HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa------------------------------------... -. ....... .,, ....... _..,~. ~ ..... ~ • .--~.-. ...... .,,. ... =:;::;:::;:::::=-•~"---;:-;: ;r----....--:-', _........,.. --- u ~rew Joan Irvine n ·aps Foundation Board In Senate Quiz ' DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 8, 1969 VOL. U. NO. J(!,' lllCTIO/rtl, 112 P'.11015 ~·~-:i~-:r--:..........-.1-.:..:_ -~"f~:;__.~~·~~~':'t:1 ~ . ' 'Get~ ~ ~Debriefing' sea es ea I Angela Davis Le~tures Closed At UC Irvine • • Says Turner. MI111•snb Sa-ves Deep Qu~st Shouldn't Ul"I T•ltP~oto KENNEDY LAWYER'S BRIEFCASE SEARCHED AT COURT Sam Ripa (left) Irate With Detective Bill OiGius•pfn Kennedy's Lawyers Ask Closed J(opechne Inquest BOSTON (APJ -Sen. Edy,·ard r,.t, Ken - nedy's attorneys ask~ today ·that an in· que~l into the death of Mary Jo Kopechn :! be closed to the press and public and tha t all witnesses be subject lo cross-ex· amiMtion, Kennedy's counsel. Jn arguments berorc the Massachusetts Supreme Court, con- tended tJ1e inquest would be "an ac- cusatory proceeding which could result in criminal action .'· Edward B. Hanify, counsel for the f\la~~achuselts: Democratic senator. ask· ed the full bench of' the slate Supreme Court to declare l~ •state's inquest law un<."OOStitutional or kty down a riew body of ~trictions on tilt proposed inquest 1n . Edgartown District Court. Miss Kopechnc war; found dead in Ken- nedy's car in a salt water pond on Chap- PILOT SALUTES oc AUTO 's11ow The Orange. County Joternational .Auto Show, first major showing of the 1970 models in the Unittd Slates, opens Thurs· da y after a benerit premiere toni ght at lhe' Anaheim Conve:nt lon Center. The DAILY PlLOT salutes the show :ind the county's Assistance League <'hapters sp::>nsoring tonight's preview in • special 20-rage se<:tion. The specia l sec· lion 11 inside today. paquiddick Island July 19. Kennedy said the car he was driving went off the side of a narro'v bridge and plunged into the waler. Kennedy escaped but Miss Kopeehne 1vas trapped in the car. Hanify argued for a full hour of the t>1'0-hour hearing before five juslices of the court 1 In addition to asking that the inquest be cloaed to the press and public. he er.lied UPQ!l the cOtJ rt lo quash a niling by District Cqurt Judge James A. Boyle which barred witnesses' lawyers from the court room except whlle their clients were testifying. Hanify further asked the cOtJrt to order Judge Boyle to disqualify hirnself fro1n the forthcoming· inq uest because he Was a party to today 's appeal: Joseph J . Hurley, an assistant attorney general, who represented_ Judg.e ~yle, !old the court that Uiere hacJ been a grea t deal of talk · abotrt "crimhJill §::o'n· sequences -and it is prob11b1e · ~ere couid be some criminal consequenc91." !•e said that .an ,inquest cou)d Clear f)Cf'sons of suspicion as well as indicating guiJI, "trennedy him self. on lelevi~ion, refer- red to innuendo and whispers and gossip," he said . "An inqu~t could serve to end Uiis and to protect and clear the good name of Miss Kopechne as well, evm though she is not. of rotirst, a par· ty 10 lhls hearing." Hurley also sa id that when Hanify s(l11i lhc inq uest at wh ich mor<'-than 100 ~Stt KENNEDY, Page 21 Four Men Trapped 12 Hours on Ocean Floor l'rtm Wll"f lerw\(fl SAN DIEGO -Follr n1e11, lrepf}ed for n1ore than 12 hours on tJ1e ocean floor iri their research submarine Deep Quest 11·Jth their oxygrn stcadly r11nning out. W.;'f C rescued in the prc·dawn hours by a two-1nan mini-sub. Tiu• AO.foot , SO·lon Deep Que st reached the surface at 3:50 a.ni. PDT under its own power line which had become tangl- ed on t.he experilnental sub's propeller. The Deep Quest was freed when the Miss Davis Talks At Irvine Open To Students Onl y Appearances by Angela Davis at UC lrvlnc Thursday and Friday will not be open to the public. Only students will be allowed to attend. ~liss Da vis. UCLA Comrnunisl pro· fc~sor given notice of dismissal by the regents, will speak Thursday noon in the UCI Science Lecture Hall. ll scats only :uw. Friday she will retum lo lecture l.o a University in American Culture class •. A year ago Eldridge Cleaver ga l'e a campus talk in the much larger UCI gymnasium. It was open to the public. But sponsors of Miss Da vis' talk ap- parently seek to minimize publicity. Television camerainen and new ~ photographers will be barred so as not to tH~rupt her tal k. T11esd11y noon the Student Activities Roard of the Associated Student Govern· n1ent agreed pay expenses rrom student fu nds ror Miss Davis' appearance. The amount was not rev ea led. Miss Davis was invited lo campus by the Black Students Union, Students for a Democratic Society and some faculty m~nbers. Laotian Premier Asks U.S. Help WASHINGTON (UP I) -Prince Souvanna Phouma, prime mlnisler of Laos. said todl.Y North Vietnam ha s in· tensified aggression against his country and warned the situation could develop into "a sti ll more dea dly conflict." In Wal'ittington fur an unofficial vis it. the Laotian leader issued a statement <lec!aring that the Communist regime In Ilanoi 'taims at making a satellite of <f-Laos,'' So11vanns has asked President Nixon for more military !l'.Upport in his fight RJlain~t Communist forces, Nixon ha:i 1.;iken the requP!l'.t under con~lderation, according to White Hou1e olflcials. I 111ini·sub snipped the line with a diver's knife taped W a mechanical arm. Hobert Worlhlngt.on. 52, a retired Navy cap tain and pilot of the Deep Quest, and the lhr~ ol.hers aboard were report'ed to ha'vc. su ffered no ill effecLs although they \1·erc hungry and chilled after their long \val t for rescue. T'he moment Deep Quest reached the ~urface, the news was flashed to their ll''ives whO had stayed at home wl1i!e Lockheed Corp., o·.vner of the research sub, and Navy and Coast Guard person· nel suptrVised the rescue. The hero plaudils went to the Nekton, a 4.000 pound craft operated by the General Oceanographic Co., wh ich was brought here from Los Angeles by highway in a 1r;iiler. lowered ln the water and towed fil'c miles offshore to where the Deep Quc~l was trapped. Speed in the re scu e was v"ital because the Deep Ques t's self contained systenl (Ste QUEST, P1ge 2) Senate Com1nittee Hears Irvine Heiress' Charges From "'ir(; Ser,'ice~ \VASHlNGTON -Orange County land heiress Joan Irvine Smith testified before the Senate Finance Committee 'Tuesday, charging illegal practices by the J ames Irvine FOtJndation. Mrs. Smith, who maintains ho1nes in Emerald Bay on the Orange Coast and also at Middlebury, Va., is the largest single sLockholdcr in the Irvine Ranch Company. The attractive b Ion de heiress also charged Irvine Foundalion President N, Loyall ti.1cLaren has treated her with hostility and cut her out of any parl in management of the foundation. She also asked the Senate Finance Co1nmiUee to toughen a provision of the House's lax reform bill which cou ld force. the foundation to get rid of its controlling interest in the Irvine Company . Irvine Foundation attorney Howard .J. Privett deni ed any and all parts of Mrs. Smith's teS1i1nony a:oi wholly untrue and angrily charged she has harassed the Irvine Company through legal channels. The foundatio n counsel told Lhe coin· mittee members that the J{ouse-passcd reform blll will unfairly and oppressively affect the Irvine f oundation, in his oy,·n v.·ords. Privett asked that a clau~e limiting a foundation lo 20 percent owne rship in a company's stock, be eliminated, or at SPORTS SECTION BULGING TODAY Today'11 edition of the DAILY PILOT Include.~ the hll'gesl sports section ever published by the newspaper_, The nine· page section. beginning on Page Cl, fea- lurei; local and nalional ~porls reports, auto racing newir; plus specia l sports features and photo.~. lea st not to apply it retroactively. J\lrs. Smith owns 180 shares of stock in the. Irvine Compa ny. the largest single block, but she claims to have had vir1ually no voice in company manage· ment. She also told the senators in testimony or a variety of self-dealing transactions charged to managers o[ the foundation_ growing out of the ranch empire originated by her late grandfather James Jrvl ne . Privetl denied her allegations and fiaid r...1rs. Smith has engaged in a stream of baseless litigation in attempts I o discrtdit the company . Mrs. Smith dealt also with the suicide o[ her uncle, ~1yford Irvine, saying he wa~ confronted with financial obliiations and unable to borrow on hls stock. Army Revokes Turner Medal \VASHJNGTON (AP) -The Army has revoked a Distingui shed Service Medal awa rded to Maj. Gen. Ca rl C. 'l'umer when he retired as Army provosL marshal general laat fall. This was the second such action by the ~rmy in connect.ion .with a central. flgure Jn Senate and Pentagon investigations o( alleged irregularities in the handling of :service club funds. ' Earlier, the.. Army revoked-a ~r4: awarded to Sgt. Maj. Willill"li 0..- Wooldridge. r An Army sp(lkesman said Turner's tncdal was revoked "when information became avnllable that hi11 Bervice fnr the period did nol mertt thP Awa.rd." The period involved wa5 t'ebruary 1962 through Ocotber 1008. The action ri:vokln,g the medal was taken on Sept. 26. Get Guns \VASIIJNGTON (AP) -Chicago Police Supt. James Conlisk say! former Army Provost fllarsha l Maj. Gen. Carl C. Turner lied when he testified city authorities knov.·ingly gave him 397 con· Ciscaled guns for his personal use, Turner is a central figure in a Senate subcommitee in\·estigation or a probe into charges a ring of enlisted men. in· tltJd ing former Army Sgt. J\-1aj, William 0 . \Vooldridge, was engaged in a large· i;calC' graft ring. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner wa.! ryuii,7,ed only on charges he obtained !.he r·onn~ated guns under pretense they 1rrre for Army \ISe and then sold so me of lht·111 few his own profit. l[f' said, however. Conlisk knew he \.\'anted the guns for his own collection, although hr. signed statemenls at the time affinnlng th e weapons were for the Army. Conlisk said in Chicago Tuesday 'furncr 's testimony 1vas "untrue.'' The superintendent also supported th~ testimony given by police Lt. Paul ·r. Duellman, who told the subcommittee Tuesday he shO\.\'ed Tun1cr th~ns, but never heard him :say they wer 1 'j own use. -.... Until this_week the .roajp thrust of the subcommilltt probe had been into allega· tions \Vooldridge and a band of career sergeants had looted Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled liquor and bribed officers . \Vooldridge, v.·ho is sc heduled to testify F'ridciy, told a reporter he wilf invokt the 5th Amendment and , refuse to an!Wer iSte TURNER, Pa11e Z) Orange Coast Weather f oggy nights and sunny day~ are the prospects for tonight and Thursday with the mercury diJr pin g a bit to the middle 70's. INSWE TODAY fl1arint Corps i:s "scalping'' 1ts rtcntit.I, .s:ays a Coo.at ba11H1, 1vho is ptanni"Q to do something a~out 1lu1ping 11p tht Corps. Pio• AJ .9. , ~ '. . ' 1 U.11"' An C1•-1 Cf"'" AU Ct!tt'lr11l1 AU Cl>totUlle Ut All Cl1ullt.d a1.1t C-1(1 Alt CrMIWI~ All 0.W> w.nc.. "It •dt-1•1 .. _ Af "1"..,c• C·lf.11 Mo ... <-Of l~11 l....,.,.1 DI M1Jt•• A4 1o1 .. 1111e1 All ,_"'" c1i ti M-M ..... C·• ,......, ........... . Or ..... '*""" Al1 .. TA Of fJl'N ,._rtw C1f '"''°'" Cl·f s1tc111 c.._n T•'""""' Al• TI!Mkn Cl1•tl ·-.. ..... Mitt. Cl --... .._,,-.., DJ-41 , 11 I ' ... " ... --· -·--·-.. ·~·-·· ~· ... -,,...,.-~------------------------------------------------------------~ .. ,.,.,.- 2 DAILY PILOT s Ranki.ng ~GOP Solons t Join Haynsworth Foes tvASJflNGTON (IJ PI) -Both lht ::;e.. •ond and third ranking Se n ate Republlcans today J011100 gro"'ing <lP· tl()Si!ioo to President Nix:>n's choice of r le1nenl f . Hayns~·orlh for the Supre1nc ..:oor1 . Despite Ult' ad\.'Ctse developmen&s, the \\lll!.e House. ~aid at noontime that Pres!· tlent l\"1i:ot1 still stands by his n-01ninalion of Hayns\\'Orth and 1s confide nt he \viii be tonlirmed bv !he Sen at e. Sen. Robeit P. Grifliu of ~l ichigan, lhc GOP y;hip and No. 2 ranking Re publican, is.sued 4l statement describing the seltt· lion as an ··unf ortunate mistake" anct ~ay1ng it wou ld be a mistake for U1c Senate to eoniirm the nomination . Sen. ~1argaret Chase Smilh of ?lfai ne lou k the floor soon afterward to say : '"This noinination 1rill not restore con· F1dence in the Supreme Court."' She is rlrputy GOP whip. E~pecially damaging to the ad· l'Hnistratioo caulif' was the opposition of (;ril[in, 1o111om the Republicans in· 5t11lh>(lon the Se11ate Judiciary Con1mitt~ unly rece ntly in hopes of gaining support for sendini "tile nomination to the Ooor. Mrs. Smtth -who went along with Gri ffin last year in opposilioii to the non1i11alion of now-resigned Abe l'~ortas to be chief ju~tice -said llaynstrortl1 hall questi.oned his own judgment in having financial dealing11 with litigants before the 4th Circuit Court cf Appeals of ""luch he is ctUef judge. ··The relationshi p of judges and jucliJ- rnent is inseparable ," she said . "'A Supreme Court ju.illce should ha ve im peccablt judgment." The developments ea.ine as the judiciary committee called off lhf"n rescheduled £or Thursday a closed he.1r · in.11: on the nomination. While the issue appeared to be closely joined, aides to Sen. ltiran1 Fong I H· Hawaii), said his support for Haynsworth would give the South Carolinian nine solid votes on the 17·member jud iciary panel -enoogh lo get the nomination to lhe noor. For his pa rt Griffin said he had :spelled out his position in a Jetter lo the Presi· dent, although he did not make the text public. In a stateanen\, he ~aid "Betau:;e public confidence in the jud11:1ary IS so in1porlant at th is ti111e in uur t11story, I helievc it 11•us an un tortun;,t e r111srak e lor lhe adn11nistra11on !o subn1ll the 11on1111fl· tion . And I bcl1cvc it would br :i r1 un. fortunate mista ke no1v for the Senate to conflr1n it." \\'hite !louse Pre.~s Secretary Hon;,ld Z1C'gler toll! reporters the !,resident's position ""<IS unch;inged des pite the Crif· fin and Sn1ith announcen1enls. Asked 1f the President also was stick· ing by his forec<1st of Senate confir1na· uon. Ziegler said: ··He feel s it wilt be n1:iv('d out of the Judiciary con1n1ittee and v.·1!J be con· finnerl by the Senate." Zieg ler said in rcspon.~e tu other que.'i· lions thal th<' PrTsldcnt had nol tal~ell ptrsonally wiih !laynsworth si n ce teleph<lning h1111 1n mld·Augusl to ad1•ise him he had been <:hosl.'n for the t.'OUrl seal 1o1·1lich Fortas resigned under fire earlier this year. Haynsworth ha s ne1·cr suggested Ll1a t his name be w1lhilrawn. Ziegler said. Murder Try Complaint Sought for Beach Man Cot111tv Orders • Ai1gels Firn1 Tax l111pot111cled \ rorn1al complaint charging assault 111!h intent to commit murder was re c1uc~ted today ac-ainst a Huntington Ueach nian arrested Tuesday in the ~1rangr. exec ution-style pistol shooting o/ a Costa l\\esa gun collccLor. John J. ;\\assey. 2~. of 1!!122 Brookhur.st ~1.. was questioned Tuesday nigh l by l "osta Mesa Polic! Detective Gerry Thon1pson concerning 1o1·hat led to the prcdawn shooting. Conr ad D. Johnson. 46. o1 1767 Orange Ave., 1o1«1s hit by a nine millimeter ;i utomatic pistol slug thal shattered his :irm as he aOO J\1a~ey grappled for the \1 capon. l'ro111 Page 1 KENNEDY. • • ne1\smcn \\"Cre accredited would be an in· •. asion of privacy, there was no chum 1nade on any constitutiona l right. '"If l.hrre were a right of privacy, !hcsr I c~11Joncrs ha1•e lost it by their oll'n ac• 11on:· he said ··They attended a social e\."en l with Sen. i\enncdy, a per son of great prominencr, a_.. the pctitieners say 111 their brief. Thl'I i;ir!s were Kennedy cainpaign \\'Orkcrs and Ke nned.v on TV d!'sc ribcd Gargan a 'mv friend'". Hu rley referred to Joseph F. r.argan. Kennedy·s cousin and one of lhe mer1 ~cnnedy turned to for help immediately ;;l !er the accident. "lf they "·ere pril'atc persons betorc .!uJy 18. they are not pn\"a\e persons no1\·. in 1·1ew of all the publicity wh ich ha 'Jern cited he re ·· l:laul.. of France U P' Di scount Hate to 8% PAfi!S L.\P1 -The Bt1nk n! Franc'' rhscoun~ ratr ha s bern ra1"rd from 7 to fl percent. Finance ~lin 1stcr Valery Giscard ri' Esta1ng tolri 1hc French Nati(Jn;.i: Asstmbly \\'edncsday The increase gl1·es France. 11·1th Br1 lain, the h1ghesl discount ralc in Europr The action 11·as taken lo make Ille pri1::i• nf borro11·ing morl' ex pcnsil"e in an effort ro cu t !he \"O!ume of cred it in France. \ DAILY PILOT ............... " ........ ..... L..,...'-' .......... .., c--CAUPOl•IA Oll:A.HGI COAl l "'!JI LttMIMG CC"'"'""" lt•lt"t N, W•otl "'ru~M1111".,.11n1 Jo~~ It CY•lt y Yid 1'""'"""' -tient• .. AA1,_. .. , Th• .. •• J(•••il ··~ n,,,,.., A. tr.1., .... iftt ............, •• 1 .... -C•i. MQ.e: Jll Whl ltr It~· ,.._.., ....,, nu ••t ...... 1 ... 1n1e .. l-IMcli: 1JJ ~ ... _ 11...-.... lhec:fl: .. 14'1 ..... ( lie is reco1·erin1; from !he gunshot 11ound at Orange Coun ty J\1edical Center. lnvestigalors 11·ere told that Massey, 11 ho accornpanied J ohnson hon1e fron1 a 1:11crn. 11·as exa111i11i ng the 11'!';<1pon froin 1hc \·icti1n·s co!IC'Ction when he poinled it toward l\frs. Johnson. The couple 1vas then allegedly forced to kneel on the floor as though to be ex· ecuted. hut Johnson said Massey was distracted a n1omenl, so he jumped him. Police Officer Wayne llarber wa s on routine patrol near th e Johnson hon1e "'hen he heard someone shouting for police and raced to the scene. He found l\lassey at 18th Street and ,\.:::stn1instcr Avenue, still armed, and ar· rested him after forcing the suspect at gunpoint to lay dn11·11 the ll"ar souvenir µist(l!. ;\\assey ll"ill be held .i Cosla :\1esa City .Tail without bail un1il hi s a1Taignn1cnt in II arbor Judicial District Court Thursda1·. aflt>r 11·h ich he wilt be mo\"ed lo Oranie County Jail. Coun!y :,.upcrvisors ha1·~ flrdcred -for the second year in a ro1v -the im· pounding of laxes pilid by the Golde n \\es t 8<1scball Co. the holding curnpany o! 1h<' California Angels. County Aud itor \I.A. llein1 loo k tha1 at· t 1011 on $205,330 paid under J)rotest by the bail <·lull. It ""as .argued by the club tl1at County Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw im· properly assessed U1e company for what he contends is its possesstJry interest in AnahC'im Stadium. 1-IiPshaw and the county 1rere accused of ··double la"alion " and illegal asses~· ment. ·rhe cl ub argued that its interest 1n the stadium covered onl~· 80 playing datC's during J963..fi9 and thal even then. 1lOsSession on those dates could not be rrg:1rdrd as cxcl usil•e. .o\ctual pay111ent of th r S20j,330 1<ib was made by Ilic City of Anahein1 . Contra~1 s signed bet11·cen the city and f.o!den \\"r:-l al ihe time lhe slad ium optn<"d called f11r payment of <i pplicable t.a"es by the city. OA.!L Y P l~OT Sll fl Phtl• ALL NEWSPAPERBOYS -Ste\'cn Cll~tl\11 1 l·I. 1lef(1. <ind Nick llodges, I ~. D.<\IL'i' PILOT carriers, look OVL't' pi ctu re of famous fonner ne\\"Spaperboys -.•\stronaut Neil .·\rn1.~trong and ~1 ichae! l'ollins. Photos '"ill be displ ayed J:'ri da.v and Saturda y a l South Co:ast FJJaza .. space shO\\·:· Carriers \1 111 greel ::.ho\~' v1sllors Saturday <:1 rtcrnoon. i\ational i\e\\"Spaperboys Da y. Good L11~k~ G11ys ' Pilot Offers 'Astro Scroll' As <t grand ltnalc to Na tional N"l\spaper \Yeek Friday and Saturday lhe DAILY PILOT will J01n Sou1h Coas~ Plau merchants in in1iting ··e1eryone·· tu M!nd greetings lo the Apollo 12 a~lronau\s before thry blas t off for tbr moo n. Tht ''ASTRO SC ROLL.' visitors are in· viled lo sig:l will be part of an exhibit o! Epact age photograph s and other displa y material pointing up the American space prog ram. C."<pectcd lo be nne of the hJttiHghts of the space show exhibit is a cotlet1ion of pictures taken by t~·o fom1er ncl'·spapcr carrier boys and a test pilot on a trip thty made last suminer. The former n c 1;·sp aperb oy~ - A~tronau~ Neil Armstrong and Micharl Collins -1o1·rre. of cout'$e. pilots (lf !he lun;ir ruodulf~ <ind 1..i.ln11nand n1odule, respc-i.:tll'ely , In the Apollo ll flight whi ch r1rs1 planted 111a11·s footprints on the 1noon. Their companion, .. Buzz·• ,\ldrin, 1rt1s ili£o s~cond 1na11 r1•er to ~rt fool (ln the moon and snapped ~evcral ur t11e pie· lurer to br r1 1spl:iycd. Since S<iturd:il'. !11r ri11nl d;iv ur Ne-.••i papcr \VcCk. 1s Na l 1 0 n a I 1'e1~spaperboys Day. the DAI LY PILOT has seleclr-d two carriers lo inakc. '"guest h:>{>earanccs"' ~I the lihow dur ing the 1 al:l'rnoon. Sieve Ch:iul"in. 14, son of ~Ir. anti ,\lrs. E11n\s Cha11 1 in r.r lii8 Senate SL. Costt1 r.Tt:!sa. a fre~hma11 nt Estancia High S(hool. 11·ill lM! one or them . S1e1·e h:i~ been a DA ILY PILOT rar· rirr for three yrars, 1~as 1nade the car· r1ers· llonor Roll se1·eral tin1e' for rn1t~1a nc11ni;: service to his cuslomcrs and :ia)!: he l1~es science and space. BRINGING UP LOCKHEED DEEP SUBMERGENCE VEHICLE DEEP QUEST FROM SEA Four Abo.rd Stranded for 11 Hours Underwater During San Diego Mitliorf Club Scandal 0 0 C F . QUEST •.. n range ounty irni had '" O'YgOO sopply for only 48 hou". GI Scrutiny Zeroes In Fron1 \\"ire Ser\"i<-es \\",\SHJ:'\GTON. -Trstin1ony in the ra~e of the allegedly crooked career sergeants -as they are being porlr<1ycd before a Senate subcommittee -today n1oved on to a Fullerton Company fo rm· ed by the five principals. r>.!aredem Ltd., romantically !itll'd by pulling together first names of the serg~anl s' wives. racked up Sl 1nillion in sales le!'IS than a year after it \1-'aS form· od The e•11np<1ny :;uppl1<'S ~l'rl'i cc eluhs in \'ie tnan1 and lhc fi1·e ~crgcants, 1wo c)f them retired and living in Orange Coun· ty, 11ere all 111\'0ll'cd in srr\"iCc club nia nagrment during their careers. Sgt. l\1 aJ. \Vtllia m 0. Wooldridgt. formerly top enlisted man in the U.S. Armv. has been cited bv some in· \·estlgntors as the most clc\·C'r v.·heeler· dealer <'vcr caught. One <if hi.~ alleged t'xploils i111·oll'ed ~n1uggllng liquor into lhe US. aboard lhe personal pl<ine of General Cre ighton \V. Abrams. Turned in by a sergeant who objected. Sgt l\laj. \Vooldridge arranged 10 retaliate by further finaglin&, Pentagon investigators have said. Alleged offenses cited during the past 11·eek and 2. half of testimony in \Vas hingt.on include : -Rigging slot machines and pocketing rhe excess poured iri by luckless enlisted n1en gamblers. -E1nbezzle1nent from servic e club pro· l"ecds. -Theft of liquor in case quantities. -Den1anding of kickbacks fron1 en· trrtain1nent bookers and suppliers of bar ~nacks and other items. -Currency manipulat.!ons invol l'ing at least l\l'O nations. -Arrangement of orders so that the clique of career sergeants "'ere generally serving at the same base together to si n1plify their alleged wrongdoing. Besides Sgt. J\laj. \Vo o I d r id g c . ?lfaredem Ud. directors mentioned {re· r1uent!y so far include Seymour Lazar. Theodore Bass. Narvaez Hatcher. and \\'llliam E. Higd on. From Page l TURNER LIES, CHIEF DECLARES que~t ions . His attorney said he 11 d v i s e d l'looldridge to refuse to testify because he did not believe he 1Youk1 be given a f;i ir llcarlng by ~l'nators . In his 1est11nony Tuesday. ·rurrirr ad· 1nittcd that 111 1961! he signed receipts lour times al Chicago police head· quarters stating that confi scated guns he had f)('rsv,;<:lt}' selected v.·ere to be u~eJ !11r Anny training purpose~. Turner le$tiI1ed he di.~asi;eniblcd ~on1c nf lhe \1 eapons fur part~. des1 royed Vlhers. sold ··1he cream of the crop" to a North Carolina gun dealer and pocketed the rnoney. Bui over and over again Turrier in· ::-isted : "Those \veapons were not for the use of lhe Army. they (the Chicago po- lice) v.•ere going to destroy them and they gave thPnl to me personally:· He said Conlisk had assured him the receipts he 11•as asked to sign v.·ere only a lonnality lo meet t.he leller of lhe !av•. Illinois la"' says all 1veapons stized by police arc, after being used as evidence, tn br ei ther deslroyed or given to the l'h~ sub had di ved at about noon and it 1~as 15 hours before it reached the ~urfacc agaui. The or.hers aboard were Donald E. Sa111.:r, Marshall E. \\"oy and \YiJJian1 JJin.?brook, all of San Diego. The sub wa s on a routine training mis~1on to spn1 ,10 1.875 pound cylindi;or and bring It up. But Uie heavy synthetic line became fouled in the suh's propeller. It 11•as not immed iately known how the accident occurred. The Deep Quest on Feb. 28. 1969, planted an American flag on the Paclfic Ocean floor at a depth of 8,310 fee t -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. The Nekton 1nade its dive at 2:25 a.m. and reported 25 minutes lat er it had located the Deep Quest and could stt lights inside the bigger sub. The Deep Quest had been !11 constant radio.. telephone contact with its niother shir '!'ran.~ Quest, 11·1lich 11·as on the surface 11e<1rby. There 11·ere some an xious mo1nenls as the Ne kton reported poor visibility, ap· parently caused when it stirred up the silt on 1he bottom. But a little more than an hour after it dived. the Neklon had cul the nylon line with a mechanical ann ou !side the mini·sub. Pete E. Summers, program manaaer for the. De<>p Quest, said, after coming ashore. "I.here was never any doubt ln my mind about lhe sub coming up." • •• anned forces for training or other !purposes. Conlisk said in Cllic<igo he believed Turner -who came to the city last year 10 represent the Artny chief of staff dur· ing rioting in wh ich U.S. lroops were used -"·anted the guns for official purposes. Tu rner was questioned closely by senat.ors looking for details of his gun deals .. But the g:!nera1, ""ho ls a licensed gun dealer. said he has lost his only recor1 ! book <1nd does not have the inforn1ation to answer questions. October 18tli ling ~trvice you hive always .,..nted. Don"< delay. Come in ...Uy >nd take advant1ge or this wonderful oPf>Ortuniry to hve 2~.,;, on your pun:hun of Towle 1ttrling f11tw.are. Active pttltmJ only. •·pi.tee place ~nings (t.t.aspoorii pl.act fork. pla« knife, ,.J,d fork). R<gu!.r pric. &om $49. ~· S.le pnc. &om I J7"' CONVEN IENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE 1823 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA L ' ··- ·- - 32-piece service for eight Regular price frnr11 SJ~.00 Sale price from $297.00 23 YEA RS SAME LOCA TI ON PHON E SO.H OI , I I 11 I l1 i I \~ I ) I I / I i I 1 Honiington Deaeh Today's Final N.Y. Steeka VOL. 62 , NO. 2~1. 6 SECTIONS, 112 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1969 TEN CENTS Four Trapped 12 Hours on Ocean Floor Saved '"m w1._ S1•Yi<•• SAN DIEGO -Four men , trapped for uore lhan 12 hours on the ocean floor 1n .hei r research submarine Deep Quest t>'i!h their oxygen steadly running out, ,.. ~re rescued in the pre-dawn hours by a .wo-rnan mioi·s ub. The 40-foot , 50-ton Deep Quest reached :he surface at 3:50 a.m. PDT under its 1wn power tine which had become tang!· ~ on the experimental sub's propeller. The Deep Quest was freed when the nini-sub snipped the line with a diver's tnife taped to a mechanical arm. ' '" . r·.;,J'-. ,_.. t ..... -• • • ltobert \\lorthingt.on, 52. a retired Navy captain and pilot of thl'! Deep Quest. and the three others aboard v.·ere reported to have suffered no ill eff«ts although they v•ere hungry and chilled after their long wait for rescue. The moment Deep Quest reached the i:,urface, th~ news was flashed to lhelr \'lives who had stayed at home while Lockheed Corp., owner of the research sub, and Navy and Coast Guard person. nel .supervised the rescue. The hero plaudits went to the Nekton. a 4,000 pound craft operated by the General Oceanographic Co., which 11.•as brought here fro1n LQs Angeles by highway in a t~ailer. lov.·ered in the waler and towed fi\·e miles offshore Lo where the Deep ~ue~I was trapped. Speed in U1e rescue was vital because the Deep Quest's self contained system had an oxyRen supply for only 48 hour s. Th2 sub had dived at about noon and it \ras 15 hours before it reached the surtace again. The others aboard were Donald E. Saner. ~1arshall E. Woy and \Villiam Plni:!brook , all of San Diego. .. . .. ~ ' . . . . --...--"l""...,..,,_.,'-'"_"4,... .... ,~ .. -. / . ' . / " 'f , . BRINGING UP ~OCKHEED DEIP SUllMIRGENCE VEHICLE DEEP QUEST FROM SEA Four ,Abo.rd Stranded for 12 Hour• Unilerweter DUrlng San Diego Mi11ion Planner Mangano Ousted, Blasts Council 'Empire' .John ~1angano was removed from the Fountain Valley Planning Commi~!'liOn Tuesday night by unanimous vote of the reconstituted city council. The fiery Mangano was appointed by a dis puted 3-2 vote by the old council dur- ing its last meeting before the recent recall election. Since Lhen. three new men have rep!at·· f'd the three who put Mangano on the c'Qmmission and incun1bents Edward .Just and John Harper fired up their opposition to his appointment Tuesday nigh1 1\fayor Just s;ud loday Mangano·._ rrmoval ·was based on the maflJJ{'r 111 11·hich "he had been appointed" by a lamc-<luck council and not on his qualifications. ··1 object to being used as a pai.vn 1n a polilical game of ches1'," said Mangano. "'It's quite apparent that a political em- pire is being built, but it is a well establ· lshed fa ct that political empires have been known to crumble and Lopple. I'm certain that M10ner or later this ()ne will be no exception." "1 don't think his statement warrants romment," replied J ust. !\fangano said he would refuse to sub. n1it another application for appointment , but v.·ould accepl the job if reappointed. .Just said t.fangaoo's original ap. pl icaliM will be considered in filling the now-vacant post "Right nolY his chances for reap· pointment are slim in my vieW," con- cluded the mayor. ··but things might change. The other councilmen also have equal voice in lhc !Cl~ction." Top Republicans Join Haynsworth Opposition, \VASlllNGTON fU PI) -Both the ~r· cond and third ranking S e n a t e nepublican!I today joined growing op· ro~ition to P resident Nixon'11 choice of C\{'ment f'. Haynsworth for the Supreme Court. Despite the adverse developments, the \Vhite Hou se sa id at noonlime that Prelil- dent Nixon still stands by his nomination nf Havnsworth and i5 confident he v.·111 be. t·onfii.med by the S£"nate . Sen. Robert P. Grifrin of ,\1 ichzgan. !he <~OP \\'hip and No. 2 ranking Hf'pubhcan, 1~suf'd a statement describing the selec· ti:in as an "unfortunate mistake" anrl ~a ying it \vou ld be a mistake for the S<'nate to confir1n the nomination. Sen. Margaret Chase Smi th of ?"l·lain<' too k the floor soon aflerv.·ard to say: ''This noininalion will not restore con· fidence in the Supreme Court." She 1s deputy GOP whip. Especially damaging to th'! ad· ministration cause was the opposition ()f Griffin, whom the Republicans in- SPORTS SECTION BULGING TODAY Today's edition of tht DAILY PILOT inctudes the largest sports section ever published by the newspaper. The nine- page section, beginning on Page Cl. fea- tures local and national sportB reports. auto racing news plu1 special sports features and phoCos. ~!allcdon the Senate Judiciary Commilte.? on ly recently in hopes ()( gaining !lupport for sending the nomination kl Lhe floor. ~lrs. Smith -who went along with Griffin last year in oppos1t1on to the nomination of nov.··resigned Abe Fortas to he chief justice -said J-l aynsv.'orth had questioned his own judgn1cnl in ha\'ing financi al dealings \l'ith litigants before the 4th Circuit Court of App<>als of \•:h1ch he is chief judge. "The rclallonsh1p of judgt·s and JUdR- n1ent 1s inseparable," she 1'ald. "A Supreme Court justice should have i1n· pel'cahle judgment.'' The developments can1c as the judiciary committee called off then rescheduled for Thursday a closed hear- Jng on the nomination. While the issue appeared lo be closely joined, a ides to Sen. Hiram Fong ( R- Jlawaii). said hi& support for Haynrn·orth would give the South Carolinian nine solid votes on the 17.member judiciary panel -enouah te get tbe nominatton lo lhe floor. For his part Grifrin said he had spelled out his position in a letter lo the Presi· dent. although he did not make the texl public. In a statement. he said: "Because public confidence in the judiciary is so important at this time in our history. I believe it was an unfortunale mis1ake ror the admini!ltration to submit the nomina· non . And I believe it would be an Ull· fortunate mistake now for the Senate to confirm it." Over Gun Atltllerit11 The sub was on " routine lraining n1ission 10 spot an 1.875 pound cylinder and bring it up. But the hea\'Y synthetic line became fou led in the sub's propeller. It i,ras not immediately know n how the accident occurred. The Deep Quest on Feb. 23, 1969, planted an An1erican flag on the Pacific llcean floor at a depth of 8,310 feet -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. The Nekton made it!! dive at 2:25 a .m. "nd reported 25 minutes later it had located the Deep Quest and could see lights inside the bigger 5ub, The Deep Quest had been in constant radio- telephone contat l with it s mother ship 'frans Quest, \1•:1ich \\'as on the surface nearby. There were some anxious moments as the Nekton reported poor visibility, ap- parently caused when it stirred up the silt on the bottom. But a little more than an hour •fter it dived. the Nekton had cut the nylon line v.·ith a mechanical ann out~ide the mini·sub. Pete E. Summers, program manager for the Deep Quest, said, afttr coming ashvre. "there was never any doubt in my m ind a bou t the sub comi ng up ." He said it could have come up by itself but only al a sleep angle which would have caused damage to the craft. He said the rope should not have been left on the: cylinder v.·hen il v.·as dropped for the Deep Quest to recover. The submarine suffered no damage rluring the trouble and rescue all.empt. Summers said. Larwin Tract Ol('d Project May Be Last of /(ind ll took more than an hour of debate Tuesday night, but the Larwln Company lina:ly won the right to build homes on its l ll controversial acreii in the ea.stern por lion of Fountain Valley. A revised city council, fresh from a recall election spawned by controversy o\•er developmenl or the same property, unanimously granted Larwin lhe right to build 475 homes on 111.7 acres bounded by Tall>ert and Ellis Avenues and Newland and Magnolia Stret'IS. The decision was made with a warning by Vice ~fayor John Harpf'r that the Larwin tract probably would be "the lasl of ifs kind in this city''. Larwin will build homeii under a PO 6800 2:oning with minimum lot sizes of 6.000 squa re feet and average lot sizes of 6,800 square feet. Gas Station Architectural Review Sought Future service stat ioru in HunUngton Beach can be subjected to architectural review, City Attorney Don Bonfa told plaMinl commissioner!! Tuesday night. He added hoftver, that "it may be discriminalory lo impose architectural controls on service llation!I alone, especially if other commercial activities with less attractive appearance are con· ~istently exempted fr om the imposition of such a condition." Bonf'a's decision came in the wake of a city hall furor O\'er the alleged ugliness of certain new station!! which have recently sprung up in the community. The planning commis~ioners may have an opportunity to unleash the Design Bevlew Board for the first time Oct. 21 \V11en Standard Oil Company will re·sub- mit its application for a use permit allow· in g the construction of a thrce·bay station on \l.'amer Avenue and G o l den \\'est Street. ~f0re than one month ago, a ction on !he permit was suspended and a moraLoriu1n on other gas staion use permits declared until lhe city attorney's reporl would be. available. Service slaticm sites ha\'e recently been (Ste STATIONS, Pa1e :) PILOT SALUTES OC AUTO SHOW The Orange County International Auto Show, first major i!'howlng ol the 1970 models in the United States, opens Thurs· day after a benefit premiere tonight at the Anaheim Convention Center. The DAILY PILOT salutes the sho\v and the county's As.~istance League chapter!! spo!lS()l'ing tonight's preview in a spteial m-page section. The special sec· lion is inaide loday. F"ountain Valley·s three new coun· cilmen -George Scott, Ron Shenkman and Bernie Svalstad -supported the 7,ZOO.square·foot minimu m lot size dur- ing the recent recall campaign, but said Tuesday Lhe planned development con- cept is useablc. Originally "in rare cases'' citizens bat· led dov.·n the Larv.·in tract when lots of fi.000 square feel \\'ere proposed plus the dcvelopn1en t or a \{'a~cd Southern California Edison lo ri ght-of.\vay. Bolh item.~ ha ve been revised by Lhe Lar\vin Cornpany. All five councilmen agreed that the city's planned de\'elopn1cnt ordinances should be. changed, so a development v.·ith :.vcrage lot sizes of 7 ,200 square feet \\'otild bring the same rrvenuc to the city . In defending their vole, couneilmt'n agreed that the Larwin Company, which O.llllLY ,!LOT ttWf,,... Dropph19 Gum Drops Students a t Los Amigos High School in Fountain V.,p lley await falling candy dropped from helicopter at noon Tues- day. Drop launched drive by students to raise abou t $1 .200 in community to support school activities . They'll sell candy to raise money. Huntington Man Guilty of Theft is following the current city laws , should ool be held responsible (or past grie\'ances or held lo laws not yet enacted. Shenkman said the Uirn•i n tract, 11~ now preSC"nled, is in fact, •·one of the fin<'r developm<'nl~ in the city. We did defC'a l the original proposal, v.·hich was inferior ." No one challenged the quality of the Larv.·in honl{'S. Some of those who spoke r!uring the public hearing said nothin g leEs than 7,200 square feet would do, v.·hi!e others favored a limited planned dt'velopment concept. Cauncilmcn proposed a firm look ;it planned dei,•elopmcnts and d t f i n i I t t·hanges in city ordinances. '\\'e have to protect. ourselves again~t the potcnti<1 l abuse of our current loose ordinance's,'' concluded Harper, Oil Well By Another Na111e Appears Rosy "l feel ahnost embarrassed by lhi5," grinned Huntington Beach Planning Com- 1nission Chainnan Roger D. Slates while examining glossy color photographs of the city's prettiest oil well. The pictures, all mounted in expensive cardboard folders, had be.en submiUcd by Arlyne Lansdale, a \Vestminster 11t· lorney. to prove to the comn1!ssion !hat she had complied with their landscaping requiremenl. She installed l\\':> dozen \'inc r ose:i, th ree periwinkles and one azalea around the perime!rr of the v.•el l and even ad- ded sonic plas tic fl ov.·crs. .. Some of the girls rto>\'n at lh<' office thought a few plastic f!o\\'ers would drci..o; it up until 1hr others hat! a chance to bloom ... ~11id i\lrs-Lansdale . .. , would .~ay thal she has niore lhan complied v.·it h our rcQutr<'men t." said Assislant Planning Director Richard 1-larlow. The planning con11n iss1011ers. delighted by her zealousn£"ss in the beautification process, did loo. The well. located near Olive A\'enu e and 22nd Street had been dormant for several years and \'las reaclivated at l\1rs. LansdaJe's requesl. Slo<"k ~lnrkel• NEW YORK I AP) -The stock markel fli rted with a new 1969 low in moderate trading late this afternoon. (Set quota· lions. Pages C 10.11 ). But after dipping below !he closing low in early afternoon, it mounted a come- back in late trading. Orange Coast Weather Beach Man Faces Deatli Try Count A formal complaint charging assault 'i'ilh intent lo commit murder was re- quested today againsl a Huntington Beacll man arresled Tuesday in the fllange, execution-style pistol shooting of a Costa Mesa gun collector. Chief Says General Lied A Superior Court jury tlas found Dougla!! Jloier Ander~n of Huntington Beach guilty of the robbery last a.tarch IS of a Santa Ana ('(lin shop. Foggy nights and sunny day11 are the prospects for tonight and Thursday with the mercury dip- ping a bit to the middle 70's. INSIDE TODAY l\.fnrinr Corps is "scalping" it,~ rrcruit.•, $0115 n Coa.•l barber, wlio i.~ p/qn11in11 /.(I dn samttlting 11bo11t !1 1,npin(} ti/) I/I~ Corps. Pag~ A19. JohJ1 J . t.fassey. 24, of 18922 Brookhurst St .. wa!I questioned Tuesday nigh! by f'osla Mesa Police Detective Gerry Thompson concerning what led to the predawn shooting. Conrad D. J ohn§On, -46, of 1767 Orange Ave .. was hit by a nine millimeter automatic pistol slug that Wttered his arm tis he and Massey grappled for the weapon. lie: la reco\·ering Imm lhf-gunshot (Su tlASSEV, Pa1e !) \VASH INGTON (AP) -Chicago Police Su pt. Jame!! Conlisk say1 former Army Provo.st Marshal t.1aj. Gen. Carl C. Turner lied when he testified city authorities knowingly gave him 397 coo· fiscal.ed guns for his personal WJe. Turner i!I a central figure in a Senate subcommitee lnve!IU1ation of a probe into cha.r,es a ring or entl'lted men. in- c luding former Army Sgt. Maj. William 0 . Wooktridge, wu en1aged in a lara:c· iicale grart ring. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner was quizzed only on charges he obtained the ('(lnflscated guns under pretense they were for Army use and then sold some of them !or his own profil. He said, hO\\'ever. Conlisk knew he wanted the guns for his own colleclit. although he signed stalrment~ al lime affirming the weapons were for Army. Conlisk said in Chicago Tuesday Tumer'11 testimony was "untrue." 1'he >iuperlnlendenl air.a supported t h I testimony aiven by police Ll Paul T. Duellman. who told the subcommittee Tuelday he showed Turner the guns, but never heard him say they were for his own u,'!oe. Until th is week the main thrust of the i1ubcommlltee probe had been Into a11ega- Uons Wooklridg~ and a band of career serseant.s had looled Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled liquor and bribed dfftcer!I. Wooldridge. who i!I !ICheduled to testify Friday, told a reporlrr he will invoke the fSee TVRNER, P11e II Anderson, 40, of 21752 Pacific Coa!lt llighway, was ordered by Judge Howard Cameron to return lo his court Oct, 22 for ~entencing. Anderson i!I free on $15.000 bRil. Police arrested Anderson and Billy Ray Keegan, 35, -Of Portland. Ore., shortly after the robbery of a 17th Street coin ~hop. Both men were accused or breaking Into the pre.mises and taking coins valued at more than 550,000. Keegan failed lo show 11p for trial Mon· day. Judge Samuel Dreizen ordertd hit ~15.000 bail forfeited and lssutd • w11r- rant for his arrest. •••II"' .an ,.,_, , ..... 1111 C1~ltrl'll Alt '"«111 ... ~ .an Cle"H*' •l·lt Ce111lf t A14 C,.H_,, All IM.tfl Ntfl(tl 1111 •dlfWfll ..... ., Jl'l•l'l'lc• C·1•11 M•--CH AH L ..... ., 0, M911111• A• M .. n.., AIJ ..... ·--··--·····-·--···-···---~~~~--------------------------------- 1 z DAILY PILOT " Wtdn1sd11, Oc:toMt 8, l%1J Move for Unity House \\'ASHINGTON (U PI ) -II o u ~ e Republicans today endorsed President Nt.xon·s conduct or the V1elnarn wnr and his attempts to 6eek a negotiated peace. In an obvious mo\•e 10 blunt gro1ving 11is.sent inside and outside !he Republican Party, the GOP mc1nbe rs at :> closed conference ordered a resolut ion prepared and published expressing their backing ··m 1ener.al" for what Nixon has done and is doint io Vietnam and Paris. f'ron1 P11ge J STATIONS. • • ckarged by c i l y officials, including :-itayor Jack Green, wllh wtimagina tiv e buildiag design, 1ign clutter, inadequate .i;creEning, unsightly trash areas, 11ncl gen· era! blighted effects. Possible remedies to some of these or. lenses have recently been suggested by the city planning department Here are ::;orne or lhen1 : -t:ni znaginalire design : This could be O\'ercon1e by requ iring !hat the station be bu.lit in conjunction with anothe r co1n- n1 ercia l building nnd not permitting thent lo be consl rucled as a separate project. -Traffic congestion at intersections: The solution \\'Ould be rorrned by limiting access to one dri ve\\'ay per street and re· riuiring il to be set back 100 feel from Lile intersection. -lnadequnle landscap ing, sign clutter ;ind unsightly Lrash cans: New cily code amendments would per mit rigid con trol and inspection of these infractions. -Poor screening: This complaint per- ta ins lo !he open bays of service stations and could be remedied by turning the build ings arou nd and requiring that th e b~s be entered from the rear portion or the lot. -Excessive number or service sta- tions: Th.is could be possibly overcome by limiting service station locatio ns to arterial highway intersect ions and to in- ter!tctions of freeway off-ran1ps \V1th arterial highways. Water Drainage Work Approved A water drainage problem in lireen \1a!ley was sol\'~ Tuesday night as Fountain Valley's City Council accepted f>JSt'menl grants for three storm drains in the area. Homeowners in Green Valley had bat- tled developer George llolstein for .a yc;.ir -unsuctcssfully -to get him lo fix the drainage on the green belt in lhe center of the developinenl. C11y ofricta!s 1noved to solve the pro· Plem by approving city construction or J.ha storm drains . Cost of ini:;talling the drainage. system will be S75,000. :· City engineer Wayne Osborne explained I.hat the cit.v origi nally planned slorn1 a.rains [or !he area but Holstein had Unsuccessfully tried to solve the probl c111 ~y another method . Vista View School Plans Win Approval • Final plans for C'onstn1c\Jon of th e ne'>I' Vista View School ha ve been approved b1 trustees of !ht Ocean Vie1\' School Di~tricl. · Tru~tecs J\fond;iy al~o ;iuthonzrd school lldministrators lo s1•e k biddf'r<; for con· struc!Lon . The ne\\' ~chool will be locat ed oear Mag nolia 51reel and Ed1ne:er ~1·f'nue and 11•il1 be comple!cd h_1• Sept !970. It \\"i11 accommodale hetwrcn 600 ,nd 700 students. DAILY PILOT 11:.\..rf N, w,,J "''"°'"' ,,... "~~l!""r J•c~ R. C1rlev \"\CA Pr1:t ... M •ncl G.t l'lrtl M1~11!r Tho,.,01 lt::et•il lO•lor Thom•1 A. M111ph:"' ·~·~•0''• [0••9• >1'-•d w. ft '"' i,.toc1••• ro ·~· Hy11tl11.-iH hock Olfltf lOf 5111 Sho•t Mo<l:nt AdJ,,,., P.O. l o• 7t0, t?b~I OtW Offk" Na-l IHt(ll, l111 -·· 11111· .... """'"'''~ (Hll Mfu· )JO W~I! llf !l!~t1 l•111.._ ... ~M 2ll J"t1j ,1,.,.,,, • GOP Supports The endorsement was approw:tl' by voice vote after memberl aired con· flirting views on neit WedneSday's an- tiwar moratorium. The House GDP action came as more senatorial antiwar sentiment surfaced. Senate opponent s of the war brall!Jcd the South Vielname~ sovernment as a ··corrupt dictatorship" and sought to 111- cruse pressure on Ni xon for faster U. S. disengagement. A bipartisan re.solution demandinil'. "more rapid withdrawal" ol American forces was unveiled by Sen. Frank Ct;urch , !0-ldahu.) lie said Pres1denl Nixon, '"like his predecessor before him, appear!! to be manacled to the Saigon generals." The resolution urges Nixon to co1nn1il himself now 10 full disengagc- n1ent from South Vietnam. A second measure v.·as Introduced hy fre shman Democratic Sens. Thomas F- Beach Nixes Apartments On Commercial Property Construction o! a SO-un it apartment project on property zoned for commercial development has betn turned dov.'tl by the Huntington Beach Ci1y Cou ncil. Councilmen up held a previous decision by the city's Planning Comn1ission de- Beach Minister Funeral Slated r·unrral services \1'ill be. held Friday 111 Hunt ington Bcoch for the Rev. lsaac I.. Benge , 65, \rho died ~1onday at T1,·en- 1ynin e Palms. Thi' Rev. Benge had lived in Hunti ngton Beach for eight years beginning in 1933 and in recent years condu cted services Jrequently for the local Church of God, 426 11th St. He was supervisor for the Chu rch of God in California, Arizona and Nevada. Services \Viii be held at 2 p.n1. Friday at Dilday Brothers Chapel , 1791 1 Beach Roulc\'ard vdth interment lo follow at \Vestininster Memorial Park . His body will He in state un!il 9 p,m. tod11y and fro m 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday at the rnortuaiy_ 'fhe Rev. Benge is survived by his 1virc, L:,ura, or Twentynine Palms, a son Clyde, of Hunllnglon Beach: a sister Jn- sephine Gragg of El Segundo, fiv e grand- children and one great grandchild. nying a zone change and use permit to 1he Fredericks Development Corp. of Fullerton to build the apartments on the 1vest side of Bolsa Chica Street, JUSl south of \Varner Avenul'. Henry Fredericks argued futilely 1-1·ith the ccunci l r.londay, stating that the pro- perty had no con1111e rcial potential at this lime and that adJoinlng businesses v.·erc ··sick ."' Planning Director Kenneth RC'yoold~ ~aid appro\'a l uf th!"-apartrnent building request would reduce the size of the re- rnJ111ing 1·ommcrcial properly lfl less 1ha n an acre, little niorr than a service stat.ion site . Neiv Enterpri.ses Get Beach Okay Additional enterprises \\'ill be pt"r- 1n11ted in community bu siness zone~ unde r ordinance amendmenls approved by the Huntington Beach City Council. .o\dded to the retail stores section are ;i.utomobile parts dealers, florist shops. ice storage houses, pet shops and super lllil fkC'lS. Ad ded to the service category are animal clinics. automobile minor repairs. small dry cleaning firms, electrical distribution su bstations and skating rinks. ALL NEWSPAPERBOYS -Steven Chati vin, 1-1 , lie.ft), and Nick l~odges, 12, D.<\IL Y P ILOT carriers, look over picture of fatnous fo m1e r ne\~·spa perboys -;\stronaut Neil ."rn1st rong and !'l'Tichael Collins. Photos \\'ill be di splay ed .f"rl day and Saturday at South Coasl Plaza "spac e sho\v ." Carriers \\'il l grcel s ho1v visitors Satu rday afternoon, National f\ewspaperboys Day. Good Lu~k" G11ys Pilot Offers 'Astro Scroll' i\s a grand final e to National Nev.·spapcr \\'eek Friday and Saturday lhe DAILY PILOT 1vill join South Coast .Pl3za mc1Thants in inviting ··everyoo1•' to send greetings to th~ Ap•.:illo 12 a~tronauts before they bl a~l off for the llh}Gn. The ''ASTRO SCROLL'' vi sitors are in- vi ted to sign will be part of an exhibit of ;<;1iace age phot.ographs and other dis play material pointing up the American space program. Expected to be one of the highlights of lhe space show exhibit is a collection of pictures taken by two fonner nt'WSpaper carrier boys .and 1 test pilot on a trip they made Jut summer. 11-e fonner n e w s pa pe r h o ys - Astronauts Neil Annstrong and Michael Collins -v•ere. of courst, pilots of the liJnar modult' and comn1and mod ule, respectively, in the Apollo JI flight which r1rsl plant ed man·s footprints on the m~. Their companion. "Bui1'' Aldr in. v.•as the second man ever to set fool on lhl!'n1oon and sna pped several of the pic- turtr to be di'Splayed . Slnce Saturday, the fi nal day of New5paper Wt tk, is N a I i o n n I Newspaperboys Day. lhe DAILY PILOT has selected l\\'O carriers In n1ake "guefi t appearances" at lhe shov.· during the afternoon. Steve Chauvin, 14, son of i\1r. and l\frs. Ennis Chauvi n of 6i8 Senate St.. Cost a 1\l e~;1. a freshman at Estancia High 5chool, \\'ill be one of 1hem. SLrve ha~ been a DAILY PILOT car- ri er for three years, 1\•as inacle t.he car- riers' Honor ROH severa l lin1cs for 0111stnndlng service to his customers and :.ays he likes science and space. The other carrier v.·ho \1•i\l grPel ASTRO SCROLL signer& behveen 2 and -~ p.m. Saturday is Nick Hodges, 12, son of i\lr. ;uld i\1rs. l\lichilel Jlodgrs or 690 Gove rnor St .. Costa i\iesa. lle·s a seventh grader il Rea School. The spoce show will be open Frid1y from I lo 9 p.m. and Sa turday from 11 a.in. to 6 p.m. 1'111'1 J .000 per$0ns lo sign 1 he ASTRO SCROLL v.·ilt earh rtceive a red, v.·hite ;1od blue deca l boosting Apollo 11 and procla i1111ng "Good Old U.S.A .... Fir1l on Tht Mo-Jn," Also oner l'\'t ry hour, Of1 the Mur, an A.STRO SCROU. sign er v.•111 be given 11 copy of the Associ ated Pre.s~ keepsake b?ok. "Foot print.\ on The _Moon.'' Nixon E~a:leton ot Missouri and Harold t:. Huches of Iowa . Sen . Alan Cranston, tD-Ca tif.), said the United Stales was trying to ''prop up a rorrupl dictatorship" and joined in sup- port of the resolution. Church v.·as joincO by Sen. tl-tark 0. llatfield , (R·Ore.,) in sponsor ing hi.~ resolution say ing Nixon's announced pollout of 60,000 troops fr om \'ietnan1 wa s "1 step in the right direction." From Page 1 TURNER ... 5th Amendment and refuse to ans"·er questions. His attorney said he a d vi s e d \Vooldridge lo refuse to testify because he did not believe he would be given a fair hearing by senat.o rs. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner ad- rni tted that in 1968 he signed receipts four tfmes at Chicago police head- <1 uarters stating that confiscated gu ns he l1ad persc.;;ully selected were lo be u5ed for Army training purposes. Turner testified he disassembled some of the weapons for part.s, destroyed others, sold "the cream ol the crop" to a North Carolina gun dealer and pocketed lhe mone y. U,,t folo•l'lfl• Bul over and over again Turner in- sisted : "Those y;eapons were. not for the use of the Army, they (tM Chicago po- lice) were going to destroy them and lhey gave lhem to me per!Onally." KENNEDY LAWYER 'S BRIEFCASE SEARCHED AT COURT Sam Ripa (left) Irate With Detective Bill OiG iuseppe He said Conlisk had assured him the receipt.s he Wa.3 asked to sign were only a fonnality to meet the letter of lhc law. Tllinois law says all weapons seized by police are. after being used as evidence. to be either destroyed or given to the armed forces for training or other \purposes. Conlisk &aid in Chicago he believed Turner -who came to the city IMt year 10 represent the Arm y chief of staff dur- ing rioting in which U.S. troops were used -wanted the guns for official purpose5. Kennedy's Lawyers Ask Closed J(opechne l1iquest Turner was questioned closely by senators look ing for details of his gun deals. But the genera!, who is a licensed gun dealer, said he has lost his only record hook and does not have the infonnation to answer questions. Turner, who is now retired, said that on advice of his lawyers he has in the last Irv,. da\.,~ filed ame nded income tax (l'turna -for the last fi\'e years. He said !he amended returns show S6,800 in gun sales he had not declared previously. "Either you arc Incredibly naive," said Sen. Charles H. Percy IR-111 .)." or you have c\'aded the payment of income lax- es." J!e not('d 'J'urner had not moved lo a1nend his rctl.lf"ns un til after the sub- rom miUee subpoenaed his tax an d fin an- cial records. Turner said he gol 96 F:uns rrom the Kansas City police depa rtment and 195 \1•eapons from Fl. Bliss, Tex . He S<itd the Ft. Bliss sl1ipn1e11L ori ginated from the U.S. Cus ton1s Service', but he said he cou ld not remember the circumstances. \Vhen asked how he could estimate tbc arnounts due on his income tax without :1ccess to the reco rds he said he lost, Turner replied : "Sir, -I went overboard rathe r than underboard in makinil'. those estima tes.'' A fe•.¥ minutes later. asked about other fin anci a1 aspects of his gun dealings, he said "you're asking me questions 1 could n't pos6ibly ans1.1•er" "'ithout Uie n1issi ng records. Senate investigalors have said about 500 weapons from the three shi pments a.-e unaccounted for. BOSTON (AP ) -Sen. Edward :\1. Ken- 11cdy's attorneys asked today that an in- que~t into the dC'ath of t-.1ary Jo Kopechne be closed to Lhe press and public and that a!I witnesses be subject to cross-ex· amination. Kennedy's counsel, in arguinent~ before the Massachuselts Supreme Court , con- tended the inquest v.·ould be '"an 11<·· cusatory proceeding whi ch could result in criminal acl1on.'· Ed\\'atd B. Hanify, counsel for the t-.la~!'achusetts Den1ocratic senator, ask-ro the fu ll bench of lhe state Supreme Court lo declare the sta1e ·s inquest law 1u1t·onst1tut iona l or 1.-.v !1011. n a nev.• bo1lv ul r('!'Lrictlo:1s on lhc .proposed 1nque&t 1~ Edgartov.·n l.l1strict Courl l\t iss Kopechne was found dead in Kt'n- ncdy·s ca r in a sail W<Jlt~r pond on Cba1)- paqu1dda:k Island July !9. Kennedy ~a id the <:ar he was dnv1ng '>l'en t off thr side of a narrow bridge and plu nged into th•• \vat er. Kennedy escaped bu t :-.1iss t\opechnc 11'<1.S trappC"d 111 the car. Hanify ;irgued lor a (ull hour of l)le twirhour hearing before f1 1•c justices or the court. In add1L1on lo ask ing that lhe inquest be closed to the press and public, he tt.llcd upon the court ll> qu115h a ruli ri~ by Dis trict Court Judge Ja111rs A. Boyle \\h1ch barred witnesses' IR1vyers from lhe court room <"xcept lfhlle their rlients were !estifying. Hanify further asked the court to order .rurlge Boyte to dlsqualiry himsrlf fron1 the forthcoming inquest bec ause he was a party lo today·~ ap pea l. Joseph J_ Hurley, an assistant attorney ,i.:eneral. ·who represented J udge Boyle, !old the court tha! the re had been a gre;it deal ot La lk about ··criminal con- sequences -and it i~ probable ther~ l'OUid be. :;onH~ crin11na! consequences." I 1e sa id lhal an inqu est could clcil r per~ons uf susp1c1on 3$ well as indicating guilt. ··t-:ennedy himself, on te>!r1·1 ~1on, refer- rl'd to innuendo and \1•hispcrs and i;os.~1p."' he s;.11d, '"An inriucst eould serve to er.d this and to protect and clear the .e.ood name of i\1 iss Kopechne a.o; v.·ell , rl"en though she is nClt. of course, 1 par· ty !<1 this nearing." f 'ro111 P11ge 1 MASSEY ... 11ouud ill Orange County ~ledical Center. li11esligalurs 11erc told thal i\·las:scy , 11 ho r1c(·11n1 pa111t'd .l ohn~nn ho1nc frorn a 1.11ern. 11":1~ ex<1n11n1ng the V.l:!apon fro111 l/1r• 11ctu11"s collcl'lion 11l1c11 tie pointed it lf1111fl rd r.-1r~ .. John.~on. Th" 1 ... uple ll"JS then :d l0gf'f.lly forc·ed !u l'll'i.'I tin the floo r :is ll1ough lo be C;\· 1•tlltlrl , hul J c,hns<1n ~aid l\1asscy v.·as d1~i.raC'lr1I a 111on1r111 , su Ill' J1111q1rrl h1111. l'0!ice Office r \\'aync ll nrbcr was nn r11u1 111e p:itrol 11Car thi: John:.on ho111a 11 her. he heard snnic•)l1e shouUng !or 1)0!lcc and raced to the scene. He found J\tassey at !8lh Street and \\"estminster Avenue, still anned, and ar- rc~t ed h1n1 after forc ing the suspect at ,•1tnpoint to Jay do1\·n Lhe war souvenir flL~((I[. 1\las~y '>I 111 hf' he!cl a Costa !\1esa City .h11 I \\ 1tho1.1t bail 11nt1I hi~ ,1 rra1~nn1ent in Jl,:irbor .Judicial District Courl Thursday, ;i fter which he v.'i!l be moved to Orange 1 1111nty Jail October 18tli For a lia.ite:l time only - T owk.'1 famous :s~tliog ling service you h:att alr.ays ..,,,antN, Don't delay. Come in rod.1 and l>lz advanugc of lhil wonderful oppartuniry """"' 25,i..., ynur purchax. ofTnwle araling ft.a-... /lam ponoms on11. 4-pieu platt .. ttings (~ plou fott, pl.<e knife, ,aJ.d fOfk). R.gulu pria fro.. $49.50 Sale pri<e fu>m $37.12 CONViNIEN T TERMS BANKAMER ICARO MASTER CHARGE 1823 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA ·- J2.p1ece servict: f(lr elghl Regular pr ice. from ~396.00 Sale price from $297.00 23 YEARS SAM E LOCAT IO N PHONE 548-HOI ~ I \ I .J I I .I " 1, ,. " ,I I ] I I I : . I 11 It's Ski Tinie Agai1i Snow queen Nan Dahle (left) and Balboa Ski Club mmiber Freda Dickman get the word from Ray Chandler that the club has s'vun,g into activity for the upcoming sea son. A free dry land ski school and a sk1u1g move are on tap later this n1onth. F urther information on t.hl' club and its program can be ob· 1ai ned by calling 646-6141. County Prep, JC Grid 'Log ANGELUS LEAGUf; II 0."''~" ;)'I LI l'..-~•1 ., o.n '"'""' MA.T iit DE i • ~.,.1 ........ " " " SUN NY tHlll I• V1 lf11cl1 1 S<><lo• ~ 'i Fulltt•"" !1 MJIVl'(lllt ~' ~eadl!Mt~ l,! l!lll!nt Ptr• T•OY • " " " G L•-'• i. l•~·- ~ .... • ,. • GARDEt'V GRO\/E LEAGUE lo St, lle-~1rd 11 sr. JO'\ft &•ct illlt\tlfl l l Cltrl< 21 PK lflC 11 C.11.....,rtl IT. IJ"Ti'ION 'I' 11 Dort<lMUll 6 !1rr1 71 Si ft l'o<llro I f !I Rt"""c ~1 Mt<lll(!~ Jt LB Pery ST. l"AUL CRES1'\llEW LE.4GUE .; (~Ill MHI • l &<1•• 1"' Tlllifl11 o •ANGI , ' • " " ~ ' ' • 0 ,, • I OLSA GRANDI 4 LvnWOO(I ll (&r""I d@I Mor • M.1~1 ... GAlltOEH GltOVl ?" Soul~ '~''""" 11 f ov11•11n Vaill"' LOYO ll 1• E<l•oo" l' G•llr U OV!NTA • l • M•rotde PACIF•C • a Volle Ptrk • E"1nc•1 L1 Co ... ~• 11 .t.NC:HO ALAMI TOS '' ~ov•"4•n V1ll1v :0 LI HI Mt 1• ~ltffl i ANTl"C.0 E! Do••dQ • LI M"HI f N•I! " " ' • • ,. ,, • " " • " " ' " " " " u l(.,,~y 11 S"-V •ll~v " " " IR\llNE LE.4GUE :0 ~1n Cl1m.n•• l'"OOTMILL ~ ~e~11 ""' Vtlll~ 71 l l"''f'll jj M111l~n V!••O LAGUNA llA(H i.;, .. 111 !I·~· VIiii Ptr~ MIS510N VllJO ~&dlfMCt t Vllltv C:ll•l1to1n I f.00~111 JAl<I CLIMI MTE I N1•t 0 ,..1 ... ~ ... lllfl l l [I Mp<!! ... TUSTll'I I [Jflncl1 • l.,., .... ._ • 0 •111 .. u 1'1rt1111 " 5,,,.,,.~, JI lag!.IM Ill<~ FREEWAY LEAGUE • ' • • " ,. " ., " " ~ • " • COl!O•UI 0£1.. Mllll t.1 •. ,.,.,.,,, ""tor l • 11 ... ,4 "'"""'' 11 l;~l\M COS TA Ml!SA D Q<•n~o i Nr"~ad Hl 'bet Jl l•!ent•• 1 l l • 0 Ltt"t• 1 Hunn~11~n e••t" I Coron• "'I ""' f SfiNCIA lt T"'H" I PIC•!.U 1 (.Ot11 Mt -;1 l'&UJolT .t.111 VALLIY 1.S ... ...: .............. , I c,,,..,.,. Grove '~ ...... ,..,,,19 e 11u-!11'11 ,, °'''""" Ml S.~!1 .,.. V1 lf~ MAGHOL,IA ' l ,.,., ,, El Do<•"" • T·ovn•o1n V1llt~ SANTA ANA ' ,..,, ... 11 11 f I Mncll,.. I lo.r1 VALLEY ,. ., • " " " • • " " " • • " ' " " ;• ,, 17 ,,.,vft >r I Vol.,•<'• U T•t Y ORANGE LEAGUE ., .. ULLlllTOM ••r,. YI l•tt I 1t1!101 21 i<IMY Hl!l1 " " T f u•..,r11W'1 H kt!t!ll 7l l llU<>I !IN<ll ltltOlfDT 71 El~"' " " " It !•nll•O" 1 />1•9"<>•11 •1.. DOJtAOO 1.1 E~c~1~r 11 L-ll " ~·· LA MAl•A 7 t<""!ln.ien IHtll " " .. IU1TILU 3' l tfUM llwc~ I 11111& ... Altm•'-l l ~ulltirlt>n U $1YI ""' It SON•• • l'ootfolll ll It.......,., ll W111¥n 1t V1Mt l"tr~ 1t LI W.11'1 LOW ILL SAVANNA ., ~ .. " " " '' .. ,. LOI ALAM ITOS 17 \Y&rkrn1n ~.S T111tm " 1.. ..... "1_ . ··'····~ 11 M l,.lot" LOI 4MIMll 4 l • At1ml!M DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less Co""11l1f1 Lon• rif r;;b1 r9!•u l1h1d Tir11 -""tll 1ble, Prlc• ''*'., SJJ ,fl pin f.l.T. ,,b1,9!111 W!tlt 0•1!1 -Suitt• Pr•"11U'll - R1di1I -SFo•h -S111d llu99y l •II Si111 T,uck Tir•1 BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17th St.· Costa Mesa. 645-2010 l111•Am1ric1rd 10,,..,M .... Jlt leyl M11 l1r Jto1WIST17ttii, SANTA ANA -1'41·'t04 " " ' " " ""'l\•on v ... o TrOY "1 l~w•tl •6 ~nn~ Hlltl 1• t! OcrtOI! VAlf/'IClll 3"""• "'"' II~• Pt·~ ~9<1<110!>•<• " • " ' " " • 0 SVI\!SET f ,E.1GUE n c.~dlr~ 11 llf'<ll•n!IS " 11un•ifiq•tfi ~,.(~ HUNT IHGl ON 11 l • "•!>!I l' Ed;,.,n 1 ""4""f"' 11 l • r,.·~•· -!.:! Torr•~~ I 001 Pvf'lll.,. NfWl'OD;f !• f n•on• <1•1 ~ "' t Co31• '.'"'' 3' ~·"'' ""~ SA Ill f l "'•'·~ 0 11 H ~~,..n·~~ 1J N•WPot ' H~•M• ••• .... ESTE•N M•'h•~n W~•m•"'''' WESTMINITE'I • L8•''""°" l • ~ •• ,llO I l \Y"'l•rn SOl.JTU COA.ST t ElllllTO! 11,o t-Jonoo FULLElll O"' :1 c1~r .. ·1 " p ,.,~ ~1 f.! (l"'•~O 1J Fi v~r "~~ MT ilC 71 C.<>l<I•" v;,...+ I long B•at n ORJ>"'IG• :it Gol<1•n Wa l n cv..,....i JI HlrW !l'N DIEGO 1 c;..,_.-~, ' l"' """'" • e~~'"'"1a SJ,,N 01100 MEI• l1 Vtll!1 ,, '"'"'"'' l l r.ou1n~ ,, " " "' • ,, " " " -, .. " ' " ' " " " " " I " " " " ., 0 Skating Tonight . """"• ,, o,.,, ~· ; G~•o~• •1~.;.1 DESERT $AODLllACI( 11 !.ou•nN"''''" ;. G•.;v,1mo~r ;o c.,.,11,, SOUTUER1V Cr\L. CONFERE1\'CE CTP.1 $! ~ ~vll•,•on I Ot &~H C~~'t ~AST LOS " ~•e1~0 ' (.c...,"'D<> " ~••II• fl~• • GOlDE"' in O••,,~· Co• .r <I M• 5AC II S•n•1 An• W lf ~T "IAll l Ort 1~ long !'"~'~ J• ~"" lJ1~~ M'1o ;o O•an~• (n"T LO~ •NG(Lf.I i• '•~n D••'"l is sa" e•'""""'"~ 21 y ..... ·~ , , ( .1,.' " 1110 HONDO ,1\rca Sports Calendar AUTO-MAN ,. • TRANS~ISSION I & f NGIN£' SPFClll..Lt ... ro.;. COMPLETE MINOR SERVICE Cl'l•llflll nui.r. M l11•t Uftlk. s.t litlk•,.. ci..n ...,,,., I. K,..n, ,..... pon 111k9t,. ltl-plH• filler. lto-d Int & Jl·poffri oMc:k 10,00C>Mlll QUAMNTH .•. $24.95 TRANSMllSION LEAKING? ln•l•H n-._., ffronl o• ••••) $13.95 wttl'I 111/thictio<J' ~utl'll"f .. f•lll'Wl-t II ........ ullfTl..wl fRFf 10-hl~t, -I D4Y SlRVICf -EASY T£AMS 1 lONG IE.ACH 2450 LMt a.ldl .. COITAMW 193' """'" lll'f. 645-0900 I FUWllTON (21J) 417·545' 115 ~ .., I LEGAL N011CE LEGAL NOT ICE LEGAL NCYTICE "IDT!C J lD C•l!O!TOltS SU,.E•to• COUlllT 0 1' THI 5T1,lf 01' (l,Lll'O•Nl.t. FOil THE COUNTY Of' 0111.t.HOll "lo . .t.·1"31 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL N011CE r DAIL y ~!LOT ca Ll<GAL N011CP! l Lle,lril NOTICI LEGAL NOTICE It.Miit CllllTll"ICATI 01" •US1NISI .. .. . ' LEGAL ~OTICE IAlt SMJ HOTICI TO ClltlDITOlll ., ........ UH·ff .. .. {; J 0 DAILY PILOT H Yltdn,\day, OctGbtr 8, 1%'J THE1 NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN A.71.d th• ma" 11)ho knows ju.s t how to turn !lit: pllros! to get tht: most out of lhc barb t.t DAILY PJW1' colu1nn- 1st Sydnt:v llnrri3. I-It lu:ls been call!!d t l1 t: modern -dov 11 t: n r 11 lift:n ck t:n. Jj yo1.1'rt1 rt:ady for hi.5 ust: of the acid adjcctiv t: a11d t h o u g h t -provoki'1!1 prose to g'ivt: 11ou lht: ntedlt .•. ir you u1an t lo find som.e1hinr1 ro thin1' about in 1vha! yo1i read •.. if yott hai;t: a 1tr1st: of humor. !JOU b~lo ng 1vi th Teoders 1cha delight in felling others toh.at "S11d 1aid" rr'\ one of tht: '1a!io11 '1 most • quoted cohH7tnJ. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sytlney Harris: "One of th• highest paid job. In America c.on1i1f1 of 1t1nding up in front of a mic- r'ophon1, 11p1r1tlng th• 4i1ood r1co rd s from th1 bad on•t. -ind pl1yin9 th1 btd ona1." "tt"s sad but true !hat while alco holic!t i re lhe best argument for abslinence, i;o many abi5ta1ners are equally eHective ar· £'Ume nt for a little drink now and then." "Motl of the 10-c1lled 'incomp41tibility' In marriage •prin~t from the fact th•t to rnoe.t men, nx. is In •cl; while to 1111 women, it 11 1n •motion. And this diff•r- enc• In 1ttitude c11n be bridged only bf love." "The 5ole dif'ference between 1 'dedica· ted cru1sd~r · and A ·n~y reform,r' con.- :s1~t:s i n our ,agreem ent or disagreement 'II.11th h1' object.lves." "The mo1t ezpl01 lve combln•llon In the world con1i1l1 of 1lncerily 11dd•d to ignor11nce." '·\Vhene-."'t'r I .1m th! recipient of an eJi· reMiiveJv hearty handshake, I 5uspect Afr. ~fusclP.~ i ~ try ing to sell 11on1elhlni;, hide 60mcthing, or pro,,e I.omethin&." Check The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll The Help You Find latest Q1ot1bles Created By 'T~e Needler' For His Col· A Regular Feature of IHlln, t~e DAILY PILOT YMJr Hometew" Dilly N•w1p.per ·-·-·--~-~~~-,,-.-,-......-,-~~----------------. ' ' . . . " Monev'• Worth C ) Let These_o_v_E_R_T_H_E_co_u_N_T_E_R_1 ~JWy~·~~~.~!~New:._ ... ,_:.: _, hhol ... , OMlt.l •1111 L9w c .... Cflle, York Stock List .... . ·~ IMl.I ... Lti9 CfeM 0.. NASO Listing• for Tu .. day. October 7, 1f6f 1/'llOU 1.:Hf • .,.._,.,. ... ,.....,._.., ~-.. .,..,..~ 9 A.M. ,,_ IUOD. --14-••tc ~· .lJ l>rk u M ..,. ioocW9 ,.., ... ., -n.""" -Wea; .., ''"''"""'"'• .. • ~fu€1;,. ~ 'i'4 = ~ = ~ ~ ~:: Ac ri,1 ·• 'n j!' •,. fiff~ •• "'U ~ \~ fa',l::.!""..n.!i NIEW 'VOit'( l.0.1") o.,... J"" Ill Ill M l"O I'd 2' r.v. nh1 I' ' 6'h Acme ~1 ~ .. ,~, -~t ....a> -.- -flll fOl-11'19 lllG ~~I• 01 lf'4 l ~·I G .. 0 '·~ • I In l• '""' AtJ-mE 1,6'..s. •'4 ..... •'A + \'f ~1r~~) •nd ...... •vcrt•· ~~~1 n"'b ,r;: ,,:~ ~::,'I.I~ .~. ~~ fr:'"' f" ~ •;i.Mrtn• #f n ~ !?"" ~ ... :. u '1~r: "'' Boon1s ',,'-, ···""·'•11•.d,._!,• i!"'•'•"•• 16 17 •• ~· ·l·· ·f" w1 '"'"' 7J\') ,.~ ~~~:. l. ltl Jiu il>Ai 11t'o t tt " .... ,,ii:· ,.» H ...,, " -ol 30'~ 31'~ M•I Kit ..., r 1>1>1 H :U U Atl,..Llf I.ID Sil ~ 1!?; # .. -~ ' I B SYLVIA PORTE •!IO<i of Sto:vrltle1 ff! Sii '"HY< N•+ w l'I '.lo r!N A f 'I\ .lt!MUI pf2 ' Jr "• ltYt + 11 Y R Oe1l1r1, l~c .. trt Ee"" Lob ot .~ Nt! l~r 101; 11 1, el tlt pf 11 ,,~ .l,u1rr1 to 31 11 .. ~ii--ed~~'1, ·~ oo> :i;;utl !tU•llG (dGCb St ~.I\-,",,'.'• ~t!!I a• '" ''-tl1 Cm1 11\i,, l Air l"ord lfllli •l l<I'> n•,i, V. -1 Mdl~I" '' Pass By Today's exp\ of ,-'t llano I 1r1 tll>-Ed~c Sy, ,..E.. I 11 V, ....,.,, h~ ru Air P4 tf' IS 5 111 1~ 11 I I +I •Ice r · 01non .ac1v1yreHn11 1v• 1n1., 11 P••EI 11•,131·1 NJ Nf!G 'i"~ !.evtnlJ• 11 1, .ll•llledn ts. PS 11'• 111;. 17\\-V• •st!11 .50 I . f cltt!er .... 1c ... , 11 er ! Niie 15 16 Ntc~1n F 1 ', ~. NII 31 f2 AJ h1e1u1trl• "' ,!'.~ •;:i"' ~ .... :~Ji'~ ... ., n arras ranging rom home •o>P•oxtrn11e1v l 1 Nuc 10'' 11•~ "'1'1' A :it',11 , .. ~'"" ,, i•~ "~ Al• G•• 1 ' • -~i ,, , --· &'\\ 1ng to foreign travel has ~~;11~!. "'111G11·~t~ !:~.~ ii} :,:~ ~ ... ,',",":1~ 2~ ,f~ '·~ ~~\ l:~ ~~ !lr.'..'.tf .. 1'l1 1 J ~ ""fl)' ?~• ~.'.~ ::Jr."~~;." . . ~••• bo,tn J>~f· I !<t ~" nG • t::~ n G• ~' ?•"" AIC°"lllld ? I l't 20i\o _,.,., w.-+ ',' ..... > inspired today's high pressure d"'"' <••~e<ll "' ' O•" 1l2 u1 NE11r ou s1 ,:. !4' w G•C• "'~ ''" A•••""*" ,," f,"~ [·~ _ ,., , __ ,, '·" · \GIO (l>kl). Mfr-E'I Mo<ll/1 ~'• •"• NPA G•s ls I 5.,. EIS•t l!l'> 16'• Al!..,CP 10. "' IE-•,c promoter I h . hU f cl1•I•• mor~•h ti""' Ct P ll lt'• NW Nt1G flo 101/o l'Klrv ' ·~\ AllH ... , IO J J] J)\'I -.,., ..,,~ J>fJ.SO S 0 nt.W eli! 0 cllon~ 1nrou_,. "11>5 Oii 1~'1-' ~~l ~~N<I P¥,',v lfl,. 10\; Id His 14\i 15~1 A1leaL11CI 2 "° 1' '1 ~ U ···•· Ult5-fi.l0 . r1t1ll ll'lrk""• En11•1 I I~~: 1rl'! &:::: :.~11 _uv. ;~ 1::;19 H:I~ l;:~ 1~~ ::~~ ;~ 1:I ~~t ~1 Jr.t.: a 1rkj01>t .m Imagination and deceit -to ~I :.o~•Y. 1~:~:: ~:~:~ ~; ll 15 i1d 5"'" ~I n A leot~ud pf , 1 .u .u:i .. , ... -., 1=Ult "' profit from your ~agerntss ta ,.,,.,~0own "' <ott" !"""1" 11 11 o .. r S<on .u •7 '""' c1 41t., '3I• "'!ldM111 ·'°" 10 n~4 Jll'o 111" -'" trlN'( C01• "11!!10!!. on COl't 3io l',1 Orm!WI! IJ 11'.~ 5ull..: ,.v lo'• 6 Alllto!Mlll .71 27 30 :!eli XI +1•\ •"' Ill l.IO partici pate in 1,·halt\·er the~~. '''·' "•"'•' •~,,,'' ,o,',' •,1-. 1,0, ~·· ,.,. ,,.. 11._ 1.,..,•• F 10.,, 11 "m,w I'd ... 11 li""' ~ ?.!"' -,r, 11M1, ~·~, -.~ ..,... ~ E llo l 'n w1rNA 10 1011'1 riboP'cl I ll'I A!!ldjtrlM 1J .~ l2 -•+:41 lt T M ... a ction is. AFAP'I s 1S ,, E"er!ft .le'· JI'• YC•I , •• I\\ •m•• 206 110 Alllft!' "'. rl• ,.. s&'\ Y'I -~· l•c• I 1'20 AITS Inc 11~. \)\~Fl CK• , .• I\~ EC hd 1n:. 11•,i. T•n••' 5\'r ,,_., Al!lldSU. .. 21 1si1 l!'~ is•, -"1111rJofl• ·"' Tb • bl AVM C_p IP, 11" Ftbr+ l~ ,,, 1'1• P1btl 8r 3"" M>'I Ti•N" lSV. 1• All!• Cl'lt!m '' 21'\I. """ 1?1-'1 -Vo 1111 l1'1 > e ynu t oom basAcm• ti t•,10•,F11r11t T 1•, 1 P1c Aut1 11~ ti.'I T••lorw 10 fl\!tAl.,,.l"C .lOI J lf'.4 1t 1f'lo ... ~kll .~ . Acm1 "'" J•I> »l,'i F•"'"' U>.) H'.l. PK Fie 3S•~ J.I'~ r ........ 1 '"'' ~ AICCI 1.N "' ,, ""' .,.,.. -1-. ti 1'14.)J kepi the ''fountatn of ~·oufh" "'" HOSP 11 1S Fe<!N Ml lt• lt1 P•l<c Co 11'.t 1• .. T•x•• AS ' I ""''IS"' ,_.. 3 1r• ,, 27 -1' lo • .,.. • Alt ln<lu• 01~ ''~ F•t ... , '1 ja "'"""! 7'> no Tft1<rn A I';. t>I .,_MBAC . .M « ,._ 16 16'1 ,,.. l.'20 operators thriving. Earlier ~i~,·n .! ',','.,",'"•• ,",,'•" ',!£ ',',',', ~:~ ,",,~0.01, 11•1 110.. Tllfll• c1 ,, 1s10 "'""'Ii.• 1-71 11 *'"' 20• xi-.+ 1't •C•• .JS~ .,,..... n "' •• ~ H t)"' tJ'~ Tlll•Y In "'I 10"' AmHet1 .0711 :!Of ll Jal\ llto -1\lo -$tri 1 th'·s year, , Bron' ~mot•r ~·.~!h,_. ',',',.•, '•'•" •,•,•, w"~,, 4•·, ••• P''""" • U"> u 1· Tue-a0 '"' >J" AtntH •fl.311 at1 '°'" 1111.'t ~ -'" [M"' 1.11 ..-•v '-" -"" Fl~ o'o -'1' Poulev .. f'J 10 •Tr,_;~! G 1t>J II.,. AllrFlltr .t0 I' :D',, 32'4 31'4 -1Clo Mn 1.20 \\'aS forcell. out of business by !:J': ~:: ,·~ ,4i~. ~'•'~"\., 211.'t n P•••ll• 111,, 11•~ 1rnc~1 o l l"' Am Aini,, .M lXI n •o Jl'h ,,,. -1~ or1W•• 1.?5 N Y k ','., "•• ;:e,rl'',,', !l 1•111 Tte"" tn 11 ? ~, A 8Mtr .JS1 n 1?"' 1! 11'11 .+ '4 crm1111 .IO ew or s Attorney f.eneral A11d "••• •'o '" Food F.,. ·~ D s•<o J~ Trlco I'd 3p~ n \'i Am •••nots 1 e, "",,',•, ~~ ,_.,.. -\' .,,, Edl• 1.111 t -· . Allied E<I I\'• ' Fo"I 011 U \lo l•V. Po E~lln J'o .... Trlllolr 11'/o 1] AtnMCll l.tl .-....-.,,. fl \li '' !""'"' IM lN!il! Lefko1~·Jtt for pt!ddling All>ft GM 11··· 1l Fo .. G•nl jl Jl "• GIW ''') 2J Tr .... lc• 30 30\io Am c ... !·"' '°' ...,.. .... .. ... -. ,.~llAlr .511 bottles or pill11 advertised as :;::•\cu•11 l~~ ,t:,~ ~:':.:"' ,;'•,;:: ;:.!'i1~ ,j~·,~~ i= '4 1J:;_ 1~1'; !;:'C,":. ./.5 ,; ff~?~ .. 1~ ±·~ ~l:rll,'·,~,; "IOO t A El Liii V:. l'~ Frnlt! Ct f t ''o Pf'Pol W1 I I\~ u,, Oollr 1'<~ XI AC:totln 1,-.0 ' JO\.ri lG Jll l •l1IM1" -'l percen guaranteed" to Am e~P• •l •1v. Fr•k t• E 10·~ 11 •~ Perl•! 1111 JI\ u .. 11111'" ,.,,. "°"' A~IO\I .90 10 " fi !41.\;.; i~ ,.,....., H1I• res1orc "full •• , ~te ., Am Furn 11-> 10 Fu1v""' s1; ' P•l•+• 51 •1 u~ IMGll 1111 101~ Am ... 1.15 1&1,, "•'•' •~,( ~ _ v, W'l,~,,"-u'a"•'." "'-• I"' flC')' A G1MI •S" 4' GS! C""I l>lo 1C'> Pf1rclll 45 ' U~ !1""9 14 14''1 Am 111111 1 27 "'" " 12 v.·ithin 10 day!. When the law ::;: ~:;J' /f" ;:~; g:;•~t!c :r• 1r~ ;~1~"t C' " " uj 'k""' 111, u •\ AD1tt ~1 ... 1115 21h , 111} :.;:·,, 1 ..... ~ t• 1 caught up v.'ilh this """dler he A Miii ~ •0:. ,.,, G Al•<+I ,:: 16~ ,.~-" ~1:; H"" 8 ~~:, ,~1' l;~ !~;r'~:~l: lJ r,P~'t t,:t B .. ~a ~511.~p·l I"'"" • .t.m Medo JJ',} »~1 G Oe~lt• 1''• l'< "It Pct 3''> :J'lto u "I'' •'''> n AmEljOw 1./1 11 'i 11!• 11•,\ i.'t l'"n5""' l,J.O had sold J 20(} bottles of the Arri PIP• H\} 11',~ G 1Ci1>~!lc J' > • Plnkr!~ 60•·, U. U! r L JS~J 3''i'r Am Enkt 4J ~ 1"'t ,,..,, + ·~ fUftl"'-.011 . 11 . ' . A Ii! G..o JI/) 6 Gii E'I I'"' •'< Porlr HI( ?7'f> 71'\ l/P PonjO 11 1J .Am IE:•p tftd ?a 14 ... t#Uo 7N -~-lla'i• 1.10 pi s, a vitamin suppltment at ,o.51 <> lri' ' 10 Geotr1 J''t ~ Pre Gqlf 11•; ini u11~ SL4 , llf> A~~nd p!Mo t230 ,,,,. w:. " ,,, """ Co .IO $5.98 each. Cost to him of ~ch :,~cfl:·t~ 1li~ 1;i: 8i::i·~ ~i~~ ~Ii~ ~~f;\ t'l.: ,j:~ ,1•:: ~~111 tO" i~·1i rJ., !~~n•pfi~o ~ ~;: n1~ ~ • ., =:; ;~= ~· J!J bottle · 2' t An~•UI . ""•'S ~""'-" 31 ll P'uo1 NM )J\07 '•V~~· So ''''t l!'l•.AmH..+11 .lU 11 13 ... 13''1 1Jllio -"•111<11"1" ·" • i cen S. Anktll [ I\• • ._. leo•n W "1'"> .U'~ "ub NC 111; l '"' Ylolron 4.11~ '''"' A Ht:lmt 1 . .., 127 6J f!'I ,:I. + '' u"FOrf 1.10 Tb e bot rod h O Om A•Cl!I M Jl1'• Jt\:, IOb ltuO ~~. 6l, .. ~llll~r l' 1•'~ Ylw Wo4 lt\io 111"• A Homt pf 2 >•' 9''i 97"o ll'.i + ~· 1ulov1 W . .0 A•<• Ind 12>> l• ~ Cv~ 11 ltltl Pure1>1 1\'r IV, Wt<Uw p 11 )1 1' A..., Hoep .n 41)1 401,11 4111~ unk llltmo permitted one operator. ~·ho :;~,·~ M,, ;G," '•11;, ,,-c,sn ''' 10~• P 8fn11<1t 11,11t '9\~ w 1tr..i1 l 'l tv, Amt1'v11 1.11 •'•, uo; u 11\t + ·v, ,uMll M1.311 I ., ','," •,•,'h •""~!.."' <'•' 1 """ w.,1~w 1c4. 11 V. AmMF.,., .90 ~ 20 10'4 ... u•I '"" 1.00 recent y pleaded guilty in ..,,.. M<i• 11i1 nv. Gt•P~ Sc o~ ,,-, 1\' w •• ~ NG ., 11.,.. AM•tCI• l.• so ))\ .. ~ ~ -"' urndY .'11 ... ,,_ H '' !1 Gtl!<!n Mt 16\\ 111' Pu .. '"'"' 11>-i 17~, W•lll RE 10'\4. 11'; Am Moo'lorl <1117 10'-'o "9 li'\ + \ .. IYtrtl/11 ... court. to advertise and sell A..,.,, u 1~·,-, ~n11 RE 11 1• ~ o,,. 11 70!1! w11 rr 15 ,,.,., AmN1tG11 ' •m :tta.t :n ,,.. + .,.. 1111urw 1.•11 $10000 rth f . J A•tC 8ot 2l',_,..,.. rln,,.I 116 11" ,11111 Tr•t 11'~11'/.WPbb "' 'J''\2,~~Arn.,._ ,It .~, IO''.t ID\'t 01~-·~ , \\'O o a spec1a car .11.u1e scr lOU 1n, ov• I'~ lj"~ 13 •n•b El »'Ai :JJ w.1c11'" 15.,. 1,,Ai A lttsdl o""' ,,. !£'" 'JO.\ '~ _,,~ f I fl t 11 AY• ..... (0 • ··~ rwlft •n I 1• "••<II c. ,,. 231 W•llnl M n :n Am S..ot I 't 21\ .. 12\'r + 1; Cobl!I C• .II ue . e never a c u a y ll•bbllt 1-. •'·• G111rd c11 •'• S<\ •••m Cp 11 :n w.111 c. rh lO\Ao ""' s.to10 -'° ..!! • u v. l'lio -1• c.1 Fin•~• delivered any of it. ::~::. At ~" U •'",','_.i nr ''' 101• :"""" E• 59.t s.&•~ w11u1 " ll""' 11~ A s""u 1.ta -,,,. "'' , • .., + 1\ i •llMM .1l• ,., -~ 11'0 11 11":' CMl9 16 16\'r Wtln NA 10'1> 11 Ams..llt .19 71 03 .q &ll'> ->_; 1m11!L. .i.11 Tbe fore I l D travel 1•1 Pt'"' S-lo s>o Hom Co• " 1''' e ~ JI lt Wftn Mt1 ''-" 7\'i...,.. Slcl I l<IO rn~ ll~ lJ'n + 10 •m•5• i.1o l111•I!!• C ll llh H1ncvr ~ ))>~ l~' 1 ll llttv 5tc "Y, :JC'"' W'ln jOub 14V. lJ'• .lmSlcl M4.1! _?I 1112 1llO 100 -t CtnSo<.I 11 ¥ J BOOAf has spawned a wide ,s•rw<k 11 11 . H•ven '" J• .. lV. 1,!!" IE• 1•v. '-'"' w1.., w~ 11•1 141-11 Am5 .. rlt ... 11 11<;, ll''t IV·•+ ,._~derow . .o. . ••I• P 7•• F,Mlll'I Mor 1,,""•f1.\ ot>l11 M 'I 27 Wlllll1• J1 '1t l:l'l.tA:inr 1.60 16 25 I''• 11'--:;t, d• P•< l.1t varJely ol snafus and decep-e•umri •''• ... , tor•nrKI F Rostlon 1 11..., w1,..1w T Ht l'-~...,., l'I .u , " t''> Mo t l7 ..... •n•lll a 1.11 Li . . l1Ylt•• ll•1 l?'o t<l!tlwn ..... IS ~OY C•31 ,,~ ,. Wisc .... ,, . )1 ... II.ml T 2.40 t61 so:i. 50 jO'i •.•..•• ' ••••• ons in recent months. Jn e""'"' JI'• 12..:. 1-\<ilm e .. 64 t• ""' s-30>. 11>' w.,,... .... A ......... ., e .. 11. "'~ IJ'< 1:;>; Hoov•• 11·~ •t If'•" H• ,,,,; ltl"' Wy•';i c • •'• m .... _. ·-• 101• 10•;. 100;, ..... i ••btu" 1.IO some cases. buyers or package •tlm 1n11 10', 11•: Hos• En1 17: i'·~ s..iutr ''" 101:. Y•d"' e l!i, 'j"< :: ~~ l.J5 1 1~ l~~ ~R :i,';-+ ·,.., !~~·te..o~ 1 lours a led t be\. 1. JI fl•l,co• Ito 11. Hou,1 Fl1 J0;! ,~,, Am•tlll ... SJ 11\lr t7•.• 77'l _ ,0 .,.,L, l.•J re o 1eve a u l"k H• » l' Huck Mt ,. ·->K•-• , ,,,. -·• -•• E •-· , •• •I> L " S!''~ 51 t< er ,p JI :;11s ~... ·-. • .. •• -,_. .,. .... . ... range of meals and hotel ac· e111u0, •w 11, 100 ti~• G•t 1 ••• 15,.:. AMIC C• .» 211 2n~ '""" 7114 -.. '"'""er .Y commodations are included-:11;~c~~on ~,., "1~. ~~~~ f, J~:! 5! MUTUAL !~: .. }1or:.' ~ ~·~ fi.. !J~ !i'"' 1:~\;'W ~'JI: b t tbe A f II. k HI 21' n '"" G 1?:n ??.. Am ..... 1.4111 14 ~·· 35 "', + ,, ···~ u Y are not. s or·1109<.,, ioi J'~ J.,. •nd "~~ 21 11,1 Ami.1 .n 1• JI'" lt'• 1'\\ + '' ••• Al.u snafus, a recent example was 11011 lier 13-';. "'" 1nroltt ''" s•1o AnKOftll 1.ta 167 \' 27'h 2~• -"• etl k• ~ . lt«ltti• c 'I 16 1••r•rd I '" And\Hoo;k .90 Si • ,,,, 41"11 + •• i•ler ' I""' a stnes of charter air night• I°' C•P U'• u int C1111! 1Fi 11·~ AllC1>'1>NSv I 12 Ill" Jl\• ?I'• -·~ Cl c .... sc u ed for the summer or flrw~ Ar "" \9'': 1n1rm 1~ , • ., 10·1 ........ .c, '' • ,,,, 70'4 -t• -<o C• ·" hed I ,~,..... G 111; n ln<:'I Sv• 1 t•, FUNDS ~~•'•"'• '·.,'oo 20 r.;, 1• :M''> -..., Cl C• Jll'l.7.S '69 bet N eru1~ It 7l:i.< 1i•,:, Int IW'11 _,,, 9') Apeo()I! T.•:!f 1SJ' 36'' 3-l'i :Ml\ .+-1 tlt......C• 1 ween ew York a nd euc~'~ 11 iJ 1n1 1o11u '''' 2s=, ..,....,, ,~..., • ol~ '2''> "' + '• '''" pf.U.511 • _, ~. nd f d .. 1urn110 ' lS•• 16)0 lnl Melt 11''• 11·; AAA Svc ,ff n 111'; 1lll•• 10111'1 _,,_ tnco In• .lt LAlll'JOn. I llVUSa S 0 I.tU en .... 'I UIM1 F lJOo 16 1 Int !IVI 71V, 2•'1 Ar<:foD•n l,j,o U #f o.I'~ n + •-• (tnlFcfy .led d h Col W S 'SU. 2y I 1 !I J>f li Ill'! Arl1Pvb!vc l 214 1°"" 10 10!> -l' f '" ttud 1.4 an ot ers were left str anded z•mc• ~ n,,) 15r~ 1 ~1 ¥.,,. n:: :~.. !~~~s~s'--:g 41: r,, .. ~r,? r..~ :...f · •7,/(I :.iJ-1: t>e:cause the . organizers had c:~M ~ ~j1 ;1 .~~~·! 111, 1,,,, 1Nva1,.... lnY Guld '·" ,31 ..,,..,...,r t ,6& • '5',, 45'~ 45'l . 111111 .. s 1,12 failed to arrive at an 8..,.ee-C•n••d ·~ 1 11 j.u111 2t•1, 261, NEC:OM.,.AN1•s · l"v 1n01c unov:.11 A•rr-r pf •,1s 1 60'i. <Ii>'• '°' + ·~ ... it1e1 ·\' . , e· Coo S...w 15'•1• J•«ll• F 4·; !'~ .w YOll)( (,t,,.)1nvt1losll"llatA•matCk Ill •• :17''> lli"-:Mt'-'' tnMPwl.2 mtnt with the carrier. The C•P tnrA I·• ,,., Jacq11n c .-:i, 1c•·, 1•1•on,, 1111>011e11 11v Jn•••'"" G.Wp· · Armc~ p1J_1J no 51'• 51•, 51''• +1=11o ..,1 ~w 1,10 Id be . C1pTCf1 !'• Sli Jt,.,, v.'81 I'.;. '"• -T~p followl~t QUO• !OS ndl J.oo ·,"' ArmlluO 1.611 ' 3'\'o lll';. J,i'lo •• •M'50YI .10 \\'OU . pa.sst:ngers d l d • Cor!t fll !\lo '','• J•MH F 2i 16'' "'' N•1~•1 .... <Kl. M"! '10 10"4.1 •ro co .. ,,0 J 10 , .... , .... -•t t>n,.•IU .llb th h • ~ d t 1r1r Go " 23'~ Jom>DY 13 IJ'~ Ilion OI 5fCUr!ll'' Pr.,. i1' f10 •rvln INI 1 3' )4'4 ?l'~ 70 -,, l<tO l."°'1 oug • receive ro:iun .! of the C•K NG. 1? u •; Jll\v fd' ,,, 5,; Oe•ltr1. Inc.. •re siock 10 tt 11'95 AoMcl Oil 1.;o n. »'4. J•'O 11~ -.. •rl-'"d .M he C1nte._ » J6 IC St 701 11 ' 111• ••I~ •! Wltlch Spl•<I 1't1 i'O Aud l r•w I 10 .,~ 10 ;.trl·tto:f pl,,. farts t y had paid. C•" VP! ll'o 1'"" K:1:~; ,, 10. i '~ "'••• "curlll•l VI' P• I OI 1'11 A11~0G 1.20 T53 4.5'~ ... .u :_(' '""o.ll• .IO Tb I Ch• I llA ' • " ' '' 1 could l>•Y• ble11 '"• R!lll · .. "•••II A"'S"" 1.70b • »'• ~ .w• -'• ,, S+I .• e CU tu re boom ha l cho~I O 1J: ti-.l(!o~''Grn lOj. .SOl<J l~id l ort>ovo111 11••! 2!Sl?J nA>1dT•1" 40 ,_II•-> 1''• 11'• ~•d&rn Inc Paved the ~·ay for phoi>y ,,, .. ~ c~m L•• u• .. 14"• K•"""" f• ,,~ l ••~e<I) Tu.,o•v. 1w•i• u :n 11.l.l ••ICtv EI I.JO 10 '7'9. n 1> 7)1..,:... I\ ••mes 1.10 . ""' CMml<J 7:i.., J'< Ktar f lJ' 16 II-A1k Iv• 1 111 1111 AICJ,,,EI pf I ~¥1 6.1 It 11 , h1rt.•NY 1 of shares 1n Broad~·ay shows tne• 1....i ''• ,,~ ICetl•" ,,• 1 .,berdn 1.Jr 111 J ""cock 111 11 AU 111c~•1d? w 101':. 101 101\11 -1-'• ~••tM• 1.1-0 t 11 . t f c~e1 u111 1S"• 1•·~ Ke1twd ~o:i 31:·· !11~11•;:d 1 ¥j'j11~ ~'!" .. ~~~~e F,~.!f.21.51 !ll111c,~~0~1171 ·~ 1;r • ,~: 1ft~ _:,~ :;:~::,.ft""~~ 'r s,ma 1nves ors., or song ~~~1.~·~1 1~f~,3r' ~~~Fl• :;-• : •• ~ Afutro 1o ... 1or1 Cu• 111 'I'° i•JJ •11•c~ on.JO 1as 6•"• "''• ''"•-+-·~ hem1o1v 1.~ S tar S ~·ho publish )'OUT c~'"'' Pl n 10? "'~1 Cu• 71" 11 ' A1""• ~d 11 fl 1l 111 Cu• 11 1 · 11 '! l4 "''"' C""m 1 '~• '"' 26 11'• -'; ~-w•w .10 Clt•de! 71• ' IC l>C I'? I A"'cap 51] l•I t"o 1!1 t Jlll '11 J.t11, Cl>'D 110 r, Cl 1:, ... " .. Yo 1.0 musical efforts •t YOUR ,,_ ''"' u , ,,.', ,',,<,' ,',!!1 ,,, , , Am '"' l n l •• Cu• 1<:1 1 •• , •• 11.ur~• Pl•· 10 u • • 1r • i. Ch.., O•lo • r ·~ 0 ~ 11, Am D~I ~ lOJl 11 JI Cw• oo >" >I> A~ISC~" Ille IJ1 13''> 11'o \)>lo .._ '~ Ch[°"'G I? pense and for the "vanity" ~[~fk uJ: ~ ... ~r:. ~1~:· c~1 ,r,; 1~.~ AE1 ~ .. 1 10.11 c~, s1 11-tJ 11· .. •u1tm1• 1~d l•' 1~" ,,,, ,,., -•• c~ <E•1' 111 P ress w'--says th N t. I c11yron l', )1 1,;:11.., vol ll' · "-"' G•tlr • 11 • 61 c.,, s1 1c 11 11 01 A Yeo Ce 1.10 5• '"• 1•:i.o-,,.., -•• c~ MStP• ct rou , : e a Klna c1~no I.I~• •~, 1~v, kro l1lr ,.,.; ,'l,:.,· :;; ~:, : {/ :.lJ ~~.' 1,' ,",,' ,',',• !:~~ i'J l!!J7 1J ~._. li:~ ~51:,1 '; ;~ i~5:0U:!ce11s Better Busines s B u re , u Chn!en o r 'l<lO L•n<~ '" • 1o1 .. ~ •"""'' 1 •O 110 '' » ' "" ' ' • . . • Clo"' Cp 11•, 111'> L•M wa U•t 1'" "' ""' 3 11 .1.. Pc•·-•• , .-.. ,.. • • -11' """ • ould f d I\ ·'Jort . Cot (' s: l L 5 • , Am P•< 1 ll 1.11 ICfto(~b 71' •'ot Avt11P1 pf 1 1 ~' ?5)? .... _, ~ltfP d UP ho w . in. 1.erary"' 1nac,,1r,;'1 F 10;;,;•t:~•0(o.1t .,, 1., ...,, • ...,,,. c.rouo· ICnT(-Gi 1t o11 ifu "'v°"''o' •,•~ 1'Q.u1 1~ .. "1 ,,+1•;c~•1• c11-1W S pp<ng IJSt if SOlne<>nt v.·ere Colon S!r-Ji ., ~l'i Lel•ur C. 11•' )/•' t 1oot • l! 'ft lt•ll'l91 I.fl lo:M "1tec ii • 11 14'\ 1.-'. 14\1 + \'1 (~""~'u11 ... . 11 . . CCll"Ct! :lO'->» L•vl~ Tn ,,; 1,; Gr"'!!'> 1'11 14:ot Lt• R .c~ lJUl•.SI .... (~fl1C'1 ,OScl WI 1ng Jo ~y lo pul ii '~ '' ,, , -1 ,, ,, , ,, tncm• 1 Ii •.Ml Llbtrtv , 11 , •• • c~-111 ..... bet ..-~ •• . Com A;, ''• ~r· t~'Eti 1p · 12'>'°' Fd 1 .... t .I! 1c.1• LI!• S•~ .'i 5' .·01 ·,·~."'! 1 ~ 17 ,, 71>'\o ji;~O'o + 1• !'"!'!' ' ween covers . In O"• re-c·-,_,, ,,, "• .,,,,~ ,,· n' A.,oc11 1 '' 1 •1 LI,. 1nv 1 n ,.3 • "'" .t5 " n 1. :xi·l . ., .. I"~ ''o " ~" " • .. '' • A•lron o,. ,·,, '•-• ,·,, '• ltltGF 1 70 71 :JI! l'I' .,;, -"• o jE .j • t • T t Com G•• 11'1< 13 t o!t tv A t• . ..,, .. .. 1 ' ,. •· cen case, ii oron o operator ccm Tei n:r. ,.,.,. let El•~ 11 -• """~ Hauo~"'n' · t"""'I' 51v~" · •" PIB 4.5o :•1e 61-•1 ,.,, -'• l"M I! 1 Ill• c HI L c 3'i .. , F1H\d .. ••.1 7.SS C•n•d lt .. JI" l•ltG Pitt rto J1 q J1 -''}!l~SuTol .,. posing as a literary agent c:;:: p,1: ;~:~ lf'' ,,.,~c1 B~l 111, 1l,: !Fund a 1.11 t .ll c ... 11 11 ,,11:47 1,•M',"'•1 ~·o xi 211~ 201'1 111'• -...-1rF1" 1.lit h ed -h h Com A l\ "<lt ". locO '" f ... Mui \ot514'5 ..,Q ' 1 ]I JI JI ITF' l'IJSO c arg naive aut ors w o cm<P•c..., 41 ~ .f,,• ~•tic~" 11 ~Y: c1 c:. 5.0• ,_ .. M•nh1,. 1~" 1-JJ 1111k Tr 11' 101 •0•1 st•• .'i'I"" . 111eo svc • had ·•-t 1·n the•·r wr1·t · g Cm• 1nd u ,, M• "" 10 ,,,, l!lt1,.on t .lt 1.79 Mn• fd 1c . .,,11.·te 115 cv.i1;:i• .,.... . In s Crn1 M!" J • M• lkrt y jJ•~ 51 . I••~ ICnl •,10 r.10 M ... (it~ 11 ll 11 11 !tv I"~ ,XIII $1.000 or more for "illustrated,,.,,., r..., :it'l ll': Mgmt"'' ~ · ,,, 1111r Fd 11,,•lj'I M•" r. 151014 1 c:11Y1n~ "'"' k " hj h . Con Rock J(I 31'~ Mo"ln M ~'> l" fl.on<j•!k ,,11 .4 M•let J.at JOI Cit.I• J>f\,Jl art wor w c was said lo c1 sr•1to '"• 11<1. Mine• c t'.l.101i ,,,,..., 51 '·4! 1.11 M•fl'er1 H.'111 ''1 D ' M ,':,•-/:",.·!~ "-f b\' · COt!!tld ... f M 8 tO'W~ •O 4? &o.! Fd~ 11 O 11.14 MCD"'1 1/11010 ,, ., lJt:' nectSSary Or pll ICalJOn, C<>nll'tn J~o J','o M•'r•r O JI'> .o•·1 &mron 1,11 11~ Ml<J.,_ Mu 6° 4 1°)1 ow s esa Clo"' 011 . .Ill If an author sent in the sum. ~:'rs L ~r" jf ~~1~y H ?P~ ~r,, ~~1~k s• ltff lt,f =~·.c' lf~ lf:: E~i\11~ 11··~ lh l .s t h last h h d f Crwl1d 16'1• 71 M..i!rn 3•'1 >I''· cl 1.7' 10.0l Morton fVMI : Cltv P' ,.\0 a ~· e e car o creol Mh 17''• 11 M~11>•• ,,,. ,.~ 1·~""'" u .11 l'O.l• Grw111 10 11 1111 PI N ci ...... ~ .IJt th " t " C:ro:. co 34''> .. Ml" G -, ,,! 1011 I"~ I ll to1 lncom l •• f 11 t cr...en•e• tO e agen . • Cru•d. JI IJ>I) J; Ml~ld t: 1fj, 11,: t'°>ll ~v 4_4f o,tl ln>u• 1:;r,, 1.11 an ow r.1111ttj0 irl ! Tb'~ t!O boo h (y•r C .,_.lO•'-Mldl 1'' P>• o<>l S~r 1.U 1!4MIF Fd f ll IH CNA,lnt .!-a cuuca .• m . as 01n1:'M ll'•IO "Mid~-GT ?1\;1;;~ C1111 S~• 11.11u:11M!F GI~ J:u ,·.. Ct.I ... 1'1.Al,10 sent off a rapid expansion of 0111 D~4 ,,., 15·~ Mr,1• G•• 11 Ch•""'"' r und.: Mu OmG tu s!1 Co•!' s1 G~1 th I . , Otvl• ,d "'' Jl''° Mu VIG l '• ~}}' l•I•" llllll.Ol Mu Oml11 ,·t1 •0'1• I 0 • C•• Gt pfl lt e eg1t1mate home.study bl.JS-01• Ml• 13'> 10•;,""" ll>Ch 5> ,,; C""' St 1 11 I.It Mvl J~11 II"" •5 n at !oc•tol 1 n · nd 1 h o«e• ... 10" 11 Mof\Wll 11 "'~ 11., G"""' ~.•o •·" Mut r,., ,. .. i.ti per lOD 00:11111, 1,10 1nes.s--<1 aso ome-study oet11nc 10 10,, """'1m Pk ,, 11 • ~n<DM 111 1.u ,...EA Mut 1c 111 10J 011 ... 1 1.20 gyp.~. The typical gyp corre-g;::;~ ~~ ,t~ _,::-: :=;: ; 1r'" 111:~ Cro•O:~C(G'""~:1J 3·°' ~:i ":'n~" lf·:f :tt~ !:Ir.:. :l~~ ~n.nndence sch-I ha• no ......... oe1 cgnr 11•, u -·~ M ,,~ .~ '""II H.tl ll.o? "''' 1nv11 1'11 .. ., A new silicone rubber 0111n~•cl .10 dards or ~...,....ial r ""'uiremtnls v Am n " MOHiler 111: ll": c !hr•d "·'° 11.'8 I•!•~ 10.1J ·11 47 manufacturing plant -the ,,.,, !ou p1 ' ~ -•-• §:' 1 t '1'/'ir 11•1t Mot c-..b 11• ,... ''"' tit~100'• Not 5ttur Ser·· olol•tot I.to , ..... ~ ~'1 ,. ~· l l'~l• Mu!llll E• s 5'' ~r ... cl 11 .• 510.l• '°"" J U ft5 ,. f . 1()11 1-.:1 ,TS. for enrollees -but it will ewt¥ I!' .~. 11, ~·"•' c 7s• H• · Colonie!: 01v1d •'14 .-.. 1rst o 11.5 l~'P' on the \\'est cl' 1~ '" n ,. t ., h. h , , 011<1> tr J11'~7l Not ll•ncl •' s ' Eo111Y ••I '11 Grwlh t ot ttJ Co t . . J oltl• ~!1 . .0 guaran ee 1g paymg Jobs oi.c 1"' s•. , "18lC•• " ,.. 12 r vnc1 11,,, 1l 11 P1 !•~ 6-15 ,:., as -ts now 1n optrat on ~11s 110J t ti 1 · · gocui.1 11 , MC mp c. •"' i10 S;:/11 : :; : ~; ~~~':" 5, "• : !Cf for Dow Corning Corp. at l::m"irJ ~;t!, o 1ose comp el1ng course.' tn ol!Y Md 11'< 11••, Mai Eau! SI coi G•lll 11 " 11 so Not v1,,1 , ,5 ,·Oj "'--t M !01 ~ 1 il nursing. c Q m p u I er p~ c ..... m< r" 10 t1 "1tl on~ ,_jl 10·57 \Ar.l a ~sa. ""'~ 11 1.•e gramming, opera lion of htavy ~:;:~~!1,h1 ~1d,~·• ~~1,:.,d 11 !t !!-~ The U,000 squar~ root Dow =f~~1·'.!i t'QUipment. etc. P ayn1ents or f.,1',~,.,!'" : :~ :g ~: ~iw~~n1 i~ !; :: t~ Coming plant. will supply c::'"EEdpfL~ as n1uch a~ $1 ,000 by gullible lnv•~t •" 10 11 N"'t~•t '' 11 u '' c ustom-ron1n.nunded silicone iomw 011 10 SIOGI< • •J 10 ll 0(00~~ I }I 11)'11 r-v ""'~! 'cl i;ttH1rnts art. rearlilj' accepted. cwu~ '"" 1 •• 1.~ o ... e~• 'n 1·3, rubber lo parts manufacturers ,on·n•1 Cv.•l'h [D I U 1'1 100 F" 1'10 l6l~ h ont Miit I Parlicularly in sidious i!\ the c ..... o "' H.l) 11 c1 1~1 Fd 'u 10 '' I roughou~ the 11 Western Co•r•cC• •o iome s u y courseca1m1ngto Coma •~,,, •.•1 g·'1•il H 6JU6~ ,.. I td I I C""'a~t 1 1a •:10~•".'lm5 16H•o11 •!"les. ,',~.,',',,",'•'•' proridt' training for a JOb as a {~~1•Fd ;.1't 1 ~ !5 ,.:~~"-;. ; ~~ ~ ~ In addition lo its manufac-~g~~dr:,,': ,j l1 t c11sed practical nurse ant! lg::;gfd1~ g ~~ l;.U :~11~~"' 1 ~.~1 1!J~ luring capabilities. the plant ~:F!°':!~ a1n1ed ;it u n q u a I 1 i i e d , ~~!"GI~ 1~ f: 16.~~ ::i~;rm ;_~i 1 ~·1: al~o has laboratory facilities ~g~~L~'.',1~11 un~orh1stica1ed young women. l~~ e:0 H :; l!J~ ~:~~,:: ;~.:l l~ ~i ror the developm~nt of {:::'~~ i:~ Obviou~ly, homt study alone L:S C•• WO•v '•1 7 5l G""'~ 15 "1s ,, sptcialized heat cu r I n g !onrw ~1•.Sl C:'" WDtl 1l J • 11 l Pl8n l~v 11 ,,l !J.G• o~~w pl<.1£1 not sufficient lo train 11 i·auc • ~tvo~ M 61111110 Prlc• Fund•· silicone and nuorosilicone rub-D~Pw l'l•;~t O•ct! IOC !1.QI ll.16 "1 [•• f11 tl1 be al o~rAl•L ·"" ll'01nan to become a practical ce11wr• 'l·Jl 1•.11 1o1 Har 11.1111 . ..., r materl s, sealant.'!, and °"' c•~ i l'll 'lu' ·c. Ooll• Tr ' 7 •.O• Pro Fund !0.16 10,1' r I . b I Id -'·' IC•" pf,,)J ~ 01 ... 11 s~~ l.St l tJ "•0•11~• , ,, s o1 e x 1 e m o • mCIJUng "'C""• .:n1 The b 0 r r 0 w I 0 1 boom eow '" •.u 111 ""'111n •.11 10.n m aten'al>. ,!.:,~,,"',·.'- Im "' F •. lt •. II p.,1n1rn '""""' ~· .., has Jed to an uru:urge in the Yel 16·'1 16·41 Eo~11 10.1f 11.~ Key ....,.rsonnel at the new ~!.:,•.•,,'!·.•· r·~ vf 'd lj,15 ll.•1 GPO•I 11,70 1!.Sl r--· sale O[ Utterly phony credit \~ .. ~1';,,,,1,;~1l l4 f,::'.,.... '~·~1l~ plant are C. W. Roush, plant !~M8J1 ·jlfo rt' ports to poor· risk borrowers. G~~ ltU ll:~ i1~:' 1:.:?: ,r:~ manager; Robert C. Witman. ::01~"'~2 rn one case. such reports were '""""' t 01 '·'' "'""" 111 1:1• district manager; and RJcbard C&<11re1 o.i .. II t . d' 'd !HCI 11.11 ll" llfo l@dl !'°' s'.J:s A c . C"Otl M•.311 a e an..,, o 1· 11•f 11 u u:~ Schu••• 15:11 11:. e in~..., ation is e t 1 -·t11 1.• soi o tn 1v1 uals to help s1ock 1•-" 1 ·'' lt•V••• l :"ii·" . ompton. pro1ed engl:netr. I~ ''°' 'h'm persu d b ·-t f. , ... ,, 13.lt 116.1 Jl ...... 111 7 '' '' Th . J-'J . . lh h'rd oelr. u~u "° nance the purchase or mobi·Je "''• Sc 1.u 1·'1 Seu-Fvncro · Dow Co · din -Tit 1 ••••v 1306 1 .Doi 1n1 '"v u.si1,.n rrung compoun I -T >'!11:! homes. The banks "'h1'ch ac· fttPr•• 1 ~ '°' s .. c1 lll.••»"' plant · lh ,. -'•""' 110 '""'tv •.111~.1· e11 1s11 u 1, lll ena ion • · ceptec:f the reports tool.; JOSSf:S .'\, E""I Giii U.011',to [om SI n ::it 11·)1 , ~:!iii~ r,: running into tens of thousands Ev@n1 In 1•.J• 1s.11 •c ~""" 1'11 i13 °•i" ·-. . (Hf• 1&.U !:' O,v 111112 Cl ! > >•O - of d II (•plor 1l )J7•.l! K 1~v ,;,, 1:_i1 D M .,,w,1.!I01 0 ars. p F•ltld 10.fl Jl.fj ~p·~c Am lC es 10.11 efen~e Pact 0'0 " .n Tbe marrl••• •--m lanning Ahead F••,.., 1~ n ,:M11 :it s.1~Dfes11 11 11 1, .., c::'l.k,;:it,5, ......... , ... G•th \J ti 1J, ID Sh Oetn ,,;11 n'n C,t '"It 1.11 ha~ rr-11ived the old·ti'mo "'d c10 11 SJ 1l ~, !Id• io o• 10·,, NC\\'TVlrt Beach c'Jy Fld '""" 1!.1J 11 31 l•m• ,0·10 1,-0• C \\' R di. f c •• ,.. 1.totr "matrimonial scheme". One r~ l "Id ,,,,,, ? !1 J1.11 '• 1"v ,,.,, 11·,, o ins a o, o Newport cr.,,,.,PK" ·'° Planl''n• ,-,de p,· er re ";"..,(1•1 p,,,., s111"'1 Tr ,-16 10 56 Beach. has been awarded a ~~::l~1n1ds1\ young l\!:ntucky \.\' Gm a n ' .. ~ Ovnm • 11 1 lJ s"'11~ II ,.,,I '" $f S '\\' d I ~·--,,,·, 1""'u'• • u • ll '"'" 1nv ,., '"' m1 ion e ense tr• t ·-" 1nother of four. rccen11y t'QI -Andre Mooney will join lncom 6ll •.'6 mlov GI 1'01 .... . con c. l'W~l•ll '·'° I t d lh v~nl '·" '·" ,, 1"v i.:01 u :" congress. man James 8. UU !",,',,',",',·• ec e more an $5,000 from the Ne\"port Bea b 1. "••f v. 10.ti0 11.•1 1r•m Gt ~ •J I '' ·~ c 1r1n F•1 '"G'~ 1.n1a.11 '•'~ s1 st'oo s -,5 (R-Tust1n) announced. Tht ~d~• p11.is male correspondents whose f I G G r,1 1"s"" 1.1~ •.•c 1t1dm•n FUN11·· !uolt•ft ll namo• she round m· newspaper o I-• • .H. Felgemak-F~• Mu111 •.•• '·"' •rn 1nd ,, " ,1· ~1 nature of the work is e lassifled .,...,,.,,, .. :11tb "''t Nol J.lt 1Jt r idut in 'g• · f t' d """o,..,. 10 1-ely heaJ· column>. er Jnc .• as a vice presi-F!t ~1 .. , .u.,1 ... 1~ $tlen .lst 5· 2 in orm.a ion an was not .,,11.,w.t 1 "" '"" Fl•I C•• '·" ... 5'!1" ~OI l'd1 · . I •&" .,,, W• A :t Alter corresponding w;Jh d ent. A graduate or Cal l'ltl 1>11 '·" •• •1 uH"u re ea'1CU. u!lt t H l.l'O I• Giii 1 ~! 1.'4 ... o. I : u:01 C•e ..... ,,. these men, :ihe would agree to Poly, he \vill head the ~ .... f;"' l:n l:fi 1u~~Gt 1frl 1i·lj ,,,,,,....-·• marriage on condilioo the men ,,.,,.. 11.ff U.5' ""1~st ,.,, 10·,, would send her "bus fare" environmental planning 1 •~~sf'~:hiI:fl,.~t4.' i,fllfj:U Market 1=~:\!'.'i'.tt amoonling to, say, Stlll).f\50 to finn's design division. uin l,. j·•• TK11ncf ·., ·" '" '"" .a b •-I·" Jo TllC!Wlt 11• ·°" ,,, '"°' ll'f t rlng her to the groom's home ,,_.,. .n t.J1 r~""' 197 '"° Spabob •YOllC• 1. 1 • h F<J "MUI 'il • T"'"' GI 2 ' .ll tvtl!H'"" .se tov.11. Once t e money was ,u,.. A"' , 1&-" r". Mt1t I.n 'i:,i J"'"'L '·" .. nt th. "bri'"a •~ '-" di·,.~ ~ Sec It. 10.n Tt1ft C•• l" I'' g•L -'"-l.1S ' """-...-uc " Hooper Jom' 8 ,,11r i1.11 n.11 rr•v r:o :fl 1 :1o1 """ ......._ 11 111 _, .. .,,,.....,.. .;...~ ';.• n.11red. ...,. Stt: ,.s "d 11.Jt lt,01 111 the -11edr-""rlr .. ,_-. -ltt Ottmt•I' l ll r -""•le '·" t.IO,.... Gt •• 411 -O• · Don 't laugh at these culllble ~~ ... ~ 1i·!i 1;·!.1 ~ii J:j 1i.••,f-~' .... -... • .,. -"'k.lll o.'lt~..:I': :J ,·ictims. No one has warned Costnodyne C ~""' ,,,. 11·:/ n:U U•!f'll' f:D 10:.J -Ai.o ,..,,,.,•.ti' .... ~~"" , .. 1e 0t111e: l."'., be o. ,.,..,,n ,,:lll'·" IJJOl!H ,..,...,.. "'1"' •Ill• •led!"·~ ,.,..,o..ft/<I<•• . I hem, as you are Ing ••amed u••dn u 5.5t •~cm 1.56 , ,. w Hkll w t1r ff\1• n•r. ....11i. ~ §E""""•"ijl and lh · I H1,.,,fl1on: Inc.,. H.l t 11.41 no<k -~TM. l!flfll•• r•!• '"" -v • -cir very eagerness o Alt v H f C t H'' 4 n 1.u /<1'" 110 1" ~div , d-OM: .. ,...,. t•tto """-111v . • bell.Ve them made t ,_ 01 on . oopcr o os a G1~ , 11 '·'• u d C•" .:~1 a:ll or Pl! .. 1¥ or .,.41,tr!tH.tlllfl ..... l!Gr 1.11 ~ 'J h · · d Jh T H1nov• 1 M I ti Y1M! \1111 Fd· _ .. ,loll '' ¥14•, to-Otcft""' ef' Mid 0-~I ,111nerablt. Tn5tead. take hted fl l'11a as Jo1ne-e orraOCf. H••"'"" 1.U '·'j v11 L" 1.t0 · '·" 111u ll'adl ·~ • ..111 111 o~•"C -" .. , Hl'""n u .1 u ,o '""""" s.n J.n k-Ot(l•rM ., 11ld "' ,..., Ill!! ff. ~di• 1.4111 -llnd \'OW thll you t1•on't Jel 01VlSlOn Of The-C(lsmodynt. SIC l.fY Ii'. lj.OS S...f Sit f .fl 1:14 °'""'llltt.1 ,.._ wlltl ' "'=t . d It.SM l'cib Ci«' f 9• .t• VllCI! 1•1 113 I It ttlrJ.. _ .. t kf "'II YNf cl •m tff! JOI il happen to you. Corp. as engineering manager Mitt 11 . .u u '1 v1nd•111 1. 11 116 ltl1trrM w 1111 ·~i.... ,;~.., 11 ',S 'I' " Mttllt• I• l I~ YtMd J,)1 !.II :Eid "'""""· ,.__OO<lf recl Pf 11 11 " .. •I 1~111 .W S an a r P u .. 41. Hub•m" " ' Vlk1~• 1,01 1:116 1111•,,. 1Na ... 11m1IM <••l'I w1f111 ., flll• 1•5.to•"" 1 . .111 for I d d rod -'* H M•"" 11 l><J.Oj Y•• Incl• o tJ J )8 o doc:k cllvldtftcl t-•1vtblt 11'1 iltl"l!l"'I 1 ... TURN ON Tl/ Wfll( l-11p1 VIII tu••' , ..... h11'1 h1pp1"i"t htliii ~' t~. lvb1 -f v••Y 51lu1,1y ltt I~• O>ollY Pl.!:_OT. 'II G•~ S.~ 'ff w~ ,,.,,... t ,$010.4 lllvt<Jtnd w 1•"lll1lf~IH 111.+e. ~" 1'1i,n " JJe \\1ill be responsible for 1 t inc: •·f •. w11151 111 11.ll n .• , 'u1"'11,.. 111rv1c1...... 11s 01.M 's:1 ' •I' Jf·~ WtJ~ Mu 11. J \l.W 1-$1~ In fllll. l<I•-.II th d · d • • I""' •• · · Wtlll!n U I 1UI g1tbo~ o.lb e t s1gn an en11neenng of m• "' . 1. w,11 '"" 1:" , H c1.t-c11,.,.. •-h 4hl~. a-411-b 1IB1ert1e' .1111 M Fdll 1 II 1,4 W~!ltMl 11.M 16.IU d'-1•~1111. ~,.,__.. r)fMI. --Wl!flwt ril ~ .a the division's a:landard pro-/~'Tr".., It~· U::J ~I"<• '4 1~.11 lj:ff ::!:I~:.. n--w.wi. ~·· ,., "J~ 1l1:C0"' 1t ·~1·r-r ··a w1::1i% l u . ....,.~dlitr'l'i,,, ...... .,., -~ l 111r... l"''c"'e .so duels. Inf -$111 ,, w tt"F.t . l,t) 0•1•1tlted tf>dtf' ""' .~;r: CY let..... •ntY 31111 In¥ c.,, ll JI 14 WP'"' ~ ':JC d•Y ltltll-. -w.,,i~h ...... ~1.a. It!'"' ':'I • ' I I I J •ck~n.o. 74 • Mc~ ... 11 P •O .'.t!~~,,. l~v" J~1>n 1n1 n~ J• 1 Piiot .to J• Pt n•A Ml ~~~·wC,,o 1g JmWallP? J mW pll to JonnMan I ?O J(>llnJton IOa Jon"' S•c IQ JonnSYC pl 1 J<>'ll.D!Un 10 Jon~L8Y 1 n Jon~&t P 5 Jn o•n•n lll Jo• en• 60 JO>' Mlp 'It I(·-A "' s ~'" • 15 k•l• i 9pU I~ Kl ! 60PU )S Kt •Al 1>14 1 l(•~(tnl '° K1n CPL 1 t2 I(( Sou nd 1 k~n GE 1 J& KanPwL 1 11 K• v Ind Kaut II d 14 KawBe I '°' I( .... "'" 60 li:trble• 1 XI !Ct t ... Kt "1!9 60 Kr••>' I lll ke"o~ 'O K•nnrn• JO ~ !O,C'b!1 J ~ k • U I I •I I(• r Mc. .lll Kt M pl430 K•votCon n 1 K dlle(a 1 ill K ddt PB• K dd1>A??O l(mb(k 110 k l\O>OS o() K nnevNS 15 k nnt~ pU 1S I( """" p ll I( nntv pf fO K K~ Co l(LM ... I l8<t K~ o..,N 2sn Koel'I lnq 1 ~;:~ :" ~ 1<o acn~nd K •11CQ 1 0 l(.,pr SS n k •CJl'ft"' Ml• K """' 1 )0 Wednesday's Closing ~ 10 ; I 11 • 1$ ;a • ~ 5;. " 6 1f ' .. ;JS l4 1 \~ l~l l 9 ll 49 H I lS it • I S4 ' 1l l ? ) ' ' >~ M . " ' " lS ?! a7 l • • " " " 6 tt lo J? n 4ll' , , 1 • " ~ Jq 11 lJ •l " ' &l 1T l l J1 .. ' 1 ~ :fl ' .. 4g '~ 1•• ••• " . " .. -~ ' ' ' . 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Stocks Slip Again; Volume Mode1·ate NE\V '\ORK (UPI) -Ecooomic uncertainty kept the stocks in retreat Wednesday tor the second consecun ve day 1n moderate turnover Shortly before the final bell the UPI market \VJ.de 1nd1ca'lor '~as off 0 52 percent on 1 573 issues c.:ross1ng the tape There \\ICre 860 dechnes and 447 advances The OO\\I Jones a' e age of 30 blue chip 1ndus trials 11 as off 3 69 at 802 54 near the close Volun1e of approx 1n1ately t:eeded ruesdciy s pace 4.n1ong the n1ost acll ve Gillette A1ner1can Telephone lines J\lonsanto and Occ1dental 10 000 000 s hares ex issues \vere Texaco Seaboard \Vorld Ai1 Co n!>lo1nerate lSs ues traded 1n narrov1 ranges \\h1le po111t sized swingers in the clec.'1ron1cs \vere in both d11 ecl1011s 181\1 closed at 341 1/2 off 4 112 A nuntber of oils also mo\ ed a point or better and 1n mixed fa shion Standard 01! or Ne\v Jersey closed at 69 off 114 .\lum 1nun1 stocks attracted some selling despi te spreading u1duslry pnce hike ~ The group general- ly edged for1vard 1n the previous session .\1rllnes and a1rcral'ls traded on both si des or pre\ JOUS closing s So did rai\s Studt"1l T•ll'ld•O To co •N• I To rr ml TompoE n 1ndv Co p Tanp•nCo 00 r~i. • 1l• TrO "" • A Costa M<'sa formed a ne1v con1pan) American Co m p u t e r Ac coun tanls Inc Los Angeles which will offer across the board data proctss1ng assistance to companies J.1 llh or \IJlhout their own in hour coniputet s To rayn• P1es1dent G C Fayles sa1d1T•..iv pll)o To N~n• pt ' .\CA \\Ill have data centers lor +:::':.:0" fl t T•nnec pl!~ compu er processing one 1n Texico 1 60 Tr• T n I'° Orange County tailor systems T••G••t •1 ' !BM TrxG~u 64l or companies con\ert s 1 ... a, 1na lb Systems 3 unit record pro-~::Ol'C:~ 0 1 1° grarns ror on th e air use J::~ t1a 1 :.\o prov ide keypunch overload +:: ·~,, ~0°' and olfer software packages t;x0.~ "!~ •O -T-' . l ll'o '16 ~ •I SI . ' " . ~ .. •1• 36 l Ill "" JJ II 11! lJ I '1 II l I Jl 11 11 ... 11 ,, • ?JI 1S • " n JI 11• • , •1 ' u \ 1 SJ ~ BJ 71 s )1 ~ . " •l 11 • , 0 n '" ~ • ' • .. " l!l 1 HJ ,.. " n•1 '" " 11•• " " l" ,. 0 ,, ' "" " "0 '" n "' • .. " '! ' ,. '" • •• ·~ ' . " . " " ,. ll • " . 11•0 IOI • • 1! •l 11 " •l ,, • 1 ., ' ll ll . • • 1• :a ' ... ~ J~ ! ~., 61 '1 rn, " . . " 11 ]6 • ,, ' . JllS 1) > ' " . " ll JO~ H DAILY Pr lOT Cll I • ' , -A1nericru1 Stock Exchange Li~t • ' I -AB- ' " ' ' ' ' u 1 • • • ,l .. ' .I • " ' ' " " ' ' ' 0 ' • 0 ' " . • I~ ' • ' ' ' .. '" •• " • , " ,1 0 .. • • ... IO ~· ' " • " " l Q lj • , 'I " • ' ' . " ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' • ,t • )•J •• " " ' ' " ' . ' ~ j~ • • ' ' " ' ' .. 0 11 ll • •• " ' •• It 16 1~ ~ 2• l• I , I • 1 • o , R• "" J• • J1 • ' . ' ) 111 • 20 • ' 6 6 • I ' • o I o i • l 37 l i , ) " 7 71 • 11 • 70 71 , •• •6 •• ; : : ' 1 1e , ll 6 • ! l ! 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(; 12 DAIL V PILOT U.S. Bills Studio For 'Tora' WASHINGTON !llPl l Twentieth Ccnlt1ry F'ox stll has not paid the Na lly $134 ,376 fur transfJ'lrtal 1011 com pany planes to Hawr11i aboard the rarrfer York!O\l'n last ~m­ hrr to fil n1 "Tora. Tori1, ·i:pra ." - ~"•J n odd1t1nn. a house sub- cOmrniltcl' Is sto1!y1ng 1novies inade bv T\11enl 1eth Century- ~:t and provided to the sub- ~mmittee by the Columbia Ji-oadcasting System to dfterm1nc H l;indings \ve re niade on the carrie r in \'1ola- tibn of an agreernent bt>l\l'Cl!n ltie defense department and tbe film ton1oany. :A Navv spokesman said the blll 11·as ·being ne~o11a ted with l)ientielh Cl'ntur~-Fox. whi1·h ~ms the C'OSI of t:iking the *11rs lron1 Sa n l)iego lo ~wai i was too high . The ~kesn1an also sai d no planes ~re allowed lo land on the ¥-0rklown. :'fhe m i I i la r y Operations SQbcommiUce, chaired b y Rfp. Chet 1-folifield. Lo s fqlgeles Democrat. is probing the use of government pro- pirty in making the Darryl F. 7.inuck film abou t Ja pan's ,i;ilt>ak attack on Pearl !!arbor. Holific!d is expcctt'd to receive a report by the sob- comm1ttec"s professio!'lal staff. The size or th e bill is likely to increase because the Na\'y has learned 33 \Vortd \Var II \•inlage planes v.·ere carried aboard the ca rrier . Al so. Tv•enlielh Century-Fox 1.,. i 11 he billed a som "less than Si400 £or using a military helicopter for 12 hours to film the Yorktown y,•hi!e off the San Diei::o CoasL Severa! rongrcssmcn have questioned the propcrity of us- ing American Navy vessels lo J,?lamorize the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor YULE TOY S WA NTED t-.farincs al the Seal Beach Naval \\"capons Si.ation have initiated thei r annual "Toys for Tots" i.:ampaign In a id underprivileged l'h1ldren at Chri.~tmas. J\·laJor r s J\1 arcani of f"nrnp<1ny F, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines al the v.·capons station ii; 1n charge or lhe drive. 1'hose whn "'1Sh lo Oonate !oys may call him at ~213) 431-3721. ' Young Chinese Actress Dedicated By 808 TllOMAS Ll!IUE, Hawaii CAP) Tina Chen is calm, delicate looking and quiet-spoken, as you would expect. any Chinese young woman lo be. Bul that Orienta l tradition hides a firm dctern1ination I.hat fits h<'r for one of the hem star-1naking roles in recent times. wa.s edut ated in llong Kong, It. and the ?-.1 1rlsch people said, ting job, I'll do something Taipei and Tokyo, then took a 'Oh, we've already looked at else," she said. "Fortunately, B.S. fn prr> _ ml'd at 1 h e her,' " she said. "They had I ba ve hematology to fall back University of Hartford. me confused with another on. And I'm not so idealistic "I've always been in love Chinese actress named 'fisa that I would pursue acting with acting, but my parents Chang. 1 Wt'nt to see Mr. when there were no jobs. didn'l approve." she remark-Mirisch and he gave me a And hOw do her parents feel ed. "They insisted lhat I script and I read For him the about her big break? graduate froin college, then I same day. They flew me to "They're happy because," would do anything I wanted. Hollywood for a test and two she smiled. "But they wlsh it They hoped that l would go on days later they told me I had had Oee.n something else a nd get niy degree j n the role.'' be sides acting." medicine, but lhe th otJghl of Even set workers on "TheJr,;::;::;::;::::::::::::::1 four more years of college Hawaiians" have been im - ptus internship and residency pressed by the delicacy of didn't appea l to me. So I went Tina's pt>rformance and to New York and got a job al predict a promising future for the Blood Ce nter. But I really her. She is realistic. BALBOA 673-4048 went !o New York because I "If I don 't get another ac- hoped to gl't an acting career1============fl started ." ,. ~C:it!llUI ~~COAST.,,. •• , !.J:4 n. '-------..::= Progress was slow at 1rst. She did win a !e\evision ro~c , ;, in a CBS Pla\'house special ~ •--~·-•11 "The Final \var of Ollie I.A.Cl( AGAIN-IY DEM.ANDI A THOUSAND T IMES NO -Jack Shcr\vood applies hi s \Vaxen charm lo her- oine Sharyn Case in a scene from the meJodran1a. "Christmas E ve a l the Sa\vmlll ," opening Saturday a t the Ne\vport Beach Ebell Club. Lo11ely, 24-year-old Tina, with only one minor film role lo her credit, was picked to play Nyuk Tsin in '"The llawaiians." lleaders of the James Michener novel will recall her as one of the most memorable characters -a re..wlule Chinese woman y,•ho is not accepted by her hu sba nd as his true wife because he has another wife in China. who accompanies him to the leper colony on ~1olokai. w h o scrimps to buy land and thus fou nd a financial dynasty in Hawaii. " "If Tina docsn'l win an Aradeniy nomination, I'll be Winter," playi ng a Viet- namese. Nothing followed, and Tina studied dramatics \l'ith Sandy Meisner and acted in an occasional off-Broadway play, meanwhile working dnys as a blood researcher. She played a small role as Ario Guthrie's girlfriend in the film "Alice's Restaurant." then came the tryout for "The Hawaiians." ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Theater Notes ve.ry much s urpri s ed ,'' remarks Tom Gires, director of ''The Hawaiia ns." Musical Melodrama Set Unlike the earlier film b<isW on Michencr's novel, wh ich \vas cast largely wit h Eur(}- peans. ' 'The Hawaiians" "My agent called up aboutl •UT DMICTM-MlfUr: NICHOLi JOSEPH E. LEVINE-· ... MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN -- THE GRADUATE EJheastic ~sue Maeillne Orientals are real Orientals. AN ~vro lM6A5SY ltM At Newport's Ebell Club Producer Walter 1\1 i r i s eh spen t much time in New York, Sa n Francisco and Los Angeles interviewing a n d testing young Chinese and Japanese performers. One of his mos t unlikely choi ces was the beautiful hematologist, COlOR ... ....,,_,.""._.., __ I ··.-F~ ·-,.,;;I""' llDlllCOlOI"• Tt~- 1 (jOOPll-l!fll...,liO'\ll ~ru•n l\l!IJ( & [G) Ry TO~I TITUS 01 1 ... O•ilr P'llel Sl•ll Old t i me musica l melodrama moves into lhe local spollight th Is weekend as two smaller theater groups combine thei r resoorces in an original offering. The Old James Players of Ne\l'pllrt Beach and the South Coasl Light Opera Association arc producing "Christmas Eve at the Sawmill" by George Lvmburn. The show makes its 1!Cbul Saturday ni,ght at ihe Newport Beach Ebe!l Club, 515 ,\'. Balho:i Blvd. Directed by Irvin Kimbt>r, who also plays !he father. the l'ast includes Shcryn Case as Nell, the heroine:; S le v e Sherwood as Jnhn. the hero. ;i nd Jack Shern·ood as Hudolph, the 1·1lla1n. Also in the cast is Shcilia Ca rnell as Ka tr. Follo\\'in~ the melodrama. olin Ht t~ \\•il l be perfonnrd lraruring Constance B!an- 1·ha rd, Belly Sherv.'ood, Bel!y l.ueas, J\1elanie t.fizell. Sharyn ra~e. Sheilia Carnett :ind Keith Blanchard "Christmas Eve at !he S11wmlll" will be sta~cd at thr. J-:t>ell Club Oct. II, 12, 17 and 18 and at lhe San Clemente High School audilorium Nov. 1 and 8. Reservations may be acquired by calling 675-0210 or 675-5660. * Cont inuing tonight through Saturday are performances of '"I Never Sang for !>ly Father" flt the new Lciguna-M oulton Playhouse. This firsl show at the $500.000 theater features R.F. Stevenson, Robert Wentt:, Harriet Brazier McKonncJI .ind .Jacquie Moff e11. .John Ferzacca i~ directing the Robert Anderso n drama wh ich plays this week and next at the playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Reservations .ire be ing taken at 494-2550. * "Pools Paradise,'' lhe Hun - tington Beach Playho use's far- fc tched fa rce set in an English 1·1l·arage, heas into its final y,·eekend with c Io s i n g performances friday a n d Saturday. Howard Solomon is directing. Paul Sulhvan. nita Kisner, Valercc How, Lillyann Payne. Colin Guiver, Steve Uhler and J\.lartin Fuchs make up the "GOODIYE, COLUMIUS" Tina Chen. • She y,•as bom in Chungking. 2n1t 11 .... ~ ...... "THE A,RIL FOOLS" ALL SEATS -$1.lO Also in Color JAMES MASON JAMES COBURN "DUFFY" cast for the Philip King com- edy al the Barn, 2110 J\1ain St., Jlunti ngton Beach. Tie k e l orders are being accepted at 536-8861 , * Communist lakrover, and she, w uh J•<k L•mmon granddaughter of the fir~tli~~~~~~~~~~~=l!)=~~~;;;;~===~~;;;;;;:;;:::::::~1 premier of the Kuomintang of!- Also playi ng its final stanza 1he Chinese Republic_ Her ~:!i T011ivM • P,,.,. ~· f Thursday through Saturday is family fled China after the ~=rn:: 411 ...... the San Clemente Community ===========:! S..t n...-nent •• 1'heater's ''Lullaby," under THFITJI the direetion of Tony Brandt T•"19~1 •t 1 ~'cu' Coast Hlgllwa'( al lhe Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Catalla del Mar-pl!. 673·6260 c..:==O':~ ~~ee~~dnate. Cab r i I Io' San IT'S NEW ... EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING Clark Farrell, Dale Craven BEST and Ga~le Mayfield head the PICTURE casl of the Don Appel comedy. Reservation.~ may be phoned Of JHE JW.1 in to 492-0465. * The generation gap comedy "What Did We Do \Vrong?" S\\'Jngs into the second of six weekends at the Long Beach Community Playhouse with Huntington Beach's .Joe and Elizabeth Karbo heading the cast. Performances are given Fri- day and Saturday at the plush playhouse, 5021 E . Anaheim St., Long Beach. Tickets may be reserved by calling (213) 438-0636. WINNERS ACADE MY AWARDS DOCTOR ZHru\GO Ill 'W l'l$Klll" •~O lol£1'0CO.Oll LAST B DAYS THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY """"" DICK VANDYKl ANGIE DICKINSON . ")> COMMIT ' YOURSELF! WH •CM SIOE Of lliE fAC£ UE YOU ON• .'SOME KIND OF A fllUT' • ' . . . It's Your Clia1ice To Se1id A Perso1ial 'Godspeed' To The Apollo 12 Crew 111id Tell Our Astro1iauts We're With T1ie111, As They Fly To tlie Moo1i . • . . ... . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. • SIGN THE SCROLL FRIDAY OR SATURDAY AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S CAROUSEL COURT Space Show Open 1-9 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. e Frff kHp1ake prizes .•• 1,000 ApoHo 11 'boost..-• decah to flnt 1,000 ASTIO SCROLL slgn.n ct11d on• copy of Associated Prns book, 'footprlnh on th• Moot1,' t1YH away eoc:Jt hour. • SH beautiful co~r prints of picturn tak•n by "tourists" Nell ArmstrOnCJ. lun Aldrin and dr,1rh1g man's flr1ot ylslt to th• moon on ApoHo 11 mission. Michael Collins • Cutaway scale model of SIVI I third st119e of ApoHo moon rocket) made In Huntl"'ton leach by McDon· n.tl Douglas Astronautics Comapny, the sta9e that boosts lunar flights lato moan orbit. • POiie& cllsplays . _ . coktr photos of Hrclware and facllltits pro•ldtd by North American lockw.rl, Philco. fa<d Corporatl .. ood Hughes Aircraft Compooy os part of Apollo 12 mlulOft 10 rite mooo • A Salute to Our Astronauts During National Newspaper Week Presented by DAILY PILOT and the South f oast 'Plaza Merchants · 'Newspapers-The Space Age • Communicators' • •• • l. I I I ' ,)'I i . ' ' I I -. ----~·----------...... -----------------------·---............ ·---- Fotlntain Valley EDITION T.oday's Flnal N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 62, NO. 24 ( ~SECTIONS, '112 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1969 TEN CENTS Four Trapped 12 Hours on Ocean Floor Saved ,.,...,, Wini '"v!c•1 £AN DIEGO -Four men, trapped for norc than 12 hours on the ocean floo r in .heir research submarine Deep Quest Nilh their oxygen stcadly running out, N~re rescued in the pre-dawn hours by a ~man mini-sub. The e root, 50-ton Deep Quest reached :he surface at 3:50 a.m. PDT under its 1wn power li11e which had become tangl- ed on lhe experimental sub's propeller. The Deep Quest was freed when the nini-sub snipped the line with a diver's 1nife taped to• mechanical arm. ' Robert Worthinglpn, 52, a relired Navy captain and pilot of the Deep Quest, and the three olhers aboard were reported to have suffered no ill effects although they were hungry and chilled alter their Jong \Vait for rescue. The lllQment Deep Quest reached the surface, the news was flashed to their wives who had Stayed at home while Lockheed Corp., owner of the research sub, and Navy and Coast Guard person - nel supervised the rescue. The hero plaudits wenl lo lhe Nekton, ;., ~.000 pound craft operated by lhe General Oceanographic Co .. which \\'as brought here Jrom Los Angeles by highway in a !railer, lowered in the y,·ate r and lowed live miles oflshore to where the Deep Que~t y,•as tra pped. Speed in the rescue was vital because the Deep Quest's self contained system had an oxygen supply for only 48 hours. The sub had dived at about noon and il \\'as 15 hours before it reachi!d the surl acc again. Tile others aboard y,·ere Donald E. Santr, Marshall E. Woy and \Vllliam Pin.:ibrook, all of San Dfego. ,•,' : ' • 1 • 'f '~~~~:Ii~ BRINGING UP LOCKHEED DEEP SUBMERGENCI VEH ICLE DEEP OUEST FROM SEA Foor Abo•rd Str•nded for 12 Hours Und•rw•ter During San Diego MlsaJon Planner Mang ano Ousted, Blasts Co1u1cil 'Empire' Joh n Mangano was removed from the Fountain Valley Planning Com1nlssion Tuesday night by unanimous vote of lhe reconstituted city council. 'l'he fiery Mangano wa s a ppointed by a disputed 3-2 vole by the old council dur- lng its last meeting b efor e the recent recall election. Since then, three new men have rcplac.- ed the three y,·l\o put f\·langano on the commission and 1ncurnbent ~ Edward .Ju st ;:ind John Marper fired up their opposition to his appn111tn1ent Tue.~day 111ghl !\layor Just Si11d tucl<1y r.1angano·s removal \1·as based on 11if' rnannr r in 11·hich "he had been .1ppoi nt c1J'' by a lame-duck cou ncil and nol on his qualifications. . •·1 objecl to bc1nJ? used as A p<i wn 1n n pulitical game of chess," said ~angano. "It's quile apparent that a poli11cal en1- pire is being built, but it is a well establ- ished fact thal political empires have been kno~·n to cn1m"1e and topple. r m certain that sooner or late r lhis one will ~ no exctption." "I don't think his statement warrants comment,·• replied Just. r..fangano said he ~·ould refuse to sub- mit another application for appointment, but would accept the job if reappointed. Just said 11.1angano"s original ap-- plicat\on will be considered in filling the. no1v-vacant post. "Right now his ch;inces for re;:ip- pointment art: slim in my ~iew ," ~on­ cluded the mnyor. "but lhtngs might change. The other councilmen also have equal "·oice in the selection." Top Republicans Join Haynsworth Opposition WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Bot h the .o;e. cond and third ranking S e n a t e Republicans today joi ned groy,·ing op· po:-ilion to President Nixon·i; e ho1ce of Clement F'. Haynsworth for the Supreme Court. Despite the adverse developments. the \\'h1te Hoose said at noontime th al i'res1- drnt Nixon still stands bv his nom1n;it1on of Haynsworth and JS corifi denl he will br (:onfirme<l by the Senate. Sen, Rober! P. Gnff1n 1Jt ,\l\chi~:in. thr GOP whip and No. 2 r<1nk1n g llcpubl1c..i11, l.'•suerl a statr 1nent describin~ 1hr sel<'C'· Hon as an "unfortunate mista ke" <inrl :-;aying it wovld be ;i mi~1<1ke for thr Senate to confirn1 t he nominr.ition. Sen .. Margaret Chase Smith of f\1:iine took the floor soon aftery,·arrl to say : "This nomination will not restore con- fidence in the Supreme Court." She is deputy GOP whip. Especially damaging lo the ad : ministration cause was the opposition of Griffin, whom the Republican! in- SPORTS SECTION BULGING TOD AY Today's edition of the DAILY PILOT includes the largest sports i;cetion ever published by the newspaptr. The nine- page section, beginning on Page Ct, fca· lures local and national sports reports, auto racing news plua special sports features arld phti05. stallcdon the Senate Judiciary Committee only recently in hope!! of gaining support for sendi ng the nomination IQ the floor. f\frs. Smith -\\'ho went along with Griffin last year in opposition to the nomination of now-resigned Abe Fortas to be chief jus1iee -s;:iid Hayns\o,·orth had q11cst1nnaj his 011•n judgment in having f1n:i.nr 1a l rtcahngs '1ith ht1gant1; before !he 4th C1rcu1t Cou rt of Appeals of \\'hlch he 15 chi ef Jud ge . '"The rclal\0115h1p of Judges and ;url~· n1cnl is 1nsep<1rable," she said. "A Suprcn1c Court justice should have im - pcecabl e judgment.·• The cleve!opmenl!I came as the judiciary committee called off then rescheduled for Thursday a closed hear- ing on the nomination. \Vhilc the issue appeared to be closely joined, aides to Sen. Hiram Fong {R- Hay,•aii), said his support for Jlaynsworth would givf' the South Carolinian nine solid votes on the 17-member judiciary panel -enough to gel the nomination lo the floor. For his part Griffin said he had spelled out his position in a letter to lhe Pre!li· dent. although he did not make the text public. In a statement. he said: "Because public l'Onfidence in the judiciary is so Important at this time in our history, I hclieve it was an unfortunate mistake for lhc administration to submit the nomina- tio n. And I believe it would be an un- fortunate mistake now for the Senate to confirm it." Over Gun Authority The sub was on a n>utine training mission to spot an 1,873 pound cylinder and bring it up. But the heavy synthetic line became fouled in lhe sub's propeller. ll was not immediate ly known how the accident occurred. The Deep Quest on Feb. 28, 1969, planted an American flag on the Pacific Ocean noor at a depth of 8,310 feet -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. The Nekton made its dive at 2:25 a.m. ;:ind reported 25 minutes later it had located the Deep Quest and could see lights inside the bigger !iUb. The Deep Quest had been in constant radio- telephone contat t \\'it h 1!5 mother ship Trans Quest, which was on the surface nearby. There were some anxious moments as the Nekton reported poor visi bility, ap- parently caused when. it slirred up the silt on the bottom. But a little more than an hour after it dived, the Nekton had cut the ny!on line wilh a mechanical arm oursi de the mini-st1b. Pete E. Summers, program manager for the Deep Que st, said , alter coming ;:ishtore, "there 1vas never any doubt in my mind a bout the sub coming up." •le said Jl could have come up by ltsel! but only a! a steep angle which would ha~·e caused damage lo the craft. lie said the rope should not ha\'e been l ~ft on the cylinder when it v.·as dropped for th• D<!ep Quest lo recover, The submarine suffered nil <l amaga t1uring the trouble and rescue attempt, Summers said. Larwin Tract 0 I(' d Project May Be Last of J(ind IL took more than an hour of debate Tuesday night, but the Larwin Company Jina:Jy won the right to build homes on its l I I controversial acres in the eastern portion or Fountain Valley. A revised city council, fresh from a r~call electlon spawned by controversy orf'r development of lhe same proJ>(>rty, unanimously granted Lary,·in the right to bllild 475 homes on 111.7 acres bounded by Talbert and Ellis Arenucs and Ne"•land and Magnolia Streets. The decision was made with a warning hy Vice Mayor John Harper that the l.arwin tract probably would be ''the last of its kind in this city". tarwin will build homes under a PD 6800 zoning with minimum lot sizes of 6,000 square fttt and avera1e lot sizes of 6,BCIO l<juare feet. Gas Station Architectural Review Sought Future service stations in Huntington Beach can be subjected lo archllectural review, City Attorney Don Bonfa told planning commissioners Tuesday night. He added however, that "it may be discriminatory to impose architectural controls on service stations alone. especially ir other comme.rcial activities with lf's.s attractive appearance are con- s istenUy exempted from the imposition o{ such a condition." Bonfa's dtclslon came in the wake of a city hall furor over the alleged ugliness or certain new stations which have recently sprung up In the community. The planning commissioners may ha ve ;in opportunity to unleash the Design Review Board for the first lime Oc.t. 21 "'hen Standard Oil Company "'ill re-sub· mil its application for a use permit allow- ing the construction of a three-bay station on Warner Avenue a nd Go Iden \Vest S1 reeL More th;in one month ago, action on the permit was suspended and a moratorium on other gas staion use permits declared until the city attorney's report would be available. Service station s.ltes have recently been lSee STATI ONS, Page %) ,... PILOT SA LUTE S OC AVTO SHOW The Orange County International Auto Show, first major showing of the J970 models in the United States, opens Thurs- day after a benefit premiere tonight at the Anaheim Convention Center. The DAILY PILOT salutes lhe show and the county's Assistance League chapters sponsoring tonight's preview in a 1peclal 20-page section. The special sec- tion Is inside today. Fountain Valley's three new coon· ci\men -Grorge Sco tt, Ron Shenkman and Bernie Svalstad - supported the 7.200-square-foot minimum lot size dur- ing lhe recent recall campaign, but said Tuesday 1he planned development con- cept is useable. Original ly ''in rare cases"' citize ns bal - led down the L<1 rwin tract \\'hen lots of 5,(K)(J square fe et were proposed plus the dcl"c!opment of 11 leased Southern California Edison Lo right-of-way. Both ite1ns have been re~·lsed by the Larwin Com pany. All fi ve councilmen agretd that th e. c11y 's planned development ordinances should be changed, so a development with .uverage lot sizes of 7 ,200 square feet wou ld bring the same revenue lo the city. In defending their vote, councilmen agreed that. the Larwln Company, which DAILY !"!LOT l'9ff ,...,. Dropping 6u111 Dropa Students at Los Amigos High School in I·'ountain Valley await falling candy dropped fron1 helicopter at noon Tues- day. Drop launched drive by studen1s to rais e about $1 ,200 in comn1unity to support school activities. They'll sell candy lo raise money. Huntington Man Guilty of Theft is following the current city laws, should not be held responsible for pa!it grlev;inces or held to la.,..·s not yet cnal·tcd. Shenkman ~aid the Larwin tract, ;i:i; now i:resent ed. is in fact. ·'one of !hi'! f1nr r develop1ne.nls in the clty. We did clef!:'~t the original proposa l. 1vhich was inferior.'' No one l'hallen~ed the quality or the Larwin homes. Son1e 11! thosr who :;poke during !he public hcarin~ said no1 hing le~s than 7 ,200 square fe et would do. \1 hile others fa1•ored a limited planned dcveloprnen\ co ncept. Councilmen proposed 11 fi rm loo lt At planned developments and def i n i t e changes in city ordinances . ·we have to protcet our selves against !he potential abuse of our current loose ordinances," concluded Harper. Oil Well By Another Na1ne Appear s Ro sy "! feel al1nost !'Jn barrassed by this," grinned Huntington Beach Planning Com• 1nission Chairman floger 0 , Slates 11·hlle examini ng g!ossy color photographs nC the city·s prettiesl oil well. The picturrs, all mounted in expensive cardboarcl folders, had been submitted by Arlyne Lansdale. a \Vestminstcr al· torney. to prov e lo U1e commission that i;he had complied wilh their landscaping req111remrn1. She 1n.~tallrd (11·a 1!ozen \'ine rose~. three periwinkles ;incl one azalea arou nd thr perimetrr nf the 11·rt1 and e\"!'n arl- d<'rl SOJnc plaStJC' flO\\'Cr~ ··so1ne of lhe ~1 rls 1!own al lhe 01f1cr thou,'lh1 a fe~< p!:istJc flower~ 1vo11ld dre ~~ it 11p 1111!11 lhr other,<; had a chance to bloom,·· ~aid M r.~ l..'.lnsd<ile. '"! v.·otdd ~ay that she ha:-more tha n co1np lir.<l ~·i1 h 011 r req uirement." i;;:i1rl Assistant ! 'lann1ng Director Richa rd Ha rlow The planning rommissionfrs. del!ghle1I by her zt·;dou.~ness in Lhe beautification process. did l(ICl. The y,•ell. located near Olive Avcnur: and 22nd Street had been dormant for :;everal years and was reactivated al Mrs. Larisd ale's request. S tork ~lnrkei. NE\V YORK (A Pl -The stock market flirted v.'ith a new 1969 low in moderale trading late lhis aflcrnoon. (See quota· lion s. Pages C IG-11 ,. But after dipping belo\v ttir closing lo• in early afternoon . il mounted a come· back in late tracl1ng . Orange Coast Weather Beacli Man Faces Deatli Try ·count A formal cnmplainl charging a ssault •ith intent to commit murder was re- quested today againsl a HunUngton Beach man arrested Tuesday in the Jtt.tange, execution-style pistol shooting of a Costa ~1esa gun collector. Chief Says General Lied A Superior Court jury has found Douglas Jtocer Anderson of llunllngton Beach guilty of the robbery last M•rcb IS of a Santa Ana coin shop. Foggy nights and sunny days are the prospecls for tonight and Thursday with the mercury dip- ping a bit to the middle 70's. INSIDE TODAY ~Jarine Corps is "3 calping " i t.~ rer.rvil .. ~. $01/11 n COO.'Jt barber, u;ho i.~ pltu11tin11 tn do 11onirfhit1g nl>oti t sho pino 11n lhr Corrs. Pag e A 19. John J. i\1assey. 2~. of 18922 Brookhurst St.. y,•as queslioncd Tuesday night by f'v:.ta ~1esa Police Detecti ve Gerry Thomp!IOn concerning whal led to the prcday,·n shooti ng. Conrad D. J ohnson , 46, of 1767 Orange Ave,, was hit by a nine millimeter automallc pistol slug Iha\ shal1ered his arm as he and ~1assey grappled for the weapon . He Is recovering fro m lh'-gunshot (Stt !\1ASSEY, P.111e 2) WASHINGTON !AP) -Chicago Police Supt. James Conlisk says fonner Army Provos t i\1arshal Maj. Gen. Carl C. Turner \led \\'hen he testified city authorities kno~'ingly gave him 397 con· fiM:aled guns for his personal use. Turner is a central figure in a St.nate subcomrnilee investigation of a probe int() charges a r ing of enlisted men, in- cluding former Army Sgt. Maj. \Villinm 0. Wooldridge, was engaged in • large· teale graft ring. In his testimony Tuesday. Turner was quizzed only on charges he obtained the confiscated guns under pretense they were for Army use and then sold some of I.hem for his own profit. lie said, however, Conlisk knew he ~·anted the guns fo r hi.!1 own colle<!Uon. although he signed statements at the time alfirming the weapons were for the Army. Conlisk sa1d in Chicago Tuesday Turner's testimony v.·as "untrue." The l'iupcrintendenl al.so m1pported the tcsUn\ony given by pGUce LL Paul T. Duellman. ~·ho to ld the subc-Ommittee Tut~ay he showed Turner the guns. but never heanl him say they y,·ere. for his O\\'n use. Until this week the main thrust of the subcllmmlllee probe had been into allega· lions Wooldridge and a band of career sergeanls ·had looted Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled liquor and bribed officers. Wooldridge, who is 1eheduled to testify F rklay, told a reporter he wl\I Invoke the (See TURNEii, Pip I) Anderson, 40, of 2175:1: Pacific Coast Jlighway, was ordered by Judi e Howard Cameron to return lo his court Oct. 22 for sentencing. Anderson Is free on $15,000 bail. Police arrested Anderson and Billy Ray Keegan, 35, nf Portland, Or,., shortly after the robbery or a 17th Street coin ~hop. Both men wert accused of breaking into the prt:mises and taking coins valued at more than $50,000. Keegan failed lo show up for trial Mon- day. Judge Samuel Dre/zen ordered hi~ $1~.00fl bail forfeited .. nd Issued • wor· rant for his 1rrest. , ·- IOfl'~t Al') C••"fl (••ft•• All Ct•l .. <IU• Alt Ch..:~'"" U• "'1 Clan1l1M 11·!1 C.O!llU AU CrtuW••' All C.Ufl Ntl!Ct1 A11 '""*'-1 ..... At "ftlftCf (.1 .. 11 Ht"'K'" Dt """ L•""n Dt MtllM~ At MMtlftn AU ,....... (11·11 M~•~•' '"""'' C·lt N1ll..,1I N .. , "'-1 Or-Ctu1ly AU l'TA Doi ,, ...... ~.,., (!I '"'" Cl·t l!Kll Clt•ll T1ll~hlt11 AU ,_,,,, cn.11 W11lfrl•• A4 oi.i .. w""' c1 Wffll N1w1 A•I W-" Nt .. 0 1-tl -~LY PILOT H fove for_ Unity House \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -Hou .s e Repubticans INiay endorsro President Nixon'.; conduct of the Vietnam war and his attem pts to Sl'ek a negotiated peace. In an obvious tno\'e to blunt growing tiissent Inside and out..<;ide the Republican Party, the GOP members at ? closM conl~ence ordered a resolution prepared aqc:I published ex pressi ng their backing "in general'' for what Nixo n has done and rs doing in Vietnam and P aris. From Page J STATIONS ... charged by c i l y officials, includ ing ~layor J ack Green, with unimaglnaU ve building design, sign clutter, inadequate 5treotning, unsighUy trash areas, and gen· cral blighted effects. Possible remedies to some of these of. fenses have recently been suggested by the city planning department. Here Clfe some of them ; -t.:nimag1nat11·c dcstgn ; This could be orcrcoine by reqlllring that the station be bwlt in conjunction with another com· mercfal building and not permitlilig \11e1n lo 0C constructed as .a separate project. -Traffic congestion at interse<:<tions: The solution would be fo rmed by limiting access to one drive1\'ay per slreet and re- quiring it lo be set back 100 feet from the intersection. -Inadequate landscaping. tdgn cl utter <ind unsightly trash cans: Ne1v city code amendments would permit-rigid control ind ins pection of these infractions. -Poor screening: This complaint per~ fains to the open bays of service stations and could be remedied by turning the buildings around and requiring that the bays be entered from the rear portion of the lot. -Excessive nu1nb<'r of scr1·lce sta- tions : This C.'.>uld be possibly overcome by limiting service station locations to arterial highv•ay intersections and to in- tersect.ions of free Y1ay off.ramps wilh arterial hlgh y,·ays. Water Drainage Work Approved A water drainage problem in Gree n Va!1ey ·was solved ·ruesday nigh t as }'ount.ain Valley's City Council .iccepted easement grants for three storm drains In the area. Homeowners in Green Valley had hat- lled developer George Hol~tein for a year -unsuccessfully -to get him to fix the drain11ge on the green bell in the center of the development. City officials n1oved to :solve-the pru· t>le.m by a pproving city construction of 'h~ storm drains. Cost of installing the jrainage system y,•j\I be $75,000. : City engineer \\layne Osborne explained that the city originally planned storn1 i rains for the area but Holstein had i nsucctssfully !ried to solve the problem l y 1nother method. . , Vi sta View School Plans Win Appro,al Final plans !or constniction of the nt"11• Vista Vie'>'' School have berr'I ;ipproved b1 trust ees of the Ocean View School Di~trict. Tru~tees '.lfonday al so authonz.ed school tl dministrators to seek bidders for con· struc\.ion. The new school will bt located near t.fagnolia Streei and Ed1nge1• Avenue and '>'·111 be completed by Sept. !!rlO. Jt \1·ill accommodate bet>reen 600 and 700 students. DAILY PILOT lob•rl N. We•<I "'"""'! .....:! p~~htlltr j•t~ "· C udey y,(f Frt,,CllnT 1nd G•"""•' /{1n1e•• T~om•• K•t"il fod•IM l ho..,01 A. µ",\.,~;~, ,,..~•9•nt c~lo, >.II-.~•/ W . !Alot ""n•;•!• t~•'!I' H~~tlft9!9tt leocll Otflc• J09 Sili Slr11t M•a;~1 Ad4•••i1 r .o . ••• 7tO, t li41 °""" otr-. NI-' &e«fl: 'Vl ~I 81!tl'J1 ll1111~v1t• (es•• M<n.t: ilO We•t &av 1""' L..--11 a..d'I; 12l F°"'' lo<t~u• -. -~-~~---_,--.,.~-T"'V~~ ....... .,.. ...... ,.,...,...,.,_,..,~~,...~-~.~-·~·""""'"" ........... ""' ................................................... "'!!I .................................... ~ .......... ~~ I GOP Supports · The endorae1oent WI! approvtd by voice vote after memben airtd con· fiict.tng views on nut Wed:neld.ay'.!I an- t11var moratorium. The l-fOUSe COP action came as more senatorial antlv:ar sentiment surfaced. Senate opponents of the war branded !he South Vietnamese government as a "tnrrupt dictatorship" and soughl Lo in- crease pressure on Nixon for faster U. S. disengagement. A bipartisan resolulion demandlng "more rapid withdrawal" Qf American forces was unveiled by Sen. Frank C~\urch , (D-lJaho.) He said Presiden l Ni:.:on. "Jlke his predecessor before hin1. appears to be manat•led to the Saigon generals." The resolution urges Ni~on to con1n1it hin1self no111 to lull J1seng<igc J't\en t lrom South Vietnarn. A second n1easure \1'as introduced ltv freshman Democrallc Sens. Thon1as f, Beach Nixes Apartments On Commercial Property Construction or ll SO..unit apartment project on property zoned for commercial development has been turned down by th e Hunting ton Beach City Council. Councilmen upheld a previous decision by the city's Planning Commission dr· Beach Minister Funeral Slated Funeral services \\'ill be held Friday 111 Huntington Beach for the Rev. Isaac L. Benge, 65, who died Monday at Twen· tynine Pillms, The Rev. Benge had lived in Huntington Beach for eight years beginning in 1933 and in -recent years conducted services frequently _for the local Church of God, 426 11th SI. He was supervisor for lhe Ch urch or God in California, Arizona and Nevada. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Dilday Brothers Chapel. 17911 Beach Bculevard with inlcnnent lo lollo\I' at \Ves tminster 1temorial Park . His body 11·il1 lie in state until 9 p.m, today and from 9 a.n1 . lo 9 p.m. Thursday at the 1nortuary. The Hev. Benge is survived by his 11•ift', Laura, of Twentynine Palms, a son Clyde, of Huntington Beach; a sister J n· sephine Gragg of El Segundo, fiv e grand· children and one great grandchild. nyir,g a zone change and use permit to the Fredericks Development Corp. of f'ullerton to build the apartn1en1..<; on tbe west side of Bolsa Chica Street, JUSt :iouth of \Varner Avenue . !-IC'nry Frederi cks argued futilely 111111 lhr c0un c1 ! il1onday, :stating th<it the pro· nerty had no cornrnerc:i<il potential at this tin1e and \h;d adjomlng busines:;es v.•erc "sick." Planning Director Kenneth Heyno ld:<> :;aid approval of the apartment building rC'quest would rC'ducc the size or 1hr re- n1aining cnmmcrti:i l property to less than an acre, little more than a ser1·1ce station site. New Enterprises ~et Beach Okay · Additiona l enterprises \l'ilt be per. milled in community business zones under ordinance amendments approved by the Huntington Beach City Council. Added to the retail stor es section are automobile parts dealers, florist shops. ice storage houses, pet shops and super 1narkels. Added to the serl'ice category are animal clinics. automobile 1ninor repairs. sm2l1 dry cleaning firms, electric;i! distribution substations and skating rinks. ALL NEWSPAPERBOYS -Ste\'l'n Chau\'in , J4. (left), and Kick lfodges, 12. D.A.11 Y PILOT carriers, look over picture o( farnous forn1er new.!i paperboys -Ast ronaut Nl'i! Armst rong and ?l'lichae\ Collins. P hotos v.•il l be displayed }<'riday and Saturday at South Coast Plaza "space shov.•.'' Ca rriers '\'i !l greet sho\I' visitors Scitu rda:v- atternoon, Natio nal Nev.·spaperboys Day. Good Lu~k~ Guys Pilot Offers 'Astro Scroll' .i\s a grand finale to Nation<il ~ewspaper \\'eek Friday and Saturday the DAIL Y PILOT will join South Coast PIJz<> me,•chan ls in inviting "everyone'' to send greetings to Lhe Apollo 12 astronauts before they blast off for the moon, The "ASTRO SCROLL'' visitors are in· \'ited to si gn will be part or an exhibit or s pace age photogra phs and other display material pointing up the American space program. 1'::xpected to be one of the highlights of lhe space show exhibit is a collection <Jf picturts taken by two former ne wspaper carrier boys and a test pilot on a trip they made last summer. Tt>e former ne 1v s p ap e rboy s - Astronauts Nei l Arn1strons-11hd r..tichacl Collins -y,·ere, of course. pilots of U1c lun:1r module and command module, respecli\'ely. in lhe Apollo ii fli ght which tirst planted man's foot prints on the moon. Their companlon, "Duv:" Aldrln, v.·a5 the second 1nan ever 10 set foot on !he moon and snapped several of the pic· l ur~ 10 OC displayed. Since Saturday, the fina l day or Newspaper \\'eek, Is N all o n a I Newspaperboys Day, the DAILY PILOT h;is ~r !rclt"rl llro carriers to 1nake "gHc~t o:ljlCarantcs·· at the sho11· during the afternoon. Ste1·e Chauvin, 14. son of ~l r. and f\.lr~­ Enn1s Chauvin of 678 Sena te SL. Costa .\f('sa, a Freshman at Estancia High School, wil l be one or them. Sieve has been a DAILY PILOT C'ilr· rier for three )"Car.s, v.·as made the car· tie rs' Honor Roll several times for outstanding sen•ice to his customers anJ says he likes science and space. The other carrier '>'·ho will grecl ASTRO SCROLL signers be t1\•een 2 and .: p.m. Saturday is Nick Hod ges, 12, son of :0.1 r. and ~trs. ~1 ich11cl Hodges of fi~ l;o1·ernor St, Costa J\.lcsa. He's a seven1h grader .at Rea School. The space :;bow y,·il\ be open F ritlay from I lo 9 p,rn . .1 nd Saturday lrom 11 a.111. to 6 p.m. First 1,000 persons lo sign lhr. ASTtl.O 5CROL1. will each rct e1ve a red. ll'hlle and blue decal boostln p; Apollo I 1 and proclaiming "Good Old U.S.A .. , . _first On The i\IO'Jll," Also oocr e1·er\' hour. on the hour. an ASTf\0 SCROt.L' signrr will be gil'cn a ('i)py of the Associated Press keepsake bOok. "footprints on The Moon." Nixon Eagleton of ~fissouri and J·larold f:. l~ughes of Iowa. Sen . Alan Cranston, ( D-Calif.1, said the United States was lrying to "prop up a t·orrupl dictatorship" and 101ned ln :sup-- port of the resolution. Church v.'as joined by :)en. fllark 0. ll:itfield. 1B·Orc..) 1n span.soring h1.~ rrsolulfon saying Nixon ·.~ announced pullout of fi(l,000 troops fron1 \lil'tnain 11 as '·a ster 1n the right direction." TURNER ... 5th Amendmenl :ind refuse lo an sll'Cr tiuestlons . His attorney said he ad vised \Vooldridge to 1 efuse lO testify because he did nol believe he would be given a fa ir hearing by senators. In his lestitnony Tuesday, Turner ad- n1itted that in 1968 he s1i::ned receipts fo11r ti mes at Chicago poli te head· quar1ers stating !h at eonfista\cd guns ht> had pcrs::.;;nl!y sclcl't..:tl \l'l!re to be used !or Arn1y training purposes. Turner testified he disassembled :;onie Of \he \Yeapons for par\S, destroyed Pthe rs, sold "lhe cream of the crop" lo a North Carolina gun dealer and pocketed Ilic money. But over and over again 'furner in· :;isled : "Those weapons were not for the use of the Army, they (the Chicago po- lice) were going to destroy them aad they gave them to me personally." He said Conlisk had assured him the receipts he was asked to .sign were only a formality to meet the letter of the law. Illinois law says a!l wea pons seized by police are, after being used as evidence, lo be either destroyed or given lo the anned forces for training or other 1Purposes. Conlisk said in Chicago he believed Turner -who came to the city last year to represent the Army chief of staff dur- ing rioting in which U.S. troops v.·ere used -1\'anted the guns for official purposes. Turner '>''as questioned closely by senators looking for dclails of his gun deals Bu t the general, 111ho is a licensed gun <ff'a!er, said he has los L his only record !)ook and does not have Lhe information to ans'>'·er questions. Turner, who is now ret1rfti . said thal on advice or his lawyers he has jn the \a!';t few days filed amended income tax: returns for the last five years. ~le said the amended returns show $6,800 in gun sales he had nol declared previously. •· Eilher you are incredibly naive," said Sen . Charles ll Percy (H-111 l." or you J1ave evaded the payment of incon1c ta~· CJ)," I !e noted Turner had not moved to ainend his returns unti l afte r the sub- l'Om rnitlee sub poenaed his lax anJ finan· cial recortJ s_ Turner said he got 9fi guns frorn 1h" Kansas City police deparlinent .and J95 1vcapons from ft. Bliss, Tex. He said the Fl. Blis;; shi p1nenL originated from the U.S. Cus1on1s Service, buL he said he could no~ reinembcr the circumstances. \\'hen asked how he could estimate the ;unounts due on his income tax without access lo the records he said he lost, Turner rephcd: ·'Si r, I 11.·ent OYerboartl rather than 1111derboard in making those estimates." A few minutes later. askfti about other l111ancial aspecl<; of his gun dealings. he ~aid '·you're asking me questions l couldn 't possihly ans'>'·er" 11·Jthout the 1nlssing records. Senate investigator~ hare said a0011t 500 11·r.apons fro1n the three shipments a.-e unaccounted for. . I • Ul"IT ....... KENJjEDY LAWYER'S BRIEFCASE SEAR4HED AT COURT S•m Ripa (left) Irate With Detective B .. DiGiusappa ' ! . Kennedy's Lawyers Ask Closed J(opechne Inquest BOSTON 1AP J -Sen . ~dward ~I. Ken- 11C'dy's attorneys asked today that an in· ques1 into the death of iliary Jo Kopechne be closed 10 the press and public and that all 11'11nesse.s be subject to cross-ex- amination. Kennedy's C'ounsel. in argun1ents before !he l\lassathuselts Supreme Court, con· tended the inquest 1Yould be "an ac· cusatory proceeding ll'hich could result in crin1inal action " Edward B. Hanify, counsel for the t.1a~~achusetts Democratic senator, ask· ed the full bench of the slate Supreme Court to declare lhe state's inquest law uneonstltut1onal or l;iy down a new body or re slric!io:is on th£' prnposcd 1nqut"st in Edgartol\·n District Court. l\tiss Kopechne y,·as found dead in Ken· nedy';; ca r in a sail \Yater pond on Chap· paquiddick Island .July 19. Kenned _Y said 1he c;ir he wa s dr111ng went off the side of a narrow bridge and pl11nged into the 11·ater. Kennedy esc-ap«l but !-·liss K11plchnc '>'':l s trap[Y-'d in tl1c <-'ar. lla111ly nrgued for a fl1ll IJ9ur of th e 1wo-l1our he aring before fi1 e 1ustices of the court. Jn addillon to asking that the inquest Ix' t!osed to the press and public, he 1;;:,l lcd upon the court to q11ash a ruling by District Court Judge James A. Boyle \Yhieh barred 11·1Lnesses' lawyers from the eourl room except while their clients 11·ere testifying, Hanify further 11 skcd the court to order .fudge B~·lc to d1squ ahfy himself from lhe forthcoming inqu est because he was a f)arly to lod<iy's apµea l. J oseph J. Hurley, an <issistant atlornry general. "·)10 represent~U Judge Boyle, 1old the co11rt t h.~l lhf'rc h<id been a great deal of \<ilk al:i.1u1 "enminal eon· sequences -and il is probable ther~ eou:d be som e eriminal consequences." J!e :said Uiat an inquest could clear per,;;ons of suspicion as y,•ell as indicatini t;Uill. "l\cnnedy himself, on television. refer· red to innuendo and whispers and gos~ip,'' he said. "An inques t could serve to end this and to protect and clear th• good name of Miss Kopechne as wel l, even though she is not. of course. a par· ty to this nearing." From Page J MASSEY ... "'nund at Orange County Medical Center. In vestigato rs \1·erc told lhat Massey, \\'ho accompanied Johnson home £rom • tnvr:rn, ll'aS exa111ining the weapon rrom the victim's collection 11•hen he pointed it toward Mrs. Johnson. The couple \\'as then allegedly forced to I.nee] on the floor as though to be ex- ccutcJ. but Johnson said ~fassey was distracted a moment. so he jumped him. Police Officer \Vayne llarber was on routine patrol near the Johnson hom e 1rhen he heard someone :shouting for police and raced to the scene. He found l\l assey at 18th Street and \\'tstminster Avenue. still armed. and ar· rested him after forcing the suspect at ;c unpoint to Jay do1vn the Y.'ar souvenir jl!Slo] i11assey ll'ill be held a Cost.a 1fesa City .l.~11 11·1thouL bail until his arraignment in lliirbor .Judicial District Court Th ursday. after y,•h1ch he v.·ill be moved to Orange Colinty .Jail October 18th --· ---- ------. "4·picce place Mttittg1 (tnspoon, pl&cc fork. place knift. .U.d fork), 32--piece ~r\'ice for el1ht Regular price fr om S39&.00 Sale price Crom $297.00 Regular price frorn ~ .. 9.,0 Sa.le price from $37.11 CONVENI ENT TE RMS BANKAMERI CAR D MASTER CHARGE 182l NEWPORT BOULEVA RD COSTA MESA ll YE>,RS SAME LOCATION PHONE 141.)401 I I l I • I I I I I I I 'I ' ./ r ! --.-~ --------------·--------------------.---........ -....... ---.--·------~-~-~-·~· -~---·--·~···~·~. --·~· ....... ~ .... -~~---~ Laguna Beaeli EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks * * VOL 62, NO. 241, 6 SECTIONS, 112 PAGES *ORANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA TEN CENTS • ra e Ill Turner Called 'Liar' Police Cciptain Refutes Clai11is 011 Gu1is \\.ASHINGTON L'\Pl -Cl1icago Politt' Supt. Jaine!'i Conlisk says former Arrny Provost 1'1larshal J\1aj . Gen. Carl C. Turner lied v.·hen he testified city authorities knowingly gave him 397 con- fiscated guns for his personal use. Turner is a central figure in a Senate subcommltee investigation of a probe into charges a ring of enlisted men, in- cluding former Army Sgt. Maj. Wil1ia1n 0. Wooldridge, was engaged in a large· i;cale graft ring. In hi£ testimony Tuesday, Turner· was Youth Descri bes Ho'v SA Of ficcr Shot to Death By T0:\1 BARLEY Of 1!11 O•HJ l"ilol S!•ll "Arthur League's gun went oil. He shot the officer."· "What did the officer do lhen?'' "'He fell down. All I heard him say was 1help'.'' That testimony today came from a lS- year~ld boy who mumbled and stam- mered his ll'ay through a dialogue that could convict Artllur Dewitt League of the murder of a Santa Ana police officer tEarlier story, page Al2.J Sweating profusely and J o o k I n g rarefullv around the courtroom. Carl fitev le Tice gave deputy District Attorney Everett Dickey his haltinB account of the events of J une 4 and a d::nvntown con· fron tation that e'ded with I.he slaying of officer Nelson Sassccr. Gl ancing occasionally at the grim·faced League, Tice told a hushed court that he was a passenger in League's auto when officer Sasscer halted the car and demanded identification from the Black Panther and his young companion. Satisfied wilh the boy's docwnenl!, the (l!ficer turned to League to find, ac- cording to young Tice, a gun pointed at him. ,;He told Arthur lo get back." Tice told Dickey, "And then he pulled his own gun ." · "D'k k "Did he draw his weapon, JC cy as·. ed his nervous witness. "No." the boy rrpHcd. ''He didn't get 11 out of !he holster. Hr. wa s too late." Tice·~ 1e~l 1111ony \\'J S the highlight o! the ~econd day 1n I.he prelirnin;iry hearing of m\1rder charges ag:iinst Leag11e. Tice·s testimony 1s ~cen by the pro- ~ecution a~ a trenicndnu.~ hoost to ti c:asc I.hat admittedly suffered wben the gun ;illegedly used by League \\'as barred from. evidence by J udge Paul Mast. J udge Mast issued that ruling after a week-long hearing in his court on the defense motion for suppression o{ thal C"idence. lt ""'as successfully argued by defense allomeys that Santa Ana police officers \Vere in "'loliltion of the law when Uiey lQok the weapon from the Tice home. quizzed only on charges he obtained the confiscated guns under pretense they "·ere for Army use and then sold some of them for his own profit He said, however, Conlisk knew he "'anted the guns for his own collection , although he signed statements .11t the time affirming the weapons were for the Anny. Conlisk said 1n Chicago Tuesday Turne'r•a testimony was "untnJe." The superintendent also suppOrted t h e testimony given by-police Lt. Paul T. Duellman . .,rho told the subcommiHee Tuesday he sho11·ed Turner the guns. but never heard him say tlley ll'ere for his own use_ Until this week the main thrust of the subcommittee probe had been into allega- tions Wooldridge and a band of career sergeants had looted Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled liquor and bribed officers. Wooldridge, who is scheduled to testify Friday, told a reporter he will invoke the (See TURNER, Page ZI Trustee Questions Need Of School 'Mi11i-courses' By RICHARD P. NALL Of lfl• D•ltr l"lloot Siii! Are Laguna Beach High School's in- novative student-picked "mini-courses" just that -cour ses of study -or are they ~·structured bull sessions?'' School trustees wanted to pin the mat· ter down Tuesday night liiince the popular. sometimes controve~sial topics. apparently came as a surprise to some trustees. "If I'm to be. legally and publicly responsJb!t for a course in the com- munil y, I wanl to know tlbout ii before it'5 11i ven," sald Dr. Norman Browne, trl,lltet. Principal Bob Reeves said !he prn- gram, a variation on study haJI time, is units of work "not a course ol study." Stuart Rabinowitsh, presklent of the Progressive Education Club, said, ''the purpose is to ge t students more involved. It's an·experiemenl to see if students can take the responsibility to build cour ses that are relevant." He contrasted the new approach to Lhe t1nchanging, ''mainstay'' curriculum that does have board approval. The new senions i;tarted on somethin~ ol a controversial no t e with Reeves denial that th6e were to be SOS speakers fonowing a Jeftwing film. They didn't speak. However, the mini-course topics also r ange through Yoga, health foods, music. gardening and other bland fare. Owen Tait. assistant superintenden1 . 1old board members there is nothing ~pecific about board approval in the educction code -''it'!'i a gray area." lie ~aid three students could get together ilnd discuss Zen Buddhism 11o·i lhout board rrior approval. Board President L..1rry Taylor said. "If Slo"k narkels NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock market tumbled to the brin k of a new 1969 clos· ing low today but mustered enough strength to pull back in late trading. (See quotaLioos, Pages C JO.II). The Dow Jones average of 30 industri- ~15 closed with a kiss of 4.03 lo 802.20, just a shade above it.! botom o( !J(ll.96 for the year. it. is listed as a study hall, we would con- sider a study hall a place v.·here students go to study. We have not been kno11o•ledgeable about it: it should have beea approved as a mini-course, not as a study hall." Trustee William Wilcoxen asked Tait, "Your view of it is as sort of a structured bull session?" Reeves suggested lhat the hoard ap- proved c:oncepts, not units. "You $Iii! need the ne1ibility to ikip unjtl Iii you \\'Ould in algebra if you w<1ntcd lo ikip factoring,'' he said. Brov.·ne said, "I don'l want to be lake11 wrongly: I lhink it"s great. but ff l'n1 goi ng to bt: responsible, I "'ant to kno\v about it." Teacher Ron R-0ss said .s1udcnts art nol required to stay in the mini~ourses. they have the option of going to the library to study. Rabinowltsh said he really didn't th ink it was that important. Trustee Wilcoxen, with a twlnk!e, said, "Tl's relevant to us Stuart, we have to find a pigeonhole." Superintendent William Ullom eug- gested that e.ach COUTse could have the sponsorship of a department. Ross said, "as soon as you do that you're stining the students. the kids have started this." Taylor said ... They could have sub- mitted a schedult> for O\Jr approval." Don ~1 iller, as.slstanl princi pal, said the rourses are reviewed by a teacher ad - visory counc!I that acts as a .sound ing boarrl for sludcnt n11n i-cnursr ri>coln · n1endalkins , SPO RTS SECTION BULG ING TODAY Today's edillon of the DAILY PILOT Includes the largest sports !ection ever published by the newspaper. The nine- page section, beginning on Page Cl. fea· tures local and national sports reporls, auto racing news plus special sports features and photos. DAil. Y .. !LOT t'=fl ....... CHARLES REICH (IN SWIMSUIT) GREITS LAGUNA HIGH OCEANOLOGY STUDENTS Studyint TrHIUrM of tht S.. Off TrNaure l1lend Beech u escue OAI LV l"tlOT St•fl l"hott TUNIN<; UP -Gettin g _in the 1nooct for l)onal d Bondi I3enefil Uancc Friday are Child SL Michael. a t piano : i\·Iary Cooper. refreshn1ent chairmar:i; Mrs. David L. Rukstials. president of Ranch o Vie JO \Vomen's Ciub, and Brett Norris, on gui tar. Dan~e Aids Y oulh Teens Helping Accident Yicti111 Saddleback College and f\.1ission Viejo High School students and their dates wil l dan~ Friday night to help a fellow teen who cannot walk. The Rancho Viejo \Voman's Club Is sponsoring a teen benefit dance In the !\fission Viejo Recre;ition Center to bolster the Donald Bondi fund. starterl lilst spring tn assist an "l8-year-0ld Mission \'ieJo High School sl'nior gravely injurC'd in an automobile accident. Bondi. hospitalized since the ac·cidenl. 1s due to return within !he next few \~'£'Cks to his home , 24371 Chrisanla, l\fission VieJo Still paralyzed and cnn· fined to a v.·heel chair. he has been undergoing treatmenL at Rancho Los Amigos at Downey. Medical expenses have rleplelerl the. original fund, according to l\lrs. Donald North. who is organizing the teen dance for the woman's club. But Donald will re- quire continued nursing care after he comes home. In addition, his parrn1s, i\1r. and Mrs. Ger;ild Robinson, hope If) make some modificaHons in the hnn1e. vddenin.i; doors and Jnslalllng r.<1n1ns Jn make it r ns1er tor the you!h lo get ar1111nti in hi.~ ..., hcrlchalr /\ dance ban(! 11nd prndurers of a light show \\•ill tOnlrihute their lalcnts rri Fnrlay's bcn<'fil which gets under V•ay <il 8.30 p,m. 111 lhc llctreillion Center. Tickr1~ <H $1 pC'r person will be a\'ailab!c 10 st1 1df11!,~. Punrls raised at the dance "'ill i;o directly to the Donald Bondi Fund, C'Slablished al lh~ United California Bank in to.fission Viejo. New Laguna High Class To Make Study of Ocean ... Jfov1 rn11ch plant!on ls 1hf're ;irn11 11d the Treasure Island Trailer Park pier? Stu dents In the new oceanology class a t Laguna Bear:h High School will know. They'll kno\v about the waler !ialinity also, the ocean's turbldi!y or visibilily and the phosphate. bacteria and nitrogen or the area as well as life rorms. Enthuslastic students of the new class will scientifically survey the area from the. pier to Aliso Creek's mouth. They will sample, record and learn about the ecology of the a rea . So popillar was tM new · offering that 120 student!i :<1igned for it. Only 52 could be accommodated in the fall rourse. The remainder v.•ill lake the class in tbe. i;pring. . Oceanolog~' is 1aught hy Charles Reich, assisted by John Wilkerson. ReiFh, who wrote curriculum for the course. i;ald. "This is a vehicle to use math. graphs, charL~. communicative Garbage Piling Up LONOON (UPI) -At leall 150,000 tool of uncollected garbage littered London to- day Jn the. 11th day of an unOfficlal stnl:e by 1arbage collector• for.better pay. skill.~, prt'.'.~cnta11on 11f \1'rilten and or:1I communication, using ou r advanta~c of being c lOSC' to the ocean -la st of the frontiers 1vi1h great appeal to student.~." Team leaclling n1ethods will he used. Sludents will make seminar presentation to others in the class. They will be graded 'on their project. their understanding of U1e subject and their ability to give the information to other students. A bonus project may include a field trip to the channel island in Mexico to compare differences Jn environment. PILOT SALUTES OC AUTO SHOW The Orange Coun1y lnternaliona\ Autn Show. first n1ajor showing or the 19i0 models in the United Slates. opens Thur~· day afler a benefit premiere tonight at the Anaheim Con vention Center. The DAILY P ILOT salutes the show and the counly's AMistance League cbapters sponsoring tonight's prev1e.,. in a sPecial 20-page section. The special sec- tion is inside today. Mini-craft Snaps Cable U11cle1· Sea From ~\'ire SC'rvices SAN DIEGO -Four n1 en, trapped for n1ore than 12 hours on ihc ocean noor in their research submarine Deep Quest with th eir oxygen steadly ru1ming out, 11·-·r c rescued in tile pre-dawn hours by a lwo-man mini-su b. The 40-foot, 50-ton Deep Quest reached the surface at 3:50 a.m. PDT under its nv.·n power line which had bfi:ome tangl- ed on the experimental sub's propell er . The Deep Qt.Jest was freed when the mini-sub snipped the line wilh a diver's k11ifc taped to a n1cch<Jnlca l arn1. Hobert \\!orthington, 52. a rct1refi Na vv captain and p1lr1t of the Deep Quest. and !he th1·C'e 1Jthcrs ;1bo<J rd wr rc reported tr, h;1\'C suffcrC'd no d! effect.> although they wl"ri;_ hungry and chilled a ftrr their long 11 riit for rC'scui• Tl!c 1no1nf'n t Depp QuPst rC'ached the ~urf;1cc. th.: nrws v.'as flashed to their 11·1\cs \rho ha d stayed al llornc while L~1~kheed Corp., owner of !he research SLJb. and Na\'.'f and Coast Guard person- nel supervised the rescue. The hero plaudits went to !he Nekton. a ~.000 pound craft operated by the General ()ceanographic Co., which was brought here from Los Angeles by highv.·ay in a trailer, !o\vcred in the water and towed fi ve miles offshore to v,.·here the Deep Que5! ,~·as trapped. Speed in thP rescue v.·as vital because the Deep Quest's sel f contained system had an oxygen supply for only 48 hours. 'r h:? sub had dived at ahout noon and it ll':JS 15 hou rs bef()re it reat hed the SLll'f<lcC ;i~;11n. Tlic otl1ers ;iboarfJ v.·err Oonalrl E Sant..r, r.1arshall I::. \V o.v and \Villiam J'in,'hrook. alt of San Diego. The sub 1vas on a rouline trainin~ rnission to spot an l.8i5 pound cylinder ,1 nd bring il up. But lhc heavy synthetic li ne becan1e fouled in the sub's propeller. lt was nol in1n1edintcly known how the accident occurred. The Deep Quesl on Feb. 28. 1!!69, pl;inted an American fla g on the Pacific Ocean floor al a depth of 8,310 feet -the l'l \\•rst ever reached by a true submarine. The Nekton made its dive at 2:25 a.m. :ind reported 25 minutes later it had located the Deep Quest and could s~ lights inside the big11er sub. The Deep Quest had been ln constant radio· telephone i::ontact with il s molht>r l'hlfl Trans QucsL which was on the :1urface ne.i rby. l~u bli<· Opinion l{c port Slated Tl1e public is invited to hear the resulls of the public opinion survry conducted by 1he Citizens Ad visory Commilee, to be presented by chairman Mark Gumbir.cr at a 1neeting of the t,aguna Coordinating Council r.1 onday nighl. r.1 r.~. Helen Keeley \.\'ill preside over the i 30 session in the Laguna Federal Sav- ini:.s and Loan community room. Thr in-depth sludy of Lagunans' in· 1r rcs1s and l'icv.·s on conununity planning 11·as l'on<luctcd 10 provide guidelines for ll•t> ~cnrral planners. Gu1nbinr r will presrnl an analy.~i~ nl !l1c !housands of ;in ~\\'ers to ques· lionn.iire~ circulated throughout Laguna. Orange Coast Weather Foggy nights and sunny days are the prospects for tonight and Thursday with the mercury dip- ping a bit ''o the middle 70's . INSIDE TODAY .~fnrinr Corr.~ is "scalp ing" it .~ rrrr11it.(, .Hilt$ a Cnns! barbe r, 1rho i.~ nfr11nli11 u In dr> ~n111,,l hi11(1 nbnut ~/1op1n(1 1•1) l/tP Corps. Page. A/9. l~tlflOI ilf) C••••r1 Cir,.., All C•IH••,.I• ,1,11 CIHH:••.._ U• All ClttJIUllll •I-II , ..... u ,1114 c .. uwtff All l>r'•ll'I NellcM A II •dllWlll 1"-..1 Al ~11·-. c-1 .. 11 '°"'ff(-.,. _.,.,. Ullltr1 DI M•!!lll• Al lo\ ... llfo t t AU Mt•lu (11•1J lo\ulutl ,.u,.,h C·lt l"t!l ... •I N•wt foe.I 0••-,_,., .. ,, l"fA CM IYIY!I l"t.,... Cit SMrh Cl·f li.<rkt ,, .. 11 ftruv..... AU TllN!tn (lf.IJ WNlllur Al ..... -lte ,, WttN """ A .. I W_.1~t:11-a --- . ~ . -. ---.~' ~ .... . -~•-1-.r•--... ~''"'"""~•~·,.,..·~· ·~•,.,.,,-,.....,.~_,,,,,.,.. ~.-... ,.._,.. ____ ,....,..,.,.....,_ .. _,.. __ .. ,.. ___ ,...,._.., __ .. ________ ...,.-r-_,.."'!•r- ., DAILY PI LOT -. Wtdn~sdJ)', October!, l'Ett L Fin·an~ial woes ~.rtague Lag~na Libr~ry By llAllBARA KR!IBICH Of llM 0 .. 1, ...... llt-11 The Lgauna Beach library projtcl is runnina: into financial problems. City MAnager J ames Wheaton Is :;;cheduled to preseat a progrt:ss report on plans for the new library at lhe Thursday night n1Ceting of the Friends of the Library -and it Wiii not be enlirc!y en· ('OUraging . Wheaton rl'vealed today. The county. \\1he.iton said , is nol l:iok.- lng kindly nn 1hr c·1ty's plt1n to pureha sr property on lhe ca~I side o! Third Street u¥f .erect a library building (financed throulb a non-profit corporatio n), tbtn lease the building to the coun ty as a branch library. ln on:l_er to amortiu the debt, a rental rile ol 30 to 3$ cents a squaR foqt would have to be paid."Jb!s, county offk:iab told Wheaton, ls double, or more than double the maximum renl now being paid on any branch library. lo a countl'r proposal, the county ha s i-uggested U1al lhe city pu rchase the necessary land and let lhe county put up 1 bui~n1. '-~ _ "We would be taJkluc·.ht the-vicinlly of •t30,000 \0 tl«>.<* r~ Jbe 21,00(l-squa re- foot aite Ult county recommends for an 1#"'4art4QIC buildi~," Wheaton ex- J)lained. ~tthis ls a faU' piece (lf change and It certainly isn'l in the. city budget at lhis lime." The city, he said, had hoped !o acquire, by purchase or l'o ndcrnnation, enough land to pNlvtde extre parking space ;i nd make a uniritd devc lop1nenl extending In lhcco rner of r-.1ermaid Street. A projert of this siz.e would involve an cslin1a1ed Schools Hit Funds Loss Trustees Say Laguna S olons Hurt Handicapped Trustees of Laguna Beach Unif ied School District Tuesday flailed the legislature for drying up $41.000 I locally ) t:1 ful1cls l-0 establish classes for educe- ~1onally handicapped childre n. J..oss ol 1he budgeted nioney for plan- n"d progran1s brough1 forth strong \\'orcls fron1 tl1e board bolh orally ;tnd by rl'solu· 11 ('111. "'The\' mess around ln Satran1en10 .. , ~;,id tr'uslcc \\'illia1n \\'ilcoxen. "and 111 rl!C'ct lav on <1notllcr six cents 1 to the lvc:il tax· ratei." The resolution said the d1stn cl. like the 11'\aJority of Californ ia districts, establisb- rd educationally handicapped programs for 1969-70 hl iood faith lhat the 1968-69 lin4Dclna formula would be followed. Thia financing fonnula was changed in the summer of this year. "This allertd formula was not communicated to local district until it was too late to prevent fi nancial loss because of rommitmenl!'i, rmployment and materials," the resolu· 11<111 states. The resolution said the formula will result in statewide deterioration of c1 h1calional!y handicapped programs. It accused the legislature of disregard o! local districts need of accurate finan· tial information by April to budget for the following r;choql year. It asked legislative action to fund already planned progrmis and future financi•I in- formaLion in time lo budget., Superintendent William Ullom :;aid the $41,000 in lost funds could not be easily absorbed by a district carrying minimal re.serves of $150,000. He encou raged peo- ple to contact their legislators. Board President Larry Taylor said, ''The very children that really need some help could be deprived." Wilcoxen said if some of lhe educationally handicapped chil dren could be prepared for society, t!1ey would not spend their lives in statc- supporled institutions. Apart11ae1ats Get Okay Traffic A prolonged debate O\'er methods of F.olving traffiC' problem s in connection II ith proposed espansion or Laguna Sh£l<lls aparunrri ls. 1601 S. Coast lilgh· ll'ay, appeared to end J\1onday nigh!. Laguna Beach pl11nning coinn1issioner! recommended approval nf Richard Burrs plan to add 32 unit s tQ eight existing ar:irtmcnl'\. A list of 14 condit ions was tacked onto !he variance by the city's engineering rlepartment , but Burt told commissioners he \vas ready to comp ly. Conditions included providing protected pedestrian access lo the bt"ach; minimum 2f}.foot openini;s frn1n garagl's to the highway: right-turn-onl y requirements ·oc exiling vehicles: remo\1al of existing ;iarking in front of the niotel and pro- 1 lsion of a left turn poc ket on the hig!i\.