HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 . -. • lXOil ustS en. ers e Football Sc ores Mater Dei LB "\Vilso11 28 21 Loa1·a Costa Mesa 21 Foothill 3 , Laguna 42 0 Huntington La Qui11ta 38 0 San Clemente Villa Park 8 8 DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 'llOL. U, NO. JU, I l(CTIONS, U ~.1.(;(S A gree1nent Reac"'ed U. S. Slacl{s Off On 'Intercept' \\'A~HINGTON !U PJ1 -In a mo\'c to please both sides. the li uiled St<iles \\'ill slacken ~rauon lntcrccpl -its traffic ·clogg'.,('-· narcotics · s~ng cr:lckdown alOng 1~_1'.Mcxlcan •bOtder' - i:i ret1,1t'h -for 1'.1eilco's ·srcppcd-up eo- furccnf.eat. agt1insl. mariiuan.1 gro"'•ers. Th~;ag!{Coil?lll ~111 c illcx1c11n ncgol 1a- lors -a_· vfctofy' f riclay <1fl('r rhrcc dl'lys ,,f seCntt talks here. ;ind 1t gn1 c thr i!ni ted St111 rs wha l 1l 1vant ed -a plcdgr of cooperation lh;it the 11111<; of 11wt!1u· ana beins: sn1ugglcd lrorn !'outh or· !h~' border .,.,·oul d be <.l l\ac kcd ;11 jts 511u rc.:c The Mexican.~ s;11d the border crrick· rlo\1'11 had hurl ecunon11cal ly anfl so111t• i1crscnal in~ctions \'.'ere an affront. \\'ith 1.200 Ions of rna ri1ua na sn1ug· gl>?cl across lhe border last year, the Nixon administra.lion ~'as determined lo i;f.:op the flpv•. 11 initiated Operation Intercept Sept. Mesa Teenager Killed a s Cycle Hits 1'rash Truck A Costa Mesa teenager riding his mo-. 1orcyele be.hind a garbage truck \Vfl'i killed Friday when he ramm.cd the rear cif the giant vehic le and \vas pitched t1nder lhe tires, whi ch mashea hls heat!. Ky G. Kersten, J8. or 3-0TS Coun !ry C!ub Drive, was dead at the<. scene of the accident, according to Qra.ge Coun· ty · Deputy Coroner John Cale. !nvestlgators for the California HJgh· \tli.)' Patrol said yoUQg KerStcn Was rid· ing his motorcycle fklrthboond on· Culver Road when the truck appRre ntly slowed to tam left onto Camput Drive. The 1t1ul-Away Company container lruck drlv.en by ,Larry. 0. Bcaltaifl, 25, -c! 11:6S? George St., Garden Grove. was t!Vidrntly rn roule to a count v dumo 1>itc orr Campus Drive "·hen ihc 4: 15 p.m. accldcnt. occurred. Only basic delalls "ere released by CJIP investigator•. The body of young Kerslcn, son o{ t.1~. and Mrs. George Kt:r~ten, we .. ttk- ,f':i to Pacific View f..1orluary, Corona def Mar. followl{I& the accident. nc4r the UC Jrvine campus. '.?l to a spa1e or ad\·ersc pu blicity and 0111rtige lrnm tounst~ and /\1cxican bu~1- l'lfSSmen \vhcn Thousand.~ ot persons hac1 1(t ..i•a1 1 in 'lint for 'miles fo r ·t'Ust01n· ir1· ~pP.ction. "u1 0n!obile gJo,·c con1par11nc nL!, hoods ant! 1runks. lunch boxes <1nd .children's to)~ 11ere exa mined for drug~. .\s r>spec l<"d. h1111·ever. 1hr crackdo wn . rcripell a !>mall rr haul 1h;in u~t1al. durin~ <t two v.•eek period. Wait1ni: border cros· ~;.:;,had up 10 si x hours lo throw ;iwa~' llYJY 1ncr1n1lni!IH\g goods before the.1 rl:.'lchcd .the inspection station. But .the publicity apparent ly detcrrt'!I 1111.dor s1nugglcr.~ and the Tre<1sury De· p.1rtn1ent reported marijuana increa sing· ly scarce and costing al111osl t;o.·ice as n1uch as normal in major U. S. citi es. The scaled border also pressed thr J.lexiran . government suHlcientty to pl~dgc a: real crackdo .... ·n on it s O~'n to thc.: thousands of s1nall J\1exlcan farmers 11ho grow marijuana, The J.Jnited States had ~hl this type of cooperation for years as illicit imports climbed to an c;;timated 80 percenl of lhc total mari· JU<i na consumed here. The first sign of easing al 31 station~ akng the 2.500 mile border "''ill co1ne du ri ng the rush hour r.;riod. Vehicular traffic will ei ther not bC checked or be s110l checked during th ese periods. Coin· mcrci<1l air and sea traffic inspections \\'ill also be cased . Raff eriy Search 'Stupid'--BurtQ11 S:\CRAMENTO tUPtl -As~lyman .John L. Burton (0-San FranC~) says J\1ax Rafferty's proposal lo 1eai"df !IChool Jockers for narcotics is "utterly stupid." Burfon said Friday liChQol off icials lo!· low I.he advice of tele"ision personality Art Linkletter instead of the plan prt> posed by Rafferty, superintendent of pt1 b- lic instrUction. and endorsed by the State Board or Education. "What you hl'tve lo do is not just s:iy using drugs is b&d, bUI ha ve RCientlflc proof," Burton cited Ll nkletter as 5aylnp:. •• binkletter's daughter Diane died rettnt • Jy 1w~ she jumped from a window re- portedly while on a bid LSD trip. W estminste1• Santa Ana 31 23 Fountain Valley Corona del Mat• 12 0 SEE DETAILS, SPORTS PAGES • •r re "·"·Z.!Z~'1'> .. .:arm .. n _.;;::.'::.= =::;: ;. :s •. * , . 0 1 • I :...•. Wealthy Nevadan Flees Bizarre l(idnaping Plot • Ditti1ig the Soup ;lufers 1naking their \Vay through boiling shore break 1va'lch wiped out colleague tumble toward his fa te ofJ 22nd Street Beach in Newpori. Surf was up slightly Friday, with westerly s 1,vells reaching four to· six-foot peaks in th e better locations. Surfers will be looking for more action this weekend. Draft Director Hershey P1·omoted, B11.t Ousted \VASHINGTON (AP) -A new assig11- n1ent and promotion will soflen the blow , but ''Mister Draft" -LL Gen. Lewis B. llershey -wifl be relieved or his duti es a! director of Selective Serv- ice -next Feb. ii. ' The· \\'hlle House announced Friday the 76-year--0ld Hershey. head of the draft since !!Ml , \Viii be reassigned 8! advisor 10 the President on manpower n1cbllizalion. This will end his' authority over the sy!.lem he designed and directed as It called up more than 1•.5 millio n mco during three wars and tense years of peace. While •lou!e Press Stcretary Ronald L. Ziegler said HerShey's successcir, "1•rrv likel}i" a civili11n, has not been 11elected but will be named "In the very near future.'' He will be tpPolnted deputy dtrcctor of Selective Service, Ziegler said, and Hershey's main job for the next fe1v months v.•ould be to sho w the new ma n the ropes. When the .new draft director takes over feb. 181 Hershey ls to asaumt his ne\11 task; actvli.111. ·OP manpower mobi· lizalion profllftni ·aiding the transiition to a youneest-rii'St draft system. and helping to develop a standby draft for th1e daty when the n11tlon can tum lo an all-volU11teer armed force. President Nlxon announced he ~·ould n'lmlnate Htr1hey to the rank of full gener11J -a rank now held by only 11 men -and said the nation owes Hershey a "well done" for hls dlst.inguished serv· k:r.. Her!hey dec:llned comment, but there seemed little dou bt he was ll:at•ing re- luctantly, fired by a Pre1ident whose draft views he supported with some. thin£ less than enthusiasm. Aircraft Lo sses Approacl1 6 ,000 In Vietnan1 War SAIGON (AP) -l\n1erica n aircraft losse, in Vietnam are fa st approaching t:1? 6,000 ntark despite the lull in th'e · War, U. S. Co1nmand figures showed to- day. . Enemy gunners shot dow.1 t"·o more U. s. helicopters Friday during an hour- loni fldlt 78 miles north of Saigon. No Americans were wounded, but none were killed. Enemy losses '!\'ere reported a5 l.i killed. F.:lse~·here. the comm and reported SJJOradic fighting b11t no major b11ttles. A spokesman said there were 12 ene· mr rocket and mortar attacks overnight but only four caused casualties or dam· agr. The downed helicopters raised to ~.970 the total of helicopters and llxed wing 11i;craft reported lost to all closes In Vletriam since Jan. 1, 1961 , accardlng to U. S. Command figu res. Sou rcta es- timate the coot at roughly $6 billion. .. Says Captors Threatened Fi11gers, Toe s RE XO. Nev . (UPI ) -A well.to-do Las \l~ga:; re ;i l estate operator escaped Fri· day night from a band of kidnapers "·ho he!d )um for 5800,000 ransom . The kid· n<i pcrs thr('alened to cut off his finger~ atid toes ;ind send lhcm lo his wife un- it .. ~.~ I.he r<1nsom was paid. OeHn Pet('r!>en. 3:.. telephoned pohcr ~hortl)' after 7 p.n1 . after escaping from n1t'ri 1vho held hun inore lhao 24 hour~. !IC' said he es caped when the ga ng !el l hin1 trussed up alone 1n lhe motor· ized trailer in whit:h he 1\·a~ lx>ini;:: held. l !e said they pl aced a rope <ir o11nd hi., n~ck and !eel "tn ·such a 11·;iy I 1voulcl s!"angle 1f I tried 10 swing rny feet <1011·n." But he stlld be wa~ ;i bl e to untie the !'Ope and ran lrom tile Lrai!er. Me said he 1\•as "knoc ked around a little bit'' during his captivity, but had no injur• ies after his ordeal. Deteclives·had be.en trailing one mem· ber .of the ·kidnap gang who was neg~ tinting with Petersen's sister over lhe ransom. Police arrested one suspect la· fer in a Reno hotel , but said there were at least si x others involved. Orange Coast Weather \Vatn1er temperatures are due oa the Orange Coast Sunday, cour· tesy of. some kindly (?) Santa Ana winds emanating rron1 the can- yons. INSmE TODA. Y e American cars nrr getting bigger -a11d sn1a/Ler. That's the picture F'amily \Veekly pni nl.9 toda11 with a co111plete ritndown Olt til e new 011es f or 1970. 0 flhlzi Ga ynor beautif ies the co ucr of TV '\VEF:K. Tlie COVeJ' storu prtvlc10! lier 11pcon1i"rJ special c::cl ils yuest sta rs. CfluttMJ "' "" l•l'lll•ri ' ci.uniH U·I~ lloMWltl " C°""I(' " 1 ... rt, It.II ••1t1fl•l ... ,. • ""~ Mtfk.i1 11·1• •1111..c. 11·1t '!M1t111 • Kff'IKl'I " V..clt ... M ' ' t_!All Y PILOT tj)UEENIE Saturda7, Octebtr 11. 1%q By Phil lnterlandl -·· DAILYl0 -10 SUNDAY 10·7 I SUNDAY~·, I J¥1~Y l '-1111; '~... ' • COSTA MESA ONLY SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY, OCT. 12, 10:00 A.M. to 7 P.M.-WHILE QUANITIES7LAST! ·"!.::.: :.! ::_ .... L • .. All I kn ow is he says he's an old army buddy .. ," Federal Office ' Attacks Probed ~-MEN'S, IOYS' SLIPPERS f ~ Reg. 1.91 Sunday Only! J66 By Tbt Associated. Press The FBI has announced it kas launched an investigation 1nl0 bombings, arson and van - dalism that have hit draft board offices and other £ederal installations across the coun- lry. Hund reds of drafl retord s have been destroyed during the nighttime raids in recent months and extensive damage has been done lo many or the buildings. according to a survey by The Associated Prtss. The latest 1ntidenl oecurrrd T11esday night at New York City's Armed Forces Induction Center in IO\'>'Cf r..tanhatt.an, where. an explosion shattered more than 40 w i n do w s, dam11getl v.·alls and blew out partitions. The building , which al so had ~~ the target of a bomb blast in 1968. houses the files of thousands of draftees buL none of these record~ were damaged. \0 O~E ll t;RT Several persons were in the lobby ol the building v.·hen the 11!25 p.m. blast occurred on the fifth floo r but no one was hurt . An explosion at the bast or a tree near an ROTC head· riuarters on the campus of Ttxas A&flf University ir College Sta11on. Tex .. shat. tered 31 v.·indo-...·s in four dormitories Tuesday. Again , no one v.·as hurt. Three incidents occurred in the cHrl} morning hours ol SepL 26 -ex plosions 1n the federal buildings in Milwaukee ;ind a National Guard armory 10 flfadison , \\'is., and a lire at Jug of Wine And Youth Good Idea ~EW YORf\ (AP I -Close lhe gencra uon gap v.·1th a br1t· lie of burg und)'. That's the a<h 1er Hf ii Dc>tro1l psyc:ho!ng1st 1-1 hr. cnn lends The f;i rn1!y tho.I sh<trc.~ A bo!l lc o( wine v.'on 't have Lo ~·orry about the youngsters .s"itching to 1nariJuar.a. Dr .. Roberl l\<1slcnbaunl. professor at Wayne State University, spoke al a day long "Symposium on 'Vine in Ameri can Life'' sponsored by Lhe \Vine Institute. Kastenbaum said !.hat ""'ine is a · good sy mbol o f 10gethemess" for the fan1 ily. "You don"t draw meaning out of smoking a cigarette or· v.·atching a television pro- gram," he said, but sharing a bottle of "'ine ofler~ "symbolic relalcdne~s lo pasl genera· tion~. to lrad ilion ., lie explained. "\\'ine links people It> each other; drugs tend to inc rease the user s aHena!lon fro m the ro1n - munity in general." The psychologist ad de d , "Part of the appeal in drug~ to the young is the opportunity to be 'in' on someth ing. But the wine-Jover is "in ' on an ex- ceedingly rich lode of potential knowledge and experience • _ . "This potential s~ms much greater than merely trying to discover whether or not one has purchased an authentic: 'joinl' /marijuana cigarelle l" Kastenbaum is married anrl has two children. a so n. Da\•id, S1h , and a daughler, Cynthia. 11:. He said his daugh ter ''love! li!Ue sips of wint:. ,, Generally, Kastenbaum sus· gesled, children shou ld be 1n- lfoduced to wine "at the beginning of school age." lie 1ald. "Wine In w8ter is \'cry acceptable to 1 lot of kids ." a draft board in Akron. Ohio. In Milwaukee an explosion in a stair"·ay near draft of· /ires di d $75.000 damage. At almost the sam e ti1ne the armory in P.1<idison suffered $100.000 damage from an ex- plosion al the entrance lo a drill area, ~ The fire in the Summit ~l County draft board in Ak ron was attributed by authorili es ~ to an arsonist after two empty ~ cleani ng fluid cans were 11 found. :·1 Fire orficiaJ s said the fluid "' had been poured on draft board records dumped from files, \vilh heavy destruction of the records and wal ls of the office. 1"0 ARRESTS Six days later. two n1embers •t or a group of a n t i w a r demonstrators picketing the federal building and a church Scotch plaid , t~'ln &ore s ... 1. ,:1um import. Everett atyl .. . Vulcani zed ~ole, hee!. 8-:l, ·l-6, 7-1~. ........... ~,..··-1--•· .......... ~ .. ,. __ --"""'"___.. Reg. 1.Si ··I f • • in Cleveland said publicly that they "felt responsible" for the l.• Akron fire. but no arrests were made. ~lurdy brass legs. 'vhite ceramic ash tray~ -Ideal " for the den or p\ayrooin. The FBI and New York authorities are Investigating an explosion that did con~ sidl!rable damage lo the new Federal building irl downtown Manhallan on Sept. 19. The bl~'d Depart· ment ()r ornces ~ near a Department of DefeTl!le office and a floor above Selec- tive Service offices. \\'hether the explosiDn stem- med from a bomb or ac- cumulation or gas has not been disclosed. At Stroudsburg, Pa., Aug. 16 .1111 Al classificati on cards v.·erc burned, along wilh a pic- ture of President Nixon, on the floor or the offices of a draft board.. T h e approximately 9,000 file cards have since been replaced. Fifteen persons allegedly v.·ere caught dancing iiround a bonfire of draft records in the draft board on Chicago's i. Southside fl1ay 25. Police. said >, lhC group had smeared the ~· draft reco rds with paJnt and tar beforr burning them. Last S a t urda y, flrr rfcstroytd files and damaged nqu1pinr nt at the Naval ROTC nff1rcs al Columbi11 l,;nivcrs1ly in ,\lr11· York. Coast Man In Africa 7\-!aurlce Davenport .Jr , nf No. 30 Beacon Bay. Newport Beach. is studying this sc hool semester in Kenya, Africa, \Vith Friends World Coll ege. Fol!ov.·ing his A f r i can semester he \\'ill ::; pen d :-;cme sters in India. Japan and Europe before returning lo thr L;.S for his final semester and eompletion or a scniQr projctL In Kenya, Davenport is beginning to study Swahih and undergoing inlcnsive orien- 1:i1ion, including stud,\• or th!' rifer.ts of colonialism upon the Alric:<1n peoples. Fritnds \\'orld Coll('ge is a four-year program sponsored by New York Quakers for the purpose of promoting world understanding and w or I d peace. Davcnporl"s mother, Mrs. • ,, I Reg. 1;).88 •\•: AQUA VELVA SHAVE CREAM FOR MEN .is 1ntda !I , ti . A' on1,ji 43~ Our R eg. 18c Save at this low discount prir-r' Rtgular or r.tcnthol types in the 10-oz. nrt. 1vt, aize can~. Stock up 110\>.'! ; ·-. Lucille f\f. Davenport. Jives at lhc Beacon Bay addrtss. 51/2.QT. HY-FRY COOKER Bea ch 8 t11d c nt Wins 2 Awa rds C a ro 1 E .Dietz, of llun- tington Beach, has received tw o :;cholar!lhips upon entering UC Riverside thi~ fall. Tht daughll"r of Mrs. Phyll!s- M. Diet.z, 61J I Albion Drive, i~ a Marina High School graduate. She is majoring In E:ng!ls)l. S111adoy Only/ Re g. 7.97 Con;bioa!ion rlr1•11·1r cnokr1'. dr>ep-fryrr con1rs 11•1th f1·y ha~ k r I. Anchqr • l~ockin~ Ov.cn\t·ar c t.:IRs.~ covt'r, chrorn,. finish. 744 " ot t' ~' ' • ' " " ' ' , y .. , • .. ,, BIG-GIRL LOOK IN CLASSIC FASHIONS Sun da y Onl v! 0111• lle g. 2.97 shopping Hl back-to-school \Vardrobes. Styled ~'llh crc\v necks. In bright colors. Girls' 7-14. " . ALUMINUM FRY PAN THERMO . FUSEO TEFLON J47 R e g. 1.97 -1 ·J ., .. l\"o s1i.·k 1n~ fryini;;. Ko ~t:l'.•l!r. Clran11p. For u:o,. \\'i!h JTIC'laJ· spoon and ~[l1l lula~. .. •Ol~•.,v •• CANNON. Su nday Only! f Reg. 50c i ~. _L MEN'S LONG SLEEVE WOOL SHIRTS 444 Reg. S.94 f or tl1at ~marl i.asual look &Jld con1forl , Nothing hl'als our col• lcctl<1n nf long :o I,. t v f: wool bl,..nrl ,;h1rt~. Y nu r choice nr 1ila1tl.~ 1n 1hi.~ :;f'a.;-;on'! brlghtf~t ;ind tinld•'.'1 t'olr.i?s •.• Siirs S-,\1-L·XL. . ' _J:~m~; ~ ' ••• VINYL CUN CASE IS FULLY PADDED 292 lle g. 3.83 1 :::_"li,.~1 11111 '1 1th !an. \V"trrprOl'lf. j Availablr· 1n l1•nµ.1.11 ~ 40" llirough 15:!". Balancrd handlr. Charge I t. COLORFUL BATHROOM SET .~1111daf1 (J11ly! R eg . 1.88 100•;, fl uffy pol~ estrr pl11~h bath mat, and lid C'Ovcr. Avo- rado. 1;iamt'sr pink. l'llyal, 11·hitr. hittcrsv.·rrt and anl1- qllC ~old. '" , " J27 11 j ''! I~ } ., " ' 5-GAL. BOTTLE BRUSH . or BLACK PINE f88 R eg. 3.3:1 I \ VC A - lo '" 11·; er ] J I (a k; of "' c th ,, " ir. rr ,, ,, "· ,. si p c ~ ' d ti I r f f f I I I t l \ . . --· - Weekl'nd EDITION Vo ... Home.._.. Dally Paper VOL 62, NO . 244, S SECTIONS, 88 PAGES SATURDAY. OOT08ER 11, 1969 TEN CENTS • lXOll us ts en. ers e Agreenient Reached U. S. Slacks Off -on 'Intercept' \VASlllNGTON !!;Pl ) -In a move to please both sides, the United States 11 ill slacken Operation Intercept -its lroffi c clogging narrotics smuggling cr;:ickdo11'n along lhe fo.lcxican border - Mesa Cvclist, .. 18, Hits Trcisli Truck, Killecl A Cosla Mesa teenager riding l1is n10- torcycle behind a garbage truck was killed Friday when he rammed the rear of the giant vehicle and was pitched under the tires, whic h mashed his head . Ky G. Kersten, 18, of 30lS Coun try Ciu b Drive , 11'a s dead at the scene of the accident. according to Or<i nge Coun- ly Deputy Coroner John Cale. Investigators [or the California High· \1<.y Patrol sa id young Kersten 11•as rid· inJ:: his motorcyc le northbound on Culver noad v.·hen lhe truck apparently slov.·cd 10 tum left onto Camput Drive. The Hau l-Awa y Company cort.ai~r 1ruck driven by Larry D. Brattain, 2~. of IZliZ George Sl., Garden Grove , v.·as r\ider.tly en route to a county dump site of[ Campus Drive \\'hen the 4:1.> p.1n. accident occurred . Only basic de tails were rel casl'd by CHP investigators. The body of young Kersten, son of fo,f.-. and Mrs. George Kersten, was t<ik· ca tf1 Pacific View Mortuary, Corona dcl f\.far. following the accident near ~he UC Irvine campu.~. in return for r-.texico's stepped·up c:1 lurcement against murijuana groy,·ers The agree1nent ga ve Mexican negot i;,. r nr~ a victory Friday after lhree da~ ~ of secret talks here, and it gave lhc- i 'nited States what it \\'anted -a pledge of cooperation that the tons of marii u· ana being smuggled fro1n south ol the b•irder would be attacked al its wurcr. The Jl1Jexicans said lhe border crack- <l0\1·n had hurt economlcally and so me pl.'rscnal inspections were an affront. \\'ith 1,200 tons of marijuana srnui;· gl.:.cl across the border last year, the t-;lxon administration 11 as determined to i;t~'r-the f!oy,·. ll initiated Operation Intercept Sept. .21 lo a spate of adverse publicity and outrage from tou rists and ~1exican busi- nessmen when thou sands of persons had to wait in line for milts for custoin in· spection . Automobile glove con1part1nent~. hood~ and trunks. lunch boxes and children·s loy~ were examined for drugs. :\s expected. however, the crackdown 1·ea pcd a smaller haul than usut1l during a rwo \\'ef'k period. \Vaiting border cros· scrs had up to si x hours lo lhrolY a1v;iy any incriminating goods before they ITached lhe inspection ·station. But the publicity apparenlly deterred major smua;lers and the 't'n:-ry [)e.. µartment r~ marijuana incrusing· ly scarce and costing almost twice 1s n1uch as normal in major U. S. cities. The sealed border also pressed the ~texican government sufficiently to pledge a real crackdo1vn on its own lo t!'lt! thousands of small r-.1exica n fanners ll'hO erow marijuana. The United States had sought this type of cooperation for years as illicit irnporL~ climbed to an estimated 80 percent of the total n1ari· jLJana consumed here . Astronauts Hold Final Meeting Witli Newsmen SPACI-.: CEt\'TER, J.louston (APl - ~Ian's seco nd tcan1 of \'1s11ors to the moon , the Apollo 12 crew, hold thei r final general nc..,,·s conference today be· fore starting the final month of traln1ni:: for the.ir Nov. 14 launch lO\\·ard a luna r landing . The cre\\·mcn-Charlcs Conrad Jr , 33, Ric.hard F. Gordon J r., :19. and Alan L. Bean, 37-will answer news men 's qucs· tions for an hour in an aud itori um al the Manned Spacecraft Cen!cr. Conrad, commander of the all -Na\'y crew, is a veteran of lwo Sllace fl ights. Gem ini S and Gemini II , and is a Navy commander. Gordon, also a Navy commander, fll!'v with Conrad 1)0 the three-day Gemini l I mission in 1966. Bean, a lieutenant commander, is a space rookie. Conrad and Bean . .,,.he> is the lunar module pilot. are scheduled to land on lhe moon about 2 a.m. on Nov. 19. The pair will make t..,,·o moon walks, each Jast.ing up to four hours. Plans call for them to land their lunar module within 3.000 fee t of the unman~ Surveyor 3 spacecraf1 which landed on Marine Outfit Returns Colors To Base Monday CAMP PENDLETON (AP)-1'1\f! Third Refiment of the Third Marine Division wll retum tta: colors to this big Marine bese Menday after more than four years ol contlnuoua duty in Vietnam and the f'•r East. About 160 Marines will arrive hoiooday on a flight to El Toro ~1.arine. Air Station, a ~farine spokesman said Friday. the moon in 1967 During the second moon ..... alk they are to trek to the Surveyor ;ind Llll off sc\"eral pieces of h<trdwart'. in· i·lud1ng a televisn .. n c<Hncra, and r~turn thrm to c.arth for stud) ' -·-.. ' .. . "" ' .. llitti119 the So11p Surfers making their \Vay through boili ng .shore break \\1a'tch \viped out colleague tun1ble to\vard his fate off 22nd Street Beach in Nc\vport. Surf \va s up slightly :Friday. \I' Ith \ves lerly S\vells reaching four to six-foot peaks in the better localions. Surfers \rill be looking for more action this u1eekend. Losses Aircraft Approacl1 6,000 In Vietnam War ~ATGON (,\P) -A1nerican alra'.!t lo;>sci in Vietnam are fast approa ching 1!1" 6.00{I mark despite the Jun in the ~·ar, U. S. Command figures sho\\·ed lo· <l;.y. Enrmy 1iunners shot dow.1 two more l i. S. helicopters Friday during an hour- l(lng fight 76 miles north of Sai1ion, Two ,\n1e ricans were wounded. but none were killed. Enemy losses were reported as IJ killed. F:l scwhere, the command reporh;d i;poradi c fighti ng but no n1ajor batlles. A spokesman said there \\'ere 12 en('· niy rocket and mortar altac.ks overnight but only four caused casua lties or da m· agt-. The downed helicopters raised 10 5,9iO l h~ total of helicopters and fixed \\'ing ai-craft reported lost to all cnuscs 111 \ 1etnam since Jan. I, 1961. acrord1nJ.: to U. S. Command figu res. Sources c~­ t11na1 c lhc cosl at roughly Sil billion Headquarters' figures show a total of :l.f197 hc!icoplers <ind 2.873 fi xed 11 u1g ;111rcraft lo~!. These ttgurcs do not in· l"lll rlP losses in the air war n1 rr \.;in'. whtch are not announced by 1hr l'. ~­ t :r.nunand . W ealtli y Vegas Realtor Flees Bizarre l(idnap. flE~O. /\'e\. IUPll -A wel!-to·do Las Ve:ga&, res! estate operal or escirped Fri· day night from a band of kidnapers who h~·!d him for $800,000 ransom. The kid- n.!pers threa tened to cul off his fingers ar;d toe!! and send th en1 to his wife un- lct'~ the ranson1 was pa id. Dean Pctersc11, 35, telephoned police ~hortly af1er 7 p.m. aft er escaping from m<'n who held him more than 24 hours. lie said h<' escaped when the gang lelt him trusse<l up ;ilonc in !he motor· i~rd trailer in which he was being held . lie sa id they plnced a rope around his n~ck and feel "in such a way r "-'Ould st-angle if I !ried to swing my !eel dv1\n. ·• Bui he said he was able to untie the rope and ran frnn1 1hr trailer. lie said he wa~ '"knocked around a litllc bit"' 1\urin~ his cap11v1t1 , but had no injur- 1c' alter his hrdcal. i)ctccl1\·f's had been lraihng one 1nen1- hrr nt 1hc kidn ap g;ing who \\:ts ncgo- 1 ~o1!111g \\'1th Petersen '.'\ ~1s1cr O\'Cr the r;,1n3nn1. Police arrested one suspect la- trr In a Reno hotel, but .'laid there \\'erf' ;it least IU: olhtrs involvecl. They fled 11.·hile police ck>Rd In on lhem after Pe- tersen escaped. "I don 't know how J got out,'' the vie· tun muttered as he entered the police ~t;Hlon for questioning. Hls clothes were ruffled and his shirttail out. He \Vas pale and trembling but appeared unhurt. He carried a pair ol handcuffs in 11"nich he :said he had been locked. No ransom had actuall y been paid. Police said Petersen, 1\•hose real es. tale holdings include the Westward Ho Hole\ on the Las Vega s Strip, was seited Thursday afternoon. His auto was found ot a Las Vegas intersection. Just after midnight hi!! ~·ire received a telephone call from the kidnapers in lleno. Thev instructed her to send Pe- !('rsen"s sfster. J'.1rs. Faye John!IOn , to P.cno aboard a fl i2ht arriving al 7: I() a.m. Petersen came on the phone and IJld hrs \vile 10 follow the instruclions. \Vhen r-.l rs. JohnSOll arrived in Reno ~ilc 11.·as met by onr of lhc suspects. De· tccl11es follo\\'Cd the man 11·i1h her to a coff ee shop 1\•htre they d1 scusstd the ransorn. The kidnapers were insistin~ on !800.000 1n1mediately rather than an 1.istallmcnt of Sl00,000 which ~1rs .. John· ~on planned lo \\'lthdraw fron1 a Reno b~nk. ~·lrs. Johnson played a "courageous" role during the ordeal, a detective said after1\•ards. She met the kidnap gang·s rrpresentatil'e again Inter at a hole!. r-.1eanwh!le, police learned that a mo· lil rizcd trailer was parked on a subur· b.Jn road at the sou!h side of the city anrl it was suspected the \llctim was being held 1n it. Six men, some armed, 11cre reported occupying the trailer. Al the requesL of au thorities. nC\\'5 me· tli t did not report the kidnap until the victim was out of danger. Water District Bids to Annex - lrvi11e Co. Land Annexation proceedi ngs on 2Ja acres or Irvine Company land adjacent to Qr. ange County Airport ha;.ie , been, started by the Co.st.a Mesa County Water Dis· irict (CMCWD). The matter was di!cussed when dir· el.!ton; of the CMCWD met Thursday. Next step in the anne~ation is formal application to lht county 's Local Agen· cles Formation Commission {LAFC ) to supply water to th e 61 -parcel industria l park. About 480 men wlll arrive by ship later thi! month, probably at San Diego, he said. Many of the regiment'a other mtrn· ber.i were trirnsferred to other Ynl.ts to finish their Vietnam tours. M11rines from other unitt, includin& the f!OOn·to-be deactivated Fifth Division, will be lransferred to the. Thin! Regiment tn bring it back to combat strength of 4,000 men . ·-·~../ .. Tan i•a t~ PtUfter The land Involved i! the former Mc· Ot:innell·Douglas terospact plant· 1i1e which reverted to the Jrvine Comp1ny when pl1n21 to build I.here failed lo work .... W•ttr district orfleials said the an· ne.xatlon was requested by the Irvine Company, which hM divided the land Into 80 parcel:i1 or six acres each and one large, 40·acre ir.d uslrial plant sile. " f • One legendary figure will pay tribute to the mem°' ry ot another today whe n Frank Tallman flies his 1910 Curtiss Pusher al Orange County :\irport in commemmoraUon of the late. aviation pkmeer Glerm Martin's first f!lght in Orange County M years ago. FU gh~ lin1cs are 1:30, 2:30 and 3 :30 p.m . • ., '., P1·01notion Comes With Joh Ouster. \\IASHINGTON (A P ) -A ne1v assign. 1nent and promotion will soften the blow , but ''~1ister Draft" -Lt. Gen. Ltwis B. Hershey -1vill be relieved or his duties as director of Selective Serv· i~e ncx l Feb. 16. The \\lhitc House announce d Friday the 76-yea r-old Hershey, head of the draft si nce 1941. "'ill be reassigned as advisor lo the President on manpowe r 1nobilization, This will end his authority over the system he designed and directed as it called up more than 14.5 million men during three wars and tense years. or peace. \Vhite House Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said 1-lcrshey's successor, "very likely" a civilian. has not been i;elected hlll \\'ill be named "in the very near future." He will be appointed deputy director nf Selective Service, Ziegler said, and Hershey ·s ma in job for the next fe.w n1onths v.•ould be to sho\v the nc1v man the ropes. \Vhen the nf'1\' drall thrector takes over Feb. !6. Hershey is to assume his n.::w task; ad vising nn manpower mobt· lization problems, aiding the transiitlon lo 1 youngest·firS1. draft system, and helping to develop a standby draft for the day v.·hen the nation can tum lo an a/I.volunteer armed force. President Nixon announced he \.\'OUld nominate HefSJiey lo the rank of full general -a rank now held by only 16 men -and said the nation owes Hershey a "well done" for his distinguished serv· ice. Hershey declined comment. but there seemed little doubt he was leaving re- luctantly, fi red· by a President whose draft views Ile supported "'ith some· th ing less than enthusiasm. llcrshey, \l'ho is almost blind, had often said he did not plan to resign voluntarily unless he became too ill to do his job. Ziegler said. in answer lo questions. that Hershey is "in excellent health i nd 1n excellent. spirits," .4.sked whe ther Hershey or the Presi- dent had ini tiated Hershey's reassign- n1ent, Ziegler respo nded, "The President 1n<ide the determinat ion to give Gen. Hershey the nP\v responsibility • • • ,1s \\'r mo\"e into lhc.se new areas. he tell he would be well advised to have (:en H er~hey in a position as his ad· 1·1:-ior.'' But !he new a1·eas Nixon ,1·ants !n l'~plore had been dismtssed as 1.1ndes1r· ahle by Hershey y,·hen others proposed them earlier. Nixon ha s announced his intention In is.sue an executive order next January :o 1nak.e J9-to-20-year-olds the prime draft pool , \\'ilh prog ressively decreas. ing dr11ft liability in succeeding year~. At present the draft pool is 19 lo 26, with lhr oldest eligible men drafted first. f'fershey ooce said such 11 change could be administered. but would only compli· cate the workings of the Selective Serv· lee System . Nixon is pressing for congressional authorization lo replace lhe present st:· lection·bY·biTthday with a lottery Bystem of selection. Orange Coa•t Weather \\'armer temperatures are dUe on. the Orange Coast Sunday, cour- tesy of some kindly (?) Santa Ana winds emanating from the can· yons. INSWE TODAY e Amnican car.• art. gettin g bigger -and vnaller. Thot's the picture Family \Veekly paint& tor:Uly witli a complele ru·11down on Ille new one& f or 1970. e fifitri Gaynor beat«ifies the cover of TV \VEEK. The covtr storfJ previews her upcoming tptciai and ils guest stars . Clltl•CMI ••• '"" '-••~ • C!IHll ... fl·JI Ml•l4'• " '"""" " , ...... U·ll ·~·· '"' ' 119(1 ~ .•. ,, 11·11 ll'INfltt , .. ,, '~·.i··· • .. __ " 11111: 11 '" .. ., ' ·~·· I ---------------------·------------------~------------- ----~ 2 r!AI LV PILOT QUEENIE _, " J-.} ·~ :!-\ . . ···. 51turd!y, October 11, 1%ct --By l'hll lnterlandl DAILY 10 -10 SUNDAY 10·7 I , COSTA MESA ONLY SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY, OCT. 12, 10:00 A.M. to 7 P.M. -WHILE QUANITIES LAST! ---,_ MEN'S LONG SLEEVE WOOL SHIRTS •·Au I know is he says he's an old army buddy ... " •• 444 ,. Federal Off ice [ l I MEN'S, BOYS' SLIPPERS lfeg .• >.94 Attacks Probed ICeg. J.97 I • 6 " • .1.' .. .S 7 u. 1 1.,1.doy 0•1ly! 6 :;,, Far 1h;1I ~111a 1·1 ca~un l look 11.nd •'•>rnfon .\'nt.hini:: h(•ats our l·ol- 1,.( ll•in of lone s lr,-.v r \l'O()I lolo •J'd ~lllrl -Y H U I" l'h<)irf' nr 11la1d:; in 1111.; ~r;i,.,·,n's bright r~r nnd 1),)ldr.~l <'olnrs .•• Sil"' ~-ill -L-XI ,, By The Associated J•ress The FBI has announced ii has launched an invcsligat1on into bombings, arson and van· dalism that have hit draft board offices and other federal installations across the coun- try. Hundreds of draft records have been destroyed during I.he nighttime raids in recent mont.hs and extensive damage has been done to many of the buildings. according to a survey by The Associated Press. ThC' lat est incident occurrrd Tuesday night at New York City's Armed Forces Induction Center ln lo\ver l'vlanhattan, where an explosion sh<ittercd more tha11 40 \~' 1 n cl ow s . damaged v.•al!s ;i nd blcv.• oul partitions, The building. which also had been the target or a bomb blast in 1968, hou ses the rile~ of thousands of draftees but none of these retords were damaged. NO ONE HURT Several persons werr in the lobby of the building when the 11 :25 p.m. blast occurred on !he fifth floor but no one ·was hurt. An explosion al the base of " tree near an ROTC heBd· quarters on the campu~ (lf Texas ,\&M University ir College Slatton. Tex .. sh.11- tered 31 v.·indov.·s in lou r dormitories Tuesday. Again, no one v.·as hurt. Three incidents occurred ·1n the earl}' morning hours of SepL 26 -explosions in the federal buildings in Milwaukee and a National Guard armory in Madison, \Vis .. and a fire at Jug of Wine Aud Good Id ea ;\E\.,. YORI\ l.~P · -\ln~r 1bc genera1ion ~ap 111111 ;i bnl Uc of burgund~, Thal's the ad1 l!'r 1"1 .1 Dc>tro11 psychologi ~t 11 hr. ron 11'nds· The f~n1ily !hill =-lii1rc0 a bottle of v•1 ne ll'on·l ha1e 1n "-orry aboul lhc ~oungslers switching lo 1narijuan<1. Dr . Roberl Kastenbaun1, professo1 at '\'ayne State University, spoke at a dny long ··symposiun1 on \Vine 1n American Life" .!=ponsorcd by the Yline Institute>. Kastenbaum said tl1at "11•1nc is a good ~~·n1bol of togetherness ' fnr the tan1tl,\'. "You don't draw meaning out of sn1oking ;i l'i~arcttc or 11·atch ing a lf•l('I ISIO!l prO· gr;i1n," he s<1 1d. but ~hu n11i: :-i bottle ol 1n nr offers "svmbol 11· relatcdnes'I'. k• p;1i,I 'genera- tion~. lo tradrlion.' !Ir cxrla1ncd, "\\"111(' !111~..; people to each othe r: dn1 ~s tend to increase the user'& al1C'nalioll from 1hr cru11 - n1unl!y in general_'' The psychologi st add e d , "Part of the appeal in drugs lo lhe young i5 lhe opportunity to be 'in' on something. But !he wine-Jover is 'in' on an ex· ceeding!y rich lode of po\ent tal knowledge and experience , , • "This potential setmi; murh j;reater than merely tryi ng to disc-Ove r wh ether or not one has purchased an authenti c ·joint' I marijuana rignrettc )." Ka stenbaum is tnarried a nd has lwo children. a ~on. D111·1d. 31,7, and a <laughter, Cynthia . 11 !. lie sai<l his daughter "loves little sips of win<"." l ienerally. Kastc11baum ~u~­ "c~tcd, children should be 111- troduced to wine "at the btginning of t1ehool age.'' He aaid. "\Vine In "'atr r is very ,_cceptablc to 1 Jot of kids." ,. Scotch r>laid, l\1·in >;ore Bf'!-I ~nJ111 llllf)nrl. Evrrr!1 styl<".. ;· a draf t board in Akron. Ohio. Vu lt11ni7,rd solr, hcf'L i:;.:i. ~ Jn l\lih1'aukee an explosion 1 ~;· in a ~t airway near drafl of· fices did $75 ,000 damage. Al ---~---:r--_-:r.-:-.,.~m-:'.:-_ ~,ffii 5·M1.i 11 linost the same time th e •~:!::!':".'""OU'°"''""""""""""""""""""""""~ ~r~~ ~~;;;~i~~~m:;~~e~~~ --~~.:!.""' ., ·pt"!!~ ... r e=S·'''MftTt-O·e::..""'K!!'E'"''"R"·, ··1. t; plosion at the entrance to a drill area. 1• The fire in the Summit ~ County draft board in Akron •~ ~ was attributed by authorities ·I · to an arsonist after two empty ST AND f , cleaning fluid cans Vr'Cre l ! found. • , , Fire officials said 01c fluid had bee n pourect IJll flriil1 board records dumped fro1n files. 1rilh hca1·y destruc tion ri f !he records and \1·al!s of Lile ! offict . NO ARRESTS Six days later. two n1c1nbcrs of a grou p of a n t 1 w a r demonstrators pic keting the federal building and a church 96~ Reg. 1.5i 'i ~· i "I I fi I ., BIG-GIRL LOOK IN CLASSIC FASHIONS Sunday Onlv! 211 Our R e!/· 2.97 • ' .t! ' f,, ~·'!'-' 1.- ~ ~--·-------~----- ~ . - ' ,, ., ,, " ' ' . ' .. _ •.:.;, '~·, .. ~~ 1 -. . -'-. SttllflO!/ ,,,,,~, in Cleveland said publicly thal they "felt responsi ble" for the Akron firr . but no arrrsts \1·ere made. t. S!tn·dy brass le,i::s. ,,·hitc ceramic a::;h tra y~ -idea l for the den or playr oorn, Popular flal·kn it 100 ';t acrylic cardigans for 'vise -i shopping in back-to-school \11ardrobes. Slylcd with crc\v necks. In bright colors. Girls' 7·14. t. Collnn 1·n t'd<11'"" pa111 ~ in '1 ~nl1 d" Co !1n11 ·kn•l Pnl'> ~hlrt~ In ~·1!1d~ "r s!rlpl'S. .S1Zf' :2-·1. 'The FD! ;ind New York authorities arc investigating an explosio n lhat did con- siderable damage to Lhe new federal building in dov>ntown f\fanhattan on Sept. J9. The blast damaged Depart- ment of Commerce offices - near a Department of Defense office and a floor above Selcc- t11·t Srr1·icc office~. \\'hether the explosion S'tcm- n1ed ln1m a bomb or :ic- tumularion or ga s has no t been di.~closed . At Stroudsburg, Pa., Aug. 16 all Al cl assification cards 11·cre burned. along y,•i lh a pic- ture of President Nixon , on the floo r of the offices of a draft board. Th e approxhnately !l.000 fdr cards 11ave si nce been rrplaced. Fift een persons allegedly 11·ere caught dancing a round a bonfire of draft records in lhe rlraft bo11rd !•n Chic.1go·.~ South side l\1;·1y 2.J. Police s;iid the grou p had sn1carcd the draft rrcords wit h paint and t<1r b<'furr bur ning the1n. La~l Sa l u rd a v . f1rr c:c~troyf'd filr:; and dan1a~ed Pq111pn1rn1 at 1hr i\<n«il nOTC nff1rrs ;!I Cnlui;nbLa Cn1\'Cl'~11y 1n :\cw \'nrk. • f. • ;. '··---· ~· -~ r . AQUA VELVA SHAVE CREAM FOR MEN 43~ Our Reg. 78c Se.vr 11!. this Jo,v di:o;rount priC'r' Rr~ular or fllcnthol types 111 th(' 10-oz. nr t 1vt, size ca n:', Stork up nr"\'! ' ~-; ( - ALUMINUM FRY PAN THERMO-FUSED TEFLON J47 ;.:,~ ~!lrkln~ fr)·1 ng. '.\'o srQ11r. Clr an\lp, for 11~r v.·ith n1etal- spoon and ~pa!ula~. ,.., .. VINYL CUN CASE IS FULLY PADDED S unday Only 292 Reg. 3.83 Coast Man In Africa COLORFUL BATHROOM SET ~ J :l ., " ~j I ' '· l. ' l\la uru;c Davenport ,Jr , Qf No . 30 Be<icon Bay. Nc1vport I3r.<1ch., is :-;\udying this st·hool ~emester in l\cnya, Africa, 11 ith Friends 'Vorld College _ Reg. LJ.88 Sunday Only! Reg. 1.88 100'~ fluffy pcl~r~i rr plq<h balh m11 ! and h(I •"r1\<'J" ,\\n- 1:ado, ~ieme~I' pi nk. 1·nr11 1, 1«hill', bittrrs11r<'I 1111d .1 r111 . qur gold. f27 Foli o" ing his A fr 1 t a 11 ~r.1ncste r he 1111! s pell d ~crnes!er~ in lntlJ:i. J3p;1n n11d F:uropr beforr rrlurning lo thl'l t_; S for his final Sl'llH'SICr nnd j Cflmpll't1 on Qf a senior project. In l\rn~·;i. n:1\'enport i ~ begi nning to !it ud.v ~11till11i and undrrgoing in tensive oricn· t;i!ion. inl'ludin j:' study of thl' f'ffcc:ts of coloniaJ1s1n upon the Afric<i n peo ples. Friends \\lorld College is n four-year program sp<insored by New York Quakers for the purpose of promoting world undersland i'ng and w o r Id peace. Davenporl's n1other. i\lr~. Lucille M. Davenport. lil'es at lhc Beacon Bay address. Beach Sludenl ~'in s 2 Awards C a r o I E .Dietz. nf l~un· ting!on Beach, has rccf'il'eri l\'O si'hnlarships upon e11tering VC R1\·C'r::;1rlr !his fnll . The claugh11'r of Mrs Ph,vlll s ~1. Dietz. fil:IJ Alblon Drh·r , i.~ ri l\1arina High School gr;idu:ilc, She is majoring in English. 51/2.QT. HY·FRY COOKER .Su11da11 Onl11! R eg. 7.97 Co1nbi1111 11on elrr(!'il' cookrr, rlr,-.p-fl'_\,.r •'O!T1f'.<: 11ith fry Ii n ~ k r !. ,\n~·l1rw · lloc:ki n;: 0 v t" n \\"a r c ):ila.-.s cover, ct1rn111,. flni.~li. 744 • " ' ... .,~~'"V •• CANNON. BATH TOWEL AND FACE CLOTH SALE! Suiulay Only! 41~ " 1 Cannon's fine quaJity all-cotton towels in colorful solids or bold stripes to brighten up your bath- rooms! Face cloths reg. 18t in solids or stripes ..• now 14f. r ' .. ,-. ~ . ., ~· ··~· -, ,. . ~·-~ ... ' ~· . J • ! ' ;. • " .. 5-GAL BOTTLE BRUSH or BLACK PINE f88 Reg. :J.33 .. 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ~i~;;~·a~~COSTA MESA . Harbor ( ' l . t ) ' ' ' t I I I \ --. I I ' ' ! ! S1tur:d1y, Octobfr 11 , 1%~ DAILY PILOT J _, ................................... -. ............ ._ .................................... -...................... """' .... """""" ............... ~-................ .....,,.,,,,,,..,"""""""""' ........ . Eq11al Legn:I Chan~e DAILY PILOT 111!1 Pllele ATTORNEY TOM KEENAN GREETS YOUNG CLIENT IN JUOGE SUMNER'S JUVENILE COURT Fer the Youthful Offender, An Equal Chance for Equal P rotection Under t he Law Cra1iston Bares Plata Oil Ban Extension Urged Oil production along California's state- protected coastal s;,i1 ,~tu:1r1 c~-ri1t·:1lfl111 g Orange County-v:i!I be forbiddrn if \e,g- islation planned by Sen:i!or Alan Crun;;- ton succeeds. The California legi slator announ~ed bis plans Friday night during a dlnner honnr- ing State Assemblyman Ken C'ory ( [).. AnaheimJ at the Di.~neyla nd Hotel. Petroleum production off Orange, l11s Angeles and San Diego counlies is now prohibited by state· law, but the ban en- visioned by Cranston would ex tend to federall~-con!ro!lclil areas. The move was prompted by the tragic oil leakage in the Santa Barbara Chan- nel earlier in the year. "I bel ieye that local residents should have the right to protect their t:nviron- ment even when national interests m;i y put other concerns :ihead or the possibil· ity of environment;al pollution," said Cranston. "Only by giving people ,1·ho live in the specific environment the first priority in deciding how natural resources 11re de- veloped can we be ct'rtain that en,·iron- mentll l concerns will be given lhe major DAIL\ PILOI "~ .... ~ ....... ~·-.... ,......,. v.u., .,__ CAUfOINIA •AHGI C0.U1 PUILISIONG (0Noo>AN'f lt•bnt N. W••d Prnl*ftl ...., hlM!tMt J•t• I. Curlt1 \lite ~..,,,MO IHN!'M ........ , l ti.m11 l(,,.,;J ••* n • ..,., ,.,_ "" •• ,~;~· _..._EOl!cs" C•I• """"' U0 W~ot I•~ Sitt•! ...,_.., let<h-llll Wnf B••t.1 eo.itwre L...,... INKh: rn ..-..... , ..,...,,.,., _1.,.1ar1 a..u.: m )I" ~""' l)AILV "llOl, will> ,.1>.u. 11 ,...,.,...., .,.. Hf'n·'°rnt. It 11111>11-doll, ~~<•! $vr> .. , ln -•I N 1oll01on6 !Of (0011 ....... , H-1 -· L .... ,... l n tfl. H""tlrlglo" ·-.... FOlll\1111'1 Vtlll'Y, •-will! •-__ , .. It...... Or-(-PWllthl ... c-"' "'"''i.. •Lo~•• ••• •' 1111 w~•• ... _ I I .. ~ ,__, I N <l'I, .... Ja Wm 1.., Str"" C01•1 -· , ....... 11141 MJ-4121 Cit ..... "'''" ..... t42·N71 cwrrww. ._ 0r-~ "'*1""'"' '-"· ... -·--....... 11 ..... M•l9' """"' • _,,l_,,11 ,.,..,,. _., • """911t• wl"*lf WK)fl -___ ,..,._, Sec.-c'"' ,....._ .,..,. 11 ,....._.. h•d'I .,., C•lt ..... C. .......... S.Utpt-h _, ... -_.,,., ., Miii ., .. _.,, ........., ............ llJI -•If- conslderalion they niu st ha\'e," he t on- l111L1ed. Cran~:on's proposal \l'r111ld cli1ni nat e off. ~11ore ell drilling b('yond se\'en sta1c- rrca;cd sancutaries whic h end at the three·n1ile Jnterncitional lin1 iL The area affected protects one-fou rth of the California shoreli ne-to that three- mi!e in!CJU.iltiOna l lim it-and about half the s!ate4 JKl\enlia l oil resotirces are be- lieved located there. TI1ey include: -A 16-mile slrelch o~f Snnt a. Barbara County . --Orange and San Dieo coun1ie~. from Ne\•,oport Beach south lo Lbe ~lex :can bor- dcn. -Santa f.tonica Bay. -Around San Clctnente and l:is.pt.a C:il.a· lina islands. -Along San Luis Obispo County's shore- line, from Pismo Beach to Cayucos. -:'llonterey Bay. -Off the llumboldl and Mendoc ino County shorelines. Cranston said dur ing the Friday night dinne r address !hat Califorrua11s face a major decision about pollu tion cont rols. "The tra gic pollu1lon of the beaches, Islands and v.·aters of the Santa Barbara Channel \1'ill be dolibly tragic if \Ve fail to learn this lesson: v.·e must plan in ad· vance to protect our Ca lifornia coastline," "In Santa Barbara, the state created a 16·mile sanctuary in which oil e:<plor- ation and dr illing l\':JS prohibited," be explained. "But sea11i·ard of the three-mile \imil of state authority, the federal go\'ernment sllovted only a two.mile buffe r. Beyond that line, federal leases v.·ere sold .and the v.·el \5 are being drilled,'' Cranston continued. The Union Oil Company blo\\·out which occurred las~ Jan. 28 wa1 just beyond th• three·mile limlt ind adjacent to lhe fed· cral buffer :zone, he explained. Lagu1ia Cou1icil Pl.ans To Probe Beach Access By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 !~• 01ltt r 1io1 111n Legal aspects of public access to beaches versus rights of private property owners ll'ill be d i~cus~ed by the L.1guna Beach City Counci l Wednesday night, but ?lf;:iyor Glenn Vedder said Friday he i~ not hopeful of achie\'ing I h e "clarific;:it!o n'' ~ought by the city's Plan- ning Commissinn . At the request of commissioner Jo:;eph Tomehak . l he con1n1ission has add ressed a lett er to the cou ncil ~eeking an analysis of the beach problem from the stanrJpolnts of city policy, ·1rgali1y, engint'er ing, planninr:. public access and fulure vari;:ince a pplic:i.tions. The lette r asks U1at the council di r('ct the city attorney and the planning depart- ment to in\'eslignte pos~ib le alternatives to "what se ems to be the imn1i nent clos· ing of certain beaches lo the general public.'' In bringing the beach access question before the Planning Com m lss I o n , Tomehak noted not only the current con- troversy o\'er the closing of Salt Creek Beach resulting from the Laguna Niguel Company's new develo{m'lent in that area, but also the fact that owners ol beachfront hotels and mote.ls are begin· ning to fence off the sides of their beaches to insure that the sand is rese rv- ed for lbeir guests. Since beachfront property lines extend to mean high tide line and sideyard fence~ are permitted on any property. the cit y has had no alternative but to issue permits for chains or other barricades as rrq11~sted by. the 0\11ners, Vedder said. "Thi.~ v.·holc questi on of beach acce~s Is so m11dd!ed in the courts, l really don't see that there's much a planning com· n1isslon or city council can do ," the r-i ayor coinmentcd . "This ha.~ lo do 1,1·ith private property rights an d the rights of o"·ners are prctly sol id. You c<in'l take away any of those rights v.·ithout just compensation." Vedder said that eight years ago he had looked through a fat flit of court decisions in beach access cases and in e\·cry case the court had upheld U1e prop- erty owner because there had been no ded ication of land. "'Even in instances where there had been public use for years, the: court upheld the owner," Vedder said. "I don't like to see chains and fences on the beach either, bul t just don't see any t0lution unless the state buys up all the sand." That, he concluded, Is unlikely. lo~ County Youths By TO~I BARLEY 01 th• OIJIJ ,1111 Stitt Private attorneys and public defenders have joined hands in Orange County's ju\·enile courts in a program that 's pay~ Ing off for the accui;e<l juvenlle, the judge and - although he may not know it yet - the long aufferin& taxpayer. Savings on the systein, launched last 1.fay, will undoublecily run int.o thousands of dollars ~'hen Its effect is eventually fell on the roun!y budget. Dul benefits are being felt right now by a public defender's office that has been valiantly struggling to cope \\'ith a spiraling caseload in Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner's juvenile di v)sion. Dt'puty Public Defender Lte Towner hails the progra1n as •·possibly \tie greatest thing that's ever happrne<I for rny office In jul'enile court." And Judge Bruce Sumner of Lngu na Beach. no less enthusiastic, calls the syStem "a typical illustration of what can be achieve<! by l:i\\'yers taking advantage of a progran1 born v.·ithin the ranks of the organized bar." Attorney Toin Keenan of Laguna Ni guel is a central figure in the panel of private attorneys now available to the prirent o[ accused youngsters. And he played an active part in the formation of the group five months ago. "Very simply," Keenan said, "we took a long, hard look at what has been hap- peni'ng in juvenile court and weren't too in1pressed v•ith \\'hat \Ve sa11,·. There \ras a desperate need for private attorneys to be available at' all thnes ;n court, not on Lhe other tnd of a telephone l!lnd we decided to fonn a panel.'' Keenan and 42 other lawyers staff that panel and one of th::it number is assigned , on a rotating basis, to be in juvenile court on a fuLure date. He i.J available to l.he desperate parent who may need him and if he is not lhere then ano!her member of the panel has the obligation to lake his place. The system has seen a sv.·itch of many affenders from the public defender ta the private attorney. Dut a conversation \vlth Judge Sumner, Keenan and Towner make s it apparent that many , many juveniles \\'hose parents are financially capable of hiring a private \a1,1,yer ha ve pushed their way onto the casebook of a harried, overworked public defender's of· fice. ''They should pay, if they can," Judge Sumner firmly declares. "\Ve are as anx- ious as the eligible parents to ensure that Ibey have the public defender to represent their child, but we're also very happy that this program is keeping the private attorney in the picture," ''Bul don 't get the impression that this change is bringing disgruntled parents flocking into court waving the bills. they might not have received before last h'lay," Judge Sumner grlnned. "It hasn't been that way al alt. In fact, \Ve'\'e had a lot of e\·lde nce to Indicate htat ..the ·vast majority of parents have v.·elcomed this opportunity to hire their own lawyer and the fees incurred haven't seemed ro tJPft'C lhem.'' Tho5e fees are based on the minimum. schedules of the Or:inge County Bar Association -$35 an hour for the at- torney 1>rho takes on a juvenile case. For many parents it means a bill of about $2W althoogh the lab will vary in relatian to the nature of the ca!le a nd the time lij)t'nt in coun and-or investigation. "Remember lhat 11,•e'.re not waving any big stick and insisting on cash o.a the bar· rel." Keenan added . "Many partntl make a down payment and ·then settle tM blll on monthly terms and our panel bu no objection to that.'' It has also meant. It was gentr1Uy agreed, the provision to anxious parents of a persona! attention and in -depth assess1nent of the problem that can not always be provided -and small wonder -hy the harrassed public defender. "\Ve haven 't had thal kind of time,'' said Towner. "\\'hat this system ha1 meant to us -and this gil'es you some idea of the \\'ay juvenile caseloads ar• grov.·ing-is that we ha\'e been able to peg our present juvenile court staff at about four attorneys lQ that number. ''No obvious gain . as you can see,'' he sakl. "But l\'here would we be loday if these people hadn't come in the way they. have?" Judge Sumner is the. first to pay tribute to a pl:in that can only, he insis!s, "help to ensure the competent and dedicated defense to which every young offender is entitled." Trash Men Save N eivborn Infant Nixon Calls In Found in Can Vietnam Advisors SAN DIEGO (UPI) -\Vli at lwo sanf· lation workers thought v.·as a cat howl- ing'from insidt' a trash container turned out lo be a newly born baby only an h~ur old. The sanitation men rushed the infant to College Park Hospital where he v.·as reported "doing qu ite well" late Friday. A spokesman ~aid tlfe three-pound, t ight· 01,1nce boy had "quite a pair of lungs." 111e baby, aboul two months prematurt, l\'as placed in an incubator and it l\'as believed that be 11,·ould sur1>·ivr. Tw·o doc· tors ·were on hand to tie his unbilical cord when he arrived al the hospital. Police ~aid the baby v.·as born about noon and that it probably would not ha\'e survived much longer H U1e sanitation crew had not discovered H. \VAS!l1'1GTON (AP) -President Nix- on, gathering Vietnam policy advisers fr o111 nt'ar and far, is taking a quick series of stt'ps aimed at stealing som.e thunder from next \Vedne sday's anLJ· ·war protests. Gen. Earle G, Wheeler, chairman or the J oint Chiefs of Stair, was called in to report today on his just-completed survey trip to the war zone -a possible prelude to an announcement of further U.S. troop vl'it hdrawal plans. Other n1cmbcrs of the joint chiefs and Defense Secretary ?-.1el vin R. Laird also y1ere invited to today's session. The \Vhite House said in ad vance no report ·would be given on the discussions. This conferl'nce was just one piece of the l'o'ixon strategy preceding the planned nationwide demonstrations \\lednud.ay. DAtL Y f'ILOT 1Jt9fl ,1114, Th1i11abing Through Space Al Chop, director of NASA's Manned Space Fli~h t Awareness pr<r gram th umbs through "Footprints on the Moon, ' which he handed out F riday night during DAILY P JLOT·South Coast Pla~ spi'lt'e show. P ublic is invited to sign 'ASTRO SCROLL at shclv, \vh1ch c on- tinues until 8 this evening a t P laza 's Carousel Court. &roll wishes Apollo 12 crewmen happy voyage to moon next month. On Friday. the President spenl nearly an hour ·wi!h former Vice President Jluberl J.J. Hurnpbrey. The Democrat e~ ergcd v.·ith an endorsement of Nilon'I Vietnam policies and a suggestion the chief executive be given time -free from homefront harassment -to try to .make them 11,·ork. Humphrey lndicat ed be: ~d been told a few secrets about a presidential peac• plan, but he would not elaborate. The 1968 Democratic presidential can- didate did reveal that, as a member of the University of Minnesota faculty. he "''ill lecture as scheduled on \\'ednesday, Humphrey said his studen\J: voted to g12 lo classes despite the planned Vietnam moratorium. A few hours After the Nixon-Humphrey meeting, the White House announced the Prl'sident v.·ould appoint a new Selective Service director io take over in Febty. 11rv tor Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey -Jori~ a target of youthful antiwar acti- vists. Laird struck a blow for the President'• \11etnam policy on Thursday when be l1inted a new U.S. combat posture jn Vietnam could cut battle deaths to a minimu1n . This came soon after American auth- orities in Saigon announced the !owe.st casualty toll -64 dead -for any m et in almost three years or the wa r . At lreek's end there was no lndlc;itlon Nixon, increasingly embattled on the Vitt· nam issue. had run out his siring of sur· prises in advance of moratorium day. Early next \\'eek th' President wtD meet l\'i!.h Jlenry Cabot Lodge and Philip Jlabib, the two key U.S. peact negotla· tors in Par'is. They've been called home for "consultation and instructions." Press Secrl'tary Ronald L. Ziegler, when asked if this "·eeks' developments had been planned v.·ith Oct. 15 in mind, agrttd th is v.·as a major el ement in the timing. }lad the administration dep!ayed the aeriel: or happenings until after next Wedn~day, 7.iegler said. the PrPsirlent l';ould have faced lhe prospe<:t of being accu.sed o! 1cting ~a use of the protest. Nixo n Pays Tr il1ute To U.S. Ne wsboys WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presid,nt Nlr· on has paid tribute on National News. paperboy Day today to 1 youthful OCClJoo pation tha), '"perhaps more than iIJ1 other. inspires the qualitie1 of lntegrllf1 leadership and good citiunshlp in au "'alkl of life." "My personal admiration for them 11 second lo none," Nixon said. "We Ulute Americans in the making." Its whats inside that counts! Inside Ma riners Savings , yo u count t he most! And you r money counts ••• then grows .•• and counts some more! Al so, in side Mariners Savings, ,\h e abilities of the staff count. In fa ct, they count the most, not only for you and your money, but in the commun ity and in the savings and loan industry. , ' • ' - Mariners Savings offers federally insured savings plans. Insurance protection is the highest and safest in the nation. So Is the interest that Mariner$ Savings pays! And you earn it day in day out from date of deposi t to date of withdrawal. Extra services include free safe deposit boxes when you maintain a balance of $5000. All customers rece ive the convenience of free travelers checks. Don't be outside! Come on inside and be one of th e cu stomers who count so much with Mariners Savings. ----------------------------------------• ------------------•• 4 ~y l'llOT 1 l Pit I pit and Pe Chri&tianity F~lling St. 9ee1,-uture'1 C.tboUc Qlrdi, Spr l.1\gdale ind Hell AVl!l'Ntf, Jfuntingt.on Beach will MM Ila fourth annua l ftfttval. nQt Frid1y, Saturd1y Qd Suod1y. fqtured wtU be a ftwtng for a station wagon and a trip for two to Hawaii. JIUdt:s, pmtl!I and boothJ "'ill be aval11ble too. Communion wUI be celebrat- ed at a. t :Jll aM 11 a.m. Sun· day at St Mlcllael'• and .\II Angeli' Eplscopel C II u r c lt , 3l33 Pacific View Drivt, CClf'OQI Qel Mar. The topic of the sermon at all thrte M"rvicu will be "Yoo ?'!1ual Love Ille Lord Your God." The junior choir ig planning to &Ing at th~ 9:30 a.m. servlct on the fourth Sunday of every month . Rehearsa ls are held Thursday evmings at 7 o'clock. Dr. Henry Gerhard, m inL~er of the Cb~b of ftellgloua Sdmce of L.a~11• Beach, 20061 Laguna Canyon Road • wUI 5J»lk on •vnte Yun· d1mental RtligiOtU J.iethods." Senicts are held at a and 11 a.m. Junior church and tht high school group meet during the S o'clock 111rvict; baby CIR ii also offered at that hour. Classes in SCience of Mind are beiflg offered by the Church on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. ·r11ese tWlkln classes are cptn to tbc public. Celebrating its fifth a.ti· niversary Rtdeemiet Lllther•n Churth, ili.$1 Springdale St., Hu ntington &ach, wil\ hold Sunday serilice of praise at 10 :45 a.m. and a birthday potluck dinner at 5 p.m. The flev . Arnold Kuntz, president of the Soulhern Cal!fornia District of the L u l h e r a n Church-i\.Ussouri Synod, will deliver the an- niversary message, featured at the 5 o'c!xk birthday dinner will be a talk by the Rev. James DeLange, the Synod's first pas tor in Hunti11gton Beach. Aller fi•e years of activity in I.he cOmmunity, lhe con- gregation numbers close to 600. Services are held each Sunday at 8 and 10:45 a.m. with Sunday school and Bible cl111sau at 9:JO a.m. The 8 o'clock service vt'lll be omHttd this week. A new men1ber's service is slated next Friday night al Temple Hillel. .f-01 I Ith St., Huntington Beach. ~r.·ice wi!I start al 8 p.m. v.·1\h Rabbi DeKoven speaking on "A Jewish Pro~ram.'' An Oneg Shabot \\'ill follo1v after the serl'1ce Coffee Klotches \\'ill be held in l'Jr· ious members homes in Octo- ber and Nove111ber. Time. and place for these nieetings 1vill be announced later. "The Best of Ste p hen Fritchman," excerpts from the sermons of the former m1nisler of the ~·irst t:nil.1rian Church of Los Angeles, \\'ill be read by Dr. George Oliver, al Ule Sund.lly service of the U 11 11 a r I a a • ua.1,·uulisl Fellowl.blp of Laguna Bucb, to be he Id at 10 ·30 a.m. al the Leonora Portney Dance studio, 336 N. Coast ffi.&hway, Laguna Beach. At 8 p.m., the monthly muaic , evening of ' t h e fellowship.,will be held al 590 Diamond St., Laguna Beach. Death Real?" is the subject of t.feaa Verde U a It e d the lesson·&ennon to be r ead !\Je1hodlst Church, 1701 Baker this week in all area ChrilUan St., CtlSta Mesa will observe Science churches. .. Laymen's Day" at 9 and) 10:_30 ~.m. services. ~ r u <.: e · 'ck England of Newport W 1_ I I 1 am s , admln1strat1on ch has been appointed to assistant . of G~lden .. W~st the position of organist of the College will speak on Chris· Costa Mesa F 0 u r 1 q u a r e tlaR ~~yrncn in T ~day: s Church, 1734 Orange Ave .. ac· \Vorld. . others ~ss1st!ng in cording to the Rev. \Vesley W. the service will include Bob !11urin pastor Behnke, Beth Lampe, David ' · llall and :Vlrs. Betty Kent. E_ngla~, winner of the The Junior ~ligh UJ\1YF \\'ill Cahfo~ni_a lYluslc Teache:s metL at 6:30 p.m. at the As_soc1at1on Bach Festival 1n church Sunday. 1968 . and ~969, c u rr ent I y studtes with Jay Colyer of "Are Sin, Disea se. and (See PULPIT, Page $) Members, Attendance Slwtv Decline Jly GEO RGE W. COM'ELL AP Rcil&IH Writer NEW YORK CAP) -Jn Cl· ternal dimensions, Christianity iJ falling behind. American church membership ls sag· ging. Attendance bas slipped. Other signs: ol declt.nlng church influence have a~ peared: not only In thia coun- try but aliO abroad. A! many religious acholars see it, believers may become an ever smaller minority Ju the world. The "era of Christendom is over," says the Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, general secretary of the World Council ol Churches. ··we are in a secularizing age, and the idea of the church dominating culture or dominating govern· ment has gone, This is com· plete." Hpwever, a ~w image of s "servant church" -that works simply for the causes of men'• good rather than ex- erting power over their in- aUtutiom -is emerging among many Ch risti an thinken aa the vision. of lbe church in times ahead. IN 11IEIR VIEW, it may be a "church in diaspora" -a scattered minority in society . Tbe description initially' was used by German Catholic theologian Karl Rahner, and baa :since been echoed by many others. "The plain fact is this - Christians today are being outp~. ouldistanced, out· bred," wrote the Rev. Canon oHward A. Johnson, an Episcopal theologian, after a world tour studying lihe status of Christianity. "Unless counterforces are set in motion, it may be that proportionally, Ouistianlty is doomed to stu"ink more and more and become a minority movement with diminishing capaci ty far i nf lu e DC In t culture and history," A United Nations report noted that Christiana con· stituted a third of the workf 1 population at the start ot the century, but now are only 25 percmt, and cootinuaUon of th.it same downtrend wou ld rt.duce this to 22 percen( by the century'~ end. BISHOP ODD Hagen , of Stockholm, Sweden. a leader in the World Methodist Coun· cil , has sa.id a projection of the most recent figures indicate that "oo!y percent of the world's population, by the year 2000, will call itself Chris· tian.'' Two years ago, the Rev. Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, a Presbyterian and professor of religion at Stanford Universi· ty. predicted churches would Jose "tremendous numbers" as they became involved ln (See DECLINE, Page 5) ORA·NGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY -Li'<"lKING FOR MEAN ING & RELEVANCE? 1RT FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH "· '· c.1 F•lrview Rd. At Fair Or., Coata Mesa 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.~Wo rahip Dr--s-Mtity -Deptil l ilrie S~dr Gro•ps Prhmi oH G"'•lt Ce1-U1t9 545-4610 HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH I lJO ~ ... St. 9f Foi"le..,, CMte MMa l..,, COt1IMe klios, 1"111tar Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning \Vorshlp II :00 a.m. Baptist Tra.ining Union 6 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer ............. 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF THE MOTHEl CHUlCH THE FtR5 T CHURCH OF CHll~T. SCIENTIST IN IOSTON, MASS.t.CHUSETIS "ARE SIN, DISEASE, & DEATH REAL?" OCTOBER 12 Costa f..:\eaa-First Church of Christ, Scientist 1180 M-Verdi Dr .. Cotto Mao THE EPISCOPAL bfuRCH ~.,...-I! NEWPORT HARBOR X I LUTHERAN C HUllCH OF THE MASTE R 2900 Pacific Vle\v Dr. Welcomes You. 5T. JAM'E5, 3109 Via Lido, Newport litGCh 7 :30 a.m.-Holy Ewchorl1t 9;00 a.111.-Morl'll"' Prayer llf & Jrd 5wn. Holr E11c:hari1t Ject & 4th 511". t :OO o.m.-Ch1rcto School 11 :00 o.m.-Holy liteharl1t lit & Jrd Sw11. Moml"t ,ro,_r 211d I 4tll S••· Cltll4 Care at ':00 a.111. The ...... J°"" I", .t.11!.y II, l9Cor The a;,,, DOYid A. Cr111111p A11oclot1 •+ Rtttor ST. MICHAEL & All ANGELS Pac:ifit Vlevt Orl•e at Mar9111rlte. Corortc1 del ~ar 51111dor: 1:00, ':JO -Chltd Core 9f 9:lQ Holr o.:ii.,. "A1t"OlolllCed All ltoc:n Wtlco .... LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cliff Or. LI 8-4293 The lltv. Jalllft Ci>. I/ail , '•tot Tlte Rn. lofltlld Whir•, Aubtnt Piutor F•mlf'I" wo .. hlp t ao "' 1o:JG •.m. Su...,~y klllll>I f .)() !O lO:lO •·"'· WCrol'llp 5trvl(t 11:00 le U:tlO Nursery care available al all services WELCOME Corona de! ~tar DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mn. Woi.,. Che111Mrl9in, 'or11• Worker Ptlon• 644-2664 •:15 A.M. Fo111ilyWonhlp 1 D:OO A.M. S1111doy Ch11rc:h Schoel 11 :00 A.M. Fftti•e Worship N11nery '1ovlded CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ~F================: FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CH UR.CH 6SG HAMILTON, COSTA MlSA 51111doy School-9:15 A.M. Ch11rc:h Ser'IOic:1 -11 A.M. Reetdin9 lao111, 1850 MIMI V1rde Dr. RKtor, lite R ...... Joh<1 l091r11 Oari1 -l"heiie 644·046) ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.{\f, Miuouri Sv11od 760 Vittorio St., Coit• Mft• Lotllor Y. Ton1ow , '•tor 541·5404 • lt.£V. J. D. W ... LL ... (i S11nd1v St~ool .•••••.• ':•5 Trt ini"g u~Oo n •.•••••• , 6:00 Mo1nOn9 Won~l p , ••• , 11 :00 Ev•n•n9 Woroh;p • • • •••, 7:00 Wed. f>'•nin9 s,,.,,;., ... 7:00 N1nery Al••J"I A•elleble UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2152 S. I. l"ALl$AOIS lOAO S.ANTA ANA HllCiHTS 'UtjDAY StMOOL •.. .. ...... , ....... 9:0 lo ,M, MOl,,.IN9 WOllSHI P ...... . .• ,,. .• , . 11 A.M llVINUIG WOll~lll• • 1 l'.M. ""IDWllK St:RV!CE Wf:DNlllDAY 1:>1 P.M, Wllll•m s. Ac'9n. P•U"" cnvr.:~ •~ .... MJ.MH . FIRST IJAPTIST CHURCH • •fh11....,.'t'ell1r (.t,.,,ui.t n .. ~ld f 17411 Mat11ell111. F.V. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victoria &. Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa Jo"'" I. P'Mnr 1•11111'1•• Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ, Scientist Sl 0 Oli•e 511116-y School -9:30 I 11 :00 Ch•rth -11 A. M, St 1"1"1ce lHdilllJ l•o111 -II 0 Olive Laguna Bea.ch-First Church of Christ, Scienl iat 611 HhJh Dr. C_hurcll 'Sv11doy Sc:hoal -':10 & 11 :00 leodi"g loom, 214 fo11"1t Newport Bea.cli-First Churc;li of Chri1t, Sc ientiat JlOl Vie l hle Church I Sw"dor 5c:hoo1 -9: 1 S I 11 :00 l.odi"t lltoam. lll 5 Via Lido Newport Be•c'1-Second Cliurch of Chri5t, Scientist Jl 00 'ec:lflc: Vie.., Dr~ Cora11a Ml Mer Cll111ttll l 511"day Stlloal-10 A.M. lltndi1t9 11100111 -2116J (, Coa1t Hwr. All are ctirdially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Readlng Rooms Cldl4 c-P1ovided AT ALL Sl•VICIS ln. 0.11111 H-•n, Ml11i•ter Mornino; Wo•1~i p 8.10 I I !·00 Svndty St~oc l ••••• , • , . 9:10 Youlh M ttl,~q , •. , , •• , • 6 :00 Prtytr St ,.ict , .•...••• •:JO Do119let H"'- "-'•llnlll• I,~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,,, ""''""'" ........... ,,,. •.:n. II. lltllt k -1 ,. .......... I :• '·"'· E"tni~q s~,.,,;., ....... , 7:00 NlntrJ A~tlltlllt ti t U S.rvlc11 842·2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main & Adams Streets Huntin9to n Beac h M11111inq Worihi, •.•.•.•. l :JO I t !.00 AM 1;1>r. Sc~1111I .•....•. '''!AM Y1111th Gt11up• .•.•.• 6 :00 PM E••ni•g Wop~i p •.•• 7100 PM l ltll(I Stuff Or-..•1 -W"', ~· 1 "·"'· l"u.-...•y (••• Pro•""' 11 111 •e•v•ce'I 01Hce: lll-Blt 0 111 OeYO!oon-ll6·1510 M1rt1l"'!I Wtr.,,111 •••••••••• It:• t .M. Tovt~ GNIUPI , .••. ., .. , ..... ··' "·"'· Vni>er• I '·"'· I Nursery Care P rovided 541·4171 14MJ41 Churc~ of the 01ily W11rd NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH I 1or.,, Cl.''~ MW!llm 15th & Ir•'"•· N1wp11rt l11th (S...lcl• Clll iem auHdlnlll 1 :4~ A.M. Sundty Schee! I 0:00 A.M. D••olion1I S1r•i1• Ol'F ltl:: .1IOO W. Cou ! HIOl'l-.y, ff,t . "l>OM: '4Wll1 DIAL-A·l"UYll -'41·Nlt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 9f N•wport fl .. <!\ Mtmttr C-Vtth ~ IJ~IT.cl c;""rtll 1111~-. Sc!o111:1, l91 ...... '" ~IJtiDAY Si •VICi ,,, 11 t.·~ M'"'''" ... A lbor! flu•I<•, II ~ CF. Ctll "l'lfH CHA,.!'1. Ori...-Coe•: YMCA, 1JQO Unl••'ll'~ Dr. PLliASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL II 'fOfll 1re lee•i11q for Oii ol.bcirl i• pro911111, OP•IOt!1J pr11lit t • lvf if you ••• looki1u; for in.d1pth l ible 1tu llli11, Chri1!i1n f1 I· lo,..1 h;p, 111d in1pirin9 1pi1i!•d wo•thip, yov'll lo••'"! To '''o"'• "'0dllo OUr f fO wi/\9 chvtth f•mily WI ~OW ~·VI !WO s~nd1y "'ornin9 ••r•it •1. 9:10 •~d 11 :00. Nwn •1v c1•0. Corn•• of Gr1t11· '10ill1 & S11nflow1•. 14J.lltl Mt-9111 .J/.a,./,or Cfiri6lian Cli.urc/. OJ NIW1'0~t IUC:H-llMKl!"Jtll ,. ........ .i.,., .._,... r 1 ,., s.~ 411 I. llrti It., e... M ... Church School -9:30 A·"'· Wors hip -10: 45 A:M. N"'991'y C-P'tusl••• Pl1on9' 675.ifH Mini•ltr: Dr. D. W. McElroy ---. -------------·-· --. ·---·-----.. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST., COS1A MESA llTWJI" Mt'UO• 9M JAlllYllW l~Y MO•NINS l llLl-ST\,IDY • . . . . • • . • • • • . • •:4S A.M. IUPllAY MOlNlf"9 WOlSlil, A CO~MUMION •• lti41 A.M, SUNDAY IVfNIN& WOlSHI, • , •••••.. , • , •••••• 6:00 P'.M. WEDNllDAT E'llNINS l llll STUDY • , , • • • • • • • • • 1:JO r.M. NUISllY CARI "OVIOID '-0. ,..,...... D. •· HMf ........ ._, ... ,......., Phont: 545711 D1y or N;gt.1 ST. MATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURC H ! Mit1011ri Synod I wo11hipjn9 •f lh o UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL 5.l'l'dbwrg 11 M1Hl11w• i11 U11iv1r1ity Po•~ WOlSHI': 10:10 .t,.M. llt1v. H. Ni1r"'•"n ,Po1111r a31.1 21a Corona def Mar Empfwizing The P\fn of God The Pll!r!On of Ch1isl The Powrr of the Holy Spirit 511Miy 5diool 9 AM Momlns 1vc111~ip ' a"d it1.l0 A.\t l.,.11in1 ~ .... 1.., l rM WoclMll<llY lllol~ S!WV 11'1d P~r 7 PM NlllHry du.,ng serv1ct:s -Ill oj .,. t 0 A full Youth Progr1m Cm. of 01-Ange Mid 23 rd. St. Cost• Mesi r•stor It [. Jo~.c:;; Ji CA .~for. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL ' United Cti11r.:I\ of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE <t20 IOlh St .. Hu11tit1 9!011 l11,ll Pho111 536·2120 Adwlt I Youth 51r•icot, I I •·"'· 11! Y••r Cl1u, W1c4., 7t!S p.m. llNIST PA.TL MINISTER • 611 HELIOTROPE Wenhlp-10:00 A.M, C•11r.:h kltoot-1D:IOA.M. Or Pll!l•p 0. Mvn1y, Mlfllo!I!" Miu Snlr ltY 511bol, D.C !. 673-4000 S.venth·Day Adventist Churches C"t. Ml'le l .. , ... Nletel Jt hn Sh1wm •~•. P11!or Phan•: S41-•S91io •onhlp1 11 Se111h 5"411"1'1 laptl1f Chur.:h J2112 c,...,. Volley Pork•ey A. E. R1 ... to11. P•1+or s.blMth Sc:kol ..• 9:10 AM Pho11e : <t92 -J9l6 N•,..lllt WerUlit ••·ll:OOAM .JalHrtfLI Sc:haol •••. 9:JOA.M f'Nyef MHri119 • Wect-7:30 l"M 111.,.111, WorsJ!l1t , •.• 101SO AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9041 T~ A,._ ITo,_rt l M .. 11 .. lel. 'OUNTAIN YALLlr UNIFIED SE llYICE . S1111d1v S,hoal ';JO-WOfl.SH!P . !O:lO Wor1hip I 'foul ~ Group• -6:)0 p.m. "-'u<H•Y P<"""'~ •I t ll ~tri•lt~• A (o..,!T!unlry C/IUrL/I -V•lll'O<J "'e Aw•" WtlCO<r>ot EVENCiELICAL FREE ' CHURCH .t H111,i .. ,_ lffclll 1912 lltM;ff Avt. IJ&-7tll l:IY. o1,lfr4"111 I.. Mllltt'. '""" "'" A,M. -Mlln"'I wor"'lfl, I'·""'· -YMtfl ...... l 1M ,.Ill. -._ .... hnl«. 7 '-"'· w .... t lMI illlLf'/. A.M.-''Till Petti ef L..,."-l•Nw C:ttep. 14 ,.N.-"'Tnte leve •II Dhploy"'-ltt Joli• C•. 4-Yef'Mt 1-21 Svndoys 7:JO & 9:]0 Chwrc)i School -t :JO Thu r1day1: 6:30 & 10 a.111.; Holr Dor•• oeno111Ked Vica1, The Rev. John W. Oonald1011 -l"ho111 541·1l21 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH [I!•• ii ... C~•p~I L•11• -Jv•• •••• " , ... ,, •• nt1 >+Unliftglc~ 5tl<lt, CllH•rll•I Th1 R1v. JlmH c . c111y, r11•or Sunday Services I tlO • M Holy tommu"1•~ t ;:IO 11.M. ~•milv i •r••<• I t~urch 1:00 P.M. E~tlOfO~> 5c~..OIO 1:10 P.M . Ep!\(Op~I l1:H A.M. Mo•~! ... Vl'•ro~I. Vo1"'' C~11•Ch"'rn N11r>•r't Ci ra P<OY!l!JOI FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa 543761 M. C. Cronic:, Pallor John Goll11fc:li, Auoc:lete 11.ty NOchol•o11, Mi"i1!1r of Yo11 th 5-•Y SU1llCll -f :)f A.M. "'"'lly w ... t~ll 1'1M ! K.AI" "A.Nlt' CllUSADE Yo111h S•rvlce -5:]0 p.111. ~e,tvol Ti,,.. -7:00 p.111. We-d. l"raret' and llble Shldr -7:10 I"·""' ll t••V•! T1mt -, P.M, P•"or Spe•-m• Ch11rch Choir -5h.r;I P~11l1tn, Dot•c!o• Vislto" Weke111e -Nuttery Attendonf State Lic.-d l"ro-k"iool -M,,. John Gollnick, Dirt clor l"ho11e: 6<t5-1J2J SABBATH SERV ICES REL IGIOUS SCHOO L harbor reform temple RABBI BEA NA RO P. KING mee11n9 at St. James Epi!.<:opal Church o 3209 Via Lidl'l. Newpor t Beacli For lnform1tiol'I: Cell 675--7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wil5on, Costa Mes• v l. HEll:lWEC ~. P11tor ~·9.~)04 CARl GENlAY Mon,.l•r cf M111ic SUNOAY SERVICES A.11"1111 Miu l111J Co"'"'''•" ~owr Co11"1rin lltJlrne"IM 9:45-1 0:50 l 7 ,.M. COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL J'••5<-I -Ki.1r,1•t1~ -Elt,,....tar, -CRllf C•rl * TEMPLE SHARON Tiie co-11tlN ..,..,.," hf tM ~r. H-'tor .., ..... 117 w .. tt-lltOll, C"ttl M- Alt J ,wi1h f1mll!•1 1r• i11vil1d to join u1 !11 h11l'1' 111•111i11qfwl SAllATH IVINING SElllYICIS PlllDAY .. 1:11 P.M. Spirhval L..oclor ·-labbl Ganci11 GNd111• 6~6-SS52 T1111pl1 Sh1ron Cho;, -0~•9 Sh•b11 548 -'1432 AllenJ ' a/ ';four choice Worol'I•~ Sorv!c": I l' a 11 "M ~un~•v Sol'IC"OI ,_)CAM. AOuo! ~1bl~ (:!~ ... ,,JO ,.,M CHRISTIAN ILIMENT.t.AY SCHOOL 541·611' PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M ... Verde Drive I '°"'' Slr..t, Cnte Mna, Calif. Su11~•v ~c """I: 1:00, 9'XI •llCI 11:00-Mornlno wcr1~("'' 1.00. t JO •~d 1l :M Pri"c• of P.1c1 l Ylhtr111 Sc~ool -Min E1tht• 0 111111 , Pri "ti1>•l OH=c1 Pho11•: s••-Os:t School ,hon1: 5~9-056Z ST. P.t.uL·s LUTHllAN i\lissouri Synod 429 Cypress Dr. Laguna • lleT. W . (. Niederbroc:• Betcli \V.-.rshiJ'I Sf'rvices -. 10:00 A.;\!. Sunday School and Bible Class -8:43 A.;\l. Phone: Churrh 494 -7998 Pa r~onage ' 4:34-81 10 A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8.lb111 hland Hun !in9lon Bttch-North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH l !S At•l1 615-09!>0 1:15 l~form 1I Woni.ip 9:]0 Tr•dition1I Worshi"' & SYnd•v Schoo l 666} H1il l\Yt, 842-4461 Wo .. h.p & Chu tth Sthool 9 l I O:lO A.M. l<Yin1 -E11t Bl•Jll Cc1le M~•• FIRST UN ITED METHOOIST CHURCH I 91h SI, l H1rbor 11/vd. UNIVERSITY ME THODIST CHURCH 811.t 2l l Chyrch Worih rp -q ,Jo & 11 Ch urch 5thool -9.10 548 -7727 11421 C u!Yt t R n ~.4 •I Univt rJitv O•iY~ Wonhop & Church Schoo l 9 JO 1".M. l•qun1 811 ch Co1t1 Me•• No•lh MESA VEROE METHODIST CHURCH LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH M••• Vo•d• & B•~•r St. 5•9-27 19 Wo,.hip & Church School 9:00 l 10;10 A.M. Hunl1119!011 llo1c\. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 272 1 llth SI. ~l6-1 Sl7 S1rYi t11 -9:10 & 11 A.M . Nunt<y lhru 1nd qt1d• • I I Chur th School -9:10 A.M. 11 bl l We,lev D., •• I ~ Sn L~qun • Wo••h•p I! AM C.li urc h S(hool 9·10 AM. •99.1081 N1woorl Bo1ch CHRIST CHURCH BY TH E SEA ! •OO W , 81lbo1 11.d. 67 1 -180~ Wo,.hip I Ch111c:h Scliool 9:30 I 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Chureh Presbyterian 20112 MtiMJ11elle IN"r Ad.,...1 HelltlOftol'°"*i II••· Do111kl (. loMtto. '•Mr S•ldl"f W~: t :JI A.M. Ch•rch Schttot: 10:45 A.M. Offke: 10112 M..,11olle St. l"tie1111: 961-4940 Chureh of the Covenant l rYC:I A. l<nrr le, P.o!or '-""°' w..-1,: t ill• 11 -Cl\11rck Schiel: 9:30 "-: 541-4)04 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh 100 St. A..._. l~ N_,•l't hH>i CHAlllS HlllllT DllllNFllLD, PAITOl W ..... , • a..11 ScliMe: 1. t :JI a 11 A.M • . Wl-1147 St. Mart Presbyterian Church COfMt ,_.,,,... & '-tlthlfl' Drtw, CONM .. M• .,__ ·--lllrt, .... WenM,. a°"'"" killMI -11A.M. '44-1J41 Community Presbyterian . Churdt .,,,....,..,_ (9t1114$t.1,"-'-..... DALLAS TUltNll, PAsnHt' • Won1111t • t :JO • 11 :ot A.M. -a.rd! S.ltMI ·-ttll ~· .. .... ,,., We 1e1;,.,. 111 ..... ' .. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH A !tend the church '· 1159 Yic:ta1i1 SI .. Coit• M1 11 '"~52 10~>0'~¥~ of your chOic• ·t on Sundrf , -;: • ' I :..• 4£ A .,... •-as ,,, .• , Pulpit a11d fConti.nued from Pagt ti Orange Coast College. Prior\{) assuming hi s currenl position, he w as organist for l\It. Calvary and uuhidoux United ,\1ethodisl Ch u r c he s in Riverside. \\lorshi p '''ill be at 9;!5 and l 1 a rn . Sunc.Jay fur Lutheran Cbu-rcb of lbe !\laster. 2000 Pat•ific View Drll'e. Coron,_ del i\tar . .Sund:iy church schcJI nnd Bible classes zneel at !O a.in. Dr. \.Villia1n R. El!cr 111!1 rle\ivcr the message "In the Presence or Cod" ;it tile worship services. ·rhe congregation 1l'ill hultl 1\'orship scr1·ice at Sunlitc Convalescent Ho.~pilal at 2:30 p.111. Su n day. The ad ull lellowship will meet al 6·30, fridav c1·cning. i\l rs. \Vaile Cham.berlin will plan th{' pro- gram. Balboa lslaud U u it e d l\lclhodist Church. 11~ Agale Ave., will oh8erve Lavman\ Day th is Sunday . Fred Peterson. rhurch lay leader, 'vi l J he the speaker at the 9:30 a.111 . worship hour. His suhj ect is "Pro\·ed hy Ar· tion." Nursery care and ..:hurth seh::iol through sixth grade arc provided al 9:30 a.n1. ''Being Only a Drop in the Buck~t'' is th e sermon topic selected by the Rev. Norn1an L. Brown fOr Sllnday :>ervicf', 10 a.ni., at PI y m o u I h Congreguliona l Church o f ,\'cwport •larbor, 3262 Broad S! .. r..•ewport Beach. Sunday school is held at I h e san1,~ time and bab.vsll!ini; ;:;erl'iec provided. This Sunday i~ _Fou nder 's Day. At Community L' nit r r1 !\letbodisl Chu rch 661i2 !-lcil ,\\'C., Hunlingt.on Beach, 1hr_ Hcv. Charles Bose l\'ill preach at both the ~ <ind 10:30 a.111 .servi"es Sundav on '' 1 s \Vorship \\'orlllw l11h.:-!" I Ii observance ol Lay111t1n·~ Sun· day he will be assislcd in the services by lhe lay1nen of the church. NLirscry cai·c !or lhc very young and church school t:lasses for young people fron1 two years throL1gh sixlh grade are held at beth hours. Cla~~es. for seventh through h\•el fll1 grade is held only al the 9 a.m. hour. A Biblr cla~s for adult.~ 1s 11lso held at , a,111. hour and ·'The 1\rl'hHects·· c-lass 1nrr1 ~ at 10•30 iLIJl. f\·Jethodis t Youth Fcl lo11hslp . ~roups niect eac-11 Sund<iy r1·ening at 7 o'l'lock 1t1 the t•hurch social hall. A study group on "The Sermon on the Mount' is rneeting each f\1onda y. 7-30 p.m. ln the pastor's study. Annual Laymen·s Day \l ill be observed at !he Firsl United 1\lethodisl Church llf Huntlogton Beach Sunday 11'fth scvera1 members of the con- gregation conducting I h r worship services at 9;30 a11d 11 a.n1. \Voodro1\' Smit\1, c h a i r m a n of the ad- ininistrative board. 11 ill speak on "Proved by Action ." Smith i.~ principal of the Huntington Beach High Sch:>al. Horoscope Assfsting hl1n will be \\'i lliam Kettler. another of- ficer of the church who will read th e scriptures and oner the prliyer~. Children's Crusade closes Sunday at 7 p,n1 at HUl'l· til'lgton 8 t a r b Foursquare Church. 715 L;ike Ave .. The Rer. Bob Ern rlford. ven- triloquist. accomp2nicd by ·•Jiggers," ··snQOky S11itze1 .·· "Allred the Dragon .'" and '·Leo the Lion·· has each night !his past week portrayed tt1e Bible in a new l\'ay to scores of delighted children. The Christian Ccntlen1en Go~pel Quartet will be featured during Sunday school hour at 9:30 a.m. and again at 10·45 a_ni. wurship ser1'ice~. ''\Vhal Unita r ian Vniversalists Think About God <ind !he Supernatural" will be the subject of Uie sermo11 at ll1e Unitaria n Uni\•ersalist Cbureh, Costa Mesa at the Sunday 10:30 a.m. service. The Rei•, Roger Yi'alke v,·ill dclil'er the sennon. Church school for child ren through eighth grade also meets at 10.30 a.n1 . at the chur ch, J2j9 V1cloria SL Cl'ening services. 7 o·clock al First Baptist Church of Hun- tington Beach, 6th and Laymen's Sunday will be 1he !herne for this 11•eek 's Orange. Dr _ Leon Hilton ll'i!l Show his latest slides of Africa, /\l the niorning scr\'ices. liuth 9:30 a.n1, al Prek·s Char1el. 1801 Bol sa A1·c., l\'estminster and ll a.m. at tl1e llunllngton Beach Chapel. Pastor \\'illis J _ Loar will preach "The Great Phys1- C!il!l Church school is held at !l .. 10· ;i ,m. at the downtown church. The Senior High BYf is held <il 6 pm. Sunrlay . .\group ·:if American Bapl i~t \'(01Tlen 11·i ll go lo Fairviev.• Sl~Lc Hospital to n1end clothes \l'er!nrsday . \\'a r n " r .Al'eun c Baptist Churcb, \Varner Avenue at Gothard StreeL Huntington Beach. is participating in the Natio11~! Sunr!ay S ('ho o J AsS-OCiation contest r!uri ng the. month or October. Using an "Outer Space" thr1nr. the. departments ll'ill br con1peting aiainst cal'h o'hcr f::ir aw11rd~. Or. Edwu1 I\ (;rccnr. will l'On!l11uc his ~::r'1c-; 1111 ··11r1w To \Vilncs~ For Christ" us1ns ;a1dio-1·1su;il aids rhll'ing !he \\'erlncsday services, 7 p.1n. The Girls' Missionary Guild meets f\fonday evenings 7 t_o 8:30 p.m. "Echoe.~ From Anaheim" 11·ill be featured at the 7:30 p.n1 _ service of Fountain Vall.ry Prtsbytcrlan Church. 9420 Talbert St v c r a l n1en1bers \viii relate their ex- periences at the Stiulhern California Billy G rah a m Crusade. At the 11 a .m, v.·orshi p hour the Rev. Stanley P. Allen v.·ill hegin a sermon series entitled "Sermons From the Shorter Catechism." Morning \\'Orsh1 p is held al Pew 10:30 a.n1. SWldays at Resur- rection Lu lb.eran Cburcb, 9812 Ham llton, Hunt ington Beach. Nursery care is provided. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley will speak on "Being Renewed in Our !i.1inds." Sunday cnurch sch o o I departments meet at 9 a.n1. with classes f{Jr all ages while the a'.lu!! discussion grou p pro- bes ''Ventures in Ch ristian Living ." Choir rehcars<1J is held al 7:3{1 p.m. Thursdays. The second or a series of se rrnons ... \Vhat Is a Cllr1s- tlan " v.·ill be delivered hy Pastor 'fhon1as E. Ben venuti al the Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church. Jj!h and Monrov ia Streets. Ne11•port Beach, at the Sunday JO jO a,n1c service. T he G l ad Tid.ing s Dclil'crance Choir 1Yill ton - tinue the Sunday 11 i g h l Singspirallons at th e 7 o·clock service. Pastor Benvenuti will s peak on ··f'allen Angels a Lesson to Fallen tl1en" al the evening worship meeting. The Rel'. Lothar 'forno111 .11·ill preach "A tlli racle o[ Rene11•a1·• at 8: 15 and 11 a.m. services al Christ Lutheran Church, 760 Victoria, Costa tll esa. Sunday schoo l and Bible classes are held at 9:30 a.m. and nursery care is provided at all services. Youth Gathering co11vene.:; at 7 Sunday evening. Vicar Ray Schiefelbein 11•ill guide the meeting usi111; the topi c , · · C o nimunication Ex- perime11t 1n Pe!'sona l En- counter." '·Point Counterpoint'' is U1e ~crn1on lo be delivcied by the Hc1". Bruce A. Kurrie at The Presb\•ttrian Ch urch nf lhe Co1·en3nt, 2850 Pairv.ie1v Rd., Costa Jl·les:l, Sunday. 9:30 and I! a.m, Church school 1hrough sixth grade 11•i1I be held ·at 9·30 a.n1. Dr. Her1nan Sweet v.•ill be the guest spea ker at a 7 p.m. meeting at the church. •le. wil l ask the questions: .. \Vho Cares About Me? Do You?" Fi rst Baptist Cbureb of Laguna HillR, 24521 i\1oulton Parkv.·ay 1vill hold dedication ~ervices following 9:45 a.m. Su nday sthool al 11 a.111. Organiling paslor. the ne1-. Verner I. Olson, will pr each on "Jt'sus Is Lord" Official dedication ll'ill be held al 3 p.m, with Dr . Er!11•ard B. Cole . pastor of the First Baptist Ch urch of Pomona. speaking. '·No Other Name" will be preached by the Rev . Bruce Cushing at 10:45 a.·m_ worship services at First Christian Church, 285 Legion S l .• Laguna Beach. A B i b I e message 1vill follo1Y com· n1union. \Te.<>per hour. 7 p.m., \l'ill feature John ~tiles Baker·s slides on his recent trip to the fl1idd le East. Octobf!r marks "Loyalty i\lon th ." the begin· ning of a "12 Months for Christ" !tewardship ad vance. f\forning 11·orshi p gets under 1\-'ay at JI o'clock at FirRI Bap- 'Religion' Talk Slated ... Floyd F. C<irrctt . chmrman and principal speaker for the circuit assembly ot Jehovah's \Vltnesses. ·will speak on "True lle!igion Versus the f alse" as the highlight of the three-day meeting in Laguna Beach. He v.·111 speak at the Irvine 801111, 650 N. Broadway, Sun- day. 3 p.m. Some 2.900 delegates from the circuit ex- tending from San Clemente to Huntington Beach, are ex- pected to attend. The public is invited to ,\I r' Ga rrett's ta!k. The 111ceting JS !'ree and no collections will be taken up. list Church, 301 illagnot1a, Costa i\Jcsa . The topic to be presented by Dr. P. _ G. Ncu1nann Sunday is ··our liOd Is Still the Best Pay tltaster." His topic at the evening serviC'e. 7 o'cloc'k, is ··Art Linklelter's. Heartbreak . \\'ill You Ee Next'!" Nursery care is prol'ided during both services . TJ1e Rev. David DiProfio will preach Sunday at J l and 9:30 services at Chri st Cburt'b by tbe Sea. 1420 W. Balboa Blvd ., Newport Beach. Church school me'!ls during 1he 9:30 a.m. service on I y. Nursery care is provided. "The Modern Use of the Bible'' is the talk to be given by Dr. Philip G_ illurray Sun· day at Commu nity Church, Congregational. 61 ! Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del tltar. He ''"·ill speak during the 10 a.111 111ecting. Child care :. n <l church school are a1all;lhlf' at the ~ame linH'- l-luntin;ton · Yoillcy B;ipti~l Churcb 11 ·11 h::•1 1hc 1;~1 . \l'illiam J llo~it ·,1-cll Jr .• dc11u 1 ·i1ion ~c".:rc arv l'or the <1.<~oei<1tion or Bapl is1s for \\'orld E 1·a11grli~rn, tli 1l1r. 11 a ni _ 11·orship hour a3 \1·€'11 as the 6 p.1n . ~erl'ire _ Sunday sthool classes· convene al 9:45 a_n1. cit th e church. 9779 Slatrr Al'c., Fountain Valle}, Shabbat services 11· i 11 be conducted by Rabbi Bernard P. King of Harbor Reform Te niple at 8:15 p.m. frid<i y at SL Ja1nes Epi scopal Church, 3209 Via Lido. Ne1vport Beach . Scott Thoinpson, son of r.1r. and Mrs. Laurence Thoru.pi;on. 1rill be in lhr pulpit as part of his B;ir 1\li!1.l'eh Th r Tho!nµson~ will host lhe Oneg Shabbat alter ser\'icr~. "The Perfect Bcned1ct1on '' is th e serinon slated al Harbor Christian Church, Disciples of Chirst, by Dr. D. \V. f\1cEl roy. The congregation meets at 10:45 a.m. Sundays at Harper Elementary School. 425 E. 18th St., Costa r.1esa . Church school meets at 9:30 a.in. and nursery ca re is pro1·ided . ti.fiche! Slabotzky. son of l\1r. and ti1rs. r.1ax Slabotzky of F'ounlain Valley. \l'ill celebrate his Bar 1\fitzvah at Ten1ple Sharon. 617 \V. Hamilton, Costa Mesa. today, Rabbi Ga rson Goodman 'vi ll speak on "The flfagic Mushroom." Sunday is the first day of Sunday school. "'ilh children meeting at lhe lemple at 9:30 .----.-----T" . .....,----------• --~--.-.-----~~-- Mormon s Gather For Meet ·~· Hip Religion 'Dont l(nock tlie Frock' BOSTON (AP) -The first hippie. according _to Rev. ~e Ferrara of the Franciscan fathers. was St.. Franc111 of Assl!l. By GLEN . M. LEONARD Taking a cue from pOIJtl cal campaigns! the baldin~ fri~ SALT LAKE CITY (UPI ) -returned to his native Boston seeking re<:ru1ts for \locat1~ m Appoi~tment of a new general the religious order. . . authority and ~ keynote. ad-He affixed bumper stickers to autos with ~llhng o_wner~. all dress from President Da vid 0. coinbinlng the appea l of a religious vocation with the hippie ideal McKay highlighted the open-of Jove . ing of a Monnon \Vorld "Don't kick the habit-be a fnar:· :;ays one. Another says. Conference here. "Don't knock the frock." Elder Marvin J . Ashton, 54, "Franeiscanism is Peoplism." say~ another. "Live and Love a Sall Lake business and civic lhe Franciscan way." SPEAKS SUNDAY Witn••• G•rr•tt tearier. \\-'as named assistant "SL Francis wa11 the first hippie. He was a man. he had a to lhe T\.\·elve of lhe Chureh of 1nessage," said Father f'erra ra, _who is stationed at Mt.. Vern?n• .Jesus Christ of Latter-Day N.Y. "He didn'l fight the establishment, he tore dovro tis ev1l1. Saints. ~le didn 't just co1nplain. he did something aOOu t it." Ashton 1vas recently releas-St. Francis rou nded the order in the 13th century, al the age cd from the general of 27, after renouncing a !He of 1\·callh in favor of hclpin& the a.m. Adu lt education begin~ lllonday, 8 to 9 p.m. A cou rse 111 Hebrr1v reading and con· \'Crsation \l'Jll be taught by f!abbi Good1nan. s u per i ntendency of the poor. church's Young l\1tn's Mutual Tmprovement Association. In ~ his new post. Ashton 11·ill con- tinue as managing director of Regular Sabbath se1·viccs are slated at the conservati1·e ten1ple for f'riday, 8: !5 p.111. 1'l1e rabbi's serrnon "'i\1 be "The Nerve of failurr." Prophesies fro111 11ario11 s religions forin the basis r~r tl1!}nda y f'vening's talk at Inc Baha'i Center. 985 Victoria. Costa tltesa. Gary Clegg ol Sanla Rosa will present a pr•)· grar!l on ··The Jniluence of the Prophets '' Pastor Clement Shoen1aker of King of Glory Lulheran Cburcb, 17791 Newland St., Huntington Beach. has been granted a two-1\·cck leave of absence 10 ser1·0 as a guest n11 ssio11er 1 l1roughout I h c~ l'Olln!ry fur the An1 crica11 L11llie1;an Chun.:li. Jn h 1 :i :•h~ence. lh'! Rev. Eugene Lll cDowrll \l'i ll ~peak on drug ;ibu~c S•indav. 8: JS and !0 ;4~ a ni. Included in the 9·:10 a.nL rrr,,rntation 1vill be a fihn en- lilled "Narcotics · Pit of Despair.'' a ne1v unif ied social services program for the church, He 11'as named to that position Sept. 27 . The 96-year-old church president u r g e d represen- tatives of some 2.7 1nillion Monnons 1vorldwide to use. their .. God·givcn freedorn of choice" to develop s e 1 f • 1nasl'ery over physical ap- petites. "A man ls not at his best 11 hen he is a slave to some l1ab!t," fl1CKay said . ''A man is not his best who li Yes mere- ly to gratify his passions." The revered leader, who presided over his 36th co1i· ference since. beco1ning head of the Utah -based church, urg- ed his listeners to remember "that the ultimate purpose of life is the perfet ting of lhe in- dividual ." On the advice of doctors. i\Icl\ay directed the tv.·o-hour meetings from hi s hotel apart- ment, v•ith the assistance of coun~elor~ in the first pre~idency . DECLINE EVIDENCE ... Catl1olic Educator U1·ges Experiments NEIV YOR K (UPI) -!i.1sgr. rrumber of religious groups James c. Donohue, pr ominent 1vhere the teachers would be "truly free ." Catholic educator, said this If th e financial crisis that 1ree k that the'Catholic school races Catholic. ~ch 0 0 1 s system mu~t experiment or becomes acute, the high die. But he urged rejection of schools should be. retained and possible federal aid. elernentary grades three to !\1sgr. Donohur. director or eight eliminated, Msgr. the divi sion or elen1entary :inct Donohue said. He sai d money .secondary education or the also ought to be s pent U.S. Catholic Conference. said educati ng adults so they can in an inlervie1I' article in Look give their children thorough magazine th;it in th e nr~t five Ca tholic training at home. and a half years. Ronian "'T'he Catholic sChoo!s Ci'n Cath olic elementary schools put the ici ng on the cake, but 1rill lose nearly 2 million they can't ta ke the place of pupil~. ;ihnosl half l h e i r parents," he said . enrol I nicri t.. u n I css Ca tholics ;;;;::;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::; vastly increase sup~)(1rt of tl1elr schoo l sys1rn1 . "Unless we change. 111e'll j \\'ither away, \1'e·11 die," he sa id_ "\\le 're losing 1he kids any"·ay, and the teachers, loo_ BUSIN ESS AN D PRO FESSIO>-I AL GUIDE \\'e mi gl1t a~ 1v e 11 c:»· ~ ..... -_...,,,,. __ ,,,. __ ,/ periment.'' . e MATTRESSES • I • He said lie 1\·as afraid of ac· .-----------·. tContinutd from Page 41 .. presence'' in are as . 0 cepling federal :.1id becau~e it sacrifice, pall\ and conflict. f MATTRESSES tn.·mg to relicl'e social prob· h h '"-· 1 1 0 might ''dilute our concept o BOAT~. lt O:\R:S . TRAJLEltS rat ~r ! an '-"" ins rue ors r ,,.1,,, , rel igious oriented Jcin s ' lrr,.rular 8h•PN · · overseers. school is." He 1vould be in . It is inevitable that people This iY the tendency \1•hirh f", vor·· of null'"' financial sup-l'c>Jot• :\lea M•ttret• c.. 1\·111 leal'e." he said. ··But Jt 0 8 · '''' " " !lilO Nfl'Wll(lrt Bh·d· r. rown saw as causing ,,...,.t behind inne rcity S{'hools. 03 "ill be the sall'atiori or the ,. ,. I I b rt he ··i·s •"" 1 I h Liberty 8-13 ;:1a JS 1ca sump. \ s .. · p<irticularly i::hetto sc 100 s. e t•hurch." Christians 1nus1 "have the s;iid, and to join in ecumenical '------------ E1•idencc has 11'.ounled that grace to rraliz:o. that God may school systcins run by a e UPHOLSTERY • at least the fir st part of the be ·working far more outside i========='='i 1-----------, prediction is occurring. since the church than in it." .n1ost m;-ijor denominations in 1h1s couri1.ry have slipped ill ··n·E \\'ILL not h;;1·t' the rnrinbt>rship gro11•\h in the last 1·ast numbers of meinbcrs in few year~ Inc future and our big church TURN ON TV Wl-EK kt•F>• you l u"od to wh1f'• ~1 p111n;nq b,hind lh• lub e -Evt 'V S•lu1d1v i" lh• Oi'l!lY PllOT. Mesa Upholstery Liberty 8-4781 building$ "JJI sec1n rather OVER-ALL. the niosl ret.·en! anachronistic,'' he has said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;~ statistics sho1v that 63.2 per-"\\le w:i!l be left 11·ith small[; cent of the U.S. population groups but th rough them 1JSO N(WPORT ILYD. now are church members, something exciting is going to 1 compared 1vith 64.4 percen t happen." the year before, near where it Attendance also has decli ned had hovered for thr~ years, lately, from a high of 49 per· ending a long, steady climb. cent of lhe population on an Now, it has started down . average Sunday in 1949, down : Nearly all major den omina· Lo 4.1 percent nowdays. but·il'si lions. Protestant and Roman still higher than it \\'as in 19401 Catholics, last year slowed lo -~7 percent. Gallup surveys their lowest gains in decades. also show ifs higher th an in 10 ~ Some, such as U n i t e d other western nations .. Met hod i s t s, United In the last decade. howevt.r,' Presbyterians. American Bap-the percentage of Americans tists and the Lutheran Chu rch convinced that religion is los- of America had de<:lines. ing in influence has r'isen from "OUr people are in rebellion l 4 percent 10 years ago to 70 t h h h " perctn! at present. . . I agains 1 e c urc ' says a American Catholic: Bishop long·time Lutheran educator. .Joi•" J. \Vright. recently nam-I Dr. Clarence C. Stoughton of " Springfi:-ld Ohio. ''This is a rd to a top Vatican post. says quiet rebl'llion, one. in 11•h1ch Ch ri stiani!