HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • • ans iet weetener Estaneia 38 SA Valley 12 Orange 14 San Clemente 0 DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * SATURDAY, OCTOBER-.-18~ 1~69 VOL. U, 1110. JH, I SECTIO,..S, 1• 1".AGlS Narco Raid Death Found 'Criminal' LOS ANGELJ::S j AP \ -The death or a young father by stray pol ice rifle !!Te <luring a chaotic narcotics raid Y.'as ··oc· ~·asioned by criminal rncans," a coron· er'!' Jury ha., ruled. T),it p.il~ ;'.riday falkl~·oo 1'.l'O' hout-; <1{ delfurrarriP · . .:if_ltf . s\x .~ays:·or JcStl· inony by about Ju \vllne,,scs. llC)l\"ard IL Dyer , 22, ~landing in the 1111Jdll' 11! a roon1 cradllng his inlant son. \1;is J.;.illcd lnsta111!v Oct. J by a shot fired frorh the apart1nC nt abo\C. Thr bullet 1rcnl through the ceiling and struck Oye r in the tiead . lie dr opped 22-month-old l'ren1:1s as ht T'vo County Men • Die in Separate Road Accidents Tv.•o Ora nge County mtn. one of 1hen1 l'I pedestrian died Friday n1.;;:h1 in sep- arate traffic accidents. Clement G. Feeney, 62. of Sant a Ana, died behind the \Vhttl of his sma\J fore· ign car as he tried to make a U-turn in rush hour traffic at an Orang! inter· section. Officers s<iid Feency's car 11 as h11 by another ;n1lo a~ "he \\·as halt 11·ay through Iris maneuver His 1vifc, a passenger 111 the car. \1as treated at hospital for minol' lniuries and released. ~l ichnrl N. Har.veil. 19. or Buena l'arl-, '1'3~ killed as he w:ilkerl \rl!h his flance on Gilbert Street in Fullerton. orncers said Har"A•ell was walking in U1e roadway "A'hen he was struck tty a car and died of severt injuries en routt to hospttal. His girl· lriend was un~urt .. No chitrgu "A'ere--filed by police 1n either incident . 193,661 \'oluulccr For Ariny iu Year WASHINGTON fU PI) -The Anny got 19:i.fi64 volunteers during the year end· ir.g July 1. the second highest total since \\'orld War II , according to Army Sec- retary Stanley 'R. Re.sor. Thfy l'DilH)e up 44 percent of all r~ ( rulti and tncluded 5,000 WACS, Re30r said f'ridly. • crumbled to the floor. The infan1 sur- frred mino r cuts. The district atornry·s of!iee nov• 11 ill 1!etermine "A'helhcr police Sgt. Fran\; I·'.. S•\·ecncy. 39. 1rho fired the f<i:t.a! shot. will be prMttuttd, safd; qeptrty -prst. Alty. Ralph }Aayef-, ~·lio preSti-tted ·1nc rase m the grand Jllry.· He·d1d not ::oar ll'hatJth.: th:irge might be. The jury·s 1·otc 1ras 4-3 antf came a~trr Sweene\', final "A Hnc ss ,1t the hrarinlo]. ack.nO\\·ledgcd that . he had spenl 2' ! hours 111 a bar prior 10 the raid. The, 01- ricer ~aid he drank lhrr.e beers and part or ·.a lourth . Sweeney was wilh six olhrr off1ct'r.~ .wl~o had 1nista kenly cr.<ished in10 IJyrr's mottier-in-law's apart n1enl. Arin ed 11·11h search "·arrants, thry 1\•err. maJ;lnµ. :i pred;i"A'n raid for n1:irijuana t111d had burst into 1he "'rong: apart1ncnl. Over. "'ho !ive<l upstairs 1n the .~;unc building, heard her .~crra1ns from belo111 and ran do"·nstairs to her a pa rl1nent Agents the n went u1)st:iirs to !hr aµHr l- men t listed on !heir wa'rrant, while Oyer Temained "A'ilh his motl}er-in-!a"·· FranCl'S J\leehan . The apartment the agent s raided \1•as directly abo\'e f\1rs. Meehan's. s .... ·eeney. a Jf>.yea r vettran, said the shot "A'as fired accidenlally as he v:as trying to engage the safety mechanlsn1 on his ARla rifle. Later. off\cE'rs arrested a man 11hn had no connection "A•llh Dyer for in\·e~­ tigation of having dangerous drugs. TlllllD llVSSIA N SPACESfllP DOW N f\10SCO\V (UPl) -Tile Soviets today safely broughl back lo earth their Soyu:t 8 1pacecraft and its two-mah crew. corn. pleting \heir biggest week in spal'f. a period thal saw seven Cosmonauts or- biting simultancoosly in three ships. 1be Tass news agene~ sat4l ,SOyuz a tnded It! liv~y'flght· m"tne Karant;Oa re<:overy arta in Central Asia.' R"-hA'I its sister !hips, So)'\IZ g and 7 on Thurs- day and Friday. The cosmonaut~ \\'Cre reported in sood condition. Prior to their return, Tass said Soy111. I crewmen Col . Vladimir Shatlov and engineer Alexei Yel!st')'ev te.~led "new, extremely convenient ways ol naviga· lion ." Football Scores Tustin 26 Loar a 26 Laguna Bea~lt 12 Edison 0 Newpo1·t 17 Mission Viejo 7 Westminster 7 El Modena 6 SEE DETAI LS, SPORTS PAGES • A. ,... ' ';;{ ... • .. • .. h LA Off ice1~s OC College Lifts Follow Up Ban on SDS Pair LOS ANGELES lUPI) -Police hav e round new evidence \\'htch could lead to !he solution of the bizarre Sharon Tale murder caS(', in which five persons \vcre ~lain 111·0 rnon!hs ago. Dea11's Artio11 Depe11de11t 011 Good Beha vio1· Two su::.rcndcd Orangc Cna:-.t l i•llr g" students, leaders of the unrccog111t111I t:an1pus SOS (_·haptrr, ;icr rr111.~1.11r1I tocla y. Barry \\'l'i nbcrg and Ja<'h \';1u.t;h11 h<1\r been told by Dean of St u1lc111 t\ct11111 r-: .Jose ph Kroll th;it th('.Jr ..,u~pt·ns1ru1.., lor 1he rc .,L ol the ;;cin<'..,lcr h,1\'t" been l1llc1I rtrp. ndrnt upon good b• .. •h;111or l\roll g;J\'e thr 11101 ;i n•\lliCr l'h;n11•r ;1ftcr talking 11 O\·rr 1111h 1hr1n and a1\t'r lhc .Student Cou11t"1i had \!olt'd 1(1 uppo·r. lhc sus pensions because of tack ot c·v1n- rnunit:i!liOn by Dean l\n.111. Thr Student Co11ncil look Ilic po.~1111111 that Kroll m<1 y ha1·e been p~irtly lf) bla1nc for ;in incirlcnt last ll't'C'k 1n 1\·hlcli \Vcinherg and V~1ughn \rird In hnld an 11naulhurizcd ra lly , II 1v;1s lrll Kro l! 11 a:; ~low in co1nn1un1ca ti11g !u lhcn1 \hal t;C L.-\ Corn1nun1st professnr Ang"J" 1);111s collld not he al1011·L'(l to ~rl(';ih on e~1n1 p11s ;111d perhaps there w:isn t 11111r 1 .. find a room for lhC' ~ubSl'ijUently plan11r1I ra:ly. Government Bans Diet s ,vectcne r Fron1 General Use \\.,\SH1 NGT0:" 1L:PJ ) -The go1'rrn- 111ent \\•ill b:in (·vclarnalcs. <in art!fit·1<1l .~wectener added. lo niany diet foods and drinks . .from general use in rood a1ul r~pecially be\crages. i1 was 1earne<I 111- day. The low-calorie sweetener Y.'ill still hr available for people who need thcn1 tur 1nec!\cal reasons. UE\V Secretary Robert If. Finch i.~ expected to announce the de<'ision toda y at a scheduled ·i>tds'"ciSnference. Be\'erages using the art ifi cial ~wrrt­ ener 1<i·ould be bnnned fron1 ~tnrr ~heh •~ bv Jl\n. I and 11H other general u~l' Fo •·1~ cOntai ning cyclan1ates v.ou ld be olf 1:1:! she lf by Feb. I. Th~ move lo"A·ard a ban began e11rlicr this week "'·hen the Department or Health, Education and Welfare v.·a!I RP· prised or re!lcarch done by a pr1v;Hc laboratory linking the sweetener \vi tll cancer. in rats. Quee11 of Sailors "If !hrs particulnr picte of C\'lde nre c::1n be traced, it \rill point us in the d1- rc::-1ion of the killers," Police Ll. Robcrl J, llelder said frid:iy . .. Tllere 11·crr at !east t11·0. f>O~Sibly five Dr six persons involved ... said Helder. ll'ho is· in cli<1rge of the 1ea 1n of detec- tives 11·orking on the case. The nature of the l'\'idcn ec was nol dis· closed. hut a~si5LanL polite chief Roh- er! Huughlon said the infonnation is va l- ll<iblc and that .. soinerl ay, someho\v, !he pieces 11·ill fit together." The bodies of ~li ss Ta te, hai r stylist .Ja\' Sebring, Polish \vrite r Voitych Frn- J;oWskv and Steven Parent "A'erc found in- side aitd on the grounds of the Benedict Canvon estate leased by the actre5s and her · husband. Koman Polanski. Helder and Houghton made thtir coni· n1e11ts ;il !he end or "A'hal they called Ille /1rst ph;i~e of tile rnurder investigation. Drtrr1i1 rs h:t\'t' tlllked \vi th 1nore th;in 400 prr~nn~. so1nr of the1n in forei&n tcuntr1r~. Jtcagan Bo111b Scare; E ld crl v !\Ian He ld SACR Aill~-:.~TO (UPI) -An un ldc n- titird elderl y 1nan \1'as under observa- tio n at the County i11edic:1! Center toda.Y in connection with a bomb sca re at Gov. Reogan·s hon1e. The Sacramento Police Department re- (:eil'ed 111•0 tel ephone calls r riday \l'hich Jed th e1n to a fruitless search of the chier executiv e's home and :i lso to the hon1e or the tormer mental patient. Orau:A:Oa•t Weather fl1os tly sunny today Satur- dc:iy and Su nday. Cooler \Vilh lo'" near 57. l-iigh Sa lurday 72. Slightly \\•armer Sunday. INSIDE TOD;\ l' e Natalie \Vood still 100~·3 'ike a n1ovic queen ill tl1e cover photo on Lodu11's Fa mily \V~fk­ • • (y, but S/ie JJC l.t more ljke fi TIIQ• ' ·" ·~ i 'ij)f'"t'!'·-~fe a1fd • nlOt1itr 1r Peer · ~: ~-:Jppenheimer's cover 31')ry J. Happy Jan Kawamura, 17, got the Newport }larbo'r Jligh School crown Friday night at half·time ceremonies in the game bet\veen l·lf\r bor and ~Vestminster. And the recipi ent of royalty Jcepl her grin right to the end as Newport bo1nbed the opposition 17-7, ' " 0 BQrba rn 1 .. IcNoirp ,, 0 11 Lht :over o.11d t111' entirl' 11pcon1i11g !l.!l't k's listings· of p'rogrcn1.s 011cf ~necin/., arc i11.~id1• tocla11's TV IVEEI\. C!Wrcto 0.1 Cl•••lllff Jl·ll Ctm1u 1' Cr•u-n I 8'1tt•l•I ,. .. , , Ht,.l(l fle , 1 ..,..., l........ 11 MMtif>t' 1r M1¥ie;. II, 11 .,., •11111 ... JMrlf l).U Sttc• M111tl'l1 1•1t '"""'" lt. It UMlol ll>I> tr I I ,. 2 DAILY PILOT .. " •' Saturday, Otto~r 18, 196q Dolly 10-10 Sunday 10-7 • ~~ ... , I, • ... • 1 • • • • • I . • l' ' r; ~~ GNLY·i ~ "' I,,;,, r·' "' ;..:{. i., .... ~"':.\>-~ ..... .~ r .' :J.t...~· "" TO TALK FINANC ING i Ch•rlt1 H. C:all i511" SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY, SECOND LECTURER Bruce B. Haw•y f T.~sda11 T1vln Bill ~ -.. Realto1·s l(icl{ Off '• l11vestme11t Meet ' 1·~ • ,.. ·-·-;:..\_ .... r. A realtor who special11rs in invest ment propertie s "i!h the empha.o;is on · lax-lreC'" ~X· changes \\·iJ! talk 21:bout ex· changes and financing in !he lcadoff spol on Tuesday 's Real Estate Investment Series pro- gra111 . in1·rst1nent fl~ld, the lecture ' scric.s offers infonn;i 11on on .. 1n~stmenls ranging fron1 the !' '"duplex dabbler" to major, syndicated in~·estlng of funds LEtSURE·TIME SLIPPERS Charl<'S Ir C a l I i:.; on , in real properly. -I S11ndl&fl Oulu 1''exl Tuesday's first lec.1 lurer, Call ison. has opera1ed l . For d1"ramin-::; Jn cnn1fort. 11 111 ~ 011·n r!'a[ estate firm in ~ .~of! vinyl i;!i pon "\lh rrn- Ncii·rv.rt B a ch since 1957 b1'.oidrrl'd vnn1p: bu~n.v fur I'" e · • 11·1111. Color 1·ho1cc . .>-lO. l'rior lo that he 11·as aclil'e in J88 Our Reg. 2.28 ~ . ' . ~ . riC\l"Jl()rt Bc~c:h rcaltOf. is ~chcdulrd to :.peak on the topic, "Yield Le v e r a g e through Wise rinanc:ing." Second· sub ject op th e doublehe81:1er program ·Tue~· day at i :30 p.m. in the auditor- ium i'IL NC""J>Orl Harbor High SchGoJ \\ill be ··inve stment I <! ... ,, ...• , .. ,~ .. ~ exchanging ~nd general real •.. _ ..... _ ... ~;•· r~tatc acti vity in the \\'est'~· , I' ,71 • ·.,, ; .' •• 1· .... l!ollywood a rea. '! .t -.-. 1 _. •• -1. ·- /\ founding rne mber of the . -: tf="=;;,.==~'f~ · ·, . .: :_ \ Orange Coast E:i;:ch:ingors. . . -: .. ~-. "1••• •• ••• .: .. ; Ad~ntages of the Real Estate Exchange." ' Le.clurer on that .'ubject wil l be Costa 1\lesa rc;il!or Brul:C B. Jlo\\'ry. Bolh n1en \\'111 be appearing in the !hl rii of four sch eduled ~esoions of the. ·1969 se ries Crltl1son currently is its president. He also is a member of lhe Society of Ea:-..t change CounseloJ'!l and i.~ cur-• rl'nt chairman or !ht' ex changt cJi v i~ion of the Jiarbor Area boa rd of rcaltors. j LcclllrCr Ho1\"CY. \1l1ll 1\"ill be in cha rge of the Secon d half of I TlU!'Sday 11.ight's program, is a · natil c of Los .Angeles. ~ .. presented jointl y by the DAI- LY PILOT. Ora.nge Coa ~t Collcgr and 1hr r\e\l'J"JOrt I farbor·Costa J\le~a Board of Realtors. He al so is a 1nrn1ber of the So~ic!y o! E x c ha n g e • Counselor~. in addition to -·, n1any o I her proftssionaHy SAVINGS! TABLE LAMPS The series Is ope n In the orien ted organizations and ' public frte of t•har~e . Thi s i.~ the ri flh {'Onsrcu1i1-c year 111 11hirh lhr three Sl>Qn~ors h:t1'e pre~ented s1mil;ir program~. .11 ssociatiOnl!i. ?.. S11 nd11u 011111 13 Keyed primarily to lhe "amateur"' in the real 1':.late Tick{'!S for Tuesdav night's lectures can be obta1 r1ed at the I door. Tht session is scheduled 1 lo last tv.·o hours. starling at 7:30 p.ni. Deniocrucy. at Work: • Kids ' Bill Noiv Luiv LL"T!IERVlLLE . illd. (1\Pl Youth Communications \\"eek -\Vhat began as a ninth and urged adults and youths ~rade pro;ect to sho1v ho'v a as ""Cll as communicallon bill JS dra/t('{J has ended as media to encourage dialogul' federal lcyislation sign ed by bet,1·ecn adults ond youths. President Nixon. Jaffe said that onCc the bill Ralph Jar!e, lhc youns v.·as 1n1roduc«I. the t 11· o ~ocial studies teacher at classes started a Jetter·WrH1ng R.id se!{'y Junior Hig h School campaign to gain support for 11 ho started the whole thing. is H. i:;haking his head 10 disbelief. "'\\'e fou nd that th e kids had J af fe s;ud the ide a at least Ont fr iend or relati1·e origin~ed last r•,.1arch \\"hile ht 111 every state Jn !ht. union. "·a3 teaching 1wo sections of and they "'rote to I.hem and lhc ninth gradr. al Ridgeley a asked lhat thev "'rite their course Jn how lht go verninent fr iends and gel ·them to v•rite .12·. ,14·, ::n· !al!. .1 "'"'Y ~'\ 111·hc~. fabrif ~had~. Oal• 11ood pv~I ~ <1n f l r mi~h lu·on7" 11n1sh ha,..,.., :.al!n hrl'L~~· b11,r. ' Pl1I• WEST BEND S1111da11 011111 3.9 cup. Poll.shed Alun11num, bla ck n10\ded plt1 st1c-h1 ndl ~. ba~r. Prrk a l'off~r stnrn1 11"ith lhis "reat a ppliancr. S11\r : PERCOLATOR 496 Our Reg. 6.57 q ' r r •' operates. 1heir scnt1tors a n d con· grl'~sn1 ~n." he said. \\"!' dt cid ed to Irv to <Jra ft a btlJ ll nd after ~ClmC· diSCU£S!Oll Ja!fr .~aid hundreds of Jrt· • .... . . ~, 1rrs 11"nt l' Co'orc•.• from 11r {'3m!' lip ll'!lh th!' idea or a ~.. u .. ~-' hill that 11'ould c~ea te an ad ult -.i rrnc<: rile count ry, but th&t !hr vnc the classes 1.1·ere the ~ou1h ron\111unicat 1011s 11{'cli. what wllh ei·erybody talki ng proudrst of carne fro m Viet- a b0u1 thr gc neriition gRp."' he na·~Onr of tile children's falhtr f..<lld . 11as ~tationed there ,'' he ex· 1311! once 1hr bill wa s I d nd h h. 1.J • p :.inc . ""a e got 1s entire rir;jflcd, Jaf!e added, the 1wo battalion to 1.1-rite t1 Jetter to ;;.ectlons or some 6fi students Pre~ident Nixon uraing sup· decided lo see H they could &et port or the bill.'' il enacted by Congress. On ,July 29 the bil! passed So 11. d('lcgation approached the Hnus~. It 1vas enacted by Rep. Clarence Long tD·~1d .l. the Senaie on Sept 10 and 1n ""hose district the school JS Pres1den1 Nixon signed it into located. law lasl Thursday. "l-!e "'as 1·ery rei.:cp111·(' lo ./arr(' says. '"It ·pro1·td to th1 lhe bll l," Jaffe said, "and he kids that you can work within introduced it 1n lhc House ·· the sy~!em 11 nd do things in a '·As far as lhe kids \\'rrc res ponsible man ner \\'il houl CANADA-2 Cubic Fe•t PEAT MOSS 99c concerned, the re t1 I rn· burning draft cards or joining !husiasn1 st<i rlecl whrn !hrv Students for a Democratic . found lheir bill haU acluallY Socirty. bcrn inlroducl'd.'' he ~aid. ·•\\'hih: .,.,,,·re proud of what Reg. J.37 111e 1ne;isure set asid{' Sept. 11·c ·v~ done. we're more proud Pure ~phaiinum, 98<;0 ori::anie 29 1hrough Oct. 4 as Adull · ol 11·hat v.·e learned." malll'r. !·folds soil mnl~t un•. .=======================.!Aerates, l ossen~ l!ioil. Revolutionary s~wee k Ch1 lcoa1 T yping Course FREE demonstrations every Wed. evening at 7;00 P,M . • International Academy of Rapid Learning 445 E. 17th St .. Suite H Costa Mesa, Cal ;f. 92627 ( 714) 548·0440 ., " ' < DECORA JIVE BARK 1.33 Reg. 1.87 Coarse and l\ledium . ' .... ~ ·~' , .. MEN'S INSULATED WATERPROOF BOOTS S 1111dn11 011111 297 Reg. 'l.24 l\ltn. end "·et !rt":t lh11t 11'0 \\1th hunt h1g and ~11011· Non ·~ltp ~olr , ~-ryr lc-1 . linrd, 7·1~. Spor\111:: Gmod:-. Ii.·111. • ,. ... , Cotfti M ... Store Onlyl ' OCT. 7 P.M. WHILE QUANITIES 19th, 10 A.M. TO I • 1. l '. • ' •, I COMFY FLEECE ROBES LEISURE TIMES FOR 300 S 1111da y Only Our R eg .. 1.97 V'or d rean11ng in con1forl, ~oft robes of _80~ ~Ce· late. 20' n nvlon. \Vit i! butlonccl front, satin p1p1ng. 1>cter f';i n Collar. Lu1·c l.v pin k or blue. In 1ni sses' 12·18. " " -. I. l '· STRETCH NYLON PANTY HOSE SALE S unday 011111 Our Reg. 96c: 73~ Sean1lcss s lrel ch nvlon \l'tlh nude heel. Fashion- lov ely shades. ~!1Sl-t o11c, cinnan1on Sn<! brown i· mist. S (120-lbs.I: ~1 1120-140): T (140-160 1 .. NYOUIL NIGHT·TIME COLO MEDICINE .'i1111dn11 011111 73~ Our Re9. 1.07 Vick ·~ product. Take at ~dlim ... F:rlir,·l'l'. .;olr1 ~ympl on;;, sniff!(": 1uld ~nr1·,in~. Jl quirt~ cau:::li· in11 i;.,., ' • F•w., Wt o;pt SPORTY SHIRTS FOR A GROWN ·UP LITTLE BOY .'i11111f11y 011ly 6 "G· ~, • " I . , . i Reff, 87c Pr rft ct for sehoo1 anti 1 play1in1r. long· !lcevtd, ': cotton s h i r I ~: buttbn· do\1'n. Gay pl aids. 3.7, FALL 2-PC. SLACK SETS .Sunday 011111 Our Reg. J .96 (;iris". hoy~· 1·ou on knits. Ah1 • 1'•1lu1·~. Bluf', pink. rrd, oranct ::i n<I ;.:old. A rfJnlp-rur·lun :.t~·lc. 9·!,"[ n10. " i-• • ~t'~ .. •• ' .. ' J44 SAVE ON 20x26" PILLOW S 11r1d11!J tl11l11 r ru,hcd dut·k fra !hr1· !111111: 1111 11 .~1 r11·t·d Ir •lh··r 1·1· .... r lll"klnl!. J\1~•· f 1)1 d ··d;:r rink •1• blll" (l1nq:r·.J1' 2 for $6 Our Reg. 4.44 I ._,.....,._,..,.~ DRILL, SANDER, SOCKET SET Sunday Onl .Y l'OUR CHOICE Se!; 18·1x·. 1.". ·\"' ~IX'k''·'· Usc:1!1 atlng S!!.ndrr-:l·;,mp. 60 r•yrl('~. 11 l11111ii111n1 housi n;?. 3~" !Jri ll. :\ ,\~]]' n1olnr :::;rarrd kry ··:11'1·); 3aa Our Reg. 9iff, 9.99. 11.26 ••. I ••· • J~'.''"~·;':Q::::lilif;l 14·Position Adjustable IRONING TABLE .S 1111dn11 011111 297 o .. r Reg. 4 .54 ;\feta l. T-!ri df"!<ipn. \\"ldr ~"'· ~rehC'd f,.,rr 111nct ru hhrr Uppod for non-~Hp -"!•frty. 20.:J6" rna- 1111•1 lflJl and lcG"~· I VOL. iJ1 R: '( LOS. ~ \"OU <lunn~ l'J~lOtl f'(S J "fh(' f'I de rn<\nv I I ~\' n11dd l 11as k. f l'l)lll \l'Cllt 111 the He 1Turnl !creel The flctert !'5wcc1 he p1 lta\pJ· lhc g l·harg The Sweet :-itknc !1U\ll"S J1c-C>r or a Sw£ \1ho 1 1110!ll• !iCill"l" predr h1irst Dvt h111 ldi anrl t .'\gt n1ent rrtna .\lrrh The 11irrt ~II• :-.h11t 11'\'lllj loll hi l.:11 h;id 11gati R· Fe 111 A 1l,1y 111;1k !he ~ rat j 1·~11 :1tn11 ).. \l I !I 'IO 111ad i.:rr 'rrt p;11p "' II :t~ rral lrnn r ral [11"11\ S:o ;\lur 1:: hc11 ;id hrn• 1'011 ·" l r~1 rv : ;1µ:a \\ i11g k<O thr1 1·etc ;i ('\ T 1·011 :i!)r 1·1~~ .1nd \\' i~n. i•;t: \\ "' ro·I:! Tl rn 11 1.11(1 ~--··· ·- Weekend Your Hometown Dally Paper VOL. 62. NO. 250. S SECTION S, 7b PAGES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1%9 TEN CENTS ~u1'y Fi11ds Sweetener Banned Raicl Deatl1 I.OS ANC:l'.:L":S fAl'l Tlir. 1lt'<1th or ;i voun;; fa(hl'r by ~tra.v pUlll'!' nfl<• 11r(' <h iring a eh<1ut1c n:l rtolles r.1HI 11 ~1~ ··01 ·- 1·;:i~1011cd by lTl1n1n:ll 111cans," ii l·or1n1- r r".~ jury h;is rult'tt. The rulinc Frid;1y fotlo wecl !Y.o hours pf deliberalJOn aflt'r !>JX d<l)S O[ ll'Sli- JlltlllV by about JO witnesses. 11C1•ward IL Dvcr. 22. standing in the middle of :i rooni crad ling his infant son. 1ras killed instantly 01·L 3 by a shot fi rt'd front 1hc apanrncnl :ibo1<'. The bullrt \1·c11t through the ce iling and struck Dyer in the head. He dropped 22·rnonth-o ld 1-'rancis as he lTtHnbled to lhe fluor. The infant suf- lcred minor ruts. The district atorney 's office now will r!etern1ine whether police Sgt. Frank E. ~l\'CenC}'. 39, \.\'hO firetJ the !at<tl .shol, will he prosecuted, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Halph i'l'l11ycr. who p~esented the ca:;c lfl lhe grand jury. He did not say what lhe l·hargc inight IX'. The 1ury"s \'Ole \1·as 4-3 and can1e after :->11·eenl'1·. t1nal 11•1tnes:; <il the hr:inn,I!. ;tckno11°lt·dgetl !hat he had _spc~t 21 ~ l1uurs in a b:1r priur tu the raal. 1 hr ot- J 1cC'r s<11d t1~ tJr:.ink three b{'ers and part CJf :i fn11r1h . Sweeney 11·;1 ~ 11•ith six other ofll(·C'~~ 11!10 had n11stcik e nl~ crashed into Oyer .,<; 1nother-in-law 's apurtmenl. Arinf'd 11·!lh :.eart h 11';irrn 11ts. they 11r.re 111ak1ng " 1H·et1;:111;n raid for 1narljuan:i and had b11rSL into the 1l'rong ap;ir!1nc11L D.1•er, 1vho lived upstairs 1n the sa me hu1lding, heard hr.r scre:uns from bC'lo11· ari d ran downsla1r-. to ht'r .1par1rnent. Agents then 11·r11l t1jJ~t:11r~ to th_c apart· 111ent li:::trd 1"1 lhr1r warr;1111. while D,vrr rr1nnined \\'1\h li1s n1olh<'r·1n·lall', F'r:u1t·r~ ,\IPl'h an . The ap:irt1nc11t 1hc ,1gcn1~ r;11f!('tl 11;:i.~ 1!1rrt1Jv abo1r ~11'-.. ;o.JL·1h.111-.. :;11 ~i111'1. () 1.11t•.ir 11·:tr,11i. s:11d th r :-.IHtl v.·:1s· firct! ;iecitlcn!:i lly ;i~ lir 11"<J'i 1r1·1 ng 10 eng•1.i:1• 1hc s<1Jc ;y 111cclo.1n 1~rn 1111 his AH15 rifle. 1.,,1er, 9ll 1r·rr-. arrt' lt d a 111.111 wl1<1 l1fld no ('UJJnl'rltnn 111'h IJ1t·r lur 1n1r~- 11gation ol ha\'lllS danger-Ou~ dl'ug'i, Ross1noor {<'incd For llleual GifL 0 In '6-'l Ca111pa ig n A Lns .A.n~c!C's h·d1•ral tour\ judgr Fi 1 1l:1V f1nrd the H<1ss11101,r Corp . ~3.500 f11r i11:;k1n~ :in ilt,,~a l SJ.000 rr1n trlhution ,,, lhe !!'Iii~ .~ena t11ri al t":1n1p:11go of l)cn11 .- 1 r•,1t l'Jt>rrr SahnJ!l'I' I S l)1~11·1tl {.'(lurt .IUrll!r H:11·r\· r'rr !.: , 1 '"11 lr1 It'd t!it• !1nr :1ftt'I' [Ii'.' (·nrpn• :1\•"I"<-.+ll l'lflll'~" ~1111('ii«d [h('ll' pl r,l 11 j.!\!Jll.1'. '!f:S\U1l•1tll' !1 t·;1)1>d 111,tl 1!11~·•'1 •· ,,. 111nclr !hr 1ll1·c;1I P··~ n11-11L 11• !hr S,1 111· i:r r l 1111rl~ t1 1 rou~h 1h1 Ht·1 1·rlv fl 1ll, ;i,t · ('rt 1~1ng :i~''nt·1· 11 h1tl1 llandl rd l11~ 1 :t111- p~11 E:l'. Ro~~11111nr " ,.,n·l11'r plt•:i 1>( i1J1101·1,1·1 11 :•" bil!<l'tl 1u1 11~ t !i;1llPnt:1n1? of :i f,•(l. rr;1J al l \1)11< h prnh1l11t-. corporil ltOn" from ron1nhut1n~ t!l ca1npaign~ for tl'1t- 1·ral oflit t'. The <:orpora11rin <'lr11111ed lhc r1'Q\'i~1nn \1:-t ~ ll!l('<lll~t1lut1on;il. S,1l1or;(-'r lr,s! thl' rlec11on to Srn Cr111'~!· ,\Jurphy. .111dgc, 11Ltorney l'o 111 e l o Blo 1cs / n Di rorce. C<1 sc EL CE:'>'TRO rrPJl -A d1 ~:iJ!rcemPnl h1't11 rrn ;in ;i1J nr11C'~' and <1 J11 dc:c 01-c1· ;i divorce case clc_v{'lnped int o u Donnry- hrnok Friday in a corridor of !h eounty 1·1111rtho11sc .111~tiC'e Court J11d gr ll11~l1 f\enting lr!-lll1crl in a t'il.S(' involving ;11!orney Tcr rv ~and~ and thr rulini:: C\'Cntoally 11c·nl :igainsl his chcn1 \Vi !nCs~rs ~nid :'nnd.~ ;ipproaehrd !\c;1t · ing: outside the t o11r1ronm ;u1cl s;1 1d. ··Vnt1 k "o\V VOU \\l'l'fn·t lr.lling 1he truth 1(1 1hrrc.'; "Don't vnu cnll n1e a lia r." thr: _judgr relortcd. ·Then hr flung 1hc contents or ii cup of co ffee in tlie lall'yer·~ larl' Thr. n1en bc~n11 scuffling iri fr ont or 1·011rt nflicial~ ;ind b\'sl andcr~ Th(' bra11 I ;1!1n111rly rndrd 11·he11 Sand~ appt'iire<I 1o l ·1~r h1~ fno1 in1~ ;it rhe top ol a stai rcase ;inrl half-lei! doll'n thr flight l•):).,66 I Y oluulcel' Fol' .\rn1 v 111 Y cal' \\1\<;l-ll.\l:TON !l"Pll -Thr Arn1y gnt l~!'J,('.(H 10Jun1cer<; durin~ the yt :ir cnrl- i•1~ ,Jul\' I, llir i-.cf'f>nd high<'~l total since \\.,rid \Var 11, according tn Anny Sec· t • tary Stanlry R. Hesor. 