\ay go111g norl h. Additionally, Burt \\'!is adv ised . he 1rould have to provide a preci se plan for bOlh pedestrian and vehicula r traffic ac- c•es.s before a building pern1il ('OU!d be i!sued. ·Opposition to Ilic Shoals developn1ent l1<1ri been registered hy owners al Laguna SAAds, a neighboring a p a rt m en l rpoperative. sharing access to Viking Road , a short extension of Bluebird Can· .\!f. which lhe Sands had been obllged to · e at lls oy,•n expense at the lime its iance \Vas issu~ some years ago. :f ands owners feared the large Shoal.~ ~ansion \\'Ould create an untenable 1r4ffic situal1on in the area and also \Vere rpluctant In agree U1at contl1t1on! ap· proved hy the cit y eng ineer y,•ould soh·c iftt problem. :111e ar.i::urnent 11 a~ resolved in a ~pecial ~tli()v ~e;.~1011. duri ng ;1 luch planning ··bm ml'•"lnn•'r~ ,·1<..ned !hr-•:;i\e :ind clro1·C' 1/X!u rar<. 111 ,ul(J tiuf c1f -.ulHrrr·anl'<ill gti ragc" ;Fol!(l\\'ing bntl d1 c·u~-111n i1·!ontl;1~ fQur c.•11n11n1:.c1onrr:: \olrd 10 rrtiirnrn<'nd ;ipprol';il or r h~ \.irian~·c, 11u h new <'oin · 1n1s~1onc1 Car l .Johnson ;1bsl;11n1ng s1n('t Ill' h;id not p<1rl11'1pt1 tecl 111 t Jr!.1• session:-.. In othc1 action l\tond ay . the planne rs. -Set an Oc t, 20 dal e for the seC'onrl public hearing on the lhirrl Laguna Can, vnn ;inncxalion from R-11 (resident ia l hillside ) to M-1/\ (light industria l) 111 k~eping \Y lth adjacent zoning: DAllY PllOI lt o\lert N. Wee' ftr"-' ,,.. '°llMl•"tr Jo t~ It, Cv1ley Y,,.t Prll•-1 •"G i;:..,..to.1 ""'"''" Tli1..,e1 JC H wil fd•IO• T~o"''' A. l.lvr,1'i"' M•"*'' ... f l • .... P;i~~·.d '· N.11 L•a-, ... ,. c.1, 1•11<1t L•t••• .._, ornc.. 2J2 F1 r•tt A~•· M1ili~9 Atltl••U• f.O •••• '''· ,2,52 --c• """'' SM Wnl ..,. !i'reort ..._... ....... , 7711 W•I ............ ,. • ~ • ........ i.n le«l'I: --Slflll ___ £a __ . Problems Solved -Deferred study of a report on pro- posed modifications to th e new Boys' Club lo Oct. 20, pending receipt of detail- ed plans; -Granted \Vade Zinl's request for a eonditional usl:' permit to a three-family dl\'elling in an R-2 zone at 265-269-275 Arch St. after learning square footage ilnd parking would be adequate and no protests had been received; -Granted Laurence A. Campbell, 645 Anita SL permisaion to enlarge :i non- conforming dwelling and to use existing non-conforming off-street parking for a period of one year, prior to construction of conforming parking; -Granted a second six-month rx· tension to David J . Phillips, 310 Broadway, for use of a variance on tile Buick agency at that address. ALL NEWSPAPERBOYS -Steven Chauvin. 14, r!eft), and Nick l·Jodges, 12 , DAILY PILOT carriers, look over picture of famous fonner flewspaperboys -Ast ronaut Neil Am1slrong and J\1ichael C'ol!i11s. Photos \1'111 be displayed F ri day and Saturday a l South Coast F'laza "~pace sho1v." Carriers '''ill grc('t shO\Y visit or~ Sa turday afternoon, National Ne\vspa perOOys Day. Good Guys • Pilot Offers 'Astro Sc roll' .<\s a grand r1n<1le lo National Ne~·spapl'r \Ve:ek Frida y and Saturday the DAI LY PILOT \\'ill Join South Coast Plaz• mec'chants in inviting "everyone·• to ~end greetings to the Apollo 12 astronauts be fore they blast off for lhe: moon. The "AST RO SCROLL" visitors arc in- vited to sign 1vill be parl of an exhibil of space age photographs and other display material pointing up the American space program. Ex pected to be one of the highl ights or l ~f' i-pace show exhibit is a col!K'l ion of piC'tures taken by 1 .... ·o former nl'\\-'Spaper carrier boys and a test pilot on a trip th.:y mad! la st !!ummer. Tl'~ former new s p a pe rbo y s - As1;unauls Neil Armstrong and ~Jichaet Coih n.-; -'A'ere. of course, pilots of the lunar module and command module, respectively, in the Apollo It fl ight which rirst planted man 's foolprinl' -00 the moon . The ir companion ... Buzz" Aldrin , \V.U the second man ever to set fool on the moon an<I snapped i;ever•I of lhe plc- lurt! to be displayed, Since Saturd1y. the fi n~I clay of Newspaper \\lel'k. 1s Nati on a I Newspaperboys D11y, the DAILY PILOT ha~ sclect~d two carr ier~ lo makr ··guest ;,pl)earances'' al the show during the af!emoon . Stevr Chau vin, 14, son of Mr. and i\1rs. Ennis Chauvin of 678 Senate St., Costa r.·lesa, a freshman at Estancia High ~ehool, \\'ill be one of the1n . Steve has been a DALLY PILOT car- rier for three years, was made the car- riers' Honor Roll_ several times for 01 itstanding service to bis customers and .sa_ys he likes sciPnce and space. 1'he other carrier 11·ho 1YHI i,:reet ASTRO SCROLL signers between 2 and ; p.m. Saturday is Nick Hodges, 12, son of ~tr. and Mrs. Michael Hodges of 690 Gcn·emor St.. Costa flfcsa He's a seventh grader at Rea School. 'The spo ce show will be open Friday rro:TI 1 to 9 p.nl. and Saturday from l I a'.n1. lO 6 p.m. First 1,000 persons to sign the ASTRO SC HOLL wlll each rrrl'1Vc a red, ~ hite ;ind blue dc{'al boosting Apollo I l .1nd riroclalming "Good Old U.S.A ••.. First 011 The ~t<>'.1n." Al10 once every hollr, on the hour, an ASTRO SCROLL signer will be given • <'OJIY of the AMOCi&ted Press keepsake l}Q()k, "footprin ts on The Moon." $400 ,000 worth of bonds, a sufficient amount to interest a bond buyer. \\'heaton said he seriou sly doubts that any bond buyer would be interested In in· vesting In a bond Issue v.•orth Jes~ than $2tl0,000. The council, he added, h<is not 1nade up Jts mind which parcels to acquire if the decision is to l1old the project to the 1nlnin1um size recommended by the coun- '' • \\1hcnton said he and Ma yor (;lenn Ved- der n1cl fll onday 1•:ith Jo'if th Distnel TO ~ANTA ••• I o,o I !] I.IA(. 001Uol D !i ~"·:4 ,_ 'O I "'CtlOW'4 l ACO Ulol ... \l"LL l Y •« i'l l<OUll l 0 > ~ ' < " ) ""C'!IT'>-1 ~· ' • " ' i ' < 91 0 0 ' '/• . i I 5 :·· ~ ' ' 1,.. ;a;·-,·~' ' ' ' ~(, ,, . "' ••001..t:•A.C::k llANCl.IO \/l'f.JO/ 0 ''f' ·""MP COl..L .. ia. \-r• A,\/!;11.'I' Ptt.'f, " '" '" a"' "" iii TO $AM Dlll.190 Over 0111, Dale This is the \vay to Saddleback C'ollegc. Re~i:is tration for fall tc>rm continues Thursday. Classes sta rt l\'londa~'· Ca n1 pus has n1ovcd up the road slight· ly fron1 interim location of last yef!r. "'rom Page J TURNER ... 5th Amendment and refusf' lo an51ver questions. ll is attorney said he ad v i s l' d '\'ooldridge to refu se to testify because he !lid not believe he would be given a fair hearing by senators . In his testimony Tuesday, Turner ad· niilled that' in 1968 ~ signed receipts four time:-: at Chicago police head- quarters stating lhal confiscatrd guns he had pers<;;;<:lly selected were lo be used ior Army train!~ pW'poses . Turner tutified he disas1embled soml' of the \\'eaponi'I for parts, destroyed others, sold ''the cream cf the crop" to a North Carolina gun dealer and pocketed lhe money. But ove r a nd ov("r aga in Turner in· sistcd: "Those weapons \\'ere not for the use or the Army, they (the Chicago po- lice) were going to destroy them and lhey gave them to me personally.'' He said Conlisk had assured him the receipts he was asked to sign were only a formality lo meet the letter of the 1a1\'. lllinois la1v sa}'S all y,·eapons seized by police are. after being used as t'''idence. to be either destroyed or given lo the arn1ed forces for training or other q!Urposes. Conlisk said In Ctucago he b(ohe1ed Tu rner -\1•hn camr 111 the cilv lasl l'ear lo represent the .·\rmy chief oi statr 'nur - 1ng rioting 1n which t.:.S. troops l\'E'rl' ll5Cd -1\•anted lhe f.ri1n s for otfic1;il pu rpusr' Supervisor Alton E. Allen and his ex - t"allive assistant John Killefer to discuss the library situation but did not arnvl' at any solution . "The counter offer presents a lremen· dous financia l problem for us. 'fhe best solution .,.,·ould be to ronvince the county of the reasonable 11att1re of our first pro- po~l!I, '' the city rnilnager concluded. However, he added. he had no doubt 1he coun ty is :lincere in its proposal lo pny for construction of a library butldini; Board Splits, 3·2 if the chy can acqu1rt lhe necessa ry land. In addition to the library report, fhp proerlUD at the 7: IO p.m. FritM" meeting in the l..aguna Federal Savlnas .and Loan Buildini Y..ill include a licreen of the color film , "The World of Andrtw \llyeth," with commentary by Dr. Clayton Garrison, Deaa of the School or fine Arts al UC Irvine. Elec:tion or new director!'i is al so scheduled at the public meeting. Airport Denied Land Purchase fly TO,\! BARLEY A 1no1•e by operators of th!': Capi strano Airport for pureh11sl' uf 1Hljoining acreage: lro1n Ille Orange County F'lood Control District under a 2G-ye:ar installment plan \1•as shot down Tuesday by a clivi~ed Orange County Board of Supervisors. Rejected J lo 2 by the board wall Supervi!ror Allon E. Allen's motion thal airport owners Bruce Winton and J ulian \Villcox be allowed to put $1,000 down on the currently idle 5.4 acres and pay lhe price sel on the land by an independent appraiser over the 20-year term. Both men argued before supervisors that board afCeptance or their offer Rosemary Leary Ruled Incapable; Trial Postponed y,·ould allow thein to proceed with plans f:-,r moderniz ation and renovation of 1 facility that was described at the meeting as "badl y run down and grcally in nee~ of extensive repairs in all areas." \Villcox warned the board lhat rejection of the offer could conceivably re sult in the closi ng o{ the airport. "We badly want to keep this airport - heavily used by county residents south of Laguna Beach -in service," he said. •·But continunace of present conditions could see us moving to Oceanside." Supervisors David Baker and Robert Battin led opposition to the motion and y,·on the vote of Supervi sor \V illiam Hirstein in rejttting the airport bid. Bakf'r .... ·as then unanimously backed by his colleagues in a motion calling for lhe appraisal of the flood control property and the invitation of bids from interested parties on a cash sale basis. "A motion sul'h as this just doe!n't slancl the tight of da y," the obviously con• C("rned Baker pointed out. "We are beinj Dr_ Ti1nvihy Lc.ary successfully argued asked to directly subsidize tht' operatiOni'I today in Su perior Court lhal his y,·ife, of this airport and we don 't, by any llosemar.y, is nol physically capable of means. have the assurance that it will be faci ng Lria .l in operation for the full term of tile pre> Judge Samuel Dreizen immediately posed contract." 1lelayed trial setting for Leary, 49, Mrs. Warning the board againn accepting Leary, 33, and the LSD cultist's son, John ''a questionable means of collection ," Bush Leary, 19, to Oct. 15. The trio face:<> Baker noted that fa ilure of \V into!I and t'harges of possession of marijuana and \Villcox to pursue the de a I for lhe 2().. I.SD, stemming from their arrest last year period could conceivably mean re· Dec. 26 in Laguna Beach. sale of the property to subdividers at It appeared unlikely, however, that the \\'hat v.vukl be a bargain price. Oct. J5 appearance \\'it\ resul~ in further That price, he warned, would have been ('ontinuance of an action thal has now geared lo the Winton-Willcox agreement been delayed on seven occasions. and its applicatio~ to airport expansi?"· Leary, flan ked by his colorfully attired Any de~elOf:lE'r taking ovl'r the land prior i$0n, explajped that Mrs. Leary will no~if t;> termination of the 2()..year pact would \1ell r,o ,t uf:!erttr._I Pefore ~-!t~·efit from whit ,.,,~\d amount to Jht "·*'' . . · .~llYrit\...,,. taxpaye"' 11111, lie ,.icL tot'i · tte ~ "I. Rosemaly ary ti ttcovtrinJ_~ re:. cent co rrectlVe surgery whkh will hopefully, in Leary·s words, "enable us tO produce ano ther little Leary." Judge Dreizen, who reOected obvious ilnpatience al the frequent dealys of the Leary, trial when . the former Harvard professor was last Jn court, today ordered the dislrict attorney's office tO check on a \1•ttk lo y,•eek basis with :Pttrs, Leary'1 physician. · It is rxpectcd that the delay in Orari&e County ac;tion against Leary y,•jll 1imilar· Jy d!':(cr Riverside County charer.i again&t .the recently a n noun c I! d .i::uDematorial candidate. Ll!ary "'as chargtd m th al county with ~ on lribultng lo the delinquency of a minor y,•hen a 17-year ·old Laguna Beach i::1rl dro.,..•rn'd in the pool al the Mountain ~ 'rn\("r headquarters or Leary and hl~ tnllov.crs. Laguna Youth Surfing Winner Ten-year-Qld Kevin O'Sullivan o f Laguna Beach was among winnt:ni In a :special surfing meet for youngsten 12 and tinder spontored by fltndan.wa Surf Club SUnday at San Diego. Kev1n took first place in lhe \()..ytar-old clas~. in which Jeff Hamilton and .Jeff Williams, both or Dena Point, also placed . In lhe contest for 12-year-Qlds. John Ringer of Dana Poi nt was among win· ne rs, \\'hilc in the ii-year-old class Hobie Alter of Dana Point placed second and Owi;, BrOl\'lle of Laguna was in fourth po~ition. October 18th ·- - - 32.piece senict for elcht Regular price from PfS.00 Sale price from '297.00 CONVENIEN T T.ERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J.C. .J.1u1nph,.ieJ ' Jewefe,.J ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PH ONE 5~1-HOI !Ill NEWPORJ BOULEVARD COSTA MESA • ii I, I I I' ' ,JI I , i I I I' I ;I I' ' I ' ·l' I I' I , It I ti '. ~. ~ ~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------~~-------==-~--~· :-.;.-~---'I •-·· House GOP Endorses War, Paris Action WASHINGTON (UPI) -Hou s e Republicans today endor~ President Nixon's conduct of lhe Vietnam war and his attempts to seek a negotiated peace. In an obvious move to blunt growing dissent inside and outside the Republican Party, the GOP members al :> closed conference ordered a resolutio n prepared and published expressing their backing ':in general" for whal Nixon has done and ill doing in Vietnam and Paris. The endorsement was approved by volce vote after members aired con· flicting views on next Wednesday 's an- tiwar moratorium. The House GOP action came as more senatorial antiwar sentiment surfaced. Senate opponents of the war branded GI Scrutiny Zeroes In On Orange County Firm From Wire Strvlcu \VASHINGTON -Teslimony in the c:ase of the allegedly crooked career sergeants -as !hey are being portrayed before a Senate subcommittee -today rnovcd on lo a Fullerton Company form- ed by lhe five principal s. J\1aredem Ltd., romantically titled by pulling together firsl names of the sergeants' \\•ives. racked up $1 million in sales less than a year after it was form· ed . The company suppl:es service clubs in Vietnam and the five sergeants, two o( them retired and living in Orange Coun- ty, were all involved in service club management during their careers. Sgt. Maj. William 0 . Wooldridge, formerly top enlisted man in the U.S. Anny, has been cited by some in- vestigators as the most clever wheeler~ de<!ler e.ver caughL One of his alleged exploits involved smuggling liquor in to the U.S. aboard the personal plane of General Creighton \V. Abrams. J ess Unr uh Endorses Rc~·enuc Sha ring PJa u \VASHlNG TON (UPI) -Assembly Democratic leader Jess Unrub today en- dorsed a fccl eral·state revenue sha ring pl an in an appearance before a ·Senate i:;ubcommiltee. Unruh urged federal legislalion permit- ting taxpayers to credit all their state in- come taxes against money o\\·ed on their federal tax. He outlined his proposal In an ap- pearance before the Senate subcommittee. on intergovenrmental relations, headed by Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Me.). ,. . J ~4 First N ighters • Turned in by a serge.ant who obje.cted, Sgt. Maj. \Vooldridge arranged to retaliate by further finagling, Pentagon investigators have said. Alleged offenses cited during the past week and a half of testimony in \Vashington include: -Rigging slot machines and wcketing the excess poured in by luckle.!ls enlisted n1en gamblers. -Embezzlement from service club pro- ceeds. -Theft of liquor in case quantities. -Demanding of kickbacks from en- tertainment bookers and suppliers of bar &nacks and other items. -Currency manipulations involving at least two nations. -Arrangement of orden so that the clique of career sergeants were &enetally servin g at the same base together to simplify their alleged wrongdoing. Besides Sgt. Maj. Wo o Id ridge, f..laredem Lid . <lirectors mentioned fre- quently So far include Seymour Lazar. Theodore Bass, Narvaez Hatcher, and ,\\1illiam E. Higdon . All are r etired with the exception of Sgt. Jiigdon, \\'ho is now based at Red- stone Arsenal, Huntsvi ll e, Alabama. Lazar is president of the company and Bass is vice president. During the heighl of an investlgallon into the group's activities in Gennany several years ago -called off by a ma· jor general named in testimony -ex.Sgt. Hatcher rode in a chauffeur driven Mercedes Benz. Sgt. Maj. Wooldridge's wife, contacted at their home in Junction City, Kansa.'I, said Tuesday that his reputation has been destroyed and he will retire from the :service. DAILY "ILO'T Sh" ....... : Sonic of 160 persons 'vho atte nded opening night of Fifth An nual Real 'Estate Ji;vestmenl Conference al Nev.•porl Harbor High School Tues- · day night line up to register for session. Series. presented by DAILY P ILOT. Orange Coas t Evening College and Newport Harbor-Costa l\le sa Board of Realtor s, conllnues on consecutive Tuesday nights through Ocl. 28. Course is open to the public without charge. the: South Vietnamese government as a ''corrupt dlctatorslllp" and sought to in- crease prt:!SUl'f: on Nb:on for raster U. S. disengagemenL A bipartisan resolution demanding "more rapid withdrawal" of American forces was unveiled by Sen. Frank C~.urch, (0-Jdaho.) He said President Nixon, "like his predecessor before him, appears to be manacled to the Saigon generals." The: resolution urges Nixon l() rommlt himself now to full disengage· ment from South Vietnam. A second measure was introduced by freshman Democratic Sens. Thomas F. Eagleton of ,._1lssouri and Harold E. llughes of Iowa. Sen. Alan Cranston, (0.Callf.). said the United States was trying to "prop up a corrupt dlctatoMp" and joined in sup- port of the resolutioo. Church was joined by Sen. 1ttark 0. Hatfield, (R-Ore.,) in sponsoring his resolution saying Nixon's announced pullout ot 60,000 troops from Vietnam was "a step in the right direction." Battin Claims County Hiring 'Rubber Stamped' A lukewarm board reaction to County Supervisor Robert Battin'! proposal that all top level county appointments be delennlned befott lbe board led Battin Tuesday to accuse his colleagues of "rub- ber stamplng" the hiring decisions l!f County Administrator &bert Thomas. Ballin urged the board to back his ~ lion that the "top three to six" applicants for department head positions be screen· ed by the board prior to final selection. And he included in that category the fin al selection of the county's public in- formation officer, the new $12,000·a·year addition to the county pa)'To!L "Our county government will be more responsible if the super\•isors sit in on these decisions," Battin said. "It y,·ould mean better direct.ion by this board and a reflection of our interest in these key poaitions." But the board, led by Supervisor David Baker, refused to offer a second for Bal· Lin 's motion, "This screening is dooe by Thomas' office," Baker said, "and Y.'e do have the right and privilege ol 11itling in wfth him when the dedslons are made - if we want to exercise. that right." ''You 'r e abrogating y our responsibility," Battin snapped. "But ir that's what you want to do and you want to do lt publicly a.hat's fine by me." Freeiv ay W reek Fatal to Marine A spectacular crash on the San Diego Freeway early today claimed the life of one of two Camp Pendleton Marines and inflicted serious injuries to his com- panion. Dead Y.'hen California H i g h w a y patrolmen gut to the wreckage of his auto \\'a~ Pvt. Timothy M. Winders, Z2, of Pasadena. Rushed to Sou th Coast Com· munity Hospital in South Laguna v,·ith severe injuries and later transferred to the Camp Pendleton hospital v,'as the passenger. P\'t. Donaciano Sanchez, 18, of Burbank. Offic ers said \Vinders apparently frll asleep at lhe wheel and mi ssed the sharp cur1·e Jn the southbound Jane of the freev.·ay at lhe La Paz turnoff. His car struck an abutment, spun off the freeway and crashed onto La Paz Road 30 feet below. Both men v,•erc eje<:te<I from the car a s It hurtled down the embankment. Ripped by Explosion NEW YO RK (AP) -An explosion roc ked the. Armed Forces Induction (;enter in lower Manhattan late Tuesday night, shattering more than 40 windows on I.he fifth floor and knocking bricks and masonry from the building. No one v,•as injured in the blast although there were sel'eral persons in the lobby of the building al 11 :25 p.m. when lhe explosion occurred. VISIT OUR EXQUISITE SHOWROOM FOR THE tier• •t Att1'l our qu1lifl1d lnt1rlor d1~1gn1r1 ofter fr1sh vibr1nt idt•s to 1nh1nu vour 11omt. FINEST INTERIORS IN ORANGE COUNTY ... • LIBERAL TERMS AVAILAB LE VISITING NEWSMEN GOT THIS VIEW OF CAMP PENDLETON BRIG MINUS GUARDS, PRISONERS Behind 1he Barbed Wire, Offi cial Denials of Mist reatment F rom Ma rine Corps Brass Marines Deny Brutality Improve ments Camp P endleton Brig Told • in CAMP PENDLETON ( A P ) Newsmen touring the Marine base brig here have been told that reports of y,•idespread brulality are ;alse. Prisoners and guards could not be in· terviewed or photographed Tuesday y,•hen most of !he 52·acre compound \\"as open· ed for about 25 newsmen, Lt. Col. Ed Schultze, base information officer, said an article in Life Magazine 1\•as a "rehash'' of an carller article in The Nation magazine which alleged base officials sanctioned brig brutality, The articles are "fabrications,'' Schultze said. prisoners wait for hours in a cage called the "bullpen,'' lt has been removed. A structure \Vlth 5-b)"7-foot cells, once kno11·n as the "ice box," i~ being turned into a recreation hall for inmates, Rodes said. Ne1\•smen o,1·ere not all()\l'ed to inspect lhc maxtmu1n securily area bul Rodes said 43 cf the concrcle block bui!din~fs 48 solitary confinement cells WC're occupied. The brig, built in \Vorld \V ar I! and designed for 350 prisoners, ha s an u1·crage of 740 in1nates, about 80 percent of !hem serving less than 60-day sen- tences for unauthorized absence offenses. Rodes said son1e overcrowding has been alleviated recently by classifying about 140 prisoners as "base parollees." They are al101ved lo move out of the brig and into a barracks formerly occupied by nonprisoncrs. lie said the 450·man guzrd force un- dergoes a 10-day training course which includes basic psychology, studies in human nature and ~tarinc brig regula· t ions. ~any officers and senior non-com- n1issioncd officers have had fonnal col- lege-level training in penology and ~ocjology, Rodes sai d. N~~Ys111en a!so visited the brig last month -after the fi rst niagazine article '"<IS published. A congressional investigating team ex- an1ined the. facilities, bu t the team's reporl has no~ been made public. Lt. Col. N. G. Rodes.,commander of the base's headquarters regiment and responsible for brig management, also denied reports of ·Wbolesale mistreatment although he said there have been isolated incidents. . "lf true, why weren't I.hey brought to our attention before this?''· Rodes asked. ''I'd also lllte•tO p::iint out tbat lf it did had been !topped and that bro primitive. closed their eyes to iL" Angels Taxes Impounded Rodes confirmed that some practices had been $topped and thz two primitive b~en. ''°'.'}man "'un- mou h wJUi 8' vet · • · ' ~-nt the prisoner from bit · ,. • · b farbiddi!n. ' · ... · AIE1> gone is the prac!ice or having ' r ' ' County !llpervlsors havie ntfered -for the second year in a row -the im· pounding of taxes paid by lhc Golden \\'est Baseball Co., the holding company ol the. California An,el1. Coun ty Aud itor V.A. Jle!m look lhat ac- tion on $205,330 paid under protest by the ball club. It was argued by the cluh that County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw im- properly assessed the co1npany for what he contends Is Its possessory interest ht Anaheim Stadium. Hinshaw and the county were accused of "double taxation" and illegal asses,. ment. The club argued tha l lta lnttrest lh !he stadium covered only 80 playing date1 durlug 196U9 and that even then., possession on those dates could not bt 1 egarded as exclusive. SAVE $154.74 ON NEW HARMAN·KARbON 200 COMPLETE 4-PIECE FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO.CHAN~ R, 12" CO-AXIAL LANCERS! 2 YU.It GUARANTEE PARTS & LABOR H·K ~00 , •••• , • , SJS0.00 G.lltlt.411:0 , , , ••••• S4S.41 1 l " I I SD l 4 D"4> G•r<••d'1 .,,.-..uc hir•"•M• "" o • • • • ! '0. <o·a~ a • • w•·~Ml<I '"""'d olon..-"""' ,,,_,~ . .,,..,,_,., ... C.,,.S. •pecMte11 IN IMMd· •lnu rnolO• "'' ,.111, 131/l. .tS"' It rom •-•· rwbbed e lled walNwl "lb· Al1<1 n•• ~u!Om•li< rocord "''"'"'"· "'"omo!lc -~'rtc0td """'o!I, Iv«> •ol,,..IH !Or m••u•I o• lfteh! ou•omatK Pl•~. -coromlc 11..-.., cor!fld~• REG. $5~.oo with Ol•mDnO ••1h••· RE G. $45,45 SA YE $3Q.OO NOW ON NEW SONY 230! II Solicl-St1te' St1rao Compa ct Tapa Sy,+am ii..01 i1 lo• 11>.o p1no11 w~o w 111h • h <.- lv .,,,.,1;1,, podoblo 1lt rto llfilO ,.,,. t om. Complolo ~-!11c~ •10100 -built. 0• 110'"'0' •"'pl;fiott ••,j .... tthocl 1to••o •P••~•"· Bw;11.;., St•r•o Cofl· t •ol C••l•r pu mih tompleh l1ca;1;., fo1 • oloreo '""'" or m•9•elic p~OflO• 9•o p~. T ... o mi1eopho1101 •llclwileil, OLD $22950 PRICE ....... ,~~5 199 50 FISHER 160-T and XP·S's. FM·Stereo ' I • No.., \l!Ofwoed ~.0. 100 wOI! , "" """ ao)id ..... . ......... . c-~· .. ..... .......... lli ... ______ m; f"""'I) R•G· Prlc:e $675.SO Save $176.23! e f lSMl lt 161·T L••HI ltlt Oii aollli ol•'t _, ...... , .. 5,.,.., .......... . ,~.,.,o .. ,,,,,, ,.,...,, , • ...,,. -· ""°'"" f"' ....... .. If>• ..,,~ o1 • ~I-. II .. . •'"·u . .. ---. . REG. PRICE $369.501 SAVE $169.121 5 29~8 _ ....... _,_,.... •• • .. l .~ ·-; -.r-. ·--~-;i i ·i~.--._,...-'". ____ -:....---,--":-,, ·-.. -~"""~~ ............ ,.., • ..,,,,,,~.,.,. ........ --...... -................. -.-·------....... -......... --........ -----~~---..... ~~-~·· ~7,(;f-DAILV_PILOT Wrdnrsd.117, Octthr I . 1%9 -. :µ. tfl · TODAY'S .NEIS -------·-, __ .. M•x R•ff•rty, superintendent of public instruction. says critics of football scholarships are merely hateful and envious people. In a r;peech to the Tahoe Athletic Asso- ciation at Tahoe College. Rafferty dismissed opponents of football scholarships as "bu rning · eyed, bearded draft card burners w h o hate and envy the football player because he is something they can never be - a man." • One of Ille ro11tcsro11r .~ fo r lton111co111ino r1111?c11 Clt //rt• Ui11 · , vcrsi!y of lla1va1i /las 111cas1t re-~ 111rnrs-1.J/ 52·44·52. Bruce Biklc, I• 'l 2i5·11n1uul sc11ior, .~fl!IS lie e·11· trred r/1 t" coulrst bccatis r he brl1c i.:es its excl11sion of males . ·j I" Montreat:· A • Day Without Law U'°I T11wM ... 1 l violatcs U1c 1964 Civil Rights ! Act. Bikle, 1vltose frle11ds c all ~ hnn. .. Bw:1dhn ," soys the idea Jf can1e lo him while he wa.! tok· ...: ing a batlt. , J -·-, ~.-........--" -.. 1 • These were common scenes in Montreal Tuesday as 6,000 city police and firemen went on a wildcat strike and left Canada's largest cily virtually with· out law fo r 16 hours. Gasohne bombings and van· dalisn1 by marauding gangs of hoodlu1ns left a wake of destruction through the city center. The scene above is of the ?l·Iurray Hill Limousine Garage where rioting cabbies set several bufies on fire and heavily damaged property. At right. an of· ficer of the Quebec Provincial Police is handcuffed to looter caught in th e act with the gonds in hi s hands. The city polic e returned to work t~Jay after the Provincial Government passed an emergency law and threatened the officers with severe penal- ties. Math te•cher Gilli•n Thom•• \vent to school at Harley, England, in be\l-botton1 sla cks and a sweat- er. T·he school pri nci pal sent her hon1e. calling her !;;..;~ii t improper. Gilli an, 21 . \Vent home .. chan~e~ <ind came back to schoo l 1n a m1n1· skirt 12 inches <1bove lhe kn ee. The school did not object. • San Francisco P o I i c • Chief Thomas Cahill, a man proficient at apprehending outla\1•s, has captur· cd a n inla1v. Chie f Ca hill, vaca·tion· ing in Jamaica. announced that he \Viii marry Mrs. Felipa De La Torre \1·ho is lhe 1nother-in-la1v of his son. John. The chief's first l\'ife , -:-.rargaret. died in !\lay of 1968. ~!rs. La Torre is 3. widO\V. • Sl101v b1:: nose to sho tv biz: nose was t hr p1rt11rr fol/ou;1ng the opening nigl.t r r rfnrmn11cc of orfor Anthotiy Nel<l<'.'I <11 1/l e \\"a/dorj-Astor1a 111 f\'r10 ·rr1rk. The orl1er nose? Barbra Stre1sa1;:/, 11h11 rl.r. • Dorothy Andrew!. Elston , trea- surer of lhc lin1tcd States. says sh e hopes some day the currency bear- ing her signature \rill be \\'Orth the amount printed on it. "Not since 1939 have \Ve had a 100.Cent dol l;i r and evC'ryone suffrrs be· cause of ii," :r.1rs. Elston !'aid Fri- day. She called 1nflat1on "a re a I illness.'' Best Friend 'Morning After' Pill Effective SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -A ';morn-UCLA, in several other college health ing alter" contraceptive is replacing cenlf'rs and in Europe. diamonds as a girl's best friend . "We've had no pregnancies in anyone A Yale Unh•ersity physician says heavy \11ho took multiple dosages in adequate doses of commonty used eJi trogens ha ve time." Morris said, in regard to the YaJe been administered in the days im-experiments. mediately following sexual acitivity to "Our only failures were girls who took nearly 400 Yale coeds since 1965 -vd th inadequate dose.ii at the wrone time - 100 percent effectiv eness, when taken usuaUy because lh~y were already preg· properly. nan t from intercourse a few days Dr. John /l.lcClean Morris ootlined the earlier,'' he said. treatment Tuesday during a panel There i1 no question the techniq ue discussion on contraceptive.s at the works, bot there i5 80IDe doubt bow prac- clinical coDeae ol lhe American College Ueal it is, the Yale phyllctan uid. of Surgeons. "It basically is a good baei-up method J\forris said .Uie "morning after" for women who forget to tAke their pills technique also had been~ successfully " flr afl6 .ecidents invo}ring Other con· to pre vent pregnancy .JD ~ coeds at ttacepUve tnetbods," ht aid .. ~ . Navy t0Tur11 Over Boats To Soutl1 ·Viet Patrols SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Navy will tra['ISfer 30 ri\·er patrol boats lo the Viet- namese Navy Friday in !he largest single turno1·er of na\"a l mate rie l in the war, South Vielnamrse. military headquarters announced today A U.S. i\a1•y spokesman fiaid the turnover is part of the U.S. program to "\'ietnamite., the war so thaL more American forcr s can be '""ilhdrawn . A South Vietnamese spokesman said 1he BO boats \\·ould be divided equally amonR four river patrol groups '\!.'hl ch wil! form a ta sk force to be com· missioned at ceremonies Friday. The turnover will bring to 229 the. tot.al number of U.S. Navy craft transfer red lo lhe. Vietnamese since June. 1968. or abo\Jt 40 per cent of the 550 Amerlc11n boat!J patrolling South Vielnam ·s in I and '\!.'aterways. The other 321 are to be turn· ed over durina the next nine months. The U.S. Command say~ 33,800 American Navy men now are in Viet.n1m. President Nixon has announced a 5,000. man cul for the Navy u part of the 5.000-man withdrawal scheduled to be com pleted by Dec. 15. Meanwhile, Premier Tran Thi~ Kiem predieted tOOay that there will be nv "breakthrough" in the war until 1 new supreme leader emerges in Hanoi . Ward Returns to News HOLLYWOOD (AP ) -Newscaster Bainer Ward, ·who gave up television to n1n unsuceessfully for mayor earlier thi5 year is ret.uming to the news business. General Manager Wally Sherwin or KHJ·TV disclosed Tuesday that Ward wlll be chief newJCa.!§ter. starting Oct. 27, on "Los An;eles 9 Nev•s." Palm Springs Still Warm Heavy Rnin Soaks Southern Oregon Coast California S<>u!f\er~ Ct h1o•"•t "1 !•·' .....,,,.., Ul'ITl~llfd ""'•• "'-'' lf«om•"a co..1t•! '°' t ftd "'Ollr\!t•n .,,....,. lort!Old 1 tl)(lilftl '''""· LOI Al>WIH •...:I ~·~l"'tv "'fl SUft<tV • .. 1th • 1>trf!y ~IO)\/d1 Ill"" ~ 13 11'1 1'"011 11Jf'!df'f ..... I&. T~I OVtrnlgM lo"' 11 .c. Tl'>t >.It Pollutlot> C:o"1rol 0 11"1(1 P<9dlt;!ICI l!gM to mi:H:1Pr1!1 1~1 I" !hi bl1I" Jodey, 8tt tllirt ..,..._ l"OlllY ,...,ny "'1111 "°"" Pt l<:hv loo. 1>1lt r.. wt•• In tile 10"' 7ti1, fNI l~I Wiier "'II 6'1. MOUr1t1 ln1 ..,.,. 1unnv will\ II! ... <IOl.0. 1...:I l\1tf'> !•motrt lUrt'I ~tr 10. C,11>tv WI-"'""'" "'11 tll!'fnoofl. Of!ftl• W"I !"""" Woll\ ti'-'"""" Wo!"ltls ""'' 70 m ll•1 e n ,...,, Jn ,,,. .............. Vtlll'I' l flll N"'it ff Ot!.t •f. Pt lm &ttl'ltl Wt \ 1M M llon"t ""!test -HY Tutwlt'f t i '1. y..,,..,, •. lurK IOM• ...... ""' Ii 1.. Uotl~• ~•U•v• '"° t ) \n '°""'" vell"'l'I ~IKl«i ~111111 l~l<ltV t'>CI Prfl:l•C. tt-a ...,.~'"'''"" ll)(Uv lni;lu<tt L·~• k«JI f l.fl. M n•• MOr>l<:t 7•11. Bu•· 1191111 '2·•1. Mt W1l\O'\ n-u. P••....:it lt 11·"· 11:1~,.,,~ U.11, Ptlm ~"'l"OI tT-'11, 81~1<"1lltld u.u. )tn D·~o IJ- 1L ltnlt a 1rw r1 ~II SOU THl•N CALIF Oll.NIA -Moo!!v ftlr. ll!I"_,.,, Thu<ldtr l>uT lnu•ttl~I i.111 t!l9M ,.., 11rl• mo<nlnt •o.o•••l ~.J ~-llOll9 lhl y:.11 Wf"dMIGl r -Ill (Offl~ MS"lloo>t hul"IMltY LOI AHGlLl!:I AIU!! -Mol!IY 11,r rMov1fi T!wrlMllV b\11 '°"'' lt!I nit "! •1111 11rlr -ni111 trot ~•· "'' '""· if:"" o.nbL-n1111t1 ...., .o. tt1tn to'""'0' TO Ml>~" -Lltl"ll yerltblt "'I"°\ "'" fl.llll /\oul'I MCQmlnt -ft I l'lll'lt '" llft1rn11•11 WM D'f .,., Tllvrld•1· IMrNaln1 1,1, n ~ •11411 Mrlr n'18'"1lol"f fol olMrw'IM 111nn'I' IMVI, Cll048r liof~ dtYI. Ca••t•I ll1•t ll1 .. ,IV ll">O'"llll fot, otllt'""'I• 1u,,.,,1 .... Lit/\! v••ltbll ,....,.... In n11nt t rod ,...,nl"9 houri bl<:'OrT>lnt "°"''"' .,.. .. , la .... u I 10 lS ~"'311 I~ t ltU• -todt • 1/ld Th...,Mlf'f, Hlt l\1 to- di >' I• to 1r. C:o11111 ,.....,.,,,,..,,, ''""' tr..,. ~ . " 1"11...:1 ,....,,....tur" ''"" lrom ).I . "' W1!1r t1tt1-•tur1 u. Sun, /tl-n, Thie• TM\111.IOAY l'l•1t t11111 .............. t ;41.m . J l f ,.11 low ............... ':)11.m ,IJ $to;-1'11911 ••••• , •• , ••• l •:J.1 11.m, J.I S..:o"° low ...... J:tJp,,,.. O,t '"" "'" ':n t m. '"' 1.l'I 1.m . MMol '1NI 1.11 t .m. Ith J:10 p,m. U.S. SN111111ar1t T~t ct /\!rt l llfalllN 81 1118 GIUlllN wt,.. .....,.,11y !1lr IONY wltll rt ln 1t fflletn '"" -"'"" ,,trtfnH. TM "'"' rtln JON ... ....,,, I r-!ht <•~"I! 11/!I ·-..... AINllM:~!l"t Into New f ft.fnd I nd •l•""••O la , ... A!ltnl~ <town la Th• FIOt.iOt tlll tOl~t. 1t1ln w11 moorl\I I""'· .II Jltclllc l•ftll ltrou9"1 rein 1nd 1trOl'I -lttlY "'111111 ,,_ No"""•ft (t Htotn!t .. W11~l"9t0ft •• ,..,,.,Afl, tlrt., m111u•M f.1t l!'dl81 durl"O 1 t• Nkll -1111. (IHI oldts 1>•tnd ''""' Soul,,.rn (1llfoml1 i. t"-..,,..,. MIU I0 11!11 VII• "' '"' 1......, "" "'""''n GrNf "'!"' IO"'' toowr 011\1 \lt llfv, l•,...l'fturt• _., cOlll 11111 Soullllr" Cellfw~lt •• intll'lld ,..,,,, .. Temper•tNre• Mlt' \.tw """ AlbUiU .. ,..~. " • ......... ~ • •• AtllMI " " ·" •tlltttlitlll M " a1.,,,1rc11 n ,. .m .... " • •• ..... " n a-viii• M ,, .m (Met• • " CIM ln""4 " " ·" -.. " ~ ... _ ., 0 0.lr.11 .. M ... P1!~ .. .. ... • • ·~· • .. *'~ " " -·· " " 1( ...... (lty " .. L .. ~1 • .. Lot A111•1,, • " Ml...,1 .. " .~ Mlft ... t N ll• " ., ... Ntw ~tltl"' .. n " ""''"' .,._ n " •• ..... ,.ltlt. .. " OM<ll ... " " Ol\ll P'IOml (•1¥ " • ... ~. " " "•lnl , ...... ,, .. " Pot~ Po.Ill .. • ,..._nl• •• .. 11/ttibyr"' • .. ... Ill•••• (l!'I' • " lltH llu'1 " • ll<••-ft111 " " 1111 l •-t Cl!y n • .. ft 0 1•• " " ''" l'•11'ICIK8 " • ..... • " ,a ·-· ... " .. ... T,..,,...I " • W11/\l"t tofl " • ·" Post Office Plan By Nixon Killed WASHINGTON (U Pll -The !-louse Post Office Committee today rejected President Nixon's proposal to turn the Post Office Department over to a govern· me nt corporati on. The vote in the 26-member panel was 13 to 13. A lie vote on a motion loses. Rep. l\1orris K . Udall (D-Ariz.,) had made the motion to proceed with drarting a bill along the corpo rate lines proposed by tht: administ ration. Chairman Thaddeus J. Dulski, (D- N.Y.,) said the 13-13 vote ''effectivily" killed the Nixon corporate proposal. The panel now wlll proceed to draft a bill along l!nes Du lski suggested. 2 South American Planes Hijacked; 113 Aboard By United Preas lntematlonal Two South American jeUiners, one. Brazilian and the other Argentine, were hijar.ked to Cuba today. A total of 113 persons were aboard the two craft. The first hijack was reported from Rio de Janeiro when a Bra izlian Caravelle .1clliner with 50 persons aboa ra was seiz- f'd ""'hile flying dow the Amazon Rh·l'r Valley from Belem to Manaus. The hi· JOJ ck!"rs ordered the plane for fly to Georget.o v.·n, Guyan:;i, en route to Cuba, for refuelin«. The aecond hijack was reported from Santiago, Chile, when an Argentine Airlines Boeing 707 with 63 person11 .1\:loard, en route from Buenos Aires to l\J1ami, \l'as seized while landing at Pudahuel Airport. A radio message from lhe plane asked all gro und crew person· nc l to keep clear of the aircraft while it \\JS b<!ing refueled. Today wa s the second ann iversary o£ the death in Bolivi a of Cuban revGfu· tionary Ernesto "Che" Guev~ra , and It wu assumed the. date wu connect.I •ifh the hijackinP. • The new permanent prcs1 fabrics arc much like your face. Sensitive. They need gentle tteaunent. 851 of all men's slacks sold arc permanent presa also 75~ of dress shirts and 59% of work pan..'. It'• the trend. And it's wondcrf ul news forsaving you time and money. Unlw given special care_ they can wrinkle up like prunes. Sunshine just can't dry them cor· reedy. Electric dryers ano programmed ro pro- vide just the right amount of ,,.,,,.,. heat for the right amount of -~ -:o : ' time, and finally a gentle tum• · · bling fluffs up theJibcrs. Wrinkles just don't have a chance \Vith care like this. And you know, it won't ·bc long be fore virtually all vari· ctics o( household fabrics will be pern1a nent press. Today Be ready with an decttic clothes dryer. They ~ outsell gas dryers 2 to I nation• '4 ally. Electric dryers are flame. less and odorless. They coat leos too. Up to $30 J..,, in fact. Gtt the wrinkles out of your life! Visit your ,hdpful appli· ance dealer roday . .ses= Southern California Edison I 1 I ,. jl I, f .. ~. ·----~~ 'Intercept' Baiting S1nugglers r .. 1, Uni .... ''"' ..,,.,.,.!llMI Operalion lntercept has forced the prices or manjuana ~ . ' and dangerous drugs to double in many areas and profession-' :1! smu gglers are now attempt- ing to cash in on the lucrative " new rates. l O ffi cia l s of the gov-ernmcnt's c:rackdO\.\'n on 1 l'in1uggling into the U.S. pro-C duced records Tuesday that -1').t indicate professional smug-fi • glers are willing to nsk the . , Orl!ration Intercept dragnet lo · ... &cit their drugs at double the normal rate. The crackdown . begun Se pt. 21 , has been cred ited \lo'ilh the price rise and also v.·11h caus- ing smugglers to curtail oper- ;i tinns. Intercept offici;ils with headquarlers in Los Angeles .~~ld dangerous drugs \.\'llh a total illegal value of $58,000 Ba1·11a1•d's Bride? ..~-,. Ul'I lol1ph.rlO ha d been seized in the past f G tv.•o days aloni; \\'Ith 24 pounds Barbara Zuellner, 19-ycar-old daughte r o a .e1m- of niarijuana. a n-born South African industriali s t, shows off the diamond and ruby ring she cla11ns \Vas given her One of those arrested, Ti-by famed heart trans plant pioneer Dr, Christian Juana policeman GWTiersinda Harnard for 'lbeir engagernent. Barnard, now in San J lemandez Ochoa, 20. was ac-Francisco, \\'Ould say only "no comment" \\'hen cused of smuggli ng 70.000 seconal capsules into the coun-_a_s_k_ed_of_t_h_e_e_n_g_a_g_e_m_e_n_!_. ----------- try. Customs agents found the pills, the illegal value of wh ich \vas set al $28.000, hidden in a compartment in his car·s gas t.ank. In another incident, M£"xican polic£', y,·orking on a tip from customs agents, a r r £'s t e d f<"<"rnando Mascar£'no in Ti- juana and seized 7 5 . O 0 O <imphetaminc and barh1\l1ra 1e pills, y,·orth '30,000 on the il- Iiclt market. Figl1ter Wrec ks 2 Homes Ol\LAJI0~1A CITY (AP) - A fighter plane trying for an emergency landing crashed in ,1 residentia l area near Tinker Air Force Base Tuesday. kill - ing the copilot and leaving a block-long trail of destruction. Two homes v.·ere destroyed and three damaged, but no civilians reported injuries. The pilot of !he. Kansas Air Na - tional Guard F lOO p:irachuled to safety Jess than t hree block s from the seen('. Who Will Be The South Coast ?laz:a PLAYER ~~E MONTH? Orange County h igh school student~ a nd faculty or the 15 school s listed belO\V ,.,..jlJ elect their foot ball "Player-of-the-~1onth." One \\'ii1 be selec ted for SEPTEMBER, another in OCTOBER and a third \\·inner for N0\1EMBER. Huge photographs of eac h winner \\"ill be dis pl ayed in the Carousel Court in the South Coast Plaza . STUDENTS AND f.ACUL TY VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PA~TICIPATING SCHOOLS COJl:ONA Dll MA.l HIGH SCHOOL COSTA MISA HIGH SCHOOL IOISON Ht•H SCHOOL ISTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL FOUNTAIN YALLIT HIGH SCHOOL HUNTING-TON llACH HIGH SCHOOL LAG-UNA IU.CH Hl5H SCHOOL MA•INA Hl•H SCHOOL MATIR Dll HIGH SCHOOL NIWPOltT HAllOI HIGH SCHOOL SADDLllACI HIGH SCHOOL SAN CLEMENTI HIGH SCHOOL TUSTIN HUJH 5CHOOL YALLIY SfNIOJI: HIG-H SCHOOL WISTMINSTllt HIGH SCHOOL 5outh Coast ?tua Bristol DI San Diego FrHway, Costa Mesa 1st Negro Elected In Atlanta ~ ATLANTA (U PI ) -AUanta had the first Negr{) vice ma yor in its 122·year history today -youthful attorney Maynard Jackson. \•.t10 called for "action programs" and en- for c ement o f an- tidis<'riminalion Jaws and fair housing codes. --------·--·~·-·~"-·--.. ~ ---.... Wtdnt\day, Octobtr S, 1969 DAIL"' PILOT A.i 2 Dead in Vegas Violence; 'General' Calm Established LAS VEGAS. Nev . (UPI) - Two men were shot to dealh on the predominantly Negro west side of th is glittering desert gambling oasis 8-" disturbances flared Tuesday lor the third straight night The Nevada National Guard. put on alert for the second time Tuesday by Gov. Paul Laxalt, was released early to- day. The guardsmen were never deployed. Laxalt flew to the strife-tom city Tuesday but did not make a statement. direction. All the rumor11 U1at cropped up about full.sc ale rioting were unfounded. •·Thill has never been called a riot -ii 's a disturbance. Actually, it has been a series of isolated incidents." UPI T11ff~ ... J ackson, JI, a vice preside nt ATLANTA VICE-MAYOR of lhe Atlanta NAACP branch, Ma ynard Jackson The four square mile district -Jess than one mile lrorn the neon-ligh ted downtown gambl- ing casinos anrl rive rriiles from the Famed "strip" -was reported generally calm early tOOay. One injury w a s reported. Bill Adam~. assistant city manager, manned a rumor control center Tuesday night and reported 150 queries in five hours. "It's quiet now ," Adams said early today. "There are no antici pated problems in any The two victims of lh4' shootin~s \\'ere Albert .Jim Hayes, 32. a Negro, of La.! Vegas, the looting suspect; and Carl Arthur Benson , 71 , a \\'hite man from Henderson, Nev., the d oo r -t o -do o r salesman. defeated veteran alderman ---'--------Police s;iirl a white ~·outh "·as pistol·"·hipped by four black youths. lie w as hospilalize<I but reportedly was not seriously hurt. fl'1illon Farris Tu<'sday in the (ri!orgia capital 's first bi racial election for mayor aJld \'ice mayor. Vice i\1ayor Sam f\1asselt, a liberal with strong Nf:'gro sup- port, and moderat e Hepublican alderman Rodney Cook, 45. backed by the "power structure," won Oct. 21 runoff berths in Uic eight· candidate race for mayor. The only black candidate. educal"r Dr. Horace Tate, ran third . r..tasse!l, 42, who has served as vice mayor during U!e eight-year tenn or retiflng Mayor Ivan Allen Jr., ap- parently drew much oI !he Negro vote from Ta te, 46, who had been endors('(J by the widow of Dr. Ma rtin Luther King Jr. and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy. Negroes eompris~ 40 percent of Atlanta's 218,000 registe(¢ voters. Paris Hails Astronauts rARl~ (AP) -Am(!rica·s Apollo 11 moon men <'ame to P<ins today on their tour of 23 nat ions and were welcomed. in a burS1 nf sunshine as "heroes of the greatest adventure tha t 111ankind has ever known." Jacques Baume!, secretary of state attached to the premfer's office, greeted the three aslronauts and their wives el Orly Airport on their arrival from Madrid. About 200 youngsters fr om the American Schoo! gave Neil A. Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Col!ins a big cheer as they walked up the red carpet. Deputy Police Chief Hall Elliott said there were 29 ar- rests durini<: the night, most of thcn1 for violating the 7 p.n1. curfew. After three nights of looting and arson, the S1reets were strewn with shattered glass fro1n broken store, \\'indow s and the paveinenl \\'as charred y,·here automobiles were sel afire. A private guard for a liquor store shot and killed a suspected looter Tuesday night as the man en1erged laden with bottles. Earlier in the day, a salesman for a household products company was shot fatally in the throat as he made a del ivery. The assailant escaped. Mosque Burner Called Loner by U.S. Friend JERUSALEM (UPI) Denis 1'-lichael Rohan, 28, charged \\'ilh setting fire to a ~loslcm mosque. was a miserable loner "'hose fellow farm workers regarded him as a bit weird, one of his friends testified today. Arthur Jones, 25. o f Burbank, Calif., testified for an hour and 40 minutes in the third day of Rohan·s trial on charges of setting fire to A I Aqsa Mosque Aug. 21, an in- eidenl U1<1l brought Arab cries for holy war against Israel. Jones said Rohan \\'BS a con- fused, oppressed young miln \\'ho suffered an intolerable. childhood in Sydnry, Australia. J onrs said Roh;in once told of bein~ in a mental hospital ln Australia. Jones' testimony v.•as In line with Rohan's defense plea Tuesday admitling he set the fire but contending he was not in his 1ight mind and therefore could not be punished. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE . : the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring Ll the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn - ing to see them , · the difference between carefree and careful living : : enjoy the 7"/o yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5 ,000 minimum) t,..i interest checks mailed quar- terly ... of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50"/o interest. '...,:i switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH Will YIELD INTEREST FROM THE !ST. ... -----------Remember we pay postage both ways ----------- tndosed is lllY chetk In th1 amount of $ I hive markrd the lype of account I would like opened. Ple1sr send me a si1n1tur1 t1rd whith I will rm out and return. O S ~O"\t T~rift '""'""'* (•"7 •-W•ll 0 7% 2. l'Uf <-'!lliU!t $~.000 "'in!....,,_ 0 6'11. I yu r<tft•Utt1t Sl.000 "''~i111w"' rJ Ii"' l J1tr ur1111uto Sl.000 "'h'!""'"' n Ii"\ Ii -1~ u rtllluto SS.000 ,,,;,,,,.¥,,, Li 5~ o., 1 •. 0.,..., l•t•-1 su.ooo CALIFORNIA THRllT & LOA~ COSTA MESA OfflC£ 170 £.17th Street. Costa Mw. Califor"ia 92627 fhflll'--------------- Addro'~--------------,,., ______________ _ ···~--------'"'------ ---------------------------------------- • • CA.LIFO.RN IA THRIFT&LOAN MEMIER OF THE AMERICAN INDUSTlll:IAL BANKERS ASSOCIATION 5 offices servins Southern Cah lorn111 COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 L 17th 51rtef (lt!DJS Full11ton St. l1om Bis Bor's Rutaur1nl) • (11 4) 646-5045 -.. ·.· ., ... -.· --~-~,...-i;..--·-..., ............................... ~-~~=-·'""'·-·""""----..................... ~.-...... ~---...... ..., ...... -........... -... ---.-... ----.... -'!"I .. DML Y PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Woodland Drive Support seems to be growing !or development of Laguna Canyon's Woodland DMve area with park and r ecreation facilitie s integrated with the new Boy~/ Club. The goals statement of the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee proposed development of Woodland Drive as a "sports. recreation and youth center." The general planners, in preliminary spotting of areas suitable for future recreational developn1ent, included this site. No\': builder Bernard Syfan has made a rather de· tailed proposal, suggesting that the Festi val of Arts assist the ci ty in purchasing 21h acres of Woodland Drive property to create a large, contiguous, city-own- ed parcel that could accommodate a rark and tennis courts and per.hap s house a new 'Schoo of Art and De-. sign facility, freein g Irvine Bowl Park land for parking or other Fesli val -oriented use. The clustering of major municipal cultural and recreational facilities al t h e canyon entrance to La· guna conjures up an appealing picture. Certainly it would be an improvement over the existing tumble·dO\vn neighborhood, too often in recent years the scene of narcotics raids and arrests. But there is a stumbling block. Woodland Drive is ~vithin the can)'On area at present zoned for light in· dustrial use. At the time of re.zoning, it seemed a fine idea. The area obviously would need redevelopment in some di· rection and there wasn't any other likely spot for in· dustrial in stallations. Now the question arises, wh at does Laguna really want? The Boys' Club already Js there. The idea of build· ing up a furlher recreational area around it seems to make sense, and perhaps would not be financially prir hibitive if handled on a long-temi basis. Assuming the idea is not in conflict with conclus· Ions of the general planners, it might be well to give Clergymen Can Be Witty And Caustic There exists a general feeling that clergymen as a class. however wise or virtuous they may be. are on the dul l and f)Jmpous side: which may be true enough. But there also exists a feeling thal they ought to be this way; which has nothing to recomm end it, neither piety oor good sense. J onathan Swift, that d e vast at i n g satirist, was a clCrgyman most of his life, and for some years, Dean of St. Patrick's. John Donne . that witty metaphysical poet, was a devout member of the clergy, which fai led to inhiblt either his vigor or his mordant humor. TllE OTHER EVEN ING I \l.·as reading a biography of the Rev. Sydney Smith, the English clergyman, who wa s as caustic and funny a rellow as eve r led a devotional service; and I thought you might be amused to hea r what a bright minister thinks when he takes off his coal and pic ks up his pen. Of a fr iend ,~·ho had just made the Grand Tour, Sn1ith rcmar~ed ~ "He has returned from Italy a grratcr bore than r1·er; he new· bore~ on archi tecture, pa in· ring, statuary and music_" To another friend. hr said · '"I am Just going to pray for you at St. Paul 's. but ~·i1h no very likely hope of success." CONCER1'\l1".;G a couplr v.·ho \l.'Cre n1ember~ of hJ.~ rongr egarinn , he 11•rotc. "I like him anrl !11s ·wife, lie 1s so Dear Gloomy Gus: After seeing some or the teaching assignments at the Laguna Beach High School, it is obvious that cronyism exists in areas other than politics. -T. L. L. Tfll1 ffflvr• rtllff" ttMtn;• ~l-1, ,.., --Ill' lllt .. ti l!tt -tNr, S1..C ~111r "' -·• " • .....,, e ui. DellT 1"1111. \ad vlike, and she's auch a perfect geritleman." And of hls £an1ous con- temporary historian, he noted : "fo.f acaula y has occasional flash es of silence tha t make hiJ conversation perfectly delightful. 11 Smith endeared himself to me forever wh en he wrote: "I have no relish for the country ; it is a kind of healthy grave." And, as a critic, it is impossible not to deli ght in his statement: "I never read a book before reviewing ii ; il prejudlets one 90." HE ONCE RE~fARKED I.Cl a pompous colleague: "You and I are excepUons to the la w of nature -you have risen by your gravity, and I have sunk by my levity." It must have been this same man he was thinking or when he reflected: "The most solC'mn and terribl e duty of a bishop is the entertainment of the clr.rgy." l could go on for a column more1 but space coinpels me to end with hls sa turn ine, ohservaUQn: "Benevolence ls a natura l instinct of tht' human mind : \vhen ,\ sees B in distress . hls consc ience always urges him to entreat C to he lp him." A Crisis of Confidence LO!'-.'DON -Ever si nce the publication (If the papal encyclical on "birth control la.~t yea r. the Vatican has been fa cing a laten t crisis of authority. Now, to help him Jn tl1e government of the Church, Pope Pau l VI has called together his bi shop~ to discuss the primac,Y of papal au1nority. Ho\l.·ever, the outline of the ·schema, or agenda , Of the "·orld synod avoids at1y 111e.,t1on of suc h controversial l~i;es a.s birth control or celibacy of the clergy, Bish op Wladislaw Rubi'n of Poland , the ~ecrc.tary general of the sn<al!ed ex· traordinary ~ynod. specifically ruled out ~uch discussions. THE POPE'S CALL for this C9nfert.nce already has aroused more controversy than the \\l.'n week long meet.ing itself is likrly to stifle . According to the Guar· dian. Roman Catholic priests from eight European C<luntries announced they would press for a "free church and a free pope" at a countrr-synod to assemble in Rome concurrently with the meeting ol the bishops. The pr iests w~nt to press for a decentralization of the Church in ac· cordance with the conclusions of the Sec- ond Vatican Council. Prof. HIN Kung, the Swi11-bom Roman Catholic theol ogian, has aeeu11ed the Vatican of atlemp!ing to "muule the bishcps." Wrighting in Le Monde. Kuni said that the Roman Curia rl emanded "~hat epl11copal conference1, befort mtk· ing a statement on an important matter, seek the opinion of the Ap(Jstolic See it1 good lime." Most Northern European 1;.')unlries oppose any censorship when the f:iith and doc trine of the Church are not •l ~take. AN ENGl.ISH BISHOP said In London that becau~ the pre3idents of the na- ~onal conferences. instead or elected r epresentatives, wlll go ta Rome oo Oct. ll, the synod is unlikely to represent the Editorial Re8eai:ch . thlriking of the 2,588 Catholic bishops. Op- f)Jne nts c;if this meeling fear that the composition of the Synod Is such as to insu re the defeat of the progressives. Cardinal Danielou, one of the church's leading theologians, warned last July that if anyone tried to use the bishops AS "a w1r machine ag.ainSt the papacy," the bishops would be crushed. Writing in L'Osservatore Romano, Car d t n al Danlelou said lhe synod must not be tum· ed into a showdown ~tween the eplsropate and the Pope. POPF. PAUL, 72, Is d~ply disturbtd by dissenaioa wilhln the church. He recently told his general audience. at Castel Gan· dolfo that "the sharpest pain was given by the unruliness and unfaithfulnes3 of certain of her ministers!' Pope P;:iul noted th.at a prelate had said that the Pope wu showing himself "to be timid and unca-tatn instead of frank and resolute." This, sald Paul, "obliged us to reflect." Tbt bigat lllr IO far has come from Leo Josef Cardinal Suenens of Belgium., WriUng In the Jcum•J lntormations CathoUqua, Suenens argued that full and free public consultation is needed from the Pope right down to lhe laity \l.'hen im· portant decisions are to be made and en·· cyclicals iuued. "To overl'Ome the credibility g3p," the Cardinal recommended a "liberation at lhe summit." The alternative to some ac· commodation With the liberal wing of the Church may well be a shattering :i;chism, 11 nd the gravest crisis for the Vatic.(ln since the Refonnation. this matt.er serious thought now, so we won't be bewail· ing a lost park site after the industrial installations are in. Laguna is park·shy and flatl and-shy -a nd after recent budget sessions it would seem that, like other cities, it i ~ also shy of funds to do au the things needed or wanted. After the general plan is in, there will be many serious decisions to make about priorities for La guna projects, and their fwiding. But it 's by no means too early to think about any innovative ideas tha t have general appeal. Well-deserved Glory Laguna's Community Players are basking jn \veil· deserved glory these days as critics and community alike shower praise on their new play a nd their new Playhouse. The theater group has come a long way in the past 45 years. sometimes almost fading out of the Art Colony picture, onl y to return to t.he boards with new enthusias1n. When it became apparent the days of th e old Ocean Avenue Playhouse v.1ere numbered , the Players took hope and laid pl ans for a new theatrical home. Their id eas 'vere ambitious -too a mbitio us, some suggested. But the Players cheerfully confounded the Doubting Thomases and the new Laguna !vloulton Play· house is a monument to their tenacity. Undoubtedly ranking among the fine st community theater installations in the country, it soon may be as famed a Laguna landmark as the Festival of Arts. In such a setting, great thin gs wilt be expected of the Players. The community is confident they will meet the challenge and bring Laguna many more delightful evenings in the 'theater. l KopecJane Autopsy Needed to A11swe1• Questio11s Justice Not Clear • Ill l(ennedy Case To the Editor: Re Sydney J. Harris article (Sept. 29) entitled," Ted Kennedy's r.1 a j or Mistake". I agree Wi th hi m. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kt>pechne should realize the importance of an autopsy , in tha t the public will always wonder if the girl <Mary Jo) was really drowned, or murdered. If such an "accident" had happened to any less public figure , the qu es tion would ht asked, ''How does anyone knew if the driver of the car actually plunged of[ I.he bridg e into th e river?" Maybe the car was pushtd over the edge and the girl already dead. TlUS WOULD explain everything now known about the case -the tum on a lit· tie used road, dry clothes, etc. An <1utopsy would either clear Mr. KeMedy, or condemn him permanentl y. Was jt an LSD party? Did tile girl collapse in the car and die ? Who knows '.' Asinine adulation or the man and/or his moncy·po \l.'er should not be tolerale<I by our legal system, He should be treated like ar1yone else. How can we expect the ycuU1 of the nation to respect the la w iI justice is not clear In this case? All kind people wi!l hope. th e man is found in· nocent, but it should be proved . r.1RS, L. \\'.RILE Y Facts l\'eeded To the Edit or · In reply to Ml!is C0nnie Tl ickman·s let~ ter (Mail box, Oct. 1) comparing the :Jc· cidents of Dickinson "C rosby" Hoss. Jr .. 17. and Senator £dward K.ennffl~", I 11·ould like !() say tha t althoug h Kennedy 1n acle world·wi dc news and 11•a ,<; charged only ~·ith leaving the sc.t•nc o[ ;in acci(ll.'[1\, could n't it be possibl e. [or Di~kinson Ross to get off too? Could it be that tht entire fa cts of this accident are kno.,.,·n to only a few ? And if this is true, then tell me, ~·hat did happen to cause e young gir l's death? VilH~n \\'e have these ans wers, then may be 1ve can fairly judge the treatment giv en to Ross and Kennedy .. DEBBIE BOYLE Rules vs .. Cot11clet1ce To the Editor: Re : ll.lr s. JL L. White's letter (Mailbox. Sept 2~) concern ing our schoo ls. I ca n see that Mrs. \Vhlte is the type of right· thinking person that our socie ty so desperately heeds. Before the revelations contained in that letter 1 have been under the misconception that lhe primary purpose of our schools is education rather lhan regimentation, and the promotion of creative thought. It ts interesting to note that In Nazl Germany the educ.alional system eri· visioned by Mrs. While reached Its pin· na c\e or perfection . The students had to wear uniforms. They obeyed tne rules or they were thrown out of school (among other things. WE CAN BE SURE that the authority was in the right place here! Intelligent thought. was discouraged, and patriotism cheered. (Of course, the patriotism was to a different country than ours, but the Idea Is the same.) We can all see the wonderful things that the graduates of those terrific schools acC<Jmplisl'led. Concerning the statement about kids obeying rules : Occasionally there comes a time ln rvcry evll (i.e. intelligent , llberaJ, etc.) per son's life when he has to make a choice bet\l.·een obeying his con· science and obeying the rule~. I'm sure that Mrs. White would have us make lhe same choice as the German students and ex·students. STAN DORN Age JJ flf rs. \\!hire said, ''lt.'s n preu y Sllrf ~late cf ajj(11r s 111/1e11 tl1e school offi· Mailhox l,ct!er.i: from read ers are welcome. Nor-n1al/y 1orif-ers should con vey t}ieir messa ges i11 300 words or less.. The r ight to conden se letters to fit space or c!imiua Lc li bel is reserve d. All let. !er;; m~ist include sig nnture and m-0il· i11g address, but t1a111r~ may be with· held on request if Sliff1cie1lt reaso ii is appare 11t. clots l1ave to l eat'c it up to the st11- d 1'l1t llS /1) tv/lat is 'good or bad.' '' Sl11• u1011dr red ivho t happens to yn11119sirrs 1v/1 en the y leave schoot 1( t/1e11 rr1r1·1 obey o few rul es while thry are i11 $C/101.1I. Editor iUodern and l'ilal To the Editor: Jn \Vednesday nlghl''s Pilol Log Book, Arthur f{. Vinsel ga\'e an account of a Harbor Area coup le·'s suHcri ng because of their child 's terminal illness. ll:aving chi ldren of my oll"n, I kno1~· something of \l'hat those parenls ha1·e gone through. i\ly-thoughts and prayers arc \Vith lhem . Y e.~. Billy Graham '1'as in An aheim . llC noted in one of l11s messages that Orange· Coun ty is the richest area 1n the "'orld , A 1r1 p to Hoag llospilal reminds us that suffering is a~ rea l here as IL is in Viel· nam or Bia fra. Oi\LY TllROliG ll :i personal rela- tlo nshlp \l'ith Christ can 11·c ha ve anv hope to one day ('scape lhe res ults Qr sin "s being in the world , \\'hat other com- f-0rt is there for this age? Sl1f[or1ng is as modern as LSD, moo n landings and heart transplants. The remedy remains constant through the history cf man, faith. '"Old and quaint" is one person's interpretalion of the Bible's message , Modern and vi tal i.~ mine. NANCY r)()NER mcnt that Billy Graham's message '"seenied somewh at old an d qua int." 1'ri1c, the gospel Is alrnos l 2,000 years old, bu t if you ~'e re at th e Anaheim Stadium ;1ny day of the Crusade, you v!'ould see il is not "old·hat" but a \\'Ond erful thing to not onl y the hundred goin g forward each night, but to the thousands in the stands wh(1 already bclil've in Jesu!i as their Lord. I SA \V ONE ll-IAN Ti.Jesday night yell ou t, "Can J esus help an alcoholic fron1 Alas ka '."' Billy r.raham·s ans11,.er was '"\'cs. J('SUS ca n help anyone.;, And !he man began to cry. Good ne\\·s, yes! Old and quaint, No.! !11 1lS. ANAJEAN LUSK Edison E.rpa11do11 To the Editor. At the risk of no t having a completely informed opinion, ( \Vht> does, that is not prejudiced?) I must take issue with the stand of the Southern California Edison Company concerni ng their desired ex· pansion program in Jluntington Beach. An yone who llves in the South Bay area and ha s not seen the pollution of the at· mosphere at \l.'Ork has missed some very dramatic displays. The plants. at present, eject into the atmosphere suff icient quan· titles of fXJllutan ts to cha nge the color o[ the sunlight and the sky in their en· vironmenl. THER.E MAY BE msnv technic11J ex· cuses bu t let's face it-it ·is in a general on -shore wind area and vou know where that s e n d s any cn1i ssions. Then these pollutants S\l."eep back over us later Y.'ith the night off.shore currents . And they \vant to triple plant capacll.;' ! Edison should be concerned about belng cut, not expanding. All of the above is a statement of my f~lings and ob servations -but 1\•hen l fi nd my opinion rein forced by none less tha n the Orange County Air Pollutio n Control office r who does not want to O.K. their application, then I say -why have we appointed and selected th is man to police our air if he isn't gett ing the strongest possible backing? Wonderf1tl TltillfJ SURE, I WANT adequate surplus of • ~er for needed expansion, etc .. bul I T ,l the Edi tor: ant to create another smogged·in Ans"·erlng the arl1tll'. "This t.;nv;rritte11 a a to hack. cough. worry and die in, Slory t>.leans Family Tragrdy" lfll'!. night, here in Orange Count y. Let's gath er I feel I must write to correct the state· around this point and back the people In Place of Parents Can a school pri ncipal opc1i a student's locker and look aroun d? Yes, to supe rvise the stud ent or to pre· vent misconduct. ·in a recent case students had reported th at Pele Pusher, 15, had sold them drugs. Opening Pete"s locker, the prin· cipal foun d some drugs. Although the principal had no 1earch warrant and Pete had not given him permission to make the search, the juvenile court put Pete in a boys' home. Al Pete's hearing, the court admitted Into evidence the drug1 the prin cipal had found . On appeal the higher CQUrl upheld the court1s ruling. SCHOOL OFFICJMS are. "in loci parentls," lhal Is, "in place of parent.<>." Although the Constitution forbld:i: a se arch o( homes without a warrant or \l.'ilhout "probable cause," school people ha ve joint control with students O\·er loC'kers, Thr principal h11d searched Pete's locker lo chec k on Pele's conduct and to prntr.ct other students -not to get crtmin al ev idence. \Yhile on school grounds and during sch<10 I hou rs, the princlpal can use Law In Action ..... -' ..... ~----.. _ ..... -. ' ' ' moderate force to prevent disorderly and dangerous conduct. This power Includes Uie right to search a locker. A SCllOOL OFFICIAL may not abuse l:is legal powers. Rules must rela te reasonably to safety or discipline. Courts have held invalid as a denial or free speech a rule against wearing of political butlons. But rules are valid if they relate di rectly to morals and student di scipline. Ji they do not, a court, may declare them invalid. A student has a right before a school nets lo know why It want! to expel him. l1nder this "due process of law" cte.use , he can have a hearing and a chance to an.~wer cht1rges. If he belleves he did not ~ct :i fair hearlng a court may review his t'>:pulsion. Not~: California law yer.t offtr thi.t coltttnn so you 1nay know about our lau1s. Y<'ho are trying to protect us; our health and our environ men t -1nore precious than all the po wer we cou ld ever find a use. for. The rnan who has lakt'n a stand again~t this l'Xpansion is William Fitchcn. Let hi in know how you feel? \VARREN L .. ROSE: Ho1ne l.ontr. l11terest To lhe Ed itor · The public is suffering a disservice stemming from the recent barrage or publicity, locall y and natlonw1dc, decry· ing high in1crest rates in the real estate industry. Note the. follo,,..·in g: E xisting FHA and VA Joan.~: 51r, percent--6 12 percent. However, attention is directed to the following table of interest rates for l_vpical loans · Prime lending rate for big business 8.9.-11 Credit Card purchases 18'iir Retail outlet charge ac~ounLs 18('0 Automobile -loa ns 11-22o/11 Personal loans 10.5-23 '!"'<> The present inte rest on new FHA and 'IA Joans is 71h percent. Another essential fact is that the purchase of a home represents an in· vestment. 'The home and the land on \yhich ll stands will continue to increase in value. We believe in our industry, v.•e like the people l\'e ser.·e and "·e resent distortioru; "'hich confuse and mislead them. \\'ILL!Ai\I H. !wtcCABE To 1he Editor · \Vhlle purchasing dou ghnuts in a local shop this afternoon, I noticed a most of. tensive sign by the Cash register notifying ALL "teen-agers an d young people" that they \l.·ould not be allO\l.'Cd to sit at the tables to eat their doughnuts and drink their coffe e. l questioned the manager abi>ul the sign and was told that there llad been some damage done and other customers had com plained about the young peoplr. THERE IS A classic example of why we ha ve a so-called ''generation gap.'' i'here is a "'hole generation punished for damage clone by a few. Where is our sense of fa irness? Yes, there are some offensi ve young people just as ther e are some offensive· adults, but I didn 't see a 6ign discriminating against any adulls. OUR YOUNG people tod ay are in· teltigent. creative ambitious and, for the moat part. valuable citizens. I hate \!) see our good yo ung people put down like lhis. and l am sure many other adults would like to see them given a vote of con· fidence, too. I've set'n lots of d;:image caused by our adult citizens in this city and yet, as far as 1 kno\I.·, no one ha s ask· ed them not to come here. Come on, let't be fair. MRS. L. BRADSHAW \Vednesday, October 8, 1969 The editorial page 01 the Dally PUol seeks to inform a11d stim.- ulau-readtr1 bt1 prt.ftnting thil 11e1vs paper's opinion.s and com· me11tll ry on tor1cs o/ interest and significance, by provid.ing a· forum for the expression nf n11r f'eoder-1' oph1ion.s. and by preSt1Jting the dl11erse vlew- poi11 t.i of i nformerf. observers and 1pokesmen 011 .topic.t of tht day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I , f ' ' , I \i I I I I I, 1/ I !, I I I I I I - ii OAIL Y PILOI D:I Fell Fashion Picture Fab rics Move lo Foreground Hobby Saves Budget 'S I ew Easily Seascape Artist Paints in Public 1\rt1sl Bennctl Brarihury l'-111 pa111l an oil seascape befnre tl1e eyrs of viewers r.lur111g a special arl demonstrcillon spo n· sored by Affiliates of Lag11n<1 Ucal·h Art Association Gallery al 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct 16. l\fr<; \\1111.irn I f Bruggere, Thi s is lhe ~+-ar flf A11u:inus-;;.nd lhe ht·i.::1nn1ng of a new age 1n f;i,h1u11 The new age h; ;1 liiu.!il c.>.· {'ll!ng one thr1l pern111.~ e\·€'ry 11on1an to be wh;11 she v.·anl s to he-through l<1 sh1on. 'Vontrn now 11uiy dr·css fn1· lhe1r mood, instead of lhr. nl'· c.:asion, calli ng upOn '11rw g1lhouettcs and nrw labrH'S, 11nd y,•ilt be li1r11tcrJ unly by U1r1r in1rig1na\1on \Yornen of a n v ~IJ!t1 who Jo\'e cloU1('s and ~Pw ca 11 llnd e1·en n1orc lashlfHl fn•('dotlll and achieve 1t t'a1.ilv through new drve!npn1enl.> 111 !.ibni·:; end notions. Exptainin,; \hr u1·1v il'1· \·ances and ho11 lh!'y lit cac;!ly Into today·~ 11ard rohc 11 .i~ l\li~:i; '\'endv i\lort•I., T.111111 fa~hion conSullanl. TEEN SE\\'l\G On a trip tu variou~ d!'r:~r1 · mcnt stores lo pro111olc hon1r se wing. f\fi ss tl-Torck rrr~cnterJ A pre\'ie1v or f;il[ anrl :-prn1g fas h1nns ;ind 1 n tr o cl 11 tr r! Talon's Poly~pun thrrad unrJ Invisible zipper. fll1ss !11orck sair.I there JS a SI'\\ 1ng boo111 on. and most ,,!'an1lresse.~ arf. 10 the teen bracket. Sewing is the nun1her nnc hobby of teenage girls. she added. Since rea d y . I n • \\' r a r ga nnents arc so high 111 co.-;1, a 11 d since teen fads ~-hangr. r;1pidly and tr.en girls rapidly outgrow their outfits. the girls ll'hO ~ell' c<in easily have an 1·;.;tcn si\•e v.·ardrobc at a m11ch 1111}re reilsonable price, she ex· plained. tlliss ~1or<·k sa 1'1 lhat cnn- ~un1l'fS h:i1 e an obl1gat1on lo Jct n1:1nulacturcrs know ii 1hr1r proclucti; are ra11 Jty. such as thrr<1d lhal breaks or z.1p- rx·rs i h a t do not \\Ork prop· crlv ' Th(' t'•111s111nrr n r v r r rr<1h1.cs ho\1' anportanl h r r •1Hnpla1nt i~." she ~;11J . Thi"' 11ell-tra1•elcd fa shion t'Oll~ttlt;:int 1 ~he has logged nearly 100,000 1niles 111 L h e ;11 r1 S<JirJ 1h<1t. Cul ifor111a rapid - lv 1.~ b!'t.:0111in~ a force 111 !hr. i,:t11111cnt 111duslry ;ind that lhP. l·a~ual outlook IS rnov ing ras\. California"~ llse or bright colors partJcularly ls l'alchrns on in Uie l:::cis1 FASHION PREDICTIOS \Vha t doc s :;he predict for fall and v.·intcr'.' "There is a rrturn to 111e niorc 1·iingy fabri1:s a n d tabrics that n1ove . Texture 111 labric 1s vrry 1n1portant, sueh ilS dun1<1sk patlerns in r.or· duroy or \·civet done 111 rough finishes. "Tr1111 will be used <JU!!e a bit. Braid on d re s s e s , rspe1:1;;1ly n1c1alhc hra1d for lhe hohda ys, v.·111 be big. ·'Accessones have never h<'('n ~o in1 1l0r!ant. Lors of chains and pea rls, along v.•ith scar\·cs, wrll be seen. "Brighl fabrics are: 111. .lhe h!'1nline can be auyv.·hcre. "~to1·enlcnt to the silhour\!r 1~ 1·on11ng 111 . , .pleats and labr1cs that move. "S('parates and coordinates don1ina1c. "Ar1im<1l fur, 1hf' n f 1v ~} nthc tics 111 ra yon a n d acr~·h('. are big fashion iterns. And for )'pnng'.' '"file 'little dress' 11·il1 re- appear. Shirl.dresses v.iU be 1 cry unport;111!. '' PATTERNED FOR FALL -J·'ron1 one pal1 ern ~'n11 ('an .i:;o .~l1ort or IOnI! in l \\'0 great fashions. 'rhe :-hort vrrs1on gr.t~ ;i perky decorative zipper. \Vh1le U1c long JUn1psu1t frat11rcs fl ared. cuff('rl Jr;?'>. .-----------------. I . I I I I I I I ONE WEEK SPECIAL . .. ' -~ ~ ,, ' . \ I. -----. _ ...... ..,:::.L l _ . ··-' DECORATOR FABRICS R"')u "r 2.9S lo h.9~ 1.49 to 2.95 yd. ___; fl;1 '"1••, <111.-\ ,\nt1nn ~11 .. .-r.<--IJ<"· ~ "1)r.1 t11r .\nT1rr•1<' '°'a1r11~ 111 ;i ll I (]1H1l1ll<'"-1111d 1·n1Pr~-\'1'1'11 \\"r;i'" I & Cl1•~l'd \\"r111p Bn11<·\rs -IJ,..;11'V ""1::,h l ,·r11!"11" .~· l1ur11hlr !,111,,11' -T\\ ""dv C11 <"n1rn1 ; nr '°'"If I ,111,.rl f".ih1 ·u'~ .:__ /111 a t ln\\' !;::t.]r pr1r·,.~­ Jfiil'!' .1111· !111•' 1·11;.tn111 "''rK111fin- sh1p al lo1v salr pr1Lr~: SAVE 1/3 WITH ANY PURCHASE OF 50 YARDS OR MO,RE OF CARPET A FREE ADJUSTABLE WAGNER CARPET SWEEPER ~=r~~I $19.95 1r1f(r r i;;nod brr ,1rrn Oct. Slh and 1;,1h 1 Call for FREE DEC ORA !OR SUYICI 675-1510 ARCADE CARPET & DRAPERY OF CORONA DEL MAR L -----2846 E. COAST HIWAY 17141 675-1510 ---------- 11 I ti ,1 I ,, I I I II 11 11 I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I. ~liss ~1orck . "~;earing a bone ~ynrhetic double kni1 1v.o-p1ece dre);li \1•h1ch . of course. she ni<ide herself. discussed the ne w Polyspun thread made cspcc1ally !or r.louble knil~. The thread 1s a ~y11thctic 1·orcd thr~-p!y 1hrcad which 1~ wrapped 10 cotton. The pnl~·cstcr C'orc providr.~ lhe r!a!'ticily nce<lrd I or knll !', .\\lllh!'lies and IX'rn1anenl press filhnc:i; and tht t'Qt\on ~heath provides heat resistcn· l'Y 1\11.ss l\h>rl·k, v.·ho 111<1krs her honie in f\iounla1n V1Pw, 1s a J!raduatc. nf San .Jo~c. :-ita!e Collrgc. Shr earned hf' r rna~ters drgrel'.' fron1 San .lose State in clolh 1n~ and l!'.'Xli]f'c; ;:ind \1·as a Singrr Youns !:ilylPmakcr contest v.·inner, rc.teiving ;i trip to Parii;. :-ihr 1s part of T;:ilon's pro- .warn to keep homentakcrs Ufl t.o clatP on nev• de\'elopm('nL~ 111 f:ibn('~ ;.ind hotne sewing .wd 1v111 be appearing in ['('11- 11ey·s ~lures throughuut the LQ.~ Angelr.'5 arcci dunng October. Musician On Show ''ou11g p1an1 ~t ,b,ndrra Lynn ~tartin \\'ill perform for the l~ppcr Ba y Associates of th~ Orange County Plulharmonic Sot·1p1y \\'hen they 111crt for lunl·hcon tllonday, Oct. IJ Hosting !lie 10 .:/0 a 111. J;illhenng \.\:Ill he fllrs. B. \V. Pcndlf'ton or Corona del fl1 :1r, assJi;ted by the t-1me s. Robf'rt Leith. Dan:el Gtlcre:.t and \Vilsoll Li!tlr. f\lrs. Leith, C'ha1'rman "·111 conduct the husi nci;s portlon of the n1cl'ling ~1r~. Rob!'r1 I letzel will ln- trorluce lhe ar!l~1. who i" a :-enior a~ Newporl Harbor Hii;h Schno!. to.1iss l\1ar1in, a frt;>f]Urn t prrforml'.'r anrl arcnrnpanist. at the school, v.·ill prrfonn ~Irr. lion~ by Bef'1ho\'en, &:a rla11 1, Barton, Chnp1n and Drbu~~y. Beoch Babes E\·e ry \Vednesrl:i)' :it '/ p tn n1en 1bers of TOPS Bcarh Babes cont·cn" 1n Huntingt on Beal·h lfig h School for pro- gran1~. r THIS wEEK 9 KNOCK-OUT KNIT -Knits .ire ca:-v In \\·car. c;:ire for ;ind to :<C'\v 1f y<111 u::-c ;i ,..;pcr1iil l hrr';id \\'h1le 1·onstn1c llng-1t. 'fhr elasticity of the Ui read is coin· pat1ble \\ith the l<ibri c·. DAILY PILOT Dime -A-Lines Sa)'S ... The progran1 Js the srconJ Jn a series of li ve public rit>rn· ons!ralion:r; arranged by ~trs. t-.1 urat Boyle, n1e1nber of the board of directors, and Tom t:.:nrnan, director or Lajuna llcach Art A)'socia!ion Gal {'ry. "The art association is fbr· h111ate in having this d1stin· guishcd, <'clebralcd artist r!cn1- on~!ra1r lus techniques as tus schedule a n tl comrn1!'s1r1ns i.;11 c hnn l1t1lc time for ;irL prngrams. His long frirndshtl1 '''llh r-.lrs. \\'1lliam G1eschrn. pr11)!r,1r11 ch<11 rman lor the Aff1l1ates, n1akes h1i; ;ipprar· :1nc·r ~ss1hlc~.· C'Jmn1cntetl publlr1ty c:ha1rma n. Bradbury. \\'ho ts nationally knov.·n, paint' all as(l"cts ol 1hr se<1, r:ipt1 1nng its f'Xf'1l111g .action. tnlnr ;inrf rh an~1ns moods. ari.:01 dint: tn f\l r!'. Bn1gi;crr. He has exhibited 11'1 1he Fcstlv;ol nr 1\rt,, ;'lnr! rnn• ducts \vorkshopi; 111 La!!•Jnd He;u.:h. S;.in IJ1ego a11d Palin Spring~ Col le\'lrir:i> nf 1115 wurk 111 1')1tt.lc thP. l':ih:1h of Jr.in , l\1 t~ S.in1uel 011 Pont, Pa11I Gr11 , .Ir., l\unt111gl0n Harllord ;in., Cou nt and tountr>.!'s di Craz1.1 llis \l urk ah'l 1i.-111s~ in 111•1· ~<'urns. unn eri:.1t1rs anrf f~<>r11 , l!\'C of! ice,; U1rout;h'1U1 1 h t rountrv. Non1nc111bers "Jll Pe ch;ir& rd ~2 for t1c~CI<;. Fnllo"·in~ th~ progr:nn. thro f1n1shrrf sea• srarw \\il l hr nffrrrrl fqr :-a)r. WEEKLY SPECIAL! Take Advantaqe of These LOW-LOW PRICES ! • October 8th to 15th Only • The TOPPER 1 wiglet d11 ign9d for the fill.111 or add~n . R99vl1r S.95 .•. SAVE 1.50 . The WIGGLE • wiglet with Iota of t urla itrid JWirh Rtgultr 7.95 ... SAVE 2.00 The MAXIE • wl9l•t 10 l1r91 It ''YI•• like • 1:1Jt1d•. R99u l1 r 10.95 ••• SAVE 3.00 Yo u'll ahc SAVE cri ihe Fabu\ou., TRAVEL WIGS 3.50 5.95 7.95 • • • lht' """" l C.;l!nhf•c. f1b"!f\ or 100 ', K.,ru:k.,lcn lh "t i\ fHt ~f le c.e re fer: Thn lr uly mira c.le ""'9· Now Only 19.95 m /}/). , WIG & BEA UTY a[{i e j ~SALON ~C OSTA MESA 250 E. lllh ST. 548-3446 DAILY TILL S,JO THURS. & FRI. TILL 8'00 "LOSE WEIGHT & PA1-BY THE INCH!" \V'h y buy a years membership in a Gym to ti")· and lose v.·eight through strenuous t;-xercise v.•hen :vou can buy effo rt le.'5s weight reduction and pa:v by the inch at Gloria.1.1arshall's ..• patrons, based on actual records, can achieve their goal in as little ru; 4 Lo 6 weeks and LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN FIRST 10 VISITS 1/ Gloria ?.fart.hall's alu:ay! ro"ts \CFS, much Ir.;;, than oth"r ~eight rFdurl:inn riro;rnm!>, that's one of the reasons thry bccama the WORLD'S LARGEST o"ned and opera ted Figure Control System A!> the NaLion"s leader, )"OU can depend on it ... results rome quickly ... !Safely ..• \\1tho11l i:;tn?nuous r.xcrcis€', stan·ation d iPl.c , nr mn;i;y "wp;it.o:uit.~. WE ARE NOT A GYM! y' Call for FREE sample visit. Actually use, under f.Upen·ision, the Glvria I'l..i1:h 1 machines, including our pttlented "Circ-La-11atic" ••• see v.:hy Gloria r.1 ar~h.:I!",. F'igure Control SyW!m bemme the \Vorld'& largest. "Tell us the drC6s size you l\'ant to wear, and we'll tell you how many visits it will take and guarantee in writing t bat you will reach your goaL In fact, so absolutely positive are we that you will ob tain your objective, tbat 8.5 stated in our guarantee, we will even Jet you have FREE OF Cl-fARGE, any and all further visiU!, until you reach you r goal. I t's positive ass urance that we ~~l"'l~~back up our guarantee 100%. CoTM in omfortab/.e casual clotMs, di.srob ;ng unnecessary, Private playro om faciliti.es for small children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS 430 Pacific Coast Hwy. 642-3430 I Z llKk1 le•f •f lolboo lo., Ct,b I 18'1 0 WIST 17th ST.. S4J·,4S7 SANTA l.N.\ D'llf t-1, Sit. f.5 • IJMAnltrlcltd 111d M11t1r Chwr1 W11t11111 ,, ...... IM. l l:Yl:•lr Mlllt. (OVIM•. C•EM\MAW. l)CIW .. ET. (.l!; .. O•le. l ••,wooo. lOM~ lllt•Cl4 . t.tEWPOlff ll"AC14. MOfTl4 140llY'WOOO. () .. T.ft,<"lf', r•··~C'l •·" .... o ·i:;r .. S11Mrl 1'1.,1 , ~•MTI ~Al811A, SUNl A"I O, Tl•llt.NA. Y,l;ifl1£:1; \~l~f\ •I•• •ft J"l ;'""· 1A t:>~MtN TO. IAN JO~t'. )UtOIYVI L[. WAl."IUT C~llK . ................................................................................................................... .. -· . ----.. --· .. -... -. , .. ., ,. •.,... . ..-err_....._...,..,,~..,..,.,..,...,,...,.,.,""':_,,..,,...,. ... ,.. ____ ,.. .............. ---...... -.......... ..,_,,...,..,.._,...,..,,._..,.,.,....,..,..,..,..,..,..., ...... _ . . . ,. ~ Df D~ll y PILOT -L \Vtdnt!day, O~t~b!r 8. 1961. , , < ' Many Interests Lure Parents Back-to-school .. lifl1'0r't .. ,,.. " .... dt'l(ll*!: 1~ Cet.. Mt ot . Nt"'""1 9-tt<~. lt•un; ,• •ttt~ .... Mtuloo> Vlt!<1 p,or..,l>!ttt~t• ,...,.,,.11 u 1on1 will ••~•• •~ "'' DA.It Y ,.!LOT •th -9:. lnlflrmello<> ""'" bt ,.....!Wf .... --~,..,. O-r1mt nl, 0t ,. N\rl. t>.r..t !>mlrfl, :iot1 Ct"1.i11 Pi.ot. ,,....._, kKn. bl' s o.m.. fr10.1 tl)t """"kt'"'" w-·~.1 Adams PTA Pt1n. Paul Olaltta Presidtot COMING UPo Back·~ochool nilhl at 7 p.m. Thurlday, Oct. UI .•. Board meeUng at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14, in the hom e of Mn. Duane St.eputis. By-Jaw revisions will be discu~d. Mrs. Gerald Poan. wa ys and mtan.s chairman, announ ces that identifjcation bracelets a 1!. d necklaces may be ob· 1 ~1~ Monday. Oct 13. JtUORTS: Robert Miller. prtncipaJ, conduct~ a sock. it-to-me question and answer pt.riod at the parent orien- tttion meeting . Mrs. Clifford Downs, hospitality chairman t>oRed. • .Mrs. Robe r I Parker. membersh i p chalrni•n. announeed that idenUficatiOll bractlets and n~kli.cei v.'ill ~ awarded to the boy and girl obtaining the most Pt A memberships. Bayview PT A Mn. William f'rol!tt Prtsident COMING ur·'~ Membe.,hip drive with the theme of Charlie Bro1\11 and His Friends will end Friday, Oct. 10. f\frs. Ben Roberts is chairman ... Paper drive from 9 .11.m. to noon Satur· day, Oct. II. .. Back-ti> school rtlght Tuesday, Oct. 14. RE P 0 RT S : Plans for H1Uoween carnival were discussed at the boo.rd meelini. Be1r St. PFO Mn. John Hacker President COMING UP : Soard meeting al 7:SO p.m. tomorrow, in the multipurpost room . REPORTS: Jee crtam festival wat a succt ssrul event, a Fmall school with an enroll· ment of 297 served more: th,n ~ person~. Mrs. Everett Sleger. f\frs . James Sponagle, way::: and means ehajrman and f\l rs. Edward Starnes, hospitality chairman alone: with all the mothers who baked and served had a big part in !Jllknl& th• profit of $440. Beloric PTA Mn. David tlsemao Presidtnt C~MI1'JG UP: Unit meeting and back·to-school night at 7:30 p.m. Tuet.d.11y Oct. 14. Ref"9hments will be served followiJig classroom visita. tjon. MrJ. Richard W. Dan I e !,son . m'mbership clla.irmin, will be coUccting dues. Lutheren PTL J•ck Web1ter President COMING UP: Conference for Lulheran school principals will take place Saturday, Oet. 11. , .Mrs. Paul Stewart a11d committee will assist in the immuniza tion c Ii n i c, Thursday. Oct. 16 .... School pieturc! will be taken Tues· f!isy, Oct. 14. .. Luncheon honoring tc1chers will take plitce Thursday. Oct. 16, Mr!. Robe.rt Olander and tlrs. Edward Kirkpatrick •re chairmen. College Pk. PTA Mrt. James Schafer President COMING UP: f\fembership drive 6t.artM today and 91·i\l continue until Wednesday. Oct. 22. Mrs. Don a 1 d Brunesu. chairman urges parents to join. CdM Ele. PTA Mn ......... f.,pu President COM!llG 111'' Bii R<11tta Is the the.rne of the mem· bership drive skippered by t.!r:;.. Richard M cC a r I y. Rice will contin ue until Fri- day,Ck:l. 10. Lale entries 'viii be accepted at back-to- &chool night that will take pl1ce at 7:30 p.m. TueHay, !><;<. 14. 1'.EPOJllTS : Year books using the eoqncU theme Sign Posts to BeU.tr Understanding })avt been sent home. f1..1rs . IUdlard Bottorf. fir st vice pruident. may be contacted. Devis PTA MFJ. Grant Bertolet Prtsidtnt RtPORTS : Parents are urged tQ j t I b tM membership drtve that Nrted l.1111t week . M". Faul Encda hl . ~mi•n 4"Jl(Jllnces t h a t .. may be Hfll to school with their 1tud1nts . . , QMipenmes for the fir~l dance were lhe Messrs . and Mrne1. Gen~ Patterson, Samuel Ptterso!\ and John cOn&oli ... Membtrs at- ttndtnl tht board meeting wen Werner Culloo and the f\lmes. Grant Bertc>let, Dale Jeffries, E n g d a h I , Riley G a y nor , Paul Cope n h aver , Larlto~1 Ru~sel!, Richard Ort het. Donald Hendr icks, Gordon St. Clair. J. 'V. Harrison, Willi am Balentine . West on Crocker and Dean E. '\'ells Horper PTA !\trs. Bob Lind~y President 'COMING UP : Back·to-sthool night at 7:30 p.m. Tuesda\', Oct. 14. Refresh1nents 11111 be s erv e d in \\>" multipurpose room fo!lo1111 ng classroom visitation JcO cream social rrom 6 to !l p.m. frida:1, Oct. 17, 1n !he. n111lr.purpn:t ronn1 Gl"'.H""· ~·111"y n".!v~. rior•r r r'L•· llarper h 1/.,e b:Jg<;, ~11 eatshirt,; "'"'! trc <;i\1 1·1-; 11·11J be fea tun.:d , :\!enu '~·111 rons1st of hnt dogs. potato C"iltpS, popcorn, juice, milk, coffee. rate. pie :.i nd ice. crean1. i\lrs. Roger (;eorge is cha1rn1an. l<illy brooke PT A ~!rs. Ronald Hayv•ard Prl"·lcient CO.\!l'.\G l r Fi1·st pape-r dn1·e 11 !II lakr place to:nor· row TICPORTS t:•·:1rrl n1 embt>r<; hosted a l11nc hf·n1~ Io r teacher~ 'lnrl '>fa ff before the :-tarl1!1g of ~chool. l indbc r9h PTA \:1 ~ .l1i!1~1 l!,.f,;. J'rc~1tler.t C(JSI! :\G l.' f' B<iC~.-!r}·:>cho·,I nig ht and unit tTil'..:li ng 3l 7 p n1. Tuc~day, Oc1 11. in 1l•e n1ult1purpo,;e roon1. Fl ag C"t.'remony v.·11! be 1ncsenh·d by Cub Scou t Pac k 406 Dt>:i 4. 11nd1'r !he i!ircction i·f .\\rs, L"',e rald f u!ls John \•:c!;:ig. pnn::.ip<.1, 11 JI! 111· lroduce the t'.'alhe r~ before rarents 11s111he class1·001n·. BEPORTS Ch~tlrrnf'n ra11f1t d ilrP the \ln1e~ Tt:'I '.\!ar1n1J·, program and n c 11• ~ c t t • , .J.irnr:> Lflrcor:i:1. ~<i lt">\v <•l''l Ill\ rrule protcciion . (ie1 aid .\lrCracl;en . bo.sp11.1l1ty nnr! 1nagaz1nr, Paul J!a1111ltu:,, 'Characters' From Cali fo rnia Scho ol !llichelle Ehlers, a flo-,\eJ !adv ,1P'1 CJP'IT! -!~0~1!1 1 11 ~i :::1:'!Jtl 1· itch i::1:>r1 1 - accept prizes fron1 r.1 r~. fl011 ·Hohl an t/JL pockrt I i1·. The 11· n · r~11r.1.:1t ,. · are reminding Ca\!fo111ia ~~IJr•ri ~!·Fi r·1: .;ih·11 11 1!1· l'T\1 1;"·:1 r 1vl ' 11·' 24. fr o1n 4:30 to 8:30 p n1 ..it lhl' .. rhor1I. nv::pir,111011 .. Jac k 01\Jd~on . .irl,, .Jrld Jlu1,e1~ .. l.1111e:. l 'tf.o•:ll, health and wclt:1l'e : Dcnald .\lurphy, legi;.!al1011 : Sain Col'de1 ro . 1nt'111Uc1·stuu . r,obc r t V1r sc 1k , 1111i':'!l.'Ogr:1ph : John Doo dy, publ iclt), Claude Barnrs. s o t 1 ;i I • and ('ha r I cs Call<ighan, telephone . Mento Vista PTA /\!rs, J\lark f\.1orris President CO~llN0 l'P . ,\~soc1a1inn 11ie'...11ng and b<ick·!O·schun l ,. ri:11 .,t 7 p n1 Tursd:!\, l)tl. It Ill Lhr midll pL!rp11.,C 1onn1. P<1re11l" ;1rr· 1n111ted l<l \'l!-fl l l·la.--;ronn1 ~ H l·;!Jt)Jrl~ .\i c.111 \ie r ~·h i p dn1·p, l .. t•ls (;e1 Do11n 10 E<1rLh 1~1lh 1l1e .\lfl11lt \'1~1:1 ,\J• t1'ror5. ~t:ir1ed '.11onfl;iv ,111d 11111 copl 1nur llnld Fri· 1!~11 , (Jct 17. ~lrs. Jolin Tu.rner, l' ha 1 r in an .111· no1111ces 1hat pnze~ 1>il l be :t>1'<1rded lf1 ;i l'lass 111 th" lo11er and 11pper grad('' .-i101\ 1ng the ht~hes( pcrc<'nl of n1rn1brr·h1p . .;. ,\ progrc~s po orer 11111 be on d•~phty u1 lh • 11111l1·p11rp11<r. roo1n ... il P'lCI p·;irf'•f>r,\,111\·('~ ;111<1 !l1r:r ;1c~1;T ;1 •11« 111el \1"•\f>r- 11:11· 11 •ih .\iri. .!;ir k· fi1f'nn ;.110 :'1lrs. Geore,e l/1•\Ke 1n;1, 1 IJ,11 nncn. JI) frorin11)co!" 1 11~ \.Ca t·.-:1c1111t1r.., S cnlt Paulsen. nc wl ~· <1ppo1r.1'.'d 1·nnc1p;i l ~p!lk(' !o t I\ e n101hers a!ll'nrl1n1; New port Hts. PTA .\!rs. Davi1t Chal'i~ Presidcn1 COilil.'\ti L"P Bark·10·.~1:ho"I nir,lll al 7 p.111 Tue~·la~, ()f't. 14 , in the cafetorn.:111 . '.ll1rh:iC'I 11111. rr1nc1pal. 11111 i11I rnd11re 1 h e teache r~ anrl invtlt· parent ~ 10 attcnrl <l'l n r i e n t a t 1 o n in thr1r ( h!ldrens' r I "s s r no ms l lefrt0h1nc"1~ will br ~r f\'P:i hv ~11 •. ~l;1qrire Parol r , l1o~rHal1tv ch;llrn1<ln <inr! co1nm1ttee , . ~Ir~ Genr r: <l l'I a :r.llr"J, 111ember~h1n 1·ha1rman, ;in1101J11ce~ 1'1nl l"P annual rn Pmhr:·shin r0n· t ,.,~1 . Rr ;1 \'"1nnrr Toc!riv \' ··1 111" r111 11 111 t::ik" rl;l('I' (:·1.1~1 '.\!nnd<i \', ()rt : :, 1<l frir!;ov, Oc1 !7. l'ri1.r·. 11 +1\ h,., a11artll'd l n <'II ' la,~r~ rr;irh1ng 100 p<'rrrnl . ( !:i.~~ II 1th !hi"' )11ghe~l flPI • ' 1 ,,, 1· 111 1 ,, r 1 ,. lhc I' 1 \ I >. 111h1·1 ,i11p trti[ I I'. Pa ularin o PTA ;\Jr~. Ki~rl Eai1f'v Pre~1'1t':rt · C0\Ji'\"(, rr· LeL's Help !Ji,, l '3:;laf!nil Band1 l0 Re .:i 1 • .,11! 1111..,, I" tl\r ihrmr nf tl11• 111r:nher .lrp drl\r that .... - Dressed for Sonora 's Goblins Days [Jresserl for Sonora PT.-\ 's Goblins Days carniva l are Russell F\irn1 ss, Rox- anne \Yoo d and 'fod Pickett (lefL to right.) Saturctav. Oct. 18. from 11 a .rn. t.o :1 p.n1 . the :;-chool .(!ro11nds \Vill fca lure a haunted h<iuse. gan1e and food booths, .o.urrey ride s a nd CJ costun1e parade . ri.1rs. Burch Pickett is ,,·ays and n1eans cha1rn1a11 . 11 tl l continue 11nt1! r.ronda~', l)('t . 20. Classrootn \1•1th the highest percentage 1v i I I rcct>i\·e a plaque that v.'ill be kept In their room all year. lee crean1 treats will be ;-nv;:irded to the first t1nd sec· ond p l a cc 11·inners _ Ha<;k·1r.·schno l night <it 7 p n1. Tucsda;•. Ocl. 14. ~hnrt business n1celing 11· 1 I l precede classroom visita- tions. Rerreshmenlc; will be !erved in the multipurpose room. REPORTS: r-.lrs. Don Diaz, room re pr es en ta ti ve chairtnan. hosted a meeting l:ist Thursday fo r mothers th;it will be serving as room mothe rs. Class par1 ies and activ ities ¥:ere discussed. St. John Aux. l\1rs. Dennis 'Valz President COr.IING t.;P: Gener a l n1cet ing at 8 p.m. lomorrov;', in the school hail. Sister Lucile Bermier, supervisor of open cou rt techniques. St. .Joseph College 'rill speak. Demonstrations of the ne1v listening centers 11·ill be ron· ducted by fllrs . LeRov Taube. fl·lrs. Paul Doutt ha~ Indian Schools ;irranged a student ex:hib1t contest in tonjunct[on 11·ith lbr book lair that "·ill take place from a :i.m. to 2 p.nl. ~unday. Oct. 12 , .. Deadline for courier rrports is ton1or- rr.11· .\l rs. Jan1es Burnett ~ cha1rr11<111. ' REPORTS : ~·lrs. 111 i ch a e Draw Criticism \\',.\S!-lii\GTON i UPI ) Educators are on the \\'arpa!h 01·er the quality of schooling i:;1ren An1erican I ndian~, Tl1e NJHoncil Educ <it 1 n n A~sor1 a1ir,n 1N EA) by re'>olu- 111)11 ;1t Its annual co11vrnt1on . rallrd for ff'\'<imp1ng !he rn· t1 r1> ~:.~ten1 fnr cd11c.a1ini;: 1hr 11;;1in·1·s 173.flOO Indians nf i,chool at;c. The s;:s1e n1 11ndr r fire 1n- f"lt1des ;i nc\ll'nrk of publi c <in'I federal schools 1n at le;ist 2fl i--iate~ Although public schools ;i re O!)Cll to all illlCt !>OITIC J 18.000 l11d1<111s ;ittend them, about .'ij,000 \·0111h;; \1ho l11c. lflo !;1r fron1 ·bus lranspol"I "· tion or 11hn becrnn" "Sill 1;01 rrf rrr.1 1."" n1u~t <i\[Cnd 11r h'ti rral schools ··social refer ral"'' i~ ,:::o,ernr11en1P,f' fnr an1 thing r.1nging fl'nrn bU1ngu;il rj1( f1cul 1y !n ~"r1r11~ r111n11r.:i,1 l prnblc1n~ The frri ""·d r],,,.-.b 1nrti1r1~ i111y ;;chol•l 0 • Pflrn 1n ncmoi1" rlt1ce.~ on 1h" rr~"r,·a1i0n ;1nrl lln.1rcli11i:; ~cho,11< The tnt.1 ! ~pr11 1 h\ ~11 Buller reports that !ht. -l.inemployment is nearly DcMarilac e n1 e r g e n c v 4fl percent : 10 times !he. na-service is operatin g e.f- tion;il average, ficiently and 1•olunteers arc -fifty percent rf th eli -.-;;;·o."'.',.d;.e.d•~--------0, cl]lldrrn (double thr national ,1 J\eragrl arc dropoul s INTRODUCING -L1!rrac.v r<i1r' ;irr the ' '°''"' io the nal1m>o llO'"eny, FROG LOVERS and ~1l'kncss r.11c~. L he '""'"' . TO CHOPIN! -T1H'IU5ands uho n11~ra1e tn the ei11es find themsel\'CS \JD· ~ lrainpd for jl}hs and un· p1·cp;ired fnr urban life ,Ill • · -Ten percent o[ thnse ovrr ~.r.;. 14 never 11·cnl to school; 60 r"rcPnt h;11·e lrs~ than an , t ighth grade education. Swe ep Work 'Under Carpet' Hc>rc·s a 11·ay 11 rlrar a hronn1 1.;!o.~el nl ex t r a equi pn1cnt a rolling du ~tran 1hat ~ren1s to cl)111b1nc l"Jrpc~ . .,11·cpper and dustp;in in a -ini;lc unit. federal a,:::r nr1 rs 1 11 1 .-. I 1· r rl ~ears th r ~::oo 1111111011 1ndrk ~ e;ich ya<•r IL s'i\·eeps up .:ill r11rt 1n ils path. an r1 automatically deposits il in a built·in ctu~tp<1n hcneath the sweeper En1pty the pan by pressing a lever 'A•ENTS, DON'T WAIT UNTlt YOUlt CHILD 15 OUT OF THE FROG LOVERS AGl BEFORE YOU GIVE THEM TH( (.,.!l'f OF MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY IE TOO LATi! Catching a Ride to the Pr io sic!i o Car ni va l ~t r~ . .Tohn Earn('sl, "·;iys ;ind 1nean~ C"·1,,,1rrn "" f,..,. P residio PT.I\, urges children 11 ]1-;, r ti1r 1r ll • • ... v.·een costumes rcaclv for fhe .:in nn:il r"'r1'1t·-1 ~~· urday Oct. 181 al l l ·a 111 . f:t!.:tdy fur the p ,L •. d• , r ! h"f'l1!':;: f•r ~ rr11e. ;)ff' .J,:p:.1~'". [?.TTIP ~1 ;iprf Drbh1e I 1 , '•: •pLic:.!. )Ir.: .. Donald Bush 1~ 100111 n1other chair· p~;i r;. Despil r the f1n<.1nr1;1I 111µ1•1. stat1st.ics 1nd1r11I" thf' ;;rhont ~. neither fedf'r:il nr;r ln(';illv rnn· !rolled public ones . .:ire doi11g a very good JOb. The NEA .~hn11s rh1 s p1ch1re nf the 600.000 In· dians in the nation as proof Unlike a convent1onal carpet ~weeper. U1is unit \\'Orks on ; linole um , wood floor ::, and pavements. as 11·el l a s car peting. ___ I . ' . _, ' . < -~ . ., ~~ ~ ".) f: t . , 1 .. .,.,1 ' I ' . -. ' THREE'S A CROWD PLEASER Our own Trio wedding set is very big on today's scene. Wedding band, engagement ring, a nd . msn·s bend. $375 the set. SLAVICK'S ~t'(!letJ, .,,.,. "" 18 FASHION IS LAND NEWPORT BEACH -644 .1380 r \~~· C••rot. At~o...,t W•lcom•-!ll!M,/,.,,.,,,.,·~. /,IJ1'e' l:~•·2t, "'" Op .. Malldoy, 'rid oy ufttil f :JO '·'"· Chlldrell i11 the fr°' lovi11q u o111 (4°11 a r• the petfKt a9e for learnln9 musie. Yomohe, after veor1 o4 reteOr<'h d~ft11ed the Y a"'oh4 Music Cour1.e to ass111e-that ell thlld en con '"'" "'usi(. MlllioM of Yo.,.,oho grollluotetl fro'" otl OVO• ,,, ...... d l•Jlifv lo the •uttcn• of th1 YAMAHA. MUSIC COURSE. You d<1 llflf hO'lo '" b11y 011 In. lru"'enl, rhe•o ii no home 11udy -iu1t Iott of fun for your children ,.Idle th!!'! leor11 rnusi1 . DON"T DENY YO U• CHILD THE CHANCE YOU MAY HAVf MISSED IN TOUR CHILDHOOD. CIOUft a•• ..... .. •• ni~" - wo11't yoo pl-fin II\ • coll oltd let •• •how yo11 the wlioto •tory of tho TAMAHA MUSIC COURSE! YOUR llGWE5T 1.EWAltD WILL IE WHfN YOUR FROG lOVllt LOOM.I UI' AT YOU AND TELLS YOU ••• "I GAYE MY FROG A Nl'.W NAME, I El'.THOVfN ." Don't Delay-Call Today 642-1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA I I I ,) I ' \ I i\1. I' I ,7 I l I \ ,, Ii I -----··---·-----------·-·-·---------------,..,, ... ,_, ...... ---••·•-.. ,.,. •• ,. ..... ~.••-~*""*,...~,··~"lr==~·~•·•,..,..,,.,,..,..,.,..,_ .... ,~.-"",...,,..,~,,..,. ... ..,_..,.•••n1K1,,-~,-,.~ .. - I Saddleha~k fDITION VOL 62, NO. t 6 SECTIONst PAGES • ra e Ill Turner Called 'Liar' Police Captain Refutes Clai111s 011 Gu11s WASHINGTON (·AP ) -Chicago Police Supt. James Conlisk says former Army Provosl r-.1arshal r-.taj. Gen. Carl C. Turner lied Y.'hen he testified city authorities knowingly gave bim 397 con- fiscated guns rur his personal use. Turner is a central figure in a Senate subcommitee investigation of a probe. into charges a ring of enlisted men, in- r~luding former Army SgL hlaj. Willian1 O. \Vooldridge, v.·as engaged in a large- scale graft ring. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner \vas Youth Describes Ho'v SA Officer Shot to Death By TO.\f BA RLEV Of IN Dt llY ,.; .. 1 SltU '"Arthur League's gun went orf. He shot the officer." "\Vha t did the ofiicer do then~" "'He fell down. All I heard him say v.·as 'help'.'' Thal testimony today came from a !5- year-cld boy who mumbled and litam- mered hia way through a di1lorue that could convict Arthur Dewitt League or the murder of a Santa Ana police officer (Earlier story, page Al2.) Sv.·eating profusely and 1 o o k i n g carefully around the coqrlroom. Carl Stevie Tice ga\·e deputy Dlstrk:t Attorney Everett Dickey his halting account or the r \'enls of June 4 and a dO\ll'nto"'n ron- fronlation that ended with tht sl aying or officer Nelsoo Sasscer. Glancing occasionally at !ht gri m-faced League. 1'ice told a hushed court that he \\·as a passenger in League's auto when officer Sasscer halted the car a nd r!emanded identification from the Black Panther and his young companion. Satisfied with the boy's document.!!, the officer turned to League to rind, ac- cording lo young Tice, a gun pointed at him. "lie told Arthur to get back," Tice told Dickey. "1\nd then he pulled his own gun," "o· k k "Did hr. draw his v.·eapon, IC ey as · l'd his ner\.·ous v.·itness. '"i\"o," the boy replied. "He didn·t gel il l)Ut of the tio!ster. He v.·as loo late" Ticc's testimony v.as the h1ghhght nf the second day Jn the prehm1 nary hearing of mur<tcr charges against Ll'ague. Ticc·s testimony is sern by tht pro· seculion as a tremendous boost to a case th;it arim1ttcdly suffered "·hen the gun .:i!legedty used by League was barred from evidence by J udge Paul Masi. .J udge ~fasl Issued that n iling after lt ~·eek-long hearing in his court on the rleFcnsc moti on for su ppression of thal evidence. It was successfu lly argued by defense ;1 ttorncys that Santa Ana police of!i«rs ~ere in violat1an of the law when they look the v.·eapon from the Tice homt. quir.zed only ·on charges· he obtained the <.,'Ollfiscated guns under pretense they were for Army use and then sold some or them for his own profit. He said, however , Conlisk knew he wanted the guns for his own collection, although he signed statements at the time affirming the weapons were for the Army. Conlisk said in Chicago Tuesday Turner's testimony was "untrue:• The superintendent also supported l h e testimony given by police Lt. Paul T. Duellman, ·who told the subcommittre Tuesday he showed Turner the guns, but never heard him say lhey were for his own use. Until this week lhe main thrust or the subcommittee probe had been into allcg<i- tions Wooldridge and a band of carttr :sr1gcanls had looted Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled li([uor and bribed officers. \\'ooldridge, \\'ho is scheduled to testily Friday, told a reporter he v•l!I invoke the (See TURNER, P•ge ZI Trustee Questions Need Of School 'Mini-courses' By RICHARD P. NALL Of 1M 0.UY ~1111 Sltfl Art Laguna Beach High School's in· novalive student -picked "mini<:ourses" just that -cour ses or study -or art they "structured bull sessions~" School trustees wanted to pin the mat- ter doy,11 Tuesday night since the popular, someLimes controve!sial topics, apparently came <1s a surprise lo some lrust.ees .. ••tf l'm to. ~ le&ally and publicly r~ponsible rOt' a course in the eotn· munilf. r want lo know about it before it's IJVen." saal Dr . Norman Browne, lruJte<. Principal Bob Re,ves said the pro- gram, a variaUon on study hall time, is units of work "not a cou~ of study." Stuart Rabino~·itsh, president of the Progressivt Education Club, said. '"the purpose is to gel students more invo lved. It's an experiernent to see if stude11ts can take the responsibility to build courses that are releva nt."' He cootrastcd the new approach to the unchanging, "mainstay'' curriculum that does luave board approval. The new sessions started on soml"lhing of a controversial note. with Ree.vl"s denial that there were to be SOS s peakers following a leftw1ng rilm. They didn't speak. J.lov.'l"Ver. the mini-course topics also range through Yoga, heal1h foods, music, gardening and other hland fare. Owen Tait, assistant superintenrlent. told board members there is nothing .specific about board approval in the Nlucation code -"it 's a gray area." He said three studl'n1s could get together and discuss ~n Buddhism ~·1thout board rrior approval. Board President Larry Ta~·Jor said. '•If Slork lll•rkel• NE\V YORK (APl -The stock markel tumbled to the brinK or a new 1969 clo.~­ ing low today but mustered enou)ih strength to pull back in late trading, /Sec quotations, Pages C 16-11 l. Thf. Dow Jones average. of 30 industri- als: closed with a IOM of 4.03 to 802.20. just a shade above its OOlom of 801.96 for the year. 11 is listed as a study hall, we would ron- !iider a study hall a place v.·herl" students 1;0 to study. \i.'e have nol been knov.•le<igeable a bou t it : it should ha\•e bce.1 approved as a mini-course. not as a study hell."' Trustee Willi am Wilcoxen asked Tait, "Your vjew of it is as sort of a structured bul l session?" Reeves suggested that the board ap- prove.ti concepts, ~ unlts. "You .Ull need the fleilbility to skip units as you v.·ould in algebra if you \vanled lo i;kip factoring," he said. Bro1vne said, "I doo 't 1vanl to be taken 11rongly · I think It 's grea1. but if l'n1 going In bl.': responsible, I "·ant to kno1v about it." Teacher Ron Ross said students arP not required to stay in Lhe n1i ni-cou rses. they have the option of going to !he library to .study. nabinov•ilsh said he really didn"t th111k iL was that in1portant. Trustee \Vilcoxen, v.·ith a twinkle, said, "ll"s relevant to us Stuart, \l.'e have to find a pigeonhole." Superintendent William Ullom sug- gested that each cour se could have Lhe .~ponsorship or a department Ross said. •·as soon a s you do that you 're stifling the students, the kids have sta rted this."' 'farlor said, "They could ha1'e sub· n1111ed ;i .~thcdule for our approl"al."' [)on .\tiller, a~.~istant principal, said the courses arc re\'ie"·ed by a teacher ad- \ 1sory council that acts as a sounding hoa rd tor studl'11t mini-«iur.se recom- rncnd.1! ions S f'ORT S SECTIO N B ULG ING TODAY Today's edition of !he DAILY PILOT includes !he largest sports section e1·er published by the nev.•spapt>r. The nine· page section, beginning on Page Cl, fe a- tures local and national sports reports. ::iulo racing news plus special sports fca lures and photos. OofllL Y '°tLOT •1ttt ,...,... CHARLES REICH llN SWIMSUIT) GREETS LAGUNA HIGH OCEANOLOGY STUDENTS Studyin9 Tr••1ur11 of the S.. Off TrN1ur1 lslend B••ch __ , ,!!. Totlay's Flaal N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS u es·cue DAILY ~It.OT lllff ...... TUNING UP -GeUing in the mood for Donald Bondi Benefit Dance F riday are Child S. Michael, at piano: l\fary Cooper, refreshment chairman; l\fr s. David L. Rukst1als. president of Rancho Viejo \Vomen's Club, and.Brett.Norris. on guitar. Dan~e Aids Y outl1 Teens Helping Accident Victim Saddleback College and Misslon Viejo lligh School studenls and Uieir dates will dance Friday night to help a fell ow teen 1\·ho cannot walk. The Rancho Viejo Woman's Club is ~ponsoring a teen henerit dance in tiie l\fission Viejo Hecreation Center lo bolster the Donald Bondi fund, started la.~t spring IJJ assisl an l8-year-0ld l\tission Viejo High School stninr gravely 1niurcd in an automobile accident. Bondi, hospitalized since the accident. ls due to rrturn within the next Few 1vceks to hls home, 2~371 Chrisanta, ~lis.~1on Viejo. Still p11ratyzed and con- fined to a whC<'I chair. he ha.~ been undergoing trl.'a tmenl at Hancho Los Amigos at Dow ney. l\fedical expense.~ ha1·c depletl!o'l th~ original fund, according to l\frs. Donald •North, \\'ho is organizing the teen dance fCJr the woman·s club. Bul Donald v.·iJI re· quire continued nursing care after he comes home. In addilion. hi s parents, f\lr. and Mr11. GerqJd Robinson, h0pe. tn make .~ome modifications in the homr. v.·idening doors and installing ramps to make it easier for the youth lo get around in his v.•hr.e!chair A dance band and producers of a light show will contribute their talenl.!i to Frlday"s benefit which gels under way al 8:30 p.m. in the Recrealion Center. Tickets at S! per person will be a\'ailable lo stu<l1.'nl$. F'unds raised at the dance v.·1!1 go dirl'Cl!y In the Donald Bondi Fund, cstablishrd al the United California Baiik in h1 ission Viejo. New Laguna High Class To Make Study of Ocean .. 11ow much plankton Is there around the 7reasure Island Trailer Park pier? Students in the ne\Y oceanology class at Lagu na Bearh High School v.·ill know. They'll know about the water salinily also, the ocean·~ turbidity or visibility and the phosphate, bacll'ria anri nitrogen of Lhe area as ~'ell as lift forms, Enth~siastic students of Ille new c.las~ will scientific11 1ly survey the area from !he pier to Aliso Creek's mouth. They will sample, record aOO leam aboot the ecology o( the area . So popular was-the new offering that 120 skidenUi signed for it. Only S2 cookt be accommodated in the rail crurse. The remainder will take the class in the spring. . Oceanology is laughl by Charles Reich. assisted by John \Yilkerson .. Reich, who wrnle curricul um for tile. course said, ''This is a \'Chicle to use mar.h , 'graphs, charts. communicative Garbage Piliurr Up . ~ LONOON (U PI ) -At least 150,000 torui of uncollected garbage littered London to- day in the 16th day of an unofficial strike by garbage collecWr• ror belier pay. :s kills, pruenlalion of written and oral communication, using our advantage of being c lose to the ocean -last of the rronlierll with great appeal to students." Team teaching methods wlll be used. Students will make seminar pre:;entation t:i others in the class. They wlll be grad!"d on !heir project. th eir undl'r.standing or the subject and !heir ability to give the information to other students. A bonu~ project may include a field trip lo the channel island in Mex.ico lO ce1mpare dlff~rences in envirorunent. PILOT SALUTES OC AUTO SHOW The Orange County lnttrnatlonal Auto Show, first major showing or the 1970 mode.ls in the United States. opens Thur.~· day after a benefit premiere lonight al the Anaheim Convrntion Center. The DAILY Pl.LOT Mlute1 the show and the. county's · Aui11t.1nce Wgue chapters sponsoring tonight 's previe"' in 11 !pr.tial 20-page section. The sprclal UC· lion is inside today. . r Mini-c1·af t S11aps Cable Unde1· Sea From \\'ire Services SAN DIEGO -Four men, trapped for more than 12 hours on the ocean floor in th_cir r~earch submarine Deep Quest with their ox~·gen steadly running out. w.·1c rescued In the prc-th1v.·n hours by • lll"o-rnan mini-sub. Thi" 40-foot, 50-ton Deep Quest reached the surface at 3:50 a.m. PDT under i1 s own power line .\vhich had bec1:ime tang!. ed on the expenment.al sub"s prope.Her. The Deep Quest was freed when lhe mini-sub snipped the line y,'ith a diver's knife taped lo a mechanical arm. Robert Worthington, 52, a retired Na\--y captain and pilot of lhe Deep Quest. and the thrtt others aboard v.·cre reported to have suffered no ill effecL~ although they were hungry and chilled after their long wait for rescue. The moment Deep Qttest reached the ~urface, 1h~ news 1vas tlashr.d to lheir v.·ives 1vho had sta)'ed at home while L'l.:kheed Corp., owner of the research :-ub, and Na vy and Coast Guard ~rson· net :-:upervised the rescur. The hero plaudits went to lhe Nektoo , a 4,000 pound crafl o~rated by the General Oceanographic <.:o .. which v.·as brought here from Los Angeles by highway in a 1r01ill"r. lov.·e red in Uie water and tov.·ed five mile.s of£shore to 1vhere the Deepi Que~t was trapped. Speed in the rc.scue was vital because t.he Deep Quest's self contained system J1ad an oxygen supply for only 48 hourll. The sub had di,·cd at about noon and it "·as 15 hours before it reached the surface again. The others aboard were Donald E. ~aner. ~farshall E. \l/oy and \Yilliant IJin~brook, all of San Diego The s11b was on a rou tine training mi!i!'tion to spot an l.8ij pound cylinder and bring it up. But 1hc hl'avy synthetic line became fouled in the suh's propeUe r. It was no t immNliately kno1vn how the accident occurred. 1·tie Deep Quest on Fl"b. 28, 1969, planted an American flag on the Pacific Ocean floor at a depth or 8,310 feel -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. The Nckton made its dive al 2:25 a.m. and reported 25 minutes later it had located the Deep Quest and could see light~ Inside the bigger sub. The Deep Quest had been in constant radio- telephone e:ontac-~ with its moLher ship Tran.~ Ques1, whi ch was on the surface nedrby. Public Opinion Report Slated The public is invited to hear the resul ts or the. public opinion sun'ey conducted by lhe Citizens Advisory Com mitee, lo be presented by chairman Mark Gumbiner at a meeting of the Laguna Coordinating Council Monday night , Mr11. Helen Keeley v.·ill preside ovPr the 7:30 sess1o n in the Laguna Federal Sav- ings and Loan community room. The in-depth study of Lagunans' in- lerests and views on community plannin~ was conducted to pro\•ide guidelines for the general planners. Gumhiner will present an analysis nf the thoui;ands of answers to ques· tionnaires circulated throughout Laguna. Orange Weather f oggy nights and sunny days are the prospects ror lonight and Thursday with the mercury d.iJ>- ping a bit to the middle 70's. INSIDE TODAY l'ifari"e Cnrpr Is "11rolptng" its r~cruit.!, !ICTUS n Coast barber. iuho is planning f(I d" something nbottt shapina up tJ1e Corpt. Page AI9. IHI!... an CN-1 Ct<J•tr All ,,,.,.,.... .. !I C~«lll"' U• All Cltt"""°' 1 1·11 Ct,,.ICI AU ,,,....... All O."fl ~tt A 11 l•H-t! ~... Al ''-"""' ,., •. ,. loll~ CN A1111 L•-• Ct Mtllllot• Al M .. 1111" All ,.,,, ... , (11·11 Mu1¥1! """"' (.. .. " ....... ' "' ......... or-~ Alt l'IA DC 1•1¥1• "•rh• Cll 1,.11t Cl·• StM•t Cl .. 11 Tttto~ AU TllHlltt Cll·lJ w....... •• ....... Wfill.. (1 wtrll "'"'' AW w_, ....,. ... ,. -·""""\ ......................... _,. .... . -.-,, ~ : -·--· -·.~.-: ··-·--.,.,.~-· .. ··· ~ DAILY PllOT -~--~~ ~~~~ l \.\1rdntsd•y, October 8, 1~ Finan~ial Woes Plague Lag una Library By BARllARA KREJBICll OI tit• Dall~ ~tlll Sl•ll The L&~una Beach library pro1ect u J'u.nnil\i into financial problen1 s. City ~t anagrr .lames Wheaton l.s r.cheduled to present a progress report on plans for the ne~· library at U1e Thursday ni ght meeting of the Friends of the Library -aod it will not be entirely en- couraging, Whea ton re.vealed today, Tht county. \\lheaton said, 1s not look· Ins kindly on the r1ty ·s plan 10 purcha~ property on U1e ea st si~e of Third Street and erect a library bt.:i ldlna (financed lhrnu&h a non-pro/It corporation), t.htn lease the buildlng to the coonty as a branch library. Jn order lo amortiu lhe debt, a rental. rate of 30 to 35 centa a square fool would have to be pakl. Thi!, county officials told \\'heaton. is doublt. or mnre than dnuble the maximum rent now being paid on any branch library. In a count.er proposal. the county has .suggested that the. city purchase the necessary land and !et the county pul up • bui14lni. "Wt wouW bf. talk.int in the vicinity or $130 ,000 to.$1•,000 fl'ir the 21 ,000-square+ root sjte the coonty ~ends for an 1,-..au•,.-fMt bltildi111," Wheaton ex· plained. "This l5 a fair piece of change and it certainly isn 't in the city budget at this Li mt ." The city, he said. h:id hoped to acqui re, by purchase or condemnation, enough land to pr;ivlde extra parking space and make a unified development extending to theco rn er of 1\-fermaid Street. A projetl of this site u·ou!d involve an estimaled Schools Hit Funds Loss T rustees Say Lagu na S alons H urt H andicapped Trustee~ of Laguna Beath Unified School District Tuesday flailed lhe legislature for drying ue $41 ,000 tlocally) In funds to establish cla53eS for educa· 11onaUy handicapped children. LQss of the budgeted money for plan· ned programs brought forth strong words trom the board both orally and by rcso!u· lion. "They me~s around in Sacramento." said trustee \Vi lliam \\lilcoxen. •·an d in rtfeC'I l<1y on another six cents (lo the loca l lax rate)." The resolution said the district, like the roajorlly of California districts, establish· rd educationally haodicapped programs fo r 11169-70 in &ood faith that the 1968-69 financing formula would be followed. This financing fonnula was changed in the summer of this year. "This altered formula was not communicated to local district until it was loo late to prevent financial loss because of commitments, employment and materials," the resolu. lion states. The resolution said the formula wil l result in statewide deterioration of cJucationally handicapped programs. It accused the legislature o( disregarrl of loca l districts need of accurate fln•n· ci al intonnation by April to bud.get for the follo"·lng school year. It asked legislative action lo fund al ready planned programs and future financia l in· formation in time to budget. Superintendent William Ullom said the $41,000 in lost funds cou!d not be easily absorbed by a district carrying minimal resen·es nf $150,000. lie encouraged peo. pie to contact their legislators. Board President Larry Taylor said, "The very children that iqlly need some help could be deprived." Wilcoxen said if some of the educationally handicapped children could be prepared for society, they would not Jpe nd their lives in state· supported institutions. A part 11ie1i ts Get Okay Traffic A prolonged debate over methods of ~!ving traffic problems in connection with pr oposed expansion or Laguna Shoals apartments. 1601 S. Coast High- way. appeared to end 1\-londay night. ·Laguna Beach planning commissioners recommended approval of Richard Burrs plan to add 32 units to eight existing apartments. A list of 14 conditions v.·as tacked onto the variance by the city's enginttring department. but Burt told commissioner~ he was ready to comply. Condilions included providing protected pedestrian access lo the be<1ch; minimum 20.foot openings from gara1rs to the ~ighv;ay: right-lurn--0n1y requirement~ /or etiling \'ehicles: remova l of existing parking in front of the n1olel and pro- r1sion of a left turn pocket on the high\\·ay going norlh. Addi tionally, Burl \\'as ad viSt'd, he 1.,.ould ha ve to provide a prttisc plan for b£1th pedcs!nan and vehicular traffi c ac· r:ess before a building permit could be Issu ed. Opposition to !he Shoals development had been registered by 011•ners al Laguna Sands. a neighboring a pa r t m en t rooperativ(', sharing access lo Viking Road , it short f'xtension of Bluebird Can· yon v.·hich the Sa nds had been obliged to pa\"e at 1ts own expenSt' at the time its 1·ariance v.•as issued some years ago. Sands O\\·ners fearrd the large Shoals "Xpal'lsion \vou ld create an untenable 1raff1c situation in the Brea and al~o v.·ere reluctanl to agree that cond1 1ions ap- proved by the '1ty engineer wou ld soll·e th!'. problen1. The argumen t l\'as resolved in a special 1<lucly :-1\~~•on. during 11hich pl anning romn1i.'i!'otoncrs 1·isi ted 1hr. s1!1• ;.ind drorr their cars 1n anJ nut of :-uhterrane;in garages.. Follo"'ln,I!. brief dt~cu~sion J\lnnda y, four t:om1nts~ionrr!< 1 olcd In rccontmend ;ippro1·a1 of the 1·ananc<', wit h 11r11· coni- mi.~~1onP1 Ca rl Johnson abstaining since hr had not parttripated 111 rarly session~. In othe1 action 1\1onday, the planners -Mt au Oct. 20 date for the ~econd public hl':i rin~ on the thtrd Laguna C:in _von annexation from R-lf lresident1oil hillside! t.o ~l-11' !light 1nduslria[) u1 keeping 11·1th adjacent zoning. , DAllY PllOI 1l•Mtt N. w .14 .. ~ ...... ~., . ., J1clr •. c •• 1.., Vie. l'"'*nl eMI '"-1"11 lollMttt TH1111, K"•il ··~ Tko ... 11 A. M~r .. )tl~1 ~~·~· E111.,.. R·•~1rd r. ~i,I/ I.• ........ •••<~ Co!r El•lff Lep ...... Of .. 21? F1••1t A~•. Mtili~t Atltl•111: P.O. 110 •••. ,1.52 --c .... "-9: Jll Wnl .... s• .... t 11--1 a.di. l1ll w...,1 .. ..._••·IM,. ............. .._ .• 4"''"..t Problems Solved -Defert"ed study of a report on pro- posed modilieations to the new Boys' Clu b to Oct. 20, pending receipt of detail· ed plans; -Granted Wade Zinrs request for a ronditional use permit to a three-family d\\·elling in an R·2 zone at 265-269-275 Arch St. after learning square footage :i nd parking v.·oold be adeq uate and no protests had been received; -Gr1.11ted Laurence A. Campbt\I, 645 Anita St. pennission lo enlarge :i non· confonning dwelling and to use existing non--confonning off.street parking for a period of one year, prior to construction of conforming parkinj'.: -Granted a second six-month ex. tension lo David J . Phillips, 3\() Broadway, for use of a variance on the Buick agency at that address. ALL NEWSP AP ERBOYS ..:.. Steven Chauvin, 14, ilefl ), and Nick li odges, 12, D.-4.ILY PILOT carriers, look over picture (If famous fo m1er ne\\'S pape rboys -Astronaut Neil .i\.rmstrong anrl i\l icha el ("ollins. Photos \\i ll be displayed Friday and Saturday at South Coas1 Plaza ·'space ~ho\1·:· Carriers \\'111 greet sho1v visi tor~ Saturda1· ar1ernoon, Nationa l Nc11·spaperboys Day. . Good Lu~k ~ I G11ys : Pilot Offers 'Astra Scroll' As a grand Finale to Naliona1 Newspaper \Veek Friday and Sa1urday the DAILY PILOT 11·iH join South Co11st Plaz;. mefchants in inviting •·everyone" lo send greetings to the Apollo 12 astronauts before lhey blast off for thl' moo n. The "ASTRO SC ROLL" visitors arc in· 1·itcd lo sign vlill be part of an exhibit of space age photoGraphs a11d other display material pointini up the Americ111 space program. Expected to bt one of lhf' highlight~ of the space show exhibit Is a collection of pictures taken by t14·0 former ne~·spaper carrier boys and a les t pi lol on a trip they made lest summer. Tt'oe former n e w s p a ptrbo ys - Astronauts Neil Armstrong and hlichael Collins -were. ol course, pUolS of the luna r module a.nd command module, respectively. in lht Apollo 11 flight "'hi ch l1rst plan ted man·~ footpri nts on the. moon. Their companion. "Butz" Aldr in. was the second man C\'er to set foot on the moon and snapped st.vrral of the pie· turn to be di.splayed . Since Saturd3y, the J1na l day of Newspaper \l'rt>k:. 1s Na I i on a I r-.e.,.,1paperboys Day, the DAILY PlLOT ha s selected two carrit>r~ to n1Hkr. "guc~t appearances" at the. sho w during the afternoon. Steve Chauvin, 14. son of ;\Ir. and :-01r~. 1 Ennis Chau\·in of 678 Senate St., Costa r.lesa, a freshman at Estancia High tichool, \\"ill be one or them . Steve has been a DAILY PILOT car- rier for lhree years, was made the car- riers' Honor Roll several 1in1es for l)Utsta.nding service lo his custon1ers and says ht likes science and space. 1'he other carrier "·ho will greet ASTR O SCROLL signers between 2 and : p.m. Saturday is Nick: Hodges, 12, son of Mr. and t.1rs. ~fichael Hodges of 690 Governor St., Cost.a r.1esa. He's a seventh grader at Rea School. The spac€' shnw will bt open F'riday fro:n I lo 9 p,m. and Saturday rrom 11 a.m. lo 6 p,m. Fir.:;t 1,000 persons In si_gn the ASTRO SCHOLL "ill edch reC'r1vc a rC'd. \\h ill' ::ind blue decal boostinf:( A1)QllO II and proclaiming ''Good Old L:.S.A .... First on The 1\-fO'lfl." l\lso once e1·ery hour, on tht l'lt'lur, an ASTRO SCROLL signer will be given a topy of !he Associated Pre:is keepsaka book, "f ootprints on ~ Moon " $400,000 '11.ort h of bonds. JI sufl1c1c11L amount to inll'rcst a bond bu yer \\'heaton said he seriously doubts thal any bond boytr wou ld be interested in in· vesting in a bond issur \\'Orth less th:in ll00.000. Thr. coup.cil, tJe added, has not 1nade up Its mind '11.'hlch parcels lo acqtlire ii the decision is to hold the project lo U1e mlnimum size recon1mended by Lhe coun· ly . \l'hraton ~aid he and ~la1·or U!enn \'ed- der 111e>t f>londay \\1th ·Fifth Dis t net TO ~A NT.a. ••• .. Supervisor Allon r:. Allen and his ex - crutive a~sislant John Killefer to discuss the !Jbrary si tu<1tion bi..:t dld not arri1·e al any SQ!ulion. ··111e counter offer presents a tremen· dous hnancia l problen1 tor us. The best ~o lution 11•ould be to convince the county or lhe rcaso11ablc nature of our first pro- IXISal." the city m~nager C<locluded. l!owrvcr, lie added. he had no doubt the (·ou111y is sincere in its proposa l lo pay for eonslruclion of a Ubrary building Boo1·d Splits~ 3·2 if the t:ily can acquire the necessary land, ln addition to the library report, th~ program at the 7:30 p.m. Friends meeting in the Laguna Federal Savings and Loa n Building will incl ude a screen of the color film, "The \Vorl d of Andrew \Vyeth ," 14·[th comn1entary by Dr. Clayton Garrison, Dean of the School or Fine Arts at UC Irvine. l::lecl.ion of new director~ is also scheduled at the public 1neetUig, I OcO I l\[]t,A,t.C. DOM .. lD~ '"a!" ->o \ 1 'i:IOW>.I '." u ..... Airport Denied ... .. , 'l f . ., .. ' " ue: \.. ' , ~ ' • 3 Land Purchase ... !1 ' r<O'll">-l ' ~ 0 ,, ' .. "! 0 • 0 w .,......~....--. ,, & ' , ' ' " ' ., ., • h.Y,-% ~' "'' •A.O DL E !B.At,CW. GOl..L ll eillt "'"'c ~o v1rJo/ I OIFf •"""MP \ ;1:VtllY "' ,., /" ' :jr TO $A>J Oll(.<;.O Oce1· H ill, Dnle This is the \1•ay to Saddlcback Coll ege. R egis'lralion for fall 1enn continues Thursdav. Classes start J\Ionday. ('ampiis has moved up U1c road slight- ly fron1 in terin1 location of last yea r. t 'ro111 P n9e 1 1'URNE R ... !'ilh Amendrnen l and rcfuM'. lo an<a1·er c1uesLions. His .attorney ~aid he ad 1· is r d \Vooldridge lo rrfusC' to testify becausC' he t!1d not bclie\C he \1·ou!1J be given a lair hearing by senalors. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner llr1· 1111tted th at in 1968 he signed receipts four times al Chic ago police head· quarters stating that l·onlise<itcd gun." hr l1ad persr.o.ally selected were t(I be u.>eil Jor Army training purpo ses. Turner testified he di.sassem b!ed sotne of the \rr·apl"lns for pnrt:1. dcstro)'Cd others, sold "the cream of the crop" to" North Carolina gun dealer and pocketed thr. money. But Ol"C't anti ovrr aga in Tur nrr 111- s1sted · •·Those "·eapons "·ere not for the use of the Army. they (the Chicago po- lice) "·ere going to destroy then1 and they ga\·c them lo me perso nally."' He said Conlisk had assured hi1n tli<' receipts he "·as asked to si gn were only a formality lo meet the lellcr of lhc law. Ill inois law say.s all 11'eapon s seized by police are, after being used as c1'lrlencr . to be. either Uestroycd or gil"<'n to lhr am1ed forces lor training (lr othrr 11n1rposes. Conlis k said in Chicago he hehe1 r1t Turner -\\·ho came lo the city la~t ~t;11 to represent the Arn1y eh;cf of staff dur Ing rioting in \\h1ch L" S. troops were used -l\'<lnlcd !hr gi1n~ for nffi('1al purpose~ Ry TO~f BARLEY 01 !~o 0 1111 P'l,_I St•lt A move by operators of the Capistrano Airport for purchase of adjoining acreage lron1 the Orange Counly Flood Control District under a 2().year installment plan \\";lS shot down Tuesday by a divided Orange Counly Board of Supervisors. Reiceted :l to 2 by the board \\'as S11pervisor Alton E. Allen"s n1otion that :iirport owners Bruce \\'Inion and Julian \\1Jllco x he allowed to put $1.000 down on the currently idle 5.4 acres and pay the pncc set on the !and by an Ir.dependent appraiser Uver the 2().ye;:ir term. Both n1cn argued before b11 pervisor3 1hat boa rd acceptance of their offer Rose1nary Leary R ul ed I ncapable; Trial Postponed IJr. Tirr.v:hy Leary successlully argued 10<1a.1· in Su1~rior Court that his 11·ifr, nuserna ry, is not physically ca pable of facing tria I ,Judge Sainuel Drcizcn immed iately dela.yed !l'ial se tting for Leary, ~9, Mrs. l.eary, 33. and lhc LS D cul tist's son , John Bush Leary, 19, to Oct. 15. 1'he trio face~ t'harges of possession of marijuana :ind I .SD. stenuning fro111 thei r arrest last Dre. 26 in Laguna Beach. ll appeared unlikely. ho11·ever. that the fJ1·t. 15 appearance ll'ill result 1n rurther eontinuancc of an action tha t has no1v been delayed on scl'en occasions. Lea ry, flan ked by his colorfu\!y attired !>Ofl. npia!,l)ef th:it 1\1rs1 IA'.ary wtu·~ "o~,jb unc!etp M;ial ~~. • "!.7 at Lhe M.rlleit aDd be.~ced a dOC· l•1r°s letter to support thal statement. B.osemary Leary ls recovering from re-- ( e11t corrective surgery which will hopefully, in Leary·s v.·ords, "enable us to prod uce another little Leary.'' Judge Oreize n. who reflected obvious itnpaticnee al the frequent dealys of the Leary lrial when the former Harvard professor 14·as last in court, today ordered !he district attorney's offioe lo check on a 11ee k to week. basis \l'ith 1\-lrs. Leary·s physician. 11 i' expected that the delay in Orange ( :ounty aclion against Leary will similar· l.1 defer River!;ide County chareg!I ;1gainst the recently a n no u n c e d ).:Uberna!oria l cand idate. Lear~' 11·as ctiargcd in that county with ··onlribul1ng to the delinquency of ;i minor when a 17-)·ear-old Laguna Beach j.'.1rl t!rO\\'nl'd in lhe pool nt the 1\1ountain I ·enttr tieadquarters nf Leary and hi~ 111 1!01\~rs. \\OU !d allow thetn to proceed 14·1th plan s Jar modernizal.ion and re[l()\'ation or a fa cility that was described at the meeting as ··badly run down and greatl y in need of extensive repairs in all areas." Willcox wamed the board that rejection of the orfer could conceivably result In the closing of the airport. "\Ve hadly want to keep this airport - heavily used by county residents south of Laguna Beach -in service," he sa.iJ. "But continunace of present conditions i..:ould see us 1no1·i n,s to Oceanside ." Su per1·isors David Baker and Robert Battin led opposition to the motion and 11"on the \'Ole of Su pe rvisor \\'illiam Hirstein in re jecting the airport bid. Baker \\"as then unanimously backed by his eolleagues in a molion calling for th e appraisal of the fl ood control property and !he invitation of bids from interested parties on a cash sale basis. ··A motion such 41.S this just doe3n't ~land !he light of clay," the obviously con· ecrned Baker pointed out. "\\'e are beinli <1~ked la directly subsi<liu: the operations of this airporl and \\"e don ·1. by any 1ncans, have the assurance Lhat it \\•ill be in operation for the lull term of the pro- posed contract." \Vaming the board against :icceptint, '·a questionable means of' collect.ion ," Haker noted that failure of Winton and \\'11lcox to pursue the d ea I fo r the 20. year period could conre11·ably rnean re· sale of the property to subdividers al what 1-vould be a bargai n price. 'rhat price, he warned, would have been ge:ired to tile W1nton·Willcox agreement and its application to airport expansion. An y developer laking ove r the land prior le termination -uf the ~·year pact would benefit from what wou ld a.mount to the tai.:payers' IOU, he said. Lag una Youth Surfing Winner Ten.year-old Kevin O'Sullivan of L.1:i:una Beach was among "i nners ln a ~pecial iUrfl ng meet for youngsters 12 and under sponsored by \Vindansea Sur( Club Sunday at San Diego. Ke.vin took first place in the ID·year--0ld clas~, in which Jeff llan1ilton and Jeff \\'illiams, both of Dana Point, also pl aced. In 1he contest for 12·)'Car-0!ds. J ohn !Unger of Dana Poinl v.·as among win· ncr5, 11·t11lc 1n the l!-year·old class Hob!tt Alter of Dana Poi nt placed second and Duui:: Brov.•ne of Laguna was in fourth po~ition. Octob er 18 th Don't dcl.ty. Come in today and rile aclvanu.gt of this wondttful opporturUcy to &ave 15 ';IO on your putchua of Tow lie 1..ru.g a.-... Acb.. "'"""' only. ~·pi= pJ.ce 1<ttings ("""'°'"" pi.a. fo.k, pl.a knif~ Wad fork~ R.guiM ""'' from ~ •. ,. Sale price from ~J7.1:z CONVEN IENT TERMS BANKAMERICA RD MASTER CHARGE 18ll NEWPORT BOU LEVAR D COSTA MESA ... - .. _ ·- 3Z-piece service tor tla:ht RtgUlar price frorn S.'96.00 Sale prict from $2:97,00 ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PH ON E 548 .140 I I I I • I ' I I I \ I --~--·~-. --' --·-~ .... - Newport llarhor EDITIO N Today's Final N.Y. Sieeks VOL. b2, NO. 241 , b SECTIONS, 112 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOR NIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 19b9 TEN CENTS Do Schools Have Right to Teach Sex Class? By TIIOMAS FORTUNE Of lllt Dallf Pli.f 511tt ldtalogue or stubborn Victorian? Sex education. oponenL Charles E. Brown can 15ound like both. As an idealogue he argues publlc !!chools haven't the right to make further incursions into the responsibil ities of parents. Taking a Victorian stand , he says. •·sex can be taught in a hall hour. \\'hat el s<' is there?" Brown. a Costa ~1esa real estate man \\•ho lives in Newport Beach. !old his beliefs this week to a Newport 1-iarhor Chamber vl Commerce commillee look· ing into the feasibility or ~ local school 5e.1 educatton program. Brown was invited because he had volunteered to testify and because or his past identification with the John Birch Society. He said he is no longer a member. The Birch Society has mounted an anli- sc.'t education campaign.. Brown argued his point wlth Mrs. Betty :O.ta!lOn of the Chamber committee. .. There's still such a thing as parental responsibility." he said. ··But parents are abdicating it,'' 5aLd /\J r~. J\la~on. ; "By ahdicating to the schofs you sur- render all responsi bility. \Vhe1t about future generations of parents?" coun- tered Brown. "Perhaps it would be best to stop right now in taking over parental responsibilities. I fee l we may be making things worse ." Brown .said the only sex education he believes should be taught in schools is the physiological aspects Of li!rowing Up already being taught. "It won't take me very lon g lo let you kno\v hO\\' I feel about thi s," he told the committee. "In my opinion v.•e should go 11long 'r11h it the v.•ay it is now ·· He said he 1hinks a course ;it night for parents on how to present ~c" lo their One Will Be Quee1a These six princesses are in the running for 1969 Homecoming c\ueen title at Newport ilaTbor lfigh School. From eft a re l\.1indy Rainey , Mary Lynn Niemeyer, Lori Parrish, Attita . Smith, Jan Ka\\'a- mura and Nikki L~ret. Queen will be crowned Ocl. 17 during tradi tional halitime activities at footbaJI game betwern Sail ors and \\lest1n inster Lions al Davidson Field. F riday night ga1ne \\'ill be fo!lo,1·. ed Saturday nigh t by hon1cco1ning dance in the. mall a t South Coast Plaza. ,\Jumni a re wel co1ne at both game and dance. Th e Sailors play Anaheim at La Palma Stadium this weekend. Newport Pilot Named a s Vi ctim Of Dese rt Crash Authorities al El Toro l\1arine Corp~ Air Station have identified tv.-o n1crs k!ll · ('{! 1n the crash ol o ;et /Jll a cn111bi1 \ training flight near 1-~l Centro ~lond11 y, onP fr om _N ev.-por1 Beach He was 1st LL \\'1lha111 13 Lanham, 27 . or :>308 Seashore Drive, p1lat of th<' a.ircrafl. The radar·intercept off icer lolled with him was \st Lt. Frederick C. Hecrwagen. t.1, of East Aurora, N.Y .. who li ved on lhe base in bachelor oHicers' quarters. ~1emorial rites for l.t. Lanham will hi' he.Id at 1:30 p.m. in the El '!'oro f\1 CAS chapel. according to his land lady, 1.1rs. ~tildred r..1etz. "Wt were quite close. it v.·as ~ore l!k~ 1 family relationship than anything else .. Mrs. Metz said of Lt. La nham and h1~ two ti-1arine aviator roommates. 1.,1. J,;:inham was flying his A4 Skyhawk M a ground bomb arid rocket rui:i when th" aircraft failed 1o pull out of its tr11 · Je<:lory and smashed into the desert. An investJgation into the cause of !he crash is being ca rried o~I by i\1arine Corps au thorities at the El Centro <1rea bombing range. Lt. Lanham was original!y from Avon. N.Y .• according to spo kesmen al the Orange County air station . 'League Shot Officer,' Boy Testifies at Trial Rv T0~1 BARI.EV oi t~t Dt ll, '°lie! Stotf ·Arthur League's gun, \Vent off. lie shot ilH' off/err_" ··\\"hat did the olf1crr do then'.'" "He fell down. All I heard him say ~·a~ 'help'." That testimony today came from a 1~ year-0ld boy who mumbled aod stam- me recl his way through a dialogue lhat could C"onvicl Arthur Dewitt League of the murder of a Santa Ana police officer (Earlier stnry, page AL2.) S PORTS SECTIO N BULGING TODA Y Today'i; edition of the DAILY PILOT includes the largest sporl!L section ever published by the newspaper. The nine· page section, beginning on Page Ct, fea· tures loca l and national sports reports, auto racinK news plw special sports features and' photos. s-...·ca11ng proruSl"ly ;ind I o o k i n g carefully arflun d lhe co11rtrnorn. Carl :'ilc1-ie Tice i.::11·c drputy District Attorney E1·C'relt Dir kcy hi~ h;i!t1ng ncroun! of Hie r vents or .June 4 and a dJwnlown con· frontat1on !hat ended "''ith !hr sl aying of 0£/Lrer Nelson Sasscer, Glancing occasionally at the. grim-rared League, Tice 1o!d a hushed court that he v•as a passenger in League 's auto when officer Sasscer halted the ca r and demanded identification from lhe Black Panther and his young companion . Satisfied with the boy 's document.~. thr. officer turned to League to find, ac- cording to young Tice, a gun pointed at him . "He tolcl Arthur lo gel back." Tice told Dickey ... And then he pulled his own gun ." "Oid ht> dr;iw h1~ weapon ," Dickey ask- ed hi~ nervOllS \Vitncss. .. No," the boy replied . "lie didn'l get ii out of the hol ste r. He \\-'as loo late." Tice·s testimony \\'aS the highlight of the second day in.Ahe preliminary hearing of murder charges against League. ch ildren, such as recently adopted In th e Huntington Beach High School District, might be a good idea. Mrs. ti-1ason asked if it wouldn't be bet· ter if the class were for bolh parent and child. "I don't think that's necessary," said Brown. "Let the parent!: be the judge or when to impart the information to the children .'' "I "'ish 1 had more faith in the part>nls,'' said Dr. Nolan Frizzelle. chairman of the Chan1 ber committee. Brn\\n said, "The proponents or sex rducation <1re pushing a n1ighty big business. There are Jots of books and films involved. The Anaheim District pays $297 ,000 a year in sex education salaries." "You think it's actually a case of ex- ploitation on the part of someone: wbo ha~ something ta sell?" asked Arthur Guy, of the committee. "Tha t's part of ii," answered Brown . Brown said he thinks money used for ~ex education ~hould be spent keeping children busy \Vilh athletics and cultur<i l µrosrams -"art and mu sic as long as it is the righl kind of art and mu~ic." A Catholic. Broy,·n said he believes :i nu'l or a pnest could \"cry \\'Cll give sex education . •·oo you feel they've had enough f!X· pe:-ience?" asked J\1rs. ~tason, rererring to their vows of ce libacy. ''They Cf'rtainly know ;i baby born out of marriage i~ wrong. That's the main thing, Do you v.·ant your child ti) grow up \vith high moral standards?" Brown countered. Brow n ren1arkr.d, "It atr boll~ do"''" In how much rcsponsib11i1y parents ~hould take." "No, iii~ ho\\' niuch lhPy do takr," ~id Dr. frizzellr . "There are a lot of peoplr who never get to church to get ii ·• "It 1\·ouldn't be fair to the parent who takes the responsibility," said Brown. General Said Liar Police Chief Di-sputes Gun Story \\'ASH INGTON (AP) -Chicago Police Sllpt. ,Jarnes Conlisk says former Army Pro\·O~t J\1;irshal J\1aj. Grn. Carl C. Turner lied v.·hcn he testi fied cit.y authorities knowingly ga\'e him 397 con- fiscated suns for his personal use . Turner is a cen tral figure in a Senalt: subcommitee investigation or a probe into charges a ring of enlisted men. in- cluding former Army Sgt. r.1aj. \Villian1 0. Wooldridge, \\"as engaged in a large - .scale graft ring. ln his testimony Tuesday, Turner was Senators Hear Heiress' ;\.ttiJck 011 Foundation from Wirt Service• \\' ASHINOTON -Orange County land hc.1ress Joan Irvine Smith testified before 1he Senate Finance Comm.Iliff. Tuesday, charging illegal practices by the James Irvine Foundation. .Mrs. Smith, who maintains home! in Emerald Bay on. the Orange Coast and also at Middlebury, Va .• is the largest single stockholder In the Irvine Ranch Company. The attractive b Ion de heires.!I ali;o charged trvine Foundation Pruident N. Loyall McLaren ha11 treated her with t1ostility and cut htr out of any part in management of the foundation. Sht: also asked the Senate finance ro1nmiUce lo toughen a provision of the llou~e·s tax rf'form bill which could force the foundation to gel rid or ils controll ing inte rcsi in.the Irvine Coinpany. Irvine Found ation <il\orney Howard J . Privett denied any and all parts of J\1rs. :"mith's testimony as wholly untrue and angrily charged she has harassed the Jr11ine Company through legal channe ls. The foundation counstl lold the com- mittee members thal lhe House·passed reform bill will unfairly and oppressively affect the Irvine Foundation, in his own words. Privett asked that a clause limiting a foondalion to 20 perttnl owner.snip in a company'll stock, be eliminated, or at least not lo apply it retroacti\·cly. Storie ~larlcets NEW YORK ( APl -The stock market lurnblcd to the bri11k of a new 1969 elos· ing tow today but mustered ~nough strrngth to pull back in late trading. (See quotations. Pages C 10-11 l. The Dow ,Jones average of 30 indust ri· <illl closed v.•ith a loss of 4.03 lo 80%.20. just a shade above its botom of 801.96 for the year. quiz~ed only on chargrs he obtained !he confi~ated guns under pretense they ll'rre for Ariny use and lhen sold some of lhe1n fnr his O\\'n profit, llr.. said , howe\·er, Conlisk knew he v.·;inlrd the guns for his own coll ection, although he signed statements at lhe lime affirming the weapons we re for the Arn1y. Con lisk said in Ch icago Tuesday Turner'5 testimony \\'as "untrue ." The superintendent also supported the testimony given by police Lt. Paul T. f)ucllman, V•ho lnlrl the subcommlHee Tuesday he. sho1\·ed Turner the guns, b11t ne ver heard hi1n ~ay 111ry \\'ere for his own USC'. lJ"ntiJ this ~rck the 111a1n thn1st of the subco1nn11H£>C probe had been inln alleg>l· lions \\'ooldridgr and a band or career sc.geanL~ had looted Army recreation clubs, manipulated currency, smuggled hquor and bribell officers. Wooldridge. who is scheduled lo testify Friday, told a reporter be will invoke lhe (See TURNER, Page Zj Hurlburt, Miller Agree Police Happy With City Talks on Representation Ay JERO~fE P'. COLLINS Of IM Dl l!Y "Ii.I 51111 Newport Beach police are no longer unhappy with the city 11dministration . They're saUsfied that progress ii; being made on their request to be able to spea k for themselves in .salary negotiations. The accord was reached at a meeting between City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt and the Police Employe.s' Aa&nclation Board o! Directors, associa- tion President Richard Miller said today. Miller. a palrolman. said as a result of the &eS.!ion hi11 OOard is "confident in the city manager's abillty to deal adequately and fairly v.·ith lhe legitimate demands of the police associati011." The meeting came a week after the lOO·member association irnplied it would go to court to cornpt"I lhf'. city coullC_il . to recognize the organ1z;it1on as official spokesm an for department employcs. The council now drals with police person· ne l through the 400-member City Em· ployes' Association. A letter to Hurlburt from the police assoc ia tion la~t \\'eek ~id that. unless formal re<:ognilion is granted the asSOC'ia· tion by Nov. I. it "will nect:ssitale our seeking legal action ." PILOT SA L UTES OC AU TO SHOIV The Orange County lnternatlonal Auto Show. first ma1or 5howing of the 1970 models in the United States, opens Thurs· day afte r a benefit premiere tonight at Jhe Anaheim Convention Center. The DAILY PILOT 5alutei the show and th e county's Assistance League chaptt:rs sponsoring tonight's preview in a special 20-page 5ection. The special sec· lion is in.side today. The No\· I deadline is no longer v;i llrf. according lo Sgt. Leo Konkel. form er prf'sident of the association. Konkel. "'ho signed la st week's lcUer. has since been !lucceedcd by Miller a.~ president. Konkel was required lo ~tep down by the association's bylaws. which limits the number of police rupervisor:w \~ho can serve on the board of director:i;. He re<'eived his sergeant's stripes Fri· day. Miller empha~ized 1hat during 1he discussion with Hurlburt, police represen· latives bec;irnc convinced that the city manager and the as~ociation "have ;i mutual in1eres\ in ma1n!a ln1ng lhe high lc>vPl of police f..('rv1ce, prafess1onaJ com· petrnc:e and high mo rale that n1)W pre11<11Lo; 1n our organii:it1on " In a formal lc>tlt!r lo Hurlh11rt. copi e..o; nf v.·hfch II('!!! !o CJl.v councilmen , Miller s:i1<I "This is to rxprrss our apprrcia11on for your Utne and our complete sat1sfacl1on with the resull" of our n1et"t111g "' He ad!IOO that he regrets the previous Jetter "y,·as roostrued as threatening ," "ll was intended tncrely to determint: the status of the \council I resolution \\'hich would implement the. Meyers-· Mi 1 i a s -Brown bill passed by the legi slature at their J;ist ses~ion." The measure compels cities t o recognize employe ... • assoc1alklns as ba rgaining agents. Newport police. /lave tieen long dissati.5fied with being lumpe<l in -...·ilh all other ci1y workers in salary studies. Police believe. because of lhe na ture of thC'lr V."tLrk. 1he~· should be ac· corded separate consideriitlon. J\1i ller ~Tole to Hurlburt '·Knowledge that yoo ancl the c11y 111· tornf'y are working tO\Yard an early presentation of the matler to the city cooncil is appreciated." Orange Co mt Lido Isle Woman Robbed in Mesa Youth Center Board Raps City Role Weadier Foggy night~ and 1unny days are the prOBpec:U for tonight and Thursday with the mercury dip- ping a bil to the middle 70's, A Lido tsle woman who honked her car horn for help until ii broke was bt'alen and robbed of hc>r pur.~e 1n a Costa ~1e~ ~tiopping center parking Jot , she told police Tuesday. Juanila R. Vl;ich told in\"eSt ig:ilor~ her k.ss amounted lo only about $1$ and some credit cards. bul she was e1ttremely shall.en and complained of bruises on her face and head. . . . The victim said she w11s iusl getting in- to her car about 6 p.m. after a shopplng trlp when the man approached and lhe altack occurred. Her screams and honking horn al· tracted a.a~ personnel in a nearby store ~nd the man nro in a pk kup truck. tak- ing her straw purse with him, Mrs. Vlech lold police. By EVELYN SHERWOOD 0t .... 0.11Y ftj ... It.., A misunderstanding by directors of the f\'e-...·porl ~!arbor Youth Center was partlally cleared Tuesday night al • n1eeling of lhe Parks, Beaches and Rec reation Commiuion. John Semple, spokesman for Youth Center board members. accused the Parks Department of shuUing down the center in. Corona de[ Mar becawe of in- adequate 11talfing and Jack of supervisors. ''Concemat parenl-'l have ca lled me to say their chlldrm have no place for sup· ervised play after school: Thr.. board is distressed," Semple told tbe commiuion. Pllrlf.s Director Cal Stewart explained lhat t.M center on 5th Avenut In Corona <lei ~1ar ls closed e.vr.ry year following • compleWon or the summer program. "Th is year il was closed kmger than usual from Sept. 5 lo 22. bttaur.c of a change in recreation philosophy. Wr. are organizing more team.~ and sporis play,'' he said. But Semple disagrted v.·ith Stewart's statement, ··The chi ldren used to ha \·e rield trips. painting. sculpture. chess. checkers and games. they even \\'enl to Sea World," he said. Ma ny of the board members and supporting organizations are dls~a lisfled -and are considering dropping the Youth Center a~ a project "At the request of the PB&R depart- ment we buill two new rooms la!t year. A teenage room and another whl!re 11 director can super.,.lsc inside and ootside aclivltle.~. "Now we understand there i3 no Youth Centef director." Sem ple continued · "We are ready \\ith pool tablr.. color TV and tape recorder for the Teenage Roo1n. bul we are not goinK a!ita,d -...·ith it. You can'I have 15 to 20 youngsters in a roo m \Yl!h no supervi~ion. "This distresses us.'' he said. ''When school is out we v.·ant the children to do more than just pass thrQ\1gh Utt: room.!I. During the transitition period when there \V&ll no director around, we didn't like the word passed around that the anter was clo.'left. We are asking, 'Whal goes, baby?'" Stewart an~wered : "We are forming a particip1ting !lpOf'b program lnstead of a babysitting pr~ gram." "The la.st two year.!I the cent.er has changed ," Semple insisted. "We have a v.·eird relationship with the city. The board and city officials used to meet for dl!ICussion and tn iron out problem5. We ha vr.n't met for 18 months." "The Youth Center needs top filght leadership. Great thinA.!I can be done with children and the Youth Centr.r is a step in th111 direction." Semple stat.ed. The dissaUsfie-d Youlh Center officia l said the Teenage Room will remain ck>l:- ed until the.re la adequate leadership. "We ha ve the money for t he rumlshings," Semple .said. "We reseni the 'babysitting program' accusation. We are biking about oraanJzed JPQfts, ac· livitie1 and direction ol rtal 1oun1ster.!I. ·• Youth Center boal'd members allo ex· (Sot CENTER, Pa"' I I INSIDE TODAY f!Jorine Corp~ is "scol pi-11g" ii.~ rrrr1Jif$, .~11!1$ n Coo.~!. barber, rtho I~ pln1111i11g tn do ~on-1e1.l1h1 g obout .~hapiug 11r lit' Corps. Pogt AJ9 •••ti... AJJ Cl...., Cor .... r AU , ...... i. "" C"4o<li .. Ut A1 1 c 11,1111M 1 1.11 Ctl'l!IU All ,,.,. .. ,_. AJI 0.•111 9"tlrt1 "" f"1""'91 ,_ ... , , ... _. C.1•11 "·-~ 04 A~• L"""" ot Ml llMo A4 Mwttfrll ., • • ' ""''"' (,,.,. Mw•ut l ,_, (•II "'•!• .. -""' .,,_ (""" "" "TA D4 "''"'• ... .., (11 '"'" (1·• IMCtt Cl .. 11 T1 .. ,l11M lo14 ,,....." Clt•n ......... .. ............. Cl ..,... ........... ._..-..tit·• 4! OAJ LY PILO t " \Vtdntsday, October 8 19&9 Nlxo1a V1aclaa1aged . Top GOP Leaders Rap Haynsworth W . .\SHINGTON tU Pll -Both the ~c · cond a nd third ranking Se n a I e Republican s today Joined growing op- po!ition to r resldent N1:<on 's i.:hnicc-or Clement 1'~. J-layn:;1vortJ1 /or the Supren1e Court. Hoag Mo ves 36 Patients Across Street ~1oving day fo r J6 patients 11·as carried off at 11oa g l\len1orial 11ospital Tuesday 11,ithout losing a stitch , said hMpita! ad· ininistrator W1J1i.1r-A R. •ludson Jr. 'The patient s .,.,·ere transferred to Hoag's new North t:nil -lorn1erly '.'iewport Convalescent Hospital -across lhe strert. Hoag leased the 93-bcd t'Onvalcscent taci!Jl_v as a stop-gap 1ncasure to rel ieve <·ritical overcrowding until the 11·Story Hoag Tower is completed ln 1971. Hudson explained. The North Unit, which hikes the num ber of beds at Hoag from 270 lo 363. has been equipped for acute care. It ls fully carpeted and air-conditioned. Other pa1ients will bed down at lhe North Unit whenever rooms aren"t a\·ailable 1n the main building. Hudson praised Schaefe r Ambulancr Service for helping 11·ith the transfer of patients. '"The srnooth, methodical pro- cess could not have been accomplish ed t1'ithout the. t\\'O ambulances con tributed bv Schaefer," he said, add ing that seven PXperienced att endant s donate.cl the ir O\\'n tim e to complete the mo1·e. Mi ss Davis 1'alks 1\t lrvine Open To Stud ents Onl y Appearances hy Angela Davis at UC lrl'1nc Thursdav and Fndav will not bi' ripen lo Lhe public. Only stUdents will be <illowed to alll'nd. r-.1iss Davis, L;CLA Comrnu n1sl pro- f(sso r g11·e11 notice of dismissal by th e rcgenl s, wi ll speak Thu rsday noon in tllr 1·c 1 Science Lecture Hall. 11 ~:lls onl y ::rl(I _ Friday she will return to lecture to a L"niver~ity in American Cu lture. cl ass. A yea r ago Eldridge Cleaver gave a rc;mpus !a lk in the rnuch larger t.:C l bfmnaslum . It v.·as open to the publ ic. ·But sponsors of i\liss Davis" talk ap- parently SC<'k to minimize publicity. 'lelevision cameramen and news pholographcrs 1v1 ll be barred so as not to disrupt her talk. Tuesday noon the Sli1denl Aclivltie~ Roard of lhe Associated Student Govern· rnent agreed pay expenses from student runds for t.1iss Davis' appearance . The amoun! \\'as not rel'ealed . t.!iss Davis was 1n\·ited to can1pus by the Black Students Union, Students for a Democratic Soci cly and sorne faculty members. ~u \ 'I' . ·• .· nn v ra 1nces Hurl in T r11 1"k 'li,;hap Despite the ad verse developments , the \Vhile House said at noontime lhat Presi- dent Nixon still stands by his nominatio11 of Haynsworth and is confident he \\'lll be confi rn1ed by the Senate. Sen. Robert P. GriH in of Michigan. the GOP whip and No. 2 ranking Republican, issued a statement describing the selcc· lion as an "unfortunate mistake" and saying it 19ould be a rn istake for the Senate to confirm the non\ination. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of f\laine took the floor soon afterward to say : '"This nomination \\'ill not restore con· fiden~ in the Supreme Court." She is deputy GOP whip. Especially damaging lo the ad· ministration caus(' ""'as I.he opposition of Griffin, whom the Republicans in- st.alledon the Senate Judiciary Committer only recently in hopes of gaining support (or sending the nomination to Lhc. floor. l\1rs. Smith -\\'ho went along with (;rif!in last year in opposition to the nomination of now-resigned Abe Farias to be chief justice ~ ::>al<l Hayns11·orth harl <1ucstioned his 011·n judg1nent in having finan cial dealings l\'llh li1ig::ints bt>forl' the 4tl\ Circuil Court of Appeals of 11h1l'h he is chief judgC'. "The relationship of judges and ju<Jg- 111ent is ins eparable.'' :.he sai d. "'/I Supreme Court justice should have im· peccable judgment." The developments caine as the. jurliciary committee called off !h('n rescheduled far Thursday a closed hea r- ing on the nomination. \Vhi!e the issue appeared lo be closely joined , aides to Sen. Hiram f"ong ( R· Hawaii ). said his support for llayns,,.,·or1h 1rould give the South Carolinian nine solid \'Oles on the 17-niember Judiciary panel -enough to gel the no1n1nahon lo the floor. For hi.~ pa rt Griff ie sa id lie had spelled out his po!it1oi1 in a letter to the Presi· dent, although he did not make the text public. Jn a statement, he said : '·Beca use public confidence in the-Judi ciary is ~o i1nportant at this time in our history, I believe lt v..·as an unfortuna te mistake fo r !be administration to submit the non1i na· lion. And I believe it wou ld be an un- fortunate mistake no1v for the Senate to confirm it.·· •• . ' ' ~~-. ~ . -.,...,. ,.,~ "'··~ .. ·~-• ...,.. -'""-""'13fi NEW SIGN MARKS MOTOR ISTS' EN TRANCE TO CIT Y ON WEST COAST HI GHWA Y On• City Sign Up, Wheels in Mot io n for Several More, Says Parks Director C1·a11 sto11 H.ll1t s of F ede1·al Hel1l on Beach£ ront Land If Oran ge County or the city nf Ne wport Beach wants to pick up S()me more hcarhfront recreational land, the ft>deral go1•ernment just might come up \1Jth half Lhc cost, Sen. Al<in Cr<inston iD· Calif 1 s.'.lid today. It was Cranston's response to a reso!u- 11011 rrcent!y adopted by the Ne\vport Ci- 1:,· Council. The resolution, triggered by !11e co unty's abandonment of Salt Creek !{l'lad, bct1\cen Dana Poinl and South Lagur~a. called for all gol'ernment agen- cies to do what they can to 'in1provc l)Ublic access to and acquisition or beaches and shorelines. In repl ying to the resolution. Cr<inston 5a1d in a Jetter to Newport officials lhat a 11111nber of programs exist in the Depart· ' .1 mcnt of t~e Interior that ''assist in ac. complishing these ends." He said the most promising of these appears lo be the Land and \Valer C n n s e r vat i o n Fund program. ,\dministered by tbe Bureau of Outdoor !1ecreation, it provides 5(1.50 matching ,1ssistance to stales and their political ~ubdil·isioos for the acqui sition of outdoor recreational areas, including beaches. Cranston einphasi zed that the pro- t cdure is for the sta te governor's "desig· 11ated liaison officer" to determine pro;- rc:t eligibility, priority need and the order of fund assist.ance. The offict'r in Cal- fornia's case is Director of Parks \Villiam J'enn Motl, Jr. Cranston said inleresled Orange County l·1t izens and government agencies should c'nntact Motl for more information. It's a 1·ourse of action, he said, that ''Orange County and the city of Newport Beach r.1i ght wish to explore ." From Page 1 'f URNER ... !1th A1ne11drnl'nl and rclusr 1n a11·1, rr <(UCStion~. l h.~ 11t1t•r11ry ~a1rl hr ad vise rl \\ooldridge lo refuse to testify becal1se he did noL beill'l'C tie 1vould he gi \en a fa ir hearing by senators. In his tes!i1nony Tue sd.ay. Turner ad· 1n1tted that in 1963 he signed rece ipt.'! lour ti111es at Chicagn police head· quarters slating that confiscated guns he h;1d persr.;1;dly selected \vcrr to be used Jur Arn1y lraining purposes. Turner testified he disassembled so1nr of the \1·eapons for parts, destroyed u1 hers. !o;O!d "!he cream of Jhe rrop·' to a North Carolina gun dealer and pucketl'd !h!· 1nrn•t>y. Uut over ;ind n1·l'r ;ig.i io T1ll'ncr iii. ~1 slrd . "Tho.se "'Capons v.·ere not fo r thC' ll!l'f' of lh C' 1\rn11'. th<'.V I the Ci"uC.1).!0 p!). heel 1\·rrc going tu df,;ro.I' :h<'lll :i111l 1hey ~;1\c lhrrn In 1111· rirr~1111n lh ' He said Conli!:>k h.id as~11rrd h11n thr J!'Cl'IPI~ he 11·as ;1.~krU 10 sign 11e r" only a f.1r mal1ly to 1nee1 the lcl tcr ot lhc la11 Wheel Gr ee ts Visitors to Cit )' Of N ewport B each The lights are installed, l h e helmsman's "'heel is in place and the greenery is growing around the City of Newport Beach's enlranc:e sign just thi s side of the Santa Ana River bridge. The v.·hit e concrete sign is barren of the usual service club emblems that clullcr niost such city signs. This one says simp- 1,\', in large letters cut into the co ncrelc, ''City of Newpor t Beach." IL co st SJ.000. says Parks Director Calvin Stewart. and it is the firsl of Sel'eral. The next one 1\·d! be installed along the highway al the east end of town, just outside Corona de! Mar. Money for that one will be sought in the 1970-71 c1ly budget. "Eventually there will be •.,.,,l1eeled' signs at all major arterial enlrancl's lo the city·," t1e said. The whef!l, he noted, l! in accord v.·ith the city 's nautical atmosphere. Ste11·art added th at a few weeks agn <luring construction nf the ne1\" sign , lhiev es attemped to roll awa y the .,.,-ood.en \Vheel. "They had ii re mol'ed do"·n to one hJlt before lhe v were discovered, and fled. The v•hc-t'l is now firmly en !rrnrhect" Pig'~. ii Dirt y, Bu.t flog 's Clean SACRA.\fENTO (UP l \-Pig has joint'd sex, fat, bad , god and other lhree-!etter 1rords stricken Jrnm California license plate.~. 1'hc DeparlrnenL or Mnlor Vehicles an- nounced a new list of forb idden words, in- cluding some in seven languages chosen 111\h lhc help or JinguU.ls from the l"nil·ersit v of Cal1fo'rn1a. '"\\'e roUnd son1elh1 ng thill 11·as real b11d in French still 1n use .'' s;11d registration Lluel Jvhn L. i\·lcLaugh li11. II 11 ;i::; thf' fir~! .such h~t is~uerl ~tnl'f' 1:1f.J. The new h:.l 11as issued 1111h the ta t(' 111·11 gold-on-blue license pla!e.• Bll1 11 h1lc pi/;l h:i~ bcf'n bc1nne1!. hog t~ ~1 111 pcrinisi;1blC', ~lc Laughl1n ::.aid. Dee1l Ques t, C1·ew of 4 Brought Up f ro1n \\'ire SC"rvic~s SAN DIEGO -Four men, trapped for n1ore tl 1au 12 hours on the oee•1n Jloor 1n lh:'lr rcsl'arch subrn~r1nc Decµ Queb• 111lh their vxygc11 stcaUly runnmg out; W<'rc rescued in the prr-Jawn hours bv a 1wo-m;in nifni-sub. · 1'hl' -l~·fout , 50-Lun Uecp Quest rc;icl1rd the surf<iec at J_~ a.111. PUT undl'r its uwn power line _whirh had bcco111l' tang!· ed on 1he expenml'ntal sub 's propeller 1"he l)(>ep Quest \\'as freed when lhl" 1nini-su b sni pped lhe line 1vith a diver's knife taped to a mechanical arm. llobert \Vorthington, 52. a retired Na\'V captain and pilot of the Deep Quesl, and the three ot.hers aboard we re reported lo have suffered no ill l'ffccts allhough thev ll"Cl'C hungry and ch1J!t'rl after lht>ir long 11 al t for rescue. The n1or11cnl Dcrp (~Ut.'St reached the ~urf,icr, th..! ne11 ~ 11 ~1S (l:i:,hed lo their 11·11 e:; who had stal'cd at hum e 11•h1 Jr L'l~·kheed Cnrp., '1w!1cr of lhr research ~ tlb, and Na vy and L'o:isr Guurd p~rsnn· nel .:;upervised the reseu1•. The hero plaudlts ,,.,·cnt to the Nckt on, R 4 000 pound tr;ift Operal cd liy !he General (Jeeanogr.nphic Co .. 11•bich 1vas brough l here from Los Angeles by highway in a trailer, lowered in the waler and towed f!\'e miles offshore to where the Deep Qu~t was trapped. Speed in the rescue was vital be<:aUSI" the Deep Quest's self contained system had an oxygen supply for only 48 hours. The sub had di ved al about noon and it was 15 hours before it reached the surface again. Tl1e others aboard were Donald E_ Saner, f\iarshall E. \Voy and William Pin~l)rook, all of San Diego. The sub v.·as on a routine training mission to spot an 1.875 pound cylinder and bring it up. But the hea1•y synthetic line becan1e fouled in the sub's pr opeller. It was not im1nediately known how th• accident occurred. · The Deep Quest on Feb. 28, 1969, planted an American flag Gn the Pacifi c: Ocean floor at a depth of 8,310 feel -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. The Nekton made its dive al 2:25 a.m. and reported 25 minutes later il had located the Deep Quest and could !IN lights inside the bigger su b. The DetP Quest had been in constant radit>- 1elephone contact with its molher ship Tran~ Quest, "'hich \vas on the surface ne.i.rby. From Page 1 CENTER ... ;·pressed concern over ll1e reducllon of Youth Center · girls' act iv iti es. t-.tario P<1cini, Jim ~loore. and Charles 11otc, at- tending repre.sentalives, fell no con· clu.ston had been reached although Stewart assured t::e commi~ion the center 1s adequa tely staffed and said lhr rl frector is now there y,·ee.k days from 3·30 to 5:30 p.m. The commission will n1akc its quartrr!y in spec1ion of city parks Oc:l, lS. Scmplr assured the commissioners they would ha ve a guided tour of thP. Youth Center. ~ra rin c. 13, !'.i tric ken t".'\.\tP PEi\DLETO!\ 1A P I -An 11111drn1 ifird 28-\·rar--0ld r-.1anne 11·a~ hs1ed 111 serious cond0J1ion in ~3\al \l(lsp1tal zo. rlay 1\·1 \h n1cn1nancoct al n1eningitii;. Th11 nther 200 nll'.'mbcr~ of ht~ train ing com· pany .,.,·err plar.l'd in i~o!at1on Tuesdny., FT FORD fl l'l 1 -1 h1r11 Arm1• ·ra 1 nee.~ sufft>rcd m111or inJU rlf'~ Tues<Jay 1\·hen a !ruck .,.,·ent out of control and over1urned. The Anny :;aid J9 111 lhl' rnen 11·err lreated and rel eased from the Fort Ord Hospital. The others remained hosp1taltz· f'd. The two and a half ton personnel car· rier ~·a.~ returning fr om a !raining ex · f'rcise on the base when the accident oc - currt'd. DAil 'f I'll.OT i!t ll 1"~~11 Oclobe,. 18l/i OAllY PILOT n O Nio• c""'S1 •Ul l 1!"11110. <OM'~kY l elot •t N. Woo <I .,.,....,, t roll •ulll•""rt J,<~ • c •. 1,., Vo(t ,,.,_,, fftl 0..Wt .. lo\f ...... I Tht ... •• kt••il ld•lt• Th•"''' A M .. ,,~;ft, .,..,_.._I fill>• . J e1d"'• F. Cnll;., N.-t leetll CilY Elll« ---111 I Witt l•lk• l•i••••" M1tti~t A44,.lllU P.O.••• 1111. t166J. --c .... .,,..., ...... , ..,. ."""' l -lf<ec)'>: tn "-' ... _ -liltl* ilNtllJ .. tlll l tr .. I ALL NEWSPAPERBOYS -Steven Chauvin, 14, (left), and i\icl.: l lodge~, 12. O:\ILY P ILOT carriers, look over picture of famou ~ for1ner ne11·spa perboys -Astronaut Neil Arn1 ~trong nnd ~TirhaC't t 'ol!ins. Photos u•1ll he displayed Friday and S<1.turday at Sou1h Coa ~t l'laza ".space sho1v:• C:arrier.s \Viii greet show visitors Saturd ay a flrrnoon, National Nc1l'spapcrboys Day. Good Luck ~ Gu..,s .. Pilot Offers 'Astro Sc roll' As ,, grand finale to i\at1onal l'\r11 !<.papcr \Veck Friday and Saturday the DAILY PILOT 1r11I join South Coast Plazo mc,.chants in invilini.: .. evrryone" lo send greetings lo lh!! Apollo 12 astronauts before they bl asl ofl for the m(IOn. The "ASTRO SCROLL" visitors are in· \ ited to sign will be part or an exhibit or r.pace age photograph!'> and other display 1naterial puinting up the Arncr1ean space program. Expected to ht one of the highlights of the space show exhibi! is a col!ectioo of pictu res laken by t11•0 former newspaper rarrier boys and a test pilot on a tnp th,.v mad~ last summer T~e f(Jrmer n e II' s pa p e r b o ~· ~ - A ~trOnauls Neil Armstrong and r.llchael Collins -were. of cou rse, pilots of the lun ;1r module and command mod u!t', rl'.sptcti1·t'Jy , in the Apo llo II fligh t which !Jrsl planted man·s footprints on the moon. Their companfon, "Buzz" Aldrin, "''as the second m.tn e.vl'r to set foot on the moon and ~na pptd seve:ral or the pic- turer, to be displayed. Since Saturday, the final <l11y or NP.WfJ).llper \Veek. i!'> N It t I 0 n ~ I Nel"spaperboys Day, lhe DAILY PILOT h.1s selecl:-d L"'O carrie rs lo make "guest c,ppeara nces" at the show during !he <il1crr.oon . Steve Chau\'111. 14, son of ~lr. and :\lrs. Enni s Chauvin of 678 Senate SL, Costa l\.lesa. a freshrnan al Estancia t ligh School, will be one or them. Ste1•e has been a DAILY PILOT car· rier for three years, \\'BS made I.he car· r1l'rs' Honor Roll several l11nes lor outstnnding service lo his customer s and i.ays he likes sci ence and space. Thr oth~r carrier \\'ho vdll greet ASTBO SCROLL signrrs beh1•een 2 and : pm, Saturd11y i! Ni ck Hodge~. l2. son '1f :'llr. and ~lrs . ~f ichat>I 1-lodges of 6(!() Governor SL. Cosla ~l esa, Hl''s a S('l'enth gr ader al Rea Sch()f)I. Thl' sp;:ice show "'ill be OPf'!n Fnday rro:n I lo 9 p.m. and Saturday from II a m to 6 p.m. Fir~! 1.000 per.son~ tri sig n thr ASTRO SC ROLL "'ill rach receiv r a red . 1vhlle and blue decal hoosling Apollo 11 and procl«iming ''C.ood Old U.S.A, , .. Firsl on The :\fn'Jn." Al~o once. every hour. on the hour. an ASTRO SCROLL signer 1A'ill be given a ropy of the _A550eia ted P rest ke epsake Uook, ··Footprinl3 on The 1rtoon." Don't delay. Come in toc:Uy and ttlce .d..,,uge of this .....dttful opportmu <y tt1 save l 5t;C> on your purchaJes o( T0111it' Ste rling fia~'Ue. Attitt patterns onJy. <4-plece place ~ettings (t.eupoon, pl.itt fnrk, p!.icc knife, salad fo rk), Rtgu!M price &om }49-10 S..le priC!' from ~ ~;. t z ...,_ ·- - J:.p1ect' :<:e>r1 irt for eii;ht Regular price fr{lin $:\P~ 011 Sale price front $297.00 CONVEN IENT TERMS BANKAMER ICARO MASTER CHARGE J .C. _)Jun1ph1•ieJ ' J~wefe1·6 l l YEARS SA ME LOCATION PHONE 54 8-HO I 18ll NEWPO RT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA ' • \ I I ' \ 'lnterce11t' Baiting S1n11gglers Operation Intercept has 1 forced the prices of marijuana and dangerous drugs to double ; in many areas and profession· al smugglers are riow atlcmp\. ing to cash in on the lueraHve new rates. Offi c ial s o f the government's crackdown on smuggling into lhc-l'.S. pro-'.'', duccd records Tuesday that • indicate pr?f7 ssional . smug . .:.. , ,;lers are willing to risk the ~~ '""' Operation Intercept dragrwt to ltt" Bell their drugs at double the •' normal rate. ,_, The crackdo"'n, begun Sept. , ~ ~ 21. has been credited with the ~· ;·~i;'P' price r ise and also "·ith caus-. . ~~-' in~ smugglers to curtail oper· . _ ... ~ atrons. . I . .,--...