) The Guidlnc Liiht (C) 9:250 ~(6)mNBC News (C) 0 ~00 a;)Anohr Wor1d (C) '4ancy Dickerson. 0 flth1r Knows But; Cootmc (C) 9:30 8 ~ (j) Beverly Hillbillies (C) IWed~ r.i'I I;!!\ Lefs M•k• a DNI (C) 0 @ m Conc•ntraUon (C) 1.UJ I.LI \ir.f Bob layton hosts. TrvUI or Consequences (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. World of WH1tl'I (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. C.mlllOdlty I stroct a.»rt MovW. See Daytime Movies. Ben Z:OO fJ (i9) (i) Stcrlt Sb19 (C) Hunter hosts. O @@ m PREMIERE Brlallt m llu111by (C) Promise (C) Dramatic series staning @ Ci) Hayden's Happenina (C) Dana Andrews IS 1 collep president 10:00 I) Andy Crlffitla (C) and Coleen Grey IS his fiencee. 0 fH) Ci) m PREMIERE Sal• of I Dear Julia Meade (C) Ult Century (C) Jack Kelly is emcee CI) aJ Ntwtrw«I C11H (C) for ttlis new show that tests the I ~ Liiey general k.nowttdee. reflexes and al Human J11n&t• shopping uwy of three contestanta.. tE Featwes m Public ~ fih11s (C) Z:30 II ~ (i) Th• Edp of Nlaftt (C) ~ (6) Sunny Today (C) 0 @@m PROUERE Lattin tD 10:30 I Cj Ci) Loft of lift (C) l.auaft·ln (C) Gary Owens hosb thb . tU 00 m Hollywood Sqiaar• show tllat airs the jokes viewers ( Peter Marshall hosts. send to uu(h·ln. Dan Rowan, Jo. Q) ROJ R01tfS Anne Wo rtey, Anlie Dicklnt0n and 11:0011~Wl\•t tilt H•rt 11 (C) Jack [ Leonard auest. I Girl Talk (C) · 6 m JtoprnlJ (C) Art ~ (I)G) T1't D1tinc CaM Fleming hosts. (C) Jim L1nge host&. 0 The Galfo91nr Gourmet (C) 0 Moirlt: Set Daytime Moviu. CD Romper Room (C) Tom Frend.sen hosts. 11:15 m Mor• Than love (C) Wed. only. m Hattf (C) 11:20 0 flahions In s.win& (C) fi) Mr. and Mrs. Nd I I I I I --------¥£ t .. ,2 ' , Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress ,, • s...a' : ... _____ ~ "A Complete Printing Service" Free Estimates PILOT PRINTING. 2211 W. Bal~ Blvd. -Newport a.ac:+a I I I I I SATURDAY SEPTEMBER X1 rvFNINC &:«t I) n.t 111 Nftl (C) (60) Clete Roberts. 0 9 @ a;, HunU., -Brinkte, Saturday Report (C) (30) It One St.p a.,.,nd (30) 0 Bosa City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m l1rbar1 Mdblr Sbow (C) (60) Joey Bi.shop, Freddy Weller, The Dillards and Joni Credit euest m Animals, Action and Advtnbrr1 (fj (30) "Dolphin Roundup." I TV R•dtrs' Dl111t (30) 6:30 KNBC Ntws Conftttnct (C) (30) Melody R1nc:h (C) (60) Ste'le Allen and Dona Farro guest. 0 Ro111 lirler (C) (30) The wortd's number one toastmaster, Georre Jessel, otters a rood sam· piing of hi1 wry humor as he ap· pears as Rosey's special auest. I Run to~ YCMlr Uft (C) (60) Dr. Hudson'• Staet Journal (30) P111ln1 the Quit.Ir (30) (R) On Utt Ed1• of Eternity (C) (30) 8lr1 From UNCLE (C) (60) 7:«t I) CBS Evttlln1 Ntwa (C) (30) Roger Mudd. Q MIC S41rwey (C) (30) 0 Tht Annlvtnary liatH (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. 0 Death Valley OeYJ (C) (30) m i lflc!A~ First Annuel Celtbrl· tJ Bowlln1 mlc (C) (60) From THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 the Pickwick Ar9n1 In Burbank Im NtOt de Estr.. (2 hr) tlful dancer. comes an hour of hilarity and 1:30 G 9 ()) I #Bew I "It Wu 1 It Movie: (C) ~ Fury" (ro- competltion hom such ctltbrities as Sltert Su••r, Cllertlt lrown" (C) menct) '47-Uzabeth Scott. Don Adams, Mike Connors, Arte B 9~ m Ad••-12 (C) (30) 0 Pllllbln's People (C) (60) Georr• John.son, Bill Dana and Don Grady. (J1) GI NEW SEASON Lnr-Jessel, Pemela Mason, Andy Grana· EE Sun•t Trans (60) ence w (C) (60) Maestro Welk telll auest. EI) NET Jotlmel (60) "If You Don't ond the Champaane Music Mekers Ntwa (C) (30) 11, Must I Go Aweyr' (R) bt&ln the 15th suson with ruests Emat Tabb (30) ~R•MI (30) Gell F1rrell ind Ken Delo. bwtllcle Roundap (60) TIM Rat Pm.I (C) (30) OJ la Owens (C) (30) lox dt Mab (90) 7:30 fB ()) NEW SEASON 9:00 I) Qt Cl) NEW SEASON Gmn 10:30 Ntw1 (C) (30) BUI Bonds. 81tuon (C) (60) Ralph Ktamden Acm ~ (30) Ulla Skala plays Joe PJnt (C) (2 hr) and Ed Norton pose es hippie song· Lisa's mother, who arrives at the Swln&ln' Gospel (C) (60) writers ind enter a contest offering Douglas farm to a royal welcome ; Tht Toy That Grew U'-(60) 1 trip to Hollywood to anyone sub· from everyone but Oliver. • Pusport to Tmel (C) (30) mittin1 the cleverest muslcal com· 0 @ Cil m NIC Slturday Mov-11:00 fJ m""" (C) I position. Jat'kle Gleason, Art Clmey, It: (C) "'s.tnendNlr" (drame) '65 • Movie: "Sin£ BebJ, stnl"' Shelli MacRat and Jane Kun stir. -J1me:s Stewart. Doua McClure. (comedy) '36-Allce Feye, Adolpti. a @ 00 m Andy Wilfi••• (C) I '"' AlldM'IOll (C) (30) Menjou. (60) Roy Rocers, Dale £vans, Dono-Hone Opera (60~ 11:15 I) Fabulous 52: (C) "Yn Cm" van, Arte Johnson and Tony Joe NET P'layttouse (90) "Dublin (adventure) '54-Gary Cooper. White are Andy's 1uests this eve-Ont." (R) 8 m News (C) nlng. 9:30 tJ Qt CIJ NEW SEASON Ptttlcolt Sltunlay Nlibt Movie: (C) u300 It Movie: "To Each His Own" Junction (C) (30) When Betty Jo, Sp1rt1n•" (spectacular) '62-Rlch- (drama) '46 -Olivia deHavllland. Kathy Jo and steve move from their ard [Ian, Diane Baker. 0 @ CV&> TIM Detln1 li111t (C) honeymoon cottege bed! to the m lni:mer ltr(llllR Futlval (C) (30) Jim Lanae hosts. Shady Rest, Doa -eccustomed to 11:30 ID Tht El9p19U (C) 0 Million $ Movlt: ''f"l'ft Getts bl , the run of the piece-suddenly 11:45 0 m Tonlibt S11ow (C) Htfr' (drama) '59-Hevllle Brand. finds he's playina MCOnd fiddle to &) Movie: "Mrs. Mitt'" (adven· I Wonders of tilt Wor1d (C) (30) the beby, so he runs away. ture) '49 -Didi Powell. Los C.udlllos (30) O (J1) CV~ Johnny Cati! (C) 12:00 g Movie: "Mmbtry of Fut" (mYJ· l:«t @(I) G) Tht Newtrnd 81mt (60) Phil Hams. Roy Orbison, Bob· tery) 144 _ Ray Miiiand Marjorie (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. bl Mar1Jn and The Creedence Clear-Reynolds ' m Movie: "Yellow SQ" (western) water Revival auest. • '4S-Grerory Peck, Anne Baxter. I""" (C) (30) Larry Burrell. 12:30 m Men In cnsil I!) Hewail C.111 (C) (30) "Island 10ttJ Wefts (C) (30) 1:00 I) Movie: "Two of I Kind" (mys· Moods." "Clown Princess" Hilo 10:00 f3 ())NEW SEASON Mannix ery) '51 -Edmond O'Brien. Hatti struts throu(h a "pid&ln E.n1-(C) (60) Mannix launches a double· 0 Movie: "Untaud Yod" (dra- llsh" hula, and Ed Kenny sinp a edaed search for Brad Turner end ma) '57-Mamle Ven Doren. toneue-twister. Jimmy Whitewina. two friends of GI All-1tlatlt Sltow: "The Man In EE Sactbrusll Tlllltrt (60) Pew who are wronaty accused of the White Suit," "Samson In the EI) Feature (C) (60) "Bluebird's murder, and the real killer who can1 Wu Museum," and "Front Paae Castle." be linked to the crime by a buu-story." \f tll )\illrchaice win OR The Dating Grune marrieds come up with · answers on The Newlywed Grune e1.30pm(l} e8:00pm(l} (ro- Drat •n•- (60) ' """ 1lphe "300 Rich· (C) !ven- :mys- (dr•· n In I tf\9 Ptae THINK! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU TALKED TO SOMEONE WHO LISTENED? NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! COMPATIBILITY CHARACTER ANALYSIS 0 w (/) a: w z ::> >-uj (/) (/) v; al 02 WCO <( 2 ::> >-<( ANSWER QUESTIONS HONESTLY AND SPONTANEOUSLY 1. People are frequently cr111cal of me, and I tend to be eastly hurl -•-+--+---+---+--+-+- 2. People generally consider me a happy and contented person • 3. Thinqs often seem not to go well for me and I get depressed -•------- 4. I am fairly easygoing dnd don't easily blow up al people • 5. I accept people for what they are anci lh1nk most people are pretty good • 6. I tend to be shy at large parties with many strange people -•-+---+---+--+--+--+- 7. I en1oy social organizations, clul>s, and groupact1v1t1es • 8. I prefer an evening at home with tv or a good book to a party -•-+---+--+--+---+---+- 9. I like my f11ends to be enthusiastic and extroverted • 10. My home is freQuently a place where my friends qather informally • 11. Youth has gone too far and should have more respect for authority. • 12. Basically, a woman's place is sltll 1n the home • 1 3. The proper place for sex education and discussion of values is 1n the home, no1 tn the school • 14. Married businessmen should not take their secretaries to lunch. • 15. Old fashioned respect for law and order 1s what' 1h1s country needs • 16. I am generally considered a warm and affectionate person • 17. It 1s all right for two people 1n love 10 let t heir consciences d1cta1e how far they will go sel<ually • --11--t--t--+--.+-+- 18. I would want a mate who 1s warm, affectionate and responsive • 19. Married couples should treat sex seriously and never playfully or erotically -•-+--+---+---+---+--+- 20. The ability to be attect1onate toward a loved one is an important part of marital success • 21. I would like a mate who attends church regularly • 22. I believe 1 hat God answers prayers • 23. Chtldren should be allowed 10 choose their own rel1g1ous and moral beliefs -•-....-....-....--~ 24. Regular church attendance enhances stable and wholesome family Ille • 25. I believe 1n the concepts of Good and Evil • This test will depict interest and values in areas of compa11hd1ty between persons and should not be construed as being able to afford psychological diagnosis ADDRESS ________ __ ZIP ---NAME _________ _ CITY ------- AGE SEX_HOME PHONE ____ _ WORK PHONE _____ OCCUPATION _______ _ ----------------------------------- CALIFORNIA TESTING INSTITUTE • 1800 N. BROADWAY • SANTA ANA, CALIF. 