\'. ind:>ed. ma Y lk bccon1e ;; minority in Lhc people are simply wa ·1ng nut and never coming back " ru1ure, but this is a melan- / I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAY! Aries: Highliglit Friendly Areas cholob'\' pro~pl?ct on ly for TllE VAST expansion of th o.'e ·.,.,·ho see lhr church in 1 e c hnology. overshadowing ~ociological term~, and subtler values of life , was seen n1·erlo_nk !ts root.~ in the as a part of the problem. myslery of resurrection.. IL====.,-.,==---,-======--=====::;;;;:-==' SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 Ry SYDNEY O.\IARrt 0 .\ Y ''°' ES P EC I A LL Y FA\.-ORABLE for astrological activity, for being wi lb friends who have inttrest in sub)ects, such as space sc ien ce, televiRioo and •"iatioa. If you are going l11 befln lessorrs in nying, this is tbe day 19 gel going. MA.NV today find solutlnn In spiritual dilemma . ARIES (March 21-April 19 1, Highlight area of frien~rhips.. Do somelhing constructive for individual \\'ho has been loyal. Display appreciation. r.1akc concession to loved o n e - Promote gn~atcr harmony. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You gain major objecUves. Key is Oex.ibllity, humor. Ac- ct pt social invitations. Be with those you admire, re~ct. Display your own unique ;1b1litles. D;iy is posili vr -ln your fa\·or. · GE:\tlNI if\1ay 21 -June 20): Good lunar aspecl today coin- cides \1'ith chance to enjoy pleasant journey. Break fi'om routine is advisable. Dine out; broaden 'horizons. You can also do some good writing . CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): Some mysteries are solved. Key is. to investigate. If you ask questions. answers are forthco ming. No day to be shy. Speak up -communicate doubts and de!'ires .. LEO (July 23-Aug. 221 : Ac- cent on special attachments. Fine for entei1;:tlning at home. l 11clutlr f;:1mily members in spzcial activities. Seltle minor dispute vdth mate, partner. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepf. 22 ): Be practical rega rding personal welfare. 0on·t fool yourse lf into believing you can break rules with impunity. Stick to• routine . Keep he.al th resolutions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22), AcliYitics involving children \." ( flemorial park Th< Sn u1h/m1d's Mo st Bta11tiful 1\le111o rials ""U~Ot lUM • COllJMtA•IUM • CEMEtEJY TREES of the WORLD ' ,.,. o~ '•"••••" •••"w• I M 'p ........ . art favored. Affection flows: personal magnetism is strong. You are creative and should express yourself -especially today. Canon Johnson cited lhi--~-- Respond accordingly. "scandal of a divided church'' TllE REV. Dr . \V, Richey PAC IF IC IND 0 0 R SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. as the "chief impediment to Hogg, professor of 1vo:ld • • - 18), Cycle moves UP ~ the progress of Christianity." Christiani ty at the Perkins circumstances lurn in your "Short as the time is. the School of Theology in Dallas. favor. You are able to relax. situ ation still can be redeem· says part of the religious "fer- You receive accolades. Take ed," he says. ment of our time11 relates to Emphasis on home. basic issues and feelings-. Necessary to build on solid base. Some ta sks need to be completed. Stick to course -aim toward accomplishment. initiative. Be positive. Stress Baptist Lheologian Harvey the development of structures greater independeoce. G. Cox. of Ham"d o;,ioily outside the church struclu,.," AMERICA'S BEST FAMILY ENTERTAINM£NT PISCES (feb. 19-March 20): School says the trend is "away just as missionary societies SAGJTf ARTUS I Nol'. 22- Dtc. 21): Accent on short journeys, dealings w i I h relatives. Be on time for ap- poiritments. Respond to calls. messages. You can obtain valuable infonnation by study- ing your paper. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Guard p o s s t s s l on s, especially while in transit. Carelessness today c o u I d result in loss. If you are a good listener, prolitablt in- formation comes your way. Take time to familiariie from a society" in whi ch th~ earlier developed o U ts Id e yourst'H with subtle nuances. church has played the role of church structur~. Means realize some situations moral instructor and symbolic He adds: "1 can see a might prove to be e1n-cement'' toward 3 new period parallel now _wiUI what is hap- barrassing . Be calm, t•ool and of a minority church. pening outside the church. discreet. He adds that "we can expect where there is a spark that IF TODAV IS Y 0 U R to see the development of new comes through traditional BIRTIIDAV you have a distinctive C'hristian I if e channels. but Ulat spark is sparkling sen~e of humor. But styles" in which Chrlsti~ns developed only outside the some claim you laugh at the. ;w;i~ll~~pr~o~v~id~e~~·~~l•;m~pe~r~m~g:=:=''='=d=id=ona==l ='=h'="=""=1'=-'=' ===ii wrong times. You have begun l,: a project and now you .must give your whole heart to 1l. l• tind owl .. ,.,,., l..ck' for YOU In moii• ,,f\d IOv•, ••d•r sv-~ om1rr•1 OOO!lltl, ••Seer~ l'Cln Pl for Men • ft d women:• knd b!rtl'ldll• 111d '° cel'tf1 1' Om•"' "'•lrol!tll' $e-c:re11. fll• OAIL Y "lLOT k • 11~. Gr1,.., c..,,1,11. Ill · flotl, iJ,,. Yor•, N.Y. 10011. BIBLE THOUGHTS MONTGOMERY WARD HEARING AID CENTER $199-0NE LOW l'RICE-$199 Wll_. .. .n I 41• •lttl ,,__, ,111t•, "'ho jud91d J111H, 11k1d ttii1 qu1ttf111 1f th• "'u ltiludt w!lo crucified him. It i1 "t it• worthy lhtt "J utl91" ,il1te' pro11ou11c1d Jt1iut INNOCENT i nti c1l1H for 1 1111111 of wel•r. "'ll1'i11t hj1 ew11 h•111ft t• •Y'''.,. bolicelly lnd lc•f• hi1 •"'" i11111ce11c1 "' Chrill'1 rnu1d1r Ill the Ci'*''· fM1+t. 27:19-261. l ut ,il1!1'1 jud9rn111I of J1tu1. •t htlnt i1111oc111t, w11 ''' eticl1 by th• ,..11/tltud•. ind th1v er11clflt4 kl,.,, 1111 . SJ :I t 1y1, "H1 w11 t1k111 fre"'-jvdt"'•ftt.") ''•25, li1\iintl tt.. 11r, IM6. 111 ;., th••••· '6'47 lloodyl CUSTOM EAlt MOLDS . . . . . . ........ $5.11 YOUR AID REPAIRED $24.95 DISCOUNT MnlRY PRICIS •••• USED HEARING AIDS, on• pric• ____ _ MONTGOMERY WARD 1t2·••11 "Wh1l 1h1ll I do with J111117'' Eecl. tf ut MU ST de SOMETHIN~ with ltlm, H1 ;, th1•1 l.1for1 111, pro111!11111t i11 h!1lo1y, end h,1 "'+It net "juif 9o 1w1y"; ""' t 111't "itno•• hi'" 1111 tf 11i1f111c•.' (1ch tim• vew t i"• tho119ht to th e l lbl1 fA.CT of J11u1: yeu ,..,., 0 1 dithlo11 ; yo11 1ilh1r ..,,ft!•lly 1cd1ll'!I him 11 God I 1011 .or Y II thrint hil'll 11;4,, You "'"'' 1cll•1ly put him lftle yovr life. Ht ,,;d. "If v• lo•• "''· KEE' ... ., co"'fl'l•ftd"''"":" wi.,1 .rou d.o with J!.tu• NOW ..,;!I <i t ••rP"11nt wh1+ HE wolt do ••:h Y?U throu9h ~iernil,·. OIEY h;,., i nd ~Ou Ctll 1'•• lo•t••r wolh ~rm; ltEJECT him t ftd you :~1 11 •F>t nd 1t1111!ty wit~ 5A.f,t,,N I (J Cor. S·IO ~·~ 20·11-1 51, Th• CHOICl-11 >;011n . ~•P•n l 1M be bop· ti~,~· ;111,· Ch~itl. !.A•" l :JI. Gi l. l :271 . Cll11r(I\ of Ch1i1I, 217 w. Wlho11 SI., Cot+• Mtt•, Ct . .. / ·.1-t' , . . .. ~ooc o ~JSOCI•ltS ;. • <6. ·•£". ~.:·:; --••• • ......... ...11 ........ TONIGHT 8 P.M. "''· • '"" • '·"'" ...... l • ' ''"'· ....... ,,.. "'"' .... ..,_.., t) ... /14.M/IJ ... 1' -....., \~ ,..IC:I 1n ...-ft. 1"""' " U. C. ,, .. , i. or.,,.. C-'Y/M .. MI Yltltlt AflMllJ/°':l:tc-•r.:fl'tll (Ml,... TK•" Ofllc1, ,,..._. er tlflll I .. t ...... ""'"" lllf Clllel It 1110010,-. ... W, KATILU.. AllA-MtlM ntft, TONIGHT and SUNDAY ~,..CDNV•NTlON ~ ·mC•NTIEA .• ~-------------------------· - - - f 1!AJLY PILOT s~tvrd~y , O~tobtr 11, l94Cf Ann Landers Motherly Love Not Guaranteed DEAR AN"N LANDERS. l'wo years ato I sturtrd tn go ~·ith \\11}'1le. It 1\'asn'I lovr at fi~t sight (I don't beheve I.here is 5llCh <1 thing J, but I grew to love hin1 one day al a time. Last August I learn- ed I was pregnant. \Ve v.·ere married right away. \\'ayne is kind and gtntlr - the perfe<."t husband. I was th_e happiest girl in the Y>orld until the baby came. \I/hen I first ~av.' little LornCI I \\'<IS frightened by my indifference. \\1ayne 1\·as thrilled . I felt nothing. lt was as if _ a stranger had invaded 1ny life. I try to love Lorna b11 L I ('an t. \\'hen she cries I go to pi('ct s. I scream al lier 10 sl1ul up I holler thi'ngs hke, "] wish you had nevrr brcn born " I ~p~1nk her almost c\'ery d:ir !or no good r('ason. I rr sent it when I have tCI change her diaper or feed her. I hate to t1•ash and iron her things. \Vhat is .,,,Tong \~·ith nie (h;it I cannot love this rhi!d? ! ::nn worried sick that one day I t1i!1 hurt her -or \1·orsc. I ..,.·orry, too, that \\'ayne t1•ill lea\·e n1e and take Lorna because I am such a terrible n1other, Can you help mC', Ann~ 1'1n only 16 and niy life should be ahead of me. Instead l n1n frightened and n1iserable - SO\..'.Tli C/\fiOLINA DEAit ~.C.: You need counseling on a con ti nui ng basis. And I bope you 'l\i ll get II at once lor the baby's sake as well as your own. \'our hostility t.owa rd tbe child sug· gcsls that you \'iew her as a th reat Another possibility is that you really did not wan\ lo rnarry so young and you bl ame the t blld for depril'ing _yo u of a long period of t·ourtship ""'hicb demands far less than the rt.alities of n1ar- riage. \\'hatever tbe rcaso11s fur ,·our \·ioltnl outhreaks , !hey ·should he explored The first slep lO"'ard r.onqut>rin.e: a problrn1 is undrrst:1nding the u11derl}'ing causts. Ge l going. Time is of the esse nce. DEAR AN:'-i LANDERS: \\'lirn n1v brother \1·as 19. he 1o!d iny ·mother off and lefl home. ·rh!'y never spoke aftt•r !hat. ~ly older sister and n1y inolhcr \\'ere nevC'r t•!ose. I had a s<rso relationship \1'ilh rn v mother -no "·arn11h bC111·een us but no open batlles either. I wa s a bride \1•hen Dad died. ~Iv 1nolher came to visit us and She stayed for 20 years. !-ihe ~arcasl!call y referred to her:!lelf as my "howekeeper" t1 hich \\,is not exactly ac- curate. I did a lot ol the "'ork myselL • Two weeks ago my mother ••ent to Europe lo visit her family . A friend told me that before mother left the country she made a will leaving everything to my sister's three children. She left nothing to me. my brother or 1ny t hlldrcn. !\Iv brother says lie did not exp(.c'l anything but he insists tilaL J should have been con1 - vensated fo r 20 years of free room and board. Tl1e estate cannot be very large bul I am more inlercsLed in having 1ny 11an1e cleared than in getting a11 y money. Can 1 sue? - 0~11TIED DEAR 01\I : Sue for \\'hat? Your name? And If I read your letter right your motht.r is sUll Jiving. The whole scene is just beautiful. Forget It. CONFIDENTIAL TO TRAP- PED : I know of no law in any of the 5(1 states that makes it n1a11datorv for a man to mar- ry. Suppoi·t, yes. i\'larriage, no. Gh·t in or lose him ..• y,·hc:n ' • guy (Ives you this line, look out! For Ups oo how to handle tbe super 8eI Salt sman, check Ann Landers. Read "Necking and Petting -Whal Are the Umlta?" Scad your request to Ann Landen in care of thi' ne1'tpaper, enclosin& 50 cents la coin and a Jona, alflmped, acU-addresaed envelope. character ,~~'clues , . f ... 1k..t"' ~to..!. ._.,. ... ' ~ '.\lDu.t J .; •. ~ Th!Y provide bttirr hun'Ji. >.rid aken give their owner$ '""""" ""~ ...d inod.J.. .t(on of voice. -Or.dors A.rJ ~~'rs oftenh!vt)Ucha.11. ' ~.....,_,~ -----------.---- Czech Travelers Stopped Officials Pull People Off Trains c1.t Border PRAGUE (AP) Tho Ci echoslovak government's curtailment of travel to the West "was like the devalua. lion or the franc," the young engineer said as he sat in his car at a Prague gas station . "Ev·erybody expected them to close the border, but it didn't happen," he said. "\Ve gal complacent and bang - \l'e spend our vacation at home." The engineer and his \1•He, their car loaded \Vlth baggage for a trip to \\'esl Germany and Belgium , "'ere two of the 100,000 Czech~ and Slovaks \\'hose pcrmils for private. unofficial travel to Western countries 1vere c a n c e I I e d 'fhursday. The government said that in the future issuance of vtsas "will be governed especially by an economic point of \'ie\v ." The government said it '":as restricting travel "so that tourism may develop i n ham1ony ""''ith the interes ts of tlie stale and \Vithin its economic and foreign cur- rency possibilities.'' SIMPLE TERMS In simpler term!, the an· nouncement meeru that the Communist regime 'vants to cut down on the foreign ex- change it loses when its citizens spend in the West and w,ants to Jet only those it can trust cross lhe frontier, 'fhe government iaid travel documents would oot be issued to persons in legal trouble or debt or one \Yhose "conduct indicates he inlends to stay abroad illegally." 11undreds of travelers h<1d al ready started trips l o \Vestrru Europe Thurs d a y \Vhen they learned the news. F rontier troops retnoved the1n from trains ond buses, and tun1ed motorists back at the borders "~·ith \Vest Gtrmany and Austria. Many \Vere still strean1ing home today. ''It's just as well," one mnn quipped. "So many people were traveling to the West it was losing its snob value." At a pub in a \Vorking-class district, a mid dl e-aged railroader said over his beer: "I don't travel to foreign coun· tries. This is something for the inte\!ectuals and youngsters to \\'orry about." l\IA .. 1'Y DISAPPOII\TED His companion disagreed: ''That's the v.•ay it used to be. But since we got our car last year, my \\ife Eva has started talking about dri\'ing to Vien-a pp I y f o r v Is a s a I na. Many people are di sair Czechoslov;i k e rn b a 3 s J e 1 pointed .'' .. ,broa<l, except 1n emergen- The new regulations are 1.;1es. sin1ilar to those in effect in Poland and Hungary but a re ltss rigid than those in East Cennany. In 1968, a total of 450.000 Czechoslovaks visited i h e \Vest, and in the first righ t n1onths of 1969 nearly 600,000 had applied to go. ''I can still travel abroad <1~ an official." said an official of an e.11porting office. "but I've slarled dreading my next trip, having to decide >vhether lo i.:ome back or noL" Heagan U1·ges Transit Okay SACnAMENTO IUPll Tl1e California Congressional Delegation !us been urged by Go1'. nona ld Reagan to sup- porl :in aniended version fl f President Nixon 's $JO billion urban public n1a ss lransporta· En1igratio11 pennits 11 ill be lion progran1 granted only to un1le parent~ f{eagan sai d Thursday an \vith minor children, to perrn.t arr.age I a r ,1·0 ,,r or --1·... an1cndn1ent by Sen. Harrison n11oorl)1 .. cases deserving purticular \Villian1s, (D-:'l.J .), \\! o u I d ensu re that urban areas such consideration," the govern-ment said. as Los Angeles, San Diego and The announcement also said San Francisco \vould receive the government had derided lo funds for long.term capital stop casual visil!i to or across -='="='=la=y=p=r=o=jec=ts=.=====::. Czechoslovakia by \Vestemers ·• on "weekend" or transit ''isas BOAT BUFFS is~ued at Austrian border Almon Locktb•v ;, t~• onlv points. ful!-time bo1lin9 ediio• wor~ing It said some foreign tourists on 1nv "'w1p•~•· in Or1n9• are "trying to j n f l u e n c e Coun!v. H;, •~clu1;v, co,,.•••9• negatively our international ~f bo 1~in9 i nd v1chtin9 "'"'' political deve!opnient,'' and "e d1ily l•elur• cl I~• DAILY henceforth foreigners mu st ! PILQT. B \\ j I le • ' ---------------. OAIL Y PILOT 71 Well., Someone 1st Found A111eri~a By SA~I FOGG Un•t"" """ 1ntern•ll•~•I The nalion pays honor to Christopher Columbus Su1)(!<iy -three days arter a presiden· tially pro c I a i ni e d Ltif .lc:ricsson Oay, 1vhich probably is as 11 should be. Latest historical findings give evidence that Viking Ericsson discovered An1erica nearly :JOO years b c r o re Cu!urnbus landed in the Kew \\'or Id. Researthers now t re d i t Eril'sson 11·ith pulling ashore in the Cape Cod a re a son1ct1n1c in August or Sep· teinber of lhc year JOO:J. And c1•tn before Colun1bu s reached San S:·11vac1or on Ot!. 12. !·192, 111'0 othrr Viking 1·oy:igers ;ir,• fil'nllV beliCl'Cd to IHl\'(' SC1 fool On tile Arneriean continent -Leif's son. Thor1\':1ld, ai1d 'fllorfinn l\arlsefn1 who took his long ships up Hudson 's Ba.v and, as f<i r south as the Chesapeake Bay. The seafaring e:.:.pluit by Co!u1nhus is not lo be b('li1· tied. The Italia n mariner had the boldness and th c geog raphic perception lo ig- nore Middle Age fears that a ship "·o u!d fall off the edge of Ille "'orld if it sailed "·estward frun1 E11rope, He believed the impossible-tha t the earth was round . l le persuaded Q ue c n Jsabell;:i of Spain lo bankroll h11n in the hclief that he could find a quicker sea route to the we<il tll of the Onenl nnd l11d1a by sailing beyond the Canary Islands. Al ogC' 56 . the {.:('nO<i· born son of ;1 ll'Oo!-coznber, Colun1bus rnan11ed lllree frail ships -tile fl;_igsliip. Sant;i l\·la ria and two co1n1na11clecrt>d \ t'ssels , !he Pinta nnd lhc Kina -and ernbarkcd frun1 \he (lllrt nf Palos on the rnor n- 1ng of Vrlday, Aug_ 3, 1~92 '/\vo brotl1t'rs, t.·lartin Aunzo Pinzon and Vincenlr \'ane1, Pinzon , captained thr Pinl;.i and the Nina Three l)ilols. a royal oftici:1 I, a physician. SC!'l'<Jl\!S, S"!llC adl'Cll[UT('TS <ind 90 sailors sh ip ped \1·11h Cohunbus -a band 101ah 11g l4U 1111'11 The Pinta hroke a rutfdrr ill rough 11·t"<Hht·r ,three d;.iys out but the c>.)ll'dition put 111 al tlu: ('an;1ri£>s <ind 111;1dc 1'1'11;111':< 'l'l1r rud i1ncntary con1pa~~ used bv Colu111bus began l('~r· 111g !'n;alica!ly as he saill'd in . As the three ship.~ pl ot1ghC'd into the lc;irl'ul u11kno11·n, the t:rc11·s began n1u\lcri11g Jn in· cipicnt mutiny. t__,or three oays. the shiu~ 11·ere bccahned. \Vh en th e 11·ind rcsu1ncd. Co 1 u1n bu s pusl1cd 1vcst1vard but falsified hls log to deceive his 1nen into believing they had not pushed as far into the unexplored as the.v thought lie Sf'izcd on !hr sigl1l of C\'l'TY bird (Jr dr ifti ng vcgeta- lion to convince l11s n1cn lhev were near tht'JT gu;il ur thC. 11 e:ilth of lndi;1 . On (lr.:t. 7, th ere 1vas a shout that lana had 0l'en sighted a 11 d disconicn! n1ounted when Lhe (ry proved a lalse ahirin . On tile nighl uf 0('\ I l, rolu1nbus and his a i de s tllough! they .spied gle<11ns of light ahead and at two in the rnorning, a mariner aloft on t:1e Pinta -Rodrigo de Triana -shout ed he saw land Colurnbus had his ~hips drop anchor. spent the prt:da1vn hours don ning his best regalia and <ii ~unrise v:ent ashore 011 ;i ple3sanl Lroplral beach 10 clni1n thi· 11c11· l<111d 111 Ille 11;1n1r of Ferrhn;ind ;:i n ti l ~ahr·ll;1 It t1<1rl t;ik r11 hi111 nntl !11~ <i(':1n1en 7U da1's 10 s:iil fro111 tl\f' old world io the n1:1v on a .~L·1cn11l1c \'Uyagr \1 1;11 opened 11\1· /11ne1·iran l'On\l11(·11t IL• Jo:u1·,Jpl':Jl1 St'll lrrll1.'11\, For lour centuries i n ~t·hnnll.Joy textbooks. I 11 e t!i~eo1·crer nf An1cri ca \\':J.S lit.tctl <is Christopher Colurn- bus The accounts <lf Viking 1 oyagers in old Norse edd;:is and sagas 1vcrc v\C\l'ed as literarv e u r i o sit i es un- conncCtC'd 11·i1h historic fact. But ;it Ille lurn of the cen- tury, Norse <irtifacts 1overe un- covered in No1•a Scoti a, New· fo untlland and c1-e11 Nc11• Engl:ind and a new :-;chool of lhought \\as c~tablbhcd . Scan· rl<l.navian sourt"rS turnetl uµ refcrcnl'cs to V i k i n g ex- This Sunday 1pmto7pm CAnd next Sunday too) p!oranon in an undefined area sou1/1'.l·esl ot Greenland 14'hlch had been settlt:d ln the 10th Century by Erik the Red. A f'\orse source known as lhe Flaleyjarbok (The Ylal Book) told of Erik's son. Lt.If, reaching new lands by V!king ship when he headed a \-\Cstward expedition 1~ a1e 25. A Viking captain identified as Bjarni Herjulfsson was said to have passed "'!thin sight of a new land in 986. Tht: accounts recounted that Karlsefni lt:d a colo ny to the art:a kno"·n •~ \'inland and settled there for three yc:irs. In 1957, a New lla1·t:n, ('01111 . rarr book dealer found ;1 co py p1Jrporllng to ht: drawn fron1 a V1 k1ng map in a bundle ui p;1rt hn1cnt in Europe. ll sl1011·cr1 .-:horelines identical w1ll1 present day contours of !lie l'Oasls of Ne1vfoundland. 1he St. La1vrence and Chcs:lpl'ake Bay. Eight y ears la te r , cartographers from Y a I c University the Brit i s h l\'luseun1 and else wht:rt: tnatched 11·om1 holes in the Vinland map v.·i!h a volun1r published in 1440 !hat could be traced authentically back into Scandanavian royal archives. Since then, almost a I I h is t o r i a n s credit Leif Ericsson, no 1 Christopher Columbus. as Ilic inan who d1sco1·e red Arnerica, The finding cre;ite<l some To introduce the most • • exc1t1ng new apartment concept in America. Oakwood Garden Apartments with private count ry club fun and activities • 3/4 million dollar clubhouse • Rac qu et club with 4 nig ht-lighted tennis cou rt s and 4 paddle tennis courts. Resident professional with co mplete pro shop • Olympic size swimming pool • Jacuzzi, hot therapy pools • 9-table bil liard room • Indoor golf driving range • Sepa rate men's and women's health clubs with complete gym and wet steam sauna baths • 6,000 sq. foot party room• Theater TV lou nge • Security officer service • Plus much more On display will be beautiful, furnished and unfurnished single, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom apartments, each with its own patio or ba:cony. Fireplaces in selected apartments. Come to ou r champagne open house party this Sunday and see the Oakwood style of living. It 's the way Californians are supposed to live. 1700 161h Stitt! NEWPORT BEACH (71 .f) 6.f2-!11 70 pol i li c ;il dl ~comfort. predominantly It alian-descent districts have insisted that it 1\'as Columbus. Thost: from district! with a heavy Scan· danavlan tradition were quick to proclaim Lt:if th c discoverer. When Congress enactt:d a new holiday bill last st:.uion, evt:ry st:cond fl1onday in October was declared a le1al government holiday begiMlnl in 1971 . But ovcr the years. the Leif Ericsson ad vocates had suc - l'eeded in having Oct. ~ recognized as a day in homor of their eKplorer_ The date was actually the day the £lrst Norwegian ship entered Ne1v York harbor in 1825. The \\'h1te Hous e managed a co1npro1nise this year. 011 Se pt. l L President Ni xon issued two proc!a1nations - one urging observance of Leif Ericsson Day in honor of the 1nan and "his crt:w of ad- venturous Norse st:afarers ( Y:ho ) sailed across t h e northern seas nearly a thousand years ago and landed on the shores of North America." The other dctlared o t Columbu s that "on Oct. 12, v.·c again celebrate in honor of the great sea captain and explort:r whose historic l'oyage across 1hc Atlantic led to the pennanent sett le1nent o f A1nerica.·· I A Day Of F;D/TOR 'S NOT£ r..onalrl n r11r.J1111 ·1rns been !}iJl)er11oi-of Cci/Jj (J/"11/ft neor- 1!/ //1rce years (Hui. fnr11tl.1· .~11 u. 1.~ 111·r· p ()l"lllQ lo 1·101 fat r1 110 1i1rr lr rr•i. Yf t l11(l 11y (/llC.~tiOilS-(1/)(/111 r/1 1' /11(//1 i'I'· 1110111 1111ol!Sl1>ered. /le1·r 1.1· n 11er11 luvl: •ir Rco9a11 by CriliirJ1·11w Ar l'ri/nu·ol \\'n ter Hill Boya rd:jJ ll'ltn l!'U('('/r d ,,,J/1. //i t g OVCf !i il!' )ul 11 )11// !111!,I ' ('('/'JI !I !J· Ey BILL BOY ARSKY "'" 'O""<~I W«!tf 1\_\ . .\/lEl;\l -Honald ll c<igan and Billy 1~raha1n, side bv s1dl' undr r 11le rarlv ;iutumn California sk~. s;i ng ·-F,c111h (;f 1'111r lathers. holy faith , 11'e 1r ill be !n il' 10 ,you ·111! rle<tth ." Thr \"Oit'C'S of \he g;i\·r rn nr anti !hr ,..1;-i ngel1s1 blendei-1 with thnst 111 the more fhiln 3:1.000 others ;it .l\nahe1n1 Stadium , t·1.~1ng hea1·enward toward the fuH moon :i bo1<". f't'hoing acro~s the orange groves <ind st1bd11 1.~1ons tha1 s1rrH·h hetll'een the. <-oncrele. horne of !ht• l;<t l1 forn1a Angels t);i~eball lr;i m and lh e bn~ht lights of J)1~nel'l<.1n(L "F:litli ~,( our f;ithrr5. C n1!'~ great power !<hall win ;ill 11al111n~ 111110 tl1ee.' 1 hey ~ang -two n1t•n cfres.1cd 1n dark blue su Jt~. une the r1 nngel1 ~t n1 polit1t.1I <·onser1•;il1~m. the otht•r a m 1 111s1~·r 10 n1 1ll1on~- IT \\'AS THE end o( a d<1 1' 11·1111 Bon<il rl Jieagan -governor of California, un sut- l'csslul presidential liopeful and a man ~till sparking fires of contr:J\'ersy arolind the n<1t1011 1vith t11s detcnn1na11on In Trducc gOl'C'rnrnen1 Sp!!nding. and \.'lll l'luwn appropriations for the L:n11·crs1ty of C:a l1forn1;l and the ~tcdr colleges. ·\It hough he ha~ bcl'n go1 ernor for 111 rcr ~ed rs and an ae1or ror 2!1 yc{lrs lielol'r tt1ci1 . rnany qu l'~l l.ins .1 ho11t hini 1c1n<i1n unanswcrcrt bct·au~t' nl !iis slrict 1 11.~1~1cnre 1llal hi.• pcr~ilna l life be krpl fr01r1 Ilic publ1t . \'."hal !1<11'.'> he ra!" Hu11' dr1~"; hr tre:1t h1~ ;i ~s1~t~n ts'' Doc_;; he 11-r11e \11,• f1\1'n ~pC'cclie.-·· Does he work a!! d ti~. or dor~ l1r dotr during long bu~ine~s p!:lnr tr1p5.' J )ocj hr s 11eer~ \ rP1)()rtcr spcnl a rlay w11h hi m to {ind !l•r ;111~\\'f'rs. \\'h<it rnirrge(! was a r;irr 1-l1n1psr o! the in;i n -of his surpr1~1ngly .~11:or1 lr111pcr. O[ 111 ~ 1,1nrestr:lined US" !of 11ro!11n 1t.v. of his lr 1shn1an's g!l1 of s1or1· 1 ~11 111~. 111 his grrow1 ng kno11lrdgc 11r tl t•1 111b nl ~l a te Ao1 cr11n1cn1 ;ind 1Jf 111~ heller 111 r.ud .\nd :1 ~ lu.< lwo-f'n g1nr propjl'.'1 !\('\\' •\I 1•r t ~111orn1;i , lhr d;n al~o provided !l I 1(·11' r,f hnw Hc:1gan Jell ab;iul lhc SlJ tr. 1115 ln1-r 1or the w'1dc 1J pen sp<H'C'S and 111~ tlrrp bcl1rf that business -no1 i;o1·crn~ n1rnl -ul fer~ lii l? brst hope lor 1he- l11t11rc nJ the almost 20 million Col1 tor. fll(ltlS. REAGA.'1 \\'AS in Anaheim <1raha111 on an 11npor1an 1 n11ss1on. the. open1n11 of a ln hrlp spir itual nine-day --------------------------- Co1n1nent Page "fli"j tanned jact:d Tl lurrd wn.Ji QI( lfltr lt:Oh!' paftt':fll Of to1·1 1d;lr~ -r 1f)IH ocrnss Iii.~ brotc, jo11r r u1111111n tength1v1sf' to1vurd ' 1t1s c/1Jn, 011d crow's jecl 11 rou11d li is eye:; oi1 rl rno11l/1. e.spe<:i<11/y tv l1e11 11.r, pu1·scs ht.~ lips i·n a1117er or ('(I 11i:e 11 f ra t 1011. '' "flis c1othc1; ar c u;c/l c1d c>1rt ht wenrs U1c111 w1t/i. U1c grnce nf a rr1n1i 1vl!o /i ns be c11 goi 11u lo rr prr.~onnl (n1 lor fur r/1r ee <icc:ades ,, ." • Ill the Busy Life California's Governor Crusade f.'.lr Christ in Southern Caltforni<1 . Both Reagan and Graha1n tonsidered lhe area ready for such a crusade. Economi c growth 11·as never greater a nd t·1 nplo~·ment wa.~ high among the middle- L·lass. white Californians mol'ing 11110 Uie so111he rn subdh•isions. Bul p u ! i e e. ~1nti~t1cs sho11·ed more and rn ore .1·ou11 g.-ters were using drugs and pro- n1iscui1y 1vas 1ncreasu1g. This is politically con se.rra li1'e c:iuntr.1'. Or<inge is the most Republican or all of Californ ia's counties. 11·here 2i0.79<1 of tlie hall -million vot ers arr b-Ound to \he GOP. /\cugan carried lhe l'uun1y 01·cr1l'hchn- 111gl_1· In 1966. Although prosperity V•as all around. !n Cn1h:ini. An1erica was losing it.~ spiritual l'<ilues. lts leaders. he ~aid. "say lers get (;{)(! :)Ul or th e school and gel se x in ." J{eagan. in introducing him. said "ll'e 1~Hnl tn ht•:-i r what you are going lo say." REAGAN \\'AS also on a person;il mission -a pohllca\ one. The governor, a Republican , 1s expected to campaign for a second tenn nexL year. a race Lhal 11 111 d\·lern1ine whether Calilornia f;c11·ur~ his ronse1·1"al1 ve p:,Jicies (jf ec11non1~· and 11 nrl•len1 1ng oppnsitio11 lo st 11 ti (' n I re\}{:lliori. Loilc ly. h1.•s-be1.'n \n11·ch11g rnnre, testing public op inion. Belore rneeting Grahan1. ht had fh1ll'n lr·u111 S11crarncnlo south 10 San Diego. The: 1np took _him first to a conventiJn of lhe influential Savings and Loan League and 10 a Portuguese frigate. \•;here he sipped !Xirl wine. and helped the San Diego Port ugu ese comniunity open a celebra-• lion. .<\t ;is. Re;ig;111 luoks no older than 1rhen he qull t!ir television ~criC's .. Death \·all ey Days" lo run for g:irernor. Alinosl three vcars as th1r[ executi ve. and an 11 n ~ucCess lt1I <:a 111 pa i g n lnr lhc l!cpubla:an presi dential no m in a t. i o n h;isn't aged hi111 nolieeably. ll1s ha ir is auht1rn·bro1\·n. wit h 011\~· lhe ~l 1 ghte~t hint of gr;i~' al the s1r.lcb11rns, 11 hk h ll'ert' cl ipped short. despite current :<ty\e. His tanned !;ice is lined 11'ith an ir1- tric<lle pattern of v.Tink!cs -eight acn)s~ his hrown , fOllr running lengthw ise 1oward 111~ chin. and crow ·s feet aroLin<l his eyes and mouth, especially v.·hen he purses his lips in an ger or concentration. I/IS CLOTHES are \\'ell cul ;ind lie 11t•:1 r.~ !h~n1 11·11h 1he grace of <1 ma11 \l'h{l l1;1s been going to a per:-on al tai lor fr1r 111nrr U1;;11 t11rer decadr!'. Tile pants han~ 1hll1'11 to 1\1~ sl11111' bl<il.'k >hoes in ari un· brokrn rrr;ise !tis-(·ufflink ~ a11!l l1t'Pl ll 01 rr go\(! gri zzly bear.~, Ili c syn1 bo! ol Calllor11 1a tl1 s dt>d1t at1on lo pri va!e enterprise i~ dl'ep and sincere -hammered 11110 hin1 trotn his boyhood In the eonservati\'c ,\f1dwest. ll c<1n1e oul in the conversation 11 hen his plane passed 01•er Friant Dam and the big rese r\'oir behind it. Thi s \va~ nn~ of the. great publicly owned Central Valley Project irrigation and flood con · tl'o l fa cilities in the hills above the Cen- tral Valley, built during the New Deal. neagan looked down at it for a 1ninute, then turned lo his assistants Paul Beck. !he press secretary ; Ed Mickey, hls securit y chief and bodygua rd , and Bob Keyes. tile black former Universi ty of San Diego and Oak land Raiders football player who 1s the adn1inistration's to1n- 1nunity rcl'1l1 ons spcci<11lst. "\\'hy in the hell can 't 11 e bui ld l1 on1e 'i there ,'' he said . pointing lo lhc c1u1cl be<lthcs. !all lin1ber and clifls around tile lake. HIS DEEr re spe ct for private e111C'r- prise wa s even n1ore evident at the co11- vcn\1on or the California Savings and Loa n League in San Diego. This is thr pohc_v n1ak1ng and lobbying group for l_he industry. and the leader of every niai or ~avings and lo:;n in the state was then'. Hc::g~10 :t~~ured thC'm hi s philosophy 11[ bL•s1nrs~ regulation was lo •'protee1 pen- pie from the few who violat e the law In· ~tr:id of subJet•linA bus111rss and 1ndu~trv 10 hara"91ncn1 " He saHl he had rcduel'd l'\1H'i ol th1 · ~l :i lc :;a vin g and lOfl ll t·11· r1J1·1.'l.'1Jll'.'llt ;l'!l'IU:y by ~.100.0IXI . Thi• r >:l'C>:t11 t·~ :ind 1 l1cir 111vcs clappr([ n! thcsr wnrch. c-:eh;ing 1ng appni11ng g':111r rs. Their preside nt s:.lld •·1 arn su n~ Jll nl llS ag ree tha \ 1111s f-lcagr1n <1tl- 1n 1n 1~1r:il1011 has provided our busint·~s 111111 the most constructive and benefi cial ~11pe rvision we ha ve ever had ... our sup· porl ol the go l'ernor in this audience has bo.:c11 practically unanin1ous. I sa1v onl? one prrson who opposed hini. but 11·hen [ gc.1 a look al his long hair. I saw a ho le. in it " In prlva1 c. fie :1gan has a sharp tcn1pcr. '>~obody noticed !J\1t there isn't tin1c for (li nncr on !his danincd schedule." he said . Th al 1\•as when log delayed 1he plane and ruined the intricate arrangcn1e11ts he h<l d 111:1dr tor 1necting /'llrs. Hca g<ln before lh•· (;r<1h:in1 JllC'l'tlng. llE S\\'EAHS frcq llcnt!y "D:unns." "!,ell~." and an occas1011;i[ obsceniiy rnli1·en his speech. li e has a !'ense of huinor. and trl\s long and funny stories about Jimmy Stew:i 1·1. :"llarion Davies. Jarnes Cagney and others he knew in 1-lollvwood. Jlr .~till keep~ 1n touch ll'ith friend ~ lro1n !ilm da vs -even a Den1ocrat hlie Dean ~1 nrtln : The producer of tllartin's l'!('l'J"ion show asked fic agan 1n appear_ "I'd like to do 11." Tleag;:in lold pre~~ ,,,cret;ir v Beck. '"He's a lrir11d." licck, 11110 has· the job of saxing no to request~. ~:;id he didn 't lh1nk lhe schedule would ,.11011· it. Heagan 1va~n'l as ragcr to ;icccp\ an 1nl'itation to appear on "Laugh.in." T;ilk- ing to Billy Grahan1, Reagan said he 1,1•;1s afraid his scgn1cnt \\'ould be edited lo pui him ln a bad light. Gr<>ham replied that he, himself . had h?Cll hesitant to appear on the sho11· But he said President Nixon. who "·as nn 011r .ltln11-Jta Sa rt f'rnr1cisco ------------~ "Laugh-in"' during th e presidential ca m- p<iign. had assured h1n1 that he 1,1•ould "reach niorc people on the sho1v than I ever 1,1•ould al a meeting. ·i Graham S<.lld he follol'<ed !'.1ixon·s advice -nod ll'i.IS g1\'cn comp!e\(' cdltori<i l control of his segrnent b~· the "Laugh-in" producers. J le e1•t;<n 11 rot e l11s u11 n Jokes. ll.EA{~A\' IS usu;1tl,1' good hu1norcd, ;il1l1ough he tends !11 be gro11chy in tlie c:.irly 1norning. Tr~ing to g·"·t th t'! plnnc olf tile grol11id when t r;i~flc 1<11n111ed 1n S;1n IJie:,:t;. tile pilot askt d the r•edr 1«d ,\\'i:i- 1:cn Adn11nistrat1on controller to pu1 hun ::hr:id of the stacked up a1rltncr._, •·\re·\I sec if he·s a Do.:rnotr;it .'' !tca~a n rcn1<1rk ed. The con troller s<1 1d -r<ithcr tirusr:uely -"11·e c;ip't 1n~ke cxcepl1011~ b1.·t<1use of a ~ingle p;,issengcr you arc. c;irr.vtng. \Ve ha ve pa ssenger pi<1ncs out there waiting .·· i{eagan sn1i!ed, and we nt b<ick 1o work- in~ on his speech. His speeches <.ir e 1_1·ped in large letter~ by ~tx:relarics 111 his ofl 1c::-on lhrcc bv si x fnc-h cards frorn a drafl 11Titl;'ll by a;t .1,~1~1;int. ()·1 1l1r fl tgl~t. lh';1gan r01 1~l·d Iii•' ~l)\·i;1•h. 11ri1111n;.( nn tl1l' c:11·i1~ 11 11h ;1 1'\''I h•lt tipped pl'n 111 ~h ort .. hard ~·tr·,)\;'.·-~ 11 1, ;~l liil'ht• r;_1sc 11;1,, •111 h1 ~ l;1p ;1 11(1 1:1• 11..,i·d 11 a~ a desk. Hf':igan 's coal ll'<lS on. b111 unbul to ned. Octasion;i!ly. he looked out the wind0w, pausing to think . Then he wrote aga'1n. Hi~ lips n1oved slightly, mouthing the word s uf thr San Diego speccli. REACAI\ APPROACHES every sprech 'vi1h the discipline of an actor and lor Iii to 20 n1ir1utcs before hand. he Is aln105 L 1oi1l1 r 10:1s to those around hirn. L.1!er. wi th t11e Graham speech p1·l·):2rcd , Heagan hnd din ner 11·J!h his ;.idrs 1n !he presidcnli:il suite nf l h~ D1,nr~ la11d Motel. He turned d111·n a bt:>f'1:rc·d1 nner vodka tnartini his ~·11stcn1;iry drink -bul evcryonr c·l,r. h;1d onr Tli r dln1~t r con1·er!'ati0n 11·;.i~ :-ib0t1t can1pu~ unrest. and all thr<1ugh JI . 1110 glll'l'rnnr ta lked or his frustr;i tion l,\J\h !hP relwllious students of lhl' 196-0s Thr studrnts should realize. he !'<i1d. that h•'s 0n thc>1r .51dr -b(llh arr nn- pn~cd Ln "(he establ1 shrn1•nt." which hr d<'f1 nl'~ ti" highr r <'<luc:it io11.1I :id· n1 1 r, 1 'I r :1 I o r ~ ;ind gn1't'flll1H'nt b11r1•;:11e1".1l'- ln h1~ ron\t:r(~l 1Dn. 1hrrr 11 .i~ .~ hint tli 11 hr 1nr,sed !lit' rnllc~;e d.1)~ 111 h\<> ~nul h, 111 lhl' l<>lt' 1n20~ ;111d c<.1rl1· i ~:;o~. 11 l•t.'11 fr,•11lJ;dl gounl's and $;it 11 rd;;~ nigh! l1':1 1!•r11111' r\;1nccs 11·ere 11lr li1ggc~t ti::r:!~ or thr 11 erk . Tndny. lie sJi(L prof1'.SSlll'~ ;11 1he 111J1·rrs!l y ar~ hostil e to ath lete~ ;ind fr<tir rni ty 111en . "\.\'hv is it.'' he askrd. "1hH1 an (l1hlete dtle.sn't dtirr 11·e:i r l11s lrt!er ~we;.11 er 11·hc11 he !:ilks to sonic pro- rr~~or~" Oilier .c;\udcnts, he :-a id, ha l'e tnlO lii n1 tl1cs must t::ikr. off fr::itern it1· pins so l ho:;/ won't incur Lhe anger of hos!ilc protcssors. Softe11i11g Rod~s Blow AFTER DINl\'ER. fl.ea tFlll rnet his w1fr .111rl h:~ minister, lhc Rev. iJlln \lo11n1a 11-. the £onncr st;ir U C LA l1 ne~1{1tkcr .. ind ~!rs. l\loon1aw, J\100111:111' 1..-a Prcs.by tcri~u1 . and a\t '..'nding hi~ 1·h11 rd1 in r11tific Palis;-Jdrs !~ a SIV!i•·h for Hc;igan. 1rho 1\·as brought. up hy h1~ ri·li;?i ou~ n1o ther lo 11·orshlp a1nong the lJil.c1ples uf Chri~L SA.\" F.RA~C-I SCO -I re;1d in ll1P Rrally Big Colu111ns th;it "Actor Hod Steiger is inconsnlable becau~e C!;iire Aloon1 di\·orccd h1n1:• bull h11ppcr l{l kno1~· he has be1·n "consoled'' the past 11eck by Singer (:aylc Carnell. ,\s rhey say in the Hcall r Big, Colu n1ns. r:n nf1ded the dishy f\lis~ l;arnC't\. l:i11' nf S.F but no11· 1Jf C<.1nada. as she lrtt here fnr Ste igcrside· "1'111 going 10 lake hun inlo !he 1,10Qds and n1asscige his n1 ind." l'EEK·A-800: There t1·rrc Harry Bclafonte and Connie Stevens. a deux 'll ln1perial Palace Sun. night. You know Connie. She'll the one who isn't Stella, Kay Of Inger. Or n1a.vbc she i." ... Fina l item.type item : The Ronnie Schells -he's the S.F'. comedian now starring on TV with J im Nabors -ex- pect their first tiny Schell , or bullet. in lt1i1}'. Dot-dot-dot fullstop. AUTHOR TB U1'1AN Capnte arnl'Cd Ir, inspect the old house-mit·garden he plrins 10 lease on Te.legraph Hill llhat 11'dl i:11·e him addres!Ws in S,F . ~1anhauan, Bridgcha111pton, Palin Springs and Ver bier. S11·ltzerland sho1,1·ing plenty of faith in the post;il lll'~tcm 1. .lncidcntal!y, does "In Cold rilood'' Capote kno1v or c~re that l';>lriek O'Higgins is \\'riling a biogra phy of lhe l;ite tltmr. llelena Rubinstein, titled "ln Cold Crean1"~ CAPITOL RECORDS s h i p pt. d 200,000 copies or the Beatles' new album, ''Abbey Road." into S.F'. over the wkend. figuring this one will be lhe biggest seller yet. .. Sumner Locke Elliott, the Australian author, con· gratulating Barnaby Conrad on Barnaby's new book. "Fun \\lhile It Lasted": "I laughed from the moment I picked il up until the moment I put it down and some day I hope to rt ad it" , .• Lunching at Bardelli's Friday, Congr. Phil Bu rton ordered "the J1,1·0 lhtngs I Clln't jtcl in a \\'ashinglon restaurant -a basket of ~ourdough­ F'rench brtad and a pair of dice cups" ~he lost ), "SAVE THE BAY r·rom Visual ... Pollution '" That'~ the ball le cr~1 or Lucille Green. Pres, of the \\'or!d Ecological Committee. 11·ho's again~t ;ill tht plans for Alcatraz. She secs it ~~ ;i sort or People's Park, "'ithoul the tear g;is, GHEAT RH ODE ISLAND llcense pl<ite on a car-around-town, "\\'ILD- 1." Anybody you know ? AND OUR VALIANT PUN A1vard today to Polly Brooks, who bought a package. of 0-lerta lov.• calorie gelatin dessert v.•hile murmuring "1 am Spurious (Jello)." SCOOPS OA JOU R: "Buy Now for Christma~:" reads the big ad in the OakTrib £or TI1e Traders In San Lean- dro . The. item for sale; ''Undercover." a .38 special snub nose revolver for 5i!l.9fl. "U~e Bar1k11mericard or ~la~l rrchar.i:e '' 1The Trlb is the kind of----papcr that ccn~ors ·'dirty" movle ;:ids but guns are oka y, you un· der~tand\. Befo re lhe mC'eting b c~an In lhr ~1a1t:11n1 . the Reagans and the /'ltoo1nu1rs n1el c;raha1n in a sma!l s uit e of roo1ns <inder the ~t;ind s Grahan1 introduced lhe parly to his dat1ghler, Bunny. arid a ~·oung n1an of about 24, her fiancc. The young n1an wore a suit 1,1·ith a slighl Edw;i rdian cul. and trou sers "'ith n1odified bell bottoms. His shirt .,.;'as blue and Vt'hile rheckl.'Cl Vii\h 11 "'\de colloir and his blood curly hair C.ltlended belo1v his collar, ~oom111v led the grour in prayer 11nd afterward he ~;it on the stage. near Ne<1g11n ;i11d Grah;im and then lw and hi~ wife returned to Los Angeles with the Re11gans in the stale limousine. As the crcnlng 1'.'ridrd, i\'lrs. Reag;in ~<ii~ 10 /'llooma1v , "~er. )'OU Sl•nday." n"~,c:an ~:i 1d hl'.''rl b" at r;h11rch. loi'I. anrl ap<)lOf:17f'd for n11 ss1n~ ~rr1·1rrl' 1rhilr hr 1·.;1~ a11 ay nn bt1~l11r~~ "\\'r 've go1 your n.1n1r up th('rr.'' rr!l1ird ~f oon1 a 11', "Ct1t there's no J)r1\d ,;I :11' ;d tt"r 11 ., . DAILY P tlOl iN!f ""-"'• Na11ose~ond Age J(rrpi11 g Up W ith l(11.01 vledge Boorn I;~ l~O llEll T I\". S1\f::\OFF J're shlcut, J\(;A t:ur porolion The know lcrtgc ind ustry is an opti1nistic 1ern1 no w coming into vogue to de scribe 1he far-re;.iching polcntial effects of new i11forn1~1t ion«! reso11rtcs and lcthniques. T h e emerging industry represents <1 l'Oupling of 111·0 lorccs. One is a powcrf 1il 1· o 1n 111 u n 1 c fit 1 u n s and <'On1 p11tcr t<:<"ll1~olcgy 1~l1ich enables 11s lo tra11sn1 1t <111,r l) pc of intelligen ce 111·t r nnv d 1.~l<1nt1', .:ind to praeess. slor1!. ;ind rccnll it in ai1y desired f11n n. The other 1s ;1 n s- inf: 1111 ('!l lorv of ilata a bnt1t c1·r1·1-l"'lll· «r11altlt.' su bject !ron1 ;:::~!ruphy~1c.<: iu chil d psyL·hology. Togc tht'r, llit"I' i'd n l1ring ;i\i1111l rctnHrkahle (·xp;1n,1on nf lhr li11111;Jn in- tclk•tt, leading (o profou nd cultu1·:1\ ( h:ingl' ,1nd a nr 1~ erfecl11'cnc~~ 111 1i1!! 111n11Hgt·1nen1. of ~oc1al 1 ceono1111r a11d p1"1- l111t:il ;i1(;11r~. J;('T l\'lLL Tll EY ',' Till' nut c11111" !' l)v 1111 1:1f' "1~ L·r·r1.1111 Ft"' 111 1 111~ J1cld, :•• ,;1 ~I' ni J n y ri1he1·,; 1n the recent past. 1h0 ; !'" p !' :ind 'i11 1ft nr~~ Of rrch 11nlo!!:c,1l pr·ngr"~~ ;1 ppr .. 1·~ If, l1;n 1 t;1ke11 11.~ i.1rge- ly Uy ~11 rpnsc . Tnda.v·s 11·orld l'f111111111lllt'i.\l l's in :>1~l1 t, so11n1L :-11d ~1 2ria l ril rr !lv111sands o! hi°<.:h- (.'t1f1:ici\y sat ellite and cable channels that dhl no l exi st fi vr } ('ars ago. It j!cneratrs ccn1puter d a ! a for transmission Ol'er telepl11•11r· ('irrnit s in ;i volume that may soon c:.:eccd I he !r.iffic in hun1an con- 1r rsat io11 . The corn))111er f:'lµul :1t1on lit~ burgeon- ed fron1 pr:ict'r;--!!,1· nothing Jn !!155 to 111nrf! lh;•n i0 .000 1nd;1 y. The n•t.t hlncs h;i1·r c1·oll'ecl fro1n ir;;e ninus h"t Fi111n!r- n1ind:·•l hi gh·spcc·! calc11l ·1\ors ·lo cnonno1:.~!.1' 1 ('r~;ol ilc i n f u r 111 ;1 I lo n s,\'Flcms. Their op('f:-lling spe"~~·s h:11·c ad- vancerl rron1 lenlhs to bi11 io·,1h~ of a s~[·nn(l-to thai i nco11cci va '1'·~ 1r:,1(•1ion or tirnt' c;illi.;d <1 nannscconr! 1\ n;iru,ceord i.:; t•l <l second as a second is \11 thirty ~ l'ill'F /\ Dar!n1outh professor recently notr.rl lh,11 all of the calculationll \\•hich fcquircd n yc;1r of v.·ork ing: around the clock al Los Alan1ns in 1945 cou ld now be ac- complished by an undergraduat e in one afternoon. And he co11ld do it while shar- ing the. computer's time with thirty olh· er.:. l\10f\E INFORi\IATION has b.>cn gathered and recorded <1hout mankind and about lhe_ universe during the past '"'o de<:ades than had betn discovered in :.\1 prior history. Ai the present rate. the supply of <tvailable data 1vill increase by ;in'Jther 1.000 times by t he end of the cen-- tury. E vidcncf': so f;:ir indicates widt.>s prrarl un prcparcrlnP~S lo ;ih.<:orh more thnn a frJ clion of 1hr. ;i ccun111 !aterl data. It i11- 1 hca 1r.~ grc<ilcr prt'flt·cupat111n 11•1lh q11;1n· !II .I' \11;1 11 111!h C[U<lhly . l"ritil t11erc is 1nore gcnernl a11'arcnfs~ of 1h~(r ~hort('Omirigs-11n!il plan s ;111<1 1·11,11'·1c · ,ir-c 1x'!t t'r r1rg:1111icd 10 hflrn e ,i;i I Ilic 1\1,'\I' lrchnology -\1·e face lhp poss1b1l ity of a btf':ikdown rather than A brc:iklhrough in our n1anagcment of public and pril'alc enterprises. New information sys tems require " hun1an link in the chain -a symbollc rcl<it1011~·h1p between the individual and I Ile n1achincs and circuits 1vhich provide eo11t i1.ulng access to sources or 1n· forn1ation. The hun1an participant 1nust lcr l as n~uch at home working with the ~.1'.~\<'Jll as he docs conversing 1vilh hi! p(lrtncr or drj1·1ng his car. ill;1ny p<>o ple hold negative attitude~ lod;iy, 1nsp1 rcc1 by tlisLrust and fear of the co:npu tcr. 11'hich they 1 ic.11· as a threat to 1ndiv1dt:a!i ly, The fc11rs are no less real for being un- i1 1~t rf1ctl . and they raise a for midable barner 1Q the und erstanding and ac- rcptancr of 111odcrn i n fo rm a t ion lcchnolngy As Elting illorison say~. th~ 1n•li1 id11a l is uneasy about the coinputer bt·:·:111~c r11r lh{' rirst time he has en· 1·('11111t crcd a mJc•hi nr. that is not like hr~ :inns or hand'> or legs in the work lt riot~-11 IS like hi n1 . 111 lhat 1l stimulates :-i ~111a ll l")<it"1 of what he alone h;is been ;ihlr, t ·~ dn 111 the pasl AS A S.\1ALL contribution lo un - li l'r$1;111dlng , I suggest lhat v.·e stop using I he 1\·ord computer in reference tG modern information systems--for the same reason that we no longer call the automobile a horseless ca rriage. The terin cornpuler 1vas appropriate v.'hen the macl1ints dealt solely with stalistical 1rork. Its continued use for systems that range across the full ~pectrum of in- formation can only compound popular misconceptions about their true value and function. · night now. our puhlie and privat~ enterprises fa re a host of i1nmensely to111plicated economic, social. a n d pol'ltical responsibilities at home and :irtiund the world. The handling of !hes~ responsibili ties calls for the highest degree of managerial compclence. The essence. of m<i1li"!c1nent today Is no longer a n1atter of problem-solving in thP. traditional sense . ll is more a matter of identHying the problems. recogniting their relationship lo onr anolher. and determining lrom this what questions to ask. Saturday, October 11. 1969 The Comment Page of the Daily P ilot seeks to inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of con1· m entary on topics oC inter· c."t and si ~n ificance from in(orn1cd observers a n d spokcs n1en. Rob.rt N. Wttd, Publi,her ' " '" .. '" ,, ,, " ,. ., _;;., " ,. ,. ' " " .. ••• " " .. " O• " ' ... • •• •• ,. '" '" ,, ' ' " ,_ ' ' ~• LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTI CE 1~~~~-1 -~~=-cc-~ P ~6' MOllCE OF M••l"A\.. l l AL!" R d ~ CEllTIFICAl• OP •uunss .... n I O<!• ... Hu ., ~ .. "' •' n~ I It 1For th~ I fS:Q ecor I• F!(tlflOUS NAM!! ~:n;1 i1 ~ l o V<t~nf 01.rn Oolt""• I 1!>• u..u ... ~-00 <•r!O• ·~·· .,. conaucllng • llvslnt» ot 711' N•wPOr1 lh • rtvt QI • 1 <>••~! ~ luu01l on •iwitvtca CO•l• Mn• C• lorn • und~ Oo•o~•r I 1<'6t ~· 111.-~m• I Cl" m .. fM lltUI ou• firm ""'" o! PELLEY S (0< C! O<•n~o l'.uu• Iv ... ,b(lr J a u•I CMOW llELL 1nd th~I ~· <! IJ•m h com Dl•!•lt! Cw"!• oj Or on?• M•I~ o! llQH<I 01 me 1011owlo~ 0~'"""~ ,..,0 .. C••l•orn • imon ~ IU<'qm• t • l••Ml In "lml!'S \n IUll •nd pl•ttt ot •••l<1.r1<• It~ •••• ol Fr11eh Quorl.-.. ~t• Auoc o t• ~HO,.• 'on '"C ~• lv•gn rnl ttM !O" ona Births T •ll I NOTI(~ TO C!<fO 109~ i1u•r1110R COIJR1 Of T"IC SThT£ O' Cll.l eo11,.1~ ,-0<1 Tl1 E (O~NT V OF OlllHIGE flo A ~J?!I , QT E IS !H::IC.:l'll\' r1vru ·~ I"" CE ltTl,!CAT£ 01' ~USI N(SS r •r "EP/1 1> •h~ll• n r"•"~I c •1 1 ' ol !h• • r • ~""'"<I rl•~e'J""' FICTITIOUS NA ME •1 ,01 ~··~n "'I"''"""'''''' l'••rrl•\~~tdd~r •l•v '"''("" ~ d def•O•M M• "nu 1•1 ' I • I .,.,, 1 ' o <I ~ "'''•I 3J<\ V • l 1'1a LQbbv '!" •t-• • """ ~' ( • • ,. ,~. "' '~ ~ • ., ;r1 ~'"~ C•lllo.-<'• "'"' t • '' <-' '"''' • ~·' •.iOO ••'••:Ir r l•e•• • f' .,.,.., ol lME W'lAl"U<' •nd '" ... I,, ,,, !' "'"\"" l1l~~dl l (OmPM~dN !MP!o low ' ,,~. I" If'~ ~-4 ., "' ·~· o!!kt lo~ P•t>OO wh< , ~·m• " '"I ' d Pl•ot (11 ~T Q()p f<A<1 JF1 1 [1..llQTT •nd ~ ·~11'"'' I'• !o •HJ ~UI E A !o •v f J\lo•lh Broodway LOIS E EO~O>.!SOJ\I 'll~S ~"" • 1'n~ (~I IQ n • (AT!n Tllom~• N ~~Tte 301 N•Woor! !!e•ol> '"'~her! v '>ch t~• P •<• ol bvJ n•J! Oat"1 Otlohfr 1~ '"~ " '"~ 01 ",.,,d In •II mo!!•' 0•1 Lo• E Edmo~it" !~" n1 ,,.. '"~ o T•t• ol •• d """•<l•n! Stole~· Cal foml• w •~ • ' ""6~1hs •'1•• 1n~ !l"T PU~lltf O••n;• Co ntV f •~ • '"' ""' c• Oo Oct~!>•< 10 111~ !)•lo • "'"• " C•i.a ii !n~or 10 19!• No!•rv Put c fo ftn!f !or •• !! Sldr Po"> !I W Po!l•r n•,.nno I~ •Ol>f~rM Lo 1 F. fOm~~•on r "<Ulo ~""""" In mt lo be !~• ""'~"~ "'"~" r •new110••1• ~·""• • 'w~tr'l>•d to '"•"'~" • "'"" "•mNI 00<•d•~ ''""'""' an!! •c~Mwle~~.., '"' r1•ou1e~ STOOO !\A RNETT ELltOTT •Mr'""""" J.NO 6U/jE !OFFICIAL SE Al ) ,., Tt.or:>•• N r~···~·· "'•. B•!M Mo•·~ J ll Nor h llro•~.... NOldr~ PVl>I ~'· •• ". ~•"11 An• C1H!•r~l1 '1101 Pr ni o•I Offk 1 n f•I 11+•) !Ul•IS O'•nqt CouMV Allnrn•" !or E•-.:ulor My Comm'' on E,o r•1 r> "' "'1 O an9• c~o ! O• I P 1~• Oorll • 1911 0 be1 H I! a •nd Nov~m~•• ! "ul>I •~rd Or&n;• Co11! 0• t /0 19~~· O<!Obl'r 11 1?6Q I EG AL NOTICE LEGAL CITY Of P:OUNTAIN VAllEY 10200 ~l•l•r A.ve<tw• fOIHll•ln VolltJ C•IHOnlll 'lie.I ~E PO"l 011 'INAHCIAL TllAN!t.CTIOr-1~ ~11c1I Yoor l!ml~ Juno JO 1,.1 I' 01>•r ~ T•~O O!htt T "''~ L <tn>•S •Ml P~•m !I F 01 FOrl<T!! & F'en•lf "' lltVl!lll•I lltvtnllft trom U•• 01 M1>ify ""~ Pro1>•• ~ l>tver>~ lro" Olh~• "~• • •1 <~•rQe• for Cv 1tnl 5~ " •· or~tr R111en11u f0!81 ~ev.,..uo; NOTl CL ~,. •11 ~1t IQ I '~ 110 ,,~ ' 1 7q n~ ~,. 001 118 j~l l•t <>(ll ''09191;;1 0 ' •>el ~? A J P•f aoronl ?!fl V"I• £n!<1d• •~••~•1 l o Va""~ 01,.., •• lur>o'f'•~t d~t>­ N•wPOrl B•och C•lllorn • •ar sho'1•no • ng! ~"'""'" ot tll) XI •< M111Q P•ll~rlnl l~~9 No1>01l W•• '"" fv o • 0' •a lu~gm•n! en th• Oote o• C"'ll M•'• (•lllort>+• ''" ~•~"" ~ 1 •• d ·•~<.,I on + ~•v• E T PellMrlnl ll? GffftO~ • L•n• •vl•d unn~ ~II ll>o r oh! t t" •nd '"'"'"I' Co'!" M••• C11forn 1 I I• d u<lO.,,•nl Q•OIOr> n lh• "'""'"' 01tl'd Oc•o~tc 1 1969 n !ht Cnunh' o• Or~n~• S11te ot A J Pe 1..,,,,,1 C•l lorn1J Cr~cr ~a •• 1011o ... Marlo F'•llegr n! Loi \' Tr1t<1 .cis; MM ?G' n )l E T F'ellt1trln1 '""'monlv ~nown •• l it& cnrmln Ct S!ll• ol C•!l!c n•1 Or1n90 c ...,n!v r•r c~olo Ito"'• C• !ornl• On Q(:~~r I 1969 ~r0,. mo • Notorv NOl lC<" IS HFREllV GIVEN lh•f <l" Pub!I< lfl and !Of ••IO S••tr p0,.0ni ll• ~ rl<!•Y Oc!otwr 31 1'~9 11 ' oo Q till<"~ aape1r~ ,.. J P•I..,. lnl Mir 0 PM "' fro"! ol Courtn~o•• :;1.1 w 181h '•llegr!'ll end E T F'•I•~ In ~nown to SI C tv ol (0\11 M"'• C11Hor1>•1 (oun!v m• to ti. lh' ~""""' who., nom"' •ro of O<ang1 S•••• of (•I lorn • I will •• •vbJ(rlbed la th• wl!~ n ln1 Uum•n1 uld •I public •UC!"" lo !tir h g!>.,! bl<!dot !Or v•nnw P<loed !~•• •~•<u•ed lh• ,1rn• c••h In l•wlul mont.~ o• ~ u.. ••a Stal~• !OFFICIAL SEAL! 'II lhr •rnM ! lit ••d •ntrrOJI cl •• ~ Kiiiy K••·"r o~""'""' O•l>lor 1n mo •bo•e Or\t•ll>•a "'"'"'~ Pul> IC nr~o• !Y er "" m1 cl> rnt.,•cl ltl mlY I>• Sl~Je ol (• f<lrn • n•tt«••~ '" ••I ~!• I~~ ••ecullcn wlll "'"''P•I 01"'" ·····""In .. .,,1 ond CO\" O<•nQe coun" fl•ltd •t CO•'" M.,• M• C•'Y'PIY>I 0~ £,r '"' 'lc!cb~•? !9•9 ~r II \9 0 FPINCI<; I 'IA ~rQ "'""'"' Publ ,, e" Q •ne• (o~ t Dd , r 01 11 n' ~· r~• ! Ortntwr I! 16 11 ~ra No •m~•r 1 fl •n",._ (o ·~ I • ~o• \909 1191./>9 J1d r&I 01,lrltl !Iv F J Po''" '"'"'~"' Fr,nch Qu;art•r l'orr1 11. .. otl111on !lndu 11 Mm•o 1 A9ent LEGA L NOTICI, ./I n~ 1na1 '" d •rm ' '""'oo •d r• 11> !n ow n9 Pe 10"' ~ h" "' ft•"'"' and 80 or~.,~, a • *' fcl ow\ To "' • (h, I• M~g"U"~ ,) I Slur·~~ .. ll:d Long fl"•r" C•• '"'" • r;.>ob••• \' e•vtr ~OC8 VI tg• f<d ! ·~~wo>'"d C•I fr "I" WlfNCS$ ou• hand ·~. 9t~ a~' OI 5C<'llm~er \l~O ~ll f'rlt 01! COURT o~ f"r $TATE OF CALIFOl!NIA f (llt THE COVNTY OF ORANG E N~ A t"l• NOTICE fl F HEAR "G 0 1< l'ETITIO" FOR Pl!Olll\T[ OF HOLOGRAPHIC WILL Al<O FOi! LE TTE ll !i T!!STAM F.Hli\llY E<I" • ol EPIC (APL S('1AO EJI 0•<•• ·~ ~40TICF I'\ HF~Ell"' ( vru Th•I "'" •~n•T!• O )•m f ~ h~ <•~ """'" • o•I ' 0" •or n• >b•to "! H"l<»•~DI < w II M>d le• "V•~(• oi L••1' , J0<f~m•n\~•• n P•! + onr• t~f"'""'' ·~ "'"''" " m•n• 1·r 1u '""' """, •, • n Ttt" ! • '''" •nd D •<• o! h•• nQ th~ 'P"'' ~"' t orn •I n r O +ot> r JI 1960 "' 9 :rt) ~ m 1 • (O !ronm '' P~oerl,.,,•nl ~lo i " 1"ld (nuH ~ 1M ( "< (•n•r Orv• >I•" In th• C ·~ ~J ~"" ~ """ C•l •o•n • 0.1•d OOt.~~ 0 1010 W F ST 0 11!1 >1'5 C•lleo1 ll~t Cn•!• M•H C1l+for1> .. Pu~• •'"•d O •ng• Coo•I Oo y Otl~~· • I I! 1969 IF.GAL NOTI CE N~o 1'<1) ~l"'•Mn• [) fr(I ~•~l•c\t:•r o .. r.~ " ~! !• ~· (" 0 n A I) '°"" (• " "lol l!0..19 nn Sr~• 19 1 >~• ""'• • "'" • 'IQ'~'" I' ~I " '"~ !" '' d "" <>O '"n' " •PU••·~ JoP" t NQI>• l\t11 !/antvc•o! l'I• tm <1•T•r ~ft'' n '" ,...., •n h• !M• "" n1 who'" n•n-r 1' • h'(r h•~ •o !~• w '" r "' •vm•"t ond •<•"""" r<l9•d '"' •••e1 .. ~ 1h· ...... (QFr.ICl~l ~EALl lfll~I L JOl\\f "lnPoV Jl ~•rCollo"• "'~en•• r.m t•" Or. ~· Cc •Tr I IC"'"' Q• (•!''"' ' •• ,~ 7 191) !'~I h•~ 0 "'V" r'l<•oh>< • 11 U ll 0• IY "I•• l )Ol ~~ LEGAL NOT/IF: E'I>'""' i .1\2 IPO Ct flt•I Ow!l•y• \ -~ 601 rr, "'" C •·~ 0 OANA i'IOll•llT " Wnt •th Slro!! Sul!1 N 1mh~r •10 Tot1I l.•1 1'n~•lt~ Cflllnrn 1 NOTICF O" 111161 T•! 01)) il' SH IHTEl'OEO BULi( T•,llSFEll C.Y'•r•I GtwtrnMt M! G~"•I 'Go11"nmen1 Pvl>• C 5~!ely P111>' c Work P••~i •Md P•cr<t! o• "CQml E.iotn1u Nt f lnco"'t O'!'etrlm•~'•' tl()nat,,.rln ""•I '"' .,,, $11 .,, •61 t.6" qa l!Q 1 1n1 ~• Wiier Vllllty 09~'"''"' flltll Y 1~r Encltcl Jw"' JO 11., ' ' : :fl:f\'9'1\PI ~I lled..-n;" I An~ ......... , . ...,."'' P1roono1 P•o1>1•'~ ftH•H .. V11Ull ... I 't<Wf .. • ~1 r•o JO) OlG '1~ d.O ''''17 l 0 JO llt •n 1 .. ',,, ~· 111 ~?6 'll7 ~ Jl4 .• "" !&1 01 Allorr•• fnr Pf!! on•r "''' '" ' o v•n lh•I Ml~510•1 v•EJn Wl0t99 P i~I ~·d Or•og• (O•'' Ot ' .. ~· GAROE! CE NT l'P • llml t •~1 J,J,!1O<lot>or1 1 1J 11 1~1>? lQOQ b' no•n~"~n w~o'" hv,n••I """"'''I I J5,0l01 ----c-c-c-~-.,-,~ccccc----10 •1 en'"" 1• o •' '-'11 no v • o LEG AL NOTICE C~l !O•n • '•IJO il I~ l" I •nd 1 "" lor In J 10J9Hll l ------------~----Ml~SION ErJT[ll:Pll:!SES • o••!nr snn wno•• hv• n•• •ddr~" ' tlJI L• P•1 llAll: ;tu Po~~ M u on V1• o C•I lo n!• 1nr n 5VPEl!IOI! COUii'!' 0' Tl.If ••nlo ~ ~I m~C~tnd I~ ~· tne •~l•I STATE OF t .6.L.IFOPNIA FOi! nv"~'' bul•nto OflOwn '"' M1~510N VIE TM£ tou ... TV OF OllANGI: JO GAPDEN CENTER: !O~l •!In~ "' )II il'll 3$1 }Ill l'l'o .l ••111 pl•nl m.01~r!o ' bet• NI ~•~v•d .oM NOTICE 0' l'E.llllNG OH PETITION P•<~•Q•d ns•tllt <!r1 !~•!I It'~ pffntlnQ POii PP Oii ATE OF FOll.EltlH WI LL m x ~nd O!h~r q••O•" Ul>"lle~ •nd nt~"' AHO P:OR LETTl!IU 0, 41> m il<' l•n_,, n1 ""'v drv qo<><J> •nd • MIHISTA;.lliOlt WI TH WILL .lN of th• .. ..,~old lmP o••m•nb 1>! •~ ~ UllH•CUI .. 11J Olft •JI SIO l IUIJCI 71l 9t'H Tollt Nf:)(EO bviln•n tQfl• •t no ol •~•d• '1' c!ure Ell•• ot AVIS G GlllSOI(. Ot~••M'd p!l•l''"I lpnt ng ""!nOl•r •>•l•m ~n NOT ICE IS tjEA;E!IV GIVEN Th~I C tilt umll n l•n.d~•1>lnQ hl•~H"~ a"rj (•lESt£~ ll~ISCO h•• llll'd h•roln • g.-1y~I qrour>!I 1vrl•~lnq anci rnl•~•ll•n.-,u1 o•! ~on lor P,o~•ti! DI Fo,.lon W!ll 1nd olh•• n,,.,, !or ••u~n<• n! I ell~" o! AO,.,ln,.!c.61 "" Tne I> O<W"• 1, !«:••!'ti "' lHll wir~ v I •nn••~O ~'"''"'' lo WMt h Is Ch• •~n1n O•lv• M" on v • ~ C•I fo•n14 m•O• !Or lu•l~•r c•rllcu•••• ano lh.r th• Th• bu ~ !r•n•I~ will bt' ton\~"""'"'"" Im• ""d nln•e of ht•rlng !he ••m• h•• nn or "'I" O~loll'• 11 lt&t "' )0;1 bolfl ••l lo• Od ll lt69 ••• ;IO. •.m~ In (hf •• ,, •• Df!Y' M H!on Vltlo (•I lt1<ftl8 "'" cOU•lr_.., el Oe1>•''"'"' No .1 (II w !!'tin rne II••• '"'"-v•••• '" !~r '"' t• d cou•t 71)(1 Clvl( (~M" O•lvt Wnl !'I kriowr> lo !t onot'<oe Mi$S•O~I VIE 10 -----11t10 (!Iv n! Stnl• A~• C•llfor,,11 GA-OEN CENTEP 1no n n !'I o<• d I JS~" OCtll Otlf<I O(!~r 1 1969 !fl n•fl'ror ht• not ~•·~ ~nv al~tr ll -011 S64J W E ST J0 t1N .I 11v11_,.,, n•m1 '''" <end"'!"'!! A ~ll•Tft•• • oc• 1¥J C~vnlv Cl•·~ #' ~· .... o•t>tr t0d"~1 l~•n '"•' •Tat•a ----IMITCl11Ell HAlllT ANO ••1 ~(0 tb!W• l LEGAL NOT\£ .. w.u CIUlt!,IC.lfE 01' FICflTIOU' NA MI LEGAL NOTICE I I I I LEGAL NCYMCE CflllTtl'IC.lTI' 0 11' •Ulll'lf55 l"'ICTITIOUS MAME Saturda)' Octobff 11, 1969 LEGAL NCYMCE CATI. V >ILIT 9 ..OflCI ot N•LIC: U.LI. On Oc ...... U lfttl ti It • A M u ll'OO f' C.,f!"° ,...,.....,, AM!\llm (11IN~1 1!'111 •I I • i-M 11 * ¥(. Ch11m1n Av"""' Or•--~ C1llfernl1 11> Hid dt lt "'"•In m1c~ln1rv "'la -~ '""°' fu•nllu•t turnl1n!r11t •1'141 ••M1t1i&: IY wur be ··~ IOI ul• It Nik 1we+1 l~n .. 11~ ''"'"' SI ~ n.,,.., 1rt <MIC•lt•f41 Oft .... 11i./i ,.1, •J llt!tl t'll o'llotc~ tho '"'"' f/f Tl!1 First N1!1f11,.I l •nli; Of Or11•t• C"''""' •( lt<;vrtcl Pl r..,. un<Mr 5t turl,., Aer-tll'!\ t~ftvtltl bv Cttllernl• ,.. I u m I" 11 rft ''""'"'"'Co ot Or1N• C1lll1•nl1 P lfl1,... cl.., !t111menh perl1lnln1 tll•rt._ l11v4 btfll flltd wllh lh• Secr•llrv of St1N .I C1llfltnl1 under Number. 11 10 tf2 .. otl n• " ~» sn 11 011 1n '" •l!'ltr1 Ot .... Ot~ lt. lfff T"I' l'tltST NATIONAL •4NK of Or1r11• '""""' llY J1m" s McCvlT«h Vk1 i-rHIOo"I Pv1>i111>od Or1~9e Coe1! Dt•W ,1,1 October 11 1Nt 1H7 it LEGAL NOTICE p J4'•1 Cli'llll'lC.lll 01' I USINISS .. ·~· 1181 ., ~;/ =(;-=. =_, __ ,---" ' --,! r·. __ ,~<!_, _.,~("'i ::/, '!":tt .. '--~ j --· ' v ; I I I I , I I . I I " ' I f I / ! I •> I \ ' I ' I I ! • I r ' \ • ' .-' ~ J '\: / /',-----~ .. d _:,) /,}_ ,, 1{1--- -(( . , I , I j, 1' I • ---.. ___,_ -------~---"' ) J .,... -~---.... UMf' °" .. ,- 1 1 1 I ,. ,_ ... '. • I I I LEGAL NOT lCE LEGAi. NOTICE ., C.11 f (lF COE.TA, Ml!.& CAUFCllNIA Oj.~ ~•JG DI PAOT"(llT DISTRICTING MAP LEGAL NOTICE ,...,., nt OI Inf ( IV C~Vl'Cll Cl l~f ( ly ot '" I• ~ •·• n• a on 11'• IJ:•n ~., 1t 5•~""'~' ~~? •na '~"••11•• .,., t d •n~ •dc~ •o "' 1 "'~"'" •I • •"9Ul•r mtel n~ o! ~~ o (Uy Ccun"' ~• d on ••• 11n a•v ol Oc too~ 1~6~ by t<'t lo IOW n; ell c• I vo<c AVES COU~lC•Lll[~I I'l l •On Tue~"' SI Clilr Jora1n P n~l•v !<0£5 tOUNC LMfc N Ntnt AESf 'fl COUllCILMEN NOM ( I( PRIEST C. Iv Cl•r~ ond ••..,!'!cl~ Ci.·~ ol tht (llv Covntlt or tne Ci1v of COii~ Mt !I ""Cl lhed Oron1• C11!! 0 1111 lklllJlr 11 1'6' ' •. 116'H ~' '::::::::::~::::::::t•:::J :1,.___"_ -·-1; ' ' . ' , •i:.:r-,~ . . ' .. .......,.., I lo!•I I Ill 170 1 :ru Oto ...... AO 61' 10!) All...,,fYI ti LI,. Oo!t d !"It•~~• IQ 1t~t ·~1 1 1111 '!!(!YI( Ct"''' Or Wot!,,. l)) ~\ S~IO"I r •Uf Dn~p,sr5 --· ' " . -.. Of t OSfA "'l:SA C.t.Llf'OAN A l'\.u ~w.i tr,1111-t~• '""'" """ C11 ror,,11 , n~·•~~"~" ... ~. ~ ••, ~ " •, t11 t'1•1 llJtJllt "" r ~nl< L r~"" :;::;.·= • • """' I ----.lllor"tVI !or Pt!l!IOM• "" •~•r -::.~ "''" ~ .. ~-,.,, --~--1 Puhl •~M rlr&•~~ Co1.1 011 t ., ol " hi.,,.., 1 1~un1 flt•<~ ()1• v Pllflt 1 ~====~~~~~~~"~)~~~~~~~~~~==~~~,'~-~-~-~~~·~:~·~'.~.,.~ .. ~;~·~·~·~·=··~=~~~~"=-=·:·:-:::•:~=====~~·:•::"":::·:·=·=-======~G~~/~l~i r~hlVlf't'I C'l•t no• ro~11 n .. y .," O ~b-1IM6~ Ot!nt-,.,. \~ 11 11 ll<t ·~·O~? Odo~~· 11 ll•t 1'®69 ~~---~-~--------~-1---~---~~1 --------- 1 1)l$17~ I st 011 jlJ Lt1-• E•r'fll\! 0/1• I , .l/) 910 l73 I 7~11 370 DISTRICTING MAP JO DAILY PILOT Salurday, O<:lobtr 11, 1%9 Questions. end Comment Sy Realtor Rand•ll McC•rdle Do you fetl that rl!'al estate activity. i1 ~lowing down due to the difficulty in fin,1ncing a nd h!g'1 interest ratet. lti rea l eslate investing still a !;:O :::d idea, o r should II person wail until 1:11! rc ul c~l <:l e ,T1a r ket becomes less tight ? C.A.Y, Cc ~til fAesa ·r 11c lc\~I i·r 11l':ilth ::11ll 1J11-.11H'"·" ;ict1\.:y 111 <·;:1 li· forn1a con\1111H·., h• r l1111l1 111 :-.p. (' i I 11•'.h! rn ~tl~ •. In !11 1ntC'rc st r[it~;;. 11111:,11011 .. 11tl u g rl;111n~ llou: 11:;: :-.?ort· age. II 1\s a J\r·:!l lPt', I lfritl 1 11~1 h l'~1 1·t cr1n·'. ll".':"\!S:' lC coinnioditv I t!t· 11 111 11ill t1'11l11i•1c lo 1 11 :::1e:·~1~ 1:1.1;1htL' and be a ·gon l 1111·t· ... 111H''"•l 1or 1 11(1~1.' look1n ·: ·1~ 1.1c !:t· turc. \\'c do11 't h<.11·c. 10 J;c :-.C'L1;: l~.1 co1ne lo I 1 ... i u.1· l ·lusion. Jl i.!i encoura,c:l ng. lhough, In h;u:k up !-1 1th 0·:11~1 11 ,rith figur('~ . .'\C("Ord1ng to a report ,,u:-.1 rt·l~;·~ld h1 .,:·: Cali fornia Stntc Chnrnber of Con11ncrce. l1 n1e .:•1~1 t.:c- n1a11d deposi t s of individual s, p:1rlnerships. :.1 r~d <:.or- poration in co1nrnercial ba nks aln1ost doubltd !Jct11 crn 1960 and 19U8. both n1ezr s ured at n)id-ycar. The fi;;urcs 11·erc S'.22.6 billions i11 .June. 1960. t i! 2 billions in Junf'. 1968. \\'hi!e ti1nc and den1<1 nd deposits arc once ren1oved from the marketplace bcc<rusc 'lhey represent lhc result of transactions and not the trnns- a ctions the1n:;elvcs, th ey are a n accrpled 1ne::isure of bus iness acti\•lty. To break do"·n the trend ;i bit further. tin1e dC'- pasits 11'erc $9.2 bil lions in 19fi0 , 817.ti bill io ns i 1~ n1id- J966, and Sl9.7 bit!ion.~ by 1968 . Dernand deposits rc- :;pectively 11•rr<' SIO.I billions, $12.0 billions. and reached S13.9 billions in 1968. . Getting closer to actual rea l esta te transact1o_ns. the same Stale Chan1ber report gives Jo~ns outs1and1ng by savings and loan associat ions at S26.I hil lio ns as o C. J une, 1969. up 7.9 percent frorn J une. 1968. 1:or. the .<;ame period sa1·ing., in savi ngs and loan ao;;soC'1al ions \rerc ~25.5 bill ions. up seven percent frc:n1 lhe ye.:ir pre- vious_ So. in spite of tlie clrn1<1 rHI.~ fnr t'Hl!lr~· ;'nd l ~c J1i gher cost of usi ng 11 in the forn1 of lo"cs, lherr 1~ 1nore avL1ilable in Cl'llifor111.'.I 1101\' 11J,-.11 111 l "·~ n;-,.1 ,\n·I there is n1orc \\'Cal lh here being ;..:{'nt•1 .1l cd to crco1te those savio r;r~. /\s r said c.1rlier. such nclil'ity should he r£··1.~.-.1 1r n" to the horne h11ver and the investor in c·ther forn1~ nf real estate. P ai-1 of !lie inc re<iscd b11 •·inc!'~; .-icliv1\v is the r es ult of our risin.tr population. '!'he rnore p eoplt•. the m ore ~ood ~ and services they nrC'rl But the an1oun \ of land 111·11 i!<1blc, C'Xcepl far 1:1;1 t being added hy increasing ir r1 [!ated ;icre:i"c' ren1 ;~ins the :;;;ime. Con1petition for it is inrrcasi n,r,. J.1 011 sing COil· struction hn .~ not reachf'd t he h;\·r l 1vc need lo takr cnrf' of d en1:-ind . so con1pelilion for lhe housing' ire havt< ;ind ;ire building: i!'i increasing also. rDITOR'.'> f\"OT I-;· Rrnll/111/ R. lifrC(lr</lr i~ rnr i 11rc.~1·nr11I · 1111111~1 . /Hf'~ri/rnr n' thr Rrnl £.~In/Pr.~. fl rollf'Pf! lcct11r('r n. (!1rcrto r n/ // r Cn/1f<•r 1Hf1 A~.~oriat 11n1 nl RPni r..~tale 'f'pnrl1· rrs. n•1t/1or nf '·Rrnl E.~tntr i11 Cn/1if1r111n " Sl'n<i 1/flilr <1!lr~· tio11s rl/lrf 1·n111111r11t~ lo Ra11cfrli R. i'lcCurrlle, clo the DAJl i' PILOT. l' (J , RnI l!.60. Cnstt1 f.fl'so, 92620. LEASE YOUR 1970 CAR WITH CONFIDENCE! ALL MAKES AND MODELS BACKED BY ONE OF THE LARGE ST, MO ST MODERN SERVICE DEPARTM ENTS ON THE WEST CO AST ASK TODAY ABOUT HOW WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY THOUGH A LEASE PLAN TAILORED TO YOUR PARTICULAR NEEDS! SANTA ANA LINCOLN -MERCURY 1301 NORTH TUSTIN AYE. SANTA ANA 547·9183 OPEN 'TIL 77 PM. INCL. SUNDAY llSS THAN l MINS. p;10M l flllWAYS. LISS THAN 20 MINS. flOM ANTWHlll IN THI COUNTY Housing · Industry Opposed to Ceiling \\'ASllINGTON -A housing industry leader today su pport- ed n1any reconunendatlons of the President's Con1m issiun on Morlilage lnteresl Rates, but opposed its proposed two- pr11ng s~sle1n for establ1 shing FHA·VA interest ceilings. The position or I.he industry was outlined by Louis H. Barba, Chatham , N.J., home builder and first vice president of the N.slional Associa!lon of Home Builders, before the Senate Banking Cmn mittcc. One or the recom1ncndations contained in Lhe Cornrnission"s recent report was estahlish· ment of a '"'o-pa rt syslcn1 for FHA-VA interest ralrs. Under one part, lhere would be a free rate determined by th c market and ~·ith no discounts. Under the .$econd, I he Secretary of Housing and Urban Devf'lopment would set a rate as at present 3nd dls- t.'(lunts wou ld be negotiated bet1,1·een sellers and buyers. Barba testified that NAHB, representing 50,000 r;nembers, l.'OU!d nol and would not sup- port a free interest rate "nt a lin1e when it seems clear that market forces could drive this rate far higher than at pres- ent." As lor the second part, he s;ud he did not see that it ac- tornplishes any .significant change, "Presently," he said ·•at least in theory if not in prac.- tice, a seller is free under both FHA and VA financing to charge a price higher than the f'HA-VA \'aluation. "Therefore, the seller CQU!d, if the buyer can afford It, in effect collect eilhcr all or a part of a discount over and above lhe value ou the housing in the form of a higher price and a higher Uown payment. "To this extent, thercforr, this second proposal of the Commission is not much Ulf- ferenl from what is possible under the current situatlon." l:Jaiba pointed oot that the dLSCounl which is charges on 1 FHA-VA home is really part of Uie cost of financing its purchase, just as much as the cost of lumber, brick and other ingredients. Ile recommended, therefore, Uiat Congress amend the law, if necessary, to provide that mortgage discounts are .an allowable cost or financina: and should be included wllltln the appr aised value of insured apd gua r a nteed FJIA -VA tnortgages obtainable by lhe purchaser . Barba also recommended that C ong r es!I extend permanently the law which now authorizes lhe liUD Secretary to set maximum in· teresl rates !or F!lA-VA programs as necessary to meet the market. NAHB, he said, agree! with the recommendalion of lhe Commission that pro\'isions of the 11168 Housing Act for sell· ing o{ mortgage-backed secur- ities guaranteed by the Gov· emmen\ National Mortgage Associatlon be e x p e d i 1 e d without delay. tic said the Association also strongly supported the Co m- mission's recommendation that fiscal and monetary policy be formulated in such a way so as to shift an ad- ditional one per cent al the GroSl!I National Product Into the home and apartment building mortgage stream. NAHB also strongly sup.. ports the Commission ttcom- n1endation, he said, that t h e federal Reserve Board should make a meaningful effort to improve the market for Federal agency securitlea:, Jn. eluding those of the Federal National Mortgage Association and the federal Home Loan Bank Board. "In fact , we would go further," he said. ''We believe Congress shoold require Lhe F'ederal Reserve to support ho u sing-0riented securities issues by Federal agencies.'' Beach and Golf Pref ah Boom Starts Selling Seacliff Plastic House Going for $10,000 Arh nntagt'S or hra~h prox- 11nlly :in1t tll'O :Hljat·cnt golf courses arc among tht· n1nn.v reasons for ;1 succes~f1 il sail's program at Lu~k I lurne~·l!lln· tington Seacllff in 1!1111l111g!<)11 Bt'ach, reports Al ex Crnhan1, sales manager. Only three hon1cs ren1ain in the first unit of 4'/, and th e 50- home second unit is al reatly n1ore than one-third sold . Located al 19722 Golden \Vest Street. just one-ha)[ mile from the ocean, the homes are ad· jacent ta the l luntington S::acHff Country Club and across from the Huntington Maybrook Stressi11g Economy '"!l laybrook homes 0 fr r ( loday's buyer rnore for his dol lnr." says .Jerry Degen, snles and niarketing director l"or S&S Construction Co .. a di1·i~1011 of Shapell Indust ries, Inc.. one of the nation's larges t bu ildi ng contractors. Degen urges R. com pa rison of construction rnatrri;ils and appo1utn1rnt.; included in the price. !'<·la) brook in \rc:-.trn inster includt'S a ll llf lhe quality itrrns for "'htch S & S Ii;•" "on awards fr am homrbuve~ associations and for \\hlc·h it \1•on prai ~e in t he. Congressional Hecord 110\ only once, bul twice, OegE'n said, "Every sin~lc. 1vall ;ind C•"I init of ;ill of lhr l·l.Ofln \l1Jn11·-. buil t by S & S iu ~uu1i1cr11 California is of gC'nu111c 1:111·1 and plaster," 1:1c salrs dirt'l'- tor pointed out. "Thl'l't' ;iP· cheap1er n1 el ho <I s ;ind materials. but S & S \\"Oii t comprornise "'ith qualit.1 ., Included in the p1'icc~ nr from $30,000 lo $38.000. be!"iuh·.; the lath and plaster. an• 'IH.:h fealurcs <rs irnported llidi:in marble for ('nil)' fl oors. hand- cut crystal c h a n d cl i c r s , massive \valls and hrrpl:1res of ru"tic n:i1l1ral !>lone, lux- urious n\aster !'Uitc~ "'ith dressing alco1 e and n11rrored v.·alls. Ma)1brQ1)I.. off1'r'S homes of four . fil'e or s1'\ bedrooms Ont' fltior pLin cl-!n he purC'has- rd 11·1lh lour hl'droorns and a h11ge 1"t'rrr;1l1nn roo1n "'h1ch •·an be eonl'e rtcd to ackli lif,nal hf'droon1~ 11~ tilt• fa1n1 \y ~row~. To vl~it the n1odcl honic.~. t.1hr S.in JJ u.~go F'rrrway or San tn Ana Freeway 1~1 Bench Boulcl'ard. Turn south one block past the San Diego Freeway and left on Edinger to Maybrook. Beach 111unicipal Golf Course. By JERRY RANKIN say a spinoff from the new Republican speaker cf thr: One i;f Ille inost popular SACRAMENTO (AP) technology "'ill be employ-Assembly, cites a key reason lll·,•n.• ,·,. ti>" ca I ,· I 0 , n ,·a F ment of unskilled a n cl why rapid expansion is ex· ~ L aced v.·Hh lhe naLion's big-kl! d · h 1· Id I Courtyard. irith a completely semis · led labor to construct pccte 1n t e te : t ccsts gest housing need, California the housing at I.he factories. around $3 an hour or less· for r·111·los~d front ·yard and a i'l't;iched thrce.-car g<1rage. is counting on a new law to At present, builders say they unskilled labor lo put the ill:iny of these homes a re so flood the s ta le with low-cost, can't afford to make such houses together at the fa c· locaied tliat the front yard attractive homes U1at go from housing because conflicting tory, compared to up to $1 0 · II b b k d fa ctory to family in a few loca l housing codes m ake it an hour for skilled crafts la· v1rlua y· ecomes a ac yar , ·'ay". bor at \he si te. and the backyard is the golf u "' impossible to do volume course. 11-lembers of the Pauma, prefabricated business. Wilson is a 36-year-0ld con- 11ie development is also Confab Set Rincon and La Jolla Indian The new law, which takes servative lawyer named by convenient to the Orange reservations in San Diego erfect Jan. J, in effect wipes f.i onagan to head the · County already are living in out local cotles for those who Assembly's new Housing and County recreation complex, Jn-Q 20 24 some ol the homes. Urban Affai r s Committee. I d. n· land Knolls Ct want ta build at the factory. r u ing 1sncy · • w ,·1son admits some observer! B F M ·eland \\'ax • A thrN!-bedroom home of Inspection would be done in· erry arm. ovi · are surprised that someone 3.!I •1 A he>·m S\ad>·um reinforced plastic costs 110,000 stead through a uniform, " useum, na F .. , da f I \ d d·",·caled to local control d J D Cr Park 1 ~ ys o concen ra e and is styled for Indian tastes, detailed stale code wh ich = a n apanese e · I d · authored a b>'ll remo .. ,·,g lh•t h rea eslae e ucat1on courses with plastic beams that look permits !he housing to be in-• Price range for omes at will be presented OC't. 20-24 like v.·ood, a plastic roof look-spccted at the factory by state right, but he says, "Solving lluntington Scacliff is from! ing like red tile and a plastic inspectors. Local inspections problems is ~·hat we're in $J5 555 lo $'8 500 FO>>r mode during !he California Heal b · f " ' ~ ' · Spanish oak. wou ld govern only on-site us1nes or. homes, decorated by Lois Estate Association's Hcaltors ""WCI" hookup•, water lines The new law, he adds, "is 8 II d. & A · 1 Builders s a y it \\'ill with-,..v · 3r 1ng · ssoc1a es, are on Institute al the Dillmore ll o!ct and 50 on . ,ood example of the society d. I ·1h 1 stand earthquake and fi re. 1sp ay, 11'1 severa new in Los J\ngt•lcs, it \\'as an-The bill's author, Republican demonstrating its capacity for d · n In the ho m es The crucial d i ff e re n c e esig .~ r d b o J' b I Assemblyman Pele. Wilson of change." ·i bl 1 ·h · 1 nounce y on •O eris o be\ the e ho s· d a va1 a c. a ong wit a var1e Y ween n w u ing an s n· th I Since the law was f>'rst pro-of floor plans. \Vhittier, CREA Educa tio n the old is that it is built almost an !ego, s.:iys e new aw ""'·ed . he re""rts. "We've Comm,·11ce cha>'nnan. 1· 1 · 1 t d th a lso will solve a criti cal prob-,,v Schools, churches ahd shop-en ire Y Jn a ac. ory an en lem in California and other been deluged 14·[th requests for h Olfc 'ng \ e · I assen1bled at the site in fol'r ping centers a ll are wit ln rt wo s ncs o con-areas where housing is being in formation. The r r: 's a casv access from Lu s k ferences concurren!ly, the or five days. pu ved ove r for roads, by mak-tremendotis an1ounl of ln· JI 0· mes·l~unlington Scacli(f, Inslilu te h3s schctlulcd 19 By mid ·l970, state officials ing available cheap, quick tcrest.'' \\'ith the San Diego, Garden separate courses in specialized expect f a c. tu r i es for housing for r e J 0 c at j n g He said he expects holding (;rove and S<1nta A n a real estate subjects, each led prefabricated housing to be residents. companies and others not now Freeways just a few minutes by experts speaking froin springing up throughou t a The development comes at a in housing to take advantaRe awaJ practical experi<'nce. state that has set a goal of lime of crisis in the housing of the potential and enter lht Among lne a t 1 r a c t; v r Keith \\'heeler of Van Nuys, three million new homes in the industry, hard hit by tight field. "It wi!l produce a great, features lo be found in model this year"s dciln of the next decade. money and rising costs. Wilson new California industry," be hoines ;it tluntington Seaclilf Institute, said registrants may 'fhcy see it as the key tO. and Charles R. Ler-.1enager, predicts. arc vaulted. rough·hewn "'ood r.ll'ct from courses in syn-providing decent housing for state housing direclor. both \\'ilson says organized labor bcain ceilings, floor to ceiling dicilt1on. exchanging, ad-111 e xi can-American farm point to a recl'nt Wall Street did not take a position on the finlplaces. luminous kitchen verlisi ng, appraising. estat e 1\·orkers in rural areas. lo"··in-Journal advertisement by new law. lfe aUributes this ceilings, pass-through wind ow planning, administration, sales come whites in suburbs and Georgia-Pacific Corp. that partly to uncertainty in labor and counter for pati o dining rnanagement, architecture and Negroes in oig city slums. prefabricated housing will ac· ranks over v.·hal the new hous- and ind oor service area . construction, and investment They point to a shortage of count for half of all housing ing will produce in the way or in apartments , industrial and decent housing as a main con-sales by 1975. jobs and how it will be Lu s Ii Jlomes·Huntington commercia l property. tributor to ghetto unrest. and Robert T. Mon a g an , regulated. Seacliff is the fi rst singlc-1 ----------------------------------------------- f:.trni!v developml'nl of the 740- ;it·rc !1untington Scacliff Plan- nC'd C•1n11111rni1y, contempl ated 111 C\"cntually prov l d c nc~1dt•ncts for 6,000 families. l.u~k Homes one of the Southland's leading ho m l' huilders, has construc1rd more than 10.000 ho1nes, valued at 111<~rt.: 1h<1n a c1uartcr of a billion dollars. Mould Ne'v CREA Chief LOS A'.':GF:LES --1'<1E'lvin I.. 1'1ou!d of Long Beach 11 as eleetcd 1970 pn1siden1 of thC' 50.000·rneinber California Rc::rl t:s1111e As~ociat ion here. todoy during the final sess1o_n of the t:HE:/1 annual convention. lie "'ill takr. affa:c. in ,Jantiarv, succt•cd1ng En1mell<' T. GatC"·ood Jr. of Los r:a10~ Hob('rl r;. Ad;1n1so n ol l.os Angrll''i ll'OS re -t• 1 e c I c d trc.t~t1rcr for the third con- SPcu \11·e tc:rtn. H. .J ackson PunlillS of Arcadi;i \V.1.~ re- CICC'tcd executive vier presi· dent end stnle secretary for the fifteenth year. :········· ................................................ 1 iYOUR PROBLEM: i 0 7 1h% • • • You w•nt to 1ell some item + Ii that you no longer need but : : tom•on• •lte can us• fM ! • • i~ NOT OVER $50 : : .,.,.,.,.,.,: • • • • • • • • • • 1: YOUR ANSWER: : 1! You call THE DAILY PILOT, a sk for i i Clastified Adverliting, and plac• a : • • : --.. ~· .,., PILOT : ' l I on 30 year loans and as low as 5% down payment. I /'...._~ " PENNY i J q::.::··~~ PINCHER i We know you 're interested in giving your fam ily the best home money can buy. We not only thought about your pocketbook, we thought about your children and their safety, your peace and quiet and privacy. You see, your home In University Park stands among 44 acres of lush green park. It's so quiet It seems as If there isn't a street around. How long has it been since you played a friendly game of touch football or walked in the park? How long since you had a picnic? At Univeraity Park you even have your own private club. ., ; -~~ CLASSIFIED AD ~ : AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE ! • • : 3 2 2 : i LINH TIMES DOLLARS : : AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : : DIAL NOW DIRECT! : Are you lnlerested? It so , take the San Diego Freeway lo Culver, th en soulh to Matthews. From $27,995 Phone: (714) 833.0300 or 833-1790 UNIVERSITY PARK : 642-5678 .: .;: llell free HeM Cent-f 140·12201 ., StanleyC.SwartzCompenJ-Commun:J'Bullderw, u:,1, I 1)J ~¢:13 ;:.. ............................................ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I • •' • i i l m F> So '"' Cr >4 '° I~ Pl ,,. '" (Ill ill' nc Im d1: hr· th< '" hu ric di~ rut 70- pr• nei n1: en1 As is . (;c; ~el bic J ] l I.a !<he Se1 i a: '"! " S2~ ' :-.In " of [ .1iJ 1 an• .•W wa rni .... 1 ( I lry 111(' hri ,., 11n; ror "'' ~ot 4"0: la\ l Ro rle '"' "~ Eiai I I u ' ' 1 M T; in be s a h P.( ~< ,. or Furnitt1re Store Due For Mesa Coiutruction \\·ill begin th\s month on the ninth Gold~ F'umilure Company store In Southern Cal!fornia. to be located at 3089 Bristol Street. Costa r.1es;1_ Occupancy of the 38.!iliO ~quare f 0 0 l, frel'·Slanding, t onternporary s l r u (' l u r c, loca ted near the Sout h Coast Plaza Shopp ing Center, 1s schedu led for mid·February, De~Jgncd by Uls Angele" al'chitccts and plunners Mayer and Kanner. the bu ildir1 g has a t1nJqur. oetagoncil sh a p r , ;ithlc\·ed by cutting the cor- ners from a basic square plal - for1n to e,s tablish arct11tectural distinct i \lf'!lCSS. I::reclion of the concrete antJ steel building will use the con- crele tilt-up panel wall con- struction technique, a concept llflen used with industrial con- :-truction projects, and now borrov.·ed for a comnH':rcial ::tructure for slrcngth of ap· pearance and economy of cun· st ruction. 'fhe 1nain facade 1vil1 be l1rush·hammered to achirve the desired textured fin is h er- rect. By being 1vlndowless, the building will provide more ef- ficient utilization of v.'all display space in side. /\ highlight of th e two-story 1·cta i! facility is thr dramatic, p ro j e cl ing full-height en- tranceway, which incorporates ;;1x panels of glare-reducing glass comOined wllh six-foot - 11·ide double doors. Landscaping and si!e plan - ning. including design oJ the 70-car parking lot, was al so prepared by tl1;1yer and Kan- ner. Structural cnginrcr is llci,;s and Brcnvn ; n1eehanical engineer is Paul B2nnett and Associates; electric al engineer is John Snyder and As sociates. General contractor is yet to bP lielected. pending receipt of bi ds on the project. Building Up In Laouna ~ Building in tile 1.:11y of Laguna Beach eontinued If• .~how <in increase during September. with 44 pcnn1ts. \alued at $315,59~ issued dur· 1ng the monlh. compared with :17 permits for building '1'orth $257.540 in 5:-ptcrnbcr. 1968. Permits for seven new !·angle-family d\rcllings, valued ;<t $238.375 accoun1 cd for mosl of the September figure . Permits for alteration s 11 nd :iddilions contributed $:J2.09Q and the halance included one ~wjmming pool , one ga 1·age. 12 walls and fcner.~ an rl miscellaneoiis 1l"''1ng and arad ing projects. 'Satur1fay, Octob•r 11, 1%1.'> DAIL y mor JI Ra~Jao Califor11ia. Small Sites Offered ' GARDEN COURr CONDOMINIUMS NEW CONCEPT IN AOULT REs·10EN1IAL COMMUNITY Condominium Concept Leisure World Offers Garden Hornes Through a nt!1v1 fully l1n· prO\'ed, 1,175-acre subdlv 1siun de s 1 gnat e d Meadowview , Rancho Callfornua Sunday 1vill make avai1i'.:1b!e small residen- tial sites for the first time in r he rnu lt i·pu rpo s e 1.it1velop111ent 's hi:-;tory. Ill rn;lk111g 1 t1 e ;111 . nuuncf'rncnt, C co r g e .I /llcGa ffigan, vice president 1n c·liar~c of operations. said 111:11 /lleado\'l\'Jew parcels w 1 I I range 111 ~ize frorn one h;il f to l·"• acres. \Vith pur t hasr Jlritcs starting at $5950 . ' ' T 11 e Meaduwv1t·w S\1h- divis1on v.·as cstabli~hed in direct response Lo the un - precedented public in terest in the Ranch, the needs of our gro11i'ing population and the 1n· vestment opportunity offered by the ideal locntiqn in the One of the most s"Ccessf"I Courteous , alert security al· lr;in~t)(Jrt:ll ion is rrrr and fr e-'golden corridor' betv .. ecn the " " The garden villas offer one. L A J d s o •es·1dent1·at co n c' pt s ,·n· t d ts d I 2' h t !hi. ti d It I us nge es an . an icgo ' two and thrte bedrooms with en an arc on u y ~ ours qurn \~·1 n l~ a u c1 y. 1. ,, •t ., f augurated lo d a I e at rnetropo 1tan areas, 1• eGa · On•, tv.'o and three baths. The a day , 1nann ing the gatehouses All <-sterior 1nah1tenance r·g,0 added llossmoor Lei sure \V o r ! d 1 · new resid ences arc all electric and 1naintaining a 1.:arerul and all of tile cla.borate. Mead ·1e ff t n1aster . planned comn1unity owv w o ers prope r y which is honie 10 more than j as ls all of Rossmoor Leisure su rveillance of all Leisure lands1.:ap111g ls handled by a owners fully develoRl:d parcels al the develop1nenrs 8SO·ai.:re Raot ho Califorrua Pl~ ta Valt Lake. 11here. ~ firms operatt, in· 'fhey <ilso v.•lll rce;e1\'e a uni· eludi ng a maJGr merktl, que "OOnus·• v.·lth ! n e I ' restaurant, bank, m 0 l ' I • purchase_ Each purchaser wt\I service station. poot <>ff!~. have an interest in a 380-acrc barber shop, be"u\y salon. and parcel of land which is .l'.Ur· a \\'ide variety of specialty r<Junded by !he tlfei.1do11·virw <>hops as 11,ell a~ service arl';1 This ;icrenge will l'!l' businesses. ro11in1011ly 0\1·ncd by th" 11 ' · I Two completely decorated II It) i• 0 II' n (' r s A~sOel:L1 1111 ;ind furru~hed rnodel home., 11 hH:h inay use the propl'rly tiu· the dt•Vt'IOptnenl o! r·r errn· 11 ill be open for inspection lion park~ and green bel!". 111. Su ndi:ly. Ont: of these i~ a 3100. ~q11r1re-fon1 L;.shaped ranth sunng p e r ni a n e n t rn<iln-ll'ni!nce of an attrarlive coun· style horne with t h re e t"Y 1 plic c lo• Ilic cnl ., lu·drou111s , and the second a. , ;i mns r , _ i. ~leadowview re:-;i dent ial arc<i , 200·square-foot Spanish design 1vi th four bedroo1ns . Both AJ~o. ~leado11·view prope rly niodc l honies are s!tualed on owners rnay Lake advantage or virii· sites 0 " e r 1 0 0 k i n g othf'r Ran cho California op-/ll('<idov.·view's rolling terrain. portunities such as a ne!1 div V i s i l or s 1nay reaf'h riding acar!('my 11·hich oltcl's lessons, direct access Iii !he 1\le;idowvic1v by proceeding more than 50 miles of bridle. c:ist from Highway 39:t al T emecula on Rancho tralls Yi'hich virtually surround the ~1eado\vvieiv subdivision. <-l California Road . left on ~1.5 million championship golf ~loraga Road to South General course u n de r development Kearny Road and follow direc· nearby \Vith its own clubhouse . ='=''="='l=si='="'=''='h=e=s=o=b=d=iv=i'=''="=;· tennis tourts and Sll'in1n11ng ir pool, and lhe $1.:> million , \\'orld, l8'gest a!l-electric city \Vorld areas. Tile residential staff of e~pcrt~ ~inti their f,.,,111.1·11g 11 0 de •'g " •I 12 ,000 adults, is the new tri-l" • r o" n' leve l gJrden co u r t con-' I l ics. 11 a ' Ion ' THE BEST P · · I d IS b' <lccorative and protect11·e ""''''''''' •t d · 1 dominiums, introduced a few rices inc u e a cu ic •"''· · " ea owv1ew proper y 0\1·ners weeks ago. foot. frost free refregerator, stone wall. Rossmoor Leisure \\'orh.1 i~ 1ril! enjoy the full amenities of Reed enhip Po 11 , 11•0•• C,\V. Uar k, n a 11 0 n a I double oven, range w[lh hood. A J.lllly-staffcd n1 c d l c a I loca ted at the El Toro offrainp country living at Rancho "P••n~h " ;, one of t~e wo•l1f 1 disposal. dishv.·asher and op-center providf'd 24 h nu r of the San Diego Freeway. a Califomia including rrtem· moi t 11op~1., r.om i~ •+rip•. ~ •• d REAL ESTATE PROILEMS CAN BE SOLVED SI SLAVIN lll!ALTOR IXCHANWOll • COUNSl!LOI by •ppointme~I 642-6222 in the nation). (-01nple:.: is encompassed by a scr1 ices arc included in the 11·1·1· I d d · t · ~ marketing director for Lhe lional airconditioning_ service to residents. Mini·'ous frw n1iles so uth of L'C Irvine. bership in a private yacht club ;i 4''11 in the OA!tY PILOT. Ro s s moor Corporation'sr-==-=-====~---_:::.:::::_::_:::::::.::::::::__:::::::_.:::::.__::c.::__::::.:::::c.::_::::::..::_:.::_::.:_::;:::__:::_:_:::_:::_:::_::..c:.::_:::::.:.:::::::..:::::.============:::!' ==========='' Leisure \Vorld proje<:lS an· nounced that sales re cords had been shattered by the in· troduction and r a p id ac· ceptance of the newest adult living concept, crealed by Leisure \Vorld founder Ross 1\i. Cortese, Dark said. "The garden tnurt eondominiums contain g arden v illa s. which perpetuate all of the beallty and \varmth exhibited by the now famou5 and popular gar- den manors. traditional homes al Hossmoor Leisure World." "The garden villas," stress. cd Dark, "have the added con· \'enience o r sophisticated !ov;nhousc or luxury apart- 1nenl living Jn a suburban set- ting.'' Const ru ction of the first tri· lr1 el court buildings is under way along !lie n1argins of A new nine liole, 2,'iOO yard golf tourse. The new bu ilding~ will con- 1:-1111 f'l evators·. subterranean parking. spacious. carpeted lobby and corridors. con· 1·rnien t central laundry area.s with electric washers and dryers. private patios and at- tractively landscaped grounds and \1•al kwa vs. re sident's club and recrea't1011 rooms and kichen 11' 1 t h \'ICL bar for hosting pri1'ale par\its. The lri·le\'e\ feature lakes full ad vantage or the magnifi· r·cnt surroundings \\'i lh orien· t<ilion tov.•ard 1•ic11·s or the 1.:ot1r1tryslde. golf courses. lush rolling foothill~ 11nd di~tant mountains. '. Val D'lsere Ho111es Offer Cou11try Life ' A rare combinaLion of coun- try at mosp herr and 1netropot1tan <.'on1'r11i encr is hcing enjoyed by !'!'~1den!s of \'111 D'lserc. a luxuriou s IJ0- 1111it (;old /llcdallion 1·c~1dcnl1;-d 1·on1plcx in Costa ,v1r..~a. ;i(·· co rding to R. B. Burb<'lnk. ~outhem CaUfo"1.ia Edison Company district n:p rrsen- tativc. Located .:ii 2000 Parsons l\oad. Val D'Jsere features all- <'lectric si ngle, one·bedroom ;;nd h\.'t>-bcdroom units in a ··country estate'' setting. he i;aid. Highlight of tach unit is a f u JI y -equipped all-eJectric Tap Salesgnl l\laryanne .Booz.an or Tarbell Realtors' l·lunl- ington Dc.ach office has been honored as best salcsn1an f(lr Augusl h y I.he l~unting·~on f-:tea ch-f·'ounla in Valley Boa rd of Realtors. She received lhe same hon· or for February. kitchrn wilh range, oveon . \1·aslt'! rli!>:poSJl. re.fri~er11tor­ frrezer, and au t o 111 11t ic d1~h1,·a~hf'r ()!her h1glll1ght.s inc I u de (';1q}('llng ru~1on1 d rapes . original oil pain ~ings. S1\'cd15.h 1·rram1c fireplace~. "n d balconlr1' nr· :-!iding gla:-:~ doors whict1 open 111 the garden area The garden area at Val 0 ·1scre features a sparkling J~Q.fool long stream flowing beside lawns. trees and a uni· quc sunktn "quiet area ." Also fealured in the garden j~ a recreation area whieh contain~ a large !Wimming pool, sauna bath. therapeutic bath putting green and barbecue area. Burbank noted thit all utilities have been installed underground to enhance the hcauty of the residential pro- ject. Linda Homes Selling Fast The first unit or SI homes in the: McCarthy Comp an y Rancho Yorba Linda Develop- ment has bee n 90 percent sold .since it wag opentd 90 days ' ago. according to William V. ~1eckc:r, vice president of 1narkeling. The homes are in the "gretn lJcll'' arl'a or Lhe rancho and sell ror $26,950 to $36,900. Rancho Yorba Lind11 may be reactrled by the Riverside rreeway lo lhc I m p er i a I Bol1lcvard turnoff. lhe n north 10 the interseclion of Yorba Linda Boulevard and Fair· mont Boulevard. At Maybrook you'll Jove the com- fo m.ble, roomy, affordable homes. Some with 4 bedroom s, fami ly room, fcnn al dining room, and a h u~c rccrc~­ tion room. Others \Vi th lip to 6 becl- rooms, and 3 baths.,vith a 3-car eara!!'f'. GElfUIJfE LATH AlfD PLASTER. Every \val] and ceiling a full ~-.i"mi11i 1nllm thickn ess, built the quality way, the sol id sou ndproof .way, the right way. Come to Maybrook todav! Priced from $29,950, its the Southland's finest entry in the space race. 'fake the Sa n Dicco 1:rec\v;iy to Beach Bou levard and rurn soulh f'<) the signal licht. 'J'hcn lc[t. rJ n l·:dingcr t<> the bcaurifully dcco<atcd model.<. i'\o Do wn VA/ 1\11 inimum Do\vn f<'HA/Conv. l;inancinJ!. ''A DMSJON OF' SHAPELL INDUSTRtt:S. lNC." Edin1tr Ave ~­ c "' • • • z Garden Grove Frwr McFadden Ave TtLEPHONES, lll>J lf~l411 • (21 1) S9~24ll •. )714) H7•1 ' ' ' ·• i ~ , , ' 'J • ' . • • I I t J:l OAILY P1L01 Sa111r!1o<V , 0L\01l~r 11, l9ti'1 Meetings Along the OraDge Coast Area , MONDAY $tnlor Clll••n~ C•ub el 1-lun!l1111ton B:•c.h. f'•rk ~no II«•••""" lu11dln~ 1111> ""° 0••"'' S!roel>. Hun111111!(111 8e•Cll, 10 •.rn. ti~tl~ns$~1:.•w.~l~~z.•"i'itti (I~~; •• ~,~~ lr~J~ Awrwe, NewP<>fl '"""" 1D "·"" NiOWPOtl C•nt..• lt!wtn•• Ctv11. Jo•••'• R••••ur•n•. n 11 E Coaol H1vnw•Y. CotOl'I• <IOI 1.l•t, 1' noon, Co.••m&<t••• l l>l'•l<n••·t'"· Cor•I 11.o;f R~••v••nl. ~ti· Ho•W 8 •lrll , Cos•• Me.I•, I ~-m Exl~~.!<~~j· N:.·r~C::"e.~;ci;0E~· Ironic;. HO! H•rl>O• ,,.,.. • ,.,.,. M~•. T:IS o.m OoMoi.v. Hun!inl•on ll••tl> Cn•<>!e•. ll•>on:c Tomole, 10• l~~• AYO, Hun• 11ntt1<:m B•MI>, 1:30 <> m. I o·•n•t ln Val1"• J11n•0< Cl>•mOe• ol C"'1llf)erco, l/tne,.I m•mbot:~•~, Cl•v H"ll, 10100 S<a!~t Av•. Fwni.•n Y•llr» 1 )II <> m O•tngo Co•'t Coin (IUD1 M•"""'' l •bcdr>'. X()S Do••I D"•» No"'"°'I B•~<h 110 ~m lo•I~ M••~ H•rmon\i lod•• No 79 ooo F •llow1 Hnl!, 7116 N•woolt fi•oa . Coll• M•>•· I ~ m VFW No flOi. VFW Hall, -Yo•l.l<>w" .O••nvr Hunhn9!on 8~•cll, I o m "'"~'•<•n Sch11Q<>l'l'~nl• F 11.,no~1,...,, O••n•• Counh Ch•<>!•" U•ll lPO Funa Bviloin<J, 11417 S•ofllord "'"-· G&rdrn GtoV• TUESOAY C-O';lo M~I~ (LIV Emorov•" C-nlon••• l;jlcn•n, 511 W 191h S• .. Co''• M•.•• ,.. (OfG<• oel l.'•t E •Clld'•q• c• .. 11. Villa 5wP<irn. 3;:;., E. C~•" lj l<Jnv.a" Coron• <><I Mar, 17 r>eon l o.ia M"'• E ~ch~1190 (:lull, Coral R!:f'I, ?o•I Harl><>• Bl"d . Co.ta M•~·· 11 noon. Hl nlinglon S•acn tlO<f!• ~ion~ Club. M•~dowiar' Coonl<Y C•ub. l&lll l G<~nam, Hvnll119i..n 6 •a<ll. I) noon Coron• O•I Mftt l(lw~n,. Club. Villo Swo<:ton, ;;Jo E. Co•~' lt,gl\wav. Corona drl Mir. 17·1~ o.m. Hun11n9!0J1 8•&<11 Rol•rv Club 'lo•Th, Four Wind• II"•""'"""'· 1~•·11 ~~,1~,_(lll<•. Hunllno1on Btacn, l?:ll H·Jl'l111'1~i<l~ !leac.l'I l(iw•n1~ Club. Hun 111191011 S~6C lilt Cou ntry CIUb. ·~oo r>a•m Ave., Hun!ln91on !!••Ch. 1l;IS o,m, N•"porl HMbo" Ootimi•I Club. v.u .. "·'•"n•. lO•!i !lilVllD• Ori••· '1<10r.ott S~iCI\. 1,!1.> o.m Co<1a M"" ICiw•ni< Club, Co~•• ""'" r.01! ilnD Coun1ry Club, CG>I• M••~ I!! l~ p in Jiol~'Y Club nl N•wr><id-8cllbo~. +••1,n• (ounlrv C•ub, 1600 E. Co"! l·!l~hWO ,, tor0<i• a., M••· "'~1 o rn. Toaslm•Sl4'r\ C•ub, 1/0F. l(,~<1·, l•bl~ rr>1av••nl, w ... ,1m•n>t.,, 1 ~ m Co"" M,.,a.N•wr.or! H•rtor I ,pn (lub, Mt '<I Ytru• C~unlrv (lull, (O•TI M••a• i i o; Pm, !1~1'><>• e;,,. L1on• ChJb, V•JI• t~•r,no1 10<'; 6aY\o0t Orlvt . NfwPOd B••<:o'-I "" Stal !lfa<h Toa>•m~>+N< (IVb, IOI ll•nc~ HOUI<. lllO(l f'.uollc Co~\I Hlonwo>. S•al !lt~<h, 7 o "' Hunlinol~n Sta~n E l~" Ll>D"' I " Club, I.DI Oc••" //w •. Hvnl<nu!Q1• O~a,,.,_ 1,.)0 n.on ~oclt!Y •or T~• p,,,.,v~1101'1 an<I E l'ICOll< .9.,••~n! ol BMl>•r S"oo Quarl., Slna0ng ln 11,m;rlc a. Co;!a ""''~ th•<>!•'· Coll•~· P'••• Sthoo•. J;~Q ~lo!re O•m" Cool• 1-'•'o. I •I om South (~""' "'·"'"' 10·10 (l1Jb, v,11.,n• l!ln, 119 /~d""~' lldibo~ I lun~, I ,Q om I ')Q i•, ~'o'>• No H I! •:I(, )II" S• Co<lo M~<~ I II • m 0 ""'"" Co~ ' 11·no1 l\'r.oo /, r~ I a~q· l ~•r>p•• ~h~IO''. 617 W H•<nd!O", r ,.., .•••• 1 ,,m \'.'"->lm1~;ler M•<1rc .. 1 E•u'c'"'' Po,1, '"•!lmon<1•1 He oit,11, '' o ' ~'!'I C'"''· 1Ve<tm1n>:er. 1 om, WF.DNE~n•v (0 11• 1''CI0·01•n~e (<l<l'I t"'"' C•uh Odi~·,, 111 [ I/In 51_. (0$1o /,.\n ;;. I "·"' f!lu• Fl•m• 1oa:tm•<1e,. CluD, M•.;• Vtrd• Country (l~b. (<>"• M•>o. I '" Col<• Me<a 0~1:mi•t Ch•b. Co;•a """'' (,ol! •n~ Cwrh y Club, 1101 C-ol• Co<1f'• D•I••, co.ta IA•·•· I? r><><>n Hun!:"l!IOn 8"•<11 E'Ch•nll<' (lub, Sht raton E!~•tn tnn, '1 unlonv1on B•acn I? noon \','.,!m ln•t"' 0~1.m,;t C~ub ~-1n9'• T •bl• R•·1a<1••M, V1•>1m·"""· 11 ,_ C~•t• 1>'1•·• ~o•~·• C•uo. r o·1a """~ C.011 ana Co~nll• llwb. Ca I~ "'"'••· I) """" r eu"1,1n Vall•• E ""A"~' c •utl, ~ '~" ~a.-', 11111 S•~'r' 11••0, Hvo:lnQ!on k>•~c.~, 11 1~ p"' A••01'u!fonic l c~1lma"r r $, \/ • I +" h ••1n•, 10~5 !!ilv>;d• Dr1w•, 1•HwPo" !l•at~.~](l prn Cea>• ~'"~'"" VMC J., HOO Univet!llY O""'· N••mon ll••~~. I Jf; n.m. (,~r~.:t! fi~~~I ~~~::r1~~~~1,oJ.~ Jc:?(I M ••on:~ Sr •IAr•n.!' L<1<10• ~o. 1[)11, A••'OlllC l•m~•~. "'h ~!•e•! .... >I. "'"°'""'' P l•tt. Nrw-1 81-. 1.DO 0."1. t • GRAFFITI by Leary ! -. . -... . . t ••• . . . ·-~, .. ,... ·.,-·---_ ... ,. ARBUCKLE & SO:\! \\'ei;tclifl l\l11rtuary f,, li lh St.. Co~la i\1t'S<t f;tfi.4R88 • B:\LTZ ~l{lll 'rUAR I ES Corona rlrl l'lar OR :1-94.10 Co~1a ;\lrsa :\II 6-2~24 l\U • BLLL t;KUAD\\'AY i\lOBTUARV Broad\1"3}'• Costa i\lc5a L.I R-3-1.t l • DI LDA V BROTHER S Huntington Valley fll orluary I ;911 Be.a ch Blvd. Huntington Reach 8~2-7771 • l\lcCORi\llCK LAGUN ., BE ACH l\IORTUAR \' 1;11~ L;iguna Can~ol'I Road Lag una Brach •fl-t.!1415 • PA CIFIC \llE'V :'il f.'.'\IORI AL PARJ\ l:t'metery e !\lortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drh•e Ne wport Btacb, CalUoraJa 64~-2700 • PEEi\ Fr\~llLY COLONIAL FUNERAi .. H0~1E 7301 Bolsa A\r. '''estmin ster 893·~.'>~5 • SlfEFF ER i\IOHTUA RY Laguna Beath 4~t.15~S San C\emtntf' l~!-11100 • S,\llTllS' i\IOHTL.\I\\' fii?7 J\l:iin S1. Huo lin21on Brar b 5.1M5.lt ""i!~"'r~: l : .. ~·"l1"vat 1"~f1~~1~~;o;:~ 3c}• v •• Ql)(Orlo1 Ne.,Pof! ll•ot~ I .1(1 II "' ,.. l'""'"'l>lcn ll•Ot h Mo•Oo•c l O(lo•. Mf 1.;,,1.c H~ll, 10i l~kf "'-•tnu~o, t<unwoo•<>ll 11••<1>. 1:30 P '"· lt~c'""'V l"C, Hunl0n916n !1~•<'1 H>i>l1 ~<JIO(ll. l<"Ool'l l~J, 19'1) Mo.IO ~·' Hun11n9•on 6~ocn. I u '"· THUIU O.>,v" Colla M•_. Junior C"a'"lwr <>! ((Im ,,.., <•· M••• v~n;le C0o.m1r. c-1111>, C-o•I• M•>•· ! 00 P 1n C"tit..,~t:;.,;8A:,• •• ~•rl& ~~' W. l~I~ (aUlotnf• Stf\oGI E"1plo•"i:> A':O<,.•· 11on K•I •~• ~chool, 11.JO ~•M• ""• A••', CO•'~ Mn a, J JC am. H.-,,l>Or•Li10') To.>lfTlf •ler'• Clvb. Onlr~ Colt i•'ln, F~;nlon l>l•n~, 'l•w...,r! Con1•r. N•w""" !'-ef O>, I ~"' Bttoklg;I 0~!;1'\"\,~I (l~b ~! (01!0 !.\~..,,. rot •I lltt• R~.Jl•uron•, ?6ti Horbor Slvcl., Cost• Mfll, 7.M 1,m. Q,o.,a• Cnunt~ "m~•-ll< .,,.onornlt~I .>,uoc_, S•n!1•11<1 Hiii~ S<hwl, G•rden G<OVf. /-3{1 P m llo>i•O ol Roa!lor" NtwPo,., HfflXI'· CO>la Me••. 6 .. 1><>.o B•Y Club. NtwPofl Beatft, • a.m. Or •""" Co11nl'I S!\I Clul>, Ell' Club. W••lmln>i., Ro1arv Club. k •ne'> Tabl• Rto"v'..,'· Wn lm ln"e" 11 "°°"· C~TP ~1dd1e de •en~. lull iJ• r 11n, I rnilS•~ Ilia! GLOW .,, 1:•e da1•, Cn0-0~e l1om Clo~.P. Oe• •. 1, j ,jJIY Pr·n~P',S ,, Pur.:~ c~t. One ~·1~ !01 .1 ) ifilr~. ta . A .Orte a 1.o.1ume! g4,11 o~')l<l!1d 1,1;n ~l1t1e1 ~r ~01nl OP:, ~n'>. eacn v11lh tull · 1~. ~ 11nil ni~'"· Astronaut, r;1p· 1 1'11i• i1 & man10111ers. ~·I•. 