--:r · 11' -_-,,.,r - lntcrccpl orlicials with headquarters in Los Angeles l'laid dangerous drugs "'ilh a lolal illegal value of $58,000 Ba1·11a1·d's Bride? -· • ·1 I l ., 'j ! had been sei7.cd in the past Ba"rbara zu cl lncr, IS.yea r-old daughter ot. a Germ· tlvo days along v.·ith 24 pounds an·born Sout h African industrialist, shows off the of marijuanci. diamond and ruby ring she claims \Vas given her One of lhose arreslt·d, '!"i· by famed heart transplant pioneer J)r . Ch rislian juana policeman Gumersindo Barnard for Uleir engagement. Barnard. no\v in San llernandcz Ochoa, 20, was ac· Francisco. \vould s ay only "no con1ment" when cused of smuggling 70 .000 ked f · seconal capsules into the coun-_a_s __ o_U_i_e_e_n-'g'-a-'g'-e_m_e_n_t_. ----------- try. Customs agents found the pills, the illegal value of which \\'as set at $23.000, hidden in a compartment in his car's ga s tank. In another incident, Mexican police, working on a tip frorn customs agents, a r r e s t e d Fernando J\lascarcnn 1n Ti- juana and seized 7 S, 0 0 O amphetamine and barbiturate pills, worth $30,000 on t.he ii· licit market. Figl1ter W reeks 2 Homes O!\LAll0~1A CJTY (API - A fighter plane trying for an emeq::;ency landing crashr.d in a residential area ne ar Tinker Air Force Base Tuesday, kill- ing the copilot and leaving a block-IOflg trail of destruction. Two homes were destroyed and three damaged, but no civi lians reported injur ic:i:. The pi lot of the Kansas Air Na- tional Guard FJOO parachuted to safety Jess than three blocks from the scene. Who Will Be The South Coast 'Plaza PLAYER ~~EMONTH? Orange County high school students and faculty ·Q( the 15 scti ools listed below 'vill elect their football "Player--of-t'he·Monlh." One 'viii be selected for SEPTEMBER, another in OCTOBER and a third \vinncr fo r NOVEMBER. I-lu ge photographs of each winner \\'ill be displayed in the Carousel Cou rl in the South Coast Plaza . STUDENTS AND f.ACUL TY VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS CORON.I. Dll MAit HICl-H SCHOOL COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL EDISON HIGH SCHOOL ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL HUNTINGTON If.ACM HIGH SCHOOL LAtoUNA llACH HIGH SCHOOL MAIUNA HIGH SCHOOL MATI!• Dll HIGH SCHOOL NIWl"OlT HAllOl Hl•H SCHOOL \ADDLllACK Hl•H SCHOOL SAN CLIMINTI HIGH SCHOOL TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL VA LLIT SINIOl HIGH SCHOOL WISTMINSTll HIGH SCHOOL 5outh Coast ?Iaza Bristol al San Diego FrHway, Cotta Mesa OAJL Y PILOT A.i ·~ ' • 1st Negro I ·2 Dead in Vegas Violence; Elected In Atlanta 'General' Calm Established .. ATLANTA (UPI) -AUanta had the: first Negro vice mayar in it.s 122-year history I.Oday -youthfu l attorney ~1aynard Jackson. who called for "action program:i:" and en- force men t o f an- tidlscriminatlon laws and fair housing codes. UPI y,11,...... Jackson, 31, a \•ice president ATLANTA \llCE·MAYOR of the Atlanta NAACP branch, M•ynard Jackson defeated veteran alderman ---------- l\1ilton Farris Tuesday in the C'reorgia capital's first biracial election for mayor and vice mayor. Vice !ltayor Sam ~1assell , a liberal with strong Negro su p-- port, and moderate Republican alderman Rodney Cook, 45, backed by the "po~·er structure." \\·on OcL 21 runo ff berths in tile eight· candidate race for mayor. The only black candidate, educator Dr . Horace Tate, ran third. f\iassell, 4.2, who h::i.s served a:; vice mayor during the eight-year term of retiring !ltayor Ivan Allen Jr .. ap- parently drew much ol the Negro vole from Tate, 46, who had been endorsed by the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Negroes compris~ 40 percent of Atlanta's 218,000 registered voters. • Paris Hails Astronauts PAR IS (AP ) -America's Apollo 11 moon men came to Paris today on their tour of 23 nations and were welcomed, in a burst of ~unshine a~ "heroes of the greatest adventure that n1ankind has ever known.'' Jacques Baumel, secretary of stale aHadied to t.he premier's office, greeted Uie three astronauts and their wives at Orly Airport on their arrival from Madrid. About 200 youngsters from the American School gave Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and ~iichael Collins a big cheer as th~y walked up the red carpet. LAS VEGAS. Nev. (UPll - Two men were shot to dealh on the predominantly NegtG west side of Lh is gl ltlering desert gambling oasis as disturbances flared Tuesday for the third straight night. The four square mile district -less than one mjJe from the neon-lighted downtown gambl· ing casinos and five miles from t.he famed "strip" -was reported generally calm early today. One in1ury w a s reported. Police s;ud a ·white youth "''as pis tol-"·hipped by four black youths. He w a s hospitalized b11l reportedly "'as not seriously hurt. Deputy Police Chief Ha ll Elliott said there were 2!1 ar- rests during the nigh!. 1nosl of them for violating the 7 p.m. curfew. Aftrr thrre nights of lootini;i and arson. the streets were stre"'" v.'ith sha ttered glas~ from broken store windows and the paven1enl v.·as charred where automobiles were sel afire. A private guard for a liquor :i;tore shot and killed a suspected looter Tuesd ay night as the man emerged laden with bottles. Earlier in the day, a salesman for a hoosehold products company was shot fatally in the throat as he made a delivery. The l'I Ssailant escaped. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY The Nevada National Guard, put on alert for the second time Tuesday by Gov. Paul Laxalt, was released early to- day. The guardsmen were never deployed. Laxalt new to the strife-lorn city Tuesday but did not make a statement Bill Adams, assistant city manager, manned a rumor control center Tuesday n ight and reported 150 queries in fi ve hours. "It's qu iet now," Adams ~aid early today. "There are no anticipated problems in any direction. All the rumors that <'roppffl up ;ihout full·t>ea le riol ing were unfounded. "This has never been called a r tol -Jt 's a disturbance. Actually, it has been a ser ie s of isolated incklent~." ., The two vicllms of the shootings were .<\lbert ,Jim Hayes, 3?., a Negro, of La s Vegas, the looting suspect; and Carl Arthur Benson, 71. a -....·hite man from Henderson, Nev .. the door · I O·d o o r i;alesmau. Mosque Burner Called Loner IJy U.S. Friencl JERUSALEf<.1 (UP I) cidrnt that hrou,i:ht Arah cries Denis f\-Uchaet Rohan, 28, for holy wa r a~ainst Israel. charged with selling fire lo a Jones said Rohan \ras I con- ?i.foslem mosque, was a fused, oppressed young man millerable loner whose fellow who suffered an in tolerable farm workers regarded him as chi Id hood in Sy dn ey, a bit weird, one of his friends Aust ralia. Jones sc\ltf Rohan testified today, once told of being in a mental Arthur Jones, 25, o f hospital in Australia. J ones' tes!in1ony was In line Burbank, Ca lif., testified for V.'ilh Rohan's defense plea an hour and #I minutts in the Tuesday admitting he set the thi rd day of Rohan's trial on fire but contending he was not charg ~ of setting fire to Al in his right mind and therefore Aqsa tosq ue Aug. 21, an in· could not be punished. CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE .. the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring LJ the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn· ing to see them . : the difference between carefree and careful living :~ enjoy the 7o/o yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) ....:: interest checks mailed quar· terly ·:. of course, if you need more flexibility , there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50o/o interest. 'Ji switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THE !ST. ------------Remember we pay po•la11e both ways ----------- £rtel05ed is m1 cheek In the •mount or S I lrm m1tlted lht h11t of 1ccount I would like Of>entd. Pluse send me • si1n1lurt c11d lihieh I ,.m liU out and reh.1r11. o 5 50~ Tllrllt '•a""-,,..., •-U o l'!O 2 ,..r urtif111" l~.000 .,'"""~"' 0 ''*', ,.., 'ffl•fk1t1 11.000 ,.,.1,. .... n ,.._ 1rur11r1lfk1to 11.llOO "'lftl.,..,,, (1 1% t "'""' U<t1IK111 SS,000 .. 1.,1,.u"' 0 6% 0.,-18-017 evt l11to111t $2S,OOll CAllfORNIA THRrn & LOAN COSTA MESA OFFICE J70 E. 17th Street, Co~I• Meu, t1lilorni1 92621 pi,.,, ______________ _ Ad~!H·~-------------,, •. ______________ _ '""'---------·"•------ ~--------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA THRIJl7'&.LOAN MEM9ER Of THE AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL BANKERS ASSOCIATION 5 off Jcn serving Southern California COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 [,17th Stred (•uoss fullt11on St. from 8i1 Boy's Resraunnl) • (714) 64 6-5045 -----~-·~-·~~~~t:"~~~ ........ ~ ........... ~ ..... ~ ... ~ ........................................................................... ..,. ..................................... !"" .......... ~.., ... DARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE l(eep It on the Shelf For four mooths, Orange County supervisors have had on the shelf a proposal to break up the Ha rbor District. The proposal from the county's ~al Agency For- mation Commission and League of C1lies should stay on the shelf. There ls no point in dusting it off, holding hearings on it a nd ordering an election on the question. The reason is simple: Even if voters decide to dissolve the d istrict, nothing will have been changed. Jn the event of an affirmative vote, the Harbor District by another name, would continue to function. The only difference would be that it would no longer be an in- dependent taxing agency. Funds for the administration, maintenance, expan- sion, improvement and operation of the county's har- bors ~·ould come from the general property tax ra te. AU that dissolution of the district would accomplish is the turning over of all the district's responsibilities and assets to an expanded Orange County Parks De- par1rne nt. This t ransfer of responsibilities and assets, if dis- solution takes place. was assured by passage recently of a bill authored by Assemblyman John V. Briggs. The measure, in effect. permils the county to ad- minister tidelands within a city's boundaries. Thus, neither the ci ty of Newport Beach nor Hunt- ington Beach nor any other would-be city along the county's c~as tline can expect to go into the harbor op- 2ration a nd development business. With or without the Harbor District, that will remain the job of county gov- ernment. As the Harbor District now functions, all policy de- cisions must be ra tified by county supervisors. If har- bor operations are absorbed by a n enlarged county parks department, supervisors would still make the policy decisions. The principal argument that had been advanced for dissolution of the district is that it has been spend- ing too much tax money on harbors. Inland residents felt short--changed. But that argument is not entirely valid. About 80 percent of the boats in the county's harbors are owned by inland residents. And it should be noted that, in ad- dition to operatin~ three harbors-Newport, Dana Point and Sunset Aqua tic Park-the Harbor District oper ates s ix county beaches, also used by inland r esidents. The fact is, in recent months it has become c lear that inste ad_ of attempting to divert a ttenlion and re- sources from beaches and harbors, we had better be investing a lot more attention and resources in these irreplaceable assets while \Ve still have the opportunity. Breaking up the Harbor District would be a futile expenditure of time and effort on everybody's part - public official and citizen alike. So let the dust gather. Hoag's Tempora1·y Solution The medical-surgical section of Hoag h'lemorial Hospital lately has been faced with a 91 percent occu- pancy. That"s an uncomfortably tight squeeze. to put it mildly. One shudders at the thought of hO\Y even a mi nor di saster, involving a half dozen or so in jured persons, could overtax the facility. The problem, and that prospect, wa s so n1ewhat alleviated last week when troag 1-lospital leased for a three-year period the nea rby Newport" Convalescent 1-lospital. Its 93 beds \Vill temporarily help Haag's over- crowdin g. ' The long-range solution, of course, is the proposed 11-story Hoag Tower. That should serve the Harbor Area for a Jong ~ime to come. A campaign for funds for lloag TO\ver is no\v un- derway. You can't put your money in a better place. It may be someone in your family \vho \vould benefit. (NI Cler gynJ,en 'Can Be Witty And Caustic Dear- Gloomy Gus: Kopech11e A1itopsy Needed to A1as1ver Questions I I '- ,.. ··~ ·~ Sydney J. Harr' lit There exists 21 general reeling that clergymen as a class, however wise or '\"irtuous they ma y be, are on the dull and pompous side ; which may be true enough. But there also exists a feeling thal they ought lo be th is way ; which ha s nothing to recommend it, neither piety nor good sense. Jonathan Swift. that de v .11. st a l Ing satirist, was a c!ergymao most of his life, and for some years, Dean <1f St. Patrick's. John Donne. th at witty metaphysical poet, was a de vout member <1f the clergy, whfch fa iled to inhibit either his \'igor or his mordant humor. THE OTHER EVENING i was reading 21 biography of lhe Rev, Sydney Smilh, the English clergyman, v.·ho was as caustic and funny a fellow as ever led a devotional service; and I thought you might be amused to hear what a bright minister think s when he takes off his coat i nd picks up his pen. Of a friend who had jusl maae lhe Grand Tour, Smilh remarked : "He ha s retume<: from Italy a great er bore lhan e\'er; he now bores on archilt'cture. pain-- ting, statuary and music." To another friend , he said· "I am JUS I goin g to pray for you at St. Paul's. bu l with no \'erv likely hope of success.·· · CONCERNlr\G a cou ple ~·ho v.•ere member~ of his congregation. he v.Tole. ··1 ll ke him and tus v.·1fe; he is so The price of admission to our high school football games In the New- port-Mesa district I~ ridlculou:~. These games could and should be occasions for fam ily outings! -V.J.11. "ntll ftllU,. flllKtl nMtrt' VltWt. ... t --rll t ,,.. .. or •~• .,.... .. ""'· 11n• -""' HtYt tt G'°""'r Oui. 0.llf ,1191. ladylike, and ahe's tuch a perfe<:t gentleman." And of his f.11.mous con- lemporary historian, he no te. d : "l\Iacaulay has occasional flashes of silence that make hi! conversation perfectly delightful," Smith endeared himself to me forever when he wrote: "I have no relish fo r the country ; it is a kind of healthy gra ve." And, as a critic, it is impossible. not to delight in his statement: "I never read a book befor e reviewin g it ; it prejudices one oo." HE ONCE REMARKED to a pompous colleague : "You and I are exceptJom to the law of nalure -you have risen by your gravity, and I ha ve sunk by my levit y." It must have been this same man he was thinking of when he renected: "The most solemn and terrible duty of a bishop is the enterta inment of thl! clergy." I cou ld go on for a column more , bot !'pace compels me to end with his salurnine observati on· "Bl'.nevolence is a natu ral instinct of the huma n mind : v.·hen A sees B in distress. his conscience. always urges lurn to entreat C to hl'.l p him ." A Crisis of Confidence LONDON -Ever since the publication of the pap11! encyclical on birth contr ol J;ist year, the Vallcan has bcc.n (acing a latent crisis of authority. Now, to htolp him in the government of lhe Church. Pope Paul VI has called together his bishops to discuss the primacy of papal au!hVrily. Hov.·ever, the outline of the schem;i, or agenda, of the world synod avoids any mention of such controversial Issues as birt h control or celibacy of the clergy _ Bisho p \VJadisla"' Rubin of Poland. the ~ecretary general of the s<H:alled eJC - traordinary sy nod , specifically ruled ou t such di scussions. THE POPE"S CALL for thi!I conferencc lllready has aroused more controver5~· than the two v.·eek long meeting it.self is likely to stifle. According to the Guar· dian . Roman Catholic priests from eight European countries announced they would press for a "free c;hurch and .11. free pope" at a counter-synod to .11.ssemble In Rome concurrenlly with I.he meeting of lhe bishops. The priests want to press for a decentraliiation of the Church in aC'- cordance with the corx:lusiom of the Sec· ond Vatican Council. Prof. Hans Kung, the SwW.born Roman Catholic theologian, has accused the Vatican of 1U.empting to "mumle the bishops ." WMghting In Le Monde. Kung said that the Roman Curia demanded "that episcopal confermces, before mak· ing a statement on an important matter, seek the opinion of the ApostoUc See in good time." Most. Northern European rour.tries oppose any censorship whtt the fa ith and doctrine of the Church are not .at stake. AN ENGIJSR BISHOP 11aid In Lnndon th.11.t. because the presidents of the na- tional confere.nces, instead ol elected nprnent.ative!i, wlll go to Rqme on Oct. J J, the synod L!i unlikely lo represent Ule Editorial Research thinking of the 2,588 Catholic bishops. Op- ponenls. of this meeting fear that th~ composition of the Synod is such as to insure lhe defeat of the progressives. Ca rdinal Oanirlou, one of the ehurch's leading theologians, warned las t July that ir anyone tried to use the bishops as "a war machine against the. papacy," the bishops would be crushed . Wr iting in L"Osservatore Romano, Ca rd inal Danielou .said the synod mu.st not be turn· ed into a showdown tr.?twren the episcopate and the Pope. POPF. PAUL. 72. is deeply disturbed by diMension within the church. He recently told his general audience at Castel Gan· do\fo that "the sharpest pain was glvcn by the unruliness and unfai1hfulnes.s or certain of her mini sters.'' Pope P:iu\ noted that a prelate had ~n id that the Pope wu showing filmseH "to be timid and unc:ertain instead of fr ank and ~Jute." TIU•, said ~aul, ''obliged us to reO!Cl" The bigeat stir so far has come from 1..eo J~ef Cardinal Suenens of Belgium . Writing In the 'journal Information~ Cathollques, Suenen9 argued that full and fre e public consultation Is needed from the Pope right down to the laity \.\'hen im- portant decisions are to be made and en· cyclicals Issued. "To over<.'Ome th' credlblllty gap," tht. Cardinal recommended a "liberat ion nt the summit." The altern ative to somf.' ac· commodation with the liberal wing of the Church may v.·cll be a shattering sc-hism, •ncf the gravest f'risi~ for Ule VaUcan aince the Reformation. Justice Not Clear To the Editor : Re Sydney J . Harris art icle (Sept. 29) enti t!rrl ," Ted Kenned y's tit a j or 1\1istake". I agree with him. Mr. and 1\trs. J oseph Kopechn e should realize the in1portance of an autopsy, in that the puhlic \V iii always wonder if the girl ll'\fary .J o} was really <lni wned, or n1 urde red. If such an •·accident" had happened to any less public figure. the question v.·ould be asked. "How does anyone know if the dri ver of the car actually plunged off the brictge into the river?" l\-1aybe the car was pushed over the edge and the girl already dead. THIS WOULD explain everything now known about the case -the tum on a lit- tle us ed road, dry clothes, etc. An autopsy would either clear Mr. Kennedy , or conde mn him permanently. Was it an LSD party? Did the girl collapse in the car and die ? \Vho kno\.\·s? Asin!nc adulation ot the man and/or his money-power should not be tolerated by our legal system . He should be treated like anyone else. How can we expect the you th of the nation to respect the Ja1v if justice is not ciear in this case? All kind people '>'-'ill hope the m<1n ls fou nd in- nocent, but it should be proved . f\IRS. L. \V. RILEY Facts Needed To the Editor Jn reply to 1\1 1~s Connie Hickman 's !\:ot- ter !J\.1a1lbox, Ocl. I) comparing the ac- cidenls of D1ck1 nso n "Crosbv" Ross. Jr . 17. and Senator Eitward Keni1cdv. I 11•ou!d like to say thal althnugh KrnnC<iy n1acll' wortd-11o·ide nev.·s and \1·as charged nnly with lea ving lhr scene of an actident. couldn 'l il be possible for Dickinson Ross to get of[ too? Could il he that the enti re facts or thi~ accident arc known to only a fe\v? And if lhis is trur, then tell me, what did happen to cause a youn~ girl's death? \V ile n \l'e have 1h£'Se answers. thrn ma ybe 11·c can fai rly JUdgr. the lrca tn1ent given to Ross and Kennedy. DEBBIE BOYLE R11les t•s. Cot1scie11ce To the Edllur; Rr : l\frs. It L. \\rtli te's lrUer (1\tal\box, Sept. 25) concerning our schools. I can ,;ee that 1\frs. \Vhite is the type of righl· thinking pe rson that ou r society so desperately needs. Before the revelations contained in that leller I have been undrr the misconception that the primary purpose of our schools is e<lucalion rather than regimenta tion, aod the promotion of creative thought. It is interesting lo note that ln Nazi f.ermany the Nlucationa l system en- visioned by Mrs. White reached its pin· nacle of perfeclion. The students had to wear uniforms. They obeyed the rules or the y were thrown out of school (among other things. WE CAN BE SURE that the authority By George ---, Dear George : If you're such a hot·shot know-it· all "advice expert" how come you have lo 11'ork pounding out thnt col- umn instead of lying back and lak- ing Jt easy? CYNIC Dl!ar Cynic-: I guess you nrver heard of a hammock with a tape reC'Orclt'r down by the daiquiri spigot, ch, Cyni('? I \\'rile. to Geo rge, the advice col· umn1 1'! who is persona lly famili ar with a great many problems -in f.1cr. hc."s a me ss. I Mailhox Letters f rom readers are welcome. Normally writers sltou!d convey their tnessaoes i 11 300 1vords or less. Th e right to co11de11se lette rs t o f it space or eHruina<e libet is reserved. A ll let· ter:: must incl ud e signature 011d mail· i n!1 address. b11t nonies may be with- lield Oil request i! sufficient reaso11 is apparent. v.·as in the right plac-e: here! Intelligent thought v.·as discouragl.'d. and patriotism cheered. (Of course. the patriotism was rn a different country 1.han ours, but the Hl<'il is the :>an1e.) \\'l' can all see the l\'f!ndcrful ttungs that the graduates oi l1101-ic terri fic schools acco mp lished . Conrerr1ing the statement abou t kids obeying rules: Occasionally thl'.re comes a time in every evil l i.e. intelligent. libe ral , etc.) person's life when he has lo n1a ke n choice between obt>yi ng his con- ~cir-nce anO obeying thl'. rules. rm :sure that 1\lrs. \\fhitc v:ou ld have us make the !'arnc l'hoice as the Gcr inan students and <'X·studcnts. ::ITAN DORN Age 13 /\frs. \\"liile t>ai<f ... 11'.~ o pretty snd ~fflfr nf flffr11r~ u1he-11 1/!r school offf· C/fl/S l1t1t 1· to lcni·r 11 11p lo tlie st!I· rlr nt Cl~ r(I u•/11(t 1~ 'gnorl or bad.'., SJ1f' 11·nndcri'rl ti l1c1I ll11ppc1ts tri 11n rn1r1-~r('r.~ 11·l1 1•n //1r11 lr111'l'. schnfJl ij ll1ry r·•111·r 1i/111u o )e1u rules w1t1/t: (11r!I (H'f' 111 .~clu10/. Editor !llodern and Vital To lhe Editor: In \Vf'rt nc~day nighr s Pilot Log Book. Arthur R. Vinsel ga;-e an account of a I !arbor Aren co11plc's sufferi ng because of their child's terminal ill n,css. Having children or my ov.·n. I kno w sotnething of what those pa rents ha ve gone through . f\ly lhoug hts and pr3yers are \1·ith them . Ye5, Billy Grahan1 v.·as 111 Ana heim . He nnled in one of hi s messages I ha t Oran ge County is the richest area 1n the v.·orld. A trip to Hoag Hospital reminds us that suffering is as rea l here as it is in Viet· nam or Biafra. ONLY TllROL.:Gl l a prrsonal rela- tionship ~·ith Christ can 1-rc have any hope to one flay escape lhe results of sin's being in lhe world. \\rtlat other com- fort is there ror this age? Suffering is as modern as Lli O, moon landings and heart transplants. The remedy remains constant through the history of man , faith. "Old and quaint" is one J)(!rson's interpretation of the Bible's mes:sage:. Modern and vital is mine. NANCY DONER Wonderful Thing Tj the Editor · Ansv.·ering the article. "This Unwritten St.ory Means Family Tragedy"' last night . I feel l mu sl write to correct the stale- mrnt that Billy Graham 's message "sterned somewhat old anrt quaint ."' True, the gospel is almost 2,000 years old, but if you were at the Anaheim Stadium an y day of lhe Crusade, you would see it is not "old-hat" but a wonderful thing to not ouly the hundred going fnr~'ard eac.tt ni~h l , bu t to the thousands in the stands 11·ho 3[re11dy believe in Jesll! as their Lord. I SA \Y ()NE !'It AN Tue~<llly night yell out. "C11n .lcsus help an altohollc from Alaska?" Billy Graham's answer \Vas • Ill l(ennedy Case "Yes. Jesu~ can help anyone." And the man be-ga n to cry. Good news, yes! Old and quain t, No.! .1\IRS. ANAJEAN LUS K Spot for Yo11ll1 Center To the Edi tor . Although th is suggestion should have he('n niade a few years ago, and is prob- ably too late, I think the em pty land across the street fron1 Beach Bay \on Bayside Drh·e) could be made into a l'Ombination youth center and place for picnics. etc. The children of this area would have a place to play .and v.•ould keep them ou t of trouble, v.·ith lac k of things to do. B~IDES, ¥-'ilh the idiotic fr~ay that'3 supposed to go through the Youth Center in Corona del Mar, we lhould think of the futu re. I'm sure the whole community would like this idea, if it were proposed. We need sbopp!ng centers like we need a bole 'in the head . ROBERT HENLEY Edison Expansion To the Editor: At the risk of not havi ng a completely informed opinion. 1 Who does, that is not prejudiced?) I must take issue with the stand of the Sou thern California Edison Company concerning their desired ex· pans ion program in Huntington Beach. Anyone who lives in the South Bay area and has not seen the pollution of the at· mosphere at wor k has missed some very dramalic disp lays. The plants. at present, eject into the atmosphere sufficient qua n- tities of pollutants lo change the color of the sunlight and the. sky in their en- \'1ronment. TllERE !'llA Y BE many technical ex- cuses but let's fa ce it-it is In a genera l on-shore wiod area an d you know where that s en ct s any emissions. Then these pollutants sv.'eep back over us later with th e night off-shore currents. And they want to triple plant capacity! Ediso n should be concerned about being cut, not expanding. All of the above is a statement of my (~lings and observations -but when I find my opinion reinforced by none less th an the Orange C<lunty Air Pollulion Control officer who does not want to O.K. their application , then I say -why have v.·e appointed and i;elected this man to police our air If he isn'l getting lhe strongest possible backing? SURE, I WANT adequote surplus of power fo r needed expansion, etc., but T don't want to create anothe r smogged-in area lo hack. cough, worry and die in, here in Orange County. Let's gather Prime Rate Press Comments Harrisonburs. \'a., Ntw1-Record : - "Those who ftnd money harder to borrow an d costs a3 represented by interest rates. Plc., even higher, have nothing to blame but the prime rale. \\fhen the pr[me rale goes up, other r:ites usually follow . The prime rate Is what big banks cha rge I.heir most solld customers, generally large corporations. It ha~ just gone to 8.5 percent , highest figure on rccor<l . A smaller ri!!e h11!ii he en widely llrCthcled ... Many a borrower must wi sh. as he looks al current interest fiw1re!!. thnt he had been cast in the role of a lender ln stt:ad.'' around this poinL and back the people who are trying to protect us; our healtlt and our environment -n1orc precious than ;:ill the power we could ever find a use for. The 1nan who has taken a stand against thi s expansion is Willian1 Filchen. Let him know ho\V you feel ! WARREN L. ROSE Dotne Loot& l11terest To the Editor : The public is suffering a disservi~ stemming from the recent barrage. 0:. publicity, locally and nationv.·idc, decry· 1ng high interest rates in the real e~ale industry. Note the follo\\·lng : Existing FHA and VA loans: 514 percent-6 ~'2 percent. Ho'>'-·ever, attention is directed lo the following table of interest ra te s for typical loans: Prime lending rate for big business 8.9t;"o Cred it Card purchases 18~~ Retail outlet charge accounl.3 18'.~ Automobile loans 11·22':• Personal loans 10.5-23'!1' The present interest on new F~lA and VA loans is 71h percent Another esse ntial fact i3 that the purchase of a home represents an in- vestment. The home and the land on which it stands wlll continue to increase in \•al ue. We believe in our industry, we like the people we serve and we resent distortions which confuse and mislead them. \\'ILLIAi\I H. !'lfcCABE Unfairness lo Youlla To the EdHor: \VJiile purchasing doughnuts in a local shop this afternoon, I noticed a most of· fensi\'C sign by the cash register notifyin~ ALL "teen-agers and young people'' that they would nol be allowed to sit at thu tables to eat their doughnuts and dri nk their coffee. I questioned the manager about the sign and v.•as tolct that there had been some damage done and other customers had complained about the. young people. THERE IS A classic e,;amp!e of why we have a so-called "generation gap." There is a whole generation punished for damage done by a few. Where 1s our sense of fairness? Yes, there are some offensive young people jusl as there are some offensive adults. but I didn'1 see a sign discriminating against any adults . OUR YOUNG people today are in· telligent, creati\•e ambitious and, for the. most part. valuable citizens. t hat e to see our good young people put down like this. and I am sure many other adults would like tn see them given a vote of con- fidence, too. I've seen lots of damalile caused by our .11.du!t citi:z.ens in this city and yet, as far as I kn o.,..·, no one has .ask- ed them not to come here. Come on, let's be fair. MRS. L. BRADS HAW ----- Wednesday, October 8, 1969 Tht tditorlal JMge of tile Doil.JI Pilot setk$ to inform and stil'll- tdate rtader.s by pre•tntin o tJiit newspaper's opinions and co""'" mt.lllar y on loptcs ot intere1t and significance. b11 J>f'Cvtdi11gi a forum for the expre•sion of our readers' opinions. and b!J pre1entinQ the diverse vie1 0. r oinu of infonned observer• and 1pokesmen OTJ topics of the day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher \ I I I I I e • < " ,, b ( J r c t I. ' l I ( ' ' r l r I I I ' I I l·l , I I ' I I I ' ' I I I I I f;osta Mesa Today's Final N.Y. Steelu VOi,. 62, NO. 241 , 6 SECTIONS, 112 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 8, 19b9 TEN CENTS Do Schools Have Right to Teach Sex Cla·ss? By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... D•Jrr ,.,. lltlt ldt.llogue or stubborn Victorian? Sei equcation oponent Charles E. Bro'"1 can .llound like both. .As an idealogue _ he argues , public schools baven'l the right to make further incursiool into the n:sponsibilitits or ~rent1. Taking a Victorian stand. he says, "Sex can be tau1ht in a half hour. \\'hat else '' there?" Brown, 1 Costa ~!esa real estate man \•.'ho lives in Newport Beach, told his beliefs this wetk to a Newport ·Harbor Chamber of Commerce committee look· ing into Lht feasibility of a local S<:hool sex education program. Bro"-n was invited because he had volunteered to testily and because of bis past idenLification Y.'ith the John Birch Society. He said he is no longer a member. The Birch Society has mounted an anti· sex education campaign. Brown argued his point with Mrs. Belly i\1a!IOl'I of the Chamber commitlee. "There's still such a thing as parenl<il responslbllity." he said. "But parents are abdicating ii," said i\frs. Mason. "By abdicating to the schools you sur· render all responsibilily. \\'hat about future generalioni; of parents ?" coun- tered Bro"'"· "Perhaps it "·ould be best to slop right now in taking over parental responsibilities. I feel we may be making things worse." Brown sald the only sex education he believes shou ld be taught in schools is the physiological aspects of growing up al ready being taught. ''It won'L take me very IDng to let you know how I feel about Ulis," he told the committee. "In my opinion y,·e should go along Y.'Jth it the y,·ay it is now ." He said he thinks a course at nighl for p;;irents on how to present sex lo their - . J ... I t • ... • ~ • \ 'J/ ·~· &RINGING UP kOCkHllD DllP SUBMERGENCE VEHICLE DEEP QUEST FRDM SEA Four Ahetircf Str1ncl .. fer 12 Hours Und•rw1ttr During S•n Di .. o Mi11ion Kennedy Lawyers Urge Inquest Closed to Press BOSTON (AP) -Sen. Edward At Ken- nedy's attorney• .119ked today that .111 in· quest into the dt:at.h of Mary Jo Kopechne be cloaed to tht: press and public .11nd that all witnesses be subjt:ct to cross-ex- am.i.nation. Kennedy'~ counsel, in argumenl.J bt'fore the Massachuscll.J Supreme Court, con - t.ended the inquest ""'oukl be ''an ac· cusatory proceeding v•hich could result in criminal action." F.lN·ard 8. Hanify, coun.se.I for tht: Mu~ach~l.S Democratic senator, .15k- l'd the full bench of the slate Supreme Court to declare the state's inquest law unconstitutional or lay down • new body ,,c restrictions on the proposed inquest in Edgartown District Court.. Miss Kopechne "'as found dead in Ken - nedy's car in a salt water pond on Chap- paquiddick Island July 19. Kennedy said thre clll' he was driving went off the side o{ .a narrow bridge and plunged intO the •·ater. Kennedy escaped but Miss Kopedme was trapped in the car. Hanify argued for a full hour of the two-hour hearing befOTe Ove justices of the court. In .11ddition to a11tlng that the inquest be closed to the press and public, he cs!Jed upon the court to quuh a rulkl1 by District Court Judge James A. Boyle which barred witnesses' lawyers from the court room f.Xcept while their client! n:re testifying. :- Four Trapped 12 Hours On Ocean Floor Saved From Wire Servi~ SAN DIEGO -Foor men, trapped ror more than 1~ hours on the ocean floor in their research submarine Deep· Que$\ with ·their oxygen steadly running out, l\'etc .rescued in the pre.<fawn hours by a !"'().man m.ini·sub. The 40-fool, SG-lon Deep Que~t reach~d the. surface .at 3:50 a.rn. PDT un der it:; own po"'er line "'hich had ~mr tangl- ed on the experimental sub's propell('t. The Deep Quesl was freed y,·hen th r mi ni-sub snipped the line with a diver·:. linife taped to a mechanical arm. Robert Worthington, 52, a retired Na1·.\ ca ptain and pilot of tM Deep Quest, and the lhree others aboard v.·ere reported 10 have suffered no ill effecl! although they weft! hungry and chilled after their long 1\·ait for re9Clle. Stock Mark.el• NEW .YORK (AP) -The stock market tumbled to the brink of a new 1960 clos- ing low toda( but mustered enough litrellJ1h to pul back in late trading. (54!"e quot.ltion."l. Pages C 1~11 ). The Dow Jones average or 30 industri- als cloeed with a Jou of 4.03 lo Mt.20, just a shade above its botom ol llOJ .96 for the year. The moment Deep Quest reached thf' ~urface, the n~s was flashed to their wives who had stayed at home "'hlle C.ockhecd Corp., oy,·ner (If lhe research i;u h, and Na\'Y and Coo.st Gua rd ~rson­ nC'I :<uperl!ised the rese11!'. The h<'ro plaudits y,·('nt to !he /\'.('kton, <'! 4.000 pound crafL operated by the General 'k:eanograplue Co., y,·hJch ·was brought here fro1n L,o~ Angel{'s by highway in a 1:·;11lrr. ln\l"Prf'd in the v.•ater ;ind lowed I 1\ e mileo;: offshore to 1\'here lhe Dfl'p t,111c:--t was lrappccl . Speed in !he rescue was v11;il because the Deep Quest's se.11 cont;iined systc1n had an oxygen supply for only 48 hour.~. '!'he sub had dived at about noon ::ind 1t "'as 15 hours before it reached the surface again. The others aboard were Donald E!:. Saner. Marshall E. 'Voy ~nd 't't'i1\iam I'inebrook, all of San Diego. 11re sub was oo a routine train ing mission lo spot an 1.875 pound cylinder and bring it up . But the heavy synthetic. line became rou\ed in the sub's propeller. It \\'!IS not immediately known how the accident occurred. The Deep Quest on Feb. 28. 196!1, planted an Americ•n nag on lhe Pacific Ocean noor at .11 depth of 8,310 feet -the lowest ever reached by a true submarine. children , ~uch a~ recently adopted In the Hunti ngion Beach High School DistricL, mighl be a good idea ~lrs. ~tason asked if it wouldnl be be!· !er if th e class '>'!Cre for both parent and ch ild. "I don't th ink tha t's necessary," sairl Kro"'ll . "Lei the pa rents be. the judge of when to in1parl the information lo the children_" "I wish I had tn ore fai th in the parenLs." said Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, chairman of the Chamht>r committee. Bro11·n said, ·'The proponents of sex education ::ire. pushing a mighty big business. There are lots of books and f1!1ns involved. TI1e Allaheitn Distrirl pays $297 ,000 a year in sex education sal;iries." "You thin k it's actually a case of ex· pl1itaHo n on the part or someone 111ho has :-ome lhi ng to sell?'' a~ked Arthur Guy. of t!-ie committee. "That's part of ii," answered Brown. Brown said he thinks money used for :-;ex education should be spenl k~ping children busy v.·ilh athletics and cultural proirams -"art and music as long as iL 1s the righl kind of art and rnusic." A Catholic, Btown said he. believes a nu'l or a priest cou ld very well gil•e sex education . ''Do you feel they've had enough f'I · pe:ience?" askM Mrs. Atason, referring to their vo"'s of celibacy. "They certainly know a baby born out of marriage i~ wrong. That's the main thing. Do you wanl your child to grow up 1~·ith high moral standards?" Brown coun tered. Brown remarked. "It all boils down In how much re~nsibillty parent! 1hould take." "No, it is how much they do ta ke," .said Dr. Fri uelle. "There are a lot of peopl1 1\·ho never get to church to get it." "It wouldn 't be fair lo the parent who ta ke.!! lhe respon!ibility," !aid Brown. General Said Liar Police Chief Disputes Gun Story \\'ASHINGTON r AP) -Chicago Pohcr. Supt. James Conlisk says forme r Army Provost J\1arsha l J\1aj. Gen. Carl C, Turner lied when he testified cily ;iulhorities knowingly gave him 397 con· fi scaled guns for his personal use . Turner is a central figure in a Senale ~ubcommitee investigation or .a. probe Into charges a ring of enlisted men, in - <:luding forn1~r Army Sgt. i\laj . \\'illiam 0 . \Voold ridgc. \\·as engaged in a large- scate. graft ring. In his l.esti1n uny Tuesday, Turber \\'as 15 Years See11 For Reva1npi11g Downtown-Area 11.epresenlaUves or Utree consulting l1rms int"2"erled in desitnlng Downtown Costa Pifesa for Lhe J!lllO's cutllned thf. procedure before the city council Tues· day night. None of them spelled aut anything ~pec ific In term~ of the massive rrdevelopment project envisioned for the ;i rea, but said the v.•hole process could lake 15 years. Under state redevelopmen t act pro- redures discus!Mld to da te, the area would hr pla ced under a lax freeze. with fund."l for the mill ion dollar project sklmmed otr the lop as coonty assessments ri11e later. The company spokesmen who appeared at the first of two such Tuesday night in· !('r\l icw session~ generally agreed on lhree hasie iil~ps in fonnation of a redrve!opment package: -A thorough survey of the affecled i:.cographic area. i~ need!!, traffic pat- terns and exisling devl'lOp!'nent. -Outlinin~ or a general plan nf at t.ack 1n wiving Ilic problems plaguing !hf: <irea. "'here progress bas ~n stalled fOI" 1a vears due to uncertainly of a future N~·port r~reeway roulr. -IJevelopmcnt f}f a spe('iric plan, liho\.,.· 111.11: "·hat sh11ll he dl'lnr 1n lrrms ry[ rrdrve!opmcnr. such as y,·hrrc, how an<I wh y. Estimates nr !11nr in\n!vrrl r11n~c from !Set DOlfNTO\\'"N, P11ge 2) SPORTS SECTION BULGIN(; 1'0DAY Today's edition or the DAILY PILOT inrl udes the largest sports section ever published by the ne wspaJ)f'r. The nine· page section. beginning on Page Cl. fea- tures local and national sport.~ reporll!, 11uto racing ney,·s plus special spo rls features and photo.,. quizz ed only on charges he oblained the eonfiscated gu ns under pret.ense they 11·cre for Arm y use and then sold some of the.in for his own profit. lie said, hoY.'eve r, Conli~k knew he ~1anted the guns for his own collection, although he signed statements at the lime affirming the weapons v.•ere for the Anny. Conlisk sa id in Chicago 1'uesday Turner's te~litnony Y.'as "untrue.'' The ,._upcrintcndent also ~1 1pporled I.he Lei.tin1ony given by police Lt. Paul T. "Exeeutlou' Case l)uellm an. V.'ho tole! the aubcommlttee. Tuesctay he showed Turner I.he guns, but never heard him say they were !or his oWn use. Until this week the main U1rust of the 11ubcommittee probe had been into allega- tions Wooldr idge and a band or career /lergeanl~ harl looted Army recreation c-lubs, manipulated currency, smuggled liquor and bribed officer!!. \\rooldridge, \\:ho is sch eduled to testify Friday, told a r'porter he will invoke lht (Ste. TURNER, Paa:e ZI Mesa S1woting Suspect Faces Murder Try Rap A formal complaint c:hargin1 assault "ith intent to commit murder waa re- quested today against a Huntington lleach man arrested Tuesday in th~ ~ttange, execution-style pistol shooting or a Cos ta r-.1esa cun collector. John J. Massey. 24, of 18922 Brookhursl St., was questiooed Tuesday nigtlt by Costa Mesa Police Detective Gerry 'J'hompsoo concerning what led to the predawn ,;hooting. Conrad D. Johnson, ~.of 1767 Orange Ave., was hit by a nine millimeter automatic pistol .slug that shatltred his ann as he and t.·fassey grappled for the v.·eapon . He is rtcovP:ring rrom the gunshot woond at Orange Counly 1\fedical Center. Investigators "'en! told thal J.1assey, "'ho accompanied Johnson home from a lavem, Was exMtinl.ng the. Wf!apon from the ,.;cttm's collection when he pointed it tow9rd Mrs .• lohnson. The cou ple was then allege<lly forced In knee l on the floor as thougti to bl ex- r.cutcd. but Johnson 11aid Massey wu distract.ed a moment, so he jumped him. Pofke Officer Wayne Harber was en routine p.11trol near the John.wn home whl!Tl he heard someone ehouting for police and raced to the scene. lie found Ma11sey 1t 18th Street and Wr:s tm inster Avenue, m.JJI anned, and ar- rested him after forcing the su11perct .11t gunpoint to lay down the war souvenll' pistol. Masst'y will be held ~ Costa Meu City .J ail without ba il until his 1rraigrunent in Harbor Judicial District fArurt Thursday, ;rflcr v.·hich he will be moved to Orange County Jail. 'League Sl1ot tl1e Officer,' Hoy Testifies at SA Trial 13y TO~t BARLEY 01 1~1 D•Hr "lllt Stiff ··Arthu r League's gun went orr. He shot thf' officer." "\Vhat did the officer do then ?" "•le fell do"'"· All 1 heard him 113)' was ·help'." 111;it testlmony today came from a I ~ yea r-0ld boy who mumbled and &t.am- mered his way through .11 dialogue th:il could convict Arthur Dewitt League or l he murder of a San la Ana police officer ( E:arlicr story. page Al2.) secution .11s a tremendous ~t to a cue that admittedly surfered when the aun allegedly used by League was barred from evidence by Judie Paul Mast. Judge !\fast issued that ruling af~r a week-long hearing in his court on thl! defense motion for suppression of th.al evidence. It wa s i;uccessfully argued by clffenlil! attorneys that Santa Ana police Officers were in violation of the law when they took the weapon from the Tice home. Orange Coa8' Hanify further ask.eel lbe rourt lo order Judae Boyle to disqualify himself from the lorthronting inquest becawte he Wa.! .a p:H'ty lo today's appeal""' .JOltph J. Hurley, an.:Uslslaiit at~y .o:eneral. who represedted Judge Boyle., takl:the court that there had been 1 grtat deaf of talk about "criminal con- _.,.. -and it Is probable Ibero cauJd ·be some crimina1 consequences." Haynsworth Foes Grow Sy,·eating profuse ly and Io o k I n g r arrJully around lhe courtroom, Carl Ste1•ie Tice ga\'e deputy Dist.rkt Attorney Everelt Dickey his halting account of the f'vents o( Jurie • and a downtown con· frootatio n that ended "'ith the :daying or o[ficer Nel~n Sasscer. PIWT SALUTES OC AUTO SHOW ,,_ Or1n1e. County tntemaUonaJ Auto Show, first major showinc of the 1910 Model.& in the United St.alts, open11 Thurs-- day after a benef.it prf!miert toniiht at the. Anaheim ConvenUoo Cenkr. The DAILY PlLCYI' salute! the shaw And the county·a Assistance Lea.gue c::h1 pttrs aponaoring -tonight"• preview in 11 spec.lit 20-pltt sdon. The spt'ciaJ sec- lion i1 insidt today._· , I Top Se1iate Republicans Voicing Opposition WASHINGTON (UPl) -Both the se- cond and third ranking Sen ate Republicans today joined growina: o~ poeltion to President Nixon·s choice of Clement F. Haynsworth for lhe Supreme Court. Delpite the adverse developments, the. White Houle aaJd at noonUme that P'resi- dent NiJ:on llill ltandtl by hi11 nom ination of Haynsworth and is confident he will be confmned by lhe Senate. Sen. Robert P. Griffin of Michigan, lhe GOP whip and No. 2 ranking Republican, ill.Ned a statement desc ribing the se lec· Uon .., an ••unfortun.t. mistake" and uyina it would be a mistake for lh1 SenMe· to ·conflrm the nominatJCUL. Sen. 1\1argaret Cha se Sm ith of 1'1aine took the floor aoon aft.erward to say : "Thi.'1 nomination will nol restore con· ridence in the Supreme Court." She 'is deputy GOP whip. Especially damaging lo Ille a(1- ministratk>n cause was the opposition o( Griffin. whom th~ Republ icans 1n- !italledon the Senate Judiciary Committee only recently in hO~!i of ga ining i;upport for sending the nomin ation lo the floor. Mrs. Smith -who went alon~ with r.rHfin la 11t year in opposition tn the nom inalion of now-resigned Abe Forta!'I to be chief justice -said Haynsworth had flUeslioned hi.r;; O\lt'TI judgment in ha vi ng linancii;I dealings wkh liliganta before the 4th Ci rcuit Court of Appeals of which he is chief judge. "The relationship of judge11 and judg· rnent is inseparable," .she said , "A Supreme Court justice. should have im- peccable judgment," The deve \opmenls c<1mc 85 the judi ciary ccnnn1iltee called off then resc hedulr.d for Thursday 11 closed hear· in~ on the norninatlon. Wh ile the ls!lue 11ppeared to be close ly joined. aide~ to St-n. lliram F'oni:t: ! R· llawaii), ~;ilcJ hi., support for tlayn!'lworth wou ld give the Sout h Carollnlan nine solid votes on Ille 17-member judicia ry panel -enough tn g't lhc nom!naUon to the floor. r Glancing occasionally at the grim-faced League, Tice told a hu.shed court that he y,·as a passtnger in League:'s auto when , ofri cer Sasscer halted the car and demanded identlflc.11llon from the Black Panther and hL, young companion. S11tisfied with the boy'1 document.a, the officer turned to Leap to find, ac- cording to youne Tice, a (lD'l pointed at him. "He told Arthur lo get bmck.'' TM:e kJjd Oickey. "And then he pulled his own gun." · "Did he draw his "'eapon," Dickey ask· f'l'I his nervous witness. "No." the boy ttpUed. ''He didn't set it out of the holster. Ht waa too 1.11\f';." Tice's testimony waR the highllght of 1 he ~ond day ln the prtlimln11ry hearinc of mun1cr ch11rges against Le.ague. Tlce.'s te.Jtimony 16 seen b)' ihl pro- • Weal.Iler 1-~oggy nigtil3 and sunny days 11re the prospects for tonight and Thursda y with the mercury dip- pillj: .11 bit lo tbe· middlt: ?O's. INSWB TODA\' ·Marine CorPI is ."sMlptno" ifs rccruir.,, sa~s a Coa1t barbtt, who U plon7titJQ 1.() do somtthi"O dbouc &hoptna up th~ Corpi. Pogc A.19. • ~·- .---------·--·-·----,.-· ..... _..,....,_ .,._,,_ ·-· ...... ·-·~·-~--·-· ~ ~~:r;,"'=-...... ----""! .......................... ----... -......... .., ..................... """'!"!!''""""_,...,. ___ ,.._..,.""""':...~~~!'!'!""'"',.. -•_.. - f ~ILY PILOT c W.l~e Recoverl1'9 Davis Talk s Dr. Leary Trial To St11cle11ts Postponed Again 011ly at UCI . Dr . Ti.Jnvthy Leary successfully ars;ued today in Suµtrlor Coo.rt that his witt, Ro..o;tm1r1. 1s not physica lly capable ol f4cin1 tr1a .I JtJd&e Samuel Dreiz.en lnimediattly fle!ayed trial stUing for Leary, 49, Mrs. Leary, Sl, and lhe LSD cu1U1t '1.son, John Bush Leary, 19. to Oct. is:~ trio faces r ha rges of possession of marijuana and I.SD, stemming from !heir arrest last Dee. 31 in Laguna Beach. It appeared unlikely, however. I.hat the Oct. IS apptarance will result in further f'Onlinuance of an acUon that hu now been delayed on seven occa11ion11. Leuy, flanked by his colorfully aUired son, explained that Mrs. Leary will not be well enough t.o undergo trial bt(ore Oct. 27 al lhe earliest and he produced • doc· lor's leUer to :support that statement Rosemary Leary is r!covering from re· cent C'Of'Tective surgery v•hich wlll hope.fully, in Leary's words, "enable UJ to produce another lltUe Leary." Ji.fdge Dreiu.n, who renected obvious Impatience at the frequent dealys of the Lt'ary Lrial \\'hen the forml!!r Harvard professor \\'as last in court, today ordered the district attorney 's off ice to check on a \I eek to week buis \\'ith Mr:s. Leary'1 physician. It i! expected that the delay in Orange County action a&ainst·Leary will similar- ly defl!!r Riverll.de County chareg! f"rom Page .I DOWNTOWN • • one year for completion of th e sur\'ey, ll p to JS years for development and ap· ,Plication of the speci!lc plan to thl!! area . "The ldea is lo have it done by the lime !he freeway comes,'' said one ci ty of- ficial . Whoe\•er get.5 the final job must somehow tie the dvwntown area into the Ne\l'Jl0f1. Freeway, which will loop \V"tward through residenlial sections. Murton H. \Vilson, or Wilson and \\'illiams, 2855 E. Coast High\\·ay, Corona fie! J'\lar, illustrated his presentation \\'ith ~]ides showing projecL~ his rirm has ac· comphshed in the past. Hai C. Tan and Chester A. Volski , of Tan's consulting firm in Fullerton were present lo discuss how they y,.ould set up l he rtdevelopment plan, estimated t11 cost $50,000 or 1nore. Santa J'\1on1ca consultant Ru 1 s e I J Priebe, originally hired by Costa J'\1e~a Tomon-ow ll'lC.. said he haii three .i;peciali,U all ready to tackle th e pro- blem. They are Kenneth Norv•ood. 11 planninR 1·onsult.ant. Joseph Belser, market ana· lyist and Phillip Linscott, traffic engineer. Another meetinc will be held neit 1'ueiw:!ay at 7 p.m. in city council chambers to hear the remaining four ap- plic1nts for the massive urban redevelop- ment prc.ject. One of the most inle.resting is likely to be Robert Unger, former Costa Mesa city manager who resigned to join I.he Rancht• C1lifomi1 Corporation arld latt:r opene(~ hi:! own local firm . Tm city council faces the same Mor day-Tuesday meeting schedule nest \l•er' th at occurred this v.·eek, with a personnr :::e.ssion ?>1onday n11ht, closed \o lh pu blic. The fl ve-1nan pilnel 'll·ill inler\ 1ew I applicants for a seat on the plann1n1 commi!Sion. vacated by sc kool all, miniMrator Don Hvut . Constderal1on of Se\·eral men v.·ho a1» r l1t<I for appo1ntmrn1 t(l the comm1s..~1011 Jn 19&4 lS al:.o srhedule<l before r-oun ci!men pick a n1an to f\!I Hout 's chair. Jarring \Viii He hU"ll UN ITED NATIONS tl'Pl f -Ciunnar ,., Jarring, special U.N. mlddlr ea.sl oea re envoy. plans to return tn hi:o; regular pos1 as Sy,·edish am bassador In P.foscov.'. diplomatic sourcrs said today. u•• 116t <.oi.~1 -"""-1 .. 1•• < ... ~"""' l•krt N. 'W'114 ~ ..... -~ .... Jt•li I , C.rt1y V•• ,,. ..... -c;.MWll ........,, n.,. •• 1:.,..;1 .. * T\•••1 A. M11r11lii11 M1 ..... l~llOI' CNtea.-OHW l HI w .. t ltT $11111 Mtill•1 _.tl .. •1111•.0.111 1160, t26l6 --....... , ""'°"' ,.., ............... ... ... _ ""''" ,.. ...... ·~· M\111""""' .... --....... a&ainst the recently a n n o u n c t d i:Ubematorial candidate. Leary was charaed in that t.:ounty \Vt!h contributing to the delinquency of a minor "i'be.n a 17-year-old Laguna Beach girl drcrwned in the pool at the P.1ountain Center headQUarters of Leary and his follovtcrs. Deadline Oct. 15 For Crime Unit A deadline of Oct. 15 has been set for appllca.tions for I.he new Coita J'\ies.a Crime Prevention Committee, with near- ly 20 persons already hoping for a chair on the panel. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley set the: deadhnt. Appearances by Angela Davls at UC lrvine Thursday and Friday 11•i1l nol be tipen to the public. Only student.5 will be allowed to attend. l\1iss Davis, UCLA Con1mun1 st pro- rcssOt" given notice of dismissal b_y the regents. will speak Thur~day noon 1n the UCl Science Lecture Hall . ll seats only :111Q. Friday she will return to lecture to a l!n ivcrsity in Am erican Culture t•lass. A yt>ar ago Eldridge Cleaver gav!" ;i c:anipus talk in the 1nuch larger UC.:I gyn1nasium. It \\'as open to the public. But sponsors of 1'1iss Da\•is ' talk ap- parently seek lo minimize publicity. 7elel'ision cameramen and new .~ photographers \\'ill be ba rred so as not to disrupt her talk. Tuesday noon U1e Student Activitie~ Board of the Associated Student Gov ern- rn ent agreed pay expenses fro1n stud t nl fund!: for Miss Davis' appearanC!':. Tht ainount v.•as not re.vl"aled Monday nia:ht and said the city council \\'ill screen the well.qualifi ed field and make appointments within two !o three v.·eeks. City C-Ouncilmon \Villiam L. St. C!.:ur, ii:ho keeps a close eye on Costa J'\tesa police matters, observed during the J'\1on- day meeting that the committee is sorely netded. Tlaey Never Reaclaed So11th llfiss Davis v.·a5 invited to campus b:V tl;e Black Students Union , Students for a Oemocratic Society and ~ome faculty members. Dr . \V. J. Beecher, dJreclor o[ Lhe Chic ago Acade1n.v nf Sciences, looks over some of the hundreds of birds \l'hich '"ere found dead at the base of the .lohn J·la.ncock building. r ·he migrating birds had hit the 1,107-foot structure during the night. l'rom P119e 1 "I can ltt where this committee will do some real good," declared St. Clair, whe frequently rides 118 an obser\'er on 1veekend police patrols, Hearing on Bribery :Fro1n Larwin Delayed VENTURA fUPI ) -The arraignmt>:nl tif County Supervisor Hov.·ard r . Robinson on 27 C'Ol.lnt3 or bribery has been continued by Superior Court Ju~tice Edwin F. Beach until Oct. 27. Judge Beach granted the continuance to give Robinson's attorneys time to go over Ule grand jury transcript leading to his in- dictment. Robinson is charged \l'ilh accepting $5,900 in bribes O\'er a four-year period lrom Larv.·in Co., a home developer , and S2,851 over a shor~r period from Consolidated Reck Products, a sand and gravel company. Lido Isle W on1an Robbed i11 Mesa A Lido Isle woman \1-'ho honked her tar horn for help until it broke v.·as beatC'n and robbed of her purse in a Costa l\les;1 shopping center parking lot, :;he told police Tuesday. Juanita R. Vlach told investigators her lass .amounted to only .about $15 and somp, cred it cards, but she -w·as exlremely shaken and complained of bruises on her fa ce and head . The victim said she '~a.o; just get ting in- to her car about 6 p.m. after a shopping trip v.·hen the man approached and the attack occurred. Her screams and honking horn al - tracted sales personnel 111 a nearby store .:ind the man fled in a pickup rruck . t;;ik- ing her st raw purse v.·ith him, tl1rs. Vlach tn td police. D.llLV PILOT St1tf P~tlt ALL NEWSPAPERBOVS -Sleven t"hriu1,111. l•I, rlcfti . an(l Nick T-lodces, 12. DAILY PILOT carriers, look ovt?r picture o! famous former ne.1\•spaperboys -,.\stronaul Neil .A.rm strong a:id r.tichRcl ColUns. Photos \Vil\ be d isplayed li'r1day and Sa lurday al Sou th Coa~\ Plaza "space shO\\'." Carrier::; 11·iJ I grer t sho1v v1;;1 tor-. Saturday af'lernoon, NaUona! Ne11·spapcrboys Day. Good Lo~k~ Guys Pilot Offers 'Astro Scroll' As a ar.and finale to Nation al New,;-paper WeU Friday and Saturday tM DAILY -PILOT will join South Coast Plaza merchants in invi ting ··everyont:" to aend greeUnas to U1e Apollo l2 a,;tronauts before Uley b!a.st off for the n100n. The "ASTRO SCROLL" visitors arr. In· ''ilt:d to aig;i will be part of an exhibit or space aae photographs a.nd other displ ay materiaJ poinlin& up the Amer ican spa ce proeram. Expected lo bt one of the: highlights or the. apace show exhibit is a collection of pictures taken by two former new:ipaptr carrier boys and a tes~ pilot on a trip lhey made lut 'ummer. The former new s p.aperb oy s - Astron.aut.5 Neil Arn1strong and ;\flchael C'ollina -were, fA cou~. pilol!I of the. Jun11r modu1e and command mod ule, respectively, in the Apollo JI fl ight ,.,·hlch lint planted man's rootprints an the moon . Th~ir eompanion, "Buu" Aldr in, \\'Ill the second man ever to set foot on lhr.. moon and snappt.d several of I.he pie· tures ta be displayed . Since Sablrday. the ftn'I d8Y or New1p<tptt \'!"eek. IS Na l 1 0 n I I l'ienpaporboya Day, the DAILY PILOT has sl'le<:t::d 111·0 carriers lo make "guest oppearances" al the show during the afternoon . Steve Ch:iuvin. 14. son or /\-fr. and ~1 rs . Ennis Chau\in of 678 Senate St .. Costa ~Tesa, a fresl'11nan al E~lanc1a Hiah School. v.·ill be one of lhem . StP\·e hn~ been a DAILY P\L()T i';lr· r1cr for thrl'e years, \\'a$ made t11e: ('ar· r 1r.l's' Monnr 1io1~ sl'ver;i l l\n1cs fnr nulsto nd1ng ~ervice l.o his custo1ners and ~<J.' ~ he likes sci Mice and ~pact Thf' other carrier 1ri10 11·jll i:rcC't ASTRO SCROLL signers between 2 and : p.m. Salurd11y is Nick Hodges, 12, son ~r tllr. and 1'1rs. t.i ichael Hodges of GOO Govtrnor St., Costa Mesa . He'l ;i stventh &rader at Rta School. The spnce sho1v will be open Friday rrom 1 t.o II p.n1. aod SatuN!ay from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. F'ir.;t 1,000 peri:ons to sign the ASTRO SCROLL 11111 t'ach recei\'e a red, "''lu1e ;:ind blue decal boosting Apollo I) and proclaimi ng "Good Old t.:.S.A ...• Firsl on The ~tO'JO . ·· Ali;;o once t'\'ety hour. on the boor, an ASTRO SCROLi, signer v.•111 be gh·en 1 C1lPY nf I~ Associated Pr"ss .kerpsake book, "~·ootprints on The ~1oon." Senate Committee Hears Irvine Heiress' Charges From Wire Services WASHINGTON -Or.anae County land heiress Joan Irvine Smith testified before lhe Senate Finance Commi ttee Tuesday. 1·harging illegal practices by the J.ames Jrv ine Foundalion. . Mrs. Smitll, who maintains homes in 1~111erald Bay on the Orange Coast and ~lso at Mldd!ebury. Va .. is tlle largest single stockholder in the Irvine Ranch Co mpany. 1'he attractive b I on d e heires.s also l'haraed Irvine Founda tion President N. Loyall McLaren has treated her with Car Thieves Get 'Dodge Fever' '!'he folks dvwn al }!arbor Dodge aren·1 rUMUl,ll'. a fever, but Uley're just aick about moving four cars off lhe lol. They didn't do the moving. Sales extcuti ve Da vid E. Guerra told po!1rc Tu esday !hat the stolen vehic\"s in· eluded · -A 1968 Ford worth $2.000 . -A 1966 Ford worlh $\,700 . A 1966 Plymouth ¥.'orth Sl.200 -A 1963 Mer cury worth $700. '1'111"11bnll A ppointecl To l\'ledieal Board llr. Frederick :>!. Tu rnbull Jr . J Cost a ,\lesa Repub],c an, was one of 14 new members of the rl tstnct review comm!\· l('t of the Bll<lrd or >lt-dica l Examiner~ appointl'd by Gov. Reagan in Sacramento iod ay. Dr. Arthur F. Thompson, a Ne\\·porl Beach Dt'mocrn1. also was named to thr com mllet. The go\·ernor reappoint!':d si x tither~. hostility and cul her out of any part in management of lhe foundation. She also asked the Senate Finance Committee to toughen a provision of the House's tax reform bill which could force Ule foundaUon to get rid of its controlling interest in the Irvine Company. Irvine Foundation attorney Howard J. Privett denied any and all parts of Mrs. Smith's testimony as wholly untrue and angrily charged shr. has harassed the Irvine Company through legal channels. The foundation counsel told the com- mittee members that the House-passed reform bill will unfa irly and oppressivttly affect the lrvine Foundation, in his own words. Pri,·ett aske d that a cl ause limiting i round ation to 20 percent ownership in a company's stock, be eliminated, or at least not lo apply it retroactively. T'vo on Cycles l-Itirt u1 Crash' : A girl bicyclist and a boy motorcyclist 11 ere injured in e-0llisions 'l\'ith cars a half hour apart Tuesday night, Costa .f,1esa pt>llce said today. SheUy L. Jones, 19, of 2070 Newport Boulevard. wa., treated at Costa Mesa i\lemorial l-fospital for a knee injury arter her bike \\'as clipped al Newport Boulevard an d 21 st Street. Investigators sa id Miss Jones pulled ln· I;:> the boulevard from a driveway at 21st Street just as Al V. Aleshire. 53. of 84~ ,\TagC'lla n SI .. Costa 111esa. 11'as turning onto lhe boulevard. Chii,rles R. f.1orris Jr . :!O, or i66 Sh alimar Drive, Costa J'\tesa, suffer!':d arm and leg injuries v.•hcn his cycle ram- 1nt:d a car broadside at Pomona Avenue and James SlreeL 111olorist Ronald K S1n1th, JO. or 71n .Jaines St . voas turning left onto his .,treet at the l..tme of the crash. TURNER ... Slh Amendment and refuse to an~"'·er questions. His attorney said he ad v i a e d V!'ooldridge to refll'ie to te stify ~ause ~e did not believe he v.·ould be. given a fair hearing by senators. In his testimony Tuesday, Turner ad· milted that in 1968 he signed recei pt.!! !our times at Chicago police h1!!.ad· quarters stating that confiscated guns he had persc.;;ally selected wer e lo be used, for Army training purposes. Turner testified he disassembled some of the weapons for parts, destroyed others, sold "the cream of the crop" to a North Carolina gun dealer and pockete~ the money. But over arld over aga in Turner in- sisted ~ "Those \\'ea pons Y1ere not for t~ use or the Army, they (the Chicago po- lice) \\'ere going to destroy them and they ga ve them to me personally ." H~ said Conlisk had assured him Ul e receipts he ~·as asked to sign were ()11\y I fonnality to meet the letter of Ule law. Illinois law says all weapons seized by police are, after being used as evidence, to M either destroyed or given to the armed forces for training or other \purposes. Conlis k said in Chicago he believed Turner -who came to the city Jut year lo represent the Army ch.ief of staff dur· ing rioting in whlcb U.S. troops "ereuaed -11•anted lhe guns fOT official purpoges. Turne r was questioned closely by senators looking for details of his gu n deals. But the general, \llho is n Jicens!!d gU11 dealer, said he ha s lo~t his only record book and does not have th e information IQ answer questions. Co111puter Finn Gets S2.5 1\'lillion Contract A computer cGn1pany in Anahe im hn re:cei vcd a $2.S million conlrect from thr. U.S. General Serrice.!i Adm inistration , Congrtssrnan James 8. Utt (R-Tu 5tinl announced today ln \\'ashmgton. The one-year government conLract to Californi a Compull"r Product.s Inc . cove rs purchase, rental, maintenance and replacement parts f<1r auton1atic: data proc essint: digital plotter system-s. October 18th Don't delay. Come ln toc:Uy .ind take ..i ........ of thd --i..ful "PP"""•iry t'O a.a1•e J 5 ~ on your purchun of T O'W~ •ttrLng B.1.tware. Attive J>ltt.tl'N onl1. 4-p;.c. pl&« oeuinaa ( tuopooa. p1a<e f..i:. p1a<e la.if<, Mlad fork). Rogu!M price from $49-5" Solo price '""" ~ l7 .... llllBB!·~~, :1~:..~~ l2-ptece :1t.rvice for tlghl Regular price fro n1 $396.00 Sale price from '297.00 CONVENIENT TERMS 8;.NKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C ..J/.u1ftJ'h1·ieJ ' Jawcfer6 llll NEWPORT IOULEVARO ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PH ONE 541.HOI COSTA MESA 'l11tercept' Baiting S111ugglers Operation lnle.rcept h1111 forced the prices of marijuana .;ind dangerous drugs to double i in many areas and prores:;ion--' al smugglers are now atternpt· Ing to ca&ll·in on the luerativ1 new· r"t.es. orrlcial s ol lh e t government'~ cr;ickdriwn on sn1uggling into lhr. U.S. pro-1-J. '" cfuccd rec<irds Tucstlay that 1 indicate profe:-..s1onal s1nug-\:. glers are willing to risk the" Operation In tercept riragncl to ~~ \ sell their drugs al double the ~"' normal rate. <.-i :,J,. The crackdown, begun Sept. ~ .'{ 21. has been credited with the price rise and also "'Jth caus· in~ smugglers to curtail oper- ations. Intercept officials w l l h headquarters in Los Angeles said dangerous drugs with a tol al illegal value of $58,000 Ba1•11a1•d's Bride? . -· had t'ttn se.izl'd in the past Barbara Zuellner, 19-year-old daughter of a (;ern1- two days 'along with 24 pounds an-born South African industrialist, shows off the of marijuana. dia1nond and ruby ring she claims was given her One of lhOl'ie arrested, Ti-by faqlcd heart transplant piqneer Dr. Christian juana policeman Gum ersindo Barnard for their engagement. Barnard, now in San Hernandez Ochoa, 20, was ac· Francisco, would say only "no conunenl" when cused of smuggling 70,000 k d of h seconal capsules into the coun-_a_s_e __ t_e_en---'g'-a.=g_en_i_e_n_t . __________ _ 1r,v. Custom~ agents found the pills, the illrgal value of which "'·as ~! at $28 .000. ludr!Pn in a r·nmpartmenl in his car's gas lank. In another incident, Mcx11.:11n pohcc, \\'Orkiug on a tip frotn <'ustoms agent.<;, a r re s t ed f'emando P.1a5<'arl'no in Ti- juana <Ind seizl'd 1 a ' 0 0 0 .-.mphetaminr anci ba rbi turaJe pills, worth $30,0(W) on lhe il- licit markE't. f<'ighter W reeks 2 Hon1es OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - A fighter plane trying for an cmergE"ncy landing crashE'd in a residential area near Tinker Air force Ba~e Tuesday, kill· ing the copilol and leaving a block-long trail of destruction. Tv.·o hon1es "'Pre destroyt'd and three damaged, but no civilians reported injuries. The pilot of the Kansas Air Na· liona l Guard FIOO parachuted !o ~afe!y les~ than three blocks from the :-c£"ne. Who Will Be The South Coast ?ta:za PLAYER ~~EMONTH? Orange County high school students and faculty or the 15 school1'i listed below will elect their football "Player-of-the-Month ." One \viii be selected for SEPTEMBER, another in OCTOBER ;:ind a third "'inner for NOVEMBER. Hu ge photographs of each w innr.r \\'ill be displayed in the Carousel Court in the South Coast Plaza. STUDENTS AND f.ACUL TY VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS COllOHA Dll MAii HIGH SCHOOL COSTA MISA Hl•H SCHOOL IDISON HIGH SCHOOL IS1ANCIA HIGH SCHOOL FOUNTAIN YALLIY HIG-H SCHOOL HUNTIJrfGTON II.I.CH HIG-H SCHOOL LA.CIGNA 1f.AcH HIGH SCHOOL MAlllHA HIGH SCHOOL MATlll Dll Hl•H SCHOOL NIWf'OlT HAl!;IOI HIGH SCHOOL U.DOUJACI Hl•H SCHOOL SAN CUMINTI HIGH SCHOOi. TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL YALLIY SINIOll Hl•H SCHOOL WISTMINSTllt HIGH SCHOOL South Coast ?t~a Bristol at San Diogo FrHway, C-Mesa DAILY 'llOT /1:1 1st Negro Elected 2 Dead in Vegas Violence; 'General' Calm Established In Atla11ta .. ATLANTA (UPI) -Atlanta "had lhe first Ntgro vice n1ayor in its 122·year history today -youth.ful attorney l\taynard Jackson, who called for "at"tion progran1s .. and en- 1' o r c t men t ' o f an- tiiliscrimination Jaws arid fair housing codrs. N~ Ul'I lt19111Mte Jac kson. 31. a vice president ATLANTA VICE-MAYOR of the Atlanta NAACP branch, d dE>feated \'elera n alder1nan __ M_•.:_Y_""-' __ J_o_c_k_••_n __ i\lilton Farris Tut>sday in the freorg ia capital's first biracial election for mayor and \•1ce znayor. Vice l\tayor Sa.in 1\-lassell, a liberal wit h strong Negro sup- p n rt , a nd nioderate llC'publiran aldf'rman Rodney Cook, 45, backed by the "po\\'er structure." v.·on Oct. 21 runnff berths in the eigh~· l'<ltK!ida!e race for 1nayor. The only black candidate, educalor Dr . Horace Tate, ran thlrrl. !\lassell, 42, \\·ho has served ai; vice mayor during the eight-year tE'rnl of retiring Mayor Ivan Allf'n Jr., ap- parently drew much of the Nrgro vote from Tate, 46 , who had been endorsed by the \\'Jdn w of Dr. Martin Lu!h('r .King Jr. and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy. Negroes compri1'ie 4fl pM"Cent of Atlanta's 218,000 rrgislrred voters. Paris H<lils Astronauts PARIS IA PJ -AmPrica·s Apollo 11 moon men came ln f'ar1s tod ay on 1heir tour of 23 nations anci were wPlcomerl, 1n a burst of sunshine as "heroes (lf lhe greatest advenlure that 1nanki nd ha11 ever knov.·n." Jacques Baumel. secreta ry of st.ate altached to the premier's office, greE"tcd the three astronaut.~ and their wives at Or ly Airport on !heir arrival fr om r.tadrid. About 200 young ster1'i fr om 1he Amrriran School gave Neil A. Armstrong, Ed.,..'in E. Aldrin and 1\1 ichael Collins a hig cheer as they \Va!ked up the red carpet . LAS VEGAS. Nev. IUPll - Two men ""ere shot to death. on the predominantly Net;ro west side of this gliltE"ring desert gan1bl ini.? oasis as disturbances na re(j Tuesday for the lhird straight night. The four square. mile district -le~ than one mile lrorn thl'l neon-lighted downk>wn gambl- ing casinos and fi ve. n1iles from the fained "!'trip" -\\'a~ rpported i.?PnE'rall,v cA!m early today. One inJury w as repor ted . Police !'atd a ~·h1!e yriuth \\'as pistol-~·h.ipped by four black youths. lie w a~ hospitalized but reportedly \\'flS not seriou~ly htlfl. Deputy Police Chief llall F.lliolt said lherP were 29 ar· rest.s during thr nigh!, mo~t or then1 for violating the 1 p.1n. cu rfe.111. Aflrr three night s of looting and arson. thr ~1rM'L~ \\'ere strewn \\'ilh sha tt.ereil J:;lass from brnken ;c;tore windows and the pavement was rharred where automobiles were sel afire. A priv.1le guard for 11 liquor slore !'hot and killed a suspected \oo~r Tuesday night as the man rmrrgcd laden with bottle!'. Earlier in the day, a :-alesrnan for A household produrts r on1pany was shot fatally in the throat as he niadP a 1lel i\'ery. The RS."iailan l eSC'a ped . INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY The Nevada National Guard, put on alert for the second t..1n1e Tue.'!Clay by ('ri)v. Paul Laxatt, \¥as released early to- day. The guardsmen were never deployed. Laxalt flew to lhe strife-torn ci1y Tue~ay bul did not make a statement. Bill Adams. assislanl city manaRer, manned a rumor control center Tuesday night and reporled 150 queries in li ve hours. "ll'.11 quiet now." Adams said early today. "There are no anl.i c1pated problern.i; in any direction. All the rumors that cropped up <t1bout full -scale: rioting were unlowKlerl . "Thls has never been called • riot -it's a disturbance. Actually, it. has been a &erie.11 of ifll'llated incidents." The two victims of the ~hootings were Albert J 1m 11a}·es, 32. a Negro, of Las Vega:io:, the looting su~t ; and Carl Arlhur Benson, 71 , a whit!!: man rrom Henderson, Nev .. the do or -to-door salesman. Mosque Bur11er Called Lo11er by U.S. Friend JERUSALE!\1 lllPll Den is f.lichael Rohan, 28, charged with set ting fire. to a Meslem mosque , was a mi~erable loner ~·hose: fellow farm workers regarded him as a bit weird , one of his friends testified today. Arthur Jones, 25, of Burbank, Calif., testified for 11n hour and 40 minules in the Uurd day of Rohan's tr ial nn chargE's of setting fire ft\ Al Aqsa fl.-1nsque Aug. 21. an in- tidrnt that broughl Arab cries for holy war against Israel. Jones said Roha n ~·as 11 con· fu~ed, oppressed young man who suffered an intolerable childhood in Sydney, Australia. Jones said Rohan once told of being in a mtnlal hospital in Australia. Jones' testimony \\'a5 In line with Roh11n'5 dE"fense plea Tuesd ay admitting he 511!1 the fire but cont.ending he was not in his right mind and therefore cou ld not be punished . CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE _ : the difference betwe en enjoying retirement -or just retiring 't1 the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn· ing to see them ~; the difference between carefree ·and careful living ; enjoy the 7o/o yield on 2 year investment ce·rt ificates when held to maturity ($5 ,000 minimum) .. ~ interest checks mailed quar- terly ~ of course , if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as· a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50o/o interest. >.; switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THE !ST. ·-----------Rememb.er we pay po&l.ige both way~-----------' Enclosed is my ei\eclt in Ille unount !If $ I lln"t m111led th1 f~pe of 1c:count I would likt oprned. Pl11st send me 1 sian1tur1 card which I will Im out 1nd rttlrrn. o s.~<:e. l~tln l'•tibtolt (•llf tl!Ollnt) O 1')1, 2 JMf ttrlil•tttl IS.DOG "'Jn I MY"' 0 f.'!li 1 J"I e>1rt1li(t l• $1,000 Ml•IM•lll O 6'lb 2 "'" cortlhui-SI.ODO 111!•1111~111 O '"" f, ""'"ttr ttrllliu!t S,.000 ,.,1.11111"' ;] &•; O•' •• O•Y •Ir! 1•lt1nt $25,000 CAtlfORNIA lMRlfT & lO,\N COSTA MESA orncE 170 [. J7lh Street. Cost• Me~. California 92621 ,.,,.., ______________ _ Addt~-------------- "•·---------------... ._ _______ _,,,,, _____ _ ---------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA THRIFTs-LO.AN MEMl(R OF ~ AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL BANKERS ASSOCIATION 5 olf1ees serving: Southern California COSTA MESA OFFICE 170 £.I 7th Slretl (across ful!erton SI. rrom 811 8o1's Restaut1nl) • (71() 646 ~CM~ -----. ,,. ~-""'"'·-~--.... ", ... ""'--~-~-..... ...,...,.,,,."""""" __ _,..,...,_..,...,_.,,..,..,,. ... ..., .... ~.-""' ....... .,., ... ,.,..,...,.,.., ...... --... ~-~-""-'--.,,.-'l:',,,.,,,,""'·""""'"'"""~ -. \ .18 DARY PILOT EDITORLU, PAGE l(eep It on the Shelf For four months, Orange County supervisors have had on the shelf a proposal to break up the Harbor District. The proposal from the county's ~al Agency For- mation Commission and League of Cities should stay on the shelf. There is no point in dusting tt oU, holding hearings on it and ordering an election on the question. The rep:son is simple: Even if voters decide to dissolve the district. nothing will have been changed. Jn the event of an affinnative vote, the Harbor District by another name, would continue to function. The only difference would be that it would no longer be an in· dependent taxing agency. Funds for the administration , maintenance, expan· sion. improveme nt and operation of the county's 'har. bors "'OU!d come from the general property tax rate. AU Utat dissolution of the district would accomplish ls the turning over of all the district's responsibiliUes and assets to an expanded Orange County Parks De. partment. Th.is transfer of responsibilities and assets, if dis· 5olution takes place. was assured by passage recently of a bill authoreQ by Assemblyman John V. Brigg1. The measure. in effect; pennits the county to ad· minister tidelands within a city's boundaries. Thus. n either the city of Newport Beach nor Hunt# ington Beach nor any other would-be city along the county's coastline can expect to go into the harbor OJ>" era.lion and development business. With or without the Harbor District, that will remain the job of county gov· ernment. As the Harbor District now functions, all policy de· cisions must be ratified by county supervisors. If har· bor operations are absorbed by an enlarged county parks department, supervisors would still make the policy decisions. The principal argument-that had been advanced for dis5olution of the district is that it bas been spend· Ckrgynwn Can Be Witty A 1id Caustic .. , l Sydney J. H~"~ . ' A _.!jl; 1'here etists a general feeling that clergymen as a class, however wise or virtuous they may be, are on lhe dull and pompous side : v•hich may be true enough. But there also exists a feel ing that lhey ought to be this way; which has nothing to recr1mmend it, neither piety nor good ·sense, Jonathan Swill,. that d e vast at in g 5atirlst, voas a clergyman mo..~t of hi..5 life, and for some years. Dean of St. Patrick's. John Donne. that willy metaphysical poet, was a devout member of the clergy, which fa iled to inhibit either his vigor or his n1ordant humor. THE OTlfER EVENING f v.·as read ing a biography of the Rev. Sydney Smith, the English clergyman, "·ho was a~ caustic and funny a fellow as ever Jed a devotional service; and I thought you might be amused to hear \'\'hat a bright ministe r thinks when he takes off his coa t and picks up his pen. Of a friend who had just made th e Grand Tour, Smith remarked . "He has returnee! from l\aly a greater bore than erer: he now bores on architecture. pain· ting, statuary and musi c." To an9ther fr iend, he said : "l an1 iust i;:oing. to pray for ~·ou at St. Pau l'~. bu~ with no very likely hope of_ success." COSCER!\lI'\G a couple v.·ho o;i,'f!re men1ber!' of his congrega1 inn, he v.'T ote: •·1 like him and his vdfe; he is so Dear Gloomy Gus: The price CJf admission to our high st'hool footba1J gam~ in tt\e New- port·Mesa district ls ridiculous. These games could and should be occasions for family outings! -V.J. H. TM• l••IV•• "!J«!• ••'4•n• ~••w" '"" MC-Fll'f n.e11 el tfle ft•WllMH" 1.-i• '"" pf! PM¥• " 0 ...... ,-On, DlllV ,li.t, ladylike, and she's such a perfect gentleman." And ol his famous con- temporary historian, he noted : "~facaulay has occasional flashes of silence that make his conversation perfectly delightful." Smith ende8red himaell to me: forever ?.'hen he wrote : "l have-no relish for tlle country; H is a kind CJf hultlly grave:• And. as a critic, it is impossible not to delight in his statemtnt: "1 never read a book berore reviev.·ing it; it prejudices one so." RE ONCE REfttARKED to a pompous colleague: "You and J are exceptiona to the law of nature -you have risen by your gravity, and J ha \'e sunk by rriy le\'ity." l l must have been this same man he was thinking of when he reflected : "The mos t solemn and terrible duty of a bishop is the entertainment of the clergy." I could go on for a column mort. but space con1pels me lo end \vith his saturnine observaUon · "Benevolence is a natural instinct of the human mind : when A sees 8 in distress, his conscience alwa~·s urges him to entreat C to help him." A Crisis of Confidence !.ONDO~ -Ever sin'c lhe publication flf the papal encyclical on birth control last ~·ear, the Vatican has been facing a latent cri~ls of authority. Now, to he lp hin1 in lhe government of the Church, Pope Paul Vi has called together hi!! bishops to discuss the primacy of papal aut hllrity. · However. the. oulline of the schema. or agen da, of the world synod avoids any mr!ltion of such conlroversial issue! as birth control or celibacy of the cle rgy. Bishnp V.'ladislaw Rubin of Poland, the 5ecretary general of the S(K;;.llJed ex- traordinary s;1ncd, specifically ruled out ~uch discussions. THE POPE'S CALL for this conference alread\' has aroused more controversy than the twn ~·eek long meeting it.self is likely to stiflr. According to the Guar- dian. Roman Catholic priesl.1 from e..ight European countries annoimced they vo ould press for a "free chl1reh and a free pope'' at a counter·S~'nod to assemble in Rome concurrf'ntly wiUJ tile meeting of the bishops. The priests \\'ant lo press for a decentraliz.ation of the Church in ac· cordil:nce with the conclusions of the Sec- ood Vatican Council. Prof. Hans Kung, the Swiss-born Rom&n CaLholic theol ogian. has actustd the V1tican of attt:mpting to "mu:c:le !he bi!JhoPf .. " Wrtghting in ~ Monde, Kung 15aid that Ow Roman Curi a demanded •·that epl8COpal conferences, before mak- ing a tUattment on an important m1ttt:r. seek lht opinion of the-Apostolic Stt In good time." Most r\nrthern European C11untries vppoite. any ccnsorshl'p wM:n I.he fililh and doctrine CJf the Church are not at stake. AN ENGLISH BISHOP said in London thal because the pres.idents of the nil· lionaJ conferences. lnst.ead of elecltd rt>presenl3tives, will go to Rome on Oct. II, the synod Ls unlikely to represent lh e Editorial Research . . ! lhinking of the 2,588 Catholic bishops. Op- ponent.~ of this meeting fear that the composition of the Synod is 11uch as to insure the deftat of the progressives. Cardinal Danielou, one of the church's Jeadi\ig theologians, warned last July that iI anyone tried to use the bishops as "a war machine against the papacy," the: bishops Would be crushed. Wr iting in L·osservatore Romano. Ca rdin a. I Danielou said the synod must not be turn· e<l into a showdown between the episcopate and the Pope. POPP. PAUL. 72. is deeply disturbtod by disse~ion within lhe church. He recenlly ltlld his general audJence at Castel Gan· dolfo that "the sharpest pain was given by the unruliness and un/aithfulness CJC certain of her ministers ." Pope Paul noted lhat a prelate: had said that the Pope was showing himself "to be timid and uncertain instead of frank and resolute.'' This, r.a.id Paul, "obli&ed us to rdlect .•• Tbt blqtst stir so far ha.11 come from Lea Josef Cardlnal Sumens of Belglum. Writing In the Journal Informations Cathollquea, Suenens argued that full and free public· consultation is needed from tht Pope right down to the la ity when lm· portant decisioos are t.o bt made and en· rycllealJ issued. "To overcome the credibi lity gap," the Cardlnal recommended a "li~ration at the summit." The alternative IO some ac· rommodaJion with Utt!: liberal wing of the Chureh may wtll be a shattering schism, 11nd the graviest crisis for lhe Vatican 1'ince the Reformation. ing too much tax money on harbors, lnland residents felt short#changed. But tltat argument is not entirely valid. About 80 percent of the boais in the county's harbors are owned by inland residents. And it should be noted that, in ad- dition to operatin~ three harbors-Newport, Dana Point and Sunset Aquatic Park-the Ha rbor District operates six county beaches, also used by inland residents. The fact is, in recent months it has become clear that instead of attempting to divtrt attention and re-. sources from beaches and harbors, we had better be inves'ling a lot more a ttention and resources in these irreplaceable assets while we stil l have the opportunity. Breaking up the Harbor District would be a futile expenditure of time and effort on everybody's part - public official and citizen alike. So let the dust gather. Hoag's Tempo1·ary Solution The 1nedical-surgical section of Hoag 1'-'lemorial Hospital lately has been faced with a 91 percent occu· pancy. That's an uncomfortably tight squeeze, to put it mildly, One shudders al the thought of how even a minor disaster, involving a half dozen or so injured persons. could overtax the facility. The problem, and that pros pect. was somewhat alleviated last week when Hoag Hospital le-a sed for a three-year period the nearby Newport Co nvalescent Hospital. Its 93 beds will temporarily help Hoag's over- c rowding. The long-range solution. of course, is the proposed I J.story Hoag Tower. That should serve the Harbor Area for a long time to come. A campaign for funds for Hoog To1.'·er is now un· derway. You can't put your money in a better place. It may be someone in. your family '~·ho would benefit. (Cl Kopeel111e Atitopsy Needed to A11swer Questio11s ,Justice Not Clear To the EdJtor: Re Sydney J. Harris article (Se:pt. 29} entllled:' Ted Kennedy's M a j CJ r Mistake·•. I agr~ with him. fllr. and Mrs. Joseph Ko{>t'chne should realize the importance of an autopsy, in Lhat the publlc vdll always wonder if the girl 11\!ary Jo) was really drov.-·ned, or murdered. If such an "accident" had happened to any less pu blic figure, the question v.ou!d be asked,. ''How does anyone know if the driver of the car actually p!ung,d off the bridge into the river?" Maybe the car was pushed O\'er the edge and the girl already dead. THIS WOULD explain everything now known about the case -the turn on a !lt· tie used road, dry clothes, etc. An autorsy would eithe r clear Mr. Kennedy, or condemn him ptrmanently. Was il an LSD party? Did the girl collapse in the car and die? Who knows? Asinine adulation CJf the man and/or J1is money·power should not be tCJ1erated by our legal system. He should be treated like anyone else. How can we expect the vouth of the nation to resJ>fct the_ !aw lf 1uslice is not clear in this ca~e~ AH kind people will hope lhe man is found in· nocent. but it should be proved . ~tRS. L. W. RILEY Facts Needed To the Editor : In reply to ~fiss Connie •lickman·s let· h~r (~1ailbox, <K·t. J) comparing the t1C• ciden!s of D1ckinSl)n "Crosby" Ross. Jr, 17, and Senator Edward Kennerly, l would like to sav th:it al though Kennedy n1:id¢ world-v.·ide ncv.-·s and was ch arged only with lea\'ing the scene of _an. accident , couldn 't it he possible for Dic kinso n Ross to get off too? Could it be. that the entire facts of this accident are known to only a few~ And if this is true, then tell me, wh11t did happen to cause a young girl's dea Lh" '\'~en '''e have these an swe rs. tlJE'll mayN>. \\'e can fairly jud~e the trealn1ent given to Ross and Kennedy. DEBBIE BOYLE Rule• vs. Conscience To the Editor , i\'lailhox Le!.tcrs from readers ar e. welcome. Nor1nally wrfters sliould conuey thelr ni.essages in 300 words or le ss. The r·ioh f ta condense letter.~ ta fit space or elin1i11o te libel is reserved. AlL let· fer:: 1n11st include signature and mail· iH!J address, but name.1 may be wit/i. held 611 request if Sllfficient rea.so11 i.~ apparent. rial.~ have In le<i ve H 11p ta the st·1. rl r 1tt 11~ IQ tl'hat 1$ 'good. or bad.''' Sile u1ondercrl 11,l1at /1a ppens In ?101n1rystcrs 111/J ••n tli ru leave sc/1n0I 1f tlll'!J ran·t r'lbry a fe111 rules wlu/r ll1cy are 111 sc/100/. Edi!ar .Uodl'rll and l'lral To the Editor ~ In \\'e<lnestlay n1gl1l ·s Pilot Log BQOk, i'lrt hu r R. Vinsel ga Ye an account of a Harbo~ Arl'a cou ple 's· 5uffering because of their child 's terminal illness. Ha1·i ng ('hi ldren Df my n11·n. I know something of \1'h>lt rhose parents IH1\·e gone through. tlly th oughts and pra yr rs are with the m. Yes. Bllly Graham \.\as in Anaheim. He noted in one of his niessaEics that Orange l~ounly .is the richest area 10 the \\"orld , A trip t() l[p;ig 1-lo~plta! rrm1nds us that suffering i~ a ~ real here as It is in Viet- nnm or Bi:ifra. O."\L ,. TllllOUG ll a rwrsonal rrla· l1onsh1 r 11·ilh C!1ri.•t can 11·e have any h1:1pe 10 one d~y CSC':-tpc the results of !';jn·s being In the. 11 orld . \l.'h:il other com- fort is there for this age~ Su ffering I~ as 1no<lern <i:> LSD, mNJn landings. and heart tr11nsp\ants. The re111rdy r.emalns cons!r.nL 1hrough the hi~Loty of nian. faith. "Old :ind quaint'' is one person's in1crpretati1Jn of the Bible·s message . fl1odern and vita l is mine. r\ANCY DONER Wonderf1d Thi11g T J the Editor. Answering lhe art icle-, "This llnwr itt~n Story Means Family Tragedy" last nigbt, 1 feel l must v.T1te to correct \he state· • Ill Kennedy Case rrient that Billy Graham·s message "seemed svmewhat old and quaint." True, the gospel is almost 2,000 years old, bu t if you were_ al the Anaheim Stadium any day or the Crusade, you would See it is nol "old·h at " but a 11·onderful thing to not OJJly the h11ndred going forwa rd each ni ght , but to the thou sands in the stands- whG alrea!Jy bt•l1eve in Jesus as their Lord . I SA\\' Q,'IE !\fA!'ll Tuesday ni ght ye ti out. "Can Jesus help an alcoholic from Ala..;k<i 7'' Billy Graham's ans\\·er \\as "Yes .. Jesus can help anyone." And lhe n1an bt'gan lo cry. Good news, yes! Old and <1uamt. No.! ~1RS. ANAJEAN LLSK Edison E.rpa11slon To !he Edi!or : At the risk of not having a com pletely informed opinion , (\Vho does, that iB not prejudiced?) I must take issue with the stand of the Southern California Edison Company concerning their desired ex- pansion program in Hunti ngton Beach. Anyone who li\'es in the South Bay area and has not seen the pollution of the al· mosphere al '\\-·ork has mi ssed some very dramatic displays. The p!a11l.s, at present, ej ect into !he atmosp~re sufficient quan- lities of pollutants lo change the color of the sunlight and the sky in their en- vironment. TllERE !\fAY BE man y technical tx· cuses buL let's face it-it is in a gene ral on·shore .,.,·ind area and you koow \.\'here lhat .~ e n d s any en1lssions. Then the.<ie pollutants ·sweep back tlve r us la ter wilh the night ofl·shore currents. And thev \.\'ant to lriple plant capacity! Edison i;hould be concerned about being cul, not expanding. Al l of the above is a sta lrment <if mv fet:lings and observations -but when ·r find niy opininn reinforced hy none le~s than lhe Orange County Air Pollution Control officer "'ho does not \~ant to O.K. their application, then I say -why ha ve \.\'e appointed and selectP.d this man IQ police our air if he isn't getting the strongest possible backing? SURE , I WANT adequate surplu~ of power for needed expansion, elc., bul t don 't wa nt to create ano~r smoggied·in area lo hack, cough, worry and die in, here in Orange County, Let's gather around this potnt and back lbe people V>ho are trying to protect us : our health and our environment -n1ore precious than all the power we could ever find a use for. The rna n who has taken a stand agai nst this expansion is William Fitchen. Let him know ho\v you feel~ \\'ARREN L. ROSE Uo111e Loa11 l11terest- To the Editor: The publi c. ls suffering a disservice sl~mming from the re<"enl barrage or publicity, locally and nationwide, decry· 1ng high interest rates in !he real estate industry. Note the following ~ Existing FHA and \;A loans: S1.l. perrent-6'2 percent. Ho.,.,·ever, attention is directed lo the following table of inte rest rates for lyp!cal loan~: . . ,., Prime lending rate for blg business 8.9 1> Cred it Card purchases 18'0 Retail outlet charge accounts 18'0 Automobil e loans 11-22"0 Personal loa ns ICl.S-2.3"'0 The present interest on new FHA and VA loans is 71i percent. Another essential fact is that the purchase of a home represents an in· vestment. The home and the land on which it stands \\'iii continue to increase in value. \Ve believe in our industry, v•e hke the people we serve and ""e resent distortion.s which confuse and mislead them. WILLIAJ\f H. McCABE L'nfairt1ess i.o l 'o11ih To the Edi!Qr : \l/h ile purcha/iing doughnuts in a loca l shop this afterno..)n, I noticed a rr:ost or· fensi\'e sign by the cash register notif)·lng ALL "teen.agers and young people." thai they would not be allowed to sit ;it the tables to ea t their doughnuts and drink their coffee. I questioned the manager about the sign and was told tha! t11ere had been some damage done :and other c.ustome rs had ctrmplained about the young people. THERE IS A classic example or \i\'h:t we have a SO<alled "generation gap." There is a \\'hole generation punished for damage done by a few. \\'here is our sense of fairness? Yes, there are some offerisive young people just as there are i;omc oUensivc adults, but I didn't see a sign disc riminating aga inst any ad ults. Re : Mrs. H. L. White·s letter I Mailbox, Sept. 25 ) concerning our schools. I cnn see that lt-lrs. Whlte is the type of right· thinking person that our society so desperately needs:. Before the revelations con tained in that letter l have ~n under the misconceptio n that th e primary purpo~ of our schools is education rather than rfgimentation, and the promotion of crtative thought. In Place of Parents OUR YOUNG people today :ire in· telligent, creative ambitlou~ and, for the most part. valuable citiz.ens. I hate to sec our good young people put down like this, and I an1 sure many other adults would like lo see them given a vote of con- fidence, too. l'\'e ·sttn lots of damage caused by CJur adul t citizens in this city and vet. a.!! far as I knov•, no one !las ask· ed tiM!m not lo come here. Come on, lei's be {air. It is Interesting to note that In Nazi Germany lhe educational 5ystem en· \'isloned by Mrs. White reached its pin- nacle o( perfection, The. stud ents had to wear uniforms. They obeyed the rules or they were thro"ll CJUt of school (among other lhings. WE CAN BE SURE that the authority was in the right place !\ere! lntellige]'lt thought was discouraged, and patriotism cheered. (Of course, the patriotism v.·as to a different country Ulan ours, but the idea . is the same.) We can all Stt the wonderful things that the graduates of those terrll ic schools accomplished. Concerning the statement about kids obeying rules : Occasionally there comes a time: in every evil \i.e. intelllgent, liberal, elC'.) person's l!fe when he has to make a choice between obeying his con · ticientt and obeyi ng the rule1. I'm sure that Mrs, White would have u~ ma ke the same. choice a.!! lhe German i;tudents and rx-studenls. STAN DORN Age 13 flfrs. \'Vlrite said, "TC.~ ,, prttry .~(lrf 1tare oJ Dffa1rs wht!1l rhe. .~cllool of/1 · Ca n a school principal open a student'! locker and look around? Yes, to supervise !he studtnt or to pre· 'ent miscondut·t. In a rece nt case studenls had repo rted tha t Pete Pushrr. 1;,, had sold the1n drugs_ Opening Pete's lockrr, the prin· cipa l found so111e drugs. Allhoogh the principal had no search warrant and Pete had not given hiln permission to make the search, the juvrnile court put Pete in a boys' home. Al Pete's hearing. the court admitted into evidence the drog s the principal had found. On appeal the higher court uph eld the court's ruling. SCHOOL OFFICIAL.5 arc ';in lorl partntls," that i,, "in pl ace of partnts." Allhough the Constitution forbids a search of homes without a \.\·arrant or without "probable cau~e." school people have joint control wi th students CJver loc kers. The princl pil had searched Pete's locker to check. on Pete's conduct ::ind to protect othe r students -not to .:ct crimin:il e\•idence. \Vhile on ~chooJ ground~ and during school hours, the pru1 c1pal can use . Law in Action J ) ... ~-, moderate force to prevent disordtrly an~ cl:ingerous conduct. This power includes ll'e right to search a locker, A SCHOOL OFFICIAL may not abuse 1":1s lega l powers. Rules n1ust rtlate reasonably to safety or discipline. Courts ha ve held invalid as a denial of rree t.peech a rule against wearing of political buttons. But rules are valid If lhey relate dlrecl!y lo morals and student dlsc ipline . 11 they do not, a court may declare them invalid . A stud<>nt has a rigtit ht-fore a ~chool nets to know why it "''ants to expel him. l1nder !his .. due process CJf Jaw " clauer,, he can have a hearing and a chance to answer charges. If he believies he did not lll'I a fair hearing a court may re view his expulsion. f\1ot~: California la1nyers offer this column so uri u ma11 knoiD nbou t our [(!!/.'$. MRS. L. BRADSHAW --iilD- \ V ed n es day. October 8. 1969 The edilorial page 01 111e Da ily Pilot seeks to inform and sti m.. ulate readers by preientin g t.his neu·spaper's CJpin ion .t and com. mentary 011 top1t ;i: of int.triest and 1ignificance, by providing a f<m1-m for the expre1sio11 of vur rer:ders' opfnfoM. and bu pre.!ientinp the diver.te view- point.! of infonned observers nnd spokesmen vn topics vf lh• d<iv. Robert N. Weed, Publlsber • ------------------------------------------------- Marine-s Deny Charges Improvements in Pendleton Brig Told -I CAMP PENDLETON ( A P ) Newsmen touring th~ Marine base brig here have been told that reports of \Videspl.ead brutality are fa lse. Prisoners and guards could not be in- terviewed or pholographed Tuesday wben most of lhe 52-acre cam.pound was open- ed for about 25 newsmen. Lt. C()I. Ed Schultia, base infonnation officer, said an article in Life Magazine \1as a "rehash" of an earlier article in First Nightei•s The Nation magazine which alleged bese officials sanctioned brig brutality. The articles a r e "fabrications," Schultze said. Lt. Col. N. G. Rodes, ctimmander of the base's headquarters regiment a n d responsible for brig. management, also denied reports of wholesale mistreatment although he said there have been isolated incidents. "If true, v.•hy y,•eren't they brought to DAILY f'ILOT i!IU !'IHI'- Son1e of 160 persons ,,·ho attended openirig night of Fifth Annual Real Estate Investment Conference at Ne-.1•port Harbor l·ligh School Tues- day night line up to register for session. Series. presented by D.l.ILY PILOT. Orange Coast E vening College and Ne\vport Harbor·Costa i\Ies a Board of Realtors. continues on consecutive Tuesday njghts through Oct. UI.. Course is open to the public \vithout charge. ... our attention berore this?'' Rodes asked . "I'd also like lo point out that if it dld had been stopped and that two primitive closed lheir eyes to it." Rodes confirmed th.at S-Ome practices had been stopped and thz two primitive brig facilities had been eliminated. He said the 451J..man guard force un- n1o uth \'lith adhesive lape -to prevent the prisoner from biting guards -is f.1r bidden. Also gone is the practice of having prisoners \Vail for hours In a cage called lhe "bullpen.'' It has been ren10"1ed . A structure l'lith 5-by-7·foot cells, once known as the ":cc box," is being turned into a recreation hall for inmates, Rodes s.:iicl. Newsmen were not allowed to inspect the maximum security area but Rodes said 4.3 of the concrete block building's 48 solitary confinement cells were occupied. The brig. built in World War II aJld designed for 350 prisoners, has an al"erage of 740 inmates, about 80 percent of them serving less than 60-day sen- tences for unauthorized absence offenses. Rodes said some overcrowding ha~ been alleviated recently by classifying about 140 prisoners as "base parollees." They are allowed to move out of the brig and into a barracks formerly occupied by non prisoners. He said the 4;,{)-man guzrd force un- dergoes a 10-day t raining course which includes basic psychology, studies in human nature and Marine brig regula- tions. r.-!any officers and senior non.com- missioned officers have had fonnal col- lcge.Jevel training in penology and sociology. Rodes said. Nev.·srnen also visited the brig last month afler the first magazine article \'las published. A congressional in1estigaling team ex- an1ined the facilities, but the team's report has not been made public. Hipped hy Explosion NE\V YORK (AP) -An explosion rocked the Armed Forces Induction Center in lower /l.fanhattan late Tuesday night, shattering mo re than 40 ~ndov.·s on the fifth floor and knocking bricks and masonry fron1 the building. No one \\'as injured in the blast although th ere ll'Cre several pE"rsons in the lobby of tttt! building at 11 :25 p.m . \\'hen 1 he explosion occurred. Huntington Frosli Grid Tenrns Piny for Sc1iolnrships The $20.),330 and the $206,871 impound- ~d for the 1967-68 year will be held by the county pending the outcon1e of a future court action. Freshman rootball tcam3 from the: Hun tington Beach l"nion High School D\strlcl wil l participate in <in crening of "do or die '' football Ort. 17 to earn mon<'y for a scholarship fund . All proceeds of the game, scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on the Huntington Beach High g;idiron, will go to ··Dollars for &holars," a district-wide fund raising JlrO}e(:t. Tl1e "Scholarship BO\\']" 1vill pit the freshrnan teains against each other, \\"1th each school playing one quarter against the other schools of !he district. . " P.:i.renl! will be asked to donale $1 for tile game, while students will be adn1itted by the pre·game purchase of 50-cent tickets. Administrators of the liuntington Beach High School District hope the. "Srholarship Bo11·]" 1~·ill become an an- nu:i! affair. IT'S A DRAW -\Vith Lee 1\ifossteller, district di- rector of special sen rlces. presiding. sludent lxldy presidents from five J-luntington Beach l lnion Hi gh School Di strict can1puscs dra\Y for pairings in fi rst "Scholarship Bo\rl '' football game Oct. 17. Boys are (from left) Nomi Furuta, lluntington Beach Jligh; Casey Spencer. Fountain \'alley; Scott Lent, tdison: Glenn Stevenson, \Vest minster and Jim Broomfield, r.Iarina. VISIT OUR EXQU ISITE SHOWROOM FDR THE FINEST INTERIORS IN ORANGE COUNTY ... Here 11 Alta's our qoa!ilied i11terior de~1gner~ offer fresh vibrant ide4s to en hance your home. ' llBERAL TERMS AVAILABLE DAIL y PILOT A:J VISITING NEWSMEN GOT THIS VIEW OF CAMP PENDLETON BRIG MINUS GUARDS, PRISONERS Behind the Barbed Wire, Official Denials of Mistreatment From Ma ri ne Corps Brass Trailer Park Plan1iers Battin Claims County Hiring 'Rubber Stamped' Told Land 'Too Precious' Developers of a proposed l04·unil mobile homf' park near Huntington Beach's Edison generating plant wer e told Tuesday by the city planning con1- mlssion that the property in question i~ too va luable to be consldered for non-in- du strial uses. The application by Seabury Develop-- ment Company of Costa r.tesa for a zone change all-O\'ling use of the land for a trailer park was turned down by a 4 to 2 vote. Planners generally felt sympathetic toward the applicant since inaccessibility and adverse land features do not now make the property a prime target for in- dustrial development. Gothard Speed Lin1it Set hy Beach Council A 45 · mph speed lin1it 11·as set on Gothard Street bet\\·een Edinger and '\\'amer ~ 1by ~·. e Huntington Beach Citj. eiia~ ·Mo night. . Other speCd llinlts for -othard StJeet -already in effect -are 40 mph bc\14·een McFadden Slre(t and Edinger ar:d 35 mph between Y,."amer and Main Street The comn1issioners, ho\ve ve r, said in eight to ten years \Vhen the (t)ast<i! Freeway cuts through the area, on and off ramps \\OUld be constructed there, making the J3 acres first rate industrial property. Robert Bazll made. the motion for denial, saying, .. Then! is a tremt'ndous hardship involved here but !he trailer park "'o uld destroy the continuity of what wf!l beco1ne prime indu s1.r ial property 1vith the free1vay interchange." Ron Foell, spokesman for the Seabury Devl'lopment C-0. earlier asked the com- mission to consider granting a l~year in- terim use permit for the property. located on the southeast corner of llamiUon Avenue and Newland Street, but v.·as told by chairman Roger Slates that the commis.sion will no longer granl such pcrn1i\s, Also approved by planners at the Tue s· day meeting wa.5 a conditional exception by A to Z Auto Wrecking for the dJsmantll~nd ~8' ol automobiles on the no st <fitilt~ Gothard Street and T11.lbe "Avenue. The-applicant \\'as \\·arned. hO\\'ever. th at the permit would only be valid for two years and that he should start look- ing for another local.ion. A luke\l·arm board reaction lo County Superrisor ltobert BaUin's proposa l that all top le~·e\ county appointments be detennined before the board led Battin Tuesday to accuse his colleagues of "rub- ber starnp lng·· the hiring decisions of County Administrator Robert Thomas. Bt1ttin urged the board to back his me>- lion that the ·'top three to six" applicants for department head positions be screen· ed by the board prior to final selection. And he included in that category the final selection of the coun1y's public in·, formation officer, the ne\V Sl2 ,000·a·year addition to the county payroll. "Our cou nty government v.·ill be more responsible if the ~11pervisors sit in on these decisions .'' Battin said. "It would 1nean better direction by this board and a reflrrtion of our interest in these ke/, positions." - But lhe board. led by Supervisor David Baker, refused Lo offer a second for Bat· tin"s motion. "This screening is done by Thomas' office," Balrer said, "and we da have the right and pri'lilege of silting ia with hltn when the decisions are made - if we want to exercise that right." ''You'r e abrogating you r responsibility," Battin snapped. "But if that's what you want to do and you want lo do it publicly that's fine by me." SAYE $154.74 ON NEW HARMAN-KARDON 200 COMPLETE 4-PIECE FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO-CHANG R,-12" CO-AXIAL LANCERS! 2 YIEAR GUARAMT!! rARTS & UIOR \o<ICl•llllO •0'('.1!-1 ........ Ult•l·,."k , .. _ """'''· •"'f>O'"••n! cO<Ttn>I '"tu'"' 1...i dt<O· •1:0<--4 .. '9,,.., l'Yll,.., ....,vln<""' m110I o•l<ll lillcori "-kl-l·+ttn1l110t (MOSFETl tr.,,I• H·K 200 , , •• , ••• S2SO.OO GAllllAllD ••••• , •• S45.4S LANCEllS •••.•.•• Slt.Ot REG. PRICE $354.451 SAVE $154.74! ?::~·:~;~~~~~·~·:~~~·1~= ·~~~~ s199a1 .... 11< ""'"°'"""'° FM '"""~'"II 1..a >!"'to . l<l<I0:1t•:tr !)OM 10 JIWIClll tlet"° FM 10<"1>· llOr>. FIVW'-1t""!nv 1n<I l\oNll·• •-I~,...,. "' ·-1"v ""'1nv. REG. $250.00. SA YE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! • Solid.Stat• St•r•o Comp•t:t T•p• Sy,t•m 1hi1 ;, for the ptno" "'ho w1ol1 1 !tu• Iv v1tt1+;1 •. porhbt1 1!1•10 l•p• •v•• 11m. Com,1111 4-lri~k ot1r10 -built- ;., powor l"'plili1t1 _ .,.,,j "'lf~h1d •!1r10 1po1~1to. BuOlt.;" Stort o Co.,. frol c ... 1o, p••"';1, <o ... p11+1 1.,:i:i;., for 1 •l1r10 tu""'· o• "'"f"ll;c pioo.,o· q<•ph. Two ..,;,~opho"•' i"tluolocl. OLD s229 so jjjjjiiiii~~. I. "'...., '''""'°°" -• :lllO won ,M ollt .. ooll<I ilOll <Kl i"o't•. .... t-( ... ..,.. ................ ·-----1-0 ., • I'll •X 5pu•" 11,,-.e>"' "'"""IC • PRICE .... ,, ,, NEWs199so PRICE FISHER 160·T and XP·5's, FM-Stereo e fllHllt 1 •0-T l 1!n1 ••1• oil ..,rkl Oll<t e "'"'" FM llltto Rt<r•-· 1.,,..0.Mo•ic 'v"1"9 u <O'C1• vw• •••O•llo fM ,,.,;., .. ~-ofabv!lon.11 ... llft.U . REG. PRICE $369.SOI SAVE $169.821 5 29968 . . ---· ---------~---.c--------------------------------------------------------- ----- ',\4 DAil V '!LOT 77 7 A I I 1 •eg f g &i M'*WMWMp;PE &I! z:u:m raa:.•wlf'!t'@li!e••!&L*MW::s \...=tm<.-'\a:a~rms.• a a :r2 !J'' Montreal: A Day Without " 1 -- !·" I I iii :TOIAY'S 11 [ ·-·-· -·· ~-.-~u 1u.m.11te '' '"' Dl llJ 1'1191 ll•IU Ma x Raff•rty, superin tendent of public instruction , says crilics -0! football scho larships are merel y hateful and enviou s people. In a speech to th e Tahoe r\thletic Asso- ciation a t 'f ahoe College, Rafferty dismissed opponents of football schol arships a s "burning -eyed, bea rded draft card burners ,, .. h o hate and envy the football player because he is son1ething tl1ey can never be -a n1an . '' • I -. .....--• -· ----..-"' • -"S • •ittW~ ~... ,. ----. " 0 )1e of flit' r,1.i :rsru11ts f o T .. ho1necon1 ;na q '1t't''1 a t tile l,'11i· ' versify 01 H~i•c!: fl(J.S 1neos11re-r, 111~1~t~; 01 j;f-J+.'i!. Bru<·e 1Bik:e, j ;r.rc'cf·~~.i~rJ --~~+~;~1~1'.r, ;~~~11~: 1:~ ,1 br /rc t·rs ns f .rc!•1:;,0•1 of n1a /es .~ r1ola trs rit e i 96-I C ·~·il Riglirs fl Acr. B i ~·/e. !\·ilosc t r1e11ds cal l b /1in1. "B!td~'1a." ~rq,s tli r id ea f co111c ro h p11 u:h1lc lie was tak· !. L'~~·:ba~~~~ -· --·~~: .. 7'~ • These v•ere conunon scenes in l\fontreal Tuesday as 6,000 city police and firemen went on a wildcat strike and left Canada's largest c ity virtually \\'ith· out la\v for 16 hours. Gasoli ne bombings and van· dalism by marauding gangs of hoodlums left a wake of destruction through the city center. The scene above is of the !-.1urray Hill Limousine Garage \Vhere rioting cabbies set several bus es on !ire and heavily damaged property. At right. a n of- fi cer of the Quebec P rovincial Police is handcuffed to looter caught in the act 'vith the g00ds in his hands. The city police returned to work t~ ... ay after the Provincial Government passed an einergency law and threatened ille officers with severe penal- ties. Math teacher Gillian Thome' \\'ent to schoo! at Horley, Engiand, in bell·bol ton1 sl acks and a S\\'eat· er. The school principal sent h e r hon1e, calling he:-:::~;i.iit improper •. Gillian 21, \ven t hom e, ch!inged and cafn c back to schoo l in a mini- s kirt 12 inches above the knee. The school did not object. t> .. ~-11~ ~ ·,;.;:_rs.:.::z:~..m--4 ~--~ ... : __ :c:~:...!!......·~.:;:.-. ._ -:... -:'" .• ~.~ . .:-:~c:~.:.~'.!!Sl!i!....?.F-nv:z=!::t·.__:a_::r:!.'.~-. .:.:nn. ~ .. : ·--~~~"-lR~? ? 1 w -"'"'~· _ ··.:· • ~!!t.~· ms r.P-o::n-...~ • San Francisco Po Ii c e Chief Thome' Cahill, a man proficient at apprehending outla1vs. has c aptur- ed a n lnlaw. Chief Ca hill. vaca lion· lng in Jrunaica. a nnounc ed that he ,1·ill marry Mrs. Felipa De Le Tor re \Vho is the mother-in-la\v Of his son. J ohn. The c hief's fi rst '''ife, 'il largaret. died in f\ilay of 1968. !\Irs. La Torre is a widO\\I , • Sl~(i ro b1: nose to show biz nose was t hr 1•1ct11rc follou·111g llie open ing 111gh i pcrror1nn1tce of aclor Antho11y iVr tr/P•f 11! r/1e \\'oldorf·Astoria lit ,\'r11· )'1111., Tl1r n•l:c r nose., Carbra S1 re1su1vJ . ti lir; r: .• r, • Dorotliy And rews E lston, t rea- ::t1 rer of the l;nitcd States, says she J1o pes son1e day th e cur rrnry bear- 1n" her si gnature \1·111 be v.·orth t.h ~ arnount print ed on it. "Not slnr r 19:l9 ha,·c \Ve h ad a 10().cent d ol lar and c\·eryonc suf fers be- cau ~c of il. .. ~I r ~. El~ton said Fri- da\·. She called inn a won "a re a I il11"1e ~.s. ·• Gal"s Best Friend 'Morning After' Pill Effective SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A "morn- ing after" contraceptive is replacing diamonds as a girl's best friend. A Ya le Unh'er5lly ph ysician says heavy doses of commonly used estro11tn& have been administered in the d11ys im· mediately following sexual aciti\'ity to nearly 400 Ya!e coeds since 1965 -with 100 percent efftctiveness, when taken properly. Dr. John ~1cCle&n f.1orrls outlined the treatment Tuesday durin g a panel discussion on contraceptives at the cl inical collt:ge of the American College of Surgeons. MOrris said • the "morning after" technique a!llO hid been used aucceutuUy to prevenl pregnancy in 90')l coed! at UCLA , in several other college health centers and in Europe. "We've had no pregnancies in anyo!lt \\·ho took multlple dosages in adt:quate time ." fl.forris said, in regard to the Yare experiments. "Our on ly failures were girls wh-0 look Inadeq uate doses at the \'frong lime ~ usually because they were already preg- nan t from int!':J"coutse a few days carli t:r ," he. said. There is no question the tectmlque works, but there is some doubt bow prac- tical it is. the Yale physician said. "It basically is a good bac~p method for women who forget to t&te their pills or after accidents invoWinf ,othef con· ltactptiye methods," hi laid. Navy to Turn Ove1· Boats To Soutl1 Viet Patrols SAIGON (AP) -Tht U.S. Navy will transft:r 80 rirt r patrol boats to the Viet- name.se Navy fricl ay in the largt st slna:le turnover of 11a1-al materiel in the v.·ar, South Vietnam r.sc military headquarters announced today A U.S. i'"a 1'y spokesman said the tu rn over is parl of the U.S. proiram to "'Vietnami ze'' lhe 11·ar so that m»re Am erican forces can be 1vithdrav.·n, A South \'ielnan1ese spokesman said the 80 boats \\·ould be dir1ded equally among four river patrol groups \1'hich will form ~ t11sk force to be com· missioned at l'eremonies Frida y. The turnover will bring to 229 the total num btr of L.S. ~avv craft transferred lo the Vietnamese sincC June, 1968, or about 40 pt"r cent of the 550 American boats p&lrol\!ng South Vietnam's in l 1 n d v.·alerways. The other 32 l are to bt turn- ed ovt:r during the next nine months. The U.S. Command says 33,800 Americ an Navy men now are in Vietnam. President Nixon has announced a 5,000. man cul for the Navy as part of the 5,000.man v.•Jthdra v.·a[ scheduled to be completed by Dec. 15. Meanv;·hile, Premier Tran Thien Klem predicted tOOay that there v.·ill bt 1W "breakthrough" in lhe v;a r until a new supn:mt: leader emerges in Hanoi. \Va rel Returns to News HOLLY\VOOO iAP) -Newscaslt-r Ba xtt r \\"ard. v.·ho gave up tt>!t:vi1lon to run unsucct:ssfu!ly for mayor earlitr this yea r is rt:turnlns to th!': news busi ness. Gtneral l\taneger \\'ally Sherv.in o! KHJ-TV disclosed Tuesday that \\'Ard vi]IJ be chief ne v.·scaster. starting Oct. 27, on "Los Angt:l~s 9 Ne\\·s." Palm Springs Still Warm Heavy Rain Sollks Southern Oregon Cocut Co••t•I ~•"'" .. ,,, "'°'"'llt ,... ethtrw•tt •u"V.IM. l lthl .,..rlt~ wl""t Ito !lll'l'>t .,... ITIM"IM hour• tf(M'llP!t '°"'"' Wtll to Wtll I It II knoll I" •fltr• noont lll(l•Y 9"" ,."""'*'· HlfM fo-IUY 1• IO 11. Cotlltl l.m11t•.turt• f l Mt '""' JI lo IJ. 1"'""" 1wn"t1111rn ''"" l rom Ji IO M, Wtrtr ltrflHfl l\;,_ f4. s""• M-.., r1 ..... TltV•I OAY l'l•t • ,..1,11 ,, '·-· ,! ... ,,... 5! '"'"low .............. ':)t 1 m,O.J St<.-111•11 • •• • •• •• .... I II •.m. ' 1 SftONI low 1·0 •. ,.. o.• ........ , .. l ltl '·"' l t!t 1:1t "·"'· ~ ... , .... f.11 t ,M, l fh ,,TO P.m, TrM ct "lrt1 NCl'ltllt .. "'9 eou"'" .,....... .-neo•ll1' lt l• '""" w!tti r11fo t i t11Mrft t"ll ... llW!\-t~l,.mt•, Tl•• itrM r rtlft Nnf ..c!Wf'odt '"'"' 1111 '"'''" t ul! t !Ot>t mt """t11c~l1~1 l"!t Ntw l ftt'!tllCI' ,,... f tl .... ttd to '"' Allt ft!I( Cl .... " to !flt l'MlrlH Hit (Oftl, lttln .. ., "'°''tv 11...,r. A l'tC!ll( "erll &routlll •fin t..cl Jl•O~I '"11WIJ wintlt t<tm Not11W•" c1111or"i. It w11n•11t•O"', l •ooOltl"t•· On .• "'"'"'tel J,.lt lnt;/wt dull"' t It M~f -ll>CI. t i ... ··~ ·~'~ '~"' $e<l!l°'f•• (t!Ue•ftlt fO ni. lewff MIHlllT~ Vt l• "" .... •re"" IM flflftl\fl ft G• .. I ""'"' fO "'' IO>Wr Olllt Vt ll•1. Tt,.,,,..,..tur•• .. ,.. (~1 ~ul ~llltrll (tlllor•1t •• mtl .... d "''""· Temp"r•tMre• A!11Mt •1k.,1tl•MI 8ltm1rck '"'• ..... ·-Nl~lll• C.Mct " C.llltlftl'llll Ofllvrr 0.1 ~Mt Ott1tll F t l•Mfll\t l'orl Wirth ..... l\O ~.,_ -lulu l(~ftl,t1 Cl"" l t • Vlf'' l Oi A"ftl1i Mltml M!nf'4• ... 111 H ... Orlt•OU Ntw Ylll'- f'W"' .. lllTt Ot~ltnd 01<t1"0m. ca, o ... 1nt "'""" S••l'Oo '°t i& Jl:oll!ft Ph0&nl• "'n•,bli••~ lt•~I~ (1!1' Jl:"'CI t 1v11 s •• ,.,....nltr $1•1 ll~t (111' S•" O•• .. S•n F•tt>CllU $,•l!lo ,...,. ...... T~1,..,.1 Wt tl'li"l ltr" ltllll Ltw 'rte " . SI U .01 1t jJ ·" . " S1 '' .ID 11 .. ,.;cl I I 51 14 1l •• 10 ,, it ,, .ll ~ " " . 11 .M .ll " . M •0 « " 11 J) •• 71 IS •I r. .. H •' •• " .m 11 <' .01 u n .u n '' .lol N " ,, J1 " " 71 Jl ., .. " . " " ,. .. .10 • • " . 11 ,, ,, . IJ ,, " ~ ... !J ·" p ., .Ill ,, " " " .u Post Office Plan By Nixon Killed 'VASHI NGTON (UPI) -The House Post Office Corrunittee today rej ected President Nixon's proposal to turn the Post Office Department over to a govern· ment corporation. The vote ln the 26·member panel was 13 to 13. A tie vote on a motion loses. Re p. i\1orris K. Ud all (D-Arlz .. ) had nlade the motion to proceed 1\·ith drafting a bill <ilong the corpora le lines proposed by the administration. Ch airman Thaddeus J . Du\ski, !D· N.Y.,) said the 13-!3 vote "effecti vely" killed the Nixon corporate proposal, The panel now will proctt:d to draft a bi\1 along lines Dulski suggested . 2 South American Planes Hijacked; 113 Aboard By United Press International Two Soul.h AmC'r lcan jetliners, one Brazilian and the other Arge ntine, \\'ere hljar.ked to Cuba today. A total of 113 persons v.·ere aboard the tv.·o craft. The first hijack was rC'ported from Rio de Janeiro when a Braiz lian Caravelle ,1ctliner v.·ilh 50 pe rsons aboara was seiz- ed v. hilc flying dow tht: Am azon River Valley from Belem to Manaus. The hi· JilCk::-rs ordered the plane for fly tG Geo rgel.Own, Guyana, en route to Cuba, for refut:ling. The second hijack \118.S repor1ed from Santi ago, Chile, \\'hen an Argentine Airlines Boeing 707 with 63 persons ;i hoa rd , en route from Buenos Aires to r-.'l iami. 1~as seized v.·hite landing at Pu dahue! Airport .. A radio message frorn tne. plant: asked all ground crew per90n· nel to keep clear of the aircraft while it \\'as being refueled. Today v.·as lhe second annivers11ry of. the death in Bolivia of Cuban revolu. lionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and i& was as:sumed tht datt: wa s connected wi th the hijac kings. • Tht ne\v permanent press fabrics arc much like your face. Sensitive. They need gentle treatment. 85% of all men's slack1 !old arc permanent press. also 75% of dress shirts and 59:11 of work panu. lt's the trend.And it's wonderful news for saving you time and money. Unless given special cate, they can \vrinkle up like prunes. Sunshine just can't d ry them cor .. rectly. Electric dryers are proarammcd to pro- vide just the right amount of " •• ·......-..-.. heat for the rig ht an1ount of -:,. ~J" time, an d finally a gentle tun1 .. bling fl uffs up the fibers. \Vrinklcs just don 't have a cha nce \Vith ca re li ke this. And you kno,v, it won't be long before virtually all vari· eties of hou&ehold fabrics will be permanent p re!s. Today Be ready with an electric clothes dryer. The~ ~ .,.. '"":":.I'"'""""''; outsell gas dryers 2to1 nation• ~· ,.,,..,, .. · • J; all y. Electric drycr1 arc flame.- "i 1", ,.1 less and odorless. They co&c ··.. less too. Up to $30 less, io fact. Get the \vrinkles out of yo ur life! Vii it you r helpful appli· a nee dealer today.ses=. Southern C1/ifomia Edi&on • I 'lnterce11t' Baiting Sm11gglers . ' I r V~llt4 1'1-~•~I Operation Jntardrpc. has forced the prices of tnarijuana and da ngerous drugs to double in many areas and profession.. al smugglers are now attempt· ing to cash in on the lutrat1 vc new rates. O ff icia l s Of the I government's (·r;i ckdu\1'n Qn smuggling in to thf' L'S. pro-:: ~, duced records 1'ucsda y that ~--' , ind icate profess1011ul s1nug· -~ ' glcrs are willing lo risk lhe ~i Operati?n ln lerrept dragnet !o !"_tr se ll their drugs at double the ~""';. normal rate. -, 1'he crackdown. begt1n Sept. 2.1 '. has. bern credited 1111\h the h nr1ce rise and also Y.'lth caus· ini;; smugglers to curtail oper- allons. ---' Intercept off icials with headquarters in Los Angeles said dar.gerous drugs 111Hh a lotill illegal value of $58,000 Ba1·11a1•tl's Bride? ""t r had been seized in the past Barbara Zucllncr , 19-year-old daughter oJ a Gern1· 1""'0 days along \\'Ith 24 pounds an-bor n Soulh African industrialist, sho \vs off the of mari juana. diamond and ruby ring she claims \vas given her On e of those arrestell. Ti -by famed heart transplant pioneer Dr. C'hri stian juana police n1an G11mcrs1nr~o Jlern andez Ochoa, 20, was ac· Barnard for 'Lheir engagen1 ent. Barnard, no\\! in San I•'rancisco. \VOU!d say only "no conu11ent'' when cused of smuggling i0.000 seconal capsules into the coun· _a_s_k_c_d_o_f_th_e_cn-'g'-a-'g'-e_n_ie_n_t_. ----------- try. Customs agents found the pills, the illegal value of y,·hich y,•as set al $28 .000 . hidden ln a compartment in his car's gas Fial1tcr Wrecks 2 Hon1cs 0 tank. In ano ther incidcnl , Mc.-;a·an police. working on a tip frorn customs agents. a r re s t e ti f'rrnan<lo l\1;1 sc art'no in Ti· juana and seized 7 5 . o o O an1phctarninc and barb1turale pi lls, worth $30,000 on lhe il· 01\LAl!O~I A CITY IAP! - A ligl1tcr plane trying for '111 cinergcncy landing t ril shed in 1\ residenti<il <1rea near Tin ker Air Force Base Tuesday, kill - ing the copilot and leaving a block-long trail of destruction. Tw0 homes ·were drstroyed and lhrec da1nagcd, but no civilians reported injuril's. The pil ot of t11c Kansas /\Jr Na- tion;il Guartl FIOO parachuted !o ~afety less tllan three blocks from the scene. licit markcl. Who Will Be The South Coast 1taza PLAYER ~JE MONTH? Orange County h igh school students and faculty of the 15 schools listed below \Vii i elect their football "P layer·of•the·Month." One 'viii be selected for SEPTEMBER, another in OCTOBER and a third \vi11ncr for NOVEMBER. J-lu ge photographs of each 1,.,.inner ~:ill be di~pl ayed in the Carousel Court. in the South Coast Plaza. STUDENTS AND f.ACUL TY VOTE NOW IN THE CAROUSEL COURT PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS CORONA OIL MAit HIGH SCHOOL COSTA Ml~A HIGH SCHOOL iDISON HIGH SCHOOL ESTANCIA' HIGH SCHOOL FOUNTAIN fAliEY HIGH SCHOOL HUNTINGTON IEACH HIGH SCHOOL LAGUNA llACH HIGH SCHOOL MAlllNA f11GH SCHOOL MATER 011 HIGH SCHOOL NEWPORT HAllOl HIGH SCHOOL ~ADDLllAC« HIGH SCHOOL S4N CLEMENTI HIG<H SCHOO&/ TUSTIN HIGH ~CHOOL YALLIY SINIOll HIGOH SCHOOL WISTMINSTlll: HU•H SCHOOL $outh Coast ?t~a B•istol at San Diego FrHway, Costa Mna DAIL¥ PILO T /i.i 1st Negro Elected 2 Dead in Vegas Violence; 'General' Calm Established In Atlanta .. ATLA NTA (UPI) -Atlanta ha d the fi rst Negro vice mayor in its 122-year his tory loday -youthful attorney Maynard Jackson. who called for ··action programs" and en· forc ement of an- tidiscrimination laws and fair housing codes. UPI T....,,,. .. Jackson, 31, a vice president ATLANTA VICE-MAYOR of the Atlanta NAACP branch, M defeated veteran alderman ___ •_vn_•_•_d_J_•_•k_s_o_n __ l\1i!ton Farris Tuesday in the lieorgia capital's fi rst biracial election for mayor and vice fnayor . Vice r.tayor Sam r.Jassell. a llberal with strong Negro sup- po r l , an d moderate 11cpu blican alderman Rodn ey Cook, 45, backed by the "'power slructu re," won Oct 21 runoff berths in the eight· candidate race for mayor. The only bla ck candida te. educator Dr . Horace Tate, ran third. i\.1asse!l, 42, who has served a!i \'ice mayor during the cighL-year term of retiring r.layor Iva n Allen Jr., ap- parently drew much of the Negro vote from Tate, 46, who had been endorsed by the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Rev. Ralph Abernat.hy. Negroes CQmprise 40 percent of Atlanta's 218,000 registered voters. Paris Hails Astronauts PARIS (AP) -America's Apollo I! moon men came to Paris today on their tour of 23 nations and were welcomed , in a burst of sunsh ine as "heroes of the greatest adventur r that mankind ha s ever known .'' Jacques Baumel. secretary of state attached to the premier's office, greeted the !hree astronauts and Lheir wives at Orly Airport on their arrival from Madrid. About 200 youngsters from the American School gave Neil A. Annstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins a big cheer es they walked up the red ca rpet. L.'\S VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - Two men were shot to death on the prcdominnntly Negro west side of this g!itter!ng desert gambling oasis as disturbances flared Tuc~day for the third straight night. The four square mile districl -less than one mile from the neon-Jigh red downtO"-'n gambl· ing casinos anti live n1ilC's from the famed "strip" -was reported generally calm early t:iday. One injury w a s reported. Police S<lld a white youlh was piSlo!·v.·hlppetl by -four black yol.lths. He w a s hospitalized but reportedly \\'as not seriously hurl. Deputy Police Chief Hall Elliott said there were 29 ar- rests during the nigh!, rnost of them for violating the 7 p.m. curfew. After three nights of looting and arson. the s!rf'els wrrc st re.,..·n with sha1tcred glass froin broken store window.~ and the pavcn1ent \11as charrrd where automobiles were set afire. A private guard fo r a liriuor store shot and killed a suspected looter ·ruesrlay night as the man C'rnerged la den with bottles. Earlier in the day, a salesman fo r a household products company \\'l'JS shot fatally in the throat as he made a 1telivery. The assailant escaped . INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY The Nevada NatiQnal Ct1ard, put on alert for the !>econ(\ time Tuc.'Kiay by (;{}\/, /'au! Laxult, was released early to- day . The guardsn1en were never deployed. L<ixull flew to the strife-torn eity Tuesday but did not make a statement. Bill Adams, assistant city manager, manned a rumor control cen ter Tuesday night and reporl f;d 150 queries in fi ve hours. "It's quiet 00111," Adams said early today. ''There are no anticipated prob!c1ns in any directi-0n. All the rumors thaL t·roppcd up alxlut full ·scalc rioting were unfounded. "This ha~ never betn cal\r1l a riot -it's a disturbance. Actually, it has bef'n a series or i.~lated incident::;." The two v1ct1n1s of the shootings were ,\lhert Jim Hayes, 32, a Nci;ro. of La~ Vegas, the looting susprcl; and Carl Arthur Benson, 71. a white man from Henderson, Nev .. Ille d oor-to-do or salesman. Mosque Burner Called Loner IJy U.S. Friencl JEP,USALE:1'-1 1 l<Pl l Denis l\1ichael Bohan. 28, charged Y:ith setting fire to a Y...loslcn1 n1osquc. w<is a miserable lone r \1·hosc [cllrnv farm workers regarded hin1 a!i a bit weird, one o[ his friends testified today. Arlhur Jones, 25. o f Bw-bank, Calif., testified for an hour and 40 minutes in the third day of Rohan 's trial on cilargrs of setti ng fire to Al Aqsa Mosque Aug. 21 , an in- l'idtn( that bro11ght Arab cries for holy y,·ar ag<1inst Israel. Jones sald Roh;in \\":JS a con- fu sed, oppressed young m;i n who su ffered an intolcrah\c cl\ildhood in Sydney, Australia. Jones said Rohan once told of being in a mental hospital in Australia. Jones' testimony \1·as in line Y.'ith Rohan's defense plea Tuesday admitting he set the fire but contending he was not in hi.~ right mind and therefore could not be punished . CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE , the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring . : the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn · ing to see them ,. the difference between carefree and careful living ii'v: enjoy the ?°lo yield on 2 year investment certificates when held tci maturity ($5,000 minimum) ,;; interest checks mailed quar- terly ~ of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50 o/o interest. ~ switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH Will YIELD INTEREST fROM THE IST. ,_ ___________ Remember we pay postage both ways ----------- [ndosed is my check Jn !ht •mount of $ I hive ma1ktd the type of account I Miuld like opened. Pie~~' send me 1 si1n1t11r1 card which I will f~I oot and rtturn. O S.50~ l••l" l"lnbtot t••r lfMYftU 0 7% l ~ ... «irtlflcr'll JS,000 ltllftlOIU ... 0 6"-I Y'" <"1iflc1l1Jl.000 111i•l111""' [] ,,, 1 ,.., t11liliut1 SJ.ODO IPlinlll!U"' 0 6'!1. 5 r<>o•lll c1rtitl~1t-JS.GOO '"l•l19WOI [J 6% 01r ln·tl•r out Jn tr111t SZS,000 CALIFORNIA THRIFT & LOAN COSTA MfSA OFFICE 170 [,17th S!reet, Co~ta Mes~. Californl~ 92627 thm••--------------- Addr••~-------------- ''"•--------------- '"~-------~···------ ---------------~-~-------------------- CALIFORNIA THRIFT&LO.AN MEMBErt OF THE AMErtlCAN INDUSTRIAL IANKERS ASSOCIATION 5 offices 1.erv1ng Southern C11ilorn1a - COSTA MESA OFFICE 110 £. I Ith S!reet (1tross rull&rton St. from Big Boy's Restaur•nt) • (714) 646-S04S AC ·-.~ .... -... ·~ .. •'•"' -· DAD..V PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Yielding Huntington Beach High School District tru1tees have yielded to pre.ssure and agreed to drop all plans for a student .sex education course in the near future. Alan Kennedy, a teacher instrumental in designi'ng the proposed course. said it best: "I've had it Lp to here with this contro\1ersy. I've been called a Con1- munist and a conspirator and that's enough." The state legislature pas1ed a bill giving parents the right to withhold their children from sex · 'i.1cation c lasses. The board could well have considered thal suf· ficient protection for those who !eel that such inst.ruc- tion is "immoral." The plan to establish a night class for parents "who a re not equipped lo teach sex education at home" ts a poor substitute. If high school students haven't been educa1ed at home by the time they enter school it is a littl.e late 10' start educating their parents. (See ":\Imo.st One Percent" in Mailbox below.) 25 City Conventioners Huntington Beach sent 25 representatives to last week's League of California Cities conference in San Francisco, far more than a ny Other Orange County community. While the conference sessions were undoubtedly of value lo councilmen and rome departrrterrt heads, it is questionable that they were of equal value to all of the various iJisistants, commissioners and board members wbo attended. It is also doubtiul judgment to leave a city the size to Pressure of Hun·ting ton Beach practically denuded of top offic· ials for three days, And then there is also the matter of cost. Twenty• five delegates at an average cost of $220 each adds up to $5,500 in city funds. It· seems that a wiser course in the future \Yould be to send fewer representatives with those attending reporting activities of interest to those \\'ho remain at ho!'Tie to conduct the city's busines s, San'la Ana, with a population of 152,000. sent but seven representatives and Anaheim , the county 's larg· est city with 165,000 residents sent only 14 representa· tives. Huntington Beach might well take a look at neigh· boring Fountain Valley 's policy before outlining ·the delegation to be sent to next year's League of Cities convention. City Manager James Neal follows a tight policy of allowing department heads to attend only those meet - ings which are of value to the city. lie does not alJO\'I personnel to s pend an extra day or two for ceremonial portions of the conference. Everyone enjoys a day or two out of the office, but NeaJ makes it plain that conventions are not pleasure excursions, bul meetings for business and an inter- change of ideas. The fact that eight persons fewer than half the personnel budgeted actually attended the San Francis- co conference shows· th~ city's concern fo r squeezing the highest value· possible out of such a meeting with- out making it a lavish affair . The amount of money involved -in Fountain Val~ ley's case $1,000 -isn't large, but it's good to see city officials keeping track of even 1.he s1nall change from the taxpayers' pocket. s Clergynien Can Be Witty And Caustic Dear Gloomy Gus: KopecJa1ae Autopsy Needed to A1iswe1• Q1restio11s There exists a general feeling that clergymen as ;i class, however wise or virtuous they may be, are on the dull and pompous side ; which may be true eflQllgh . But ti'lere 1\!IO exlslll a feeling that they ought to be this way : which has nothing to recommend it, neither piety nor good sense. Jonathan Swift, that de vast at in g ~atirlst. \l'as a clergyman most of hi.! life, and for 60me years, Dean of St. Patrick's. John Donne, that witty metaphysical poet, was a devout member of the cle.rgy, which failed to inhibit either tus vigor or his mordant humor. THE OTHER EVENING I was reading 1 bif>graphy of the Rev. Sydney SmJ l11, the English clergyman, v.·ho was as causUc and funny a fetlow as ever led a devotional service; and I thought you might be amused to hear Y<hat a bright minister thinks when he lakes off hi s coat and picks up his pen. Of a friend v"ho had just made the Grand Tour, Smith remarked ' "He has returned from llaly a greater bore than erer; he now bores on architecture , pa in- ling, statuary and music." To another friend, he said : •·J am just going to pray fr.Jr you 11t St. Paul's, but v•lth no very likely hope of success." CONCERNING a couple v.'hO ~·ere member~ of his congregatton, he \\role ··1 like him and his "'ife , 'he is so Is It rt.ally Ignorance cf sex that causeS; illegitimacy and VD among leen·agers, er Is it "going steady" too soon and with too little super. vision'? Is it that parents have failed to teach their child ren right from wrong, or that the "kids" have rejected their parents' stand· ards as "old·fashioned "? -P. M. Thh .. 1ture l"lllKtt. !"ltodtn' vlt •J• ,.., -HWlrlly "" .. 1t "'' ....,..UIHf. StlHI ,..,, ,.t ...... It Oltoenw 0111, 01111 ,.Ii.I. ladylike, and 11he's such a perfect gentleman." And of his famous con- temporary historian, he noted : "Macaulay has occasional flashes of silence that make his conversation perfectly delightful." Smith endeared himself to me forever V.'hen he v.·rote: "I have no relish for the country; it Is a kind of healthy gravt." And, as a critic, it is impossible not to delight in his statement: "I never read a book before reviewing it; it prejudices one so." RE ONCE RDIARKED to a pompous ro\league ; '"You and I are exceptions to the law of nature -you have risen by your gravity, and J have sunk by my levity.'' it must have been th is same man *~he wa s thinking or \\'hen he reflected ; "The most solemn and terribl e duty of a bis hop is the cnterlaininent of the clergy," I could go on for a column more, but space con1pel s me lo end v.·ith his saturnine obser"ation: "Benevolence ls a natural instinct of the human mind : when A sees B in dislr£"ss, his conscif'nce alv.·a~·s urges him lo entreat C to help him ." A Crisis of Confidence LONDON -Ever since the public:ition of the papal t>ncycl ical on birth control last year, the Vatican has been facing a latent crisis of authority. Now , to help him in the government of the Church, Pope Paul VI has called together his bis hops to discuss the primacy of papal authority. However, the outline or the schema, or agt>nda, of the world 6ynod avoids any mention of such controversial Issues as birlh control or celibacy of the clergy. Bishop Wladislaw Rubin of Poland, the ~ecret.ary general of the so-called ex· traordinary synod, specifically ruled out i;uch discussions. THE POPE'S CALL for this conference alreadv has aroused more controversy than the two ""etk Jon~ mteting itself is likely lo stifle . Acccrding to the Guar- dian. Roman CatJmllc priesls from eight European countries announced they \\·ould prt5i for a "free <'hu rch and a free pope'' 1t a counter-synod to assemble ln Rome concurrently wilh the meeting of the blshops. The priests want to press for 1 decentraliiation of the Church In ac· cord1oce with the conclusions of the Set· ond Vatican Ccuncil. Prof. Hans Kung, the Swiu-bom Roman ClthoUc theologian, his accused the V1tJc1n ()f atltmptlng to •·mur.zle the bl1hopl." WrlghtJng In ~ Mondt', Kung said thlt Lht Roman Curia demanded "th1t eplloopal conftrenets, befo~ mak- 1nJ 1 ltatemenl on an import.mt matter, IN!tk the opinion cf the Apostolic See In good Ume." Most Northern European countrla oppost any ccnaor1'1Jp •hen the faith and doctrine of the Church are not at rtalle. AN ENGLJSR BrSJIOP i;aid in London that because the presidents of the Oil· Uon&J conferences. Instead of clt<cted repre1t11tatlvn, will go to Rome on Oct. II , the 1ynod 1s unlike ly to represent tht Editorial Research th \'nking of the 2,588 Catholic bishops. Op- ponen~ of this meeling fear thal the composition of the Synod Is such 8!S to insure the de feat of the progressives. cardinal Danie.Jou, one of the church's leading Uleologlans, warned last July that if anyone tr led to use the bishops as "a \\'ar machine against the papacy," the bishops would be crush~. Writing in L'Osservatore Romano, Cardin a I Danielou said the synod must not be turn· ed into a showdown bztween the episcopate and the Pope. POPE PA.UL, 72. is deeply disturbed by dlssensi0'1 within the church. He recenUy tokl his general audience at Cp.stel Gan· doHo that "the sharpest pain was given by the unruline.i;s and unfaithfulness of certain of her ministers." Pope Pnul noted that a prelate had said that the Pope was showlng hlmself ··10 be timid •nd uncertain in.stead or frank and reJO!Ute." Thl11, said Paul, "obliged U.5 to renect." The bluest Air so far ha.s COITl1!; from Leo Josef Cardinal Suenens of Belgium. Writing In the Journal tnfonnatlons Cathollques, Suenens argued that run and free public coosultation is needed from the Pope right down to the laity when im· portant decisions are tn be made and en - cycllcal.s iss~. "To overcome the credibility gap," the Carrlin.l l reco111mended a "libe.ratlon at the ,;umm!t," Tt)r. sltcrna!lve to some ec- con1m odalion with the l!bcral v.·ing of the Church m11y well be a shattering scbism, and the grav('s\ cr1sis for the Vatican since the RefqrmaUon. Justice Not Clear To Ule Editor: Re Sydney J. Harris article <Sept. 29) ('ntit!ed," Ted Kennedy's r-.f a j o r Mistake''. I agree with him. rttr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne should realize the importance of an autopsy. in th at the puhlic will always wonder if the girl I hlary .Jo) was really drowned, or mlirdered. If such an "accident" had happened lo any Jess public figure , the question .,.,·ould be asked, "How does anyone know if the drivtr of the car actually plunged off the. bridge into the river?'" Maybe the car v..·as pushed over the edge and the girl already dead. THIS WOULD explain everything nO\V known about the case -the turn on a lit· tie used road, dry clothes, etc. An au topsy would either clear Mr. Kennt>rly, or condemn hfm permanently. Was it an LSD party? Did the girl rollapse in t~e car and die? Who knows? Asinine adulation of the man and /or his money·pOW('f should not be tolerated by ou r legal system. He should be treated like anyone else. How can we e.xpecl the youth of the nation to respect the law if juslic:e is not clear in lhis case'? All kind people will hope the man is found in- nocent, bul it should hr. proved, MRS. L. \V, RILEY Fnc-1• l\·eeded To the Editor , In reply to Miss Connie Hickman's let- ter (f<.1a ilbnx. Oc t. l) cornparing the ac· cidenls of Dickinson "Crosbf'' !'loss .• Jr., 17, and Senator Edwa.rd Kennedy , l woult! like to say that although Kennf.'d y made world·"·ide ne"·s and was charged only with leav ing the scene of <1.n acc1denJ. couldn 't it be possible for Dickinson Ross to get off too ? Could it be that the entire fa cts of this accident are known to only a few ? And if this is true, then tell me, what did happen to cause a young girl"!i death? V•/:1en ~·e have these answers. then maybe we can fairly judge the treatmen t given to Ross and Kennedy. DEBBIE BOYLE Alttaost 011e Percent To the Editor: Alert the police to watch out for the biggest traffic jam in history. Why? All those Huntington Beach Union l-llgh School District parents who aren't equip- ped to teach sex edueatiOTl at home are golng to jump righl in their cars and rush down to their local school to learn all abou t that dirty word-SEX! HOW LUCKY WE ARE to have a school board with such vision. f.1('n voho are able to rnake decisions based on reason and logic. They l\ren't swa yed by emotional outbursts fr om l he lunatic fringe. Anyway. who in his right mind would want his llttle darlings learning about sex In a classroom? Mom and Dad lc<irn· ed all about ii in the gutter and off or bathroom walls, and If that was good enough for them it certainly shQuld be good enough for their kids. But I forgot, they're going down to slgn up for that dirty Q1d sex educl\tioo course. ftAY NO A1TENTION to the t7 church ~--B11 George ---. Dear George: What do you think of a husband who obiects lo his wift going out even '"'' night a \\'eek with her best fr iend'? FURI OUS IX'nr F'11rio11~: ~laybe )'Ou r husband d~n·t like hirn. ( JHailbox Letters from rea ders are toelcome. Norinal/y u;nters sho1dd co11uey their 1nessages i1~ 300 words or less. The rig/it to condense letters to fit space or e!irnina~e libe l is reserved. All let· !ers 11111st lnc/11de signature a1id mail- ing address, but 11ames 1nay be with.- held 011 reque$t if sliffi'cient reason is apparent. leaders \\•ho urged th e board to study a responsible sex education 'Program . Don 'l be swayed by lhe American Medical 1\ssoc iation, the National Education Association, the LJ.S. Depa rtment 0£ 11cahh an d \Ve lfare , the National Congr:"SS of Parenls and Teachers, the l\'<J t1on.al Council 9f Church~~. the U.S. C.'.i!holic Conference, lhc Y\VCA, YMCA, or the majority of parents. They all fa vor sex education fn the schOQls. and we all know that they're 1ust a bunch of Con1· nilrs trying to corl'upt ou r youth. \\'hai's thal you say, gentlemen'?, Oh , ~·ou have a sch11Ql bond yQu \vant passed, No, you certainly \vould11 't wan t to get on Ilic. bad s id~ of V.O.T E,R,S. or P.O.P.L. (Property Owners Protective League) Afler fill. they must represent almost one prrlent of lhe vntf'r s and you certa-1nly don·t \Vant to Offend anyone. RODEnICK B. CRUSE R11l es cs. Co11s(;ie11ce Tn the Ed itor: Re: Mrs. H. L. 'V11i!1>'s lf'lti'r (:>1ailbo:t , Sept. 251 concerning our schools. 1 c~n sec that r.1rs. '\'hil l': is the. type of ri gh t· thinking person that our soc iety so despt"rately needs . flrfore tl1c revelations conlalncd in that letter I h::i\·e been un(.!er the misconceptlon that the prim ary ptlrpose of r1ur schools is educ:ition rather than regimentation, and the promotion of crrn tive thought. It is interesting t0 note that ln Nnzl Germany the educational :;ystem en- visi11ned by f\1rs . 'Vhite reached its pin· nacl e of perfection . The students had to "'ear uniforms. They obeyed the ru les or they \'.'ere thrO\\'n ou t of school (among 0th.er things. Yt'E CAN BE SURE th <it the authority· was in the rii;ht place here! Tntelligcnt thought v.·as d1scourage<l, and patriotism cheered. (Of courst', the patriotism v.·a~· to a different country than ours. "but the idea is the same,) \\fe can all see the \vonderful things that the graduates of those terrific schools accomplished. Conceming the statement about kids obeying rules· Occasionally there comes a tirne in every evil (i.e. intelligent. l\bera l. etc.) person·s life "'hen he has to mnke a choice bet.,.,·een obeying his con· science and obeyili _i;: !he rules. I'm sure that Mrs. \Vhile would have us make the same choice as the German students and ex-students. STAN DORN Age J:I ltfrs, \Vhite said. "It's a pretty sad state of affairs W ht!11 the .~c.hool ojfl· r.ials have to leave ii. up to tlie SIU· <lf'n t. as to what is ·good or bnd.' '' She wondered 111/lat happens to 11ou11gsters 111ht11 thuy leal'C sc/1()nl if t/f.c.y can't obey a fe10 rides 10/dlc t.licy are in scllool. 1nodPrn and Vital To l11c Cdilor. tn \VedllC!ld.'ly night's Pilot Log Book, Arthur Jt. Vinsel gav e an accoun~ of a • Ill Kennedy Case }-[arbor Arca couple's suffering because of their chi!d"s termi nal ill11ess. Having children of my o .... •n, I know something of \vhat those parents h<ive gone through. My thougt1ls and prayrrs are with them. Yt·s, Billy Grahan\ \\'HS i11 Anaheim . He noted in one of his m£'s..~ages that Orange O'ilinly is 1he rirhe~t area in the v.'orld. A tri p IQ Hoag llos pita! rrminds us that suffrr1ng is as real here as il is in Viet- nain Qr Biafra. ONLY THROUG ff a personal rela· lionshi r \vith Chrlst can we have any hope to cine day escape the resulls of sin's being in the world . What other com· forl is there for this age? Suffering is as modern as LSD, moon landings and heart transplants. The remedy remains constant through the his tory of man. faith. "Old and quaint'' is one person's inlerpr('tation of the Bible's message. Modern and vital is mine. NANCY DONER Wo11derful. Thh•g 'To the Editor : Answering the article, "This Un\vritten Story r.teans Family 1'ragt"dy '' last night, l feel I must write to correct the state· menl that Billy Graham 's message ..seemed son1e\vha t old and quaint." 'True, the gospel is almost 2,000 years old, but if you \\'ere at the Anaheim Stadium a11y day or the Gt:.usade. you would see it is not "old·hat" but a wonderful thi ng to not only the hund red goinii: for"·ard each night, but lo the thousands in the stands "'ho alrt"ady believe in Jesus as their Lord. I SA"'' 01''E ~IAN Tuesday night yeil out. "Can Jesus help an alcoholic fron1 Alaska '_'" Billv Graham's ans\\•er "·as ''Yes. Jesus can help any one." And !he man began to cry. Good nC\\'S, yes! Old and quaint, No,'. ~IRS. ANAJEAN Lt.:SK Edison Expor11lo11 To !he Editor : At the risk of not having a completely lnfonned opinion, (Who does, that Is not prejudiced'?) I must take issue with the stand of the &Juthern California Edison Company concerning their desired ex- pansion program in Huntington Beach. Anyone who lives in the South Bay area and has not seen the pollution of lhe at· mosphere at work has missed some very dramatic displays. The plants. at present, eject into the almosphere sufficient quan· tit les of pollutants lo change the color or the su nlight and the sky in their en· \'ironn1ent. TJlERE ~t A \' BE many technical ex. cuscs but ler s face it-it is in a general on·shore \\•ind area and you know \\'here that send s any emissions. Then these pollutant3 sweep back over us later "'ith the night off.shore currents. And tlley "'ant to triple plant capacity! Edison :;hould be. concerned about being cut. not expanding. All of lhe above is a statemen t of my feelings and observations -but when r find n1y opinion reinforced by none less than the Orange. County Air Pollution Control offirer who does not want to O.K. their application, Ulen I say -why havP. we appointed and selected this man to po!irc ou r air if he isn't getting the strongest possible backing"! SURE, l WANT adequate surplus of power for needed €'xpanslon. etc .. but I don't want to create another smogged·ln :irea lo hack. cough , worry and Ille in, here in Orange Cou nt y, Let's gather around this point and back lhc people v.•ho arc trying to protect us; our health llnd our environment -n1ore precious ~han all the pov.·er \\'C could eve r find a use for. The man \\'ho has lakrn a stand against this expansion is \\li!liam Filchen. Let him k11ow how you feel ! WAHHEN L. fiOSE flt1t11e Lont& Interest To 1hr Edi!or : The public is suffrring a disservice sten1ming from the rrcent barrage of publicity, loca lly and nationwide. decry· ing high interest rates in the real estate industry. Note the follo\\·ing : Exi sting FHA and VA loans: 511'6 percent-6\'i percent. However, attention is directed to the follo"•ing table of interest rates for typical loans : Prime J('nding rate for big business S.9r;, Credit lard purchases 1sr 'I Retail outlet charge accounts 18~0 Aulomobile loans 11 ·22' ~ Personal loans 10.5·2Jf,, The present interest on new FHA and VA loans is 7112 percent. Another essential fa ct is that the purchase of a home represents an in· vestment. The home and the land on wh ich it stands v.·ilJ continue to i11crease in valu('. \\'c belleve in our indu~try, \Ve hke the pe ople v.'e serve and v.•e resen t dislortiOM which confuse and mislead them, \V ILLlAr.1 l-1. ~IcCABE ()nfair11e ss to Yo11th To the Editor- \\'hile purchasi ng doughnuts in a local i:.hop lhis afternoon, 1 noticed a most of· fensive sign by the cash regis ter no1ifyin~ ALL "teen·agers iind you ng people" that 1hey 1vou,ld not be allo"·ed to sil :it thr tables to €'al thei r doughnuts and drink their coffer. I questioned the manag('r about the sign and \~·as lold that there. had been some darnagc done and other customers had coinplained about the young people. THERE TS A clas~ic~. example of why v.·e have a so-called "generation gap." There is a whole gcneralion puni sh eG for damage done b}'· a few. Where is our sense of f~irness'? Yes, there are some offensive young people just as there are som(' offensive adults, but I didn't see a sign discriminating against any adults. OUR YOUNG people today fire In· telligent, creative. ambitious and, for th e most part, valuable citizens. I hate to see our good young people put down like this, and I am sure many other adults would like to see them gi'ven a vote of con· flden ce, too. l"ve seen lots of damage caused by our adult citizens in this city and yet, as far as I know, no one has ask· cd them not to come here. Come on, let's be fair. I MRS. L. BRADSHAW --WWW- \Ved nesday, October 8, 1969 The editorial page 01 t he Daill/ Pilot 11eks lo inform and stim- ulate reac{ers bl/ preienting thU news paper's opinions and com- mentary on topics of inleres£ and signlfica11ce, by providing a forum for tht txpression of our readf'rs ' opinion.t. a-nd bl/ r1resrnting tl1e diverse view- points of Informed observer• and spok:~!Tl'len 011 topics cf the dau. Robert N. Weed, Publisher What Is Meant \YASl-ll NGTON (UPll -/\ prunary instrument of Pres1. dent Nixon's self labeled ''open ad1ninistrati(ln" is the joun1;,ilisl1c procedure knch1·n as bal'kgroundcrs. Thc:;e semi-private sessions cornc in various s11.es (Int.] pat:kages. Essentic111y t he tct·hnique is this: A depart·I 1nent issues a \l.ritlen, public! <innouncemrnt. Then 1 h P c~1binet officer or one ol !us deputies gathers reporters tu rxplaln tt\e. ;,iction on a b:ick~rflund basis. Such t'X- planations vary belwrcn hard ~ell and soft sell in 1n tsll CitSl'S. lJJR ECT QUOTE On occasion, the b<ickgroUll · dins officer may be identified an quoted directly. 1n other. n1orc sensi tive ca ses. he pcrnuts identification only as il department spoJtesman or ''adn1inistralion official,'' with no direct quotations a llowed. There also is the scrc11 lled <Jeep background or y,•herein a high government off i c i a 1 distributes et>rtain racts and r.xpresses artain opinions - none of wh ich may be at· tribuled to him al all. That ac- counts for so:n e neY.'S stories \1'hich establish 11.·hat appears to be primAry inforn1ation, then say "it was learned loday." Backgrounders sometimes are so deep th at the in· Jonnation developed f r om the1n n1ust be slated fl atly on lhc reporters' own autho rity and nothing more, An example is When Presi- dent Nixon sends a message lo <.:ongress in volving a major Jegislali\'e recommendaliGn. J\1cssagcs of this caliber usu11lly are accompanied by background sessions which niay involve as many as half a <lozcn lop ranking government officials. Usually they may be dc.~cribed by ne\.fsmen as \\'hil e !louse o f f i c i a I s . Somet imes they may be iden· lificd anti quoted. The rules change from session to session, hO\.\'ever. l\'or is this a distinctively Nixon adminislration practice, it has bC'en going on for years. \Vhal docs seem to be ne\Y in 1his adrninistration is th e broad v a r i e t y of backgrounders. EX PAND OR FACTS \\'hy arc they held! The underlying reasons for the backgr ound technique is that government may v.·ant lo ex- pand on the ba re bones or an ol'fic1al p r o n o u n c e inc n I \\'ilhout having to make this rxpansion an entry in the ol- !tcial reco rd. A federal official may be tnuch 1nore candid under background conditions than if n11croµhones and c am er a s 11crc turned on and his every 11onl was recorded. Thi s is one reason why some re po r I er s disli ke !he liackground technique. but I hry do nc1\ advocate doing ;111ay ll'ilh 11. T11 0 ol the best backg round (ll!1 cl.'rs 1n \\'a"hington are Dr. I lcnry Ki ssinger. assistant to !hr Prf'~1tlc11t for national ~ccurlty afkurs, and Dr 1\1·1hur E Hurn .c;. cnt1n~rll or to the President and T'res1dc11l \\ h1tc !lou:.c :-;pcc1allst in Uurnc~lic mailers. Dr. Uanirl P. t.loyn,\h.'.111 , ;1 :,~1stant to the Pre.sidl.'nl !or urban afl a1r.c;, 1s another popular back g r o u n d r r ;illhough the tonncr pro· lessors briefings son1el ime~ scl'n1 to rcscrnb!c a college t'lass in government. GRAFFITI by le1ry Oll e of a scrie.~ of panels rroduced e~perial/y for Ille DATL Y PltOT b!/ Bill Ler1 ry lo celebrate Nation.· nt Netospape.r \Vf!f"k (Oct. 5 throuoh JI. 1969) TURN ON TV WE E.IC ~••p• yo1t tuftM !& .. i...1'1 keppenift9 behift~ lh• 1~b• -••••Y S1tu1d1y ift tho OAllY l'ILOT. " • --~------.. -. ------·-·----·----·---... ---.... [AND YOU'VE GOT THE TIME TO READ THE NEWSPAPER?] SHAPE-UP SALE! Save 17% to 29% on these Adonna ® • foundations now thru Saturday! A. Nylon lace undcrwire ,bra has quil ted polyester fiberfill cups, spandex bock e nd side5, 'B end C cups in white e nd champagne. Reg . $4 NOW $3 lace underwire bro in 0 cup ...................... Reg. $5 NOW $.4 B. Nylon/spandex long leg panty girdle in white, yellow, block and cha mpagne. Siz es S, M. l. XL. Reg . '5 NOW $4 C. Adjustable stretch strop bro wirh power net bock and cotton/ rayon cups. White in A, B, C cup~. Reg. 53 NOW 2 for s5 Stretch strop bro in D cup ...... ,., ......... Reg . $4 NOW 2 f.:)r $6 D. Woi~t whittl ing long leg ponly girdle ho~· nylon/Lycra• spondex powemet. White ;n S, M, l , XL. Reg. $6 NOW $ 5 E. Nylon lace decolette bro with fiberfill lining and underwire cups. w h;1. ond block ;n A, 8, c cup>. Reg . s4 NOW s3 F. Nylon crepe bra with ~of t polyesler fiberfill cups. White, yellow end cocoa in A, B, C cups. Reg .$3,SO NOW 2 for $5 G. Lycra' spandex mini ponty g irdle with 3 position detachable gorters. White and yellow in S, M, l , Xl . Reg. '5 NOW $4 H. l ong leg ponty girdle in iiylon/spondex. wilh expond·o·lhigh in~ert. Whi le in S, M, l, XL . Reg . ss NOW 6.50 H. G. OA/l.V PILOT /.l7 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE I ~-... --.. ~--·~· '-=-<-" _, .... _, ... -,-·~··:·-·--~ ..... --~-~-~-------------------------------------------------- \'ffdnt\d.lT,.Ortobf'f' g 11*" J\8 ·DA ILY PILO" Front Flneh Words ~-L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lntegratio1i Can Have 2 Meanings \\'ASll lNGTO:"J (A l'l lk pend1ng on 11 lnrh Hobert 11. F inch you listen to lhrs(' da} s. tcrmina1inn of 1edrral ;1al In st!gregt1ll'd southern ~c:l1uol d1stric.:ts J~: L A kl'Y.,IOnf of 1hr 11011- icllcd tivii rights pol1r:. or the Ni .... on ad1n1n1stratll)ll . 2. Susp..·ndrd pt'nd1ng t·onl· plrtion ot a probabl<' go\"rrn· n1ent appeal to thr Suprc1nr Court ~ a procr~s that could t;1kc sr1 er<il n1011ths. The rldlrnng. tru1 no t nc ces!larily contradi c-tor~-. readings un aid ruluffs il· lustralr ihc l·unlinuini.: 1111- ccrtai11t1f'S that plag11c th(' arl- n1in1 .... 1rat1 r1 n '<> !>c.:hooJ <lcscgrl"gatiun praetit(';.. The ad11un1~1ralln11 ..... J11h :; ~1atcn11•11 L on ~thnid dc~rgreg<ttu•n 1ml 11·1r~ \1 :1, 11·idPly tnlcrprcled ;1 ~ a clc,llh knrlt for ll E\Y tu tott .,_ ThP :itl1111111slr;1t1011 }:lid 11 11·ould lH'nrt'forlh p I :1 t' ,. pr11n;1ry reJ1;1ncc n11 I hr ,luslicc Deparlm rn\ f (1 r fc1lera! l"Our! orders lo end dual or ;,egrep:atrd :<t·hnQI S\~!e1ns 111 !he South. Cul olfs \\:rre do11 npla \·ed. But llL \V Srcrr1ory Finch has since intl1ratrd a new <l rHI expanded role for aid 1crrnina· Uons. The go1rrn1ncnt. he :,;a,1 s. 11·ill insist th;il dt'adllncs fur co n1plete dr~cgrcgation be in· t•ludcd in all cOurt order~- llE\W will offer its hl'lp 111 dc1 eloping plans lo meet !lu· dradl1ne. Finch cxplainNi. JI the deadline 1s ignc,rrd. 1-JF,\V 11·111 mo1 c lo tennin;itc Jrdcral aid. he !la.r~ Finch ;1ri;11rs this dcpar1s lrozn pas! practice: Existing l"OUr1 orders generally do not 1 nn\:1111 deadlines-and <ire ac- 1·01·1iu1gly ignored. Until now. Ill::\\' lla s not cu t off aid to d1stncts under cou rt order. 1)11{' govrrnn1ent :-; o u r c e rf•lt'rs lu Lhe llC\\" policy as "whiplashing·· recalcitrant distriets: Hitting thcrn wi th l>t11h a court order and a fund l"Uloff. But !hcre·s a hooker in this new policy. Finch indicated Su11d;1v hr \\'ill cut off no 1nore aid u1itil !he Supreme Court re\·ie11·s ;:i decision of the U.S. !ilh Court of Appeals in Nc1v Orlc;1ns 'l'he appfals court rejcctccl lilt• go1ern111cn:"s praetice of .1 :-.t11111ni.: hlnn~et discrirnina- 111111 111 ;Ill f{'t!er;i!lv aided pro· µr:11ns on !hr b;isis or faculty u1· ~tud_v sc~regation . 1 1 1~\V 11111~1 rnake St'paratc li1;di11g~ Of d1 sc ri1ninatio11 tor 1•at·h of lhc 2J different aid prngr;-1 1111.; ;f -dist riet n1a} n'tei1 r. the l"OUTI said in the rase of the Taylor County. Fla .. Sl"hools. 1\ftrr alrnost a n1on1h of clclibcrat inn. l'lnch decided lo rl'ton1111cnd appeal. T h r :-ulic1tor gc11rral. hov.·cver, ha s t111:1l !>.ilV on "·hethrr the go11cr11 1nCnt considers its case strong enoug h for appeal. Fi11eh ha~ ordered his hP<-1r- i11g: (');<11111ncrs to take a sl'C- (l!ld look at discrimination r ases 111volv1 ng 39 sout hern ~chool districts in light o[ the Tailor dccisioon. The ex- a11i111rrs had recommended all 39 lose their fede ral aid . ,:\ Outstanding Value! ,,,. #"'- ""' l One 8x10 and Six Wallet-Size Portraits of Your Child 88 only Hurry in now fo r !he most spectoculor porlroit event in town! You 'II get o n 8)1( I 0 for you to keep, and six wallet-size to shore with family o nd friends. A lovely portrait of your child is o worm and wonted gift for o il occasions. Re member .. , you co11 charge i1 ol Penn ey"s! (UllElttOH Or•-!•» C.•~"' 1"4 llQQI, 111 •)•I HIJNfl"IGTO"I ar.~C >l """''"a•on (••· • · )o~ f'OO" tfl //II - "ll!'WrO"!f 8[ l(H I~·.,.,, I 1•"11 :"" fl•><>•."" IJ•) ~---~--------•----- [AT THESE PRICES HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE?) COLOR TV SALE! Penncrest0 table models reduced through Saturday! .i '· lid-'--.. I i¥_ -------l . ----:---- --. ·------------. . ------Ea rly American styli ng ---- with maple finish COLOR SO LIFELIKE, YOU 'LL THINK YOU 'RE IN THE GAME! SAVE $40! TABLE MODEL WITH 20" ~CREEN MEASURED DIAGONALLY •.. PLUS STAND REG. '399, NOW •All channel reception •Built-in automa::c degausser • Pre-s et VHF fine tuning • Un i· form pictvra contrast • 4" round front. mounted speaker• Walnut groin fin ish over metal cabinet BUENA PARK COWNEY BURBANK FULLERTON CANOGA PARK GRANADA HILLS USE PENNEYS TIME PA YMENT PLAN INGLEWOOD LAKEWOOC LONG BEACH COMPTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LOS ALTOS CULVER CITY HUNTINGTON PARK MONTCLAIR ' . • SAVE 30.95! TABLE MODEL WITH 1 a·• SCREEN MEASURED DIAGONALLY •.. REG. 329.95, NOW •All channel reception • Built-in outo'.inat ic degousser • Pre-set VHF fine tuning •Uni. form picture contrast • 3" x 5" front· mounted speaker • Tube type chas~is •Wal· nu t finish on hardwood cabinet NEWPORT BEACH VAN NUYS NORTH HOLLYWOOD VENTURA SAN FERNANDO WESTCHESTER SANTA ANA WEST COVINA TORRANCE Senators Jealous Of Dt1ties WASHI NGTON !UPI) -A Senate elder interrupted floor debate the other day to sound a note of CO!TICfnl a b o u t 1enators of one C(lmmittee poking around in L~e affairs of 1nother committee. There ha ve been jurisdic- tional squabbles in the Senate since the very ~tart of the conunJltee sys trni but , generally, they hal'e been or a housekeeping 11att1re. quietly resolved, "'lial 1nadc thi s incident n.;,:ewor1l1y v.·as that lhe senior member. courtly Sen . John C. Stenis, (D-Miss.), fell impelled 10 put the matter 1(10 Lhe public re<:ord. And the 'JUbject was the sele<'tive Service System. Stennis is chairman of one of the most powerful and in- fluential cominittecs of the se nate -Anned Services. And with his hig~ rcplllation lor· integrlty, w~en Stennis speaks, the senatt listens. La st year the Senate paStied rlraft reform legislation to allow LJ1e President to fill military manpower needs by a lottery draft if he wished, but Lhe hoL1se ncYer ac ted on lhc proposal. No\Y Pre~ldenl Nixon is .:igain asking for congressional authority for a random selec· tion draft systein . 'f·hcre are at>out a dozen bil ls pending in the Armed Services Com. m1llee to refonri Ult draft, bu! Stennis wa:; tied up for months lhis year guiding the $20 b1Hion mllitary procurement bill through the Senate. I-le has had no time f::ir con- .-.cription hearings. He has pro- mised the(ll e<ir!y next year. But if the Hou~t. acts first and se nds lo the Senate a lottery bil l, Stennis has promised at· I JO!l. ~-:n ter Sen. l::dwartl M. Ken- nedy, (lJ-Mass.),-impat ient for rlraH reform. I-le 5erves 011 neilher lhe. military com- mittee nor the Senate Ap· propriatloos Co1nmiltee but is chairma n of a judiciary sub- committee on adniinistrative practlce 5 and procedures . Broadly inlcrpr~letl, t11;i1 post gnes Kennedy Jllrisdic- 11011 ove r "how the Jaw s of Congress are ea?Tied out. lie ""-r01e Slenilis he planned lo in· ~·est1gate the selective service. This was wh' prompLed ~tcnrus to take the illbject to the Sena Le: ·floor.' '"Finl, the record should be Wrtmistakably t:lear that the committee 11,-·h1ch has jtrr11dict1on over select.1ve ~rviett legislat.ion rs the Committee on -'\rmcd Serv ices," he said, "Second, I would n n l y nbserve that if t autio11 J.\ nn!. PXercised, there could be a11 1 t>ros1on of the committee_ iiystem. T am certain thal no one intends this resul~ but I lhlnk tha~ all committees and );1Jhcommi!tces must exerc1S<: the rule of reason )est there be romplc1e duplication of effort 11 1thin the c om m i t t e c sy~tcm Stennis lhen :nade U1e stan- rlard Senate disclaimer -that he \\'as not imputin& any such mn1.1vc to Kennedy. He added pointedly that. Kennedy"s letter "ma kes clear th11t his :-u b- r·omm1tl('e will restrict itself 10 a r<'r1ew nf the ;id- m1n1stral/1·e rnterJTelaLions ol the ''anou~ re;::ulat1ons:· :--tennis' ~prreh \1•::is Jillie 11qt e<l 111 nr11 s a<.:ro11 11ts i.hal ria y. Yrl 11. ~ignalcd a st1f- fen1ns by 1111~ Se 11;itc r iders ;i ~ains1. youthful 1nc:urs1on )'; ::iga1nsl !heir power Lhat hqs marked this ~:;s1 on o ! conwess. Other ('Xarnples -Senate freshmen break1n~I tradition by making floor ~peeches anrl 1merrogating ~·1tnes~ci; at hearings. instead I nJ 'rem aining 1nu(c for their 11rs! year or l\\'O. I -First tenncrs .)uc;ecs~fully c!hallcnging com m It t t e chalrn1en handl1nt: legislation on tile floor by forcing unwanted and usually liberalizing amendments. -Young Republicans trying. end almost succeeding. in tle:c1ing a first termer as noor leader. FOR ADVERTISING IN THE \\'EEKENOEn PllONE M2·4321 Virile, vibrant Penn Prest• sport shirts! Don 't mi5~ th11 greet buy. luxuriou~. long wearing polyesler/cotlon sport ~hi rl 5 with long or !hort sleeves. Vibrant sol ids that never need iro~ ;ng , S-M-l-Xl. 2.88 -. ··r- Stock-up prices on boy's underwear now Boy's l·sh!rt' and briefs . 5ofl, absorb· ent and comfortoblit cotton. 1X1 rib knit briefs with elastic waists, XS·S·M-L. Flot kn'1t T·shirts , ,izes XS.S-M-l . White. 2 ,.,99' Wfdllesday, Octobtr 8, }qb') DAIL V PILOT .4.fJ [AND YOU'VE GOT THE TIME TO READ THE NEWSPAPER?) 0 I· I I ' . 0 I ''!I\ I ' I'' ... ' . Make a hit in knit! Our bulky acrylic cardigans have it Top oil your sporl5weor and ju~t about eYerything with our handsome acrylic cordi. gens. ChoC1se frorn classic cardigans, choi n ond coble styles .. , oil marve lous ly bulky ... ond much less expensive thon they look! Choose from a pretty, light colored collection of colors that you'll wont to coordinate with your own wardrobe, ond also tuck away for gifts ••• now ••• while the price is special! Misses sizes S·M-L. 5.99 Year 'round thermal polyester blankets Wornitr in winier, cool end airy in ~umrner! Polyester with rich nylon binding thal's machine washable. Gold, green, pink end bittersweet. _72''X90" for twin or fulf . 3.99 r Girls favor our Pima cotton briefs Here'~ why: comforta ble bond leg ~!yle, soft, absorbent cotton in wh ite and pretty colors that stay fresh because they come through machine wo~hing lik e new. 4.16. 31.,88' AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • -.,.J.~;-. 4 • ~~ .... •· ........ ~ .-...,., ;., --.;. .;,;;... "'~-~--....... -.,,.,r..