'J hey macll' 1111 4~ ptfcrnt nf a ll re. rn11t<: and inclurlrrl ~ 000 \\'ACS, Rcsor 1.1111 P'ndsiy ' U.S. Restricts V se of Cyclamate II0111.eco1ning Queen Jlappy J a n Ka\van1ura . 17, go t the Ne\vport Jlarbor ll!"'IJ St·hool t:ro1vn f-'riday n ight ill hilll'-t1n1e cercn10111es in •!he gan1c hf'!\1ecn llarbor rin d \\'esln1lnslcr. ,A.nd the reci pient (!I roynl 1y l\t'J11 li e r grin right to the end as Ne11·porl bon1bcd the oppo.~Jt1on 17-7, Thieu Admits Giinboa t Fired 011 Soviet l l essel ~,\](,():'>' 1L.:l'll -Prrs11tt'nt :\'gu~eu \.1n Thie~:. t:unlr.-dicung hz.<, 11111ttary •11okrsn1en , .~:ud li>day ;1 Sou(l1 \'Jt'lri.1n1- 1 •e 1,runtx1al did 111dt't'd l1rr on ~ .'ir11 h l 11.01\lrr 1111,,horr l'r1tJ:i1 . '!hr prcs1d1•nl told n"\.\'-lllf'll on" l11•ld t~1p 10 the :\lrko11g lJell a ll1,1t 1hrrf'. 11 .1, So ulh Koreans Back Park Aga in SI::Ot;L tliPl\ -i\"rt1rly rornplr!r r1·· turns today g,1 ,·r Prcsirlrn! /'.irk <"hunc li er an 01·rr11'h<'lm1ng 1·1r!ory in his but 111 ~f'Ck a third four -year tenn n.~ Sou!h Knrca \ lender. Thr ~2-year-old r.11'k. who can1r tn power in a coup in 1001. had threatened tu rc<.ign imn1ediatcly 1f lh<' vo!ers had n'· Jt•rted the constltutional an1rndmcn! prr- rn1t1ng him to run for th(' thi rd term 111 J 971. \\'11h 92 pl.'rl'en! Qf !he ,·ntr~ t•ountcd. 1lnoffir·ia 1 relurns show('d the conslitu- l'onal rcvi.~ion had receivrd 7.047_6;iz 'otf's -ll'eJI (IVf't th(' simple majority or thr 11 5 m1llinn vutcs {'a.~1. · ~on1r ~hooting" flrlll that tl1r 11·1• '·'' •:illn lrft "n1<11·hr onr <i1' T\10 111111 1n 1ht' Soi 1rl ,·ei;~rl "f 1!nn't hcl1c1r ii 11i!I rro-.1!r .. 111 1l1Jl· h1 111:111r Jll t'ld<'nl." '11uru -.;i1r! ~.:ilrl1er. nnc 1J! 111~ n11l!11or.1 '111•l.1·,111•·n 1n Saigon h;id sa1tl 111,,1 .1 ~·11 1•rnn1rn1 n:11:il ves.~cl r•ha~ed tli·· ~n~u·I ,hip Jn11n l1'rr11onal 11·;1tt'r~ b11~ ··11 u'11· 11 .1 .. 1111 ~nnril~ Ill.(!.., .'i,111! Th11'U' ''! d1 111'1 li•-111\1' 111.il hr" for(' 11r '·h:i~rd 1t ;111<11· 1h:1 t n111· N.11 \' l.n('W \\ hC'thl'r It II ;i-; l{U\1>1,JI\ 1ir !)n( ' Thr po~1t1\·e id<'nl 1ru ,1(111n. h1· ~.1111 . 11 a .. 1nadr "'aft(-'rward)> " Allied militar\' ~11urr••', h:1d ,'.1111 ;i ·,lu·ll f!'oni a So11lh 'v1el 11<11n1',/' 1i:J1 .ol 11'.\.\l'I h1l thr So\'ir1 tr;111·i1·r 1•11 t!w northi·rn coa~l and srnl Jt tl1·1·1ns hiH.k 1n\fl 111l<'f· national v,·att•r-;, ~rnukc puur1ns Jro111 its bOll'. So1·ie l 1rawlers c·o11:.t<1ntly ~hallo\\' i. ,c:; 11·ar.,hips off \'ie1nan1 and chnr1 1\111:-ri- t'an <11r nfl('ralion.~ from 1l1e Ith llr('1 car- riers on "Yan kee S1a11<1n ·· A~ yet. no Stivir:t protrst noh' ha., li!•f'n r1J!,'{I "'ith ~·a~lung1on or .~t 1111· l 'n1lcd t\11tinns US, he;1rlriu;ir11•1·s ag;11r1 ;1s:.t•r1 rll !h.it no Aine ritfln ve s:-els. 1,1.·urph111c-. fJI' 1111J1p'i "·rrr 1111·oh·cd 111 the 111c1dl'lll Vr1d:1y ''and 1herefore there is nCJ reason In g11e you any information al this /J01nl " 7 50-11ere DeveloJJHte1it \\'1\SHINGTON fLPl l -The. go1 ern- 1ncnt wrll ban cycla111ates. an artificial :-11tcte11cr added lo tnany diet food.~ and dn11ks. fron1 gr.11er;d u~r 111 !(lod 11nd j ·.~p~cial!y bc1·cragL'S, 1\ 11;1s lc;irned 10- 11;11· 'fhe 1011 ·l'3lo n r sweetener \l'lll ~111\ h!' :i1•:Hl<1ble for people 11·ho need the111 lul' incdic:il reasons. HE\V Secretary Robert l/ Fllll'h wa~ 1u a1111ouncc lhc 1lec1sion today flt a ~thrrl uled press conferencr [3p1•erages u.~ing the artificial swcc!· C'llc r 1rould be banned froin store shc]\'eS College Lifts S11s11ension 011 SDS Pair '1'11 o suspcndrrl Orange Coast Cullegc sludcnl~. leaders of the unrecognized 1·an1pus SOS chapter. are rc1nst<1tcd tuc!ay. B:.irry \\'einbC'rg and Jack Vaushn ha1·e been told by Denn of Student Acti vities .Juseph Kroll that their suspensions ror the rrsl or the sen1ester have been lil'tC'd c.lcp. 11dcnl upon gOOd behavior. !\roll gave the [11·n another chance :ilttr talking ii 01·t'r with lhcn1 and after I lie !:itudcnt Uluncil had voted to nppo~e the !iuspcnsions becau8c of l;ick or co111· 111u r11t":1Lion by Dean Krull. Tiu.' Sl11tlc11t Council tnuk the µ0~1\\011 t.hal hroll n1;iy have been partly to b!a1ne for an incident lu!\l \\'t<'k in 11·hir.h \\'cinberg and Vaughn lried to holll an 1111authoriled rally. ll v.as felt Kroll was .,,1v1v in ccn11nunicati11:; to them that L'CLA Cornmunisl professor Angela Uavi5 coukl not be allov•ed to speak on 0·;1111pus and perha ps there wasn'l lime In f111d a roo1n ror the su bsequently planned ra:ly. Kroll did nol say what the conditions :ire \\leingberg and Vaughn must abide h_y 1r:> remain students in good standing. I Ir said that is 11 private 111altcr betll'cen 111111 and the s1uden\.<;. Ar1n y to l{esun1c Open-air Testing Of Poison Ga:scs \\ \SHl:'>'r.TflN (Ari -'!'hr Alm\', ;ir111fd \Ylth a rrpor1 to blunt f'{lni:rc~:-· 11111,11 l'fltll'!Sm. ha~ derider! lo rrsun1r ll'"llllA r·hrnHL'.11 warrare af.:t'nls :it 11ro po .. ts ;dll-r a tl1rrc-mo111h suspen.0.1011, Src:rl•tilry Sll'tnley H. Hr~nr ;1uthor11rd rc"un1pt1on of open ;-i1r 1!'.'St1ng CJf chr1n1- c:il .1gcnts at Edgewood Ar.~enal. l\frl, .11ul use of such gases 1n dcfrnsive train- ing at Fl l\1cClel!an, 1\l;i ., aftrr a civilian rrport endorsed safely procedures at both bflSPS. nr.~or had CJrdered tllr su~pensinn in 1n1d-Ju!y v.·hen rt was llrs.t r!J.~C"losed 1h11L 1he Army was collducting open air lcs!s of C'he1nical warfare agen!s. That disc losure touched off a flurry or tTiticism in Congress. ll'h<'rc "01ne n1crn· lwrs already were highly concerned about 1·hernical and biological 1varfare research. ll csor countered by naining a ron1mit- !er of civilian scient ific expC'rl s to rc\'if'1v "afc1y procedure in th<' te.>ling at Edge· \rond and training at ~1cC!ellan . The co mmittee. headed bv Dr . il'l'n 1 n1 i'ndge Bennett, vier president of ;"J(-'IV Yor~ Unn-crsily. found !ha1 salrl.v pro· 1·r1h1rrs ar both posls are "adequate anrl rffcr111•c." New Niguel Tract Planned By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 l~t 011!1 l"llol s1.i1 Plans /or fl 7i)f}-acre Laguna Niguel residential co111 n1uni!y _adjacent lo the f\11rih 1\n1t'n ran Hock~ll Autonelics 11lon1 arc unclrr v,al', i\ w as learned lriday. Tile dcveloprncnl is In include s1 nglf' fnini!y hornes, apartments. t'ques1nt111 1•,,la te~. a inobilc home park. a 35.;icrc rrrreationa! center and a 1naJor ruin· 1nrrr1al cent<'r Earl G. l\allenbath. C a I i r or n 1 a arhcitcct and deVeloper, has been nnined prcsidrnl or a new corporation , f\NR, ft1tmed lo • tl<;v~lop the pla nned con1 - rn11ni ly. R. K. \Vilson, Roc k11•cll group 1·1cc president for fac1lihes and industrial rng inccring, Is chairman of the board {or the corporation. Land for the community i,~ pnrl or thr. 1.'.IOO ucrcs purchased by NR fron1 !!11' ~1ot.llvn Ranch and the' l_,aguna Niguf'I Corp•1ral1on 1n 1969 and the site is ail- joccnt to a J~O-acre region:i l p11 rk to he tJrrrl·•pcd by Orange Counl y. Th.-. rr.~i(lcn1ial r on1n11111i11· 11·111 h(~ cJp1·cloped in ronjunction \1il h the ni1lllo11- :-.q11 :o r!:-f0<1t 1·lf•tl n1111ts 1n.111111,1L I urin;: ;ind f'nFtllt'<'rins facility 111t1v und"r <'Oil· ~!ruc!1on for llockwe!l's /\ul onelh·..; l>iv1~ion w h 1 c h 11; scheJulcd for oc- tup1:1ncy nex t year, l11c K1111cnbach Nit flnnotH\C'Cmcnt said. The pl:int IS CXpt'Clerl lo )1itl'(' 11 l">ull l i· rnillion dollar p;:1yroll "h!i;M. \\'11~''" pointed out, •·v,·iJI be ci substai!fal !actor I in creallng a finan c:1ally v.ctl-balanced 1·01nmunlty," Kallenbach, v.•ho has builL n1orc !han l.000 homes in new Southern Calijoria t'Onununities, described the Laguna 1\'ig11el site as idea for the dcveloprnt!nl of ;1 111ri~tcr-planned cornn1 unity. "Scul fiiural grad ing." he i.1.11d. 11,'1!1 be <lc~igncd to prol'ide anracli1·c vi~"'s and fan1ily privacy o:ind a n<'lwork of foot- path~. srp:irated Jrom traffic, will lead lo Ilic recreation ctnter." Kaltenhach, president of Orange Valley Conslrulcion Com pany af'M'I t:arl C, Krt lL<'nh:teh Inc., forn1erly was acting ehiet flrchi1 ect for 1he Tomorrov,·land r1r<11crt <ii Oi~n,,vlancl and architect for the 4.000.home ci.ty ol Ro.ssmor, .~ by J:in. 1 and all other general use foods co nt aining ('yclan1atcs \.\ould be off !he .sl1elf by Feb. 1. Dr. Herbert Ley .Jr, Foo<! and Dru;; r\d1n i11istratlo11 con11n1ssioner. rciu~cd to l'01nn1en t J· riday night llo11•e1·cr. it \1·as learned that an or- der 11111ned1atc!y banning produclion of c,vcla1nat l's 1or general use foods \1 ollld be publishetJ in lhe fe der.i! register Tue~. d;iy _ The n10\C toward :1 ba n brg;in carlirr t!iis week ll'hC11 !he Dcpart111ent or llcalth, Educa tion and \\'ellare 11as :ip- pri~cd or rrs '<:1reh done by 11 pri v<ite lnbo r:1\ory l1nk1ns the S\rectcner 11·iLlt cant·t•r 111 ra l:i . il~:\V then pul 1ls 011'11 people to 11·CJrk to dcter111inc 111hrther thl' findings 1vcre 1·11lid ;\n<l th 111\ol t• 111ntlt>r v,•as placed before ,1 11:11u·I i.! 11\i· ;o..:at1011al 1\tademy nf Sc:ic1K'L' 11 Inch ;1i;rc1.'tl \1 Jth the llnd· u1c~ Although lll'.:\\' h;1s no ('l'idcncc lo ;n- rtit·a tc that l'Vcla1nall'S cousc.-cancer in hu1nans, ii is ohliged to :ict under fedel'a l law when food ;idd1 ti\'l'S are determined lo c<iusc c<ineer 1n hun1ans 01· an1n1a ls. Zodiac ltlakes Boast Police Riding· Shotgun On Napa Scliool Biises SAN FR:\1\C!SCO (UPf\ -.A.rn1ed l:111·1nen are riding sho!EC:Ull on some San F'rancisto Bay area school buses artcr ~ killer boasted h<' might shoot the bus 111·e.s "and then pick CJff the kiddies <i:i they coine bouncing oH."' Th(' SUSJX'Cled kil!rr of five llef~Ons is called Zodiac because of the a)>trolog1- cal terms used in letters boastini; of his l'!laylngs . 'l'hc lat est 11·as a letter to !:ian ~·ran­ r·isco police boasting of the murder oi Paul Stine. 29. a cab drivrr 11 hose body \1·as found Satord;iy night in the f-'res1d10 Hf'ights section ot San Franeisco. I Ir ~enl along a blood -soaked cloth \1·hich police said appeared In con1e lroin Stine's ;;hirl. The letter 11·arnrd the killer 1n1~ht n1akc school children his next vicluns. In rural Napa County, officers rode on buses Fridoiy while in Sausalllo, po· lice cars followed buses. Drivers all ovrr thl' ha\' arra v.•ert> drillC'd on procedures to follOv,r :::hould Zodiac attempt to make good his threat. The drivers were under orders not to :,lop under any t'1rcumstance.s-to kee r 1tri ving as fa:.t as possible nnd as far a:::i possihll" 1,1.•irh headlights on and horns blowing to a\lract allf'ntion and asst:.L· 31h.:('. !\le;:1n\1•hile. the stLJ\e nnorney c:eneral'i: cft1cc is hearlin~ a eounlinatrd elfort by tl1r Stt n Francisco and Vallejo police rlep art.111ents and the Napa and Sol<1n<J Coun1v shenff·s officc.s to locate the kill · c1· fa~r1nated '1ith astrology. The killings began last De tc1nber nr.ir \"all eJo. ahout 30 miles northeast of hcrr. 'fh<'V hal'e be!!n wov en togcthtr Uy the k1llrr's 1norbid notes filled with astrolo- gi1·:i l tcrn1s \.\'riltrn to loc<JI newspape r" .ind polir<' depart1nent.~ boasting of b1't 1·frvcrness and threatcrling further blood· shed. New Evidence Discoverecl 111 Sl1aron Tate Slayi11gs LOS ANGELES 1t:rJ) -Police h:i1c fn11nd neY• ev1d€ncc which could lead to lhc solution of lhc b1zflrrc Sharon T:i1 c r1111rdcr ease. in 11·h1ch (11·r prrl'!ons 11 e1c ~l;un t11·0 months ago. "If th is part1 tular 111eee of c11drnre 1·.111 be tracer!. it will poinl u.~ In lhf' d1- rtc•t1on of the ktllrrs," Police Lt. Hobel't J lleltJer i.;11d Frul:iy. · Therr wcr(' at lt'<i\I 1v.n, po~s1bll' f11·<' or six prr$0n~ 1n1ol1f'd," s.1irl lle li!cr, II ho JS Ill Charge or (iii' (ranl Of dC[C('· 1 11•c.~ work ing on the ca~r.. The na1ure of the l'v1tJcnec v.:is nol dil'!· closed. but assistant pol ice l'IHE'f Hoh- erl Houghton said the information 1s 1·;it. uable and that "soineday, :;omcho11·, thr pieces will fi t logethrr." The bodies of l\l1ss T;1te , h<tir s1yl1.~l .!Hy Sebring. Polish v.Titer Voil~·ch Fro· l.oll'Sky and Steven Parent 11•erc found Jn· s1clc and on the grounds of the Rrne1he1 Ca nyon estate leased by lhe ;ielrcs,<, and her husband, Ron1;in Polanski. Helder and Houghton made thrir ('Oln- n1r n!s aL the end or 111hat they callerl tl1c fir st phase of the n111rder investigation Dcletti~·cs have t.ilked 1\•ilh more than 1',vo County Men Die in Separate l{oa<l Accidents Tv,·o Orange County nien. one of lhe1n a pedcslrian, died Ftidny night 111 :.ep- arate traffic accidents . Clen1ent G. Feeney, 62, of Santa Ana, 1licrt behind the whC<'I of hi s srnall forc- 19'9 County Traffic 1958 li t Dtath Toll 161 ign ca; as he 1 ri~d lo n1akc a U-turn In rush hour traHic at an Orange inter· section. Officers sa(d Ff'eney's car was hit by another au to as he WflS halh~1ay through his maneuver. Hi~ ••••ife. 11 passeni.ier in Lhe car, was treated at.tlospital for minor injuries and released. J\\1chael N. •larwe\I, \!I, of Buena Park, "·a~ killed as he v,•alked with his fiance on Gilbert Street in Fullerton. Officers said Harwell ~.-as v.•alking in the roadway wh en he was slruck hy 3 l'ar and died of severe injuries en route to hospital. His girl frienrl was unhurt. No charge5 \\ere filed by poliL'E' in t.1lhcr Incident. , •\0(1 rirrsons, so1nc o[ them in fore1g D COllntriC'S. "\l·c arc in the pr0<·ess or hacktrack- in,c: e1·er.1·1h1ng 1re·vc done and evcry~ne 1rr\·c intcr11ewcd to pick up something 11r 1111ght h.11·r n11!'-~ed," said lloughtnn. THIRD R USS I AN Sl'ACES fl/P DOJVN ~lOSCO\l/ !VP\\ -The Soviels :odav .~~tcly brought hack to earth Lhei r Soyu·z fl ~p:il'ccrfl!t aod its 1"·0-n1an crr\1•. cCJrn· plf'ling their biggest v.·eek in spat:c, <t rcnod that saw seven Cosn1onau1s or- biting si n111lt:1ncnu~ly 111 thr..:e ship:;. Tl1 n Ta.ts news agc•ncy .~aid Soyu1. 8 t'Otied ii,,; five-day fight in the l\a rangd;i recovery ar<'a in Crntral Asia. as had its i:ister ~hip~. Soyuz 6 and 7 on Thurs- day anli Vrid;iy. 'Ilic cos111onau ts 11·crc reporlr.d in bOCd condition . Prior lo thrir rr1urn . Tass said SO:t<ll7. a crev. rncn Col. Vladin11r Shatlov :ind c11g111ccr Ale xei \'c!ist)'<'V tested ··ne";, cxtrrn1ely conl'en1ent 1\·ays of ii.n·iga· ti1111 .• (trangc Const 1\1eatber l\lo:.Uy s unny loday ::iat11r· cl ay and Sunday. Cooler 'vilh low near 57. 1-ligh Saturd ay 72. Slightly \l:armcr Sunday. I NSIDE TODAY O Nri la/ie \Vood su/I look! 'ilrc a 1no vic Qllf'CU in Ilic rove r ohoto on 1oda11's r r1111il1J \Vcck- 'y, bti t sl1e ac t~ more like a 111a- 111 re wifr oncl 111otl!er I Peer Jppc11llein1tr's cove r story). O Dar/Jara fllt1Vair i.1 011 //)t: :ove r ourl 1/1r f'11!fr,. urro11t~11oi •,cech's /.ist.019.~ uf 1'1'DOrants 01111 ~nce1n/s rirc 111.~1tlc today's TV ~VF:f.'K, C~UtC~ .. MMti~t• " (!••llllrd 1~ 11 Mo¥11• "· " C•m.c• ,, "••I lilll tt ••• (rtHW~rd ' s ..... , ll·l4 l"Ut t l•I ''" S!ock M1r~tlt 1 •.• , litrl ottPf T~Wlt<"1 ... " '"" l•~•Ht• " l/M!I "" " 2 DAIL Y PILOT Dany 10.1 o Sunday 10·7 ONLY L -. -.-..., C01!0 Mesa Store Only! SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY, OCT. 19th, 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. WHILE QUANITIES TO TALK FI NANCING Charl•s H. C•tli5..,,, SECOND LE CTURER Bruce B. Howey Tuesday T1vi1i Bill Realto1·s l(iclc Off I ' lnvest111 e11t Meet I A realtot \1'ho ~pct·1 al1~c~ 1n 1n1 c'11n1.'nt field, !he lecture : in1·estment prupcrties "11h lhc ~er1c~ offers information on • t.':mphasis on •·tax-free·• c:>.:o cllanges 11·Jll talk about ex- ch;;rnges and financing in the leadoff ~pot on Tuesda~··s Rea! Estate l nvc~tment Senes pr o· gra m. 1n1 e~l1ncn1s r;ingin~ £ro1n the ' "d1qilrx fi<ibbler" 10 n1a jor,I :..~nt11c;o1ed investing of fun ds! 1n real properly. 1 CE1SURE· TIME SLIPPERS .~uudR!J Onf!I For dream1ni;: in tnn1fort. .11 soft \•inyl slipon \11th r1n· brofdered van1p. bunn.v fur 1rin1. Color Lhuirr, 3-10. J88 Our R e g. 2 .28 . _:.__._!>. ·-... _ ,... • ·~ T: l Charles JI. Calli s on. i\e"'J>Orl Beach realtor, is ~cheduled lo speak on th(' 1op1r, ··'f ield Le v er a g c through \\'ise financing." :"\t';\l Tuc~da\ ·,. f 1r~I !re-' 111rer, Call1.-,,.n. has oprraled l his Ol\'Tl real estate firm in 1 Newport B each sincr 1957. Pnor to that he >.1·as :-it:11·e in l exchanging and ge neral real!- estate aeth·itv in the \Ve st Jl otlywood ;irea 1 -~-:----.--~----------_;:. Second subject on 1 h e doublehc.ider progran1 l'urs- rl::r\" at i ·:10 pm. in !hr audi tor· iun1 al tir"porl H1irbor ll 1gh School '\\'Jll be ··1nl'es!ment . .\d1·an1;ii:rc. of the Real l::s1;1tc I:::\chani;r " Le<:turer on !hat s•ihJecl 11111 be Costa r.tesa realtor Bruce B Howey.- 1\ foundin,i; n1en1hC'r rif !he Oran.;c (oa~t E'xrhangnrs. I Callifon currentlv IS i ts ' president He al so IS a 1nr111hrr of th C' Sot'iety o/ E.\- rh:inge Co1111cclors anrl is 1·11r. rent l·hai rnldl1 or the t'XChange I dl\"iSIOll or 11le Harbor Area board <lf real1 ors. 1 Lcc111rer Howt>y, v.ho \\'Ill be in th:i rge of lhe second half ot Tuesda.1· night"~ proi::ra1n, is a l n<r!1 \·c nl Los An geles . I ' II - - •.--:-\• . I .. -I •• ., Both men '\\"Ill be apnearinc in the th ird of tour .~ched u!ed ses sions of the 1969 se ries presented jnintl.v hy the DAI- LY PILOT. Or ange Coa~l College and 1hc 0e111Ktrl Harbor·Costa r.lesa Board of Realtors. /I r .-ilso is a member of the Soc1e1v oJ £~ch a ngr Counselors. in :iddilio11 to rnany other professionally 1 nr1enled organ izations :ind SAVINGS! TABLE LAMPS '; The ~erit's Is open 1n thr public free of char~e. This 1~ the fifth consecu!1\·e ye;i r 1n \\'hich the lhree sponsor!' hare presented ~imil ar program~ Ktyed pnm;irily to lhe "amateur"' in the real estate assoc1,.t ions. 1. Tu::f..Pts for Tuesda~ niRht's lectu res ran hr obtained Ht lhe door The se~s1on 1s scheduled l(l la~1 l\\"O hours, starllng al 1 ;JO pm. I " ·',~'·'.'~:11.,~!"~ll""l 3 64 <111tf'h,..,, f11hrir •h;1d,.~ <i11k \\f"IOd poq~ "JI fJr10i!<h hron1r-!1111~h 1•11". toi!.IH1 ht";i ,~· l)a~r. Democrc1.c'r at W ork: • [(ids' Bill N oiv Luiv • Pl111 I .•" ' • "if .• I'; ti.~;<·, ~ ..... --· . . LUTHEAVJJ.,Li:: .. \lr! 1.\f'\ -\rhat b('g;in ;i.~ a 11111111 ~rt;dc ptoJe<:t to ~how how a bill is drafted has ended a5 fedtral !egislat1on signed by Presid ent tilx()n. Ynu1h Cn1111n11111r .111011s \\"erk .ind i:ri:('d (Jdtllls .,11r! \t,ulh.~ <I \ wrll as con1n1unic<1t1on 1ncd1a to cncour·age dial ogue 1 1. be!wrc n adults and youths. .laflr ~,11r! th;11 oner tilt' bill 11as 1n1rodllctcl. tile 1 \1 o cla~~es slar1ed a letler-wrn1ni: Ralph .laflc, the )01Jn~ ~ocial stud1e!' tracher ;it R 1d~f'ley Jtl!H('r High School "'·ho started the \\·h:ilc thing is ~,""'"gn lo g>m support for· WEST BEND shaking tus head in d1 ~brl1el. ""\\'r lt1u11d th,1\ the kids had Jaffe ~aid the 1 d r a ;ii lr11~1 ryre fri~:-id rtr relat:·.c1 "'-' I I' I h 1n r\1•r\' ~1 .. 1e 1n r:1e union .:1 11111 tlfJ ''' 11 on!l1na1ed l:i:-! .\!arrh v•hllr r · I \\<I S lraLhini; fl\•I !'<'el1<n1s nl :i n·! thr\· \lrote In thcn i and ;-..~ tup. l'ullshrcl 11l'!1nP1•1"'· !];c n1n\il i.:ratlr ;it 1:1df;rlr.\ a ,1,1.r1I 1hat th<\" irntc thr 1r li!i<, l\ n1{1ltlrd 1·la -t1 hann,r. I h 1J"h'!ld~ and Cf'1 lhl"tl lo wntr h;i<.r r1,k ;~'"!Irr '-l"1111 "1lh 101.rsc 1n io11• t :.-E;1\i'rnn1"nt tht•ir '-l'll,11r.rs .111d t On·l!lus ~11 ri1 a,.,.11111 1•·• =-'air' oprratt"< , &rr -..v 11~n." tir ~au l · \\'r det•1drtl 10 lrv to ctr.d i a .Jol1r ,~ii<l h11ndred5 nf lrt· • hi ll anti after ~on1e dl~<U~l'!nll 1r•, 11r"1 1n l''l:1i:;rr•-: fr0n1 ~i~! ~~~e"~il~·i~J;e~~~ ~0:·~l;;111 ;~ arro' thr '111111tr~, hut !h:it thr ri1r 1hr rJri,,c~ 11/'rr the \"OUth rommunic<1t1nns 11.rck. ·>.1hat \\'J1h cirryho<ly tal king prrn1(1r,.t (tf ta111r fro1n Viet· r1a 1n ~bout the gcncr;:tion gap:· he , o f " · I h t1'' 0 1111' ('h1l11rrn s at er 1 ia1d. 11 a~ ~I d11onf'd 1l1crr :· hr !''.I.> Bu1 onre tl1P hill 11:0<: pla1ne1f. ··:ind he got his entire I rlr;if1rd . J;itfe arld rd. 1hr 111·0 h:iltai1.1n to \\fl(C " letter to ~tct1ons of some 65 ~t11drnts Prc~1drn t i'>1xon 1irg1ng suµ-, r!ec1ded to :;cc 1f they could gc: porl of the bill .. ' H r nactcd by Congr:>"~ On .July 2!1 thr bill pass ~d So a delt gat1"11 .:1ppr n<1thrtl lhc llPu~" Ji 11·;i~ rnaclcd bv Rep Clarcnrr L.,n:.: 1 0 ~lrl • the Sr11;i11.· on ~ert. io and 1 in \I hnse tlislrJI'\ the ='l hool 1s Prcs1dc11t Ni xon ~igncd 1( into locat~d li.i11· l<i-t Thur~d ay. "He >.1;is \tf\' rccrou1r !., .l..1flr sa_,-s, '"fl pro\·ed tn !hr the bill." .Ja!lr .\aid. ··and he l.ids th;i1 rnu l'J.fl 11nrk \\"1t h1n 1ntrodurcd it 10 thr !lnu.~r ' lhc S}~1('fll anrl do things 111 ;i '"As l ar as 1l1c kids "£'1"1' rr~pon~ihlr mannf'r vnthou! CANAOA-2 Cubic Feet PEAT MOSS 99c concerned. thf' r r ;i 1 en-hurning dr;ift cards nr 10111111,e thus1asm .~t11rted 11hrn th"Y Srurlents for a Democra1 K·f foun d thr1 r b1U hrid artuall y Socirt1 I bfcn introducrd ." hr s;i1d ··\\·h1le we"re proud of what Ren. I .:J7 29 through Oct , 4 as Adult-n[ 11·hat 11·1> learned." m11!\r>r, Hold~ ~011 n111i-1•11 r- Th~ n1t':is11re set as1dr Srpt 11r\·r done. \1•e"re,morc proud I P11rr ~phoH::nu11i, fl;.', n1 :;1111 ·· ;===='===================. ,\pr~I"~. l o~~..,n~ ~nil, Revolutionary 5·week Ch ilcoat _Ty p ing Cou rse FREE demonstrat ions every Wed. evening al 7:0 0 P.M. • Internat io nal Academy of Rapid Learning 445 E. 1710 St. Sui1e H Costa Mesa. Cal,J. 92627 I 7141 548-0440 .. • • .,,,_.; PERCOLATOR 496 Our R••ff. 6.:>7 -, DECORATIVE BARK 1.33 R eg. J .8 7 -1 • , MEN 'S INSULATED WATERPROOF BOOTS S1mdn!f Ouly 297 Reg .. 1.2.1 :'11<'n. 1>nd II cl fr-ti l hll! ::,o I• 11 h huntin;: and 1>no11 t\on-~lip so!", 9-cyf'lrt. 1:ncd. 7-lZ. SportinJ; Goods fX>pL ' •• I· • • I -- COMFY J'LEECE ROBES LEISURE TIMES FOR 300 S unday On ly Our R e g. 3.97 r ~ For dreaming in con1fort. soft robes of aor;, ace· tale, 20% nylon. \Vith buttoned front. satin p1p1n,g: Pel<'r f'an collar. Ln\ely plnk or blue. In n11~sc~ 12-18. .. .I L " Y' ,,_ •· : ' l ' I ' i I L ~ STRETCH NYLON PANTY HOSE SALE S11nda11 Onl!J Our R e!f. 9fk 73~ ~ean1l e!is ~!ret c h nvlon \v [th nude heel. t'ashion. lovely ·sh~dc:-. ~\li i t-tone. cinnamon and brO\l"O nli!il.:; (120·1bs.); ~I !120·140); T (140-160) =:~------------=--··- i NYOUll NIGHT·TIME COLD MEDICINE Smuln!I 011111 73~· Our Rrg. J .07 \.il·k·s µrod11rt Takt' ~t 1)(-dlim,.. Hrliro\ ('~ <'t•h1 ~yn1pton~. 1'n1ff1 .. 1 .11nd snf'l',1ns:. ,, QUll'I ~ l"OIJl;h- inc:. fi-01 • f l110l We '~"I ,l; • i.:: J. '.l..l:'.-."':J3' --~"""-'i SPORTY SHIRTS .ltrt11111lny (l11ly 66~ ., n e g. 97c Perfrr1 fnr !>('hool fi nd ' playl\1n<', Ion;::· !<leeved, :1 rollon , h i r I s: button-.. do"·n. Gay plaids. 3.7. '! ., FALL 2-PC. SLACK SETS S11111IO!I Ouly Our R<'!I· 1.96 1,u-1<. 11'•1<' t•nll(•fl kn1!~-Ail•" , .11<,r•. Rh1I', 1•l11k. ~t'd . ,,r;1nr" ;1111\ ,l.'.old .. \ !•)lllp-l•·l'·I UU ~1~ I•. ~1 .1 :-: n1u J44 .. --~ SAVE ON 20x26" PILLOW r r>1,h• d ti••• 1oi. I• d i.· I' Jill !':" 1•11h ~1r1p.d f• 11 r I I'"' ll•1<111 ,,1 ... ,,.111°.i, 1-u . .; l •I "· ( I 1:11 • • I ! 2 for $6 Our He !