92706 • 547-6667 ..... !S Pa.. 6 Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom 7:00, In Color DOn't worry. Marlin Perkins' wi Id-life tours are perfectly safe-and perfectly fascinating, as well. The Wonderful World of Disney 7130, In Color Part II of "My Dog, the Thief," with Dwayne Hickman. The Bill Cosby Show 8:30, New Show, In Color Big Bill copes with an accusation of not giv- ing a short boy a fair chance to make the basketball team. It's the season 's most en - joyable new hit! THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 9:00, In Color Eleventh big season! Why was Candy put in jail? And who's the cell mate who wants to help him to escape? The Bold Ones 10:00, New Show, In Color Policeman Leslie Nielsen wants a girl to talk. Hari Rhodes IN COLOR TONIGHT ON co-stars. This exciting •~I -· series of urgent , · "now" dramas has segments on lawyers, the New Medicine, law enforcement. SUNDAY I 00 Onil Robtlta (C) Ci) latJHn (C) Miao • Mino R.anehtfo 10:00 IJ Inside football (C) Gil Str1tton, SEPTEMBER 28 George Allen. MORNING B ~lwltare USA (C) (fi'l (I) CD lieora• of the Jun• II• CC> 0 Movie: "The Hypnotk f.J•" All stat ions reserve the (horror) '60 -Jacques Bergerac, Merry Anders. right to change program· I PubJit Senice Fiims (C) ming without advance no-00 f"&rst Baptist Church (C) tice. Ci) Town Hill Mettln1 (C) Un lirito en la Obicurldad 6:15 m The Chrillopheri The Ansnr (C) 6:30 m The Blblt A11,1Wm (C) 10:30 IJ ®J (j) Nft Tocl1y (C) The San 6:55 .:11 lilve us This D•J (C) ff111Cisco 49ers meet the Green -Bay Packers. 7:00 IJ Tom ind Jerry (C) 0 @ (I) a;, Aft Football (C) 0t S..ndaJ Funnies (C) Oakland Riliden vs. the Boston 7:30 I Batman (C) Patriots. Mormon T1bem1ele Choir (C) fJ @@ al Fant.stic Four (C) • Hlfald of Truth (C) tl) flittt for Today (C) Sacred Hurt (C) 11:001 Homebuyef's liulde (C) 7 •• 45 ~The ""'.:.....phen (C) @@(!)Bullwinkle (C) ""''"'"' Movie: "Somewhtft In ttlt @ Dav., and Goliath (C) leht" (drama) '46-John Hodi1k. &:00 ~ CiJ ump Unto My feet (C) Nancy Guild. m The Chri:stophtr1 (C) Q) Church in the Home (C) C1ttledral or TomOITOW (C) 11 :30 O @CV m OiK4Vtry (C) '1he Day of Discovery (C) Sponge Fishermen." Bill Owen and Wonderama (C) Virginia Gibson travel to Tarpon Allen Revival Hour (C) Sprines., Florida. a small lishin11 @ Paul Harvey (C) village, to observe the activities of (6) God Is the Answer (C) the sponge fishermen from the time 8:30 .:11 Look Up and live (C) "'The they go to sea until they sail home -with their valuable catch. (R) Roxbury Elperiments."' This con· 0 Movie: "Fixed Bayonets" (ad cludina broadcast concentrates on venture) '51 -Richard Basehart. the work of the Urban Sisters Task Michael O'Shea. Force, a group of nuns lorme<ly with 1 parochial school that has been converted to community con trol. AFTfRNOO~ I Thls Is the lift (C) 12:00 0 Movie: (C) ''The Tiii T" (west· face to Face (C) ern) '57-Randolph Scott, Richard Movie: ''Sllootout it Medicine Boone, Maureen O'Sullivan. Bend'' (western) '57 -Randolph I Essential!) Su (C) Scott, Aneie Dickinson. 1 @ Collqe Footb1ll 19'9 (C) I Kathryn Kuhlman (C) • Cine en Su Cua (!) Revival Arts (C) • Armed forces Hlahli&lrtl (C) (j) Full Gospel Revival (C) 12:30-Gent Autry T1lt Story (C) Or1I Robefta (C) 9:00 IJ C1111er1 Three (C) · P'attem for Llvinr (C) 0 MJ Favorite Stt'mon (C) Rev. 1:00 0 m Aft FooU,.11 (C) The Miami Wyburn Skidmore, St. Paul's United IX>iphins meet the Houston Oilers Methodist Church of San Berner· I Anpls Warm·up (C) dino. euests. Shertock Holmei Day of Discovery (C) Bir Attact Campus Profllt Revival Fires (C) Gospel Miiiie (C) CI) StoJles ot S.Ucass (C) 1 00 A. A. Allen (C) 00 Afl. Footb1ll (C) New York 6 K.thryn Kuhlm1n (C) Jeu vs. San Dieao Chargers at San Tom and Jerry (C) Oieao. : Thu:~. c: l ift (C) CE lnsilht (C) · Avkultvral Report (C) 1:30 0 Anftb Baseball (C) The Call fomle An1els vs. the Oallland 9:30 IJ f8'e Ute N1tlon (C) Coretta Athletics in the final Aneel &•me Scott King, widow of slain dvll or the season. ri&hts leader Or. Martin Luther Kin& 0 @(I)@ tsaa 1ncf Answers Jr., guests. tC) Howard K. Smith. 0 m frontien of filth (C) "Hirh m USC Football (C) USC Trojans Risk Uvina." final program In 8 meet the Northwestern University three-pert series studyin1 the na· Wildcats at the Los Aneeles Coli· tional and worldwide eHects of en· seum in a aune taped yesterday. viroomentel pollution. Guuts are Tom Kelly handles the mikeside Stewart Udall, former Secretary of activities. the Interior. and Or. Richard Baer, m Voice of C.lvary (C) Chairman, Department of Rellllon, Earlham Collqe. Host is the R~. 2:00 IJ I lf'lc!A I hftll1uew Bend N• Or. Richard R. Gilbert. tlonll Hone Sllow (C) Hllhlllhts O Notrt 01me footb•ll (C) Lind· of the 12th annual show, • unique say Nelson calls the play-by-play affair of e11eanc11 end sportsman· action of the "Fi&'hlina Irish'' ship, feature many competltlvt against the Boilermakers of Purdue. cateaories -The Jumper Stakes, U @ @ m Dudley Do-Rlpt (C) Walkin& St.kei, and Three 1nd Fivc·Galted Stakei. The classic Is preiented by the Palos Verdes Pen insula Committee as 1 benefit for the Children's Hospltal In L.A. fJ P're.u Conltr9nct (C) m Roller Dlfby (C) The Midwest Pionftf'I vs. the Bay Bombers. @ (I) Sltnday M1tin": "Duel in the Junele." Jeanne Crain and Dana Andrews star. I (j) fece Ute Nation (C) ChiKlilo ti Roto Feature (C) 2:30 O Movie: "Shadow ln ttle Sii(' (drama) '52-Ralph Meeker, Nancy Davis. O Million $ Movie: (C) "633 Squadron" (drama) '64-Cllft Rob· ertson. Georae Chakiris. a (j) S.Uaday Show: "Boy from Oklahoma" and "Violent Road." 3:00 R Pldflc Southwest Tennis Cl\am· plOnshlps (C) Top amateur and pro• fessional tennis players compete at the Los An&eles Tennis Club. Top contenders are Atttlur Ashe, Rod Laver, Manuel Santana, Pancho Gonzale.s. Billie Jean Kina. Ann lones and Rosemary Casals. Ii) SlmlOO (C) 3:30 G) P'a"1 Dulce m St1 P'owtr (C) 3:45 D An&tb Wrap-up {C) 4:00 O Alun Golf Toum11111t1t (C) Live from Portland, Ore90n. D UCLA fooU,.11 (C) Tape dela of the Bruins' encounter with the University of Wisconsin Badfer1, played yesterday. ·m eoueae Foou,.u 1969 <C> I love Lucy Mdtale's Nny rn Laramie 00 ~er Room (C) · CrHmos • Ensian O'T oole 4:301 Newsaakars (C) • News (C) 1111 Munst.n Voice of Ute Hour (})film ftltwe (C) "Our Min In the Middle." I MlstefoPfS' Nelpbet'boecl (R) MllSica J P'at.bru The Riflaan 5:00 IJ Nl'ft (C) Clele Roberts.. 0 Movie: (C) "Entlp NM" (c:omedy) '64-Robert Welke<, Burl Ives, Mill~ P1<kln$. I Skippy (C) Men fl'Ofll UNCU (C) Batman (C) (1) S.Wen Arts ~ "Once Mort. With Feelina." co-ltlrrint Kay Kendell ind Yul B(Ynner. m~ ot Christ Q3 (}) My World lllld Wtb• .. tt (C) I Wbt's N-7 (R) Tores • HtH Co111e UM Stars (C) Ruri '°' Yow Lift (C) 5:30 I QI Ci) Atutnr Ho.-(C) • Spalc Up (C) Biii t..yden. • Mowlt: (C) "fllppef'1 .._ Ad- venture" (drama) '64--8r1en Kelly, Luke H1lpln, Ripper. m 5illlp11'1 llfand (C) EE S.Mft Tralb.: "Sheriff of CJ. marron." @ @ World To.omw (C) fJj} Jui All., ( R) (Continued) Ill GI IE YOURSELF BEHllD THE llllCROPHOIE I ~", ·, ,,l~.·· I l •• ~ ' ' ! " , WHICH OF THESE • FlSCllATllG CAREERS INTERESTS YOU1 0 DISC JOCKEY O NCWSUSTU 0 SPORTUASTH 0 COMMHCIAL AMMOUMCEI RH VOICE ANALYSIS TILLS YOU IF YOU HA YI "HIDDEN TALINT"I TRAI~ AT HOME Otl IN OUR 8£AUTlrut. llEW STUDIO SCHOOt.1 You tall atwy brot4uat tecl111lqun •t holllt, I• ,.. 1111re time, or In o.11 -lfoMclat-tn& School-lOCATttl RIGHT HEU IN LOS ANCELU-ul'leltt tllt 111Dtl"flaloft ol our Olrectll\1 flcult1 of l l f1111011t bro1dc11ttra. Rldlo-TV 1tatlon1 t11trywlltrt llM 911 IMMEDIAT£ OOWIO for botll 111t11 IM •omen to tlh over llllPOrt:Mlt ood-p1yln1 !Obi rlrllt now. NATION·ftlO( PLACEMtNT ASSllTMCI It no lrtTI coat! Tuition 1ul1tanct 1w1111111. S.,.d to CAR££Jt ACADOIY'S ~Mt'­ot famous lr•c:nttn fOt f11H fletl· let, record, and vol(e tNl1'1• "lllla. NOnU: IHlllOLL NOW P'CMI CAllUJt ACADOIY'I NUT cunl lMIS COULD K YOUll CHAHCE TO PVT YOUllKLI UMIND ntl MICllOPMOND •An KCl"9dlt.d mllfnbw of Ute H .. tlOftel Home Study Council end the • Nettonel AaaoclttiOfl of Trade end Technlcel School& • ~ftd tw Vet.wen Trelntrc •Member of Callfomle Aeeoclettoft fOI' Pl'ivste Educsdon •All ellclble lnatftutlon under ttte federally ln•ul"ed Studut Loen ~m. ,--------------------· ~~.~~'Qi Lei ~ '*-* _.~,I ...... ! (211) 464«7' ; l..tt. .... lfl ...... '= •"'* --........ .... ___ ..._._ t Addr9• Aclt. I ·----------: City, st•t•/lll> t ·----------' Phone ~ t 1 I em hrt-•ted In : O Cleuroom O Home ltucty I O•AAAll7 , ·-------------------- flep7 It required considerable persuasion for Robert Ybung to wind up in the starring role of ABC's Marcus Welby, M.D. (Tuesdays JO PM). First, be bad to persuade himself that the role, and the series, were right for him. Theo he bad to convince the network that he was right for the role. There are compelJing motives for an actor to take on the 12-hour-a-day ordeaJ of starring in a series-most of them financial. Other con- siderations-an itch for the limelight, a boost to a career, an inability to feel alive except when in front of a camera, or an urge to be where the action is. In Young's case, none of these apply. He is, to put it mildJy, financially secure. A 20-year starring career in motion pictures and his half-ownership of the fabulously successful Father Knows Best-four years on radio, six yean on primetime television, nine years (so far) of reruns, and sales to dozens of foreign countries -took care of that. And for several years he and his wife Betty have been quite happy in their dream home, situated on the edge of a golf course in the peace- ful community of Rancho Santa Fe, near Sao Diego. Young took part in community affairs, helping raise money for boys' clubs and other organiza- tions. Occasionally he made a 1V guest-starring appearance. However, he turned down a number of offers to star io his own series. "None of those roles did anything to my pulse rate," Young said. Theo David Victor, creator of the movie-pilot for Marcus Welby, M.D., sent him a script and an offer. Young says he was excited by the script, but realized that if the movie-for-television caught on, he might be committed to a series. He asked for time to