~:."'" .... ""'"'""""""""""""_...,._..,..,..,,.._.., __ .,. ___________________________________ , _____ _ DA1L V PILOT 2 Districts~ Teachers End St1·ikc • LOS ANGELES 1AP) - Teachers in lwo w i del y ;separated suburban a r r ii s decided to return to their classes today, ending a three- day boycott at L;11vndalc a11d ,; nne-day "'·al koul in the Siin1 Valley Unified School DistncL Salary disputes 1\'Cl'e at issue in each case. Al Lawndale. !j niilcs southwest or Los Angeles. teachers had defi('d a ~upcrio r· Court restraining order tn their three-day aclion. Several concessions from the l~a1fndale School Districrs Board of Trustees prompter! 1heir decision Tuesday night to end the ..... ·alkou1. Among them 1verc an agree· ment to 1rithhold c.-.:pcnditure for other purposes of fund s in· volvcd in the pay dispute: ani- nesty for the d issident teachers; creation of a Joint factfinding committee and ::i promise to seek dismissal of the restraining order. The Lawndale trustees n1P.t after only 43 of lhe district· s t.eachers showed up for classes Tuesday and only 623 of 6.400 pupils were present. About 400 teachers 1~·err 111 - 1·olved in thl': one-day boycoH 1n the Simi Valley that closed ~even schools and sent ap- proximately 9,000 home Tues· day. Ma11 Held 111 Ra11bo111 For Girl S1\N FRA1'ICISCO (A P 1 - ~'edcral authori!irs h;n·c ;H·- tu~ed a hospital orderly with dc1na11ding n1oncy fr orn lilf" pllrents u! a 9-ycar-old girl ll'hO police hel 1rrl' 11·:is ab· ducted ,Jo~eph Hudy. j:J, \1a~ <ir· f'aigned Tuesday on a {'harge of n1ailing a thrcalcn1ng con1- nH1nlcat1on. l' .S. Comm1ss1oncr H1ch~ rd Go ldsmiU1 ordered him held in heu of $~.000 bail for an Oct , !6 hearing. If convicted, Rudy could be sentenced to 20 ye;-irs 1n1pnsonment and a $5,000 tine Susan Na:;-on disappeared fron1 her home 1n Foster City shortl y after returning from ~c hool on SepL. 22 , QUEENIE By Phll lnterlancli ''\\'ell, 11.·e're a lltUe lowrr than us1Jal th1:s morn1n:. aren't. '•:e?" :\ widespread search. \1•1th ------------------------! <livers chcckin~ ca nals, failed tn 1 o c a t e the girl. Police ~uught a n1an seen ea rlier al· lcn1pl1 ng unsuccessfully lo an· tice young girls into his car "'Deep down in my heart 1 know r111 i n 11 o c e 11 l _' Goldsn1ith quol('d T\udy a." ~:.iyi11g. "rn1 so conluscd. All I know abo11t tl1e girl is the little bit 1 read in the papers." FBI agents arrested Budy J\tonday night at a San F ran· 1;isco tavern doorway . A pflckagc h<ld been left there in accordance \l'ith inslruct"ions 111 a lcLter i11r. and il·Jr.<;_ fJona!d NaliOll received Sep\ 30 which den1andcd S20.000, An earlier letter received by p;ircnls Scpl. 27 had demand- ed SJ0.000. A package was left after that letter, too, hll l 11 ;:is retrieved after it \\'as not pick- ed up in an hour. Both packages conLained nn· ly cut·up ne wspapers. The first letter read: "You will find your brat at the bu ~ ·UlAon if the money is picked up wit ho ut trouble . . Remember~ no-•·police or else your little Susan i$. dead.'' The second let.I rr. poller $.aid, indicated the 11·r11cr had see:n Nason rrtrir ve lhr pac ka ge Rege11ts Give Views 011 Firing Co111111u11ist LOS ANGELES IAP) - Univ ersity of CaHfornia regent John E. Canaday said the regents voted to dismiss ad· initted Communist An g e l a Davis as a UC LA instructor because of their belief a Com- n1unist is not free lo teach thr truth. "\Ve stil l believe tha t lhe ~a1ne fu11dan1enta l reasoning 1hat caused the regents lo ban Con11nun1sts from leaching in J940 -because they were not free fr otn part.Y discipline-is ~-;ilid today:' Canaaay told a nrwsman Tuesday, "l"m not a Con1n1unist," i;Jid regenl Ed P.:iulcy, ""a nd I . '. ' Dav is l 'as c Latest Gap? don·! propose to be a men1ber of a board of regents 01· trust ees 1hal ctnploy Com· 1nunl:>!s or lets thcn1 propound 1hc1 r nroprtgand:i for a party lhaL ad1-·oca1es the overthrow ril lhc government of the linilcd Slates. •-1 11·ould not ha1•e becon1 c a regent if 1\'C were going to employ Co1nn1unisls," he said. '"! would not advocate ll1e .stat e giving the university 1noncy if 1.1·e did such a thing." Both 1nen s opinions w·ere 1nch1dcd in a Los Angeles Tunes Sl1rvey of the regents who voted for !"vliss Davis' rli~m1 ssal. 'fhc regents voled I ~-6 last Sept. 19 to institute rl1sm1ssal proceedi ngs against ~liss Davis, an attractive black assistant profe~sor of philosophy who wear~ her hair TURLOCK (UPI) -Stale 1n Afro ~ty le. Controller Houston L Flournoy Said Dc \Vill .<\, 11 i Sb s · rcgcn\s ch a i r 111 an . ··1 told a Stanislaus Slate Colleg" nrrso nally feel th ;it 1ncn)· audience Tu esday night the bershi p in lhe Con1111u111st par-BSV 'Marcli' Retold 111 Valley Stcite Cctse L'CLA contro1·ersy o v c r· ty 15 not n1einbership in a Angela Da vis was an cxaniplc f111litical pnrty ;is l understand 11. IL i~ not in the best in· of an ''L1nd er st.and1ng gap·· t.crests of lhl' Uni ted Slates. It that 1s threatening highc1· LOS A.1'i0ELiS (A.P l -'fbe assistant vice president of San Frrnando Valley State College 11·as kitled Jn the chest l11st Nov. 4 and th e acting presi- rtent forced to sign an 11~ree· ment, Director of Athletics Glenn Arnett testified Tu~s­ da v. Arnett testifying in 1he uon- jury trial of 24 ~tudents ac~ r.:11sed of seizing two buildings of the junior college, told of being held in t h c ad· ministration building aflcr hc and three others \\'ere forced lo march across C"arnpu~- 1·css!ul ln reaching acting education is a sub1·crs1ve organ1zali011." Pce<·,"cnt p a 11 I Blo1"gren. 1 · k 1 Faculty (:ri ticisrn of the ~" F ournoy. in ren1ar s o a Acnett said, student Edd ie dismissal has centered on th e booster rlub n1eeting, blametl 11 - D•ncer -Mother delend•nt argun1rnts 1at tt is un· .. " both the academic communit1· · -k1.ekrd the,,,.,, pre•denl 1·0 . · constltutlon;il to lire someone ~· and the public for nol try1ng tr> h · 1 I · the chc5t. for er pol1tlca h c 1 e f s . 11 h d t d "t understand each other 's <'l-Indeed , Uie faculty membcrs1 •· t c presi en o~sn l!tudes. sav . thc dis1n1ssal l'iolatcd thr ' show up. w•e're going to (!n The for111cr college. pro· rcSenls own nlle against "P·) ..-omcbody." Arn('tl q 11 o 1 r ff fessn r said the ehalrn1an or I · I 1 '" · h Uancrr as sa.i·ing. p y1ng •·po 111c:i tests 1n I r thr L.;CLA philosophy deparl-hlr 1ng ;.ind firing of fa culty \\lhrn Blom gren did arr11r. men\ ·' u n n c c es s ari 1 v \\lht'!hrr thr firin g is un - Arnett said. he 1\·as for crrl 1° 1eo parrlizcd" ::i ca d em l c· tonslitutlnn<1l rr1nalns 10 be sign an agreement tl1at hr frred r1111 hy :i:;slgning .\l i~s srrn, says regent \\'endcll \V. 11·ou!tl fire the coach. Donald J);n·1s. ;in adn1i tted Com-\f\lter. !\larkha m. The pre!idcnt siJ!n· nHHll;,1. In leach thi.~ qn<1 r\er '"\Ve haVf' :i rule. 1[ you er! the document but ~e 1•rr;1I ;,]trr the unil"ers1ty bo;ird of have a rul e. 1t ~ho\Jld be Ca r· il;ivs la trr fl'pudiated it as ::in rCg('nts 1111l1<1ll'(I a n1ove !CJ rled out lf the sit.uatlon is ad- agi-cen1<>nt made ' · u tt <l c r di~n1i~.s he r frn1n ;in a ~s1.i;n-iudicated arid the cou rts t ~ll duress.'' n1c111 In 1carh in "' lal('r us wr-'rc outnumbered 1.1'e'tl Protest Over lllrl ug Colleg·e Pr eside1it Resig1is fRESr\0 Jl'l'I) Or ~·rcder1c IV. Ness rc~1gncd ii ~ pre!:1de11\ (ll F1·e:.nu SL-ate College Tuesi.Jay in the 11·akc of protest Hvrr his rC'lllsal lo hire ;i Bl<Jck ~luslim teacher Ness annollnccd l;l ~\ 11tl'k he 11·ouli.J n:il htrc :'ll~u·1'111 .Jar.:kn1on. <ibo kno11n ilS :\farvtn :\, because .l:ickmon 1nade m1 srcprcsenlat'ions on his application, 1vas under 1n- d1<:tment for drilft evasion and har1 rcnnuni.:cd his lJ S . ci tizenship. ,- Bla ck and ti'! ex it ii n · Aml'rit'an studenl:<i ha ve vow· cit to ~'-'ell Ji1<:kn1on on i,:;un · p11s f'ven if thry ha \le to pay hts $~,J24 annu.:il ~alilry a5 iin 1ns1rutlor !or the Sc hoors ethnic ~tud ics prograrn. Ness announced last rn outh he. \\'OUld q11it Dec. 31 to betome president ol l he i\Ssoci11lion of the American Colleges in Wa shi!'\gton. D.C. However. he told the academic senat~ ·ruc.:.day he was asking t11e Stale College Chancellor's office lo replace him as soon a:; noss1hlc, "I must reluctantly conclud e that my usefulness to this col· lrgc Is al <111 end .;' Ne~~ 11.ld the fatu l!y g!oup, whh.:h al the ttnie 111as debating hts requ(':.l Jor a f:tculty vote on ht<.; <l ff•is1on 111 the Jackman c·<1;,C "The range CJf my deci sion· making Junction has been severely circumscribed frorn both above and below ." Ne.ss said. ''The exercise ol niy respnnsibil\ty has result('d in a sltua1.1on "'hr.re a non.facu l1y nlen1 bcr 1s C'neouragcd tn teach. enntr::iry to d1rc1·1. order~. thus ri~king "' legal re~ponse and consequcnl t:On· lrontat1011 .. , 'USEFULNESS OVER• F resno 's Ne11 nneyDays [AT THESE PRICES HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE?) Penncraft® stationary power tool sale! P ENNCRAFT~ 10" TASLE SAW Penncraft 10" !oble sow e:ictension, !leg. 20.50 .... -... .. ··---···---·NOW $11 Penncroft 10" toble w w sto,,d, Reg. 3LA5 ____ _.··--····---NOW $20 ,roh 1 O" table sow blade guord, Reg. 17.95 ............. -·-···------_ ,_NOW $17$-. r.~1'-'JJ. USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN ,'..;~ ·_:-,.,·,~- The forced march to the ad- n11nistralion boilding, i\rne!I ~a id , look p!ac!' after hC !ol rl 1he prrsident of the Bl;ick Stu· rlent Union. Archie Chiltman, he 1vas powerless to lire a 1·o!unteer football c:oach wlv1n) lhc B.SU accused o[ pushing a The drfcndan1s. all bu\ twn (lul1rlf'i iiCCont natur.illy" rif \1hon1 arc 1n!:'mber~ or lhc -'-------------------'-----! R~l-. arc charged 111th crin- ~p1rac~·. false 1mpr1son1ncn l ;1nd k·1dnaping. black athlete. ~lll(J!,! ~tJil ~ ;\rnett said he anrl facult~· , · me1nbers Sam \V1nn1n,c.hn111, ] ·1 Stanley Charno!sky anrl f)Jfll <' ( '.<)Ll~i< C l'C( Fernelius were herded 1nln the n!f ice of college 1'ier n1·c:.1dc111 Si\;\' FRANCISCO <AP\ -I J-larold Spencer. C11l1torn1 ;i Al!\'. <;en . Th on1;1 ~ "\\'here's the prf'li1tlc11 ! ··· f ' Lrnch sri"11s he 1; con· \rnett quotect Chafn1an as :i ~k-:-1dering ~uit 5 il i::. a I n ~ I ing Spencer. "\li'e \\'ant so1nc-;\ u t omoh1\<> n1anuf<1cturcrs one 1vho can make a dec1-b<"cause of smng . ;,ion." In a ll':Uer lo coupl y Told the president 1vas ouL counsels, made pllbil c !Oday . Chatman !aid, ''If ~·ou care hc de clared his offi cf. 1s An ything about this un11·er~ity "conle1nplating the filing of ;in :vou·d better get him ." .<\rncll ric\ion 1nr dl'ln1agcs th n! test ified . 111ay ha1·c been suffered du e 10 Alter Spencer 1\'as unsuc· smOJ:." --~--................................ ~·········4······ .... ~ • • ~YOUR !~w~n~~~~:mt lttm ~I ·: I d b ':I th•t you no anger nee ut • 1omtone else can us• for •1 : NOT OVER $50 :t : .,.,.,.,.,.,: .. • • • • t ... .. . ... . i YOUR ANSWER: ~ : You c1l1 THE DAILY PILOT, ••k fo r : • Cl•11ffied Advertising, •nd pl•c• • • .. :1 i ~-PILOT ;; • • • PENNY • : . • • : PINCHER :· .. ' :1 : CLASSIFIED AO ! : . : AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE : • • i 3 LINES 2 TIMlS 2 DOLLARS i • :1 • AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I • J.,..;.1,,:., I~ Pl•• Die..,.,. ... , fl,o..,c•O 1 ... ..,~rln1. W1h~t1, -.i l •rol• ~·110. THE PERFECT GIFT FOR MOTHERS HER VERY OWN SPECIAL RING IMMIDfATE DlllVfRY -NO WAITING Colorfu l 1yn1hetic birlh1!on es, one fo r e11 t ry member of the fom i!y, ore set in @legonl lOK gold~Floren!ine tex!ured. 15.95* ----PLUS A PENNEVS CXCl USIVE' A LOVING TRIBUTE TO MOTHER /\ ll1,ut1!ul dt01c111on to lho;t r.10,t t~tl•S~t~ Of ,q 1 [1p1es!td 1n oot lry ind aec;oraltd bt~ulitully .. th•i lin t bonus gift from Ptnneys 11,111 bt c~t r1~~td b·r 111 lh't receive 11. Ptrfe ~t 1or 11am1n1! , .. -----•Absolute ly no cost to you \., when you purchase any of Penneys spec ial Rings fo r Moth ers! •1rlt1 Itel"'•• trtt l.\'lll~•F' 110"'· Ad4!tlo~11 1ll1~t 11tr1 t e1t 11:~. CHARGE IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S FINE JfWELllY DEPARTMENT . •' ! DIAL NOW DIRECT! •1---· • : 11 FUlllltlOH Nl~P1~~T1~11~1C H HU ~~.I~~~~~ ~~~CH i 11!1 f~ ~.,,: c~~~~ s?o.1~1 01 ! ___ :_~-~~_':_1~-~~-~:_, ___ "_,'_,1'~_;•_1_~:_·;·,_;_:_,, ___ ,_._:_~_"~_.;~_t~_._' ___ 1 • • ................................... * ..... * •••••••.•••••. .. ·--~· . -.. PINHC1Af1•1.AOIAl Dlllll PIESS REG. 109.50, NOW $89 f,,. hor>10"11>I, o"gulor .,. "'~lripl• ~rill· ;"9 of _,i, .,. """'"11. Ot~lo •! ....,. 0~91._ ~' !o lh• <•M•r of • 32'" circlt. H<u 3!i"' 1p:•cll1 lra.,.1, ''<'" <hOKl . PENNCtAn• CAlllT YAC\JUM REG. 29.99r NOW $23 ~Ii.I •oc"""' lo.ot li.;g ) f!t. <• ,....,., -' ~"' ~ 1-11" ... ~ ........... ""• ....... "'°'· ............ "°"""' +..-]~,··_., ............. ;.,. -"'--110 .,., IA f;,,.,i, PINHCIAFT• 7 PC. CA.UT VACWM .A CCISSOJY klT, 7,49' FACTORY DEMONSTRATION : Downey, Saturday October 11, 1969 JQ,00 A.M. -3,00 P.M. Lak e wood, Sa°turday October 11 , 1969 10,00 A.M. -3,00 P.M. Fullerton, Saturday October 11, 1969 10,00 AM. -3,00 P.M. Canoga Park, Saturday October 11, 1969 io,oo A.M. _3,00 P.M. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR Newport Beach, Friday October 10, 1969 6,00 -9,0Q P.M- Ventura, Friday October 10, 1969 6,00 -9,00 P.M. Huntington Beach;FridayOctoberlO, 1969 6,00-9,00 P.M. Montclair, Friday October 10, 1969 6,00-9,00 P.M. FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • ------"-.-----.---.---~------------------------------------------------------------··-. MR.MUM CHECKING . •UP .• Start Tm·tle Rodeo At San Clemente'? By L. {'.I. BOYD TURTLE S-Tur11cback riding ts the sport in Auiilralia now. Those great gr c c n female turtles co1ne ashore alon g the northeastern coast lo lay their eggs. As they lumber back down lhe beach, the riders jump on thei r backs. Doesn·l sound any too f'Xciting so fa r. v.·hat? But where the sport gels tricky is in !he \11atcr. Uy ~itting as f;1r back lov.·ard 1hi tails as possible, the riders can pre· \"ent the turtles from diving. Thus av•ay they go, ripp1n ~ and snorting, ou t 10 sea, I low about us importing a t'Ou p!I' doze n? To so me hi g h 1 y popu lar place like Sa n Clcinente. And set up a turtle rodeo. Annual ly . Sell 1ickcls. fltaybe get Presid11nt Nixon to award I.he purses. Make Tricia and Julie honorary bareb11 ck turtle queens. 'Vish I had more time to devote to money• making ideas likr t hi~. JN A TR AD I TIONA i. French restaurant. the chef n1ay wear a mustache, but the "'aiters never do. . A RR I T IS H PS\'CHIATHIST claim:-his studies indicate one out of every nir,c expectant fathers s u f f c r s :ibliominal pains. . .ANOTHER CAN· DIDATE for the Proper Job Club is that taiJdermist Jn Spenard . Al as ka, n am c rl Hunter Fisher. , •. Ai\I AO· VISED BY a f r i e r1 d I y su bscril)er that Richard the Lio n hcarted \\'a~ :i transplant. . , . "'l!EN FLIP- PED, a penny is 1nore. <1pt tn tnmc up heads thin tails. and tha1·.s a fact. COFFEE -If you dri\C ovrr the shorte~t possible route from Ne w Orleans to Los Ang ele:-. the rc~Laurant coffee ~ f' ts progrcssi\r!y \\"eakl'r frorn sla1e to ~\a h· Nationv.•ldc. 1hc v.·on;t corfee is ~rrved in L"tah. ll1c hest 111 Northern Californ ia. /\ny cof- fee drinker drivi ng throuj!h Idaho. 'Vyoming and Coloradn, :-hould carry a r r r s n n ;; I thermos full , u 11 le ss ac·· quaintcd with t ho~r rare ca f"" "·hich make it i;trong enough. In ,.1on\.ana. the coffrc-I" brewed primarily 10 be mixed "'ilh whisky, so it doe~n·t mat· ter. CUSTOMER SERVICE ' Q. "Is it true you can lame a tarantula. sir'?'' I\. Not mr lady. But it can be done. that's true enough . Understand some tarantula trainers gel those !itl!e beas!s to run up and down thei r arms and nestle af- fectionately under their chins. If you want to try that, the cur rent cost Of tarantulas is about $5 a p I e c e . -. _ Q . .. ,\'HAT'S TliE RATIO or mechanics lo cars in this count ry~·· A. About on c rncchanic per 130 cars. SPO HTS-Th.at fa n. as In s1}(lrts fan. comes from the \1•ord fa natic is 1vidrl~1 kno1\'n. But do you knnw "'hrre the \1·ord arena t·on1cs from ? Thars Latin for sand. 'Vhich i" \\'hat the old Romans carpclcd their combat rings with. To soak up the ugenteel , blood. r-.1ust say, \vc'vc come a 1ittle Y(ay at that. In our ' 5tadia, any\.\•ay. From sand to !'iynthc!ic turf in 2,000 ye:i rs. From the gore floor to the mod sod . From the J;ll! 1\.'0Und to the twisted knee. \Ve do nol drag ou r stricken l!croc~ hPhind horses anymorr. \Ve retire our gl;1di :!tors into the· insurance !:iusincss. )'our qr1cstia1L n11d co111- 111enr.~ nre u;P/comed 011d ll'i //. be 11serl 1vl1e111:vcr rns- sih/e in ·'Checking Up," .4ddrcss n1oit l o L.lt1. Bnyd. 1n care of P.O. Bo:r 99187, Sea t.Lie, \Va.sh. 38199. Coa st Artist Sets Exhibit Saddleback Collrgr art in· slruc1or Helen Feyler \V\1! present a sculpiure exhihit fl1 1hc Hicks Gallrry in \.;Qnt; Beach through11ut 1hc n1onth of Octoher. . The works or art 10 be on di:::p)ay will be in concr('!e, bronze end v.·ood. f\.1ni . Fevler. a ne\v in-~tructor iii the fine arts division at the con1111un1ty col· !cgc, has re ceived n1nree than 1.'> a\\'ards for scu lpture in 1urled sho1vs. Formerly an in~tn1ctor ;1 t Cypress College <ind California Rtate College, Fullerton, she has v.·orked with J. J . Baljon, director of the Royal Academy or Art , The Hague, Holland. MON. THRU THURS. SPECIAL! FREE WASH WITH ANY FILL UP ALL CUDIT Ci\RDS ACCE~TED Wtdnttday, Octobef 8, 1%') DA fl Y PILOT itlJ I Special purchase Warm Early American style bedroom group We show a terrific value in this group, with each piece priced separately. The large case pieces ha ve deeply carved sol id maple fron ts . All case pieces feature matching high pressure · laminated plastic tops for increased servicea bility. Extra large hardware in antique finish. All drawers are dovetailed, dust- proofed and center-guided. YOUR CHOICE -~-.- A. 3 drawer single dresser B. Bachelor chest c. Corner desk $ --E. o. 4 drawer chest E. Student desk F. F. Bunk bed Additional pieces also available! 28"X40" m ir ror ... '17 CANOGA PARK 2 drawer night stand ... '29 DOWNEY MONTCLAIR .----- Twin or full bed .. , .;,._,_, __ -__ *_ ......... with foot board and rails ... '49 FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA IACH Chair ... '23 LAKEWOOD • • • • • "'r.<-f •V ,.--~--:-•'f'•~W r ~~ ... ;<'';' -_.~ -..--_..,;;v ~.-.,,..,,~;,_•.,, ...... ,,.,,,, ___ ,.... __ ":'"'~~-~-------~--------------------------------------,-. . . ' rr.a Fillmore Mt~f. •5 F C1I~ Ar .. ~.,... L•ll'J,,. H1ll1. DI!• er <!t•lll Qc. "'""' 1. s"'·vi.eo b~ wl!f. 0:1!1\t1I.,. l McC.tt; lll•t• ...,.,,, Mt-tvln c., P•lce W. McGott, boll> of COCIY, W'Vo- m,~v. end Ced F. MCGfct, al ICtlll'ft,, "'"'""'' d111Ql\ltr, VltViNI P--. r;! Ml>•lon Vlt lo, 1>rp1n .... I. Curtl5 ,llcG~. Liii'-'"' Hin•: '"''" c..n.vati Morrow. R'11tlwl Elt...,•<l<li """ H qr~ll<ICll/10\'tn, F1mlly ,.,q,...sl$ !1>00• ,.,,~111nv la ""~' mernor<•I C011!••t;u• t•,.,,i. p\e•'" cto1u1!11 111 11\tir '"""'"' '''•"h -S•tVIC'"lo. Fr1.:rav, I PM. P•· •• ,,, V•tW M•rno•i•I Par~. [hlO!lll>- mt~•. P1c1!1( V••w Momoroal p,.,K, D1'etl•d b• P•cll•C View MothJ•••- BENGE Rev. l•~•c t.. Btn11e. Rt~10•~t cl Jq P1lml; l0tmtrly o! lol11nll"9!0rl B•Kll, Del• 11! at11n. 0<;1ober '· ~orvk.t>, Oolo.!1• 8 •.)1 .. t~ Cll•IH'I, f-•iO•v. 1 PM. DH01v Bro""'• ,,..,..,....n, .. 1.11n. D1t HJor~. SEDIG Jrn•• .o.nn ~ala. ttlll Ol iv•, Dr•og•. O••t ot de•!!\, oCfobo• &.. S"•i<~• """ b• l'>tld In Mllw.ou~oe, Wi>«>·•••n. noid~v eroiti'"' Mor1uer1, .. 2.1n1, tor..,~r01n11 d•r11eton. CLARK Jon,. L~on•rO Cl•r~. 1161 l!ll'~'"'" w~,. Co~lil f,\e\~. Dllt ot a~"'"' Oct. " ~u•v<Y'd b¥ wl!e, lO'ftld; """'' "'""••I 5., John L. Jr., O•vid A. C lir~. •II ol Hun!lnlltll<l Beo<.1'; Der-• r , J•m•~ 8., K•vln •lld 8ern .. d c .. of Colt• Mft•: d•~n!et, M•rY O"Ne•ll, l 1vun• B•~ch; •lld 10 91'1.-J!lkl~n. ~o••rv. 7:ll tonh1hl, w.-.. RPO- ll••l!l M•u, Tl\Ufl,dtlv, l f """'· bolti ., M Jonn the 8•1>11.i C•ll'IOl!c Cll"1'ch. !ntfrment, .0.lCeMlon ( ....... l ... Y. [l{rf ('l • ...i !:.V 81111 l/loth1•t~. 17-1 5ulH'nor, C.Oil• M•ll. RROSSJ\-1ER ~ ... u. E. Bro••-•· 2!l' VI. ,tlvf"'"" .J, lr.o. An9"1~•· 0•1• ol <l<'••n. Of.lobl>r o. 5urYIVl'd bv llu•~•n<I, Gu•'••• "· Bro;"tier; 1lolt'r Mt•. Mae~l le ~•ul· !rn•nn. ol Gl...,dal•. Strvkt•. lhur .. ~8•. 11 .o.M. "•clflc vi.... Chaptl. E~ !om"""'"'· P&C11~ Vltw Nl•mo<l•I "••~. Oltt<:!td tv Ped llc V•tw IWlr· """· ALLEN Jolln P.lltn. :u;;~ R ••C•~'11f Onv•. Cc,11 M•••· Oil•• of ~In, O<t"""' 1. s.-. ~·CK ll('ldo~ at Bell Br~ll'W•• Mer· lu••V, 110 8toad,,,&V, (°'I;, M•<I. WllELAN "'~'' c V.'ll•l•n. Ag• ·~· ot wn tn-d1•n•pa1<s. Hun!lngton 8•1<.ll. 011t ol ~~•!n. Cklo~f' 6. Surv1vtd bv wile, Oolort" a.,ug111c,.. Mt1. °"""" llloo••· Ml•••• l(•lhloen """' Colloe" \Vh•l•nr t•llltt, /\lr.-rt wne1nn; ~·ot~ r t. Donald; """ two 9't fl«Mld""• Ro>~rV. lonlflll, Wtd!'l .. deV. I PM. ~mhh Cll•otl. R~v!fm M,,11, Tnur\· ., ... ' AM. SS Slmooi & Jvelf! c ~11.,11c cnvrcn. ln!.-muu, Good Sllt~net1t Cf'..,•lt•v. Sml!ll• Mor1u.,v, 01t•dC>"~. ARBUCKLE & so~ \\'edeliff Mortuary 427 E. 171b St., Costa !ltesa ........ • B/\LTl MORTUARlF.S Corona del Jlar OR 3.94:;o \ Cosla Mesa • ~fl 6-21%4 1 BELL BROADWAY I MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Q>sla l'llesa u 1-3433 • Oil.DAY BROTHERS Ha:nlingtotl Valley Pt1 ortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Bea('b 842-7771 • JHcCOMUCK LAGUN A BEACH PtlORTUARV 1 i!Ja Lagana Canyon Road LagU11a Beach 4M-M1 5 • PACIFIC VIEW l\tEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e l\1ortuary Cha pt I 3!>00 P acific View Orh·e I\""e\\·port Beach, CaLifornia 644-!700 • PEEK FA:\tJLV CO LONIAL FVl\ERAL llO~IE ';801 Bolsa Avf'.. "'estminster 893-~5:?5 • SllEFFER J\10 RTUARV Laguna Beach <194·1535 San Clemente <l!IZ-0100 • S~1JTRS' MORTIJARY 627 !\lain St. lluntlngton ~a('ll .,....,, Trial Under Way In Officer Death Bv TO'I BARLEY 01 ·111. O.U~ Plltol Sl•li SANTA ANA -Prosecution testimony in the preliminary hearing of murder charges against Arthur Dew i t t e League moved into its second day today in Santa Ana fl.1unicipal Court. Appearing in Judge Paul Mast's court were witnesses expected, lJy the prosecution to establish definite I i n k 1 bet",\·een League, 20, of Santa AnJ, and the slaying last J une 4 of Sat1ta Ana police officer Nel1'Qn Sasscer. They will lack \\'hal the pro- s~cution admits is a vital piece of evidence ~ the \\'eupon that was allegedly us- C'd by League to gun down of. l'icer Sasscer in a downt~·n confrontation. J udge Mast barred presen- lation of that gun in his courtroom Tu e-s day im· mediately before launching the preliminary hearing. His ruling w<.1s seen as a triuqtph for U1e defense of attorneys Jlobcrt Green and Michael Gerbosi in a week-long hearing on a moLi on lo suppress evidence -the gun. And Judge r.tast's ruling made it clear that violation by police officers of accepled search and seizure procedures had not been confined lo Ute gun. He noted in his ruling that 18-year-old Rlcky Tice, a vital prosecution witness in the pr~ ceedings, had been forced by officers to accompany them to the police station while facing no definite charges. And it was j.Ddicated that a defense argument that police forcrd their w-a:y into the Tice home in a search for the weapon us- ed in the slaying "'as well l'oundcd. Tice and hi11 brother, Carl Stevie Tice, 15, are being held in specially assigned quarters in Orange County Jail for their ow n protection. It is expected that the prosecution \\'iii put them on the stand as wit· nesses of League's alleged shooting of lhe officer. The aJTest of League follow. ed the clearing, on identical charges, of Danie l li.1ichael Lynem, 21, also of Santa Ana and, like League, a member of the militant Black Panther organization. Reagan to Head State GOP Meet i11 Anaheim ANA HE IJ\\ -Gove r n o r Ron ald Reagan and a host of lessC'r GOP dignitaries will gather Halloween night at lhe Smog Alerts Will Cut All Activity SANTA AN A -Future smog alerts in Orange County \\"ill auto1natical\y mean the banning of •·strenuous indoor and outdoor activities" for all school students through the high school level. county supervisors ruled Tuesday. Backed by the county board \Vas an Orange Co u n·t y 1-fedical Association res-olation calling for the recreational ban to be imposed "when the forecast concentration o f ozone in tlle atmosphere reaches 0.35 parls per million" -a level reached six times in 1968 and on four occasions thus far U1is year. Supervisors asked officer!i of the Air Pollution Control Oistricl and the co u n t y counsel'!i office lo study the resolution bf;ofore laking what v.•ould amount to formal ap- proval of the resolution. convention center here for the start of the C a li f ornia Republican State Ce n t r a I Co1nmittee convention. 111e event, running through Nov. 2. \\'ill feature guest ap- pearances by v a r i o u s celebrities, r eceptions. lun- cheons and liberal doses of fa rnfly fun at surrounding entertainment cenlers, The serie s of meetings also will involve the mapping of strategy for U1e 1 9 7 0 gubernatorial election. Besides G<Jv. Reagan, Republlcan luminaries plan- ning to alt.end are Sen. George ~lurphy, Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, S la t e Controller Houston t~!uomoy, S t a t e Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest plus many others or lower rank. The y,·omen·s a u 1 i I i a r y luncheon planned for the three<lay convent ion "'"ill also draw Orange County's Pat Hitt, Assistant secretary of Health "Education and Weltare, as a~r. l\1oon Fihn Set SANTA ANA -A NASA- produced film on the Apollo 11 flight lo the moon \'rill be sho"'" to members o[ the Orange Co u nty Jlislorical Society Thursday at 3 p.m. in Bo",\·ers 1'1useum. CSF Filled U11 A£lniissions Cut at 1,500 FULLERTON -Cal Stale estimating the number at r·ullrrt(!n has c 1 o s e d ad-l ,500. 1r115:'.>1ons for the s p r i n g •·Those \1·ho filed later 11 ill be placed on .a v:;iiting list and scmc~ter of 1970, marking the l 1· d ;" .. ,•ty Nov•m"-· a• no 1 1c "' ... , .. 1,1\;, ,, r.1rl1est such cutoff of new to 11·hether or not 8µace for ~t11dents in 11 years of classes. them has been found," he ad· ll alph Bigelo\\', director of dcd . ;:id1 n1ss~ons and records, said ThC' col lege registered 13.(I03 !he aclion is necessary to keep fltUdC'nts for lhe fall semeslcr. l'nrolhnenls "'ilhin budgeted up appro:i:imately 2.000 from a levels. yea r earlier. Bigelow said a "All qualified applicanls some\\·hat smaller total, he \Vho turned in forms or mailed said, ts likely in the spring. lhen1 prior t.o midnight Oct. 6 Application forms for the will be adm itted to the col· fall semester of 1970 may be I e g e, ' ' Big e I o \V s a id , filed on Jan. 1, 1970. ~iliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SUIT SALE ·112 OFF Kuppenheimer -Botany 500 UCilULAR $10.00 to $1 U .OO Cricketeer Now $40.00 to $82.50 Sale Starts Thursday , October 9th at 10:00 a.m. HOWARD'S MENS S'HOP #42 FASHION ISLAND IOl'POSIR IROADWAYJ _NEWPORT .BEACH Opeo MMHJ lllnl Friday 10 :00 • ':JO Satwdoy 10:00. 6:00 PHONE 644•2875 llANKAMuic:A•D -MASR• CHAR•I -DINUS CLUI AMUICAN EXP•US -CA•TE ILANCHE [ FOREMOSr B.R.W. 4 PLY NYLON CORD PWsPID. TAX AND oil>TllE BLACK TUBELESS SIII. FIO. , 51%1 lllD. TAX T.O 650.lJ 1.7t 6H·1' 1 ... BLACK TUBELESS $16 Siae ........ 7JJ..14 2.01 77.5--14 2.20 ......... 77S.1S 2.21 _ ... •1\1 .. BLACK TUBELESS $19 Sin f•lll. tax 125·1.C. 2.36 ISS.14" 2.57 ,,It.ti h,. 115·15 2.:11 N• ••Ill 145-15 2.57 .111 tiP• WHITEWALLS ONLY '2 MORE! 27 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGAINST TREAD WEAROUT If xour tire Wf!BB_out durini the first h~lf of tht IUll'lltf:et period, return 1t with your auatal)tee certificate and Penn•yt will replace your lire with a 0ntW tire, charainc you .5~:, 1•s than the current se1Jin1 pric• includi n1 Federa l Ucist Tax;· if your tire wears 04t durint the second half, you pay 25" less than th• current seUin1 price inclUdin1 Fed et11 Excist 1iri1t. GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE If we replace th1tirwi durinc the ~t periqcf theN is no chat"le; if we replrce tht tire lft« the~ period, Yott pay 50% or 25% less thin the antftt-- of th1 tire ilicludin1 Federal Exci!ll Tax. CPMMERCIAL USE This 1uarantee is void where PMSltllM t it1s .,. t!Seif ott tNtlcl. used for business, or dtivtn over 30,000 miles in tiM )'lllr. H•r•'• hew yeur tu.,.l\tee ... i111f MilvN Wfttt: Entire tu•,.nte• ••rietf .• , •••••••••••••••• : . 17 .-•1 frH r•~eu"''"' ,.nH.: •••• , •• , ••. , ••••• 1·14 .. ...._, 50% trff perietf •.••.••.•••••••••••••••••• 1 J.21 ...... 25% tit ,.netf •••••••••••••••••••• : •• 12 .. 17 ~ BA I I ERV CLOSEOUTI I ChooM from 13 liz•,,. ju1t 1 !Mr pri.I Foremost~ Custom 36 MONTHS OUAAANTEE. . . Should 1ny f<M'MllOst Cuttom Quality bit· t l!l'y fail (not merely dilchlrgeJ within 12 months from the dlh of pun:hatl, mum it to Penneys and it will be repb;Old fr• of cP'large. After ·12 months bot prior to tht expiration date of the guarantee, J. C. Penney Co. will replace the battery charging o nly for the period of ownership, basad on the current price It the time of return, pro r~ted over the stated guarantff months. . . ' 6 or 12 volt battery Oii~. ll•fS·tt 21.95 •• , NOW 11.88 - SfllS• 14.-........ ~ Here't the kind of eta~ power y..-Ill!' .,... • , • , all yeor 'revncl. DriMtnM for ..,....;th •1111..W eltcttical occes.Nl'lte. FUI IATTll1"CHllCIC 'N .GCAIO, BUENA "'ARK(0""0"'"""'') r . Valley View CHULA VISTA DOWNEY . NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR --... -~---------------------------------------------------------· ----. ---.. -. --. w ·-''-'-"-'-'"'-' _o_"-'"'-' _a_10_•_' _______ ,_,_,,_,_•__;rLor -·" / :t PJLOT-AOVfltTISE~ tJ Climate Con-cern Worry to U.S.; It's Good Business "C•n 'l'OU ...... !tll .... J,GIN1n[ng E . e "--· I ( Rs 0 s ) ti th th .i.o.n IM tuiure "'' • 'ff"' ,,..,,1•11_ ng in ers .:>Vl,:le y i:.. quen y earn n1orc an osc ly stable throughout the year. '-1aJor employers or air-c.-un- ditiorung and refrigeration mechanics are dealers and contractors. located in l!l parts of the country. perienced craftsmen. A grov.·- ing num btr of employers are requu-ing high school diplomas and courses in math, physics and blueprint r e a d i n g • Kno\\'ledge of electronics 'is in· creasingly important as so lid- ~1alc devices are becoming more widely used in cont rols sy1tem:t. ~tl.Jly hi(lt schools and ~ocational schools offer courses, lasting from two lo three years, which prepare you for entry jobs. Additional on-tht-job training and work cxperien~ can qualify you as a mechanic. Pipe-fitters, elec- tricians and 1 he et-me I a I workers may also sptcialiu ln this work . For employment opportunities you should ron- tact your ads. If yoo have mechanical aptitude and an interest in electricity, you may find this vocation to be one that "beal.! U1e olhers cokl ." WHEJll TO WRITE. For a free. f o Ider , "Occupationa l Guide for Air-Conditioning and R e fr i g e r ation Service Engineers," send me a stan1ped, !elf-addre!l!led , long, white envelope at t h i ~ newspapu. Write "'ltSES"' on outside envelopt. 1119 11111 11i1n, eoo11nt 1r11tm:1?" estin1ates that 1969 raleS for v.·ho can wvrk '1n ouly one of A. -O:td"1 J.llkhfg!l1 )eWs-sta.tt-..at about .'fiJ5 the l\\'O. Work 1s usually on a last winter.-ris colcf a:ia , ·per ~r. ~nd~that ~ r~s· .fO-hour-a-wet:k basis. but ~'ell-digger' ~ wbe n .a "" lof ;t~Kper1encedl ~s ¥ason peaks and slaeks can laborer bea.!in · ~ ltral~~vff '~ ra:niw-Jrni;i:~crajrnatel}' $:1~ Jtiea n .overlin1e nr layoffs. conruuctioO job. Tfie fnrcni<u1 iJ.00 au hour."'J'hose Vt'!fo can lluwe~·cr. eniployment 111 asked hrm-where "he wa~ 'WOl'k on-both. ·&ir~mltttg-sho1>S thitt handle both cooling going. ''To get my jat kcl." and heating equi pment fr C'· and he<iting equipment is fa ir4 "Where is il?'' the fOrc111<1r1 <lemanded lo know. \\'iU1out a change or expression, U1l· laborer answered: ' · J 11 Jo'Jorlda." CLll\fATE COl\,FORT i~ nn Increasing co n C e r n uf Americans -the nuinbcr (Jf hon1es wilh central air-t'Oll- ditioning tripled between l'JG(l aod 1965. Employ1n of alr· conditioning, refrige · · anti I' -. ; Head & Shoulders ·: '; SHAMPOO -= ·au·:. Cont rol! . ~--~gz. " . S11 t • I ~'Aqua Net" -f:i~!R SPRAY " Rtpltl", S1per & Unstrnted ~ "' 59.~ • 16 01. Size --' ' BECO~t.lNG SK lLLED is usually done by working for several years \V 1 l h ex- Wastebaskets by l!J4(~rU>Ut<ilL i tJ \ I ' I ~1111011u1u11111011111u111uon11u111111amu11111110111111111111a11111~ ~ ~-­g i Utility or Bread "Spacemakers"I ~ ~)~~:~~~c; i111G~~l1(h~~r~. r.~.~:,;~ . ·. " -·~ ... ~ ~ wit~ ~I of detOfd\Or ~lrips. - § lle1. 5.!5 lt1. l.!S "I ry'' YO LIQUID Ge11tl1 W•it1 Det1rcent ftr lis~ts 1111 fi11 ~1,ric1~ 32 IZ. Silt \ . ' ' SCOTT 11y· a'' . . IV TOWELS lit Roll 'W•it1-t1ltrs-Dec111t'~ \ ''Sta-Flo" SPRAY STARCH Jrst s,r11 11 -••-ir11 12 11. 49c Sttt '" ..... n ,-, ' l1 i 4.95 5.95 P311er & Foil "Cl . I" affQ K;ndneu .- INSTANT HAlllSlTTEll ' DllAWER -rt~lo 1iu 11CdtN 1 \'lt1111Pr.110 ,\a11call1 ~-"""" t~ .. rl.. ~ J tit•r 1~1.l1c .. cd he.j 1Pt• ~- '' 11~0! :G, ~ •• r.p 6 95 j 1 ~ tJ5V 10 ~~· 1u11e1~ 15 88 ' . ~·Ill rei:~ \',.11•$ e1 ,; r 1 .-~: r1 S. Couury Y Scl1edulcs 'Varied Meet Coffee and lal k it on the agenda 'fur the South <.Aiunt11 Yt.-tCA's exp·c rl m"e n1 a'1 semi nar ' on ''Scrburbi:t," ."C.heduled t.o gel 1.uuicr \l.i.l )" l\lednesday. Executive director Tt11gi'r Carter invi1 es interested Su111l1 County residents t11 4 tall 11i~ l,.aguna of/i ce. 494·9~31, fur 111- lormaLion on Ilic .~cries. Topics listed for d.16oosston Include: affluence; su burha11 life style : crime; alienation: mass neurosis: clhics vs. morals ; the subu rban chu rch; business, potitlcs and social Jtrata; homo and hetero srx- ual patters or behavJor; an d youth. I ".""" ~ "Our main source book 1v11l be the peoplefo\'hp. f1!fPe, slnN' they a!\ li ve In s1lburbia, .. Carter said. An pull-inc anct books will ~ used, &e adclc<l but the. meetings will cons1~1 mostly of "disewislons anct coffee." ' Lessons S~t . , In Te11Ii~s ' Grab your racqt1els, Lllr "'estminster R~W>n 4 ariU Parks Department I,~ offcrhig ttnnl1 lessons for both ad ulls •nd children beginning Satur- day. Lessons ror be g innin g children {S.16 years) are scheduled for t a.in. and 1 p.m. Adult beginners will nicet at 10: 1$ a.m. al'ld edtfft· H'L· terme<Jialcs at 11 :3Q 11.m. All sessib wil l bt held" ont'tl.e ·'Ln Quinta ~figh School courts. Registration for the Satur- day elitists ill shtl ~n. Foe for tht !I~ \Vl'tk Inn i; M.lldre:n's prbgrnm rt t4;'"\i'ttll~ the t ight·Yt'eck adult 5es~il'.ln cosl.5 i:i. " -I ,· ' -' , -· ~ •·' -- · Label s Jute Twine "SPACE MAKER" • edr1 .. ~. . C i •·1'.:11 ... •10 i;_ C ~ fhoo.r. ho11 • ~ur' ed de\.ll11tar lV•~rs. Yaur Cho ice ·'' •• , LEPA~E'S _ z .. 11. 23 lEPAGfS-·h I,. 29 ' f Bo10170 Re1.27t 11•:,. Re1.~3c 5 Ad ju stab le .Shelves J 111cu1111111111a11111.111n1cn1m1111na1nn1111111au1111111111011111i; t.:=c=====11:==c:::::~ • . .. ~ ....... J()HNSON & JOHNSON ~ '':.-4 '!0" 2 .> 1e,. 1.,s • I '~" ,11.14 • ;'i111c1m11u111101111111111uo1ru1111ffU0111m11utto11u111111110111 M•• . . ~ ,., ... '"""" .... ~lllLllLIOtlllllHlllLDlllUll"IUCNl.-.aN,0111111111111011111111g I ~ ,., ... °' Batteries ~ i ~r···-·· ..... 4 ... 9.te! i I ~ ' 4'C " C II c § I . . e ... ,,, . .,, ; @ I 9-V It "AA 'or "AAA" j ; 0 PENtHf : ~ l~AHSISTO~ § g '''· 59c ''' 39c ~ ' ¥ l lt ~~c EA. i= futrtlfll"111Qttllllillll!Ot111Mll1111011111111111101111mrr111at11~ I "One-A-Day" " . .J .......... I MUlTIPll VITAMINS wilh llON l ~r J ,e :pe,,1&! 1.eeds 2 39 ~\ 1·.•.me11, old~r t!o~I· a:..1 I""" • J.?! l OO's • "WORKMAN 'S" .. Baby Shampoo ' 'l ~'~ r-' MAX FACTOR Swedish FORMULA HELENA RUBINSTE~ 1 Lunch Kit f lt ntwtll ••. le 9r1•letl I• ~· .. -~... '"• ' ( t..,_ "I. ! I l • Announcing ttie fas1~1!·IO·aoo1r­ lashes you've eve( known •.. HANO CRIMI "Le Lipstick" ....... ' • • I ' , f •MEAKAN IENTAL_ASSOCIA1'10N APPROVED I I "Water Pik" 1 ORAL HYGIENE APPLIANCE ! Rehes~inP., pul~at1ng jct :..!ream o[ l wate1 ticlps 10 clca~ I out loose pieces ol 22 84 food ~our bru~h {~n mi~. it'lJ • . ...$ _._.., 'Minute Lashes' by HEL!NA RUBINSTllH Amo1ingl~ ligh\we1gM wrlll a 11 ,•·d !~al's alrnosl inv1s1ble. Peurane· · 11 r,urled. conlaurei;I arid leal/'.e•r1 lac~ set tun:ts with appl1w1.,r ~o JOU r.an put them on 1n ii wink. "'DEMI" .. FULL'" 5.00 7.50 "NATURAL'" "SHASGf" 6.00 8.50 Envelopes ~'Hou1thold Htl,•r" Cron·_, 1 t."1 be·~~ d ,OO lt'tier e tr .t~ 1r;.1 ~ ~. 2:59c in Pla stic Dispenser Bottlr "Jolen" CREME II LEACH tl.J11.h11 blends superil111.u. l'i11r ¥111!L ~~rn tor.~:: - :.a!~ way to blcac~ u:i v.J~lfd hl•r. ~~ I I . :r,, tJ. 2.00 5.00 •r•1,r ~,·:~·1i!o , ·~ ~,. \ : ,,'J ;,., .,; ,, ::. f ''!i l ; '• '· ,. ' ' . '~ ~ ! .I I! •• \1. i -l 3 I. 'GJ•llul. 2.00 EACll "Apri I Showers" SKIN llALM 1/2 Price Sale! lt•llil lftriC~lj-t.te~~ :.•,II , I Gier y~ur tod; \el1elf ~~u~.~ . .. sol!tn~ ha"J~ t~p~:.~d lo "~•~er~ Re1. 2.50 1 25 17 oz . Size • OPIN 9 AM t• 11 PM -7 DAYS A Wiii( ~ ~ iiii HUNTINaTON llAC11 -.t.4-1111 alMI lreelillllrsr HUNTINGTON llACH -S,rl ...... a•ll 141 ..... HEWl'OIT llACH -1021 lr'rl•t, I• Wtsrcllff l'l111t Yt1r t1L11ct ... , the Month" fM/AM Portable Radio -' • 4 I • ' I I ~-··~-~., ... -.. --'·-' . ., "' -·-~ ·---__,.-.~-......__.~---------------------------------------------~~·---· --·· ·----- 1',l4 DAILY mor WtdnffNy, Oct.0-. 8, 19(,q JOYBOY'S BACK -It's llod Steiger as lhe fained etnbalmer. J'\'lr. Joyboy, ol "The Loved .ones .'.' a sa Li ric attac k on funeral life. Film y,•ill aJr ton1g_ht at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 9's ~!Wion Dollar r.,Jov1e . 1'he comedy by Eve lyn \Vaugh also sta rs RDbert i\l orse and Jonathan \\/i nters. 'fllLllVISION VIEWS Look Lo 70's Ma ss ive Try By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\\' \'ORK (.t\..P ) -"Fron1 1-lere to the Seven- 1 i('s" Tuesday night 1vas a massive, one-shot effort bv NBC' Ne\\'S to provide an over-vie1v of the direc- ti"on and quality of life during the.past 10 years and ;1 previe1v -often a bit fri ghtening -of the next decade. IT WAS a bold. aln1ost presu1nptiuous project. attempti ng to cram the significant events ~nd t rends of 1960-70 in to 21;, hours. Most of the subJect 1n atter \\'as fa miliar. Ilul it never seemed warmed- over although Individuals might argue over '\he J1 a ndling of son1e events. It seen1ed to hustle through the Vietna1n confllct \\'hile it lingered an and kept returning to youth in revolt. I t CO\'Cred everything fro1n ihe !'ill and PQllu- tion to the Beatlc>s a nd the Be r li n \Vall. It found !i1n e to exa111ine pqrnography and the nudity vogue. and minutes later fla shed a solemn roll call of 1najor publi c fi gures \\'ho died during th e period. THE THEME \\'ilS biblical -"TI1ere is <i n RP· pointed time for C\'1•rylhing" -and in keeping \l'ilh these country-n1usic tin1 es. there \Vas often . in the background . ·the sound of a group si ngi ng a ballad, "E verything turn. turn. turn. There is a season. tu rn. t um . turn.'' NBC comn1cnl a1ors popped up in each segment 11·it h carefu lly prepared pieces th at he lped pull the 11·itd1y a s:iortcd subjects into sonic sort of focus. I~d Nev•man sookc of the ne\\' permiss iveness on ~tage a nd ln 1i1C'raturc \vhi le standing on Broad- 11·ay; Aline S;iarinc>n tci lk<'d of protein-starved 1nil- li ons fmm a n1a rkrl pl nee in Colombia : Jark Prr- kins philosoph1 Lrd a bout vouth 1vhile standing in a pasture ainid !he debri <; left behi nd t he \Vood stock rock m usic f<'sti val. l'AUL NEWMAN, p residin g. nar rated 1\ ith pro- fe ssional skill <i nd clarit v. To\•oard the end J);J\dd Brinklev had some thoui;:hts about television's role. ~ .,What te\e,·isinn did in the sixties was to .<;ho1~· the .A,meri can people to !he An1erican people." he .c:;iid. "It .. sho\ved a society tha t \vas in many 11 a_,·s looking helter than any nthe r but in other 11·a.1·s not \\·ork 1111: at all. lt shnv.·crl a need for l hangc 11nd it sh1111 cd the t·h~.i nges not bei n.~ n1ade." ONE WISHED the progran1 could ha \"e been -.horter. th nt 1\s C'd 11or had usC'rl a li ghter h;ind \\'ilh the t rlrk ~ and tr1ckv r ho lo,l'raphv -interesting for those \V1th color sci ~ hut di sturbing and interrup- !1\ t' for those \\'it h hl.itk ;in d 'l'hite -and that the c·n111men1ators had not sound r>d so piously preachy. Bu t it \1·as altogcU1er a inagni ficen t job thal ac- coinpli shed somethi n ~ important in sun1marizini:; th e period. i\·forr tha n that. it gave th e \'le11·c.r :i lnnk at th e forcs1 of th e !%O s at a tin1e \r hcn 1nnst rif us a re too close to see n1o re than a fe\v fan1!1iar ! rce .... De111ais tlae Me11oce Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers • I ' l ly Charl.s M. SAhulz .-~~~~-.~-~-"-~-~.?~,.,,.._ IT'S A CRJ~P f,.\!.L r.:-,../. I'll 8E7 THE F.fL05 AAEFUlL OF AA60rT5 ! JUDGE PARKER .... , By Harold Le Doux HE~ A. LAWVER I WONPEll lF THAT ISN'T I-ICM' IS l-IE'S JUST' FINE, A&SEV! I 'IA UDP¥? m~o THEV JUST DON'T UNOEi'- SfAND I-I/IA: .t.PPAfENTl't' A. FELLOW ev ™E )II.ME OF S"IA OlnVER UP· SET HIM! WHO 15 IBIS 17R1VE~?' Wl-IOM I 'VE t ETA.HJEP A li'llSTA.KE, "&SEY! U ODY lO DEFEWP BROPV! JUS.T POESNi UKE HIM! MOON MULLINS I: TUMBLEWEEDS THIS IS WHERE I LIVE! WHrnE~YER PARENTS?)--!/-----~-"'\ MUTT AND JEFF GORDO ,l. WAS DlbCl.15..SIOO TIME W IT~ A CLJTE YAN~/)/ TODAY, Pf'PITO ... MISS PEACH OISCUSS l~C1 01'. MAl<IMG ilM.E!' I DON'T HAVE ANY... (G\J\.P') WELL, IT'S MY G-RANDPA'S NOW, HONEY .. HOUSE!...GAANDl>rl WENT HE'S PROB'LY AWAY A LONG, LONG JUST BEEN TIME AGO ... HE SAID DETAINED ON HE'D BE BACK IN 2 BUSINESS .. DAYS ... HE NEVER DID COME BACK! ~~ ' :J ,, ---~ -- IltA , IF vou ws1u· llATT&lt-lleHAVIO AND MORI! •••POtJ~lll!JL.8, I 'P L~T VOU ,V--,\ '1',t.K• CHARGe OF 'THI!' CANC'Y ANO !Cl! CREAM FOR TOMORROW'S PARTY. -- il . ·-· ... -. - By Ferd Johnson ... DIRTY f/OOKS ... " • - By Tom K. Ryan DON'T BE SILLY, COW!lOY! HE'S ElruER CASHED IN HIS CHIPS OR HES HQED UP SOMEWHERE NUl\SING A HANGOVER! By Gus Arriola 1 10 CO J.fOltE Ti/AN MOAN IP 'T}/EV TRIED 70 SE7 ME .BAC.X. Ml !la.JR f • By Mell M"· G~IMM 15 1 ! HAVI!!!' MATU~l!O Vl!ltY,Vl!.ltY O!re"PLY IN THe P~T THlteE 5eCON05 ... 10 ., WEDNESDAY oc;n>tllR. 1:001J 1111 111 Nm IC) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 !L'l Hunttty·lrin~IJ (C) (30) 0 St1¥1 o\lltft S111w (C) (90) My. ron Cohen, lhe SUnsllin1 Comp1ny. ind Jury Col1l111 ruell. D lb O'Cltd ..-. IC> "'ltnt!· er II CM Hipr Part I (dr1m1) '62 -Jennllt1 Jona. J•-Robttcls Jr" Join f1M1hl11t, lorn Ewtl1, Jill Sl John. 1J Dki Vin DyU (30) m -""" (JOl m stir lrn <C> (em fr) 'lftlf1 ,._, (30) "Ok1lt no kte S111mp." m n.,. .. ,.... (30) CE """ (C) {60) J1t11 Hickrt 6:30 II MIC M.....mc. (C) (60) D TM It .. li1M1 IC) (30) m Te Till tlll Trvtll (C} (lO) fl) "A.SA FutMI (30) tI) Ful11r1 (C) (30) "Country ol Arle1·Prov1nc1." A 1ooll tt 11\e "" around ttlt old Aom1n·ruln City In Scrnthtrn Fr1nce. IE Notkllrl 34 (t) (60) m ,. ..... (CJ (30) 1:0011 Cll Ewnl111 ,._. ft> <301 Walte1 Cfo11~ilt, 7:30 D '#Ut'I MJ lint! (t) (lO) m I l.ftl LKJ (30) m w 1111 am (C) llDl m c-tlldtlytltlck ...-ooi £) Allor1! (30) Dr. Jull1n Km 1nd Mr. Richud F1rr1ill, mtmlHrs of !ht Loi An1el• City Bolrd ol Edu· t1!1on, d1i.cuss tlltif vllWI Oii tht community ind 1due1tlon. m W1'"*1111t 1'1 (30) CD TMt l lrl (CJ (301 G The Glen Campbell * GoodUme Hour with special guest Tom Jones 0 la CIJ I'"' ....... ttl (!O) e ~m m n. '"""" (Cl {fO) "Tlie l'ower Sr:eker1.. CltJ Grainier enter1 pcilitic1 ind ditc:OV· era tht sllkn 11.1n lli(ll with the ''" 11 lff m n. ,..., -(C) (l&JGrtnnJ 1npn Jed br 11.t•k· Inc EllJ 111., i nd _, t>talltJ to the crtwd et 1 bldwood1 t1lr . .Md C<M'll~•IM t!ut lf1r1ny, Ill Mr ffll.· lety ti Ml [)IJ 111., IMfTlllll Mfo11 0V91'M 8r1dlh ... 1 daujMlr, •II "sho111ln' Elly lril•Y 1tound thrl '9it llkl Jht Wll IOmt prlrl hot·" Scene• 11 tht la ir "'' fi1111ecf.""' loeltion 11 Sll'ftr Doll1r CltJ, Mo. u .... "''"'"" {t) ~O) ,., .. hlKhllitlt1 of S~nd1(1 11111141 b• tween tl'lt Rllfll ar.d ttM ,.._ Dr· te1n1 Saints. o II! mm-m tt1 ""' '°'ih1 Coi l" D1t1rmllltd tli !Mlp Jason, eounMlor Lil Jlldntyni 1ttl' him 1n 1rt job 11 • OtPfrtf!'tnt s1or1 wh1r1 1\1 1tul1 • COil !or h•. m DnW frlll (C} (90) TillJ Tlm Incl hb f]ll'ICM, Vicki ludll!flf. 1etr1u Dy1n Clnrion. t:Om1dl1nM Hlld1 Vl"t1n! 1nd slnrtt-comfMlr P1ul '-nb. 1unl m n.. 11r van., <tl t6C1> Ill ... ,... (30) t:OO 1J IS{)) Ill..., C.W (Q {ill) A llOU~ coU111 •niot wtle -h1s been undtr tile lnnu1nt1 at dfVp st1u1r1 ttuoulh th• llotpftl1'• 1mupncy 1ntt1nce ind t1udle1 olf I pltliOll ll!Vldl11tlon of hi' lnlury. A bullet is 1'11: ln the t19- ti1nf1 ntck af!tr iue.e.ulul tur- i•IY becau• ot Ill prtt1rklu1 "P0- 1itlon, incl lhtr• ls 1 poalblll\Y or facial pa111)'$i1 1ettin1 lft. R°'trt Pin• plays lod Murlotl , o@ oo m ~" ..... M111 (t) (60) W1yne Ntwton host1. Sinpr1 Michele l11 ind Bl1'Wi\ln1 8ry111l 1nd comtd1111 ShtckJ' G1Mne 1u1st. e WN11M11(C)1r.o1 D tHJ(])<lJ Alt --~'' Mft"lt: {C) "TR Ill' 1111 hid" (aunedy) '67--Audrlt' Htpbur11;1AI· bert FlnntJ. StOIY of J•llfll•efld Mut W1ll1ct, thtlr N"111• 111d1 !/It dlln111 that tit• pllCI 11111;v eYtf I ptlbt of l Z }Urt. t '°'"'' 111 wt within th• '"'"'i wort at tllt coupl1'1 M¥tfll t!AD- motillt hips tllroll(h Fr111c:a. Fffld-' 1rltk R1pMi1I, wlnnff of •~ OKlr and !ht llrltbh fllm Acld11111 lwntd 101 his 1tr11npl11 ol "Dtr11ftt!, .. wrote tht 1crMnPllJ lor !hit nlm comedJ hit of 1967. Ill ........ (00) C!l ..... " .,... ... (W) Htr U011lltfltJ Goldi Mtlr, '""'- Minlaler of lll'lel, II 1tt11 hi llM' Octotitr 2 tddrtu ID tllt Loi Ali· 11111 World Afhlf1 Co1111CI~ hlld t l 1111 flrwrlJ Hilton Hoitt tlJ sytrl1 , brlq• (60) t :JO a " ... (C) (JOJ ltd ~ ID Ht Slid, • Wd (C) (llJJ oppcJl11on ·~"· to unb_tli1Vtble 10:00 a a (j) Kini """ ('C) (60) h1n1ths lo. win. Bury Sullrv111 ind A filM lid•!'""' i llrt P1n\o.th1 Andr1w Pnnt 1uut. St•hl of H1wtll 111d dl'nrtl '"'""' ft ~•lllP IM Sllf1 (C) (30) Mike tlon from I/It kldn1J111llll of I '"""' SiOkrt holtL Top ll:1r1 p!IJ ~n-OU1 l•llttic tn(iflllf. P181UIOI" tcmlm1 ch1r1dcs 111i11st hoe! tea m Lochlier (Will Gtlf) ti.1 .dlklrftrt6 of Dick P1tttr10n, sttf1nl1nn1 1 rMlutiol'lllY brNlrttlt911&11 ·.t1 C.hristophtrton, tnd Will HutthinL ftnetlc:1 thll trill prod\ICll I IU~i· This •e1k'1 l\Jht pl1y11 1 frem Tiit Cf rece. And 1 f1Jf1lp PllWt" •Illa ltnd of tilt Glt nb ~ lndu6e Lochlltf ind his IDm1u!1. Oon M111h1I!, Doll MttllllOll, i nd Cl 19 (i) m n... C... -... 0.1nn1 Lund . .. It) (60J "Th• ard1 at T1111L" 0 !fti CJ) G) T1-f1Ji111 1111 (t) A ftltty Did lldJ (IUtll Dll L11'-(Jb)-r.<i'ht P1olt $tary ... Sllltr Bu· chutlf) tri11 to uiett.1 8/'8ll\91t t1il11 trif:s to htlp I JOU"I •· (Stir Mlth1tl P1rt.s) Into afllrilll rtllll who .l!owl up •I tll• ton· her ihMt lfM'l'I In 1111' w1nln1 d.ps. ~en! 1rith 1 lllhJ Ille sa)'t b1klll11 WOCldrow Chamblla 1190 (Ullts. fO 1 friend. Chll .. Bro"" l\lllb. Q m ,.._ ('C) (Ml) D Miiiion $ Morie: "10,000 ltd· O o.n1! (C} (60) Smok17 Robin· r11em1n {com1dy-rom1nct) '57 -wn & Thi Mint!•&. Sut A1.nty, Deen Mar11 ~. Anni Mui• Albtf· ind Rich Lit11t 1uelt. Jhttti. [WI 81rtot. Rich yOUl\I .Af!IU· m ,.,., Ml1Dll (80) lc1n 11rlv11 in Romt to bl!} 1 llotel fl) RnlllGt Ro1111d1p (Ml) i nd stays 1ro11nd pnimotln1 mtr· f1!1 SptettltlN (&0) ~.., Cot!nfM· 111111 for thr11 bulllitul alstttt JO tio11 WU~ Gordo11 Pub.• ht e.n m1rry !ht fourttl, €Ii:l Caruil di Mlljer9 (30) m lm11 • c.,...11111. <C> (301 m Judd for It. Dtft1t11 (C) (6()) IO:lO II U• llttt 111 lt oi.c.w.I (301 fl)TKll11lul ~ (30) ll:OOIJOmCDm ..... <ta fD .left.I Cltlll IMll (JO) "Moo-D l llty Crtllllll tr-e. (C) Si'll Pork.-Comb!n!111 milt i nd Q 1llt Moirit C•• (C} !ill with lmporttd wood tll"I 1nd m OftM' Ut111b ti1er lily buds. lltrL 0.111 cmlts I popular •rid r uthen\lc Hor1hlfn 11:15 O @ CIJ m "• (C) Ch1n1 dish. II) Chlldle II Jlt1'9 (30) ll:Jo II Ill{)) »wt crttnt (C) O~(l)m.1t1t11111 c... tel Sclltdullcl 1u11ts l11tlude 1"1111tl1 TiHin. S>i•~i Wallis 111d Mtl1nit. fJ """' (C} ·-i-. ...... (m~sittl) '55--frtd A.still"I, ID Ml'rit; "ttaitrr' (dr11111) • .,_ limo M110n, B111l1r1 lltl Ctddt1. 'A 12:00 8 C...11111tJ ltn.tl1 ._., ttl I m MM: "Cllll\t 114 DltW" (rom111ct) '46-DoroChy Mdiiuh ... THURSDAY DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 0 "nlrin" (~1nct) '40 Jlobtrt Younc. Htltn Gllbtrt. t:ICI 8 •w .. Allplll Stfll" (mull· ul) ·« -Dorothy l1mow, Frtd M1cMurr11. D <i> "tltf If U.11" (dl"I"") "55 -Jam• De1n, Jul~ Htf'TIS. m ..,., NI Md (""°71 ll ---M1l1 Powtn, Jacqun Btrp'tt. 12:;00 e "ll'lfl&: tkilldlf" (mullet I') '31 -OorothJ l1111011r, R11 Mllllrid. , Z:ICI 0 """911""91 If Mt... '"'",. (comedy) '44-frtdrlc lll1rtll, ~· il Sl!llth. l :lOllttl •• ~ -, .... ll'n) 'S~Rllldolpti Smtt. Alltll• l11Cluiy. ., Watch for the full week's T.V. listings in Satw·day's edition of the . DAILY PILOT. I .. • " -- WtdntSdlJ, October 8 1'16tl Sales Boo1n1 ·or Mobiles --_R eported ... · ·r The '2 billion moblle·honle ·\hdU!try has been movi ng {ipidly ahead in recent years. ;tCeording to the Monthly fttvlew or the F e d e r a 1 _]reserve Bank of San Fran- cisco. Over the 1966-M period . .. f!lobi!e-homc factory iialcs in the \Vest doubled to 44.000 '1jnits. and sales more than tripled elsewhere, to !73.000 1,fOils. About 6 million people live in the nation's more than T mi llion mobile homes -I m illion of th1t total in 430,000 1'1nits in lhe \Vcstern stall":s . . , Califomia led the sales pa(.'e Ju the early 1970'~. but in 1963 ·(~alifornia , 'vilh shi pments of 19.000 units, lagged bch!nd th~ .~ales performance of both Florida 126,000) and Tei.as 1:?4,000 1. In other sections of the \Vc~t. the Pacifi c fllorthwcst re corded ~hipmcnts ~! over 15,000 units in 1968 . ~nd the Mountain states ac- <:ounted ·for over 9,000 more. ~ ttfobile-home sal~s n o 11· P.qual 17 percent of the na- tion's new housini. People 1vho live in mobile homes tend In be yoonier an d poorer than rhe averare U.S. family. The ·· 'tftcd ian age of the n1obile- 1iOme household head 1s 35 lCars, and 60 perct'nl of the owne rs have incomes below the U.S. median. These in- (hviduals are attracted to · Jnobile--home housing by such .,(actors as low cost and conve- ·mence. 'fhe averagl! c.:ost of a ·• f!Jrnished. mobile home is $1 .70 •rwr square foot, as aiainst 'S18.50 per square foot for a f'Onventiona l housina: u n i l . .':rl!loreover, the price or such a Wlit runs about $6,000 for the ·standard 12-feet-ivlde, 60-fce t- !ong model -"'ell ll'ithin reach of the pocketbooks ot ·:vnall lamilies priced oul ol th e; t:onven tional h n u ~ i n a; ~market. -, _, Retail Sales ShO\\I O imb ~:'63 lo '67 • '"'"Gros11 business done by ·california "s 162.376 rt 1 a ;·1 .. .(fade establishmenb during 1!167 amounted to ~ $333!1& 2 n11llion. a report or thr l!l!il <;cnsus or Business rclrasl!d -~ccently by the Bu rr<Ju of lhc 4".r n:;us, U.S. Dep<U"tincnl -01 Commerce . rc\·eals. The suin. the-rt po r I rll sclo.ses, is S6,ti09.6 million - _ri_r 24.6 percent -higher 1han ~ale11 in 1963, the last prc\·ious ~1 ear a Bus1nc~s Census 11as id ken , Sales 111 food stores t·otn· prisca the n1ajor share ol the ·~ales total in 1967 -S7.647.J million. This w;;is $1,S3J.5 million higher than sales in t96J. Othe r rotail t r ad e 'fiusinesscs and their sales ror 1961 v.·cre: -Aulomot1V t d e a I e 1· 11 ~6.083.4 million -G r n t r J 1 merchandi"e i:;roup stores· $4.824 i m1lhon -l:asohne service i ta!ions $2.580.1 million -Lumbe r, hardwarf'. larm MJU1pn1enl. etc , st or t s ·.i l.190.6 million -Appare l. accessory stor es. ~.769.5 million -Eating. drinkina: places. ff ,076.4 million -.-Furn itur r . homo fumishin1 stores : $I . & 3 8 . I mi llio n , -Dru& ~Lorts. ctr.: Sl.369.6 million -Kon -store retailers : S598 2 million The State's 30121 "other'· ·r~tail places (liquor, iiportin~ ~s. jev;elry. etc.. stores l had total sales of f2 .720.J million. -·A ir Cal Jets 67 343 ' -( n Se pte mber f~ Air California carried 67,343 passcniers a total of 24,321.700 revenue passe nger milts dur- ~'ntg the; month or September, a 111sscnger increase; or 29 pcr- 1:cnt more; than Septcmbt:r of last year. 11ccording to Dudley .f . ~filler, marketing vice p~sident. Durina: the first nine months il~ 1989, Air California carried 636,704 passengers. an in- crease ol 41 percent ove;r the same ~rtod a year •IO· By mid-Sep temb er. Air CalifornJa "1 1969 pas.senger total e~Ct!:eds the total traffic for l!IM. Mille r said, Load factor for the month of St:ritember \\'l!I., 56 percent. "'ilh an .11veraae ol Ii Ii passenger~ per night. .. --· ------------------------------------------·-· -. ------- ___ DAILY PrLOf All SAVE 33%! J\len's Clai;,;ic -Stvle. Short Sl ec \e ;: ' ! , . ~ ;.' ' i.~: -.... ' I . PERMA-PRE ST® Shirts Regular 3 for '9 for e PE RMA·PR EST• polye•l•r•nd co tt on ••. nf\ f.r need ironing: when tumble cl ried ,,. .. ¥ ... look neal all da y I o n~ • Clii s6ic or hulton-rlovtn J,y c:ol . Jars ••• c hoice of one or t"' o· rorket model\ • Solids and plaid~ in a~- 21orted 1·o lo r s. ••• ,\1en·& ~izes. S.1\'l .(~.X L, \ ' ' J ~ .• , ~-~:: -'I ~ •' ~ ~ti :--~.~ rf"~~~ ~; ~ ..i ~ ,... .. ' • .. / / F i11 e T ajlorecl LL1 x t1rat a S t1it s Hr gul •r '90 8 8 e 'l'ailf1rrd !'or l"\l"r~ H!'t'<1 •1nn ••. f'\rr·v .'r;l-t\tl Ill 1' lilrnrfrrf fwh l'i!' nr 4)0'(, 11111·-1,..iJ 11 0 1il and JO'"i ~ilk e . ..:r,r ral 111nd1·I~ 10 l'httH•f' frn tn in IH'\\. f;1-li 1u11 !'ol~·r~ of' µra~/l da r k . µr1 ·r·11/ hl11r· ;:uld llro1, n/gol1 l \~~ \l1uut .""r:ir:;. (:on\Cflient (:rrrlit Plan ,\lr n's _\u-lron (;ah ardinc l'ERMA-PREs1:• Slae ks •;rrat \'a lur'. 97 e '/'r1trli1inn:il 1 ,~ ~1 ~1" lailr1rPrl lo fo l- lo w thr bo d ~· .• rn nl n urs for a tri111 , ''rll jtrou111 r d ap p rarall!'e •In a ltlrnd of 11ol ~r~l f'r and t•ull1111 \Vtii~l'lii~v OrtOOer J\ l%1J Pll OT -ADV( R""'-1" •' Sears ' ·1 ) \· I . ! • I I I 1! 1 f < ' • < ' ' . '· ... \ I , \ \ ·I • ' ' u I ( i ' I ' ' . ! -[ < . • ,-------------------------------------------------, I I "' BUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau CANOGA PA IK GLENDALE OLY MPIC & SOTO COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANG E COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA Sears ~-------------------~ - "Sotisloction Guorontee d or YourMoneyBock" t t.iai,aOLl\;O( J NO to. POMONA SOUTH COAS T PLAZA I " SANTA ANA TORRANCE ~ SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY SANTA MONICA VE RMONT at Sl auson ------------~-------' ' Shop 6 Ni ght• Monday through Soturd oy 9;30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ~ < ... • • " • . - ·--.. ".!.' ·-.... -•• ,._ ·----·-~----~~·--------------------------------------------·-------------. - ,., '4.Jf DAIL'f' PILOT f Morale Now Toi) UC Grants B~~~~~ ... Vietnam Prol1lem WASHINGTON tAPl -.-'11 Anny officer headed h)r a ~r-· i::Md lour as a battalion co11i· mander Jn Vietnam asked b1l- terly, "Why shou ld I send rnen nut to be killed'''' This veteran soldier spoke of lll s-i llu sionmi:nt, nr pointlessness to a war he S('f!.!t a5 Fin& nowhett. ··ff wt \\'U'e trying to win . it 11ouki be diff erent ," he S;lid. '"But we"ri: JUSl han ging on ." This infantryman's [rustra· 11ons and doubts were echoed l:lv other n1 i Ii t a r v pro· ressionals . .all in privaie l'()ll· 1·ersations. None 'll'nuld l>e quoted by namr. ~tORAL.E TOPS An admiral whose job g11·es him a wide-angle Y.iew of the military establishment said morale has ovcrt11k"en money <15 the No. I problc1n 1n re· laining younger officers 'J'he erosion of rnora1e secnls 10 be a compou nd or factor~ - " war thal is essentiall y " holding action. re p e a t e d separations frorn rarnilies and re!'lulting marital turbulcnrr. 1he Siirge of ant1milita r.v srn- timen l in Congress and 1he co untry. The depths or tl'11s crus 1u11 1'annot be n1casured. buL I! may be significant 1ha1 officer resignations have been rising Air Force resignaUons \verr up nearly SO percent in fiscal 1969 over fiscal 1968. In the Anny. officer resignations Jumped about 14 pe rcent. The <'limb v.·as smallrr in the L\farine Corp~ and N a \" .1· figures sho11'ed level. but the Computer Classes Set lntr~uct1on 10 con1puter flrog ramming will bf' offerrd :i! Saddleback College 1n its r:vcning program. The class will bf' laugh! fro m 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday by Robert \V. Olson. tull·tiinr 1n ;tructor at Saddleback Extended-da y l'lil;;st<; a11· open to all adults and h1i;h ~chool graduates who rc;;1dr u1 !he college district. Rcg1s1ra· t1on will be Oct. 8 and !l tro1n Ii 10 JO p.m. Classe~ begin !he 11·Pek of Oclolx>r ll. Navy i~ worrying <1bout l11~1ng a111<1turs a11d subrnariners. ''i\1any ()f !Tl)' l'On- temporarics with 15 and !6 years of service arc packing il 111." reported one decorated Anny lieutenant e<ilonel . ··Pride of proresslon l1as kept lhcrn going, but thaL pride· is taking a ll!rrible bat4 t.el'ing. these days." SERIOUS DRAIN The services eannot afford a serious drain oi you nger of· ri cers particularly 11\0se who 11;.1\'e gained experience and seasoning in the field and on staffs, The proble1n is growing. too, su lar as attracting Junio r of- fi cers 1;; toncerned. with a general lorccasl that the an. timilitary t limate will affect colk!ge HOTC n(lticeably lhis year He rcc;i ll1·d llow on a rl'ccnt tuu r of ROTC unit:;. one l'adet told him : "l:cneral. yoL1 don 't know how l'Ough it 1S 10 wc<ir a uniforrn on erimpus." t;r11. Leonartt F. Chap1llan .Jr., corn1nandanl of I he .\1arint Corps, rrccn1 ly voiecd !he resen l!nent 1vh1ch is evi· dcn1 throughout thr military a! be ing tagged "ha1~·ks." ··1 believe ," he said . "lh;il the true do\'e is born of baule. No one wants peace more than thal young Marine rifleman on his :>oth patrol or the f\·larine avi ator fl ying his I h i rd h~lieoptrr medical cvaeuatinn 1nission in one day." IGNO RE RULES Anny off leer s ;i re tli seouraged because. they say. 1he recent ugly Grrcn Beret 1nurdcr case in Vietnam has served lo intensify an i111- press1on tl1cy f e a r l'i 11·1despread t11<1l U . S 111 ilitary rr1t'rl are 111 dl S<'riminate killers who 1g· nore the rules of war. ~ome officers complain th;i l they are badgered by civilian.~ 111hom they meet socially. An admiral said that wh 1I~' 1 <itationing recently pcopl1· "ca1ne uµ lo rn~ and ~oial ·11hy did .\'OU mil it ar\' rnrn 1nakr such ii 111ess of \ 1t"1 11a1n ·"" ··1 1r1 rd lo rnake light nl 11 :-.nd rrphcd . "look. !here's no blood on my hanrls. I just c;i r ry nul polity.' bu! they rl1dn t 11'1 up nn mr '' r-- elassle traditional. •• ' .--~~I ~ I~!-I Gifts Vp 113 Percent 0 -ver '08 Tally' 1 . . . Research and training con- tract and gr':lnt awards during 196U9 increased by 113 pcr- eenl "Ver the previous fi scal year and private gifts and en- dowments increased by 4:1 ~rcent. at..'Cording to reports filed with the UC! Chancellor's Office, Contract ar.d grant ;iward~ by the fede ral government and µrivate foundati ons ror research and t r a i n i n g amount ed to a total of ap· proximately $S.606.190. l·on1· pared to $2,633,100 lor 1h1· previous fiscal year, aecord111g to the UCJ Office or Bus1nc.-.s and Finance. Currently active rl'~carc-t1 and training projects are Jund- ed in lhe amount of ap- proximate!y $7 rnilhoo. Gifts and endowments total · ed $602,752, compared to $420.· OJ I for the previous f i s ca I .vear. according to the Public Affairs Ofrit e. 'rhe cumulative tol.'.11 for private gifts and endowment!\ lo the c<impus tn d<ile 1s ~!..950.587. more than 50 pert..-ent dyin~ within 30 days follo\\'lng lheir strokes. Regular tra ining sc;;:,1011s will be cond ucted for vascula r '"~~..=!·~ ·~av~ ~ ~en. eu~e m ~ the inc1dMce pf s\rote~ · 1 -. 1 ;. 1• 'I 'I • F lourocarbo ~r lant ~ Due on Irvine Site ~; . . ' F'lourcarbon C o 111 p -a n_y . fabricator~ of Te f I o 11 and 1-:el-F products. \\•ill ro11- st.ruct a 51,000-squarc-fooL 1nanufacturing 1fa rility on a f1veacrt s It e 1n the Irvine lndustrl).1 Co1nple-.1, Peter Chu nn, president. and Ever- rttl)avis, vice pres1denl of llC, have announced. Presently I o cat~ d in Anaheim, Fluorocarbon ·Con1- pany, esta:bliehed in 1!155, will ' einploy 95 people in thft tic fa ('ility when il is com pleted. Eve nl ua!)y. 11 1~ill have 150 l'n1ployes at Irvine. Fluorocarbon has o I h r r manufacturing plants i n Pomona and Mountain View. Calif., Chicago. and Pine Brook. New Jersey. The com· pany also maintains of£icts in Portland, Houston and Boston. Completion of the new plant is :;lated March, 1970. PACIFIC INDOOR aa1 AMERICA'S BEST FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Blue Bit•ds Fight Fires Mean11·hile, thr Chronicle or l ligher Educalion. quoting a listing in "'F'ederal Support ln Universities a n d Col!e)!cs. Fiscal Year 1967." 1 U.S. Government Printing Office), noted that UC Irvine ranked 98th out of !00 top university and college recipients or federal funds for 1967. 1v1th lotal receipts of $7,489,000 For 1967 for all purposes, including Blue Birds \Vhitney Shearer. Kim Linder1nan and Lisa Nlc::Ganran ( frocn lefl l SllO\V Ne\vport Beach Fire Chief R. J. Briscoe (left) and J-~ire1nan Al l·laskell the simplilied. ea sy-to-use fire extinguishers they are d istributing during Ocl. 5-11 observance of !-'ire Prevention Week . Extinguishers consist of old coffee c <1n s filled 1vith baking soda for rl.ousing grease fires in kitchens. construction. The Office of Business and "Finance ;;aid the large 111· crease of contracts·and gr:int~ this past year l\'as 1l11P primarily lo the alrihat1011 uf The California College of il !ro- cl1inc. Excluding CCi11 a1\'11rd". the general ea1npus showed :111 ·increase of about 40 perl·1'11\ OCC to Delve Di vi11g Ca1·eers E1t'fl"ll1111g 11·0n1 ill1•l11~ fnr :;unken lrcas1Jre tn 1he tc<·h11i- C]!lf's of h;:ird hil l 11nder.~ra ll'Dfk \VJll bt l"O\!CJ'c<l in lhe i'iov . I Orange Coast Co llege 111arine syrnposiuin •·carrcr OpponunitlC'S in Di ving " s1·~~1on will hr givrn O~f'I' In ;:i ~rries of 1~orkshops with l1tlp <; such a.~: Co m rn t r t 1 a 1 Di ving lJCLA SCLJ B1\ prograni: ll<1!J lnr the :;ame period . Howard. l'on1n1crcial diver. The UCl medical sehool h:1 ~ .John rte~erk . the only man lo been a\'.-ardcd a thrce·ye;i1 · divr the Hoss Sea i n S! .3 million Regional tl1cd1ca! r\ntarela:<i : Don C. ?1·1oore, ac-Program grant lo creale 11 live in archaeological diving: con1prehc11s1ve stroke prcvcn- To111 L\1 cDona!d , manager of tion, diagnosis and trc<1lrnen1 Ille il1a1111ed U nder s ea program. Son1e 33 Orange llc:;carch and 1\!1111 Sub pro· County hospitals and 70 nun.- gr ain for Acrojet General: 1ng homes "'ill supflort 1he ·.: 4 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!! '"· & ~•!.,I p.m., Sun., 1 & ' p.m. Gtn. Adm. •2.0G; ""·"Ml u J0/14.0G/U.'!O, I' 1nd un<lt< '• pnc1 •II "'''· Tlc~.t1 •I U. C.. l•nln 1n Or1n91 Covnly/Mv1u1I Tltktt A11ncle/Comptlck.i1c- •tq•!on Cenler Tit~ot 01 .. ce, t~·JllOG, or und ••lf·lddr1•.-. """',...i •nveloo1 •~d chec~ to RODEO, tot W. KATf:ll•, AN•· H (IM 91101. The ~y n1posi111n will br h1 ·IJ lro1n 9 et 1n. lo 9·30 pin 111 thr OCC Science ll :ill It 1-; 1·0 "!XlO:..un::<I b.v OCC and 1hr 1'\;1 1u1nal 11.ss oc i ;il l n n ,,1 l 11dr r11alcr l 11 ~1n11 't11r~ Eq uipment, lle~t;fifCh ;i 11 d lndu;;try Opportunitil's in Div- ing. Co1n1ncrr1a! Di ving Or- por lun1l 1e.s, Recreational D1v - 1ng as a Bu sincss . Educal1011al Prcparatiun !or Diving. and Trta.~urr IJ1 v1ng and Paul 'fz11nou!i s. ed itor and prngrain. THIS FRIDAY /SATURDAY/SUNDAY pobl '5h" of Sklo D i' r r F°'· the first two ye"·'· "" 1111der11'atcr photographer. hospital teams 1n rnanag1 n~ --~ ~ Thr ~} n1 po~n1111 11 111 bl'lllf.! !f> ~ ~C thr 1op f'\\l•:rt~ 011 1hr \\lest Co;ist 1n ;ill phasr~ nl lln- drrv.·atrr 11•nrl, Thr :1ftrrn11nn Thr n1orn1ng "rs~hHl 111!1 l•-.1t urr l<1!ks b.v lhe l''q>crl s I tlr\ 1 n r l 11 d r Tt)tlllll~ 'l hiunp;-;on. retired "Xa vy corn· n1andrr 11nd a m<i.~t rr d1v r r nr Cl1•n Eg'>!rom, hrad of thro \J;tg;11.i nC and a pt'IZC ll'llllll llg ~cnerill go<il S \\'iii be 10 tr:.tlll n T111no11lh will ~pc<ik 111 lhr "trokc v1ct11n!'>. ll is estunatrd "'i!iiiiiiiftJ SEE''"" CONVENTION e1rn1ni: br~inn1n.c; at 7 :111 there \\'Ill be 3.000 such p.1· l ~ ;;--'\ tm CENTER " n'cloc k nn · · l' n de r 111 11 1 e ''~~l>~e~o~ls'.ith~l~s~i~c~"~'·~m~th~•~O~r~a~o~g~r-~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~:ll:~~C:Jl~~IJ_:I~~~~~~ Pholngr;1ph1· ·· _ t'nunty-1.AJnp: 8P arh 11rra. wi1h • 1 .; 1.1.111m.1+rs11.hliiitl \ A>,l ' ' ... ,~ ....... f4 . .,. ~ .. ~... ' ' " ' For a 111:1.urious d ecorator look • • • 'fradlC lonal SAVE •to ~: Regular '3~9.9~ Style 8·ft. Sofa '222 <·1 .~51c~lll' ~11 ltd l\lf h ,rc~1 en L ~h::iped !roni, decr·~cwn t..hannc-1 <ie~i ,an h:il k. ()uil 1nc <i111 1!C'<l "'~iC'l.1<~c rn,·c.r. Scntch>;;.1rd• 1rC'ated !n r .•nil rC',1'!J lll(' Rc\C'r~1blc 5 1n. ·r.~h~1·cd rn lrurcth.tne fn;1.m ~r'JI .u,h1n11~. Rt".~ULtr .s.; 1IJ ')°> l)cmi ~ofa, ,..,,tv r 5 • .., ___ -----' l 7:Z. R('j::UIAr l l f19 'J°> ( l11h ( h~1r, s~I'('" ~I " '122 Re ,1ru lar .$~1)9 9~ 7 .f f Sn fa, S,1,·e ) -" I Nn1 !'!ho" n \ 122 2 '99.95 Decorative l\'letal Wall Unit • .\nuque 1lf~" fini\h, llulrm~ tl ni~h !he lve~. 72 11 6184. 7n1111 inthes high. Sa~ .S .!O______________ 7 ~ Sears .. ---------'"""' .T, ~~-. , ., .. ,, ,----------------------------------- • . ai.JINA..r.t.ltc'TA 8-'AOO, 521-A530 ft MONTf GI 3·39 11 tONG &EACti HE .5..0171 ,.OMONA ED 2-11 4~. NA 9-5 161 , YU 6-67.51 -----'ICO WE 8-4 262 ---------, SOUTH COAST P\A2A ,S.4().3))) CA.NOGA ,A.IC 340-0661 Gl!NOAlt: CH 5-1004, (! A A ~1 \ OtYM~!C I. SOTO AN 8-.5711 Sears I COM,TON NE 6·2.581, N( 7-.576 1 HOLLYWOOD HO 9-59"1 0'ANC.E 637-2100 COVINA 96,.6·0911 INC.lf WOOD OR 8·2.521 ~AS.lO!NA 68 1-3211, .'.l.5 1--4 211 ~------------------------ SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 SANTA Ft. :.~RrNC.S 91.11.SQl l l.lNTA MON'C A E.X "4 -67 11 'J~ll EY PO 3-8-46 1, 9BA-2 220 ' 'lfDMQNT Pl 9-1911 I ... -------------_______ ,I "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" II.AU, 'lOJIUCK ~Nt> CO. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Teacher Has1 Good Book- 'llcr 0\\111 F'oontain Valley High School teacher Phyllis M. Dietz has a I ne1v book. on her spelves. She 1 1 wr:itc it herself. • The new \'Oiume is !he result of three years of work \\'ith 11\0 co!\ege professors and ;1nother high school teacher. ft ca rries !he ti t I c ' ' Che1n istry : Exper\1nenlal foundations," <ind has be<>n puhlishetl by Prentice J1all , Inc. Mts. Dietz established the ehemn>try teaching program ;i t Fountain Valley H i g h !'ichool vthen the school opened 1n 1966 and \\"<1.~ named the Outstanding C hem is tr y Tea cher of thr Year in 1969 by lhc Aincriean Chemical Sorie- ly for her succc~stut teaching tccl1niques. Prior to her assigruncnt lo the Fountain Valley campus[ shl' taught at J\farina High School fro1n 1963 to 1966. In addition lo lier l<1tes1 : 11 ork, J\lrs. Dietz has actively ·! rngagcd in research \\·ork and t'O·authored SC\'eral scientific· publieattons. J\lrs. Dietz is the inother ol /uu r children -Car:Jl, who 11 as a 1969 honors graduate tro111 1\lar1na High Sclloo! and 1~ a !rc~hn1an at UC . H1 vcr~ide ; Don lilcr J\l'inJ also a graduate fro1n !\"iarina ant.I now 111 the U.S. !\1arine Corps; ~B<1rbara, a ;,ophomore .1l )1·erlnc. High: .;ind Paul, a !11xlh grader at Orcle Vh.'"' School. If 11re~ent plans develop . .\Ir:.. 1J1clz 1\·ill be se nior lee· tur~'r hlr a ehc111isLry study su1111ncr 1ns11\l1!c at the l;ni· \ crsuy ol Hedlan<ls next sun1· mer. f'art of Lhal prog ra1n w11! ln- \'Ol1e teaching rcac;hc rs how In u~c her ne.\\' book. Renew Your 1 Driver's 1'ab Early He11ew your drivt'r's !Jcen~r llfl to s 1~ 1nonth~ before ii ex· p1rt.s a11cI "lose no lin1e or 111onry ... 'tt;.s suggest.ion ,.ras made lod:iy by Verne Orr. state. (!Jrec tor of mot or ,·chicles, 10 1110 rnilhon C alilorn1a niotorisls 11 hose d r i 1· e r llccn~cs arr \)\1e in expire in !he ne xt six 1nonths through .\Jarell 1970. "l.'alifornia 's driver li cens· 1ng law makes it possible For a rnotorist to apply for renel'ial ot his license as much as :ii>; n1onrhs before it expires." Orr explained. "This does not cancel out any o( the valid period of the old license . Orr pninted out thot local !Jcpart1ncnt of ~lotor Vehicle olf1crs will be bW'dfned v.·ith auto registraliou r 4 n ew a I business during Dtetmber and .Janu:iry. "It v.·iJJ be to the ad· 1·an1aisc or driver lkensc .ap- plicants Lo seek their renev.·als now," he said. "'J'hey will a roid tr,,_. ~rowding rllat occurs in our office~ at vehicle rcgislral'lon tirne, -' v.·e can give. them better Individual i;crv1ce. The director dddrd thll rcne11·ing more than 90 days after expi ration of a driver's license limits lhc length of lrrm for \\·hich a ne.1" license t'.an t>e issued . .. \Ve must. c1nphasi:tc that ii is ne1·er legal lo drive "'It h an r\'pired license, and doing so counts as a mi sdl.'nleanor under lhe Vehicle Code," he added. 1-li!lpies Ousted JBJZA, Balranc Is land s r API -Spani~h oulhont:cs hn l'e expelled 41 n1ore hippies trom lhizn find Formcnlflr:i Islands. the governor's office announced . The total kicked cul s1n<:e n1 id-A ugusl is 250, ;imong them 15 Americana and 12 girls. ------------------·--·---~-~-----·----- WtdllfSd.1y , Octobtr e, 1961 ______ DAILY PILOT Al ~ For Some Czechs, New World Just Not Enough PRAGUE (UPI) -~1arketa 1' a u be r ova came back because, at ;;~. she felt she \\'as too old to start a new life abroad. These are the returnees-the Czechoslovaks who lrfed life in lhe \Ve-st and decided tu come home. A!4 the amnesty for refugees ei1pired on ~1onday, the retu rnees were being praised publicly here as fine, Joyal citizens. they had as 1na11y n1otires for coming back as daJ the estimated 40.000 to !JO.UOO other Czechoslol'aks who fled since the So1·iet·led i111 asion and who. as or today, arr of. licially refuget'.'s. spoke no foreign languages. toultl not quality ror good jobs and could 1101 adapt lo the fa ster \\'Cstern pace of work. But many skilled wor kers. professional people and 1n- tellectuals decided to l1JJllC: back. Why·~ widow, said ; "t could nol liud a job. I was ah1·ays told th<.1l J 1\'as too old . "After your n1onlhs ul fruitle11.s wailinK. I i:ave ii up," she said as sbe sat in hf'r Prague apartment. She would have Jost both the. apartment and the antiques that fill it had she stayed England. ''lien: r hal'e lo 11·ork 01111 for another )'e:ir, then I r"utt ;111·1 get ;1 µc11:.i::n~ ··she said. The \,11!1·1nn1a \\'heihe.· to fi r! ur· ~la} hti;:. :.p!it ~I r s Tau hero\ a's family, Mer · so11 ;ui t!ndril'ulog1st. is living 11 \Vest r.enn:iny and h r r tlo.ughlel' 1~ a languages slu detll al Brussel s University, Jan and Eva Janecek came back because they could not find a babysitter in Australia. And Jaroslav Chotek ean1e back because he is patriotic. 811\ as the-y told their litories, it becan1e clear that Western diplomats Uclle1·c many persons ~·ho came home were unskilled workers who 'fhe offici:il press ha s published inlcrviC'ilo'S w it h others who co1nplained ol bad housing aod work ing con- ditions in the West o r homesickness. "I returned because I s:11v tha! I was too old to slarl ane1v, said Mrs. Tauberova. a pharmacist v.•ho came bark froin England in June. Th e e. I e g a ntly·dre:.st.>d Sears Buv .'o"' un ~rar~ f)eferred Ea~y Pa~nu:nt Plan.): nur \lon1hl y 1'<1~·· menl"' Br;:i t1 1n felJruar~ J(e11more Co1npact Was.hc1· Sears 2-Speed WasJ1cr $ $ e ~lraii:ht·\ane a~ita tor loo~ru ~ •luld1nrn dirt r.i ~I • Lin! filtrr l..r.t"ps Ji"nt rr(irll l•,J·lii11;: l1;H'" OllllJ <lotl .. - •) r1u ronlrol 1he lt'llllH'r·alure anJ ilir l•.i~li Jin1r • l t't all auton1acir . ~rou j u .-!~,., ll1r d ial • • \1·r~·l ic-fini~hr d 1•1p. lid and• Hh11 11'f ,,jp1• <lt•.i11 ,\\ode] 1·1 0u e R11~gl'J f1.\a11r a~i1<1\i1r. huil1 .i n l'illrr J.c ... 2-Temperature Electric Kenmore Gas Dryer •"Heat'' drie& rep;ul ar fabrii: e ''.J.ir Only·• ~e11inp: nuff!, clrir, ..-el r1in1'lt'11r •Tumble dry ~.tops "''"'" il oor i~ flJlrn,.rl ;\{odcl 60100 ,\lode! ~[) ioo Sears Electric Kenn101·t: Load-A-Door Dryer e l{i~h. "'·arm ~ettin g~ rlu~ ".<\ir Unly·• for nuffin~ • Lo1d·:\·Door m~kt'! a hand~f hrl( • 1.flp·mounll'rl lint ~··rrrn ; a1·r~l ir fini .f1 lnp. il.loJcl 60200 IUfHA PAIK TA •. ,,QO, 521-,.530 CANOGA PARK 3,0.0661 COWTONNE 6·2581, NE 2·5761 , fl MONTE. GI J.J9\ I tONG IEACH HE 5°0121 NOIWAl.K·UN "4·7761 OlYMPK. & SOTO AN 8-5211 cov..,._ 966-0611 - • • GllNDAL( CH 5-100,, Cl •·•611 HOtLYWOOD HO 9.5941 IHGtfWOOO Olt 8·2521 :\ Value at This Price! Ke nmore Electric Dryer • Top·moun1ed lint 111.:recn • , • Load •. \. Door mal..t~ a ~hrlf • :-i11fe1~ dnor ~"' i11·h. rl ~lira!I' fahrir• 1 ·~1·l~ ,\\ode( 60 ~00 'ASADfNA MU 1-3211, El .5·•211 PICO WE 8·•262 POMONA. ED 2·11 •5, NA 9·5161, YU 6·6751 SAN 'lltNANDO EM 1·7121 . Ai.HAMIAA 283-93.SI ARCADIA 44S-'100 CHINO 627-1.571 CULVER CITY 137.1261 CYPIESS 116.1.S.50 DOWNEY '23·97'1 FL/l.lEITON 32S.119l GARDEN GIOVE 638·9700 GRAN1'0A HlllS 360-10.S I H•CIENDA t1GTS. 330·3'61 HAWTHOttNE ll79-0611 HIGHlAHD ,AIK 25'-3981 HUNTINGTON l!ACH 1'2·2.561 lAICEWOOO 63'-7.140 lOS AlTOS 3'7·3643 MONTEIEllO 72,·3:nG MONTROSE 2'1·1230 ONTARIO '86-2071 PALOS VERDES 3n-6901 PIACEHTIA .52,.0110 IEDONDO IEACH 379-S.j72 •ES!OA 3''-5181 SAN PEOllO 5'7·4451 SHERMAN OAKS 911-3100 SUMI.AND 3.52·''.SI I .~ I 3-Cycle, 2-Speed Wasl1er $ • l'rrmanrnt JH'•'-~ r·~··lr 1u·,.1rnh• ~pi n .. ,.t "rinJ...!I'~ • ':ho i~·r. oflhrr" 1><1lrr ll'1f'I:. rhrr" 11:11 .. r l,.m p,.ralllT'I'~ • Li11r fil1,.,.. ·111'1'1 ~· lid ·'" i11·l1 J\fndrl ~()'iO() , 14 (u. Ft. Hefrigeralor-Freezer 21988 • Rr,\·er~ihle door& t:il n be h inp:l'1! lo (ljll'M rron1 l'ithe-r !idt: • Fro!llt'·' ml'an! no defrol!li~ ,.,,.,. •. ...:f'l.ll l'~ll': cunlroJ6 for bolh ( rrt:zer and rrf ri~l'f91ttr ;..10Jl"I 68400 .SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 SANTA FE SPRINGS 94,.801 1 SANTA MONICA EX "4·671 1 5-40-3333 l'Tl'Tll":~ UPLAND 915-1'77 WESTCHESTtll 670-7020 WfSTMINISTEll 193·''81 WH!nlEll 491-0666 WILMIHGTOt-1 130-0015 TOllANCf .5,2.1.511 VAllfY PO :J .8,61, 98•·2220 VEIMONT Pl 9.191 1 You Can's Do Bttcer Thon 5_,., "Sa'fisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. "°"""''"-¥"_;7~·.,.,._---.-. .... .,,,.,._,.,.:ro-•---o:--·--~?"-·--·-----·--------------------------· -··-·--··-··---. ·" IB D.6I LV PILOr Wtdntsd17, Oct~r I. 1969 Tra1usit Set s Fare Pla11 Th<':-; u 11 I hr r n Cali!urn1a H1.tp1d Tr<in.~11 D1strirl h:is ~t·hedu!t'.'ll Utt !2 tur 111· • ;i ugurat1on u( :111 l~.\at1 f:ire ~ prngran1 and ;i 11c1v tra of rnore con1 C'llle n1 p r r ll :1 i d 1ran~il raJ1 11g fur arl':i t·u1n- 1111.1tets. But uper<itors un RTD l1ne5 111 Orange. Los A n g e I e s , ll1 1·ers1de and San Bi:rnurdino \ ·uunues 11·111 no longer carry , ;1sh and provide change with 1 he commencemenl of Exact !· arf'. F.liinination of b11s rol.Jberies ,11\d i1npro1·ed s ch e d u Jc pi•rformance also 11· e re lurerast as Transit District nf- f1t·1als paid tribute lo 1he 11ub lic ser1·il'!: efforts of the 111,1 jor banks and a re a busi ness firms participating in thC' sale or Exact Fare tokens. HTD oflic1<1ls 1011.l a press 1·unh•r('1l('(' in Los r\ngeles of Til t• bt•ncf11 5 of F.x ;1ct F <1rr IO NEW OFFIC!RS INSTALLED BY DEL MAR DIST~ICT Scout•rs (from l•ftl Y•ck, H••l•y and Ward IJ1r l!lO!"l' th:in 200 C01H· t1HJl11!1<·s ~t'f\(•<l lJ1· 111 e IJJ~lnl'L in the fou'r·l"Uunty ;1 f t';J h1·rr1111 .\I lill l, HTlJ pre:<i· 1!c11! · Sa1nucJ B. 1\clson. the 1J1 ~!1"1t t 's gC'll{'!'<d n1anager : and K en n c t h n . ~!oorr, gcnc r<JI chairinan of the Lnncd Transportation lnion. :-trc~sed the impo rtance of relieving bus operators cf 1·a.«h-carrying and n1 one y • hundling responsibili ties. 300 Scoitt Leaders l 1istull N eiv Officers Coast Folks Get -/. Kincls Of RTDTabs Persons li\'ing and lr<i,·cJing 1n Orange County can soon purchase four ne\v versions of Southern California Rap i d Transi! District"s n1onthly bus l"~1s.~. as well a:; token.~ :.ind lie . S;1111uel B i\elsun. l~TIJ eral 1n;1nuger, .:111. !lUUJl('ed today. Cun1ple1nenting: ll1r c.x.u·t f;Jre collection progr<J1n bring: 111;.iuguratcd Oct. 12, the t·\· randed pass plan "·ill otfr r HTD passengers red uced rate l'1d1ng on fares up to 62 ecnt.". The new varieties of th~ HTD pass \rill go on sale Sep tember 25. for October ntli11g. New 1no11Lhly pai.:ses in Orange Counly. a,<; wrl1 as t1ckcL<;, \l"iH be on sale ;ll !hr llTO !Jcpols al 130 East Cu1n- rno1111 c:1l!f1. Fullciton. and 20! \onh S\can1orc. :>ant;.i 1\11;1 fht',Y nlSo l·n n be ordered hy 111<1d lrn1n tile HTIJ Tiekrt Ul - l <:c. 1000 So1Jth Bro;;d11oy. Los .\ngc!cs, 9001 5. Furciou Talk e ,, 1· •. 1·• _' ec1 tug 1ul . \\'orl {I lra1·r lrrs (:iln bru ~h 11p vn ltl re1go !ilnguage st-.1llc; 1111~ fall 1n adtilt !-chool rl;issrs i.1ftrrd .11 S<in Clcrncntc lhgh ..,chont 11 hen c1 entng ~cllool 1n· -truc11011 heg1n'1. Thi'.; 't'nlr~l er rour.,es in t•:gu1n1ng !'-ipan1~h . French ;.11ld • .e11n;111 11 Ill be ;,1 allable ill> .1r lJ ,,, u11l·rn1ed1<1!1• :ind 11d- 1 111i rd ~IJIHll~h !'1 \!1(.:1p;.I AltJllZll \ <tle111111c .JI :-.. ;1 ~a ; u111on fee is chargrd 10. help tl1•ira.v l'Q-.ts of the .i dult ~cllool progra1n . Huie Exteuded f\A .\ll'ALA 1:\P \ -L"g;;n- da ~ P;1rJ 1<11nc11t has extended lur ;:,,JX 1nJntns a state of rrncrgrncy 111 the !onner l..1 ngr!on1 of Buganda. "'here a <:rackd u11·n l:>egan in 1966 "'hen the Buganda rtilcr, S 1 r l::d11·;ird i\1 u t e. s a , unsuc· ,·cssft1 lly challenged t.:ganda·s .President .\·1ilton Obotr. Nearly JOO leaders of the Del ~tar District, Orange Empire Council of the Boy Scouls of An1erica. have installed ne\v uf!lrers at the group's annual recognition dinner. Awards 11'ere madr lo win- ners of the di strict's Ortlcr or ,\lrril ci t:lli::ins. 1nore tills year 1l1a11 Cl"l'r befor!'. Thu~c so honored 11rrc Cart l!eudrikson. H o J a 11 d I.an· dr1gan, 1\rt Kills and Carl Schw a11dt . photo 1r 1ll be g11"cn lo lhe Player. along 11·ith a plaque and al! 11·inners and their co.1ches \\'ill be honored at a banquet. The Player nf the ~lo11 1 h progran1 1nay bt· continued for other sports after the close of thr foolball season . :':ew officer$ installed by Orange Empire District J::x- Polka Party Set Oct. 11 A ga la po lka party fea ru ring tradltional food -and ham · burgers -y,•ill be st,.ged :S<:11urday. Oct. II, in \\"h1tt1rr. aceordinJ: to officials or 1hc P111ish National .i,IJiance Lodge J!68 , Santa Ana. The Jestt\'f' e1·en1 11·1JI bt at 9 p,111 in St. Gregory the r;re;1t Church, JJ93;i Telegraph Raod. featuring the popu la r Cavaliers Orchestra. Tl<E !TIAHGI WOILO MR.MUM ph <11• o f •nlt h C• d~<<>r •:;"'i · Yew'll ... er~ "''th • ti•· '''i"f' of vo~· ewn w),,I, vew 1he p •' S •• ,, •nd •I "o t•fr • c),•r<jt . '1,,.1 '~• Decort lot Stwd•a en t~e H omt F~1hi on• floe•. Fe• e n t ppoin!..,t rl, •elt phene or •loo in lht S•tto South Cot •I Pltlt Otcor t lo• •"d Otl •<jn S1ud 10 •nd ••~ fgr: Nancy L•nney · .\a l1.~facr 1on (;utJrtJ n!cPd or Yo1~r "Jo;iry Ba ck '' ecutive Ken Hickenbottorn and Council Commissioner D r . Richard Kendall included Vic· tor Yack, dlstrlcL chairmt1n, ~tike Healt!1', district com- n1issioner arid Dennis \\'ard . district scout executive. Training a1,·ards and kc1·.:. 1rcnt ru ~2 1nC'n and 1•01111'/l .Scoull.'L'> l:i r-lht'ir 1968 srr1 !1.'.C Plaza 'r otcs On Griddcr !ligh school :-,ludc11 ts trek- king to South Coast Plaza in Costa J\lesa arr be ing urged to partici pate in voting for the center's f ootball P IH1·r r of the l\1ont h conlcS!. be11n~ eon- ducted a1nong ;1:tude11ts fron1 17 Orange County schuo!s. One \\·1nnl'r frorn each st hool 11·ill be n;Jn1t'd <'Uc!1 n1onth, based on studc111 ballots. Voting for the Scp- tctnbcr pla.\'er 11·ill t·l ose Oct. !I , for October by Nov . J and lor No..,·cmbcr by Nov. 17. The Player of tllr J\lon1h fron1 each school 11·11! be the subject or a :lO-by-4Q-.inch photo to be cl1 ~pl ayc1! in the l'\at;1 A!lt:r the d1~riJ;iy. the Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column t\i ' Street /Sears ) SOUTH COAST PLAZA Phone 540-33 33 ~-· ·- Sears llL't" I ol <:ALLON 99 Colorfast Latex Wall Paint J{rgl1iar S4.IJ9 gal. 2gals. $5 e Driple ~s ~uprr colorfa!t paint ••. flowi ~111not hly on "all or rei li n~ aoJ nol over yotu· floors c Uri ,.~ in one hour or lr~s. hilli pl ca~arit nd•ir e "'"·~r·v 1,alrr 1·lra11 ·11p. In J et·or11tnr 1·r1[.,r.: BUY ht <:ALLO~ One Coat Lalex FJat Pa iul Regular ~5.89 Gal. 2 ga ls.590 e Frf'~h inlf'ri or br1u~·. driplesi for a nrat jul1 e l·co-.. t (;O\era,:t', dr1 e! in ju·t 1/i-hour e Wa~l1ab l r., ilain tC!i~11111f. roJo rfa ~r Inn e :::ioar1 "-3.ler clran·UIJ. 111 "ltlte or dr1·oratnr 1 1il "r • RUY ht GAl.1.0~ 99 :i1·1f-Primiug Acr~'U C House Paint Kc~dar S:i.99 ~al. 2 gal s. $6 e \i•r' tir. l:ite' ... ?"'If-priming on f OUntl painted :urface, an1f drif'~ in j u~\ l,~·h our e \, r'lirs ;idded lo gi\r. greatl'r durabili!v e ) fll;r cli ni1 '" in drr oralor colo" or'"' hi rr \crylic Latex House Paint Regular s;,99 ga l. 2i;als. $8 e !<oat co,·erJ l11e tame or ,imil1r colon e :;eJ(.prin1inJ, on wund painted 1urf11cr.c e Re~ir.u bli51ering, fume discoloration ..• ind you can p1int oYer damp atta~- • \\ hite or dtcor11or colo" --- --------- -------- - --• -----:-._. '~r"'7117.,.:5:l~' , -------------,. ''' ,.;. .. c .. •l~J I H '. ~1 A t·-~ 66iJ1 ,;o v.f J IU I ~!~~91\ l"••,1!•'•~ • '"<IA&-.•U l ,1~ "'" 5•/ ':I l ... <IA ,U<f .. 14 11",0.~;J.o • .) 1 ":,tr!•' •• l l1!1 ,..,. I <• .. .:>CAP.t•"•O()'.Ot ' ...... ('l,'(1()4.(1 4•1'1 .,......... . ~ S>Jl'l•~-·· I ,,.. •!•~-'l !•Jl.9!1,110 I co~•Te,.r 1r 6 :)1 ',l'l!:'lir.1 1 ....... ,f'0 9 1~•l ''.' '.c.' 1, 1., 1 1•~1l 'AC.•C•I'•· • '1•~"•t ~·91 1 I • "''0 0 Ol l/I "•"··l •~C.• • , • _, ·-™~' ------------------------------------\, - - - - - - - - -Shop 6 Niaht1Mondoy1hrov&h Sa!111doy 9.30 A.M. to 9.30 P'.M. "Sati1facbonGuolanl•td oiYourMana)'8a,k.. -.0.1.i-.u .,. .. I DA ILY l'ILOT Sl•lf .. het. PIONEER KEN ALLAN AWAITS NEXT CUSTOMER For the Tonsorial Art, A Great Leap Forward CdM Barber Seeki11g To Shape Up Marines By JOll!'lil VAL TERZA Of l~I Dlll¥ .. l!ol Siii! The ~larine Corps is "scalp.. ing" its recruits and robbin g lhein or !heir individuality, says a Corona del 1.1ar expert on men's hair. So he's going to try to do something about it. Ken Allan, who became the youngest registered barber in Britain v.·hen he \\'as 15. \viii take some suggestions for ne\v leathernecks hai r styles 10 the r.larine Air Station in El Toro this \Yeck. "And I n1ust admit, 1he base con1manders are genuinely in- terested in my ideas.'' said Allan. hairstylist to t he famous and influenliaL \\'hat Allan suggests is a sho rt-cropped cut that will comply \\'ith the goal of neatness and practicality, but 11·111 not "loo k li ke the man has bttn scalped." "It should fol101v the con- tours of the head, but stay do11n instead of up like a bris- tle." he said. Allan st;irted the suggestion, he sa id. 11·ith ft letter to th e br:iss at El Toro. This y;eck's meeting \\"ill be lhe fi rst in the campaign. The Marine officers v.·il l rncct a nian "'hO began hi !'l trade al age six in Scotland, :ind qualified nt 15 as a master b:;rbcr. And letter wriling has b_el'n his key lo surcess ever since. I-le !ert the family's shop in St. AndrC\\'S for Canada a d07.en years ago a n d •·pioneered." as he put it, n1cn's hairstyling in a mos t unli kely place ~ Hamilton, Ontario. the country's biggest ~lee[ town. "There \\'as no better place lo prove that men·s ha1rstyl- 1ng is no1 for sissies. Ha\·e you eve r see n a sissy ~teelworkcr ':' .. he ('huck!cd. In 1963 Allan left lhc steel lo"'·n for Beverly ll ills. I! v.·as lhere that Alla n's business acumen paid off. "I \\'rote one letter the first v.·eek I opened the stor<', .. he explained. He suggc~lt>d to Steve Allen lhat the television personality have a hairs!yle on his even· ing shov.·. ··They said okay. and the next week I v.•as on TV .'' Next there v.·ent a lf'ltf'r to Life r-tagazinc .1long \\'Hh a few story SuRgestions. ··A fc\V \VeC'k11 later lh<'y ~cnl a crew ouL 111 those days I had jazz groups -Buddy Colette, Paul Horn -playing for the cu~to1ners . "They shot my shop, 1hen 11·cnt acro..~s the c o u n I r y ~hooling 300 more so they \.l'OUld have a choice," he said. .. \Vhen all the \.l'ork 11'as over they picked my shop. I guess becau se it was the only one with resident jazz groups, a billiard table and putting greens." Life ga"c Allan three pag<'5. Articles in Esquire and Gcnlleman 's Quarterly soon followed. .. It just kept building after that. The movie people began coming in -Sean Connery. Tl.obcrt Cummings. C r a i g Stevens -includi n.11; prn- ducl'!rs, dircc!ors and other e:<- ttulives. "I heard picture deals con- summated in barber chairs. ·business mergers ... some pretty ir.1port<1nl happenings ... the short. sl-OCky Allan recall- ed . Jlis concept 11·as indeed catching on, No longer did men wanting a haircul sil at one end of the room r eadi ng men's magazines and wa it until a chair on the other end emptied to allow them a tum at the clippers. All an doesn't use men's magazines and clippers. "A razor. scissors, a comb and a bn.ish are what I use. ~!en are tired of being scalped. they want their ~tyles to sui t them as individuals and they're willing to pay a craftsman l\'ith pride in his work to do the job." The list of those wi lling lo pay for these services in the Harbor Area (lfe moved here from Be\•erly Hills four months ago) already reads like a who's \\·ho. President Nixon's cabinet members made stops at Allan's shop during the August activity at the \Veslern \Vhite I louse. Presidents of N e w p o r t Beaeh firms, actor John \\'ayne, Orchestra Leader Stan Kenton ... the list is large. .. I still do some of the Hollywood work.'' Allan said. He does Sean Connery's hair 1n the shop "'hile Connery U {'1sewhere. Senator Barry Goldwater makes regular stops for a pause hf'nc ath the A 11 an sci sso rs and ('omb. "There aren't any difficult customers," Allan said. "You ha ve to be a terrific diplomat, bul they're al\\·ays satisried." The pressing problem \\'it h doing men's halt? "Baldness,'' he said tersely. \\'hat's his solution? "Short ha ir is the secret shart. sty led , clean hair \\·ill help baldness \'ery 11·r ll. but L\ has to be caught in time," he said. FollO\\'ing "'Ith an :iwesome v.·arni ng to the long·ha1 r sci. Allan "';irnC'd. •·t;nless thc~e people \1·ilh Jong. stringy hair do something about it. they'll all be bald by the time they're 35.'' Allan hasn't decl ared \l'ar per sc. on ·1nng hair. •·J jus t like to see it hea lth y and "ell·groomcd. Long hair styles th at are clean. wi::ll cut and cared for v.·on 't do any damage. "In fact, I'm organizing a series of demonstrations al local high schools to show the .l'ot1ng men how they can keep their hai r long and i:;ti)l keep U1eir hai r at lhe same lime." What about Allan's hair? II seems healthy enough '\'ho cuts his locks'! "I do it myseU." CSCLB Gets President Dr. Donald Simonsen has bee n appointed acting presi- dent of Cal St-ate Long Beach by the state college system's board of trustees. Simonsen. 48, has been serv· ing as vice president in charge at the college, the large5t in the l!J-campus system, since September J. He sucettds Dr. Carl \V. ~1clnlosh, the college's presi· denl for 10 years, who has re· quested reassignment wilhi n the system. Dr. ~lclnlosh's planned retirement from the presidency was announced in February. PILOT-AD\l(RTISER J1'. _:::: Sears ·1 --~:'.-.-_-.,....._-,:---~-.---~,,....-,...,.,-.-_-,~'...~._-_4~J Sears Craftsman 10-Inch Radial Arlll Saw .. . • Tl1is is tl1 c sa,.,.· lltal turns a basement jato a \'forksl1o(l .•• jt's tl1 c most \'ersatil e, easiest t o 11 sc, most rugged and d epcnclal1Jc of our entire lin e of JlO\vcred Sil \\'S •With available tools and attacl11n ents it~s l1irtually 10 tools i11 ·011r. •When you look at it that way, it's really th e economica l wa v lo builrl a shop. Model 2943 · Bench ••• . , . -:".:, . ..... I HP Rocker ,__M_0_ 10_r ___ s_w_it_ch _ _,h-.-'Lo.~ Electric Tool Guarantee free servi ce and parts upon return, if any pare proves :1 Jefec[ive ~vilh i n l :" year of sa le. This .,, 1 gul.fan tcc Jocs noc " .. ap p ly to elec [r ic j ·1 rools uscJ in rent- al se rvi ce. IO-Inch Bench Saw Regular s270.39 • (;raf't sn1a11 JO~in. tilt ing arl>or ilf'Jtl'h s a\v is di ·· ~i~nr<l t o 111 Pel tl 1e 1}re1·isio11 r1·r1uircn11'11 ts (Jf (~raft s man a111I l1 a'c ,.,.·or~sli o1> ~'''11crs ali1'.e • 'J'l1 is !::'-l \V t·o111 ts 1·0111 11l1·1c \1i1h ~l fel s tanrl, I ]f)l 111nt11r, :.! 1·ilc h. gritl l ype ~i1 lc ('Xt c11sio ns, fJn-off S\\i tcli a111 I IJla1l c p;uartl as.:o1·111IJlv SAVE S8! Ho111 c-i'o-Shop Vac. Co1nbo :-;e r)aratt'ly l'rice<I S4:l.98 Pcrn1anc.·x rank won't 3499 cr;1(k or <.hip. lncl1.Jdcs nnzzlc-, hand le. (l-ft hllSe. D«"clop~l l-1.P. #t75or, S1 0.1Jj' llnrnr -i\-Shop \'ar. Arcr•. h.ii._6.99 SAVE $22! Be nch/ Radial Saw Kil l~e~ular S6::!.'J.) lr1t 111.les mo ldi ng he:iJ, 3999 and l cuucr seis, diJo. n1old1ng head ~u;.1rJ,n1i- 1cr vise, book.1132677 SAVE '6! Strong and durable, yet high in fashion, a breeze to install. Your finest c!:.ina, books, models go on displa y to personalize home decor. Radjaf Saw Blade Pack ll egul:ir $19.07 Lise Sear s Revoh·ing Charge Cr.1f1s1nan I0·1n. raJi~I !>~w ha.~ J populJr use~: hollow grou 11J free cut co mbin.u ion; rir. ply v.·ood cun1ng. # 31JJ ! 1399 # ------------------~----------------------------, I MKA PAllC TA 8·''00, 521 .ol.SJO u MONll GI J.J91T tONC l!ACH HE 5·011 1 roMOW. lD 1·11 ,S, PlA 9·5161, YU 6·61Jl 'K'.0 Wf 8·4262 :;Ot1!1t COAST 'l•lA !i.t().JJJJ c.u400.t. '""' J,0.0661 G11woA1r CH ,.,oo,, a , ... 111 1 olT1o1'1c , soto AN t-J111 ~•NtA ANA 1<1 7.3311 1011•11ct s,2.1s 11 I I <OiW'IOH Nt &.2~11 , NE 1·J761 HOILTWooo HO 9.$941 o•ANGt 6J7.2100 ~ !A~'" ri !.l'l'NG~ 9''·8011 v•11t t ~o J s•61, 99,.2220 I (QVlllA 966.061 1 lt~\IWOOO O• 1·2521 PAMDtHA 681.]21 I, J JJ.,2J 1 sears SANTA MOt'<llU. ft 4·611 1 VClMONI Pl 9-1911 ~------------------------____________________ , ''Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" w..w,10.....uAJA1w.. Shop 6 Nigh la Monday rhra\lgh Sof\lrdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:JO P.M. l ' I ~ ~ ~· ' (. I' ~ !; t:' I • .. · .... _:,.. ____ ~-~~-;. ~-'--~ .. -.f'<_-~ ... -~,,~~~-.. --.... --~~-~-... -------------... ----------------------------------~----··· -. ,. ~-- A%1 D•Il V PILOT \ .. " Registration System Urged Program Read~ Saddleback>JC WASlllNGTON IAPJ -'/'he director of the U.S. Passport Office inriicatc!I she favors :t natiooal registration srstcni. 11·1th e1 cryone bt'111g g11e11 :i 11umber and po ss ib ! y fingerprinted. Frances r.. Knight secs !lus not ouly as a poSsible first ~tep I o w a rd international passport tards, but also as a mo11e lo correct fa ults in cur- rent idrntifitation methods .,.,·hirh result in '"enormous !a~ C\ a~ion, SO\:ia! Se<:"u n!y frauds and national crime." -~~--~~~~~~-, ...... --· . ' 4/ f . •:JO-U U! r';,ieite~I lo ... SAVINGS' OCT OBER 1st THROUGH 10th • • REFRESHMENTS • .:7;('(' . ~l.)f;off!!J''"·(lf .Jio1e-en .-}/ PREPARED ESPECIAll Y FOR YOUR SIGN ~'! /J}J rl11r'!/ (h11" ii J"·,e .k'.arc'1 21. 1969 1~5ve al l\i\~( mogo; ne de~r1bed Sydney Orno" 0 .1 'o h19f.l y onlei''- r.enl younger 0 1trolo9cr. •-.e mo!>l -~oilfvl and sobe• pub/·.: o•oto3on•1t o~··ol~y l-01 ... ' A forr er CB S ~wsr10,., Sydney 0 1'1of'T's ri i 'y l-01o;coo2 cc.:,_..,., •1 co"+ed by 'o"'e : '.) -ic-..·popc·:; o(rO~~ 1r>e Co<.~ry. He ho1 I Cl "co•cd '" ~ r;c.,.;.1y ·.:.•ecO":! £:)(.::k.~ •ely for I ,,. ·· -r...-:-·-\\'" Meo-::: /) ,..-c:y ·~dui9 ti. KEYSTONE SAVINGS A~D lOAN >,SSO CIATION lotrald w C:i,,,..~ f~.·:;o·nl • .ulilllll, MMt 1"1o ns 1. l.w, "'· ,-..., ......._ ,.._ 111.1+• • WlST.IMSlrt. M•t~ .ili\c Hiii IMIC~ .... •• M 11"'""' i. ~ 191 !"' -I .~_..,, • ..-.J-1. I ~-.~--~.:~ ... ~ ~·-· ... '"No intelligent law-abiding citizen can ~riously object to ;i nat101111t regis tralion Y.'hich 11 uuhJ establish his identity and sufeguard his security, bank, l.'.l:< and i n s u r a n c e benefits," she said in a paper prepared for an international lr:.de a n d transportation srn1inar al the University of \\'isconsin al ~1adlson. llalhcr than an invasion of pril"acy, t\l iss Knight said, na· lional registration would be a ix·rsonal safeguard. "If the forn1at can be stan- dardized. Jct us say by 10 na· 11ons with the largest volun1e of touris1n, we wou ld be 1\'ell nn ou r wav to.,.,·ards an ac- eeplable iilten1alional iden- 11fic<1t1on document," she said. She said the airlines had been applying pressure for a '"credit-card" type pass!JOrl \Vhich could be scan- ned electronically lo feed da!a into a computer and a1.:+ ('l'!C'rate lhe transfer n f passengers t h r o u g h in- ternational ;urports . But brfore any trcd1t-l'ard type passports can be de ve loped , she said. a fool· proof document n1ust first be de veloped -and this in- el'itably ll"ill require national registration. \rhllc the idea of a credit· card type passport sounds great. ~·1 iss Knight said, it's dangerous at the present time lo lry for ov erly s1\•ift and f'a.~v clcn rancc of persons entf.ring lhe lJnllC'd States. She deplored the emphasis UCC Secretary Un Ship Ca rn pus l\lrs. Virginia !\I u e 11 er . secretary in the Orange Coast .Junior College 0 i s tr i c I superintendent's office, \\•ill serve as visiting f a c u 1 t y secretary aboard Chaprnan College ·s floating i:arnpu.~. S S. Ryndiim. ll'hich en1b;irks from New York Oct. 9 . ~lrs. ~lucllcr lives at 16~5 Tustin Ave .• Costa r-.·lesa. ... American Leather, that 1s OCTOBER 6-11 * * * * * * * \ In, now and pow! These great looks in leather ore how the fashion west was really won , . , for women, men a nd the home. See e xhibits, see craftsmen ol work _ , , see colorful full-size hides , , • Superior Amer ica n tanni~g processes. HIGHLIGHT DAY, FRIDAY, OCT. 10 Eye-filling informal fa shion shows 12:00, 1 :00. 2:00, 3:00 p.m. Commentated by Paulette Stafford, American leather Stylist nt Fashion Court on the Moll Visit th e 30 Oislincl iv1 Store ~ FASHION SQUARE '-.I • ~ I 1". . , ; , , Santo Ano Freeway al Main on speed that h .. s brought about the SIH"alled one-man clearan:::e at airports where one inspector handles primary iu.spection for four agencies - public health, immigration, agriculture and customs. Only "problem" cases are referred to a specialist for more detail- ed inspection. Proponents of the system point to the lack of customs search in other nations. ··But they fail lo stress that the U.S. is the target for drugs and contraband because this is \\"here the money is, aod the finanelal kickback in the U.S. is likely to be the largest in the '~'arid," she said. She criticized cilizens who gripe about 10 lo 30 n1inute delays in the current system of processing persons return- ing to the United States. "\Ve are curtailing virlually all phases of interrogation, search and inspections, and rompromising national securi- ty and "·ell-being, in order to satisfy a national psychosis for speed and more speed," r.1iss Knight complained. Six-Poi1it Sign Saddleback College cheerleaders Pat Casella (on i;:round), Pam Downs (left), Michelle f'oster (on top) a_nd Lynne Broy_les (right) hope to bC' raisi ng arm s tn touc hdown s ign se veral tiines during Sad- dleback College's football season. . ' Gets Technical ,Several new technology pro- gr&cn!I will be available lo Sadcileback College students when classes begin Oct. 13, Jame!I Thorpe, chairman of the division of sc ience , mathematics, engineering and technology announced today. The drafting t.echnology pro.- gram will be expanded to in- c lude architectural drafting as well as electro.mechanical drafting classes. in marine science technology and surveying technology "4"ill be in!ltituted. James Reese, ·who has previously initiated programs in oceanography and civil engineeri n g technology at Mt. San Antonio College, will play a major role in developing the new technology offerings as a ne\v inst ructor at Sad d I e b a c k College. Division Cbainnan Thorpe, who is one of the founders and a tnislte of the Mirine Studies Institute which will be built at the new Dana Point llarbor, indicated that Sad- dleback's marine science pro· gram will offer co ur s es designed to appeal not only to the student who wishes to work directly i1J ocean-related industries but to all people who li ve and work in and a round the beach area. Features of the program \\•ill include frequent field trips, emphasis on sore specialty areas such n L9r derv.·ater photography and _I summer work experience P:t gram "on and in the ocean/ Sadd l eba c k f~l; participating in the prog"'I will include: Reese, "'l specialty is p h 'is i c oceanography, Norman and Lt!e Rhodes in maril biology, and Peter Tresselt S "'~rifle geology_ ,. -•• SAVE $2 to $5 Sears on Our Finest Automatic Blankets ~'lachine Wash Dtu·able Polyester (;uaranteed 5 Years - SA VE '3 to $.")! Cozy, Warn1 and SofL Electric Blanke ts • J()()l'}4i polyeslrr ril)('r lr1·a1eJ lo rf'~i~t ~1~dd 111~ and pillinj!; • ,\tolhproor. milJ r 1• pr1u1C n(l n.aJl,.qrrnir. 6-in. nylon bindin~ • Drcorator ~1y lcd o,·al r nnlrnl •Choice of blul'. jlrrrn, ~ol d rolor• '~l.?9 Full ~i,.e ~i ngic Control I 8 .9 7 J~6.?9 Full ~ize Dual Control :?3 .9 7 c..;\\.(){J Quern :O-ill': Du.11 Control 3 0 .97 ~\I.I)(} l\.ini: :O-iz r Dual Control 3 9.?i ltcgular • J 8.99 97 T ... in, fiin1tlc conlr11l / L!11e Scars Revol,i ng Charge If rn.,lrol "' hi.,,._ ~ .. 1 f''!>I" d•F•rti~,. "i1 !-"n ~. '•an f'f ,.1 ... trll;t n !hr ron1pl,.1• llnol :and ,.,. will rrp~ir nr r•- 1·l~tt it. •I Ollt Oil• tu•n. frN.: (If chnJ.•, .'~ace ori 1llore Great Blanket Values front Sear.~ SA VE '2! Lightweight, Warm Plush Polyester Blanket Reirolar $6.?'J ·r""·in ::ii ze ·497; •:-;oft. )rl ~lrong JOO% pol)'etiler fi ber • Treatrd lo rf'•i-"I ~hedding. pillin11:. ~l•l·hinc "-asli -dry. Gold, blue, gree n color - $8.99 l"ull Siic 6'1 JI I .<19 Queen Size __ '1.1 .ql) h ing ~i tr __ _ __ 991 1191 ,-------------------------------------------------, I •ut...i. ,_f l •·••OO. l 21·4ll0 Pl ""'"I (,( ).Jfl I 1e ... G ''''°" 11{ .\ (11]1 .,, .. .,.,. to '11 •5. 'll 7 51 61, TU 6 6ll1 ro::o W( •·•161 J.YUfM CO•~l 1'1>1,t. SCO.llll c •'"fOG• .,,. 1•006.!1 v·I•·~· t Qt' !OCH {"I• 161! l'I"•"' ••·,·~•ti I ,~11 UNU »14 ~l 7 Jl11 "''-'"'IC' 341-1}1\ I I t °""'to,.Nt 4 ll!I, t.it : ~61 Ki.,,..,...:ioD HO f Jf•I r ... ,, 41·7· 1 ~ $"11A •1 :.rt:111;.s ?•l 11(11! "'11" 'o 3·1•61. flt 1110 I CO .. IAf66Clo11 w· l"'Wl~\)·~,111 ····N· .. 1•.J.·1 ,~·· f Sears J4J<T•Jo!CIMC•U 4 6!ll "" .. 0"'"'·1•11 ,________________________ --------------------1 "Soti1foctionGuoranlted or YourMon•yBock.. ...14-..-...., <A $hop 6 Ni9h t• M•.,doy lhrvt.1jh Sotvrdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9;30 l'.M. .. Saddleback Sets Night Classes J•oreign langu11gcs , drama. art and English literature V.'ill be among courses offered when Sad«ilebaek Co I le 8 e ('vening classes open neil "'eek. Registration (or n i g ht classes will be lrorn 6 to 10 p.rn . tonight and 'fhui'sday nighl, but late regis tration may be niadc on Lhc first night of each class. The three language classes offered tttis year will be French 4 I intermediate J. 7- 9. 30 Tuesdays and Thursdays: Gennan 1·2 (e!e1nentary), 7- 9:30 Mondays a n d 'Ved- nesdays: and Spanish I 1c!ementary. 7·9:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays. 11rn111a l'lasses ll'ill include - dra1na 2A·('. princ:ipnls and theory of acting. 7 -9 · 3 O Tuesdays and Thursda ys : drama 5A. iptrodtictlon to oral interpretation 7-10 , Tuesdays: and draina lOC, 1naslerpieces of drama. Shaw to a1·ant t;.'.lrde , 7·10 Thursdays. HIGHLAND Plf>ER Pipers, drumn1ers and dancers from the Royal Scot s Greys no\v touring the United States as part of the 300-n1en1ber Bri·~ish 'f our· namenl and Tattoo are a part of 'fhe Broad1\·ay stores entertainn1enl for it s British fortnight, Oct. 6--18. The contingent \1·ill be a'L the Ne1vporl Be<.ich and 1-Juntin gton Beach stores on Saturday. Speech clas:;es 11·il1 be , !ipcech 2, public speaking and disrussion. 7·10 \Vednesdays ;ind .<;peech 20, fundamentals, 7-10 Mond.'.lys_ Art courses p!ar.ned are; art Fashion Invaslo11 2. introduction, 7-10 Tuesdays and Thursda)'S: art 5A-B. painting. 7-9:30. tlfondays and \Vedncsdays: art 20. ap- preciation. 7-10 ll1ondays : art 40A-B. general crafts, 7-9 il1on- days and Wednesdays: and art 41A, "era111ics, 7.9 Tuesday~ and Thursda ys . British Attack • in Style It's too late to stop the.n1. The British are here and they have already established a foothold on the Orange Coast. It's not a military inl'asion , just a commercia l assault by an anny of fashion designers and killed craf\sn1en. They have taken ol'er all Broad¥.·ay stores in Southern California for two 1vecks, in- tluding the facilities a l Fashion Island, Ne w po r l Beach, and the tluntington Center, Huntington Beach. The massive exhibit, tagged "The British Are Here ," cn1- braces British c: u I tu r c , heritage, crafts an d en· tcrtainment, and comprises 1he largest salute to Britai n rver presented in lhc United :'it ates. The campaign, '1·hich oprned C)ct. 6 and will conti111ic through Oct. 18, is presented by the Broadway In coopcra· lion with the British ('Onsulate i::eneral in Los Angeles and the British Board of Trade. The enterta111n1cni and ex· hibilS include appraranees of Alfie Howard 111 his colorh1l role as one of England·s of- r1cia\ To1vn Criers; six pipers. drummers and dancers from 1he Scots Gre y Regiment of lhc British Tattoo and Tourn:i- ment tro11pc now on American tour for the first time; models of England's historiic castles and palat f'S. rl'pJicas of fam ous buildings and in· stilu tlons inc luding Re gent Street anrl Picadil!y sh:ips. an<l Portabe!lo Road antiques :<!alls. A pro111inenl featurt: of "Tiic Rritish Are }!ere" will be the presence of a num ber of !hf' country's n1 o s t "'spccted <lrtis!s and artisans. including 1\vril Gibb, lettering designer and call igrapher ; John Bain· bridge, heraldic art1sl ; Audre Durnan. ceramic designer: ~fary Lou Piedmont, bone china 1101\'Cr arr::inger and a11 thoritv ; and .John i\li\son 11 ho \V.ill demonstrate Lh1: "ho1v t-o" of putting ships in bot tles. Of_ these ('raftsinen, several 11·i1J ,-isit the Newport Bea ch and Hunting\011 B ca c h Broadway stores. i\filson. 11·ho slarled bolthn~ 111odel ships as a hobby and now cn1plo.ves a staff of 20. restaurants arc decorated to I 11•ill be at the Fashion Island look like old J:o:ngl1sh t~n·crns ON THE TUBE store today. fron1 Il-30 to 2 and 11·ill olfer traditional 3 5 --' 7 9 FcH ihe be•I 9ui d• lo wh•f• p.111.. tn p.m. auu lo Uritish dishl's. such as roa st happeni~'ll 11n TV. ,,.d TV p.!TI . lie 11'ill be at the Hun-beef and Yorksl11re pudding or WEEK -d idribu!•d wi•h th• tinglon Beach facility from Irish stew \l'l\h durnplings. If S4tu•d•v .di 1i 11~ 11f th • DAILY 11 :30 to 2 p.n1 . Thursday. they $Ound too f·Jrn1idable, il PILOT. t-.·!iss Durnan a member of -;w;i~ll~'~l •~·'~l~''~b~c~ti~m~c~f~oc~tc~"~~~~~~;;~~~~~;'.1 Lhe f1rn1 . Chelse<1 Pottery, wllll demonst rate her sklll al the l\'ewpo1·t Beach Broad¥.'8Y on Thll•sd<iv. The hours will be 11 ;30 to· 2:30 p.ni., 3:30 to 5 p.111 .. and i 10 9 p.ni. Her<1ld painter Bainbridge \l'ilJ set up a booth <1! the Fashion Island s1orc Thurs· day. Friday and Saturday and wlll be there all day_ The most colorful display v.·ill come Saturday \vi th a parade by a contingent of pipers, drummers and danccrs from the Royal Scots Gre ys. Th e !ea rn . a member of t he British Tournament a nd Ta too, Y>'il! perfonn at Newpor t Beach at 11 a.m. and al Huntington Beach at I p.rn . In addition to these special displays, Broadway stores arc carrying a large stock of British fashions, from the e:iuture of Bond Streel and Kn lghtsbridge to the young look of Carnaby Street. I Broadway 's in-store! Barker in Spot I Ou Floating U. Lu1hcr Ba rker, son of !lir. and 1'.lrs. Patrick (;orm lc1· Jl25 Bray Lane , Costa il1e~:1. has bel!'n adn1itted to the \Vorld Can1pus Afloat prograrn of Chap111 an College for the fall 1969 semester at sea. Barker 1vlll join 500 (J\her college sludenLs representing 20 col leges and u11iversilies in nearly all 1hc 50 stales on Oct. 9 to board the S.S. Ry ndan1 in [ Ne1v York harbor for the . study-voyage to ports i n \l'estern Europe. the ~lcd1ler­ ranean and South America. StudenlS carry a regular semester's units on the sh ip. board ca1npus. They attend classes six days a 1veek al se<1 on the vesse l \1•hich is equip· pcd 11·ith classroo 111 s . laboratories. library. a r l studio and student union . Sears feat herlite Soft-Pack Grained Vinyl Luggage (;rainr d ,j n,I C'O\·r.1·:-: ha\f' Tr:\On " /ia r h.in;:: ... ~'\pund ... I n hnld Jll!H'I'. <1 • .\u U Jl<.1 l'k 11111 1·('. _\lu111i11u111 ''-datH't fnr .~I J'f' n µl h. In a 11 a ;,~tJ r'l lll f'll1 of" i pc- (' l1·a n f<i:-hion color:-. 'fcrrifil' ;-;<';ii':' \a In f''. _,;;I 1.98 ( :0~111 f't1r I :a:-c-c-___ I :l.88 :'-16.IJB~l -i n . Wceken 14.88 '-l9.Q8:.!-l-in. T>uJl1na1 16.88 ~:!:t1J});!';°.i n . Pulln1a1 20.88 ~22.98 'f\\'o-S ultcr 19.88 ~2·1 . 98 '.l'h1·1·1··:"iu i It' r 21 .SR Sl6.98 C on1pa11io11 J 4.88 ' lit u11na me 111'111111'1-Dlln 1nd ll'l'ltlUon Ol lftmlnlllOll ... llllldl Ind Out A hemorrho id su fferer 1eally knows the excrucia1 ing lrtttion and pain of elimination. Coiistipition can be even worse! Now there is COUNTERNOID'· ...... to help relieve the daily irritation thit can often lead to more severe pro~lems. COUNTERNOIO to ease the pain and itching of hfm orrhoid inflamma· lion direct!~. 1. Softw even hard stools with effective ass,.:.., 2. Deli~ers an tffectiv1 anl i·pa in drug ID e1s1 th• su11'1rinc of ~ore, sensitivt tissue !or !)ours, 3. At the same lime it soothes ~nd protects inflamed area~. COUNTERNOIO , clinically te sled by doctors, inl errupts !ht friction· .sweUing·pain ·cycle of elimination which up to· now seemed emlleu w~enever hemorrhoids strike.. Ava ilable in suppos itor y and whit e cream form from your pha rmacist. CDU/fTlR/10/D. I Sears I Shop illontlay 1hru Saturday 9::111 ,\.,11. lo 9::!0 l'.11. tl!:AJ15, llOllVCl A/110 CO. ----·-·-· -------' Wtdnt!.c!ay. Octobt r e. Jqfiq Sears • ' ·- \,I., .\.bout :-.r~r- t .11n1enient Crrd it l'la11· -·· i J I . ~ ' ' " I ·1 l ~­·ii- I :j ·• ' ... ~ ~ ~ "' Sears ''400'' Closet Furnaces ~ SAVE s1s! Heg ular 'J29.9.'5 ln11ta lla ti£•n (;ual'anlf'C' 88 F a~t I n~lallati"n . \\ad;ib[~ lf defects should appear in in sral· lacion \vorkmansh1µ \Vl thin one vear of 1nscallation, Sear s 'viii, ~pon notice fr o m you. cause such defeccs tu be corrected at no addi- rional case. \.s k !\bout :::icars <:onvcnicnl Credit Plans • 18 gauµe :-t1·el h eat {':'\c h a n gers are truly long la:il ing ... and really £1 eli vt"r heat • l'.om1llet e safety "l.i1 c Rite" Honey\\ell p:o.1 ~ \;1)\'e and :o af c t~' l>ilor • ;.;.ooo BTL" l nit Automatic Wall F111·11ace SAVE •20! Regul Rr '129.<J:i • (ountcr no"' fe ll blo"~ "ll rrn 11r do\•n and 11i·n·~~ th f' flour e .1:l.OOO B'fl~ uni1 . "'ith nor111al \rnt, ll•'O·lone heiii.r" v.mlnut r·olur \lnd,.I ;,\'\!,I ~ ~ \ E '20~ Console Wall Furnaces Hep:ular 4988 ><N.'lj • <:ahintl 11101],.I h rals aho111 1 large rru11n , take~ li1tlr, •pace • Thcrn1n .~lillt l1o ld.~ ro()nl ,,.mperaturcil con11ant. 10.· 1)()(1 BT U unit. J\.1od~l 7:J451 Gas Floor Furnace • :,p•Cf'<lll.,.illJ unil ''''I'll r1~1.-::on1furt• able hf'•tin ~ • Dun1ble ctr11n1 ic htat t,xrh•n•'r Regular SI 11).9.) 10988 !139.9;. 50.000 BTV ______ l 29.88 .$1 69.9~. i0.000 BTL 149.88 ·- .. •• • ' s • !. < • ·> .. • ,-----------------------------------------------, 'I' 11,/IMA PAI~ H MCNl! !ONG l!ACH "CO ,1.:"'"'°" fOMIONAi SO\ITH CO.UT Mu. 11 CANOO"' PA~( G!'li'•O"\( OIY.WIC & ~010 1ANT.t. ANA TOll.lNCI I COWTON HOl!~WOOO OfAtlG! ~ IANIA!fi''lllNGt "Atl!Y COV .... ~ l""GllWOOO '"'5A0fl<J4 ears SANT.I. MONICA VUMONr ot 5'-~ -------------------------------------------1 "S•tidocriofl G,,,••Ofll•t4., Yo,,,•Mc.ft•)"l•tk" _,,0,,,~ ... • JM, 6 Ni9!.11 M..i.i.,. ''"'"'I~ s.ivNor f:10 A.M. ft t .)O ,,M. • • t I .... .., .... --. ..,..~-... ·--~ '" .u: DAJL Y PILOT Wtdn!sday, Clctobfr 8, 1969 Weleome Aboard 9 Collegians Keep Busy By ALMON LOCKABEY . • :~ :\1ne A1ner1can u111versity • ~lt1denls sponsored by lhc ·lnter<:olleg1atC' Yacht Hating ).~:-.ocialiOn of :\Orth An1crica ~pell( J 11 l.v llirOhgh Scp1cn1bt·r '(I I nus ,c,1r tuunr1g l:lrita111. ~.·utlan1t :itul Ireland. A g;iOOly :;,111tJu111 l1f tune on tin: tt1ur i\;L"> !'1 pVlll Ill :-,;11lhOi1!S C'!Jlll- Pl't1ng for ::;orne or the /llOSl 1 111rl1·d ~ac·ht111g tr oft hi c i; <Q1·nJSS the Atlantic. •' The L S. collegians 1\011 ~t1nc£' lJ[ the lour 1ni'lJOr l ropl11rs :ind 16 of the 20 f'l{'tl1 S Ill 111\Jth LliCy lJ:ir\H:lp:lt£'d. · Thrrc n1c·1n bcrs uJ tllr l S. i :i1!1ng tc:1111. 1nclud111g Lhc Irani rna11ager, y,•err frun1 J\t·11'porl 13t'3ch and 11·crc pro- Jluct.~ of !ucal ~·<ichL clubs. ·::i hey l\'!'rr .\I iss L r ~ I i c til rssengc r. the tc<in1 .{i1a11ager; Tun Hogan ilSC\ end Chris Sr;ivcr ( Ya!r ). Two :bt!1crs on tht' tenn11 Ed Butler I nd Toni L\lcLaughlin, were J ron1 San Diego Stale. :; PEHllAPS /\00 one can bet· •Jcr tell the story than r-.liss :}.JessC'ngrr 11ho kept a Jog of ·11ic lcan1·s every l"ielory and :c1cfea1. li er rcp<Jrt of the t:iur ·(';in be <in l've-o pcner for those ""ho soml't1n11~s despair of 1oday·s ~out11 . llere it is JJl . ln11·1 •· ··Ti1e .;;!Or\/ is onlv )1alf con1· ;1>!c\l' whc1i l <1C~eribc the ·tl·an1's s ucc.:l'SS on thl' 11•a\er, :The ~'otu1g c.:ollege ~ludrnts ·11·crc. also grc<1t diplomats !Ur 0<Jt1r tountry. :; '·In .June . as their 1n<1nagcr, ·1 rcccil'cd a gocxl lui:k lclll'r ~rom Prt'sidcnt 1\ixon. \Ve all «4ell YiC hacl something lo live jip 10 and J lhink \\l' did. .. jievi·r been allowed \\1 race 111 1 he Euro pc an ln1\'crsities '!'C'Jlll Charnpionships unl1 I .(!us yrar (July 19-22 1. To lhc l~L1ropt'a11s d1~n1av the f'I cnt . . .i.ras won by the An1cr1can:-.. ll ,,1·;1s !l1•l1nJtclv our week. \\'(' )von the (;rl·.~h:11n Trophy ::ind '\>."C landetl on the n1oan. " ·• "V1ctorirs 1110 and 1hrce :t·ame at [lurnh:1111 011 Cro11r:h :;111 Squids 11wo-ni:111 kct·I· 'JH:mts) and Enlcrprises against ;.,111 all-star London /lu~pila! "'ll nd linJ lt'd llosp1tal doctor's ~cam .July 2·1·25. :! '"In 11etor_v l\o. 4. also ;it .f5ur11han11i11 Crouch. ll"l' sailed :j n Ho\ al Bur11ha111 -Ol1C'·dcs1gn. . !)u.~·cUr--0ld 1h rcc-n1an keel ;l.1oats. ;1gni n~t a once 1111· ·Alt·!catrd Hoy;d Bu r n h a 1n ~ ;)r:hl Cluh team. \\"e rnccd on '.j iu· Crou l'h river again.~t an '111J lguing tide nnd nn \\'ind . \Ve :~c;irnrd how lo anchor rather :!"·IJlHlly Th()' tall it kt'tlg1ug .-"OLR FlllST los~ 11as 111 :~ rrl;1n1t ;1 ~;1111~t Tr 1 n 1 I v .~'<•lh·j.!v. J1ulil111 . 111 F1rl·ll1fls 0;1 ·:J ul\· :!!! \\fl sn1Jt d 111 20·knoL '.~11nds aga1nsl 1r.r fnriner .,·.uropP~1n l."n1vers 1t1cs Ch;1111-:~1fln~tup !ca1n :: ··\'ll'lury 1\11, 5 as nl ,•,\l;;!a!111IL' :-ind111g Clul.J. IJ11 b\111, '.?11 l·'.1111·1·pr1sf';.. \\"c brat the: ;ill;1);1h11Jc lt•a111 by onr• h:l!f a ~\(.1111 ,• \"Jll\Jf\" ,\o. 6 1 iHl\(' <ii tht• :)ir)1 ,,I :-ii. ~;eors,:C' \acht Clut> :..J 1dv JJ 111 F 1rcllit~ ' •• 11 If" ;.(I\ f'l1l h I lclutv I\ a~ ·11ur1ng Cowes \\"erk. · 1>a1hng : ·.111Prpri~t·s nut ol tllr Hc11 .11 ~·unnlh1<1n Yil('h\ ClulJ. · .• 1'11 r seennc1loss1\·as n1 11011 · :)ngy,·urth Sailing Club Aug . 7 .A(1~;11n.~t a teani lhn t is con· i idcrrtl the lop tC"<l/ll·l'accr,<; 111 '.l~·· r •11. They bc-;n us hy 2' ~ t ulnls. ... , 1<·tur1cs 8 and !l 1rr•rc 11 011 jii Llt!l"wain Salling Clull \\"c ~(\1 l them 151-.: lo 27, and the ,.-orthcrn British Ln11ersilie" j c·am 2~:i:, lo 38 1•• :;;uling f '1 rcfl1es. - ' ... _, . ". 11·ire. Going into the last day's races the British had three of 1he four races nttded to y,•in. The A1ncricans had to \\"in both the final races, In a eluteh perforn1ance Ti n1 Hogan (USCI bC(1t the Bri!i~h captain, Chris Bro1\"ll !Cam- hridgcl <•round thl' IO·n11le eou1·se b.v 4 '~ rninutcs. Our 12th victory was ag;11nst the ll ;tyllng Island Sailing l"lub in F lying-\Ss (t\\'(>-111an kcclboats). "\'ietory No. IJ \I as ai::ainsl th(' cornbinrd Brilish Arn1ed Forces at Portsn1outh, Au g. 21 ·22. saiing in Bosuns (t\\'O· 1nan kce!boats). "OUR ONLY TIE y,·as Aug. 2~ against the Castay,·ays at \\'elsh Harp, London, sailing in fire.flies. These men 11·erc top London University sailors in !heir tlays. ··victory No. 14 11•as against the \\1cmblcy Sailing Club at \\1elsh Harp. Aug. 24. ""Our fourth loss \\·as ihe Lipton Cup against the British l'11iversi1 ies al \\'elsh Harp. The British came back in this series lo successfully defend Lipton 1vhich they ha\'C now \\'on ty,·ice in a ro1\•. '"The Englis hmen were for the n1ost part quite ex· perienccd Firefly di n f' h y sailors. Superior boat speed and tean1 tactics gave them the much deserved victory (4- 3) in the best of seven team races. Ol!R 16TH and final \·ictory 1\·as the British American Trophy Sept. 4-5 against the British Uni vC'rsi ties team in ·ren1pests. The winds 1\•ere light, there 1~as no lide or current, and the Americans' boat speed really showed up. "Thus the t"·o-rnonth tou r of the British Isles ended "'ilh flyi ng colors. \Ve had 11·on 16 or 21 races -lost four and lied one. "To conclude the report I 1rould li kl' to quote from a lcl- 1cr y,•ri t1en by one of otir Hntish host.~ lo the t.:.S. an1- bass:ulor and to the executi1·e 111:e president of the ICY R1\· NA "THE ,\!EA.SURE of their ~llctess i~ in the fact that thoSe Of US IY h 0 at· commo<lilt!'d them for !:iOn1 eth1ng over a 11·eek - miss them now t hat they a re gone and are genuinely sorry dl the parting. These young people arc not only a credit lo your organization, but to their country. They a re 1\·ondcrful people and 1\'0nder[ul am· bassado rs n11d it gives me enorn1ous pleasure to be ahlc to 1\Ti\e thus, Jor one hears so 1nuch about the vociferous ·c.1ropou1 ~· ol this 1rorld." And again. l\liss f\1essf'nger: '·The nine. of us 1\'0llld like to !hank n11r Rritish hosts anrl all o( 1he Arnericans y,·ho /1a,·c sponsored us. l his has indeed lX't'n ::i sun1n1e r we 11HI nc1cr forget "' Hurbor ~1Hn Plu ces 5th ll:\.\11LTO~. Berrnuda (1\P; -Joerg Uruder. Br:iziluin :-kipper, noscrl out Pa u I };h·strnrn nf Dcnn1ark in a t:ieking duel in 16·mlle·an·hour 11·1nds and 11·on the first race Tues<lay for lhe Finn \\"orld Sailing Championship. Finishing third, only sccontl!'l astern of the leadrrs at the end of the l 11 i-rnilc. n1odified Olytnpir ('()lll'SC, \\"ilS c:11nnar Aasblon of S1\"eden. Peter J . B:irrr.tt of the Pey,·aukee. \Vis .• l 'acht Clu b 11"aS fourth \\'ith Harry Sprague of Ne11'port Bt'<ich fiflh . decide r; ,, I ' • < ,. ' ' WINNER AT CHICAGO -Ranger-26, designed by Gary J\•lull of San Francisco and built in Cos·ta i\1esa . 11•on it s djvision in Yachting !\·lagazine's One Of·A-Kind Regatta held on Lake 1\1i chigan. Mesa-built Range,. Takes Keel Division The new Gary l\lull·designed Ranger·26, built in Casi.a Mesa, do111inated the Cruising Keel Boal Division of Yachting f\·f a g a zinc·s One·Of·A·Kind Regatta held this year in Chicago . In winds ranging fro1n 5 lo 2f1 kn ots, Ranger 26 con- sisten! ly outperformed the hot 19·boat fleet consisting of boats up to 30 feet in length. In addition to her corrected time victory, Ranger-26 also \\'On the fourth race on elapsed time and 11·as easily the outstanding boat in h e r dil"ision. Skipper 'Valter Fink said: '"This was the first lime we had sailed U1e boat in heavy air, and \\'e 11·ere delighted '""ith the way she handled - especially ninning down1vind on a big sea. We had con- sistent boat speed and no con· lrol problems. The Ranger 26 is the first of the Ranger series designed by the young San Francisco naval architect for O'Day Yachts. The One·Of·A·Kind Regalia is held at in frequent intervals to determine the relati\•e speed Ch<l(acteristics o f various sailboat designs and classes. Only one boal of each type is permitted, and <111 sailboa!s sail the sa1ne course. This yachting competition is unique In that It is basleally a cornpetilion of boat design rather than sailing skill. Hobie Alter to Race For Cat Cha111pio11shi11 Hobie Alter, noted surfboard and catamaran designer from Dan:i Point, has p9stcd his en- try in the Vail Lake Regatta, the first J1obie C:it-14 stale champi on ships for catamarans, acetlrding to Vail Perse phone Wins Cruise c;eorge Griflilh's Persephone \l'as tt1e \1'1nner of OR division, Los A n g e I e s 't'achl Club"s Tff'asure llunt cruise to Catalina lsi<1t1d Saturdily, ttnd Bill Di~<;\rq"<; !lla rinl1 \\"as the 11·inncr in the Arbitrary division, T\\cnty-1"·0 yachls '<lc:t'tld the rilcc tn llowland"s Lan· ding. All yachts 11·ere start~d on a reverse handicap b<1sis 111th staf.:gered slart~. Thr rarr i.~ con fined to l.1\VC mcznbcrs. The l reasure hunt is a shorcs1dc :ir1iv11y ;in Sund.1y. Hat·c re~ulls OCF.AN RAC· 1:\G -{ll Pcr.~t:phone : !21 \\'hispflr , \Val! Bruuch: (3! Uarr. \\'alter BeC'k. ARB ITRARY -11 l !l lariah. 121 Tornino, Rich \Vrighl & Dick f\lil ler ~ Cl) Phelia, Rob· crt Johns . sailing director, c:regg Dailey. Alter. \l'ho has sailed Vail on several occa.<ilons to sound ou t t he feasibility Of r a c i n g catamarans Qn the BOO·acre. man·made body (If 11·ater located 12 miles cast of Temecula, is extremely en· lhL1si nstic about liolding the c\'cnt there . •·rve never failed lo find good 11'ind!'l -15-20 knots - \1·i1h 11·arm air, 11•arm 11·ater and not much chop.'' Alt er said. ··competil ors will find 111any other advantages that don"t exist .on the ocean such ri.~ a big launching beach near the starting line and sailing Ilic entire race, fro1n start to l'lnish within sight of U1e spec· t11tors on ~hore. "'Bl•causf' of lhc nearby hills, \"ail ,1·1ntls arc Variable and tricky conipared to what \rr. usually find at se<i. 11·11 ·1ch put.-; a prc111iu1n on good .-;ra1na nsl11p a n d hc1glltens botll ~pectator and participant e>.c-:ten1enl . "\\'(>'re looking forward to this race as our run e\"ent for \hf' year," Aller concluded. The· starting gun for lhc first rflce goes off at noon on Satur· day, Oct. II. The entry (If the sporty t1\·1n-h11 ll racers 1s CK· peeled lo number several hun- dred. Dragous Won b y l\fosbacher \\'ere sailed to determine the \1•inner. Secood place 11•ent to John Cuneo of Australia. io Jen· nifer. The final race y,·as 11·on by Aage Birch of Denn1ark in Ch<:lk. Boat Sho'v To Preniie1· New Yacl1t The first public showing of Challenger Yacht Corp's 32- foot custom light displacement masthead sloop will be at the Loog Beach Boat Show Oct. 24 . The Challen11er-32, designed by Naval Architect Hector Ballester, is described by the company as a unique con- figura tion of roominess; qua Ii · ty and speed. The spade rudder is \veil aft ror high nianeuverability and maximum co nt ro l . Especially interesting l o yachtsmen are such standards as rod headslays a n d backstays, internal halyards .and a mast stepped <Jn the keel for strength. The Cha!lenger-32 a 1 so features eight berths, a head \\1ith separate sho1ver, an art galley and a dinette that seats :-;ix. The navigation area is ad· j:icent to the n1a in hatch. The boat has a large cockpit with teak combings. All fit· tings arc stainless steel <Jr n1anganese bronze. ., ........... ~. ,.,_ ... ·-·· ........ , "•-'"" ...... ·-'" .... ,,., .......... " -••·••• _. ,., 1r ," "-'"" .. ........ , . .,., .... ··-· " ,,. " '" •4 ,., ···-'• ;;.:~.-!~ ... ~ ~·. ~. ir: ~,:.:,,.'.: .. , _,., 'n 111." ,..,," "'' ~ "' .,.,.,., ,,., ••• 1 .. ~· •• ,-< -· .. c.. ... .. •.• <~ .... .,. ~· "" _,. .. ,., ,..., ~~ .. ,. ...... . '"'"'" I "' r, .. ::. 00 \-..... , .. _.,,,c.... ..... _ . ........ .. ... ,_ . ... ...... ... ''"" .. --_, .... ..... , ..... 1• STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sounc= of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. ~ From Fashion Island. Newport Beach THE BIG M MUTUAL SAVINGS MORE CERTAIN THAN STOCKS, MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS. Yo11 can be cer1ain that your savings account will be "'up .. al The Big M -MUTUAL SAVlNGS. In fa ct, we quarantee i'! And a regu!"a r Passbook Savi ngs Accoun! at The Big M pays 2So/o more than a regular con1- 1nerc1al bank savings ac:counL Bonus Accounts provide an even g reater return. For additional securrty, ynur tunds are insured to $1 5.000 by an a~H"ncy of !he 1eUe ral governmcnl. PASS BOOK ACCOUNTS Earn 5. 13°1. when our 5°:, currenl annual rate is compounded daily for a year. Int erest paid day 1n to day oot. Additions o r withdrawals in any amount, at any time. BONUS ACCOUNTS ·Same base rate as Passbook Accounts, plus bonus of 25% yea rly when held for 36 n1u n1hs (.75"/o 101al). $1 .000 minimum. Yearly yie ld ~.38"/., wtien interes1 is re tained and compounded daily. GUARANTEED RATE ACCOUNTS Earn 5 25nk per annum guaranteed tor a fixed te rm of 3 , 4 or 5 years. M1n1m um required $1 ,000. Prior 10 maturily, w11hd rawa!s n1a y be made 1n event oJ hardship. W•8T ARCADIA e.ea w .. 1 Ouarte Ra•d Ttl1pho~ ~•8·01~8 MUTUAL SAVINGS and loan asuciatian CORONA DEL MAR 2867 E'at Co•~I .. IQ~ ... , l 1•eo~o~• ~ o:.-;;o 10 COVINA ~;:o Nor!l"I C•t•.i• "'""~"' lt ltphol"lt 339·5~;i OL•NOAL• J.J~ N.,•\~ Br1nj l!OMltil•·~ i1lep~o~ :!'l·• I •I f'A•AD•NA (H tad Ofl•ct ) ~\;; !'1s1 Colo•ado llou'tvara TllepMo,,. 419-23•5 " ··rJCTORV 1\0 . 10 1111s .;gains the Elton !)ailing Club f.ug . 9. ., ··o ur Jllh l'i'tn 1va.~ thr l\1ng .Jrophy against lhc Bnti~h 1Jnivcrsities Sailing 1\S!>OCla· Five n101"r race:. ll'ill the championship. Parker Wins PALiylA OE MALLORCi\, Balearic Islands (AP) -Bob f\.·losbachcr of Houston, skip- pering Aphrodite. \\'On the v•orld Dragon class yacht championship Sunday. Thirty- .-;evcn entrants from 2J cxiun· tries participated. Seven races 1-;:::========================================~ ~on, Hhu, Scotland, on the • dal Clyde Ri ver in Solings. he event y,•ent do1vn to the ~ • r rrophy • • ;Bv Juu • • Taken Eddv ~~ Jim Eddy's Cal·32 Tempesl as Lhe Yi'inncr of the .~ord· nger Troptiy, in Los Angrle~ acht Club11 t ross-channel ]ace sailing yachts. ~ Tht rate staMcd at Los ~ngelcs Ha rbor, 'wl en! around ~e Pt. Fei-min Buoy. Ship ~ock of( Ca!alina Island and ;a'jni5hed at th J.Qs Angtle.c; 2 larbor entrance. Tht• c.·\Pnl is lim1led tt LA YC n1f'111bcrs. 1fesull~: 11 ! Tem~st J im Ed· Jl y,; <21 Pcr1cus, J1n1 \\"yman: j l) Solitaire. Dob Young: t 4' ~ubilauoo. Jh1 rry Steward; !SJ ~1lsltf'!)S.. Lro POX(ltj. NHYC Race Peter Parker of Newport l larbor "Yacht Club l'i'On lhe \\1alton llubb11rd Trophy in the annual Finn Class regatta held Saturrlay and Sunday a I 1\llYC. Runner · up in the 5 ·race series was Al Nelson of South Shore Sailing Club. and Setltl f)riscoll of Balboa Yacht Club \l:lS thi rd . Barion Beck y,·;i.~ the winner ol lhl' Davis Cup for Lch11111n· 12 rlinghics in a rh·c race , se-rir~ on the same wl'rkend. Other lrophy 11·inners In the class 11erc fhns Co I h \', NHYC: Bill Ficker, NHYC: Roger \\"ehih , NlJYC. and J i1n Tyler. BYC. Huntington Bea ch Office: Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edi nger Ave. & Bea ch Blvd., adioining the San Diego Freeway, 1n Huntington Bea ch. MAIM 0'flCI: Q1~ & Hiii, lo1 Angt l11 • 6Zl·13SI OtMr tfll,t•: WIUIM!l'll O'"Cf: .:itl3 w11111lr• Blvd.· 3&1·12e5 l 4. CIVIC CINTlll~ 1~d a Bro1a .. 1~ • e;e.1 HI' "1'•11Z4N4: 18751 V1n1ur1 lllvd, • 315..,.114 IANTA MONICA, 711 Wlltlll" •lwt. • J 93.o07tl SAN P'IOllO~ 101~ f "Kiii~ • f 31-:)11 wraT COVINA: £•11l1nc1 S~aciolrw;i C1•. • 331.1201 IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntirigton Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is SAFE• CONVENIENT• AVAILABLE M•rket lluclu•liona don'I worry Coaal and South11m savers ... their capllal la a1w1,. rtslng In va lue. And you'r• su111 ol Iha hlgheiel .. rn1ng1 conslslent with ulety when you eave at Coaat end Soutf\em. Foremost ••surance ol thete benefits la the outatanding llnanclel atrength maintained through the years by lhl man· agemenl of Coaat and Soulhem Federal Savings. INSURANCE TO $15,000/RESOURCES OVER 100 MILLION "AMOJIAMA ClrY: 1616 Vi n Nu~18lvd.• 112•1171 LONO alACtt: HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES ~:~~~ I c~;1,~~, I ~:~,~" DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL COAST AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS 3rd I LDCUl1 •1l 1·7181 14Mf,\ AHA LOAM llJIVICI AO!NC'I': .. _" ..... ,, ' .. , ' . .. 11°'5 No. Main SI.• (1 11) $•7-9:sr ' • • • •• • ' • • • , Sales Fly Hlgll Americans Wrap Feelings in Flag NEW YORK (AP) America i!'I being draped in flags and bunting in a au.rge: o( pa tr iotism U~l has flagmaker!'I flying hi&}t. fo.lanufacturers report ln· creased demand, stores corn· plain tha t shipmeolll are delayed up to s.iJ week!!, and t"(lnsumcrs keep b y y 1 n g . Servicemen in Vietnam are pulling in a steady slrean1 of nag orders. "Dernand is probably 100 percent greater than last year," said William C. Dv•ig- gins, vice president of Annin :ind Co., a New York rlagmaker. lie said 51)es have been on the increase si nce 1963, but this year the boom ~ al its peak. !\1ichae/ Libennan, v ice president of Valley ForgE' Flag Co .. Inc., attributes the in- <Tcase to a more positive a1- !iludc io\\·ard the f\.ag. SHOW PRlDE "It used lo be if you were flyi ng the flag, people thought you v.·e re right wing , superpci.triotic," he said. ;'Nov,. 'v1th all the anti·American feeling around and flag bum. ing, the average person file~ the flag to show pride-the i;ood old reasons." A clerk at a New York store recalls that one man sa\v. a J:>e<tce parade marching do"'n Firth Avenue and then rushed GRAFFITI by ltary ·~-j'.~'1 ~ ... ~." .............. ... {)ne of a series of panels produced especially for tlie DAILY PILOT by Bilt Leary f.o celebrate JVat in11· nl Netaspaper \Ve€k (Oct. .'i through 1 I, 1969) Into the store to buy a $500 flag ud pole set. "Whenever the country aoes through a period of soul· searching and criticism, an awareriess develops of the good in our system, too." said l\.1abtl o .... ·en , president of lhe Atlanta League of Women Voters. '"Criticism is the rule of th1 day and interest in the flag may be the reaction," shel said. "When our astronaut.9 planted a flag on the moon it made an impression, <1nd the rnoonshot is the symbol of the best." ''The demand for flags over the past si:r months has more than doubled the demand a year ago," said Clayton Starr, spokesman for the American Legion in Chicago. The Ohio Department or Development said it ha:ii a hard time keeping up with the demand a yearv ago," said Clayton Starr, spokesman (or the American Legion i n Chicago. The Ohio Departinent of Development said it has a hard time keeping up with the demand from Ohio soldiers in Vietnam for state flags. The California Department o f Veterans Affairs gel3 requests from soldiers for state flags. TOTAL INCREASES J_ C. Gos:ii Co., of Detroit reports delivery delays and says il used to install one or two flags a month for in- du strial or commereial firms , but now it puts up six or ~even. Louise Sellers, owner of the .I. Hugh Campbell Co. of Dallas, said sales of flag ac· cessor!es also are up. She note:ii a new interest in flag poles in architectural blueprint as v•ell as on new h OTI)CS and businesses. Said Charles W. Williams, president of ABC School Sup· ply in Atlanta : "My friends and I are the tax-paying backbone of the country. l\1y ~eneration felt a thrill saluting the flag before the school house in the morning. ll is lime ~·e stand up for our heritage. J\<laybe the flag sales indicate this is happening." A San Francisco store manager, Vincent 1'1cLorg, says his cu~er:ii indicate they buy n1as "to show rad icals and protestors they haven't los t faith." Some you ng people buy f I a g s . J\<fcLorg said, to show they don 'l hate their country even U1oui;h they dlssent fro1n som~ of itl policies . Crossword P11zzle A.CROSS l Ch rrsr fl1vor 5 C ar~o Vt l St l 9 T r mpo1ary currency 14 Fragranc t IS Mr! .. Ch1p!i11 lb Figure of sprtch l7 Forearm bonr l B Good Qurrn 1qExc1!t ~a Looks lo br ~i I.laker of dr la min 9 rrm1rk s i 4 Prinlin!J mista~e~ Zb Crrttln yrars 27 G1rmrnt of old 29 Controvt rs ia! dru~ JO Alberta rlvr1 Jl Tlg r1· 2 word s 37 Can inr treat Ja Vlnc&nl or Ltontynr 19 Ot livrrv vthltlr CO Minute quantity Cl Supports 4~ Madr meat me1 r p1 l1t1blr 4( Caviar .. " • 45 On bthall or 4&Clost 47 Wild dis- lurbiinct s 49 Mtlal workers 53 Continua nc e in Utf 57 Miid 01\h SS Crud e bui ldin j mattria 59 Road sio11 bl Hilh tr &2 --· ear &3 Ornamental C:ilSI! b4 l1al1an nob It f ~111 ily name bS Kinrf or publlc1lio11 b& R..tady to SfrVf 67 T~kt fivr DOWN I Symbol of qulllnfSJ 2 Otiosf Pef !On 3 Onr wh~ pr rfrrs solltudr 4 Thtalrica1 ltchniqut ~ S Unhappy sound & Studfll t 7 Assault I Otstrts ' London th&rough· f11t Yesterday's Puzz le Solvtd: • 10 Gators' 't l a\tv r ~ 11 S111r or wild con lus i11n lZ ····la c lo ll Eq11a l 21 Mint t~c~vati on 23 Thal which is left evrr 25 Ri Jtn 21 Brou~ht to pub lic noticr JO lt uth's husb1nd 31 "···· 111 L11vr with Amy" JZ Do • gardt11in 9 chort JJ Conlt sl of thrust and coun\t • 34 Faith , Hopf and Char ity, e.g. • • l 0/8/ &'l 35 Ni!J Jli ~J t1Qhbor c l US A: Abb r. ::,7 Englishma n, '-~· 40 Br1d9t playfrs' wo rd 42 Soun d a horn 4) Excl1m1l1on 1 of inquiry 45 Royal robes 4 7 Onr oppoi· ing T h~ Establishm1r1l ~8 ·····VOCI SO P re~oun 51 Moss and Will iam S 52 Not SI C SJ Mill la1y action 54 Miss BfS\ 55 Frmin inr. nitkn1mt 51i Word used as I namr '0 lll«iu item PRICED 11 ,, CONTAC lO's LIMIT 2 79c ARRID Wtdntsday, Octot.A-8. 1%/J OAll V PILOT J\2.'l c DRUG & DISCOUNT STORE , ~ 3333 NIWPORT BOULEVARD (Across from City Hall) *'~ .. -TELIPHONE 675-6611 \ ' OPEN 9:30·6:30; SATURDAY 9:00·6:00; CLOSED SUNDAY CREST TOOTH PASTE (Family Size l 2i$1 Mint or Re9. Re9. $1.09 60· •1:1:,,,0 It. $ ~,,,. v "9. 11 79, . .,, BU Ff ERIN lOO's 88< Bottle of 25 Reg. 73c 2~$1 LISTERINE 20 oz. FAMILY SIZE Reg. 1.49 •• EXTRA DRY DEODORANT--4.3 Reg. 1.00 oz. \ 2~99< " JERGENS LOTION WITH DISPENSER 91h oz. Re9. $1.09 69' K·MAC • , .. , PAIKIN• • NEWPORT BLVD. • 89< GRAND OPENING • SPECIALS • Prom Wed., Odober a Through Wed., Odobor 15 INSULIN NPH U40 ....• PROTAMINE ZINC U4G ....... . REGULAR U40 .... .. . .. . . . . . . . REGULAR UIO ............ . -PROTOMINE & .ZINC UIO ' REGULAR UIO ..............•....•.• l~llllllllllllllllll.::..::.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~H~A~L~Llllllllllllllll.!~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 10/8/li't ~ 1, I ' ~~-----..... ,...,.,...,. .. ~ ....... ~~-·-;:f~"""="-P-...,~-i-· .. --.. ---------.,..,~---~-.... ...,..,. _ _, _________ ~-~---. ' -·· .. -------- i\.lf DAn. Y PILOT •"' I 4 " LEVI'S" ... for GALS! AllDITIOIUl nn PARKING *All Si:resl *All Colors I *All Styles! NEW SlllPME111f LEVI'S ® CORDS CARlfREE Cordu roy th11 J lw1ys looks 9rt1t bec11us1 it 's Levi's, Pi ck your f1voritt color of Gold, Beige, Chocol1t1 Brown, Olive, P1l1 or Roy1I Blue. Sizes 26 to 31. BOY'S SIZIS (SITms ind Regul1n) $4.98 WHITE LEVI'S'~ TAILORED to 9ivt you 1 f1u~· .., ltss fit in 1 wide 11lection of .• · Sti-Prtst'• flbrlcs-soRd fuh- ' ion cok>rs, stripes and p1t· terns in straight ltg or fl.t. •a.•12 Si1116to18 For Short, Mtdium, ind Till G•bl NUVO® HOPSACKS Hf RE WE GO wilh OM of 1ht 1U.tim1 s4 98 f1w1rlt~1. Thtit com• 111 Loden, N1vy, S1nd. lil1 11111, 1nd Whitt1Whi'r1. Siu1 27-42. THE lONG-l EAN l1wi '1• look in • rug-s900 g•d home1pun •••v• th•! never •1t•d1 ironint. Gr••f 1&lectio11 of trM'f')' col· or•. Sb•• 26 lo 31. NUVO® FLARES s900 Remington-Peters SHOTGUN SHELLS egf $1"' 25 $l.IO 12-16·20 GAUGE '" rout HUllFlllG AllD flSHlllG UUllSES •I GIAllf'SI WESTERN SHIRTS $695 WESTERN STYlfD for Wt 1tern· t rs . . . •nd Pfrm1nent Pr11s f1bric1. loo. Bold Pl1ich ind 1olid color1 in 111 1letYI l1ngth1 •nd neck lilel. •, FELT HATS, TAN OR BLACK ..••... $3.9& WESTERN STRAW HATS ....•.. , .• $2.49 1 "-21/2 ''BELTS, 28 to 40 ..• $3.98-$5.91 fan1ous Durango ROUGH OUT BOOTS $1695 ' \ 'AMOUS "DURANGO " Wet11rn l oots 111 th1 111,i.1 1tyl1. "Ro119h-Oul" l11thtr "" rugged ""'''· 5iz11 6 to 12. ' ACME DINGOS ...... $1991 The newest style ••• with buckle acro11 front. GUN INFOllMATION? CALL GRANT'S-- '42-6055 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! I 1 GRANT'S HAS IT! GRANT 'S FOR GUNS is 1t1ffed by txpert1 in their fleld of 1hootlng. W~1t1vtr you m1y w1nt in guns, from 1 $20.00 22·Rifle to 1 Sl,S00.00 Sho tg un, Gr1nt's ha1 it in stock! Come in ind 1et for your1elf one of the lar91sl stocks of guns In Soothtrn C111iforni1I Ttrt-!. t i" an•I ·1,..u1i.-.. ei~ht rnod"'- "-S22f00 REMINGTON MODEL 1100 THE MOST DEPENDABLE AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN IN THE WORLD •Up to SS~~ 11u kick • 5uprtmt dtptndrililit1 leSltd wllh S00,000 1hell1 • Cu1lom chtck'tri"' •lie S-Shot C1p1cily • l!K-W Du Pol'I wood finhh is tou9h, h1rd, 1cr1ld1 •n~ w11thtr rt1i1•1nt. • Nttd1 no 1diu11m1nl - 1ho1H1 hith. tl11t. low t.111 2~'" m11num 1htll1. fro"' *OVER 1,000 GUNS ON DISPLAY* • WINCHISTIR • AIMAUTI • llMINGTON • llOWNING • WIATHlllY • CHARUI DALY •WALTHER • llllTIA • LlAMA •SA.KO •COLT •H&R • RUGER • ITHACA • SMITH & WISSON I \ USE YOUR CREDIT-AND SAVE 11 GRANT'S Tlte Ultimate in luxury! SEE GRANT'S tremendous sel eclion of ill of !he newest wide and narrow stript styles ... and solid colors, tool Finest 100°0 tombe-d cotton th at won't wrinkle, shrink or ever ~eed ironing. Sizes S-M-l-Xl. 56·s7.s9 Complete stock of Color1. Sites 12-20. PACIP'IC ~ ~"& ... s~ NOW! "WIND KING" JACKETS by PocHlc Troll! s10 Jl . snw Of JACKITS IN lloOc AT ·IUlll'SI Corduroy J1tkets, fr. $14.88 Suede-like J1tkets ... $14.88 Men's P·Colfs, 34-46 .$19.9S Boy's P·Co1ts, 12·18 .. $16.9S Foul W11thtr Cotts, 34-SO ........... $16.9S SKI PIROS HllE THE-Y AREi Tho11 ruggtd, wlncl- proof, hnnN'y j1ck111 by Pacific Trill. •amou• '1588 Feilturlng tht ntwul "outdoor loolt" lr•nd in 12 dyn1mic telors. Si1e1 34 to 46. · ._ _________ _. "CHAROE IT" 11 ORAIT'S . SURPLUS \ CPO "Jae" Shirts s149s fu lly lletct lintd with w1rm t crylic, In hold, b11wny pl1id1 1nd D1dc l lue. Our mou outu1ndin9 ntw i•ckeh! S-M-l-Xl in 1toc•. Unlined CPO Jo1cli.,1rShirH S8.81 SWEAT SHIRTS s229 ::Ortnl's le1tu•e1 the f'lntll 111utllt1 Amtric1n m1de 1w11t 1hirll-IH9 tnd 1horl ll11v11. lO difftr•nl ciJ. ZIPPEI NECK STYLE ....... $2.tS Levi's ""' Jackets s119a ILANKfT LINED l' .. t f1mou1 le,i'1" Denim j1ck111, prt·1hrvn~ lo 11tt wilh tolerlvl 111· wool hl1nk1t ll11in9. . UNLINED DENtM JACKET5 ....••••• , •• $7.11 (h1 .. 111• llnll le1uler It•) "Charge II" -If GRANT'S! A SPICIAL SICTION OJI THI O•ANll COAST DAILY PILOT . ----~----~~···------------------------------- THE MOTOR CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY PRESENTS THE 6th Annual Orange County International AUTO SHOW October 9-12_ .. 1969 First Shoiving of The 1970's In The U.S.A.! ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER SHOW HOURS : THURSDAY & FRIDAY 5· 11 P.M. SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOON 'TIL 11 P.M. ------------= = , Car Show Wheels In ., . The world of new auton1obiles \\'ill spin Into \'iew Thursday ...,·hen 1970 fore ign and don1estic cars v.·ill go on display at the sil'.th armual Orange County lnternaliooal Auto Sow in Anahe im's Coovention Cent.tr. The show \\'ill run through Sunday, Oct. 12. Hours will be 5 to l l p.m. \\'eekdays and noon to JI p.111. Saturday and Sunday Among highlights of 1t1e show \1·i!l be appearances of the nation's reigning beauty queen, Pamela Anne Eldred. v.·inner of the title of ··~1 iss America·· for 1970. 11.liss Eldred. 21 . ···•ill appear at the show Friday and Satur- da~'. Oc:t. HJ-JI, 7 to 9 p n1. ,1·it.h a lv.'o to four hour addi- tional appearance Saturday af· ternoon. J1er appearances arc being madl' possible through cooperation of Oldsmobile. one of the r.liss America <:Ontest s1Xlnsors The 100,000·squure-loot ex- hibitions hall at thl.' center 1~·ill be transformed into a giant sho\.\:room during the four.day ;iulo shu1~· ~·i th mure than Sl.750.000 worth of <:<irs un display. AMERICA'S 'QUEEN' EXPECTED AT AUTO SHOW It 's Pamela Anne Eldred, Miss Ame rica for 1970 Jn addition. five rnanuluc- turers will show lines of vae:-i- rion vehicles, from compact campers to luxury motor WE'RE WHEEL'.IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 OLDSMOBILES -THE ELEGANT 1970 CUTLASS SUPREME ' I I! HOLIDAY COUPE Tne newest Oldsmobile is tn e elegant 1970 Cut- l•ss Supreme Hol ida y Coupe, a distinctive car designed to ans wer growing customer demand for sporty luxury in a personali zed kind of auto· mobile. It is ide ntified by its own notcnbock roof line, its own body shape, its own extern•I ornament•tion, and its own ultr1-lu xurious in · terior. SEE THE FULL LINE OF LUXURIOUS 1970 OLDSMOBILES !&'AU.. 69'S fj '/,:. ~ --EXCELLENT SELECTION OF 1969 LEFTOVERS SAVE HUNDREDS NOW! ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR lusmr.wl • GMC TRUCKS • • OLDSMOBILE e 2850 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA 540-9640 Open 7 Days A Week al the Miss America Pageant, v.·here she competed as Miss Michigan, Pamela performed n cla!!Ccal ballet. She ha! studied ballet for 11 years. Another area of musical in· terest for Pamela is the piano. She has taken lessons for seven years. "'herever she appears, r.1 iss America will ride in a new Oldsmobile. one of niu11y v.·hich have been set <isidc across the country, e:;pecia lly for her use. Each is deca!ed 1•oith the official flli ss Arnerica crest. Before her year·long reign ends. Pamela \\'ill have travel- ed approximately 2 O 0, 0 0 0 mlles. More Choices ford ~1otor Co. is continuing to Introduce a broader variety of engine. This is partly reflected in the company's nc1v 351·cubic-inch ''Cleveland engine ., I -.. .lJ ' •• SHOW PROMOT ER George Colouris TAKE A TICKET-1\nne Kaurnn dl spl::i ys, ;:in1ong other things, a string o[ d i~count 11 ekc1s fo r Orange County Jnt crnntional :\uto Sho\\. \'.Jule .J1n1 .Slen1ons, prc:.idcnt of :\lot or C:-ir J )(•:1l cr-. .\, ur 1ut1on of O range County. hold:; ~1 J{ k ol lll'k vt:.. to rcplocc any /\nnc give:; a11uy. VIC E P RESID E NT J ohn Conne ll BOARD MEMBER Roy Carver SHOW CHAIRMAN 'Dick' Steffy SHOW MANAGE R Harvey Hiers WHt tll1s1 plofls w/111 pride ••• ii meons, "" 1111i1 tlll HSI p#Sib/1 deol ; •• ii meons, ,. • .,. 11IH111 1111 1>111 s1nlice in Coli!. • •• II 111«1111, ,,..,, 1111d ilsc111io11 •nd 1>0119111 flM • iHllt wltll lnflfrity ' I c s i• 0 p c .. d v ' s c f, e " a v d s n c c n ll v ti a s " ,, ··-. ---·--~ ... .--,..........-~·---------............ -.. ~-------------..---------~---------------·-·-----··-·--·-·-·· -------, Women Have Their Say In Choosing New Aut111 J::xh1b1lors al !he Orange County International A u lo Show v.•ill be pretty wcJ ! t1111<'d in to \vh;it Ule fair sex l1kl'!:i and d1shkes 111 auton1obile~. In results of a su rvey an· nounccd by the spo11sori ng t-.1otur C;;ir Dealers Assn. of $1,750,000 Show Models More Lh<in $1.7,'.0.00U \l'ortli of new auton1obi!i:s 1vill go on parade Thursday. when the Orange Count} lnternal1on;1t Auto Show opens 1or ! four- day run in Anahc1m·s Con- Vacation Spot Set The latest In v a ca l i on veh icles 1vill be ::;ho11·n 111 a :;pccial di splay at the Auto Sho11•. Five lines of vehicles will be exhibited in an 11,000.square foot ''big top" adjacent to the exhibition hall at lhc center. Motor homes, fa m i l .v \l'agons, c:1n1pcrs. vans and aln1ost every other kind of vacation vehicle 1~·i ll b c displayed during the four-d<iy sho\\'. vcn!1un Cenltr, 8UO \V, l\:11clla A1•c. Tiie ~hu11· .. ~onsurcd by the J\!otor Cil r IJcalcrs Assn. of Orangt• County. 11·111 be lhc first 111 L'1ulcd States to l'X · l11 b11 the 1970 rnodels of foreign and domestic c:irs along with can1pers and other 1 ac;dion vehicles. Hichnrd (Dick) Steffy, show eha1rn1a11, said 14 t.Jon1estic lines of c:irs 1vill be on displuy through Sundily. Oct. 12. along "'Ith irnports trorn seven coun· tril'S. The ~hu1v 1\"il l occupy n1ore space than it h;1s in the prel'ious fi ve years ll has been in the Convention Center. Ex- hibits of cars ,1•i11 take up the 100.000-squarc.foot \'Xhibition h<ill ;ind tiln1pcrs and sitnila r vehicles will be exhibited in an I l.000-square-foo t lent lo be specially erected for the show. Orange County, it was sho1vn th:it y,·on1en take a real in- terest i11 purchase of ne.,.,. cars which, for many families, is the largest single purc·hase they will tnake, second only to a ho111e. According lo the survey, nine out of 10 women reported the n1ost ·rL'cently purchased l·ar w;is new and, of theSt', 94 percent visited une or rnorc de;1h:r showrooms b c f o r c dctiding to buy. i\lost pr:::do1ninant rcnsons for buying a new car fro1n a t·crtain dealer were : price t3:i percent J: convenient !oc1!tion, ( 12 percent J: Qllality of the :-;ervicc dep::irtment, (12 per. cent). and availability of the dt'slred rnodet , ( 11 percent). fi1ore than half the women (52 percent ) say they prefer to \\'Jit until the end of the nHM,lel )'Car for sale prices. compared 1vlth 35 percent who like to bt1y 1vhen ne1v n1odcls corne out. About 45 percenl prf'fcr lo 11;1it until th::: old car "'cars ool: :L'l percent 1i.·ould tr;1dc t·1·cry two years and 18 per- cent li ke to \1·ai! until cx1st1ng loa ns are paid off. And what do 1vomen lookfor in nc\~ cars~ About 16 percent 1i.•ant bet- ter \lisibi!ity, 12 percent .want stronger bod ies, 32 percen t like 1norc head and leg roorn nnd l9 percent want niorc con1fortablc seals. BOTH STYLISH-Both model Lois l·'Jynn <ind the LTii'Col n ('011 \1- ncnl<il's i\l<irk Il l !or 1970 sho1v of! style-the t11·0 kinds thal 11·111 be highlighted tonight at benefit pren1icr o! the Orange Counly In ternatio nal Auto .S ho1v at the Anahci rn ('onvcnlion ('enter. t\.~- 1\ltdntsday, Octcbtr e 19b'l l I ' ' . ' , '~ .. l : :-1s!<:i11cc l.t'ilJ..:l!t' ch;_1ptcr~ tro1n lh1(•t1"l1• 111 ll r.11 1·~·· c·11111111· 1111 1 parlH.:1patc 1n prt1tlll'I" and !;,:-1111 111 :.ii.11·. 11 hH Ii pi l.!...:rdt· .. ~ 11011 ·~ npc·1un;; 10 ;.:encral pt1b!Jc 'J'hnr:-tl;1 y t l1r"1"~ll .'1:11d:11. Special emphasis in thr 1970 models is being placed on co111pactness through 1vhich c\lcry inch or roon1 possible 1s made funclional. In addition to the rnajor makes nf foreign and don1eslic t•ars lru1n li1nousines Io ccor1un1y con11K1cts, exhibits a lso 1\·i ll 1nl'ludc 1nanufa1.:· lurer's cut;P.\'<lY model s, sho11·- ing 11orku1g µarts ;ind con- :.truct1 on ot nc11' cars. Thirty-one percen t would like lo gel bE'ller gas mileag:.. and 19 percent 1vant IX!llc r brakt>s. \Vhcn il comes to con--------------------------------------------~-------------- Economy models as 1vcll a~ the deluxe vacation hon1e type vehicles \Yi!I be exhibited. Inside the ex hibition h;tll , the new 1970 models of foreii.:n and do1nestic cars v.·ill be sho.,.,.n along "'ith specially cars, cuta1i.•ays and nt<inufac- turer.; exhibits. (Jnc special fea ture 11·ill be a sinall truck po11'ercd by naturnl gas, one of a fleet no1v opc·ralctl in ii project being conduclt'd by the three gas l'Oll1p:inies of the Pacific Lighting Syslcnt. \'l.'tlicnce, 12 pt'rccnt \\'ant n1orc ash trays and better po:-;i- tioned ror the driver and 11 percent want better seal fabrics. Forty percent p r cf e r si mpler styling; 17 percent like less ch rome and a like nu111bcr prefer shorter or s1nallcr cars. thank you Orange County DURING THE MODEL YEAR OF 1969 SOLD SERVICED & SATISFIED MORE PONTIAC CUSTOMERS THAN ANY OTHER 0. C. DEALER AND This the way it's going to be in • IS 13600 BEACH ILVD. (WESTMINSTER I IEACH ILVD. AT GARDEN GROvt FREEWAY 897°&6SI or 636-7500 This duet is the toughest act to follow in the entire show. Wh en you vis it the au to show, you'll be exc used if you save the best until last. Otherwise, as you proceeded , it might be disconcerting to discover you had already seen motoring's finest virtues all encompassed in one magnificent motor car -Cadilla c, th e spirit of the se venties. After th e show, make your fir st stop at your authorized Cadillac dcaler"s. He'll acquai nt you with all eleven n1o d c ls and you'll find Cadillac ownership can cost less tha n you might imDg1nc. 6th ANNUAL ORANG E COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW • ANAHE IM CO NVENTI ON CENTER • OCTOBER 8-12 • . , ' • . . •ftl DAIL V PILOT __ Wtdntsda y. Ottobtr I!, 1%<1 Monte Carlo Swings Chevy to '70s • • • . . . INDUSTR Y'S TOP SELLER IN INTERMEDIATE CLASS IS CH EVROL ET'S CHEVELLE New look for 1970 in Cl'ievelle SS 396 is Sold, Racy, Includes Cowl Induction 1970 MONTE CAR LO FEATURES LONGE ST HOOO CHE VROL ET HAS EVE R BU il T Model Linda E115t Lies Down on Job 10 Prove 11'5 72 lncl'ies from Gri lle to Windshield -----------\Mot/el Variety, Options SEE OUR SENSATIONAL NEW OPENING NUMBER AT THE AUTO SHOW '70 DODGE rCHALLENGER Don 't mis s th is one. It's the star of the show. Dodg e Chall enge r R/T. Only all-new sports compact for 1970. A car with engine choices that run from a thrifty Six rig ht up to the optional 426 Hemi . (Applause.) Nine-count 'e m-nine models in all , priced to com- pete wit h the pony cars. If you h aven 't caught Challenger's sun roof act at your Dodge Dealer's, be sure to look in at the auto show. But get there early. It co ul d be Standing Room Onl y. Dodge 0 CHRYSLER MOTtJRS CORPOJl~TlON· 6TH ANNUAL ORANGE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW-Oct. 9-12 Anaheim Convention Cent1tr-800 West Katel!a SEE YOUR DEPENDABLE DODGE DEALER At/ti Up to Wide Selection Chc\'rolct sw ings 11110 the 70~ sporting u np a ra 1 !e led customer ca r choice \\'hile ad- ding a totally new luxury t«ir -the Mont e Car lo -to the hnrllp rcprc~cnted at th e Au1o ShO\\'. J ohn Z. DeLorcan , generJl 111<1nager. announces . "As en1phasized by its 1970 l':trs. Chevrolet will c:ont1nu1' tu .~l'l the industry pac:c for ;1 \'<lf\cly or cars .Jnd upl1ons that allows caL·h buyer to <;ustonuzc his or hrr pcr ~onal l r ;i nsportauun," lkLorran Stud. "A dramatic step in that d1rcc:tion," he said , ··is the r.·1onte Carlo "'hich adds a nc1v dimension to the market "'ilh a stylish blend of youthfulness and sophistication ·with in· tcnnediate-size handling and performance.'' In oddition to thr nr1v r.10nte Carlo. DcLorean listcrl t hc~c r11ht 1' nc1v Chcvroll't h1ghl1gh1s fur 1!170 ; NE \V STYLl'."'C f(lr 1h(l ,,1;.indarrl big Cl1t·1 rokl ;111d n ('On1plctcly new lu11k l!1r lht• Clll'Vi·llc. 11·11h rl·fi11c1ncnts lnr l.Jolh c;irricd over int o the 11-10 ~i~es of stauon 11agons. 1\0J)f.D PO\'.'EH 11·iLh a lllg· ,l!l'r b;i~e VS lor the big Chr\'rolrt. bigger base six- t'\'l111iler f11r tl1e Chc\'ellc pi n~ ni:-11· \'8 opt1onnl po11·cr rar.g 1ng 11p :o 1110 1H"w !11gh torque ~~~­ l·ub1c inch engi ne;;. Mf;\S BLLTl·:n l'LV Tll:t-:s fur J011gcr life '-Ltlndard 011 a!l l~r7n 1 h1~1 r11!l'l'- 1 .\1 P HO\'f':I) ELECTRIC 1 ll>OH L(>Cl\S ra rho ant r nna s +n 11 111(bh1l•ld glnss and l11'.•<ll1~hl 1lrl:1y 011ti11n n11u1111o: 11111t'l' than 400 option~ ;1r1d ;1( · t l'~~tll'ICS. ( ur rent 111odels o[ I h r ( ht•1 rolct Corvc!te ;1 n d t ';1111t1ro arc being cnntinucd to th1· crid of tl11s ;rear 111th new 11H•drls 111 ea ch linr. scheduled fur 111trnduc1io11 la ter 111 tti"r n1nrlf·I ~c;ir. Tile b<1.sc VS of thr big Chc\'rolcl 1s increased lo 350 1·ubic 111chrs fr o111 thr prrr1ot1s :l~i rub1c inthrs to !>!1pply ;111· tic~! power for opt ions such :i~ n1r 1·onditioning that gro\v 111 pupul,1nty. \ The base six·cyciinclcr of the a 2·door hardtop coupe . l l~ six.foot hood is the longcst ut any prcl'ious ChevrolC't. lt ha~ :1 disllnctil"c die-east plalt'<l rnct;il i;rillc and single unit Jirndlights. 'l'hc r.1on te Carlo has a 11 ~­ inl'h wheel b:isc <Jnt!. eo1npan"J lo ;in ln1pala coupe. 11 is 9 111· ctir~ shor11·r 111crall . 1n111·1· th;;n <in inch 1011'L'r and !Ol1r inches narro11 cr. There 1:. :1 chu1c:e of f11c \"3s tron1 lht: slandard 2:1U-l1p. :1~0-t't1b11 .. ttn·h t•ng1nc up to new 400-t:u bit: inch or. as an l'~clusi vr on the J\lonte Carlo·SS. a 360-hp. 454- cubic inch V8. Tca1ned 1111h the engines are I o u r lranSmlSSiOnS i n C I U d I n g Powcrglide and Turbo llydra- tl·latic auton1alics. Po.,.•er dbc brakes urc stand<1rd. CHEVROLET -The in- dustry's top selling car has a new frunl end ;1ppear:111l·e 111 l!fiO \\il li nther looking line nicsh grille and 11101·" pn1· n1i nr111 iil'tHiligbts . f1nc·lint~ 1!•1·11c;1 I 1<.11ll1ght-. l••<·.i\cd 111 1l1c nc11· re;11· bu111pt'f' ;11·1· a l'hange lro111 1hr 19G!l light-,. F1flcen·ir.cli \d1ce ls arc no w standard 011 all big Che\rolcts. Tl1ere is a tnt:il or ~IX cng1nr~ 11·1111 horsepo11('r r<111gc lrorn ;1 ~1andnrtl 155·hJl ~IX·<'~ lindrr of 2ft0 cubic inches lip lo the lll'IV J!lO·hp. 4,).l·CUbll' llll"h \'{l'. A 101:11 of nine niodcls, 1n~ 1·luding !hr Caprice, a r r a\·atlablc on a I I 9 -1 n ch 11 herlbacr Cl!I·:\ El.I.I-: "lh•· '"· dustr~'s t o p-s el ling 1n. lrrrnctliati' ha ~ a 1 01n pl11t1v nf'w look ftlr 19i0 11 1111 a bvld front end dl".,1gn lt'.o !ur111c ,, pr")Ct11ng. •p\11 ~ r 1II1 S(·ulpturcd ~1:l1·~ l1et1t' t(•sernblant.:C' to 1!1r h 1 ~ ChC'\"rolct \ ·oupr .111<1 (·011· re rt1ble hoth ha1 r full door· gl;i.~~ st,;·l1ng . TIH· paCC'·Se!1111g Che\ cllr :-is. J!lfi. 11hich acco11 111t-for nr;.irlv one of f'\'erv f11c l'hc1rllc sales. h<1s a· b;1sr :J96-c11b1t· 111i·h rnginc hoo~1f'd lron1 ~2.l 10 Jj(I horsepoll"rr ;ind Qlft•rs a "cO•\·] u1duct1on·· t1oi1d option , Ch assis i1npro1c1ncnt s g11r a sn1oother ridC'. ranablr·r<1110 po1\·cr steenng 1s ;11·ailable un all 1noclels <i nd 1ncreu~ed side 1111pact protection results from ne w safely guard door bean1.i. The total of .~1x Chevclle engines ra nges frron 1lle 155- hp. base si;.;.cyllndC'r and 2110. hp. base VB on up through 1l11t oplion:il :!50-hp . ~96 V 0 . Chl'I tllC' co11pe :ind co111·ertible arc un a 11:(111ch ll'heelb<i~(' anJ \110 ,ctJan~ on a llti-inch 11 lil•f'lba~\'. :\O\':\ -Cl11·1 roil<·!:.; ;'l:ov~ ~ 1J11t 1111ie, ll~ rult· as 1\rnen1 a ·~ lolp-~l ll1ng sn1a ll do rn l' s l I c f:un1ly ear 111th :i nt•w gri lle antl larger front. ~1dr an1I rear k11nps. new color". sinoother nd1ng t·h;i~sis nntl optional \'anahlc·rnlio J)0\1 Cr slcering. The No·•a SS coupe includ~ a JUO·hJl. 3W-cubic inch V8. 7- inch \1•idc \1•heels and other tli~11nctn'c i.drn11ficat1on. i\ rour·cvlinder. l1\o sixes anri 1hrrt \'lb 1·111 l'rt11(! 11 1:1rg1· vf fro1n ~!O lo JOQ hur~cpo11cr arc offPrcd. ST,\'l'J()\ \Y.\C01\;S .\g:11n 111 l'liO. Chrrrolet " ('1ght :.;t;11ion 11:1i;n11s arc g1«111p(•J 111 a singlr line \l'ilh two .,11.cs. All ha1 e tlu<1l·action l;ii!ga\ts. 0 11 !hr J 19-inch 11 heelbasf' ;ind 111corporating lht• ~t.1 ling :lnd ! 9 7 II rrf1nen1ents nf !he bi g ('hr1·rolct ;ire thr h1 ngs11ood l•: ... 1al•'. h 1ngs1\ovd Tonn~m;111 and Rroo k11 on<l On lhe \J!i· trJ! It 1•.h1'clb:i.,1• 11 11h lhe nc1v I lfr1 1•llr "'~hni.: :ind 1111· [Wu' t'rnrnl'> :11 f' 1111· Cor.rour f v-.1 a11· 1 ·orr'f)~lr~ (,rcrnbrirr <i1irl ,\on1a1! ·1 h<" I·: • t a l 1'! ll!fl!l!•ls both h:i 1r 11.111d.L(r:i1n!'d IJflllCls on :.ulo, .11u! 1,11lg;1lr~. .\ll hut Lh1 • 1:1ou\.,11oo<t and \r1111arl ;1r1• .1 ·, ;1il:1h lr ;is lhreP- ~1·.1i• 1, .1..; 11~!1 ·" 1110-se:1t 11111iJ1 I' Po11<'r nlfrn ng~ ar•' \ln11l.1r I•! t h(' big l'hc1rolrl and i ·111•1 Piie lines. ('J)H\'l<TTI:: 1\;\n C°i\i\1 1\R<) -!'ror1cllc -111 lll'n Stingn1 v 1n(lt!t:I ~ -and C01111<1ro -1n ,1 !'l•111crtiblc and :.porl l'011pe - 1·11ntinuc in currrnt niodels 10 lhl' end f1f 1!16!l \1'1lh ne 1'1 1nudcls 10 be 111lrodured J;it rr 111 lhc n1nclel vcar i ·hc Cor· \t'll<' conics · 011 ;i 911·1nLl1 11 herlbase and the (...1n1aro on •r.a inches. 1 fhr1 cllc is also iocreased -' I rr~~l ~~i~~~;'1l~U~l~ l~:~:e~~IV Perf 0 rm a nee' •l:l~·cubic 1 n c h VSs, "'h 1ch I replace the '427-cubic inch I engines offered in 1969. a s1nooth running nr1v 400·cuh1r 111th VB lhut burn~ regul:ir fuel 1~ intr0<h1rrd as an op11un on 1hc big Chcl"rolct and i\lo11le C:irlo. An1ong 1970 methanlral in1- pro\·en1cnts are s mo ot he r rngi ne acceleration through 11~r of a transmission'"(Ontro!l- c<l vacuurn spark ;idvn nce anrl l'Xlcndcd av a i I a h I 1 i t y uf \·;1ri;ib!r-ra tio power steering ~r mo~ respo n sive 111;ineuvcrabili1 y. Every 1970 J1as cxlcnsi1e safety features for occupant protection. accident preven- tion and anti-theft provision. In k~ping with the 1n- erca~ing trtnd for mobile Hv· 111,i:. Chevrolel also offers for 1!170 a broader than evrr \·;1rirty of traile ring, IOY:ing <111d recrcation<1I \'Chicle ac· 1·r~~nr1r~ lll'l1' ~11·r :idd1t1onal tlct;uls hv \",1r !int· ·~11l i\TE C.\1;1,0 -Th\i; ~pnr1y 11e1Y prr-.onRl !11x11rv tar, s1ress1ng lnng·h(l()licd :-1: l;ni;:. conics 111 ont' 1110dt•I - Show Displayed Forrl ·s tral"rling ''T o l :• 1 Pcrforrnance·· show 11111 be an1on g special cxhibi1 s at the Ornnge Coun ty ln1crnatio11;1I Auto Sho11· the Ford exhibit fr:11 1irr~ high ~rformancr h;irdll'arc r<inging fron1 farnous onc-ol-a· kind rncini: r:irs to 18 1Ji~pl;1.1· 1ia nc)s featunn~ carhu 1 l·;1111r,, high p€'rformanrc i::ams. ''} Bn- der heads and u t h c r performana: p:irls. The exhibit is hou sed in a ~o. fool van. Awnings let oul from lhe sides or the van lo l·reatr a ~.000 S<)uare-fool di splay arl·11. ll1e 18 perlom1ance panel, are set up oulS1dc the ~alls of !hr \'an Sonic panrls arr df'1·oled to th e car cnthu.•11•,t 11ho w,tnl to add Jrr~~·u11 ,tfld pr r f o r 1n:inre acce~~·11·1f's 1lf'~1'(nf'd to n1::ike ht~ c~r h111n lither panC'I~ \\'ill he lnr 1li ~pl.1~ 1nr: pnrts tt n d .11· l'l':.~uries 1hat \11\I g11c ne1't" performance to an y car. any engine, a co1npa ny spokes1na11 said. Th e d1 ~pla.v:-11 ill give rncini:: Jnns <111 opportt1ni1y 111 sre rn1.:li1i11s. roll b a r ~ , in. ~lrumcnlalion. hra1v clu!y lirrs :ind profcs.~ion~l !">rt-u11 JObs done on lhe <'<If tllr.v nor111a lly sec on ly fron1 ;i disiaocc. roiiring arou nd ;a !rack Al 200 m.p h. Jazzy Javelin A1ncrican \\1olurs' I !I 7 n .J;i\'chn 11 111 spor1 a ho~l ol llt'll' 1!';11111 c·~ !l't h1rl111g .\ l'herna::.illy lrl'a\1•11 ~a Ir t' II 111\l~hJt!d. ltlo 'I +·a~l'tl 111·r•r;1IJ !rng1 h, 1110 ~Pt•kl', ri111·h!n1t :>!trring \1·hccl nnd 1nany n1ore. ~~~ ~ -------------------·--------~--....... ----~--. ··--··-· ... -· ----··-. . . . . ... ---1 How convenient! All the really great 1970 cars in one place! , . ' ' • • DAIL v PILOT D:;t -·- . ,,. .. Oldsmobile's Great Escape Machine Exhibit~ Plan to coroe early and stay late-because we've got plenty to show you. Totally new Cutlass Supreme for instance, perhaps the most exciting new concept of 1970. It features near~limousine elegance in a trim new size. The n there·s the high-performance Olds 4-4-2-now with a big new precedent-setting 455-cube V-8! Front drive Toronado! Ni~ty-Eights! Delta 88s! You'll find all the 1970 Oldsmobiie Escape Machines there' All brimming with fresh new ideas : designed to whisk you farther from the ordinary than : you 've ever been before! If you've ever wanted to be iri the right place at the right time, here's your chance! . , • 6th Annual Orange County Int ernational Auto Show Mill America for 1970 11 lhe Old1 dl1play October 10·11 O ctcber 9-1 Z Anaheim Convention C enter 600 West Katella (acro$5 frorn Dis neyla nd) I 88 DAI L V PI LOT \.\1Pdnt M!ay, O[tobrr 8 19t.l:J Natural Gas Vehicle Now on Display One of the nation':. 1110:.t unusua l 1 t·hH:lt-" -<i :.1nall truek l>O"t'fCd by n<it ur;il 1;::1s -\1·11J be an1ung rxhib1ts al thr Orange Co1u1ty lnlcrn;1- 11onal Auto Show u1 t\nahe1n1's Con\'ent1on Ct'nl11r 'J lu· 1nc·ku11 1 ~ U!lC of rnon.' lhJn .Jo 1t·h1c!t>:. oper:itl'd d<ul y bv s11b.l.1dianes uf Pac1 l1t· L.1glil111g Corp rung1ng frorn :1 for klift tu a 1 1 ~-lo11 du1n p tnu·i.. ri.:dueu1c .l.Jllug in Southern C::iliforni;:i, a i.: i.: o rd 1 11 g tu l'l'flTl'SCnta ti\'l'S of Lhc fi r111 . gas·a1 r rn1xt'r 111ountt>c.l atop the cu rburetor and is t·ont1;ul - l1<l by auton1 a1 ieall}'·<1ct1 \•atetl .l.olcnoids. eondilions, gives the vehicle a ,., range of n1orc than 700 miles. • r\;JILJf;1I gas IS clean burning and could be one rneans uf The 1 ch1l.'le tQ be cxlub1 ted tl! the au to show uses com- pressed natural gas. Pressure 1~ roduccd as the fut!! enters a A tonk holding 60 gallons of liquefied n a tu r a I gas, equivalent to 5,000 cubic feet of natural gas under standarc.l 'fhe vehicles OO\V in use, antl the one to be exhibited .at the auto show, have a du al fut!:! sys tem which can be chanHed f ·,, ~ ~~nti:rr~~: t~! :ast~~~di.ke • THEODORE ROBINS FORD ..•. PROUDLY PR SENTS 100 MODELS AND COLORS OF ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , . THE NEWEST ONE TORINO BROUGHAM THE QUIET ONE . --THE NUMBER ONE--. MUSTTNG MACH I --THE HIGH FLYER-- THUNDERBIRD LANDAU --THE Sll\IPLE ONE.-- MAVERICK THE FUN ONES f-250 CAMPER SPECIAL FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE LAST CALL -1969's TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS NOW!! I • m. lo 'l p m. Mo~·F" e ~ .. t 8 • "" 10 ti P "'· Su11 10 1.m. to 6 P·"' PAR TS & SER VI CE HOUR !> I •·"'-to 'l p.m. Mon e 1 • "'· to 6 11 "' Tu,•-~" a ~.m lo "p "' s.1 PARTS ONLY ' • ~-,... ..,;;: ,. .t AUTO SHOW CHAIRMAN DICK STEFF Y EXPL AINS NAT UR AL GAS TRUCK Jan Frederick Looks Over 'Smogless' Engine Whic h Powers Vehicle 1970 Cars Fit Pocketbooks of Needs, All Ne w 1970 model cars to f1L every need and pocketbook v>ill be seen at the. Orange County International A u to Sho11·, according to Bicha rtl tDickl Steffy, gen er a l chair1nan. Steffy said irnports, 1\h ith will come frorn se1 en nations, 11·i1J show a price ra ng e of P •C--- $1.3:'10 to a lop u! $.12.000 Domestic cars tn b~ .l.hrn1 n 11·iJI range In pnt't' fru111 Sl.!l:ill to the top of tile l111cs al $13.000, he added. '"\\'c have n1a1lc .in 1·ffort ln present ii real tross-~l'tlit111 uf the 11·orldw1dc a11to1nob1!c 1n· dust ry," Steffy .l.:t\d, '',1nil 11 c believe Lhe exh1b:ts will h<n e son1ethi11g of 1ntcrc~t to t·1·cry ···"?<.,.ef. ..,.., . ."!, ... ' --.~1t.. ~~-... ,,'or -t>· ·.;..~~~ " i ... .,T • '"'.i•J.·'' . "'.' r' 1' '· • . ... , . . . . . ···--4~ ;111tu1nuhlh· u1Y11L·r 1v ho~~ l;i-1(•.., 111ay r11n lro1n cco1101ny 1·0111jJilt \:. t 11 1111dtll('-rangc f,11n!l~' t·;irs :ind Lip 10 lu xu ry l1111VllSi flt•S ' ~:l·ff.v po1n!cd out that the Oranj.!P ('uu nt.\ ~ho"' 11•ill be the 111,t 111 the L n11 rd ))tales l•i :.h•)\\' tile 111·11 l'.'170 n1odel' of f11rL·1gn ;11111 t1on1cst1c cars under cin<' roof. • .. " • ,: :l .j ' 1· RIGHT A.: HOME -llO!llC is "·~1crt• y nu r \1 hL"f'ls .:uc l\11h l h~ \l\ini.: 1n "tnot-' or ho1nr s ~t the l:i lcsl 1n c~11nr11 u! ;ind r1'rte.i!1on:fl 11 h1l·\1 ..,_ l't·hor.ih \\'lute 1l l'f!1 ;1110 \\t'nd_v 111 k :-.hn11 11 1.~t h1)11 r ;-i .. 1· 11 '" 111: 1·1 .111 ~1 1 !rotn 111•• 1101 1 ~£'\\ork, loo 1• IH'rl "llornc :• 1 ~ p:1rk1'cl 1111ly :1 ti"1 fc·ct tr11r11 11 •ll'f·, 1 ti,..· :'lln1or ht)incs ;ind p,IJr r l'r t·r1·:1\1011 \'chic les 1r 11l he :.'11111 11 111 1l'1 11 .il 111,1 11 1· ~·11 1111 1 1· l ii l\'rna- !1011;11 .\!110 ~h(lll' 1 1 11 u m c< th [, p .. ., " a• "' G ,,. Li "' " S;. Ii ho p. '" " p w ~ w b J< ., d --------------~-----------~~----------~---------------- Tempest Boasts 15-model Series Ponliac fl'lot or Division 's 1970 Tempest, L e fi.1 a 11 s , Le?t1ans Sport and G 1' o models featu re performance , co1nfort and safety. With a lineup of 15 1noclels in the Tempest. Le Man s , LeMans Sport and GTO series. Pont iac has a new si x-cyl inder f'ngine as standard and olleos as optional a 350-cubic·inch and h\'O 41Xk:ubic·inch V-8s. 111 addition. a new 455-rubic-ineh µo11·cr plant is optional on thr tJTO. Every 1970 model is equ ip- ped with bias-ply, glass-belted Ores. Alt ne1v Pontiucs ha1 l' :-.1d1· g1.Jard door beams built i11 tor added p r ote c t 1 o n . Thi::; liafr.g u;1rd consists of a box- li ke steel bearn positioned hu rizon lallv within each door phis addi°tio nul door p!ll:1r reinforcements. The concealed radio an- tenna, pioneered lasl yc ur by Pontiac on the CJrand 1-'rix. \Viii be used on :~II 1970 rnodels. Fabricated in the. windshield are two barely l"i si- ble wires which are not sub- 1ect lo weathering, being be nt or broken. · ··our 1970 n1odcls a r " designed to meet lhe lull r<1 n1::c uf dn 111ng needs ol even the 1no~t d l sc r in1 at i ng custoiner," :.aid f'. J :unes l\lcDonald, a General t.1otors vice president and Pontiac general manager. The sl.J:lndard inlern1cdiate engine in 1970 will be a 250 t·ub1c-inch. in-line si x-cylinder regula r fuel engine rated at 155 hor sepo\\Cr wilh a co1n- prcss1on ration of 8.5. l. Op11on;.1I arc :1 regul;1r fuel J;i(I eub1t'·111ch V-8 i~l1Ji111e :11111 llH• 400 cub1r--rnch V -II a11aHablc with l"'O or four-bar- rel carburetion The 4lMrs \1•1!1 hr nfll'rcd \11th the Turbo I lydr<1-u1;1tu· tr;1nsn11:b1on 011- ly. The ~tand:ird engine fo r tht· C.:1'0 1:> a J;xJ horsepower. 400 (•ubit-1neh \'-8. A .1:l1 euh1t·· u1eh 1·11gu 1£' r:Jll'rl ;it :!liO horst po11 cr is :i nc1v option. Pon11;1t··s f a m c d 366 horsepower H;un Air and 370 horSC'JlOllCI' n .u11 Air I c 11erfunn<inl·c p<1L"kagcs :ire ava ilable on the GTO. T ran.~n1 is.~inns inc lude lhr st:indari.I three-speed n1;1nual. and :is op!ions an ;iuton1ah1· 1ra nsn11~~iun . Turbo Hydr;1- 1na1ic ;;ind ;1 four-:>pccd floor shill MUSC ULAR -Ponti- i!C 's .1 !17U l ;'rU L'i a ""n1usc lc .. c ~r 111Lh 400- ('Ubit-int ll V-8 a s stan· d a rd. but it offers :-.lylc. t oo, 1v1 th di stinc- tive front end and nc1v CHICK IVERSON 1'HE HARB OR A R EA~ ONLY AUTllORIZEJJ VOLKSWAGEN AND PORSCHE DEALER drive vourse1r to the Bug House not the ooorhouse ••• the new Iverson bug house (that is) • C 445 E. COASf HIGHWAY ~ l•t 8•y111h Dr/Ve) NEWPORT BEACH 0 ' 673-0900 s ~~ ~t~ I @ • j ~[1f>ILY PILOT ;J7 A ··~1 11·k-~t11!1 · automatic :-.l11J!