/· ./..f./ ,-,' • • DRILL, SANDER, SOCKET SET S 11 11.da v Vnlv . .. \!Ol.ft C HOICE ~rt: 18-pc. 1. ". ·, · ~,,, kl"I~ (1sr11l et1 n)'.: s,.,ndr l' :!-11111i•· r;n •'I r>lr~. :ilun1in111n hPll~ln·.; '•" Jir1ll ; :1 ,\;\II' lil1•t11r J.:l'lll'•'d k•·~· f'hrrk. i . ,.. 14·Posilion Adjustable IRONING TABLE S undr111 Oul11 297 • 888 Our n eg. 9:96, ._ 9.99. I I .26 , ,. 'I ~ ~A ' s spe ti or of t ~.;t: 25 l\lo. sla1 ed ma ani her \\'e! Sau "°" OgO ing mot '-.T 1 a p; the ettc Q c .. onl: the Rol of I at in l den f I • ' ' a ' s ~ ~ ·~ ' -< I ~ ' ' ;.1 .j; ~ 1· -. F Ale pla uni fi a1 w. l oo t irr the De\ wa on J -- • ,. . ~· • ' . . 1': .... , ' ' ' Several hundred nuyers and spectators attended a buUalo auc- tion ln ~lissoula, f..lon . The 78 head of buffalo brought a total of $28,640, v.-i th 40 cov.'s ave ragin~ $419 each, :!5 calves· S273 and 13 bu!ls $389. 1lost of the buffalo v. ill go to slaughter. but so1ne \~·ere purchas- ed by buffalo ranch operators in many parts of lhe country. ThP animals \\'ere part of the Bob Schall herd from his ranch near Arlee in v.·estern 11ontana. • Sauc!} parking t icket·snatcliing cro10 poses in midst of caper in downtou;-,i Ogden, Vt.ah . Blackie ho.• been steal· ing tickels fr ont auto windshields and motorists art.: crowing. Btackie's own.- er remai11s a r1111ster11, but it might be a prison~r i11 nearby c1t11 jail-where the crow occasionali y deliurrs ci~or· et!cs. • Queens College in Charlotte, N. C .. is an all-girls school a gain. Its only male student is enlisting in the Army instead of being drafted. Rob•rt Jay Glenn, 23, a graduate o! the Univers!fy of North Carolina at Charlotte, '\\'as taking a course in physics at Queens to qualify for dental school. 0 "'"""''-"'""vc::ig,,:r-""C'" .. -.... :7. .-;: ' A 511oppitf' 0111lonk is in store • for lady Ma ri-lit$. Col. JPa11ette I. S1i stad. d rrector of \Vorne n 'J !tfarines. ~Of(l at Can1p Pe nrllc· · r:J to11 three Ne1.u York d.e.~if]nl'r.~ lf.1 are working oit 11.!'w 011t.J1 t~ Jor ~,:1i, the girls. ''\\le ore looki11 g f ar ~:i sometliirzg more moder1i to wear," .o;li.c said. "T/1e u111form.~ rne ore now 1ccari11g u:er(' dP.· ·~ signed i.ii 1950." t it trn111i11g, l! .~ lofarine wonten ore 9ett111~1 a }.l groom course 11•/zicll sh ou•s tlr r m how to apply makeup anrf f1 s!yle their hair, Col. S11stad said. it:......:._ .. __.. ______ _ • Police officers in Tu ~caloosJ, Ala .• have been instructed lo r e- place the-Confederale na,i; on thei r uniform sl eeves with an American flag. In issuing the directive, Chief W. M. Marabl• naid !here is "all too olten a tendency toward be1 n,g 11mid or apolo,i;elic about \\·aving the Stars and Stripes. Police should never be." Each uniformed offi cer \Vas issued a 2-by-3-incb Dag to SC\Y on his sleeve. I DAILY PILOT ...,... ............... .... ~ .... .._.,.., --CU.INlllHA CllAHGI COMI f'\lti.IWtlMI ''*""N't l•io«t M. W--4 .. ,...., ....... J•t.• I. c...., Yla ,,...._ -..._..,, -....U lke-• s:-11 .... n.-11 A. ......... ---Codi ,....1 Ill '#ftt 11r """' ..,.,... liMCll: mt"'"' ..... ...,...,.. L-....,.. J)I ferftl ,..,,._ ~ 9-fti • • l«'td Football Gets Boot Regents Cut Stadium Froni UCI Plan A football stadium ha5 been clropped f ron1 an upclaled version o( UC Jrvine's n1aster plan appro ved by. UC nients Friday. Big Ume football just doe.sn 't seem at this point to be in UCl's future, Vice Chancellor for Financi' ~· E. Cox said. And , he noted, If some day ll does come into the pi cture Anaheim Stadium would be the obvious place to play. Co~ said. '·The !iupport ol·the academic {'()mmunity here for ·big Lime athletics ce rtainly ha sn't been realized lo any Travel In 70's t>nlhusiaslJc extent And a fooiball sta- dium is so t'OStly it doesn't look like we'd have the resourcts." UCI is planned to become a campus or 27,500 studenL~. U1e pre3ent size of UC Berkeley and UCA, about 1990. It had been predictea by UniverSity officials UCI might field a foolball team on a Jimited basis between 1975 and 1980. This is Lhe first update o( the Long Range Development Plan prepared iri 1962 by Wi\liam L. Pereira and Assoc· for the far distant future lhinking about ialt's. Cox referred to it as "a pipe Jream all the things that L"ould happeo on our 1.510 acres." Although the football stadium is gone, a baseball diamond and track wilh bWachers l.o seat 3.000 is nearing com· plP.tion, Cole pointed out. Whil = the updalcd plan is minuii; the :;tadium, a medical school and health scie:;.::c complex fa cilities have bttn .add. ed and the now known Corona de.I Mar Freeway roote and MacArthur Boul&- vard relocalioo drawn in. More Will Go Top Space Scientists Jobless Before Spiral Checked Plan Local Conference \l.'hat looks like the ''Who's Ylho in Aerospace" will gather at the Anaheim Convention Center Monday to begin a fcn1r-d11y conference on space exploration and air travel during the next decade. Expected for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics meeting are such notables as Dr. Wernher von Braun: Dr. Robtrt Gilruth, director of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center ; Lt. Gen. Samuel Phillips of the Air Force Space and ri.tissile Systems Organization, and hundreds of scientists and astronau· tics corporation executives. Representatives from Orange County include Charil's R. Able, chairman and r hief or the McDonrlf'U Douglas Astro- nautics Co., lfuntington Beach, and Wil· GOP to H atcli E"lection 'Plot' At Halloween Go\·e;rnor ancl r-.trs. Reagan will lead .a pararle of Republican notab l!'s Hallo- \1·een night in the state party's annual Celebrity Ball. Scheduled for !he Anaheim Convention Center. the ball ~·ill be Ute social high· light or a t.hr~ay session at ~·hich par· ty le ade rs are txpected to dtvelop ma· JOr strategy for th e 1970 legislative .and election year. Source'.'! close to the governor predict that he will use the occasion to announce that he \\'iii be seeking re.election in 1970. Cc>-sponsors of the Celebri!y Ball are the Orange County Republican Ctotral Committee and the Republ ican State Cen- tral Comm itee. Orange County resident.!! can obUiin tickets from Mrs. Margot Mur- ray at 540-9040. Da11cer Booked On N udie Charge She riff"s jnvestigators booked a Gardt.n r.rov e tnte rtaine r on ohsceni1y charges Prida.v night and raised to eight the num· her uf arrests fnr a!legtdly bottomlr ss J)('rformances at Anaheim ·s Cou nlry Girl b" Lliarged with lev•d conduct and inde· cent exposure was Mary Ann ~lorrison, 21i, Officers v.·atched her JO.minute pe.r· fonnance and booked lhe performer as she left the stage. The Cou ntr v Girl bar i.~ one of five county taverns named in a Superior Court order banrung bottomless dancing. State I-lospitals 'Need Changes' Assemblyman Larry Townsend ended a visiL lo Fa irv iew Sta te HospiUil. Cost.a ri.1esa, Friday wilh the comment that state mental institutions are "antiquated, understaffed and overdue for sweeping changes." The Torrance Democrat said iruch hos- pitals v.·oold be replaced \ldlh "commu· nity or village-li ke development.a where patients ~·ould Jil'e in as normal an en· \'ironment as possi ble." It was the only way, Town.sen<! said, to increase the effectiveneS! of CalUor· nia's mental health program~ liam Bergen, president of North Amer!· can Rockwell's Spa ce Division, Seal Beach. The meeting, \Yhich will continue at the Anaheim Convention Center through ne>:t Frlday, ls under the title "Aerospace ln lhe 1970's". Nearly 135 technical papers will be pre- sented. covering advances iD aeronautics, astronautics and hydronaullcs. To provide a comprehensive overview of <ierospace -where it is and where it is going, the l'onvention program has been broken down to five general themes. The J4 sessions "'lll cover topics ra ng· ing from th!' Apollo program to m:in ned space stations. the Soviet and American exploration of ri.tars. applications satel- lites. air transportation. military aircraft development. under the sea exploration and how aerospace can btnefit society. The themes are the following : "Aeronautics and the Community,'' chaired by Maj. Gen. Clifton von Kann, a vice·president of the Air Transport As.- societion . "Man in Space," chaired by Frank L. Williams, Director of the Advanced Sys- tems. Offi re at NASA ·s ~farshall Space Flight Cen\.('r. ''Hydronaulics • Astronautics · A!'r n- nautics: lntrractions," chaired bv Fred· erick Burrell. f\1anager for OreR n S}·s· tern s for the General Elect ric Compnn.v. "Frontiers in Ae rospace Rese.ircn and 'fPchnology ."' chaired by ProL Daniel Bersl'l.ider of the Depar!ment of Aeronau- ti cs and Astronautics at Staniord Univer- sity. ··Aer ospace and Society," chaired b.v Dr. Jack H. Irvi ng , Vice.president o( Corporate Pla nning at Aerospace Corpor- alion. Last year's meeting. held in Philad el- phia, Pa , was attended by 5,213 engin- een and scientists. l!OT SPRINGS. Va. (UPI) -A high administration official said today a peri· od of sluggi~h economic activity, prob· ably 11ccon1panicd by rising unemploy· n1rnt. ls needed lo break the back of in· flat ion. Th<" off icial, who ii;poke on the condi· lion he not be quoted by name, said the administration would continue to rein in the ecunomy longer than any time since \Vorld War 11. He said this was neees.sary because the present inflation was pumit· led lo go unchecked , too long. Unemployment made il:i; sharpest rise last month in nine years, increasing to 4 percent. Treasury Secretary David ri.t. Kr nnedy later said this figure ~·as ac- ceptable as part or the "biller medicine·• President Nixon cited in his address IG the nation Friday as necessary lo cure inflation. Adm inistration officials and lhe na· lion·~ top business executives exchanged vows al a meeting of the prestigious Busi· ness Council this weekend lo bold the line on both public and private spending to cool inflation. l\fernbe rs or the council, wh ich con· eludes i!s fall meeting today, welcomed Nixon 's pledge Friday lo continue eco- nomic restraint even after it begins to hurL The busi nessmen promised to do their p:irt by elimi nating unneeded ~pending and by s;iying no more often to union 1~·ag<' riem;inds . \\'1lliam A. Jlewilt. board chairman of Deere & Co., urged his fellow council members to reduce spending (or plant and equipment, tighten credit policy and gel tough wtth labor. "Indust ry as a whole would take a. firmer st.and in labor negotiations," he iaid. lle~'ilt told newsmen he considers In· flation to be a more serious problem than unemploymenL He said tt la un- rea listic to think inflation can be stopped v."ilhout putting some people out of work. FBI Agents N ah Fugitive Sought in GiI·l l\.idnapi11g LOS ANGELES ll'PI) -Robert A. llar\'ey. \\'anted for the kidnaping this \\'eek of a 11.year-0ld girl. was found by FB [ agents Friday hiding under a pile or dir!y laundry in an iipa rtmenl house building. The f'BI said Tlarvry chmhed out from beneath !he clothei; shou ting." don·t shoot. "l'nl not armed."' Ile "'as arr~\· ed "'ilhotll a struggle. He v.·as trace d to 1he buUding lh roogh a !'!Olen car Harvey . 31. alsn 1s \1•anted for a kid· nap-robbery in AJbuquerque, N.r.t. Il e h;is hcen the n~JeCl cl a manhunt t hrou~hnut lhe 11'f'.~tcrn United Sta(rs since Kristen "K11ty" Anderson \\'a~ k1d- nared Tuesday She v.·;.is tQri;c.d intn a c!'lr flt knil r· roin t as " hn~!:ige 11·hcn she came tn 11o·ork at the Peter Pan Nursery St"hool in Arroyo Grande whC"re she v.a~ a I.caching aide. Her abductor rlrovf! her 300 miles lo the nnrthern California community of Vac aville where she 11·a.-. freed \\'ednesday. She 11o·a.s found, hound and frighle.nccl but unharmed, in a base· ball park restroom. The Jo"Bl said Harvt>y told the J;irl he intended to flee north ta Seattle. Wash . area but authorities fell the disclosure might be a ruse and !he suspect insl'!':ad might head for familiar haunts in Los Angelf'.5. On Friday. the station wagon stolen by the abductor outside th e nursery ~rhool wa:ii sighted parked on a street in the central area of Los Angeles. Agenl~ searched nearby buildings un- til they flushed Harvey. He was arraign- t-d later in the day and ordered held in lieu of $100,000 bood. Children's Fee Cut for Ballet The Laguna Brach Civic Ballet has an· noun<"ccl a nrw $4 annu;i l membe rship r:i 1e ror child ren under 12, supplement- i11g U1e annua l adul t n1cn1bersh.ip rate <Ji $&. The new ca!.'!gory v.·as instituted tn ~limula\e interest in 01e dance among )o'outh. Members are entitled to attend fnur ~pccial membersh ip programs presented each year by I he ball el com- pany. Clubs or other organiiations interested ln purcha!llng juniot memberships that could be donated lo interested youngsters ~·ho cannot af(ord to buy them art in- vited Lo contact the ballet center, 494- 1'7"11. The (irst membership prograrn:s this year will be presented Nov. 22 and 23 at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. s DAll V f"ILOf Take Note, Skiers 'fhe season's first sno\v fall at South Lake Tahoe mantled trees and l\1t.. Tallac Friday. Snow was early even by recent Ta hoe standards. Although first fall was not expected to last long under a wannini sun, it was enough to wann the hearts of ski fans. Priest Dies 17 Months After Heart Transplant PARIS (UPI) -· llospi tal source!'< to- day blamed an ove~·helming rejection crisis for the death Friday night of the Assault on Beach Waitress Brings 6 Months' Jail A San Gabriel youth who pleaded guilty t.n lesser charges alter beinit: accused o! kicinapping a lluntington Beach wait- r ess has bet'Tl sen tenced lo six mooths in Orange Coun ty Jail. David Loma Villasenor, 20, drew that term in v.·est Orange County municipal coorl on charges nf assault and battery and exhlbiting a deadly firearm. Villasenor wa s arresled la.st Mq 17 follO\\ing his alleged att.enipt~to kl'enap Gloria S~·earingt!'l. 2Q, or 614 14th SL The almO!St hysterical snack shop "'ait.- rcss broke frf'e and rRn into a police station screaming ror help Witnesses told officers that Villa~enor made several attempts to pull the girl Into his van after threatening her with a knife and warning her that he would kill her if she resisted . l·luntington Be.e.ch police arreslerl the fleeing Villasenor .e.t Pacific Coast Highway and River Bridge. Beacl1 Man Gets Bail in Fur Case A f\e\I: 'i'nrk federal court judit:e Fri· day relea~ed a Huntington B!'acti man on $15,000 bail following a hearing into charges that he and a companion shipped stolen furs valued at mnre than $44.000 . Donald Rolls. 30. formerly of Egret t,ane. and Tht-odore V.'illitims. 40, of ro,,raHbu, face furth er court action fife charges that they received stolen goods in interstate commerce. Williams' ba il was alsn se.t at S1 5,000. Both men Y.'erc arre.~ted WcdnC'sday night <1t KC11nedy Airp<>rt and ;iccust'd of being the two men who burglari1.ed a Wrst Los Angeles !ltore a week ap:o. Fed· eral :i.genls and New York police said thi>:y found mink coats valued at more than $6,000 in a locker rented by the two men. Nixons in JUarylnnd TH URMON'T'. Md. <UP I) -President and Mrs. Nixon are spending the week· tnd at the Camp Davi d Presidential re- treat. He wa.!I to meet thi! artemoon with Richard Helms, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Robert C. CUstunan, CIA executive director. 58-year..old Dominican priest who wa.s the world's longest surviving heart tram.- plant patient. The Rev. Jean.Marie Boulogne had survived 17 months and five days after reoe\\ing the heart of a cuslOrtl!l inspec- tor in an operation May 12, 1968, at Broossais Hospital, where he died. The priest, who was bom Charl es Da- mien, became the world's longe:i;t !Ur· \'iving heart transplant recipient with the death Aug . 18 of Dr. Philip BlaiberQ' in Capetown. South Africa. Blaiberg lived 19 months and 16 days. Fat.her Boulognc·s death left an Amer· ican. Louis B. Russell Jr., 44, or Indian- apolis, Ind., as the long~t surviving heart transplant recipient. lie has lived 13 months and 25 days. The t!Mpital ~ources naid Fatht'r Bout- ogoe died "'"ithin an tiour of .suffering a r eject.ion that took doct«s at the hos· P!Uil completely by surprise. Prof. Char. Jes Du~t. who peTformed the trans· plant oo the priest, was vlsiling ltfexlco at the time. Father Boulogne, who .suffered chronle heart !rouble for 10 yeara before hi11 operalion, had maoaged to overcome two rejection attack.~. A robust priest, he had delighted Frenc:timen by eating pepJ>fr steaks arid downing red wine within a short time o{ receiving his new heart. He travt'led extensively after his surgery, once be- ing photographed at the control1 ot a speedboat on the Medlterranean. League Seeking Nelv Attorney, Granted Delay Arthur Dewitt ~ague Friday wttn I\ one-week delay of hi'.'! Superior Court tria! v.·ith a plea that he needs Ume lo hire a new attorney. Judge Samuel Dreizen ordered the ac· cu~ed Black Panther to return ta iii~ cooi:t Oc~ 24 for. trial setting. League, 20. is being held in Orange County jail with bail rlenied. The DA ILY PILOT learned that T~ague. accused of the slaying la st June 4 of Sant.a Ana police offi~r Nelson Sasscer, is asking the Black Panther- organization lo provide him with the best. possi.ble legal coun.o;el for his up- coming tnal. Attorneys Robert Green and Michael Gerbosi, the lawyers who represented. ~ague during his recent preliminary hearing. will continue to appear for him pending a decision of ~ague's a~ peaJ to the militant Negro org&nlution. Walking Catfish Can!Jt Rest Here Military Burial Slated for Beach Marine Victim By ARTIJUR. R. VINSEL D! 11t1 Dlllti' r1i.t •t11t Thirty days hath September, April, June and the \\'&!king catrish. A resolution prohibiting the ir im· portation or possession was passed by lhe Calilornia Fish and Game Commission Thursday in Sacramento, effet'Uve in 30 days. The whiske ry, tropical fish was in· troduced Into Florida waters years aeo and has taken over there , decimating the native freshwater sptcie§ and it could happen here too. scientists believe. "That's what we'rt most concerned "'ith." sa1d Wildlife loapector Ned Doi· lahite, who stressed the danger of ii;oft· hearted catfish ownen committing them to lakes and reservoirs, or down the bathroom drain. Once into nalural bodies of, water, the fast·reproducing fish -and they do wnlk -kilts "Off tlYe native ~;then move1 on to richer huntfng ground.s. ''Polson the waler and they ju.st erav,o\ out and walk on dry land," Dollahile ex· plained, "It's really pretty ridiculous." The walking catfish is unique bec;iu~e ll is !IOmf'"'here between fish and reptile on tile multi·million )'Cat scale of evolu· lion •nd is ~uipptd with a i:ntde lung. This ori;an ran Lransform air inlo usable oxygen for 1 certain period of time while the creat~ Is "1 traMit across dry lend, oflen long distances whlle. sensing out fresb water. "We·ve had report.s of people aeelnc tM-m cto58in1· highways," add11 Jim SJ. Amanl, associate fisheries blologisl for ' the Department or Fish and Game'i Los An geles headquarterii;. Depern:ling on terrain and weather con· dit.ion, M>me members of the c\arlidae family have even been known lo move 11everal miles, huffing and puffing and squirming on their rins like little legs. If you do have 1 walking calfiah and can't bear t.o execute it, the Oepartme:nt or Fish and Game will put it to sleep for you, but on a miss basis. "It will be quick and humane though,'" aald DoJl1hltt, probably by immerUon In a tank of poison. "We don't w•nl them to rush out and throw th~ thing~ Into streams and reservoirs though," he sold, adding that they would likely thrive in California \vaters. Imported from South America-though ran now In shop!! due to Imminent ree&rkUo"'"'"~ walking catfish have alrelMty IMf'n joined on lhe outlawed Ust by some ot lheir finny cousins. Military burial service! wlll be held Mcnday for Marine Pfc. Michael L. ~·.Avella of 10151 K.aimu Drive, H~. tington Beach, who was killed ln Vietnam October 5 In a truck accident. Pfc. d' A~lla had bHn in Vietnam fCJr fivp mantha. Military offldlla Aki tbe truck went out of control in a heny rainstoma and he Wll thrown oot. A wake will be 'held Saturday nlcht It 7 30 al the Pee~·Famlly Colooial ·l'\lneral llome in WestJtilnster. Services will be at I p.m. Monday at t~e funeral bome with bur1al Lo follow trt Good Shepherd Cemetery in HimUnctoo Beach. Pfc. d'Agrtll• Is survived by hJ!I wife Petra. a graduate of Fountain Valley Jf lgh School: hi.a pa.mil! Mr. and Mn. .lohn d'Agrell• of HouMnn. Tt1., fM brothers and two listers, au of Hooston. • f DAllY PILDf S.tltl!'d1y, Octobfr te, 1%tJ Pulpit and Pew 111. Ml<Uel'• .... .\II Aq.1'1 Ept~l Cbon:l , 3233 Pacific Vitw Drive, Corona deJ Mar, will ttltbrate c0mmunion at the 11 a.m. ser\'ices Sunday. fo.forning prayt r wlll bf! read at Ult: 1:30 ~rvice. Tile sermon topic d. tht Rev. John Rog ers Davis wiU be "Revolutioo in Ute ." Cl~ for prospectiv e lay n adtr1 will be held on Oct.. 21 .and 18. The clas..ses are open to 'ft1)Ql~ for the first time in church history. Sondly activities begin with church t.chool at 9 a.m. with cluses for all ages at Rnar· rf:t'Uoft Lullteru Church, 98 12 Hamilton. Huntington Beach. The AduU DUcus.sion Group v;il\ begin a ne" ~ries on "The Parables Speak to Modern Life " also at 9 a m. At the 10:30 a.rn. v• o r s h i p service, Pas t or Arthur R. Tingley ~ill speak. oo .. ~ Courage W h i c h Llfe Rl'- quir~." ,Se\·enth grad!:' you~h re«il"(' instructioo at 4 p.m. \~·ed· nesdays . Cholr rehearsal is be.Id at 7:30 p.m , Tiu1n.day. Sptalci.ng oil the 9 and 11 a m. ~'lC'eS of the Ckn:b of Rdlpea ~ Gf Lquna Searl. Dr. H~y Guhard p~ a sumoo oo •·Thf- 1.ns-.ru.'"ne!lts ci l\n:M"~ -" lbt> c!'.un:':h. loc.&IN a: :he j".&:l':":..:<)(! « Lag-~ (.;.~~·:l Ro1d a.nd El Toro Road , holds jun1or church .and high ~chool group m~llng at 9 a m Baby care 1~ also offered a! !ht" l"Br· ly :sttvicr. Tht> church ;11~ sponsors Th ursday lt>r.t urr.; at JO a m. in 1...t'isu re \\"orld. Clu bhou~e Two. 1be gener<il pubhc is Ln· vtted. •·on Being Able. to Stand L.:p to Life" is the subject of JI • r b o r Cb.rislian Churc::b. Dl sciples of Christ sermon this week by Cir. D. W. 1'1cElroy. Ser\'icr~ are held each Sunday <ti II a r p e r Elementary Schoo), 42!J E. 18th St.. Costa :-.1~~a. Sundav school is at 9 30 a rn. and \1·orshi p is al 10 4.'i a nt. !\ursery care is prn11drd Huntington • \ allry Bap1i sl Church, 9779 Slat er ,\1·e , Fountain Valley \\'111 hold a sho rt service al the Bapll~l Coovalescent l/ o s pi t a I, Fullerton, Sunday 2 .'JO pm. A group fro m the church goes to 1he hospital once a month tn hold a short servl~ for the. patients. Regula r ~r1·ices of the l'hurcJ1 if1L!lidt> Sunday school, 9 45 a .m.; worship 11 a.rn .; 'Youth I lour. S r.m.: evening \\'orship at 6. Nursery care Is providtd fo r all scr\'ires. Children's church is held during I.he morning \\'Orship. Tem pl e Sharon, !he Conservative trmple ol the Harbor art>a, 61 7 \I/. Hamilton, Costa J\!esa, "'ill conduct sab- ba1h ~rr.