101 4 le I~ year~. ti. 1.29 All Co stumes 11re Flame Retardant 10" Pumpkin "Iii Jicr· w1\h plastic carrying handle. Large enough to hold plent1 ol H&lloween "tr,ats." Adult Masks Oelu~e. pu1I over !ull 11e,1d mas~s 1n your cM1ce ol Monst~r. Devil, Sr~ll. Witch, Vdm- p«e lod m~~I oiners. ,1, Children's Masks Choo:i' 1rom GORY or fUNN¥ lull 'a•~ al~ '" mas•~ .n ~:9w1n~ lloore>• nit roiors !11~ta1~ ~u1 e !~ ~od f)]~ "ex h~ lou1 r1 ' la yo~r Cl•} ·~ lar "1rrc 1. or trea11n11." "Make-up" KIT rrolc:<.01ona1 -Sale a~d Ho1rnl~s; • select.on~ to ~muse 1h~ voong lair Card ol a!;>or!ed [~!ors !hal Vl'do~ all f~>1lv w•th cold tre~m. DIET "PEPSI-COLA" .... .... ""'~ . " E•cto•nue Ck,b ol N•..,l>Qrl lidfl>Or. Shill Sl\lrl ll:nt•u<•nt, Now""'' Stach, 11 .->. · C~•l•!l•ri 8 ~11ne.,men'• Con1n\l11re. H,,1>1inut0t> Be•Cll, Manny\, i.1J1 Ecl!Met .>,vt .. Hun!l1111!on Beacn 1 1.m. IUwanl' CJ11b (If Co.Ii Me••·"lnrl~. r.M•I PH I Rost"''""'· 11>-1~ Ht rl>Or Sivif., Coai. Me<•. 12;10 P.m. NtW!)C•I Har1>0r l(.lwanl• (tub, VII•• ~::~~~,1;~~l P~~5111e Drive, 'l<!W1>c"r F~J!~i"1.~~11"l •• ~"';i~ .. c~e~1i~~~o11~ B.,.,,., U:lJ p,m. N•w~o·'·lrwl,._ !l'ol•rv c ivr.. R~.,.,. br•n<ll•. "31 8r!Jler ST .. (Oii• M., •. CANDY "Zagnut" Jr. Bars 8JI 11 40 -looded 79 coconut -p~anu1 b~I C ler cruncti. Bit-0-Honey Bat ol 1 2~ -1e,,1 hrn~,· Ote Cdn~/ ... 1i1 11""11 "\w1~t" wr,1p. "Pal" Bub~le Gum Bat 11 100 -1n~1 v1duall y wrapp~~ ••. as~'\ lruit flavors-. Candy Apples l[Af -1nd1V1iJuailf v.ro~p•d p1Cr.P~. Tootsie Rolls B1f 11 21 -ind1v1d· cally wraored 5c s11e. age PeaooL Bult!r Kis~es IRACN'S -1ndov1d ga I uatly wrapp£d p1e1.t~ C 2 lb. 12( . BRACH'S Peanuts v.ilh Chocu!~I~ Cove1 age I '"g & Can~y L~dlong I~ 1121 -5c,J~s . ~·-·-- "Turtle Wax" G'r ~gt Floor f. Ori~!'lllY Cl t,nt r ... Qu1rol t ~nd eriec " : •~i:n~e' s: ... bta•~ >lain;, ,,,,~ l!'r"-~· 1.19 Qt. Sizt ·-·--· ~· j ' I .. i r I } II "Junior" Exercise MULTI-WHEEL l~e~l IQ help you 1i1f!\ ~P t11• abdominal g1!dlf and ~rvr )l1~n~1n lo tlif'. lol'ier U~c\ .•. 1e1 old age wd1'. 14 1z. Size C111s YOUR CHOICE 1·.49 ... 17 !ll>llf' 0•4nff Coon•1 Cr.all Un>0n L••u11<1. Or•"'l• C<>11>I Ctvl!•n Club. F'~llCleno'~. 1611 Wt•"l'O Drive, Newpor l fletch, 11 :11 prn Seddl•-l>•cK Inn, $.an!f .an&, 1; JO o m. M6>0n c l odH, IOOF H • I I , Weumln1ler .a.vo . •t DllY• St,, W1JOlml..,ter, l :JO P.m. U•;~'.•d c~11tr'.,. F~e~af c;,'t1~':,"' k Fl~~ 1100 HtrW-111va .• Colrt M"'' l:lO o.m. ,•10.a.v 1:•11. ~~ w Urn s+re.t, c~1t Me;o, •·~) n '" u C.L F~I~ aooc,no. C • m " u 1 Hal•. IJh,.•••tlv o• Ctlllornlt Irvin•, 7.lO o.m · Hunllno•on Beach l !oM Club Hun. 11no1on S.ecllO Couo!rY Club. JllOCI Palm Dd••· Hun!lna1on 8etc~. 6:'.IO o.m. Hu~llnQ!On B••cn Junior Cl>•"'""' m Commf1Cf , Sl>er1ton Se.ell Inn, H<>n· llna•on Be•cl>, t o.m, u nned FuNI Fi .. ~n<!~I Ma~•"-""""' Couroc ll, Uni'"" Fuf!d oi11ce, 111 W. WllMOn, COOTf Me>a, I 1.m. Hun:lno•.,., B•ocl> Rc•ar~ CI u b . $•TUll OAY cne~1~; s."."'t'l~ft~::_;-f°i"e~~.''I H~rl>Ot "'"' TO•>lm•"•r'• {HJb lOA•. ~• Verde Counl•Y Club, C a ' r • Nowr>Orl H1r -Elkt CIL>fl, El*I l-. :MM v i. OP<>rlo, N-1 8wcl1, a SM••1"" 8••<1> lrm, Hunl1nQ!C1• Be•t l>, !2;\Q ~.m. •·'" •~ohPt-LOCIQt. VOA. Senlo• c111 ..... llen•o•lon C•vb 11th S••H t '"" lrvln1 A•-•· Newoorl e...:1>. I o.m M<>•, I """· !J.S. NtV•I So• C•~e1 Cor11•. 1:MS Bar-rol'lc• llwd, Sen,. ..,,,., I o.m. om . "'T:;\~" H~~1~ P~.' i~tf.' s~~(~~: M ••'""'" LIOOI. Clue. ~1Ul1 5Pl!rl, ZU I V.'. Coa>! Hloti-v. N•woo1• Botch, ~~ :~~.f.mM.-.1e lo<l!lt', Ma•onlr $on• o! llelv !n Am erica. M•• "\Ihle Nc-="'~:v':'r' •• 1l1~~;~e.~11,,~": .. ~' 1if! u~'"~I 1 P.mi.f!d Juda Men'• Ctufl, Par!i.11"'1:'111, 221 10tll II., Hun!IM!on 8eac;h, I o.m. Temo~. 1<01 lllh $"<ti, N<WPot1 "••'="· l •:IO "·"'' lOCIQ" lllh St<N1 •nd Ort <tCI Ave~ue Honrlno!on "••ch. I p.~. ". Wn1<illl Dfl••· H • ..,..,,, 8'l•<n, 7160 11.m. • DRUGS & SUNDRIES vie" "NyOuil " Hi1ll 1time Cot l • Me"cl11 ... Re- l•eves ccld s1mptom; !or nou1s. • gee • 1.49 i 1z. Silt fonnala 44 EXTIA STREJU;JH I t111~ Mi1t1re. ::: 1.1g Size VICKS Lozenges tor 1a~t. ternporarv relief ot $~re tnroat due 10 colds- 49c 12·s JJt ~ "Blue Jay" •! l"SDlES-Helps1e I ~ j he·1e painlul pre >sure \=l 1 ol lollu::;e",_ . " 3ge p,~ et~ "Drislan" HASAL MIST -Of c~ngestan1 tor 1el1el ~I hea!! cold• 1./9 - "" S1zr ' 1Sominex'' fflechve aid lo ~a ~~:~ 11~~ls1ee6, g J2's • "Anacin" TABLETS -f.1J p~·tr 1rl1rl ol li0Jd.,Lh~, neuralgi.J "Va-tro-nol" II NOS E DROPS ... l11r ~ r~>i rehel cl naool 1.39 100·1 98c .J111 . l"llg[>hbn ~~ 75c 1 11. Sue o "Drislan" i Formula 44 :H TABLETS -for reliel ~ .-;,.,. COUG)I DISCS •.. \\~ 01 smus congestion, ff.-C al m~ n ~g R 1n 1 ·n colds, tlc. gee • cough~. 73e .-12!24'$ 8111!24 "NORFORMS" FEMIHIH[ SUPPOSITORIES •.. AM.~-77e ~epl1c . Oeoooi~~t. ConveR1!nt 9ic 5 s \(.F.W, ~""'No. "36. A-•it•" l evi"'1 O••nye CounlY REACT, 101'1 G..-ok" Gro•• Bl>d .. G•t~n Grov1, /:JO 11.m. Kotex "Plus" FEMININ£ NAPKIN Small, Medi1m, l1r11 ... "Vitalis'!;o vi HAIR TONIC Kee,s hair 11eat all day without rrease . 1.25 · 1 DZ. Size 88~ "Final Touch' FABRIC SDnENER Makes Yo11r Wash Fresh 11s a Daisy. ~ "Friskies" MIX or CUBES Fully Houri sbiag. Mixed or Dry! l I ' "Ban" aoll·ON DEODORANT wilh l1ti11 Sm111~1eu - Pr1lects for 24 H11irs. 98c IV.oz.66c Size TOOTHPASTE Fres-ens Breath -Helps fi&:bt Decay! P•k 11 2 89c ·Size "Rinse Away' DANDRUFF SHAMPOO Helps to Centrol ltc!y Scalp, Also . 89 . 10~. 59c Size SYLVANIA Flashbulbs "l (ut hi" -Cll1i~e 11 AG-1 1r Al· 11 (~a~s 11 12. ll•lltsl 1r "'Flas~­ cubes" {P'1k 11 3 Cube5, rz flasllts). Rei. 129 97.~ !JllllDlllllllUlllDU111UtllltOlllUHtllllOll!lllU!ll tD1111lltllll!DllllUllllUDllllllll llllDIHllllUlllOU11111111!10UL!: I r "Baby Magic" ,. fi "Baby Magic" ·I! = ("' " N" r ~ BATH by M1NMEN •• , = l ~ ,_;;;" ILDllDNb1M£ "EN -1 '··-~de-ua tel f oio tt~~ :t ~ ~gd r.1! cnmmon s,•~ o_ 1 ,/,." '."r11rf , \()Oth1n• ~11~1ec· I '">',". 1 g_ 't ~ ~· / j '·a n :vr atl 01M ·"~ are sse ., J ~df:N•J wit~ bab1 sa!e 88 ~ 1 ; '\'"""'1 Jtr .~1.11>' I n I e ~ i = 0 _ 1 1 "' ' / 1.• .. 1 r1~•alhlo1v~ne1·P, _ 0 _ ·, ____., 11 ~ 9 01 S11t \... _,./ 119 S ti. S11c ~-~-"Baby Magic" ~ "Skin Bracer" ! ; ,.,,,, PDWDEll bJ MENNEN Alte1S•av1llyJtlEHHEH ;: t ; 'L~.'''i , .. While, lralfanl pow· ~l Menlhol·lced • _.cool~ ; I i.-""""" ~:~1n~~1p~1:;:11e~!s~~by 5gc o ~"'I o ~:~e~~~:~~u~~~k~nero~ GJC i=-·' 1!c ! 1z. Si11 " " " " B!t 4 1z. Size ~01 1111111111101111u111u1011111111111101111111n1nc11n11nn1ro11111111111101111111111no1111mn1no1111u111111ot1111f.. ' "' "" " INFANTS' LEADS to MATCN \~1th st1ong me1ol Sllr•Vel hoo~. lier. 7k "Cal Nip" TOYS (.r.oose lrom assorted c.olortul ~1yles !hat '1'4111 ~eep ~our t~t amused, 1111. 79t 4g~. lAOlfl' Slipperettes Casual sl1~elf• 1n o~;ar'1•d ro1orfol d~s1gn1 a~d mat~ 1161.. ~I I hd'e heel lt!L S·M·l Sizt; .. fl ALBERTO CULVER V05 Hair Spray wit~ "Mir1I" -~ew hold· 1~g lormula 1n Regula r, Hd1d- t~ Hald. Spray for Sray &- Supe! Hard lo·Hold . 2.35 11 oz. S111 1.49 .. "New Dawn" SHA.MPOO·IN HA.II COLOR "Go-Co" Bags MJ1!1-pu1gost r.~uy 11! ba;s 1n assorted materials-, co1~1- t:1I design full nwe1 open +ng. 1~s!dt ooc~et. full h~d . CANNON Kitchen Towels Tr,ic~. th1~IJ cotton n~llt" w1\b ~old, br~d 111i11ti.color s!npes. fJ1n~ed endS". 59: --\' I ·~· ·-.. ., _.,, -.,...... .. --·-·-:::::::::::;: ..... .... ----" . - CANNON Dish Cloths Large !5~14"' s11e ol sofl co\ Ion with WJlf!e we1~~ pa\!ern 1n multi color~. Pa~ 11 S DRUG STORES OPIN' AM t• 10 PM -7 OATS A WllK HUNTING<TON llACH -Sprit1td•l1 •11d f.·Jo1191r HUNTING>TON IEACH -Ad•'"' •"d lr•olll!u"t N!WP'Ol!;T Ill.CH -1010 ,,.,, .. , 111 W"1,l1ff P'I .. • lll!llJllh--r.111111 llUl•UlllhlllllllWlltllll~!ll"Hl\~Mlll!fflllHllllllllJ.111111~"'"'"""" • t• I ' ' I < I I ' I l I ' ' \ --------·-· -- ------~---------··------~-··-------------·~-----------------.---.... --~ .. ~. ·!· :::: s~i urday Octob~r 11. 1%11 _o~tOT l~= Series Openei 'Cuellar1 Square ·off • ·1 ,. Ill BALTIMORE (AP\ -Tom Seaver wlll 'tead the ;unazing Ne"' York !\1ets 1ntu tl1cir first \\lor!d Serie:; gcin1c today against f\l ike Cuellar. lhe li::ft·handed ace or the favored Baltimore Orioles. ,\ sellout crowd of some 52.000 is ex- pccLr.d lo l'l'tttch !he opener of the bcst--0!- ~:::ven series in \\'a1·111 su nshine at fll cmorial Stadiuin. ·• Al!hough the Americ;1n Le::igue chan1· pion Ori oles O\vn an 11npressive edge 111 sue~, statistical departnlCnls as home runf, balling average and even pitching, the re is a strong Lide of srn!i1nent for th(> underdog ?-.lets v.·ho came from ninlh pl[ltf' in 1963 to \\'~ their first Natio11;1! Lc:iguc pennanl thi s season . According to the legal gumblcrs 1n Las \·l·gas. the Orioles ar(' 7·5 favor!les . 'fhe Orioles received a warn1 welron1e in an early afternoon parade through lhe Uo~·,ntown area in \Vhich each pl uyer h<1d his O\vri open car and signed autographs <Jllti shook hands along the way. M<!nHger Earl \\'eaver sent the Orioles 1hrough a 1norning drill and then left the Jield open for th e l\ole.Ls v.·ho held a long l.:lu bhou.se meeting to ii:o over the scouting reports an<t vit:il info rn1atlon on the Balli.more hitters and pitchers. Senve r, Lhc majors' top v.inncr w1t11 a 2: •. 7 record, is lhc right-hander fron1 SO•ll hern Cali fornia \\'ho w<1 s ll1 t ll<1rd by 1~.e Braves in last v.·ee k's playoff upener, bu~ got the victory aher giving way for p:ncl. hitter, J , C. J\tartin. At the age of 24 . Seaver is being called an(•111er f{obin Roberts v.·lth ii grea! fuhtrt' ahead of h1n1, Cuellar, a cagey :J2-year-old Cuban who no·v ma kes his hon1e in Puerto Rico, is ;i 111::1~\er of the screwball, a p11ch thal b1 eeks away Jronl right-handed ballers. BALTIMORE MEMORIAL STADIUM Tube Ro1111dup World Series, Football Head W eeke11d TV Bill The \\"orld Series 11 ill opro Jn Raltl more_"s ~l cmoria l ~tadi11n1 lodav ;J~ th e. Orioles entertain the -Ne1v York ~let s in the belated con1 pf'lition ;iftrr the t110 tr·an1 s won le:igue ti tl es on .\l onU<iy of !his 11·r l'k 1: will be ;;crei..:netl tin L"li:ln11L·I ~ :11 10 a 111 And. t'<1\lcg1a te (ln1I )!1'1> foo1h:-il l fdl nii:l'il • f lb(· 5p1 1ll1cht. :11011.c 111\h tlh' .'enc~, Tod3} ·~ ,\\..1\:\ ~.1r:1" uf ll'~' l\C'('k I~ Tex.as-Okl:d1u1n;i Ull L h;_1!lliL'I i. ! n l loek tine ol a trio o) i'll'Tll" ••11 lo.i;:1·., \\"11j1· \'."&rid of Sport., is. lh(• 111 11"\d liilll<' 1!'111'!~ c·11:11np1011~l1tps 11h1L·h 11 :1$ lil111cd <l.~ l\!unleh. (;err11;1n~- Son11' 52 (•nuntri t'~ 11('1'" r1·prt"Cl11•·!1 1,;.r !i'l:l t:on1r~t;in1 s ;JI th e 1rcek lo:ig tounll'Y• Japan'1i ShiegPo Ho. C'OP~k!ered lilt• ,.,·orld '.;; oulstnnding offen.•i ve pl11~rr. <it't! Cl'rn1;1ny's F:hrrl1 :ird Seh!)lt'r. ge11crtilly conceded !o be !Ile fin<'st drfenslve pla y@r j11 1he "'orld, met in the final s. The Los Angeles Kings open the TV se:1so n on Channel 5 loday. It is ~he fir~l of 1;; rond shO\VS to hit the tube \l'ith r:a1nes being telecast here fro1n every NI IL rin k cxccp1 Pi ttsburgh. Al l jl:>mes '"'ill be livr and in color cxcrpt the Bruins ga1nc or Nov_ 16 ~0111 Ba ller is con1i11g 011!. ot rt'!irr1nr11t lo co\"rr nil Lo~ Angeles Slilrs g::unes th is )'tar on radio XERB. l' , TOOAY IQ, m, (OCL -WORLO SElllES -NY I<•!\~! tl.Hllmo•o Oriol~. {1,H"I Gowdv, lOl'Y ~.ut• '-M ''"' tl•n!le Sandv ~ou!•• m••o•'d• ~1 M•<;-,0,,•1 11to1um, B•l1•miitt. Fl"! o~,,..~ ln bf'<! ~! '''"'' l~'i"' I 1>.1"1. ('1{l -NCAA FOOTBALL • O~lohO"'A Soooe•I •vs. T•••• Lon-tn•. lrorn 1ht {O!!On Bowl In l)oll~'· l ::IO 1>.m . !l l)~T -WR(STLINC.. -Chi<k H•~·n '1';"~.0~.~1\~c"f _l>'BiWL INC.. -C•""'" S~lvif!Q •'· 10.'l'lmY Tut!le l :)() 1>.m. IS\C.F -ou100011s -Jo• Fon OM\ "F!!~ll'IQ Under lht M;on°oh1 Svn" In lht C•"~dlan N~·t;'.~~h1c1 -PPO CLIP\ -K•v 1(1\0" frorn '" •r<L and NFL game\. ""rr1tu1 b~ cn~rll! Jo""'""" Pit Summ~r1ll. I nm 15\Cl -f<Hl 11QC1(r V -IQ•tiv1) L' .: ~w. ,, MGm•t•' C•n•O"~ J''"'" Mrl'~"""'· DM• A'' "t''~~ ~I Mon•,c~I Fo•um •o• lti , 1,, I QI 11 ''""O~••Q IJNL q•n>~> on cn~nn~1 1 1h,~ •~•·?n '· 1>"1 i/lCF -W•OE WOl!LO W~1 1<1 l "OiO l •nn,; ChomD·~~ih•P,. wll" J im M\l(,y, Q ,(,. M ·~·r 1(1-!'"1"> no!IOn"! (Ch~mpl ml~~·ldO M /~V"!"• G"'"'~•·.~. 111'0' N•'''-Al• l!•c••• "'"" l("ln J~clo.•on , \~", !>lo·,;,~ ""kM'~' +n II~"" Al\o l(•I'" ;,.,k·.o~ fi'~··W~-~ur~~·::·.1:1 c.i~-;.,~~\o~~ .. ','e~· 1~~~~~1 ".,i~'i'~~ ·~; .,,r.,.,, \ t· .•• ll4'f -l"U1f\OL -!Lu·n· ,,. <OI .,. o~ "' • ,, ""1 '+l (f l!OLLLI! OLP~I E / B ""'·~ '""'"""1 r i.1 1 .-,,, < 1!~ 1101,(.0 !/I."'" uc I• •""'' •·• <I• " SUNDAY "'~"' • rr "'-t<N fl f,,1·, rr.•"r . .,~ " I I I :. ' ,.,do• (,I )IP•!I01' '""'' ...... o~ "'1!)' ' ' '·~ o rn IJ•(l N 0 FOOTB/I.! I_ Nn"' fl_,,. f.,ullh•.1 •· '' , ~n nv C ~c• \ 01 '; N .. ~" I•! •nn M• ·~ ',,1-.1 ·~ '"·\••-I~• >tl,•l1 '''"'""a~ v• •>r1.<y f! Y 0 orr ~t;CH""' '·'' ,, ~1. t'•tl NFI. ~0011111.LI. ~' L~u • {"H(j·n>I\ .11 W>l'"•On10'' l!•<I•''"' J,,~, '" ' p I '•'""''''•'!!..,,-,,a,~• O (_ >1•<1,um IFoo lo,.eo b• .,,,,.,,. ·" •9«-) IGJll~-.. l•ltL \'JOllLO ~':~IE~-Nr NYo·~ l\·I·. ,,, ll •ll·~·o•r Or<ol~• (ufl c.~·.<1.,. l on, (u•,•'· ~· r··· M·n"' ;·"d" K<>vl • "'''"''"'•I I\•-•· ' ~l;,d lu•1'. B,1l11mo" Se<o"i '" ~"' of '"'~" S<r '"'-1 o ,., f)r(L -PAM> POOOl'o/l.LL LA II ·1•, ,.1 Son F"1no1·<0 ,~,,. Fl.,, $(or!, P;iul en">'""" ml~·~·d" ,JI K•1 '~l.,d1U'" I 10 n,m 111 )(1 U~( FODlBAU ~lonro,,J l~d,nr' .-,1 U5C T101~n>. Tom K•ilv m,~~'·'"'· vr.:tl· d v ·'I LA Co<;<t <1m. I JO n.fT\. (.i Cl -A.fl FOOTBALL .• O"k l~r~ Fl Hd~" •' !)enVe• l\roncO• 111/o•ro Serl•I w lll ~· 1n,111w•d 10 08mt <om1>l•Hon, Di<~ll'O vD A.Fl toolb<!ll In ~'°""") • o,m, 1,1(T -UCLA FOOlll ... lL -UClA ll•U<n$ at W~,11.r.c!on S>•fo (o.;q•r•~ ID<\\ Harn·.0.1 nl><eo:de V '11"'~"V .-1 ~f!Ok~n•. • ~.n1, 01cr -NCAA. CLIP S -From v•>t•rd,1v·~ ~"V <011('<1• n'm•~-, J p,m, O•iF -ro11os -Pele&s de to'o• d• IA••· Ice ' 6 n l" [lllCF -SKIING -'"l k""'l 1~o M•O)I Al~~." nd•-''"f DV Boll Bvrtud, 9 nn•. (~l(L ROLL£11 G ... MF:: -O«k L"n• 1,-l, o• ~! <h• 01vm11« A•ena lo• o.iro11 0••"• " lh 1.5,,0,, e·10 o.~' !Sl(T -PllDTHllO'~ BRUINS -,.,,,,h Tn"''1'V P•n(h•o ~nd 'IX"I<~""' Fred 1<0,.lor review 1111 l6·0 w,.1h•r>alon Sl'I• m'"~<•t. TUESOA'I' 11 • m. 1'1CL -WORLO S(:l,l lES ·• B"l!i,,,o•~ Odol~ "t New Yor~ M~n. Cur! C..owov, Tonv KvD•• .. M'('<•V M,,nl'r, S•<l<lv l(ou•~• mtkew•d• M $~~.• Sl•divm, New YO•k. lli"d o"m• ;~ l><!>I O! '""'~" 5cr!o,, WEDNESDAY II "·"'· "ICL -WORLD SE..1111:.S -!11llifno-. O"O'~I •l Nrw Yor~ Mel$. Curt Gowov. lo"v l(uDtk, M•<k•V M .. nu o. S•nd1 IC"!i'l•• ml~Hldt •• MUtUOAY II 11,m !•1CL -WOllLO 5£~1105 -B••li,..o•t Od ol1" •• New Yof't Mti... Cun GoWllv. lonv Kul>ek. Mic~•• M~nllt, )ll'!Ol l(oull~ ml~t"d• ot ~""~ $radium, New Yor~. F !th Qlmf, II rRUlreO, In b<'Sl o! ~~~,. ~rl••· l ·JO c.,.., (SlCl -BOX ING--Tnm 11••mO~. M\\l\i~.J''(,~~f 1~':9~L11c~11f.1°0~ ~~~~·NFL G•m• ot !t>e Wt .... How Thev • Co11111are ro·~•ll, Bat C'"rd•no11. '1 'f l\r1• .. l:OOI. NV l0t~r·.un "'I ~n N• I IJ e G A.II I' .. 1\/ 5JJ ~1 1~1 llG Jll I' !J Ill J\l J<i I• S<rono &,>l•rr,cn I '~ ',11 ~l l'' .. ~ ""' r«-11 1.1 .,.,, ,, ~' -\ 11 '~ JJi .. , 1-~ 11,/ •$ '"I ~ " lnHo &•""''" ~ """''"''" f >I 116 l•i '' 1<n l1 '' ,'j C·'"C" ), ' li• •Oli lt ii I ,< f l! l<'''~n., r• I "o'I( C" !, ( j' " 'I .,. ' .-~·.,, "' r.01 ·1~nn, 11 ~" m->.y >I f ~''" C B~I ~ .. '· ~ t ~ -. 'I ( ~ "".,.," .+ ~ •• 1 I • ·, A < ) ''"'tt!·• •• "( < ... •1D••. (j .,. u,o~. 'I~ l"or~. ""' ! : ""~"'(~. l'l~I I •<' , l'•I 1),>~'ih1D '"' 6.,1 M M lw NY ~•I"'< ~ftl Wooo, r-.v cn~,1e1. ~•Y FI0'/0, B~I • ~ .. ,, ... ~, ! ' '\ ,, l.J 1•; •I Dult,.IOf•\ lH "l O/ ' ·~ ' 9 !! I " .. '"' '" • * !I 1'.I •1 ., \, ! I/ .(.-. 01 fOJ ~I II) ~ ]JI JI l l.1 16 C•lctie<> <~ I ', )\] ~' J& I' l l' .? \i> .,~ J~ JI ~~ ! (i 111 11 U:1111y P!•V••> " " '" " '' " " .. .. ,, " " ,, " ~l ~I 19 ii 1111 1~1 ;o 1J i i 109 71 1) .;> ~· 7 II "le•m 8•l11n~ I) 11 l '(l .;1 1 0~ '., • 7~ e I 11 ,1 I l 'I " •• ;, I I Iii> I~ I/, ·111 )\ 1 II ID ,<) II II> ~. 111 ll ~·' ·~ >J.1 I~ J,t !? JI )U • 13! )I ~9 1 ,, l " 1 lJ .115 1 ,, ;·,> 0 I -~Dl ·~1 s;•• 110 "" '" 111 )'" 162 5•"11 63? IJll 1~9 }91 .J<": W!ll. e ~I H•I'. 11"1 5, i.O', NY ~, ~e, I. B I 1,. (,,.,. ' '( i!;C>C.<"'6~, NV p,:;,n,rr. B•I Cu~llnr, B,n le~l\n~rll. i; •• 1 OIL~uro, NY T •Yl<.r. NY (_~ft\..,oll, NY l>\cN ~lly. 11"1 C..eM'Y· NY McAndf~"'· lolY P~otb+JS. 001 l!v•n, NY H•tnln, l'.~I l.ODU. B'I Koonct, NY P ITC HI NG G CW W l 11"' •• ... Q ~ ; ;9 0 ~ I JOll ~SI " Q I ' ,, ' • 1 '1 \6 ,, t 1' II 16 • -, 1, Jl 11 ,/ I I " " "' " "' "' '" ,.'l ~ 1 "' I• ~ ' • I~ ..l·1 • ! I~ I ;1 .l ll ?O l 1(9 __;.1 .1 I) I/ ),A 11 0 I 1U J~ 1• 1 ?DI )I • J t9 JU Olil' 17 I J tO ,, ' " tt•m PllCl>'~9 " • " " " " •• " " " ,, " " " " " " " " " l~I S(l 1~9 ~l 1•11 •9! 1~1 J I IQO ol IA61 )IJ ~o Er• •I I o.\ l l l 11 lJI 111 $• ':1 •1 ,,,, IM 1)1 •n 11• U1 1 Jg JI 1.J• 11 ' J9 •1 ? n in J ~i ,,, J n '" .l •l •O .1 .:1 Ill l ,1 91 J S< 6• ~ o; 9 • 'J •I • ~t 191 l l l 1011 1 n Emerson Dumped by Ashe LAS VEGAS, f\c\' 1A\') -Crnl\'rl· pleasinJ: Pancho Conialez a11c1 cool·ht•ntl · ed Ar1htir A~l1c fo11ghl winds U!) ln 2;1 n1ilcs nn hou r Friday lo 1110" e lntn today's ff nnl" of !ht $511,COO JI01v:,lnl Hughes Opt•11 Trnn1s To11rnfln1c nl . G1ln1.11lcv.. th r l\l<ilihu t1rnfpssio1111I. l1'1!1k a11'i'ly !ht• f)(l11'rr nf U S l)nvjs Cup :;tar Sinn Sn1i«h 11ilh u :'i"rlf'!-i of :-;of! .~{'f\T'\ :ind n·turu~ 101 ;l :'il!".'.Hght·~l·l B·6, !1-7, 6·4 I 1('1(1rY Sini th. of P:i~:idcnn. has 0:nr. of the fllhlC!:.t scr1 es-of any pl<1scr in !he world. A~hc, the former UCLA nnd Davis Cup pl ~ yer ~cr111ed bolhrred by llJ(' \.\'ind in ti:(' fi r~t s c I. duri ng which there werf' se1 en ~rrvicr bri'al~s IJu l 11·hen the Sf'l'O!ld sc1 beg:in, Ashe 11111Sl('r\"'d !he \Vind :i nrl , ll'i lh it al hi!> b<<l:k. used I'! srnsation31 scr1•r [or an 8·6. f\·1. 6 3 lriumph over Newport Beach '~ Roy Emerson. ,Jancho h1L purnr>rous lob.,, ::.1011 r.d his st•r1·t ~uld forced t:l1111U1 \11 c111111nil n11rnerc1us error~, Men·~ singles nio1·co into hrs\ thrl'C 11( five ..:els il t the sernit111al s, A.~hc and Gonzale7. 1vill nicrt for thr 11· t!c. and ri r.~t prize ol $12.WO. The runner· 11 r gels $!1.000. Acqu ired fron' the J[ouslon Astros of the National League in a trade for Curt ll'.tlary last Dectn1ber, Cuellar had a 23· 11 regular season record. He started the American Lt·ague playoff seri es llgainst t.1innesota and 11·ent nine innings in the firs t Rame. even- tually ,1·on by relief pi tcher Dick H;ill u1 J~ innings, 4-3_ Our to the Jong del:iy !hr('e-st raight sweeps 1n playoffs, both S<•avcr and Jia·1 a week's re~t. brtwccn tlir thr league Cur liar h;ll e \Vi!t1 ihe four fo.ll't linrup sw1tehc.li, Cuellar \\'ill face an all right-handed ba!- tlr't: ordet'. Seaver, a right-hander, v.·1ll l.1kc on three Jefl-handcd hitters in slug- gtl' l:loog i-'O\\·e!l at l1 rst base. catcher t.lr od Hendr'itks and sv.·ite h-hitting Don Buford in left fie ld. Baltimore's big pov.·er is right -ha nded cx,cpt !or Powell who hit 37 hon1crs and f..nocked in 121 runs. Pra11k Robinson :J"l llon1ers <ind JOO rbi 's, Brooks llobinson 23 hon1crs, 84 rbi 's, <u1tl Paul Blair 26 horn· er~. 76 rbi's, all are right-handed batters. Tomn1ie Ager , the leadoff battrr, 1'-' tl1c only f.tet With over 20 homers, 211. C)endenun is-nexl with 16 and he hit:ciur of thf;;!Ul al i\lontrc<Jl before Joining ~~ )'orh Ju1_1e 15. Despi te thei r sluMW)g ag:1ln st Hn1v1_•i;, tht>y are known Ge'•a :;cralcli and scramble t!ub. ;:;· If th e Series n1ovcs <Jccording to e'4n. 1h:! Sravcr-Cueilar pi tching ma~p ('Ulll<! txLen d lo tl1c fou rlh •nd sevoth ~a llll's wi th each gelling thrl't'. st<Jr~.:. .l·:rry Koosmi.ln. thr ~1 cts • big ll!lly. ~ \\'1!l Lice Duve ~I r.Nall y in a souUtJ)a1• ti;itdc Sund;:iy lt is expected to be ~y Cc•1try for New York and Jim Palmet:fOr PlL Orioles in tl1r thlrd ga1ne , but H~s 1111~ rlo! rnade it definite. : . :; ... SC-Tribe Showdown . • To Attract LOS A NC:E~ES (AP} -Stanford's rr>~urgenl football team, threa tening to break an l l·game losing string against Southern Ca liforn i:i and re1n<un a tOll B.o~e Bov.·I threat, wi ll rely on the passing arn1 of Jim Pl unkett to upset the Trojans :)a !urd <1y night, Southern Cal. blessed with a \\'ralt h of h,1 rd running backs and an excellent quarterback in sophoinore Jimn1y Jones. is favored to turn back the Indians' raid <'Ind remain unbeaten in four games as 1:1c count ry's No. 4 ranked team. I\ crov.·d of perhaps 93,000 is expected to jam r.1emoria1 Coliseum for the klckoff at 8 P.l\t Jn other Pat·8 b::ialcs lhis \\'eekend, Caliiornia hosts \V<1shington and UCLA pla.vs \Va shing!o n Statr ln Spokane. TJ1e Trojans, seeking a11 un· p1 cccde11tC'd fourth vi siL to Pasadena, are :l-0 fo r the ca1npaign, including ;in im- porlan t 31-7 \')Ctory over Oregon :>tatc l:is1 \\"Cek. ::itanford 'is 2·1, Ilic d('fcat a hr>art -bcn· Texas, OU Meet Today, 111 TV Tiff n ,\LLAS. Tex fAP) -The Homan~ \1 nuld hr1vr loved thr annual Oklahoma· 'l'\'x;_1~ foolb<il! '.1•ar. It\ s1n1ply ;i l'arniva l nl ph_1's1eal cont<Jl'L Gf't cci ught ~lnnd1ng ;1ruund :ind yo11 ·11 stil l bi• trying lu 1\1nt11'!if'r your nainr a day latPr. Thl' 6,tl h rnee 11ng bLtwccn thosr blood ri1al s toda~1 v•il l be nationally !rlrl'isrd <JI I f) n1 . 1 (:h:i nnrl 71 and fc;Jturcs sec· ond ranked Te.~;is' ground-gobbling 11 1 ,l,bon~-T :J:;:.11 11~t 0 k I •~ ho in a 's ci!•1a,,l.Jti11;~ d1:1111ond-T. 1:111h eh1b·· ~1r1' 1111Jel1-;1(t'd 1111h O\l;ll1ou1a r,1nht11 ''" S :liter 11 w~·ck of 11.!l!illl'~·'· 11 ~ lhr lo r~l 111nc ~l lltT l!IG~ tllr tr;un.~ !i ,I(' l'nlt•l"l'd liH' fi;!llll' Iii 111{' <.'.tlt!Oll l;t.111'1 11 1\11 1111<ll·fealtd r r1:1irc!s 1l ridtls f'li lr:o :-p1cc 101· the ~f'llll11l t'll1111I of 71 .!J:;r. Ted 1\,1.1 a lnu r•h run11cr in thr Tf'XJS ;iii,il'~ ~.JIJ till' i1lll' \li11u.; yu11 1·1·1111·111hf•r 111 .... 1 ;ib(>ut 1111' g a111c 1., lhr h1111ng .. "~'n11 can JU S-! he c:irry 1ni-: out a faki> :111 rl ~(1u'rt ~01ng In ~et 1+1j." tu: ~;11d. •·1l ,Jorsr: l. n1allrr 1f .-ou·rc n1nnlil ~ with 1h1· 1):11! or nut l!"s :iurh a heavy pl1yti1t:al (;Cl 1\1 (' ' Anothe r ulll''"t'S1inl'. si del1gl11 1~ 111;1\ Ok.lahon1a has 14 of 22 oul-of·st11ler~ in it~ ~la r!lng defe nse and offense. including ~uphon1ore quarterb<tc:k .Jack 1\lildrcn, of Abilene. Tex. Te~;::is h::is on ly threr or it.~ 22, sli11·tcrs rrnm outsi de of Tex<1~. It's the. type of gan1c where neithe r t'Odt·h-Darrcl a oy::il of Texas or Chuck Fn1r banks or Okl:iho1na·ha~ to say a word to get the lea rn emotionally rea dy. ''I still ge t purnpcd up j11~t wa ll;ing ll vw n the chute,'' s:.iy.~ Ro.val. who pt:iyed c11Jlcgia tc ba ll at ()kl:iho1na under Bud \\ ilkinson. '·f still get fi red ti p just thin king :1houl it. I remember when I was al Oklahoma you \1'ere1l'l acce pted unl ess you had done well againsl Texas." Royal had a 2-2 reco rd agninst Texas as ti player and is JQ-.2 as a coach against l'kl ahoma. Oklahoma's thundering Sle\'e Owens, 1 leis ma n Trophy candidate. wi ll test the lhorn.v first-string Texas defe nse 11•hich ha<> <illowed two touchdowns in its last nine gornes. Owens needs 39 yards lo !ll"Pfl !; the big Eigh t ru shing record of 2,6i~ yards set by Gale Sayers. Qua rterba1;k Jarnes St ree l. K o Y, Bullish Steve \Vorster , and sensational ~,1pho1norc Jin1 Brrtc!sen give the. l ,!•ng-horns' an l'!weso1nc. grnund-gainini:: n1.1chi ne·whiCh has averaged 3G3 .7 y:irds pc"' conte~t. Tcx:Js \\'Oil 26-2[1 la~t yenr \\'i1h .1n 8."1- y,1rd drive, clhnl'lxcrl b.Y a Louchdowu \1 ith ~9 ~econds lclt to play. lt should h(' 1h:it kind ol a g;:i111c nga1n S ;1tu rday. ding 36·35 loss to Purdue at Lafayette 1jn !he Indians' last start. The Indians are J- O in the conference. Offensively, Stanford and the 'Trojans arf' strong and exciti ng. Co;:ich John McKay·s Trnjan drfensc appears to ha ve an edgr. Kry 1n<1n in the Stanfo rd all;i!'k is junior qu<lrterback Plunkett, who leads thr· n11 llon in total olfcnsc--862 yards, with 776 yards by passing. ~outhern Cal"s qttarlerback. .J unes , r:ites down the line in passing with 348 ya rd~: and a minus rushing . The Trojans, however . pass less and n1r more, as indicated by their leading rusher, Clarence Davis. :\s lhe nation 's No. 2 runner, Davis h~~ gained 460 yards. J-lis ;1vcrage gai n is 6.0. The Trojans have several other ma t· tcrs going for thern. such as fullba ck CharliP Evans, Lou Harris and Jones, aga111, as an uption lhreaL =':>tar.ford eoach .John RaJson has several <'.>:celll'nl reccivtrs for the Plunketl p:i.~s~·-~. notabl.v .l<1ck Las<i ter, Bob Moore <ind Hun Kadi1el. '"Stanford presents a ('Olt1pleltly rlif- fi'fl'n! problern than did Oregon Stale," 1\lcl\ay (1bserved hist week . "They'rr. g<•nn;i do liiings. Plunkclt 1~ a great p;i ~0 rr anct we 11·ill havr to have some people eon1ing after hin1." St~infnrd has not bralcn Southrrn Cal since 1957. Not only is ~ltKay concerned aboul ,fin1 Plu11keu·s passing. bul he is atso \1•orricd about the Tribe's running gavjc, 1vhich, he says is exce llent. "Their draws and screens off the pas3- ing att ack arc a1nong the best rve ever ~('.('Jl. NOW STARS FOR TRIBE -R:·111d y \:a1:1ha shn11·n here for (;otdcn \Vest Co!!cgc, \\1hcrc he starred for l\V'O years under cocieh Ray Sh.Jckleford, is a prin1e recei\'er lor S1a 11ford 's quarterback ,Ji1n Plunkct.L. The Indians 1nect Southern Cal1Corn1a tonight al the Coli· :-.cun1 111 P1\C-R cruical. Winless San Francisco Takes on Rams Sunday ; SA~ FRA NCISCO ~AP1 -The Son Francisco 49ers, stung by thei r inabi!Jty 1n 1l'in and hurt by in juries. run up ag:.iinst the undefeated Los Angele~ Karns here Sunday. The 49ers. who have n11rstered only one tic in nine exhibition and regular-season games. will go into this one Wilhoul their regular middle" linebacker and with their 1wr. top wide receivers slowed 'by minor in~uries. Ed Bea rd, mainstay of the ~~r~· ricfensive linebacking crew, is out, prob- ably for the season, after undergoiflg knee surgery early in the we-e k. Clifton McNeil, who has a sh uu!<ler in- j11ry, and Gene Washington. v,•i1h a turned an kle have both Deen toking it easy in pra ctice this week . Both wide receivers are expected lo pl;iy against the Rams, b\1t wheth~r they will be al their best remains to be seen Thl' 49ers may activillc rook1e receiver 0111 wondo!owski. who looked good during lne r:<hibitio n ~e;1~nn. for the gt11ne to t;1ke up sutnc of the slack. The ilam~. with a lwo-gamr lead In the N:itiona! Football Le ague's Co,astal Division. are in their best shape o( the season with only middle linebacker My· rc'in Po!tios, who has a palnful toe injury, a doubtful starter. Both Geor ge Allen or the Rains and Dick Nolan of thl' 49ers arc concerned about defend ing against the runnirig al· t:u·k. f'orly·niner fullbac k Ken Willard seems l', save his best days for the Rams wh!le Nolan is impressed by Les Joi;ephson iiiid Lan'Y Srnith, the Rams' ru nning backa: Boman Gabriel. Los A n g e I e s ' c1uarterbacl;,. has been l':\tremcJy .. f!f. fec\lv(' fo1· the Rrims this season and•lle 01\·es a lot of It to hi s offensive line. He h;15 only been dumped twice and has yet to throw an interception, tribute to.. the lime he is getting to find receivers.·:.;: In addit ion. Gabriel has thrown ~ht t1n1C'h d ow n passes -three of thenf:..Jiist \-\'eek went to Jack Snow -whili::$an Vri111cisco's John Brodie has beq(:1n4 tercepled live 1irnes and has throwd·for only two touchtlO\~·ns. 4·~ . •' .... . ... . . . · -' . . · .· I \ I - - J 4 OAIL Y PILOT OCC Battles Fullerton; Owens May Not Play 8\' .JOEL SCll\\'ARZ 01 lllt Dt llY l'I .. ! Sldf ,. crowd upw ards or IS,000 i:; e:<pl'l'lCd !Q-lam into Anaheim Stadium tonight for Ge: South Coast Conlerencr opcnrr ~wetn Orange Coast Co llege and Fuller1on which is still clouded by a rna- jor question m11rk Can a quarterbat'k v.·1th only Qne leg 10 t;l.and on run Fullerton's f'xplo~1vc <Jl· -lack:' . • 1'hat qu<1r1crbark. (lr cour~r J ~ Marv Qv:ens and he-s sti ll a 11uest1on<1Ul r -t>tarter !or torui;hl'~ 8 o'l'lot'k g <1n1r \I 11H·ll rnts lhe nation's No. 1 team \fullerlon J ' . Ref~ H&:tv<~ 'B" L ' -__ ig ew s Numhe1· •. -.CHICAGO (1\P\ -Th<' 1:ist tiling LC\¥ AIC"indor and his ti.1ilwaukec Bu cks roach, J,arry Costello. \1•ant to do Is .'ihow any outY>ard signs of critir1sn1 of ofFici:ils. , }lut those c;ills of goaltending agafn.st ·big Lew -well, 110\1'. ho11· <ibout it" .. J\~irrr thr start or thi'.' Nntional Basket· lnill Assocn1ti on chan1 p1nn~hiµ t<unp::ii~n i;till a \\'ee k a11·ay. Alcindnr. the blue rib- .boo· rookie fr on1 UCL . .\ ha s bel'n called for goaltending 20 times 1n the fi 1·c i:ireseason games ht> has pla yed, That's giving opponents a l1)tal nf ~O . .pcints. _ Goaltending is knocking lhl' ball ;iway \1·hen it appears headed 11110 lhe basket .--;.·-,Vith his arms held up. the 7·1~~ inch • J'il,:;indor loom s like a control tov.·er. It's 'J!f efty hard not getting in the \1'ay of the J;o.ll. ·Th,. Bucks trimmed the Chicago Bu ll s ,1~4.·)05 Thursday v.·ith 7.Jl 4 fans turning .~ In Chicago Stadium to gel a pe :"k at .,/llr:indor's pro debut in !hr c.i ty. He :.cored 32 points. col!ecled 20 rebounds :.iln(i v.·as called six times for goaltending. .. ::1 can't argue on judgment calls," said .C.o,_sJ.ello. ··But I think some "·ere ques· &ionable." Lew said he didn't keep count. bu t he . 9eef11ed somewhat surprised that si x limes he was charged v•ith goaltending, ..... ;:d am sure some \Vere questionable." :.he said. ''I know the referee ha~ a lot to . .cMi:.and 1 can't say he is at fault But f )t!\Qw at one time I wasn't even going up .aDd v.·as called."' Alcindor played the full 48 minutes and '·"·as asked if he was going to p;.it in for :(lvertime. :••!~·J enjo)·ed it."' he sai d. "I haven 't found it to be a problem yet but by .(1lristmas I might change n1y mind " .~-\Vhat does he thi nk of the pro game and the lransltion lo it from colleg<'~ .. "\\'ell, the biggest difference is that lhe R~OS play a faster. tougher and a 1nore intense ganH'." he said. "E\'erybody enjoys scoring bu! ! en j<lY defense and what really coun ts ls winn1 nJ; the game. I kn ow I ha ve. the physical ability but J have to learn how to use it 1n tbr pro game. •. "And I also havr to learn how to u~e judgment.·· ·Michigan-Purdue ;Tilt Tops Big 10 .i\.genda Todav ANN' ARBOR . 711ich. fAP \ -\Vith onE' ()(the best quarterback~ 1n the coun1ry !n \~uide lhem. the Purdu e Boilennak~rs-an~ 'bound to pa ss a !o! aga 1n~l ;-.11ch1gan 111 Uie1r footba ll clash ~at11rda~ Bui \\'olverine coarh Bo St:hrn1bech\r r rau tion~, "The\ ·re no! a sterro!.1 pr b:i1! l'luh_ The.1• n1igf1t run a IQI f(l(I · . ~l i ke Pl 11pps, Purduf'·s \Cllt>n!P;l ~1g11:1! cal!rr, has con1ple1ed :i 1 (lf 8~ p;i~~r.'i fnr 92.8 yards as !he Bo1 lern1aker~ hal'e put Olcir reC(lrd at 3.0 lh1s yrar _ :1tov.·('ver they ha1·e also rushrd for ~8!1 1ards 1n 155 J111'mp ls for a '.13·~ard -.fveragc. Tha t mea ns thr~· can gr1 ll 4 . \".a'rds every three tries rushing unlrss a ~lt>frnse can plug the hol es. . ~ ~lalfback Ranch• Cooprr i~ lhe big w.o:.ind gainer, h.31·ing ru shed hl \11;1cs tor 2~ \-ards. F111lback .John Bulloc k 1s 1]t:>t \1ii h lfi4 yards 1n ~7 tr.1cs. ~:'l-1icJ11gan·~ runnin~ ga1nr 1 ~ ~upcrior 1n 1'urduc·s. as the V>oherine s ha ve rolled .\4p.81 I net ya nis on the groun(l, But 1n th_r air11·ays, >Tich1 J.!~1n q11;1rt erhack'I 1\11 ~ e bt('.n ii1nited to 374 ~ ard ~ Tl1r ninth-ranked Boilcrn1akrrs arr Ui;-t e·p:>inl la1·or1ies to be <1t ~inranked !lliehigan. Thty hare won r11 e in a row p\e.r U-~1 . \vlth the las1 l oss ~ 16·\4 <1cleal il1 196 ! at Ann Arbor. LITTLER G.4 I NS JfA TCH Pf.A Y FINA L ':¥1RGlK!A \\'ATER . E:ngland 1,\PI - There's soincthin!l slightly differen t abo\JL a ~olfcr \vhn ph1ys 64 holrs in 24· ander par and still thinks he should be wnrklng on his game. .. r an1 r eally working nn the ac11011 :' !'aid Gene Lil tler of La Jolla, v.'ho nil"t Rob Charles Clf 1\ew Zealand in !he .16- hole final of the Picadilly World 1\\atch l,lay Championship today. "Thars why I seem to be ta~ing so many practice !Wings." ·rhc mode.st 170-pound golfer v:ho v.·on !hr: U,S_ Amateur In 1954. turned pro· ltssional. eventuelly won the. U.S, Open, :i.nd never looked back on a rich career. •·ontr.nd1 hi" really isn 't loo good 11t times. :is,ainst the sixlh·ranked Pirate~­ Fullerton is a six.point fa vorite. Owens banged 11p his right ank!e l;ist Siitiirday against El Camino and 1t was .~Wollen earlier tn the \\'eek. By f"rid<.1 y t11c S\velling was gone, but Owens wasn ·l 11blc lo run or even jog 111 practice. The ankle Y.'as sUU painful to the 195-pou nd qua rterback and he also developed a shin spi1111 If Owens is.n't able to st;1rl , Fu llrrt1111 \1'iil ha1·e to go 1v1th frcslunan C<iry \Vann :1l quar1erback and h•· h:1s l1t1lr ('\· 11{'rienee undf'r his bell. In spot 1l111 y . . " ' 'Vann had t:On1pl etcd six of I~ passes for $.\ yards, but has had two !asses Ill· teri.;cptcd Those statisties are a l<J r cry fron1 Ov.•ens· 34 completions and 633 yards lor· 10 touehdowns along 11·1Lh another ll7 yards rushing_ Owens isn't the only Fullerton player l1urt. Starting 1.1.'ingback Larry Lcinke ls det1n1tely Otll ul the game with a kn<"<! i11· JUf}'. 01'<inge Coast, on the other hand. is ia :1~ good shape· <1s 1l has been all season .ind ha~ nu !llJll/'leS uf ;iny rnnsequcnce. The Pira\('S v.ill be ou1 to snap a ril•e. .i:ame losing slreak against Fullerton, four or wh1t h ha1•r been 011e.s1ded. Only last year's matl'h, a bitter 20·17 defeat , was £·lose and tha t game fi gures 10 hal'e an important bearing on tonight'!' contest~ Orange Coasl players [e!t sure they hart !he better team aft er o u lg a in i n g F11!1er!on 365 yards to 206 , IL !1gures lo be a game of emotions. b11t lhe Pira te~' t oach. Dick Tucke~. JS playing down that angle _ ..Good learns aren't up higher for ju."t one g;in1c. they-l-lanl to win !hem all . 1 <-·an't say our tean1 has been noticeably higher en1otionatly this week. \Ve\·e really bttn too busy working to worry about emotions," he uiy!. Fullerton goes into tonight's tiff wilh the more explosive offense, but Orange Coast appear1 to !Jave the stiffer defen1e. The Bues have yielded an average or 15! ya rds a gan1e and have ~n particularly stubborn against the run, gi1·ing up only 42 yards per opponent. The Pirate attack. which is centered ;iround the option play of quarterback Mike Tamiyasu and the n1nning of Rav R1c<:1rdo and Coe Mever ha5 been plagued by fumbles and still hasn't reached its potential. Against f'uJJerton . !he Pirates figure to try r:i control the ball 11·lth long, time· consummg marches. 0111...,Holf co ... sr 'Ull £ftTON •M li:O~•rl C1Jtlllo ' ,., !l8~•r ·~ '" Sieve Pura..c ' Tom 1•r•ell "' "' ·~ Nt 1o« ' G•eg cor,ma'I ,,., ,,. ,,. Pu•ooll ' "' llal<•• "' '" Ma .,ha•I Johnion " Pid ••r<I M~;r ?J~ '" Paul w~"'" ' ST••• l l•em1n no ,. (•rl Prd~<'lo~ ' Jo"" Coolfy 1:0 "' M .... T•mly~•u • MMV Owri•' '" "' C.a r.l<Y<' • ... Poo;ion "' "' ,,, ll it •rO~ • (n<" ~ ... 11;.,." "' '" ''"'' 1-Ht•I • ~·••• tj1vgn~ "' In Li1nbo for N/0111e11t, Martin Not Hired, Not Fired by Twins MINNEAPOLIS-ST, PA UL (AP) - Bill f\1artin. who managed the !'.flnnesota T1\•ins to the \Yestern division American League basebal l championship. sa id I-'rJ. ct:iy he 's jobl<!ss as or now but has con- locted a bre1"1ing co1npany about lull·lime employ111ent. :l'[ar1i11 confe rred for 45 ntinutes Thurs- dA)' ll'itl1 'f\1·ins, president Calvin Gr iffith . !\-1.artin l'iasn't fired . r-.·either \\'as ht hlfed. "As of right now,. I don't ha ve a jol\'' he saicl. "As of this minute, I hal'en·t been offered a job." Griffith said, "Billy and I met , di scuss· cd lhe managerial job and other phases of the Minnesota T1vins. A new contract was not offered nor asked for. It v.·as just a preliminary discussion.'' The club president was asked \Yh~n he v•ould decide whether to rehire Martin. .. I an1 goiing to the world serits and phin to think aboul it there.'' he said ... I 1rill make up iny 1nind when I retlir n hlirne."' ?llartin isn't going to tl1e seri es and, he ~t1 id. he 'll spend this v.·eekend duck hun· ting. lie was asked if he intended to ~hop e l~E'wliere for a baseball job . "Normally. I'd say no ,'' Martin repHed, •·bu t I ha ve to worry about my son and v.1ife and I ha \·e t.o n1ake a living I don·L kr.ow if can wait eight da}'S. Other jobs niight not be available after the Series." ~1artin and Griffith haven·t seen eyc.ln- C\'C on the manager ·~ off.field policy and Griffi1h indicated Thursday 1haL he·.~ nnt !00 percent sati sfied \vith .tllart1n's grneralship . "I thot1ght there werr prohle1ns ;ill su1n1ner long." sii id t;ri ff1th_ ··Th e lean1 played interesting ba~eball but ! didn't Jik(· C\;rtain things ... The T"·ins we re 97·6~ th is year. A year ag <'. under manager C;il En11er. the.v \Yent 79·83 and finished seventh ln the AL ra('('. . As he cleared his gear fr om his locker anG office. a newsman asked Martin if Ile expected a litt le. raise next )'ear. "Lillie~" he asked. "Look al it this v.·ay: 11·e pla) etl most or our hon1e gan1rs against the. soca\led \\'Cali div ision but still dre1v L3-l9,0rm fan~. rrn sure the con<'esslon~ clrµar11 11~n\ h:'lrl its gre:itr~t :,ear. rn1 sure the no1rl11rs had Lhe11· ~rr:1tc~t yea o·."' . ,\tartln, n11sty-cyt'd, said he g llri;~ed hr: hn<l stepped on ~01ne toes hut added . ·I think I held up 1ny end this ~eason ., .. I'll ~ay one tJ11 ng about n1 y wci)," Il e f'-1J d ... It's a 11·uuu ng 11·ay." OSU Tabbed by 19 Ohio State Cliallenged By }lf icliiga1i Stcit e CO!.C'.ll BCS. Ohi o (APi -Ohio S1;1\(' put~ 1ls .\o. I raukerl fuolb :il! lc<Jnl 011 rl1 spl<iy again !aday when 1\lich1gan S!~ile ['llallcnges the Rurke~·es in the Big Tru opener !or both schools_ Coach \\'c:icly Ha yes' tc11tn is a 1!l·po1nt f:irorite to s!relch the nat io n's longest winnini; string ro 17. Clear and wann is the !orccasl for 1hc skirin lsh wil11 more than 86.000 cxpectr{I Lo v.·a\t h thr action . Ohio State has bov.·led O\'t>r it s first lwo foes-TCU 62·0 and a 41·14 ro1np over \\'a~hington la st v.·eck. \101·h11u1~ b1·~at1 ~r of a ol1:::h1 n111.~r le puJI II\ the lc·g, I ~ C1'DOClt:(1 lo go <>l full till. l\i'.'rn 1s the Buek5' No. 2 ru she r w11 h 217 va rd s, 011 ly 1~ yards bl'hind j:irrin;::- lullb;;ek .J11 n 011s The Jun1nr ~igna l c<1 ll rr also h3s r:-o mplelf'd 18 of .'li passel f:'.lr 238 yards ar1d only one in terception. ~lirhigan ~lair i~ 011e of Ilic few (C<JIT1, in the n:i1in11 l•llll .'I ~.rnes adrantage o\Cr the Bul'.~r:i-cs l\UI !he edge Vi nnly J. 1 HEAL TH Y AT LAST -F"lankcr t1ruce Jlichs_ \1 l1n has been dogged bv le g problC'n1s U1 roughout h1~ carerr 11·il1 he 1n Or·ange r oa"t L'o!lcgc·-" stc1 r l111 ~ lineup tonighl ag a in ~! f'ull erl nn .Ju111or (·\itlrgl" DAILY PILOT P~oros bJ D•lt S•mllktr llick s ,,,i.., tile f;iu {;;;' lcilding rcce11-cr t :1~t yea r:-" but h;:i.o: caught on ly 111.-r p1~~,1·~ frir ~i : fire!~ ~o far 1 111~ scuso11. ;\1ichigan Slate needrd ;i 20·pvint fourl ll qu<1r!cr to cop 11s opcpcr ai:;~111~l \\'ashington and v.·hipped SJ11U before ;ibsorhing a 42·48 !oss to Notre Derne la~L Salurday. That n1arred an expected battle of unbeaens but Duffy Daugheriv·s ream n1 lgh! ha1·c been lonk1 11~ ahead to lhr l'l<)\1·crful Buck~ 11 hen the y l11s1 to the Irish The ruggrd Ohio defen se could OC thr h1i; diffcrrncP tn lhc conll ir.:t. ~!iddle gl!a rd J un :>1illl1 a;.?.011. i:ornerbaek ,J.1ck 1·a1u 111, llnrh::ickcr DfJ11g :\rl r1111.:. <i nrl J{;:ilfb;icl-; Tun Anflerson arc I h e r111glea<lcrc rif lhc lii:-fensc 1f the Rurk e1·1.'i; 11 Jn, 11V'v 1•-ill 11r lh,. ~d10ol rcr(lrrl · nf 17 ~tr.11°ght tl'IUmpil$ r -1;ihllsh('cl dunn:;: thr 1915·16-17 ~pan. Costa I\Jes a At i\ilo11terey •' 'lP,\TER EY r AP \ -Allho1Jgh l:itr In 1he sc:.ison. <i nc1.r car 1na11uf;:ict\irrd 111 Cost;i 1\lrsa i~ schctlu lC'd 10 ch ailt'11~e lhr surr"rnary of t!!i'ltn ,\1cLaren Sunday 111 1:1c n1nt11 "1·!"nt in the $1 niill1011 (';11\;,rl1:1n·A1ncnl':111 ('hal!c11gr Cup 1·11ad /','l('llH,: ~f'rl('~. Tti1• n!~11· t 11tr,r. ('a iled 1he 1\utoco~1 t 1-12?. 11·111 hJ1'c as it<; <lril'cr, Englishn1 Jll J:ickic Ul1 1 er. whn !ean1ed w i t h i_{1·lgiun1·~ .!:u:k1e lckx ln 11·111 ihe l..11 !.1:·n~ 21.11our race l:1~t .Ju11t'. ThP (':ti' 1'-111 1·p111·c•nt1onnl dl's1gn b111 r xlre1111·ly light because i1f I.he use f1 ( 11t;111iun1. an il1rcr:ifl a11d :if'rospare allo.1, Ill !he n1;H:-h1 n1·'0: Ch1J!)S!S. It IS pOll'ered hy 11 ·!2i-t·~1b1c 111ch Chevr(l)('I c>ngi nc tli.1 L dr1 rl(lp~ 111nrr lh;i11 600 horsepow rr. Olivt'r. 2i. h:--is bt en testing th<' c;1r~ !h1Y 11 ('1•k at Lag11 11a St!ca. a h11ly 1.9·1n11t· 11J:id eourse where Sunday ·~ 1~2·n1de r:iet' 11111 b1· hcl1L Th r ('l'f'nl c;1rr1cs $80 ,tKlO 111 11n1.c nioney. Ne1\-Ze;ila 11der~ Brue!' l'lll·Larcn and J)eni:--1 luhne toge1her hav<' 1\'011 c:Jl'1 1 nl 1l1t· r1g!lt races thus far in thr IJ -t•1cnt ("a n·Ain Sl'l'll'S- Thr' 1wo rlr i\'C'!'S h11 \·r 125 point~ c.:irh 111 1l1e ~eries ;;nd ti1all1en1a\l cl\ll) )1:1\ t' f'lin11nall'd all othl'r compcli1o~s lor ll1<· .John~on \\'a:< Trophy nnd the S.'>Q.0011 ;H1<1rd thal goes lo the Can ·A111 ch;in1· jll0!1, Their nr:irt'st . coinprtitor i5 Cl1uch Parsons of Deerfield . Ill . 1\'1th 45 jXJ1111 ~ f\!ario AndrctO, !he 196!1 l ndl anapo li ~ 1\ inner and U.S. Auto Club chi1mp1on. 1~ scheduled to dri \'e a Holrnan 11nd il-loofly J .. nrd. Thr 1·ar, 11 hich And retti tr.stl'd ii! Lagun<t Scca !h1~ "'C('k . 11.1s btt'll 11\lr+I \\'ilh a rcnr·n1ou111 cd "'1ng t:°nlr11l;itl'cl tu ~11·c 11 h<'llrr rn .:d·hnlrll11::: rp1;1l1!1r'. Britislier Flies to NY l l a~r<> ~aid "Tile Sp;ina11~ will br l1rr-d 11p hut 11c wll l be 1.10 .. Tllf' Bt!rkcyc~ ;o: t11cir l'los e~L r:ill la st 1e<ir u1 ,1 2:) ~11 triumph 'iJl'er ~Hchigan St11tr Just to Se e .Mets 011 TV Bill Triplelt, I h c Spfl r(an ~ •l1Pk quar1erback 11·hn aln1osl t'nglneered la:'t 1ca r's upset. 1s the key to :-.1 1ch1i a11 :-.E\V '\'ORI\ 11\ri -A 2;J.ye,,r-Qld Engl1sh1n;111. r•:1rry111g n11ly an All3\'.be ( <15{.'. :irri 1·cU by Jl'L lrn n1 London Friday JllSl lo wat ch l!il' !ir~t 111·0 1<n 1ne~ ll f h1i; la1ur11rs. the ~l~·ti:-. 111 th(' \\'nrld Se ri~s a11:11 nsl lln lti n1or(' "0111he T V box·· ··1 got Frid:1y off." said Alan Orpin /'\f \:<l't I. l·:nt:!lfln1I. ··1 ;1111 d1Jc back .\lond a.v 1norn111g llul 1'111 q;i~·1ng thr::iugh the sic· t't1111I gJ1nt: e1L'n 1f Jl got s ·18 innings on :-:111:day ·· 111' '"HJ tlJ:it Ii(' ri11J nnt 1ry !n grt ;i t1tkct H1 on<' (Jf tile gan1c~ bec<111se he did n't l>ehr 1·e one \l'Olilc! bt:' a1·ailable. :in1! )11~ l11 nc 11as lin11t ed . (_.:l;1U If\ ;I ligl1 t blue Slllt, SIOI utr lJ.) ;i rlark blur lur!lt•nc{·k sweater, Hie h11tlci;,,. hrnwn·l1 <uret1 ro11th !':iid hr fell in lol'r 11·11h lht :">1 rt~ ;1·hen ht: l11ed 111 the United };[.1l1'i' fur· ~1\ _1·1-.1r!-unltl 111'(1 years ago- ll 1s f;1thcr is Then1as Orp111. a11 airli nr~ t~f'\'llli\'t' 111 L1ind.111 \\'ho 11·as forn1crl~ :-L1llonrd 1n Ne1\' York C1t.1 . .. \Ian. ;1 1·opy 11 r11rr. sail! 1h<.1l Ile ann :i 1l1re•:to r of the r1rn1 . Gr('g Birbil. who 1<: lrl)!ll Brooklvn. tai k('d abollt the .\IJ~ls all 1!:1\-:i ftr r thr ,·f11 h \\on the Na\1()11<11 Lt'aguc 1t1le. Calendar Tonlt M t<!!~~' ~' A.,.';i.'~1;;,n~~~ \.1~,;c~~ 0,'1 n~t"'~";'"l'; ~"00"""· M•ro~• 01 W"'lr•n, ~ii. "'""'\ v• (dlJO~ •! ><11"11,.,41<>n B!•t~, Orl 'll!t Co•'' ot ~~ lt !IO'I, Go:o1" B!.'J,~'i,s1~",!~ 1e~'~","i SoM •el!ot-•T Collo~t 01 !hf T11•,-•Y W•'-' l>fl'O O••'I~• Co1u •I C~••t•O• LACC •I t.~d·• Wr • tNll• ~· J JOI, ~o•'' """'" .. <~"Mt ~ V"•'I ,,,,, ~ ~ v~.-• ot E)tl "li•, E~1 •on .r (O•OIO Qrl ~".~r !I ll 1t 3 1)1 l•.,dnr•O•• ".,,, "·I~ \ C! ., (•' ""'' "" 11 111 '-/r..,oo•1 '',..... " "• "" 1'1> '"'' r• ,.,.,,,,~,,~ e .. 1~, I • • • I'« •~• r1to• ~·o~~· !\"~<" U Vt l•N • , • ' " J Al;1n det:r<Jcd . a! !he r11il 11' the ta ll-i. tha t he would go to :'\ew York to S<'e the '.Ile!~ on TV "\\'hile I li1·ed here 1 go\ hooked or. the ~!{'!~," t\lrtn said. ··1 iif;urtd th:it this \':orld ScrH'l' ll'<isn·l likC"ly lo happen <lci<lin for anolher century .. ~n 1 decided it \1.1~ 1•·ort h a 1rrtkend. I 1niss the ii-lets."' lie ha~ nn rloubts ;.ib0l1I lhe out co1nl.' of the \\'orld Ser.es, .. Tl1e i\l eis are going to 1111L I dnn't i;ee ho1v Ba l!iinorc can stop tliern. The B.'.11lin1orc p l ;i,\·r r~ 1n u~t be sh11king in 1hc1r b::io1s. T11l' ~IC'ts v.·ill win fo1ir gan1es lo one, no doubt of il.'' State · ,'\ Sll'iil rolloul quarlcrh:ic\;;. Triplett runs O;iughteriy ·s triple option offense with precision. He has been off targel. thoL1gh, \1·i th mo~\ of his pa ssing. hitting only 17 !o f.3 for 237 ya rds and five of his aeri<1ls hill'(' fall en into enemy hands. The Spartans boast speed and po11·cr in tile backfield Y.'ith D:in ~ligl1smltl1, Enc Allen and Kennit Sn1 !th. But Ohio State's tv.·o-deep backfteld ha;; rolled up 103 poinls in two ,·jctories 11nd h::i s th e ;ibi]ily to r:ome up wi th the big pl;iy. Rex Kern, \\ho has skipped m1d ·1l'eek 20 UCI Cage1·s Turn Out Prac tic t~ Begins Wednesda:y T11·l'nty l'C lr1·111e ba~kctball hopefuls will turn out. for l11e AntcJ\ers' first pr;1cl irc \Vt'dnesda y as nr·,v hr:ifl cnach Tirn Tift begin~ drills for 1he 1969·i0 cam· pa1s11 Includ ed 11n1ong lhr 1n11nbrr are thrrc returning sta rters fro1n las.t year'.~ .~q11~1d. 11·h1t h boas1i'.'d a 1!1·9 record. Thal cre11·, under Dick Dal'is, made It to the '.'\L'AA regionals. Si milar good lur1lllle i~ in pro~pcct for Tift's forces. al1hough the Anteaters fare considerably siHfcr opposition lhis year. beginning tht season v.•ith Nebraska <111rl Color<1do. Pac ing T1lt's grou 1J 1s All ·An1erican <:andidate .J eff Cunningham. The: former T11s11n High r111~h a1·eraged 21 poinl<; per game last year and is a cinch starter al forw:ird ~·l ike Barnes. a gu<1rrl. is another returning ~tar!er. l ie hit. nine points per ~ame Jasl season. And . Sieve S;ibins, also a guard, returns. He poUed 12.8 per con· 1rst. Cone, of couri;('. rs tlH.~~v f\llke Httkm11n. And his vaeate:d centtr po~t is up l0r ,1trahs 11·ith George Gl ll \'inOvieh 16·51 , Les f\fingo 16-8), John Stroc k (6·8), Bill (;eorgr 16·i 1 andi:fi.e e Zech t6·61 t andif!.1tes to t:i ke ovrr. O!hPr guflrd .~plr<int s <1rr Kellh Ri'.'an and G<lry f ox. Trying for fr1 r11·.ir<l s an~ Str1·r \\hilt', l::d urllngham, John Far1\'rll and Bill ~toore. \V a ~hin g ton State ' Ho~tin ~ UC L.i\. Sl'Ol\1\:'\E. \\ti"h 1 AP \ -!Sxccpl for the honor <1f !he lhlng. !he '\';i~hington Stale Lougnr::; .1dn11! !l1cy woul d Jll~l ;:1, !'0011 be pl :i~ ing ~omchody be~1dCs the 11a--. tionally-ranked CCLA Br uins 1oday. The awc~o111e Bruins. arcraging 37 2 points per g;1n1e. :lrE' ranked .l llh na · tlonally after cru1~1 ng 10 four straig ht 1·irtories. They ;ire t11ree·touchdown fa\'orites over tl1c \VSU Cougars. L'CLA, usi ng the triple option v.·ith tell- ing effect. has not been held under Ji points. ·while \V;ish ington State has used ;1 l1ro-quartcrbark offense lo a11£'rage 2fi points per outing. • OPENS PRACTICE UCl's Tim T ift I< < l s }; h F a " v ol k It ;, d• hi fc g• al to w h• of I( "' le si " to F p< " " gt of 98 le er T• "' '" "' '" v. " v. •• .. .. '" ,. •• "" ~~~ ' .,, S.atur!U)', Octobfr 11 , )%9 DAILY PILOT JS .. ~ 2 Key . Pia~ Ruin Mes a In 21-3 Lo~fs •. By GLENN WHITE 01 t10t DellY PllM 119ff Costa Mesa High sputtered for a halL then came to life to totally outplay 19tltl CIF champion Loara. However, it wa:!I loo late for coach Max Miller's Mui- tangs as they absorbed a 21-3 Irvine League reversal at Newport Harber liigh Friday night. The invading Saxons had dominated pl:iy for the first two qu;irters, rqU&t:ig tu a 14-0 lead. They had 174 yards tofit offense and had checked 1-fllter's rrifn \\'Ith 45. However, the fiery ~lesa coach made a few changes offensively. got a cou,te or 15-yard penalties for chewing ort-fie officials, and got his forces moving. i! Costa 1-lesa rolled up 155 yards lhe last haU V.'hile limiting Loara to 45. The big change that put some )lfe into th e losers was when junior quarter· back Robin Senik took over field gener- al duties from Kim Wolf, The latter moved to rurming back and with Wolf running and Senik throwing, Costa Mesa showed an offense for the first time.•· There were two crushing plays tOr the Mustangs. The first came late'· hi the St"cond quarter \.\'ilh Loara ownina: a 7-0 lead. .; The Saxons had just fumbled at their own 26 and .John Manix of lhe hosts ·fell on the bobbling ball. But officials blew what Miller apparently believed wa! a. quick whistle. nullifying the recover)' arid Loara maintained possession. ··· However, !\tiller did not maintaiir ~i· Jenee and was subsequently lashed wlt.h a 15-yard reprimand by the men · in stripes. • ·· COSTA MESA'S JO HN MANIX MOVES INTO LOARA DEFENDERS W HILE MATE KIM WOLF (41) FOL LOWS. That lift got the winners in gear 'and they moved for a touchdown in ·niiie plays \1·ith Greg Helms moving the ~l 1wo yards with only 49 seconds rerJ11Mft.. ing before intermission. Big play in the blitz was Don Stand· ley's 24-yard pass to Bruce Wagner alld later a 15-yard aerial from Standley \o Lagun a Beach Clubbed, 42-0, Bv Foothill ,, By STEVE ANDRE\VS 0! !h• Dll!F Pli.t Stolt F'oothifl blasted to fh•e first halt touchdov.•ns and coasted to a 42-0 de· cision over Laguna Beach in Crestview League footb all action at Mis~ion Viejo Stadium Friday night. Senior sensation Bob Speicher led the Knights' first half assault scoring Foot- hill's first three touchdov.'ns. J oh n Fletcher ran for the other l\>.'o scores a nd the high.flying Knights had safE'ly tucked away lheir second straight loop \'ictory. Laguna had little lo show in !he way of offense. The Knights, who have al· lowed only six points in fou r games. let the Artists as far as their 1~-yard line in the fina l quarter. This was Laguna·s deepest penelration. Artist signal caller Drian Ottmcr hit his favorite receiver Bart Tabor with fou r passes, the final one taking La- guna to the Foothill 19. An offside pen· ally against the Kn ights mo\'cd tht.' ball to the 15-yard stripe .... ·here Scott Allen \\'BS slopped for no gain on fourth down. The Laguna offeni:c had on!y a fc \v bright spots and one \1·as the running- of r.I ike Abbey. The h::ilfback carried 10 times for 43 yards before lea\'ing the game in the third period y,·i th an iniured leg. Laguna L3llied seven firsl downs and s.i:i:.: came via aerials. Ot!mer iin;illy found a y,·ay to gain on lhe Kn ights and look advantage of it in the second half. Ft>r th e night, Ottmer attempted 26 passes and complctrd 12 for 98 yards. Foothi ll dominated both lhe scoring .ind statistical departments. The Knights ran for 326 yards and passed for 61 . La- guna could muster only 120 yards tota l orfense, gaining 22 yards rushing and 98 passing. Laguna Beach, loser in its first 1 .... ·o league encounters look for the ice-break- er Friday al 8 \\-'hen it tangles wllh Tustin at Laguna. G4ME ST4TISTICS Flrtl dow~1 rushlna Fl••I -n· Nning F lr1! """""' pen&l!ln Toft! 11"1 dG W"I V1rd1 n.i•hiM ~:~: t:;•/1111 Ne! Yl!'O< g1ll>!d ~~ri::;:;~,"~:r: ... F""'bln/f11mblft lmt ,_, ~, l .. 11 .... 8ocll f'ootf1111 "-~~., olt::w :~1,,....r Ttttll " ' • ' ' " " • '" '/JO.J J/11 .. 0111rter1 . ' " " -· "" " " u ' • " • • " ' • " " ·-· ll~ktM l I ' " " l•t(~htr " .. Votp " ~ ~~ • • , • ' " • " , " Mc.C.ncllnl • • """" .1 • TCl!al1 "' f'AlllN~ u.~111 ·-~ !I " "' O•-" , ""'~Ill lllk~lldft l • C1""~!Pr • TC111ll • T' ' u ' ' • • ' • • • • • • • • • " ll " • " '" " ' l, ,. .. " ., 'l:;J 0 ' •110 " ... " ·1.0 .,. " l.J " " • •• .. " 11.0 .. .. .. " " u "' ••• '~ ·"" .. LOOSE BALL-Costa J\.-feso back Kim \Vol ( (left) dives for on~ of three fumbles the Mustangs con1· mitted Friday night in their 21-3 loss to 1968 CIF champion Loara . T\1csa teammate .Jerry n eilly throws a block j ust as a Saxon defender 1nakcs a dive for the bobbling ball. Football Standi11 gs lll VtNE LEAGUE • ' F""nlaln va1i..,. ' • t o u • ' • Coron• dol M•r ' ' (o\!a Meu ' ' Edbon • ' E11~ncla • ' 1'.\,oQnGI•• • ' San II '"' ValltV • ' f rld1v'1 \to•n f<>unt1in V~llPV I), Cofon• <l•I Mor G LNra )I, Coi.ta Mt•• J Toni.ti~•'• G1m" " .. " • .. " " " " " • " ' " • " • • M•o..Oha "' E>t•ncl• A! Newl>O<I Ho,bOr S•nta Ano V&ll•v "' Edl>On II liunhnoron 6 e1cli $UNSET LE4GUE W L PF l'I. Wtttmlnslf'r N•wOOr! Mart>o• .,..,,,Im M""na Hu~!l'IClton 6"'(" Wu!un Sant• A~• Frld1y•, h •ro W'°'!minl"r 31 , M"M An~ ll Ton!QI!!'• GUnH I g j~ ' 0 14 • • • : 11 l . , . N•woor1 11•rt>or v• Ano.,el'l'I 11 l• Polm1 M•rlno •1 Wt11•rn Cil!ESTll!EW LEAGur " " ' • " " " l"l>O!noll ~!~""l1omtn" . ' ' , . . ' . . ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . . ' . . ' . . ' . ,, , ... " . " . " n V!llA P•r~ 1.,.,,, ... Ml111on Vlr,o l•~un• B~•'~ El Modent •r>d•1•• Sc•r•o Son ~lomon•~ 8. 1111• ""'' 8 l!lo) Fno•t>•ll •l L•auno Bo"c~ a lu•!ln "· Cl Mod•n• l,J l•"l~ht·• G•mn Miu .on V•olo "' Orona• "' El Mod•"" l(fnn!'(i• ~ .. , ~"""n"" f'ullo• ton ~unn' Hiii• l 0 ... 11 llu~no P.,~ L• 11•1><• Frkl•y'• Sc1ru lo:tnn...i~ 1• Lo Holl•• I l·vll,.rton l&. Bven• p.,,. I Tro• 1\, ~ufOn\< Miii• I tonlohf'• G1mo $d oo nnf "' Lo,,ell a! L• !tfOfO t o• ~l•m1!0• Soooro1 K•Ttll• Et Dor •d& Sodd leb<tc~ ValMti• 6•~· LO• 4mig<>1 • ' ' ' ' ' ' • • •rid•'f'• S<••f1 Sonor• 71. l!re1 ll L"' "l•mllo1 )/, K&ll llo • El °"'•do It, ll•lencl• ll ~oadlOl>a<~ 1'9. Lo• Amigo1 o ' • • ' ' ' ' ' , Tllurod1y1 Dlll'lf Volor><ia ~•.LOI "'l1mll0t ~' Wn!lrn. Fridl'f'I Gl lTlfl 5•ddl-ct; ol Bree " n " " • .. " • • •l !I .. l• . " tl :~ •• " " .. " • " ~ ,. El Do'•do ...... LOI .... IOOI It G•nl•n Grove. l •l11rd•y'1 Glint '°"°'" YI. l'1lell1 II 6 r•• Lions Roar by Santa Ana, 31-23 By ROGER CARL.50N DI tl>I 0111'1 PUii SJ1tl JA.'es!minster blew out to a :n-7 lead .;,fter three quarters. then he.Id on for a crucial 31·23 vcr<lict over in vading Santa Ana 1-ligh School Friday night he· fore 6,000 Sunset League football rans. The Lions of coach Bill Boswell ha\'C apparently matured several months ahead of schedule. The sophomore-stud- ded Westminster crew made shamb!es of the Sanla Ana defense from st<irt to finish with a Fine running game to go along 1o1.ith the pin-point passing of qua rterback Ed Banc. Running back5 John Baize and ~lonte Downing combined for 171 yards lo keep Santa Ana completely off balanace. Baize scored twice in the first quar- ter lo send Westminster int.o si quick 14-0 lead the first two times the Lions p:ained possession to set the tempo for lhe game. Santa Aoa speedsters .... ·ere held to a minimun1 of good gainers by a Lion de- fense lhat siffi ply would not allow any. thing past the irr.mediate line or scrim- m<1ge until the fourth period For the once-proud Saints it was the fourth loss in a row and second straight in Sunset ;:id.ion. It 's the fin;t time a Turn Baldwin-coached team has ever los1 1nore lhan three in an entire sea- son. \Vrstminstcr, meanwhile, seems to he gaining f11ntastic mon1cn tun\ wi!h New· JJDt'l 1-larbor looming ahe:id next 111cek. Bane was impressiv·e, hitting nine of 19 a\lempts for 102 yards. Twice he tos~ed for touchdo1vns !he first on ;in eighl-y<i rd acri:i l to Baize in the fir~l period <ind later in the fir~t half with a 25-yard pass pl;iy to Walt Maddocks. \Vhen he wasn't passing for the bi.lit play lt was Baize or Do11·ning r ipping - the Saint line to shreds. Baize S!l!nned Santa Ana on the sec· ond Weshnirister offen9ive play of the game with a 70-yard burst lo the two. yard line lo set up the first \\.'estmin· stcr louchdo1o1.·n. Deano Aldrldg~ hit four PATs and added a 2$-yard field gool. Downing ac"\ded the final Westminster touchd own Yt'ith a 20.yard scoring dash 110 the first play of the fourth period lo give Boswell 's outfit a 24-point lead. ~tcGuckin was seemioqly the only hope for Santa Ana's offensive output with halfhcck Monte Floyd sidelined y,•ith R groin injury. Jlo1vevcr. in the decisive first t\.\'O pcriodr., t.·lcGuckin wa s continually har· r assed by Hich Verncs and Aldridge and was tossed ror 24 yards in losses. lie railed to complete a pass in the first hair and had two intercepted by an alerl Westminster secondary. CAMI ITATISTICI FlrJ! dowM w •uihl"ll • F•r.t OOWM Plnlno ' ~~~~11 ~~1· =!'''' ' " Y1rdJ fllS/>lnQ '" Yore!~ .,.._Ina ~ ..... ...,, ~· ... YArd1 N ff'led Punr./4Vtfl!H' Ollll Mf "' Pe,..!Un!Ve rdo PfMli1N 1/JS Fum bln/Fumbln IOlt '" ·-· ., Ouarl1n w .. 1m1"""'° ..... " ' s ... ,. 'M , • llUSHING W11lll'lln1ltr "' .. ••M " ., 68•lt " ·~ -·~ " 'i W!l!l1m1 ' Mtddockl , • -• , Mil~ , , Gr•nblucih ' • TDllll • "' S11111 'M McGuc•ln " " 1)11~11 • ., w·u~· l " hll!t ' 101e11 Pl.!Sll.lli ... W~tmln•~lf' " " "' ••M " • i Yo11~ltl\ ' • " • • S1ftll 'M McG11<,ln • ' • ,. ' ' • • ... "' • "' 51?1.G 1/tJ "' ' ,..,, • •~n ' ··~ ' • ••• • ,,, ' • :.i • ' !! • .. ••• • ~:! • ~ It " u .. "' '" .... • ... '" ... '" ·"' J eff Schre~ngost. .· The second crusher came in the third stanza after Costa Mesa had broken the scoring Ice \.\'ith Benito Ricar.do':!I 2."1-yard field goal with 41 seconds··rt· maining in the frame . The shot had culminated a 63-ytl'nf march thal bogged down. • Classy Loara tailback Ray SpagJ1uolo took the ensuing kickoff and returned Jt 88 yards for a t.ouchdown, pulling coach 1-fcrb }lill's unbeaten group Saft· ly in front, 21 -3, with 27 seconds ·still left in the quarter. Senik's throwing kept the SaxonS' en t!iei r toes in the last quarter. He d'rove his mates to the Loara 2J before being tossed for losses. Then he enginetred a drive to Lh~ S;ixon five before An interception in th• end zone broke things up. So, Loara's win streak moves to 17 and its loop victory st.ring goes to 6. GAME ITATltTICS <M ' r 1.,1 do"'"' •u>h!"" • ' f 1.,1 d0"'"' oonino ' .j' .. f "' d<>W"• <>~n•lti•• ' ' 1a11I !lr1t <1<>wn1 " " Y"'a' r.,1hln9 " '" y .,a, a••""9 '" .... Y~ca• IO•J " '" ... Y•'d' 081rw-cl '" '" Pun1>14 v...-09t dl,lanc~ 4'11 1 51ll . P•nAl!I., Yord• 1>tn1 1i1«1 ' " j /•J Fvmbl•11Fumblf• lo>• J;1 '" tco•• 11, Ov1tlor1 L<Mlr• • " ' • -" (Cl'll M•w llUtHt~O • • ' • -• C•ltO MIU! "' .. " ·~ M•n,. " " ' " WQ11 " " " ' . l>•llly ' " • '·' s,n1• , • " ..... o Coburn ' ' • '·' To1011 " L••~• .. " " ~<>•on~lo " .. • " ~r•n<I", ' " " " lllm~•I ' ' • '·' f ll<ln• " ., ' " f; ... .,, , ' • ••• ltt lm• ' " • '·' (t>•<>boocl ' • , .,. TG!I!\ • l'ASilHO '" " u c .. ,. MttO .. " ,.,; " "' Woll ' ' ' ~ ·'" 5...,,( " ' , ... i.M! l~1n,• ' ' • " Tolol• " ' ' '" ,m LN'I S•analt• " " .. , UCI Poloi sts Tak e 6-3 Win UC Tr:ine'5 water polo team rolled to its sixth victory or the season Frida}' afternoon, downing Cal State IL on I Beach), 6-:t. in the Anteater pool. ·. It was UCl's second win of the seaSfm over Long Beach and upped the A'nt· eaters' record lo 6-3. Irvine whipped the 49ers. 15-8, previously in tout'na· mcnt play. -·· Coach Ed Ne~·land's team was in ean- trol of the match all the way and ney. er trailed after a pair of first pe"'r'ftld goals. ' Dale 1-lahn and 1'1lke Martin ace~· ed for hall ol the Anteater goal! wfUi"a brace of scores each. Jim Bradburn. Jim McDonald, llich Eason and 'IR:lb 1.fcC\ellan each added one goal. Goalie Don Ronaldson came up with nine saves in the Cilntest and earnid Newland's praise. "Ronaldson is really starting to CQl1M! ai:ound fo r us. He's developed a grtlrt deal since the season opened and thl8 was his be.st game,'' said the Anteater coo ch. - The Anteaters' next match is 3 pa. Wednesday agaimt cros5"COl..lnty rival Cal State (Fuller1on) In the Titan pool. Football Scores'.' ~MU If, TCU '19 L JU 10, Ml1ml t ..... r . " " ,, \ I -. . . If OAJLY ~llor- Hartsfield Paces :.Fountain Valley .Over CdM, 12-0 By JOEL SCHWARZ Of"" .,.,,, 1'1191 111!1 The iame program lists Rick Hartl!· field as a 170-pou;ider and the Fountain V-.1.lley High School coaclung staff sa_vs 1!e might 11.•e1gh that mu ch after stuffing himself at th e dinner tablt' But the rugged Junior fullbaek runs like a 220--pounder and ht po1rered fountain Valley to i1s second straight Irvine l.eague ~·ictory Friday night over Corona del '.\Jar at Hunungton Beach High . The final tally 14·as Jt-0 v.·ilh Hartsr1eld doing all or the scoring and almost all of the ruMing that set up both touchdow ns. And if it v.·eren't for several Fountain Valley errors and a Corona del !\far th<lt \•;as occasionally tough, the score 11.·oul d ilave been considerabl.v more one-sided. The Barons dominated lhe coolest in ·every respttt. Corona del ~tar only wa s credited Y•ith one first down and tha t came as the result of a persona! foul on a punt. A stiff Founlain Valley defense re~tric!· · cd the Sea Kings to J2 yards in total of· fen sr while !he offense was conlroll1ng . the bait two-thirds of the game. _ Fountain Valley raH off eJla ctly twic-t · i s many plays. 66·33. and used a puni~h­ ing ground game to eat up large chunks ' ef· ti me. · Wilh Bill Champion. Bob Walker and 'ltill Krislinat opening up huge holes 'thi'-ough the left side of the Corona del ·Mftr dtftnsi\'e line . Hartsfield, Brad y · Moort, Dan Sha\V and the other Baron backs galloped for 24.l yards on the 'f'"OW'd. , •• So complete 1'-'a'.'< f'ounuln Vallty'!' dom lnaUon I.hat wi th the exception of <}flt play, the entire first half v.·as played )n Corona del r.lar territory. The second half \llit15n'\ much differtn t 't.'ilh the Barons only having the ball in their end of the field once and they pr,omptly marthed downfield for a touch- down. Corona del Mar, meanv.·hiie only had the ball beyond its 40 for four plays in the entire came. The lint two limes Fountain Valley had the ball it threatened, but was stopped at the 14 and the 3. H0\1-"ever, in the se<:ond period, Shaw returned a short punt IZ yards lo the See King 28. From there 1t was all Harts· rield. as he plov.·ed Oller the lefl side of the Corona line fj \•e times for the score which came on a one-yard drive. The PAT attempt was wide to the right. Fountain Valley didn't get its final six points until the fourth qua rter when it marched 66 yards in 16 plays with Harts- field claiming 51 of them. A8ain he scor· ed oo a one-yard dive, and this time John S\loboda tried to pass for the twG-point conversion, but the ball fell incomplete. ft * * GAMI ITATIJTICI ., (d/A Fl'" ~::~ ~?~int " • F,,OI • • Fi"' dow"' ... ,..~., • ~ ' To!al ""' •ow ... " ' Y1rd• <ll>~lnt "' • Yard• ,:r1nq • , Yard> " .. ~tt ••rd> 40.N:d '" " Punt>1Av~r•90 di1!•n<< 1111.0 ' "' Pt nt l!ioV Y•rdJ M,..li1til ••• "" F11<ntlfl/iF11,..bl~u 191<! '" ,,, kert ty 011t rten F"<lnl•ln V•ll<V " • • • •-n (or.,,,. " "" -·l:u1M.INC;' • • • ~. ,...,.....,. VllltT "' 1~l " ·;.s >ilthl•tl4 " • ~h ... " " • ... Mooro • " • 10.1 Swboo11 " " " .. Har<!fn ' • • .. M9~111<~t ' ' • '·' Po-• ' ' " -<> Tt1•11 " "' " ... Ctl'IM ... M er J""';il\ ' " • u S1l1 • " • r·r P<lfOS ' • ' S.Omu~t• ' • " .,, 1 "0"'"' • ' " '·' 1•oottr ' • " . .. Mo•r' ' ' • " 10lt i• "•1s11l: .. .. O> l't11n11 n V1!11v ~ K ... .. K• ~•Ot.:.<!• ' • 0 • . "" , .... ~. 111 "" & .. ••uol• , • ,lO Trltons, Villa Park ·,. T enacious SC Defense Salvages 8-8 Deadlock Bv ROB ROTH 0 1 !~1 D•il'f 'Ii.I 5111! P;,iced by a tenacious defense wh ich . did not allow a tou chdo'>'·n, San Clemen· ~,e High Schoo l tied heavily-fa\·orcd \'11- la Park. 8-3. in a Crestlliew League game played Friday night at E! l\1odtna High School. The "·hacky garnr. 11·h1ch featur ed a 49-yard field goal ;ind a ~fety. left both teams with a conference recor d of one y,·1n and a lie . ·\'ilia Park·s Sparta n.~ had a trem en- rl'lU5 ch;ince to break the' tie \\'1th :J·06 le!! to play as thry had the ball on the Sein Clemente onr. But on a second do\\ n play Kolen Boy- er felt on oi \'ilia Park fumbl(' in lhf' l'!i d lOne for the Tritons t11 prescr\'c Uie lit;.ndoff From that point !he alrcnd.1 I\ 1!d garr.e gol ellen "·1lder as both lran1~ lranllC'<1l- ·1y tri ed to mount an attRck on ly to fall ,·1c11m of their 011.·n error~ The much ~mallrr Triton~ hrld tht Sp•rtans in check in the !1 r~l Q11arter unti1 Pat f.l clnally punted fro111 his 01\n 49 to the Triton onr 'Two plDys later a quic~ kll'k rffnrl fai led the Trllons a' thr snap lron1 rrr1ter got away and Tom l;ri111n1 tack- lrd Denny Reese for a safety and a 2·0 1.:111a Pa rk le;id. with I 04 re11Hltnu1i; i11 !he opening quarter. ~·lc l nally 1nt1de 1t 5-0 in the seco nd period as he htl on a 23.yard field goal. But ~lc l nally sa\'ed his be st effort ror the third quarter y,•hen \1-'ilh 6:41 to play ht attempted a rield goal from 49 .)'ards out and sailed 1l through the U?- rights with inches to spare . The boot stt Orange County standard ·-.C WllS the secood longest 1n Clf his- -The All-tim e mRrk is ~ yards. 1!'1d 'I as aided by a l;J-y ard pcnal1y against the Spartans. IL ended as qua nerhack Rick Geddc.• round a hole through left tackle spot and scam pered 21 }ards for the score \1·1th 6::xi remaining. That made it 8-6 and 1he Triton~ k110Lte<l the score as Geddes hit Bob :1!c:Namara v.·ith a pass in traff ic for !hr. two-001nl , con1·ersion that ended the ~coring. SMU Edees v Fro gs, 19-17 fl>\LL AS IAf>l -Sophomort: Ch1p~r .ionn~on k1tked a 26·yard lit ld goa l-LhP firsl in his caret r-to g11·e ground·minded Soothcrn '.\lethodl!'I a 19-17 Sou1 hv•e st Con- fr rrnce footbal l \ ittor.v 01 rr Texas Chr1s- t1<1 n Friday night. Tht i\lustangs. boas11ng !hr nation·.~ !h1rd ranked passer 1n Chuck Hixson. ran !hr ball 16 ron~ecu111·e times in the third pt'riorf 10 ta ke cornmanr1 of 11 ,e.an1<' wi n· lc~s TC\; had controlled through rhr f 1r~1 half. (:ordon Gildrr gl1drd 2.5 yard., ff1r a 1011chdo11·n for !he .\lusta n.1;s shonly b<'- fore .Johnson's winning kick 1•iilh J2 3! rtma1 ning in the final perJOfl. The \'lctory ga\•e sr-.1u a 1-0 S\\'C rec- ord and a l.J ~late overall. Ir \1as rci.;·~ Fourth consecutive loss. The llotnt d frogs are 0-2 in S\\'C play. TRYING TO UNLOAD -(:orona de! i\Iar J.li gh School quarterback l\cl!h S;unuels looks do1vnfield for a receiver as F oun tain Va!Jey defender Toni i\lalone puts on the pressure. Fountain Valley com- p!ctcly dominated 1he Trvinc LcAguc game and overpov.•ere<i the Sea Kings Friday night , 12·0 . BREAKING CLEAR -Fountain Valley halfback Dan Sha\v veers to the outside for a healthy gain in the fi rst half a s Corona del ~Ta r ·s Jeff Goelitz tries to move inlo position for the stop. Sha\\' and the Barons' other hard running backs ground out 245 yards en route to an easy 12--0 victory. l\lonarchs Fi ght Off ~'il s on . 28-21 By HO\\' ARD L. HA:\'0'' LO~G BEACH -Playing 11 deliber- ate ball control game and holding on in thr closing sec::nds as the host team mov· ed lo its two-yard hne. l'Oileh Bob \\'oodi;' i\latrr Del football tram handed the lAng Beach '1.'ilson Bruins a 28·2! defeat FTJ· day night on the ivsers' /1eli!. Spending l!!OSt of the night catching up to the Bruins, the !\ionarchs kept !he ca· p~rity cro"·d on edge to the final "'histle. Alier i\1ater De! scored a touchdo11. n "'1th I :20 rema1n1ng to ta ke a 28-21 Je.;id. the Bruins came rGoring back with Cass Di!zler in the .dri\·er's scat. \Vllson returned the kic koff to ils 35 and 11 personal foul infraction mo\·ed it to tht SO. An offside!' penalt y mo\·rd it another fj1·e yards to the ,\lona ri:h 45 Dnzle r then conn!!Cted on the ftrst of four passes and the Bruins had a fir~t down at the 34 wJth 55 sre11nds re ma1n1ng. Four plays tater. 11·i1h the cro\l·d screaming hysterically, Dean Nos~·orthy look a short aerial fr nm D112ler and aJl- pt-ared headeri for pav r11rt r.tark Dunn put forth a tast~itrh euort to catch him at thr twn-y<1rd stripe "'ith four seconds rr111a1n1n;: \\'dson harl no timeout" lef\ and Ditzll'r hastil~' put the !)all in ol a;• onl,v to h~re 1he right side of 1he filona rch line suJ>. rnrrgc hl1n and shaL!f r Bruin hopes of a tie or a \'ictor.\·. Dunn ~cored a pair of ~erond hal f touchdowns to put the i\tonarchs ahead early in the fourth period . Other ,\fater Dti scores \\'ere posted by quarterback Boh Ha upert and halfback Tom Grzecka 11.·ith Jim Gentil e kiC'king a 24 yard field goal and a conl'ersion point Brian Doheny ran 80 yards for the: fir~! Bruin score and Ditzl er hit on t11.·o pa~s attrmpts for the other \Vilson touchdowns. at made it a.-0 and appeared to put ame oul of reach for lhe Trttons. vrett havin g trouble moving !hf! a problem which has haunted them ""'· Huntington Runs Roughshod, 38-0 The game was marred by frequent pen. ,iltir5 \\'ilh the :'-lonarc-hs assessed 124 yards in IJ calls alld the Bruins losin,c 86 yards in 9 infractions. The ~later lki ball cont rol gamr ga\'I' the Monarchs Z4 first do\1 ns lo IS for the hrime tram and a lo!al of ~ scrimmagt rlays lo 46 for the Bruins. . t 1s the rinal period bfgan, coach . , . , . i · Eads' troops finally mounted a It started on the VIiia Park 49 -.., --::r ):.( G.l.Ml ST.l.TllT!CI " " ' " ' ! • • " ,., , ' " ,, " " '" , " ,., ~ •I I " • • '' " ~' .......... • ' ' ' -• ' ' ' • -• •us10-. ... ,_, .. " •• ':\ " It " • • " " " • " ' .. • ., • •• " " ""' ••• " " • " 'I " • " " • " • ~ " .. ' • !·' .. "' " ,, PIJ1tt1• ... ,_ " H ... ;1 ,TI; " ' ' "'"" •r. • • " ,JJ• ' ' • " "' " • • • :!< W isc Sparks Oilers Pa st L n Quin ta • No n-loop Tilt U t Ry JOHN CAS..; ., llM .. u, l'ilel il•ll Garth \\.ist unlimbered his p:1s~ing 111 m for touchdown passel! of J3. 2;), 29 !nd 29 yards to le<1!1 the Oilers of Hunt- ington Beach in a 38-0 <A·hitewashing of nutgunned La Quinta on the Bolsa Gran· de turf Friday night. Only one person YIU able to slop4·lhe passing of \l.'!se in the ooe-sided contesi w Oiler roach Ken Moats did it "'ith 8:30 remaining in the contest. replacing the sharpshooting Wise l\'ilh Jim 1'1anin. \\'ise WilS fantaslic throughout the clash as he connttted on 16 of 24 at- tempts for 2!1 yards "'ith no interctp. tions. Proving he v.·a.s \'er.satilc. \Vise con- neded wilh 11 difftrent recti\·rr~ "'ll h only Tooy Ciarelli ca"tching more than tv.'C. He grabbed three. TI1rtt separate recei\'er~ made TD catches, the first bt!ing Dan 1'1oa ts on • 33-yml effort. Joe SlUbbins c~ught the ?i-yard bomb v.·hile Craig Zaltosky Will optn for the: l\l'O 29·yard lo&st~. \\'i~e !'<l;ir1ed sh;irpl.•. ('nnnrttinc nn ~11 ll·y<1rd galnrr on hi s first try Six pla ys later. he bullscyf'd '.\!oats on his secon d thro"·· Frank Hanss, who found too much company on each of his PAT kick at - trmpts, managed tG get the first kick 01f but it v.·as "'idc lo the right. lluotington Beach led, 6-0. v.1lh 6:21 remaining in the first period. \\II~ didn 't get started again unt il mtd\l'ay through the second periol'f "'hen he slarted off a iO.vard dri\'e Ihm. <'onsumed 14 plays. \\'1se connected on lou r of si't pa s!les during the dri.,,.e and pirked up a first down u·ilh an ll~·rard ~:i mper on a third dov.-n and long yard- age ~ituation. Frank Neal e1·cntuallv carried the fi. nll one yard "'11.h 2·0ti remainin,i: untH !h~ tnte rm1s.s irin . \V1se connected \\Ith ,\loa ts ai;ain for the t\l·o-point con\'tr- ,.,on 1.:i Q11int;i . rtef:nitrly 011tn1annt'd. s;i1• ri1(,1~trr $tnkr. 1n the $CC'ond ha lf ;\~ 111~ Oiler,.. 1no1 cd right rlo1111 thr f1C'l d 1:'1 seore !'In rach nf the f1r ~t follr l11nt's !lir~ had the ball ;i!tcr the popcorn break. \V1th 8: t I remalnin11 in the third re· r1od . \\'i~c connected "·ith Stuhbinll. !lanss couldn·l ge~ his klck h1lo the air but lhe Oilers \.\·ere on top, 20-0. Three minutes 1aler, \\'1se made his fir~t connection 'A'Hh Zaltosky, for a 26·0 advantage. One min ute into the fi- na~ fran1r . \\'1se completed his la~t pass of the nli;ht, anotner 23·yarder to Za!. tosky. \\'hen the Alt!cs i;a\·e up the ball . four pla.1·s a!ler the ensui ng kicko ff , 1'1oat~ ~~nt in the reser\'es. lrd by 1'-!ar· lln. t\·en the rcscr\·rs "ere not to be stopp<>d . n1 ov1ng 52 yards u1 nine plPy~ "'i11h Ken Btn11'n carl)'ing O\'r>r for the l1nal tally "·ith 5 54 Jefl in the gan1e. 5(~·· I Y OU••r r•~ """"""'~" 6!1'~ A I IJ !) ll l ' Q.,,... • • 0 0 0 "' r ... ·~ ,., ·u;~··• ' f ·"! l:ONC' 1>6! "' r , ,, o~ .. ,. D1 .... 1 ... , 1 1~·0 1 !··~! Oc..,n1 lo "~·.J• ru• •·nQ lu 'Y6tllt PAU•"ll l•l v~•d• "'"'' J '1•: ~••a• ~•in...t J!~ r uMt ~ver1v• ••1'•"'.• 1 ':.O "·~•l!l ... •'Y1••• "~''"" , .. \ rune·e,1Fu,.,glU loll l O •USl't!He """',.,.,.,. ·-· .. .. w.1• • " (-.:~, .. " " '"' ' .. ~'""'"' ' " l~'"'"~ ' " ll"'fl~' • ' l!&O-" • ,, 11.~,. ' • lf'I~ " "' " .... ~ .. ce•e•• ' " f ,,,., .... , ... ., ,, ,, •00,1. ............ 11, ..... ~-~· ' ' • ~~·~·~·~ ' • To•• ' " " ..... ,,." . "'""'""--... (ft .. ~ "' I' "" " .. " /,I,•"" ' ' To" " " • " °""'" lt'QI ' ' " • ' • • • • • ' ' ' • • ' • ' .. '" M '" • ' • .. ' • " • ;• I " '' ... " " " " . ". " " " . ' " " .. " .. " " ~· '" m ·'" :1, MD r ,,,, ao-~ •u1~·,,.. •• ""···· •• ....,. ,t,,1... 6 F•••I aow~1 ~n~llltl I 1 ~r•I lirl! oa,..,, 7' Vt•~• ru1~I"' '91 V1•d1 pjlUlno IJJ V•"'• lmt .I Hit V•'d• 9•,...., <II ,,...,,.1,1..,....19 dltto~co I J~ ~t ... O!l .. 1Y1r•• .. ~~hltd lJ 11• F11,...bl1t/F11,,,.i.,. IOO! I O ..... 1,. "'' ' • Wll~O~ o..-... UJ<, .. . .. G• 10<\ • Jt(~ .. ~ fo1o•t Po'>·~~ ~ ........ 1 (•··· l•r•·~ ..... ,, ... ~··· 0 •!;1•· T.io'1 ~•111>'•! 0 •'•1•• LI"'~ '''"~ ico1t1 I T OUA•TI•~ • .l 1 ' . . •USN!Me Mttff i:>.i l'Cb .... ,, 91 " 16' ' " " . ' ii •1 111 l •. .,,,_ • 111 . " ' " ' ' ' ' ' . ,, ,,, P•ISIN• M.,1t 09 ,. "" .... 10 I 0 l ....... 11-" ' . . ' ' 11 \I I " • " ' ' • • • ' • • • • • ' ' .. m "' " ,. " • ' ' '·' "' •• ' u• ' " •• "' • " "' " " " " '" " "' .. " " " " " •• ... .... w •• t:AIL V PI LOT J7 , • ; It's ·Tars, Anaheim Ill Battle of Unbeaten ~ By ROGER CARl.SON Ot llM .,..,, 'I"" s11n Newport Harbor and Anaheim risk iheir unbeaten records, Sunset League rllampi0f\5hip hopes and lolly Orange County ranking tonight when they Jock tw>rns at l.a Palma Stadium. Kickoff is 8 o'clock and the game will be carried on radio via KEZY ~ 1190 1. · An overf1ow tl\rong of 13,000 ls ex· peeled lo witness the show. Anahe11n goes into the struggle a nine-poinL fa\'orite, chierly because of the C-Olonists' p;itent ooe-two punch of quarterback Rustlers Tackle SB Foe By HOWARD t . HA NlJY 04 lhio O.llf P1llll S11t1 Sanla 9arbara College may be a new foe for Golden \Vesl's football tean1 but the Vaqueros are nothing new to lhe Rustler coaching staff . All four 1r.r:mbcrs of the G\VC staff pl<iyed against San· ta Barbara in their un· dergraduate days and all know the problems they face in that city as a visiting grid squad. The Rustlers 1angle with 1he Vaqueros tonight \\'ilh kickoff at 8 o'clock in the north coast city. Santa Barbara boa sts an un· defeated record aft er games "·ith Palomar. lfaneock and Porterville, under new head coach Bob Oinabe.rg. ''\Ve ha\'e 11·on all !hree games in the c losi ng minut es." Dinaberg says. "\\'e know \\'e ha1·r our hands full against Golden \Vest They are always a tough defcn sire tean1 and with addition of this kid !Tony) Bonwell . they hal"e a potent offense that ninks 11·ith the best in the statc." Dinaherg re\'ea\s th;;! 11is nwn team tries for a balanced ;:ittack. passing and running \1·it h about equal ability. The Vaquero quarterback is fa miliar to area prep fans. na1·e Sobo)e'olo·sk.i played at Costa f.lesa High before mo1·. ing to Santa Barbara. lie also pla)•ed baseball 11 t Orange George Fraser and ta il back Tim Thom. Fraser 1s the lad who led Anaheun to its only outright CIF football i.:han1- pionship, guiding the Colonists lo t~ title in 1967 as a s;iphomore and capping thr year ~1th a 23.7 rout of :lunsel Lc<1guc thampion Santa Ana. He 'ol'&S named to the Ail·CIF first te<1m and followed that with a berth on the SC<:· ontl tea1n last year aft er taking the i\1olher Culonv lo lhc CIF semifinals. The only Ui1ng Fraser & Ct!. ha vt-not been able to do is to win a Sunset Leagut' title and Newport Harbor's we1l·balanced crrw is iiHC!l! on kel'ptn g the record in- \<tL'I Kc11port , n1canwh1lc, has been slu1,\\' bui lt into a po .... ·er !hilt is now a st>r1ou~ conu:ndcr for Sun ..ct L<·"gue txinur.:.. Tar coach \\'ade \\'alts carn1• ou l f1f Oluo <ind assu1ned ton1mand or <i sin/..1ni,: shi p 1n 1965 and since lhe:n has led 1t1c Bluejackets lo a 2'2-16-1 record. Jn the pre-\\'alts era, Newport lla l'bor h.:HI only onf' 1vinning se<ison 111 nini· vcars, . .that in 1960 1vhcn the Tar~ inan;iged five v.•ins. ;-.Jcwpor!'s HM9 eon!ingent postC'd an 8·1 mark . losing only to charnplon Fullerton The Tars 'olo'On five 1n a row last year bclorr runrung up aga1nsl Santa t\na, ,\n<1h<'in1 and \\'estm1nster Th • .i IC.Jr'.i cd1t1on 3! .~ev•port, ilo\\c\t'r." appc•Jrs 1•a!Jtly l111pruved, 1·spe c1::i lly 1n the passing dcpartml·nt \\·hrrc quarterback Bill Sh edd h:1s 111utila tcd opponents· dt·fenses. t\gainsr S<tnta Ana 134-13J Shedd passrd for 208 y[u·ds antt 1! the senior s1g11 :1! 1·al!er t'<Hl conic up 1\•ith anything like that pc rforn1ante to augn1en1 the stroni.; single wing style running attack the Tars possess. H t oo!d bt.• ~he 111akings or an up~l't. \\'alts says h1$ tcan1 is ready and l'an dn JU~! that and 111· hoi:i.I'~ hi~ up:.{'! pliln~ un a !itst·l'lass Juh Jror11 his dl'lens11e llnr "We can '1 rri:\kr uut• ruis!11kc dt•fensive- 1) ·· 1\naheim ls a lot like Santa Ana . \'cry 1.•xplos1ve. You can t·onta1n !hem for 80 tu 90 pt<rcent of the 111ne and then they break ont off on you." he surrnises. Shedd has a Hoc k <>f good ·running backs lo hand off to .... 11h Rocky ~xon the IC'ading carrier "''1th a flve1 ard J \'c rage ( 155 total y&rd!i). Allen waQace is right behind ~·ilh :i 4.!1 average nn 2l carr1t'5. '<EWPOltT 11! 0..•el l!llOOd no 11.,.... ,..,,,n l!IO l!l>C f rll>fl 190 Oo:nnl~ Be~" •1~ l!cn Ttipp 11D C.••n! (.~"" Ill J•"V ~"""~ 1&1 e . .i s~..,., l!i!i ,.,ll~n Wall•<• 111oO """''• o .. "" JID S1,,1 F ''" A"AMIUM I' M•lo.t L•tNw T JOI\" Ooyl1 c. 9,11 s~n· ( M•lo.1 O'Jt,11 C. °""'"~ HltUDt<-r l'lonot B•l<t~! r ~·•~• S.C"ul!r 14 Gr<"V• F '"·'~r A M<> POO•lg\lfl & Tim Tr>orn 6 (o•y TOIO' < .:•1" v ii: • 111 "' '" ·~ '" "' "' "' Gaucl1os 111 Loop Opene1~ l!'s been a trying week 'or Soddleback College football t:Oach George llartn1an wtio fears his team rnay be running into a bi g an1bush tonight al Palm L>csert \1•herc hi s Gauchos open Desert Con· Ference action agilinst Coll('.f:le uf the Desert. /lartn1an \\'<I s finally ab ll> to 111ore • hi ~ practice session~ back to SaddlCback '.o. 11.~'" campus this 1\'Ct'k But a(t,cr the first·i.:lass facilities h~ Cn· inyed at CC Irvi ne, !he home pl"ant nu.0.1 seem a ht\I& primi!ive His practice field:ts all chC1\'Cd up and is compcrgctl 111oslly of dirt and he has. lo use the t!irls locker r~11 because the men's fadlity isn't complete yet. .. •. Hartman also ha s kepl eiin· \<1ct 1\•ork to a n1in1n1um, for tonight's 8 o'clock g.alJlc because of inJtirics. bul t~a l doesn't par!icularly both~r hin1. \Vh<1t does is che size or College of the DeS(rt. ._ .. They are th e niosl '41g- gressive tean1 we've run inta so far and they ha\'C tremen- dous size ." he .says. H;irtm;'Jn is correct about the ~1zr . because the Ro<1dr11n· 11('rs' 1r:1t•nor utfcns11•e line a 1·rragc~ a bulk y 223 pounds pt.'r rnar1 Coast last spr1n1:;. 01 .1~ Pne1 ""•1• b• P11 0·0o~n•l1 Rkk R'"'· ., 185-po""d NEWPORT HARBOR 'S CRUN CHING GROUND GAME IS SHOWN WITH DAN McKERRAN (64) AND ROCKY DIXON (JO) LEADING THE WAY. llo11c1er. lhat line h;1.~n t ht.-t"'n H\l'rl\ <t~1.Jress1 ve so far this season Desert ha~ los1 .111 1hrc(' of 11~ gan1e:.. and \tic Hoadrunnrr nflensr h a~ 1nanagcd 10 punch 01rr JLt~t onr tourhdown flanker back. paces the Va· ---------------------------------------------------------------------- quero running gan1e. Ile \\'as an all·conference selection l<1!>l year. The gamt' \1·111 be a rtfreshing change for the Golden v-..·est gr1ddcrs. It ll'iil mark the first time in four games the Rustl e1 nffcn::;;ive fon\·ard \\all has ou\1\·e1ghed Marina 's Mini-backfield ~IV StilJ E<liso1i Jl1,1v Go lo Air COlll·gc of th!' !)e:.rrt · l'ra.• hcen putting the bait 1n !he air 11·11h ~tcady frequent'.\'. bill \"Uacn Bil! Het'ske says !onl(U1t l11s 1ea1n will prob:ibl v go back to lhe grou nd . · " an opponent. The Santa Bar·bara line ;:i\·erages 194 pounds per n1an to 198 for the RustlC!r starters. Goes at Westerri Tonig·lit _A 'vait First Touehlfo,vn lit V<tllev Collisiotl. " Loo k f•1r 1-;t1 1-;1111 H1J~l 1.i; lor1I · h:ill !C'i•m tn la hr If• thr :ur 111 flUC:.t l1f I[\ \1!'~\ \l l'!fll"~· 111n1ght 1111<'11 tht' Sanl <i 1\11;1 \131Jcy Fak·r1 rh duel I h c Char_Errs at lh.ir1 11nJ!l(1n B1';1eh 1!1gh StiJtlJU l!l J\l l'kOlf I~ <•l 8 f1,r tile F:i l1·11n,, hill 1~ 1hc-1r 111p gr111 1nd g;:1::•:r and runs !!11' JOO Ill 9 R .. \\'e'\'c been tr_ving 10 pas.' tll e ball too much \.\hen w~ real!~· dnn·1 hare -,;i qu <irlerbutk who th r o 1~.\ 1,c]I ... hr sa\S. Fu llback Bil l :\If red. a 215 pounder. is ,C}'· pccted lo do most of the n1n-Ru stle r coach Ha y Shackleford v.·il l :.tick \l'ilh t11c same starting line up that (lpened each of the past l" o garnes. This mean~ Iha\ Ton y Bon"·ell "'ill asa1n direct the attack from the quartrrback po~it1on \\'llh Jim \"albuena ready to g1 rf' back 11p assistance along \11th Ton1 l/am11ton Bon"·el! ha~ dirrctNI both Rustler 11ctonrs and 1s r'i- lremcly adept al running thr option play arolJnrl bot h rn1i~ '~ith Charlie Burkland 1n !he trailing spot. Buckland is h~lrd lo :.tart "t tailback \\ ith Rex ~nydrr "t fullba ck and Hogrr Parkmnn at flanker back. GOLOE N WEST S.1.NT_., •••&A•.l 7(,( (M"C O~ ( Je~,. '!( JC'l («1•11 T Jlo•"°"'"' l>i:i l~C """'"'"" r. ,_.~., ,,I l'O! M•••rv:J• 1 Yrl••""'' ~c; 1•• j(ffU~ot (, (<O' 115 Jo,,>•n•r n 1 E •~~"' lit PrlcldV F. Oun<A• 190 -~11 JI S.Cti<it-..... 1 11! 1!11.0C• larv:J JI 1 II s~"""' JI 11t ""'~"'"" e f .. ~ .. Hu9~e• ~""' SOFT SELL SAM n "' '" .. '" " '\"estcrn 1-figh ::>chool '~ \·ar~i- 11" foot ball team \\Ill le<iL ~lari na High 's nc\1' n1u1 ~ back'.Jcld tontghL 18) a t \\"esicm in <i Suosel Lcagi.:e crucial for both teams. The \'1k1"gs uf coath Ju n Coon entered the i.:ontc!>t ;i 1hrte·po1n1 underdog and :;;r under the handil·ap or two hr1 1n1uries to first·tca1n pla~rr~ .Joe \'ent1m1g!•a. th(' le •• d1nc, ground gainer !or thr V1kl's. I" :.1dehned \\"ith a h(·el inJUr\ ;:ind \\'I ll Ix> rcplaerd by H1·nrl' La1cano, 11 h" !1p~ 1hf' "i .di· .11 I ~2 111• !Ulll\ll;j:; 111.il r i~ SH 11' O ll arr . ..i 17.l·Pt•und l\11\halh \\.har ·s rnorr, 1l1t· \ 1kt-" ~tar\Hl!! l1ne11p 1~ 1111-.-.111e Da1·c Teel. 11 ho ha~ a hore tn· JUrV Tun Jenning~ t.1kcs li;s plat:e a( linebacker Coon says his squad n111 ~t co ntrol the gan1c 11'llh a ha ll· l·ontrol effort through the n11d· die of !he line. "\\'e'll try to run Cl'en n1orr By Marvin Myers ·~M.:P~to_y __ • MENT !hrnugh lbc m1Jdlr if 11r r:i11. \\'r l1:11r to kc£•p !hr b:1ll .1 11 <ll' tro111 ll'c <,tr r n ;ind !hilt 1p1!lrl"rlii1t /.. of 1hc11 '• · :-111ns 11p Coon. l\c-;11·rn\ bit:: th rr.11 -11,,-. p.1~s1n,11 g:1111r 1, li·tl lly quil rterhack fi.,IJ \1illt1 tlf' \ pa ~\~·11 1 .. r :i;s: 1 ;•rrl~ in three i;an1<' ... nn 2 l ~ 111i1plc1 inn .. 111 43 ;1t11·1np: ln the npc11•11g 1i1 1 .,f ·1ir f'·t~!lll ;_l).!,111\'! .... ,t I .! II ti .I 1\l t:.li!rr11 11.,n l'l lb ', \Jdh·r 11 ,1;; HI fo1 1•1 j.:"r~I lni It/ 1 int., ;1nt1 1110 1 ... 111111111111• Il l• !Ujl 1"1'> Pl\' I h,n 1· Ji,,.. 11 i·nd f\11 k t1,d1• .1u1l ll1r· Uri11 11»1 , 1n11h111.illnn 1<I "1!11 \h i,•• 1r1lt11n .ind 111 111..l ~,11 h ·1 l'lt \\ iltn:i T1·d II illu11 1t\1 I, 111,1!1\ 1 l'JOIH'l'f'C fro111 hi~ ll'lllf.:ha. I; pu,1. c.i rr.11 ng fur !.13 ~ ,1ru~ 1111 ~~ j ·;1rl'll'~ ~hir111H t'Ounlt·r~ 11 11!\ a b.1l!- ,·1111l rtll I lunnal1u11 111 lh lht• t•111pha~1~ nn the runni ng g:i111r up the n11ddle. ,\nfl. lhf' \ 1k('-. h;i\C 1111' hr1•ak;n1;o ,\ !hrf'a1 In P:n ,. I.al 1. <1 li:.!·pound 9 8 l00·1 ,1r1t d.i~h ~pn111rr "'h11 w11rk-. nut t•I tl1 r 11 ingh<tl'h po~u111n l.;1cy h:" hc1·n u~i:d ;,111111,,l •\1.l11s11rh a.• a p:i•-. r t'tc1111 .. ' ..... , ··~· ..... . " . . ' ' ' ' t .... ' . . 111c. lt:at11 ng ru~llcr /or \Ill' :.i ' .,, '""" ' >A Esta11cia~ ~'lag11olia Vic 111 lrvi11e Leag11 e !\'latch Coupl ed 11 ith tailback fJa 1·e .Joh nson. who's averaging 4 i \ ards afler :-i;; rarrie~. Bro11·n i1opt's !hr ac.J1us11ncn1 11 111 tak<" "Ocne tieat oH his qliartcrback thri·r 11 ti II' \II• ion \ l('jll l!1f.l1 S1.1lfKJI 1n111hall 1.111, li,111· beer p.1 - t1l'1;1h· 11.1111ng lur 1h•·i r tl';11n 111 :.('Ut(' :i tuul'hdu1111, and 111~-1 re ... 1111 11:1i111;,: Bu! thl'rt s ;4 c·harocr \h,11 1l1r '-t ori n~ drough1 n1ar «11d ' .. 111)!1\I 11i+1 n li•l' 11 inlC'" n,,rbllh r:i~,. 1111 (Jr.1/\C:,.. .11 El .\lr>tlcn:i I [1gl' ~r hnol al R p 111 1)1,1111.,1· 11h11lt has 111 .. 111nly \It !~"1~·r1 11 I I OiH'i' 1• ;4 µr ... l11lt1t111• 1'1 po11\I l.i••H 11(' hul ('11:11•h \ 1111•1• ! 1J·1 ttlrl" :1d1111t~ JI <, ;1 l'fltq.,11 )Uh i.:\'1!1111.! hi~ le;i1 11 111cri1.ill.1 lllJ lnr a i,!:tf11" .ii;.11r1sl a rr.u n 111.d lht• "'eek hl'fort'. De1'e 1:r-1 lir1wi'\ •'r ha -. krrt 11" ('!uh hu~y r1':Hlju.~l1ng it ~ r111rns11r ;11tack h:il'k to a ru1\·er·runn1n g gilrne 1\nd his s\l1rt1ng lineup 1s ;il!nr1s\ en· 11rcl y different fron1 1hr onr lhat opened the season 1111h a 6·0 l"ic:t ory o\·er Costa 1'.lrsa. The h1g cog u1 Oran ge ~ run- n111~ gan1e 1s fullback na1 ul Porter 'olo·ho h::is ripprd ol! 2211 ~ ards so far th1s sea.~on. o rlOl'k <:u:•th Bill :'lilll~ of S.1nt:i An.i \'alley 1 .. 11orricd <ihoul 1!11· 1~1:.~1blr p<i~~ini; ~<in1c or lht• Fall'OI\<,. · \\'r 1 r h;ld a !c11 of poinL~ ('oul'h Bill \·ail r('\c,11., 1h;i1 111 .. s1,,r1 11~:.: qu .1n1·rhat l.. .Jr rr\ ll 1n11JO"J t'11111plrted 8 ol 11 ;i1. lct111Jl>< tit 1a .. 1 l\l'L'J.., ~.t n,1· aud J! docsn L .::.ound like ''e And wh1lc hr d1dn 1 cnrnc riglu hi.I v,.. a drfcnst· Thu:-c points ou l and !><iv 11. th i>rr 1., ;1 \1·cre ... cored hy son1r good ~1 rung 1 n1 i1 11 l a I ' n n 1111· ft ~1!b;1l l t1•,uns :unJ I ca n ! ,,;i~· C'har).l rr" 11 111 bf' rh•IOJ.! ;i J.!rf .. 11 1h;1t 11·c h;i11• nn ea~~· gan1r rlc;1l 1nnr1· p:•~'-111~ ac,11n"! 1h1' 1 <l11!~h1 F.1lro11' t·:1li.,t111 1~ :i 11 rll <'l'l:ttlu·d TIH· 11•'111·•1 high "f 11111tl 111 h;+ll 1l';J rn 'h1111 1ng "Pll'll and llunl!tltjl!i!l He.uh I ~ 'iill .,,.('!.,. 1·t\!h11.,1a~11\ .u1tl r .'ltl -11 r r \II' 1t1!!,1Tc, 11 r .. (!'1 r r \ttl"!'Y 1\h1h· 11ill li;i11• .. 1r hani!~ f11 ll lh<· f .1!1 ·11n~ .in· '-l'l'k111c t)lr1r trJnti:hl llr\I \it l1:·1 l1f thr l ~ltl9 •fl lll · (OIS O>< l •NT,\ ..... n1ng . , llartman meanv.·hlle, hqpcs lo take to th e air more ort~1. despite a punishing groulJd gan1c. '"I l1gure they 11·111 try to cut oH our running and I want ll"I t:alancr. ciut our attack a little n1orr," 1he (:aut ho boss says. Saddlcback only threw thr baH sl'1·rn times last "·eek. b1J t thr {;;:iui.:hos do ha\c a potent ai r garne !'Cnlcred arouAd ciu;i rtrrback Hod <:ra \'c~ anrl tight end i1d;J rl' \lardy, wbll ha.~ l <tu ght 17 pa~ses 1n lhrcc ,e::1n1t-s \,i.OOLE l.l.C~ COLLEGE 0 1' TMI llCSElll.1 p;111(11 Bnth .sl1n11 0 21 rr<:ord~ ~Al LE Y 111tll t!1r Char gtT" h;1i!l 1n ~ In,, ~~; :,~,';;~ ~ ;~~~1 ;~~ ;~~ 14 ·1 ~ deHdl.,fk 11 1th Lt1 ()u1n1a 1•1 11 •. ,.. ~ g..... ,,. ' ' l""'"'•'"n ~ ~t>•Uu{I, ?II l!I 1he1r fir .. \ ~:unr :;. b:~;~~'1, ;, ~;;,'~~;~,'., Tonight <:: eontc"t r (1 u I d ,.~ "c ... ,, o•• ,t '"'"'' h •'t C'•' A •~,,,~•~ s ape. Llfl ;1~ :1n a<'ri ;1l t irc·us ,~0 t<i•oic . e r,,~•<1 11 1th Phil Bland tJf th e Fali.:ons "0 r~a• 11 c:i•·~·· · "~ Mo•'"~ B O•<r•~co !'i( t ~"''' "' "~ ;.~ 110 110 I It 110 1i; ''0 ·~! llO 1!1 llHl llt '· ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' 11~.•lt ,.l~' ~·l!ou• • l:~ ,..~·~• .. •• nn Pr•t 11t "'O''"" '111 McdO..utf!!M ' I• •*"!rod l" 51Re• ' u en..,., ·1,.1 ;dso rapab!e of throwing lhc j 110 !l•R"'' B l!oh"Q ball all O\'er the field . ---------------------~~ \":11 [ adm11 s his Jc;irn is un·1 rro11ng v.ith each gan1c. "11 was realiy proud uf uur ~uung1 kid~ 111 ou r last gan1c. They p1;1~ed 1he1r best by far ;1nd l e1·en though lhey made quite. a frw 1ni~!:1J;rs. thr~' ;ire lrarn-! A bactlc l(l escape thr lr1inr l.r;ig11r 1·cll;:ir 1s on l:lfl tonight al Ke11 port Harbor l hgh School when F.slant•1;1·!'i l~aglr~ play host lo :-0\agnolia. OllA'<GE w.i. ~..,.1 ' 111,.,~· 'IOrl~ l "''s~+O'< R>:>•• v 1EJO 1ni; and will l'On t1nue to 1,1 .. ·~ pro~ I ,.. •o•Q••o~ R •o·~v••,• i~~ \ail frrl.:; the Charge rs "·ill 1 <ind g11·e !ht Eagle.~ the ton· i•1 s1s1c111 offense lat k1 ng in the :~! l'osta .\lt•sa los'-. G ' ·~·· Oo~Q '' 1'1ckoff i~ srhed11lcd fnr R Both lr:i1n s ;.1 rc cnmin~ off npen1ng lr l'111e losses. Coach Phil Bro\111 of ~:~1 ;i11- i:ia says his Er1gles w1ll co111c back af1cr their Jl -7 l11s~ 11'l Costa f.lesa. 111 A•o .. , r, r.... •' nut only tiavr !O stop !hf' pa ss-, ~1agnol 1a. meanwhile. f'tl· ?" w,,, C.<v~· ••I in,'! of Bl<ind h1ll ;ilso the run-I l "r~ the game ~till stean1in.i; 11• ~~;;~,;:.,~ ;,;~~;1 :; ning of halthal'k Kc 1th •l\rr 11~ 1;,.£ toss to Fou rl!ain ::~ ~A..,""" • Denson. J)enson Isn't In ~I~.' '" '" I "\\'c played our 1l(•frnse lo<l st raight aRain~t 1'1 es11 an<I we'll go back to stunling and <11l;:1cking." says Brown . the prob;1ble incup Coach :-.t:ir1y lhcks .!iays his -;iiii;r===iii;r,;ir;;r;;;;;"1r'"iiii l'lub .'i11nrl.\' 11 ;is out hi! and I shoved <iround by Fountain \·;ille~· '1nO \'011·cd his cluh wouldn '! put on an(! the r lal'klus\l·r perfonnanl'e. Offensively he 's n1 o v i n I! Dana Kovacic back into thr backfield lo altrrnate at fullback "'!th so phomore Jim Schu!u . BrO\\·n says the key to Estancia succrss re.:;ts on lht F.aglcs· abihty to s top r-.1agno11a quarterback \\en Pan1que. Hard lo Beal Paniql•C i.<, especially ef. lrcllvc on roll oul patterns \\ilh !he option or running or passing Bret Ha no\·r r beca rnr 1he "·orld "s grcatcsl unde feated r<ice horse in his first can1· ;~! p1agn as a 2·yrar-0ld. lie pac-111 rd 1n I 57·2. ran~ up 22 ~:! straight \ 1ctoric~. and h;1d 1'1 \\·1nn1ngs of Sli:l.298 11 1~ total ::: \\·1nn1ng a5 " two . thr('e and ;;~ lo11 r·.\e.'lr-Ql<I \\Cnl tn S!IZ2.6l6. 1 • ' M>tl•• T ~"•"'' f, r •I• f 1•0..1+~~ f- 0.n• • T f l!•df' .~,rt [ '""""" II Jt ... O\C., II S~•~·~~--v II V~u"< II ••• ... , ... , '"'"" (4~r ·1 Ja,..•· ~· ·~·· P4e<~uo ~ ...... l•..,•: 0 ~•«1 COMPLETE MINOR SERVICE Cht "I' flu!tJ. Adful l bt nd•. Se! 11"~111, Cle1 r1 •ump & •C,..•"· N-pen ll•k.i, l'l•Pll Ct hit ... llPld IH I & .)6.poif\t cl><ock 10,000-MILE QUAflANTEE ... $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEAKING! 1"'1'11 ,._ 1••1 11"'"' "' ..... ) Sl3 95 •iltl u 1l1ft t1Pf'J' •ior.lfll • . • . • J• _,II" .......... c.91 MITl-llWt COSTA llESA 1934 ~&hod. 64).-0900 I f'ULL!RTON (21 J) ~27-5156 m 1 ----11~6697 ·' , _JI DAI LY PJlJ)T NEW YORK STOCI( EXCHANGE \VEEK 'S AND YEAR'S HIGH , LOW CLOSE ...... ~ f11t1t l•W ,, ' '" ,.1.,, !~do I H ·~ l • .. lf•I -A- 'M • n• •... .,..._~ '' 16 .,.i • Ai>llfLel> 0 ~·. 41 1 ACF Ind '~ JO 11 "cm•C I .C.o s~. 11,p.cm,M~ 1> 'M> I • Ac,.mE 11~ ". ' .. "" ..... 'lO It , )t 110<1 •>' •O ) t IH .0.0 'l'I •I '~ , ;J "•ln•l ! ! •O 11! , ll ""'"•L l "' ~!>1 A9v ,(o q (, )1 o Al• Proci ?Ill> 11' 1 D "'•Pel~·'~ loo 6 0,.,rlle<ln tl~ "' 1 • ,.J '""'"'' ~· 'l'(I \I Al• GI~ l ~"' '.\! o A t>t IOI:. •1 :n . ,, A (anAIY IQ ~1 10 AICOS •nd 10 ~1.))' 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Ur. 1 Mur v"•V11 j 'I• 'I Fund 11 1 1' .,.,,,,. 15111!11 fond I N !ti Un td t 611D1 Grw ~ 6 • H Mt"l'l 111' l•ldl • H 1 Ur. •t<I Fund• '' • Vt "' 100 I MFl •1' 111 ,.h t010 Accm 111 l l) ',',''"'"!ol G1~ 111•1> G11> in t 1 Pt Siie '!• 1 ltl(om "ll lf!I omm< 10 0) 0 t 1-f•"OV~ JI ' " Inc om s I J II St '-'1 • II 9 04 ",",~om~ 8!1 J06 J l-<t """r 1)11 '9 So!:~ 111 t 09 Ul"d C:l n urov•ll n~ l ll''"''"n ... llh Fd1 """" ll.6 f61Nol w,,, I"' OtV•\111 11~ F~ 'I n \to Fd t ti 10 to 1-<1 1"'1 15 11 11 ,; Net G"b 1110 t0 \111 L n 1 w ,'• l!~' , t n<om ti! 10..IO H&C L•~ 1'ft 11 61 Neuw11'1 l 1 "141'i ltl(OITI jJ1 u •" I""'" tS•lO ~ Mfdb Go< '°"' t04Ne"' Wd ne u .. 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I• Pt nn Q ,.,. 1 M w~1,n ''" 11 1 •o 1 0•1" " ~ !t•[~" rrnd 1•1n u o11 P~ Mui 1~ l''Wlnco Fd 1on11~ l•o 1 ""' i" 101 10Jl 1n<I• ~ !'WI 6"'1'~ • l'nl UW "1111' 0/ll~<! 1" 110 orn !I 1•1• ~ "''~ $11: •tJ l ~IPll~l l'I'\ • IO jt Wl~ll•~ lff • O i l ~nv ~Dj &014 /llnY(0"11 \-ll P nl 1 il•w ·~~d 19, 11 111 C:n\\IO Y t l7t lnv Cu d tlttltPlntll lO M IOMWorl~ )JJ l! ' ··-=-.. -. -... -· ,, --.. ~·· --------·-----------------------------------------------------------.... -~".""-.... -- "30 DAIL V PILOT Saturd.iy, Ot!Obtr 11, 196<J Gutl11·ie's 'Va11ya' ChoJlpecl Cheli:l1ov ,..... --~- llHIU.'il$0i l!o~"!T'll:t(IOO L.l.ST a Dfl Y~ By WllLlAJ\f GLOVER '.\llNNEAPOLJS, ~!Inn rAPl -Tyrone Guthrie se rves up sonic l'hopped-up Chekhov in the ··uncle Vanya" pre1n1erC'd Tuosday night ·by the Min· nC'sota Theater Coinpany, The Vl'll'ra n director hasn't hurt the basic drama probably anv rnorc than his heretical \'af1at1ons ha\'C other classics, buL accepting 1t does take a eons1dcrabli: a.mount of 1>pC'C· tator adaptability. Like hear· 1ng a Chopin nocturne done by a brass hand in 1narch ti1nc, But being fl crafr~· Si<lgl'r. Cu1hr1e $ltJ11'IV 11nco\'ers hi s rhC(·k.v nppr~<ieh !n l h I ~ n1oocl1ly 11·1stful l'Oll1 t'n1pla11011 ::.:~ Fiii·~~~~~~~A~:~ DlRf'Oll All!!H San Diego freeway at B1i~tol • 546·27 l l BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:00 NOON MAR! TWAIN'S UNFORGEnABLE CLASSIC COMES ALIVE IN A GREAT SCREEN ADVENTURE ' "C'he I par nee ~,.PfiiiP€a 1 MOT A C•RTOON! SATURDAY AT 12:30-2.30 SUNDAY AT 12 :30 ONLY ALL SEA TS 50c All H[W! .ILL AUYE ! ~~~;:{ F l0ii9~~!'z~~~~A~:~ aJRPORAHOH San Die&o Freeway •I Bristol • 546-271 1 ACRES OF FREE PAR KING Box Office Opens 6 :45 -Show Sta rts at 7:00 p.m. HELD OVER Al so ·GOODBYE, COLUMBUS' IS BOUND TO Bf .t. CAEAT SUCCE SS•" "YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY 'ALFIE' VERY MUCH."' •' -LIF£ 11fJff11nt T£CHNICOlOlt'I ,. . ....,, SOUTH COAST F COST• .. lf'!I• ctf.i:tu ox PLAZA THEATRE CllRPORAllOll San 01e&o Freew.iy •t B11stol • 546-2711 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 1:30 P.M. ~-~ ... :-. For the first time o n th e giant screen 111 hl 8zi ng 1 '£Cl-JNICOLOR 1' ;. ~ ,. MAURICE ~~ Ju DITH 1EVANS . ANDERSON ! i I . ' : • ' .. 