•T 11l11rh ;1llu"s manual 11r ;111lu111.1tu· oprration. is :11,1il~1bll· "n llw i!l70 Bar· r;u;ud:1 111111 :1 11 Io in a l i c t!':1nsn1io.;sif111s find cnnsole- J!hJ11 11t•·tl :.h1!ll'rs The t1l•11 "' I 1 <' k • s h 1 ( t f.1l·1ht<itcs l,lst and ;1tcurate 1n;1nt1:1I opt•r;1t1<1r1 or th e:. fl'U!hllllSSl•!!I ,111d pn•\(•11{'; JlHS.,t•(I ">fllll". \\\it'll :-.lllrtl!li,: fn11n dri11· \<1 r1t'lltr;1~. rtv•'r.,r, p;ir~. f 1r~l 1w .~Cl:tJl lLI gl:.'a r·~. 1hr ;1('\1un Is tlH· sa111I' a'> 111 th•· p.1~1 •'Xt'epl tur the ad· ditio11 ot a -1 r1p ;11 tlir sct·nrul g1«1r po~11ll111 \\ ht•n !111· 'h1l1 11•1 er is pl.1r- f1 l u1 111 1 1!1" -11111 handle <·.111 h1 ' 1111111 ·111" ~··L"11d .1~ fa~l ;1 ~ •lvs11·1•t! 111 1houl 111l'r;,hil t1n g ;15 11111 ·~ n, tilt· -.11111 l1,111dh· bulton Ii;,, 11"1 \11 ·1'11 dt'!)l"l''-'\'1l. Af11·r r!w d111rr h.i:-111111rd lhr lf'1r r h:ll'~ ;,h~htll' lu· !lw11 ('<111 ~lul l tu d1·1ve a-.· f,1-.l ·'" ht• desires 1·.1\houl BI G-BIG-'69 Ci EAR ANC E EVERY RE MAINING NEW 1'1b9 A ND DEM ONST RATOR S DRAST ~C/\~-.IL 't RED~JC ED TO MAi{E R0 0~1 FOR OUR HUGE ST OC ~t OF 1970 'S HER E NO VI JAGUARS J .!~\GLI AR S J AGUARS ONE OF THE LARGE ST Si:i.F.C TtONS IN ORANGE COUNTY ! '66 BUICK I '65 E;..Ec l RA 'l..8 DODGE '63 IMP ALA I ! t '' • ' A • '" I ' '6~ PONTIAC '66 MERC URY ',r·r~ ~1 di. ,,.~ •·•'o 1 ~ rli. I I' f t •n•, IJ'lw@< 1tr l"•· '• 'i I ', <', "l•1 If·"'"'' SR>-18'> ]R:l .. ' C• r, nr• 4 Cl 4 d1 I ~ .. , ' RI, q Vr,<' '1"1 '" ,, I "' """' I I N 1A 111'1 I • j fl, • lo ,IQ, I '''' .. '' \ ' '.,J c C<'ion~ r.,~ "'•'l~" 9 ~ "''"'1' ~,II p FA " / A ' <'!•d ~QJ S15Y5 I S!\ YE S2395 S2495 Sl 095 '" 51.,,.ri I l r.1"11>.Y n NLY j ... l) _.v '66 COMET ( rl,rnlt 7 door h.rd - lt.r . ~•t !r'>1v "'' , nnrl hA~\ p o w ~r S1 395 TOOAY ONLY '67 OLDSMOBILE '67 B U ICI< '6' RI VIEr.A I,' II W l..J, .. • ~ ,, "' r ~ I ' '•:. ' ~ •< <C' -i " I '"'"'· p' UUvl,• ~ s25g5 '' I • " h• .1. ' " ' ' "~ ""' "' i •. f f.0•'1>•: '66 CAPR ICE 1, .11,,, " • r -l '65 OL DS WA GON '67 MERCURY "-•~\ n•" •'"" I• ~· I 1 I M •~'''"V 1 dee< hA•rl .... ,,., ',~M JI + ' ' .• , ''"' 1" N I ,OP ""'"· .,.,,, p<o"'' ,, ''" fBH 117 '•lrPt, rzH UO~l 10~ 51795 S1 795 '67 BU ICK '63 PONTIA C '65 MONZA '67 OLDSMOBI LE ~,J lo "'"". l•d. P.S .. TP07 JI Spr""' ~ ..J ... c., ,~,i,., 1' '67 ELE:CTRA i'r". I , ~ "~" i,,.,j p..,,~. ,,,., r"'~' ~ clnot hd,Jr.,, ; I ,.,. r ACTORY II.IP ''"· ""-'' · .... lrJ J ,~ ....... .] L , .. ~ "' ! .• ~• I r.v.1u PS ra Y1:~G u1 I T1',7'i01 I" ""' ·"rl hv "' ! ~. 1 H, .. rl«•o. A,.10. •1~11 1 ,.,.,. , Lll·ole c ondtt10•1. i)(J 1 1~) S••O""m~ c .. 11.,. h~·dl J> (\\V •~ o,i la I<~~· i ~·-' .,, , paw~' ,,, UJB~l l S i~95 I S27 95 S995 S2~95 S1995 TO DAY ONLY' S2295 Open Mon. thru Fri. • 3 a .m. to 9 p.m. -'.;at. 8 a .m. to 6 p.m. -Sun . l 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK -OP EL -JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE .. ··~·:. ,,.., ..... ~. . . . . ·• . .. . . ----, ""'"""" ............. ._. .................... --.............................................. """"' .... """" .................. -. ................ ._ .... ~~~~~~---- I • > ' ' .. ••. 1 NEWEST OLDSMOBILE IS 1970 CUTLASS SUPREME HARDTOP COUPE An swers Oem<1 nd fo r Sporty Luxury in a P er s.onali:r:ed Kind of Ca r -------~. • Cars of a Decade The Most Exciting OUlKS CKR'ISlERS tKE NEW '7~P~~~:s. HERE NOW! AND I I cf,on oL fnesl see 1 he very ' B dy Styles. £ ·prnenl , o Colors, . qu i ond Ready lor Serv.ced , \fERY ' MMEDlA lE DE~lNE S NOVJ! HE EXCITING U1H TESTDRIVET LER pLYN\0 ATLAS _cHR~s ' SHOWROOM FRESH USED BRAND NEW '69 ---· ........ ---~ -- , 'i ··~"""·· j .... ~' ·l·'.J< , , ~ I" • ' .. , •• '°")'~'-1."~ . "''" ~~· • : ~ ~·:it~· ' . BIGGEST CHANGES SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN 1965 MARK 1970'S TORONADO Oldsmobile Gives Front-wheel Drive Entry Nll!iw, Sleeker Look V-8 ENGINE IC TRANSM . AUTOMAT- ISSION New Oldsmobile Cutlass Making Its Debut \\'hen it l:Omes to ;iuto shows, you t'al! beL that Old smobile and its dealers will be well represented. .<\II or !he ne1v Oldsmobilcs arc in1presslvely styled and f ea t u r e h i s lory.muking en g ineering th ;-1L increase and reduce service. ad\"an ccrncnts their durability the need for A n e 1v Oldsmobil e, I h e Cutlass Supreine Ha rd to p Coupe. makes it.~ debut for !970. This distinctive t'.ar is designed to answer growing demand for ::;porty luxury.in a personalized auto1nobi le. The ne1v Hardtop Coup<.>. and a coinpanion convertible. con1- plement the 4-4-2 and Cu11ass ·s· series 1~hosc fas tback design has n1ade these cars 1he most po pu lar coupc.s in Oldsinobile's li ncUp. Meanwhile, !lie successful look of elega nce in the Oldsrnohile 88's ;.ind 98's has been enhanced. n1aking thein cren n1ore appc<il ing. The front drive Torona~o, obser ving its fif!h year. h<is undergone 1l1e n1o~t e.\ten~1\'e L·hange in <lppe;irantc since its infroduction. It 's sl<'ekcr look- ing. 1ri1h an all-new front end lh~ll int'lutles a cl<i ss1e gn!Je ll'ith exposed headlan1ps. option, design~ted \V-33. The rerformance package for the Toronado is identified as \V-34. A 4 5 5 ·c u b i c -i n ch V-1 becorncs the engine in 'the W- 30 and \V·31 forc e-a.ir perfornlance opt ions available on the new .o!-4-2 and Cutlass ·:;· models, respectively. . /\ perf?nnance packige i~ abo offered on the brand, new Cut lass Suprc1ne Har dtop Coupe. II consists of a 320--hp .• 455-cub ic-inch v-a \'.oith dual exhausts and a 2.56 rear axle. \Vhen equipped l'"ilh this op- tion, the new Hardtop Coupe is identified as the Cu t I a a a Supren1e SX . A unique c onvenie nce feature offered exclueively on Olds1nobilc's full-size "ea~ is a fingert.ip v.•indshield washtr- 1\'iper cooft-01 loceted in the shift le1·er handle. It offers greater safety by pe rmitting the driver to ope ra te the lripcr wirhout taking his eyes from the road. As a fur ther theft deterrent, Olds1nobile has developed a liood catch lock that pre\'enLJ• opening of 1he hood c~ce pt tl1rough the u.'e 01 an "inside# ' Ilic-car"' rele<ise control. DIO, POWE • RA. POWER B R STEERING RAKES ' PLYMOUTH FURY I 69 ROADRUNNER Exclusive lo Oldsrnobile in 19i0 is a positive vall'c rota ting sys len1 on al! V"8 engines. Auton1obile engine. \"alves. after niany 1nilc.'i or ust. are subject to distortion and 11·ear. The resulta nt poOr \'all'C seating cau ses loss ttf engine efli e1cncv. All l97G Oldsrnoblle coupes and c<in1-er1ib!cs equipped "·ith the po11·er door lock optio n v.·ill feature a n1ec:hanisn1 tha l autoinalic all y unlocks t h a , Iron! se;it b;ick 1rhen a door ls oprnrd. Pow er door loc ks and rl C'ck lid releases are elec· trically operated for l9iG, allowing unllmited u:;c of these fcal ure i;, $ '67 CHEVROLET IMPAlA 4-DOOR HARDTOP >-• ...... , ' ..... "'"' ~ " '67 FORD GAlAXll 500 •' ' " ,. ""' """ ___ ,,,,. '""' ~ •.• ., .• ," ... "''< '~'"'' __ ,9'1 '65 DODGE DART GT ' ', •• n .. •~•' t l ·o•I'"" n• '00 • ' ..... , ••••. '' )J Rt..D ~O. HfA TER, PAD0£0 DASH, SEAT BELTS, R[D LINE TIRES $ '65 CHRYSLER N!WPORT 1 -DOOll HARDTOP ' -··~· .... , ....... .,., . .. _. .. , ...... ~., I n • •' "\ •;01 ~1195 '(JS DODGE CORONET 500 1 -DOOR HAROIOP I -'· ""'" ,,.;, "" , o•, '" " ' ,,..,, '•"··i , ..... """" '''•1 '64 FORD 1-&IRD . ' . .,, .. ""' , .... ,.,. ~-. '·~· '.. . ····" ......... ,. ~ ' ..... ',,... '""' ., .. ,./;! It~' t, i .. 1 '67 PONTIAC L.,MANS :::I-DOOR HAllDTOP ''""• "'" ·' ··-·· ,... -• --~-•<·•• <IJd< ~I '(;5 Cl:IRVAIFI 1-000 R COUP( ""'''"·" o,.·:•1 !;795 'l!~ MU57ANG HARDTOP '"' ~ ••••••• p.,'<QI,; COUPE '{J7 PLYMOUTH llAAAACUDA fASTBACK ,. ; n ., ·-o' < '< • o•, '"~·• ~ » • , ~o-• •• ., lfVD<"-1 'u4 CHEVROLET IMIALA COU\l'l .,, '· ., ·~·"''" """'"""'""· '"' . ' .. ., . 'uS PLYMOUTH FURY SlOAN "' ·-··~"''' ''"""""""'· ... ,. ~ , .. , . Oo••• """""•• '•·'•" "" l~Gvoo.i REMon (ON TR ' lEFT ROR Ol MIR ' 3 SPEED . SHIElO WIPERS WIND. INSU!A TOR ' Hooo PAD DERCOA TING • UN. WHEE[ COVE~s DELUXE WA![ TIRES. • WHIT[ 5e·,d! _ -P[}1F9R2oo ~ 1.19 CHR'fSl-ER PL'fMOVTH \\'ith controllCd ro!at1 011 of intake and exhaust v:i lve~. as 111 Oldsmobile 's 1970 v.a·s. \'alve se ating is lrcn1endously in1proved , prcvcn1 ing c.:01TI· pression loss and cn:ibling the engine to operate at top ef- ficiency for !he Jile of the c.:;i r, Oldsmobi le's lan1ous '\V ' rn<ichines -tl1e di\ision's f'ngine pcr£onn<inc·r options - hove been expanded in J9i0. For the fir st ti1nc, a 11 Old~inobill' R8 n1odcls 1vill be offcrrd 11·ith ;i prrl orn1an ('c Fihe1·gl as-behcd tire:<. for i111 proved traction. reduced t Ir e wear, better handling thar;ictrristics and greater rc.si~tance to road hazards, are slanclard on all cars. In J9i0. the Vista Crui sl'r 1ype :;tal ion \1';igon, v.·ith ror\\·ard-facing third seat, is cxclusi\·e to Oldsmobile. Olds1nobile 's 19i0 Ii n ~ u 1' consists of JO serits and 29 boti y styles. "ltwill maintain effortless cruising S)!eeds in excess of anything U.S. laws will allow-yet it offers fuel economy that would do justice to a tin,.v austerity sedan? CAR and DRIVER the Rover2000TC. THE MOST FLEXIBLE FINANCING " FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTER 710 £. lST SANT A ANA 547-076C •1 " ., I> h. n D a ·• a b c ti b tl i1 •• u ' • " n p • • • ·~ • c ! ' c c ' 1 c -- ------------------------~-----·----· -·. OA/l Y PI LOT Jl9 36 ' Models • 1n New Buick Line Visitors lo tbe Aula s-'1 ,,.,klina world of irro cm. v.~thtr ~uJ 11hopptrs or brow~ will find much lo held tbtm: ·in the Buick e1· hlbltlon. tuiclu ~ display w i 11 rtpruent the 31 modtlll in the new BWck' 1\nf:1 'ftfch ln turn art about IO percent ot all 1170 models in the U.S. industry and ln a price range with in the budscls of eight. <Nt o( 10 new- car 'b..)trs over almOit all of this dtcadt. These 1170 Buicks thus can bt corniidtred &n auto ahow by t.nernselves. with aH·ntw styl- lnC in the SkyWk and GS in- ttnntdiata, a wholly new lux- ury 1tetidn Waaon In the upptr series, a brand new and bigger eniine a ttracting wide at- tcolion, and a host o f mechanical changes to im· prove puformanui an d 1trviceability. Auto Show visitors in .search or ftyling emphuls can expect to find Buick Riviera, Electra, ·Wildcat and LcSabrc modets with aifnlllcant appeu.nce. chanaes created from new grilles, bumpers and ornamen- lilJOn. · styling a n d en(inttring chaogta: include import.ant ac- cM1pli1hment lo !lmpllfy the strv1ctability of It70 Bulcks. T6 many in the Auto Show crowds ll is readily apparent D 1enicu.bil ity ot Buick i~ 1 t rument-panel components has bttn l ncrea~ by as mu ch as 50 percent with in- novalions such as snap-on s peedometer c ab I e co~ n e ct ion s , air-conditiqning outlet hoses which c<Wi be disconnected quickly. and a steering column designed 10 reduce the time req uired lo replace directi-Onal i;ignal svdl- ches. Dramatic new styling of 1970 Buick Skylark and GS models includes lengthened hoods with shortened rear <leeks: subtle, horizonta l body-accent lines flowing rearward from wheel openings ; front~nd treatment with a distinctive grille for each series: and horizonta l tall lamps S('parated by a stylish new, more-massive bumper t.ailor~d lo Haired fen- der lines extJndlng into the roof. The ne1v ins trument panel on intermediate-sized Buicks has been designed for ap- pearance. driver convenient·e and passenger protec tion . All Buick inlermedlate and regular-site models ha\•e side impj.cl bars in doors and rear· quarter panels, a s a f e t y feature Introduced on Buicks last year. The 1970 intermedia1e line has eight Skylark models in three series S kyla r k . Skylark 350 and S k y I a r k Custom ; and the perforn1anl'e- oriPn!rrl r.s .wries, 1hrrt, ii r.s ant.I a GS '155, both hardt o1) coupes, <1nd a G!S 455 cuu- vertlblc. GS 1notk·ls an' identified by dual air ~coops on the hood, \\'hi<'h funn<'I outsi de a i r directly into the !lrin-snorkcl air t•leanl'r. i.lnd a rei.l-5lripcd rocker panel 1nulding. For the first l1n1c in n1any .1'ears. Buick ha s a !L1xury Estate \Vagon in its upper· series. This new v.· a gun . available \1•ith two or three seats , has a 14 -tnch v.·heelbose and it po11·crcd by the new 455-cubic-int'h t'ni;u1c. New fron t-.1nd rear-end trcatn1cnl creates a disti11<'l1vc 197U look for the luxu ry l..:ll'c- tra st•ries. 11·l11ch has sho11·11 lh<:! 1nost rcn1arkablc gro1vtl1 of all series in the. Buick line over !he pasl seve ral years. 1\Jew hood and bumper blend sn1oothly with the new grille and headlamps spaced \vlde r apart. Bac k-up la1nps, v.·hich g:lo\\' red at night \1•hen the lights arc on, arc 111ounted ver tically in lhe rea r fenders, adding a unique s I y I i n g feature. The 1970 Riviera, Buick·s popular offering in I h e personal, luxury-car field, has evo l u lionary sty Ii 11g ref inemenls. A longer hood profile 1s co1nbined w!th a ::,1ylish grille of vertical-li ne design, fixed headlights and new rear 11hecl opt' 11 i n g eovcrs, first llme of Hi,•1era, add to the nc\v appearance. 'fhe rtar v.·indow is 1v1der, pro11 idin~ greater 1 is1b1lily, ;ind the r<•ar burnpt.>r in~ corporates a ne1v t11illight d'sign. Buick's new 455-cubic-inch V--B engine, standard in ltiv1 era, Electra and Wildcat, 1s avui!able on some LcSabrc 111odc\s and powers the new Estate \\'ngo n. Peak torque llas been increased to 510 pounds feet and the rngine generates 370 horsepov.·er, Another version of the engine pov.'crs the GS 4b5, and 11'i!h Slage I option makes the GS 455 B u i c k 's top- perrormance ca r for 1970. The Stage J opt ion in c I u de s fac tory.installerl s p ec i a I ca 1n shart, posi1ive-traction re:ir :ixle, dual exhaust system and other features. An improved two-ba rrel 350·J cubic-inch V-8 E'ngine is available on all Skylarks and a new option for 1970 is a four- barrtl 350 for use with regular gasoline. All \'.8 engines will have a nc\v eli matized cl1oke control, a 11nique carburetor feature 1tevl'lopcd by Buick engineers lo provide quicker starts. TOP PERFORMER IN BUICK STABLE FOR 1970 IS THE GS 455 N•w 455 Cubic-inch,. four-barr•led V-8 is Standard Pow•r Plant e COVINA 580 ~o. Cl11w1 ,66-3658 e COSlA MESA. 21 00 Harbor Blvcl, 645·1441 • LOOI( FO~ TH~ WILD NEW MISTEFI ''T" f.UEL FUNNY convEll f THE MAN TO S~E FOR IN MACHINERY! Ml ler ·r· :~~~· P•IO• In p•e. u~••"Q far '"'" •ele<JJon '~' "'"" co•"lllt•e ""' 01 !ull1 re. <l>f10lh0'1NI Corve!IO• ana $upor 5TOt <\ In 1~e c01,1nlr1 ~"'' ntpendaOHily ge~r· NI lo !X'•f~•m1oc1 I• In eve•v car we ><II. All 61 P.NO NEWER COR. \'IOfTES ANO ~UPEll ~TOCK~ CAllllV OUll COM· PLETE JQ MONTH WRIT· TEN WARllANTV HERE'S BUICK'S RIVIERA FOR 1970, A HIGH PERFORMER Longer Hood, First-ev•r Rear Wheel Covers. Feature New Styling FOR Rl AL BUYING POWER, JOltl THE MISTER l " • UNUSUAL OFFER Let us bring a new Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow to your home or office and c'err.onstrate it for you.' Many a man bu ys expensive auto- mobiles year in, year out-and never suspects how thoroughly sensible a Rolls-Royce is on every count. Give us half an hour to show you. ROL S ffi~ The momen t you settle into a new Rolls- R oyce, you'] I begi n to notice how d ifferent it is from othe r cars. Th rcc-h u ndred-a nd -scvc nt y-t v.•o square feet of fi nest British leather go to 0 C enrich the interior. 'f hc inst rument panel and trim are fa.ced with rare F'rcnch wa lnu t. I nstru- ment dials.are extraordinarily easy to read. Even the trunk is arpctcd. Warm feet and a remarkable button Every Rolls--Royce has an upper and lower ventila- tion system. You can warm your feet and cool your fa ce )ltnultancuu::-ly. :\ir cond1t1u r11ng l) \!;1 ndard 1.:riu1p- ment. 1-lidden vents let in fresh air without drafis. )Jrcss a button on the dash, and the lid to the g:ts tank Aips open. It locks automatically \\'htn it i"' clo~d. ]Jress another biitton, and yoµ ca.n s1.:c ho1v much oi l you ha ve in the cra nkcase. You control the electric wind ows J.'Jip a S\Vitch, and 1300 invisible. wires defrost the rc:ir y;·indo\v, J\nothcr switch sends the radio aeria l up and do v.'n. Anothe r balance s front and rear loud- speakers. Another gives you sole co ntrol of all the electric 1vindows from the driver's sc::i t. T here is a Jot m ore to the new Rolls-Royce than ~y;·itchcs and leather and rare walnu t. Every Silver Shadow has an auton1ati c levelling device. It lets you enj oy the benefits of soft spring- in g without mushi ness. It keeps the ca r fro1n nose- diving when you brake suddenly. It keeps doors from hitti ng tht top:-of hit;h curb~ v.·hc11 ~ ou get in anu out. It kcl:pS the car a conc:,tant heigh t trom the road, regard !c~\ of hi;v.· we1gl1 r i~ di:;t ribtitcd i n ~1d c t hl' car, Po11·crfu l di~c brake~ conic on :di fou r v..·hecls. 1\ ~en:iing device balance:; braking bc t\\'Ccn fron t and rcar-ror better co ntrol 1vhc n stopping. \Vl1 y a Rolls-Royce is so easy to drive '!"his inay ~urpti:-c you : ·rhc nc\~· l~oll s-Royce is onl y seventeen fee t long. ·r h:it n1c:in:.-. it v..•11! 1it many parking spaces rou probahl y ha\'l: 10 pass up now. It is remark:ihly ca~y to ina11cuvcr. f\nd you can turn it full circle in only thirty -eig ht feet . T he car you arc nO\V driving takes forty-1 v.·o feet nr more. T he Rol!s~T{uycc Sil ver Shado,,· cost~ $191600, not counting loc:i l ta\C::t. Ten years fro m nov.·, It will sti ll have a very subs~antia! value. Is $ 191600 too much to spe nd for a ca r? Let us bring a new lloll s-R oyce Si lver Shadow to your home or office -and you decide. 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA • MESA Kl-64444 ROLT .S·RflYCE BE NTLEY P<J NT I AC TE ,,fPE~T F IREBIRD f.TO STINGRAY 63-69 J I . BJO· DAil'!' PILOT Wrrlnr\ri,IY, Ottt.btf r. 11'/t <I """-~-----~ FIRST SHOWING OF THE 1970's IN THE USA! 6th ANNUAL ORANGE COUNTY ''INTERNATIONAL'' • • VPA RADE OF PROGRESS ON WHEELS'' ~zra::;;~·:z:··..,,.,="'."........, '"""' , SEE! All the 1970 Domestic and Import Cars ... plus Unique Factory Displa ys.,. 1 prototypes ... Experimenta !s ... Spec~al Show Cars .. . Vacation Vehicles .. . Motor Homes ... SEE THEM ALL UNDER ONE BlG AIR CONDITIONED ROO F! fr/ore L~rci1i11~ J·('a/11rcs L T/1a 11 E've r Be/ ore ... A Show For The Entire Family! ADULTS . JUNIORS . Children under 12 FREE with parents ~ l SAVE 50' ti Get Your Special Di scount , · Ticket At Your Favorite ;" Orange County New Car Dealer 1 Or Any Orange County _ " Alpha Beta Market / SPONSORED & PRODUCED BY: · OCTOBER 8th -7-11 P.M. r:,e newest in Fas hions wi ll be presented during the Premiere, especially created o:~d coord in a ted by Bullock's-Santa Ana . * SH OW HOURS: THURS . 8.: ~R I. 5-11 P.M. SAT. & SUN . NOON-11 P.M. ~E E THE CAR OF THE FUTURE -. ;1 a i' cperCi f'es on Natural Gas by Pacific Li 9~1tin9 c~. '" "/ l / toj I , .... . f.\155 AMERICA FOR 1970- 0CT, \Ofh & lllh * Parn cl a Ann Eldred will be pr e~cnt two days only. Oct. 10, 7-9 p.m., Oc t. 11 , l-4 & 7-9 p.m, ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER llOO V'/. KA TEL LA !ACROSS FROM DISNEYLANDJ Flor<1 I arra119e1n::1;!~ by Hurry Mac res, designer .. MOTOR CAR DEALERS ASSN., OF ORANGE COUNTY & ORANGE COUNTY DEALER SERVICES ASSOCIATION ! ' . ; I ' ' . • .. • I l ' !• - ' New I NEW POWER-An1erlcan Motors' Rebel SST mod- els for 1970 can be equipped \Vith line's biggest en- 1 :: .. .,. I ' •"" \ ·\ '•ft I • ' .... . ~ ~: TOP OF THE LINE-This is ihe Spoot F'ury Gl', a standard-size performance car and one of l\VO nC\V top-of-the-!ine offerings in 1hc Ply1nouth T.;-ury Offer Bigger I ' ' ',/ I I ' gine-a 390 cubic-inch po\\'er plant \vlllch develops 325 horsepower. It's a four-barreled Y-8. • ' • i-;c.'},. t•"'' . ~ ~· ~l rOMPLETELY CHANGED -The tl lercury Jlvlon- tego has been con1plete!y redesigned insi de and out for 19i0. It's nearly four inches longer and every \'/ednesday, October S, 1%9 DAILY ,!LOT BJJ Engines • • -· r: ~.: ., line of its si lhouette is de signed to accent the long- er, !o\vcr, more po\verful look. Pontiacs Accent Safety model. 1'hc othur TIC\V on<' is tile S-23. Sport l"ury l sho\1in here) carries a 440 cubic-inch V-8 as stan- dard engine. \\'i1h more tliJn 40 1najor safety featu res nov.r standard cquipincnt, the 1970 Pontiacs ar~ the saf Pst ever built, c!aln1s Ed Fulhncr , Pontiac's Los Angeles Zone n1anagcr. One of these new fea tures is the new contour-designed vo'indshield pillar post. Fulhncr 'Bicif' Rebels Standard engine on all t he ne1v 1970 Rebels is the 145- horsepower. 232 cubic·inch, ::.ingle barrt>! six. But, for fi rst 1in1e, Rebel SST niodels \\'ill be available 1vilh 3 2 :i - !1orse power, 300 ·cubic -inch, four-barrel V-8. said the i1nprovcd design corn- bines a contoured eutcr n1etal skin \Villi ;111 "Air gap'' beneath it to absorb shocks. Jt re·sulls in greater in1pact - absorbing capability than the padded posts used previously. All new Ponli acs also have side guard door bean1s built in for added passenger pro-- lecliori. Fullmer said this con- sists of a box-like steel beam positioned horizontally within each door plus additional door pillar rcinforceinents. Standard fenlur('$; 1o l1rlp reduce nccidrnts i n c I u d c Fiberglnss belled tires with tread \\'ea r indicators: dual n1astcr cylinder brake systen1 11 itli a \1•arning ligll! ~hould one systein b e c o m e in- operative; dual .action safet y 11ood latches, and a widc-vic1v inside day-:1ight 1nirror which is vinyl edged and contains shatter-resis\ant glass with a defl ecting support. Other passenger protection fea tures of the 1970 Pontiacs include a safety steering whe(·l and energy-absorbing steering col111nn, high strength scat and shoulder belts and even a ne1v rot<ir.v latch on glove box and console doors to prevent them fron1 popping open upon in1- p.:icl. lnstrwnents and con tols arc deeply recessed and sur· rou nded by sofl vinyl padding:. "Safety 1.1·as of primary con- cern \Vhen Pontiac made the design anti engineering im· prove111c111 s on the I 9 7 O n1odels," Fulh:~~r s I ale d _ '·Ev<>ry person who drives or rides in a 19i0 Pontiac can be <1ss1irt!d that he is in the s;ifcst Pontiac ever built " Chevy School L' n de r a long ·stand1ng Che vrolet policy of prol'!d1ng: advanec !raining to wl1olesalc and retail personnel, more than 7.000 executives have con1pletcd courses al th e di1·ision's School or 1'.lerchan· dising and 1'.lanagement in Detroit 111 the pasl three decades. -t tll CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY ' I . NOW ON DISPLAY -S~RVICED & READY TO GO • ~!!!!!!!! ~ A Magnificent Experience • Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AM to 9:00 PNf Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PJVI Sat. and Suu. NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT ,_ Immediate delivery • Exc.llent Selection Over four acres of ultra modern total Cadillac facilities desi9ned to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. •' Wr8nrsday, Clctobtr 8, 1969 Test Drive Today The New CONNELL CHEVROLET Introducing the new and distinctive Ii BV CHEVROLET IJ Plus CAPRICE· IMPALA• STATION WA<iONS•CHEVELLE•CHEVYll TRUCKS ALL ON DISPLAY, SERVICED AND READY FOR DELIVERY CONNELL 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ' 546-1200 New Catlillat Has 11 Models The 1970 C ad f!Jac, -highlighting engineering ad- !_ahcements and distinclive styling. combines new stand-am.s of ptrforma nce. rel~ility, safety and comfort wiUt. JI models in thret strles, CaJaf1, De Ville and Fleet- wood.' "A rit1\.' look, both front and rear, bistefully re la in s distincUv11 Cad 111 a c iden- tification In all models," ex- plained George Elges, Cadillac general manager, "\Vheelbase and overall dimensions remain basically th~ same." The standard Cadill acs look longer becau~e of new cor- nering lights with horizontal chrome trim, the extension of the rear quarter Jnto the tail- light and a horizonta l design line that sweeps the length of the side. "Years of en g i nee ring research and development culminate in key innovations featured in the 1970 models," Elges noted. "As a result, we have a c h i e v e d significant gains in performance , relia bility a11d ride and handl- ing. "An industry first, Ca dillac introduces a new integral duc- tile iron sttering knuckle for all standard models," Elges noted. "In addition, we will have a totally redesigned rear a:icle in 19/Q, the fir~t in over 30 years. "And, the front-wheel-dri ve Fleet\Vood Eldorado w i 1 I feature an exclusive new MlO cubic inch engine, producing 400 horsepower with a50 foot pounds of torque," Mr. Elges reported. "It is the largest production passenger c a r engine in the world." The ductile iron steering knu ckle, developed in a pro- gram started seven years ago, is a Cadillac exclusive. It has inhe rently higher reliability, fewe r fasteners and fewer l1uman variables thlln the n1ulti-piece unit it replaces. "Cadillac's 1970 new rear alde. features quiete r opera- tion, greater durability irn- provcd servi ceability and \\'ill hilvr the highest I or q u e capacity of any passenger car in the indu s1ry," Elgcs said. 1'urning lo th{' new look of the 1970 Cadillac. the new framed grille dominates even more in 1970 V.'ith a bright vertical accent adding t'm- phasis to the area in front of 1he 472 cubic inch engine. The powerful engine, \\'ith 525 fool pounds of torque a n d horsepo1\·er or 375, is matched \1·ith a Turbo I lydra-~latjc trilnsmission. Nrw ~idc moldings add a crisp and defined accent to the length of the side and re sult in added protection to the door panel finish. New 1vheel di scs t1•ith radial fins 11 rl' included on all standard Cadillacs. Highligh ting the rear ap- pearance are nc1v taillights <ind bumper. The tail lamps leature a concave, v.shaped \t'ftical lens 1vhich housses the ta1!light. stoplight and dlrec- tional sign11I. A reflective marke r is now located directly be]o·.·: the talllighl in the outer ends t•f the bumper. Sun1ma rizing the styling, Elges 'ltated. ' 'C ad i 11 a c custom~rs can perso na!ite their 19ifl car from a Vilriety of 21 e.:,terior colors, 15 of '"hich are new. Ah~o. lhtre ar• seve n vinyl roof color opUOM. Elges described the 1170 Fleetwood Eldorado aJ , •. , .. ta.ining the classic look of tts predecessors, but with •1- te rio r styling changes in the grille. lighting, side moldin1s and ornamenUUon." Tlte all-new erille features a horliontal accent and itv•s emphasis tG the engine corn· partment similar to the ataod• ard Cadillac. On the gr11Jt i!I a new Eldorado script plus • plaque reading "8.2 litre" designating !he new 500 cubic inch tngine. In th e rear the most lignifi- cant change .is in tht tail lam ps which are tailored for a slender loot. The interior of all 1170 Cadillacs feature a I I · n t w fa brics totaling 181 com- binations of cloth, vinyl and Jealher. "Convenience, comfort, ac- cessibility and .safety are again emphasized on the in- side ol' the car," Elgts pointed out. All driver controls are ustJy reached: instrumentaUon is more legible and convenient. The steering wheel has slim· mer spoNes for better visibili- ty of the \nstrumentation. The horn can be actuated from any of four locations on the wheel, an insert in each spe>ke or in the center paddtd section. Continu ing Cad i 11 ac' s emphasis on safety-related features. side and rear marker lights a~ incressed irl site and intenaity. New belted bias tires ~·ith a one-Inch wider tread are included on a.JI models for better traction. longer Ure life and improved road hazard protection. For improved e:ichaust emission control, Cadinac will include the controlled com· hustion system as a replace- n1ent for the alr injertlon ;o;ystcm. This is accompli!tled through the use of a carburet!'lr pre-heat systern and modification or spark ad- vance. Cadlllacs registered in California' t1·il/ have an ad- ditional evaporati\'C emission control system to meet special stale h!!\l'S. Exclusive to Cadill ac is • new $ignal seeking radio tuner l':hich CfHl be. ustd to seek out sler{'o only as v.·ell as A~I and f ,\1 st<1tio11$. The anti-lh,ft s1cerlng col- umn lark includes a new fea ture v.·hich pre~·ents the dril·er accidentally reachinC the accessory position. The lock syste1n has to be pushtd in tov.·ard the steering column to get From "lock" tG "ac- cessory.'' A new windshi eld antenna replaces th e fender mounted f:'leclri cal unit. Tv.·o thin wires, laminated in the glass, are hardly visible and' reduce potential vandalism. \Vhen Cadillac's automatic speed main tainer is ordered on any model, it 11-ill be a vacutim type, actuated by pressing a button on the 'nd ot the turn signal levtr. Thts feature was availeb\e only oo the Eldorado last year. An "anti-pick," anti·r,verse odometer allows the 01vner to easily see lf the odometer has been reset forcibly to a lower mlleilge . Sleek New Corona Imported Highlight The sleek and sporty Corona Sales. "tne goal is for at least r.1ark 11 model line -the 130,000 sales." n1osl racen l import from racing the i mp 0 rte r •, J~pan ·s Toyota ~lotor €om-rtcurd salts is the Teyota pany -\1•ill be one o( lhc fC\V Corona line of 4-doo r spof'l8 in1portecl cars featured 11nder ~ed ans ancl 2-door hardtGp the spotlight at the 6th Annual coupes. The latter is billed as Orange County Inte rnational "Am{'rica·s lowest pr j c e d Auto ShO\\". hardtop." The elaborat{' display of the Toyota's most comp 1 ct full Toyota passenger car model line -the one-year-Gld series wlll boast eight dil · Corolla strles features 1 2- ferent verslGns of America's door sedan, a 2·door station · ' h o t • s e I ling" imported 11!.'agon and a 2-door fl.!ilback economy car line. model knov.'n as the Orange County Toyota "Sprinter." dealers will be coordinating Ne11test edition tG Toyott's !he exhibit as well as sup-al\.star lineup is the stylish plyi ng ptrsonnel to sen•e as ~\ark 11 se ries. Offtred in ~poke5men for the economy t h t ee versions -2-<i 0 0 r import line . hardtop, 2-dOor sedan and 2- Thc increasingly "''ide ac· door station "''8i011 -the ccptance of the Toyota line of fres h looklng models are fine aut omobiles by the slightb larger 1nd more Am{'rjcen cat·buying public pe>werfu\ than the "brtad and has skyrocketed Japan 's butter" Corona. q u allty-orient~d automaker -----'--=-'----- from 21st p11ce, less than fi ve 1--::-::--------, yr11 rs ago , lo Toyt>ta's present BOAT BUFFS po~ition as the ~econd largest Al l ' mo." Ot •~•Y it th• •Illy ~clling irnportcd line in the full·••'"• be.t .. 9 editeir ,..,,~;111 U.S. 011 •nv ~~""'''~•' i11 Or111t• Toyo1 a so ld more 1h.1n i l,000 c0 ~"tv·.H•1 •••lw1i¥• , •• ,,,,, unils in !his count ry i;ist )'Car "1 bo~1'"9 ,.,4 .Y'~~li119 ftew1 and fo r this yea r, accQrdlng to ~·il"o~.'11" '•••~'" '' "''' DAILY Shoji lfa(lori, executirf> vice '------------' president of To)Ot a ,\lotor __________ _ -- -------------------~--------------------------. -~ ------ II New Bu icks.1970 Buicks. They're something to see. Every last detail of them . The fiberglass belted tires that are standard on all 1970 Bu icks give improved traction during braking, cornering and acceleration; significant increases in tread l1fr and substa nti ally superior resistance to road haza rds. Every 1970 Bu ick has a long long li st -- of safety equ ipm en t built in for extra protect1011 fo r you and your passe ngers The new Buicks are the only automobiles with dr ive trains that have been precisely balanced right on the cars. Making a smooth Buick ride smoother than ever. Vibra tion free. Radio ante nn as on the new Bu icks are co ncealed. In the windshield. Every Bui ck is checked agai n and ... . , l DAI.LY PILOT BJ:: 1970 Buick LeSabre. A Bu ick with a 124-inch wheelbase and a 350 cubi c inch VB engine that runs on re gular gas. ~~ ~ ~"'''"""""" I agai n. Before you get the chance to check it once. Every new Buick is built to be as pleasant to se ll as it is to buy. Bu ick's resale value is traditional. There are 36 rnodels to choose from You can begin making 't{lur choice at the Buick exhibit at th e auto show. Where all the new Buicks are waiting. Choosing is enjoying. Wouldn't you really r~ther have a Buick? 6th Annual Orange County International Auto Show October 9 -12 -Anaheim Convent io n Center, 800 West Kate Ila ' . • ~ T • -··-·--·-··-----·------~--......--...... ----------------------~ Jl Jtf O~I L V ~01 ______ W_od,,..j __ •c.Y.c.0<_t_ob>_•_B._1_'6_• New Lines Shown {~r r • This-is the way it's going to be. Pontiac's 70's Sur;-in:;cd tha1 Pnnlrac·s setting the style !or the ump1ecn ll1 ::;:1a1ght ye.~r..., o · !'. -.r~.e iio!. But vou m,., r.-a b11 dazzled 10 find out that Ponl1ac fina lly DUICl rl Ponl•a" 1 akc Bonnr r 1 10., the st1ong. new burn per grlll<J lo the :::t<Jndard .155 uriof'r lhc nood 1rs a rouser lr.:;1dc 1ns1.=in1 1 rncJ>•ne So luxurious some o! the tru'J •I •n.::::I b.g bo1::; J'C alrcaC) 1•· .. rr,1ng One of Jhe n1cc .. 1 P·1ri\1S v;e rould rave dOfl" tor G •~'ld Pnx ::; !u.1tury was to IC r'l •r t alone \'/e did Sul .,.,e uonped 1n a 1.::i5 Y·S for you to ordc.• 1,·! wan o 'd Po111ac prove>rb !l'"•Jt lu i t.r/ ::,hot;ld t•a¥C pawer ) En!er LcM ans Sport A branC·nt""" series in the Ponf1ac :;laOlc Wa11'll compc11:1on see:> 11 ou1 / the ncv.• 400-cubes-under- l hc-hood tr ick We II ::.ho"'' you 1~.:1 O"lc 1' you check the nqh! bvl; on 1hc order lo1m By now you 've spelled our '70 G TO But rnaybo you haven'! h"1rd it A ~ounrl f;C. 1.,iJ":/• 1·.r ,I' ·iro.v'"' ""00"5"{ to !hp wind rind CLJ!J"rd GlO "The H•1', I GM I TIT s IS f-'n11 1 ~,.. ;-,1 /\n 1 I\ ... f r;u• -:+, -.. t ·" ~.ay ci• 1ra ::.ac 1:o bc Eo\·.h/v.•a:" I'.:: al yo v1 Pcn1.7r Cr.t:rcr s ri o·.v SEE 1970 PONTIACS AT THE AUTO SHOW -ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER -OCT. 9. Jf., .. .. ' ' . Torino, T-bird JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS We have in stock and ready for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , Over 60 Brand Ne'v 1969 TOY OT AS All Models All Colors .SEE U.S /\'OJV FOR BE.ST DEAl-AND .SELECT IO N "We Have More To Offer" JIM SLEMONS Orenqe Coun ty 's On ly Aut hor ized MERCEDES-BENZ DEALER ASSURES YOU ... THE FINEST SERVICE THE MOST MODERN FACILITIES THE MOST PROFESSIO NAL STAFF THE MOSt COMPETITIVE SELLING THE BEST LEA SING PLANS Overseas Delivery Arranged "WE HAVE MORE TO OFFER" JIM SELMONS l.11PORTS 417 WEST WARNER SANTA ANA • TELEPHONE 540-2512 • • ! t I ~ ' , I , I i ' ! •• • •• ~ ;, • + ~ } J • ,. ,. ~ • ' ' ' - ' . -----------------~---~---~-----------------------------------1 ' 1J.~ ' ! FORD'S LUXURIOUS 1970 l TD BROUGHAM-IT'S TOP OF FORD LINE You Can Have It in 4-door Sedan or Hardtop and in 2-door Hardtop . • ' AERODYNAMIC DESIGN IS 'IN ' WITH FORD'S TOR INO GT SPORTSROOF Wtd~tsday, Octobtt B, 1%q DAIL Y PILOT 8J5 See the 1970 Ford Exhibit. All the Auto Show news. All in one place. New cars. New styles. New op-- t1ons. They make Ford the center ot excitement. See the luxurious Thunde1b1rd, truly unique in all the v.·orld. See the new Maverick, 1hc simple machine th at sel ls at '60 pr ices. See all the wonderful ca rs that tu rn t11e Ford exhibit into a value e;i;t ravaganza! 1970 Ford. Take a Quiet Break. Move into tho qu1e1er world ot the sleek new Ford. The ride is so smooth and v1brat1on· frcf) 1hat you ha'Je to tes1·dr1'Je it 10 l)eli~vc 11 The nc1Y Ford has a slrong, cur<Jble body. On a longer wheelbase ::ind a 1 ... 1-:er :1;ick Take you1 choice of l•\le 9rea1 v.a·s. 1nclud1ng the m1qhly 3:i 1 CID V-8 lhal s :i1andard on LTD. 1970 Torino. All new clear through . See the most cornple!ely changed carol the year. Torino has a longer wheelbase for a smoo1he1 ride. A wider t1ack !or better road holdn1g. And aerodynamic styl- ing -shaped 1n a wind !unner and relined al Day1ona . R1vers1de, Darling- ton. Torino engines range from a pep4 py 250 Six 10 the big 429 4V V-8. Ford gives you Better Ideas. ltS the Going Thing! 6th Annual Orange County International Auto Show -Oct. 9-12 Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella Hood Scoop, Du a l Racing Mirrors, Oth er 'Hot Car' Ornam ents are Standard ____ _l:======================================= ----------- • ON DISPLAY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PRESENTS THE ALL NEW MAGNIFICENT 1970 ~ lel'l'Bl'i IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUGE INVENTORY OF • MGC GT coupe $ MGB GT Coupe & AH Sprite • MGB Roadster • MG Midgets • Austin America $19,092. P'LUS TAI AND LICENSE EASY TO REACH NEWPORT IMPORTS LTD HUGE MODERN FAClLITY ()ff<>ri11 g T11e Fi11 cs t of .Service 0 Fa ctory Trc;a ,ned • Reliable 3100 W. COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH 642-9405 540-1764 I ,. J 'w ~-~~--.--~~·~-~-----~~~~~ ...... '""""'"" ....................................................................................................................................... 11111 .. •JC DA!lY PILOT Wtdrttsdar, Octobtt B, 1 %\'/ - - ----r-··- Still Classic Buick Features Smo1 ·control ~· ------~ --------..-. " -----' --.. producli on passenger <.:ar In 'Lhc \l'Orld. Side n1old- in~s ha\'c vi nyl inserts color keyed to vinyl roofs on ;-111 Flcet11·ooc1111odels. Eldor::ido grille is confined Buick Is doing hs share to keep Ca life>rnia's atmosphere from being po lluted: All 1970 Buicks manufac- tured for deli very in Ca lifo rnia and exhibited at the Auto Show are equipped with an evaporation control system ... :hich prevents release of fuel vapors fron1 the gas tank •• to the atmosphere. Briefly, this is how it ¥.'Orks: When the car is in operalion any vapors are channeled into the engine 's a1r-1nduc1lon system and consumed as the engine operates . When the engine is not run - ning any fuel vapor generated ls transferred temporarily to a cannister 1n the engine com- partment contain ing activated charcoal. The fu el vapor is absorbed by the charcoal. Upon restarting, the engine draws air th rough a filter at the bottom of the cannister over the cl1arcoal granules, removing the absorbed ''apor ci nd bur111ng H \1 ith the nonnal n1ixture_ Engineers /1.'.l\'C calculated tll<Jt the arnoun! of fuel \':Jpo r ingested into the engine at any ti rne 1s too ~n1all lo ha ve an_v noti l'eabl c cHcct on f u c I econo1ny or cng111e crfli.:ien('y. • .. . , I l 1 1 -WORLD'S LARGEST -Cadl\lac's F leet\vood }.;!dor- ado for 1970 maintains classic look of its predeces- sors v.·ith only minor changes in grille. lighting and si de molding. Big story is th e 500 cubic-inch engi ne '\·hich produces 400 hor sepo1ve r lo drive the la rge!it lo tente r arcu of fronl end lo c1nphasizc n1ass1vc-NEWEST ADDITION TO DODGE LINE'S 'SCAT PACK' READY TO ROL L • • nc.~s of hood and engine co111partrnent. It's The Racy Challenger R/T for 1970, Convert ible or Ha rdtop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '70Nova -. / ,.. Less filling • • ''"'1f!N "' ' , More filling This not-too-small car is big enri ugh ror you a nd your friends. For example, fi ve fit comfortably in a Nova l"OUpc. Along with a.II your luggage. Yet, this same not-too-large car i~ '1nall eno ugh for a budget. Eve n a frugal one. For starters you have no t one. not t"'o. but lhrcc ~tandard engine choices. Four. Six . Or VS. J u~! dcpcnd s o n ho\v thrifty you.. want to be. Nov:1L"Ollll'~11ne of l\\n ,,·ay:c.: Coupe or Sedan. Each on :in ample 11 l " \1 heclba~c . Each \vith bia~ belted ply 1irc11 on t .t ·• "hcrl,, From 1hcrc. your Chevrolet dealer can help you put to· i:;e thcr any kind l)f Nova you \\"ant. But plan on more friends. ~ /\nd fe1vcr fuel !ilnp~. ......... Pulling you li r.!.I, keeps us first. On The Move. See ALL the Chevrolet '70's at the Auto Show. October 9-li Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella I acros• from Disneyland) • Challenger New Dodge Dodge· s i 910 passenger cars and hne ~,r trucks of- lers the atJto1not1vc enthu:>L<J:o.l a list of products r;ing1nf: lruui all-new lo the lrad1tlonal. ll1ghl1gh!ing the !Judge f'\· Jubit is Challenger -th(' 011!:1 totall y new entry 1n the co1 n- pact sporty cnr field. The high ly suc·cc.:.~ful ));in is rest) led for 1910 and ot fC'r.-. the big car look ;ind r oorninc~~ at co1npact pri ccs- Cnrnnet. Charger. l'o!ara ;i1HI i\lonaro along 11 1th a co1n- plc1c l111c of lruc~s l1 ~n c llC'l'll <lesigncd to offer the l'.fiO c1uto111ot1\·c proSJlt'<·t a !<lt•lct· 11011 1hot is one of I ht rnost ccunprl'hC'nSi\"l' 111t lic1ndu~lrv. Con11nen11ng on !he l!liO l1nc·up. llobcrt B. ?llvC11rr~·. Dod~<' genrral 1na1K1i::cr, s;ud ··The nc11· l:lud.f.'l" . Otl('l' :iga1n, gi' r the .1111on1<1hilt'S hu~·er <1 full r•111 ge ,,f ~('k~·­ lions. Thcrl' 1<; an rrnph:1:-1s 1111 goo<l looks ar.d c:omfnrl 1n nll n1odrl -. The r h :i 11 en ~ r r . dr~1gned 10 111rrt a 1·ar1t'11· ol <lrh 111g n<>eds. has the rotr·n- tia l 10 r<•-11 ntc 1hl· ~all ~ re('ord books .. Cll/\Ll.E\(;i::n T1Jpp111~ 1ht· llsl <Ji ii l1r11 ·' 01'•1 ' fur 1910 1~ I h 1· C"h;illrngrr < hallrngrr i~ tl\r r11rnn11C'~t nnrl 1110.~l \1·11 .. 1111!· 1·0111pnct spcc1aJ1v tar 011 tht· rnarkcL Jts nl'rodynan11l' ~t11 . ing, low profile. and la~tr111 l intC'riors m<1ke ll sui table Lo a11y taste. 011 a 110-inch \l'hrf'\ ha~e. lhe ('a r is 19!.J inches long .1nd 51 4 inches high It fca1urC's ;i long hood . s1ecply r<1ked windsh ield and short rc;1r detk. OART The large~! nf the co1np;icls. the Dort has bcen cxtcn~11 t'lv re~!y lcd for 19i0. The hood ha's beC'n Jrngthrncrl :incl the shortened rr<1r deck h;is n ma ss11·e, b r o a d -c o n t a c t bt1111pcr gil'i ng the car a long, 10111 look . Three Dart n1odels -the Dan. Dart Swinger. 11r1d !)art Custom -feature fou r engine choices . The lo\\' pr i <' c ,J • economica l Dart offers a nc1v 198 cubic·inch ~lant Six ;is standa rd. The 22.) CID SIX JS opl iona l. Tile STD V88 i~ the :\!8 cubic-i nch V88. The high pcrfonTianee S"·inger J~O \Vhi ch \11as \'ery popular lasl yrar. \vi ii ftalurc !he exrlt111g 340 CID V88. Hood ~roop~. '<''idc tirt's and Bumble-Bee stripes are standard on thi s mOdr l. Hood pin:: llnd ol hc-r performance accessories arc optional. CORO~t-:T Thr Coronr! 11 ~1~ rl'C('I\ t°'d r~tcnsn·r rr~t~l111~ and rngincrrin~ 1111pro1·p111rnts fnr 19iO. It h;i~ a ll•'w spill grille surro11nde<I by hrin bun1p<'r~. "fhr Coronel -a1•;til<iblr 1n twCHJoor coupe and h:irdtop 1)1odcts. lou r i.Joor sedans, con- 'erllblc. and ~IX and ni ne p.i~~c11grr ~1;11lon \1 ;1gons - has a full r;u1gt 111 rng1no:, illX• ur~ and decor parkagc~. (11 /\HLEH l\l11lu1' !1llpru1r1111•n\, h,11e hccn 1n;ide on lhe 1rry popuLir C.:h;1r~1'r ~ 1h(' ··1:11n1· l,1 ;o.J/('(] ~p1•rl' (·:1r. ' /\ tuU "1dtli ~r1ll1· ~111·1·01111dt·d hr a n1n ss 11r hiop bu1nprr l11glil1ghl Iii(' :11·rud.111;11111e '1.1ling Jl1r!· drn hC'ttdl<tn\p., 1\·1n:'l111 s\;-in· d;1rd ;ind t'nl1or-ke~ L'd h111npen ill"t' "Ill l!lll<il /\ 111·11', ln1\ rr r(1.~l 111odrl 1! ;11 ;11l;1blc l3!'11l l ~r.1!<; arr 01H of 1hc <>1:111rl.'.lrd fcoiturrfi o tlu.' rnndrl \\ h:1t h;.1~ bcrn th1 :-.t;1r1t!a!'d l+11u1t•l roo1 n1odC'I \· lilt' nr11 Ch,11 ;:l'r 500. Buck~ :-.1·;11 -.; 11 uh 1nto:1;;r:i1 he a 1 E•1u1rn,rn1 /'UL.\ll \. 'Hl,,\t \I ~!;1110.1rd ,J1t·d ·1·11n11J<1h1l li1 1.'~ 1'' 1111! IH11I 1'1~11 PolRr• ;111d ~1 !11 1.u n .1111u.th11r :i 1l' 11u1rl~·r 111th 'l•<l •hul Quiel ~Ill-I ('Jl.~l!lll .~~'-!•'I ll. Biilh llH' !'H);11 .i ,J• II \lull;lr'I 11.11 • ilf·rn li'll~,·1 11 llt ti 1l111·r 1r. 1:h'~ 1q ll1t1t ,111d 'llori"llf'· 10111· 111• l\r·:-. 111 1111· 11«1r. 'I h1 'fl 1111 (! I lo,11\/-1 \.:ll \' lilt' ('01r~ lr.1111·r l1•11•·r!.11 1I lia'O\f·r;it lf·nglh 1 ~ 2lri •111 lw . ,111 1111·. I!''' 1h;111 l;1,t 11'.ir, 1\h\lr lh 11 l11·1·lli,1~r rrP1;1111' tl1r ~a111 :11 122 inthL'' l..irgr lo11p bun~ rers :>:11rrn11nrl Ille i.:,nllc sia thr 1:11ll 1ght ~:r11rturr A n1•\1' nir1d(·I, lhc Polar Cu.~10111. 11111 bt• pr 11' (' hnlf11a1 hPh1rt·11 !hr Polar and 11i.. \1onat·n Th 1rtre 4,"hr r 111odrl~ 111 1110 and [nu tionr hanl1up.•. f1111r Onu :o."11:111~. <ind 1110 a11d thrrc :-<': 11;1gon:-. .1rr· ;11t11 lahlc What's New Three new fr;it11rr.~ \\"ill b seen n11 (.'hr~ sk,r \ new 197 n1n<lf'i:.. One 1s :in 1i::ni!10 !'l11·11 t·h nn stPel"ln~ c·ol11n1n t lock ~leering 11 hen kry t rl'innrrd Anothrr 1s ;i11 nc cordion·pl calC'd l'.yl1nd<'r ju! hrlow lhr ~lecrin~ 11•her l <in 1nou111co 011 r·ol l;1ps1hlc ~tcc1 1n,g cnli111111 It fold s t111de r 111 pacl Th" third is a handl dcsignrd l11r li'C 111th I lurst 1 speed 111:1nu.1I lrani-1111ss1on. Showmanship Call ing dllrnllon 10 \Phicle through thr ~rarkle • ~ho111na11fh111 h!l' long been !rad111nn 111th <·hr 1 r 0 I c t 11h1r h l'X l"J('r 1, :12 rnlllt on pr'I plr lo 1 ''': 11, 1'\hlhl!:-. durin lhl' lffjl) 1nodr•l 11·.11 f'ht 1 roli·I r·1r;.i(·~ t•n ,1 yrat round prn1:r:11n kr·rpi ns :i !lei ror 33 \l':1t'!•)r-tr;i1l(·r.~ loarll'I 11i1h d1~11l:1~ t'{jlll!lTllt'nt !\ll th 11101c lhrou.~hout 1hc countrJ ROLLS.ROYCE SILVER SHADOW !FOREGROUND) AND ELDER MEMBERS OF FAMILY New Formal Sedan First in Years Designed for Chauffeur 01>9ration New Rolls Geared for Chauffeur The n1•wly .in1rodl1ecd Holls- HO}'Ce Silver Shadow Long· \VhcC'lbasc Fnri>~al Sedan 1s the first car lo he offered bv lloll s-RnycC' 111 a nu 1nbcr <;f YC'<i rs \\'hit•h 1~ dl's1g:nc1I f11r a chau ffeur Alsn I! 1s thr t1r:-1 nc1v n1odcl in 10 }Cars to h:11c i1 s 11•orkl prclnicr HI the Lni1cd St;1t('~ Previous S1ll'cr S had o 1v 111odcls -the 4-do9r standard sedan and coachbuilL con- V!'rlihlc and coupe -are pcrsOnii l Roll.~-Ho_vccs built c~sc11ti<1Jly for the 01vncr drircr B.v contrast, the I r1 n g - 11hcc!basc fonnal sedan has bcl'n t·rcatcd lor those \\'ho prr£cr tn he dri1cn by ~ ch;iof- Jcur . There 1s a par\1\1un Fall Colors at Show . Au t un1n colors 1111! be • rlominant in decorations <•L thr ·Orange County Jntern ational Auto !::ihu11·. 'l'hC' bu1ld111;; 11 111 b c between the front and rear compartments. The top half is a glass panel which n1 ay be raised or lowered electricall y by cithi'r ihC' passengers or chauffC'ur. The lower half is upho lsteretl A padded console in the c·enter contains conlro!s lnr lhr r:-tdio and radio aerial. heating. \'en!i!ating, air co11- d1tioning and also to raise or ln1l'er the di vision g ! a s s. Pocket s flanking the console 1\·il l hold tnaps, inagazin<'s. nrwspapers. docun1cnls and p3fX'rs -even an opera hat. The rea r window is s1nal ler 011 the forn1a l sed11n than in ll1r pcrson<il Rolls-Royce. 'fhc \'111y l euvcnng abut s directly aga111-.t 1hc gl<1 ~s. 111th no bl'1ght n1r1al tr un. This nc1v ~1yl 1ng pro\ 1111.'s !orrnal1ty ;i nd rr:-.tra1nt -~ustaining the n1ood or aristocratic seclusion inherent in the car as a \\hulc. Three Speeds The Turbo~llydrarnri1ic :150, 1n1rodurcd !or 1969, is the at1ton)al1c transn1iss1on option on all 1970 Buick Skylark, (;S, Vltdne~d.,y, Octo~r 8. l9bll DAI LY PILOT fJ~ New Continental The first complelely reCe- sisned Lincoln Conlinental in nearly a decade and an all· new expanded line of intC'nnc- diate-size Montegos and Cy- clones highlight Lincoln-Mer- cury Division 's automob iles for 1970. "Thirty-nine n cw models ranging from Lhe classic A1ark Ill to the muscular new Cy- clone Spoiler give Lincoln- Mercury the broadest n1arkcl coverage ever," sa1<t J\1. S. (1\iattJ McLaughlin, Ford J\lu- tor Company \'icl' pre~1denl and division general manager, in introducing the 19'70 tint• "During the 'tiOs An1cric<111 cai buyers shower! l.111 eve r. increasing appetlt r for ,·ariety And pren1ium quality. \Ve e:o:- pect thHt trentl to rontinue and accelerate during the Seven- ties and our nr11• 111odr\s fnr next year arc designed to n1ect this demand." lie s:ud. There arr nt'w IKll\er tean1s and a host of comfo rt, convPn- ience and safety features st<1n- d<1rd on all car tines. in"luding a 111orc convenient three-point seat rshoulder bell system. a lotki ng steering tolu11111, blas- bc!led tires, fl ow·tl1roui::ll 1•e n1i · lat ion .~rstl'n1 and ilu 01 ;ii strrring-1vhcel. The nc1v Lincol n Conli11cn- 1al, \.\'hile undergoing the rnost sut'stantial chan~e since !961, n:"nains clearlv rdentifia ble as ;i Continental '11'1\h a strong grill~ theme' and understated elegance. \Vhilc outside dimcn· s1ons are <1ln1o~l identical 10 l ' . ' previous models, \.\ heelb<1se has been leng thened one llll'h to IZ7 inches and £r<int :ind rear tread arc intrca~cd A.~ a result, interior roomines:; 1s subslanLially grc;iter. The 1110tl- cl line-up remains the s.:in1e as in 1969, with a single series consist ing of a two-door h:ir<l- lop and four-d oor sed11n. The di vision·s inter1ncd1:i tc line has been dran1ati1.:ally rl'dc~ignf'd for 1970 <inti 4·011· sisls of three J\lonlrgo scnc:;, 1nclucli11g a 11ew follf·door hardtop, and lhr('e pcrfonn· :1occ·onen1 ed t\.\·o-door h:ird- top.~. the Cyt·lnnt', Cyclt.1nc GT ;1nrt Cyclone Spriilt'r. Goth ~luntl'~o~ ;:ind C)·cl1J11!''> have thei r 01111 1l blJ11c!11•e ap· pear11ncr. 1 he t 'yt·lorn·s IHI\\' ;i r;1(.\' l!Jok 11 11 h ;1 f•irw<1 rd-tllrusl1ng grille and un1q1u· Europc<Ln- type running lights. :'11unl('r:us sh<1re lht• ~.111 1t• conl t•111p,11·,1r.v pro[1le. 111111 the <.1dd1t1u11 of ;1 luxurious. full wid!h grille. \Vhee lba sc on all n1udcll. has hcen increasNl one u1th to I 17 iru·hcs I 111 iiit·hcs 1111 11 ;:igon~ t and ov('rall le11gth has bee n i11 erc:isr•d nr arlv four incilt's 011 ~Prl:1n.~ :>11d ·h;1 rd1ur~ :lrld t'l,l!h1 111chc.~ on :-[at Ion 11agn11s. 'l'llt• 1nu~l l'Olllpl••tt•Jy l'r1tli'1- pcd pcrson11l spo r!s c11r in ifs cl<1ss. Cougar for 1970 1r:1:•u·l·.-; an cnllrl·lv ne\\' fron1 1'1"1 ;:•)· pe<1rance with a \'ertu.:al tex- turrd grille_ Ovf·rall l1·n 11.n has been increast'r! In I!~ I inchrs -nearly 11irt'i' it1('hl'S longer than !ast yl·.11· i\11 of1hr extra length is at the fron t, in· creasing the spor ts f I a i r <1pp{'arance of the long hood/ short drck 11roporlions of lhe ear_ 'fhc divi5Jon's medium price l1nc~-Ma rquis, 1\.1onlerey and t'.Jar<iudcr-boalit engineering and design refinemenls and a hroad range of new options. The 1970 Marquili maintains its Continental look and, lik e the 1\.tonterey, has newly de· signed grilles and taillights. The sporty Marauder and Ma- raudrr X-1 00 retain the i r pcrforrnauce-oricntcd rear ap- pearance with recessed rear 11·inrfow. swept back rear roof pillrtrs iilld uuiquc quad ta il· l;1111ps. 'lhr. Cont111c11tal i\lark 111, A:l1\'l'll'il·s /1ntst personal lux- urv c<1r contlnucs i!s classi c clCi;ancc fur 1970 ll'ith n1odc:;t de~ign 111otlificatio11s. Chani;::es 111~·ludc nt•w ron,ealcrl ll'ind- :-lucld 11·1pcrs. 11r11· 11 her I cov· crs, and redesigned 1:11J and p<i rking li11np.i. There arc rx- tcnsive interior changes, in· el uding gcninue \l'alntlt trirn on the ins1run1cnt 11<1 nel, steer· ini; wherl anrl door panels . All J\l;1rk Ills will hal'c as stan- dard l'quipn1ent M ir·helin st{'rl- helft·c! rartial 1 irc.~ wl!h a w~ir­ ranty of 40.000 n1iles. Among [he new featurrs ~tandard on !he ~lark Ill and optiona l nn all other \\\'<>-door n1£Klels is an a11ton1atic seat hack release. Wilh !his new feature, front scat backs are ;1utomatic,1lly released when either duo r IS opened, making rear sca t entrance or exit ' much e11s1er. While the f\lark 111 \Viii be equipped with ~1ichelin steel· I belted radial tires. all other Lincoln·Mercury Division c~ will ha ve as staDdard equiP,!_ ment new fiberglaSB betteitJ tires wh ich offer increased mi1ra_lle, better puncture ~ sisLance and Improved hand.4 ling. -rJ A conve nience feature sta~ dard for au car lints is ~ modified oval steering wheeli1 ll offers increased whcel-t<Jit sr:i t roon1, \.\'hile afford ing all$ 11nobslructed view of the i.ao-: strun1ent panel. " All n1ode!s, exce pt convert~ ibles, v.·ill ha1·c as standarl! rqui pmenl a unique thre~-poirtt J;ip and shoulder belt rest raint ~\·sten1 featuring a "mini· h·uf'kle." The bu('k!e is ncarl7· half its forrner size. The ne1' restraint system eliminates !ht! need for 111board shoulder hurkles while prO\'iding the same degrce of protection as thr ronnrr nir thod . New safety .ind security fe~ t11rC'.~ on all c:ir lines, In ad• <l1l ion 11) till' three-point seal lJPll1 111cluli e side rnarker HghfS that flash with the turn signals. a !amper-resistanl odometer and a thrrc-"·;1y locking 5tetr- ing colurnn. The three-v.·ay locking coll11nn 1s designed to d"!er car lhl'fts by locking the steering \.\'heel. transmission link ;ige anrt ignition switch \4•llen the key is removed. .. ' ' : .J,\" ' . .j • ' ' l I .f ... ~ ·-· l . 'fhc 100.000-squarc-fool C'"- hJblllon building, 11·il! rc.~cn1blr: an <1utu1nn forc:-.t ~et'nc 11·1th c·olors of ru sset bro1vn. green, orange, <1nt1que gold. avocado ;ind cha rtreuse. carpeted \.\'ilh bronze gol d nylon and 5,000 ~·ards of s<1 t1 n 11111 be used for ceiling and 11all dC'corations. The roof of the formal sedan is co1·crcd 11•ith Eve rflex. ;l grained \'inyl \.\'hich looks like IC'athcr but is 1nuch tougher and mo re resistant to \.\'Cather Affixed to each rea r qu11rtcr of the roof is the Rolls-Royce eresr. -the world-famou" radiator emblem. and Le!:iabre models. lt is MERCUR Y'S MONTEREY FOR 1970 HAS NEW GRILLE AND TAIL LIGHT DESIGN Fourteen su pport colurnns ir1 1he ha ll 1~·i !I he dccor<1led wil h leaf rings and 700 mobile.~ \.\'Ill be used as ceiling deco rations. light11-cight ond replaces Lhc Insi de : Wider Seats, Oval Steering WMeel And Long Lis t of Comfort Options t\\o-~pC'ed Super Turbini: 300Jf";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~o Iha! no1'' all Bu ic k auto111ati cs are thrC'c-spccd. e..,,_ .......... -.' .. . Pick from the low-priced three. Bug. Come~ Cl c sedon or convertible. Stondord items : windshield wosher, reor window defogge r, bock-up lights end anti-thief ~leering/ignition lock. Options include : cu:.:imctic sr ick$hift on d sliding steel sunroof_ Squorebock , lt't. c sedan with o trunk in the front ond o stotion wagon In rhe bock. (Fold down the bock seot and copoci ly olmosl doubles.) Our beautifu l Fostbock versio n hos c trunk in the front end another trunk in the bo ck. Stondord items: elecironic fuel injec- tion {no carburetor), front wheel disc brakes, windshi eld washer, rear window defogger, bock-up lighh ond steering/ ignition lock. Options include: fully outomotic tron1mi1sion and sliding steei sunroof. Box. Comes as o 9-seater, 7-seoter or compmobile !hot s•oh 5 and sleeps 5. (The Box is only 1 V. feel longer than The Bug , but it holds twice 01 much 01 a normol stolion wagon.) Stondord Items: sliding side door, rear window defogger, back-up lightt and steering/ignition lock. Options include : sliding steel sunroof (lets you 1tond up a sapling or a grandfather clock), All of our models get a long just fine without o rodiotor (no water to boil orfrffre}. Theythri..,. on just .S pinh (not quarts) of oil. And plain old regulor gos will get you up to 23 mpg (The Box). Or 27 mpt (The lug). ~ How much do Volkswogens cost? Come in and HI• whot a small price you poy for economy. \@ NEWPORT BEACH Chick Iverson, In c. 445 E. Coait Hwy. 1714) 673-0900 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Bill Yates Inc. 32852 Val le Rd . (714) 499-226) HUNTINGTON BEACH Harbour Vo lkswag en 18111 BeacM Boulev•rd 1714) 842-4435 Tho new 1750 Spider Veloce. The new 1750 GTV Coupe. The new 1750 Borl ine Soden. Each of these new Alf as has a larger, more powerful twin-overhead.cam engine. II turns out 132 hp. And when you got ii up to 90 mph , nearly half its power is still 1n reserve. Another stdndord feature is Al fa's new fuel injection system. And wa it unt il you see how it improves performance and saves gas. Each also has fi ve forward spee ds , fully· synchron ized. New wide-tread, hi9h per- formance r•dial-ply tires. New pressure· eq ualized disc br•kes on all four wheels. So you 9et safe , Sure, £traight-1ine stopping. Come tes t-drive any of the new l 7SO 's. And start to tick yourself. (Jl /} /}/}' ALFA ROMEO SALES & SERVICE -J'ilwell j SPORTS CAR CITY 845 N. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM 535-2115 Service and P•rl ' Open Monday Night until 9 P.M. Tue~d ey thru Fr iday unt il 5, Sa turd11y 8 uritil Noon I I I ··--------------~:-"""""!''."1""'!"~~~--~"!1'!1--.... -------------------··· . ~ ~ ' '118 DAILY PILOT 2«11oor hcudlo" $2 135 ' $1950' $1686* TOYOTA 4·door sports sedan & 2-door hardtop Come in and check the shape the statistics . . . 30 mp9 60 hp 87 mph CORONA TREMENDOUS SAVINGS on CORONA SEDAN EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS I .~.~!~,~~~.,,.~,~~.~~'- '2037" S~riol # 6289 Full foc;lorr ~quipmont plus rodio. '1836" Se•iol # 0907 THE FABULOUS VOLVO. WE HAVE THEM ALL! 142 Sed. 144 Sed. 145 Wa9on & the Top 164 Sedan EXECUTIVE CAR 1969 144 SEDAN JI . & H. Aul<:imalic; 5R 28 35 $2889.81 USED CAR SPECIALS NEW 1969 142 SEDAN Full F4~'"'~ Equ ip. !;R; # 78b0 $2698.12 '67 KARMAN GHIA ',~,~~'v"~'.';, $1795 , '68 TOYOTA ••""~·.?::.,'~~~ .. '67 YOLKS Show•~m ·~~~ .. ~~'"' "'"' 51495 '68 VOLVO 140 Sed. "~~"~~·· 5 1695 52195 100°/o WARRANTY/30 DAYS OR 1,000 MILES DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN VOLVO AND TOYOTA DEALER 1966 Harbor Blvd . 646-9303 'P.O.E. PRICE WHITE SIDE WALLS. ACCESS. OPTIONS FREIGHT + TAXE5 EXTRA COSTA MESA GOES SPORTY-'f oyota, qui ck-risi ng J apanese lin e 1vh1ch is !lCJIV r<1 tc:d _second biggest itnport lin e in ljnited Stales in sales , turns sleek ::u1d s porty \\'1 th ll11~ 1 ne1v 1\•Iark tr hardtop. It has po-.ver-assisted front di:.C' br~ikc:;, top speed ot lOa miles per hour. CRANKING UP-.,\ss ist::incc League 1ncrnllerii sy n1bollica lly er<ink up for to- night's benefit prcn11c r at Ora11 ge Coun1y f11tern <1 l1 on<il 1\uto S!10\\'. Sho1111 1\·ith 1914 /lolls-R oyce J t l ~r1~g~ Cunningllant ~Iu sc11111 :ire ilC'fl lo right J JV!n1es. Schuyler .Joyner, Nt.:1vpo rt Beach; \V. J{oy IJ cndcr:-.on , Laguna Beach; <.ind J\ll elvin I-'enh:.111, Jfuntington Beach. 1 I 1 • ~~~~~~~~~~~ i 'j.., ~ . .t1 GRAND PRIX STYLING INFLUENCES CATALINA AND OTHER PONTIACS : E xecutive and Bonneville Models Al so Get Grar1d Prix Fe ature~ for 1970 =--=-==:--==============================:......----i (Jean New lines Continues in 1970 to offer the qreotestselection of new Pontiac automobiles, the best financing, the most attractive prices . . . and the most concientious after-sale service in Oranqe County ! ... • • • the way it's going to be! THIS is the way quick is going to be. 1970 GTO HARDTOP COUPE ROY CAR\TER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA • Kl-64444 ,,.,. I MESA In '70 Pontiacs ~•\lldl'\ 1\~W ~ti llllC: l•l] ;rp p\'.ll'iJ!\(l,_" illld !'!lf;:11ll'ITlllg 1:11• pro1r111(•111s ('lr :-.d1·1~ ;1:·d h:111dl111g ;11·{' :11\lun;.; t I\ t' llighl1ghls uf Pvntiac Mol1ir 0111sirn1 's e111irr' l111rur ftir l!fiO. The Cn taltna. E:.:rr111iv1• and Bnnncvi lle niodcls r c f l e c t lhc influe nce of the (;rand Prix \1p lront. and fe<1!11rc clean. nc1v lines 111 Ille c;u-_ 1·11c pace-setting Grand f'l'1x I hils a ricw ~rillr 1·0111· plcn1cnting Ilic 1011gr;;t hood 11\ t!ir 1ndu .'11'\ A new 4:if1 cu bi1··ui ch r .n i>nginc 11,i ll be s!;1ndi.1!'d nn all Brinne1·illc mod:>ls :ind np- tit.111al on the Cat~ili11;1. I!;).· ccuti1:c and Gr::inc! Prix. The luxury Bonne v i 111' Brot1gha1n 11·ill offer a C0-40 rront seat as <UJ option on the four-door hardtop. This ne1v bench se<1 l i:; split so thal 40 percent J'i un lilt' d1·11rr\ ~u lc ;ind 60 pt:T'('('lll t•ll 1 h r. p:1::.st.·11gc1"s :;idc l\)f grc:ilcr ('r.ntcr·~cal passenger t·otn· lorl. This option includes a t1\lo·way po 11 cr opcr<1l1un un l/1c d river'~ :;idc. Pontiar, thr rstahl i~hrd in· rl11slrv 111nol':1lor. 11·111 li<i1 c :-inotli~r cxeh1s11·r 11i1 ~ 1r:11' . il plasl IC gas l:111k I h:11 II !II lir 11flrrrd nn :i lir1111('ri h:1~1 · •• 1 hi~ nr1\· f11l'I 111nk will b1• 1n- ~l:1llrd d11r111g lh(' 11\\)lh'I ,\r:.r 011 t ':1l:1 1i11.~. ~srr11l1\r .ir!I lin111u•1,1Jl r ~1.1t1rrn 11,1gnns ~11\d In ('.1h1orn1.i . • \J;qi11· :1d.;11 11 .1~~r~ l'l f thr pl,1 .. 111 1"11f.. ln L·i11dc l!g illl'I' 11Tt;.,lll •tlHI gr1'01\cr :-;ilaping llt•:-.1billty 11\:111 slt 't•I B1ns-pl,1, gla <;.s-bcl!cd tir::-5 :ind :i ronL·f';1k·r: r;1(!1'1 anll.'Jll1;! 111 Ilic l'd11d~li1l'ld ;11 !' ~1<r1H.lanJ 011 :111 197() n10<'le!s Tl1c Ponl1<1 CS IHll r II\'\\' I 1'(1ilt :ind rco.~r l·nrl." 1ncl1 1(hr>g new l1Jod <l111J lt.:tHk·I'~. Tlw I run! of lfu· Ct1lal1 11;J , E:-.er·u1 1vc-and Bu1111e1111(' J.ir l ~'ill lcnt11rr.s thr i.;\;1~.~h' 1·rrti1·a l eC'n tcr i.;rill1•_ The l1nr:1 outle1s arc r :-.- llOSetl 1.h1s \'C:1r 011 either sale of the gr·ill::: ;1dj:u:r.11l Ill tile l1r.;icll1111111~. 1\lso nc1v up frnnl ;ire 1he bu 111 p1•r. h(•;1cll1ght n1nu1 1ti11.: p:inrl :ind wr:ip:irrnrnd pnrk1111~ lii,:h!s !ha1 arc 1nounled 111 the bun1pcr tn SC'rVt ;)S i;ido 111:irkcr~. \Vhen corner i n i:1 ln1nps :i re ordered. they arA i.ntrgratcd \\'i1h lhc s ide 1n'1 rkcrs. Fift een f'XIC!'l•Jr l'ol ()rs are offered for 1!170 , . , 11 ol 11·h1l'h :ire ll{'W , , . alo11::: 11·it!1 li1·r rl'llilr r·hn1cr'.~ 111 l'iny l 1npl and f1111r in eon1·rr11ble tops. No Change There 11·1\I be no t·ha ngc for ln70 111 nun1brr nf n1odcl1 :111;iil:1hlr for lhc flcbcl. r on1' 1111: 1n 4·dour ~cd:in. 2·door IJ;11'fll r1p :1nd ·l drior 2 ~c:il ~t:J. li on 11:"ti;!in The nrbrl :"S1 rninr" 111 4.fi1111r :;ed:i n. 2-.<Joo1 "': l1:1rdtop :i11d 4·tlnor, 2-.~t'1L st;\ l\OTl \\Oi):;llll 111111 r! -~(':l[ OJI 11011:11\. --.--~---------------..----~--~ .... -.------·-------~----~----------·-··--------------- DAI LY PILOT '70 Chrysler Series1 ZIMMERMAN . I Cirl'<.1l2r v.iricty, 1nodl'rn styling and lwu i:un1p!ctC'ly new spoi Ls Spe{'1,1lty cuinp·ilts 111<H ~ lhc 11uw 19i0 J'!y1nouth, Chr)Slt•r ant! J rn per 1 :J l autontoOilt:'S. "T!ie 1970 1111(' is l11dlt:<.i\11·c o f Cl1 ry1i le r ·l~b·rn1,1u~R Division's effort tp create tru, ly 0utstand1ng product of- f,.rings in cv(lry tnarket 116§· nH·nt >\'C enter," Glenn E. \l'lli1t, Chry1der Corp. v\oe prcsick'nt and g en er a I 111in1<1gt·r or the Uivision , 1aJd. 1~1_y n1o~Lh for 1970 nU t1r• •6 inod cls acroaJ a brott,d ra nge rrom the 11ome:wNil rCiltyled and rcalijijed full-•lze Fury series: an i rn p r 0 v e d in- ternli:dlale line 1nsp1red by the successfu l Ro:id }{unnc·r: an d a specialty-ptrfrtl'lll<"!nee 11:11·· racud:1 that 1s new 1 n eve rything except 11~1111e. 1o ;i new rntry 10 th<' .Jh.:01np:.tl't \"aliant Duo;1er. 1'he 1n1n Chrys ler auto1nobi!C'::. h;i1•e ;ieccn tuat!'d r1100 rr1L sleek styling :1n<l of- fer 11 n1:w ~yst~·111 f111· ~rr,al1•1· is(l!atiuu of road nc,1 ~c an d v1bral1011 in the li11l.:t1 p of JJ n1odels. ln1peria!, Chrysler 's entry 111 the luxury car firld, offers fou r rnodels tn;1rket! by refin- ed exterior cind interior styling :ind appealing new fe.a lures in t.hc prestige field. All the 1970 Plymouth, Chrysler and Imperial models v•ill offer as s tandard equip· 1nent a new steering column· n1ount cd ign ition switch whic h incorporates a ~terl'ing wheel loc·king n1eeh;:inis1n to deter l11cf t; a slt'ering colun1n· Inoun!ed l'nn\rnl for the wnrn- ing fla shrr 1rhirh ;:J!lo11·s the warning Ji g-tits 11) fla sh rluriri~ the opr·ral1on of the brake: ;1 nrw Chry&k·r-llcs1g11ed clrl'· trcmic vo!t1igr rrgulalo1· wh ich gives \ongl.'r batl l'l'Y a11c! light bulb life <lnd lll'l'l'r needs :1d- .1ust111l.'nt ; l:.ine rh:1ngc eontrol on the lurn si,.;nnls: posili\'l' ;1clio11 glo1 e h11x la tt·hes for greater pa ssenger safety: and !Ile irn prol'ed 1970 Chry sler Corpor:.ition Cleaner Air Svstrn1 which rneets stringent Fedt ral rt:'gulations for control 11[ rxil<.1 usl cn1ission. A nt1v 198 cubic-inch six ,..;vl1ndrr l'ngiTH-' will be offered fiir JD70 Vali:utt 1nodels. A new fully-~ynthruni zcrl three-speed nianuttl trans1111ssio11 offrrs t'la~h-free -;hift111R 111 a 11 speeds. 1'11c fir st C. S. p.1.'isrnger car lr:1ns·n1is~lon In use the 1nore d11rablc slotless ~1'!\<'hronl;:er r Jn gs. 1~ i~ av:iil:1ble 011 (l]l ]'l\'n1outh c:ir-; and nn Ch r~ :o>lrr Newport ;n1rl ~'ell'port C'u~t n1n 111odcl~. Gt':Jr life i.; i111prr11ctl becaU"<' <lJI tlir gear!> ;,re la const.111l n1t·~h l.'\''fER-'lEIH \TES; /\ lnt<!l of Hi n1od('IO. .'.Irr (lfft'rl'd 111 f'l\'111 \!Uth'i< lllh'1'111('di:itr ~lie lin~I.' includi ng ll 1· I 1' t' d r r f' , Salrllilc, Spor1 :-;,1tcl l1t1·. l\.(l::id J{\lllilCI' and GT.'\. All ha\'r !ll'IV gn\l('s ;111rl bun1pcrs ;111d 11r11; rc:ir i:nrl }j~ !111g fnr n h;111d:-11111c enn- ten1pnrary :1ppo>r1r;inr't' Ho;1d l{unnrr :ind r;r:\ in1rrid11(·r 111- no\<ll11 e 11ptions to 1ntcl lhe l111ercs!,; ur 111,. ~ri1 WJOb p!casuresof lhebu)er. linuous nic!JI path" 01·rr DATSUN J:>€rfor Jl\:lllte n1.1rl,.:t Standard interior 1n all three which 11u1~e and vibration All h:ll'cltops :ind coupes seriC's 1ncludrs hi.sh bal·k travel. . . I ' THINKotall the things you can i have: sunulatcd au· scoops on bucket seat::. 11llh bu1lt -tn he ad The 383 cubic·trich l"'O·bar· tile rr<1r quart~r~. Opt101i;1 l rcstralnts. rel rnglnc, 11'hll'h u.'lCS n·gul<tr protert11·c vinyl rub strips t1re Al t Burr11cudns ha ve i;leel gasoline, is standard 111 Uie (Jlfcrrd un the four d(Jor se dans side 1111pal'l Pro I c t· Ii on 1970 Newport. Ne \'Ip or ti <Jnd stJlion 1\'ngons. Hoad r:1ck;1gcs in the doors and a Cu~torn and Town and Count ry J{Lu1ncr and t:T.X sr.orl uew box ::.Cl'tion roll bar under !he n1odcls. Chrysler 300 <ind ;-.:r11 power-bulje hoods with flll\C· roor for inen11u1ed pa11en1:er Yorker model• w;e i11e 4~(; tlo nal air scoo pi . protection. cubic Inch 1ln&le ei h11UJI four .I Eight en i ine1 are offered The Bnrrac11da and the Gran barl'•I ensln• 11 t~e 1tandard fill' the Intermediate•. S!an· Ct>U)16 have a ua cubic-1nah powerplnnt. I fl ;ird on lhe Belvedere and six or a 318 eublo-lnoh V-8 as The powerful 313 l!Ubit ·inc·h S(itelllte models arc lhe 225 thC' etandard e11al n11. dual exh11ust r o u r -b 11 r r 1· I r·uhic·inch ~ill or the 318 eubl ~ 'C11d11 is equlpprd wllh B en1\ne ia optional In NC'll'port · sp • ,. I '83 C"bl ,· cl\ f r MO Newnort C111ton1 r ars und lru·li V-a. The Sport Siilelllte LC ii ,1 • o-n otl r 1tandqrd engljio ls tile Slt v-a: ba!'fel h I g h p~rlor1na11ce Town •nd Country \1111,glln~ I th11 R°"'rl Rtwnt1r the sa:1 e11i::hi11 es stlindard , Fo ur ot~er l~IPERIAL1 Four rnodels cubic-inch, four-barrel V-8 and hlgh-ou1put enjlne11, ranainc to are aVallab!e ln the two 1111·[ the OTX 11h1nd<lrd !~ the high t he m11 xlmUm·perhlrmanati_ perla l ser!et---Crown and Le- pertorn1ance 440 C'llbic-ln<'h, 4 ! 6 eubic-inch e!ghl,~ctrrel Baron-for 1970. Eerh series four-bJtTl'I V-!l. Thr ne\V hen1i, arc available as options. has a two-;Jnd four-door hard -I :-p11ei:i l 4~n cubic-inch . six-b:1r· PJ.)'l\lOUTlf v AL I ANT : top. rr! ;ind th e 426 he.mi arc op-Two nc•v 1nodcls -Duster TIJC' 19i0 lrn pcn;il niodcls t1onal 011 Ruad Runn('r ;ind ilnd !>11~tcr :HO -joio the hal'c been given new interior GTX . fou r-door sedan in 1he Va l!ant <lnd e)[terior styling change:; PL\'f\IOUTH FURY: Thr F'ury, Plyn1oulh's vo!umc lead· er. presents a big, bolrl <lP· 1111c for 1970. The t)ustcrs are en1pha ~izing the class ic appeal IRS.1 inches long on a !08 inch of the Juxury ear's orcrall ap-1 11hec!basc. pear<1ncc. The rad io 1111ll'nn:.i prar:int<' with conternporary Tile <lis tintlive new coupe :1rrridynarnlt st.vling. A grille· body style of the J)ustr r and 1•neirtli11g front b 11 111 per Dusi Cr 340 fe<ilure~ a sharply 1•1npha sizes th t' hori1.onlal ('anted 1\incbhield, \tnlless l111es. At l11c rc:.ir, the l'ull loop door r.:lass ;1nd 11µ-npen rear hump (' r complements the w1ndO"'s ala Hoad Hun1it•r. \11ider track of 62 inch es. Ouster has " nc11· 198 tuhir· There are 2! n1 ode l s inrh six cylinder tngi11e, ::iv<l ilable in four ~cri es: Fury d e.~1gne<I to <H'.!1\C\'e irnproved L Fury II, Fury Il l anti Spnrl pcr!'orrnancc I c v el s for Fury. the top-of-the-line series. nu1dcr11 freewa\' travel \\'ilh \V hcelbase on the-1970 Fury no loss in fuel 'cconoiny. The remains at 120 inches, but the 225 ct1bie·inch six and the 318 ove-rnll length is incrcas<'d 10 cubi c-inch V-8 <ire optional 1.:l1oiccs. 21 4.9 inches. Seven interior and 18 exterior colors ;Jrc !Juster 310 is ptllll<'l'cd by a avai lable in the Fury line-. ligl1tweight 340 cubic-inch, four -barrel engine . A new fully 1'"·o ne111 models. Sport F'ur y synchronized flnor mounted S-23 and Sport F'ury GT h<1vc 1ransn1ission is stri ndard equ ip- IJccn ;,iddcd for El70. A n1en t. The Duster 340 alsn Brobgh<1n1 st.vie paC"k;igc is sports a perlorn1ance-orientcd ;:1 v::ii l;1blc 111hich g1 \·cs the dnsh and perfor,niancc striping. Spol'I Fur:;' a new h1gl1 Ir\('] in ' Tile Valiant four-doo r sed;in. luxury. l;onrealPd hc:1dlighl .; 1nnrkcd by ;1 newly slyletl ;\re a di~tinetiv<' fcoturt· on Ille gn llc a1ul lri1n. llas the 1!18 Spr1rl Fury n1o<lcb. i.:11b1l'-inth si x as standnrd. St:ilion wagons arr al'ail:1hle Cl!HYSLE!l : The Chrysler in lhrec series -Suburbnn. line for !Oi() l1::is 15 models in Custom Suburban and Sport flvr ~en(·~ -N e \V po r t , Suburban. The Sport Suburb:in r-.·t·11·po1·t Custom , :!00. Ne111 has co n c ea I e d headlights. uYrlicr ;n1d To\\'11 & Country. Rear speakers are offe!'cd for /\II 1nt1dels hal'c been given the first time for all wagons. a wider track -nearly t\\·o in- A four-door. three scat \\'ngon chcs -for be tter handling and n10del is off~red in the Pury appe:1 rani.:e . New grilles arc 11~ line. enhanced by 1nassive en- PLY~10UTll BARRACUDA: is conc<'alcd in the \v indshield for 1970 . 1 · New parking and torncrintJ la1nps and a 1norc n1assive ap- pearing grille give th e fron t of Ilic lrn perlal n1odcls a 1norc rl.'gal look. A rea r scat sound reducing package consisting of a shelf tri111 panel insulator, roof 1 pillar inner cover and scat back insulator is new for 1970 1 and combined with the newl chassis sound isolation system gives Imperia l eve n more quietness. The rear track of the 1n1pcrial has been increased nearly one inch to fu rther i1n· pro1e !ht:' e<.i r's handling and ridi ng. Ford Turbine Ford i\1otor Co. is interested In industrial e n gine ap- p!iea 1ions for its Model 707 turbine power pl;1nt. The com· pany is interested in pos~ible 1 application s lo bu ~ c s . : generator sr1s, tot;1l energ,v1 syst~·1ns, eons1ruction ;1 n di n1annc equ1 pn1e11t. l lowcve r. its n1ai11 applic;1t1011 , 11·1lrn n1ark e!ed c·o111rnrrr:i;illy \\'ill i be in hc;ivy-rl11ty I ru1·i-.~, ) NOT A REVELOUTION BUT A EVELOUTION All-sleet bed b' x 4'8" with 1" e~1y­ lo1dln9 t1ll·g•te . Pe rftd for 111ckln~ bike1, 1urfbo1rds, or ru9god work 101111 up to I h1H ton . Roo my, vi nyl .lined cab, sllok •-•11111d . W hi t ew•ll1 , ful-oetlng heotor I dofrode r. Prov en reli1tllity. Datsun's the No . I Sell ing Import Truck! put in a 6 foot bed. W e JJ a i:e T h e Fi11 est S tac h of NEW DATSUNS 2000's -5 Speed• e 1600 CC 4 Speed Pick Ups & I bOO Roadsters e 2 Doo r Se dans -4 Speeds e 4 Doc r Sedans -4 Speed• or 3 Spe ed Au- to matic e 4 Door Station Wagons -4 Speed or Automatic. Available For Delivery No w! George Zimmerman and his staff offer one of the most mod- of sport car facilities. The service dept. offering the finest of ser- vice for all makes of sport cars . • HONESTY • INTEGRITY • FAIR DEALING AT GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DATSUN Sales n11d 1980 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA Service MESA, PHONE 540·6410 Tl's totally new fro1n front. 10 re<ir and ground 10 top. The long hood and the shorL rear deck in11nedialely set Bar- racuda apart. Two different body styles ~ hardtop and convert ible -are available in three series with the 'videst r:inf;(e of options in Plymouth's history. Gr an Coupe is the lux- urv s'e ries in tl1e line, 1vi(h 'C~1da taki ng bo\\'S as thC' high· ]l~'rfonnance car. (_·in:ling bun1pers. A new rear loop bu111pcr has been added for 1970 .• l\lodel-to-mtKlel idcn- t1fication is achieved through the use of side ornamen\atlon. Standard on all Ch rysler S('da n and ha rdtop models is a new noise and vibration isola- tion system. A quieter ride has been achieved by isolating the, passenger compartment from t he rt'llr springs and lhc frame su p1){Jrt1ng the engine with rubber 1nounts and extra ~ o u n d in<;ul3\ing inaterlal. thus eliminating the con· Your Chrysler and Plymouth Dealer's showroom is the next best thing to the auto show. The \l'ide varie ty of opt inns a•,;_11lnh le for th e t11r<'e 13ar· r.icud;1 ~<'rics Jlf'fll\its <iny rif tl11• 1110-door cars tri hr 1adortd to fit lhC' 11<1111 ~ and Skid Control For 1:170 Ford l\!otor Co. ii:; 1n(lk111g lilt• Sure-Track ~ki'I ('rintriJ] ~t:indard Oil lhr !l·fa l'k 111 ,\nd 1Jplion;d 011 11\c TliundcrlJird and L1nculn. New Hornet .\P\1 l'l1111 P<lt I J! () r n e I 111;1111Jf:1clurcd hy An1erican ~!utnrs vffcrs \1 1dc range of f·0n1forf ~ind co11vcnie11ec op- 11ons . Hornc'I is offered in t1110 ;ind ft)ur-rloo r vrr~ions in Ille h:1s1' :ind ::;sr ~rra's 1rilh ll'ir!e 1 l1oice of ~ix cyhndel' or V-8 t11ginr.;. .... -· -- lllwo,.,., e,,,. .,...,,,, • .,. '" ' ...... flymOYlh ~pO•I fury · ... , , .. , ··. - , -..... ~, •1&_,,,, ..... .,.~ I , 1 t ' . 0 Ch,.tl<r Co-I<>• .. t··~...,. . , . -· - I i ' ~li!11!'fliii"'i~ll'!J'. 'l'l-F'liJ<';r;j!IP,"""""'"' iti~l.4~r-.-~-.. --4 -· --I ' " ";.~ • .. ' . I SL EEK AND NEW-It's I.hr TJusler, nddcd tn 111(1 J J 1~-n111t1lh \':d1;1n t line Jor 1970, 'l'l1 r ;1ll·nc1v rnn1p:icf nffr r~ :i ~li ck lonk in ~1 y11n .t: lh;rt 1s f.'.lr rlifferent Jron1 t he ~t ~11d ;11rl Jr1u r-d oo r \al 1~1nt ~rd;:i11, >\ IH;;h pC'1·fnr111 :1 nrc i)Us lcr 3411 also is a vailalllc. ' ' Chrv1le• Ntwpo•I Being the next best thing lo 1he auto show puts us ah ead of any other dealer. From the s!andpoinl of sheer model varie ty, we're second to non". From our new f!conomy car, Va liant Dus<e1. 10 1he execu11ve svpercar, Plymot1lh Spor1 I lmo•uol lell<>'On Fury GT. From 1he all-new Barracuda 10 Aoil d Runner, our popular economy perlormance car. From the easy-10-own luxury ol Chrysle r Newporl to the incompara ble elegance of Imperial LeBaron. See them at your Chrysler and Plymou!ll Dealar's now. A great place lo go attar the aulo show. CHllYSU•·toi.VMOl.ml OMtlDfl A CHRYSLER w MOTORI OOlll'OIWIQm AT THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER • ·--~~ ... I --------..,..-_,_ • ..,, __ ,,__ "'T· -~~~~~~"111!""~11111!1!"!--...... ----------· ·.. .· ........ ~ JObDSOD•SOD ~Ult!J©®~lt!J ©®lt!J'ir~OO~OO'ii'£~ • 1£00~ m · ~~ffii©MffilW • ©®M@£00 Proudly Presents Cougar For 1970 THE LINCOLN CONTINENTAL INTRODUCING THE FIRST ALTOGETHER-NEW LINCOLN CONTINENTAL IN NEARLY A DECADE. AMERICA'S MOST OISTINGUISHED MOTORC AR PRESENTS NEW DIMENSIONS IN SPACIOUSNESS. LUXURY AND APPOI NT. MENTS THE INTERIOR ROOM IS MORE COMMODIOUS. FRONT AND REAR. THE BODY IS LONGER . THE STANCE IS TH E WIDEST EVER IN A LINCOLN CONTINENTAL. THE LINCOLN CONTINENT AL SEDAN IN THESE GENEROUS NEW PROPORTIONS, EACH ELEGANT HALLMARK OF CONTINENTAL DESIGN- THE SCULPTURED HOOD, THE GRACE FU L GBE ENHOUSE, THE SWEEPING REAR DECK-HAS BECOME MORE DRAMA TIC . AND MORE APART FROM OT HER CARS. THE HEADLAMPS ARE NOW CONCEALED. ]'lEW CORNER- ING LAMPS LIGHTS THE WAY FOR TURNS AT NIGHT. Cyclone Spoiler CYCLONE GT Mercury is your password to action and adventure in the ?O's! Mercury soys it oll. and no Mercury soys it better than this Cyclone GT. Sleek, hardtop styl ing. Thr usting , scooped hood. An unmistakably bold grille. Speci~I Cyclone running lights. Concealed head la mps. Strong 35 l-2V Mer - cury V-8. 117 " whee lbo se. Wide 60.5" fronl and 60.0 " rear treod. From the hi -back bucket seats on out, Cyclone GT is an action car-a great leader for Linc oln -Mercury 's c.ompletely restyled , all-new intermedi ates! ·• FOR 1970 NEED WE SAY MORE .. ? See The Entire Exciting Line Of All New Lincoln llferc11rY1' All Ne,v • All Exciting • All Ne'v Luxm·y ENJOY THE AUTO SHOW ... then visit Johnson & Son for the most exciting buy in all of Orange County on the new Lincoln·Mercurys. ON DISPLAY and READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! .Johnson.son 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA NEW CARS: 540-5630 642.0981 1 Mile South of the San DieCJO Freeway USED CARS: 540-5635 k TI ] ] ] ~· a II II " h c s ~ h d c ' " r • to b ti •• ,, I• ti h c I; tl p ;, h • •• 3: . • 3 H n b TI h c .. • c ti c c: a p ll 0 J; n E ] n ~ u c' R J, B w u •• " tl ~ " ' • • = • • ' " • • ,. • .I l c b ... p F .! 11 ~ TI p Wtdntsd17, Octo~r e. 1%q CAIL V PILOT Cf Whoops! Big Slip Is Showing Again ('.JllCAGO (AP) -The Big Ten·s slip i11 1bowing again and some of the coaches are a11king for foot ball equality. A prt-conferencc record of 12-16·1 in- cluding last week whe n co nferen« lea rns posted a 3-7 record on Black Saturday, has brought on ilKl cry of "What's wrong With the Big Ten?" Coaches and thote close to the ri.tualion know that the Big Ten's higher academic requirements, a lower number·of football Mets Will Platoo11 fu Series NEW YORK tAP) -The New York r.tet.oi who srored 27 runs on 37 hits ;igainst the Allan la BraYes won 't all be in the starting lineup against Baltimore jn the first two games of the \Vorld Series. While nolhing may succeed like suc- cess, Manager Gi t ~lodges or th e Me1s has his own method of achieving it. H's called platooning. So, with Baltimore opening the series Saturday and Sunday \11ith left-hander:-; hfike Cuellar and Dave McNally, Hodges hat decided to counter with his right-han· ded lineup of Ron Swoboda, Donn Clendenon, Ed Charles and maybe Al Weis. Of the four, Wei!I v.•as the only one lo get in to a game against Atlanta's three r ight-handed starting pitchers. He v.•as a defensive replacement and went hitless in one at bat. Replaci ng them on the bench \Vill be : Right-rieldcr Art Shams ky. the top hit- ter In the series with seven hits ln 13 at bats after hilting a po1>:erful .300 during the regular season ; Second baseman Ken Boswell, a late l!ieason hero who hit .279 and then was 4. for-12 against the Draves. including a twG-run homer and run-scoring sing le in the finale ; Thi rd baseman Wayne Garrett, a .215 hiUer during the regular season who came lhrnugh with 5-for-13 against AHan· ta, including a lwo-run homer that put the ~1ets ahead lo stay in the clincher: ~nd first baseman Ed Kranepool, a .238 per fonncr during the season and 3-for-12 in•thf! pl ayoffs, Swoboda, in r igh t field, was another hero clown the stretch, finishing with a .235 average, driving in 52 runs in only 327 at balS. Clendenon, at first bi:i;e," hit ..2. with 16 home runs and 51 RBI in only 3Jt at bats. Weis, at second baSf', hit only .215 with little power, and Charles, at third base, managed only a .207 average. However, !lodges said today lhat because Cuellar throY:s a screwball tha t makes him very effective against right~ handers, he might mak e a platoon ing ex-· cepl.ion and stick with Boswe ll instead of ~itching to Weis. Like all but one of the Mets, the fou r wOuld be starling their fi rst World Series. Oftly reliever Ron Tay lor has played in u~ classic, \Vilh the 1964 St. Louis Ci rdina!s. Th at. hov.·ever, d()('s not in- ckade Hodges and the coaching staff. Hodges was in seven series as a player arid coach Yogi Berra wa~ in 13 as a player and one as a manager. Coaches JUibe Walker ancl J oe Pignatano '-ere in one each. tlodges will stick with the rest of the Tiieup that bombarcled Allanta ~ Toni· mle Agee, Cleon Jones. J erry Grote and BUd Harrelson , all right-handed tutlers. Laver, E111erso11 Get Past Foes LAS VEGAS (UPI ) -Gra nd slam win- ntr Rod Laver of Corona de! Mar led Melded stars into tod ay's second round of tJi!· $50,000 ffoward ~luithcs Open lennis cf!limpionships. And Newport Beach's Rby Emerson moved ahead by downing Ion Tiriac of Rumania, 6-:J, 6-4 . Laver easily handled J irn McManUs of Det keley, 6-3. 6-0, in Tuesday's play wtl.lch also saw all seeded players win their matches. ·Second seeded Tony Roche v.·on easily over Bill Higgins, 6-2, 6-3, while third rat.rd John Newcmnb look hvo out of Oree from Roma nian Davis Cupper Ilic NHtase, 6-3, 1-6, 6-:}. -nulh o! Wf'dne>d11•"• openl"ll rounO 111 mwo"l •lllOI• ., .. y •n 11'1e U0,000 H11111>e1 ()pt:n: _, t:•n l!Mew81! del. Ken Hol,,.bel'Q. 6·1: 6-1 . l!(KI Ltll'tr, llrl. Jim McM•nuJ, 6-J, 6·U. Jim O•bOr.,.. do•. """ Moort, 6-0. &·J. Plln<ho Gon111lo1, nc• ~...-Curt1•. 6·•· 1-1. John Newi:omt... def. '"• HAST.-.S!", •-.-11•;. ~-fh, 14+'\t. (Ill! l!lc""'y, de!. Npt••t. 1·6. 6-J, •·l. c1111 IHctiev. del. Nlc11•11 P IJk. 6-f, 11·10. 8ob Lull, del. EMI 1lU<htiOl1 , :) .... 1·5. tt>ur Aat>e-, del. J°"'quln Lovo M•~o. a.1. 1-•. M••• "'-'''"· d•I. Cti/l•I•• P11•••tll, 1~, /.s, ll·t , Pier· '' l orll!n, del. DMnl1 1!11l1!on. '-l, 1.0 (wl!Nlrew). Ttnr Rottif. dtl. 81!1 H19Gl111, ,.,_ 6-l . Tom °"-··· d.t, ltlc"-•d Crt•+v, 6-2, 6·1. .,...,,., G•m"""'. det. ""• O!m-. 1.,. a-•, 7.s. Sien Smith, del. l!oy Borth, 1·!, 6-l. Fred Stoll'!, ~•. Poo•r t11ylor. ""''"°"ed. d1,~nu1. I! .... ~-·•on Cl'I. IM llrl/lt, 1-l . II-•. 4LLEN FOR FLOOD lN 7-MAN TRADE ST. LOUIS (AP) -The. SL Loui" cardinals announced a seven-player trade today In which they obtained con- tl'D\'f!rsia1 oulfieldcr H.ichie All en from PhUitdelphia and sent oulriclrler Curt f1orxl to the Phllllc!t. The Carrtinals at~o obla1ncd pitcher .Jerry J ohn110n anrt Infielder Cookie ltojas from the Phillies-They sent catcher Tim MeOlrYcr, outfielder Byron Browne a nti relief pitcher Joe Hoerner t o PhiJ~delphlK. scholarships and the. rule. against "!led ShirlS'' is lhe cause of the decline. The biggest disadvan tage is the rule against the "Red Shirt" a praclice where players can be withhclcl fro1n con1[X'tilion for a year without losing any eligibility. The Big Eight Conference red shirts and as a result has a IMl record o\'er the Big Ten this season and is 10-0 over the Big Ten the last two seasOns. In the last three years, the Big Eight holds a l2·'l edge over Big. Ten teams, Although conunissioner Bill Reed claims the Big Ten is far from a football disaster area, some of the coaches would li ke the rules changecl. "!'111 in fa\'or of one rtile for everyo ne," said coach Jack Mollenkopf of Purdue's undefeated and ninth-ranked Boilermakers. "l think we should fo llow the NCAA rules which are strict enough. l'n1 all _[or a football program to be as strong as it (30 be." I All's Not Bluein St. Louis Illinois' J im Valek said, "I'm !or red shirting an d more sc ho I a r s h i p !, J1ersonally, I 1voultl like to see the entire nation work under the same rules ln- cluding the same n um b e r of scholarships.'' Norlhwt:s lern's Alc.x Agase flatl y said ''I want the-same advantages lhat are f'n joyed by the people J'm competing against. Nothing more.'' One dlsscnler was Woody Hayes, coach ' r .. • ~ » • .) ...,. •r of Ohio State's toirranked Buckeyes, who is all for the lim naUons placed on the Big Ten members. Hayes' for1nula is selectivity in recruiting on both the alhlelic and academic levels. "l don't believe you need too many good players to have a good tea 1n," said 11ayes. "Remembe r, you can price yourself out of football. The object is to get lhe youngsters you can keep under the· acadf!mlc standards.'' ' .. . I I • Reed , taking heart from tlayf!s' com~ ments. said ··1 don't think by any meana that the Big Ten is a disaster area. Everyone is making a lot of this year'i1 records. We usua lly have two LearflJ Jn the. top ten and Ohio State and Purdua are there. "So we lost 18 ·games ... aaid_ Recd "b~t . remember three.of.our tea.ma. who are 1n rebuildi1J8 program,, loet nine of lt)Ose games and we have · no pMsjet on th• schedule.'' Robinson Undaunted By Mets BALTIMORE tAP) -Brooks Robinson of the. Baltimore Orioles has read a lot in recent wee ks about the New York f\.t ets and their ace pitchers, Tom Seaver and Jerry Koosman. It makes nice reading , but it doesn'I. faze the veteran third baseman who faces the Mets in the World Series starting Saturclay. "I clon't believe in that learn of destiny business." Robinson said o( the P.tcts surge to the National League pennant. "Dick Hall and Cla y Dalrymple just came over to us from the other league and they both say we're better than the Mets. That's goocl enough for me." As for Seaver. wbo won 25 games, and Koosman. a 17-game winner , Robinson tried to put them in the proper perspec· ti\'C'. '"I hit against them in spring lralnin j! and in the All-Star ga rne,'' he said, "and 1hcv 'rc terrific pitchers-as good as any- bodv in our league. '"I don't mind telling you, I was a little scared going oul to play the Los Angele:-; Dodgers in the 1966 World Series. Bui we beat those two gu ys (Sa ndy Koufax and Don Drysdale !, and these guys can 't be as good as them." Robi nson said he is no longer bothered by the publicity given New York p\ayeri:, whereas he \\'ou1d ha l'e been fil'e or si:t years ago. "After you 've been ;1ro11nd ;1\\•hi\e,'' he said, '"you realize that being in Ne w York a player gets the best of ii. Some of thc.m arenl as good as they·re niatle out lo be ." -s:t. Louis Blues' Jean Gu,-Talbot (17) takes a spill as J\.1intieseta'.s CIW.rlie Bum s (9) holds pff fled Berenson (7). Minne~ goalie F ern J{1vard (I) dives on the loose puck during first period pl ay of Tues4 day's exhibition battle. Th e Blues \von. 4-0. BalUmore·s American League cham· pions have been insta lled as the 8-:> favorite. But , Robinson dl&counls this, too. "Being the fal'orite doesn't mr:in anything."' he said. ''You·re lhe f:i vori t11 because they look at what you r!fd beforr. Rod Ca rew "'as the Americ.1n Le ag11,. baling champion. How many hilc; clid he get in the playoff ? One?" A11.ahei1n Fox Ha~ Co1n1)<t.~sio11 Another Dimension of Van i\1as1cr coach. 1\1<1sll'r ~1astcr of psychological orphan as a teenager 4;1 Huntington Beach. bull slingr r. v.·arfare. An years ago in Those facts about Anahl'im Jligh School football chief Clare VnnHoorebckc are hardly news to anyone having lived 1n Orange County more than a couple years. But there. is another 1limen.~ion lo the cigar smoking Colon1~t coac.h, and irs onr ~c!rtom. if el"cr. brought n11L publicly. Despi te h1~ carln;:i{!~ of Jeag11r eh.11n- pi onships anrt n1ullilufle ol ,·1c!nr1es. Van has never throv.·n s11cce~~ in anyone 's face • . r1cver 1leliheratcly run up a ............ ,,._.,.,.,. WHITE WA Sll ....................... ~core, although he·s certainly had enough chances. Recall !he time he whipped Costa ~lesa, 48-6. The Dutch n1asler hart everyone in the lineup but the progarm .sellers. Once he sent a player on the field deliberately dllring a scori ng play. Off icials penalized the Colonists for having loo many men on the field. The Louchdown was voided. slinger In the business. He could make T~lizabelh Taylor sound like a hag or Disneyland sh~k seem like a had 111· vesln1ent i f he so chose. r~or example, regarding this 11 er~ 's gn 1ne with Nr\\•port Harbnr, hr say.~ "l\·e got to lake a gun to gel my kids on !he field against Nc\\·port. I think thry 1Ncwport) v.·ant it a little more than\\(' 110. '"This bus111ess nl us being ra nked No. I 1n the state 1s a far l'r. J knO\l' 1vhat 11'('0 V•' got. The only reason we he-at Ne11'pnr1 ti\•· p:i!il t'-':n years 11·<1.~ bccausr v.•e izot lul'k1 11ilh flllr passing They ~ho~'f'd us all r11r1 ;Jir field ., ... .. !-.nunr! con1•incing? But lhcn yn1 1 rfi.~covcr thal Anahelln 1vnn I hose gan1ri;. .19-7 <lnd l!l-0. How much luck ls involved ln !hose kind ol scores? And how bad can you r tea.in be whf'n your Sl'Tlior qua rterback is-the. same ~uy v.•h(l led your school to the CJF' cham- pionship as a sophomore? Vanlloorebeke is also lhe masler of ex-- ploi11ng psychological powers. One year during a showdown game w i I h Westminster Someone sent a case of baby rood lo Anaheim's. team. By ctlant:e, Colonise. players'"·pictures were pasted on lhe. jars. Someone suggestecl Van seri't the package to his own team. Al any rate the fired up Colony v,·on, 19-0. Another lime. it is said that he refuse1 I lo ride the tcan1 bus In a game becaul'ic . . . • • I • 1he trnrn was so poor. IL haopened lo i11- vol l'r a key game ,1nd by kickoff his kids 111•rc :::;I) stcarne1! up orl'r the sla p in lhl' !:ice 1hey lllJght ha ve hcalen the Grern B;iy l'11C'kcr s. And !hf'n l hrn··~ lhf' nld hrrthdav n•ut1nc. ··Lei ·s 1\•1n this for Van -it's his hrrlhd:iy ." Thal one has hr-co v.·orkert Sfl nflrn thal 1f \"an h;1d had all 1hO'-f' h1rt h1l<1}S. hc "d Uc 18!1. one r<ldb1nl c·:1!cul:.iLr.'I. Tl\11, ~t'.1r. In• th1 · 11 :c~·. hr ~1rln111S la~L . ..:;1111d:1v 11 ;i~ 111 ~ filllh h1r1hrl;iy so ap- 11;1rr·ntly hr ·.~ noL 11s1ng that ;jngle for tile t\'r\\ l"HJl'l ~IHoWdO\\ : •. Clare \"anl lovrrhrkt' rrnhahly is mnrr rr.~ponsiblc for bringing Orange Counly footbaU into prfJ 1n1nt.'ncc than any other rhan. \'ct in doing so he crealed a 111011sler that coulr t drvour hi1n any 1ime Anaheim loses r11nrc 1han tv.'o gan1es in a .~1nglc sea!nn. Colonist fans arc usecl 1o 11·inning. And as Van recalls of the 1957 licason the night his team bowed lo Fullerton. 13·0, 1Jnc ariclnnado was heard saying, "well, I gu~ss thal's it. The old man is over the hill ." You can rccog n11.c a Va nHoorebcke team by !he fQllowing traits: Taf(>flted , opportunistic, occasionally lucky , ra rely a loser ancl run by a man who still possesses humility and dignity despite his brilliant record . And il"s the 1aUcr tha t 1na kcs yo11 respccl him mO!;t. Beaty Likes ABA Security, Ju1nps to St.:'lrs LOS ANGELES IAPl -Strateg)' nf the ,1oung Ainerican Basketball Association tn its war againsl the t.:.~tab!ishn1ent (·losely resembles thal of its football brethren v.•ith the lntrst skirmish landing Zrlrno Beaty on a (our-year contract. The 6-9 veteran center or the Atlanta ll;J1l'kS !';1gned wilh lhe Los Angeles Strtrs of thr ADA .11nd announced Tuesday he 11n11Jrt ~lt out the coming season His ABA paet starts wilh the 1!170-71 1·~mpa1gn since lhf' N<1lional H:iskel11<1ll Associ;rtJon clu b holds an option on bis service~ \las Yl'ill". General manager Jun Hartly and owner J im Kirst of lhe Stars hoth ri(t- miltcd they expet'I a fu ture n1t'rgt•r 11·1th lhe NBA, but wi1h two clubs in Los Angeles -the Stars and lhc NBA Lakers o"•ne cl by Jack Kent Cooke. Jn Beaty. the Stars landed the No, Z scorer and top rebounder of the llav.•ks, \1•ho only Inst year moved fr om SL Louis lo Atlanta and reachcrl the \\'es1l'rn Division finals before being defeater! by the Lakers. "Security,'' said Beaty was the reasoo he jumped· from the establishment to the newer ABA. Alread y the youn g league has signed Billy Cunnlngham of the Philadelphia 76ers to a Carolina contract starting in 1971 and D!lve Bing of Detroi t tn a Washington p<lct for nc x-t year. Ca re"·· v.•ho hit .332 during the regula r season, be at ou t an in fil.'ld hit in hi.c; fir~t at-bat in the playoffs and the n wc11t O-for- 14 as the Orioles swept three games. 11obinson, a .234 hitter 1furing thC' season, rapped seven hits in 14 :ir- pearanccs in the playoffs and made his usual standou t stoJlfi al third base. "I !11ink the \\'orlrt Series wil l create 11. lol more interest this yrar lhan in a l0ng time because of the :O.·lets,'' Robinson said . "ll"s a natural match-uµ, But I don"t think too much about the Jets heating the Colts in lhe Super Bowl, or lhe Knick.~ beating lhe Bulle.ls in the basketba ll playoffs. That doci;n"I carry lflO much "A'Cight as fa r as we're concerned.'' PHILLIPS NA1l'IES ANGEL COAC l-IES 1\ngcl s 111;1nager Lrf(y l'hilllps tnrl11.Y :innounced his coaches for 1970, a s!Aff described ris "ideal, wl1h a tu tor for e1•rry pha1'e nf the game." .Joining firs \ b11sc conch Hocky B rirtge.~. the only incurnbent. are Pele Beiser, 1;eor!;e (Sparky) Anderson and Norin Sherry. All Jour have managed in the minor leagues and only Sherry is a. newcomer to the major league co<"tehing rank s. llei~r, 49, 11•111 instruct in hill ing. haserunninj:! and outfield p1<ly. lie v.·ill he on lhe bench with Phil lips during the i1eason. An derson. 35, will be in charge or the lnfi elde n; and inherits the third base coaching statio n, vacated by ~like Roarke's transfer to Detroit. Sherry. 38, wi ll be in lhe bullpen. tutor• ing the calehers and as..c;isti ng Phillips In the instruction of pitchers. On another occasion Anaheim had JUSt mopped up the field with La Hab ra, 30·7. Yet when Van got through trlli n~ coarh .John Craven how lucky the Colony hri d been and how unfortunate Craven's tearn was, the latter wound 11p think l'ng he should have won. Birds Due Same Sho~k LA Got in '66 There are doze ns of ot her shni lar episodes. "If you lry and gc~ greedy ii1 this husines~ and abuse people il 11•111 conl<' back to haunt you 1JOr11cday." he philosophizes. In 11 years of reporting 1n 1his county 1'1'c nC\'er heard a coach speak of Van Jn venomous lc r1ns. \'et most every coach in the country \\'Ould probably give 10 years of his Ille to be at one of VanHoorebe kc's teams. Van's been involved in controversies. loo. Like the time his school was involved in a charge or spyi ng on Westminster practices. Or the occasion when illegal rcc.ruiling practices were charger! against the. Colonists. Yet none o( !he principals involved in lho.~c. C<"tsei: sre1nc1I le• develop any particular animosity l(J\\'Rrrl I.he Anaheim fox-. VanMoorebcke ntusl h;1ve someonf! write hls scripts. He's the grcalc~t. bull ' By MILTON RICHMAN NE\V v onK (UPI ) -Pretty soon now U1c. Ballimo re Orioles arc going to gcl a lillle surprise, They·re going ID find out 11 fcw things they don't know about the New York i\1rts. As matlers now stand, lhc Oriolrli r1gure lhe '69 Mets are prety much like the '66 Dodgers. and i! you ha ve a little trouble remembering ho\v that Balti more · Los Angeles meellng came out three years ago, merely thumb through th at part of the record book whic h lists "World Series -four straight .·· The Dodgers h<td a couple or pi!l·h- er.~ that year v.•hose n<1rncs you rn:i.v rr1ncrnt)cr, Sandy Koufax and l)on Urystlalc. They also had eight othe r rnen in the lineup bu~ you try rrrnembe.ring nny or 1he1n. .... .. . ~" .,. .. .Jlrri Palmer rf!members because he pi!ched against I hem in the second i;:arne of the World Series that year and emerged as the youngest pitcher c1·er to hurl a shul.out in a \Vor!d Series. "The Mets strike me :is bei ng a lot like those Dodgers," he says, "Pit- ching .,.,·as the big thing with the Dodgers and lheir only hitters were (Jim) Lefebvre and (Ron) Fairly." Palm er feels the same way most of the other Orioles do. i{e fee ls pitching is the P.fcts' strong suit , and he'! right. li e and the other Orioles also fee l the i\1cts, like those 'fifi Dodge rs. have only two rea l hitt ers. Cleon Jone~ and Tom· rnil' Agee, and that's ""'here .Ifni l'ahncr and 1he rest of !hi' Orioles arf' 11rong. Sornetin1c Thu rsday, the Orioles' n1anager. F:arl Weaver, will 11il down with his players anci go over the scouting report on the Mets. If the three who scouted the Mets did t}i eir customary flo e jo b then the Orioles will discol'er the Me1s have rnore thRn two real htUcr11. They'll find out they also have Kt.n Bos we ll, who can pec k ancl punc h you diny; gu}" li ke Bud Harrtlson, J erry Grote and Wa yne Garrett, who can hurt you when you ne ver expect It : guys llke Ron Swoboda and Donn Clcn· denon ""'ho can hurt you when you do expect it. and a guy like Art Sham.sky who. on any given day, can ki ll you. They also have a pitcher who's too much. Me's Tom Sea Yer. And when Weaver suw him ln the r1rst professional game he r ver ap- pc.arr.d he l\'ond cred how he could possibly aet any better. But Staver has. Tom Seaver did a slrange thing roll-0wing the Mets' last game f\-1onday in \\'hich they officially nailed down lhe National League pennant with a 7- ~ win over Atlanta . \Vhen it was over. all the meL~ b<"tlh· cd each other in cha1npagne. All but one. Tom Seaver. lte was off in another small room by himselr w8 tehing the Orioles in their final contest with Lhe Twins. He knows he's going to open the Se ries against the Orioles so he wanted to rind out anything more he could about them. The Orioles are 8-5 to beat the M r,t~ in th is one. You're. cordially invited In draw you r own conclusion i nd n1ake your ow n pick. Mine is the. Mets In five. , I, ' I .. -----·-------:-"""'71, ~"'T""'...,.n'."'!""""' ...... 9"'!"11'"""""-------.... --~-------. ' .. . (':! OAIL ~rLOT Fullerton Flash Owens Suffers Anl{le Injury fl,· JOEL SCH\\'.\llZ °Of !~1 0 101> '111!1 \ti ll lntl'rrst in Saturday n1gh1 ·~ key South Coa~t Conte1·rnl'l' opi.·11cr in 1hc. 01c .·\ hctwe(•O Ur;111~r t"o:1st l"ul ll•f:C and Fullerton is star1 1ng 111 ;,11'1·11 and so is tbc bi1n1p 011 J\\Jr1 0>1e11:;' ngh! ;u1kl c Q>1 r11:> 1~ r'111lcr1on·:-1;1Ic11 tr d i;upl101nnre <\UJr\t'rl>ack :ind one of the 111;1111 rt'aS(ln:. 11h~ tile lhir11ets art' ra tcd tile srcv11d lit·:-t JUlll'lf 1·ulll·c;e 1cnrn 111 thc hlillC , fullrrtn11 n1:11 h l!:il ~lwiht•rk 1~11 t 1.il h1n~ :1\11,111 Lh1t·11·-:-11t1lk11 right ankle. but 11~1\UJ";) tu llu· !luruci.~· pr.1L"t1ce !Jt•l<l '.\lonctar al!rmoon said !I was as hlg as a ~.1 llb:tll 'Ilic l!i5·puund qu:1rterbal·k l11Jured the a11klt· 111 the scconr! qut1rtcr of !;isl wceh 's 3U-l li \Je\ory 01C'r ~:J Can11uu, but still !ound tune iu collect 1norc Lhau 250 yarJs u1 total offens~ 111 less 1t1an JO 1ni11ute~ ul <1ctior1 . LH~Hl,C: Owr ns fur tlll' Oran~c Cua~l ).!;1nll' 11 uulc! bl' a sever(' h!ow tu Fiilkrlun . ln1 t oti~cr vers !eel hc"JI tic fl•;n!y b.v Saturduy night. Or;iugt' Co;i~l conch Dil·k Tuckrr ha~ !':J llL·tl U11tns IJ1r be~\ <1u<U'\C'rba1·\., F ullt·rton t•1rr h;is h:nl. but Shcrbct·k \ron't go that far. "ll"s pretty hard to ['lick one boy and s<Jy he ·s the best." replies lhe Hornet l"nach. "E\'ery quarterback has his own su·engths and \1eaknesses. I Jusl can L p1l·k one . .. \la r l' !1;is done a tren1endous JOb :1d- jus11ng to QlJar tcrbal'k ror us afte r play- ing 11·ingback. and I have to say he's in the s:unc class as Jun Fasse!!. Dlek llOuKh <1nd Brig Owe1L~ (1\-lar v's older brothe r I." ()wen~· sl~t1st1cs match Lhe raves he "i; b('rll g('llJng. In the two and a half ga1ne:- he ~ rl<t}Cd . h1•'s t:On1plClCd 3~ ul 51 EYI NG HIS TARGET -Ora11 ;,;c ('n;1:-l ('ollcgc's .\like ·ra1111\,1.~u 11 !11 dirt;:\ the J11ratc 11ftc11:-.e 11).!<1111 :::iat11rtldV 1i1gllt in Ilic 1:1~ .\ <..1g <1 111,.,,l nndcleatec! DAIL v PILOT '""'° bJ ltlcftard K••~l•r 1:ullC'rton .Junior r ollcgc. 1'amiyasu has a ccounted for c 1g lit touchdo11·ns thi s !-iCa son. !1 \'C running and three 'p~i...,:-.i ng. Fans Lei't • Ill Dari~ Pirates Stu11 Annoii11 cin .g·, B<1d Lig-hts SC Poloi sts Cct8l S 1iu do iv 011 l~ircit e8 T,1t f,,.·1·~1 1111·1·h -uu1:1 o[ ( "u< L H• ,1rn :1pp;1re111 I~ l~'ii"11, 111 lri1111 4 J11 r o. 1• tin h ~r.rtle'\ thr puhlw .uldn·,~ 1tH11•11p1 L! '! r l1,.rr.; JI Or-in,C" t o.i-1 c .. 11.·:::I' l<••lh;ill /..<ll!ll'' I )\1 1·11~ Ii 1~ ;t I, d l c•'r 'I 11· 1; ii 1' no!\ hr ~~u :11t1h 01 t. ll ·• 111 ,, ' o111d n111.nh1'r' Purir \11\..1 · T<i111!1 ,1 .11 1,,1• I .ul 111 :1,111," pru1ovun~1 ·rl .11 I( .i ' !1 ! 1r 111 11 ,1\ < ~'1te:1 111g)1\ ii\'' p\.1.1 1·(! ,11 1·,1,.11 1:r• ('1 1n -1. ··············- .I OEL :;C ll\VAHZ A11d Cne \[e~r!'" a:•d F111rh ~h·rling <H" trrqurntl~ rall1•r! h; 11!1'11' l1r~1 na n1l's on- ]~ !J\"cr the P."i S}'tc1 11 011ens .tlso I01t•~ 1u 8,11 <' 1·al1 ca1·rirrs rred1t for thrl'e·:uul·.J·hull ·\'ant anti fo11r · Rnd·a·hal[ ~ ard.~ ga1 11~ A·1:~11nst Harbor last 11·eek. he ;inn0unc•t.>d ;1 fn11rth p!a~ ;1~ t;t;irting lrrim the 17-inrh lint' Q11 t·1•s 1~n·1 thr nn lY 101·;1 1 p11l11t1· ... 1. 111"1"!-S ilnnnunrer 11hu 1n:i~ .. ~ tl1t•,c ~11a l ••f c·a!J s. \\'h<IL Q11·en:-. and lht• nlht'rs la!I t\• rcahie 1s lhl' 1·1·n11·d e:1n l'-!'t' tlil' :J!'l1<1!1 lnr itself. All they 11 :1111 10 knl\11 :ir\' tl1c names of the ball carrier anti lhe 1ackle:r1 along v-'lth the ~·anlagc rnade 11·r prr~cnt ~I 'tl·1n 111•1 11 rt·k ~ :11-!0 anJ 111.11 u1~:r.H1111; ro~t thr t'olkge ~$2,1 Thr d1~1~1n\ 11uu1: :Jbuut AltK•r,' hulh r1'p!art•1nc11t >1.1 ~ lh.11 t1(11)of!y rn11ld 1rll t\11 r!itfcrrnvr. Lrll:ird St<1d1un1 '\Ill 11,1 ~ .1 1.;1 .. 11111: p1~'i ii Ill l11utt.i ,1ll fu ·\d I 111·,ir ~1 l11n\il1•, !ri•111 lhl' c0.11·hr- ;it.,,oil !l\1· lt~\i11nE: ·• \11\rr..; !-;11d .. hil l 1111'1 (\11111 I 1•1 0·11 I.II•\\\' I challlll'd llH' 1.11Hh 11h 11·h .1n· ~n 11"11·1•nl 111,,r1' bnll1an1 '( I.·· ''1111 <111<' II llH not wed II .. ~ !II<' l'Hlll!Jtl\('l\t 1111\11" Jlc 111usl l1a 1,• hi:t·n. bcl';111'ol' lung·ll1111• 111'11f'r, n1 g;,111'"' .11 l1r:1ng1· L11a:-L ,·,.111\1 11 l dt>lt•l'1 .111~· <h;ingr ;ind they say 1tl1' llgh l1 ng g<:I' 11 !or:-r e.1l'h year . l'fv1t11:,:rapher!' ;ire \':>ilr1'1ncly c·un!>C1ut1.~ ' J thr ;unount of light :"ll'a1lablc ;:ind lht• l>AILY l'll.OT"s µ1t\11 rl' :-hooter~ r:11r tJr,1ng1' C11a.~l ,1" !lie arra'.~ !-t'COl11l·11ur:-t ~1 ;11J1un1. briund Hunt1nr.:t on Beach lbgh School. 11 h1eh appears to be illu1ninalrll hv h.df a do1en f1<1~h1i~h1, .. \llx'r:> ~<1.I"~ a lot ut th111i:s t·an be 1lanr 111 upgr;ide thl' hghllng. •·E1·rntual!y 11•(' ;irr go1n1: to h:11·r lo cln ~nt11e!h 1ng 111111 th•· present rrflrc!or~. Thr ~alt :1ir dulls them, bu t it will lake about !2.000 to n1akr this one change," hr. !>ill'S Thr s;,11 air a\~o has 1hr li;1l11t nf warp· i11i; thr >1·oodt•n 9~·fon1 polls on 11·hic h lhc l1~hl:> and rro~.'\·,11"111 ;irr innunll'(L Alber~ :ilreadv has had 111 rr!ora\r the 1·1'115~a·nns wh11:l1 ;,uppo1'1 thi' li gh t-; becau se lht'Y werl' 11ll1:d aw;i y fr111n the f<Xllball fiel c~. ! \Vitl1 7-6 Lo ss Ot',lllfr ('u;1:0,I College·!> shunblul,g 11 ,11 er 1J(•ln te<tm rl'.',e.11nrd it s .~trp Tues· da1• at1ernoon ;it hon1r and pulled otf a ~101\11c·r, 11h1pp1ng 1hc L;sc 1arsity, 7·6. II 1'."il~ lhe f '1r;1tr~· 11rst 11clor~· since 1111·1 1u'r<' 111ih'd 111 lhr Srn1lhern l .il 1l1>! ill,1 \nl ll.!11(11\.d h\Ul'rlOlll1l'I\\ l,1 '-t 1\f\ !., b,1· Coldt•n \\'cs!. a ltHl!"lll Y lih';.' 11t·rr t.liongl)' L.norell 10 11111 Tl\r L :-;t; 111.it("h \1.1 s a t11nllrr 111th !J1·1111gl' Coa-,1 HI one 111nr holding a 7·4 ll·ad 111 1hc final pt't'lod . !ln11•rvcr. th e Troians ~cored 1110 goals to narro11· lhr scorr to i·6 and thrn 11·1th 14 seconds to go SC apparently gnt the equali7.eL l/011'r~cr. thr g[)al 11 as nulified bcca11 sr uf a ne1r rule. Scconcf:; before the goal ()r;inge Cofl~1 ·s Bob ~losrley had foul rd 0111 bu1 didn 't tiin·e tune to Jeal"e the pool 11he11 the gonl 1\•as scnrrrl. The new rulr disallows any i.cor111g 11n· 111 a µlayer 1\•ho louts out has lclt the pool. Orange Co:.ist ne1·er trailed in lhc tnatch and Stel'e \Vagnrr supplied n1osl of lhe scoring punch 1vith fo11r gou!s. ~like Allbright added h1'0 and Gary ·r11n111pso n had one_ Allbrig ht scored >1·hat prol'ed to br tlie 11·111111ng goal early in the fourth period. l SC was lrying to pass the ball lro111 11i Iron ! of it s goal. but Allbright !eapc1l 111 Iron ! nf 1he rC'cen·er and tipped the ball inlo the Troian twine. passes for 63Z yarcls &IHI 10 touchlf0w11<; In additi on he 's run tor <1110\hrr 118 ya rd5. rnaklng hin1 Fullerton's 1111) ru sher. He's ~ored one TD. Those .st<1tistk·s add uri to 7;,o y;irtls 111 lot.al offense. a telling ligure. Orange Coast as a learn ha:; onlv been .al.ile to out~uin Owens in tol;il offei1sc by J6 )'otrds. One of the keys to Fullerton's anll O\l·cn':i success through the air ha s been rile pass catching of spilt end Jeff Baker. tlit latest in a strea111 of excel!cn1 llornt'l 1·rce1ver s. Jo three gan1es, Baker ha!'> h;1uk'd u1 !~ p:1~:r~ i:;ood ror 4GO :ards an(1 nine ~1·orc~ "Bakrr 1~ in the :i;1111l' cl<i~s a~ Gary Ortult ;ind l1!l"h Leon,'' Shrrbrrk say:>. '"!le has e1r·r;.tl1111g a recci\1·1· need~ - trc111e11dtn1s ha11(IS, good spcct!, the <ib1ll1.v Iv ~·;H eh tile b:ill in :1 cru>1·d and he kno>1·s liuw 1u run wit:1 the b:ill afll'r he's caui;hl J[" A:i lur Or:ingc Coast, Sherhcl'k /1gurl'~ 1hC'\ 're the s::in1e kind of ball el11b wh1l'h l1a1! his tean1 br<.it lasl year un!il !ht> flornl'I~ r1'l·u ~r1't'~I rl lree k1ek anti ra l. lird 111 !hr l.1:il ~I.\ n1inull'$ tnr a 20 17 1•1c1or.1 "1 lion t kno11 how lt1ry ket•p romfng ~ 111th th11~c big people Thei r llne loo!& ~t1"011gt•r lli<jn tvcr and thry :i re more. a~- 11vt" :i nd ;ig grf'S!.11·r 011 dc lcnse this year "(Jr .. 111gr Co;1J>t 11<1~ lht• ~:11 ne kind nf !c<1n1 as last y'rar ;_11 111 I l)unk ( J\1ike ) T<1m1yasu is i t·r y s1111ilar !11 !Paull Lr· 111oinr. <it q11arll'rhaC'k, Tht'y do look like they !i;i1•t· b<'tllT rcee11ers tl11s ye or and 1Hay) H1cardu ond iCoel ,\-\rycr give t!1 r1n a strong runni ng ga111r " "'l'llry Jon '! lnn-c onr. pla.l'rr or play wr ll .11 e tu .~to p \\\'1"l' Jll.'>l g1J1ng In ha\'t to pla\ ;in t':>.rr.llf'11l gan1e tu 11)11 ," 1>ays Slh'l'bl't-J... S ailor Atta ck P oses Proble1n Tars Just Another Team Trying to Upset Anaheim By HOGER CARLS01'1\ 01 Int D•il1 P>lol S!t H There is a slightly dif fere nt angle to Saturday's Sunsel League football batlle bel"'een upstart Newport Harbor a nd host Anaheim High School, depending on v•hich side of the fence one is silting on. For Newport Harbor faithful it's one of the most importanl games in 2lJ years. But for Anahei1n the game l'fill be a case of just an other tea1n trying 10 kn ock off the proud Colony. Huntington Beach came l"losc last \l'Cck and led 7-6 lnte in the gan1c before Ao aheitn made its closing 34.yard nion.:h for the \Vinning touchdol\·o. Coach Clare VanHoorebekc wasn·L l't"ry pleased \Vilh his tean1 ·s effort against Jlunlington but added that th e Oiler:; had f:iomeLhing to do '>l'ith the closeness of lhe game. And , he says Newport !I.arbor figures to be bigger than J-luntington. VanHoorebeke \vould not. con,pare Ne1vport with any of his pas\ foes. "They're ve ry sin1ilar to the singlr. \11ng and it dlways poses a prohlt:111 playin g that style of att<1ck only oner. a year. "Bui it's no! their systcn1 "41 1nurh a.~ !hc·ir pl<1yers and the 11•ay lhey l'XCl't1le that reall v bothers u.~. s a y s Van! loorcbe.kr . HEA D COLON I ST Clare VanHoorebeke • II !" l'trlaiol.v the bc~t tc;u n \\";ul" I \\';1l!'>' ha~ had 1luw11 1ht•rt• . JU~l .i l;Uod. 11cll·h,1l<111cr.d tca1n . lie se<:111s 111 Te1tse 1t1011te1tt for Conc lt hn l'e his back$ going 40 dillercnl w;iy i::. ;ind ~ou don I k1101v 11110 ·.s got 1he fool · holl." ~<1 1 s thr An;1 hcin1 1ncntor \ anl!oOrcbekr pt'rsuna!Jy 11e11·ed tl1l' ,\'l'wµor L-('orona {!\·I ~l ar ga1nc and has -'>l't'.1 the last L11 11 ,\'1'"Jllirt v.·ins on t1 loi. 1\s lor hts Anahci111 r.le1en. the Hun· tingluo Beach g;u11e 11 as a l"lassic f'X· etinple °'the Lulon1s1;)' ~tylr. of play. Tadb<ll li Tim Thorn. a t11'1>'}'tar st:•rler. carries a 1na1u r ~ha!"c of the ol - f..:n~i1e lu;nl 11ith runs f11·er the t ack le~ ;111d sl1oll'ed h1.~ µ;i~sing threat 011 a fake J>,\T a1lc111p1. :\lltL 11f cour::r . ;it 11u:1 rlerbock i:o I ;curgt' Fraser. I he la!I 11 ho Jr1I An11bein1 111 tht' C'!t" A.-\.\1\ l'h:.1111p1unsh1p 111 1!167 ;1~ ;1 soph•)tl1orr Fr;i~('r is l'q11ally l11ugh running or J•i.lSS1ng \Jlll 11! l11 s optiun '>cri es. Anal)c1111 l1Js t'OJOyed inarkr.d succc~s :1g:1111~t \\111 1>oJrl -s qfl l'l1S J 1 e :ilignmcnt wHh 11·u1s ol 39.7 ;111d J!J.Q lhe p<ist two ~ L'<lf ~. Bul \·an l!ut,JrCb1:kr ~a1:-1 1he ~cores •lon't indicate th« elo.~en(>.~s of the games -csp!'l"i<llly the l!l·O 1crt11c1 l;is l .vear. "\Ve had I!) fight tor our 11\r.s in thnt one. NeiVJXJl'l pushl·d us around pretty i.;u~irt ::nd the tuul"hdown~ t·a111e/ pret1y ('1Jf':1 p. "If \UU <"lu·ek lt1{' '>lilll:illCS Oil that J!<Jn1e I think tllev"IJ bear tha t out," says \ Ull. r Edison lllgh School a ssi:-tan! football coach \·incr ,'\:-;iro 1.\·pifirs l hc fcc!int-:~ lh3! go through e1 co;u::h "s n1 ind during ;111 1n1t1al .':o Ca!'>fl l1 ot 1·ar~ily fooLbHIL 1·1ic ('hargcr!'> ho:-l Santa :\n;i \'alley <i i Jlun l ington I:i.enc:h Saturday nigh<. looking for their first \\'ln ot lhc yea r. \Vhat makes <r pubhc :1ddre~~ an- 11ouncer like lhf' Dodgers' John Hainsey good is the ~unplc ab1!1Ly 11[ knuw111.i.: 11·hen to afl(f 11·hr n nut ID i;pca~ It s so1nelhing O'A·cns sho uld lc<rrn to ~10 "'\Vhat ll'e re.ally nee~ is H new lighlln~ !'>V~lL'lll, huL 11 wilt cost thousands ot jJ,ollars and \1•e also need a lot o! nc1v t·lassroonts. 11 ·s ju~r a 1nalter nf priorities and classrooins corne fir st," ,\!IJCrs :.anJ. Youth Sports Called Dangerous !Sl1 e 1l n J,illlr f,igltl Poor announcing 1~11 I !ht• •inly 1 11111~ keeping Orange Coast football fan.~ in 1h1· dark. One night 1n Thi' 1n1ddlt· of :i fvoth;1ll J!ame at Orange Coa st College ·.~ LcB;irr1 Stadium, the lights :irr gu111g to go oul and nobody wlll know 11 It's a sad but trU l' l;ir t tlla1 1he Ur:111i!r Co11s l Junior Co llrge IJ1~trict is i;adrllcd 1vilh a fine shu:l iun1 ancl a li('(;ond·c:lt•'!S Jightin(:l sysltrn. ln1prn1r111cn1 :-o arc 1io11 ll 11c·1'de1l. b11t 1L 11•1\l l'O~t 1tious:111d~ of do!l:1r~ tu 11J)Jo!r'.1dr 11r replace 1hc l1~h11ng. acrnnh11r. It> Fra11 Alb(<r~. mainlelltll1Cl' Oj')Cl",11111!1~ tn an;:igcr 111 (lrangr ('11:i.,1 Albers ~aid he rrplaced a ll 1!1t bLdh~ in A.\'Tt:A T ER ~ RI/' C.1 /, POL,\', J.~-7 L"C lr11nt's 11a1tr polo force~ upped 1h1·1r ~ea.'>(lnil l rceurd lo ~J Tuesday ;:ltt•n1oon all£r nppin~ 11sit1ng Cal Poly J 'o)lllOllil, J7-7. ,Jitn Uradburn and Bob ~1 cC1ellan each ~111 a pair of goals in the first period lo :-.t·1 !lie trrncl .11111 \1l'llu1111kl endt'd up h1jlh·po1nt man f,,r L'L'l 11llh 111111 1111,il5. !ht highest lo\:i! lhi~ 1rar for ;111 .\11le:11 cr nrHt1t1uro 1111111111'<1 1111h 111r1e 11h11r ~!cl'lcll11n 11 :i~ JOJnrrl h1· l)alr. llal111, 1111a11e (ll ~·u1 :1111 1 .1;11·\.: JJH·kn1.1nn 11 llh I 11 \J r,1l l1. S,\:\' FRA ~C ISCO !CPI\ The pressure 10 11·111 -lron1 01·erzealou s paren1s and roacht'S-has nladr bol's' baseball and football a health haznrd inr ~·oun~ plet\ers. particularly th( n1os1 1:(1(ted 8 to 1-l·ye;ir~lds, a C1ncinna11 ph~·~ictan says. Or. Nichoh1s J. Gianneslras ... ~:ho said there \\"as nothing inherently \l'rong \l·ith youngsters playing thr twn sport!'., cal lt>r1 for s!rin(!cnt rrgulat ions to restrict thr ovrr-use ol the best players and too !i1nil 1h>' rl:111gers of ,.pitcher's clbo1.,·" C 1an11c~tr11s. physiciti n for t h r 1 ·1111rr~11 y of C11H·1n1u1t.1 football te1L111 . s~1 t! !hr cni pl1t1!-J.<:. nn 111nn1ng ha s «..'lusrd ph;,~i<.:al ;ind p~)Cho!ogicel d<image In ~ nunr plrir~·rs. In a tulk 10 !he An1erie,111 (·oll1·g1' nt surgeons. he s<11d con1pc11t1011 Jn both !:oCh•IOls and "ai:1•ncy-sponsor1'tf ' le;1g11t~. .~ut:h as L11\lr Leugue boscb;dl 1w l'c·1· \\'er foot ball , should hr aboh~hrd if !ht·~ tlon·t mrel proprr hrt11th s1andartl- ll r. spec1f1(',1lly cnllr<I for proh1h11Jno:: JJl boys under 12 from a~enC}'·~ponsored ac· t il'l!it~ and for eliminating \Vorld Srr.rs. bowl gan1ts. pep f! r o u p s Jori undul' p11bliri t.v \\'hich rr~u.i ltl prrs~ure 1u 11 !!I on inure llai u 600.000 yo u n .!: :-. I r r !' n11 r11cl p111 ing "Thr cur1 r hnll 11n~I thr ~ltdrr ,1i,111!o! be ou1l11wed lor bo~~ uodr·r !·!,"'hr ';1u l .. ,, ~l r;1ight. 01rrheod p1trh 1, rrl:i11 1rh ~nfc, h11l th c others 1an t'Hlll'<' !}('r111n114 nl elh<lll dan1 01ge Ul 1;rn11'111g bny.- Huys. he ~.ucl. ~11011hl Uc l11n1l1'd 1n p1lclu11i.: lht•er 11111inl:~ r1 da.1 t:1ar1nl'~lra~. 111!0 lrrillcd IXitt.ccr 1;rr;1I SJ nd) KuufJ' 11hf11 hr pl,1}1•d .1! 1l1r L"n11cr"11 y 11f f'tnr1nn;i1 1. ~aid the ll'tl· handl'rs' ftirl·ed re11re1nenl w1 1h ;111· ;1r111 rll 1t· t"lbow "H ~ proba bly t.<instd bv u1·<"ruse or hi s 1utc11uig ann "h1le J ~ot1n&Slt'r Hr s11id •·p1lrhr r's ('lbow · 11,1~ :i ro1n · tnon ;1ffl11 ·t1no arn ruig \!lll!l~ hurl1·r~ ao1t ('l!Crl il rrN'nt ··tudv of 16Z Ltllle Leagur p!.1~1'l"' ,,t·l11rr1i !l .ind I! in 11h1ch all 40 111t1•hr rs ~l1owrd dt•f1111lr 1111111 1•11:11 1~1·, 111 1111· l'lhn1'.. 111cl11d111;:: rJtl'h ;11·11it"it 1,i ,111.J drcrnr1·;,lion 11I hont" r·:1r11lr~,. (;1.1111r.~:r;\;. an 11nh11prd1, ,11q:rfnl , :.l,11 111•11·11 a q1J.1d111phns nl h11er .1pr1 .1· IH1n;; roll' \nlltl!; foo\h.11! pl:llf'T-5 ;If hi~ ho~pil ~I ill 1he past lour year~ llt' ~111tl grn111 11g Uoy~ arr phys1t"ally in· r;1p:1blc nf su:-.t.unc1I n1ax 111111111 rfforl for lung pt:•ri&ls .,t;oct didn 't makr kids' JOJnl ~ lo sust ain \hr lrerncnclou~ l'florts rrqu1red in these spnrts," he said "the problcn1 is that tN best pl ayers arc used throughou t tht gri11ie~ nnd bero1nc fatigued And tired ." ··There's no!h1n.c \\TOO~ "'i!h b11seb.:.!l ;ind fool half-If vnu use all the kids. But .1011 ruu~t·ll'l r1;•1)une pl<ry two or there 1nn111µs 11r haH a 1111arlt>r \Vr can·l ~a('ril 1re lilt• 111n't nlhlf'tlcally-gifteU ~011ngs1rr-. in '1rd('r In win ." li e a l,~o 11arn"d uf p~vl·holug1r11l tinrm l\1 ll\C' )t'~"-blfl1 d pl:i~l'I S. ] ] ti< ., tt "' m "' N '" m th Ix s1: w. he '" oc Al Ix to l.o sa ao th be th ve ;, (;I Ko ., fit; ho :-it of ...... bu ko Di 8S ott G• I co r,, '" 25 thi Bi: he 11" I " be th, ... l\li '" ac be co. '" is fie; Co m< H< tee 00 un t " \\'( idt ha we st::: g• do "'' m• lh· "' fe< le< yo ~II rlo tm O<>' ch •• ,. Pickford Still See ks Perfection Football coaches arc a hard lot to please, even when they are winning. And Fountain Valley's Bruce Pickford ts no exception. llespite a 2-1 record and having his learn corning off a 15-6 upset \'iclory over Magnolia last week. 1'he Barons con1inue Irvine League ac- tion at Huntington Reac!J this week against Corona del Mar and Pickford still thinks his club has some in1proving to do. ··The biggest area we need in1· provcment on is to get rid of our O\V O mistakes. We probably operated at 70 percent efficiency last week. \Ve made 14 errors against r.1agnolia like blown plays and fumbles. "[ th.ink \Ve should have gotten two more touchdowns. 1\vice we were inside thei r 10 and twite we didn't score. "Part of those 1nislakes \vere cal1.scd hccause we were forced Lo make s11bs tit1itions. \Ve h;:id some kids playing who didn't originally figure in our plans, but we had lo use lhern because of in- juries. That hurt our execution. "Another thing we have to improve is our downfield blocking. ll 's been horrible. At the point of attack the blocking has been good, but we've been working a lot to improve downfield . "\Ve have to make these improvements to play with Corona de\ Mar," Pickford says. "The best thing they do is defense and we'll have trouble moving against them . .. fle's (Corona coach Dave Hollal\d) been talking championship and this is their best team. "Corona del Mar is big, strong and very physical. They've really been com· ing along and it helped their attack when Clcnn Miller was moved to halfback and Keith Samuels became their quarterback. "What we have to do is stop Miller's i;peed and Rick Petros' pov.'er to contain I.heir running. In passing situation ~ ~amuel likes Lo go to Miller or Jcfr Goelitz and we have to st.op that too." Pickford was more than happy with the way some of his players performed a gainst f.1agnolia. Rick Hartsfield, \\'ho scored lwlce against the Sentinels. has earned a i;t;irting halfback spo t and Tom Malone h<1s inherited th e quartcrb<1cking post. "Malone did an outstanding job eon· ~idcring b(' didn'l have a nlckle's worth of experience." Pickford said. r.1alone v,·as forced into action \Vhcn Gary Val· buena and John Svoboda both were knoc ked out of action with injuries. On defense Pickford liked the work of Bil! Champion, who made his first start .as a defensive tackle, along with his other tackle Bob Navarro and guard G~ Hernandez. Vaquero Coach Says Rustlers Best i11 State By IIOWARD L. HANDY Of fM O•ilY Pllo! SUH "Golden West ls as good as any junior C'Ol!ege football team in the state. I look for them to give East Los Angeles <'verything they \Vant in their game ~Oct. 2.)) and f kno1' \re have. our hand s fu!l t his week." That's the terse opinion nf Sanla Barbara College coach Bob Dinabcrg ;:is he prepares his unbeaten Vaquerrn; for the Golden \Vest inva.<;ion Saturday nigl1t. Jn :inalyzing the Ru stlers. Dinabcrg ~ays further: "Their defense has always been tough and v.·ilh (Tony) Bonwe!l now , they have it <llL They arc !he best tenm "·e will play this season by far." The Santa Barbar<1 nientnr singled out Mike J ones oo the defensive team for special praise. "He is a 200 pound acrobat. He is all over you all the time. 1 believe the Golden West defel'J.!le is of real coUegc caliber." Torning lo his club. he says ex.Costa f>.1eia High quarterback, Dave Sobolewski is · directing the Vaquern attack this seison. Sobolewski attended Orange Coast in the spring before his family moved back to the Santa Barbara area. He was a member of the OCC baseball team last spring. The Vaqueros have found a new Jea6e on life in the f()Qlball world this season under Dinaberg. Lnng-1.ime assistant coach Rusty Fairly says: "He came here this ye:ir from Cal Western in San Dit>go and insti lled new ideas and ('nlhusiasm in our boys. "He ha ~ done a remarkable job and we l1ave t"•ice as many out (or the team as wr had last vear. This is also our best start si nce 1963 when \\'e played in a bov.·1 game at the end of the season. Bob is doing a great job." The Vaqueros operate with a balanced 11Uack. Jerry Hugl1es and Rick Renz do most of the running and Sobolewski is I.he team's leading passer. Reni was nained to the All-Western States Con· ference team last season despite a 1-8 team record. "\Ve ;:ire small. inexperienced and :i-·nung," Dinabcrg says. "It is a pleasant ~urprisc to us the way the team has been doing so far but we know we have a tough one this Saturday night.'' , • The Vaqueroo. with a wealth of man· JX!wer this season <they had 60 plus boys oot for the team). make a C<>mplete change from offense to defense. To dale. the Vaqueros have won three J!anirs, defcatinJ! Pnlnm:.ir. 2:1.19; tlan· ,·ock . 34-24: and Pnrtervi!le, 24-20. More Sport.OJ Pages C4·C9 ---------------7-·-----·---------~~-·....------------ Wednesday, OctobeP 8, 1969 DAiLV PILOT (,'3 ___ _.,.....,_ --------------·~~.,,...., ... -===~"'"-'~'--'_""'_""'""'"'"-""""' .... ~n.:.=_1 ____ ¥1~0 j I:.__ _ _,,_·--- t1N ew Triple Threat Player Blosso1ns Area ~J • ID ...... :'fir' ··~ ....... • , ~··"~ . -~ - ' . ; .. .,, .. I . I .. , "7 - ; : .... . ~~ ..... ,, ..... .,. . . ,. +-n .. , . . "' ... --....... ••• ,, 'I' ' •., ..... _. , I· •r ' • \ •·•~"' • ' -.. • . . ·-.... -... ... ..... u -- PREPARING FOR FOOTBALL CAREER-Yotulg John Spangler. 26-month-old son of a Newport Har- bor assistant football coach, gels in considerable practice for future gridiron career. In upper left photo, John passes ,~,ith accuracy. l!pper right he i! shown kicking the ball "''ith author1~y an~ at lo~er left, he carries the baU through an 1mag1nary line. Meet Mesa Friday No Letup at Loara, Saxons Have It All Hy GLENN WHITE Of m1 01111 Piiot i11ll Dc(cnding CIF (/\AA ) champion. undefeated this year. Hanked fifth <in1ong large schools in Southern California prep football ratings, 14 lettermen returning and 10 ~cninrs in the stilrting lineu p. That's 1hc Loa ra lligh :'i('hnol fonlball lf'ain thnl'!l invade Newport. 1-larhor !lii:;h Fri r!:iv night to n1eet Costa r.Icsa in an lrvinC L<'~gue tiff. Coach Herb Hill's Snxons cnrnpilrn f;ivorably v:ilh the 13-0 team of a year <lAIJ Jn J;1('(. th ry ni;iy be belt.er . fh ll. ;in assis~ant al Orange Coast Cnllcge for 1wo vt•ars before he y,•ent to Ln<i ra 10 build 3 dynasty, says his 191\n !i·o1n is co1nparable defensively with the 'f)8 club. And he says this year's tea1n passes better while appraising the running game as having been stronger in 1968. ';Our kids aren't big, hut they have good movement,'' he reveals. Statistk's !'hnw J11ilt L.1111ra's offensive line averages 192.l pounds per man and the backs avl'rage 174.2 ..• hard I y qualifying anyone for midget status. Hill calls Costa Mesa the toughest foe his forces will have faced thus far in the campaign. "They've improved every week. With ii new coach it takes a while ln adjust to your personnel. They have made so1ne changes that have helped a;id r thought they looked very impressive against Estancici last week. They held Nev.•port even the week before so they must have something," Hill say~. "Thill tJohn) Manix and (Kim) Wolf have done a fine job in the backfield, to say nothing of that big line up front." Loara and Costa ~1esa have a common opponent. The Saxons blasted Orange, 27· 0, \Vhili! Orange edged Mesa, 6-0. "\\'hat you did lasl wee k doesn't mean a heckuva lot. , .il's this week that counts," Hill slates. ''\Ve S('C these teams on film but lhey :i.ren't the same people when they come ilgainst u~. They i!ll play l:>eUer and with a ~reater rate of intensity. "I don't put too much credence in ratings, either. It's what you do on Fri· day night that counts.'' HilJ points out. I-fill has 1nade winning football a way or life fnr Loarans. His overaU record is 6~15·3. His only losing campaign was 1963 when the all· junior school went into Orange League competition against senior opponents and had a 4-5 TC<'Ord overall. But the {,::owing year Loara was 9-2, losing in lhe ClF AA semifinals to San Marino. 14-13. In 196:> Loara went to lhe semis of the AAA eliminations and bowed to West Covina, 13-0, finishing the year 11-L Then la st year the Saxons ripped San Marino. 34·7, for the AAA title. Now they've been elevated to 4-A status and will join the rough and tumble Sunst't League next year, which means nose-lo.- nose competition wlth neighbo r in g Anaheim. Area Sports Calendar Desert Team Like Mirror To Gauchos Line up College of the Desert's or- fensive team opposi !e Saddleback's of- fense and it 's like looking in a mirror. Both use the same offensive patterns, but the resemblance breaks down in the execution. Coach Bill Reeske's Desert team has only scored 12 points tJ1is year in losing its fir~t three g:imrs v.·hilc Saddleback had piled up 72 while compiling a 2-l record en rour r to Lhe Nn. 4 spot among the state's smal l junior college teams. Reeske, \\'ho's in his first year at the helm nf the Hoadrunncrs. says a good in· dication of the :;;trength of the two teams, which clash Saturday night in Palm Desert, is how they fared against Chaf- fey. "Chaffry beat us 15-7 and Saddleback came back the next \veek to beat them 20-6. I saw Saddleback against Chaffey and they could have 1von lhat game by 30 points if they wanted. "Right now Saddleback has to be the favorite for our conference cham· pionship. .., was very in1pressed with their big tight end r.farc Hardy and quarterback Rod Graves. I really like Grave~· coolness. He performs well under pressure. "Saddleb.aek's tailback Toby Whipple Is a good, durable back. He's the type of runner every coach likes to have around. 1-fe's not fast enough to break open a game, but he's always dependable for good yardage," says Re~ke. As for hls own team, Reeske admits It's only an average oulfit. "We are stronger on defense although the score of our game with Hancock (41· 7) doesn't show it. I think we've been trying t-0 thro\v the ball too much when we really don't have a quarterback who's reall_v a goOd passer. '87 Vintage Star Ill Making "\Vhen you i~tatl a new offense, like we've done here this season, the running game comes much easier. "I think we have one of the best run- ners in t he conference in Bill Alfred. }le's a big old bull with his kind of size (215 pounds). He really hasn't gained a lot of yardage so far. but that's because we've been stressin~ the p;issing game.'' An All·American at Occidental College in 1987·90 is in the making at Newport !!arbor High School. lie i~n·t an official mernbcr nf the Sailor varsi1y as yet but plans cal l for him tn p!a.v 1hcre in his prc·colleglate d~iys in the early i!IROs. At !he rnnrnen(. young John ~pnnglr:r (age 26 mnnths l is a trtple-threat "mFin'' knny,·n arrectlonatrly by nll me1nbcrs r.r the Ta r varsity nod coaching stciff as "~he Rat." .John passes, kicks and runs wilh equal abandon with a football almost half his sh~e. And when he has no one else playing \1·ilh him. he cente rs lhc hrill before tak- in~ off in pursuit of his opponent's go.al line, lie 1s lhr son nf <JS~lslanl. coach George Spang!rr who plnye<! c0llegc ball at. Q(.;- c idrn!al flS an rn1l l':ilhC'r Grnrge gained r()n~idcrnhle f:inl<' :is a Rridder wh.h the Eagle Hock h1stilut101i bul not near as much as his father did at the same school. Tony Spangler was an end and sprinter on the track team at Occidental and gain- ed All-American recognition. He coached ;:it Fr;inkHn High School in Los Angeles for 37 years before his retirement. 1·-rom such an illuslrious background anrl with his f11r!y training on the ~idclines <l l Newport 1-larbor, "the Rat" cannot mi!'iS 11s 11 future All ·American at Occidenlal-where else? • Reeske's main concern on offense h• been a consistent lack of scoring punch. The Rondrunncrs have generated just one touchdown on offense. Their other score came on a 98-yard in· tcrccplion re.turn against Chaffey by Jack Root. Reeske considers Root. a halfback. along with middle guard Harry Karuzich, a 210-poundcr as stickouts on defense. -. . ) ' ' l • ' • . • • • l • ! • -- ' , . . - " .. • • \Ve:jne!.day, October 8, 1%? WORD OF EN_COURAGEMENT -Laguna Beach Jllgh P layer Ch ris Bo,1·- ll_liln _gets a pointer or ,t~ro fro~n coach llat . .\kins during the .-\rlisls' duel \\lllh Villa Jlark l<1 st 11'eck. f·r1day nigh t La guna \1·111 lake on Crestvie\v League title favorite Foolhill. Catl1 ecl1·al Has. 15 Playe1·s; Sai11t Foe SI10\v11 No Me1·cy Coach Hal Akins and his Laguna Bcarh Hi gh School Artisls ;1 i11·a)·.~ seem to have the prohlem of not h1n•1ng enough players for t:icir football squad. In fact. this is tl1c 5ccond ~traight ye;ir the .\rtis!s ha1·e not been <iblc to field ;i Junior ··arsity tcAm and the to!<Jl ~trength of Akin!>' 1 ar~ity now .s.t ;inds ;;1 28. :'l!o~e O<'er. Hal you '1p. got com pany . Lt·ague opener Saturdav. Coach l.ou Cvijanovic'h and his Santa Clara Saintts laici iL on, 76-0, "'itb 3Z point s racked up in th e fourlh period. \\'hrn ~sked \~hal he told his ph1ycrs :ifter a rlt·feat like that. Pagliaro replied, "Pr~tty IOllC.h . "Tliry jSant ::i (J aril ) pa5sed the ball nil 111·f'r the pl:irc and didn't pull their big guns unt il four minutes rem ain ed. F ootl1ill Coacl1 Co11ce1·11ed Ove1· 1l(11igl1t Me11tal E1·1·01·s Ovt>r al Foothill H i g h School. coach Ed Bain has the county's leading prep scorer, a quarterback \Vho rn1sses "Tll either on sprint outs or by dropping back and he has :i football team that's rnnked th ird among thr CI F's A1\A schools yet he worries about the penalties that haven't been (:ailed against his club. The Knights have rollt'd O\'cr th ree opponents. 111- c.:luding last week's 55-0 Lhun1· ping of l\·l ission Viejo. But Bain wants to have Ju., chaps eliminate mental errors in this week's Crest1•tl'W League game against vdnlcss Laguna Beach . "We've been making a lot 1,£ little mental mistakes, like holding on the offensive linf'. Be.I "·e've been lucky becau~f' the · officials haven't spollcd then1. "I have to say, lhough , that it is lhe best team I've coach- ed at Foothill. And cer tainlv it's the most dedicated," Ba i;l says. "Our running hacks have been doing an excellent job, particularly Bob Speicher." Speicher has da:.hcd for seve n touc hdoWTI this yea r to lead the county in scoring. Included in his scoring run<; .aN! rorn ps of 78 and 50 yards. IJain says he doesn't have good speed, but calls Speicher a powerful runner wtlh good balance. To complement his running attack, th e f'ooth ill boss has quarterback Bob Blackridg('. '"He's doing an excellent job. 1"1e was do ing so v.·ell sprinting out that we decided to add drop back passing to our at- tack and he's equally good either y,•ay." Barn doesn't ha •c niany prob!C'rns on nercn~e y,·1th ;1 lciun that's only given up :-;1:0. points. .. Our defense J;il\'e u s 21 points against flll ss ion Viejo and J think \\'C have one of the top defer1s1vc backs in the Sears county in John Fletcher " Fletcher picked off three p;i s~cs last \\'t'Ck ;ind i<> one of Foo thill's le<iding tacklers. Bain s<iys Snn!3 Ann VJl!cv and Lowell rnoved lire bal l fa irly wel l against Foothill . but the Knighls con1plC'lely shutdo1l'n r.1i:;s1on V 1 e Jo, limiting it to three first doy,·ns :ind 56 ~·ards ncl. llis n1a!n concrrn ;1::;:a1nst Lagt1na Beach 1s the ;\rl!sts' passing attack. ·'They run a d1ffcrrn t !.1·pC' of pass offense th an anything 1ve'1·e f;iced. [1·cryhof1y 11 c.\·c played has had ;1 drop back passer. but La&runa pa~ses olf th£' nption play. "\\'!! ha1 c 10 be pilS'> co11- ><1·iou~ and prr\'rnt the bor11b. T11"Jf 11unr1crhntk ( flri1nl Ort - ll1"r and h;1lfhuck 1f1!1kc1 :\h- h•'Y <Jl"f• the 1111es l',C h;r1(' lo ~ton . "\\'c\·c gotten a ~0od pa<<; /:NOW CF;~,:," 'SUC!CS~-H! €"NJOV!.O J'll fl/ "Pein L IVJD , • •, // Ck "' ''"'fief:! ~ we'MSP66 ON '"!Ne' tee "'"""""' ""''''"'" "'A<L . -""' ,.,, ltl.H.L . ..,,. , - rush all season ;inrl lhal ~ helped our pa.~s defense .a -- grea t deal," he says . 1·i .. iJll ~l ~:t L , ()r tn l1 1~I' ::_ q, IO, :u id I I \\'hen Cathedral ll1i;h dropped a 1.;.9 .~ ciccision to ~ervitr Thursd.1y r.1gl u the r h,1,'1· ... I ·m~ of co<ich Bob 0 C'orin"r nJnlhf'r<"I 1.·1 "Dul thal'! the "·ay Sanla Clara plays it. If r---- lhf'y grt the t'hance lht)·'ll really lay it on.·· It \\·11.~ lhe rirst tin1c lhree-ycar-0ld "' Scemf' the 0?! Hr' !.f':i,e11r f"llflt r.i n 1ntn .. l•lC CI F'~ :'\o I 1\,\,\,\ ICJl]l, Bl;1 1r 1!1gh of ~ ra~.1dcn,1. rhc 11 rt'I\ li('fnrr :ind 1·:•rr1e out nf ,· th<> 41·7 druhhtn~ 111th •('1 f"n 1n 11111 'J plnycrs. Nc1¥bury Park hfld met San ta Clara. Enrlier \(·1rh11ry Park had beaten Agoura , "-ll, aod lost 10 St. Donu,·ent11re. 5G-ZO. .1.. -1-.,. ../'. "' ,.( • • ' • Twn •l{'Tf' lir·:1!1•I "T 111"' f11 rl'!\C. b\11 :•r•otht'f:,f"·o111tli.,11'1 \'.l'lll.rl I 111 the ~t:L'\l!ld hJ1r nl tl:r ~~-\'itc cl:i ch (' C• 11ncr hJd a '• i..:ond ~I ring h:ilfb;)cf. ., ................. ··~ HO C FR CAHLS0.'1 ......... ,. ...... . r11ying offen~ti·r ruard an•I " o:.e<.·ond ~I ring l'• 1rns1\·r hal1hack pl:1vi ng tackh' n \nnrier spen1< 11nrlaun1rd ho11·r\•rr. I 1,. r c 1cr t}t" ·1 ,, pJl'l'ld of ;:i bun(·h ,,[ l'"lll s 1n PlV hi •• Thcv pl;•vl'd a pr1•a1 l!'•mr ;i~rt it 1n••Y h;11-r madE.' our !iea .on," , .i~~ r11 •inn1 r. 1hl· Phan!otn , nr"nrcl !he r ;imp:i12n 111 •h a :r.r, rnu i nf \111 1 ('"q" bPforc runr.inr ;·,!n Ll,11r nnd Srr1 111· l iC'<'pin~ l •It, "II .lnhn Ln11-rv , ('\-F.!'\;inria 111~.h lnptlJ,111<n.iLli11!10 1nn1cd un In 1\nte\1Jpc \ 'r•IJL I' ' 11'• 1\1 11 ln111 .11r !1 ~ 1 .<t1r-1· 111111: Al en1:111~· ~II ·111(1 In •1;: 111 f;1,,.1l•·.1 •IJ·l~I ;ind \"1('\1\f \ 11· I I ' f; " . 1111· ,'.n1:"1i1, l.f':!t.:11<· :1ppt'.1r~ •h111 hh·ri, u111· lho• n "'-l 1,f 1h1· (II·' S•u11h rrn :_,,••\1t•ll i'irru•ts in fo1 1tball. t'·l'h•Prn St. l'aut. .\!:tie r l)ri, (li ~hop An1at ~ri·I :-r r\ilr. th at 11 nartrl has IJ!l.~trd an i1n- r.:•,i111! 11-1 n1arl\ in n11n-l1>aguc at"tion. :0-1. Paul ha~ i>e;llen El J{;1nl·h11, 1."n.f! HraC"h r oly ;1n!I S11n Oicgo !)O\\·cr .'l<idi~on \1h ilr \n':'I has pl11\rerl 01f'r Dnmirn, La P11r11tc ar.rl IJornin,encz. ~1atl'r nri h a~ hc att'n ~:1n t;1 1\na ;ind Lak"\\OOcl \\il h nnh· a 11·0 lu~~ tu Loyola IJ)!'~'ill,I! 1111 q , ~l.'.lli'. ,\1HI i;11r1u i'in,t: ."\t"r1 ltc i~ i.ti11 1111d4•lr;1trd 11i1I• \\iris 01er Cla 1'h. (l .. 1~ \ 1·,1:;1~1 . l'arific:! J.n·I C:ith1>!1r;i l. lhn-r 't;1I• {!nn·1 !r:11 c nutrh hopr [or ,\11:,;rlu~ f'll !l'IC~ St. Anthony nn1l l'i11i. .\. '.\!i~~ion \'iejn ('Ofl Ch ll :i~ norl gr \\'3Sn'I !On pll'il~rd 11 \tb !ht' 1:1 rn n\ r\ 1•n!~ lasl l\'f'r l\ 11h,-.n hi~ rluh "rl' int'hl·~I h\' f on:hill , :1;;-0, i\nrl he s1>rn,r1t tn 111d11" 11· rh 31 Foothill mav ha \'t' rnhl}t'tl i1 in a little 11 ith a h1 <;l·St'· ro1."u tn11chdo"·n in lhe l i r~I h;ilf Ill puU out lo -. a 49·0 m:lr,L!in. 11 \c1•pnrt IJ.1rbor ll1 ~h !ypr s :1rf' ,, l11llt' 1•r.'1'1 1111)1 !hr lo1v CS[Cf'1TI, thr S.1ilnrs .1p- p.11r:1!ly l1nld 111th ~porlswrilrrs 111 !he C!F' i ;onkini::~. !::ike hC'i"lr! t /ril n~·· Cnunlv's onlv nlhcr conlnbutor to I'" 11·<'rkly pnll. the 0 He r.1ster. d1 d11·1 e1cn bt•'h• r lo vntr 1n this \\·cek's r;i1in~s. .. ' ' ' ' • • , ' ' .• ' • • • .. ' .. lha!"s nnthini::. ho\\'r\'t'T . C''!n1p11rr tl lo "·hat happcnr!I to co:1,-.h Chri~ Pu ~l\f!rn ;inci his \e1lbury Park !'anther~ in lh ei r Frnnt ier 1nr1 11011lrl ~·n11 belie1·p Lc1ke\1ni)r!, :i~.i; \'iC· run of ~1 ;i!er J)c1, is ra1ed one no1ch .Jho1·c the \l rn~rchs? Mctl"i1ia iii 14-2 B lit;:,; Baro1is, ~1esct1 rs Bo1u By STE\'!-: ,\\DHE\\"S O! ·~· ta•tY P·•~I s11t1 t<.f·arin;i cll!~Jhed 1,;i i\\1r.1rl;1. 14·2, 1n \1:ilrr pnlo ;iclion Tuesday , \\•h1lc Cost a !\lr>s a fell to Long IJe nc h \Vilson. 7~1. ;.ind La Quinta •1;i~ benllng Fountain Valley. 14·2. to II•" 1111:11 p<'nnd 1lri11 11 :-i.2 r.dl.('rl f(lr three i.:•1;1h 1n lhl' 1..i~I !1111 n11n111rs hlll h•!I ~hnr! Hon 111 1~1 11lrk helled hon1c t...,·o of lht' fourth <111.11 l<'r go:•b ;111d !\like Beal nrlllrd tile olh"r. i\hs101ck \round uri with four of !hr 11\'l' f\·les;1 pntnl ~. Cn•1.1 !\1c~a hosts Annhtin1 rrid.1\· ;it :i 15 Jayvee Footl>all I"''"'"'·~ 1• "U 1:-1! f ~~t,,,,, r n ~ 0 -•· IN•''~., ... , I·~~'''' (1', El..,,. \,To, l~Qt, 1;1 '''"'"'~· O~IP<~. W•••e•~ n ~ A n-1< w.,1,,.1n1'"• n s o 11-?0 Tn11t~dow•11 Pi.ll•p1d, Gt,nJMug~. L•n•~f! Piil Llln>al! ,,,,., ••nm I·.~,~~•' "'""r~•• ! •M• ·~· Tn1• "d~,.~. I'•'·••• • • . ' ' I I , ' • • • • • !\1arinn· jun1prcl nH tn :i i'·O le ad at th e enrl of tl1c fir q quarter 11ga1n~I hosting La !\firnda. The V1k1n~s glided the rest flf the 111ay \l'ilh co.:ith Chuck !\Io r r i s substituting freely. Chuck Jlollo"'11v led lhP \"1k- ing attack v. itli fi ve goa!s . Steve !\1cConnausheY added four. Alan !loops and !ioh J~arrison 11\'0 and Eric f 1lef' one . I.1 °Q1anta routed \l!fil1ng t o11nl;1111 \'alll·v. ~ c n r 1 n::: rqu:1lly in ,1!1 · pcrrod.0 Thi• Harrill.• pu t in both th£•1r goals lair in lhr. encounter. Kun \\!eslerl eld ~r.orcd one fl aron poin t on a pen;if!y thro1v and Bob Rice added the ~Pcond ""~•·~~•rn 6e1r11 n "'' .~e'"' If ~ ~ ~ -n, ,, 10 0 -.. .• • • • • • ' • • ' , !\farina's next opponent rs F.dl son , \\ 11h the reams h;H- 1hng at :1:15 t~riday in thr Vik- ing poof ro~l ;:i r.1e':i ~r rnn1blf'cl l:1tr in the ran:e at Lor1J; Re:irh \\11lson hut fai led t.o notch ('!lOU.il:h ~011ls for the v1c!11ry. The f\1 usla ug5 , 1vho \vtnl In- f nu11 ra1n \"allc~··s n c x I t k1rm1~h is Thursday ill J'~c·irit·:1, 3 15. \\';1IC'r pnln :i.-:1nn lflfl:iv frn,1 . \.irr.~1;1 ol••! ~l ur 11.11 1 hn;! !•> J)r11.;\t'\ Ill II t'rC'~\·.'11•1v !.(':lPli" rnrilrh. Fllf1lh11: Ill· 1 '1d. ~ 1 :1r1111;1 n~'.1, .1 10 h:iult· thr .\1 l r't~ 111 th1· lc:1c1l!' (lp!l't\l'!' 101' hoth rl 11b~ Bnlh i::un1c~s hrgin <1l 3 l:i. re.,,,.1 d1I "''' ' n "' [rl•nn nn~•-11 't••(ll{lo"""'; !C~V.1 Tnrfllf, w~··r f ~nQ ""'T. tC.oAll wni•t ·~~u !ro"' ~1n1 '~"· •••"•-•o,. n n n -A [•l.l!'d•n~ I o ~-' lovcnar"~ :.~~·••· ~O,.HO"'Oltr (('t' IAf'l• n '' ~· I t•~n«• ~ ~ n o-It lootlld-'"'"'" ••"•ur. f ""'~"' ll "'' ""''"' ,,if; !)'•(• (••· l ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread Li£e Guarantee Gu 11r•n teed Ar•ln•t: All f11il· urc11 of 1hc lire resulting from nor1n11I rnar! h11urd1 or dt:f~1- in m11tcri11l or workmanship, For llow I.onr: For the life of the orii;:io11\ tre&d. What Se1r1 Will Do: Repair n11il punr l urt:~ 11 t nochatj[C. lo c11:wi of failurf', in ""'chan~t: for the tirr, N'pl11ee it <':h11rlinic only tho 1•rc111orl ion of currcint rei;:ul11r .ocllinr price plu1 Fcd- '"r11I ~:ici,... ·rax that rTp~nl.I t read ulOCd. Trr1nl Vlt:ar-Oul (;uarantee Gu•r1n teed A1aln1l: Tr.3d wear"()u\. '.Fo r Jfow I.on': The num~r of rnonth1 •pec1ruxL Whit Sr1u !1 Will Do: In f!T• ehnni;:c for the t ire, replace i1 , ch~r~•n.i: the current ~l{Ulnr ""!l in it pnre plu! Ferlt:r11I i-;.,,.. c111e ·r~i leM lhe followin g: al· low1ncc; Jll onlh~ Guat •ntt:flt A.llo••nte SIZE !II <':. r r. ,111 ,.., ! l•P t. ~11 f, T~ Ill! 1"'l r"io l. 'fuhrlt•:-s Black\valls h.50x lJ l'J.9;) l•J.M 1.79 6.93xl4 2t1.95 l:i.tm 7.J;lxl·J ~z.11:; 17.SR _,___ 7.75x 14 ~1,9,; l!L8R R.'..!:lx l·l ~:.9.01 ~I.RR ~~-+~ '--1-::.::C"'-.I· l!J(J :!.07 :!.:!O ft.l:l~l ·t :~ll.9.1 :.!J.nB :!.:i 7 ·-l---~~•-~~~·1--"' 7.7.~xl :l ~l.9:.l 18.811 :.!,:![ 6.!lnx 1.1 :!:!.95 17.HR (i.'1.01\I i :!:l.IJ.i IH.u:: :.J5x l4 :!.l.'1;) 1.cc="-1-' ~.7.lxl I :!7.tJj 111.a:: R.2.'ix l4 .10. 9.) ~J.i:a :1.1.'J.1 ~I.BB l!:_I '.°':-.;_1_5_ :10_.9_.;_.,.__:!:t.RH R.45:cl:i 11.9.-, 9.00~1 5 :\'l.Qj ~Ii.RR 30.RB ::.o: ~.·~u ~.:1'1 ::=.-,: ::. :: I ~.JR 6.50xl3 TLiJJELESS llLACK\VALLS 88 T ra dr-111 f'rire 1·111 .. 1.:·~ r .c:r. 1lnd Old 'f ire e D ~11at'rtr lla~o 11 (:orll :z1,rs n f-o ft. fJlti r t ri,J r~ 110 l1 ar-.l111r-.~ 11 0 1111111111 or 1•111111• • l -f11ll 11lirs ~j, e :t4 lcl r 1I :-lrc ·n ~lh fo r l!r catrr ~afcl )' .. l 'al1 ·11!f·1f i 11lf·r lf1rl..i11;.:: lrra1I 1 1r1>1lu cr ~ tl1otl"'fllllls ft f hi1in;:r rt l~··~ t'or 111uxi11111n1 !>l n rling atttl ~tc11 •11i11 ,,: 11t1 \1rr e l'alr11!1•rl. ~.i l1•11 r·1·r l 111~!f111 ., 11 11 1l 1l :t l r11l1'fl ("f)lll nnr ~h n11l ~r r :,::i' (' ~n fr , 1111:-1!1\t' 4·0 1·11('r 111;..:: 1·r,11tr1•f ,----------------------------------------------~--, I t11f':•,••~T"'e 1•00,~1l-l!JO 1.i·:-,..11 t.ll ''1 1· ,,, ' , 1. •1 !•'<'''·'''-'! 1·•· '•" ·1 1 <•"o<o•""l10N.1 1 ,, .,c11,1r·•.n <•A11 <• '·~ 1 ·ii ~,, ·••:1 ·.1 u ~·q -• ~11 ,-·1 , .... ,, ·111 I <o~·:•f661U.il ' ''"""oc•~:.;i , ..... 1.,,, 1, J. '· 1 ~ • ~.1,"<'1!• "' •1••'• <t ~1 ~ 1 I 1 <0"'"Cl'1~11t.Jl8!,N£l l'tl """ll ",9"H ,,. <'" -"'''~"""'', , --, ... ., C!l,llO '------------------------~--------------------' "Sollsfacrion G11argnt11d or Your Monty Back" "',,,,uu~k ~~P u:1. Shep 6 Ni9h1.1 Monti"~ 1h1o~u1i ~1~r4oy 9;l0 A.M. to 9.30 P.M. ,. Says Baldwin Boswell Likened Alabama Coach Coach Bill BOS\\'ell 0 f \Vestminster High School is being (.'\l111parcd \\illl Bc;i r Bryant. rained coach o r Alabaina, hy Santi! 1\na J Jigh 1nC"ntor Toni Batdv•in. \\'hen ltilk \l'ith B;iklwin center ed <iround the phys1t<1l status of \\lcslminstcr <ind Snn\J An<1 for !heir r ricl:iy night 1.:lash at \Vcstm1nstcr, here's v.·h<1l Balrlwin says: "They 're \'cry big and strong ... bigger than Ne1vporl H<1 rbor (A learn that lips the scales al 196 0Hcnsi1•ely l. Bakl win 11·as remindc1t thal \Vestn1in stcr's s I a r Ii n s of· rensi\'c 1inc11p averaged 173 pounds. buL he res1>0nded, "I 1lon'l know wha t lhcir pro- gran1s say :ibout weigh ts b11L I 've seen thc1n 1>crsonally <111d I know . Bri1i11s Try To Refor111 After Loss Long Beach \Vil.son football coach Ow en Dixon remembers !he debul of Maler IX>i's Bob llaupert as a s tart i ng quarterback \\•ell . It \\'ilS against the Bruins last year tli.'.Lt I I au pert ,gai ned llis first st<irl ;ind all the young ~ignal caller di d \\·as di rect the mon;irchs tu their l1rsl \\'in in four ga rn cs, 32-25, in Anaheim's Big·A. '·Jlc killed us la st vear with hls passi ng. \\'c h;1d Seen then1 pl<1y in one of their three lo.<:scs and planned for a run· nlng gan1e. Hau pert passed us crazy al! night," Dixon recalls. The IV ilson coach feel s l/au1X'rl 1s even bel lcr this season \\'ilh a year's ex- perience under his be 1 t . ''f-f iiupcrt is nnt nnly a good pa sser but I think he 1:-. the best runner coaeh 1 Boh I l\'oods has on the J\\ater Dc1 te;1n1. ·• \\'ilso n \\'On its tir~l two .c;<imcs then lost to \\';.irren last \\'eek. "\\"e \\'Crc down :!~ points at ht1 Htune and our kids eamc back l\'l'll in the !'>CC011d half. l\'r could ht1ve tied the i;core b11l los t OH! jusl short of !he go;il line ;ind th ('y c:il1 nc hack 10 sco re a touchdo1\n 11 i\h 12 second.<: rcn1a1ning." R't 1an Dolieny \end.<: tile Bruin running HI lack. I le 1r;1 ~ ;.in all -i\loorc Lea gue ~election l;ii;! season as a line b<ic.:kcr <J nd ii; ~t ;irt ing as offensive tul lb;;ick, ;1!0111;: 1v1th playing defense this sca ~o11. Di:-:on frcls he ma)' h;ivp ;1 Q11 ,tr1erback pr ob!cn1 Frirlay n1gl'lt. Lan1ont J.a rkin ii; listed as a probable starter buL has brr n ~1clrhnC'd in prarllre dritls this \\'ee k \1•1lh an atlal·k ol the flu . Ca rl Eade<:. ha{'kup ~1gn<il railer. 1s hke11·1se txi1 hrrPd \1 ith the flu as J.<; dE>fr ns ive t;u·hlc o;;1.1 rtcr ();tv1d Z<ihn Larki n h;is lx'en incon~i!'>lent to da1r hul l>ix1J n tcrl~ hr \1 dl 1rll soo11. Ile can thro1v ;ind f11n ;inrl 1~ one nl Ilic b1J.: rra;;ons the Hruins 11011 their fir o;;l !lvo g:irnrs. Pl11 ying in lhc ll"lugh 1\1oorr lrague, \\'j\~on 1n11 ... 1 lace. ~li lli kan, El H ;.i nc h o _ L;1k cwood. Poly anrl J ord iin rollo\ving thei r mcrting ll'ith lhc J\1o!lo'lrl·h~ on the \Vilson lli~h gridiron Friday. "'i'ou knov.-'ol B<>ar Bryant had a kid lis ted al 5-ll, 185 pounds. "Tilt' nexl J ear lhl~ kid ls plnying pr o ball lrir tl1r Ne w Orleans Saints and he's 6-5, 245. "You JUSL don't gro1v lh:1 1 niuch in one year," ~a~s Baldwin . "\\1estm inster·s passing at- tack really \\'Orries us. \l'c ligurc they thro1v at lea st 50 pe rcent of the. time anrl Ed Bane Is as good a quarlcrbaek as 1•011·11 find. ''The films of the El Rancho g.:in1c are really scary. "They pt1shed El R1:1ntho around good and e.~ccpl tor <;:Jn1r s!oppv laekl111g, lhcy \\'ould have beaten then1. · · \\'esln1ins!er's dclrn~!l·c posit1on1ng and or f c n s iv e blocking \\'as pert eel," says Baldwin. 11;i ldw in ls honcful his fi rst stri ng quar!{'rback , Tl oh f\lcGuckin, \1•ill b(• rradv or the l\lestm ins ter l'la~h ;if\c~r )'US!aining an inju ry in the first quarte r or l hc 34-13 loss to Nr1\•port Harbor. r.·tcGuckin had a hand step- r <'d ori t1nd juninr Gary Brow11 played the. balance or the game at quarterbac k. And, he's hopeful of a better performance from hal(back r.Ionlv r~lovd. 1\•ho w a ~ hamPerrd \1•ith a boul with the flu last \\'ee k. "Fl oyd's 1ny best back by far. He 's got !'peed and he has !he moves. He runs "'ell in 1r11flic," S<'l)'S Bal d1v in. The Saints are dLJC !o rx- plodc after three :-.traigl1\ tosses lo r.·ta!cr Dci. Cornpton and Newport. In Ba!d1\•in's 12 years as as~istan l and head foo tball coach, he's never harl a team Jose n1ore than three gan1cs in a scasan. Br1ld\\•in sa~·~ his lea1n's chant·es 11'1lh \\'cs11n1nstcr ff'S! \\'ilh whr1 her J\t c Gu c k i n re turns to the line up or nol. (:cc Cro\\'ll 1'o Oil City s,vin1 Tcan1 I lun tington J-!<1rlxH1r S\\'inl· n1e1~ tl"lla l<'d J q~•, point ~ f'nroute lo r iipturing the Cer l)i\'i.~1on or !hr f{'("f'l11 ltun- llnglo n B c a ch l111'1la!1onal :-11•im 111C'CI. ll:1rb:n1 r plaerr ~· •• i~ !•~· -1 1-,•T"f \'/onl"'l {HHI " ' 1\ t;.1o,~ ~ I l(a •~v w.n"•~ (MH' 71 I 71 b<lt~ -I t<,a1~·< Wo~!tr• fHHI , .. H }5 ~~t> ~ ! M••• l O'f11:1 (tlH\ 1, I 3 t;,ev•n HoY>t~ (HHI I~ I. •-u ·~ h•c• ' S•J••n "•<••II (HHl 0 6 ~D b•t~ -l IC•n !too! lHHl ~I i 111•11 ~·••<I l.'•(!l•Y ff•l•v -1 ffunt.n9!on HorbOur (IC Plt~,11-T To,.,!>. :S 8<1c•nr•. 0 ~~~'•"! ' 1~? \q !•e• -J Tr~~" l.,..,.1> fHH l ~)I ., SO l>~c~ -1 IC••"l••n Pie>~•! f'1"1f •l I? Oou9 ~•!'o·•~ l>"•t JI I SO !'o~t~ -I S••n Bo•f>nr• f'1"l 1\ I }G riv I DGl'~ f •l>i•n j>O• I .l' ~ 100 <nllo m •<llt Y -1 Oo~q Ft b•to ('<HI I II ! ll II M"•O lt •~I•< ~·I•• -1 H• "'•"Ql"n ""'"°'" {'~ H•v•<' I( O"o~. [ N•d··~ n H~v'c'-l I~ I '' ''" -I >('"" Ol<nn (t1•q )11 5~ to•<" 1 S•·>(I S"{'n•• "'1'1 j~ I ';il flv l OO«o F•l>•ftn IHHI 11 ~ 100 ono~ ""•~I•' -I Oouo F•O••n (•'H) j I ' I 11·1• 1·,,.~ ~"!!''' l>•I,,. -] llunt,ngl"~ HA'l>O"' \'' "'''''· >:, Ol:on, I'.: N•>l••n. " HQ•1C~! l o~ I .•Q ,, •• -l • "'~" oi.on IHH I )8 '· _I~ !>AC ~ -I P~I Hn•·t-IHHI l?!! •o !Iv ' O(~''" 0 1$00 (HH) 7'' 1 [0 'l•rt,•n (Hill JO.I 100 •nno m•dl•Y -I """" 1'1'~n !HH) , o~.9 J. Ed "l»l)r " (HHJ '01 ~. ll· 11 M"P<I f"•dlrv •r l~• -J. HV"''"g!en """"'" (0, oo .. ·•· ~j Jo~n·.on, "' (~,d•n~1. ( Flynn\ 1•11,n, 5(1 !ly -J. C~ut~ Flvnn (HHI Jl I. Aztecs Face Hi1nti11gto11 WithoutFirst-tea111 QB Co;ich !)on \Vcbstcr of La Quin ta faces a dilemma that cout<I easily be a tur)1ing point for the i:ntire football season . Tl1e Azlecs from Carden Gro,·e fa ce l·lunlinglon Bcal'h High Friday nigh t in a non- leaguc game with the Oilers iind \Vchster \viii be wi1 houl his starting quar1 crback after los ing to La Mirada, 28-6. last \\•ccli. Th e game is at Bolsa Vr«ndc. •·1 hope \\'C can make i1 in- !rrt'Sli11g this \\'eek,., he says. ''They scare us lo death. even 11 \IC had our s tarling quarterback." ~hke Spri~gs broke a thumb Jn the La ~1irada contest and 1ou ni;i: Bill Cornelius, all llS Pounds of him. took over si;?nri ! calling duties. "That kid Gart h \V ise is quilt' a ba ll player." hr r.ays in ref('rring to the 0 i I c r quartcrh:i<'k. "I-Ir scran1h!es 11·cll and i5 a 1rc1nend o11s threA\. ··r nu ha \'c to dclensc the \\hole firlrl 1o stop hi m and e1·cn 1hr 11 hr breakr. tackles t 1ery t1111c he carries the ball" \\'cb~ter is impressed with the Oiler defense. especia lly nea r its 011·n go.11 line. Turning to his let1rn. he ~ays it is a ball control outfit. Las! week the Aztecs rJn 78 pl <iys and 11·ere beaten . They 1n<1~!e 17 fir st do11•ns to six for Ln J\lirada but made too many mi stakes lo win on the score boanl. La Quinta is basica!ly a run- ni ng b;:i ll rlub \\'l\h l\r n Eppelheimcr and Roger Rorn- melfanger as his big threats Blake Schaar. a 129-pourid speedster. coniple\cs the La Quinta backfield. The Aztecs arc currrntly 1-1- 1 and \\'iii be m1)v1ni; into Garden Grove Lraguc play after this "'cc.k 's gan1e. They ried v.·ith Edison, 14-14, in the sra ~on opener then drrcated Gnhr, 26-0. 0UtCO!llC of th<' f::Jnlc \\'Iii j'.!i1e t1n indicatlo11 of thr strcn~th of l\\'il Hunting11111 Bc;i rh sctiools, Edi~on and the Oilers. cilth ough Sprij'.!g~ wa s in con1mnnd when tl1ry pl.1.vcil the nf'11·e;,t beach ch1h lo .1 1le·adlock. • - • ,:f ' ' ... ! l "' WtdMSday, Cktob~r 8, 11.11;q DAIL V '!LOT c:; Magi1olia Coacl1 CQ11cerried Ove1· Lacli of Solid Hitting A very stranhc oc-r urence i~ tram·~ prnblrms a g a i n s t in the process at fl lagnoh <i Fountai n V:•lley was the la ck. High School. of solid hitting. The Scnl1ncls' footb all trarn Ills squad is noiv con-centrating on tha l fa cet 111 is in tl1e first sta ges of picking preparation for Estancia. it self up out uf thr di rt allcr "Estancia has a couple of be ing flattened by rin Orang(' ~ood ru nn ers 1n l<Jilb;.ick Da \'e Coast area te;un 111 11'\'lllC Johnson and f11 llba<.:k J 11n League plii y. ~('hu l!z and presents a well- balanccd attack ~'\agnoha . wh1 eh had tlt'\t'r "There really isn't anyttung lust to Fountain Valley -or to our kids can key on aga1n~t (;oslii r.'lr.sa, Corfl na del i'rl<ir Eslancia, \1·e JUS\ ha\·e to go vr Est11ol·1a for \ha t 1natlC'f -out there and hit like I kno\V phase of the game that "·a.s denied n1 uch of a workout 1n the l'ounta in Valley encounter. The Barons controlled the: tcnipo of the game to such an extent !hat r.1agnolia got orr only 38 offensive plays to fountain Valley 's 77. l\en Panlque. how e v e r. seems tu be the key to the Sentinels' attack. The senior quarterback is capable of rurining or passini;: 11 ith excellent re sults out or his roll outs. " ''''"l ~d by l'ou ,,. ,.. 11!' can," says !licks. -------------11 ,,~ " ,,_ ' ! iJ " flicks says his club 11'ill \';.i ll ry, 15-6, last week. u1 ihze several defensi\·e set Mo1·e Sports Pages C6-C9 Coach i\'la rt y lhcks \1·as le~:; ups 1\'i lh a tot ot stunting in- rhrtn plcasC£1 ll'it h !us griddC'r~. \ olvrd. to pt1l it n11ldly. But hr h;HI tillle to ~ay :.ibout !u s tean1 's offense -a "Our te<1111 a p pa r c n I ! y !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ figured ~ini.:c they beat Foun- ta111 Valley 2.)·0 1:1:-.t ye:1r they'd have a pic nil'. out there.: "The unl y pco11lc thal h;id a I p1c111c \vcrc Founl:.iin Val ley! players. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATION S e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printin9 a nd Dependable Ser'f'ic e for mor• th•n a quarl•r of a century- llel11t'ul .i\rlvice l •'ro111, E.\,0 •p1·0 "\Ve ju~\ 1rC'lll oul 1hrre and/ 11·c11t through th e 1notions and gol phy~ll'ally he<l l. Fou ntain' \"alley did a rca! line job and , 11·r didn't do n1uch to ::.topi thern ," sunnised llic:ks. t All of \Vhich spells trouble] for EstanC"ia High School. The l::;igles \1·ill ho~t r.1agnoli a Sa!urday nighl at Ne\\•porl !!arbor High. PILOT PRINTING J·'or111cr Chi cago Llcars q11ar 1crh;1ck Rudy I~uc k ic h {ri~!Jt) ~Jl'!'s .loh 11 \\,ille r !J, of Costa ll lesti a fc11• po111tr rs on hn11' to ;::rip ~1 foolba.J 11•hile P.o b \\'cil ler looks on. Buckich is helping \I ith t he Orange Coa sl '\'!\!Ct\ flag football or1en· tation pro~rarn . llicks says 90 percent of hi s :':211 WIST IA.LIO.A ILYD., NIWPOlT IU.CH -64J·4JJI Guaranteed for as Long as You Own Your Car ••• Heavy-Duty Shock Absorbers - riru~~~~l'it. ~ Gt1ara11 tcc :=; 8:§ I f ~)c ar s l!ca v~·-Duty 2-3=; ~h oc k A bsorber f.iils due ~ -=; to falJ\Ly n1aleri:1 ls and 8 :·.g \'-'Ork n1:-in.ship or '"e.'.l r-ouL ~-g ~ whi le n riginal riurc:h.:iser f 1 i O \VllS I he ca r, i L "''ill be ~g:~~ rcpl::i.ccd upo n return free of charge nr the pu rc hn.r;c ~ 11ricc ,,,)11 he rcfu nclcd. If ~ ?j the d efective shnck al>· ~--=> ~ sorbcr '"<1 5 ins talled by ~ ~ Sea rs . we will inslall a., ~ ~ new shock absorber wiLJ1 ~ argc fo r labor. g S::; · m.rnm•~ Sears SEARS, JlOEIUCIC. AND CO . CHARGE IT on Seers R evolrlng Charge SAVE '3 SALE ENDS SATURDAY Ucgular '7.99 Sears Heavy· Duty Shocks are bigger and stronger than moststandardshock ab'sorbers. Your car will corner more like a sports car ..• without excess lean and sway. And you'll enjoy surefooted sta- bility at high speeds. Sears Shocks make driving more fun and safer, too! They fit most cars. Fast, low-price installation available. ,, -------------------------------------------------, '1 ,,,.,A P i • •;;1~~() 1 ""'"'r,1:11~·1 1·••-;u"""'~~c,• 1 ,-o Y[P •J6J 1 .. ,,. ... ,,11ll"• •Of'•>.t1 !•1 1~1 1 I 1 ,, . .,.,,,, '' ,.,, ('~"•IJ-(,.1(,••• (]1 4&1 1 t ,,. •:.010 1 ~.E~i l ·«•frl(T •~_l•~t ~'&',YlJ 667!1 ~·"l~fl~'l•• • .'..5~1•8'1'1 U"•·••<OfU.lfJ7 "'""··-•I ..,,l•',;'1 1 ~""~l!'J~":'l l ,., ~1 /~n') '"·""-'~•~•t~•6/ll •• .. •<,O J I•&• fll )jl(I I I , ., 1 ''--.1 ~!)Ggr,~~.·,1 •••41 ·.-,.,A13.'', }'. •:· 10 .• 1·1:0· ·~·:·~·o;JJl ~""'"''t •.1 • 1 ____________________ , '------------------------Sears •·sa1i~foctio n Guoro ntettd or Your Money Bock'' ' .,-"''" ,. ' ·~·~ DAI LY PILOT WttfntSd<tf, Ottobtr 8, 1%9 Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-SponliOred by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT s10 10 In Co1h For Eoch Week's First Place Winner Voit Footballs I or other Sports Equipment I each week Be• pig skin prophet. Play the DAILY PILOT Picke roo _game for weekly pri1es. Winner ••ch w1ek rece ive s St a ca sh a nd a Vo it Coll e9 iat e footba ll !suggested retail prit e, $10.95 ) or pri1e pick ad \rom list of other Voit qua lity sport in g goods !no prize un d er $1 0 re. ta il va!ue f. W atch for this pl1yer's form each week jTuesd1ys •nd Wednesdays) in the DA ILY PILOT Sports Sec· tio n. Circle t he t1.il ms you think will win in t he liit of 20 games •nd send in the pl1yer'i form or reason- able fa csimile. Then watch t he DAILY PILO T sports pages for etich week's list of 10 winn ars. RULES l ~vumit tn« •ntry bl•~~ er 1 renaneble !e<1lm;1, lo •Ml0t th• co~t~!. 2. S•nd 10: Pll OT PIGSIO H P!Cll£~00 COHTE$T, Srotfl• DtPlrfmfn~. p 0 , eox: I~, C0•/3 M l!'1.0, C,o 9;>t.1•. • f nlrl"' m"" M O•llYered (t.y moil or In per5on) ID DAIL Y PILOT 0111<1 01 5 ~ rn. lt•u•><l~t. I ••: J \loll <luC~., Corp ~na OA.ll V PILOT l'm;>IOY£• a1.<1 lhtlt IM· "'"""'' '"m' ·~ ""I •••~•0'' lo ·~·~r ~ 111' 6RE •>(ER df'(i C><OICE OF= PR ll~ blen~1 """' "-!lllecl <r1 or £•\!'~ •I >'0'~ , •••••••••••••••••• •·& • • • • • • I E.'1T RY Bl,.4NK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Circle team~ yo11 thl11h will wh1 thl• ,...,.., 4•111H !hom• tf'am I• t.Ko11d •11• ll1Ndl Rams vs Purdue San Francisco vs Stanford Michlc,1an vs USC • I LSU vs Miami I Fla.) I • • I • • • • • • • • • • • ~ Oklahoma vs Texas Orange Coast vs Fullerton Saddleback vs Col. of Desert Golden West vs Santa Barbara Newport vs Anaheim Mater Dei vs LB WilliOn Laguna Beach vs Foothill Santa Ana vs Westminster I • ~ Huntington Beach vs La 9uinta Corona del Mar vs Ftn. Valley Loara vs Costa Mesa L • I I • I San Clemente vs Villa Park Magnolia vs Estancia Mission Viejo vs Orange • • • SA Valley vs Edison Marina vs Western • co I~• •••11 n~"'••• ol ""'~" .corf'!I • I NAM! • • ADDlllSS • • C11cY ____________ Z~l'------ • • • • • • • • e W 'HONl SIX • CHOICI Of'"Pl lll ICheU 1111. ch1I• 1wi111 fl11 U .. ) • • 0 khil Fl• 0 11-iM IUt 0 f ootball • a S M ML l XL iJ Tetller .. II 0 llH•lbell • ii •••••••••••••••••••• Pass Protectio11 l{ey To Western's Cha11ces A major fepair job is under \\·ay at Western High School \rhere the Pionetrs a r t preparing to do b111tle wl ~h f\1arine Sa turday night. _ And most oi the work is being dl rccted at pas~ 11ro· t~clion for U1c Pionerri;' qua rterback. Bob f\1iller. who \\·as bounced ;ibout in the re· ·cent 13-6 loss to \\les11ninster. "Ou r pa.'ls protoc llon really b r o ke d own ilg a i n s t Yi'estminstcr .... right when y,·e needed 11. •· says co :i.ch J im Everett of the. A n ah e i m achoo I. Now \\'eslr1'11 1nust contend ~'ith ~1a rlna 's V1k i11,.s. a le:.tn1 fresh from ;i fi·O 1\·111 01 tr Dus Puebl::is. lie sarli hi~ cluh 111u:;1 t·on " t:iln ~1arina'1i &pttd 1f 1l's to win. "TI1elr bat:klleld .~f)rtd 1.' outstandlng ·with .Joe \'en. lim lglia 11 nd fJ;ive Lacy. They can really tly." sa)' 1::1. erelL. Ventimiglia has r11shc<I for 219 yards and a 4.J yards per carry a\•eragr. But t.acy has carri ed lhc: ball anly six tlme1 in th rel' games ror 11 yards and ha~ been used almost exclusive]} as a recei1.•er for quarterback Rick Sacman. Westttn's strength has been iLs pa"lna game. tor lhe most, p.arl, with Miller connecting on l 13 tor 42 in the Pioneers' first two outJnp. including lwo touchd own passes a g a i n s t Savanna. But !he running game: ho ~ improved 1mmcn11ely 1v i t h backs Alan Co n1cll and T i1n 1 Arias Lhe <'h icl go lnf'r~ nt1t of l l hc m111t lple s"'ries af t1ffrns1ve fnrni111i(ln~ th" Plont rr!l u.,('. \\'t•slf'rn. howevrr. could rnanage on ly 72 yarr:I ~ and four f i r s t do wns a g a in~t \\'esln11nster. . . . . , . . . . . .. • Trlto11s' Foe Spartans Boast Awesome Team Big and strong. That's Ilic only \vay to describe Villa Park lligh School 's a1\·csome 1o ot ba 11 teanl, a unit that has i:halkell up a 2·1 retorll including ;i n opening 34·6 Crestview Le<il,!lle v.·in over L(l&lln.'.l Beach. No1v the Spartans ready th emselves for San Clr1nr.nte':. invasion Friday night <it El ti.lodena High. San Clemente. de~p1te Up*!t'l· ti ng El J\1otlena, 27-20. is ;1 heavy underdog agai 11sL coacl 1 Ike lsaacson ·s Villa P:.irk team and here's a few reasons 11·hy; L Villa Park has th ree 230· pound plus lin emen 11'l!h guutl· mobility. 2. The Sparta ns hare r.;01nc up \Vith an <idr.quate passing attack to go <ilong ;1·ith 1 ht·1r al\•;ays tough ru nni ng garne with t1vo good quarterbal:ks. Junlot Pat Alclnnlly started the last four games for Villa Park as a sophomore. !·le also handles all Spartan kic klng chores, inc lud ing PATs and fleld goals. J. David f\.tedigO\'ich, an ex- lreme!y l1ard-running batk v.·ho's averaged over fi ve yards per carry in the Spartans' first three games. He was bangeQ up in the Laguna tussle Out came right bat k on the next play to score. As for stopp ing S a n Clcn1en1e·s new-found offense, ls<1<1cson says his club has to key on qu arterback RJck Ged- des. "\Ve don't have anyone wi th lils spe ed. And he seems to handle the ball a great deal. '·if we can slop him I think wc·JI take them ," says Isaacson. San Clemente broke ou t of a scoring slurnp with f o u r touchdowns to st un favored El J\!odena. The Tritons picked up only three fir st dO\VllS for the entire ga ine including two first downs on touchdO\Vn scoring pl ays. So. it's the breakaway threat of Geddes' running and passing th<11 c o n c e [ n s lsa<icson more than anything else. Chargers' Foe Also Winless One thing is reasonably rer· tain on Saturday ni ght \Vhen the Edison High Chargers enterlain Santa Ana Valley at f.luntingt on Beach in an Irvine League Footba!l contest: One of the two competing tean1s should come up with iLs first victory of the season as both enter the action with identical 0-2-1 records_ Coach Bill fllills of Santa Ana Valley isn't discouraged wi th early results . ..\.\'e ha ve played two tough teams and it doesn't look like v.'C have a defe nse \\'ilh th e a1nount of points that have been scored against us. The gan1es have actually been a lot close r tha n these sco res v.·ould indica te. "Our big trouble is that we have to play so 1nany boys both v.·ays. We arc still searching for players to put on ou r defensive unit to gi.>.'e the offense a rest." \Vhile not com p I e t e 1 y satisfied with his offense, 11ills Indicates he feels they are doing a fair job. 'fhc Falcons ha\•e scored in every game against such opposi!ion as Foothl!I, El ti.lodena and Loar a. Getting Tea1n Up for MV Perplexes Orange Boss Getting a football team It just depends on what they Jn three games, includlnl one mentally prepared for a game put ·together. J14·yard perfonnance against wlth a school that was ripped "I'm more \Vo rried abou t CO<'ita Mesa in I.he Panlhtt1' 55-0 the week before isn't an fllission Vie j o' s leant opene r. easy task and Orange Hi gh performance than any in· "Our offensive e.xecution School coach Vince Deveney knows it. rl ivlduats. Teams beat you, not still isn't what it 11hould be, "We certainly won't be sky indi vlduals." but I'm happy with our high for ~fission Viejo," he Deveney sa}rs he 's shuffled de fense e;:en though we were says of hi! Saturday nighL his own ratht':r inexperienced killed by Loara (27--0). Crestview League game, "but team around and has gone "Our 'rushing defen9e ha:t if we slack off the kids will back lo a power off en~ that's been good all season, but too. l!°s our job to get them grou nd oriented. against the pa ss Wt': had trou· ready, "\Ve're given up a lot of ble until last week, when w11 "On paper we certainly \\'eight Jn the line, but v.·e need intercepted four passes. figure, to win, but strange small, fa ster guards who can Deveney s i n g I e d aut things can happen. They were lead our pulling plays." linebacker Darrell Johnson a big unde rdog against Tustin The key to Orange 's running along \\'ith tackle11 Leonard last ye ar and bea t them . 1 a\lack has been fullback Dave Ostrom and Jim Bennett as couldn't believe it Porter. He's gaint':d 228 yards the keys to his defense urUt. "Last week Mission Viejo ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;~~~~ ·was just overpowered by 11 Foolh il l and we are not a Foothill. "I saw fl!ms of ti.1ission Vie· jo's games with Saddleback and Valley Christian and thought they could have \\'On l>vth of those games if they didn't make big mistakes," sa~·s Deveney. "We should beat them, but they have a halfback in Andre 1-folmes \'o'ho can break loose at anytime. Other than that , \\'e don't fear any individ ual. Complete Printing Servic:e Top Quality -Fast Servic:e PILOT PRINTING • .. ·I 642-4321 2211 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Duch ' . GRAND OPENING '· . Save $10! J\l e11 ·s and \rome11 ·s 5 -Bucklc Sk i Boots n,,uloc 2 999 ~JI) • l.c11llicr 1q•pcr". J n.1111 p11ddcd. i\o n-• 1 ip ~o lf ... \•;ltrrprnof. Jl1 <1rl... \•. ~11fT l'd 1'1 1.1"< I )ulsla nding Value 1)n w ,,od ~k i~ ~·i1h Bincl in g!'< ·r~rri fi c \ 11 lur! 1588 Bl ue pla.\cit 1op fini sh, whire pl~uc 1 n~<'t top t"d~e$. f\.ladc in Austria. M11l1i .. Lan1inatf"d W o ocl ~kis Cut $ha~d. preci1ion 2 4 fi nished i n Ausrr 1.t. 8 8 With bind t n~. \.\'in Ski Equipment! Win Skis. ski outfil,, boot.a? Rtgister at any SEARS Loti Angeles or Orange County 'tore or SEARS EXJtmIT at th~ SKI and "'INTER SPORTS SHOW! Save s9? Otlun ar Sc hneider Belted P a rkas Wa terproof coated nylon outer shell. Assorted colors. }..fe n's small, medium , large, Xl.arge . Othmar Schnei der '28 Assorted Parkas 1999 Dacron• pol yester fi berfill. Wa- terproof and windproof. Ladies' smal l, medium an d large. Oth1nar Schnei d er Ass orted Ski Pants 1'-e•n Low Price! 1999 Adj ustab le w&J 5c band, Men·s 2 front pockets, Wome n's no poc· kets. Many si zes. Assorted colors. Sears ,, .. .. ' a:. -::s "' ' ·-·~+~ 1'>.~ -• .,.. .• ·~ ,_ ... r; i ... r h>, .... ·~ , ___________________ _ ----------------------• lvtMA P~J~ TA ~ 44 C(l, !>.}! 4~~0 II /JOt•H GI J 39! I IOHG t(ACH HE .5 01 ;11 A.LL STORES EXCEPT POMONA W( I 4261 - - - - - - -' U.NCGA '~-": 3~0 06e,i vt1 ~1o•l' CH ~-1 00•. c1 • 'd 11 olYMf1(' !>010 A~ a .. ,211 ANO vrRMONT 'Ko · souTH co.ur ""~ ""°"3333 I I COWION Nf 6.J.~8\, r.l 1 ~!bl t•Ql,'f'WOOO HO 9.