think it over, and was told he ,had a week. F'or the Youngs, it was a busy seven days. "First, Betty and I assessed our life at Rancho Santa Fe," Young said. "l knew I wasn't feeling any compulsion to climb 1he walls. But I checked with Betty-after 36 years, she knows me better than I know myself. I asked her if I seemed rest- less, or irritable. She said no. I thought, Td be an idiot to give this up.' But my mind kept buzzing with potent ialities of the Welby character. We discussed, at length, the pros and cons of accepting the series. I was on the razor's edge. If Betty bad been reluctant about it, 1 would have turned it down. But she was as excited as I was. Finally, we decided. Of course, the deci- sion probably was made when we read the script. But that week of discussion confirmed it, made us easier in our minds." Then came an unexpected development. Some ABC officials in New York weren't sure that the mild, easy-going Jim Anderson of Father Knows Best would be right as the tough, dedicated, oc- casionally abrasive Dr. Marcus Welby. Young surprised executive producer David Victor with a most un-starlike suggestion: "Let's make a test.'' He even offered to pay for it. A test scene from the script was filmed and sent to New York. Back came the answer: "Robert Young is Dr. Marcus Welby.'' Young says that with a dozen or so episodes filmed so far, he's enjoying acting more than ever. "After all, what are the tools of an actor's trade? Not a wrench, or a typewriter, or a violin, or a plow, but his entire self. What he has seen, heard, read, felt-what he has lived. And the more be has lived, the more he has to work with. I really think that acting-re-experiencing-is more ex- citing now." ROBERT YOUNG ENJOYS ACTING. • • Al Lohman and Roger Barkley ore the co-hosts of Nome Droppers, a comedy panel show that peeks into the private lives of the stars, Monday through Friday at 1 l :30 AM. Every day in each of two rounds the show wel- comes on individual who has some outside or personal re- lationship with one of the celebrities. A "jury" of 25 audience members is given three possible links between the name dropper and the stars. The celebrities cross- exomine the name dropper about their real or supposed relationship , and the jury members then vote for their choices based on the name dropper's answers. • ey ne 1el he rs, at ch !l- a s ·e- he 25 en en he SS· 1er ed 1ry eir 11e A· T • T -E·N-T -1-0·N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al WAYS WANTED• TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alweys a-lerg• selection of new and used cert. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. Flnt St., SA 547-0764 THINK I~ s .. and Drive them During our Model CIHrance S•I• ·on NOWI HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmatr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!],~[Y][Q][!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 19&& Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADC'i)UARTERS H11te MtedllMI ef -& .... execwtlve & .._,tr.let IMH• ,ncei111 tw Immediate,..,.,.,.,. OPE LS GALORE! H ... ''""'°" .. N.,,, • UM4 0,,. .. "6ce4 .. Mff 1-41-.tf TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU JO ....... I T ... om. .. .. I tt TM.y • ..,. cw et . . • • ' ~ ~ ·~triij 0~ADIFORNIA. \• ··~· SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht St., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS S1l1&1Me ll..., ,_ ......... hAwery •ACTOIT AUTNOllDD DIALD COMPLETE FOREIGN C~R SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTtNGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Ponche Dealer In the Harbor ArH tm ~om• of~. lov• a,.'i!6' Specials 445 I . CMlt Hwy. .. hysl• Dri", N.I. 67J-Ot00 14t-JOJ1 e.t. IJ ut. 14 & H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports Is Your kind of place. Your Authorized • Austin America Large stock of used PorschH Jags, MG's, Austin HHleys, etc. nrwport 3~1nµorls 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B 642-MOS, 540-1764 ~ In the Marbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mined. IMMERMAN DATSU 2145 H•rbof", Coste MeH 540-6410 P ... 9 eTanight at 8:00 (i) 114E DAILY P1LOT, TV WEEK. SD"TEMBER 27, 1969 but the doc apln outwits H.n. fJ 111111• ' ""6t: -n. , .... Dldlll" (dram.) '61 -S. Gaz. wa, Fr9drlc llhn:h. m ~ ti Tf'Mll (C) (30) ':00119 (j) C8S ...... ,.._.. (C) "r~I Woodell Shoes." (R) (30) "A Conversation W"rth Dean EB ...,_ 0,.. (60) ''Outcasts of Adlaon.." ~ S.V1reid ilrtefvieoin the Tr1il." the fonner Secretary of Sllte. t!I Las Cndilla (30) !l>ta oo m ... tile ,._ <C> a.-oo 1,..... ,_..<Cl (60) IJ BARBRA STREISAND on Wt.n (C) (60) * ED SUWVAN TONITE Aaiaab. Actie• ,,.. AMmn 11 a (j) "°' SEASD11 &1 s. (30) "Snlke Cull'' lina (C) (60) Barbra Streisand , ... , II.al Al1istl (30) Red Skelton, Tony Bennett Ind ~ Crli1 Shepp1rd, 1 tllented pi1nist Temptations ruest.. from Phil1delpllil, petforms worts by Bach, Robert Schum1nn 1nd Debussy. m 11111 Fl99 Utecl£ (C> <60> 5.:301 ... ,. 5'111 (C) (30) · fD Ci) tE Ii. L Collel't llowt (30) •• "' , .. , lift (C) (60) S.'*911 n.tre (60) "lone oas Renrer." tt) T1lt Frtt1ell Qef (30) How to prep1re French Salad Mayonnaise. Qt Ci) ..,, (C) (30) 7:00119 (j) NEW SWlOfl lmie (C) (30) In 1 unique, tender story of survival in the wilderness thrut· ened by min. Lassie comes to the 1id of 1 dewted wolf family flCed with exti net ion. a@ oo m Wld Kitttdo• <C> (30) "Ctlettah Country" Newborn cheebhs open their eyes on 1 world af wonder ind explore the vtldt sum>undin1 their l1ir at the base of 1 termite nest i11 Central Rhodesia. lbr1in Per\Jns hostJ.. 0 ROUER GAMES-live! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS n..,.., ea-<C> (2 hr> T· Birds vs. Tex.as Outt1ws.. D FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI o @@ED ni. FBI (C) (60) •'fhe SWindler.'' The death of 1 bank official wtio. ICCOl.lnb show false entries starb Erskine on Ult trail of two confidence men. Vera Miles. Peter Donat 1nd William Schallert ruest. · OJ c-'s W..W (C) (30) "Wlr· nor Tribes ol Kanya." (R) m SMMs .. s--(C) c2 "'> "Festiv1I Oubromik.'' St... Allen hosts this lntemat.ionll ~mrner event fn>m YufQsiavll. ., ClnMMt ....... (60) l:lO D @ CiJ m 111 c.e, (C) (30) "The lonpst Hoot Shot 111 the Wor1d." Coach Kincaid, ICCustd of prejudice 1pinst short basbtball IJ DROP EVERYTHING. IT'St---------* TIME FOR THE BARON! e 111e ..,.. (C) <60> D A GHOST COMES BACK * TO PUT DOWN EVil "LAND OF THE GIANTS" 0 cm CJ)&> LIN tf tile Cmtl (t) (°&>) .. Sil Hours To Live." The urthlinp have only six hours to frte a youn1 tilnt before he is aecuted fOf a murder he did not commit Richard Anderlon, Anne Stymour ind Geolte Mltchetl auest. m ...._ "" .... _.. <watem> '~rerory Peck. Anne Barter. m ....... (60) 61ht Business of Crime." Or. ltetth Btnrict and iuat discuss the l1uwtfl of orpit- iztd crime 111 lqltim1te business. CR) m c..... , c..or •• (30) 1:JO a 9 Cl) ,...,m te •• •• WM LM (C) (30) Whtft MIU Eftdi. cotrs l1mlly sets out to find lirint qU1rters In Rome. they wind up not in the Americ:ln·sty1e al)lrl· ment they upected but in a run· down. converted mansion, busy with the u npredictl bit Ktivitits of a lively lllliln neipborhood. Clst: John Forsythe IS Mike Endicott; Joyce Menres 11 Allison Endicott; Susan Neher ind Mel1nie Fullerton u Penny Ind PoU, Endicott. Fea- tured are Peu:Y Mondo, Yrto Scot· ti ind Brenda Benet. a @oo m "'" 0111er <C> .. My Do&. the Thief.'' Condusion. Two ,.... thle¥es and their leader doplp BIBbbas, the st 8emard Wthlliu!s race to saw a life in Land of the Giants who has stofeft their lltat haul, .__ ____ -..1!...-___ _J 9 Ill. •t IZ· 0) of .... Id, he T· IY iO) a l)W be n Im tr- IO) :he of all Don 't worry; Marlin Perkins' wild-life tours are perfectly safe- and truly fascinating. The Wonderful World of Disney 11:45 D ....-(C) "Tiit ca.. .... ._,.. (drama) '54-James Stewart. f!t~ s.a,: "Ma'"ific:ent 7:30, In Color u. n f'llMk Sll*e Fla: "Pit Stop." f'iiffic ufllJ film. 1l:lO D ~ F,_., (C) .• fJ.... "Tiit s... a.." (dl'lma) '48-Susan Hlywlnl, John PIYft8, Robert Montplefy. Tonight: Part II of "My Dog, the Thief." Star- ring Dwayne Hickman and Mary Ann Mobley. The Bill Cosby Show 8:30, New Show, In Colo,. Big Bill copes with an accusation of not giv· ing a shon boy a fair chance to make the school basketball team. IN COLGa TONIGHT ON I08C "-4~• -· 9:00, In Color 10:00, New Show, In Color A cop (Leslie Nielsen) wants a girl to talk; cer· tain parties want to make sure she won't. Hari Rhodes co-stars. ,... 11 MyWorld- andWelcome To It 7:30, New Show, In Color Tonight, Ellen Monroe teaches her daughter Lydia how to handle a man-namely our car· toonist hero, John Monroe (William Win- dom). Based on James Thurber's wit, the show emerges as a new hit! IN COLOI TONIGHT ON IOBC~~• -· Pap 12 1-.- " . "'-?.> .• .,,, .;c •• ~· Rowan& Martin's Laugh-In 8:00, In Color Sonny and Cher join Goldie Hawn, Arte Johnson and the rest of the gang. Including Dick and Dan, natch . ... TME DAILY PILOT, 1V WEEK, S£PTEM8ER 27, 1969 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES • 9:00 Q "All at SN" (comedy) '58- Alec Guinness, Irene Browne. "Duel At Diablo" 9:00, In Color J r r James Garner, Sidney Poitier, Dennis Weaver star in this exciting ''NBC Monday Night At The Movies " Western. Loaded with thrills. 9:30 D "Oar ladln1 Cffiz .. " (dl'1m1) '»-&b Bums, Susan Heyward. 0 (C) "Tiie Blad! Widow" (mys. tery) '51--0trlstJne Norden, Robert Ayres. m "TIM Otlw Lowe· (drama) '47 -David Niven, Barbara Stanwyct. 12:00 D "'Hollywoed lcMllenrd" (d1'1ma) '3&-John Halliday, Marsha Hunt 2:30 e ''TN lnfornten'' (mystery) '65 -Nlfel Patrick. Mar1aret WhitJn1. 