3 PERFORMANCES 2:00 -5:00 . -8:30 P.M. lox Office Opens at I :30 • or rustic boredom rind ~1uf11d i· ly 1n long-ago Russia Subtle little IJuches of ph) sical business counlerfl(l1nt .. llfltllTAINMEHT •· bits of early dialogue. In lhe third scene. with an erratic al· '' !rtudr clearly estab!ls hrd, the display hvis ts <it a b r u p L loresce11do int o all·out force. Lo11g Beach A 1vard Night Set Sunday T!1c n1elodramatic hiRhl1gllt or lhl' story, \1•hcn the despair· 1ng tilller ;in!1·hero tries 111 shoot 1hc olcl professor v.ho has causc1I collcc:.t1vc frt1stra· t1an for r1l'r1Unr ;1r(l\111d lhc hurnC!>Lcad , J~ U!>u.:111.v p:1rrrl w1lh 111 ea s u r r d ~olf'n1ni1y. Guthrie turns 1t into a p1eci.: oJ ,\1i1 r:dan :.la pst1ck , The :1ud1encc. 11 1111 1st be l;i1rly noted. nispondcd \u (he co11cep1 11·11h ;1Jaenty th::it rlil'· nc<I over into lollo11··11p b1Ls of rarnhucliuusncss. 1\f!er :11!, Guthrie broughl ~1TC to :-.l!n· ncapolis or1g1nally and :-el norl hv.·est theater style. Principle pcrl0rmers 1netude Paul Ballantyne as Vanya, Lee R 1 c ha rd :. ;:i n . rhe nr.1ghborhood doctor who loves neither wi ~e!y nor wcU. :.ind Hohcrl Pa stenc, tile ean· tankcrous di~ruptor of b11eohc serenity. They arc :.enior mernbers ot 1l1c 1·on111nny wlul'h 1s ron1plet111g 11 s !>e1cnth es.lson of endca\·or, and their enscn1blc sp1n1 can· 1ribu1es lo the Jl!'oduct1on's l'OhCSJUn. BALBOA 673-4048 i\ 1111n1bcr of l l11nt1ngton Hl'ach ;uca prl'lul'11ll'r~ 111!1 bi: 11 :iit 1ng 111 !hr 111ng~ Sund;iy n1i;h1 11 llrn l!H' Long Ur:.H:li Com111un1t.1• I' I a ,\' h O ll l! r presents 1ls ;innu<1J Elht'I <111•ards for the be s L pcrforin<'.lnccs of 1hl· sea~vn . An1oni; the no111inccs for best aetor arc Ralph r.1ch· rnond of \Ve stn1inster, 1v1nncr of the 1%8 D!\ILY PI LOT Di s11ng\11shed Perforn111nec 2111trd. ti1r "The Fa1n1!y ;\la11 ' ancl Handv Keene, an <l t:l<ir ;ind di1·eLior 11·1th the !11111. t1ng1011 Beach Playhouse, for "Sunda1• 111 Nell' York." lion fdian or \\'rs1tn111:.h•r. 11·ho also ha!> appeared sr1rr;il t1n1es :it 1hc Huntington li(':Jt'h f'l<1yhous<'. 1s non11n:iti\I lr)I' be:.t :.upporl!ng aLltlr lvr "Sunday in N<'\I' \'ork. · 11l11ll' Sea l Bl'ath's DJrl(•n(' l'l1<il·~·c is up f11r bf",1 :-l1 pporl111g 11('· tl'CSs for "'Con1t'. Bl1111' Your llurn " The ;11r;1rd:> 11 ill bC' r:11·r11 al Ille pl;i ycr~· 7 p.tn clinnt'r ;it ! 1hc PC"trt1leun1 Cluh in Long Beach. Gue.st :o:pt:'akrr 11 !11 ht' n101·ic ;ind TV actor \'it !or ~en Yung. a regular 011 the "Bonanza" serie:- cThe t' 1_arnas 1c MPl3SliC achine '!•~OI' lfo-ICO". , _, •r•..,•· ..... ' ... •l. O!;ll.:I & r'l.J Also in Color JAMES MASON JAMES COBURr~ "DUFFY" TWO GREAT WINNERS NOW SEE BOTH IN ENGLISH 'Luis "Bunue/5 c')\~sicrpkcc of 'Eronca ' .... , -......... . B(LLE J dr OUR ~ ,., '.. . ., " ' " [•• !<~o ... Startt 7 l',M, Cont. Sunday From 1 ,,M, HELD OVER! "GOODB'l'E, COLUMIUS" • Jna """" ~~~•urt "THE APr.IL FOOLS" Wolh J•<lt Ltmmon lll,HOllll !11.1ss1 ,o. l"POJIJl' ... 110' JUNIOR MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. "THE TIME MACHINE" 4 CARTOONS ALL SEATS 50c t A[CnU1'1 KEt!i1:EDY. THE DDDD DUYS UDTmwavn EXClU~IVE RfSfRVfD SUI fNUCEMfNI! CAU PREMIERE TUE~OAY OCTOBER 14th 'Hadrian' Opens In LA Tuesday "Hadrian VII ," s tar r i n ,i: /lun1e Cron}'n, launches !he Center Theater Group's new season in the Ahn1anson Tues- t!ay evening. A priz e·winning hiL on two rontinents, "Hadri<1n VII" ls !lie story of a n1an v.·ho woul d be pope -Frederick \Villiam Holfe , a writer and ad ven turer in England some 60 years ago. Frustrated when the church h1C'rarchy J u d g e d hirn unsuitable for holy orders. noire v.·rote a f 1 c I ion a I autobiography de ta iling an 1111· :1gined success 1l'hJt:h foun d h1111 elected to thr p;1p,1t:1· 11.olrc ·s book has been ~idely prai sed $H1CC its pub!1cat1.:i11 111 1907. nr;1 111au~cd by !Jeter Luke. ''lladrian Vll " JS a rn1xturc of rnoving dra1na . 1nclodran1a and comedy . llolfe. 111 his quest of drcan1 fu!f1llmen1 , has made himself a shre1.l'd ec. clcs1a s1, sponsor of radical ~ocial reforms, cornpas~1unatc and gregarious -the an· 'fryouts Set 'Ca tch-22 ' S11atch Due 1 '~,~~Cl!' OACUlt CO.l5T lllGlfWAT • '™ fr, For 'Ha rvey''~ 1hc F11llerton l·oolhgh1er:. * HEY KIDS ! * 1nlt hol d aud1!1ons !ur the p r ize -wi nni n g cu111edy "ll ar11ev" 1\!unch1v <1nd Tues- <1ay .it fl p.rii. in the ,\1!1cke11thaler Center, I J !l l111cna Vi~\ll Dri1·e. Tonv Drandt of Jr1 inc i:-. d1reetlng illary Cha ~c·s story 1 of an eccentric 1nt1n and his inv1~1ble rabbit. A casl of six1 111cn a11d SL"< \1 01nen is re· <jll!rCr!. ··1J11r1cy" 11·111 ope n Xov 29 llG l'Al SHOW 1'0DA Y I :OQ JOSEPH[, IEYINE ,,. .. , .. ~ ~ ~ IUlll., , .. ,_,., /I 11'J/S C//lllS/IJ¥ J•'D!•l~ '' !lfl~lSI fllh1£S ~tU•!I 1'0 NITE A1' 6:00 & 10:00 ~ J'uuth Coa st Repertur.v "Qy 411 >l~OOll•<h. t•Ctllt"I WE ST co ... sr f'RfMlfillE ' 0.~ Swllo"ll~. L .... I on~• CLO~E~ S•TVROAT "WE BOMBED IN NEW HAVEN" by JOUPll H1li.. -Au!"°' 01 "CAlCH ll" Cltlld1et1't Tiiirau" -"WINN!£ THf ,OOH" ..,. ,,~,., .... --~ ~~· ~ ... .,, .... ., ..... •llWllJO 0 .. 0[0 ··~•l A""" 0,({00 IO•j. STf.Vf. MCOUf]:N AS .t:ilJ LLITT' NOW THRU TUESDAY ACT ION! SUSPEN SE! SUP ER ENTERTAINMENT! -for_rh_,.,_,_we_:-.~'-.,~-:L-~,-.---1 i·a; Ill Jr i:f;Y ~ 11-==================== , (!l COLOA , !~ ' u"'"~ -""" BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER6 ACADEMY AWARD S~ I " AND AT 8:05 ONlY IAC!{ AGAIN-BY DEMAND~ ACADEMY AWARD WINNER •l!Sf D•t.CTOft-111111( NtCl10LS JOSEPH E. LEVINE_,, •. ,~ MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN _.., .... THE GRADUATE M~ •lf{0lY8ASSV 11(V COLOR · • ,,, ... .,, ' .......... . Con1in11Dut Sundo~ ~•Dm l :00 ALL SEATS -SI .SO Japanese Mov ies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTIC £ TO OUR PATR ONS <"O'IT<l..O,FI Y TO .. D\/!:l'ITl!J!NG !!!:;YONO OUJ> ro-.. 'T ROL ANO APPE•F11r.(; [L!'i£Wl-'[FIE. \Q11NC. P[Q P L [ U ... OER '8 l ~OT li l Will NOT BE A DMITTED TO P"'CIFIC Ti-IEATFIES 1'0 ~lE T "'( • <!'' PIC. Tl·!\[~ ll!'i'TEO IN TH O!; BOX UNLE<.<; ACC(' ... P A N. 11:.0 EI Y pA<l.ENT OFI .O.O U l T G UARDIA .... "THE WILD IUNCH" !RJ S('.lE Ot JOUR" "'MAN AND A WOMAN '' "o o"e u"der 18 ... 111 bir bdmillird! "'ARANOIA" IX) laff of l~<IL' yeor - 1Dberl milr.hum •iror•• •rnnl'dy l'L U~ ,.THf GOOD GUYS AND THf tlD CiUYS" klm nD••k r.Unt oouwood ' "" """ "THE CiREAT IANK ROllERT" illttGn•m-H l•t Adulh "BELLE DE JOUR " ano11k aimo• "MAN AND A WOMAN " •11<0111mo"dM fDt od11lh ...................................... dir.k 'l'G" dyk• ll"•it dlr.khllOll fBml joh•·~:l~i~:wKI~~ OF1:~~1111r.1nr ~! "DEATH RIDES A HORSE " _ ........ _ •11<0111......-ded for •ll•lh ............. ~ ............. . fe11tos1ic or.ti•11 - ,,,.,. mr.11wfffl joc:1111oli11, biu11 "IULLITT'" PlU) w•rr•11 btotty for• d11111wor ••••• ~.~ "I Q NNll AND ClYD£" R•<o .,.r.•1:t>dH tor A<NIH ··············~ ............ . -• -J ·----·-CARLOAD ••UL Hl!WMAH JOA""E WOODWAllO "WINNING" PLU$ "'GUNS Of THI MACiNIFlCfNT SfVIN" ll:01&mmtn~N lo• Aluttl TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME '.l"HE WILD BUNCH ,~, DUE ·~G IT JOHN GLEN WAYNE • CAMPBill "!C>~'t~lOR ~ -THE FIRST TIME NOW TOGETHER FOR ANY WHERE! • • !!EAC H llll LYO AT ELLIS • • EN DS TUESDAY HUNTINGTON 1111£ACH o 1111•7 -1160 1111 if .... MllCOlM McOO~HL Only Hi\ Drofr Bo.,rd & H•\ Girlft1irnd M"D w FDr Si;r .. 2fl0 TO, f.EA TUl:E "DEFINITELY WORTH SE£1NG" ",,,FUNNY, PAIN FUL . FASCINATING " S"n Fr"nc:is,o Chron icle "STAIRCASE ... A CAUSTIC, CORROSIVE AND QUITE ABSORBING F;LM . , . STUNNING PER· FORMANCES BY RICHARD BURlON AND REX HARRISON -UNFORGETTABLE! .. Sa n Fr.!!n clico Ex"miner "STAIRCASE" 2 •• HIT-• a sad_. gay story REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON "IT WILL KNOCK YO!J OUT OF YOUR SEAT " LOVf IS THE !'RIME OF fYfRY' WOMAN. -"RAYi RIYlfWS" EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT .. --------- s~turd•y. Cktobtr 11 , }96q DAILY PILOT .. ,, .-. ..• 737 Ciood Reasons To Celebrate ·' ·Costa Mesa • lt&NOY Alll ER l~ON • GlE'N ALDINGElt GAllY il lQU!IE NEIL "'NDE ll!~ON : o ... v10 AllMSTllOllC OA\l!O 11 ... GGIE Mit,11(0 B•llEU • PAUL (l,O,JITELS • ll!ICIC 11"-lllElS •,1.a,111c 8 .. iltTLESS , ERIC K llECl<l (l S TE FAN !If.LICH OOU('t BERR Y l!ICHAll O llENICO:: l:JW ... 110 ll llLElt 1'1.MES lllll(I( Gll EGC. lllAll(tj ll E_1'';~"' 1-:ENNElH llLAfTEll/.,'''' LINDSEY ~<>•OFOllO ![Q fl"C AOWELL LARRY IP•-.' DA'lNY 8RES5l!J:/ tl!IC lllOWtl 1E~S 8110WN L l"'O~EY ll<'Q ,'1" MARK lll'tONN l !M 8110 'NN 1000 llUC kM•STE ll STEVEN 8lJRNS L.t.ltRY llYWAs:tO JOHN CA.LOWELL J a,Y CARLSON ~COTT (ARL$0"1 RANDY CAllTE lt D AVID (H.t.P,<.IAN J EllRY CHil.lQ'.(1" ~IEPHEN CH•U;R"I JOE CHILOllE ~ ~Ill C.LE/.'IE >IT :> ,;,iK f c LE~llilllS r,\ll(E COll 10'1o COLE PA.NOV (01/Slb>,J C!"<AllLES CO<'!lE ! r I EVIN (01!8[ II ( ~AIG COROE'.•~O 'S fE'-'E CRILLY DUANE CRIS~/~6N Bl!.lNOON CP05L..o11C TONY CllOl'IE Mll<E C"OWE l.lNCE 0.lVEV JIM OAVIS ~l EVE 0/."'01•1 /,\.llll( O~ l!!llt.'10Cl' 11!(1( OtMll \.( 1101!.EllT OIN ~Q.O,ll:. lOM DON.-•E • LI J"N,ES CONl<lll l.Y WAllllEN DOODY Jl/,\MY ouc. .. 1.•U,\ v./\lll!tN ECCL l S u.->tNY EOWA•OS '"'LE S tLlEO<;.E ~(OT T [NO~L (Y PQG[ll (NC.OAr!L ~COTT [V•N', ~LAN ~eFF lD I <'NtST f E"f "' (.EO llGE FE,11 , l'>ElEll FtLQ[, l!.6 II I! 'f F , .. ~ L Ell lC FI N/l.l .8 l LE FQllTl'l' P •NOY FOSIE 'I. PEX FOSiEP International Newspaperboy Day Today We List Here The Boys Who Deliver Your DAILY PILOT Every Day Re9ardless of Weather and Other Adverse Conditions Because Today Is Their Day and We're Proud of Them llYl!•N ... OLllNO Ill POSS 1<01.l Y TIM HOLLY ROS 1-fUMPH o>E~~ 511111.>1 11u ,.;1e1t ',l.l o;E ll!WIN CfNtj l~ 15EL' 81>40 JO.MISOl<I II'~ JONt.S 8PUC E l(AN!:: ~P EG >:"NE JI~' ~E LLY DON ICEN(Hfl STAI< l(fNNE r;,'i' l~l!ll Y l(ENtJfO'I' (,AllY l(fll\l·Hi _J[fF l{EP'N•'I (HUCK l':INC.. J•"I l{LEIWE P '.:tl TH l{QSIL•>I MA~!( IO:UEHN GAPY LA MB LO.NCE L.O.Ul!I[ 04.rYL L"'Y Gl'l.•NT Lt M•>tr<: lflC.H•l!O LENQD( 3C0t f LINCOLN "LAN ll':ILE "IP< 1.0•IGNECl>:"Ell. OAV IO LOV.IN(;. 101'\ MAHONEY 1!/\NOY M.lTHESO'i SCOTT O,\ATl'1EW5 P'UL MATTON 0 AV10 MICH •EL P4Ul MICllOl.S ( MILi.Eii 1.'&DI( MI LLED PfllR'f 11000'1' TOI.I r.<')Y( I! Mlt:E M·co·/~Ll 5COT T l,\,~hPLJU I( >JO.<.•! NA 60P5 IOH>I N~l'll ~4.l!i>Y OGL ILV•r !l&YMO•H> Ol!C..<LL ~c.o r1 OP<' 6 Jt U(E 0"B0i>NE 10~\ OSBOl!NE r .")\'/APO P•1.•s.::1 ~'ll PL IN PA>~TEL 10.MES PAP'OOjS ,.A l l>P OVTY l••i<E PEED P'INOV l'!EEO JO"" ll(l(Hlt 'l(P£11 PE1C"lt <;~ ... Ill i>~Tll!_ P 'rt\/E PIC"'·"O-'J·1 ,,.,r,,1AlL ~OB{<>·; llf'(l[PT ll QlSll[IM JOE llONOUllLO I "I< "0~S I L' I~'-' PO°'!l" l'"t 1 !IVS~ <>l llfll[ P Y<••t ')r 'J ~A•i0[15 :•'P "EL ~AIH C·CO 1t08f ~I lt•l<I P1 t OaB1e ~A'A"t~ Lo J\PY ~"WY(~ 't•EvE ~(HJ\[ r [" ltQ•,\AN !i[,"4[10£l l i>•:.f•A~O S(•j P ~~··• II LIA',\ ~C••IJL 1l J er• lPO'>:(L P6 H~ ll>~(L [lAVIO 1UPt,l D ~(Qtl TL1P•1(1> s ru•~r VA>/ .. 0 1t•1 [lA"l>IY \/E~• •'lt'Y V•P(,11( PAUL Vll'iC~l l( <'AUL VOG£L~l.tl•, [QWJ\ltQ WAlli<>• l(flll!Y WA•jGEP llONALO Wt."IGl:lt OU .>.tlE l'IALlll•llC. 11.,, W•PO OAVID 1'1"1 50~' CHAPLES Wf ~6 B'IUCE Wf.llTE r ><AllL E~ WHllE ~OYO 1'1'11'~ STE~fN S•tl!( ~(INAlD Y.lll ""' BILLY W•L<ON JF'F W•L'O•I • Al>l!V Y,·"'lr• VE \'I"! "'"')'I '.10.ltl( WlllGHT Newport Beach "'-'l'l -.~HEY •l•" ALOEPTEll, (>t6~LES t>t EVEO') (AltL AP IJM "~'!L eu•PI P•f !'OLTEn """" e"'. •'" •AQ•• f'H •V Pi(.11'.Y Bf l l C <>~•r. llE•1ntLT"'' rr>~T [D ~I AC"" D'I ''1C ><~E l S•"''JF\ ,,,,,_ ... l!lr4t Etl 11~0 SA•l'il>H> .iEF~ !\Ell. '(!"'TT B!P>.r~l>l'O DArllEL 1•·r;10•1 • ("If< Ill\~ I.I '. I> 1'11 'l 11~"1.'h'I V llLTf~ eoADI E_Y ['0 AOj l!P/'Q•.['f •f F~ 1!.l!US,(O.U r•11L !\AO<"•".." tO><»llY S!:ltT110 L01t E.V ""'IY ~E,.'•E TT • rvEN l\(l>l .. OLOl>'(Y C"!;G (U\TE<r •ro~ Cl """' n1·n., Ct•'•I ••lll lD CD(.'I l EE C"E'IOWf l•! O~V!Q COi' I"~ ;, .. I (•!Af<EY ''rt' (AC< l~l E <!P•A 'l (~LI < CA'.•EitQ'I (l>l]W>iE <r r.•1 '4 (Ulll £ f 10\IF\ (U"I ~y l'<r..tD (O'~A'IQ r ".'FE "' (1 A ~1< ,-.,.,, (o<h P'.'A '< ~PI Alj r>tAt>•.•o•~ " 11Ar L r 4 P.,. Dl)NALD CU•it i~:> <>,J('.EPI ( ~~I L~ j()ll)l ~11:<· ST EVE >tOQA'l•l(E ll J['lllY !'IUGHE S ellAO HANSC., lQM HUFFOllO Ml(t'IAEL HEN.llY .lll (H.ll!D !'I.I.MM ~08E.llT HOISrl•I .\!EVEN HAMPTON lYLf HASllEl (HAit.LEY HOUSE O•VIO lltWI>! AllD~EW JONES JO E JONE~ M:c><~EL JO><t1so-. S'<ENT l(<>lJSE .\l•llt< KELLY 'llCO:: IC"OV6t[~l~O JOHN l(f>JT ~lt l Afl l<[!ll C <>EC.G l(ElLOGG ~USSEll l(l•IC lv\IT(HELL K~DE ll (llAIG >;[l>"P •NOY KO ~OB LA'IG ~!LL LANO RIGO.'I T1•.I I.OITA (,Q[C, LEVA"!'' Vl"ICE MUL ROY ~·lL ...-oo RE ll l(lf6<>0 M[Y[O 1.[H H f,'E•.LQ D l'ETro> /,'A<'~t•11; "AD~ /l,A~\t>.G f Pl.t(, 1.·0 ""ISQ"I <'06 r.'lllE~ (•1•11l E~ 1.'Al>fO>I \"(H:.[l ~'lllll('A'l l l''<"lt'IY >'(Pit n 1.v10 ~·"P'1•H:. JO"ll 1>'01\E r oc;~11 ~·011 £0 lAO •~U"'""'" ro 1 1,•,t<OLOU':• ~11 l 1At00Wfl'. Ill ,TfV!: 1.1<~ .. ll LO'ID , -,E r.·•, ..,e,: 1c-. lfO Mt •·t~IL[Y o-,,-, t<OQA 'OV F ll~'t l. I •OASD'I ~1(0' CllQ .lDl T O~IE " ;'LL Pl!l('"'~ll.O no\.'r. "?IC-f'A"O l'~\+O l'l>QC TO" •o· .,..,, E ~t[V~ Pt<'•C" '""'I POlff<'~V'l l!ILL Por 1 •~<' JOri•1 <'LAl T rr"I ~• Cl Pt 1>11 y r ;;.1>, P[C>l•1 '.T L 1t f'h<' .. EPJT!l l'" lO•~ llOL TE 5 lllLL ROEl>'Eo> <'ICt<lll!O 111c.t .. TO'IY ll OSE i:llA!G R05f" llU00Y "lr"LI Y '00E R <'11/DCi~" .J fFF <·!<(60 51EVE ;, :.;-\ '-\ll(E ~r-OA d l •Lil 5!'1ll E<' "l E ~;.r,n· 11 51 1/PSQ,4 •Af ~)t. c·tA•I TO",\ ~"(·L f ".1'1 01.JI; 5",.0LL~P llOl!E:Pl 5CH0Ll£ TQ\,\ 5 /"I l 1>E:lEll !.11 1 ~1 OUN)A'1 C ll>AU~S f8~1 .~£~'$411;.:, OAVID ~l',•l •; /lrt..11.1( ~ ._,"" t6".,t\~.'l(.' 0 110 Huntin9ton Beach Area \••l!C .lLlEGP!" D[NNIS .lLl•~O (t<IP -"NOERS o •vE O NOE~S GEORGE llU!lCl(LE WAYNE 8-""-Kl'f L T llOIBY 91NGH.ll,\ CLI F~ l!tNGHAM IRUCE e0£1tLEI! OAV IO 1!.L41 P (ltAIG BO-"TM4N M.lRIC l!DEHlill >:EVI N 1!.0UPl O.NO '.l~TT H EW BORGEllSC'• ROIEll T e-"'>TER JAl~ES lllllC WILLIAM BE-"M STEVE I Allll SIEVE l-"l(Ell: JEFF llVllQ'I GLENll I YllON llANDY 11110\llN J OHN BOTt'IA STf\<£ (l!~IN PATl!ICIC CllAIN JOHN COY CON COOPf'I OON COllSEY JULIO C•PP!LlO STAN CA•lS':l•I JOE CA <r LSO'I (l!OIG COLRE Ol OO N COKEll STEVE (ASPf lt J IM CARGILL l'/ILL'6M D6\l lS 11091N QAVI S l!AllQY 000 W.lVNE lofOIH1ED,. J EFF EONAl!O~ Bil l r o i>O TOM '0UL!'lt (0 F PAN P1011 I OM rRA~'.PTON i<:[Vlf<I Gll:EEL V J EFF lllGSON Fl!EO GO.~Trlt. Ml<;E (;UA"Ntfl!I AllOY GOMEZ Mii([ GllO~S ~!M Gllll S1 ll A ~l!Y C.ltlEST NATlofAI/ GLENN JOHN GANT JEFFERY HOFFEit TIM H-"US'NALO GENE HALL G'!EG HALL 'IEN H(l!t/J\,10~1 "All H•l!~IS0•1 /,•aPO: HQLOC llOFI hi .6'1 i..>QOGES l iLl ,_.,,~0 .'10::( H.l1(H 1 ~0 HA~'ll TO>J PHll ><IJIHED DQBE'!l >!Oll.6N0 .v lKE HOlC .. ~1 5s (LIF<' 1'10EV! Bll U(I' H('EVE ft" IN'IE~ DOI/ JQt'l'ISQIJ !!l!YA'I JnH•l ~O"I DENNI~ lllNG ~"E"T ll:OEltOe• (Hill~ KE'<l t Ul!T LAWPEllCE OAV!O L4W~ENC t ~corr Lure..:r 110>1 LOOMe' MI O::E L.lt/QEPS 0 0.VIO L•llDE•S ED LCPfl T!M LN0~4V TOM LINOS•Y P,..IL l lNOSO.V I E II l t.l'tE I! ""l PH LATIM!ll 1!0 6EPI MUJtZI ~TEVE MO~ll 15 JOHN EOWAltO MOO~E lCI• 1.'QH~ JOI-IN fl't•1E:• STEVE "'URP.11.Y ~TEVE l~I L.t.>.I C.ltfG MltC .. £1.l 11_01!.il!T MEJIA WILLIAM ME EI( Mll(E MEEll >::EN ME• .. O DON MAYIEIU'Y f'111 !S MfYElt ~·1.::e NEil Jll,\ IMH•N 5(0Tt McLELl •>it> l.\ll(E M<OCEPl>"A 'I l([VIN NICMOlS OAVIO NEWM0."1 JAY OSIOll>j "ETElt PA~KOVIC.H JOE PEN .. Y MIO:E PAllENl 0 -"VIO P ITTINGE " 9All~Y PA~>::[<' PAUL PllllC'1•1!0 D•VID P£r!Gll-" ~T EVE PAYNE BP.t.O OU-"~lUCY P.OSEP.T llU\~I) J IM 1!00.El!lfl( JOE PQS INSO rl JI .... RISTAU P06Ell.T RUDEil •l lE'I ROW tl!A>jl( ROOl!•GUEZ SCOTT ~(l<U\l E I! TO•-' SCHUST£1! Tfl!llY 5C><U~TE ' OOt•ULD ~NEE ltOIEP:l SLO.llEl!Y G•RY Sll~MOllS <'f l Ell_ 51NOSC'i[ JOHN S.lMP5(1tj '!011-"l O THQU P501/ ·".lTt'I EW lESotl ll l(HA l!.0 f f OOY J<l.M ES TEDDY MA!ll( Tl/(l(E ll G-"llY TOGUClofl CAVE lllV5l ETT QaOjQY T•l!T l!O"NIE \/All TOM l'l!NOSIJ<' "~"t:OND l'/IJfl'.I fHQl,\~S 1'1£STL Y J0t'l"I \'/El (!< 11 .. •.•Y 'A•l L!tlG •ay l'llLSO" ... (IT>< W•TE ~•t••I 1»•1L l'/[Sl ~r•1 WEAl><E"!Bfl Ml~E W~ll f R f 61tL WAltEP ~T A !jfQll YQ0j[l(OJ llO JE,F VESLe:Y CiRIG CAlllf JOE CllllC,_ T"OMAS lof•RVEY ~~•IG t.'.E(ll['f cow••o O:ITTl•US WA'IY P IPE~ 411LE>i W[bl 811.1.Y BOYD STEV E I OY O \tALCOlM HILL 00 .. All) lof0WAPO 'IOOGIE ll ll l(loiTll! C.l!ll1-G llYAN Fountain Valley Bill t o cc .. IOI l -"((A f\\ll(t 10.((A M-"lllC tllOOELL GL IH 11100£11!(1( Tl MCAllVEll Clt-"!G l<fLTM4tj 11'.All!C 'ELTM.lH (Ull T Flllfllll t t.tM Q.l\.L.lGHl lt ll l(HAllQ G AT TS 111<vAN uooo~v ... ~llED HAMME'l!5Ct'ltEG Jtl(HAl!O HAllT lltE T lofA 1C.H llOCKY HOOPE .II O:EITH IC!~S KUllT KISS MICM AE L Lt VE~OU llE MllCE l U(IA 1(01 T lll11,8 0CN l!OBEPI '"-llOOf~ GARY /,\/Ill" PllUL MA P lll!O LAl!l!Y MEPr.ED C'Alf lhCllEllSO•I Mlll.E 1'1>•£\ "EO PPll(!IAllQ OA\110 PF.A~! QQUG Pl(E 0-"\110 R ICHAllO~ OOUQ SAOjQE~S ~T IEVE SAN OE PS MA•I( l(MUlTl "''"IC 5. P IPVE Y Bllfll WEtD.l $~OT T W><ITNEY JEFF WILLAOSEl<I 1,\0.111( Wtl5QN Lo9una Beach Areo VO.•IC All(MISQ"I G••11E1 r -~~itllOO'' (L!<F Al>'SDE'I (11 111$ O.llN ETT 11.lNOY 1!.4•NETT STEVE BUNllllG Vl>j(ENT C.lLONEll PEIElt c o <>sori L•P.DY CA\llllQ ll!UC.E OONAL050N GLE'IN f OX JO" (.J\PIA$HOlJIEN EAll l HAl>PE .. THAL llANO Y MILA~•O I.EN HllS(H JEFF JOHNSON 0-"VIO KOORit.Jl•I! IA"I O:Ol411 1!,l>IA"I MA lll\"S '.'llCE MOQ1A>j0 STEVE MOOIA!>IO SCOTT NIEOl!Rl•-"CH (llAIG OSTll6'10(1t l>t'llLtlP OSTllit.ND!.lt 911.lO l!E,.lt1G 8-"l!RV S( .. ll!M TEO T-"YLOJ: JOE l !l(TOIEWEY JIMMY lURNEll JOI-IN WfllSFltV ANDY WHEATON JIM Ylltl(-" 00.RYL OST•ANOflt f\ltUCE OSTltANOllt ;:l1U/NY SAYt0.11 6t.11f<IEY S~IYOElt. J IM WfY .... Elll CiA.llY BlllDGf STOCIC JOt'IN I Ull:NS -ll-"N Fll.OEMMLING 0 -"VIO H,t.V,.;15 1(£\/IN KINSEL MlllE ll:AUB (111t1s !l EtlO ALLEN W-"K Ell .. G JEFF BE(IC llEPHEN (!l..tPO STEPHEN Oit. LIE Mit.ltlC loflNl(LE l lM HINO:lE TONY KltDGIUl JOHN Mil.GEE 0-lVIQ PAULSON M-"ll:C ll•ONEI! TIM WILLI TT Saddle back Valley LEON61l0 BlllGt'lf JO[ ll UOND Gi:!£G ECKAllT \"JAYNE EHGl!:N 11 1(11,Y MAM PTON ll(E" 11QWEI! MAlll{ l~OWE ll: ICE""ETt'I JOHN5011 L-lN E JOHN~ON CAVE llUK516 Ll l MllCE ltUl(ST-"L!S JOHN ll:Ut!Ol l l Ot!ll( So>INOLOVE EllN•£ s tAeo 11081N TULLEHIEDS K"l!VI N WMITEL-"W M!OCE 80l0EI ERNIE FLOYO t'IECOT GONZ-"LEt MtlC"E HE'NTMOll:N MAlll( PEGHFT !llAO I ENJAMIH BILlY .. UNT !!Ill Y liUNT l!IC ~Y LOl'El TONY PEN"I-" JOE VOll:IA MJO:E (HA .. MAN SlEVE (MAPIAJ\N lf!TCHEll GUll!lrl >:EVl"I .. APTWELL o~ .. NIS LU5CHE N (Hl!IS MA >JNl"IG GllEY MATHES Blt LY THEPIAUl l ~TEVE' etl COLLE 0-"V!O JOHl<ISON ltAlPH MALl<AVQN i!QljY PlllNCE "A'I' VALENTINO 11 •.u111 r~1sr eo DAV ID FUPN.E'\ /,111.Ul!llY F Ull NL!~ C·fDll GE GIL L( SPn ... r.\EllLE Gll..l "t.'~ Mll(f Gll.AHAY J OEY GRIM E~. J I! TOM GllUEL t ~ICL SC HUMA'i .,.,_HJ\(L 5ENIQD PO l ~LO !i"•DOl.'l'l 1411 K ~HELTON '"E O .S.,El"Pt.~O JIM ~HAN'>::S "'i DU• r ' It ~D€''1 QI\,/~ C.~EG 0 "E fE " 1 r;u ce o•v1oso•1 B~AO QOVl:lSON (<>A•G Oi' 1•S MA~I( 51t.'n0>j r,,;;.~l Y !I·• A\ !!Q IAN T~ ... ~~ ._ ~-.:.t;".:!,._ .• ?'f"_ MM?-'·'+:t 'j.-_ .,.. •• , ........ ,, •• 1 .'~., ··-.................. 111 • >• J4.Y GWIN" PlNQY HAILEY J ~FFl!EY M,t.N~LE!l ·"'·1 "A<'•I~ ro:.Ell t•AllPIS COLE HAl!rL t"U(I( HAl/EC'f( .. f .,~,. ... ~y C••l!I\ "EAl(I'! J M t'IE Pltl"I'· JO'"'N t<EllT;~. CJ>EG HE.'ltll. S•EvE ><~WlL l • E:l l >< t•" l "1(1( 1<C OGE •>t(""f L"Ot-r•1 ~'l..,ll lO >1'1C ., ~"l'EL ><o~r •'1 CiAl!Y t•O"r N~'< "0BP•E !i>fl PLE r f''VIO -.•nl>I 00•1 !>1.llTH J ~"""EY s•ntf< J[PPV ~ ... '1H //'A~.-.: ~\'If f< ,•,\tC111'EL 5/}!TH lfltllY 'PEAP '110:( llEPHfl:', l tl'/l"I !IOQ('/,PQ f lH( 3 TQLP "'C ><t Pn s•c11.-·.~ot 1 :.r CL~<' "ALL A<. SW! '•'~'I ''"'i •••PPPl 'Jll, •~VIN 'llf[•.,-y r o •c Sl~·"'LV~""' IF~f TJ\(;l>l(" ' 4P ~. ;~ .,-~ I( "A< l t f <>1 "' '"f '.'f -err•• ' 'p' • "0''~ I ' t ,.-• .. <()I/I " l_;\ ,.~ .. ., v ·P~r o"'" •s. TOii o u •<LAI' Ph"L Q')~I~ S'l'i-A>J QE;;.r/ JE'F ~ Q~V 0•11110 04Y o•~llEll o•v •' ••4"" E Ii ""r1 +. ""'f • ·or-· r,. J~ ••; EC••T C•HIA(• '~"(Y ~D':;t f •v ( /,P Y 3•1P ~"l •<P ~·· r"•'· ~ '"'" .. ''" rt1" r ~co gELL ~ ..... o • , r(j'I 01[\.Q\ .,,._, uC~O\"'ltl r o• C ll.«•1~1 eo1•'l ui.•~co ... ,,.,~ r.uv l"E r,1.iY '•r,r1.•1 r g ••[~ '< ~ . ' • ' .,o •.. fo •• r J llL" r ""'J'-- CAVE l"'l''P!·c"I 1£00Y l lLC.'111'1 <'<(11~<'0 T1t1:"1BLILr. 1111.UCt l !([ ~II.AN>.. T•H)l.'l.'.; 10 .... T""" SCOTT lf 11P r1 • .J6MES Tu11•.t1> 1,\AQI( UP S')•, PQS,[PT VQ')l>f'I; ~TEVE VO•! DELO~'/ GUS VCV•T LA'IE Y f !l~E " l!IC< 1• "'"':lEP /IO:E ,' •·L~L t D ;'-1•1 ·,•_ 1·-~: ?,.~'{.'~ ;/ ~[!J~v~ r O~L ,-• " <'4 ' 'J~ ~~E ~} '_ .. ,~ .. ~.,, !!.lt<J(t \/>,~TT~ 1>~Y••1 ·•·I T> ~""~((\ ~r•,,, rt •1 I I ·ro<4 "• ;_ ~~ ::r 1' •, r. O~H" I ;CUA ••·•', t•!.. ;.y Shake Hands ~Vith Your Newspaperboy Today You'll be sh •kin g h•nds with • young businessman we 're very proud to have •ssoci•ted with us . We're especially proud of those whose names appear on the Honor Roll al the right. Some heve been there for a s long as eight conse- cutive months. quite a record. And reason enough for us to think Newspap- erboy Day, Oct. I), 1969, is an impor- tant day at the DAILY PILOT I ' ' t DAILY PILOT CARRIERS HONOR ROLL Tli t: D.1TLY PTLOT is prQ11r! fJ f ii~ corps of yn 1111g solr.s ,ncn wh n dt:/i1.>1r rhe neu·•rorrr to 11ri11 r r/oor. These yo1111p n>rn ort: thr rrr 11tn nf rile rnmm111'1''.'· f:ach 1no11th, rlie btst of them will be selected [Gr lr.511 ng on Ott /lo11o r Roll. Ellch ca rrier ,'isled htrP has obta111 ed at le115t fou r nc1v customers diJring tile pa.st moiith, hnd no more llzan one C!lstomcr compla int for il1 r 111011th 011tl 11111sr /111L'e pa1rt Ids bill for th e 1!Clli'spapers he bought "1oholcsole" on trme. N1<n1rrnl 111 front nj star 1•) precedi11g his nanic 111dicn/es ·number of consecutive 1nonthl ll!o t t.:arr1e r ita~ beert 011 tlie 1'lo11or Roll. Edw11d W ol!t11 Me•t o B1lit u 1.11 c1,,,,.~,, Mile Clt1111nh To n, Mity•r Ji n k!1iw1r Seti! Sv,11n1nl Don Da1i1r G1on11 Gi!1111ti1 Milt McDowt ll l orry G1+11 Ste•• '••k•• Milt Hotchliin J111 C1rl1on Oon1!d H1 nd"c~1 All en W1~bt• M i~, L1nd1fl c ••. d 11,;, Mike 811ir Jlftl RPdt ric~ k1•t n Nich•lt Tom Mohr Wtynt 9,,~f1t1 s11Y• c •• ,N 81rry p,, •• , s1.~. 81k1r R11b1rl Holl 111d And,, Wh1110., Jimmy Yi1k1 De ~n•• l~u~1r Gtnt lt Akerboorn Grt!J Mt+ht • Mtr~ Howtr 2 ·.Mi ~. 1.,1;, 2•~onni1 McD1ni1lt 1•P••'V Mo•dv 1• John C1ldw1U 2•J;'" Sh1n\1 2•M1rk w;.,,,,, 1'M1rk Ailch i1t11 1"11>n1y Snyd1r 2'H1,to1 Gon11l11 1 'M-i~t l o1d1I J•R[chord Thal'llt• l ' D•~id Callin 1 1•J1.ab1•I Sf1tt1ry J ·oa~ C<iap•• J•O•vt lt u1(1t1li1 '4'Ml~1 Ruk.t1l11 '4"IC•11 H1w1r •· John!'ty ltrtholo!l'lt'f 4'1tobi11 T~ll•n••• ••W1y!'t1 ln91n l 'Rick WJi.111•• t·R:a~•rt C1tJ1011 \I ~ Carrier of The Month 8* ROBERT CARLSON, HUNTINGTON BEACH l ab••I C1r11on, 11. ht• ~1111 1 DAILY PILOT ctrritr ftr 11in1 !11111tnth1 1n4 h•• '"'''th• Htnitr !toll f&r 1!9h1 •f th•"'· ,ti,cfJ.,., i~ hit ch111ch 1rt4 111 11~1r1I 1 c~o&I tluli-t , th• y•11119 111wJp1p1tbov l11t1 ba1li119 11 ~it hobby. H1 1p1nd1 ,,ofih f1 1trn h;, 1oul• ta buy h;, •w11 cl•th11. L..;:::.._.r_::.,:=:;::::;.:."·==:•.:;.cJ•O'<;c•'!J•o•:•t·::.=:rc:::iic~·c•c::•J·:·:::;;.::=:t""'°, :=:x:::::!:I::::::.:•:•o::r•-=~.,, ,__ -·'TRS!!' • ~ • . ' . --...... ··-.. -. ···------------------------------------------------DA.ll Y PI LOT 1970 PONTIAC TEMPEST 1969 PCNT !AC GRA ND ·R ~X FULLY EQUIPPED Fully •q uipptd i11cl11d•nq· A';lom•li• ''""""'"''"'• l i9 V.S •n91nt , R•d"o, Hooter. 8uck11 '"'"· Tilt 1t•eri119 whtel, Po .. er "''ind.,w1. Powor a!1ori11 q. """""' bro ~t•. L1nd•u top, F•t torv ,.;, cond<tion;n9. White .,.,1 1 lir11 and m111y "''"Y ot~er1. l ie. No. XSR S I 2. $ VI. 1ulomtl1c i•on•'fl•U•&ll, powor •leerin9 , rodio, h11t1•, con1ol1, b11tk1! 11111, "'inyl lri"1. l ie. VRY -0~8 ' $1995 LEASING Lease Your 1970 NOW! A complete lee1in9 ~epertm ent i1 evail eble fo 1er11e your needs. Le•s• one or• hundred, 11t the lowest fleet rites in the industry. CALL 5"4 t -2681. 2000 EAST J st 'In L e. c "1'JTi r C TEt·1P EST COUPE Full & compl1+1 foctory 1qui pped, ind11din9 rodio, h11ter, wl.ii1 1id1 w1f1 1, l ie. VUS-112 '/i7 F:ird Cc un t r y Squi re STATION WAGON VI, .. ulom•l:e h 1ntmit1;D11, oo,..•• •l11or:nq, oir tondiliDn•n9 cow•• wondow1, rtdio, httle•. l ie. TUU 176 $2i95 SJR EET SA NTA ANA FOLLOW THE GIANT 'JJALLOONS TO THE BIGGEST SALES EVENT IN ALL ORANGE COUNTY! The respons 1 h th e 0 t e NEW 1970 p · · F:rtd;eB a~ek actually swamped w~~t':rc ;a~ been so great ~ . • uic s. You name it and , .a •·•ns, Chevrolets priced far below anythin you II find it on our lot and These are SHARP, CLEA~ ~~~~~~;.ve seen ad vertised. We take the fun f d · . ~ o r1v111g seriously, '68 Buick Electra 225 '2 doDr ho rd!o,., \18 . t 11io. h~n1 .. P.S., Power wi11do'"'I. P.8,, o ir condi!ionin9, v<nyl ro(>f. '67 Cadillac Eldorado F~'I & CO"\P l•t• pow~r equ•PP•d, includln;r ou!o !rd~•., Pr. Str., Pr. windo,,.•1, f•c. oir, fol! & l•I St•., AM FM •le••o. vitovl IDp lie TZM-016 '62 Thunderbird VS. t UIDmt lic lr1n1m i1110fl, f>Ower •h erin1. e!c Loe, PVC.SS I '68 Ford Fairlane SOO 2 door h~rdlop. f~1tbock . V8 , ~u !e>m •f;c lron<m;.,;.,n, ••d:<>, heot•'· e<>wor 1 lt ••i~x & bro~e" l ie. WQJ 677 '62 Chrysler 2 Or. H.T. '68 Oodqe Super B V8, OU'O"'Of<C !rantmil!jQn, f e>-et t !et "ll'J, Vo•yl •Qetf WQQ.477 '67 Rebel "550" 2 doe>r H o tdto ~1. oulom&t<c lr&n1m i11ion, rddio. ~etl1r. T S M -2 ~5 '66 Chev. '·< Ton Pick Up • 1 pe~d. "'•••Y dcty eljuif ptd, 11ep b11,.,per. rtd•<>. he•le·. l ie. Ull •I~ '65 Pontiac Le Mans VS. t 11!omotic lr1n1m it1iD11, P ~'"'e• 1!e•ri11o;. l oc PCP 5" '64 Impala Super Sport ")]}" V@ , Ou!om•!<' lr•n•m<H <Dn, po..,er \lo 1r<n9, b"•>e! '""'' etc Q TW.Jt.8 '66 Pontiac Bonneville V8 .ou!11,.,..1loc lrtnH.,•U •e>n, P'>"'f.' 11t•tonq tod •e>. r.~•I• .... ~.le ,.de ,..,II, lu!I .. :ny! "'''"0' l•c UV~ l7 4 '63 Fairlane SOO V&, t u!11mofoc h •n•m<\l•Dn, po'"'"' •lt•1<nq, '" ce>n· d t1:onin • l •c . HG ~-30? '65 Impala 4 door Ht rd!op. va, pew•• •te"""<J· ~;, conddicn "'!· L:c. KOZ.lll · 64 Olds Cutlass VI, eulDmtlic lr tn•mon ion, powt r <iee,in9, 4 1peed. lie. Y~x .ioa '64 Plymouth 2 door. Ec onDmy I>, full l•clDry equip. L<c, XNJ t.0~ s595 A WEEK MON. l HRU SAT. 9 to lOPM SUNDAYS . 12108PM • PHONE 541·2681 ------~ ---· --~··· .. "• ·~---~---~~--·~.~~--~-....,--~~ ........ ~....----.--...--....---...-...---------- ·HUGE· SHIPMENT ' JOST ARRIVED . ...• 'lf BE A WINNER ,WiTH DUNTON FORD. Watch the World Series Today ••• Then .Come to Dunton Ford for a GRAND SLAM Buy on a New or Used Car. WE HAVE ALL THE '70s FOR .. ' .; ~' .. ... • "' ,1;· .. . ' .... .. .... ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY YEAR-END CLEA11ANCE on all NEW 69' S Mustangs • Torinos T·Bircls ·Galaxies· LTD's They MUST Be Sold. We're Ready To Deal! So Come In Today! WE TREAT YOU RIGHT! ~ 11tl1fled more Ford own.,1 thin any other \.!'' Excellent B•nk Fin1ncin9. Wt Will Help Arr1nge Terms To s~tisfy You. FORD . CORTINAS Executive Car and Demonstrator fer Sale. Tremendous Savings on "T' Birds•, Mustangs, T orinos. Galaxies, Falcons, Cortinas •.. Hurry! For 51 ynrt, DUNTON FORD has 1olcl •nd !1{;~., Ford dealer In Orang• County. / . J_(.J . CHOOSE FROM OVER 75 ALL BODY STYLES & COLORS PR ICE D AS LOW AS S•r. No. !A92JP67 9•8 OVER 40 TO CHOOSE + T& L HUGE DISCO UNTS ·.· : . ~ . : . r --------· -·---·------------------------------- ' ''. . •1 4 O.&.ll Y PllOT .. ~ Hello oner again . boys and :-.. &iris, arid \.\'Cleon1e lo anuther ... : Sa.turd;iy 1n<irn1ng of Jun 111 tnclr Lt·n·s Con1er. We're all readv lo t'elt'bratl' one of our lt>~.~er known but n1ost 1mpc..tan t h.:>lidci}s - lhat tia1· 4j; ~ears ago 1llu'.'1\ Chns1ophrr Colunibu -; fl r~t sr t root on 11 hat 11•· nn11 know as .\n1er1e;1. IT IS. OF 1·11urs.r _ fur Colu111 h1.1~ th.it our 1•\\Tl ll1-.\r1 l'I 111 Culur111.Ji:1 1~ n;,111ccl -b11t ho11· n1;Jn \' uf I •Jll kn.JI\ II h1 (iUT land~Ls ca-llt>d A1ncr 11.:;.i ; Tl\:;t fornl'S from A m P r 'l t' a~ \ espucci. an I t;1!1:.in n1ap rna ker who f1T51 ch:1rtcd thr '.\r w '\'or lrf _ So1turday, Ottot;>('r 11, 190• Ou r <1rt cvntl'~1 1or thl' n l·~! l'>'n 1-1-ecks. 11 111 be all abou t. on~ of 1our f :11·o r1 1f' rl ;n s-Ha'Jl0wccn. Tlus ls. 11nr rhii r should spark a good deal ,-----------------------------------,! nf originality an1ong our \ oung Rembrandts. * PRIZE WINNER * :\ PE\'C\L J round a pencil as h~p p~ a~ na ppy ;is can be. Terilyn Kelly. 10 .. 124 Vi~t <) Baya . L:osta :'>l e.~a -~1 n i;:1nt; and dancl ng 111 1hr n11ddle or th(' ;o;trl'el I; \1 ct ~ tli€' fL1n1uei;\ thing ! • h;11't' <>1 l'r ~r(·n -s 1ngi11,c; ;111d t1:111t ·1n g in 1h 1· n11ddl e of !ll! J r P .. 111. .l.nV child under 12 r an ent er L1ncle Leri.'s ,.\rt Co1\te,.:;t. 1-le re's all y ou ctn: Il l braw picture on piece of plain. ,~·hite paper s• inches \ride and 4 1nl'hes deep. Use.black ink an d 1nak<' Jines black. 121 Do not copy or trace picture. It 1nust be you r 011·n \1·0rk. !3) Put your nan1r . age and addres ~ <ll1 ba c k of dra1\'ing. !\!ail it to l-ncle Lrn '.~ Art Co ntest. Box 1560, D . .\IL\' JJJLO'J', Cos ta 1-leso. \\'inner 11·il l rccci1·e Kennedy half dollar . -••<~t ilt C•ndl<lllo, W*'!•m•n•lor '-----------------------------------'! 110.\0llABLE n1r nt1on 111n - nr~ in this 11erJ..'s art (:Ontcst '" D111lll'I' f'ran. 4. Costa ~1 l'<J: Tim Peter:.rn . !0. Custa .\1 r::;;i, Shelly Carne~. ~. J-lun· 1 in glon Beach : .!\l;iry 1;usta£son. 1 0 . Hunlingto11 Beach: Diane Pratt, 10. Cosla ,\lesa. and Chanti\ Bersh;in, 811, Jlunting1on Bea ch . T HE NIGHT Out <-.une the night to s!art it s reign U\·er the ~kv and the lands belo1\': The da rl\nc sS cla1n1ed 1t:; black don1a in -\nd \ anqu 1shed the sun '5; ld sl tiny glo\1 : (;one 11 as 1he sun 's hot. fiery flan1c. (;1\·1ng 11 ay to the rnoon'.-; faint l1gh!. . .\s from the ~k y· vict orious c<1n1c ·r hat conqueror or da~·. I ht1 n1 :::ht; For 1n<iny t1ou r s 1l s pl <ir t· 1t held l 'ntil. 1r1t h the su n ·~ f 1 r~t ~h1n1ni.; r<1 v. 11 fron1 its heavenly p l~H'l' 11 <.i s fe lled. lJe!ea t cd b.v ihe con1 111 ~ tl<J\', I IC••ned• ~Ill dellar -· I• S•••~tn llob&, 1•, )101 \IJt M"I"'' Ntwe..-1 B•t<~ '°' !n, "''""•"• <nit< '" ·~• 110•'• '"" ~~·"' <OO!t<! M~" >OU/ 00<"' O• "O" .. V~<Po Lfh, •• , 1MoG, (o"o M•>1, C•ll!••n••. .-----Ca,.o/~ Co,.ner----- RIDDLES AND JOKES * [)ear Carol · '\'hat h<.ing;; on n t rr e. i ... pu r ple a11d g11('~ Buz1_, 1:u 1,1,, l.-Su zz 7 PRIZE '. I '-W-1 N_N_E_R _____ -_'_"_"_'"_'_'_"'_· _"_· _"_' _"_"_' _"_'_'_'_"_"_"_'_"__! Sue Inn phone ): I\ly 111on1 11 ants IQ use tile pt10nr fnr 111!>1 fl\e m1nl1 t c~. l"o!I you back 1n ~1 l'llll!J lt J1nttr·. 1Jf«-1r 1 (Jr1il \\)1,1t 1-n1ore usefu l 11 hen ti 's br0!-cn ~ •6 6t Ulf '.JtM ~U\f -M•r> Cull•hon, "~"'i"•'•" l t•<I Se ftd your q¥~stl •"' I• A ~k """Y· < o 0•111199 c-Dolly P'Ua,, ••• 1560. Cauo Mh a, Cafll. . ..., ........ \ ~ ~~, "'' "'~ .. , ~· ''• .w.-.~ a-l •(•""'""'" ·~ (hlltw'I~ "111!ff , 1~ 9, Of St100., l•!1"d. N• .. Y~•• .,., ,~, .,.,_,. ,..,..,_ \\'ha1 dof's I .l/, 1.-.11 11bc1ul :i "')>('rsoo '? A human perslln 1:. lhe rnu.sl -C'Qmplicate11 !!em in the whole world. Each 1n1e is an 1n· dividua l. dlff('r!'nt froiin all 1Jir .... t rst. And eo.11.:h onv 1~ 11H1dt• 1.f ~· <i \'a~t n11n1 !)('r f\f 11'r1 11 11 · ·~: ferenl 1ng rl·1!11'n\s s .. 1111-'n l the' "-parlS. ~l!l'~l a~ l1nr1th ;inc! !t'f'!, .~::~1n br scrn Bui th1' n10,t 1111 - ~..._portanl p:trt ~ ;H'I' II{]\ Of "1'-'lll :}~·ou c<1nn111 rell Jll.'>I h~' look 111~ ;J' vohet hf'r a person I~ a g1fttt! ;,. musician . or ll'helh1·r a prr <ion has a high. n1ed1un1 or 1011· IQ. :~ The letters I Q. Sli.lnd lor ~. 1 n t e 11 i g e n c e Quotient. .. :i Intelligence, of C11Ursf'. ts ._ being ab~ to think and rrason things out. Some pMplr can do I this beltf'r or fast1:r than :,: others. Quotien t m1'ans how ':;..~ much or this talent a person ~.has compart!d y,·ith o1h€'r pro.-jl:Jl I C. Exp e rt " c;:i lJ e d . psychologisls 1hu1k 11131 an ~·l ,Q. test helps thern lo hel p a ... J1'rson lo solve hi s or hr r prob- .; lcms in 11rt>. Teachers kno1\' )". l~at a student v.·1th a high 1 Q • .t·an lcam raster than a student v.·1th 2 medi um or lo""· 1 Q nut ltacller3 al.!>n kno1" tha1 t h1~ . rloe.~ not aJw:iy~ hawn. 1·hi~ 1s httaust ~v~ry person i.s a bundle of so many r.J1f[ere111 ci ualities. Ages ago. be fore modern scientists dreame<l of testing pt'Qple 's l.Qs. a 1vise old man told a slory about a raci: b1•1wcen a hare and a tortoist . J\11 doubt you ha ve heard it. The hare, or course, should ha l'r won that raC'e because he 1·ould ru n 11111 ch faster. But he v.·as lazy and he da11'dled along· 1he way -nn doubt to sho11· 11ff llow ea.~\· 1t v.·as for him tn 11•in. But \he patient tortoise kt>p\ ploddin~ s1eadilv alonl!- ;1nd reat•lll·1I the finish line firs\. !\faybt \1'e ~hn11ld bri ng that old story up-to--Oate_ The h;,ire is a s tudent with a high LQ. The tortoise is a student with a medium J.Q. Each stuednt is a person -with doit.ns ()( other diffcrt'flt qua lities, The I ,Q. rating does not tell one bit about whether eiUlt'T' of them is kind or cruel, poliit or pig· ~ish. generous or greedy. It does nol tell "'hf'lher one of the.in l"njoys v.'ork or is very la~y. Si:tmetimes a person is botherf·d wi1h problems 1h111 1nake it hard to do any w rt of scn:<10le lhinking. The J Q. rat ing does not re l'eal this 1'1ther. All ii can tell i~ holl' 1-1•rl! a person can reason th111as ou1, <;Mlparl"d "''1th other persons of the .same agr, Cross word Puzzle 1 Propht l 5 Svr~ty 'I " --··· [or 11.dano". 2 word~ I( Tr ~n5 m 1 1ttd l 5 t.l t dlty Ii> M 1~s 'II tlS011 17 At\r l (!I Y' 18 Ul.IW or IL 'Ii: 2 "''01 :!~ 20 us !~·'" s ~ iJ" ? ] Per· ' 22 C.01'! I ?3 Pa·" ;5 [11 ~ b1•CCd"''' !1 Adam'\ 5~11 ~9 ~·~O• •O , I~• ~ r ~ ~o•. lO K1~d el soc a r '~ F•1 )o "r .,..o o~ " e .... ," '2 T·i, )9 F ruo l 1 co11 coc!1 on; · '· 2 'NQJ ~ s ~Z Or rgor, !<. ,, 4J Ptd10~-t ! O ~tr'1 pqi(:hJ S' A4 E·•coun!t rtd ~5 Low t ll or Lamp111 an 4!. Table s~r 1 ~ ' l " • .• • .. • • ' " • • ~- " • • • • ' ~1 r ~t t~~1·d (1<'1J•r ~ 4'f of 111 e ,,r ~1 Nol r~l a1 t d 5 ~ Pri ~on t r of .,,,a 1'~ ob1e ~:·.·~ ~8 F !~· !1o t1~ b O ,(, 1 ol , bl "DO ''i o" !" ., " - ~ ... :u ;J ~ b: S•1aa e b4 ::_gg 11;•11 •, e5 .A dor ~d ont bf. No1>"1 ~ ,11,.· e~ ,--· C \~·~ or (., ,i ~8 (onf1nrd b 'f E I ~'\ rt I~ 1 •It ; Y u ~•( I r p··~ong q·~ ,p, A ti.ti.• 2 11,,,erof f ,,,OpP I ) App,ar u1 9 "' n~rsan . J ll<Ol d3 ~ EnQl1;t• r s~a y•l\ 5 (,am t lo s .. tdish <sland n r~s · 2 .. ord! BC u dQa..-t • • ~ • \Vhen a psychcilogisl tests your I Q, he also n<Jtes you r age. He ma!r' CQrnpare your l.Q. v.•itl1 !he grades you are getting 111 s('hno!. If you r 1 Q. r;it rs high ;ind ~011 r grach:~ 1.111 . lhl'n la• k11011s y011 ::i re he111g eheai"d b~-sr>n1e other part of .1011r pt'rsonalit.v. This. 11! eour•r , rni.ly nnl he your !;1111! :1\ ;1!1 ~!:1~ !:Jr Y•lllr rt'IHling is ha n11)('red by poor e.1 P~igh l l\la}'be you are bothered hy problems loo big for you to soh·e. Or. lct"s face ii, maybe like that speedy hare, you would rather be a show~f. r..tost sensible folk agree that persoos w i t h medium 1.Q. ratings tend to get along very nicety. thank you. That is, if lhcy hare enough sense to takf' part in (he big and little creryday lhlngs -and enjoy them. And~ V'n!I! I WM ........ Ol•i.. !• l'!tbt(<• ~!or>f'. ""' !O. o! S•••· •o••. F lo"~' !or ~..-~~''"'~ Uow m11 ny differr nt ani mal~ arc there? l\'aturc love rs h<tl'f' bee n counti ng and listing the dJf. lerent animals for more than 1wo thousand years. Aod the end of lhe job is ooy,·here in Yr~lerday 's P11zilt Sol ved w1 ~"r ••r s q E ": ,, t a 11qhl ~1 l 0 P1ol \ o" 1'1 t vt rho\eri I 1 St 11 (l rv~lin d's "alf rlr onl 12 \','' 1 .i rd 01 01 c l\ard c Ir r 13 1 1m ' of yra r 1 q Gu oe11 •ool 24 T ran~pOt· 11t1011 mtd1.1rr 2 !iW~rd cH 18 Proc r td wi ll\ d•~pa l c h J O Hard rn Jl UH NI)' 1m y1 r ldinQ 32 Bt camr dtm 33 l<•n ~ o! ll" }~ An NCO; Abbr 35 lrl ~h rxc l am ati o~ 37 lr1ttlliqt nt 38 Wri91ll unit 40 C ran~ '1 (. r ~7 ~ 46 Fri nl 48 A1Jd1t 1onrd 4'! En\rrl11n· mrnt lo-rm ~(! Pclnt tuat•on mar~ 5l Mrll1 inq 535taor d•rrction 5~ Fr \low ~; ~ Siano ~S By on r ~r l f: Old ~t~or rl ir rctio~ • 5 0 C !iqur 5 7K•ndor r ntrJflC f S'i R id9~ !i2 Movr 1t 11111 lorrd •O 11 12 ll • . ._ sight. Scientisls of the l"'en- tieth cent11ry thought they had mel all U1e large and fair-sii· ed animal~ of 1he earth. Then tht shy mule-sized okapi v.·as found hiding In lhe shadov.·y jungle$ of th e Congo. A dragon-sized liz;ird \\"35 found on 2 rrmote Paci fic Island, A few years ago an unheard o! fish was scooped up frorn deep in the Atlantic Ocean. r:very ~ear. hundreds or tiny animals are added to the list of nev.· discoveries. At present . we have a lisl of almost a million different animals -and almost every day the list gro~'s longer. Scientists have a special sy!1 em for classifying all the diffe rent animals. They study eal'.b stranger c a re£ u I l y , classify h i m in his proper group and give him a fanc y. sounding scientific name of his very ov.·n. 1'ht bugs ou t- -nun1b<'r all the other crea tures by far. i\losl of the ne v.·comers ar! lnsect.s. So rar \l'I' hare !1!\ted more than a half a million of 1hem .and some ex- perts thi nk that the total nun1ber may be far more than a milli6n. PEANUTS ly Charles M. Schull ' I I. 1: •• CHASE HIM!CllASE HIM!CHASE HIM! ~~J ~ "!.<i.:' ~'-'~ Voll LfT lllM llET AJlll,V ON PURPOSEC~il!" 'IA GOIN6 TO RE '11311 10 'THE HEAD !! vr..1,,,,_ ..,,... --=., .. ' STEVE ROPER ly S.u11tltrs e11tl Over9ard HOW A BOUT THAT, MIKE ?·-lWO -· ~00 CUBES.'•"FOUR ON i HE f:LOOR /.-SHE'L L DO 127 FLAT OUT! PIRKi NS JUDGE l'AllKllt '11/Etl 1lJQIJ OfF AT THE NEXT !XIT .'·-Tlo!ERE 'S A G()OO $TRH' i Of CMiY ROAD ·~F-QIJll' MtlE) f WITH NO IMTERSECTK)t.15 .' -WHfttf I C~ RE ALLY LET HER LOOSE/ hE ~E T S UP E/J.;lLY WHEN l S t.SEP LATE ,AND Wl-lE~ 8L~ST If, 1'-\A.,,'.t ~ ! ! \o./HAT Do \\E PAY ~O LJ FOR? ; ,\\ ~t> fARLY. ME SNOOZES 1/ /'.OON ~ ! l'--1 I J .. ~.:~,.'; ·~ " TUMBLEWEEDS L l'L GIRL, YOU SHOULDN'T BE LIVIN' OUT HERE IN -m1s DESERT ALL ALON E, WITJ.i A WATCHDOG LIKE THIS! MUTT AND JEF7' GORDO 'lru'fi/E SLOW, .ro&/ VDU S;.IAP &11 A/EVER. CATCH TAXES, "T'+..\E WAR />ND ESPEC1ALLY ABOUT Tf.IE ARTIST Wl-40 DQAWS US.I .HE T+-l1NKS ~E'S l=UNNY MAKIN' US L)Q ALL T""OSE' CRA:ZY l.HlNGS.1 -AA./Yf ---- MISS PEACH M"· 6'l'IMM/S, I MAVE JU&T WASHeO AU.. iH£ 60CD. W/NOCJ'/115 5W&!PT AU.. TM&" FL0'11i5 NID POUSM!O ALL THE Ot!$kS. e 0 • 0 0 AlLM'.Ol OC"'-"/ J Tl:UST MYW'l-EflS .. LI KE A PAll.AC HtJTE· J UMPER T~USTS Hl.S S1LK/ By Ferd Jahnson By Tom K. Ryan waL.:THERE'S N.WAYS PAJAMA BORGERS By Al Smith SOWl-IAT? NOBODY ELSE K,'\lOW5WHO T+-IEIRS IS E1THER! By Gus Arriola ly MeU WHAT iHf5 OUTFIT Ne~ SADLY 15 A ~ous TAANKi~ HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE G -~•-•_•_•_•~I ____ ._:1~000:: General 1000 12\500 "Sailboats & Sunsets" S1~;o1•[1111~ \ ""1 1J/ < .. 1at1n.i • <'VCl')'\\l1LTl' ~·~I II.JI~ a 1·1f'1v lluilL·in l\11t·li1·11, hn•c.kf<isl roo1n, [auuly ru0m. CoJ"n1al du11ng-rChu!l . Pr"IL"t'fl hcln11 lllitfl-.l•C ~~10.li.!.I ~--------~ OCEAN FRONT Tripi•·"< $b!I,:><.() full pnct'. Lot :mxl~'O', un1!s have e very. lhln.g_ l111'pli!.L"<', 11·asher, dry· •·r·. rani;f'. oven, carpets, dr-<1 rie~. fun11 turc, ga1·ages, BBlJ . Sec tlus. Ta rbell 2955 Ha rbor Tiil·'. Ql'ICKt:I! ''fllt C/\LJ., 1'111~ QLlJCh:EH ·rou SELi, Genera l 1000G eneral 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: BEAUTIFUL CAMEO SHORES .Just li:.ted, 4 BR '"'din. rm., & fam. rm., \"1e\v of oc::ean and n1ountains. \1·1de gar- den ent ry. (i reat u ~e of stone & panelling. Large poo l and patio .. . .. S77.500 l\lary 1-larvey OPEN HOUSE SUN 1·5 DOVER SHORES -VIEW 1948 Santiago. 4 BRs, large farn. roon1. S\•, 1111:;ning pool. Panoramic \"ie\V or hills S.: back bay. 0 "-'llrr 1nust leave area. .S72,500. c:athryn 1"ennille OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOM ~\year-round home on bes t beach. Electric kitchen, large living rm. \Vi lh fireplace; 2 baths and paved \vateriront patio. Trade con;;idcred ...... , . . . . . . . .569,500 \\"alter l·laasc OWNER SAYS SELL! l a1n C'o Shores. Out of area owne r says :5cll ln1n1ed. St).)()0 price reduc. 4 BR s + con. drn. Poo l \r1 extensive deck area. \'ie\V .. 5G2.900. Kat hryn Ra ul ston BLUE LAGOON-SO. LAGUNA Oceanfront com1n, • Beach. pools. tennis, Security. 3 Bl~. 3 bal h IO\Vn house. \Vet bar. Ocean vie\\'. Co n1p !urn. incl \1·asher & dr~·­ cr . . . . . . .. _ .. S59,500 (';:irf)J Tal~1n1 SHORECLIFFS De:;i rable !or. 'l'r11d1tion<il. Shaked roof. ('ire. dri,·r\1 ~1~·. Prggerl floo rs T\1·0 bdrrns. J1en \1ilh f1 r pl & wet har. Lr g rea r patio. .h .. hn Clark hit S55.500. Kathryn Raul:.t11n HARBOR VIEW HILLS I tt"k l.:1 .J olln plan :~ l~clrn1., -!am. bc:Jth \l"!lh '1e \1• of Pac::1f1c Ocean. 3 car sep- aralf' g<i rage. 2 fireplaces .554.900. .i\I 1··1nk LUSK 3 BEDROOM OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • 5 3430 Seabreeze. Open Su n. l 1o 5. 3 BDR.\r, 2 b<l th. fHJTI rn1 . 'till <'lrea. Prof. Jandscap- inc: .. '\ recd •·111ocle!"' hoine Jn C .D.~I \vc ll priced at . . . ..... 551.500. Joe Clarkson FIRST OFFERING $46,500 T he lovctinc~<.: of J~avcres1. 3 Bedroom fa n11i\' rooni. 2 firrplact.s. Re a11 11fully land- scaped. r•rofe 5s ron;;i l decor. lrnn1ac11late S4G.500 AN EXPANSIVE VIEW l\to~t at1 rnc\1\·c ln r.ae 2 slor;: .. 1 J~rdroom, h \l~e rarn1!v roon1 . 1'he n1ost popular floor plon for the ~rn.:il l or !~1 rge fa111 1l y. 1\lal'y Lou ~lan1un CdM -STEPS TO BEACHES r;ooct 1n,· j{l r s un1n1er hon1e & "inter ren-- lnl. 4 L;H k fJn1 ;\('\\'kitchen. 13C'atJI. patio. \ 101,·. ()'' nc r \1·111 sell or lease option. Sub- mit. (':i rnl Tatu n1 COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPOR T CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 83l-0700 644-2430 General ., ---~ --~ ..... -·--··~. ---···· . ...--...---:-•_..., ______ "'I" ___ _, ___ ..,,...,...,....,,... ... ..,. ____ ..,_.,._~-----------.--------... -- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 General 1000 General HOUSES FOii SALE 1000General HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HO U, ES FOR SALE 1000 General 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 3 Bedroom Bargain $19,850 Thi.~ is a houSf' h11ntrr'.s drram \\'ilh 3 good sizf'd bt..'<11·oon1s. The 01-••ll!'l' has gone of! a nd left it vacant. so lt"s ri:'ady for yu11 tu move in today. You belier 1110\·c fast on this one! This House Is A Mess If s cl i1·1y, it needs palnt, the la\.\'TI needs lo he \1·ater· rd, nobody lives then• it"s vacanl, lhP neighborhood is nlcf' and 1:'1o?an t11oug h, it's got everything you nC'-L'<i 1(1 rnakr it R honlC' you"ll be proud or. 4 big bffl. room~. :.! balhs, btiil t -in kitchC'n and 50 forth. Steal it! Assume 5 "1 'G loa.n at $178.00 mo. Buy At The Beach $26,500 This is 11 ~harp, sharp be1tch house, t1-,·o atrium patios, bi_g bl'drooms and '"''o ba1tts. only si."< yt'!ars old "'ith thr n1ost unbel1C'11ablf.' trrms you\•I' f'ver h{'ard of. Th" O\\"nrr i~ ll<'ry anxious and ,,.•ill carry the fin- anrin{.'.. submit dc"1·n payment that \\"ill suil your budt:('l and siCT"J• to tht'.' sound of tht'! surf. --~-~ rr_~~· . -----.. Live A Little In this hf-aut.Jful 4 bedroom exN:.utive horn" \1·ith 11 :-1J('etar.ular ocean vie1v. lt "s in exce llent rondillon in · i.ide and out. profrssionally landscaped eourtyarr1 f'n - lry o ff,..rs you1· co untry privacy. Jt's vacant a nd thf.' 011-nf'r -n•ants it sold for S38,500 -.·hlch l.s "''ay belo,,.· niarkel value. Mesa Verde 4 Bedroom -$24,950 This i5 r.!Psa Verde'g best buy, it"s a nlc:P 11nd cleen ·I bo•d1·oon1 2 bath home in Mesa Vl'rdc "'Ith buil1 -in kitchen, double garage, excellPnt neighborhood and !he O\.\Tier is 11nxiou.s, try 10% down and at this price you·d better hurry! 5 Bdrm Fixer Upper Eastside Costa Mesa No do1-1·n to \'PIS, ptL.l (']bo1v ireasP into thi:o; hotu;r and you"ll comf' 011t on top. lt"!i pric:t-d to so•H be· cau:>c it"~ vacant and th(' O\\'ner must sell. This is a rral hedge aga inst inflalivii. See it: WE NEED LISTINGS 2629 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-8640 WE NIED LISTINGS FINER HOMES ELEGANT BAYFRONT Th is years finest view Bayfront buy. Format Bayfronl home with beautiful Mansard roof is offered exclusively. 4 bdrms, pier, slip & S\vin1ming pool. high ceilings, sweeping stair- \\·a.v can not be duplicated at $225,000. One of the most admired Bayfront homes in New- port Ha rbor. DOVER SHORES E legant 3 bdrm home \Vith view of Back Bay, gbrden or family room , spacious living r oo1n, oversized pool \vith extensive surrounding tl"r race. Decorated in exquisite taste. Reduc- ed to 5117,500. Call for appointment. LINDA ISLE 5 bdrms 41 ~ ba th , a luxurious home carpet.ed & re<>rl v for your private pier & slip. Asking S l ~5.00'J. ' .. Open .)aL Sun 14 Linda Isle Drive BAYf'RONT 11npresi.;iv e 2 story Bayfront home, 4 bdrms la rge living_ roon1 , for1nal dining room, pan- ell ed den \\1t h \1·et bar. master suite with sit· ting-roorn. fireplace & ext ra large d ressing room. Electric controlled gate & garage doo r. P ier & flo<1t for large po\1•er or sail boat. $175 .000 . Call for appointment. DOVER SHORES c;rac1ous living for your family. View home \\'ith pool. 4 bdrms, dining room. family room, 4 baths. 4000 sq. ft. + 3 car garage. Beautifu.lly carpeted. draped & decorated . Id eal for enlertaining .. .\sking $104,000. Call !or appointment. john mai:nab REAL TY COMPANY 901 120 1000 General 1000 JJnJa J j/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 16 Linda Isle Drive Exquisitely decorated 5 Bedroom, 5 Ba th new home "·ith upstairs vie\v of Corona de! l\1a r hills. 3 fireplaces. Cantilevered patio deck \Vith gas bar-b-que, Priced with doc k al ................... -.. .. .. ... $145,000. 57 Linda Isle Drive Just completed 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home \\'ith patio deck, sitting room and fireplace in mas- ter bedroom suite. Family room has sunken conversntion p it and fireplace. Decorated and landscaped for . . . . ..... _ ....... $162 ,000. 82 Linda l1le Drive Spacious 4 Bedroom, 5 Bath beautifully dec- orated ne\v home adjacent to clubhouse and beach. P ier & Slip installed. P r i c e d a t .. .. .. .. .. . $155,000. Resale waterfront Linda Isle leasehold lot $35,000. "'ith plans ....... _. Linda life Deve lopment Co. 1080 Bayside Dr., N.B. Bill Grundy 675-321 0 ;G;;•;;n;•;;'";;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lOOO;;;: [G __ •_•_••_•_1 _____ 1000_ EASTSIDE Dike & Colgrove spaciQ1.1.11 4 BR 2 bath hame. Shake roof. Bring paint bn1io:h, la"''II mower &. check OOok. $26,450 (try IO~o Down ) Newport •• Victoria 646-Ull (anytime ) $19,9SO FUL L PRICE and only S 134 per mon!h total po.y.s all. ,Lovely 3 bed· room, 2 bath immarulate horn!', :>nuggled 1mong tow· erin::: !!hii.cle lrt'Cs on quiet !i:rt>t'I near i;hops & ~s. Lovely avocado carpets 8.1'd rustom drapes. t-lodem all built-in kftchrn. Take O'/('r this excelJC'l1t G.I. loan of 634 'I ,,. ith WW, LO\.\' down. WE SELL A HOME EVERY l l MINUTES Walker & Lee :nro 1-farbor Blvd, at Adams P ete Barrell feaft';f preJen/J OPEN HOUSES POOLS $10,000 PRICE REDUCTION Dove r Shores panoramic view, custom bui lt home taste- fully decorated. 3 bdrms, 31h baths, \Vith separate maid's room, forma l dining room, adult recreation room with sunken \\'el bar & fireplace + "pool table size" recreation room opening to pool & patio. Cheery & br ight kitchen \'i'ith view-side breakfast a rea. 1046 Pe1cador )unday 1-5 1907 HOLIDAY -VACANT Ready to move in . Price has been reduced for immediate sale. 4 bdrms & den + famil y room & formal dining roo m. A new pool. Has been added for the families pleasure. outstanding yard for the children or entertaining. 1907 Hol iday Sat/Sun 1-5 BAYCREST -IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY \Viii lease option th is spacious 4 bdrm. fam- ily room. dining roo m & panelled den home. Added attraction: fenced Anthony pool in la rge yard, bu il t-in speaker s, vac. system & garage door openers. 1607 Santiago Or. Sunday 1-5 CAN'T FIND YOUR HOME? Build your o\v n on. lovely Antigua \Vay in Baycrest. \Vell priced at $26,900. Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REAL TY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 _, .- ~ 1· ,. ,. CAMEO SHORES VIEW-from livin9 rm., dinin9 rm. & ma,+er BOA.. Ne1v carpets & drapes, built. 111 t•lcl:!i·w k1tclk'n. Luxur- iously landscapt..-d. Lar;:-c. slW'ltert>cl yard. 2 BR, 2 ha, drn lan:r garag{' '11th open. rr. S7-l,:JOO,_ Riddle & Ros' Realtor' Corona de/ M<!!r 075-7225 TODAY 'S BEST BUY GI Resale Taki' ove r 53~'~ er ]')an~ Nrat ~ .i. dining rm , An. thony Pool home on comer-. 01vner n1ust sell . translcr· red to S;U t Lakr . Terms O[X'.n. Full price $3-1,950. 54&·5880 (MJrCi"~t~) LLEGE REALTY 1500 ~ at HMblr.,CM. General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Realtors PRICED $2 .000 BELOW FHA Gene ral 1000 BUY of the WEEK! Grear :'-lesa Verdi! location. Big :l txlnns &-famt.ly. 1\lany extras • sprinklers, front & rear pa tios, caf'Jl('ts I drapt>s & huilt-in.s. S26,900 with FHA or GI terms. f"ast pos. i;es.~1011. General 1000 1 J BR.POOL-DBL FNCD I Upper Bay a.N'a . Pan'lrt &· beam ceilings &· "'·alls. 2 full ba. B;tns, !.10Vt', buffet. dh11·hrs. Lrg pill#' !l'f't's_ Va. can!, clean. $Z9.9:-i.J. ·Bk.r 6-\&-lTj) I OCEANFRONT l BR hon1e on Xlnt beach. 1;-H,9.'iO. :H07 Sca.~rnn"f', l'\B I OPEN HOUS~:. S,\T & St"~ George Willi amson Rltr. 67"..-4:00 Eve~. 673-\jlil FHA appraisal on this quality built 3 bcdroon1, 2 bath home is ~27,950. O"''Tl"r s11.ys Sf'li n011·~ At S25,950. Just a f,..,v years young. Large fa n1· ily room. Bi g lt·4 tol. ltuon1 for morr unit.~. Sr ll.•r lr>ft for thf' ~ast. DQn"t hurry -RUSl['.? Dial no11• 615-0300. 5 BEDROOM WHAT!! $2 3.000 1 1·.~ tnir' BNIHtirul ~ s!o1y Vlf'iorian Colonial, fi\1>am1n~ h111'11\·0'lf! flri;. :'--!;1~~1 1·c h1·1"k !1replacr . 11 u g r ki!ehf'n. O\\"Tl('r HERITAGE 540·1151 Cl!ARGE IT ~ General Once In A While A ho1ne this sharp \\'ilh a price to match comes on the 1narket. 3 bedrooms, double detached garage v.·ith a separate \1·ork shop to satisfy the hobby man. Concrete dnve and parking pad for boat or travel trailer storage. Smartly decorated and im- maculately maintained. Delightful kitch- en. Eastside location and no\v reduced to .. .. ... -. -· ......... ' ....... $27.500 Beautiful Rancho Mesa Qua1ity construction and design are yours in this immaculate 4 bedroom f a m i I y home • .Just 2 years new. Large (garden style) kitchen with all the built-ins. F rom d ramatic entry to the large covered patio this home shine s. Assumable F~IA finan- cing. $32,500 and worth it! Mini Ranch has r 11!ht 1n family. l-:mplo~rr s a y i-hl'·s transt..,n·('d ! ! Fantas1Jc 1n\"est1nen!'. llU!if.' R. :1 lot 11·ith rtllry. ?-111ch mn1't' B r ! I l' r hurry! C<dl 6·l>0.30.1. G .1. FINANCED TAKE OVER 6 ~~ fi.1. fin.1MN1 •I bedroom, '.! bath home. O.>luxe fC'BllU"C'~ include bull!· in.~. stone lin:place. fam· ily room. l'ake ovPr high loan of $23.100 al 6,...01 a.nnua\ rate. No fees. No pcnahiei;. PaymPnt.s of S210 mo. Pays all!! tm- ma.e11latr TK'l~hhnrhood. Only S27.~ priced fo 1>el1. Dull 6.'tt-03l)J. HA VE $I .000? HOME + R·2 1000 ' General BEACH BARGAIN 1000 -p ROPE RTI E-5 WES.f l...,._' .. 1:>ioi-Oii""•'•Oii"'iiii" iitiiil •'oip•'•' •II PRESENTS Numr rous fine-homes in !ht Nr11•port an>a . !'°<'v<'ni.I r .'I"· rrllrnt 1n11es1mcnt opporrun. it1rs. Over 12,000 sq. ft. in this close in Co sta ~Iesa lot. Super sharp 2 bedroom plus den "'ilh hard,vood floors a nd lathe and plas- ter _construction. r~mit trees galore, la rge patio area \l'ith built in BBQ. En1oy the pri\•acy of this large lot or develop \1·ith 3 Tr r r i I t c lnvr~1n1cnt . L<l1'f'ly homr c1nir~ it· ~·lf, ,,.·hilr )OIJ°~ th1nk- 1n i:: of 11u:nr>rou.~ more 11r,1 ts. l!Uf:" 2.i;, l,.>Ot lo(. Only SIS.;:.oo full pnct'. 1-'antasllc nims'. St'IJCT p;'l.ld off f'vrrybody and h" v.'111 go all oot for rou. Better hUIT)·! ! Dial 6·rx>JO."l. .l Br:. 2 h:.. 8 yrs young :O:r;ir f)t'"lln 0111~· S~:'..~. JO', f>r.i\1"TI CAYWOOD REAL TY 6::fl!> \\'. (fla$t ll""Y·· N B. • 543-129Q • $25,9SO 5l/4 °/o LOAN Tcx11s s1z"tl t>rororim~. larg<' •·ov••rt'!d palin. FllA }l)an at annual prrC('ntab'C rate """'' nn proprrty. Large lo! 5·1(}-1720 Tarbell 2955 Harbor '\"hitc Elephant!~ RIGHT AREA l.n\'rl~:...4 hdnn, 3 bath. fa m· dy room l.-den on large Jot on a tr't'e lined C11rve 1n the l:lf's! section ot Bayc-res1. Ex. crllcnt rond1tion v.i th px!rr. 1nr nr.,.·\y patntM. Built by Ivan \Velis. $66.~. ·Roy J, Ward Co. 'Bayrrest OU ice I 1430 Gala.'Cy 6.$6.J5j() DON 'T gh·e ii away. get quick cash ror it with a Daily Pilot WAllt Acl . 4 BR. 71: hath ••. Sfi."),000 2 BR, 1 bath .•. S!6/:liJ '.l BR. 2 hath ... S19.250 Ol"f'anfront dplex S&3,000 £ Ocluxr unil.~ 5215.!XXI PROPERTIES WEST 675-4130 671-1642 3 BR 2 BA. family rm. Pro! deror . 111 yr l)ld-xlnl cond. $.32,500. 12382 Fleet Ln, HB. Owner s.w;...im \\/}life Elephants?' OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 1343 Ma riners Drive Immaculate 3 hdrm Bay<Test home ,,.;th bearrn:d N>ilings. 2 firepiacrs, quality con· struction by Ivan Wells. f1l'xlble fLorms. Qukk pos. session. JERRY FREUD CHAS. ARNOLD 388 E. 17th St., C.:'11. fi46-Tr.'J.:; more income uruts . Be quick ...... $24 ,750. FOR A WISE BU Y COLBWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 , .... ~tNI-... L....W...Sclrtoel 1..-..tH 11 A IMI 11._,. c_...,7 llt'M S••••• 11 1, a .... Cell "" I...,.._ f OREST E. OLSON Jnc. Realtors at llarbor Cenl.e'I' 2299 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 1969 VOLUME $120.9 MILLION THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS COSTA MESA 2790 HARBOR BLVD. 546-2313 EXCLUSIVELY OURS \Vh;'\f 11 ould you tn1nk nr a ii Brcl1"oon1 f•1rn1Bl d inin;: • h1n1ily roon1 hornc on 11. lr·,·1:1 eu)·nrr l•~t 11·i th Pll.~Y h<h1[ and l:ampC'r ~H'!"t'$~ 11·1lh fn><h l'111n1 nntl n1•1v carpo•I. in a S~l .OCX'l prir\r nf 111\"ne~h ip nch:hbQr• hi.net for only ~26,950 -We"\!(' got it. Call us ri11ick. 4 HDROOMS-S25,SOO FH,\ °' VA n.indy hr11ch 11rf'H homt'. CarpPINi &. dra~. f'nn'T"1" patio ancl 111.rt;r yard. r erfcct fam- ily hon1e only 6 yrar11 old. COUNTRY LIVING IN TOWN It \."i n llf' ;.·nu1·~ on 1his srcludr cl nur arrr. :'!:'our rhllflrl'n "ill romp and plAy to lh..,ir h!'a r !"s rirhghL 1n this 11•ondrr f\1! rn11n- 1r.1• atmOl'phrrr. Thr C'U:>"loni h111I ! hn1nr ha<; .'i hrr1 ronm" pin~ fnm1h r<~Hn 1'1!h l.in::r rr,vrr- rrl pil!in YE~. 11\IBSF.:S ,\Rr. f'Fli>JTITr.o F.'frrllr nf trrms. C;ill 11.c; /or dr t111l.s. ~92.000. NEWPORT BEACH 1700 NEWPORT BLVO. 646-7171 OCEAN AND I,\ Y VIEW From this exquisitely decorated Nev•port home v.1ith large pool off family entertain· mcnt ornter -Ne w cu5tom cB.t'J)('ta and drapes. The maximum in privacy Bnd you f)l1·n the land $85.000 -Owner \I.ill con· sider trade for income. NEWPORT llACH-l'HA °' VA Braulifu11y clean and neat 3 Bedroom!. Large rear yard ,,.·ith fruit trees and ulll· ma!r privacy -$28,950 -Owner v.'111 pay points necessary. HOME AND R·2 LOT Dandy 2 Brdr·oom, large Uvlni:t room \.\·Ith flrf'placc. The~·i-room ror 2 more hou.sl!s. S2.l.:l00, nn'flcr -.·ill riMnc~ at 7 ~i?'o and no !Olin cnsL OPEN HOUSES Saturday and Sunday 1 ·5 417 1"" StrNt. C-M- 505 -Ma. N_,... -· 25' Oc-ow. N_,... _. 13JI. Saotlat0, N_,... -· l004 C:.pollo eo.t, M ... Vmlo 4631 Faltfl.W, C-RIM• 411 Acocla. c:..-RI M• 1l07 h<bl!lre, W-,Nowpott .... \,O~THE REAL '\)l ESTATERS CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 LIVI! IN °STORYIOOK0 LAND Only a couple of blocks from Corona Beach this charmer with pegged hardwood noon, modem kttcht'n and 3 beodroom&. 2 beth• and f&mil1 room -$47,500. OWNIR WILL '1NANCI AT 7% Corone del Mar charm -.·ith a mini vle\11. Spacious 2 bedroom11 and dt'n. No polnt1, no fen, no Impound!!. $52.~. llAUTIFUL CAMIO SHORIS 1so• Virw of ocean to C&tallna. PrtvAI• Beach -3 Bedrooma:, 2 beth$, Jarge form11l dlninr room -Ownrr wents AcnON end hu reduced $5,000 to S72.000. INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS 6 UNITS -$3',500 $590 Per Montt. Income Top rental record, thi& l.s a great start for limalJ lnve5tor--Taic 6hellt'r pha take out income. can us today. l COST,\ MESA FOl/lll'LIXIS ONLT l TIARS ·OLD 6-2 BRA" A Z-J BR all with 2 baths, all tht' CU5lom ff.'a turn of a nice l)omt'. Lo- cated on C&r11way Drive, Costa ].(esa. Ex- c.-llent for llvr In or l.a.x return property. Priced $139,000. cau now for vie,,.'ing. ZONID FQR MANUFACTURINCO 2500 Sq. ft. lnduslrial Plant & 1-lomt' •.. __ .... $67,500 Jndus tr\&l Lot A Office $3:2.500 2 BR Homt: o n lot-1 Lot $22~950 66.:t1300 Lt'vrl M-1 Lot Owner vdll finance -$20,500 . ' ' 1: -r ';'" ~ --T ----"'; --T -----~---------,--------..... --..... -----.... ---------------... ---------------,,..- Saturday, Octo~r 11, 1 9b~ i..;.;.;.;;.;;,;;:c:.c.,;cc..:.::::..=.~~H~O~U~SE~S:.c..~O;cc.R~S~A=:Le HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE , .-.~ni;l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilil~OOO~Gi;oi;no~·~•~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililD~OO.i Gen• r al 1 000 Gener a I NEED MORE ROOM? MA TT LA BORDE, Realtor 1000Generaf 1000 Gen1ral 1000 LIDO ·REAL TY, INC. OPEN HOUSES SUN' 1 ·5 ,:{vNEWPORT SHORES, hi~h "A'' fran1e I ·-:story ho111e, 2 BR. converl den & fa1nily ~00111 . ·~39 Prospect S2G,500 -~YLIOO BUY ln1n1:1c11lalc, li ttle beach -thon)e priced near lot value. ~11 Via J{oron, . . . , ... , ... , ... $42,500 ,, ~-...-BALBOA ISLAND, J~a\'lront, 3 BR & 3 B1\ ~hon1e + 2 BR rental un'it. P rime loci:it ion. •!1302 So. Bayfront .... $135",000 ~ ~ LIDO REAL TY. INC. :;-3377 Via Lido, New~rt Beach 673-7300 "'neral 1000 ~ OWNER MAKES DRASTIC REDUCTION :;~ r;rdroon1 La~1 ~1rt•· Ju.~1 1l fyw .<:ll'f'IS f11)l"ll H(l ("); Bny General 1000 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS • ~ BR. -r!H1111:.; 1'0\)111. l ~. 1,,,111~. ]OL~ of l'.•lll('l"rtc, l'OOITI lnr boa r <H 1ra1l,·r DAVI OSON Re alty ~;~J'.~1~;~·1 ~~01r0 ~~~·~1;rl I",·:. 1 11~: ~~.! ; ~ , • v ;.ir, -, If.II pl<L,\fOOn • -]Q', d Oll'll. ~·'.:'< ii.~M111111 l1lr lo11n ;11';11J:dolr. l)pen Sat, & Su n. 1-5 !Tin·: REAL [~TATr::r.s Mesa Verde-$25, 950 Big F amily Room! Km;: ~1 1.rd tlf'droo1n~, '..' +i;ilh-;, /1nr:.t l:r11ilt·)o kil«hcn. Gp;.7171 ·:·.it1.:1:ll ~ t ' ;-..,,, ... ri:1t10. ~il0-17'.:f) £¥.IL\' PILOT \\',\:\'T ,\1_2'-i'. _ __!arbell 2955 Ha rbor If s(J, ple1:1sr t hetk lliis -t bdnn !. h.'\lh horne '1\·\1 h FA1\\IL'l' l\IJ(l~I. JIUC I•: rovr>rril .v ~•'l'f'<'ilPlj p~(~\' ~· h'li•'t•<I yarrl !ur tll(o kids. J::.\· «1'1!1•111 Jo1:,•tlon1 11r:o1· :.hrJpplliji & schools, on a cul • de -53.c strect. FA.')'T ACC~_;s:-; tt.• fr·ri•. 11,.1ys \fJI•! s::ti.800 l illi•·.~ 'ii. JOiia.. COATS ~ WAL~ACE REALTORS -546-4141- fOp•n Evenings) 1 ~-"'-'"""-""-..... ~~ ......... 1 8 UNITS ALL WITH VIEW P1·1111e ;in·tt or N~·" porl Bi>al'll. 6 . :! hf'rl1TI011 1 :<ll1llito n[}IS, 111th lin·ph1CP, 'l ~ I IJ1·d1·110111. r.arat:;<:" spf~~·l' lnr 16 cut·s. Cn111111un1ly JlO<'L lncon1e .~~J,J(,(). Ca:J for appl lo sec !i)(·~c ral'r uroil~. \\'alkrl' ,r. Lrr :'l!r. Lf'1•l11c 1:-ICO:'>ll~ INVE:"!'~tf:j\'T n~:PT 545-9451 SAFE AT FIRST SU.rl \vl th a LEASE OPTION and c ircle the llases to O\vnershtp \Vi lh EQUITY BUILDING PAYMENTS. See U1J::; three Bdrn1., d en. l :)~ bath /Jonie. Oversize double garage, block \Vall & chJin link fe ncing. Frc.~hly det:o rated just for you -Nice tree lined strcel. FULL PRICE ONLY $24,950. DOUBLE PLAY DELUXE DUPLEX -TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. Dining room, forced ai r hc<i t and hullt-in electric kitchen . All nev.• carpets , c::o n1pl etely redecorated Jn and out. Divi<lc(l single garages. \l.'Cli la ndscaped front ycir<l , .<'C·p ~1 r;i !e rear vard s. TOP VALUE AT $27,500. NO DOWN VETERANS -Lo\v dO\vn F'.11./\. IT'S A HIT ASSUME 51/4°/o LOAN . 1600 sq. ft. FOUR BEDROOM, TWO BATH HOME . t•:x tra l<1 rge li vin )! rou zn. pa11clcd f~un i ly dini ng <l re~1. Spacious tOl'ner lol -boat and Lrailer stor- <igc arcci s. Cci rpet plus t1ro \Vork shops. NEW V.A. LOAN ALSO AVAILABLE. Sec today. STRIKE OUT 140 Harbor Island Rd. (off Bayside Dr.l Beaut iful executive hon1e on 6/i lhs acre. Sparkling pool. of an 4 Hcdroon1~ -3 Baths OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 M•rine, B•lboa Island 675·3331 Open 'til 9 Ev•ry Night /.G;;;c;n;';";l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;OD;;;· ~ [ Genera I 1000 EASTSIOE 3 BR i\'(•l'ols a J111J!;' r i~in S· T J,\, I ,a1·g1• Int "1111 ;,/Ir."' r·nlr l(n,,11'1 f,.r l1r•;1I on· lr.iil1 r. J'1'l<Tti , l;:hl .II -$23,500 2813 DRAKE A\/E. PERFECT PLAN ('11.-io1 11 dt•_,1g1wd hy !v1111 \'. rlls ,t ."<Jn~ l, d1v1drd "\lo ;11 lul1 ,,.,.,]1,11 ,\-cl1diJ1·r 11 '~ 111 11i.:. l'.111,i1 .1n11,. Up/'t'r l::~y \ ll'W Jnnn lov111;; rvo1n, dor1 • 1n::; rr11i111, ki1 , Jw11 11' i I h IH'<'o1l;!a:-1 :irt'a ,\· 1nastc!' hdrrn. Thr (an1ily rooin 11·ilh fll'f'plo!"<' .~· othf'r J bdt·n1~ S· ? l.l11tli1( (:f'11lcr 011 lhf' 111· "' ,. 1•u11r1 ).«J'(! •11!h so:irk· 1111,: 11Vvl, & 1\'t1lled fol' p1'1· \',lo '_\ (',11n pli•lr·il l'l~l 11 .. r k ,<;; 11\:1d.1l;J,. 1\••11' S\l''.\.OVO. Roy J . Ward Co. I /3:1.\\'JTl'! Of11C<' I JI.in lialaxy lJr1v•' L·l6·15.in HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! Gen•r•I 1000 BALBOA ISLAND· OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY I to 5 PM 219 DIAMOND A deli ghtful 4 Bdrn1 Honie only 8 y~ars yo un g. Ne\vly decorated -ne.'v carpet1ni;. P lus a I Bd r1n a part1nenl \1·1th sun deck. STEPHENSON REALTY 306 Marine Ave, l 675-4100 Gone· ••I 1000 1000 --------~ Generill $22, 9 50 Fu L L p R I c E I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 NO DOWN! Nrar nr11· curpf'!s and cus· 1un1 i11·<1pf';.. ao'l\Jn1 Jl~ ir1· 1·itini; hvln~ t'OOm anrl din· inl{ area. Spa1·k!ing !IARD· \'•OOD FLO:J!l:-; lh1«ou~hou1 .1 hi;: l11•t11·00111.~ anti pull- 111 :u1 ho 11i,_ Cl1r•·1·.1• t1L1d1.111 ki1C'hr·11 nnd '"!'~•n1 1r 1..-\UN· Gl:Y !~O<J.\1. Ch•on iii and Olli Ol1 ll•T !r:1 n~fpo n •rl :111<1 nn1~! ~,,II wilh :->O IJOI\'.'; TO VETS 01' F l IA tern1 ~­ EXl'C'il<'n : <ll'C:J uf i:;ro1111 trer;; ;ol\d q11ll'l Sll'l'rl 11c;11· school. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee :a:>o 11rirhor Bl vd. a l Ad:1n1s '.'113-!l-191 Opf'n 1il 9 l':\1 COMMERCIAL BLDG. & 2 BR HOME :,O:d!!()' ('\J111f'r lo! next to DrpL or :\lolor Vf'hlc!r~. ~ po1·1 illl'\1rri<'. \\'ill n·ad~· fur ,I lo 6 111111'<. $38,000 i\!UST S/\Cl:ll·'l t'I~ Tl·Jl.O: 4-neral 1000 General 1000 Gen•rat 1000 HIGH DOWN PAYMENTS and HIGH MON· THLY PA YM ENTS. Bu y under V.A. or F .H.A. TERMS. 'fhree bedroon1s, two bath s, fan1ily J'001n . d ining: a rea and built-in kitch- en. Spacious reat· living room \Vilh fireplace. \;-1 rpeled and draped. l.ar ge covered pallo. fe.nccc! .va rd <1nd ,veil la nrl scapecl [ront c:i nd re;:i r. PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY $23,900. '!'he apnr;1l$i1l 111 ;:1l J'u ll price. \Vc 'rc rcactv 10 OPEN HOUSE Sat.-Sun. 1-5 ."1.,p hy -~rr 1o nppr,..c· 1.11.· 1 111 ~ 1111~111~· l1nr :: DR I o:n1l.1 l><illl!', ~l1nppltl:!' <'!'Tl· Ir•:· ,\ i•\<'•'llrn! " l1,.•1ls ~~~---~---~1-34·.-5-0•0...,.~.__-__ ... 1 ;:-s:m,9:io -:1 -1;1;:~;J.~t1.:;;;--; hn111r. Nu·o ~crf'!ll1rd paloO r1H liil(·hf'n. fii~ fpnn'<I rrd. !I JCll lil~i.OIJO. ::;'" ~·!l .'I LOA:\'. YOU C.\:>l ,\SSU\ll': ~12·1/1110 1n!'h11if's a IL J .r•11· low d<1 \\'n-()1111r.r 11111 1·;1rry tri.1· 111iC'l'l'~1 '.:1111 T . lJ . f'11.1111enr s Ir~~ llwn 1·•·111 BRAND NEIV l!Oi\1E IN HliNTINGTON BE AC H . \1"1LL SELL 1''0R $l'ilJ() J}(J\l/N. J·'ULL P n 1 C E l'NDER SJ3,000. i\10\'J·: TN QUICJ.;• C.<\LI~ .,lli·.·.J:1J , EV~'.S. {fJ(i-1~11 ' \\·1·: l\1\'0 \\' ·r1-1 1·: llc\RBOn ,\He:,'\ 'LIJ E l·t:\RBOI1 .i\f1 1~:\ KNO\.\'S US A LOOK AT LEADERSHIP Be tty Grubb Stt+v. ""'"""' "'r lf·e top ,.10, .... ,d On • lo<"'•' ofli~1 19 •1n d 1"10T"lo•+•• ~' 1bol,1y '" pul+.n9 d""" l o94!lhor· b~ lf "'ch1n9 o ~l 1h1 p <o portv ""d m otth- in9 d 1•.-.th h,1 ol •1nl • nt•d> >.1 •n e~•rr"PI • 1i.,., "beyond 1h1 <•II ol du!~" ellod , ,.,ul!ed '"a O u•d er.of·•·Mollion ••I• ond • • t • e • b I • ..... 11. •ornod c.oml"l •U ;on. W" .,~ m'>d hopp11 IP h~·t ~,,, ~bo••d o u, "S ~I •. lk••t • SUCCESS CONGRATULATIONS "Betty" and "Heten" l~~•• "r•o"" don't cl.;.., l~~d•rl~;p -!~~V •~·n O!, ""ch of th••• l•d••• pro11 dpd o•tr S200 000 io ,.1., 1.,1 monlh , wh0cti contt.bu•od m•+•''"ll~ lo ""' •olum e of wo ll o ~tt o! • fT'1ll on doll•" for Sop+,.,,b,, -no! • ••<· o•d mc;nth, bu• Lttl•tnlv •n n<.ti•o on•' ~t+ly •nd 11elon •n10~ •I,., conf;dr.nc o o f 1h e.r d ;on<\ ""-j tf.• !fl\PO<f pf 1hf or '"''"''"""d !o~oli of "' c<impl.,hl"l en! "'d •'•nd . .,d, p( ""''"""'"'" •h.t ,,1 tf.e P~'" lo, lhe pr<i • 1•1«<>•. •nd 1he po l1t-v or ou• comp • n '·"Po e pl" l•~t Oc,ng: 8~1'nl l• Wit~ 8•v t nd Bo•ch Pe ~ple." THROUGH Helen Ander~on Hol•n >., '.1.,...,, hY•v°' A"de1•on, >. peronn ,.I C .. v •nd B.ech .~l t1 lo•dot (pr "'""Y v••" ••h """" ••CO<d 1 monlh e fto r month, hf t Soplembe r vol· Uri'• ol 1elot ""d i:,1<nq• .... , <in1 of th o be •I t~;, ve • • Re!o"•I•, he< • ! P <. k ,n l•ede, ~•rn~d bv u~ti"n'I ded;c•hon to c I ; en!•' < om p I 1 1 t ,.ti•lect;on. B"v••• depend "" he• •••· •oned "dvlc e lo m " ' < h ~,n,i ble ""I""' lo lh•'' 1nd, .. du$I n1od1_ Kn o'"' "H ~l en ''-•ht ~no"• how~ SERVICE \\TW"th1·1· ~(·\l 1\J'f' !.11 1~1 11.: or ~nll1n~ your r<'s1drrl!'r , i11<'11n1r. or •'OJl1111lf'l'("!id pro1...-.1·(y, 01· ~l n1ply r:l•·~11·r inf1,r111al1<1n a1)01 1l 1·r;d r <;trllr, a J:;<H~ phu:I' I() '""k 1.r .. r1·~,11.1i<•I ao~i~l.1nrr I" t11rou::::h any .. r t•tlr !11orr1o11 c;hly q11;1l1f1rd ~a1,..~ rnnr1s<'l r1r~. \\'tn· n1•I i·;dl tvdn~-.Jll<.t ll'k r .. r "('l1arlrn,.." -·:11u Ii "~ ".Ian ' ''fil'111•" -"U\ifl " -"l~orrn<t., -'.lr1111" HJ' "l lt l,..11".,. \\'E: Al1E l~~:i\J1Y \VHE~ YlJ\J 1\l!!.0 NEW LISTINGS: FIRST TIME AROUND THINK CASTLES IN SPAIN Tl 1r11 •\•11 \1' flllrl ~·"" rli1~ 1)rr;o11 rrnr1I ... hn11'pl1Hr '''hl'l'P ~Pll n11n th" l<1nrl ."1 /;,..flrnn11 1~ ;i nct '\ R;1lh ... ''!'!if'l' lr1 • I, •'1«1 .~l nr 1,, '.\111 °1rr Brd1·nnn1 . lrn1rr fl•1or -,,1n11il••l1' 1;111!. 1111)1 II.1th and 11"•\!'110~11 !'1·n1 ·n 1·1 ~ f'l 11·a1 01•-; ··rl,·l'-l·••11irlr1 - 11.,n 1orl1n:' ·il l t•·(·I 111 l'•'dl'<)1·k L'1 ... 111i•"\ll'" :.::1mnish arl·l11trr \1n r, 11n1q,,.· •!1- 11 ,,,1('•' 111.l.I , J01'ld.1 la11t1,1·111,,..d, rr..,1f1tl p<1t1" \\llh \1 1·1 lino': •n1·lqr! .. d .:11rrlr11 II ~···1·a11 !1'•11,t 1111n1.: Ill 1 1 ~ /11w~! I•·• m 1~ ~1111r ~·nal, 1·3!1 nr,1' r .. 1· 1111 l1 J•Ju 1111,I · "" 11' n1or1 11" ·•11:11uH1• r vriu 11 111 h11\'P a h<>1nr• 111-,pr<'!)nl1 • \Jll'l l•'t11'r ~'.111 II 11•1•1' !0>11.·11'fh•·11· .. prri_v mnrr ll•an 111~t1fj('i; 1hr 11n ~r ·_rr,d,1~·~ l'l'fll'Odll\'• 11 .. n 1•1~1 .-""11 id 11,. 11n)"'·'~1hl" !n ro~1 1111<i!r OH! HOW LOVELY! , Tll,\T 11;•-. lhr o·n1rornrnl llY l'\r1~·,;11r 1•hrn ,,,. 1n>l•"''·lrrl 1 111~ 1·hri1'1T1 1111 "', .t11rl '1!lu r )>1 ,,kr1.; :on'! .1l!1 11i: '""'1!11tll,1· frq· fl <'\flll· ! \l"-11 11,r•J1-1!• - 11111• 11 1/11••1' .II«!.•, 11)1 1! 11111!111,• Ill ir 11(" r n 1inr1\1 J.11·cf' sht1d1 d 10:0 !10 101 • 11- 1 ~1·\>1111111·· Thi · bH!ll l' \.II ", ·\\•I• •ihlo, ~ •dl)<' 111 "'; l1 nnnlr(l •' i!ln'~ 1lln11Jl,,'.I\· •••i i t\1 1·:0 1:11 ~·" l"'"H· 1'<1u11i, \l•'I' ,,f !"'"I <irr;l, .1 br1!rn••l1•'. :.'[rill hath"-, •I•• 111\' hill h • 11. ll'-• <1 ht 1•·k 111 r1>1 i1• f. IHll rhvn<1d fl qn1'"o;; Yn1 ((! <'\1°"1'1 a 111\ll'h li:~'li•·• 111 11" 1n: 11!"11 S.'19,0(lll "nd .'+'1• 1«111 111" l11n!! \\'1• 111 • ,1011 In,,,,,, 1111~ 111"1" 1•1 '·'1"'1 1~ OCEAN BREEZES BY YOUR DOOR l.11,r ii prr11Y .'r]l.,11 h,,11~ .. ~ \\'an1 n n« t•lo~r l t1 (Jt·riln Ho1ol1·1nrd ~ Pref Pr a 1••1'l1•·r J,11<!!1\_)n: :\•·r,I .! b"d1u•1n\, \,I'll lilri::r fan1 1lx t\\' J.n1111; ll:oom'.' On an ,,\.f'l'-~l71'd 1111~ \\'1 1h nr11 0 ·111'1 1r!~ 11nil drilp"~ -11 ilh rln<1l1ll' i:;rirl\~I' nn ii pa1·,..r1 nll"Y" lf ~''-and yr"' 11;int to kr"I' undrr $60,(lOO, tl1r11 br ~Urf' and lr1 ti:. ~ho11· yuu 1 111~ :<1,,•cial lhl 1n:~ DUPLEX ... OWNER'S UNIT LIKE A HOME Srldnrn <I n "" !1111·,. a pl;;n :1, nic,.. a-; t111s , .• •'1°,..ryU11nr:: in 11!1~01111,..ly sn<r1· less 1·ond1 l1nn .• ' nicr Slll'll h•·rlrornns nnd 2 baths in fl'ont 11n11: 1vith r ,;lra rrn1:1! unit in !'1'11 \'. 1111 ll"r ':< 11n11 hn;;; ri uali1.Y carpr'I ~ and drup,,~. J1v1n;:: r oom lirf'p]a('r, di111 n t arrA, m<'Jr!,..rn kil<'lorn. ":1:1r11·1Hrl!f' Fa1 11ily l\o)Un1. COl 'f'l'E'rl peflo. Br:s1 Ci)'.\! eo1111 •r !,,1·~11011, ••l'1·r-"11.cd Jn1, $1 0.000 (101\\·n -Sa l,..ably priced 11t SG1.000. 6'/•0/o ASSUMABLE LOAN-5 BEDROOM HOME "Ca.n't hanllv ~·· 1 lh•'~•' 1111v n1<Jl'"'" Eithf'r th,. l!lrcr 'if." h<o1 1v' '11' !hf' h11•· inlcrl':-t-.~nd 11 ' 1'1 L.h1 )1 ,.;.r in J lnrho1· \'ir•11· Holl". ,\ ::1·1,n t t.1n1ll,1· hnn1<'. l><'Ru1 i(nll~ d•·1.,1 :ol r>r\. lot..; ,.; 1"..--.111, OV<'I' :.'5\lil :;q. f! i\hon." <'\11·11 bqd l-in;;, ~~J'lflra !r fn1n1 1~ l'oonl 11·1th rirr phu:1" nnl.v r111<' )"ill' •old Jl,.1L11h •·1111dit1<1n (or..-rs ~!llr. 'Th.-•r h<>ll11'.~ 11~u.1lly Ill'<' a n1 u<'h hn.:hf'r pno•,.., 11111 r11'<'11n1:.1n11r1'~ fll'iC'" 1111~ nl ro11l.' ."-li:l.~1fX1 Hr ltf'r not 1<•eiL Th•'~•' ;.:o (ill!('[,\~ SECOND TIME AROUND Thi'.~" a rf' typi«;i l "P.I P." 1.;ond hon1<" ~·al u,..i;.--<1nd \1'c h111·r J!undrrds mnrr l hr11 Olli' j\1f11ll1pl•• l .1.~l i11g Sf'l'Vff'": :1 Rl'd ronm, 2 bath , flnly S."i,000 do"·n on biJ.! t'nrt11'1' lot, \0_~1 11 )\1 •"~11 $:14\5011 :1 Bl'droorn, 2'·1 b;dh. Cvndnn1inlum, Pal'I; Lido, m11ny r:..·t rn~ 11 dd,..rl,._.~:l2.500 J1·1•in<' Tr rTa cr , :l Rdrn1, :1 h.1t]1. (1\1Al;1y ho111I', suhn1il _l'fl11r lrrni~ .. S.l 4.9;;0 ,, iil"•'l"'r in Lnc.11na, :i Rdrn1. 2 BAlh.(' ·r11nras111-",.1,.11· S:l7.700 T11 ' <i"r:l llrl ion fnr llPXI Y"lll'; ;! t"'O brd1·oom uni l~. 1tnnrl cnndi!inn_ .~58.500 Small CDl\I Duplt>:. hi~ v11lut", small prict , trv to hf-•1 l1 fnr ~.1 1.930 n .. n·1 11" :i "I-co11ld·a-l1•!1 1' h11)'f'r :. ri~1nt' h111 ld111~ 1 ·n~1 ~. l11.ho1• :<11d !1111d Pt'i""~ 1111 ~a.1 "HI'~~ :\(J\V"-lrid;,~ ~ pnct>f. v.•111. IX' hi~lnr.1 111 11 fr1v ;t'rar• 675·3QOO 1~07 l A<..T COAST HIGHWA Y CORONA 0£l M >.ft CALIFORNIA go -ACT NOW_ . liOME RUN T\"10 STOR Y, FIVE BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS in t:prer Bay. SLIGHTLY SPANISH, slate entry. brick L.R. floor, ''Death Vallev Rock Rri r k" firepl ace. rvlexican tile in bnthS. COS- TA MESA'S BEST BIG -FAMILY BUY. Nestled at the end of a private cul-de-sac. l~a 1·ge ~1a rrl -\Vorkshop & plent.v parking :-pace. NEAR Y.M.C.A. -De charin ed. See this. Only .~26,500. 646-0555 220 E. Seventeenth St. IE. 17th St. ShopplnCJ Ctr.)1 220~ lltk Mi OllS COSTA MESA i 'you'll like our friendly service ' I Evenin9s Call 646-4579 or 548-3265 General 1000General 1000 BEAUTIFUL BAYSHORES OPEN/HOUSE Sat & Sun l-4 2662 CRESTVIEW F'lr-.l l in1c-lis ted . private presli gc a rea. :l 13cd roo1n C;ipe Cod dream house. Lovely pa- 110 0 1Juill-i11 kitchen. expensive carpeting and 0:1k p;~rquct floor:.. \Ve are very proud to ca ll !111" our O\V ll excl usive li sting at S49.500. ·sho11·11 by appointn1ent only. 504 W. BAY BALBOA PENNINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1-5 Sat & Sun On ly year old :i bedroon1. 2 bath hon1e. mod- r rn · ii1 til l respec ts. f/irepiacc. electric kit· then, d ini ng roon1. F'la 11ned for ln con1c unit 11 p.i:.tairs. pl un1b in g & 11•lri ng in. $49,500. Near yacht club. BRING YOUR HORS E! {,ocatecl on one of the largest lots in the back bay area. a rp1aint 2 bedroon1 house, large run1pus roon1 \1·!th fi rrplace. B B Q . pool f.:tble. bci r. O vc r~ized poo l \Vit h al l cement dcc:king. dnuble .C!ci rage plu ~. entry for boat .-:toragc .. i\11 this ;:ind zoned fo r horses to boot. .·\t on ly SJ:i .000? '\'01\' ARE YOU LAZ Y? lf ::.o don 't look at t ill ~ 1nes::;y triplex. It has been !\J el ly neg lected by nut of the area Q\Vn· <'1·~. l\'ecd s paint. c!rnnlng & fixi11 g. Could. be a real 11 inner becau:-;e of nice floo r plan ;111rl location. 1\'l akc offer. \\'!1 y not get s t~irt­ (Jn vfno· future no11" RED CARPET REALTY 202 5 W . Balboa Bl vd., N•wport Beach 675-6000 2443 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 675-6060 Generil 1000 G•n•ral ______ _;_ Assume $18,000 6°/, Annual G.I. Loan OPEN ~1\TU r,(lA Y J .5 ,\I ~\~.~ f)<'I' 1lll•1l1h TO'r AL'. Quiel \Vf'JitcliU $j 2o:JOO I Lu1·rly ;<.hukr n'){Jf ho1nc 11ith 16l2 Dorothy :; 1~ri..:,. IJN11•vo1us ;:11lrl '..' • pt1lln1ttn b11t11s. \\';1ltt to ·Duplex $.)8 0 500 Park! Ca rp<'t!i an<l Drapt>s . 441 Fernle•f ALL ELF:~'RIC KITCHEN e 1: DISllWASl-U':R. Lovely SUNDAY J~5 <'Ul'!o1n fir i,>placn and hcam rril111i:; fn111il y room! (~rac­ iou ~ hack ~'a rrl ''~th COV- ERED PATIO and block 11·al] lcnring. WE SELL A HOME EVERY ll MINUTES Walker & Lee ilt~l ~.olln~'('r 1\ l:l-14;.; 0 /li'tl Evci;. ,..;,\:\! H'irf.f: -hoL~P11.l1n Dri1rrl, .1/<. r'(1n1p)r1 r ly f11rn 2 Dt'. rnnvt dC'll, 2 Ela. 1.,,.-,l. r uti 1ni.: ~f'l!tt, Prl~ 1.\[),()1(1; 6~'-1'1AI'!, 673·957'2 or m..o~. l\Iodcrn Spanish 18016 M•nn • $3t9:i0 4 & Poo! $78,500 4S4S Tremont • 1'\('11° Dwm' S.JJ .500 1319 Bonnie Doon• • HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 675-4392 Anytime PLANNING to nlOVl'~ 'l ou'll find 11n em11ting numhrr of homr~ In torh1y '1 Cl asslfiffll Ari~. Chr.ck thrm now. 11<·1 11 I , <\-.l;inl.'. .~21.Jl~!. Thi~ lr:i.~ 1hr 1·ou111. !dc1HI fur in;.: pli·1111'' '.!~, J1 I 11•i11;; l'tH)ll\, ,1ddJll1Jlii1l JlrO'jol 1"~ Ill l:1111 1ly roo111. U111!1 lfl~. d11>l111 :1,11 "1' t \>1111010'1< ·ly f<'ll('t'd .1.11 1[. /nlll II•'('.'" ~.in 1 7~·11 . Tarbell 2955 Harbor SOCK IT TO ·r:,\1: Corvn~i oi('[ ,\1 ;11· 67:,.:\71:> Dial 642-$678 for RESU LT.t;; Open Houses THIS WEEKEND """P tllit haruly directory wlrti yo11 thb """"d et you go hou!.9 hY nllnq. AU lh• lotalion1 ll1ted below oro de~cribed In qrYoler cle!oll by odvertb l11• OIM• where 111 today'1 DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. Po11on1 1howln9 ope11 houws for tole or to rent a re urged to fist 1ucll l11forrnor!on IA 1hl1 tolwmll .. ,11 Friday. (2 Bed ro om ) 21 1 Via Koron (Lido I sl e ) f\113 ()73-7300 934 l\."l iran1ar, Laguna Beach 499-3066 ! Sat & *1977 Rosemary. Cos ta fl'lesa 646-0555: G-16-225~1 /Sun 1-j) :Jun 11-5\ (Sun 1-5 ) (2 Bed room & Family or Den) 22 10 J:O rivate Roci d . Ne\vport Beach 675-4130 : 675-1642 (Sun 1-5) 239 Prospect. Ne\vport 13cach . 673·7:iOO (Sun 1-5) 231 Larkspur. ('orona de! J'l'lar _ 675-3000 I Sun. 1-5) (3 Bedroo m) **5407 Seashore Drive. Ne\rport Beach U73-4350; 673-1564 Eves. rS;;i t & Stu11 324 Snu g f'lcirbor (Cliffhaven) NB 645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *25R Virgin io P lace. Costa !\'lesa &lli-3750 !Sun 1·51 304 \Vest !3ay, r>all)Oil G75-6000 (~at & Sun 1-5) :3044 Be rn Drive. La~una IJeach 4?4-6;{00 (Sat 1'-. Sun) 21)1.:l \ountry (;lu b Dr .. 1 i\lesa Verdel 1;\l 540-l i:.20 rSun 1-5.:~0l **JOG J_ind;i isle Dr. Nc1l'port Benc h 642-8235 I Sat & Sun) 401 .<\liso (Ne\vpo rt l·Ieights) NB G7:i.~OOO tSat & Sun 1-.J) 50t \\'('!it !~~iv, Bal boa Peninsula 675-6000 : 675.60GO 1 Sa t & Sun 1-5) *5~-4 De 1\nza . Corona clel lllar 675-:1000 I Su n 1-5 ) ]Jill l);1vadcr(1• Co:·on,1 drl \l3r ti75-3000 /Sat & Sun 1-.'il 2062 C rc~t vie\v I l'.ayshorcs) i\'B G75-GOOO:G75-6060 1 Sat & Sun 1-4"1 119 1 1\ugusta. Costa _;\!csa 642-7777 rsun 1.(i) 2~91 Bavshore Dr { Baysho res) NB 548-8482 1Sun l-5) 43:2 l\1cig nolia St f l~astside ) Cl\1 642·1771 !Sa t & Sun J.()) 20~2 Miramar Dr (Bal boa Penn\ &15-0303 I Sun 1-5 1 (J Bedroom & F•m il y Room) 2215 Anniversary Lane, NB (Ba ck Bav) (Open Da ily) ?303 n edlarids (off 23rd St.) NB -646.3928: 6H-1655 Eves. (Open Dail y) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540·1720 rsun 1-5) 1845 Pitcairn ( rvtesa Verde ) Civl 540-1720 !S un 1·5) 3430 Seci breeze. (~nrona dcl ~1a r fl 33-0i00 or G·l4-24:l0 (S un 1-5) 2~1.l .Anniversary La ne! i\I~ 18246 ''e llo~·\\·ood ! University J1<1rk) Ir· \inc 83J..0101 /Sal & Sun J.4:40) 995 Sandca stle Dr. (lfarbor Vic1v l-lill s ) Cd~·T 64 4-2958 (Sun l ·51 2.5 11 Andover Place (College Pcirk) Cl\f 546-54G0 :549-l058 Eves IS•l & Sun 12-5) 1900 Seadri ll. Corona dcl !\far 67.)..:l(M)O (Sa t ,t..._ Sun 1-5) 1343 1\l;i rincrs Dr (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sun l ·5) 28I:l J)rakc :\ye. (l\lesa del Marl CJ\'1 G75-:l745 1 Sat & Sun 1-5) 2004 T tistin :\vr .. (:os·!a l\1 e .~a f)..JG-0~55 ' 646·45 i!J !Sun 1·51 ('osta li tes~ 291:l fhrstnut 1\\'C. 549-1 0% tSun P ;\l) 14 Bed room) **4~8 fi 2nd St , {Ne\\'porl Shores ) NB 645·1070 !Sat & Sun PMI Sl9,950 RILi. S~ll l .l::Y ltC'uilnr 611<!.!~I ,\nyl11ne 6 16-9\it>G Dial 6•12·~1678 !or RESULTS Lari!•' l1r·\]1·1,,,n1,., .! ptdl 111!111 halh~. Ure;1n1 l>i1ehr11 11ilh r:o:fn, f'atln~ arra. B11ill ·l11 ;ippliant'CS. 1-!u;::r sl1ntl!' 11·cr. 842·6691 TARBELL *1756 Skylark (Baycrest) NB 64 2-8235 ~Sat & Sun ) *2001 Co mmodore IBaycrest) NB 546-5460 :545-4941 Eves (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) *140 l.Jarbor Island (off Bayside) NB o75-333t (Sun 1·51 17605 Queens \Vrcath . Irvine 675·7225 IS un 1-5) (4 Bedroo m & F•mily or Den ) *** 115 J\'Jilford Road /Caineo Shores) Cdi\11. 675-6996 !Sat & Sun 12-5) J.l;lO Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores ) NB 646-1550 (Open Dai ly) *1046 Pescador Drive /Dov er Shores) NB 642-5200 /Sun 1-j) 3120 Lincol n \Va y. Cosla Mesa (714 ) 521-6012 !Sat & Sun) *1907 f'loliday {Baycrcsl) NB £42-5200 <Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1607 Santiago ( Baycrcs\) NB 64 2-5200 (S un 1-5) 9~9 1 El Bla nco .. Fou11tnin \1all ey 342-6691 rsun 2-6) 461 5 PeThan1 I Cameo Shores\ (d i\1 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) J9\:l2 Colchester l !Jun\i nglon Crest) ~113 :--:42-!iG9t iSun 2-6) 2:>1 1Irvine1 Back Bay ) Ni3 540-1720 !Sun 1-5) 1943 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB ()44-2430 or 833·0i00 rSun 1-5) 1210 Sl.<i rboard, Corona dcl r-.tar 675-2503 1 Sun 1·5) **57 Linda Isle Dr. (L fnd<1 lslc.l NB 675-3210 (Sun 11-5) **82 Linda Isle Or !Linda Isle) Ni3 6i5-3210 {Su n 11-5) (5 Bedroom) **14 Linda Isle Dr, Nc,\'porl Be<1cl1 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 1 6:'!8~ ,\rple I Fa irn10111 l·Ioin es\ r~v R4i·2525 ! Sun ·1·5 30) *:1083 J\ladison ,;\vc .. Costi-l t-.tesa ;,4G-B22li (Sat & Sun 10-5 ) 64.)~ LighthousC'. Co rona de! J'vla r fli5-3fJ0o !Sun 1-5) **lfi Linda Isle !J r. 1L1do Isle ) 1\:I3 fi75-321 0 i Sun 11 ·5) j6 Bedroom & Fam ily or Den1 142:~ (;al;ixy D rive i rJo\'Cr Shores l Nl3 3·i8-4Gl7 · 10pen Da ily ) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE ** 15948 J\lariner Drive , l-I B 1213) 592-5863 (Sat & Sun 12-5 ) (2 Bedroom) 4166 Seton Road (University Park ) Irvine 83J.0842 (Sat & Sun) 443 Gloucester Dr, Costa Mesa 645-0303 I Sun J.61 APARTMENTS FOR SALE 15· I Bedroom, 1-2 Bedroom) 41R 1.1th St., Huntington Beach 536-1459 (Sun 1-5) DUPLEX FOR SALE 12 Bedroom) **1306 \V. Ocean }'ront. Ne\vport Beach 675·4130: 675-1642 ISal 1-5, Sun 10-1) 118 45th St. Ne\vport Beach s1S-;z25 (Sal 1·51 (J Bedroom & 2 Bedroom) **1302 So. Bayfront. Dalboa l~land 673-7300 (Sun 1-5) (~ & 2 Bedrooms) 515 Poin settia. Corona del J\1ar 675-3000 !Sal 1·5) HOUSES FOR RENT (J Bedroom) 2150 Rural Lan~ Costa rvtesa (off Ne,vport & 22nd) 11' ···' • It W•tfffront * • • ••at •r11f Wemfr1nt I Sot 10-4) . . . ' " Siturd.111, Ottober 11, l~E.1) DAIL.Y l"ILOT' IZ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES ifOITALE · rel 1000 Gentr1I 1000 C0tt• M••• 1100 Mete V•rd• 111 0 Huntington B•1ch 1400Huntlngton Beach 140I O~ral 1000GeMrel 1000 G•nerel loot NEWPORT BEACH SPECIAL Altrac111' '.! hd r111, ~ hath, with bn..:k lll""plac!', a p;in. elled l11'1ng 1'00111 & thlrk ~hag carpf'!S. :i. Jo1•eJy p;1110 tor cnterla1111ng. Access Jor boat Cir calnpcr. $24,995 Newport •• Victori• 646-1811 Anytime --- fi*•tt AUCTION First uf1c1· 01•rr S.>~.1:;0 11 tll la.kl' this f•lf'aa .I bdr1n + ilf'n f;111\1Jy ro:11n hon11-. TC!p .\lcs.i. Verde l0<:aUun n ea r pa1•\;. !!Choo! & libra1,-. Nc\11 s.ha)!. ca1-pe1 s, larire bd nns &. 11111114.'d OC"!..'1· rianr}'. Phonr. 3 11;.,;9~ ll'arn thf' lall'St t11d • 10'.• do" n l"C(litl1•cd. ' 1 · . ' • 1'" 1 r\ ·· 1. · • · I '~' ' • • • 546-5990 5 Units + Home EASTSIOE C.M. Lar;;:c 2 Br: I llath hon1r w!lh guc.~t houS(" -"-4 ~ Bf{. 1 barh unt!'i on ()!.•<1u11ful Jor. Owner 1v1H c<in"Y Isl 1'D to qualified bu.v<"r. Lochenmyer Re.1ltor 18ti0 Nt>\Vport Blvd., 01 CALL 646-3928 Eves. 644.16.i.'i 616-2290 Priced Reduced NEAR NE\V-llf'au1ifuJ F'oun- !ain Valley ho111c. 0.1·ncr s.a~s. '":\ty lolis is your g11u1."' ~ bd1·n1 ~ :!. b;ilh.~. 111::11• ur:::radccl ('(UT/l'ls S: cl\';lp· frlfS llH\IU~houl. (Ol'IK'I' ii•! bl'li1 t a1·C';i, Pri('cd :it S31.:l00. but lt·r·~ 11 y S.l!l.::ioo. Lo1v down ro larE:" loan NE\V -~E\V · ,..;~;\V. 5-46·5880 CnearCll'lemi t~ LLEGE REALTY 1500 ~dams .t Harbor,CM s30-;-1so BEAUTY + POOL \VH1€'rfall & fou11 t111n ad 1a•rnt the lovrly h1•arrd & f1lt('rrd pool. L<1_:,;f' d('1\, lanuly room. LU:\lll"Y bulll·tn k1t- chf'n. P ( o m r luc.1t1un. ;;.t\).1721}. Tarbell 2955 Harbor -OPENHousEsun~l -5 418 lSth St., HB II NE\\°i DELL.i.\l:: UN ITS ?rime lx'arh <II""'*· l;,i 01l'ncr la.\ advantt•~P. 'J'EP.R\' HE/\l.TY 41 1 \\'itl11u1 , llB ~~·14:i9 anyti111r MISSION VIEJO.POOL V.A. -F .H.A. TERMS Beautiful Sp a n i .~ h drcor, F'rnt:cd POUi fot sale!)'. King lx'droom~. :J baths. family rcJ0111, lw:lv) ~h:i.kr. rmr. Oper Hou~ :i1111dHY. :!1011 Oliv<'ra Dr TarlJrll 837·0845 837-3776 ----$26,950 S BEDRM-3 BATH SWIM POOL Spll• IOU~ llf•lll{" fill .rr. r: . .;. 1;i1" ~1ound~. Lo1-rly t"Jli\ ",.....,cJ r,;,11"11n:, h.11111<,,111,. !Yl'r;;kl;.~4 b·tl . r 11·rpl<11'1', .Hll-!72~1 Tarbell 2955 Harbor r/Ja'JcN!:JL Con1pare Jea1url"!I "-pcice on lhl!I ~autiful home in f;sh. 1onahk Baycrest. 3 BDR~1. ~ baths, fonna1 dining roon1, pvuJ,.iJ1· hlh:hcn and pun~I· 11.'Ci f8.m1ly room. A very good buy at $56,;m. REALTORS 673-4400 540-6933 OPEN DAILY 2303 R•dland• 4 off :t3rd :il. I i\I O\"e i11 on crcdh app1uval. Hl' .. uttful 3 Bl~ & + 2 baths fa1n1ly 1oon1. a.II e!l'C'lric k1l 1·l1r11. g[){)(I cprsldrp::;, dbl. ;:arngl'. l1l'avy shakl" roof. 01v11cr anxious SJ~.:>00. Lochenmyer Re a ltor 1860 Ne1>o'Jl0l1 Blvd., CM CALL 646-3928 1'.:11rs. 644-l&:i~• 646.2".?00 IRVINE AVE. Custom built home. large en. 1·lost'd 1·ourtya.rd for ma.'\i· n.iurn privacy. l\Iany cxu-as in this bcau1iful 3 Bdr ho1ne. s li,500. Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Nrwpo1t Blvd., C.M. ,;4s.77:1:9 anytime S BEDRM.-$38,SOO Jt·. Esra1e ya!'d. Elegant :! slory hon1e. i\1ast.er bedroom with fireplace, additional iircplace in !Iv~ room. F orma l din i ng room. 5·10-17:!0. Tarbell 2955 Harbor WE'RE SWAMPED l"llore clients than p1°0perties! \\le need listings . !o rt'nl & to sell. Please ca.U us for a quick, cou11esy appraisal. \\'{' ll Ol'k eVl'l)' day. BURR WHITE Rf:,\LTOR :190! Ne11·fl0t1 Blvd., N.B. 67~4630 Will Lease or Lease Option BAYCREST ,I BR fan1 rm. forn1al di11in~ r111. $'.:OCO option, ]l'ase S~9.) (X'r 1110. JC'an Sn1ith Realtor 6·16,~2-.iJ $18,SOO Look 11 hat ll"r fouod. fh<1 !'m k. iJ1.'abLl.ity'. 3 big hi'droom"i, :! ha!h<;. A!! t'IC'Ct1·ir buih· 1n kJll·h<'n. De\ighU1.1\ p:itJo. A ~111rlrn of p;1ralli$<' y11rd. 846-0604 TARBELL 8 Rl'<t l i;harp :! BR 1 bd!h INCOi\IE UNIT~. N r" 1 y p:1u11t•d. hl!·111 ovrn & rang- r~. cpf~/ilrn~. eurport park· 111i::. Launcl1-y 1'00111 c\ll'a i11(·on1r. gross Sl~.000. p1·1e:c S9~.COO. Fuller Rlty. 546--0114 THE "BLUFFS" $27,500 Prrst1g" e.rca. l\ev.'fl011 . King sit.Cd hedrooms. 2 bath~. Ex· qi1i~itely s11U!·ll"l't.i. Ql\·ner dr!lprra!r . ~().1720. T.arbttll 2955 Harbor * Soulh Coasl Rea.1 Esta~c ts !;eC'k1ng t.'UC'Cl's.s!ul profcs. sion11J rral estatl' sa.le1n11"n. r:~C'l'ptionli l OCnerit~. Please 1·all for appointn1ent J.15-8424 :X..lllh Ol.<s!, RrH.lrors. Jl1\\IE buyer.~. Need ad· tl1nonal prorw My 10 !.ell. Ff': 1\ NI°' ,\[AP.SH A!. REALTY •\l,j ::01h St. JJO \I". Ealbon til;>--'1600. o A 11=-r=--P-11-.0-·-r-0~17,cl ~£0.-.~. L!t-;l<;S. You 1~an ust> lhen1 tor ju-;.t rrn •1lt!.~ a day. Dial PILOT Clas~1Cied 11.d. 5il,500 COSTA M£SA $2,ooo·on .. $210 Mo. E11.s1 ol Harbor • a real po. Includes Pl k lil.\es. :: re n!ia..! paCkcd package. 60 Brd1'00nl, 2 ba!h, family -.: l&i R-2 lot ADJACENT 10 room. 1600 SQ. f\. hon1e 111 major C·2. Sharp hon1e on lhf' hack ol the Jot 11·11h space galore ~ build uruts, park equlpn1en1 or garden. A u·ue ·'.sJeeper" ~·1th $3,000 DoY.·n~ WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee c .... cellent cond. Bhns, :! lJ'ph.:1, spnnk1ers, etc . °"' l~I'. .. J.49-2374 .3 BR, 2 BA, fainlly roont, 2 fittplace!I, m.ooo B\' 0\\'NER 673-a213 College P•rk 1115 """""w 'NTEDI """""' 2().U Westcliff Dr. :.: BR I: den home (qr a 111c.U. 6.i&-7n l Open Ev~. qualified y0ung fumily. ............. iiiiiiiiii;i;;;;iiiiiiiiiio[BtLL CUSICK 6-ij..1070 0 H JAY W . YEATS CO. pen OUSe 371 Newport Blvd .. NB SAT./SUN. 10-S r, • .,.,-}..,., _.. • ._.'! r:- Dl"op by 300 J\ladison Ave., ·-- Cl\1 . &, a l1k" brand new Newport Be•ch ;j bdnn ho1ne over :!000 sq 1200 II lnl"luding fa rnily room. 3 BEORM, $21 ,000 k1!clu:11 C'aling a1·ea, J,jx32' Olt!cr f1xrr up1M:r hon1e on l'USlon1 pool, 1ie1v shag: car-lllrge Jot in Npt. !Its., 3 i:ar. pets 1hroughou1 . Vacant & age.~ on alley. ready h1 rno1·" 1n10. Subrnit FAMILY LIVING your tenni;. 01'.'0er 5-16·8~':?6 \\'ill lease opt ion. 4 BR, I ~; VACANT bil, ~ community pool1; &: l:lub house. Asking S3:i,9a0. L'IL OL' HOUSE OCEAN FRONT 3 BR. en R-2 Jot. 1969 Full~r. on R-2 lot l<t-\-90, 3 BR, 11:: Ion Ave. L111e 111 front, budt ba with beamed ceilings. in rea..r. $1.5,750. Low do\vn. Ch,llrming older ho n1 c. 149 GOVERNOR ST. io1.:;oo. Open Sat/Sun 1-S :30 "' 3 &lr111. 1 b.ii.th. Just repain!. ~.:, ~ cd in~idc ~ out. l..ge. fenc:ed dfl'lll,C. yard. S~l{) •. JOO. l I A l T Y can: !HR. ROBINSON :\'!'ar Npt Post Ofc ti-lli·~4\4 Dav1.'J Realty ~2-7000 1__ · ·~ __ Auu~~l~~~.K Loan! EASJBLUff ~potlcs~ 3 RR 1 Fan1tl3', 2 ba, covered patio. otundcck. PANORAMA VIEW ~;:1 IJ·e~i 9~1~:, \Vould you A! Jong las1 ~ f ines! \'ICW eve S-• .10. strcr.L S/1(1.cious hon1e on BA~~BOA BAY PR~P. dc<'p Jot. Tasterutly appoint. 613-1420 ANYTl~1E ccl. numr.rnus decorator fCll- BY .OWNER INCOME PROPERTY tures. 4 ER. . formal din nn, Truly a beauty. Act now &. savr, <Aurtei:.-y to (2) l B R houses + 5 &ar. broker.o;, Call ages. lnco!lll" $280 mo. Room &44-lll1 Eves: &i4·2ti.26 Bkr. for c_ne more unit, $22,800: • BY O\\'HER • Call a36-l207: alt 5• 342·2015 A cornlortable h I om e, Poo Hom.-531'4•/. inovie-!n cond. Comp . $29,500. J BR, fam rm, 2 Ba, redccor. in &:. oul. 3 BR. 2 drps, crp1~. many >..11·a~. Ba. Hchvd. rh·~.. pla.~ter Londonberry Ln, 11r Fair· \Valls 50 >. 128 Corner lot view. CaU fi.l&-866l or5J9..5933 tyou ov•n it \. N~1vport 4 Br. 2 Ba, lgc. fan1ily rni. l ights., closr 10 schools &· clrps & Cl"Pting, expensive shopping. S:\4,;)00: good la ndscllping &: pa\lo. \Vas 3 !cn11s. Pnni:ipals o n J y . model hon1e . Cool ocean Owncr/b1°0l>C'l' 646-:~m bret'zcs, 1900 sq fl. S'.>4,900. JUST REDUCED! i\!usl sell 546-2993 <1u1 ckly. 2000 sq. ft. hn1nr on $11,500 Fixer UpJMr 2 BR. l B1\ house, dble g:ar, rxcellcnt area. i\:el"ds handy 111<111 / painlrr. S2500 dO\\'ll. :-il'r : ::,;1 llliignolia. Costa i\lc,;a. Ne11•pot1 Island. •I Bit 2 BA, scp rlin rm. Charnung 40 yr old h::r rccrnt!y rC'1nodelcd. $COCO dn. 3'i.'<U01,. 6 '~',, lsl. Jusl S•ll.~iOO buy.« this! 67::.-0.lS:t ------- Op on Hou•• Sat & Sun CANAL DUPLEX :azo Lincoln \Vay, 0 1 11·/ dock. ln11na c :! hr & 1 br. L;.r-;:f' 4 BR k ran1 rm. Ntw Sl0.000 rl'n1dl jnb. S::.1.900. Ttiist Realty, 714 : Cock!ail t.· brkfst bat-. bllns, 521.al.l:.!. shag-c rpt. rrpJc. S6:l.j(J() · BY 011,·ncr: 4 l:H~. ".! balh, 'i.2' C. loan. (h.·nr.r . 67.i.ti701 rlctaehl'd s lllclio shop, patio. VIE\V Or pool, t·harn11ng 2 l.c lcn(·cd yrl. clcadcnd ~r. BR. 1 BA ronlio. L;::c. pa!io. Clo.~ 10 s1·hoo!s. \\les1cl1H $27.9:,0/$4000 do11·n. Bkr P!al'<J a1"('a . S28.~100. tit2.,j791 646--07::2 H-2 !!nH11l :: Br. li;l"'. lot1sLUfFS BAYVlE\\'-Cu~. :: fenced. Lo1v do\\·n. ;9;, 1110 BR. :I BA on 11·idc grrrnbrll. 1ni'I. !axe~. 2001 Charle Reduced 56000 for qulcl.; ~118-~i0-14 ~11.I<>! $A2.:iOO, 644-426:i. :; BR, l~4 ba, fa111 rm, Wl:STCL!Ff ;: Bdr1n 2 Ba1h hl1-ins, 1::! lencd yd. AssumP.. Beau1ilut pool 8:. yard. By ~·~ '·" f'llA. Total price o\1·ncr S36,j()Q. :J4S-3261. ' ,, ·-0 . ti4' ,,,., _-·,.Ml. ivntr. ...-.,_ Blur.ts prime on Bay location. 2 BEDROO~I. Large corner 2 bdi-s. S39.500 Call 6#-2259 Jot. ::: car garage. eveR/wk"ncls. BY 0\VNER.•:>4.)....6001 1=========0[ 3 BR, 2 BA, fam rin, bl1 in!I. Newport Height1 1210 Cptcl, drps, covered patio. Xtra clean? 54!1-1096 Oii·ner. FIXER llllfll'"· T.All 1!i3x90· :I BR housf', "'c room, pool M•s• V•rde 1110 lors of good liv'inb ()r1 thr~c -----------1 sp(lriou.~ gnlunr\s. t..:xis1111g :FANTASTIC REP UBL l C ni()r!I!" at 1i.6'i· ("an hf' !<S· t!Oi\IE in absolu!e perCect t. sun1r1i 111!h I ; t 1 I r l'ai:.~1. !ip;,rkhni:;-condition. 4 larg" fi4;..2h92 bdnns. 3 baths, fonnal dtn·I~========== 1111: roon1, sl'parall': f"'n1i!y N•wport Shores roon1 & h11i:c 111 a g IC' r1 ;;;:;:::;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; brdroom. j\l1~1mun1 npke.·p,1*'9 1 1·,1: j!i'1 '$~~,. yarrl beaut ifully landsc11perJ. (;,,_._. ;t SOR 3 BAT.H -"'.!-> P opular mod('I 111lh :I ear .. · · ' 1 f t garat:;l'. Be:-;\ for lhe nionC'~' Exqt11s1te \\ ater ron 1220 111 S,17.9.lO. Cati ;)·1;>-&t24 ho~c, :u~10111_ interior rlcror· So tt co st R~ l E~tare at1nn. 1mmNl1ak-gos:srss1on, ' u 1 H. 11 ,. Asking $·l4.900. G•naral 1000G.n•r•I 1000 G•ner•I 1000 428 6Znd SI . 0B Open Sat-Sun. PJ\l BILL OJSICK 6~5-1070 JAY W. YEA TS CO. FAST MOVE IN Ne,v homes, ready to move in . 2 to 5 bed· ru0111s, 2 lo 3 baths. If.! mile fro1n beach. Fir.st pay1nent up to 60 days after move 1n. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mil• South of Ad•m1) 962. 1353 Univ•r1ity P•rk 1237j Corona d;j Mar 1250 OPEN HOUSE BEACHSIDE ol ~h.1.-y. Com·! SAT&· SUN, 1··1::t0 lor!able 2 Br. home, under 18246 Y clJO\\'ll'ood S ~ 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 111 n I" r/Bkr :t lge b(lrms, ·~ a hug[' ··110n· 6'ih174,j 11s room" . IS x ::O'. Less c0-oa:=='1cNc,~.RoO"N=Tc·POO=""'L~* lhan I ) l' .. r nl(f and ha~ tH.i.rly, 1n,1ny i•-.:t1~.i.~. 0-1 ner Cailll'O SlMJrl's -4 BR .t Den trav111g L;.S. 1111[1 11•a11ts i\C. 1 l~i :\1 tlranl r:. 615-ti~ TION. Br .,un· IQ .M'I' 11115 --·---~~--­LCE. l1 iH1op lot. PC'l"lll. view o' oc1•rl11 .~ hills. Privacy. Oil{'~ BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. it"s 1·ca<ly for your Spanish furnishings. Top locat1<>n. 2 Br. :.! Bu n1-0del. $3-1,200. VILLAGE 1 Condo 2 BR. 2 BA USSUlllC' 101111. ·11()6 &ton ftd. 83J·OS·t.'. 011·ner $14,950. 1240 S~'9.99.;. O\\'N Ef:. Cus1on1. :; BR. :!'~ 81\. El<'C ... k11r·hcn. Nrw carpels. din. nn, lan1. J'lll. r1·plc. f'l!'r gan•l!•' rtr. O[>C'n llouSC' 'ti! ~olrl '.l".!\,j ,\n. ni\"rrsal"y Ln. NB ;dS·!l100 Eestbluff 1242 RARE HOME Bring 111oncy in! Buy bcauli. tu! :: EH. :! bath Eastblu/f hon1c, Condition bet!r.r lh3n r1('1v. Financing available. Only $39,500. CORBIN , MARTIN REALTORS 60--166:! 3036 E. Oras! lll1·y, Cdi\! 4 BR, fan1ily ruunl plus bon- u~ 1-00111. t~u lly autC1111a1ed and hea1ed pool_ 0111: or the bl'!'\ views in Ea~thlu(f. DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • Corona del Mar 1250 KIDS WANTED To fill 1h1s h:;r. 1 81 , 1n111ily 1·111 . ! furn1;i l 11111. !'111. l31'0:idn1oor hOl!H'. Vu~·unt • f!UJL·k f1Qs~rss1011. Out uf 1uwn u1v11"r sa.1·~. "'~pJI". $6::i.:i00. OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-S 2700 WAVECREST 2828 E. COAST HWY. Coron• del Mer 673-3770 ~-~ -~---Room for Re.al Livin!: So111e d1scr1n11na1 1ni: fan1iJy 11·ill takr pride 1u (111 nuii: this comfort11blc-Bro,1dn1oor ho111r . Bay v1r11", 4 AR, fa111 r111, chn 1•n1, :i.ca1· gar. $69,:)()1. 6·,0 r-, lo.1 n. OPEN S\JNDA"I'. ·1.;; 1210 Slarboftlrd, Cd.\J Cheshire Re11l E•f•f• 67S,2S03 Dl!f'LCX On 2 loL .. , lar~e pa1in, .~ !"ar i;:a l"a;r . s:!J.000 casl1 ,\(J1a<·rn1 Jn! al~fl ;,vaili.hlr S21i.ft00 1·a~h B.1 O"·nr1· bi".~·::r~ I HARBOR-\t 1EWH1Lls LUSK HOME Bc;u 111fully !;1 nd~~"<lf/1'1! flll 1_ lltl"" ln1. .~ Br ~· l~r [;01111;. 1·111, :! B.1. ()1ll)•·1 li7~1·71~0 tW 614-~9:1,~ DUPLEX l111111:1r ~ Brlrn1. hon1,.. plU!' ~ Br ap!. US{'(( bnt k fl•pl., bltns, :-h.\1! <'Ptg S~9.:.00. O\\"NER 6i5-4001 \Vh11c Elephants? l~cal!or 613-'.!010 Lot on Linda I.tie L.)t nu1nbf'r :io. a101ce loca- llon for the cxN:utivl" yachts- man·~ ho1n e. DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • J BR Peninsula hoinE' $4:l.SOO. \\'ill 1rudc vuc. land. Frank lll ~r~hall Rii y JIO \V , B.-.Jboa. i:i7:r-.1\i00 . Lido Isle 13SI Celebriti•s' Home r.1·and . scalr t!nlcrta.ining. · P.t!al /;1111 cnjoyn1rn1. Son1I" I Vu. l BD. 0·0111'. p!ayim ~I din. rn1 . l\UGJ:: t or. Jll"ivacy, Sl~J:'ll. R. C. GREER, Reo1lty 3;[J;1 Vi<J Lido tii~·9300 BAY FRONT Thrrr lo six bedroom homes 11•ith plrt· & ~lip. Priced fro1n $1~9.~iXJ. \\"ilhout pier k slip, $115,000. Walk•r Riiy. 67S.5200 l.1.16 Via Lido, NB. Open SUn. Huntington B•1ch 1400 "Corn•r'' witk "Boat G•te" I AssuinC' High G.T. Loan 1vl1h ro1nl 11:1.vn1cn!~ of ~!SS pf'r nionlh. llUJ!(' B!'r\100111s, plu~ l'l'Jl"lt"a!I' "Orn"'. Br;1utiful (;old ".:.:hai::·· 1·arprt.~ \l'i!h nlntelun);:. rl1';1pr.<. A n1ost lll•ldl't'n kllChl'n 1vt1h lot.~ of r \'.1t ~ •·onvrnH'nrr:<. \'011 shnuld :-;l"r lhr "P;intrys· .. ·r11v 1·r·1·rrcd p~tio~. S11bmi1 )•.14.ll' du1,·n p.;iymrn!. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7632 .1-:dingr r .11-1~·1 l:J:i 0p('n 1<:1·,.~- P0Ui../ 18x36' I.ARC .. : 4 BDP.:\f ldritl pool ho1nl" \1·/ba1hroom1 !H.'('"~~. cJ1vlng boi.rrl &~ Jii" 1·u~i1. Cuv. pi.110. FUA 01'1 GI ~;:::_:i(~i_ Bf'~I at'"<J . llAFFDAL r:~..:ALTY 81~. nn:; BELOWfAARKET! ~~OIJ ~rr 11 of ,.:pac1ous hrau!.1• Hl J\lt:HEDITM G.\RDENS a1'f.1 orrrr1111.; ran11ly room I.