·!ces on Friday, 8· 15 pm Ra bbi Garson Goodman. v.·1U be a.ss isl.e d by the Temple Sharon choir. His topic will be '"The Impossible Dream." F o r ma I groundbreaking ct>remonies for the new !iihep herd of the Hill! United 'lelhodlsl Chu rc::h. Muirlands Boule vard at La Paz, Mission Viejo, 1-1·ere held last Sunday. T}le Rev. Domenick T amiett1, paslor , and the Rev. \\'illiam fSee P ULPfT, Page 5) ... . -- Heads Cont:la.,., Full Gospel Business i\len's r-eno .. r ship In- ternational ""ill hold ils :innunl !'nuthern fah- forn1a ton1·cntio n Oct. 23 to 25 in Los A ngele~. I-leading a rrangements for th e meetin g is chair1na n P aul Tobel1y of Sa nta Ana. Thil1y southland c hapter s are expected lo attend the ineeling a t the Biltmore Hotel. • 'f'allOrile SerlllOK' Dr. Dallas R. Turner of Community Presbyter· ia n Church of Laguna Beach v.·iJI appea r o n the religious TV serie.~ ".\ly F avorite Sermon" to be telecast Sunday, 9 a.m. on channel 4. c;1in1pse s of the church as \veil as individual members will be seen in a s hort film accom· panying his ser mon. Manned by ltlinlster• Manifesto Takes Moderate Turn By GEORGE W. CORl'l/ElL NE\V YORK (AP J -\\'hat started out as only an in· divldual, a Ii.st of names and a bristlin11 manifesto -OA"hich shocked and often angered white Christians is a developing organization loday, with new officers, a st aff. a g row i ng budg e t and moderated mood. IT ALSO is increasi ngly manned by rn1nis lers of the gospel - Negro clergymen both of mainly whi te and black dt:nom1nations. Protestant and Roman Catholic. !ls church gate-crashing demonstrations ha .. ·e ceased, 11 least for the lime bt'ing. "f''ron1 lhe beginning, 1~·e: kne w the whole confrontation thing Yr·ould pass in time." says the Rt>v. Calvin B. 1-.tarsha!I, re<:ently e I e c t e d p~sident ot the B I • c k Economic D e ve lo p me n t Conference. "At t hi.~ stage, it's in the back(Tound.'' The. organiuition has cle.ired initial proctsses for in· cq,rpor ation under New York State law, set up ofn~ in • Brookyln church, and in ad- dition to its immediate work · ing capital. appears mark«! to receive much more from the churche s. But a prime asset -and !hi'! one \rhich made the financl1l pros pects possible through ac· tion of th e predomJnantly white Ep iscopal Chu rch and leaders of 33 de nominations in the r-;ational Cou ncil or Chu rches --was the rirm backing of Negro clergymen, TH EIR Ir\FLUENCE, a n d the confidence sho~·n in their assessment of the si tuation hy I See MAr-.'IFESro, P11e. S ) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? TIT FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH i. 1. c1 Fairview Rd. At Fair Or., Ccsta Mesa 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Wor,hi p Dr•--5".iriTlty-D-tplit l ibl1 ShldW GrOUI" '71.,,... 911 .,_, c .... u.. S4S·46 l 0 HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1230 hlt.r S1 . .t Fein iew, Co1to Mn• ReT. Conl1 Sollos, l'ottor Sunday Schoo1 9:45 a m. r.torning \\"orship 11 00 am.. Baplist Training t.:ni on 6 p.m. Evening Ser\"ice 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer .............. 7"{Xl pm. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6SO HAM ILfON, COSTA MESA kllV. J. 0 . W4ll A(E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IRANCHES 0, THE MOTHl!Jt CHURCH THE f lRSJ CHURCH Of CHRIST, SCllNTIST IN IOSTON, MA.SSA.CHUSITTS "Doctrine of Atonement" SUNDAY , OCTOBER 19th Costa Mesa-Fir1t Church of Chri1t, Scientirt 2880 M"° Verde Dr., Costa Mn. Swndov k hool -9:1 S A.M. Church Ser•ice - 11 A.M. leading Room, 2850 Mao V•rd• Dr. Hunt ington Be.ach-First Church of Chf'i1t, Scienti1t 810 Oliw• THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. SJ. JAMES, l20• Vi• Ud•, Hew,.rt hod! 7 ;J O •·"'·-Holy l11Cll9ri•t 9:00 •.111.-Mond .. Prey.r 1st & Jnf So11. Hely l11cfrlarl1t 21114 l 4tti s.,., t :OO o.M.-Ch•~h Scheol 11 :00 e.rn.-Holy l..:harl1t lit I lrll S111. Mor11i111 Preyer 2fltl I 4rtl So11. Clllld C•r. .t t :OO •·"'· T"-•••• Johll P. A.illew II, Rec., Tlte ReT. Do•ld A. Cr11111111 Aueciefe lee~ ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS 'ocltlc View Drl•• .t Mert-1N, Co''" Mt M., S•lldoy: l :OG, f :lO -Clllld C-iot t :J O Holw Days et A11e1Mocl Alf lltecn Welca- RllCtOf, Th lltn. Joh11 1.,..,. Dnh-Pllo• 444·046J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE. 2043 Orange Ave., C.f\·1. s1111dey1 1:10 a t :ll c•.,u Sc9te.1-t :JI Thondap: 6:JO I 10 e .m.; Hoty D.p .. -•11ecMI Yleor, TM lltn. Jolill W. DoHhbH-I'll•• 141·1J2t NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8-4293 TM • ...,. J-5. llel11, P•t•f I n. a.... ....... w111 ... Aailte.t ,.,., F1,.,111 Wor>/llp •:oo '° l~·lO 1.m. Su,...•v So~ool t ·XI le !~-lO o.m. • Wor•"I• 3•r .. lct 11,1» to 1l ao Nursery care available at all services WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del ~tar DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mn. W•I" Cllo!llMrfel .. "'""' w.,.., Phone 644-2664 •:IS A.M. '-111lfyW•f'lfll11' 10:00 A.M. S1114ow Cll•tcll ...... 11 :00 A.M. ffttiN W•nlllp Norwry Pr•TIW CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Min ou ri s ~~od 7,0 Ykt.rl• SI., C•1t11 M- l•~"' Y. T•rM•, P•t.r 541·5404 Woo~I. S.rvlc": l :!J & ll ,t,. M . SuN:111 $<.MIDI; t :JO AM.. ,t,.~vrt lllt OI Cl•u : ,,JO /lo M. Sunll•y St~ool •• , •••·, 'i:•5 Tr,;ning Ui icn • •··,,,,, b:OO Morning W0 ,.),;p , .. , . 11 :00 E••ninq Wo11h:p .... , .. 7 :o Wt~. f,~,, n11 Str~i t o ... 7.00 Sundoy $.c.hao1 -t :)O I 11 :00 Church -11 A.M. Se"ice R•oding Roon; -810 OliT• 'F''::~=:'::::=:::=:::::=:::::=::=:::=:::'==:::'::::=::::=\;1b~C~H~·~"~"~·~·:.:·~,,~·~·~·~,~·~·~T~S~C~H:o:o~L""""""'"""",,;·~·:··~·:··~·~ ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ,..o .. 64l·,1 II N11nrry Afwow1 A•ollablr UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH ll5l 5. f. PALISADES ROAO SANTA ANA HflG HT S ~UHOA'r SCHOOL •••.•... , ., •. ••• .... I.IS AM. Laguna Beach-First Church cf Christ, Scientist 635 Hii!k D,. Church & Sund ow School -•:lO l 11 :00 llt'Oding lltoom, 214 Fo1nt Newport Beach-First Church of Chri1t, Scianti1t llti) Via Lido l lhl I r, 0 Cn•111I le ... -Joni e••I " l'I•• """" tlu"ll"''"" !it•<~. c111tornMI Tho Jle•. Jtme1 C. Colly. ,.111or Sundoy Services l ·OI /I. M. Moly c...,m\111-f :)f AM. 1'1m llf ,,,..,ct & Chwrd! J:ot '""'· !~"''°"' Sc-It 1:)1 !'.M. l!plKOl>ll llill AM. Morn!nt Went1111 Y•""' Cn1trdtmM1 Nptn ry C•r• '"""'"' PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH MeM Vo...i1 Drire & loker Str.-.1, Co1la Mno, Celif. J\NOREN C .O,NOER~ON , P~"or )u!l<ll~ 3cMJDI: I.I», t:lll 11'11 to oo--Morn >n; v.cr1n ,~: I l)O, • )D •nd 11 00 Princt el l't•C• lut~'''" School -M;,. E1!her Ol1on , l'ri11cip•I Olfic• l'hane: 54•·05~ I School Phcn•' 5~•-0562 MO•HIHO wo•SHIP •.•. ' .•••• , \1 • !"' IVINIHG wo•SHIP .............. 1 p M , MlDWllK SE•VIC E WEONl ~OA'r l :Jll P "I. \11'1lll1m J. Atlolo, l'•IHt C"urc n """"' J.<~·lfll Chu1ch & Sundoy Scheol -•:15 l 11 :00 Re<1din9 Raom, JJI S Ylo l ido 1F;===o==o==o==o==o==o==o==o==o==o==o:==;if"""""'"""'"""'"""':=""""'"'=="'-"'""'"""'"""""""'i ST. PAUL'S LUTHIU.N :0.hs~oufl Synod F.IRST BAPTIST CHUR CH ef ~•etol• Yon.., , ............ •••!lot) 17411 M .. eoll•, f,Y. 1..,. DoAO Haw•t'I. Ml ~luer FIR ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH \·ictoria & Placentia Ave. f'osta ~1esa Jamn f. l'ierc:y Newport Beach.Second Church of Chri1t, Sc ientist 3100 PCH:itlc: Yiew Di ~ Coron• dol MM Ch1rch & Su11doy School -I 0 A. M. Rr odlng Room -216l £. Co111t Hwy. All are cordially invited to attend the church ser\•ices and enjoy the privileges of the Rrading Roo111s Ct.lid Cart' Pro•ided AT A.LL SEllYICEI Mor,.ln9 Won ~•p 1.lO l 11 :00 S11rwl1 w Scl.ool •...•••.• 'i.lO You tlo .Metli~t ••• , ..•.. 6·00 P•ev•r Se,.•<• , , . , , , ••• lo JO Douglos HodC)ft "'"°"''" Mln11Jlt I~~;::::::::;;;:;:~-;:;:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~ ior11 w, .. ,.,, ........ ,.,. • .... I E •e~0119 Ser••<• ........ 7·00 l'llltWl"T .,,.,._i. t1 fl k rvkn 842-2421 e1c1r Sc•.,.. ..•.. !:JI•·"'· Mor"lrq Wtnfl•• . . •. JO :H '·"'· Yeutn Group• . ...•.. • ... I e.m. v .. "" . ..•• ... ... .. 7 p "'· i'\ursery Care Provided 541-4771 S41·6l41 ST. MATTHEW LU THERAN CHURCH IM,"cv'i S~n cd l ... .,.,h;p:ng •+ !he UN IV E RS IT Y PARK SC HOOL S1rdb.,,·g ~· .M~11h 1wi ;,, U";,..,,;1v Ptr~ C"'urt~ of '"'' 01il w Wo":I I WORSHIP': l O:l O A,M. ·~~'.'.'.'.'.'.~~~·~·~·~· H~·~"~"~'~m~·~··~·':':":":'::::':'':·:':':''==========~I CHURCH OF REL IGIOUS SC IENCE " "'""""'" •••<" M 1mkr Chllr<fl .. Ul!ll"' ( ... r<fl 111'111""' ~c•etitr, Loi "";r'itl• ~!JNCAV" $Elr\/I(_[ , •• 1! f..'/.. M "IO!U ...... ,~,, Bu•••· I!:' r. o•l',ITH c"·~·~ o··~ CtWH! YM(.4. 1)1)1) Ur ·"~•IV O· A lull Youlli r ro~rArr1 Crn. of Orin:;;" ~nd ZJrd. 51. (0~1.t ,\\('•~ r~·1"r 11. c Jo~r , 111 '/\•~r. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL I :=:=::===========~======~( PLEASE DON'T COME ~. ;;;:::=::;;:====:::::: TO .~ • CALVARY CHAPEL 1f TO\/ ''' lo1\in9 for •11 t l•bO•t +• prOC)•I ,.., a' ioc••I p•e1!>9e. l ut if vou •r• look:n9 lot ;n-dep!k tl ibl1 <!uclie1, Chr;\1 1111 !ti· law1lli11, 111d i o 1piri ~g tpiril•d wonllip, TOu'll lovt u1! To•<<<>"'· "'"'''' a11r 9rowi119 ch ur ch ,,,..;11 .... no ........ 1~0 s~"d •v rn01~in4 1e•v1ce1, 9:30 i nd 11 00 . N11rit1y t•rt . Co,n1• of Gteo n· .. ;n, & Su11flow1r, 54!1·2121 fiarlo1• (/,,.;J/ian Church \ ' ' .· OF NIW,-OIT llACH -l DIKipln l MMti"' ........ , H•rper 11-T•'l Scho•I 415 l . lid! St .• Coif• Ml"MI Church School -9:30 A r.T. \\lor ship -10:45 A .~I . N1rwrr C-Pr.r\do4 Phone: 67S-l91S f\finister: Dr. D. \V. !\lcElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA UTWUN HAltO• -4 fAllYllW SUNDAY MOINrNG l l lLE 5TUOY •....•..••••• , 9 :~5 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WOI SH IP I COM MUNION • , 10:45 AM, SUNDAY (Vf NING WORSHIP ...•.••••••••• , ••• 6:00 P,M, U11ited Ch11t'h et RELIGIOUS SC IENCE •20 IG!~ S+, H""''"91on 511t h P\.o~e 53b·I 110 Atl ul l & Yowt~ !.t•.,<t•. ! I •.m. 111 'l'oor Cl.,.. Wed 7·1~ p,m, ERNEST PAT(, "4 1NISTER 611 HELIOTROPE Wou hi11-10:00 A.M, Cllwre h Schoel -I O:Ot A.M. C" Pnllln C.. Murro'f, M onl\Jor M•U S•l•ltv ~!1011, 0 C E. 673-4000 Seventh-Day Adventist Churches Caste Mtta 111 A•otodo StrHI J~~" Sh •,..,,~\'· P~1!ar P~on•: 541-b5'i6r 5obboth X hoel .• , ':lO AM Mor11i11t Wenhip •.. 11 :00 AM P1ov•r Meetl., • Wed·7:l 0 l'M l e4wn• Nl9uel wenhlp1 111 ~o.th si....n ta,tltt Cllorcll 3271 2 Cro w11 VoH•w f'•rt••Y A. E ll ow1011, Pi tier Phofte: •'i l -l'il6 Sobboth !ochool ••.. •:lO AM Mor11lnt Wonhip .• , .10:50 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH •040 Tol bert A•r. !Tolbert l Motn•llol. FOUNTAIN YA LLIY" UNIFIED SE~'11C(. Swndov ~cka ol 'i ,JC -WOii.SHi P . IG:JO Wo11 h•1> l You!~ G ro~I>\ -tr: JO p.m. t,ytotrY Pi'OVlctltl 11 111 orn 1(•• " Ccmm"'1•'~ tllv•c~ -v111ton Ar t •w1~• W~l!O,... EVENGELICAL FREE CHURCH of H1ntl119to11 Be.II 1•12 Flerid• A••· 5J6·7•1s WUNESDAY EVENING l ll LE STUDY •... , ••••••• 7:JG l'.M. llltw. at1r .. "-· Mi1i.r. "'"'' •.u ... M -i11n••T ~cltMI -.. II •••• NU ltSllT CAii PlllOYIDID 11 Qt •"' -"'"~"'' weri"·•· • "·""· -Y.ut~ G,....,,, FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd St .• Ccsta Mes• 5~3761 M. C. Cr111le, P•tff JoH •.n•kk, A.--.:l-'- lt1y Nit~o!sen, Mini1!1r of Yo~lh luMIV S<1*:11 -':JO .. .M. •1mlly Wti'INI' ll:M U P F-RAN !ll'. CRUSADE 1"ew1h ~ ..... ice - 5:l 0 p.111. lt•iTel Tl--7:00 II'·"'· We'd, !'rower •nd l ible S11rly -7,11 P'.1111• ~·~·•~I T•mo -I P . .Y. ,..,,., SPtl••nt C~urch c~.,;, -S~e "I Pnwhon. Director Vi1iton Welceme -N1nery An.IHl911t S1e1e l l,HIMd l"r•Sc:hool -M11. Jolin Goll 11ick. Oifector Phone: 64l-2l 2l SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple ....... RA BBI BE RNA RO P, KING meeting at St. James Episco pal Church o 3209 Via l ido, Newport Beich f or l11fo1m~l•on : C•I! 675-7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Co1ta Mes• V L, HERTW[CI(, Po t1 01 s•a.410• CARL GENT~Y M ,~·ofe1 of M u1,t - .{ SUNDA Y SE RVIC ES !iu~da, Scl!eol -';41 A.M. lO :SO-"Wltt11 Jn u1 lookH" S..rll'I•• bw 1'01ter 7 l'.M.-"Wren,ln• tltt Se•!"' s,.,,.a. i.w "••t•r COSTA ME SA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pr .. ~fleol -""•<11•9••1" -l ltmtll•fl" -(~Ill Coro * TEMPLE SHARON T\a t.•'"'"-''" .......... fw .... entt,. Ho"'91 A'" 611 Wnt Helllllt••· C"ts M- All J1wi1\. ff 111i!i•t •re i~vil od i G joi~ Y• i11 lrul., "'·~~•11,lwl SAllATH IYININll SllYICIS FllDAT et 1:11 P.M. s,;.;,,.i l"4or -llt•l>W G-Goea- b~tr.sss 2 '•"'Pl• 5ke•on C~oi r -Ontg Sk tb•I !14t .1 •3! Jh e Church o/ 'four choice fhiJ 429 Cypress Or. lagun1 Beach ReT, W. I . NIHerllrCH:ll '\'orshlp Sl"r.,.icr.~ -10 :00 A.J\t. Sund11y School and Blblr Clas.~ -8:45 A.'.\f. Phone: Church 494 .i998 Par.sonagr. 494-8 110 1~--...... === ....... ~ A C ordiel W e lcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l &lbor li l1~d COMMUNITY METHODIST CHUR CH l :IS lnlo<m•I Wc,1hip ,.)G Tt•dil<onol Wo r•h•p l Su,.d•v 5t)l&ol Co1i• Me11 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l ,I~ St. l Ho1bo1 8 1.~. C•urch Wo,.)11p -':JO .I. 11 C~wrch Sthool -1.10 i 41 -7727 Ce.+1 M,,, Nerti. MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M,,, V11d1 & 81~•' SL s ~1.1 11 • Wa .. ~·~ & Chu•clo Stbool •:OO l !0:19 .... M. H u ~!,n9lon Be1(k Fl•ST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1 11 1171~51. 5)6·15 17 Serwict 1 -•:lO & 11 A.M. Nuroety fl.rw 2nd gr•lle · I I Church School -9:)0 A .M. H~"!inq lo " Be l (~ -Nt rlh COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6b6J Htt! .-, .. e. 14 1·44bl Wo1,hop l Ch11rck Sthool q l IO:lO A.M. ltvi"t -Ee1I Blu ff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH I l J. I 11 l •' u"'"e'•'tv o.; ... \'/o"~'I> & Ch11 •th Scheo! 9 JO A.lo!. l aq u"• l o•ch LA GUN A BEACH METHOD IST CHURCH 2!6 J 2We .l e~ D "~' i" 5o. Laqu"• Wo"h'I> I I 11.M. C.,u:<~ 5<kocl 1~10 A.1'1 . •99.]011 N o w~od l t ocl. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA I •00 W. lelbo1 Blvd. tr 7J .JI 05 Wo,,h,., & Chu•ch Sthotl 9~JO l 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coasta I Areas Christ Church Presbyterlqn 20112 Mot••li• IN .. r Ade.,,.) Ho.tllltfell .._. •••· Del!Ol4 l . RelN1t., P"tor Solltl.,. Wonlti,: •:lO A.M. Clton:ll ki..oi: 10141 A.M. OH&c•' 201 1l ....... u.s1. ,.._: ••1·4•4• . Church of the Covenant 2151 f9in-I•• teed, en .. Ml"MI l rut• A. 1(1.,rlt , P•tler l••tl•y W•nltlp: t :lO & 11 -Cllotclll khol: •:l l ...... : 545·4)14 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 601 11. A..W.w1 ll•H, Now,.rt IHt.111 CHA•lli Hll.lllT Dlll lNFlllD, PA.STOI WertMp l Cll•rcll klloel: I, t :JI a 11 A.M. 646-7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church Cff!Mf -'-"°'" I. l"lbloff Oti ... C•ro111• Gel Met J ..... ,..11.,.. l lrL P•ter w..w. a. c111 .. u St.11oo1-11 A.M. 644·1 J41 ~~~~---,,.---=~;--:--;---~ ..... ~~~ Ce111111urdty Presbyterian Church 411,.,..,A ...... t•Wlt.), L ......... 11 DALLAS TUlNI•. PAS101 w .... 1, • t :Jt & 11 :M A.M. -CMtcll t.cltHI • t :JI A.M. 4, .. , •• , I W, l1lie""' I~ Yeu ... UNITA•IAN UNIVERSALIST CHU•CH o._ 0 . M.,,..W D. c.. "'"' ·1.oe l',M -E•on1,.. St,...r<t. 1 !'.M, Wf'il . 111>19 s111tr. M..._ AJ.-c• Mllli1rtt A.M. -"Tlit Son9 of Lafe" -E11d111 1 ! , I ?S t VO(•e••• St., Celi• Mt1t Phont:: 541-5711 D•y or Ni9ht I P.M. -"Ylctorioot '"-ht." -111 J oh11 I • 1 rht• I 2 ~52 10~~,..,~~~-1 Atte•d the church of your choic.e on Su"dty '-~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~-'''--~~~~~~~~~~' • I f a. <he '.Jn llri ., '0 me "' Sd r D• Ne· wh "'· "' lhe Uo Lo ( "T ~le hel Cro N. Be I bol •d• 8:1 SL J20 l Dr \\il r.!i< <he tak ·1sr l Cbr nil· bul Pa on am " pr< rel ( ~fc '" in .. Hu "" lor Cot Ch wil ~tr At" JO , tbe cor the lhe Str N,. ~t>r the , c~ to ol 1 Bi i 1 '" Chi the by \"er ... '"" Be; 1 p.n D. ,,. ~,. Su i Ba Ro. sor I , SUt n fl) fa\-· c 0 art pr< cl• ' ln , anc A \"1 laL ide cd , 20) '" 1a11 "" prtJ gro ( Li1 jor ge~ me '" btl ( Ml: CO< tac grc ;ivc lru \Ve; L to ; ---------------------------------------- ---- -!R#lf·G Mi •r1:n; .p• Pulpit a11d ICootloutd from Plgf 41 i-f llob bs. superintendent ol 'he San ta Ana District of the :Jn!!ed f\lelhodist Churrh, of· tiri8ltd. 'fhe Shepherd of the Hills :ongrcgat1on has bfen meeting 'h1 r1 ng the p;:ist yPar at t!ie l\l i~s1on Viejo lligh School. Or. Ptrcy Bald\\'ln, former Dean of Ar~ and St·ienres at Ne\v f\!cx ico State Unil'Ctt.ily v.·ho is now a re.sidtnt of Laguna ill ll~. ~·111 be the s peaker Sunday 10:30 a.m. at the service of the Unilarian· Uoiver~alist fl'ellowthlp of L.lguna Br.aC'h Dr. Baldv:in's talk is entitled "The Consolat ion of l\lortality." The service will be held at Ltonora Portney's Creetive Dan('e Studio at 336 N. Co;;ist Hi&hv;ay, Laguna Beach . Harbor Rtform Temple "''ill bold a i;pet"ia l study group In tdull eduealion follov.·ina: I.he 8: I~ Friday Sabbath Service a~ St. Jan1es Episcopal Church, J209 Via Lido, Newport Be11ch, During the Oneg Shabbat, Dr. and ~1rs. Sheldon Barasch \vii! lead a di scussion on "The !'ltiddlc East Today.'' Part of the program v.-111 be fil ms t;iken on thei r recent vi sit lo ·1sr1i1eL Uni \·ersity United 1\.1,tbodist Cborcb celebrs~d its third an- ni\'ersary lasl Sunday \vith a buffet dinner at the church. Pastor James Ste,,.,·art spoke on the history of the church a nd Dr. James Wheat served a s loastmaster. presenting a program v.hich inc I u de d religious folk sinain~ group. Gary Rogers. a Corona del f.lar high school student. ga\'e an ilhu:trated 1alk on \\'ild h!e in tlie Upper Newport Bay. "!I-lust \Ve feed I he lfungry?"' is !ht que~tion to be u~d by Dr. Pti..ilip G. Murray for Sunday's sermon a t Corona del J\.far Community Church, Congregalional. l{e "-'ill sptak at the 10 a.m. sr rvice helrl at 611 Heliotrope A1•e. Church school is also at 10 a .m. as ls child care. Tbf! SpirituaJ Assembly or tbe Baba'ts of Costa t.le&a will commemorate the "Birlh of the Ba"b" ltlon<lay evening .at the Baha"i Center, Victoria Street. Mike Campbell from Newport Beach, a anned ~ervice veteran, will conduct lke meeting. Tuesday the youth of Orange County will meet for prayers ti> celebrate the "Birlh," one of nine sptcial holy days of the Baha'i ytar. 111e third in a St>ries of ~ermons on "The 'F'ruil s of a Chrii;tian" will be delivered at the 10 :50 a.m. Sunday servic-e by Pastor 'Thomas E. Ben- \'enuti of lhe Gl•d T1 dln1s A.t&embly of God Cburcb, 15th and Monrovia, N e w p o r t Beach. The choir ll'ill sing at the 7 p.m . service. The llcv. Hartild D. St.ark will be the special spea~er. "Of Bo~·s, Bears and AnVY f.fen" is the .'\Cr mon topic this Su nday, 10 a m. a t Fain·lew Baptist Church, 2525 Fair\·ie'Y Road, Cosla r.1es11 . Church .school will meet al !I a.m. lmmediat.ely af~r l he "or~hlp hour, the Rev. Da ~·ld Beals Y.111 meet '1111th I.he Lollege:.Career Lunch Uunch, a fellowship disc ussion group. Planning i~ now undf"r y,•ay lnr '-'arnt'r A\•enut-Bapth l Cbu rch'§ ram.ity Life Con· lerence, sl ated fOr Nov. 16 to 23 ~·tth Dr. Glenn O'Neal pre3iding . Thia Sunday, pictures from the Middle East "·11\ be shown at 6 p.m .. at the church, \\'amer Avenue at Gothard Street, Huntington Beach . St. .Jobn lhe Di \·iae Episcopal Ch urch, 2{MJ Orange A,·e., Costa ~tesa wlll offer communion at both 7:30 and 9.30 mornini wor s h i p services. Sunday sc h o o I classes through high school level n')f.>el al 9:30 a.m. and the EYC "'ill meet at 4 p.m. Dinner \l'i ll be provided for the EYC meeting . Nursery cart is provided The Re v. Norman L. Brown n·ill be in the pulpit Sunday .at PI y m o ut b Congregational Churr h of Newport Jlarbor, :!262 Broad SI., Ne \V po r l Beach. lie wilt preach "Look· ing at God Through Chr i11t " at the 10 a.m. service. Sunday school and child care are available at the same tln1 e. t.fe aa Verde U n ited Metbodi't Cburcb:, 1701 Baker St., Cost a r.fesa, .... ·ill hold worship services at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sundav with the Rev. Paul C. ·Biesemeyer preachln,I! '·Y.1hy Art \Ve Here?" The first Sf.'Ssion of church sehool for all ages meets at 9 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. church school for nursr:ry through si:\th grade meets. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. the Junior lligh United r..tethodist. Youth Fellowship meets; f\londay at 6:30 p.m. the High School United Methodist Y o u t h Fellowship ml!fl'l, On Wed- nt,day, 8:30 p.m ., the United Methodist Men will meet for a catered dinner ($L5tli in F'ellowi;hip lfall. Officers vdll be elected. Potluck dinnr:r v;ilJ be held Sunday at 6 p.m. for the Fir~t Jlaptt11t Church of Huntington Beach in lht fe!lowi;hip Hall of the downtov.'TI church. 6th and Orangt. Each family is to bring fried chicken or meatloaf, pie and their table servi~. The qua rt er I y busines:r; meeting will beg1n at 7 p.m. with Dr. William Pti\\'ell a.nd George Matas diJcussing the church buUding prosram. Tht Rev. \VHlis J. Lo<1r "'ill bring the sixth in a ~eries of mt1s1gts on Portraits of Chrii;t, "The Bread of Life.'' to both Sunday st rvices: 9:::0 a.m., Peeks Chape l, 7801 Bo b a Ave., \Vestmim;~r and 11 a .m., downtown c h apt I . Church school is held at 9:30 a .m. at the downtown chapel only. The mixed basketball team m"ts .at the Huntingtoo Beach fli;h gym for a prac- lict game Tuesday evening. Temple Nt gev of Or11nge County. 7777 Central Ave ., Stanton, i!i offl!ring four educational courses: A bt~n· ner's Hebrtw cites ~·Ill meet "-'t:ekly for 31,y rnonthi;. A film ~erits entitled "Je\\·s and Your Horoscope I • A fft> tt !MM] Pew : Theic RellgiQn ·· ~·111 bt sl\Qwn once monthly stanlng Nov. 2, 8 p.m. at tJ1e lemple and a le<:lure Stries !ealuring a diHerent gues t speaker each 1nont h will also bt held. Currenlly in progre1' is ,. prugrarn lo teach t::nglish to adul~ who do not read, v.•rite or 6peak English , For funher information regarding these cour11t, call the temple at 527- 3lTO. Off f rill£ 11'.'0 wor s hip services, LuUaenia Ourch of the M•&ttr, 2900 Pacific View Dnve, Corona del J\la r. mee13 DAILY PILOT 1 Two Themes Clash Baptists Co nibustible Dile1nma • Ut 11s1 tradition of personal llber· occurred over some Baptist ty Jn responding In !he Bible f'hu rches' acceptance o I NF.\V i'ORK (..\Pl _ Tiio and the general Southern Bap-members bapuzed without Im 11st t'n11lhas1s on doct rinal 1ner~ion . The articles specif) .,,.,1\·erful but so m e I 1 n1 e !'i By GEORGE \V. COltNt:LL /l1' lleU1~~ 'l'l"'•r 1'" orth1X!n;i:y unmersion. rlash1ng ideals ru11 through I h h t Ch · 1· •·\\'E SllARE Dr. Cnsl'.