~9,1 0,..,~( 637.21 00 ~ Ull!A ,l.N .. kJ 7·l J 71 TOhANQ 3•1·1311 cov1NA 966 06 11 •·•vu wooo o• ,.,~J1 ,.s ... t>triA •s1 J211 ''' ''" s ~ ... ~n ... rE ~,t1~ics 9'4-8011 v.1.11n "° l -1•61, ••.c.1110 I " . . . ears ,iVll ... MONICA fX •·67 11 ------------------------____________________ , "Soti$fo ction Guaranteed or Your Mone y Back'' ILIMoJ.Ow~u .u<o ~ Shop 6 ~l;hts Monday through Saturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9;30 P'.M. \ Once Jifen'a Clttb clwnptonshlp plly 'CGDtinues at five area • ~. hi&hllehtlnc ao11 .,. · tMty:.a the fall MUOn moves ~aclimu. Championship play is under ... y. at Meadowlark, Costa Meaa. Huntington Stach and · HundoclorrSuclift with Irvine · Coast ala.led lo at.art on Oct. II and It .. Club champlom will be crowned at all five counes bet~ tht middlt of November. B11..U,..io.. Bearll One of the moot unusual t~s to the annual com· peUtJon took place at J-lun· tinifon Beacb this pa3t week. Larry. JacobS Wi3 challeng· ~ deftodina: champion Randy : Kircher ln a championship • match. Aft.er II holes, Karchu : hld JaCobs two down and wu • hopeful of clo8inc out the ; match ... the 17th. . , Jacobs refused to give up ; and told a pllery of about 12 • people. ·~rm nol tbrouth yet." • He then took out a five iron : and hit his !hot Is& yards to • the 17th green. The ball rolled ~ into·the·cup for a hole-in~ne • in ~cuJar fashion. Karcher then refuMid to become· unglued and the two halved llie fioaJ hole to give the dtftndinl·Champion a 1-up vlct<wy. ·n1re:are 41 -part.iclplnts In !lie · ebib ch~hipo com• pet.Inf In 1lt n'*is-with tnt flllld ~ to b< c:ompleled by Od. II. llfellfl8"'1arlc P'int round competition ·in the men'• club championships hu ended and wimers in the low handicap bracket have been announced. Players C<1m- petin1 in the championship fUJbt (0-1 handlcape) will COO· ~action this Wttkend. Larry Brown and Ray Brett lied foe medall&t honon in the qualifying round with identical Ill. Finl roond results in the champlooship fligh t Larry Brown def. Bob Ntbon, I and 4: Ray Brett de.I. Bob deGidio, I and 5; Joe -------------------------·---------·-------------~---------------- ,, DAIL V PILOT CF ~ A~ .. f..~ GOLF · 1 1 ~ RUN UPHILL, FLY DOWNHILL . ,i; ' ;' • dtfl.tty dtf. Dave Beeker, l the championship gr ou p winner slated to play Bob Searltff Saturday'a championship ·~ ',~··:16 _1 RON t Around the Area Greens aDd 2; Don BGU def. ~n p\aylng 18 holes Saturday and Darnell for a spot In the finals. matches will pit t11e te;:im of f Youna, 3 and 2; Terry 18 Sunday. Competition in three. other fl.ten's club championships Bill Riller and Al Ma1g againsL ·: ~ ft. f Hamta.d def. Kenan Smith, t c b ampionship C{lntenders fUghts In addition to the con-are in full s\'o·lng at Huntington Paul Hu nge and B a r n e y -:.,_ ... -.... ~ ~ up: Norm Bowman def. Jay wlll play 18 holes Salurday solation night will be con-Seac!iff and \'o'ill continue for Egbert. In the other n1atch , _____ --l n..... and 36 holt~s Sunday. All com~ I ded Oct 26 another tv•o weeks. Ed Hewit~ and .lack Cra1nond ~ ,-u;-~ 3 =!~ def. Jack petition will be by medal play. c ~n a 1,°dle~ best ball of A sweeper lournament was r~~~k!r~~ve l Allen and Dill n~. ~ ,,'tl.~ i Robl"'.n' • and 3·. Skip pa rtner's event, Virgie Sobel held last weekend v.i1h Petr 1 ,(. . . ~-~ ~ ·t!_. ,1 C I •J \Vornen at S~11 Joaquin are "' R 0 w 1 and d • 1• Ra 1 Ph 08 a ir esa and Shirley Cumma ro were Vincent firing a 68 for ]O\Y 1 i·r · 1 lh ~·· ,, ' ......--· g-IRON t •~h _ _. the \\i nners with a 68 followed h H f II d b S currrnt '! c1ua J y1ng or e f uo;\.-ev~1tUJ, 4 and 2: Les Ted Dorias, a teaching pro-onors. e ti.·as o owe y:,. president's cup. About 60 , . /.-l Harri& def. Bob Geiger by fessional at Costa ~1esa since. by : Vi Hoskins and Mary \Yiggins, 69 ; J . Bitting and B. players will qual.Jfy for th e "\1.1;. default; Chuck Beatty def. Evelyn Imler, 69; Sa I l Y Ball, 70: N. Buck, 71 : J. tournan1ent. Olten, the club you s elect fo r 1 chlP &hot will J·. Don Ntchols. 1 and 1; Ray it opened, will be leaving this Thompson and F Io r e n c e Thompson, 72; A. Bauer an<l be determined by the s lo pe of the green. It ynu area on Oct. IS. He is taking a Dol47H!Y 70· Joyce Caplis and J . Cloutman. 73 ; c. Norl·ross, The event 14•ill set under Haskins dd'. Bob Lyman, 5 si milar job at Carlton Oaks Ann K~na~ lied with Hazel 7t ""J.Y Tuesday and Friday and are chipping ~phil l, you will need a less .totted club ·! and 4. Country club. Iasis 1wo weeks. t hat will produce a low shot that runs a fa ir dis- Terry Palmer def. Glenn Webster and Elise Stipes, 71 ; lance. However, if you are chipping downhill, you Semifinal action in the Adriana Coote and Do rothy Hat1cho .:J Ga ry l)ouglas. club pro, ~Uller, 1 up; Crala Olson def. men's club championships will O'Leary, 72 ; and Nadine Maze i::t fired an eagle on lhe eighth will want to stop the ball quickly. Thus you must Bill McQuttn, Z up; Gordon take place during the next few and Martha Ciampa, 73. Four teams remain in con· hole when he riut his t~ shot sel~ct a more·lofled club that Will cause the ball Logan dri, Ernie Mitchell, 4 d•ys. Two q u 8 r 1 e r f 1· " a I on the 293·.vard, p;ir-~ hole on to fly high and settle gently. and 3 1ention for lhe 1nen's club · matches remain on the calen· Sartta r\ria high·low calculla lournam!.'llt the green and holed out his l suggest that you spend e good deal of your The toumameat runs until dar. Joe Oppenheimer plays chanlriionship ;it Hancho San _:P_"_ll_. --------practic e tim e worki ng on chip shots from various mid-November with 14 0 Bud Sleva in the quarters with The Santa Ana Counlry Club Joaquin . Ne,-:t n1;i!eh voill be ties, d istances and positions around a sloping golfers parUclpating in six the winner scheduled to face v.•ill be. the r;ite of the annual 1 d s t d 'th th r Id Jf.f S t green. I can't think of a better way to build "feel" fli.jht.1. Jack Blakketter in the semis. fall stag day tournament ne~t ~:;~~\\';: t1~r r:~r ~IL thateti~e. ore por s into your short game-including your putting-nor George Dembech faces Pat Wednesday \'o'ith a dinner The consolation bracket is can 1 think of i faster way to shave strokes, esp• i I ! ' l • lr"lne: Coat Kalama in the o t her meeting in the evening follow-like1\•ise do1vn to tlghl for first Pages CB, C9 c1alty if you are a golfer who misses a large per· quarterfinal .malch with the ing a round of golf. round losers. centage of 8reens. • o 1Nt KAn. ._.,.. , ln a better ball of partner's;I--'------------"-----''-------------------------------=---=----------"-'------'--• event held at Irvine C'.oast last ~ weekend. Gene Stoddard and Dick Myers tied with Charles He.st.er and ~ge Hesik for fITTt place with 64s. Jn another similar toum~nt, there was a three-way-tie for first between Tom Hudsoo .and V e r n e Schauppner; Bart McHugh and Jerry He.lperin ; Harlan Erickson and Charles Heid- brinck. All three teams had Ms. In a ladies day odd-holes tournament., winners included : Class A-Mn. Wally Fleer, 371,~; Class B-Mrs. Gene Taylor, 35; Class C-~lrs. George Grant. 351h; and Class D-Mr1. Fred Meyer, 36. The men's club cham· pionshlp will be coming up shortly at Jnine C o as t . Form.at for the event will find G--6 handicap golfers making up the' champiomhip flight, all playing scratch. Other flights include: presidenl'a fli ght, 7- 13; vice-pre5idenfa flight, 14- 21 ; secretary's flight. 22 and up. Qualifying takes place Oct. 18 and 19. Competition will get under way the followin g weekend with all fli&hU but FISK CUSTOM 240 rULL 4-PLY NYLON CORD IODY • TUllLISS 5TANDAID TRIAD DESIGN THI DIPINDAILI ECONOMY Tiii COMEAtvo GET 'EM SPORT • Powerful full 4-Plr • 0¥1r &Yz Inch Wide 100% Nylon Cord Tread lody • Lo11r Wtlfinr 12132• • • . ' . 4 ' ' ·' ' ' ' • • • ~ j i • I l ! • ! • • ( ' • I i • ! El Cordobes Slated At Tijuana Bullfight 201:, l ! ~ • 1 TIJUANA -The bu!Uight world'• tDp crowd~wing matador, Spain's Man u ~I Qenltn "El Cordobes,'' "111 heldllne a special post-seaaon m1lfilhl in thil city's Plaza Monumental Sunday, Nav. 2 al I p.m. Ma)or J. Salvador Lopn IO Toughest U.S. Courses NEW YORK -Which are .,,. lt'I most testing 1011 cdtirw:8 in the United States? ·A!lft two years of testing and JrOCe&Stng of information obtained from 143 regional amateur a n d profess.!onal playus, plus the apirtioos of 17 other autroriti~ BU<::h as ai'chlt«ts. Golf Digest sa}'S in it! October iSMJe that they are, in alphabetical order: Aulusta, Ga., Nation• 1: M'edlnah, Ill., Country Club's NG. 3; Oakmont, Pa .. Coon1ry C!ub; Olympic Club's Lake cwne at San Francbco; Peb- ble Beach, Calif.: Pinehurst, N.C., No. %; PiM Tree at Delray Btach, Fla.; Pine Villey at Clement.on, N.J.; SC!mlnolt at Ne r t h Palm Beach, Pia., and Southern Kll1I at Tulsa, Oki•. SOFT SELL SAM Hurt.ado. the plaza·a em- ~. 1aid he is negotiating with two of Me:rico's ~ading bulltighten to appear v.•ith the Spanish ace and expects to name the balance of the card v.;thln a l>ttk. Hurtado said the conida's ~ng time has been movtd to ? p.m. in order that crowd.! may enjoy tbt bulliight in the full afternoon sun and be away from the plau well ahead of darkness. Thls will be the first local appearance of the mop-haired matador in three year1. El Cordobces last fought bdore standing-room-only crowds al the downtown bullrin& on <kt. 30, 1966. He made two prior ap- pearances there that year, each time fighting before capacity audiences. El Cordobes was born in ab- jt<:t poverty and began his career Ly jumping into the bullring from the auclieoce in Cordova, Spain. He WIUI ja1Jed repeatedly for this but finally won the right to wear a matador's suit of lig11ts. H.is u cit.ing and suicidal Jtyle caught on with crowd11 aDd he bas 1ince become lhe highest paid and m o s t publicized matador ln the hlltory ct the bu!Highl. ly Manin Myen ~ 1 5!/fPOSC-111/S t/11.S ANY CJl4NCF {¥A TIP·" II RR59IT-O FISK PERMANENT ANTl·FREEIE & COOLANT '""*'• 1!1 MOiine "''It'" l'ltll.h ind11d1n1 1lum1num, Prntnl• n11t •rwl CO"'"""'"• •ill nat napon" ..-bo>ll """''Y• tl·IOOO BOOSTER CABLE 12' AlUMINU• ,,, Hive posit.iv• .c:lion mbl• Jllpol, in1ul•tld clipt, u 1y l(I hook up. 39-2009 rlSK IAM IELTS l l.UllATOR KOSO 97!.. Two tinWUc bu11 9-th •t thi1 low rice. 29-1000-29-".()00 SPARK PLU'S 49.!. Chiinpton, Fiik, and ·gtl!t'r f•mou• bn.M• dui;ntd for top performance. 25-1012·3001 ·15 "' . l O.,J 2.J9 ,70-1' !7.75) 31 .,J '·" G70.l' {1.25) ll.•S. 2.7J G70·IJ {l .15) JJ.95 1.71 H70-1 J (l,,J) J'·'J 2.•l BRAKE OVERHAUL .................... ..... _ ............ . ' ....... •··•· -· ...................... -..-.. ...... ,, .... , .... ~ ........... . . ...... ..... .... ... " ..,.._. .. ..--..;.. ._.... . ........ .......... _ ................. ..._, ___ .... .. ... , ........... '" --..... -... ....... ,,_ ..... . STUfDAID CAii e11111l1. 11M11. CN(Y•I ua ,lf· MDllTll 2781 FISK !AMP IATTEIY CHAl5£1 3 88 .6-2105 Amf!rican·m1de, U.L. approT.cl, •utomalic c ircu it bre1ker. KR battery in to conditkln. 2918 PENNZOIL l3~. FISK IUllU 01 VrilTL AUTO FLOOR MA TS 3 .!r V INYL: Transl)lrent-FWI Front or Fun Rear• Twi11 Front or Twin Rear · RUBB ER: Full Front or f\ID Rt11rorTwin fron1 26-2000 thru ~ THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARK COSTA MESA SANTA ANA noo H-tiff ... wn- 54 .. zon 1400 ............... 54'·78JZ I ~ ' J 2 ; ( ' ' { ' • , ( • ~ l i I ' i • .J ,_ ~. DAIL V l'ILOT Wtd~sday, Octobtr e, 1%? -... ..--~ ~ Start Yo11r Engines! by Deke Hou/gate s •z !·:.:-. :r.J..:X.:.a:._ a: :11 :.-·~-t:c:tiEIZ!!Z•&' ••=:t . No sooner had Boo Bondurant hit the top of his career in auto racing, he "'as relu ctantly rcliring from it. Bondurant Is the fellow .,.,·ho dro ve the camera car for some of the wildest racing film ever recorded, action footage that helped ('.:!) make an epic of "Grand Pri:<." He had raced both for Ford and Ferrari and had become a regular on the y;orld champion- $,ip rormu~ 7 circuit. One of those uuaccountable accidents turned him from a drl\'er to a spectator in instants. Bondurant was driving a Lola through an uphi ll right hand turn at Bridgehampton, N.Y., \\'hen the right front .steering arm failed at 150 m.p.h. The car lu rched into a dizzying skid to"ll·ard a 3-ft. stone wall. I t hit the wall and flipped. On the first bounce the car's underside ripped off, leaving Bondurant's feet exposed as the car rolled and 15napped, making five more complete revolutions. Every lime the car bounced and catapulted over again, it (anded on Bonduranl'<1 feet. He was hospitalized for a month . _ Olest and face injuries healf'd quickly. but that pair of crush- ed reet took a lon~ time !o kniL After a month of lying in t1 hospit al there \\'ere eight months in a cast, more time in a ~heelchair, then t.Tll lches and finally a few painful steps on his OV.'D. "\Vhen your feel are hurt," Bondurant said , "it takes a Jong Ume for them to get well , because they are so far from your pum- per." · During his long coovaleacence Bondurant resigned himself lo £Greed retirement from racing, mainly because he was never sure that hi.5 feet YiouJd aJways respond in an emergency. * * * * * * Drl.,er Suffer• Sight Lo•• , !Hock car driver! no"' have something in common vrilh astronauts. NASA space physicians call it the '·Pogo Phenomeno!I." G11r11ey Switches To Chevy • • I • ......... ~ ..-. ' ~ • '~ • ,,, • Pogo, the opossum satirist of the funny pages, has eye sockets but apparently no eyeballs. and It is this confused, blank look thal i.5 fhe most reeognizable symptom of the "Pogo Phenomenon." 1\ccord1ne: to the racing journal CompeLiton Press. the first anybody knew about the Pogo Phenomenon in racing 'l'i8S early in 1 September al Taladei;i,a. Ala. ( . Driver Charlie Glol1.bach came t>lf the 2.5-mile track com- plaining of 1em1>0rary blindness in the turns. confusion about where he was on 1he track and d1fficulty getting hi! eyes to focus on the stra1ghta1,·ays. Bill \Vright, a former f"ASA engineer now working wllh Chrysler Corp .. recognized the rnalady. He became acquainted wilh the Pngo Phenomenon ·while ,,·orking in the Gemini program. Astrona\1\s a!Hlcted with the malady had complained of tem- por ary loss r.f sight, chest pains, nauseA Hnd loss of consciousness. The culprit had l-een Cl per11liar set of conditions. Loud lov.· frc·t quency vibrations fron the rocke t mot.ors had penetrated the tapsule to reach the spacemen while they were unde rgoing heavy G loads. * * * CondlUom •t T•llade1• lul month were Ideal for the aame htgh 1pttd, low freqiaency vibration• in the comer1, wblcb were bampy. At speeds of 190 mlln an boar on Ute high bank~ tllnl5, ~ G lorce1 were hlch at T.nadega. After receplziDg Gloabacll'1 troable, Wrl&ht started check· lni wlUr otl!tt dr1ven:. He fou.nd lhlt Bobby Jauc Ud the aame e>.perieiice durln& Ure te1l1 In Auiusl Durln& pracUce before the race nearly e,·ery otbrr drtVer bmd one or mOft 1ymptom1. Wlrile Wrtgtil wnt ldentlfyln& the Pogo Phenomenon. top NASCAR drlwr:rs debAted • boycott tbey eweatually carrltd out. Wrlgbt took his findings lint to a~troruiut Tom Stafford, wbo said, "ll I were lhose driven I wouldn't race bett." * * * Then Wright went to Fon:I executives with the infonnaLion. This was~ of the factors In Ford's decision to back the boycott.• Competition Presr speculates that Pogo Phenomenon should Y•nish wbe;i I.he bun1p5 are smoothed out In the turns, and thls, of course. Is being done. To create ideal POio conditions, G loads and vlbrat.ons at the proper frequency must have the correct ratio. Still unknown is the po.l!Sible long term effeet on drivers like Lee ROJ Y•rbrough, who was expo!td to eye-rattling vibralons for .PP.to !U seconds a lap ~·hi\e he WU testlng at Talladega a total of ~ than 80 laps. ·-· , .. . " '. Grid Stars Honored Aru high schools will pick lhelr own ''Player of the Month" this foOtball season whtn ballo1tn1 starl.t thla week In tho Corousel Court of South Cout PlaMI. Intended lo ltlmulalt •d· dltional glude'nt Interest in 5Chool activities and to elve greater recognition to the variou~ area high 1ehools, the South Coast Plaz.a £ponsorcd \ program wlll last through Thank.,gi ving Day. Students and facully from the IS ~choolg participating In the program will select a Player or the 1'1ontJi for I Sept.ember. Oclobt>r a n d November. Each player of !ht> monlh ~·ill IHke a place of honor in the Carousel Cou rt ~.r the PJaz.a. • USHER'S GREEN STRIPE S iacc 18531 the nrigi11al Ught Scotch ' ! • .. - Virt$fOnt DEWIE CHAMPION OUR BEST-SELLING REPLACEMENT TIRE Bast lleads Costa Mesa Cycle Card All SIZES ON SALE 475 E. 17th ST. e 646-2444 OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 to 9; SAT. 'TIL 5 "-ohould Si ii OU! of SIZE 6 50.1 J 1 00.13 6 95-14 7.35-'" 7 .J5.15 7.75·1• 7.75.JS 11 75·1• 8 25·1~ 8.55-t• 1.85-1• 8.85-15 9 15-15 9 00·1 ~ Tiffi.-~ , ...... Id Tirt 21'111 rn .. Tn $26.25 $I0.00 $19.75 27.75 13 .00 31.5 0 27.7 5 13.00 31.75 28.75 13.00 33.00 30.50 15.00 34.75 33.50 16.00 38.25 35_75 17.00 41.75 41.00 19.00 46.75 --4815 --50.50 16171 BEACH ELVD. 847·6081 ... _,_ ~rn ....... 112_00 •I.SI 15.00 1 .•• 15.00 1.aJ 15.00 1.117 1.91 17.00 1.95 ,., 18.00 2.11 2.20 19.00 2.•• 20.00 .,,,, 2.00 21.00 J .01 23.00 2.71 OPEN MON.·FRI. 8 to 8; SAT. 'TIL 5 ' It's Ski Ti11ie Again Sno\v queen N an Dahle (lefl) and Balboa Ski Club nlember F reda Dickn1an get the \Vord [rom Ray Chandler that 1he club ha s swun,i:: fnto ac!i\rity for the upcoming season. A free dry land sk i school and • a skung rno\'c ;ire 011 tap later !hi:-n1onth. Further 1nfonnat1on on the cl ub and ils prog ran1 ca n be ob· 1ained by call ing 646-6 141. County Prep, JC Grid Log •llHOP AMA? ~ Oomi•n ::.0 l • P1~nt1 H Ooml~OVfl MA Tf:Jt I 5~"11 Ar I 0 !:1 " " " 1l Yo«''" I ~Ol'orl 11 Ful•lflon 11 .Vo~noli1 "' 5de!d•~b .. ~ •l B~nl P11·~ • ,, ,, ' " ~ Lo> o.t• :1--1 l•~rWOO<! P \Ul X • ,!,"'" " " • '" ., G,lllDEN GR.Ol"E LF.Afi(jE 11 !!. B"•n••~ 1 l SI. John 80!C1' $1CRV I T ~ 11 ((6•• )I PIK'lf<r I• (.olnt<lrdl ~T . .6.1'1THOr1~ 1 l Oorrnn;uH I !.!"• )I 5tn Prdro lJ £1111..c~c ;.,; Mtt<llOl!tn lt LI Polr $T. PAUL cu1;.s·1·t11Etv OltANQf Co.1 11 Mr•• l<Mt•I ~' lu1J<n £l MOO[NA Tl "'"~t<h ,, 51 V•I~ I :J Sin CJrlT•"'• FOOf!iil.I. 7• S•n•1 Ano V I II~• ?• Lo .... 111 !I Moale~ \'" 1 LAGIJ NA I EACM e~·~ Ville Pt •• M•ISION V1£JO 1 s.oo,•b4t• & Voll•• Cr1,.1ho1> 11 Fgo•no1 SAN (LEMEN TC a 'J'"ll o 1'1lm .S"''"'" 11 El 11.oOent TUSl !N 1 Ellt nc 11 o LO\ AJ1m 11co I Or1n11o1 VILLA ,ARK 51v1nn1 ~· Legiu"' B••'" FREE\VA'I" LEA6l1F. 1? M••I••• I V~lrn(ll 1• lr•v lt Brr• I KttO!lt 'I $unnv Hiii• ICINN[O'I" '' El M-nt IJ E~crltllr 11 L.,.rll \.A HAlllA 7 Hunlln1"'n l!ttn I Rt<><ho Alt ml"'' 11 St~lnMt 11 s-r• a F0101n111 11 1<:1n,.tdY 1l Wt1trtn 11 VIiia Ptrk lf Lt Httlr• LOWELL SA'l'ANN/I ' • • " " • • • " • " ., " • " • " " •• " " " " .. " " " • ,. • ' ' " " " " " " " " " ., " " " " " llOLSA Gl'IANOE ; l"'WOC>d 11 Co•nM ~•I M•• I Me ylol• GA~O['< GROV E 1.l s~.,t · locr•nc• 1• Fountolo Voljo, I Lov ell t /\ GUl '<l• ,, [.d,"!11 l4 V•~• i l o M•,161 PAC.IF •C ~ • y ,1•, o ... o a11...:•1 l • (~ ... d~ RANCHO ALAMllOS " Fcuo101~ Ya1'•' ;~ l • .... ~ .. " $ANTI ACO I £1 0<>•111 -! L• 11..,..,,. ' COllO'<A O(l MA• "··~·· •1•'00• ,, 1!01·~ Gl4"~' " E.~ •or> COSTA ME~A ~ (lr.~~· I N•" t>e'' ''"'bGr l l E ,, ,.<oC·• l:Ol>Of< 1' l• Qu·nl • I MU"•lnotc.n 8•M ~ a Co•o.,. a-.1 M .. l Sl ANCU. i• 'vi'•" ~ ... , "'' ' Coi.•~ /.'.••• FOUNTAIN VALL EY H Ro,,.~o l 1tmlro3 n i.••dtn Gro•·• 11 Mtg"'°!•• "" llv,..cvvl\> ~· °'""~ .tt $11111 An• V•I••• MAGNOLIA Trc• lf El °"'"°'° I Fountoln Vi ii..., SANTA ANA r°"t~.u <I et ,.,,oO•n• I LOI•& FullrrlOI\ 14 io<oiella 7l lo~un• 11 S•n!ltlf'! I M~pnohl 111 s-·• VALLEY l(ATILLA l' ll~UM llet(ll 1' Full@NO<\ JI 8rt1 LOl ALAMITOI 17 Workmit'> IS T111•ln <ti LOI •ml!>!" a 31,..$lan 11 M!r11t1/t LOl AMIGO~ I l'' Al1tn•to1 DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less Compl1+• l ifl• o f l-1be •')lt11 l1h 1d T;,,, A••il.bl1, ,tic. Stwt., S21 ,9S ''" F.l .T. f-1b1•4l111 W ido Ov1l1 -Super Pr1mi~l'l'I Rttllt l -S,1:orh -S111d 8~9CJY I 111 Si111 l•uc-Tir•• BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17th St .• Costa Mesa • 645-2010 l111~Amt,•c1 1 d IOJ11petlte In. I I• loyl M11l•r 2001 WCST I'"'· SANTA. ANA -541 ·•'04 ., " ' " " " " " " ,, " u " ' " " " " " " " ' ' " " " " • " " ,. • • • " , " " " ., .. " ' " " SD!IOLEI AC'< M•• •·on ~ •IO l rc• 0 V•IE;~' SON OR ' ,, LoV.•11 ,, ", " -. 1• LI O~r .t<lo \IALLNC •;. ~' • ~-11 ''• I!"""' ,. ... Saaaitl>&to ~' l ,. ~"tv '~ Rl'd1~n~I " '"'U~"oo!o-A•A•" NUNTING!Olj llEAt M 1· I~ ++ e1 • ,, l~l·Q• M11h•IM 1~1 •""•"r .,,, '~""' • O.O• Pv11n1o;,. "IEVl il'OllT •• r· o•, ~·· •t~• ' •o,•• ~ 3• ~o"llJ I·'• ~AN1 .. I •'•• DI• 1' (""'n•·~ ,, ,,, ......... ·l .. HAl'llOR WESffll< ······-" . .,. WE}TM•~Sttll. • f ..... .-1 I F-• P~• in " .... , ,,., !iOI 'I'll C'O. \.~·r i:t ~ 11 ITOS )1 Lt'•~ A•o"' ;/ '1 n llONIO P ULLER TCN l • ( '~""' ., " !l p ,.,~,,! >,? (lo•~'" w.,, l Qn1 8'"" '" OP •.NC.E COAST Jt Gol!lo>n W!>l 11 (VI> ... '~ n t1drt-.c;r \AN OtEGO C..•O"•<'N!nt • lt• An'l'"IC~ t B1~•r•!l•!d SAN Dll GO t l ~V~ll•t I] Hartoor ;I S.O~,~~•!ltfn " ' ·" " • • " • ' " • ., ,, " ·' ' , " " " " " • ,, " ·" • ~k<ilin g Touigbl A p ""' ' P1v••11a• Golo•" w.,t • DESEH1' S400LE111'CI( 1• S<tv'""''1ern 'i' C.ro '"'<Ill' ]Q C~&'l•Y ("01\'FEREl~CE CTPRI SS r ~"'"on Or~""" CO•>• EAST L05 AN GELE ~ •I "">NI 1; { ...,..nton JI 1~nl~ ,.,..,, <• GOLD EN ;o o·~~o· C.o•>I •\ .;,1t ;AC 11 ~•n'• An• WESl '1•11 80 11 l.,·~ ll•&Uo " $•n o ~00 N r u i i Ora•Ot Cc·•" LOS 'HGEL[S V•tt,.r• ?• $•" 0 ••9' '' ~~" o •• ,, •• ,.~, :• \'•·I '0 • <'• " { ,, . AIO HONOO r\.rca Sports Calendar COMPLETE"MINOR SERVICE cr.1n11 lluod, Adju11 btnd1. Sol hnk111, Clttn 1um11lo1crff11, Nt w "'" 1a1k1t. ft1pl1e1 !Iller, ftoH Int & J6.poinl c~k 10,000-MILE GUARANTEE ... $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEAKING1 lONGBEACH 2450 Loni B•ikJI Bl COSTA MESA 1034 -""· 645-0900 I FlllLERTON (21!} 427·5466 115. ''""""''··--526,6697 \A/tdne5day, Octobt~ 8, 19(,q DAIL V PILOT ff LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I.I.)'. COlllCTo•·t o••tCli ,,_ '·Mnt COUNTY o• O"ANOI: Cl!l 0lll'ICAT• 01' I UtlNl!IS, , •• '"""'l OF •VttHnl, ~TATE O• CAllllOlllNllli •1CTITIOU$ NAMI l'!CT!TIOU' NAMI NOT1CI" OP' lll~I '01 TAJCll 'f"-............ lie <•riHY ~• 1o <"" Tl>t .,..drr~tne<I do ffrhh 11'1•• ,,, LEGAL NCY11C£ l fGAl HOf IC • llfWPO~T·Mf'I Ull l~lfll SCHOOL OllllltlCT ON UNilCUlllO l'lllO"'lllTY dvellt>t • 1Mnl,.1l •• 7111 C'91, Unit '· ~-ytll"9 1 M.•IM>• 11 7fti1 Htw-1 l'lllk t "'•Ill"" Sift VI HEJIEA~, IOHY MAJtEJt M o lt•IC<I ;..,..l!f>llO'I llKI>, C1llto•r.l1. llnllrr Int l "'f ., Plow~ ltich. Ctllf9rnlt , .,...,., NOTICE I~ Ht!llEI V GIV'H lhll 1n1 tM nf91Klttl to p&y, -d•mt n4. nc.1ll1l'U' """ n1mr or CHASE 01. trot tlctitkiuo fir,.. n1..,. ., AOVAHCt.0 h•td OI E•v<.1tlofl "' "" l<f"'11r1-M1:1 ll A,.. Cm unllC"'ad Pf•llfny In 1"1 •um OVSTl'l lAL IU!LOEJtS "'" l~tl 011<1 '""' Oll:AFTING Sl!ll:VIC£S t "CI IMI 111f fltM Ufl lllecl Sd\(>(11 0/1"lcl ol 0•-• C..,nr., ol i lOO.U, duly ''"Hiii lor !!'le Y••• •s comPo•f<I 11 "'" l<!l~wl.,. ,.,....,. 1, tam.P<>•f<I 11 r11• lol-lnl """"'· (t l!IOtnl1. ,.111 ,. .. 1 .... tt11.., bla. u• ,. IM" wno1e nomr In f\111 1.W IOll(t al ru larn<t "'"-' nim• lfl lull ....,. •'-ta of 11 ;• A.M 011 11\t lf!I! dtY of Ot1011<>r, ••KEl'IEAS, "'"'" ind bt .. 1.i ... of '""' '" I • IOllOW! '"i.ll<>C:t l 'f I I follows· 1161, ...... O"«• OI 11<0 ~cnOIOI OIOl'ICI. 11'0v~ian1 II kc!kHI l'fll ol lht Coil· llob J. Cll111, 1'571 Ht rt Cir., H~n J""n II:. Vloll, J)SC A 5on lt Ano 1'v~ .• IO<ol.,.. 11 \Ill •11crnll1 Avrnur. CO•'• '0"'11 l'levrnu• •na Ti••hon Cot!t. lnr 1ln9"'n Br1,n. Ct !ll. Ct1fo MIJI. llr1Jco l rOwf\, n.» M•"· (•illor"I•. 11 v1111'11 flfl'I• •t lO O•dt toHo"'"" propt r'i "'' O•rn !lltl<I lor 01ttd ~fl>!~ml>tr 1', IHI. ,.........,,, (Olll Mfll ... 111 be pybllOv oornrd 1nd 1tld fat: thl Purl>QH Cl! "II ti l 1Jl>llt I UC.llon I*°' I , (ht tl O.ltd r.ffltmb~r "· 1'6t /~,t.P ~ 1. G LOllE~ roe me ••"•1•c•lot, of 1111 vnP<1I• ll•rt. St11e ol Cfllfallll" Or111tt Ctunb : Joh" R. v 1111 Al! blot "'" 10 b4' '" l((O•dln{~ w·•~ root1n.,. with pen1lll11 1n1r...,, •nd t0.1$ On S•PI, tt, lt•. twrfl'• "'" 1 f.1111"' Bruer llrown Coodlllon" ln<ltucllon., '"" 5P"<1flc1110~• 01 N'(;'~1 T !£REF011tl'" HOT CE ts "ub!lc In 1nd let 11ld Shit. ""'on1llv S1111 01 C1tllornl1. O•l ntr Co~nlY , wnlch •••now on Ill• •n lnr oUlc r o• mt . ~ ' , l•PP•••"' llo!>by J. '"*"' IOJ/1 !iorl Cl•· °" Sti r. ,.,, lfrH, 11>m,.. -· I Holl .... ""''"'"!"' ""'" "' .. Td s.c:n .. 1 Dt•'"d• 1-i[l'I EBY G!VE H !hi: lllt Coun•~ Tit cl• Hunlln1to~ IU1cn Ci llf kne·Nn to"'' l'ull>llc In i nd i.r 1110 '"'" H<i.o1>1llv !IS/ l"!t tfnlil Av..,,ur, Co1l1 N.h t. Col lfc!or O! O"•ng1 Covn1v. un<lrr '"° to 'be '"' P•rlOll w~e n1,,;e I• oub•c•lb· ••1>1•rl!d J""n R. Viol! •llO l ruc• llrown C•illo1nl1, bV v<r•vr ot •h• •ulr>ot-lly conl•ttrd by rd lo 111~ wll~ln in1t•vmtnt '"d ~-" lo mo to ti. 1no ~"on• wno.t E•c~ blacrrr "IU!! '"bml! 1 ll•C! C!•oo"I l•w UllO" ••kl ol!lcrr. will •tll •t publk; ·~•...o•·i•edol'd II~ ••tt ulfd !I'll ••mt , nime~ ore •ub"rlbra 10 rne wo!nln ,.,. In 1ne for"' or • ••nllltcr o• coon.rr"• ~G~:~n ~n~1~1 0;1u~~!' ~n~i~·· 51:~~,.~11;; {OFFICIAL 5EALl .trumon! 1no l(~nowlt<lo!d 1h•v e•rtut.O '"''~er • b"' bgnd eauol ro O•• P'"~' mo 111n d•v af Octobe•, 1949, t t !~t l'lo!Jr J EAN L. J OI ST tnt H m• •!«I ol In• '"'"uni cl •~• bla. "'""'" GI 1.00 O'doo~ P.M .• o• 11\a d•Y. •I Th< Nolorv P •-11(. c:11,1orn•1 MAOV BETH '-'0111101l ~•voblt to lh~ Ofe!ff ol int N•wco~·M•:• 011,co or Don s Moil•y. O••"Gt Co unty Prin<!111 l)tflc1 tn tJ0!11v PubHc·Call!crn11 11n111tt1 sc~ool Oi1•rit l. A Prrlo•m•n~ T~• CollecJar. &JO H. B•oMwiv. 5on•• 0•1n•e Co~ntv l'rlnclcll Ortlct In i!>oM m•v !>e "'"u"•" 11 •no dl1cr•J1on •' An•, Colllo•nit, int !oliowlng anc•lbe<I M~ (ommlul"" E"tlru Or onoe Countv In• Oi•HI<!. In I~• tvfnt of !ollvrt "' ::;~:~~v; •• ~~. ;! .~~~ 1':_'':~ •. ~',.";;,~ Publ:,,:;f!•o!~~:l CMt! O••IJ io1101, ~~"lc;:nr.;~iion P••"" ;,:";·~~~~~ .!1~~~1>1'~0~1:~'\i;;,.1:: .~·~~~!cr:1 o; too••ncr .. ,lh penolllt• th"'Hn oO\d !ht Oc"'l>I' I. I , II. U. ltH lO&•l t · l'u~il"'O Otaf'9• Col l! O"lr '°'"''• t>on<t. lh• tull '~"' lt>•r•ot will bt (Cl>!• Of <OnduCllt19 '"" 11lr, t1!lm1!.0 !IP!. H. ()(!. I. I. ti. IUt llll-.19 """ltM lo U IC! ~Cl>OOI O~trlct ol Or1n,r 11 "'~ iun• 111 l:lf.IO: LEGAL NOTICE C.ouMY On• 8oM CF·t161-EF. 1 11 too• Run· LEGAL NOTICE No D1d<1er m•• wllM•t• hi• !>Id to• Ii ~Do~·. 1oc11e0 11 1nr Or1ng1 Coun•y H rll!d of totlv•l!vr !ISi dt•• •fl•• "" H1rDOr O•lfrlu doc• '" Nrw11<>'1 ltac... l"·ltl'M C!l 1• u! "" tnr Ol>lfllnq lt>rrt<>I Coll!or"I~. !!fie 11le lo •u•1•CI •o I Cl:':ll:l l,ICATI 0, 1 Uil"l15. .. ... m T~e llooro ~I EOU(l !IOf\ ol int "'"'""''" 1>dor tio:n l>y 11>1 0••"9<' C~unly Ht tOOr ,ICTI TIOUI llAMI Cll.TliOICATI 0, IUSllllSS. Miii Unlllod School Oll!'l(t •~11tvn I~• rl"J<k l In me 1moun1 ot 14'1.00.I TM v"°ttslg,.... ,,..., <ttll•t llf 1s co~· iOKTITIOUi llAMI: r!tM h:o rt lrtl ~"' or 111 Dlao. 1Nl not On In• 1Mvni1nr 1< '"' 1>•lc• bid to< duclln9 • bvllnr., 11 1111 H., .. , l!Uvd., Tho unM1'111tM411 -crrlllY "" I• <...,.. n•cn11rl1~ 1c<rol •n• lc!wul -lei. •nd Is ""Y P•oP•r't 1old. !n• Co~"ly Ta• Co~ Ccnl• Mt11. Colllornlt. undtr 1h1 lie-oucllnt • bul!ntn II JH Tn1!!1 $ulle "C" w11ve '"'" in•orm1lh1 or ltr19ul1rll• !rt lrc1cr of O• anQt (oun!y, .,. ,,.. pe,.0,. tllf011• Ihm n1m1 &I '"C 1-1·· T v L11un1 lt1ci'I, C1!1'9<~11. undrr ~ lie. an~ nld ,..,~•vta conduclillG '"'• .. 1. Of\ ~ •• M n•ll, will SEl'I VICE 11<1 11111 H IO firm " <amPO..a 1111 .... llrm I'll"'' of ACAOEMV OF 0111'd 5on!tmt>fT 1'1. , ... ""l•vrr !"• tl<d propcrly to th• 1>11•· o! lfte fo lltwlnt tr1ott11, .. ,,.,. n1m1 I" PH'l'~IO THl!ll.A~V t nd lhll 111<1 JI"" 11 tlE"NPOJt f·ME~A. Ut<lf!OO <h•lf', too••ll•r wl•n 1 bill of u lr . •nd lull 11'0 Pit t• ol rul'llencr i, •1 lollOwo: C""lf!O•lll .. Int "'llGwl.,., Pl""" whoM 5C!i00l OISTlltl(T ol ''" t1•le 1n111 Jh1rovp011 ve11 I" 11'4 Cl o•en<• P. Htltnlhl, ll•U r -Y n1...-ill luU an4I Pll<t of rn ldertc• 11 •• O•onqe (ounr.. Ctllto<nl• pu"""'er Avt .• Fo''"'•lll V•lltY. C1!1Mr11l1. 1oll0w1: Bv Doro111v !iorv•v F1111er O.lra~ OClobef 1. lt~t Doted ~t~ltfl'llw:r U, ltU. Ch1•1tt T. lltl..,.r, •ID"1 llllt It., P<1rch1tlnt1 Atrn! OQOj S. MOrtEV Cl.,enco P, Htlt.,IM llr"'"°" lttth. 61!·1100 County T•~ CollKlor Siii• cl C1lllo•11l1. Or1n9t C1111ftlv: 011M Sl.....,to., lt , ""· 10ub!J111~0 0•1.,;1 C~•• D1llf •111t. o• o""U' ct~n•I" o n s1"1mti.r 1,, 1'6t, "'"~ m•, 1 cn1llt1 T. llrlmtr 0<1ober 1. 1. '"' 111t -1t Put>l"l!"<:I 0•1.,g1 Caoll Ot dY Polot Not1.-y l'•l>lle In 1na lo• 011<1 !!1!1. S!tN el C1Hltt11l1, Ort"91 Ct>IHll"O! \·-----ccc-C"C-C-CCcc=----•! OClob•r •• l~O lllJ·H 1or1on1Tlv .,,~.,,,, Cl1rt11c1 "· Ht \rnlftl o" 59'1. "· , ... , belet1 ""· I Hol•rv LEGAL NOTICE ~.--1111 me to bt tro• • ., .... "'"°'* ....... Pue.lit In I nd lor U ld STiit. •t tlOnl llY LEGAL Ncrr rcE 11 ou1>1crlfftl to 1111 within lnotrvm•M 1.,.i ••1111•1'11 Chtrl11 T. Solmtr k,,.,.,. to mt IC~"""'l..,.fd nt rxt culHI thl U mt. '" be IP,, •• ,..n "'"°"' n1m1 II IUfti,(tlt> (0,FICIAL !~Al ) ~d 1o lltt ... 11n1n lntlrumtnf Ind MAl'IV IC. HENR Y 1<~110'"'"1"°9111 nt ••..,v!.., troe 1ame. ... )4Jt' Clll:T"ICAT• ur Ng11rv P ubl'<·Ct il!o•11l1 IOFF!CIAl SEALI Cl!RTl~ICATl 0' IUSIN[SS l''lnclall Ol!lct In l:Of'fA E, lll:l'VMOlO! Tnt u11<1N1lt nta do c••tl!v lnt t t r• ~ICTJ TIOUS NAMl 011n;e Coun!y N1t1rv l'ubll(·C•ll!o111l1 tO~GutHnt • l>u•lnfH II 11U7 LI Lim•· f ~• un~•c;·<;~•d do cr•llt• !~r~ l!rr M • C<>mmfn lllll E•Por•• 1>rlntl1>1I Offl<t In 111intlln Vl lltY. C1Jll!tr11l1. """"' lnr II(· conOu<hno • nu .. nt 11 " 111 Cl1t1 0 1;01, No•rmbe' 74, un or11111 c1111ntv llllous firm ntm< ot ! E It V ·Al L Nfwpoft 6o&cn, C1lltc•nl1. und•' !n• !le· P L!bh•~•d Oront• c011t o1,1v i>olol, MV c.,..ml111on E~plrr1 Rf"Fl'l lGEl'IATI ON •nO 111•• ••Id firm I• tlllou< f,,m n1mr of .;,;OO,iLll E S•otombor 11, I~ •n<r Oc to-or 1, t, Fib. ,5. 1fl1 com~ 01 tne Jollawlno Ill"""'·_. MAl'l lNE ~od lh~I t•ld Urm 1, <OIT'POlf<f \HI 11ltMt iO...ttll>Md Ora-CM1I OllllY Piiat. nom~ In lull t fld Pll (f Of rr1IC11n<I ••t ~ ~f !ht IOllow;nt l>l"or". wno>• ""''"~ In Stel. JI, Oct. 1, l, 15. 1tff 11..._.f .. ll&wio lull •nd Pll Ct • ol •Ulltnct lrt 11 LEGAL NOTICE Pr11 Lf11bellr•. 11111 O.rllt V (l([lt follow•· G••dfn G•o••· C1lllo•11lt . 8 ftlf H. 1nd Glllnrr J l(nul •o"• 111 LEGAL NOTICE ~•rrv Oolln, 1110 LI l lmt, Fo111111 1.; r 1111 Orlv•. Ntw1>1"1 llt tcn, C.1llto••l1. "'·MIU Y1;1ev, C11ilornl1 Ot!f<f O<lobtr J. l~t. (lllTl,ICATI 0, SUlllllll~ p.)U.. OllHI !to,..mbtr 16. 1'6t . Benv k . !C.nu1hon F ICTITIOUS llAMI (111:,l l"tcATI ... IUUHJI•, Jrromt ft. O~l>n Gllln•r J ICnud\Otl Tht u~dtrtlonl'd Cl°"' ctrtll"O flt 11 cen l"ICTITIOU• NAMI l'flf lfel!>rl1 tr !!•I• o1 C&l•lo•n•I. O"n'" COllnlv dvclln1 a 1>111!Mu 11 U Z• Vii 0..rlO Tiit l/f\dt rill ntd <19 ctrtlty thry tit Siil• cl ColHornl&. Orono• Count~ On Oc.tob>r J. 196t, l;>tfO•I m1, 1 NOllN NtwPotl B•ocn, C1ltt...."l1, uf\Oor !ht lie· (-..dvrll"'I 1 butlnn• 11 JIJOO f,lt in On $101. I ~. !tit, O••or• "''• I No t1,·1 Public In ~nd tor •t10 Sl1••. por>ono!lv lltlou• l!rm n~mt cf Hi"WIOOAT SAILING Slftel. Sul!P lot. Hunlln~ton 11••<11, Pvbllc in ~nd lor $110 Sl•lo, otfl(ll>lllY •flPl'l•f<I Brltv H IC nu<l•on 1nd Glltnt• J. CLUB 111d 1111! 01ld ll•m I' '""'""'to of (t llft rnlo, un<l'1 th• t.ctlt\eu• firm ,,..,,. APH4tod Prlt l f<lbo"l!•r nnd J•rtv 01" lt:nvd•cn kno•n ro "'" •o "'" 111• P•rt•"t "'" fo t)Ow!no peroon, wn1,. """'" I~ •u11 1•f CENTl'IAL )(.~AV ond 1~11 ••id lirm ;, koo"'n lo mr to be "'' P•'!.On• who .. "'"~" ~•m•1 ore 1vb.cr!llM 11 t~t wotnln t nd Pllce of tt1!aon~1 11 •• f'llllowo: com1>ov d cl lh• 1ollcwint P••ion1, wM;o """""' 1rt •11b'('•t""'I •o th• wll~•n ,,.. ln•tru.,.•nl •~Cl 1ckrn>flltt1u<1 tn•~ uc. Edwt ra V"I. Co• Jr .. tJO Wfll Ocltn n•mt• In tull •ml pletH o1 •t•idtftCI ••• ,1rum1n• •nd 1c\nowltog•O lnrv fltcut~ ~cu!•a ti!• t•rr• Fron!, l llDOt. Ct lllor11I•. '' f!illo"J: llor >lmt. <OFF1C1At SEAL\ Oalni S1oi.mbfr 39. lflf. Ctto111 A. t::rmPOlicl>. M.0 ., 7111"11 (0~'FICl,t.l SEALI M••• I( ,..,.,,~ Ed.,ora W. Co•, Jt. IC •"w•l"lft Cl<tll. Hunfll!lllOtl BtlCfl, Mtt• IC ... rnrv Plot••v Publlc·C•lllGrn" Stolt Of Ct lllo•n!1. Oron'l• Counh. Colllornc., J•lln w. Lr•, "'o., 1iri01 Noh "' l'ub"C·(1llklrnl1 f'•l.,t•••I O!llct on On ~r•!rmbtr ~. 1'69. btfott me, I ••lnCt lOn Cl•cl•. Hunli11•!0n Btt(~. f'•lnt•Oll 011"" on 0•1nQ• Counlv Nollrv Public !n •"d for 1t l• Slllr. Ct/;ftr~lo: ~1•m0<\d C. Olvon, M 0 . Orono~ Co"nh M • Comm!oolcn E•o<rr' or•!°"tilY 1ppr1rtd E•wo'd W . CO•. Jr . JtlJI A•loll• Avr.,ur. toM Beo<fl. 1,1• Comml.ston E<Portl '• 'lovr"'""' 1~. 191? k11o""n •o ,..~ 10 bf tnr Jlt0~n whl1• Ct lllornl" Frink 111. Li w, IA.0 ,, ,,.1 N~v. 11. 1tn Pun1.,n•d 0•1n9• Cot~! 0 11lv P<I~!, nt mr '' 1uti.crll>ed to Int wl!nln In-Yli!• Ot !.II, Hyntlneton Beoin, !'ublh~ttl Ort flllt (011t Otll~ ,11,~· OC!o~•' I. •S. 11, ff, l"t 1111·" s!rumtM 1na ,,.,,.,..1tc11ecr ht •~..,Y!ed (.1lltc•n,.: Riehl.,, H11119nton, M.O .. !rPle.,,,,.,. 17, 14 I nd 0(110er 1, .. in~ ••mt. \~ Mint•<• l'lt (f, C•ll• "'""'' lfff 111'-tf '1----------------\lOFFl(IAl SEAL\ Cl!lloMI•: t nll T Ii. Von. MO .. ISll·A\----------------LEGAL NOTICE JOSEPH E. OAVIS c ....... Orlv•, Cc1t1 M•o•, c 1111orn;1. LEGAL NOTICE Nol•rv Public . C•lli.rnll Ot1td 5t•tt"lt>O• ?!, \96t. PrlnclD1I OU lce I" Gf'OrO• ,&. Ktm,,..rlcllo NOTJCI! 0' iO U l~IC Mlt.RIHD llOl lCE IS HEllEIV GIV EN !11U !ho Ci lv <.ou11cll cl ttir Cl!v ot Co•1• Mt1• 1•«11 l!o!8 • ~vbl•< ~•••Tn1 on Mondt•. Oc!o~•' 70. 1969. In •~• C.oun(ll Ch1mbt1 11 lh• (.Jlv '1•11. 11 Fil• Od1tf, C&>ll V.t••• ~t 1 ~• ~ovr or 7,JO pm .. or •• ,gen Or1n1r County Jnnn W, l~. 1.1.0 . Mv Comml11!tl\ E•1lfr\ F'onk II. Low, M.0. J1mr ?1. 1tro l , H. Gtn. M.0 . P~~li>ll•O Ori-(011t 0 1111 ,llOI. Jt•v"'ond C. Dl~M. M.0 . Oo:t!lb!r 1, I, U, tt, l»t U"·'* Rltll•r~ !iouonto11, M 0 . lTAfl 0~ CALl,Oll:Nll '011: THE COUNTY O' Oll:AllGI LEGAL NOTICE '"'''~"" •• l~t m•nrr m•v b• ntord O"l------------------lloe o•!l!l~~ o! Ml~ ><urwlt>, l ~ll l rvlnr 1>-l•U t.vr111•r. Ce1t1 IA ... , lo '"""''"' IOllOW· ClllTl,ICAJI 0, IUlllllll, Ing df >t"n"<i •Ill 01oof rtv fron1 I'll, f!CTITICVI NAMI s•ntif F •m•t• <lt •ld•nllJI, lo (l·C I'. i no "na•nltnrd llO ctrll!• •tit v ... l"'•I !lu1ln•1> 01st•ltl: l e i (ONlu<f,"11 1 t>ullt>Hi 11 ISJI lt~rr 31. s~"lh•a>!r"• JOO ,.,, of 11, c0,11 Mu i , C111t0<ni., unerr !ht II<· ll•wnor! "•loh•• ,,,.,, "' orr m11 litlou• ll•m nom• of MESA OENlAL r•toro•d on ll""k •· P••t l l ct LAii . 1...., 11111 u !d """ 10 camPotrd 01 /AhC1llan•o~1 Moot. l"Jr1110• CoYnN. •ht !OllOwlni •• .,..,1. wM•f nomfl In full F •tfohro in•,.lrem 11\e Sit11tn-•llr .,,d •l•(•• o1 •••lar nct .,, 1, 11n0..,,. 11' lotl ,,"""' C•rl £11ntr. 11'7, Stock"Mt ll Or .• NOTICE IS f URTHE ~ Gl\lfN THAT ti l vn...,·ood. Coll!. "'" llm• ~rd oloc• •l>Ov,..mt nl•nn.., 111" Ea•! Bol G•'90.-Y, til l Crnl~rock, H :~: ::1 n:!:~o~~ ~~~··~:;;o c a'::~;:1 •:iP~~: 'llel1<1ow••, C1111 l~ C•IV "' Co·.TI Mtll on 11•<1 l'luont Ptrl· D1tt<l St ol. 74, \J6,. '' hon R·IMt C•" l!l1n•• C r. l'l'l lEST £"1 G'"""' c"v c.11,~ 01 lht St•fr ol Ct lit.rnl•. OrJ•t• c..,n1v · r ••• 01 Co••• "'"• On ~01. 14, ""· k l••• "''· 1 No'"' "ubll•llfO Ot•"ll~ Cot •! Ot llY ••lot. l'u~lle In 1na tor 11ld Sto!r. ••ricn1llv O<!Oblr 1. 1ft9 IUO-lt I DPt•t"<! Ct r! Eltonrr 1nd !t rl I "" ::..:::.:._:;_c..:_ ____________ G'""'' Mown lo mt lo 1>1 1111 •" .. "' ,, • LEGAL NOTICE HOTICf TO ClltfOI TO ll~ \U,.Ellt!Oll: COllll:T OiO THI SfAfE' Cl' CAll•O•HIA l'Ollt THE (OU'<lV 01' Oll:AHO• Nt. A·OIJt roi.i! ol Vtr• A. Hu~'"• 0110 """"" t i VI'• AO•I• Hunt.,, O"'•••HI . llOTI CE !S H£11ElV Gll'Ell !o 11>1 ~r•<lllo•• o• !he 1bov1 ""''"" at cMtnl wnou ntme• .,. 1ub1<rlbe'll •ft 11>1 ... n~1n lntl•Um•nl 1..a t ckr-owlr<lg" l~•v ~·· ecutr<t rnt "'m• . (O!'F'IC!.l.l 51"}.ll MAl'IV k . 1<1'11t'!' tloTerv iOvPtl( • C1hf1t~•• p,111cl•tl Offl<• In O••n•e Countv Mv Commlulln E••'"' Nov, 1l. 1'77 ~ub1,,ntt1 Ortnt• C•••I Ot•lt "'Ito!, Otlo~rr 1, j , IS, ll, Uot H ll-6' mM 111 P•r~o..., h1v1n~ c111m• •o••n•• "'" LEGAL NOTICE 1aid dOCed•nl t rf rroul•M to "'' 1nrm. ·----------------· Sl .,..If., 1~· n•ct\l•.Y ~ou•h•"· In 1ne ot<lc• lJ nl I'>• (i<ri< o• lh1 •bav• ~n•ll1tt1 t ou•I. oc •o crf•rn• •h•m. .,..11n th• n~c .. u •v 11 ~oven•"· to int undr•\l,11•d 1! mo •"Ir • 1 ~· n .. Anorn~v• <-" ln<I w 11,., 10" B ,.1v r .. 1. H1vw"d' C1ll!o•~l• 1<111. wnlch ,, me p l~t• 01 bu11,,...,, of 1ne un· lo .. 1l~~to In 111 m111t., '"''"'"1"' i. '"' ~1 •1••t• of w ta aoc1<ll"'• '"'I'~'" f<>u• 77 ..,0n1n~ """' tn• 11'11 1>Ubllct1!on al 1n11 G nollc• " " ,, Oottd Odo~•' !. 1'6•. J~""'' EOwln Hv"'"' E •·t~lo• cl !!'Ir Wiii ~l •n• 1ri.-v• """''" O•<t~fnf COOP I• ANO WILl1. "I IOlt I Slr ~I. 0 1'11,,..tr•. Cl lllef"n" t U•l 1• f ll, (Ill! JH·•lP •t•••••• f•t E•rcu!or •J J't,l'll ·~•a O••r~• (<.••,! 11 Oc •c~•r I H. )?, It. lh • "11. ___ L_E_G_AL_N_O_T_IC_E __ _ ...... CERT l,ICATI 0, IUllHl!.SI •ICTtTIOUS 111-M HAMI ' f'·SUll CIRTl,ICATE C, I UllHISJ, ,ICT ITIOUI llAMI Slot. o! C1ll!or11i•. Or•nor Coun...,: Oii SrPl!fnb<'r ?), 1'69. l>eiocf m•. • ~Joi•"' Pu~Hc In on~ •er ••id 5••1•. ~.,•O~•l<i •DP••rrd C. • o • g ~ A. Krryu>aHc~. John W. l rt. Fronk II . Low. T H, Gi n. l'l•v""°"d (. Ol•OO'I, Ille! Jtlch•'d 1'. H~uoMon, k"""'" to m• 1o bf' •nr t e,.er• wn.,., "1mr• •tr outl(•il>ta 1a 1111 .. 1•n1n lntllum•rt ""d 1ck•.o .. 1e<i1· .. l~tv •••cutrd ,.,. ,...,,_ (0 F FIC••l ~E •ll NAOlllE J. M1Ll £11 No, A·ll/11 (cl•!• rl '11'1/CY EH1El AtlOE PSn•1 ~'lC·O\V,l,11 •~•. llAtlCV £ T Ii E l McVON"~l. Dt (•11rd NOTICE IS HERE ftV G•VfN lo '"Al <'<dllatt o! !tie ol>ovr n•mrd d•c•dt•t thll 111 Prrion1 ~•~11\G (l1im1 •••1"•1 1~t tl ld Otcrdt t\J "'" ttoulrOd to lllr !11,..f, wit~ "'' nf'Ct n ••• •ouch•"· on int olllt• of tnt <lft t o! llor 1b(rv• f'lllllM c1111•I. nr 10 P'r1rnl mtm. "'"n •~t ntcnu-'r uni .. v Puol.c·C111•0•"'" v011cnt ,., lo !~e ulld"'•l•~l'd 1! tnt ot!k<f O•O"'>~ Cl>Un!v o.t ~., •Uo•n~v,. Cn!>t n. Stokti~, ""• MV Co..,,..i11I"" £<0•1r. o.,,.,, 1111 N fi r.,..awov, !i. 'l11. s.m11; ""''t mt" 11. 1t n 1'.n•. C1hlor11•1. v;n"n " 1no Pl•<• "' l"ul>h•n•a 0,1,.a• Co••' 01111 P1lo', n..,;nr n OI In• vnat· •• qn•a '" 111 mo!tr~ Stolrml!tr 11 and Otlo~rt 1. I, l~'Prrlllnln• I<> 1n~ ~·•~1~ el •••<! d•eoa•"'· lht !'11·•' witft•n lttor mon!n• 1!!rr •~• llrit PuD!lt llf !!(on DI !lllt nollt• • LEGAL NOTICE 0111<1 $•o••ml>rr \t, !••t 1/ll111>0 r• 0•11•<,. Adt m1 T·UHI HOTICI TO Clltfl>ITOI J IUP•RIOll COURT 0 , l li• I T•TI 0 1> CALIPORN 1a '011. THI COUllTV OP ORANQI No. A-.IJJH KATH LEE'< (OOMIS, ,. . : . - ' c -JO OAJLY PJLOT Vltdl'ltMlay, Ottobtr 8, 1%9 THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And th• man who k110W$ ju3t hot# to tur11 the pltrMf! to '1tt t/1 • mo!t out of tlit barb 1.t DAILY PILOT colunui- isl Sydnt!J 1101..,is. fif! he .! bef!u called tht rnodern • dau l·l t 11 1' 11 .'J enckt ti , 1/ "ou'rf! 1·eadu jar his I/st of tht (!Cid o c!;tctiv t and t Jt. o u gh l · prO't:okir.g p1'0$t t.o gi1;t 11nu tht 11ttdlt .•. i_f 11ou wori t to fin d somt thing to thi11k abo ut in what 11ou rtad. , . 1) yo:t 11at't a Je·nsr of h11n1or. !IOU b t L o tl g tri[!i readers u ho delight f11 tt llinrJ othtr.! what "SJJd said" itt on• of the notion'.! moJt • quoted colum.r11. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sytlney Harris: "One of the highest p.1id jobs In Americt con1 l1h of stendlnt up in front of • mic- 1'ophon•, 1tp1r1ting the good r•cordt from tk• bid ones -and pl1yin9 th• bad on••·" "lt".s .sad but true tha t while alcoholics i re the best argument !or abstinence, 10 manv ab.rtainer.s are equally effective ar· rum~nt fo r a little dr in k now and then." "Most of the so-c:•lltd 'incompatibility' In merri•ge 1prin91 from th• fact th•t t• most men, •x is en ect; "While to •II wom•n, It is en emotion. And thi1 differ· enc• in ettitvcle c•n be bridgM o"ty a,y loY•.'' "The sole differtnce between a 'dedic1· led crusader' and a 'no.sy reformer ' <'00· ii.sts in our agreement or dis agreement "'itb his objecti\les," "Tn• mott ••ploslv• co mbination In th• world con1i•I• of sinceri ty Hchcl to i9ni.)r•nc•." ''Whenever J am the recipient ot an ex t:eMi\'ely heat1 y handsha.k~. l 1uspecl ~tr. Mu!cles ls tr1ing to sell !!iOmething, hJ.de eomethici , or prove 1ometbina:." The Check This For Signat11re ..:i, \ •. ' ~-· Pare It'll The Help You Fin~ Latest Q1otables Created By 'The Nee41er' For His Col- A Regular Feature of IHllR, the DAILY PILOT .. .-. . ~ .. -. -- • M-w'• Werth York Stock List Boo1ns Pass By l.•c"r 1n1> Maco ~d m M• ~~ C., )0 f "~~ " Meer p! • 1! Mad Fd ~$i.l """~ s~ G& l.eQ VO~ ]XI l.a ov l!O /, "" nrl ihll "'" """' . "' AP(O ... ~"' "' M!sJll~110 Me ""c A 5 MP Ctm I 60 Mtbl~t 1 ?C Mit,,.rcll I 10 '::,...,;1 ~~ 11ontoE'I ~ ~n llO MOl"lf pll I~ MonlDUI \ti Mont Pw 1 ~· Mv:>f' Mc:Co Mo ••nJ 1•0 Mo•MSl>o to MO -f'lo to Mo1"'"' 1 I Ml,_1111 S 1 IO MI S TT 1 11 ""loo , ... M11J f\';Wrl M~ ...,., I )'() Mu lltl!" ''" M" ...,on .o Tuesday's Closing Prices-Conlplete New York Stock Exchange List ••i.t ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. U...) ...... Uwci..C11t -HI- • " , " ' 00 • . " 00 • " • " ' " . , " • ,. • • '" ' " ' " " ~. • " " . ' ' ' " . 1 I •! . " ' .. '" ' ~ , 00 " ' • ,. .. ?J J • -L-' • ' ' • • " ' • • • ' • ' .. . ' • . " • ! • ' . '" "' • " " " ' . ' . " . ' • • • " . " • ~s ",l • 1~ , " ' " " . ~, . . ' -M-" ' ... ' " 1700 6Q ' " ' , . •I •1 , 11 •• " . ... •1 "' ~o 7• •l ~ ~ 01 •& • . ' ,~ ') . ' ,. ' ' " . " " '" ~' : " " . " • , .. ... .. " " . ,. " • .. •oo " " ,, " " " ., • " I , , + STOClt LEADERS ~i.& N .. 1.1111 .. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .. I , .... , ........ c ... c ... IOP ¥"" M• t•• .,. .. :.1.. :. • + Is .... ts ts -1 , l • 1Jlt 11 , 111, 1t1 .11.21• 11i n\: n\: n1::. '''• ,,,,.. 171.i -lt I o !'~ i&\1,-~l ~" iO\ ~ =~ l) .... •t ...... • .,.. 1 \• 11~, -•r, , ... ''3'!1 1'3'"'+ ;Q: ~. :. .. ,1,+ olllo!o 3'•'U o +lo 1u .. ,,, u:i.- 1210 l l • 11 30 •1 .! ',. J ,, Jl ~ + ,. 6"> •:)-' 1' • 19o 1to + 51 S1 Jl \S•-7 ,, • ,. • ,,.. .1 1~ J~ H·-~ .I•• l•• J.l ,t • n 11 ll >lo ll oll .o 17 o U to 71 J h '> SO> S•lri> • • ~ ,, " •t .. • ~ O lGlo 10 Market Suffers Slight Setback NEW \ORK (UPI) -Stocks f\mshe<I on the weak side Tuesday m moderately active tradine: Shortly before the close the UPI rnarL-etw1de mdicator \\as off 0 10 pen:ent on 1 5&9 issues cross- ing the tape T h e r e \I ere 671 declines and 615 ad vances 1 .n> ~IN -15 n ~ ,, ,, 1 The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip ind.us 2 1 7S'.I. n ;1. 70'4 -~· • tr>. ''" '' + Lr1als showed a Joss of 317 at 806 23 near the close ,.," ,,,. .. 'Jl">'i J11o ll'':i -1'1ce""'" 1 11 I'.< 11\.0 -T1I l'f lftlll ;~ 11}~ 11:, ~~ =, \iol ume of around 10 000 000 !hares was ahead f!~!,'E~0 ~' S .C ' olCl 0 40 o 01 'f d TI P~l"(t •O ,, 31 ,•,. Jt ... ,, on ay s pace TH~,,.,. n1 201 37•• 37\'f + ,.~_,,.,..IC Jo 'j : ~~.: ~;., -t\.nalysts reg anted U1e :sellJn.,. as a contmued t• •GY~• .. 1• ,11, ,, ,,. 1:~:r~ ·~: • n•, n' n + ind1cat1on of \VaJl Streets concern "1th infl ation '""tco '11 l-o ?J"° l•• l! + Tt'r!llk ~lj I~ i '; 1; ~ i~"' tight credit and V1etna1n ~!~l~ ,,1 f0•0 '' l? l • l • -r, Ga il 4 •• 71 ,, • ?•tt EI t d l b h Tt G• pll 5G "111,0 ~~ U ec ronics move a po1n or elter 1n eac T••Csv ~0 ''15 1_.. ~7t.l',1 _"!:, d1rccLion but steels and motors traded Ill narrO\V r:,::"•~,o ,: ~ ,:~ ~!: ~~i . ly irregular ranges r::~'0 1:' •'> l o•rO"'IV • f \O"o IC\ Toi " •Jj O ~U: ' ~ ~4 r:? Rails a1rhnes and aircrafts also traded nar-T•Mt " P '' ' l>• l) • lj'' t 1~ Dkt' .., • ", • " • s '-ro\vl y and in both directions ~-~,~ 1 :: ' 16 16 !~ YOr f G n.i ... "~'~' ,,_ ':I iJ. 1~\ 1~,-Oils 'vere mixed So \vere mining and conglom-r:::.,M.si l• 1 • :to>.r; 70>.;.+ T m~ll:ll l.O :n St~. s•" .m11 + erate issues r 1~ 11: 1v 3' ' '? ,, ,1 + 1<11>~ !'~o I lJ •l • '1 "3~-+ odOS~o 170 1J •11. « \ ~ + \ Alurmnum issues attracted some demand fol 0 M'Ed 1 '0 ?JO 55 !! SJ TbO!ll:o I ~" ~ ''" 114;, ''''+ , I d l hik 10~9 Ce 10 0, 11 • , 1,.,., + ,, 0 1\ 1ng some 1n us ry price es l ~~~" 1sc: n~ ~ .. '5~,'.> ',,", -:_ T nw•I~ .,, l ,.~ 0,.., °" l. ,, 4 + .... Pnces were rmxed on the Amen can Stock Ex t·:~~r 's'J. 19l .. • 93>,:, •lY< -h od t l T••~•con •O :ao 5' w s. c ange 1n m era e urnover rr1n•c ,n~ 1J l 1"o l ,_,,. T•n••0t0 l•t 1l 1 11 -~ T •vtJe 1 IO •J 10' J(Jlt 10~ \ T ovltf"1 Oil i u • ,,,. ,...,,., -... ,,..,., ... ,. •• .,,.,.,.,.,. .... .,,.,., .. .,.,.,., •• ,.,.,.,..11 c .... t 1 1S<1 d U \ 16 U ~-Tr Ctn ~1'250 .... ...------------1 -' .... ""' (1-"' Co1nplete Closing Prices -Ainerican Stock Exchange List NEW VQllO:: (1'P) T"tod•• com•I e Co AITl9 t•" 5 cc~ ~E<h1n1>1 or en • " , ' " " • ~ ' ' • • ' " ... " ' 1! : "'• "" ' . .. " " " " " " ' . '" • '" '" ·r,· ' . " ' " 'l l~ I .. • ' ~ ' ' '' n 1 ?1 > "' : ,~ : ~r.: " ~ . ' . 1 1' • ,,, • ' 'l . " •• ,., "' '" , • • ' " • .. n ", • " ll • " ,. • ' ·: "' 'l ' ,1 "' • ' " , .. • • " , , ' ' 1 " ' • • " " ,. • ~ ' ' ' "" ' '" ~ " " ' . ·~· ' "" " ••• ' ... •• " . ,,., ~ n• r.t ,. .. ' ". ' ... l! " " . .. •"~ " ... " . " . n• ia 14\~ • M "' ll'* 1l .. 6 • 0 ' . . ' . 1 • 7 • 'W! 'I ~ uu !) l '·\~ s • s-. lS ~ M 19 ~ II ''" . " II 1l • . , ,, lJ,.. ' j'• ll i l • 1i ' lj I • • • 11 H.I' 1J I ._ lS \ U "" ..... >ttt lf1' ''"' , ... • • • • u ~ I\ ~ ! ll: ''" 1!~ P • I '> I ' • • ,, ' m1 " :i:;.. U'Z , " J? II • • • .. , " " ' .. • • " , '"' " 'I " " , ' " ' • ' • ' . " .. " ~· '" " . • " " ll. ' • " " 0 ' " " . ' .. ll •• " '" • n. • lJ • ' . ' .. 1 I 10 ;. ' • • M > • " . ~ ~ : ~I 1~ 11 .J • • • '" "• " '"' " ) II>.• ll Ut.. J1i " > ' ' . r~ n •• ~ ' l• ~ • • •l • .. " ' • • .. J ~~ • • " . ' . ,, ' , . ... •it ,.. -HI- " ' ... " "' '• " . " 11 7J'o l , .. ". '1:: ' ' ' ' ~ ~. ... . '. 1 ,, 11 • • • • ?S l o l"• ,.~J'~''' • ' ' ' " ' " ~ " . 11 • 37 0 71 '' l l lJ • ,,., 1• 11 ~ 11 l , " ' •+ o OI l l ,, • ' "' •V. ' • u " I• I 1) JO " , . . •• '"' • " " ' " •• • " • ' " 1• 11 '" '" • ·~ ' ' • ' ' ,. " " ' • ' ,,. .. " " " , q " • • ' , . " ' ' . ' ' I• 5• ' .. 1 10"' . .. . ~ 14 o H '> ' ' H' • tr: n • "' 4\(1 ... Tl 100; IS ~ I '> ~~ 'I. 1• 11 • ·f: ·li , ' 1$'o H ~ "' " -J·- ·! ~: ~ ~ I .. I 10 ' • ,, ,{ :.,; 1! t ?J ,.,. ,t • r 'l l~ • i.:;0 ., .. ' fr .,; ~. ;..: 'l "" • t • 11... ) • ,, • 17 , " ' " " • " .. al • "' • l ,. l ' ,. ' " • ~ " ... • u ,. • •• '" " ,. , • ' .. • ' ' "' • .. .. tr" r,.,1 10 ., 10 • t; ~~ 1• 1 • 11 • 0 \ ,. . ,. " • • • 1• • .. • 1;: l~h '"' ' ,,..~ ,..,, r.., ;-... ' ,, ,, ,. • ' ' 1, • 1' • " . ' ' , • <. ' ... ,,,.. Jj :·~ i'i ,, 1• -· " ... ;,,l '"" A ~ U ,, ~ . , '" l"l(, H ... ,, . ' ' • • • • ~ " I "' ..... ' ' ' . ' ' . .. ' •• ' ' , ' ~A> " ' . .. .. .. ,. \ + "' -,. .. -1~ J "'tfl'I••• .. ' " • ' " • , , ' "' ~ ' " ' ' ' " , .. • • • , " " .. • M .. .. " • " ' ' \ l! ,, " '~ '1 " • ' " ,, , , " 1 • ' • ' '" " " '" ' ' ' " " • ' ' • 'l • , , • " • .. " ' " .. " .. '" .. " . ll\1 .. 1:;: • '" •• ~ . '" '" ,,. " ., ,, .. '" .. .. . " . ~: .. ... .. • '" "' n ' ' '" " •• L ' . " . " . " '" ,t.;: • '" ' . • :.· "' Jll, • ' ' • • • " " "" '" " " " " " ... ' fu " " " .. '" •• .. '"' J• "'• .. "" .. "" ' ' ' I ! '" "l .! • "' ,.. " . I " " ' j t I j , . ~-• " •• " " . ,., ... ' ,_ • • 11 • l " ' .,_ "' -1: l " ' • '" '" ' " • • • "' " " "'I • • ,. , ' , " " ' , " , .. • • " " .. "' "' . " " . ... W• "' U10 • • '" " " . " " .. " . , . " ' ". " • • • ' " " " 10 • 1 •1 • , ' . 1?. ' • , ~. ' .. 1 lJ • 1 1 J.\• • • ~ " " l ,. . • H)ll .. m ,: ~j ' . " . . " ' " " 0 '" • 'fl •• " ' ' " " " . :~ "' " . ~· . ' ' ,j, • '" • .. lU IT'• • , • " ,j , " • • ' ' ' •' , • • ' " • " ,, .: " ' , .. .. • " ,. • ' . "' ' .. '" .. •• I~ "" 1••· ' U> ~ .. '" " . '" • '" , . '" " ,. , " • • " ,.. . ' '" .. .. .. .. " '. n. , l : ... " .. " " . • DAILY PI LOT J l ' } " . 1l 10 • l 10 • ' , ... ' " " ,. " •• " • ' , • '" " . ' •• " .. ••• •; • .. ' " . • '" " . ' ' ' .. J 11 • • • l D 1 , • !I • • • ' ' . , " ' • " . •• ' . • ' ' • • • • ' ' "' ' • ' ' ' ' . '" ,. ''" 111 • " "' l? t • ' " l , •• ' ' , .. " . .. ' 1>'• ,, s • ' " , . • • . " l 1 '• ' . I lt-'1 ,, tl • ' . ' . ' .. . " ' .. " ... , ., ' " " "• ' " '" .. 3i • • • ' . .. " • '" ... ... " . 11\ N " ~ '" .. " " " n • '" • '" '" ' '" •• " ' ' • ... " .. .. " " . • " . " • • " • '" '! • " ,. ' . .. " • • ... " " I 1>1 I) . . ' ~> I • • l l • 7 17 I o I • • lt • • l • d •I JO I I " , • , , " " • • . ' .. . l~ ID .. ' . ' . I 1' l> ll " ' " ' " ' " , • l ... -" 20. _ ... 00. -·· ~ . H'o -: 11 -... 1i :::-;~, " . ...... , .... • • " • • . ' J>lo _...."' ,. ~ . " ... n ~ _... 71 ... , .. 1l:!~ 1:. ~, 1J•1 -... -'{ . I ' ~ o ... ' . ""). ' . "" . • • •• +,~ ~~: 4 .. • •• "' • " • " ' " '" • .. " . .. " .. " ' ' • ' • • • • • " "' • • '" • • ,, . , • • • • • . • ' I • .. • • j . • ' • • • • • -• • -'· .... ~ ~ .. ··:~ .... • • • ' • ~ .. 4" • r~ ' .... ' .,,:-''·''u.....,··r,:~."•fl'"'"~'~.·-.:-;•-::~¥~•or''"'''1'"""'·~•,,..,....~,'"'''"''~'"'',..'-""."c~!~.••'''""-----::--:-·-:--.---":"::r---:-------------------... .~ ~~ ···-.-~ ... ·.~···· ·-~ ... , CJ 2 CAIL Y PILOT U.S. Bills Studio For 'Tora' -· • \VASH!NC;TON 1l1Pll ~·entieth Century 1-"ox sill has not paid the Na1·y $134.376 for tran:;portalion co1npany ph1nes to Hawaii aboard the carrier Yorktown la~! 0et'e1n- ber to fdn1 "Tora, Tora, 1·ora.'' '"Jn additi on. <i l1vusr sub- iumn1ittee 1s sludy1ng n1ovies ~a<le hy Twentieth Century- ; f o:-; and provided to 1he sub- ~omn11tlee by lhl' Columbia ;~roadeasling System to • ~elt'rmine if l;'lndings v:cre ;~a<le on the carrier in viola- · tlon of an agreement betv.·een l he defense department and :lt1c filn1 company. ': A Navy spokC'sman said the · liill wa~ being negotia1cd \\'ilh ~~v.·cnticlh Century-Fox, 1vhich t laims the cost of laking lhe iilancs from San l)iego lo lflawaii was IVO high . The ;p0kesman also said no ptanro:: ii-ere allowed to land on the ~l)'orkto\\·n, t Them i 1 it a r y Operations ~ubcornmlttec, Ch;iircd by ~ep. Chet Jlolific!d. L n .~ Z,ngclrs Demo<'ral, is probing 1tl1c l1se of government pro· jlerty in making the Darryl f. Z:inutk film ;lbout Jap::in·s Ji1<·:ik ;1!1at k on Pearl Harbor. -~l!olific!d is experted· lo receive a report by the sub- l'ommi1trc·s profession<:1! staff. The size of the bill is likely lo increase because the Navy has learned 33 \Vorld War I I 1·intagc planes ,1·ere carried aboard the ca rri er. Al so, Tw en1 ieth Century-Fox w i I I be hilled a ~um "!e~s than ~4fl0 for usiqg a n1ili tary t11·licor1er !ur 12 holirs lo fi!1n the Yorkto\\'n \1·h1lc nff tile San Diego Coast. Several eongressn1en hal'c questioned tlie properity of US· ing American Navy vessels to f:llamorize lhe Japanese attack on Pearl Jlarbor. YUL/<~ TOYS IVANTED 111arint>s al the Seal Beach Naval \Veapons Station have initiated thclr annual "To.vs for Tots" camp;iign to aid underprivileged children at Christmas. ~1ajor r . s. 111arcaoi or f nmpnny F, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines cit 1he \\'eapons sla.tion ls in ch;1rge or the rltive. Those "'ho wish to donate lo.vs may c;:1ll him at (213) 431 -3i21. A THOUSAND TIMES NO -.Jatk ShCf\VOOd "pp lies hi s-\vax en char1n to hC'r- 01ne Sharyn Case in a scene from the 1nelodran1a, "('hrist1nas Eve. at the Sa1vn1ill." opening Saturday at the Nev.·port Beach Ebell t:lub. Theater Notes Musical Melodranm Set At Newport's Ebell Club By T0:0.1 TITUS 01 I~• Otl!~ P/lo! St•ll Old tin1e musical inclodrama mnves into the locai spotlight th i ~ 1veekcnd ;i s t1ro s maller 1heatcr groups co111bine their rcsol!rres in an Driginal offering. The Old ,J;imes Playl'rs of Ncll'port. Brath 11 nd the ~!;11(1\ Cu;1.,I L1gh1 Opl'r{1 :\.~SllC"i;1tif)n arc producing "Christn1a s E1 e at the Saw1nill" by G!'orge L\'mburn. The sh:iw makes its 1iCbut Saturday ni ght al 1he Newport Beach Ebe!! Club, 515 \\'. Balboa Blvd. Dirl'cled by Jrvin Kin1brr. whn also plays lhl\ father, 1he o ·:i~l inrludPs Sher~'O Case :.i~ Nell, the heroine : S I r v c Sherw oorl as J ohn. the hero, .111d Jal'k Sher11·ood ;1s Hud olplL the l'ill:.i1 11. Al so 111 lhe t'ast is Sheilia Carnell <JS Kate. Follo1l'ing the n1eltxlrama. o!io acls wi\1 be performed featuring Constance Blan- cl1ard. Betty Shcrv•ood. Betty L11ras, !l·lelanie l'l1 izell , Sharyn Case, Shl'ilia C<l rnclt and Keith Blanchard. "Christmas 1•:\'r at !he S,11vmill " will be :;[;1ged al 1hc ~~bell C!uh Oet. JI, 12, 17 and !8 ;ind at the San Clc:menlt lligh School auditoriuin Nov. 7 and 8. Jteservations may be acquired by calling 675-0210 or 675·5660. * Con1inuing tnnight lhl'ough Saturday are per[ormanccs of "1 Nl'\·er Sang for i\.1y f;ither'' .1t the ne1v Lagun:l·1\1 oullon l'l;i1·h11u~e. This first sho1v at 1he . S:i(l(),O()Q theater featurl'S R.f . Stcl'enson, Hobert \Vent-7.. Harrie! Hraiier McKonneJI and Jacquie r.1off{'tt. J oh n Ferzaeca is directing tht> Hobert Andersnn <lrtimil \\hith pla.vs this \\'eek and nP,-.:t ;ii Ille pl.:i.vhnuse, t\06 !,Dj'.!llll<l Can.VD!l Hoad. l,;og11 n;i Br·ai_:h l~t".•1•r1-;!1io11s ;11'" 1·1":·~: \;1 ki;n JI 4~H-2:1:ill. * '·Pools Par;11l1sc.'' 11ir llun· l1ngton 13e;ieh Pla\'hUU~t:'!) !:lr- felched farce set in an English vicarage, heas inlo its t1nal \\·eckcnd >vilh c 1 o s i n g performances Friday a n d Saturday. Howard Solomon is directing. Paul Sullivan, Rita Kisni1r, V<i\l'rce Jl ov.•, Lil lyann l'ayn•'. Colin GuiVC"r. Stcre Uhler and :'11arlin Fuclls n111 kc up Ll1c cast for the Philip King com· edy at the Barn, 2110 !11ain St., Huntington Beach. T i ck et nrders arc being accepted at 536-61161. * Also playing its final ~lanza Thu rsday through Saturday is the S11n Cltmenle Conununity Th eater·s ''Lullaby," under tlie direction of Tonv Brandt, ~it lhe Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cab r i 1 Io, San Cltmente. Clark Farrell, Dale Craven anrl Gayle Mayfield head the cast nf !he [)(Jn Appel romedy. Hc~cr1·ati11ns may be phoned 111 to 192·0~6~. * Tht l;f'neration g;ip t:01nedy '·\V li;it Did \Ve Do \Vrong?" Sll'ings into the second of six ll't:ckcnds at the Long Beach t ommunity Playhouse wHh Hunt ington Beach's J oe and Eli~.Jbeth Karlio heading the CilSL Perforn1ances 11rr given Fri- 1lay ;_ind S:iturday al lhe plu sh playhouse, 5021 l'~. Anaheim ~L , Long Beach. Tickets may hr rl'~t:rv~d by C"a!ling (213) 4:1s.Ofi3G. Young Chinese Actress Dedicated By BOB THOMAS LIHUE, Hawaii (AP) Tina Chen is calm, delicate looking and quiet-spoken, as you would expect any Chinese young woman to be. But that Oriental Lraditi-0n hides a firm dE>termination that fits her for one Of the best star-making roles in recent times. Lovely, 24-year-old Tina, with ooly one minor film role to her cr edit, was picked to play Nyuk T.c::in in "The Hawaiians." Readers of the James Michener no vel wil l recall her as one of lhe most n1emorable characters -a resolute Chinese woman who is not accepted by her husband as his true wife because he has another wife in China, who accompanies him to the leper colony on Molokai, who scrimps to buy lalld and thus found a financial dynasty in 11awaii. ''If Tina doesn 't win an Acaden1y nomination, I'll he very much s urpri se d , ' ' remarks Tom Gires, direttor of "The }lawaiians." Unlike the earlier film based on Michener's novel, which was cast largely with Euro- peans, ' 'The llawaiians'' Oriental.'! are real Orientals. Producer Walter M iris ch spent much time in New York , San Francisi::!o and Los Angeles interviewing a n d testing young Chinese aod Japanese performers. One of his most unlikely choices was the beautiful hematologist, Tina Chen. was educated in Hong Kong, it. and lhe Mirisch peoples.lid, ting job, I'll do something Taipei and Tokyo, then took a 'Oh, we've already looked at else," she said. "Fortunately, B.S. !ri pr .. _ n1<'d al the her,'" she said. "They had I have hematology to fall back University of flartford. me confused with another on. And !'in not so idealistic "I've always been in Jove ('hinese actress named Tisa that I l\"Ould pursue acting -Ul er but t Chang. I wcut to see ,\1r. \\'hen there were no jobs. w1 a tng, my paren s And holl' do h<>r n.11-enLs feel didn't approve," she remark· lt1irisch and he gave me a '" ed, "'They insisted that I script and I read for him the about her big break't d t f II th I same day. They new me to "They're happy bl!1:ause." gra ua e rom co ege, en •. l>e s•n•'led ... 8 .. 1 lhey wish it w-·ld do th•· g J a ,_.. Hollywood for a test and two " " vu any n w n =· h 'd """'' something else They-hoped that I would go on days later they told me l had " u= and get my degree in the role." besides acting." medicine, but the thought of Even set workers on "Thel=;::;::::=======1 four more years of college Hawaiians·• have been im.11 plu.'1 internship and residency pressed by the delicacy of IALBOA1 didn't appeal to me . So I went Tina's performance and 673-4048 to New York and got a job al predict a promising fulure fQr the Blood Center_ But I really her. She is realistic. went to New York because I ''If I don't get another <1c- hoped to get an acting career1============11 started." rotllffll '~CWIC COAST f!IOMWllT & mt ff. '-------.::::::::0 Progress was slow al first. ~-,. She did win a television role, I.. in a CBS Playhouse special ~ ••-5·=•.IJ "The Final War or Ol!le IACK AGAIN----IT DEMAND ! \Vinter,'' playing a Viet- namese. Nothing followed, and Tina stud ied dramatics with Sandy Meisner and acted in an occasional off-Broadway play, meanwhile working days as a blood researcher. She played a small role as Ario Guthrie's girlfriend in the film "Alice's Restaurant," then came the tryout for "The Hawailans." ACADEMY AWARD WINNER •UT IMftClOll-M«I. NICHOLi JOSEPH E. LEVINE ...... • MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN_ THE GRADUATE AN A~CO fMS.l.SSY flt.I "My agent called up about! - . ·. · i COLOR"'<°'-·~~"- ~ f·t·.•·'()',_.,,._t(;<';",,.,,-, •. , • EJhe~ am MPLasu acn1ne !!C>llUtlkOI' • TtOlllSCD'l' I t.10fl'i"'N11~''0UJ: MC!Ulltl l!ft(l.l! & ITll Al so in Color JAMES MASON JAMES COBURN She was bom in Chungking, 111111 N1JW "••lure ''THE AP'lllL FOOLS" ALL SEATS -$1.50 "DUFFY" Communist takeover, and she wil~ J•ck Lemmon granddaughter of the firsli'=~~~~~;;;;~iiii~'° '-:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~ premier of the Kuomintang of! .= the Chinese Republic. Her iS"' w· f . !l1R1SCH bd Tonlgllr I P.I{ f<1mily lled China after the "' •••• P1r;1uRts ew.y ..., """"1"•0• S-.t En1P9"ment FAN~VISION Tonight II ' BEST P1m1E OF THE YEAR! WINNERS ACADEMY AWARDS! V'iitQC.CW.'.'1~111~\[ll .;c;,;,~·PJ;n ffCO..CTOl nocron ZHMGO THF.TFI Tf CH~ICOlO~" ....... ., .. "'" ~ l/ft•lrd Al'l"l1 2905 E05' Coiut HlfJhwoy Coro110 del Mor-Jlh. 67J-6260c..oo:.=::...- IT'S NEW ... E XCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY ptt<tnt• DICK VANDYKE ANGIE DICKINSON COMMIT YOURSELF! WHICH SID[ OF THf FJ.C( ARE YOU ON' It's Y<1u.r Cliance T(J Se1id A Perso1iul 'Gods peed' To The A11ollo 12 Creiv llltll Tell Our Astroriuiits We're Witli T1ie11i As Tliey Fly To the Moo1i · r r " " ' ' ' SIGN THE SCROLL FRIDAY OR SATURDAY AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S CAROUSEL COURT Space Show Open 1-9 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. • Free keepw.ke prizes •.• 1,000 Apollo 11 'booster' clecals to flnt 1,000 ASTRO SCROLL 1l9nen and one copy of Associated Press book, 'Footprints on the M~,' calwe away each hour. • See beautiful color prints of pictures taken by "tau rists" Neil Arm1tron9, 11111 Aldrin and Michael Collins durin9 man 's first visit to the moon on Apollo 11 mission. • Cutawoy scale model of SIVB (third stoqe of Apollo moon rocket) made In H1ntlnqton leac.h by McDon• nfll Douqlas Astronautics Comopny, the sto9~ that l>oosts lunar fllqhts Into moon orbit. • Panel d!splays , .. color photos of hordwore and facllltles prowlded by Nortlil Amerlca11 aockweft. Pllllko- Ford Corporation and Hitghes Aircraft Company as part of ApoDo 1 Z mlulot1 to rh• moo11. ·~ J ; ! •• • l • • A Salute to Our Astronauts During National Newspaper Week Presented by ; • •• •• ; • < .! •• ~ -:: • • ~ • DAILY PILOT and the South f oast 'Plaza Merchants 'Newspapers-The Space Age Communicators' • \" ' 13 • S111oky City Shootii1g Pittsburgh Attru cts ll1ovie Ma.kers PITTSBL'nc11 llO J l y \V OOd /\lonongahela? i.:amrra, ~ction" Boulevard'! IAl'l on ! Ii c J, I g h lS , on Fun P111 You better bC'l1('1•c 11 U;.11·1')'1 Zanuck Pillsburgh, :-lll! li'J 111g to overconle its blue-co llar 1111:.igc of s1nuke and stef'I -and not 1rh(l lly succeeding -sce1n~ the least likely pl;icc tu :.t:>l tip l'Jncmatic shop . What other e1!y. /or in- ~lancc, can offer p o o r 11·eather, a 1Jck of fat i!itics. poor weather, inexprrienced laboratory teehna.:ians, and poor weather~ Ycl the Latent Jrnagc , a ~·oung, independent producing company, is laking advanl:igc nf grco:i t chunges 111 the n10111r industry -n1ainly the de111isc ol ··big. studio" dornination - ID test whether lo1r-b'udgcl l'llms produced in Pittsburgh e;1n be successful. ll ~tarted about seven .veu rs ;i_:;o whe n a handfu1 or P111s- hurgh aJ-r ll •·o l l riz1ans, niostl v <ir! ~!udenls, 1lec1dcd to ~tick iogcllKT after graduation • and so n1 c "postgrad11atc" 11ork in regiona l Pcnnsyh·;1111a theater. They began by pro- 1Jucing rnn11nerc1:ils <1 n ct rducanonal and 1ndusln<1 t fl lins, niainly !'or local t•un· suniption . Two years ago, they forined an offshoot con1pany, linage 'fen, lo produce a feature film -between commercial s, so to spc<1k. They got some 30 in· l'Csto rs interested -purely as ;1 business venture -and fihned an a d m i t Led ex- ploitation entry, a gory horror picture called ''Night of the Li ving Dead," for $125 .000 . lls nallo11al dislributors are now pl'ojecting a box-0ff1 ce gross of $2.5 n1illio11 by the end of the year, of ll'hich lrnage Te n t an expect aboul SZS0,000 for 1969 only. How to follow such a ~ut:­ eess'.' Yiith another. they hope. Only this ti me, something a bit n1orc "art istic·· is in- tended. Their seeond feat ure, 1en· tatively titled "At Play \Vith The Angels." is c:on1plctel y different. It stars Judith ""°'" SOUTH COAST FCOSTAM•aa "'"" ox l"LAZA THmATRE CORPORAllON San D~co fr1ew1y •t 81istol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Opens 6:45 -Shaw Starts at 7:00 p.m. HELD OVER Also "'COOD8Y£, COLUMIUS' t$ BOUND TO 1£ A Clllf.&T SUCCESS!' "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY' ALFIE' VERY MUCH."' -l/F£ M1111i,.. rEClllllCOlof411 Co11tinwo111 Show \<1t , From 5 S1111. f1om 2 Ridley, a Raquel \\'elch-looker who st arted out as an ~rt stu- dent and the receptionist· secretary a l Latent linage, a11d Jlay Laine, a Puckish· lookin actor "'ilh TV, 1;;urnmer stock and Off·Broadw;1y ex - perience. The production budg~t for tile all-Pittsburgh.area i:u tor rihning 1s $200 .000 and Ilic story deals \\'ith contemporary youth , the "in" theme Russell \V. Strcincr, 1l1e company 's tall, bespectacled , boo k ish-looking secrclary· treasu rer who sc.rves as pro- ducer of "At Play \\lil11 the Angels," admits Pittsburgh is not the nloSL advanlageous place for feature film pro· duction and notes the possibil i· ty of 1noving ou t to less l'1 0 IUI "virgin" areas, if success '-'Oll&e II, 1Y•R• • • repeats. 1t i:i George n oniero, Ille <'lark r:arrell tries to convince h is n1other (Gayle liirector. who is quick to list !\'layfield ) that he's not deserting her just because the "c:ons" of lilrning 111 he's nO\\' 1narried-al 33----i11 U1i s scene fron1 "Lulla- b ea u ti f u 1, d 0 w 11 t 0 w 11 by" at 'the San Cle1nentc Community Theater. (See Pittsburgh : poor weather. a _T_·_h_ea_te_r_N_o_le_s_._P_a_g~e_C_-_1 2_1_. ___________ _ l<1ck of facilities. p o o r 1v ea t her , inex perlenc.:rd laboratory tethnicians ;:111d poor \reatl1er _ '''\'e're really 'roughing ii' here." he adds. "\\'e 're like pi01teers. Bul \\'e like it here _ And, n1orc irnpo rtantly, \Ve ll'anl to retain control." 'F lea' Fu111iy Frencli ~ F urce Fro11i f.,risco The point ls that \I hen young, inexperienced liln1· 1nakers deal u·ith 1n<1jor film companies, strong n1 o vie unions and a big movie llusiness atmosphere, 1hey olten have lo give up a good bit of creative control as well . Latent ilnage is reluctant lo do !hat -so Pittsburgh rc- inains home. at least for no1r. They are doing most of the cre1v work theinselves. The creators ~erve as cameramen, lighting men, editors and such. A s a not -scrincidental sidelight, their feature film production has helped their TV c.:ommercial production a s l\'e\I. They 1~·ell rem en1ber their Ice tor thei r first 1.:0111- n1ercial. $1 50. For a recenl one. they received $30,000 \Vith what Streiner calls the loosening t !imate in the flln1 indu stry, they ·ve been able to come a long v;ay since the days they alrnost we nt broke just staying in lhe telephone bock. But Pitts'bul'gh '' \\'elL r1·c11 ror filmtnakers. tl's a good place to c:ome from . BY JACK GAVER NE\V YORK I UPI i -To see theaU'ical. no holds-barred comic theater at its best.the place is the ANT.A Theater and Lile producllon is Gower Chan1pion's 1de;.i of 11hal should be. don e 1~·ith one or those ol d Georgl'.~ Fcy drau French tarces. na n1cly. ··A . Flea in Hr r Ear." The pl11.v 11pencd Friday nighl as lhe scc:ond of three productions the A me r i ca n Conservatory Theater of San Francisco 1~ presenting Jierc in a four-week \'!sit. Tti c winn ing l'ffect is due largely to the riutous staging by Cha1npion, hrl'C trying his hand at a str aight play for the first tln1e after 1naking a big reputation as t;horeogr<1pher· 1lirector of Broad\\'<tY 1nusica l hits r·Hcllo. Dolly'.," lo nanle one 1. Ile does ii i11 the on\y 111ay an old -sc hool Frenl·h farte - \Vith the many door;;, the flash ing t>Xits and entrances. !he identity m1 xups. etc. -- ~hoold be <Ione !Ir choreographs 11, anti 1'>. Ni11a Si111011e Co11cert Set Saturday at UCI !ravagantly , and most humorously. The cast is delightfu l, and it !las fallen into the Chan1pion pattern 1\•ith a sk'.11 that is rnmarkable for actors not ac- custorned to such antics. You grt the reeling !h1:1t they could lit right into that famous dan· ring 11·aiter~ scene of "I.Jello . Dolly ~" with Ilic greatest of case. I! is likr. 111atchlng a t'Oln· bina tion of an old Mack Sen· ne11 chase movie and lhe t.1arx Brothers at I h e i r n1aniacaJ best. t-1ovement and antic acting <ire everything in this pro- duc:tiori. and 11 i~ JLISt as v•rll because 1t is fn111les:s to Lry 10 put on paper lhc plot and dialogue of a. Fcydeau farce . Suffi t'C to say thal thr.re 1.'i a \\•ife 11·ho suspects her In- nocent husband or infidelity and she tries to trip hin1 , that 1herc arf" 111istakcn ident1tie~ :ii! over the pla(•e, th.:il assignations come unstuck and :.o on _ There is not only real !i!y1e in the staging, but !his i~ onr of the n1ost slyhsh phy sical produ ctions ser.n here in a long litnf". The lwo set~ desi gned hy S!uarL \\'uMzel ;ind the costumes hy Lewi~ Bro11·n employ only black and whi t(' colors. 'J'he effect i! ~autlfuJ. DAil y PILOT Cl3 Wants Movie Career Goldie to Leave Lciugh-ln By GENE HANDSAKER l lOLLYWOOD IA P) -Rub- bery-fa ced. giggly Go I d i e lla1vn, the smart blonde \\'ho only acts dun1b oo television's "Laugh-In," leaves th~-shO\Y after this season for a career movie career married -tins swnmer -to a film director, Gus Trikonis, 30. '~'ho soon starts a film Jn Gerrnany. Goldie describes him as not a ~ outgoing as herself but full of fun . At th<'ir "nice l1nle hous~ Pn Studio Cl1y," she takes care of the roses, cooks and cleans on \l'eekends and rest! up for U1• next week 's shooting . She and Trikonis have no immediate plans for a n1ovie logether. in movies. ,----------------------- This summer she did one film, "Cactus Flower," 'With Ingrid Bergman and '\'alter f\fatthau , and found i t"a very exciting experience." She's set for a second for producer Mike Frankovich. "There's a Girl in My Soup," and producer Billy Wilder is scheduled lo write another ror her. as he did for Marilyn f.!onroe with "Sotne Like It Hot" Some obicrvers predict. In· deed, that Goldie 11'ill bet::oine as big a star as !he late r.tarilyn. One is Goldie 's a gt n t • partner, Art Si1non. who discovered her dancing In the chorus on an Andy Grilfith 1elevision specia l three years ago. He and Miss Hawn have ronned a co1npany that \\•ill produce two Goldie specials for NBC and eventually, they hope, mov ies. Simon says Goldie is leaving "Laugh-In" because ''in the fratnework of the show, I don't think she has had the op· • The l'llmWOMl\Il olCHft.ILLOT EX_CLL!SIVE ENGAGEMENT portunity to present the talent!;======================= she really has." But Goldie is grateful for her three season! on "Laugh· In," an "cnonnous thing that really shot off my career." Around the show's stage, she's known a! cooperative and unaffected. Producer Paul \V. Keyes says her Jeavin& is "like losing your right arm. .She's going to be a big star." The shapely Goldie, S feet 6 and 114 pounds, i! 23. She was born in 'Vashington, D.C., where her father, Rutledge Hawn, is a musician in society orchestras. He is also a1 descendent or Ed war di Hulledge of South Carolina. younge st ~igner of th ti Declaration of Independence. At J, Goldie started ballet! and at 10 perfonned with the Ballet Russe. Later she ran a dancing school for t 5 0 youngsters in Washington and still lat.tr \l'as a go-go dancer -('\othed -at "fine clubs" whil e living with four other ~ir\s in a tiny r.1anhattan apartment .. Cio·go is the same kind or 11·ild gyration perfonned by "Laugh·ln's" kook i e com· rdiennes. Goldie a9ked the producers lo excuse her from iltlll this year -"I didn't like lo see myself up there dan- cing: I thought it wa s tasteless'' -and they com· plied. i\1iss Hawn launche~ h~r "DEFINITELY WORTH SEEING" ", .. FUNNY, PAINFUL. FASCINATING" San Fra ncisco C hronicle "STAIRCASE •.• A CAUSTIC, CORROSIVE AND QUITE AISORllNG FILM . • . STUNNING PU· FORMANCES IY RICHARD BURTON AND REX HARRISON -UNFORGETTABLE!" "STAIRCASE" ~ :,cJ(j,. qay story "IT WILL KNOCK YOU OUT Of YOUR SEAT" WEEK REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON 2ND LOVf IS THI PRIME 0, IYIR'f' HIT -• WOMAN. -"RAYi RIVllWS'" .--~~-=ii'jfgJ=--ie__, Smith 2o. ... ~~ ·-ro.t11 .. o.1,u: EIP EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT IARGA1N MATINEE EVIR'f WID. I ,,M, Kina .Simone will Jnake first Orang(' C o u n 1 y pea rance Saturday at Irvine's l'r;J11 ford Hal l. Firs! k11011·n to null1ons lhrough her recording of ·· ! Lo\'es You Porgy," t.liss S11nnne has 1nos1 rrcently displnycd her vrrsa tility in her hest-selling r~·rord1ng of "l Ain't r;ot Nol I Cof' fro1n "Hair " >!AllO• o< j0•"'1 (OStA M!!A, '"'°"" 'U ·)lOJ ma~1·i:i1,m 11:==·=··=-·= .. = .. ·=··=·=~=-=··=·-=·=··=-=·======~;: 0111.\T .\CTION TOGETHER FOR --TH-----, GREAT SAN& 1.ERO M081'E1 P.ODEJl,Y .Kill NOV.AX ,_ • ...,.. t/I 1:1IX!'\l'A1KER SPECIAL JUNIOR MATINIE NEXT SATURDAY AT 2 P.M. THE TIME MACHINE 4 CARTOONS -ALL SEATS SO CE NTS "A E•t Show 5,.,h 7 p.111. Co11,l1111oia Show FREE PARKING Nl(Jl ......... - BEile J dE OUR VJ. Regar/led hy 1nJnv a~ \11c high priestess of soul , .i\ 1na S1111une·~ :.inging (I r r 1 r c; call'gor1zat1on: shr is equ~l l.V brilliant 111 all 1d1on1~ -pop .. j<1zz, folk, gospC'I 11 1· r keyboard ab1li!~'. too, displ11y~ a rare extent of niusicfl l breadth. ranging fro1n the studied discipline of a concrrt pian ist 'o the improvisation:il and iinaginatlve scope of a ja1.z rnusician. The perfomiancc tune is 8:30 p.m. Gener<1I Adrnission is $3, studenlc; $2 . F'or inrorma · lion call (714 ) 833-661 7. 2001. --: . ........,,_........._ •moouo : a Sf'CIC• odyssey CINERAMA CINEDOME ~~· ..... ~ ~.:,, •'rW" "' •• • '•! "'"'" '" ANDY HAS ANSWERS Tli•••'• 011ly •<>• pl1ct y&u ~·~ f:.,cl "1&•• ~"'"'''' lht11 yo11 r t hil.t''" lit•t cu11tio,,1. Ch te~ 1h• A 1~ ,t.,,,dy l••'ure ••••'I !>1t. 11rd•'1 i11 lh• DAILY PtLOI. You'll fi~• ii -'"cl 10 will you• c11•i11ity.fiUo.t yo111191i1•1. JOHN W.\YNI tit.IN Cl\MPlll.L THE FIRST TIME "rRUI GRIT" P'l.US tO«Y CU~l 15 TlllOY·THO ... •S ''THOSI DARING YOUNG MEN AND THltR JAUNTY JALOPllS" llKtmm•,,., .. '" ••~lh Japan1se Movies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUlt P:ATRONS CON Tl'l•"IV TO ... DVtl'!Tl$tNG BEVOND QUiit CON. Tl'IOL ..._N O APPEAl'llNG. CL&EWHE"I [, VOUNC l'llO . PL E UN OEl'I 11 !NOT 161 WILL NOT l!IE AOMITTl!'D TO P..._CIFIC THEATA ES TO SEE THE "Ill" l'IC . TU"I ES LISTED 11'; Ti'llS eox UNLESS ACCOMl'AN. IEO BY PAA ENT 0111 ..._DUL T GUAlllOIAN. "THI WILD IUNCH" 1•1 "IE LLI DI JOUR'' ''MAN AND A WOMAN" 110 0110 •11ilor 111'111 M •d111lttM! "PARANOIA" II) I.ti •' tho y- • r•ffrt ml11h11M tMrt• kuitMy l'LUS "THI GOOD GUYS A.ND THI IAD OUYI" . kl111 ••••Ir cll•t _,w•M .................. _ "THE GREAT IAHIC lOlllRY" ·············~· ...... ~ottleri• ..... f"e IM11 "'el - "BELLE DE JOUR " •11011k •IMM m._; "MAN AND A WOMAN " ,.. _ _,... ,., ff11tf'I ...................................... 4Jd: ..... 4'ti• Ft ..... , .... • l•k:~::::wKI~~ OF IN ~~:1c1Mf "DEATH RIDES A HORSE" '" . ...,,...-'" ,., --'•'" ............. ~ ............ . fn,•tlc ectio11 • • , ..... Mt~.... jM~•o/I .. Ill ... • "IUlLln" I'll.I' w•rr· .. H.tty t..,o llil11"1'11Y "IONHll AND CLYDI" ••_..,.....,.,.....,,n1 .............. ~··········••1 ,AUL NIWJMAN JOilHNI WffSWAllO "WINHIN•" P'LUS "~UNI Of T .. I MA•NtflCINT SIYIN" Ill .... ,.. ........... , ..... • __ ,.,, ... ,. ..... CO<Of .. w•.I• ••• •••• UIOH• U.Ut• C~O~I I. Ml llUIG IWfl, ft. ' '·,.'' NOW THRU TUESDAY ACTIONI SUSPENSE! SUPER ENTERTAINMENT I THE FIRST TIME NOW TOGETHER FOR ANY WHEREI ENDS TUESDAY if_ O.ty His Dr ... 1.-. & Hit Ciblfft.M .... ,., 5.,. ?ND TOP FU.TURI ' -· . ' ' ' ' ' " . . t':f.J~f"\'7 '!''' ..... ' '=" ,. \ ', . ., (;Jf DAILV PILOT Diabetics Can Get In Troubl e By Peter Stelncrohn, MD REACflONS IN DIABETES Dear Dr. Steincrohn : I ha vc read a lot aboul the dangers to diabetics who clon't lake care of themselves. For exa1nple, wme get in· fections ea sily which take a long time lo clear up; others 1nay get eye compl!cations ;ind actual blindness: still c.thers may get neuritis, gout <ind coronar complications. BUT WllAT I'm especially interested in are the dangers t.o those who try to take care of th emselves. for example, I've heard tha t even lh05e who \VAtch their diet carefully and t<ike their insulin are liable to have sudden citlacks of un- ronsciousness. Will you set me ~traight on thal't -J\1rs. 0 . C0~1~1 ENT : J[ you 1<1ke good care of yourself, observe your diet restrictions, l3kc your insulin as directed and see your doctor regularly, chances are that vou \'lill never ha'lc any scriOus reac- tions. But, in rrply lo your ques- tions, I lhink you ought to know !hat scYerc reactions are ~ometimcs possible. T h c y come under !wo 1n a i n head1n~s: 1. f)i:ihctic corna t hypcrgl yccml a I 2. Insulin reacti on lhyrx>i;lyccn1ia J. Let me explain. Somctinlrs the d i :i b ct i c: bul!ds 11f1 too much sugar in his blood even while under lreatment. This may bt> due to insufficient insulin w h i I c undergoing marked emotional stress; by !iiking a much larger than normal meal: by undergoing operation, illnes s or pregnancy. THE DIABt:TIC foina (o r unconsciousness I corncs on i;lov.·1y--0ver a period of about 24 to 48 hours. 111e pat ient passes l<irge an1nunls of urine, h~s exctssive thirst, and ab- normal amounts of sugar. He becomes <lrow~y and lethargic and has a fruil y odor to his breath, lii s skin is hol and dry. Such findings deserve a has- ty emergency call for the doc- tor. Al such a time il is im- portant that the palicnt rccelve necessa ry 1 a r gr. an1ounls of insulin to overcome the imbn!ance in Lhe sugar level in the blood. TH E SECOND cornplicalion, h~·poglyecmia . comes on 1norc rapidly. Some of lhc conimon reason:-i for such a l'OO ll· plication arc taking too large a dose <lf insulin, or on11111ng a meal or \\\·a. The p..it1ent perspires e:i.:cess1\·cly. JI f' cornpl<lln~ of di1.11ne:;.~. ex - treme h uni:; c r , pa lp1t ;111nn ~hallow brcathin~. He mAv or may nol sti ll show sug:ir 1ri the urine. \Vhen the blflfld :-ug.1r fal ls real low, thr pat1rnt 111a} become disoriented nnd cun- Juscd. I rttall a fl'Jl\C'rlul 200 pounder who \l'Cnt to hi s off ic·f' apparently \'IC'l l. Suddenly hr began to thrash nr::n1nd :in1I bccon1c strangely cn1nbat ivr ll tool.; <it Jea~t lour ()f l11i. associates lo hr1ld hnn flown. AN EMERGENCY call got him to lhe hospital hy 111nht1!· ance. His blood sugar was 1,1•av 'town. Intravenous sugar ~ohi· lion brought him out or ii within a short \l'hilc. Later, hi s v.·He told me tha1 lately he had bc>comc careless 1n giving himself insul in. 1'hi!- 1norn.ing he had adn1inisler~I much too large :i dose and hacl lcrl for lhe flfficc v.·ithoul breakfast. As I said, r.1rs. O., SUC'h hype r glycemia and hypoglycemia arc very rare 1n th~e di abetics who lake good, ordi nary care of lhcrnselvcs. They appear fln ly in those who get carel~s and don'l take lhc lime to measure their proper insulin dosage and becornr careless aboul their cliel -or delay in getting medical ad- vice in doubL You'll Flip Ove r This You 'll flip over the latest CQUJ'se offered by t h e Wutmlmkr Recreation and Parts .Department. lt'1 a judo c1au for both snea and women, lJ years and .ader, wf!Jch will mttt every Tunday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the We.!!tmlnsler lfigh School Gymnasium. Reglatr•tlon fee is $4 per per~. Further delalh1 are available rrom the .H.ecrcatlnn ancl Psrlu1 Department, 893-451 I. • ex\~' ). " . .. , ... ' -. --;-,.--.. ~ ---...-, . -. ' . ·•.. . ... .... -~ -·-. ~ -.. ·-~-"--;~--. ... ---.~ ...... -...:. ...... ._ ... _ ........... e JJl I. 17t\ $1., Ce.I• M•wr Shoppl•t C•11m, CM-. M ... e 10141 KllMlkl A••-., l..clld fi.• .... kl•C A•ppl .. C..... ~Grow • 17904 M ..... M St. et Te~VllJ.t-C.11tH, '•1111tol• 'l•ll•r e IMclll I: Ml,.._ llH.-tt~ .... II SMpplitt Cntw, w.--..-~ e 9641 CIM.p-A••· 111 lroo•h11r1t-Oro1199 Coll"'l ....... ._...Gr.,.. e t JOO Heriter lh4.-tt--., SMpp .. , Cfftw, Co1t11 1rMM e 1460 W. ldl11.,..-•rtd ltbte Sr.-141'"'9' C.l!Nlr, S."t• A-e ti I 11 IMclri MM. et A ...... -H""*ftM hKll ... SPECIAL PURCHASE s9 95 Value! Men's ORLON ACRYLIC Cardigans Discount Prlc•d $J98 Gttat all pu.r1>01e 1wca tcr in new /all $hadt"s -Bristol -" Blue, Sky Blue, Ji:r:o- cado, .B1n1na, Or- an.i;e, Anticiuc Gold. No-Iron Men's Dress Shirts 2 for $5 ~h"n ~I~ •him in polf' cster/rnl!'oll f•bric. N- { ~>hion u'llon. Boys' No-Iron Dress-up Jeans No-imn ,..;1h 1hc J1"'1" in look (~sh· foo ho<k Froo< $2'' ~roop p11cker~. Colrm. Sil:CS 8- 16. s795 Value! Pro Football Game $299 ~~lte "P r"! Offiti al footb~ll tulei! .t\n •ctlnn pincfOt"•ll•i;ol $24~5 Vala1116 Inch Sidewalk Bike $1711 \ YOUR CHOIC& Reg. s34,aa , (, $299 1,/ IJ WALNUT FINISH 5 Ft. Credenza ""..! .., . Choice or 5haixs -..·ith "'ood, btu.\, omltc .,.hire and .iiold!one In.mo for C"\"cry decor. Complete ..,;th cl ips forhan;:ittA. Shop nzly! ~~;~;i~s249' nut Pcrvanttt finitb, •. • nin- 1emporuy piece in t11ne •ith the ti~! s511 Miniature Alarm Clocks s1411 Value! Detecto Hamper Funilr 1i1c, co"-~ with tufted $999 poddol ,;oyl m ... hitc,, Art~ or "''' s1511 Sunbeam Electric Toaster l •lice. tcwut rontrol, 111111"" $12aa do~o <rumh tny for coev clCtiliiu:! '' . ' ~ .l iai cnsional iron Fighting Cock5 ... beaut ,. fulJ;• KU]JlfUICd. Bl..:k, bb tk & Id or avo('11.do.-P'•c k of l Reg. S3" Cory Glass Perk Panasonic Electrlc 12 Cup Perk Stlinles.• 1tccl ~;';,~~'"".:• $1995 ~trength 'clcc• General Electric Clock Radio s1211· Bitty Woods FOAMING Bath Oil ~2-ot, 11.irlt l11r- uriQU.• f111m luts ftltin: b.th. 94c sp• Shower or Sleep Caps Nyhm~lttph1t1nd 99 pl1<!1C •ho..,cr cap C ... ;111 ~1t•n linin~ to protci:t h•i1doJ. Reg. 9&4 Wig Styling Stand Srurd1 ,1.and that ,.,. "'r "'rl"" 68' •1th IUCllOll ~. """' """" "' left free. Glamourlltl Make-up Mirror Four r.-fltt;ton., m"~ b11lb1 $12•a "''' "'" '"' .-ithout 11lm" 1h1dQ'W~. lil ·-·~;i Fruit o the loom Chair Throws 1'0:1:U"' blend of ~0'7orotton,20% l.t}·on bonded to foam. Coleus. • Sofo Si•a-7t .. 101" $5.95 s3, 14 Enameled Toilet Seats .Smno1h lriplt: ff!· ~!ed. la .. hue., rrlla..-or pink. $269 3-Tier Metal Appliance Table Sturdy mt:lltl ..,,id1 C15f·rt:lll CIJtcrs. $444 Gl'Cl.t fot appli· ancn, kitchen •c- ct:ssorics. ly Capito! $2497 A auttte tapt pl1}'U with • built-ill a.dio.,. pl•J~· •395 Value! Ladles Clutch Purse 59'1 Ko4ak Camera lnstamatic 44 • Comh1 ne':l-ini!1nl· /01 ~1nx & flA1h· cuh¢J, No,e11in,r ~ Sh1rti picluru 4· to infin111'. __ , ··-•• -' __ .., ............... -- l'rt.OT-AOVE"TIS£R 3 • 1J1u • .. 1i•11trtt St ... w .. t1111111fW1-WHt1tt .. • c.""'· --• 6U1 w ....... • ~-Wut, Wn,_...,... e 11961 Y•l'-Y 'newetc-,-A ... -hlt .... ,..._, --" s1" Head & Shoulders • • • • • a.ttt. .t 100 ,....._ s1 7a Bayer Aspirin •••••••• '--.... H•lrC11•Ml1a1r •2 21 Breck Basic •• • \J ••••• •••••••• • UNDER SJ .OD TOYS! Occaolonal Tables $999 '" Nclf' HtJ:I· _iton, Cube or Cocktail b • bl~ in hand· 50ITIC Sp&nish Oak fini1h. Solid core w $J '24" Val! me'i 30x40" Framed Reproductions t Ya" w .. o1 ,,."' •• i" l s1411 .. ~';:\", J.a"d$Cl p rJ. sti ll Iife-s. rrproductioru. s1715 Yal.l 3 Piece Coming Ware Set J.1 %·1 ~~ Qt. Si11---.ll.L FO• Tht: J most oftm u.sd size&. won·t cnc:k from beat ot cold. 5329 Yal.-12 Qt. Enameled Pit Di1oeou11t Pric• Big 12 qt. 1iu-. Baked cnlmt:l finish in .itlnm- in,i;: While with Blade trim . $J88 Imported Brandy Snifters $299 Gilllt I talian 1n!fttn, 14'" call br pYJ•• dillll. Bt•u- tiful ~ mlon Ua J daiJN,. 91' W1stab '11111111 looks 77' Floral Tapestry Disk Accessories -'· f or bofs, .ltitb, prt:-1choolcn. or .i!"lf.an(j. See-lbru Trucks, Train,, Cosmetic Se-., Furniture Seu, Dolls,manymo~. Pu t ••.ar for Chris~ve! s1so Value! Clairol Hair Spray Di"' '" .. •" ,,. Re.lftl.lar or Hard C to Hold, 14 oz. ~ s449 Value! .\ ~) Sale of ---..../Golf Putters Your fa\·oritir -,,.,.;, ""'· m.t·s21 Jet head 1t1le. ' others with mold. £::9 ....-!. ruhbcr Ari~. • step dO"WTI !h2fr. H . Durabl~ heavy jl'.i UA C vin1!, double leA lock. Lt,1t str111 & 2 ·'hand straps. Fold .. ,-euilr for JlOflAf. ' Old World Half Gallon! Scotford Scotch Our t \'t!idii'l' low ori<o of $ 7'' $8.99 1S 1n oUUta ndinJt t.rg.i11 no• only •.. ,OUND IAOS 2 for$) t i F .. (I. ., ... ----.... 8 l'JLOT.ADVERTISER H \''l'1dntsd.1y, Octobt' 8. 19f.:. / / / Scandinavian Holiday Custom Share~ Chrislmas in Scandinavia brings "'i1h 11 many trad111on s, includ ing the prcp;1ration and i;erving of i;pecial dishes such as Lutefbk. Served 111 n1o~t Scandina vian countries on Christmas E\1e, the fish is boiled and eillen wilh freshly ground black pep- per, mu stard, boiled poliltQ('s, melted butter or a rich \1·hile sauce ser11ed sprinkled 11·1th allspice. Trygvc Lie Lodge 90. Son~ uf Nonvay will host a tr;iditiona l Christn1as Eve d1nnl'r Sund<J,\", Oct. 19, in 1hc Ne\l·port Beach America n Legion Hall frun1 :i to 6 p.n1. lo .:i1·c H;irhor 1\rc;1 residents a c-h:111<·r lo hi•c·u1nt' la111itiar 1o1•ith Sl'and111:11•i;u1 euisin r. Fur ;i11yunc 111;..lu11i,; 1•1 pr~pare the dinner lhcnlscl\'C~ after the Sl)ns of Norway event, here are the recipes. KOKT LU'l'Ef'ISI\ ~ pounds !)Oa ked Luteti::.i.. S:ilt 4 ta blespoons 11·atcr Skin ;:ind cut fish in1o :-e 11 - ing pieces. Place pi eces l"losc lugelher In cheeseeloth and sprin kle with salt. Tie loosely. Place in sauce pan (not ;iluminun1) and add \\'ater; hring very slmv!y to the buil- ing point; Simtner gently 15 to 20 minutes. \\l hen ready, drain and remove to hot platter. Serve with freshly grou nd black pepper, mustard, boiled potatoes. 111e!ted butter or a rich white sauce sprinkled with allspice. Leftse, eaten \Vlth the fish inslead of bread, also "'"ill be scr\'ed. LEFTSE :i cups [lour S-6 cup:i; boiled , n1;1~llL'rl potatoes. 1-11; cups n11lk I tublespo011 suit I cup sl1ortening Cook potatoes, 1nai.li ond <Hid salt. Boll n1ilk ;111d shortening together and add to potatoes. Add flour and knead v.·c!I. Add 1nore flour if nea!· f'd . Roll on v.·ell floured board. 'furn m;.1ny Lln1es to make dough even and thin. Bake on hot griddle or on top of wood slo,·c. Butter and roll. Eat 11 arn1 or <:old. Ser1•ed 11·ith the !ut eftsk and leftse will be a s a I a d , vegetable, coffee and dessert. Chairman of the din ner i! C<irl L. Lysc, former fll1 n- nesota i;enator who has ex· tensi ve expe rience in cooking ror large crowds. tysc will prepare his me.alballs as a ::.1de dish lo the lutefisk. fl.IEATBALLS ·' 1 pound ground round '1 pound ground lean pork '1 cu p finely chopped onion '1 cup flne. dry bread crun1bs 1 tablespoon shortening 11:"1 <:up water 1. 3 cup cream 2 tablespoons sail 1 1 teaspoon pepper Dash cloves 113 cup butter 1 1 cup boilinti v.·atc1· Saute ouion in shortening, so:Jk crurnbs in water-cream rn1 . ...:turc. Mix I o get her cvrryth1ng hut hulle r and ll'atcr. Shape in small balls and fry in butter till brown. 1\dd boiling water. cover and ~i1nmcr JO minute!). HescrvaUons are necessary for the Lutefisk dinner and inay be niadc hy calling Mrs. Hay Nielsen, 548-6838. CHOOSING THE FI SH -'fhc first step in preparing a tradilional Scandinavian I~ulefi ~k dinner is c:hoosing just the r ight pieces of fish. J\'lrs. Ray Niel::.cn 1 Jef!) and J\•lrs. Per Tverdal get advice fron1 Carl L. Lysc, ch..-il rn1an of the Sunday, Oct. 19, Lutcfi sk dinner \vhich \Viii he served by Trygve Lie Lodge 90 , Sons of Nor- '''ay, in Newport Beach A1nerican Legion l-lal !. "Leftse," a potato roll , \v iii accon1p1:u1y \he Chrisl1nas eve dinner. Wedn•MI•~, Otlol>t• l , ltH l'•t• D·l Innovations Uncanned twist to party foods and the (·anned California ripe olive l'<l ll fio JUSl this. 'fh1· bold, nut-like lla\'Of and tile n1ealy tC"xture or this vcrsatile fru it makes ii a e<>n1- pa tible ingredient for a variety ur dishes. A stuffed meatball served with a flair is a delicious and .v .. ~ -~ .. •(!·"'4,.. SAUCED CREPES HIDE SURPRISE novel menu innovator for an Informal suppl'r . The outer covering of the ball ls seasoned ground beef. The Center Is a nee stuffing accented with the ebony hue of 'Ole California ripe olive. It's the :1ppr.'lling texturr of the ripe olh·e that 1>ecms to 111- creRse the meatiness of !hr stuffed ball. 1'he novel approach or thi.; idea is the v.•ay il is cooked and served. A basket is lined 1vith parsley and t.he meatball is turned into it and steamed. When serving, present the whole ball to the guests and then cut it into wedges. A buffet dish that has wide appeal is the ripe olive can· nelloni . The base is crepes fill· ed with a ripe olive.veal mix" ture. ,Just before baking . 1he crepes are covered v.•ith a J!rnUy seasoned cheese saucr. Since th1.~ dish t•an be made ahead arid hcld in l h r refrigerator, ii. 1s :1n idc;1I ra.~scrolc for ;1 p.-irty . HIPE OLl\"f; ST U I" FE n ,\IEAT BALL i·u1' l'anncd p It l P 11 l":difornia ripe oli ve~ 2 t:iblcspoons huller 0r 1nargarine 1 ~ t"Up chopped celery + ~ cup chopped onion 11: cu ps cookl'd rice.; '~ teaspoon basil l tiblespoon chopprd p1- n1ie11to 2 eggs ·~ cup n11lk l ~1 cups fine soil bread crumbs J 3~ teaspoons sail 1 '1 teaspoon pepper 11 cu p grated Pannesan cheese I'·• pounds ground Jean beef 1 bunch parsley 2 bay leaves Cut ripe olives Into 11 rdgcs. illclt butter. lldd c:e!rry and onion and cook until tender. :'ltix vegetable s w11h ripe nhves, rice. basil and pi- 1111cnt o. Scl aside. Be;il eGi;s and l'01nbine lightly· wilh milk . b re ad iTum bs. salt. pepper and theese, n1ixing \\'ell. Add beef, beating 14·i!h fork until fluffy. Press rnixture I 1 g h L ! y ;ig;iinsl sides of 2-quart bowl Jn ·l.1 -inch layer lcavlng a large hollo\\' Jn center. f'ill with ripe olive-rice niix- lure. Shape edges of meat over stuffing enclosi ng it com· pletely. I~l ne salad basket with parsley sprigs and bay lea ves. Invert stuffed meatball into basket. removing bowl; sel In large kettle '11'ilh about 1h inch bolling '11'ater. Cover ; simmer 45 n1inutes for medium and J hour fo r well done meat. Cut Into wedges to serve. fl1akes 6 $ervings. OLIVE CA N~E LLO:\'I cup canned p i l l rd C:i llrornia ripe olive!! 1 ~ cu p chopped onion I t:ible~poon cookin~ oil r pound boneless ve;il ~lr111 Jlle<t\ ~ 1 teaspoon salt '~ tea:;poon rosr111a1·y '~ teaspoon thyme 2 3 cup broth or "'alcr I egg "1 cup fin e soft hre:id crumbs .1 tablespoons ch o p p e d parsley ft crepes' Swiss Cheese Sauce• Prehe;;.t oven to 350 degrees r . Coarsely chop ripe olives. Coo k onion in oil until sofl . Add veal, salt, he rbs and broth. Cover ; simmer about I hour unt il tender, adding a little more liquid if needed. Reserve 113 cup stock. Chop meat. Beat egg light· OLIVE-FILLED MEATBALL INTRIGUES GUESTS ly; edrl rrun1bs. ripe oli ve~. chopped veal, reserver! stock and parsley. ~Tix v.•cll. J)jvide an1011g crepes and roll up. P!cice seatn side down in baking dish. Cover closely. Bake for 15 to 20 1ninutes. Serve with Swiss Cheese Sauce. Makes 4 servings. CREPES 2 r.ggs 213 cup milk 2 tahl espoons meltr.cl bultrr 1,i cup sifted flour '.: teaspoon s;11t. Beal eggs untJI huhhly. ~!ix ni l ingredients together and beat. sn1ooth \\'llh rotary beater. l·leat an 8-inch skil let and grease lightly. Add 2 table- spoons batter. Tilt pan to spread. Brown lightly on both sides. Repeat until all batter is baked. ~lakes 8 crepes. SWISS CHE ESE SAUC!:: 2 t::ihlespnons huttr r 2 t:iblespoons flour ': teaspoon sa lt ',. teaspoon dry muetarcl 11. i cups milk I cup coarsely grated pr<>- ccss Sl'riss cheese 3 drops liquid red pepper seasoning 11elt butter. Add flou r. Gradually add milk, and coo k • stirring constant ly, until mix~ ture thickens. Add cheese and continue ll'I sti r unt il cheese has melted . Adel pepper seasoning. Cutting Costs Comes 1n Stride With • Steps lr:nportant IJ~ DORO'fll'' WENCK 0.-1~ .. Cou~!J Mame Ad•l-or Jn August, food prices registered thei r first decline in nine months. Did you notice a drop in your grocery bill? Probably not -the decline was a 1ncre o.S perctnl for food eaten at hornc . lfard· Jy enough to get excited about. Bul ifs a good trend! i here Was no decline in lhe cost of rood cpten out. The August Consurncr Price Index for restaurant 1ncals in the Los Angeles area !)\ood at 143.9---<:oinparcd ro the 1957.59 base of loO. Foud-at·honH' f"OSls were 118.4, 11 h1le lhc over.all Consumer Price Index v.·as 128.7, ac· cording lo lhe Bureau of Labor Statistic.~. Wl1at do the se figul'es mea n? Thcy mean !h11t rooc1-01 1-ho1ne pr ic·es 111erc 18 ·I percent highe r in 1\u~u~t. 1%9, tllrin the v 11 erc 10 year s .• go, ;uu! tha t IJ!./IJ-.111 :1~ ,...,._~.·-~ ...... Home News and Views fron1-home co.~ts are 43.9 percent ll igher and the overall cost of living: M.T percen t hi1other. ~, It docsn'I lake rnuch i]nagin1tion lo figure out that one v.•ay lo imvemoney on food is to cat at home instead of out! PLAN AH EAD But pcrhapi; you "·ould also like 1ome ideas for •·ayi; to cut your eat-at-borne costs. There are three important steps: First, you need lo be a ~ood manager. This means planning meats and a shop· p1ni; hsl before you shop ; and shopping w1~e!y -comparing prices so you know 110\11 111uch food s cost per se rving or prr ounce -ancl avoiding hnpulse purchases. ~rontl, you need lo know something about the nutritive value of foods -that is,.which foods give you the m~1 foOO value for your money. You need lo know, for example, that: -Low cost meal cuts like. li1·er, ground beef, or pork shoulder, have just as much food value as high pricl?fl steaks; -Nonfat dry milk has all lhe saine nutrients (except for fat. which most of us don 't need) as fresh whole milk at less than half the cost; -Dried beans and peas and peanut but- ter ha ve lots of protein. iron and B vitamins and arc good meat substitutes: -fOOds that are mostly sugar and \\•alf'r, like fruit drinks, ha 11e little food va lue other tha.n calorie!! and that the same 111oney v.•i tl buy far n1ore nutrition In the fonn of frozen orange juice ; _,..a bbage "ls far cheaper 11nd n1ore nutritious than head l~tluce. APPEALJNG COOKING 11rtnL Y" need io ~ able to cook v.·ell ~noo1b so; that you can prepare the leis expenslYe food s and leUovers in way11 that wlll bt appealing to y°'1r family. If your cook!ag abillty Is nil •ml }'1'11 haYe to depend Gn precooked foodm -canned, frozen , or refrigerated -your grocery bill will .oar. Si nce more Ulan a thi rd of )'our food dnllar goes for meat products, using U1e Jess expensive meats and m ea t substitutes cen save you a chunk of n1oney. We have prepared a set of recipe~ for these lower cosl protein food! -ham· burger, "variety" meats I like liver l, eggs. li~h. poultry, and cereal "'slrf"I· che rs." H you"d like 1 free copy 1o1·rite /1 Home Ad visor. 1000 S. Harbor Blvd ., thcn1 \.l"hcn they are not fully ripe. AJsl), Anaheim, 921305 and ask for "Recipes for pears ripened on the tree tend to be l:;CQno1ny ~1ain Dishes." grainy in texture. And if you arc eager lo learn more So when you buy pears. you.will need to about being a wise food shopper, v.·hy not allow I to 3 days for them to ripen. Pear!t allend the four niecting \eclure serie.B, that are almost complelely yellow will "Stretching Your Food Dollar" which we ripen in I da y at room temperature. Thfl wi ll present at Costa l\.fesa. High School greener pears wil l take 2 to 3 days to Lyceum Theater, 2~ Fairview Road , ripen. Costa f11 esa on \\'edncsday evenings, An open paper bag 1nakcs a good October JS-Novem ber s. 7:J0.9:30 p.n1. "ripening roon1 " for pears anct will speed These meetings are sponsored by Orange up the process a bjt. Once the pears are Coa st Even ing College. There is no ripe, keep them in the refrige rator. charge to attend and registration is at lhe door. QU f,STIO~S \\'E ARE /\SKEO Q. Y.'hy c•n'C I ever buy ripe pearw In the market? It aeems to take day1 before the pears I buy are re1dy to eel. A. Pears. of course, are very rragi!t. ::ind bn11se ea.~ily when they are ripe . ~ 1n order to ship thrm, grower:s must pick ll. \\'hate\'l'r b11ppenc-d to that proposaJ lh11t hut do.l(s should contain Je11 ih•a 30 percent fat? A. The U.S. Depa rtment of AgricuJlure has amended the federal fl1eat lnspee• lion r!'gulations llO that. eJfective Oct. 110 hot dogs alld other cooked 11ausage pr~ duelS 1nusl cont11in :lO percent or less f11 t. This v.·as a rcsull of public hearings con· duCIC(j by USDA. • CJ! ' .. , . . ' ... ' . /J2 OAILY PILOT f1 p@f . !?. :;• ft z -:t•f¢·*'""_,.:.:_ 1::;:11t '·"" t i ;wg ... ''!?4 ,, •• ,. 5,14; Z! r ·4?¢'.' I >::: .. , '* ,, ... IN' !**E'" '4fiLJi5 ',. : ... '*W't:'. ':SC"= .. ,. • ...,, Ii ., ) I I ,. I !Mf ,, 2•: : • ~ l.:._t_._ '~ 'I 51n re • I r ' r ~· • f· . • ' . Nun, Priest Give By JEA."\ COX Cl l~t Oto11 ''lot "•II ,\s any TV devolet: can testify, there's nothing strange al all about a flying nun -ll happens every week. "''e!I, fl eeing nuns are no dif- ferent. Thfy happen all the timf! too. ln fact there V.'ere 10,000 of them In 1968 wl10 c:hose to flee from the vo ws they made with the Cathol ic church. Ainong thrin was !\li ss Marian Scot ~ Penh all 01v, associate dean of students at Chapman Coll ege, Orange, 11·hich is owned by a ProteS· tant chur,·h. \Vc!I. she \vas J\l1s~. :\1 cirian Scott Penhallo1v until a few weeks ago 11.'hen she rx- changed wedding pron1ist>s 1•oith Dr. Richard Sneed, 40, director of the college'~ overseas program , \\'ho up to his marriage 111as a CJ!holic priest. 1\·hich began Aug. 1, about three rnonUis after Dr. Sneed joined the faeulty and a little more than three month:s after she returned from a trip on the college's \Vorld Campus AFioa t program, is taken in .stride by the unex citable Mrs. Sneed. l'\IAKt:S DECISION Nor is the fa ct that she left lt1e convent one year ago an earth shattering matter to the Laguna Beach resident. "I didn ·! totally believe in Jr . so the on!y honest thing to do was leave," she said simply, adding , '·l\1y family was thrill · rd v.·hen 1 ca1ne out. and I had a great sense of fulfillment." Up Vows for Pledges as C ong r ega t iona l missionaries in the 1830s. Why did,she decide to join 11. convent? Part ct il might be traced to the Solme idealistic zeal which ignited h e r missionary ancestor!!. "It's the sanie thing with the kids going into the Peace Corps today,'' s~e reflected in her box·like office in Founders Hall, Chapman College. "I know if there had been a Peace Corps then I wouldn't have gone int o the nunnery. f \1•oul d have Joi ned the Peace Corps instead.·' l\Ir."i. Sneed lct>ls so n1any women are leaving the nun~ nery and fewer are join ing because its role has changer! radically. It also has a grea t deal 1o do, she n1aintains, with the new status of women. tremendous job." i;he begiin explaining her posit.ion. "Now the church is getting out of the hospital and other works like this because they are being handled in other \l'ays.'' And what does this have Ill <lo with the status or women? .. Being a nun v.·as the only kind of professional thing 11·01nen could do in the J9lh Century. Now that the st.atu." nf 11·on1en has changed there <i re other 1l'ays she can do 1hings and be just as dedicated." she reasoned. Although there is a lot n1ore freedom for nuns today in regard to dress and n1obility than there was 20 years ago, they st.ill live v.•ithin a very restricted structure, said ?lfrs. Sneed. FAITH STRENGTHENED Cathohc1sm has been wcaktn· ed. Quite the cont rary, In the last 15 years, t-specially since Pope John XXHJ , there has been a strengthening of faith. ''Pr:ople don 't ac~pt things just be- !'allse Ute church says this l.'1 the v.·ay it is. They <1re doing v.hat U1ey really believe." lier hus band came to Chap- rnan College from S t . 1;rcgory's Junior College 1n Sha wn ee, Okla. 11·hcre he was president for six years. nul'ini;: this tirne he didn 't ex ercise an acllve rninistry hut remained a priest. He never has filled a pastoral post as leader of a con· gregation but has perfonncd weddin~ ceremonies a n d assisted other prlc~ts i n saying ~lass. l I. " " \I : I '! I I I ll . , This unusual Jove story, tl'lrs. Sneed was 20 when shf! decided, in 1949, to become a nun . She became a Catholic \\'hile she was in college and had been raised m the Congregational faith. He r maternal ancestors came l.o Hawaii, v.·here she was born, "When religious life carne into vogue in the 19th century, there was a need for social 1ype agencies and the se 11.·omen (the nuns) did • Although she disagrees V.'llh Its rul es on birth control and unmarried clergy, she doe, not feel he r faith 1 n Mrs. Sneed had been a nll n and dean of students al thP. College of Notre Dam r, Bel· mont until she resign ed. t UNUSUAL LOVE STORY ~. Marian Sneed J r· I v~~·~'"'°"""-:=---:c::::~-::;r~·=:-~-::=:..=:_-::.:::::::::::::=:c:::=::::=c::zr~·:I>.C:::=~=<""!~--~=-=-c::~---.,,-~'~'~1~"~·r•=•~•:;,::~·•~'~ti~t'°"·"~""""t::~~::J!•l~'~·~··~·~~·""~~~::::.~ •• .,~~~·Z<7t~?tc .. ~tt,,...-~L~-':<E""~'"""""'~'~'~~~~¥!"'·~~~.~'!>~"2""·~""'~'~-_,,:JOJ7.'"~'~~~"""""~'°'-~·~·~·~-t.,...~~~~~~--,~~~~,~.,~.~·"'°'"''I Drugstores Kept Bloody Rich DEAR A.\N LA:\'D~~ns \\'e have 11 rlaughter 16 and a :;nn 15 whom 11·,. r a11n11t Jeal'e alone 1n the house brrause they v.·ill 1'111 eac h 01J1C'r, I realilf' 1! is no rmal for a brother :ind a sister to argue and f1gli!. occas1ona llv but our tv.·o are like animal.,. ;\fv hu~nanrl !old me this ni orning that if winrthing 1~n·1 done to make these kid~ !)Ch;i1·c l1kr r11·il1zcrl h1Hn an hei ngs. he I" 1no1·1ng out of Lhe house inti') a rented room. La~l nighl \\'C returned fron1 a mretlng 11nd Linda looked as 1f she·d been 111 an a ccident. Hrr nose 11·as blCT'd ini;: and an t'l'e was swollen shut. Brad sho1red us the piace in his scalp \\'here Linda had torn out a handful of hair. It s«>ms Linda 11·ould not get off the telephone. Brad 111as expecting a call froin hi s girl and after an hour and fh·e 1111nute s, he "b!ew his cool." Jn t\l.·o yrars Lind a will go to college, if her brother doesn't kill her before then. l •an't \11ait two years. Plrase tr!l me what 10 do. Thry'1·e had at least fi re fi.st fights ~1 nce January. -\VAR IN Cl!\'CI'.llN ATI DEAR "'AR : It i~ normal for siblings to bave disagretments, but wha t you deacrtbe Is mort: than broeher-sister aquabb\lng. It is as~ault and battery. Such nak~ hostility and out.of<ontr<JI \:joJenct: needs investigating. I rtt1:1mmeod coonseling for both Linda llOd Brad. They must learn how lo dissipate anger and handle frustration in ways Utal ere socially acceptablt. ANN LANDERS DEAR ANN LA[lj'DEHS : Jerome and I 11·ere married !ti years ago -a doublr. ring ceremony. He used to v.·ear his v.·ed- ding ring all the time. About six rnont/1s ago he began to leal'e his ring at home v.·hen he went to v.'ork. r thought it 11•as just absentmindedness so r asked him about it. •le reluctantly told me that tie has developed a little arthritis in h;s finge rs and the ring is hard to get ')ff anrl on. \Vhen I offered to have it made largrr he mumbled, "Don't bother." A few days ago I suggested In .lerornc that he carry the ring in his pocket as a reminder that he is married and the father of six children. He became an· no.ved and snapped, ''Don't be stupid.'' Jerome is hon1e every night and alwa ys ha s been a good husband and father but now J wonder if perhaps he isn't seeing i;omeone during lunch hou r -someone v.·ho thinks he is single. What do you think? -J\!RS . N. DEAR N.: I think the father of &ix rhildrtn doesn't need to carry his wed- rling ring in his potktt to remind him ht is marrit:d. All he ha~ to do is look at tbt- grvt·ery bil111. A man who ts at home every night is not likely to be cheating during lunch hour. DI::AR A~'N LANDI::!lS 1111\v i::i11 a girl tell if a fellow really li kes hrr \1·1 thout corning right out and asking him:" I tlln dying to know but I'n1 too :;hy to put the 11uestion lo him. M.r. Drcar nboat is fa irly extroverted but he has ne \'er \'e rbalized his fee lings about n1e , !! wou!r! n1ran a lot if he'd say son1c1 hing. \'tJJ! are awfull y good \\•ith \1·ord s. Can you 1\ork lip a ~entenrr or two that 11 ill trll 1ne wh:it I 1vant to kno1v 1\·11hout being ton brash or forward': -VIOLl..:TS ARli: BLLE DEAJt \tI : 1f you ·\·e g<Jl lhe n1u~L •. 1ou <loo 't need the v.·ords. u·s hfJw the ~uy treal~ you that rnu nts. Se!tlr Baby, sci· tie. \Vh<1l is Frcnth kissi ng': ls it 11·ru11g? \\'ho should set the necklni;: 11n1its -the boy or the girl ? Can a shotg11n "''e<ld1ng succeed? Jlead Ann Landers' booklet, "Teenai;:c Sex -Ten Ways to Coo! IL" Send 50 crnts in coin and a long , self-ad~ dressed, staniped en velopr. LIBRARY EXHIBIT -J.Jrcparin g an ('Xh1U1·t n! patriotic fi rst day co\·t r pl);;tage starnps are ~left tn 1ight) Ma rk and Leslie r111gle, both n1cmbcr:i:; of Henry Bo11·en Society, fhJld ren of ll1c ,\mcrican Revolution. and l\lrs. Uon<1l d \V. l\lncLcod, 1ne1n bcr nf Co!. \\'i1\1an1 ('<1bcll lhct plcr. IJciu.t:hters or Un: .<\1nerican ncv0lution. Society Marks Week lfenry Bov.en S o c I et y , Children of the American Revolut io:i. 11·1!1 mark Patriotic Education \V' e k which begins next Sunday 11o 1lh an exttibit of unusual patnot1c first day poo;la~e stan1p co1 r rs in Mariners Library, Newport Beach. The exh1bil h1i;hlights 01e AmericBJl Credo s e r i e "' , Amttican folklore, D ;i n 1 e I Boone and thr J01h an· nh·ersary of U.S. po~t age 1'il.3JTIP5. The ~ o c l ~I y . IV h I r h i~ ~pnnsored by t:ol. \\'11!1;1111 Cabt:-ll Chapter. Daughters nf the A m er i c an Re'>'Olution, v.·orked on the f"':rhib1t undft' sup<>rvi~lon (If Tlfr~. Donald \V. l\!acl,('()(l. smior historian of the 1'(1('1ety. Organized in 1965 , Uie ~ocle· Party Honors An Q]d-fa:.hi oned S a di E' l t:111•k1n~ l111y rarty h;:as b<'f'll r lan11rrl fnr n1r111 0Cr~ nf !he J t;il l'c rr.~t Chth Anrl their gur <1 ~ S.1111rd.:iy, Oct. 11. Th,, .. l11rn <1bout" p.1r!y \1 111 With Patriotic Display ty is led by John Petersen, presi dent. Ass isting hi1n are J\'ancy BUCCQla . \ice pre.~t· dent : Robin \Vethc. chaplain : Karen Nord, secrr1 ary; Oal'irl Martin. lrrasurer: ~!(ln1('a Davis. historian and librancin. Sadie Hawkins begin 11•Jt h a buffr! rfinnrr A! II p.n1. and l\JIJ conclude 111!1+ dancin~ fmnt 9 l0 I :i Jn. Ac1.·r pt1ng rr~er1;.i[1n11~ illP :'l l r~. B!'rno:ard ;\l a1h1!'.~nn, ~4~· :t:166, 11nd i\-lr.). J ohn Con, nl1 , ~49-2092. and f~l\\ard Thomas, Ila;. bearer. flt embe rsh ip ln- fonnalion 1nri y be tihtain('d hy contacttng :"l!rs. Edward Cox, 817-8727. ( ·promin g r;ocla! e1•ent s in· 1'll1de a l\arvrst ill o on 11 eekend parly for mem bers of several chapters 1n Hen ry l-\on.it1k Runn inp;s Sr r l n ~" Jtanch nf'Ar Thou~anrls Oa ks l kl. 25·2fi. ,.,Ir. :ind fllr ~. 1:Mr):C' IJ B11crola "' 111 r hap{'rnne rhaptrr n1ernhr1·s ;i ltrn<hn.c: 1hr h ;i \ r 1 rl r , h;i rhrNJ r. d;ini " :inil .~11 1;11 p:irty. PI CK ET LINE -t:rg111g in\·olven1c nt in a 11 :\rca J) conferrncc. !'al!forn1;1 F'cder<1t1011 nf \\"on1cn ·._ (·!ubs, .J1 1n11•r ;\J cn1ber.,h1p are !left 1o r·1~h 1 ' lh" .\J1nC'". t;eorgr Kcn1p. Huntington 1-lrHrh .J11n1nr ' -,_; . • ·-' • ' ' ' \Von1an 's Oub: Jaincs Co\\'an. l..aguna Beach Jun- ior \Von1<1n 's c·Jub ; Keli O'Biicn. 2; Thomas 13andy, t 'osta rriesn .Junior \Vo1nan's r:lub. nnd Eugene Kovach. '."!ewport 8 each clunior f~he\I Club. Art Class Arranged ,\1;,, an<! t·r;1ft~ \ J:,.,~,~ " II hf' .~pon:-orcr! Tln1r~t.l:iy n 1 ~i11o; 1li1r111~ (Jrtf!bf'r bv thr 1!1u1 11111i ll!11 Rrach .lu111or \\'r.i11:111 .. < lu h County Women Attend Long Beach Conf ere nee To111orro1\' forn1ali ln1 11111 hf' in~truet cd by i\fr.~. \\'1111:1111 l.o~kco, <ind r.11·s. Lci rry JJn k 11 ill !each pap1 cr 1n<1chr on ()cl. 16 and decoupage 011 01 I 23. i\!rs. \Vi!lia111 Biss 11 ill ol- lcr ins truction in l1 gi1rc rtr;1p· 1ng during the final session on <kt. 30, l'lasse~ \11!! he conductr1! hrllrN'n 8 ;ind 10 30 p 111. in tl1e rlubho usr . and tJ1i·r r 11 111 be a l'harge of $l.SO prr 1'li1~~ 11·1th <111 proceeds hr i 11 i:: donated to the (iolden \\"r~t College drarna department. Refrcshmen1s v.·1!1 be srr\·- td. and ad dltiooal information , ine!uding a list of nrrrssary ma1rria!~. may he obtained hy calling l''lrs. Cody Taylo r, 91'8· 2338. Extravaganza Happening !i9 soon v.·ill he. h;:ippcning 1n 1he Disneyland J{otel. Junior Volun tceN; of St. .lo~Pph Jlo~p1 tal. Qr;i nge. \1·111 he honnl'rd dunni:: the dinner dance Friday Oct. JO. "'hich 11 ill feature Thr \loser Tha l~. ;i rock group fron1 Thailand. ll 0lh'v.'nnrl enterl.<iinment and ;\h.-~ l.1~<1 l'owlry. ~I j s s Orange County for 191i9. '• ' Stole nl!ll'l't':-;111.J ch<11nnr11. t;:ilifornl;l Federation of \ron1eri'~ Club'.'. Junior \lembcrship v.·11! be honored b}' llrange District during <i burfrt ll('Xl f'rid;iy ni gl1t in )'.·e1vpo r l Beach Ebf'll Clubhousr. ,\lcinbers of club.~ in Or an~e District, California Federation uf \Vo1 ne11·s Club~. .Ju nior \1rn1bcrsh1p a rc Jnvilcd In a!· 1rnd an rnfvrnial rcccp1 1v11 for st.11e offic ers ;ind ..:h ainnf!n 11·h1rh 11·111 follo11' the rlinnrr. AH 1·lub11·on1rn in De :\n~.a. Orcin!':e and San Dtr~o J l1nior d 1~1r1,·1 s ;ire a1tcnd1ng an ArC'a 1) conference planne{! for nr:-.1 Salurda y in Edgcv.·ater Hyatl Hou.~c. Long Beach. Theme for U1e n1eeting, selected by .\1rs. Arthur Kor n of Yorba Linda , Area D vice president, will be .. He climbs h1gh<'fil who helps another 11p." Hegistration and rolfe e 11 i!I t:i kc place al 8:30 a n1. follol\'Cd b~ a ge n eral a:-srinbly al 9. \!r~. l·hotnas (.;hr1:-lC!l~('n of Long Be<trh. Junior sr;:i1c dc<in rof ch;i 1rn1rn, 11·!1 \ d;rcc! st11Tr> •l"pa rlrnenl chairn1('n 1 n morning "·orkshops dc~1gn rd Year's Plans Made Models Name Leaders Ne"' offi cers were elected ;ind plans made for the year \\'ht n the ~tiss l"rirn r.lodrls i\~soc1a t1on opened its ct1rrenl season Ass111ning leadt'r;..hip ro!r.~ ,~·1Jt be tht' ;o.1 i.5~f'S Candy Carl son of fountain Vnl!cv, president; Alin e \Varel. Cosia ~lesa, \ 1cr president ; \'irgltua Hobrrts. Huntington Beach, secrclo:iry. and Shiela '\'ard, Cos ta \l('sa. treasu re r. The group n1adl'.' plans fo r a hakr s.1!r. S;1 1urda~·. (}('! 11. i·h airrd hv !he ~11~.~rs Shrrr1 :'lll'lulanrl 'nnd Colleen Rai;· ' , sh a111 of Hunllngton Be a r h and Barbara Shafrcr and Ins B11rklcy nf Co~t a 1'.fe:;a :O.l<·n1bers al:io particrpa1r in f.1:-h1on shov.s fllr chanU1h!1· organiza tions throughout the year. Highlight of the .1ear will be " graduation bal l in Ap ril "hen s t 11 d r n i s gr11du ati11~ fro111 the ;\l1ss Pr1n1 Ac<idr.ni\' receh·e their cert 1fi catcs .. · Appo1n14.1d !o thf' ball rorn · n11 ttre \\·err the ~11$ses PaU 1 t•1s her. \Vestm1nster "n rt R;irh}lr;i Prppcrs. ~:in 111" l\r.llf'r and Jlrlh ('ook nf 111111 11ngton Beach. !0 Jnfonn districts anrl club~ of slate proced ure and ptOJect suggestion~. Honored guest and speakr r for the noon luncheon will bP ~1 rs. Dan tl1cKinnon 11 r Pleasanton. Junior sta te pre~1· den I. Altcnd1ng the r onlerrn('1t frorn Costa ftlesa Junior \\"ornen·s Club will be ~·lrs. Thonuis Banrl,1·, presidrn1. anrl 1hr ~lmc~. Hon St r ng r, l k11rard :'ll1!chell and P::itnl'k .\':irdull 1 .\·r11·por! Br.Jl'h .J11n1nr J::brll CI n b 11· om r 11 w I I 1 ht: rrprr~entrd b.1 thr :'1·!1nc". \\";1rrr11 Fix, p r e s id en t: J·:ug ene Kovach, rl1strlct pres, 1'h;11r111a11 . r r:1nk 1 r u g h c ~ , :otate co11 vent1un tha1rn1a11 , and Ja ine.~ ~1uraf, Roger Sherman. Lionel Dasilva and Larry \litehell Huntington Reach Junior \\0111cn 's Club will be r1?prese11 1ed hv lhe :'ltmci:. Eugene \\'1!1i.1ins. pres1denl; !°)ta nley Hettinga, dist rict safc- \1 t•hainnan: Do 11 g 1 a~ .\!11si·rip. district in ternational aff airs ehainn.Jn, and Geor gr l\l'n1p. Tee! Beddlck, Karl Han1n1rr, \\"rndall E n1 d •, Dani el Dr::igrsteh and Ronald ('a ff cl! :\rr11 1ng for lhe (·nnlctrnl'r fl'n111 l':I Can11110 l\e:i l .Junior \\'01nen ·~ Club v:i tl br :'l!r$. Le,'11 r \\'illi11 n1!i , presldl'n\ ;inrl lhf• i\1 !11('<; n ;1 I I d l.aBnrlir . J·:d••,11d H u~~rlL f';i!nr~ H .. 11 .. , anrl nit . p;: Hu~k ----------------~- " --------------------------------------- Wtdnt!.day, (ktobfr S, 1%1 0Afl Y PILOf D:t Foll Fa shion Picture Fabrics Move lo Foreground Hobby Saves Budget 'S I ew Easily Seascape Artist . Paints in Public Artist Bennett Bradbury \Viii ~trs. \Vil111:1m H Bruggere, pa int an 011 seasc<ipe before publicity chair1n<an. Th ! s 1:; U1c \'ea I' D1 A1u ~r111s-anrJ tl1c ·b<·~111n1nh o/ a new age 1n f:ish 1un The new agc is a 1110:.l t X· r1t1ng nnc thei t pi.:rrnt\s r vcry \1 on1an to be what she \\;.1nts to be-through tas hion . \Vomcn no1v inay drt:-s for l11r1r 111ood, in~tc<ilJ of the 01 ·- ca:-1on, calling 11po11 nrw i;J!hour\l('s and nc1v J;1hn ~·5, -.i11d will be lim ited unly liy lhri r unaginntinn \Yom('n of a n ,v :-1i::11 11 liri love clothes :1nrl ~w can flnd c1en n1nrc J;1~h1n11 11·r•·1l••111 anrl ach1e1·c it r;i~Jly l hro11gh n('w de\'r.lopn1c111:; 111 !<1brics tinrl nnlions. l~xrl<11n1 ng lhc n"w :lfl- \',1nccs and l101v tllPV 111 P.;i <.1 11' Into torl\ly':-; 11 ;.irdrribc 11,1-1 f\11~~ \\'r nlly .~l nri:t., TJlri11 f:ishion cons11l1;1nl. TEEN SE \\'11\'G 011 a tnp to \Jrinq s •l"pall- n1E'nt slor1>s 10 rro1not~ hnr11r i:-ew1ng, f\llss t'l1nrt"k Pf(''if'l11f'd 11 rrcvir\V of fall ;i nrl spn ng f.<1!>h1ons :i nrl 1 n t r r1 du t' f' d Talr>n's f'n!y;.p11n Un cad :i nd lnv1~1hl~ zipper. f\liss f\lorcli :iillll lhrrc 1~ a sewing boom on, and 111osl seamtresses are 1n the tern bracket. Sc\ving 1:;.1 the nun1ber one hobby of leenagc girls, she added, Since rrady ·lo-1vrar i;:armcnts arc so high in cos!, and since teen fads change r<ipidly and teen girls rapidly outgrow their outfits. th e girls \..·ho sew can ea sily have an rxtensivc 1vanirobc at a inuch inorc reasonable price. she cx- pl illllt'd . 1\liss J\1orck said th;1 t con- s11n1ers have an obligation lo Ir! n1anufacturcrs know if 1heir products are faulty , :-ut'h as lhreacf" that breaks or 7.ip- rrrs l h a t do not \.\'Ork prop- erly "The c0 11s11111C'r neve r rrali;r,cs liow in1porla11l h c r l'1nnp!;unt 1~." she said . The \1·rll·!ravcled fa shion !'On~ullan! ishc llas logged nearly 100,000 niiles in l he ;1i rl said thal California rapid- ly is bec:oming a forcr: in thr. gannent tndustry and that the l.'.'1St1a l ou1lnok is 1nov1ng" ea~!. California 's USC! nr brighl colors particularly is catching on in Ille La~i. FASH ION PREDICTION Whal docs she predict for fall and \\'lnler? "There is a return to the 1norc clingy fabrics <t u rl fabrics that move. Texture in fabric is very important. such as damask patterns in cor- duroy or velvet done in ru.igh finishes. "Trin1 \\'Ill bt> used qui1e a hit. Braid on dres s e s , f'Spccially 1netallic braid for 111!": holidays, v.'ill be blg. .. Accessories have nl'vcr been so important. Loi ~ of chains and pearls, ii ng 11·]Lh ~sc;11·1es. v.·111 [)c sccu "Bnght rabrics ar in ... the hrn11inr. can be anywhere. "~10\'en1ent lo th!' siJhou,.1tr J'> con1111g in .. pleats and labrics that n1ov1:. "Separates and coor din<ilcs dorninatr. "A11ln1~I fut', !he n" w synthetics 111 rayon an d acrylir, arc big fash ion iteins. And for spring? "111e 'litr le dri:ss' 11·1!1 f P- appe<ir. Sl11rtdresses 11·iJI be \cry 1n1porlant, ·• , . . ! l J • l ' ' '· PATTERNED FOR FALL -l·'rotli cine pattern you ran i;:o short or long in f1\·o great fashions. 'f!1e !'hort ver.'>1on g-r,L<> :i perky decorati ve zipper, 11'h1Je !Ile Joni:: jun1r~u1L fcJt11res fl<irc d, cuffr.d !r;::~. ----------------. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ONE WEEK I SPECIAL " . .. ... ~ --. .... ____ -.-J'I" DECORATOR FABRICS Re9 uar 2.?S to 6 ?!i 1.49 10 2.95 yd. _J lla•1rin a11 rl ;\1111 .. 11 ~h~"r -[l,.. • f <)r,1111,. A1111q11'· ~~llll' 1•1 ;•ti · 1p1.1l111"~ and .n lnr~-fl['f'!l ,\.r:J\r 11'· l'lov'd \\.,..,1,r l:iu<i"lr--l[f';i 1~ \1r1:::ht c·n11nn;, .r .. • [J1t1:ihl" L111r1J, -Tllf'"dY (.';J•"lll<'!ll<; HI' :-;,,If l.111•·d Ffll11·11 ·.~ -1111 ;,I ln11· ;.;ilr 1·1·1,.,,,_ )!:i1·,-. q11r f111" f'il;.h u11 11 orkn1:1n· ship al lo\\' .~a l" rr1 rcs~ on I I I I I I I I I 1Df!i;r ~')(Id b<>t11rrn Oc t. Slh and lj\)11 Call for FREE DECORATOR SERVICE 675-1510 ARCADE CARPET & DRAPERY OF CORONA DEL MAR L _!:'!~ E~C~~ ~~ (7141 675-1510 -------- 11 11 1! 1' I lj I' I I I I I I 1' I 'I 11 I I I I I I 11 .t'.1iss Morck, wearing a bnne ~ynthctie doublr-knit l'.\'o-p1rrr dress v•luch. of course s h e n1ade Jicr sel(. d1scui:.sed 1he new Polyspun l.hr('ad 1nade especially 1or double knits. The thread 1s a synthetic cored lhree·ply thread whi ch is wraRped ln cotton. The JX>lyester core provides the elasticity needed I o r knit s, synt hetics a n d pernlanenl press fabrlrs and the cotton sheath provides heat reslsten- t·y. Miss tllorck. "''ho 1nakrs her hon1e in r.1ounta1n View, ls a ,eradualc rot SLin ,lo~c Sta1c Col!egr. :-he rarned 11 er 111a slcrs degrre !rorn San Jo~e Stale 111 clothing anrl textiles find 11 as a S1ni;rr Younf:.: Stylen1aker contcsl \\'inner, receiv ing: a trip lo Paris. She is part or Talon's pro- gran1 to keep hon1emakers ur to dale on nev< developments. in f;ihrics and hnrne scv.·ing and \Vil! be appearmg in Pen- ney's slorr.~ thrnughoul the Los Angeles area during October. Musician On Show Young p1flnisl. Andrra L:-in11 ~lartin 1~'ill fWrfonn !or the Upper Bay Associates of the Orange County Philhannonic Sociely i,1.•hen they n1cet for luncheon l\'londay, 0 L1. 1:! lfrys1.1ng the 10:30 a.in. J;;i thrring w1 1! be Mrs. J\. \V, Pendleton of Corrina del ~far, a ssi.~lcd by 111e l\·l n1r s. n obcrl L('i1 h. Daniel Cilcre~l and \Vil~nn Li!llr. t'olrs. Lf'ith. f'h;11n11.1n 11 111 t;'Ondur t !he bu;;.111css por11on of lh<' rncc11n1; !\Ir:;. Hobc r1 lll'ltrl \Ylll in · trod11 ce the ;1r11s1, 11hn 1~ ;i .~enlor ;.il Ne11por! Jlarho r lligh Sch00l /'lfi!'s t'.1ar11 11. a fr~riurnl performer anrl arcomp;inist .it the !'c:'hool. ~-,11 prr!or1n ~rlrr­ tions by Beetl1oven. Sc.arla1!1, Barton. Chopin and Debus~)'. Beach Bab es Evrry \\'erlne>.rlay ril '/ p 111 men1bers r>f TOPS Bl'arh Babes con\'ene 111 ll1Jnt1ng1 t1n Beach lligh School for pro· gra111~. , ~ THIS wEEK ... ~ -- 1// 4 • KNOCK .OUT KN IT -Knit) <lrr t';_1~v jn \l\'tlf, c;1re lor ;ind to s.r111 1r YTlll 11 ~r :-i ~rr<·i~il t lJrc~1rl \1 h1 le con ~·/rnc:t.111,t: 1t. 'f'hc f'li1 .~t 1r1 t y nt th e t hread 1:-cnn1- rintiblc '' iU1 111r.. (;J1J1·1r ------- DAILY PILOT Din1e-A-Lines S(l)1S ... the eyes of viewers during .a Bradbury, who is nat1onal!J ~pec1<1I art de1non str<1l1on SJ}IJ!!· kn o .... 11, paint~ all aspect!> ol sored by Affiliates of Lag una the sea, capturing l!s exciting Beach Ar t Assoclation Gallery action. color and changin; at 8 p.111. Thursady, Oct. 16. 1nood s. according to ~Tr!l . The progran1 is the second Hruggert-. lie has exhibited 1n in a series of five public den1-the Festi val of Arts, anr:I con· onslrations arra nged by ~•lrs. ducts v.·orkshops 111 L.igi1n-~ t'.1urat Boyle, n1en1ber o/ the Reach. San Diego and Pahn board o( d1reclors, and Toin Springs Enn1an, director of La;p.ina Coll~tors of lus \\'Ork 1n Beach Art Association Gallrry. elude the Sh;ih of tr an, "°tr~ "The art association is for· S;intuel Du Pont. P;i11J Gett ,, tuniJlC ln having this distin-.Ir , Huntington Hartlord an~ gu1 shed, celebrated artist dem-Co u11t and Countess r:l1 <.--;ralLI , ons tratc h1s techniques as his Jl1 s work .1tso hangs in n1•i· schedu le ;:ind con1miss1ons seuins. uni vrrs1l!es ;ind eie,.u· i;:ivc him little tin1e for art \1\·e offices throughout th t progr;1111s. 1-!1s long frlrndsh1p collnlry. 1v1lh t'.lrs. \Villlam G1t'schcn, Non1ne1nbrr;;; \1'111 be char;:; prngrarn cha irrnan for the cd ~Z f1Jr tick ets, Foll.,w1n;i Alfil1atrs, 1n.1ke.~ ht s appear· the program, Jhe f1n1 shed :.e;i· .:inc" poss1blr," r'lmmentrd srari(' 1i ill he offerer! fQr sail", 1.--------------.. 1 m /)/) THE "IN" cillie j LQQK WEEKLY SPECIAL! Take Advantage of These LOW-LOW PRICES! • October Sth to 15th Only • The TOPPER • wi'i)let designed for the fil l.in or •dd-on. Regul•r 5.95 .• , SAVE 1.50 The WIGGLE • wiglet with lot1 of curlt and aw lrh Regul•r 7.95 .•• SAVE l .00 .. The MAXIE • wiglet ao l1Jrg1 It 1tyl11 Ilk• • c•1c1de. Regul1r ID.JS ••. SAVE J .00 . You'll <'1 1\o SAVE on the Fabulou\ TRAVEL WIGS 3.50 5.95 7.95 • • • The riew sr.ientitic: f 1bflt1 of I 00 •1• K11 riok alon fh<"JI i;. etJ\V lo. c:are for ; Thf' tru ly mire c:I & ""''J· Rf(1ULAR 24.95 Now Only 19.95 m /}/). , WIG & BEAUTY allie j ~SALON 250 E. 171h 5T. ~COSTA MESA 548-3446 DAILY TILL 5,30 THUR S. & FRI. TILL 8'00 "LOSE WEIGHT & PAl-BY THE INCfI!" ,\-hy bu,y a years membership Ln a Gym lo l ry and lose ltcight through s.trcn uou;:; P,;erci&c n·hen }tnu c;.'.ln huy ('fjo rffP.~5 '"C1,;:-ht rPdi1ct.io n And pay by thr' inch R.t Gloria 1'1arshaU's •.• palrons, La;:.ed on <l"lual r('cord~, can ;irhiev1~ thr>i r goal in ao; litllc a» ·i to 6 "·cchs and LOSE 10 INCHES \VlTHIN FIRST 10 VIS ITS V f, loria ~fan;ho 11 ·f; a11L·ny.~ OJ!'fl; l!'f~. mutli lr~s than t'lt hr r "'C'i,:!hl rcdurf ion prni!Tams, lhat's one of t},,. reasons they became the WORLD'S LARGEST owned and operated Figure Control System As the Nation's lcadf'r, you can depend on it,., results come quickly •.. safely,,, n•ithou l i:;trrnuous e1'PrciSf', Eil.a_rv;;i I.ion rliet~. nr mf"!=..Sy 6Wf'.1 t.~11i If. 'VE ARE NOT A GYM! v' Cal l for FTIEE sample vi6it. Acilla Uy m.e, uo<ler f.uperviF,ion, tJ1e G lvria f\!J t. hJ 11 machlncs. including our pa tented "Circ·La-Matic" ••• £:ee why Glori.1 P..1a ~h :1 \l'.­ F'igure Control System became tho World's largest ' ' "'f ell us the dress size you want to wear, and we'll tell you bow inany ,·isits it will t.ake and guarantee in writing t.hat you will reach your goal. In fact, so absolutely positive are we tbat you will obtain your objective, that as stated in our guarantee. we ~'ill even let you hava 1-'REE OF CJ.IARGE, any and all further visil.5, until you reach your goal. It's positive assurance that we back up our guarantre 100".1>. ~~1-......i~ Come in. romfortab/.e casual clothes, disrobing unnecessary, Private playroom faciliti.e• for small children. FIGURE CONTROL SALONS NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific Coast Hwy, 642-3630 12 lle<k• lint 1f lolboo l11r Clubl 1140 WllT 171ti lT., S4l·,457 SANTA A~lA DailJ l·I, Sil. f.5 • INA1111riclfd t14 M1sl1r Ch•I:• W11ct111 .,. llNAHEIM, !EVl•lV lllltl. COVIN•. C'.ENSHll,W. DOWOl,V, C-.lti"IDA ~f . l Al(E.,..000. lON• f!l4CH, NEW~O~t <'IEACN .... O•IN llOLLYWOOO. ONfA"IO, rA '~0[•1 A , ·-~'I O'E<'.t'. ~.AHT .i. II""· ~ANIA flA•.eaAa, SUNlAOIO, 1a11ra t;~, WHIT Tl[I!, ~·l~n· ~11• '" r ll.£1110. 111 ~::t.l\1•£NT D. Sll N JOIE. IUl'jOIYYA~I!, WALN UT (11'.fEI(, ................................................... ,..,..,..,.....,..,.._._ ••• a .. f;J<f DAILY PILOT Diabetics Can Get In T1·ouble By Pel.er Si.elncrohn, ~10 REACMONS IN DIABET ES Dear Dr. Stcincrohn: I ha\'C read a lot about the dangers to diabetics who don't lake care ol thmlstlves. For example, some get in- fections easily which take a long time lo clear up; others may get eye complications aflli actual blindness; still r..lhe rs may gel net.1ritis, gout and coronar t..'Olllplications. BUT WllAT l 'm especially in terested in are the dangers to those who try to take care of themselves. For example, I 'vc heard that even t hose who w<1Lch their diet carefully and take their insulin are liable lo have sudden <•Hacks of un- consciousness. \Viii you set me st raight on that"! -Mrs. 0 , COMi\fENT: J[ you take good care or yourself, observe DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE you r diet restrictioos, t<ike your insulin as directed and see your doctor regularly, chances are that you wil t never have any serious rcac· lions. But, in reply to your ques· tions, I think you ottght to know that severe reaclions are someli mes ix>ssib!c. They come undt'r two m a i n headings: L Diabetic cotnn 1hypcrglycemia) 2. Insulin reaction (hypoglycemiaJ. Let me explain. Sometimes the d i a b c t i c hui lds up too much suga r in his blood even while under treatment. This 1nay be due to insufficient insu lin w hi I e undergoing marked emotional stress; by taking a much larger than normal meal: by undergoing operation, illness or pregnancy. THE DIABETI C t·on1a to r unconsciousness I t:on1es on slowly-over a period or about 24 to 48 hours. 'fhe patient passes large an1ou11l s or urine, h~s excessive lhirsl, and ab- normal amounts oI sugar. He becomes drO\vsy and lethargic and has a fruity odor lo his breaU:J, J[i!j; skin is hol and dry. Such findings dcscille a has- ty emergency call [or the doc- tor. At such a lime lt is im· port.ant that the pa lie n l receive necessary I a r g c an1ounts or insulin to overcome th<> imbalance in lhc sugar level in the blood. TllE SECOND complicalion, hypog lycrmia , cnrnrs on more rapidly. Sorne of the common reasons for such a l'O;n· plication arc taking too large a dose of insulin. Qr on111tinA a meal or twJ. The p<1Ucnl perspires £'XCCSS!\1C1y. JI <'. complains or dizzi ness. P:>.· lreme hunger. pnl pit;11ion. ~ha1JO"W· breathing. Ile ni(ly or may not .~till show sugar ln th<> urine. \Vh£'n the blood sugar lal!s real low, the patient n1ay become disoriented <lnd con· I used. I rt'Ca ll a pu1\·crful 200 pounder "'ho went to his offlrr apparcnr!y \Yell. Suddenly hr began lo thrash ;1round ;ind become strangely conibnt h•f' It look at least four Of h1.~ associates to hold hiin down. AN EMERGENCY rail got him to the hospital hy ambul- ance. His blood sugar '>''as \1·ay down, Intravenous sugar so!u· lion brought him out or ii within a short "'hilc, Later. his wile told me th;il lately he had become careless in giv ing himself ini;ulin. Th i~ morning he had administered much too large a dose ancl had left for the office without breakfast. As I ir;aid, Mrs. 0 ., such hypergl yce m ia and hypoglycemia are very rare rn those diabetics who take good. ordinary care of themselves . They appear only in those who get careless and don't take the Lime to measure their proper insulin dosage and become careless about their diet -or delay in getUng medical ad- vice in doubl You'll Flip Over This You 'U flip over the Jalest course offen'!d by t h e Westminster Recreation and Parks Department. It'• a Judo class for both men pd wcmeo, 12 years and elder, wtlk:h wiU meet every 'J'tJesday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1t the Westminster 11igh School Gymna!'>lum. Rtglstr1tJon fee is $4 per per~. Furthrr details are availabll.' from lhe Recreation and Parka De1>11rtmenl, 893...fSI l, "\.~' J l"rt.OT-ADVE"TIS£R 3 • tJJ I. 17l'lrl ''·· c .. ,. MIMI SliClppltHJ c..~. Cost• MeM • 10141 ~-...... -1.clhi-4 .... 1.U "°Pftl"tl c .. ,... ~Gr ... e 17t04 M..-oUe Sf. ot TelMft-VUI ... Ce•tw, ••1111ts111 'f•ll1y • ...... a a.11,..-11 .... -H.im..-e..• s1.,,1,., c..t., • 11121 ... 1111.,.1 s1 . .t Wa1_..,,.,_w nttw .. 11 c.11m, --e ti61 Ckp-• A••· 11t ltoolit11ir'1-0r1111p Co11nty rta .. ............. " H ...... tf"IMU • 'b7 W•tMI .... • CkhM• Wed, W• ...... lfff e 2100 H.tter ll•d.-Horitor Sllep,... C.11t.r, Coste Mno e 21111 IHc• ltff. et Attnt. -H1""""9i11 ...U • 11t61 v.11ey vtew., ci.,_ ...... _._..,. l'lcn, e 1460 W. 10111,., •nd lrl1t1 St.-lditHrw C..t•r, Sant• All• --" •1" Head & Shoulders • • • • • 74c a.ttM 9f JOO T•Miltl •1 11 Bayer Aspirin. ••••••• w .... HoSC1 ••'111· K co f 111 f297 Developed a. Printed 12 EXPOSURE ROLL •2u Breck Basic • PriC11 includn 69c for ~·elopin,i: & 19c 1 pfint. No diari;e (or ~~ui .. es not printed. SPECIAL PURCHASE $9'5 Value! Men's ORLON ACRYLIC Cardigans Dl1count Priced $J98 Gre.at all purpote 19t'e.ue1 in new fall shadeJ -Br i11ol ·""'""", Blue, Skr Blue, A .. o- cido, Banrna . Or- an;;e, Antique Cki!d. No-Iron Men's Dress Shirts 2 for $5 /i!111n Jlcne 1hlrn in polr- ~1cr/corton fabric. New r~.tu011 colon. YOUR CHOIC& Reg. S34,88 '~ .$299 WALNUT FINISH ',: • 5 Ft. Credenza · · Choice of ihapcs with wood, brus, ornate "Nhi!e and ,i:old.Jone frames for every decor. Complete with clips for han,c:in.11:. Shop early! ~.:1~;,%~~~ $2496 nut P«Vantt1' finish , •• a am· temporuy piece in lune with lhe ti~! s511 Miniature Alarin Clocks s1411 Value! Detecto Hainper Family 1i1~ cov- e!W with ruft~ $9'' ,.Jdod ,;,,., ;, ~hitt. ,arem or ..,, ... $]511 Sunbeain Electric Toaster l •lier. t0<ul cnotrol, Slllf>-$J288 do'll;n uumh "'' '" ~. deanin.1: ! ~. :--:--·H~~( Im;;.: .. · I ' l .. -t • ... ' '· i· Fighting Cocks Wall Plaques l dimensi onil i r on Fi,11hting Cocks , .. be.i ul1 · fully :KUlptured. Blad.;, bl~clt: & Id nr avr>rado .• $277 Reg. s399 Cory Glass Perk Po11u l1r S.C\if' ,; .. ,.. ........ $288 win5l brrab.tt unda normal D.S.-. Qu11ity mike . Panasonic Eledric 12 Cup Perk S!ainJ~~ 11eel ~\•h b·~ ... $J9•s ]e clo r ind ~tfetl,!lth s c J ec • 1J -~J..i , . fruit o tfie loom Chair Throws M1'72 .. blend of ""'""''°""0 " $298 rayon honded to foam. ColnrJ... • Sof• Sisa-7!•101" $Ji.9S s3.14 Enameled Toilet Seats Smoo<h uipl<m· $269 ill!Mled. Ia •hue, ~JIO'tt' er pink. 3-Tier Metal Appliance Table Sturd)· metal with ..,,.roll mom. $444 Grnl for 1ppl1- 1nces, kitchen •c· cessories. Occculonal Tables $999 Nn HtXI• .ci:on, Cube or Cocktail ta- bles in hand- $DITle S~sh Oil:: fi n.ith. Solid COfl roDStructi 0 D. s1715 Val.! 3 Piece Coming Ware Set 1·1 'h ·I~~ Qt. Sis...._.uL fOl The l most ofttn ~ silu. Won't crack from beat or cold. $329 Val.-12 Qt. Enaineled Pet Dltcownt Pric11 Big 12 qt, 1iu:. naked cna mrl ·fini~h in ,11le;om- in~ White with Bhck trim. $J88 $81t Fostoria Eledrlc Toaster Reg. 11.88 U co . Ironing Board sp• Val! 36x24" Elec. Can Opener Pad & Cover Set Roll Unoleuin W1th·K11if• $2.91 Valu•I Witfl lrot1 l•1t luy !-S.W $!.01 •·1 t · Shorp1n1r T op qu1li· h PI stor1,1;e. Prottt· Teflonco11edm1-patterns. 0 ':;,,~' ;.';'~~"',.~~ $633 l\d Llf•u. '"' $896 Samh . m l••"' $J98 " ;, I•«» ·2 F 99c rrum tr.11·. o • . . tnn co1·er '9.'i!h I F bh~ chrome. ·v1·e chrome pl11-1 coo~. or I ~-----........ --~,:.i~~;::•~k~o:i;i11rf1c~C\i----... -".m-•-"'•'•'m•'•"•'•. 'l' __ .. ..;'"ii';;'•.;;6;;,. ------- S750 Value! Porcelain ~Enainel Teakettle s49s Value Plastic Contour Chairs f~ •o~.$299 ~§"'!' .... ---'"!'--41 SIZE ' Wo111en's I· I ]~('a\"I' ,l::\la.i::e steel $2'' 'f . ') fl•• I I _. ~u mdc:J in 'l'el!ow .~f'f Acrilan Knit · ' " "'0 """ "' •. Coverups s14•s Aluminum ,,., •• 11 . Folding Beds ~~·~.~:::;:'.t. $)98 ~lh foam Mall"" '" c.... ....... .s9a1 -/ T111b&ns. maoy srrles 1 '"choose i'f"'m Sturdily built. fold1· comp.act.ly for storaat.. "Comfort Fit" chair doublc1 aJ di nin,i:. il~lc, patio chiir. Eu r to (1e:iri. Save •l5n $2.00. Arvin 4 Speed Stereo Phono $6888 Shuts off afte r la5t record is plared. 4~ RPl>l S1>indle ind. Boys' No-Iron Dress-up General Electric Clock Radio s5•• Val. Imported Jeans Ne>-iron ,..;th th~ """in look h •h· ''" b.<l F=< $2'' &roop pocke1,. Colon. Sira 8· "· $795 Value! Pro Football Game .:···~· f0•1!~~· ~~ $2'' SatnwiirP l'ro l Off1(ul ft1C1N ll tu.let ! An art.ion ..-me fOf 1l11ger. l •24••valvel 16 Inch Sidewalk Bike s17aa k cr>t •I Salt. of "Goldtn Cobrt" Eriu ip11 t d wi1 h trai nini:: .. ·heel• for be inntn. ~~s12 11 Betty Woods FOAMING Bath 011 )1-or. 'Rirh In.,.. vrioo.• fo .. m l&stl e,nti rt hiilh. 84c s1 11 Shower or Sleep Caps Nylon~lttph111nd 99 flll•!•C d•rrorer CJP c 'l\•il h '~''" li111n.c to prot('rt h•itdos. Reg. 914Wlg Styll11g Stand Sturdr 1taod !hat ,,,. '"i .,,,_ 68c •1lh llUC'tlon hex. ---left fttt. Glamovrlite Make-up Minor Fnur m'ltcton., meued bn tbs $J288 "'"' '°"' Im ,..Jt hovt J;IUll II 1h1do-wJ. A cweur tape pl1ye:r ~ith 1 bui lt·ia radio .•• silay~rt. '3'5 Value! Ladles Clutch Purse 51vl~. co lon. m.t• «ri•• '' 1"' I $J87 MID' (O(llp•rt. mm•I '9'1 Ko4ak Camera lnstainatic 44 • Brandy Snifters S2" Giant flali.an •niften. 1'4" lLll br ''h'" diam. Beau-tiful clecor&tor colon .ia J dai,lft&, 91' Westab The111e Beoks 77c Floral Tapestry Desk Acce11orfe1 a.;,.,,..,,.. aac book, memo h1r. pencjl Clddp. , •• ra .t. a llll'U' · · UNDER $J.OO TOYS! For boyJ , Airb, prcotchoolen, or infants. Stt-Thtu Truda, Trains, Cosmetic Seta. F urniture Seu, Dolls,manr more. P u1 a•a1 for Chri!tfnl.l--i&VC: ! sis• Value! Clairol Hair Spray °'"' '""•" ,,. Jte~r or Hard C to Hold, 14 oz. ~ s449 Value! \~ Sale of · Golf Putters Your fav11ri11t - mh.\o 'YP', ~I-s21 let head •tfle, othca with mold. ed ru~ Ari~. step down shaft. M. Durable heaVJ .lfi u,11 e "inJI, d<)uble lc,111: lock. -. . Leg stra11 & 2 · ·····hand JIJlp!I. Fold · nJi!y for stOrt,li:;r. Old World Half Gallon! Scotford Scotch Our ~rrday "· '"·" " SJ99 S!t.99 " '" · outst1n din..- btt!lio no• only ••• .POUND llAOS 2 for SJ • _____________ "T'" ______________ ------------------- B ,,LOT ·ADVERTISER H Wtdntsday. Oclobtr 8, 1%. Holiday C us tom Shared Christmas in &andi n;ivia bnngs 1v1th 1t n1any traditions, 1nt lutl ing the prcparaL1011 anrl serving or special dishes such as Lutefisk. Served in n1oi:t Scand1na1·i:in countries on Christmas Eve, the fish is boiled and eaten wilh freshly ground black pep- per. musUt.rd . boiled pul:itoes, melted butter or a rich wh11e sauce served sprinklrd 11·1lh allspice. Trygve Lie Lodge 90, Suns uf Norway will host a tradition11l Ch ristmas f.l'C dinner Sund:n·, Oct. 19, iri the Newport Beal-h Atncrican Legion 111111 fro rn :l to 6 p.m. to ~ive Harbor Arca re:-;idents ;1 eht1nce 10 h<'1·u1111· fa111iliar 11 ith St·anth11a11;111 1.:UISltlC', For a11yu11c 111.;.lung lu prepare the dinner thcn1srll'c~ after the Sons of Norway event, here arc the recipes. KOKT LUTt:FISK -I pounds soaked Lulefisk Sall 4 tablespoons 11·atcr Skin and cut fish in t11 scr1 - ing pieces. Plac:e pieces close lugelher In cheesecloth and ~prlnkle with :salt. Tie loosely. Place in saucepan 1 not aluminun1) and add v.·atcr : hring very slowly lo the hnil- 1ng point ; Simmer gently 15 to 20 minutes. \\1hen read y, drain and remove to hot platter. Serve with freshly grounrt black pepper. mustard, boiled potatoes. melted butter or a rich white sauce sprinkled 11•ith allspice . Leftse, eaten \Vith the fish instead of bread, also \1·il1 he :irrvcd. LJ::FTSJ:: :i cups !lour 5-6 cups boiled , n1;1:,l1l•r! polatucs. 1 .11 ~ cups n1ill-. I l<1b!esµoo n :s;ill I cup short ening Cook potatoes, 111;i ~h and ;:icld ~alt. Boil rnilk and shortening together and add tu potatoes. Add flour and knead ~·ell. Add 1norc f1011r ir nectl- rd. Roll on \\'ell floured board. 'f'urn many times to make dough even and lhin. Bake on hot griddle or on top of \\"ood ~101·e. Butter and roll. Eal 11·arm or c:old. Scr\'ed 11•ith the lulcl1sk and leftse ·will be a ! a 1 ad , vegetable, coffee and ncsse.rt. Chairman of the dinner 15 Cai·! L, Lysc, former t-.l!n- nesota senator who has ex· lensive experience in cooking for large crowds. Lyse will prepare hi.s meatballs as a :side di sh lo the lutefisk. J\.tEATBAILS ·', pound ground round 1 1 pound ground Jean pork 1 1 cu p fi nely chopped onion '1 cup fine, dry bread crurnbs I tablespoon shortrn1ng 113 cup water l 1 cup cream 2 t:tblcspoons salt 1 1 te aspoon pepper 11<1Sh cloves 1•3 cup butter '1 cup boilini:: \.\'alct' S<i ute onion in :shortening, so:ik crun1hs 1n wat er-cream ni1x turc. r-.1ix togethe r everything but bul!cr and 11«ll er. ~hape in small balls and fry in butter till brown. Add boiling water. cover and sirnmcr 10 1ninutes. Bcscrvations are necessary for the Lutcfisk dinner and 1nay be 1nade by calling Mrs. Ray Niel sen, 548-6888. CHOOSING THE FISH -'fhe first step in preparing a traditional Scandinavian t.ulefisk dinner is choosing just the right pieces of fish. l\frs. Rely Niel~en 1 lcfl ) and !\1rs. Per Tverdal get advice !ro111 Carl L. Lysc, rh<1irn1an ol the Sunday, Oct. 19, Lutefi sk dinner \\·hich \viii be served by Trygve Lie Lodge 90, Sons of Nor- '''a.v, in Newport Beach American Legion 1-la!t. "Leftse," a potato roll, \rill accon1pany the Chrlst1nas eve dinner. 6men Fall Innovations Uncanned r ~I v.. aS-Onal r·risp-edgcd ally bring on a i'lllrrv · ial in\'1!a t1ons lo !'!nail s and ir\formal suppers . one looks for a nc1r t11·ist to party foods ;:ind !he 1·;111netl California npe 1Jlivc 1·:in do just !his. The bold, nut·like flavor and tlil' rnc:i1y texture uf this versatile fruit makes it a con1- patiblc ingredient lor a varir.1 .v of di shes. A stuffed 111catball served with a flair is a delicious and ' . -. .. ~ ,,,~ .. _.J,. l • .. .• ...,-. ::#'"'.; ___ ,,.. 7· t_ ~.,, .,, ~ .ttr. • .,.. ,..., . ., ..... _s.• •\. .. '-· • SAUCED CRE PES HIDE SURPRISE novel menu i1111or<1tor rur an Informal supper. 'rl1e outC'r covrring of the b.:lll Is seasoned ground beef. The center Is a ru.:e stutfin~ accented with the ebony hue of the California ripe olive. It"s the :ippe:tlini: texturf" of the ripe oh1•e !hill :<ecms to 111- crease the meatiness of lhe stuffed bal l. The novel approach of llu~ idea is the 1\'ay it 1s cooked and served. A basket is lined ~·ith parsley and the meatball is turned into it and steamed. When serving, present the 1vho!e ball to the guests and the n cut it into wedges. A buffet dish that has wide ap~al is the ripe olive can· nelloni. The base i~ crepes fill· ed with a ripe olive-veal mix- ture. Just before baking, the crepes are covered Y•ith a gently seasoned cheese s;iure. Since this dish can be 111adr ahead and held in L h (' refrigerator. it '" an idea l 1'asscrole for a parly. ll lPE OLl\'F: STU f' FE II i\I EATBALI~ t'Up cannl'd p I l I r rl l';il ifornia ripe nhvr~ 2 1ahlespoons butter nr n1a rgar1ne 1, cup chopped celery '' cup chopped onion I \2 cups cooked ri ce 'i teaspoon ba sil I tablespoon chopprd p1- n1iento 2 eggs ·~ cup n11 !k I ~z cups fine SOi t bread crumbs 13• teaspoons salt 1 :, teaspoon pepper 1 l cup grated Pannesan cheese I 1 ~ pounds ground Jean bf'ef I bunch parsley 2 bay leavE's Cut ripe olives into 11 edges. J\lclt buucr. Add cc!rrv and onion a11d cook until tender. 1\11x ''rgrtab!es wi1h ri~ olive.~. rice , basil ;,nd pi- r111cntu. Set aside. Beat c~i,:s and ru1nb1ne lightly with milk. hr ea d <-rurnbs. salt. 1>epper and cheese, 1nixing Y."ell. Adel beef, br;l11ng with fork unt rl fluffy. l'rcss 1111xturc I i g h L l y "b~llnst sides or 2-quart bowl 111 31-inch !ayer leaving a large hollmv in center. Jo'ill v.·ith ripe 0Jh·e-r1ce mix- ture. Shape edges of meal over sluffing enclosing it com- pletely. Line salad basket with parsley sprigs and bay leaves. Invert stuffed meatball into basket, removing bowl ; set In large keUle ""'ith about 1h inch bolling y,·ater. Cover: simmer <15 n1inutes for medium and I hour for well done meat. Cut Into wedges to serve. ~1akes 6 servings. OLIVE CANr-.'ELLO~I I cu p canned p i tte d Ct1liforn1a ripe olh·c! '~cup chopped onion I l<1blespoon cook1n.'( or! t pound boneless vral ~lrw n1ca1 ·'1 teaspoon sail '~ teaspoon rosrnliH')' '~ teaspoon thyme 2 3 cup broth or v.·atcr I egg · 1 cu p fine ~oft bread crumbs .1 tablespoon~ eh o pp r d parsley II crepes• Swiss Cheese Sauce • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F . Coarsely chop ripe olives. Cook onion in oil until soft. Add veal , sal t, herbs and broth. Cover: simmer about I hour until tender, adding a little more liquid if needed. Reserve J /3 cup stork. Chop mea l. Beat egg light· OLIVE-FILLED MEATBALL INTRIGUES GUESTS I~; adrl cru111hs. ripe olh·c~. <.:hopped veal, reserved i;trn:k and parsley. r-.1ix we ll. J)i \'lde among erepes aod roll up. Place sean1 side d0\\'11 in baking dish. Cover closely. Bake for IS to 20 minutes. Serve with Swiss Cheese Sauce. Makes <I servings. CREPES 2 eggs 2/3 cup nlilk 2 t.1hlespoons mc11r.d butter 1.~ cup sifted fl our 1.l 1caspoon salt Bc<il eggs until bubbly, ~11x­ ;"!]] ingredients \ogeUier and beat. smooth \1'1tb rotary beater. llcat an 3--inch skillet and grease lightly. Add 2 table- spoons batter. Tilt pan !n spread. Bro\\'n lightly on both i;idcs. Repeat until all baller is baked. r-.takes 8 crepes. S\.\'ISS CHEESE SAUCt; 2 t;:ihlespoons huttcr 2 tab lespoons flour 1 ~ teaspoon salt ' 1 tcasf)OOn dry mustard I' '1 cups mil k I cup coarsely grated pro- cess Swiss cheese 3 drops liquid red pepper seasoning r.1elt butter. Add flour. Gradua lly add milk, and cook, stirring constantly, until mix· lure thickens. Add cheese and continue tll srir unti l cheese has melteU- Add pepper seasoning. Cutting Costs Comes • Stride With Important Steps R.v OOROTllY \\'ENC K Ori "" (OVfti1 Hom• Advher ln August, food pri tes registered their first decline in nine months. Did you notice a drop in your grocery bill'..' Probably not -the decline v.·as a rnere ll5 percent for food c.:ltcn at home. Jlard- ly enough to get €'>.:cilc..'tl about But it's a gopd trenO !" There ;r..as no decline in 1 he cost of food t'iJten out. The August Consotnrr Pri1.:c Index for rcstaunint meals in 1he L::is Angel es area :;tood ;i t 143.9-comparcrl to the 1957·59 base of 100. F'ood-al-hon1€' ("QS(s 1vere llR .t \Vhile thr over-all Consumer Price lndc>.: was 128.7. ac- cording to the Bureau of 1.ahor Statishc~. Wliat do thcsl' figurc:i mean? Th ey mean that food-at-home prices were 18 •I percent higher in Au).(u:-t, 196!!. lh;:in thry 11crc 10 yrar s :igo. and t h~t Llod-;i"~} , d. 'lf"' _,.,, ...... Home News and Views from-home costs are 43.!·percrrt l't igher and the overall cost of living aT percent highe r. ·: . lt doesn't lake 1nuch gnapnation to f1gnre out thnt one way to save"11l011ey on food is to cat at home instead of out! Pi.AN AllEAD But perlailpl you "-ould also like 1om1: idl'aJ for "'•Y' to ct1t your eat.-al·bome co~tJ. There are three Important lleps: First. you need to be a good manager. This means plonn ing ml!<Jls and a shop- ping list before you shop ; and shopping wisely -comparing prices so you know how much foods cost per serving or per l)L1ncc -and avoifl1ng impulse purchase.~. $ctond. yoo need to know so1ncthing about the nutritive value of foods -that is, which foods give you the mo.-.--t food value for your money. YQu need to know, for example, that: -Low cost me.a t euLs like li ver. ground beef, or pork shoulder. liave jusl as n1uch food value as high priced ii1eaks; -Nonfat <lry milk has all the s:>'l'le nutrients (except for fat , which niost of us don·t need) as fresh who le milk at less than half the cost; -Dried beans and peas and peanut but· lt'r ha ve lots of protein. iron an<! B \•itan1!ns and arc good meat substitulcs; -Foods that are mostly sugar and "'atf'r, like lrwt drinks. have little food va lue other than calories and that the liaine 1noney v.·ill buy fa r more nutrition In the form of frozen orange juice; --Cabbage Is far cheaper llnd niore nutritious than head J~ttuce. APPEAUNG COOKING 11rfnL yta need to be able to cook v.·ell enoogb IO tllat you can prepare the less expensive foods a!Mf leftovers in •·ay11 lbat will be appealing lo your family. If your cl'M'.lklng ability ill nll amt you have lo rlepend on precooked foods -canned, frott:n. or refrigerated -your grocery bill will soar. Since more than a third of your food dollar goes for meat producL~. using the less expensive meals and m e a t substitutes can save you a chunk of n1oney. We have prepared a set of recipes for I hesc lower cost protein foods -ham· burger. ''variety" meats llike liver\, eggs, fish. poultry. and cereal "strct- c:hers." H you'd like a rrce copy "'rite IJ1Jme Ad visor, 1000 S. Harbor Ulvd., Anaheim, !12805 and alik for "Recipes for Economy l\lain Dishes." And if you arc eager to learn n1ore about being a wise food shopper, why not aUenrl the four meeting lecture series, "Stretching Yoor Food Dollar" which we will present at Costa ~1esa High School Lyceum Theater, 26fi0 Fairview Road, Costa fl.1csa on Wednesday evenings, October IS-Novembe r 5, 7:J0.9:30 p.n1. These meetings are sponsored by Orange Coast Evenin~ College. There is no ch;:irgc to attend and registration is at the door . QUF.STIONS \\.'E ARE ASKED Q. Why can't I ever bay ripe pean In I.he ninrkel? It seems to take day1 bef(lre the pear~ I buy are ready lo eat. A. Pears. of course, ;:ire very fragi!~ ;:in1l bruise (':t~ily when lhey are ripe. :$o 1n orflcr to ship them, growers must pick • • then1 \\'hen lhl>y are not fully ripe. Also , pears ripened on the tree tend to bo grainy in textu re. So when you buy pears, you will need ll) allow I to 3 days for them to ripen. Pear!' that are almost compl etely yellow wil l ripen in I day ;:it room temperature. The greener pears will take 2 to 3 days t<> ripen. An open paper bag rnakcs a go.:id "ripening rootn'' for pears and ·will speed up the process 11 bit. Once the pc11rs are ripe, keep then1 in the refrigerator. Q. \\'halever bappenf'd to that propo!laf that hol dogs sbould contain le&s th•D 30 percent fat? A. The U.S. Deparln1cnt of AgricuHurt has amend~d the Federal l\leat Inspec· lion regula1i ons so that, e.ffeclive Oct. 11. hot doi:ts and other cooked sausage pro- duct~ 1nust contain JO percent or less fat. This "'as a rcsull of public hearings con· ductrd by USDA. II IJa DAILY PILOT • -Ti .. Nun, Priest Give Up Vows for Pledges By JEAS COX Of lh• D•1l1 '<l•t ~ton .\~ any TV devotee can testify, there's nothing strange at all about a flying nun-It happen!! every week. \\'ell. fleeing nuns are no ct1r- ferenL They happen all the time loo. In fact there \.\'ere 10.000 of 1hcm Jn 1968 wtio <·hose to f!C'e from the \'O\Vll !hey rnade with the Ca tholic church. A1noni; tJ1crn was :'ll1ss J\larian ScotL P enh a ! 1 ow, <1.ssociate dean of students al Chapman College, Orange, \1·h1ch is owned by a Protes- tant church. \Vcll. she \\'as :'lh!lS :.l<iria n Scott PcnhaltO\\' until a rew weeks ago v.·hen she rx. changed wedding proinist's '''i!h Dr. Richard Snl'E'd, 40, director of the college's overseas progran1, who up !fl his marriage \\'BS a Catholic pnest. "·!uch began Aug. I, about three n1onlhs after Dr. Sneed joined the faculty and a llttle more than three months after she returned from a trip on the college's World Campus Afloat program, i.~ toikcn in stride by the unexcitable Mrs. Sneed . ,'\!AKES DECISION Nor is the fact that she lf'ft lhe 1eonvent one year ago an ParU1 sha!le ring rnatter to the Laguna Beach resident, "I didn 't totally believe in ii, so the only honest thtng lo do 1\t1S leave," she said simply, ;irld1ng, "~1y family was thrill· ed "·hen I came out . and I had a great sense of f~lfillment." l\lrs. Sneed was 20 when ~ht" decided, in 1949, to become a nt1n. She became a Catholic v.·hile she was in rollege and had been raised Ill th f! Congregational faith. 11 e r as Con~re ~ationa l m1:i1sionaries in the 1830s. Why did she decide to join 11 convent? Part of it might be traced to the same idealistic zeal which ignited he r missionary ancestors. "It's the same thing with lhe kids going into the PeaC'e Corps today," sbe reflected in her box-like ofhce in Founder.~ llall, Chapman College. "[ know if there had been a Peace Corps then l wouldn 't have gone into the nunnery. I v.·ould have 101ned the Peace Corps instead." !\lrs. Sneed ICf'ls St) many women are leaving the nun - nerf and fev.•er are joinin~ because its role has changed radically. It also has a great deal In rlo, she maintains, with the new status of v.·omen. tremendous job." she began explaining her pos1lion . ··Now the church is getting ool of the hospilal and other v.·orks like this because they are being handled in other ways." And what does this have In do with the slatus of women? .. Being a nun v.·as the on ly kind of professional thing \1•ornen 1.:ould do in the J9th Century, Now that the st.atu:oi nf .,. .. onien hJs changed there ;:ire other v.·ays she can do lhings and be just as dedicated," she reasoned. Although there is a Jut morP freedom for nuns today 1n regard to dress and n1obil1ty rhan there was 2{I years ago, lhcy still live v.·ithin a very restricted structure, said !\trs. Sneed. FAITH STREl\'GTUENED Cathohc1s1n hll.s bten \\'Caken· ed. Quite the contrary. In the last 15 year~. especially since Pope John XX lll, there has been 11. strengthening of faith . "People don't accept U1ings just hf'- <·ause the church says this I~ the way it is. They are domg v.hat they really bel ieve." Her husband came to Ch;ip- 1na11 <.:ollegc frorn S l . (;rcgory"s Junior College in Sha v.·nee, Okla. \1'here he v.·a3 president for six year<;, During this li1ne he didn "t f'Xercise an acllve n1inistry hut rernained ;:i priest. I-IP never has fillrd a pastoral posl as leader or A con· grcgation hut has pcrfonned 1•;edding ceremonies a n rl assisted other priests i n saying Mass. 'I I: p " I r UNU SUAL LOVE STORY Marien Sneed This unusual \o\'e .story , maternal ancestors came. 1.0 l!awaii, v.·here she was born, "\Vhen religious life came into vogue in the 19th century, Lhere was a need for social type agencies and the s P. v.·ornen (the nuns) did • Although she disagrees v.·ith Its rules on birlh control and unmarried clergy, she drie , not feel her faith 1 n !\frs. Sneed had been a nun and dean of students at thf! College or Notre Damr, Bel· mont until she resigned. Drugstores Kept Bloody Rich Dl::AR ANN LAND!'.;llS: \Ve ha1·e R <laughter 16 and a son 15 \\'horn 1\·e cannnt Jea1·@ alone in lhe house because they w1!1 kill each other. I realize tl 1s normal f::ir a brother and a sister to argue and fight occasionally but our two arc like animals. ~Jy hu.~hand told me this morning tha t if romr!hing isn't done to make these kids beha\'C J1kr t'1vil1zcd h11111an heings, he !'> n1ol'ing out of I.he hou se into a rented rJOrn. La~t night 1\·e r(•\urned from a meeting 11nd Linda looked as if she'd been in an accident. Her nose was ble<'ding and an eye was swollen shut. Brad showed us the place in his scalp v.·hcre Linda had torn out a handft1! or hair. It seems Linda 1vould not get off the telephone. Brad was expecting a call from his girl and after an hour and five minutes, hf! "blew his cool." In 111.·o years Linda "'·ill go to college, if her brother doesn't kill her before then. r can't wa it two years. Please tell me what to do. They\•e had at least fiv e fist fights 1;1nce January. -\VAR lN CINCINNATI DEA R V.'AR : II Is normal for siblings tn bave diA crttmenls, but what yoa deacrlbt Is more than broth er·rlskr sq uabbl lng. l l ls assault end baUl!!ry. Sucb naktd hosllllty and oul-<tf-<ontrol violence n@eds invrstigallng. I recommend coonseUa1 for bcttll Unda a.od Brad. They must learn how lo dinipate al'lgf!r and bandlf! fru1tradoa In w1ys tllal •rt socially atteptablf!. ANN LANDERS DEA R AN:'>J LANDJ::RS: Jrroinr ;ind ! 1rere married 16 years agu -a double ring ceremony. He used to wear hi s 11·cd - ding ring all the time . About six rnonths ago he began to tea\'e his ring al borne when he went to \\'Ork. I thought it was just absentmindedness so I asked hiT about it. He reluctantly !old me that he has de veloped a little arthritis in h,s fingers and the ring is hard to get off and on. \\'hen f offered to ha\·e it n1ade larger he mumbled, "Don't bother." A few days ago r suggested to .Jerorne that he carry the ring in his pocket as H reminder that he is married and the father of si x children. lie became an- no.ved and sna pped, "Don"t be stupid." Jerome is home f'\'Cry night alld alv.•ays has been a good husband and father but now I \\'Onder if perhaps he isn't sceini:: someC>ne during lunch hour -someone v.·ho thinks he is single. \\'hat do you think? -illHS. \'. DEA R N.: I think tbt father ol fiiX chlldrf!n doesn't nttd to carry his \\'ed· ding ring in hl1 pocktt to remind him he is married. All be bas to do is look at the grotcry bills. A m;in v.·bn I~ at home every night 15 nol likf'ly to be cheating during lunch hour. DEAR At\N LANDt:l'lS: \ ltHv t'Jn a girl lei! if a fel!o1v rea lly likes lier \\'lthout ('On1ing right 01i1 ant.I asking 111111"! l a1n dying tn know but rin too c;hy to put U1e ri ucstion 1fl )11111. 1\1r. Drea1nboa l ls f;iirly cxtrovcrtcd but he has nt\'Cr \·crbalizcd his feeling.~ abotJL 1ne. ll 11·ould niean a lot if he "tl !>'1Y ~01nct h 1ng. Yuu arc a\vfull v i;ood \\'Jlh 1~or<ls . Con }OU work up 11 sPntcncl' ur twu !hat 11 ill tell n1e v.·hat I 1\•ant to know 1111hout being to-1 brash or Jorv,.ard"' -VIOl.ETS AHi:: BLL"E DEAit YI : lf you·.,.e gol the n1u ... i , ~on rlnn't need the v.·ords. It's how th e iuy treats ynu lhiil counts. Stith! Bahy, srl- llc. \\'hat is French k1ss111g:' Is it v.runi.:~ \\'ho should set the necking hm1ts -the boy or the girl~ Can a shotgtin \\'Cdding succeed? nead Ann Landers' booklet. ··reenagc Sex -Ten \Vays to Cool It." Send 50 crnts in coin and a long, ~elf-.1d­ dressed. stamped e/1 \Clopr. LIBRARY EXH IBIT -Jlrcpartng an cxtub1t of patriotic first day cover po~ta.i;e sta 1nps :a re (left ln right ) Mark and ~~lie IJ11 gle, both n1rmhcr~ nf l1enry Bo\\·cn Soc1e1y, l/11J dren of t~m cncan f!cvolution. an d l\lrs. lJonald \V . l\l<1c Lcod, n1en1bcr ol C:ol. \Vi!11an1 ('cibcll ('ll <i plcr, l)a11;::hlc r , of lht· .l\rneric:an ncvoluti on. Society Marks Week 11enry Bo\\en Soc I e t y . OU!dren of the American Revo I u ti on, ,,·ill 1n<1rk PalriolJc Educal1on \\' e [' k which bf!gins next Sund;,iy v.iLh an exhibit of unusu.al patr1ollc first dly postagt stamp co1 er" in Mariners Library, Ne"''port Beach. The exhibll h1&hl1gl1L'> tht American Credo 11 e r 1 e s . American folklore. D ;i n i e I Boone alld thr lnth an · Nven:ary of U.S pn'lage iitlmpg. Thi!! s t1c 1t.ly .1vh!r!i i~ r;ponoor@d b,v Col . \\'1 lh ;11n CubelJ Chap1er, DaughlPrs of the A me r i ca n Revolution. v.·orked an the f'Xhib1t under ~upervislon of f.1rs . Donald \V. l\lacl,eOO, St'Tiior historian or the ~1ety. Organized in l96S, lite ~ocie· Party Honors An c:ild-fa..,h1oncd S 11 d i !! II 1wk 1n~ nay rarty has hr.rn r iann"rl for n1ern bcr.~ of !he l!;ilrcrr~t Clun And t.hr1r ~urst .. , ~;iturd:iy, Oct. 1 l. Tht> ''!urn about'' p,1r1y \\Il l With Patriotic Display 1v is led by John PeterSf'n. prtsidenL Assisting tu1n are Nan"Y Buccota . \"1~ pre~i­ dent : Robin \\"ethc , l"harlain: Karen Nord . secrrtary: Oal'td ~1 artin. lr"a!'urer: :O.ton1f'11 Davis, historian and librari;on, Sad ie Hawkins begin 11·11h a huffC't dinner ;ii ~ p.m. and 1\ 111 concl11rlc 11 1t!i danc1n,1:: frtJm 9 In I a n1 Accc1Hing rc:-;r r1 .111011.~ :irP \!rs. Brrnard '.\1alh1r~nn ;i.11;. :t1flfi. 11nd t-.lrs. John !~on nl1 , ;.Jj-20<\2. ,, and Ed"'ard Thoina.~. fl:i~ bearer. l\l emhcrs hl p 111- fonnation n1ay be flhlaincd hy <'ontacling l\lr5. Ed1\'ard Cox, 8i7-8 i27. !'pcoming r;oclal e1'ent~ 111 · 1 !uric a ll:irve~t l\t fl n n weekend pnrty for members of !"everal chapters in Mf'nry Kon-iak Runnini;:s Sp r i n g ~ Hl'ln(:h near Thousands Oaks tJ<! 2'l-2fi ,\Ir. alld l\1r-. \:eorj!t' D BuC'COl a \11 1 l ! <'hnpcrnne rh;i11trr n1rn1hr r~ ;ittr.n<l 1nc. H1r h 11 \' r 1 rl r , h:irhrcoc, danrr ;1 11d .(\\1111 p.1n y, PICKET LIN E l irg1ng in\"olvrn1cnl in ;in _.\rca ll confrrcncc, f'ali for111 a l:;-rd crat10n n! \\"orncn ·~ ('lubs .. Junior :'ll cn1bcr<.h1p are I left In r1 ~h11 1Jir' \l i ne~. <;eor.s!(' l\c1 n p. llt111llngton Hf'::ich J unior • "' .... ~-.. . , .. ~ ··~ .. ,. \Von1an's Club: .la1nes CO\\·an. Laguna Ilcach Jun· ior \\"01nan's Club; Keli O'Brien. 2; Thomas Bandy, f"osl<i r-.tcs a .lun1nr \Vornan's Club. and Eugene l\o\'ach. Nr\vport Beach Junior Ehell ('Jub. Art Cla ss Arranged \1 1~ .:i nd t'r;1fl" { J,1''l'1< 1. II li1· -pnn:;orrrl Tll11r~d :1:,; n 1i:i11 ~ 1!11 1"111g (}r!ohrr h~· lhc 111111 t111i.:111n Flr at·h .Jun1ur \\"(•!llt111 , 4 l11h. County Women Attend Long Beach Conference Tornorr01\' forn1a fllrn 11 ill hr 1nstructcd by ~1r~. \\'1!1 1.1111 Lnkken, and !\-!rs, Larr.v n u h 11·1!J 1ca~h papirr 1TillL'hr C•n Oct. J6 and df'coupagc on Q{! 23. !\-!rs. \V1llian1 Bi~s 1rll! nf. !er instruction in f1gur1C dr;.ip- ing during thf' final scs ... 1011 ,,n Od. 30. <.:lasses 11·111 be condur!Cd b~·twt.'{'n 8 ;ind 10 30 p ni. 111 the C'lubhousr , and !hrrr 11 111 b~ a ch;irgc of $1.50 per 1·l;is~ \\'llh all proceeds b c 1 n i:: donaled 1o the t;olden \\'t~t College drarna df'partn1e11l. Hefrcshments 11·111 be :lcr1·- rtl . and additional information , including " list or nrcessary material~. may be nbtaincd hy call!ng r.Irs. Cody Taylor. 968· 2338. Extravaganza T~appening 69 soon v.·111 he h.ipJ>('ning 1n the Disneyland !lot('!. .Junior \'oluntcers of St. .lo~"'flh Ho~pital. Or11nge. v.·111 I)(' ho11nred durinJ: lhe dinn<'r dance t'riday Oc!. 10. "''hich 11 ill feature Thf' Clo~cr Thai~. :i rock 11roup fron1 Thailand. I ln!lyv.·nnd cnlcrtninment and ,\·11,'~ L!~ l°O\\'lrv, ~I 1 s ~ Orange County for 196!1 :-.11111' nlllcf.'1':. ,1r11J ~·hcurn1rn. C;:i!iforn1a !-"C'deratif)n or \\"on1en·, Clubs. J 11 n i or ;\lembership v.·ill be hanorcd by Orange District during a b11Hrt next J-'riday night in i\e1~porL Beach !::bell Clubhousr. i\lcinbers or clubs in Oran~e Dislril't, California Federation nl \\'01nrn's Cl ub:.. .lunior \lcn1bcrslup arc invited to al - tr•nd an inforn1;il rttept1on f11r sta1£' officC'rs ;ind chairmen \1·h1ch \1·11! follow thr d1nn£'r. All <'lubwornrn in De An7:i, Or;i nge and San [)1c1-:o Junior d1s ll"lt'IS arc a1tcnd inE! ::in Ar£';:i 1) conferent:e plannerl for ncxl ~aturdny 1n Edgcv.•ater Hyat t House, Long Beach. Theme fo~ the n1eeting. !it'lectcd by Mrs. Arthur Korn of Yorha Linda, Area D vi ce president, v.•ill be "He climbs highest v.·ho helps another up .'' Hcgislrallon anrl eoh ec \\ill take place at 8.30 a.n1 . rnllo\1·ed by a g eneral <1ssc1nbly at 9. '.\\rs. Thornas Chri\lcn,.en nf l.AJllg BcaC'h, J unior .state 1l('an nr ch;11rrnen, will direct .sta1P 11rp:irltncn1 cha1rmrn 1 11 n1orn ing v.-orkshops drsigncrl Year's Plans Made Models Name Leaders l\·ew officers \\'ere elected ;ind pl<1 ns made for tht: year "''hen the ~llss Pri1n l\lodrls Associntinn openf'd its c·urrent sett son. Assu1n1ng lc11dcr~h!p ro!rs \1 ill be the :0.llsscs Candy Ca rlson of fount.ain Valley, presidenl: Ahne \Va rd, Costa t-.lesa. \ice prestden l: \"1rJ;1nia Rob«rts. Hun!Jngton lleach , secr<'tary. and Shiela \Yard . Costa illf'sa trrasurrr. The group n1ade plans for a hrlkr s.i !r. !;:1tun111\'. Oct. 11. 1•h<11red bv lhe r-11~.~c~ Sherri :\louland · Bnd Colleen Rai:- • shaw of llunl.Jngton Be a c h ;ind Barbara Shaffer and Iris Buckley or Costa ~1esll. i\lf'rnbcrs also parlicltialc in ra.\.hion shQl\S fnr ch;iritahlf• organ1za t1ons throughout the ) car. Ji ighlighl or the ~Car \\'Ill b(' ~ graduation bol l in Ap ril v.hf'n s tudent :i; graduatin~ frnn1 the ~1 J~s Pr11n AC'aden1y rec('l\C th('1r ccrt1l1catrs. Appointed tn lhe ball ron1- n111tf'f' 1\'('rt' the: ~li.~~es Pau1 l'1she:r. \V1:!~!1n111ster a n rl B;irb rir:i Pfppcr:;:. f'. rn n1 r !\('!Irr and Ret h C'ook 11[ 111111 1111gton Beach. In i11tu1'n1 rl1:-;tr1r ls and c!uh~ nf slate procerlure and proje<""t suggestions. Honored guest and spr.akrr for thr. noon luncheon will bP !\lrs. Dan l\1cKinnon n r Pleasanton, Junior state pres1. dent. Atlcnd1ni:: lhe conlereneit fro1n Costa J\lesa Junior \\"on1en's Club ~·ill be l\lrio. Thomas B;ind~·. presirl!'nl. ;in1l lh£' J\lmcs Hnn SI r n i:; r , llo11·<1rd \litehr!J an(1 Patrick !\larr!ulh \°r11·p1lrl Bf'ath J11n1•ir l'.:brlt (" I !I h y,· 0 Ill (' 11 w l l 1 h fl rcpre.~enlrd h1 !hi" i\·ltnc~. \\";1rrrn Fix. 1l re si de 11 l : l·:uRene KovAch. districl pres, <'h:11rinan . Frank II 11 g h cs, :->ta te iconl'enl1011 ch.;iirn1a n, ;111U Ja1nr.s i\·l1irar, Rogrr :-;hermPn, L1onc! D11Sllva and Larry illitchcll. Huntington !leach Juninr \\'omen's Club will b e represented by !he ,\1mes. Eugene \\'1lliams. pres1den1: St;inlPy llclting;i, district safc- 11 chairm<1n ; Oougl a~ .\lo~t np. d1~tnel inlcrnationa! affairs chainnan. and Geort;~ l\e1np. 'fed Heddlck, Karl Han1n1t'r, \\"endall E n1 d e, Daniel Dragcsteh and Ronald taffcll Arri\ 1ng for the con1crcnt·" lrozn El Camino Real J11nlur \1'0111en's Club \\"Ill bf' ~1r<. L<'~l1e \Vi!liams. presirlrnt and th(' ~t in(')> [l a 1 1 d l;;i fil"tC'hr . Er!11.1rd R 11~crll . l'.ilri<'k 11,.,, r' ,,nil l!t t rll lluLk . I • I .. --------------------- DAILY PILOT D:I Fall Fashion Picture Fab rics Mov e to Foreground Hobby Saves Budget 'S I ew Easily Seascape Artist Paints 1n Public Ar1!sl Bennett Bradbury \\'Ill paint an 011 seascape before ·the eyes of viewers during a spec1:J! arl den1ons tra!Jon spQn· sored by Aft 1hatcs of Lagunfl Beach Art AS50Ciat1on Gallery at 8 p 1n. Tl1urs<J ay, Oct. 16. Mr s. ''l1ll1<11n H BrllggerE, publici ty cha1 rin<1n . Th ! s J ~ !hr \ (' d I or Aquanus-aJJd the 'n.·~1 1)11111g of a new age 1n fa~htnn The nc1v age t~ a ino:-.1 c:-:· riling one l11;iL pcrn11l s 1·vcry ,1·on1<in lo he wh;il :;he \\';1nts to be-through !ashinn. \Voinen now rnuy drr~,r; for 1hr1r rnood, in~tCi.ld of lite f~'- 1·a;;ion, i::alllng u)}()tl 1ir1v Eilhourttcs and new f.1h1·1··~. :ind "'ill be 11n11tcd unly Ii~ thPi r in1C1ginat1n11 \\lomen or Cl 11 '! ~l{;ll 11 lio love clotl1e5 anri :-cw r;in !1nd cren n1r:irc f;i<,l11r111 ln•.-11 •,111 and ai::!11!'1·e 1t e.1~11.v tl1ro11gh nev,o 1Jrvr!op111r111.i Jll lllbnc:. ilnd not k1ns. Explain111g 11 1(' 11•'1v ;1d- 1·anccs and how lhf'v fit ra ~11v lnlo tod<iy·~ 11 ;11 dr11hc 11·,1~ lilt~~ \\ f'lldy ,\Jql'i:~. T.i!nn f.i shi on consul tant. TEEN SE\\'J,'\G 011 a lrip to \ari1111<; 1l "pn11 . n1ent stort>s lo pro111n!c h11n1r ~e1~·1ng. /'ll1ss /'11 nrrk pr·('sf'nt rd 11 rrevif'VI of fall ;ind spnng f;i'-'h1nns -inrl 1nlrnrl11 (rd Tal,..n 's f'nly~pun 1Jircad il:ld Jnvisible zipper. fl liss tllorck sa id !ll(•rc 1:-. " sewing boon\ on. a11d n1osl <;f'et111trl"i><:('s art 111 1hP lern bracket. Se1\•1ng IS the nun1ber one hobby or teenage girls, she added. Since r cad y · to ·,.,. r a r ~arn1ents arc so high in cosl. a n d since teen fads change r<ipldly and teen girls rapidly outgrow their outfits. the girls who sew can easily l1ave ;in rxtcnsive 1vardrobc ;it a rnuch tnorc reusonable price, she ex· pla111cd. 1111ss /'11orck s;"ud 111<.tl. con- s11n1cr« have an obligation lo lr1 n1anutucturer~ know if thei r products are faulty . su~h ;is Lhr('«d !h:f~ breaks or z1p- prrs l h a t do not \\'ork pror· erl y_ · Tl1c cn11~11 111er 11 e v P !' rral1zes how l1nport01nt h c r l"llllpl;unt 1s." ~he sa id. The 11-c.•ll-travel('d (ashion l'onsultanT lshe has logged nearly J00.000 m1!rs in I h e air I said tha~ California r<1pirl· 1,v is h('coming a force in thr. gan11eut indus!ry and t11at the rast•a l ou1lt1ok is 1nov111~ ca~t. California's use 11f bright colors particularly is catching on in the Lo~L l'ASHION l'ltt:o1cr10N Whal docs she predict for fall and \\'inter'! ·'There is a return lo the rnore clingy fabrics ;i 11 d fabr ics that move. Texture 111 f;ibn c is very important, such ;is damask patterns in cor- duroy or velve t done in n11.1gh finishes. "Trin1 \\'lll be used quiie a hit. Braid on d r es ~ e s , r:;pccially 1neta\11c braid for 1hf! holidays. 11·1!1 be big. .. Acce:ssori('s hilve nr1•cr hcen so in1port<111t. Loi ~ of chains and pearls, alons 11ith sc:1r1 rs. 11·t11 l>c seen. "Bright fabrics ar(' 1n .. .the hen1!in(' can he anywhere. "r..1o\"('1TI('nt to tht> silhou"1tr is con1111g in ... pleats and lahri cs th;1l movr. "Separates and coordin;ilcs cloininat('. '"A111m;;il fur, 1he n e w sy nthel1cs 111 royon a n d acrylir. arc big fashion iten1s. And for spring? "The 'little dress' 11'1\1 tP· appear. Sl11rldresses 11i ll be \·cry unport.ant.'' PATTERNED FOR FALL -l''rorn nnc pattern you ran go .o:;hort or long in 111·0 greal fashi 011 s. 'J'he :-hort version ~r.Lo; rt perky decorative zipper, l~·hile Jh c long jurnp.~111 l fc;:iturcs flCJrc d. c11f(cd If'~"· .---------------- 'l· .. \ ··-"' DECORATOR f ABRICS Re9u 11 r 2.9S to 6 9~ 1.49 l o 2.95 yd. __.._: Pil· 1«"1 (ln c! Antrn11 ,<;;:h..,,.r -fi,.. J <"'11«1111r \nt11.111•· :-..:111n' 111 .;i ll , '1llil l1t1"~ ;i nd, ,Jl or~-f ll '"n \\-,.;i\" l & Clri,cd \\-,.;;nr: Ru<J•·l r--l!ra1.~ 11r1~hl Co1 1 n 11~ f.· l 111•;1bl.-l,111r11; -T11·rrrly (.'ll~"ll'f"tl1<; nr :--rlf l.111<d i.'lliJl"ll'S -All ill 11111· ~;iJr pncr,- Jla1·r u11 r j111" 1·11:.i.1111 11 u1 k1nan- ~h1!) at ]O\V ~Oil" prll"f'S! -. J\l!ss ~1orr.;k , weartng a bone sy nthe!ic doublP. knit 1v.·0-piece dres5 v.·hlch , <Jf coorse s h e n1ac1e hf'rself, discu!'scd the new Polyspun thread 1nade especially.Jar double knits. 'fhe thread is a sy nthelic cored three-ply thread whi ch is wrapped in cotton. T)1e polyester core provides ihe elasticity needed l o r knlli;, i;ynthetics a n d pern1anent press fahries and lhe cotton Meath provides heat resisten· ry. ~11 ss r..tortk. \\'ho 1nakcs her hoine tn J\lountain Vie"" is a gr<idu:ilc ol $:J1 1 ,lo;.c Stale Coll!'gr . :O-hc r arncd hr r n1aslcrs degree lron 1 S;i n Jose St<itc 111 clothing and lrxliles ;ind 1'11s a Singrr Young S!ylen1a kcr cnnl{'~t \vinner, recei ving a trip 10 Pari:-;. Siie 1s part rif 'l"<ilon 's pro· gr:nn lo keep hon1emakers ur lo date on new developments in fah rics ;ind hon1e sev.