· forrnnl tl111ing room at low pn1.~ of S·l2.000. />~rifle Shorrs Rt><ilty ;,~G-.Q;S9 I E1·c.~. 536-3:!40 YOU Jusl c·an't find these any1nore! l·lere'!; 11n ocean \"it'111 ho111~ I hlk 10 bt'ach. .! l.lcdroo111s, 1lrn. Nc\v crp\&,I rlrpi<>, fircplr, liv 1·n1, din l'm,r Call ownc1• I a::t1. '"Art": 5:J6.·li1.~ nr s 11.::.il9 TRIPLEX 1"11111 n1fl11 n 1 r R. s 1·"ar~ ::' h"" h~ In r•c"~n. ri~1 lOnr. 1 /~l'd U1"l'•I l'l s::1..100 I Paul Jones Realty ~11.1 ~1;1.o 1~1·r. :,::G·ti~S ---f\')0:\\' E>.~l·111 1~c Lu x 0 0 r >'I l1n111r . l/.i RR ~. :I Ba, " r·ar ~;1r ,\~~un1r GI : no PQinls, I 11 l'l'k <'lof"l'll\\'. 1147--0\G:l 2 STOltY .1 BR 21 ~ bath Dutch lla.vr. By 01rhcr. Cor. lot atlach gllrage, Jargt> rl"c room. i\lany extra!5. 842--7272 Solve a Simple Scrambled Wof'd Puzzle fo,. a. Chuckle 371 Newport Blvd., NB University Park 1237 Univer,ity P•rk 1237 J!~~J;,~~~1----~---~-------~~---~-­ 0 l!90 rrange. tli• 6 kro111bl.d words ha-low to mo~• 6 timpf• word\. Prinl '9tt•r1 of 1tach in i1s lin• of aquor•s. ITYPHOR I I' I' I I I' ' DIN SAL I i--_ 1..-1,.....,.-1 ,,_r .-i' • IBEYKAR I IP EAT Ail I A connibol rushed inTo o ~-~,~-,~.-,~..,., -r, ~ ~tiv• villog., dragging an . . . • . Am.rkon politician on a rap.. L....1.-L....1.-L....L...t He joyfully announced to his r--------.. brothen: Ip ES 0 P 0 I '1.ook, my fr iends, I hove 1--,.--,.--,.--r,-rl tr-1 captured a politician. I've al· ._ .... ....,,,_ • .__., __ • __ ._ woys wanted •ta -a - ~-------~ 1andwicl<t." ITAYLIX I ~· -...--.-..--...--. .... -! 8 Comi:il•I• tll• chuc•l• qucrotd II . j j j' 1 • by lilllno I" "'9 rn!Uingi 'IWJfd• • • • • • . • you d ..... loo from "'° No. 3 b.low. e,..---·-... ~"'.'! .,. I' ,. I' r ,. I' I' I' r· g ~~jUEst1£0 . . . . - . . • -.REDUCED $5,000e It you nef'd R irreat family home, see this one! Lge. liv. rm. p\u!; lgt. party rm.; 4 Rr. 3 Ba., ki lch. hlt-in~. l'~ Blk15. to hcach. Fee :;in1pl('. Sl6,500 Equity S49,500. i\1ay con15\der tr11.dc. e O\VNER 646-7849• B1yshore1 122S OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 Pi\T fmmaculfltl': 3 BR. J B.". 11·1lh din nn. Stl"Jl!I to yach1 an· chorage. Ttrmtt. No1v $J4.9,i0, Thii;; won"t la~t! 2,;91 Bay- &hm~ Dr. 548-s.i&2. Dover SMres 1227 *ENCHANTING VIEW Superb Bay &: f\ltn VU most rm!'. Unique "Old \\'orld" ron!emporlll)', executiVt> Ju.x . ury home. 5000 l'Q". ft. 4 BR, 41S BA + maids qtrs. Ideal for entertaining. Eas7 nlain. !mined occup. F urnished. $118,000. A!5SUme fi~~~ Joan. Bo'< 1632 NB. 548-7249 BUSIEST marketplace in tov.'n. The DAILY PILOT Clas.'lified attUon. S 1 v " m~y. Um!! It cUort. Look now!!! LINE THE QUICKER YOU CAl.L. , ___ _:S:..:C:.:R::.A.:;M.;;_:·LE=TSc:._.;A_N-'-SW_E_R_IN_D_l_M_E_·A_· ____ ,TliE QUlCKER YOU SELi. PAUL WHIR CARNAJIAN .,. .... do- Paul· White· Carnahan Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONTH Let be next-list now and ad· yours start packing -our extensive vertising and multiple listing serv- ice will do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet buyers all areas, have waiting buyers • 1n now! MR1 HOMl·SfEKIR \\'ant a i:oo d valul'~ The n SI',. !his line i\l<>sa D,. 1 i\Jar homf" l:Om· prisrd of 4 good siz,. brdrooms. l las a quaJity or ::;raciOUl>flf"S~ j ha I IS lhr rssrn(·e of pleasant llvlnc. l ~~ baths. s tall shC1\1·cr bll·in kit..:h!'n plus dish1••ash"r. Spaci· our li11ing roon1 11ith ust'd bric\; firl"plac". T~nct'd yard 11·ith patio. Only $29,SOO. E-Z t erm". 5·16·M40 OW!UR DESPIJlATE! Tl1is -1.ran~f('rrcd And ;.:une -1·al"an1 :> Br:, ,,,.lJ o·onditionrd hon1e 1.1·111 d ('lii:;ht some f~1n1ly. !'\rar all schools I. shop· pinft!. Diffrrent design- llas 1900 ff'rl of livini:: liipa1:e -:.:!J fuot livin~ Ri\1 11•ith d ri f l\vood slone l irl'place -1trp· liill.vrr built-i n klL plu-' D\V -:.! baths. A>kfnJ;:' $J.:;.,730. !\!akr offrr. 3<10·3-1·10 GUI YOUR HAT Thi.~ vat·itnl 4 BDRi\L h111nr 11·ith a $27,JOO ll S· liUm"bll" Joan 11·ilh 5~4 •, intrrest \\Ori"t lasl Ion~. Only ~233.00 nlonthly paym,.nts include!! prin.· int.·taxe~·insurAnce. Ex· tr;i I Ar g I"' Joi. l\lany trees, 11hrubs, 11prinkl"r~. Finr location. 0 n l y S32,900. Orange 540·3410 VALUE PACKED That's 11 hfll you 11111 say \1 hrn you SC'" this ~pot- \11111 fa n1il y room · ~!"P· J;:\11•1· l..11eh,.11, hh·in 01·r11 /.,, r~n;;r -'.:!;) fool l1\1n~ room. 11as i.!onr l!r,..r lacC', shinin!; h ard. \1 ,,od floors · spaciou~ br-<lroom~. frdar lin,.d closet~ ... fenced yard • \1·ill !CPJI no doivn VA • or min. dov.•n FHA. Only $28.000 546·5'140 Thi~ fine !Ari• :1 BR_ • condominium 111 th'° Blurfs i15 a mu st sc-". Over 18;;0 11q ftrl. has many r .'<tra fratur"s • out:.tandini; built.. in ki1- chrn ... large living room 1\·lth up· graded 11•/1v cpts ·I custom drapes. 2 1,,, bath~ • l(!oll liho11·cr · loads of' clo.~et.~ · rrd tiled roof • hA:i: vie1v - n~IJ' 11 ho ppi n i; a nd ischools. ~fi-5440 COUNTRY CLUI Atmos1>here 11·ith your 011·11 run 37 foot Blue llavcn hcatt>d pool 11·ith hoard k 11li<lc. Llll! of dcckin::;:. .1 i;ood si1.c Bf':.ll, !:harming Jiy T0\)!11 mirror pa.nl'lled nianlrl. Quality high pile \\'/1v 1:pts &: cu~tom drapes, bit-in kil. 'J balh~. plu~ Addetl panelt-d &: t iled rumpus room. Prier. $31,30C.. Assum" :;;o ';, loan. 5-16·:>4·10 IUZZ-IUZZ- IUZZ Even if you·re hu5y l!S ii. hre )Ou n1u~t scl" th1~ £'!.U.~h-Ph1~h n1odern 1 BDP.:\1. '..! halh hon1r , loaded 11'llh extras. Brighi k1tch!!n 11'ilh bult-in O\Cl1 k range. H i~h qualily 11/w 1·arpcl~ !,, dra[)I',;. Park-hke yard 11• 1 t h huil1-in BBQ. 22' Covered ri11lio spacio11~ I I 1• \ n;: 1·00 m. 0 n ! y ~;J1,'.)~n­ i"IURR \' ~ 5·1&-5 MO 1501 CMmberMind 12 to :5 ::10 · JJrop by and insµ<-c l a t ~·our leisure an ot1l.~tandi11g :.: Bil cus1.u1n hornr in \Vcstc llff · ~potl rss thruoul • 2 baths - h11!y An ou1;;t!lndlng k\lchrn 11·ith bit ins, dl~h11·a~her + load~ or cabine1~ • 18x36 hcatrd IJOQI • li~htcd yar d • 11rofe.~sionally landscaped · mani- cured Jawn11-Reduccd price to 11el\ • no11• only ~44,500 (off Dov- f'r Dril·I" ! :546-54~0 IUTIIRCUP TILLOW Yn11"d brttrr hurr~ 1hl."'. ru1c 1·ondl!lonl"d 1hl'll· fllll , ;:ill nr11ly paJntrd i.11"rior & C'X1 r r ior. n r-11· hii;:h QU<ilily 11· 11\ (")J !.'<. \1·arn1 111rgf' hvini:; room 1' ilh 1ot!5 of panelling, fircplac" v.'llh mantel - bit In kit • fenced yard 11 Ith boat &. lrail"r l'[)ilCC-. F'ull price only :s2s.5oo . ~z tl"rm.•. 516·5440 UNUSUAL 9UALITT And charact!!r pervad,. tl1ls spacious home in N<>11•porl's finest \Vc!!!I· 1:1!ff location ·il's va- i•a.nl 11nd 11'ftillng • .1 larg" bc<lroorntt .j-ram· Hy room • ma.ny custom fralurc!I • 2 ba ths · brauUful \•'/11• cpts • dral)f's · large all clcc· trlc bit In kit • t>lect ric door Opt'IJl!'r • choice lo· cation. !-las extra large lanai • renc,.d yard ~ •~kini:; $1·5,000 · m ek,. o!frr. 546-5-440 ULTIMATE IN OUTDOOR Uvin~. h U1is :?990 1q. foo1. :"I bedroorn hon1<' in Baycrc~t. Beautiful c:us· Lorn heated 11001, loads of ccmcnl decking. Trop· ical landscaped i;:round§ t"omplelc 11.·ith sprlnk· lr1·s, front &: rear. .1 bath~. n1arble sinks, All t•arf)E'tcd. Ext ra. large outstanding kitchen, re- ~ct lii;:htin&, bl!-in dish· 11• as h e r, refrigerator, double oven. ~losaic tiled double entry. Ex· pensive v.·/w cpt~. And drre~. Prire ~71.950. Va- cant. !\lake offC'r. ::i46-j ·l·l0 6 IEDROOM IEAUTY! ·'"'rd rlbo11.• room! Thig 1c\f'a l lan11 ly hon1r. has "1'<T 2400 sq fl of hl'1ng a r!'a~ ln11na!'ula1c c.:nn· dl)lon insid!' & out. 1-\ig h i.:radr. nl'\V \\"/\V Cl'IS. & d 1·aprs. 3 ba1h~. Grc-al JoeAlio11. Prof€iisiona.1Jy lantlscar<"d; puol s1ze yard. Spr111klC'r~. Patio, Only ~37.000. EZ terms. .).J6·J·l.JO $1150 DOWN :0.lv\CS ,YOU ri"llt in 1hi~ :; brdroon1 home--pay· mf'nt'o( only Sl60 month i11rludrii • 1irinci1ia1 • in· t"rr~t ... la...:rs · 1nsur· anct>. ll nc<'rt.~ paint and ; 1~\ean-up • \'A rcpo sold "as is"' · \11rGC' reElr yard • i;:ood location nrar iichool~ • Only ~18.130. Call now 546-:J.J40 ASSUME 6•'• HIGH LOAN _,o "'l1 a frf'• lu tilkl" 1.1 rr 1h\s luan 1•ayn11'nt .~.!!)2 1no111lr 111o·ludf'<; al! • ".:. ~·rar<; ,\ llu nt: . 4 Bl"! ho1 11r h11;:r family !'()ulll • .:S 1•ain ,;1yli11i:: • 1 ~;. liall1s. h1·1f.:hl kit· chcn 11il.l1 bit in.'I" 11lu!I di~h1vashcr • spaciou., livin,li room. fir"placc, quality 1v/1v <.'pls \.-~ drapes nutslandini;c yard lov<'IY ~6' cov~rcd patio • as king ~2.500. 546-~440 RUSTIC llAUTY This rarly A1ncrican 3 BR homr 11·i1h d ining room reek~ charm · near !!arbor liii;h in NC'\\'porl, Heights · l::arly Amrri· 1·an exposed b<>an1 1·1·il· ing in liv ronrn \\ ilh hu5:e used brick firr· 11111.ce • 1.1·/1v l'pl.~ drapc5 -bit ln kilrh"n - 11ice yard. Only ~.14,950. EZ term!. 3 -16-J.i40 ' PAUL • WHITE • CARNAHAN Reort11 Co • 1093 IAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 '' ' ' . . · ~ .-~ ;-:.=-~.-.::---·c--'7"-~--:-:: .. ...,------:'"...,..,...,..,.-'t:' ...... .,., ...... "'·"'"-"'"·'I" .... ~ ..................... "' ............ ""! .................................... .. iU OAll.V '1LOT S1turdu, October ll 1%~ RINTALS RiNTALS RENTALS Heueet UnfurRllhed HouM• UnfurnishM Apts, Furnlahed ~~~;·~u"~';,·A~IL~-·~~l"~'u;U·~S~!~:>~·~"0~1<JS~A~L·~rlt~E~N;TALS ~ Beoch 141tll"l"n• loj<h 1~05 Ho-Un9u-· p~:.-......... --port ...... A UT1U HOUSE 2200 CCNMlomlnium JtSO~rt hoch VACANT Too dl.f'l)I ~ &ell. Nobo.:i)' WITH . ...,, .. ""' .,.,,., ... , . .,. ' llG IDEAS FrM Rental S.rv:li:• O:it.ne in and bf'OUle through our hff ttnW book, S and f bedrooms available. WE SELL A HOME EVliRY ll MINUTES - RENTALS Apt1. UnfwrnlshM 4200 Gener1I 5000 VEN DOME IMMACULATE APTSJ ADULT le FAMILY RENTALS Aptt. Unfurnlahed Cotta M... 5100 Fairway Y"lfta Apts Near Orange C.o ,,\lrpor! & UCJ, Ad i:!ts orlJY. 201.22 Sa.nta Ana Ave. MC.2796 RENTALS "'"'\ U nfurnlshld 2 BR, sundttk, frplc, U1•ps, srove. A1•...il 673-9'128. , . 5250 l'l"flll,, J()/17. 5300 brtrrn 2 bath :, ytir old U~re ·!I 1 "'REAL sLEEPER" Blue Jay Hetme. BulJ1-1n CHAR,\1INC t~ARMST\'LE elecl11c .ranI;e & oven, lor-ARCliITECTURE, EXTER· mal d 1n1n~ rooru :f-lat'l!I! IOR 01'~ OLDE BRICK l1v1 ng roon1 & flrepl1i~. . , • • ·.L?7.~ )'OU!" 1('rnls. \\·dl ~ 1 u cc 0, WEATHERe:? trade lor unytlu111.: tha t's s. 1-1 I NG LE ROOFLJN~S. Walker & Lee SECTIONS AVAILABLE Close to shopping, Parle * SpaC"iow 3 Br'•, 2 Ba. ----------12 BR. 2 Ba. Wlf. i'ell).1)' Sl73 J\1o. Srove & l'f'ft1g. Nr bay/beach. 673-370~ 'c-lt n Neslled beneath 101\·ering a ' aha.de tree, a conipletely frne!d lot.· ju~t ~1 blocks hum beach & shopping, in charming olde L .a g u n • ~-~--,.,--...--I Bea.di .section. ~ Young Executive Home \l'rll d('signcd:? BDRtiJ. & 2190 JIM'bor Blvd. a t Adama ~Open01 9PM ~ Open tJT 9 p ;i,1 RENT.Ai. FINDERS NXJ•ot ... 5WAWJllt :;.::1 __ ,_,, A'T. -M>OMMA.n SUYKI ~ QuE'f'n Size &-droon1s. DEN t 'lJX>R PL.AN, ~r­ •·St-P..ralt" Formal Dining vir'l:'d by 'l BAT/JS. DEN ~Room'', &of¥eo1.1.s living roOnl HAS \\''000 P.'\NELED ,With hugt-Romantic Fire-\VALLS, BILT. IN BOOK- ·p;l1111~. (11111eS(' rl!'.'cor. \Vha1 ~HEL\'ES. CO 7. y LOG ~ tx>autlrul ... ~W AnlhonY BURN!Nr. FIREPLACE L"V POOL & VIEW .Pool" in separa1r side yard USED Bn.°ICK ·D~SIG N. '-d 4• ... IM, C..t• ...... MM111 """ • •= nr · ..... "'" 4 BR, J BA, convtrt d<'n , .$125. L&rge 1 Br garage apt. dishwhr , deck, new w/w. Bkr 531-6980 RENTALS PROPERTIES Y.'EST 675-1642 '?.oith "D~s~i~ Room" 11~ ... , bdrrn . has private e.ntc.ilnce, the \\'Qrks. Put )'Our n1onr)' \\/bath. form'l din & fan1, 2 fpl's. ,, ~ Cov'd patio. SJ75. mo incl. LEASE or optlon to sell. 2 story 4 bdrm 2\1 bath5. cptsfdrps. bit.ins., d b I garage. Pool. 1 bloek to heRch Avail i m med. Coat1 Meu 4 too 1 BR furn. On penin. $110 per 642~3242 ---------'-'I mo yrly. Ut1l pd. No petJ. lo \1·ork on !tu~ "5.,. ,o an· Brighr & ehePry rarnutyle pool rnaint. nual rate" F.11.A. !oan wi th k1)Ctl(>h, JI AS BLT • JN J U~E WARD. Realtor :; BR, 2 BA, 3 blk heh, 1l hlk tot;it paynir nt of $2~ (*r BREAKFAST NOOK, rana e 6C'l-48l6 pr:iv pool!, tennis er!. Lease •n10111h, Bl!autil'ul private & l"l'frigerator. This better $250. 4!»-2lfi6. 530.00 Wk. Up e Studio & I Br Apt~. e Kitchen & TV incl. 1312 W. Baloba Blvd. * 2 BMrooma * Swim Pool, PuV;:-reen * Frpl, Indiv/lndry fac'll 1145 An•htlm Aw. COST A MESA 642-282-t • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $25 & UP Month-To.Month R~ntals WTDE SELECTION Ht'RC Furniture Rentals S17 \\1. 19th, Ct\! 548-J.181 $173. 2 Br delu:-;e lowrr 4-plex. /'rrlc, v.•/w, Rio. Bkr. ~W69~ ORLEANS APTS. J BR a vail. Adults only. 17.U Tustin, Ccsta Mesa Mar. Mrs. canon. fi fl-400 NOIV /\va.U 1 & 2 BR apJs, O.·luxe rang~ & o v (' n , d iSh\\'Shr. CID, etc. Pool & gar, util pd. Adule llvu1g l,ll Wilson Ave. (bet w een J-larbor & Fairview). t.-11<1•. Ap! 5. Days 642-5401, eve 518-074~ VILLA MESA APTS 2 BR unlurn, pri patios, htd pool_ 2 car encl"d gar. Chil- dren v.·elco1nc, no p e rs Huntington Seach 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON· THE-BEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom Apt$. LU.'(Ury l1v1ng to plf'a.!ie lhP inos i rli~crin1inating. No11 available al The Huntington Pacific 711 Ocran Ave., 11.B. 111--11 536·1~87 area. \Vr"lt show it 10 you ! qualicy hoine is NOT A FL\'.. -4 BH, J:'13 baths home in J =========== WE SELL A HOME ER UPPER,t t ia in A-l beautiful Unlvecalty Park. University Pirie 3237 e Phone ~iv-ice & Pool OCEAN FRONT 2 & 3 bd- nns. \~'INTER RENTAL. 673-800 e ~laid itrvlce avail. l BR duplex. 1 blk ocean, ,130. 2 Br, v.•/w, stove. Childn>n & sm! pet OK .. Bk:r 534-69RO $15.S. Spaclou~ 3 Br. 2 Ba. Crpta, drp.s, R/O. Childrin v.·c\come. Bia. 645--0111 plt>ase ? Sl6il. Also furn $18:>.1 ~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!..,..I TI9 IV. \Vil i>On, 646-1251 2 "-d 2 b .c ----""" roon1, · aw,, cpts. ,£VERY 31 MINUTES condition, la! & pJ&.!lter $350 mo. &.month term. W I k & L v.•alls, hd'4"·d. oors, efc. \Ve • Red Hill Realty a er ee haven't seen a1IYth1ng like Univ. Park Center, I rvine it for Call Anytime 833-08211 7~2 Edingrr .~42.4155 Open Ew~. $26,950 $200 4 Br. tn1 rm. \v/w, bl!n11. Children & pets 0 .K. Broker 645-0l ll •Day, 11·eek & r.ronth Adults. Jill \V. Balboa 3 BR, :Z \• baths, townhoult'. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-97S5 Blvd. $12.S incl util. 642-1272. Immacul&te condition. Avail. $UO / mo, Deluxe mobilt $137.50 BACHELOR apt, util able now on 1 year lease. home. H~d pool. Adulta. No' pd, CrplA. drps, bltins, pool. adul!s. Avail $300/month. -ts. 4 SeuolUI Mo h 1525 Placentia. SlOCi 1 Br. Pool, RIO, now. Broker L UXURIOUS ~ BR, all elec., drape.q, bu1lt·111s, Best loca- CF-ptA, drps, GE kltch, pine lion. 1 blk to 5 Point stores. trees, .!ncl'd gar, nr bus SJ.J.I). up .. FurnJ.S hed & un- $140 Adull!i. Mgr. 124 E. fllrnishrd 6 4 2 -2 8 3 5 or e Red Hiii R1alty Eitat 2359 , ~6<>-01=·=1=1·====== 20th. ll~b--8303 7701 Ellis Apl D $19,500 FULL PRICE 3 BR 2 h;i!h, 6 yrar~ uld. OIVNER \\/ILL i>.lcctr1r bL11!l-1n ran;:-e. ovr:n. HELP FINANCE ,di~hwasher. l:'ll4 ~q_ It. 60x MISSION REALTY s:n:;. 3 BR., 2 Ba, trpJc, RIO, \V./w. Children & pc1s 0.K. Bkr. J.34--6M!l 100' f<'lll'Cd Jo1. Carpet_~ f., drapes, FA heat, eo1rrrd 9l!.J So. Cha.~ Hwy .• Laguna $250. 4 & fam rm. Patio, patio. doubl! gllfBge, largr Phone (714) 49'-0ill fenced yd. Kids OK. A\·ail sc-pan1lr. fain ily 1001n orl "°==========c J 11-1. Bkr 5.~980 Univ; Park Center, Jiv-ine 9 · New P 0 r l · DELUXE Furn 3 BR. 2 BA I• 5100 Call Anytime 833-Cll:ro 548-6332. unit. Oce&nlront. Newport Cotti Men SHARP 2 BR Rrarh. 673-8047 Afll only I ----------1 3 BDRJ.t + atMum on one NEVER level, 2 baths, built-ins ~tc. 22~ Maple by Wilson. LARGE 1-Br. apts., nicely :f.Toclern furniture. Pool. furn. Nr . hay. $140.11'<1 Choiee green b!lt Joea tlon. 1,1t\1EDIATE OCCUPANCY. No ptts. SI55 month. 67>7S76 or 494-9755 BEFORE Mjir, Longtin • 616-6974 2 BR Wlfurn, ne-w Gold '.\!rd,. * BEACH BLUFF * bltlns. No children. 2682 l'\c.1v 2 & 3 .BR .. 2 BA. _f"orc- Santa Ana Ave., Apt 1 C'l r·d air. dsh11·~hrs. patio. $175. pool, v1e1v. l & 2 story, 2 BR Sturlio apt. 1~~ ha, Pnd \\'alk to 5 Poi nt Shops. gar, patio, cpl~/~·J)s, UI!-S47-3957 (tif $300 ino, 1 year lt ase. 1--,..;;~==.,-=~=~-1 l BR. den, 2 Ba db: duple.-.: BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. WINTER RATES nr bch. Rtf!l req. Adults. ins $1 45. Days :l-12-3321 NE\V LUXURY T &. 2 BR rtcn. J\fassive v.·alk·ln clo~t. L1gun1 Niguel 1707 s"1":~".-.2.--B=,-.d-,pc1c,c,_-P"•-,".!o-. livt'd in. Brand new npt homes P riv;ste patio living. Near beach & shopping. All new bu'il t·lns, d ish"·a~he r-s, v.'/w ca.rpl'ling, di·apes, pri- vate livillgc Eves. 546--0689. P.-'11'10S .~ BALCO'.\J'ES Ta'kcs S2000 down. low pay.i-~'----<.---.:.C.::..1 RIO, \\'/\V. \\/i ll consider 833-0llJI 1'~URN, BACH APT SllO ~1 !'15. 642-3082 eves. 1 BR A P'TS, Stio DELUXE 2 BR studio, erp!s. ADULT L~VING drp.'I, pool. l'\n child ages 2 SUP.f:-iJUI:.: CH1\LET ·111'.'ll(. Laguna Niguel Terr. Nc1v 2;,oo sq. fl. 3.4 & 5 Br. smL fll'L Bkr. 534-6980 Elden East Apts., 2135 Elden Newport Hgts. A\'e. Ste il-lgr_ Apt. 6, C.M. 3250 4210 thru 10. Call 6'16-0496 l\.~2 ,\tlan1 '· !i.1G-2SOO ·~·~,.'1~•~.1!11.R'M''~~~.l l homes in ocean vi e1v al'eo . ----·-~rpcted_, fl'On t landscaped, \Vlfh spl"lnklcrs; bltns, self-- 1--~S~P~A~C=l~O~U=S--I cleaning oven; 3 car garAge. S58.150 To $61.950. Exed lent Oieck these features: Huge financing 11:itn declining in· J;tmily room v.·1 th \\·et bOIL'. !erest rate from 7!<1 ~·;, lo . "''"' formal dining room, garden "",c. . kitchen, huge n1asll'r bdrm Laguna Niguel Corp. .!llitr, 3 haths, 3 patios & ·199-1344 547-7761 •.l\lrge yArd all blOC"k fenced.j::=::::=::::=::::==== ·f-Tany. many cus!o1n featur-Duplexn For Sile 1975 ~-Ir you 11~ looking !or r.ometh 1ng {'_'itra 11lcc, aee 2 Units near Oc.:ean & Bay io ·thi~ ooc. I \\'est Newport. Priced below MUTUAL REAL TY rnnrkc1-, Owner will finaor'<'. 842-1418 Anytime Vi!Ja P,.;k _Realty 637--0634 -0 I w ·ih·H.-h-or \1·knd~ 61 ;r3'l3.S. upex 1 1g __ F .H.A . Loan Apartments Ass11mr FllA loa.n 1ri lh -~~OO'J for Sale 1980 Do"n lla1·c indi;>pendrner ------~--__c..:.:c :and Jet your teoan1 pay your 7 Uni! apt. lixer uppf'r, hlock 11.•ny. Crt. Smart! Total pa,v. to beach, fantastic ocean mrnt ur S1911 in('ludri; nil . view. SIU,000 down, assumr r:;rf'al Hun11nglon _Braeh Lo-6~0 l ~l TD \1·i!h lilw'ral l'alion. QIU• li'.!rn1~ on 2oii TD. 494-7152 4 BR, 2 ba, 2 yrs old. Btl·in:o, lea~e $285 mo. Davi .'I Rlty. ti42-7000 3100 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 child~n. no pets. $165. Cleaning dep, lsl & last mo. 184, 11pl B, E. 21~1 St. See !>!gr in D. 546-698.i. 2 Br.. gar, patio. crpts. d111s, i<IO\'o;i, rcfri.<;. Tropical f<t'I· ling, adult.~ only. 1 blk ~hops. Sl~Jt'.L ~4--47~0 4 BR., 2 BA, drps & l'rp1. College Park S2~. mo. 673-9220. wme .,..,. 3 Bil r;ingle fa1nily rc~ldenl'C­ Ex. location $250. 549--2Zl.34 aft 5 Pi\! UNUSUAL Large h o 1,1 s e , walk to school, beach, shop- ping. -4 BR. 2 living rm, 2',2 BA, fe.m rm, lge yd. 718 Jas mine, Cd!\-f. S350 mo. Avai l Oct. 15th. (714 ) 837-14&3 AVAIL Oct 1~ I BR +Clean 1 ar 2 BR * bea ut· f"rn •12" -C 1 nciv, Adult~. no pets, 2421 f:. 16th · u • ~ J. oup e, no s• 113-°'"1801 children, Jl() pets, to assi.!lt -· J mo. up. """" mgr. 1.JUST qualify. 220 B k B 4240 Eld1>n. 64>1251 _•_< __ •Y~----- BE AUTIFULLY FURN REALLY QUIET-CLEAN 2 2 BR. Pool. Adults, no pets . Br. 11.s Ba. Pool, adults ~15.i 2272 r.taple St., Apt. A. ~100. 2310 Santa A n a MS--0137 or 642-9520 64S..2933 4 BR luxury home, ocean vie1v, heated pool, private bea c h e •, gardent'r/pool ~rvice included. $450 mo. • Nassau Palms • I====== Coron• d•I Mir 4250 e 3 BR·2 BA·frplc., plw; e 2 BR-2 BA.patios • 1 BR-1 BA-deluxe single Corsican Apt. Homes SUNFlJ)WER AVE . Btlvn S. ?-Iain & Bristol Located ~i mile E. of Sout h Coast Plaza Shopping Center Cell 54!>-1973 71-4 : 67545811 213: 966-482'1. 1 & 2 Bil. Pool 3 Bdrms. living room, din!nt 171 E.22n.1 St. 642-3&1?; :l BDRfirl. furn. Laundry, LOOKING roon1 , kitchenette, 11; ~ f*R. 2 BA furn. New paint. garage. Sharp & x)nl 1oca-for a quality apartment ~ ~e bath.~. Un!urn. Yrly Call Nr r;hpng center. N o tfon , Open Sat & 1-6 Sun. 310 160 \V, \Vil!.On l & 2 bed- 613-63.?t'i Immed. ~upancy chlld~n or pets. 646-6222 Marguerite. Apt C. room, garages'. bul]1.1ns. J BR, 1 BA Upt;h~ + 1 BR, t 1 Bdrm Furn S12~. GARAGE apt, 1 BR fu rn. Some ivith ~-ards. !'IT"'"". Apt "A" Ad It 1 G il Pool. a ir cond;uoning BA dns~. Separate enl. ~· u s, no pe. s. ar ava . Cl ho 1 ft 611 Shalimar Dr C~! 675-0307 OS<: to s pp1ng .... e patio. l blk beach. 1 "~~~~~-~---1' rom $14{) pC'r month S:.t.ALL 3 BR. no gar, fncd J BR, 2 bath, nlce & clean. ~til~ncl; f'io pets. Adult on apprec. Bus1 nes~ man Uhl yrd. childs-IJ('l ok. $140 1110. S2JO, lease. So. of Hwy. y. S--0~22. pd. No cooking 67H8.iq Adul!s, S300. 673---020ii. • $90 CLEAN bachelor fun1 S90 furn bach. Quiel, See to Bl 20.'.ll Charlr St. ::.48--50-I~ "Come a Runnin! \Von 't NTCC: l BR duple:-.:, Adults, COZY 2 Br, garg, l blk to I I,.._ ~-PAC · "I , 6 last~" 675.:ll.~ Sll)j, beach. :'ll--1 ~tar gar i t e. Y ""., . 1mmac, u s. -r, I ~~~~~---~-~ 2 BR unfurn, arlults, ·~<'pan11" garagr, prival~ yarU. J::. 18th. 54&-Jns or 510-4431 2 BR, bltins, $L1.J p<:r nin .. Crpts, drps, p11t1n. No pets. Adults only, 548---Z!lOO 2 BR apt, bltu1s. crpts & rl rps. Gar. Adults, no pets. 22i0 Poinona. 6·16-~16t l Bk, gar, crpts, stove, refrig. ~125. Quiet adul ts. 2589 Orange. 548--4360. Newport Be1ch 5200 EASTBLUFF N"w 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Cpl~ . drps., bltns. OVerlooktri[: bark bar. Xln! Joe. nr, sh'1r f·ntr., churches, i;chool.~. r(P 816 An1igos \\'ay, ~'.:.':.5 Pel r<lo. Yrly. •• us.,oto Q -"''' MllJ Cl.,& '..! Br!:. c•pl ,, drp~. PU -ins, g11rnh"· C!o<r 1ri hearh. pl•'r. !<hQ[1~. rtr. 40~1 Rlh 5L s1:j(). %2--41~'2 2 BR, children & pet ok. Crpts, drps. rani;e, gar. Sl35. mo. !l62-7637 alt 5 PilT 2 BR. enclosed p a t i o , 11·ashlni:: fac1I. Adi.!lts only, S\35. M7-66g2 Tustin THE A~PE;\S ~lB52 \\'ill!nrn s1. 5640 Tu.!itin's prestii;.r addr.-~s Adult llv1ng, no pr1s ~har; r;:-,rpr !~ "fot11l ;ur r'ln,!:t1 .Jn1n;& l'nf11rni~liPri Cym11;i~1un1~ 8.· Sa1111.1~ 1\pi1r11,,rn•~ lrorn Sl'"ll Fur 111fur1n;1i11">11 l'".ii·f'tGS'r REAL ESTATE Ge ne ral cpts. drps, privacy, 2 pat10.'l. 2 BR, rib! i.,:arage, lg yarrl, ~~3 673-2892 or 673--4691. REAL TORS Adu!ls. 110 pt'IS. 67J-485!1 OK lor boat, trailer, etc. $110. f URN. 1 BR ap!. Util. . 67]•44QQ ;l5il mo. 673-2025 pd -Qu iel -Arh1lt 198.'i B1lboa 4300 WE SELL A HOME RENTALS EVERY 31 MINUTES Houses Furni1h1d DEL UXE 2 & 3 BR 4.pt,£:-; Triplex, etc. 5900 Walker & lee Rent•I• ••Shu• 2005 :; BR. 2 BA, $l)(). Room for I ~-===-~--~-~ horsts to be boarded. Shov.·n 4 BDRM. home 1vfpool -Pomona. C~T ~>48-07'l8. 1 & 2 Bdrm Sl l:'>-5200 ulil pd. Bf:ac:h, pirr, prkg. Adults 303 E. Edgewater \ 71 4! STI-:Z866 APTS. $180 to ~2:lO rr1n, /Id u l ! ". ~lcd 1 1e rl';J n"·1n Vill at;e (npa r lf nr•:: l!ospiL1lJ 4201 J-!\la.na \\";:iJ , NB. &12-'1387 it).'l'.! F.dingrr 1;~:?-4455 0fl('n Evf'~. S !l .~RF, i\fy t lr g ant ,1·a1rrlront hon1e v.·/dock_ lQ(l FUCJ JS! I\ PLANTS in tt\(o ~~lfii lo 60 yr.~. Sl5() mo. Lath House ARTISTS STU-loc=""°".,.,."",_.,,.,....,..-. DJO in 1h('. p;lli•l Gorgeous \VANT 3rd person fQr nlce 3 3 BR homC>. S:-!3.9~.0 B.R. a pt, o~ beach in Rex L. Hodges, Rllr. l\r111l011. 673-..ilf'G 847-2525 \VORKING ga1 to h!.lp !ind hy appt 642-2Q20 panoramic vie""• pr i v . •&Ir, 2 bath, bit-in!, unfurn, beachc~. Agtnt 673-7.!22. .$280 1nonth, least . Agent: 6!:>-2101 2 BR, Sl~:i 1110. Crpti;, rlrp~. rangl', pnvalP palJo. Al so 2 BR furn. fii.':-7178 Lido Isle 3351 2 BR 2 balh, den, 1\ove k r efr ig, dbl garage S27.'ilmo. 673-500-t or ITI-11 .S2S-9720 Huntingt on Beach 3400 ................................ ~1 & ShAtt a pt. -PRESTIG-E .~33-15~1 or ~:>.170.t 3 BDR;o.f,, 2 hath, den, 11'/\v 3110 rpts, drps. frplc. 2 car ~g-. M•s• V1rde L Cost• Mes• 2100 "l!ns. fen, yrl ., Wt .. Tt>f. $100; :l Br, 1ml. fenced yard. garg. Chilrl ok. -4 2 4 -A Hamilton, 64t;-298j ~ story 4 bdnn 2 ba ho1n ..... 1-----------1~1,lAC. :i Br, 2 Ba, lamily S2.)() mo. 17321 AP e I , \Valk to ~I. Bonaven!u!'eS & BACHELOR or bachelorelle. room. Avail Nov. -1. Call !or 846---{1714, 89~5396 !\larlna l!L Gf/F!I,\ OK. Private large 1 roon1. Quiel 11ppo1nl. 847-7004 4 BR lam, fonnaJ din. The Re•I Estat1 Mert hou1w, n1crly Iurnlsherl "i !h I==='========= cpts/drp~. I e. n d s r . Hun-~17-&.'"i:ll utihties S6.J mo. Garagt Newport Be1ch 3200 t1ng\on Crest rrom S~ At t ."===========I a vail. extra. Vacanl Sunday. I ~;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &iG-4414 "Huntington 5.Q.Q Ham1Hon St., C.11-f. B/B 1 3~B"Rc.~1c1 ~~8-.,-.-,c1-1,-,-,,-,-,.,-,-,, Hubour 1405 -~ 'i!wiJx;:-:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;J ~N~e~w~po~c!l~B~e~..:~h~_:2:2~00~ I drps. ~, .. o Pf'J' mo. 1()352 D LUXE \.\a 1erfront condo Ad l TO\,ri'H~?UBSCd. l Kukui Dr. H.B. E-3610. WE 'RE SWAMPED 1111'1 CJn Y. ~ rrn~ .• , slip, PnrN:i 1') .<:ell. 0[l('n hat.h.<:. Sp\l1-l('v<'I. ,\vail. Oct. I ~. 12 " 1 ... Fount•in Va ley 3410 •m."--'.<:e tn -i S."Tf & !'un ... ore c 1ent.~ tuan properties! 1:,th S.'2~ p,..r ?11rinth. '159.18 ~laru1"r J)r., If B \l'e n"<'\I 1:s11n!;s -tn t'f'nt & Bay & Beach , (21:\t ~.!12.;;;6:;, 1n ~rll, Plr11.<,. 1·all us for a l]11 1ik. n1u1·tr<y appn11~aJ. Rt•lty, Inc. HEAL TOR Fountain Valley 1410 \\r 11'(1rk "'"<'JY d.iy '¥11 Dover Dr., /\'B Suitr-116 -"-"C'-'-'-C..!..---'-= BURR WHITE "~""° ""' ""~"' ~ l.1\RGE Berlnns, 2'. 13,\, 2200 "Q ft :'l BR 2 balh.~, 18.r,l"P 11rs1~1rs OOnus room . \\'alk to [lPmentary l: .H.1 School r;imihcs only 5275/mo. Agt ~,1c;...,1141 rrpre;. rlrps. hl11ns~ l,t.r , ul rlr-sac Jn1 , nr :<<'hnol<:. r\I :'901 Newpart Blvd., N.P.. tii.>-4630 C II AR '.If 1 :-,· C Occarifronl honir. ,~· Bl:, sp11 1• hv l'!n L1gun1 Nigu1I 3707 1nt I, n in a 'l62-S}l6. Sant• Ana ~1011<'. l Jwnr;· 1 -===~~----­\\'JNT~;J~ P.EN'rAL. 1 fur1 h11l1~r . ll!'t1r bcacb, 1620 -•-u1il 67~10;!1. \'AC.\:>.'T, J 111 m('d 1a 1 t" OC~ANJ."'."1i:inl hou.~. 2 BR._ 2 · .. B" '· I BA. Delux,.., yar;:I k patio. posses51on, ·• r, "' '<'tl. S:.'.'JO \1'1n1rr. ~iJ.-80M huge fan1 nn/k1t., new =========== :;hag <:rptg lhruout. fltany B,1lboa 2300 fe11t1..u·cs. Xl nt ne11;hhorhood -----------~~HA loan. fllo. p.vn111ts $191 $175 'Vinter leaM". Peninau111 incls all. _711 So. ;'l·lax1ne SL Point. SpaciOus 2 Br. call or • nr Eucltd & i'ltrF'addrn. wri!e Mr~. Br11rd~lce, '.!ll/ Open house 3-5 P'.\I every-24.l-1116, 1600 Parw-ay, Glen- rlay or by app!. dale Cal . 91200. 2237 \r Irr r I 1·. P.f)f)my kit Ll":\URIOCS E.~"r11!i1·r f;nl! \1{hll!n~ Avoc•1cln ~h~g rrpl !hr unut J';oi100 w/cal111na ldi"al loc. nr ~rhli;:, :'t3JO mo/)Tly, (21JJ 698-3627 VIE\\". Largr i"OOITIS, carpi.~. drape~. ~love, r e Ir 1 t;. f1replRc."', 2 Bedrm ~. breakfast room, c-lose to Honi.tt Ensitn and Ne11,'P(lrt Hi Schls, o~n Sat l Sun !">48-ZJ'.11 HARBOR ll1gh.lands :: BR, Cour~,, homr 1 Dn; '.? BA Tnr lra~<'-St2'.1. ~r mo .. 4%-3i02 af1er :1 P:>I . ----- Mission Viejo 3708 B EAUT!f"UL vi e w. ~1- lraC"live t )T old 2 BR. 11~ BA . Frtilc, b11 in bookca~r.~. fully cr-ptrl, dr-ps. $240 mo. ls,. 23m CAllt l{ogar. ~ho"'" by 11.ppt only. Call 83."Hl 18. SUS CASITAS furn 1 BR apt. 2110 Ne"1>0rt Blvd. Medallion by trotpo1nL CLEAN Bachelor Arts. _N_•_w~po_r_t_B_o_oc_h __ 4_2_00_ 1 All util iocl S85 up $30 WEEK & UP 315 E. Balboa Bl vrl., BALBOA 613--!!94 5 l ~r. 2 Br, Bach. ~laid Rr-1 & 2 BDR~! 1,2 blk from ""r· HTVE&BpooAYl.CLIFF be11c.h S L~S17.l Gara~ & u!il inrl 67:>-.1107 . 4."il N. j\'ewpo11 Blvd, 6-16-326:-i Lido Isle 4351 SINGLE Young: Adults Lux-320 NORD BEACH APTI>. ury gard!!n 11.pls 1\i!h coun-Nrw furn. Garage. $200- try club at!11osphett and S'.!2). $250 mo. 714 / 53.>6696 complete pnvacy. SOUTH Di:-:or1 .•• BAY CLUB APTS, Tntirlc all========== 16th, Ne1vport Beach. t 714) 645-05,j() B1lboa lsl1nd 4355 \VATERFRONT, N t w p t . SO. BAYFP.ONT APT. Island . &auL Jge. durl"X. 4 Br, 3 Ba, \\'inter 11·r.t bar. lndry, g•rg, bo111 or ye1rly le.a.se dock. \Vinter or longer. STEPHENSO N REALn' Adult~. no pets. 613-7861 or 306 t>t11.r1ne Ave. 6T.>-4000 (80'.ll 6,ll7-S384 J . ' B EAUTI F U LL Y rurn oanie s Int'\ <lP \ N'ntal.-. &: .~wap5, rs ra111shl 2 EDR 11.rt nt ar l!itrrlesty Rel\\ El'lair. Hnag ilo~r1tal. Sutrlea.~f" S" 0 I 4201 H I e GT:_..~!<68 e .J mn. mi. 1ar1HI=========== \\'11y &l~-1387. 1:'.4untington ~each 4400 1 BLK fron1 O<·can-Bach!'lru" - ,f..: l BR ii11t ,.-1~wim1n1n~ QUIET & BEAUTIFUL po.ii .\130 &. s1··:1 mo. Ca!l 2 AR. pool. ulil pd_ S200 mo, j \$-11 :i2 before ,) or aft ll Adults only. /\o ptt:1. I i6ib T>n1. Camr.ron, lW7-2 !Zi. i\EA!"!. htach .\· 8 a y J & 2 BR, 2 BA. nr 1->tach. :11 n r! •· r n "XC"C'p\•on~lly Hid pool. r r.r nn. nuns ~p11c 1ot1S! 3 HR, 2 BA . A1·a1l now. Adults only, oo h11k1'ny. carporl. Adults. no p<:ts. 321 14th Si., 5.36-JJJ;l pr.ls. Yr!y $188.50 549-3643. 2 Br moh1le horn~. adults. no SAIL Inn t>ln!C'I. dl" nns, pe15. $125 inr\ 111il. $2j couples. SllO to 5120 mo. cl!aning fe~. 536-1674 C.On! hrkl~t. rn Ai d M'IV. l BR 2 BA pM patio Htd 675-1 84 1 pool,' washe~ hook up.' $185 BEAUT 1 BR Uflpf'r, w11ll to month 962-8994. 11·1111 rrpt~. clrp~. blrin~. par!Jy furn. Util paid. $165 G1rden Grove 4610 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING H•rbor Halghts Faur 2 & l BR UNITS all 1vi t.h !irep!aces. dishwashers & 2 batmt. Jlcntal t>tanager - Mrs. Chti~tiensen 3117·A Clnn•mon Ave. Costa Mesa Phone ~1034 HONEYl\-IOON 81•!. ~ p I 1 1 lrl'f'I, f1 n:p!at'<', \' 11' IV, f'IPgant carp!'tli, 11nipt's. 5230. 5-18--23!M art fi Pi\l A)! d!'IY Sa t & ~un. 'l(i!l'~ Kii1g~ Rrl . NB. 2 BR, 2 BA, CJD. pat1Q. frp!c, d1shwhr. r-.·r \\."cst(.'li!l P ll. 1665 I rvine. S'.!00. ,\dult!l! For Appl 612-0239 YEAR rounrt upsUllrs 3 BR, "'~~~~!"'~~~~"' J 2 BA, gar. '2 blk from l'llrl. HARBOR GREENS ""il N" 1 '""· ,,,,, '.'\?t h. (213) lU-21·11. BAOIELOR u nfurn fr om SJNGLE apl. \'Jew, l<o.r);(e Sll(l. Al!iO avail 1 • 2 I.:. :l roo1n, lireplacr, s t n v", Brtrm. IIeated pools, child re!rig, carpet drapes. $150. care cenlrr, adj to shoppini:;. Call a f.Tcr 6 P lll ;-i-JS-2391 No pt>ts. l ~"~B"R=-----,-~,--uppt'r, crp s. c rp~. 2100 Pr.trrson \\'ay !<!Ovr & refng. Sl60 )Tly. Oli;ta :fllei;;a 546-0370 673-80'\ll MARTINIQUE 4 BR, 211 BA, l'hlrllCJ. l blk GARDEN APTS. Jrom hc:ach. Yearly. Call 673-245:1. Exet.'Urnt, park·lik,. !l•lrround. I "·" il N : BR. 112 B11. -p~11n. nr 1~gs llr a.,wls 01 y. ear · I r I shnpp1ng, ;inu ts, 1111 p!'IJ; st10pp111)!, oo . 1, 2 /..· 3 BP~ 1\P'fS Sl~ 64~~:~:.~c'~=~-=~ 1777 S.1nl<i Ana , ,\rt ll' GOLD 1\-lED1\LLIO<\. 2 O!t. 6-16·5.>-!2 QT tHl-146.'J 2 BR. C •D. !)!Jn,. arlul!s !\•I I BR. prl pa1io. al~ ro.'ts. L.~r $!~:) .. '>48-J7(1.;:. Crpl l'. drp~, earr>0rt Ni"' I =======c:==== p!"!l' nr rhllr\r.-n. rt>~pon.<ihle E1st Bluff S242 ~~u_11_,_0_111Y~·~'-'cl:>_.c~'-''--"-"~ e NEW DELUX E e $160. 3 SH, lrplr . p;ilio, ? Br. 21; ba 11p!. for lease rrp!rl, r!rprl, i:arai:-". adul ts . Incl. ~pac. mnstr. Sllllc, d1n :IB9 O~le. C. i\I. 711 : 548--&301 r in. & dhl. J::aragc. auto. Clr '21.1: :-i!J1-:i227 door opener avail. Pool & ,.-.c2'°&~3cB"l"t-,-,c1-,.--,.1ro-m~S~l30" I r?.C. area. Nr. Calhollc fO $170 nio. t>l ('.t.a dPI t.fn Cburch, ,\dulls, no pets. Apts. !Y.JS E! Camino Dr, e ONLY S'..'4a e C~l . 516-01:,\ ~ Amigos \Vay, N.B. $27;,_ :; Br + gu~st hse, Pool. DELUXE' 3 BR. 2 RA ~;nrl b!tns, v.·/,v, drp~. ·Family & gar. 752 Amigos \Va y, "35. 1l_o0g_u_n_•_H_B_l• ____ 11_00_ Univer1ity Park FOR 5alr hy 01111"''• Ntll' 3 BDR~t & fiunily roolnl. ~Valrnc-i11-Lr1sun> \\'or J d. CoinJilrrely k nicely rHm1sh. 2 BA, crpts, drps, hl1ins. C•pisfrano 37'2S adtd ts. no pel.!. Lea.•r,_ 3290 1 -~---------' mo. u1cl garrltll<'r. ~5.6640 CHAR..\IING Spanir.h Cas1ta.s o~· !'~17·1316 '.l bdnns, l~l ha.. blt-ini, SINGLE Young Adults Lux· pool, Crpts, drps. $28;) mo 3 BR, 2 BA. 1 blk from 11..., gflrden apts ,v\th coun- .642-1659. !!ml pct 0 .K. Bkr 5.~4--6980 _Pe~_'7_:,_,.,._-_11 ___ _ AVAIL.ABLE now, 2 BDRi\1, c:rpTs. rtrp~. hltins, carport. Aduhs. N" [lf't~. ~lS-6769 $11.-, 1no 72fl :-halimar Dr. Apl 1\ .. l B<'rtroom. No pets. Ava1labl<' no,1·: 646-3442 Corona del Mar S250 -'.","="='=' ="=·='=30-<;==""=·=·===cl "'d. 21 .s ha lhs, f1replaCI", ,._. bu1h-ins. ];\{MEDIATE OC- °l.aguna Be•ch 1705 CUPANCY. SJ50/mo, 1 year • -i'-:~,-,-,-i·7-:--~-.. ,-.-6-,-;n-.-.1~-,-.,-~-~·~I ~ca -PETTIT & ASSOC. Europr i ni in rd 1 at r 1 y , S3J.-0101 .C.'ustom built v.OOt! S. gla~~ Lido Isle 2351 house. {)ccan & ranyon ----------- \'iew. \Vall tu '1' :1. I I NE\VLY Furnished 4 BR 4 rarjX'lln.c:. b u i I t ' i n 5 & Ba avail Now Winltt 'or rin'placr .. 2 Bi'droom._ 2 lonier. 11131 .789-9369 er Ba th.~. Unrqur ronsln1cl1on. !213) 4'12-QllJ OPEN 1-IOUSE S.1 1 & Sun1 -==-~--~~- 11.5, v.·cek1!:1)·s alter 6. 934 \VI~R ~ntiil :t BR fun. flf i r 11 1n a r , Lag lkh. A\'ail no1v. Phone 673-1379 or 49-1-SOGG. t2J3t 691-1932, THE: SUN Ni':VER f;E'TS on Lo;e .. Mr. Young 547-95n day.!!, beach. Yt ar\y. ·~ DAILY PILOT \VANT AOS! or 493-1252 eve~. c.ll 673-24:).-; by rh1b atmo~pher" and ===========-======-='or===--'==========·J com ple1e privary. SOUTH -' BAY CLUB APTS 1~100 Chapman av•>., (; •rd e n Grnv! (714\ 636-3030 . SlNGLl'.: Young adults. h;x• r\EIV 2 fir., Sl.15. Bltns. ury gardC".n apl.s, iv/full p;1 Tio. i::ai• /\dulls only. no rC'creation facilities & l'On1-pe ts lf>OC: 21.~t St. 548-2l27. plcle pri\'ACy. Sot.1th Bay iRR"Un7urn , t:l<>M' 10 shopping Cluh Apts. 277 S o . Sl.l:1. Nr11!_v drCQrR tl"d . • Brookh11rst. i\nallt'un 4714' ,.-,l!l-1 ~.J:•• 77l-4.SOO. -=======cc;==== ISJ40. 2 UR upper. Slove, -refrii::, r 111 in{'l"rl. 4705 BEAUT 2 Br, 2 Ba, C)('ean(rt. $300. 811-1700 er 811).(}.f,;JJ eve.'i. & wkend:1. l BR, p~fer couple. Sll:i. 336 Bluf! Bird Cyn. 494-fiTii7 fABULOUS l BR nn QCtt'n. Frplr , util, i;ari Incl. S155 mo. 334 OHT Dr. 49-4-m:l LlDl.'URY .all el<'ct 2 hdr. 2 b11 , prime-loc. No. La~un11. Arl11l~. no pr-ts. Dill 4!M-23'XI •G.12-:~J7l• 2 BR, \\'/w f"rpiJ;, d1J)I', hlt- tn~. 1-2 1·hildren ok. $135 mo. Nr ~rhool5. 962-JO;i.'i, LARG!-.: Bachr1or, c r p Is , 1!rp~. hl hllS. No peL~. 2885 r-rl'nrlo~rt flr. r.~f. ~l:l-~21 LG 4 nn, riartly lurri, ne;\v r1111s, lrpk'. Al~ ::-1,,eriins::; nri. !;;;111pl ;oidt1hf. ~11A-G9~. 2 BR. I R1\. bl1 1n~. !rpl(:. Nr "h\Jps. ,\cliih~. $1W. 5't8·2798. r.n C O:;!r St. BUSJl:Sf muketrlare in 2BR. 1·pt~. 1lrpi., bllns, Uhl lov.,,. 'The DA ILY PILOT prl. Sl:.:J. Ad11Hs, no pel.'J Oaasified 11ection. Sav• ~1~2627. '.IGR---1 740 ml)~y. time & ~uort . Look --1 RR, ,1 ""· drps, pr, 1 ·111 p1J. a.dulls. no s 12:...s 1 ;,') !4-03.16 now!!! pool. pets. ~ ON TEN ACRES I & ~ BR. furn &. t inlurn Fireplflces I priv, palios I Pool,. Tenn!~. Conlilt'I Bkr~t 900 Sea Lani:\ C4~1 64.l·~li ll (~1aeArthur nr. Oms t Hwy) CORNElt Duplex 2 BR. palio l'lect. stove k re lr i~. J:&TH.g«'. Exce:I, cond, P rf'fcr 'vorking rouplP. No ..-hilrlren or pet5. 547-8640 ~f 8 A.\t or aft 6 P(\.1 SPACIOUS front I RR, balcony. 2 ca.r gar below. Ava.ii now $160 mo-ltasf'. Shov.<n Sat A. sun lQ.6. 6T~ LARGE 2\j BRli +-2 hAlh~, blk to beach, bll-in !iilO\'I'! It d ishWJ1.sher, q1tsldrp~. Nri pets. S250/mo ~'l"ly, 67;....:J.~;f,! COROUDO /Ip! 2 Br unfu rn. $lg() & UP. Adults. 613-:\.1ill B!tANb new lg 2 Br, 2 R<1. crpl11. rlrpl, bltns-, \1t'v.·. $.'l25 ?.10 . fii~. ANXIOUS SELLER ()lrJ,.r 1ri·11lr-: ~ .\'"ll'f"'r! F ull prif'I' s;;9,~-00. :>houlrJ brD~~ S7f01") ,1•11h i::,...,d r<iiln~~t>· 1nr 111 . (l\n1f'r ''tll ta~c Inv.·. Jo1v down .. Yflr n1rir" 1n1nr- 1nal1on plC'a5e r1U !\, \I' ,!:111 ill Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1~1~ \\". Chi1ptTH111 Ave, Or11n~"· DJ1L Ml-'..'621, r.1·r.s-11·kndi; ::JS.:1~T1 Rentals Wanted 5990 \l ,\:"-Tl::[I 1 bdrm ,.r! lnt RJ·;TIR~:D LADY. ~.:n flrink1ni::. ~mok-Ulb: or prts NPecls tuh, p1Tlrr t,;round f "Or. f',.J!"vna rlr! !llar OP. B:1l. l<lr L""l "" $1~5 n1., 1.111rd 1n Ja~t tlpl ~ yr~ • .\I \\' llrtfo~\, ,l'JG.:7'.J({I nr 1%::1:1 ~E~P("Jc,c,c18=1c_c0·-c,c:m-.. -,lc,-,,-,,I \\(•n\an "i!h ~ni,111 rr.sron,;i. l1lr l!11l: ··ri;\11,,,rHr•n necrl~ ~,n.dt <1n!11rn1i;h1'•I hnll~" il o' O' I! r .t J111 y hY f\CoV 1.1 •• 1111•• n1.·u,-.,1nt,J i:,:;Arn 1., ' \i•' " c· "\!. --~--~ \I Ill: 1,:.\(; c, 11rl r , , h· 1r1 .r,,. fl/II• I, II . -Ii'' l d I~~ rJ 1ttl "•rl-11·.i 1•,, .. !, •i'·.-\'! 11"~ I n1·:. t11· 11; 1111 n h • 1i1· ,1r1 •11 !\1o1·1 ['o!<I'! fl<'\i<·h I r i·u[ ;-.n\", 11 s1 r1-s1::n. ~12-::7:1' ;111• r :., pr "k~n•I "', i\"J:;-r:n f'l r;111 1,11f11rn :! F.r h.•r '1'/gar .. l1f'f1orr-:~nv. l!<! T\\'ri <J1f1('! r··~1111nMhl,. .idqhs 111 l1fl1r .c;, 11'1 l'"I"-, SJ"") Pl" ronsirlrr l,,n,,,. 1<1 l 1 ·JrJfi-:i'l;~ nr 114~12<1, ...... Rer-.,-.,c,--,-c-.,011n-,-,-an ren~iQnf>r \~·an1s horn f' ~ roon1 or sh~re 11nt. !!111'" r·as. f'.O. Bnx :; !~. ~n nt :i An;1 ~·11oz •••• ~--­Ui'J-'l 'l{ ap! or ~n1;dl h""~" 1 .,r 2 GR.~. gar11,1;<' f. :;oo s1 t1 nr 1nnrr rlr"n rnn1n !'or H~,;,..n1bl11 ,.,r ~rn;1!1 n1nrl<'I~ 11 ill 11:11111 •n•ul" ·; ifl.ro:i:; ;\JI 0D1J·:-Al'.I'• ,-,,,-;;r1;::--'W, 1!<'prnde111~. 11 l~h ~·1111!1 rn1 1Hf!''. p3l·1 rrn1 (••I' !1~!1• n1tnlllf't1 ·11wr ;o.1' l~l:1 -. LANDLOR-DS ... i.-itEl:: Ht.:NTAL :-;1::n v1CE Bro~er ~~4-fi'.l~:? \\'/\NT£!) hy qu1••1 11nrk111:: 11•idn'1': ~mall hn11.~r. yd Rr\~-Call cvrs. :,1.~:121;,~ RENTAL SERVICE FHEE TO LANfl!.JlRDS * Blue-_Bel\ron li 1:.-Gl l I * Rooms for Rent 5995 LAflt;E f'urfl. MOm t.: h11!lo llf'J"'r!llP from ho 11 ~" Rt'fru<. frli\I , i<JO inn, 1n,. 11tll. fir.-...2AAO l'l fltr !'i :in er nll rlay !'al. I ft ft k1\chr11•·ur~. t.l"rr111t- n11i , l!t•ntc!I pnol, ;o.1 .... 1 fol'lVIC~. $JO tw:"r 11 k & llp l.i' Victoria 1.r.·E room 1vi pr1 h,1 lh l.r .-n• f'r11 port llrh::t11ir A r r ,, G('nll~m~n J'r<-1. So\n rl'I'> 5-48-0I«. -...--... ---:-:."'"•·-.;-.~-.-···.--···-------~-=-:--------.-:-7'----.._....----r---:---.-;--:-..-:-;-------·---:.-----------·"·--·:""'""'- S;iturday. Octobfr 21 , l 96q l)lm-11"!'--*""" _ _,._9'! __ "'!'* REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Gen1r1I BUSI NESS ond FINANCIAL IANNOUNC!MENTS •nd NOTICES . ---·-~ . --· D'-l l Y P!LOT •!" r. ~ * * * * Gon.,•I ... '~. . . _. .--i ·. ~~~~~~~-1 -~~~~~~~ Office Rent•I 6070 R. E. W•nted 6'240 Mort9•e-•, T .D .'s 6345 P•rson111 640S LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON Jo'OREsr AVENUE Dt-sk spat:{' avall.tble 111 MORE CASH FOR YOUR ne.wf'sl office . bt.ilding al EQUITY pnn1e IO<'ation 1n downtov.·n Llaguna Beacn. Air condt-~11.:f\vcstcrn ln\·t.i;!rncnt Corp lioncd carpeted be:autiful now pun.:h11s1ng homrs Ln rntra~cc~: F~ntagc on Orange Coun.ty, &.>tk1ni;: V,\ t'orcst Ave., rear leads 10 &; Fl-I~. e<!u1l 1es. Ca.U any· i\luncip;t.J parking lol.'1. SJO _l_•m_•_._,_<>_&;=39==---- COi"ST!lUCTION r.1 or: e y PALl\I k Card R.rading ava1lablC' for 1rco1nc pro-Advice & hel p on n111.ny du~·ini; property. Fore1i;:11 & malters. f"u!ly hc"d. Open don1cst1c. f.lolet~. Nut"bing d a 1 I y 1 0 a m -I 0 pm , llomes, Shopping Centers, 213/697-9272, 110 \\I. \Vhi!· 01 1 ic e Bui Id In~ s. tier Bl\•d, La Habra. Nexl A11ur!n1t'nt~. etc. \\-"rile or lo l..aJ-labr11. v .. atk 1n theatrP. When You Wont it done right .. per n1onth for space. Desk NOTICE call Ttth.• Rc1;1.lty & Jnsuran1:e Company, 2U Clark Build l na-, Binn- ini;:lwn, Alaban1a .l'i2{13 J'lt011t: (205) 2:11~286. LICENSED Spiritual Read1ng5, advi..:e on all mallt'rs. 312 N. El Camirio Real, San Clemente 492-9\::6, 496-9,'i07 Coll one of the experts listed below!! Wh•ddy1 W•nt? Whoddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Sp•ci1I IU'te 5 Lines -S times -S bucks llUL ES -... o M\JlT 1"1ClUOE 1-w~., .. ...., n1,·~ 10 111or 1-Wl1•1 vou w•nl In '••<le. l-VOUll ~~Or>I! """'°'" •Od•••t. --~ llM~ nt .a .. ~rh•'nf. ~NOT>llNG ~011 ~ALE -Tll•OES <lNl YI PHONE 642·S678 To Place Yo ur Trader's Paradise Ad !%!i ~·orrf P-,.111o h \\".i\:Vll, :;)I ll\\f \\Ill\ ;\II'. \\tll ll"ttt!C' ftl1 J..11 ... 1n•idf'l p1ck1111. 61~-Sl((I rl;>j~ :i i.>:-0197 evf'S. ru11nhuusc 3 Br. :"1 ~ R.1. Gra u! ;:ippt'd. Pnv, pul10, f)ur.I: 111· bay, \";ii. l :i2,500. r:111y ful" TD. lalC' rnodl'I ·ar, tampc-r. 01>.ner616-ti6Jl l!tl9 Chf'vrnlcr Pickup, ra· r!1u. H'O anip allcrnator, ~ l•:•!IC'ne~. 1!-78 1~0Jyi;!a s,; 11n·~. boat nu·I.:. 110 V·at:. IOr V\\I hug. 61fi..707ri 1 .. 1~1' 1~<1l)(>lla Ii 1u1J11r11 ~BR n.>llt fll~. s IJ,(ll")() FP. $J..i.oro •If. \\',\1\-j-Cfia.\lal arc a l~}tlll' fw Cvndo. U11 llC'l". I j]) I :;;ij-::'{ili". B"} front hon1i; '' p1rr .~. flua1 l\'ati\ s111aller hon1r n1rn1lu• nr 1ndus1dal p1"0[X'f· 11·. 13alhoa Bay P ru p. '.?:'.00 \~'.Balboa. J\'B. 673·7·1~0 't-:? . .sinall 3 Br hvu.<;f>, val. ;J!),500, loan bal. S800J. $9:1 110, incl 1a.xC's. Tr.trfe [o,. Isl ro. 2001 Ch11rle St, C.\1. ln1·oml' ti-kl. 548-j().J.l P.-1 \ots Paln1 Springs. clear. I nrar rt•nnis ("Jub S:!0,000. Othf'r windlec;s aJ'l'"a Sl0,000. Trade for eql}' 1n lln11 ~ ol' l"on1n1"1. in C.;IL or N.13 . 13kr. filli·41 ·11 \\'ill 1r-..dr f1H11· ll"1"' F1rc- ~L<:ltlC 1lrrs 6!:1 x 11 !01• po1-- tab:C' T\'. 011 painting or anyrh111g nf r r111aJ \ ;iluc. tl'i~'..10t~ 119 ~r.i\\ .11·d Hd., and chairs available for $j, Business houri; ans111t•1·ing srrvice ava.ilab\e for .S!O. II you havE' a. 3 01 •1 b!;'d1uo1n All uulities }illfl c.\"cep! horur. for s<tlc ?r Jen· t'!'nt, lt"l.-phon('. I call U.'I today. \\f' IVflL'1"SCt1t DAILY PILOT the c11111loyce.~ of a Jargr ~.'? FOREST AVE:l'\UL f1n n 1110\lll.C:: ro rhr Harbor L .\G UN ,\ BE ACH Ar<'J. iin.,I tht>y 1au.~t h<He ~!l~-94!il· hou~111g: ,\lJ •·a~h 11 Jcsh'l'"cl . "'""'°""'-c-c--' --cc--C.111 f"arl"OIY ~.IG-~-10 :llODEnN A 1 r cund111un!,>rJ \i~;.,"fl:. r "l 4 " su1ll', 171h f;Ci'l'"e!, Costa 1 • J · • .nr " 11nd s :'l!<'~a. O\"er 700 1:if[Hnre feet. lron1 011"11cr , :->urrou1M:l1nb :>2·lll per nionth. Parking . at.'t'il_ol 17lh, Nr'1:P0•1 ~lvd .• 1..-offce rooni ,. , l Palisade's & Jr1 inc J . U. S<'l"l'l('t: 1·lurled. 6·1i-964i0 ni or Bo 26ti1'B all 11t1l1t11:>:5 in-:-.. ' · · Phone l\lr. RiJe BUS'~t-N~E=s=s_a_n_d~--- FINANCIAL 3 SEPARATE 0U1ces, each ---)- curpc1ed, 1,·an rcccpr ion, Bus. Opportunilies 6 00 phone ariswenni;, Xerox, & Al!ilialf' secretarial sen•1cr . In COLLECTORS Ha rbor L.a1v Bid:;. 419 E. WANTED 17th St., $j() to $1-?Q. 6-12-67~7 1ST and 2NDS Sv. caJ1f. T.D"s. Inc. ~?Lil •l-ll:>-M1:: Call CollPC! 10 Ai\! • lo P(.1 Attr•ctive ~perf \'OUNG WOi\I.\.'<: danC:f'C \\.'\!! trach you al\ 20' 0 DISCOUNT latest sttps. Call Ardell $tiO .OtJu ! ~I TD on 11,00ll :-.11 II I ~""'=1=~:'-"'="c.40""~01-· 1_0~"-·'-' .,... bfll'k \"<iliun<'r\"IJI bu1!d111g.llNVESTOH"S \\"anl('{! for J•;1yal1le $7.JJ/JllO 111ch 1d1n): local bldg pl'f.tJf'Cl.$:!.'1.\l n11n , Ju•,, ,\JI riUl' J }•'«l"S. Un J;JI 1nvcsl. Appro.-.. £0'" retu1•11 . 11·•·1· Jc11srr! ln11d. Ht•n111J 111· \Vrilt• Daily P ilot Hox :'11-343 ~'Olli" $2,·100/ulO. \\',\!';T lo share r 1 d r ·191-8100 or 4!13-1706 ~:vcs Ne11 port·tllesa area to \S"f TD on \\"hue \\atcr Pasar1f'n11, j <lays. Call \·1e1v lot in Laguna Beach. &l't-9887 $6.ft((J at l60J110. 1n1'I. 9' o aul·AcLcco=0H"O"Lcl~C"s--An~o-o_y_m_o_"'_ du·· 3 years. 12'" U1stoun1. Phone 542·.7217 o,· write to BROKE:R 49.J.....l !37 P .O. Box L"2J Costa Mesa. 2ND T.D. Hon1e ln city of Carson. 1•.··c. All due 6 ~TS. Announcements 6410 s::o. UlC 1nt. Dis.ct TJ'.t. SJ8...-06;;6 Grand Opening d;iy,;. S'.\lAcLL,--o=uc;c-,--,.-"'7'.-,01,-n-,,1 300 sq. It. Carpc\s.ut1li11f'<; pRid . ~hor1 lenn lei'lsr• 01..;. Gr,..at locat1011 ad j a c r 11 t Rl1h<'n's, Ol"«llC:f' County a i rport arC'a. Phone \\"t'Ckda)S, 9--;J, :,\[}..']:JS() Rehab!(' men $.· >1'0n1cn, ('X· CC'!lrnt earnu1.:::s ruu & pa.i1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Academy timr i1\"ailable: i Day.!> & and NOTICES e\'cn1ng~.1 No :>C'll 1ngt Re. of Physio Therapy lilhng & l"ollrl·\1ni:; n1u11ey Found (Free Ads) 6 400 sauna .t, n1assa:;:e, 6 fe1nale fro1n r:.11n 011rratcd d1spcn-LITTLJ.:: Orphan .'\nl1iC' is (C'l'h. l.~-11m-12 __ n1id.~i.:;ht 7 !;f'l"s in J\""C'11·port BC'llrh & aJii·c ,t.; 11, ini:: :it 6::1 days. _.i/i Thal in, ~.11re C, .!>Ul"l"Olltld1ng 011"\'<t. Con1pany VtL"ginia Park \\'ay, l..<1guna L:u:;unll Bf'ath, ,19-.1.1313 ~ SERVICE DIRECTORY Carpet Clei1nln9 6625 * UIA~IONDS are measured by riuahty, so arc "e? Dl :\~JON D CARPl:'.T CLE1\N~:r:s 6·1:i·l~l7 any11111r CARPET & F11rn. cle;1n1ng: lvt" I day ~CITH'C t..· tJt1al1ty \\urk. call S1erl1ni:: lur bni::htnesi;! 6-l'.:'-&:1:.'0 Electrical 6640 HOUSE 111rlng1 new & old. No }llh loo s1111.1ll or too Jar.::. fl"'E'f' f'SIS 6~6-47'12 Floor" 6665 CARPt:T VINYL TILE Yrce e~•-Lie. contr J.16-447!1 G1rdening 6680 suppt1('(1 lo1:auons fl!andJC's li<'t1C'h. Plca~r 01,11rrs, l"OlllC' n ;i n1 r hr.:1nd "r;i nrly h. & \"laini ~oui• loi·r>1}. lonr,;-L __ •"g_•_l _Ncc.o.ti"c"oc• __ _.;64:.;.:S~O The nc~t. co,,ls no n1orc: snack_,:1 Sl:i7j.OQ ca~li l'"· I Exprrieni:eti i\Ia1n1enance ANTHONY'S 644-4860 SERVICE DIRECTORY 673S HOU SEC L EANIN G & lA>ncral l\la1n1c1~,ncr . Call anylllnl"", good refs, !ilG-608·1 CA It PET~. \\'1ndoo1 •. r>lt'. Res 01· Cnuir'I rf'a~! tlr.~. Xlnt e IVINDO\\"S DIBTY" five r~I. l:l year~ "'P· Johnny D11nn 612-236-1 \\"OULD You l1rl 1e\C I will c-Je1Jn your ho111c !or Bhle Chip S!a111ps? 897-7.350 !\1ovin~? Sclh n~? H<'nC1ng~ CJll Rrnt;1I Rc.<tdlf'r Ve1·y rca.sormhlc :i-I0-3~1'..14 Ironing \\'ILL do 1ron1ng .\Ion. &. Tur1:1 6751 • Ironuii:-. C':-..pc1·1cJll'C'd SL1.i <111 hou1· DI! !i lb-1913 Janitorial 6790 SERVICE DIRECTORY Pap.rhanglng P•int ing 6150 P;\[i'•trt:-IG, Ex1 • Jnr . 18 yrs r'l' Ins. Lie. f"ree es\.. Aeou~I. c1'1 l111gs :i-ll;...JJ2j. 1'1\INTl:\G, l-'apcru·ti; 16 yr.1. 11"1 !larl>Or a1"\'a . Lie. & hondf'f\. HPfs. turn. 6..\2-1336. EXT /lru. pnlg. Aver nn. S'.!n ;:noel paint. neat v1ork, lur. ir is. Ruy, 817-1:38. e J-'OR Better J-a1nting, in- le1·1or & C'.'>teiior, acoust.l.f eE'il1ng~. 61&-10i7 & 5-11-3511 C ,f,, S P11111lers. Int-Dort. llou5r ,'-.:. apts. No JO b too ~u1a ll. !.7.).2955 aft 5. \VALLPAPE:R ING & PAl1'· TING, 10 YP.S tn area. Rca~onable rates. 6·1:!-0·1~7 PAINTING .t p,1pct i<111gin.,: . H.1.'aMlllilhl\'. '.!j • t'Xp.1 Ccrn1an .. kills. 612-, ~ 1 J'.':Tt~HIUI: & r .\t ,\1•cra:;P. ~t hr. h~•·, labor 11nly :iUj :ill C;1ll ;,1~-l':1hl __ f 11111 11 :1Jr Sll.l•k1 !'!JllllY 111 l l:IP. ~ .. c-.i:1·u1i11r hou~c 111 l'nl"llr Rot'.k bt' srn:,JI ,,1..,. d1•111·~ (·a1· • dl11Jlc-x or~ Corona Lkl :l l.11·. TH .. -\DI·: ·1:6 -~1 -•. -c-·,-,,-,-m-,,-, 1nl, "ffi C.1n1ai'., 1onc oi hoth• fo i· TU"s. \"11ur1C1·1y C'!r, \\'il l p<1y 1 ·;,1~h dLf!Cl" 1·11··~. tii:>-::.:W::. DELUXE: J roon1 nflu~ suite in Corona dl'l J\l<tr. Pr<'s11;;c location. Panelled, 11 r 11• l'i•l"IX'l.S .I:-dr<tpr.". fll'IViL!C rm 1·k1n::;. Rcalono1111rs Corp. 61:.-ti7QO haired C;ilico fcn1alc ('<11. II t A.\! no i"ll""' , .. ~ ... ~-,,led qu11-cd . t'or prrsonal 111tr r. < I I v ,., 4 ""'-Budget Landscap1n;; v1r11• 111 tl11s area, :<e 1:,l far!, l'OlllO" c ann lcr ci·en 1'1lh Inner :-:;11ace Rrscarch Cr.tduale Horticul11u·1s! 1f yuu ar('1i"t he1· n «il Co. ClOO \'"1 1••••··.·•o•o" D•·. Plas tering, Repair 6880 SPARh:L~: Ja11ilurial & \\"1n· :(::;.:,>~-!~ a!lf'r 1 pn1 ..:;rrr.tcg1i.; <il1·11Ut1 f'Utr'..lll•·~ \ll"U[l. \'a(:all l. ZC/tll' C-:!, 10.6~U sq fl . Pl"li'j' SJ5:!,Qf.Cl ~·le1u'. .\ sleepf'r. J-'or ra11ch, h;Jyfi'ont or ".' Ownr 67'.;..66:;.J e 4 XS POOL T ABLE ll'ith ;ircr tsol"i<'s TRADf; FOR con~ol" 'TV 01• P.rln{;rratol'. OFFICE:S n<1111r. ;11ld1vss ,f,, phone -•· u •• , 011·ncrs. She 11t'cd . .; a :;ood C.\T ,\Jay )~It~ :-ilJ"pan CLE:AN·UP SPECIALIST! n1inibc1• 10 -'lulll-.'\raic Disl ·• honir . Call 49 1-94GG on Grgas ' ~lo1ving, ed:;ing, CJdd jobs. Inc_, !lO;";i l::. lnlfl{'rtal Jh,·y., 11rf'kdays_ Call 494 -:!6:;2 Rca~nablc. 5-l8-ti9j,""1 dow t'le111111ig SC'r1·. \\'In-e P ,\TC H PLAST~~RING dows. r1:s1d., con1rl. <-011~1. 1\ll I) pcs. Fi·ce csti n1alC' Cleanup. Fn>~ <'st. %S--'..'!i91 . Call J-10-682J DLlTCH i\t;unt Set"\". tTpt I ~========-=-=-=-=-=-[ t·lng, {Jr \1·ax111g, 111ndo1v ~'!'bing 6890 Sccrciarial 3~.1·, :\c111>0r1 Blvd .• N B. 67~1fill Do1111cy. Cali(_ 9(1".!I]_ c21::1 •'ICl11ll"S & 11·wkrnfl<. l i1C'711<'·"1L~L-,c.,c,-.,,.,c-c"-,-po-nsihle I "'""""::::;==-c---c--cc 861-0811 " ,\L'S Ga.rdcn1ni; & l.a11'll for any debls other th11n my i\lllinlcn1:1nce. C:oniinf'rciaJ, FAMOUS LAnC:E l"oll1r. \1(· Los own .• Jame,; i\lir hael Fox industriaJ & rrsidcnti;it. BRAND NAME Joirdincs .t· :Sinter, Grcrn t \\'11! not be l'C'Sporisible for • 616-3ti29 * Commerci•I 6085 C.~ND\' ROUTES Valley a 1· ('a Jo' o u n I a i n any fleh1s otl1rr !han 111v -----------Now availablr 111 Cosl<t i\J cs,1 Valll'Y-Call lo idcn11ry. oirri. Thon1as L. Paulelle i1 COM PLETE LIVE UPSTAIRS & n1any other to11'fl~ 111 this !)6Z...0:!0~ Y«tU ~taint Clea111t" -,=,,-=cc.c--:::-o:--::::::1 1 A:'ll not rcsponsiblr for any ,. 11·ashing. Han ;,i \"an Bcyncn ;12;.1303 1f no ano;; call aft :;. F:STATJ:'. :'lla.r~I Trrc :->erv r:en1011al & 1r11nmi11gs, free es!imai~· . .:au 511-00SS. PLli~l B ING REPArR I' o joh too sn1aJI • 61'.?-3 128 • C11U * .'\:H-1'.;:~1 * IL\\"t:· Cos1a ,\lr---,.~C-w-H· n1rrc1;1J SJ.'il kJO. Tl'L\DI:.; $11.00'.l f qllllf fu!" 4 10 6 11111rs Or;111gc l"nu111y. Trade Laguna. Bl'ath Rustit· J tx!rn1 hotL.;c.-h"C'C' & clr ar f(l1' aci'f'ilgr in OrC':;on. \\'i ll l'on~id'.'r 01l1cr gro\1th areas, or ? Prine only <l~l·SliO. 1~· Cruiser T" ir1 U, auli;i io1lot, rangr 1: .. '00 nu; rec••11t s111\rv SUl:0-1. \V1ll 1·011~1df.'r tru~t {lecd vr ~mallrr boat. 011 ll('I' I 01.\ t 'i'..'9-J.JOO WORK DOWNSTAIRS area. All locations arc !'oni-c """"'' " II -• "•'·"'··· ~0.19·•s,~·,,~·1 17 1.~. r(J(I( "· n1:ur. :<Ore <iebts othrr than 1ny 011·n. " •· ""'' ~ <>"1'HI• \\:e have a substantia l, 11rll ruercial ur· f;a ctory. Very fro nt pa,1 \'1c Sl: ,\ntlrC'11·s Richard r:iof!Cllr 1:.:-.p"d J~[ia~f..sc Gfirrk'.'11ff. l:"nsrructE'd store bid!!. ro1• high ca1•n1ni:?5, no .;.cl11n; 111o < ,. I 11· l , -., , ,. ===== c 1 d .v •. ·,:,,._·','1.,~_;, cs n1 "~ . SERVICE-DIRECTORY on1 p r1 c yar sr1;.•1(·c, La.ndscaping 681 O BUILD, Remodel, Rep.atr ---~-~----Brirk, block, con c re t •. 1T{ADE. E11u11y 1n lor 1n Ai\.fEl,OPE V,\LL!::Y !or sal1• in Baltx111. 11·1th a t:::c. vo!vf'ff_ To qu;1J 1fy ~ou n111s1 <> ,,., lrrc rstin1a1e. S.IO-JJ.::-:! i'!Jll. abovr. Could br. u.~('d be rcl1a blr & ha1·r I hJ" .:1 \ for a l'aricty of Plll'"flO~C~.· day ~P<l!f' 11111c 1d.iys 01· BLACI\ fen1ale L..1 b1·ador Asphah, Ollt 6520 * E xpert Japane~e * L1 c"d Japanrse co nlr<t t tor . landsrape 1 a 11• n ~ pa\ios, r t C. -.rpntry. no ji:tb too small Lie. Conrr. 962-fi!MS • Jr you need remodeling P r rron R<'ally ti11-1Til :r.ocJ 1111r 1nodci r.ar 01 have ~ou::'' C't•ll 6'l6-S:i10 I 1'C't11e\·cr Cardinal !10111r -•·1~·L~ .. ,~ \l'0".1,· 6·16.0.','I 011"nPr n1ight 1'on:;idr 1" lrasc "\"C"$I · SF.ALING & PATCH ·c r "~ '' '"' '' ~J2[XJ lo .t ::.::i0 f<EQUIRED 11n~a Chrner pl~ cal\ & tdC'n-' -· IN Cut .f Edge L..i\\"n BURR WHITE lnriuu-c alx.ui our '"free honus lify 8.!2-1017 afl(T ,) P:"\1 Resideri!ial -lndu!; · Corne"} C" I c •I ~la111lt>n<1nrf!. L11.:cnsecl .«pri nl:Jr·r~, >Gll-'.;:037 M.isonry, Brick "'"""' ., ,,,,;~. Call 6830 Dick, 6ll·li"97. Dran1an1: ;) BH Lk i\n1.1w- hf'ad $l1j t-1 Pr1111•• ··c·· lo! $j:i ~1 . 6'l0 a~. ta,1h .SJ OO a<·. CLE,\R. Trt1 : bt!,u:h 111up vr 111rpl;u1r. 17\ fl .1;i9 •. j~ 1 Br.,:! B". 1nJl'blr 11lc 1•111. ~ ~!y. 1n1 <·rr .. 111, 111·f'~h1r•· 1~1 ~~!!.\. S:!l.OOQ ~i!1 fl<t~S all SI 1.0(.'0 ('q _ f(JI' :: Br o·nri· !u l lll, ur ".' u\ltH't' W~·b9:Q 11 R i :· -'lal!hr11s 196J ~lelu'c ~·1y1 ng Bnd:;r sedan. Trad,• Ion· ~n1111!cr lxmt, a1rplanf', 1·c11. hou* or~-:--:. ~·16·111.i::O ':\I J;;I. REALTOll rout ... pl<11f'. ;IJ;ikc )our fu. :\lALF.: killrn, 1·'? n1os. old, .,nip rcas scrv. urren Y ~·1 ,.,,,·~~'' Blc·d 'B 0 engaged by C"y of c.r.t. for ... 1it-1sos1:1-l9-l99-I ;il1 4 RICHARD ALLEN •JV 1~ o•v ., • • • turr Sl"\Ul"C' 111fh l!S, ii unn "IC'Y l\hl. FourKI ill OCC ""'"'""'~-::-:cc=~~,-.,..--613-4,"0 ~ B I · I " st!"eer 1·cstorati<Jn. J l-'l"S Garrlrn1n:.-t.· l1l11 n " "'-I"·•' .~rrr.•1 ralN/ Nat1nna Agrii:. Bldg. 61t>--1l 4!1 altc1· -· c .!" f :\ATO COHP 111a1nlt'IHHlt'('. l~r<. & i..'Olll· Custom & Spanish Masonry A Specialt y! Block , B rick, Concrete Free E st. 633 -2343 OPEN SUN. 1-5 PM o. 01' !lhiir 111 onnauoii :i. Gen"! Con1rac!or~ ti3S.JSl8 111err11<I. * ~0-4<t:7 ;,-!"! Nrw'J)ll1'1 Blvd. N.B. 1:1tnd na,1;1o"u· :11·','.hD~·~,~r&1·· '1~10101c sL·A--T-1·-:-,-,.,.-,.-,-,-,,-,c. -,,-.,-,-. -,~11 1 . 1 !.\vi···:· ~1-s=1:~.,-,,-,.,-, c1-,,,-,-,, un l~r !or. El ~lo111r. SJ:i.300 ! lrJ•". Trildr for ,111all ho1n,.. Co~1:i -'ll'~J ... r H11n11ngton B1·,11"h. 1'1•1·1,;in HHy 6t!-17TI f'u1 ·11e r. (1 • Yatanl. 70x\17 no Iv: • • ~ • · · \' II I ·I < <-' ·• B !,ot ,t;, blil;::. P1rn11u111 r .\• ~~ 0"101~·-~ -·......'..:'.: N B, h[;-27t;:; 1-----------B ·~ p c Ir f\1-·q1 11 · o) l(~V ' .,<tn ia.,o, abysitting 6550 General Services 6682 1~1•t1rl'. Open lo ollCo''< FRIGIDIARE ULK--11~, If' Jon ll" 1('. BABYS!ITING k 1Ullt'hC'~. c.~·A f)r_,l{.'11" ~J. Pk;-:, Ca11011 l1C';il ly i,;-;,.;:;,.i:f !)()()( " ~T ( ... 1 ·' · Pi1·ki.1n fro111 sthl alt :; P,\J. 1\[<:eh . PL"or1 dr1 I. E/\I, Paperhanging (,,. 11 Painting JET ACTION 11r.11·111t: J•·"clrd collar. Call •· h l ... :tfb'.! t'r 11«"<tyd,cnn1pan1on. 611-DiSO P \l. Box 6850 .\" --------- llu1c ::•~ <1crr•s i\1 . rhuk Club, :-=an .)tJ;J{jtllll r,1l1r ), s~~ fJ'f'r & rl1 l\'d lll (1(1· plcx. C,\I (1!' Hi; al'C«. !Jui IS Realty G l:.:'-O(JOIJ. ln1lu.~1 11wonir un Placr nl l~ 1\v;• 11:J!1.000 Tnulr I :: !n l' I" ('.11· f)r'1n;.:~ Co<t-t Pl'O]JO.:I"· l~·. J:k1l:•ll•''' T.r> ur " l)"llt'I' ;118-J:..12 Industrial R•ntal 6090 Vr!:;1d;1u·r 11' nuu. "a ~h. t'as1cH 111 1hr 1n(!u,tr:-·. ::o, e 1:;:io ~'l-f1. Slb:i 111on1h 18 1n 1n 11il.-:he.s 11 1H d,i the Cos1a -'le>.1i. 11Drk n! 1~. :;o n1111 11-;;1shc~ e '.',1{'(1 ,;q, ft , ~ nfl1cc~. -~ ff~1GJDIAHF: OUTSTA:\'D· 1·h:1~(' fJOllf'!', s:10 I lll{J, l:\'G LOCATION.": La ~111;,­ (tr.>I J ;>.!r-..o da 11i;qr1r ,1Jopp1n::: t·r111,,r, .. * * * * * e 17.".0 10 lJ.000 :-<! fr no" (;i!rd1·n C1,f1" ,I· Bur na !.!!!!ll!ll!ll!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!l!ll!!!ll!l!ll!!!!ll!ll!!!!!l!!!l!ll!l!!!ll!ll!l!ll!l!ll!!!! 1 " ;, s 1 n g . !l ndc r l'O n ~ I n.1 t· fl n n Pa r k . Costa ;11c.sa. Coin·O·Matic REAL ESlArf REAL ESTATE General General r . r.obC'rl !\;iltrr~s Realtor I ~.~u,i p~en_t. lnc. Costa i'<fC'~a 6~2.J lSJ "'~~ i \\. \~I· 111·1.; Rooms far Rent 5995 Income Prop•rtv 6000 ~=====~~==~ F11lll'1·ro11 ~1 1 :1 .. ,.-;;.::~ ,--·1c-'-E"'·1-BP.-. --,,".c..""-· -,.1,-,,.-'," 31 UNIT APT HUNTINGTON BEACH I ENCO hC'aeh, Root11 br S!O n10. ljnf!rr ~·ons!r111·t1on, IJ' • lo.in :l<J70 Sit Ft lndl1~1nJI Sp~r:r Pnv ba lh. 1'11 Jin\ hor • !:i Y•'llr" .. \11n11al 1nL~>1r1r J/;1.:: :llOO sq fl, air c:onduion-1!11n1hl", Oil ,( F:r11111ng t'o lrni;;ll'. 'i36--76N ;1ftcr ij P\I. l:.'l,Jtfl, l\"Jll clrl1,·rr full} f'd olfit•rs. has 11r.! lOC'nlrd !it'l"l'IC'e -~'"· r.00;11 .~· halh. pool. Furn nr rl'ntrri _ si:i io per lllulllh 11on ava1l.i hlr tn Co~1;i :\Ir~.•. unful'n. <"r all'pur! r cr11;ilr. INDUSTRIAL BLDG. R. D. Slatr s Ag! ~6-8801 ·"(• 1n\·C'~1111r111 t'C"IJUu"f'ff in 'II' "l~n Jj,l:l1i'I srJ It 11nrlr r ro1t~tr11r. · -lff""-. b;1 Tlr1 IC'~. il Cl"C~:-<11"1CS, .; ....., .~, r1·{"s. """ 1~!().] s11 fl .• 3 offlt"P•, ;;nd Joh-,.,,-,,1 ,--,,,.'''"'' •. ,.'"'I. II''"'· !to.in, .-\lllllla[ 1/h·o111e S2i.100 "' ''' "" " '' 1 BR run 11/h;11h, 1w111 r11-'.! tl'n~ni~. (i,~'XI financillc; & by Cont'rl"tr> t1l,.-up 1·011-hie Pit)S all \illiilil'.s. EtJUIP· !rant~. ~•O Ill''· ld.'1: ,JirJl•'I. srr11,•t1on. ~ll'l. 1h1·cr . ph.1~e 1nrni 1..,11ra l ai·aila hl~ 111 * i;o,,_ni71 11011 t•r. I ni n1 1• d 1 ~ 1 r 11•" qual1tird 111!111·idu +1 ~-.. , 111- 1\ ICI:: C'lr;in rvu in 1 "r OFFI C E BLDG. rupanr_,. Co~la -'IC'sa !':r.. lonn .. 11<1n. 'illl Bill \\'wl ~11s-~,:;1~ 1n.u1r_ NEED PAINTING? B!..,\CI~ l'h1huahua. 11!,,.·k Cal! u~; HrJ1ablc • ..:..·1"\'l~T 11·1 i<01l;,r. round J4~I 11rrk i11 •B,\BYS!Tf!J'\G illy hon1c. GAHA(iF~ Uoors .~r11•·rr! .f.: J rt ' I ,. I 11 Q11~J1t.v ~! 11:< bt·~r. ,!! 1hc. 11 13 llCi•r Bu.~charol, :Jl)2·.1-l!O Vit lO!"l:J &:hool \1c11111y. ·~ rp<1rcr . v enrrH OU~C' 'I '' 110 , •. ···~1 1n•1~1 1'f'a.~1 111;1l)l1· 1w1··~'>< ''l·.'.\I{ 11.,1,000 •. ,.1,001. 1,·l·o·k >.···at·.r. & oldrr. 6·1Z-107:i ' a11 . . n1111. r.>-.1,. , ,, "" ~ " r 1~·,• "~lu11.d1". :;1~.[,()Q1 ,,· '.!;l""Y !i~rr ~h·if>t'rf k1lll'r1 \\llLL hah.\Sll ii or :1 )l" nlrl 6730 •l1\T Ef!IOit E:'\T~.J--U-O_R_• "/IJr;1 1-ollil r f\10-!1.Sl '· In my .\lesa de] :'11;ir home. H __ •_u_l_in_g ____ . __ _ J';;1n1111::--ri1pf'L"hling1ng C.RJ::Yr:-abbi1:""" .>!S.:.j\46 orJ.,'c. lc\H}l{\6~~·------''ARD1 Gar c 1 C' a nu p Lu· ]1\s. (;u<tran!••r1l 5\~:~SS \\"ILL bahy:<11 111y home RenlO\C tree:<, ivy. 1111 !, ll;uric;-Pa1n1in~ til2-l.'•'l.5 r101ys. B1i;: fcnc"d bk yd. C.i\l trac1flr b11tl\h~. ".r ii rf ... " SUBUHBAN Paintu1;.:1Th>c Call &16-3~17. 962-81·1.i Losf 6401 lc====="'"-~-~ I ccc;-;;c;w~e;:c:::::--::c::--::-: E:-.pcrt Guaran1ecd \\'ork -----------1EXPERIJ::i\CEO mother "i ll HAULIN(~. Oe;i11up, lot~<·\~· fr"" r,r .. \o 1ub 1()() J,,rge PLl~1\S~: llrlp us f i nd baby~il . 131·1 l!un;:!Qn SI , Handyn1:J11.:1n11 l111f')UU<i1ll •w!·~·~m;ill.,l'll-3 1~ "!lr1d1"" 11l10 d1~;1ppr.ired Ko. C. HB. S.l7-!()(i!l -=-·-•"6cl:!_-.1J-:-!>l-'7•0•.,....,-1 r'\T S: E\! •. a1·rra{;c ;i br fron1 hon1c nn T11C'5. Shi''~ 11 L'iCE:~~ED Dily car('. 11 erk C lean Up And Haul h.!>r, lribor only $127.:iO bcauhful. ~rn1lr Al ;1 ~kan fl.1):<. 1nfan1 thru 5 yn;. So. .~10 a loan 616·2j~li til:!.--Olij a fll'r .> p tn l'll:i!rn1111r.]lu1'ky Rr11;1rd 11 Coa~t Plaza ;u't'il. ;1'1~0311 l'Clurn<'d .. 1;)1-)lJ~:, I S Y 0 U R ,\ D I :'<I p,\J;\TJ:\G fnl !~ E-.t Lowe~l LOVJJ\'G Cil rl'.' ror )our 111fant CLASSIFIED'.' Somcon.-1111! r ontracterl pri•'t'S. Fully Ins. L\DTE."i 11;illrl. V11: Crnlcr up to .l \l'k·da~·-hr. Harbor l"lf' looking for 11 , D1~J 61~-S.1li~l11c1ion i;:11ru . f"ree est. St. r-'1 C>I' ~nl Ave., L.'.:i>.:u11a & Bakf'r, C~l. ;,C ... .\ll\7 :.678 J1111 \\'eek~ 67:;..11111,i Bt·arh. ~ J'I :;i/1 V;ihi~~ll!' \\llLL Bah}'1'1!, S\\"ing sh1f1. p 11. p c rs. Re11 arfl, ·199-.~6!! niy hon1C". H.B. urt'a. l child a ll. 6 .1 !11 :1 yri:: l!17-l ltH 69'0 • D1·es,,111<1k1ng .. Al1erat1ons S1>C.1::t;1t 011 l1cms. * fil6·&H6 • ,\L'rERATIONS !··'fll'rlcnrf'd. Neat. Prolr~s1onal 6-1&-4!:>9 ·All~r af ions -642-5845 :'I.cal, a,·i.;uralC', ~years C'P. TILE, (•ramie ' 6974 * Ven 1r . The Ttlc :'llall * Cus1. \\Ork. Install & r~r>a1rs. i"o 1oh 1ou ~111all. Pla5ter pillch. Leak1n~ sh o 111 er rc1la11· S-17·19J!/8-l6-0206 Tr•• Service 6980 GC;..;E"S TREE SERV: ll'""S : ~hrubbcry rt'lllO\"ed, u·in1n1rd, hauled a w a. y :.19..1~9 BE\\IARE': Rubher trei>s break foundations. Free estr ,\ny Tref' Doui:.: ,.n1ployrd in;i u. ("osta .\l"'a Top l~~r1on ·"'"'11lflrl BP.-.~h !':"'Pl-SD. h"\IJ"S, 0 . C . cl:i.1~ .s::l;.-6661 . ,.,,·f's & ii rck- Call <1!h'r 12 1''1. li12·i"!9 $150.0f.(J • \j',. 1I011 n. 011nrr 011rporL i-1~S9.i f'tic.!s ;J J;,.!J.i:l6. t·1r1 ]{'!; ,,r1 n·•~" ,t-f•·•·I Lone Brick, Masonry, •tc. r;ir~. rC'd cn!l11r .~-rl•·,1 1'01· 6560 Job Wanted, Men 7000 Jal..s--M.1n. Wom. 7100 Jobl-Men, Wom. 7100 "-tU 'arry 1~1 Tl), l:::ccc-:-c--------Sl'• \\!-\ & up wf k1!t"hr11. HI,[)(; fn r Jr~-""'-"11 :1~~1 ~'I !1" TRAVCL 1\Gt:i'\"l"\' fot· s;_ilr. ".,O. 11,. "·''''lin .,_111. 2:~01; C ,., l'rnp('rl_Y 90 ".· .,flO_. 6-l:>-11 :.' 11, ,, "'''l~,·t Be•"I•. ,,.11 ~ "" . 1.01~'1 1 N.i11·r .. ~ f!r,1J!•1r ! I fi.l2 11 'J '.110 II "' ' '· ''"...,.,r1 Rh·1t. :..is-!r;-• .. __ .,.0 1 1-,h '·'.1"· ·.i·r~. · '' · · "~li1hl1~11{.'11 .. , , , 11 eo, I " ·" ·.' ~!l'Ct'! 1·1 C \J ' '' . Ft.:Ri'\l:'llt ll Jl,,.•l!l'-\\n1h-(\o;l;i 1\Jrs,1 61'..'-14-~,, _ '1 l, · · r'pl1l;.rir111. l!r•ld<; ;,11 ;ip. 111.: Pf'l'""n ;\'1!1 dnnkt•r l\ ~-IV lnrl11slrJi11 r.tclt' l'>r Jl"l111mf'nt~ 011 llf'r<; n1ov1n:;. ;>.nn-~ninkrr fiit;...1;o111 lf'<tS~. 2:iKI :«J . f, 'Ir 11. 1639 $'./.lt.(J00~__2_1 ·1 f1i7.':-1118 "'""-· ~e ls. Trl r. Crts. 5997 T!'.,\!LEr. ~r \Cl'.." ~ • .O p~;!~ \IO.'>:'fl l • t. lli--'•~1 • ll"f.EKLY 1·<tf"'--=-"'·• ~101<•1, "!::()\ j\r>1JK.>1"! Loch Blvt.I., Cn~1a \lf'c"c_ ____ _ Guest Homes LOVELY, riu1ct rooin In rr1~·a1<' homC' I o r atn· bularory. Goo<I 111 e R 's. p J C' a s a n ! ~un'Ound:ni;~ Avail immcd1alcly. Call 5-1H7~:l Misc. Rentals 5999 li.\Ri\GES -Hh::.I0-10~1:,. S\:1 !. S20 1110 l'\f'a r OC All'flOrl. Pilh!<rUlr<; Rrl. ;.,11;....·,114 1 ---.:;:=::= Income Properly 6000 CORSICAN HOMES WITH INCOME '.\1!11• rlelu.Xti 4 ·pll'1t~"· All bll· in.'l, !'hag r1'Pr. drl'!: 8' lan<t. sraplllj;, 7'~';(-. ~annual rate) lolins avail. e ] BR·2 SA-(L'plr . plus e '.:' BR·2 BA-J(l11n~ e I BR-I BA-d!'hLxr sin:::lc ~U:-.'f"LO\\ER /\VI:::. Rh1 n S. ;\laln f,. 13ri·~nl [.f)('atr<i 1-: n11lr E ol .'\riuth Coast Plaz;a Sllorp11 1.1t CC'llll.'f BEACH DUPLEX $2500 Net Spendable Z BP. l'a1"11 1>1111. F11 ·r pli1rC'. Enclo~i:od l'.:11"1l~r . Vr!*-r ~u11- rfcck. 11."cc<ls .~01nc p;11nt. Only s::.1,n~. Riddle & Ross Rti.,lt o rs Corona del Mar 675-7225 8 UNITS (4 Duplexes E a stside) $79.500. 1\lo. 1nron1{' $970. P erron Rlty ., 642-1771 !r1(·! "''lh1s h1·1nro111e •I.unit 60.\1 18 1u1. 11· BnQ. \\'alk 10 shp~. Ot h SOl..".00 Trnn~. Canon Rlfy. 675-35.81 Business Property 6050 8LA(.;Q KN14 H r Kt~ 1. 330 E. 17th S L. C.:0.1. I La nd & Bld~. l Bv O.vllf'r 114: 642-6200 F"i.tll ~', rr11n111. I() 61! bkr.~. Busin ess Rental 6060 OFt'ICE,drsk A chan~ furn. sz~,. prr mfl C. C. Doyli;-, Rl1r. :>18-1 lfi.11. 6070 Call 5'°"1973 Office Rental :?O tJ111t 111otcl, I!\ 1111< <i1r:; .t· I o:.;c;.;;;;_ _______ _ ~1v1n1m1nL' ponl. F"ur (j1•li1il!< C()STA i\le.'la nff1rr:<. A/C, \\Tllr' \fr. t'n1nC'l:'L ;'II, rrri t.(. fh'f'< P a rkiflg. Very \,ilrnl, 1.~19 N \Jf!!CI IJ1, tl lf" 11Hwr s. 1;,·i;-, Bakrr, t'rr,;no, (:,1111. ~i:J711 ;tlG-1'\'VI 1? t;NtTS Co~l 1' \fr'.'lR All 2 DELL':\E nlfur 111 Cosla Rl1 furn. PonL .l i.?.1,000. l\lf'(il. )'.JOO "'l fl Air rond, nrokrr, ~1H211 erpt11. fh'f'~. 'i-l'l-676 1. :0.1nnrrt\ 1.i. C.\I. 6i~!l017. t.;Jl'TS !. CAP.OS -1.IJ(l!) l'Q. Joi , nr ll11rhor & "1rh 11011111•· c ' r· ha 11::: r B.1krr. l . .\1. .\1•311. al nr11·r. tn1~ll1<'~~ :'\o , on1 1,rt111ru1 SUT.l.fV,\N ;,11'l-1l~'.1 f:.r3I I3arca111 ~ 61l-"ll20aft Ii pnl or 11knrJ,, ~~~~~~~-1 -.~~~- 6 1Q0 !\1,\CHJ:-JJ:. ~hnp, ownrr Lots ----·I 1·et1r111:.: Pr " pr r r .Y .~ 2V2 fa• ACRES f'q111pmr111. 6~~-"!1;o1 or Rancho Capistrano _,_,._·-_0_1'_·1 _______ _ i~ now offering fa h111'1U!:, oAk BJ-':AUTY ~nllln for ~a1r. :, s111rlded. ranrh s1z.-~rrca<i.•. s1alio11~. l\"r11 ly dcroratrd. Thr only nnrs of thr1r kind fi73-2833, ;tfl J, 61&-4\;i"IS. ,Boo·n !hr "'-th r I \ BEAUTY S.1lon. altr.icrivc, 4 tlHflg .--uU (\11,i. ' f"A . lh.i;h ilbove !he ~mog bC'l!. !<laT1on~. hu~y. ~air price . P . l , _, 1 k .. Co!<ta <\IE'!<a 64'2--fl316. n\·a c f'Qfhr.'I ;.iuu oc e•1 ___ _ ~all" .;;u11.rante1! the natur.1! FISH .t ClllP~ SHOP hr'auty of 1h1!< former ~p;in· ldr;.i l for n>11plc. i~h l.ran1 :<Urrt1u1vlrri b.I' • 611·~~ * hl'aullfu l OC\'Cl11~d N111ion11l DP.ESSS hop, l'll1Xlc-O-D11y, f nrrst. All 11l111t1c.~ av111J. busy Burn~ P11rk a!Y'a ahl<". Q\\"no;:r: ~·27-:i!l-46. 814-'.:S17 PltlCF.D F"RO.\l $8.000 '>320 1,01v DO\\'~ • EZ T.F:P.;lfS Mon•v to Loan f or 11·uc 1"0unll)• hl'ln~. !""{'· ---'--------- l!r""n1rnt or jn~1 plain 1nl'r~r 2 d 1nrn1 ill i'l bar·ca1n r1rwr n ('11 !1 or wri tr for 1·ri111plele TD -Loan fle111il~ and (1'1'r eolor bro. P rompt. eon1ir:rnt111 l ~rrvict! churrs. 642-1171 545-0611 RANCHO CAPl::iTR,\1'0 Serv11"1i1 lfal"lxir al"Cil 20 Yrs. 4J70 Campu.!I Dr. Satller Mor tgage Co. Nc,,.1port 8('arh. !1'1660 336 E . l llh Sl rttt 546-7413 1-~-. .. iiiiii,,,-~ A ttention Builder;--! CORONA DEL ;\fAR , • Two R-2 Jcvrl lo!i; 60' x 118' • One \\'lth oldt>r 2 Bdrm. home 50\Jth 1,I PAcific C-oi:ist J lighv.·ay .• S.lll.500 TIIE REAL ESTATER.'\ fil6-TI71 e 6-;J..S..'>50 _A~·-·~··~ll"'-'-~~~--"6200 ~ J7 ACnES, Sl4.~:i ~"ar V1rtoJr V~llry jPI !Ht"pOr1 , nrkr, U o)d l..('/';onnanrl :1!:>-lli!ll :\10lii'\'T AJN-r>.J-.THEATION l.1\1\I} i!r(I flr 12ilt ;ir nr Crdar Cit)', li111h. Sl~i() llf"l't' l\7.l·-"013. TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD J:i r, Ani;. 1n frl!l•·r_ l:l'w'd ··1l)...1'.J:o7 rvr~. r,~;-~r17Q f'\;1y~ n t:ILD, T:.rn1orlt'I. r'!p11lr. i:n.1:.~:N Lad w~ ii ;ili(;i~I Briel\, hlnrk, roricr<'1e, \\ •l ff Pl· rii1· C':irp{'ntry, no JOh too i::mi'lll r'h I ~/,I <Jll . I L ( t 91)2...f,'\.I" f'I"~~,. krrp 1nnn1•v I.. n t•irn, IC'. on r. · ~ .. 1 ..111"r Mrllrn!' '"I'. 0 HOX J B • S I 6562 1·.r.1. T\••ii'f!t r.r-11 us1ness erv Cl 1{-f': \V A r.-D--Yrllr1" /"oid TYPIN(; ll:i-'1 S r I c r 1 r 1 c. f')111r~;1 la d.1 s 11r1t r h. (J,·I I, ra . .;1. rP.1~. a r· r 11 r a',.. \i<'. i!rliotro)p<' _r;. L11rk<pur, i1!;1nU~!'1'1f">I~. thC$1.", lern1 C:.1 111')' G7;~'.l~'l p;iprrs . (i7:>-€oQJ7 ;if! 6 prn i:'Arir·:-;-\\~,l~·h:-s1hr•1·, 111· ;>.1ACHI NIST-Prrr 1s1nn .J 1 i: Rt'.irr ... Pro1n!)''PP l"ool1ni:: - '.:2 rr~-:1t~-9i"ti~ 26.i A Sa!lla Toma!, C.-'I. J~Tl>H :'tc·l-,oo~I c,,_.c-,-,.-, .. -c.,-,-,.-,-" •Jr,,(1 1ni::-,\va1I 1..£ J'\1 \Jnn d«Y !hn1 Fr1rl11y. ~IS-02!~. I!-~ A ~I , .~ ~ .. 7 P~l Job Wanted, Women 7010 ,\i\IBITIOt..:.", fl''l~•11ah!r \larinrr·~ p;,rk & :-.&1··0 11 C t · 6S-lJnt~s. i:'a!, ;J l'\-l'l.')6 aftC'r -'-'"P_•_n_•_•_•n~g,_ ____ •_• .\'01111c; 11"111an 11.in!' ::.•11 rr1d;+y ur f(r;ift1n& Joh fi!6-21~l CARPENTRY Li\DJES 11 111 ~"lid \\'\11 11n~Htrl' tlfTNOR REPAl~S. ~o J 'lb \l ~t !rh \'I<' Rnnk 1\1nrr 111·kg TO!' Small. Cabinet in gar- lr,1 Cd -'T r,r i\To.~katrr ~. tr rbr aa:_e5 _!:. o I her cabfne1!;. Bll-'d +:,7;,.11~0 ati-811;;1, If no ani;wer I.eave · msg al 6}6-23n. H. O. Grl'll'1'1l\!; re"anl for info 011 Ander.;on r1a.rk hruwn S1an1rsr/Bur-q=ucA~Lcl=TY~~Rc,-p-,c1,-,-_-,c1c,.-,-,. ~nrs<' ;iJ1e~d male_ ca! Ph<Jnf' lions -Nc1v con~!. by hour .• l:t-1'.?fl.~ or Contract. 616-3412 L11'TLE blk n1;11r 1crricr, REPAIR, Par1i11011s Small \\"I'd, Baltxia 1~1 C 11 11 Rl'n1odrl, cir. Nitc or rlay, 6i::;..~JG&.i days. 673-3],\7 o'lr<;. Rea.~! Cati KJ-:N 5·11)-467'.1 ('1\T, blk ,t, \\.h1, eollar; \'icl----------- 1.os .lllnl1ncs. f'V . Rrwarti! C-600 96.~-.11011 ement, Concrete 6 S-'IALL Tan Cn r k · ;i ·Po o e CONCRETt: \\Ork 11 11 1 ~haggy1 b!11ck rars. Corona types. Pool deck~ & ru~1on1. rlr l :\1<tr, fii~-fififil Call ~~l&-1~21 -------*CONCRETE Floo r ~. F"/c l:lkpr·51"\'. ThnJ P&L Li .\rs. r:-..-p. :1:W.7:l 1S EXPER. Jn dom':'5t1<;: 11ork \\'cd flOl.11. C.iJI &.1:1-1670 ilftrr +:. P.\I f\E\\'CO~lER To 11rr11. real ,s1a1,. backgrounrl, rlt~l re~ l!Cn. OlflC't' 11 ork, 644-47311 Jobl-Men , Wom. 7 100 abilities anlimiteo agency Personals 6405 f'l\lios. Pl!'. Rra~ona hlf', Cail Quality Po:.s\tions for ------------Dnn, 61:!-~14 1.,1ual1hcd Applican!:oi LOSE ______ -::::::::;:_ 1 <l'lS t:. 17!h St.. Suite 22·1 Contractors 6620 Costa i\Iesa 612·1410 WEIGHT t 11anl JO ~·oml'.'n who 11N' 1!1 pouritis or more O\'CN'l'•gh! ro take ran ln ~ru11p wrigh! Inf,; p1"0i;ra1n of ~pecla liled f""(l\IC'ini;. All 1nqu1r1es t"Otl· llr!C>11!1;1J_ A.o-k for ~1rs, Thon1. as 5.17·,)11 2 Formica Fi1bricating F"ully t.oole rl l~ctory in Costa Mesa. Sink lopr< .. cabinets • custom rormrng. 1 or JO,~. Raw ma!erl11ls '" Ille pubhc "'-hcl[l ~00 plan. r;:i~t (,'Qlfr. leotlS hkts on .~ml &· lgr jobs Opr>n .tAT Am. Hardin Ent•rprise s 1ll5 \\". t.1t1h l't , C -'I. * 6 li.2.~ I~ * Hf.(i!NNERS ~fJIHll"f' 1!(111(:P CUSTO~!Con.~!1i1e1ion, f";Qld 1·l.<1s!<. Sin~le<1 t.· roup!e~ \frrlull1nn 1111111,.~ D . ~ \ll"li'f"lmr. :\lrtn rvr s.11. 11)12 Pell(ler 21.1~"-~1.'.JJ M AC C 0 f.1 PA NIITT: t>lu11i- cian • Accl'.l1npan1st needed for Ne\lo'fll'.Jrt Harbor High ChoraJ Ot>pl., 5 days per wk., 4-6 hr.<. Pf'r d11y. C11.ll :0.1r~. Rf'ynolrli; :148-1121 for audi!ion Acctg Clerk to $450 LJ:i,•rly 0U1cr~ . .stahll! rotn· r:i11y. l...l\gi1n11 . Ca.JI h:Ry. j 16·5'110 JASON BEST F:1np:oym,.nt Agrnc.v '..'1?0 So -'Ia in. !=ant& Ana ,\eco1.1n1ini; ACCOUNTING -CLERK- Tuo )C'<lr.I r\pcr!e11t·r, 1•lc11cal aceoun! ing. <JC:- rounts payable' ur rrcc1v- 11hlc, (tl" joh ("OSI. Type :i0 11 pn1 r!l'c!nc. Call Personnel Dept. 17141 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. L agun11 Beech A11l'11llOTivr MONTGOMERY WARD NEEDS A f"ULT, Tl:\>!F: Tl RE MOUNTER Xlnt c:o. bcnetilll, including p rofit shal'irig, group ins., employee: diat'Ollnt, retire. mcnt anrf many o1hf>r~. APPLY IN PERSON 1 to] pm. ;\Ion. thn 1 f"ri. nTI EOINGF;R, JITG. BCH'. ;\11tomo1lv1? New C•r M echanic Heavy Duty M e chanic ~E t: :'llR, 11 1~-'IAN ROY CAflVER PONTIAC 2'12..i llarhtlr Bll"I , C-'I. ASSISTANT PLANNER S718. lo S8 31. per month -CITY OF - N E WPORT BEACH r:rq1111·fl,.. BS "EA_ 111 ar>- 1•1.,.pnat(' field . PerlotTI1:. rr!11-;.· lf'\'PI r rorf'ss!onal pl;onJllPi:: \\Ol'k of il\'{'r-. a.r:r d lff irul!y in cun't'nl .:1nrl or i!dvanrM plan- ning. Sal11ry abov" st;irf.. ini;: ,;1cp ~siblc For ean- rlirlatrc; 11ith ;1dd1tional pl11rrn1ni:: cxpe1·1cnee or c<ltll'il!ion. ZONING INSPECTOR $684. ta $831. fMr month Rf'fJUtres tv.-o ~'C'ar~ col- lct:r in planning/zon1ni: ;:irimin1..-1rallon or N"latcd ficlll, and t11·0 Yt'ar.; or f11ll.i 1n1e p11icl public con- lar t f'Xprnrn1,·1\ rrefrr- ah:y in an invrsl!g.Jlory r·npa{'ily. Jn.~per!.<1 plot plans 1111<1 p1..-n1ises fo r eon1plin11r,. w11h zonm; rr._ll ulalions. Appl 1cat1on.~ fl'.lr thr a bove pru;i11011.<1 shnulrl he filed im· mf"dia1cly al 1he Pel'50nnel Officr, 3,m) Newport Blvrt.,' N~11·rort BC'ilCh, Calif. 92fi60, t n 11 6iJ{i6..tt Ass.mblers, Bond.rs El•cfronic Technicii1n1 E.xperi,.nmi. &t.lary ope"· 1\PPLV IN PERSON f:nrli.x i\lkroek'ctronlrs f'11r'p .11:.0 Pulln1an .'\t. C11•111 i-ltAA . 546-23.iO I li !h S! , N111!;t An& j pj"n"C'r To"n ut Ccr!ific-1 0 1\ll,Y PILOT n I i'-1 E ·A · :-.hnp c Crn1rr • Sponso1•rrl Ll:"IES. You r11n nsl' !hrn1 h,v !'1ni;:1r Bee~ SqolU't r,.,r 1•wt pcnrul!~ fl day. Dial JUST \\'l .'\H lnr Tiit: SliN NEVER SF.:TS nn EA B VS I TT ER , ~h1turrr D11nr'" Cr111>. fi,12-:.6711 ~------- ~n1rllnn11: 10 furnl~h ~flnr hon1'! •.. firirl ~ra1 h11ytt in torl11y'11 Clil.o-~i!1M/ A•I~. ('ln,.~1f1r1r~ 11r 11on po,1 r1·. For an ;tf1 10 ,...11 u1-ound the r11"1r k. ril11I 6~Z.~1li"iil, ''''nlilll, 2'~ c!ay,o; ~·k. 1 lr>- 111111. 2 l'>C'hool-Ri:r boys. B11ck 1311}' 11rt11 ~1~175 .. -. ;.-~ . • . .. • • ' J \ f.0 DAll.V PILOT S.1lur~r. Octobtr ll, 1%9 , .n.i•S I EMPLvYMiNl JOIS a. •-PLOYM•NT JO .. & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & ~MPLOYMENT ; Job~en. Wom. 7100 J-..-.Men~ Wom. 710G k»be Men. Wom. 7100 Job~n. Wom. 7100 J1>bJ--Mtn. Wam. 7100 , ~~YSITIER. 5-:ia~k CO.\~BINAT10N .. sharti BaT DRAFTSMAN . l~I ~ :: JI :: f~ I ::= JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Job.__Men. Wom. 7100 Job.........Mtin, Wom. 7100 Jok--Mln. \)'om. 7100 l'rfi:t('hl rials Resp on 5 i bl P w/good J\latd.~ & Ga GO Dancers. Automotive I 1ruck body or r"l!'lerer.ces. 3 Sm&ll (;Iris Top 11'/lge~. Phone tor in-comparable ex1~rience nl'C'-* 11ges ::, 1nos .. 2 yri; & 4 yrs. lt"rview. Sassy La~y. 2901 essary. Bill ro mattria!s \\'ould con~idc•r I ~ v e-1 n . Harl'l()l', c.:--1. blueprint. "tr Salary t orn * e Punch Presa & e Multi1lide Oprs. T11 S4l:l per \\eek, Apply 1·ony Dl.lchi. • ·54~76i2 ;-.!! 6, Computer Operators mtru;urat"' v.·11h.ability, Or I Z 1 "'•u·s experience-on IBM ana:e County locallon. : BA BYSITIER "a 11 t e d, li3n Ol!J sorter & 5l4 t't'pro-Explorer Motor Home' rehab!t', kind, !or 2 young rluc1'1011. Teletype bkgrnd tT14 ) :i.i6-3300 children. Day11ml'. in niy be11e6,·ia1 . home (Jr ;.-'Qiu-,., i\tesa del CONTROL tilar .aJ1!a. 546--4867 DATA CORP. :::J\9 \V. \\'a.mer. SA. BABYSITTER -ln niy 1n~1 540-28'20 homt. Th11rs-l\.lon, 6 : 3 0 Equal opportunity employer a.m.-4 pm, l rhilrl. \\'Ill prov1dC' trans. 6 15-82~3. alt. Cosmetics Salesgirl 4 30 r m ...,., Full urnr Exp!'rlenr:!!'d. X1nt *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! ?.Just have clean Calllomla driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 B. 16th St Costa Mesa --~-----~--sal , f'omrn . & co. hen!.'lits. BABl"SITIER. J lo 5 days ;;. Call for app!. 510.-5030 Ext, I 0D"Rcl~V"E"R".-~Mc,-,-~,,-,-,-,-,..-, 11eek, d11~s. ages l ": ~TS;&_ 30. shipping & r e ('eiv inb- .p, ~Ts. Prcl"r your hon1r JOSEPH c .d ;o,r. 67:>-7376 caU a/!er ~\ del11·cr}". !ntluslrial Offlce MAGNlN Supply, .;360-C, Campus Dr .. Equa\ nrpo1"tun11y employer f'.,",B. BABY ~ITTER. 1ny honir. das, 1\lon-Fn St ;\O\', 10th. In/ant & G yr. Ll h~1•k. 5-10-6401 CLERKl'yp1st, IO key ad- <hng mach. Apt 1tutle 11·1th figures, lite t y p 1 n )! , respons1t>lr. ~rron. 5-t:L--0377. BABYSITTER, hie 11.skpg. 2 CLEA:"..l:".'G l;i rlY \vantcd, c.h1Jd1·en 5 & 4, 5 day y,'k. rf!liabli.', 4 hour~ on Fridays. O\\'!l transp. 968-1620. ,_.._ _ c .D. :>!. 644-000 5 BABYSIITER a::J-3230 call all 6 Fountain Valley area. BABYStTIER \\·ar.ted tn my homr. Sl.00 hour. :'llonday morning:;. C.D.1\1. 644-0905 BABYSITTER \\'anted: my home. i'lon·Fn, Pre I er mature 11·oman. i!94-1821 Banking I'\e1•·por1 1\'at1on:o1J Bank l::sti'O''' Officer Call 1\\r. Car1l'r Cooks FRY COOKS Top v.'aqe~. pennanent. h<in- rsl. and good workln;:" C\Jn- ditlons in Arra'.<; leading: resl!'lura.nt. Apply 9 am to j pm /or inter.'1ew at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP ~!!. ti42-ll I I 2~031 El Toro Rd. Banking Lei.sure \\"orld La~una !-!ills D0;\1ESTIC llrlp-Do cooking & shoppln<; !or elderly con- valesct>nl. \\' r 1 I ": 211 Salmon Dr., Co.sla /\·[e11a. E5crow Secty to $550 Nn ~h req. Expl'r1rnce in r!osing FHA/VA & Conven- tional lcmn.~. /\lust llf' capa ble nf hancHing lar;;e volume ol business. N e wport Personnel Agency &13 DOVER DR., NB 642.3810 :H9-2743 ESTABLISHED Insurance • Leads a\•ail, N.B. o!!ice. Career oppL 67>-lilS:l L;>;Jl('riencro 1n single needle and ovcrlock. Good piece \1·ork price~. sttady \1·ork. F.DDY i\IOSS 1·1042 Lorusl St.. \\'e~tminster: 534-8!38 Housewives and Mothers Earn extra money far- *CHRISTMAS* J. c. Penney Company Fashion Island -Newport Beach Has positions optn in *Sal es *Stock *Santa 's I·lelper -* Credit intervie\v s * .Gift \\'rapping * ~l erchandlsc records *PBX Sched_ule~ including afternoons, evenings and c:om b1nat1 on of both. Finest condil.ion~ -'fop supervi sion -Ex~ cellent benefits including discount privilege. * * Apply Now * 10 A .M. to 9 P .M ., Monday thru Friday. J. C. Penney Company ,#24 Fashion Island Newport Beach, California * §~'~' 1u;1 §"~I" "11 " . Jabs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jabs-Men. Wom. 7100 ll'ILCO TOOL & DIE 3190 Pullman Lane Costa i\'lrs<t. 5-la.54J2 :\!AID!-. .FULL-Tlme, resnrl hotel, Laguna Beilch. 494-1196 !\JAN \\'anted, 1wr111i1111~nl pi11·1 time, 10 ave1•agr. 'l hrs. •l<H!y Jor early n1orn1ng newspaPf'r cl(· livery l o hon1cs in Ne"·port Beach. J.'..'00. nvcrili;:e per 111onth. ,\Yust hJve \ale n1odrl, hi!; rar and ~ dcrJ('ndable. Call L.A. T in1P~ £.12-4800 MANAGEMEN_T_ TRAINEE $6000 + CAR AL LOW. COASTAL AREA NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Riviera E;mploym~nt Acy, Inc ·1667 i'\11:1.c Arthur Blvd, S!e 201 NB ~10.!i3i0 :'llANAGE,\JE.NT po s i r ion w1lh filler manu!acturt>r nf watrr & \\'a.ste field, Broad ~~cTrum nf rl11ties; Equip. mf'nt Engineerln~. Purrhas- ing, Draftjng & inside f:alc~. Emphsfs bein; able to 11'ork on your own pro- )"rts frnm s!art to tinish. S<ilat)·. fi.-IZ-1212 M anagement Development EXP'O NOTE TELLER S37·l014 ~e"·pori K11\\onal Bank ----------- fLOORLAD)", f u 11 Gardener charge-Sports1vear m r g r . Immediate Opening' FOR TWO to ~Si;:.,oo, deg ree. stabll' tor '')111p1u1y, pay~ iPC, 1;al! Ann. l\frr<"hilnt~ Pcr,s.1nnr1 Acrn· ey, 2r 1:i \\'C'stcl1U Dr., N.B. 6Ja-:'TiD (also fr~ job~~. :'llt\NAGt:R, Nrw Half S1zc Shop, llJJ nt. Ac!h. Ccnt·r. Olrlr r \1on1tir1 11·/(h·r~~ shop n1v:n1 t bkgrnrl. 6-1&-!t!:r; call /\Ir Carter * COOK---e;1C.perienced 9.5 6-1~-~111 Exrrllcn! \1'nrk1ng conrlitio ns l·B~A=Rc,o,.c,cDc;--clcl"'C"M:-'"'.p~,c-;,;, /'.PPLY I~ PERSON - nights. Good salary. Apply SNACK SHOP :!;9 rlays: 436 E. 11th, C :'II. .ll4'i E. Coast !1'1)', 54f\--7.M9 Corona de! J\lar BEAUTICJA!'\S, J.;:malc, to ---------- l\1lrk evP.nings & Sunday5 in C'OOKS,P.£LIEF·:'ll i f Costa !llcsa·t> bu s 1 est, \"tJn Sinoker~ popular pric{'d salon. Op-·1 r!.(\'S a 11-eek portunity 10r top earning~ Fn & Sat -mornings \\"/paid varation. ,\pp I y Su:1 f.: '.\Ion -dinner r.lgr. Crowning Glory Beau-Ph J)r,.122.1 & R~k for !\ash ty Salon. Z67 E, 17th St .. • COOKS-:'\!,\LF: C :-.L :\prl~·-FL111\'G BUTLF:R B t K J i..; I B .. rmaid/dancer. :;Hn ;\<>•1por1 Blvd, N.B. full or part-tlfne. Costa COL'NTC:R SALES. elec· M<" tronic component5. min 1 yr 1>46-i30l r.~per. Salary open. Retir'f'1 BOOKKEEPER_ M /F l}r sr1n1.ret. accrptab!e. Call Apri;;ix. 2 days prr 11 k 646-$037 !ti r in1erYir,1·. Orrn s tearly \l'Ork. \nl1rea51r.; 10 Elcctro111cs 1677 Superior hill 11m!' a~ CO. i;1u,1·~ E.~p 0Cc'c'=~~~ccocc--- 1n rn11~true1 1on desirrd. COL''.\Tt.r. GIRL , c;o:- Balance·Flo Inc. pent-nr •'!! ,\ppl.v 111 prrw n: 6!2-j7f'{I _J;~l.; J';P"Tf•rl Bl\'rl, C:'\1 rci\'er rn a n Cir.rro. Inc fi.12~ 72~11 -BOYS 10-14 Ca.rrier P.oU\l'S Open foe Laguna &ach. So. Lagun3 DAlLY P!LOT f>-.12-~3~\ SHARP YOUNG MEN Deliver for PIZZA MAN 1--C'""'A°"B'°IN=E•TC""i'.M"AKER-Earn goorl money full, part- with !urnitu~ !'xpenencl'. time. eve~. !ate night~. !\Ian. GOrod of!p~ri<tn1•y a;;o;on:fnt opportunil")'. Jorgen~r:'l Fur111 ·u::<> Cr- 7!16 '."r1,te>ri \'.'.1~·. c:.1 f,!j-CJl~t 1ri:n l!arhor Bh·rl, l:>1. Cashier /BkkiJr$403 1 ~ ,\ f', sh"rf\ t;!Y-.ri "•'i''',: J, w-. ROBINSON Gr! pay, S!P(ldy. 642-2666 Factory ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE setup & operate MILL & DRILL setup ·& operate TOOL, DIE & MOLD MAKER ,\'I rosi!1on" r('IJOJtre ~Orne C'Xpf'rlfOCE'. 1.JB ER-"\L F'Rr:--.·r;r:: BENEFIT PROGRA:'>I Ab1l1t.v !ri 11·ork !rnm hJUt?· r nnts is rs~enllal, EQL'.\L f1rPOP.TU~ITY J-~:>!PLOYI::r. 11-'J Dal" \\'av C>1~111 :'ll""<H. Calif, 11111 ;,.J;).~T:il Fac1o ry Stores Warehouseman Expe1"1en('r rcqulrerl in stor· "~ a,·ti1·11y in pn"C1~ion me. rhaniraJ cqmponen(~. 1v11h Mnow!Prlg<> ,-,f Kardf.'X and abillt:-r to read bl11eprin1~. ~J hr min. \vork Wl'Ck Prolit Sharing J. C. Carter Co. 671 W . 17th SI . Costa Mesa 548-3421 ..\11 ,quAt rip!"'Jrtµnit-y cn1p'.cycr FILE CLERK -sort x.r11~· f1hns. Day~. l n'I , prr~onnel rl cpt. llo<1g ;>.fl'ln"n al Hosp :-.,· R SPRINKLER MECHANIC NEWPORT BEACH l\'e are one of Oran,1?" Coun. t1rs largest land O\vner! anrl 11•e are sf'f!king an automa- tic sprinkler n1echanir. /'ll1nunun1 lhree yl'af1; exper~ ience \\'ill\ at lea~t nne ruurse in sprinkler repair, Excelil'll l working conditions and bener1ts. PleiiSe rail 642-1\325 fron1 ~ 11 01 to 5 pm, J\1onday thru F"nda ~·. GardcnC'r GROUNDSMAN NEWPORT BEACH Div,.rW1"d land rJrvelorm,.,nt coJnpany is stekir1g i;ornf'· nnc In a.~Sl"l 1n m111111rn;inrr n! rnntn1rrl'l<o.l prOIJ('rllcs. Job di.Jiies 1vill 1nrlt1dr clclll'I· ur oJ .-.1p~i<lr 11rra" and gen· t'raJ gard!'l1)0!; assistanc·e. !'r> <'Xprrirncl" rcqttired, E:\- c('llcnt hrnrf1t5 11·1th grow- ing company. Call JJ'.\f I\ALLENGER al 6-l.2·0325, Fi'(ln1 .Ii to ,1, '.>londay·Friday GENERAL OFFICE ' Rral !':state sal.,sn1rn. exper. 1e11ced or not. 2 11•rit'locat('fj off 1crs \1'11h excellent prof11 sharing plan. Call 536~88~4 for c:onlir!{'11l 1al appoiii1menL JANJTOB. \\\.irk part time {'\'C'S. ll o~banr! ,i:, 11•ife team to (lean offirc hlrli;. Jn Ne\1·port. Apply altrrnoo ns 123 N. Olive, OrangP JA\1!TOH:-i. _'\J;i_n f.· ,1·ifr . pt .. 11mr ('1·es. Hunt B ch, J anitor's Ser\ H'e ( z 1 3 l 38i-73J7, 217 .\'. :'lladisnn Av. LA. JOl3 OpcnUl.t:S~ !\Iach1n1sl, n11n G ~s exp on lathes, tun'f'ts, and nlills. ~hipping­ t. Hcrr1\ 1ng-clrrk. min 2 )I'S E'Xf!C't'l(•Jlf'f'. TAPMATIC CORP. iq;, \I'. 16th St i\r"wr1 B{'arh 5!~-J.Jrl.I • • • Keypunch Operators 1-day ,(. l-s,1 ing shift, TL1e~1 tl1n1 Sar. 2 yrs, exp, req'd, on 019 .~· Oj9. CONTROL DATA CORP. :1jJ9 \\'_ \\'<Jrnrr. S.A. 17\.!I .)4(;.2>1211 1\IECIIANIC for Serv Sta. Tuneup & li!e mech:1n ical i;erv1ccs. Gd pay. hrs and 1vQrkin~ co11d'i;. Corona rlel ~lar Shel! Scrv. 280 1 E. C'1:t'! 1111)'. at (:;o!denrod. lii.J--0333. e j\JElHA:".'!C e I:: x p. d . Good salary for good ~kills. Ph. fnr unrr.·1r1v 614-ll31 ;'llL:'-l -Fiberglass 1oollng e.\p. nrc<'ssan-, Gro11'ing motor J1on1e rorp. Explorer .fllo1or Homes, ::021 Ne\\'J)0'1 Blv{l. C'./\1. !'l.lfi--3300 11\FC. P progr<'~~il·e n1;:i11ulac- 1uri11i:; company, 111!h ex- t r llcnt \1 ork1n;: rond1 !ions ;11ir! rringr bt"netits has 1n1- n1••diatr opc111n!:.'s for- ,\-'!'r;oub nn !u. s c re 11• n1;1 t hu1c C'fOC'n1tnrs, ttn·l'" yc~rs c.\prnrnc·1" 13-F.:qwrirnrf'rl hand ~l·rrw 11i;u·h1nr npror·;itor~ !or Ee· l'Ond oprr;;tl"ll 11ork. Apply -.ol ~t;t r~,..,1 lrw F:'i\lal upporTnn11y <'mployrr ~,,nl;t .'In~ . . •I ~.---~.~--~. MT · ST ,\I'PLY !:JI.cl \\'. \\larn<'r, S.A. !Tl4 \ 510.2320 F.qual orpo1·111ntty cmployer • • • tri .S4Z5 (Vl, g"'l'l !yping .•kill~. ----------- ntA'ure ~l 'lblt-perf-On, bra.ch LADIES ]9 to 70 e11rn 3~j to Arra, r;:ill V>r!!lne, tiler-SlOO ll'erkly Ca! t a n i rhanl~ Prr~onnPI Agency, Lingf'rir. !::qu,il o PP or t . ''') 11· , I u D "8 C'mploycr. \\'r trairi li-16-.BCI" '.llflTl-!ERS \-lrlper. 2 lrcnagc -""' es c I r., ,,, . f;l'>.2710 L,\'.\DSC,\l'I; l·orrinan & rh1lr\n'n F'r<>ff'r ov"r 4j, ·I T.<1N'-l'PI'. [\prrirnc,,,l. Call 1l11y~. L1,l·l Js:l<'. lZ·S p;n . f:.17-0'.J:;'f, O"n transp. ,\ft. 7 pni. • • DEI.ICATf:SSE\1 Ful l 11n1,. "'r>rk SrtJ 49::0 E, J"i rh e :,1 I.I ,l;-~~11 1 ~!,\,\' Trrry, GAL FR IDAY 5450 11;:-....1111 LA'.'\D:"C,\PL :->.ALt:S.\lAN 1----'-------- NIGHT ;\lar.a i;:<'r.; fr>r r·'l11rlr only, ::.alar:v <l~'l-t'l(, 1 mn!<>l, & apt, Independent Has iipP.nini; t<i Personnetl Agency MEN'S SHOE DEPT. F.xcell"•H "flt'1Y, plt'"-.~anl -.~~~F~R=Y~cco=ocK~.~-1 \\"•Jrkin;: rn111J Tno bcne!Jts. Call Diane. ~16-;.i110 JASON BEST r:.xprnenr nd (lranr:r CoUn· 1.1' 11rra 1;')>1 ;qr,_:;:'>-11 --MACHINIST_S __ 1 ),\ ·, ,, Bl"'" ll ,\· ."h.i l"rr !. 1111 1)11· ~l·JllCll r :-.('\ll f'l ~firl .-.rrra!P ;IHn , ~ t·~ ,.,r PRECISION GRINOING 1'\A CHINE OPERATOR :-,·,ir.~r~ 1717 Ura11 ~.-. ,,,.,.:"\I' r •l,\rir1'1r rire ·prel•'IT"'I' r · \ ti.4:'-IYl~li. :,!', 1"1~'1 F•:ll \,n··". •'Xr .. :1.·11• h..-11 .. !11• --,\p1d·-· Hl per1ion, f'~l"'·11lllr>l D•rr * EXPERIENCED 'lt at '1.flfH>1ranr", O\"r l~ Full ti:nc. ,\pp!y 111 r-erson BOB'S BIG BO Y 1-">-1 £:, ll !h. c :'11 CHJ:,ESE llvr>-1n_ Qt~m!'st1c. P l'rmanen1. EXp!"riPnced. Far F.e:st Agl'n,.y 6-12--870~ C.'l'r1\al SECRETARY Shor1ha11d 60 "-pn1. tyr,. ~. r \.~1110:-.· 1.-..:1 .. \:'r ' \J.:\\ mr: r !lEACIT llfSHWASHER E 'll:perienc:ed Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Be!c_h __ D!~H\\·A~llER. F111l !i'rn", ·1 111 12 f'~I. Apply after '2 P~I. Dori The Bcachrnn1ber, 3~1 THE RIGGER # J!i F,.~1'11011 l~!and ;'l:t>1•por1 Beach FRY COOK Youf"tg Fry Coak 1: (',,;i•t 1111-y. C{l'\1 .on electn c_ Eng1neen1u: ,.,_ -----~----­ Or Kit,hen Trainee Full tin1r, rmal appearing, O\'rr 18. Chance !or ad\•.nncc. ml'nl. Apply In pci·S('ln. ptr1en.-c, !tCTrt rlC'..iri\ncr des u-cd. MATERIAL CLERK i\lidn1ghl lo S.JO A.'.!. j day~ a \\efi>. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR One year experie11r!' dc~+rcd Mon. thru Fr1 .. 4.30 pm !(. ., I am . ., . • COLLINS RADIO CD. . , .. ':19700 Jombore• Road Newpcirt Bt•ch .. • J\n equal oriportwuty employer CLERK TYPIST: Good, ac • <urattl, ('.l)nt'('ln, Jor. prt v;,r. rnl"diral benl"lil.$ .. S!ari $l50 • Call Btlhe Beck. 510-6l'~5 . COASTAL AGENCY ,\ mtn;IK>r r,r SMiiing & Snt>ll1n;: !nr. , V'9o HarOOr Bl , Cosri1 :'llr>~a •COCKTA lr. \\';\TTR F.SS£S * BAR TENDF'P. Arrly in fl('r~nn 7:00 \\' Cout Hwy. N.B. 646-~ffll .. * DISHWASHER NIGHTS IS Y"ars nr older. rar1 11111,. r ull time AT'PLY IN PF.R :'\I~ REUBEN E. LEE 1Sl E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Bob's Big Boy 1:;.i E. 17th Coa,;t i\Tt>~"' f'RY COOK. parl ·1in1e. l\l alf'. RANCHO SAN JOA· 01;1N Goll Conr.;P , JS()21 1'11,r1· Hrl , nr. 1· C ! ,\~k /or l\'ayllf', PH: S.1..1--0112 -fOTO).J,\T DRJrE: . T!!Rli :".1Ir~i::lrl f'V<' ~hilt 3-!1 f'TTI F..· 11 k end5. A:;;e IS-2;,. :Sl 6J In Sl fl:i per hr Arr1l,v a1 fl"r~on !\lon-Tu,.s, 0 c 1 . 1 '.l~ 14. }-OTO/llAT 201 E 17!h SI. C.7'1. Foreign Car Mechanics Di'pl ~!'ll'f' GOIXI co. benelil 5, incl paid J . W . ROBINSON \'1t1;ahon, group ins. 11n1. J!af opening !or " form~ !urnisherl f~·. Good CORSETIERE ('omni. ~che<!ulr. Ask tor IExperit'lleedl JOI': l\lool"P Ph. 54(1.li64. f1tll ume, excellrnt benef1L~ Apply in ptrson. Personnel ~~~E ~HOP Ofc. Dl:-.'ING ROO:>I and F,\~!llON J:::LANO COCh'TAIL \VAJTRESSES NE\VPORT DEACll DJSH\VA~HERS Draftsmen·lnter med BUSBOVS $600 Cali atr,.r J(l A:'>I. 776-7!110 F',.,. ~. C3tffr oppt,v. !op E·~1 11\0. A.•k ror :.r r. 11'1:1 h < Q, ~'lme C'tlliCb" & .lr1hl1S(')O nr l\11':'1. l\l!ll'J:"w ... xp l'"'l All hf'nf'/Jr~ ,\!~.-. ero/1 fC'C Jill\ C;ill Arn1,n. ;,.16-j·l\(l l':A;\IA:->DA I:\~ JASON BEST l r~'ll \\ K~1 rll;i ,,,t Ernpi{tvn1f'nl ,\grn\"y An;ih<'1tn f'<i lil 2110 Sn" r.1a1n, ,r;;:int.11 A_n_•-/ TJIF. OL'ICKER~OU C,\LL. \\111tc E! .. ph11 n1~ T!tL: QL.!CKEP. '\'OU SELL , .V.mp)nv;tl,.nt A&<'nry ::'t2ri f o. l\filll'I, Silnl;i 1\n;i HAIR sn·Lr;;·TG~~­ f;RESSIVE. ,\J/F, v. + th loliowlng for !rv1nr • Nr11·. por t Ikarh .area. neerlcrl <ii once \]pr sah11)-', future & h!'nP(11~ offer<>rJ to .c.urr"~-~1t1l app licant. Beautiful 111'11' salon, C'::ill 1'1.J) 8JJ·0'270 /or appn1 ntmenl HAIR S!~·h~I~ -Er auty Orerator~. H un I 1 n g-t n n Bea\h ,\· S11.r1t;i An>t. B11~y ~~lt•n:..·g\)\)rl P11y. Pho n" j.12-0452, 96&-808.0, or rves 545-3·1·10 ,!:;11d11.-,.. :-rir1d1nt; nl 1ntnr;ito:_ fu1;:i1s., .\ll111:11u1n !11·,. ~Ts ('.\j'I l\1ACH J:->1ST 11<1ntr rf :t' :'.12' r~p. J'l't:'ffrrerf f11 11 f'lr ~ppl ZJ~S-42U 3 to ;:i Pi'f anrl 7 !n '.l p:.1, L\":-i 7 am '" i: pn1 ful l lintr .~-11 rn1 to 7 -;i1\1 ria ri 1111v- :-.L·1~:-E.'i AIDF.<; 11 prro to 7 an1 r ark L11J0 C"r.l';dr~rrnt r ent"!', -l66 F!a:;~h1p P.d. ;\~wp! R,.;i rb l\CSIEST n1arkclpla•"' in '""·n. The DAILY PILOT Cla~~1l ieri ~cf11nn S a\'" rrt"n"~, tune !:-eHort. Look 111.l,1 :·: : 1-!ERIT.AGF: mochf1erl four- postPI' b(o{l, chr~t nt Jobs-Men .. Wom. 7100Jabs-M.n, Wom. 7100 r:lra1,er... bedside tab 1 e, S125; ll\U rhar1n1ng m:o.t- rhil\..-:" rha1n:. ~2~1 rarh: "mall rhr.s!. m~tch1ng-nij r. ror. SIS; rlo11hl!' berl h'lx ~print:.~. rnartrrf.s, S 2 :i : 2001 '; King:; Road. :HS-2391. S;it.:;i1111, {,· F:vr~. H01.f.'-:EKl::EP·~E~llc.-"cc. ,-,-k. CnmpAnion lo1r clrlerly larly. 1.1vf' in or out. Rm. bnard. i;al. No ~11101!111;;: or drinklng r rn11 . S3CH19J JIOUSEKEF:rER. Babysii. roi -time. rlAll y 1 -~. School-ap:!' chi!drl'n. jlf(ll\ire '\'Omen, must have tran5p. ~~7-6547 eVf'$, HOUSEKEEPER. L1\·e 10, pvt apt. 2 school agers. 675--0~10 or 54!1-7197 ll!'KPR &~ehiid~"--,, 7f,-,.,-. -'"-· :,1 J cla)'s prLv rm k baUi. nr·!~. S50 11·k Z,IO.'.!Zl2 H nU~l'.K~E:PJ::R, lrvf.' 1ri. Priv. rm & ha th. 2 chilrlren . F"tn. V11l l Sl2-i25l 11 n l 'S EKE EPER-.-11~-~~ l1m1ro .t· R<i~r L n· $100 tno &12-:~l~. f.42-t :'.i(l MACHINISTS I Experimental> High· Schnol education or completion of TC'cognized apprenticeship plus e i. g h t years shop experience in manufacturing prec ision par ts. Must have t:xperience doing precision work on large millif"tg mechlne. Som• Hydrotel requirl!'d.. Experience on jig bore, rotery t•ble, prototypt, tools and fi;1C.tur•s. preferred. Call or apply ta Bert Mills 17141 546-8030, Ext. Ill Mlssile Systems Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH COAPORATK>N A Division of tho Susquehanna Corp . i)i"A"L"'r1;;:r.t 612-::.(;7~. Cht1r;:r L ~·rnu· ad. tl1,..n Fll hack And ' hi,~ell 111 !Ii" phrrr,,., nn,i;:' 1 __ :"~~'1111!'1111!'1111!'1111!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ Ol!i~ Temporary WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary u signments e SECRETARIES e TYPISTS e BKKPRS. e PBX OPERS. e GEN'L OFFICE Holiday & Vacation Plan ,\PPLY NO\V VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH 3848 Camru~ Dr. Suite 106 546-4741 Equal opportunity employer Ollice Girl part time lor Cash- i<'r, PBX Relief and Fil· Jn;. Hours flex, Pref. IG-3 pm. 5 days a week. .\::.k !or ll-lr.~. Brant ~~O-J630 Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Me1a .•• OPERATORS ••• Expcrirnted In ,,Ingle needle and overlocks. Good pil'ce work prices, steady work. EDDY 1'.10SS 14042 Locust St., \\'e!tminsler: 534-8738. Reata.urant * BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS NJ.&hts and .\tkenda .._Apply in ~ SNACK SHOP # f 3-146 E. Coa51 1-lwy. Corona del ,_,W See Betty Broec at mijj l:xe~ Agency for Career Girls 410 \\' Coast Hwy., N.B. By appoint_ 6~6-3939 Sales Do You Take I SALESMEN WANTED I 1vith a grain of salt? Can'! say that I blame you, I Jol- Jowed a few mysrU only lo be disappointed;-The job seldom li ved up to t he clail'Tl!'I in Ilic ad. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! ANO EXPLORE THIS ONE! II you would likt to makt $250. per week immediately. \\'iU1 an opportunity !or much more in !he future, I "·ould like to talk io you. l l your quali!icalions mah'.'l t1Ur requirements, this couJd be tJ1e caree1· you've ~n looking for. Call Ior pen;onal inlervil'w bet. 10 AM & 3 Pi\'! ITI4J S..14-17m or 492-8700 Sal" * Fantastic! la: the word for this national company's new program for Southern California! \Ve "'"' -DisrRffiUTORS -1..fANAGERS -SALESMES PARTS -SALESWOMEN -REPRESENTATIVES COUNTERMAN ThisT~A~~e~ ground floor IMPORTS opportunity with a solid auto. f ull time. Good co. benefits. mat.ic electronic equipment Pl"a~ant \\·orking rnndi!1{tn. tirm that offen; Apply in !)('rson, 1966 Har-HIGH b;ir, Cos~a Mesa. . PASTRY cooK-.q:d. in puff Immediate ra st ry ma k in g hot Earnings hors d'oeuvrcs, 5 da "'Ii. 546.JOSO Lang Lens fancy Frozen &hool EnroUnenl Counselor Iona rang~ program. Ca.I J\fanager 548-0440 Map·Fri 9 SCHOOL GIRLl Jor housework, o~·n -tranK.1 Vic. 6'ith St, N.8. 645-0089 SECRETARY Varian Data l\tachlnes, locale-d in the Irvine Industri!l Comple~ has unmediale t1pening lo' a secretary in our enginttr .. ing depanment. Rtqu1reme11ls lrw:·ludf'. t.hre1 to flVf' years rtcent !l~r~ tarial experince. with good shoi·thand and typing i;k1!.ls. l\1ust have 1J1t' ah1lity !o per. fonn a variety or seererarial and adnunislrflthc duties, f.xt•f'llent ~111r!lng Wary an<l t"'nefit program including l\\rlvr days vacation during firs! year of f'1nployment p!us an annual holiday vaca. tlon from Chrl~Lmas to New Yea.rs and a stock purcha91: program. varian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY :nz !l!i(:hl'lson Drive (San Dif'go fl\'Y, to Jambortt oU 1·amp 1 blk S. to l\l1chelson Or.) Irvine, C~i f. 92664 An Equal Opportunity F-:mp~-er M&F Secretary Neiv~paper needs Part Time Secretary "' Vice .. President .t General J\Ianagl!T \\'ho can take shorthand 100 v:pm, likes variety and fig . tires, type 60 wpm or betttr. i\lany company benefits such as paid vacation~. s ! c k ltave, paid medical and life insurance, crffiit union, pen. 5ion plan. etr. c.aJ.I the DA ILY PlLOT for an ap- pointment. &t2·4321 and aak for l\Ir11. Grttnman. S.cret1ry $500 :>fu~t ~ youni" k atractive with construction or enai- nttrlf1i background for com- pany v.-·h1ch is one of lhe FO'lC!~. 21144 Lagllna Canyon, ,,...,,,--,,.,70'-',C..:..,-~ SALES, exp'd. direct sales be11t in Newport Beach! personnel for msr ktting nl 1'hey furnish many employtt" wigs & cosn1et1cs. Prestigo? bendit5. Rrl. La.:::. Rrh. 49~-20ZO. PBX RECEPTIONIST line, part or lnU time. NewpGrt 836-5441. 10-6, l !nur~ ~ a1n lo 4. ~j pin SALES Clerk for stationtry ~r:;,~nel Agency Prl'~'·nabl<> ;.ooung girl ""'Ith 11tore, 40 hour11, no night .,A2 ,,_0 ER DR., NB fr11111 o!f1 ('" appearance. "·ork. 5 Dll~'I! inc:Jud\ng Sat. '" ·.)O j S49-ZT43 P\":1~0111t .~lln11LlndJngs, Jigh! Call for app!. 642-4Jfi:: SERVIG; sta11on salffmiUi. 1yp111.: & prev101J~ PBX txp, Salr~ e . ..;per. Opportun11y for good J'l'qtnrl'd, Xlnt lx'neli!s. C-On-WE ARE LOOKING man. flldcr man f J n e . 1art r,"r~nncl 540~020 FOR MEN WHO ARE Chevron . Adana & CHARTPAK ROTEX LOOKING''-'HEAD 1'.lagno!la, 1-IB. ~620 S, ~u;,an SL, Santa Ana j,('l us I rain you Jor a car1'f'r SERVICE STATION SALES, \near liarhor & \\'arner) 10 in5uranc~. An opportunity Full lime, 1\Iug t bf! neat in PLASTICS -to learn tht buslnesa; &: earn eppcarance, See Jim, 2:;oo injection mold ing t'xtra money on a part ti me "'N"'"""""',,,,"0·ccc"~'c·,...,,.,.=-=.,..- Opr111ngs for expcril'nced or basii;, bt'!ore leavina: your SERVICE S T AT I 0 N at· u·alnees. prer. t1ver 23, on pre5ent job. Btcome a full ttndant. Exp!'rienced. Apply the fnl10,~·1ng shilt.15; Need 1 time a.gerit .,..·hen qual!lied in person 2800 '"· Cout .. 11 r!<1y shift, l-sv.ing, 2. with a minimum guarant~ }!v.y. N.B. graveyard. Apply 8 to 4 prn. per month.SE '=R"V~l"C"E~-S-,.-.--ncl-E~N~: ORANGF: COAST PLASTICS F•rmers Ins. Greup l·D<1ytimt. I-part t i me ll::.cl \V. 18th St., C.flt. Ed L•ni 54G.1834 eves. i\Juit be exp'd & have PR 0 FES S I 0 NA l. Sale Sales hairrut. 490 E. 17th, C.M. Ca,rrer -Srarching for man EXCELLENT SERVICE Station 11ttend11nt. 10 l ~arn 011r bl1~i ll!''-S i!.llrl ' "'A '' k j678 OPPORTUNITY e xp. nee . .xe · 1 '· h11ndl!' ::.~I<'<-r x<>r11nve po:;.. Can1pu3 Dr. N.B. 1iri11, Tr11 in1ng inconv• pro-i\!ajor natio11a1 Jife in11ur.1 nce =~==~-~-~~c v1d,.rl . C11llegl', .-;ale:'! or CTl. v.·1 th mutual f1tnd brok· SERVICE Sralion Atlndri't. hus111css "''P· Zit arr i e d, .. r rlPalPr i.<-expand ing ils Experienced. Apply: 1944 S.·12-::.6Z1. Ext. 321. !\r111'fl1·1 or I l c r Coni plc le ~"c'c'""='"·"c_,_''-'-'-'c'-"-·~~~ I -------personalized training, invoJ\'. SE\\'ERS, cx,....rlt n«d. Ap· P r otessTonal '--.. ~ 111;.; uvlh esta!<' r reatio11 & ply :123 F()re~l Ave .. LAruna E m ployment eonser,.·a1lon_ Su bsta.n!lal in. &11cli. 497-1131 A ssistance ''"!1ment 11·iJJ ti.-ma<ir hy 'scEc.c\V~l-N-.-r;--r.-1 -,-C~H-l-N"E'' COASTAL AGENCY C'fi in qualilil'd appl icant A mcmlx'r or bet\\'l'en 24 & 4j v.'i th colll't;f: (JP t' r a Io r 3 1-Scamstres ."ncllini;:-& ~nelling, Il'tc. bac).;ground. \\l'rit~ DaUy ""'/e:1.p. on po11er mach1 nt1. :no Ha rbor Bl. 01 '14G-605.J PUot Box "f 519. tvantrd for ~e.,.