4:30 fl "MuJcan HaJridt"' (comedy) '4'-Abbott & Costello. EVENING 6:00 fJ Tiie llf ,._, (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. B m H11nU.,.lrinkley CC) (30) D STEVE GOES TO THE * DOGS TONITE, G-R-R! D Stn1 Men sa-ow (C) (90) mnle Sommeri. Milton Bene and Jonathan Moore (Uesl fJ Sil O'Clod Mowl1: (C) '"Seftntil Cnalry" (adventure) '56--Randolph Scott. Barbara Hele. A e1pt.ein In Custer's re(lment must prove he is not 1 coward. 0 DEBUT Didi Van DJb (30) Starrin11 Dick Van Dyke and Mery Tyter Moore. m MIA FARROW STARS IN *.PEYTON PLACE AT 6 PM I Peyton l'lxe (C) (30) ~r Trll (C) (60) Mib Doqta (C) (90) at'1 Nn? (30) "Deer T raclls. •• A remarkable 1limpse of life In the north refions of Russia, where peo. pie live far removed from the com· forts of city life. I m CIS Nen (C) (30) TIMpo de , .... (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 I llNIC N~ (C) (60) • rROllERE Tiie C••• Ca .. ( (30) Jim MaeKrell hosts a new Chudl Barris 11ame In which the audience likes a personality test alon1 with the stars. Guests this wee« are Sandy Baron, Anna Maria Alber1hettl and Richard Dawson. m STRANGE PARADISE IS *CAMPY DRAMA AT 6:30 I stranc• hradlM (C) (30) Offic:t of tile Pmldttlt (30) @ HunU.,-Brlnklef (C) (30) Twin Clrde Hndllne (C) (30) I n , '· e I• 0 I· na) I. )'S· ..,. '47 \. U) nl '65 nc. jy) rry I()) nd rUI ph in is 0) 1ry " .. ... .. st is ia D The Rolliqg_ Stones rock•ton The Music Scene o New r.30pm<i' I CJ) Tiie Mt1nsleta (C) (30) Notlder9 l4 (C) (60) Nm (C) (30) 7:80 CIS &taiq Ntw1 (C) (30) W11ttr Cronkite. 0 WllJt'a My Unt? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m T• Teti U. r..-(C) (30) G1ny Moore hosts. m .... u. a.ct <C) <Jo> Jack N1rt hosts. ' Co••ditJ/ ,_. ..... t @ ....., .. (C) (90) me September," stamna Roel Hudton ind Sandra Oet. I All9ra! (30) Ci),,.. • c:.....-(C) ( ) I Ceut'1 WOf".d (C) (30) 1'1t lilr1 (C) (30) 7:30 9 ~ ,..... (C) (60) "Stryker.' former Dodae City M•r· lh1I »sh Stryker (Morpn Wood- ward) returns to town after IS 1e1rs in priJOn llffina wenaunce a11lnst his succesaor, M1rshll Oil· Ion, whose testimony helped con· vict him for killlna 1n unarmed man. Other &uests lncluct. Joen Vin Ark IS Sarah; Ind ~II Dino Ind Mills Wltaon u Jessup 1od Reqer. omMJ w..w .......... II (C) (30) '1.itUe Girls Ale 5'1Pf ;ind Spice-and Not Atnys Nice." faclna defut 1t chest by hit 10- yur·old dauatiter. Jofln llooroe ima(ina three ways out. udl ol which would make mcnina hud- lines. 0 GISELE MacKENZIE * IS UNSTUMPABLE? e.., ...... CC> <30) ... Stokey welcomes pats 6isete Mac. Kenzie, Perrez Rodriauez ind Ste· P-hln Youna. o @mm111ie .... ScNt (C) (4S)l.rry Hankin. Christopher Roa. lily Tomlin, Chris BoUno, David Sttlnbtr1 end Paul Reid RomJn host. Janis Joplin 1uaU. f>llllllH $ Mov6r. ...... treat '-k111 htlllM" (comedy) '56- Tom Ewell. Annt fr1ncls. I,,. . ~ ..... (C') (30) J.W ............. (C) (60) ,....., c:.... (30) bltlr1I ...... Mil .... (30) (Buddhism aod Cflrbtl1n· lty." Aqn Witt.a contrasts tfltlt two lif•styla by comparina Chrlttlan and Orient1I MNts ol art. l a..-...... (30) l:tO 8' i.HP-11 (C') (60) Sonny and Ciier 1ttempt to ketp up widl the Joneses on this edition of the show. II Jlcl ...., (30) Bob Hopt pats. ID 0--"' a D1J (C) (30) Diet Cutlb hostL I ..... "'*• (60) w..w ,.... (C) (60) .. ,.,... .(90) ti5 CffHI> EB f.>, ••• '"''• {f5) ..,,. 11 h SUd." A ..,.... 11... atrfUa BolM• •• laM and ... ,.. aperi....C It b1ed to pmenl Ill ........ l:JI. QI Cl)....... 1-J (C) (30) Coodao. ol • tw.-Plff -.,. Ulc(a tffofts to woa Crlic at U. U.S. Aif Force ~ ._ ....... to f1il•• II .... c:ont'- to ...... tM ldloef'• ~ em. a tbr•ltar ,.._.,, fOI UM janitor. and~in Harold RabliM The Survivors • Premiere9:00pm (i) robert w.morgan ShOW in COlOI 4:30 PM/MOHOAY·fRIOAY flipper inCOlOI 5 PM /MONOAY·FRIOAY 6:30 PM/SUNDAYS candid camera 5:30 PM / MONOAY·FRIOAY THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 MONDAY (Continued) Carthy as Phlllp; Ralph Bellamy IS -Bruins In Action (C) (30) Tommy Baylof; and Michael Vincent as ir.111 Jeffrey. Prothro analyzes the rame between fl) HolV Opera (60) the UClA Bruins and the Badrers. EI) Black Journal (C) (60) Exclu· m ~1,r'°:!n~) (~90) )(60) sive interviews with Eldridre Cleav. 1 m ., er and Stokely Carmichael are fea . 9:00 8 Qt (j) Maybeny RFD (C) (30) tu red In this first Pan·Americln 1 Sam dusts off his old musical act Cultural Futlval held In Al(iers this the from Army days as an emergency past July. flll·in at Morelli's roadhouse. He, 9:30 8 t.8J (f) Dofls Day <C) (30) The Milie, Howard and Emmet pitch in loss of loliys frog causes the m•a· tD savel the cafe when poor at-azlne to lose a needed bank loan. tendance threatens to close It. B News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 0 @ 00 m NBC Monday Movlr. m He Said, She Said (C) (30) Joe (C) "Du., at Diablo" (western) '66 Garaaiol• hosts. -James Garne<, Sidney Poitier, I RMsta Muskal (30) Bibi Andersson, Dennis Weaver, Biil 10:00 Qt (I) Carol Bumett (C) (60) Travers. A hOfSa wranaler and a s nainr star Haney Wlbon and frontier scout run into problM!ls Bernadette Peters who appeaf9d In J with Apache Indians. the off·Broadway ~usleal "Dames at D RETURN H111 Come Ult stars Sea," Join Carol In "They Don't (f) (60) Georre Jessel welco~es Make Them like That Anymore." a Willie Mays, who is roasted by 811.ly three·part spoof of movies of the Eckstlne. Georae Shearing, Stu G•.I· '30s, 1 muslc-and·comedy feature. Ham, Curtiss & Tracy, and Louie The Burgundy Street Slnrers, from Q~lnn. Abo on the rostrum are the Jimmie Rodrers summer series, Willie McCooiey, Vin Scully, Paula also appear on the program. Stewart. Jane Kean and Gene Baylos.. 0 @fti>'6 PREMIERE The SUr-0 IT'S HAPPENING-= Ja~yle 6J>ima~~;~~= re= * NEWS witti TOM R£0DINI tlon from the Carlyle Bank of his g NIWI (C) (60) son·ln·law, Philip Hastlnrs. because C1J G) PREMIERE l.Alft, of embezzlement Refusing to re. A n ~ (C) (60) Robert slin. Phlllp threatens to reveal that Cummlnp. Jane Wyatt, Flip Wilson, Jeffre'1 Is not really his son. Philip Gall Fisher. Eddie "Rochester" An· reminds Baylor of their agreement derson, Michael Callan, Yvonne -that Philip would have a secure Cralr and Penny Fuller star in career In the bank If he married stories about the eternal trianrte. 81ylO<'s sister Tracy when It was love In a pool hall. and love and discovered that she was pregnant youn1 swinrers. Cast: Ulna Turner as Tracy; George fJ Della! (C) (60) Guests are The Hamilton as Duncan; Kevin Me· Mad Lads and London Lee. 6 30 PM / MONDAY FRIDAY dick vand~ke the gam gg,m show 6 PM /MONDAY·FRIDAY 7 PM/SUNDAYS 1969 my u ll u UCfU· Cleav. e , ... efican -s this I) Tht m•a· loan. rs. !}) Joe I (60) and red In 11es at Don't re." • >f the Jature. • from ser1es, DINI loft, Robt rt Yllson, .,,, An· rvonne :ar In lanste. 't and re The I Peny Muon (60)- hwtllde Roundu}> (60) flrift& LIM (C) {60) Mas Alla de 11 Muertt (C) (30) 10'.30 @I) Un GritD en 11 Obsalridad (30) 11:001',JJ"f= (C) • PREMIERE TM Movie Gl•t ( ) Sonny Fox hosts a pm• show that tuts the movie knowled&e of audience and auests alike. This week's panel are Bob Hope, June Allyson, Cesar Romero and Pat Crowley. Anny Arthtrd Is featured. I Out. llwllts (3) ~ (6) 9 ()) News (C) ma>irews (C) 11 :30 1J ~ (l) MtfY Griffin (C) D tiJ 00 m Jo•n111 Catton <C> Frank Sinatra Jr. Is amonc the scheduled auests. D Movlt: "Dod»r Rllytb11" (mu- Slcal) '38 -Bina Cr~Y. BHtrlce Liiiie. fJ (ii) CI> EE JoeJ 11111op CC> Ed Ames, Rich Little, and Alt & Honey are scheduled auests. 0 Movie: "Not IS a Stran(lf"' (drama) '55-Robert Mitchum. m Movie: "lltt Ctetpln( Unknown" (li(irror) '56-Brlan Donlevy. 12:00 m Movie: "The lachtlor ind tM ~byso..,.. (comedy) '47 -Cary Grant, Shlr1ey Temple . 1:00 fJ Movie: (C) .. stap tit TllCIOn" (western) '51-Rod Camtron, Wayne Morris. DUNtw1 (C) IJ Community lullltln Board (C) m Action Tllet1r1: "The Kiiier Is Loose." Th~e saucy comedies about Love,AmericanStyle ePremierell:OOpm@ 11111! TUESDA Y SEPTEMBER JO For mornln1 and afternoon llatlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All lta· tlons reserve the rlcht to change proerammin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO U (C) "Double Cmsbofttl" (com· ecly) '51-0on.ld O'Connor, Helena Carter. 9:JO a "Dlllt" (romance) '43--Blnc Crosby, ()()rolhy Lamour . 0 "Tltt Wiit Point .,.. (com· edy) '50 -Virclnla Mayo, James Caaney. m "lady lttd'' (comedy) '46- Robert Youna. Frank Morren. 12:00 D "Sly It In frtndl" (comedy) '31-Ray Milland Irene HtfVey. 2:30 e "The llttlt Kldnappen" (dra- ma) '54-0uncan MacR11, Adrienne eom. 4:30 IJ ''Wiier• Daftl'lr llwll" (mys. tery) 'SO-Robert Mitchum, Faltll Oomerrut. (Continued) S PM/IATUR~YS E 111111 the gyengers whats m\.I line? ll'ICOlOlt 7 PM IMONDAY·fRIDAY TONIGHT FIRST RUN ! THE &HEAT AMEllCAll PASTIME lLW EWW./ MME FRNICIS ~~~1~5 'della' 7:30 PM /MONDAY·SUNDAV 2:30 PM /SUNDAY lnCOlOlt 10 PMfMOHDAY·fRIOAY 1%'cia\4 show ~~,~~RIDAYS the~ m g{,1 e ll :'c'6!'~SOAYS nflGAME OF THE WEEK 99,.me 11 PM/MON/TUESIWEO/SAT/SUN ,... 15 I lhea11 Of Jeannie . 7:30, .. Color •ax.om ra 1•111r oee .... / ~ ' The Debbie Reynolds Show &:00, New Show I .. Color :RcO.c :x:es ... ~ :>e -- ~ 02! s--._ :es: :v ~~:er~--..~ r.-.er :a. c'f t:re a"". .. _ e s--ea ~( ) ;x:ses a ~~ :)e!"a: ~~ ~rs.. --. . ,. .. . . . . r.y (Coatlliud) HI 11 GET fl STRAIGHT *FROM TOM REDOtN! i:Gllllm ..... cq tfD> ~ny ~ emu .,,, 9'; lt} ~ 8 STEVE'S HO DUMMY-* PAUL WlNCHEll Guests! 1J sa.. Alla a. tc) rtCI') Pi ul ir..a. Mer9et bst m Rip TIJ'IU ~ IJ Sil O"a.:t lllllic _,. IRll:ICt ...,.. 'Grm) -SS c l lqen, lreae ~ 0Ddf•~f3'3'1 8 TAKE THE STUMP FOR * SOME REAL FUN MOW! ........ S1lrs tC ... S....i.sts. ts! >~ul Rtp ilfS =-M IS {30) .. To .. ••• nm ... ,.._ r W! Mt Groove to new excitement with The Mod Squad 0 @(I) @:m Jufl1 (C) (30) "The includes hundreds of the Dutch Undereraduate." Julla becomes SU$-master's pictures culled from mu· piclous of Corey's male babysitter 1eums all over the world. The pro. when he accomplishes the wortt o rr•m Is 1 kind of portrait of Rem· two people. Ketty Lester end Glynn brandt es seen throu&h his own Turman guest work and throufh film footlp ol 8 R£1'URN Win With the Stirs (C) contemporary Holland. scenes which (30) Host A.lien Ludden welcomes echo the settlnas for his drawln11 auests Ruta Lee and Cliff Arquette. and palntlnp. o rm cv m Movie °' • weet: m ttor. c3o> (C) '1't llHIOrtll" (drama) '6~ ft....., (j) Christopher Georae. Sany Sullivan, 9:30 if) 1e.1 The '°"""°' and J. J. Carol Lynley, Ralph Bellamy, Jessica ( ) (30) A traffic ticket received by Walter. The lives of 1 younr racing J. J. adds to the political woes of driver·mechanlc and 8 ruthless mil· Governor Drinkwater, who has been 1«used of favoritism In maklna lionalre become intertwined when appointments, and he decides that the millionalre, near death tro.m it can't be fixed or he'll face new the crash of a plane, makes a mir· crltiCism from the press. aculous recc>'lery after a blo;<>d lnlns· I Ntw1 (C) (30) Ted Meym. fusion. }he you.nr man s blood He Slid, SM Said (C) (30) makes him Imperishable. • ClludM ~ellantt (C) (30) m Dmd Fmt (C) (90) The lie Valley (C) (60) 10:00 1J 9 Cl) 60 Min"-(C) (60) Tlle French Chef (30) "French Salad Mayonnaise." CR> g TOTAL NEWS TODAY 9:000@@ mNac TUlldlJ Nov-*WITH TOM REDDIN! le: (C) "TM !alaklest Go In tlN I m Nen (C) (60) West." (comedy) '68-Don Knotts. ()1) Cl) G) Mamll WtlbJ, M.D. Barbara Rhoades, Jackie Coopn, ( ) (60) "The Foal." Or. Welby Donald Sany. Knotts portrays an tries ta help a retarded child Eastern dentist ~eadlnr west who achieve a breakthroufh to reellty gets lnvol~ed with a lady ~an.dlt and open the door ta his future turned federal •rent, whose mlSSIOft frowth is to track down gun sm11Qters. · g SMwcase 5 (C) (60) A video fJ Dtll1! (C) (60) Guests are The portrait of Stan "The Man" Musial, Dells and Jackie Wilson. baseball's newest entrant In the ID Peny MaMtl (60) Hall of Fame. &> ltntllde hund1111 (60) fB Horse o,..... (60) fE F11bn (60) "The Worid of Ell) NET Festival (C) (60) "In Bossa. Nova," examines Brazil's Search of Rembrandt" A documen· chan11ng music scene. tary, narrated by James Maton, that IE Na Alla de la M.U (C) (30) e fiew 10:00111'@ 1:00 R MM: '1\e SIWP" (drem1) ·4~obert Ryan, Audrlf Tottlr • DDNtn<C) • Cell••• 1.ii.a .. INnl (C) ID Adlell l1lutni: "ROid to the 811 House." 2:00 m All·Nlatlt SMw: "The H1pplelt Days of Your Life" and "lady 0. diva Rida Apin." ,... 17 ! 1f iii; !1 1 ;II I liilli ~ 1111 .. mg t I~·-11--I ~ *•I ·~ ;1 •: I -u II • 11~ f ~ 111 li li~l"'1 t ~ -• __ J~ Un! J,1! h _ i .. _ufH 1 ! *' ; *' *• I ~ m~i!!1r---!•!i 1r. !iiiiflHi ;;!!EH~ m ~ i 'JI' 11ai BB Iii •: i ~~ ~a 11 I 11 ' ~ t. r J ji• m r -! ~ 9 ~I f, ~ s J i - 7:001J CIS Ewe1a1 NIWS (C) (30) Witter Cronkite. 7:30 fJ Mlt'a 11J UH? (C) (30) Willy Brunet hosts. m To Tell Ille T""' (C) (30) G1rry Moore hosts.. m tat 111e a.ct ct> <~> Jacti N1~ hosts. . I Co•moditJ/Slltd hpert (30) (6) Allftal <C> (30) Aiirl! (30) CI> Trudi or c:.n.quo.ea (C) (30) m W1.-tat (C) (30) &) n.t Clrt (C) (3C) IJ The Glen Campbell * Goodtime Hour with guests Georce Bums and Sarah Vaughn fJ am ca. c.11•11 <C> <GO> Georte Bums ind Sarah · v1upn suest. o a oo m n.o vqw.. CC> (90) "H1lfway Back From Holl." tr1mpu ls oomm1ndoored to help sil prilon probatlonon lam ranch· In& In tho f1co of UMIUOMblo oppolitioft from noertly townt10U1 ind 1 local Nf'lhll. Wllll1m Win· dom, John Dthnor, Port., 8-, Murray lbcl.od, Suun Honnt, Ktl!y Thontsen Ind Del Monroe ruest. 8 GISELE'S THE STAR & * STOKEY THE STUMPER! ... ., ... Siiis (C) (30) a <Hl ()) m n. """' .._ <C> (JO) "Spuktho Speech, I Prey You." Robert C11mmlnp cuata u Flther ursen, e priest, who has spent 111 hll life In tcholarty ,.. sttrch, then suddenly leflt to con- vent Sin Tineo IS tht new portsll priest An eqiert It 15th-century scrolls, F1thtr u,_n Is compllttlJ 1t 1 lou when it comt1 to afflclat· Ing 1t b1nqutts, wtddlnas, funo,.ls and other partsll tvtnts. The •II· munln1 Stahr Btrtrillo dtdd• to hel..-.nd the fun bollnsl 0 Mllllol $ MtN: (C) "'I c:.11 ce 0. .,... (drama) '63 - Judy Garland, Dirt Boc1rde, Jae~ Kulim1n. Sinpr, who llVO up her illegftlmat. ton In order to con· tinue her career, y .. rs liter visits tht boy who bet~ hlmttlf to be ldopted child of his rHI f1ther. All th'" lives Ire emotion1l!y dlstupt· ed before the Pf'Obltm II relOlved. I Trd or c:....-(C) (30) Jlldd ..... ...,_ <C) (60) J.,a a. Coob (30) "Min· darln PanaiU.." mc.....o1 ... <30> l:GO 11 J.cl ... ., (30) Peter lorro ~mmn. ~ .. ~ ,... (C) (30) "And £.ddlo Mlbl Thl'M." The rol'l\lnc:e at Tom O>rtiett and Lynn Burton founders on 1 tNI run with Eddie. D11na Muldaur iuesta. I Qlleltt tlr I DIJ (C) (30) SI,._,. n.tro (60) Jm U., (30) Tenor ~ ist Bud FrMm.ln 1U11b. ., •• ,1c111 ........ (30) (Continued) 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .. I 1 ti Mey be used on envelopes as return &ddress lobels. Also very handy as identification labels for marling personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marl:ing home canned food items. All labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper and pecked in reusable magic seal top container. I Mrs..anm..hwt. ... ,.,.. RCNd Co.ta Mesa. c.M. f2'i26 I r - - - - - - - - --- - --, I ,.. a. .w. ~,... c.1;" • .., -n wfflt s 1.00 t.: Net ~LAI .... or. ..... 117', I I .... ,erl ~ c.tif. n'6J. I I I I , -------------------------------------····--------------· J I ···--··--·········---·-····----------·~---------------· I I I I ·······-·····················--···---------------------I I ....... -,_ z;" c.4• I I I PILOT PRINTING L _________ ._,._ __ ..J ..... 20 FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIB..5 WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA&E MAIUN& LAIB..5 • ............. .... THE DAILY PlLOT. TV WED<. SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 WD>flESDA Y (Continued) ~II Cil CiJ 1'I .._., Hlllllia (t) (30) The Clampetts arrift in the mount.in town " Sihef Dollar City, where Granny starts a feud with EJvema Bradshaw. Meanwhile, bact home in 8em1y HUis, Drys. dale dres:ses U a hippie to placate Jettln>'s collqe protesbn who bne ttiratened tD protest his bank. ~ ltull HiPIPb (C) (30) Taped hilhliitrts al Sunday's 1ame be- t...! the Rams and the Atlant. Falcons.. o cmm m ... m cC> <30> "Fun"' Boy." Pete's class Is dis· rupted by studeat Harvey Butdler, who rnasb his feelinp about be- '"' flt and unattrldive by clown-Inc. Elliott Street ruests. I DlwW Ff91t (C) (90) "-lie Valley (C) (60) IMl a.t (C) (30) Edwin Cor· ie,'s 1C1COUnt " the "Siere" of Manhattan by an elpertty trained corps of bladl militants. f.!) Sawisa (30) t.GO fJ 9 (j) ~ical c.1lr (C) (60) The blllila on a young boy's body c:onrince Dr. Joe Gannon that his pitiefit is the rictlm of child beat· Ina lnsteed of the fall nl90rted to Mm by the f1thtr. Robert unsjni. Dyan Cannon ruest. II KRAFT MUSIC HAU EnieY warmhearted comedy with the people in Room 2'll * The Friars Club 11-.. 8 30 Roasts Milton Berle e l1':W : llll<i' e ctJ oo m 1ratt Mak ""' CC> '--------=-----.1 (60) "The Friars Club 'Roasts' Mil· ton Bef1e." Al1n Kl Ill is the roast· mater as Uncle Miltie takes a 1 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~= • • • • •• rlbbin1 from expert wits, lndudlna ----------------------------------Jadl BennJ, Henny Younaman, Jan Murray, Bbhop Fulton J. Sh•n, Don Drysdale, Irvin( Benson, Red Buttons and Steve Lawrence'. O Wresttltta (C) (60) Dick Lane and Mik.t LeBell can the action. Toni&ht's card is Rocky Johnson and wor1d champ Dory Funk. o ~mm ABC w.s...., Movl« <Cf 'fett. Don't Run" (com· edy) '66-Cary Grant, Samanthe Euar. Hilarious compllcatlons en· sue where it 111 heppens at the Tokyo Olympics. Sftvla 1 £nrlqM (60) I= I~ (C) (60) 9:30 Nftl (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ... Slid, Siie Slld (C) (30) 10:00 9 (j) HNlll FJw..O (C) (60) A rare scent depictln1 the Japanese art of Nlnlitsu is featured as Mc- Garrett pu11ues a Nlnjitsu expert who escapes from 1 mental lnstl· tutlon In Hawaii to fulfill his assi1n- ment of l8 years afC>-Ubotap P .. t1 Harbor minutes before the Japanese aerial attack. Mark Len· ard 1!!...esls. 0 13:3 @ m 1'tn ea .. ltoMoe (C) (60) "A Famine Where Abund· ance Grows." Bronson finds himself the man·ln·the-mlddle betw"n a lovely wic!Ow and her love-struck. tHna1e daufhter. Char1otte Stewart, Carol Rossen, Paul Gleason and Jerry R1ndall auest. 0 HE TELLS IT LIKE IT * IS! TOM REDDIN! D m News (C) (60) B Dtll1I (C) (60) Redd Foo 1uests. CE) PtrTy M110n (60) EJl) Spetulation (60) "Gifted Chil· dren Re¥islted." Keith Ben.ick re- interviews three 1ifted children from the Los Anteles Mirman School. film clips of the childrtn'a first appearance are 1lso shown . @!) Mn Alli dt la Mt1tt1a (C) (30) 10:30 E!) Un Crfto tn II Oblcuriclld (30) 11:001 om mm""" <C> A1fied Hitdlcoct • Tiie Mowte 11.. (C) Outlr U•lb Ci) Qt (j) Ntws (C) 11:15U@(J)(i)N .... (C) u :30 II a (j) .. ..., crifflA <C> ~@ m Jo11MJ Canon <e> 0 Mwle: (C) "llaD of Nooa" (ad· venture) '47-William Holden, Anne Barter. fJ Movie: (C) "RaltJ 'Ro11nd ttle Flaa. lop" (comedy) '5~1ul Newman, Joanne Woodward . CE) Mtvlt: "C4'y ToaP" (mystery) ·s~John SUon. Lind• Cfistal. ll:AS 0 @ Cl) a> Jo., lbhop (C) Saxophonlst·slnpr Boots Randolph Is a scheduled iuest. 12:00 m Movlt: "Slla.,'1 Humane" (dram•) '49 -Richerd Widmar1c, Ven>nica lake . 