·ell's A I oug rno5 ns 1an9 Baptist history fir rn ronce rn for doc trinal ln· con.~idf'r the Bible a decistve adherrnce lo d0t.·1rint> and also tcgr!ty ,"' wrote editor Jack authority, c1tt1flicts 01·er it freedorn <lf thought. ll'i; a llarwell of the (;eorgia Baptist have been particularly acute combustible con\bina\lon . paper, the Chrigtl11n Index, in among Sou!hern Ba P l i s ts • Atlanta, But he added that re· because they disavow creedll And it flar~s recurringly in -t 1a1· t l t')ulremenls should not go in erpre 1oiu, ye 6 res a Arneri ca's blggesl Protestanl be.yond the statement of fa ith, underslandings e:i:pre11&ed i11 hody. the ll·million-member \1•hich is "broad enou,!!h to in· historic creeds. ;it 9: 15 and I! a.m. Sundllys. Bible classes and Sunday church .school for alt ages is ~ held at 10 a.Jn. ' ' . ' Southern Baptist convf'nllon, chide. many shades or Baptist Critical analysis of Bibljc11 \1·hose strict theological 1·irv.·s. bellef and !united enoll gh to origins also is a touchy point particularly of !he Bible . havt in!'!urf' acceptance of the among SM.Jthern Ba p Ii st & • ::illrred ris111g tension~. Lordship of Jesus Chri.>t." Their articles of fa ith say the Nc1v f.uror 1vas !ouched off That ''is the only true Bible U free ol error . Dr. \V illi am R. Eller \\"i!I preach "Searching fnr the Truth" based on the Old Testament Le!'iso n, Proverbs 2· I -9. Youth of the con· gregation will hold a \vork day at the church beginning at 9 a.m. today. The ('{Jngregation of foun- tain \"alley Pre&h}1erian Church, 9420 Talhert. at the 11 a.in . service wilt hear ''The Teeri Deregate Temple Beth Sholo1n of Orange ('ow1ty through ils p resident. Lawrence Halter (right) nf Santa Ana, has appointed Craig Bassoff. 17, of Anahei1n , as a voting delegate to assemblies of the Union o f 1\merican Hebrew Congregations. Craig \-\'ill also accompany Hafter as deleg ates of the congre,e;a- l io n to the 50th General r\ssembly of the U.A.H C Oct. 24-30 in !\1iami Beach, Fla. by a speech in 1'.'hich the con· \l.atl!'rshed for evaluating a Dr. Cr1Sv.1'll , in suggesting venlion's president, The Dr. Christian ;ind determinin~ a lhe article& are the crileria fo r \\'.A. Criswell of Dallas, Tex , Bap1ist," he sl'lid. "The Bible bt.1ng a Baptist. ''h83 opeOfd suggested that thosr .,..·ho don"l 1nakes no othtr final criteria : up an area of debate we could accept the co nvrn11on's doc-nei1he-r ~hou ld ire." \rell do wilhout."' said the Rev. Inna! standards are r.ot rt-el The R~v. Dr. Robiwn D. James 0. Duncan o( Baptlsts and shou ld JOin some Janies of the Univer5ity of Washington. D.C., editor of the olher church. Hichmond noted that the Capital Baptist. ''lfO\\' FAR <lo yo11 rnrn· ;i r!ic!rs thrmsclres specify ''"'E 00 not v•ant the rrom1~e .,..ha t you bcl1e\'e 111 1h<il 1hey are nol in fallible, articles of faith to be a form ordi>r to stay t oi;ether ·~" he harr ""no authoritv ovfr the or Jega li~m 1Jlat drni~ . a a<kod. c·unscicnce,"' and afc nol to be ., ,_ . person freedom, bul rat.her a Bible's Teaching About Sin ------------------------ and About Sall'<1 tion Too." llr said 111" co111·rnt1on used to "hamper freedom of slaten1 ent of faith thal givr~ ~hotild apply Hs articles or thought," us a spirit of unity." faill1. adopt('d in 1925 and Di\ersily of \'iews h;is Editor C. Eugcnr \Vhitlow nf Care for small children is pr o- vided. The 9:4l a.m. Sunday school hour v.·ill begin \~'ith a spf"cial assembly of !he o I de r classes.Youth group will meet at 6 p.m. The 7:30 evening hour '.4·i!I feature "Answers to Objections to the Bible." Al Com munity Un It e rl i\lttbodisl Cb urcb. 6662 Heil Ave., llun!inglon Beach, th e Rev. Charles L. Rose ~·ill preach for both 9 and lO;JO a .m. services •·Faring Life"s Frustrations." Baptism for in- fants and children \lo'ill be ad- ministered at both services. A membership class for adults bl!'gins this Sunday at 10 :30 a .m .• meeting In the pastor's s!udy. The Senior High J\.1ethodi&t Youth f ellowship win hold a skating party Sunrlay af· ternoon, rn.etting at l h e church a( I p.m. The regular Sunday evening 1neeting is canceled. ''Koinon.ia," a c-offce house for high school students, w·as opened Friday t vening al Grate Ulthrran C hu r c It , Edinger and Gol den "'est , Huntington Beach. Scheclulcd- for oecasional weekend ac· ti\'ity, the coffee house Is plan· ned lo give high school litudents in the community a place to talk, listen to records, and exchange id eas. Ttmple firth David of Oraoge Co unly y;i lt rooduct regular sabbath services on Friday, 8: 15 p.m. at the Com· m un l ly C ong reia!ional Church. Katella and Bloom· field Avenues, Los Alan1itos. The services will be cGnducted by Rabbi Bernard B . Goldsmith in crmjunction with Cantor Harry t'l'e~·man. Dr. Charels H. Dim-enfield \l"i!l preach a sermon entitled "Nothing for Ntithing" at the 8. 9·30 and 11 a.m. sen ices at SL Andrew '• Presbyterian Churrh. 600 St. Andrew's Road. Ne~·port. Beach. Sundav t vening aclivities in- clude \\'estminster Ch o i r Tehearsal and supper at 8 o'clock and senior high and college age fellowship meetings at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. David DiPrGfio \\'ill pre:acll this Sunday al Cbrlst Cburcb by the Sea, 1400 ,\', Balboa Bh·d., Newport Beach. Early ,,.,.11rship and church sell;)()! is at 9:30 a .m. "4'i!h regular ~·orshlp at 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided during bo111 senices. The Senior High Youth Fellowship will meet at 7 p.rn . Hu ntington Beach's Flr5t United J\.fetbodi1t Cburcb. 2721 Seventeenth St. v.•i!l conduct worship services Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a .m. with lhe Rev. Edward C. Erny preaching ''1J." Church sch~l for all ages is held at the same hours. The Inquirer's Class meets 11l 10:45 a.m. and the you I h groups meet at 6:30 p,m. '"The Trouble Is. Ever~ybody Ts Saying, 'The Trouble I~'" ~'ill be the sermon topic of !hi!. Rev. Bruce A, Kurrie for !'.£>Tvices at The Presbyterian Chun::h of the Covenant, 2850 Fair1i ew Road, C05la Mesa . \\'orship l'iCT"\ices will be held at ll:30 and 11 a.m. and church MANIFESTO (Continuf'd from Pagt 41 whitf! fellow churchmen. is ~'hat produced the lar1e.scale p<l1ential fund ing of an agency that st.Bried with little but rtiv- ing disruptions and wordy belligerence led by James .r"rman. "We'"e entered into a new phase now of honest neiotia- tions, feasibility studies and program development.'' Dr. /\tarshall, 37, said in an in- terview. "Real progress IS being made. We 're taking on definite structure, with some staU, many volunteers and school through sixth grade 111 11 bt held al 9:30 a.m. only. Al 7 p.m., Dr. Ralph \Vintrr \\'ill speak on world missions. Dr. Winter is currently a pro- fessor al Full er Theolo~ical Seminary in Pasadrna and has spent ~evera\ ye:irs in the mi5sion field in Guatemala. Pastor Ronald L. White ha!i r hosen as his sermon lillc for both the 9 aid I l a.m. v.·orship servic:. ".Joyou~ Li\ing'" fllr services at Ntwport Harbor Lutheran Cburcb, 2.501 Cliff Dri\'e, Newport Beach. f\torning Y.'<lrship ~rvice al F lrat Baptist Chureb, 301 t.fagnolia, C<X5ta r.tesa, \vill f Pslure the sermon, ''Not Goodness Bul Godliness'' by Dr. P. G. Neumann, II a.m. The Rev. Harold Anderson, asaociate pastor \\•ill spe:ak a~ lhe 7 p.m. service. Nursery care [s prJ\"id rd revisrd in 1963, to make clear "l'lhi·ays been a part of us.'' the Bap!ist New Me:i:lca.n, in rhat '·this is v.·hat it is, being a said f:.'ditor t.larse Grant of the Albuquerque, noled that while Baptist. If you don"t believe Biblical Recorder, Raleigh, all Southern Baptists c1o mit that, you are not a Baptist.'' N.C. automatically "&!sent to l{e told the denomination's ''r\0 ONE tell!'! Baptist!! e\·erything" in the articles or executt\·e co m n1 i t t e c in "'hat 1hev mu~t believe nor is faith. "di~senters are in lht f\a;;hville, Tenn.: '"If 11·e ha1·c anyone ~uccessflll in makin~ mi nority," n1en who do not believe in our 1he1n subscribe to a creedal He predicated cont inu ed at. articles of faith , 11hy don't statement.'' temp~ to "dilute'' the st.an· the!>e people leave us and join In ~ome riuarter11. Dr , clards "unless. of course, !he denominalions \1·herc t hey Cris1l't>ll"s statement v.·es con-diSSl'nters decide lo take Or. 1\·ould be happy?" sidered a result of recent Criswell"s advice" -and criticism by a group or Haptisl 1==''='=v='·========::; THE C01\1 1\1ENTS unleashed professors of denom.inationaln a "'a1·e or reaction among promotion of his book. "\\'by J 8 a pt 1 s ls . 11 i!h their Preach that the Bible ls b1storically declared aver~ion Literally True." to any imposed "creed," and The issue was an un-th~ir emphasis on rights of In-dercurrenl at lhe 1 as t c1ividua1 interpretation of Southern Baptist Co n\·ention in GOLF PLATINClo, ••9~l •r "''"'' bt rthip, lrvi11• Cee•I Co11nlt"f Cl~b for ••I• by ptiw4I• p1rty, btlow "'11k1I pri,1. M1rn li1 r I•••'"' ''''· C•ll 11111 511· 7557 b1tw11 n ' A.M. I 5 P.M. ""••k div•. Scripture. New Orleans. Friction also has. The Rev. Reuben E. Alley of,-::::_:.::::_::::::::._:_::::_::_::'.:::::::::===========' Richmond. Va ., edJtor of th e state·s Baptist paper, the Religiou.~ H~a!d, called Dr. Crlswe!1'11 sta.lemenl "con· trary to the Baptist concept of freedon1." He said that basic CClncepl '"is the vital f;;iclory lri the bond of fellowshlp that has Watch for the full Hun tington 8eat"h fours· held Baptists togelher for cen- quare Cburth. 715 Lake A 1· r .. turies, and it. 11·111 be the Chris- 11•1!1 ho!>l tl1c ''Gospt>Jair"• \tan tie for thr futurr as long singers Sund<1)', 9•JO and 10 ·<5 <is men ;igrer to differ In a a.n1 . Fol\ovd ng the morning spirit of lo\·e."' y,·orsh1p 1ervice there will be. a Al the same time, the re..ac- fellowsh.ip hour and pot hick ti0'1S retlcctl'd the long-slan· dinner. Al 2 p.m. a !'ipecial ding tension betv.·een the Bap- we ek's T.V. listings in Sat1u·day's edition of the DAILY PILOT. l'iingspi ration servi('e featuring --'-"---------'-'----------------------- the sioger5 will be held. Aquarius Now a Winner SUNDAY, OCTOBER I~ No Appointment Necessary Your Choice 8x10or11x14 All SOc w,..,,111 ......... u ....... $1.27 ( 1.lCH ADDITIONAL PllSON IN PORTUIT 7Jc Ori t ~/ftr pn-TmW1 • MinDrJ mu.1l bt lllilA pofCflU SATISFACTION OU.ll.lNTID AT LEAST 11 PllNANINT PllNTS TO CHOOJI PION' Choose Safeway Nearest You 2 Dpys-Sun. Man.-Oct. 19. 20 • 2230 Fairview Rd.-Costa Mesa 2 D•ys-Tues., Wed.-Oct. 21, 22 • 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach HOURS: 10:30 TO 6 .- .- -"C ' ... Comment Page ., aRI(, ~ ._ ____________________________________ .._. __ ... ~ Bottles, Cans, Old Cars Cro1 cd cd? Dirty Old World Foul s Its 01 vn Nes t An tditorial in the \\'all Strut Journal E:ven at this la te dale, 1n11ch of the ~ chscu.ssion of ovcrpopul:it1on turns on the •future sufficiC'ncy of food :-:upplie!'. \'et, ·as Jean fl1aver has pOintcd out. food is . not the heari of the problem. anrl acting ·a s though it v.·ere may slow lhe carry1ng ~nut of real ::.olution s. Dr. flla ye r L~ the • ooted Har1•arrl nutri1ion1~t. curren11y a ~pccial consultilnt 10 the. Prt>sidenl . Th<'re Ls no g<11nsa)1ng t!1e ex1rc1nc ~f'fl()lJ!'ness ol p<1pulat ion ,qrlt11 th .. Here !S how Presldenl Nison rlescrihed 11 in his 111essagc to Congre~5 thJ 5 sum1ncr . IF THE rresent rale or population hf"Ov.·th cnnt1nucs, "1t is likely that the l'arth v.·111 cnnta111 O\'et i billion h11m;in beings by the rn!l or tl11s c:cnt1try. 0 1 er thC' nexl 30 ye;1rs, In other words, the \•>or!d's populalinn couh1 r1011hlc. "i\nd al the rnd of lhRL li me. each nev,. add1t1on of onf' billion ]X'rsons v.·ould 1Y1t corne over 1hc millenia nor over a c:en. turv nor £'\CO 01•~r a deca~. 1f prcSt"nt trriids 11·ere to ronllnuc until thr yea r 2000. the eighth billion would be arldt"i In only lire years and each ;uJdllional b1l!Jon In an e1'cn shorter pt'r1od." Now. of course. lhr.-.e grursome lrrn<ls clrm·t necessarih· h:irc 10 con!111uc. anrl 1!. should he l'Vt'r}:onr._.s hcarlfell h:ip<: th;il j hry will not. Apart from the decisions of Jndividual lam1lics. popul;ition trends ;ip- pear to r<'sponrl to economic conditions - \\'helhcr dcprl'ssion. prosperity or degree nf econ~ic ad\'anccment. But the threat 1:<> so enormous thal il could matl>rialize unless n1.1s~i\ r 5Lridcs arc made in con- trolling pop11lal1 Qn, \\'hile the f\1 a!thu~ian nig htmare is of populalion ou1r11nn1ng rood. \'arious ex- pcrls today belif'VC the earlh could .sup- p0rt many ntnre people lh;in f'vcn 6 or 8 b1lhon. Add1t1f)11al acrrs can b e r ulti\'ate<l: more importanl, fertiliiers rnn \'il~llv 111rn':i~£> } 1elrls and other b rcakthro1igh~ arr 111 the offing. 1·1115 rn;in1fr:<.1ly rill('s not rleny 1he rX· !~Lenee of mriln11!r1!1fln . hungrr and f!Rrvat ion 1n 1l1r r0ntemp(lrary Y.or\O . An abt1n(l;inrr ol renn()mic anfl poh\1('.11 ~t11p1rh1y ar·•unrt !he ~lohc mav al:-.o <lf'l<iy ;1~r1cul1ural and nutrH1(l11J! progres.~. lr.1ding to rt1rc cond1t1nn1'. \l:J\'rr him1'f'll 1~ rlcrply 111\crr~tcd 1n Jrnpro\ 1ng nu1 r1- l1'1n. ;1nr1 hr rerl;iinly J'ec~ loud as part ol !hf population proble1n. STJ l.L. i11 hi.~ \'it'Y.' -:in<I our~ -thi: hrtsic 11ue~!ion 1~ not y.·hrthPr thr \1·orhl c.1n fcec1 itself hut ·whether ~nyonc. co11lc1 ~1,1nd livin,i:: in such an o,·ercruwded 11orlrl . In a phra se by now over.\Orked . 1l 1~ a qu csiion of the quali1y of !ifr. Thal !he quality 1s a Ir l' ad .Y ticlcriora!ing in i\meri<.'a and PlseY.hcrc is a ma!ler of ca~ual ohscr\'alion . f\1r. i\ixon ~airl hr 1h1nks that "many of our pre~nt social problems mil,'I' be related 10 the fa ct that we ha\·e harl only 50 years in whi[h lo acc~mmodate the second hun- drNI million Americans. "We ha\e thus had to accompli~h in a \·ery few rl ccades an adjustment 1<l poj>Ulation groy.·th v.•hich was once spread over cen~uric5." NO ,,.01\'0ER the na tion has WI many troubles with housing. ed uc at 1 o n, transporlalion. health c~re. air :ind water pollulion. All are aspects of, or ha\'e been 'aggraval<'d by, populalion growth. _ It is not merely the rise 10 numher~. either. f.1avcr notes (in an article 1n Colwnbia forum ) that as disposable in- ' Saturday, October 18, 1969 The Comment Page of the Deily Pilot seeks to in(om1 and stin1ulate read ers by present ing a variety of con1· menlary on topic!'i o f 1111e r· eat and s ignificance froin Informed oh!ie rvers a n rl spoke~ml'n Robert N. WHd, Publ!aher cr-.1ne~ increase , people cons11me more and lake up more. space, in ler1Tis of a good deal more than li\'ing space. f ·Jr ex· arnplrs; "\Vilh increasing income. people stop drinking water as much: As .a result y.•e sprrad 48 billion (rust proof) cans and 26 billion (nondegradable) bottles over our lancisc ape every year. We produce 800 million flO\Jnds of trash a day, a great deal of v.·hk·h ends up in our fields. \'.lur pC1rks. ;ind out forests ... Nine million r\lrg, truck~ and hu.~es are abandoned every yerir . .ind 11'h11e 1nany of them are used as scrap. a large though un· <lclrrmincc1 numbe r are Jel l to di~in· tegrate f'-1011 ly in backyarrls. in fields ;1nd 11·oods, and on the sides of highways." E\'E~ SO, the Greatest n1enacc in Wl1ite unchecked popuJatkm i3 not the material ugliness and physical di!Camfort. It is the ugliness of splJ'it that must gro1v 1f lhc lives of people become in· creasingly intolerable under population pressures. As Mayer puts it: "Excellent human beings will not ~ produced v.•ithout abundance of cuJtW.al as v.·ell .as material resources and, I brlle\'e, 1r1thout sufficient space." \\'hat is needed in the first place is a broader rea'lization of the dimensions and ingredients of the population thrl'al. If people assume that the problem is essen· !i:illy and simply one of food , they v.·iH be Jrss hkelv to.milke the decisions now U1at v.·ould pfrmit a Jivabl~ y.·orld 30 years hence. Ba~ism Tolerance Alone ls Not Enough From an 11rtitle by Jnb.n B. f\lcC rnry In Civil Rights Dlgelit \\"h~t is .,..·hile rarism'.' \\'hitc racism is the desire to maintain the status quo, yielding slightly if nee· cssary to krep Ole peace, but not alter· ing the existing fJO\\'er structures con· trolled by the v•hite community. \\'lute racism is the altitude 11•hich con- centrates its efforL<; upon the training ui police and National Gua rd for riot con- Lrol. \\•hi\e substan!i<illy ignoring t h<' more d11f1cult opportunities for riot pre 1 rn1 ior~ \\'h1te racism is the a1111ude Iha! rl cplore11 violence, even v.·hen cnnfincd to the ghe\\o, but does not try to understand v.·hy t ha t vio lence has occurred. The \ irilent·t-v.·h1rh y.·e dn not S1tf'n1pt to understand provides v.·h1te Anl\'ru·a v.11 11 :in r~·cust' for inaction and a balm for t on·,r1rnrl'. \\' h 1 t c r;1cisn1 is Uie <11!1tude U1al bche"es thal lhe i\111"rican revolullon can be con~u111mntf'd v.·ithnul pain. substan- t 1<J I pain , lo both bl<ick~ and whiles. The change lha1 i11 nect:-sary lo :icco111mot1ate the Am~rican re\·olution will he as pain· fut nF. any change r-.ur country has yet en- cou ntered. a,,d we n1ust recognize and accept this facL \\'JITTE RACIS:\1 is the a1t1tude lhat <'rir ~. ,;v.·e approve your goa ls. but v.·e drplore you r process; .,...e apprO\'e your ends, but deplore your means." In almost rvery instarice, close examination reveals lhe argument lo be .specious and in· Baf fl egab: A1·t Of NonJan g uage Bafnega h reachl's new heights in the language of soroe pro\'i.~jons of the pro- ro.~crl Tax Reform Act of 1969 fl-f.R. 132701, the Chamber of Commerce of the t;11itrd Stalt's notes. Herc is part of Stt. m. ''Lim itation on Deduction.~ for lrwth·lduals": "ial General Rule -If a la.xpa}·er fo!her than a corporation\ ha ~ allorable <'Xpenses for 1 taxable year. the deduc· lion otherwise allowable under lhi~ chapter for such <'XJ>fnses shall be di~atlowf'ft lo the rxlt'nt of an amoont equal to I.he lesser of - "(!) !he Rg:J;lregatf' of 1'1Jch f'X~llS('S muH iplied by the section. 2i7 fraction, or •'(2) Ille allowable lax prt(erencC's. ''fh) S«linn 2i7 Fracllon. -For purposes or thi.~ .!ie<:lion. the ~lion 277 fr:i~tlon i.~ the frac tinn the n11n1rralnr of \\hlc h is Uie till<JWnbl(' t.ix prrll'rr ncr11 anrt the rlcnon11na!or ol \\h1t'h is lhe ~11111 of I.hat atlo"•able tax preferences plu.! morllried adiusled gro~s income.'' (How's that again. plea.se~l .1pplicablr. and the goal~ are really not app\a11ded except tn the abstract. 'Vhite racism means being educated in a \'acuum of historical fact about. Ne groes and the social. economic, cind political c:onlribi.itlons of Negroes to our history and our society. '\'hite racism is the attitude that, on the one hand, defends the integrity of the neighborhood school, but, on the other hand, demands the right of one's han· dicapped children to be bused to special e.duca lioo classes; t hat refuses lo rr.cogni1.e the handicaps imposed by £'ducation in de facto segregated st'hoo!s: 1hat obJrcts ta the alleged hard~ip so h.1ssi11g one's children to another school, 1::11oring the fact I.hat the majority of our t:flllnlry's children are bussed da ily. '\'hite rac.ism i:s the attitude that reacts 1.1 thr new American re"olutlon and says, '·\~'e ha\·e to go more slowly.'' l'IOl ap· rreciat1ng that "'·e ha \'e not the luxury or 111-nc. and that JU~l.ice is not <1 functioo of time" \\11ite r.1r1sm is not believi ng that I om Ill}' brother 's hrotl1er. 11'1 lllS 11'1\'0L\'Ei\fEl1;T in lhe A111eric:in revolution there is one thing I he v;hile man cannot a/ford; a sen- timental delusion about h.imself. He must fa ce the new American revolution honestly, and define honestly the goals v.·hich i1e seeks through his rarticipativn. He c;innot ;i fford the del usion that, through his participation in Ult struggle, he is going to redeem the Negro. The age of phi lanthropy and ·welfare colonialism is past. He cannot afford to believe that he is being liberal or charllable. for such an altitude is patently con<le5cending, unacceptable to the object of his blundering pity. The surest and mo~t noble way for the "''hite man lo ~round hi.<t lnvolvement and ac· lion is not up:>n abstract generosilY. but ra!htr upon a proper awarern::ss of his 011·n self-interest. IT IS SELF-INTER.EST lo "''ant lo he a part of a ju,o;t socie:ty operallng undrr lhe in1par1ial concept of law. \Ye ha\'e n('lt been livlng in :such a society. It is se lf-in- lerest lo \\'ant all members of &<>Citty lo conlribute, lo the limit of their abilitie~, to !he e-nrirhmenl of. that society. The structure of our ooeiety has prevtnted t.hal . It is self-interest to seek frirnds among kindred :souls. Our society has restricted such a quest. It Is ~elf·lntere:1t to want to escape from the pressures of conforming to values, "''hich are no longer valid. Our socieiv h.1l1 maintained !och prtssurr~. ll ·Ill self-intere~t to want to <'SCapc fr om pe.r~nal \'anily into the hard rraliui!lon that in !he ci lmln.ishment nf r,lhers there is dr~p diminlshme11l of sell . "Ask nol for whon1 lhe bell tolls, it tolls for thee.'' It is stlf-interest to v.';i11t tt'I prescr' c our flemocratic society and the democratic 1rtl'als 11•hlch form its tn1e foundali{'ln . 011r s()f'iftv h"s ~tine<J these Ideals in the realities of American life. 'Mordeda' Border Crackdown May Convi1ice Mexicans to Halt Graft Policy By JOHN l\~LO 'T'he merchants along the 1\lexican border are understandably u~t because of this coonlry's "Operation Intercept.'' J\tost of lht border cities' busi nesses derive their nourishment lrom U.S. tourists' dollars. Indeed, so pr@<>Ccupied is Tijuana with the tourist, il~ citizens hare done little to build a solidly based city. Border towns the v.·orld over are likely to be clusters of shady characters and hubs of smuggling. and Tijuana and Juarez are !he nadirs of such t(11111s. Ti· jucina particularly. It could be the most sinful to\1·n on this earth. And if yoo don't lhink that is l\aying a mouthful then con· i;ider such places as Singapore, Calcutta and Istanbul. RAY GARCIA , v.tlo wed to be publicity ciirector ol Tijuapa's f'rooton Palace, the jai-alai emporium. and who knows Ti- juana inside dlld out. calls it a cesspool or sin and corroption. You c;an. he says , get an;1hing or get away v.'ith any crime, i! you ha\'e the dinero. And if you ha\•e nn money to ll!Y your y,•ay out of trouble yoo ma.v languish in jail for months if not years. The U.S. Customs authority y.•ho dreamed up Operation . Jn~rcept is en1ployl ng a novel "''ay to get at the root of an intricate and complex problfm, i.e., h<JW to cut down on 1t1exican sourcts of ii· legal drugs. It is obvious. and has been so for years, thal the l\ferican authorities, although they profess IC be concerned about the problem. have done little il anything to help us cut do\1L1 the smuggling of such drugs Into ~ U.S. 11fEY Kl"iOW y.1Jerc in thetr country marijuana is grov.