•ing and will be appea ring in P('n- ncy's storrs throughout I.he l..os Angeles area during October. Musician On Show Young pianl.~t Andrea Lynn t-Iar!in v.·ill prrfonn for the Upper Bay As:r;ociates or the Orange County Ph1lharn1nnic: ~oc1ely v.·hen they rneet for ltn1chcon l\l0nrlay. Oct. 13 11.-,s1.1ng the !0:30 a.ni. i;<1lhrring 11·1\I be 111rs. R. \V, Pr11rllcto11 of Corrna del M<1 r, ;i~s1~tcd by !he t-1n1es. l\oberl. L<'ilh. Daniel G1lcrr~\ and \V l!~nn Li!llc . J\trs. Lt>illi. cl1a1n11.1n \1 111 r onducl !hr bus1nr~:r; prirl ton or lhl' lll('C11ni.; J\lrs. Rober! Hetzel will in· lroduce the ••r!1~t. wh11 1s a ~('nior al. Nc11por1 llarbor J !i~h School 111i~s r.1 ar11n, ;i f r~·riurnt ricrfonnE>r and accnmpani~1. ;it the :-choot. v.·111 prrfor111 ~t'l<'c· lions hy nee!hove n, Scarlatt1, Barton, Chopin and Debus$y. Beach Bab e1 Evrry \\'erlnesday al 7 p.111. men1 brrs of Tors Bea1h Babes con1"e11e 111 llun11ng1 c•n Beach J-Jigh Schoo! for prrr gra111,_ TIIlS WEEK •· -. -.r -··-- ,. .1 1 4 KNOCK-OUT KNIT -l\n1 1s ;n·r· 1:;i~v lr• 11 ~·;.1r, c;.1rc for Jnr:l 10 :_;r;v 1f y1111 11<.r ;i ~rcrJ<d thread \1 h1le cons·l r11 c t.111g 1!. The 11la.<.t1r11y of !he t.hre;:irl 1;;; con1· patJhlc \l!lh lhc f ~1hr1r . DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines The progran1 is the ::;econd Jn a serrcs of five public d('n1 · onstratlons arranged by ~1 rs. r-.turat Boyle, nie1nber o( the board of d1reclor:i. and To1n Enrnan, director of Lasuna Beach Art Association Gallery. "The art association is for · !un~tc in having this d1st1n- gu1shcd, celebrated artist dern- onstralc !us techniques as hi s ~chedu lc a n d conimissions g11-c him l1t1le tirnc for art progr<11ns. His long frlt"'nllsh1p 1v1 th J\lrs. \Villian1 G1<'sC!i('n, program ehai rn1an for !he Affiliates, 1n.1ke.~ his appear· anrf' pos~i hlr." ("l lnmentrd Bradbury, who 1s nationall~ J.:n1J'A"n, pa int!' ;ill .1s~ts ol thP. sea, capturing its exr1un~ action, color and changina 1·noods, ac1.:ord 1ng In ~1r;;. liru~err . lie has exh1b1led tn the Festi val nf Arts, and con· t1uc ts workshop!' in l.,.1gi118 Reach. San Diego and Palin Spnngs Colleclors of his 1~·ork in rlude the Shah of Iran. ~Ir!> s,1n1ucl Du P<Jnt. Pai!! G"!!J .Ir .. Ht1nllngton Harrl ord an~ Count «nd Counless di Gralll. 1-l!s \.\ork al so hang~ 1n m1J· ~eutns. universities <inrJ ei.;e,.u· live office:; throughout th t C"Olllllfy_ Non111e1nbrrs 11'11! be cha r;;· rd ~2 for Llcket~. follnw1n~ the program, the f1n1shPd ~ea.· srapt> •1111 h{' offercrl fqr sai l". WEEKLY SPECIAL! Take Advanta9e of These LOW-LOW PRICES! • October Srh to l Sth Only • The TOPPER • wh.,let de1i gned for t ht fill·il"I or add-on. Regular s.9.S ••. SAVE 1.so The WIGGLE • wigl•t with loti of curls and 1wfrl1 R99ular 7.95 ••• SAVE 2.00 The MAXIE 1 wlglt t •o 1.•rgs It •t yle1 like a <11t1d1. Regul1r 10.95 ..• SAVE 3.00 . . ......... _,. You 'll t'l ho SAVE on the F11 bulriu\ TRAVEL WIGS 3.50 5.95 7.95 • • • The new \c.ien liflc. f1bt1rt of !00°1~ Ka nek11lon that i1 e11 1y to. t~re for: Th e tru ly mlrec.l e ""•g. ••;:~;·• Now Only 19.95 m /}/). , WIG & BEAUTY a{{ie .1 G,sALON ·, 250 E. 17th ST. D COST A ME SA 548-3446 DAILY TILL 5:30 THURS . & FRI. TILL 8:00 S(l)'S ..• "LOSE WEIGHT & PAl~ BY TtlE INCtl!" \\l1y buy a years membership in a C)m to lry anri lose n-cighi. !hrDugh strcnuou.~ f'Xerci se v.·hcn y1J u CJn buy effo rt/ct;<; weig ht reduction and pay by the 'inch ;i.L Gloria ~1arshal.l's ... pa trons, ba~cd on arf-ual recnrrl", can ar hirve thei r g011I in a ~ little as 4 to 6 "'·cr!.s and LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN FIRST 10 VIS ITS 1t Gloria 111arshall';; al1i;nys co1;ti; ll'l'6, much lr.~s than othrr \\'f'i;;hl rrd111!ion progra ms, that's one o{ tlc rc.asons they became the WORLD'S LARGEST oM1ed and operated Figure Control System A'5 the ?\at.ion's leader, you can depend on it, .• results come quickly •.. &a.rely.,. '"'ithout strf.'nuous exerciSf'. starvation rlic1i:;, or mei:.sy 6v,..eci t."u iL". 'VE ARE NOT A GYM! v' Call for FREE sample vi&it. Actua!ly use. under superviE-ion, t.he Gk,ria J\l ci t; h.1JJ machines, including our patented "Circ-La-1vl:~Lic" ••• ee~ v7hy G!ori;i ~.\nr:.h:1I!',. F'igurc Conbnl System became the Worl d's largest. ' ' "Tell us tbe dress siz e you 'vanL to l11ear, and we'll tell you how inany visits it will take and guarantee in writing that you will reach your goal. In fact, so absolutely positive are we that you will obtain your objective, that as stated in our guarantee, wo will even let you have :FREE OF CHARGE, any and all further visiU!, until you reach your goal. It's positive assurance that we back up our guarantee 100%. Come ill ro mfo rtable casual cl.0th.es, di.srobing unnecessary, Private playroom fa cilitk• for small chil.dren . FIGURE CONTROL SALONS NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific. Coast Hwy. 642:3630 12 llotb la' ef lolboo l111r Clwbl 1140 Wlil 17,h ST.. 543.,457 SA NTA ANA D1ily l·I, lrt. 1·5 • llllUm1rl,ird 1H M1sltr Cb1111 w11c ... AN•Ntt.~, ll:YllllY Hil t \, COY!OfA, C:ll:lNSH•W. Of)Wl<lfY. C.ll!t.101\ll:. l &l(EWOOO. lOl<I• llE~CI(. l<l[il'll'Ol>f ~E•r ... NOl!fH l<IOl lYWOOO. ONTl\1>10. l'~'/\0{""· \e'l (!'!!'.'""'· $,\NT• llN.o\, ~.t.NTA l!.o\P.llAll •. ~\i .. lANO. l &ll:l.t.NJi, WkltTl£11: S•IOn• 11•0 ,~ f ll tU!O, JAt:i~MfiNIO. $,,N J0$1. JUNNY YAll!'., l'IJiLNl.IT CJ!IEI(. S.Jons 11./.Jo in Fr11no, 5dtrnmrnl o1 5dn fo1r, Sr11111y1·11lt1 Wdlnul Crrt' ..................................................................................................... ,... ......... . ·'.P4 DllLV '!LOT s ·. Many llE•l'll:IO''I Not9: 1' .... -to F&-.l"t11., v 111ev, Hvntl..,'WI 81oci., Oc•1n vi. ... loffl ... ,,. -wutml"" .,.., klm Oi•lrk:t P.,Ml·I••~ ..,-. ''"r111'°"' Wiii •-•• "' 11'9 Dilll Y ,.llOT tic~ Wffk IMWmtlton m\l\! M ,....twd bv M•o. GllDtr1 l u•l>blill, Interests '• ~n Ml ... ''-Ori..... H""tlnpton REPORTS : Execut ive board meeting took place !asl ri1onday. Fina[ plans ~·ere made for the unit mrctint;. freckle contest and participa t io n in lhc barbecue. Attending the meet.Ing and serving as of· ficers and chairn1en t!us yea r are lhe Mmes. Ray 1~1eeman, preru:tent: James Diederich and Ed w a rd Livengood, vice president~; Charles Porter, secretary ; Gaston Bergevin, treasurer. Par90n Holladay, parlianH'll· t;irian; \Villiam \Vi Ison, historian: Joseph Bales and Richard G{'fl)ulC, hospitaht ~, Jferbert Schlesinger, com- munity information: Robert Samjl60n. youth coordinator : rl1nner is '.\Ir~ Al\111 l.1jl"~l. C l1llmtl 1Pe 1nrn1hct~ 1nclo•lc the r.11nes. Nate l'e1nste1n, \\'11!1nm ShccL<;, S t an 1 c y !loss, Russel! Bennett. C. i\L hnox, \\loodro>Y fltalney and Jlerbt'rt Norr. 9udl to.. s •..., Fdo11 tor p..011· t 11id!o w...i-11 ) Arevalos PTO Airs. Jack Llbidinsky Preaident CO~i!NG UP : Get·acquainted coffee will Lake place tonight al 7:30 1fl the Fountain Valley home of lhe J Patrick Galvins. Gue sts w1 1l be residenUi of the Ranch a f.fesa tract whose children are bussed to Arevalos. Robttt Lindi.1rom, building educat1onal lcade.r. \\'ill be pre!ent lo answer queit ions concerning school policies and progra1ns, and ex · eculi ve board will handle qtlfries concernini; PTO aclJ\'ilits. Bushard PTO Mn. Ray Flteman Prcsidenl C0f.1ING UP: Frecklt con t.ts! 1v1l\ lake place \\'ed1H.'~ay, OcL 15, w·ith prizes lo be av.·arded u1 ~ r.,.. f' r a 1 categories. \\'innrr:; 11·1!1 be introduced at unit mf'etlng and rkle in the Fountain Valley barbecue parade ... PTO will operate a Ton1 :-lawyer fishing booth at th e harbecue ... GeU1ng to Know 'l'ou is the theme of th r unit mef'tini; lo take p 1 '! c e \\.'edntsday. Oct. 15, at 7.JO p.m. Carl Schmidl and Giann i Genl1ll i, nev;sette; Tho1nas Boardman, ways a n d means; J oseph Steinmc11., room mothers~ J a m <' s f\1orhain, laboratory aidt·~: Larry Lepley, health and "'elfare; Thomas \V hi I ('. library, and P<1l1ncr Bradley, publicity. Clegg PTA f\lrs. Al\'in Lipett President CO!\t!NG UP: Plan~ are und er \Yay for a spaghetl 1 <l.innrr lo be presented Tucsr!av, Oct. 28, in the ;iud1t t1 r11111 1. Funds raised will be clon:itcd to the \\'estm1nster Sch(l(l! D1st r1ct for porehase of heart disease de tee ti on equipment. Chairman of the C olle ge Vw. PTO fltrs. Ri chard lltgl~ Prcs1clent COt-.ll~G UP· B;ick·l<>-school ru ght has been changecl to t-.1onday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 p.tn . No unJ l mt'et1ng will l.akt' place. anri parents $ho1 1lrl report d1rf'ctly to thl'tr child's ~ lassroom. Up- JX'r grade ~tudf'nts v.·10 ~II rrrrrshn1ents dunng t he t'l f'ninJ: to r;i 1se fu nds for student council. Fulton PTO J\lrs. Rol>t'rt \\"elch President CO'.\·ONG t:P: PTO member!> 11·1!1 allend a discard \){)(lk f;i ir t0r\ay anr! lf!ITIOTTOW . in <·urriculum 111 a I e r 1 a 1 :- center, Fuuntain \I a 11 e y lron1 9 a.n1 tn nnon . 01S('flll· 11nued trxttx:i r.ks 1~i11 he ;:iva1lahle Irr~ ~'f ch;irgf' 10 .111 parrnts 111 tile <l1 s!nr l r.tr:-.. John !'llonrlii, \1hrary air\e chatrman. r.eports 1.h<it pa rents n1a.v t.1kc-as 1n;:iny books as thry can ca.rry, hut 1n11st supply thr1 r ov.11 con· tainers ... Boy Scooi re· (''Tul!m~nt day 1•'111 t.:1ke place \\'ednesdav. Oct. 15. lo o r g a n i z e PTO-sponsored ·-------- .. • On Your Mork Ready Go! Fulton School has bill ed their membership dr1\r lhr f;re01t TI 1rr ("nn!.1n111ng through next Friday, youngsters arc racing a ;:o111~t 111nc ·111 \' 1:1 pt ! 1.C':-. {)n their mark are J im and Jnnn Jacobsen , 1\·hosc 111olher :\lr." .l ;<1nlt'V .l..;roh,.rn ,._ membershi p chaim1an. J\lcDonald's Jla1nb11r;.:rr " 111 \!11n!1nt.:t011 .Br..1\'h 1s rln- nating food certificates for first p1izrs and thP !"Tll 1. nffei tng it·e crc31n for s econd prize .. A. pennant \l'iil go to the \v1nn1n.; c\c1 <."n 111111 . -- -o:J • J ~ ' ... Not Counting Calories Winners of Huntinglon Beach tfigh School's PT.~ nien1ber:h1p d r1vP. \11Jl hr awarded banana ~pli t ~. l\'ot think ing of ca lnrirs i~ ,\'orn1an Fu n i!~. .\~B pr:e &ident who i ~ :r;erved the fipec1al treat by \\ood r,-nv Sn11th. pnnc1ral. The drive will continue 1hrnu_g h Oct. 31 \11th ;\Ir .... f)nn :1lrt ('rnt1. .1-. 1 l1Ji1111 111. ~fen1berships al~o 11 tll be .'.lcccptcd duru1g lJ;.iLk·IO-~Llln0I HJi-:ll t UL t ~i. I Lure Parents Back-to-school p.i1.:h! <1nd den!> , .Ba ~e sale \1·11J be featured al back- to-sct:.'.lol night Thw·sdily, OcL 13. at 7:30 in 0. multimedia room. In charE,te of the sale is !11rs. Wd· \iam Roberts. \1•ays and me a n s chainnan. 114.L!ni- bershlp drfll:e \\:inners \Viii be announaed and parent.~ 1v1Jl visit 1 nd iv ! do a I cl~roorns. REPOR'TS : 1968~9 h1.c:torian '1; hook was presented to Ed Lave ile, pr1oeip.1!, al unit rnectJng. Armuai sch o o I h11dget v.·as approved ... Students L<irM! Poppe and :-.11ss .Jeanne l\ato received <·crl.ificates of 1nf'r1t al the Fountain Valley co u n c 1 1 me<>t1ng last \Vednesday for their enLr1es In the American Constitution essay contest . . . 10 teaa1s no1v participate in rvro bowling league meftin~ in l\ona Lanes each Tuesday at 12:30 p m. New !cam members nre J\lrs. \\'ayne Sealy and t-.1r~. Roy Cunn tngham ... i\'e111 co-chaiTT!len ratified a~ rrn e}:ecutive board me('tlng la~t Thursclav arc t h c :\I mes .. John °Lynn, health and 1\·eHa rc ; Derrn r-.tcNair, n1e1nber."hip, and Fr a n k llolalo, \\"ays and n1eans . Harper PTA !\!rs. Lorin Lammers President CO~llNG UP: Back-l<>-school night "''ill take place in con- 111nclion with a unit meeting 1onight at 8. Special feature ~ will be a book sale of PTA· • selected books •.. Tea foe F/i"pper room mothers "ill take Pulls for the Allen Carnival place Thursday, Oct. 16, at 3 JO p.tn. Ha ven Vi ew PTO Lee Ha rtv.·ick Presklent J."Jippcr is on his \I ay to the carniYal. Urging !tun 1o be on time are Jodie Brooks and L1~a J_,c11·is llefl 1o r1ghl) .. A..llcn P1'.i\ is spon!:.oring their first carnival next Sa turda_y fron1 10 CJ 111. to 4:30 p.tn .. A.ccording to !\-1 rs. Prent Yandell and )Jr.~. Darrel Larson , cha1rrnan, I.here \1·ill bo concession booths and 1nany sur· CQ,\lJJ\"G UP : Bark·IO-SChOlll night and unit meeung "'111 f,1i..e place tomorrov• al 7 p.ni. in the kindergarten rooni. Annual budgel will he prC'!>CntC'd for adoption. thrtr t'h1lrirt'1f.~ Jlefrcshmenl s v.·lll l'd. 1vork . be ser·. · O ak Vi ew PTA 1\lrs. flank Standridge President in the program. Andy !'lfoore nf r--.·orili An1er1ca 8poke on 1he recent lunar landing. t-.lembership contest 1\'J!J cnrl \\"ednesday , Ott. 15, and pr izes 11·111 he ;n~arded ro \••inning cla sses at a special ineeting that evening at 7 JO. Awnrds v.·111 be ac· <"01npanied by a sh~11ving of a film of the lunar landing. Ple asan t Vw. PTO kindergartners a n r:I ad· d1tional audi<>-vi.~ual a1d1;. 'rhcse gifts and repair of the office tnimeograph machine v.·ere financed by PFO fund- raising event.s last year ... Newly appointed chairmen are tllrs. tlf ichae\ tllcClanahan, way s and niean~. and tllrs. George t.lunday, ne1i.·s!ettcr. Schroeder PTA l"OY.' :it\ 7 :!U p In. Ill lJlf' 111ult1purpo~ rooni. Plans tor the evening inc!udr in· trodtH.:t1on of (a cu 1 I y members, classroom vis1t<1- t1on and present.al!on of the budget for app ro val . Befrcshments will be scr~· f'<l .•. Me1nbcrshi p dri ve v.·111 take place {rorn Friday, O<:l. 10, to Friday, Oct. 24. llEPORTS: Exci.:utive board nie1nbers approved the an· nual budget for presentation 10 the general n1ernberslup. Officers and chairmen scrv· ing this year are the J\tme:.. Birch J\1atthcv.·s, pres1denl: Chris Schneider. vice pre.51· dent , \\'ill H. om i n t , lfl'<1s urer : Clarrntt> Ste1>1·111on, historian: Rit:hard <; i llun1. parliamentarian; Keith Ed\\'ard~. health and 11·elfare: llobert Cardin.1 I, hospilailty: llohcrt Greely, library aides: J a n1 e ;. Schendt"], 1ncmbership and \\·e!coming; \\11l1Jain Sinkey, nev.sette; Elias Alcarai, amenities : Frederic k Gllh:;, llilrenl education; Cresencio i\lartirtei , parent a ! d " \\'ilhan1 Kysella. r o o rn re p res e nlat1vrs: Frerl Foutch, publi city and prr~s: Roherl /{iesc, m us 1 c boosters: James n. ah m ' scholarship: Ja1nes Bud· dingh, ~tudcnt aclivities. and Charles Keane, v.·ay:; and means. Wardlow PTO !ltrs. Gtorge r.teeban President COM ING UP: Unit meetin~ and bac\i·l.o-school night v.•1!1 take place tcinight at 7 with p;irents visiting classrooms. of studen t s from kin· rle.rgarlen through t h i r d grade anr\ those in the educationally handicapped program. Unit mect.ing will 1<1kc place at 7:45 in the mu.ltipurpose roon1, and REPORTS : Proposed burigel and possi ble f11nd·ra1 sing projects 11Trc d iscu~scd at .111 <'XCl'ullvc hoarr\ rneetin,i:. 111 .1dd1t1on In a bowhng lr·1~111" :ilr"1r1y 1111r\rr 11 ,l\". PTO plans to prod11rr <I :<-how i-11111lar to 1.he1r carlirr pro· 1h11·t1on, L3ff \n _ 1\ <i ani.:r. 11alnut i;a\r. pa~r dr11r~ :inr\ bnkc .c:a!rs a!~n 111\l llf 111cludl'd 1n t.he \l il}S :in rl mranS" 11ro~ra1n . J· .. !fn· 111gs !ron1 last yr:1r·~ f11nrl· r;i1:-1ng prnJPCt~ J1..i1 c h(>Pu used lo purcha~ boo);.s valt1ed at $500 for the sch(ll'll l1hrary. In addit.1nn, $10 Y.'a.~ con1ributed ro each of the 19 class-rooms to p u r c h a s c neede<f cla~sroom items nnL 1nrl1ided In f..he d1 str1ct budget. C0'.\11/'\(; lJP · Booths can hr rented tnr a ~2 fre at H1£' s~·:1p and Sl1or Fair to he prr..,t.'1111 d :-.;1t11n!a;, Ort 2:,, !r,.111 lfl a m. lo 5 fl 111. l 11£i1\·id11;1ls or or gan1lat111ns 1ntcrestrd in part1r1pal 1111:; m:iy <'all :-.t r~ Edward J\l11rn:-;k1 at 3~2-0798 .lim .Jonr-s President parents of fourth !Ii.rough e!gh!h graders 11·i ll 1isil classrooms. Bluebirds \\'i1i conduct flag ceremonies at the mttting. and faculty members and new executive hoa rd members will be in· trod ucW. .Jrimes fl1acon, principal. v.·ill speak on goals for the year. Annual budget v.·il l be presented for appro\·al. and membership rlrive v.·ith the U1eme The \\'arriors will off i c i a 1 Iv i\l rs. Charles Spade begin. ln charge of the driv8 President arl': r..lrs. David \Vhill', Johnson PTA J\trs. Jrrn• ~utber\aod J •resident L.0~111\C; LP. t:nit mcct1ng an<! bac-k-1.-0-school rughl 1~·111 l;ike place lo1norrow night .i l "i .10 111 tht' 1nu!tip11rpo~ run111 rol1011·111,:; " hrirf n1t'rt1n!=. tC';rcher.c: 11 di be 111 trnducrd and par<'n1s will 1·1~1t thf'lf ch 1 1 rl r r n · ~ 'l;·~~r\.)l•fll~. Hclrc~hmrn\<;; '\'111 he sold t->v PT A 1hrougho11t 1hc even1ni;. Lake Vi ew PFG D<1le Smith Prcs.ir!ent Cf>\il\"G l"P · Bonk f ;ur '' 111 be a ~pecial lcature of h;ir l..· tp-~chool night Tuesday, Oct. :.'L Fair y,•ill k1ck off a c<1n1· p;:iign to estahhsh a new school library. Books can br purchased by parenl.!! and rtnnated to the library. f)Onor 's namr. \vi!l be in· scribed in each boo\i he con- tr1butrs. Newland PTA f\1rs . George Cross Presidenl CO~IN G UP : Open house and unit meetn1~ y,·1ll ta ke p\11ce "/"11rsd;:iy, Ort. l~ at 7 30 r .m. in lhc corps room . Follo,,..·ing t1 brief business n1cet1ng. parents 11·11[ \•isit the cla~sroon1s and \'Jew CO.\llNG UP . J!allo,vee n parade ar.d carn1\·al 11·111 1ake placr Saturday. Ocl :!5. Parade \rill be~in at 11 a 1n , and prizes 11·1][ be a\\'ardrd for the bc:.t t:ns1urne s. Carni1·al "·111 feat11re i:::an1C boot hs. rakr 11·alk, ~ronk ho11sr anrl country store .1L "hich a variety ri[ handrnade art1clrs c3n h" purchased. Hot dogs, chill rtn;~. ~lorr.v iocs and hot and colr\ r\rlnks 11•i!l be sold. CO~ll i\"I. VP : The Ship That chairman rind !'ltrs . Larry fl~POFITS· At bark-ln-~rhO(ll tllf;h1 rne£'t 1ng. r.T r~. Jl;int.. ~J.inr!r11l~e pr r:;c111rd a chrc:k for $100 lo Shcr1na11 Elliott. pr1nclpal, to ~11r­ plemcnt the school h1nc:ll fund . t-.trs . Beatrice tllart111 read an i nsri ra tin n a I 1nr.ssagc, and tllr~. Richarrl Kellogg. second vice pre~1· dent. nffic1ally opconcd 1he me1nbersh1p drJ1·:-L . Anthony Fn1nk, C1Jhm.1~tcr. srokr nn ~('n11t1n~ an rl rf'Cn111erl n1r111hrri'i fnr PTA~ :-Mn~orNI ('•th Srr11it p.lC'k 403 F.d1\arr! ·r~nl"" 11,1~ honnrl'd for IR~<' .r .1f 11flri.. for the rom1nun11v hnth ;i~ a "rhnol bo.1rd n1cn1t'l··r :in<I Hn~· S i'olll lf'.1rl rr licfrr.!-hlnPnts 11·f'rr "r1 r1J hy the cx<'ct1!1ve bl"lard ~a1 le<I the Sea of Learning is Rod J:: er s, ass is I.an!. thPn1e of the member~h1p Refre.shinents y,·11! be serv· r!tl \"e to begin !11onday, Ck!. ed. 1.1. to i\londay, Oct. 20., .1n11-p;-.,.;;o;;o;;o;;;..-;o-;;o;;o;;o;;;;;, ch arge of the dr1 1"e is r.trs. Lo11is Larson. Ln il mee1inr .and back-t<>-~chool night 11•HJ take plare t-.londay. OcL 13 , ;:il 7 :io p rn. 1.n th e, 1'afetnriu1n . Fl11~ ceri>mony 1i.·111 be presented by !he y. lndinn r.uir\cs. Bu s i n e s~ meeting 1\·11l be follO\.l'Pd by rl;issroo111 v 1 s 1 ta l i o n .. Parents will meet I h rl faculty and learn abtlut the \ ~·par"s c11rricu!um . Ba k e .~a le \11111 t11kc p I a c: el U1roui:;houl the e1·cni11i;: \\"tth ' .1!1 prCH..e!'d.; being rle\·otecl l: to PT.\ ph1lanthrnpies. Ar· r:tn,l!r ments are bring handl·i rd by j\lr!!. RobC'rl Norton. rha innan anri ;\lr~ Oli\·er rushing, ct>-Chairrnan I RJ::POnTS. Bfl11ling I r a 1n inro:-L~ r ach TuC'Sday :il ~ a rn 111 .S:1n!.111a l,.1nr". S;111· !~1 ,\na. An~11nc l\1\11 l\l~hrs 1r1 par1i1·1r:i1,. 1n~1 1•·lrphlnr 'Ir< rl!;!rlc:<. \'c.\;~lgr~;in;; t 842-6Z";"Zl. Robi nwood PFO :'<lr• Lrf' ~lock Pe rry PTO 1·11':-1rlPnt l\\r~. (.iror_i:c Kini; l.0~1!:-0:r. \'I' F'lai: r!!'tl1r1lin11 Pr('si rlr l1I 11 11! t;iki> )'~d1 r nn !hr ·'<'hflnl grounds \J nnda\', Oct . 13 . .ii ll>\11\'r. l P Exr c11t1v r 9 an1. r11bl 1r 1.c; lll\llrr! 1•1 hn:ird n11'1'1Jn!:: l\111 1.1);r hr;ir thr ~)X'.ikr 1 ~ ;j11d 111•'1'l pl/'IC'(' II\ lhf' 110111'' f•I ;'11 1".<-noted glll'!!!S. EXC'('Ull\"f' !"111·10 Th01nas \\'c.r\11~~rl;1~. bo.:ird 1nect1ni:; \1 11 \ tal-r 011 :::2, ;ii 7 :10 p rn . P lan~ place T11esr\<1v. Ocl It at 11111 bl' tnrn1ul11tcd f<1r .1 7 .10 p 111. 1n · thr t e~('hcr.~· p;1 rcr r!rile. lounge. _Girt~ soon In be Tamura PTO fl1r~. Hirch '.\1 attb~·s President c o;o.111\"r. t:P: Back·!O·School night will l.dke pla ce ton1or· Clean Canvas HEPORTS Hon.irary 1 i fr presentrrl to th(' :;rhnol h·1 mcn1br.rships ,1·cre ;i11·,1rrl~I PFO arc lnu r portable fl11n To brigh1en an oil painting :it thr uni ~ n1e<:ttn!! la~t ~creens, an O\"erhea<I pro-~ponge gently v.·ith rn i I d Thursday t() !-.!rs . .lo~rph Jeclor. f"Our !ape recorder:;, ))Oapeuds. F1t\.s. princ ipal :ind il\r~. play~round cqu1pn1ent in-Don't soak the canvas. Just Floyd \\llitnr.\', p;.i~t prf'Si· eluding a balance board (or hghtly wipe the surface clean., dent, for their 0111~t:ind1n'l"··;================'======== .-ontribuLt(lns to thf' s.-hool • Theme nf the cu r r r n t inembt>r~hip dri1·e, A Lunar Rock Hun t, was carried out Fountain Valley TOPS Lettuce·B·TOPS convene al 7:30 p.m. each 'J'ue~day lor1 programs In Fountain Valley Elementary Schoo l. I ------·--- • INTRODUCING FROG LOVERS TO CHOPIN! PARENTS, DON 'T WAIT UNTIL YOUlt CHILD IS OUT Of THI" FllOQ. LOVl"RS AGE BEFORE YOU G>IYf THEM TH( GIFT Of MUSIC-YOU WAIT AND IT MAY IE TOO LATI! Chlldre11 i11 the frot lffl .. •to•• 14·11 ore the ,.,,.., .,. f•r 1 .. 111i1tt '"1111,. Y a'"oho, ofter v•ort of NMOr'h de•iqited tlle Y fl'"••• Mu1lc Co11l'le to M111r• thot •H chlld19ft COii IHMI ll'lll•k .. Millio1t1 of Yo'"oho ••od11•'- fro'" ell •••r tti• world fe'ltlfy te the 111tce1s ot the YAMAHA. MUSIC COURSE. You do 11ot ho•• to h11y e11 111· tr11m•11t, ther. b 110 home 1t11dr -iu1t Ion of f1111 few rowr ildrett while ttiey leor• musl1. COMPLETE • •J 'T DfNY YOUR CHILD THI CM A NCI YOU MAT HAYI MISSfD IN YOUR CHILDHOOD . PRINTING SERVICE • Busintsa Forms • Letterhea ds • Inv itations • Tickets • Posttrs • Busine11 Ctrds • House Orgtn• • Menu1 SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE 642-4321 2211 We't Balbot Boulevard, Newport B1 ac'1 -------- ,. ., l·l''I' ·,.:.' ____ ... 1 THREE'S A CROWD PLEASER Our own Trio wedding set is very big on today's scene. Wedding band, engagement ring, and . man's band. S375 the set. SL~~.,~·:: 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-I JSO ~'II' (~$"01 ''''8u"I W@l(~,,,._fl •r~ArT'~'"4r<I, M~\T•r (~tr!I'• 10$ Op•11 Mo11d11v. f r!do., 1111tll 9:10 p ..... Cloue1 or• lre':r •nrelll11111 - wo11't vo• ,,...,. t lYo •• • coll 0111d I .. t1• •It•• VO¥ th• whole story of rite YAMAHA MUSIC COURSll YOUJI: llG>CJ.IST RIWAllD wn.L If WHIM YOUll FROW LOYI• LOOKS U, AT TOU A.ND TILL.I YOU ..• "I GAYE MT FRO~ A NIW NAME, lfETNOYIN." Don't Del1y-C1ll Totliy 642-1844 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL IN COSTA MESA Couple Travel To New Orleans Fjouquets of 11 hitc seu~un;il llol',rrs b.1nkcd th1: .,a.,r uf S!~. S1n1011 t!nd Jude Catholic Church, Hunungton lleal'h, \\'hen Colr11 c ,~'lane Heed and \\'ilford I! ll'i'>glll .Jr·. 1·x~ <"l1:1ngetl 11k·11· 11edd1ng \1111s ;111d fll\f:' Tl1e hnde. rl:1ugh1l'r of ~11« ;irHI ~l r~. Bdir(' !~ need uf llU1\t111g lo11 Be:•l'li , 11 ;1~ gi1t•n 111 1110Jl'l'i:i'.:r by ht·1· f:itl1c1· J· nr J1{'r 11 l'dtl111g ~ht' ~L·k'i:v ·d .in <i ri::in1.a go11 11 11·11Ji a I !011111g ):h1rl and 1·1l:1p1:I 1ra111 Tl1\' bod11·c ;111d tl1i: 1·11!1~ iJ( tl1c ~ht'l'T' ~!('.'('\ p, II l're. rL'·l'lll· hrflldrre<l l:1i c•, Jlld 111·g:1111a pc(;1b t'l'll(l'l'P(! \', ll h d1 '0 \J pr;11 Is held 11\'I' 1ilu:-1nn 1 ell :-hr ca1T1cd a (,:;1,,e;itlf' 11f ~lt'llllilllQ[IS :111(] l' ,L Il l I' 111 ;1 k·111 t•s. ~ll ~S J":•'lll'(' il1'1·d '~r1 1 ·<i :1'\ ht·r· ~1 ~!tr'~ 111:iid r;I hooor, ;111d !Jr1dl':-JJH11d :; \\I'l l' ;\l\~/i 1'<1111 f:r\ an 01 Lu11g l.ir:1l'il ;ind .\!1~:i. l\;.1111· l/;ind 111 13t'll. Th;·.1· ll l'l'C <11 11tf'd 111 p111'; 1·rcpr: g1111ns ll·;1tur111g U1111I · \;1111c th11f1111 slC'e 1·c<, 1111h 11hil« org;111 ~;1 1n111 ~111rl cli1f· l1tll )lalll'i !1'(1111~ l..1·11cllc li.illl;1 :-.1·r1r•d ;o s ll o•.1rr t:irL The bniJcgrvulll, liO!l ul i\.lr. <Hld Nlrs. \\'ilfo!"rl \\'right o( Hollywood, ;1 sked hi s brother, Jose ph \Vng ht lu scr\"r <Js bes~ nian. 11andy Jloss v:as in cti;1rgc 1it The nngs. and "r;11 1r.~ guL•:,ts 11·rre .J1rn l\lalluas, Larry L:1wrc11cc <ind l\c11111 Heed. Folloll'111 f.: tl1c· 1'l'1c1nu11y !lie llc'11 l.1·11·rds rcce11 ed r,11ests ch1r111g ;1 rel'epuo11 in L:1kc l'ark Clublio11 ~c \1·her·e the h1·1Ul·gru(Jl11 ~ ~1 ~tcr <Jnd sistc1·· i11-l:111 . ,\li.~s Brtn<la \\'ngl1l ;111d ~Ir ~ .. J o~cph \\lni;ht, <J11<l lhr b1"i<lf··._ sun1nty ~ist er~. ~\1 ss Alt;1 Cenn;111v and 1\1 1.~s l\lar:-.ha Erb ;;s:.i.<t~d . l·'ollowini; tl1eir \.\'cd<l1ng tr111 tn .\"('\\! Orlc<1ns, the couple 11·dl 10;1kc tl1eir hu1ne 1n Y:".l t'l1Cvi1 Je, l\.C. Tilt' bralc has been a1- tl'11d111r,: Californi;1 :) ta I e L.olk·gt• ;i( Lung Bcat·h and hr.r hu ·b;111d. 11'110 attcnde<! Orange 1 '0<1~L College I!> stationed al /·ort 15r;igg 111U1 lhe 1\1·111! .\ spc('1al g11c.st at th" ll'Cd· fl111g 11 ;i.' J\!r:-. I' r :int' e ~ l\:lu t ,ncr'. tl1r b r i cl 1· '-~ g:·;111d1nOlhf·I' fro in \1••s :,:•111)r ' Independent Stud y Coed Revisits India Nc11port Be;Jcli r r;., 1 Jc n l !lrlen Taylvr 1s 11s1ti11g her · ~ccond ho111e" l l 1i~ 11·intcr in Ind ia as r:1r1 ot her :.tud1cs al l'ornu11a Col1 rge :'iii:-.:-T;11l•11·_ 111111 st11<l1rd in 111'11;1 ;:1 ~ ·;1n ,.\1ncrie<:H! Fi1'id :~P r1 ll'C A111 t.•rtl'~1n /\ b oa rd ,,·li1lc ln l11gh sl'hool. 1.s (1 0 111~ :111 111dcµ~ndent s1ud,1 11 i t h the J·::-;perin1l•nl 111 1:1\rrnalion· :ii Li1·1ng :ii l:11 i:in·t \"1rl)<J- flilh L 1111 L'fSJI V Ill 1111' .. \~!I(' nl (;UJ arat. \\"l11lr :-.1 1111~ 111;; ;+I I 11 r 111111·1•rs1l v loundl·d hv ,\l:ih;1t- n1:i t;haridi !or l)li' ll;dllllllg or 111l:1gr st\1tlc11t ~ .. \l\ss T:t,l'lor 1111! wc<ir l1ilt1yr tire:-.~. 11 (';11 1' !'101 11. altcn<I ~cr11:11ars. 11~1l I ndian 1111;-igcs. (;11·1n~. f:1(· 1r1ncs and 1rn1ph·~. ~pend luul' 111 1neditallon and 11 ~11 lnd10111 l,11i1ilic!>. :-ihr II ill I i.•il 111'1' lnd1:111 P<ll'l'llls lrnn1 her l!lli~ ~111111n~r 111 India . 1\lr_ and i•dr~. NV, ~l 1!•noi. 11'ho :1rr :-:ric11tl111.; ih(' 11 111(er 1n \\'a~h1 11i;tn11 fl.I''. u11 h•T 11a_I' iJ:1('k In \':'J li io>l"tll.l ." SECOND VISIT He len Taylor ;11 1"1' hrr n1nr-11cl'k .~1,1 y Hi l11rl1:1 . :'ill(' IS :t 19(\7 Ji fl 11 (1 1· ~ i::r;1d11a1r of Nr1\pnrt ll ;it'hor I f1gli S1 ·honl :111d ll1r d;1 \1,l!.lit( 1· <11 ~Ii· :.i nd '1 1'~ J T:11 l11r rif .\r .. i"'"rl J:<':1C·h 'The Minimizer ' II\ ;in nndt•r"irr I• 1tl111111 1h.o1 h1 :2 br.i l\•(•h , n11n111i1 L111_::' ,111d ,h.111111 ~ lhc l1dl rr t1 ~11rc 1n •mr1>111i ('rl'!''-~1.·1 n;.1!•11 \t l<-1'1 lf•r 10da~ ·, 11'\ITl':'Cr 1.-,nl. Ir• an under" ire 1h:+1\ l1111rr .ind '-'•'nllc r .•l lh ( ,ulc • ,i nd !lndr r 1hc ,i1·111,, II\ an unrirr" irr 1h.11 \ (U111turi.1hlc nn • 11111 111' , , II'.• an 11nd rr11 ire 1111h )pw L )'( R:\' •r.1nd1'\ '1r.;:1,h h;ic l. ;;nd tiu1h -ur .1dJ11,t.1blr •lr:1 r'. :\ho ,11;1\L1hlr 1n l.1<-t ('r rnltnn/[),11 r0n 1•nl~ c-icr bl L·nd l-Jande;.111 111 l·ieigc or \Vh1lc ::::(i71i . B & C. $6 .5() D & DD . Sl .00" ''fhe Minimizer'by Youthcraft''/Charmfit ) ""' .. \ I I "-------------------_" ________ ---- F Petite Models In Maxi Uy 1\1,\RIS ROSS LONDO'.\! (UP!J The 11 \1rld of 1ash1o n niodehng IS flf)C for the di scovery of a great new nan1f' Roles She is only fi ve feet. onc·Jnch :ind n1easures 31·2~·33. 1 f ct irity Green, fa s h i o n editor of the London Dail y! Mirror, gave h('r a 1ry·o11t as a photogrciphic n1odC'l \1'1\h a , l'Cl"lain degree of success, but reported: ! ---------- Wedrwsday, Octobtt 5. 1%~ -----OAflY PIL~D.; IT'S A FA CT! If you spent 30 second s loo ki ng ot e och of our shag samples. it would take you over 9 ho urs to see them oll- so come early an d bring you r lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (2 Blkt. No. of Bullock's) ORANGE lluL the ques11011 i~. wl10 11 ill be t!ie new Tw11o;gy, ur the new lauer·than··rv,iggy jf Lhe poor girl has tu /toi ~t around t11c l1ea1·y lluor·IC11gth n1ax1 eorr ts lhal Pans fashion seers ill'C ti·J 1111;: tu pup11lar11.c. "At thr n1un1e11t fl l i s s HOURS: ,.§;)0 OAllY CLOSED SUN DAY \\'allentin speaks rather n1nre 1·~~~~~~~~~~~---------...,~~~= English th an shr un<l('rstands, and •Nhrn asked 01·cr the b1:1 ~t ot the Holli ng Stones' version (.111~· !;II'! ;ilread y has br1·11 dubhtd "lhc fact' of J~JiO " Shr 1~ Sur Hal!lo. 21, f1·0rn the B(•:1 t lc~· uld ho1ne l1)1111 or L111·1·puu l Sur. with a 111~llul. 11-:1g1le l(111k ;111d !Ong dark Ji:nr:. 11J111cd ;i London n1odcl ;ig1·ney 1hat sent her ruund Lo :-t·C !):1v1tl B:i1ll·y, \ h c pliulo~raph1·r 1l'hl) 1nadc Jl'an Slln1n plon and Penelope Trrr 111l1l [r unl·to1·cr figures. She luund hers('lf s1gnl·d 11p t11;1l 1cr.v day for a trip In P:1ris tu ht• photugr11pl1ecl by B;uley tor \'ogur 1\lag;1z1111" of ·Honky ·ronk \l'on1cn' t'l 1110\·e hl'r let\ fool, she 1~·<1s 111.'.----- e!ined to r•u~e her righl MRS " WILFORD H" WRIGHT JR. E 11:ch a11ges Wedding Vow s Anulht'r tv11\(·11dc r is Ann· J\n~·Tin \Vi1 lle11t111. !!!, 11'1!h ;~ bit: Sco1nd1na r i:111 ~1111\r !ur hr1· d l\l·111·('r Y hv 111ov1e ~lar 1 :1l·hard · J l nr1:1 ~ ll'hr n he 11·as .. ,1 ;1 trq11n Sl!Jt•l,hol111 S iu• !S J ~nrl nf p•w\..l't .. -,1l r r r111un1 ,)f th e :11 1·ri1gr n1odl'L h;ind " Sylv111. 23. 11ho slar1r11 n1odel1ng iusl a rrw 1nonth:-.. I' rcinark;ible for lal·k l111g lhc 11rof1·ssio11 \\·i1 h the h;u1,J1cap of a crippled Jcg. She nH1st 11 ear a hght hr;1L"e but hidcl'i it by p11t11ng on t1\'0 pail's of tig hts. She h:is 1lonc \"l'fY wrll in ;i shorl space of ti111e wllh br;.1111y sho ts ('Oil· ecntraling on hei· l;1cc, glo1v· 111,t:: ::111ilc and fine l"t•alures \'i('ki ll udgc, is unc of th r: hi ghest p<11d g1rb around l,!)ll· clO!l rigllt. 11011', B11L :1t 22, ;ifl~r· :-1x )·C.a rs of n1odrl1ng, shr 11 ;1111.~ 10 btc;.1k new i;;ro unrl ;111d is ha1 ing ;i lr~· <Jl 11101·],., 11·nrk . undeterred by thr lnck 111 :-.Ul'l'l'.··" thal .I r ;i n ::ihri1nplor1 incl on screen. Public Bid St. An d rew's Ch a pel "1'1n starting q11ietly and ~r n~ibly 11i1h s1na1! pan~." \'it·k1 i;a\d . To Feast Janis Miller Weds Tl1c ··s11rirnp," 26, 1.~ r:1rcl y ~c~·n in Lundun no11-, :-.penthng \ll<J~.1 ,,f her tiinc in Ne1v York T11i ggy, 20, is goi11g strong She 1s photo gr a p 11-c d rx- t•l u:,;ive ly by hf'r rnan<igrr. .J 11 s t i n r De Villenueve, .10.' 11·ho took to a ca1nera only in l lhe past yf'ar or so anrl turned hiinself into a pnifes:;ion;il ' pholO,L,'T<iphcr -wi th a little'! help fron1 Tw iggy '\"illiam Teague. vice prr~1- dent of Pcpperdinr Co llege. 11111 be 1he guest :.pcuker at a fund·rai sing dinner sponsorrrl by lht· Fou11!a111 Va 11 r v 1fr·rublica11 \\"0111l'11 \ ('l1 il;, ;int! Ille public is i111·1ttd H1 ;1\· len<I J-l(J11cy1novn1ng 0 :1 I ii r 1.11.:c ;ind pe<ir b. J\ltss .Joni lla11 aiian lslan{ls l1efurc r11:1k· .\lil lrr. her sister, 11'ore a gown 1ng 1hci r hon1r in New Y;ll"k nl ~tllow Pn1bro1dcrcd organ· :1rr 11c11 l.1•11·{'d'> .J Jn1 s illiller dy lnr hrr role as 1n<.11d nf ;ind Hobert. E. Brrh;111 11 llu l11'l11or. l);1n l"arh:> nf San 11rrr 11·cd 111 :--1 1\11d1·1·11 \ 1:1';J11c1~ro 11 :1s br~t 111<111 lfosl 1ng thr !!inner un S;d>11" cl:"'. l)cl. i i. 11111 \1r \Ir·, [l:nid Burt1r1 .\ \'Ol"kl,ul hOHI' b1'111·c"11 1 a11d s p 111 "111 IJl"l't'ecle !he ('l'Cll\. l 're~h.\'terian l'h.ipel The hr1r1e·~ pure11ls' hu111r l'arents or lili' {'11\ip li' .•r·· 11';1 ~ !hf' g:1rtlr11 l'l.'tfpt!on ,,('[· Swee t Adel ine s tile Husst·ll 1·; :'11111\',, nl t111g IPr ;;o g11e~\;,. :'\1·11pvl'l 13l':.Jl'h ,1 11d 111r T I·: Tlir new hr1de 1s ;1 gr<Jd11alr Hi1rl1orlile!'; l'l1aptrr, Swf'('1 T1c kc1 ~. ;i1 ~2 pr r p1't .. «111. 111.1~' br obti'11nerl b~ ,·;il1 1nl! :'ilrs .• Ja1nes John.~011. 1117-IJl!I J;1"•h;1ns ill Lill11 1 ~11' nl Ari zona Sl;ilr L'1111 rr;,11 y /\d cl111cs tonven{'.~ r1'rrv .\Jo;11· 'l'hr hri<lt' \\ill"\' .\ rlrr ,,_ :inti i1l'r l111 ~h<1 11d IS ;11 1 <l lt111l· rlay <.it 8 11111 for pro.t.;1-':11ns in ilcsignc<I hi hri· niiithrr ,11 r ni 1111s nl tl1c lllJll'l'~ily of S11n1a College P<1r k School. Cnsl.1 Cleir;1 ill e~·1 l(iwi s Tour hr.11dcred "J1 1 r1· 11r;.:oindy " 11 h 1_~"~~~~~~;;;;==--i:'"IHGV~';\>"'~·;-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;fl \0 llCGl .~l,1 '." Faciliti es ,'\cll'port 8 c;1ch C ha p I r 1· 111 r 111 br r !>, 1\11\1 l..'l11IJ. <111 urg;u111.;1l1on fur I \Ir rn r r .~l c\1 ;ink.~:-\'"· will I 0 II r· l.11.·d1lil'~ 111 ();1k1111;1d (,;1rdt''1 .\po11·11nL'llL~. 1\"r1,p11rt Br:•\'/I .11 i p 111 1'1 11101"1"0\I H1'lrr~ll111cnl~ 11 ill l1 dlo11 111" l•ilir, .ind ;1 IVj;lllilr IJ11~111('.'-'- 111rrl111g 1 ~ ~clH·d11l('d 1.1 lirµll\ .11 a 11 111 . \\'0111rrl rlig ibl r lnr n1e 111ber~h1p :ir·~ 1111 itCd tll 11t1. t;1111 l11nl1rr inln nn:ition :1b1+1 il llir group b.11 calling i\lrs Frrd fl~>tt~. men1bersh1p cha1r111;111. 1;.\~-·1:117 TURN ON Fa culty W ives l';icul1.1· \\'11r~ nl C,ddorn1d :-.1a 1e C11lll'gC <it Lnng Bc:ich \\"Ill hear :·ul adcll'l'~:'! by n10t1rH\ 111e1lu·e designer .\1r:-. Ar1 11u r :nigllL during their nrxt )· nehron 111cct111g Th(' ~c:-.:.1011 11 ill lahr pl.1• t' ;1t 12 ;;11 p 111 :1:1111rd<•i. (h·t 11, 111 tl11·, ;1111 p'I~ l'h;1 rl 1·0•1111 ~Ir~ .J11l111 I )11 dlo,'.I 1:-. prngr;1n1 ( h,11 n nan. Story Ho ur /\ ~lrif \ l1n11r 1or prr' l·ht1n1 r hildrr 11 ·"'di l:1ke pl.~c-r 111 lh• Cnro n;t rlcl :V1 ;1r L1hr.1ry lhr' :-.ec:>111I ;ind fourlh Tl111rsd . ._1 · ul r ;1rh 1110111 h, ht'f;1111llll~ l•)ll'\'1rr n11 SNIP N' STITCH SHOPPE 33)4 E~~f Co.,st Hwy. • Coron a del Mor Pho11 e 07).8050 1,,l'~V "'lo 1, .... b. lhe •e•. Do uqh•o • J •<!'" 1 0-f I •r~"' mod el 1 ~,1 '*'te~ •n "~moq~Y l A " .11~nd i n9 'P""" ,.,...,\.~t ..,,.~ Sidi f ,,d d <l•I· f <,<I • lo b'1v lo, •"O'~.~r l••1on '"'h•n we'•• h.d ,,..,, to ,1.,1 our !.1; w~·drobt•. o:d eniov i-o •tvlt ,how• lo"' concl.,,,onl iu 1t tn~1hi n9 ,,~,, '' loo'l •• if b~c om •> vo<L Dreu lenc:i'~. "''"' '""" ~"d ,n.b•l'"'••n, '" pOc ~ lh ~ le"')th •h•• fl•tt••1 vo111 St~l~1 "'" le"''"in• •nd •o/1, V•rv "''"h •o t~e "o c+.,,e" ti lht <"•! dre11. ol .. 9~od old cornlor1.blo •h•rt.m •~~r. ~·n l ""'' '•"o•~-f for ,i.,~1 """' •nd <p ort n l~o fln•••n'j lor •I H,,,.,.", Hop• VO~ V•\•! "' '""" VlnGINIA r •, O~· '"'"''"9 " 11.ll /,,, f.11 .~d "''"'"' ,., ·~e "''''"d homo T~u"d •v ..,[fh • t.;rlo•d nl "'f'r ~ I.Le fu,. •dd;t :o n~I color1 nf det•on t!e1.,bl 1 ~n ,h,, W•d• w•lt tofdUrQV .. '"'"")! r l •• d,, ch ·~•, •nd ho ••1 n9bon1 "'""'~'.,.~I,~ •o"'e ve•y br.,;h t H "'"";'~" pronh . U s~ Your BankAme ricard or Master Cltar9e TV W (lK '°e•p1 yeu J,,n~d lo '""""''• hoppe n i~q b-h .~d l~o +,,b. -l•-•V S"tu,dav •~ +ho DAILY PILOf, ~l rs. l l:11rf' \\r·· ·ll"r i•1nn1·r· h111d••rj!,1rl,,11 1!·<11 hr1·, ~I 11 :-1>pt'r11 1~r lllc Ill 10 111 ~!) ;1,111 st n rv I 11 nr·'. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~"-_;;;;;;;;;; _"-_"-_;;;;;;;;~~~~;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ If your shape won't fit the flattering fall fashions, let us fashion you a flattering shape to fit ... fast! w .1hou1 Ju;~or bo:her or 100 rr.uch odo V/e con shope o new f191,1re tho1'll lool good on yo•11 We do 1t qu•te cuot•ly •n ovr own 1,1n:q ue woy - And you'll look ond feel hetler w.th eoch r,05• ~1'1ri••1 y,..,., ~ho~ wdl be lo11el1er. rromff\er and sl1rn . /..,d !he one •nho w•ll iidm11e you most v1oll bo;c horn' H• I !:e r,.oud of ili r. ~•1cire Thrit yoi•r re ~.i ~fi~Jpe ",n, ·c~~.t e ,f you1 d rc~s ~'l~ wns fOl/rle "n 1: ro111 will h'" t•"' l"n I Inc fo •I losh.ons. y;-.1,,'I! really loo\ \""Oi i, B 1t you'll c.;e l there rr-u >'1 ~:;one·, 11.e 500"C'' Y"''' , .• ,.. So t:i!I one of lhe:e n:.i n t:e1$ ... ond do .t !odoy~ You·:1 be omo~ed ct ho1v !o~t thot <?'d !tit rnel!! a·..,oy1., CALL TODAY -If llNU ARI BUSY, PUASI CALL BACK MO•THllDGI 349-4788 8923 tutdo llvd. IUltlAMK 842-0877 l /~~VI Vtrdu70 /.vf MISSIO" HILLS 361-1714 10362 Sr~ul~do;i CALL TODAY' ••• IN,OIMATION ( FALL FASHIOn FIGURE SALE I/•) ( IFF R!GUIU POICI 01 ANY PERSON· --AllZID SHAPING PIOGIAM (UMlltD 10 f!IST lJ CAlll•Sl l nTdl nu rnbc1 ol trcatmcnt:s. ncccs~<11y to cor1 e·f your 1n('.11v•dudl l1 5:ure !aUll s arc r1r.tr.rm1nrr1 hy COMPUTER CARD a! the t1111c o! yn11r FR [[ SH APE ANALYSIS. whr.rc <1 per~o•l~I "SHAPING PROGRAM" 15 dcS•)?rlC(l e~d11 :;1velv for yo" lh~re':s. no f!ly stcry, yOllll know lhe ""att co~t ,.1 YOllr new shi!pcl CALL TODAY EVERYDAY IS LADIES DAY 9 AM·9 PM, Till 5 PM SAT. SA•TA MONICA WIST L.A. 393-0064 477-1122 71l WilWt 3112 StOYl'ltdo ANAHEIM COSTA MESA 63S-02n 642-7032 FIGURE-SH.APING SALONS . \ Hopsackin9 100 % COTTON A STURDY. CASUAL WEAVE WITH COLORFUL DESIGNS COM PA RE AT 11 .49 YA RD 44"/45" WI DTHS GUAR. WASHABLE WOOLS [AND WOOLEN BLENDS) styled fo r "in" fa ~h io!'l s PLAIDS • SOLIDS • FANCI ES VALUES TO ll.98 YAR D 246 ... l. YD. _1;·=/ 54 "/60 .. Widlh; ~-··---··· 1"". , "' ' ,..~,, ... ~.• .. BONDED KNITS [LININGS ARE ACE TATE TR ICOT) party iea~on com ing up • here are iome fe~l ;vs a ri~worr.! BONDED METALLIC KNITS <5ceta to & met.,!lrc BONDED "SEA MESH" av;sco a cet.,te & riylon BONDED ACRYLI C KNI TS VALU ES TO $2.98 YARD 58 " 04" w i dth~ YARDA G E .DRAPERIE S HUNTINGTON. CENTER Be•ch •t Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH 897-80 13 Hour s: Mon. thr u F ri., 10-9 Sat. 10·6 • .·IE STARS L<1t !~• 11•" 9uld• ~ow :..yd"1V Om~"• <;n• of iho WQtld'• f,n •• rno•I •1lrolo11•" "'"''' 1~• d~rlt horo\~Q P• t.Ql"m" f1tl1JTtd i" th• DAILY PILOT. • t' ' ! I: I ' . .. . . . .... . " . DfJ DAILY PILOT Town, Gown Talk Food Crisis ..... , . -' Club Cruises Grandmothers: Convene in L.A. Explored A harbor cruise aboard the St+a11•nee, com plete wllh a bu/-The An1bassadnr lloti;l , Lo.~ li<1rbor \.rand1noth~rs <.:luh le~ dinner alld l.~ktails, was Angeles, will be thr site of the wi\J1 be f the Mmes. Char!C's Cl1JO) ed hy n1embers and 28th annual convention of thi> Evl!hs, president, Gen c r guests of the Ne\l'port Harbor National Federat i on ul Sh af, first vice prcs1den1, and Emblem Clu b. CrandrnoUler C l u b s of Pa1:) H U [ [ 1n an• Slate secretary ; Richard Krcdel, Recipie nt of the funds from Arneri ca Saturday-Thursday, org~11iier. treasurer; J oc Ulr.kerson, the benefil was the HEA il Ott Jl-16 . Other delef!ates will be the and v.·111 be installed during a 11lt:{'l111g Nol' 13 in the ~hera!on Beach ln11, l-luu- t1ngton Be:ich. Th!! club ulso will celebrate lls 13th bir1hday dw·1ng the November gathering. Town Crier. and Lo r en Foundat ion, Santa Ana, an ~tore than J.000 delegates tl1rres. Dave Spies, Verna Pitt. ----------- Can you eat all day and still lose ~· weight? '1 WEIGHT@., WATCHERS., Dr. Grover C. Sttphen:l, pro- fessor of b1o!ogu:al sciences ;ind expert on v:orld popul<i- tion and famine. 11·111 ~pr•a k tor H1(': t :r~t J;M1rr:1 I rnct!!nS ot Lhe year for UC! '1'01rn and Gown ltlonday. Oc:L. 13. He;iLher, pre.ss and public ai:.;eney for deaf children. will attend the gather111g, LoidsSpie!berger. Husse!I Vun Ads Turn Sense rcl:ition:s. ~1 rs. Emerson \\1entzel! \\'JS \\-" h I c h ls u n der l he JI.tarter. Glen Dysart, ll elc n Some lalkil'lg, some 11slel'l •l'l'.l arorJ Other board members are chairman-of the affair, which chairn1anship of t-.trs. \V, B. Traut\\·ein and Ruth ~loorc. I 1 ~rogram thdt work~. 1io1 The 10:.10 a m. 111crt111g 1n f.lesa Con11nons on l111• l 1~1 c:an;pus 11·1!1 be pr<.'l·rdet.I by C'nffrc at 10, rt·Irs. EJojse Kloke and Mrs. look place aboard the Allan l·!inklc of Garden Grove . f\f'IV officers were elcclecl Info Doi la rs I 5 ,.IE IROCHUR.l-CALL 135-,SOS Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., past Ad!e rs' yac)lt. Representing Ne w p Qr t by the Newport Harbor club -----~==========~ presidents: Mrs. E dwa rd ------------------------------------------ Dr. Stephens, f o r m c r cliri 1rman of the d!•partn1ent nr org:1n1sn11c biology at UC!, !'f)e!l l t11·0 111ontns in India last )ear as an educ<1llon<tl l'Otl- :<ull;int. for 01e N ;it Jon a I $1·1cnrr Foundation, adding 11r·1•' 111.~ighls lo hls study ot U1e "·nr!d 's population and Jood prob!en1s. He rct rJ1·cd his BS, i'il:i and Ph f) dl'.t:.rec~ from Nor th 11'C!:.tcrn Univcrs11y, 11 here he ,,·as a n1cmbcr ot thi Beta Kappa. Tov.11 and Gown, beginning its fl.fth year as an intcrrst :-ind support group for the unnersity, is bring led by 11r. li1lrl:i l\lcCa rtncy, preside nt. O\her officers are ! h t Horoscope FAMINE EXPERT Dr. Stephens 1'.tn1es. Pa1r!ck JI r a 1 e y , Charles Griffith and Neil Jllar!.1n, vice pre:;1drnts: John Connolly, recording secret.:iry: Lynia n Porter, corresponding Stelnl1iiuS, historian, and l\trs. Prier Dixon, vearbook editor. Cbairn1en for the interest groups arc the ~11nes. Thorna:. Shields, art : l::dward Culver, bcachwalking; Samuel Trot- ter, circulating books; Harry GQCli tz. b o o k discussion ; Bernard Russo, for c i g n language: IJiJl on -1\lcClary , golf; Chriskipher Kitching, music; Gerald H a1ni lt on, group tennis; Louis Perino, couples tennis; Jack t.1orris. :-;JutJcn t activities, and t~rank L-;alnC's, international student ser1·1ce. ;\lembership is (Jpen to all interested \\'Omen in the area . Anyone wishing further in- formation may ca ll any o! the officers or write to Tawn and Go\l'n, P. 0. Box ~19':!, ln-'ine. Best Buys: Luxuries THURSDAY OCTOBER 9 By SYDNE Y O:\IARR BEST BU'l'S toni ght' are l11x- 11r;-.· itt>:ms, flhj eets of beauty ~·hicb can bring lasting joy. ARIES cl\larch 21-Apri l 19): Lie !ow. PJ;ty wailing g<nn". Best to finish ratbC'r than 1n hl'gin projects. Take ti n1c tn he thorough . Reputation <:O\J \rl be at stake. Fine for gaining wider re cognition. But go 1'1011'. T)\U RUS (Apnl :io·.f11ay 20 ): ~tudy Aries n1 es sage . Complete basic t·hores. IJon"t \eer too far fron1 fan1i11ar path. Gi1·e a1tent1on 10 pet. Some persons. who depend upon you may seem a b1l o\·erbearing. Gt-;i\-1TNI fl\1ay 21 -Junc 20 1- C,ood lunar a~rx·('I t orii~hl co1nchics 11·it h t1 n1c 11 llt•n , re,1111·r rndr;11nr.s s11tTred . Roinanc-e is 111 tJ1e air: you r personal n\agnellsrn soar~. Be vital dynarnic notl1ing half- ~'ay. CANCER (J une 21-July 22): Afler early confusion, con- ditions sett le. Tonight con- cenlrale on basic values. Don·t give up something for nothing. Family member offers valid suggeSlio n. Fo llow it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22.): Be av.are of details . Tendency is to scatter forces. C h e c k 1ncssages, answer calls. Grant request relative might 1nake torlay. Fine evening for dining out. VlRGO (Aug_ 2.1-Scpt. 22 ): t "ou gain throug/1 new ~l<1r1s, contacts. Ernphasize origi na l approai:h. Be 1ndcpcndenl in 1houghl, action. Gel point across. Accent on earning potential. LIBRA /Sept. 23-0ct 22): Cycle is high. ci rcun1strinces fa\'or \•our efforts. Time lo n1ake }~ou r move ; strike \\-'hile Wedding s, Troths •. • ' Pilot's Deadlines 'fo -avoid d1.,c1ppn1nt1nent, prospective brldes are rcnl1nded to have 1he1r 'vedd ing: i.lories \\'1th black 11nd \1 hite glossy pho to· graphs to the DAILY P ILOT Society Depart. ment prior to or 1v1th1n one \veek after the 1vedd1ng. . . J·'or engagement announcen1cnls it JS su ggcstC'd that the story, a!.~o accon1panicd by a black and 'vh1te glos~y picture, be s 11bm1 !t cct cJrlv. If the b etrotha l announce- 1nc11t and \1•rodini! datr are six \\'Cr ks or less apart, only the 1vedding photo 11 ill be ac- cep1crl. To help f11l rcriu1rerne11t s on hn\h \\Cd· rl1ng and enga cemcnt ~1oncs. Jornls al'c <1va1!- ;:ib\e in all ll f the IJ.\lL\' JJJLO'J' offices. Furl her quc~t1011::; 11 \1! hr ansv.·cred bv !)oci<'ll ~oles s taff 1nrn1brr ~ <1t 042-4:321 or ·IH~,fl4G6. AT EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIVING CENTER •' ' • I iron is hot. Surprise gift col1ld brighten day. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 'l'ou do best clehind the scenes today. Be discreet. Play cards c!ose to chest. Someone may 1Yant information you are not autho rized to provide SAGlITARIUS tNov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Stress on fulfilling desires. You achieve by ac· L'Cpling responsibility. Yo11 n1ay ret l temporaril y restricted. But by doing your best, )'OU gain in meaningful 1nanner . CAPRICORN IDec, 22-Jan 191 : Recognition of talents, unique abilities due today. Be a graC'ious \VinnC'r. One yuu respect p<iys n1caninglu l com- pli ment. Broaden horizons. tice prOJCCt as a \\hole. AQUARI US (Jan. 20-Feb 18 1: Favorable lunar aspect coineides 11'ilh chance lo l'Om- 1nun1cate l\ilh those at a rh~tanc('. Aspect favo r s Journeys and spreading o/ persunal vie\\'S. PJ SCF..S (Feb. 19-March 201· Partnership project might re- q u i re additional financing. Realize th is -and act ac- l'Ordingly. Co1nbine knO\\•ledge v.·ith one \\'ho shares your in· tcresls. Put aside petty an· 11oyanccs. IF TOIJA Y IS rou n BIRTHDAY you attract olhers to yn u 11•ith 1he1r problems. 'You have unique ability to rC'assu rc people in time of crisis, You arc due for raise in financial standards. t11 h"d 11u! wf>Q·~ lur~v for vou '" mon•v or<! lo••· ord•r .Syo-.y Om•rr·_, b<Jo•,l~T. "S,Crt! MT"~ '"'" /'.\~~ 1"1l WQ"1•" " S•"<l blrltidAI' ~"" XI c•nt> • ., Qm1•r .• .. t•OIQVY 5•«~1), !Me 0 /\IL y Pit.Qr, Bo• J140 C.r~nd C"11r•I Sii· "on, N~w y,,.~ .. NY. 1001 ). Wash Floors \\":i~h fl oors hefore waxing. (Jn!~· :i ~11rfnec whi ch has IH'l'll !h•1roD1<hly t leaned with ~oa r or detergent sud5 pro-- \ides a good base for a new ftn1s:h. "A SEASONING SAMPLER FOR THE CREATIVE CHEF" M,v, you ... ,, "'•"ltd lo •1Pfli1T11nt ..,.,th H,rb1 i nd Spic1•1 J oin fd,.on Ho1T11 Eto~o­ ,.,;,1, C1rol H•;nr . lo• I p•o9r1m ol tookinq "'Ith h•1b1 •nd 1p:c11. The •tf of t 1•1on• In; it11'f h•rd lo 1 1••~. but lh•r• ••• • fo.., impor!1nl rul111 lo follow. Co1111 i nd l•••n . In 1ddit1on lo t ool-1nq d1m11n1!r1tjo111, iht r• will b1 info•m1+io " 11n t<t•I of ''P1•m~n1nf ,,,,, .. f1bric1 with lh1 l11 l1t of lh• 1l•ctrie. drv~r. Thi proq••m1· "'ill b1 h~ld 11 !h1 fd,1 on Eleelr:t Li .. n9 Cini••, &J8 /.\e •n 5!retl •n Hynli111j1lon B11clo, Co1T>1 1111 one of llo1•• d1l11; O ctober r•. 11'. 11. <" 22 .. 1 10 00 •·'"·~or October tl, IS , 20, or 2) 11 7:00 p.m . rdison's home t-conom i~ts v.:i!I :ansl\·cr questions ind show you techniques for thrifry, time-~.i.ying ~of modun electric ipplianCt"S. Bring • friend-mak e new &iench, J.nd discover val uable ne-w ho1ncn11king hin ts. Another community service o~ Soulht t lf C.iliforni.J £d/:;on Comp1 ny I .... CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAV1NGS '"'"···-- C11J1lll1lN'l,_J~l~I) % • ANNUAL YIELD • ANNUAL RATE PLUS DAILY COMPOUNDING C1 IJ1lll1lN 'I, I~ I~ I) FOR or or YEARS California Federal Growth Savings Accounts guarantee your earnings before they're earned! With a Cal ifornia Fe deral Growth Account you ea1n a minimum of $539 a year on $10,000 . Or $53.90 on $1 ,000 . Growth is absolutel y sure . Your ra te of earning ca n't ch ange because we guarantee it. And it's a very substant ial rate: 5.25°/a a year. We a!so compound interest daily. That's a guaran tee, too. So it all adds up to 5.39% a year or more. Guaranteed. You can open you r Growth Account with as little as $1 ,000 for 3, 4 or 5 yea rs. Lea ve all your savings and interest with us to get max imum ea rn ing power. In the event of hardship or emer- gency, you can withdraw any time wit h full In terest paid to the end of the previous quarter. ALSO AVAILABLE: GUARANTEED INCOME ACCO UNT BONUS ACCOUNT • 5% PASSBOOK ACCOUNT More than ever,,. the place for the mo ney you can't afford 10 risk' California Federal Savings and Loan Association• 18 Otfice:s •As.sell over Sl.5 Billion NATION'S LARGESI' FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N, EUCLID AVE,• 776·2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD,• 548·2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 639·3033 Head Office: 5670 Y.Jilshira Blvd., Los Atlgeles ( -.. ------------------- _o•tt• mor 0 7 Market Basket helps you fight inflation evervweek with ••• COPYRIGHT 1 ?69 MARKE r BA5K"tT OCTOBERS Pr1re1 nftCl•~t w~dn~~ny Oc.TO!'IO'f ~ ,,,,~ TnfSOnv Oriober 14. IQ6Q USDA CHOICE DON'T BE CONFUSED BY BEEF DOUBLE-TALK! If you wa .. r th • D'll)' bee/ rhot 11 allowed to bear the olficiol U.5. Depl. of Aqfltulrure 1eol oi lederol ''choice grade" quality, ""oke o menrol no!• al the USD A_ CHOICE thield obove. If you wont rh• only beef rhot beo11 the U.5.0 .A. CHOICE 1hield ond ;, gua1anteed hath fresh ond lender every li"le, "'IO~e a "lft n!ol note of the TENDERAY 1hield obove. If you won! ba1h 1liield1 an a beef !hot ca1h no more -ond ohen leu -then l.,11 re liab le bee!, 1hap Marke! Ba1ket for Tende roy U.5.0 .A. CHOICE BEE~ BONeLESS TOP-SIRLOIN STEAK ,,...........,_LB $1 4~S DA ( DEE'IM:ur CHOICE sPl c1AL -lJ S !) j., Coit• T·"~"'nv Bro•d flt,>• fin•• le r .. 1 ' '' Round Steak .... : 79 ' rt•Tr UTlRIANt:1c11l r.lP:·~··q IF ,q, I)~[) j., r ho•r• Tt"d.rov ~'n' ~ &••f En•• !'' Family Steak ..... s 1°9 U ~D j., C~i!<t• lt°'llf'o~ 810"~ B••' T-Bone Steak .•• ; sl 29 MOUNTAIN GROWN FOLGER'S COFFEE I LB ( CAN SP CIAL f.orbrr ~"O"f<l Baby Food ..•.. .'.'~ 9' '~07J~l l• " .. , .... ,.,.,,,,,. Soft Diet Parkay .,: 38 ~ ~•nrl., Roil •• ~o~-.; I":'' 'v.! ~ Bread .......... 3 .. '1 roil,,. t "'~•.1 • Folger's Instant::. s13s JJ •! lltt 'f·' G· -~ ff -s2D'l Co ee ........... .. r-1-!"· '·~~· 1lt•·• ,._ ,., ~. : ~: Mother's Cookies 47 ' .. ,.,"em• .. 1 1"' ''.- Chunk Tuna ... :.': 28 ' I" I 8 1 ()· f · l Com Muffin Mix. 11 ' w• Tr(,.,,.,..,., •I) ni. !~'·•' Water Softener :::·s1o3 l'lfindornni h • D• I S .. , 15 ' 10 oap ...... :·; ~ATHSA, 211 r old Wo10< 1 ,~,..,, • _ Woolite ••...•. ; ... 67 ' JONATHAN OR PIPPIN APPLES 9l8 5 99' FRYINCi CHICKEN HAL YES OR SLICED ·~~,Ir~ ... 1J 5 "le ! 11\il\1'1 Potatoes ••• 20 .':. 99< ......... 1'/i lb Pitted Prunes •• °:'. 79< ~ ---. ·-·-----·----·-.,I CALIFORNIA V4LENC IA JUICE ORANGES 8 8~0 69( Count on Market Basket to be your perennial inflation fighter! We '~• been bo!ll1f'+9 high prite1 for a long time wolh the ..,OSI powedul c""' •nllo••o"' weapon of !I.em otl . Deep-Cut Oi1coun! Price1 Co'"porol TheH! Markel 801~e1 p nt•I ore 010 low or lower lhof'+ moil other food chains, di10co unt 1rore1, conven:e,.ce and,,.. depe nd•nl stores ony day of the wee~ ProYol Nobody. but NOBODY, o!ler1 you better ~C1 lue 1 , w&-ek o f!er '"'ft!'~. tho., you• Market Bos~el ttoret. You ca"'t do 01 w•ll o"ywhe re el\el ' . . QHlfFON ' ·ASSORI@O OR PRINTED . · TOILET ·TISSUE 2-ROLL 25( PACK , o· ... ,.,. '· . ~· '-"" f -'·' ,. OEE~UT SPlCIA\. e COST A MESA-•::!."""" ' • NEWPORT BEACH-"" .. " .. "''· ........ 1150 lr'l'l1te Ave., IW•H:llff r1 ... 1 e HUNTINGTON BEACH-'~!!.':,':_.,,,. e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-•:.1 ~.~:;:1;" e SANTA ANA-~:.!.!.'•::'"' ... ·vrar:v11 • J)8 DAILY PILOT Tempting Taste Sandwiched In A new comhinallon o( 111- gred..lents for an old favor1!e NEW HERO SAND~'ICHES 2 cups sauerkraut, <A cll drained JI, cup chopped grPen pepper i,l tup Thou~and lslanJ dressing lf>-inch loaf of Ita lian brealf, cut in half lenE;!h1.1 tse and buttered Ron1a1ne I rnetllum ton1al0, sliced 11 pound sliced cooked salami 1., pound sliced muenster rl1t!ese 1 : pound sliced bologna Pim1enl.o-stuffed 0)1\e~ ~!ix together lhe sauerkraut, 'tOPVALU I DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I 19th & Harbor, Costa Mesa -FREE CHECK CASHING SERYICE- PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 9th· 1Blh WE FEATURE U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR TOP VALUE CERTIFIED BEEF GUARANTEED FOR F LA V 0 R AN TENDERNESS OF YO.UR MONEY BACK. CHICKEN "I MCIJT V" U,S 0 .,1., 'FIYI P<<'O • ~~E~~K ROAS! 43~ ~L~!u~!R~~~ 89~! T -BONE STEAK s12a TAILS REMOVED ..... ROUND STEAK 79fb CENTER CUT . . . . . . . RIB ROAST 11~ ~p~~~~D BEE~ 49~ ~~E~~lder ~cast 83~ STANDING -LARGE ENO 33 :,. BACON l'!~·tOP'I 59' \·I~, p~~. ' A POCKETFUL OF DELICIOUS GOODNESS Double the Serving Steaks Year -round Favorite !'irloin i:.tca k gets aroun<l It IS :o>ervM \.1'11h ab~r1li11e apll•tnh 111 all circles, 1r.-,n1 101\ kC'y hJ<.:~yard b:.irbec11cs to 1hc 1110s! lorn1a l fca 5t l'fllJl · pl"IC \\'Ith t·nnd]('!Jghl <Jtld \ljJI(', lhghly pa!alahlr. ~1urrhly :-a t i~1~u1b, ;1 11 1r Ply hr(>tlrd Cal1forn1<J Lee! Jo>U'l l'l1n ~11·ak one 11 llo :-.;ys, "n1Jk e nJJnc r:Jre'. ., (ALIFOR\I A STEAK \\ITU STEAK TAHTARE :! p"1111d~ C:i!1fnr111a hcrf tri11 :-irJ·~/I). CUL 1 1 ~ 111<'h<'s.1h1cli .-.1 po11nd \Cf.Y Jean Cul1for- n1:1 i;:round hrpf 1ea.-rflo11 ~.l/t ' l('.1:-JKuln tn,1rcc pepper ro1111nands ~tcad_v bra v ri s •~ 11 11hn11t lh<' "llpporl o! i;1lr111~J1 nr .<.r~t.<.on1ng other than fli ck 1•! Lh" ~:ill and ~PIX'r shaker:-. u~u<1l1y ..;u!. 10 ,·1rtual1~1 1hc th 1cknr~s i1f ,1 roast. the st11 tr .. ly ~irloin 1s pret1 .v 1n11ch a on" 1n two pcr~on (three at lhr 2 t;ihJc.-µoon::. chopped green on1fJn 2 !t1hll':-poons c hopped parslry ~ t;iblr~poons red 111ne Chnppcd li:ird coohC'd rggs \I itl1 ca pers 0 11 ·('d grt><'n onions H.1 ,c a pocket cut into lhe . ~tr;Jk. :v11x ground bf>rf 11·11h sail and pepper, onion, parsley and 1.1 ine. Spread erenly in pocket o! :-leak. Press open edge~ finnly together to s:?al. Broll 12 minutes on each ~Ide so 1hat steak is rare and bf>ef stuffing is pracl1r:.illy 1 ra"'· but wam1. If ~·ou pr('fer1 beef \\"ell <lone broil longer on I each side. turning only once . FOR THE UNUSUAL . . . I 1110.<.t) menu !1Cnl. H a G'f -Sh The cam,y COM""""' "I ome I t op nµs f 1·er-fY1puli1r hccf cul r.in, •'"'-J~I~~-~~~=~=~~~~="' ho1\·c1er, do11hlc the. n11111hl'f lht• f.lrak 11 n1il d norinall,r ~cr\'r with U1c aid of lcs:; th<.111 LEG O' LAMB ~:i.t, 89:,. SMALL LOIN ~·~ .• ~Hco:~1c 1 '1" CHUCK ROAST (['lf[ll '" GROUND CHUCK 49~ 69:,. 1 a round of lean ground Calllornia bt'ef. ~:\~ .. " RIB LAMB CHOPS ~~~;, '1 It " GROUND ROUND 79:. STEWING BEEF '°'""' ea :. RUMP ROAST 79 ;, SIRLOIN STEAK ...... 99 ~ PORTERHOUSE \TE•K il I • T~llt 1t emev~ ID SAUSAGE '""" "'" 33' Sk•nln1l.n~•1·01, Pkl. ROUND STEAK '"""" 89:. GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 3 Lb•. 25~ FLAMING RED TOKAY GRAPES I 2 1b·29P i I lb• PEGLET NOOR DATES 11/i·lb. Pkg. ' HOT HOUSE STEAK MUSHROOMS "' lb. 49~kg. i 39P i GARDEN FRESH Turnips & Beets 10~"" THICK MEATEO Banana SQUASH 4~ GREEN ONIONS RED RADISHES, FRESH, LARGE BUNCHES U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS Gladly Accepted I ' **** ;\!ixrd \\'i\h ~eos.onlllf:ii, ;i 11!· t i~· green 0111011 <Jnd moi:-:1enf'd 111th red \r1nr, the grnunrl \111rf 1.-. riu1 cklv transformed 111!o"\ ~teak tcirtarc. Insert th,. tarlare into a pocket clcvrrh I rnadr in the $!e;1k, hroil and ~er\·r . ]!'~ a d1~l1 !it to ~rl befo re the king -especi ally Pumpkin Kneaded In Bread ~f'J'1l'1n hrr lit II· 1 Brc ·~I 1•1 ~11>111h I" .1 n 1111111!••1 I" 11H11 linr.;; nf 1 lic 11111 '!II ! lllt:(' nl li1·r:i\..1 :1• I ,\11 lr1tiuni·I-. ~.I\ 1! ,. ll1" rno1.,t 11111u11·11n1 ll'f' ·\ Pl lh'· 1!.1\'. Jr t·;1n l1t11\ rlul•!•t11 o11HI a•IO!e~ct.'nls e:1ri"y nu !In' fl,~ .• ~turly and play 111th rnrri;: i1nd alcrtnc:-:-, I f\ gflOd brr<i kfa.~1 i ~ flll<' ll1;il r rn\'ides. ;i f\111rlh of the d;;i.~ \ r~~e1111a l nu I r 1 r n r. s. ;111d (\1lnn"S. One quirk p;i ll r rn lh;1 t :idrqu;i!cl~· Til('f'I S 1hr<.<> 1\l'•'rlS. cu11:;1sl ~ or tllrus. fn111. 1·<'rr4ll \1 1111 n11lk. n1 Jlk tri drink. 3nd '1 hrc:i<I wi th <.prc;oirJ !>l'IC'' Pl''IPK1~ BllEAl> :!' 1 rur!i ~•fl!.!d flour :; lea~p(l()ll:-< l1;1k111g 1m1•drr l ' · 1ea~poon~ ~<.1 lt I tc;,i~pn1111 ,·11111,1111011 1~ 1ra\p0n11 nl11111 rg 1.! tl'J~pf\\111 ~nda i , 1,:up h11!1rr or n1.1r;.ir1nr 11 ~ c11rs s11g.ir 2 rgi;s 1 r11r r.11111crJ pun1pl.111 1 i C\lfl 1nilk l '~ cup_c; 1vholr 1.1 heat flakr~. crushed lo n1akc :., cup rrurnhs l cup chopped .,,alnuts Com hinr. anrl si fl fl our. h;1k- i11,q po11<J(·r. salt. ~p1cr~ ;rnr! ~oda 1nln 11H.\1n.i:; bo11 l f'rr.1111 butler ror rnorgannc 11rll ; be;11 111 ~u_i::a r. Adfl r~gs , h<>1!. \\('\I :-il1r 111 ru111ph111 Add dr\' 111gn•d1r111 , lo rrcan1ed n11 x111re al1t>1·11111c· l.1• 11'ilh 1n1!k: s.lir u11t1 1 dry Ill· gre<hrnis arr 111r•1\lr11Pd Folrl 1n c('rr;il .inrl u·aln•tl<; !'pf\1111 111!ri 111 ·!1 grr;rsrcl !l\1>. J-111t'h loaf p,JJl B;.,~r i11 rnri<11•r:1tr 01·p11 '>;,o 1lrgrres 1 unlrl dnn". :1l'IOUI Ii 1 hour.<. IA't sl;in1t 111 p.111 ~1 11111111!1'.~ Turn n11t, 1..uf•I 011 r.ic."~. ) 1cld Ouc l~Jf. l•or·1 0 ""I~ S•ut t• r•lv S1 l~rl i:o l•+• ~.,,., !'~····· ,.·-::. -. .' .. HEIRLOOMS FOR TOM ORROW. Th is lovely china c.ould become a holi da y tradi tion in your family . IN STOCK ' c 1.· .. r ~,1· 1 ... l\,c.cr E r€,~;J a111J Eutl cr F'l.~t" J.50 1.75 4.50 5.50 4.50 14.00 14.00 17.00 12.00 2.50 • (J· 11 ... ~ r·r 1" Cc·1 ... , ,.. ·J :...•;•"" ~· C 10or1·'""r 1C'"Jpol ~ Col :c:e F'ut Pl f..tler !4 ';~ Cl'.l ~E< Pl"lt e Colfo e Mu7 llli .. !r.~lr::d. . ,, ............ '' .... . ............ ' ...... " . TO ORDER' l .fol '·'' l .2S ~,.i"./ v~'let,b'e 51); I . ",,., .. ,,,., 8e-... \ ..••••••••• -•••••• -•••• --••• C:-m,.ot• , , , , , • , , , , • , , • , , , , • , , , , • 7.50 6.00 6.00 2,00 (.h,p pie!• ...................... 7.00 C"ur1 '0~11 ,,,,.,,,,,,, ••••••. ,,. l.~o r1.11,, I J" ,,,, ...• , .. , ••.•• , .. ,, 12.00 ~ eo• o l~c • ,,.1."'J , .... , ... ,, •.. 12.00 S l r• rl ·n~t• ;•I , , , ,, ,, , , .... , , , 141 .50 • RICHARD 'S LIDO CENTER, 3433 Vi• Lido, Newpo•t Be•<h : 673-6360 \1'110 C1\r.t:S ABOL I" 'f l·IL IID'.'<E STRUCl"t..RE or A STEER: ,. l 'hc ho~s and g irl.~ 1n !he l101oe Ee i:lal>:-.rs u( Costa 1\1e~a ll 1gh~ l~(J l't<igC'rl I\ 1 ~k-1n 1hrre Ill~! 11cek al ii in tllf' 111or1Hn~ 1u 11;1\t·h a11il l1s11•11 lu uur J°'' Pa) nc for 11 . liuu1·~ 11!\1·1 1 :ind 1lca\ 1<1lh a l;1 1nh. '"I look ur ."\ l:u11 li 111~\e11rf of a ~l•'•'r." -.rt. .J•"·· ··1;1'\';Hi-.c a ~(1'C'r 11e1~h<1 IOI.JO puuud .. anti tht>y ~Ill ha1 " 1hr ~.11111' i.1ru1·rure. Yes. n1n n • and 111u1·•• boy" ;1r" 1nk111;;. ~ounn"' cook111~ · •.ilunJ; 1\.1111 111r g1rli; ;,nrJ tnn - 111;.: a •·ul 111ary h.i!l Thry all :olr Up JUI' s lx.'C'f menf ,·11111·1~. ,\~ hr ;i1 1.1r!;rrt !hr la1nh. 111' 11~rd 1tir •·h:tl'ts !'l :-11011> 1vherr ll1r ~<Jill" f'ul:; c·11111\' lro111. Hr r:-1>\ainrrl 1ha1 n111y 17.S pr rt·cnt. r•r l'fJU~hly 11·,111 of a lfJDO J)OIU1<! S1f'Cf arP lhr ''ioori ··111,, ' . ;uirl Uy good l'UI~. 11,. 1111•a11 H>c tor·~. the ·r. bn1w-., prin11 ·-. ancl lilrls. Th'! !"('c,I, ovrr 81JO pound:;, al"" , 11ts .\'Otl ha ve 1" rl o ,,.1u1rth111;.: \\"Ith 10 uiak,. lhl'lll lf'tlfl<""r, yun1n'1Y awl g1rn1·111c1 Yu11 r1thcr bl"lnrl, 1'11011. round, f1;11·or. t"n• .il'nEr ur roo:.k the l·~ng, slnw 11 a~·. IT"!' 1:r:r.1; IT'S YOURS ,\SK FOr. Jr Thr b11; cookin& c la:>~ Z'h1J1v 1s oil11a~•s 011 Hl our meat clc[lfll'ln1e11t . Joe ur Dl.'nnis, BUI. Lou or l~1n)·, Slr1 r, i\l or r 1e, Denver. or J ohnny al! love t'l c"'JXistUl;itc ovr>r a pot roast. ,\JI h;l\c a 1001hsonlf: "''a'/ \11th 11 rttn of 1nonosod1u n1 clu1;in1a1r, a holllc o f ;\l,u·n1aclr , .-,r a j:ir o[ swcrt h11~1 !. 'fil"y·11 r-0111r up 1.1 1tll Jo>orncllung ;.:rrat !o rJo \1 1rh lh;,l )JOU!ld of h:1111Ql1T;,;C'f , !C'll ~·ou !ht' go11rn1rt \\ay-w1lh a !..h<1!l'<i!!h1"1;111rl. Thry IOI" n•·1~· l·ndrs .. 11;111\ to ,r:rt ···111 bt•111g 111 1hc t<1~ty dU"CC· 111•11. 111n1. T 11 \.,,. ;,ch anla~,.. "' 1111' h<1rr111t'~s :;:ood t·ririku 1r: h".' :<. ;1nr1 ~·on~r; up 11 Ith a 111n!W'r c1e"' tiiue. rr:n:\J !'CT:.\ TC1 1 vi: .\.()T FRU.\l ~C!:.\T('l\ ' 'I hr \l'l)' other l"'l'I'" ;.., !r>l lo1v JS b.v Candl<>[Jij'.hl. Yu11r \\:l~ is l1~h!elf hy nrat Jll lfP ~hu1y hr1;,:ht foil bak1ni:' pnn~, trnrJerly "nlolrt1n~ a [llll rl1n!11(t" nr p u I s a 1 1 n i:::: i::n11n11•·t n11•;it SC'nsa11011s 111 th<' l>hd pes 01 11ork chops Of)!· 111.c: ''!\Ii rrunes and aprico1~ ... a 11 v1l<Jrnus old f.i~htonecl ~:1;:f' rlre~s1n.r: .• S1•c ••• "'' l1hc 10 plra~c r \""fJhody, ~" 111" itl11a~~ off Pr v-1r1a1 1on.-. I Iii· C,111iflrl1r:l11rcl 11ay is 1h'! l .ind)<'li~J11r<I ll:l.V I~ lh .. cur11ptr1.-. t;ourmcl f'it\'k<!i"::" lh•' h<1k1n::.: f"111 fill<""d II rt l1 Tllr l'f',ldy {()POP into th" 01111 10\C'al .r:oll·dlP. tn r1<1e '"''l'C'an1~ frn111 r1·f'r}·horl.v. '1 111 ~ "rrk, f"l!'!"k i~ 1hc mr at nJ !11r 1·1Jllfll•I;." huur , .. ~n II') r.n lh•' ~111f!rd fl'."'rk rhn1·~ ••i '111•'1" pri1k trndrrlo1111 1 ol lrrl 'lP !lllld n llr;+rl.v p.1 r,.I,.;: di'•·•'lll\:, ••I' i;p.11'1' Ii h 1 ;,1,, 1•1.V n111r1nalL'd in n11r "\I 11 !'\"Tio" ~oi'lt'f' ,\JI ~j"I 'I" !~ 11~" !"fl thr <'I'll" 11 r1<r. ltll"I '''l :""f '""ll .:111</ {"'r' II•' IOI HI L n Ill p \ .. tr I" ~11·11"1 ,,,n~ ;1ro· 011 1 he p.ir I.,•'..;'' nn; C\'\L1LLl.lGHr \\,\\' l:"I lllt. 11.\PI'\-\\,\\' . and the ··hoo~111; \:<i r r11111;: :inr! ft111 • , • Brr r ro~1lndrs ~tuffrrl 11·1111 a zingy rhr~1 1111 1.rrlrry •ll"<':'i~lll[; •.• C'nrn1~h hens i:;o fru1 1y "1t h ~f'<'l"lle~s .r:ra pr:'i k"f'IJllll; the1r t ';J\ oy lla\'OTSOmt' f'r h<>arly \\'11h Dahnatia n l'fll;'." 1lr•'l>~111;; Ptck up a tray f!f prrky \'1\·1d Cl'('l"ll bell prp- P"l'~ 1•rti;ply ro,•!111.i;: 1hrn1sel\·· r~ :i1vu1ml nur 011·11 i;ph")' iw,1! Ina! mix. SH1 HM round slca~. <111 I'\ "1;,rbolly f<11·orile n1c;1t hn lls, spnghcrt1 rr.arl.Y a lr:o.v nf ju111bo shri111p, ;di 1·1w1k1·d <111<1 p.rclerl. rno' ~nu 1n •In 1111h \\'hat con1<>1 -fl"lllra!h· fnr 1.,u. That f'xo111• 111ar111,1•ic h~~ a courlr nr l'rnl hrr~ .1n•t :r; i s I e r ~, ~f){'ciall.v cr1•a lrd to do 11, .. rii:ht 111sl1ni::: things \1·i1l1 rhicken 11 111::l'. legs. r•l' hrca!'ls •• nr cubes of lan1h or beef roi· kall'lbs •. or pvrr1 i;1e11.k \\"11111 u8 lo :-trin,: your kahnhs ror you on ba111· boo ~kf'll!'l"S • __ i;ca!lop1 ilnd ~11c1·h1111 .•. s!eak a11rl n1u~lu·on1ns ii nd c her r '/ ton1a\Of'.'5 _ . plc:i.~e ask •. ,\,i:;:l.;!.'\t1 PEOPLE CJ!; r1c1.;El1-UPPJ::R::i T:\i·h;,l"IJ', .• thf" Pe o pl• si.,1i•, 11h1·1r )1'111 pick up 0•1r l).t l l•<•~rd Ill(' 11. 1 ~ 1111 11 .0••>1r,11w,.. 11"l'.1ll~" 11 )"'L ~1'('!1 l pl f'11~!'d, 11r 1111.nt !rt knl"\' a!Jout 11 , .. or 11 ~"O•I ,·;in I !inti 1hf" 1·11tr ~"'Hl0 i!I low1loni.: f,,r J1l1c.1d.v p.1r-k11::- f"t/, pl<',I•<' ff•\.;, h!'f'fHIM' \\II 11 nn! t .. knn11 11hriu1 l!IR1 !rA ·----------,..._..--------~---------·-·· .. ······-· PRBDUEE Try p11rs sticed with 1ug1r end c;r11m! PEAK OF THE SEASON, LAKE COUNTY PEARS For I ch1nqe, ser.,.e boiled 1rtichok1J t:old, with mayonn1i1e or vin1igr1+t1. ARTICHOKES . 4 FOR $1 A GREAT EATING APPLE ! EXTR A FANCY CRISP, WASHINGTON GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES s LBS. $1 Saule i11 butler "nd oli111 oil w i•h onion. GARDEN FR ESH, TENDER, FLAVORFUL ZUCCHINI LB 19~ DELIEATE!!EH OSCAR MA YER Smokie Links 12 oz. 75 ~ OSCAR MA YER LU NCHEON MEA T Variety Pock 12 oz . 89~ Use ii on potatoes, in casserole s, \~d<!ld1 MISS W ISCONSIN SHR EDDED CHEDDAR 4 oz . 39~ 1 00 1~ NON-DAIRY DR ES SING FOR FOOD IMO ~INT 35~ REESE PET ITE SMOKED OYSTERS 311 oz. 3 FOR $1 FRBZEH FOOD! VAN DE KAMP 'S NORTHERN HALIBUT 8 oz . 69~ TREESW EE T GRAPEFRUIT JUICE • oz. 4 •• .'1 SAR A LEE DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 14 oz. 69c KOL D KIST Sirloin Tips 6 oz . \ 39¢ BIRO S EYE BABY LIM A BEANS ., oz. 4 ,.,'1 BIR DS EYE ON!ON RINGS • OL 5 ,,.'1 BIRDS EYE BLACKEYE PEA S .,0z. 5 ,,.11 BIRDS EYE. MIXED VEGETABLES ., oz 5 ,,. 'l DOL E PINEAPPLE CHUN KS "'• oz 4 ,,,'l EAHDY CHRISTMAS OVERSEA S MAIL DATES ICLIP AND SAVE!I ARMED f ORC ES SUR FACE MAIL OCT . 13-NOY. 8 SAM. IS p•t " <"1 Yd1lable, '1 01 guarant eed ,.1r me1I) s.lb. limil OCT. 20-NOY. 22 PAL. I ln•ured Pare.el Air Lift, 30 lb. limit, $1.00 c.h an~fl plu\ po1ta91 J OCT. 27 -NOY. 29 AIR MAIL A.P.0., f .P.O. DEC. l-13 PHONE 673-1.360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 9, I 0, 11 .... ~ .. . . . ..~ .. ..-..... . . . , ..... ' ' , . ' ' : • . .' / \ ,...... . ' .. \ ' ' ' . ; • . ' " ·. .· \' ·-·'······· .. ,, ', • ,.<\;,_, : : ·. ' . ' . "' . " ...... · ; ..... Orgtn Sertnade Fo r Your P lea ~ure by Bernice F.sy " ' . . ·- LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPO RT BLVO. AT THE ENT RANCE TO LIOO ISLE PORK 'lAKEI EXCELLENT EA TING, FOR A DINNER PAR:TY OR FO ~ THE FA M1l Y. TRY OUR . , • ~l{/ PO RK CHOPS IN CIDER I AUTEEO APPLE RINGS BAKED POTATOES BRA ISED CELE RY CHEESE CAK E I ERVE WITH REISLING OR TRAM INE R WINE I ~ • Sil\7ER PLATTER • ~ ~. poRl{ SALE ,, • RICHARD'S FAMOUS CORN FED YOUNG PO RK FROM YORK , NEBRASKA. PORK LOIN ROAST Tho tendodo;n ond Country-Style SPARERIBS The m"'Y ones! Center-Cut CHOPS Try our P0<k Chop• ;n C•d•r Thick-Cut LOIN CHOPS Perfec.I for Stuffed Ct-lop1 • 79~LB 79¢LB 89~LB 98¢LB. CHOP SUEY MEAT Tondec <ub<• of p0<k loo n 1.19 LB. Boneless PORK CHOPS ~~~~~.;.".~:~1 ~.",;~:~ 1.29LB PORK TENDERLOIN Ro.,1;1w;,hanO,.n90 Sauco 1.39LB. Richard's 100°/o Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Legs of Pork w,,,, .. "'" Fresh Side of Pork '·• rn . IK .. PIGS FEET • ''"'"'•I ''"" ""' .. ,1K ... PIGS TAILS Fresh Pork Hocks .,.,. .1 .. ,.,,,,, .. , Whole Suckling Pigs ,, ..... ,. ,,. ,. ,,,, ··•··1 Rath Blackhawk Bacon W ,+j, • 4,licit u1 P••1l•v •+vlf•"'I Re1ll 1 61lt F,re! S!111ftlll Stuffed Pork Chops 1.39 "· Pork Tenderloin 59c .. . 79c .. . 69c lL 39c ... 39c "· SSc "· '42" ••• 79c "· 98c ll. 1.49 ll. Stuffed Thick Chops 1.49" Marinated Spareribs 79' "· w, c.•rry a complol11 ~e!ec.fion or U.S.0.A. PR IM E BEEF • WATCH EACH DAY FOR OUR COUNTER SPECIALS \Yetlnt~day, Ottobtr 8, l')fl') OAILY PILOi D9 DOZ. 45~ I l l . 47c VERMONT MAID SYRUP ll Ol. 2 ,,, 69c HILLS BROS . COFFEE I LB. 69¢ HILLS BROS. COFFEE 1 LI . 1.37 DIET-RITE COLA ,, oz. 6 ,,. 49c LAWRY'S I ' 1 ·oi. SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX 2 ,., 39c KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER 1 LB. as~ GEBHARDT 'S JUMBO TAMALE S PEARS No. JO) 4 !or 11 FRUIT COCKTAIL UN PEELED APRICOT HALVE S YELLOW CLING PEACH HALVES No. J OJ 5 fo r '1 YELLOW CLI NG SLICED PEAC HE S No. lOl S for '1 SLICED PINEAPPLE Ne>, 1 •, 4 rar '1 • AEROSOL GLA SS CLl,.NlO WINDEX 15 oz . 39~ JOHNSON'S GLOR Y RUG CLEANER 1~ ot. 1.39 SUN COUNTRY AEROSOL-l SCENTS AIR FRESHENER ' oz. 49c BAKERY WHAT A WA Y TO START A DAY~ Cin namon Twi st Dan is h " 15c A SUPERBL Y DELI CIOUS LOAF RAISIN BREAD 45c A NICE ACCOMPAN IMEN T FOR PORK WHEAT TEA ROLLS 6 1 •• llc M11d 1 with Cotl•ge Chf!1ne lt nd Gel•lin Low Calorie Chees e Cake 89c FLOWER SHOP OUTSTANDING SELECTIOr-< OF PERMANENT PLASTIC FLOWERS & FOLIAGE 10% OFF jJ~ ~t#(j;(~ In eltctric skillet brown center-cut pork chops on both sides in butter. Po ur over them l,4 C. ea ch cider and water. Sprinkle cho ps with a generou~ pinch of etc;h basil and marjoram, and paprika, solt and pepper. Add 3 med . onions, chopped fine. Cov. er skillet and braise chops unt il they a re tendt1r . (~5 m;n. to I hr.j s•77 .. tcllUU'ktlatdiAUPPCHLI .. a · ,~··rs · -1 • 7 • _ a JC a x vu a cs uz Jib ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP OPEN DAILY •·6 DAILY 8,Jo .6, SAT. SoJ0 -5 LIDO YACHT SHOP '2KJ....,...J.:-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP OPE N DA ILY •-6. SUN. 10-l DAILY ,.5,30 , SAT. t .5 OPEN DAILY 9.7, SU N. '·6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 CLEANERS I ' I ·;-( ------;::r.-~~1,•-•~\'t':',f'!''YP<l tl O~ 9'4>4kfCk!·\-<--'-Z C U .<--~.* 4 ~--~·-."-'~\ J!J 3 ,1 .•~s r •::;,. _ _..45 -e + SC @OJ!C!SZZL-- QJO DAILY .. ILOr V./tdntsday, Octot?er 8, 1%~ .. :-:41' ,,. ·... i - HOFFMAN TAVERN HAMS sor-:Et l $SREADY /OlAl ..... SMOKED PORK CHOPS ~lNllQ CUf ......... _,.,.,.,.,. .. ,. ............... . PORK BUTT ROAST C . FRESH LEG OF PORK HAVE A lUAU ROAST ... ,. '[1.11BONCU~~---~"""''"""'"'""' . -1.rL .. ·~ WHOU OR SHANK HALF ............. LI. PORK sun STEAKS _ ... ,...... .. .............................. LE .. 71' CENTER CUT PORK LOIN CHOPS _.... LB. !le WAFER THIN PORK CHOPS _ ·-"· $1.09 FRESH HAM STEAKS ....... _ .. _ LB .. lie COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS L!. 7ic PORKTENDEl!LOIN, WHOIEORSllCEO _____ lB .. Sl.31 SLICED BACON, MAYFR£SH ORHOff MArfS BCTT£1\MAIO ... _ts. 79c PORK LINK SAUSAGE, HOHMAHSSKIHlESI •oz. PK< -... 35c PORK SAUSAGE. HOllMAH s 1 rn. "'' --·----··-··-· 59c BACON SQUARES .................. _ .................................. __ , ___ ..... '"· 49c HONEY NUGGET HAM,"'" SLA' '"'"' ....... -........... tB..$1.59 BACON ENDS FOR SEASONING ........................................... _ ... LB .. 39c SALT PORK ............................................................ _ .......... -........ _ ... 1• .. 59c PENN SAUSAGE, n01 OR ""' ............................................................. " 69c PORK NECK BONES -· -..... , tr 33c . HOFFMAN'S SMOKED PICNICS SWEET SMOKED CURE ' ' .. ··~~~~~~~~~~~~--- CRANBERRY (OcKTAIL 'JUICE '' ~ · "" 0: " ~P',i_t~ I I C ... 48-0Z . .-.. • SIZE · "'' ¥' MAYFRESH ENGLISH MUFFINS 6-~ s1 PACK .. for ··~ Doi~ Spttit&s ! .i-~DE>.135' IMITATION ICE MILK ....................... ~:·: ORANGE JUICE BLEND ,'::;,;;z, 49\ 83' 8b$1 ... ~.. R TUMBLERS I h,,,,, Sll..MBOO 12 OZ. :iLlt ·-""""''' ARDEN BUTIER mornV""'C"PL >-11. 11 8,(i'~lON ., --m~fair liquor-----._ VODKA VOllNOFF 10 Pt!OOF ~:~$6.99 ma....Yfair DdUa.uss~ OtlODER CHEES! FESTIVAL CHiEES:E OR RY y MILD CHkDDAR B . " JACK THE' CHEISE PI ECE lb CHEDDAR " 9' Be CHEESE ,~;:, 1b J\C,EO & !Oi-IG1100l'J , NATURAL CHEESE , ~:':; 49' MllO CHf DDAR, JACI( CHH ~t /-.<I •~N~llQ ~e·r-~ osc•• MAYEI All M11I" All Btel BO LOG NI, p. Ot (QTTOSAl.t..Ml.MACHl.t.fH. u ... re 59' (H!f:>f & OlO FASHLQNfO tOa.' lf·Of ~·.;, ........ ZWIM IMPORTED SLICED HAM . .... ~ • o: 65c W 1l.JP 100 ~ W.UT!J.1 00 ' · ,Van de Kamp·s· ' SPECIALS Th11rs.-Sun., Ott . 9-12 Frenc h ~~~~e·r ·C.'.ea.n1. 2 ,,,.,~l19 ~~~~e .. s~u c.e . . a ... &Sc Pumpkin P.ie ., .. ""' 69' 1LYJ oo w l!Y§ oo oo w· !!f~!!~, ~~~~.~. 27' !~!J!,q~·~ .. 79' ( ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 -FULL DAYS THURSDAY . OCT. 9th THRU WED., OCT. 15th 175 EAST 17111 STRE!T, COSTA MlSA SUNSHINE GRAHAMS "o""'" .. 39' IRIS CUT GREEN BEANS "' ........................ 27' PACIFIC SIA CRISP SALTINES l·lB ........ 29' IRIS KIDNEY BEANS "'-···················-2f37' 2030 WEST ht STREET, SANTA ANA Hf2 WESTMINSTER AVE., COARDEN COROVE ' Here's another El R<lncho Special Event! Seafood delicacies and a wide variety of poultry favorites .. Treat your family to their choice this week! Fresh' T rout •.• s~g~:.~4~ ... 39~ Rushed f resh lo us from Lile SnaJ.i e Ri,cr in Idaho ... for your delight ! ·Halibut Steaks ...... 7 9~ F irn1 flesh ••. n1ore f\a\"orful ... because they're !rotu icy cold northern "·ate rs ! Fresh Lobster ........ $1 89 ,b !:;o delightful anytin1e .•. and doubly ~o al this lO\\' price ! I to~ lbs. e<i. King Crab Legs ...... s1 39 ,b Alaskan Kini "ariet.v ... firm s11·rel n1eat .•• for .a cocktail or a casserole ~ Fresh Sea Bass ...... 89~ ,;Ah1·ay~ a Ja1-0rile 11ith the ... {f11tily .. .' u,:;c Sl;;-J,e-·n· 0 Bal..e for f\a1·or and ca :=-e ! · ~) . -' F ol' a main course sure to tempt your hungry horde ... delicious broiled! Shrimp ....... ~·~~-.~~x.~!·!~ ..... sl 69 ,b Ann11M1 lllo1n Ba™c .... Sl.~9 Sth Imported F rr-n th '' 1ne .. dry ... light: Enjoy the sa\·ings ... and t111•. quality! Sn1a ll size ... lender! Shell on. Cl LITTLE 79c CHERRY 69C Liebfraumilch .. , ... , .... $ l.79 Sth llavenn1P~·pr ... fl\lP con1· ams .. N~~~.. lb .. s!~~. 1b p~ninn f11r f1 ~h ~ Ser\·e a bo11·] of cho11 dt'r ... or :i l't.'11· ... or a bake'. but ~rve clams ! El Rancho Grocery Specials! Crisco Shortening ... .. _ .3~~~~D--~~~........ ,_ ... 69' Sno\\·y \\'llile •.. <in cl pure! f rying fi sh? , •. or cln cken? ... ~ ou"Jl 1vn11t Cri5ro '. Birds Eye Peas or Corn ... .. .... ... ............ . 6 ™ S'J Garden fresh goodness ... frozen to preser\·e precious flavor ~ ... 10 oz. pkgs. Apples Crisp lar;;re red or a-olden delicio11:<1 ~ Cold Duck ........ $1.91 5111 .B u b b I y dr.v \\'ine from. .facques Bonet Cllenin Blane ...... $1.19 5111 Light and dry .•• from l"ha~. Krug .. serve chilled •. 11 ith poultry! Fryer Breasts~~:~~~~~ 69~ Golden fr~·ers ..• Kin g ::;ize 111 gi1 f' rnu n1n1·e 111catr lendernf'~s : Plun1p tender chi cken parts ... f'hunk.1· legs:ind n1~at y. rich·tUt-ated thighs! Turkey Breasts.~E.A!!. 89~ ("111 from GradtJ ".-\'" l11 rhe.1 ~ ... lrl l'\cr.1·bor!y ha\ehi1:1 fill of \\"h ite n1eat ! L & Th • h GRADE A 39c egs 1g s .. 1~~~~~. 111 fl loist and tender.,. J"Hh d:ir\.. 111r:it 1h;it offer:< g••ne rn11s Sf'r\·1ng!';, burlget priced~ M t W• TURKEY 29C ea y 1ngs ?~ ~~1.c~~~ 111 )·ou1· rli(l ice ~t th is In"' pri1r> .•. Rn<l :<fl n111tli n1ea 1, 11h11.:hc,cr )OU rhoo."P: Ducklings ... .f.R~~~ .~A.T~~ .... 69~ Lo11g Isl:ind duckl ings ... ra i.~C'd 111 frr.~h 11 ;![er \)find~'. ... 4 j,) 5 lb. average. Split Broilers .~1~~.s1~E}. 39~ Tr !';on's Pri.Jc '. ... lornp:iri> !hr' al ui> ... ~ I ou nc•':, bi g al El Ra nt·ho! El Rancho Fresh Produce.' Celery r:arrlrn frl'.~h ... first rla.v rri.~r. tenrl er ! 2~29' Orange Juice ....................... :.6:~~~-E .. c~~s .... _ ......... 5 ™ S'J Beef ea le rs ... take note! ... S pecial offer, loo. on F ilel ;\I 1gnon at $2.69 lb.! Cal Fame ... All American blC'nd ... frozen for concentrated fla,·or! Anderson's Soups .. .. ---~~.v~ED -~-1~°.5.'.. . 5 ™ S1 Choose fron1 :-:pl it Pea. J;r11n. r otato or Ton1aio : ... :--;;o. 303 cans. Krlsp_y Crackers .............. 29' Dole's Plneapple .................... 4 ... '! fro~. the happy Sunshine Bakers '. .•. 16 oz. Chunks, Crushed or Tidbits, ... No. 2lt cans. Uncle Ben's Quick Rice .. .. .... 39' Jiffy Muffin Mix .. .. . _ .. . .. 8 ••• '! ' Cooks up perfectly'. ... fourteen ounce package. Co rn or l·loney Date! ••. your choice , .• 8 oz. Van de Kamp Enchiladas .............. 39' Chun King Dinners ..................... 59' Beef, Cheese or Chicken ... frozen ..• 71.~ oz:. l\e\1r ... fi\·e courses in Chinese style ! Fr~n. MJ.B. Coffee ....... __ ........... 69~ Birds Eye Green Beans ........... 5 '"'1 2 pound can •.. it.37 3 po11nd r.a n ... $1 .93 French style or cut! ... frozen ..• 10 ounce. Salvo ·Talllets.......... .... . ... 69' Wizard Air Freshener ................. 49' Detergent in convenient form : Giant ~ize. 1-lousehold odor! vanil\h ! ..• you 118\'e tOc ! Miracle White .......... __ ..... 69' Kingsford Briquets .... -~~ .. '.".':~: ..... 79' All the n~n1e in1 pliei>! ... ~~gall on ..• $1.::?9 Still tin1e to barbecue! 20 lb. bag .•. $1 .:39 ' ' t ' I Pricf's in effecf. Tkurs. f.h.raugh S1111. Or t. fl. 10. 1J,1;!. /I.To sn,r.s tl'I deolrr.~. Oprn. dn.ily 9 to 9 ••. Sunrlay I Q fo r _ Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.• 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena , IU 2 OAJl Y PILOT News By JOHNA BlJNN r-.1P.:\V YORK -"D1nln& and dre~!'lng ha\"e b r C' o 1n ~ p<"rlormins arts in our 11me," TV news corre:i;pondf11t Ed~·in f>.'('11man !'iakl in h1~ utl1ct ;i[ !'.'DC. Jfe \1 as 111 lu ~ shirt Quickie Coats 105s these ~hm, tr1n1, youn g cnats 01rer r 1erv1h1ng' QL"JCK-CR.OCJ!ET t we t d 1r111,n.rr;i1(']-<oun1ry r :iat 1n 2 lr.1g1h!'~ C111nbu1r· kn 1 1 ! 1 n g, 1rorMcd. 3·ph· l1ngtr111g [';ii· tern i l53 : NEW !'i1ze r-!0·12 . l~· !Ii incl. Size !2 ( busl 3~ J. FIFTY CENTS lcnin~l ror rJ ch p;it\en1 -adrl 15 cents lrir each p;11trr11 tor /1rst-ela~~ 1na1J111i:; a111I ~prl'1al han<tl1n~. o!llcr111:-c lh1n!-cl11:<s dtlll'C'TY '',JI t11kc 11Jrcr 11'ecks nr 1111irr. Send lo Alice Brook.~ tlir J)a1iy P1!ot. IO!I Need!C'tr;dt Dl'pt., 8nx J63, Olrl Chel:-c;1 Stillion. \'.f'w York. :'\.Y. 101)1 I Pnnt l\<1n1r. Addrrss. Zip. Pattern :\un1brr. BlC \~;n N r e d It' r rat I \'at a log -· ·Ill p.1p.r~. orrr 200 dr,•1gni;, 3 fr rt' p;i.ttern~'. 1\1111. rrxhrt lnstanll'. ,1r gy1 e .,1\f't1 trr, hat:s, drr~~es. ~1111n . 1u1 Quilt, r111J.rol{lr·r. 11·ea1r. ~1<1 kr ln,1·s, ~1/ts, ga y afGh a115 :C.rnd .JO cen1~. Crisp Collar 9422 1o y,.;oy, i.i 11f.,,;,.., 1lf.,,i'~ SNAP. Cl!ACl-.LE rnt:~H 1:i; t.he effpct rif IJ1e cr1~p . ~r.,.rf· ed collar Uiat lops this M1·r;in1 · lined shapr. Cliina1'C:S In pleats I ronl and back. Printed Pattern 9fl2. NF\V llalf Siif.'fi 101.2. 12 1 ~" 141i. Hi'~ UPi. zu·~. Size 14'~ 1bu~t :liJ take-" 41l yards »·inch. SIXT''·FIVE CE~TS 1n coi ns for each pal.trm-.cidd 15 cents ror each pattern for first· rlas~ mailln& and special han· dling : otherwise lhird·class de· l11•try ll'lll lake lhrt>e voetok& or more. Send to r.1ari1n ~1ar· (jn, U1P. Daily Pilot, Pattern Oe pl .. 232 \Ve:st l~th St .. New York. N. Y. lO(IJ I F'rint Name. Address '\ ilh Zip . Slit and Slyle Numbfor . NEW FAL.L-WINTER PAT· TF.:RN CAT AUX; -01'fl'r l(lfl Ftv le1. free pattern coupon 50 n!ntl'i INSTANT SEW I ,-.; c~ ROOK ~rw loday, "''t'ar t<1- 111orrow. $1. INSTANT fASI!. 10~ BOOK -\\'htil-I0·1''tRr .11n~~er~. 11ccts.wry. fi1ure l ip~: Only '" ,,,._, ....,."" ··------·--·-----·-• " • • • • • • -• • # •• • • ·.t .. '7"=' =:.1.=. •, tf !?':" c;; 4Zf!•<?C a::<; a 4.iq < c: z s ,: ( 0 f " .. \Ytdnr~d~y. Octobtf B. 1%') ---6 PllO f.AOVE "TISZR l ~------- Correspondent Believes Dining' s a Performing Art .\ill'C\'t'~. leanln{; his elhows on lh' kHl·ben :.inct' hi s wife was nlood Park and I cl1n1bed a STEAK fttlRA&EAU ii pile o/ fold er! lelely~. away in England. "I got start· tree. I had Iii duek decoy horn. For l!le a&ebo\'Y butter: "\\'h;11 I 1h1nk has happenrd ed cooking out of ncce~slty When I blew this thing. no l tablespoon nnchovy fdet~ 1~ the rc•sult of a lremendous whc-n I was in college. !\to.st ducks 1·a111c. I pointed oul to (or I tea spoon anchovy amount of leisure and • young n1en start out l\'ith spa· 11\e Tod:1_1· people that slnt·e paste) ireinent!ous anioonl of money ghet11 and hainburgr rs and ducks nr·;trd as readily in U.S. 4 teblespoon! sweet bulle- t I P I then hamburoers aud ~11al7het-aa they do in F.ngla nd, the best Few drops frc~h l<'mon JUIC<! 1•01111ng oget irr. eop e are e 'i' 1. h , ti: But I n1oved f:.iirl)' quickly tung for I c1n to do was grt r'ew gratings freshly "round able lu r1r1•ote inordinatt ,. I I E bl 0 from spag hetti to lasagne qual· ·111g .. t 1emse ~es. very· ack pepper atnounrs of rnC"rg~' lu earing ,~ ·which is ant' :.tep higher in onr thoucht that was hysler· Desa lt anchovy filels by and drinking, br1ng111g about a complexity. Lasagne has one 1t;1J1.v fwu1.v and that Mark rinsing under tepid water : llry great r laboration of recipes, grrat advantage. You can T1~·ai11 l1ad retumed to earth,'' \'.ell, mash with for t tor u:;e dish es and menus." make enough for a whole he sair!. :inchovy pestr 1. Mix mashed i\lelhods of ser vin r are more 11 cek. reheat it-that is ir you Ile was n.~kcd if he liked anchovy for p'1ste1 with sol1- •ophi:s!ica ted and entertaining can stand it." he said. 1luck flarnbc. ened huller. le tno n juice and 1,c; more com petitive, he said. "\ had ~ome friend!i in eol-"\'ery niuch. ,A,J~o (!u i:k bi · pepper to taste. Set <1sidc . I ·1 \ · / 1 i""C who made ·• d1·.'h of ,, •. , To p,.pare the sh~aKs : 11 11 e f enying "' 11\ a sm1 e ~.. 0 " " garade, or as I onre. saw 1l 1ha!. he 1\·as ao authority. "The a11d barlev, that's all lhere w;is on a menu, duck Rigard . n.-ir· 4 !:1rgt· club (or [)elrnonit:o) lrrnrl oper;;tes on a rnore to !he di.Sh. Bul they d1dn"l ney Biga r(l was thC' nainr-of a slC'a ks cul :11 least J u1ch n1odes~ scale closer lo nci!urc call'ulatc the expansion factur "t~l l·kJJown clarincli!'!I," hr thi('k in nt her parls of the coiin try. of !hr ricr a11d wou11d 1111 pil 1nr; S<utL (;l'r11nnd hliu ·k prpprr rit e 11110 paper b;.1gs and lea1'-"If onr lhin\t~ of llf'"S.<Jicn i\lc te<J ~11't('L h1i1 1er 1orolnc 1f .l'OU lak~ lhr Oll!door . I I d r I ing t 1r111 on 11c oorstcps o in tern1s of hl'ii1" p<'rforrnrr~. OI ' h<irbecur, .\ 011 ha\'f' an ex-ti I · d •·• 0 51· d t I ff d lC'!r r1cn s. we're <icltial!y t'xlrC'tnely lun· ice gret'n p1111rn o·s u e 11111plr. ll's .-;nnp!y not enough COOKING WITH CANDOR t•:d·s f.1vor11e food story i:un-Hed perforn1crs. Oflrn al l 1o1·c olh'es an~iiiore 1" 5lap a s!c<ik in the Edwin Newman t·rrns du1·k. "\Vhcn I 11·as In can do is srnirk al the enrl of i\nchovy filct s. ('lll 111 lh11t oven. Lo d h 1 h h i;trips n on, I c ricop e on I e To-a s ow. But you hive sonic of STUDY Of \l!IN E da.1• progran1 sornchow heard !hat quality of 'hammlness.' 'Vatcrcres! "I think il's happening \\·1th 11flen 11se Paltapr.it'~ "~lodcrn about the fa i:t [hat ducks were Otherwise, you'd De terribly Sprcllrl one :.id" vi r:wli rl rink , too. although n;:it en-FreoC'h Culinary Arl" ;111d nesting in trcr~ 1n l.ondon. I uncomfortable in this busi· stea k with ancho1 y h111 trr, t1re ly in !he way it might ha1·e "Larou~se Ga!ilrunnn11que." learned later thts 1s nol such ness!" season with pepper. Br111I to hf'cn exf)fi.'ted. \\'1ne rer1ll.v Last year "'e rl1sco1ered a a ra.r ity, but I w;1s as~1g11ed to Recipes, from the man whn d e sired doneness; ren101e hd~n ·tbecoine apreo<:cupation vo!un1e ca!led "l::xn!1c C'nok· get soine picture~ of the nest-cooks with <:andor, follow ror frorn broiler. in the U.S. Ji lt ever does, the cry" by Lilla van ~;ihrr_" ers. The pictures "'ere nol easy !leak Mirabeau and r ice Rub un cooked 3ides lighlly ro~"i bililies are hmi!le~s. NECESSITY OF COOl\J1>,;G to conic by, in fatl in1po~:s1ble. s1lad: with n1el1ctl butler (or olive .. \\'ine can be a very com· , __ c_"'_,_•_n1_ly_E_d_'_'_"_"_1.1_,_''~'-'" __ ·_·s_o_w_e_w_e_n1_0_"_' _1_o_l!_ic_h_· ___ E_D_~_1_N_N_'E_~_1_A_N_·_s ___ oil), sea:.vn lightly with 11rp· pliCflled sub1rct -1hc dif- ference hr!11 ren QllC ~·e a r a'nrl ;inolht>r anti llus '1 nr~·nrd and !liat 1·111r_1ard -.111<! you can ,t:11·e 1l a greilt dc;al of time and rlerotJon. Pe rhaps !hat lirs ahead.·· Ed \rho is a skill- ed ohserl'Cr Of f'Qt1ll"'n1pornr,• :-.,K·1c.1_v (•xplorC'd 0111~ onC pha.~r of 1hr whole 11nagr uf 1hr lil~t .. Erl C1nd 11 n~her ne11·~1ncn "'ill :ippra1~c con· flilion:; 1n the U.S now arid Jorec11st th!! happenings in thr n<'Xl decade on the upcoming TV special. "frorn Here to thf' SC'1·rnt1rs," Q('I 7 on NBC.TV He was a!'ked H the trend 111 <11111ng heralded the day of the i;n~1r111el. nr \hf> rr1er~r- ··1 do11't kno11·." Ii(' sa id . ''I lhink it'! necrssarv to k<"ep 111 n11nd the dist inction bet"'el!n a gourn1tt and a i;ounnand. i\'10~1 of us prnhablr wouldn 't ubiert lo ht'1ng known ;is ~011nncts \\'e'd lake t! as a 1 0111pl11nent h!1t ohJrr! \C rv stron~ly 10 b\'111g called gour- mand5 for lhat lerin ilnpl1t s an add1ct1on to eating for th(' sakr of ea1ln~. Gourrnet. at IPa~r. lmril1es .~on1c tas1c. disl'r:niinul!on and srlrr 11111~'' ., 11" h1111.~rlf 1~ or1111 acrus1·d o! hr111p. a :;rull'n1c1 .. If people 11 :inl to belie1 c 11, I don't rnu1~." ht.' l'hucklecl . ''I cer· 1ainl~· didn't ha1·"-lhat rcputa . lion before I !tit the U,S" A n11tl 1n1e trce.lan1·f' "Titer 1n ~;uropt", h<' J:>in<'d ,\'13C 1n Lon- 1ln11 111 !~52 anrl l,1l('r h<'arlrd 11 ~ Lnn1lo11 h11rr:iu hrfore 1r!1Jr11111g tu !h•' :-i1a1r1. Jn 1fl57 ,\!!hough he ha~ lra\elrd in more than 2~ coun!r1rs 111 the w1•rld. he sti ll r 11rik:i; French 1 l)1,,1nr thr l1rir5T "Th:it ~ nol rAacUy a n.•1·e1auon," he said "The hau1 r '111~111r n r bourgroi~ 1ar1"1 .1-~·· he 11·a~· .i ~ked "Bnlh. bu1 bou rgeois French cooki ng 1~ "·hat mos t of us &el llfl to. really. 0111·c .-·011 ~o :ihn1e tha1. \1111 1r11rt 10 hrl lo~!·• lie ~airi rhat 1f ~nu l11p 111 :-.;,-1.,. '\'or).. 1nu aln1n.'1 111 r 1 11;ihly hf•·o111 r :111 arldl''I Hf ~·111nr.<r farr l!r> l1 kr~ lt.1l1a11 f·~id too, h:i1111c l11 rrl in J1a!y fnr aln1r1.~t. a )f.ti' LO\' f.l():'\'S (fir\,\<, ES "1,onrlon .~ chan~ed a ::?rr;'I ! rll",11 1 hr fn<1d !~ 11111• 11 t>• •1r1 .. uvl ni,.rr in!t'rl'~t1111; th.111 11 1 1~r d !n hr li'o: prnhahl.•• llir rr.1111 of !'fl 111anv fflrr 1cnrrs. l'f•111111g inlo l•:11,i:l..i n1I dll(I lhr l!1'1\1;.h ,i:r.111,i: "11 ~o n1an1 1 .11 ·;it1nn.• 1+11 • thr t'n11tlnc111 ·1 11 ;i'i !!1 1,nnd:in th1~ ~111nn1rr :111!1111111rcrt ,1 trrrnr111/011\ pr0 !11.-1011 rir l1 .• l1;1n. l 'll111c5e and l11rl1:i11 rt'~l<1ura11!~ Ed :inrl lus E11 Rh .,h 1\ il r. liigt'I. h\·e 111 N<'w York on thP F::1.<.t Slrlr b11t still maintain ;J !lal 1n Lnndon Thrir <lciughtrr . ;\.1nr~·. 1~ ,:1 ,i:radu:it" !-tud('n1 :i1 0Af nrlf Ln11·t'r!>ll1 . t)nc of h1~ la1or11r re:;1a1i ra111s 111 l,Q11r1011 1s 1"1mpsons 111 1he ~t rdn1!. "lt.'s :--1111 v tr v l·:ngli~h. and a ~tJod F.ngll'h rc~ta11rant 1s 1nuch 111orc di[. 11\·1111 to 111111 th<1n fln lt.aH~n . l 1r1>rk or l'rrnch rt'.'li1auran1 ." lie was 1mpre.<.sctl by Jap. :intM' f(l(ll'I the first t11nr hr 11 01~ thcrr 111 1!!61, he recalled I Ir likes !he sdshh111 anfl 1l1r l:ict thCll one could d111e :i i lrescn in Kyolo. The Kobe beel 1~ particularly &ood, loo, he said. ' ti PRICES IPPICTIYI "' THURS. lhru SUN,. OCT. 9°12, 1969 WH0l( CHICKE N lEG5 & TH IGHS FRYER PARTS u .!. 0 " CH01C f -llONttlS~ l fll LONDON BROIL F•l~H t POtfN US 0 A. 11'<S'£Clf0 ~ 10 ,.\I LAMB SHOULDER fOOD GIANT • ASSOllT ED COLORS f AM llY PACK FROZEN FOODS ~"NQU! 1 -•ll VA,11[11 (~ BUFFET SUPPERS ' " ,,, VEGETABLE MARGARINE SCOTT TISSUE OH 80Y P(PPf RONI ((H(!.SE 0 1, 01 , .. H'f• ••• SAUSAIE PIZZA '"' .. ,. G REEi-1 GI .I.NT (I UnERED, l plq, I I /\() ! .1 ~· RICE ENTREES •'• K!iN 5 10 ... SLICED STRAWBERRIES "'' OfS~E lll 10,P!NC. . "' BIRDS EYE COOL WHIP .... ·~29c pkg1 '129c pock LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN RASNOfF OSCAR M&YIR VODKA ALL MEAT WIENERS or FINLEY'S 69c DRl"llAL GIN PULL FORMULA POUND s31t PKG. 1-<QM,AOf fRE5H '' ~· 35c FUll SAUIRKRAUT , .. QUART osc•• MAYfl ~ll((D M(J..1~ GllSON'S YAllUY PAK 11 01 98< HARD 79.l~H HAll •'• ... OiCAI """Yll -l or •ul'" CIDIR .... BIAUNSCHWEIGER 45< HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS $) 19 79< 37< 27< 59< per. Fortn lattice ~·ork with strip$ of anchoY)', fill in squares wtth thin 6hcea or olh·c . broil second i:;ide Sl•rve alone or wllh side dish of inelled butter s a u c r . Ga r nis h s tea k s "'ith wcitercress . Serve \V1th braised endive for brussel sprout!! and chateau potatoes ! lll':Cled raw polalo cut into ollve shapes, cooked uaUJ tender alld golden in seasoned bul · Lcr I Serves 4. A!lerthoughts: The French are 1nl:lined to pan-broi l thi~ n1eal classic in a hot ~killel lightly rubbed 1o1•ith butler and nil 1 or rendered ~ 11 f' t . 1 Garnishing 1s at:L'Ul11pl1i;hed after n1eat has t:ookcd. t'or an unusua l garnish, use fre:.h tar· rason !eaves. SUPER HICE SA LAD I 1 _. eups t:ooked rice :I sinall ripe p eel ed ton1atoes. choppe<I ~ h1blcspoons pin1cnlo, chop- ped I t:1ble.~poo11 ('hopped fresh pa rsley 2 !<1blespoons chopped celery Large bcl I pepper, chopped J tablespoon minced ch11 es 1 •• tl.lp \'<'gct~ble (or olnel Oi l 3 tablespoons tarragon 1o1.•lnf' v•neaur ior fresh lt-111011 juice/ l):ish sus:ir Salt, freshly grounll pt ppcr lo taste ('ul garhc clu\l t> Co n1b 1 n e cooked r1ct , 1ornat0es. pimento, celery, parsle}', pepper and chh't':'i . Prepare salad dre11Sing b.v rni);ing together vegetabll! ior olive ) oil. vinegar tor len1on l, ~ugar and seasoning.g lo taste . Itub salad bo\vl lightly \\'1!h r ut garJic. Pour dressing 01•rr ricc·1·egetabte n1ixture, ttJ,"i" l1i;llt!y. Cover, chill well \n :-;:.-rvc. Ser1112s 4. Aftert houghts Ed 's heal'ly salad IS only the prelude !o 1n1pr·:ivlsa1ion~. ::.ut:h as us111~· cooked ~hr1n1 p in con1bin<1Unn "'1th cooked rlce, ce lery. green pepper. dressed ·1vith curry· l1;1 l'Ored 111ayonn.iisr; or le.I!· 01 er rice co1nh111ed 1o1·ith :.ll\'Prs ol harn lnr tongue\, cheese, rclery, pelil p<JJS and / or cubes of slivered Swis:; cheese . !Cl 19'9, ~l~W><!d~. lnr . RIB STEAKS 87.~ U .!. D it, CHOIC:f -I ONf.\l'J RUMP ROAST 8911.. U 5 0.A INS,tCT!O FRESH fROlfN. S"-lfler BLADE LAMB CHOPS CIY.()..\litoC 'ACKitoGf McCOY'S PASTRAMI 7911.. $139 lb . CONEY IS\ANO E•llA LONG HOT DOIS 691b. PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP FROZEN SANOU£T FRUIT PIES ORAL &llTIHll'TIC RlllH·AWAY SHAMPOO '.;; 69• NEW C_O,, D(Gll ll NOOJ "'· 39 LISTIRINI l•"f Jei-11'0UI•• D., .. ll'"O'' YD' CRIMI RlllSI PITTED DATES U ~ NO 1 All ,Ul,OSI ···67• •·" ·:;'; c RED POTATOES "" 69• ' " SQUIU JWlllNU LHIUID IWHTA , ..... "' '"'"'" lll~ ,, .. ,. "'" ,, ..... Cooking ehez Newman is <lone mainly by Ria:!I, but i1 often become/\ cooperative ven· lure. "I'm not ent irely a spec- \a1or cook ," Ed said. "[ chop this. grind that or ~alt some- thing. l'n1 an expl'rienctd dl1h- washer." lie recatlrd with ,:1 laugh his day11 fl!'l dishw a!her when he wor ked to put him- self throuGh jour111lism school at the Uni versity of Wlscoru;in. COLIATI TDDTHPASTI 66• . .. 87• flrM. (0.M,•CT fl!Stt s:29c 2i29c Specialties of the Ne.wman houJ e are mostly French or in- tern1tion11I in Oa vor. "We make steak ~1irabta11 u~in1 Rnchovie~ ~fy cooking ch0r, 1s to Streich lhf' 11nchovles.'' hf' ~11id /!. 1,..111,.e1o1·ork of dn· chovy ~trips of len 1~ u.~f'd 10 flavor and gam l~h tht: !itf'ak \\ 11 Nive 111 doze n or ~o coo~· book.~ \\ hrn l rrrparc a 111t.11 l .1 lb "' MVI IO<-MOOO.•"' lllMT IUARD Fl1ischmonn·~ Diet Morgorlflt, I lb p~~ Chiffon Liquid Deterg1nt. 22·01 bottle Planters Cockto1I Peonuts, 6 1 1 01 con Plo niers Cocktoil Pea nut!., 13 01 con . Plonlers Sponi$h Plll'lnuls. I J-01 r.on Gulden 's Spic.y Brown Mu;;!ord . B·Ol 1or • "' "' <St 4 I c 69c 6Jc , 19c ARTICHOKES sch11i.n9 Ground eiock Pepper. 4 oz 11n . .. ........... 45c. 1 .... -m-m,,---w--:1c--• Nob1sco Cinnomon Grohoms, l d-01. p~g , ............ , 45c We !I ome Sunshine Kn spy Croc.~ers. 1-l b. pkg J 7c FOOD STAMP Mr Cleon H~o ... y Duty LiQv1d Cleont r, 18 Ol bottle 73c SHOP,IU Cn~c.r:dr Dishwasher De1ergen1. 20·oz pkg .:t5c Kroft Mr:vonnoise. ouort jar 5 7c I -------------------------------------·····-···· ... --. -.. ··-... ,_ •• _d .. _, .. _ .. _tk_IO_t.r_9_. l_,._, ____ ~TLV mOT 1113 VALUES THROUGHOUT THE -STORE PIUS BLUE CHIP STAMPS IN. PILOT-AOVERTISE!l 7 l Wtdnesd'.i,, eclohfr ti, 116'1 • • • LOOK AT THESE SAFEWAY VALUES! Poly-Unsatundecl Mild. Whole Milt formula in R.ooom WeitflU Mild Cheese Tomato Sauce Tew•RMll Rich And Thick. for AH Yoo1 Recipes Margarine CreM11y Smooth In Te1tu11 For Cookina or Spreitdin1 1•. 79c 1-oz. IOc can 6 1-1•. s1 etas. Ed d C ff Y-Padl.111 War S 0 ee Cllolu of Glin~. '"' '"" ""'"· ~~· 63c Purr Cat Food ,cn;o1~~:.~~·-, 0. C>kken & u .. r. y., Choitt NuMade Salad Oil Strained Gerber's by Foods iii Poncl's Cold Cream ~lr1t Ta look S1111'11"1r N!>t Altln In )Utt 0.yt! ..,.,. 99' .., ,,, 9i11 $1Jll Colgate Dental Cream W1U1 !llfl' , f11hlt Tooth O.u1 ~~ 71' '=.1" And 81:1 Brtrlh! --'~'"·'-" Micrin Mouthwash YQ'Jf 8re1th And Hel~ I l·•i. C .., "' Kup Yollr Mouth Cle•~ •tL $1.IV Drive Detergent~;;~~ u:;L 65c .... 9c And ~fJlt·Fr11htnt 92 __ __., Coliate 100 Spray •.:: 891 '1.:0 Hair s,ray 1:::: '!.:." 491 '1.\" T ooth•111sh ~.·:·: 1:~ .. 351 -.\" Vespre Spray :r,;: •i:-1111 ~.:~ Gillette Bl1des -~~.: . .:'Ii 1111 '11..:l' Crest T ooth,me ·~· 121 ":I.. .. Polideat Powder ·~::· 821 i:r..:i- R1pid Shave ·~.~ •::: 84-':\',:I' ·~·ifi ~ J'timj $Aim' Party Pride .· ......... i.,,.,,,.. ... ..,a .... -N ............... -. Sherbet ,, Bel-air Pizza p; .. c,:,~r,,,1, 59 , Pn.:rJw QllllJ 11-tulOI 59c ,,.,, l;mo C Wiiii 11111111 p1Ck•&• °' °''"'' Mitt 611111 ,I . '"~" , ..... ,, Plrr1 '"1'" 11" II• ' Alka-Seltzer I::.':.~ ."':, 59' '11.'I' Bromo-Seltzer ·~'!'" 151 w:t."f M11lo1 U~uid i:.:~ '!.::" 1111 w:t .. 'l' An1ci1 Ta•lets :;:,~ .·~. 991 •;r,.'1 Children's Aspiri1 ,:;,::::: 211 'J.\" Bafferi1 T a•let1 ...... 771 '1.\" . Contac Capsules .:'t. 991 T.'.."f USDA Chol'-Beef Cuts • Sirloi• Ti, " • lonelesa Calet I 8( Cit •••••• •lo1eleafmily ll . lt1r CMice . ---~~-:f;. -. ;,.:. ~ Boneless Fully Cooked Ham Dubuque Or 3°lb. Can Swift Brands s2•• Canned Picnic -"""' 411. ... , ... 9erlll1n-CooW 7, ... '1 ••• '"'" "" 89c Pork Steak lorle·ln--USDA t~oict 9 ... ~To P1"·fry, I,, ~o~~b J~1d 1~:.:! II. 7 ¢ l.Jilt rtl hrl Round Stecik · Beef Rib Steak .~~·i:~. 1b.a9c veal chops ~~c:~ ... 79- I I.II 11•1• ,._ ......... I W•to ,, ... , ••• ,. Bake-Shop Fre~h! ~] · ,· .. Specialty Breads .~t' S11~11t E>sr·OPI• All'll Easr-tt111 3 $I 00 ' ·~• • Oatme•f. Westeu1 farms, Homesl-1e While, 24-tI, ~, · Home>tyle 8uttermi!k S•ndwicll, Potato, lllHI Sourdou&h, Malt-0·\lllleat Or 100% Wholt Wheat. Apple I.._ Coffff Cake ''" 39' fr11• Pountl Cake ,:,;., freg Ceffet Coke '<7.~:;• •••· 39' Old fashioned Donwt1 ':::;; , ••. 39' , ••. 49' I V!ck's. Vapo-~•• . ';' 47: "'O.\" i Listerine Anllsepbc .7..' 92 T'/',:l' L1voris Mouthwnh ':;::-'1 ". '\'l,.,r P11'1 YH1ml11 ~~= \: ~~·~ .!~1 D' w:t~ R1~bi11 Alcdol · ';:.~ 1ti.'" 11--.~ Jlrpll'I l.lllOI ~~I·~~': ·~~L .. ~.'r RIPI 811N 0:.:!1I. '.i:!' 83' ":!.llJ'r' . 1,u 1111 Heir S,r•r ·~:· 13' "~.\" • Jo1H1111 II., Pow•r ·~;:• W T'/',,'l' I KOll1111orCl·121 "~:;M .... 'I" ':l'.'l' Srln1l1 FIHRIHa ' ~ .. 11" '\'l.'l' Lr sol ~llf Oi1i"l1tt1n!-lt 11111, 1.... 9Af llllr ..... vp C11m1 Rt '"" ""NIOOJ. -.... •1 I ll11t F111 lo•~ ':::;.,• I::-I I " ":t .,., ~ llur Flttr W11 ~~= •:: W "a.~ · JOHIH U-IWp ';:::' 11' '1.\" lowl lllllllnll .,::, •:.::,. ... n• 'l.'I' 11111111 T1lilll .•:::, .... 41' 'i.\" ••• S,11111., .·r.:. ... 1111 '\'/ill' :S.111.0.. 011 ,.:.:;:r,::._ .... 27' 'll" Top Sirloin Steak:,~:.:~~·i=. $1:b~ ie;ofLamlt Spencer Steak "~;.";'~.:·,~::::~. $1•• i.::: ... '.i::.:~~:. ... 98' · "''"'' "'" l1im~• lb, ,..,,... M ... _ ..... .w. -· .... ,., , .... , LambChopli ·a· .... ··1· · ··1· .. ,. ·I· ·&\ · ' . \ ' ' . . ' ' . • ~· L • • -• • -~-- Ground Beef Cross Lamb E'i!~·"· ,. 99' '•n"'r """"-"'" 49c Ribs Shanks LambChops f~~iqt'-o,lMu,,'_.__1 I"' "'".I.no! 1111'1 -V!'llol. C.owoi .llo11IU• -USDA fl..,o•lol ~.b Cut 11!1 ....... 1, le ow n.... '" ·c"""' 5fC t110,co 5fC ''""' Ul.llA CH«• · 11 1.a. lttf 1401 Grodi ~"'" 1 .. -. I~ (,..,, a..111 • •• 911) "" '"'' ffl lr1111. ll. lo Ir.Ow. a. Pork Sausage (J. S. D.11. Choice Beef Hoast Sale! · !:~~:.... ~ 89' BonelessRoast ~~~1.~" .. 8fC . Sliced Bacon Boneless Roast ,i::~~. .. 98' : i.:,.: ~= • -1b. 6 9c Shoulder Clod ·o;-~':' ~::·;::~· .. 98' ~ ..... ~ .. ,.. •·• ,t,. , -Beef Rib Roast "'~~·1~~ i:!.. •. 891 ~ ~ii: i!"~ ... ~~':-ii·.:.ii=!.ii.iiiiiiiii:ii•'::iiiii7ii9;;~S~l;i'l;o;ln~TI~p~R;oa;;s~t~~us·~·"~~::~:"~_;·· ~9~8~', .'. ... " SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUE MEATS! Cooked Ham':.'..7 :: 59' Salami a.:.~~~ :•~ 5fC liver Cheese :; ~:; 59' B na ".':t:i" :::: 89' 8&'°°9 AA-LICTIONS Rsh Rllell ::1:: 59' Fraan fllltb. 1', SwtNflsli SIMk o. 11• DlllHY & DEl/Cll TESSEH Potato Salad :::-::="'· 67' •o<llott for A llll•trt tli.d ~'" ••l'l•t Lectrwo lloa fol Milk 2 ,,,. ... ~ 77c ..... lucerw• Collceatrllttl Miik ~~ .. .c. ,, u •• l1C8ftll Dlp1 ..... "~ ......... 110. .. LIKlntl Fnlt S.latl1 v~::. .!~. Jt' , _ J-..,11 •nt "'"'· 1"' ... ctntl .,..,, II "" r111~r "'" .,-- LuctrRI Low Fol Milk 2 '),!:.' 97' Luc-Orw11 Juice ···"' ••t '"' ~ Check These Big, Big Buys! Soda . Crackers .... -.. Cflsp Slttinti for Snacks or Soups. ,., .. 2ftc •. , y- Slen-'-rway •~··· ,.,,,, 4 "'" 69' _119' Auort1d flmlfi '"' Y I Ju'••• a Nutritlcut I·•"' 551 • .,. 81tndtd JukM 1111 Fancy Quality Cabanas I . , I , ) ~~:1:~~ 21bs 2&( \V I V 'J \) Cereal! • Papayas E1tr1 L1rc1 1'11 39' W• l" 'em;, l kfa;an1 in• from the Tropics! Apples lllra Fl"J Rotl Dtllclttls 5 s100 Wosh;o~oo Sl•lo-Cmp '"' Jo<'-... l OJlS for Lunch Boxe:, Snkks, Etc. ~ ... Potatoes , : ·r ... ~. U.S. llo.1 Russet Fine to Bike es .. ,. ... C1Uftn1l1 Vlftttll SWttt And Juicy. Rid! ht Vit.mi M AM MIAmls Tool . ··" 8~98' GrHn Cabbage ,;:; :::i .. I' Yellow Onions "l•~~.t~"' 3~ 2fC Carrot. ·~ ..... '"~ "'' 2 .... -ror Yll'll--&I C11tc11 ••• • ..,- Artichokes ~r..~o;::J 5 ... 11 • Raisins s;:i~ 1~:;:~ 10 ·= Ct4 Mesa ' ~~'t r,, .~ . t ~ -.,. I .. .. -' ---,_--, ---~·.1.•.i•,,oe. •"tw.;:evc.•<•v . c1.-<<A •• q:c;:z:c_3 .a ¥<-•• _,.. >[ ;t:-!Q 111 •• -: ' "-!-'C?.!!!!l?... O J !£ ~ ~,_Z J Tu& -I 5 UJ.J DAILY PILO T USDA GRADE "A" FRYING CHICKEN WHOLE BODIED- I LB. BAR M-WESTERN STYLE BONELESS CUT-UP TAVERDN $ 29 EASTERN GRAIN FED 33¢ LB. HAM WHOLE OR HAL F OSCAR MAYER SALE AL L MEAT or ALL BE EF WIENERS OSCAR MAYER PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGE OSCAR MAYER SLICED BACON ~~;;k0 ,. PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT RIB LOIN END PORK CHOPS C ENTER LOIN PORK CHOPS tOI N EMO PORK ROAST OSCA R MAYER SA USAGE PATTIES OSCAR MAYER WAFER THIN FARMER STYLE PORK BACON 12 oz. SPARE RIBS HILLS BROS. COFFEE 3 LB. CAN GORDONS BREAD Regular 25 c ea. Standard 1 Lb. Loaves 89~ 'I WITH THIS COUPON , I L NO MINIMUM l'UlClfASE REQUIRED ''1 LIMIT 1 BOX PER COUPON -I ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER 111 I~---: GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET ~-=illil I I -~VAULABLE COUPON 1F-j • . :/, ~ct~· ~~gAL 89 " 11[ i Iii'·. . .. 5"" FLOUR " 11 I I'll.! ·'GoJ~'··: ~ w1r:9r9~1: 1~~:PON \,MEDAL/ • Speti•I Price Without Coupon Sl.11 I !I I .__...; NO MINIMUM PURCHASE ltl9UllfD l1t1' ll1'111il· FLOUR'• ...._ _ _, . Limit 1 bag per coupon-I I I' ,I / One coupon per customer j 111' ~-GOOD ON LY AT BA RG AIN BASKET ' ISLANDER RUM IM,OltTED f•OM YtftGIN tSl.tif"Dl lb c THIGHS lb 79c LI. 98'll 79' "· OSCAR MAYER -5 9 I 9 SLiCED BRAUN ~ Bar M -Western Style POLISH SAUSAGE 69~ MEATY c OSCAR MAYER 49c BEEF, HAM, TURKE Y Chopped Meats ea ------- Bar M ·Western Style BULK SLICED - BOLOGNA 59~ BREAST lb OSCAR MAYER Chubs, Braun, Smakey, Sandwich Ham CHECK THESE VALUES FOREMOST IMITATION HOMOGENIZED V2 GAL MILK 35' - 39~ Bar M -Western Style PICKLED CORNED BEEF ROUNDS 3-LEGGED 39c 98~ FRYERS c~; 1b LARGE SIZE FRESH PRODUCE AVOCADOS JUICY, MOUNTAIN GROWN BARTLETT PEARS F 0 R RED RIPE 19 TOMATOES ~ THICK MEA TED BELL 19~ PEPPERS CRISP , EXTRA FANCY 7;$1 DELICIOUS APPLES FOLGER'S 1 LB CAN 73~ EAST POINT TINY SHRIMP COFFEE 1 LB CAN $145 4'/i oz. CAN .. CHRIS N' PITTS e KOSHER or e POLISH 49~ PICKLE SPEARS 1• oz J AR 5~s1 CARL TON ORCHARDS APPLE SAUCE 303 CAN S FOREMOST •PUNCH • · ORANGE DRINK 5 9c • FRUIT PUNCH One Gallon Plastic Container With Bottle FOREMOST PREMIUM ICE 69' CREAM V2 GAL. CARTON APPLE Form 39~ STRUDELS Reg. ss, CERTl ·FRESH SKINLESS 69~ 39~ SOLE FILLETS 1 L!. PKG. GREEN GIANT WHOLE MUSHROOMS IN BUTTE R SAUCE 6 OZ. Pl(G. FL YING CLOUD MANDARIN ORANGES 11 OZ. CANS ....•.............. CH IFFON LIQUID DETERGENT FULL QUART SCHOOL SUPPLIES "'!'"'!~II Websters New World $119 Sc'1ool & Office Ed ition D• +• llG. Sl .•t IC 1onary w11i1. r11 • ., Lest 3 RING Loose Leaf School Paper ,., '""' ""· PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY Oct. 9, 10, 11, 12 PR:ICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman fl!LOT-ll D'V rRTIS ER 7 H -. --- MANHATTAN ALL MEAT 57': WIENERS ........................... lB. OSCAR MAYER llTTLE FRURS 79' PORK LINKS .................... LB . OSCAR MAYER 75 5MOKIE LINKS .......... ~i . ' 'OSC AR MAYER-CHUB 39 BRAUNSCHWEIGER . ~i c O SCAR MAYER CHUB 39' , ~AN!lWICH SPREAD ~i . 'THC REAL 1'HING WES SON QUART MAYONNAISE VIRGINIA • SPANISH-REDSKIN&. PEANUTS CIRCUS DRYROAST PEANUTS WHITE OR YE LLOW JOLLYTIME 2 POPCORN ............. p~~~0 RICH TOMA.TO FLAVOlt HUNT'S CATSUP ASSORTED VARIETIES 20-0Z . .... BOTTLE CHUN KINCi DINNERS 43.oz. $ 6•0Z. PKGS. * ~eatd & '8~ /luu * SCHICK TOOTH BRUSHES BLADES PEPIODENT 4 9' 5T A1NLESSSTEEL MEDIUM • HARD INJECTOR: FOR ADULTS EA. 99' •KG $1 79 P!<G C f 7 "O F l.S e POWDER S"0WfR70 '"'''·'" .......... "' ·OL 79' ASPIRINS SUDS.PH 29' (HIL0.5 ... . .......... M ...... Jf>"• ULTRA BRIGHT io'b~.~,;;~" : .................. 74' SUAVE HAIR SPRAY "'' .....•. "01 59' --------------.. --------------·-----------·--------- O~ll v PI L~ DJS • ·-:· ---.;:-:-s ~· --...... :· ~-• ';'" --.. __ • -• .;_..,;a;...~::-···~ .._ .. .;__ .--~ .... 500 DEEP SEA FISHING TRIPS ""i"1 • I~ NEWPORT HARBOR'S LARGEST SAILING OUT OF VaoEJf ju SPORT FISHING CENTER Five hundred complele Dee p Sea Fishin1 Trips are lo be given away LARGEST LANDING IN ORANGE COUNTY open lhe year around. completely FREE. Noth ing to buy. just lill out you r entry on the Davey's Locker ... the pride of th e Paci lic Coasl features the linest back of your grocery receipt or facsimile and drop ii in lhe container deep sea equipment available. E~u ipmenl lo insure lor all ang lers lhe pro vided. Minors and employees arc not eligible. Winners will be very best a R!eal day ol deep se1 lishing. Newcome1s receive special nolitied. Drawing lo be held Sat., Del. 25th in each of STATER altcnt1on 1n developing lechnique~. BROS. MARKETS. ROUND RIB GROUND STEAK ROAST BEEF USDA CHOICE OR USDA CHOICE OR FRESH -LEAN ST ATER BROS. BEEF '.)T ATER BROS. BEEF DELICIOU S GROUND HOURLY 7! H RIBS LB. USDA CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF B~~E77c LB. BONELE SS .... ............. -l B 87c m<&69( 49L~ 1 ~t thru 5 th R1B ........ ll 79' LB. GROUND ROUND FRESH • LEAN GROUND IN OUR OWN STORE~ SLICED BACON MORRELL YORKSHIRE 1-LB. RE GULAR OR 2-LB. THICK 7lB( 69L~ U\0.t. CHOICf OR ST A TEii Bl!OS ((Ill lfl!D Bllf RUMP ROAST ........... . U\D.t.CH01Cf015TAT~l 8ROS CIRflflfDBftf s 123 T-BONE STEAK······ ..... LB. 98( U~DACHOICEOR STATERIRO.S CIRTlllfDBilF s 129 .... LB. PORTERHOUSE STEAK LI 79( USD.t.CHOIC(OISTATfRIRO~_CflTlfH:DB!lf s 149 .......•. LB TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...... LI. 99( ""°'""" 79' ........ LB. BEEF STEW BONHEIS ........ ···········LI. APPLES SMALL EXTRA FANCY RED DELICIOUS * "?~ '?!Md Vat«Ul * l!OSAlllA ~l<lSO COCICT ... T.t.COS 39 CHILI BURRITOS .................... ~::~~ c io'si.iirA ENCHILADA .... 3 ;~:.~$· ICl'N s f~l SH 11ozu.i STRAWBERRIES ...... . 'loUNK l~T 11-0l (11.N~,. •• q< 4 s 1 ORANGE JU~CE ............. .. .. ............ ~::, PIPPll OHI 79 c OH-BOY PIZZA ............................... ou.<• LBS. 0 39' U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET 1 OES t ~!6 POTA ............. 3 25' u.s.Ho.10swEWN ONIONS ....... Lsl c Rli'PE,RTFISH STICKS ... 3~.:t sl i'isH & CHIPS -··· . '" 69' '[)~ """ 79' SUPERIOR 1 o• CATFISH FILLETS __ 1-u. TAMALES ----·-·--· • oi..-.(1 jl)'tfNSfQI PIES _,,.ot. 98< PILLSBURY Asson£D 59' BR EH VALENCIA. 2 2 5 LARGE FA.NCY NGES.................. LSI. . ORA LA.RGE 1(.~ANCY GREEN 1 C}< EXTRA FANCY •_;>,~',~,' 1 C}< BELL PEPPERS Ls KORN DOGS -·---11 DI 59' TURNOVERS .. ,U .DIJN(! STRAWB ERRIES ~-l 0-0 1 59' PILLS8UAY 00""~"···· 3 s I BIKUITS WAJFllS __ ,.,,,""" ·;.~: .. ~ .. .,., •. 3 .,, 29' PEARS ····· ""'" ..... LB . BEEF STEW ~:~: .. , . I •• 59' MEATBALL STEW ~;::.:·' ... :•oz.59' MUSTARD '·"'-""' 2 29' SPICY 8f1tlY.,'N ··~·--·---l'i·Ot:. BABY FOOD 1:i:".::,,,o .. ······-· 3 ,.,.oz. 25' DEODORIZING LYSOL 40-0UNCE CLEANER .... ····- DEA.L PA.K .'.:',~<29' **** V~-,,r/1/~l **** CHUN KING SOY SAUCE -·~~ 21: * SLICEO BEETS JoJ.CAN 21 ' ! NOODLES '"'""'·· (.hOW MEHi LIPTON Mix lllll l !AVO"ro DJI.!_ 35' MIJ!>fHlOOM ....... -..... PKG 01 .' OVALTINE """"' ,, '9' (tlfl(lll·\' _, .• __ ,, ...•.. .,,. fi fl; .1 SAL v 0 GIANT PKG. DETERGENT ... MJB TEA BAGS i~:: ........... COU<' 57 * SHOESTRING BEETS 19' APPLESAUCE "' ,., -25' * .................................... •· JOJ.CAN * POTATOES •. o,';"0N . . 23' "·0 -49' * SMALL PICKLED BEETS ............. W"Dll OOJ.CAN 29' * ""'". 6\·0l "Ol DICED BEETS 18' BOWL CLEANER ;ii ......... "Ol 33' ~ WHOLE GREEN BEANS -~~~;,~;~ :::~:: 31 ' ! R~INDROPS ~f.',',,", ······ 2,.61 ' * CUTGREENBEANS ........................................ No.2'1 -cAN 39' * F~BRICSOFTENER ~~~;~:L .... 89' * DICED CARROTS ........................ JoJCA N21 ' * ct!ERRIES ~~o~~~'I ;,m o .... ZJ'~ 33' **CARROT JUICE . ····-·· . . .. 12 DVNCC 21'** PRESERVES "'"""'" 53' T SA E 2 1PINfAPPll .• , ~·"· ::o.oz OR EGA TACO UC ... ----7 OVl<C[ 7' PEACH PRESERVES "''NS . · '' °' 53' ORTEGA GREEN CHILI SALSA . "°""' 25' ORTEGA ENCHILADA SAUCE . ""'"' 19' PACIFIC TREAT '"'-""·' .... "Ol 39' A·I STEAK SAUCE --········"°"'' 3~ MIXED NUTS ~,~'.;r;lirNurs ··--1.J-0.! 89( ROMAN MEAL ~i , ~ •• ,~·.r . .... ~ ... '. ~~G: 4!t KNOX GELATIN DRINK ·-··· ..•. _ 14.£Hv~Lo,l s 89' HILLS BROS. INSTANT COFFEE ...... "" '1.19 POMPEII AN OLIVE Oil . _ o"'"' '1.41 * MJB COFFEE "''· $196 '" JIF PEANUT BUTTER _ . • ;· · ~ 83' DUTCH CLEANSER o'"· 2,.,:,~ 29' SUREX SOAP OE0 00"•"' .......... '"" 01 6 49' INSTANT FELS """" .......... G'"" 73' CALGON BATH OIL BEADS "oz. 79' RICE A RONI '°'""""""' 49' --/..f!INt:..LIRl!O •.. __ ,fl ';.Ql. HOLLY SUGAR '°''"11.09 ... '"' 55' CHILI w;BEANs :f~::;c·'. ........... ,. Ol 59' COLD POWER DIAL•ACKAGt 1(1Nct SIZI AJAX CLEANSER DEAl PACKAGl Cilo\NT Silt s1.13 ~. 4~ ALWAYS MILD PERSONAL B~S IVORY SOAP ..... PINK OR CLEAR DEAL PKG. LI TR UID 22 ND .................... oz~ ............ . ... _. r ·.:: ~--.;.:-. -. ---~. -~ ;-~"" . ~. .---·-=--·. ~ -· .. ~----"' ... ::...· -: -·-~-, --------;_ .. ..... ., .. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS, THURS. lhru WEDS,, OCT. ~h-151h ANAHEIM 3 430 W LIN COLN llVl /\Ul 2564 \\!EST BROADWAY GARDEN GROVE 888 CHAPMAN AVl/ILJL COSTA MESA ;, 180 NEW PO Ar BOULf.1/,'\!,f, 70 7 \iVEST 1 '.ll H s r nr.cr 1 175 BAKEF: STR EE T HL'NTINCTON BEACH 6862 £DINGER AVl ~ANTA ANA ?630 EDINGER AVl::NIJF 7603 W[Sf 17TH sr nE.E T WESTMINSTER 8S?7 Wf.51MIN S'!lR Bl VD WHITTIER-142 12 MJN €3 AVE. SMUCKERS TOPPINGS BUTTERSCOTCH 33 CHAMH C CHDC. FUDGE PINEAPPLE ll·OZ. U. ~ ' . ,. ! P-~~ [)AIL v P!LO f • Tomato Stuffed In Style !'itutll·d tunl~l!l.11.'~ ,111· al11 ,1~'> ;i llandsu111r ;iJd111un l<l <• b111 ·1 k'I 8111 11 hat shti1 11d tl\1· -.1ur 1111i; I~'' JI nh~lll , 110ultr\ ut •',1l1.1vd 1~ 111 rn:11i1• uµ thr l111tlt•1 ~1 Hl,Hll 1]1~1! lhf' tulltil!O '!\ll!illi-: ~'111l1lil .ulU cuotr~1 .. 1 1 lrl'C', 11 l1•'rl' 1111· lull•J11 111~ t•'l'ljlC lVllll'\ 111 Tlw ::.Lull111.; i .. r tlH·:.r ru1n.1\IJ(·~ 1~ ni:ulr II 1th ('(l()~;(·d 'P!O:t1 h hvrd· 'UOhl'I! l'R:.:. f,1 11 I .1r1"11t ;iud <Tit'l"I '1'11 . b1t1J 1hc ,,1u1l111g :111(1 fl;i 111r 11 tl\1·ri· " ;1 .. 1i.-p1(·1(11l nl lr n1u11 1u 1c·i· .111d hall .i 1•11 p •11 l r:>l Ill.ii UJlllal'I ' \\i· c.;1111• up11n 1111, 'Pllliti·h 1·01nh1n<1t1u11 111 :• l~r.i1.111,1n ('t1vl\bo uk II hl'fl' I\ II ,'J\ ll '-t'd :1,\ :1 .. and11 u.:h l!ll111i; Bu1 wr likr 11 bc.'>l :•" :i '>lu! 1 111~ lur !ht• lun1.1101· ... a nd '"' lh111k 1uu \\di. LOU. i 'OL \Tll \' ST\.1.1-~ :-;TLFFEl.I TO\IATIJl~S" 1 fl'IJ11nd f11 ·~t1 -'IJlll<11:h 01 I p11l'kagc 1 !0 o lJ n (' •', 1t·o1.cn t'hopp1·d ~1)111.11 n l;1rgr ur fi 1111·d111111 1 1o 111a1uc~ ! \Ca~poon \e1111111 l\;I''" 2 h;1rd-1:ook1·d rg~·. 111:1~l1r·il Ii 11(' .-., t'Up !in(·!~ gr;1\"d 1.111'• I lightly parkrd 1 I t.:IJµ linl'ly tht'(•J ( t•lo•/ r • ! lcaspoon sail '1 1caspoun pepper 1 ~ t·up rc<.11 1na~-on11.11.,r \\'ash thl' frt·~ll :-p111arh in • old u·ater and l'ook 11 r;iµ1d l.1• 1n the w,1ter thot t·Jing' 111 1h1· lc«n·cs, 1urrung lhl'lll ;1,, lllC'\ 11 1lt, dn1111 111·!1 ancl (•)J,1p f;11 r II· toarsl'ly cool ·Or t•ook 1hr lr•i11·11 pu1,p·ll ~1·l·ord 1ni:: tu p.1t"ka ~1· dirt• 1r'lll~. dr111n 11t•ll a11d t'u•1I 'I hrrr .'hould be about , 1·11p ~p111;1 ('h Cut ;1 tl11n •lu,P fn11n 1h .. ~1c1n end 01 •'il\'t\1 11111,;!<1 \\ 1111 ;i lell~puun .'t'OO!J out pl•lp :111d l>!'C'tl~ Turn 10111;1lu up: 1<l~· d111111 11, d1"a1n fo r ;1bo111 20 1n1nutl'' \hx togct)ir1 11 l'll ! h l' ~p1narh. lr1nf•1l i11u·l·. "~g~ t'arro1. t TIC"r~. ,,,It. p<·pp1•r and 1n:n nnna 1~1· If \Ul1.hk1• 11nhl1 lht• i·d:!t' nl r;1rl1-!<1111<1\(1 'll\'ll 11• 111;.1, .i 111;dl ~h.irp l.11iti· I 'ill " 'I h \Hl!):l\n ,111•1 \ \'I' •11111• 'I 1\1•· 'J)ll'.t' !! 1•!1\!HI' lhJ·ro· huul.t 111 ,i1 .. , I I "r 1·;1 Ii I •. r:.;1· I 1>111.< lu .,.1 I : 'i!•UI 1 ;J l'llJI 1111 1 ,u ii 1111•rl 1111 n 1111 11;:1n. t 11111 111 111 , : 1111:.; i. ·'" 1 •hrn i;..1rn1 -h 1• uh 1 "" 1•111.1• 11 I•( lt"t\ll{ I' ,\l;il;('<. ·! !" t, '' I I 1· 1 Fur ~l ullt•d ll 1· ! :i I ·\~ fl 1· 111111 ator' IJ,O,f' Ii Ill,. d I II Ill I 1111\<!IOt'' (ut Ollt -.11,111 rnih_ 1111•11 111111 1nn1a1ul'S ~1~·111 r·ntl d111111 1 11 t',1\'h !Olll filO lllU• f, In S: t·qu.il "-Cction~. t•u111n ~ ;1~:1111~1 Ii• IJ11t 1f1Tll bur not quilt• 111 1·q11gil ~prc;uJ 11•111.1 i11t'' :1p:11·1 prLd f;i ~hion :and pl:u ·1· 1n a !i·111;1·r 1 up Fil! r:J Lll lulll "t" 111lh I ; , 11p ol 111" 'P.i1,11 h n11:0.lilr" \l;i kr" ~ ,0:" 1ni:. Spareribs Plum Goo d r.~.,•Ut1h1!h• !l.1111n·1I ·p.1rt• nh~ ,111L! ;i d11• 1111• 1·\lr.1 !1111- d;>nd' l'l.L \J .1;0011 :-.I' \11 1.1\1 11~ J (;in 1.11lo111 l 111111111\' 11 l111lr Jlll!'IJ\l' l)IUlll ~ :! t:1blC.'>Pf>OTI" p r {' ll ;1 1 rd 1nus\;1ril 1, C\lfl cider 1·h u·i::;1r ' 1 t'\11) :;_oy SOIU<'t: ', rup hon1·y ·1 10 5 µountl~ I rC'~h pork ;:p;1rcnbs !2 t:il'k-:1. 1·111 1n I nb port1n1I' l''h1n1 Dip. s ec bcloll', /)rain pl un1s :i nd s :i 1· c ~1rup . pit pl u111>< :ind ~.ol'l' p!u1ns for u~r 111 l'ltun Dip To plutn s~TUJJ add 1nu,.tard. \ 111!'.'gar , so~ ':11Jl'I' ;111d honr1 he:n togclht·r A1-r:i1tµ<" 1·1lJ..: 111 ;1 ,1111.:ll· 1.1.1Tr 1111 a 1".11·~ lll a li.!rg t· ro;i~t111g pan 1i)'1SI in ;1 prche<itl'<l ~~,0..(]rµl't'(' 01 rn ffll' ;io 1n111utcs. Pou!' nrr ;in~· l,11 Ill r.-1.o><t1ng pan. Pou r f)lu1n-:-:~ ru p 111ixl11rc 01·cr rihs. reduce heat to ;t;,o. rlegrecs :ind conllnuc ro;is!Ln:;. haslini;: oft<'n. 1111111 nb.~ ;1n' render -:1bout ~.'i 1n1nuh·s longer. Serve \1·i1l1 f'lum Dip 'lal.C'~ 4 C.l"fl{'rO\J~ SC'fl lllf;S-. Plum l>ip: In an cltTll'lt: hlcndcr purrr 1he s/l\'ed ptltl'd plum:. "'ith 1 tabl{'.~poon eaell soy sJucl' and c·uJC'r 1·uu•gJr. 11 ~ tca~JXIOnS c<ich prPpan·d niustard anri honty. Add 2 l ab fr.~p<)l'}n.~ 1111!lc(·1I "C<tllions 1,erN'n nr11nn I lr:11 hul do not ho1I BEST Th. D ... ll 'f r1lOf of!··· ' .... ol t~t b•s• i .~!ur ~•. by o•• .~I 1 utv~' of 't•d•"· ••• 1~!-lo ·~ '"" "''"''r>•P•' I~ tho ~~·;~~ .. \ .. • MARKET 1t'E DELll'EIC. 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD . STORE H.OURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PHONE: 673-8310 PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. ?, 10 AND 11th IT'S <BALBOA MARKET ' ' -' ' ' "· •• WE llESEf:VE TH E RIG HI TO LIMIT :·~? ........ "-~ ~--"' 'l SCHREIBERS --{;I MILD LONGHORN STYLE CHEESE 8 OZ. Pl<G . REG . 59c · ... L_. •.· ··~·- WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS . ,.. -. .. •. REDl-WHIP NON -DAIRY TOPPING FULL QT. REG . 59c WEEK! , .• " ... .l"t . •.. ,. .,., ~-_.._.,, ... AA LARGE FRESH EGGS WE FEATURE DAIRY PRODUCTS 7fr.e 7/w/llut 2 doz. OTHER BARGAINS FROM OUR GROC. DEPT. --..... ---~---... ---FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPT ........ _.,. ....... -. CORONET TOWELS PRINTED GIANT ROLLS MOUNTAIN DEW sos PADS IT TICl<LES YOUR INNA.ROS REG . llc DEL MONTE 14. oz. BOTTLE & Pl<. CATSUP 11c EA. oa IVORY LIQUID REG. ltc GIANT 32 OZ. NOW IOTILE JUST HAWAIIAN PU~JCH LG. •6 or. Tin REG . 45~ ~$ R F 0 R F 0 R c c Plus Dcpo~it c LARGE BEEF STEAK TOMATOES 19~ Fresh Cabbage 5~ Tokay Grapes 19~ -------FROM OUR MEAT DEPT.-----..--. BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK s109 LB. CUBE STEAK ON THE PENINSULA-608 E. BALBOA BLVD.-PHONE 673-8310 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ' .. ' I i ---··---------------..,.-------------------------- , .. PILOT·AOVE.RT!SER L _w._'"-'''"-'' _o"-'"'-' •_. 1%_, ____ o•-'-rLv PJ~or P17 • ' • • • • ' . ' . • i ' . . ' • ' ' ' . Special b1trod11etory Offer New "ARMOR TOU.GH" SCRATCH IESISTANT i TEFl!!N INTERIORS ~coo::"" WEST BEND 1 QUA.If rl .... Genuine SAUCE PAN ' POlCELA•• OH ALUMIHUM 'WITH COVIi OU~llCI: UCOW !J'3'' TWO-TOHf AVOCADO lfTAll ""' J.U P'l.Ul1.l.X !-'JI A NEW COlOt fOt THE ICITOilN IDEAL FOR SAUO:S FROSTINGS, CUSTARDS ANO CllEAli . '.' IJ \I .ALo..IABt.IE ..,,._.ft;m"''f 1,,..,. cour,oN • .. .... .• BLUE CHIP STAMPS wmt COUPON AND PURCH ASE.Of 1 QUART LIMIT 1 COUPON Pft ADULT CUSTOMER SAUCI PAN t COU,ON (";000 WITH CCWl R iHU~. Tli!U ~UN • OCT. 9, 10. \ 1. 1 7 jiiijiiijiii'iiiiii "Tender-Lee'' Fine (!ua11ty I SMOKED FA~~~~~IZE .'\ea(oofl Specl•I• FRESH LOCAL SWORDFISH STEAKS 98fb FR.ESH 5 1 LVE ~ ,,. SALMON ·~~~~ . n. '"[IH SAlMON $129 STEAKS ............ "· f 'roi:en F .. da ll:cet r• F•i td 11-01. 79• HALllUT .............. , , P~9. lt upt •I l'ri•d I •-0 1. S 1 4S SCA.L LO,S ,,.,,,., ... ,, .. P~q. Rup••' Fn ed 11 -01. ~5' SOLE •.•..••. ,, •• , •.•••• P~q. t,ii,., F"dey'1 I •;, -lb. S2lt IREADED SHllM I',, ..•. ,. Pl g. Fo~• F"h""''~ 14-or. 93• FISH STICKS ••. , ......... Pi o;. C•rn 1tion 1·1b. 98' FISH PORTIONS •••..•...•• P~q. T~,1k Froren C81ol Add.d i 89' ¥1AL STliA KS •...•..••.. l'er lb. Jon•• O•iry ~"'"' ~ro11n 1-lb. 98' llNIC SAUSAG-1 .....•...... P~9. ll. S. D. 1l. G1·aLletl ·c11oicc • ROU ·D STE c LB. RON~ltSS 93' ROUND STEAK ........ lb <«O•TH! $119 ROUND ROAST................. "· BONELESS : BONE -I N RU MP 79c ·····-~;.;;;;:.:~;;~~;;,;~·-···· SIRLOIN TIP OR 1 ROAST. • • 1b ' • BONELESS BonoM PORK SPARERIBS ROAST. • • lb TOPROUND'"'E10N cur RuMP 99c ROUND .... :~~~---~-'-!~.~ STEAK li1il: .... 89rb ROAST c CUBE OR $1l9 BREAKFASf STEAK. • • "· 09 c LB. LB. BONELESS BRISKET PICNICS 5.7 LBS. PRE-SLICED PICNICS ......... 49~ COINED 79c BEEF .~~~~';, "~l' 1b WEST PAC FROZEN VEGETABLES -S11111111 Valley G1•aLle 24 -0Z. BOTTLE CRISCO OIL FOR SALADS OR COOKING c WESJWOOD C;t.T~ING 59c ICE CREAM . ·~ .. G.A~ ...... ,.. COltONET .. RINTS-1 ·R0ll lllCG BATHROOM TISSUE .. 19c KING SIZE lB-OZ. PKG .-INCL. 20< Off 81% PRE-SOAK ............... 79' WEBER 'S "BUTTER -NUT"-WHITE OR WHEAT SLICED BREAD .I LB LOAF ... 25' BETTY CROCKER BISQUICK 40-0Z. PKG . LARGE FRESH c ~ .. ·· DZ. ORE .JOA POTATOES HASH BROWNS 2 ,,.0 1. 39c tA.GS ssl:lci 1D BACON ..... 69c C YUBAN COFFEE ..... 69c ORAN°GE JUICE 6 ~ 51°0 GREEN BEANS, CORN MIXED VEGETABLES, PEAS 00 20-01. PKGS. Liq11or Dept. ~1•et•ials KENTUCKY STRA IGHT TUC K ~'S LANDINGS $329 BOURBON """ FA.IRE.ROU NDS & YR . STR.A IGHI $3 39 BOURBON • • • • • • • • • . . • • l'll'JM CO TI" SJ99 FRENCH BRANDY.. . • . • • • """ ""11 ENVELOP!"" IA ~ TtNDE~ DPY 89c COCKTAIL MIXES •••••••• SPRECKELS s::G SUGAR GR ANUL AT ED c P1·oduce Dept. Special.Y Delicatesse1i Dept. S11ecial11 NORTHWEST JONATHAN OSC AR MAYER SLICED 12-0Z. PK GS, EXTRA FANCY c LB. ALL MEAT BO LOG ALL BEEF AUO THICK SLICED COTTO SLICED SALAMI c EA. MACHIACH SLICE.D SALAMI ailnctioKEs ... s .H $1 °0; clii vo?E. . . . . . . . . . • 1 s:. 5 9' ·p·~J 5 9' ~~i GiiiPiFURUIT ...... 1 ·0~ MO.iiARELLA BALLS 69c . PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUN., OCT. 9, I 0, 11, 12 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ·~-.,.*~ .. ,.,,_ ... y·~ . ~ .. , JI OAILYPILOT ., . • ' , .. Gingerale Pours Nicely on Fruits Eat it Hot , Then Cold DE:\R ;\A'.\J ; I ~:111 a hrau. t1lu l pi rlufc und rrti111· ~ho11· iog ho11 10 du ont' ol 1ho~r i.1·no[l('tl flUl \\al.er111clun buats filled "ilh all ~ort~ of mrl1111 ball~. 1•h1•rrit' .. ~r:.iiws :ind praC'hf'S but il l'~lllr1l fnr fXHlr· ini:, 11·hitr 11 inr 01rr lhr frnil,, 1 do 001 l«•n· 111 u ~1· a "in1· I' lhrr~ ~unu'lhin~ t•b r I f uuld ~ubstitutr '.' .\!HS. II. 0. l.AHGO. Flil. 'Y('•. \t·r.1· 111,TIY, I l:l.\1nl ll1.1l 1nl'lu11 n1<'):111g\' :1! ,1 p,1rl1 I t',lf~ :1;.:•• 11Jlt'r1• 1h1· 1111<.!l''~ h,11111_.lf g1n;:l'f,,Jr .1-. !f., IM•UI · n1rr It 11,1 .. r 11•r ·'"~·~•ti 1•1tl1 LET 'S ASK <) I THE COOJ0; I I by <:. <!.~·· 1' Nan Wiley ~- :l 11pp\' 1..11i: l•l ' ,! ' pr.11r !ht• ).'.lllgtt,111' u-• 1 i.10!111 ·1·1·v1 ng 11111"' 1h1111"li "r 11 11rll[ lo•,c 11 ~ hflurw r It ')111ulrl 111' ,1 , 11 1 , P l~I ,,., 1 liv t 11111 1 011 1 •·I btt'll • hi!l111g 111 the r('lrig I 111'\H '\\~ ('11111(1 ~ou h'll1 nu• 11•111 1u 111111.t• l\'l',.;rlrodt• I ,;1ur1··: ,\t lra~L 1h;1r.~ 11 h;1t :i 1 ;Jlrrrr in •11tr ln11n 1·:ill s i1. hut "hf'n I a:-krd. ~he .,aitl it 11 :1~ a r1·~1:iur:1nt iten1, 11 :t~n·t ) a1ailablr in .;torrs. Shr ct1dn 'l 111rnlit•n ;ill lht• 1•nnlt•n!s, r\· •T11t pinrapplc. hut 11hatr11·r 1 r lsr wa ' ;l(ldt•d \\'<IS llk1• i·ut up I 1·:1ndlf'cl fruiL (1111· tin1l' it 11as1 lihr ;1 1·ori,t•r1·i·. lhr nf'.\l 1i1nr lil.r a ~au1·r. hut it 1lidn 'r run. 1 ~hr rl';Jd ~ 1nur l'Olumn. luO. ''I plrasl' ju~t ~ign n1e "S<iu<·r L111·c-r-'' I c·,111 t lJl;1111 r ;1111· 1·.11 rrrr fr1r fr\ 111 ~ !n l-.rr11 a ·,Pt'l'lalt.v l•I hrr:-rtf -11hrn r1f'r,1onr rnak~'.~ Lt thrn 11 r •II t ~llf't:!al :inyn1flrr b11L \r,,r!r•1dr ~:111t·c li<1, hr1'11 .1r111111d ;1 1.111g t1111r. 'r111 • .1 11 hu1· II :11 ~'>'II" ~rh·{·I lrirorJ ht•p·. 1r I •Ill II 1111 In 11:11· Ill' pnri' 1)1 )"" 1 .111 u1,1J..c 11 Bakery Reveal s Secret I 1•11d1·1 -1:,11.;"I I'. 1h.r1''' nl 11!'~1 11:,1rn. !""111 . tl1 i· ''"rltl :, l.ir;:"•t pr,,du• rr Ill I l•.1;!•'1', ('I I• ;11' II f' '-11\'!'P! 111 t•,11.11\;.: a Jl! rl.•1·1 !J,1g1•I r 11·r.1 1111 11' I' f'lllJ'-II .1 1·111 11.ih'I' I ll/;1 I!.) dr;;n·r~ I." t I 1•,1rk.1 i;r .11·:11 ,. ·I· '1 , '" I •,ii," i 1n11111r~"·d 11 · 1.1hl,.. ponn, :·llL.11 I l.1hll.''P•1Pt\ •.,lit 1' I ('lllJ> llf1 'dl"d 11 .... 1 ,Ip jtl'<)\1! 1.1.1••\ I 1:11.,,c a l.1rJ.!r li11\11 11n1ti-1 11"1 11 ,1trr 1tn11;1rin b1111 I. 1'•1111 111 1111 11 1·11p:-,,r ",1rn1 "·•11r l •''l•n nl,IP "" \ ri1111hll' \(\1,•I \Ill ! 1111•. ~11r till d1:-~olll•rl ·"l1r 1n ~u~;1r. '.111 :111d r 11011::.h tlfllJr l1) rnal.r a ,uj1 1+·~1;:.h. Tur111h1! 1\nl<) .i l1ghll~ 11111ir1·r! b•1<1rrl .+11rl 1..nr.id :ih••111 11·11 ll\lll'li\''> I .1ild1n~ :-to11r I I h•.,utl ,1 -Ill •·r!1•d • "1111] ~li111;.J, J ·ll,•tllfl\ ,1· J 1·l;1.•\U' 1 J,,,.r 1•1 11,r n ;i 11.ir 11i 1'!.i1' ltT! llu111 11r,d\ 11111·1 II "1!1111 I' I I 'II>!• 11 !1•11111 l l•Hli,l l ,.11il T 111 1 1 •I !1;.'".l·fl•)\lrt'i] IA1.11 •1 lt1ln .I I• t.11.j_:I•· .1br•ut !111• hv 111111· 111 !1!11,1-ll ·linul•J I" ""' I " 11 I I 1u ~ 1 ti 11''<1 1 ·,1, I , ,--.q11:1I .,11 111 ~ "lh ,, lli.111·1·!1 k1111• H11I\ 1 .1111 •1111 till 11-. 11n l\ ,1 11111111111\ ' 1tk 111•" 1rn , ritb ,111d Jl•1n 1 .. ~rlli1 r 1 .. !11rr11 h.iJ.:1 1~ I I Ill f'l" ],•1 l'I (• 111 ,! \\,!!'Ii I 'I "' (' i!~.11 11 ! \\' Tll .1 111111\ll •'' l\1 il1j.: '•111 1-:;1 l!f•ll • ii II ,\I< I t n J,,nl l.•!"t'r hr,11 .111d <1d1I 1 .. 111 "I 11·.•· h<1geJ,. Sunrner 11\1·11 1 <'\,\• 1h• on~· 1n1nu lf' tlflng('r 11 oil • .n "f' ,,ni,:t:,1ncs., • 1:1•111011·c :i111! cool h;i grb n11 :> IO\lf') 11'hi\r 1·1111 1·nnk !Ii,.. rr 111.11111ni:: nnr: l1.:1l1r \011krd h:i;:r J., f'"l 11ncn•,1 .. 1·1! 1·1,.c}k1r l"'f'1 .11 .~i."1 1l•'j.!ff'('.~ I-' •1nrw-fr·r.11" 111r11 1 1hrr1 v 111 lh1rl,\ fl\ I' 111 11\1 11• ' • \'pcil :111'11·,11 111 11 1,op .uni frrr1r. Fruity Sabd ll:il".P :ind i..:nrr f 1 r ., h f·aliforn1a Bnrl \rt1 pr;1r~. 111,11 1v1lh lcrnon juic:I' :•nd pla1 r r ac:h hrt!f on a inrl il 1du.il s1 r1 ini:; of ~01na1nc lcttntt' Loop thin fln1on rin;,:~ f)1rr thr pear.~. s pnnklc· 11 1 l h •'fnutnns and St'fl (' \1 1th l10t· llrd Cae~a r drr,~1ng- ·----- BOAT BUFFS -.J..,011 lot l •btY <I l),. ~n!y 1.111 .• , ... , bo•""'J "'d•le>• ""0'~'"'1 "" • .,., "•"'•P•r~• '" 0 '""'1 • C.)11nly. H·• ••<I~•·'"~ to••'•9• ~I bo,lirg •nd 'f l t~t 1 r1 "~""'' , ,, • dt•lv f,,1.,,, a l !~1 D,.ll l' I PILOT . 11 leJ~poo11 pepper I ' •111 . • II 11 11J 1 · 111 I l fl r1 111 IJ\ J 1 '"u 111-.1' Sn111e use t.:i1ron hut J 111111h! hale lo s1op tJ1e pine- apple ,11lugC'thrr. Tlus recipe 1·.+JI,, fur <ilJOut a half cup of t ,;1ul1cd g1ugl'r, in addition , bt1! yuu 111 c1y not like th&t flil· 1·or .~11 n1:1hl' up 1he difference 11 1!11 ~on1c1h1ng else. you-but loo rnu ch 1 u111 (·:i n be overpowering. The nulS can be pecans, English y,•al- nuls or u11sal!Cil p1sla thios, Originally, chcslnuts were used bul not Sil n1uch anyn1orP 11!11 ul tr.n1pa t1011\ 111ay. TH'O·\\.\'t' l\tEAT l,UAI·· 111 tablCSJlOOl\S burler 1: teaspoon dry 1nus\<1rd !11 fl. 11un 0111 (lnlfl a rha!low pan tll by7 by 11z 1nche~1. 1lr 1 ou ha1·e 11·1 a small !oa r pao !'hapc loaf rlosc lu th<1l size lil :-l1allow p.111 ' 11 uut1Jr_ Thrrl' :ire '.lnfl11.~ 1rr,1on.~ h•1l u11e I 111-.t• rJ!ls fur ;i Ii 1111111·r bt•ttli· •11 1n;1r;1:-ch1no 1·!1"~rir~. hnll lltf'> rh,.1 rv 11111·c, :1 .. r 4 oUlll'L'.~ 1·a11d1(•1I p111ca1>- 1d1• 1 t 1ql ur:in;.:r 1n :1rn1a!adr, I •·up 11u1111t«Jl ,, Tha!'s the i ... 'li.. \ 011 l'~•n sub~111u1e n!hrr t;in· du·d fn111~ for 1he p1ncapp!e 1f .\11 11 11h1eh "'al', "'hen vou i:;ci 11 1nrxcd toiethcr add a half 1u11 of rum-1naybe 1nore if thr ~;Hier is too thick Ill suit J alw11ys save the rest tll thr 1narasch1 110 juice 111 l'il!>C I think tl1c sauce nt•ed:. Jl. It lakes a 1.:ouplc of 1\•er~s tor the i-a ucc to ])e al its best so s1·al it in screw-lid jars .nnd put 1t You 1\'JJI find n1a n)' s.il.1d ideas in Nan \\1Jll'y's hooklcl "Sirnply Supc-r Sal;1J~ " To obtain your ropy ~rnd :!5 crn!~ and a long, sla111pl·d . .'>rll·ad- rtrcs~rd en l'elopt' 111ith ~·1Jur rrq11est to Nan \Viley, Jn care Qf the DAILY PILOT. ~ 1 t'Ufl froirn choppc1! nnlun I poun1! groun1l lean l)('l'r 1 ~ can to1n;1to sauce \(ruin illl 8-0lllll'I ' l'illl) 'I l'\lll l inl" di',\' iJfC:.Jd ~TUlllbS I egi;: I s1nall clove garlic, crushed :. , tn 1 tr:i!'poon salt 111 a ~tnall skillet 111cl1 the b111'.--.r . ;idd 0111011 ;111d 1'uuk t:•ntly 11nt1I ~oft cued. 1111x 01111111 ;1nll hll1 1f'r 111111 !I·· 111;11111ng u1r;rcd1c11ls lJIC1Hl111~ 11e!J. JUnsc a small loaf pan t7 1 ~ hy 312 by 21 1 inchr~J "·1th cold \\ater; pack meat r111xturc in - Bakr 111 a prrlieate<l 400· •lcg1·cc O\'el\ 1Jnlrl broy,·n and l 'fUsty -about 40 rninutes. Serve halt the k,af hot. th,. o!her half cold. Loa! cuts y,•ell either way. ARM CUT POT ROAST ch"""'" .............. lb 75! McCOY'S CORNED BEEF :~:~~~·. . ..... lb.98! HEN TURKEYS ~;~;;,~;,~:;~l'"P --·-··· -........... lb.49! CROSS RIB ROAST c ho" "'""""". .. .. .. lb 98! LEG OF LAMB i;:;;;;.:;'.::.~'.0.~ ......... ---· ..... lb 88! FILLET OF COD s.o"'""'~" .. ·-·--· ....... ·--·-....... lb_ 491 BLADE CUT CHUCK STEAK """"'''" ......... lb. 591 LOIN LAMB CHOPS i;:;;:.;~''.'.."'.0A ..... 1,_ 121 FILLETS OF SOLE :;~,,~ .. ~~:; ~.".'.'.'.~ .................. 1b. 931 0 BONE SWISS STEAK ch""'"' ................ lb. 79! VEAL CUTLETS """'''""''"--·········· .............. lb 69! PAN READY SAND DABS ,,~h ................. , 931 BONE(ESS STEW MEAT C>o"c,i,.,,_, -.......... lb 89 ¢ SLICED BA CON Hoflmo,\ ........................... lb.pkg. 78¢ ALL BEEF FRANKS o,"' M,,., ... _ .......... .lb 01,}91 FRESH FAMILY PACK RAY PAC-PLUMP CUT-UP 4 to 8 LB. HOFFMAN CHOICE-BLADE CUT Ground Beef Fresh Fryers mokedPicni Chuck Roast c c c WIENERS Am"'°'''"'-·. " .............. fb 58! SLICED COTTO SALAMl o""""•' ····---·'" 63! PILLSBURY BISCUITS ~:~.'.'.~.".".'.: .......... s,,.91 ALL MEAT SLICED BOLOGNA ~~.0 ·:t;'_''. ...... 53! CHIPPED MEATS ~:::.~:~'.::::'. ........ ----·--"Joo. 3/1. CHEDDAR CHEESE ~;::·,~0i:d~.:".'.'~~'. ............... fb 891 Save al _\Jbertson's OIHf!;' OW' Save at Alb crtson·s PRI([ PIU(( COLD WATER A LL c... ......... 85< 831 DETERGENT '·~••·~·"'"·"". GIANT FAB ••·" ................. 83' 731 APPLE BUTTER ,_.,,.,,,,. __ CUT CORN '·""~"······------.. -41 ( 381 GOLDEN CORN ~:::,;·:~.".':. MARGARINE '"'""'""''-.. ·-45< 42! TOPPI NG ion .. s... .... , ... ~··C>._.._,.., ... (~""' l<>pp·""· •••••••• EASY OFF ""·""""''"'-.......... 1 13 1 09 CHA RCOA l oo•"""'•'·· ...... DIET BREAKFAST "~· ........ 59 < SS! COFFEE H.~,8.CM-Jlb.1 ............... OLIVE OIL ~"'"~ ................ 95< 89¢ COFFEE ,,,..,.,. ................ BATH BUBB LES •""-.......... 29< 2S ¢ COFFEE ·•~··,,.., ............... LISTERINE ·TUMBLERS ARRID MOUTH WASH 14 oz. POTATOES 20 U.S. NO. 1 Russetts LB . BAG PEARS £XfRAfANCY s 1 BART LET lS ............ •• LBS. e ' ," '' ~, OlHE I( ou• PRIC E PRICE 45< 42! 3 1 < 28! 23< 20! 39< 361 83< 79! l " 1 •• 7 1< 681 1 j/ 1" APPLES EXTU""CT 6 1 COtC>t:NDlLICtOUS ••• , LP.5. e RAISINS ;u,~7~'°'-·.l0/391 POMEGRANATES ~~':.10 1 GREEN BEANS ;~~:~ ..... 191 Save at Albertson's QJ Hf~ PRIC[ BEEF STEW ,.,Lo . ..,-.. ....... 63< POTATOES '•··•'•'' l"l.loM 160: ..... ,,, .. ,, 43< KRAFT Marw..oa-c_,,,1.,t-....... 31 < D A TE s "'°'""""' '""' " OL " " •• " 61< WOOL YN LIQUID ........... 53< DRINKS , • ....,,...,,~ ••• -.... l O< PEAS v-c.•,,, ... _ ............ 25< CHO CO LA TE :::;-G~."";,., ..... 55< Assort A Ca se Save an Additional 10'0 Old Taylor Hall Gallon 1159 BOURBON SAVEl <O. -·-- H ' SI tB ""·•'" 1" amm s e ec eer ""'·Bott4 .... . All American Ruby Port ..... 671 Blackberry Jul ep ................ 2" Choteau Rene Champagne ,..1 " K hatk V dk '""" 8" amc a o a kol•P... •••••• Clan McGregor Scotch .... co..10" Early Times Bourbon:::.6.::.. . .11 " oi.:~ Sav e at Alb ertson ·s QTH(~ OU~ io PRt(!'.: PlllCE P ~IC E ' S91 TOMA TO JUICE '""''""' ... 53< 49! 39! APPLE SAUCE "~''''°""'"" 27< 2SI 271 BATH SOAP I·~-· ............ 12 ( 101 S71 REGULAR KOTEX ., .......... 43< 39¢ 491 JUMBO SHRIMP""·''"'''"" l f.9 1 " 81 CHUNK TUNA ........,. .. ,7, .... 32< 291 22¢ MAYONNAISE ...._ ... a.. •.. 49< 471 S31 AMMONIA .. 1h ... , .. ~·.1-1o11 c.-.1•.,.. ••• 45< 391 ·;.~~·::: In-Store Bakery MAPLE BARS :i tAYER CHOCOLA1E Cake ~'~~c" 891 GE NEROUSLY ICE D· FRESH I s I 20~ DINNER ROLLS ;:,;~;· ................ 30.,J. WHITE BREAD :~'O.'i;:, .............. s ,~ 1. ~~l~~IS~~I ~~~~HO~~~. 6El~;~~~~.R~ 9' A J A x LAUNDRY DETERGENT GIANT SIZE PACKAGE Huntington Beach -15511 So . Edwards Laguna Beach -700 So. Coast Hwy . Fountain Yane y -16042 Maqnolia Huntinqton Beach -8911 Adams Corona dol Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. ---------------------------------------------------·------------------------------- nA1Lv PJL or Dlf Ann ive rsary Cookbook Seeds, Pop • Poppy Pears 1n Celebrities Offer Recipes Somelhing new in sun1n)tr ·rtil.~ 1~ <to t-xc·l·lll'l!( llalad f11r 1: 1en~poon poµpy ~1'i'th ;_11111 ;i\Jd tu dn~sing ('over jar salads Is Pear Poppy Seed an uut doo r 1neal featuring 1.: teaspoon cell·ry ~a lt n11d ~h<ikc to blend . Salad Bowl. You nlake yuur rrird or spil.·r()asted chicken 1 orange f'oirr ornnge and shce frui t, own oil and vinegar dressini.:. l'EA H POPPY Sf:EU SALAO 2 frL'S h Cal1fon11:l ll .irtlrlL !!111\'l' and core pears, cut S I. · I 1· c1·ussw1 ~c into trescents. onle pollica 1gurcs a rt dressing," "elegant nan1ing method fo r \\'<t\crproo!111g nrtl~rs for $3 .~8 1u1cl ud1ng givingitdisfincllon\\'ithpoppy B<lW I. pears 35 adept behind an apron as beel" wilh basting sauce, shoes and general rules for tax J should be ntade payable seeds and grated orange rind . l1J l'Up salad u1l :J t·ups lorn lil1(1cr lt·t1u1T ('ni t•r ii·ith dress ing until house\1'ives, accordini; to t!ie rl•;idy lo toss ::.alc1d. (;ombin1 uev.·ly·puh!ishcd S&n Olcgo "pate," a beef sauce and dining room servicr. to San Diego 200th An-Tiie salad Itself -ls a com· 3 tablespoons 11·h1 te· ,,111c 4 1:ups torn l<"cbcrg lel tllf'C li·uuecs. the parsley and 200lh anniversory cookbook. detailed Instructions for scrv-The cookbook n1a y be ni versary, Jnc. •An additional l:lination or fresh California vinegar 1 cup chopped pari.ll'y 111':1ng•' 10 salad bO\~L President Bichard -,.,I. Nix-mg . nrdered from Mr!, Bemerd 25 cents should be included to Bartlett pears, sliced orange, 1 tablespoon sui.:ar For dressin g. con1h1 nr {111, Pour pear-dresi.ln,e: r.cun · nn'! "country onielet," a tasty The book a!sn conta1n.o; Santos, 6550 Airoso St., San cover mailing and handling chopped parsley and both but-''"teaspoon salt. 11negar, sugar and scJSon 1nJ!.~ h1nn!1\111 111·(·r a nd to~s well. hlend or Virginia hi:11n, onions hou sehold hints, Including a Uiego 92120. Check!\ nr money rost.o;. ter and iceberg lettuce5. 111 teaspoori P"Prwr in jar. Grate nn<l fr o1n nr;:ini.:r-\lal-.1·-. ti ;;rrving- :i nd potHtoes. is one nf morc.1 -------'------"'-----"--------------------------------------------'-------------------- lhan 600 ree1pC'S listed Ln the book. c::oll ettcd and authored rrcently by tile-Del Cerro Junior Women's Club. Mrs ... Lyndon B. Johnson·s ''1..BJ ranch deer me at sousage'' (11hi~h serve s Tcias·style gatherings of :1t least 200 people) w!IJ 111·arin the palate. She adds orninous iwrtions of sal!. red and black pe ppers and sage lo one.half <leer and one -half ·hog. Mrs. Johnson also divulges lhe former Pres i d .ent 's favorite outdoor ha 'r be cue menu and lists recipes for a special LBJ barbecue silu t e and l1is favorite llfex ican ap- petizer, "noche specials." Listed 1n the t:ookbook, ;among recipes fron1 \1•ell · known restaurateurs, cul ina ry consultants and members 01 the womcn·s club is CalifornJ;, Ciov. Jiona !d Reagan·s en- lcrtaining menu, wilh reeipes, including "cold n1edall1on of lobster 11•ith C<1lifornia wine Scarfed Top . 11 9231 -~ SIZES 8-18 ,_,. t,, 1lT ... ;'"" 1Tf ... "t'~ ~l'arf sot 1ncs~ b1·<'r1es in fnr ~ulunm, topping olf a simple ski1nrner 11·11h 1·1brant flalte ry _ rhoosc linrn-1vcave rayon \Vith dra1natic c.on!rasl scarf. Printt'il Pallern 9Z.1 1: !\E'\' ~11s~e~· S!tC<; 8, 10. 12. J.I, Iii, \8. Size 12 niust 3~) takes 21-z 1 ard~ :J~1nrh; scarf.·-~- . SIXTY-FIVE CE~TS In ro1ns for each pa llern -add 15 cents for each pattern for li r~l«'lass n1ailing ancl special l1andhng; othern·i:;C' llnrd-clas:- flelivery will tai..c ihree 11·rt>k:- nr n1ore. Senil to \1 ilr1a 11 \1;ir\in, The DA!LY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept., 2'.J2 'V~!I lllth .SL, ~e11· York, N Y 1001 1. Print i\A.\IE . AO· !>RESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NU~1 BER . N ~-: \V FA LL -\VJNTER !'ATIEltN CATALOG -over 100 ::;tyle~, free p a t l e r n roupon. 50 cenvi. INSTANT SE\\'lNG BOOK sew today. 11·ear tomorr111v. $!. INSTANT F ASHION ROOK -what -to· 11•Par ans w r r s , accessory. figure lip~! Only $1. Cheese Pleases lnchv idual \C rsion~ nf fl elas,1c dish. CHEF.SE TART'S • 5 slices bacon •;cup grated Swiss chccsf', 6 i~inch) 1:irt shells, un- hnked 3 tablespoons dry onion soup 1n1x 1 ju~t 11s it cnn1ei; fro1t1 package ) 'i teaspoon sail TJ11sh pepper I '~· cups milk AT VONS YOU'RE ALWAYS SURI TO an BLUI CHIP STAMPS g, Prize Produce Best Values •.. Boneless Chuck : <"~'C! 85• •tt• Shoulder Clod ~ .. 98• ~"' Boneless Round m• 98• ~·lf Beef Short Ribs , ... ,, 39• ~ llQ l:.:~ll Excfusire Oller! Choice Chuck Steaks 0~~:~ Family Steaks Stewing Beef &ON!l.ESS CHOK'.1!" BEE, THICK JUICY CIJ'ISI ltAN, TtNtlf'· flAVO~FUl BONfLESS CHOICE BrEF Pork Spare Ribs _."~:t;:,"'" 53 f. Del Monte Corn o~~·~.~ ~;,~;· ;;,"~~N 22' 98~ M.J.B. Premium Coffeel ~ $1 1' 85~ Nestea Iced Tea ·:r~,r~~ 6:69' 69~ Canned Pear Halves ,::~:t 33' JJS(ttEGKCO ·coOKWARE ·--•1"""1-~OO<'o'Ut .,,.~" ru~ p .. ;~\::;;•• 'j Sliced Bacon TA!lt l:!NGWAITT~cll.Tk!CKOI: lfG •. , •• 73C JONrSD.t,l!VFMMe•cON , ...•••.•• l"'ltL 111 JON!S DA,"'Y , ........ I "I~ ! •IJSAGf . , , , 99< ll. LUCKY STRIKE ', + .... ;- CHUNK TUNA .. ' . ·--_,. ' .. . -· ,, __ ' r, A t " . Enriched Bread :g: ~~!:~~::' 3: $1 :'.:.·:--~·~.~;;:·.:·~~ .. ~.'7. \ t , •.• ·~ '""" o .. ,,. ....... ··• I .. -·· """' ,., .... " ,.,,, """'• ~ ......... ," ~., .. . . ········ . VALUABLE COUPON WOliTH 11.00 ...... ,._ ... ., ~ EKCO 5-0T. DUTCH OVEN R19. Yo/ve $.14 95 $199 Yon1 t"w Prjre SB.99 ·~· , .. : W;'.~.<~:~'."lii!l'"' "'"''•"' , "-• : • !t •~. w .. , -• . ... .. -· ' : ............... VON S ••••••••••••.. : FROZEN FOOD BUYS ! • S»'f C Von1 Sli<•tl /1e<•H•r/ 85 American Cheese '" ·,, " r--joiiNSTON--Piis--1 ' '· ""' "" ~ 69c I! \~?.~?,~.~~~~.~~~-~.~·~=~~.~~.~~~ ll M<><aro"i & C~oe•c l'•H 01'""''·11ot. '•O ....... J'rt ~o<hol<:1do1 ••" O! ,.,.. 1 •" IUI\, ll'>OI~ ,, ..... ~SCI . Golden si,,,,. Shr;rr<p C'ecl• 10: "~· .. .,,, ..... 49c f]6Ji1JE} UQUORS HAIURIS r' OLD COLONEL TYLER I BOURBON i STV.IGHf J <ENTUC<Y ~~VE $379 4-Yll:S. OlO 4fC f6.noo~ I ,,mi ROYAL VODKA ' VILYIT ' tt'*'''4 =~$3~! ,, _ __.._,_ ........... ___ -· -. f1_6Ji1JE} BAKERY TREATS COFFEE CAKE SALE • All!IC!'ld Ri~1 • ...,.,,. Oo~:,h <;t~'::.;:;;:--• OotMh r .. ;,, U • Fr!llt Slreu"I DANISH mLE • Appllo Strrtv'-1 u •o ~~· -·M ... • ' • . 45c O"'lfl·IO'.UD·ltt·-000'1. 100; Ull~ (•CCC,.UI """ ""°""""-~ "°"'' '"~ tlt•llUl 00 """'l llUI ,_,,.. ,-,,111 -- !~,..?,~fM!Jru!REA,~ .... 43' !1!1!!!~~P.!CHHS( ...... 45' -~-. We•twcod Ice C•eom •\"~ •u.•o.,, '• c•1. •.... S9• BEST FOODS 1."., .i._ -•'I.,_ ZEE TOWELS 1(,1,h•n ,.,;nr1 ' 170 n . ll•gc~t Spicero..-11.0 lt - 5 eggs Fry bacon llntU ct1sp. U1en _.,... . ..i;.-.-~ C'Iumble. Spri11kle ti a con 1t111btrTYf'rrtPllf,. <~'u."""'···· .. •·· .. ····..51c ,,, .. ~~·Q--~···~-----~----~·-··---_....._, --· ·-· ~ -·-·~:.... ··-ll-• l oullque foxl<tl Tillllrt uu;1, "4 ..... ,,,.,,_ ?9t: hlly Crod:flf' Coue10/e1 lrt9'• l!llf*Md Siad c.oi..d Ha111 4.0&. "'-....... .,671 pieces tnd gra~ s.w i s .s Pooch PM fll511(1 t(IOtllOCl. ML wo ................... ,,j .sc r heete.in boUom <lf tart shells. ~"" •1m..a ~ w. C#t ..... -····-63c: ... ;.., IC.td!v,t ,.Cl. ML. ....... ~ ....................... 33( Beal together remaining in· .,,~~, IC•tch~i> ""'"'"""mo. noi. ........................ ?s.: gredlehts JUSl until t.'Ombined. ""'~Hair Color ..................................... $2.00 l<~k Hair Sri Mitt llO.OIWl'll.1~1!at ........... $1.?9 Slke.I Applto co.wot1r.M&.U"' ........................ 3)1: Neotle'1 M•eodyC-_ .. 11u , .. , ............ 8~t ~-lDlllOnoff lllCllt•-IOU ,,,,, •. ., ......... lk MacateN &. Cr-.dclnr I °"' •• , .......................... o&k Noodle. Streoonoll •'11 on. ........................... -Ak Mc~~bella "· ""· ...................... , .......... A&c S..,. a.. Honey> MO.Ll,.,i.-11=JM .................. AJc Porby-Morwlf• _,,_Ht. (IM. ..... -..... : ....... 2'c ICraftV..,,.;O--. -..................... $1 .0I' IC•cft Clwrt•Whl1 1"4t. ..n ........... -.............. 19c ' • " ijl • Pour over h:11;011 :ind chee~c in "~~::·\~ , preheated 375 1011 Adams Ave .. at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach "''"' ~~'" '"'' '1 '"'1."" 1 '. 34081 Doheny Park Drive Capistrano Beach ~"I -... ., n1J111t!f'!i. M1tf,r~ 6 1 5922 Edinger Ave .• at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia. Fountain Valley 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach I ,. '•'' ·~-. -~ -'" --· -"'. -,--:.-;--·-.·--·.~·-..i'::'-.l':"!:"r~~:'!"".:"".""'~"!"'""!~""~~!!11'~1/!"1-~""""'""'"--'""."""'""'..., ........... ,... ... __ ..,, _______________ _ ... • ... "'' ~ , . i' .~ . . • .. • • •• ~ ,·. t.:.. .· .. .. .. . ' . \\'~t1ne1t1ay, Octobtr 8. 1969 ·------. ~-- '' Alpha Beta's Man in Blue says: a un in this ad,. including 28 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, DICK HAWlEY STORE MANAGER LACUNA HILLS dial roTAl DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ( outicr .l,EROSOL CA.Jl DIAL DEDDDRAllT son;.i: or 60 TABU'TS BUFFERlll SOM£ Al JHA 8£TA STOR[S QISCOUNT CHA~C( F•IC( 100 791 115 771 [li"oE'ri usll'Al.irio'o" 98• 111 FASTEETH'Pl1wo£R ' 89° 721 "!LnlUM CR HARD PEPSDDENT ADULT TOOTHBRUSH 69' 55' "l'h OUNCE: AI110SOL CAA PRISTEEN $112 DEDDDRAllT SPRAY J 39 PRESCUT GLASS'NARE at Total Discount Prices II"" PIONEER BOWL • IZ."' PIONtrn PL(tt }Cllfl" PETAL BOWL • 12"' PCT'Al.!IOWL. IJ!f:'' CEU:STIAL BOWL OR Pl.Alf: RCLiSH rl.'IT!: • 8'" cr:LESTIAL VASI: ~g~~R~~~Cf 66t Cl!ARGE 9Sa @)FEiiT'Asf1'i """ -w ouscr. Ar.ROSOL 'NINDEX COUPON GOOD ttirougfl OCT, 15 , IOTAL DISCOU NT S [\l[RY OAY SOME ,\l1'1U.11£TA STOREll DISCOUNT CHAJIG( PR JC( ORTl:CA • 7 OUNct CAN 23' GREEN SALSA SAUCE 21c r111c1:n; or THI: '.".EA • NO. 1Ji c:AN' 371 CHUNK WHITE TUNA 39c >.n•~(l'IR • 1o;,12:i OU!'>CJ.: CAil CORLN1EO:zBEErrHAsH 51c 44c ARMOllR • lSIJ,. OIJHC!: CAN' u1c:tnr.n:s 'le Orr w u tt 1110 341 CHILI CON CARNE Jl[ANS " @ 4'{, Qg~1'KG . • SEU'·LAYERltfQ D£SSLJIT MIX •.) f"UVORS 22' JEll·01•2•3 25c ' l ~ C7.. "KG • O\JICI or fttQUU.'! 4fti IO~R OATS 31.,JV' 1.t'B. CAN'• REClll.IJl OR PERK-0-U:CTfl:JC BUffiRNUT COFFIE 73c &91 ~-LB. CAIJ • REGt.11.A.R Cit PQOC.O-LECTl!JC 2.0!I l:l.!Q 7 07. • tNCLUDES 7t: O" BEHOLD Furniture Pllisti 12 OZ.• INCLUDES 12o OFF 1.19 .. ~fil/,OZ.CAlf •S 'YAJIIE?lU , ... ~SKAT CAT fOOD lie U' @ 1-lRCA'lf' "H'AT OH cinr:IF.tt 13• DR, ROSS DOG FOOD 16c f'LOWERS at DISCOUNT PRIC£.S •STRAWFLOWER YOUR BOUQUETS CHOICE • DECORATIVE 68' STAR FLOWERS BUNCH Also other Fall It ems Available OAK LEAVES, EUCALYPTUS. SEA OATl,. CAITAILS. ARJICHOl<E PUff KITS Phrs Many More Better Produce at DISCOUNT PRICES CRISP & JU ICY• illRAfANCY NORTHWEST JONATHAN APPLES EGGPLANT 2 ~ 29¢ FLAVORFUL • TOKAY GRAPES 2 1 29¢ carltiivlilii'7Fms 38¢ ... "WISE BUYS IN ECONOMY SIZE" • 20LB, BAG • Al l ¥URPDSE RUSSET POTATOES • 10.[B, BAG DELICIQUS ,"J,~~' , APPLES ,~, •a.LB. BAG 97c Y1ltnel1 Dron11& U.S. NO, 1 • All PURPOSE RUSSO POTATOES 1o~:G 49c RED YAMS NEW CROP flAVORfUL , 10~ f Oll LUSH WINTER U.WNS Annual Rye Grass ·@~ 10$148 4~ 'ls. &IC' lHFSE PRODUCE PRICES EITTCTIVE THtmSD~T lhroua:h W(ONE'SDAT, OCTOBat 9-15 REDEEM rooo STAMP S IN AllY LOS ANGELES OR ORANGE COUNTY ALPHA BfT A. save you s6.64*'' Yoir ALPHA BCTA Nei&hbc1hood Sulchet ttl!e Maa In tne· Rtd Ap1onl Proudly Offe rs BUTCHE!!.'S P!!.lDE MEATS M!:A'n 'Y'OtrU. BE PROUD TO SERVE • orsct1i"1' PlllctD • U.S. GOVERNMENT INSf'ECJED BEEF • atJN..nT I SATISFACTION GllARANTEED ALP11' BUA llJTCllrl PiiH • FftESJt GROUND BEEF 9: WILSON'S CRISPRITE SLICED BACON ··~· '® flRST GRADE• U.STERN QUAlllY HICKORI SMOKED 79c RATH BACON lb ans DAIRY FARM UCON 97~ ~ JONES DAIRY FARM • 1-lB. PK!:. 9ftc ~ PURI PORK LllK SAUIAI! 7 U.S,DA lllSPfC!ID NEW ZEAi.MD •FRESH FROZEN GENUINE SPRING LEG OF LAMB 1t' 1-tB. ROll • r>.SlEJN OUAllTY Rath BREAKFAST 49¢ SAUSAGE DUBUQUE • DWCIOIJS GENUINE 78' POLISH SAUSAGE '" CREENUND • PAN REAO'f FILLET ol 59' TURBOT ~ CERTlfRESlf • 7-DZ. PKG. 6rROZOf SOUTHERN 89¢ FRIED SHRIMP ALPHA BETA llllTCHEl'S PllDE BEEF BONELESS RUMP ROAST 98:. ROUND STEAK FULL CUT 89:. BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 98:. CHUCK STEAK BLIDE CUT 59;. BEEF SHORT RIBS 43:. THESE MEAT PR ICES [ff!CTl'ft THURSDAY lhrou1h WEDNESDAY, OClOBER g lhrough l S .. q 111mn 11:,,. RECIPE "ROMAN ROONO STEAK"' ro~Al DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SC1"r Al'H-R£1~ ~IO~!S DfSCOUN1 c;H~Rr.c f'RICt TOTAl 01scr:uHTS EVERY DAY SOM£ Al'll-9£1 ~ SIO>ll[~ Dl!CotJtll C~~RG[ PRl~E TOTAt DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY !l(!M( Al~HAI ETA S!OR!S OISCOl/NT C~~~~( PRIC[ ! tl!INCt l'ACl'.AGf..': • SL!Cf.O • Rf.E:r • PASTR.\}.Q •HAU • COfC;!tl l r::I:I' iN\~'sfndwlch Meats 39c 351 WH!TE TVRKLi' OR CH.ICKLll .U• ~ i.lo'ri6'iiiillii"'cllEDDAROI$,. 97:.. ilt'l('Ai w1iil£tis 8sc 781 l:'l"ArT • 10 OZ. PACi:.A.Cf: CRACKER BARREL SHARP CHEESE 89c '!llf:ESvn:r.t • ~g OZ. DE:CA .. -f."i REAL ORANGE JUICE 73c 821 69' KRAFTSOFTPARICAY 43c 42' 1-UJ. CAl\TOH CHIFFDll Solt Stick MARGARINE POLAR a ui:t:l . l'lloztP • 12 CZ. PKG. PO'TATOESc111vts 39c 34' lo'Ridll~s"APPLE PIE 9Bc 88' i&ifu'f:t• ii'1'liii'ERS 43c 371 JLUPQAL. •P'MOLT PACX:•!Ri: VALUE 591 .111111 IOR ICE CREAi .!IL"'Jll! • fllC1ZEI! •20 OUNCE BAG 621 WMlt lilrawberrllS"' vALot tir:;~·r~~)r )t~er~ · ~ c:. ~';~ 2s~ J.IO!lTON'S • i lloztN •IS OUNCE A.LL rt.A.VOfl:S 55' FRUIT l CREME DELIGHT !9c 1.AURA.SCUDDOl •13 ot.CAN SJll fANCY MIXED HUTS 1.19 LAURA SCUDDER • lJ O!, CAJJ 59' VIRGINIA PEANUTS 69c S\\"EETITT:ART • PACK er 2& ICE CREAM CONES DR CUPS 37c 32' AlJ'HA IETA QUAUTY l.uEJIY TOT AL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY .J1 ALPHA Bfl~-:i•, Lb. Lea! ,1, ~~ECG SESAME e "•'~~~Et.~~·,r: ·41 ¢ "•' v " I\ R~PllP._!ll P' ~ ':·,...V<i.~· I\ ,1,@ eorFh -·A.''··36, ,,, @ CAKE <Jl A\. ll LPllR BlTR • "A':".: er 6 Ao. -,-r. A',;' I) liUm!HAlU: 36' •. ,, DONUTS :-'.'..:VAL·:: . ,, • • 'Ii • '\ ll L,t\R B[IR • Choee'.at• ,1:<T-e"! ... ,1, HAYER CAKE SJ 11 I ,i; ~:,VALUE ,., * t)J:1CN MAID • 11', t II lOAr @ ~ 60 Mf: STOR[SCHA1'G: ~9~541 1' V JEWISH RYE BREAD I ,, -t®E->:<-~®{-:>:~ k ~BORDEN'S · 1~11. CZ. PKC. 491 ~INSTANT PDTATDES 59c ~ lS OUNCE JAR 68' ~ BOROEN'S.CREMORA 790 \\'ELCll'S • 32 a.?. JARS @~::~n~~l~· 59c &2• @-~ER~··$A~Rt~fRAv[~Ell55c 41• @ GRANT rAR~~ •~~OZ. !!OTTU: lNCtUOf !> ~c orr 54' PANCAKE SYRUP 71c Kl\A f'T • 7 0·1;..·c;: )AR r::;;;;;-.. MARSHMALLOW 24' ~CREME 290 ~ 11 OZ l'l:C •r·u ! A. r:~110,j 42' ~KELLOGG POP TARTS4 9c · ~~ffi{~~lK0 r'&'r.'i¥6Es 25c 22' I AEGt/LAJI tJl\lP OR EU:C. l't:fli • 3-L8. CAN' 1211 fOLGEaS COfFIE %.II ~fi\~ANT U5 984 10 OUNC't !AA 1.19 11.n t:Ji;;;\< OUNCOJAR 79; ~ D!C!f INSTANT . 95c @cllil M~yonnaise 53c 45' ~ ~..-i:AGf C'~ <~ Gala Family Napkins 14c 121 ro::r11r ··iA • ~~·1 c ~1r r::;;;;;-..Peeled • Pear·Sh1ped ~TOMATOES 37c 321 ~roiiiaT'lisaucE ~·WlTRBJTS 24C 21' JfOflMI:L • I ~ OUNCE CAN ~Chill Con Came ~'NlthBeans 41c 341 CKlU CON CARN!: • 1'UJN $7; 4h TRttSDRAwttTIGE. "'Juo"i·c"E., oz c"' 29c 27, nou "°" .. MoN. "'" ,.,, ,. _, ,., SAT. a"d SUN. 10 AM I• 7 P'M 120!Jr~·::t ~~·. !Jc ------------------- U TISrACTIO'! GLIAllAN1[£0 04! YOUR MON£Y 11.c ru~OCD. SAll S TAX tOl.l[ClIO OH Alt TWILt IT£M!. wr ~[S[ll.V( TH( RIGHT TO 11.Ef'\ISC MllS TO GOMllfRCl•l D!l.J.(~S COST A M £SA-241 E. 17tll St. • HUNTINGTON llACH-t045 Ado1111 HUNTINGTON IE.ACH-11•11 N. Mol11 St. FOUNTAIN ¥ALLIY-ttll Werllff SOUTH U.GUNA-10122 S. Ce91t Hi•.., LAGUNA HILLS--215 41 C•ll• 4• lo l -b• flt'f'INE-11040 Culver, U11l\'enlty '••• ' ~· -... -. ······-.. ·-· . -···. ...... .. .. ·-·· ... -.· ~:J PILOT-ADVERTISER DAIL Y PILOf Ff__i. NOW ON DISPLAY· ~ERVICED & llEADY TO GO • A 1I l11.g11ii.if•f!11 t E,,./JtJ1•itJ11ce • u~~~E:ii' 1969 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Lovely Grecian white exterior with black padded lop and black leath- er interior. Full power assists plu ~ factory air conditioning, power door locks, signal seeking radio, elect ric seal celease , etc. j187328) 1965 FLEETWOOD }'ull PD'''er, factory air, Stern. 1014 \1·i111 twii;e root and match!nr; cloth and leath"i' dan1ask. Tilt-telescopic \\•heel, po1ver dor.r locks, po1ver vent '''indo11'S, At1-F~l rad.Ju, etc. (PDA039) 1966 CADILLAC Convertible. Antique gold with matching tn1• and full !rather Interior. Full po11·r-r, faclnry 11.ir, Al\t-Fl\I radio, tilt -telescopic llC!'r1n;:: 11'h<'rl. (TSP.728) 1969 IMPERIAL 1.eBaron ('OUllf'· .Full 1101,·cr. fa<:lory 111 1 . s 1erro t11p<', {'ruise cnnt rol, rvcry pos~1blr option I' added top. t XSP777 ! 1967 EL DORADO Firemi~t Roscl-'>ood \v lth bro\vn podded r nnf & sadd le lea.ther t rim. Full power fact. 11 ir. til t tclesrnpic \\'h<'cl, AJ\1-F~{ radi o, crui~r ccntrol. door locks, light !'.f'nt & dimm"t rrar 11i ndow clefoggr r, di"c brks. fTVl\6171 1968 CADILLAC !)rdan DcVi11<'. Baroqur .~old 11 iU1 bl :1• I pndd"d to r ii lld blnck cln1h Rnd lriilhrr 1n trnor. Full po1vrr, fat'1.nr.v a ir. ~1rrro A,\I · F\'1. tilt 1 el{'.~copic 11·hrrl. P0"'"1' t10nr J(l('k· J•lui: much rnol'r, (V ll •\~>1 4 • 1966 CADILLAC !;icdii.I" De V itlE'. r.list blue 11·ith n111h ·h111. 1·loLl"i and lcalhrr interior. Full po\\Tr, J,p · tnr.}' 11.lr, 1ilt·lclf'scoph:: ~t('('ring \VhC'rl. ,\).!- t';l.1 radio, po11'(-r door locks. (RYS9Z.8J SAL( $230 0 PRICf PRICf SALf $4900 PRICE SALf 54200 PRICl SAL( $4400 PRICl SAU $2800 PRICI (>'·I ·]~ :i() ()(.\I ,l'I',. ' <:\l)llJ ,\(:S 1'() ~l<I J·:< :'I' l·'I(() \I LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY • SALE 5 5800 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville. Norn1andy b lue 11·il h li!ack Landau and blul' leather trin1. Full !Xl"·r.r, f11ctory a ir cond1!inninr:::, t i lt-lei~ 1vhf'<'l. A:\l-Fl\1' radio, rtr. LocRI onr 011nf'r. 1VGZ1171 1964 FLEETWOOD 1'1 111 rJr111·rr. frll·hwy air r·nndil innini;. llit~ 11 11 nf Cadilla{'·i popuh~r nptions. 8f';11111fl1l bru::r a11lo r1111bi l{'. fOQBfilfi f 1964 CADILLAC F111) J1u1,rr. filL'1ut'Y ;iii·, sudan bri;:;e 111111 tnah:h111i::: eloth and lrfill1 <'r intcrrnr, ~ig11:il !if'rki11i::: radio, cruis,. t·n111rnl. <'1 1·. (\VTG:i·I~• 1967 CADILLAC Convi'.'rtib!e. Grecian "'11ile 11•ith hleck 1np and black f ull lcn thl'r interior. Full JlO''"'' includin.: ro11·er !ilrerini: -b1·nkrs. "·indnv..~· r, 1va x-~cnt, Ai\l-Fl'-1 radio. jF71680n1 1965 CADILLAC Jlard1t1p •'llllf}('. C11,c:11dr grrcn 111!11 1r1ut<·l1 111g" l'lo lh and !f'nthrr i11trt·inr Full PO""I. f1u'ln1·.v air. A ,\·1 -~·~1 n1t!10, ti lt.irlf'\<'npir' 'lrrnn::: 11hrrl. 1l1taJn1 ::1 1967 CADILLAC (Oll]>P De-Vil!r. Arlf'sian I Ul'l'l~ln1~r 111111 Tll11fl'hing clolh and lc;:i !hrr interior F1 rll 11011·rr, fac tory a ir, A1'-1·f't.I r;idio, tilt-lrle- ~<.:opic steering whf'r'/. ~TEX904J SAL( $4400 PR I Cf SAU $1400 SALf $1300 PRICI SAU s3QOO SALf $2100 PRICE SAL( $3500 PRICI Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area J~-ABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 54f)·9-lf_)f). SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 Atvl to 9:00 Pl\'I ·Mou. thru Fri.· e 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun, All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, OCTOBER I~, 1969 NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lm~iate delivery e Excellent Setwction Over four · acrt1 of llltrci mod4irn totol Cadillac facilities designed to better sell and service new and used Cadillac: automobiles. • . . - .· . . .. -. . • . . • _._ ... ... _,, ... ... , I I ! I : t . * O,t,tt Y PllOT Wtdnt1day Ottobrr e, 1'6tt !'ILOT.A.OVE RTIS ER: 2! \ ... J'be price is RIGHT ~,; '~ 1'1 ' The time is RllBT Housin 9 1i dlr!' "re down in eve ry p.i rl of !he courdry. Thi1 mea ns m1n1y thin q1 , bul mo1I import1 nt to th• prosp1clive home buyer, it m1a 111 the coil rd buying " horn • of your own it boun cl to ;ncr 1111 in +h e c.omin9 m onH11 l l'!d year1. The lime lo buy i1 NOW • , , before hig ht r p ri<.'.11 1rriv1, lrifl<!l lion h•s hit th e hom e bu ild ing tn dustry "1 hard , o r perh aps ~..t rd er, lh 11n tt ny other in dustry. Th& cos t of new homfl con1lru ct ion i1 mounlil'l'J e111ry day. E:venluel!y this will rellecl o n th e cost of 11i1 tin9 hom!'J1 . Th ot tim e fo buy ;, NOW , • , whil1 pre-infle tion price1 1till exi1 t. --. ------. ....,..~- ' " 'l)• . t •• I ··' • "'. I.' ' • Unbelie...,able ! Ocean View • S23, 950 Th,, ~II lo be !h i ho1tr t! hcm1 on 1h1 ..,,,kt!. ·1 ', 1 1h ••1> ] b1droc.m. l b11h hcm1 .,.,1h lor9 1 covered f>ll•o .~d •t•• v••d •und rcl 11 ho1 1 li.inq "''" cf 16(10 iq It. "''d 1 b11 ~1 ,1 .. 1 I Hum,blt lr •n nt 5 , • •. Sot t! le· id1 v -If• ono·c•·•·l ·nd. 3 Bedrm. 2 Beth 100'1. Fin•ncing to••'•· S ?l.•~O on 1 +,., Lnod '''""'· lhi1 •.cm• ,, '" '"cell t nl condd•cn .,...,,h • id •n•o q re<>,..,. double q1r190, '""~rod p•I o, h1rd"'c"d lloO'I lo.,. lo .. dc.,.n I<> onyont . Hu•ty, it "'o"t !01 I! Back Bay Expanded Tl"• b .. 1u!1lu! 4 bed100"' cudo.,.·bu•ll hoM• ;" th e b.c ~ boy fe1 •u1t 1 •n ••· p•od~d m 111~, bedroom 1ud1 w,th P' .. ••1• both 1 nd <;11111 doora open:n9 !o •1clud1d te1 r <;1o rden y1rd. Further t•· ponded with en •1ol1ltd "chi~ p•n1l1d d in ,,.;1h ih own m"""" b1,ck l"t • p l1c1 •nd ~1 1m c10lin9. The lr:c ki.nq rock "'•hd oll end pond ;, ol!.1! bv ~•!r ov19o nl l1nd1c 1p:nq. Full ptlc1 '' S )~ 500 ,,..;1h FHA o r VA !1rm1 1v1.I. •bl1. Of 01111m1 the ~ '• ·• l >'1lon<;J lc 1n, Cul-d1·11c, !1r<1c1d lot. Cle•n And Vac•nt Sl8,7l0 FHA-VA T~;, ~toMe 1i 1"1m 1 cul ~I• 1ud D1<n+ed in,:cl. ~n d oul. All np..,. <••i:>1t:n9 throu 9~0YI -,! •~t n h"' Ju .pl•'• lot lho11 •••"'> win+o• n•9hh. ~~· ,1, ,f. ,h~.~~ 2629 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA l4~B64 0 .. .._.,...._ ............... -•... -·-. - FAST MOVE IN Ne w hom e s, rea dy to move bedrooms , 2 to 3 baths. 1n . 2 to 5 be ach. First payment u p after move 1n . ' l mile lo 60 from days VA /FHA Terms. From S23,990 The Beach (on 8 rookhur111 mile South of Ad•ms) 962-1353 -··~:.. .,. ~-·- New ,, i1•11: 1101111'.< $80 ,000 to .'i /90.1100 For d ;1trim in•tin q fo111 mili e1 who t •n o111 flord the fin e1I , •nd d e1ire th• pre1tiqe and o111tmo1 phere of • N11wport Be ec:h view home. lv "n W e ll1 at'ld Soni proud ly present th e NEW "-400" SERI ES BAYCR EST '"FOREVE R.VIEW " HOMES. H e1e i~ th e uli.m ,,I• •n qui et e leqanc:e •nd tomforl ... lot"I priwo111 cy '" the very exclu1ive r11id C1nt ;,,1 commuriity. DOVER SHOR.ES. Choo~~ one of the "400"' "'H it'\ v•ew homt\ or )v ,,n Wtlh & Son~ wd! d1\1g11 ""d b111l d a 1pt ci•I hom t , .. 1u1 I for you! inyrrrst 1 .. •I ••·~ •o,. I" fo~• r, 1•u r•' ,. 'I ,.,., M ~d o l, o! l ~J O r,..1 •• , O•,y• N~"'I>"'' 8 1•<~ nhon• 1"/1 41 b~b IS~O Op.~ 0 1,ly 10 to 5 '·= .. ·~· ,.,.. Po" ...,. ..... -·· - " . ' ' . " .~'"';,~-~SALE j HUU5ES FO~ ~E-r HOUS ES FOR S.ALE · ·eneral 1000 General 1000 General 1000 CLOSE TO \Listen to the Surf !~~ JUMP AHEAD +:DOWNTOWN YJ::.: )••11 • .111 n la\ ir.1 .1 •:t11 1ur ,,ih··r 1~1111i•" 'l 1~1~ spotlc.•~ •·10,·\,," I 1•111, .. 1•· .\11t!L;'<,1 I hol1·n1 .~ .' h.11hs h ... ~ t'1·rry- ~ ),..,,,. II\,• r~111nd1n:.: \11~1'•'• rh1nf: •wr.1,.11 f,,.. happy IJ\·. 11 ,•lll lb" 'lllultl.I, 1'\l•lo\11111. llH,: !.ll•li \\ \\ 1·.11j~'I~ .~ rd 11.,11'" '"\,.1li1nc hut lhr ll1·1t1""· 1,,11l!-1n !;1 h·h··11. 1\J. lw~1 ·• "·'~ lht' Oll"IH'I" phtl· !f'r s.ofl•'nrr. 11•rnf1o· r r ;1 r '''''l'li.1 f,.,. !\'Sl .l.1\TIO'.'. 1:11·d. pa·11n. ~p•1nlde1·~. Hgl.J. ,\["T(l.\IATl1· S I' I{ 1 .'i 1-\. Cl1o 111 ·r ;i1·1·a. (fnl.v s-:1.'.1:10. L~.R:'. ELl·:t'TRONIC 1;1\H_I };;t, l•'rt n ~. Alll"<it·111r hr·d1••"'1 nn la 1-..:r t-.n' J,,1 l'tlh ~lky <"II h-fl 11L'1• :-..111 !II•· h11<h<'I\. nf'1,· I",, 11~.i. ll!·ot·k 11o11l rl'ner. f .. 1"•'(•.I a11· 11••111, Tlw !(~1 11r '" ,,.,.,. 111 1111' an·;i :_' S~'ti.9:iO -11•111 a 4,i,·. ~"Ull1'1!1Jf> lo,111 -!~••Ii.! m 1~s 1h1•' ..... 64<.-7171 '• O T HE REAL "-ESTATERS 1\t:~: DOOi!, Lghtini:: h x !11r. r". !':11ri•t1nc. drn prs anrt l'ATIO . ..; YlHI (',\~ ,\+.;. ~l'.\I!·: 11ir ,.111nr LO\\" JN. T~:r!t·.:-r ~·.11 \. J,,:in uJ $'.b!.-MU.! ari.I 1111y Jlbl S:?-14 TOr\L Jl''r 111011111. ~- 1r.'l3 Rakr1·. ("\I . .-. -.. l --~· ~ ... 1.:~1·1 . ' I· l'o. ·1: I .. Bay Ave. Bungalow, 537,500 I Balboa Blvd-Vacant, S25,000 Balboa Duplex, S49,500 7 Units, Balboa Blvd, 5120,000 11 Units, pool, 5145,000 BURR WHITE REALTOR 29lll NEWPORT BLVD .. N.B. o7l -463o 642-2253 Eves. ... ---· .. "' .... •' ~ > .. '""'"'l j ··- LIVE! University • '" Park HAPP INESS IS MAltE TOUR MOVE AND WHY NOT? • "•" "0"'1(' W• ~•••'~"''•'I !o 118•' Gtllm•nl 1 br ;. I! u"1~o· 1.1 "l"'t , n•••' 0~., <ttn I" l •rlv C •l•!or ~it \IYlt worin "!()"''"" •oo~•, "'"" Top o•••nt.elt lc<•l.on ., .. , not' l o• o "-e<j Hill renr• 1-.t<I '"· 0"' "'"''" " lu.i I <ommunny paal M•nv t •I••• ••nl•t.,• n•IP you Q•f '"' '"'" el:! I ••• jOU• pl~~-I l l•.100, b••' C•ll ror O••••··· I HURRY UI" i NOW -IS RIGHT f UN LIVING An• o~' o""'' ""' '"'~~ '"''I Own•• "•• ""''"d ou• o! ,.;, •• 119!1 Hop~'"' " "·~ 1 \ e• ' F• t<\•a•«• •• 1~ ! '""''" • hr to .. n•o""• Yo~ I l>' ""m• ''"I" •n •"•• ' ,o I A I)!! 1, ., , ,~,. '" DM,, '""' ::;0 ",""';~~" t;., :ocn "' vou"rt ~~~",.,~'::7. •1'<11t< •II le 1'16 or.O PO<ll t•ll Joc d<ll• • P'lRFECT LOCATION REAOY -VACANT UNI. ,ARK IS ... t. .. go <~·· •• h• rn"''"'"""' '" ~ •••' 1 b• "~"""' l •"" •••n••l•tn•·•• rneo;o t•o,.. "~".en c?"I 1 110 ••\""ell' "'0'~ •O ''' PR l(!O 10 ~{ll •I 'lfO ,O ('}•11 r• •W·~""'"'''Dnn•nnn1•'""° '""""''""'" 1"•" • 'n•u•I •••• ~·"" ,.,,, 'SuC,.hl IO"""OUV•, [,~ .. I••! \O•nlO. I •H'" !orrnt Su Ill • RED HILL REALTY UNIVERSITY PARK CENTER I RVI NE 833-0820 ANYTIME ·~ -:----.·"'"·''~'"·-·--··-··w---·.~. ':t~.r.-:;. ~--.. ",~'pi:• .'4t. ... ___ " --- FOREST E. 0 L SON l11l He;il!or<; FOUR BlDROOM SUPER ESTATE -NEWPOR1 EACH ~: t111(l J'r1<'r sle,;h f)ll 1h1i. ~UJ)f'l"b '.\'l'\\"flflrt Brll'h ,.,1111 r ~ 111asl rr h"rl· 1 ..... n•. h11~,. t1ltd balh~. f11n1i!y roon1 11nd ,.,.~, l'1n.t ,.i,....,· nf f1rip1r ;il •rt1 111i.; :i1· .. und I il~ 1np1t· !-11" IJ(•n!. J h1nd1rd~ 111 "'rn1~. ~t'llrr h;1·. l ;1-t,.n1 in!f'l"f'~1 1\nJy :!'0 ,(\)(1 rl1°11 n. ;\l<1•! , .. 11 f:.-1 ,,r trrn1, i 1n l.1 '•:.! ~·1~ • -\'all h 1~1 -n-10 ;_ FOu.~ BEDROOM -SPAN ,~H oS1 ATE -NEWPORT BtAC.H llc111 LI "''I" :jp8111•h hfllll" ~11nn1111tl"rl hi· 1 •·11~ nf hn<h \"11rqu11 l"d 1111 Iii• .1 !1•1 lh" rnl<"rt;i1n1ni;: r\r1 11 !11 r ll111:r <\.011hlr rl'l'''' n1•"fl In 111.1 •·11 r Iii" n11d 1<111l t•·rl \•PllPI• l.\•p!l•ll<' 1111l11t"AI 'l'•"rt tii1·r,11~hnu1 . 1 i.11 ;r IH•tli•'"''I". lnl"lll~I rln1111-.: • fit;n1ly 1·111H1l. Thr 1•111~ lf'A l•11·r r,,1· llu 1,.,.,. •"·•11 11•'·:'>-ll 1naln1rnn1w1": <1nl) :Sti~.~1(k)..-[Ji11l !i l"1·!1.!fl.l, AT 2299 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ·69 V ol11111 e 8120.9 1llilli1111 • _, 1 -··--·-~-~~--~ . . . ... _ .. . - HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR-SALE--1-HOUSESFOR SALE General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 ,,;;;;;,;;;;=~;;;;;;. DOVER SHORES E >.']t1 i1ilrl.v rlrcora !cd :: bt'd· roon1 hon1l' 11·1th fonnal 1l1n. i11i:: ro,)ll\'. lilrgr ~unkrn h1·. 111:.: t"fllolH, hui::r 111 11SIC'r •IHlt\ Jo:lr.:11~i1111· '"'f'll. \ "11u~11:1 l.1· hf';111 !1f11I li10fbt"ap1l1g, II 1lh ];111<11. A~kin~ 5119.:>00. john macnab 17141 642-823l !1t01 J1,01·rr J)1·1vr. Sulle \"f'\\ f"H1 l-\<>111"11 1.:0 Lnt O" ncr..; A 3-Bedroom Home FO){ 0 :"1.Y $10,995 BUil TON YOUR LAND• F l-'.ATUJUN< :: • 108(, sq. fl . e Oouhl(' t;il!'il:;r • i\U la1h ;ind pla~trr e Pul1111an h;.1h e Sj•.1r1n11, 11111'111·,,1,,.. and EASY LIVING Ltl.;}; Ni::\\" 11, yrar n:1t ('l'ln<lu1111n1un1 . Bf'a11- 11f11! !110.~rnry 111 Adult .•f'llion 11 i1h pool a rid 1·luhhou~e 1 n c l u de rl. !'l('Asr l·11ll ror 11n 11f}- l'l\.IH1t111l'nt. ~I)(] .l"O\! II ill II(' plras11111ly ~urpn;,rrl. Only $21 ,9JO. ~=---..... ~I •. OCEANFRONT I WE SELL A HOME EVE RY 31 MINUTES 1:: ::-ii::-:iii::-:-;:::::::: ! T.11,r GI Resale . . .. ' ' ( ;J \d,l!l' CALL l37-0380 i-f 11 n1ost Ot"angp <.:oun1~ Q!h•'r appro1·cd a rt'as. STANCO Builders Inc. JOa.... COATS ~ WAL&LACl REALTORS -S4~141- {0p•n Evenings} •R "'"" '" ""."""'Walker & Lee bt'1'1tl"h: t°)l.~j(l. ,GH,.te W illi•mson ' HEAL TOR • Nr~1 •luun;: nn .. \11. lhon)' l'o<JI hon1r on rnrnrr. 0111wr nlll~I srll • t111nsf"1"· IT'1I Iv ~fl:! 1,akr Trr1us 01w11 full Pn"r S..i 1.9.iO. OPEN 7 D.1y~ 10(,(16 \\'r <tnllll.(lrr 1\1r . l;al'dr11 1-;1u1·r B.1lanrf'd l'1Jurr l lon1r~ VA REPO SllSO DOWN flf'~I huy in Cosl11, ~!~~ ~ sr.. J',, ba !h~. r-p $lf:.4.J0. DAVIDSON Realty ;;!6·5-l60 E1·rs .. -..i;:,.:,142 • BAYFRONT HO~ES -··--·~ •• ::.:I ALL WITH PIER AND SLIP ~· BAYSIDE DRIVE ft~'-3 bedroom s and den . \\lell-\oc:atcd becn11dul hon1c . HARBOR ISLAND ROAD 2 bedroon1 and apartment. Prestige addrcii:" 'varm com fortable horne BAYSHORES Plenty of roon1 for large yacht . HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS 673-4400 ONCE IN A WHILE s 198,000 $145,000 $345,000 ' I ~ " honot th" ~•'P '""'" • pnt~ •o m~tr~ com•• 0" '"" ,.,~. " ·, • ·~·~" ~owbl• ~· ·~thtd g1r~9-"'''~I ••l>•••I• ... o•I lhOp !O .,.,.,, '"' """"' '"·'" (.~"''''" 1 .. V. •r~ P"f~lng 1>1n lor !XIII C' "•••I lrl •le• .,o,.gt ~"'"'''; o•'O"'·~ •• n '"'"'d~u•~lt•; "'0>n· 111nt<J D1tl~n1•~1 '"<l••n. f.••l!•O• •o'•''O" ••d o~'Y 111 \;o " ~. I BEAUTIFUL RANCHO MESA o ...... ,~ coo ''"'"Oh IOQ 1a.,gn .......... '" lh' '"'"'~'"'"'" 'Ot'!'<JO"' I'""'''"""'"' Jv·l ~~ ? ''"" n•w l•rg• lo•rne~ '1Vl•I •,ocnen '""'" •"'"'cud•.,. <00,., ~·.,n•:•l '"''~ •o ti !ho ltr9t <O'""" Ol l'o l~•t ~cme \h'"°' A\>um~Olt ~H~ I "d'' "" \J:!trn ~"<; 'hOrlh •II ·,., MINI RANCH n, •• 1161'.>1"· ·~ " '" '"'' •'O•• '" C.0'1• Mt· .. IO• '"~ .. "' c . r·-·~, r,,. ·.·• ' h h"~"'OOd 11"1>•' ~_,I lolho ~-~ ~·~"t" •0""U'' •r < U' ... , ~··n • ~·•.• ~~l.O ,.-4,. •h ~u·I! '" flllO Eo <Jf 1no "''••<•or ~" 1 l1•Q• 101 o• a•v•·Qn ·.•./• ; . .., •••• ,~,..., ~"·" E• OU 0 12• J\11 FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 Fre-e l icense Trainin9 01 Lumbleou S'hool l"l••Hltd' i" .l lttel E~to1r CQ reer7 f r&e SeltJmQni.liip Cl11>1e1 Call ror h1tenitw ,. •.j : f • J . '""rr?;;~--------,---·-·· ~--~~ r .,-. ' --:~--;;:-~: 'I TODA Y'S BEST BUYS UNIVERSITY PARK BONUS ROOM 1 ~~1 • "" •o '"' 1 tq• M'"'' '"'' no .... olfr•o • • 11 •lll" "1><>ou• ""''".. n~•I lo• •..: •oo..., ~· couia t•!• v b• "'l a• •""" ~ ~ao•' orol l>fl•~, (•OI•. C" o•· t. 1 b•''"•, 0An•• IA<f y "'~ LI • •na ~•• 0"'"' " 1•• '"'• v •• '••lo.:' I' '"°''a~· <•""'" '' • ,,.,, ·••"•• , " 2"<t 1 D VILLAGE 11 1 B~4N('I I'<(.</ Wu1Qrr 1 ~· ,. 1 ~·-· ' ••m rn1 P'"' SEI' C.ot111.J .:-, ~or,11 1 o~"' ~,01. , ~I••~• . .&Dur1a4r •• o• , •c·n•• l , ~"' •P•t t 4(1 NOW '"" •~U '"1ft, <• •·.• >'Ou· o ~ <,1b•,< ~ <O'Or 10• •Mr••, "'"d <1"0'" h • ~1;•~, '"'' O"•" pr"•d 11 :0~ U"Of g !"! 1-·o~>:ET """' v< 1>'~"" "~ Sl9,lOO \·r1, '<C/oJ ,_,, ~)>V'l'O •ir '""l•ni Int~• on t• • \ EoD<'I\ /I. 1,.,... f •Oc..,, '?'" •' o• • • .• l>t• 1nnur •"II I,:) ~·,i•, f , ! B"'n !>'' • 1 ·•al~·· ,.,., 19'"~' ·•;r ''"~D "~ r,,.,•; •r' o•f •···•· r ,. ""'"'"'" l•E~\l !l [0. Ul lil( '° \J<le•• 6!;2'c '' •t•o~ ''"''"''l'i'>'"f ·I• l •·! 1 &'<!·oe-, /I. ll••u~. ;.1n~lt •'••I ""'""Ou'' '"' c r<r• l !'<(.~I •··~ V• ./ r , •• , "" '1<-a l '"" n""' ~ · 1' ''' 0 '"" l a••""" "'' Prouo•v l'O•"" VO\<~ •0''>•~ "" 1 BOB PETTIT & ASSOCIATES REAL TOR 833-0101 ···- >;1 -71 I,"' . " . • • ~ .. ~-,.,...,...-,-.,._,.-----~.-,--"°, -t-·•---· ·~~~~-I~' , :.,:;%:.~-;_.,. ~·,._ -~-~-. < f • "'·---·--,•c,,.~:~ -~ _., • ,j '. ,. • -~·~f..i'k,~ SAU--tiousEs FOR SALE Gener1I 1000 General '--------'-10~ ~~I I NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL .\t!ra1·1i\-r :; hdr11i. ~ h11il1, 11 ith b1·1ck fl1T'J1lar r . a IJ:tll· ell\'d !ll'lll>: l"OO!ll -~· Th1<·k ~h;il! 1·a1·pr1.~. ;i lo1·r!y pa!io lot .. rn1r1111 in1t1::. i\•Tr •~ for IJoiq or 1·r1n1 fl{'I' $24,995 Newport ' II Vic tori• 646-8811 Anytime ROOM FOR THE IN-LAWS (:u~1un1 :! Bil !,, :;:11(',t h••u•r 1n rho1rr East.,id!' lo•·. ~ BR hmnr n 1n1ph::tcl.v rr-dr1·onit- t'd. Gur.~t hnusr nrrd~ 10 he fhush('I()_ !~l~1 !~Dl.l\TJ-; /'0:-i- ~ES.SIO:\". "THE BLUFFS"- OCEAN VIEW -$27,000 Prt~t•11::e arr11 n('ar f ashion lsl11nd • l\"e"·pon. J.\1ng s11rd hrcl1wn1s, 2 hath..~. t::.">qu151l e "EASY LIVING" .~rh• 1"'"rl .. -•li).li::'o $17,500 TARBELL 2955 Harbor I ~ hc-1!1nnn1, 2 hall1 Elrr1rir :'\ BJ'{ 2 H \. la1n1lv n11 p..,.,, bud1.1n k:h·hrn. Cilri'!'IS i.. fl r1·nr. J '_. ~T nirl:.~lnt 1·ond . drarlC's. Pool 6: rrcr~a!ton, $.~2:oOO. l?~:t F lect Ln. 118. !'14(l..lil0 0 11·nrr 6 11\-1::?.~ TAR IE L l 2955 H•rbor 1 ------,oC"H"'"AR~r.~. c~, 71r~.-- HARBOR VIEW HILLS LUSK ~'ilrr· 11101 In~ Olli or ~la!f' 111\ISI co fas!; this 4 BR. ::11. h11 . fain _ nn .• pror. land SCtt.pr'd hOlllt' i~ P L'ICC'd I srll: only .\19.~:t{l. Jor Clarkson ..,.,... I I ' Coldwell, Banker & Co. : 550 Ne1vporl Center Dr. · Ne\rport Beac h, Calif. ' 133-0700 644-2430 : S BEDRM. + POOL l Bath S26,950! Bib f11n11l.1 lu1111r at f!rit't to · 111 .l'llJr l111tJi;:rT' F1,...<.111 pool. ,lr l·.~1a 1r i,:1'fl11nrl~. H 1 c h 11 (••1 p;1nrJ,111;. h11ndsome h1,...,1kl."! h:tr 1'.:lrgant lirt· p .;1<'<', ,'\01h1ni: ron1 par11bl1 , ~r 111" 111·1rr on today"s n111r- kr1, ;l\1).\1~0 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ' Goo 12 ' Aw "" '"" ""r, "' """ "'· . .., tlns ~ :'l'.l:?.'i :.\.!· .... CU:>f d os mm In " $-17, Wo 1Bl !!!!!!!! Ele Pool "'' J\·ar Shm 14::.0 3 Ed bafa Gen f( FH •"' 2 t Ow At yea lly ""' S•l Do• Dia r r .-; .cto· GI• illa J-1 u "" 1:01 Ira in\' lot mo Cal ( T G.I ' '" ins, ily loa •m "" ~21 mo a, sell T• Lo• ~t'll ini::: uni o" ,., "" h• \"('\ 64 ~ 0 '~ ... = Gen s "' s --~ ---··---------------------------· --------·------·------~-- PILOT-AOvtRTISER Wtdnt >da y. Octobtr 8, 1%9 OAl l Y PILOT " --~~-....!,;.. . '\ ''-""'-'-:;;...:.:.;~~:::zz:.. ___ ~-------~n,,..e---·"'-"4t:·_ ._ _ _. .... -...-..- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Hunting'ion Beadt 1400Huntington Beach 1400 HOUSES FOR SALE I RENTALS Fount•in Velley 1410 Houses Furnished R.ental1 to Shere 2005 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE !HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Costa Mta• 1100 RAN(HO $fin Luft Rey 11 Aores, 11 Ol 'Nbich a.re Avocado gT'OVf'5, some Ml· rus. liiUtop ranch hou~ with 1:01-seou11 v1e\I'. l lorse corr;iJ, lxi m & studio. 0().<.e to San Lu111 Rey golf /..· country club. Prit·cd ii t $!r..'.'i00 for fju1ck s.:tlr! Don'l Ei!Y v.·c didn't lcU you al11JU! this OJlr. Red Carpet Realty :'O"..J \\'. BaJbo<1. J\'.B 67:>.6000 J J.\9 E. Coo~! H'vy, Cdf\I tjj:..61liO IRVINE AVE. Custom buil t home, Jari:e r n- closed courtyard ror n1.u1- mum privacy. ?-.Jany ~xtr.:is in this beauWul 3 Bdr homt. S-17,500. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Ne1vport Blvd, C.r.!. 51&-7729 anytime Elegance Pool . pat:J.o & s plendid v1e1v !l!!t the panern. Si-and nr111 J\·an \\'ells" home u1 Dover Shores. 4 6R J ba. P LUS. Roy J . Ward 143tl GaJaxy Dr. 646-1;1,0 S23, 7:-ll J Edrm. 2 bath. $2500 down, ha.Janee 7':~. ~lsro General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON PRICED $2 .000 BELOW FHA FHA a ppra1!.l<ll nn this qualify built :; lx-droon1, 2 bath ho111!'! 1:; $27.950. Owner sA)'S i;ell no1•·~ At :f,25 .950. Ju~t 1t f .. 1..- years young. Lar~c f<1m· ily r oom. Big 1{·4 lol. Room for mor1• units. Seller left for the ra.o;t . Don't hurry -RUSI ['.: Dial nov• 6-lJ-030.J. 5 BED ROOM W HAT!! $23 ,000 Tl's tru•·! Bca11t iful :! ~tory Vri:lori;in Colonial. Gleanuni; harll•\'OOd nr:oi:. ;\IBS:OIVC brirk f1rr~la(·c. i-1 u i:: e J..11c.be.n. Ch\·ner has r i;;:h l in fainil:v. Employrr :i. a y ~ h,.·,.. tran~ff'n·f'd'! Fant A~tn· inve1<tn1rnt! 1-lu;c r: · I lot ,~·1!h allry. 1\1111·11 mot"('. Rrttrr hurry! Call 6<1:;.0::.0:1. G.I. FINA NCED TAKE OVER 6% G.I. f1nAlll'"" •I bcdroo1n, ~ bath horne. Dclux~ featurr~ includf'.' built· ins. stone fireplace, fan1- ily room. Takr ovrr high 103Jl of ~:2."3,100 at fi '1J 11.nnu;tl ratr. No fcr~. J\'n p.tnaltiei>. Payn1rnl~ of ~210 mo. I'ays Rll!: lm· marula!,. n<'ii;hhorhf')()d. Only :S27 .. '100 priced lo i;e]l. Dial 6 13-Ck;O:I HAVE $1 OOO' HOME + R-2 T t.rr1r1r in1r~t 111,.nl. Lovely hoinr r ;i rn"'I 11- ~f'Jf. v.h1l" yn11'rr think· ini:: of nunv•rnuo; n1orr 1Jnit.:s. 11•1.i::" :.:'•1:0 1.-.ot lf'lt. Only SIS,;.oo fu ll 11r1r". F11nta.-.t1c 1"1'111~' ~rll"r pRJd •lff <'\rryll«!)' ;111cl h,, 11111 t:<l atl n11 t fri r· 1·0•J. B"!1rr hlllTI" !)1al ~-10.o.:;o:> . FOf.EST 1':. OLSON Inc. Rea ltor• a t T·Jarbor Ccn\rr :m Harbor Blvd., C.r>t. 1969 VOLUME $120.9 MILLION Here's Your Doll House $18,950 B-..lltiful Rancho Mesa Quality colt'5lrUction and !1P- ~1gn HJ'!' )'Oil~ In t hi!I 1111· f!lilC"U.!alr •I bcdl'OOJll f<11111Jy homf' . .Ju.~1 :! ~ars new. Large-gardrn ,!,l,Yle-k1tch<"11 11 1th a ll the built-in.~. t"r0t11 draniatic ('llll"Y 10 the !ari::-e (."Qvcrl't! patio th1' hu111c shlll(':'I. A!lsun1abll" }-'I Ir\ !111. anc111g . $.J:.1,:JOO and 11011/1 11: N!AR OCEAN N B h 1200 J\lod. 4 BR. 2~i ba. 2 Car .• ~~!._!!c,"'---­ i;ar. Rltn~. Xlnt cond. ~3l!J()I'). ll}i;~ rl>Jll'll CAYWOOO REAL TY 6,';(f, \V. Co.L~l llwy., N.B. • 548-1290 • $19,995 AUTUMN SPECIAL! LarJ,:e llf'l'hooms . '! pullm<in bath~_ IJ1-c<1m k1t(·Jwn 11 i:h rharnHn& P).lt'a f'aHng arf'a, Hilll!·tll". lluge l!"f'(' ~1i11de~. 1146-0604 TARBELL 10•;. DOWN '1 ("flmplm!y ful'n. uni1 .~. r at.tr :? BR, best oceanfront Joi'. 0 11•ner n Hnil anx1ou~. C l'.!'!C I PROPERTIES WEST 675 .... IJO 675-1642 ~Mil Y-LIVING- l..ar;.;" 1 Bcdiuon1. 2' ~ baths. 