1:00 IJ Morit: "Keeper of U.. Fla ... " (dram•) '0-Spenc:er Traey, Kith· 1rine Hepburn. Coll•anltJ a.Jlttiit Board (C) I """ (C) Actioft T'llel1rt: "Private Hell." l:lS UNews (C) 1:30 m AIJ.Nlpt Sllow: "Dtsert War," ''The Witches' Mirra(' ind "Mr. Emm1nutl." The Virginian 7 :30, In Color Not only is Trampas (Doug McClure) falsely arrested as an escaped prisoner; he's asked to stop a sheriff from kill· ing a real escapee. It's the eighth great season for one of television's most popular, most ex· citing Westerns. IN COLOI TONIGHT ON IOIC""~• -· Kraft Music Hall 9:00, In Color "Th e Friars Clu b 'Roasts' Milton Berle." Host Alan King is joined by such stars as Jack Benny, Jan Murray and Henny Youngman. ••• Then Came Bronson 10:00, New Show, In Color Bronson finds himself sought after by two women-who happen to be mother and daugh· ter. Young Michael Parks stars as Bronson. Paa• 21 VOLKSWAGEN Servi<:(: le Repau General Repairs, Automatic transmissions. too! Petttr kll..__nt c.rtllW Mulw M tdllftk 2073 Harbor l lwd. Costa Mesa, '41-UTl WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT Rebuild -Remodel Kitchens, Baths Etc Fr~ estimates 646-5219 or 645-1716 Neec' a Carpenter? • Paneling, shelving, room addi- 1 ion!>, cabinets. Call Phil 142-2647 96a-5220 • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! NEW LAWNS Re-seeding, complete lawn care. Clean up by job or month. Free estimates. For Information call 146-0932 -lfl-1 HS Plumbinf( Repair Drain Cleaning -Free Es timates - SPEEDY PLUMBING 24 Hrs. &: W~kend Work 546-2317 or 540-7217 Plumbing Repair 241 hour nrvlce Wate1 Heaters & D1soosals 10'7r Cash Discoun t B of A & Master Charge Call Luks -642-0341 AUTO TIRES CEMENT WORK GARDEN COUNSELOR SCHOOLS HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES New & Custom Retreads Exceptional values! 141 B East 16th St. Costa Men Call Bury, 646-4540 CARPET * FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 C.ly Service and Quality Work ... CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-8520 \~ DIAMOND \fiW/ carpet c1aanint "Charnp1or" Method' • Soil retardent • Shampoes deep • Expert and guaranteed Fr" estimate 645-1317 Windows u lrtyt JOHNNY DUNN Your local serv1c". 15 years ex- perience. Free estimates Call 642-2~ CARPET CLEANING Good Service-Special Shampoo Guaranteed · Lo"' Prices '46-5774 HouHclHnlng & Genera l Maintenance Good references -Reasonable: Ca ll '46-60M Patios -Walks -Driveways Licens( • Reao;onablc Ratef -Free Estjmates - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION 642 .... 210 or 673-6675 eves. WE SIT e ETTElt INC Sut>tldl1ry of Gerber Prod. Co. Pr91-loftfl Suwrvlsie=' for dllldrrt, ttftr1y & conv'leKenl •NYTlllitE·ANYWHEltE Sitting Pretty Agency ••• 64.2-327·4-· nc opportunities avai a le now for: Housekeepers, Cooks, Mother's Aides, Chauffeurs. Butler~. Go.or~ Allen llvland Aqency Emoleyer Paya l<N 106-8 E. 16th. SA S47-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN Ne Job Too Small Prompt Service Reasonable rates! Call S4S-4614 EXTERMINATING Termites, Rats, Roaches, Fleas & Ants Extenninated (License No 3626> JOHNSTON, 549..0116 Qua lit) Exoerienced-Capable Call 642-1407 anyt im e Vets Bonded WallpaHrlng & Painting -lC Years in AreP Licensed and Insured ReasonablE: Rates Interior -Exterior Call 642-0427 anytime Need Painting? Call usl Reliable service with quality at its best, at the most reasonable prices! Free ''l'limat<'s ~2 Palntin9, PafMrhanging Top Ref«enceal Costs less, lasts longe1 , look!' better ! Call 540-0314. 549-2108 UPHOLSTERY & REPAIR TV SERVICE $4.98 HOUSE call on all color makes or drop 11 off before 10 A M & nick it up at 5 PM. Harbor Television Service lUO Whittier <corner 19th I Costa Meu 536-3377 CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & Repair Euronean Craftsmanship 100'7< Financing -Continuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Lari::('St St>lection of Fabrics 1131 Newport Bl .. Costa Mesa 642-14S4 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL GradH 1 -1 Where th~ Prosrram fits the child! 540-4060 or 54&-1751 eves Nursery School Infants to 5 years Xlnt care & instruction Very reasonable rates! Call 9U-4356 FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Als" Aircraft Rentals Insured-Certified instructors. Call S49-0126 PRACTICAL NURSING On-the-job hospital training Free placement Nur .. $ Tralnina Institute of Orange County 4016 W. Commonwealth Fullerton 525.7521 Sita·~ Monteuori School <Fonnerlv Clavio; Montessori\ Ages 2% to 6. Give your child the finest education! 1525 N. Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mfla 646-3706 CRAFT CLASSES Valley Bike & Hobby 17071 Magnolia (At WArnerl Call 142-3777, S45-0377 IT ·s Js I. ), :i THURSDAY OCTOBER 2 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 1J (C) .,The Tout ot Ntw Orleans" (comedy) '50-Marlo Lanza, Kath· rY" Grayson. 9:30 0 "JM Lins ot • hnpl lancer" (adventure) '3~arY Cooper, SI Guy Standlnc. B (C) "CartouclW' (adventure) '64 -Jean-Paul Belmondo, Claudia Cardinale. ID (C) "I Dream of Junnlt" (dra· ma) '51-Ray Middleton, Lynn Bari. 12:00 O ''Lit. Witts Henry" (comedy) '41-Jackle Cooper, Eddie Bracken. 2:30 0 "Sprinf In Park Lane" (musJ. cal) '47 -Michael Wlldlne, Anna Neaele. 4:30 6 (C) "You C.n't Run Away Fro• If ' (romance) '56-Jick Lemmon, June Allyson. £VfN1Nr. 6:00 6 The Blc News (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. 0 m HuntltJ·Brinkley (C) (30) 0 Sfevt Alltn Sbow (C) (90) Phyl- lis Newman, Johnny Mathis and Jesse White euest 0 Six O'Ctoct Movit : (C) "Froe tht Terrace" Part I (drama) '00- Peul Newman, Joanne Woodward. World War II veteran decides to eo a1ainst family wishes and aoes Into buslne$$ for himself. He finds mar· ria1e to a wealthy cirt a social aid, but falls In love with someone else. B Dick Van DP• (30) OJ CHRIS CONNELLY stars * in PEYTON PLACE 6 PM tD Peyton Place <C) (30) &) star Trtll (C} (60) @ (3) Mike Douefu (C) (90) tE) Whafs New (30) "The Emperor Penguin." Muri Oeuslna returns to the Antarctic to compare types of penguins with the emperor penguin. I (J) CBS News (C) (30) tfimpo de Pardon (30) Nm (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 KNBC NIWtervice (C) (60) • The Same Same (C) (30) OJ STRANGE PARADISE IS * INTRIGUING AT 6:30 I stranft f'aradlse (C) (60) Offlct of Ute Prtlldent (30) @ HuntltJ·Brlnkltf (C) (30) P11Jfn1 the Suitar (30) "Sona Recital." Instructor Frederick Hoed Illustrates various forms of vocal accompaniment. Bill Johnson and Julie Domac are featured sin1in1 En1tish, Scottish, and Irish sonp.. ~ (j) TIM Munttm (C) (30) Daniel Boone 7:30, In Color After discovering and hiding an injured run- away slave, Daniel's boy Israel and the Ne- gro's son are menaced by vicious bounty hunt- ers. Fess Parker stars as dauntless Dan 'I, the most dari ng of p io- neers. Sixth action sea- son for this series. IN COLOR TONIGHT ON IOllC"~~· -· Ironside 8:30, In Color Tonight, Ironside tries to bring a corrupt sher-. iff to justice. Raymond Burr is Ironside. Dragnet 1970 9:30, In Color Friday (Jack Webb) and Gannon (H arry Morgan) deal with as clever a burglar as they have ever met. \ The Dean Martin Show 10:00, In Color Tonight 's guests are Sebastian Cabot, The Golddiggers, Stanley Myron Handelman ; Bob Newhart, Caterina Valente. Among up- comi ng guests are Vict o r Bo r ge , Tony Bennett, Bing Crosby. Pa1e 23 Tlm!sasal ··~'*·· The Ghost and Mrs.Muir Pal•24 ~y (Conll I S) I I • I •• 1' (C) (81) ,. cas &mill -R (30) .... Clwlllilt. ..... a.a (C) (10) I~:~~~ c .,, ... ~ ~-~ .. (C)(lO) ~(l)Tna • C I • (C) m ,,.. "* I , (C) (lO) I m ni.e ~ CC> <JO> 1:11 II 9 (I) hlllr Mlllir <t> (30) Ae a-<mwid r...a, ~ ,,_ ,,_ brm ID U .. Bil fw ... • ,...., • jab. u.de Bil hilll ._. ID .U, for a f• ~ but is mt.bed by die ~ ol ff~ -dlle dlldra BriM KeiUI. Sehnti-c.ot, MIU bes. .IDtllnie WllitaMr -&lrwr lbr. Gmsts .... Dau Aedrtws, .... Or-.,to4l. a_, .... ~ -Saia G.wrltt. a ta oo m...., .._ ce> (60) "The Rold ID F,..,.._.. a.. el BOOM is i~ ill die ~ a.d ewatmf freedom of I tla'8 Md his Dl Ao,d ~ .Jim Daris and 6eofp 5'111 pest .,..., ..... CC> (lO) 0 llZ (])ED n. a.-_. 111r&. llllir (C) (30) 1'here's 1 s.I in My s.ttrtub." Mrs.. M Pit's dtllclren find an injured tell on the beldl stiortJy before ~ um aay. "'°"e II hefpinc hunt I lell tJ"1 bl bet.ti dalN li"I fishemlen' s N'ls. ntE DAILY PllDT. TV WED<. SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 Anlnw rlfllt•Ck• Bewitched D..._$ .... : <C> .......,, -----------•-----------...,. {comedy) '63-Jolln • .,... lM M ltYin. ElliabeUI A11et1.. m Trd w Cn11,rr Hes (C) (30) m""" .., .,.. Def-. (C) <60> fB Tedlllial C... (30) m Dec , ... , (30) "The Con- terVltiff Man, The Conserntiw Churdtman." Host John RousaMot. former U.S. Conpasrnan d.isa.tues the dturdt' s position on IOCUI Pfl)blems with iuat c.rron L Sctil&lter, eueutiw of the Synod of Southern Califonria United PresbJ· teriln Church in the U.s.A. ma..-• .... <30> l:GO ti 9 (j).. ...... ..... (C) (60) Carol Burnett is .mr ruest for this ftlw starrlnc Jim Nabots and Frank Sutton, with Ronnie Sctiell and Karen Morrow. IJJad...., (30) 0 @ (}) (E TW 51r1 (C) (30) "My Part Belonp to Daddy." Ann's first dlreetini 1ai111ment is the I annual variety show in BrlWStet In which her father always sinp "Min· nie the Mooc:hef." Don Hofllnpr t.ils that it would be 1 bl1 miJ.. take for her IX> make her directinc debut on 1 show that her father is perf 0<min1 In. m ~ fw I DIJ (C) (30) fB SI,._ n.tr't (60) fll) WlllllnrtH We9' 11 ._._ (C) (30) e.hlnd·the·heldlines 1n11ysis of C.pltol Hill news by correspond- ents Neil M1tNeil, Peter Uup and Charles Cordry. Mr. Max K.am- pelmann modera:es. m Fe11da..i <C> <30> l::lO 0 ~ Ci) iE IMIWe (C) (60) "Poole's Paradise." set £d Brown's life is jeopardized when an acaped priJoner forces him to aid In his flicht from a comJpt sheriff's do- main. Steve Forrest, Cl u Gut aJet, Bill Smith, Louise Latham Guest 0 loaiac (C) (90} Mickey Davies and Tom Harmon are rinpide 1t the Olympic Auditorium. o crnmm ... 