-11 and they could put an tnd lv such fanning ; they know v.·here and how other drugs come into t heir country and they could plug up these holes if they would. The police know 1the people involved -.and here is 1.he rub, because according to Ray pol ice themselves are a part of the criminal network. To get the police to crack d.:iv.•n on th e culprit.s would necessitate elimlnating the ~fexican custom or the mordeda. J'\fordeda means bi~. and from the lov•llesf d<.>:scatcher to the President of the R~bhc it is a recognized and legal means of gl"tting v.·hat you .,..·ant. You ,.,..·ant a dri\'ers licen~? -the slate will charge you so much for it. But if you v.'anl it "''ithin a rea~onable tlme you \\"iii Lip the various clerks "''ho ha\'e to stamp your cipptication. You Yi.lint to see U1e President? Then make a contributlon to one flmd or another. THE l\,ORDEOA is a ·way of life. Public 8CTVants are v.·ocfully and purposely underpaid because il i:s un· derstood lhe.v \1•i ll get their principal emolument from the public .,..,hich passes lhrJugh lhrlr hands. This being so. as it certainly is. !he t:.S. Customs authorities 11·ere agoni2· tngly lrustrated. \\'ith thousands upon thousands of c:i.rs <;ros.sing the border each day and no help from the ftfexican poti~, it '\'BS obt-ious th.at tons of mari- jl1ana .and other forbitlden drugs were bl'ing smuggled into this <.'i)un!ry. Their pur.'eyors \.\ere paying tht bri bes. Tht'TI our Cu,o;toms people thollght up Oprration Intercept. On the surf~r r this procedure looks l1 ~c purr haras..m1cnl. But 1l has a much rleeper pur~. Ety discouraging toorislo;, from going into f.-1exico, the U.S. Customs people. are getting a mes..'\.<lge to the i\1ex- 1can i;:o!ice and ml!T'Chants in the only 11·ay they can, one which g~ directly tG their pocketbooks:- A longtimt l..ngu11a Btnch rt.ridt.nt and former publishtr of tlit Ln91111a Beach Post. thr author f;11 a Tt!(JU/ar colurn11is t fM tlir So11.Jh Coast Nt11>.~ Pn.~t. Tl1i.' 1'n/u·mu appeared in tli.at '1ewspoper, lf' YOU DON'T LIKE wh.tit we a.re doing, our Customs people are-ln effect saying, then help us put a Jl.op la the No Bad smu~gllng of dangerous and 1llegaJ druE•. Pressure . lf the Mexican merchants ho11l long and loud enough and the l\,exlc an people gel irate enough, their g;ivern· ment 11·lll heed it and v.-il! go to thit growers of niarijuan11 and the 1n1portcr1 Of drugs and put lhem out of busi ness. Thal is the purpose ol Operal1on Intercept. And precisely because: lhe mcrdeda S}'!ilem i.s deeply rooted in Mer.· ican culture and terribly powerful, tJ1e blamed ruse mlght \l.'Ork. Drugs~ Only Bad Uses , Doctor Maintains From HOAG HEADLINES Hoar Presbyterian HMpilaJ E111ergency! A Harbor Area junior high student, age 12. \\'as rushed by the police to Hoag emergency \\'ard whtre he .,..·as treated tor drug-ingestion, a combinaLion of liquor and seconal (sleeping tablets) ta~en from the liquor cabinet cind medicine cMsL of a Costa Mesa home whcf'le he and fellow students v.:ere havin& a •·high-party," A boy, JO, collapsed in front of a house on the beach, v.·as rushed to Hoag cme~gency "'ard, his stomach "·as pwnped, and he v.·as released lo his parents. He and friends had spent .tile aftemoon in the home of a Child "'hose parent.s were absent. The bf'OUp or children t ad consumed liquor and sleep- ing tablets, ty.·o drugs commonly found in homt:s. Brought to Hoag emergency ~ &m· bo.1\ance "''as a Harbor Area boy, 14, 11.'ho had to be forcibly re-strained by the am. bulance attendant. •. A bad · trip on LSD was the dlagnosl3. and thorazine: (an an· lidote for (.$0 only) was administered. He was then transported to Orange Coun· ty f.fedical Center, Psychiatric Depart· men!. IN A ONE·<',01'"TH period. Apr il 2~ f\lay 29, 1969, 19 ca~3 ol drug overdO&e" v.ere lrea~ed at H!>dg emergency depart. n1ent. This is about an average number of drug-abuse cases for any giv'efl month. .Although deliberate drug-inRestion by youth gains the majority of publicity and vilification, of the 19 pati!l'lU treated in lhis one-month period, only six "·ere deliberate abuse by young people' looking !or "a high". Seven of the 19 cases .,.·ere accidental p:>isoning of small children v.·ho ingest~ drugs. v.·hile the remaining si:i: cases v.·ere deliberate overd~ by adults. Therefore. deli berate drug abuse bv youth represenU only abocl one third of th~ drug abuse cases recorded al lloag i1T!'morial Hospilal Pre$bylerian. The.o;e statistics bear out the thesis ol a ~peech given by Dr. Gerakl 8 . Sinykin at Estancia High School in Costa r.te~a . Ac- cording to Dr. 5inykin, "\\'e are a drug. ob.>:essed society.'' I-le define:s a drug AS "Any substance otlltr than food , which v>'1'!n taken in ,o;mall amounts "ill altt-r ll1e functioning of the organs and the Sl"n5l'S Or. Sin~·kin 1 1~rs <1s drugs: d1t't pill'. tranouilizers. sleeping pills. alcohol. cigarett.e5, birth control pill~. solvents, fertiti1.er~. pesticides. deter g, n t ~. cleanser~. Cl.\"=metirs. asbes!<tt=. f\'ita.mins under 1ome conditions), opium, mar1· ;uana, cocaine. morphine, heroin, co- dcJn~. an1phetan1inf'!'i, benzedrinc, dex:- adrine, and hallucinogenic dru gs ~uch al LSD and peyote. ARE YOU SURPRISED to d1sco1·N' Lsied several drugs upon \\·h.ich you a.re dependt;!nt '! ~1 any of the drugs mentioned are ex- tremely useful lo man, v.·hrn used f{lr thtir created purpose. For. as Dr. Sinrkin pointed out, •·There are no good or bad drugs, there are only good or bad uses of drugs.'' It is not !he int<'ntion or purpose of Hoag Hospital to becOJTie 1n\'ol ved 1n \lie phil~ophy of drug abuse or 1n drug·u~e intervention. for it is the pledge of our medical .'l.t<tff lo adininister drugs \l'!srly fur the alle\'1ation of suffering, lo tre;1t disease, .and to counleract drug overdose, The Orange County r.1edical i\;:;soc1a- tion. howe1•er, under lhe direction of 11..t Prtsidenl, David I. Nielsen. J\l.D., is planning program~ ta solve the proble1n or increasing drug abuse in Orange Coun· ty. Ac('1)rdiflg IG Or. Nielsen, the be~t knoY.ll W!ution is an intensive educ;itional prngram beginning v.·ith ele111entavy i;c~.oo\ children, extroding tl1rough ,;1Jl i::rade le\·els, a nd including the parents. \\'ithout the support of accurately in· Ionned, and coo~rative parenL~. any public program will fail . To be effective tt}e educational program regarding dr_u1:s rriust be continuous, l'igorous , positive, and factual, says Dr. N1e1sen. (}l\"E PHASE of the Amencan ~fedicAI A?SQ<:iation dn1g-educa~ion ~n<I control program is to gain a nd dissen1inatc fac· tual infom1at!on about drui:!!> '~hich hav ~ he::n falsely rcpre:sented by conce rned, \Yell -meaning. but misinformed proplr . ,,\ready the A.\lA i11 sponsoring daily le!e,·ision message.~. a.~ "Tll as plrici11g along the freeu'ay large billboards v.·arn· in.; citi1ens or the haz;irds or drug a hu~c. .\ second phase of the program is 1n· fnrmarion exch;:.ngrs by panel:, of l'xpcrt.c "bo art al!empting to better understan•l and Irr-al those indi,·idua\s a lread}' suf- fcrinj? from drug abu ~f'. H the A\1A program 11\ lo be ,:uecr.o;~rut it y,jlJ requite ,o;killful and Ul'l<"OIDIX'!Jt i\ .. C'OOrdination of 1·arl0us rirofessional~ svrh as p~yrhotog1.~t:-. ~ocioln!!ist~, law '"TI• forrement offirjaJ ~, r I e rg}' ni e !'J crfu(a!or~. a nd ph~·~ici an~ It l!.·i!l requi re also, the ,o.uppnrt of an !nformed cili1.enry.. For faftual in- forrratinn ahout drugs cind 11.·a~·s )'fill ca1i help alle\·ia te the dn1g prriblrm. contat: your Orange County f.tedical Assoc. Our Uan fH S an Franrboo------------, 'De-e-e-p h1 the Heart of F1·isco' By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -I see that the Bd. of Supes, goaded by the Con- Ylnlion Bureau, y,•ant.s "I Leh 1'.ly Hel\rt In San Francisco Because They \\"ouldn 't Accept a Personal Check" to become our offlclal song. Official song~ I thought that sort of thing went ool "''ith high-button corsets and "Don 't Call it Frisco.'' An officlal song may be okay for 1 :small town on the make, like "Stuck i.n Lodi Agaln ." bul do "·e really need it? . Do London or Paris have cin offitlal song~ Anybody know or cue'.' ... 1'h\ng~ are definitely on !he down zlde lhese days. Joe Alioto turn~ ovtr The Rock and out Crawls a Texan. Wek:ome to Al~mo We:st arid keep laughing, fGlk:s. Once you stop. the· C'T')'ing begins. ANOT ll'E R \'OICE, Al\'OTllER 11Ul'ot0 R: Att)t. Cherleli ,.,organ is about to hie a $1 n1illioo ~\lit a11:a.1Iu;t Alcoholic Be\·erage Control (J O behaJr of Carol Oo<la. char~­ lni; "Un\.\·err~n~d censorship" a.nd so on All thi11 becau~ ABC wanl• to lift Ca_roJ's liquor Ucense, charging that the film i;he shows ln her joi:1t, •·Guru You Too," outrages tht publil' morals. ii any. SHOCKING! The invi tat ions to the annual Morita.na PiOJic at f'kxid Park- in Menlo Park rtad ··eeer, Pot a nd Hot Dogs!" Bui don't be misled. The error must be ch11rgtd to Printer ll01\'1rd Scanlan, v.-hose hippie· oriented typesetter confe.!SeS "lt mnst h11\'e been a Freudian slip." Anyway, enjoy the pop. LISTED IN THE new phone boo\.:: "George Gershwin, pJ1nist and com- poser." 'Ille late. ~rge's brother, Ira, ":ho lives in Hollywood, mllht be a lil- t~ annoyed lJ flnd that our "Georae·• is actually 48·year--0ld Joe Chrltty, a local pianist who play11 nothlng but Gershwin, is .a rlnp:r for the com· petter. went to the · same N.Y. high ~c.hool and o"'TIS a pair of dogs namei! Porgy & B!M. Although Christy hasn't <'hanged his name !~gaily, ht gi\'e"! TCci~Js as George Gcr~hwin and I find it ,;i Utile unnerving, too. LF.8 NAT AU, the Uloeattt owntr. is beaging for another bust. He ha.'I a duplicate print of that dir1y movie filme<l aboard ci f.--lunl bus -"Seat of rassioo : Park of Pleasure" -and is running il at his T\orth Beach f.lo\'it. The Cops already have the original print but 1 guess they can al.,..·ay:s use arother. As for the bus, Good Old No. 21iOJ. it is having its seats cleaned. m v AND RUTlf JIA~1 LIN, at· trndlng a I.ravel agency con\'enlion in Tokro. dropped in at tile Jewish Com· mun lty CA!nte r there and found UU5 1.inger on the bulletin board : "\\1ednes- day night. Sayonara dinner for Mr. and f.--trs. Plomchick. ·• A COUPLE Of WEEKS "R" we wrote 1boul the flt11r S.F. tennis player who put his wife on a shlp to lla'l''aii, out nn \hf: town for four rollicking nllht.a -and when he finally \li'ent home, hi~ dog bil hiln. Good friends of the couple !>a"-' to il, of course. that the wife got clippings of the item via alr mall special -an<l what did Mt do \lo"hoen sbe returned? Silt 11:ot rlfl of the dog t Let's hear it for Th C \Vife or the Yur. MR.MUM ,., . •: ~~~~,-~7'-'"":':'!l:'""""""' 1. z •,mzmr~ t':±- r F 01· the R~cord . Bi14ths GARDEN P•llK GE NEll•L HOSPIT•L s.,,1, :11 II" "'end Mrt-Cl' .. !rl•• 111 •Voll, 11>1•2 Markham SI, Fo~nT3in l'tllev. 9 or1 LONG &EACH CO MMUNIT Y · HOS,HAL 0<!. I A" And Mr!, l'dwt •O F Johnwn, 51•1 Mtddl~colJ Or, Hyn1 ,n9tcn B•acn. ,,, HOit.G MEMOll!Al H0S'll A l· f'llESt TTERIAN Oct. 1 Mr ~nd "'"· llob••I Oto;\.,, 191/ W. Flora SI .• Sanf~ Ana. 9lrl Mr and Mr.. Harold Hl'r"nan, 3?11 ~eDr••k• P l1co. Co!!a /J\e•a, IN!v N.,, 11\d I.I~. t<enr• B•v•r. ~· r B~on11 J.•f, Co•cna d~l Mar, 9jrl M•. 1r><1 M". Dfnnl• Covrr1, 70'9 Sl\ipwe1 l •n~, N~Wl>Ofl B•&cll, 9h I Mr. ~nd M•~. Lloyd MoGIYnf Y· 52J(hf,. 1011 SI .• ~tnl• Ana. bOY Mr. and Mr•. 8111¥ $1>\e" 666 W, 1!111 st .. CC!l!I Me ... ,,,,, Mr, 1<1<1 /,'.rs_ Victor Z••Ql(r. 9.iJI N!'Ql•"I, Hu~•lm!•on Be1t~. °'" N.r ~nd Mr>, Larry 0o"91••• 111 l<oth•~tpr St, Coo.lo Me•d. 91<1 Otl. l Mr ond M••. l•d Enc~•on, JOl! Canrl l M•, (!l'.11 //,e>t, qifl N,, t nfl M•S O•v1d (o;.oo~r, l •l•O 11'1 SI ' Co\I~ Mn•· gld Nr. ~no Mr>. (hdb" Gti•l•v~, nDI Arb~IU~ f.I,, ll•WPO" etA,h .. g,d Mr. ar>O IA" Can~ 5mrtn, 7!-05 lh1<111na\ SI .. C.o••• M•••· IW1<1 ... 1. Mr 1na '""' Robert l r• ''""ooe.t. •OJ w, \~th SI, S1nt1 Ano. 9lrl Oct. 4 N.• ~ctd M" Cnrll!o~ner S~••i<I<. &11 C.en~v• St., 1"1untln9Ton ll••ch, •irl fl'r on~ M•s Joh!l Qu•"•"· 1011? Jon O•Y Oriv~, Hunll"91Cn Be.ch, ,;,1 OCI. ~ M• ind M,., H. IHbbard, 1Hj Clfon~• ""', C<i.i• M•••· girl '"' •rnJ Mr• "'"''"' St •d•I· ?lj e.1.r SI,. CC!I!~ M""°' 1•11 "'' ~no M" ~<..bf•! ,:•wmev••. llJol l(ffl><>n t ine, Hunllo>g•on 8•M:h. •'fl Mr. 1nd M•I>. illoO<orl J 1'1 11~·•· 1312• "/fWDOr1 Av•. l v~lin, ~CV M• """ M•• G•·~ T1Ho. 1io.\ Hi ll HI Woy, llt..iPGrl Beech, oov Ocl. I M• e"<I """ lnom"' N~~. 11.ll lllbt't St., 1-iLJnlin;lon ~·~~h 91•1 M• •nd ""'· Dcn~ld ll•lnn~rol, !lll6 C•c"~s S•, Garden G1o•t. bcv "" """ M" Re~•' c. •d•"•· 7u 1s C.h•m"+•• o.,. Ml,Jlon V•tlo. t>ov- 0 <1. ' ,..., and M••. Cli•rlt' l 1I~. }1.~ (. C.hC'<'nUt :51 , Sen11 Ane, bc1 P•. •M I.I•>. 0,..1, "/ Bir. )10S Vo• f,\~c:~~Y',Jr,~.~·J~~:,m~~~(.~~~ ~:~ C ~naltlig~t Cittl1. HunHn~I"" tl•ac~. .,, i - :Oct. , · /fr •nd M•s. Cl1Ylon ~-lu•nu. Jln Sot llv l>•t, Costa M•H. t irl Mr, and Mr. 81~1 1 V&,.Mvlh, 133•1 Mat1$1•~•• Wly, Irvine, bey . Mr.' .t.d Mrf, Jcb• F. lat~""• 19llt l'/toi!tltr Avt _, '""" M•"'· ;Irr M•_ 1nl'l M'3, O!!'t!d J. !hunr, 11~4 Vit-T~ria "lo. C. CO•I• M•••· bov /'.1• ond M<~. O"v•d l!h•mt t, 6SJ !l !~ch ~I • CM!• 11,.,,., g,, I , , Mr •nd M,.. Cl1t""C• Sct>••..,r, lil>I SMrl•9nt Or • l •QUn• !le!'(:~. boy 0(1. t /tr •nd Mr;_ (M&rlr• l<:nuo"cn, f "ll Todew1le< "t..otclt . l-l~Min"'o~ Beet~, ... Mr l ndc M" Ch•rl•s (l.n~. ~I~ l'lall .. c• A•~. ~ott• /1oe, ... bey ""' dnd Mr• Don lo~ln, llll• tim<1ln1 "'"". s~1 1 F11dcn, t>ov . . N.•. "~" M<'l, Lov1, Yoll•nf, l:J.01 Cl••t mont St .• •n•~ .. m. l>ov M( o•d ,.,;.. J•m,.. Ol:G<ott, ?Oll1 F~11~ood Cit~lr, l-lunlon;ldll ••~oh, 9.rJ • ·c;:t. II M•. •"d M" l r!<~ la•~~"-11~1 ~o 5'.0~IYl!ll, C\11\'!" (oty, bcv Mr , •~d fM>. J~'mu $•Inc, Mf Otm•n9 St., S•r11a Ar11 , girl ' Mt ar'! M•I. Frf~ Hodan, 15657•8, Pas••·~• •~t . .'lv~tln, bo1 Mr ana Mr•, Jam" l<K~~""'• J1M Col01&d<1 P l•.c•. C.c>IA M•1a. bov /,•.-1n<1 Mr<. l<".111> P"''"· J61 E l!ln St . CCIII Me11. boy , Ot l, I ) f,\r "~" 11•1 GltJ Shi ,., 71ll l • Sall•, Cc'T~ 1,·•y,, bov /\\• •rid Mrs, Oon11d Mc(lurt. '10 £. 1hT St,, San!a it.n", b9V Mr, 1r10 M" Cna•I., P•et'[e, 31'1 !ow1 S! • Coll• M""•• Dov - Mr ~nd '~" Po troc~ O""''"· '14 !.G. J•t~!Crl ~t., S1ntf .,,..,. UIV ~'' ana Mt• Jonn ~n •• ~·. :kl E. II!~ ST , (o>•• Mt>it, 9lrl ti" ana M,., Reno S<><nrro•'• 11.071 E: S•"'" Claro •v•. l ,.11.n, o"! O• ano Mr<, RothMo:I .Jona1. it.nti9"1 W••· ~~•""•••~ Beien, ~o• · • • Oct. U . M• •nd M". Bobb' 8 rOTWn, 1611 (o,..c1 PL. (.,.II Yors .. oi•I ' M,_ •PW! M··· J~mr• Oi•oo, )C6 OnYI Av• .. ll•lblo l•l1M. bov I.I• •ml Mr•. r<aoM1n ~ooaman..1µ11 F•llhetlll Ra., Tvi!ln. bov Mr. Ind Mr!.' 8!111' !111~1. "6 W. 11fh St,. '"''" Mesa. •"I , ._ Mr , and M•!. l(e~n•~~ Sl•n,.Jcti;,· !s8~ w.110 L•n~.-CC'I• -~•· bo~ ' OCI. 1J !Ir A''" M" 11.ot>'•! H,,._ .• ,, :;v1 '1•m•lion ~· , Cost• fA,,•, .,,,. JM AnO Mt~ ~ ... ntc A)h,.r, l~.I• JOMf\ioC~ Avf, (o>!• 11.•"8, t>o• Mr ~nd M".' f<>•n"•I~ J. e.ona l•e~. 1!l11 Ya•mo~ln l•"•· llunhn9to" 8~&(~, Ql•I Mr_ oroa Mt>. LAW•tnt• 'N. Oo•I•. 'J/JI/ T1Y10• w.v. Co.it Mt••. bo• M;i .-~<lv~(:,jt~~ii".~.~. ~~;1n.,, •10 ~lh Crossword Puzzle l F;rt~L· Ull b Vlhttl ''"'"' 10 G.imhl1n 9 1•m• 14 r.il t l S Of lhP. t ~r l b C.o ssop col11~1n1s 1 's l 1dhil 17 E1110- A~1 an 11>0o;1t~1 n_, Jg M ~\·r <U!• l 'l Don.i\td 20 l.1 ~kr\ .i nrw fNjl'..t•r 2 ~ frtil l ~tirl 11111 tur ad i t Pron! r•ui•r', m<11~ Zil Oil!~ I ttr\~111 school we,." 27 E vplodt vdth sudrit::nn r >S 30 Sheep's cry 11 A II s11u~1t 32 811 Utrfly fi ~h )1 M t~l· 1!'.Jt1119 1n11n~I JS KW\s 1n C ~fi~Hl ¥.'.JY ~O 'liord In c oll t c\1on I r l\ tr • .. ' • .jj P "t 111 <!•op by drop •} us Ol)tr~I : $1ng c: ~4 F' Ju5 4S L •.J~t volum 1no11~ '8 St~linq d t Vl t t ~I Absolull!' S2 ~i1sh th~~td : 2 words '>4 Tryina aul 5~ M1n's nam• ~'l US humori s\ bl Alp1nt r•g1on cl Euro11• b2 ,,,nu.11~. Prtl1T .<.3 This: s~. &4 Btl1.iV• !ht .;\1 1c.;ll1 &5 H1\lOriC 11~rden ~6 A~t efi s~ b 7 Nol ov~11, b119h t DOl'IN u1 .. 1 Do.i i. 7 E.qu•n • 3 An~l~~1~: Abbr . ,\ Elt mrnl 5 King of t.l orocc c & p,rrnn1~! t\!!'fhlt~OlJS pli l'll 7 A me1i t~1l Ind ian g o,11~1 ~ 9 H <qhl~n~~·~ ~nd Lo"- !nnie•~ 10 Rt putr.d ~ti orr •n Etir 1. 2 ¥.'Old~ 11 In in ~ ~ll qh1r .. I 11-g•t• 2 ""ord\ 12 H ~vt /u'l 13 Signs 21 ~l ~l~y toln 23 Gt ms ZS Most rigoc 27 ,Ht lt Cdmb lo•"' 28 Wttr.IJm;in' s n an~ 29 C !>rl~•h bills )3 Chns!e.nii•~ PM1y •nembft )4 Nol dt 11 VI!' 5 ~-" ' ' 1 • 10 13 b~ ~~ l~ti'lrr Jb F'rod•1! 1 ol h o r :1011 -~~ V • Hl'l~tf j 'I ~t.<t11ir \I il,.rn~ i' WCI~~ iz f oolr rt ] vi(IJ'rl •. '3 K•n~ ot hi QI!, r ' 4b (on~11n1rd . 47 End111c<1 4B C~narl ·~~ 11~n 1n .. ,ol 1 •~ Fe +gnr.d ~o Lo1k • 5} A')o 55 Goll club Sb N a~.JI Ordnant t T l!'SI Stati on· Abbr. 57 M!r11n·•~I &0 S1at101Mry; Abbr. • OA/l 'I PILClf St. Louis' Red Baron Tells of Skywriting ---·· --·· -··---_, -· ST. Louis, ~lo. f..\P) When the weather is right, and there's a jolt to be done, Maorice ·:Red Qaron" Pierce puts on his old clot h helmet. flying gog&Jes. black leather Jackel and piil·k-ln1Ck para_. chute. Pierce cli mbs into lhe open cockp.j t, and guns his !9i2 -Sle!llrma n bipla ne t.o 8,000 feet. 1-It'.s one of the . rew· prac- tici ng skywriters left in the country. For 20 years he has been St. Louis' only sky artist. . "Pu~ you can't make a hv- ' '1.g _at it," siid Pierce. "I do it Deeause it's great.fun ." Part of the fun is zipping along-in the rugged old sJl\'C'r plane, the kind he used as a Navy pilol instructor during \Vorld U1ar, II. i•icrcc works full ti/Tle for a f1nn thal seUA iuwl £ervires sophisticated busi ness plaocs. But flying them j3 "boring'' con1pared to the Stearrnan, which has no radio and an in- strument panel siinpler lhan an auto's. His hand is the windshield wiper. 1'he front seat contains a 40- gallon tank for the light oil that he converts to \vhile s1noke \\'hen he releases it U1rough a hot exhaust pipe of the radial engine. Part of the artist's ~'Ork is careftilly charting manevue~ before going aloft . Right angle turrt~ arc tough on the p1loL Pierce said he u~­ ed to black out briefly \\'i11le making the turn on a sc1·en No1v, al 56, he rounds it out a little. \\'hen-he reaches 120 ·m.p h. ·he Jets. the vapor Out "'·hilc counting" to himself. ".Tile ob- ject is to get it up fa st so 11 hangs together. r like to look back arla see them la ying like ropes." A se:ven-lelll'r word 1s abo1H a 111ile high, six 1n1lc~ long anrl can be read over a l50-1111lc nrl'n . Pierce has 11•rl1t cn the 11an1cs o! twcrs. soft dru1J..:., ice t:ft!1l1 11.~. auto~. r:.d10 :-1.l· t i u 11 s . pol1 tu:a/ randidatr~. 1·fl\c r es, \'nlr no. a n II co1111tlc!>s other mrssagcs I It ean·1 rcn1ernber rit·r nusspellinS • \\'Ord. Bul lhc irnporLan l !lung ;1bout the 1nessoges is not how "·ell they look or how long th{'V last. Pierce said. .:ll',c; the cu riosity n r 11·aLching the letters formed There's not one pt'rson 111 10 1vho can "'al k aw:ty fro111 1\. Thf'y ";int to ~re how the l!i~l Jlflf\ or !hr \\'Ord I~ tormcd. It's fil~c1n;;th1i.: " Sky1rri•1ng 1 ~ .1>;111! lo li ;11·c ur1gu1<1tetl in 1·:11gl1l111l 1n 192'.! 11 h(•n ,\l;_1 j .lohn C I 1 f lo n SJ1 .1g1· :-iJ'l'ill·d ull\ "London DJ1ly ~h11I" 01er the i:'.'p!>Olll lJ01fn.s race t'Oursr . On 0l't. 22 or th<t! yc;ir the first sky message was 11·1·1tten n\'{'r Ne1v Yori.; City. 11 said "llello IJ .S.;\. Call Vanderbilt i200 ." 'l'hc atlvert'lscr reporter! tha! e;i\ls s11amprd 111 ~ switchboard for fiv e hvurs Pierce said 5 k y w r i l J n s.: bcc;une n1orc popular a{ler \Yorl d \Y'lr II His scrapbook tells of onr ~oft drink l'trn1 that in J9;f6 tiad l!J;fll)(l mcs::;agl'.~ pu t up over <t,(»J con1n1un1ties 111 the i8 stile.• and of a ci:;;1retle compe n..'I that paid $1 .000 per messa~. \\'ill Lelcvislon t•ommerc.JaJ;; finally kill sky11.'ri ting~ Pierce $ays no. .. Someday a fellow ,,.ill s<'ly-'lley. lel's write it in1the sky' -and it 11·111 come lwick strong " .· :::. '· ·Q" .~ D doln tho fun at ouF 8 This waakand FFlcla~ Noon thl'oug!h Suncla~ Nl£!ht *MARVEM>US MEXICAN FOOD ~MUSIC BY ZAPATJrS STROY,ING MARIACHI BA.ND ...,•_:tt '" " ,._. ,.. ~ ... ;''; ~ W:.l.J •, , ' .. '~ ' ' ~ ' . -~ . ' -:---~---~-------~-r----------::Tr. '·'\1:J • "[-~"'·J l # ) ( •. ~ .... ii 1 iii ·-J FIESTA SPECIAh~A FREE TACO G<·,;,±J WINA MEXICAN FIESTA PARTYFOR25 , Sign up any time during our Fiesta Grande for a· chance lo win a Mexican Fiesta party in your own home· with a mariachi band, food from Tijuana Taco and clean-up crew. .. • /, ' • ' with the purchase of two or rnore food items [•· _'.:j":J (Offe r good all nex t wee~) _ ~.t:~) , BREAK'.THE FIESTA PINATA The traditional Fie sta Pinala filled with candy and surprise gifts. TACO TOSTA DA FRIJOLES CHILIBURGER DRIVE-THRU PICK-UP OR EAT IN OUR PATIO ' " "· r. ,..,, -, ..;;.. .. ' . " -1··~·t ~ I!:'. TijuBDft'lftco 34206 DOHENY PARK RD., CAPISTRANO • ' DAILY mor S.itufd~y. Octobtt 18, 1969 Real Estate Questions ond Comment By Realtor Rond•ll McCo rdle I heard that exp•nses incurred in hunting for • N>me are now deductible. l:s this tru•? We recently made ma,,y tr ips cind incurred many e xpen••s in locating our present home. It sure would be nice to be able to deduct them from our income taxes. Y. W.-Cosfa Mesa ·" 11 e11' fJf\QPOsr::o la\v fH:1 s1)ed by the !·louse of Rcprese11tat1vl's and 1101v tn the Senate 11·ou ld make c~«JH!'nses for ho u ~e hunting trips deductible. The n1;:ixin)Ul1l ci!llO Ulll allO\\•ed \VOUld be $1,000. ·rhe propo:.cd la1\' 1r-a ne\v far-reaching tax rc- forrn 1nstru1n l'nt officially entitled The 1969 TAX n£FOR~I 131 LL and is presentl y under deliberation by the senate Jinance coa1nlittee. In addition to n1a11y olher items. il \\'OUld allow a fan1ily to deduct cos ts and expenses incu rred in selling an cxistin~ hon1e and buyin~ a ne1v hon1e. Provisions of •the bill arc not la\\' and niay be );Ub ~tanlially revised before pass age. The contents 0f the bill a re so drastically revolutiona ry, that all ta~payer s, especially investors, should carefull y rcvie1v the bi!l. Fttr example-the use of a<:celerated deprecia- lion !or real estate 'vould be drastically curtailed. 1\'o accelerated depreciation \Voul d be per1nitted for existing real properly! * l have Jhr ayi; looked for your column in the Daily Pilot for year.<> ai; being \rell 11·ritten and infonnative, J have learned a grc<it deal fron1 you. I 1nusl no,1-, ho11·cver. take i s.~ue \Vi'lh you over the ''Truth in Lending'' article printed this 1veekend. I lhlnk yo u 01rc your readers l\vo sides of the question in a further art iclr. I need convincing. '\'our brush1n.:? <isi dc 1norlgagc point ~ is true enough if the pureha.