·ini:; \\'omen~ --1 ~ ................... .,. l'l'ady-trr-wtar, for •mall POLICE MAN Sal"~ t..;i~na &;u:h l\lfgr .. fl. or ~r>67 !" $~IX! 11 month T E p;i.rl l1mf'. Cs!! 4!»-4418 H NEW JUDY LEE SINGERS-WRITE RS Ag,. ::'1 in ::t. I•" to 3."i wah is profitablf' !un & ,,,,.,. ,. • · uig. Rrcord C.O, i~ M>archln"' for .ipptu\ed r:\p e rlence Earn ~JO . $100 Pt?r ,,..·eek ... HETGHT: ~· S" n1 ini m1im. full or part-time. Choooe tRlent lrir rccordina: . .j4S.7l53 El arter noon. \\' I.HT: in prl'.lportion !o your own hourl'. /\'o cit•!l·•rry ~==~~~~=~--1 h!'J.£>:1Jt PH Y SIC A I. RE-or collecting. no Jnvl'stment SITIER \\'anted, 18 &t ovtr QL'IRE.\IENT,'i: _High school to start. Jmmed. profits • tor ocrasioneJ evenlna: " j!rarlualf', valid Calif. oper. '\'C' train. Phone ;»j.z006. ~'k, end~. Ba.I. Ji;l. 673-8687 alnr~ Ileen~!'. U.S. t'l!iztn. SALES: Fl <Jr nt !!me, and SITTER. 12 noon-8 pm 5 dY'i Fil .. ;ippli rfl t1on 11t C'ity Hall, h11.ve fun while ~·ou v.'Ork. 01 hvt in: 2 yr old : Sleter '° ~~'00 \\'e!!tmlns.trr Ave., \Vf'!I· y "' "B ••7 "" m inst"r, Calir. b<:'for .. Oct. ou can fix you r t1 wn hours ach, '"' · ,... ....,...l'I 21, 1959 5~00 Pr.f. \\'rilttn and earn u much es )'OU COMPUTER N ~9 (n') W'"t by •bowinc o<>r lo"<ly f''<am ov. J.~t. l;J\1. , jewelry.NotnveKl'mt . "3-4:ill Ext.'"" TEST ~~123:913 or alt 4:30 pm, PUBLIC SPEAKERS ~· Tr yi:-11 ti'n rrr ru it & !rain, or I •s~A'il".E'isC"_-::t:ar"'nc-m-0-,,.,.--..,-.=lh TECH if you h11.1•t ever had a no investment. 5 are h rourSI" 10 pl1b!ic ~peakln;;. Coventry need& full " thPre rnay IJoO a place for you part-lime help, No del!very; '11th our Na!'! Co. /.look \l°fl h"Bin. For Interview call :\!ood, -1.16 \\'. 6th St., Tus· 5-l5-6100 !JO :i-1-l<.!J()2 e RECEIVING CLERK Niles EXPERIENCED sclvt>r1i.~ini:i: ExN'llent. benel1t~ Arply in per~n. Pe™1nnc.I Df>pt. J. W. ROBINSON r u h10n l ~land . N.B. Restaurant WORKING MANAGER With Re1t1ur•nt Exp. Onf' y,·ho v.·1she$ to Jive In Bay aN'a. Good salary to slati, an eXrf'llent npportun. itv for future. /'IJu~t a ttend 2 ~ 11·eeks i;chool with pay, ~lust hi!.''" t:ood rt>l"rences. Sizzler'~ S!Ptik HflUSC.!i C11ll ~Ir ~1 ,.11AJ1 for appoi11r- n1c111 li 16 Sl6'1. Hr~t~t.!'1111! RcslauranT Part ll1nr hf'!p 111111t<'rl, ni~hir,. f>erson . 52 00 hr/ ;,ri--!!Sb:l salesman for 8pecialt Y publication. ~Lary + t'X· penses. Call 518-1761 for .ap- pointment. SALES • Couples w o r k togetMr buildinc a busint:~s. Start part time &. rrrow. \Vt tmn. Phone for llitm.iew. 846-2819. SAf..ESLADY with 11trong hAckgniund In llPlling wanted lor loca.l jev.-1!lry lltot'P. App;y in perM>n KIRK JEWELERS 2300 Harbor Blvd, CM SALES Sarah Cm't:ntry ha.g opening11 for n nr Pt time Xma1> salr.c. Plea1>ant, rHgn1h er1 \1·orl; '"'no in- \'f'~L. col lt c t i ons or rlch\'l'r\t's. Choose your 01vn hr.~ :-.t in. !t!,"e 21. f'or intv. c.all. :'>-l0-0614 & 962-:£13 EXlll'!riencrd in dirltal ch'C°ui\ll ind logic: check- out. :\!us! be abl(' to op. ('l'alc standan:I lab lest equipment and be able to trou~erhool and maln- lain general pU1j)Ose ('Qmput""· Kno~·ll'rlge or computer ptnp!W'rala ind prorramniing de5irablc. Applir.an!a shou.ld poees• 11 i I h School diploma, 1''1lh ~d, ~~ or mU· itary traunng acttptable. \\'Ill considtr experienc- ed digital !tdutlcla.n al a tralnee on computer unit ttst. PLEASE APPLY TO RAYTHEON COMPUTER 2700 S. F•lrvl9W Santa Ana, Californl• 12131 62~1'015 I !7141 546-TI&O Equal t1pporflmily emplayn DAILY P ILOT \VANT ADS! --·------•»---·--·-------~------~--------.--~~~---~--------------- Tech11ic1 an Te1t A1sembler, J r to $500 f re pAJd. Xlnt op111r. good ' c:o, I ~·r cnll l'11g r. n1e<"h i1 6·I ~f'nil>ly l'M'lplul. Call 1\rn1an, ~:..110 • MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDIS! FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRAD! :_....;;... _____ _ MEICHANDIS! FOii SALE AND TRAD! Furnltur• 8000Furn!ture 1000 Mi•ce!leneout ---""--------------NOD Two Days Only! FURNITURE SALE 1·'urnit ure and accessories fro1n five luxuri- ous 1nodel apartn1enls. Outstaodjng values on decorator-selected items from all over the \\Ofld, JASON B!ST Emplo~·ment Agenry 212a So. :\1a in, Santa l!.na SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN UP TO 500/o OFF NAU":'ICA~ ITEt>IS. L1bef'f)I i.hip C1nniclC' & con1pa1>..« "lb!tn C::rai~ 4 track stereo tape & 2 t>x1erNLI 1,alnut speakers, beaut co n d . .u&or1l'd b!"ii55 iL. bra55 plat~ &tup lanterns & 1Heam gauge s. \\'halehoat rudder, oak w/bn ss bin- ding tcoUee table or \o\'illl hanging). All bras~ polisht'd &. laL-qurred. JOxl2 burnt orange shag rug \\'/00 oz pad. u~~ I 11·k. Priv prly. call 67~'l7J or 54~ aft Room · Floor Sample•· Factory Cloteouts . Sh ow TREE. TRl~ti\IER, Pt\Rf-, T1"0 llELr. AC.E 3"10· 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. &12-4030 TOOL & DIE MAKER Everything must go ! Sect ionals, c h airs. bed· roo111 sets. dinuer1va re1 ashtrays, towels ... everything! Brlng cash ... and bring hon1c ;i beautiful furniture bargain. DAYS Oproortunitlrs !or ICIOl t..· d:r n1a krr:<. C-"pt'nrnt'l"fl Ill 111~1- gres.~1\'{' 1111(! draw die~ ,\p.. p:v al ~11ur..LOK CORP ' l '.'.00 E . Nurntandy Pl, :',1111" 1\na. !l blk. ~. o[ .\J,·F~ol · den. '2 blk. \\' of {;rand 1 • 5 pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in . quilted sofa with 56 in. matcking love teal, or chair e 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, 01 k table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching tables, top durable enough fo r Fl amenco Dancing. Will sell pieces individually. Sales times: Thursday Fridoy IOct. 9l (Oct. 10) to 5 p.m. I ·I J'lll \1 kdys or all day 10 a.m. Sal/f'un. 1 7-;-!'AJl-.BQ=,-,·"r-.-,---~ ll'N' lrailrr SJOO. l>ltll.~ k Shop f ;r1t! Then See Our Unbelieva b le B uy ~I 100 1 other items with terrific savings! Sale must end Friday at St Don 't m iss this chance. BIXBY GREEN APARTMENT VILLAGE Bank ·rci ins Store ('hart:c !\laster Charge • • WAITRESSES J ~a nk1\n1cricard All :\cccptcd Y:\G. \\"01n,.n. r:les1;;n & sell \\ 1n(if1\\" ~hall"~ rJ t1mt' C:USTO:'ll Sll,\DF. SHOP, :;o:;:i ..:. c~1 lh1·y. co'" Schools-Instruction 7600 ,J(11N Tl!F: FIF.L!) \1·rT!! " ru rL'r.r:1 A':." "d1,1r;111n11 no b~'"ll•'T' IA·( 11~ hriJ1 _1111 1 qu,iJ1f~ l:o;:.;KJ~EPl·:ltS 1;\'.STJTLTL J.'-;TEf~i\ ,\ TJ{l:'\_\J, bOU \\' 1•11 :'I .r I 1 \ 11 ( 'I" 11 1 1-• , !. :1 ~+ .\lritr! l!r>lt"I ,\11 t \l·~rnt Sehl :• . .i 'l 1, .... , " 1' ·~ .\ 111\-1."IO:'i Vt' 1------ !(,,\l:.\(,j, ,,,J,.. n11 -..r11 1"•r: !•11111.f \\ n:11r1 ,-. t li1ll11pg, •I , _,, ~ !\• jl, 1'111111 ' ~)\/ol•-., .1 • ,1 r l r . i. ,, ,. • " ' i.. ~~iques ('IJLL~.( TOH<; Sl \01' t:nlr1rcr·rl ~llt>J • 11 llh llll~ of ll"I' ~11wk' ("n111P &-Rro1v~r ' HI IJ ·'° .\l.\,\'j\1.'\I ; ,\n\Jt/U•"• .'t:!'I ·'""rJI Kid (\! ~12-!!2~>\ .\:'\'TJ llJ.'Y ~CHOO!.~ LF,\\"J:\'.G :O.l'\IJ "·I• 111 7 .~ l~Jl(}(Jl\J lUP..-;:T 11111ran \ '-'•I, J, ' " .\X.\111-.l\I, C,\Llf"OR:"J.\ 1·0/l•'l" t.1h:1·. _; ••·I ('!;1.~•r•f,..rn••'lrr-. "''k u1orlrs. hPI• ,, ,.,. 1,,,,,,. rno:-;r:; ~·or. ,\l'PT ~panish 1<.111~ 'II'' 1 .• d 1 ·11 ,\~k rrir B1·1 1:1 ooi..:,~rN1 ~ ... 1. Al.'it'J t • 11111!1>1 t 11111 .i A1Tr:~TIO"\" Lil\'[.'.;1; 1--'\f~-cllnlnj;J r111 ~·I 1\11 .! 1!'('' t.'.'\T~' YOL:TH ~PEECll ol<l \\"11t ~'1 •T1lwr>, ("111 "'' \\ORK."!!0P. A~"s 7 In 17 . !rel 213-4::'.J...'d"! Lr ilrn tn ~peak 111.'ll. "nnnc.i· ELECT. dr;.• r ~.i--:;~I· I ;ilr, proJC'L'! Al1"r ~rhool l.. >I r. & r.1 r~ Hll•rl•' •It"· ,,.r :.1 turd;i, ~ f'n\'a I c or cla:'..' 11 /m,lrmr .~ ;o . ., 1~ ~·t.· ;1" .~ •, l"il'"-~. -l91·S-":l.l 11·1ng ch•11r ~iO d1'1'~-. r ·' VOCAL T,.rh. &· :-nni; u1-mirror Si:., 11111•.1,111t·d • 1,, ... 1 !l'rprrtar1on. Bl'~1nnrr~ ihru SIO. dbl Cl l'"ll 1;11 -«• r \,1, a rlva.nrM. -l!l t-!1:!11) ;i ft fi n1~fchino; ru~hl ~10111·1 Sil! MERCHANO!SE FO R &i7~~93 1. SALE ANI> TRADE !J-p(: rhn°11::--i·~-. ,-1-:-:11 Furniture 8000 EIPANO'l IN QUALITY Model Home Furniture ... 11·11y hed ,\II h1"oi I· <I·!· ! II I' r1 1 ' " ,. ' 11phnbl• r..il , 11 .• 1 1n1sr l r-•: t I• Dn11· .. u ! II '' •11•1.: .\ ! l"llllllll ll'llT1 0', • UI" 111'" tJo w•k~. !"'ft l<~ l!'dtl~ ,,q, 11\I~• l!<'tf"I~ :-;;i t !.· ~ill 1111 'i1 il"'"U·· I•~ :-.";~ll;j \\ '"'!11: $7<1 lllt)f'l!r ~I'!~ ~0 -\!'! H~I $ln, ~11.,-l !rn , 1! ,.'.-, 1.' "II ]1 :! rlr Hr(. ,.,olh r r ~1\'• i_,o1~ _\!or"' ·rhr 11 .. ,~r 111 Rtr!' fif-1 1~' I::. 1~1 11 (" \1 6-l!-·1: 1l Sewing Machines 1120 J fll1~ ."!:'\'C:EI! 'l'/llf'&ll1 wal rnn~nlP. ,_ 11g~1.:i .:. .~lake~ 1'\1!!'111 )1nlr~. n1·c1·1·a<.!~. ~ Y1•11r i;1iar f11ll pril'e S:.S.21 r•r $"i :'!) 111., !i:?f>..AAl li CASH PAID tnr pn1r priru dr}rr. rlr~ n1...,u11r pi·,.~-~. 4,:; 1:r~phJr • 5;:,.20~"2 • ~,-:, l'nl,11;,:Pr. phol ofiood~, :'\'EEf1ED. AA1·sno1\-i;u1t1i for &-~t;i.1111, Libby 6-16-j}),'J !O<ldlf'r l l .1. 4, or :J. Al1<0 1n- FOTRO;-J Eler!ronlc ran1tr.1 1undry nnltcn~. t I c . w1lh c11~c. ~1 7~ or make of-968--7935. tr1· 67;1'-fl.~ifi 1111 1 P'.'lt R~oc=K~ll~O~u~N"·o~s~-~,",~ .. -,,~,7b°'& l!ONEY\\IELJ~ Prnta-: Spot-trin1 u.w $2:JO 12 lb rumbler, matic:. Blac k hody, 3) mm, S30. Ii lb l umblPr, $?2.50. 2 ]Pnli. ~j...jJ 21 17971 Altamirano L<i .. H.B. I r:\r.l\t,I. -..i,. :-,;it ~ !-un 10-Mu,ical Inst. 8125 ~=~======== STERLJr-;"(; 511\•er c ol fee f; Cl 1h • l1Jff'-, ''i<'<Tc, ""1----------Sporting Goods 8500 ,. r r vi; r , -L-lari;r tray t.-r 1,11,\I'"<, 111111 ftud11• rl:1;.-~!AJlTI~ ALTO N:x "'Jlh i\lrxlrrn flr~1rn_ S1fl0. 5ef' to 1 !'.,m ~nn1tr rasc t:fVlrl ron-GOLt" CLt.;~S I d I ' lw1:~ 11 f c·u,·r r • rnrnl"'r 11"' · · a '6 itpprrc1atr! ;.1s..oo12 ,.i.•11111,.d1·~. [;1 tn1t~. 1~11~r ;J(}J rl 1+1nn S:!."11, 21:\-l::o.-Oi~2 Sp;1,ulrl1ng l:'.:Xl'("lllll'!' \l"ood~ --<".it"l~'·"'I. l rl\l .. ..-~~ r\rrnni::~ Alrnn~I nr10o . B.argai11 at lOj ~C11rret lay"r has 1/it.o ·---,--1 -'OLfl,>;-,\-,,-,,-,;,-,-sa-,"10-,-T~..,-,,-,,-l"~I &-1G--:1!".i6 1111. 6 p.1\1. nylon~ Sl.99 yd. Sha~p; L".,\\\;\1 ; :-OtJ ''" "·•n1pr1.-. I SL l\l.BO \l"DS ,., .. ll b • l1vl'1 ~:!.-,,.,up t-nl.\I hthor . r ""h 11""' cn•r Sl:.'O \rn1 , 1 " l+n'.I'" 1,(11 ni l1111til'lf'r . ·,·, ·. ~ O C !l(lr'""r\."lln"L96~69\() ' r lr, ,u11a1•. n>'w l'lln•l Good \\~I 3 Qu• T 0 d ,~ I;, !ii:• ~ f \ ~ 1·:1,,c: h••ll : ..,.,. 1·, • >:I! a .. e1n, --·-for ll<':,!lnnrr ss:1. ::.ii.::-1:1,t:i bo lh '1or s.-~~ 673--06.~2 Cr•Ul"l n .. port111c !'.!ach+('a'lt ,11.11t•l1 • ~111!;1'~-1 '1<inf..i·I~. --!ikr nrl\', Cti <.~rlir TAPE 11,._ (•·111•1;; rt•n\ ,,.I, -GIBSO_N_E_S 335 TO ll '7 M. 111 8600 rr ronler, 1u.NI{' J<11·ke:1 , " I 1 • ' ·.r,;o.o~'. :.! f>1o·k11p~. !oni.: tl('<k, llC• neou1 ~1·1ni::s !ll Sj r \f'I')' f'l'\1··11ex"Ll-.. , .. H-;-,;-•. -,,-,--,,f I.,,., r' '' -----------:\Int. phor.r 67;,.(i.'>Jft l I v " --, -1 1.---,..;.,111t !-.vii", m11 !rhle~~. 11n>1nr1ni: .. ""II~",'" .... '",~ 'lil k 2 1t. 11 't· '''I' I • l'\llll 'I ·~ .. I 1,r-•. '.'116 ~.\'t"Olrll."!> n11:-.· UN!~. olrf time Sf'htl1c~ntiST:O.!~\S-l'h~·r-EMl~1. .,f rl"""r;1"11~ .'i'•'f ,..:p.-.111•1 \l fltclnn ~ ;,.,, "••11•' I • I f.11 l lnl\i.I (•1 \I t••ll•' rn:i nlr, ~pao! d"<lgll. u.hitc \link jll('l\rl, Taro 44 nllnl fur111l'I!" l en•L-''"" ,,1 ,1 11·11._1,d ,,hh· 1 :11. 1,., ,-,l• .. r •'•·•till' 1><><1 •111-·111 Jii:l -i'i.-,----;:;:~----;:;;;ri h,.1rlro111 ~prra1I~. all for t>ikt•, D i.im{•ntl r ln i:. f.1111011• ru .• i.•ri1 •rr J 11v .] • blU-::oi •;-, 1·•11', :! -· \ ~nlll'~ n•11 t11•1tr1u· .. 11ir! 1.11rtv.1g. .S1'fl sp~n 1•h 1linin:: tahlr , 67:J..4.lfti . d11d h1 111:: r·..-."1 croup Tl11 ----I i·:tl.,rr , '' "\1 •11 '"'"" !lf.", ~."1(1.~!0l rn11nf! /lf'dr s111I l}pt" S:iO . _ ~ nni:111al t .I p,·.,~1,fro;11 .. q,,,,. L'liED ,\!••!•1 •1 "'"•·I •1"'11' --_ l!rrmr~ l~'µf'llntrr, dl'luxr ~ :J11rl)t"r .hi'>fl rtia1n;, 1 inake k " I •, -.·. 11.1111111 ·'"' I', , I C \1:1\l•f. ~;.I<> 5"'.1l/~1Jn )(' p · & 0 8130 offf'r 'l•••I '' i iO 1 "I<; nr1•·rr· ·1n~ ~l'•· ,.,. ,... I , 11no1 ~a n_•___ 1111-,,J,.I :u.JO, ~1T1pf IYTlt". " · !"<"•Ill <11olr ~nd Ill'' 111i11\<·11•1o );itn p~. ·1t 11hr, '1'.'''-•I 1,,.,1, I T '' r 1' 1 '• ,, . .,:.._ ~''. ' -l'"•f•of. likn n h,,. ,-,-,. ()•i•l n ~lonrn~·ia , C.'.11 ( F 1 a rn e ' 'so ·1·1 1 ., 1r·11 ···1•1d·Jl11r..-"1 l-\ .. ,(( FACTORY '' ~·, '.,,-'· J.;1 Pa1. \\'!'•111i:;l .. ll""ll d11w•1c I.. 11' '"' '1•!" • \ • '' 1 ' · ' , 1 ''''~~og<, 1,, .•. -·' ne",. J/J _rtlnrn_•----~~~-I , · ---llril h•l'•H l,1,~h.11. !. I '"' ~ , .. ,.,~ l.1n11l•'d ~11•1 > • $1'~ L'SED 1 1:1n1~h 1;,1,•1 11 "'L' ,\ 't CL EARANCE .-.r1g111;il pr1rr 111 S 7:i J V.hrl'!S<-t111·1nnBu:)'c!r, 11.nn:lt•in .'>!1"1,Mflll\ :·\I~ 1·tla1r Jf:2 n.,11,,li 1 h·• 1 I l-i1 · -~· ~ 11 ~--~~ fa ··11llV order,<; cleara11c,. t>f t::r11:1ish 1our1niz h 1 <' y·c It' Ilk,. ne11· $x;, l\'r~tm1n<!l'r J\1 c,l\'1·~t1n1n!.-.~lrlfl" SJ:.: J'I ••' t.1tt•1,,,/11l-'"1" t-l f:\ (1..,1.~, Crd :i ll 01·rr~~r . dPmon~Lra!nr~. Xl n! rn nrlit io n SIO • R:,l!l-0726 • tri i;n4-ll~~ ~l~J~.'1 I !J:n l'IJ•tl"I, r:r!J 11,, [..!!1\P~. floor n1n<lr!11, ~tud10 F< rr-Au1nma1 1r pilol ror hn~! .SYl ron s,\LE: Jl()Ul!E'hold odds "liR ·r · .1. f -----------i\11!>4' 111 m~ Ail 11•:.l;lr I.. 111rnrd P1ano11 &. Organs, Boar 011nchor $1. V.'aler iki • ,-"• .. '1 1:-; Tl.:h1·• J1'1lll'.'.~'·ll hrom 3 ll JII\'!.\Tl"nl l .ipl.iin l\1~· I rra~nn·•lJl• f)c I 11.1:•. 121:'. Hral ~a\1111'[5 u11 to :;o•;., •R•., r i~p ay ~iur 10:<, n1w •· .om· bar ~t()!1ls ~1~ •• 1 .\11!11111' \\ ·11,.,1 .. _, Rl~rl ;\fl L;:~JI07 S.~ Day bo'd. dll'it>t"c. pi1 r1y J-1S-.i l24 r s. dcror;itnr.~ r.-i11r!'ll<1hon. 111 r<111,,1~r 1, · 1111111,t "·•k ---'-""--___ F;\r11·th1n~ guaran1red llkr ~1-,.·icr, n111ny ;\I t ohjtt15 Sp:inl~h & :11rihlrrraor;in l'tC. lahlr ')/;·, ">l.•-r.i: s \T ,,. ~1 u1 ~I~ 11111, 12T• 11"11·. Sa lr l1m1red 10 1pecitic anii nii5ecllalle'Ou,;. MEN ~ (LI 1-kl ll¥1't11!er, nrw, RD FURNITURE C \ C \J -tiny~ 26"' ,1rw k • ""' hurry'. /\o money 5£-c at 117 :'.lr;t StrPet. impo1·tf'd. hlue v.•/pa!tem, ORO-r-1raf "1·1111<' 1.tll]-;--:z:-\ nn\\a~ I I' .. .• ..,.,, ... Q,\C .• Y''"' lo •• ,. ·-,,,,. 6 ••• ~o " h11'rl'-. lui,:i:;;1;r. you!h h"<I . " " " ' /'<l'll'JIOrl Bt'arh. 1 2 :0 0 ... JU. • • .,,., .. ~"' 1844 Newport Blvd ,, CM rhaU"•. SIJI '.>(/"-1 T~I· r l\'ay, 1,11,it". hl·''hJ1ir. ,\· mort', This J;rt'tl\ !.ale only ai: (l"rlock to 7.00 c:lllily. WAL.NUT de"k, ~ rl rav.·eni. every n l~ht 'til 9 C?l t ~llll-1 ~~0. h~li'Jlrl ,,,,,.vt~ \\'ARD'S DALD\l'JN' STliDJO $80 1723 Plaza dl'l Sur w d ~ & -• fl 6 ---t.Ql9 N"ri,·nnn. c .,'1, "-'2·8"34 1967 Jag XKE \\'ht convt. ' ' r , · ·1t -:-un. I NE\\'LY f'O\'f.r~1·,n DI\'.\ .... ------1--'' r· -"" ~·,,.. ""lid ''''" '''''' Balboa. (;,\RAGE: !"1\LI:::. '.> 1!4 11""1~, Open Every Nitc 1• • "'' ' ·~~~=O"'--.,.,,...-,.,,:;;;;:: DON'T Give ur: Yo•• ma) ,\;\U C!L\!r. ~·,o, .,,1 , 0 ,.,, hH"I\ h,.rl~. crmrr, model 230 $100, 19631(;0 CART. 'tbl'I condiuon I --' \ · \l * f 11 11--• " /.: ;;o:1ull:lay Afrrrnoon "~' 11 al ' nirnca I /lr1ie11, ' · '' !'r!nc 1821 2 L1~;i . H B i.;11e1n 11 rno1orl'}'t'ie. nt>edl! SiO. n1os1 unusu11.l 11nhn11hrrl ::.f>n rhr;:l;-J71!';i,,,rc, t. .• 1.y s 17_32:;.~ •rlA!':O RE!':TAL rt wirini $7j. 1959 Austin Call 646--0l~j lurn11ure J<!QtT: c nr Rrrlh1ll l hu~cy. 1;.-.,11 ,..,.,1111 .• J~ra-Nt-:EO[O--S-k-,.,-,-,,,-,,-,-,,-,.~10r SP ECIALISTS II " 11 I e y Co u p t:, f no 1 JO CAI t.ll c11.rhinr "''/JCOpe. f..· &in1a ,\nil t 11·r, Tus tin 1 ~1n.i hl<' :,!().:::~17 1 1\'o t1n1,. hrni!. P.f'ntal <1ppl11'~ rnad!'llcr f. rX'<'rllli h. f' ad ""··-ii".•'' ,,,,_ \IOO firm. rn1 So. of i'il'11port fw~ ·.-;--.------1orlr1IP1'~l.:I, l,nr."l A :so 111• ,., p11rr ha,.,. 111!hin ii }ear .-..A .... ," , •• CJ "' d IUS F U a ~-1111hrJ11" 1,1-i1" !'•trulrv 111 11 tr n & •• r lc. f\~:iv .(-U~ED PIAt-:OS &. ga11krt '7~,, i\Ttsc 1tcm11. St>276:> •It ~ P:'\1 . prn '"" l)'S Jl<'r ~l . t>d -I I I s,~-Tl ZJ6:112 Terry Rd. Laguna ~~=-,-~,...-c-c-,,::::;-~I ~J.110 · rm M' '" 11'"· · ' 1" !.•tj.!(..-'i~•.~-, ORGA:"J." Rt>~! rl.-al~ in "-•"''· ,9,_13...., n1111lity kmc bed~uLl1ed ' F11o·tnr1 . :'i l"-.:1"\I ---.~~~--,--I .,.-~ ., ~" """ _ '.'l!APl.f: Tahir. •'llan"". huf · ;.;i::11'PQr:T 13rh Pol 1\.1' 1\u.\ Oran~e C()l1n1 y. ".'" Tak,. ~~~~-1 Comple!l'-{Jnwwd $10.>. \.\'Orth ff'!, hu!ch. eon t;.lll c~. q11een1 I r;;1r.ti;:r ,,. B11k1•d 1,;()(l(1~ tr;itlr< Dank !Phil ~. Open * AUCTION * 52~lll AIT 5 ,,. \\"knd~ 842-65.'.6 ~11." hrd. lliMIJ'.I" !1l'd ,Furnitur• 8000 s,,1., Ort 11. ~ ~rn ll91 .\1on l.·Fnr\·~~.Sun l21o 4. Jf yoU\l'lllae\lor buy UPRJl;HTRCA~·ree1.('r $7:;. f.r11 sonable. JOO'.'.~ P3uhrw1 . -. IVl1•f' \\',1~. {' \l -.iii-ll:."l~-llA'.\IL\IOND i;:i\·e \l'lnrly II try BN:lroorn M'.'I. SJO. Call for Ln, l!B. 961'-7109 ID 0 I" n LI:: n~d-l11•11dl1 .. :1nl PL;,-..·--;;-n~1b & TIOllY in ('ORONA DEL f\lAR Auction• }'rlday 7:30 p.m. iippt. jJ&.1!).14 $~0. 2 40" lam1•~. i·•·n1111u· rh;.iir, lnc)'!'lr Childn"n's 211,;,1 ~: CoJJ~I llwy. 6T.J.--89JO ·""""'=-~,...--,--,--,-::;:c0•·1 ITALll!.N Model rn11rll1 .cam" h.i~r. 510 r;ir h. '.l!:~~61:t.~ --1,1.,,, ,0 ,.-• "",GANS Windy's Auction Bern 10 x 12 s:-o1d nylon shag l"Ui oc cl1n1n,c t;iblr, 48'" dla111 S ---.·-'--'--'-----~hrlf' ~kair~. cloth('~. ~hoes. vn pad. Liou lhan 1 year old. .11,Cat.s 6_ PedesliJ baSf', tM>au! J.:J;\'t; :-ttr Bl'1I, n1a111·•·~~. F.!r .. lil V1r!ori;:i , C.i\I. Nt:W ~ t;SEO Behind Tony'• Bldi:. i 1at1. $5(1. 546-3934 rood. SIOO. S97 An11a St. box ~pnnc".. !~ fran1r, l1k1· Al'T. Salc-Anli<fu"~ • Glas~ . • VamaM Pia~ & Or;:aru; 201a1; Nn'p0t1, CM &M-8686 ~B'A'L~BO°"A,...---;BcAcY;--;c°'L'u"s 1.a,i;:. Bch. 49\.-9252 neiv 565· fl\, •. ,iJ7 .Jc""lry -r. a m fl ~ 2001 •Thom"'~ Ontans rn1GIDAIR,.; Refrii . apt membenhip for Mle. l';ir~on Sr J>:o. 5-l. 0 1 Oct. e Kunball Pianos s ize u..... Na'"'llhyde COU<'h POO!'lf' ~tS-7226 f"ranch1M'd Deal"r ...,., -. JO-ll -tZ COAST MUSIC le !111.I Prov c:offtt tbl $100. SOLID .,,.,."&lnul t3ble 2'Ji,J" C ARl!.~t: S>t1f' Sa! &. Sun 1'"8\"PQRT k HARBOR. 496-30.18 btf noon or eve1. MIUIU?., 16" higll s J 5' Lo\rly lurn11urr from Lutk U.ta l\leM * &$2-2851 4 OR. l\1orrls, 30 mpg, gd. Corknpno pup~ SIO. 84Z..JTI2. hom<'. mi.~c llemJ 3707 Inlet Open 1()..6 1-"ri 10-9 Sun 12-5 rond. S200. Vt>ry old hand e SIMPLEX e Isle Dr. Cdl\I. 6M-07'211 r d Ofc::n1al n1g 6'x9' xlnt IIAJ\U-IOND • Stt>1nl\"8Y • ~-· lt' 1 ' TIME CU'JCK mah11 -new & used pianos rond. s75. MZ--7300 e-i:J.-6342 ol all m11kes. Best buys in Ol.Yl\IPTC TV Com.ale ste~l--~su=·R'-r~BO""A°'R~D,_..-- So. C'.ali.f. rl.;ht here. A:'al/f"l\I. l.cJ11TI?Y Ora;an w / GOOD CONDITIO:-S 501'.>llOT ti.IU~IC CO. henrh, Bolh Xlnl. u.c! 1:"' ""l2 . ~. "'9.-, ~~"-.. ~..-n1nji!JO. 1907 N. ti.1aJn, =·"'OJ Saola AM PERSIAN LI!. h I k-,-LEATI1ER 100111. like llf'W. 41 ~ 1 "1 '!It: " · P'<"C"~ ""'ittl ca.se $.t .l . ~\1.\LL Upright Piano & bcaut1ful 11tlt-rtrf! skin~. hkl' ~'4!1 Jli1'"1 hf'nch Xln1 <'Ol'lil , 11JOO Beryl rlf'W. ~Ill' l&-20. S :: 2 5 . -·-.-=c"cc,.-,==..--.~-1.,._ NB ;i.<-""1 :'4<-18:>i BEAM BOTTLES $100. PRIVATt; P1\RTY \VANTS \VATER ~f!tflt'r. Se 11 r ~1-~..--"-l<-_J<~"-.'c'-'-'.-.-- TO BUY P IAN O FOR r.todPl liOO, 3 yean old S~ Fir1wood f o r S•le <"ASH ~!2-fll--l"• F.li...\fiOll 'i \l).9Q.~7 --------·----------- • .• S•tuntay, Octobfr 11, 1%q OAf~~LOT 31 MlllCtiANDISE FORR~-lililiiii~~~iiijjf"~~~~~~~I SALE AND TRADE SAYE FREE TO YOU Ml.cellaneoua 8600 l\l!!!'n.~. Fi \\'•·t!ks Old LF:AVING lor llawlllll evrry thing n1usl i;u. S1n~r cah !>!"~1ini:: tn11.cl\, 7 yr old, dbl ne ed I e, <'n1bro1dcry, Sil;. Dinette llt'l • 6 chni $6l. TV $35. Lamp~. tablei;, ornaments, odds & ends. 6·16-3031 RELOADING 12 1tnuge emp- ty sOO lgun shell~ -other~. Anlique gurlli, ,,.,·or k gloves 2 p111r !or 3Jc:, set ol 4 alum ~leak plattrrx, used pipe fit· tini;:s. nunblI"l.I ~prinklers. Sl-j!:o paln1s. Rine-:: O 6 \\'t>alhrrby Slli :i.i~l229. CO'.\IPl.f':'TE &1hroom 'an1· ly 411xl81::. Ten'lll'.o to11. spln!JI bowl plumbing h:>.· h~1~s $:"~. Brunnrr HR I~• au!o •va1rr Mndi1iof'lf'r, ~·r olrl, rost S37.-i, sell $100. 613-722ti 6610 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color T\lt-l'i•no1-Sl••101 1 Pi«• ., H1-f •ll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH l::.>:1. wi111r p<;lt\I, i.:at .• $2 ~.-, I -: J:? Shrl \'1n~. 11. /! .. S.{l'l ~ x ~ Pnnl'lllng ...... S1.9'l l :"I 6"~ 11 n.an111ni: ffl(l l S 0Ci COSTA MESA BUI LDERS SUPPLY Jim ~up,.r10r, 01 FREE TO YOU IT',;; A n1a11rr of JJI" or <lca1!1. If th1i; lovrly fl'n1 alf', lo11i.:-lu11rerl. 1:cnllr. !ovini;. goocl-na!urt'rl C'.111100 c 111 noe~n·• find ,., hon1rr. ~n .. mus! be i-Pn! to 1/\1! ASPCA "'·hf'r" rl'r1 a1n dr:i!h 1n thr g1111 1·ha1nt>rr aw1111.\ llf'r ~h .. deiU'"rve~ tn Iii·,•' ~Jw "ill t-.rini happ in c,.~. ""i•rn1th f.t hr,1u!y 1n )"our hnmf' 5<11·,. ~ hfr Call 4!1!-'l-1ri(j nn \\l'C'kd;i~« or 4~1-28? r-\'~n1n f;'~ ~· wrrkl'n(I.~ 1011 1 Yurk.~l11rr lr11111l,. lf'ITlPr good 1111h k1tJ~. ii I 11 n Yrirkshll't'·l>n~1o:' llllPf'Y. :'. rllfl~ nl<'I lr n1 11 l ~ 96X-~'.l70 10114 1:!1 ,\llhli!cf.. 1 mnn!I" kit lrn• '\'i lh J<11111!l rh1lrlrrn thr} arl' l"r ry &:nor!' ~IS-167'2 11f1rr Ii pin r•r 1111 d:iy i"a111r(lay 1n111 l'Rt:I~ rluffy, lan1ous kif trn~. EnteTNI e11r1h ~amr d;;v astrnT111u!~ \1 <1lkcd nn n1~11 H~h k r n , f all !'63--i():?!l Hlfl 1 LEH'.'llAN Shrrhrrd pup. 3 mm< n!rl. i:ood \\' 1 t h rhilrlrl'n, 10 good hom~. &12-1~'\Q 10/13 l\ITTENS, 2 gr;iy, 2 black, 2 llT)'fll'h!, 11·hi!l', !: r A y . ~7952 10122 CynlhUL Dr. H.R l \\'ashing n1achl~11. Nn but nerd m inor repa irs. 2729 Balbo!I, bttv.tt11 9th I: TOttl Av alon. 0.1 549-7100 10/13 JERRY. Jo\·ely yng male cal, pfpe~ian. pfr;iamesr Call aft 6, 6T..H73S 10/11 Kl ITl."NS. all black. plus 01hrr colon:, ll wks to good h(')mr~ 11]6...-449:1 10/11 BUNr-;"Y & Guln<'1t P11t raiM'd toge1l1rr 111~ lge c11S:l" & lood. 4M--73:'>4 10/11 UNUSUAl. brwn 1abt:iy cat. 6 mos, looks like ~lo!, call a.rt 6, 61;>-4738. 10/11 ---· MIKl!.00. p/1 i am ese , p/blue pcnl1n. yng m11le cal. Cll!I af! 6, 6i.>-4738 10111 FREE 9' bird of p!U"adise plant, you dig. 6.101 c.omne Circle, H.B. ~7-7984 10/ll •, l. e H' llO•J•('l11'ula•11, ~ n ~ • ,.,_.." Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D NOW'S THE TIME FOR c;:--,,.-------'100/11~· TO fio nrf ho n}•. Shepllt'n1/ColtJf' m1.\, m*. It 111nnrtL~. all sho t:J • :..J~.-i6i1 10/U '.\IALt::' kJtlens '! nlOll old. T'rain('d lo '"Johnnie box"' 120'2 IV. .'iflnla Ana Blvd. San!a ;\Ila Ht/)21 fE~1 /\LE Be;1gl,., s rn a) I adu!I dot;. :,;oo.! w i I h ('l11lrlrr11. m u J t 1 -c olo r 962-0~2'9 10/14 P UDDJNc;, lonit hair 1nale kurrn, ,l;rl':11 hunl••r-~ for l:;Oph••Oo. lllll'C, l'(C. (al/ 11tl 6, 47.-·-17:'.S 11)/Jl /\'Et.U guorl hon1e !or lovablr ' n1alr r (}Ckrr/rlo'l"•f' mix, 1 ~ r . nlr!, lOl'f'~ old{'r cl11!1fl'!'n Sl!)..t~I~ 1011 : : BLAll\ k1llcn. lovahl,., l rnonU1 ••!ii, lious<'1 rained, frf'r lu good bon1 e . 617-1121 10/t:: F"RE!'.: lo gflOd home, blie"k ' lrmalr pup, 8 rno5. old 968---461·1 10/13 l UV~L Y 6 year old malr- dOI(', very !r1e11dly. ;,..i9-1281 aJJer .l P1\I 10/13 f',\j\!ILY of~ i!Uln"a p1gs w ' i;:nod hon1e. 831-89-19 after ti P~! 10/13 fREI:: f\111rns t,,. young cat.~ tn i:on•! ho n1e 1. .-.1 1-~121 10/11 t"ltl::l: K 111r11!> la i:•io.1 home-. 1-ll 11l11te, .Ct'aY ,\,, orang1!, i:i 1, f..~ 11ld . .-~l(}..20.:;o 10/U DAYB!'.:D;;.:. t 'rrr :lJ.1 W Balboa, bc111·ecn !lhl & 10!~ SI. or call R:IB--0018 10/13 FJll~KY Grey 111:rr k1rtern; are 11•a1tu1i;: for you in H.B. ~2718 lOnl J L1ruc klnen~. at!.ractlvr.J)' markcd, hcal1tly, ~we f' I d1.~ro1;111on . 61&--·m 10/13 GER:llAN Shepherd, 6 nQ. old. f l'n1 al e pup . f:l:?,0i07:t lB/14 CL.IE puppies, fITe, 6 11·ks olr:l. Varied par1y colors, 6~2-1:,11' CUTE J-·f'1nalr "OCkl'r rn ix 1111pp.v. 9 11 k.~. n I d . !l6:l-1Jfi.l:i 10/14 .l P11p111"~. 2 f<'male & l n111!r Bl;ir k ~hort ha1rffi I 1 "l"Y ~mall. f.46-0~'86 19114 :i FluUy, rrll>ky k1trens. \\'ra11r1t l.· tr a i n e d . ~.1~1·1 10/11 rov :-;c--c,c,,c,-,-,c.,-m-,,.-":.:_" hc1n1r 11 I lrg bai.:k yard. Call ;,1;}--Z:1w":J 10/14 ------1\l"l~rt:r-.s. ("1jtl' & eudd1y. ~-1·r,, tn 1-'.UOd homr . Call :1::&-::1 ·'6 10/14 :; .\do1·.itJI" h1111ny rabbi\5 ' frf'f' 1u i:Oo""I h••mr . Thl'f'f" \\rrk~ nld. 611H)J9_-, 10/14 PETS •nd LIVESTOCK Pets, General 1800 OCELOT. ldl';,I r,._miJy fl'"L Dnt-1\,, !.· plarlnl. $300. 493-1 2!"12 nr 67;,..ij()IO c.,, 1820 B E A U 1'JF"U L n1arldng rurrhrrd ~1ame5f' JrittPrlfi s1::i. !\lo!her Siamese $20. :,.;1-:.ilin SIA:.IJ::St: K1r1"n~. Ex-' <'f'plional Blu,pu1nl k Choe. prnnt II::! .iO ;,1s-;,\iZ 1825 ADORABLI·. l'1 1pp1r~. gonrl !rp1pcn1mr111 :'lln!hl'r AKC 1'"C'· [lOOdlr 11n. :~6-!152 PCl~PY, n1alr. 6 inn. &!M.l! 1111-:r rl b1't'rrl S h e I ti t! t :t>-Sfil\7 10/L"'.. •• '"-=.~.~.~ ••• TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ••••••••• QUICK CASH 1=== Dime·o·Line THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 I, No commercial firm' or priv.,te business may use these columns. 2. EACH ITEM 101 sele must be priced - no price over $25. Tame \Vhire Rats p•••••••••• :l-~Tiil:'I 3. DIME • A • L I N E ids are 1cceptecl end pubrt1had 11 e unique service to our patrons end tho DAILY PILOT reserve$ the ri9ht to limit their pubt.catfon to one day eech week. DIME-A·LINE ado 1r1 strictly cesh with copy. \VHITE pla.slic naugh)'de ,s,t. 1 .. e. :i10 7.Slh SI .• N.8 . 10111 J T1bby klttem Ir 2 caliro k1 l!l'n~. 646--0623 10/11 2 S'.'llAL.L Palro tr e,. ~. 67:">-:Z.llj 10/11 Tl-IRF.fo: ('11!P tDiusy rype~ purr"""· 494-lWO 10/1 4 '.111Xf.D Puppy to iOOd hon1e ~.1~ 112'1 10/14 llEST HllYS! Reaaer• ar• ur1ea to r.- port promptl y lo tbt OA JLY PILOT c:Ja.l,llfted Oep• rlment &Jl)' YiolaUOn1 of lheg• Dime-A-Lin.I ,.VO 'ation.1 : ·-• OA\L V PILO T -- FOUR COllVc NIENT OFF ICES TO SER VE YOU e NEWPQJ::T BEACH e COSTA MESA e HUNTINGTON BEACH e LAGUNA BEACH ....... . 221 1 Solboa Blvd. l l O West Ba y 309 Fifrh Street 222 Forest A ve nu11 ----~~ .... -- ·- QUEE:'\ L: .\nnr !'.~Ii' -•.11111 S:'O-D..11."n J, 1, ""l \:J !<J:qilt ( ')1c-1 '' •o!I• t • d ' I ,\I, \ i II 't \1:1.r' 1111" 11 i 1 11 TT~.-\I r.F:n 11 111·11 f·w ~·11 .11 .\.'\"TJQL·i·: lo •11• I •'l·•I• ~· J .-..•I! •l.11•' t',11" S-1 11 ~ t'!l"•I or •••ti "!" I •l•·,111l'I• l'"I ,,.,I ' .,.J S\j \j, L.J ,,II 11:1·1.11 s' .>I o-'.!·-~' I l.i, " r •\ \' I""]/_'; i nd "i1 I I '' ~ • I'"'' 11 "f . JT.\LJ,\,\: ~In w .1 ~. r11r d1un1 I N F:\\' Cloth cari·i••r Sj , \\'l'b- \'~1 >ti<', n1·a r "j•\\ ~tO Air •"tl r rrcoff"f pla~"r SH!. s_: l'h l,ol S: . ., f)o·V,lb11~ ]""111 lJ 1 Sh Ill <I s I r r S:t'!. l'i!I' :.:1u1 .. 11\1 P"t s1 •. J111,.,·1a1J.: I 1a1·u11111 :s:, 2 r 11'f' ~•T•'•·n!' .oOI '"11•1• I ~ 1 J:lo•c \l'U-Jul,.• I tJrJS.'> $."r SJO. ~ l la1r drl"<'l"S h t<ll:• I -•1;.q" d '1 • ' , 'I ''"~' II.: ), I , 11 , 1, ,llo !11.•/'l:T lr1fr:1-J'<•d I "''(' '.'II .. :,,I, ,,1,,1 ld1·ol 1 .. r 11,.,_.. \1 11,..,1,,1_ ... ,, II " -' \ 1 .(I •l•>I "' 11' ''" •'"•f '~ ldo• )L' "'O \ 'H!' f;ol>lr \'ti \lit ':«I• 'II• ~~ ~I ,"\L" 11,.•U I• 1 ' 'I'• •l' ;o.• I I• I 10. ~ "•' " ·" l "' J;n"':i li11 n .. ,, ,. ·" n ' I '' ~ 1~· ,1 (. •' ' l ,11\il '"' ,, h I I r1 d ' \ , ... pl: 1: .. ,., ., " ' l.odh ' I I' l'it'lL <<'' ,, P'<'"l'd I']'~' \' ] ', 2J<:-~:' :-;,,T-..;>.11 ,11\\! ••'Ii ~J;> i\l l~<o. .\l'")"il I I!,' 'I'. CLOTllE~l.1 \1 : •Ju r -l"• porta bli• s:, ll1 ·11o ,J,.,.,,..· 1<1lh llu•rll1•--l.ol \ II \ '; •I• '" \ " •I•'• '' '· ' ' ·I !•· l '" ••II• ' .11. '' p·.i '· ·"'" .. : " '"' ' "" '' RPrord pl.t~• r• ~i"' ~ <!U(HtlJ<i!H• t•li.111 < I· ·'' •' ~ ·i cueh_ J!1-11. T ,1 k ··~=··I. 1 ~1 •I. 'i' IL' ,L'-l "I -:1•- "' .. 11•1 i'•"·I :sf)f't·d ""''•:·1,,' i ,. "'''·I go"I r·o11rli11r.11 \; .\11 ·11·. F.\I l'" d I" ",. " ".,, \\ ,,-h ,, ,. !'I Ii. ,, d••ui,i• 'I' 'I'\ \I<"" I '1,· JI'\•\\ .:1 h-1'.· i,, 1., I '"'· ,,.-1,,' .111.j 1•.t>ll• ",\ -.' '" t I I!\ It'.\!. . ~ .. , )•, .. ' ' "•1 !II " .. 1, ,,. '.:'""' " .1•: I\• 'I' ~ ' [1 .,_.,.1,, i"" I i•I I•• I S1 ~ ,,. ''">ii' '" I ,,. 1' I'.• 11 .. »rn "II .,,. '" "11•1 ' 11' 'i <!' •I< t 'i \_' • • .n n J '•' Ir L< ,, "'"'" , .. 111, ,, 1:_,,' :>1, ) I I ' I.oil "' 1, ,.] t\ I "" I . I ' ,!I ,,,. '1 .~:1.\ ).,\ 11.J \ '' , .. '" I' I I >' ' " '11 lt!1• I •l· •],: '.j !'. i ·; '" :11d I .1 .. ,. • ,, ·'"i . " ':"-.. -11 1 'I•" Ii• ' ,, : J ~ , __ ) 111 ·1. .. 1· h.•''" \. 1·\,il•ir'•·1: ~ J:<1'.l..\'.'..iY 1;,.,1 ~:" < l"li"'"-.di \] ',' I "·''' '""''I'!' 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J e Eoch item must b e priced wi th no item ever $25. Count 21 Mttort ond 'f'llt es pe1 llne. LIGHT l1x1u rrs for \\'Orkshop r!c ~.1. r aell . J-:ooks .~· 10 s:, Sr;i11111 S: j '()lll eolh•c11on J.: 10 S:!J. 4~ !--I:-.~! C.1~h 0 11- ly. ;,_7 p.111. BLC E f'«t'h. Ch11> ,,1a1 nr• ;,:a-::1 is !,.-"-'k~ s; s r 1\'\:'\t \ \onsolr T\. I !Jt~"" \\UI k 51:1. l?rop-!~af ~· 1, 11•.:; 1.,!1le ~! I :i fl 13,\IJY 1 11•111~: PoJ"l ·«-<'l'lio .\10 i\u1111a t1e '"'~1g .'!I. ~lrl.Jlet· ~l l'L•ll{'t' SO \!'\\' J'l'Hlo• j',•I" ~";i i S.'1 Ll•·•·1,-,r 1ihh <;I I T·"!. 1 ~1·.0 1 ,itl<;· B,-,111,.~ ~"' r , 111 •ILc1·!•. qt1Li'• ~111 h»1'.' I !'lulll"' l U ,. • 0 1·. il•o 1 \\h•'l'ili.ol'rto\\ ~: ·11 ·''"' hn,! ! "'.:<' '\'.'. 1(1 )•ell!' Bll..:E. 1-:0)~. :'II" r~ Pl' SL! 6 1\i-.»1'% --\\",\/(/\'!; 1 lc·t·1ra: II!'\\' ~ !:1 11".\l"!.l IJ ~(J!~!·: I I'll Ilk :'\:111gi,1;. 1011'.; '"•)<IPJ1 'IL•l'<li'<' < 1iun<'I S:! ~!10,,·J,, liut·. pu·:·:. 1-,,i.;1' .~·: .\._,, .. r,·d 1•l.1 """I .. 11d !""''"'""' 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C .\L on the-I <-Ol'llf'l" -.1"-';_w_,_· ____ I .\IA.\-:~-l·.n<..:lhh :; ~1~·rd h1kt• \\ 1111 l".••·k ~.... ..:11\llll•lll' 'lLlll \•,11 <l•JUhi0 ),,-, .•pl'll\!:; >'lt•I 11\"lln ·'" \~•·, '"" h \'p·r c:11r~ 1·,-.11 '"~'I , . .,,.r, S1 1.,,r ~1'"'1~ ~I fj 1!•-:~;111 "·'' h 1 .. nn1~ T:r•\ f't h •1w.1k>'! r:io ~,•t, \1!11: "11 h >i'l11l ;111•! 1>10111· .~10 lo.11· \\. '.\o'\\' Ir r,,. ~ \I \"1 1,1-.1:,q· Ill.-. •t:rr ~1 \'.•••I"·"" r!••l•r• \l J~· ~ .-1 •• 1: ;u:.i (" ~l .... I, J~· .. ;,-· I 1,..-.. 1rd \I 11'"' • r 1,«k :1i. ( 'H("lll!l~ io'.o !IU' \I :';>• .1kP1-~ \ ·: \',u 11u11\ 1111,•··. l'•lll d!'l1~f'I-:< 1'r-1•lon·•. ••lf'•''P •l\l ri1r1', ll',o l1'l,tOr<0, (iH•ir'. ~hl•'](IC-11 c~h"I . 11·1r" '.),··~~ l;oo-r 11r1·k l 1111p~ :-11r Holl !1n<::: h:111 s~. 1-:lrririr 1,all !1ratr r SI Pa ns 20<' Ca1n r cl1a1r 51 I> \" "' :qXJr;d1 ~·c ('a f r 'lO\f'r s.~ J.n:h1 !i.\t\trr :!:'If'. Do111r ,·!nt!-: S~. r fla lll rh,.~t :ilr .\h·n·~ wr ~kdr~ .. <11r 11, ~-, p,,,1 ,.;,rd rllllll n1:irhtnr Sl (';1111p ~!\'f"\l SL lla •r r lippl'r- .\l :.o P .\ ~n·rl1l wi-a~ SlO, -1 11'.H'k l~llf' rlr"k f•'I '"", li""d~ rr p:Hr ~ 1 n lkl~lr.1· .: •1111n 'a11 irr;i ~111 !'.1111\!1 ""'!'11'1"1111' 11 .. ~h ~.-, Jin! .. 11;11-•' l:ilhr1· 111a1·i1111r s·, ·i1s-a~~: :'~::1 R 1':.1l·1f1r. (,.\1 ACTO.\L\ l"!C '""ll"r ~~-1 ,\ii· rhnr: 111~d ,,nr ,'!~:, .\ln11·h1kr , 1ra nlf' ~10 HB c:1111 5:, ~:lr1·· tnc• rn u1nr ~~ T,1 1'!;'11 r 11.-.r. "'-~ I~ S~ Jlrdgc 1!'1 1111'11'1" ~-I t :lr c!r1 c sitw ~:, ;tj!l'; \r. 21J•h SI. C _\!. ,-,ff Plac<'nt1a . C.\I No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A ~1, I~. :O-alur.'.',a.1 .,~":d :"n11\lay l :"!!ciT~ 1r. ~nugr. :.1111::lc 11 !l•·r 11 ·~·" .,.,,-,,iJ., 1 h arrrl .J c Jl1cc1 ns \\1th .'-)1,\L\, \\ r <' t 'l C 11r>11 ~ r •!lr:l" ~.'(' ,;~6-(;~1\. .\!OTORlYCLC I S~'O. ft.hi-!'!O.~ !'-010 t;lol trinrl•1101n .~-POI\ EP. n1n""r ~~.-, r11rn~r .i: l •'\I\ l'I(" \' " '1• " C '' ' I ~JI I ,.ii.-,t ~I\ 11 11 'nl! rlfllh··~ :\"\\;--li•t•·h 111~ ~flll"l'"hi\r\.. olr,1r•· S ~;, :'l"f'l''Tl''. h,\;: ~I ) l ~•!h,1,-k nr hu:: SI • ."1 dr-;11• rr l '1rh1rr' .,,. l lt•I"·~ :11<-\.;1~11 •~ t"ll" 1·)1r ,1 1•1Tl1 WANT "" "· . ' " ' . --,_., _, ,., •, ., ·'"; n· I" I· + ... , "'I" " ' " ,, '"" 111" '' \ ' ' ''I' I \'. ._ ., ',.,. I' \ 1\ ,,, " ~' • 1 \\ tr . , , ·o I : • .; • I '' I ""I" 1: ..... ·:·. '' • "'l l• .. \ fflrn11'"' '"II t l> olf)-'·;~'1 -,~ ( , . .,,.. :'I {. \[ ·,I"-.:_·' I I ' 'lJ J p ''"' 1.1 .. , 1 Ii \ I ,. " r, 111 I; \I ·.~I l ~ I d> • '!. I ~ •:.'. " 1 I I• I ·' II <I th-. l'"·k : .. , f , .. 11 I ~ I 1 ,\ ~fl I l "!. ·1 ------- l!'.l 11'1111••" •11 1;-,1,.,. , o,1dl" I 1.,--. t' "' S!'· 'I h •:., t' I· 'i1 , h.1•r $Pl ,-;f,;1• ~. • '1-. !'>.~ ]l \Y I"( 1\.\ 1, 111.' ' I ( ."l 1 'r ol• ('01, , ,. p,n 1 ~ f; !"-1:''1 ~1•1 pr s l . s 1 0 AD! • • PETS tnd LIVESTOCK 'TRANSPORTATION Dogs 812S BNIS & Y achtt 9000 J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;!11 lU): Bob Ui1~vr•· Pon! kilr h;1s t,1hrn !utl n1a11} ooa1:; 111 lra1le a111J "1u1b; to tradr or '' !l 1111~ uu1s1a11<.hng l9G9 Jtynr!I '..''~ fcio! hbt'r~ln~s li•"('!I \ ,.,.. '\111.ort ovt'rnil(h!l·r (Jnl~ ;,(J hvur~ un ii.cs ht•11 ul) llO\\ .. n•o! J,y 0 \1 r \'6 1,:, hur.;1·1 ... ll•Cf •1u1111·11 r Full} t uu11t1 1nrh.1u1n:: ,. ,llunk'I, lle;id, i,:.1l!ry \'l1h ~IOI !', 11'f'IJU\, ·"'1k and S 1:allu11 11u h'I' 14illk. f\cw CE n1J10, ''u111p,1'·'· lt1ll instrti111r 111 Puppie:J :'llauta 1~ 11 purr.t.ro•r1 l.atJl"8 du!' !{t·t1 1r1 1•r 111•Uo" • l'a· p .. IS ,\ ., .• bu1 hr l .111 !.'<IP h1i;,h fcn•'e~ 111 a ~.:1-.:.t' bounrl! Thr rupp1r< ar{' "!)n dr11ul rtu!Jrcn ~ d~~ S\O apiM·r . Call ;,(Irr 6. !!Qi.<'J;!.J AKC REG. COLLIE PUPPIES 1...a~~ic .\lark1ngs. ~lhJW or pe l. ~able & t1'1·!"i:Jlvr<'U !lad puppy Sh••t l. 11ur1111·•I :'l\u~t :s.t•r to apprt••·1:11r A l~.1 ~!u•I N•1·v1, r. ...\l\l" \\'Ii "' ~;ir1rir Cullw f':i. loi1 •~t Ii::" I '•b!.JfloJi. !' ..'l \I 1t i:.t J.n J lun'1n.!1<111 1: , , "ll\11 f/,\I. 1· u ·., " \\" JIJ.(' !•> • ·',' I 1111• r I 1, { 'J:1n·11o·•• '1'.''i•I:>• ",J . pa111·I, bunu1i 1•1p, full L'"l"rs "'nd IY'qu1n'I./ 111<1r<1lf' ~ah'ly r11u1p1nr n1 n1vu111 !'d Ull loiill' 11 lif'l'I, l ilt TJ a!)"l' "l!ll : Sf"''',j 1<1111h Th•' nn.;,n .. I •I·\ n••r h ul •'I' 1· ~')() i!uJI 11'~ Ill' ,,,,,,,j l!I 11\i• lllUI \\1• ,. 1:1 , '''·id• r ;1111 n1f1·r l•I" Tr,1 1· . .', ,, l"I ~ 1!P~ \J,;1 "'•2-ti ,] -------- Bl.,f.LE . I I 1·• ___ • __ <'1_·0_l_'1 __ • __ _ ~"~ .'I. cn1a r s. __ 11·rck..~. tn-<."Olor, ,\KC reg. COLL'.\IR[,\ 22. clean, OU!· $::.J. !nan!, 1nan~· rxira~. Sl2-f'.o97 ---.-~-~ r'l"Rf::BRl:.D :'1\ln1a rur" l)o,,. LI DO 11. lh1y tn.1lrr, ~;,:I~. 11·~ ~3.i. :Xot rrg1s1rrcd I r\tra• Sli"iO. (;ood cund. td1rr 6. S~O-!l;iO'i )llr,....(,(j~).~ ------- GEl::">tA'.'\ ~l!F:l'fit:l:U pUp· :: .. \BOT 1;;11! l'l ~C•·d, I 111p1 Ch.nr •<' Jnnk. ",l ~ llKJ ti7 -.. :{)(;·: JllC'S, 6 II Ii~ uld, * h! ·-11:'.!) * h it•· rn1. 111 "fllo1ily -, i "111 .. puppu·~ to ;::u.•rl 1'""1" 9020 Power Cruisers l'r 1..r-a -p<lo 111 "••ti -----------b7.:~1r.1 1 1n'1 1:cr.t·1zo:--16' C;i!Jln r·1"\l1~"' \J \G~IFJ('t:.;;T \!air \."1lhr I \l"OOd/fh;::I< n101or /.:. trlr. \l~o T,nv Tov p,,,.,.11,.., .t I ~i)(l :C.1~1;isJ\ \l 1n1a 1 urr~. \KC 6:·i-?l-l o ~ -=:~~===~~ CIL\\1PJO'. --~1r:•r1 I.J n•" nl .. 11Marine Equip. 9035 JY.IO.Xlll', !-'. />\I P~ :' l U d Sr1-.·1rr. li 16-.~:'~,·, ----------- ,, :~ -,,, ! Horses 88301 G~~n 1 ... r"' : .. r 1··r 11.1r .. r _<;.11111 ' \,,·:1. 4 ~r i:;r ld1ni.; ·.1-0-',jt,'1 ------S\J,\1.l. :0:11• !) •l'•l. 111 I d brokr, d.irlr ~'"" ~;· •. · ... n ... ,,_., Livestock 88401 IT'S FUN T O BOARD I 4 HP Seagull, • 1.1:.::.i:': • S65 11 rlca r. r ir1•1. 1·rv·I ( l~l.i . \frs.i ;\"" ~·2 ~ri.1• c V!u .1 l'arli.;\t,\\' flPL'>:' 'l•b1lr 1!1111'f' JJ1•;il.tv ,\],11ir:• .( ~ ... Jr ~ o!/i. r k• i!rrl .,1 1· .. ri.. OPEN 'I AM TO 6 PM ACCENT MOBILE '1 u-)..1;·~·· .,: T \Ll Y 11n' r·.,1::--1..: J, l\ ,1 .i:-~~.' 11• [ ,, "''·" ' ',, I ' '' HOME SALB \l"1 111·~ llh'. ,\til·• 1' t' ,, • 1 I":·, ll•r1t J.· , I• i'l"·J d •d.< • • 1•, d l"I"!\ 11.!i11• 1 .,1,..1 •. 1. 1750 Wh1tt1er Ave 1 1 .. 11/\111i;:-r •lll? 1: .. rr n·a1I ;11· ,,,.~.. L.-.pr1·t r .n;::li~h .'. l\cs:,..rn 1n~tn1r·•1••ll Tall~ Costa Mesa 714: 642-1350 Ho Fan11.o. 1::62 \t'11rio;:ir.,.,,_ __________ , f oun1a1n Va~"-'·-· :~~!_,;_8•_ 'WEEKEND SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION B:.ot=':.' .::&:...:Y.::•.::<c.hcct•'--'9000-' '6·· GLAS.">"l-'AR C 1I <i 1 i(l n . Jn1Ju.1rd-0utboard. 120 !'llcrc. Cruiser \\'tlh pcll"er J<'' t. power trim. f"ull co,·er. r.eady to r njo,v. A I ! l ~t Qual11y 21 ;.; 4.~ !Jrli\'crrd and srt up, unfu:n i~!1Pd. onl.\ .......... s!l:1:J:i BEACH TRAILER SUPPLY 19'261 Br a, 11 Bh·rJ . ii B. SELL y,ulf :O.lo1J1lc I !t•n1,. niainte:ianr~ record•. l : FOR CASH 01"ncr. Kl 6--14·H I A°LL Gia~ 2.-,· Fhn.:I'. C,th1 :1 \., E'Jl<'n:<r To :-"~1.r·t C1111~r ~"f l:. :-;_,.: r.1du1 6J6.J291 Sl&-8869 Broker B1m1n1 tnp Lr••$ th:ni :·11;\"E\rTHE!)RQO:'ll, r11·::>.:. ::I hr~. Sll.000. raJI Ellh •t.i~~ , f.JI \10 Gl!.t: llO\lE. 21:: :i.~.-,._JJiO ; 11;1,., ;i ! Cf{PT:'. VP.I'.) F () r. i;;: ... ;":~\i Ql"lCK ~,,L.E' J:\QL"JRE 1~· 1008 L.A l\S!·::\ l ~'ll 1111 1 S!'ACE '..16. or.1t-nroou ~lr rt· C r11 1.,r r , 111· B'f:,\0 1 CLU B, 11. B. hrrl/outbrd l'IJri<!:<. t.a11 1 :.:~ lank &: 1111 1r1t. 11~:.'0l aft __ l_M_MA-cC_U_l_A~T~E~- *' pm 1%~ J2x60 t:xpando front /.:. 1"'f'"T-l3IRD ·66. JIO hp ;\l("rr n-;ir JA, bat~. all rxtrai-. Crui~r 110 Tl'lr -~flilrr. t"an11ly park, fl ununglon 2 lt'1 ll i;ki~. m :~r xrras. &>ach. Call 536-S869 or r1~h or !'ki boat S2JOO 636·'.t'!!l Brokrr ~1~2S9.I ,1!1 6 pm SA\·}'; Tliousaral11 o v r r 160 hp •·ord lntrrCf'p!nr rrplllrrmr n1 cosr nf 1tlxJ7' 110. many C'.\IJ1lS. n1ui;t Golden \\"r bt, 40" ~Cf'ttnl'd ~ll' S'2 1~i0. call a[t :; 1':'11 porrh. phis ina ny t-~tras. :1::6-5910 ,';:"6-"'2''---1.i_. -~~-,,--,-,.-,.-cc • Jji ~· OL:TBOARD, :.o hp '63 i\lr!ror. '2 Br. 1 hrr111n~1 at :\!'"rt'. Run.~ good: Looks cont rol hrat, roolcr, rq1ts, 1:ood' Sl9!1 ~~IS-.'i2!l l ... 1!q1~. fh~ls p<1!10 r.e11~11. s J.:.\SPRA y r 1 h r r.: 1 a 11 ll rrnr 1'•11111 park. &12·2360 or fhngy. I '~ hp rnvh:ir. steer-_'6'._!_.;_9_io ________ _ u1:;: "hi. rontrols. L1kl' ,..". ~ rt:LL beds. ::0 c;al l)IJ! 11.;i . S::J,.j j.IB...3341 11'.'r 1ank SJSOO 16.W /\"l'"fl''11. TllE Qt"ICKER YOU CAL.I.. ~p. ~o. l . C :'II. TI IE: QL:ICKER YOU :o;t:l.I. --,,:,chc,,-,c,c:l-,-.,,,.~,-,-,c.-- -. ----------·· ------------------.----------------------------~"' • .. • . ~- TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION Mooll• Hornet 9200 Truck1 YSOO Imported Auto• 9600 SaturdAY O,tobtf' ll l<J6q DAILY PILOT :J3 TRANSPORTATION 1TRANSPORTATION I l<AN!:!POR r A r 10N TRANSPORTATION lmport..t Autot 9600f lm1JOrfed Autos 9600 Imported ••Jtos 9600 Imported Auto• 9 MOVE IN NOW!! Bful..,_O Ni:.'\V, 2 81{. 2 BA. crpt.!, drps. \\'alk IQ slon>~ lo. ocea n. t"a<'Lil1M.'S 111cl 1rs. t~llrant t..: bl.1r, golf <'-'.!Ul.,,I!'. 1~i01. s:1una. Cuuutry l1ub llllllosph1'rr '99::'(1 ORIFTWOOO BEACH CLU B llun11ng1vn &•,u·h lrMjUH'I" ~ptlrt' ~'jj ~fi.:!i.ll .{· M ·S:.00 -----BAY HARBOR Mobil• Home Sale1 C.'.l.'ia Loma Tloll -. .\11ay ."hcraton ~l1triv1· 11'11 1\Pll c. Kit • l'rr~!iJ;;I' . :-·,,11a1a .\l.L SIZES \"'Q IV 0 :-J l)J:-l'L:\Y IKl F_o•d Vt Ton I CORTINA P ick Up 1 -------v .s. 8 1001 bed .. au101~1.111~~;1 1967 CORTINA -GT tull ("(!Ulpped. Ltc·. # .>l..110-? I· \ . ··' L # Tl·,· SUNSET FORD -·:· '"""· '' . ~110 (;11,r.Jo II \.)'I)•(• Ul~<i \\'1·s1nunsrrr ti! I• 63&-1111>' tii WJiGt~ S!'U!'.TS~1,\:-l 1 V;,n. \"-II. auto, •1hll•· KUSTOM MOTORS >:l.J Haker SL, C .. \I. :J1(>-·,~1·, Aulli J !f Dir ()JW·n 111 !I '17 a~:VJ >1~·k Up 1·./I~ J>nnr1;1r \'.'i h r ~ h " ~. r;id1a1ur. 1·;,1·11~. tJu<1I !"'\hSI s::.-il. !lf',s..7w.1. Jeeps 9510 . n .. SI099 SUNSET FORD :11.io c:<1nlrn C1V\1• llhd \\1·~rrn111~1<·r (;-l 1• b':O.l1lJO DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY 'S NO. I DATSUN DEAL E ct DOT DATSUN 1.;~:. Bcat'h P,,\U MERCEDES BENZ ___!_ORS~_H_E_, TOYOTA 11¥;7 !'l lEP.C EO~:s ttrn 1 ~orsch' '60 Coupe Sl79S ---J-0-YOJA ,(,H,i tir••l•!l 11 h!.uk ,,..,. :!;,lo;:f · ('0111)" \"JC!\'1.1 Sp:-. tlt!I ~·ull1• ''lJ ll•Ji 1~ .. Ht , 01< 1 ;.1h \f1•1:i l11 l{"d 1111 h P·•f• h !hl"\l;JU' \\,i•ki·n,j ·'JMTo tl, t111·r,I l1•.1!IU"r lllh Til•I' .~II JflW•·r ~1r i.n!v 1,7<•,(i' .1!111 )>il,.111un' \J r r , rd,. ,j l!..•n1 1:!1) \I \l.1n 1<·t ~nt.1 1 An.1. •Mi-ll\I ' I J1('UJl.l0 l't lhnports ::irn \\. c.,,.,r 11 11~ , i: Oran9e Coun ty'~ L t1 r9e~t Selection Ne w & Used Mer ,edes Be nt : i;.i:: '!:< ·' I !~• Jim Slemons Imps Warner & Main St. anta Ana 546-411 I ' .•. .r \J•. I• 11•1 JI: "t ·;I! , , I J:, l•IT < 1 '.I { "·.;·, H I 1:! :>11, l'ot•l '-•II• I ,·.,r;.t \ •• .\ \I I l ",j SPECTACULAR YEA'l E ND SALE ALL MODELS \Ol l'. 1:1·-~J 111.\J.-: .\/: I "11 l I. \ I DEAN LEWIS ! .\I' ' 'I 1967 TOYOTA Deluxe 4-Dr . , .••!•" lw 11rr. Ii 1 ·~~\ ~;, TOYOTA '6,~ TUf{)TA l.1k1• IH'\\. lll\Jll1 '"Ir t:,uni; t,.u•I.. T •• ~I' IJI'• . !•d•!' ii" I /I ,11..J I 'J h1 ... liwl. . 51 -1 /l 1f • VOLKSWAGEN '•' \I\ l :u~ i.:•~·l puhl. .,jJt'I' 'II o'I' ~~'l)(l • hi .. -:.'~ .;i * ,, • \ \\ 1:/1 1 I 'f"'r"t 1111 \1.,'\ :..:,.,_.,/ 1vn1I. ( .<ii '1:.h71 ,1 '\ \ \'I\ BllC """ 1,·., ~it , .. r>,i ;1l11., 11an.s .'ih0.1'1 Alil'I' , Ur!I ld~-+i::l:! 1 i.'"1 B.:.1krr S•. 1·0,1.1 i\!~·a .!~.l·.P '. n!o..·I\ 1-.1•' ol lla1 hnr U.\'d I II I II • I >-'l .\i1•,1 •i ll• •ll).'t::/1 \ll'•• II ,II~' ' '· 4 "l:t 1:r I !'l" '\Ir... 4 :d , t•!~t •••lo-·~·>I' j•I 1 j•f~ I !::·~l1n;:1on t:r " 11 s:2 i:~l or ~10·• 1 .~ 1· I• .,. •'' .... \ '64 P or~che Cou p~ I I" "L I,-nf ' h• ~:. \ ll• '"' ' '\\ 11 -;., •• SI 199 SUNSET FORD •,;lit i;.,:--l••n 4 :r.11 ,. 1:11 .J \It·· 1111· ,i. ,. 1 :11 ti"' :•·t~ hl rn~. FOR THE PE RSON . .'\ln1 <'Qnd , S7, or rr;1'i<ina1Jle ,,111·1· :.u;-1~:, ------::• i I! I'. !V-11\.i 111.;i Motorcycles 9300 1'1t,; JI().'>:[),\ 160 .;;CJ!.\ ~1 HL~:I! ~.11•.-. ~1ar1r1·, SL'J ••f.,!, 1ui, ""' !!.if.II .:-.lATCl tl .E,"-'i .)!\{)('(' GSSO NTa111blr r, ~·or lh(' pUr1st. S6:'il. 1967 TR!L.::'ll Pll T-lllOC' JOO CC \"rry rlean ~7'..iO. JAMES LTD \"1~1 '.\r11 po11 BJ\·d 61:!-MIO '67 c,,/) Sedan i!r \"1lle. ,:-.:.o'l H :l~ f'\·r~ lh11i:.:' ,\ B1·a•1T~' Ua~ s l!-1~~1...:1 . ('\ 1·~ "··~I !6.'1 1 ~~I h :'ut 1••: "I'"' JJ<'\\ 11•·· ,. I f,•1· on1l.v 1•1 11: il1". ~-•,' \~~I •II' h··~t n1f.-r. '.~.'-1 '.!h "'' /:11-:.''..'" ,;~ \ .\ \l.\ll \ ~·.11 r.ntlu:•1 t .... , Jiili<'~ -1.1.. .. llf'll $0."~J. ,i,--,::•1 hj l!U\D\ :;o·, t 'li.,pr><r \lt1.•t S.·11 Sli:<O "r bo«I vlh-r ·.11Ho:.o ·~-~~-btl HP Y,\.\1.-\llA . Lr·t~ u{ "\tt~I .' Sl 10 "1!li l1rl111f'I. f'll ;,ll\.:!.l11l ·1•!1 YA.\l.\11.\ !'111~ a l':rl I , 11 \"'.f",_r,;.t,::. Jndro :!.·11 ,.,. I lrlrlH I s:,j,1 :-.·t :11·· CR0\-i\0\ __ _ !l(')/'\11 "1~1lr-.dr r.-r11 j:(l(1 , +.~ Y.\\J.\H \ llH \"t:i.r 1ct:TTI". .,()(I \''" s1ne lr b;d,1rwrd T.1l'l!lJ.: <'ll". !.1kr ll"ll ; ()()(\ 11\I ~-,:11 .'tl:l-'..'I:~, -Jl•·•1d:1 ;~1. \Int r •intJ , )OI\ nHlr~:.:r 'l lO ('111! ;,11\.!jj;- BE.\(..1! = Auto Supply Wholesdle Pt il·1·~ !" \II r·t)f!lf'k'r \1 "!1or•" ·'h"f> . ..:t•!·.1-.Jl f.Ql"fl'\l}.\"T l:Ll;L·!l.T I-.\1 ,!\"r:.~ 1 1."~, \"1, f·•r1H. 1·\t ',1~.'l,\·n 1.,~•1 r:.·11·h l~h 1 111~ -.1;-o.•:tl • l..l l't.'\llJ.\i..: * Trai ler, Tr1 vel 9425 TRAVEL TRAIL ER S nr\lv :: I• 1! :-•• 1 "' hll"' BEACH TRAILER SUPPLY l'l:61 &.n·h Bl\d. II 8 . Truck• 9.SOO GMC TRUCKS I 0 1·,111g.· ("ot1n1y !'\.ii··~ &-r.·1cf' J/el\dqua rtrrs. N t:\V _ liSl:lJ UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ~S:..O l!.1rb<ir Bh d . Co~ta ,\lrq :.10.'.i6~0 ~nd 1969 FOR0:-E-,-.-.-.-r;-.-. Super Van A11••l•1;,1l11". r:ul1n, l1•'<.1 l"r. ~Ir c•1tid11io:1f'!I 1.~r # !'.:OOj(). S2599 SUNSET FORD ~d IO G1tn!C'n Grv1·r Bll"J. \\'r~t1nins1cr t711 I 6.-:&-4010 '51 ~·oru 1, Ton. r acing 5!1cks. cust uphol. chcr· ry body, Good running. F1at head, V-$, $325. 8~7-5:J89 II ~ Ton 19·19 (;.\TC truck 1,o,•11h hydrauhe. 1:.111 i::a1t J11!, elr('. hoom hfl. runs g<'f. S~2.·,, ~Ion thru t'ri 642.-8782 ·66Fo;i-Econoline P/U. Hr;i1'Y duly cng .. xlnl tire5, s9;11 or hcst ofr ~\1&-1881 '61 CHt.:vr 1, T. 6 r)l. needs p; .. nt ~l)z;,, ('aJI aflC'r j pm. 8-l'i-lil.! 196!1 J)Offi:r Spv11~man i,.·11n i\-lf'(l 111th r 11 n1p!rig f'tjlllj!'11''1\f . .,,\'t.-iil7 ENGLISH FORD •I i• 1 I • " I ,,, 1·1 ulw •h '1, .. ti. \p '\Ji \."' ljl " $29SO :-11 1.11'~1.J.~ ~POR T CAR CITY .t lit ~· .\111 1 I Il l , l I :\ I 1 '?S'2C o.Hlh• ''I "''1·· ,\''• \:1.'.1 1.\1! •. \~: l ,, 11p• r lor il,• "• -I I, I 1 :O:p·' •. .i. r .. 11••. --~"''1 I" I ' I'·! "' I;,•' , I I• ' • ' , J J. · ,, 1';. i'I. \pl l~ ! '\! "1 h,}.. ;•>'1 l ·1;~ 1:1111· \'\\" t":l11i;;·1,-F ll~ •'ill' 11. r'C'li'1i:. 1110 n,.11 l•r~· J.l.S-(l\70 OR ANGE COUNTY S VOLUME ENGL1:1 1 FORD DEALC R SALE S -SE~VICC ·r:0 :1HJ01-:1.s J1111111·d1a tr lif'ill"\'Y t~\lt{iE SEl.t:C-rJO:"i Theodore ROBINS FORD ~; Ch<-,· Cha•M~ uivunlrtl. I :!C60 !!arbor Bll'd . P/S.-P/B. ,\11 SC:OO in1 I Costa i\lesa fi~2-00IO _01o<'n I :~~·---~~--=:-- !Jun• Biiggies 9S25 1 __ F_ER_R_A_R_I __ ~1001:.:H.'\ T Dunr Bu;;i.;~. v11 1·n:.: s11oc1 't).\ + FERRARI Call :,11}-'1.~:.r.; Imported Autos , Xr11"por! [n1ports Lid. Or· an;c Counry·s on.ly il l.lth'1r · !"/"rl r!";tlr•r 9600 I SALLS·~Er.\'ICF:.P Ar.TS I JHIO \\'. Cna~t !:•1 .1·. --- G RAND O PENING CAR SALE Tust in Auto C ;inic OBA Li do Moto rs ;'\{'11·1Xl1't &a. h G~~·9·1U:• :1 10· !7(, I .\11111 •rllr,t F• • r.11 I P r ·.Jrr FIAT J 300 W. Coast Hwy.1 1968 FIAT -124 Coupe I • ,., I ! I ' ' 1 · .~.111" ,\• "' \1 !' )!•~ ;l ~f.~J. l'.,,1 ,l~:·r I I • .ir <ii fot o•l.h 11'111 ~rn•·• Iii••! •lfh•r (o\ •'J' $10,000 1; l I • ti~~·-1'• :u 1'-~J :'111·,J:C!.lll-.' IWn~ 720.S Old 1.o<Jy •I.I ll' Pl'Kti~'l .. \ 11H·1• ~11\t1f!h1 old c;ir iil1110~1 n ,.:.is~w. l"al hPr 111t<'nor u11· gllul.I -.hi.~· ••11ly S'j~f, 00 J un :-;i.'nlO!l~ :'l!t l'l'•'d•'~ Rrnl. 1~'0, I\ 11 ~rr1•·1·, -:-.. 11:a ,.\J1.1, ~' 11 ..... 111 I MG \11; ~1· 'I o(f'. !'.1 : ·~ J:1111w••1,,, ,. I l<·: ,, er~ . .\II \lolll"I~ ' ! \ .\11.1 11 ''" i ,\ ! \ ' 1 >· , •1 I' 1· 1·"' I ' Porsche '67 91 2 Targa ~,,,, ~ iii 01 1• 1 , I·• IJ• I'' ~1;'! ,, d t•· I 11 Ii:;.,·!\ nlo, ~' '/~,.I. ,\ \1 r\1 /..· .\ 11•'1 I :111 1n .. :;,•' d··t;i1I. J1rUJport · Jhnporrs :noo 11-. Co.i~t 11<1 )., \ 11 6\~.!)11f, .dil·l~I ,\ 111 li.01·1 "''! :\II: ] l< •,1.1·1• '66 Porsche 912 1.; • .11 , '!\" ', llon1 , 'I''·· • !, •!110111 .. \\h•··I · 11:1 11, w~· SJ9SO .;Tl!.\\ t J I -;: SPORT CAR CITY J1rUJport JIJnµorrs '.: \ . 1~•\d\<'il ll • \1; d i• I. I 1"'1 ,i 1,1 '-'11 ~ 1100 \\'. Co.1st l!ll'y . NB. 6 1~·!1 1/\"1 '."d!J.Ji!i~ Al•l~1,1r11\•d )Hi n.•alC"r SUBARU ~L"B.\RU I ""'"! .<I •~•I 111• '\I .i·, 1Jll1 •d' \1' '"lilt~ •lr ,\-1,_·1 Imported A utos \Ir " ' " \ \\ , Int , ·.,11.i '., \!11.0 '"ti 9600 Imported Aut.,s •I 9600 1 .<;p<'<'ll r;id10 ,t, hc•a1rr Coni· N. B. 642-6762 , plrlr · .. uh i\J1,·hl1 n. 111..,,.<;. Tu5t•n Au't'l Cl11nr oJlC'n!'<! ii I Rrd 11 Ith bJ;1ck I in) [ Hiter . Bra1ll"h 111 .'\c1\'J)O!"l d\1in::: lur. Llr ~ XC!t ..£.:lti. MGB * 1100 MODELS * DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS bu!oin'"'~ undrr 1hr nan1" $2499 l.1,!ri :'llo•or~. J'.;/!(I 11· t'ua.:.t I SUNSET FORD ]11,1·. This l<){·,1Uf)n 11 •1! f"· :.i 10 Cartlc·n C1u1r Bh·d 1i.11>" ,r,, rrll 1n.1l\lrt«J t .•r~ ""•lilHn.~rt"'r li11• 1."'";(,.\11i.1 Thr.1· ;t!"I' 11rll kn•111n .1~ 11!•' , .. ,,. drn·11n·~ 111 th•' 0 1·:111.:-" Cu11 111~ ~l'f'I I· r S 11<. .-.:.,1r r.1• '1•'1' f•ir 110111 1•'pa1r •ll"Jl' •,d,·~ 1~ 11·11!1r.:-n /'11·11 'l"'l·t ~1 .\11 :, l'l111n· ~ 111.11n I"- ' 111··11 I• ] q II \•I ::.· 111 T11.•l111 l.1•l•1 .\1 ''"r~ 1~ ~ Br.1ht 11. ": P.w .. ,·11" <'••"f'" ·''·f" ' ll(l In -.1111 l'\ll11! . .J,2:!1., JAGUAR '6'2 Jaguar XK E i'11r11•"•' . T' r \\II""•' 1\ j,..,11 1\, 1(1,\.l_'~.'I Sl 79S .;Tl l.11 I.I.!...; SPORT CAR CITY s·.1 ·"· ,\n,1ht'IOI r.hd Atu1h1'1n1 Kt: ;,.:!\1:1 ,1 f'v1··,·hr Cuupr P' ·· 1-un1J!h'I<'!'· ~ t•r~' lfl .0 .~ul • ·r~>: XKE. un1na1·11lal~·-;~"1· P"1'"'' l 1t1hon. 10 11' n11!r;ii:r. o I \II" ~llJa1·1i II 11:,;•111, 11\'rrh.~111r.t S'tl(I (fj.">-(;226 r 11:;: I============ •r,~ \"I\, !:1 <>.:J f'llj:, ll'".I J·lh ~~;:, P'""' I KARMANN GHIA ' ·:i'l J.;;11:11..1rlll (,,h,1. ;.:d ~·•."Jl t)&I <..11r1) ~1.;J, 111 l'.'ai;,1:1. t1~11 I f'I:~ ,\ Jloll111 ~-.\:, Ii ! f"·•' J:o .. 1!/•1•T '••1111 , :;f! f''I.! \ 1: AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AME K'.C A ·"-•••'~. :-,•1·11, •' Pa1"~ !111 111«d1.11r Dr l11ri;. ,\I[ .\lot1r•l s 2·"•'1 KAJC\1 A:\~ Cl.ICKI tr;1n~pur1a1inn r·;1 rs or h 11:.:'..'Y 111:"1tl'r 1.1I s1;.,, .i.. i~:.o Ph<1n" 1;1' ... :!!J21 •;tJ 1, 1.111 \ •1 '. ' ,, .... , • 1.' ' · .. '' \ J• 11 I .. •' ' I, MERCEDES BENZ '1! 1:(·i-:n1 .s ''''I/. P11 ."1.1. :o;\1.1" I\•• lo 11•' "\• '! •II ~I ·1 I, f, •r l 1 , 1 '"l! • f.!tUJport 3hn orts I " ,I I• ,1 11' .+"'I .ill I· , I , 1" '" -"11' r I l :, ~ Jlt'h t' I I " ,, ~·· 1.. J ~ \!Cl! fl!l~tr. 51.!l;<i :,, 0 Dt·11r . CHP. \\"u~'' OPEL 1967 OPEL De lu)l(e St.ition Wa gon I 'l"'1·d. 1 od 1", h1 .ii• 1 l.l> tr l (,,\! 11 >i Sl 199 SUNSET FORD :.110 c;;,ril•·n 1;"11·1· flhd I * VANS * J !lll!l'•l l.11(' "': \•'I"\ .1" KUSTOM MOTOR S ~l . I:,:,. ,. ': <I; \J 1".I 1 ·-SUNCEAM \ I I'+ "r I r: ..... 1•1• 1 ,,..in •I 1· 11 ::•· ~! , ..... 1 \-1.::•~ , •• ~) '~.2 ~-~·! TRIUMPH \\'.,~tn1 1n.~rrr 1'j1 11 6.~IDIO ------------ .(i.~Qp;.1 s:,1111,n \\';ii::,,1i. Th,, l<J67 TRIUMPH ··; 11•• • \l,11 1-. 1! ll .. r1t1op ~ "'K''u. 's'r"o\M."MoTOR5 I 1•· "I (·011111•1•·1 " 11 ,•h I' 1rr \I '." 1: .. ,11111!1 11 ,1 11 l•111 ... 1 ~!:.. Bakrr SI • (".\l 1" ,.;-,1 l""~1111·1 .l!lw 11 11h lilof"k 111· 0 1w•n "1 11 'I !' '~ 1.11 .. r. t.1. # !'"!'·>'.' I Sl399 __ P_O_R_S_C_H_E_ SUNSET FORD Pors c:1~ '69 912 Coupe II ,•,•11•1ti-" 1;• j j :,. 'l•Jll " .... '65 SPITFIRE ! I 1 ill r .•. ".I j?rUJpilrt -JJinports .,: ,, , ·. I t I 1', ! .'I'' I I , l 1 .. ,1 ,,, .. f 1· . \I • ~ •I 1;i,.,.. , .... h ~1~i, r 1111 111", ~lr·.~1. 11111 I••!•' p• 1, It \ l:i',•lo~LI'!. (,ill J•: :I ,·q 1;;:111 .1:,fl;:;i. 1o•1 'I I: JI \ 11 ( •f1H fll •". \lr11 °.'l •I \\·. (.'u .. ,I fh\~ '\fl bL''l\111 >l·•·l ~ti l '""'1 ; I" ,.,,, t• I \Ji; IJ ,1 .. , ""II' I ~di I·•« :iHo• "!< I - I * '65 C.ONl/ERT *-I ll\( Lilli j'' 'I Tl: I ,-.1 I I: IJ I I I I< , • ~ ' •!'" l 9b6 OPtl KADE'n I ' •t-· • ,.~" ,, ~ .. • /,>< 19b6 AUSTIN HE.ALEY 3000 ''~ • • • ......, , ...... .., '1/o.·• ,, .. ' . ' 1967 TOYOTA CORONA "'~'" I &-< """"c "' • "<" ••I \9b1 Vat.VO "·loj(i l"' .... "'' ·-ll~"j 10/ ·~· .. . ~ ... 1966 DATSUN STA. WA GON ~, .... """"'· "''' 111<1 <••. ,Q ' ,, 1965 SUNBEAM TIGER g ~•c ,_ ~I '""'"' "A." •1'.....:i •"' < 1966 M GB RO ADSTER: g,., •.• ~· " '" 1968 DATSUN PI CKUP ' \• ' ·-·· ' --. .. 1967 KARMAN GHIA .... ,,,.. - ~ 00.. 1' '} +('\\ '""" 1967 VOlKS ~"'~ • ,......., ". '°' °" ... ,~, y., A • I 1966 JEE P WAGONEER '"'. " .... '"' ~· u, .. ' ... _, <t•,. • Jt '<t "' ,. ,~' , .. ' ....... 51595 s1595 :;if'(l \\", Coast I !11: .• '\ B 64:.!l lQ;. . .1fl1~6t Al1lhon1.rd ~!\; [)1·.drr lXO ,\n~1111-l~1·-­ ..,,.,. :• ' 11 ' J.11 "• ,,, 1. '\1'\lfll'r1 LJr1,·l1 \-.II A1 ,, " II 'I , , ,, ", .. ~ln1 1 •!Id \!I ,11.1.~ nu p:i;. 1 , ,·~, 1 ,, .. 1 · 1 l.•1 II l11jl .:i.1u,1 !•''I 1.;0; L';.1 _...:. ' '· ' • " r• I --------11.-111 i "' 1~,,, . .., 1.. • i:. i ,1.1 TOYOTA ,\lo \J•·!' 1•11•"• ! 1.111\ '' Dean Lewis I ,. "I , · • '' \'" ..:1. .. q \l'.'t ' • ----,I ~ .• 'I I:• 1 •I , !'.•·111 ; It,-: :-. l~· .1•.t 11111 \\ t1l 1u:1 COOPER .\Jl>I ('(l(\J"-r 1 .._~:! 'l'•71• 1u•1 rrht· "11·1th, ' h h.,1•,·1 . 1··d "I 1 I•; 'I I ,1 U• .-'•I.\. 111 • CORTINA ''\::'. ' " i ·r ' \'I\ i3 ... O>I ~ ....... J I\ '.1• 1' r.i, I; ... ., \\ ·" "' ' ···•.1 \• ' . , n \\ I•. 11 ! "'' .. I •.11 ,. ,\'; I II \\), '' I l•I ' ' ,,.,. I ' ''1".J, l 1 , · \ I ! <1 h~ '"' 1•" l"•I •L ii" .\ II•· \I tu• .I ,, 1·.' ''•· ,. ' . .. ... «II " ..... p ' ',, ,, I' '" ,,•f· I· 11h · 'tH l J'j •I •• ;11 ' '" ~ ':• •.!. I ' 11· ]'~oil olf"l\f'.j('~ i.l(J ('io'.111, H ·"l~··•I •!•·! ,,,,/ii 1;; CUHTI\.\ tiT H',(JI\ l •IY !J(·\' llr.·~ S'j'() f !r !n )'1 •f,,1 •··•I ,•t .. I'.~ 1Hilr·ai;" l:.t·l!.-.TLol.;,11.JT. !o!' 11 ,2•'·•· .•. •-1•• __ c.11~;1r,_r,11 ~ __ -1 -ll.\ 11.\ -I 'II lJ J'-(-;l.1• .. 1,, •11 Tl I!·. Qt ll 'hl.J:-=i 'I( ( \I .1. 11,\ 11. y r ·11.rr r I\ ,\,\ T Ao :-:• M·•·• .un r-.·fJ1\ · : Tll i-: 'J! 1r!\~.1: ·, • 11 · .. ;-.1.1. --=--------~------- Imported Autos 9600 lmoorfed .Autos 96001mported Autos ~6 00 BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S BRAND NEW 1969 0 VER IN STOCK 50 IN STOCK Ready & Serviced for Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! • COROLLAS-Sedans-F astback Sprinler~-Station Wagons e CORONAS--4 Door S•d ans-Hardtop Coupes • MARK I l's-Hardtop Coupel-4 Door Sedans e CROWNS-Station Wagonf-4 Door Sedans e LANDCRUISERS--Hardtops--4 Wheel Drive Wagons • PICKUPS--4 Speed Standard Trans. Autom•t ic1 -4 1pee d1 -fa ,tory •ir conditiorting -1lereo +epe deck1 m•9 wheel1 e nd m•rty other option1 . • Many Demonstraton at Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE Will TRY -EASY TERMS e Select Domett ic & Imported Used Cars Below Market P rice• e JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11-5 540-2512 BILL "A\EY Orange County Toyota-Volvo Headquarters 'IJoivroI!l~' '1ss.ci1-BEA-cH-Blvo~ I 646-9303 Hunt. Beach 847-8S55 O"l"f "' 1966 HARBOR BLVD . 10 I "" COSTA MESA Let's Be Franc -,. -~_,;Jll •I\ ~ r? ---·,,. .~-~-­=-·-.:ir ~ • --!!'.!.. -~----.·,~ ' -...,._. / -I - l>r"aluat i0 n snlr cla ys :: If 11 ·~ t111c th:i! 111 11111 !;in::u;i;::{' n1oncy talk" 1!11•n rhP fr:in1 ·. 11 hdr -t ill 11•ry ~ou nrl, Jtl~t doesn·t t-011nd !hr .~;1 n1('. 'J'hc trut h 1~ 11 i:;n"r. \\"Ort h 11 h a 1 ll u~rd t•' ))!· 111J1lh. B::id '.' :'\ot 1f yo u're in the mark<'t f•>r a line C'ar. 1·1i~1 JUSt happen' to be as Fl'f'nch as the Frane. 1·1ie f{enaull 10 and the Renault 16 Sc<lan-\\"agon. arc still 1vorth \\'ha t they used to be \\'Orth. But htxausc of the u l rccen tcle\·aluation you can RENA Lit buy them for lr.-.~. ·r n he PC'I' r er1 r ,I I rank Hcn<tult • 10 SI 72.-, f'<"' lirna1:lt • 16 $239.i .~ JIM SLEMONS 405 W. WARNER SANTA ANA Imports, Inc. 5•0·2512 G:°• ( 111.:.V. Lone bf'rl . :>.Pl\' p;i 1nl ~II M"IY In!. Br~1 OI· "' ~'-""'' II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·-· - ~ ..... , .. .. '-=· .. -. . . .. ·--. ·~-·----··' .. -··-·----~---------~-------------------------o:""-------•p----. .. !""'--------------.... . . -:J-1 DAILY PILOT S~t uro1~, Ot\Obt' ll 19(;~ TliANSl'01iTATION -TRANSPORTATION-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~ tm~rtect Airtos 9600 tmport&d A 11to1 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Auto. 9600 lmportitd Autos 9600 Autos W•ntN 9700 UMKI C1rs 9900 Us•d Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 VOLKSWAGEN 'till \"V ~1.1n r:/11, l)IUC', Xl\ll •~1mt. $\:.JO or 11('...,1 t>I li'r. COUii bu)' ~1~-7&::!.. ;rJ: V\1 :--f~\]11! n •11•I. P~I ply. ~lt~JO LI~ ljl9 ·t.r, vw ~.11 t. h"'l:" 1'/l.t!k '"' P./!I. J'ur•<'h" rune;, :\Int l'f)nt.I. ~1:::.0. ;.~~-:.'71ti ·1~-t V\\', 1.·100. rad1,.fJ1C'alt'J'. \\hltC' 11/11''1 111!. :l!J.O\JIJ 1111 $1.i.'ll~. t>7.1-7:S2 l, 611 -Jr.:i:i VOLKSWAGEN hti V\V ."'Jh~('lo: S1tr•i "r ha(!r· h•l'.C•'r • .11· "I' tn1cK. Lau1[1t·I' M11>lJ SIJU. ~1::37 ~!\·-;I;-:-.·ll°iili-V\"1•-r"'.-m-,1-,-, lnll~ f''lillpl, low 11!1, .\. 1: H1·~! H!f 1;1~-11;:\C t'I•·.~ -------1.! \'\\ ~•1111•.,I. ,~.,.,. 1•1i:,; ~!'•"I tu·I'~ 'lt•~-liJ.I\.~ :ollf'r Ii P~I Gl VOLK .Sl\'Ata::N. I::\t"t'llent ,,)111l1l1•1rl. S!JOU or B.·1>t uffrr VOLKSWAGEN \'IW V\1'. BL1\I ·..; 5tl..O GUOO CON ! t. X::'."i-6~l:i Pv! J1<•11V '1:'<t \'IV~$1.,C~I. In 1'.\t"l'llen1 t.1Jl1di!hHI. Pl I· C7.i-~~/I(, --~ 'h~ \'\~' Su11ruuf, Rlitupunkt A.\I t'_.\I, (:(•Y> mars. nun\ 1'Qncl~ l'll U!:>\ SC'IJ, ~lake oUer! 4!J.l-G~3 't~~ VI\', 1'."hl1, ..... 11,..u1 .. r. \1'/C..>;.- IJ'as ('H111c r11hlf' Sl~l(IO. • (':.i!J ·,111 •. ·.~··~ ,, Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 "•· I•, rh e (d' rhdi won'! 9••P. vov .. ~vl~on9 lo wo"v .. bout.'@ We f"d~e •u•e of thot. We 9••• ii •he VW lb·pD•"' ••le· 1y ~~d oe.fc•mo n(~ te1! Ir h~• le poH. ~o we 9•>'e it ~"' 10()'. 9u~r~~l~r I! ol we'll <eplo~o ell m•jor me· cio~n,cal p•tl• +or ]() d~v1 or 1000 mola• whoc he~ar come\ 1111•. l,"'t !h.t wh •t "l'ew ~•<·owne• natd17 A J I ~'.l •h.1 .,on I ,J,,.e vou n .. h . '62 V.W. 1963 v.w. P• n•. 1., .. u~nt R~d w.<h bl•ck ;n!•••D•. .. ~~-Red.o. t i, • 5pt t ••1. UOl· '68 VW Squa,. Back I Show1 e•cellent C•'•· So d111on. 5p~C•el OtU52 ~ "''t on the ro od, Fldd,o & ,,. $999 h~oto" VTU5~4 $999 $2099 '66 VW Fastback Sed. '66 Ghia Coupe '66 P orsche 912 Cpe. O uhldndo"9• <11+<)•M •I Ion• frhd cledn Blo<I ..... 1h bid(~ •nle .. or. d,.Yfn9 ( ... fo ve 1peed • .~D••'> p••· Econof'lot•I 111mm er fun c••. Ir •n•. ' '" Golden 1onol C•••· RQP48t "· Flod •o fnd ~••'•" 5BK7l'i q•••n with black int. YQT $1599 $1599 705 $4399 1964 v.w. 1965 v.w. 1967 DUNE BUGGY Ntw p~inl. l•cellent Co"d R~ DIO -PBE591 Ro•d ll nd Rd ll v eq~ipped. t:on, ~td u(ed . 0XZ2~8 ONLY Ho•d!op. UVR 487 51199 $1199 $1999 EXT. 66 & 67 VOLKSWAGEN 1'64 VOLKSWAGEN 01•iux1• Ca111per. l''ully equip.. Jk'tl Wl(h lt"f' bu1'. ('ll lJUI('!~, llunk~. •'ll· L1" # o r u.J97 $1599 SUNSET FORD ~.1.1.11 GaiiJ .. 11 f :rovr Rlvd. \\'rsrn11ns11•r 171-11 6:16--1010 '68 vw Ai• C\)rKl1tioner, 4 srd, dlr, loaded! llvnl'y crt'am ext . plush Lduck int 'fak(. srnall down ur lratl('. Low, lt111 1iyn111l s. VllFS90LB, Call l\'.en ·19-1·9773 01• 5-t~U634. 1 9~i VOl .KS \'VA GE~ J\;1nnarir1 C.111..1 Coufl<' 1·uns guod lll'<'ti.~ p<.1111! n n I y $19.i OO J1,11 ;:)Jr 111 0 n s !\l<'n~·drs Hr111., 1'211 \V. \V;iritt•r, S11111a Ana. ~>lti-411·1 ·1;9 V.\V. Bu.~ A l\1 /F ill sunrouf. <'XII i'tlnd .. \lu"t sc·ll lh!S 11c1•k $100 <'t1U1ty anti as"UllH' Jhl~1nrnts or offer. 67: ... :.17:.16 ~v-.~lk_•_w_a_g_e_n~B~u-,­ i-:~,:l·llc111 1·und 111on! 1w•,r \\larrdnt,v .. , at KUSTOM MOTORS &IJ Bak•'r S1., C\I &-1Q.~91::i Op<'11 'ttl 9 P~l ---'liG V\V !·l.OOU 1n1IC's. sunroof, !~&II, lug & h:tChllp Jil es. pnr• 0111 11·1nd1111s. Iron! V!'lllS, frrr P'ihausl. dark i.:n'l·n. s1:rl(). fi7J-Gi·l~1 '6::i V\V. 'J. ooor. 4 spcl'd, radio, heater. IX'auti!ul rc<I ;i nd sharr. RU:\I J 10. S1095. C;Arl's Jllo1or Co. Inc., 19·11 llarl10r, C.i\1., 6'12-0413. * '6!l V\\', ;1uto 1 rans , Al\1/Fi\1 J"fldlO. Lo 1n1lragf', Pri·frct cond. l\lake offl'r. 833--0319 '6.'> V\V. PC'rl running cont!. Good tu"t'S. S500 cash & T 0 . ~mall paynicn!s. !Mit-2;;29 aft 5 pn1. ·:11 V\V Hus 1\'1!h built r111 1·an1pP1'. sleeps Ii. \\l/'U3 rl'hlt V\V ~·ng., nt•11• trans. i\lakr olff'r 6i.i--2·1!f.I '6 1 V\V Sedan 1Bug1, 11·e1L ti.l l"f'd fnr. pr1 vi1 1e p.ar1y. • :,IS-76i7 * VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Volkswagen Dt'lu..>;r 2 door. Ratho, heater. Lie # DKM-594. $89'1 SUNSET FORD !;440 Carden Grove Blvd. \\';>,fn1lni<! .. r {714! 6.164010 't.i6 V\\.' Sedan. 26,000 m i_ Vrry ~ood cond. !\tany ex- lrHs. $1275. 642-3584 VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NOWI 142 -144 -145 -164 T!I£ LO\V£!'.."T PRICES \'OUR BEST Dt~ALS ARI'.: ST ILL AT DEAN LEWIS WE PAY ..• CASH lor used car.i & trucks fust call Wl IOl' tree estimate. GROTH CHEYROlfT A&k lor Sales ~lanai:;er l!2.ll 8eal'h B.lvd. Huntln&::lon Beach Kl 9-3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET :.!828 Harbor Blvd. Cos!a l\1r.sa 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR . 1966 llal'l>0r, C.:\1 , 616-9:103 for good, clean used ra.rs, 1967 VOLVO al l makrs. See Georg~ Jlay 2 ,·fr. hardtop. Fa,·lory air Theodore Robins ForU . 2060 !!arbor Blvd. C\)ndlt1oncd, aurornalli;, ia· C~T "'?OO dlu. hra1cr. Rc•d w11h black _. · o-.~· 10 JlltCl'lur. LI<'. # VOU·<!l'I $SAVE SUNSET FORD ~t-110 Ca1-dl'n Grol'e Bll'd. Auto leasing 9810 v LEASE v \\"c.shnin~tf'r ~71-11 6.'6-4010 '69 LTD Fore! COUl"Jf', .1 ir, pwr 1968 VOLVO 11a&on 1·15 ~t rg & brake's radio $109 m•1. srrirs. Xln1 in~iUe & ouL '68 Country Squitl'. air, µ1vr Call (7141 49&-3776 slrg & brHkcs. radio S87 1110. '68 Cadill11c Coupe dr ViU c, Antiques, Classics 9615 fully f'f[Uippcd .... St.:.'9 i110. --.0..--------l "69 C<1d El Do1·ad\1 l'OUPI'. '57 :'>lo1~<Hl •1 4. r .x<..'<'llcnt fully 1~1ui pped , ..• S!!f.l 1110. ('Ond. ~1600. S \2~716 aft 5, '69 Ca1lillac Coupe 1lr Ville all rlay 1\'kend.~. fully ~u1pped .... $169 1110. '69 01C'v Can1aro, p\\'f s !ri:: !. .. Race Cars, Rods 9620 brakes, all' ........ $9'2 nlo. , . SOUTH COAST 'J:l ~ORD :I ll'!lldOIV \pc, CAR LEASING <Jiopi~d eh11nnl'llrrl Olds :IOO \\'. Cst Hii NB 64.' .... :.!lSl rn~ .. \2 fra111i:i ha.~krt JOb. y , ~l ~iO/OHrr. 612-0G06 Autos Wanted 9700 I.i\J?ORTS \\'ANTED Orange Counties TOP $ BUYER BILL i\lAXEY TOYOTA 11&1 Beach Blvd. II . Beach. Pb. 847-8555 Will Buy LEASE" RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY ,\II popular makes. Fnrd authorized leasing systern. Get Our Con1petitive Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD 200\i !!arbor Rh•d. 'rllANSPORT1\TION l'AHS • CADILLAC NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 llARROR BLVD COSTA ,\11-:S.\ 548-5294 or 548-85 11 FlNANC!Nli AVA ILilliLt~ ·1;.~ ·r-R""d ............ Sti99 'bl Corvan· U'\lk ••.• S~9!l 'j5 }"'onl 11ickup ...... $1~'.l '6.l Vahan1 ......... , ., Sl'J9 '6:! Valiant ............ S199 ·;,9 AU1<·k .... , ........ , $ !j ri 'j'J Plyn1uui:1 11·ag<H1 Si:! BUICK '68 ELDORADO Blnc·k 11 l!h hl11r k & 1\!111r hwunds l•.orh 1nlt>nur, J~·a! l'.•I'. f.u·111ry ;iu·, Al\J ~'\! stc!'l'O 1«1!.110, 6-wav i.c011 11!1 & 1f'll'S1'<1/)r !>lf'Cr"]ng 11 i11•1!, po11 •'r door loo.: ks. 0 n l y :ll,000 nuh·s. Lie. \\(JLJ.J0-1 $5795 ALLEN OJ•b111oh11,..C,1d1l1.11· Jn,., '65 BUICK 11)1.l ~ L'/..l."' Hi.gh\\·ay SPOHTS \\',\(.;Q:-< L.1g11n3 Br a1·h A!1nos1 ltrand 111•11'! !:;1d1.1I !.\\•\I !•> Pol!l·ry ~·h:1cl:\ llrcs. au· ...:ontl111oncd . Ju,1d 494-1084 547-3103 f'il : ~rr 111. , KUSTOM MOTORS 67 Sedan De Ville g~:, Bakl'r St.. C.\I :i l().::i9 !~) fut P\lllt'r, !;uir!3u lull, lt•;11h. Upt'rl 'tiJ 9 l'.\I rr 1n1rnnr, ;11r. p1.•n1J11u'.1n ;c,-==· !1t'I'~. Llki.! 11<'11. 4~·r. Nu. "f>-l BUICK LrSabrP (•nt1\•T1 ((l.i:ll -air l'Olltllllo11 ·1 prll\•T ;11· , $3395 1·1•ssora:~. A nit.:r oh! •·ar 1n !-'.1 ll,\\'Ef.I.":' good rnndu1on nnly Sfr.(1.LllJ SPORT CAR CITY .11111 Slr111ons 1\1 t' r c r U e ~ s.11 N. Anah\•lni Blvd. llPnz, 120 \\'. \Varner. Santa f\na hr1111 h:I:: :,.211;1 Ana ;fl&-4 11•1 ---'63 St-dau dl' V11!r, h1,1· m1tea.gl', ~l n1 1·ond Full p1\"J", laclory ;11r Pn\"alf' rr· ly lllUsl sell. Sl\~il. ~l.l-7S22 CHEVROLET 1966 CHEVROLET Convertibl• !"1ip"1" ~flVl"l. \'~. 1t11!or11;1lio nl>ltu. /1r:j\C1', f~"'•T SIH!'f· 111;; Lit· # TFH·l(17. $1399 SUNSET FORD ;.i.10 C,1ii-len Cr<J\'P Blvd. \\°1•stn11n"/o'r (fl H 6.16-401 0 'liti Cl!I::\IROLJ~~r Capricr tJne 01\'l'W.'r' l';l r \1 il h nn!~ ~ J,~'()fl n1ilrs. hits all po11'<'r .111· 1~1nrlltion1ng. 1\h~•lu1rly Ilic !'h•;uu•,;t (lfll' 1n !011·n .11111 Sle1nuns J\IC'rrf'1IP ~ Ht nz, 1:.10 1\1 \\':trtll·r. Sant;, 1\na, :;k}-.!ll~ --________ , G7 !.\JPAt...,\. :::.11 •I ~p l::rson L',1n1, l11·,Hh"J"s·h1·n~r. •1."~i Jh•~I :: 11). N j' II' lllUIOl' 1r:1ns. 1111! 1'at·••d . 1\lag·s J\l;1k•• nflf'I', .-.1g..3G \3 day~. :..i.~-li.~:12 11 knd~ Cl! l·;Vt::L_L_I·-; -'liii_!_\_i:"•-. ~,~, ,-,. l{/11. 1\11•, ,\111n r ran~ Huo•hf't S('al:>, ,. n Tl~ !l I " l'nv;1 1o• JJ!"l.Y. 4.~\i 1-. 2J s1 S1 , N 11. ;o1s..(]s;, L ti;: Jipl;:i !i'O' ~fil, \I "C::. !J Jlll ~~ :t!7 \'-~ Pt1111 ·1)!tldc P/S f..· 11'ar 11·1ixt•J11· f'nt'. ;1ir. Lug. f!.•;!4' 1·a1·k Xlnt l'1Jn.t, 0 11·11- P!' !i11-16!S 'li9 Buick Rivi1•ra. P/S, Pl\\' air conrf. S1n1t befll'h scat, Landau tor. $4·17:1 t213' 71J...l8.'ll (711 1 :i l0--07S2 'li,1 CAO Con\·f"l'1, rully Pl]lllP· .~l:il1hu Chrv .• V·R, 'l 1loor BUICI.; No. 225. ll <l s [>I'd. air, A;\l/l-'~1. le:.lll«r. l.Jlll' 111i. <iu10n1ntil'. l.!'i~un· evcrylhing! c lran, gwd cund. SIOOU. \\.n!'l d ()11·1wr. (';,\I ~:t7-7~:x;, BARGAIN! 84'?--0-IOS ~1;l-Che1·y !n1"1il,1 Conl'rr1 642-2252 a lier 6 P~I ,. 'ti~ CAD f''LEET\\'000 !'11!1 •'n;.:, ]lf<tdf'{l, rllr, t:Akl' '6'.I Uuil·k P:.!vlcra, air. l:O.J. B l\OUCll:\~I 1Jon·tl.!ll 1·a1· 111 1 rad c . i\IACULATE:, loadl'd. 9;,00 m1l"S 4!)1.G,llll:!-f"xyz;:~; <1•J1-'.t;11 S\17.i •J94·10:i.1 ---------·I · __ '69 Fleetwood t!Kis .\J:1hh11 l>f'l11,r, Air CADILLAC B rougham ,·r111•L l .;1111!.111 !np. "Xln1 Best offer over $6000 nint!. S:l:!j(). !)!G-7~78 a lt U '69 Cad1'llac "'" ·"'"~'·'''--=;;;; r;7 Carl St:dan d(.""v"\"1Jr. 8J:JOtJ. Has <'l'l'l')'thing! A Jka11ty• FLE ETWOOD Dt1,1s Sl2-R181, C'\'rs 8-lfi.-1·16:i BROUGHAM '67 f.:I Dortido. Lo n1i. x1111 Turr1uo1S<>, 1vhi1r ll'ather in. tf'l'ior 11'1lh 11hi1c vinyl top. 1·und. /\.;w l1re~. l.A:tdl·(I. fa rtory <iir. Al\111-'i\'I ~trn.'o S:ilOO pri" prty. 611--'12(;:, rallio, 6-way seat, tili & tr·!r. ,.,..,.;,..,,;,;,;_:,_._. __ ,_,_"-"""''[ St.:o J)(> i;trl'ring, !>Oll'C't' t!OOr CHEVROLET luck~. Lie V\\'Y615 1-.,---------- $6695 '68 ill ALrP.!1 A(11r1 l.01v n11lt~. ~J.1M). C..1!1 :1 1.~-G4i I~ CHEVY ;..ii pn1. ,. Hll>I Clll'.VY !)IP.\L1\ ~S i\I! nu11<'r. r\rl t'f}nd. Sl0:)(}. ]'l"t pl'I~• !lfi~:.llii6 '6S CA'.\!1\R0-~:<=2"1-R~Sc.~P/S. P. 11. ,\u10. 2S-1 l.\nox SI., C'.\! 61.;.::.'9'.Jl f'VC'~. \\"ill 11'.'.ldC. CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2·000R HARDTOP ALLEN 'tili V\V :-:C-d. •I ... prl , r arl1u, dl"ll ~."onr Volks1vagl'n or Porsche Cos!a ~1csa 642.QOlO 1070 Harber Blvd Costa Mesa l!H , 11 hli1r. :.!2.0<JJ nll. si 11:). & pay top dollar~. Paid fOl''I "'..-~""' ....... ....,....... ____ i;_:J._11 .• 7>_=~- i • ' •7 tJ l:!-7719 or not. Call R;\lph LEASEA NY-MAKE-Olrl1-1nol"lilr-C;idillai• 1n1•• 'i;tj C""ll<'V 111\p;ola !IT, \ "· \'-~. a11t0:n:1r1r. J,,r-101·.u 11ir, pu1'.l'r ~l':l'riri:::, 111111 .'r b1.1 l11·s, rad1•1 S.:: ill'(llC!". J111n1:i - cul.1h:. (llnl-: ;131 l~!i~~~~llllllll~llll~llll~~llll~llllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~D~A~l~L~,"·:1~'~IL~01~~·~1~1·~A~"N~T:~,",~o:;'s~:~===='~-g"~·-~~==,-·I OR MODEL 11;,u ,0:0. C(};•}t 1ligh11<1y ,lil·k, 1!11·. bl tik S!27~i t.d." I Lel our )f'ase r'r.cris show L .. t:un;i Jk;1{'h Sl07~ •. \\ lJD."1~L :.i:i-r1;:: I Recreat'n Vehicles 9Sl S Recreat'n Vehicles 95 1 S Recreat'n Vehicles 9ST SRecreat'n Vehicles 95 I 5Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 you lhC' hr.~1 p!nn for your (Nr-:1 10 J~wllrry ~h;1., kl ·62 4 Ur. C!~c\·y-1;:;11"Ji'.lla. J>/$, $2295 -----------------------pc·rsonal nttds \Vlthout ohli· 494-1084 547-3103 P/h. llHtl1,11 ru'l.·s. Xlnl ATLAS ! IN MOST CASES FINANCING CAN BE ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET ALL FLOOR PLANS ON DIS PLAY READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! gallon. 'ii7 Cad. S.-dan ):>t.'V1!1e. Full cond. SG:.o ;,1s-~;,1 UNIVERSITY =~.c"C7-""-=----I CllRYSLER -l'LYi\lOUTif OLDSMOBILE pwr. liK'I al!" l, sl<'1·Pu, ,\II GI SLTJ'f:Jl S110rl. 1n1n11ic., 2fl:!!l J!,\RGOR BLVD. ~·.,II"''"-'' Blo<J. ;t('('I'~~-l~11n1•1·. Low 1111. aUI() Slll ll . .i.:nld. $10'.l:l COSTA ~!ES,\ 0~6-l!fJ4 """"" ",,.., XJ11T •·n11,1. Sl~~J:i 11r IJl'SI Cl!· !i·l2·i37.\ (• M t1""n D;11ly '!11 lfl n.m. n~tu 1 r.~a f('t. Call 11kdys: fi7:l-4 l:;Q ··~ ,. ~.lfJ.9&10 ·.·,s C'llEV \\'ar_'lln. Nriv UN'~. 'fi.X C'hrv.,h•r :""ll'f"lrl. 1111· '===========ll!ltiS C,\Dl!.l.AC C"ll~• ,., 1· i '" h ,.," "$300 1~ v 1a.ns. va 1•· Ju· '-"a" · rn:i r . ~.1t-rllu·r if'a11nJ.:' f .. r Coupr. c.;ohl. An-, A;\1/f'":\I. :119-16!!0 f 1-.l . )lu:.r .,~II. \\11l t;ik" c.,.. 9900 st'dan, 1:;,100 mi., air. p1l'r., \'inyl 101,. Top conrlilion. 494·3232. h·lrsi·uf"' 11 hr1•I. E'i1ras. ·i;:; Ch'e"\'Y._.,l-,,c,,-,,"7'-' ~,c0c,c.c(c;ood= 1r,i•I" l H .;\lelody Lri, C:\l. $J:i!l'1. like !ll'll , i 'rlVJ.!('. t'Oncl. Aulo, \'--8, S\200. ·I-ti p111 .1'l'.l-:r,~1:: .,-,·.l-1;·,,-,, ---------u For D:1rl.1 Pilot \\;int Ads n•11 Y f"'!l.!fT \\',\r-.;T /\OS: 9900Used Cars 9'100 Fourth Down (75) Cars To Go! Clean-up ·SPECIALS· '65 Chev. Impala Wgn. •~•o •••~• .. ••c•ory •<r '"'°"" """'"G. oowr< 'H""il• r&~,o. n•&•••. OT~ l.11 , '.~ !.~l!MPH TR-3 Conv. S295 Cl!,\r • .r;1-: IT'. Used Ca rs 9900 Used Cars 9900 A Theodort Robins exclusive ! look for our diagnostic center seal and take the gues~ v.•ork out of buying ' used ca r. These cars have passed 130 vital tests for perfo rmance, reliability, ind ufety. LOOK FOR THE DIAG NOSTIC CENlER SEAL ON THE WINO~HIELD 1oo g; PARTS ANO LABOR WARRANTY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS EXCLUSIVE TRAVCO DEALER FOR ALL ORANGE COUNTY '69 BUICK Skylark COVPE l.ui<>. tr•n•, !"<,.,..,, 1lr '°"~'''°" ~o. _,,,. Jlwrln9, '"'""· n ... t~r. lf.IH 111. $3195 Cove.,. all mKhonicol porn in(ludinq trtqitte, driwe li11e. rear end, PLUS bro~M. bottery ond ••haust 1y1. tern. All rtpoir wo<k do~• ln owr own serYice deparl· me"t. '69 Corey Cru ise r CO MPLETELY SELF·CONTAIHEO VS '"'!'"~, ~' ernd1!•0"'"q, •u'o i••<>1''"I' •on , po"''" 1•,.e• "'l• • el'.P• ~ monam•"•· to.l•t ,,.f,,or••IO<, m4n ~ o!het •••••• No. 20S2 tbb70, GYPSY SUNDIAL O '/E R 60 IN STOCK! RED E KAMP LlffiE CHAMP SLIDE ON '69 Travco Camper BY DODGE B,') 6 c~I nder 1 nq i.~t . 1!~.,d~r d !r~""'';.,;on, ol~•rot 4, •'~•• "' bo•. H•• Hode·•·bed & '69 Dodge Y2 Ton SWEPTLINE PICKUP 8:9 6 cvlind~r 1"9ina . .t.nd.rd lr•nut1i11:0~. On• onl 1 -D1•v• it ~om•. No. I !6709040,, TRAVCO COREY 75 Camper Conversions Ready for Immediate Delivery. '67 FORD Cly. Sedan 'p.,. FK•o•Y n,., "'110. 1,.,.,,., '""'° -!wit~, (UNM Ill ) '67 Chev. Impala s.~. cw~. •urti. l••n~, o-:>wer .-ir>Q, r,.;·~. -let, y,nyl roof TH• ilS. '66 Chev. Impala SlATIOi'I W•GON V4. t~to. lr1n1 . OO"NOC '1_"19, r..rOo, llffltr. SUY 174, $1095 s2795 $1795 s1395 '84 El Camino , '84 Corvette COOl'IE 4 --•, ,..,,9, ,...,,.,., VPl 01'. s995 $1895 I CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 i '64 CHEVROLET W AGON lmp•l<1 . VB , l•(lorv "'" •u!o , •~d•o, hodlar, powtr 1l1tr•nq , IASDl!J?\ '6t CHRYSLER Newpor~ 4 Dr. S,d. VS. fACTORV All~. Aulo .. P. 5 .. P. B. IOFF8b ll City af Co1ta M ~o Pollet Cor, M.:.,1.;nt d & recond.t'onad •+ T~eodc•e Flobin1 Ford. '68 FORD CUSTOM $1495 4 Or . .Sed•" ]'i() VS , P,S., trui1om<1!•t, R&H. ( 11 54501 C ity of Newport ltocll Ol!!e<t iwe Car, Completely reeanditiollfll. '60 DODO( $1395 Coro<1el 4 Dr. Sed""· VS, pow~r 11ear;nq, power br<1~e1, he&!ei. 11158711 '66 PONTIAC Ll MANS 1 Dr.HT, l?b V8, power ''"""nq. •ulo., R&H. buckft •t•h, wod1 ov •I lit•1. !RMV276! '63 FA IR LANE WAGON $695 V8 , Al R CONDITIONING. rad•o, hr<1'er, •lick .~if!. f MZl(7J5l ------C.C'-""------'--=---=- '63 PONTIAC TEMl'EST $695 Cou pe. 4 1pe1d lr•n,,..:,.;an, rHd >o •nd ~••ltr. !Kl B8 t8 l '611 fORD LTD $2095 <I D•, Std. I owner, 390 V8, •ulo .• P. 5., R&H. """' 1irt1. IVJP70ll ''l CADILLAC $1395 Coupe D•Vi1!1. F.11 power, f•clo•v a rr. )uparb condi!ion. !OQ2qAt.l ---------- '' 4 OLDS WAGON $795 Air rondttion inq . •ulom<1tic, ••dio, ~••It•. power "''""9· l TVC8 5~ I ' , • ,w -" ----~----~· ------~ ------------...---------h-- TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION UMd Car i 9900 Us.ad Cars 9900 Us•d Cars 0900 Used Cars 9900 U .. d Ci1ra 9900 CHRYSLER FALCON FORD MERCURY PLYMOUTH '69 CJ1RYSLER \Va !l.1> n, PIS, P/B, P/\V, au·. Iv n11lrs, hk" r1l'w. P.1tisl ~!'l'. tv a.pprl'\:1alc ~ 96:!-i6j7 '59 CHRYSLER con v " rt . Splendid rondir!on 11iM.J out 4 near nC'w IJJ <'s. ~l7:i. 5:l&-66·Hi. COMET '62 CO.\I F.T !:irauu11 \l'agu11, gd. r.ondl11on. 1~H-31{i 1 -~~C.:CC ·~~~ 1960 CO~I F:T Good eundition $'./j{), * :Hf>.2·1~7 CONTINENTAL 1!165 1·'all'\JJI Fulura Hardtop Courr·._ :1utn lrans, pw1· i;!r, \'.S <·11~ On~ 011'nl'r. \'{'r) t·lp1u1 Sl00j . li'i:i·7!S5l ~;2 FAl.cON Seal \11!'-"71<-.-,,,-, 11111 upholst"f')'. 3007 &t1i11g S-1111 Dr. Cd:'ll G41-~i'"-,(j2 '6:'1 Falrun .slation 11agun stio•k !>lilll, r & 1 .. Sij{J or hcs 1 offer. G75-1120 C. fJ. t\L FORD ---'ti..'\ F 0 H D CCiuntry SCdan \V;ig, full pwl'. air. 9 P<•'-~. lll'ati! n1111!. s:r.oo 10111 962-81i71 eves & 11•knU~, daJs 1969 FOR0-10 P ass. '&I i'lluraudrr. auto, pwr, hkt Cuunrry Sedan Slatu,11 \\ai.:· sts. CB r11d10, J~ rng. $800 u•l. Yatlury air ,·unt111101u·d. &13-2:075 <di ti. \'~. <iU101n<•l ll". 1'ad10, hrall'r, power St('enni,:. Lie # XTA· MUSTANG 591. $3S99 SUNSET FORD '69 i\l;\CJI I lLOOO mi . PIS. PID/13, s!rrr:u tHpe. ·I Spi:'f'(i. .'GI R11n1 811 .. 5!ill ~>140 Gartlrn Groveo Rl1'<L \\"t•i>ttninsi"'' 1_1_11 636~lUlfJ 11·.irrllnled, I1n1nae. &•st u[. ~~~=~~c'~----rcr O\'£'r $2800. 499-3!:i~7. 1963 FORD Ranchero 'liS !'llli!-..'TANC c:r. :>~. 4 V8. <111!0111ali•·. Brighi rr.-1_ ~-i;pd .• tltM' brakrs. A 1~1f r r'f';1dy to I;ll. Lit·. # VJ;:\·/ !'.13.gs, l:oo<lyra1· Jnrty t1rrs, 8~3. n1orc e:-;11,-1~. 9000 111i. :::;h!'JW $799 1'0011 1 «(n1d1lmn. :~18-L'Gl.'1 SUNSET FORD 12131 320-ll:JOO. 5-1-IQ Ca1 tlf'n Grov.-. Blvd. t«1n1a, l1t'1v trans .. goOO tll!1· '66 Falco;-Futura \\"1.·si111in~tf'1' 1n,11 6~<!010 0!111\Jn, onr ''"ner, ~llf.J~. " II 'G.7 "ORD X'I· ' .• ,. l••l'I' _ li73-fi070 11fh•r· 11. '68 P LYYSOUTH Satellite <'On1•1•rl \\'fo'FO:..S ft11l pc:111·er I au• l'Qnd. A real steal a1 unly S219J.OO. Jim Sle1nor1s ~1er('{'des Benz. 120 \\'. \\arner, Sa11ta Ana. :N6-4ll4 196-1 VALIANT \VA GO N . Black, ri'CI interior. Origin11.1 Ol\'rtcr. 1:;!)1)d ('()n<1, clran R/H. s tick s!1ift. Days ~140-:.H&l ext 7•1, e ves &14-22'1·1 PONTIAC ·c;.s r'1REBIRD 400. po11·rr , lurbo 11ydro. sl('l'CO F~I. be~! offer. 673-6870 r u y !at tory 1•qu1ppr'd . Dir. r -u '67 Conl Co11pc. 1K"rf 1·011.J, WJ~Jj. UJU3!1:.! Hrat1llfltl 1nclallit• ·Ii;, :'1Ju,1;111g '..~~ v.:o:, 1111101, '66 t ;TO Conv. Aut. PIB P IS R/J I H.achals. Clean S\7QIJ, ()ff••I' :>1~220 ·ti!J p;;;;t;;;-" lira~\li 'rLx , all t'\tr<t~. F~f slrreo. air. ne11 Alton wy 11111 ~;i1•1·i fi c1• PliQTl•· IJl~·lil!:!:~ pau1t and 1111.ll JTIQ[ ;111· · H 11, Hul'g>Hld). 11 s 11 "":'r~on;d t.'(11· $:!.~Y.r,. 1\lr l cf7(~-slrrr. 11111do11s all pu11•rr s11:'n, JJ n 1• pr!y, ti0:1-ti:>6:1 ,... · Jl:JJ '!ilj Gal&..~11• :100, •l <Ir Tutkf'r, ~::~:!'..'()() '"'rkda~.s. 11til\' S:!l!IJ_()(l .Ji111 Sle111011s '"7 ,'1u,.-1·-.·\.'----:-l_,-,·,,7.·i'·.,,:k-. ,.,I; 11r<'·$, S3675. 4::'cl"c"o"'c· ___ 1 '""1lar1. r/11, pill. 11ls, <1/r•. · v . ··' ,. ., · '• 1,.,.,.,.,1,., ll"'''· 1·20 \\' I I 'li:i CONTINENTAL, p11 1-,\J111 «t>lld 11\nioul. '.llu~I :;;:;II " -~\! uti· .I' 11('11 <'nt1ol , 111r, b k ' ' \ I k o.·, 1 , \\an1•·1·, Santa 1\11:1 ;1.lli-111·1 ~.~I".'•. (hi·w·,"l'!.h,··.-, I. ~;·,-1'i"JN·fJAc, auln, <1 1t·, f."1ro•1rHS1 Blur·, 1w111 !IJ"CS. S~l()(l~,,,,t ofll'r. tiM -10'.17 _ 1 ·ti:: J 'U"'TIAC Grand P r1\, fill! pt)11'r r. :.s,000 nli. S'.lOO •·a~h . '•~1 hR918 :111 6 11·1\d~ ~:__ 1 'li7 CTO .\ ~pd . xlnl cnnd , 1 :s lra~. lo 1n!g. s1s.·.o. 6~,~-0i!1:; ra cs, :; L'l'l"l!I[:, S{';i .~ • -I ll~ II"·. '"':.h JS I --------., u - ll'indo11·s. i\1r 1•ond. !'iul1n ,i;, "if"J:'iHfu l:;Rt~-"'~"7"-· 7,H-1-1 .. ·;i~I ~··inl ·2 dr~w. 11\·rtls n101ui· [~)(j,~-;\hi~l:in~.-11-;;:;1 11~1 Jea1hc r 11pl1olslPry. 1;.1&-u!I:! :~!~I ,,11g. l'I~. !'fl!, ;11110 11 ork, 1n;okr> ,.rf1•r. !·nod, auln, l'n1 prly. Sl:-..il. CORVAIR ·55 ~tQn;:a Convl. i\ulo, It/I!, CLEAN, * ~1 IS-OO:-t! * '60 CORVAJR, ncctls 11ork Si.->. 642-737·1 '62 CORVAIR illon~.a. 1\lust :<ell S3JO or br:'i1 offer. 646--24~1 or arr :1, :~--02~·1 CORVETIE '£4 Vr11, 100'' h11·11or.v, 11r1·pr ra('rd, suprr 11;.:Jir , $'.!100 60::..-3408 .. CORVETTE-'t;j l'ard!Up. '.:27 \1'ilh :l6J hp, ~ :<[Ii.I. f·<1di>tls. Ai\l/F/'11, n1us1 s<'lL 968-10:>3 COUGAR 1967 MERCURY Cougar Z Dr. l!ardiop, y,,;, aulC1111a- t1r, radio, IH~alrr. po11·cr stt"rring. E:<lra Shn.rp. Lie. # TZG-11.J. $2199 SUNSET FORD 51!0 \.<1rdrn G1·11vr r.lvd. \\'es1rnin~tc i-101~1 ti::S--1010 ·ss Co11;;ar S2\~.J:-;:;d1•~ c:-.:tras. Se1· al Rf'rd~ 'J'o•x- l\t'O, 1<i10 \\'_ ,'\-r11·port Rh·d .. NB 67:1--0::<i~· DODGE '67 DODGE DART \Vh llr 11·11h 1•1r1y[ lop, au· 1•011. dit1011111g, auln. \r<lll~ .. poll"- e r J<lrer111g, l'ad10 a rid hea1.-.r. t-.lu o.;\ srll .. ~JO<i~. ~~.ti()() 01•1:,:- ina) 1nile~. Call 637-~l:.6 Orii::inal Oll'llPI'. 1968 Dodge Monaco 2 door hardtnp, VR. au101na- t1e. fllrlo1)' a ir 1;ondi!ioning, fulJ [11111'('1·. A 1·p;iJ h1xury t'ar. &or. # 8!leti. $2199 SUNSET FORD I ~140 Garrlen G1 .-1ve Blvd. \re-"fm1ns1cr !71 11 6:i6-40l o DODG~: '&\ Polara :J(J(l 2 Dr. I Xn! cond . 3S.1 cu in. Vinyl uphol~. b11ek1·l seals. auto consn!P. p s. 11 11 . w!1l {'(JVf'l"<:. R/H. n<',1'' radiator, hC'av y r1u1~· ,.11or·ks. ,, ,\r bul- tery_ i\n lradr~ S!lO-,, Call all 6:::0 p.111. ·,:iii-0079 FOP. so1ff' b.>' r111·n!'.r '6S Dodge .\lo11i<.:•1 \\-::;:n. Bcau1. lu:-.-11111. 1·01· ,l\ll \\r:1~. ,.,,. ! ccp i. l)uy ti 11.o~~s· C~111 hr ~E'en :r~9 t-.1,..,~:i Dr. C .\I, nr j look for Junlirr d1!'t'l'1 tons 11 at <k'Qr. . 1 .6.i 1X:i_o_c_.>_: __ D_"_"_·_'~~dr hn11 on. ti1n;:k ... 1 se111!'>. 1111to. 17~. \I.~. lo nil;;:. _\lnl ronil I Sl2.)(l .. ~47-81.~ll For Daily P i1n1 \1'~111 ,\J:<. Dial fill-·.{;;~ jjHi-7'.!l l 71 11 ·Ei7-1 l!ll lrans , f,J{'l all', plus 1•xlras. -----------1 7 -,---.,- :\1111 ,·ond. Sl·!'.J.I. li7:1-11.s2 LINCOLN TJ(J{r:r; J!~'.I .\lu.~1:i11i.:~. fully 1%ti ~-·1rtl EL"u1101lnr F;;l1·onl-----------I looded S2.i110. l '),,b \\'''"''· "'' 6 ,, ..• ·•.,··' C I Lu11ta.-1 ;.;;1-~1:::~1 ... u .. ~ u 'l:i-1 LINCOLN ont1n,.111;:i I==========~ sea1 (8-101, ~·cr.v rlca11, good ll!Fti:l:; Air -I llll J.IO""r - !ll!'!·han. 494-5972 cvrs. low niilcagP nier t:<•f onl y OLDSMOBILE RAMBLER "57 !-'ORD \\"~n. 47,000 n1i. Sl•l9j.OO J 1111 S l (' 111o 11 s -----------SHi~>. i\frrcedcs Ilf'nr.. 120 \\'. 63 OLDS F-&1 DrLu.\c Sia, C<ill ('\'CS '.":i-18--521./ \Va 1·ner. S.A '.'-.\6-1114 \Vago11. PIS-P/B. J. u i; 1966 RAMBLER Marlin Fastback -1 1·a,•k. Gvod cond1t1on 5;)()(), '68 COUNTRY Squ1n:; wagon '66 CONTJNENTAL, '.. 1lr, 6 IG-/()J:, \·.~. 11uto111a1i1·. ra01(1, heater, [)01\'rr ~tr1'n11;.: He;111t 1fl1l in e\T I)' 11 ;1y_ I.I<~ # \l \\'N-·171 lul!y rqp'd: air. 21.000 1ni. E:-;lr;i ~. S2•19:-i. or !rade. ~-~c-~----~ r.·Juk.-. offer , Owner; 897-:>874 6•\&-8371 ri·.-.nini::s '63 Olds Stnrf1rr. hl ;u·k. :-.lnl ('Ol1d. ll('\\],\1 fHlill!Crl, 11rw '6 1 STA. \\'gn. V-S. 1•0111pl !"00 • · MERCURY !1rr·~, 1 . .r!.-..-:l1'~1;1 __ _ o h~LJI. p111·, <'lt't' lallgalt' • -----.- $1199 SUNSET FORD S6:.Q _ ~){l::!-I OK• ._-.. 1 Olrl~ <I 111· :, 110 (;;11'l"n t ;rovr Rln1 , \\'r·~lll\lllS[l'I' li)!I li::ti-lflJ0 't::, lt;1l'Hhlr1· 0·0111·1, v .s. fl\!11r·r i;irl')'ll\~, br:il\r·i;, t(Jp. s:1;i;) 111' <Jfr. ~'6:l~1:\fl7 T;.1Coun11y ~~-,,.-,-,-,.-,g-.,-,,-i All 196S MERCURY ,\(J"as s~r.J.l. Faf·t vrv ill!' {'U!1d1l10n<'d, \":\, PLYMOUTH ,\\ll-io::i ;1u101n.HIH". 1•1•ilu, l1r,d!'1·. =---·----c, p1>11rr slrf'l'lllg, c .. 11 1p!r !·' ----------- 1967 ~-or.I \\"agon. Aulo. :":!)(! 11·111! l;.ind«u top. L ii'. # '68 PLYMOUTH eng. <ti!', .:Iran. G ood v cy.99.}. nlill'<l:;!P. l\lu~! selJ._S_42_-4_;_·ll $1099 l!J!i9 Ford Torino, l.-0adcd 428 SUNSET FORD Cob r :'l-jrl. /111., i\l1nl 61 lhl78·1 Da.v!'>. 53,·.oo. ~d-10 Garden G1'()1'r Bl\"rl. \res1111in~trr (71·1i G:;G-10Jo") ·62 FORD Cunvcrt1tlle. Iluns I ' "". CLE1\N '67 Colnny Park goor . ~:r.1. k * 816--303 1 * ll'ago11. l~rsl ollr·r 111 ·rs. --,~ScS-FORO 2 DR ~.11>--::4s1 or 6.1!i--li!l~1 1964 MERCU ~ Sl~i :i 19-16!){1 19ii~ Forrl F;1 l1·on Slalion Colony Park Station \Vagon VS, au1on1.i-11·a~:nn . :\Ill! !"on d i I ion. ;11.,\J\J·: OFFl·:ll, :~i0-4:>6l iir'. radio, hratcr. po1,-c1· stel"ring, J.i<·. # 1EZ·3~~. 'la;.:g1~Cl.1l::iSlr"IF.D $999 DAI!.\" P il.OT !) I i\t I·'.. /I -s NSET FORD LJ :-iES. Yull o·t111 u~~· 1hc111 U for 1u~I Jl<'IH\ir~ tt da.1·, !)inl :,110 l.;11t lrn l;l'nl'I' Bll'd (;11-.·JIJ'i!' \\\·s1111inslr1• r7111 ji:\G-·1010 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK More Than 200 Cars To Chaos11 From I Briilnd N1w 1969 IMPALA $2866 I srorrr Cl)UP~:. \',fl.. 11111rrl glass. a uto. trans., P.S. Srnal J','o. l ti<IJ7HL4221:1. I LARGE SELECTION OF NEW 1969'• AND LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS GOING AT FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE e CAPRICE-S e IMPALAS e WAGONS e CAMAROS e MALIBUS 18211 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach Hwy. 39 So. a t 5,,.. Di290 Fwy. Phone 545-8863 or 847-6839 7 Days 'Til 10 P.M. ----i!l1~i RAi\lBLER -i\1 a r l in. a111(•. V-8. vrry good shape, B:11,, 1vi1h rn<.ih•h in11: intrrinr. F. I II I * ~3--l30~ ;i.-101)' a11", 11 r o11·1'r, .. 11 y I=====-====== Ill/CO n1il<'~. L1<", \'~\\~lj $2495 ALLEN Olrts1nobile-Cadilluc !nC". 1J}() So. Coai;I Highway Lag11nri Bcao·h 1:-ir.x1 lu Prittcry Shapk\ 494-108.i 547-3103 -1;9 F:11:orl ltUllllf'I', •I i;;1d. In 111i, $::,(11)11 ~ilfl-'.J:ol~ aflf'I' h ::fl 11kda;~. :\11.vl11111• Snl REBEL ----'69 REBEL SST air <'f>IHl1 tioned, p.'<, ph * 7800 Mi.* :'ltr1~dlir bl11e, !nndau IOfl, r:11·!111y 1v11rran!y. Sa1·r Oft llilli (!11{' fl 1: KUSTOM MOTORS i;~:1 l3;1kr1' :-:lL, Ci\1 ;'>-10.-5'.115 Oprn "til ~! PTl-1 T·BIRD DON 'T g11r· 11 <tll'i•Y. !;1'1 1%0 T-Birrl. R<'r!. P o1,•er f]t1 1i:k ... 1sli f<lf 11·11h a br<ikei;, R,t,I[, !520.'.f. nn 1l~· Pllri1 11·;1111 ,\cl * ~>48---8779 • Used Cars 9900Used Cars 9900 HERE WE ARE ••• ~ Url1n1:e County'i rnosr rentrnlly located LINCOLN-MERCURY AGENCY '68 LINCOLN Continental $3888 •·Vt>il'. A"'""'"''°• ••lo, """"" -· >leer."~· pow•' hr•~.·~. "">'"t' '""<ION<. 1,o<o•., A ; <o!ld~'"'""O ,.,,,,. W•ll 11'~'' •l .. YI 100, '"'"~ ,,,-..,, lle•"l<IUI ~'•t•n'1f"' mA!C.,•"9 ,..,~•• 11 m l•c· •"<• ,. , .. 1"1¢ '67 COMET Capri $1777 , """' .. ' v ~-• .,,.,,,.1 !, "''""· ....... ""'"'"' ..... ,.,, ... -"· ,..;, ''""'' ''"~' 1<111. 11nt"<I glo • c-e<i "'"'l• -111.,. v ... v1 '""' "''""'"~ "'Te,,Qr. L•(enie VLF' •?1 '61 CHEV. V2·T. P.U. $650 '69 LINCOLN Continental $6622 "~"•0, "~·'"'·"""""' ""e'"''" _.. D<"'-•<. ,,.,., .... ,..,_,, ,..,. •••v ~' """''•0"""' ....... Wftt ~ .... Vt""I ""' l'""'o QI ... "•« to" .-~·r~olv' I'"• '~"'~ '""""' -1e"""9r ·~Te•!o,, Ll,en,,. :0.YS "• '67 MUSTANG 2+2 $2176 1,,...,..,.,rted Autos Q600lmported Autos 9600 Imported Auto1 9600 '~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I fA.~lll~l -. ~ .. ""'""'"''<• ,...,,o, ~ ...... "°""'l' """"~Q """"'"' <>•~··•• l"t'o" '" ,.,,,.,.,.,,,,,o~ . ...,,,. ••" •~••· un1;d •'•"· 8ecm""• ~"'" •"d ""!Ch•ng .~fe•iot. L•c<M"" l'~D 1.0, J It .. fh e <:or thof won'! q<•• YOU ""ythin9 lo W(>rty abo~t_ w., "'"'" "''" o f th•!, w. 9i•• d l~e l/W 11>-poOnl ••fe ly .~d pe rlorm •~t• te11. 11 .h.1 to pou. So':"• 9 ive ii 0·" 100 ', 9<•Ar •nle• tho! .... 11,eol•t • 111 me 1or me- th•~·t •I p••h' fo r JO ·d&y• or 1000 mil••, whiche••r cDm•I f it1!. h n'I !hit whA! •new t••·owner n••d1I A b u9 th•! won"! dr;•• YD~ nyt1, I ~ '6S VW ROA lib' 51299 '68 VW Sedan S•vf your money ""d 1t,l l d 'ive lhe be1 t, L;qhl bl uo w.th bl e c~ :n1,,;o" ,,.i;o •nd h•~l•r. UTtlJ S $1699 '67 VW GHIA Coupe w. 1o!d it ne..-. Sud• t •<e if'1 h•d. I!" 10 cleen ii 10011 l<k• , '6'. WXG271 51999 '66 VW Sunroof Sed. Green '" color with • P•" 1tnp•. W ow! Th;, ter ,, , ~nock ·o u t. ROJ765 $1499 '6S VW Sedan Gold with do11 brown 1~ed :n9 on l1ndor1 •nG door•. E'n9 in1 o•e<heuleG bv u• looiq d:ffe1ent , V~S/95 $1399 '6S PORSCHE Coupe Undoubt1dl., lh• cle•ne•I Po.,th• eround, tun•d io p erlec+;cn. MOG 6 72. $3799 445 East Coast Highway '68 VW Sunroof Sed. Eq uipp•d w;th •'• condi- tionin9, •uiO'l'l •lic lr •n1m l1- oion, red;o, h••l•• fo, com· fort & p1eo111r•. STR 806JA. $1999 '61 VW FASTBACK Dl•mond blue wilh bl.ck ;n;.,;.,,_ It 100~1 •nd dr :v~• i;w, • d le mond, R&H. VTS · '" $2099 I '64 VW Sedan e.d. lo 1chool toloro . ..,,. le e bron1e with 9old lr:m. Outsl•nd«19 four lcntd ·~· h,u,+. OTV7) I 51299 EXT. 53 I. S4 •f IAYSIDl DRIVl NlWPORT IEACH '66 MERCURY Monterer $1588 '67 FORD Gal. 500 $1982 '69 MERCURY Convert. $3060 v ... AU1<>m•t•,. ,...,.o, nM!er. "°"''' >Tt"t>rl"9, '"""'""" •I< .......,.. h(..,....,, •m<le '"'"" '""" HhlO'(I gl~< ~•ct"'"" ,.,....,..,tv, ~_,, 0' .... -"°""" .nr ... 1or l I("""' YO~ .!OT. '69 MERCURY Sta. Wgn. $3888 :;',~~c1•~~i(ioC:"!',, ~=.~~.:q";"l,e~.~;·::1, ~ :.':.'.:J":i.~; PiH• LUQQ•<;e •a<~ ••r:...-, "''"''"''· A.•ure t>lur -beH1ll!Vo ....._ 1e,,or_ l<e~n•e YSG 2l• '66 CADIWC Sdn. DeVille $2988 '69 COUGAR 2 Dr. H.J. $3244 '66 T ·BIRD Landau $1974 SERVICE DEPT . Now open. We invite you to visit our most modern fa cili!ies under the di- rect ion of Mr. Bob Bi!lner LEASING DEPT. Now open. We invile you to diKvss your leasing · need with Mr. Hal Sanders GARDEN GROVE Lin col n-~lerc11 r'j' 10120 GARDEN GROVE BLVD . GARDEN GROVE 63/>.2980 ~ -.. Fri, f~Jll te f ,•.II<.. e »I, & ~ f A,M. »' '·M· • I " ~( T RANSPb~'fATION <;,11 111r1,1y, Oclobr, 11, }")(;') OA!LV PILOT 35 TRANSPORTATION-TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9ts00 New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 N•w Cars 9800 WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 OLDSMOBILES $ 1970 SPORTS COUPE Fully fdclory equi pped ln- clud111g heed rests, ~edt bei t ~. back up l1gh1s, wind· ~llield wash e rs. outside mirror, cdrpets, etc. ORDER YO URS TOD AY Full Price SEE THE FULL LINE OF LUXURIOUS 1970 OLDSMOBILES ___ .._. ______ ..._..__...____........_.,,,._..._...._. _______ ....... G?/l l:at.W"EZ' f!-,f EAf EXCELLENT SELECTION OF (12) '69 Leftovers SAVE HUNDREDS NOW! ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS • G.M.C. TRUCKS • , Sales and Service Headquarters for Orange County NOW IS THE TIME TD BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR '66 v.w. BUG '66 FORD MUSTANG j n l I''~ .~ ''· '•~ ,,, ""•'•• ,..~,..I <:l>V•r>, Tt<E Cl/ '68 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS HARDTOP V-t . I •l>f~d. l•c •o•~ •·' ronc1•0,.,.,1n~1 oowe• •Te•"~g, ,.O•o ~·••~•-w~11rw•01 l lJU . !lnttd gJ•~>. ,..h~I <:O'trl, VOV /(ll, '65 CHEVROLET BEL AIR \1 •· •v•n ''"~' •'r •<l"l~'Ho~·no "~"'"' ot.,.rm~ · ·•aoo Me••er, ~·'~"•'I """· """'I cowro. \!l'~I '62 MERCURY 4 DOOR v • •utA •ror• '"''n•• '' •or~·'·""~~ MWf'• ,, ... ,,,0 ''tn t••'", A'l('"l!d! 1,·•1. w~•" '1,..., '10~1 c o. '65 CHEVROLET CORVAfR • ,.,1 '" '"'" ·•1·Q ·~···· '''"" .. w• I o ,. "''''" <'1Ve"<. 11:0'< }.II '66 OLDSMOBILE 442 HAROTOP v I I '""""· ••~·,q, ""••er. W/,il.,.,~11 l.rll, Whtll tl)V~tl, '84 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 DOO lt HARDT OP v t ~~I• ''""' !•c•Mv ''' <!"'Od ""'""· <l(l""' •••.,1no ~~wt• br••~1 ••11~. ••t1~· w~ '"W•ll !I•~•· t•n•ffl 01•11, wnotl CO>~fl 00~ 000 '66 BUICK SKYLA RK ". •·1·~ ''""' -~· """''"'· .,~.~. h ~··· "''"•"'•" Hr<J, W'e<ll CO-•f '>. Jil,O: 111 _ '68 PONTIAC G.T.O. HARDTOf> V ~ t'''~ " '' .......,.r 1•.,.rl"':I , "~ '· "••••• w1'1 !•wall !'1 01. "'h"!I ''"""' I/II~•. '64 OLDSMOBILE VISTA CRUl!£R '66 FORD ltANCH WAGON e OLDSMOBILE e • GMC TRUCKS • 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Open 7 Days A Week 540-9640 I • • - --. . - -. ---. -.. --:-• • CADILLAC NINE TEE N SEVENT"\. NOW ON DISPLAY· SER\7ICED & READY TO GO • ""-I _._tlag1iifice1it E.11Je1·ie1ice • u~~rE;gr 1969 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE LoYely Grecidn white exterior with black padded lop and black lealh· er interior. Full power assists plus factory air conditioning, power door ' - locks, signal seeking radio, electric •eat release, etc. (18 7328) 1965 FLEETWOOD full l"ll'l"I', fnct.ory air, Sirrra i::-o!d ,,·ith !lf'I; ,. 1uuf ;ind matching rloth nnd leath<>r d1111i1ck T1ll-l•'l•>.(·01•i" 11heel. po11·cr d oor I••( k.~. !"Jl'•·r ,, nt 111ndo11s, A:'ll-Ffll radio, r·(I·. I !'l.1:\IJ:if! I 1966 CA~C!.LAC C1it11rrtlhJ,.._ ,\1111•1<1•· !:r1ld 11 ith n1atchin;; t···l ' :Jnd [1111 \,..a \lv·r 1ntr11<>r. Full po11·c1., fac!nrr 111r. ,\"l!-~':'\1 1';1J1 ... lill ·l•·lr~1·op1c ~trf'nn ~ 11hr··I 1T."!:7:.''-1 1969 IMPERIAL [."fiOIL'on , "Ill'" F111l pn11 f'r. f1H'h\ry air. ~1• ,.,.,, 1·1;•". "fl11-" r"ro1r••I. r1·,..ry IX'~~1 b!c hJ•t1C1n. l'.irlclf'd •••11. 1;.,:.c;;p777, 1967 l:L DCRADO ~ 1ri·n11~1 ro~"11 n• <l "1111 1'1 .. 11 n ro11dd<>d roflf ,\· 11h\lr I .1111•0 1 1'11 ~1111 !<t\lrr j3rl. all, 1 I! l•·J,.,,,,1,1' 1•11'•1, ,\\] r'.\.I 111di<>, l'IUI<" 1•11 l1•l.1l"••1 lt"L l1h1"·n1 .~·rl11nm•r ro •r 11111d•1\1 fio'f,, .. ,, !I r<• l11k 1T\.hlil'• :-:"ilHll f)rVlll<' 1:.11nrl'i'' ••01l rl 1111!1 l'J;i, k 1•:idd1•rl 11,11 ~nd bl;H·I; • ln!h nnd l"'11h,..r H1· l••l'lur. f"111l i'"'I' 1. !a•·!n1y ;111, ~(rr«o .\'.1.1- f:'lt, lilt l f'i f'~C'"i'I<' \\IF•»I. i''•\•l'l' d••Or l<_,('k~. 1•h1s n111Ch n1nn·, 1\"JJ ,\~1l,J1 1946 CADmLLAC Srd.1 11 Di" \'illr. :'>l 1"t h\u,.. 111th mah hini.: r:lo1h and l~'nlhrr intrrinr. Full ro11·rr, far- tory air. tilt -trlr~ro1>1" ~,,.,.rint; '"h""l. A:'ll· f l\! rRrlio, po11 "r rl'"'i' lrork~ 1T;,·s9.)R1 SALE 52300 PRICE S.~LE $2 800 PRICE SALE s4900 PRICE pn1cE SALE 52800 PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY CADILL.L\CS TO SELECT FROJVI LARG EST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY • 1968 CADILLAC (·,.ur1' r!,.. \'ill<• :\nrn1;i111h • IJl11r "it!i hJ11r).; Lc1nd 111 1111d lolH•• l•·f1lh•·1· • t1·tt11. Full 1•0<1rr, l~o·!u 1 v 0111' lli1l{li111o!lll>", Ti)l .Jo•)<· 11hrrl, .\.\l.F\f r:id1,,, 1·t,·. l.01r:1 I till" 1111n1•1. 1\'L;i:lli1 1 ~64 FLEETWOOD F1il l 1·r•llPI !iH'l•!I'~· :i1r rri11d111c•ning !!11;. 1111 ··( (';pl:l!·1° ·' I "l •ll l~r 01•!11111,. Braut1f1!1 htl).'." ,1111 .. 111"1 ii~ 11 •(~Hlill•I 1964 CADBLLAC 1-1111 l""11·r. f11 l•1r~· ;ur. ~11d,1n l'f'1:;r 11 11!1 rn !11 hu1~ t Jr !h and Ii .1rh"r 1111 .. ru•r. ~i ·n:il '''"l 1t1~ r,11111>. <'1111•" t••llllu1. •'1i'. 1\\'TG.-1•l:.t1 1967 CAD6LLAC ('.,111r1·111 •~" <«1·1·1:in 11l11tr •11 111 l>l~r!: lc•r• :""I l<I•·,, 1 ill l•o11)•r 111 T•n•'i' t 111! l"'""r 111< lt.1111• l"'I' •·r •I··• I '1'" -lir:•k•'~. 111 n•Jr111 :.- 11 11;1y '1t .. \.\\.f".\I r.0\11" 1fjl(;:-1•/7'.'I 1965 CADILLAC 1r·1r1l111p ,.,,1j "'· C;i~1·;1tlr ~1,.,.·n "llh n1;1h·lr- 111:: • 1 .. 111 n11d l••;11l11'r lnlf'l'l<11·. t"u ll po11f'1·, f,1, 1,.1,v .ur. ,\.\1-f\f 1ad1v, 1 11 t-t•·l•·s~·n111c ,.1{'r11tH: "ii•'f'I. 1 l:t,l;(JJ,;1 1967 CADILLAC Coupr Dr \t ill('. ;\1 !('~i1111 t11rq11n1<.r \\ 11h n1 a h·l1111·: 1 ]nth :ind \rnth"r 1111 rrior. F111! l"l"rr. f;ir1nry 111r, ,\~l -F:'ll rad1n , tllt-rrk•· i-rn111•· <!,,.r 11r•;; \lh<'f'I fTF:X ·I I SALE 54400 PRICF. PRICE SALE $1300 PRICE SALE 53000 PRICE PRICE Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area --\BERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES DEPART NIEN'f OPEN 3:30 Ai\I to 9:00 Pi\I 1\Ion. thru Fri. • 9:00 All [ to 6:00 l'\T S,11. ;11111 S11 11. All CARS SU BJECT TO PRI OR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESD;,Y, OCTOBER 14, 1969 NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT Immediate delivery e Excellent Selection Over four ocres of ultra modern to~c!I Cadillac facilities designed to bette r sell and service new and used Cadillac automob!!?s. • Family we~l<ly OCTOIHR 12, 1969 DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 11 , 1 969 .. --'-. . ,-.,., .. SPECIAL ISSUE: ~ 'I AUTO '70 SHOW .. ~ . --·--·-------------------_________ __, ___________________________ _ Ask Them Yourself FOR JOHN H . CH.4FEE. ii .'if'C',,IQTT o/ lhf' !for-y I W>OCAU lih &o knoac> t11lty the lty.Jro/oil bo.1, --" ao W1Ulely in Europe, u llOI ;,. peal MM! ;,. lk V.S.P-, -Mary E. Gordon, Beacon, N.Y. • European 1·oun1rie .. nt."ed hydrofoil~ for rapid lran!!pOrtation over short di~- 1ance11 invoh•ing relali\'t~ly calm "'aler· ways. Since the U.S. hal> a more exlcn:;ive nclworlc of highway!-, airports, and rail- roads, our need for fa.<11 watC'f lransporla- tion has not yet kd 10 wide rommcrrial applintion of lhe hydrofoil. The Navy h&.l> llttn involved in rough-w11tcr hydro- foil devclo11mt"nl for more· 1han 20 yeari-. h has huih and lt'>'lt'd a numl>t"r of dif- ferent rrah. FOR FRANK RO.«;~I, p,,.,,,,,,, t. St><rr,. & II uu·h11uo11 f.o ., N,.w )' orl.. Fla.al u lla.e moat popul.r ~i/1 S&:H tiamp aa11rr1 c"ooar?-.tf ra. Clarn Strand, Oanabrodc, N.D. • For yt•ar11 the mo~I popular of 2,000 redemption itnn~ have been "·hit<· berl· sheet.... Heeently, mod item,, like gianl wri~lwat•·he::. and more elegant item11 suC'h as hand-<:ul ~la>'s have allractf•d a great dea l of nllention. FOR T. E. ADDERLEY, PrrsiJ""'· l(,.fff Girls laflotion -.y lftaU ii U..- pe~ da.1 I rrlurn w tr10rk, nll,.ou~la I at ill la.a or cltWlre11 in a«:laool. JJ' ill .ay /arnUy 1u6rr i/ rm """'Y at -lc?-Mra. J. TrunbuU, C'-noa· a.er, 1'"1. • They shouldn't. More than 11 million molheri; "·i1h t·hildN"n undc-r 18 arc work. ing, most of thrm beau!W: they want to. And a ref"ent study showed the full-time bou!M"wife spend~ only 42 minurr-11 morr with her children carh day than the work. ing mother. Many mothers who don't fef"I they can "'ork full time are taking a1l- ''antage of the temporary-help field, whir h allow11 thf'm to work any numb('r of days they want. FOR NORM,4 ZIMMER. uornlw ~ Do I~ l.J~a 011 lltf' JJ' ""' pro~• b•r IMir oacn tlrr11e1'!-Mr1. Doria Moru, Laluporl, Cali/. e S,,mf" of thf" dr~~~ art-wardrobe flwnrd by the show ; some (especially for s(lttial show!') arc rented from a costume company: and somelim~ performers wear their own dClthe!t FOR COY. ROBERT SCOTT, f¥orU. Corolin4 F J.,e,. an.ti ..,,. y .Jid ~ af.art calling North C•ro- 1.i .. people ••Tar Heel."? -Mra. l>e1ire Hu1k•, R011m Mo•alaiA, Tenn. e In 1710, when Carolina was divided, the olde r ~lllement was called North Carolina ; its principal products were .. tar pitch and turpentine." During a fierce ballle in the Civil War, some North Carolinian!I were gr~led by another Con. federale rcgimt>nl with, "Any more tar down in the old North State, boy~? The reply wa~. "No, not a hit. President Jeff Davis has bought it all up. He is going to put ii on your h~l11 to makt> you 11tiek hellt>r in lhe next light." General Lee, hearing of the inr ident, ~id, '·God blci;,, the Tar Heel Boyi;.'' The name stuck. FOR BARBARA FALTERS • of tit,. "ToJn1,. Show la F allf>r• your rnaid.ert, lfl•rried, or •••u•ed rui.u-1'-H. H . JJ'•lura, Port Arllaur, Trx<u e ft',, my maiden nam«'. FOR SANDY KOVFAX, J(HlrU<"nSlf'T JJ'lten tlur inning of a b«U f(flllfW' u ooer, Wllty tlo IM pilclutr1 tMllt IHtclt lo dae tluwold inatead o/ run· ning in likf' llt.e odaer pL.yer1?-Bob Sulliriart, Sl•r~ant, ff' ia. • Tiu.• pitcher has to pac-e himself lo ~o nine innings. Therefore. he conserves c, .. cry bit of energy he can. By not running, he saves a lillk bit., and those bits add up. flOR MRS. JJ' .4LTER J. lllCICEL a JJ'luta t11tu IM la.ardeal nd· jaula&elll you lu11l to .... h llllu!a ya11 kcomu! Mra. 'I S~relary o/ lla.r l1turior1' el -Mra. lrrlU' Rohr, Deo· ila l..a•e, N.D. e My first rea1·1inn was shrH"k that I wai; goini.t to havl" to move a11:ain. We had j ui;t finished rrmodf'lin(t the Covt'mor'11 Mansion in Alaska ; findin(t a new homc- in Washington wasn't ea.~y. We al&<> had In fiod .,..,hool~ for our rwo yo11n(tf'r r hil- drrn and attend formal func·tion~ that tah· placx-almost every night FOR Ef'RF:M lltlHALIST, Jr. F aa tltr oprra $Uttfrr, Al,... Gluclc, your MOiia.er or your aU>pMOlltf!r1- .4r"'41M th Mo...,,, Harort., 5.D. • AJma Gluck. WM my mother. "••I ..... • '•-• ,..._ • ~dee? v-c-aa ,.......,. mi. ~•••· a.d w~·n _.., tlw •-Wtt f.