'l ('<)ll\ll\Ull1ty pool!! ,'(; 1·luh hOll"P. $3.J,950 -1viU lr;t~C nr !ca~<' op11011. FAST MOVE 'IN Ne\v hoines. ready to move in . 2 lo 5 bed· r uo1n s, 2 to 3 ba ths. lfi m il e from beach. r-1r.~l payme nt up to 60 days after n1o vc 111. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookliurst 1 mile South of Adam s) 962. 1353 NEW4 BR HOME 20?.5 Sq. ft., 7'.IOO sq fl Int. \\'ILL Sharf' 111y '! Br. 'J ft.i Price ~33.600, do\.\·17 ~J:.OO. h1111ll' 111 thr Vill;1~r. Jr,tnr ,\nnual fll'l"f~ntage rat!' ti.:-!~~ 1v1 ~1·oovy Jo t:;i l Slf11 Ser a\ 17lW :'.1111 R.J1:~nlo .'\!, 1110. t:all )17-ti'.;:,J n r Fuun1a1n V11lll'Y, .,f[ \\':..rnri .~::3-'16ti(I 1, n1 i ~;. of H1~X1khu~t or \V,\~T:;/1J /Jl'l'<;Qn-lor-n1. "~.: 1·<tll :'11ruighursl ll 11111 >' ~ r:r.. ap1, r.n hr;11·l1 1n ~):.:-:.'ISO. '""" =-------~•'ll'f)<11·t r;7:;.1 ,~'·' L'(Jf\DO, \\u~I ,.!'11, ~ BR.,-------- honus 1·111, 1 ··ar ::;ir, $1000 Newport Be11cli 2 200 •l•\11 11 ,1,, a <.~1u11r l<oi•ll T1·:H!r 1!---'--------- f•w t1 .. 111 .,,. 4·:.r. \!.,y J."'"''I WE'RE SWAMPED 1111h up11011. 71·1· %2--0:llYI .\1(11'<' •'l 1rnt~ lh,111 11ro1p•'r1 1r;:' \\(' IJ('('d li~!Ul!,:~ l•I 1(•flf .\ 1n Cost.t ilfc.sa, th15 is the ell!l'l'l hou!'f> around. it hit~ alt nr1v 1:arpellng lhruui.rh- n11r. ii's 1n n1ove. in rond1. t1011 p;un!rd 111. ... icle and t1ut, •·ornroi1;iblc l1v111g roun1 v.·1rh hnck lireplar·r. Thr O\ITI"r h;i s ;:;onr a11ay anrl left 11 1.acant so sr.e II •oday. Costa Mesa 1100 Graliam Rlty. 646-2414 !\'.car Nev. por1 Pnl't Olhcr Bluffs pnrnr ori Rily 10<·11.tion. Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington Beach 1400 Santa An11 1620 '"~,.JI, P li•a.•r ',,J[ 11~ ft•r ii :.:::.:;.::._::.:;.::, ____ :_:.:.: •1111~·!1. 1·vu1 '' ") ~ PIJl'iU!>.il 4 Bedroom Fixer Upper Open House Droll hy :;cg) J\1ad1)0.Qn Ave-., C\f. ~-<:e-a like bi•and new 1n Coi;!a J\11"..a. rbu. horn,. .~1 bclrn1 hon1e over :!000 sq n"ffls your TLC. It's locat"cl ft 1nclud1n;:: fan11Jy l'oom, 111 College Park, a vr.ry nlc,• "For A. \\"isc Buy" klt!.:hf'n rating arc11. JJ.>o32' a rea, on a cul rle saf'. The C I rth & C custom pool, ne,,..· ~h;1g car· O\\"llr r JI an;.;ious, ~'OU 'r:.:111 0 eswo y 0. f)('IS lh!'OUbhlllll. Vacant & iissu111') the '.l1S'·" FllA loan ready to 1110,r 11110. :>;ubn11l at Sl78.00 n10. or thf' O\.\'tl"l' ti~-7777 yotH' tcrn1s. O'rnrr 54G-87..16 ;,·~tr~~~~~1;1:11.1"d:~~h~~~~: I ---C-H-E=A'-P-IE~----1'4""e'"E"'o'""R_M..., .. $_2_ .. 2 .. _•5."'o-""'o- '"· "'"'' '"' 1""'· "''"'N1 CLOSE IN • ' patio, largr hark yard 11·11h GI TERMS :<idf' ya1x! for hoal or 1ra1lcr. O:\LY ~18,950. IJon't lc1 thr. E:o;reUrnl ;irra. 2 b;itlis. Elr- Bargain priced! p11 L"P loo\ you. Thts two hcd-ga11t fu·rplac('_ f:il'li 11-,:,od 1·00111 • c lc>g:..nUy ~·arpetr.cl panf'llni; . 111any lu.\ury r \'- oveL" \\'ood floors has bc<'n tra~. llu;;r J1v111::; l'ltl, fra. rcmodcled 1'1'."('ently and oil-turcs. Pool 811.C'd ya11l. -Farr_o-W-- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 54(>.8640 Open Evenin9s t ill8:30 rr~ a BE.Alfflt·u1~ BUILT· 842-6691 TARBELL IN KITCHJ::N \\'ITII A S lll-=~~-=~~~-- CABJNETS br<-akfic;l bar. $18,500 Fix er Upper <!inettP a ~a a nd !!'pilrdte 'J BR, I BA hou~I'. rlblr. gar, l'C'rv1cc porch. Live 1n com· cxccUrnt ai"f'il. :'l;rrds handy fort and sh.op only t1\'0 man I pa1ntr1·. 3~1500 r1o\\·o. t>locks a"-"Y at i-:. 17th Strret m ': Jj~ .\lag11olia, Colita :"hoppins:: CC'ntcr. H-2 LOT -11,1 __ 0_~_. ____ _ ADD ANOT!ll'.:R UNIT LA· B\' 01u1cr l Bl:, 2 balh, ITR. <lctachccl i.luclio i-:hop, pa!10. 2 bch-s. 139,SOO Call 6 ~-2~j9 r1·('s/11·kcndi; Newport Shores 1220 e REDUCJ.::D $.).OOOe II you need a grc;1t 111.nnly hon1c. i;cc this one: Lge. l1v. rn1. plus lge. parry rin.; 4 Br. 3 Ba., ki tch. bit-ins. 11,, Elks. to bcath. Fer ~1111111<'. $16.500 Equ11y Sl!l.300. r>1ay eonsid<'r trade. e O\\'NER &16-i"·lfle Dover Shores 1227 *ENCHANTING VIEW Unobstl'\Jt:tcd Bay & ~lln VU . nio~t rm~. Diflrrrnl ''O!cl \\"or !tl" 1_-nntrn1pora1·y, r >o- r <'U\J\'t' lu:.ury hon1r. :iOOO sq_ fl. •I BR. ·I '~ BA ·1· 111a1do; qtr~. h.Jo:-a.J for rnlrr- la ining, J:o:asy n1ain. lmn1cd OCCU P. Sl181000, A s~utn l" 6'.i '" loan. Box J632 NB. J-IS. 7'149 University Park 1237 I NVE S T N~: . .i.R Tiii:: OCEA~.:; P.R. 3 1~ Ba , rlrn. 2 ff)h·.. 1hn. 1·n1. Build ano1hrr ho111r foi· 111(•n111e on 1;;. Joi. ~inr \•I(' II', Nr, beal'h &. slKips. n k r . f;73--:'01D DUPLEX Irnn1ar :! &lr111 , h0111l' pltl~ ~ flr. a pt, u~rr! bru·k fq1J.. b!ln~. Nh:I~ l"f)I)::'. S\9.:.00. 0 \\'NJ::'I{ 6T:H()(.6 OREGON BOUND .\l u~I ~ell 2 ~101'.'I' ho1l\<', bdrn1s. '.! ba!hs lalJ;P ""fl· arare 11'<Tf'at1on ro1n1. 1111rr_ l'lllll )l,\~lC'!I\ !lij'UUlll & llf'\\ 1·arpcts. Lail;•' 1·11!.rJr.~1•· Jot. 13!'111•1' ,.,-.1· 1111" ull" !><1\\: MUTUAL REAL TV 842-1418 Anytime -5-BR-inGiga nti-,-- Fairmont Home fortahl<" '2 61•, hr11nr. 11t1drr s ·1 o. u o o. o" u,. r/Ilkr T.o\1\1-: ov~;R 111 .. 1 :1 l.U.\:\' f{r(1J ,1111" plar r 111111 all !hr -----------LGE. h11llup lot. Pr1•111 . \'IC\\' o' oi:c:1n S.· h ill~. Pr1' (l l'Y· H.eallor 67?~:'010 ~hofl1f' 2'1.': (;11[d<'nnx,l , Asking $79,j(l(I Ph n 11 r tii::-.:x>68 for af)pL Lido Isl• 1351 '""'2 REAL BUYS! I O-.ann1n1: '.!Bi·. 2 bi!., fa.in. 1111. ,·han11f'r. S.\9,81."• ./ Cut,. :? BR 1 b11 "\\"rrk· rn<lrr" . Only $·1'.'.:l()fl LIDO REAL TY INC. r.\tra '>. r:rx !. l!iJ.l:.:r~. l:!lr. )( 17.:!.J~-~ ----'-·----Horses are Allowed! ~ nlrl hri11ir.~ .. 11 l.1:,: Int • FHG OPPOlfl'l ~ITY. ,\ny trri11o; ;ot ;ill h•·1·r . Rex L. Hodges, Rltr. ~4•-2:..:·:, POPULAR PLAN Near Harbor Hi ~home.~ on I I.it. l:.;:ich ha1·r ::' Bits 1 h<lth + Jar;;e li\'111;: roon1. Real clra11 rrorirr1;.-·. GoxJ l1na.nr1ng Only 577,500. h.: fl'lll'Cri ~d. rieadC'nd :-:1. Close 10 i;•·hool~. \\"estrhlf Ph11<1 <1rc:a . 6-l:t-:i0'.1 1 Owner Has Sliarpened Ills f)l'nc1J; hr'~ "·11!111&. 1't'arly _.:_,-_,1_v_,._1_.i_do ____ 6_i._'·-"-'" I.-a hlr -"N' )'ou':.' J BH. BAYFRONT Popula!' ai'ra. pnrit1h11· r.u111Jy- s11.r l-l)('d1w111 ( :1r1u11;1r. ,\dllll-•Ot'l'IJjllr'd, 1\1",I<" f'l .. I")· ih1ng. 011!,v S2ti.~ . .O. 1rrn1.~. Hal Pinchin & Assoc. Ranch Home Top location.:; BR 'l balh~ ~­ f111nL)y JWtn. All r lcctnr k1•ehl'n, rlhlc gar;ig,.. ..:... ~I)); :!O' hklb. Ideal for honte-!ypc b'Us1 nf'SS on J{.;t lot. 5 Units + Home 1 EASTSIDE C .M . Lan;r :! BR I bath hon1r 11·1th ~Ut'S l huUSf' -l. 4 , :! BR. l hath units 011 br'au11rul Jo!. 01r11cr 11·ill , 111 ry J ~1 ']"i.) HI ljUahJ1ctl lJU)r>t .. Lachenmyer Realtor 1860 Nc11'Jl0rt Bl\'d .. O l CALL 64(>.3928 I E\'l'S. &M-16:T.i 6*-:_1290 IT HURTS! fi-2 ~11111!1 ;; Br, I~'"-f-:it dri,1·11. s:i:1 ino 2001 Cl1arlc lr.1werl. Low 1n('I. !a..\"~­ ~>l&-:..rH~ Evr n1ngs C.:il! J-IS·:i~'GJ J BEDR00.\1. t..ar·gc c:ornC'r ............................. -1 lo! ~car ga r~gc. $750 DOWN P.Y OIVNl:R. •:~t:>-61101 ~·~ ba. :\111! !r111~. CaU for drla 1J ~ e Red Hill Realty l."n 1\·. P ark Crntcr. !1·11111.: C.111 Anytin1r 8?..l,.M:'fl Back Bay 1240 Me1a Verde 1110 SAI I-" I 1 I J SIS.·1:.0 bllys Un~ "Gnvt. Re·l'-'.;.:c;,;;__;,;.:_""----'.-C.:.:: •.. .Cal((' o1• ('a ~c op ion J b<lrn1~. 1•. b;.ith~. [111n1ly vo"'. t:nioy 1h,. J bdrm :! t•,\i'\TA~l'IC REP U BLIC ba1h liomC' 111 Co.<:la i\le~a. HO~tl~ in a\J.o;olull' priie(·t & iuoni. $:!8.:.0U. S J ·1 -:; .( 3 0 6·~86!llt Lal",C'I" yard fu lly r11closf'd . ~parkhn~ condition. 4 lari;,. 1----------- !\"rar 19!h :\11.,.r1 . Pay1nr nt.s hdnu~. l l1;1ths. h1r1nal c!111- Sl6fl 1nl'l udr<: r vr1·yth111:::. In.: 1'0<)111, scparatr lan11ly Corona del M11r 1250 1S17.'i00 IH TU . ::o ~I l11.1n1 . IW!ll .t:. hugr 11\ 11sI r r1 ----------- •• Victoria 64(>.8611 Newpor t tlt•dn•~n1. \hn1n1un1 11pkr ··r , ~a n/ 1>r>au11f11\ly !anclseaJY'd. Popular inodel 111th 3 1·a r garage. Bt~t fQr thr moncy al ~-17.9:-..0. Call :~:1'-8-124 :-:.Outh Co~•1 HraJ t:sta1r ALL WITH VIEW College Pack 1115 Mother-In-Law? Rustic Charm ('h.•nnin~ '! stnry fa rrn houi-1', •1 ith rvr11·1 h1 ni::. 11u·lud111i:: pl"ggf'd h.t 1-d\\ uod 11001·~ !O 1nodern bu11!-1n k1lrhrn. Pn. \'al"Y on fl"f! l!l lld, ."-'lulh of lh,. 1!1-v.;iy 3 bo'droo111. ;? ha1l1 large lan11!.v room. $4 7,jl}) l:t-0' THE REAL \"'"\.. ESTATERS "• ',1 I I'",• Thl'l'f' to s1x hr<'lr<•1n1 hon11·~ 11·11h p1r r l.· ~lip. Pno·rd f1-0111 Sl l!l.:.OO \\'1thou1 pier i.· ~lip, $11 :i,OOO. Walker Rlty . 675-5200 ~:\~Ii Via L11Jo, NB, Opr11 Sun, BIG LOT -BIG DOCK :woo Sq. fl, Ill :l Br, :.!' J Bath hOll<;(', I.gr. rn1s . •ffl' Lnt , Nw1· <'1111'\" l<'ITacr 10' t.n,11 sl•p. l{0r~lurrd tr, S\97 .. .00 1: ('. t;r..EER, r:r.1111 ::~:,:, V1;11 I.i d" ti7';.'l.:f\IJ ::~ E. Co.1-.1 !lw:-i;7:>-.1:;~~ Two RepossesSions- 2000 • 2400 Sq. Ft. :\r,vly po11n!('d. Ch(~Jsr 11r11 1·pt.~. l'1.i1u~. 1·111dr1· blot·k f•'n"r :'pri11klrr~. l~<'sl a1·ra . HAFF DAL REAL TY 842-4405 YOU .l11st <·«n·l 111i,-1-llir:'C ;inynvorr' llrrr '~ an ,,,·ra1• \ 1('\V l ~1111r ! l1lk !n Ql'n•·h. ~ IY'dr'vUlllS, 111•11 Nr "' 1·rp1~. 1tq1~. !11'1'111., hv 1111. d1 11 ,.,1, ('"II "\\ IU't' 1•:'1 ".\11 :1':\, [1:>~ "I l\l j :::1t'f MUST SELL .1 lwh 111 :! 11.1 h•l!llr \l ~lk ffi i:.,'f •'"Ul'r ._,·h·~•I ~ :.),l(J ~1·10 1~·1· ltlflllth Jllrltidr~ ~II ,j,,11 11 1,11.,r "Irr\;] ln 111 011 f'\ls11n::: lo<1n a11)onr ('<JU The Rea l E~t ate Ma r t Huntington Beac h 1400 $22,000 4 Bedroom "Vacant '' <1s.,un1r 11 ll hou! (n111lily111i.: 847-8531 t'ra1ur1ng 1 hugr llf'd!'o.,n1 ~-I·----------:.! 1u.\Ul"IOll\ bath\. Cha1·1111n;,: "Qurl"n.~'· k1ri:h"n l;rra1 !1\0. in.i:: !'Ol•ln w1 ll1 nch f'h.1.11,.!1n~. ,\nklr tlrrp 1·aqwt111f:'.. E\r•rl- lr11t 1·1U-dt•·sar. \\"1JJ st'll Y!IA WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES !IAVI·; "l)l'll1 11i.:.~ fnr f:r.1! J·:~ra1 ... ..:1iJr~1hrn 1r1 "01· ,11·1\ nfl lf'r. (1111 /or ;1pjl<11111111,,nl R . 0 . State1, Realtors 536-8801 (_'{J,'l;lJO, '! Bl: I hnr. I 1 J ball1. hl'11<·h. '.lti2-'.J:1:11 VAC.\Xr. I n1111 P fl1 ;i If' r~1~.,r1>~IHll. 3 Hit & c!··n. lnlt:" lo1 n1 1·111/k11 , ti"\\· ~ll;'lJ:: t'l'[l1!! !lll'\!OUI, !\l;JJ~' \\e \\Ork"''''•)' ol.o) BURR WHITE :'901 ~·1·•1fl(ln Hhd, N 8 l•'alu1~·s. Xlni nc1ghborl1():id til\.lf\JO ~·11 1\ Joan. !\lo. py111nL~ Sl!lllo==== 1nvJs .ill 111 :-:...,, ,\la:>.tll•' SL l;'.l'.\IElJl.o\TI': L)(·•· ~ 5tor.Y 111' E11t'hd S.· J\leFa ddrn. BR. '.;' ~ HA, 1>1111 rin, fpl Opr11 hu\IS(' 3-:) P.\I C\CI')'· ep1.<:, d1·p.~. h!l-111'. 52j ~ <lay nr hy ap111 11·/or 11·1thnu1 n r 1 Io 11 ---:,ltj--4],(;1 1_ ---------~ Laguna Be•ch 1705 \l',\Tl~Rt·r.o.-;T-: B1tr111 'J. n11 --"----------[)r 11 'l liph:s 11~1111 slir rl1:;11 SPANISH 11a:-.br/d1:-r [111·(! ,\I'd. 3:,i:;I HACIENDA i '''""".'.''.:._'''" "'".'..':'~ , ~ O\ OCEAN J-"1-011! huu.~r . :l BH .·'.' Cll.\R~I J:"f; ~l.fl~-P: ,11.~ I ,' H.\, U!'lii \r, .~<J rd & pa11f1' 11! r a11r ~!O~l'F.1 .1-.) :-.J ,~. · s~:AJ 11 unrr ti7:>-!ll1Sll !.<c:J! .\llCl!ITECTL:r..~:. D{'··1 -~~~~=-~-=====1 1.11lr1I f'\ll'l'lo1L' or Jll<A\'Y B Ibo '°00 1,' !..\ ~T ~;I~ -~~·A_I.!.~., l~l-·--•--------­ f(}[.;f{1YARO::s I) LI ·"(,_ Sli:, \\'in1 rr lra:-.r. Pcnin:rut;i \L:TH~:'.liTI(' f:l.:D ·r1LF Po111l. :'pai:1ous 'J Br. <.:all or ltOUfLINE:-i. 1 .. ,. ;l t .. d Ill ,, "-" I .,,, w1 1tC' . 1·~ 0<·a1"~ <'". - . 11r1111~ N0R1'11 l!::~ll LOCA-'.'•fl-:i~\6. J600 Pal'\vay. Giro TIO:"J 0.'l Tl~!'..:!:: SJ l.\_DED 11;,!i: Lal. 91 '!00_ t;RQUND:'. 2351 ~:<1rly Calif 1011·nhr·11~,. f1001 · L'd I I 11lan ll'alUl"f'.<: '! HOf:.\1 ,;,. 1 0 Se ----------1 J ~: N, f'OR.\IAL DI:'>'[.'\;(; Nl::\\'LY Furn1shrd 4 BR. '.41 l~'.\I J,;:1•. 1·111. 11n 'lnd lr1·rl f-};i .'\Vil•[ :'>''1"' \\'llHFr <1' 1·11~1 11 1 I)(' ~onv. ''.'0 _IU:CHt :. lon~,.1 ~~l:;J .783-::1~6:) •?I .\1 lON h;\1. !~1111,Y fo}f'l ~'.!1~1 41'.l-669:! . , o~'!lS to rorn1al liv. rn1 · ----------- 1111h " w ,·a1"J)f'Un~. 1\1 ,\· \\'l ~TEH J:r.nlal :>CR lull .r~::-.11r rn~f.PLACJ·: 1:-: .\1·a,1 11'11•. i\!F;xrc,\N Tll.J:: DECOR l'honr tiO!-.li;jl!l t,c~:. R1\Y \VINDO\\'S THAT * Vurn ·I Bh, :; R1\. Co~. I LOOh: ·ro Tl!~; SE . .\. :'olar-ternp, nr11I.~· clr1·. S111(.1. Av'<1ll 111111 drsig11rd drn \\'/OPEN now . \"rarl~·. 17 10 fi:!·l-710!'1 , H/'::\,\J CEI LJ;\G ,t, !\LAVY I !'iliPl'UllT TLVIBEP.:i. op!'ll" Laciuna Beach 2705 I lo {lid bl'll'k PiL!lu /.: spar1uus1----------- '"J!'tlt'J" :::1·o t111ds OCLA~:iJDL, Vir\\, "l i{li £; THI:' FI."\!-: l~~:Pl .lCA OF drn. 'i Ba . \Va~lirr/drvrt. l)[.11!·: l ',\L[!-" IS l.\1.\1,\l'L: 1 bll\\~!i1 a•ail IJ~·I , ihttr l .. \TJ< I NSIDE.~· OL'T ll ',1 .huw \:!."~l 1110 I J ~.1 ~ 1'al'" li11d 111 illl)' 1•r·1~·r &·1 :-:lll1l:TEI~ Ht.:-.T.\1. :•r-1 at> <1111 ,1.1nd111!! 1·alu,.. l•ll r:u1:.:r •t ~l 111" ,.,, 111,.1r, i.'fl ,; $38,950 FULL PRICE 1·11 .... •c:: T " r ~ d "y r&.:1 T~:H:-.1...; 1\\',\ll.' \l rtlrl•"•l:t1 c.:.\LL FOlt APl•"f MISSION REAL TY '.'~1 ,..;.,1 /"•10-.1 II \\~. L.1;:una PHONE (714 ) 494-0731 U('LA.\; VI E\V 110.\lt. XI.NT Vrl IAAn assun1rit1011 lnl ralr 11111 r)()I 1rn·rr;1 ~r, .~ J•r. 2 B.1. 11 /w 0 ·1'p!~. frpl c. 1·.,1· 1<11 1·11111pl pn 1·a cy. ,\IJ\ 11111~-~utun 1 t. ~·1111 fl!'ll '(' .\ ! 1,-o()!l 1'1..\Cl·~ llE1\LTY 1~1-'.171\t 1 tlR. ::•' h!ks tn , ... h. IK'"'"' 1 '"". •'flll!jl. 1·,.drr·. ;iv ail tn t;•nuly ur l1t"f"~"1nnAl' 'tit .luly l l'Jill St.!:. n10. 1fJ t"ajo11. l'.l!-t..~·,i; ---$200 furl\ ill'•· r ,. rt r "· ~ bdrins. •1alk In hr111·h. Av a L/. unlil July 1st t'.J.HiR"1!i RENTALS Houses Unfurnished'. Gener11I 3000 ~ :ili!MdQiilj . '"\ly hOU.\r is \ar;inr & 1 m 111 E:uropt' ... The hou~c h;is n f' 1,• d1.J111·a~hrr • 11ater hralrr & ~h,1g <·a.rpctini:;. 3 hdnns 1-df'n & faniily !Y.Jl'.)m 111 top .\l{'S.1 Vr1"(1e location. I.01v r!oll'n pus.~1blr . 11\\tlf'r \\ tiJ f"iHT)' '.!lld, $'.;.!, 1.-i{l Pru11r arra of NC'11•pod Bf'arh. Ii . :' hl'droo1n s!ud10 apt.~. 111Lh fin'plarc. 2 . 1 l}f'd1'0Ql11_ G;or<1gr l'flal'l' r11r 16 1·ar~. Con1nll1n1 ly pool Income .S?l.:.00. Call for appt lo S"f" !ll('~ 1wd!"(' unir~. Shr can rrla..~ In hrr nwn pri. \'air :-.u11r 111th rr1\•11te lxllh You !I ~till hair. pl;'nly o! Vaca nt R·2 Loi Walker & Lee ii~~~ f·:1fl11grr ~t'-l\.iJ Vr<:n [··"'' :, HI~.'! ~l"r.1. liv "11 n1T 1 ~·11· _L_•cg~u_n_a_N_;,g_u_e_l ___ l _70_7 1 n1rr<'~I S~:!.1~111. s:~·11111 ohi111• f RENTA L FINDERS_ • ~ -1 IHUPINS/Vl • .. GtlWllTUI ' 1 •6IOOITl.ll -IUSIMUS · roon1 r1w tlir l'C~I of th" ra :t1. $23,500 ~2-::11n \\'11lkrr & [_,r,. .\11·. l.l'Vl1'\C l:-IC0111J:: IN\'f:.'ITYIENT n~..:PT ily 11·11h .~ llC'U1,10n1~. :t baths Delancy Real Estate i.· r:1111n11ou<; laniil.v 1-00111 282ii L. 0)<1~! lh1y .. CU.\[ plus duull:r ~.,ragr, Ynu 11·1ll 673_3770 --4-BEOR01:fMS-- A~~un1<" S~:l.000 l'Kln p,1y;ihl" Huntington ~.'ill fl"I' llit1'llh 111<·ltJd1nt; __ H_a_,_b_o_u_, _____ 14_0_5 -MESA VER~ FAMILY RM. -$24,950 Nr.1r ,;olf r t>\11'"· (j<'J1<'1.,11~ ~ll"d br<h'<Ylm~. :' h.ith$, !an11ly l'OIJtn, 1111;:" lt\'ll'i: l'W'ltll , h..t11dy,n1,. !11.,..rl.:irr, \',\ • ~-It .\ 11nane111g a'cul- 545-9451 WE'RE SWAMPED r.lon-<•l1rn!~ than pmf)'"rt ir~· \\'r ll"cd h~tJ ng,, • to N'llt !..· to .~,.11. Plra.~e (•all u~ fnr a QUl<'k, 1·n11rtr~y a ppra1<;a.J \\'r \\Ork rv~·1y d.i~ BURR WHITE lll· .. \LTOJ~ 7.JOI :\c11 lll'lrt P,ll'rl. :"i.8 , i;;; ... 16.::0 1 ;~1~8~~~~~'l(l2955 H a rbor I·---------· Rental Cornplr !f'l,Y tur111~!1('·d ! &lnll ap111·rc·1all' lhL~ hoine nr~'ll<'d 1 ---~~ in riui<"t and elrg.in1 Collr;,;e CARMEL fS_H __ r.1.\<'~ .t· 1o~uran1 ·r. 17:!1) ~q ff • \\ II j';IJ'f)f'!~ ,t dt',1jlf'~ lli'•1U;;ho1lll Vrry 1•l".ot1 f ull prh ,. t:·~ 9 ll . -uhn111 do" 11 l'a1•k . \\"('II l•orth S~2.S:JO. f.111 lllr sun ~h111r~ nJ<wr• '.: 5•6-2313 6H. 1ion1 r lt,:<' ~Bf{. : 1;,\ n 11t r•I !0•111 <•1111rr 11anls to ~rU hi~ lo1·rly ~ Eii', larn1Jy rn1 )l'l1nr. 1 ·~ h;i, lrpl. f<'nr·. rd rr.ir '<I \\11h p.1t1n. A ~k- 111..; only .,::·::i:.o. l';ill J);i1 1d !';11·1-on. P nr11. Pl~t1 f,; ("ll. 1'.?1::1 '.11.">-6700. 1':\·r~. 121::1 O:•O-'..!l~I\ <1 fll i:;ur~t ap! .. i •ill" :,:.1r. ;ill rin .:i l<1J'l;;"r 1 .. 1. 11. h!I..-. ''' 1,.--.ai·h & ~hvppu1g . SGJ,000 ;\f1·<;, llf'flfll'T' l ':-<J\'EH:\l ry r~r-•. ,.,1 :r,· .~O:I! J· •. C~T lf1,1;i~. (d .~I bt :-fi.•111 /l••}n1rn1 ---.-n~.JJLl l·:tJ/1riir~ ----Room for Real L i~ng 1 Bf~.! e \. :! ' II' i;.;r J-'111k Ni1nr ri 1"l·nn1111:1!111.; f;:i n1il;i. i. 1 •l !in~ ~Ll.i.'•! _,•,•, !11:111, 11'111 1..ikr rndr 111 fl\1111111: s r::: fla.1t" lllv /' l I I !'r11 1 th1.o;-c·oinlor!ahlr Brn:ul1nnor only ~17-1\l)i.~ ----hnn1c.. BJ)' 1 1r11·. I 1;1:, l;i 111 U\l'Nl·.I: l'rr-.11r:" :11·1•..1 i\•·11 1·111, !1111 till, :;.,·<1r i;.:ar. •'l'pti;-.~. pa1n1 :: 1;1 : 11/ (.1111 Co1wlon11n1um Unu $Jjj1n10. -----------BJ::1\u·rrrl'I, c .1rp .. 1s &-pan-$6!! ;-,1~1 6''.' ~ loan 1"111 111'"11, hcir-h~•Jnl' "'' fq.1, 11rl111i:: lh111011t 1h1<; ln\'('!y .~ 1 Y"•U" Jrasr OJ..;, Che~liire Real Esl•te S:!IO 1110 l'!TI 1·./ ;i ... ~1 11 1 1~hl " hdtrn f;1fi1 rn1 hon1c. E\-Newport Beach 1200 tra~ Hlel \lit-in~ & 11.'ILUl'HI ~ '.l4G·5880 675-2503 l ~l : •.•• .t '!nil 1r •. -~Z'J,OOQ. I .. . I. ., C !"-~' _H_A_R_B_O_R_V-IE-W--HILLS 17111 ii·lll..:;.,7·, WOOf 1·a .. u1rlo; 111 ,;it. ~. near cinema ""'"u"' VII:\\' Of pool, charn11nt; :t --~-~--- hrat & hn rk BBQ 1n pal10. LLEGE REALTY IJH. 2 BA •"flrJdo. T.~e palio LUSK HOME !\'E\V I:.:.;('(:u!_1vr L 11 :>. u r Y ;::,,,GJ. lot. l!'JOOAdl!lllat Hilblr,CJl 327.!'l:il/SlOQO c\011n. Bkr Bea1iUfully Janclsl·a prrl on 'J hoinc, 4/:, l:il{'~· 3 B;i. ;; !.:ar Fuller Riiy. 546-0814 i '"l'!!!!!!~~'::'.~~!!!!:~':"''"i~"'~· ~!H:'.1~1~:;21________ a1'1'C Joi . :: Br t, J11, ranuly I i::;ir. ,,,..su111r 1 .r · M ~.'nts. -----~-----t 'or Daily Pilot \\"a nt Ads n11, -: Ba Owner ti!.;J-7•1i0 or I iirrk "M'l"IJ"''· S.1 7-0l ():, \\'hill" F.l .. ph11nt!'? Dial &12-~78 :)()0\ IT TO 't:\I! fil-+:'9."~.. Ou1.l 1;12-~J678 ror H f:SUl~TS VACANT ti-l1·n1 .: 1-.11 ;;ar;1:;:" I tin 1'!11 ou.1!1_\' f'\lr:i!'. ~:\l•<•I <i,.,.., tJ11l.1· $.'.~:11~1 . ,uh11111 PH 1r1i11, \\+II 1 111Hdrr l.--.1,r •11' lo ,1~•· "flll'•fl H a rbou r Rlt y. 846-131 1 EASY LIVING f11>111a, .' f\f ('.,11<1•> ltH l111i11lC ~11 .'lf'lflllHI""" rqrl< th p• ,\ ,\ ,~_,. )-.,~1 ,J111 l·.111n.v 1111!-. l •·1~u1 r !1' 111:.: . 1111J~ ~ ~ l .!l.~). Harbour Rlty 846-13 11 Fountain Valle y 1410 WHY PAY RENT? Yr old :-na111-.h S!)lr. ,\,. ~Uill" 6°,'. Fl f,\ lrn111 .: Iii: . r•~.t10, EHQ, hltn• 1\iJJ. 10 i:;vlf ('f.!\U~. jYl(Jf. $26,9:in CORBIN-MARTIN f:E,\LTORS tii:1.l6U'l ::t\'16 t:. CoA.!';t I lll'y., Cdi\I La g u n a N iguel Terr. :0,",•11 .:YO s11 fl .'1· I ,t_, :, Br •n. -·•OCMMAR SllVIQ ' llillll"" Ill •H'"',11\ \l/'11' 11.l<'a ( ';1 q1r1r1J, 11, 111 1 J,+11d~t·ap<'il . .~n w. ltth,_C••1• hi•~"'.: i.e...111 1111h "fl'111klrr:-. 1tl111 .... &11 ---'"=----=•-!...!...: 1·h•.1111n:: n1<'!l .. ~ 1.,,., gJragr POOL & VIEW ~· • ..: ;·.n T11 '~1.q:Jll 1.;,,.,..,len1 I Br: :; B.\, 1·Qt\l l't'I 11"1\ luu1r11·111i;: "1lh 1!<'(]1r11ni::: 111-f•)rn1 l <1 111 i .. · f<1111, ~ fpl ~ !•1•"·1 ral<' /11lm j•,•, !n ('••I'd palh1. s ;i,>. nlfl lnlJ. b \ •. 1~~>1 n1;11n! Laguna t'r.l-1 : I I N iguel Corp . ·•·II-7761 ,J L.:"t: \\'\f~ll. !:r;iltor n1~.1~1G '~~-------~IC!·: • !e;u 1. 1·r.1dy fn r 01'· !'Uf11111t) '• /;<'dJ"("'>tl1. '' Apa rtments llath ,\!nnlh '" \Jontfi For Sal• _____ l 980 ftral'o11a hl<' 1r111 l••r tl 1r , Hr<'11 t '.di \\ ;1)l;1•r l. Lf.r, Investm e n t Opportun ity .'1·12--11 1.1 T.1\ ~t11•t1rr 1nJl:i11011 b n dt:· t--------- ,\ :,:•~iii ltl•'•;nl<' :'I;\ !-pl,.\!',~ ·I Bf~. 11, _f•alh~ hon1r 1n /1JI' .. dr . r<n;•·lh• 1. fir" ~,..11. h,"_l•ll11!ul . l l1i\<'1'•1!y Park _.1,1t"l.1 F 111 1.i• 'll 'i·upirll ~.).iO 111•1• h·ll1()11ll1 1rn11 . i".1><'f1Jlh 1n:11n1:1111l'<I l1o.-;r •h•.,111111 P.r;il!.V 111 l1.11·,,i1.,n, C ,\1. 1..:J i·h 1 l 1111 Park ('rnlrr. f1V\flP 111111<: $[i,IJ('o _ 'i7.:>{~/ ilown C.1H ,\1J)l1 111r K;;;-(Jl!2fl l'rrr K:o1Y'I! 1:ra.Jty 61:!-~:::~~ Slii:1 :1 Rl ~~I yt1:-c1uJl11:;:-n i Uu11-;;f11 -[L>;rrLlpPrf.-tiluck S· Jll'IS CJ I\ 10 t11•11eh. fanlasLie Of"f'an Bkr. ~~O \'1<'1\·, SJ0,000 do11·n. 8."sun1c $1:~1-BR. fenced Vl\J'd. I)'~ l~l TU 1v1th liberal Ch1ldf'f!ll &: pt'! 0 .K. Brokrl' 11•1·111" on 2nrl TD. 4!H-7152 :1..14-fflSO 'G.ner1I IOOOGeneral 1000General 1 OOOGeneral 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Gener•! 1000 Gen•r•I ID04t s,-s;,....s;.__•s~-s~-s~-$~-s~s....__s.....,_s;......~s;.___s~-s~~s~~s~~s~~s~$;;...._$;;....•s;,...•s;,...~$~~s~~s~~s~s;;...._s;,....s;,....s;,...~s;._~s;,.....~s:.....,s "' EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY • • • SALESMEN ARISE! ~ ... ... $ Join the "ACTION TEAM" at Walker & Lee, Inc. End "Mahogany Fever" forever and MAKE MONEY! Look at ONE 0 FFICE average incomes. Salesman '# 1 Salesman '# 2 Salesman '# 3 Salesman '# 4 Salesman "#. 5 Sal•man '# 6 Salesman # 7 Salesman '# B Salesman '# 9 Salesman '#10 Office Average: Office Average Per Salesman: $1,582.75/mo. 2,340.8B/mo. 1,475.35/mo. 2,327.68/mo. 1,277.00/mo. 1,440.10/mo. 2,860.1 o I mo. 1.770.00/mo. 1,890.00/mo • 1,604.00 I mo. $1,856. 79 /mo. $22,281.48 per year CALLI Ernest H. LeBlenc , vice pre sident. fo r $ ...., Check our SCHOOL for concentrated Sales training and Financing. ..... Check our INSTANT PAY PLAN. ..... Check our GUARANTEED SALE PROGRAM for more saleable listings and sales. ..... WE SOLD 293 HOMES IN ONE WEEK! Licensed or not, ii you want to sell . OPEN THE DOOR AT WALKER & LEE. INC. "THE " DOOR TO YOUR UNLIMITED FUTURE! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES! Appl. 545-7131 ,• .- ... $ $ $ r . '·' !"'': .• -· '.E>f DAILY PILOT Wednt1d17, 9ctdbtf 9, 1'191 llENTALS .4pt1. Unfu'"lahed lllNTALS Apts. Unlvr•I•'*' : ~~NIAL5 RENTALS RENTALS ~ENTAl5 _ f-_H_o_u ____ u_o_lu_r_n_l1_hod_ Hou .. s Unfurnl1hed .....:Af.z.;1.:.•·:..:..F.::.•:;.••.;;l;:;llhM='---l -"'1.¥=''.:.·.:.F.:.".:.'.:."::l•.:.h;:;ed:__ G8'1"ter1I 3000 Fountain Velley 3410 Coeta MeN 4100 Huntln9ton •••ch 4400C :~"'~a~M;;;••~·~LJ"-;-'~1;,00~1,c~er~on~ai;;;id~o~I ~M~•~r-~5~2~50~ I -------SZOO • Br. tm nn. ,,·/w, bltru. Children & pt'1.5 0 .K ~er 645--0lJ I Z200 liq It l BR 2 bathl!, I~ upsta1n1 bonus room. \Valk 10 Element.ary k Iii School t'anulies only $175/mo. Agt ~141 AVAIL. Oct ]j, 1 BR ~w. 2 BR, 2 BA, pr1 patio, Htd VERY nice. 2 BR. 2 Ba, w/w beaut. turn, $U5. Couple, no poo!, wuhi:r book up. $1&5 crpls, drp!, blu., Ni:wly J100 children. oo pet~. lo li!iisl month 962-3994. dee. \Valk to 1hop'g & ml?". '-!UST quahly. 220 achools. Nrar OCC. l\tgr Elden. 645--12.il 1----------2885 h1endou Dr, Apt A. NICE 1-~u1·n :i rrn 11111. Sl~I() L•guna Beich •70s 54;,...s.-121 ~ ON l't:N A(T..ES ~ e,ri, i;ar. !llltlO . ...:rpts, drps. Laguna leach 370S stove. reJr1g. 'l)-op1c11J ~r! --'---------- !int:. at.lull& only. l blli '-.bop~. :!:150. !l4-H780 1rw::I utU . Single 1111111 only. P.El\trr z Br, 2 Ba, ore&nfrt. F.f"t. 3!Q l\!e~dol\I L!!!'k Lnl ~~"". ••,1.•.100 c·,• ~:"'!!·~ SU Laguna t..."ustom bit i ~ --;" bd I b lh (off 2300 blk Santa Ana evt11;_ & \\lkends. VILLA MESA APTS l k ~ BR. F'uru & U11furn z nr:. unfurn, pri petivs, t;td F'i,...pl11 '·"~ .1 priv. f13 lloM I mi. \z a , guc.st room, ) 0 _, 1 Sa hillslde home, u n furn, Ave • pen out l &: SUn 4 BR ., ., BA, drr.~ & l11ln1c RENTALS «JJI. Co!Jegl' Park area secluded. spectactilar ocean WINTER RATES * * * . )' * r'' I * * • -'· - REAL ESTA1• Gener el Lots 6100 =;..__ _____ _ Attent ion Builders CORO!'<i'A DEL ilt.\R, . Two n.2 levrl 1o1~ 60° x 11~· ' On,. 1• Ith olrler ".' Bdrn1 ho.nip SOU!h of Pariflc CDasl lfl!::hll'!Y -$jS ."ifif TilE REAL ESTATF.RS !i11>-nn • 111:1..s:,.\O R. E. W1ntff 6240 l?;io, mo. 67J.-92'l0. v1e111, large landscaped Jot, 1'~URN, BAO! APT_ SUO Aptl. Unfurni1hN l..t'a~ S:.?50 Sale $45.lXXI or 1 BR APl'S, S120 ~ hdnns, '..! bath, c11rpet~. lx>~t offer 2'I.l62 Js! Ave. So :E~l~<l<~njE~·~'~l~A~p~"~·~· i;'jlJ5~·-i:_Ef~<l~'~"l;G;;;;e~n~e~r=a~l:;:;:;;;:;:;:.;;:'~O;OO~ pool 2 car encl'd gar Q1il-Pool!i. Ttnnl!'l.Contnt'IBkl5t d~ weloomt', no ·Pi: t 1 900 Sea Lane. Cdi\J 6-14-261 l plei!.Y.! S\60. Also !urn $18.J. (11,lacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) 719 \V. \Vil!IOn. ii.j6..J2.:>l G I BR, vii:w of bay, no Wh1dcty1 Want? Whaddyl Got? LARE 1 BR. S ha r p! children, ideal for ntwly SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR MORE CASH !Nirrtl 1u 1~I. $185 1nonth ,. __ Cal! ;/-18-!'li;i() L 11.l!Una, call 499-2055 Avi:. •'lee J\.fgr. Apt. 6, C.l\I. ~~~..'."."'o,;"';::~c:-::-.-c:I -:=='====.==';'==::;::; ;65. Nice bachelor trlr. ll:I VENDOME I Redroo111, ~ ba1h, !01:11 11"d in Leguna Niguel 3707 .E, 16th St,, c .l\f. C!O!IC'gl" Parle Va c ll n 1. &12-1265 Phone :>i: ... tli·l!I LUXURIOUS Executive Goll Thll\1ACULATE APTS~ C I '' • BR ' BA e !\ass.au Paln1s e ,\OU'T & F"A'ffLY "~r. , SA 12., "-1 oursr 1011 . .• , -.., " "u ·· -· ·"'· '"'"'111 or $'''" 11:. 2 BR. Pool SECTIONS AV AILAELF.: horses 10 hr borui:Jrd. Sho11 n for lease. ""'"'· per mo .. b,v appt 642-20~'0 ·l!l&-3702 alter 5 Pill. 177 I'.:. 22nil St. 642-3&15 Close to shopping, Park LG ,. ~1 '" ., LARGE Last-sidi: I BR. * Sp11.ciOU.5 3 Br's, 2 Ba SlOO. '.!Br. ~n1J. lrn!'rtl yard. r.. ~ uxc. ocean \'l w, -BR. <!e n. 2 &A. $300 mo. or irplc, bc&n1s, patio. 1 adult * :? Bedroom! ~&r(;. Ctnlr! nl;. 4 2 ·I -A I~. •\99-J:;.M. 547_7761 no pet!; 3140. 67J.-7629 • Sw hn Pool, Put/gn'.'co !-larnd1or1. &t6-~~ """"========= l =~~~c~~-----1 * t "rpl, Jndivllndry rac'l! Drapes, Carptls, near So. \\'('(hi. 2530 SPevif'W Av c ., I Coast Plaza, OCC. SllO mo. Cdl\I, eve!'I n73-~B:lJ NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS A;r. 835-4422 Eve.5 a.Jt 5 or Speci1I Rate FOR YOUR EQUITY 11·kc.nds 545-()718 Balboa 'JOO S Lines -S times -S buc.ks ~ tl!Jd~'Pf trrn ln\'f'SIJTit'nt Corl' I, 2 & 3 Bil apt11;. from S130 i -w~1t v•u ,..:eu~;s0;-nt1~o MUS~-t~~~,u~;11 ""'~' 1~ ''"""· M'"' p111,·ha~1 ni:: hon1c.11 \!l lo Sl70 mo Mc.Sil de! l'lfar 2 BR. 2 Ba. u11f. Yearly $17:1 J-YOUA r~o ... •~Olo,-ed~'~I. .&-J 11"'1 o• ed•t'1i•'~t Or11ngr Counlv. Scekini: VA Aplll. 998 .El camino Dr, !\lo. Stove l<·. rrfrli;. Nr 5--NOl111NG FOA 5.t.LI!! -lll.•OES ONLY! f.· f-'/IA rqlll!ie:<. C<t U ...rl)'• Ci\t. :HG-Ot51 bay/bf'ach. 613-:li0.1 PHONE 642-5671 11n1r b.j:-~~~1;:~1 To Pl1c• Your Tr1dar'1 Par11dis1 Ad 1--::::....:::cc:= _____ I 1 Bit, \Oo'/v..•, drps, 5;ar, pool. B Ibo I I , 1 Ul!I pd, ndulls, no ""'.!! I a t and 5355 BUSINESS and .--\\";in!rd 10 e:<C"htH1:'.:r, r<r1u!v J ndlL~I . in1-01nr on Plaer o!1;i Sl2.1-Sl50 l834 t.J 0 n r o v 1 a ON Grand Canal. [)('lu.'\e 2 111 1~11:"' lakefront fr•I. l"l(':'lr .'\1-r. Sl:lll.flOO. Tra<le J :: fo1· FINANCIAL Ave. BR J balh, 11·<tterfro11t with l.akr, ~o. Calif f.,r r11u11y 1·m1sl.al <irra hn1n(' or d11-I B 0 t 't ' 6300 3l l 0 Capistrano LARGE 1 BR. S h a r p: boat clock. SZG.i yrly lease. 1n :.;..1, Calif. pro[lr•r!•<''. l•I<'''· ··IC'ai• R:Ll;:in•·r T.D. or I us. ppor unt ies Draj)('s. CMPf'l!!, near So. No children or p<'t~. To :>ec &l6-786!) " 01\·nPr 5--IS-J::it• I • CHAR:\~ING F~rn. ~pl. ll'Llh 1845 Anaheim Ave. 3125 all util., rqpd k1,1·hr11 & CO~\ !\IE.SA &l'J:1824 i.l1ne1te SllO. &12-MOO • ' -- l .\f;\J,\C . .1 Hr, ., g;:i_ l11u11ly roon1. Avail [l;o,·. I. Call for 11 rpo1nt. S~i-700.l C/IAR.:\111\G ~panish Casitas l lxlrm.«, :!11 ba, bit-ins, pool, Crp tl', drps. S285 mo lsc. !\1r. 'l'oun& :>17-9j71 days, 11r '19:1-125~ r\r~. 2 BR, 2 BA furn. New pa int. Nr ~hpng centrr. No children or pets. 616-621'1 • RENT • J Room1 Furniture Coast Plata, <X..C. $1:10 mo. call Oll'llt'r 613--0207 r. 1 . ··~c' ,f•-"·CJ.·,. \". ""'"''''· _.1.,111 poo. J Br, :l !;,1, fq•I, '"' • ,. ""' .., Ag!. call 5-\6-5019 ind<"•!° BBQ, Cdi\T L11·" 111 n1·1·nh·1\·e, S" 1·11n~. ,,,,q. 2 BP. un furn. ne1\· Gold Med., Huntington Beach 5400 01· pr1·t. for Jrasini.: . .S:.."lr)()U t1·;H'lion. R/11, rollhar, h•ih~. bllin,. No children. 2682 2 , rq1.1· \\'ant S.8 uni•s 1n Riv. :J.::O IOO \11l. lt'ad" SL'!)() "fl1Y FilMOUS BRAND NAME l'ANDY ROUTES 4200 J200 =========I New190rt Beach Condominium 3t50 1----·------ $25 & UP i"lfonth-Tu-1\-lonth f!Pntals \\'IDF: S!'.:LECTl<JN S I A A \ I 1 C'r Bedroorn, 2 bath, ('pis, " \\' , an a na ve.,, p ~ dra{IC's, hullt-ins. Best J01.:a-or ~.B. Cly. 67:i--iflS!l ~i_4~;6n1pt'r or :-it , ag. $t75. lion. l blk to (J Point stores. TR1\DE: Prublcrn trer :l No11· ;i\·ailablP 1n Crn;ta f>Ti:!a & 11i,l11.v nthrr !1"11''ns u1 t.hJ! arf':i.. All loca11ons art com- 111r1-r11d nr fa o·tor.v. Ve ry h1;:;l1 ea rnrnb~. no srll 111:; Uh \Ol\·erl. To qua.li ly yo11 n1us1 hr !'rl1;ihlP f, h111r ! hr II ·,·. .·.-B/B .;;.______ $30 WEEK & UP l!f"RC Furni111>·e Rcnlal5 LEA:5E Or rent 2 Br. l~i B&, J nr 2 children ok. Pool, 1 Br, 2 Br, &rh, f>la1d srr-.·,i7 IV. 19!11, Ci°lf 5-lS-3481 :l BR un!urn, adults, Sl'parete Sl40. up .. Fumtsherl & un-11riit inNlical bldg.-"lr11r. ,\11. garagr, private. yard. E. IUrriished 61 2 -2 8::; 5 or nunl ~iu~s inc_ S6,000. Viii , 18th, 5-16-3776 or 5'\G-4431 842-8303 7701 Ellis /\pt D S:JJ.OCX.•, 1'ra([C up, inr, plY•fl. '3 acrr Country E"sral<' ~Br, 2 Ba, lf<-.;::6 p<1<11, horfE'~ or unil~. 20:->J rqly . \V<1 nl hrac/1 prop, or 7 TOIVNHOU.-=~: Ad11lts on!.)'. :.:'. Brlr111s . '..' baths. Spli!-lrl"P!. Avail. UeL -l:.th. $125 PPr !11ontli. rlo~e In ~hop'g k school. l'l!gr. !lG3-5&10 vlce. TV & pool. S!0:1. l Br. Pnol, RIO, THE BA YCLIFF :irhil t~. Avail no1v. Broker S275. 3 Br + gue~t hsc. Pool. * BEACH BLUFF * Fair! ll'11!k"r H.111 li!U-i-11 t l!llns, 1v/11', drps. family & New 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA . f orc- !-iml pet O.K. Bkr 534-69SO ed air, ds!iws hrs, pa.lo, AVAILABL E now. 2 BDRJ\l, pool, \'It-IV. l & :! story. crp1~. drps, bll in~. carport. \\'alk to S Point ~l1ops. Ownrr '.Y:l-7!i.'IB · ·Bay & Beach • ,.... Realty, Inc. X•l Dover Dr , NB Su11r l:?li ,f'"'5-2C01 E\'P:< 54S-6X6 I N£\VPORT H ~:lGllTS. \\'alk tO llarhor H1. Oldrr h111 <"harming :i BR. 2 Ba hon1c. :· :rqrmal din rm. ~p<1ra1i: f;un rnl. ovrr 2,00) ft. S:li:-1 nJO-lrase. 64 2-29-10. :l BR, '}. BA, l'l"Jll~. drps, blJin~. art•ills, no f)('1 s. Least. $:!.IO n1u. in 1· 1 -gardener. :, •J 8 -6 6 ·I 0 or -~37-13-16 TO\l'NHOt;SE: :: BR. 21 ~ BA . lrplc. patio, pool, 2 c&r g::ir: all hllin:<, ~·pti., drps. I.ea~c S:!lj per rnoruh 811..SSll or b4~-2·137 ; &1rn1s. den. fo1·n1 3\ dining, f11 1111Jy also •I Brlnus, fan1ily from s::oo 616-441-1 N9wport Shorn J220 RENTALS Apia. Furni1h1d Gener1I Single Young Adults 4000 Lu.xury single. I & 2 bedroom apartments. furnished and unfur· nished, with complete privacy and landscap-- ed country club at· mosphcre including $750.000 '"'or th or recreati onal facilities clesig11ed and operal· eel .i ust for si n g le people. 1J.5 N. Nr11wn Blvd. &15-fl 11 r 6·l6-326::i $1 30 2 BR, H/0. \\'/\\'. CUTE Ba)iront apt. i;uitublr Childl'('ll & pr1 \1•elcornc. for i;1ni::le gu·I who likes Ilrql\er 'J.l~-6'9SO. s11'imn1ing &. boati11i!. Util Sl2."1 2 BH. 1-plf'x. t·rr.~hly pd, SJ:(, mo. LI 8-l~'(J:.! or LI p;iintecl: yard. R/0, \\'/IV. 8-3()?.A Ch1ldrf'n OK. Bkr :i31--6981) :5A IL Inn i\Jotrl. 111, rnis. $j(). I BR i;::a r. apt. Sto\'l', couplrs. $110 to SIZO 1110. rPfr1c;. Avail now. Brokr r Cont brkfsl. f\l .l I rJ ~l'LV. 53-~980 675-1841 1-----------S l ~lJ-Spar1u11~ :t Br. :.! Ba. OCEAN FROl>ll 2 f.. :l bd-Crpl~. drpl'. R /0. Chtldrt-n mis. \\'11'.'TER nl::NTAL. \\"eicom~. Birr 64:1--0ll l 673-!IOIB AdulU>. f\o pets. 548~71i9 847-3957 Tustin 5640 ------Tiil:: A~PENS !'.1r•rirlr·P! 1 .~ llL' pnnir r.:z l<1.11d with ii hl<igs_ ;-:;_ i\1;1111 S!. Santa A11a. Tit $60,!XX) l'flly /or Tl)':< or -: ~"! Bkt ~. 17-616!1 1 ~19 (;h<'~,ulet P1t•kt1p, ra- dio, 100 anip allel'nal1Jr, ., battr.rie11. ll-7S Polygl11 ss 1ires, boat rack, 110 v-ac. for V\V bug, 64&-7076 L.""lk" lsabtlla 6 unfun 1 '.!BIO: r·t11u1i:<: $43,00J FP, ~;;.·1,1'.0".0 ~l'f. \\",\NT . Coa.-,tal :i rr I\ hQn1e or Condo. 011 nrr. \ 71-11 Jib·:llii7. * * REAL ESTATE \\'Ill trad<' ""JUJly 111 4 Brd· r-00111 Excet11Jl"c i1ou~e 1n T111·t!e RO!·k for sn1all stu- dr 11t's car, duple., or ? i::t~-29 18 arter 2 p111 Baylront h011ll' II' 1p1rr & float. \\Ian! smaller ho111r 1nCQn1e oi· indusllial propcr- 1.\". C;1lhoa Bay Prnp, T,',{)!) II'. Halboa. NB. b73-il~O 1 -~. l'n1a ll :t Br h<lusr. \":ii. ilb,:.iOO. loan bal. SSGC(i. $'.Jj 110. incl ta,l's. Trade Joi· l:<t ru. 2001 0 111.rle ~t. C\J. 1n•·•1mr SI 10. 548·:-it'-14 S11·;1t('i;1r: airpoit entrance pmp. Vacan!. zone C·'.!. :,O.fi~O sq It. Prll"I! ~152,C(IO ('le>1r. A ~!eeprr. For rar.rh. h;1y rronf or ·: Ownr 67~-tjt;:;.:, \\"tlJ lrildC fOUI' ll('IV f !l'C- slOllC t11·es 61j x l 1 fol' por- r11h:r TV, 01! p11111t.Jng or :i11yth1ng QI rqL1al v:il11e. lii ,i-21112 4-1~ &:t11ard Hd .. Coru1111 drl i\ln1'. * * * REAL ESTATE f'I"('~ I . $1 :.!00 tn s::.~:il RF.Qllll\ED lnqL11re i1 ho1 11 011 r "frr~ bonu~ rn\llc pl;in'". i\111kr _1•()111' fu- t1ll'" Sl'eUl'f' with U-". ;1 !Jl!l\11 .S.· llrads!r<'rt rated Nalional Cn for Jll".ll"f' 1nf()r1na !1on .'end na1nr. i'iddrr.-: ... 'lo-phott" nn. lo; fl.OUTF. DEPT, P. 0 . Do\ 5S Pon1011:i. Ci/11 9111'.i CANfJY Sl"PPLV f:.OLlTE At-~'ILIATE • '\•1 :'rlhni;: Jnvoll·,.d I l::xf'elll'11t 111<.."0111<> f'lr few hours 1\·rekl.v 11·••rk i O&ys "'r f'\'C!l!l!gSI. RtfLJ1u; & C'J1- 1er1111;:: i11onr.v fL"l:llll roin <ll"f'J'aled d1sp<>n.<rrs 111 Cn!·ta i\lr~;i l· Sll11"ound1n;; llfPil, \\"<' r sl rn11\c. OlaruJJr~ 11;i111" trr~11rl c-~nrly {.· ~llil''k~l ~);;~,l Cach f P• 'lllil'l'rl. Fnr prr•'J 11al 111- !rr1·1r11• in ('n~!a <'>lrf.:i are~. :<rTJd n~n1r. :idr!n:>>1i I.:. phon" nu111h{'I' to ~1 1~l 1i-SI JI(' !nr , ~;;1 r:. J111rrr1;il H11;.r , Do1vnr y, C,,hf. ~212 i:?I:;) Slil-f!Sil . LEASE or op!1on !n ~rll. 2 :<Jnry 4 brh·n1 '.!'"l bnths. rpt:</drpi:, hlt-1n~.. (I h I 11;ara~c. l'nol ! hlnck 1(1 lw11rti ,\\a ll in1n1 ~d v-iz....,12.11 ANAHEIM ·_l jj :-;.., Brookhur.<1 11 hlk" ~-of L1nroln! 17141 636-::0.10 tirNGLl: apt. vic11'. large roon1. lirt'placr. i;t ov ,., rrfnG". carprt. drApr!'I. $lj(J. Call af1{'r 6 P)f 348-239~ Newport Hg ts. •210 '.:.:.::.!:::~:.;c•.:.:::_ _ _:.:.::1·!!!~!!"!'!"!!"!~~~~~"' I :l BR upper, 1·1~ts, drp.5, * C10<n 1 0' 2 BR * HARBOR GREENS '10 " & "'""•· 1160 '""" A<lul1s, no pc!~. :!121 E. l61h 6il-80Sll l:i6j2 \\'Ul1a1 n St. "fu:<tl!1 ·s prcl'lige addrr~s Adult living, no pets :->ha~ t:arl'('ts General G•neral I Misc. Rent11ls 5999 O_ff:.k:.ec:::.R:.a;..n_l•_l ___ 6_0_70 STOr:. garacr! av1HI. ft11ly Ol:LliXt. olflC"'f' In Costa enl"!. $20 1no. ~l.';;"1 t~l•lrn i\lrs~. 1:.00 S'l f!. Air cond, FRIG IOI ARE JET ACTION Fr1o:;1da1]'(' lll n1u1 11~•1'. Fa.~trs! in 1h" 1nrlu.~tl''". .~fl. 1S n11 n 11·a.~tirs \\"J!J do t/1~ 11ork of·!.';, :m n11n 1\iH hl'~ t"R /GIDIAnt; OUTSTAIS'l1· l:\G LOCATIQXS· La. i\Jira- 1la 111-1JOr ~hopp 1n~ N'nter, (;ai'('lrn (;1-01r .r.: Buena Park. l,l.niversity Park 3237 ----J ER, :•1., balh .. ~. 1011•nho11~" Tnl!naeulatr i•ond1tirn1. ;\va1J. iil"ilr nqw on I .1rnr Jf'a~r $JOO i1non1h. e Red Hill Realty t;n1 ~·. Park Cr rilf'r, lrv1np Call Any1im .. .t1:;.(t8:?0 Corona del Mar J250 FABULOUS VIEW Entirr liat;bot /;· .1r1ly ""- \ra11c<'. ;1 BH. '.l B•\. 1111111r(J oceup. Unfurn, )J'.~-]1•11.~r $-17J 1110. ~i27 Ocran Blvd. 67.J...4081 01· ;,19-lS·\:I. ·.>&:Inns. 111·111.i.: roo1n, tl1n111g • nlo1n , k1!rhf'nrtlr, 1 '• ha t h~. Unl11rn. Yrl.1' l ';ill i)~:rli~:xi Jm1nrd. Ot"l'UfHllll'Y 3 BR. dbl garagr, lg yartl. CH' for hn111. tr'dllrr. f'1C' S:!"lll n10. 6i:'.-'.!02:1 ~BJ:. ll(lU~ S180. Al"CI, I Br (Ip!. tlurn1~hrcl~ Sl·lll -:._ 191-:!2;11 ••1 494-!lt .• ;. f'i!AR:'llf,'\G iflr.-:-lB.\. GARDEN GROVE 1.1100 Chapn1an /\\.,._ 14 blks \\". Sa111a Ana 1-·11·y.) ( Tl 4l 636-3030 NEWPORT BEACH lii:irir nnrl I 1714\ &IJ..f.6."Jil South Boy Club Apartments Thr GORr;Eo us NP'v VAL D'ISERE S1nr:l-l br-2 br. Furn-unr. Sau 11i1 , Al·t"y An1, B11lia.rds Thr1·apy f.· ·l:i' pool, BBQs '..'000 Pa1'?<0J1~ Rel. 642-~670 S!'r1 BACHELOR. AJf"Ui}! pd, Baby 0 "· Bkr. ~i.": 1--00SO Sl60 22 OP.. \r/\\1, Childrt·n k_ prL~ 0 .h'.. Brokrr :1::.l~9W 5!·10. I Br. dr1·ora1rd. t;.[...Q l 11 nr 101\'fl. Adult~ I='='=· 0 1 0 13 0:,=m=o=. ="='=· =·'°'=1='°=1 =I BACH!'.:LOR unfurn fr 0 ni GOLD ~IEDALLJON. 2 BR. SUO. ,\lso avatl 1 _ 2 & 3 :! BR. CID, hltns, adulls no To1al nu· 1xi11d;11un111g Unfurnishrd C)n111as1u1ns & Sa.Uni'!~ Ap11rln1cnt11 fl'on1 SJ."ll Fur 1nlormation R:\.l-~7 REALLY QUll~T-CLEAN 2 Br. )1 ~ lla. Pool, 11.dults Sl!"IO. 2310 Sti nt& A n A f).l;,_2!13J REALLY Qu1r1 -2 AR -I'~ BA. Adult~. Unf SlJ.:i, t)·n $190. 2310 Santa An 3 Bdrm. Heated PQOl<, rhlld JX'1S. Lse $183. 54&-Ji08. c:i.n: center, 11dj lo shoppu11:. No pels. 2iOO Prtrrson \V11y Cn~ta i\l ~sa :146-03iO Fairway Villa Apts Newport Shores 5220 REAL ESTATE :.::::.::.i:=:.:..:::.:::.:.;::.._;::.::.:: General CORNE::R Duplt'X 2 BR. p11.t io ----------- f'lcet. slO\'r & ref r 1 E:. lt•nt11l1 W1nt!d 5990 ~aragr. E:-.ce l. cond. Prefer -· _64:c,:'>-_2'c..::\cl ________ 1 i':rar Oran~e Co ."i1l'porl & ucr. ."irJi;;1~ only. 201:!2 11•nrk1ng c::oupJP. No rh1!drrn R I::SPQN:.;J BLE I::mplnyrd or rwl~-:->47-1!640 btl 8 Ai\I 11·om:in 1virh snif!ll rC'spons1- or af! 6 P~l blr dug 1·0111p;in1on rircds 2 BR '1 Ba blt f ·U sn111I 11nfltrn1~hrd J1nusr. Sarita Ana Al'c. 5·10·2796 4250 Coron• del Mer ' -· ns, orm, Oc:!·11pan r y lly Nov. dining area. ne•v 1hag crp1 s, \ · I d )25() I! r $100 1no. OrTup;.i nT Ji;i~ ,\11a. ----newypa1ne. sq tv· 1 . A 1 " rc.i' 1 BR-GARAGl'.:. 1ng area. Lr11sc. 642-44!1') lelnl, p ~. ·' · NO PET~. ORLEANS APJS 1 --\VORKJt\"G Couplr. o·lra11 f.· tl7:H9.'i2 • :\Sr.,:! Ba (luprx. Crp1ll, l']u iel. I\'. ;ipl 1·;i 1 ~r d rlrp~. bltns -refs -$Z::1 1110. (ohrd-trainrrl f doi: '' l:-het<: I 2 Br apt, crp!s, rlrp~. li.:t ~ Ill' I \dwl I I ' ,,.,. """~ .. • il\'111. · -~ 011 .1 l'a.• · '"V1J'l\I" or '.! br. unlurn h~r. c.r a"1 sundcck, i;:.-irb di..;p, 'lnt " eond. ~.20 Orchid. lii~1-l!l0~ 10.11 Tiistin, Cnsl a ;\Jr•;i in N'e11·pnr! Rra r h 1rrrf E11t Bluff 5242 Nov. 1 f Sl lJ..Sl":I). :in~-~i16 BLK To ocean/bay. Bl"anis, :'>li;r. :'>!rs. l'a1":son. liJ~ .. 16~1 fl[!cr ;,, or il'kcn<J~. \1/\1· i:rpt". n1cr kit $9:J. l"c=~---------I e NEW DELUXE e I 6-~ -en 1 1 Blt apt by 1·r11rr,1 '1u1111\11 adu I. no prts. ·,,,.. .... ~. /\'O\\" ,\va1 I l & 2 BR ap!~. ' Br. 21;, ba apt. for lc11.~f' ,1·/wrll 111anner<'rl np1 rai~- l--.--'--'-------I Drlu:-.e ran~e A.· O \·r n, Incl. i;par. n1;;.;1r. ~u1te, d1n rd iJo~: N'ii=. i'l·lii;lli hr 11,.1 Bel boa 4300 CLEAN Bachelor ,,pl~. ~I"'"· c•p!s, rlrp~. 111el d i>io ~=========~ All 11111 incl SS.• up 3l:J E. Balboa Blvrl d1~h11~hr, CID. "If'. P (ifll F.:. rrn. t.· r!bl. g11r~ge, au!o. terel>lf'!I llu) 111g t ' n n Cl 0 1 i::11r, 11111 rd. ,\olu!t 11, 111;:: <1oor opener avaU. Pool & 5-i0-9:)4 1 1 ~II \\il~on \1r 1hrll1('rn l""I' area. l\'r. Cathohc,1 0'-',.,=.,-~~-~~~- llarl)(!r k Fatrv1r11·•-,\li;r. L1n;i.!'h .\r\uh~ no P"l~. Sil"GL!'.: !\Inn. II u t: h" ~ Apt .• Oa}~ 6~2-~0l. r1·r~ e · U1\L\;·S'.M;i e en1p]O)'rr. nrrds 1 RR ruri pri~. ~11:.i !>!.>-ii.II( --~-liOlllf' I\ /pl~J] - ramr:•llll\ '1r". 11 r 1 1 bc;H·hrl' ,\grn! 67:1-:.':?~ 'Huntington Beach 3400 -I Bn. fap>, fo1rn1al •lln, •·n1 ~1d1·v~. J ;i 11 r1 ~ ,. 111111- t111i:;tvn Crrs! lroni S2'Jll 1\:;:t .. ,l}-4.\1·1 ,, Br. r·rpt:<. <lnJ~. D.JI '.li.i2-1!:1i8 /or 11ppo1n1111Pn1 d1.~posal . 111f()r. & 1'HE SU N NEVF:R SETS on O &ss1fiec.I"! ac!ion po"'·r.r. . For an 11d lo Y'll 11round the rlrw-k. Illa! 642-~~711. BALB01\ 67J-'l'l \.-, Co!ll M1s1 4100 :14S--Oi•f • S!i.:i Anngos \Vil~". N.B. 11.rit. Nol 01·rr .~100 1w1. • • --a.1!}..()."16.:: ---$30.00 Wk. Up BACH~:LOR 1\pt. !urn ~120 L1\Rc;1·. ('\•an .! Bl{ ;>.;rw n10111h lnr h1t1 1111! \rly ('1"111 1or 111!..1" .\Ja1 t1re • :'tutl1u F.: l Br ,\pl.:.. 1 1.-. J<• .. 1, "IOI 11 tlu\1~ 11111\,'. ·"'' 11rts. ~Jo.-•. • ,. I I ' 'l'V I l}ll y. "·•-·1· • ·1· 1-n ., "1 c icn"" 111° ---~-·----1\1:ul U•·1 lli\I> :.i.~-:!llJ7 e Phoiw Srr1·1i·!' t._ 1•,1111 ()CE,\NFRON1' \\"1ntrr rrn. -1,1:-.l.l.·,·i·.~'.1141,-•. 1-,,,1,-,,. ,.-,.,,,,,, e ;\laid _,f'l"\'ICC. av,1 il t;,I~ 1.i::l Rrlr ;ipl• t"urr1 -• ·' • 1)1:1y, week f. i\fontli lii.~-lj~R{l Rnlk<'r 1lrps. JJV(ll ~o chili! ·a;:f's :! ~:;j1; NewPQr\ Blvd :1.\S.~<."•J ::..:.....:.....:__ _______ ~inr _1_11 _1.'nJl~h.i'-U~; SHARP 2 BR h 4400 ~ 13R , ,·hddrr 11 & pel nk. Huntington Beac ----"--------Crp1-., .1q,-., 1·;111g•'. ~;.,·. TO\\"i\:!IOUSES nrw :I 1..-·I -SE-RVICE-Hf:. I::nt'I i:::11r;a~r:<. 7:,1 RENTAL Anni::o~ \\'-'Y· lii.'~:,03~ f'REl'.: TO L1\Nl)LOHD~ "' Alu,. B<';irqr1 b i:,.0111 • Coron• del Mir 5250 1 HR 11an!ed h.Y 1""~rnn~1hlr la1 n1ly. Clfl~e-1n. $~()<1 1110. LAP.GE: ::1 ~ BR~ t-'.! h;ilh$, ~R:i __ _ _ __ _ blk to h(';i d1. hl\-111 stovr .~· e LANDLORDS e d1sh\1·ashrr, rpt~/drp.~. Nn FTt£E HENTAJ. :;.F.RVlCE pr!~. $:50/mo yrly. t:i.i-:1:::19 Brokrr :~14-6982 ·1~6 1 ilf;iplr hy \\'1l~on. i\lodern furniture. Pool. No pets. Sl55 mon1h. illgr. Longtin • 616-6914 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL ~-1. 1110. !"11>:1-<11~i 11r1 :; l'i\l 2 f:R. pool. uiil pd .• \200 "'" Adults only_ No P<'!s, lilii6 Nawport B111cn •200 N•wJtort B11ch 4200 Rooms for Rent S995 ;cam~;o~ro~n~. ]·~1~7 ·i"~'~'=· :~::::: li;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l\V ANT to sharr hon1r , h11 ve LARGE Oean 2 BR, 2 BA, pool, Uhl pd. i\Taturc. fld.iJ!I! only, no prl:< $150. \\"e:<t&e • nr n1k!. ~8-241)7 2 Br mobill" horn\", Bdul1~. r1ri Gr•nd Opening -lmmediat• Occup•nc.y 01,·11 furn. /\ Christian Jll'_I!. \12J incl Uhl. S1:0j bu"neSS!118n, nQn-drinker. 542-«>63 7::;(}-11.?.0 aru. V•neral 3000Gener1I I"-~----------------------1<----11 cltaning fe,., *167'1 \ OAKWOOD 11on-sn1oker K1tchrn pr1-./s. J800G1n•r1I 4 3000 The best cf two worlds . 1 BR kitrhr.n<>.lle!, slerp1ng .. ·--.. ". ... . " '0!11t n. SLmplt Scra mbltd Word Pu.::zlt for a. Chuck lr O l!eor1onQt lt11f '1 cf l~t fou• K•ombled word1 b•- lrow •o form lour s1molt wo1d1 ITECNUL I I I I' IGULEN I I I I -- I --1· r I -IFALOC I I& j I Re rna rk obout o dvmbittll . _ _ . 'Too bad they don't sell tov· IN E y T 1 N I pets w ith bvilt-in -;~.8 ~.,....,,.,-r,-T,-,1.,_1~-1 O COP111le!• th• clivdd• qvoi• by t,lf,np in l~e m•U•nt wo•(! '--'--"--'--'-..!..-'. you d•velop lrom .ieo No. J b•low 1r rms. Heaied f'OOI. illa1<l Your home and your country club ~rv1C'r s,10 P"r '"k & u11. 1~ I d V1l'toria For your home, 1el1ct from s in9 •, on• •n two bedroom apartments. Furnished or un-ROOi\f lurnishPd, gt.nll<'man fu rnish •d. e•c h is professionally d1corat1d preferred. Crill nl!rr 6. II I . • 642-'l092 * •nd includes carp•t in9, dr<!iperies. " -• ectr1c I W e stin9house 1ppli1nces, st o r • 9 • 'pie• ROO:<.I F OR RENT in Cost a oplenty ood pri..-11te b•lcony p•lio . :'>l!'sa . Quiet & 111rr hru11r. \\'orlti ng ]">f'rso1l. &12-479·1 Just steps from your door is • whol• world LArtGF.-M~11 ith hath of e xclusi..-e country club recreation: wol"king _gil'l, • Prof11ssion1I ,i1e Tennis Court' 6i'S-J977 '" Resid•nt l•nni, Professional end Shop $lj \\IK & up ivl Jritchf'n. '" Olym pic 'it• Swimmin9 Pool $00. \l k stLJdio @.pl. 2376 • Whirlpool Baths r\c,1•port Blvd. ::;4s..411;~; . ' Paddle l•nni1, Vot!eyb111I , B.t sketb•ll Courts And a 20,000 \qu1r• foot clu bhous • offer' the1• fealur•s: • Sep•r•fe Men'.i e nd Wom•n'' Hoe llh Clubs w ith S1 un<11 s • Indoor Golf Oriv infj R•nge, Billie rd1 Room • Th••tre TV loun91, Ari Studio , P•rfy Rooms Models Open 9 A.M. lo 9 P.M. De ily Motels. Trlr. CrtL 5997 TTi i\lLER SPACES s:'.O PER fllONTll * &16-9681 * I\ ~]~J:J .. Y ratrs S<'a l..trk :\lorel. :!:i01 Nc11wr1 Blvd .. CO!>la i\lr ta J Gu1st Home1 5998 A\'c, Sc>e ;\·!~·-A11! 1:. C.;\J 'rpt!<, rlrps. ;,14 j6J. {;,\flAL:J·: STORAt;r~ avail. ~nl'" lllQUll'<' &12-:!/:21, !l 30 .\.'11 10 I'.! ni~'n .!OANJ l::'S P.rnt11ls lslanr(. llarrles!y J-~~!a1e 67:.-2866 • t;Jragr. l-"01· rrl"nt • S1nJ:lr -S'.Zfl fllnn !h • 6-12-:16 l:i • Income Property 6000 Commerc.i•I LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS \\,. havr a st1li~1ant 1>1 l, 11 rll ro11st111•·1rd ~lure hldg, for i.;Llc 1n Balboa \111h a ,lgc. ari1. alX11·r. Could he USl'd fn1· a \'an('ty of rurroscs. {}\\'11r r nllght consider !case. BURR WHITE 32 UNIT APT f{l::ALTOr:. \ 'nr!r 1· 1•n 11~11·ur11u11_ i ,1' r !o;,n :!~(!] l\"r 1vport E>!vtl., .'II B. -'..'"1 )ra1·~ A11n11;il r11Mn1<' 1'7;r-lliJO ~-:-... ~ .~i!ii•, \\"Ill rlr 11' 1 • r 1 u lly I iiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiii rrnlr·>I Investors Att•ntionl Cain·O·Matic Equipment, Inc. "!::3·\1; \V, l'a)Ptl"!!t ~-11!lrr1nn il·1 .-,~:)-7.l:il LITE MANUFACTURING nr<'<ls as~ociatr 111!h manili"- menl and 01· rng1neer111.;: hackg-ro!ln!l. :'ll11n11far(ut'f1r 111 pmgr1:1n1 f<'r na ti onal dl\- t1·1b1it1on .• i2~~l. per 11k In i;1a n plu.~ f'<'IU<Ll ~harr ol INDUSTRIAL BLDG. J.'i.60Q ~'l 11 u11d{'r ronslr\Jr- 11on. Annual 111,·on1" $2~.1r.11 , tr 11:int~ ( :IJ""l{J f11111t1l'lll~ & l.L\ -.hrllrr rrof1t~ 10 ;irtJ1r p..irty 11<11h .ll' fruntagr on Orr<in ,.\1·P. ~1::,:i0n •·Hsh. Should (';is\1.V 10 ll'1n1·-.. 100 8· ... 1 •• , .. ,,,, . " OFFICE BLDG . l"n[I lnr·alion Nr•v[IOrl .~ l.'IO.f\{)(1 • J."1'' rl1111 ll 1~ 11! l·any l.~1 TD Rr111 h U1\n<'r C. R'lllf'1 ( :"l.,tln·'-~ l:rallol' _•·.11 t· 17!h .'-tre• I 1 ·.,~ia \!r~.1 b .. C 11-;,·, ~~I l n1I lllO(rl, Ill 111;.: 'J I!"~ ,\ .S\I 1n111unc; poo1I 1-'<or drlail ~ ,11·11" \lr. r 1'.11:11~ 11 \'al,.,n!, l~HI :".' i folr! ]J1, 6060 OFFJC't:.dr~k t.· rhr11r~ 1111·11. s2.J. prr tllfl. c . c . Do) Jr' Ri1 L" .. ">IS-1168. BUI LD!Nl; stu!nble-lni. stor~. olfu·r. r11-. :-118-6620 Offi<• Rentel 6070 ' ""<> c ._ • nrt :<r1rr!ru p:.riy ~2~.0ri} !'Q111nH'LT1al b1.11l<l1ng in 1Y'<1r. !w··t ~·r FC'lr pPr$1111al 1ntfr. "q11 Slj() 1nnnthly 1ncon1r 1 ,,.1, ,11 11 i1 1-S71-2~.12 1'.l. F1111 r ni·e. s;:.1.000 r, 1.,1, , .. AC1r1c SllOR E ... R ~:A l.TY -'--'-"---_" ___ _ ""'''"· ""'" ,.,.,.,, ENCO FOi{ Hcnl 1~ illTr lnr, i\1-1 llunlhlr :1•1nr. t:on1plr1rly lrnrrtt 0 11 /.· P.1>!1n1ng in Iii\~ •1·pj] J11r;i("r/ SC'!"\'ll',. f>l.J. lioll a\';i1lah!<> 111 Cn~la ~Jr~~ :0.:11 ln1·r~1rnr11t t"f''lll1rM 111 11rr~. l1..il lr"!·1r~. 110 1·"~~r1r •. :;,.1<r1h11r or n1n1 .. 1· ri1! ll11n1 li'r p,1)< ;i.)] 111 1 l rlir~ I-:ri111n. 111r111 1'f'11tal ~1Hdal•lr t'l q11,1l 111,,i1 111d11 ,,Jq.i! rr>r 111- low1nar1o111 ,,1\I 81 .I \\1-uvl iloJ,I ~ )l.:fi-1.'ili\ f'..\r..-,\ \\Pf'f,. r nrls :;.1.~9 •.''> 11/:. !;::<' g,1\e~. ~mall 0!!11.:c. \)i.i fll(r ""1.li4i::O i lnduiitri.al Rent•I 6090 --·-='---= e I :.,fl ''l fl 'lfi;1 n1pnt11 t"•1.-!;i \[r.,, e ~II~! ;q f1 1 rifJ 1,·t~ ': ph,1,e 1:>o111·r r, $.1 11) 111n j Co>l ..i :'>lr~;:i • J'i:)l) I() l.•.000 ''l fl 11'"1 -lr a1'1ns. 11nd r!· cnnsrrur11on1 Cos!d i\!r.,;1 l" Rollf'rr l\';1ttrf'ss Rraltnr ('0~!;1 llll'"" 6-1:!-l ISj 40CMJ ~fl ft , :: of11cr~. and lob- h.1'. ConcrelP 11Jr.11r rrin- s1rw·t1on. 210 . !ht"('r _ ph"I~" po\\·er. l 111 111 rd 1 a 1 f' <it .. cupan1·y. Co.~l;i lll<'s;i . l"r. --------READ THIS- lf .\!'!11 11·.)nt ll par1 or fulJ 11n1" orrior111n11y rn ma k,. u1a11cy 1n a bU'!lle!5 of \OU!" "11 !I. Fol' e:<arnrle s:roon 1Jl \'r.~l111l'nt can llf'I $.JO wkly hy ~prnd 1ng 4 /Jr.; maktn~ dr!1v1•nr~. LAGUNA BEACH N1\'pt -S.D. lnrys, f). C. 1 1 Air Conditioned a1rpor1. :-~10-~8!1:1 Call ;\Ir Thon1 \~ ON F01u:sr 1\VENUI:: BL, ocy1~a~l'~ 1 ~oo. /-(1• ~'.:I . '.71.11 .">!l -6~&· - Desk spa('r avai!Jbli:: Jn I ro1w11y ~'.~IO 61 .... tl;~. RE:o;T,\t;RA l\T ;l l nr!r.r n ne11·c5t offi('t buil<lin.i: al I' F " '"'' 11-'.l ''0 II' I r l'in1r lor.1tion in 1!0,1·n!nwn 1 -!}~. ·'' ~-v•~-.. ' · I ··"·1U!.v ""\\' ~£Tl uu;; lnnrh lith .. l" :'>I 1 !ht111<'1" :ind ··n11ld s<'n~ La;::und Geach. All" !~>llrf1-Nt..:\\l-lnlhi ... i-;:;:;Jru,1,_,;-1rir hn«•kfa~I :-;r,,1~ :;s, 11;hnll·.• lloncrl, P::ir[!('lrd. llr11utif111 rntrHncr.~ Vrnn!at'.•' 1111 lrasr . 2."-'lf) !'q. f, ~· J1 J(/J~ I :!•">II 111"'\111, 11(111 )111v. lriw t'ol'C$! .\\'e .. i·rai· l r'ud~ IV rllri1111l\l'1. C:'>l. 1;73-!'IOl7 ~I.of! 111'1' llln. 1·1·111 Tnlal J\111nrlp1t ! 1•;11k1n;::-Ju\~ 3jij 1.0ll(J :-iQ. r-r., 111--11~·1"¥,-,.-s.: r,n(·,. .Sl(1,:.(x1 , C111l "The ""'r 11111nl l1 foe '· "'''''· "r~k n. k • 'I A I ,1',il 1-.~1111r1·~· ;i~k for Van. .~ ,. u o<i rr, L ... va1 . at nnrr>. i~lh-?lll ;ind chaiJ·~ ;i,·ailalllr for $j, ;:;;uLJ.IVA N :i10~1~~ Bu.,inr~s hoi1r~ ;1 11~w,,1,ing TJ t~V [!:-;\(:;E;-.;cy f'>r ~'llf'. scrv1rr a\'Ailahlr lnr $10. -----------111 1\'1•wpu1·1 l~rit<'h. v.·eU ,\ll u(ll11Jrs p~ul cxt•('p! 0 L;o;t;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;;;;IOO;;;, r~1ahl1.~hrd . ,. , cc 11fl 11 t telrphonr. i..-pulation. llolrli; All llP. 11 ,111,y PlLCYr BA YFRONT pr11n!n1r111,_ fl11·11C'l"> movini. :r::.i FOP.~:sr /\VENUE $:?/i,O(IU, 71•1/6i:;....1718 '!\'e~. l o1\~i UN1\ HF!1\CIJ Commercilil Loi l'.ll-'.l11i6 \V!!h Frontaii:e Un l\lODI::l :N ,\ 1 r nlndllinnrd Nev.[lOrl Blvd. Bulkhc.nrlert suilt", 1ilh Strrel. Co~ta i\lrs;i. fJi rr 700 srniarc Ire!, Pnccd under Sl;i .-:.,. r 1 $2~0 per n1 .. nr]1. Park111i; - 1..'0ffrr: l'IJflnl I a •! I t n r :<rr1·n·r :i ll 111iht1r \ in. rluded. Phuur ~Ir Rile h l~-!'ll'~ll lnveslmtnt Oppor. 6310 I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I I LOVF:L\', quir! 1•ovn1 1n 1irh·a1 e home f or n111· l)t'f!Cf.;S COM~ANV REALTORS 673-4400 i ~~;:.::t'" 10 '1 I I I I I I I I l .. -........ _,.,_. ...... SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8200 • OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 ·16th Sfr••t, Newport Phone: 6~2.8170 I bul111nry (;ood 111,. ~ I ~ . N>r1..,.1ar1:t1 I' J ,. 11 1 11 n l ~umiunclings ~\1:~ :\!'1' r">rt f:I \ r! , ~ 11 A1·111r 1111 n1c.1h<1tel~. Cll.JI 67~>-l iifll i :i-18-47'."ilc ·-o-,-,-A-,··1",c~11:..:.oc1c11_,-,-"-,-,-c. ·1\0 n1allt-r 11hal 1! 1.e, _\!'>11 rrpl~, rlrps. P..i rk1n:;:. \'('•')' I r"" a~n 11 11tith 11 o ,\!LY n1r,. r,fri<'f'~. lS.~5 B~kcr. P1 L'1T\\IA~T AD" 1>12-~ii)l ·,in.1~:i0 • .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ---------~-------------. . --,-------..,.---.. . ... ,. ' -, -~---------~-----...... 21 PIL OT-AOVEATlS[R Wednt~da1, Octohrr a Jq6'l DAIL V PILOT f:5 Ad11erti1er1 may pl1ca th1lr 1cl1 by t•l.,hon• Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. 9 lo Noon S1t urd1y -Closed Sund•y DIAL DIRECT ... 642-5678 BUSINESS and FINANCIAL JOBS i. tMPLOYME-lilT IJOBS I. tMPLOYMliNl ~;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;::'==1 JobW1nted, Job.-Men, Wom. 7100 !ll! Women 7020 1 ---6320 ESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 2nd TD Loan Prtimpt. L'QllllJcutial serv1;-c 642-2171 545·0611 St·rving Harbor 111'\!a ~u y1 ~. Sattler Mortgage Co. When You Wont it done right ••• \\1()\1 1\N \Vanis l1vP-IU 1·orn- p;11111m 11 v1'k ror 1•:oniau l\llH\(' \\I'll(' P. 0 . Box 67:1 !.agun;1 Bral·l'I, Ca11r. '.J2&'J:t E\IMT RN 1h-.~1rrs 11ork ln Or':-1 u!Jwt'. 1':.~11\I , fh•fs . lM&-4S:t1 Rkpr-sc•r. Thru P&L-- HUGHES. NEWPORT BEACH . .... Huntington 8e1ch: 540-1220 L19un1 8e1ch: 494.9466 ;1:l6 ~:. J7th .S!n:et Hou;s-Regu!aticns-Deadlines 6345 I C:Or-.'STHUCl'ION t.1 on c " IRRORS: Adv1rti1•rs 1hould check their 1d1 tlally 1nd r1port lmmrdlately 1rror1 J or rnlKl1ssific1tlon1. THE DAILY PILOT a1sum1s li1blllty few error• only to 11.vailublc for ireoin,. pro- th• axtlfllt of publi1hin9 tha adv1rtl1ement correctly ono tlm1. ilu ~·ing Jlt'OJ)t'rly . l"oreign & don1csl1c. 1\lo1r!s, Nur~ing Coll one of the experts listed below!! I Flt· !:) ~rs 1•-.p. ~:(1..7'.! I~ COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS OIVISION ..• _.v·.1-1-, -0--,.R •·al '!,;;~ 11nrnt'd 1;.:r nprnlnt::s"Jor: ""' C !\IL To area; ~ ''"\alt' b11ck:.,'l'QU111t. dl',,ires ~l'lt. 01!1t't' W<\rk f).M-li:!.'I (;F'.N-~:Jt\t-. -Oflw~·:-;; "n ii 1yp1~t. hi!' sH•no. 1-3 days. I! It or t'.M. '1t'•':l ~11;~-''11·.i; DEADLINE FOR COPY AND KILLS: 5:30 P'.M. tho day before publication. except JJ0111t·~. 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ANNOUNCEMENTS-- and NOTICES 11uun1I~ ill 1nor ,, 11vr 1-.1 f'ti:rlit a g:es & o the r eat.Ii net.<> • 1,, 1ak1· p11J 'I 111gt\1up11<'1ght 5•1:1·817:i, H 110 an.~"'Cr leave hi.-s progr:1n1 ul s1~·t·1;l111.<'d 111~;: a t 6'lli·'.?Ji:.!. JI. 0 . CLASSIFIED COUNTERS 1r1 loc•ted &I follows: Found (F r ee Ads) 6400 i'"d111•1111;_ .'I ll 11H1u1rH.·~ t·o11. Audr.rso11 J1d1 •1111;ol_ ,\~k lul' 1\J1·s . Tli<Jitl-HEPAll\S, ,\l.TJ:..11NAT!ON::> Dail y Pilot Classified Bl..l\CJ\ f ('1nalf' !.:1hrai!or 'I ~ :·1::1.:i~l:!, C.\HINJ::T. Any .s11.,. jv!J re11·1~·\'f'r Canl111;,J l lunl<' I ['1\1 .. IJ .~ t';!!'d ltt•adin:,:. '.!~• y1·~. <''il•'J'_ ·J.1~. G71~ CLASSIFIED INDEX Al't'<I, Own<'1' pis •·:11! ·~· io li 'll· I !\ill we ,~ .. twl11 nn n1any I QUALITY f(l')~ Aller;;-. tify S l2~1017 .Jllt't' ,, 1-'.\l 111:1!!•'1':<, 1'1111)' l1c·rt . 0[)1•1\ !ion~ -!\'1•w <"nn~L by hour 1-"0UND. ~·1'111;,lt:' !nxl~ d !I 1 I Y l 0 a 111 -I t) p 111. or Cn11lr:•1'I_ (:.11.>-:;1!2 "'OUSES FOR SALE 1 COST.I. ME~ .. GEllll!UL !OH MESI VEllDI! COST..t. Mt'S..t. lltO NEWPORT •£"("' MES..t. DEL M,l,rt l!OS NEWPORT HtlGHTJ MESA VERDE 1110 NEWPORT SHl'>llEI COLLEGI! l'l.ltK 1115 WESTCLIFP Mt:WPOllT IE-CH l?lt UNIVERSITY P ... lllC Nf.WPORT HEIGHT' 1110 l..t.CK ll•Y l•LSOA COVES UIS EAST llLUFI' NEWPORT SHORES 1l1D CORON .. DIEL M)llf 1,1,'l'CREST 1223 11..t.LIO" lllAYSHORE' n1s 111..t.Y ISL..t.NDS OUVEll S'4011ES 1111 LIDO ISLE WESTCLIFF l?JO l•LBOl ISLAND 1(,1,111011 HIGHL..t.NOS UlS HUNTINGTON IE•CH UNIVERSITY P..t.RK 11l1 FOUNT..t.IN V..t.LLl!Y 111VINE 11H SEAL IE ... CN 11,1,CI( 11-Y 1i~O LONG lllE.1.CH EASTllUFI" 1?1? OR,\NGE COUNTY 111\/INE TElllt ... CE 1?4S GAllOEN GllOVI COllON..t. DEL M.111'1 1150 Wl!STM•NSTEll e.t.LBOA PENIHSUL." 1300 MtDWlY ClfY llE..t.CON l ... Y lllS S..t.NTA AN.t. 8lY ISL.I.NOS llSI SI.NT.I. I.NA Ml!IGNTS LIDO ISLE 1JS1 TUSTIN 1•LIO,I, ISL,l,MD IJSS CO.l.ST~L HUNTINGTON llE•CN 1400 LI.GUN .. IE..t.CH HUNTINGTON H•JtlOUll 1105 L ... GUN..t. NIQUl!'l FOUNT,l,IN V,l,LLEY 1111 MISSION VIEJO SE •.t atl ... CH 1050 SAN CLEMENTI SUNSET 8EACN USS DANA POINT G,1,ROEN GR(IVt' 1'15 TRU'LEX. t•C- LONO IE ... CM lJIO CONDOMINIUM LAKEWOOD 1'10 RENTALS Oll•NGE COUNTY 1000 Apts. Unfurnished GENEllAL SOit OUT OF COUNTY 1~05 OUT OP ST.I.Tl l•OI ~T,t.MTO"' UI! WESTMINSTl!ll UU M!DW,l,Y CITY UI• S ... NT.-. ,1,N,t, 1170 ~ ... NT..t. ,t,N,1, MGlS, 1•10 Oll•NGI 1'15 TUSTIN 1i•o NOllTM TUST IN liU loN..t,MEIM 1110 S!LVEl! ... 00 C•.NYO N 1~15 H ... v.1.su t•KE 1t1S L,\GUNA HILLS 110ll l•GU NA BE ACH 1701 I •l'.'IJN ... N!!';UFL 1701 MISSIO N VIEJO 11(11, !;AN C~EMENTE 1110 s•.N JU,l,N C,1,P!S .. 11.t.NO 1710 C•l'ISTR ... NO IE.I.CH JIU o•N,1, l'OINT lilt (.lltLSllloD 11•0 OCl!ANSIOI! l lSO SAN DIEGO 1175 ll lVElllSIDE <".OllNTY ''" HOUSES TO llf MOVED 1'0C ~ONDOMllHUM ltJO OUl'Ll!XE~ FOrt ~,t,LP 1•1s "P.1.ltT.YENTS l'OR S..t.t l!. 1'90 RENTALS Houses Furnishad GIENIE•"L •EMT.I.LS TO $H.t.ltl COST.I. MES.I. ~E S.I. DIEL M.t.rt ~E S.I. VERDE COLLEGE P.t.rtK NEWPORT llE.t.(H NEWPORT HGTS NEWPORT SHORES 8.t.YSHORIES DOV!R Sl'OltfJ WESTCLIF,:C UNIVERSITY P.t.lt11 IRVIME ll"CI( 11,l.Y fl.ST llVFP llftVINE Tl!"l{llf,t,CE COeON,t, DEL M..tlt 11.t.LIOA B.t.Y ISL"NDI LIDO ISLE IJ,l,lllO• ISL*llD MUNTINGTOlt 1L[,t.C1" FOUNTAltt llALLE Y Sf_,l,L BEACH LOMG llE•CI'! 011.t.MGE COUNTY i•llT,\ .t.N• NESTM INSTElt \O.IOWAY CITY SANT .. ..t.NA MEIGHTS :o•st•t LAGU,1 ,I, 11~.t.(I< .AGU "'A NIGU EL MISSIO"' VIEJO , ... N CLE MENTE <A/'I JU,t.N C ... PIST1t•l<C1 :•PISTRANO IE•Cfi, J ,1,N,1, POI HT ~IV ERSIOf COUNTY ~•C ATION •ENTALS :O"'OOMONI UM )Ul'LEXES FURN. RENTALS '"' '"' 110• 110! lllf ?11S "" !'11 int 11'1 "" lllO l?JI ,,. ll•O n•I n•S ll!f "" 1,,0 llSl ll!S 7•0• 1•10 l •!O "" "" 1010 JIU 1111 aio 1100 ?IOI 110• llOI "10 7111 1')0 17'f "" ''00 1•~0 .,, Houses Unfurnished !OENEll,l,L COST .. MES,\ ~ES,t, DE-L MAit "lf S ... VERDIE :oLtfGE P ... IU( NEiWl'ORT llE..t.Ctl NEWPORT HGTS. NEWl'OltT SHOR IEJ l,\'l'SHORES DOVER SHOi.11 NESTCLIFF UM IVl!ltSITY l' ... 111( JllVIME t,t,CI( IAT E•:ST ILUF"' lllV IN I TErtll.l.Cf_ :ORON..t. Dl!L Miit 11,l,LIOA l ... Y llL..t.NDJ LIDO ISLE 11 ... LIOI ISLl/'ln NEWPOllT WEST "l'ITIN(;TON llEl(" 14UNTINGTON HA.111011111 ''I TA i" V.t.tliY Sl!,l,L 11!.l.CH GAltDIM GrtOY• LONG elACH 011•.HGI COUNTY S..t.NT..t. .l.N..t. Wl!S,MIMSTl'• o,\IDWit.Y CITY SANTA aNA NIUGMTI COJl.IT4L LAGUNA If.I.Cit L..t.OUNA NIGUEi MISSION 1111JO ;•N CLEMENTI C.l.PISTlt.1.NO CAPllTlti\HO &IAl"H D,t,NA POINT CONDOMINIUM 'Ul"LIXll UN'U'"· RENTALS Apts. Fur"ish•d GEMl!ll..t.L "" ,,. ~IOS l!U JIU l?Ot Jlll '"' llU '"' l?H ' JUI "" "* 310 "" l ?SO "" "" l lSI 3l55 JllS 3101 '*' 1•11 J•lt l llt "" ~· Jill JU1 llll lllO "" ·~· "" ,,. J1!1 "" '"' )741 ~~ 1'11 ... COSTA M E~A ~1~ ME~A VEllOE Sl!f i'llE WP'Oll T 8fl£.. S?to NEWPOllT HEIGHT! H!e NEWPOllT SHOllES WESTCLIFF UNIVE•SIT'I' l'it.l!X II.I.CK a,t,Y EAST ILUFP COllON.1. D'El MAR BAL80i\ BAY ISLANDS LIDO ISLE HUNTINGTON llE•(H FOUNT,\IN VA LL EY IJl.1.10..t. ISL ... NO SE ... L BE,l,CH LONG llE ... CH ORANGE COUNTY G.1.ltOE"' GlllOVI WESTMINSTl!ll. MIDWAY CITY Sl.!•IT• JN.I. SANT .. AN• MflGMT l TUSTIN COAST ... L L ... GUN ... 111!:1.CH L.t.G\JN ... N1 r.U EL MISSION Vll!!'JO SJIH CLEMENT£ SAN JU•N C.1.PISTll?•NO D ... N.t, POINT REAL ESTATE. General Tll!PLEX, ti(_ COt.IDOMINIUM llENT,l,LS W ... NTF.0 ROOMS FOR JIElllT llOOM & 110 ... l'ID ..... OTELS. TR.l.ILEt COUR TS (';UEST Ml)MES MISC. ltENTl.LS- INCOM E l'llOl'EllTY llUSINF.55 l'ROPEJITY TR-ltEll P•RXS BUSINESS rtfNT•L OFFICE RENTA L INDLtSTl'll ... L l'ltOPEfl:l• COMMEll.Cl,l,L INDUSTll1 ... l RfNT ... L LOTS RAN~~l!S CITll US Gl!OVES ACRE,t,GE LA.I([' ElS•lllO•I! ltl!SORT PROPEP1'Y 0116MGE CO. P1>0l•(:ll f ' OUT OF STAlE PPOP MO UNTAIN & Ot!SE•l \UllOIVTS!ON LA ND l>EAL EST6Tf SERV I({ •.E EXCM ... "IGE 11. E, W6N TEO BUS INESS and FINANCIAL llUS1'1rss W6NTEO INVE STMENl OonorlUni"" llUS1'1'SSS OP POll.T U .. !flll INVESTMEN T W•NTfO MO NEY 'TO LO•.N PERSON,l,L LOANS JEWELRY L0,1,NS COLL ... TEll.-l LOANS REIL ESTATE l 06N~ MO llTGA.GES, Tru1I Oet•1 MONEY W ... NTED ANNOUNCEMENTS a"d NOTICES ,OUNO !•rt• ..t.•11 LCS'I' PEllSON ... L5 ANNOUNCEMENT' llllTNS FUNIRAl5 ,.1.10 OllTU..t.llY FUNER ... L Dll!fCTOJIS FLOfl:ISlS (,t,RD OF TN..t.NIC,I IN MEMOllllAM CEMETERY I OTI CEMElErtY CJIYPTS Ci.l!MATOlllES MEMORl ... L P•llKS AUCTIONS ... vl ... T!ON SEfl:VICI Tlt..t.VEL AIR TIC ... NS,.OrtT-TIO"' ... UTO Tll•NSPOrtTlTIOlol Ll!GAL NOTICl!S GEi.MAN & "UTOlllNG s•tt "so Stft 5n5 HU S•O '"' '"' ••• ... ICH 1eu lllt IOlt 1en '"' ... I H• 1\15 l?M ltC? '1~5 •111 11CI 4)10 •'" •1\1 •1ll l l<t •lll I J>O .,. 1115 1::0 "" 11!1 l~l! 11•1 •"•! l l5t SERVICE OIRECTORY ,1,CCCUlllTING AN SWElll:ING SEllVIC• APPLl •Nr" llEl'.l.1115, l'1M1 APPll.l.ISING ASPM.111 T Or!• ,l,llCHITECTUR,t.L SEllVlt • "uro i.EP,t,IR~ AUTO. Sell 1111._ 1•J. l!'- 8 ... I YSITTIN G llOIT MAINTEN~HCI llllCK, M..t.SONIC'I'. tic, 8USINESS SElfVICfl aUILDE•S CAlE fl:ING C ... llN&"lM•K1NO CAlll'E"ITl!ll l"IG t EMENl, Ctntttlt CHILD c ... 11E, Littn~ CONTR,t.CTOllS C•Rl'ET ClE,\NING C•llPET t•TING & lllE,Al!t oR•PEll.ltS DEMOLITION DRAFTING SfllVlCI ELECTlllCAL EQUIPMENT l!ENYALI FENCING FLO(lrtS FURNACE 111!1'1."ts. l'!c. FUllNITURE llEST(IRING & REFINISMING G*.llDENING GENEllAL SEltVICES GR ... DING, DISCING GLASS GREEN TNUMe GUN SMOP HE..t.LTN CLUIS NAU LINO HOUSECLEANINl9 INTERIOR DECOllATINO INCOME T•X IRON, ori .. mtrn11, ''" IRONING INSULlTINO INSUrt..t.NCC IMVESTIG..t.TING, Dt!tcllYt Jl.NITOlfl..t.l Jl!WE LRY rtEP,l.l'l, ftc. L..t.NDSC,t,PING LOCXSMITN MASONRY, lllllClll MOVING & STOllil!l;I! P•1NTING, Ptoer•·~···· P,l,INTING. 111111 l'..t.TIOS l'MOTOGlllPMY l'LASTElllNG, P1lcn. JI••••• l'LUMllNG l'ET Gll.OOMING POOL SERVICE POWER SWIEl'IN• PUMI' SERlllCEi llOOFING 11.1.DIO. Rt,..1t1, El<. REMODELING & Rf:l'lllll llf:MODELINO, KITCHENS ~c1•50tt Sn1•otn SEWING ,EWING M ... (MINf rtEP ... 1115 SE PTIC T•1"1(S. Stwen, fl(, T,l,ILORING TERM!lE CONTllOL TILE, CM'1mlc TILi!, Unol..,m & M1r>,11 TREE SEi.VtcE TELfVISION. lll1pll<>. flt, UPHOLSTElllY WELOtNG tr>1' -;ippi·o, I .11·, ld••11111'y l1y ~IJ/C'.17-'.1272. :?HI II' .. \\'hit-RE P/Iii~. f':t -,.-,,-,,-,,-.,-.,~s-.,-,.-,11 "10 c(>JJ;1r. 6·1!;...;w::t af11•r l :::li !Ll'I' Blvd, Li\ ll;dll'a. Ne.>:tl llt'nH ~i•'I. ,.1,. ;.,..11,, 111. d <iv. 161J p.ni. 111 l.al!;<hl';1 \\;ilk 111 11,.·a11"" 1.,_ , c · 11 1 -v~, llJ----ll '?" • •'1• _ --'1 ,L.~-,I \ .. .> I ,, "'~ APRICOT ~lait' p"" ii I('' \rlLL. p ll I',. h ;1 ~ ,. l)ll(' IP ------ Hl! abvu1 I .vr nlrl, l1l;<<'k ~·nllar. h1Pl\l f' 1JL11111h 111<'11\llf 'l'~h1ps l Cemenl, Concret• 6600 ~!: Sun <11 JrJ11i ,!,,, N l'plLillo'. 111 llol1ol 11,v llo•;dlh ,..;p;1, 111~ 61ti-~11~1[1 ('pxla ~lo·~a ,fl'•llll 111·11a1r1 ecO:-<Cl~ETI·: 11 ... 1·k 11 I~ "" B-L ---p;11'1 ~, 1.l fl!'.< l'n•il oli ·,·k ~ Si <;UXll)111 , ..., ,,ch: ,C· wl11lt' rahh1 T ll'illl , I H iO 1111(!(' nf bl"<l\\'ll (>Jl l1•gs. Vi!'_ (';,]I s::1-t1::!1 (':ill :111'1-1 :t11 011 llurhQr' JIP•J::hls, ('\l --Atirac:tive Expert--• l'O:'il'ltET!•: .Vl"'ITT. uao :1!1.i-'.:{1,i; I Y()llNt; \\'ULIL\\' )l:olio.~. •'I". l\t·a~o11:1lilt·. L'n,J 'u 1 .-,_:----POl , dan1·1'1··111\l 1,,,11 •h .11J11 :11\ l c:",',"'p·eltil:.!C-sl;,elalnlng 'HS S r. ,, I. N 'I :-io;"l'"~I'. :~~ fl'ni;dt', ll'l'aJ'ill~ it'll'f'lf'd 1;111'~1 SIL•ps, Call Al'il•'ll 1111 t'f)liai" Onflw()(){i Trlr Cl'r. I :_ii::· :.~11 -r,;;~ I-Ill 1'\1 6625 1110 5-16.:;~S·l or 51::...Wi'J SINGERS-WRffERS-• nr A~lO~DS ;i re 11H'aH11 1'<•1I l lll L I 17J5 l'Y0t.:Nc; (;(•1·111an ; !"l1<'pl\1•i·d R<'<'<l l\I Co, is sr;:ir,;h111;.: f11r lly q11rd 11 y, ,;.1 ;11·i' \\1·• :::~ J\( of (;<lld•'Jl\\f''I 1:1lf•i1I fo1· l'\T\'.J!'d111g, J 1s.~;::1:1 I Ul,\_\HlNn l',\f{J'~:T 1.~ Sti 19 ·s a r1"1~~11. · !~l,EAN!<Ks tilj-J::17 any11111r :~!!11 S'.l!ALL Dr1f::1,-n1:ledo~. \H'. \\'ANT 1.i sliarr 1'1•1<• Ci\HPt:T & ~'urn. ch•nnin;.:: 1no ]ilh & l!Vlll<' NC'll'port-'.llcsa an;a I n low I (l;1y '"'l'VI('(' ,\,_ qtwl11y :::: r,.11.-;~11 P;1s:1d1·11<t, 5 d•1.1s. (',11 1 '"n'li, (•a ll S11•1·J1nb !•JI' '"I til~-9.~~· I 11 '!'1'1-!(:tl! :110 FOlJN"lJ \l'h11,.. k111,.n 1\/llra _:1~~ • .1 UlO !'Oil;ir \I(' ~l ~T SI, Nn. Call ALCOHOLICS A!10!111110llS 11io t,;7''-·i•ri~ P hone 542-721 7 oo \V;'1le 10 I Electrica l 6640 '",', \\·R·'_5~· ··_ P .O. Bos 1'.!23 Cost.::i i\lf',:t. l-l(\I '.--:-·"· '''''· " L'T l\'a1d1 f<Jlllltl va: --~'" \\Ll'l11;_:, Ill'\\' ' :.~~ S11von. \l'i;s l«lilf shor1 ;irra. Announcements 6410 ;-.. .. J"IJ 11"> s111all "r 1 .. n 1110 C;tl l to 1dt·011 1f.v. lil'.:-1'.)~S l<1l'I!<' l'IT !' •'sis. ~~;~71.~I UIO -----· -111~1 BL1\l'!\ IJrTi,1:111 k1ll<'11, " U DO • I I of lO llH>~, '' (, ,,u :.i..:.2t:til ::;: ~·nON'·u-.---- ''lo "" U<J 'HJ 6'10 0 1: ,;,! 6'70 "71 •O• U7l. ''" •'II "'o '"' H1·.i11·n r<ibb1t ~;1: ... 1:,r: F()C:'\lJ: l\rys :11 11111 •'1' Pla!"'· Nr111x•rl B,. a 1' h , ld1•1111f,v. ,,\S-~~ 11 1.011;: 1Q~"-1-,,,:m,:.~r c .. 1 •. 111.1 ;. Qll'nrr plrase pl11i ru· or 1, 111 givr to J;Q()(! 11<\!!lr 67:~.~11:().I Glll::Y r~b~ :i!G:;;!·IG" or :..iv-:IBAA l . I. J·,('Tl:l1 '!.\N~ l w1·n~1 ·d. Grand Opening Acddemy I lu111d"1 I, ~111:1 11 ,l••I•', 11111111 1 s, I "I':• 11 ' .1 IX· 1~~1:: of Physic Thercipy Sa1111a R· 111:i'.''1C:<', ti lt'lllrii" l•'\ll .10 a 11 1-l~· nl1d111~1il 7 d.-1~~. 1:.:, 'fl1;1l i:•, ~·1111' 1·, l.ac;1111a H"'"'h 1'11·1 :~1 :: ;'\'E\\' 1;11u1 ·p l-'•11;1111111.: 10 I ;u·q11 11·•· rt I·:. fHI' la\.'•:•\ 111:,:. J.°•JI' l!llHl'IT\:1IOPll, ti·l~·:li )~ Business Service 6562 SMILEY'S Business Services 'I ,, _,, I ' I' \ I 1n"l;k"' 'i!" 1:.,'., l!llL!ll,d {11111 I>. LI0~1 n·;1n! 1'. 1:1•,i l 1 .. -1:i 1n •• 1,· r·n t·J·: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Floo r~ 6665 I Cemetery Crypts 6419 1------C1\IU'l 'T 1/IN\'1. 'I'll.JO: J08 W•NTfD, Mon JOI WANTED, Womoo JOll W-llTE D, MEN & WOMEN SCHOOLS & INSTRU CTION JOll PllEPAJl•TION THEATll1C."L "" L 1011 ost 6401 ~---~~--~-lflt '~01 lfOQ ,.. '·'Bil; fll'•'Oli!I!, ('0111pn r11n11 l l'1"''' ,-.~1 Ll\·, ,·1111lr, :,1()-i~ti~. J.\IJ!t.:s ,,a11,.1. \"1c C1·111 rT Cry pt, 1.;i1.;u1111 .1 ('ourt, 1•;1~·-:111;...11 7s ST. CJ J 01· :li'd Ave., 1..t;.;1111a '.\l•'lll. l':irk. Pr,.,rnl •!·11 111.--• --- Bcat'.h. Fn ~II. Valu:1hl,. pru'P .~11(1()., 01,.'nrr ~.,k 111~1 Gardening papers. Rr11ard. ,l:t!J-.:!.1.li~ o nly ~1!11111 4·:1,11, "I' .~:~Kl MERCHANDISE FOR aft. II. ,1,"1'11 1r1 r«~r1111~1hlr p;,1·1) ;, I ANTHONY'S 6680 SALE AND TRADE Rv" L-I I I eo1 11al 1nu11Jhl.<' 11a.1·ts u 11 •~'-' 1· Pn1a ;. 'ni.:-"II 1 1d111t FUllNITURE 1000 bnl:HH'l', B:111k I'<'( ]~, OFFICE FURl'llTUl!f. .. ,, l'll'l'ies "" 11(\~p S: ff•cl l..nn~ OFFIC• EOUIPMfloll tll! cars. red <vllrtr & lii'a l'OI -,\lill:il', l' (i, f-~ .. , ::1.i.1 STDllE EOUl,MENT 1011 (';1]1.-.10;.;,1, Calor, :Jl,1],1" 644-4860 Tlir l;t·.~1 , f'11.-ds llcl 11101 •'' L :q11'1'1<•11o·l'1 I ;\!;i1nT1·11:1 no ·r. C•FE, REST..t.Ull-JIT IOU l;u·. An~. 10 !"r1/f1·1· [((•\\''d . --------- 1 ... 11 EOUIPMENT H IS :ylt)-J '.J:>7 f'\'P>., b:;7-l ~,jQ 1Jny., HOVSEMoLo GOODS io11 ---------Legal Notices G ... 11.•GE S.t.LE 1011 S.\JALI. l31a<:k ponillr , l'lillds 6450 =~:~I~~;:, ..t.UC-TIO N :~~ pl'I [osl 1'11·, NP1vpnr1 Riv(!, J \\"II.!. 1101 hr 1·1·~ponsil1lf' ~.NTIQUES 1110 /..-:l l ~t ~!. C,i\1. f).l~>--(J.!!2 or! fnr an,v drill~ olhf'r 111:111 n1y SEWING M ... CHINfS •118 ('O!lro'I 1:>1':1 tl~1--07ff> 011'1\ . .11111 11·:.: i\!11·ha1•I 1··0..-MUSIC ... L IN STllUM(Nl lllS -- PIANOS I ORG,t,NS llJO B1\:':)l~TT l ln1111(! ln~I 111/f; ~:~~~ISIOlll :;:~ r11111 \1:111('~; f1•n1alr. \\1·1111 S_!~~CE DIRECTORY 'll·F• & STE ll.l!O 1110 .~. 11l 1t. 11111 ll••;o f•rill111 . Hr ,1 T•PE lllECO lll OE"S 1710 {';\11 f'\f'" 'lhS-l!lll:\ CAMEll ... S a EOUIP ME fill ----- A sphalt, 0;1, HOalY 5Ul'PLllES u oo rt ~J :\l.b l{;<.>.<'llJI pllflfl~, ta n 1 SJ<A Ll1\;(; ,/:. f'AT CllJ r-,'1; S ~OllTINO GOODS ISIC I e 1 NOCULA~S. SC.OPE < l!j! 11/\\lnlf' 111·1•k. \'If' H:1k1'r ,i:.1r::.o•.,,.•nl1.il · l ndo~ -1·.,111•'l MISC ELL•.NEOUS Noll J\1tl'il1•t-('\I l:•1 11·11 rd , t ',•111pl fn:.~ ~''I'' \•lllT••trll; MISC. WANTED 1110 ;,u;--tJ!•:I~ 1·11;.::t:.:1•r! It\' f"1I\' ··f (' \) !•'I M ... (H!NE RY, EiC. 111! LUM&Ett 111~ L1 lciT 111 +'IT"'' I II• f,.,;;ii--;,f •11"'"1 l"'>.l•ll'a lo"n STOll.A(';E Ill! ;\\Tl l i 'IJl:t· B11d~r<1 La11d.~1·ar1111g ~ Jn1,1lu..i1 .. llu!'!1.:l1l1tu ·1:-t 1 ·1,1·:Ai\-U 1;--:-:Pi~c1/-.1.1...;·F ~JP\\ l!l;,;, (0d;;111;,:, "dll 1"1> . .:. 1 --l:.'.:.:_"~1:.hl·· ~-:-n:i:).• __ Al.'~ C:ardr r1111i.: :It l.n1\ll i\);-LJ!l ft'lll!IH 'f' ( !\ll11ll"l'l 'l:il1 1Jhfu~ll'1:i! .~ /'!''11lr·11h:1I. .. !1\i>-.:11·1.!l • 1 :,p ·d-.t 1~1•1"1"~'· (;;•f'•I-;-·~ ( '"lliplo•I.• .\Hi iJ ~f·1·1 11'1'. 11"•'•' f·~111 11,,!1• ;, !IJ-1 :.t'.! * Exper t J a panese }"l;\l' .. ~·1· \\1 11 :1, i.11.1 ;S I &UllDl"'G M•TE•l ~l.S '"' :>.1•\\l"q'I 1:.il\""1 <;",l\•li._:'. ,\. SW•Pj 11n )..,,,,,, (·,01,1 \1 r'+lii111i.: h1111d. l,,,,1 r·,,:,1i.11I, .. -, '~'l~ ll U I. ~1 1 11«'. :• .. 11(111 1.11il ---1 1 lr':ollllp l:l1IHl1ll ,~·'I" ir 1t..lf'1 PETS and LIVESTOCK 1 1;1i;-~11 1.: 1:•·11,01·<1 l'CTS, GE MEll•j, 1111 I \I \ .. -\\ I 1 C AT~ -· 0 10 ,I l "> .ol<'! ~l 'l'i , \I' B a bys itting 6550 >-1•r·1 1:11, .-;1-; _ ___;___; _ ___;o._ ______ 1-('111 ,\ l',ii 'I' l .. 111n--DOGS llH ~1'_11·1111·1•·, i\oLl'k ,\ -"·" ·1111 HO~SE S IJJI f>l'll".~. l ~!ll 1 .il~-('1.~1 i<r!•·I' LIVESTOCK ll•I ., .-.;::o l:,\l:Y-.;ITTl:'>l : 1111 lut11,.. S• \l,111 11<•n,1t"'"· l,11 ''"1\!"I d.111;. !•.1•·-0 .\ ,..;,,1, "k. ,1 ~ !~!1~/ ,t1J.\'!'1 I .di I CALIFORNIA LIVING ----------l.;1\;llllll j \11 {'11 !1 1~11 ~'\'\ii {;,.11rrvt1~ 1r•1•"rrl fr11 1111•1 •111 + _ ·---•• J!/.! <; 1;11 1•1' "'"" ,\· l,01111 ,1,.1·k 1,1•,11\11 ~1un1« r/Mtl1 l \\'11,!. h.1 to1'~1! ! "1 ',11 '1111 11 1<1111111\:111,,-1 :.·~ • .r. (··1111 NUllS,RIES SWIMMING l'OOLS P,l,T IOS ... WNINGS V"£.ATION$ TRANSPORTATION 10 ... TS & YA~HTI S•ILllOATS l'OWli. CJIUISErtS SPEl!D-SK1 80ATI llO"T TrtAILERS IO•T MAINTEN..t.NCE 10.llT LAUNCHING M•RINE EOUIP. llD•T SLIP. MaOlllNI IOIT SEllVICES 110..t.T RENT ... LS 110 ... T CN ... fl:Tl!'i. FISHING 110,l,TS BOAT MOVING BOAT STOii.i.Dir IO•TS W ... MTED ,l,lllCllAFT FL'l'ING LESSONS MO ILILE H!'l•IFS MOTOll HOMES AICYCLES EL!!.ClRIC C.l.fl:S MINI llKES MOTORCYCLES M"f(lll'{(lOT<;llS ..t.UTO SEltVICES I l'•llTI .-.uTO TOOL$ & EQUIP. TR,l,ILl!ll, T•..t.VliL Tl!..t.ILElllS, UTUlh TllUCKS JEE•S CAM~EJIS C..t.MPlll lll!NT ... LS DU"IE IUGCilES IMl'ORTltO lUTOI SPOltT C:AllS ... NTIQUl:S, CL.l.$$1Cl 11.•Cf c,1,11s, llODS ..t.UTO EVl:NTS ... UTOS WI.NT(!) NIW CArtS •.UTO LI.I.SIMI usirD cA11s nH''" allr Ll'd 111,11,. I d1 /'h11il(' 111 lllV-\fr-..1 dO') ,\1.ot h•1lll' I 1111'1\ l,ol • 01 111-1.~::1 J IS I!~~ i "ilt>--0 lfllo 1----- , .. ,11• Lost St Brr'Tlilrd vir P ;1 1kRC. RAr:rs11·1'JNf:-r.1 V--h;,11-;\ General Sl!rvicl!s 6682 11·;u·d . 51~·1H I~. 6 16·7~:,;;, t ::J. i\·l ~Pil 11<•1 :\lnr_ 1\11y <\b!' c.;..;.:::..;:;...;:_:.:_;c._:.;_:c__:_;.::. 8~1'~1. 11 t l1'0rll!'rJ. r,.1G.3(.IO:: G!\RACE Dorn·.~ SPrvit'<'d .~ "" .. l. FE~·IAL~: cou::Tr_;--l·:Xl'l·:IUl~NCEO ill111lw1· 11·il l R ('p;ifrrd l;•'llt'l';•I llnusr 1\·l:ilnl. s 1ri. 1111n" 1:r .. ~1:1s1 ••31 li·\fi-1797 ::~: ,S;'..\-~Oio -~Iv~. p111 ~lun·l'rl 1031 LOST Fe111ale Irish S\'11"•' ~U JO/J/'69 Vu-. ,,voc.:adr, & 11n Vairvirw. ~"16--27:•!) "" "" RRO\\'N Ch1hu;1h1n1, ~t"n •to Vic 16th Pl. C~1 '.y\~-Jti~>2 ••• ''SI (Invalid'~ prl 1 ::r: ••••••••• "" ''U 'Ill "" •311 t l!I .... ••II fl1! "S' ,,. I !le t j71 •m ''" ... .. ,. ''" ,,,. •nt "" ... tilt ... TIME FOR BABYSJ'IT!NC, 1ny 1\lrs11 rh•! 7'1Ar Rrl':l. ~14:.-li 1 :,;, Brick, M1•011ry, etc:. 6S60 BUILD, Rcn1odrl. repair. B1·iek, block, concrcle, 1·a1·prn!1y , no job loo :-in1at1. I.I{'. Cnntr . $2-69'1~1 Hauling 6730 ITI'll'- Housecleaning 673S e \\'INDO\\'S J)lflTY" Fn•r r s l. 15 yea1·s 1·:1,p . ,Jnh1111y !)11nn IYl2-2:'.fi·I \\'OULD You hP!ir.vr I \\'Ill c·h•un your ho1ne fol' Bhl<' _Chip Stan1ps? R!l7-7::.iO f\lovin~':' &!llin~(.' f(<'n11ni;:'.' --------------------·- HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT I WANT AD D1\!L't' PllflT fl I i\11·:-A - LINES. You ran u~c tllC'n1 I for J11,~1 pcnn1rs " day. lJ1ftl f;~2-Yi7ll ) IT'~ \VONlJEP.FUL th~ I r1111,ny 11uys 111 applial'IC(':ll you find in lh!! (.1a~sificd 1\d11. Chco·k lhrn1 now' C11ll Rrnl~I n c u<!i1·r Vrry rrasonahll'. :~Hh1!!2·1 0 1\ Y & Bcar:h r'l1•a11ing Serv. ('arpc_ls, 11•indow:;, floors, ct1·. He:; ,t· Con1m!''1 61fi.J 101 J~Y O llR Afl 1-N CLA&'ilf'IEO'? Sninfnli<'' 11111 hf' look1ni;: f,1!. li.411~1 6-L'~­ '.'67,ll ••••••••• !! o u s i.; c 1. ~: !\ ~ r ~ c & J b M 1 <~rn«l'al j\J:11111,·ro:orn ·,._ (';ill o s-en, Wom. 7 00 an.\ 1111 ,.-, 1r1t:-uo1i 1 l"'<•.~· ~-----l'AI :Pl·~I':>, \\"nd11 11.~. tlr>:, r li'. I:!'~ n1· ('111nr 'I. Xlnl 11 ll1'k H1 ·;~s! RP I ~. ;;l.~-'1 1!1 . Ironing 675~ • lro111n~. r ;-;prrwlll'!:'•I $1 'J:J ~<ll h!!IU' (':di li·k>-1\Jl :; !:1\;p Xl111 IJAV~: ~lf•ad1rs, will so111e lllOJ'('. :t(k·/piret•. rrrs. ~~1)(..~10". b·l6-!r,:iR iRONING_-=-- nrasonahlf· AMBITIOUS WOMAN ·'·d1o1ti al «wnp.•11,\ 111 !on d;d t1h11'k1·1. lll'<'d~ <l. \\<'II !;o'uOlll· r'd 11 1111\;111 II 1111 ~Ulllf' \;d<·~ c\p 11.: 101;111;1:-:1'r lru11o1·<'. l"lr·x1~1I•· lil''i" !'(•Hll" ''V"~ IJl'•·- f'll, c:<1' JI('•', '.\u p.trl If'>:, 1·!1!1- l'"·'"llg •11' 01\']11'1'1'1•'_. ()pp TO d1>ulil" 1·:11'n1n;::-. f 11r· 1n!ru· d11•'lnt'Y Oil <'rl '""'· ('all :'l!t· ~~·\-!.:>:1:~1. --.---- abilities urilimiteo agency (,111.il11y Posit1or1s fo r Janitorial 6790 (Juali!1ed Applieants ------------4SS I<. !7111 .:ii., Suilc :!'.?•1 SPARl\LI·: .Junitor1al .i:: \1'111· C'o~l:t i\lrsa 6·1~·1·!7<1 do11• 1'll•:111111t; ¥·1·v. \\'1n- do>11 s, J'<'~l•l,, 1·p11\o•I, t•1u1s! ('lt•111111p. l·'J'!'<' •·~\_ ~l\i~~Z!j~IL Dl -TL'll ~1't'1', <TIJI rln~, nr "'t.\111;.:, 11111d1)11' 11 :1 ~11111:,: l!:tt'l'Y 1a11 B1·;.n1'n '.o::7-l:~J8 if no ans cal l ;,ff :;, RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specia lty! Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 :·~l '1)1 'I :1 ;,\;-..'. i .;;T,1,ni'IJ1·1· l·;\1wl'! ~;uara11l1•f'•! \\""'It F l•"' ,.,1, N•1 1<1h 11~1 J :u·~" u1 · I•~' ,'n.:dl. •1!1·1·:·;\:HJ i"\'J' ,\· l·,\[~1·;1;r·-:l-17r lh •', l11hor 11111\• Sl '17 111 i.1~-11r1,, :1f11•r ~\fl 111 ASSEMBLERS ~- telonic ."1 ' 111'111111~ •H' l!H\r'P rir ,...Cent C.\IJl'l'll'lll'C I.~ J\'flUl!'Cti in lhP follu1\\lll:: a1,•;1s lh11•k.<f1lin Suldl'L'lllJ.:, I• •rr t..-i1u/l0i: •nrl 1'·hip 111\}ll!llill):, (Jpf'lllll).!S ~l e <ill '!rid l'lllfl~. H U G H E S NEWPORT SEAQl 500 Superior Ave,,U. Newport Beach, Calif. l·:11u.iJ nrrx>rt11n1 ~y •·n1plu,1 ,,r _ fil ,t: F Assemblers, Bonder' Electronic: Tl!chnic:i•n• I~,\ ir1:r r ;\ c-111TT-,-~~-,-,,-,-.. -r.,: <'fHllJ :11·10•(! p11•·r<;. F1ill,1• 1ri•. Sn 1 1~r.,,.1 1n11 gul\1 l"n·,. <'.'I. ,I <111 \\"''I>.~ 1l7:1.-l Ji;i; I ',:,·,] HI )>i ••'I ·!•'I I ,1• ••111 ld,1 1 /;:,-;jhin~ _ ,\• P 1\li\·1 1111 •1 '1 '•~! ,1,,_1• '••I I"·""''' L.\flr'l'if'r1t•<'rl \\ ,\1.1.1'1\I 1·:l~I NIO T li\'1;, ill \'!t,..; '" otl ll'i\ l!n;t•.1•11;11 <1•• r':o lr~. hl:!.nrn I>,\ r N·1•1 i\ I;-.~· p:11-;rli:ingi11: 1:,·.hnn;,l,I,, 'J', .\1·~ l"'f1· 1 ;<'1'!)J.111 ~k1i!s. 6'12-l:U2 !'1\J :\'TJN(.:, l'np1•n11g 111 )I'" I 11 I l.11'1 HI)' ;)i'f'l l. 1,1(' ,~· liri111li•rl l:(•f". IL11''1, fr11-:t::.'lf, .I .. ( 11: 1 ;r 11r1· i ·~•l!ll l!lg, IOI• l1'1'1L1r ,( f'\lf'rior. '!''(>lh!I' 1 •'ii :n~s. f,16 ,1077 & j 11.;:;..t1:.' I ----:-,----.-!':0 1~inl f•:\I I r .. 1hf' ,(· a pl<: Nn j•Jh l<Jo al1i;1111ir11! .\ 11•u1t.; "" 111 u dl l<·I.~ ,.,11'1 1 :1.; tii'llf',J It' :,:l'il l ll,1111!', 1:1j\p, .~' 111.,l<'ll Hll'lli ,_ ~!,,. 111111~1 ~ t'\lr-l1!'lplul Call Pers onnl!I Dept. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. COMMERCIAL -TELLER - UNITED CALIFORNIA SANK ::1"1 \1u111 S!r"<'f'I ll11 111rng1011 Bf'a\·h, Calif. 5:H):.1'Srt /-\;1nk111;.: EXP'D NOTE SELLER \(•\\f>flll \.;1 !«11].d 8;.l'k L a guna Beach t '.dJ ~1 1• t '.111,.1· Plastering, Repair 6880 1.;1111,,1 ••l'l"!11iu1J1 1 , 1<1r ln1r" :•·, 1.1.1 .:111 • J' \ 1'~'11!'1 ,.\~'f'l<l:l :'\1;1-••••••••• 8:0 111~1!1': , \ 11 1 I "'~ I• rP•· '"·I 1!11 1oli· : :\•'I' I"" I ,\,111>"1-•I ll,<•lk 1 ,,11 .1 111-!o~~,, l· .• r1·.,11 <Jf111·P1 ,, i ';111 '11 L.,_.trt<'1' Plumbi ng 689( l'l,l"\Jl-:L'\1; !;l-.J'\1 1~ ;-" ;111. lnl • ~in.di e !iU ·:1::~ e C1 '1!.D, P.f'n1(1d\'I. 1'1"11"1r Brwk, block. con c r r 1t . c rpnlry. no Jl;lh tno s rn,1~1 Lie. Contr. %2-{;9~."1 R J•: i\I 0 D !<LINC. C:1q>C'n- 1 .. 1111g, plasll"r S: d1•y wall patchini.:. r a JJ Di<·k ~)12-17~7 Sewing 6960 • Orr·~'<111akint: -,o\l!"ra11n11.~ Spr>eial nn hrn1s. * fr!6·ti'! Iii * ~-~-Alterations -642-5845 Nf'at. a cniralf', 20 yl'al's (":o;p, TILE, Ceramic 6974 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH 1! V1•1•ur, Thf' Tilf' !11;in * C)1sl. "~ll'k. ln!<l~ll &. rt•p:11t·s. No job loo sunJll. Ph1s1rr pati·h. IPnkoni:: .~ 11 n w r: r ~,,,,~,,·~··='"~'"~""~11H~"~=c~1THROUGH A Tree Service 6910 c r:NE'S 'f R !<: r; SERV: tr('<'<: I sh1•11h(>i>1•y rt'n1ovcd. t1i mn1rrl, haull'd 11 w A y ;,19.]3,'19 B f':\VAJtE: '. R ulibi·r lt'f'l'li b reak lou11rl~t1ons. F1v-c "i<' Any 'fr,.e Srrvi('f'. 530-J!l2(l Drna: Upholster y ___ ~6c..99:..:0 C"/,Yl\OS Kl'S Cus t. \Jphot. Etirf>fll'an Crafl~ni(l11sh1 p ·100~~ fin! 642-1 ~~1~ 1 ~:1 Nr.ll'[lOrf Bl .. C :\!. -------~ • ' DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 • •••••••• ~! l ti .!f.:\JJ l B.\f;,\1 ,\11 \ I] 111,.:1\1~. I ;,<"! d;'.I' j,;!j /', :,1:~ .. .ii•l)r! '" r•t -'·""I'\• ftfnr. 'lrnl.v C,.IJ, -~ BE,\L'T!Cl.\,\:-i, I• 111alf', 1n 11nrl; <'l'''•Ul1~'-' ,t· S1111d;iy!l lll Cu~la :\lt•.":1'" lJ \I "' I 't. '!; 1 • 1~1r,11l:11·, p1·11·•·d saln11 :·op- l"w11111 1l.Y f111• top r a 11Uoi;s 11·/p;;ul v:1rul1un-A Pl> I y i\l g-r. l'rn1\1111l~ Clory Bc'\U- !y Salon, :.!67 ~;. l?!k Sl., C.:\!. BTK JN! B.._rn1ald/d.tnt:cr. Full or part·lhne. Co."o!a ~lcsa BOOKKEEPING/ GENERAL OFFIC., FOR NEWPORT BEACH: ADVERTISING AGENCY Po•t double • n t r y., payable I receivablri. billing, type 50. Xlnt. oppty. Call Barb1r&. 642·3910 BOYS 10 .JC Carrier Routes Opc:n '"' Ui;;:un<' Beal'h, So La1u~ DAILY PILOT 642-4321 BOX BOYS -~lul't hr ;1va1I. wk. da.v n1ornini::~. O\'('r 16 part tin1f! or 40 hr. 11'\'Ck. Apply In pc1·so11. P.lchat'lf:S L 1 d (I i\lnrl!r1. :H:~~ Via 1.irlo. N.B . TlfE: SUN NEVER Sl::TS on {'las~1flrd's ll<'llOll ro1\,.r, Fnt' 11.n 11rl lo i;l'll 111i111n<t II"' ··!nr:k. rJ1;:il r~t·-.~;7,1: I DAILY PILOT WNln~sday, Octobtt 8, 196~ ~========== NOW! For Your Convenience -All ).ositions Offered ARE LISTED ALP HABt:TICALL Y IN NEW! CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP WANTED CMen and Women) JOBS & EMPLOYMENT IJOBS & EMPLOYMENT • b• Mon Wom 11~1 Jo-b~-=-Men, w~;:-1100 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT .,.-' . ""'~ Jobi-Mtn. Wom. 7100Jobt--Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs--Men , Wom. 71 00 e BUSHOY ..: e Dl!'H\\'.<\.l\l!J:r...: full T\1111'. l)1r1· l~ :'\•',•! II' appt'11.r;i1wr .. l\ppl,, ti\ r• 1·, .. 111 BOB'S BIG BOY J J.>I E lill1 .~1 CA.Sllll·J{ 1:~ .. "\ 1)!·'( J,11 1)1)!". 1\11,111< ~· nl" l1,111l,1n~ •"\II hrlJ:ilul ( \,11\0•111 l•H t•I lu1 l 1l~) In ,1.u 1 l".tl! /;11,u• Hr1-ti ·,111 1~;;,:1 COASTAL AGENCY \ UH 111!~·1' nf Srll'lli11~ ~ .~t11·11tn,; Ill• 11!~1 l!111·t~11· fl!. l 'nst:• .\l•·~u Clll.~t.:"\~: )l\'("111, !)(Jtlll'"W Pr1·111.1nf'nl. E.,1.rr1rnrrd Jo'ar l·.a~t Agt'tll"Y &l:.!-1171.}~ CLERICAL -FINANCE \.<'ail J::ld 1 .1~l11rr. .\11111n1u111 I )l'Ui' f1n:i11~·,, , .... "'flri· '.\Int ~1 :1rtt11~ .,al;11·y, J.:•'l<I 11 01'1\111;:: !'O!ld, /"a ll \!1• Rla~,·11~· ln1· app'!. :iW-1110 Fortune Financial Co. C'ullr1:.r Crnlrr :i;·.o !la1•hc1r Rh·,t ., C'hsla ;\l<'~.1 DISHWASHER E xperienced Apply 1n per~on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hw y. N!wport Beach __ Draftsman Trne• to 1600 "" ".01·-. ~·•1llr~r pn•r l '<'I; p.11.I. nl.;u f••r 1'111~. Independent Personne l Agency !";hi ()1an;.:r ,\\!' .. .;u,lr C ("\! 1,.1:?.()(J'!li. :.:-... C97!\ l!l:,\l'i:.ll)' Up1'1'1t\OI"'> l<\J~!. Top !J:;y, \"at:a !1on~ I "1:1'-•11· IJr;q•C-!"lt'S, J 8 J ~ B11't·l1 :'it ."IR. :1ltrl•l:>I IJ !{I:: ,UIJ,~1-, ---he_,-,-,.-,-,-"-"" llllJXll"lar1t Jllh llS \\If(' & 111ollil'L' &.. l'ar11 11 \\kl~ pay1·h<'rk. ~1 4 -JRJ ~ .i l~i~IKi. U/(l\'t":J;-,t.~l hrlp<'L ()\er :?1. kno11·~ ()1·11n~lt' ("0111lly , l'\l!I 1ran,, '.olR-1'.·lfll * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessary! ~lu.•1 ha:l'e i•lean Ca!Horni;i CL~.;n1.;: TYPI ST· \':t1·1<'1 ,1· 1~ dn1•ini:: record. Anply 1ac !<flit(' ur 1l11s Pv~•t1 .. 11 YELLOW CAB CO. (;()Ofj l_vplllg 11 lllW·.1 .~!.)II 1116 E. 16th St. CRll ~ly llart. ;,10-liC.·1:, co~la ~l('Oil COASTAL AGENCY 1>0:'11ESTH' P.1rl tun,., •I hr.; a day :, •la~~ a 11r<'k Q\\'n * i=ll ==- * Housewives and Mothers Earn extra money for *CHRISTMAS* J. C. Penney Company Fashion Island -Newport Beach Has positions open in * Sates * Stock * Santa 's l-lelper * Credit intervie\vs * Gift ,,·r a pping * ri.lerchandisc re cord.~ *PBX ' Schedules includ ing aftrrnoons. evenings and t·on1binatio n of both. l:1nf st. conditions --·rop supervision -/·::-.:. l"C'llc>nt benefits including d1 :.counL pri\'tlcgc. * Apply Now * JO A.M. to' P.M., Monday thru Friday. J. C. Penney Company ::::: 24 Fash ion Island Newport Beach, California 1\ n1rn1hrr ,,f ::inr.11ng .t· ::11l'1lu1:.: Ji w 279() l!:i dlOI' Bl. Cn~t.1 ·''"'" fr.in'-..:1u1rr~·l11f, t: d i\! * * CLI:.;Rr.;: TYPIST: Cav<I, ;,, I 1;< ... -::so:? !~~~~~§~~~~~µ:~~~~~~~~~~ clir~tr. Coll\'t·111. lu1·, pl! 1ri·· :: I [ :: :: 11 :: :: I J :: = ml'<.IJ(:;1l b('11C'f1t~ :'lal'I l!,>{l .t .ST,\BLLSH!-:D l ns11r:_in(·e • Call B11!ir J:!<'1:k.·./\U·tit:1.1 1 l ~';"ld<; :ivail, .~.B. office. Jobs-Men. Wo;;:, 7100 ! Jo~~-n, Wom. J 10Q COASTAL AGENCY . :t1i'<'r nppt. 6 •. Hi~l -~ .\ 1111•n1 b,.1· nf 1 1-:xp<'ncnt-.'O 111 s.1-,-,-.io-~-,-.~Jt •General Office e ;\],1f·l11111sl~ Snr·ll 111;,: ,'\, ~nr1J111;.: Im ;uid 01.,,,.lorl:. <i<Xl•I ricce t.:irl 1111n1cd full Hn1P, :'llu.~! e Punch P ress & 2;!'lu Jl.11U.11 l.:J' c .... :1.1 ~1,.~;1 \ITirk pri('CS, steady \\'Ork. f'!IJOY dr:1 linj! llllh the r1uh.. • Multislide Oprs. I. >"DI)" \!O"S 11""2 1 ~•"'"' lw 'r}ping <'ssrn!ia! :'llin. T ... ~r::~ ,.,,. 11rrl,·. ,\oply CLEA:-.:L"\G lady. Jo:f11~·1rn1. · 1 • ;,, 'V"t ...,~u" " · ,. I bl ~I , \\'estniinsW!lf';i:":·l-R7'.l8 :!! Yr~. nld. J\pply 111 prr".:on To11y fJth'i11. re lfL e fur I dH.' '' "' I T,,,,,_,.,.,, ·--~· \\"ILCO TOOi. S: UI[~ Prclr 1· .\In 11 ii ;1 .1·, Own l·::XPEI! rn •lon11·~1w work ·r1 11-: l'> •.. ",N\",",\l'>".R -' ' I :llHO P11Jl rn<111 l,a111· ll'l!ll.~J.1Cll'1a l 1on lil~-::;;;~ alt ·I \\"1,1L nnl~·· C'all s:::...,,i;il) 1.-,.i:, Nrll'"'"'J"1 Bl\•d._ 1• ;\f · _ ·-· "' COsl;t ~lr~a :,11~:11:;2 C 0 .\1 El I :'-/AT I iJ N ;\l:t111-111i1•r i; P;<.1 __ ~--­ lr.nant·f' I.· 1tu11ni: 1~~1111 j:=,\I ·rcfr:Y Tr:11•lf'1• '.I rni:111011 11·orl\. ~lah'. :.'1 "r 011•1. -h1f1<; arHt s111pp111c: <"It'd.;, :Mlay/11k. ;::d ra~. (':111 1l.1 \~ Ft:HRO C"OHP 1-·,1,rr. NE"'POP.T Ht;,\('11 '!'t;;.;. tol;;~ .. llll'l•l•"l 1~,,11 r1llt'r. NIS CLLi!:I 6-M·OO.~l ~1:1•~ ll1\, lf111;1 J11'11 . CONSTltt.:(..~!"I();\ ----l·,•-:\.".\.;(1\\ l ~lTl-'.lt -''\""n11,::;: Supen11lt'111l,.11t. ~11H1il , h11~) nr1'<l••rl 11111nPrl1"l'•l1 1\\·111 ;C"n 1·v1111 <..'o .. 1;,. \!f'.~:i 11·:1111 1111c·r<'-.tr•I -.:1111 1·.1u nc<'d-.. •·111'n!"1h 111 a 11 ll:uhara. I\\ ..t11n1 !}"Jlf', lut.~ .. r p h .. llp !'OllhH'L ·"(•l l<1r rhl' tlu.1 nr l\lUlrnr. '/\, ~ l"'IJ. C111! H11l1c B1•1·k. ;i.lfl t)f\·i:• COASTAL AGENCY . I 111~'1l1l11•r rif ,\[,\]!),, ~·u1.J..T1n1r, rr«u·r ho1P!, 1 .. 11.!lllla Brarh . .\'11-11% ~!A 1'1.J\\".'l11l1·(I~~ pa1 I 111111-. 1•1 :;1·,..rai.:r• ~ In .... 1l;,1l1 l<•t' 1•:ir·l1· 111nri11n;.: Nursing RN or LVN CaJJlun ua Ju:., l<! to i: .\P/'LY JN PEn~.'\J ll1111t111;;1•111 Br;11'11 ("u1!\'ah·sL"1.01ll J loi>pltal l'lfl'.1 [l~·l1111..11P :-;1 I! R '\111...,··~ - LY:"' -; 11 111 '" 1 p111 [•1 11 1,,,,,. ,( 11 pl11 lo• 7 11111 f)aJ'I t111"' i\UHSJ·:s A!DJ·;s l l [)ill\<> 7 oi111 f'111 •k l.1rlo C:nnvaJ,. ... ,.,.111 i \·11h·•". 11;1; V1:ig-.h111 Hd, ;..r111•1 1:.·.1rl1 .-..:tJft"i1'~:-1. \'N --;;,-IL". 1;;j=. ~J,u•y. :-;1111!1i:;ht ('rt 11 \ R l 1ro~p·1 lili>-ii!il. UU1cr T1'111purary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On 1r111porary as.~•J:;,lln1r111, e SECRET,~RIES e TYPISTS e BKl(PRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vacation Plan \f'l•LY :'\(1\V VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH ?.S,18 Cu1111111~ 11,·. ~u.1c .HJ6 546-4741 f-,qu.1J nppnr11111ify r1)l[JIQ.\l'r <1(111,. EARN MORE WITH US! 11'/(.'\'.lllllllQll 'I'll•" 't; <h'l\'I' !It 11<wk lo•1i:;f'r 111•111~ hor ha•" :ial11 ry &. sh .. r•' 111 /H"olll~. Alu~I h111·r .:1'"'" 1·1111~11 surwrv1~111ri <"\p A-.11:/d11.v I•• run Joh~ fnr o \\' 11 r r P r I' 111 ;i 11 r 11 I fN•l\1u11 l\/1Jnlun1 !rd pofr1111oil S...11<1 111'\lrr 11 ro1npl h .. , k;!t.,UJ~I l sal11r.v f'"l'"'"l<'tl ln Bll'I. i\I 43! Daily Pilnl, TH'l\~flilf'"I' 111'111·"(\' I" l\!Hl1I'~ 111 N··11 1•·1·1 lt1•;1, 11. S~~~J a\<'1'11:.:<• )WI" l!Hlllll! ~liJ~I 1111\1' 1;1•1• 1111,,!1•!, h1~ ··nr and IK" dr1w1ul:•!ih·. (':ill • I. A. T1111"~ lili~1.~1J11 • Typists Secretaries Cooks FPY COOKS Tori" a:;C"s, 1>rrn1an('11!, finn. "~'.i nd gvod 11olli1n::. 1·•1n· d111ons Jn ~rc.1·~ lr .. din~ CC'iil~11rn11 ! 1\pr!y 'I J.u1 ni .• pm fnr 1111111 ,i'\\· ~I * E XPERIENCED \!'PLY THE RIGGER :1 1r. ~ ..... 1111)11 1 ~1 .. 11d ;\!'111)111·1 Hr;i1·11 -------·---FRY COOK Young Fry Cook Or Kitchen Trainee ~·1111 11111''. ll<'ll l l\flfl(';lrlllJ:, •111·1' lS (Jl51]('<' fnr a •ll·ilnrr. 1111'111 1\p1il,1· Ill ll!'l"l"JI> MANNING'S Bob's Big Boy COFFEE SHOP l 1 1_1~ 1111_, _c_(la.•I~,.,;, - }l!• .. I l_j JniH l :oJ f!l\ f'f)()I;: f"!lll'l TUii" Lc1sur~ \\oi·ld l.<1:;Und !!J!bl 'l•h· 1:1\:\CllO .-.,\;.< .111.\. s;:; l!ll l \JI ·1;-.. 1 ;ntf Cnu1·,r ]<;II!! !-----\ 1 11 ,,.,. f}! nr r· C I ,\-.1; l'1<1!\ . .\.!":~7L[J:).·.\1--1 .. 1· l\10\!l•' I'll ~,"--!!II! '"II ~llHol,,T• I d:n .; a 11,., I; \'I~ ill.I !••1r1:1lf' h!'ii!!I" l<o ~II!, • .;,d _ 111,,lllil".' f.1t1•d; 111(1! !•h1\d1"('fl ,~ r•'lli' :'1111 ,\ \1•>1' ,i,1111,.1 ,,1 1.11 •( li\1j...~)i:J: 10/10 l'h .•lh-!.'~'.,1 ;i>I. ,.,,.,, 1o , ~l11H_1-r r 1"k-,-.-k7f l l.<Ji1 -111·.l./'J I:. '11111 I to '' :n..: . .u. ,1,..1111 1,, ·1 11 .... ,.,, l\'r!i·h 1"1/l '\11:\ 1•\Y :->t'Jl(1!J! .. ~r;.:i.•.• t1.,111 !J 11• ·' I' \I li1UI, 111 Jl -.:1 ·I\ I· ~.J '1•:1!. oJI" hllll.'-!'l1,1•ll, '\IJ1 ( I r'll' :! Aiiult.... .\Ii \\'nrr !Juil} Pilot Ho.>: J • 9().1. COOK-IJ1n;;,;;;-·&-,;-li1·nd~ L11r Ill r,r <1111, "" housr \1orli. Iii::-I ~7!1 COOJ\:-f~Xp:o--IJ:i)~ o r n1;:h1 s •• \ppl.1 Pac1hc C.."<lll.~r lJd ir ·~. 1.1(kJ ffiITNT""f:R-li J It l~­ prt11enced. Apply u1 P"~n. 1;.:>1 r-;,,,1fl<1r1 Rll·11, c~·1 C1J11t0tl m;1- '''II' \\' .1•w•t ,\ ! r ;, I II,. d 1~111, 10/10 Foreign Car Mechanics 1: ""I , 11, lJf'nrr11~. 1111 I r :1ul 1 .l\'alH•ll, :;ru11p 111~, 11111· 1111111~ /tJrn1:-l1••d Irr•• 1;1,,.11 1 nn1111 srl1rd11lr A-.li fur .1.,... \l(ll"•ii· Ph. ·,10.1;r;.1 --GARDENER'S ASSISTANT NEWPORTER INN Con1:1«1 i\!1• l ,in~ey ~1111·f,~ f;l1·li'M -------(i,\I. 1-"l<I · \i'lo~I skill~ put~ .l••IJ 1:1 !hr 1l1·11rr~ sr;i1 I' rt11-< ht•.•.v .. r,. \\·,11 1r~11n 1n 1oh St:iO. C'11J I :-11/ty HRrl, ;1-1(}.fif6.i lll i\!ED. op<•11u1:.: 101· rrliat1lr COASTAL AGENCY 11'1111 \\'il !1 pl"l'\'U)\I.~ in \ 111 .. 111 1~·•· nf d11su·iaJ 1a111101·1al f'>:fl. Xlnt :-;11, .. 1111~ ,( .""n··ll1nl! ltl•·. •tork1n;: l'IHl<I.. i:d. p;1,1· .t 111\ ~'i!IO llurl>Or rll, ('n"1R \Jr ,.~ lnno;r 1~·11 .. 111~ 1n(·l pn1tit --- slu1.1"1n:.; C1111r. I fl I'",. I 111 n (; \HJIJ·::-.1;..4; n ...... fll" Hlllll I l•ir l1h• 11,.r1l111t:. ,.,,,_ \fQ cl1ni.:. ~'II() Rn~i:· A\<' f':\1 ·1•i-4lii" d111.,11\, hn111ly l>;is1~. __ ..:,: ·_··--· "' lii::.-:.iso1 DENTAi. as~1~1ant, 1·111111 G ENE-RA lWO-RKER 111dr for ~lli'"i:d1!y fll':•• Ii." ~Xp [Jl'(·frrahly (X'rio 01 .\J1111111•n.1111 ·•· to SI.~:, 00 fWI"· JUl'(f'ry. 962-ti!ijl 11u111t•111 r11~1l 1nn fu1 1h•p,..nd. Rh!•• 11111 11, up110rh1111ty 10 11d-Dl:NTAL A.~sistant, cha1rs11IC'. \·illl('"· ,·all Anu, "-IC'rrhanl.~ n:,,er1enf"'<I. P hone a n) !'<'t''"'n:wl \ t:,. n ,. \. ~O·I.~ t1n1.-. 96.1!-:1782 \\o·.._f, 1111 IJ111 1', '\' H. b! ... :ti70 DIST!t!CT C 1rruIi.I11" 11 t: /·:·"I·, 1: ,\ t.-O·r-r 1-;:r. :'Jnnagcr ln1111rr, a hf';('111 ~1 1,,,.1i.11 11d. r 1 p in i;:, rllr· ~~~llCI>~~ 0,'.'polC r1U1~7;,1,\~~:."' • .'.1 l!i phnn•' "\(', f 0 r 1'011• ~· " •I! oll'l o"ll t•lo • I ll!l't'~('t"l 101! 11elf i::roon1cd high ·'<'1H"•I ,1,,111 1.11 , 1· ,\ . ..:<111 ,J uR IJUln :;i·11t111111r 1\·ho h;i51•011 1plr 1rd f!ills 1:rt, :-; B. :-\.1lary OJ)l'TI his m1l11ary obtiga hon ;ind 4,r 1-\.\!i l IS looking 101' a can"rr 111 11 :i!ablC'. i::1-o•\'ing on::11n11 .. 1 l.JQn. Hl'g11lar ral~es 11110 I'\ •'f'IJl'nf f1·1 n~~ inr.hrd1~ !hr /ltl"SOl1'11 II~" nC 11 t'Or11p1tl1,I !':tr. U,in1 a1•/ \. C' or g t' fla1i11ns:. c•11·1·ul;.t1011 1!rp;.r1. mrnt, IJA ILY PILOT. J.10 l\',.~1 1: ... v . ..:1rrrr. ("ri<l.1 '" ~ ... f")' CO. JIPt'dS ;t.1J I\ llh t.I p1111: .111rl •!l'dl'J' skills to S IL'-0.00. • ,, J l.Oritlnc, ,\lrr1·hAnl"-l'rr. ,,\l\llt'I 1\l!C'll('_I, ;•('!~ \\r:-.1· 1l1tf 1111\r , ~ R 1i 1 ... •;-;n -----1~ \ ••ur l\rf 1r1 "u r 1·l,1 l/lf•d~ ~ <.;,,,.l,,.tlll' II 1l1 h,. look101: !nr 11 IJ1RI !fl~·.ifiill I «;!RI. l"RI · Rn t,. J><'l'<\o!ll r•11 uuerrsllns; r\·t'rrhani;111~ no· s1t1011, lx)(lk .lPJtl~. plt'i!' lilll'l'UUl!d1n.:~. :\In! IY"11r/1T \ ~lal'1 S!:iO. U.!J \i]uni< l.:11.\, 5-\Q.oo,):. COASTAL AGENCY ,\ lllf"nll>l"r id r.111rr;1 ~:1npJor111r111 .\:·1, 11 ,,. 1t.ti7 'l;u· .l\1·1 ht1r Blvd. ~I" .!Ill " n :,.10 1;::~u Sn<'ll111::: & :"nrl11ni:: 1111• •11:111uf n[l('r y,11111::. 111,, ~790 llarb<1r Ht. ('n~l:1 :\h:_::a_ 1111••. IJi . ..,·hn.,I )!r.ul c i•· 11 GROUNDSMEN/ GARDENER SS 10 to $620 per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F:f'<llJll f'' '-I.\ 111>•1111>~ <'\ I" I ,<'rll f' 111 11111"~<'1"), !(di' ;1!'11 1111!, J..'1~1!111d~ lll<!llll•'fl IHH t• 11 •11·k, .\pj1l1r1<llllll'< II<''" •p I !'ii 111\I ol > J 1 111 , F l 1.J,1~, ( ), tod • I 10 l'lt)'I \flpl.1 l'<'r .... 1111111 111111 '" .:!HI \•'11!•'1'1 Hht!. ;\"" i••I ( J:, ,11 ·!1 \ 00! [llnl lll!I l ~1 ! • Iii.: l~t.: llOL'SEKJ::J::P Er., lh·e in. Priv. r n1 & b:ith. 2 childrrn. Fin. \"nil. 81.!-7:?:.1 ,-.-,---,.-fO_R_\\"1•r7k-p-,-,c,-c,-,.-n0 r vrJ<. llusli:111d k 1v1Cr trR nl tn 1·!ran (lffWll' hl dg. 111 Nr111ior1 1\pp!y ef1f'l"llfl!111, l'!:l N. Oli1'''· ()1•i111cr , ")IJklfhlllllV I" I' 11•11,tl\<'<' I 111rn1 1 . ..:..u11r r!1••1c 11 .~ 1111., Ii, I :1pl1llld1' ol<'\ll "hil'I ~·,11· ill 11·1·1 I• \\' ' .1Ji ln·I :1.0.:.1. hr·! I 7 1•111 Management Trdine8 ,\fll<"I llh\ (' •l··~I"" 1111)11:11 \ 1 1··••11p ' 1 .. ur .1("11 f1lal1Jr 1) . I t•1•·f , 111.1n·u•d, 1,1 l \1111. \1, 11·ii.111T~ 1•,., .. .,.n,,1 I \1.,, n ' \ .'H! : \\ ! '-I( I 11f I )I I I' \ !~ •d~·.'~711 \1 )·,('I(,\;\ IC. f, I !'•Tl ·'!" I 'l'11 nrup .\ J,1,. 111rrll:11111 .ii '-'Tll!r~. 1:,1 Pt•\, Iii''-And \\101k1nl'" • •frul ~ C "1"1111 <l"I \l,11' :-;lwll N'n '\11) f I l '"1'! lh1_1. er 1 ... j1h·nrnd !i7 ... () ':; " protrl'.~~ll f' 1111111ufar- 1u1·1n1:" ron1pfll1~'. 1\ o!h r x· erllrnt 1rorl-i111i:: ('Ontl1l1ons arul Crini;<' hf'n,.ri1~ 1111., 1111- n1cd1111f' nric11111gs lnr- A-Traub a111n. ~ 1' r ,. \\' n1nch inr oprr11 tors, 1 hrr1• yt'<n·s •'.X p<'rir1w1• B-ExJ)C'rier11:1•d hand ~!Tl'\\' • • • nu11·h111r OJ)l'l'aln1'!o; fur ~" Keypunch Operator$ ('ond ,11wr:.!1nn 111•1·k. 1-<lay !..· 1-~WUJJ: .<h!fl. Tur" Apply ;11 1hn1 :->.11 2 }T\ ""r. rr1rd. s1a t·n~I 1i1r. 011 0:.19 !.· 0:·9 CONTROL DATA CORP. :\:119 IV. \\'11r11<'1·. :-:.A, 17111 :>~0-:iS~O ~:qual opp(J1"l11nity ,.n1ployrr • • • *KEYS* full or pa1·1 lln1t', Aftt'rno<in~. e1·rn1ng!I /,, Su111la )'. \\ill train 10 nu11\(' k<'y~. SI 60 prr hr i\IU-<1 hr hon<lablr . Apply ~·r1. 11 a1n to :! pn1. .\lon!gon1r ry \\"111~! 1,;ry !"hn11 /1Un1Jngton C..'rntrr, 11 B ,,o l>ll•ll\,. •',di~ pl<'~~,. ~l A C.111Nl :-iT 11 an1 ed ~ .•t <'XP. prt'ft·i·rrd. Ca.U /or 11pp! :i·IS-1711 3 !n :i Pi\1 a nd 7 Ir• ~ P:\I ~=~~~~--1.AIJIP:S 19 rn iO r11rn $2.> !o fi 10 ~-N111t11 r r St San!a Ana * MOTEL MAID -i( :.:l&:.i;,~:~ NCR J'1wr 0Jl('r: Xlnt nppty for r!ilgf'r pll'rson. C..ir·C"fl! 11·ork111g 1'0nt1. lihr-r11f h••n i:.:i0 star!. Call lilnr1a h::iy, :~1(1.60CXJ COASTAL AGENCY :\ n1('1nllrr of S.nf'1!1ni;: &. !"ut'l1111i;: 1111·. :!i9(J llRri:ior B!, Cos1a 1\lrsa J\F.\\"SPAPER rout('. i day A i\I. ;111 lo pr1rl-lirnr HH'0111r i\rl·d r·e~Pon~1blr. 1\111t111r P<'l"'UJI C11ll bcfor" noon, :,10-::no!i 1\'f\;1rr ,\l1\11flr;,~r~ fnr ("n1111lr (111Jy, 11al11ry ~~tllfil .~100 11 C"rkty c·"' t 1" n 1 / J.1ngrnr . t .qual or po r 1. IT "S Br~rh hou~" !1111r R1i::· r 111rln)rr. \\',. tn\ln !i-lS-.i.'.oit i!l''l srlrrl1n11 f"1·r1·' N>r 1!1r • Acctg Clerks • PBX Opers Bkkprs Keypunch Oprs General Ofc • • • Work when and where you want! Interim Personnel Service 445 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 642-7523 11111·11 '"""'~\loll !n•U F11 -~.\,I ,..," P\T 1 ·1111.ll ""r~•1 '11n11~· r nu1l"\"f l 1fl1···· Work and Play THE We st ern Girl WAY J.':11 41 Ill''''!'\ ••II 1'1 t"rl"~lll1::! l<'111r<•1·•l'\ ,,,~,~nn1rn1 ~. ~1ul I><' rl1i:;:ihl" f"r 11111· /qn 11 1~· l"!U!l! 11• k• I'- Western Girl, Inc. \(,l.i7 :'llr,\rthur Blvd. !'111!<' ;;1.1. :-;r11 fkll"\ Bra1·h 540-0325 Uf111·r Temporary Assignments 1·1:GE:'>lTl.Y Nt.:ED .. l'H:'\ . .-urd bf\,1nl • \IT.:o;T ofl"'r;ilnr • 1l0o1kk1•rp<'r •. .;11·11 .. NEWPORT BUSINES S SERV ICE CENTER FASHION ISLAND AREA ;,:.n Nr" 1•01 r C<'nh'r fir. ~Ullf' '.'!'fl, N H 1;l •l··l~Sl ( )1/1,.-.. --- vnO\I (1ff1cC" :\lann;::"r 11 ant. <'d for l./lgun.1 Brh ).1ot,.1. PT-r1·. f"-.:p T"f't'(rt ;; day \>'k irn I 11 krn1I<. 49-1-R!~'I OPERATORS • , • 1·:xf)('r11•11crrl 1n .,1111ll<' nr<'•lle a nd ovC"rloeks. l;ood pi!'rr 1\'('rk prirr~ .. ~to·afly work. E DDY :\IO:S~ I !()I~ f...o('US1 ~t, ll'r•,11n1n~1rr: ;>::1.s;3S. PARTS COUNTERMAN IMPORTS f11ll 11111<". (iu11d !'O, hi't1~f1 I~. l'lr.11~dl11 1101k1n.i:" n1nrJ11 1011 Ariplv Jn li<'li-.1n, J.1)61j Jliir· ti(•!, l 00~1.1 :\I r ~" r1Tk-:,1iN--:"'i::v1::n. ... ~:rs-;;; 0A11~'· r11.o·r \\'1\N·r AO:": JOBS & EMPLOY~~ I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 ---·-· -·---- JOBS & EMPLOYMENTj)JlBS & EMPLOYMENT Job.-Men, Wom. 1100 1.Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 PRODUCTION WORKER l\'0111r11 ~·or I !:ind ,t• i\l:u·hi11r Prnrlur11011 \\'nrk l'l1·.il;an1 t'Ont!1t1ons .\J•fJly in l'rrson THE HARTLEY CO. 1987 Plecent ia Ave. Costa Mesa ---POLICEMAN __ _ A:::1• :n ,,, :'.I, up l•• ·;,, "1th apJll"•\'f'd "..: j)C' 1• 1r 111·r lf~~rr.llT: ;-.· S"' n1111unuu1. II Eit:l IT: 111 l>J"Qf)Orl1ou 10 hc11!ht . r 11 y s I(' A(. RJ~. QUIRE.:1\IENTS: l11gh Sl·hnol i.;1·aduali'. \'al1t.! ( 'nli/. op1'r· a101·s l ll't•n,~r. l' S ('i!1lc11. ~·1 1r appl1C'<1!1on al C'ily llall. ,q~oo l\lf'st1n1ns1Pr A\'f'., \Vrst. 1111nsli>r. (\1l1f. twfor,. Ot•I :!!, 1%9 '.1:00 P.\1 \\'nr1en <''I.ant (';1rv. 1-<I, !:l6!1. lTI·IJ S!).'i-\:>11 J-.'\I_ :!f(J -Pi.iiifTc-SPEAKERS If ynu t".•11 J'('tr11i r & t1aln. or 1f .\u11 havr l'\'t't" h:J1I a 1"1111·~· i11 puhlh· ~1}1'ak1n::;, 111r1 " 111 .. ~ lir 11 pll1<"c for yolJ 11 l!h vur :-.111 't C•1. i\look :\[l~I. ·\Jli \\', blh .SI ., TU~· i 111 .... 11-:!~11'1 I~ l~{·J;:VriU;.. !."T :-;i-:cn i·:TAflY \\Ir <irr looking for a n1a1urr. •111rn1. an1b1uous yo ung l\Ulllitll \Vl lh a lll'UI ari· 1J(';1t·anr<' and r ·: r 1• u I i v e ;il11l1 rir-s 11ho i' •111!111~ lo 1••:11·11 .~ lug-lily sprcial11.r rl p111fri;~1011 . \\'c <'ll'C a youni; ;1;.:~11·s~11·c ra~t n1 n v 1 n ~ fll'111, opc111ni.; ;:i. 111'111 off ll'C "'1 (Jf luh<'r 201)1 111 Co.<\;1 \)r i..a . PIE'as r ~<'n<I hand1\T!llrn rr~tllllf· lo Bo,>: l'!il'!I f.l;uly Pil•11 Recpf/GenOIC$401l 1 : .. od 11 ilh f 1i;:u1'1'~. Independent Personnel Agency !717 ()rar1er ,\\"<' .• :-:u11e C C:'ll li·l2.002G .. -.1:1.09i'I --RECPT S400-- 1.-11rly nflu···~. hrarli 1·11y, l·"ru•ndly a1111,1~plir1.,., :\1111 ! "•!llpi!OI' JASON BEST J-:11 1plu.vn1rn1 .\1.:1'11!')' ~·1:0 ...-. •. :\t.11n, Sarna AH·' e RECEJVINGCLERK I· '1""11"111 l,<'111 f11.; Ap1,l~r 111 jJ/'t"'i')11, l'!'l''ll~l•lll'I Urr•I. J. W. ROBINSON ~-.~.,f11un l<lanrt. ,,. P.. rt.·,,1 at1ran! f:C'.,1auranl: 1'~1·1 l1111t-hC'lfl 11 anlr•!, 11i;-1Turr r• r r ~on . ~:? 00 hr/ .• 1: ... ~.; l~t'"-l.1Ul':!!ll Ancient Mariner tlll\\" 1aklng ;1ppl if'allon.~ fllr !'ult .v part 11111!", day & •"I('<: -.h1fl<;. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS ,\pply 111 P"r,nn :?Olli\\' t'nR~I 1111). ,,.,,, 1~'1 ' ft"·"'" l:•·•I nJ1~ull * BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS SNACK SHOP = 9 .;1 11'; ~. c., .... , lh1' ( '.,1yuu; o!rl \1.11 ~ \Jl~B(1AT-l~ti1i":ii 1.;:-~l1op t<11'('1 11,1u \\/1111' 111,;.:rnd 111 !h,. 1111111-lnr<: l "1111~ orr. i·!1·:1 ~",!1 .11:;:!;: ! ',1llr1•! ---* Fantastic! 15 tlw 11npl fnr !h1~ 11;1!1onal r0n1p;111y's 11r1v pr<li::r.1m for S<)11\lirrn CaJHorn1<1' \\'e llCf'd -DISl'RJBUTOrtS -:'111\NAGF.RS -SALES~ll::N -SALF.S\l'O~lf:N -n.~:PRESENT ATIVJ::S -TrtAl.NEES T\11~ is ~ rral i::1'01111rl floor "PfJOl'IUrllly •~Jth a solid auto.. 111at11: rlcctronie e1Ju1pmcnt ru 111 1ha1 11H1·1·~ HIGH Immediate Earnings 546-3050 S•les Promotion/PR $550 +Comm. 1;, EPf:, Y2 APF l.\L"C.IJC'nl oppo;u11Jni1y ''•r " ~h:1111 f"<'rSOnnblr l"dll 11h<1 ('11Jll~!( ll~ll'klTll': 111th 111•oplc, f1 c.>:1blr hour~, Newport Personnel Agency 8.'i3 DOVEi~ OH 6 l:!·J~~n ~1 l!J.:'i-IJ S11lr5 11 1\\"E ,..1111~ \fnkr 111ro11ry I'"'· Br a "'Tn-Clirp1 . Ill• ~1n11•Tnr. !162-9990 Sales l>o Yuu Tdkt !SALESMEN WANTED I 11 ilh a ;::rai n of sal1? f'11n'! :>.<1y ll1al J hh1111r you, I fol · lowed a !cw n1y~c!f only lri !"' 1/1;.appo1n1c,1. The 1ob •.rh!o11n 1111·;1 11p IQ t .1\ r 1•!:11111., 111 lhc a!I, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! \.\P EXPLORE THIS ONE! Jr IOU \\11U!1! ltkr In n1.1kr S:!.iO. 11r 1· ll•'C'k 1011ned1~lr•I\' 11·11!1 :111 OP/Ktr1Utllly f0r 111urh 11ir,rf' i11 the f1Hurr, J 1rould l1k,, 10 t11llt 10 \uU If ~ou1• ql1al1!w11tiun~ !1J<it;·~1 nur rf'qu1n"'"111r11ts, this rould hr lhe <..'•11·rrr 1·ou'I·" b~n J,1ui..u1g fur. l:Jll. for µf'r;;onal in!t'I'\ 1(•11· l~·t JO A.\J l.· :; P:'ll 11 1 \I :~:1.110! or '19:!-81~0 Sal C's ESCROW OFFICER SECRETARY/AOV, Good flt'l'Ut"RI<' lfPl~t P:rt'.~surc, ~ho11ha11d no! nr1·rs~11·y, fll'.\1h.C'. Ou1~1and 1ng opportun11y rorl MISS EXEC AGENCY r..\p'd .. ~a!i>~ <':>Ct'Q1V Hlf1rr1 1!(1 \\' Coa~t J!l1·v tn 11urk in our Jlf'1v ;\J1.,1ou j\r11rh111 l:!i'<1rl1 6.10.Joc;~ V1rjo, Savu1gs k UJ;ir1 orl1t"' l~S-ECRETARY i\11Jlil bf' l'RpabJc nr hdndilllb . . . sal<'S l''.'.lTO\l;'o; for C"ll!i\l'll!lf>IJ. I Jo S<'I ('I <ti Pl II.I ~ lll ltlt',dl!'& al lo .. n.~ XloT \IO rl\irw i·ond rr,~-.~l' It. l.11.;\ll ~ll•Jr! \iulcl & upportunity for ,.,'1.011111· 1•·l.1\P\I at1111.1'1J'1r~r. t"n,.ra Cn111<11'I " "1f" "· r101V1\'EY ~.\VJ'.I:<;' .t MISS EXEC AGENCY LU1\.\' A.'SUC'L\TIU..... ·1111 \\'. ('na<1 !1111 S3i-'l!lll I i\!".1porl H1'.t rh lil(,.,J!I::: $.1]('S WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WHO ARE LOOKING AHEAD Lr ! IJS 11•a1n )OU for .i c1n·r1· 111 111surantr. An oprior1un11y l.StJ:VJCE ~1.111tu1 "r,. rl > I r\11tl 1111111 1111· d.n ~. liflOI 11 0r;...1n;.: , .. nd111011s rrr11111n f'IH UNJ0 .'1 Oil.. ·;9~ t;, 1711 .:i i , (.;,\I lo learn lhr bus111c.~s ,to f'<u·nl~===~~-----­r>:tra 1nonry on ,1 p;in t 1111r 1Sl·J~VJCJ.; st11l1u11 ,,1t.-n1h1n t basJs. bo•!orl' ]cav111i; )0\ll"I C\Xl\J 1'01·!.:111:: 1·und1t1011s p1~sll'nt job Rcconic a run P <'1'111anr111 u .. ~" ,\prly f!nlc agr nr · \lhrn 11u:iJir1,.d Arlan Chr\11111, .:190 !t1rlJOr •. I II 1th 11. !)\111111\Ulll gU,Ll".!ll(•'C'\J l'..\J. prr n1u111h_ ls'~t~-R~V~l~C~J-;~st-,-,,-,,,-, -,-,~lo-,m-,,,- Farmers Ins. Group ('.\fl~·r. Up1'111"lt11111y for goi:xJ 1 ::>iUrs E XCELLENT Ed Lani 540.1834 111;1n, nldrl' n111n t 1 n r I ~ALJ::'\L/\L!Y___ ( · h (' v 1' •• 11. Adan1~ I. OPPO:R:TUNITY ! \I · 1111h ~•rvn•• Qa,·k.'"t'Ound '"' --"-"'.!"0 i;i. JIB. ____ _ . :1J•1r 11al1011a1 l1f(' 111surantc-"' - e1i. 11·11 h 111uiuat furld brok-flf•ll lng 1\;t11tt-d f(ll' l0<•al SJ·:J:VJL"/·; sia·1vn. c:-.r1'd, Jul r r rlralrr 1~ e~panding Jts ji•\lf'lry stol't', IJ l11t". !)<"1'111anC'l11, ~alat)' l Nr11 fJUI"! oHIC•". Curnplrlr App:y i11 JH'rsur1 ~·,,111111. !J~IO I·: Coast J·[\l'Y ~1c1"~oual1~.rd 1i·ninin)':, ilivc,l\'. KIRK JEWELERS -'"•"111v1 ·! Ur11t'l1. '1 111:.: 110!11 r•stalr t:rc:ition &. _ ·:::1).1 llarbor Blvd. C.\1 SEHVICI·: Sta .. <\ T 111 r1 n · t i·un~•'l'l'illlon Suhst:inli:il in. ~AL!-:S, lull·tin1c. llosif'i·y & L\"ll. 11r<;, S<'c :\like 11! v1 .. ~tu1r111 111!J lw-n1adf' hv J1andba1:s. J'la!ure 11·0111an. AIRPORT ·rEX,\CO. %78 C,, 111 11u.1l1 fird appl1ca1it l.rC"!l"~ :-hoe Storr, Sn. Coast Can111u~ !Jr. Nr1vport ~ael b..·1wrr 11 ~I .t 4:i \\'Ith cot!C'gc Plaza. Contact l\lr. Phrlp~ SEf.\i!CF. St<ilion i\ttndn't-I L.tt·k:;iuuntl. \\"n!e Daily &:hool J·:nro;111cn! Counselors L.\p<'n1·11rf'd . Apply: 13-1-1 \ P 1l<1! Box il·I 519. ce"""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""' 1 1011~ rang(' progr<1n1 . C11H I larl>nr. CQ~!ll i\lrsa. Sal··· -·-~l i<llilg!'r j.JJl,0~·10 .\Ion-Fri!)..,) s~:n vTI1':--:-"i1;1 t1011 /\tend<in1 WISE WOMEN *buy* AVON • WISER WOMEN * sell * AVON \'i111 cR11 r111·11 in your sp,u·c r11J1r ~rll111~ llf'ar ho111C". CALL NOW 54r>-;o.n .->4&:.~41 Sa!f'' E'fJllllable I.if(' As~ur<in(·r Sr•· 1·1rty vi lhr li1111rd Slal<'~ i~ ,,fJri·1ng a 111,, .1":11• 11·11111'. 111!:; progn1n1 . C'1on1111 ;inrl s;il;u") ppi. 1111.d 111 f'\1·~·-~ of Sl2,(XJ(I Bu~uirs..~ ;u1d s .. !,•s baek;.:111und llN'•ll•d N. A. NIELSEN I ':11! !Hila\ ll"li·i!)l')CI f~l:ol "l11~1rl1;1111 ,\ r1nrl01\.·r ·"'1.lf'.~ - So \'u11 \\'a11t To Gr Thr Hu.''" Y•!ll .-:1n br lop Jnan 111 ~l•l•t IJ\\ fl bU~lll(.'~<;, \OU •11n t.u1ld r11p1dl.v 111 ·r,. t·•·ll1 ·n1 1111-01111" r a n1 1 J y ~{'l·lJJ"!T~ ,\· l'ady J"o'IU't'l)ll'lll, ngl11 /1'0111 yuur 01111 honic. 6~~-80~1 ~ALl~S. I· 1 or pt t1111c, i!lld h:11·1• ru11 \1·l11Je you work. 'on •·.in fix yo1Jr 011'ri hours a 111! r .1r11 RS n11Jch as }OIJ 11:inl hy sh1111·111~ ou1· lovrly J''\1t•h·~. Nn In \'Cs I' Ill t . Xl,i~-1~:~; ur afl 4·;tl) pn1, :ilti-{il!I:: SALE~'i-r:xEC:liflvEs ~l /F~ ,, n1·rdrd 1n1n1r(! ,\dvcrt!~ 1n.: "r ~,1lrx <'>:JI , hrlpful. rr•~lnot••d nr out •111h1n f;o d>t)~ \'11!1n111<'d [lfl!rn1 1nl. Ura1\' ;1\a!I . S l' :-; U A Y \!.\I!,, !i\L'. i\lr. La.iTahrr 1:.!!':1 1t11-~11r, s;\LL.~ :-..irnh(',\1 rntry l1a~ 11rr11111;::<; 1111· n "1 pt i1111r \111," ~.dr ., l'l<'nsanl. •l •j,:11il••ll ""I" 11/1~1 !!~ \ r .;I , , n I I 1• , 1 1 11 11 <; ror dC"l•1••"'' 1·11"'"'' 1our 01\11 hr-. .. \!111 .1 ::•• ~! I Hl' 1111 \'. ""11 .•111I~.!1 !.. 'Ji,~-:>f,!U Salt·~ 111"'.l.l'. LR'f 1r~. ~~r "h C1\1c111ry n•·cd~ la1..hrs to \10l'!, h j1r.<; ii \l<'l'k. l id. p:i~1·tu••·li-., Jll"llf'S & tra1111ng rlas-. . .',1f;-G~10 fll' :!16-71:!'2 SALES -P.;arn r11onry 11·i1h no l111't'Stn1cn1. ~a ra h Col'<'nlry needs full &. par1-1u11c hC'lp, No {leliven•: 11.e tra111. For ln\t'r\'icw call jl:,..6100 SALES:\lAN? ~ ..... Sta. ~·uu t1n1r, s1111ni; shir t. l\t ust be -SECRETARY-P~Tfrr rxp'cl oltl<'1· rnan. 3001 MARKETING DEPT. f'<·i•pnrt Blvd, N.F. .. F:1-.1 gnJ111ng-1·ons1Jn1er pro· Sl :'\'~:~··"·. t'\"f}('r!l'nrrd. Ap <hl,.I n1:1nufac1U1'('r needs Jll.v """' ~nrc~I /\\'I'. Laguna i:;11 1 •11111 !•JP skill.~ ror 1e. Bra!'h. ·1'li·11.~l ____ _ s1;ons1Ulr S<'t'li:'tarial po~l· SE\\' I N Li ill ,\ r. HIN E li on. .'>h".lr!hanrl 100 11·rnL Orr 1· H tor~ 1-~am.~trrs lypp OQ 11r11i. i\lus1 have ill· 11"/('~.p. (l11 pu11 r•r ri1acllinll'.~ 11111[1\r N(•\v bldg., lrv 1 111~ ",in1cd f,ll" ~<'\\'1t1i:: worn""' lntl11.<tr1a! Con1plr . ..:. Ex1't'I . r"ndv-10-1•<'<tr, fol' sn1al l<'1 1r •"u11pany brnrll1.~. Call Ll1g~11a Bt•arh :11lgr . fl. 01 ltH ~PPL pari t1nl<' ('.1ll l!l-l-'~\18 POL YOPTICS, INC. .) l!i-:!'l:itJ ,<:;f·:( "rY t;!RL Fil.!. t'i1s(·111aT. 111i: opr11.1• ln r· a111b111ous St:\\'l;\:l; .\lac·lu11r OflC'rator~ Gel. p,1y l~Jnus _ strady 11·u1·k, illl' • onr\111011. trainrc~ al so Lu ~·w,;l~·Tori D:·a·,1·C'r ·!t:Ol 0H11-.'li :-:1. Nr11 IXJl"I BrRl'I 11wa1· t )(' airport ,t· :-;;ir S<'!I,•. 1°1111)11' t'u11111•I. d11·rr-J111•:::•> l-\1y•. .~11 11•.I •l111n·~. Tn $62.i. Call - "''""' ""'· "~""''' SHIPPING AND COASTAL AGENCY \ 111<'1111,,,,. .. r RECEIVING :-:'.11rll1nc ,(· ~11••ll1n~ 111.-. ~i!~1 ll;11'!~1r r.1. (.'.1~1<1 ~lr ~.j SE('!'~' -g,.-,,,.-, -.,-,-,-,-,-,-,-.,-,-,., ;u·1n' .\ 1J•'P''n<lablr 1nll "i'I· 11 ork111r: 111 rrr h lwld \.!LO C<1ll H11l1r f-lc'l·k, ;;,1f'l.h4/J.-, COASTAL AGENCY .\ llll'ltlbcr ur Ynun~ 111;it1 r()I' .'h111p111g and R''"l'i\'t11;.: IJrpl, .\ltJ~l <:J11·1 dr1w11dablr !r<.11\Sp<)Cla ! 1011 Ct'nr1·1<1 pl.1111 111a111tr11anrr r1 c .. d,•y shift, .\pply in pl'r :.un !l Ritt tn ., 11111 POLYOPTICS INC. ~11rll1n;; !.· SncLi11i:; !nr 27(.11 1 !!.11J<,r 111. Cost;i i\h•,11 l ~L1 L c.1rnll'i:1f'. :"'. .\. ---Er(11rr11 ::-lrwpo:·1 !-\•"'-• Sl::l"l~J·.'J'1\R Y, fron! 01f1cr ~ 1:1.,.lnill<, So. Of \\"arlit-r p<'r:>ona.l1ty & ariric11.rancr , ------------> S!1orlhan1I .t R l' r u r a 1 r SJTTl-.f~-l:r~p. lady tn care rr·~n~~T1plu.i1 r f' q u 1 rt' <I. fut· n1~ :; 1110 oltl, 2 e fln.~. & S!Hrl1ni: salary S ~iOO . 1 t.;1' :.! ,.,, • ., 11k. n1y homll', Trlrrihunr fOt' I 11 I ,. r v I e II NI:. bl ... ;:~ifi 6 l+HJ~:;1 Blii{'kburn Co .. SITTEI~ \\'c,,-,,--,,-'<71.-lcS-,c.-0-,.-" Alnlu1·i\'.r11"[l(l1'l Lanri Co. for •ll'1'11~1'1n;\] r vr n1 ng f. I ~~;: 11·l'~!el1 ff Dr , Nr11·por1 111; •'11r1~. J~:il J~1 673-11687 Brarh -----I --T\CU BELL ~t~C'TY ~k1l.rd p1•1·i;ri11 11dl Pl 11 1,.r /h~< Cnllr i;:r «tufi,.n1 l>l" 1hr _ 11'..'.rr for lhl~ l'O~ {,,. 11,r-.1Ur. '\'fl 1'\f) n,.,._ lll'i lanf,! 1~~"111111:' npply ;i 11a11~ (),.,.,,11 \\r 111 Br~rh ~m·· \.·,;:.. Call :-',1lly Hart ;,;;1;_;s1111 COASTAL AGENCY \ Jnrn1l)l'r •lf :-:11r\lir1-..: i., .<:nrll 1n_i: 1111 .,~'"' ll•rl•>I' ra. Co~1 1 :'llr ··1 ,..;Ll"I"\ .\111!JJlJOUS llfl"tll\ f,. 11~~1•1 l'".I' p!'l":-01111"! !•I 1"/I l•I l.!!•ll11n;.: 1·n. Tr 1T1f11 f•P· p1,1 ' :-:1~1·1 ~•VI \all 1 ;~ona h .11 o10-r,r11.1 COASTAL AGENCY ,\ 1nc1nhrr 111 S1\"l11ng & ~llf'll1ni;: !ll• :'i!1(1 Ha1·U.1r 131, Cn~lil :'11r,a St:Cll',(;IRL Fl:!: 1;0 !o rh,, t11p 11·' th1~ l 'O. l 1Hrrr~1· 1ng-1·hallrng1ni;, l1<'l\' of··~ lhllT)'. to ~t)t!. Call BWIC' Brt•li .. i l0-6u..-µ COASTAL AGENCY ,\ 1nt>111ilf•r of Sr!"l1111g .t ~ncll1n~ Jnr. '.?'i'90 llarlx>r Bl, Costa i\lr~ Teller to $410 !.,i•r:· 1;~ar•11 arf'il Independent Plt'r,onnel Agency 1i110111ni;:r \•r . :'u1tr (' c \I i.-1~.rvi:u;. _,1f}.m•~r Tt:l .. 1.t:!: ... ,.., 11r" r'n \\'i4nJ, ;_:rn1 nr II JWI ~nn In fH 1nT1) J11 sli •rl111'..'· y;;·1 f..'.al! Sa!lj i la1·1, .1 I0.6fciJ COAST AL AGENCY \ n1<'111 hrr r1f Stll'll 1n;:: .~ Snrl11ni: lnr :!7;1(') Harl•ir ll!, C(IS!H i\l,·~;i HUGHES I neat HI appcaranr<', Set SECURITY GUARDS NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL ELECTRONICS DIVISION J 1111. :?:190 Ncwporl , C.:'11. ''r•\ll011 i!J't'a, 637·30i0 Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 Job,-Men, Wom. 7100 SALES En_:r think he al sclliu.--. "' y ou'd life good insurance? funds'! 1\1 ulual I nves lmeul Ur did \"OU counseling'! you ever wish could sell all three'! ' I PRODUCTION • & TEST I ELECTRONIC .1 TECHNICIANS For con1pu11,,nl.~ I<'~! 11nd Pl'O- duchon ~uriporl A 1111nimun1 of 0nc yf!ar of i.Tcent indlJ~· trial r xpcncnN" 1~ rN'ju1rtv1 A kno11•lrrli,:f' of ~ohd st.a le eirc11i1ry is d('sirabll', OpcnlM);!> a1·1· n11 Jsl a nd 1nd ~h1lt!. HUGHES ' NEWPORT BEACH ________ ,, \\·,.·i·r on" nf !hr fl'\11 \\•ho !11 now in 1'111 three. And I 111 rf'ady lo offer the righl nian an P11ecullve ~.11r~ opportun!ly. 511'\llnr broad·5J>eCln11J1 ftnan· ~·1Rl plnnnlni: to indlvlduRl!I nnd bu~ineSJO,cli. Rr11rr-~rnt111t: a fir~l·l'fl l f' $:l·hill iori 1·ornpa/1y, \\11th a 1r111n1 n:: salary up lo S850 a month plu~ 01>portu· n1t1r~ for addi11onal income. Anti prosJ)f'Cf& hii:,h in tl1r f ivr-fi s;:111·r ran~r. 500 Superior Avenue I Ntwport Be•ch, Calif. ·1·11~: ~u~ ;\l·;v~.n ~1·:Ts ''" l l,1,1-1f1cd's s rtion l1'''1rr l·r•1 an ,.,r rn ~rll "t-n11wl th<' .. 1111·1\. dial t>-12·:<67li' IJ 11)1~ sOlllJd<; likr your 1·up nr l<'il. t•Jl11 Ill" al ;, 12-~'.23. <'SI. 321 or \\"file BClX 1\!~6. 011!Jy r1lot I rl Ilk<' In hf'lilr rmm you. V'111,1I Of'l[)<'l"l11n1!v I "m pl<J~l'r :'I\ f.· ~ 29 JOB! Jolu p 1 To p< 1:llec p1\YI Teri ll'rl ll 1~11 ••• c. El t :ql! T r.vp1 go-. ~UIT Ml T~'JJJ: .\r.-i1 ll':JI Ta pr ;\t'I' r.ar Typ Ml TC PT HI PC TYF .Ill\! pri y < l ! • l .s; \\"A! •11111 ful! l\'11 v.·" r :::1:::; l.ltJ~ \\ (J~ llHh '"ho 1nh :..LI Cd.' \\'()~ llJC'I and IC'<i• TH• ::10 :'11,\1 y So Sch Pl 1 h< lhr n1.1 iii"; Co .\: I !.\"~ ,\],,l Al' Cl ,\~k ,\·1·1 t~f\ \\'( Lf'; '" ~'.ii I r.i VO< IC'I' 11d· ·~ SA Fu 131} k tat •o All 001 '" ,. 6'( ti SI t'h ~tr ~.11 l '."I -, "' L1 '"' '" -------------------------------. --·------,...---·---------------·-~· ·-. ·····-·· Joba--Men, Wom. 71 00 1 lii7. 2 ........., I I PRODUCflc»r I TI!CHNICIAN , To Pt'l'l~1·n1 clc1.:tron1c ~·he<'k.I r.heck n11t ,,r n1 if·1~1v;i1r 1 r rodurl<1 & n.~· rn1111">0nf'111~ Tr.-11111,;al nr ~l'l'\'li'f' .~1'!1~<JI 1 11·a 111111~: 111 ,.1 .. (·1rnu1o·~. \II' r~ I !.10•!1 ('.'l.J!. d1 !'-ll'•'oi Call Personnel Dept. 1714 1 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. ~-11Uil l op1Jvrtu11 11v r1npln.v"r Traffic Clerk/ Adv r~·p111g. 1J1d,1•g b.nkg1'0unfl, i.:t~.N! rlcta1J. lollv11 up, pi-1•;, i ~II•'"· \.lnt n11ply' 1 , MISS EXEC AGENCY 1!0 \\' Coil s( ][w·. 'l'ypl~t I ,\lTIU'a!r 1yp1~1 \\illll<:'rl, \\"11\ 11·.1111 tn <)p1•r;1Tf' pu11d1••ol 1:qw lyf>C'l\T llf'!'. )' r I 111 ,.I ;\r11 port [;r;u h. Ca J t ' r.:irba!'<a , i;[HJ1!11 Typing 1 MTST/MTSC OPERA· TO R WANTED, NEW-1 PT. BEACH GRAP- H ICS FIRM. PERM. P OSITION. 71 4/S46-4670 TYl'l.'iT:::. r a ~ 1, n1:cuca1r, ~))Ill" hn111r .~· 1_1pp11 nl~1· .. T••P 1""· '"~'~''"'"-"~'1 WAITRESS EXPER IENCED A pply in P erson SURF & SIRLOIN S930 P•c . Cst. H w y . N ewpor t Beach e e WA ITRESS- c .,11r1•1rnc·r· -(ll'l'l' ::1 .\p11I~ Ill p('1'~"ll 1\0;.;'.\ L ,\;\/·'.:-\ I _21i~~l'~', Cu,.,1,1 '.\Jr~~ \\"Al'l"!tE:-.S /·.:-.pr!'ll'O<"P f<1r/ •t1nnl'r hou:-r p;11·1 t1111r & full 11111<' l·J T<11'tl C.d1·, \'.lri\ \\'anll'r 11 I.;., f!lit111r Sl•~-:ir,;~ \.\',\Jft:B°', \\' :1 It rC ~.$<"S , :?!~! I:., Cva~1 Jl11y. C cl I\!. I IJU:·!)I')'~ t''\fl0d. r\J •ply \\'0;'1!!-.N . l .~pd. ~"\\ln,t; 111:il'111r1r "Ii''!~~. 10 lrarf'I ~h"r 1•rp;111• 11· .. ulc. SIP•«lyl 1(lh 1\NTHO:-<Y ~ .~1 11lb l :-1.1:1·. ::w1 1.. t ,.,1 Jh1~ , CcJ.\[. li<:;.,iij\11 I \\01\t l'::'\ -;-._ri! -~Ca rt:<i l<J ~"! 1 thr1r h1111d-. rl1rl). r .. r ~111111111:1 and l"ilf'•'l,111~ <JU\ "h•,,..~. 11 111 j lral'h. S1c11dy 1u!1 ,\,'\ TMONY ~ ~ll f'JL SEP.\" I ::1n 1 1:. r .. 1 !\11~. cD;11 r.~~.--$0·! I. ----.:-:-~ .... ~..;\lO:'lli\N * ;11,\TLP..r~ f':~rt 11 111r.I Youni: .\J,1!c1·111ty ~h•ip~ ~ Co;1~1 Pl;.~a Pi!'~ '1!\l,\· Schools-Instruction 7600 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING W "nted 6 M e n T~l ~TAHT {"L1\:-. .: \10:--ili,\Y, l)l·r ~l 1f, 1 hr f'l rlr 't p1·11::r,11•1 111f"rtll~ lh<" IH",<r,1 f'IJ'llpl1ll'l\I /.. l);,,,I II I " d ' I' 11 /"I'' 11111"~ ii\illltthl("' .!·•Ill 1hr 11 Jdl r' Academy of Computer Technolog y i ".til . .i:-'l :: ! 'l ,1111 t" ~ pn1 .1ri1' r1n : r11·t.11 II ITll .\ 1-L rL·r.1 . .\~·· rdu1 .1l1u11 l)ri lo;.,1·1" 1' 1 ... 1 11• ll''ln '1•1! 'Iii 11111 I 1.'<N l\J·.1·:f'v 1:l-I''·"' r1r 1;r1·, 1-.:ri.,1 ~.'\.11·111'.'\.1 1. I 1!<>1rl l!rilrl .\pt ;\lf'111 ~·I~ .\ [)J\'J.<.:J()'\l 1i If" ! .\:\Tl IONY l'Cl IOI ll.,..:. 1717 S. BllOOl\.llURST ANAl-IEl:'-1, C1\Llt'ORNIA C!11sM:'s 101111 rvPry \\"t'ek PllONE FO/t APP'r. A~k far Bctly Ti6--5.~ro ,rrr~;NTIO~ LOVIN\, P/\R-1 l'.:NT~~ VtJUfl! :-J•t.EC!li IVORl\SllOP. Ages 7 to 17. Lf'<1rn In .~pcti l> 11~1!. r n1111~·i·I ;i1r. pl'tlJ('Cl . ,Vtcr ~chool ti: ~·.;11unlayi-. P rlViilp lJf cla.,~11 ralr~. ·19 l-!l!9~1 VUCAL Trrh. f.· ~••llt; in- tcrprr1a11on Br~1nnrt'.~ thru 11d.,.an1 l'•I. ·l'l l-!l~4fl ;i ll 6 ~C:R LH ANOISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Fur nitur• 8000 -~--------, BLU!~ ,t· i::;o!d hrt'.l('Rde couch k 1natchi11i: chair, 2 end!' lablr & t'OrfN" lablr, dMK 1>.'ooi 1v I KrvPrm1tr fini!h. 1 . i\11 for SM. fi4fi-::!629 DOUBLt:: bNJ. l'Ul nplrlf'. 21 twin hrrl~. S2'.'i &. SIJ. Coorh f..· rh11 1r $.~J PIRM $i:1. &t&-11-1~ u~ro Dan1~h ~l"C('I\ :<Ola k ch;11r l l.i'.! lJ..tlll ~h r'h.:i1r, blue .trifl" .~l:Z. Th ,. 1-'ll ('!Ol'y,~ ~1~-~-1~1 I !;1-il;:iJ ~lridt•t'll 11..,..,.-j <i lll<'!I\'. :, pr , "11 11111! $""•~. r nu· nf 1 h•n11•~. a111h"!' r17-•c!nl, htith $1'1 Thr Vacl••l-Y, ~.1~-31~1 l!All.Y /1!1.01' n [.\I e ,\ !Ar-;f,,<: You 1·~11 u,,. lhrm 'or juM 1"'"111,., ;i rl~y Dui.J I'll.OT Lla~~1fifd ad. Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Guit1r 3. Baby C rib 4, E lectr ic Saw S. Camer1 6. W•sher 7. Outboard Motor I . Stereo Se:t 9. Co u th 10. Cltirinet 11, Refrigerator 12. P ickup Tr uck 13. Sewin g M ach ine 14. S u rfbo a rd 15, Machine T ools 16. Dishw as her 17. Puppy 18. Cebin C ruise r 19. Golf Ca rt 20. B arometer 21 . St1 m p Co11 1'clion 22. Dinette Set 13. P lay P en 24. Bowling B a ll 25. Water Sk is 26. F r e ei e r '27. Suitcase '28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. B icy cle JO. T ypewriter 31. Bar Stocls 32 . Encyc lopedi1 33 . V a cuum C le aner 34. T rcoical F i1h JS. H ot Rod Eq u ipm't 36. F ile Ca b inet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silve r 39. V ictorian M irror 40. Bed r oom Set 41. Slide Proie cto r 42. Lawn Mower 43. P ool Table 44, T i res 45. P i11no 46. Fur C o11 47. D r ape s <18. Linens 49. Hor'• 50. A irplane 51 , O rga n 51. Ex•rcycle 53. R11re Books 54 . Ski Boot• SS . High Chair S6 . Coin• 57 . Electr ic Tr1in SS. Kitte n 59. Class ic Auto 1-0. Cof fee T1ble 61. Mo to r cycle 62. Accord ion 63. Ski~ 64. TV Set 65. Workbench 66. Diamond W 11tch 67. Go·K•rt 68. Ironer 69. Cam ping T r1iltr 70. An tique Furniture 71 . Ta p• Recorder 72. Sailbo1t 73. Spo rts Cir 74. M1ttress , Box Sp,1 7S. Inboard S peeclbo1t 76. Shotgun 77. Stdd l• 78. Dart G .!lme 79. P unch ing B ag 80. B1bv C1rri19e 81 . D rums 82. Rifle 8J. o.,k 84. SCUBA Ge1r Th•se or any other extra things around the house may be turned into cash with o DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Ju~t Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> :.tARr1~1 Al.II) :>:a.-< 1111!1 $.-1111• •1111!" \';J~l', ;;trJUd l'Ull• cl•i1011, $:l:~l. 21.:-1.'.0-01-U e1 PJ1u1i.:o"c· ______ _ * AUCTION * F R.IDAY ·OCT. 10 7,30 P.M. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN OLDS Arnba~-.;1dor 'fnHn[)('t I< 1th nrw Cil l'\". SJ:IQ. Kent ele(' g1111ar, llPIV eond. Good fr1r l)('g111rwr .$R"1. ;.1!\.-4309 -GTBSONE -s"IBTo S.·<11-00111 ,,.,~. o,van•. Bunk IJ<'d~. c.i11'SI ~ "' dr11.wen, i\la l!11'.ssr~. l.11n1("P!l, Pictur· ~·. I •l!JCIP•, C.'OC'lftatl lal>l"I!, Ch0t1r•, Pl.IOI l&Wl;,, 3 !are n1r:r!r! ~-:l'rr-ns. l s~!.."li!h ~rrr.n. J',f'fngt'n.lorll, Frfti;. r ers. S1n1·rs, \"·a~hPn<, Dry. Sh ow Room -F loor Samples · f•ctory C lo &eo ut& 2 pickUPf', l•1ng rwi•k. 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. ,IOcilld bodl'· n1alchlt~3. 61~!.!·16 F.1·en\nqs ---------- • 5 pc. 1uthentic Span i&h B d rm. set, e 96 in. quilted &of1 w ith 56 in. matching love se11, or c h•ir e 5 p c. Spa nish Dinette , o ak table top e 3 heavy Mediterrane1n mat c hing t ables, top durable e n ough for F l1ml'n co D•ncing . Will sell piec:~s ind ivid ual ly. P ia n os & Org~_e 130 • P!A:"O HENTAL :':PECIALIST,;; N\) llm .. l11n 1t. H<'nlal app!IPS to purrha~ .. 11 l!hin " )'t"ar l\"f.\V k U!'t;o Pl1\NOS & Oft(;,\r\S. &'t dralo: in Ora11~ Cuunl~. \\"HY el"!i f.. ,\!UCll l\JURJ:.:'.! r WINDY'S AUCTION C'O;\!f-; BRO\\'SJ-: AROUND 2{17.11;, N!'.'11-port Blvd. Rrlurwl Tony'!i Bldg 1'1at'ls Co:.1a ;>.tf'~;i • 616-8686 Of'f-.N DAILY~ lo~ Shop Firli! "Thin See Our Unbelic11 a ble Buys ! 1001 oth•r items with terrific saving.s! Bank 'ferms Store Charge !\luster l'harge • I" 'v •)VCI hra(j • •lt>:1I fl 1n·1·lly 11ilh ll1t' owucr & ~a1c 1·0111n1i!>.~l<1n. \\"c 1;1kr t 1·1ulr~ B.1n~ !l't'lll~. Opr11 ilh!ll .t Fr1 "Vt'~. Su n 12 In 4 RankAmericard :\11 :\cccptcd SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS l !A~li\10~0 In COHONA DEL i\li\R 2S:i4. r:. Coa~1 JJ11y 1;7:;-ll.9?,ll Lw·r111 -l..l1111tr _ f'ocal - WOW! Top Bra nd Na m1s l'>inrty-INTF:LLECf full 40 inch p iano c:ons•le R,.niark a[)1u1 a riumbbt'll: "Too balf they don't ~u for only . $699 IOU!'('es \\'Ith huiH·ln JNTEL. Thi!'! 1s our i.1wr1al buy fr.r Ll-.:C'r. f ·-~"~'";;;;I t~u~••:::... ____ 8~000:,::: Furn it u r• 8000 Or!'lb,•r • gPt ) ours 1101'' . all I;-::;:;:-:::-::------ ___ _;,;:_;:, ll n1sh115. Buy olS l·hcap!y as LOVI::l.Y Siriglo: lllil plr bed ESPANO 'l IN QUAllTY a ivnl;il. J20. Bo."< gpring~ &. rnattr,.s1 M odel Home Furniture GOULD MUSIC s1.-.. OH 11l11tr ~hl1il('1"~ .~6>:72 S:n·111t:s 1.1 ~J',C, ,-,.ry ca~y '.'fH-N ~l <::A ~1-_06111 111de $::?fl. llnusu;il u!f 11h1 te f111a1u•111:! .1 "orn pJrt" roon1); • ;J 1 · ' ain. · .~ 4 v;1ni1y <1,.~k l '!(I, S'1111 1J nf ''"''"1a1nr~ ~h-lrol S11a111~h e e YAMAHA n1,.ple tahlr ~10. \\'a .. n n OVER -STOCKEO MUST SEU! /''',,,,,,,,.~ <' ,,,,,,,·,, f ,,,, $ ('Q,11S .~· lll''k"!•,, "'''''"''" f\"e1v hrri~. h:111c ~·1~·,n. '· ,,.,, · · ~ u " PIANOS & ORGAN " ~ Q "' ·o I l111n"11"i , 1i..tu1u ftu.Ull.v ;\Ja. );i ie 13--11 ~1-~fi Grrl~ \\'1tr1n _uerru; , : ""'• Ful S l~i.~O. ,1,. ,1 1,. ,,, .... 00,, Tl ~ .. lhr ron1plr1 ~ linP al: fur,.,, coat ~iz.• 11 11 '". T11·in5 s;;:i.:..o, full y i::;uarn. ' ' ~ ' l i.;rutip. l{' COAST MUSIC 'J ~ JU J.;ing .~1. spn:.'ad~ $]}f(', fl. Ql"l:;:lll"il l·.I l 'J'C~idclllC spar-~16-.134 1 ~t. $9.9J. NrlY 9 pc, 'orncr l(llJS n1;1,1rr k111~ ~ll(' l>r•I· Nl~\\"PORT l:. HARBOR llAITER1r s 1 ~ I rovin ,\1111c and lhc au!hen11e COSTA illESA • fi~Z-2851 ~, w 10 1 :\S, 6 ;;i.rrani;. cho1rt:' of ('Ir~ rr~. \-oil Sii. r .... chani;t'. lO uar. $:':;(1, !)()I~' Slj9_~1(). IJPadbrds: La Par 1•·111ugl" 1mn dtnc!le Open 10-6 Fn 10·!1 ~un 12-5 frrP insla.11. \\'r. buy nld Kings, SJ5, Qucf'ns $12.;,(I, ~t:-1Llllulr_d :;lock • J ISS. NO\\l.rr11l 11. Batdw111 p1a110 batieries. Volt Bn(l('ry 2fl21 Full $10.50, T1,i11~ SI.!!.>. ~"111011 !'ho•i·nlOin. 59 18 /or vnur child for $2.00 llarbot". C:'lf fi •l 5 -08 :10, Trundle srl~ fdt1r1 \"ISCl'• 11 ' \\cstin ins t~r ;\l e, \\"cstnuns. we ,.·k. Profc.~slonal in. 616-{o!j(J 0f)('n Sa\. inner spring 1111111. 1·r1: .. \ll)'i. ~''0'c0'°c'=·="="~'=====~I structinn available • rrsulls -. \\'ILL l'urrhasc one to now S79.:i0. r.oll·<l·ll'ay brds, g11aranlrM. Shop e v I' r y iv ( inn. !>pring niul!. rrg. C:Hfice Fur nitur• 8010 ni~ht Ii· ."Hnd;iy aftrrnoon. t11clv,. 111onlh mPmbenh1p u1 llnl1rlu y Health Spa. $5:1,50. na1v s;;fl.5ft. Canopy Llf<I" Nri" ~I 1, ,0 . 60 11'.\Rf)'S Bi\LD\l'IN ~TUOIO ~ • .. ,..,.. .1pr .. x 8 N , ~ Cn~\a 1'!rs.;1, frurn pri\'ale 1-er!s J'f!G". Sl\9.jj), no111 $8!1.~. ll':olniit d,·.,k.~ 1,11 11 lr,Jther I 19 · r11·prn1. C • 1. 642-.S4S~ parly. Full sz. s]C!"fl • ~ol;; rr g, fu11s h frw11111·a top~. 2 1:-:,.r. l!Ar-.!il!O~D. Stt"1nw~y. Ya- S2::9,jll. 1101" SHi!l.rill. Chn.<l-l'h .. irs. ,; .~1r1,. Ann r•h:i irs, maha • 11c111 & used piallQs n1as la_v-a11 ay~ now. ~11:,<:TA all uplinl 111 gold. J N-rt'v ol all n1alies. B('st buys Jn Call 1137-42.l'l SLi":EP ~JlOP. 1:127 l l;1rl~1r ehau·, ol i1r 1111hol 1 ·~ .. d IPs.s So. Ca\1 r. r i.;:hl hf>l-e. Blvd., (;\f 6·1~2160 daily 10· lhan 6 !lll)l'i, :"·Mc. S.il5 4:a~h. :)Cll'.\llDT flllJ!'IC CO., ~ ,:'.:at-:'un 10-6. 67~ .. ~~9 1907 N. t-.111.in, Santa Ana 20 Pc. "MADRID " 1-.--. ---1---="'°;:.;.,c=~ "GEE, MOM, IT'S A 3 Room Grou Off>ee Equopment SOil WUR LITZER !" FR.Q,\I l\JODEL 11 0."IJ~ ELl~CTJ{OST1\TIC rholoe'lp· ~fodel ·1100 ,1·i1h .'ihaborim~ Includes: Qllilterl sofa anri 1cr. 1\pc1·0 Sllf'"l"~l<il. Like Uiled 11·alnul ;\led1tcrra nean. chair_ 2 Plld tit bles & cof. nr11·, n1;1kr); "Int ('Opics. Like new. tl"')' S~~ fee ra ble -2 lanips _ drt-ss. Con1r~ 111th Jf((l .~hrc!s pho.-121~• :,!)6.~~80 er -mirror -hrac!bnard -tQi·.,py P·1 1wr Cn~1 Sl-100: Sff)r..Y 8, C'l;,rk piano con- q uil!cd hox !pnng & n1at\-a~kir~i;: ~-~lil:'· 1~C-~\i4~ 1iet'k· soli.:, .'\lr1t cond. SJOO. l't'SS -5 pc_ dining rooru; d;i,i~·~t;1 l~f'k••nrl• 67"·61JS \\'ASJ!J•.J t S20 ;>.lodcrn lnve ~r;il $;;;;. Dln"llC' Sf>I!'. ST-$12. Cm~~ !Op ref. SIO. The !lr111"" in R:ir·k of 4!,'.i E. 17th ('\1 612-:>j \1 table & .\ hi·hack l'hilir~.. T\'1'1::\1'1:1"1"1·1:, 1\dd. 111a1·h, t'HEJ·; Ol:l;i\N Cl.i\SSES COi\IPARt:: AT S749 9,, ct1l{'Ulatur , \1P1'y rrCl~onablc. d ;\Iron ay nt1('!'. 7:::0. ~·:i() pm $399 ~~ru! .~'1:!·:!.l~.3 GOULD MUS IC CO. G rand Opening SALE I Pl'IOH'') 1 11111..~. f1~li . BCl"<'SS 201:i N. ~1 11111. S .. \. 5'!7-W:>:! 'Tl...; TROPIC,\!. FISll Ga~_9_! Sale 8022 S:\lALLl"pr1ghl. Pin110 f.· 90~11 ~-d111;;"r !0; i11:t~n.,!i.l L;i\r:i\GI·: !'i<ilr. 2 fa1111lic);. i}4"11ch. Xlo11 1·01id. :!()(()Beryl t"11111 Va!lry • .~1:!--1.-.~.(l No rlo11'11-[·1111~ onl.v .\Hi 11111. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V ·11!1 :-1 .. S,1111a. .\rm ~l r•11. 11•11nr 11., ht 1 d rp n · Laur, N.B .. -.1~.1\ilill GIBSON ES 335 TD Oncn lJa1l_v :>-~ t' J,. ll1111,i.:-111;u1y hnu~rhold PRJV,\TE P ,\RfV \\/ANTS :? p1ck11p~. Joni.: neck. NII. !1-6 l'un 11-6 1 1 r rn ~ AJJ 11\:il •!r, ti JI TO BU\' f'[ANO Jo-OR :)olirJ hody, n1,J'• h.lrss. OLD oRk 111hlr. $G.",; 1~111,1n p·n~f!n11lilr. ~1 61 ·1 rrry Dr. CA!'ll, J.12·60-l:i fil."r:r--16 F:i•rnlnrni sora l•l'rl. eha1r & rn"' 1b/. l/1101111~1n11 P.•1;11·11 t h~hn1rl -.~=---,-'--~I " 1-----------'l\ll~HY V;icuu1n rl~;orlf'r \\>1th s;..o; grcrn lu>lr·a-h1•1t SI:>: Li-11n;i 1~I s Br;u ·h J; J 1·t l · ~. T I · • 12011. a11 :1.-l1 & 11ol1shcr. Xlnt C'l)nd ocras. r-ha 1r $!~1: •!i·r~.,,.,. :ilPrr l :-\el Vl"l I Ith IO A,\f e ev111on .J -----------I.· ~u;i r1111t,,ed. P11y oH haJ ol $1 :1; 11hl. <lhl. l1rdn11 ·'•'!, lo ~. P i\t ---USED TV 's ~:;9.ti7 or 1ak~ '11·rr pymnts. rlressrr, 1111rror $12~1: l'h1d10 AS.'iOr.TEn l'l01lh1n~ n1/f, Crr1lit dt•p t .'i1~72S'l bed &. boJSICCS $20: J111n p tJr<tPCS <'11· b;d1y f1Jrtl !ii\~ '.'I" \\'P\llllJ.:11'111\f> fV ,. ~1 ~ $Iii; \\'onrlrr llnr~r: SIO: 1 Ill; 111r::'. 1.,i'1111~. 1'n hl~~: 21·· ~lotqnilii. TV ••• ,.,,, .~I~, D1\V!~NPORT. Bcd.~. la1nrs. h11nd bl'lc-ke<I !1nrn •·;,fr cur-eli;irr~. fnn"•I pi cttirri;. "Ll:l" !"'a1·k:1rd Bf'!! TV .... S'..'O dln1ng ~"I, R 1 r t'um11'1onP.r. la in~. 4 pr S2fl: 1 .. blr $'.i. l\it ll hr.il•'I'~ lrl.P l'I!"\\' [:, 11" Zr111!11 Pnrinhl ....... s'.!.l 11"'111 patio fllrn. !"1 •1!1-{1213 or fj7:;...J&M, <1-6 p.111. niuf'h 1nnrr .. ~G.'l ~IOll'"l"l~J " Z.-.n11!1 f'nrt11hl ...... s::o 6i,-;..;~o:; LEAVJN(j STATE . l\leditrr-C 'I. Thur.; lht11 Suu, 9:3rl-1 21" RCA Colnr T V ···· $125 SURPLUS F11c!r>ry rire'' ranean 8' .~ofa lui·P. ~rel, pn1 7!)1R Yll'l'S!onP Blvcl. f11br1r.• f..· n>n1nanls. Sold lo i){J>1ttl' 'I\" 9'.l" ••fQ corfpe t11l;ilr. :! r nd rum-f' l ' f' " I 1· fl RE ,--.Y -·'· • _ _,.....,1 lhe put>l1c 8--1 i\l!Jrfilay thnJ , ••' • am~.-· tnod~s. hidr-a-bl'rl, la1nr~. lurri·lr~. 1111nibikP, 1irr~. 62 Lra~e Color TV or Black Sar. l82fl l\lonrov1a , C.:\f, Sparu~h kin~ :>II.(' hrrl nu R:11nhlrt s1 11. \\';u:. J1!1~r. k \\"h1te, Option lo buy. CRO~S lop Re r r i i ., ~er . Al~o beaut1fnl fnr11111l 1':1r~. S;1! ""11. nr·r .. "1-12. r-rer ~rrv1f'". No drpo~il 11utcn1;11 ic dl'fffl~t . F.xc. $65. dining r 111 ~"! i\11 2 1110.•. 2!lO') 1-;11r,.,111'·1·r .•IO--"l:ll:'.! A·1\c!11·" TV H"n!a.l (o. Th~ Jlr.u.~c in Ba.ck 445 E. old. \\'ill ioa1·rif1te. Cal! col----------111 :.:z2-11 :i:~ li llL Iii'.' :0.74! CA l\PE'L ~h:s~. hi-lo NF.\V'I -,-~~-~~:.:_-__ "°'""'°'~-,;;;c-,,--c---'71 ~r! 2l ~:-1 ~!J-:,i~I ~1 f(J. ~d. 3'.16 JJa inilton. ~I " Zr111!ll r ortcil1lr J~f) Ar>PRO"\. 1·10 ~'I ~rl~ rarp<'!, 'F URN!TURI:. & cubin('I ~ like c.~1. S«lu rcl·1y nnly. :ll " rl CA l·rilor TV S\3:) 11 /nndf'r rn~l lin~. $2/sq yd, ,\'OU ha1·c nc1cr ... rcn al 1!~ ~12::.1~1n \\'nr!h ;i lot n1orc. C..tll 8 An1,.rira·~ l;i r;::<'~I '-· n1ost A ppliances 8100 ZE~l rH TV po1·1abl!', J4". i\,\l-l0 1\\l"ny11a~·.fil2--791'i unusual u11f1111~hrd /•11"n1Tur.-, . • 1 1nrlu<!int: i;!;i11<i. XJnt cond. --B-El~I , llEL:'llET store. Cor Hrrlhill & ~<>nl a 1: l . ~f1·1~rr;1trir · · · · · · · :l .~ ;111• Thon1a~ fjl If ;,Jl-6:-V.S $.:!"• .\na F"11-,1', T11~11n. 1 11!1 Sn. } P.J.l·.ZJ-.! ............... <;~ ~=======-= UU .lnhn ;:iitrr 6 p ;\-f, ol Nl'llpctrt F11y. Open 362 r;r. \1R.•h"1 rlr\ "1n1ton. 5 1ti~ Hi-F i & Ste reo 8210 r1 ~.vs prr _1r. ,\1\--,",.fiO. nr' C•111,,,1.-, 1nl·11· TV, S17S! fr1.l--Ol:l7 ANTIQU~· Rl k 1 Ser at If' )O'I or anyl)n" )'lll know 01.Y,\IPIC lV Co•1.•'llr Sl"r-"~ ___ ' ~ll "1 ' '"' 1 DUNLAP'S .'II'" l""k f , h A:'>l,'F~! lnwre.v f'Jr.:;i n ,,./ ;j\,o(), , I ~ \ii~ '\ll\1 1,, 1,.,.1 ., .. -ini: nr A !.;'"''' Uy ,,rpl ,1·/rillih•.;J' p.~d S l~1'1. 21 J~J"1 N< •'· P 11 I r;hd, l' ~1. nn a :-.1rr<''l, l h .1\1' .,.,,.,.iii h•11rh . Rri1h ."\lnr. e'!c'. \\"1rl!h l)<t l~f" d1·:iprr:v s~. z -__ 548-7788 1%9 l'rJn111011o>nl &· l'lf'lt1 ~r !l'i'.!-.'i59:> c'insnlt' 1110.J,.ls th;il I 11111 1,., 'C,,A-f"tr"1"··"r·-,,,-, -,,".-,.-,-----· l!ang1ni; J11r. 11\1\1 1'"<:. r.'lth APT .->11r ;:;1~ ra no;f', J\1 ~.l!il l.': ' '-' ~ !i ~. •· 1~~ '""" ~2.1. r:.n1111rl 1~" Tr<Jl•'1"l1n(' w l'll\::•·r/11;,~111'1' 11-/wh1tr fl\lidt11i n~ 10 l";l l.~r nrrdr<d 1•)11, av1n·:11ln 11.\lon '"'ll'fl"I. rnrfr" table $100. r 1 r . rior1·!'l.i111 11ih, IY>lh 111 \lnl <~~h. 1\01 rrasonafil.-ull"r rl 0LJh'." 1111r 11111 l(<'IJ \\"111 ~ell 61::-62.~!; r onr l. 11111,.1• n \D<l"l l;ibwn \llll h,. rclo~c~-T~nn! can all or pn1t i.l _1~1>!. r140·11 45 rrf1·1~. i .1! 11 nrk1ni: r·o11fi. h!' ~n~l-5l1-7:.'il:J. J ,,Dt: Co! I •' r' t 1 n n . ~me ~,.,.;i i :)~l l 1\largar'f"t Dr. :'>l.'°I RAJ\'T7. 2:, r ('c r111 e r. :<nph1st1J•a1rd 1trn1~ • .Yline Nr." pl. 11 .. h. Betak 302 B "r rak er ~r,.r1n1rn F1011e~ & c:ahs. i\IOV!Nfi To f'la . lllu~l srll nl)' 11·tiltr Ii· g'llrl BR and Din. r 111 : 7' i.;rrrn ~ gnl<i Mia, nia~l,.r 1·hair, Jolr!111t:; ~cr!!en, fr. P1-ov. table.~. 'vh1!e f: golrl lampit, drcor ittm!I. F:xcl'llenl COl'jr\ition. 987 Cf'ntPr, l.t<-1. Apt ..12 rtmNITURE .re lurned frnm rlisplay ~l11dios, moriel hn11l· PS, riecorators c11nccl111.tlof'I. Spani~h & r.1rrii !etT11.llrAn tic. RD FURNITURE 1844 Newpor t Blvd ., CM r'\CJ"y ll lJ::hl 't1\ !I \\'rd .. ~;ii , f..· ~1 1n. '11\ 6 l\10VT1'··;i ; Tn a111, :. Brt·~ nf QUALITY furn· J)l'<'."<c! S.lr se1, Duncan l"hyfr: rlown sQ[a, l!<'pplr -\\lhylr. huffrt, inRny n1or<' J11vcly Heins. :W6-17:11 ' -OILED \ValnUf cocktail & end table~. n1irroml <"hPst, he1dl)oard, b1cyclr, mirrors, lamp~. Rl'11:1t. 673--15:!2 16 Cu It C opperto n e ref r i ger11.1or/treezer, :i1· nlh•c conrcmporary ll':lfa, SlOO '""· :i16--0ni \\rHJ TE An1iri:,c,~c,-,"~-,",,.-..,m set, r'lml''"''"· 1ll11k~ oriel'. 67:>-31138 aftrr 6 p111 .REF1{1(;~JlATfJR. }'; x c" I . !'.)'st f' Til "~ duol 1019 67.~-:.os~ rond. Crn.;s-lcp frf'f"1.cr $25. lurnl.1hle. $100 or b~-.t orf•'r.H -"rc"i;---,"·o-,-.,-,,.,-.-,n"f-,-.-,,-11-0-C-M 2011 Kin~~ l':d. NB \I-noon &12-!lli:ul t><>rnl'f" 4 T',\I ra1·k SlO \\1r r i::1111 $!~1. a.II for Sal. :~is-2J'.l l GI'.:NJ::flAL Eler tnc ~lrrro; $.)(}. 611l-l~."i'.l WASlll•;R S1 dr,\·<'r, nv'11'ado, /\:'If I F~f. $!00 or be~l OU· Quahty king hed-q111ltcd $123. n('r!'\~·frn.;I frrc Sll:J. o'=-'=·-·=-'o.'=:-"="""-'"1·~c====== CompletP-unused $103. l<'Orl.h J'"1·tt11·1· $r,:>. :.in-tn~r; S25o. Aft 5 Ii "''knds 8·12·6.i36 Tape Rec orcl•r• 8220 SPl<EIJ Q11rr11 a1 110 11.i.~h"1'. UPRIGHT RCA F"'l'Z'"r $7j. l11lf! 111,,,lrl, ,_1111 cond. i:.o. T,\PE fl ECOROEn $10 Bedroom !!t!I, $50. Call !or :-,.if;-f;Gi2, 1147-811'i strrco hc;irl phones, $10 app!. 536-1944 -2 JO" SpPakrri::. $7.:iQ ea. GOOD Bellone t. Zen11b An!i~ue1 8110 Call John all<'r 6 Pt-.1 hearing aide!! tn perfecl •.:;::., ____ ~ 64:>-0397 mndlUon. $50 each. 642-l l28 COLLr.rroR ·s SI IOP r:nlari::;l'rl Fhop \1 1th lot~ Qf ~h:AI X~60 l;ipr r<'tOrdtr 5f't Firewo od For s.1. n"IY ~tnrk: c0111,. ,~ arowi;c ~ in 1\·1/Qd. Brand I"'"'.· T11pe~ 540-98Si Hl·:LJ·;N ~11\NN!NG Anti· inel. fully ;iuton1at1c. $<100, 111•,LE.'ll ,\IANN!Nti Anti(]U('S"c'~'--'-='=:"='=~=====~ CACTUfi "-llll<'L'UIP11ts & 11 mi11c. plant!• 11ale. 374 E . :' !~ N"T't Uld O t &12-!~I . . , I" S ANTIQUES. Cu1 glass & Camer•• & Equip. 1300 ;Jth I., Cl\I FOR Sa1!'-,-,!4"1_"_•_w_F"ic-,-,-.,-,,.-f hand painted chuia. New lfilmm PENTA.'( Takomllr tires s~.00 67~>-20'!2 -4-19 1tifrl loco111nli\'e \\•1th cars & ll'n~. t~."J, :,omm TE~K Seaward R., Cnrona fi,.I r.tar at~ceJ!. n1a1le in Japan, lrns, P EN'TA.."\'. mount, $20. rare. 6l6-836fl OOnim \VOLLENSAK enlarl-21" GE 1V S2:i. Philco ARfllOrRF.S * ART j ng RAPT AR lens, S20. 16 x ttfrigerator $:\;;. bt'drnom OTUENTi\f. • !'tlvcr /glas' 20 YAl\li\Ti\R Binoculars, set Sj(I, 64.>20::._l ___ ~ BACK UOOR li\troRTS $25, Call Johll lll!tr 6 PM, 100% Wool riigs, 9 x u. J.~!Xl Jlarhnr. C.tt. ti l7·7.i76 6.45·0l97 10x14. 8 Mr<! Projector, Uke. --HONEY\VELL Pentax Spat· new. 968-fi177 Sawing M achin•• 11'20 11111.tlc. Black hody, 35 mm. r --~.-.~Sl">"!P0L-EX=~.~--:.:.::..:::-..c c;,:;c::.;:.:_:,;,:c 2 l"FlS. f,.lfi-~1l'Z3 Tii'.1E CLOCI\ $100, 1%9 ~INGER 1<"/hea11t 1v3J _ _ fi7~42 USED 5 IH'-ll!ltt11 11~ 11·h1t~ rflnsnlc f: t1,o:-1a..:. i\tal{e\ Sporting Goodi 8$00 hdrni Fet rleh1xr , S:l7. 'I he hnllon lo'llr•-. f)~rrr;i~t~. :, -'----=--------5PiEci:: d!neltr. ser $3{). Fat·lnry. ;..1r.-:i1i:.1 '°"~r i.:•i;ir t·u!l prirc s:;.~ :z 1 COLr \L\IBS. 1ad 1e 1 \'"ater eoolrr, ~lrle 11·1fldo111 IL IVINI, H11nn1 ~r l, l\1nt1 ~ll" or S.'i~'!i 11101 -.;.;.r~;11; !'pa11l<l1ni: t:.\ttlltive 11'00d11. $41), C!UI ~18 rfoublr nil ~rl, ap11l111ncr~ 8.-• , Bllr Aln1n~t II"\\'. B1111::a1n al $65. \VATER CO I. 0 R PAIN· mli;r'. 9G2-21 ~~ Mua1ca, Inst, ~ f,lfl-.:•lj6 Rf!. 6 p 111. TINGS for Ml,.. s;; In $10. Q11aliiY°kini: l1f'•l..fJU\ltr1l. I DllNnY n-11~1 f"t11 rinrt r ........ 1 ~URl'BOAHDS 9':!" llobif' l\"otvf'lla \m~ll-9e2-2152 Complcle-11nused $\O:i. \1orth i;t•1rlr111 111str11111rnl S 50 ·1 \\'l)")(!y. 12' Quigg T<J ndcn1. T ool & D ie Makerll Slj(). Art 5 & wknrl~ 842-6."'36 I 673--123.'t both for $:)!!. 613--063:1 Complele toolit. 4-71-154.' I .El DAILY PILOT NowCaro '· '· w > w :c I- -· "' • i - Wtdrtt1d~l'. Octob!r 8, 1%'1 9i00 New Cari 9800 New C•rl ___ _:..t800New C1r1 "' ... z ::) 0 "' .,, -a I -... 0 ; .. , ·~ 000 •o• • • • .., 0.., .., 0.., Ill! -Ill -,,. ,,. 000 .., 0.., • • • ., 0 ., "' 0 "' • C'I. .., .., II> ,,. ,,. • .. .lC " .. .vz "' "i: :::) ... 0 1 .... ·--"' "' II -.. 111 a .. ..... "' o , u ' ... .. e. s • • • • • • • ~ ~{ • •• • .... co >-:~ • 0 J • v .. .. •• <. ... • ... ..; :i: ggg • • • ..... C'I ..... C'I --o Ill " -41> lb,,. • .. .IC ... • vZ "' ·-;) . ii: 0 1 " ... ... -"' "' II -.. 111 a ggg • • • . "' ., .., ..... • C'I • .., .., II> II> II> • .. i!lll .~ !i .. ~ ... 0 1 .... ·--"' "' II -.. 111 a I ggg • • • C'I Ill .... • C'I Ill . .., . .., .., lb II>,,. • .. ~ .~ !i .. ~ ... 0 1 " ... .. -"' "' 11-.. "' a I ' • • 0 ... Q DC ..... ID ::E ::I z: ffi .... -::E -.... er z: Q ___ 9:_:100 ,. z o( IU Q a.z 0 :::> .. MERCriANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE 9600 WANTED l.adws k Gtrls q11al11 y 11srd ,·!01hu1g on OOU81~nzncnL f11rs, hats, bags, ca~uats. shoc:i;, etc. Call ;).1-1-9311, Tue~ th1 ll Sat, 9:3(] f(J 5::\0_ FRIGIDAIRE Rr.1i·1g, apt 11it•' SGO. Naugahyde couch 4: Ital Prov cotrce tbl SIOO. 496-3038 Ix-I tl()On Ol' eves, Carpet layer has Iii Lo nylons $1.99 )d. Shai:!! fron1 $3.j() up + my labor, ~c IX'r yard. 968-6910 Court r.eporting Mar:h+case !1k (' 111'1''. Casse tte' TAPE rr<..'Ordcr. swede µr ket, all X1111. phune 675-6:il~ 2 Barber Shop-,-. .,-.-.. -.,-. -,-,.c,-, offer. i\tust go. 1 & & 0 Monrovia, C.;'lf. ( FI am e roo1n• Mi1c. Wanted 1610 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLI ANCES Color TV1-Pi•no1-Sl•r•ol 1 '1ec• •r Ho••• Full CASH IN lO MINUTiS • 541 -4531 • WE PAY CASH * FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WAN-1'EDJ *CASH* Cash 1n :>O m1nu1~ 101· iCJOd. used furnilure, TV, stC'l"t'V, appl1a11cc-s, 547.5722 TOP i\IONEY PAIU for furniture S: applict11L-cs. Ca!! JANIS, 89-t-1818 NEED ht·ic.-hs one to 1000, reasonably priced. ii-14--1687 FREE TO YOU HALLO\\'EF.N K1!1rn. illl bl11ck, l 11ger .& t;ray/wht. 6 111;~. trained & 11t>nncd ~fi-171ill J0/1 0 Kl"fTl·;N :-;, 1 dark grry )ong haired n1<Jlr , I 1b11·k fluffy calu-o: I n1oi<!ly 11"h1te cal1to. :11S-71!J:1 alt 6 p111. .10/lO 2 LO\'l-..\BLE Vrir.1iiJiY" n1alc bro!hcr dob~ J .vr. do.-.:- ic-1..-ocker ton1h. llB Gd for older 1·l11klrr11. had rabies sh or , . \\" 1 ! I ri " I 1 v " 1• &1:;....1911 10/6 Kl TT!-: N "Lloo Boo .. Wednesday, Oclobtr 8, 1%9 PILOT -ADVERTISER :Jo FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATi'"O~N~~r=R~A~N=s PORTA TION - Sailbaatt 90 10 Mini Bikes ____ 9_2_7_5 Imported Auto• ~ --··----ST-Bernard. 1, German Shep~rd. rrn!l.. 1 111oillhs. :5N IPt~. tb1-gl hull. <la..-.rn $hurt ha1ttd. malr, net.'i ls Ila.ii~. )(inl rac111i; oond See last shot & big Jai'd. Likes a l Bahia Corin1 h1an Yarht other pets l:. c 11 1 J d r c n Cluo, $950. 111(') ti Ir• Jt (nvrr. 847-6551 10/9 o ... •ner Jan1cs J\!aul. (21.:li .132-8 Jlj , eves 12DJ FREE f-1ufly. fan1ous kit· 112-700 I. !ens. Entt'red earth sa1ne day a~tronauls 11•alkrd on INTER. ~0-j. Xlnt rond. 1\U n1oon. lfs b krn . Ca!! f i b e r g l a~~rn11~1111,·11vn 96S-7029 10/ll i\lain, Jib & SJllnn;iket' "'/lrapeie rig. Boat 1rlr & t>IAU:. Orphan k11\t'n, Looks all equip. $1500. 841-28ti0 like Tomasina, and 01hrrl --~~------­ cats "= klllens 11•ant liOnieonc Z:?' t~IBERGLASS s I o o p • lo low . 1147-65.51 10/9 Ensign No. l:IS. 31 ·~ hp out· PETS ••d LIVESTOCK Co11t1 1820 KITTENS FOR SALE, 8 \1'ks, Abyssinia n. 110 paJl('rs. $5.00 l'\'f'S. 962-8401 boord. i\lain, jib, i;:cnoa, Sail & Lntk pit (.'OV<'l"~. $;;300. 673-1887 :C' ~'1'Alt no . .1.J87, 3 sets of ~ils & trailer Dril~'cd. 1n11sc scll 1rnn1rd1alely~' 499--fOlil before 3"'.:0 P!\I \\e{'l:rlay~ 17' O'D.\Y D;,1ysallC'r D;~ogs;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;,,~8~8;25; 1 fJr1110 s11:i0 _ used sr:;..o JI' O'Day 1 ... cd .... Sj()(I f-'1111 ZonC' Boat l."o. Ballloa SEA Sc o U t '.s desperately oeed a J\1AIN i;ail for :!2 FOOT ALBATRO SS . &l:l-;i"i6!1 l\t1una is a pure-bred Lahra- dor Rr.uiever l)~llo"·\. Pa- pa 1s a ? ? but he can leap hi&"h rences 111 a ~ni;;:lc bound! The pupri1es a rr 11 011. dei·rul children's dogs .~JO ~pif'l'r Call after 6. 9()8'.m3;; USED BaJboa 20 hXC'rl kC'('l sa1lhoat. Couldn't tell l1"on1 ne1v. lmm11('ulate! :o;:~i:;o . Call i\!011. thru ~-1'1. 6-12-8782 KITE -cxcetlcnl condition $6JO. Shorr nioor1ng $1~ per ~\KC Rrgisti;-red G<'rnian I ~nlh. fi7J-29Hi Shepherd pups for sille. t K11r 110. 111 1•/rlolly male & 1 lrmale $6j.OO a11tl I _'\In! t'•Jnd . SliOO S-10.00 839-jS.14 67J....69S:l BEAGLES. f '-' m ii! r s, ]2 ' PENGUIN sailboat 1 J 1 ~' 11ccks, tt"l-i..'Olor, i\KC rr;, 11/si11l k trailer. Top con- s:::... d1r1on S4 2:i. s·:7-SJ98 * ~19 * SABOT·s-'----- P.o\RT time home nrcdcd for St 6e1·naJ'd in Cc!1\I 11J"r.a. 6i5-7·188 J Cu!r pupp1t's ru ~oorf hon1e. New incl sail . -HOBIE CAT $1000 .. ·\9-l.01::1 * P ('kr-a-poo breed 673--1&13 10/•I Power Cruisers SCHNAUZl:::RS, i\1in. AKC CRUlZON 16' Cabin pups. Sho1I' or pets, Stud seivic<', 83.:!--0361 cruiser \1'ood/fbi;I~. n1ator & trlr. $j;;,(), .>1.;.....1JS8 ----· ------ .\HNI Cooprr l:JG:!. 997t1·, crrl> JU~t n~til1. S111iCh 's C<1ch. 11•'11 b<1tlet'y, red \\/ bk·k !up. $1 lJO. 671-9183 aft 6 J\tlNl-bikt. IOJIP . \\'est Hend e11g111r ti-IJ...l&IB CORTINA .----· '67 FORD CORTINA Spot·! L'.rr 4 apeed. R<lri10. hr.ill'!" .\lu.~c Sl'e to appretl· a l". Lie UTYJ'.?11, ·' :o;rwi.:1al Al $1 299 Bt:LL llEL:'l1E't ~ s2:.. ft~ ~ C•ll John '"" 6 P'1 ~ o &lj..-0397 ~ s -,,.-,--K-A_\\_"_\S_A_K-.-,-,-,-,-,-.,-I 'A 1,d, Motorcyclta 9300 ""''"" .. '"' ,11 •. '""' ,1. 111.f.1JIP ft'I" or !n1dr~ ~~111-'..!7?2 "-f --ii00d1;-50, xG(,~ lull' nnleagr-S l IO Call .'> 19-1 li7 '()$ K;i11'ii.Sak1 1:...1{) 11·a1l. 1 llJO nng111HI nulcs, slu11·p~ 1111C'r ~.:;o f',,[ ;.\~-j717 Auto Ser vices :1 1:i.,;c::1 i::,1 t.t1 111· fi7 l!Ho H.\r.BOR BLVD. l'OST.'\ ~lE."A DATSUN '64 PICKUP 0;&~P;•;•~l~•iiiii!ijiiiiiiii;904~0~0;1 1. Tou, ;,;ond runnrn::: cond1· .----·--111111, 1'Cd i·;<.I, u1·1g u1I ., dlr. Bf ,,c:i ll'lll 1t1kf' 11-.idr. "I' .~n1~11 AUTO Supply du1,11, f111c 11rv1 pr1y, Full ,,,,., '°"· LBV"Z:,,I . call ,l;1n1<'-; 191·!Hi:: or Zl\j.(16::1 \\'hol~IC' P1·1crs In All Clln1ri lc1e :'lh1ch111r !'hop S1X'('tl Eq111pn11•11! Rt•bullt Enginr~ 11 ~ Vic101·1;1, C:'ll ;,.ii; b./JO 18361 Bl';i1·h Blvd, I IB Ii 11-1,'9!11 • Ol't:N 7 D1\ y ;..: * H olley Spark-Plugs-- High pcrlo~·1nautr for .1 U r)prs or t'ar!'< ;-°("1 nf '1 $5.89 Na t ional Speed Center DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN l ~S:::, Bcaeh Blvd. J l1u1t1ng 1on Beach S-!2-7781 or 5 11).fl.J.12 ENGLISH FORD :n to s. Harbor. Co~ta .\lr'a I;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;.;;;, I fi tG-6700 Oprn 'ti! '.!. 1i un S.1t, I• Racing Jackets ll1;;h Qual11~ Speed Part1 Na t ional Speed Center :!110 S. H;id}QI", COS!a ;\lrsa fit&-670') Open '!ii 9. I> 011 ~a l . ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES · SERVICE ln1n1cdiate del1vrry LAfiGF: SELECTION Theodore SILKY Trrrier, n1ale pups, 5 11ks. AKC. Adorable healthy I. shots. $150. &14--4S06 PURl::BRED J\l i111alu0c-o~Do-,-.• 1c."i .\3J. l\"01 Il'gistorcd. Altt'r 6. 837-9505 Boat M.aint•nanc-e Trucks 9033 9SOO ROBINS FORD I :.'U6Q Harbor Bh'(I. GER:'l1AN SllF.PHl:.:RD ptlfl- pics, 6 11 ks old, * Kl ~~1621 * BC::AGLI::S, frn1alr~. reg 11 wk!t, Tn-color. * 5::ti-6019 * AKC DACllSI IUNDS, ~ho11 qual1!)' Red. hlac:k & ra11. Champion S1rrd. 2 :'\lair:-;. &14-0m FREI-: Boat rr pa1r C'~t. Tra1lr r .\QUI' boat 10 !he ne1"t'S1, f<1 stcst bo;i t ser1•u•c 1n rhr ar~il . Let us 111,.ke your boat hkc ne1•· rno Joh 1f'lf• srnall). \\'c a.J.~, sell f1brrglass supplies. 0Jl!)n 7 d;.s/11•k. \\'1:-.l D AN" SEA 11:;7 Supcrivr Costa !\lc:.a. til:?-ifi07 * VANS • 10 to Choo"!'" fro111 t-Pnccs .•Ian ;:it ~"~~ * Cnsra i\lcsa 612-0010 FERRARI FERRARI * s .. nlf' \\llh V·8 !:.· ;i u1o • 3 Cluh \\ ag'ln~ e KU5TOM MOTORS :-;"e1\'Jl0rt lmporis Ltd. Or 8-1.J Bnkt'r ::>1., ('.\1 ~H;.;9 13 an~e County's ooly author .\11th I.fl <Ll'. _ Ofll'll Id !I 11.rd dcalrr. SAL[S-SEP.VlCE-P Ar.TS ~l !·ord 1~ Joa, l":ll"lng ::;100 \V. C•Ja"'I ti"Y· s!1ek~. l'U:;l upli(ll, l'hrr-i\r1•1>0rt Bea1·h r.v hod.v. t.Jood running. fla r 1 64:.'-~-IO.-, ::i 10-1164 h1•ad, V-8. $.1:!.i. 81i-.1.·>~!l Au1h'11·11rd Frq,,11 fle;ilrr dau1;h1<•1· nf Coo C011 fl1_cer1 Horse1 anti Vuo 1-'vo 1 . ..;:1,1nle>;("1 8830 Boat $lip Mooring 9036 ~1.IPS For rrn! Ill In .~:)' j\;c11porr !larbur. I I~ IV. Coa~t lh1~·. N.B ,111-.• : •.• 1 "6'2 ford '• tun I' L·, 11rw 1-----------! 11.11111. 1n.1~10 11H _ 11~11" ,,11i; FIAT ~Ii{'!) . .-.16. i~)J7 1--------nt'rils l•"r atld a hurl1•'-1Shr looks 11!-.r IJOfl -a l1Hle tn.:rr \ .rlti-1 li"li 10/~ Jl~t:i\tft·1FUL ~,.1111-lon::: h11 11•etl k111,.n<. ~ 11!-.s . olrl. \\:c•<Jn"d !..· ho11.,<'l'l'!-.11 . 2 OJ">: ,(· 1vhl. I hl k ,I;,;. 11 h!I JllU~I f1 n!I hon1 ' !n11n f'rt . S:iJ-'l'i!l.1 10/i \VI·; \\"rr" t!r~f'r1rol Need hon1r \vi.;c1!lrr. \L~f" litter bu\, I ;f'(ll"~r ~-fl;irrn{'(', 19 11k o:d k111 cn~1 .119-18-161019 COC.'J\-A-POO. :'11:-i..lc. ;: yrll. olrl 11),rhrnkrn prrf. for adul!.c. Lo\':ihl" l.: ohcdirnt. 5'1&-.11 11 10/'.I llALLO\\'l:'.EN 1\1\lrns, all bla(;I-.., 1 tl;:rr. i::ray/1\"h!. 6 \.\ks. tJ"iUllC'd .~ \l('illlf'd 5-16-J "7n 10110 t~R E!·: Thornut;hhred Sl<ln1rsr fe1nalr una!tC'rt'd. Dt s1r r:~ good homr 4!H-21 16 10/9 !'REC arlorahlr k 1 t t r n :<>. 1nothrr S1an1rsc, Bo:1.-tra\n· ed. ~i2-ti.'J:"./l Al\f' r1•i.:1l'"tCrt'rf Hc~gir, !I n1nn!h_, 1J[d, fr1na)r, lncolor, gool! 1111h 1·h1klrr11 f;; ... 2915 PLEASE ~;i1,.. 111r 1rn1n !hr rx•und 7 1\\, nld 'h1·1·1 ,rcy· h;11 1·rrl \,111r11 :~;2-.:1 ,1 Bt:1 111 :"\ lial.!·11 "' ..... 1!:\ I 11"1/'l 7 11!-. ••I.I flu llv l.,11tr11s, '.! g1'r.1 , J hl~tt!.. .. fi11 ·lr'o96 NH ]~ 10 GRA·y'c.-,.-,.-,.,..-,.-,-,c,_-:,c-yr~. old. nred ... a ;:oo<f hon1r, Call 61'.!-0SJ6 10-9 SIA:'l11::SE :'11anx 1110!l11:"r r at & ;: kit tens 6 •1 ks t;1ld . 54X--li.W 10-9 BEAUTtt'liL h!ur riar11kce!. millr free In good hon1>'". 64ti-47;.:: 10/ll) t;AS R<1n&;f' j l8-:17:l0 STOVE :..:;G-J!\'i6 ll'l/10 10/10 SA:'llOYED. 7 1nos old. Rr.c:1~ .. ,\!\"(' ;dl sho1s. house trn1nr1I. 3-16-'39/lS \Q.J'I FREI:: Adorablr hlark pup- p1r~. 6 \\ks, a-18 .. lj.j..1, :tllO Or<1ni:::r.. C L\I. 1011 2 lovable hflalthy Cal1et1 kit. ten"-, lii "·rrks nl'('d.., good hornr. :il~·i!Y.l6 c;t;TI~ K111C'ns.i 8 ,,.k.,. olri, hnx 1n11rK!d, \\'Lil dchvcr if flf'rf'~AAry. iu8-8969 \0/10 FREI:: Cock-a-poo pupp1c11, 6 W1u;. oJrl, 1 maJr, 2 fr.male 6'iJ-.2804 10/10 CLEAN" Older 536-i O.iG ... fl\llJ:'C 101 10 OLU ~IG Body for heul\ng-. 1Zlo [.l)tkiunderry. c:-.1 10110 FREI:: \~hi re k111rn.,, male & fl'nlAl f'. fi l2-3t!7 10/9 fRtF. To ROO<I hon1r. 2 rr n1Hlr k1trn~ ~~IS-5."..'ll 10110 T11.1n,. \\hill' Ra is :1·18·•613 Bl 'FF C'J1lortd 111ale kit1rnr;;. :'j.11>--t'.lf.0 10/10 IJlAM, T"p ,.-id ;'!-~ HY6 ~\IALL :-;1i,•tl11nd. ,. h 1 Id b1'tlkc, dante ;:rry SiJ .).lj....J;.128 Livestock 1840 IT'S FUN TO BOARD You!' hor~r at Ti\LLY JJO FARl\IS Box ,slillls SJJ nrr 1110. illc111.! ~lnided •"Ol'n11~ S·l:J IX"t' nlo. Au !o11111 !1r 11a- trr, frrd & l"icanf'd dally 11, .1l"f('~ h::hll'd 1'rrna, 1n11n111g rnlg, r..1vrr trail a<·· 1·c~~-Expert E11.c;l1sh ,r,. \\'f'~tcrn 1n~tn1c11<1n. Tally !lo Fai'ms, li:?lii r-.:rwhopc, Fountair1 Vall ey_ J l:i·9j87 TRANSPORTATION Boats & Yachts 9000 HELP! Bob Longpre Ponr1uc has taken too n1any ho.'.ITS 1n trade e11d 11·anls lo trade or sell lhl!i out:>tand1n~ 1969 R)'rlCIJ 2'/. fool f1b<.'l'glas~ <IC'<' fl 're ~riorr n\·rnn~htrr On!y !,() hn11r,;. no H11~ hrauty powered by (),:\LC'. \'6 1;i:i J1orsr rio11·er oulclnl'r r·ully r·ound 1nclud1ni: 1· hunk• .. hrfld. g.111"}' '1+1h i;101·r. lrrho,\. )>111k il!lrl ~ c-.1lh'l1l 11~trr 1ilnk ~"II' ( 8 r~rl1n. •·nn1pa.~,.,. 11111 11>~trt11u,..111 r .1n•'1. 111 .i.1111 1 .. 1,, r1111 <O•(r~ illl•I l"r'1J•oll"1'<I Ht.1\10\I' ),,1!\·ly rnu 1ri1111'111 11101111tc,J 1111 1•1111" II 11'"1'], hll tl ,1ill'!' 11 !!h ..'. ~l'~'f'fl 11 1111 h Thr nng1n,1I 011 llf'!" had 01 rr ~000 doli111'l' 10\T~l<'d 111 lhlr> Ull!t \\'c 11·111 rnn~1<!t'l" ;i1i,1 nffrr or lrildr. Ask frir S.al1·.1 ;\[bf, S!l'.!~iti:,J i"'> l·:El) 111uof1iii°";;;:-rl111.:I-.. hlr ,17' ~~l<Ll for Ori SZ'l-:11~ NEELJ . 11" boal ~lip :\B ilr<'a. \\'!'1lr Daily Pilol. B".\ .\I .)10 Mobile Homes 9100 BAY HARBOR Mobile Home Sale• c.i~ Lo111;t !loll .\1•11Y Shera.Inn !\lanor -llo1nr11c · l-i:it • P1"e.:;11::;r . :':ohara .\LI. S!ZCS NO\V ON l'.J1~PL.1 Y 11::0;, B:ikrr ~t.. co~1a Tllr~a ·~ blo<·k t:ast of Jla1"bor Rl1"I. Costa l\l rsa 1 il·I) 511).9\iO GREENLEAF PARK tn c·!ear. l'll'a11, c1Xll C11.-;;1a ;\l<'sa. Xrw 9~ sp::i.1:r atluH park. \lr~Jr!~ & No lr~ 01111·(' locall'fl ar Park. Oprn 9 A,\J 10 6 P:\I ACl"F:i\T :'lll)H!J.t; JJ0:'11E ::i.\LL"' 17.'I~ \Vh1lt1i;-r ,,, " co~1a :\1f':;a 111 11 1:.i-1::.io 13t,;Y my hontt: $11 ~), !o!al i\lu~r s;irr1fwe. ! Dlt 10\.i.i. 11i th addrd on 111!'!1'1 l .,11111. S<'l•Ufl In I St .. r Pal I; \\f'}ir rnl;:; l'I" ilfl!'I' Fi 1•1iila~~ ~·-1::>. 1r111 l(l \ Ii, .! er:. " II ',,11,!ol<'I '111111.ori 1 !••>~1"t' T 1 11 ~ Ir!' Pail-.. ~p.1<"" I~ .• :·, ~ .11rf.1.\ llr . C :'II ;ift ·I ~O P \I .' Fl'LL i)l'fl<. ;:n i,!.1! 1\.,1 11..J. i<•r tilnk Sl~('(I hilO ''''11po11. :-::p. ;-\o. :: c .. \\. ---THE :-;I i:"/ ~E'VJ~H SF:T;o;; on Cla~s1f1<'ri's a('11011 po.1\1·l'r. t'or iln ad 10 sell a1-ou1ld 1hr clock. d1a! &12·3678 . 22' C;ilun C1111,:rr 11/:\l:11·k . .:; <'n; r rrlr. X ! n t l1shu1_!: hour. 1\l~o l:i" H.unahouf 11·/J\lark :lfl rng. ! trlr . .$700 -,,=========='- for bolh or ix's! ofr . Can hr. MOTOR HOMES 9215 ~<'!'II al 22 U Tl1ars:aret Dr, l\'('11•p1. Bch. '67 GLAS-lsl'AR C 1 I ii t 1o11. Jntioard-011tboard. 1'.!0 r-.fr rc. ('rulSC!r t11lh poll'~r jr.t &. power trim. Full CO \'er. Ready lo t'lljoy. A 11 ma1n1c;111nc-e rcrords. t 01•·nc r. Kl &-1-1·1.f ALL Glass ;:-,· ~·111~1~. Cabin C1·u1~cr. F/B. SS radio, 8 11111111 top. [,("~S 1han i:i hr.~. Sll.000. Call Elli.~ tlay~ :21:: ~1.>-1370: lllt{":ii: 71·1. 67:.-Jn7 26" C~A"BoloNo, ~cc-,.-,,-,,-,,-.~,o .. -,,-~ hull. 111hrd eng. .i 11 :<> t ol'erhaulM. &ii I 11. n k, s101•p. oven, ~ad. iiink, ice 1·ht's1. sleeps :?. ~lust 1ell, lw!t orrer. 847-li120. 16' DOLPHIN, \'ery roomy boal, 3::. ph F.vinn.ide cng., S'J95. Jlfa.r1na Dunrs i:liri A-1, Stt off1C4!. 160 hp Ford Jntcrce ptar J/0, many r xtra:ii:, n1ust 11ell ~ $2-150. Call 11tt 5 Pl\f ;.:IB-:i910 SF.ASPRAY f1bcrglas.' dingy, 1 1 ~ hp n101or, slrering 11 ttl. Mnlrols. Like nc"·· 7>1&-?,341 -----t N B 0 A RD/Ou I hoard JR' l1sh1na or ski boo t. 5-18-6620 BOSTON \\"h&Jr1·. D1r!1rl. ~6·. nHlllt >"C"ll VifiO nr offer. 6-15--02:)5 llfler :i HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTDRHOMES DODGE "EXPLORER" S•lf-C•ftl.llfttf •Ull 1lr t_,.· ll•ftlftl , ....... ,. ""'"· -ilt~lft, 11..,. 11Pt.. All l lJ(&, J1 ,OOT, 7-1 IOOT, ~1 rooT. 1 Yl.O RI ,.,,,.,.c. All .. P'P'llOVle Cll rt tf . 'tili Fnrd El'ftll•)hnr l'/U. 'G.1 I·),\ r ! ~~! r:1 J.\! I,,.! 1.r. ltr<o1,y tlu1y rng, ,1111 lrr«s. ( nr•1· r:11!1nl . I> a. 1 Ir \ I'. ~~.".Q IJI" hf'~I rifr •. 1~1,_j"-.-.j )>li>i'Tf'!', .._lo,,,·k~. 1111)<'-llf'I s1~ri·1 '*'..:·"'If'.'..' _c_a_m-'-pc•_'c' _____ 9cSo:_c 'GS F1:1t-J'c,co,-. -,c,,c,-,-,.,.-.-1 .. ~11 'till r:lue V\\' l'<llllpC'r, ~"11\'. a ir. 111.•':i 11l11·"h <'<1p'd, rclng. !110 nr1, 1n~. I'll-.-.:~~"'"~ ·~1:-t-9-170 I -~~6 Chev Cl111.~~1s .1n .. 1111lr<\. KARMANN GHIA P/S....P/13 . ,\11. /':!~)() 1111. 1 .. 0JX'n Ho;itl till>-S.lff, '!·,•!'I l\.\r.11.\X\'" 1:h111~ ==="=="""""=~-"°"°"°= (,{)(\(! rr;io•p01r1:1r1pn i;-arf; or ~ B ·e 95 25 hui:i::v n1at1•1·11-I. !.!OJ.~ S2."i0 une uggi s Phon~ r.1; ... 21121 Tangerine Manx BRAND NEW Loadrd 11 \l h g{ll)(l1".s \l u~r ~rr 11895 JAMES LTD 1.)..1:-1 Nrwporr Bll'd 'Pl:::RFE:CT ror Dunr 13~. 'li1 V\V c·has~1s .t· lrans a.\le. s 10:, r1rm 67::-S~ Imported Auto• GRAN D O PENING CA R SALE 1=~--=~~--===I MERCEDES BENZ 1.~t o';il" l"t )ll"f"Hhif'llllll ~<'rlf'<; Hr--11dl•'I"111{1' SlfJ.l1(KJ .1ill1 h~i.-J ~· :11 I lo I \I l:~··.-1.-1' 1111 pllT \\!~\I , 1•,1<1 1.11 r11r-..11.<'rl ,, ~ ... \,~~I )'!\-~·· ,+, I C t H .1·~:11 ,\/. 11·<'/)r'• !'Ill-! I~ oas wy. I"'" 11·r ~·Jl f 1rq\ 642-676 2 hi~ I! •2 "'' I ------ Tustin A ufo C:inic DBA Lido Motors 1300 W. N. B. Tu•1 1n \111 .. LI Ill• I I" I I " Hra11111 0:1 "\, "11'1"• I do>111-::: bU •Hl"'" ur~!r 11it> t• 1111r --·---MG l.1do ~lvlrll"'i. l"~PO 11· (" .... ~r ----------- ' 1•; ll ll"y Thi'\ l1!l';1t1 111l \<di 1r pair & '"II 11111"1.q·lnrl • .+ ' Th!•y arr 11r!l knn11n "" !h" !'.ii' rl<wl"r~ 1n fhi;-fJ1 ,111;:r (\•111 •ty a1't'a f·~i· i> .11 ~ . .:v1r ro1111rr for ti.-,111 1"<'f1:11r 'hnris f.· 1'lll~ is 1ri111ri111 l'wh. Tui<1111 Auto C11111c·~ n1a111 lo. l'al1on 1:1: 1.i.1 \\", 1 ~1 :-;1 111 ~.ilf'•, ,>;1·r1 I•·•'. i',11·1~ l111n1••dm1r IJ<·l11rr;,, .\II ,lf•otl<'I~ J1rtuport 3hnports Tus11n Lui" \\lo1orc; 1~ a :~100 \V. Coast H11y , N.E Br;irk:h. Ii 1~-!l.101 '.i !fl. I iti I I 1\ulho1r11t•d "\!U Dcalrr '63 Porsc·hr C'ourr ,"u1ir·T :ui, ----------- in xln! eo!1d ~~l!l,'1. I '59 Porsc·hr Courr l!i~ .<.:u. PORSCHE prr. <'Olllplrtrly 1·r str•1""d ----------- 51990 I "lJ! Pnr,,..hr 'll::. ~ :ii:f}"'rd. '6·1 \"\\' . ..:C1h<u·k 11.i~on, ~l\J; :'11!·,\fr,. 1.1Jr1•I,, 111d ll)' ,.,_ OVl'rhaul<'rl $990 ll'.i " '62 V\\', i::nocl r l!;;;, 11r11 r~1n1 1 :Sl~.>l'l 1»i~lliifll JVh $S'i'1. + -,65-t ON V'ERT * ·~:u·n1a11n i;111..i.. i:ri 1•111d. Xlr11 conn. All ~tr.1 ~ nu 11nr. lop. ,\l u~t sell 616-1:.'~-I ALPINE AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERICA ~11<''>, Si;-rv1cf', Pil r!~ ln1n1eri1a1e Dt'\i1·rry ,\II :'llodrls J1rtuport 31111 ort s :1100 \\'. Co1'sl H11 y., :" B &·t.:-9 10~ ,J 11).1 ll:i~ Authorizrd \\IG l)('::ilrr TRIUMPH '69 TRJL'\Jr/I Sr1lf 111". \ln1 <'!')I\(], 0 II() I 111,. /'rt\ ~lf'r C;oll f\lf ... ·~1t>1 ~ro t P l,,\;\;\!:\{j 111 ll\H\1•"" \ .. 11 II f11111 '1'1 ill H,1111\:; n•H•il,.·i "I )lfllll"' In !'l•l.1\ ' I l.1 lll•·d r\d, I h•·· ~ i11f'.11 ",, :t r h E • I I I ( D I I I " H I I •· I I 3 I ., I I ., I ., '€ 'E ., 1: I ., ., 't ' ., I ---·· .... --·--------------·---. Wft1nesd.1y, Octo~ 8, 1%q :JJ Pll OT.ADVERTISER Wtdntsdl}', Octo btr l!I, l96i) rRANSPOilTAflOl'i TRANSl'ORTATION TllANSPOllTATION TllANSPOllTATION !TRANSPORTATION Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 UMd Cera 9900 U1ed ~~· 9900 Uaed Cira 9900 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TilNSl'O•TATION 9900 U1•d C1r1 9900 PONTIAC DAIL y PILOT ES TAANSl'ORTAfiON UJ.d C1r1 -TRIUMP'H '65 SPITFIRE Eg.i; 11h1te, ILail!lll red int, 4 ~rd. dlr, loc11lly uwneod . E.\i;l'llf'll! e(l11d . Blur hc>'1k $127:i • .full Price S!O:W., 11•1!1 tine prvt prty, NRZ868LB. Call Phil, t9U773 or ~~4. DAUG}ITER'S '61 Tit ·I, red, P./H, n~· brakes, 2 tops. sroo. 531-81CQ IH!!urf' 1 pnl. TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODEL S YOUH f_i!·.ST D!·;.\u; ,\r.J·; STILL ;\T DEAN LEWIS VOLKSWAGEN. '68 vw A1• l'<'l11dilu111rr, •1 spd, dlr, Juail<'d' J k111cy l'~~1111 ~.(I .• plu~h blade 1111. Ta!..c stn8ll d(J11 n ur trade. Low, low pyn1nL~. VHP"'890LB. C&lJ Ken 49-t.9m or 5-15-0634. 'GG V\V 11.oon 1ntles, sunroof, P...tll, fui;: !: bacb..-up l1tr s, pop ou! 1,11J<1011s. Irin1t 1"C'1its, free ~xhaust, <lark '1-:l'Pl'll. $13JO. 673-67·19 "6J V\V. l ooor. 4 speed, radio, he&lt r, beaut!ful red and sharp. RU1tt 1·10_ $1005. Carl's !\1o!or Co. I~ .. 1941 llarlior, C.i\t., 6·1'2·0~13, ·~7 VII/ Bu~ 1• 1!h built vn l't1llH-.Cr, slreps 6. \V l"6:: j'\•1111 VIV f'll~ .• !\PW trans, ~l1dir ollrr tJ"i.">-::'1~ till VIV-St">"""7··1.-~X~'I~"~! -m-,~,.~ .. - J\~1-... ;\I -"P"<'lltl l'.\haust !i1&-:i:suo Ix-fore 3 'J'RANSPORT,\.fiON CARS llWPORTER MOTORS :!OJO llARBOR BLVD. COSfA r.tESA l48-l2M •• 541-8511 t'INANCJNG ,\VA ILABLE '68 SPORTS sedan, 13, 700 mi., air, pwr., v-tnyl to.,., Top condition. 494-3232. BUICK 'b'fl Buick R1 v1rra, P/~. CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, autou1al1•·. lai.:!01•y a ir. power ~l':'C!'!n~, IJOl\'~r hra kes, rl'ld io k ht'ater. lnu11a. cula ie. CUDE 743) $2295. ATLAS P/\V au· cond. Strat btnch CHT:.YSLER -Pi.i'i\IOUTJI 11tat, Landau top. $4475 29'.l9 11ARBOR BLVD. t2l3l 773-7891 17l·fl 54().-0782 COSTA ?tlES A 54&-1~ BUICK No. :?:Zi l-f & 9 Open Daily 'ti! 10 p.m. euerylh.Jng! .69 CHRYSLER \\'ag o n . BARGA IN! PIS, P/H, Pt \\'. a1r, l<l 612-Z'2J2 afler 6 P;\I n11ll's. like n1•1•'. :\l u~t S('e !o 'ti3 Buick H.tv1c1•;.1, a ir, i\1.-\CULATE. JuaJt"d, J:I]. Sll7J. 494-.f0-:-13 CADILLAC aprircciut1'' '.'lll:l-16J7 CONTINENTAL 1966 11:11'1,1·1·. (' ,\!. ll\6-!}."10;! '61 To y c.-,-.-c'-,-,-' •• -'.----VOL~O J·fRrd1op, atHil, arl·!1t: wh1lt! 1------------ '67 Cont ("(Jup<", {X'rf f'onil, Allornry II Ill g a,. I" I I Ir c '68 Cadillac I::l J)orado, J~ personal 1·ar. S2.99.i. ;\Jr. 1nos silll'i! purl·h11sN.l ne11·, Tucker. 8::.>-2:..lQO \1eekUa y.11. 28,000 1111. Xlnt condition. - Con1ple1e extras. P l"iv prty. SJ::,00. Call fron1 8 to Ii, 714: r.Taybc 11 ~·rr. cn1iy hul 3J::!l'J VOLVO b U;)!i LI l\11~ llC'l'k 111 . CORVAIR KUSTOM CLIAllANtl NOWI 5-IG-3.).~0 or after 6, ::'!3: l!l6:i Corvau· Corsa ron1-rrt ; 697 ... 1821 140 hp. ~d con<l. S700, f1rn1. 'ilf Cad. Sedan DeVillc. Full 5-10-4.lt).1 aft 6 p111. MOTORS Ill· 144 • l•I · 114 THE LOWEST PRICES 14j Gak"r l'!:t ., Cf.I ·'W.~IHii YOUR BE!T OEAt..5 Or>en 'tU f Pl\1 ARE STILL AT pwr., fact •ir 6 1\•l'h. All 'tit CORVAl/t Bus, •cceaa. 1...oW!'ltr. Low rnl., nttd1 work. ~100. BILL l\IAXEY IJJPli'!JQIIIAI IU81 BEACH B~VD. Hunt. Beach 8474155 J rn1 N. ol Coa~r Jlll"V. on Bch VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS ~'fl0\I $399 ·•·l'.l. ·:rc1 L\t bb or i.7 J:JIO !11\RBOf·: BL\'O. COST1\ ;\IE:::-,\ 'ti2 V\V ta111rrr -sliOOM· n111kc offl'r. 1:r1•a1 ··vod. nds p<11n1 ,Joh. ti7::-02)(11 '6\i V\V, ~unrf. f:,t!I, ... !t•rt'U, P1rrll 1o;;, ~k1 r:11·k. chains. fllust srll .i lti-.d 1 ~. '66 \'\\' Srrrf, he1gr 11/blk 1111 R/11. Porscl"' r11n~. Xlnl cont!. Sl:l:iO. ~~1&-::111; "6S \'\\'. t;i(~). 1·;irl1<•/!w;i!rr, II lu1r. 11 /rr>d 1111 . :!U.IJI~) 1111 . Si;JJ.J. 61:1-7S21, tl14-Hi33 "68 V\\' Bu;;. l1P11 l1ral.r~ l11"f'~. grl t<)llt!. 11111n 11•ans. .$16.,(), t\l ll'I'" IJlo!, tifl-6312 -;61 VY.' S.-dAn 1Hug1. \\I'll carrd f1.r. rn1 ·''" par ty. * .. 1$-7(177 .. '68 \.'\\' ~er). ,, spd.J;°li1~b; 1n1. I! blur. ":!! 000 m1 Sl n.-i &12-ii"l!l 196.J \·\r, Al.AC!\ S'ij(} GOOD CU!\"IJ. S::~Hi~n.1 Pvt pat·t~ DEAN L!Wll 1966 Harbor, C.:-.1. 6·IB-9303 Antiques, Cl111la 9615 • *" 'JT hloraan .i. 4. ex- ceUl!nl cond. $1600 fnm. 842·3Tl ll alt ;,, All day 1vkends. Autos W1ntecl 9700 \VE PA Y . CASH for used can /.:. tn1eks just c111J us for Ire~ "stimatc. GROTH CHEVROlfT ;\,,lo: !or Sale.! lltanai;cr 18'211 Bear h Bh·d. Huntington Re11.ch 1\1 9-3:'.:Jl WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET :·s~s 1 larbor Bl1•d. Co~ta t'lles;i ~1·16-12nO l~IPORTS \\'A.\.'TED Or11 n.;:e Counties !"(JP S BUYF.P. SIL! \l.'..X!:Y TOYCTfA lS.~SJ Br.1l h Biid J-L Rc~('h Ph ll-17-35:,J Will Buy Xlnt cond._ $&'95 ti!' bt1t of-~13" fer. Call wltd~s: C1:-...41JO 1008 CADILLAC Con••" COUGAR Coupt'. Gold. Air, AMIP'hf, ---------- lelesco~ 1vheel. Extru. 'Cl Cougar $~9j, radio, a ir, $4J9J, like new. Privatt. t'>.:!m s. ~e at f:.rcds Tex- 4!J9-.2J93 ACO. :.'920 \V. Nc1rpoit Blvd .. '68 Cad. convert. Beaut brn. -"~"="~'-'='~':=' ===== saddle int. 18.000 ac n11/ - Loe 011·nr. &l&-2000 I \l"k only. DODGE '66 CAD D•Vlll<. Hk• •~w. ''7 DODGE DART full p11T, air, leather. Lan-\\'hite 1vith vinyl top, alt con. dau, 39,000 nu. s 3 l ll s . dition1ng , auto. trans., p011·. 991-3934 t r stttrln~. radio and hcalrr. ,69 CAD FLEET\\l'OOD i\lust sell. $17!!;1, ::5.000 or1;- SROUGHtu\t ina.J _n11J('s, Call 6.1i-4l56 . 1 g,·.oo inilt's 4~H-6SS2 Original owner. : . _ , . . , '68 Dodge Dart. fully cqu1p-6J Carltllac Lon1c1 1. \\hi prd. pcrlcc!. Private p:irty, 11/hlk 111!. All c.,trHs, n1u.!.l 17.000 n11lts. $l99j. 962-j(j(I sai:rihrr. ti·lf..-0661 C\'t'.~. -----· CHEVROLET FALCON 196."1 F.U..:on f'u1!1ra Hardtop '6!i Cl!E:VROLr::T CaprlC:" . .., ' Coupe. auto tran~. IJ"'r ~tr,1 (Jne 01171er car 1vith only V-8 cng. Orig 011·nrr. Vcry l '11,llOQ n1iles. ha.! All 11011·t'r + 1 ,,09• 67~ -o-[ r· rfln. .J. ,,.1 .... ;1 -----_ ;i lr t"Orld1tion1n;:. Absolu1<'ly --~ thr: cleanesl one in I01''t\. FORD I .r,1111 s1i;mon.s ll_I ,. r c e_d e s h rnl, J_l{) \\. \\ a.nlC'r, santa, -,-0-V-,,-. -. - /\ ·-1&--l !\•\ l •Li OU! Of sl8lf'. '66 _ na. " Bu1rk l'ClllVCrL \\"ildcat. ,\fr, '£j Chcvelle i\la!ihu SS, 327. ·I full 1111T. lilt s1<'rr. 11•hrel.1 spcl. Hurst l111kai;r. Ill:\\ 11111~ 11l1rrls L1hl' nrw, 11r~o; i.· hr«ke~. nr"· 1nll l-.il90o, .\L.iU ·j~I ... •ird $:,o. flcrs ,t rebll inotor. Xlnt 642-3:ll3. I 1·r.n<l. \fusl ~1H-r1!1•·" $13.i:i. tl l"ord Ll 1 1 l1r lw.st orfer. 8-3 davs ' 11. a.'1r;.. o iv &-l&-:t:l:ll · mileage, loadC'd, s:..:wo, i J JI '69 Ford (;aJaxie, 1 o w ti~ B<-l<111·e Sl11 , ll'ai::. 9 pass. nule1~"· lo;idrd, only 4 :;27 \"-X Po11rr)'.:l1dr P/S !.· rnon1hl" olrl $2i()(). :i::M-;i:t.JO l'<'a r 11 1111"\;111·. ,.-~(-.<Ill". Lllg·l -~~~~'--~--- g:•g<' l'ilt'k, :\Int l'vnd S893. '66 Falc:on Futura 011 !l['r 6~-1-46~8 l'ully factory CQUJppcd. Dl.J'. Ynur \'111J.s11-.'1i::e11 or Porscli,. ··7 ·111-v I -' ~·i~ I pd so9:1. b l -'. 1np;u;:i -'~1"' is_ · !~hone 611~!3 ! & pay 1op dollars. Paid for lnini.it·uJ<i !r' :;>9.(V'Q nu :,rel==~=~7---'=~~ or no1. Call Ralph ,,, ,\pprrcialr . .'lak<' Offer~ f'ORIJ '66 Ga!a,1e 500, 4 drl 613-0900 5IR·?Jil.~ or :,.i.~Gs::~ a.fl s. .sedan, r/h, p/b, pl~. a/c,1 --WE PAY-TOP--'litJ r111pala ~-<lr, v....,11, rat:1 ~~"t ~~~~'l6~~1~~:;1. t'llust !;eil i DOLLAR a11 '. P/S. P/E, r;.iclin, n<'w·1 -~~---=-o~-,-,= f.,r µc1od , L'lr.:111 u~r.d 1'8f~ 111·cs. On" 011nrr .11:::..0 '6j GaJa...,1c .XL C~11vcrt , :;~·I al! 111a1.C"": :--:"r r.cor:::<' r..oiy s.~7--0672. ~&-7479 1 ~pd. A'.11/~i\J radio, l hC1 kl! I(' r :ob111~ Ford I ~~~==c-o~, ~~~=.I PS/PIJ. II ide lirrs. r.1u1l1' '.'Nin \larbrir B!vri. ·~. 1l~.··\~~:i~~~8.f3~ni!~ ;t.,p~;j sell ! &-16--8.310 c· \I. tl l:'-0010 6-11-:!9'.J l ,.,·e~. \\'ill trade. 'II Ga.la)()', tM al•NJO, tu\l "68 V\V. SJJOO Jn r.xccllrn1 Auto Leasing 9110 =~-~~-~,.......,,.~,power, fac air . Sharp. $2~ '63 Chevy Impala 2 br. Good or trarll! for 1port car. 1·0111!. Auto, V-1, $1200. t<" "762 cond1t1Q11_ Pl t: (17:).::286 J9t).", V\V • .J.l,OOJ milr.s. Good cund11 1 .. n ·r.11\l' ("Iv ' r p;1~·n1cn1!'. · 111 8·1"l--7:i69 '66 \1\\'. onr> n11 nrr, A~I/ .. ~I. 11 ~1•. I• •f' r• •nrt1t ion. 673-3'106 aflrr I :~ pn1 6." \"IV :'u11r .... 1f, l{l;1up1111k1 ,\.\I r·:.1, ((•i'•l 111a1,, n 1111 C'llllll' \111~1 or!I \l,1k1 l•llrl' ~:1 1 ti~~.: ~-------&; \'\\-. r:uh~h,.a1rr w/r;.,:. Ira.<. Cori\ f·rl 1))lt' .. \ !..i()J. * (;:ill ;.10-:,21)! • 'fl& \'IV ;>;'lh;1rk SHl'J."1 nr 11·11tl<' 111r!!<'r rnr nr 1111<:1.. (d111111·r sh~ll ~110. ~:;:1--\:!:;7 69 V\V l.Jf'lu:>.r 1 pa~~ hu~. xl n! C'Qll(i. i\lany xtras. $1000. 5-18-~ l\tUST Sell '66 V\V Can1fV'r fully equip!, lo\v 1ni, A-.!.: ~st ofl &12-1636 C\'f:~ '59 \r\V Qs:o;.10111 can11"t'r bu.~ Ai'-ll F~t ran10. illu.~1 srll: 4!t4-6:l71 1969 VOLKS\VAGEN L IKE NE\V, l::XTRAS $199j 673-8811 v LEASE v 'ti9 LTD Ford l'Ollr'f', .i1r. pwr ~trg .C. btakc11 radio S H!!l 1110. 1;s C'oun1ry ~llll"r, ;<11r. fM'r ,,1 rg ,'i;; bral..<'~ r.1rlhl SS7 n10. ·fi.~ C11d11!,11· i.'oupr r!r \rillr. ri.1fly rriu1p11••1! •... ~-1~'!1 tnri. (i;l l'.lrJ ~.) l),\l"(Hl0 C'Ollpf". full~· f'q11•pfl"d .•.. ~l:f.l 111n_ r,q r .nl!111t1" ( "1,11pr ti,. \•d)r f1111.,. •·•1u1pr..-i1 .... 5169 11111 ti!'! Chrv Can1ani, P" r ~t rg & h1·:oll<''. ,111· •• , . , •.. ~9'! lllO. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING ti7:>-a.Y<8 =~'"""',....~~-~~,-,-1966 Ford Econoiln• Ftlcon Qub \l.'aion. Bii; I w/ 3rd ttat IS.IOI, vr ry cll!an, tood mN:"!l.'IM. 494-~12 r1·r s. '61 ·I Dr. Chevy Impala. Pia, P/IJ. J.:adial tires. Xlnt co11d. S6:il 548-26i>i '&\ '.\Iahhu SS, auro. R&H. ·:,g f'ord \\lai::on Pvt pty. $:.00. <lr ofl~r or ;);")2 cni:;. 61:-rflZ~l ~1::1-101~ ·6:1 l1np. V-S ;';:!!. '2 rlr HT 1,1=00=~~,=,-.,,~T=,-,.-.,-,-. =eo-,-,=,=,-.,=z:. 1 ;11110. 1~111. PIS. P/R. F;.ir. ~ o 1;_1· a_ J e 1 .. _An·, !\!Jn1 I air $S!I•. P1·1 v Pty fil~-'.""1~113 &11-1,1>1 lJa.\.~. l~.)1)11 1~11',\L,\ '6l Sp<lrt Cnnpc l.~-'62 FOifD Lvn1C'r!ll1!t'. ccpt1onally t1nr: Air 1..'0nd .......... ,,,. gvuu. • ,). l...o n1i. 7'rl&-7J?9 • SIG-~~\ * CHRYSLER ::Ci'.l II' c~1 Iii•'.'-:\B 64.')-:!\S~ 1---------- '6{1 (J11-yElrr \Vindsor. ·I <lr. 11~lnni:: s~oo. Ca!l aftrr 6 11111 ~.17-1(),'Ji ·.)j Ford \\'aaon, 60 n101or, 1[ grl . body, tires, r11ns "ell. Sl~j or oil', fr12--0S l2 1 LEASE · RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIE ST DELIVERY AH pop11lar nu1kes. Forrl a u1horizcd lca~ini::;-syi;te1n . Get Our Con1 pr!itive Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD :!OOU Harbor Rh·d. Costa i\lei;a 6~2-0010 TIME FOR (j)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD LINCOLN ----------, l!)l)J Clasi;1r Lincoln Crln. tincn!a1 sedan 39,l)J() nHJei;,I 4 brand ne w I~! line tires, factory air cond, full lea!her i11terior mi.HI cOtl{I. Privah! piu·ty G N rge G rupe 540-5630 Re~. 67~>-6:)j6 eve~. 1962 LINCOLN Cont1nentaJ I convert. Gd rond, lo1v m i·~. SSOO or best 5'i8-2070 l MERCURY "68 i\IERCURY 1\1 on tr: i: o V•BiOn, 16,500 1n1., 2.\.000 n1i I ,,.;uTanty. Full p...,·r, 1tereo,j :xlnt <·ond. S2 100 611-02t:i7, A\'ail 0<-L J;";th . I CLJ::AN ·r,7 Colony Park 11·~gon. Be~! offer :">t8-3481 or 6~92'l MUSTANG '6.5 ~tUSTANG C onv ,rt .1 cocoa, new tran1., good ctJn. d1tion. on, owner. $1()9j, 673-6070 alter 6. ·g7 r.tUST ANG converlibl(? 11·/air, P/S, new wide tir,.~. 111eg "'Moel". \\'ill 1..-oni;ider I trartr. S17't5. 61.l-037!1. 1968 l\l u~t.ing, vin~I lop, ~Int t'Ond. Auto Priv prly. SISJO. i l4/ 497-11!13 'l'HRI'.;E \96!l Jl-I U~lllll£5, /ully loadf'd. S2500. ConUH'l ;.:;.~:>200 OLDSMOBILE @Adre~ ()Ntttml '6.1 Old11 Sh1.rflrr, hl;,r-k, :...ln! ronr!. nt \vly p;itntNI, nrw OLDSMOBILE i;.; OLIJ:oi Lit:h• gray Cutia~~ t'11n\el'\, PIS !-P/B. $131:> P\'t pty 64:>-09-16 PLYMOUTH ~7 PLY!'o!OUTl-l STICK 6. $140 • &lf>..\g;,g . PLYMOUTH '65 PLYMOUTH S1ttt l11lr. :; dr, llT, l>tl\'kf'I :;l!;\(l', !<oC'I air, p1<.r stcenng, dlr. 1 l~s hail '°"t'l"prion11l l"«re. !\1us! i;ell befo•e lhe 10th. \\"ill !Inc prvt prt)'. LB- NPU&H. Call Ken. -194-9773 or 5-15-0634. PLYMOUTH l%.I VALIAi'.f \VACON . 13l<H'li, red u1terior. Oi·1;1n:1J f1\\!lt r Good 1..-ind. rlPan !\Il l, slick ~hl!L Days ;,l(l-241;.1 l'XI 7•1, r v r S Ii 14-2~2·1 'j9 Ply. '4 dr. 8 cyl. Slick \11th oYerdrivl!'. Jmma.c. 0 n e Ul>.Mf'J" $\!)j, 549--1361 PONTIAC b7 LF: r.1,\:-IS Cur11• \\'ht, l'l "83 PONTIAC Grand Prilc, 1111 Nkr &st olfPr. Ew~. full powror, !>8.000 ml. $11111 5'18--6016 cash. 531-8918 alt ' wkctya. 1%3 D<)i\Nt-:VILLE, g1JOd l·uM. Call .,r1 Ii pm or 11rrk. <'tld~. 1\;'.3-03fl,>. THE QUICKER YOU CAU., T~IE QU ICKER "\'OU !'ELL T·BIRD '5S T-81.l'd, reblt er.w, " cam. sharp. $19 ar belt otr. ,\fl 6. ~150 Campers 9S20 Camper1 9SlCCampers 9520Campers ~~-'-~~~~~-'--~~~~ 9520 Campers 9529 OFF SEASON ALMOST 40 NEW ELDORADOS AND FOUR WINDS TO CHOOSE FROM AT EXACTLY •••• ' • OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE POSITIVELY NO ADDITIONAL DEALER CHARGES! I 1 111. to 9 p "'· Mon.F11 • S11 I • "'· '" & r> m. S u ~ 10 1.m. to 6,. m. TOO LATE FOR SUMMER AND TOO EARLY FOR WINTER! Let's Face It·· It's Off Season For Campers. That's Why We Are Offering Truly Unusual Savings On These Brand New, Famous Name, Quality Built Camper Units. Clearance Discounts Are Limited To Units Now In Our Stock So Come In While We Have Almost Forty To Choose From! • SP'ECIAL LONG TERM FINANCING AVAILABLE DURING THIS SALE . PARTS & SER VICE HOUR S PARTS ONLY 7 • m. lo 9 P·"'· Mo" e 1 •·'"· •o • p "'· Tu•1·f •i I e .m. I• • , ..... Set !1rr:~ ;100 .. -t'l~ ...... 18~·:• ---------------------------------------------------------·----- -------------------------··----• YOU ASKED FOR 'EM AND ROY CARVER GOT 'EM * I PONTIAC! I This is the way it's 9oing to be. Pontiac starts the seventies with a bold new stroke. In stylin9. In power. If you 9et the feelin9 these cars are ahead of their time, you just 9ot the word on the 1970 Pontiacs. '69 FIREBIRD 400 $3277 Comp. Ot•n9e, bl 1c~ lop, C 1p1eo:l "'"' IT1•n ;on, ccnu1l1. r11d ;o, ht t!tr, r•llv ... i. •• 1 •• powtt 1!11r;n9. 19.000 mile• (XSS87'1 1 '68 l.E MANS H.T. $)077 ' ·.~•d io •i>G h11t1r, 1ul'om1!ic tr•n1m•n ion. po""'' tl11rin9, f1cto1¥ •ir c&ndiljo11i119. I own••· IJ.000 mile1. IVTM24 11 '67 CADILLAC $4177 Coupl D1Vill1. F~ll powt •, l<1clorv 4i• co11ditianin<J , t ilt . !1l11capic ''''''"'] wh1tl. AM·FM r1dio. blu t wil11 whit1 p1dded fop. ITWV666l )'1,l ls •c+u 1I mil••· • ----------~;\;> , ____ _ SAY.· E' · · e ... Every year ROY CARVER makes . available at this time a large selection of brand new models from the previous model run .... and each year the demand has increased for these outstanding buys. They're CJ o i n g fast and there are no more available when these are gone. So buy now, save now, and make the deal of your life! Catch the New Wide-tracks! 1970 LE MANS SPO llT 4.DOOlt HA RDTOP '68 GTO $3277 R1d,o •"d hr •lt r, .i ulom•li< l'"""'""'on, power 1lo~"n9, fo~!orv "'' condd11:in on'l 1WI COb7l '67 CAT AUNA WGN. $2877 Rtdio 1nd h11t1r, •u+omio1:c. powe• 1tppr· in9, pow er ""indow1, "iny! lop, f1 clo•y '" condi!ioni119. !VCK2S9l '68 BONNEVILLE $3177 4 Doo• h1 rdlop. Re di o, ht•!tr, paw1r il111in9. pawt• br<1\e1, 1ulorn1tic, f1 clory '" condilionin9, "invl lap. tWCl(7'17 f PRICES PLUS LICENSf AND TAX I LE MANS! I If this is the way it's 9oin9 to be, Pontiac's competition has a lot of work to do just to match the 1970 Pontiac LeMans. Practical. Economical. Great drivin9 set on the Wide-Track. Pontiac LeMans. '66 DODGE CHARGER $2077 Fullv fqui pptd 11nd in lromendou\ cond:. loon. Aulom,>t:c lron•miH•on , ••d:o, he11 I· t r. power <leering 11nd powt r br~kes. You mu1I let 11nd dri ~• lht1 one. !TZJl8'1 ) Only !S,61 5 <1c lu ~l m>lt ,. ...,, ' . '67 BONNEVILLE $111·1 4 Do•• her1hop. R1di•, h11t1.,~•i;lom1lic, powf• 1lttrin9, f1cfory · •i• conditionin9, power ..,;ndow1, bro n11. ITR!,l600J .. '67 COUGAR XR7 $2577 R•dio •nd h11!1r. •uforn•lic tr1n1rn t11ien, powt• 1!•1rin9, f1cla•y 1ir conditianin9, l11!h11 inler;o,, ITZG460l ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA MESA ...... ''"' ... • • Kl-64444 -\ 7 .. - l F ( T fac1 lo Uni A reg• ren An! whc ty. A Uni ··~ \'O!.i Anf "'" 0 opp ofl OP< N Int< den re~ Ml! .. diTo v• B fell ••• .... pur T me alsi the res T oth inti st.a jus Cm lhe T per lior oth "" \\i i I On< I 11 l I An plr: to nm ' W< hei Ca J"n lia: l l . op lh• I dir ab I Re Ch cb VH m• lh' , . r it I!' as WI ., fn ", Bl "' ho •• "'