~Pr keeps the property for •the life of the Joa n. But I believe I clln correct in saying that only 10 percent of loans pay off 111 the original form and go until maturity. As sumin g these conditions as normal and not ai; t>Xceptions. it \vould seem to 1ne, as an accountant, that the majority of house buyers \Vho pay loan points amor- t ize them over three years and not over 25 years be- cause it is n1orc likely to Ji ve in a home 3 years than 25 years. \Vith poinl i; of jusl t11 ·0 percent over 36 mon·th s and Toan of $15.000 for 25 yea r:'i (your exan1ple) th.i s is not negligible. bul an e~tra ~10 a month. 1 have ilhl'f!.vs fC'll th;it points are unjustified. \Ve sure need this truth in lending Ja\V of \VhiCh you ,vrote. G. N. \V.-Ne"•port Beach IO-Year Re11ewal Plan Set By NOrutAN Kl':r.tPSTER \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) The govemmtnl hopes to rehabilitate l\\'O million run- down city tore houses in the neJL:l 10 years in a major change of direction for urban rent waL Laguna Niguel • ' .. New Co1n ,mercial Complex Slated l10n·~ new pl;;nt v>'h iC"h v.ill c1'11 ploy ~vine 7500 peop/r. wh~n co111pleted . The nearby Orangr Cou11t_11 Co11rthou;;e, sehedul "d 10 n1len 1n Decr1nher, is Lhc sc- eond of ci planned nine· building 1"u1nplcx of 31 acrei=; compri sing non<our1. ol lices. a sheril f'-s :-.uh·6td!1011, county lihr;ir)', add1tiooal courthouse ;i nd a niaintenancc ~tation. The lan•! for tJ1cs e building<; 11·;is don<itcd lo the county by the La guna Niguel Corpora· ti;1n, v.-hich forsaw the need for local go\'ernment servitC'/i in the sou ther n portion of Orange Gounly . \\'hen comrletrd, the sh op· ping cent er, county complex, and North A n1 C' r i c a 11 Rock>vrll ':-; planL v.1111 be: the nucleus ol th~ 11e1v •·town '' iri the ceriter of Laguna Nig11c! and 11•111 provide services for the residents of Laguna. Dana P<>int, :il1 i s ~ion Viejo, CapislranQ, and San Clemente. ON THE TUBE EDITOR 'S f\'('1Tf-" nt111drr/I r._ /Hr:CnrcJle is 11i1 i 11oestrnr11t nnalJJsf,, vres1d r 11r 01 tl1e Rea l Estaters, a college lecturer. n directnr nt rhe Cn/ifnrn1n Association of Real E'sUlfi!! Teachers, authCJr of ''Real Estate in California." Send vour '(Utstions nrrd 1·ommrnt" fn Randall R. J\fcCardie. c/o till!. DAILY PILOT. P.O. Box 1560, Co.!ta Me.!IJ 92626. Cl\LIFOR NIA HOUSING 1966-1 969 ST ARTS 5minutes to adventure " t 'tHOUSolo NOS or '""'-3 "' I 368 ' State Hot1 si11g Starts Decli11c D11ring August llousing start..;; in Cah fo rnlci dropped to a i;easonally ad· ju.sled annual rate of 150,000 in August. according to the late st. figures conipiled by Uank of Arnerica econonusts. Thls represents a 1.i} 1K"rt·e111 decline fron1 .Ju l)''s r<1 tc of 202,000. Economists c11rd the continued s ho rt a g e or mortgage credJt a ~ l h c prim ary cause of the det'li nr tl1ulti·family units acco11nt<'d for nearly 60 perct'n\ of 1he Tr>u~ ••• c:Gl'I UC'1ed MM<f1n .... FrldtVS lot J(;~Ol)I (It s-fl/ llfl!! ;rul, l!Vfl '"" tb<N'• or e!1'<tr et- 'll•"lu ti.,.. ef 1t l!'t•I "'" Ill I.,;.. •I_ 1n1.,.,,.1o<1 orw!>l "''" c•ll Mr. tludl•v l!ldi, 6"'7'.:01, E 1I, 117, Brady Neic Manager Of Coro1iaclo l-Ionies BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE IF YOU MISSED Otrr AT NEW· PORT :BEACH, LONG BEACH OR MARINA DEL REY ... Don't miss ou t at San Juan Capistran.o. C.:sh in on the srealtstnew home bargain atpre·inflation :marina prices. The new 20-million dollar, ZOOO small craft marina in Dana Point ts Ron Brady h;is bcrn narnr1I project sales 1nanagtr for Coronado Jl omes. n e v.· c 5 t r"sidential ntighborhood 1n ~fission Viejo, a 1 l,000-acrc. new community in Orange County, Stu11rl ~fcF11rland. 11lts manager for '-·liss lon Viejo Co .. .11nn('lunccs. !\1iss1011 \'1c10 and 11 new l':ra or e MATTRISSES e ('on5tn.Jclion by ust 0 rl ____ ,;;,;;;.:.;.:.:.:.::::::--.:.1 manufactured v.·a\I sectlon.s MA TIRESSIS 11 hen it opened last month. BOATS · ROMD ·TRAD pa Pr10r to joining Miss.ion Vie· ~plU-Illa ... jo Co , Brady 11•11s with Cott. Meu Mattr~ .. 0.. an othrr homebuilding limi SIM N...,.,. .... "'hnre he v.·on "Saltsman of Uberty I· 1 lOl UH:•_ Vear" all.·11rd in 1967. f'nrf•nado llo1nes. priced • UPHOLSTERY e Y{ frnn1 $21 ,f,OO to $2.f.995, havel.-------""'"'-'--.;;,1 T "'"'''"Y '"''""' '9 "'" '" Men Upholstery ' 1111· 111,! four 11·ccks sincc1 M npo •n111~ Srpt. 23 . I .t"li.::~~~~ Tli1·v 11r1· rri1t'hed via the Liberty 8-4781 now under con1troctien. The adventure cf the sea is within. five minutes of your Troy home in romantic, historic San Juan Capistrano. Own your own llllld nellr 11 growing new marina .•• it's an investment in your family's future. from $27 ,500 V AIFHA/Col!Vel1tio11al Tenns 'fAl'/lt~:lt#~ r l<ttl/f)ioiif~;.-.atrmt_. ·~iJ41-.,l<?A"'16'rw:J'll:? M•'•h ,.,,~.d .. ;. Sin•• .-.~. -s." Oi•t• ~ ....... ., lo s." J,,." c.,.;,,,.". lu,l'tff. w,,, • ., Otl Ob•>l'O St. •~d 011 Avi1" l lvd. 1nt1111tlit"" • Bra~y joined r.'i i;sion \'icjo Co. In late i968 as sale~rnan in t he Granad11 Home s neifhborhoo-1 , 11' h e re hr promptly sel a ·~ales re<'()t(I hy ~elling more 1h;on .~I rn ill1nn 11·orlh of homes 1n one mool h roron11do Momcc. m;irkf'd 11 nrw area ol development in \'1r10 l!oiid l11r11ofJ, Je ft across 1110 NIWl'Oln ILVD. ~nes<J3v .Ult (>.,,.A $;111_ [>1r~u Free11·11~· to Ranchnl .J£;. <Tf t he frre.,.,·ay to the sales area. ·~==========~ , _______________ ::_ ___ _;J::_ _ _:VU::__' _______________________ ~ _______ J l I J ' " ' l I i t r 1 r r i ( I ' f r ( I l t ' ' ' l ' I ' ' r I t r r ., .t ., • Saturday, Cctobtf 18, 1%11 DAILY mor 9 Loan-Banking Hontlngto11 Beach Amity Urged ~!t· Third Seawind Unit Opens Califomia's savings and loan associations are being urged to make friends Y•ith their ·traditional competitors, the state's 100 or IO mortgage banking firms. The third unit of Seawind, Kaufman and Bro.id's n1gh!y .. ~--uccessful comm unity in Hun- total or Sl.I billion in savings !';· 1,1l Ungton &t1ch, \\"ill open lh1s due lo withdrawals during and l ll \1·cek, according to Don11ld L. i~mediately after last July's ii ji Paddock, sales and n'arketing reinvestment period. Some hr ~ ~ direclor for Orange County stitutions also reported con--operations or the company's tlnued savings outflow in -:., Sol1Lhern California Division. August,. with econ om isl s -.. Although sales !n the firsl noting a· similarity in paltem fC j' \lvo units have been excel!enl, vdth the period leading up to :l-. a good selection of homes and terest rates to homrowners v.·ho qualify for FHA or VA financing, Paddock note ~ ~ Seawinrl models 1nay bl': re.ached via I.he San Diego or Sant.a Ana Freeways lo th~ Brookhurst exit .. Then seut.h on Brookhurst to Seawlnd. fl'Ofll the Pacific C.:OMt Higtiway, head north on Brookhunt Traffic Crush Created B)' Maybrook Opening At stake is a hoped-for partial answer to the current ti&ht money crunch plaguing the state's real estate and 'mortgage market. 1966's "Credit Crunch". 11·1· Jots are still available in the In contrast to the S&Ls, , , th ird unit," Paddock reports. ~1aybrook H om e s , al from four lo sill bedroom~ mortgage banking firms ~ Sra\vin(t hornes werr design-F:dinger Aven ue arid Newland v.·ith up to three b.aths -and According to 11ichael F. B. generally obtain their loan ~ rd to einrhasiic style and Street lri \\le~minster. was the even Uiree-car garagts in funds from nalionwide in-'•1t· ~ra~·e v.llhnul ~;icr1flt:lng any cuu~e of a traffic jam in the 1 p . f MacBan, California savings and loan commissioner, the mort~age banking and savings '11nd loan industries -which together represent the bulk of current California mortgage loans -should joinily explore ·~·ays of expanding the flow of funds into the real estate market. ~titutlonal investo~s such . as 1 . o[ Lhe traditional Kau f1nan neighborhood for s e v e r a I some p ans. rice.!! are rom insurance companies, pension :11-and Hroarl \·alur, Paddot'k hours Jast v.·eekend -and the $29,9:..0. funds, retirement systems, I says. \\'1th square footage up cause was understandabl e, <1c-Coruitruction fe atures includP. mortgage investment trusts ~:a.:.. 10 2,28\i 01( a eost of $15, cording to Jerry Degen, sales 1 at hand plaster V.'alls and d th Sc<iw1nd Hoinrs truly ;ire anrt 1narketing director for S ceilings, concrete drive\\·ays an o ers. .1-.. 1 However, a large po rtion of ·~':'· ;1111ong the hc st va lues JO & S Construction Co. and walks, entry f oors of im- their funds have also tradi-Jll ti Orange Coun!y. ""The price range for th e ported marble, a vast choice · ti Prices al Sc<iwlnd slar1 al <lesi~ns, space and quality at of dramatic fireplace design~. tionally come from our-of-,;.., j' $27 ~ d · I " h I M --" · f '-I · flower fresh kitchens v.·ith state savings banks and sav· l.ll , .. ! .~"" an inc uue sue UX· ay rtl\11\ ts ar ""'ow prices · ury items as c x c I u s i v c quoted elsewhere for less luminous ceilings and pass-In a report to the Southern Carifomla Mortgage Bankers Association, MacBan noted that, historically, the state 's two financial giants "have had relath·ely little interaction with each other.'' Except, or course, for competition. ings and loan associations -hardware and lighting flx-<lesi rable construction in less through windows for direct whi ch like the C'.i:alifornia-based lures, ttrep!aces. self cleaning. desirable areas," the sales ex· patio service. S&L's have beC'n feel ing the ovens, he;ivy duty disposals, ccutive said, "and the Spacious floor plans include pinch of lhe. depositor 's purse. 1-:old ;inodize d slidin,i.-: rtoors response to our announrement Jiving, family and formal Wn · As a first step in seeking <ind windows. furniture fin ish-of last week was greater than 1ng rooms. the latte r with ways lo ea~e lhe pressure on ('i'I \\'J!nut cabinets, separ;1te even v.·c expected. \Ve')] have haf'!d-cut crystal chandeliers. the mortgage market, u!ility roo1ns, ceramic tile more slaff on hand to ansvoer To visit the model homH, MacBan proposed the fonna-hnlhs and ~itchens. All are questions this weekend and of· take San Diego Freeway ta Calirornia's savings and loan associations have become the unquestioned leader in the state'~ conventional single. family home mortgage market. The state-licensed associations -which come under the con!rol of the Com- missioner's office -alone ha'"e (as of June 30) over $17.6 billion in real estate loans and contrac~. tiun of a joint 1nortgage bank-cur peted thro1J8houl. rr.'r other assistance to Beach Boulevard and turn ing-savings and loan com -ON S SEA'WIND !""tOMES ~ c ;i wi nd hon1es are \l isitors. south to the signal light, lhtn mittee. "Certainly there must SPACIOU5 LIVING FOR FAMILIES IN HUNTINGT ' available at 7 1 ~ percent in-Maybrook offer!! homes nf eastonEdJngert!>Maybrook. be manv a reas in v.·hJch these1-------------------------------------------'.-------'---------------'------ two real estate lenders can The state's 1 0 0 -p I u 5 mortgage banking finns and mortgage banking di vision s of commercial banks reported (as of last Dec . 31) a total of nearly $1 5 billion in a v;!de variety of real estate loans, according to the statewide California ?11ortgage Bankers Association. Cum>n!ly, they lead in the commercial indus- trial and apartment real es- tate mortgage market. TI1ey also represent Califomia·s predominant source of FHA- VA financing. According to Commissioner f\facBan, 1\'ho prior, to his ap- pointment by G o v e r nor Reagan v.·as vice president-ad- ministration of f.letropolitan ·Savings and Loan Association, .the S&L industry faces a con- tinuing dilemma: "They (sav- jngs and loa n associations) must get funds from the ;public th rough short-term -deposits v.·hile they lend for )he long irrm. In times like •lht:se, \\•hen ~avings <leposi!s 'are under greal prrssure, the :Problem is compounded." • On a nali0T1al level, ~aving~ snd Joan associations los t a 3 Trailer Homes Set For Sl1o'v "·ork together, providing com- pl imentary functions and. as a result \ improving their ability to meet U1eir ov.'fl individual goals a~ .,.·ell as lhose of society." Areas of cooperation \l'hich MacBan suggested as in1 · mediate possibilities include computer time sharing, joint research studies and the establi shment of appraisal data banks. lnilial discussion on such cooperative programs could possibly begin later this year. following the annual board of directors meeting of thtl state wide CMBA in November, according to P11ul .I. O'Brien, president of the Southern California f.1ortgage Bankers Association. The nlobile home market. v.•hich has been seen as a partial answer to the nation's pressing need for housing, f.1 acBan explained further, might also benefit frnm sav- ings and loan·morj.gage bank- in g joint efforts. Savings and Joan as.!!ocia- tions, MacBan noterl, now ha\'e autl1ority to make mobile home loa ns 1ri!hin limits to be established by regulation. '"It does not s eem unreasonable to en vis i o n mortgage bank er.!! arranging 1nobile park financing v.ith their usual investors and then p r o v i di n g owner-occupant loilns with a takeout com· milment from a savings and loan association and subse- quent servil'ing." f.1acBan also outlined a number or steps v.•hich ha\·e been taken to help allt.viate the mortgage money shortage \1·lthin the savings and loan in- G<!\den We.sl f,1obi!e Homes dust[)'. will display three deluxe Associations, he noted, havr mobile homes at the Trailt>r nO\V been allowed to open fiJL:·· Coach Association r-.1 o b i l c ed rate-fixed term accounts ,J-Jome Show 10 be held in v.·ith 1naturllies authorized up 'Dodger Stadium Oct. 2 9 to five years and interest through Nov. 2. rates fixed for the term of the These mobile homes \Vil! be accounl. Jn addition, l he shown, in conjunction wi1h tv.·o f ederal Home Loan Bank will •{';ochibited bv Villa We st make a ltmlted an1ount of 'Division of t.'Kilden \\1est, in a ff\·c-year ad\"ances availabh~ parK-like setting, c~mplete to associaliions. \~·itli pa tioa"A'nings. pa tios. car llo\vever, ''it ha:o. becon'IP port av.'ru ngs, automobile . .;;, apparent," he added, "th;it aluminum skirting, Pa I 1 0 these attempts are not sufl1- 'turn iture and Por ch e ~ · cient to prov ide associations Laridscaping will in c 1 u d e Jivth sufri cienl funds to to mee:t hedges. trees, 5 h r u h 5 • the mounting demand for ~imulated grass and a foun-loans." tain. An alternativ e method of Each of the three 60-foot by d "<·wide mobile homes will of-generating lendable fun s, "' MacBan said, is therl!fore fer a differing c<1nc:ept of a being adopted by a number or "t"'e>-bedroom and den home, associations .. This is a pro- '\\'ilh 1~4 balhs. h d th · 1'he most unusual home in i::ram c tenne e ·the exhibit , and possibly in the ''depositor's loan investment •' Gold p!An ."' t;ho\v, will be ult ne_w en Undtr this plan. associations ,west Custom. featuring an en-. . 1irely new type of exterior sell a participating interest Jn · one or a group of their design . The Custom hall a.~ portfolio Joans to individual in-i;tandard equipment most of Id 11 the items offered as optional veslor11 just as they wou se f a participation in loans lti by mobile home manu ac-othe.r institutional investors. turer:s, including 8 rnnken Jn this way, hlacBan noted, Reiman tub in the ma!ter bath, associations can offer higher vertical door f r os t · f re e refrigeral.oT, frtt st.and!ng yields to investors .11nd astur• range with self-cleaning them of that yield for the We devicr, lazy Susan pantry, of the loaru participattd. Springcrest draperies with One of the major objections traversed sheer underdrapes, raised thus far, MacBan said, nylon shag car....,.ting with is the lack of liquidity of such r-~ an \nveStment. However, since i.eparate pad. ast iron sinks. Thermal Wall sound-proofed the participation certificates interiors and gold plated are tran5ferrable, he pointed hardwart in the masler b•Ul. out. their liquidity will be The four-ye a r .0 Id enhanced by the creation of an G 0 Iden We.!!t organiPlion, active secondary market for headed by veteran manufac-,-=th=e=l=n=st=u=rm=en=ls=. =====;f Advvfh,_I turer Jerry Golden, manufac-1~ tures tile largest selling quali- ty double·\lide mobile homt in the. California market. The firm rectntly ·went public, and EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS its stock is sold over the. Aw1il.bl• ~ow, 14 v••" ••Ji•r· -·ntor. -, organ•· .. ,, . .,, has i•nt• -wil l *'•'"• pu1(h11••· '-"" -111 ..., H;9h ••tni11,1 11tor -S•,750 plan~ at Fullerton and Santa ri quiri d. Ana. Ca lif. and at A!hany, w ,;1, l o• M _ l t-4 0,:1 111,..,, ~gon. Recently il llcf!ulred Ji•P•'· Rtpli •• ht ld 11rictlv co 11- t1u1lying property fnr an ad-f!d ,111,,1. dltional plant In Ca\Uorn.ia,,, __________ -' ! ' \ At Mayb rook you'll love the con1~ fortab le, room y, affordable homes. Some \vi th 4 bedroom):, famil y T0{1n1, formal dining-roon1, an<l a huge recrca~ tion room . Others with up to 6 bed· ' rooms, and 3 baths \Vitlt a J-car garal!"c. GElflTI5E LATH AND PLASTER. Every,vall and ceiling a full ~wminimt1m thickness, built the quality way, tl1c wlid soundproof way, the right way. Come .to Ma ybrook today! Priced from $29, 950 , its the Southland'• finest entry in the space race. Ta.kc the San D.iego 1:ree\vay to Beacl1 Boulevarcl ;ind turn soutl1 to the signal light. Then left on Edinger to the beautifully decorated mo<lds. - Edlnpr Ave TELEPHONES: ~ iii " • • :z G1rden Grow frwy (ZI J) 591-24JI • (21JI lta.'4J2 • (714) H7~111 • -------·· ----------------·------------ \ , 0 DAJLY PILOT Satu•!l.:iy OCICl°"r 18 l~tit'I - 1'1ovles, TV, Clubs Glen Goes All Directions Tech Me11 Affected HELD OVER! "GOODl't'l, COLUMIU5" ' B) \'t:Rl"01' SCO'IT 1,.. Ho"' P.,.lwro "TMl A.PAIL FOOL!." 11nLLY\\'OOO n :P 11 -If Wil~ J•ck Llml',." ( '·-II f~~~~~~~;;;;~1'1 ;.oti l'rlJny Clf'n ampl.I\:" on THE LUXURIOUS NIW IALB@A THEATRE • CH1l0 WITH 'AllNT ONLf • • NOW-fndi fw ..-1doy- "The Wackieu l S.erieu f ilm fet"-Plo,i.a, I lnlhaoy Ne~ey · Jaan Callins "' l i:Sf ACTll.ESS 19'' CANNES FILM fESTIVAl HELD OVER TWO GREAT WI NNE RS NOW SEE BOTH IN ENGLISH 'Lui$ ~nuel!, U\·tasJ.erp1ece' ol'f.ro1ic,a .' ' .. hf~ l\•'<'kly n1us1cal ''L:oodtune Jlu1 11 ." ~ou 'd \Jl.l' 111111 ol(. ~1.:retn 1w. Campbe ll is a pleasant. un · pr·1·pU:;ses~i ng 111Jn. one ol 12 ntfspr111g of a poor Arkansas fanner. As if lo make up for years of wearing hand·me· du1-1 n clothes aud running ann1nd barefoot. Ca1npbell v.·orks as hard as a n 'j p<'rforn1rr in televisio n. l.1 kC' Dt'an f\1art in, 1\·ho~e :-.11 !c he adn11res. Campbell is 111il' ol the rcry lei.,.. quadruple· thre at entertainers in the c1)ut1trv . He slll!S 1n a v.•eekly 11dt'u ·series. in motion pit· "'Tf\UE GR.IT JOHNWAYNE ,,. 1ECHNICOLOft l!jei ·····-. . C anlinuow• Swft. Fram l :OO fVE SHOW STAll:TS 7 P.M, CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT, FllO M S -SUN. Fll:OM l I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAY! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RAD IO KOCM 1031 FM ,,, t11res. on records and in night l'lubs. The schedule is exhausting. But Ca nipbe ll 1s up to il. lie is 6 feel tall, v.•eighs a spare 170 pounds and is in prime physi· cal conC:ilioo. At 33, he has become one. of the country's fa vorite guitar slrumming balladeers - in sha rp contrfl st to the eler.- tronic, acid rock singing types 11•ho appear to be in need or baths and b a r b ers Campbell's blond hair is neatly coinhed and bis clolhes conventional. He and his wife, Billie, 11·crc Ne'v Voices Sougl1t By 01orale Thal big booming bas~ voice you 'l'e been using in the shower may be just the voice the Orange Coast College Communily Chorale is looking fO<. The chorale meets Tuesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Music Building. Les Van Dyke, chorale director. said the chorale needs basses and tenors. This year, Van Dyke sale!. the Chorale will give at least fou r Christm;is pcrfonnances. The first will be Dec. 9 at South Coast Pl!lza at 8:30 p.m. Other pcrfonnances v.·ill be Dec. 14 in the OCC Auditoriun1 at 4 p.m.; Dec. 16 al Moag Hospital al a Lime lO be sel; and Dec. 16 at \Veshninster J-lospital, time also to ht ~t. Van Dyke said persons in· terested in jo.ining the group should come to class. In addition to the above con· ,. certs, the chorale also gives ;it least t1\'0 public performances during the year ~·ith the 1 Orange Coost College Com· n1uni!y Symphony in lhc OCC Auditoriurn. •· •l re"''~' •I • ) BEST PICT• IFTIIYUI! From Fashion Isla nd . Newport Beach 1narried II yii:ars ago in la! Vegas. Nev., and the past fou r years have lived in a modern hlHsid' home tucked away in the Laurel Canyon area . Billie an d Glen are the parents of daughter Kelli. 7, and t\1·0 sons, Travis, 3, and Kane, bo rn last February. The Campbells o.wn a handsome s'leclion of shotguns which they keep chained in a cabinet in their den. During hunting .season they enjoy shooting game t birds in the Southe rn California area. To keep the pressures down and his spirits up. Glen plays golf at Lakeside Country Club several times a week. The press of v.·ork. however, •ha s driven hi s handicap up from a 6 to a 9. Billie must be givl'n recogni- tion as one or the fine st amateur interior decorators in Hollywood. Each room of their five bedroom home is a study in matchless good taste with expensive m'Jdem furniture and c oor d l n ate d color schemes. Liltl e Kelli's room is red ;ind white 1vith a circus theme. •J.B.' Readied at occ Alexander Golson, playing the title role in Orange Coast College's production of ".J .B.," is con1forted by Nancy Patterson (left) and Rea Shaefer in this re- hearsal scene fron1 the dran1a, opening \\1ednesday a t U1c OCC audi<oriun1 for a four-da y run. Travis' room is all boy and---------------------------------- crowded 1-1·ith toys. Baby Kane took over one of the t"'o room11 Campbell had added to the house and looks like a nursery from a magazine ad. Because thei r property is surrounded by canyons, there is little back yard al the Campbe ll home. But there is enough space for a swimming pool 1vith a stout fence to prevent the children from tumbling into the "'ater v.·hen they play in the garden. The Campbells are very private people. Because Glen is so busy they value their time alone toge ther. Billie does the cooking, and, like most wives. wants to. kno\Y precisely what time her hus· band will be home for dinner. \Vcekends together are rar1>. h1ore often than not Glen flies to other cities for lucrative concerts . Recently Billie found seven acres o[ exclusive mountain· top property on l\'hich the fami ly 1vil1 build a drean1 house v.