-I~ ~l-.1 ..,._ y-........ ~. s.-..d .-.a1ioa. prrf.....,hl~ OIO " .... ni..t. .. A~ TI. .... Y---U, Fa•lly """' .. ly, 641 ~,._-A ..... , N"" Y.w\;, !'Ii.\. 10011. We ea•-• ·~-• ......., •-"-• ... , tS wW 1te paW r-_.t. --4. WHAT ~~E WORLD! Junior Capitalist "You have more dlsp<>soble income (money left over after bask expenses) ftton do your parenn," Horry l. Brower says in his investment guide book, Teenagers In· trodudion to the Stacie Marht. He wggem, "You (teen--ogen) con invest now with your allowance and part-time earnings . . . civilization was built by those who M>ved and invested their money." What we porentl wonder is, will those rich kids of oun give us some of it later? Car/Van Con you picture yourself. plus wife, two kidd~. and all the lug- gage off on o coast.to-coast trip in the family cor-ond covering the di1tance in only o few houn? By the mid-1970s, you will be able to drive your car out to on uncongested, non-mojof airport, ·~·-"C -~ -''"~ -~ -_, ...... I ~ --·· . , M. t.omor Muse and t.-500 model up a romp, onto o giant airplane-and then walk upstairs to toke comfortable seats for ftte flight. Each l -500 will a c· commodate "6 standard-sized cars and occupants. Universal Airlines Preiident M. Lamar Muse estimates it will cost about ~ fOf' the whole thing. Wild least Tige Andrews ("The Mod Squad," ABC-tv) is olive and healthy today, possibly because of his un- usual name .. He was so sickly when he was born that his parents resor1ed to an Old World Lebanese superstition. Tige Andrews That is, if you name o child after a wild beast, he will toke on in strength. Hence, Tige or tiger. "Did you get int~ o lot of fights?" we os&ied Tige. "No, I was afraid of my own strength. So was everyone else." lost Credit Card!# The worst time to lose your wallet is a weekend. It's al· most impouib'8 to put o stop on your credit cords, what with most outhoriza. tion centers closed. Now you con pro- tect yourself against some stronger liv- ing it up at your expense until you con report your -toss. A credit-cord protec- tion service in Charlotte, N.C., offer\ registrations for $5 o yeor. The MKVice ~omises lo answer your frantic phone coll day or night, notify each company by telegram and follow up by letter. The dote of the telegram is accepted as the doy you're free of liability for fraudulent use of your cords. Easy Exercise "As peop'e grow older and muscles become ftobbier, some fat may be deposited in the lower abdomen of even slim persons," according to Irwin Mo1twell Stillman, M.D., and Somm Sinclair Boker, who wrote "The Doctor's Quick Inches-Off Diet." One of their book's easier e1tercises to combat this is summarized as follows: Stand erect. feet about two inches aport, arms extended straight out to the sides at shoulder height. Now, not moving your feet, swivel your body from hips without straining. way to the right; hold for o count of three. Return, facing front, pouse a mo- ment. Repeat, to the left. Alternate swiveling, three times in each direction. What benefits are ''your hips, buttocks, bock muscles. legs and arms-in fact, much of your muscular sys· tem." Whot on rncentivel Exercises for the tummy Family ~ , .. New..,...r Maecnl-October·/!, Ul(i!I llOMAllD S.. DAV1DOW P~~t MCMTON ~ Pal>li.Jur DONAJ.D M. ~ .. _...,. A4HttiM"fl 111._,,,, ._., l. 890WM E~ A4rfft0:..,.. 11•-•n I IOIHT ~ £<1ittw-4a-C1li•f JAOt IYAN 11•-.i•• E4jttw MAltUS N. QtNQU( Arl Di~ctor MB.AME DI NOfT Foo.t E41tfl"' A-'au £<1ii.r.; ......... ~ .......... ~. Jany~.,..... ....... . ..._J.O,; I kat .... c-. _.....,_,., Arl Di~:...,. ...... ' E4~ O/liec:'4l ._...._ "'-· New Y .... N. Y. lien @ 1"69. FAMILY WIBlY. INC. All ..... _.... You 1re inwited to mall 10Uf questions or contments lbolrt any lfticle or ldwrtisement tflat ~ in fllltily Wt!Mly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt 1nSwer. Write to Service Editor, fmily Weelly, 6411.exifwton Aftftue. New YOfil, N. Y. 10022 . -40, So to al· 1ur :o - ·o· IV- on !!rs ce ne ny er. ed ·or ----·-. ·----·-~----------~------ EI.ECTRONIC CAR-CARE CENTERS-AUTO '70 SHOW H OW Good Are They? A REVOLUTION in automobile fi 1·e p a irs took place at Che rry Hill, N .J., in 1962. It has since spread to every part of the land. Moliil Oil Cnr p. opened its huge Car Repair Center. a facility with electronic et1uipment specifically de- signed to take the {ruesswork out of dia gnosing what ifl wrong with a car. To1fay there a i-e more than 400 1rnch d iagnostic centers in the U.S .. according to Motor AnP. magazine. and they a re ste.'ld ily inc·reasinl(. The concept for this approach llJ pinpointing automoti\·e ailment11 wa!I pioneered by the Sun Eletlri<: 'orp., a maJOr manufacturer of automolive- te~tin~ equipment, in the late 19401'1. However. it wasn't unti I C herry JI ill t hat the idea caught 011. W ith the high <·osl of repair::. U\k· ing an est im11ted $25 IJillion of motor- ists' dollars annually. a ic rnwing a uto pnpulat1on, and a seven• s hort.'\ge of mechanirs. the diagnostic center seem1-1 to be the mot.orist's answer to m:1111tc11ance 1lrohlems. There n1·e two types of diagnostic centers. One is the d rive-through _lane used in !auger installations such as the $l·million, 30.000-square-foot Lear S ieg ler, Inc. Automotive Labo- rator y that opened last J une a t Pa- ramus. N.J. The other is t he s maller, bay type or mini-clinic that takes up less space and can be set up in a garage-sized room. It is being used more and more in automotive dealer- ships and service stations. let's look i11 on the LSI auto· mot ive laboratory and see how the diag11ostic system works. LS I rhargeg $14 t1 1 conduct 108 tests in its 140- foot-lonJC d iagnostic lane. The lane processes 12 carR a n hour. A technician dri\'es the car to the fi rst ~ttttion in the lane. where head- ligh ts. en~(i ne belts, <1il, tires. batter y , and husel:I are inspected. At S ta lion 2. the dynamomeler , the heart of the diagno11tic center , is 11t.i- lized. Thi!-! device absorbs the energy produced b~· a moving autom<>b ile and permits c hecking of the car's ba sic systems such a.'\ the ignition, eledrit•al. cnrhuretion. d1·ive t rain. The Ahwahnl'c and the Yosem11e Lodg1.· arc on six-cial. Wit h package plans to r wcckda vacalioner5. For a minimum o f two nigh ts lodging. the rate!> arc as low as $37.70 per pcri.on. double occupa ncy. Three. four a nd live ni ght pla ns mean an even greate r saving. All packages include your room . breakfo::,t and dinner daily a t a ny of several fine <lining rooms and a scenic to ur of the Valley. cooling, lubricatinns . a nd fuel. Station 3 has n brake analyzer, whose rollers spin the car's wheels. When the brake~ are applied, sensi· ti ve i nstrument.s indicate frictional drag and unbalanced conditions. At Station 4, the car is r aised off the ground as the diagnostician checks the muffler. tail pipe, universal joints. d r ive sha ft, shock absorbers. and suspension. Wheel balance and brake systems a l ~o are checked. Station 5 has a different set of rol- le r~ that dynamirnlly check!-! front- end s us pem•ion and a lignment . When the tests have been com- pleted. a consultant tells t he customer what is wro ng a nd how much it will <.·ost t.o repair it. The c us tomer is ~iven a copy of the diagn<tstic repor t, and he can have t he work done at the LS I center or by his ow11 mechanic. The diagnostic center offers sev- ern I advan ta~e~ to the motorist, eR- pecially to the used-car s hoppe r. F or a fee ranging from $6 to $20. he can g et a pretty good idea as to the con- rlitio11 of the <.·ar he plans to huy. But diagn<•~tic eenter!'I ha\'e been • exper iencing some problems. Re pair costs. for example. can \'ary widely. Recently a nationa l magazine took an untampered-with i964 car to four la rge car clinics in t he East a nd got re1J1ti r estimates ranging from $90.85 tn $1!17.12. Another drawback is thal the electronic equipment pick1-1 up too man~' 1nin11r flaws. resulting in an c11•t•rn11e repair bi II of $100 in the larger centers . But the diagnostic cent.er is here to Rln)'. According to t he Stnnforci l 11 !ltit11le, toda)·'s 400 car clinics are expected t o number between 2,000 and 5,000 within the next 10 years. A t Goodyear, A. P. Favalon, man· a)(er of service and sales, foreseeR the day when diagnostic equipment will be inRtl\lled in eac h car by the mant1fad11rer-the d r i\'er will preRs a button and g et a printed report. Jl<1pefully. srntodnm's "M11~·0 Clin- i<'~" will adrl up to a better deal for A merici:i ·R motor iRt:<. -J. ROBERT l:ONNOR Jn additwn you may enjoy free ust.• o l 1hc golf course. tennis courts an d bu.:vdc:-. Of course. the best part of the deal 1s the greatest show on earth. Fall In full color. Like you 've never seen 11 For reservatio ns. call your travel agent or Glen W. Faw cett. Inc. al (213 ) 388-115 1. Or wdtc Yosemite Park & Curry Co .. Yosemite Na tional Park. California 95389 Accept Big FREE Copy of World's Most Beautiful CV Treat yourself, your family and your friends to the most glorlofts, most popular, only full·color. full size magl'"tine about cats end kit· tens! CATFANCY is filled with stunningly oeautlful Full-Color and Black and White Photographs, Prints and Drawings on rich luxury texture insert paper11 that are perfect for framing! CATJMCY is W-! hcitillc .._ .. E.tlt! CATFANCY is filled with warm, exciting, lively Cat Stories. Tips on Cat Care. Health and how to give your cat a Jong and happy life. It w ill tell you How to Buy Kiltt;ns. Train. Show and Breed Cats. You will also read the latest ahout Top Show Cats && well as Ba4=k Alley Cats and household pets. CATFANCY will tell you all about the treat· men! and prevention of ell cat ailments. It pictures and tells all about 1he origin and development of the elegant and exotic cats such as the Long I-lair Siamese Aristocrats. Blue Tabby Kittens. While, Blue and Chfochilla Persians: Ruddy end Deep Red Abyssinians, Himalayans. Burmese. Top Show Brown Tabbies. Blue Creams and the Rare and Unusual Koral from Northern Thailand. CATFANCY i11 down·lo·eorthl II tells you what to feed your cat; ihe dangers of meat-only or fish·only diets: what to do about cats that have problems when they drink milk and about fe eding do1t foods. or baby foods, to cats and what to do about cal malnutrition. You will learn whot you should feed pregnant cats; what are the best overall diets for , uts. CATFANCY is scientific. it tells you all about medication, ene!.:i1etics, tranquilizers and 1mq~ery as wPll as fe r.It'! you should know about veterinarians . CA TF ANCY travels you 'round I he world and in history. It tells of cats that orientals feel "waiver on the borderline between the natural end the supernatural" of cats in Chinese Art and art through the a1tes. in paintings and ceramics. in Ancient Egypt and in Persian Art. CATFANCY prints Cal Poetry, Fables. stories of Ca_t Personalities that ride high o n owner's shoulders, keep a pet mouse, and make friends with almost any animal alive. Jn CATPANCY you'll find al· most every thing about cats -the beautiful phenomenon of odd-eyed cats, how coat color mutations can change a cat's psychology, and amazing how-to-do-it cat projects like how to build your kitten his own "Inside-Out House ." CATFANCY fights for the cause of cats against anything that endangers cats -for good legislation to protect cats from accidents. starvation and scientific torture. Every l!lsue con- tains helpful articles on care. feeding and health. Approved, support· ed and highly recommended by all leading authorities, E.;., Iii, leant.I lsSM FRH -Y• C..Ot Lese-tint bet)'ttti11 te ~! The world's largest selllng maga7.ine about cats and kittens. Six magnificent 68 page issues per yP.ar, filled with delightful new feature articles about every breed of cal and kitten. And. It's all yours -one big crammed issue FREE -then Issue after issue chock-full of stun- ning cat arl. photos. drawings. stories. fac ts, lips -a r.ontinuinR r.et·lover's treasure hou11e. all your11 f Mail BtR·Sevings FREE·Gift ·Coupon Now! , ----.,. CATfANCY is filled with excitu11-helpful .,ticles, es well es stunnincly beautiful f'ull-Color and Bl1cl1 and Wh ite Pictures on rich papet"J, lovely lor f,.min11. CATFANCY tells 111 about Genetics -how to Lone Breed. Inbreed and Hybridize cats ·--------------------------- SPECIAL PREE GIFT OFFER EXTRA Bit Colorful 75c Issue FREE with Every Subscription PLUS Bit Cash Savin2s ... ·--Slt~scroptl•~ DIY., oe,t. f"WIC>-11 -•-v• MAIAlllU, flnllhtc. New Yer• 11357 Enclosed check or m ,o, for ~ or O 8111 me leter. To City ,.Olt YOUlt OWN Olt GIFT SUBSCltl .. TION I YHr Only $3 50 (Re11 S4.50. You Save Sil ;> Yr11 Only S6 (Save '3) 3 Yrs. Only S8 (S•v• $5 50) --------- -----•P ----- Stan 1111 card from ,.Olt 8WT Ml•KJtWYMNI 1 y _,. Only $.l.50 <Rec. 5'.50. You S.... ~l) 2 Yrs Only S6 (Save $3) 3 Yr11. Only S8 (Save 15.50) To AddreH -------------------- City ________ State ______ _.Ip ---- s11n altt car(! from: ---------------- ------------· --·---~·---------·-------· AUTO AN AMERICAN ADVENTURE-'70 SHOW Driving the Fried Chicken R_qµte ~---~-· -- This noted novelist learned that ~he highway r ~~:~~"'; ~ hamburger hos been fowled out 1n th e -,~_;_~~ .. game of gastronomic ga lovonting By ERSKINE CALDWELL Author of "Tobacco Rood," "God'~ little Aae," and the recently publi~hed, "The Weather Shelter" F OR A NU M B£R of years, summ er and winter, my v.·ife Virg inia and I have been taking cross-eountr-y automo- bile tl'ips to va riou ~ r eg-io ns of the United States whenever we had the opportunity and incli nation lo be away from home fo1· a week 01· longer al a t imc.•. I n Ow be$!inni nil of 011 r mORt rt'- l'ent tnp. which had l1N:•n pl<mned e>.l'111:-11 vtly fo1· ctl 1 1~Hl1111111 I 1rnrpo11e<;, \\(' ~t;irll'cl out fo ll11\\ 111g I he num- lit-red h1~hw11y,; wh1rh hH<I heen !le lected us hl'lll~ I hl' moq :o111it<1l>lt? for Sll('h II J lllll 111',\' I 11 th•· ··nd. Wt.' c1i-.. ('l1\C'r('cl tllat what "'' had actually rlr•tH.' tl1111tl).! tli1• whoh• 111111' w~1"\ lo I ra\l•I lli(• {,real Anw11cnn f'rt('(I ( 'hH·kl'll l\otllt• Prllhalily rw1. l111 l 11 d111·s seem a s d lhf' r'hld\1'11 l11tlf1>t:<. 1·hirkPn ~lllOU · llP'. C'h 1C'k1•11 drl\l' 111"\, Hllcl l'h1r ke11 <·arr~ .. ·1111t:< 111 city 1111cf hamlet a11d aln111t !ht' w:1~s 1d1• t11 mpet1ng for th(' t ra\·clt•r':< t hir k,.11 droll11 r are ::ilmost as n11n11.•rn 11..; ai-mott•l:< Hnd gasoline -.1n1111111' There was H tinu• n11t ~o lonJ{ ago, of l'O\I rst'. wht'11 t ht• ul11 q111 t!•US ham· hllf)!l'r was often lh1.• onh· Hvailalil1• 11111ek-l1111rh fare for thi' t raveler on I ht• r<•:11I ,\ nd l'\ C'll whl'n piz.7.~ pnr- 1111':<, tan1 c tt :<l lc•.;, c-hd1 hut :<, anrl ruast h1•c·f s:111dw1l·h em11111 111111 " ~pranj( ur1 :cl 111:-.:-t Ill' nnl 11111 In til'lp ease thP pan)l." n f h11thW1l\ htl lll!l'r'. thP tr~­ rl1 t 11111al haml111 rJ,!'cr 'land t·11nl111uf'd 111 l.11 p;tl 1·111111.erl Ii.\ lm·a I 1·11st nm(•r:< 11 11\\'1'\ 1·r. a!< i.r1111rnwt:< o f Uw hqth \\HY h1t\C' c•'<pl:iinl'd 1t to me. tht· h:u11IJ1ll'Vl'I' !'10~111 h t•ga11 l1 1~10j{ It.. ... IHll n •1·sa I 11111w11I whl'll rrn1tl:-1ll1· pu n:t>y 11r .... l1l'i;?an expanrl111J? the dl'<l1c-Hll'd :11·1.·a nf the se\'ercd I.Jun with Huch Hn 11,erabundarwe of .<1l1ct•<.J lomHlocs, ~hn>dtled lelt11ce. r11c umher halVl's, t'elcry .stalks. green peppers, Rauer- 1..raul. 1•nion:c1. pir kles. and relish thnt lhf'rf' WitR nn room left for a h1tm- li11rgl'r pntty uf respect.able depth and • f ·nm1/11 i.rukly, Oct,.ber Ji, I Pl•'' iJ1u meter. or for the l'al.chup and mus- t~rcl . either. UH1J! before t he ad\'ent of roadside fried r hieken, our eating habilH while to11 ring were pri>~rribed and pro- trndC'd We st1•rped at a city restnu- rant o r hnkl dining room ancl sat at t he spic-anti-span t·lolh-<:ovc recl t<tul<' with the nppn1printe linen n ap- kins over o ur laps . That wos when, if we wer e travel- tlli? through the l>eep So11lh. for in- stance, we knew we were ohltgated I)\· thl' •'lL"tom of the <'Oltnlry to d r ive mall,\" mi leR 1111t of 011 r way at m eal- l 1 mr lo dine on .she-C'rah so11p. smear · U IS<' chees e, ~poon hre;HJ, colla rd ~n'l'll". l111rlwc11ed pork. a11tl l>lnck linrrnrn pit" L1kt>\\'i~e. wh1•n we wne tr:welinR' 111 T<•xn:< or Oklahoma. we l'Ould be fairly l·1111fidt>nl I hat when we s1<1pped for 0111· next resl:ll1 r:rnt lllcJ.tl. it would hp lolc•rvecl in co11rsl'R of okra soup, lt\'l'r clumplin11s. d11 lt bCJin.s. hnke<.J haltb11t, and 11•t>l11•'< 111e Elsewhere. th<· f:1re \\ould proltahly c·11n~1~l of ~lr:t k. potlilnc.;, < 11:;lanl. a11<l a gla!'<~ of h11lt<'l'tnilh !'\11w th»t fr1t•d d11rken has be<.'ome thr fnocl of tlw 1•<111ntry, and with the hkt·lih1111d of hl•1 11g a national insti- l11l1tJn. forPiJ{n ,·isitor~ should he ad- n:;<'li t'<111rerni11Jl the important nu- all<:<'>< o f th•• c11 l1n11 ry 11 rt H~ applied to t he prepArati1111 of fned c h1 t•kcn As Americans ha\'P learned. mere- J.'· fr~ lllJl a pulkt 11 r l'tl('kercl of idea l stzl' and feat hl•r c·nlnrat 1011 ts insuffi· r1ent 1nduc·em"nl f11r an.' b11cly 111 w ant lo eat a helpinll of 1t. Sun·essful in- d ul't·ments a rc a lwan. prM·1dcd b\' the J llllH'l(l\IS llS(' o f --~·rel Sl'8SoninJl n't qw~ ranj.!1n)o! from Karli1• an<I pa- p1·1h.u and nlhl•r :1av11ry lwrlil' In a fin:i I 1dazi nJl with hem e\' or map IP 1n·rup or IJlal·k-st rar> m11la4':<t!S and, If ~ 1111 h.no w y1111r way arottnrl. all this navn rcc1 and enhanc·e<I with the prop· er porl111ns of dnrk r um. What 11fte11 t•onfu se~ the natn·e Amf'r ican. howev<>r. 1s the dl\1ergence of opinion he encounters when he is in a slnrnge locRlity far from home -Hn<.J asks somebod.v tu recommend the .J one pfat'e 111 to wn Rell 1 ng the best frieJ chit'ken. Aud what can happen 1s that he will IJe r at1J.!ht in a cross- fi re (If disagrePmenl The first time this hHppen ed to us rm our rc<:e nl trip wall a Monday at noon when WC' st oppf'd at a gallolin<' Rlal1on. \\'e were i11 a fair-size town hut had not Reen a cafe <>f ;my kind , a nd ~11 we ai;ke-tl the y1111n g, blond - hai1·ed attP11da11 t where we rould find :i ph1l'P to e:it "Hi II.'· Van'g GM<ly-Goody Fried < 'h1<·k••n." he ~:1id imm<'d1nt el.v ''fl's lh1·c1• hlot·ks down thi~ same lil reet or1 thp r ight. Tlwre·~ a biR" Ri srn in front with his name on it. and you l'an'l miss 1l. Hill.\· \'an'fl scot the bes t fru.'tl r hit:ken in town" W hile the hlnnd-haired young man had been talk1 llll, :rnolher nllendant, who waH da rk-h:.ire<I and sever al ~ C'ars older, haci C<lm C up lo the side of our rar. ''Wait a minute now." the dark· haired man said, ll hnking hi!! head f1rml.\· "{)(ln't Ptl.\" f1ttf'ntion t(l what he l <•ld r1111 . I know what I 'm talking ahoul The hc:\t fnE'd l'hil·ken phtce 1s !'earl's P oultry Palace." "A lot you know ah!llll it," t he \'•11111~er atl<'ndant ~a1cl 11n1rnfull,\' .. , 011 don't l':l l ther e your~<'lf yo11 l':ll 31 h Onll'" •·Anti I d1111·1 pat Al Hdh \'an·~. 1•11h1•r." thP clarl..-ha1rf'tl ma n i-:llll Tilt' tweo m1•n w1·n· still h11·ker ini;? hl'J.ttNl h · whrn wt• 1lrm e off. ,\,.1 d" fr1>n1 e111·1111nll·r1111e :-ur h di f. ft·rC'nr es o f np1ninn. we f1111nrl that II I S not 11nu-.u1tl for n re ~Clll lo jlo nt1l of ht!' wny lo ren•<il which pnrt of the t:hll'l..e11 he <·on11idcrfl to be tht• hi·~t of a II Ordinaril.v :i person would Ra_v he cit her prefers t h<> li ght meal or the dark mE'~lL Ami frec1ue nlly lhe choicP m 11Cht he the neck or win gs. H ow- e\'er. nnne of theRe partg wag the fa. ,·n rite of lhf' motel manager where we stopped for lhe night tnwanJ t he end uf our trip. I asked when' the ne:1rest cafe waR. I was a:-surcct that lht> best r estau- rant in town was only a shor t walk of half a block away and that ht.• recommended lht> f r iec1 l·hicke n above a 1111! // in/1 Ag I wa_~ walkin}! a way . t he ml1tcl mana~er hurried from his office ancl (·ailed tu 111e to wai l a m111ut.e "I wont to tell you 11omething," hl' 1-1a11I, his vmt:P lowered in J.t confi· dent1nl m:11111er. "I'm a pretty l{•H><I J ud~e (1f people. and I k nllw you 'II appr et tal•· knowing how to sen ab11ut gett111~ the best rar l of the chi<'ken :1t l hHI n•sla11ra11 L They\·e ~nl t he finest frrccJ d11l'ke11 giz.z:t rd!I you ever l.A:o1ted 1n ,rnur life. H11t they hotel them l1:1rk fn•m stranger!! and save them for c11slomer11 hke m e who kn<rw to a~k for them. Tell t he m l said tCJ let you have as many as ynu want ·· I had t h:.nked the mnt el manascer ftir the information a nd was walk1nic :.win \\ ht'll a~xrn he called to me "The~··\'c scot sume rMI fine C'hitken l(IZZ.~u·cls dm,·11 thl're tontl{hl. I kn(lw bet:~111s(' I h:id two of their wonrlerftil fr1t'cl v 1zzan1 s1rndw1ehe_-; JU~t a liltll' \\' h !11· HJ.(11 " There had been nu ftirlhf'r 111~1 <lr>nH all111i.: the Fned ( 'h1c·ken Rl)ute when wr rel11 rnetl home a few days late1· It was then. n11we\·er . whilP l{CllllK through the a cc11 mlllated mall, thal Wl' found a la r~e envelope lhat r1111 tai11 ed nn elaboratl' and colorfull,\' eml.,ellished brochu re offering, for 11111~· a itmall do-w"TI p<1yment. an ex- clusive fried <'h icken fran<'hise for a large territory surrounding o ur ne ighborhood • IUU5nAll0N IY IOe IUGG ,, ,, ,, •"-•' .... A PONTIAC EXECUTIVE A CADILLAC FLEETWOOD A Pl YMOUTH BARRACUDA OlDSMOBllE VISTA CRUISER T AUTO '7D &HOW HERE COME THE 1970 CARS- WITH POWER, BEAUTY, AND SIZE Automakers are giving the buyer more options than ever- smaller cars, bigger cars, sporty cars, family cars, you name it, and you can hove it By ST AN LEY H. DRAMS T HIS IS THE YEAR when American car sizes go both ways. U.S. producers are building autos to co mpete with all but the smallest European and J apa- nese imports. At the same time, they've modified other of- ferings lo provide more size. luxury. and power. Our domestic manufacturers reason that they must compete with n world industry-a world industry t hat hn14 !liphoned off one car sale of every 10 in the United States. To compete with foreign manufacturers. whose total output now exceeds American vol- ume, our producers must offer more varied the sportsman wanting a personalized cu ; Buick has largely revised its Riviera styling. The )!)70 look is built mainly around long hoods and shortened decks; the car makers have ap- parently found that customers want an appear- <1nce of dash more than the utility of trunk space. Actually, however, trunh are holding just about as much as ever, thanks lo ingenious design that use~ the space inside the lwd.v shell much more effaiently. Rut the hood 's t he big thing. Chevrolet has l rnmpeted that this year it is making the longest honcl i 11 i lR h istory. Lengtheneci. too. are Ford's Tori nos and the new Hornet ou t of Ameri- can Motors. Along with wares. Ply9tadl's the exaggerated bood- 1 i ne go more sharply raked windshields and more sculptured rear- quarter panel treat- ment a s well. Thus it is that you can find among the 1970 offerings horsepower as low as 90 (Chevrolet) or as high as 435 (again Chevrolet). You can find wheel bases all the way from 97 inches (American Motors) to 127 (Buick, Imperial, and Olds). lljp-,.,. ..... tlliel ..... sa.aurMM Four new cars. real- D'*-'ile's ll*t·stJI" ..uw. rumewllimf ly new all the way through. make their first bows this year. Chevrolet has its Monte Carlo, Dodge itR \hal- Fenll LTII lre.P.'• reclhtillf Mil Cl4Hft1t ~ El4erHl's ... ... frMt. More finesse, too , in surface treatment. The concealed windshield wipers which first made I heir production ap- pearance on t he Ponti- nc have been adopted by other s . T he radio anten- na. buried in the wind- s hield glass, brought out a year ago by P on- lenger, Plymouth its Duster. and American Motors its llnrnet. But thiA quartet merely heads a line-u p thnl has heen 1mprm·ed hroadly at the most, modestly at minimum F'or the fact is that t he enlarged volume of the automobile market has made it eccm omically feasible to make important t'hange!I mure often than has been possible in years past. although the r hanges are seldom as extr eme as they used to he. ThuR Ford comes to the new model showings with a restyled Torino seriefl for iL" intermediate offerings: Mercury's Montego is longer and lower and hns a new engine; Oldsmobile moves in with ?. new Cutlass coupe with appeal aimed toward H4 stythla tiac, is available on nw!lt of the 1970s. Plas- I ir body and grille sec- t ions are finding \\'icier 11se aml being given more elegant trcatmenl ln!lide. too, .\'''u·11 fi nd cleaner lines. Many makes a re Ulii ng hisrh-hack front seAts in!ltead of the a wkward heAd rests. There'!\ a tendency to- ward tatlnring ; the rim-blow horn~ fi rst shown b.\' Olds which replace!! a ring or a button with a nearly im~rceptible ridge running around the !'\leering wheel-are becoming widely available. F'ord reduces the belt storage problem with a combination shoulder-harnef'S !'eat belt which hooks together after attachment to the inboard belt . (Continued on page 1J) f09 llD CHl"Vl' NOYA P'ONTIAC OTO MUCUH MOHTIOO f 'o mil11 Weekly, OctobM" 12, 1969 • ----~----------------------------------------------~ & BUICK RIVIERA & PONTIAC LE MANS AMERICAN MOTORS AMX T AUTO '70 SHOW HERE COME THE 1970 CARS (Conttnued fTom pclge 9) Let's not forget safety. The new windshield glass on the American Motors Javelins and AMXs has a chemically strengthened inner panel which crumbles on hard impact into tiny, blunt parti- ele~ Lt's t hinner, too, so defrosts faster. The new Challenger. by Dodge, has built-in roll- over protection : a box section of sheet metal under the roof panel near t he rear window adds strength. Windshield pillar moldings on the Chevrolet Monte Car lo have an air gap to absorb energy in a crash. They aH will ha ndle better, t hanks to the new tires. Throughout the industry for 1970 a re found fiber-glass-belted tires (Chevrolet offers a tire-tread wear indicator ) which grab the road and hold onto it better, resif1t bruises better, and wear longer. S ide marker lamps have been irnproved in most of the new cars. And taillight combinations are much larger. Power plants, as for past years, continue to be bu rlier. F.very line has a cylinder that is bored out to c reate at least 390 cubic i nche.CJ of displace- ment in the cylinders ; 10 years ago the 350 cu- bic-ineh block was rare. Cadillac otTers one of a near-incredible 500 cubic inches. Along with the enlargement of the engines have come a ny number of mechanical and techni- cal changes that enhance dr iveability and reli- ability-and econ<lmy as well. (Some makes boaBt that their refinements now allow motorists to use standard rather than premium fuel in larger powe r plants. l Buick provides a !lem icooled cn<lling !lystem in its 1970 engines. In Q\'e rheat condition!!, the cool- ant boils up and int-0 a container. something like a windshield-washer bottle. and s tays there till the vacuum created in the radiator on cooling !lucks it back again. The container height is such lhat it always holds snme coolant: its transpar- ency lets the contents he i nspocted without open- ing t he radiator cap. Would-be thieves will have a harder time with the 1970s. Standard is the use of a steering~ol­ umn lock which ties up not only the ignition but also the turnability of t he steering wheel and (where t he transmission lever i!I column-mounted ) the t ransmission-shi fling mechanism as well. Now it won't be enough merely to Jump t he wires a round t he ignition lock and be able to drive oft' without keys! romfort h1ts been a maJor consideration every year: thil'I time one a reB for improving it has been by widening the tread. It has been many years s inre Pontiac's Wide Track ride became a comersation piece. a nd one would think that treads had been widened about aR far R.'1 t hey could go. Rut no. This year bring"S some additional widen- ing o f an inch or t wo In combination with the new ti reR. these wider treads do wonders for 1 m- provi ng rides. Now to a s hort run-down of each ma ke : American Motors: 16 models in all. The Hor- net is new with a long-hooded. sharply angled windsh ield. Power is up on all line3. Rebel models are two inches longer. Javelin's hO<>d has simu- lated air scoops. AMX over-all length is enlarged. CHfVlUI MAlfSU FOltD MUSTANG IMKllAl .... ' • ----1 alllCIC LE SAallf OU>SMOa1u HOltDAY COWi lluidc: 32 models to choose from. New styling on the Skylark and GS series, with a line sta rting at the front, disappearing at the doors, reappear- ing at t he reB r . Larger engines. Optional disc brakes have fewer parts-are more effective. Cadillac: 11 models tastefully restyled. A new Eldorado engine produces 400 hp. S ignal-seeking radio for stereo s tations only, if desired. Com- pletely new rear-axle a.~sembly .quieter. longe:- lasting. Improved cooling. Chevrolet: 20 models, with the prestigious Monte Carlo as a sporty, personal-car ~ntry. Larger engines in all lines. Disc front brakes on many. Chevelle has a completely new appearance -s tyling resembling the big Chevrolet. Built-in reflectors on station-wagon rear bumpers. Chrysler: 15 models, all with n new sound and vibration isolation system for li\'1ng-room com- fort. Five engine choices. A rim-blow horn il\ available. So is a speed shift. Larger tires. Loop bumpern create a wider appearance. Dodge: T he Challenger is t he newest <1f the 36 models-shorter and lower tha n other Dodges. New energy-absorbing steering column . Polara/ Monaco models are longer. Charger front end is redesigned. Coronet is nearly three inches longer. ford: 39 models, with Torino!\ entirely new, longer hOOd, longer wheel base. an intermediate aimed at big volume. New air-pressure relief sys- tem le~ you drive comfortably with windows up. Performance M ustang11 if you want. 1 mp roved front-end suspui.sion means more comfort. Imperial: T he fou r models are somewhat changed, thanks to · a f ull-length sill-molding treatment at s ide. New bench seat.a have bucket- ClftV1tOLET CAl'lllct I'\ 'f' MOUTH 0 TX type contoured backs. A new sound-insulation package reduces interior noise. Wider rear track. Lincoln: New body-on-frame constr uction is used for Continental, like the Mark III. Four tor<1ue boxes at rorners allow flexing. absorb noise and vibration. New "stardust " paints. Op- tional is an electr ic rear-window defroster. Mercury: 31 mQdels. Montegos are new. longer. and lower, with handMme roof lines and new en- gine. ,Concealed windshield wipers. Ma rquis and Monterey rear ends are new. C:ougar hns a per- formance car , the F:liminator. Olds: 26 models. including a new Cutlass Su- preme Holiday Coupe--sporty, personal. with its own notchback roof. Toronado largely revised. Greater power engines throughout. Windshield washer-wiper control on gear-shift lever. Plymouth: M'>Rl offerings of all-46, incl11dinl{ !!talion wagons. Compact Ous ter is new. an econ- <l m_v performanre car. Some Rarracuda.~ have an ai r scoop and air cleaner extending through hood openin~-a hot-rod touch. Pontloc: 24 models, with Tempest, Le Mans and GTOs restyled. Plastic used on g rilles--more handsome. less expensive to replace. A new 455 cubic-inch V-8 is standard on la rger models; a new six-cylinder in -line power plant, producing 155 hp .. is the intermediate line !ltandarcl. ·• A Tr9Clsury of Vintage Cars Wa11f to thrill tn ovn-son Tnrfl photo« of u1110'Tget- tnhf, 1111t·iq1~ cors (t!V flrJI m111 011 almo11t pric,/!1111 col~ lf'.ctoT'11 ilflm ) plu1t (/f'.liyllt/111 cv mmf'11lnrµ? Send f.(> 0:5 f<rr big, eQfurf MI P1Cfure lli11t""1J, "Thott W o1trf.rTf11/ Old Awtomobiu11" to F .W . flrmk•. 01'.nl. A /fl!i. fln,. 701, GTa7td CentTal S tahll"lf, Nf'.1'1 Yr>rk. N . Y /fin/ 7. OU>WC>elll TOllONADO I -. .. , 7 • *' obe. • Pontiac's 70's. For people who really dig cars. (See people digging cars below.) You see, these are the kind of people we really built our '70 Pontiacs for. Like the Bonneville. With all the performance of a new 455 V-8 . Yet so much luxury our upper-crust competitors have started a pout-in . The opposition won't find much lovable in our '70 GTO, either. Up to 370 horses available. And a new performance exhaust for you to order. This GTO comes on so strong we dubbed it "The Humbler.' Now if all this sounds like your sort of thing, see your friendly Pontiac dealer. He k~nows what's happening. TV Addiction QUIPS AND QUOTES ThOflf! women who watch d.a ytime 11bow11, · The erilica all make fun of •em. I join the critics, laughing loud- Aad don't let on I'm one of 'em. -Marjorie McEllHln Hlllkr * &in 1r club a 111 ... we'll aive nu a FREE Stereo sr• 01 nor Chir.e a• a FREE leconl, Ta1, or • Even w• 11 a WhOle Yur. IF yoo've ever wanted to buy UNUMITID SEUCTION of IOOKS, IICOIDS, TlPlS, CAIHIDQES. CASSCTIES, and HI Fl STEREO QUI at substantial savings (25%-80%) with NO MINIMUM BUlllK OBll· &ATIOM. oor club 1s for you. Now through the use ol one club membership yoo can have all the advantages ol .J clubs plus much much more. A club so NEW IN CONCEPT and O[SIGN that we ask your help tn naming it. What's more, we're willing to pay yoo I<>< that help. Send us a Name and we'll give you $3 off the Regular LHtlilH lleMtr· • Prr.t of $5 and a chance f<>< the big pme. II you're not a gambler here's a sure thlflg. We're w1lhng to offer Cbrter C"' Ml•~•dlilt for the same low lfltrodoctory puce, All YOU EYEI PAY IS $2. The winning name selecte1' by our Judges will receive a FIEE mno SYSTIM, ,111 a Fl££ 1£COID, TAPE, " IOH fftfJ Wetl fer a ftllt Ytatr. COMTEST Ct.OSES MOY. 1, so you'd better hurry. Whether you win the l>ig prize or not you'll certainly come up a wm ner with your club benefits. As a member you have u-...111TID SELECTION of any book you wrsh· fiction, non-fiction, historical, scientific -even valuable art books at 25% discount. A fl(( SdnrHI Catalog comes with your membership which conven1efltly lists over 30.000 LP's by categO<Y: Po(>ular. Classical, Folk, Jan and so on. ~ lbnis9ll Catalogs listing all available 4 and 8 track tapes, cartridges, and cassettes are yoors tor ttle ask10g. Yoor fill QUAITEll.Y ctUI MAWl• keeps you inf<><me<I of all New rele~ in Rec0<ds, Tapes, and Books, while offerrng you valuable extra discoont Club Specials. We've really stacked the deck in your favor · tape deck, tnat 1s. We offer savings up to 50% on Stereo Gear from such famoos makers as: Acoustic Researcil, Ampex. Oynaco, Electro Voice, ~ire, Ken- wood, Scott, Tandberg. Fisher, Garrard. Sony and many others. Asl for a lowJUOte on your needs.. You, of course, receive only m• NEW, factory seated. guaranteed perfect ! ... Ill, llClllS. T..U, and IOllS. Nottring wiN ewr be sllipptd unless yo11 order it and there's newr any ~I requft.. ment. SAVE 35°0 TO 80°0 ON LP RECORDS SAVE 331 )co ON TAPES SAVE 25°0 ON BOOKS CHARGE PRIVILEGES AVAILABLE ON All PURCHASES THre .. NO ,......,_ Ml, MO AHu1 '"' aH MO Milli.• "*"· ""' ... 1r1 ....... ....,, llh ........... . lillitH selectila, 4 Clllls ill .. cemu11i11c11 fast sw My ,nc- mill •f 1'11n 1Ma CU.C. ti llll a llil ....,. ·----------------•• lldJlkllla? FW-•o 1 C/O SHIELD INTERNATIONAL CORP. I I 777 Third Avenue. New Yorlt, N.Y. 10017 I I I WANNA BE A WfNNER . I I s.1111 •• ., um•• •-IS.II'' CMD, ., r'" Sc..._ eatatta. I _, r.-. IUrTile9 4 11111 I hck C.!Mtp, • ... lllal*s ... CtH I ....... ~ ...... maiL$2 1t1tleM!lp ....... : I I ~-CJH5A::~I:::~::::. ~l~J:.;:t~ II I I up to 50% on stereo 1ear, 25'l(. °"books I I 3 "° MUUllllUM PUltCMASl 08UGATIONS Nottti"I "'" f'Yff be Miii I unhl I order 11. I I -st .......... lfittl • CaM • •""' JI ..,. I ""' l•t ,. I I ...... receiff ..... ,....... I I NAME I I AOOflrss I I CITY I I STA IT ZIP I ·1-illtensttd ill tapes., 0 4 lTKk llld cassettes O 8 trxk I HERE~ THE WINNJNQ NAME; I I I I ee.tett cie.s ........, •,. 1 ... ,..... ~ ... ffllll. "' c-. .. I .. k. -. fllriJft -· ... --.. ..tlest ... "-.... ..,. ··--------------· The d iscussion concerned pets and their various pedigrees. The neighborhood children were proudly claiming sophisti- cated titles and breeds. T hough his dog was a mongrel, little Rusty was not to be outdone. "Mine's half poodle and half female," he announced proudly. -Ree Reafte'JI Some admirahr wtre discu.uing a col- league. jrut back from ma?leUvers. "Why, he's so rl"maJI," said 011e, " he'd fall over his own fleet.'' -Bf>b Yro"'1t A young couple left their new car in t he parking lot and went shopping. Two hours later, when they had completed their chores, they returned just in time t o see a thief driving off in their car . "Did you get a good look at his face ?" asked the husband. "No. dear ," said s he, "but don't worr~-. r got his license number." -Dorf>thea K en t A man ahrmld always give h~ wife a hand around the h<niae. The tr~ble iJf wives want mf>re than appla.!jse. -Frank Tyger The Worldns Wih'• Lament Saturday iA here al last: The five-day week ill finally paAt. The time ba11 eome for pe•ee and re&t: But., ob, the ho use, it loou a meu! Laundry in my r.vo rile chair; Duel all over everywben:. Oisbee 8lacked up in the sink: rn never get lo &leep a wink. The kicb an-6gbting-"'Quiet. pleue. The cat'" ao play with.. not to t.ea..e ... Hubby's s.leepift8 on the couch! When he wakes up, he'll ~ a ,:roueh. The boaJ1e b 6na1Jy clean and brigh~ And here I am on Saturday nigh~ StiJf and eore; r.,e aged a year. Thank heav,.ns! Monday's almoel he.-e! -DoAr ~" Tenni• \r==-r "Otlte-r kid& make their mothertJ ton tired to go oKt . Why ca'ft't ~ov?" ... Familr WHklr, Oct.ow lt, JHI The big the har 1hebig er they are er they fall for friskies dog do ff SAVE 10< on friskies - MIX or SAUCE CUBES (ANY SIZI) lo Grocer· Tiits ccoupon 1s redeemable lor lOt (plu~ 3C h.n dltng) throurh Carn11ton salesmen, or 1f malled to CARN A llON COMPANY, Boa 171. Pico R1We<a, C1l1lorn11 90660. provided 1t has been used lor !tie purctlue of Fns~1es MtJ or Sauce Cubes In accor<lanc-e w1tlt this offer. Any other use constitutes fraud. ln1101ces proving purchase of 1ufl1c1ent stock lo cover coupons presented tor redemplton must be shown on request. Vold ii use Is prohlblled. t11ed or otherwise rest11cted by law Limit one coupon per 1..,,lly. Cult v1lue of 1/20 of IC. Oller explrH ~cember 31. 1969 ~ friskies MIX A t••••·otf'*•••ll •• ,,~,. '•t ····•' ~ --'\)I-- ......... ------------------------------------------------------------~~------._..~~~~~------- j .. ENO DENTURE MISERY Miracle plutic OENTIJRITE rtliu looK den1utts in lin min- utes. Thu "Cu.shio n of Comfon" •.i:lu SOl'T ~ums. Yo u u1 anything. Laugh, talk, e .. en sntttt withoui emba.rraumen1. No more food p&nidu under pl•n. DENTIJRITE luu for months. Ends daily bod~r of powder, pule or cushions. Jusi rTmo tt when ref;1 is needed. Tasteless. Odorlus. Money back 1tuannttt. A1 all drug coun1ers. ".-1 · P A C .. r P . 1\ S r .- den I Uri I e RE.Fl~~ l'A:..'::oE TEE.TH BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to ease those po1ns even temporarily, until the cause •s cleared U'1 Why not 1oin millio ns of other users and try OeW1tt"s Pills' F11mous for over 60 years. OeW1tl's Pills contain an analgesic to reduce pain, and 11 mild diuretic to help el1minale retained fluids thus flushing out bladder wastes which can cauae such v-..ains OeWitfs Pills often suc- ceed where others fail It pain persists. always consull your doctor, but first. try OeWitt's Pills AUTD '70 BHDW 3 Secrets to Safer Driving · This expert drastically cut taxicab accidents with easy-to-follow rules any motorist con master By JOSEPH N. BEll ,/" Accidents ul 11nrPfJ11loled i11ten1erl111ns can be al1<7i<led . A LMOST 40 yea r s ago, a fi young entrepreneur from Dayton, Ohio, named Haskell B. Schultz bought a taxicab company in Fort Wayne, Ind., and came face-to-face with a hard fact: accident claims were eating up his profits. So Haskell ~ehultz Mpent many months riding with his own drivers --observing, thinking, planning. Ile concluded that there are two types of accidents : those thal car1 be pre- vented anci those that can't. The sen- sible approach to accidents is to iso- late those that occur most frequently, determine 1rhy they are happening, then-if possibl attack the cnuse. "We should," liays Schultz. "work on each type of arciclent as R disease a nd cure tho~ that are curable-in- stead of looking for miracle rures." Haskell Schultz followed his own advice at the Safety fah Company '\n For t Wayn with some spectacular results. From 1!>43 to 1950, his in- surance company. with which he car- ried a $l ,OOO-detl11clalile polit•y, didn't pay a s ingle claim on ~khr1lt.z's 76 l'abs. which trnvel alurnl ~1 1/2 millio11 miles each year. Schultz also has ser\'f~d as chnir- man of lhe Chamber of rnmmerce Traffic Stifety f'ommillN• in F'nrl Way ne and the Safety ('ommittee of the :'llational AP~nciatinn of Tnxicah Owner!I. I n 19§5 he was selected tn represent that body on the Presi- rlenl'!I Commission for Traffic Saf ety His book. Delfifm for Safe Dr1 vinn. discusses hi!I theories in detail. The thr ee major preventable acci- dents, according to Schultz. are: 1) t hose occurring at unregulated inte r- sections; 2 ) those occurring at stop f'u111il11 Weeklv. Octuber It, 196!1 !-!lreets; and 3 ) rear-end collisions that result from following other cars too closely. Mo!!l intersections, Schultz notes, are 25-to 30-feet wide. A driver go- ing 20 mph requires 50 feet of slop- ping distance to bring his car to a halt. a nd he consumes 25 feet just getting his foot from the accelerator to t he br ake. This 25 feet is h is margin of safety in preventing open- interse<'lion accidents. It will carry a driver directly into an intersection ready for a collision-if he waits until he sees an on-<:oming car before applying his brake. So the safety margin mu!lt be avail- able before the car reaches the dan- ger zone of the intersection itself. At a point 50 to 75 feet from every open intersection, the driver should remove his r ight foot from t he gas pedal and hold it over the brnke. permitting the car to coast through the intersection. "This habit is automatic with our cab drivers now," says Schultz, "and we have pract ically eliminated this type of accident. If an emergency !!top is necessary. no lime is wasted ~oi11g fr11m ){aS lu uruke pedal." The common practice at stop streets, Schultz r<•nlinues, i!I to stop at the C'rn~swalk. case into the inter!ledion, look bnth ways. anti-if no car!! are seen prcweecl :wross the street. Thu~ prncerlure i!I more dnngerou::1 than 11ol s fnpptrJJ.! at all bera11!-le I he driver stopping l>eh inci a crosswalk 1~ still aboul :m feet from the center of the tnte•·!lection. From a dead stop. it will take him ahout ~V:i !lecnnd!I to reach the center of thP intersedinn. This means that a car nn the street travelinf{ at 30 mph will reach the 11ame point in the intersection from 110 feet away. I nsteAd, Schultz suggestA, the dr iver anproaching a through street should tome to a full stop with the front bumper a foot or two short of the nearest dri1•i11g lane on the road. From there he can see 200 feet in both directions and pull safely into the ('ross s treet from a dead stop. If thf're are pedestr ians in or np- proachi ng the crosswalk. then, of ('ou n~e. he must s top twice--once for the pedestrians and once to clear cr<1::1s traffic before he pull!'! into the i 11tersection. About rear-end collision resulting from uilgating. Schultz says, "I don't think most d r ivers understand the mathematics of it or train themselv~ lo observe basic rul~. A trailing driver JCOing 20 mph loses 25 feet 11f safely room when the man in the rar aheRd moves his foot from the gl\s feed U> the l>rake pedal. By the time the tail-warning light goe." on. it will take the ~econd driver that rl l!ltance lo apply the brake. "Therefore, he must t rail the car in front of him by at least 35 feet tor lwo l'Rr lengths) al 20 mph to he t·ert.ai n that he can s top in time tv preve11t an accident-nu matter what the t·ar ahead does. And. of c·1H1 r!-le. lhi!I distance increa:-1e!'I with llw inr rraHe in :1peed, which leads to th1' general rule that a driver ghouhl always allow a safety margin of one i ar lrr1R"th for each 10 mph behind llw \'f'h1 c·le he is trailing." Any driver can apply Schultz'g r11li>!I JUAl remember three basics : • r ciol over the hrake 75 feel rrnm an "llen intersection. • Dead !!lop at a point where he hn!I a clear and unobstructed view for 200 feet in either direction at t he intersection. • One car length for each JO mph behind the car in front nf him. • I I Complete your beauty wardrobe with a Cleopatra creation and we'll add the Hair Care Extras-FREE! Your wail for the right wig al the right price 1s over' from the famous design~ of Cleopatra Wig Creations of New York comes an exquisite selec- tion ot quality ha1rp1eces 1n high fashion styhog at special 1r.:roductory prices. And all the luxu- rious fealu1cs you·ve always looked for, but could never Q111le afford are you rs 1n each crea- l1on by c:eopalrd Ct.etk them yourselves • Guaranteed 100% human hair for Ille nawral look of liveliness • ll'citilll ~ ~ ti fit _, aa lleM. CMI and comfort.able. • Prtcrsion made tor true appearance. • Ready-to-wur tlte minute it arrives. yet simple to restyle and care for the way you want it • £.lpertly matched to the subtle shades and color of your own hair Compare all these features w11h hairpieces cost- ing twice as much and more You'll see that you'll choose Cleopat1a to JOJO the world of in- stant fashion ond solve woman's eternal problem of what to do with your hair at any time of the day. for the modern woman on the go, the quick magic of a wig can mean savings f!Ot only in dol- lars, but in precious time Choose the Cleopatra creation that fits your personality and everyday needs: • Three d1st1nct styles of wigs ready.to-wear in eye catching designs. $49.95 each. 1. The Sophisticate 2. The feminique 3. The Accentuate • Oel111e fall, 100% human hair. New concave base with natural lilt. Machine made with hand- sewn front. Ideal for the today look, for all age groups. Popular 18" length. Special price. $49.95. • Cascade al Curls. 100% human hatr. The high fashion now 1n vogue look. Feminine and easy to restyle Comfortable foundation. Special price· $29.95. • Wirlet Cluster, 100% human hair. The most popular and most necessary ha1rp1ece. Adaptable for many styles and for women of all <1ges. Spe cial price $16.95 (very woman can t..e beautiful in one of these high fashion hairpieces 100% human hatr Matched carefully to the color of you r hair or your choice as you prefer Cleopatra guarantees your perfet t sal1slact1on or your monex back: And to complete your beauty wardrobe we II g1vP you !A) FREE total value $I 8 85 with your order of a Wig or De lure Fall. simulated Alligator Box and Head form ($4 95 value) Presto Cordless Elec1J1c Hair Brush Massager ($9.95 valuel Hair Care Kit !S3 95 value) (8) fREE total value $ 8 .90 with your order of Cascade of Curls, simulated Alligator Box plus Head Form !$4.95 value) Hair Care Kit !$3.95 value) IC) fRH with your order of a Wiglet Cluster- Ha1r Care Kit tncludes styrotoam head, suction clamp, rollers, "T" pins and tease brush ($3.95 value). ---------------- Your order will ~ color Check mJtched to this lock of ha11 Hairpiece Here n The Sophisticate The Femin1que The Accentuate Oelu11e Fall Cas.cade of Curls !ape l II, inch loc\ ot hau here Wiglet Cluster Mail to: Master~Craft Products for Better Living 149 Fifth Avenue, New Yor1!, N.Y. 10010 Enclosed is my check or money order for $ payable to Mastercratt Include my FR[ E Hair Care grits-Check one ----- Special Cost $49.95 $49.95 $49.95 $49.95 $29.95 $16.95 0 Wig or Delu11e fall-Free everything rn A-total va lue $18.85. O Cascade of Curls-free items as listed in 8-tota' value $8.90. 0 Wiglet Cluster-Free Hair Care Kit -value $3 95 City _______ State ____ Zip Code: ___ _ (N-York City residents add 6%; others add where applicable) ;. , JBnitzio island_ patzcuaro lake michoacan. mexico I "' .;. ... 0 hospitality plus ••• ... ell J T05 .w1/shire boulevard lo:s angeles .5. ca/if ,,...,,. pl•z• halt>/ «JO " !JI ,,,..-y'.s !!I. _, -~ le .. llUO/!J paseo de la relorma no. 4j mexico f, d. I. Denture _\ rnvention ~~~m •• For the first t ime, science now olJe~ a unique plastic cream that holds falae teeth-both "uppers" ~~ "lowers"-u they've never bftn held before. It forms an elastic membrane that 11rf1U1llll h.old3 dna- t 11rn l.o ._...,. oad VII• nr/ocu ! It's FtXODliNT-a revolutionary diseovery for daily home \.18e. So rlillereot it's protected by U. S. Patent #3,003,988. FlXODENT not only holds den- tur?S firmer, but it bold... them more comfortably , too. [t 's so GElllNG UP NIGHTS ~ IWIT 1·-Kldnry or Blad~ lrTlt<t- 1i11ru1 m•k~ m u ny nwn and w_,, f11t.;.I fl',,_ •nd rwn·ou. Ir.-ITeqiwnt hatni ni.: or ll r hlni:: un nntlu" nt~;hl :inti llny Set-ondari ly . ~·uu m n,v '"""' ~let'µ 11ml hnq • H t•odac-hr , Bnc-knt'hl" :ontl Ct•l'I oldt>r tired. df'µreurd. In !<Uo'll ,.,;ses, l"Y~TF:X uawtll} hrlnit.t n-lrnl n~ ('()fnforf by curbinl( irnl•l- lni.: l:t'"1111 In -.Id ur10C! anti q11M•k l.v t'a11lnl( v:un l;et ('YST E.Xal drujel(lat:t... ne1 Y•Orier By Mlil FrHI Famly Weekly ••• P\ilJJo. allaoo 1111 le few ..its ,., *''-'· n. __ ,.._..., ........ ~ Ti. it-..... cmpy -dl9l:lm '-,... ... alMlitp llp FMMIJ Wftldy, ta. If ,_. _ _, _.um..,. ..ii or-... Jiiii ~= SttftClf ~ F-lp ~I)'. fo4l u. ...... •-. Ntw 'l'on, N.Y. 10022. • elutic you may bite harder, chew better, eat more naturally. You may even eat and enjoy apple, .steak. and corn--0n-t.he-a:>b aaain. Thuperial pencil-paint dispeMeT lets you put FtXOD8NT exactly where it's needed. Resists f.Mning ovt>r and raninc- Just one application may last round-th~lock. D entul?.'I that fit are eseential to health. See your rlentiat regularly. Get euy-to-uae Fl:<ODENT Den t ure Adhesive Cream at aJI drug counte~. PHOTO camm Page 2: AIC; NIC; Fobian lochrvch; No ..... Photor.,..hic C...-; Won4 w. w.11 •. FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Saufftes MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • Pre&ene the drama of ~rving IK>uffle~ by brilll[ing them to thf' tablf' within min· ule& aflf'r they «'ome from thf' OH~n. Their height it1 moel dramatic-and impreNiH! before lhey beKin to 111hrink. Tuna·Bacon Soume 8 81icH bacon. diced. fried, and drained 1,.~ cup chopP"f onioa • • cup chopped cf'lf'r1 I/, cup buttf'r or •ar111ari- 1;, cup nour "1 teas..-M&80lled ult h wapoemi..il !'s teaapoo• ~Pl'tt I y, nape ailk 6 "•Ill yotka (about Yz rap) Yi t.a.apoom W Ortatenbire 1 caa (61/1 w 1 -..) taaa. drai...S aad ltak~ Y> nap drained ranaed 10Jliced m1111h· rOOlft8 !14 cap ••iPIM'li pan~y 6 ea~ wt.ite11 (aho.t +4 ca,) 1. Reserve 2 tablespoons bacon drippinp in !ikillet. Add the onion and celery to hot drippings and cook until vegetable!4 are c.: risp·tencter. Set a~ide. 2. Heat butter or margarine in a sauce. pan. Stir in a blend of t1ou r, s easoned !'!alt, basil. and pepper; heat until bubbly. Gradua ll y Rdd milk, stirring to blend. Bring to boiling, st irring constantly, and boil I min. Remove from heat. l. Meanwhile. beat egg yolks until thick. Spoon in hot gauce, beating th()r oughly after each addition. Add Wl)reeste~hire. bacon. onion. celery. tuna, mushroom~. and pars ley ; mix wel l. 4. Real egg whites until ~tiff. not. dry, peaks are formed. Spoon tuna s.auce over surface of egg white8 and care.fully fold together until j lJ :il blended. Gently t urn mixture into ao ungreased 2-qt. souftle dish (deep ca.<1~erole ha vmR' glraight sides >; spread evenly. 5. Bake at 350°F. about 40 min .. or until a knife comes out clean wben infterted in souftle about halfway between center and edg~. Serve immediately. 6 f11 8 :tertJt ffgt1 lt l<'n111il11 Weekly, Octobe1· I i , I !16/J Tuna-Baccm Sm1!ffe-n puff of deliciowme.11s. Individua l Tuna-Bacon Soumes Prepare soutfle mix tu re as in recipe for T nna-Racon Soutfle. Carefully s poon mix- t ure intn ungreaMed, l·cup individual souffle ramekins or straiJ{ht-sided dis hes. filling eac h to within 14 in. of top. Set ramekins or dishes in a baking pan, place on oven rack, and pour hot wat er into pan to a 112-in. depth. Bake at 350°F . a bout 30 min. Harvest Soume 'c cup butter ·~ cup lour ~ t.eupooe u II 13 •ttspoon lt'arlic "alt 1 '1 tf'a!'pooa Worrf'il tenhire YJ c up milk I can ( 17 en.) cream-atyle corn I h cups (about 6 os.) 11hredded llharp Chf'dcbr ~ Yz cnp (aboat 2 oz.) shredded l'rovolone chft'W 6 eitit yolh (about ''z cup) 6 e1111t whit~ (a!Mtut '-4 cup) L Heat butter in a ~au<:epan. Stir in a blend o f the fl our. ~a lt. and gar I ic sail ; heat until bubbly. Rle nd in the Worce s- te rshi1·e, milk. and <:orn. Stirring con· !\ta ntly, bring mixt11re to Loiling and boil I min . longer. 2. Remove from heat : adci cheeses all al one time. a nd :<1tir rapidly until melted. :t Real egg yol k>1 until thick. Spoon sa uce into egg yolk". besting thoroughly after each arlct ition . -l. Beat egg wh1t.e:,1 until stiff, not dry, peak11 a re formecl. Gently s pread egg yolk mixt11 re over beaten egg white1' anrl care- fu 1 ly fold toget her until j ust blended. Gently t urn the mixture into an ungreRsed 2-qt. soutfle dis h ta deep ca sserole with ~traight Rides ); !:lpre.ad evenly. 5. Bake at 350°F . about 40 min., or until a knife comel.4 out clean when inserted in souffle about halfway between center and edge. Serve immediately. A b<rnt 6 11e·rriny1t j AMAZING *1 OFFER Magnificent, Giant Man-O~War Mural in Ft1ll Color ---->.t ,_, ....... ».:,~ . 7 "\'°'."}~~~ . . . • "\ .,r.' ... ' ~ .,. .. -• ~ . ""..: .,,. .......... r-. ' ~ ~~ It~ .. (•"'vi ... .• ' ... ~ h· ~ ., '(~ .. ' ... ~. ·~ , ... ~' , .... ~ ,, ~~ • -· f • .f,'71 •->r ----~----------" .. MAN-0-WAR. Original Oil Painting by Robert Amick Beautify Your HoJDe With This Exquisite Reproduction That Is More Than SIX TIMES THE SIZE OF THIS FULL PAGE! -Imagine this magnificent mural of one of the greate8t thoroughbreds of all time hanging in your home, office or club! "Big Red" as he was a1fectionately known by the world's greatest sportsmen, embodies the very spirit and drama of the thundering track. Now his magnifi- cent portrait has been superbly captured in oila by a famous painter of champions, Robert Amick. Through a special arrangement. we are able to bring it you in a spectacular giant mural 24" x -36 ..... A HUGE SIX SQUARE FEET! But you muat order at once while our supply Juts. Off« Will Not Be Repeated This Season Only when you see thia magnificent muterpieoe in your home can you appreciate the dramatic effect of this incredibly beautiful painting. This picture it! certain to be treasured by _p>llectora and decorators alike. How- ever, we urge you to order immediately. This oft'er will not be repeated thia eeuon in Family WeekJy. .• r---------------------~- 1 The lIOlCESTEAD, I Homestead Bui&ding l~pt. MW -54 I N~ptua~. ~J. 07753 I l'lt>as?. send me the gi ant-size full color MAN-O- WAR print. (frame not inrluded) for just $1 plus 25r for postage and handling on full money back l{Uarantee if J am not delighted. (Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.) Enclosed is $------ Name•---------------~ ~Print) Address ~~---------~-__,._ City tate Zip_ [l SAVE! SPECIAL OFFER: Order three ~ant MAN-0 -WAR MURALS only $2 postpaid (You save $1.75). L----------------------- Film cartridge snaps onto not Into camera The world's only , , , ,. with a FREE VACATION*to shoot ••• ~ • -i. CP Instant toedlne c:artrldp ol !M Dynacolor Capture your precious moments in color, black and white, or slides. with the most unique, com· pact camera ever made. The Simplex Snapper makes everyone an expert-child or adult. Noth· Ing to open-nothing to load-nothing to set. Snap your 3 M, Kodak or other film cartridge to the back-aim and shoot!! The Simplex Snapper is tiny·light ·convenient and fool-proof. • Color coded for easy operation. • Uses all standard flash cubes. • Factory pre·set exposure and focus with Ameri- can optical lens for sharper pictures. • Special double exposure preventative to stop wasted film. • Made in U.S.A. by Lava-Simplex. • Unconditionally guaranteed for one full year. No matter which Fastback you choose, we will give you up to four days and three nights in an exciting vacation city free. Send your order 1n now and make picture taking a snap with a Snapper. 3 DAYS A 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO ••• FREE Spend a holiday in LAS VEGAS• RENO• TAHOE NEW ORLEANS • PALM BEACH OR MIAMI BEACH. * 3 days and 2 nights in the city of your choice. Only Miami Beach ... 4 days and 3 nights, all other resorts 3 days and 2 nights. Free offer does not include meals and transportation. With every Snapper Camera ordered we will send you a certificate giving you the information on your free holiday. Choose from 15 luxurious hotels. Each certifi- cate is good up to one year from date of issue. MASTER-CRAFT I PRODUCTS FOR BEffiR LIVING, 149 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Enclosed is my checl(fmoney order for ___ _ (Include New York tax wtlere applicable) Send me ___ Snapper Packages @ $5.95 each CITY Send me ___ Snapper Packages @ $8.95 each Si ATE ________ zip ____ _ • W Send me vacation lift certificate for the city of ________ _ l JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Let'• Draw• Sh .. p By Ann Davidow The quiet woo II y s heep will graze And grow us sweaters A II her days. Double Vowels for This Fill in each pair of blank spaces with the same vowel. The result- ing words read forward and backward, up and down. Only two vowel!'! Hide·•·N•me Hidden in this sen- tence is t.be nationality of the seamen who dis- covered America in Ure yM r 1000: It. was fo rt.u- na le that the ~overnor Relected able men t.o head the rontroversial depart- ment. for pe<>ple were now satisfied. I See A nA ll'Pr lfo:r ) let's Draw Animals look A 1111 Dtn>irfow hnH p11h l111hcrl l11nulrrd1< a/ fn1tr1 1tnti11g rl rn11111111 l-ir11111111 for ch ildrtttt ill a rlehgh t /ull11 sti1nulnting book. Ti1111 o/ tlto~a•HU 110/d nt I t .Sf/ 111 horrl cot•er. For 11n11r enp11 i11 10/f rov~r 11tn•d nt1ly 1 1 pl.tu :!!Sr for 1ltipp1ng In "Let'1t Droi<• Animals," Dept. A JH . RoT 'ifl7. G rand Cen tral Sta fion, N e1v Yark, N . Y. IOfl17. Minus One, Plus One From a five-letter word for a sound that your heart is likely to make whe.n you are very ex- cited, take away the first letter and get a swelling : then add a la.3t letter to this word a nd get an ex· clamation you are apt to say when you don't quite believe what's being said. (See An.<11()er Box) Plus One To a five-l etter word that means near, add a la!lf letter and get the place in your house where vou hang clothes. (See A1iJrtoer B ox ) You Name It Answer Box ·1a<u 'Jaa1 +aaw •waaJ;-dn puv UMOQ ·wooJ ~oow •1001 '(OOJ.->puq puu SSOJ;>V :s1~•0J\ ~1q no0 +asop-aso1;) =~uo s n1d i 4dwn4-<1w n 4-dwn4J. :~U() 8RIJ '~U() SOUH~ · ( sa&s111-o w. 1 8<J\1S11JOW. :u ~W•N ROA ·~.10N =~••N-•-~P!H 1''n111ily Weekly, October Jt, 196~ 11 • New improved formula: KLEENITE gets dentures c1eanet; brightet; faster- without brushing. Introducing new improved-formula KLEENITE Denture Cleanser. .. with new cleansing action unsurpassed by conventional denture cleaning tablets, unoxygenated pastes or powders. "pro~lef!1" persp1rat1on solved n11•u tll1111su•s wllt 111er5pire lleatily An l'lnt1persp1rant that really works' S olves undera r m problt>m& for m a ny who had despaired of e ffective h elp. Mitch um Anti-Penpirant ke"ePfl underarmB abeolut.ely dry for thou8And8 or grateful uaers, w ith comple t e gentle nesa to normal skin a nd clothing. T h is unll8ual formula from a trust- worthy 56-yeRr-old laboratory is l{uaranteed to satisry or d ea ler will refund purc hase price. So get the positive J>l"O- t.ection of Mitchum Anti-Per- spirant, L iquid or cream. $3.00, 90-dsy supply .Available st your favorite drug or toiletry counter . ,, SCro.1er ~power. penetrates where no hrush o r unoxygcnatw rasle can reach even into decp- sca1cd siain\. Only improved Kl.El:.NITt' gives you this fonnula that get~ denlUrc.scleaner, bright· er, fast.er-leaves dentures fresh and odor·free NOW! Rid your home of m ice com- pletely w1t..b d..CON' Mowie-Prufe, the amuin1 mowie killer lhaL'a - llOST URCTM: ... hu l w1<"e u mur h moW!f:-killinc 1n(Tf!dief1l u other lndm' brands. lt'a t.n mrredient rtt0mmended by I.he U.S. Governmenl. ClLAHST ,._ OSKST ... just pull t.ab-ba1t r-u automallc-ally. IAl£ST ... when Wlf'd as d1~ted, sale around i:hildren and pet.s. No wonder M ouse·f'ruft' out11ell11 1111 ot..ber mou11e killt>,.. rombined fh1s new pocket oxygen .. d·CON MOUSE·PRUFE Makes Eating With FALSE TEETH Easie,. and Faster inhaler 1s something most people should carry Helpful tn emergencies The great ~t thong yet for a hangover. rh other uses are many Completely sale, 1t gives relll!I !ram the symptoms of asthma, croup. headache, e•haustoon. motion sickness, etc (very hou~hold should have an orygen inhaler (Ach cartridge has over J Quarts ol H S P oxygen lnhM« ~ed Cl lnlcal tell"-prove you can nmr 1 urt.rilfae, $5.9S, J refills, $2.9S. eat and cbe'W belt.v' malle denl ureti r--------- --I mo!"!' enecuve-tr you Juat aprtnllle I oaa:Rl.AJeO STUDIOS a little PASTE£71i on your platff I .,..........,. ~ • ..._ r...-~ I P ASTE't:"nf UI 1' n MWIY ·LO-UM powder that holds denluree nnn~r longer-I l'odoet O•-Inhale" !iii $5 ts I m skea them reel more comrortable "-""• q si 95 FASTEETH ls nol acld~oesn 'teour I Then'• no gummy. gooey. pe.aty ta.ate Deoturea that ftt are -nllal t.O health ~ yow-denttat n,cularty. I Oet PASTEZTR at all dru1 counten. 1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t ~'!!.~~~~ AN,_MlaerabM wit.II pain and ~ ol ~ uloen. nrelllnir. It.ch. ,...., d&M to deep ftftOUI -_....u-1 Prown VISCOSlt _ ... u rou walll.. Saq t.o .... M~-llec~ ~IJU&rani.d trlal. Send. f09' I'm!: IOCll t.odaT. W, VISCOSI[ CO•PAMY UI •• C:..._ A ... , C.._ U , I- t--~~~~------~~~~~~~ • IS .... An entirely new freeze-dried process. Now you get a freeze-dried coffee that looks like fresh-ground. Smells like it. Tastes like it, too. They said 1t couldn"t be done You couldn't combine the look the flavor. and the aroma of real fresh-perked coffee with the convenience of an instant. But th at was before exclusive Taster's Choice freeze dried process was discovered Taster's Ctloice starts w ith perfect-perked coffee. We begin wtth freshly roasted. fr eshly-grQu nd. premium coffee beans Then. our coffee is perked by experts using an exclusive new method 1 he result / Perfect -perked coffee. Hearty. robust coffee with the kind of flavor you'd like to get every time And-as you'll dis cover-you'll be able to. Another big difference. Here agai n 1s where Taster's Choice leaves all others We freeze 1t ... quick as a wink . . to forty degrees below zero. This sudden cold traps all the freshly- brewed coffee flavor and aroma. Next. all the ice 1s vacuumed away. Ory vacuumed. so not one bit of the flavor and aroma 1s lost. Looks like ground coffee. What"s left is pure. fresh -brewed coffee In crystals. not powder It looks like ground '~offee. and needs no refrigeration All you do is add boiling w ater. and presto 1 You have coffee with fresh -perked fl avor Taster's Choice Freeze- Dried Coffee Just like that, you're a champion coffee maker every time. Taster's Choice has all the deep. rich flavor and hearty coffee aroma you used to have to perk up a pot for. whenever you wanted real coffee. Try 1t. It's Freeze -Dried. Tasters Choice looks like. smells like. tastes like your own fresh -perked. M aybe even bener. JET ROD FL~ME GUN A mazing flame gun. kiU8 weeds mid melts ice inatatat- l11! No eo1tlt1 ftul, ! pift.t8 of kerosene git1e 30 miw"tu of eon.ti~ "8e. LigAt- toeigla.t ; potoerf"'-$19.95 plWJ $1 post. B&G Depot, Dept. 10-1! FW, ! First St., E. Nonoalk, Ccmn. 06880. UQlllD UlJNCRERS a.re 0tit-of-this-100rld l&ighbaU gl.cu1Je& for an11 bar! Called Momulwt Gl.cu1res, atem is a." actual shat gla.88. Red liM iftd.U:ate1J li,,Uts for "liquid fua." Set of 6 for $5.75 plU11 75C1>0W1ge. Great Herit;a,ge Co., P.O. Box 1789, WMl&in.gtml, D. C. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE READ TINY PRJNT easily with these half-frame magnifying glasses. Just "look over" for normal viewing. Be sure to silecify men's or women's black with silver thread; brown with gold, black or brown tortoise. Handsome and so uReful for closeup work. $5.95 ppd. Joy Optical, Dept. 876, 84 Fifth Ave .. New York, N. Y . 10011 . Pl.A Y THE HARMONICA in 5 minutes or your money back. Has solid bra.88 plates and tuned bronze reeds, with nickel-plated covers. With instructions, plus 200 songs (words and music). plus ' " \•' ,. \..., ......... ;_-- 50 extra for 2, 3 part harmonizing. $3.98. Ed Sale, Studio FW-10, Avon by the Sea, N.J. 07717. ~ARD'S Formula is a treatment for the scalp that may help you find relief from dandruff and a dry, itchy scalp. The people who offer this formula say that a few treatments help control a falling hair problem from common scalp infection. Available in large size for $6 ; in trial sire for $2 ppd. Send your order to Ward, Dept. FW-5, 19 West «th Sl. New York. N.Y. 10036. PERMA T"WE•:z is a convenient, do-it- yoursclf electrolys is device that safely and permanently removes hair from face, arms, and legs. Battery-operated, it is professionally endorsed. An easy way to prevent embarr&.88ment from un- wanted hair. Appea.rs in American .Med- ical Association·s Today's Health, Ar- chives of Dermatology. $14.95 ppd. Send your order to General Medical, Dept. FWE-2, 5701 West Adams, Los Angeles, Calif. 90016. W ee/und Shopper iUmlr are NOT advertunn,g. If prodwct.A sh01e1t. are ftot avaikibu at store11, order frOfft sOMrcu listed. Fa'"illl WHkl11, October It. 1H9 n .. P~y · W'eekly's Slao1111U.g Gaide'. . . . SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE TO SMOW TOOi tillOUP Gee "'" -.... ----.... _,, "' -·--·'If ..... ~ ..-y..,... IMll ona .- ' .................. Cal ........... -·· l-.-....... -ttlJ ......-. ...._aA a...__-. am _,.. _, cs-ea••t.JS) Here's 1\e Way To c.r• A Raptue -'hl--~ a-; ... _,.,.. ......... ._......-...-~ C-.. N-114' ' s Te Flllii 0.. ThouaaM• of irupt._... "'""' wtll =:,'::.C:.1:.:-;o;.!,ha\, '"(:!':~~ fl~• ~ Ooltln .. f~ hie -.~t. r•phare fro"' .,"tot\ "4 .... .,.... 90 1oft• w 1U N ...,,l ,, .. to a.Jl who wrJt• CM H .. It ~Vo••t ooet. ro-• a c:-nl t.o ""4 ovt ~:r· f,°""::rr.':.·:-~~: d:rn!~~ -~~ .. r-orl...t -U•fa.et~ r-•h• foHowh·•• t."'t• fr•• ofter. &.nd r••ht •••Y ,. NO'V .. bll·r...-. T')'9 ltUt •o•"" 'hi• ~p...-. Merely _ .. d 1._••r n•m.-•••~ 1•:=-:.· ~t ~~:-H. Tc:.A~~.~w- 100 STYLES FOR WIDE l=EET! ~""'' Cowol dt"'· wort .i.e.. 'hof reoll y "' Too -llty, -..Jar ,..ic...-,,. ~-· ... FEET ACHE? IMMEDIATE RWEF New foot Comfort P•ds ................... ..................... ltft -·--, ................... . ...................... ..., ., ..._ u.._.,. ................ ., -1--' ...... ........., ... .... __ ; ......... ..,. _......., ............... _,,,., ............. ,, .. __ _ _..._..._11.8 ........ Tw,..._. SLn •· ....,, • c.e .D.'a. f'tl:UF..C_.. ................ ~ ••••11 ce::i llft. fWlO ............. ,.11_ _i $5.95 UKE TO DRAW OR PAINT? &.sill'°°'~ ia .... ~-.tel ol Artqwlddy, .-ay, .t .._. I Many r..:imtillc Will OJJi!1D .. -artilU. ..... __ «full time ia ~. IUu.tration and f.:I:: Art. Cartoom, Portnii.. ~.TV Art. AIA ~1 yau for U... uid alb9n. Le9... .,,....,... 100 ol the -uo.·. top ....,,__ m Write today ••r o1 FREB S....U liame trail:iiQs. 1-tnactiom i.adude 'M .__, 39~1t dluta. .... ..._r• .. M-piale Artilt kit. aik, _.._ mlon, .-... dnwins ........ ~ ...... to abut -..., FREE sift book ... MPAINTING AS A PASTIME" by Wimtoe CJJun:lliU, illmtnted in full color. Write-! No -.1-n .nu call. ARTISTS INSTITUTE of AMBRICA. Dept. 41M. 1628 E. Mc.DoweU Rel.. ~ AZ 85006. LARGEST SELECTION IN U .S . Wily pay bic cluler lftd satesmen·s uammis· sions ! Sitt 65" by or denll1 direct r IMSt q111lity 20 days free trial MOMT bad CUMlll· tee. Easy terms 111d no mteres1 lletlind·tfle·laf Aids, Eye Gl;m Aids. All·in·tfle·EM. Body Aids $24 95 to $149 FRU EM Molds. Write for tree literlfurt. l'fo Sllesm111 will call. l.J.OYD c.. Oe¢ FM: 905 9th SI., Rockford. llhnois 6110ll Ci~·~----------~ Stolt.._ _____ ~;p, ____ _ MAIL THIS COUf'ON TO DAV• C. COO« "*.lst990 51 llilla. .._.. •120 ..... NFX09 SIPTICTANITIOUll.n NORTltEL ll.-::tin· tor won. co t..., lq>- dc Wik and omlpOOI deaa.. A t.cu:ria ~ ceatrate break• up .... and.,_ - worU IO preftllt O'fU· , .,. • bedl.-up, odon. ilesular .._ QUI U\'C coally """"""' a. d ii! .-...~amc1ry powda' .. --• 11111111 down laBet.. ~ ~­.._, .. ....,_ at ..u.tacdoD. 8ii -ct. .,ppl,., U .9S. °' full "'i''' .....,.,.. _.,. '7.00. ~- . .. .._-=. Make SSS 10 WAYS with flowers Guden flowrn or artifirials COM pn>ni.u. bring in s·s. Conagn. Wedding Flowen. Table arran~ts. Hobbv. home bus.inn.. sun )Our own .bop. FREE Color' Brochu.., Utow> )'OU "°"'" to learn profeuional Flower Arranging and Flo• T Shop ~Uon. Al.a fl~EE, ~-momh' wt..criprion to "Flower TaUr," Pub- liarion for h<lfl!fl lt9wer dat~rn. Floral Arts Cent. (t4olM Sructy DiY.) Dept eMA. 1628 ( McDowell Rd .. 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"PSYCHIC PENDULUM'' f llll to 11n ..-rs Us-d for centuries to an· awer questions about the ,. ... 1.ts future, to .. talk" to the 1. \ eplrit world. win at love • aambllna. and to brins In· \ dlvidual9 un<Mt-hypnotic ! \ s~ll. Could the "Psychic I \ Pendulum" chance your I luck7 No one can prove 1 l Its ,....+cal powen ..:._. I I tlflcally -but bellev•rst , clelm It worti• fof ttiem. l(i ~ Find out tor y-our'Mff. 't (I Mail coupon "'""· '- 112. TllE COllPlm IUUSTUru IOOI Of THE PSYCHIC SCIENCES. Is there really a "Si1th Sense?'' Are "hunches" merely intuition-or somettrinr men? C.... ,.. _....., uaUP~mMl'-il! Heieb tile r11st time ia piiat Ls tbe lllO$t comprehensive and authoritative survey of occultism 1nd psychic phenomena ever published. This huge ''encyclopedia" details the practices and attesled feats of seers, mystics, YoC• masters, mediums-ewn voodoo priests. It describes the techniques claimed to influence dice through mind power ... ..... ~ restore youthful vigor ... dominate the _ @. thoughts of others ... magnify physical · · if?~ stre11gth t.•'111111 •.. banish the pain of illness ... and much more. It also covers all kMft "nfn" Hiii llclaillMI for reading thoughts, interpretinc dreams, tea leaves, palms, head shapes, cards, numbers, the . stars. (You may even wish to undergo the 15 tnts fir ~ill llillllllH ESr "9ftf1 such IS telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, etc .... they begfn on page 377!) Absolutely ,,_ 1111)1811• Y0¥ ..... '° Mow i& ..... IM .... the C"9rS "' IM incredibly exhaustive-and stubbornly uncomllfomising-book. lletlli11 has been omitted ... or suppressed. from the experiments of parap$ychol<>1ists to the delvings of occultists this is the one truly "must" refefence wort for anyone interested in psychic phenomena. Over 100,000 wonts. •1. E1Pllllfl ... LAI. t. In! Int. 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How to rtaily understand and Jlffflct the desll*s •nd KtlollS Of 1011f !Mlf, lover. dllld. boss, em- ployees -lhrouati IS· troloo! P•. ••·fl.• 211 ..... -. ano bJ 1tvtt1 lllDftt. ~· Alltllor cltllllS relncunatlon" Is sl!lpl11111ws of '-vs Mltr~M-Md olfers proof of lier theory. ...... ltll. $4.ts 111. ftllTWl I ..... Huell Cl}'t'e. Son of (d-r.r CaoyQ dtscTtbts Ith lhtr's "1111tllod1," lltw1l1 how 1111 "'"'" '"' °"" psydlic pow-.... , hit. ........ 117.Tm .-JPUllll. Allen Spra11ett strafte• 1-U tllat d•· fled nery law of 1cl111C-,.t tlley hat>-P'Md ! A lllocllllf I ..... ........ 141. I IHIUl Ill lltOS'TS.DantonWelller. Ed. by Martin Ebotl. Burl l'tts. Mae West, ldll Lupino, oltler stars tell of lhtlr postly operie11~. ....... SS.• THE · WORLD WITHIN . ~;""' 111. 111l ..U Wlft.. Ill. Gina C1rmln1r1. ~~or ffctlOfl? Author offlf, new ICIM!tiflc t'lidl!lcl ft proof 1f111 Wiii be ~ bonl. .... ... ... •• .... ~ .... COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY SAODLEBACK Hill HOLDER by IJick Wilson WILSON FORD ~ ... Huntln«iton Beach Back in the early 1900's in Meril- lan, Wisconsin, the lacol physy- cians made many curious notes when signing the coronor's death certificate. This little gem has to be a classic : "De- ceased died from blood poison, caused by a broken ankle, which iS remarkable, as the automo- bile struck him between t h e laffi4> and the .radiator." May- be some of you folks can re- member back to the early 1900's? That's about the t i me Ford started producing automo- biles that would change the lives of all of us and the world around us. The Ford Motor Company has been doing its thing longer than anyone else so it's no won- der that they are the style, per- formance and safety leaders or the industry. 1970 is no excep- tion ... The brand new "Bet- ter Idea Cars" are here now. All of us here at WiJson Ford Sales in Huntington Beach would like to invite you to drop in and look, reel and drive your favo- rilf' from the great new 1970 Ford line. NO( only have we been making cars longer than other manufacturers but we have made more of them a n d each year we have consistently offered the new car buyer t h e largest selection of model. color and style ... Again. 1970 is no except.ion. Whv not drop in and see for yourself. Our store here at 18255 Beach Boulevard is fairly new as automobile deal- erships go. However we a r e loaded with experts who know Fords best They all agree that the 1970 model liDe is fabulous and the best ever from Ford .. We think you'll agree with the experts. Come oo to Huntin~on Beach and try a brand new 1970 Ford for size. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES II 18255 BEACH BLVD .. HUNTINGTON BEACH . 1 sssss••••••••••••H••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See all the g--- newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP THUNDERBIRD 2-DR. LANDAU TEST· DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DE'1. 9 0 .111. to 1 O p. m. 7 Days SERVICE OPE N Tuu , thr11 Fri., I 0 .111. to 5 p.m. Mo:i .. I o.m. to 9 p.m. 592-5511 I lJ 1: 1: 969 .. :'TV !PORT! HllJHl/11/IT! , SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 9:30 D Notre Dame Football (C) Tape of Notre Dame vs. Army game. 9:45 6 ~ 00 NFL Today (C) St. Louis Cardinals vs. Washington Redskins at Washington. 11:00 0 @ ~Major league Baseball (C) World Series game. Teams and starting time to be announced. 1 :00 6 Q?J 00 NFL Today (C) L.A. Rams vs. S,f . 49ers at San Francisco. 1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Trojans vs. Stanford Indians at the L.A. Coliseum. 2:00 0 m AFL Football (C) Teams to be announced. Game will be either Houston Oilers at Kansas City Chiefs or Oakland Raid· ers at Denver Broncos. 4:00 D UCLA Football (C) Bruins vs. Wash. State Cougars in game taped yesterday. O College football 1969 (C) TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY ·· 11:00 AM 0 ~ (6) Wortd Series Baseball (C) Game time 1s depend· ent upon which teams participate. Games three and four (Tues & Wed.) and, if necessary, game five (Thurs.) will be played: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 6:10 D Lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Philadelphia 76ers at the Philadelphia Spectrum. 8:30 0 Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Oakland Seals at Oakland. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 10:00 AM 0 ~ (6) W<!rtd Series Baseball (C) The game, if played today, may begin at a later time, depending on the home town o f the participating team. 11 :00 0 @ (1) ABC's Wide Wo rtd of Sports (C) Shown is Lew Al· cindor's first NBA Basketball game-Milwaukee Bucks vs. Detroit Pistons at Milwaukee. 1:00 0 1 (I) NCAA Football (C) California at UCLA. 5:00 0 lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. New York Knicker- bockers at Madison Square Garden. 6:00 m I biclAL I Championship Surfing (C) Filmed competition of the world's greatest surfers with emphasis on the Huntingt on Beach World Tournament. e,11 Burrud host s. Lew Alcindor, the 7'1" rookie center of the Milwaukee Bucks, goes up for an easy layup. The former UCLA star is seen in his regular season professional debut in the NBA against the Detroit Pistons on A BC's Wide World of Sports, Saturday at I 1 AM, live and in color, from Milwaukee. Jerry G ross will report the debut of the highest-priced basketball player in history. (Sports lllurtratedl Neil L eifer© Time Inc.) , I . i Linda Harrison Speaks .•. "After two 'silent' pict.urcs finally got to speak," said beau- tiful Linda Harrison, co-starring in the 20th Century-Fox Tele- vision series. Bracken's World. ~ultry brunette was re- fer~ to her co-starring roles Linda Harrison as aspiring actrtss Paulnte Douglas, takes advice from dominurrng mother, Gract (Jeannr Cooper). in the highly successfu l "Planet of the Apes" feature and its se- quel. "Beneath the Planet of the Apes," yet to be releacied. Appearing as the sexy slave girl, Nova. Linda is featured throughout the motion pictures but ha~ no dialogue! Such is not the case with her role in Bracken's World. As as- piring actress PauJette Douglas. Linda has a great deal to say to her pushy-Hollywood mother (Jeanne Cooper), boyfriend- stuntmao Davey Evans (Dennis Cole) aod talent school class- mates. When studio executives decide to drop her contract. Linda has plenty to say in pleading her case in the episode entitled, "Op- tions," which airs Friday at I 0 PM on NBC. Bracken's World also stars Eleanor Parker, Dennis Cole, Elizabeth Allen and Peter Has- kell with Linda. Karen Jensen, Laraine Stephens, Stephen Oli- ver. Madlyn Rhue, Jeanne Coop- er and Gary Ouhin. More Boys & Girls Needed For New TY Commercials And Series Tiiis 11 ttw lat.st "ford f\-0111 tlw -l•r .... "' ..ct prodltCert la Hollywood. Tef~loa co•-- cl.a1 ore bl4' b•I-. It 11 o bul-ttlat -•loys o 1-.. a11Mber of clllld,.. -d P9" ..._ loN)e qlorl... l•t ....... did ttlese kids co-fro111 , ..ct kw did ttiey 9et ttiero7 Well, WOllld fH beflewe ttiey•,. fHM I• 11tell for Ht plac" • Faller- to•. Sallta Aoa, or tlw 011ter ,... 9lon of loaq leocll or '•-7 So-of ttlOM yo11 .. 1ten •ay llwe rl9ht M Xt door! l•t wllo flHI ....._ hlletlNd boys ..ct 9lrt1 to f I I I tlw prod11cttoa .... 7 n.. thldlos oltd ...... cloa't '""9 ti-, IO -0 -It, ...,. Is o lorve .._.,, ..ct to flll ttill detllaed, o hbHc lele- tton CoMpaay cola.cl TAWE I rlODUCTIONS, INC. llat hi,.· ltd Its ....,.1 .. a.cf reso•rus to fllll .. tlw aeltd. TAKI I rlO- DUCTION~ ...... prot.ufo_. colltrach I• Hollywood te ...... COl!left. HANDON CIUZ lro•do• Cr111 etirolled la Jl111•y Uoyd's taloet pool at Toh I ,.rod1tetfon la febni.-,, 1 '61. Aft.r fe11r Woff.I of pNP•ratl-. o wldoe tape ac... •• co•- pi.t.d feahlrl.. ......... n.. H.a Sllaffw A.-cy Mw IN•· d ... , Tidoo ..,._ at T allo I ,.,.._ d1tetlH1 .... t19Md 111111 to - ...-CY cootract tlw followl .. -atti. Jut ttiree' -llttls latet ..... ..Mey , ..... Nd ..... to M.G.M. Shldlo wtloro lie ,._ cotYltd • fin y-coafract. Hh first rote fer M.G.M. wlll be a •hlrri.. ,... lo ..... .... ..,,. "Tiie C o • r t 1 h I p of ltWlo '• fettNtr." CALL NOW TOLL FREE ORANGE CO. OFFICE (714) 547-6251 TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 1261 North Vine Str .. t HOLLYWOOD. CALIF. I l blocb So. of Hollyw-d & Ylao, acrou 1tr90t tr."' Joey llskp T'lleatre. SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 fVfNING 6:00 iJ The Bil Nm (C) (60) Clete Roberts. O @ @ m Huntley • lrinlll•J Slturd1y R..,ort (C) (30) O loss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m Bar1>1re McNair (C) (60) Guests include Soupy Sales, The Firlt Edi· tion, sinier-composer Christopher Kingsley, and the comedy team of Clair and McMahon. «D Animals, Action and Adventure (C) (30) "Birds of a Feather." @) 1V Readers' Dieest 6:301 K.NBC News Conference (C) (30) Rosey Grier Show (C) (30) Run for Your lift (C) (60) Dr. Hudson's StcJtt Joum1I (30) : Jan Alley (30) (R) • On the Edie of Eternity (C) (30) · Cirl from UNCLE (C) (60) 7:00 iJ CIS Evenine News (C) (30) Roger Mudd. 0 K.NBC Survey (C) (30) "Con- sumer Protection." A debate be· tween Kay Valory, consumer coun· sel to Gov. Ronald Reagan and Donald Vial, president of the Asso· ciation of Calif. Consumers. Bob Wright hosts. 0 Anniversary Game (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. O Death Valley Days (C) (30) Donna Mill!., who ... wr ... :t\ Laura [.lliot on Love lo; a Many Splendorcd Thing, J,1 y11mc drama on C BS. owno; a 70-year-old 'lewi ng machine She '">'' It hrokc c.Jown once and she luokcJ for months for a repa1rn1an '\1ld enough to fix it." . . .. Fe'' Parker. !Ille \t.1r ()j N BC \ Daniel Boone senc~. recent Iv met Daniel Bo<int.•! He i ... the grcat-grcat-gn::it-great grand-nephew ot 1he 11r1g1nal 1:1mo11-; frnn t1cr ... man. and cnrrcnllv ~tat1 oncd with t.hc Armed l·orcl'' Kad1n & I V Serv1..:c' 111 Holl ywood • I When Dan Blnl'kcr . ...rar ol NBC\ Bon.1n1.a i-; :"kcc.J whv he we<ir' the "I tn ........ hat. he p0tnh 0111 that in the Old Wc,t: the hut!> worn normally had the high c rO'hn tu provide pro1cct1on agaimt the he.It the IJr!!er the man. the taller the hut. LAKER SUPER-STAR ON KTLA All-time. all-pro ha<tkethall star. Jerry West, has joined R.TLA- "The Sport<; Station .. West. who is starting his tenth season with the Los Angeles Lakers. will host hi ll own program prior to 13 Laker Basketball game<;.1<1nd will appear on a series of KTLA-produced commer- cials. promoting the Laker" telecasts on Channel 5. West is rhe scvenrh grca1est scorer in the history of 1he National Basketball Association. with 16,830 points-a 27.5 per game average. Known as "M r Clutch" because of his brilliant come- through performance~. West has 1he highest career scoring average in NBA play-off h i~tory-a remarkable 30.8 per game average. He has played in I 02 play-off games, and on ei ght All -Star teams. West dchuts on lus own program this Friday at 6 PM, prior to the telecast of the l akcrs' NBA season-opener against the Philadelphia 76crs. The format o l The Jerry West Show will he varied. Accord ing to producer Bob Spcl k, West will he c.:alled upon to analyLe the style of different team~ anc.J players in the N BA, He will also answer questions sent in by viewers, and offer personal instruclion o n the fine points of pro lc'i'i1onal basketball. Pa1e 4 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 Young marrieds come up with nilarious answers on The Newlywed Game e8:00pm(i) The bubbles and music pop for the 15th year on The Lawrence Welk Show e8:30J186' "Biscuits and Billy the Kid." A pioneer woman's baking and a blue·eyed biflygoat effect a tem· porary truce in an Indian uprising. Ben Cooper and Emily Banks star. m I Sl"ECIAL I The Sound and tht Scene (C) (60) Bobbie Gentry stars in this hour that combines country· western, pop and soul music, and her special guests are Brenda lee. Charlie Pride. Joe Tex, Fertin Huslty and the Fuller Brothers, plus spe· cial guest Don Meredith. former Dallas Cowboy who makes his debut as a performer. @) Sunset Trails (60) fill NET Journal: (60) "Speak Out on Drugs." (R) I Do-Re-Ml (30) The Rat Patrol (C) (30) 7:15 Kines Wrap-Up (C) 7:30 ~ (!) Jackie Gleason (C) (60) 0 ~ (6) m Andy Wllll1m1 (C) (60) Andy is joined by Danny Thomas, Peggy Lee, Victor Borge and song·writer Ray Stevens. U A SIDE-SPLITIING * COMEDY OF THE CIVIL WAR! 1967 1st RUN! IJ Movie: (C) "Rebel on the loo•" (comedy) '67-Riamondo Vianello, Maria Martinez. 0 @ ffi Cl} Datine Game (C) (30) Jim Lange hosts. O Million $ Movie: (C) "lnvitltion to 1 Gunfifhtef" (western) '64 - Yul Brynner, George Segal, Janice Rule. The hypocntical. weak citizens of a small western town hire a gunman to destroy a returned out- cast. and then realize they've mere· ly compounded their problems. «D Wondeu of the World (C) (30) "The Kona Coast Caper." The linker family pays a visit to the Kona Coast of Hawaii. with its famed City of Refuge, immense Parker cattle ranch, deep.sea lishlng and coffee plantations. eI) Los C1udillos (30) 8:00 0 (fiJ (I) (E Newlywed G1me (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Movie: "Viva Z..pata" (drama) '52-Marlon Brando, Anthony Quinn, Jean Peters. «D Hnraii Calls (C) (30) "Waikiki Beach." @)Sagebrush Theatre (60) fill On Being Black (C) (60) "John· ny Ghost." Robert Doqui stars as the champion boxer. Willie Middle· ton. who loses his tltle to a young- er fighter. a> Noche de Estreno (2 hr) 8:30 IJ ~ (j) My Three Sons (C) (30) Robbie comes to a turning point m his lif~selecting his first job. 0 ~1 6-1 m Adam-12 (C) (30) "Pig Is a Three Letter Word " Of- ficers Malloy and Reed capture a pair of armed robbers who try to incite a riot as they are led to lhe police car Suspects Carl (Rob· ert Munk) and Vern (£d Rue) are nabbed as lhey corne out of a small grocery store shooting. While handr.ulled and enroute lo the PO· lice ca1, lhey repeatedly call the olltcers names. hoping lhe gather· ing crowd will rtot Linda F1ey, lhe w111ow of an Oakland. Calif . police of11r.er (John ~rey) who was killed 1n an incid ent with militants, makes her acting debul tn this episode. 0 1 (3) Cl} Lawrence Welk (C) (60) The Champagne Music Makers 9:0C 9;3C fJ * 10:0 l969 turn their attention to space. I Ernest Tubb (C) (30) m Buck Owens (C) (30) Rawllide Roundup (60) 9:00 1J Q!l Cl) 5mn ACfts (C) (30) · Bo1 d1 M11ico (90) Arnold the pig looms as possible 10:30 D Wtll1nd NIWI Wrap-Up (C) heir to the $20,000,000 Bimbocker (30) Hal Fishman. pof1I fortune. I Ntws (C) (30) Bill Bonds. 0 Q1 Cl) m NBC Saturday MO'I-Swin1in1 5ost* {C) (60) 11: (C) ''TM Hell W'lth Heroes" (dra· : 1111 Toy TUt 5rw Up (60) "Dr. ma) '68-Rod Taylor, Claudia Car-Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Sheldon Lewis dinale, Harry Guardino, Kevin Mt· stars in this 1920 version of the Carthy, Peter Deuel. Robert Louis Stevenson classic. 18111 Ancltn0n (C) (30) "Under Royal Patronage," was made Horii Os*• (60) in 1914 and stars Francis X. Bush- N£f Playttoue (90) "Ten Blocks man and Beverly Bayne. on the Camino Real." (R) I "'apart to Trnlf (C) (30) 9:30 B Qt (j) f'ltticolt Junction (C) 11:00 0 0 mm Nftl (C) (30) Betty Jo and Steve Elllott are Zant 5rey (30) Just beglnnin1 to en)oy their <Wer· • The Mowlt 51111 (C) Sonny Fox night stay In their honeymoon oot· hosts. ta1e when uninvited 1uests brin1 11:15 B hbulous 52: (C) "Tht Un,_· trouble. Pat Buttram guests. &iv•n" (drama) '60 -Audrey Hep-0 lilly 5raluu• Crusade (C) (60) bum, Burt Lancaster. John Saxon, Doug McClure, Audie Murphy, 0 NO GENERATION GAP! Charles Bickford. * BING HUMPERDINCK & 0 Saturd11 Nipt Movie: <C> "A SWEErwATER TOGETHER 'fl.'undlf of Drv1111'' (western~ '61- on HOLLYWOOD PALACE -~ich:;;.~~~!g~.:::1t(~) 0 cm 00 m NEW SEASON TIN 11:30 • @ @ m Johnny C.neft (C) Hollywood f'alaca (C) (60) Bln1 Movie: "Tipr llJ" (drama) '59 Crosby is host of the opening show. -Hayley Mills, Horst Buchholz. Guests are Engelbert Humperdinck. O Movie: "Bang! Ian&! ,,.,,. Bobbie Gentry, Gwen Verdon, Dick Dead" (comedy) '66-Tony Randall. Sh1W11. m Movie: "Thi falitift Kind" 0 fltlllbl11'1 P'toplt (C) (90) Jerry (drama) 'GO-Marton Brando. Lewis. Rod Ser1ing, Ida Lupino ind El) Mlft in Crisis Dorothy Manners cuest. 1:00 I) MO'lit: "Your hit Is Shotrinl" Q) Kitty Wells (C) (30) (comedy) '58-f>eter Sellers. Terry· 10':00 B Qi) 00 Mannix (C) (60) Man. Thomas. nix returns to his home town of I News (C) Summer Grove to investigate a 1:15 Adftnbnu of the StuprlJ (C) murder. Vera Miles guests. • Movie: "Duffy of San Qutetin" m Ntws (C) (30) (drama) '53-Paul Kelly. Was she destined to be a white man's wife or an Indian Squaw? c:Audrex_'Tlep_bumr;&; BURT LANCASTER in The UNFORGIVEN IN COLOR. TONIGHT 11:15PM CBS~2 • The Incredible Mr. Limpet in COLOR starring \) DON KNOTTS Q 0 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 I SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 MORNING 10:00 O A riculture USA (C) 0 17 (3)1EE George of the Ju rte (C) O Movie: "Eyes of the Sah1r1 (adventure) '60--Curt Jurgens, Le Padovani. All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. I Dollars & Sense (C) (6 ) first Baptist Church (C) Un Grlto en la Obscuridad The Answer (C) 10:15 (D Passport to Profit (C) @ (I) 1a> Fantastic four (C) 10:30 I feature f aith for Today (C) I 6:15 6:30 The Christophers (C) Mormon Tabernacle Choir (C) The Bible Answers • Sea PoWef (C) 6:55 Give Us This Day (C) 11:00 0 ~ (6) m Major league Basei ball (C) World Series game. Team! and starting time to be announced 8 Homebuyer's Guide (C) 7:00 Tom ind Jerry (C) Billy Graham Crusade (C) Sunday funnies (C) 7:30 Batman (C) Herald of Truth (C) Sacred Heart (C) 7:45 The Christophers (C) (3) Davey ind Goliath (C) 8:00 lamp Unto My feet (C) I m The Christophers (C) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) Day of Discovery (C) WondeJama (C) Allen Revinl Hour (C) (3) Paul Huvey Reads the Bl· ble (C) (i1) Cl:) 1a) Bullwinkle (C) Movie: "Out ol the Past" (dra ma) '4 7-Ktrk Douglas, Jane Creer (D Church in the Home (C) 11:30 O (li) (3} EE Discovery (C) "Th· Lost World of the Mayans." Pre gram explores developments an1 achievements of the Mayans OI Central America. 0 Movie; (C) "formula C·l2/Bei· rut'' (<idventure) '66 -Frederic! Slallord, Genevieve Cluny. AFTERNOO N tlJ [ 6/ God Is the Answer (C) "9J (i) Town Hall Meetin& (C) 12:00 0 Movie: (C) "Wild Stalllon'1 8:30 I look Up and live (C) (weslern) '52-Ben Johnson. Marlh1 , This Is the life (C) Hyer f•ce to face (C) (l) Essentially Sex (C) • Movie: "The Indestructible Min" 17 ~ College Football 1969 (C) (horrorl '56---Lon Chaney Ir • Ma e?i> Cine en su Cua rian Carr it:!) Insight (C) m KATHRYN KUHLMAN and Oral Roberts (C) 12:30 m Gene Autry * GUESTS IN COLOR " Pattern lor living (C) W Kathryn Kuhlman (C) 1:00 0 ~ 'BJ NFL Today (C) Los An 11 3 Reviva l fires (C) geles Rams al San rranc1sco 49ers ' 8_ full Gospel Revival (C) D Movie: "The Amazing Mr. x·• . The Story (C) (mystery) '48-Turhan Bey, Lynt 9:00 face the Nation (C) Sam Bari Brown. nallonal coordinator ol the 0 f171, 3)'(iD Directions (Cl October 15 Vietnam moratorium, "People Who Live in Glass Paper guests. weights Can't lhrow Stones." A O My Favorite Sefmon (C) Th e satire on isoratron. focusing o~ Rev Kenneth Senft, Trinity Lutheran people who allempt to wilhdra Church of Pasadena, guests lrom lhe World Day of Discovery (C) I Sherlock Holmes Campus Profile Attack Gospel Music (C) Revival f ires (C) [3 A. A. Allen 1:30 0 @ ( 3J G} Issues and Answe.-t 6 Kathryn Kuhlman (C) (C) Howard K. Smith moderales:1 Cl) Tom and Jerry (C) ID USC Football (C) USC Trojan~ ..-U:ev1 Clta . vs Slanlord Indians al the L. A • lhts Is the life (C) Coliseum • Arricultural Rtp0rt (D Voice of Calvary (C) 9:30 Inside Football (C) With coach _ George Allen 2:00 0 f:l~ (6 1 m Aft football (C) 0 m Guideline (C) "What Do You Teams to be announced Think of Your Father?" Program ~ Press Confetence (C) explores the Potential tragedy re· Buck Owens . suiting from lack of communica 1 CJ) Sunday M1tinee: "follow Iron between parents and children lhe Sun." Father Daniel Egan. s A. of the e?i> Chucho el Roto Village Haven. New York City. is t:i> feature (C) moderalOf This 1s lhe second pro. 2:30 O Movie: "Tower of TeHOf" (my~· gram in the lour -part senes, "The tery) '41 -Michael Rennie Drug Age " O Movie: "Love Is Better Thin 0 Notre Dame Football (C) The Evllf"' (romance) '52 _ Elizabeth Fighting Irish battle the Army Ca Taylor. Larry Parks. dels 0 Million S Movie: (C) "Son of n (J~ (3) al Dudley Do-Ript (C) a Gunfightllf"' (western) '66-Russ (61 Oral Roberts (C) Tamblyn, James Philbrook. (iJ Batman (C) @ Bill Anderson e?i) Mano a Mino Ranthero 9:45 fl t29} (j) NFL Tod1y (C) 51. Louis 3:00@ Simson (C) Cardinals vs Washington Redslins 3:30 (D P1tty Duke at Washinaton £II) Misterogers' Neipborhood (R) ' • 1969 It Ju i.ahara lS, le (C) d r (C)' Base Team1 unced ) ' (dra1 Gree~ "Th, ' Prt ; an1 ns QI ~/Bei dencl I 111ion·1 larthi (C) s An 19ers ·. x·• lynr (Cl aper " A or dra :we1 tes. ,jans LA (C) ny~ "Mn >eth of 'uss {R) 4:00 f) Movie: {C) ''Some May live" (drama) '67-Joseph Cotten. Martha Hyer. Peter Cushing. Story ol in- trigue set in war·torn Saigon. 0 TO CREATE SOMETHING * Art of Japanese Ceramics O On Campus (C) "To Create Something." A look at the arts on the University of Redlands campus. D UCLA Football (C) Bruins vs. Wash. State Cougars. Tape ot yes· terday's game. IG) Cotlere Football 1969 (C) I love Lucy McHate's Navy [Vuramie (6) Locker Room (C) EI1) Whirs New? (R) ~ (j) Feature ~ Creemos m The Rifleman 4:30 O Close Up (C) Piers Anderton hosts. Program studies what makes the record industry gp 'rou11d-how il works. how the talent is found. and how hlts are made and sold to the public. O Skippy (C) "No Trespassers." Skippy. Sonny and Mark stumble across a boxing training camp in the middle of Waratah National Park. a wildlife preserve normally inhabited by more gentle fauna- lhe marsupials. ~The MunsteR Voice of the Hour (6) Feature (C) "Dream Trip to Denmark." ED Advenhlre: "Lhasa, Forbidden City." g:) Muska y Palabras m Ensign O'Toole 5:00 0 Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts I 0 "THE INCREDIBLE * MR. LIMPET"-DON KNOTTS! IN COLOR! 