1tcMc1 <t> <30> ''Slmantlii's Caesar Salad." S•· mantlta has 1 surprise houseruest. Julius Cauar. and has trCMJble iettin1 rid of him. She asb her maid, Esmeralda, to make a Caesar salad. Esmeralda, aim 1 wttdl, d• cides to do it the easy way. But instead of a salad, she conjum up Caesar himself. Alice Ghostley ruests IS Esmeralda and Jay Rob· htson as Caesar. m Dftid frost (C) (90) m Tiie II& V1llef (C) (30) EJi) NET PllJfMMne (C} (90} "Rem· brandt" A new BBC productio!I. especially sta1ed for t.ievision and based on C.r1 Zuclunayer's 1936 film. Chroniclin& Rembrandt's re- lationlhlps with a trio ot dlssimil1r women. the play traces the painter's 1 rtistic ucent th rouati 1 life of financial decline. @m Muska 1 Elb'lllaa (C) (30) 9:00 ti ~ (j) C8S T\..S., lllorit: (t) "llle-lndplpe(' (drama) '6S- EJizabeth T ayl0<, Richard Burton, fv1 Marie Saint Set amid the splendor of Callfomi1's Bi& Sur, the stOfY tells or the compel lini love between 1 bohemian sir1 artist ind (Continued) 969 's id is ). r, 1) I· l e ,, r ,... t " t WATCH! n.eWEDNESDAY Col1rts1MD Of ECiclles"FatllU' ·ds o"d t 500 !; 111o"ieSr \t of ~,.,,os do"e , ,, , s o res" hO"e • o\s o cof1"11'derl c• a..·s o ,,,, \ Watch our latest discovery this Wednesday and call for your free audition now! The~of Eddies fc*r 8:00PM New! Meet Bill Bixby, Miyoshi Umeki,anda pint-sized he.art. stealer, Brandon Cruz, in a warm, gentle comedy. BRANDON CRUZ enrolled in Jimmy Lloyd's talent pool at Take I Productions in February, 19 68. Aher four weeks of preparation, ~ video tape scene was completed featuring Brandon. The Hal Shafer Agen- cy saw Brandon's video tape at Take I Productions and signed him to an agency contract the following month. Just three months later the .agency presented Brandon to M.G.M. Studio where he received a five year con- tract. His first role for M.G.M. will be a starring role in the new series "The Courhhi.p Of Eddie's father" Orange County Toll Free Call 547-6251 TAKE 1 PRODUCTIONS, INC. 1261 North Vine St. (213) HO 2·1397 (J ILOCKS SOUTH OF HOUYWOOD Ir VINE 4CIOSS sram FIOM JOEY llSHOP THIA Tiil) Pap 25 H2()M Tti~ T £~ V41JL ,._~WMA,._ ~,._~ WOOl>W.til?I) C()L()l? Tt1Ul?,()A.,.,•VAl?T I t=l?l()A.,., • VAl?T 11 Cti~~,_.~L 7 ~y (Coalinmd) I llli8i:stlf .... ii iadlnastw of I printa .... D @ ())Q)T• .... (C) (60) G..ts M DilMm Cama, 8of> Darill. 86aad. s..t ltld Tars, Md !mid~ .... ..,.. (60) EM ••h (30)-» tll a o oo m .... <C> <30) '"S..1.U._.:l'-Rine.." Friday ..S Gan- llOll tJd ... I bcqtlrty aaped aod ltleo maMf $25.000 WDf1!l loot ltiddeft in I hilttlJ unlikely spot_ D .. (t) (JO) Ted llC7'f1 ., ... s.w. • s.w (t) (30) FRIDA Y c:goBER 3 For mominc and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience~ are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to chance programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES fB ...._ ~ (JO) t:OO O "'Sil 14 1 llM'" (comedy) '34 1--a ~@m ._ ...,. (t) -w. c. fields. ct1ar1es Ruutes. (60) Goests •• Sebutiln Cabot. fJ "Her C.ANr~ lMer" {ro-Bob N-"art. Caterina Valente, mince) '42-Norma Shearer, George SlanMy lllyroa Halldlelun and The Sanders. Golddigen. ,..JOO "f•.,.._ HMn'° {dr1ma) '51 g m ._ (C) (60) _,aul Dourtas, Debra Patel. m ~ (adventure) '45- D @ CI>&>" T .. • llilf (C) Dick Powell Waner Slezak. (60) "!h°'ll B~ TM> MilflDft Dof. 10:00 0 ~ ltolUllCIS" (comedy) i,rsr 'Geofle. a spy, puts out '39-Bob Hope, Shit1ey Ross. the word thlt be has plu1Dnh.tm to 12:00 g "Dtd S..," (comedy) '33 - sell. lttncti9c intenst al fomtn The Marx Brothers. apnb 1Dd _Malnder M~. Mun-2.:lD 0 (C) ~-St.,.-(mys dar. wtio is aftef Gmrre s wares tery) '6G-Kenneth More Taina Elg tor the SIA. is wamed bJ Varina. 1 4:l0 fJ "'Criss-Cml" (myst~) '48 - local &il1. ~ ·~ attempt is to be Burt Lancaster. Yvonne De Clrto. made • his life. Peter Sellers N hs I special pest 1ppur1nce as the blrtlof master in the f9itode whidl .. filmed It Porto Ercole, r·vrN1"<L Italy. Guests are £.chqrd Binns as ~ fJ T1le Ila NIWI (C) (60) Jeny Wally Poftts, P.ota Prtaaora as Dunphy. Jannette. Jacques ttertin as Charlot (Continued) and John Russell as DIMr. D Dela! <C> <&0> m "'"' .. _ <60> tl)&MWil ..... (60) m s...-" s--(C) {2 hr) flt ... Ala • la ...... (C) (30) 16;30 g) u. '"" ... --liW (30) u:ao tJaommmm ._ <C> D MrM Hlldacl D m c... t1 n. w.-(C) m °""' Ulllb @ rn ~@ 9(j)"'-CC> u:JO tJ a CI>...., Wfil <C> D Q>@ mw..., c... (C) Joan Bennett Is 1 ldleduled pest "Mewil:: .,..... lad ........ (dr1m1) '41-<:h1r1a Boy«, Ollm de Hnilland. 11:45 D @ Cil ED JMr ..._, (C) D IIhwlr. "f.,. ii n. Attic" (dr.ma) '63--0eln Martin. Geral- dine Pare. Gene riemey. G) M..W. "Melrs ~ (weshnl) '56 -stephen MeNalty, PtQie CnUe. iz.-oo m ..._ "'Ctm •• ...,. Cd,.. m1) ·53 -Phytlls Cl!vert. lick Hawldns. 1:00 tJ ..... (C) "'Lat .. ... .. caaen" (ldventure) ·so -PauJ Htn11id, Jadt Oaklie. DD..._(C) D ~......, hllltiil ten (C) m AdlM l'llllh: ''CrooUd ar. cle." Monty Hall bids for laughs on Let's Make a Deal 1:45 co AIJ.NfcM sa.w: "Th• Lost is. -. ?.. 7n IQ,,, land of Klop," "M•rnificent Routh-• l;cJ\I pmw necb," and "'Tiie HoocMd Terror.'' '-----------"-------' 6:! II 1c 7:1l 7:3 I In r- '· ·e it- :o ,_ '34 ;. (ro· 1rge '51 5- dy) ~· :11. IDAY (Continued) D m HuntleJ·Brlnki.y (C) (30) 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Orson Bean, Oliver, Bob Crane guest O Sil O'aodl Movir. (C) "from the Ttrnc." Part II (drama} '60- Paul Newman. Joanne Woodward. fJ Diet Van Dyke (30) m DOROTliY MALONE stars * in PEYTON PLACE 6 PM I Peyton Place (C) (30) Star Trell (C) (60) CV Milt Dou&las (C) (90) What's New1 (30) "Peter and the Potter." A younr boy learns all about the art of pottery makinr while shopping for a present for his mother. 19 Ci) CBS Ntn (C) (30) m Tlempo dt hrdon (30) a> Ntn (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 KNIC Newservi~ (C) (60) • The Came , .. ,. (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts this brand new Chuck Barris aame show in which the audience takes • personality test alone with specjal celebrity auest panelists. This week's panel: Sandy Baron (co·star of Della), Anna Maria Alberghettl, and Richard Dawson (of Hogan's Heroes). m STRANGE PARADISE IS *CAMPY DRAMA AT 6:30 Stranft hradise (C) (30) Office of the Presidtftt (C) (30) (!) Huntley·lrinllley (C) (30) : Boolt But (C) (30) (R} Ci) Tbt Munst.rs (C) (30) • Notlcitro 34 (C) (60) • """ (C) (30) 7:00 B C8$ Eventn1 """ (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Mat's My Line (C) (30) To Tell tllt Truth (C) (30) Bttt the Clod (C) (30) Conimodlty/Stlodl Report (!) Cinema Showa.. (C) (90) "East of Sumatra," starring Jeff Chandler and Marilyn MDW!ll. m Abora! c3o> h H • h Qi (j) Trvttt ., c.u.quenca (C) 8 19 cJo> Ch I m A•erican Wut (C) (30) a pa rra &) Tllat Ck1 (C) (30) 7:30 B9CiJ Cet S••rt <C> (30) Max :30, In Color and 99 10 shoppinr for a baby ,__ ________ _ ~0u~ ~~e~~n~' f~~i:h:~~-~~re It's mutiny at the High anu missi1e-mm11e out of the ooun· haparral as Buck and try before they can be stolen by Bl t I th lronhand, the financial wizard who ue swear 0 eave e has made KAOS part of his Indus· ranch for good. But af. ~1mnti:,.m•~~.,., .. <C> <so> ter riding off, little boy "TheBrothers Cannon." Unde Duct Blue finds himself in angrily parts company with his brother John when• tonr·smoutder· rouble. Leif Erickson , Ina family futd Is brouaht out In ameron Mitchell and the open. B Stu•p Ult stars (C) (30) Linda Cristal star. (i1) (]) (B llt'a Make a Dal (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. fJ Mllllon $ Mwlt: "Elape Fro• N COLOR TONIGHT ON Eat ltrlln" (dr1me) '62-0on Mur· 1----------- ray, Kristine Kaufm1n, Werner II.em· perer, Karl Schell, ln1rid Van Ber· aen. Gir1 tryina to HClpt to West Berlin is saved from the Vopos by a younr men who hides her in his home where they start digrln1 a tunnel In his basement beneath Tht Wall. KtBC'~~· -· The Name Of The Game 8:30, In Color Starring in tonight's story: Tony Franciosa. Bracken's World 10:00, New Show, In Color Besides unjustly de- nouncing Sylvia's fa- ther, an actress causes so much trouble at the studio that Sylvia is ·obliged to take steps to bring her in line. Eleanor Parker stars in this real istic drama. ,... %1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 27. 1969 A MESSAGE from A.C.T * .. . , (: "This is a world of specialization we live in; the computer is here to stay. Stick your head in the sand and tell yourself it isn't happening, it's going away; but leave your head in the sand for five years and a com- puter will be sweeping the floors. In other words, unless you are specifically trained in a specific field , you won't even be qual- ified to swee p floors." Call 'foJI Free {714) 547-9471 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. ~~The ACADEMY of COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Union Bank Bldg. ( outh Tow~r) Orange .. Calif. 1969 ~ng HereCome the Brides Glen fHunpbeJJ sings tonight as JimPW Durante Presents The Lennon Sisters Hour • e New 10:0011Rc=b 1ntroduc1na 1'91 HealhkR .. 100118-llkl" ••• Iha 111-season Trall Ind •ow Bike , ••• , ,, ... tl. .... .: ... i1 tre1tif•'"' "Y dlei1t te tlli1 11 • 1.10 tv"•'••• fte•t•t1•1t·ty,. .;,... T\e ,..,vlt i1 Iii,._ 1te .. iHty e1t4 r•"'•''•"I• tfect101t 11114er elmHt •1ty 11trf•c~ <•"· 4ition. llltrodttdtMJ ltte H eotllklt Metal DetectOf "The Beach Combers cklight" "A Must far Prospectors" Rltdc.1-.~­ titwefrt, ,.