0 Movie: (C) "The Incredible Mr. limper• (comedy) '64-Do11 Knotts, Carol Cook, Jack Westo n, Andrew Duggan. Larry Keating, Elizabeth MacRae. A fish-loving bookkeeper with a nagging wile tries to enlist in the NayY but is rejected. On a trip to Coney Island. he turns into a dolphin. O Shirley Temple Films: "Captain January," with Guy Kibbee ! Man From UNCLE (C) 81tm1n (C) (V Seven Arts Theatre: "Ashes and Diamonds." EE Gospel or Christ ~ (6) My World and Welcome to It (C) ID Young Musical Artists ~@ Camm Three (C) mToros ID H•e Come Hie Sbrs (C) @ Run for Your life (C) 5:30 f) Newsmakers {C) Charles Palm· er. newly-elected president ol the National Student Association, is in· tervlewed. 0 PREMIERE!-"All * American College Show" with Arthur Godfrey 0 NEW SEASON All-American Col· lege Show (C) Arthur Godfrey hosts Students from various un1vers1ties compete in talent shows Judges are Jan Murray, June Lockhart and Bill Botby. I Gillican's lsl1nd (C) Sunset Trails @ W0tld Tomo"ow French Chef: Julia Child. ' 00 face tfle Nation (C) EVENING 6:00 f) KNXT SundaJ News (C) (30) Clete Roberts. Stan Duke. 0 ~ r6 ) ID Meet the Press (C) (30) Secretary of State Witham P Rogers is 1nterv1ewed by Lawrence E. Spivak. producer and permanent panelist of Meet the Press, John Hightower ol the Associated Press. Joseph Kraft on the Publishers Newspaper Syndicate, and Elie Abel of NBC News D Polka Parade (C) (60) Dick Sinclair hosts m Daktari (C) (60) m Animals, Action and Adventure (C) (30) "Sk11ng the High Alps." ID Speculation (60) "A Conversa- tion With Gordon Parks" (R) ~ CI. Future (30) 'ffi Man From UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 f) Ralph Story (C) (30) Ralph Story reveals story of the lone woman responsible for turning 2 historic landmark of Los Angeles from a dingy alley overrun with refuse and rogues into a polished plaza-Olvera Street. (R) 0 12J I 6 ID 6. [. College Bowl (C) (30) 0 Flipper (C) (30) m I S,(CIAL I In and Out of This World (C) (60) Host Eddie Albert delves into the unnatural and the supernatural when he studies ESP. w1tchcratt. astrology hypnotism and a haunted house. Featured ere Diahn Williams, Dr. Thelma Moss, Dr. Frieda Moms, Gil Boyne. Dr. Shafica Karagulla, Peler Hurkos and author Irving Wallace. EE Sagebrush Theatre (60) Q?l Ci) Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 f) Q!l @ lassie {C) (30) A small chimpanzee. d1solaced from his home by a grant waler project. flees into the dangers of a mechan· lzed world. 0 ~ (6l ID Wild Kingdom (C) (30) 'land of lhe Condor " Marlin Perkins 1oins Jim f~wler in the Peruvian Andes to trabk the Andean condor (R) D The Baron (C) (60) "Enemy of the Stale " The Baron 1s prevented from keeping an appointment with dangei in (;,stern Europe. D 07l m (D land or the Giants (C) (60) "Deadly Pawn '' Alex Dreier guests as a giant who e11· gages the Earthlings in a deadly game of chess O Oick Van Dyke (30) m Movie: "Viva Zapau!" (drama) '52-Marlon Brando, Jean Peters. ID The Advocates (C) (60) Op. posing lawyers analyze public issues. "Should Congre~ Approve the President's Welfare Reform Propos· al'" Boston's Joseph Olen and Lisle Baker discuss this proposal m Comlcos y Canciones (30) (Continued) Where can you get S 3,000 cash ... with the lowest monthly payments? HOUSEH~NANCE s1.-o UNION HOME LOANS $39.66* Mllnlnly payment on usual J yur loan on lurn1turt, car, or olher collateral Monlhly payment on IO·yfar Homeowne1 I oan and you're el •e•t>le wn,ther your home is paid tor or not• ''Borrow S&OO to SI0,000 or more• by phone!'' HOMEOWNERS -compare Union's new reduced pa yment c; with any bank any loan company See why thousands of homeowners ca ll Union Home Loans when they need cash for any reason PAY ALL YOUR BILLS w1lt1 c1 homeowner loan from Union You 'll probably cut your present monthly payments 1n half, or better and have more money left out of every poycheck' 'UNION 'S ACOUCCO rAYMENT 1n1 lul!es lloth Pr111<1Pll & lnleresl -rt pays loan •n lull 1n 170 monllls NO U llOON rAYMCNTS ' Annual per rtnl l~t rat~ •S 1 I I hnance criar ~e per yur oer S 100 ol uno11d barance llltal ol p.iym•nts ove• perroo ol IO yurs i• tJq 66 • month. i4.759 70 Sh1>•le• & IOnRer lerm loans ava•ldble b• aust JI Unitn, you're the lion -you can pie-the p1ymtnU !hll Ill rour lludcel' CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER WILL COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER. SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! LOS ANGELES OFFICE G ARDEN GR OVE OFFICE HUNTINGTON PARK O FFICE T O RRANCE OFFICE Mi- Mr Mr M r Mr M r N ewton J e nning s S tevens Edw ar ds Gomez M cDowell .. DU 5-4141 539 -2122 589-6711 542-3545 787-1424 696-1 , 65 VAN NUYS O FFIC E WHITTIER O FFICE Page 7 ~ .............. ..-.--------------~~ Beverly Garland is the new woman in Fred MacMurray's life on My Three Sons, the com- edy series now in its 10th sea- son on CBS, Saturdays at 8:30 PM. Miss Garland has always been one of the busiest ac- tresses in TV, appearing in guest sta rring roles in virtually every major series ever produced in Hollywood. She has long been considered by producers of pi- lot films as a sort of "lucky charm." Th is stems from the odds-shattering fact that she has been a guest star in 16 con- secutive pilot films that were then so ld as regular series. Her only continuing roles in series prior to My Three Sons were as a policewoman on Decoy and later opposite Bing Crosby in The Bing Crosby Show. A· T • T -E-N-T -1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES Will NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al WAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always a -large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E . First St., SA 547-0764 THINK II ~ See and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale -on NOW! HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 S.ach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 r ORANGE COUNTY'S I []~lYJgJITJ~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADQUARTERS H ...... i.c11o" •I ".,. & 11Md H K11llv• & domo"1lr•••r modoll Pf'k M ,., lm....cllalo d t llv..y OPELS GALORE! HllMJ• IHet1tory of New • UMd Opeh ore prlud to ..ti IM-.dt-.ly TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU JO .. ~. I THt Ori•• "' •o I It Todcry ell?'ra colt at . • . • ~ ~_;r.; ·:~ n~ALIFORNIA \ ., ... SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht St., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS l-.. WectfN . .., ,., ....... , ... Defl"" FACTORY AUTHORIZED DIALll COMPLETE FOREIGN CAR SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorixed VW - Porsche Dealer in the Harbor Area m ~ome of the l ove Bu~ Special~ .... 5 (. Co•t Hwy. Cit layside DrlH . N.I. 673-0900 54'·JOJ1 est. SJ eirt. S .. & SS SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports Is Your kind of place. Your Authorized e Austin America Large stock of used Porschu Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. ntwport ~1nporrs 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.8 . 642-9405 , 54G-1764 In the ~arbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mined. 2845 Harbor, Costa Mesa 540-6410 .............. ______________________ ~~~ - fto wor f1o m the •"9'"• " lr•ftderred by ch••" lo ,.... 18 " a so lubelou flo•hlion -typo !tro Th o re•ult i1 h;9h •••bil1ty and re m•rk•blo tra ction und11 almotl •fly •urfaco con- d1l1on Introducing the Heathkit Metal Detector "Tiii' I: 1·11d1 ( ·.,,,,, ... , ~ d1•/1!Jltt' ":I \/ 11, l ( 11 1 /1111~1wdon" Fi"d coi"s. •otchn, jewelry, precious metals. Hove fun ond start o '49er rush irt '69! THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SU RE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION FREE Send for Ou r H~e Catalog Ir'\ Fr~ to You for the A,111119. HEATHKIT ~ ELECTRONIC CENTER ----~H~~~:: To r•ach Heath~l t Elt dron•c C enter ••ke Harbo1 Blvd lo llall Ave eul on tell • f•w thod blod, I• J JO Ee.I lell or I•~• S•"'• A"a F,.a .. a y lo H e1bor llvd , Harbor llvd lo lall. • le-•h~t bloch •nd you ,. 1,.,. SALES & It.ARTS HEATHKIT 776·9420 llO UST IALL, AN.AH(I ... P•ae 10 SE-,VICt: 776-9421 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBLR 11 1969 SUNDAY (Continued) 7:30 6 PIE IN THE SKY *WITH PIZZA FLAVOR. JOHN FORSYTHE IN TO ROME WITH LOVE kilter 1s Judged innocent and set free. Guy Stockwell guests. O ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT O Roller Games (C) (60) L.A. T Birds vs. Detroit Devils. 0 (j]) ~1 ffi ABC Sundily Movie: (C) "Fantutic Voyage" (sci Ii) '66 6 '9i (j) To Rome With love (C) -Stephen Boyd, Edmond O'Brien, (30) Joan Freeman pl;:ys a lady Raquel Welch, Arthur Kennedy, tourist who mistakes Mike Endl-Donald Pleasance, Arthur O'Connell. colt for an Italian and he allows William Redfield A medical team her to think so. nol realizing that 15 "shrunk" in order to enter the romantic complicalton will follow. brain of a famous scientist wou nded Reva Rose plays a tourist. by enemy agents. 0 ~ (6) m w a It 0 is n ey (C) m I SPECIAL I King Family at the (60) "The Three Lives of Thomasi· fair (60) A tour of the glamorous na." Conclusion. Lori, the mys-California Exposition 1n Sacramen terious healer. restores Thomasina lo lo complete health and the cat's I Cnalc;ide of Books (C) (30) reappearance works miracl es Susan Rawhide Roundup (60) Hampshire plays Lori. Homewood (C) (60) "Trouble D Million $ Movie: (C) "Mister in Tahiti." An opera by Leonard Moses" (comedy) '65-Robert Mil· Bernstein. (R) chum, Carroll Baker An American I Domingos Herdtz (30) ex circus man ber.omes involved 9:30 News (C) (30) Doug Dudley with an African tribe whose Ch11s-The Sporu Set (C) (30) tian Chief believes he has been Comenurios y Celebridades (30) se.nt by lhe lord to lead them to 10:00 8 i:i9l ®Mission: I mpossiblt a new location, necessitaled by an (C) (60) Leonard Nimoy and Dina Irrigation dam Mwill ioin the IMF to fight a ID Passport to Travel (C) (30) mind deslroying drug that r.ould "Driving Across Br1ta1n .. ensl2ve the free "IOrld Part I ol £E Ho11e Opera (60) a lwo par1 episode . 0 2~ 6 m The Bold Ones (C) EI> Los Caud1llos (30) (60) "The People Against Or1e11a " 8:00 Boan Darrell makes lhe mosl of a 8 LEE MARVIN STARS on legal loophole as he defends a * ED SULLIVAN TONITE youn.g man wrongfully convicted of murder Frank Ranmez guests 8 29 8 I [d Sullivan (C) (60) 0 m News (C) (30) Woody Allen lee Marvin and Oliver 0 lei Me Talk To .• _ (C) (60) guesl Lorry Burrell hosls O Billy Graham Crusade (C) (60) ~ Labo_r Report (C) (30) I 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY ED ~:;1~~s~i~~~m(C) (60) "Jazz al * presents THE FBI Tanglewood " folksinger Judy Col 0 17 3 CD The FBI (C) (60) lrns and The Don Ellis Orchestra "Silent Parlner." Inspector Erskine perform al the 1968 Berkshire fes rnvesl1gales a tip that a 1uror was t1val at Tangle wood. (R) brrbed 1n a lr1al Which ended with EE Gran Teatro (60) a hung 1ury Robert Hooks RUests 10:30 O World Tomorrow (C) (30) ID Cesar's World (C) (30) "Carta· m John Barbour (C) (90) Steve gena " Host Cesar Romero escorts Logan Larry Hankin. Jonathan viewers over Northern Colombia to Moore and Loree r razrer guest Cartagena. lhe "fortress of Gold '' @ K1thryn Kuhlman (C) (30) ffi The Forsyte Saga (60) ''A fam 11:00 8 0 0 ID(!) News (C) ily Scandal." Jo and h1s pregnant O Cathtdrat of Tomorrow (C) mistress set up house O The Movie Game (C) Sonny EI) Carrousel Mniuino (60) Fox hosts Guests are Jesse White. 8:30 Q (l:j 6 m Bill Cosby (C) (30) A'.le~e Dahl, Anne Baxter and Pat "Growing, Gr~ing. Grown " Chet 0 Brien r. Kincaid escorts his teacher.dale to (1T, rJ l ti""l 6 691 (8) News (C) a hrgh school dance in his broth· 11:15 0 Movie: (C) "Carousel" (musi· ers' garbage truck. Alice Nunn and cal) ·s~ordon MacRae, Shirley Bryan O'Byrne guest lones ID Probe (C) (30) "Survival Road " 11:30 8 Movie: (C) "Nenr Steal Any. Dr Albert Burke considers 11 the thing Small" (comedy) 59-James US 1s more vulnerable than ad. Cagney, Shirley Jones. rn1tted. and 11 the need for mineral ! 8 lohman & Barkley (C) ores makes the U S a target for · William F. Buckley (C) "De cold war straleg1sts Gaulle and DeGaulltsm" Jacqur.s tl) World Tomorrow (30) "famine! Soustelle guests for a discussion -{;an We Surv1ve7'' Program stu of lhe French political pfighl dies the possrbilrl1es of miracle ij) The Empress fert1l11ers scient1f1c farming. soil ~JI 16) Insight (C) banks and over-production ol de 111 :45 @ Movie: (C) "Storm fear" Cdra veloped nations being ahle to stem ma) '56-Cornel Wilde. Jean Wal the tide of comrng famine lar.e 9:00 f) '29 8 Leslie Uggams Show, 12:00 O Lifewatch 6 Speml (C) "Wail (C) (60) Johnny Mathis, Bob Oen 1ng Game ·· Story of a judge faced ver and David frye guest w1lh a diagnosis of CAncer 0 til 6 m Bonanza (C) (60) . . "Anatomy of a Lynching " An em· 12.30 0 Spe~krng Freely (~) bittered man triggers a lynching 1:00 8 Movie: "The Brain" (drama) tll!'eat when he vows to avenge the '65-Anne Heywood. Cecil Parker. dellth of a friend whose accused 1 :JO O News (C) 5: 6: 6: 7:f 8:C 8:1 g.-: 8:4 1969 set C) L.A. vie: '66 ien. ~dy, 1ell. !am the ded the ous ten l) 1bte ard ley 30) ble ina a uld of (C) a." f a a of )()) at .01 1ra es· !Ye an ny 1e, •at Si· ey •Y· es Je es :in a ~1 ti !d a) ~-----------------............................. .. REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORN I NG 5:55 O Give Us This Day (C) 6:00 O Sunrise Semester (C) "Adven· lures in Mathematical Thinking," with instructor Or. Albert B. J. Nov1koff, Mon , Wed . Fri.. "The Dynamic Earth · Principles of Geol- ogy I." with Or. Alislair W. Mc Crone. Tues. and Thurs 6:30 O Odyssey (C) ''Psych1a1Jy and C11minal Justice,'' wtth instructors nr Seymour Pollack and John W. Miner. Mon . Wed ., ffl . "Conflict. Change and Social Action," with [)r Wilham J W1ll1ams as mstruc· tor Tues. and Thurs O Education Exchange (C) "Dis cover Flying: Just Like a Bird." An inlroduction to flying by host Gr.orge H. Rhodes. C F I., president, Av1a1ton Training Sen11nars. Inc. and Aviation Advisor. Supplemen· tary Educalion Center "Why Fly?" Pre flight." "Orientation.'' "The Student' and "Take-offs and Land 1ngs" Me the week's programs O Pro1ect Know -The Americ an Pll'itical System: Prcfessor Donald G Herzberg of Rutgers University pre~nts "The Tools of Politics.'' Mon . "The National Party Organ 11at1on." rues . "Stale and Local Parly Org.-ninlton" Wed "Nom1- nat1ons ·• Thurs and Fri ffi Educational Programs: l~t's Talk About Teens Mon Guten lag. lues . Wonderful World ol Chil dren Wed • Conversat1on~I Spanish. Thurs and ~mpus Prot1'e Friday 9:00 tJ Qj (i) The Lucy Show (C) 0 ei)@ m It Takes Two (C) Vin Scully hosts. Guests are Joanne Dru, Dean Jones and their spouses and Sandy Baron with his girlfriend. May Jo Webster. 8 Love Th;il Bob: Bob Cummings. Movie: See Daytime Movies Jzck1e Joseph is hoste$$ I Debbie Drake Dancerci1e (C) (jj') (V Jack La lanne (C) U11derdog (C) 9:25 0 Ql t6 1mNec News (C) Nancy Dickerson 9:30 tJ ®) (i) Beverly Hillbillies (C) 0 f;il •6\ m Concentration (C) Bob Clayton hosts The four top game winners from lhe past year comp~te 1n the series· seventh an nu I "Challen ge of C.hampions," beg1nn1ng Monday. and continuing until a champion 1s crowned. lhe g1and pme will be an around the· world trip for two 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Johnny Grant hosts D Movie: See Daytime Movies ffi Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Hunter hosts ID Gumby (C) I Guidepost, Mon . Wed . fri . Public Sefvlce films, rues Thurs. !17) ( 3 1 H1yden's Happe11ing (C) WORLD SERIES BASEBAll No:e: All Oayttme Programming 1s sub1ect to change for complete cove1age ol Major league Base bait World Senes on NBC. 7:00 f) CBS News (C) Joseph Benlt 10:00 f) Andy Griffith (C) 0 ')l "6 1 m The Today Show (C) 0 ~ (8) m Sale of the Century Hugh Downs, Barbara Walters. (C) Jack Kelly hosts_ rrank Bla11 and Joe Gar;:g1ola are @ Esse11ce of Judaism, Tues . Re- leatured_ conciliation, Thurs 0 Billy Graham Crusade (C) Mon El) Netn/ StCKk Market 0 Exercise With Gloria (C) tiJ ( 6 1 Sunny Today (C) m Mr: Wishbone (C) ffi Educational futures ffi f ehx the. Cat (C) 10:15 ID Wor1d l 1lk. Mon . Public Serv· ffi Commodity/Stock Report ice films, Wed . Mr. Merch1ndisina. 7:25 O Community Bulleti11 Board (C) Fri ' 7.30 0 Foreign legionnaire, Tu esday· 10:30 f) el:9) (SJ Love of life (C) Friday 0 ~ 6) m Hollywood Squaru 0 News/Ed Nelson Show (C) (C) Peter Marshall hosts Guests 0 It Is Written (C) Mon , Wed.. are Betty Grable. Vincenl Price. rn The Bible Story (C) l ues , Jackie Vernon and Ed Ames Thu1s @Roy Rogers ffi Wondmma (C) 11 ·00 f) t291 ·9 Where the Hurt Is (C) me~~ · \ 2' 'i CBS News (C) 0 t2J 16 m Jeop1rdy (C) Aft -• flem1ng hosts 8·00 8 (29 ,81 C1pta111 Kangaroo (C) 0 Th G II ' Gourmet (C) With Bob Keeshan e a op ni! O Uncle W1ldo Cartoons (C) Graham Ketr_ 0 Daphne's Cartoon Castle (C) ID Romper Room (C) @ Gumby (C) 11 :25 f) t29) 8 1 CBS News (C) Douglas ffi News/Stock Market Edwards 8·15 17 rJ )Video Digest (C) 11 :30 8 ~C 8)Surch for Tomorrow (C) 8· 30 ffi The Flintstones (C) 0 l;J 6 J m Name Droppers (C) ffi Rotket Robin Hood (C) Al Lohman and Roger Barkley co· 17l 3 RCKky ind Hi~ f riends (C) host Betty Grable and Vincent 8:45 O Your Money's Worth (C) Thurs P11ce 101n comedienne Jo Anne only George Woodyard hosts. Worley as celebrity panelists B Joh11ny Grant at U11iv1rul (C) The Anniversary G1me (C) Al Hamel hosts.. O Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and Roy Elwell co-host. I Sheriff lolln (C) Travel Films (C) Pocketful of Fun 11 :45 O Corris Guy (C) Wed. only. 11 :55 0 Qj 6 m NBC News (C) Ed win Newman. AFTERNOON 12:00 0 Boutique (C) 0 12i '6-.., m You're Puttin& Me On (C) Larry Blyden hosts. Peggy Cass. Bill Cullw, [ J Peak.er. Eli Wallach. Tammy Gnmes, and Nip· sey Russell are the week's panelish. O Movie: See Daytime Movies. I [3 ) Bewitched News (C) Bill Johns. Stock Market Close Once Upon a Day '8) A!idy Griffith (C) 12:300~\1 8, As the Wor1d Turns (C) 0 jl <6 m D•JS of Our Livest m Hazel (C) fB Mr. ind Mrl. Norttl 2:55 0 m NBC News {C) n oyd Kalber. 3:00 tJ ~ Ci) Gomer Pyle (C) 0 Ifs Your Bet (C) Hal March hosts. 8 Hijhway Patrol GJJ t J"I @ General Hospital (C) Craig Huebmg assumes the role of Dr. Peter Taylor this week. Hueblng replaces Paul Carr. who played Dr. Taylor for a short time. I Mighty Mouse (C) Bozo's Big Top Show (C) Futures (6) M1tinee: Do~ Rodewald. hbtlnee: Don Wilson. 3:30 O Lucky P1ir (C) Richard Daw· son hosts. Guests are Jane Kean. Robert Clary (Mon .. Tues., Wed.); and Madeline Sherwood arid Rob· ert Clary (Thurs., Fri.) § Mike Douglas (C) Oa ie and Harriet <i!.l (3) al One life To Uve (Cl '1J Hobo Kelly (C} W TV Ruden' Digest ~ .1J Popeye Cartoons (C) 3:45 @I) Fe.lures & News (C) Macdonald Carey stars 0 (17\ ( 3 J That Girl (C) m News (C) Jack Latham 4:001 Sea Hunt @ Dialing for Dollars (C) Davel The Naked Truth (C) Reeves hosts U-7l (3)~ D1r1l Shadows (C) El) Stock Mullet An1lysis My fnorite Martian 1:00 0 091 (i) love Is a Many St>ltn-1 feltures dored Thing CC) 4:15 ffi The f riendly Gi1nt 0 t2~ 6 l m The Docton (C) James Pritchett stars 0 07) (:fl Dre.m House (C) Mike Oarow hosts. m Password (C) ffi Techniut Corner 1@ The G1lloping Gourmet (C) Graham Kerr. 1:15 ffi Education1l Futures · (;21 '6) m Another World (C) 1 :30 I ~ (iJ The Guiding Lirh1 (C) father Knows But: Cooking (C) Wed. O ITTl ( 3) (E let's Make • Dul (C) Monty Hall hosts. I Trutfl Of Consequences (C) World of Women (C) Commodity/Stoa Report 2:00 O ~ Ci) Secret storm (C) I 0 ~ '6l m Bright Promise (C) Dana Andrews stars. I Dear Julia Meade (C) ITTl (3) ICE Newlywed G1m1 (Cl I love Lucy Hum1n Jungle futures 2:30 O 09! 'I) The Edge of Ni pt (C) I 0 ~3 ( 61 m Lettera to uup-1 1 In (C) Gary Owens hosts Guests are Alan Sues. Teresa Graves. Pal Carroll and Peter l awford 1 , 0 Girl h lk (C) O 111' 3--.G) Tilt D1tin& Game, (C) hm Lange hosts. O Movie: See Daytime MOYies Tom Frandsen hosls. 4:301 Movie: See Daytime Moviea. Divorce Court (C) News (C) Bill Bonds • Robert W. Morri•n Show (C) The nintstones (C) The Munsteu 17' (J Pmy Mason m Pocketful of fun 59J 00 The Ainbtonea (C) eil El Dolor de Am1r (D Bewitched 5:00 0 KNBC Nrwservlce (C) 0 IT'S HAPPENING! * TOM REDDIN NEWS! Nf'#S (C) Tom Reddin. flipper (C) News (C) George Putnam 81tm1n (C) Pettr Gunn (61 Jimmy Thomuon (C) : One. Upon 1 D1y (j) McH1le's Nny I Un C1nto de Mulco C:illiran's fsl1nd (C) Drum House (C) 5:30 I (i1l ( 3 1 ABC News (C) • tandTd Camera Gllllg1n'1 lsl1nd (C) Su11set Tr1ils ~ (6) This Dar 1969 (C) ffi Mls1eroktB' Neifhbomood ~ (i) News (C) Frank Tracy. eil Virut.I y taputin1 m Town Talk (C) Page 11 ......................... ----------------~~- P•1e 12 TH E DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11 , 1969 own funeral. Vito Scotti and Scott Brady also guest. MONDAY OCTOBER 13 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's \'novies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "little Women" P1rt I (dra- ma) '49-Elizabeth Taylor, June Al- lyson, Peter Lawford. 9:30 O "Bia Bro1dust of 1938" (mu- sical) '38-aob Hape, W. C. Fields. 0 ''tidies W11o Do" (comedy) '63 -Peggy Mount, Robert Morley. m ''The Enchanted Cott1111' (dra- ma) '45-Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire. 12:00 O (C) "A Queen Is Crowned" (documentary) '55-Narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier. 2:30 O (C) "Perils of Pauline" (com· edy) '47-Betty Hutton. John Lund. 4:30 IJ (C) "f1ir Wind to Java" (ad· venture) '52-Fred MacMurray. EVENING 6:00 IJ Big News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley.Brinkley (C) (30) 0 STEVE & LOUIS NYE * HAVE A FIELD DAY! O stave A'len Show (C) (90) Guests <1re Louis Nye, Joe South. Bob Einstein and William WC>lf. O Sia O'Clock Movie: (C) "Quo V1dis" Part I (drama) 'SJ-Robert Taylor. Deborah Kerr . I Didi Ven Dyke (30) Peyton Pllct (30) Stir Trek (C) (60) @ Mike Dou(las (C) (90) W111t'1 New? (30) 00 CBS News (C) (30) m Tiempo de Penton (30) (;D News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 8 KNBC Newservict (C) (60) • Tlle 61me 61me (C) (30) Jim McKrell hosts. Guests this week are Kaye Stevens, Alejandro Rey. and Chelsea Brown. m To Tell the Trvttt (C) (30) ff) NASA future (30) EID Twin Circle Headline (C) (30) ~ 00 The Munsters (30) €t) Noticiero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 8 CBS Ewenlna N.., (C} (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 Whit's MJ l ine? (C) (30) m I love luq (30) ID Beat tlte Clock (C) (30) Jack Nan hosts f.i) Commodity I Stodl Rtt>Ort Q) (6) Mond•J Show (C) (90) ''A Gathering of [agles " EID Ahora! (30) Q9.} ®Truth or Consequences (C) (30) m Cesar's World (C\ (30) (E T111t 6ir1 (C) (30) 7:30 I) ~ (j) Gunsmob (C) (60) "Danny" Oscar winning Jeck Al· bertson plays Danny Wilson. a lov· able old con man, who stages his 0 m My World ind Weko• ti It (C) (30) ''The Night the Houae Caught Fire." Playing a dual role. William Windom stars as John Mon· roe and as Monroe's father In the flashback story of how his boytlood sniffles brought out the towa't fire department. Bobby Riha guestl as young John, Douglas V. fow as Monroe's grandpa and Joe as the fire chief. 0 BOB CUMMINGS & VERA * MILES ON THE STUMP! 0 Stump the Stirs (C) (30) Miu Stokey welcomes guests Bob Cum· mings, Vera Miles and Robert Cla o @rna> The Music Sc•• (45) Larry Hankin, Christopher Rou, Lily Tomlin, Chris Bokeno, David Steinberg and Paul Reid Roma11 host. O Million $ Movie: •isomettM•& Wild" (drama) '61-Carroll Baker, Ralph Meeker. A young girt. raped on her way home, keeps t he tragic story to herself I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Judd for Ult Defense (C) (fiO) T echoic.al Corner (30) Entern Wisdom and Moclen life (30) ~ Chucho ti Roto (30) 8:00 0 m l1up.fn (C) (fiO) Salutina Columbus Day, big Jack E.. l eon1rd plays Columbus. also an astronauts' supply sergeant and a chorus-lint dancer. 0 BENNY HOLDS HIS * AMATEUR (?) SHOW! O J1ck Benny (30) George Jessel guests. m j'"'$""",:-:-lC""1""'AL,..,l " • • , l Bt1utif Uf" (C) (60) An exciting music extrava· ganza featuring such celebrities as singer Della Reese, comic Redd Foxx, singer Wilson Picitett, Laker basketball star Wilt Chambertain. singer Jerry Butler, singing group The Blossoms, The Watts 103rd Sl Rhythm Band, sin11er Little Dion, and in her first video appearance, new African singer l'etta M'bulu. I Saaebrush Tlle1tre (60) Wor1d Press (C) (60) Hit P1rade (C) (90) 8:15 @(I) fl) The Ntw People (C) (45) "Murderer." When Tom Millis is found dead at the foot of 1 cliff. the New People have to decide if suspect Dan Stoner is 11ui tty of murder and. if so, how he is to bl punished. 8:30 IJ Qj (jJ Hlft'I Lucy (C) (30) Lucy Involves the whole f arnily in shooting the rapids on the Colorado River. O Bruins in Action (C) (30) Tom· my Prothro analyzes the game be· tween the UCLA Bruins and the Cougars of Washington State ID Tlle Bl& Valley (C) (60) 9:00 f) Ci!) (j) Mayb«Ty RFD (C) (30) Goober falls for a petite charmer. Violet. but she humiliates him by turning out to be a judo axpert. Luana Anders guests as Violet. 0 @ (6) m I SJrclXL I lob Hope Show (C) (60) Jimmy Durante. Don· aid O'Connor, Barbara McNalr and Tom Jones will join Bob Hope in 1 salute to the days of vaudeville. O Hert Come tht Stirs (C) (60) George Jessel welcomes comic Red Buttons, who is roasted bv Curtiss Continued 1969 I .. DU. role, lllon· the lood 1110'1 esb nan 1111 ker, ped •ilc 30) J) ine ard its' int sel ti' , .. u dd ;er in, up >t. n, .. :) is f, if if 4 1) " 0 e .. • • ~ A MESSAGE from A.C.T.* ~ ... . ...:. .. \t'c;;;J' . • • ' ' f~ '' "c·. ...... ...~ .. • ''This is a world of specialization we live in; the computer is here to stay. Stick your head in th e sand and tell yourself it isn't happening, it's going away; but leave your head in the sand for five yea rs and a com- puter will b e sweeping the floors. In other words, unless you are specifically trained in a spe cific fi e ld, you won't even be qual- ified to -swee p floors ." In SIX MONTHS, you will be six months older, or you could be a COMPUTER PROGRAMMER with your future secure. ~ • & Call 'foll Fn.·•· (714) 547-9471 () A. \I. lo 8 P.!\1 . ~::The ACADEMY of COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY (Inion Hank Square (~onth Tower) ()range ( :a lif. P•1e 13 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 "His unifonn may protect his knees, it may break his neck:' Nobody pre tends that footba ll isn't a rough game. Sophisticated safety equipment pa d s legs, hips, shoulders ; helmets protect head and face. Ye t the same face guard that protects against black eyes sometimes contributes to crippling neck injuries. Jus t how safe is the safety equipment your boy is u sing? S tu Naha n brings you s urprising answers on 4 :30 Bill Bo nds/Eyewitness News. It's the kind of n o-punch es-pulled sports re po rting Stu Nahan is famous for. Major league sports from a m a jor leaguer, but also r evealing coverage as close as your son's playground. You get the news that a ffects you on Channel 7. Wa tch it. What we reveal today, you 11 argue tomorrow. STU NAHAN/EYEWITNESS SPORTS 4:30 & 11:00 p.m. KABC-TV MONDAY (Continued) & Tracy, Norm Crosby, Alan Drake, Scoey Mitchlll and Bob Crane. 0 (ft) @ 1tl) The Sur1ivors (C) Baylor grants Duncan's request for a bank loan to Santerra. I David Frost Show (C) (60) Horse Opera (60) NET Journal (60) "Life Style." A film by Berkeley students. set against a background of campus nots 9:30 6 t29) ® Doris Day (C) (30) Doris char rns a ·•woman hater." Anthony Eisley guests. I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. He Said, She Said (C) (30) Revista Musical (30) 10:00 ~ 00 Carol Burnett (C) (60) Ken Berry, Tim Conway and Kay Medford guest 0 MITZI GAYNOR AND * ROSS MARTIN IN YEAR'S TOP SPECIAL 0 Ill@ m I SPECIAL I Mitzi's 2nd Special (C) (60) Mitzi Gaynor joins guest star Ross Martin in a mu sical comedy spoof of "Gone with the Wind," portrays a mischievous Gypsy, dons the guise of her "Kid" chllracter to discuss a s:hool re· cft~I and sings several contr.mporary songs U TOM REDDIN NEWS * with TELECOPTER! 0 m News (C) (60) 0 @ (J) tl) love, Ameriun Style (C) (60) Peter Kastner. Dwayne Hickman, Pamela Austin. Gary Lock wood, and Stephanie Powers star in two stories about a love.hungry country boy who can't gel a date in the big city and a brideeroom who gets a doorknob stuck in his mouth on his wedding night I Della! (C) (60) Pfiry Mason (60) Rawhide Roundup (60) Firing Line (60) mi Carcel de Mujern (30) "Caso de Inez Lauderos " 10:30 mi Un Grito en ta Obscuridad (30) 11:00 6 0 0 (D News (C) 0 Alfred Hitchcock 0 The Movie Game (C) Sonny Fox hosts Guests are John Wayne, Liza. beth Scott. Carl Reiner and Ann Sothern. ~ iOute~l~t~ 00 News (C) g) al News (C) 11:30 8 ®Mm Griffin (C) 0 !.» @ m Johnny Carson (C) Peter Lawford rs substitute host. Durward Kirby subs for Ed Mc· Mahon and Lee Marvin. Monh Rock Cass [111011 and Pat Henry guest 0 Movie: ''T·Men" (adventure) '47 -Dennis O'Keefe, June Lockhart. 8 @ (fl (l) Joey Bishop (C) Movie: (C) "The SeYen·Year Itch" (comedy) '55-Marilyn Mon· roe. Tom Ewell (D Movie: "Jennifer" (mystery) '53 -Howard Dutt, Ida Lupino 12:00 m Movie: "Brief Encounter" (dra ma) '4 7 -Cella Johnson, Trevor Howard 1:00 6 Movie: "3:10 to Yuma" (dra· ma) '57--Glenn Ford, Felicia Farr. 8 0 News (C) Community Bulletin Board (C) (D Action Theatre: "Hundred-Hout Hunt" (drama) '35-Anthony Steel ·- ' II e " c If Ir ,. a )\( cl te cc ff g1 a l tn th :.ir w ~I h. ul· ht ht th l\) mr tu rec a \to VOi ma he 1n hi\ Bu1 Ross Martin Talks About Actors' Ears A ctor Ro~\ M artin ha'i been imitating accent:., doing dialec~. ever \inl'c he wa" old enough 10 talk. "Every actor ha' an imitative e:i r . . I ju'! ditl what J heard in.,tinctively," he reported d11r- ing rchcarsab tor a gue't 'tar roll'. on "Mit1.1\ 2nd Special." a mu-.1cal-vanety "pecial 'tarring M itzi Gaynor on N BC, M onday al 10 PM. M artin was 1n1r0Juccd to the 'ou1u.I of dialect" a' a sm:ill ch ild in the poorer, polyglot tenement di,trkt ul New Y ork\ ea,t ''de. I n th1.., multi-lingual melting pot. he ~poke three lan- guage!\ before taking up Engli~h at the :1gc of five. "I must h ave done my fir~t 1mitat1011 when I wa' two or three years olJ and my father .ind I walk ed d ov. n to the wharvc\ to fi,ten to an Italian 'treet hunt.I." M artin recalleu. I SPOOF -R11.u /lfart111, 1rnw /111111d1111>; "" n lentf111i; 111011 en· reer , .1p1111/~ Cl,;rJ.. <Juh/r, 011 "M 1ti1'!t Z11d S/IC'dal." 0 11 the 1Aay home. i1,f:rnt Martin imitated the sound of the band vo1..ally. Wtthout 11ndc r,t.10ding what the word:-meant, he abo rcc.:reated the "uund llf the hand 11.:atler\ Italian :-.peech. A t home, he repc~1ted hi'> pcrlurmant:e for the ,even adulh comprising hi:-famtl} unit With thc'e seven. he recallcJ, an only child could do nCl WH1ng. The> rtillcd on the 011ors, R U!)!) M urtln was "1111.'' "A ftcr th.it kinJ ol rc,pon~c. :.i k 1d ha' no chnll'C hut to be- l Omc .in o.1ctor," M arlin grinned M M ttn, v.h1) d1,played h1-; Jtfkrent dialect\ each week a~ under- 1.:ovcr agent Artctntl\ GorJun on the Wild, W ild We,t seric-.. ad- mitted he ha~ no "method " ol l"tcning for accent,. But he has given the matter 'erl(1t1, :i1..adcmiL con"1dcrat1on in recent yenrs when tra1n1ng other actor,, and he rccogniLC!> the heart of a ,ltalec.:t " in ih rhythm. '" mm1c:. "When you need to learn a ~pcci fic dialect. you ju~t about have to go out and finJ !'Ome1)ne who 'peak' 1ha1 dialct.:t. Li,tcning to recorJ, won't get it," he 1nc;i,tt:J "W hen .1 per,on 'peak.s wtth a pronotlnced a1:cent. he\ frcqucmly ~peaki ng what to him is a 'ccond tongue I l e 'trnggle ... to ~peak , to mai..c htm~clf under - 'lonJ rhat 'tntgglc ,hl\W'\ 111 the pcf\00 JnJ " rctlccted in hi<; voice. That 'tn1gglc become, .111 integral ingredient o( the dialect." Pral'tic1ng wh at he prcc1chc'. when M :m1n pnrtraycd an a<.th- matte killer in the I 9h2. film "h.pcriment 111 fl·rror" he 'pent ,cvcr.il d:1v' at nn a\lh111a clini1.. Developing ht' charactc rttat1on. he w.111.:heJ thc ... 1n1gglc to breHth "' v.cll a' to 'peak. He bl'C::une ,11 involved in th.11 ... 1r11gglc. 1dcnttf'icJ IA 1th hi'> ,uh1cl·t~ 'o clo,cly, th.II hl' now c.crv\.'' a' 1111tional ch.1irm:in 11( thl· Theatre Ari\ D1 v1,1on of thl· C hilLlren\ A-.1hmJ Rc,e.trlh l m t1tu1c flntl Ho,p1tal 111 D cnvc1 M a run will d"play hi\ taknts .1~ a d"tinct1vi: dtnlc' til'ian in hi\ forthcoming <,pec1al w hen he portray' <. lark (jahle a' Rhcll Butler 1n a mu,ical-comcdy ~pool ol "(.ionc With the W ind." SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 9:00 D (UJ CV (C) "Fantastic Voyage" is a science·fi-.~ion thriller of a medical team's actual journey through the human body -into the brain. Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmond O'Brien head the cast. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 8:30 D @ m (C) "Wake Me When the War Is Over" stars Ken Berry as a bumbling U.S. Army lieutenant who is gulled into believing World War II 1s st ill on long after it has ended. Co· stars of the comedy ftlm are Eva Gabor. Werner Klemperer and Damelle DeMetz. 9:00 O (C) ''The Tiger and the Pussycat" stars Vittorio Gassm an, Eleanor Parker and Ann-Margret. A young girl's preference for mature men has been a rejuvenating effect on an Italian businessman who had begun to worry about approaching mtd· die age. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 9:00 D (ft) 00 (C) "Divorce American Style" reveals, between laughs, t he 111just1ce of alimony laws in a cavalcade of matrimony gone awry. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 9:00 EJ lj!) 00 (C) "Inside Daisy Clover." Stars Natalie Wood and Christopher Plummer perform tn the story of a young girl's n se to stardom in the t h1rt1es and the complications aristng from her failure to ad1ust to Hollywood society. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 9:00 6 ~ 00 (C) "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows" tells of the antics o f a nun with modern ideas-when Mother Superior and four nuns take a busload of st udents from Pennsylvania to California for a youth rally. Rosalind Russell, Stella Stevens, Van Johnson, Robert Taylor, Susan Satnt James star. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:00 O ~ (6) (C) "Jigsaw." Harry Guardino, Bradford Dillman and Hope Lange star when a private detectfve joins forces with a scientist who was slipped LSD-filled sugar cubes and awoke to ftnd a dead girl in the bathtub of a strange apartment. DINNERS SERVED WITH: wlfte, chMH, Hl•d. baked pol•to, •nCI v.aetabl~ of ltte Cl•Y $3.25 filel of sole chicken ldev lop sirloin veal cordon blcu filel mi non tail D•lly FHture beef brochettes will! Alce P11 .. 11 $3.25 $4.25 lobster tail or fllel mignon buccaneer 91•<11 A119111 BMf Exctuslverr WINE & BEER v. 111re 11.00 Va Ii Ire SI .SO 1 Iii•• n .so helr.i. ... '.1S AeuN ellont Sut9Hlecl Phone 675-2051 f1pen 5·30 -11 ·oo 440 HELlTROPE A VE CORONA DEL MAR Page 15 -.... .............. ______________ ~~- Peter Bums is keeping something from you. KNBC Newserv1ce anchorman Peter Burns keeps his personal opinion out of the news. So you gel news stones from Peter Burns Not stones about the news To report all the news, every side of the good and the bad. takes ob1ectiv1ty It takes dedication. It takes people like Peter Burns an d everyone on KNBC Newserv1ce They make 1t thetr respons1bil1ty to help you understand the news better DSC newserv1ce: We care what you think. WE.EKNIGHTS 5. 6:30 & 11 PM ,.~ I HUNlLl-Y nRINKLEY l\T 6 -!!'• THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 11, 1969 TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "little Wo11et1" Part II (drama) '49-Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, Peter Lawford. 9:30 O "Cover Girl" (comedy) '44 - Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly. 0 "BriPt Leif' (drama) '50 - Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall. m "Hut 1nd Cry" (mystery) '47- Alastair Sim, Valerie White. 12:00 0 ''Tiit NiPt Has Eyes" (mystery) '42-Juies Mason. 2:30 0 "JenMI'' (drama) '38-Bette Davis. George Brent. 4:30 f) (CJ "Joe Butterfly" (comedy) '574 udie Murphy, Burgess Mere- dith. rvfNINr. 5:00 0 TOTAL NEWS WITH * TOM REDDIN ... NOW! 6:00 f) Bir News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m H11ntWy-8rinklty (C) (30) IJ STEVE ON A ROOFTOP! * Norm Crosby Non-Stop! 0 Sllvt Allen Show (C) (90) Gus Bivona, Norm Crosby, Stu Gilliam, Joe Williams and Bill Morrison guest. 0 Sir O'Clock Movie: (C) "Quo V1dis" Part II (drama) '52-Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr. The triumph· ant warrior Marcus Vin1clus returns to Rome with his legions seeking the pleasures ol the city. I Dick Vin Oytt (JO) Peyton PtlC9 (30) St11 Trek (C) (60) (I) Mike Dou(111 (C) (90) Whit's N .. ? (30) "How Coins Ate Made." I (j) CBS News (C) (30) Tita1po dt f'trdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey . 6:30 I KNBC NtWS«Vi<e (C) (60) • Th• S1m1 S1m1 (C) (30) To Ttll the Truth (C) (30) NASA Future (30) (6) Huntlty·Brinkley (C) (30) : Mu11t1m Open House (30) "A i nish Gallery " Cil The Munsters (30) Noticitfo 3.4 (C) (60) News (C) (30) 7:00 f) CBS Evtnlna News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Wh.lt's My Line? (C) (30) I Love Lucy (30) But the Clod (C) (30) Commodity /Stock Report (30) 00 Br1nded (C) (30) Ahor1! (30) 00 Trvttl or Cona.qutnca (C) m Islands in the Sun (C) (30) (f) Th1t Girt (C) (30) * (5) JULIE LONDON Spec. IN JUST 2 HOURS 7:JO f) Qj (j) I sJlcl# I N1tional Geo1r1phic Sodtty (C) (60) ''The Mystery of Animal Behavior." The first of this season 's fou r National Geographic Soci ety color specials presents an exciting study of strange animal ritua!s as observed by world-renowned wildlife cinema- tographer and naturalist Heinz Siel· mann. 0 ei) 00 m I Drum of J•nnit (C) (30) "Jeannie and the Beauty Cream." Jeannie uses her magic to create a beauty cream that causes sedate Amanda (Emmaline Henry) to turn into a young beauty 0 STOKEY & STARS * STUMP THAT BOB! O Stump the St.In (C) (30) Mike Stokey hosts. Guest players for the week are Bob Cummings, Vera Miles and Robert Clary. 0 (fi'J (3) (E Mod Squad (C) (60) "Ride the Man Down." Pete finds himself a homicide suspect, without an alibi. Richard Anderson, Tom Cole. Brenda Scott guest. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) ''Tiit P1rty Girl" (drama) '58 -Robert Taylor, Cyd Charisse. In Chicago during the l 920's, a brilliant lawyer working for a mobster, encounters a terrorized girl. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Technical Corner (30) The City Watdlen (C) (60) Chucho ti Roto (30) &:00 @ (6) m Debbie Reynolds (C) (30) "A Present for Jim." In order to retrieve a birthday present lo Jim, Debbie decides to lake a burglary. I Jack BennJ (30) Quun for a Day (C) (30) S.rebrush The1tr1 (60) Chucho Avtll1net (C) (30) 1:30 ®) 00 Rtd Skelton (C) (60) Martha Raye and The Vogues guest. 0 @ Ci) m llllil (C) (30) ''Two's a Family-Three's a Crowd." Julia disappalnl$ son Corey ~hen his "new brother" turns out lo be a 6-year.old girl (Kristi Taylor). O Win Witll the Suri (C) (30) Host Allen Ludden we lcomes guest panelists June Lockhart and Richard Deacon. 0 @ (])a> Movie ol Ult Week: (C) "Wake Mt Whtn tht W11 Is Over" (comedy) '69 -Ken Berry, Eva Gabor, Werner Ktemperer, D11- nie'le DeMet1 A bumbling U S Army lieutenant is rescued from German hands by an anti NDz1 wid ow during World War II and i' tricked into believmg he is still 1n enemy lerrilory long atler the con Ilic! has ended. m Dnid Frost (C) (90) Tht Bi& V11tey (C) (60) DEBUT Interface (C) (30) ''The Paris Air Show-1969 (Part I)" ail Premiere! (2 hr) 9:00 0 @ l 6 ) m TuesdlJ Nicht It the Movies: (C) ''The TI(tf ind the Pussycat" (comedy) '67-Vit Iorio Gassman, Eleanor Parlier, Ann Margret. A successful businessman, facing the emotional shock of ad· vanang age, encounters romance. (Continued) When all the smoke has cleared and the facts are in ... l~~w~~~:'"';rc;~::w~;;~~;;~~'SALON<' ·\~~ICAN OFFER YOU THESE FABULOUS ,,~~M!1::a::;:~i~M~!!:!~ilictii%;,,~~i<~a,"''"'"·~ .. · Over $250,000 worth of line facilities for you to enjoy ! • A near-Olympic Size indoor Grecian Swimming Pool • A Hot Hydro Swirlpool for the ultimate in relaxation • A huge Sauna and adjoining steam room • A completely equipped, Modern Exercise Room • Beauty Sun Ray Booths to give you a Palm Springs tan • Private Dressing Booths and Showers • A complete Massage program • A complete Facial & Neckline Conturi ng Dept. Plus J ack la lanne's famous personalized mini-max program of exercise and food consultation to enhance your entire figure. All we ask is that you compare the· facilities of JackLaLanne's European Health Spas with any other of the figure control salons in Southern California ... YOU BE THE J UDGE ! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATES ! NOW ENROLLING ON PHASE NO. 6 $312 ONLY • PER WEEK Th•\·~ your total ""e•U t! CO\I 11 vov !'moll only°" a cou••<' "'"'8 ned on<11v1du11llv for vou JACK IA IANN E'S 12821 HARBOR BLVD. GARDEN GROVE 638-9900 FOR MEN ANO WOMEN Follow the leader. Jack Lalanne, the nationally celebrated physical fitness upert is on televi~on coast to coast. Over I 0,000,000 people watch him daily •.. so should you. _ .......... ----------------------~~ Paa• 17 TUESDAY (Continued) 10:30 fl1) Homewood (C) (60) ''The Bal- 0 JULIE LONDON FIRST, tie of the Bands." * THEN SERENDIPITIES I Un Grito en 11 Obscuridad (30) IN 1-HR OF MUSICAL ll:OO flre'PH~ti2:'ws (C) EXCITEMENT! Best Bet! The Movie Game (C) Sonny O Showcase 5 (C) (60) Julie Lon-Foit hosts. Carl Reiner, Lizabeth don and The Serendipity Singers. Scott, John Wayne and Ann Sothern fE Horse Opera (60) gues .. t . ..,.,,...,._ ... fl1) PEGGY LEE SPECIAL m I s'lctAL I Flowers of D1rknm (30) Narrated by Paul Newman, * Behind the scenes with this film traces the history and A GREAT PERFORMER! development of hard narcotics. ffi NET FHtival (C) (90) ''The 11:151 ~ (6) m News (C) World of Peggy Lee." A behind the 11:30 Qj} 00 Merv Griffin (C) scenes look at her preparations lor Movie: "Three Men in a Bo.r' an important nightclub act (comedy) '56 -Laurence Harvey, 9:30 Martita Hunt. 6 NEW COMEDY HIT! 0 (!1) @ ,a> Joey Bishop (C) * THE GOVERNOR & J. J. Comic ~oody Woodbury guests. O Movie: "Casablanca'' (drama) ROCK THE CAPITOL ·43 -Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey WITH LAUGHTER Bogart. 6 ~ (j) The Governor and JJ. m OuteJ Limits (C) (30) Governor Drinkwater lears IE Movie: ''Try and Get Me" (mys. that J J 's romance with a hand· tery) '51-Frank Lovejoy, Lloyd some movie star, played by guest Bridges Lyle Waggoner, may have turned ID Reagan Press Conference her head when she suddenly leaves 11 :4S 0 aj r6 J m Johnny Carson (C) for Hollywood. Substitute host is Peter Lawtord. i News (C) (30) Ted Meyers Desmond Moms. Marty Allen, Nai He Said, She Said (C) (30) Bonet guest 10:00 '9' 00 60 Minutes (C) (60) 12:30 m Movie: ''Thieves' Highway" (dra· ID News (C) (60) ma) '49-Richard Conte, Lee J. 0 @@ (E Marcus Welby, M.D. Cobb. (C) (60) "Silken Threads and Silver 1:00 6 Movie: (C) "Prize of Gold" Hooks '" Lucas Cabot starts filming (drama) 'SS-Richard Widmark, Mal a TV documentary on his actress· Zetterling. ba13 Rush. Ale•ander Scourby guest. News (C) wile's recovery Jrorn a slroke Bar· I Community Bulletin Board (C) m Della! (C) (60) Action Theatre: "N1ked Gun" Perry Muon (60) (mystery) '56-Willard Parker, Mara Rawhide Roundup (60) Corday DoLen' of pop \inger' '''II in rheir teen~ have been aw::irdcd g<?ld record'>. '>ign1rying -;a le!. of over <i million di~cs. Bui they ~1111 hnve a lo~~ '"'::iy 10 go .to match the champ. Bing Cro,hy 1~ the only rec1p1en1 of a pla11num record. It wa' awarded to him :is "The F1r,1 Ct11Len of rhe Rc<.ord l nllmtr •." lor ,ale., of over 200.000.000 record\. Pa1e 18 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. ocrOBER 11 . l!:c -j 'S ; I • ·« \ ,\ j ' f3 ()'CL()CI\ M()Vlf L.A. TV VV~M l~l?~ W~[)~~~[)A"1 I~ C()Lt)l? CtiA~~~L 7 I 9 9 12 2: 4: 6: I ~ 6:: 7;0 I WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAM S. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the r ight to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O (C) "Steel Town" (drama) '52 -Ann She11dan. John Lund 9:30 0 "Dream Girl" (drama) '48 - Betty Hutton, Macdonald Carey O (C) "Belles on Their Toes" !comedy) '52-Jeanne Crain. Jeffrey Hunter m "fallen Angel" (drama) '4!>- Dana Andrews. Alice Faye 12:00 O "Getting Gertir's Garter" (com. edy) '4!>-Marie McDonald, Barry Sullivan 2:30 0 "Dc.wn Three Dark Streets'' (mystery) '54-Broderrck Crewford, Ruth Roman 4:30 f) "Midnight Story" (mystery) '57 -Tony Curtis, Marrsa Pavan EVENING 6:00 f) Big News (C) {60) Jerry Dunphy 0 m Huntley·Bnnkley (C) (30) 0 GET SET FOR FUN ! * STEVE ALLEN TIME! O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) John Byner, Gary I ewrs and The Play boys. Robert Klem. Pal McCormick and Helen Hall guest. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Geot Yourself a College Girl" (comedy) '64-Chad Everett. Nancy Srnatra, Mary Ann Mobley. Chris Noel I Dick Van ~e (30) Peyton Place (30) Star Trell (C) (60) C3) Mike Douglas (C) (90) What's New? (JO) (iJ CBS News (C) (30) ~ Tiempo de Perdon (30) CE News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 8 KNBC NeWSt1Yice (C) (60) • The Game Game (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts The questlOn "How Forgiving Are You?" rs asked of this weelt's panel l<aye Stevens. Ale· Jandro Rey and Chelsea Brown m To Tell the Truth {C) (30) ffi NASA fHture (30) Qj , 6 HunUey·Brinkley (C) (30) ff) DEBUT Guten hg (30) The day- 11me series of German language lessons 1s now shown in I he eve nrng programming. (:29\ 8 ) The Munsters (30) ff) Noticiero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 f) CBS Evening Nrws (C) (30) 0 What's My line? (C) (JO) m I Love Lucy (30) ID Beat the Clock (C) (30) W Commodity I Stock Report (30) ~~ ( 6 r America! (C) (30) ff) Ahora! (30) )91 Qt I Truth or Consequences (C) (JO) m Wanderlust (C) (30) CE That Girl (C) (30) 0 ~~ r ~ m Kraft Music Hall (C) ff) Speculation (60) "Where Have {60) Tennessee Ernie Ford 15 host A•I the Hippies Gone'" of a musical program highlighted ff! Carcet de Mujeres (30) by the presentation of .awards by 10:30 ff) Un Grito en la Obscuridad (30) the Country Music Association 7:30 f) f)9 (BJ Glen ~mpbell (C) (60) H<Jwelr's numl>er one enlert a1ner Don Ho ;,long with popsrnger Cher. come1ian Cliff Arquette as "'Charley Weaver." singer Casey Ancierson and comic Carlos Montoya guest. D Wrestling (C) (60) Tonight. Bull 11:00 f) 0 0 mm CE News (C) Ramos, flash Gordon and Mrl Mas· 8 Alfred Hitchcock caras are featured. • The Movie Game (C) Sonny Fox O (f7l r3)CE ABC Wednesday hosts The wee~·s panel· Carl Movie: (C) "Divorce American Style" qeiner, Lizabeth Scoll, John Wayne (comedy) '67-Drck Van Dyke, Deb· and Anr1 Sothern bre Reynolds, Jason Robards, Jean m Outer Limits Simmons. Van Johnson After 17· (~ ) -:i r. year marnage couple starts divorce 1 ,, 3 ~ 6 ~ la) News (C) 0 ll1 (6 m The Virginian (C) (90) "The family Man" Jim Horn (T rm Matheson) spends his otr hours lrom Shiloh ca ring for a neighbor and her newborn child O Stump the Stars (C) (30) O (17l (3) CE The Flying Nun (C) (30) "Marcello's Idol " Marcello, a young orphan al the Convent San Tanco, decides that Carlos Ramirez proceedings However. the man dis· covers from a divorced couple the problems tha t anse over ~limony ffi Horse Opefa (60) ff) News rn Perspective (C) (60) ff) Sylvia y Enrique (60) 9:30 O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers ID He Said, She Said (C) (30) would make a pert ec! adoptive 10:00 f) :29 e 1 Haw11i rive-0 (C) (60) father. ~anuel Pa.dtlla gu,i;sts . A tourist (John Randolph) has a 0 Mrlhon $ Movie: (C) Crack tn nrghl on the town and slores up a the World" (sci t1) '65-Dana An life time of trouble when McGarrett drews. Janette Scott Scientist calc-enlists hrs assistance as a witness ulales pro1ect lo acquire unlimited to break up a narcotrrs rrng Anne energy i11 the (arth's center with Helm plays a polrcewom;in assistant's oppos111on. 0 ;2l ( 61 m Then Came Bronson I Truth or Conuquences (C) (JO) (C) (60) "Where Will the l rumpets Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Be?" Fernando Lamas guests as a Technical Corner (30) matador who takes a deadly serious Joyce Chen Cooks (30) "Chicken interest rn an e~change ot lessons Velvet " in bulll1ght1ng and molr>r rycle r1<1 m Chucho et Rola (30) ing with Bronson (Mtchael Par ks) 11:30 f) 29 (B-1 Merv Griffin (C) 0 ·~:» 16 m Johnny Carson (C) Peter Lawford subs as host. O Movie: "I Wu Monty's Double" (drama) '59 -John Mills 0 l1'n [3) CE Joey Bishop (C) The Four freshmen and Judy Lynn gue~I O Movie: (C) "Sayonara'' (drama) '57-Marlon Brando, Red Buttons. M1yosh1 Umekr ID Movie: "Hell Canyon Outlaws" (western) '57-Dale Robertson 12:00 ID Movie: "Saraband" (drama) '49 -Stewart Granger, Joan Greenwood 1:00 f) Movie: "Suled Cargo" (drama) '51 -Dana Andrews, Claude Raines. 0 0 News (C) 8:00 0 Jack Benny (30) Peter Paul and Olher guests a1e Jessrn Wdtlcr .rnd 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) ID Action Theatre: "Strange Adven· lure" (drama) '56 Ben Cooper Mary guest Lane Bradbury 0 (11' '3~ w The Courtship of D m News (C) (60) Eddie's father (C) {30) "1 he Com· 0 Della! (C) (60) puter '' fom's computer date. Diane ID Perry Muon (60) K11by, seems mo1e 1n tune with ffi Rawhide Roundup 160) 2:00 ID All·Nrght Show: "Captain phisto and the Translormat1on chine.. "The Great Gilbert Sullrvan " and "Cisco Kid " Me Ma- and Tom's seven year old son fddre --------------------------- Sllbrina Scharl guests ds Drane A I· A '1111· 1<'.\ l>A >' <JI· F-Ri// HiJ.h\. 1<'ht> \fllf\" 111 /'11111 Cnr. m Queen tor a Day (C) (30) hf'lt, /11th1•r 111 r1·1·1·rr \'1't11-r1/d Rrcmd1111 Cm.·. 11·ht1 r o-rtn11· a.s Sagebrush Theatre (60) t.t!Jfr. u1 ,4 H('\ l lt1• ( 1•11r11/11p "' I 1Jdtl''1 h1tlll'r (Wedner. The Forsyte Saga (60) "The do\''· 8 f''t.11. '''~'" ti /11,/u/m o,· 111· nm/ /(1(111i/1111 111c11tl 11 /1111 Pursuit of Happ1nP.ss" CR> /r/frd tlm 1,,, ti c t1h/tlflllll h('m h ff) lmpactos Musicales (30) 8:30 f) il91 (BJ The 8evM ly Hillbillies (C) (30) Bird watcher Jane Hath away hikes into the woods and trnd~ a rnan tor £111 May Roger Torrey plays Matthew 0 RAM/49er GAM E WITH * ENBERG! ACTION! 9:00 O Rams Highlights (C) (30} Taped highlights of Sunday's game be tween Rams and 49ers O tm (3 CE Room 222 (C) (JO) "flu" Prrncrpal Kaufman rs trying to keep school open during an epJ. dent1c ;ind hrs son Martin volunteers to help John Rubrnstern rs intro· duced as Martin Kaufman m David Frost (C) (90) @ The Btg Valley (C) 160) rn Sonrisas. (30) f) CHAD EVERETT AND * JAMES DALY STAR IN THE NEW DRA MA HIT "MEDICAL CENTER" f) ~ 8 Medical Center (C) (60) Gupst Barbara Rush portrays a world famous author's wife who learns Iha! her ilrst pregnancy may be endal'lgered by her own hear1 cond1t1on 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * 3rd Annual Country Music Assoc. Awards READY MADE CAMPER AWNINGS • TRA ILER AWNINGS ___..,--~;;;;r. rf • CANVAS CURTAINS ___ ___, \[ • SUN SHADES <All Sizes) J~~ . ~ • TENTS -GROUND ~ I I ,-r . 'COVERS : •~y:.?.~ SANTA ANA TENT ond AWNING co. FACTORY SH OW ROOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. 879-6732 Page 19 MITZI'S 2ND A m usical spoof of "Gone With the Wind ," by M itzi Gaynor and guest star Ross M artin highlights .. M itzi's 2nd Spe- cial," airing on NBC. Monday at I 0 PM. Also featured is a major production number casting M iui and the Four Fellows as singing-dancing G ypsies, a medley of contemporary tunes by M i!U and a visit with her humo rou'i a her ego. "The Kid." Mitzi establishes the "Let Go'' theme o f the show by l>inging ~and dancing to the song of that title. Then she and rwo of the Four Fcllow\-Alton Ruff and Randy Doncy--<lon sailor whircs to p resent a vaudeville rendition of ··Poor Papa." and Mitzi solos "I'll Neve r Fall in Love Again." In the musical spoof based on "Gone With the Wind"-bur also embracing such Broadway hits a' "Sourh Pacific'' and "Sho wboat" -Mill• portrays C harlotte O 'Mara opposire Ross Martin's Gable-like interpretation of Red Butter Musical con- tributions include "Hello, Dolly1" "The Girl T hat I M arry," "J ust in fi me." "Hawaiia n W ar C h ant,'" .. Old Man River" and "Yew Are My Sunshine." Mitzi's sympathet11.. ·Kr<..!"' <.haracterrza- tio n-fi rsl introduced to TV audiences rn her fi rst spec ial last ~l'a<.on-returm IL• n:ir- rate her experience~ rn a .-;1:hool rcc11 .i1 dur- ing which she played ~' f;11ry onion Following Mirzi'l> medley of ··spmnin!t Wheel." "Walk o n By," ··whar'll I Op" and "Son of a Prca<:hcr Man." '>he Jf''"' the Four Fell owi; for a pol po um ut ~ong. dance and comedy set in ,, 1yps\ car;i van Intertwined with several ta'\l-paced Hun- garian Jances are a vocal rendi tion of "Pitc hi, Potch1. Poo" anJ Mit1.1's deliver of "T hose Were the Days." "We went to H awaii this }car fn r our vacation." says M it7r, "and I got the idea Pe1e 20 for this whole TV special sitting on the beach al Wa ikiki.'' Mi tzi and her husband, Jack. Bean, were sunning themselves and listening to the radio. "T he radio started 10 sing to me." said M 11z.i. "f fo und myself listening to a song. 'Let Go.' Jack haJ been listening too, and we sat up at the same time, looked at each other, nodded, and knew this was it. This was the theme and the feeling we wanted for our show. "Ideas come to me in visions, usuall y at three o'clock in the morning," grinneJ Mitzi. "This o ne was a convenient vision. coming in t he allcrnoon on Waikiki Beach. Jack a nd I had an agreement at one rime that I should wake him up any time l had an idea. NOW we have an agreement I'll let him sleep!" Mitzi's special is special to her in several ways. "We taped it during the moon shot," she ~aid. "We were concerned that we might lose.: the cre w because of this event. But it wao; the same cre w we had last year. and everyone was great. We gave everyone time off to wa tch rhe moon la nding.'' T he moment o f touchdown had ib im- pact on Mit1i. "[ e rred," '>he said. "When we resumed t<1pmg (the song medley), I felt inspired. I think we all did.'' 'The K id came about becau"c I got tired du1ng the sailor," noted M iti.i. "l hc Sailor and ·1 he Kid arc really the <,ame peciple, rhumhrng thc11 nu:.e. doing what you really want to Jo, having a sense of joy. laughing and crying al the loame time. T he Kid's my alter ego. It's more me than anything else.·· Mirz.i recalled some special events 't1nce her lasr special: "I met Marlene Dietrich. She was appearing in Las Vegas at the same rime I was. She came to 5ce my \how anJ we became good friends. I'm a tremen- dous fan o f hers and she's become a fa n o f mme.'' Milli ha!> also become a collec tor. ''I've slarted collecting netsukcs (pro- n011nced nc1 sook.e)." she said. "I've never collected anything until now. Nctsukes are Japanese good luck charms made of ivory. j.1dc ur wood " l>espite her obvious, exuheranr youth- fulnec;<;, M1tz1 Gaynor i-; a veteran enter r:i iner She began her formal dance training oe- lo rc 'he wa' e1gh1 . made her professional dchut jt I 1, ant.l since then ha~ earned laureh a'i a dancer. comedienne, a semi- 11\ e dr:11natH. actress and. increai.ingly. a~ a singer Her continuing career cmhraces motion pu.:r ure~. \upper club~ and tclevro;ion M 1t11 revealed some of her h:ud-ca rned "'ccre" of success"-both personal and profess1onal-wh1lc wo rking on her second spccia I. Spanning beauty c are. her home life and her career. Mitzi discussed: THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 Wea ring makl'up: "] wear nothing but eyes. I think the trick is to wear as little makeup as you must.'' Being well dressed: "Kno w yo11rself. You know what you can wear. whar looks good on you as un indiv1Jual. Some women ju~I louk al the ladies' magazines o r listen to the famous designers and try 10 wear what· ever 1hey say i" rn <,lyle.'' Keeping one's figure: "A moment o n the lip' means a life11mc on the hips. J always cal JUSl half of what's on m y plate." Maintaining a happy ma rriage: "Despi te what people seem to think. a Hollywood marriage is the 'lame as any other marriage -you h ave to work a l it. M:iybe 'iome women c;pcnd 100 muc h time feeding other women a t lunch. M y husband comes first. and we've been together fo r 15 years.'' Ma intaining a co ntinuing carl'l'r: "I think rhe sccrcr i" training I'm always learnin~ new 1hi11g'i from new peo ple. It's like gorng ro M:honl all your life. I'm always chul- lengcd. a nd I want In he .I'> good in even ;irea as I poc;c;1hly can." Relaxing when working: "I don't Work '" a l1Hal commitmcnL 13111 when I'm fin - 1c;hcd wo rking I take n v:icatio n and rclaiw- tion bccomci. a total commitmcnt-almo~t I thrn'1 do a thing. iust sloh arounJ the pool 811t r m alwayc; thinking about what I'm gnrng to do next " H andling newspaper intervil'ws: "If the interviewer I\ had. you c an't come out with a good interview If the interviewer is gooJ, vou can't come out with a bad interview. For1unately. most interviewers are good.'' r 969 I ut •le )II 1d ·~' 10 .t- 1C r~ IC <.I :c c 1, W 1• Buy, St'll f•ir You •>r Trad I' 432 Eost 17th Costa Me'o Onqalo & Dick Cousineau Rtt1dt11ll•I lndu• Come'! Crnnpt.·11 r .. a so n a lll• Sl'I'\ 1r 1 C11 1·n•ntly t•ni.:a~Pd hy Cit) 111 \ 1\1 . for s 1r1'1'I rl':-.lornl111n NA TO CORP, Gen'I Conlractors Coll 638-1818 CARPET 8 FURNITURE CLEANING For· I I '' S1 ·r\'11 ·• • and ~11:!111 ,. v\'.,rl\ <"1\l I. STl-:JO.l:'>.:t : 1-·pp BHJ<.Jll''-l·:ss· 642-8520 '~/ DIAMOND .. Carpel Cl<!aning ( 1!·11111•1t11•· '.\l•'1hc1d' Suit 11•1.11d,.111 ~11:1 11111<11 •~ c11·1·11 1-:,,.,., I 11 11d 1~11.11 ant,.,.d Free estimiltc 645 -1317 TONY'S CLEANING ~ERVICE RESIDENTIAL. & COMC'L l'11rn pit· 1 P floor <'arr•. Wa I ls, w111do\\" & 1·a1 pt•t.;; ~1 11n l hh \\f•t'kly, dndy Vi•ry r1•l 1~1hlt0• • Fn•1 r;,11111Al1•, 548 9823 EVE~. & WEE"END~ DALE JANITORIAL ~ERVICES (.'ompl•'I•• ( 'l•·nninc S1·n" 1• lot l111mr• :incl ( lrf11 1· < ';11 I"''' Fln111 '-· 'v\'111tl• .-, " CA LL 548-5048 ~ BRIGHTER ~IOE ~ Cll:ANING SERVICE ~Alt,.ETS & FURNITURE C.LEANIN(i f>P•·p pil<> ,l(c ">ti 1 r larcl••nl m1•t horl l<1'lL" prin•d fn••• ('<;\ Coll 549.4134 WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! s .. r, 11'1 & l<t-pa11 < !1•n•·l'al l<••1H11r:-., t\11.t 11mat11• 11·a ri,..1111 ..... 1011' t 110 1 Peter SchleppMr.t Cert.ll"d MJ•ter Mecha.,lc 2073 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa . 64~-6373 HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES I""" .'? C:11:-l11111 H1'l r1·11ds i-:'(1•1•pl11111al \alu1•,1 141 B East 16th St. Coste> Mesa Call Barry, 646-4540 I :1I1u:-. -\\',di<:-. I >1 l\'1'\\ il\, I .II l'l l'-1 Ht ·:i ... 111:1 hl1 Hitt..•. -Fri 1 1<:-.111 11i\ 1 .. , - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION WE ~IT BETTER INC Sub)•diiPV ot Gerber Prorl. Co. Prote"1on1I Suoerv1s1o"l tor ctuldrt'I, elderty & conv•te\Ccnt ANYTIME·AN'VWHERE Sitting P retty Agency 642-3274 NEW LAWNS H1· '"'•0d1ni..:. <'11rnpl1 ·t1· l;iwn 1·11r1· t:l1•;111 llJ II~ 11111 01 111011th ~·..... ,.,11111:11 .... For information call 846--0932 -893-1995 LAWN SERVICE Mow111~ 1-l lld Ed i.;1t1g lk rmuda I .<11\ n . l<Pn11,·n1t•cl Phone 892-0717 anytime JONES GILLESPIE B GOPPERT. INC. Serv1nq ""' Community lor over >~ years 536-2531 207 5th St.. H.B IJut> to 1·1tat 1•1lls, !10:.!, flL!I' :-;l{-22 . Co111 :w1 Hon l ;1r•1't1\\ nod ln ... 11rill1•'t' 545-5614 431 W. 19th ~r .. Costa Mesa DOMESTIC AGENCIES PAINTING F111• 111•n11rt11111l11•., .ivailahk n•.V. fn1 T1111 1:-••k•·"I"''''· Co11k,, M ui 111•1"• 1\111+•, Cha1tl fl'ltl'". B11tl1·1·-. GeorqE-Allen Rvland Aqency Emo'over ..,,~~ Fee 106-B E. 16th. S A 547-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN Ne Job Too Small 1'1 tlllll•I ~"I'\ 111 ' l~1".t'-111l lhlo 1.111 .. ' Call 54'i-461'1 SERVICE & REPAI R General Hou5e MaintenoRce SI0.00 MINIMUM 675-5384 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5678, ut. U S PAINT NOW BEFORE WINTER ! E\.11·11111 '111·1·1a li,t!-F1n1·,1 q11n l1 ty "nd <1uar1.<,h1p nml ma t1•r1.tl'< l.'1m1p1'111 j, ,. prit"'' F'1 1·1• F.,11ma It'' Call 962-37 16 -PAINTING- 2.1 .. \ ,~f\r .... ~'~l'''t'1••nc''' J(l'f .. ,., ., 11'1'" < l11a ra11f•·"rl \\Ill knrnnsh11• Coll Bill 642-2431 1'1111111•111• 1:1·11.111 I >r 1111 < I· 11111 • -~I ll 1:. 11111.ilt SPEEDY P LU MBING 21 111, \-\\,, "' 1111 \\' •lk 546-2387 or 540-7217 PLUMll~G REPAIR 24 HO UR SERVI CE Coll leaks -642-0141 WATCH RErAIR Any shav1·r l'11•ancd. 1>il<'d l'lnd shaq>t'nPd $:1.85 •'4 W. ltlh SI. Cost• Mes;o Call 541-1U1 VACUUM REPAIR e VACUUM~ e JIO ANO UP COMPLETE REPAIRS ANO PARTS COAST VACUUM rhone 642-1560 CRAFT CLASSES Valley Bik e & Hobby 17071 M<19no lii1 1.11 \\ a nw1 t Call 842-3777. 545-0377 PRIVATE BRIDGE LESSONS Ht>i.:1 n1wr,..· I rll 1·r11wdrn l 1· Ad v11 1w 1 «t l,1·1t1 n wl11 l1• p}ny 111L! 1n c11111p 111 I tn 11 '"'°'v 1 ...... ,...,n,.. • ' Josephine Fowlu 548-9668 LEARN Oil PAINTING l ',1111.! ollr '\llll(rlifh•d nwt hnd' l-kg1111wrl' Ad\'alll'Pd PECORA'S ART CENTER JO" H.itrbor Ill, Co••• M"u 545-8423 or 546· 1196 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU C ALL 642-5678, exr. 325 COLOR & llLACK & WHITE $1\ ~,(l -7 J 1;iyo; Ill• lt1d•·' • nl111 ad11r-.1m1·11 t .ind d l'lll.l1'n1•li/llll! ')(I d !I\ 11111-.1111!1111111.tll\ i.:1111r.111ll•1-<I ' 1•1111111>1 ~1·n 11·" 6 71 -9077 ( U' f"l' fy ,\ '" 4= t /.i. ,, .. Y I' l f\IJJ JERRY CURTI\ The TV & ARtettno MaR" / , I 1o;ll n tn) lll•lll<') _ 1111 Y•Hl 1 n 1nf1d1·nv1' T\' H••p:11ro; IN )'(•UH l!<ll\'H : rho11• 642-1432 Page 21 IMAGINE YOURSELF BEHIND THE MICROPHONE! WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCINATING CAREERS INTERESTS YOU? O DISC JOCKEY G NEWSCASTER U SPORTSCASTER 0 COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER FREE VOICE ANALYSIS TELLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TALEHT"l IRAI~ AT HOM£ OR IN OUR BlAUTtrUl HEW STUDIO SCHOOL' Yoo can sludy brwdcu l ltchntQuts 11 homt , In your SPiit ltmt, or tn our ntw Brwdcul· inc School-lOCAlEO lllCHl H(R[ IN tOS ANCH CS-under lht super vmon of °"' 01ttct1ns faculty of 11 famous broadcurers Rad•o· TV stations r.trywht re have an IMMCOIAT[ DEMAND tor bOlh men and women lo t1h over 1mPOrt1nt IOod· P•ttnl 1obs 111ht now. HA I ION WI DC PUC[M[NI ASSISTAll'<:[ at no Ul•I c0tt' Tuotron .us1111nce 1vall1bte Stnd lo CARllR ACADEMY'S division of r a mo us Broadculers for rAH book· let, rtcord, and voltt analy~ls det111s NOTICE: ENROLL NOW FOR CAREER ACADEMY'S NEXT Cl.ASSI THIS COULD BE YOUR CHANCE TO "1T YOURSELF aEHIHO THE MICROPHOHEll •An accredited in ember of the Ne· tiooel Home Study Council ilnd th e •National AsM>Ciehoo of Trade and Technicel School• • Appt-oved tor Veteran Tra1n1n1 •Member ot Celtforn11 Association for Private Education •An ell11ble Institution under the federelly insured Student Lo01n Procnom f WiEi-icAoiMv-Q 1 7Gm HoHywocl ... lft1rd J'l ! lot Ailio'tS. C..liftrllll 90021 • I ....... : (213) '64..QZZI l I w..t lo .,,_ 11 I ._,. ........ d ... utlboN ..tk .... a..l... ,... """ w mn irlf-lilfl. Address "°' City, State/Zip I am interested 1n O ClanrOO<n 11 Home Study --------------------- THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta - tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9;00 O "Ma ind P1 Kettle Go to Town" (comedy) 'SO-Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride. 9:30 O "l1dles' Man" (comedy) '4 7- [ddie Bracken, Cass Daley. 0 "The Three Sisters" Part I (dra· ma) '66-Kim Stanley, Gerald1ne Page, Kevin M~rthy. ID "Captain's P11adi~" (comedy) 'SJ -Alec Guinness, Yvonne De Carlo. 12:00 O "Southside 1-1000" (mystery) '50--0on DeFore, Andrea Krng. 2:30 O "f'rn Golden Houn" (comedy) '61-£rnie Kovacs. Cyd Charisse. 4:30 0 (C) "Mother Is a Freshman" (comedy) '4~oretta Young, Van Johnson. EV E N I NG 6:00 0 The Bir News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 8 m Huntley·BrinkleJ (C) (30) Steve Al'en Show (C) (90) Bill Darly, Gloril Loring, Dr Cleo Lawson. Bill & Quinn and Jim Tu rner guest. 0 Si.1 O'Clod Movie: (C) ''Gun Glory" (western) '57 -Stewart Granger. Rhonda r1eming, Chill Wills. James Gregory. A wandering cowboy returns home to bitterness and resentment I Diet Van Oyh (30) Peyton Place (30) Stu Trek (C) (60) (I) Mike Douelas (C) (90) ED What's Ntw? (30) "How Coins Are Made." Roger Ande1sen shows how coen designs are rend ered I (j) CBS News (C) (30) Tie111po de Penton (30) #fews (C) (60) Jae~ Hickey 6:30 8 IUfBC Newservice (C) (60) · TN Game Game (C) (30), Guests are Kave Stevens, Ale1andro Rey and Chelsea Brown I To Tell the Truth (C) (JOl NASA FNture (30) (~Huntley-Brinkley (C) (60) f't1yine the Guit11 (30) ''In· creasing Speed " Methods ol adding lo the speed and ag1lrty of the right hand are examined and d1a tonic JCales drscussed Students are assigned an Allegro by fiUfiani and lhe instructor plays "Prelude rn A Minor'' by rrancisco Tarrega I (j) The Munsters (30) Notlciero 34 (C) (60) News (C) (30) 7:00 O CBS Eve11ine News (C) (30) Willer Cronkite O What's My line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m I love Lucy (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 11, 1969 ® But the Clock (C) {30) Jack truding." Prize-winning Ja1'9nese Nan hosts. film about a psychiatrist who, in EE Commodity/Stod Report (30) the course ol treating a patient, ~~ (6) The American West (C) (30) finds his own memory of a horrible Etf) Ahora! (30) war e~perience restored. English ~(!)Truth or Consequ111ces (C) subtitles. Program concludes with (30) two short films: ··Kinosuke's Pup· I True Adventure (C) (30) pets," and "Play Bach." That Girl (C) (30) m Music• y Estrtllu (C) (30) 7:30 ~ (i) flmilJ Aff1ir (C) (30) 9:00 I)~ (i) CBS Thursd1y Movie: Cissy moves away from the family (C) "Inside D1i1J Clower'' (drama) ento an apartment of her own but '65 -Natalie Wood. Christopher encounters an entirely new set of Plummer. Roddy McOowaJI, Robert problems Terry Burnham plays Rita. Redford Dramatic story ol 15-year· 0 @ (61 m D1nltl Boont (C) old Daisy Clover, her "discovery" (00) "The Man." Rosey Grier makes by a movie studio and rise to his debul as series regular, por· stardom. and the tragedy her new !raying Gabe Cooper, a former way of life brings. slave and now chief of an Indian O @(i)(E Tom Jones (C) (60) tribe. who aids Boone in destroying Famed Britrsh performer Anlhony a Bntish fort. Newley and actress singer Peggy O Stump the Stari (C) (30) Mike Lipton guest. Also lealured are The Stokey hosts Celebrities Bob Cum-Crosby, Slllls. Nash • nd Young mu· mings, Vera Miles and Robert Clary sical group and comedian tmpres jorn Roger C. Carmel, Deanna Lund slonisl John Byner. and Dick Patterson. fE Horse Opera (60) O (J7) (3) Q) The Ghost and Mrs. al Elitometro (30) Muir (C) (30) "Today I Am a 9:30 0 ~ (6 ) m Dragnet (C) (30) Ghost" Dom De Luise guests as "Burglary-Mister" Sgt. fnday and inept sailor ffom Capt. Greus Officer Gannon track down a burgla· trme, who needs advice on being a ry suspect and then discover he is successful ghost also wanted lor forgery and bigamy O Million $ Movie: (C) "Move 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Over, D11line" (comedy) '63-Doris ®He SJid, She S1id (C) (30) Joe Day, James Garner Wile. believed Garag1ola hosts dead 101 seven years, returns on al Musical Ossart (30) her husband's wedding day. lU:OO 0 ~ (6 m Dean Martin (C) I Truth or Consequences (C) (3D) (60) Guests a1e Orson Bean, George Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Burns. Jack G11lord, Joey Heather· Technical Corner (30) ton and The Mrlls Brothers DEBUT The President's Men, 9 m News (C) (60) 1969 (C) (30) Defense Se<retary 0 @00(!) It Takes 1 Thief (C) Melvin R Lalfd rs interviewed by (60) "The Great Casino Caper ·· host Paul Nrven. Fred Astil1re makes hrs first special ~Chucho el Aoto (30) guesl '1ppearance as Alistair Mundy. 8:00 0 (19, ( 8 Jim N1bors Hour {C) re l red lhrel and fothe1 of Alexander (60) Nightclub and recording star I Della! (C) (60) Wayne Newton guests. Pttry Muon (60) O Jack BennJ (30) George Bums Rawhide Roundup (60) guests : The Advocates (C) (60) (R) 0 r1Z) (3) m That Girl (C) (30) I C1rcel de Mujeres (30) "At lhe Drop ol a Budget." Ann 10:30 · Un Grito en 11 Obscurid1d (30) Mane goes on a wrld shopping 11:00 0 0 ® Ne1ws (C) spree as lhe result of a past Alfred Hitchcock hypn.ot1c suggestion prcked up ac m NFL Game ol the Weeti (C) crdentally at the den11st's. Monty Outer Limits Hall IS special guest tn lhe role of 1 m ~ (6) ~ [I ) News (C) Dr Pellman Imm News (C) I Queen for 1 DaJ (C) (30) 11:30 ~ (j) Merv Griffin (C) S1eebrush ThNtre (60) • ~ r6) m Johnny Carson (C) Washinrton We9' in Rmew (0) Alan Krng subs as host Sen George (30) Behrnd the headlines analysis McGovern. Yalta Yarkonr and Mac of Capitol Hill news by correspond-Robbrns guest ents Neil MacNeil. Peter Lisagor O Mowie: "Black Tide" (mystery) and Charles Corddry Dr Max Kam· '56-lohn Ireland. Derek Bond pelmann moderates 0 [17) (3 )@ Joey Bishop (C) Lon ~ Ftlim no! (C) (30) Chaney guests 8:30 0 ~j t 6 m Ironside (C) (60) 0 Movie: (C) "Humane Smith" "A Bullet for Mark " Mark Sanger (adventure) '52 -John Ireland, 15 shot when he 1s the unsuspecting Yvonne De Carlo wrtness to l he transfei ol narcotics ® Movie: "The Funy Pink Nifht- Roberl Alda guests as San Fran gown" (comedy) '57-Jane Russell, risco socialite Walter Thorne White Ralph Meeker Mark hovers between life and death. 12:00 m Movie: "Operation W1rh11d" Ironside arid his stall attempt to (comedy) '64-Sean Connery, Stan· unravel lhe puule of the shooting. fey Holloway 9 Bo•ing (C) (90) Mickey Davres 1:00 0 Movie: (C) "An Allie1tor N1med and fom Harmon ate ringside at Daisy" (comedy) 'SS-Diana Oor~. the Olympic Auditorium Stanley Holloway O •17'! (3 l {D Bew'itched (C) (30) I 0 Newi (C) " dnd Something Makes Four·· Community Bulletin Board (C) Sa ma nth a 1s rushed to lhe hosp rt al Action Theatre: ''Third Vl11tor" by Damn ;ind gives birth to their (mystery) '52-Sonia Dresdel, Guy second child Middleton m David Frost (C) (90) Z:OO m All-Ni(ht Show: "Two Thou· The Bic V1lley (C) (60) sand Women," "Doctor Satan's NET Pl1yhouse (90) "Past In· Robot ... and "Cisco Kid." land in the lake Countrv of California Pines Lowest bank tem1s on acreaae overlookina CALIFORNIA PINES LAKE PARCRS FROM 11495 Fill PRICEI 30,000 acres of virgin Northern California land are being developed as the world's laf'lest privately-owned vacationland. Only a small part of California Pines is now for sale Muth ol the re- maining land will never be sold. California Pines is not a commercial resort-not sold as a hedge against inflation or as an investment for profit alone-but as a refuge from the smog and strife of our cities for families who want to own a share of unspoiled California. Owner- ship of property In the Lake Coontry gives your family full recreational rights In all five C:O.ntries of C111fornl1 Pines! The StrHm Country The Hiah Country The Tree Country The lake Country lite Horse Country FREE! I Pic tures, floor plan of this A-frame cahin (we build the out.sidr, you finish the inside) you can huy on an acre (lf land at California P ines for S4000 (Price includes land !) 2. Mape. color photographs. 3. Official report by the State of California on California Pines. Dial or Call Collect 149-6600 i··~~~~~~~:~~~~-· i Plra'o<' srnd mr rhr (rtt 1nfo1m1t1on packaAC. Addr-•------------ Cl t,. _____ St..ate ____ Zlp __ -.............................. . ~ P•1e 23 ... ... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBER 11 , 1969 CURTIS I c 19 MATHES QUANTITY PURCHASE! :Jhe magnificent _Algeria MODEL 54M394 Genuine oak veneer and oak solids 50" Long 29" High Tambour Doors Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) 295 Sq. In. Color Picture Tube 8 yr. Adjustment Warranty on Picture Tube $12.00 Additional REGULAR RETAIL PRICE $699.95 OUR SPECIAL QUANTITY $5 9995 PURCHASE PRICE \1\1. T. HART TV 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) Pqe 24 ' ; I ' &9 FRIDAY OCTOBER 17 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Three Men In While" (drama) '44-Van Johnson. Ava Gardner. 9;30 O "Hazard" (comedy) '48-Mac- donald Carey, Paulette Goddard. 0 "Three Sisters" Part II (drama) '6&-Kim Stanley, Kevin McCarthy. m ''Tom, Dick, and Herry" (com· edy) '41-Burgess Meredith, Ginger Rogers. 12:00 O ''Fargo" (western) '52-Wild Bill Elliott, Phyllis Coates. 2:30 0 "Tread Softly Stranger'' (dra· ma) '58-Diana Dors, Terence Mor- gan. 4:30 8 (C) "Savage Wilderness" (west· tern) '5&-Robert Preston, Anne Bancroft. EVENING 6:00 8 Big News (C) (60) JerrY Dunphy 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) 0 JERRY WEST PRE-* GAME SHOW, THEN LAKERS vs 76ers! TOP ACTION! 0 The Jerry West Show (C) Lakers super-star Jerry West hosts. THE ALL-4MERICAN LENNONS It is not a matter of coincidence that two of America's greatest showmen have presented The Lennon Sisters. First, it was Lawrence Welk who introduced the four girls to the world on his ABC Show, and now, none other than the perennial Jimmy Durante O Six O'Clock Movie: "AIHkl Seas" (drama) '54-Robert Ryan, Jan Sterling, Brian Keith, Gene • Barry. Just released from jail, a man wants lo join a salmon fishing cooperative. presents The Lennon Sisters on their ABC show Friday nights at 10 PM. The four beautiful girls. who grew to mature feminine loveli- ness before the very eyes of the l'Ountry. in life and on the screen, are the image and personification of the typical American family. This huo; been manifested in the wholesome acceptance of the girls. They arc the vision of what every- one would really like the Ameri- can young to be. I Dick Van Dyke (30) Peyton Place (30) Star Trek (C) (60) CID Mike Douglas (C) (90) What's New? (30) "Adventures of Matti." Matti. the teenage or· phan, continues his search for his missing sister. fi?) 00 CBS News (C) (30) I n empo de Perdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hic~ey. 6:05 Lakers Warm-up (C) 6:10 Lakers Baslletball (C) (2V2 hr) Lakers vs. 76ers. 6:30 O KNBC Newservice (C) (60) O The Game Game (C) (30) Jim MacKreH hosts. Kaye Stevens. Ale· jandro Rey and Chelsea Brown guest. I To Tell the Truth (C) (30) NASA f eature (30) (6) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Book Beat (C) (30) (R) · 00 The Munsters (30) - Noticiero 34 (C) (60) News (C) (30) 7:00 CBS Evening New1 (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. B What's My Line? (C) (30) (Continued) All four, going from oldest down, Dianne, Peggy, Ka thy and Janet, have married and are rais- ing families. Among them they have nine c~!ldren. They come from an average, middle class family and it is in- bred that home is the prominent part of their lives, and raising their children is their prime con- t.:ern, their all consuming intere~t. As busy a~ they are with con- t.:ert. county fair. and television appearances, a carefully budgeted time 1s alloted to be spent at home and with their Cami.lies. Not one of Lbe girls maintains permanent househokJ help, and each one does her own housekeeping, cooking and personal care of the chil- dren. Speaking very fran kly, the girls sa id that one of the reasons they agreed to do the new series was hl fulfill their obligations, preferring to spend aJI their time as housewives, w11h iin occasional guest appearance. They're hoping the new ABC show will put them in a position of early retirement. Still, the girls represent Lhe next Joor family image. T~cy are refreshing, vivacious and glamorou~. and when the Messrs Welk and Durante wanted to reach the mass audience, it was natural that they chose The Lennon Sisters. Diana Ross (cenler), will .I' far as hostess and offer lier· own special hrand of song along wilh The Supremes nn The Ht1lly- wnod Palcice. on A DC , Sarurday al 9 :30 PM. !,. 6 (JCL()CI\ M()Vll L.A. TV Vl?r=Ml~l?f­ t=l?I [)A'1 Page 25 Allen Hich Well. how do yoo .a k:e it sio tar'! I mean, che new seasoo. Difference of opinioo is what makes horse racing. and likewise the evaluation of television series, so yoo may or may not agree Wl th this coi um n. Persooa.Uy, I feel !hat overall the new semester is a great deal better than the past one. That may not be saying much because the last one was terrible. RICH A petty reliabie way to judge a ~ series, for either viewers or prof~mal critics. is whether or not you feel yoo would Like c.o ume in a show again after sampling 1ts premiere. I felt that about nine of the 23 faJj shows were pretty fai r enterta.uunent and that 1s a rew h1 gh., percentage-wise, in recent years. They were: In ttie field of sill.lation comedy-To Rome With Love, The Gov- ernor and J . J . and Mr. Deeds Goes t.o Town. In the field of variety -Leslie Uggarns Show. In drama -Room 222, Bracken's World and The Survivors. And in an unclass1fted field-My World and Welcome to I t and Love, American Sryle. To Rome With Love has the Don Fedderson touch, a touch evident 1n tus other tw0 programs. My Three Sons and A Family Affair. It also has .JOOll Forsythe as the father figure and a great deal of genlle humor and sentiment. 1be Governor and J .J. in Dan Dailey and Julie Soounars ~ ooJy has the two best series leads of the season, but spa.rkllng dialogue and the overall marl< ot big success. Mr Deeds. based on rhe a.nCient motion picrure whJC'h starred the laLe Gary Cooper LI\ the role now being under111ken on the tclly by Monte Markham , has an mt.eresting premise, that of a mllliona1re tilnng at the windmills of The Establi~ent. In tlus day and age that 1s unique. You might e"en call it heartwarm- ing, aJUiough I dislike the word, which is misused so often In h~ new music-vanety hour Miss Leslie Uggwn'> ha.~ revealed her-;elf as a star who seems to get more enjoyment out of pleasing hL·r audicnC£'$ than any star I can recall. When yoo watch her you :ilmost auroma11cally respond. lhe richly-mounted ~ look.-. ltke a ,jVlnner. Bracken's World, which pufl>Ol1S to gjve us all an inside look at a big Hollywood ft1m studio, is f~uent.ly compared with Peyton Place. The comparers often do so disparagingly. But Peyton Place ran five vears •.. no doubt "secretly viewed" by many who publicly downgraded iL Bracken's Wortd, fl.Ued with beautiful people and s tudio intrigue, seems to fall into the same category of almost sure-fire oommercial success- Room 222. a more modest offering, appears ro hav{' come almg at the nghr l!lmc in that 11 dE'als with a black teac-kr in an integrated h1g-h school That alone. of ccurse. is net enough. but Lloyd Haynes as Ulf' trocher 1s a tower of srrength and has a fme supporting c;.ist .rnd wdl-wnttcm script." with at a mes humorous O\'ertoncs Tht> Sunwm-.; was "f<l\ on:'(.f wi1h much advt>rse publin ty before 1t ~ prvmicre Ir hc·IJX"C,1 whe1. rntM'eSt m the show So did speculat11m :1.-; to how Uinn T11mC'r would fare m hC'r first seti~ And there 1!. alro firorge Hamilton. o rontrove~-ial ftgurt". and Rolph B~llamy whu ts r1r"t-~k It Is true that the jel-sf"tters. who fonn the basis ol the stories, face new ~ricf in each week's scripts and that a psychla- trtst would find a ft-rtile field ~ them, but the series is not all that bad. Could make it, hut I wooJdn't bet either way. How· ever, II Is one that I do tmw ln. My World [tnd WC'komP To It. 1>1~1 on Thurb0 r '" works, 1c: uniquC' an<.l soph1c;t1ca1NJ It also boas•s fine f)('rformantcs h, William Windom and moppet Lisa Gt·rnt<;en . .1 1'("111 find in 1hr role ol Windom ·s dJugh1er. Page 26 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER ll. 19b'J FRIDAY (Continued) I David Frost (C) (90) m I Love Lucy (30) The Big V1l117 (C) (60) ID Beat the Clock (C) (30) Jack C111l1 Muter Cius (30) Dunng Narz hosts. the course of the program, Casals Ei) Commodity /Stock Report (30) remlnisces about the piece and the ~ (6J Cinema Showc11e (C) (90) master Saint Saens as he performs '"Stu 1n the Dust." starring John one of his works-"Concerto No. t. Agar and Marnie Van Doren Op. 33." ID Ahora! (30) m Noches hpati11 (30) ~@ Trvth or Consequences (C) 9:00 t) ~ (jJ CBS Frid1y Movie: (C) (30) "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows" I American West (C) (30) (comedy) "68 -Rosalind Russell That Girl (C) (30) Stella Stevens, Van Johnson. Robert 7:30 ~ 00 Get Smart (C) (30) Taylor. Mother Superior Simphc1a 1s Over 99's obiections, Smart is dismayed at the antics of a pro assigned to romance and even gressive young nun who encourages marry a beautiful but much widowed I the students at staid St Francis KAOS agent who 1s suspected of Academy for Girls lo engage in civil having done away with her twelve rights demonstrations and plans to previous husbands. Dana Wynter travel all the way to California to gues-l s as the beautiful spy al1end a youth rally 0 m High Chapural (C) (60) 0 @ CV m Here Come the "Bad Day for a Bad Man:· Mano-Brides (C) (60) "'Next Week, £asl lito·s affinity for pretty girls is Lynne" Jason plays Hamlet with taken advantage of by bandits. the Shakespearean actors who oou Malachi Throne and Marianna Hill ble as robbers. Oona!d Moffat and guest. Jayne Meadows guest. 0 (.17) (3) G) let's Make a Deal fl) Horse Opm (60) (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. ID David Susskind (C) (2 hr) O Million $ Movie: (C) "Atlantis, ''Rock, Pot and Sex: They Blew the lost Continent" (fantasy) '61 Their Minds at Woodstock." -Anthony Hall, Joyce Taylor. A m Nuen Cit.I Musical (30) young Greek lisherman, 111 love with 9:30 O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers the daughter of the King of At· ID He Said, She Said (C) (30) lant1s whose Ille he saved, agrees m Pandorama (30) to help her search lor the lost city 10:00 0 ~ -6J m Bracken's World (C) m Trvth or Consequences (C) (30) (60) ··options" Paulette Douglas I Judd !or the Defense (C) (60) (Linda Harrison) facts a hostile Technical Co!ner (30) . world when her option is dropped French Chef. (30) Julia Child by Century Pictures gives directions on making choco 0 (1:7) (:Jl<G) Jimmy Durante Pre- late mousse (R) sents The Lennon Sisters (C) (60) m Chucho el Roto (30) Marth~ Raye Buddy [bsen and 8:00 0 ei9i (i) The G~d Guys (C) {30) Bobby Golds~oro share the guest A finicky .heal!~ inspector, . gues1 l sootll~ht Vincent P11ce. finds a fly in his• 0 Delli! (C) (60) stew and threatens to close the I News (C) (60) diner Rufus .. Bert and Claudia! Perry M1Son (60) embark on a gigantic cleanup cam Rawhide Roundup (60) pa1gn and are al~ _ready for the rn Carce! de Mujeres (30) inspecto1's next v1s1t when Rufus . suddenly lets a corn popping ma-10:30 m Un Grito en 11 Obscurid1d (30) chine go wild 10:45 0 Kings Wrap·up (C) 0 (!7J (3) al The Br1dy Bunch 11:00 f) 0 0 ID News (C) (C) (30) '"Alice Doesn't live Here O News (C) Anymore " Alice decides the Bradys B John McKay Show (C) no longer need her and prepares to ID Outer Limits leave The tiousekeeper has been m m G) News (C) sending the boys to ~arol, their new 11:30 f) (i9) 00 Merv Griffin (C) stepmother. with lhe11 problems IC 8 (j) (6) m Johnny Car10n (C,) m~ke her feel more important. Movie: (C) "The Constant Hus· I Queen for a Day . (C) (30) bind" (comedy) '54-Rex Hanison Sacebrush Theatre (60) Kay Kendall l~~erf~ce (C) (30) (R) 0 (j7) ()l G) Joey Bishop (C) 1/11 l edta (C) (30) na Lisi and Buddy Greco guest 8.:15 Liken Wrip·~P (C) (15) 0 Movie: (C) "Mr. Roberts (com 8.30 ~ (11 Hogan s Heroes (C) (30) edy) '55 -Henry Fonda Betsy The enemy uses Slalag 13 as a re Palmer. • luellng depot for a motor convoy. m Movie: (C) "C.plllns of ttte Mananna Hill portrays Louisa Clouds" (drama) '42-James Cag 0 tl~ ~ m lhme of the G1me ney Brenda Marstlall (C) (90) "Clla1ns of Command" 12 OO m' M . ''C" . .,_ ,, ( ) Guests Dorothy Lamour, Pernell : . ovie: itiren .... ne drama Roberts and Sidney Blackmer join 41 --0rson Welles. Joseph Cotten se11es slar Robert Stack 1n a dra· 1:00 f) Movie: "Cluny Brown" (comedy) ma about corruption In a stale '4S-Jennifer Jones. Charles Boyer p11son I 0 News (C) Community Bulletin Boin! (C) 0 HOCKEY THRILLER! Action Thntre: "Plunderers of * KINGS vs. OAKLAND! Painted Flats" (western) '59 O Kings Hockey (C) (214 hr)I Kings vs Seals al Oakland 0 (17) l 3 al Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (C) (30) "Sparkl1nR Spring ··1 Mr Deeds starts a campaign against water pollution caused by his own factory Corinne Calvet. Skip Homeier 1:45 O Movie: ''The Young Guns" (~estern) '57-Russ Tamblvn. 2:00 ID All·Nlgtit Show: '"Behind the Mask of Zorro:· ·valley of the Doomed,' "'The Homble Or. Hich cock " l9b9 ~ring asals I the orms 0. l , (C) DWS" !>Sell, >be rt .ia is pro- 'ages me is civil IS to a to the East With dou and hr) Blew (30) I (C) 1glas 1slile ~ped Pre- (60) aod ~uest (30) (C) Hus- son. Vir :om· .etsy the ~ag ma) 1en edy) 1yer (C) ~ of the the lich SATURDAY 9:301J Q?l @ Dastardly & Muttley in1ll:JO 8 ~@ m Underdog (C) Their Flying Machines (C) • Movie: (C) "Return of the Ci) hrm Show (C) I Chiller 3:00 NEW SEASON The New Society 0 Ci)@ m The Banana Splits frontienman" (western) '5(}-{Jor· (C) don MacRae, Julie London. {C) This returning series provides a forum for open discussion by local ~igh school students. OCTOBER 18 MORNING Amuing Three world" (drama) '39 -Humphrey M @@@ The H11dy Boys (C) (D Movie: "King of the Under· Cuerdas y Guitarras Bogart, Kay Francis. I Ch1mpionship Bowling (C) Simson (C) Tiempe de Perdon 3:30 •·:awpoint (C) Jere Witter hosts. AFTERNOON 7:001 ~ @m Heckle & Jeckle (C) WORLD SERIES BASEBALL @@a> Casper (C) Programming is subject to change Mr. Wishbone (C) for covera&e of World S.les Base· 12:00 tJ ~({)The Monkees (C) Felix the Cat (C) ball pme, if played tDday. o. 0 On CampitS (C) "Lillian Hellman Outdoors With liberty Mutual (C) @ P1tty Duke 7:25 Give Us This Day (C) pending on teams participating, on Campus." 7:30 Sunrise Semester (C) the game will begin at eitller 10 0 Home ind Reue1tion Show (C) 8 @ (1) Cl) Smokey the Bear (C) or 11 AM. Jack Rourke hosts. 4:00 1J Movie: "Hills of Home" (dra· ma) '48 -Edmund Gwenn. Making the Most of Maturity I Evins-Novak Report (C) m Bozo the Clown (C) . ~ . . THtro Familiar S:OO tJ ~®The Jetsons (C) 10.00 ~~ ~ The Penis of Penelope • Re11tJ Review. (C) 0 Q) @ m Here Comes the a f!-~ !CD Sky Hawb (C) 12:30 ~ @ Wac9 Races (C) Grum£_ @ (1!J ~, • ., • High and Wild (C) I (11) (]) 1(!) Cattanooga Cats (C) • M.ovie. 'The Ride .Back . (we~-Movie: "The Howards of Vir· Kimba (C) ern) . 57-Anthony Quinn. Lila M1-glni1" (drama) '40-Martha Scott. I This Week in Pro football (C) I Spy (C) Man From UNCLE (C) McHale's NIVy McKeever and the Colonel 4:30 Youth and the Police (C) I @ @ Q) f antutic Voyage (C) The Munsters Tales of Wells Fargo tD' Movie· "Tampico" (drama) .44 m Movie: "The ~omoler" (com· Gumby (C) · . . edy) '52--Alec Gumness Bronco 8:30 ~@ Bugs Bunny I Road Run· ~Edward G. Robmson. Lynn Ban. I '!!I Picture (C) ner Hour (C) ~ El Dolor de Amu 1 :00 ~ (j) Superm1n (C) I il)@ m Pink Panther (C) 10:30 IJ ~@ Scooby·Doo, Where Are • Double Feature: "Smart Wom· 4:55 O Lakers Warm -Up (C) 5:00 O It's Academic (C) Competing high schools are Canoga Park, Crespi (Encino) and Sylmar. Campus Profile You? (C) 1n" (drama) '48 -Brian Aherne. Movie: (C) "The Big Trees 0 ~ ~ m limbo (C) Constance Bennett. "Bluing Slnd" 0 Laken Basketball (C) 1wesler11) '52-Kirk Douglas, D Movie: "The Gambler and the (drama) '64--Daliah Lavi, I Cisco Kid Lady". (drama) '52 -Dane Clark, O @ffil(!) NCAA Football (C) 0 rf7) (I) 1(!) American Band· stand (C) Rocket Robin Hood (C) Naomi Chance, . California at UCLA. 9·00 ~ ~J m H. R. Pufnsluf (C) 0 @ @ @Gulliver (C) 0 Movie: (C) "The Young Racers" . Movie:· "Night Plane from ID M?vie: "Waterloo ~01d" (dra· (adventure) '63-Mark Damon · The Avengers (C) 'D1kllri (C) Batman (C) Peter Gunn : Playing the Guitar (R) Futbol-Soccer Chung King" (mystery) '43-Ellen ma) 45 -John Mills, Stewart Colt .45 Drew, Robert Preston. Granger. · C11cel de Mujeres O @ @ (!) Hot Wheels (C) 11 :00 IJ ! ~ Archie Show (C) . Silver Wings (C) m Movie: (C) ''The H1lfbreed" B 6 m The Flintstones (C) 1:30 ~@ Jonny Quest (C) (western) '52-Robert Young. Janis O 1 3 IC!) ABC's Wide World Wrestling (C) 5:30 Ralph Story (C) ( R) · KNBC Newservice (C) Gitligiln's Island (C) Mr. and Mrs. North Carter. of Sports (C) NBA Basketball. The • Film features (D Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) Milwaukee Bucks vs. Detroit Pistons. 2:00 Mr. Ed ~ Canciones y Musica del Recuer-This is Lew Alcindor's first NBA 2:30 Steps to Lurning (C) do I game. • Wagon Train (C) : News in Pe1$pective (C) ( R) • Agriculture USA (C) A HUNGARIAN DISH Know how to make a Hungarian ome- lette? First, you steal two eggs ... Al- though some of the jokes on television are as old as this one, the most delightful H un- garian dish o n the tube the"e days i~ nol an omelette, but glamorous Eva Gabor. Not .satisfied with sta rting the firth sea- .son of her hit series Green Acres, whic h now airs Saturdays at 9 PM on C BS. Eva also is kicking off the new year with an ABC movie, "Wake Me When the War f<; Over." (Tuesday, ABC, 9:30 PM) and a (Nov. 6) guest appearance on the D ean Martin Show. Shakespeare will be set back a few m ore centuries thanks to the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene presented by Dino and Eva. To give you some idea of this far-out production. E va slides down Dino's famous fire pole to make the <>cene more intimate. But ii takes a full-length film .such as "Wake Me" to give Eva a chance to dem- onstrate why she i-; the outstanding come- dienne on television. The c:omedy c:oncerns a German barone:-.1> who has an American pilot parachute into her garden during World War 11. "Instead of turning the dc<1r man over to the army. I keep him hidden in the basement of m y villa. Everything works out so nicely, J don't bother to tell him when the war is over and keep him hidden in the house for live years," she explains with a c huckle , Ken Berry o f Mayberry RFD plays the pilot who doe<;n't know the Americans are operating the PX down the street. T o keep up the c harade. Eva hires Werner Klem- perc r of Hogan\ Heroes to put on his old N;lz i uniform and <;tomp around in the house every week or so. Although 1he film was great fun for all concerned. it wasn't without problems a t the time of the production. "Danielle De Metz plays my German m aid who eventuaJ- ly falls in love with Ken." Eva explained. "Unfortunately. Dan ielle is as Frc;nch as her name. a nd she couldn't speak a word of German. Werner and I had to coach her line b y line until she could speak the word ... " "No one will believe it, bLll the fi lm was fil med in Pasadena-and believe me. dar- ling. you 1u~1 can't find a place that is less German than Pasadena. But we found this wonderful old home that had been brought o ver from Europe stone by '>tone and re- built. Il wa<; perfect for the picture." she added. When f va and husband Richard Brown moved into Lheir new Beverly Hills home recently. Eva wanted <;Orne eittensive altera- tions made that required a number of hard- to·gct plumbers, plasterers, etc, She resol~d the problem of keeping them by serving a beauti ful Hungarian dinner each day after work. As Eva well knows, a little goulash can go a long way! SAYE $154.74 ON NEW HARMAN~KARDON 200 COMPLETE 4-PIECE FM STEREO SYSTEM! INCLUDES GARRARD AUTO-CHANGER, 12" CO-AXIAL LANCERS! 2 YEAR GUARANTEE PARTS & LABOR Solk:l·slale receiver fearures ultra.wide res· panse, impor111n1 conlrol fu rures ond dee<>· rd:or-oeslonod styllno. Ad11anc-.d melal oxide silicon hek:l-effect·translstor IMOSFl:T) front end assures nfon signal-to noise r&llo and H-K 200 . . • • • • • • S250.00 GARRARD •.•.•••. S45.45 l.ANCHS .•.•.•.. S59.0Q REG. PRICE $354.451 SAVE $154.74! 12" co•a rlal 50-14 000 Garr11rd's llulomallc 1urn'able hos o v ers I z e. . • welohlod record pllltl~ and smoolh, sllenl-rvn· C.P.5, SpHllltfl Ill h-d· nlnQ motor for 162/3, 131/J, '5 or 7a rpm sPft(ls. rubbed oiled wolnut cab· Also n11s dUIOm1tllc record lnlermhc, aulomallc I ._ 1 end-of·record shu'off, 1wo spindles tor manual or llen. au1oma11c pley, and ceramic He<eo c1artridO• REG. $59.00 with dfllmoocl slylus. REG. $45.45 superfOr M!nsltlvlly for slalic-free receptfon s 1 of even dlsronl FM sra:lons. Also ha• 11ut<> malic stereo,,noN> FM swftchlno and slereo lndfc11ror light to lndlc111e stereo FM recep- tlof't. Flywheel tunlno and slgndt-s reno111 mel· er slmollfy lunlnq REG. $250.0Q 9981 SA YE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! • Solid-State Stereo Compact Tape System This 11 for the perion .,..ho "'""" a lru· Iv verutile, portable st ereo lape •v•· tem Complete 4-l rad dereo -built- '" powe r "mpltfi•rs a nd matc hed dereo 1pe<1ke,. Bu:lt.,,, Ste reo Con· trol Center perm1h complete facilitie1 lor a 1tereo tun•r, or ma9netic phono. 9raph. Two mttcophones included NEW PRICE OLD PRICE s199so SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt Stereo FISHER 160-T and XP-S's. FM-Stereo I e N•w 511•rwooo SllOOA ;>()() Wd ti F M \lf'f to SOJ•d ''•'~ r ttr i'WPr IWOOd C.n• Op ............ _____________ ''""'" .. , e AR •X ~~•~rr fa t'T'l(\U\ •Cf\U\11(. s19n ffatur1f\Q AA '1 SV\Pf'n\10n Ot Duel 1117 auJOmdliC turnlablt Wllh Shure diamond s'vlus. Reg. Price $675.50 Save $176.23! s49921 • C•rrard avlOm4'h< turn tablt olut. stereo c•rtt.d:)C w 1ttl d•amono \ty luS e Fisher frte O•\ton \P~H'''' \YSle"' 011 walnut f nc 'O!l.ure\ Rf"9ula r \ 11~.00 a P•lf atlantic 111usic 445 E.17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! e FISHER 160·l Latu. 1969 •II solid slate '1 w~ FM S•treo R&ee1ver, Tune 0 -M•llt •unlno st•ec!S your favor 1lc FM \f&hati a1 rne llUSll ot ,. bullon Reg. S1'9.tS REG. PRICE $369.SO! SAVE $169.82! s2996a OPEN NITES & SUNDAYS sundays 12-5 saturdays 9-6 daily 12-9 p.m. closed wednesdays