-.d .. ...... M.,..,_..,.._. • ···-..... Ill '691 s23915 THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION --.... I FREE S.nd fOf' Our Huge C.talog It'• ,_ ,. Tff .., tlle ....... I HEATHKIT® ELECTIONIC conn -.. _.,, I ! ' ' I I • • -:.::" -.. ' To ,.ect. Ho•"-•it E'o~~•nic c ..... , •••• H•~•r 11"4, to lell Aff. ... t 01t lell • few aflort ttloc•• te JJO le1t .... or t••• Se'!t• A11e hoowey to Hu"°' lh-4., HM .. •r llY4. to l•ll. • fo• dleri Woe•• •114 Y••'ro lier• S.ALa & PAl'TS HIATHIUT n .. '42t no IAST I.AU. ANAHllM ...... ntE OAJLY PILOT, TV WEEJ<, SEPTEMBER 27, 1969 .;:;,.~ .. D !PORT! H/tJHl/tJHT!' ~>.,, .... ,.,].,.· .. , ~ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 9:30 AM D Notre Dame Footbell (C) Notre Dame vs. Purdue. 10-.30116 (i) NF\. Todey (C) S.F. 49ers vs. Green Bay Packers at County S tadium In Milwaukee. Wisc. I tD Ci) AFl Football (C) Oakland at Boston. 1:00 Ml. ~I (C) Miami at Houston. 00 AR. Football (C) New York at San Diego. 1::30 qels Baseball (C) Angels vs. Athletics. USC Football (C) USC vs. Northwestern. Taped. 2.-00 i IB~tllt ~ Bend National Hone Show (C) High· lights ot e annual equestrian classic include the Jumper Stakes. Walking Stakes, and Three and Five Gaited Stakes. 3!00 fJ P8dfic Southw9st Tennis Championships (C) Top amateurs and pros compete in live telecast from the L.A. Tennis Club. 4.-oo 8 A.lean Golf Tournament (C) UCLA FootbaU (C) Bruins vs. Wisconsin Badgers. Taped yesterday. 0 Collece Football 1969 (C) . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 8:.30 D Rams Hl&hlf&hts (C) Sunday's game between the LA. Rams and the Atlanta Falcons is analyzed. 9':00 D Wrfttlina (C) Rocky Johnson and world champ Dory Funk are featured. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 &30 D NEW SEASON Lakers Basketball (C) Lakers vs. Phoenix ~ns at Phoenix. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 10:00 AM B @ Ci) Major League Bueban (C) Doubleheader begins the Championship series with a divisional playoff between East and West Divisions of both the American and National Leagues. 6:30 I cm (I) NCAA Football (C) Mississippi at Alabama. &.-00 COHege Foott>.11 (C) San Diego State plays the San Jose partans at San Jose. · Moviesoltlle Week SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 28 9:00 O @ (})"Nevada Smith" stars Steve McQueen and Suzanne Pleshette in a dynamic western about a quiet young man who becomes the west's deadliest killer. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 9:00 B 9 Ci) "Du&! at Diabfo." Sidney Poitier, James Garner and Bibi Andersson star. Attempts by a mule skinner's wife to live among the Apache Indians are frustrated by a frontier scout and an anny horse wrangler. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 8:30 O @ (]) ''The Immortal," starring Christopher George, Barry SUiiivan and Carol Lynley, is a contemporary science fiction presentat ion about an "immortal" racing driver mechanic and a plane crash victim. 9:00 D @@''The SMldest Gun in the West" features Don Knotts as a young dentist who decides to bring modern dentistry to the far west frontier in the early 19th century Pennsylvania. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 9:00 D (ft) CI> ''W•lk. Don't Run." Cary Grant and Samantha Eggar star In a comedy of happenings at the Tokyo Olympics. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 9:00 fl Qi (f) ·~ Sandpiper." Stars Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor fonn a familiar team when an artist, living in an isolated cabin with her Illegitimate son, falls in love with a married clergyman. FRIDl\Y, OCTOBER 3 9':00 B QI (i) "Double Trouble" is a comedy of mistaken identity When EIVis and a beautiful girt become enmeshed in a smug· gle(s plot. Elvis Presley, Annette Day star. SATURDAY, oCtoBER 4 9:00 a ~ Ci) "Antbesque" is a suspense-dramf, starring Sophia Loren and Gregory Peck;. about an American exchange pro- fessor in England who finds himself the target of a group of Mlddle E.astem spies. Alan Badel and Kieron Moore co·star . m Mevit: (C) "'On.... (1dven· I I ::: -:-.. (C) ture~~a= ~assey, Slbu. 4:00 , • f'Ntmrt: "Calllni Nolthsid• JR CUdOll•, ......... bceter1le 12.-0019 (I) n. ........ (C) 7 7. SATURDAY A r T [ R N 0 0 ~~ 9:30 'l'j Qt (I) Dalta1'111J A Mvttley 11 HIN and Rtetutlon Show (C) R lt£1VM QI..... a..o.c OCTOBER 4 Tllelr flrtn& Madlin• (C) Jeck Rourke hosts..i if) Bill Allen vs. Bud Hom. MORN I N G @(I) Q) Hantr Boys (C) T.W. Fa•llllr Mh fr9• UNCLE (C) I ~ 00 m Ja•bo (C) I Evans-Novik Repert (C) • I Sn (C) Aaaziq 1'rff 12:30 Qt (I) W.cQ Races (C) Mdtal-'1 Nftr All stations reserve the c..nta , &•lbrra• Movie: uwe111 ferp" (western) ( > (l)nia w.c 111 r.. F..a.1 rlcht to change program-10:00 9 Cl) Tiie Perils of hMlltlt '37-Joel McCrea. Frances Dee. ._Mc..._ lftd lilt C.... ming without advance no-~ fC> O @@a> "'""'"' (C) ~ · tice. 0 QJ 00 @?:) Mai.t Lupe ..._ CD MOWW. ''CfJ, tilt ltklved Colm· 4:JO 0 o.tdMt1 WM! l.AlttJ Mltul ball (C) A double-h11der divisional bf' (drama) '52-Cinada Lee, Sid· (C) Joe F-oss hostt. 7:00 a ~ 00 m Hectlt • JtdSe (C) playoff that brlnp toaether the ney Poitier. I Tia• Muasttra @ (])a> Ca .. r (C) winners of the Ea,st and West 1:00 1J Qt Ci) Sup11'111ft (C) • lrotQ Mr. Wisllbont (C) Dlvislont of both the American and O Mewil: "nlm Came Home" Th Wor1d et lulltJ (C) Felix Ult Cat (C) N1tlonal Lea~es. (drama) '50 -Claudette Colbert, 5:CIO 1J All-Aatrlcu c..._. S... (C) 7:25 Civl Us This Dar (C) ! @ CI) {if) SQ Hnb (C) Patric Knowles. Dennis .llmu welcomes ruest f udres 7:30 SunrtM Stalest.• (C} Mevit: (C) "T11• lletltldila" f) Movie: (C) "TM lie Cirau" LM Grant. Glenn Ford, ind Dun @@a> SlltOklJ the Bur (C) dventure) '55-Burt Lancaster, (drama) ·s~Vlctor Mature. Red Martin. Mallinc Ult Most of Matvrlty Diana Lynn. Buttons. 0 Ifs Acltdeak (C) Desert Hip, Bozo tM Clown (C) (B Movie: "Cunflre It lndia11 Gtp" hbllc Servla (C) Mater Del end St. Mary's Academy 8:00 Qj Ci) The J1tton1 (C) (western) '57-Vera Ralston, All· CJ) Feature compete. ' Q) @ m Here Comn T1le thony Georae. ' .... Alla d• la MHrte (C} B tlls w.-hi .... F.... (C) Grump (C) fl) EJ Doter de Alaar U_lbut (C) @ CJ) Q) Ale's WW. W..W I @ @ (!E c.ttanoop Clb (C) 10-.30 1J 9 (j) ScoellJ·Doo, W1Mn Are 1:30 /3 (]) Jonnr Quest (C) ot Spetta (C} Jim McKay hosts. IO•ba (C) '"' (C) Wrestli111 (C) f) DOVT Th Anaawa (C) Pat· Yalu of Wills Fareo D Mowit: "Dlpat.J MlrWI'" (well· 1.-00 Mr. Ed rick Macnff and Diena RIU atlr. GumbJ (C) em) '50-Jon Hall, Frances Lina· 2:30 Steps to lAarnlna (C) "Ooera-I Dat.ri (C) 1:30 Ci!) Ci) IDp Bunny/Road Run-ford. tion Headstart." l.t ... (C) ntr Hour (C) O @ CJ) G) Clllivlt (C) I Waeon Train (C) r.ter 8111n I @ @ m Pink Panther (C) 10:45 tD MOYie: .. Njpt WitltMt bl" Cltllltr W M1111u11 Open Hou:M: "Artists Campus Direst (drama) '53-0ivld Farrar, Nadia 3:00 Co.nvtrutiona In llaa (C) and Atoms." Host Russell Conl'IOf Movie: "Dranp" (drama) '57 Gray. Of. «Jldlre h · t 1 "'·tw I -Jeff Chandler, Joanne Dru. ll:CIOll~ Ardllt Sllow (C) MOYie: (C) "1\t Queen of Baby-':::'an'd 11~~ erp iy .,., 1tn sc · I Cisco lid a> Fntutic V9J111 (C) lln" (adventure) 'SS-Rhonda Aem· fl) firthtl·Socclf 9:00 Q) @ m H. R. Pvfftstlf (C) (C) Dick Cl1rt hosts. 1-" ~-1 Rocltt Robin Hood (C) 11:30 m gtricaft landsbtld Ina. .. ~ica-~ (CM)ontalban. 5:30 I Ralpll ..__ (C) (R) Movie: "Kine of tlle Gaabltrl" f) Mowtt: (C) '"War D,.m" (west· Tiempo dt ,erden · lNIC NIWllMc. (C) (mystery) '37 -Akim Tamlroff, em) '57-lu Barker, Joan Tlylor. 3:30 Movie: (C) "TM Lone hnftf Cllllp•'s Island (C) Claire Trevor. fB Movie: "t Cov• tlM Under· 1nd Ult~ City of Cold" (western) Mr. and Mn. Nd O @ @ G> Hot W1111ls (C) pod" (drama) '47-Phllip Reed ·~1ayton Moore, Jay Silverheels. : Ntw1 In PlrsptdJft (C} (60) The bubbles and music pap fwthe Myearan The Lawrence WelkShow e8:30pm@ AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY re .LEARN A Decorator's Secrets Ffnal NCjlst1atlon for Oct. ce.w Noon Sept. 30, 1969 YOU LEARN HOW A PROFESSIONAL WOULO TREAT YOUR HOME, COLORS, ACCESSORtES, FURNlTURE ARRANGEMENT, DRAPERY TREAT- MENTS, FLOOR PLANS, fTC., ETC. YOUR IN· STRUCTOR, MISS TONI BLAKE. FOR INFORMATION CAU. 642-7277 5on'I /J/ale Ynteri.ord ,....1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 27. 1969 SAYE $154J7~ ON NEW HARMON-KARDON 200 FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO-CHANGER 12" CO-AXIAL LANCER SPEAKERS 12" Co•cntof 10.14,000 C.P .I. apedlen I• ll•d· rvbt>H oiled wela•t cab- INttl REG. $59.00 : ,, \ 0 .~· . - .. .. .... Garr•rd's eutometk tum••ble hH o v e r s I 1 •· wtlgllted' rec°" pi.tter •nO smootll, tllent·rvn-nlng motor for 162/l, 231/J. ~ or 7' rpm speeds. Allo Ilea autom.<lllc record ltllermhc, eutotnetlc ~-record 11111•off, ,_ apllldles fOr manual °' eutometlc play, Ind c:wemlc stweo canrldot with diamond stylus. 2 YEAR GUARANTEE PARTS & LABOR Solld·atete receiver featvrn ultre-wlde res. POnae, lmPOrt•lll control leaturn end oeco-re:0<-det10ned alyllng. Advancfld metal oxide slllcon h•ld·effecl·translstor (MOSFET) fr~I· end euuret high signal-to-noise retlo end superior sensitivity !Of' stallc·lree reception of 811911 dlatont FM stallons. Also hH euto-metlc ster90/mono FM swltdllng end stereo lndlce'°' llOht to lndlc•t• stereo FM recep. tlon. Flyw!IMI tuning and slgnel-s'rengtll met· er slmpllly tunlnQ REG. PRICE $354.451 SAVE $154:74! 19981 PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS s49so ••••• ~ FISHER 160-T and XP-5 's. FM-Stereo e flSHH 1'0·T Lates1 196t ell solld·llllt 4'> w~ FM Sttrto Receiver. Tune-0-Metlc t\lftl"9 selects your levorlte FM ll•tlon .. the push of ,. bvtloll lteg." $1'US . .. ---- • REG. PRICE $369.501 SAVE $169.821 •Gerre ro eutomellc luriHeble plu' $ 2 9968 ::.eo cer1~1oa11 wt"' dl•moncl llY· , e Fisher 1r .. pl5ton spetlcer ayatem -oll welnuf 1nel0tures. lt99ular $11'.00 • pair, . - . . SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt Stereo Dual 1211 a11tometlc turnl•bl• wlttl Sllure diamond •!'flus.