·ith larger rooms, privary and an unobstructed 1·ie1v of the Los Angeles basin from City Hall to Santa ~1onica. '.4 n)' W ed11esday' Set For Ne1u Playlioiise The Santa Ana Community Players. currently observing their golden anniversary 1n Orange County, wi!l 1nove into a spacioos new theater next month with a prod uction of "Any \Vednesday." Muriel Resnik's modern comedy of a man attempting Lo manage bot.h his marriage and his mistress will be presented in the city of Santa Ana's new recrc;i!ion center, forme rly occupied by th e Indians Casi HOLLY\\'00 0 (UPI) Twelve Santo Dom ingo and Santa Cla ra Indians fr om Nc1v ri1ex ico have been brought to Warner Bros. to completr final scenes for "Nobody Lo ves F lapping Eagle," star· ring Anthony Quinn. _,\~srmbly or God Churr h. at ~ \\I. 6th St. Ba rbara c;arlich uf Co!>t;i i\le::>a l'.•ill play the leading role of Ellen Gordon. 11·ith flon Hhoades. also of Costa l\lesa, portraying her busincss-1nind· crt lover, John Cle ves. Ala n !!art is casl as the young busi nessman, Cass Henderson, with Edith Goodman taking UH• role of Cleves' high society 1vife. Dorothy. Toin Titu~ or Cost;i ti.lesa , rnterlainmenl edito r of the ll.<\!LY PILOT, 1~ directing 111£' JHO<h1ct1on. Titus earl1rr !Ills year staged "Light lip thr. Sky .. at the \Vcstminster Con1· 1nunity Theater. ''Any \Vednesday'' 1vill open Nov. 28 for three weekends, Fridays and Sa I u rd a y s , lhrough Dec. 13. Advance reservations may be acquired by calling 543-7647, J erry Shane In Debut .Jerr y Sh;i nf'. th e philosophica l comedian 11-ho hits home \\'ith storiec; lhal ha v<' a ring of lruth makes hi~ di •but on Cha nnel 5·s "One JI.Jan Shnw" Saturday evening at 6 p.m. Shane, \\'ho started l1 is career as a magician has made the transition to stand up comedy by sticking to material completely natural lo hi s own beliefs as a human being. All his stories evolve fron1 a true pre1nise that has personally affected his own life. Once he es1ablishPs a veh1clr for uncovering in.~ights abou t ou r evrryday problems <ind frustrations. he procerd.~ to attac k the subject mattrr ,1·1th ra zor-sha rp in~ight. ''One l\lan Show" is a solo shov.·case where some of the country's highest ranked con1· edians arc given an op· portun1ty to present a full half hour of their best material. Bv '2001' • It was inev1ta ble lhal thf' fu1 ur isll<' ci!mospher' o I "2001 : A Spat'e Odyssty," Stanley Kubrick 's f..tGi\t pro- duction . should affect the crew and technicia ns involved in Lhe unique picture. From the crea lor of the pro· jecl, producer-director and co- writer Stanley Kubrick, to the hundreds of te<:hnicians, there was a feeling of dissatisfaction \\'It h 1nodcm living . "Modem.' it see1ns . \\as not advanced enough . It was a natural reac. lion tv an undertaking that minutely pieces together an cxtlling vision of the futurP 'vhich 1nakes today·s existence pate 111 co111panson. To n1akc "2001 : A Space Odyssey .'· a technical team ~'as ga1hered from all corners of the industria l world. Scien· tilie consultants from .11 doz,11 nations. including l ea d in~ space ilulhorities. were co11· stantly at Kubrick's sld' In give authcnticily and guidance to each a~pect of this film . ~lore th.in ~O leading com · 111ercial con1panics offered up l11eir research facilities to the picture. with the resu!l that everyone on the set became indoctrinated and acclimatized to li1'ing standards on earth, JJ years from now . EVery day, as they passed lhrough the studio gates, thf' crew lert the present and entered a 1vorld of almo.sl total auto1nat ior1 and com· puterizat ion, ll'ith a predic· t;ible 11·orking 11eek no longer than three or lour days, ll'ith no war. no ineurable disease~. longer life expectancy, ne"' fashions and designs for better living, Jn ''2001 : A Space Odyssey," man has at last severed earthly shackles and is on the threshold of the solar systen1 and lhe universe. \Vhen you spend your days living in thP. \\·orld of to1norrow, the world of today scrms obsolete. "Space Odyssey" is CW'· rently sho1A'ing at l h P. Cinedomc 21 theater i n Or;inge, off th' Santa Ana Free11·ay al Chapman Ave . A111cchc Guests 1-lOLLY\\'OOD !UPI)-Don An1cche will be seen this season as a guest star on the "Julia" television series, .. "':: --·_;: . ~·--~~, _... .. -··-" ~ ---.. - Drugs Peril E11tertai11n1ent World ~j By BOB THO:\IAS llOLLYWOOD (AP) -J\tos1 An1erican parents 11-0w face the real possibility lhat their children may get hung up on dope. If lhe parenl happens to be an entertainment star, the chances nf that danger may v.·ell he 'oOcreased. This 1va.~ u net e rscored recen1ly 11·1th lhe apparen t suicidl" of 2i.-yea r-0ld Diane L1nkletter. lier fathe r, 1ele1·i.~ion star Art Linkleller. said she plunged six stories to her death v.·hi le under the in- JUNIOR MATINE E SATURDAY , 2 p.m. "JACK FROST" and "JOURNEY TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN" ALL SEATS SO' f!uen ce of !~SD. "It 1\·asn 't suicide , because she wasn't herself," Llnk letter declared. •·she was inurdcred by the people who manufac· Lure and sell LSD.'' Earlier this year . Loren ~1 !1iphant. 18-year-old son of sc rct'n 11.•nter S t i r I 1 n g Sllliphant "In the l!eat of the Night ... 11·as shot to death dur· ing a gathering in his Sun!!Ct Strip apaT1ment by an 1n· !ruder v.·ho dema nde d narcoucs. A bag containing n1ar11uana 1-1·as found ou1side the window5. The Hollywood communil~'. 1v1lh its residential are a ecnlcred in Beverly Hill~. J~ s1n1ilar to other center~ of afflu ence in i1~ JUrfnile prob· lrn1~. It ha s n1any rllrcc· 11nn less youn~ people lnok in g for thrills. and 1\•ith thf:' n1oncy lo blly the1n. PROBLE~I EXISTS Beve rly Hill s Potier {;)11el .Joseph P. Ki1nbl' sa.rs: ··tf !here i5 II higher incidence Of dope among Juveniles 1n Heverly Hills. it is nol much higher than in similar com· niunit1es. But there ean be no cloubt that the p;·oblem CO\· ISL~." \\'here rlo youths gel d(lpr'! "':\1ostly from other kids.'" Chief Kimble said. "The 0011ow~ycd, furllve. 50-year· '"""' F• •XSOUTH COAST ".," PLAZA THa&Tll• tDR"°TQt $111 DiMD ,,._,al 1Mto1 • S46-27 l I OPEN 6,45-SHOW ST ARTS 7 P.M. Winner JA~ITIY Awards BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepb urn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE VE•R!" _.,.,.,,..., ..... c~ia - JOMrtft.llW*-Nf NKiJ f lllMlll'f'.PUI PETER ~ KAllfARINE OTOOLE ?~HEPBURN ........ .,,,, 1HE LION IN WINTER , .... "_-:-:,~ "All,QUoJ,,1.Wf - ALSO •.• ZERO MOSTEL "THE PRODU¢ERS" old fr iend 1-1·ho pushes <lope on young people is pretty mu ch a thing of the past." ln other words. 11 Heverly !·!ills youth who "'anted to PX· periment v.·ith rlope would not have mucb trouble findi ng 11~ "I think this Is an accura te st;i!ement," the police chief s:iid. There are indication~ that the children of the famous may be more ~usct'ptihle to the use o[ drugs th;1n others their age. Stars lc:id busy . self-centered l11·es thri l allow !illle tlme: 10 J1slcn t o children's prohlen1s. :-.1 11ttiplc marriages !eave children to gro~· ur v.·ith 1:ol'ern,..,scs and slcp parenl~ and al boarding schools. Their pla_1·gro11nrl hrcomrs th,.. d1 ~cr>l h<'f111r~ nr Brierly 11111.s :111d h1pp1t>land ol Sunset Strip ~lan_v hrcomr rnvoh·rd \11tl1 I he rock n1us1c 11•orl d where pvl and LSD arc a w~y <Jf life. IDENTITV SEARCH All young people face the S<'arch for identity. b11l his quest sttms n1ore acute with stars' children. Their parenti;;' fame is constanlly a factor to be dealt witb. Art Linkle.tl.{'r tou ched upon lh1s a.c; he discussed his d;iughter's problen1s: "There was alv.·ays Lhe fami ly name to contend v.•ith -you kno1v how ha rd that can be. You're prejudged by everyone. All my kids have had to ad1u.st to it, • h;iving that name riding on top of them.'' Other la1nol1s child ren havr. rr.cl'ntly made n12w.~ because of drugs. York J\lc(:avin. lcen·age son of tele1·ision star Darren J\lcG avin, was indicted earlier this year on a charge of possessing ;u1d selling LSD. The youth had previously bern arrested three tin1es on m<in· Juana charges and once was turned in by his falher. Kml Lan<', 27-year--<Jld .~on of Rhonda Flem ing. admitted la ~t April In an interview !hat he harl used rnari1uana and IA')D. lie recalled confC'ssln11: it lo his m::>tht'r tv.·o ,years hclorr "1 11·ant.ed lo shock i\1o!her h11 her right hr.t"·rrn t h r f'yf's. I \1anted to hnrt. IOfl " L<:1ne, now a proin1 ~1ng a{'· tor, ~aid hr had rid hi1nsfl1' of lhf' use of drugs. I-le touched nn so111e of rhe reasons for hi.~ usage "I spent my childhood twin.Ii tcrr1hly confused. J\.1 o I h r r 11·asn·L the re much. :ind that 11·asn't lair to either of us ... Jl.1y father 1-1•as a snapshot I didn 't see h.im often.'' NEW CAREER l\1ichae1 Douglas. 21-year.old son of Kirk Douglas. is begin· ning a film career as a star in lhe current "Hail, Hero." lie admits lhal he wenl through a rebellious period while a slu· dent ;it the University of. California at Santa Barbara. "WDHU mr.r.y -·--- ' " ''Sure. I used pot and LSD, and I feel that it v.·as a 11·orthwhile t'xperi'enre." hP. says. "rt taught me about the rhythm of l1\·1ng." He add.~ that he has given up narrotic.o: because they clull the senses "<ind you n('cd the sharp edg es for <icting _ .. Prier Fond a has unwillingly bel'Om e a S)'1nbol for the turnrd -on ~rner;ition bera us~ of his film poT1 rayals "Thr ~\'ild Angels.'' "Thr Trip," ··Easy Rider'' as v.·ell as lull' ov.·n Ide. The handsome son of llenry }'nnda "'BS once ar· rested v.hen [lOl ice found mariiuana growing a1 a hou~ he rented. ll1e charges v.·ere Jalf'r dismi s~d . Yoiing Fonda m11ke!I n'• .~f'crct ;:ibout his u~ of drug_,._ OncC' he said · "L.CiO 11•as a catalyst. ii brought me i1">1o'<1y - fron1 one poinl of 1·iew and ~a \'f' nic a 1n illion p.:iints or \'ir.w. ~n I c;in never ;iccept one poi nt of \'ie\1' any more . I ccin never go b;ick homf'.'' And in one interview he ex· pressed publicly v.·hat n1any stars' ch1 ldrE:n ha ve lr!t 111 private: "I 11·ish my father coulri open his eyes and dig rnc.'' A Beverly Hills psychiatrist 1vho has treated chi ldren o( !he famou s names o I Holl yv.·ood has this to say : TROUBLED KIDS "'These children are troubled because of two fa ctors. for one thing. O.ci r parents are ex- lrernely btL~y arKI self-center'd people : their <m'TI carcer1 and their need for ego satisfaction leaves 01em little time to gh· .. . attention to their sons and daughters. ··The other problem is their parents' famC'. Everyv.·here a boy goes. he is poinled out as so-and·so·s son. He becomts a celebrity himsel f. but nol because of anything he ha! done. He has di fficu lt y establishing his ()~·n identity because of the overwhelmina fame of his parent. "Some mo vie children 1et into trouble, such as using dope, in a misguided effort to gel somt kind of aUenllon from their parent.,. Oth~s ~ Lhe so-called mind-bending drugs in a search for their own identitv. /\s long ·as ~uch situation!' ('XLS!, Ho11y"'tlOCI inay St'e more lra ge<lirs like that or Diane Link.letter. I ·- I ----------------------------------------------·---·--·--··-·-·- DAILY PILOT I I_ Ann Lander• ...!•!!·~"·~· _ _.!!ly~~~--:·~·rl9!1~di l(anin: Broadway Declining . ...-... Bacl1elor Offers Datallility Test J DE.A.R Ai\IN LANDE:RS: Every now and then a chick lists the qualities she looks for in a date -or a future husband. So far a s I can remember. no male has e ver d one i;o. i'.tay I be 'I.he Hr st? .I 'll bet :;ome of the unmarried gals out lhere n1i~ht be int~rested in thecki nc. themselves against the list. JJere 1t is: ., (I) She rnu sl be metict1lous about hygiene, well groo1ned an d ladYlike . A foul mo.1!1h turns oft any decen t guy un- med\ately . (2) She r11ust be a good listener. \Vhen she speaks 1l n1usl rtflect somr thought. Th e girl who is constantly on st11.ge, makina >A'ith the small 111\k, dropping names and places is a bore. IJ) The fe 111ale 1,1•ho Is physically aaaressive depri1•es <1 man of his masculin ity. Sql.let:zing (·\ose wlirn he 1~ Irvin~ to drive. pulling hr r li Ps up to be kis~ed. or reaching for his hand in a movie can kill a romance'. !4) Live. by this rule. Don 't call him, Jet him call yoll . lf YOIJ have to telr:phone a guy or drop him a note lo remind hin1 Ulat you're still alive -you're is good as dead. Sian me - STJLL LOOK ING DEAR STILL: Good list. T"anks for se.nding ii. Aod 11•w you gals out !here .i·bo also are 11111 looki111. bow did )'OU slack up? DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm J 2$.yell r·old college graduate in need of ad\'ice in regard to my current romance. 1 don 'l kt)ow bow to figure ii. Bever ly is 21, built, bcautiru1 and an cyt opener in any cro\\'d. Al fi rsl I thl'lught she "'•s a good listener and that later she'd ctpress some opin ions. But it',s been seven months now and She.still si ts there, smiling a lot, looking gorgeous and has nothing to say. ta.st nig ht r Ii s t e n c d carefully l-0 Beverly's conver· satlo.n . It v.·cnL like !his : "Thal's grOOI')'." ''You don 't say." That's \.\'ay out of thi:i; v.·orld." \\'hen I asked sptclflc qur:stlons on topics or curre11t in ttrest. she rtplied . "I really haven't made up my mind about that yet." \Vhy would a girl be JO reluctant to express an idea? Please help me understand. - ~fYSTlFIED DEAR 1\-IYSTIFIED: lt'1 bard to espreas u idea "hen you doa 't have oae. Bulll i:::.:::_:,=::~=::..:::.:=~:=_=:.::::;_;_ ____ ;..._J Beverly is a dumbbell and you "Ob, come now. M.r. Haviland, can't you accept might a1 well admit ii. compulsory ~tiremect gra cefully ~·· And as for you -if you can listen to. "'That'~ groovy " and ----------------------- "You don 't say" lor se1•en monlhs. H rasies some ques- tions In my mind re1ardlag: YO UR mentality. DE AR ANN LANDERS: \Vhcn v.•e nioved to lhls so· called "bcUe r" suburb I wa~ eagrr to become acquainted \1'ith my neighbors. 1\ly m;;jor 1vorry was that they mighl not take me in. \V eil 1'1·e been taken in .so thoroughly lhaL l'rn t ry ing to figure a 1\.'I Y out. There are coffee \datche~ h\•1ce a day-10.30 a.m_ and 2 p.1n. i\·lost of !he girls tneet again for cocktails at 5. Then there's the bridge club. lhe book clu b. the garden club and the se1.,.ing club. I 11111 clubbed to death. Being the nev.'esl gal 1n the groop they all make sure I'm included. Hov.· can I get excluded -graciously '! - NORTl-t SflORE DEAR NORTH: Unw ind one thing at a time. Cut the klatcbe& to m•rnin1& ooly. Skip the martinis. Make a previous commitmt ut Vl'hea tbe aevi'iOA club meets, etc. Be lbt ;nailer of your soul or )'OU 'll 10 do"·n with the ship, Babe. 0 peri End Vaudeville, Etc., Slimv Co1ning The "Open End Vaudeville Lil'e Actio n 1\t u 11 i · 1\1 e di a Three-Ring Circus and Dance- In Show " is con11ng . It's a new produetion. or srr1es 01 proc!uct1ons, openin~ Oct. 2~ for a three-\1·eekend run at lhc Open End Theater 1n Newport Beach The bask: conrcpt. a1·· cording to director T !\l1chael . Jaeger, is to prc:'cnl a d1f. ferent !>how e1•ery n\g ht , several of the plays and l 1 l1n~ v.·ill be repeated, but tli r ::.hows 1,1•ill vary each night of the presentation, Dran1atic productions by Jaeger and 0 . ft Diederich . a r o c k music group, San1llel Beckett's "Con1e and L;o,'1 folk singin g and a niu11i-rnedia circus con1pri~e the six ·night schedule. On Halloween. Oct. . 11. 1he theater will ~how the original f!Jrr, of "Dracul<i .'' The Open End east ineludes Peter Bland. Stephanie Da vy, Jimmy Diederich. J o e _v Farnan, Paul Crace~·. Susan Kampe. Stephanie Ll l'11'tllyn , Da1·id 1\lark1n, Pt\er Murr M)'. l\rl'in :\lulhern. John Se11 rlt and Dai e \\°heeler. Tit:kets . ar S2. 111<1) hf'- rcserved ar the theater. 281~ \'ili a \\-ay, or b,v cal11n.c: lht' bo1 office at 67frl121l . Trombones Roll Co1n poser.aut hor r-.1cred1 th Len11011s Voi~e Soft Sell \Yi!lson ta lks about (Hlf' of hi ~ (;i voiitt' creations-11·!1r11 he hos ts Chnnnel 9's uncu t 111 111 presr:ntation of "The 1\lusii..: f\1an." The f1l1n rnu~ica1, bns . r d on the Bro<idway hiL lnr \li)lrh \\'1lbon wrote book, n1us1(· and \yrie'. nir~ Satur- tla)>. at 7 JO p.nl. in color. Thr film. 11h1ch ::.tar~ Hobr1t Pr~s1on and Shu'lry Jones. 1111· mortali?-cs th{' troinbonr 111 \V111son·s ~oni:; hit "76 Tron1· bones." 11·h1ch. 11 !hr la1ned compo~cr h11d hecn true !o h1 ' Singing Sisters Just Girls Next Door By VER1"0N scorr }IOLLYY..'00(1 1t;Pll Either you a,·c a Lrnnon S~rs fanatic or you are not. 'nie lour girls 11·ho sing barber shop ha rmony have lheli-own· na tional television show this season , and there I ~ reason lo believe their longr1·i- ty on the tube ~hould rnalch that of lhE"ir ex·Cin ployer. Lawrence \Velk. They are low prcssurr.. !>O!I .se!l, dulcet \IOiced They cannot br. described a!i glamor girl s and sex botnbs they not on ly re.~e1nble th r girl next door. they think and behave like her. Pr1gy. more or Ir'~ the spokesman for thC' quarte!le. said. "'"°·e·re no! t .1 trrn1r squares or S\\·1nger~ \\'r'rr the <1 1'era1e 1,1·oma11 1n thr supe rmark et, TV 'ie11rr<. and mothers.'' "lt's 11•rong to 1h1n l.. or u~ a' saccharine,·· said Janel, th r younge~l. Kathy added. "\\ c arc all Catholics and try to be good Ch r!~tians. \\le had a beaut1tul example from our mother and father who ral.~r.d 11 of us ' Tht girls' father, Bill Le11 non. was stain last sum1ner b.v 11 former mental p11 1ient ll'ho had been harrass 1ng I h f! family. "Our large fa mily all gclllnJ: lDgether helped u~ overcome 1hr lraged.v and feeling or The ~1~1cr~ ~crrn 10 br 0 11· n au lob i o ~ r aph1cal Jo,,,~, said Dianne, tht eldesl. unin1prr~sed 1\'llh rating~ and background should have been Aher IZ yet'rli \.l lth \\'elk con1 pcl1Lion. rr-!itled as "71i Flu trs and Pie· anrl t\\·o yearR of p\a~·1ni; g11c~1 Peggy pllt it be~l. •·\\'e'rt. colos," lhr 1 n s Lr u n1 r n t ~ ~pots an.cl club s. the eld~~ happy 11·it h our show tht 1,1·ay \Villson himself played in tu~ fou r mem bers or the Len non II is, If the ratings aren't hi &h. rir~l professional rngagcn:ient of fspring 1·irtl.lall y grc\\' up in 11 e ;Jrcn t going lo l'han ge 111 1!121 wi!h band leader John 1he public eye. Their f11n1ily anytl1 ing." Pl1ilip Sous:i. tie.~ are strong and their ldcn-liijl'•"-•••~============~---;;;;•;..oi-, l1licat1on 1r1th !lit Ameriean l P"blic imlelible. --.I: .. ACIFIC i.-... lo~'h:/ingh~~~m~~~;y, 1%J!TO I~ I i: I ¥sfrrrD lo be lnie . Wi!li em Hol.le" ~••••I Bor9"i"• '·This is a job for us .'' Olan· "THE WILD IUNCH" nc s;i!d "\\'e don't thin k of ourselves a~ stars or a part of 1-lollyv.ood . \Vhen ""' e ' r r through 11·ork wc go homr a11d cook ror our husbands 11nd do "I thr dishrs and housev•ork .. The .~1strrs drsp1~f' 1hl' f'~· p\oilauon or thtir pnvatf' !it·e.s 1n tan magazines and rch1sr to •·oof)('rate 11·ith 01r publica· 11011s Ho\\'Cl'rr. they arc ai; popular 1v1th the ha1r·d ryer !>el l a~ Jackie Kennedy. , 111e l' r i I i ~ ~ wr:re no l univ ersal 111 !heir praise of the. ne1v son~ lest. bul tha t doesn't bother the girls either "People ~eem to like our :<l101r," O[anne said. "becaust 11 c aren't any diftere nt fro1n thr viewers ... l\alhy addc(i. "\\'e don 't lrl' lo be controvrrsial. \Ve. don'I ~ing hard rock . And we 1'1l love our ('O--stilr, J i mm y Duranlt " -------~~ - Gto•9• !l •o;~l Robed """9~" "THE UIDGE AT UMAGEN" Ho ""• 11na•• It wlll •• ''"'1!!111 wftlt" 0<<1'"' ''"IH ., lllttN I' l f Wll '"''"'"· Jap•n•'• Movies Every Tuesday Night S,ECIAL NOTICE TO OUlt ,ATRONS ~-- CONT!'IAIPl.V TO A OVE ll;TI Sl~G e'E YONO OU l't roN . TROL ANO "'"'"£'°"11;!"1G LLSEWH!l'I L. VCIU l'I O l'll:O . l"L E UN Ol.11; 11 CNOT U l W ILL NOT ll E AOM ITTEO TO PA.CI FIC TH llA,Tll;l[S TO SEE TH I' "II." •1c. TU l'!ES LI S 'T CO I .. THlS •ox UNLESS ACC0"'""'N. 110 •v ""'"INT 011. A OU LT OU.A.II.DIA '\/, Tri• l'afttait>c ·: .................................................................. l .~ YOUR PROBLEM: : --~' ·· JOURNIT TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN" l'LUl Micho•t s.,,.,;n • • • • You w•nt te ••II tom• item • : thal you no lon9er need but : : tomlone 1l1e can utl fo.r ! ·: NOT OVER $50 t •• '1''11. ... . . . : i YOUR ANSWER: ! . ! You c•ll THE DAILY PILOT, atk fer i : Cla11lfitd Advertl1in9, an4 pl•c.e a : -. ,,: • • • • • • • • ;~ • • : -: • • • •• •• ... • : • PILOT P!NNY PINCHER AT OUlt Sl'!CIAL LOW ltA TE 3 LINIS 2 TIMIS 2 DOU.I.RS AND YOUR CRIDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW Dllt!CT! I "' ............... . ··nE OF THE C&T" llltc1m...-" fer A.11111• Meffeee•eeee~e••••••eeee J•hn WtV"• GI •" C ompbt ll • "TRUE GRIT" •LU! WOii.,,,. Hel.1 111 E'"''' l or9n•n• "THE WILD IUNCH" ,,. tno wn••• II w•H ~ .. m•lllll W"ltU •<<t"'· ••n•lll by ''""' e• otwl! 111.,•lon ...................................... --~.....J "THI LION IN WINTER " G t••qt S1l)al Rob1r1 V•u9~n "THE UIDGE AT HM A GEN" ltitttm......,lfH .._~ ""II• .. ........... ~ ............ a - l obt1I Miich11"' Ang<• Oi t~i "'ll " "YOUNCO llLLY YOUNG" •LUS N 1t1li1 Wood G•orq• Ct.,~ .. ;, "WIST SIDI STORY" .............. ~ .. ·········· "DADDY 'S COONI - A HUNTINCO" "TWISTED NERVE" ltt'(·"'-"'111 t•• A•ulh LC!TOll.·S l<OTE" -H Glnon K•n•" ~.a •o '""' "" """"' n1ao1n1n~ '" &•o~u ... , 'V' ••»•M 11!0~ ,t In• 0"<.l"'t 1nd ..,lmot• r1~." l~ •"•'•~ ., .. ~,a •tcla• aioa"'"' O••~•O"' •r• 61 '1U""'' ,,..1t•G>, '"~Q••'· "'" 1 l>O\>•CI< •UT'<'O>t• l "<I '"""' "" D•h•~I wr" '"'"'"' Hy \\1ILLIAAI t;LO\ £11 !'\1::\V YOHK 'APJ -''Thr Br11actway we've known truly a1n.it•ars to bl· a d1s1ntcgrall11g 1nsl1lllt1un.'' ;.isst·rls one of it s tllO!>l t1r<l t•n1 I' r a f t s 111 c o , 1::11'S1Jll l\arun Still, he ha~ hu pc.~. "1'111 nut 1:crla111 thai the e11d ol Uroad1'lay as we have lt vrd it rnighL nut be a good thing. To get rid of shuns, .1·ou'1•e first got to tear do11•n lhc rubble," As un at·lor, director, writer and prt'kJ 11cer, Kan1n has been immers('d in tl1eatrical en- deavor ::.ince 1933. F'or a good part of chat ti1ne he's heard the moans of pessu111sts pro· f·laun1ni.: ~al·h !>Cason as the 1,1·or~t ul all Lr1l1I ri•<:l'llth ho11'('\'C'!' In• sc·!l lft·d :1111! l'1i1·d e 11d (·11l c· l.i lhr <;un tr<il'y. "There 11·cro· si gns o ! 1.:l1;111ge. b11t always enough i;ood things were around lo Justify the lhought that the end of Broildway was a lol o( nonsense. f\ow I ha ve to fat r 1he h&rd fill'! thal it is 11!.I longer aceuralr to s a ~' Rrn~dway 1s as stron.s as e1 er " Disneyl"-uHl See ks Cast For F o ntt1s y n :sneyland i~ lnok1ng for people 11ho 11·ould like lo become oslriches, hor s e s , f'<'tndtet. dancing butterfl)'S and ch i1nney sweeps . Thr.v need 501 people. to be a parl of Lhis year's ··f anta sy on f\1rade." .srhcdulcd for 27 pe1·lor111anees. Uce 20 Lhrough .I nn 4. lfl70. ··F;111\;1l>y n11 Parade," 1he 1rad1t1onal U 1 i; n e .v 1 and 11 cl1·011H· lo the Christma.~ sea!->Oll. is seek1n" pcoplr lo .~er1·e <1S pa rade ;11(.!", dril'rts. page:1 111 hrlpt·r". danL't'r~ ;11\CI in11s1r1ans for !ht• lli·d;1y YulrtHlt· crh•br:1 t1on. Parade aid~ and driler~ will he interviewed Thursday <11111 Friday. (k:tuhcr 2.1 and 24. ;;1 5 JI in \lt·n and 11un1r 11 int,..rr~\C'd 111 .'ludi11on111i: a~ danc"r~ 1nus! he bet11cc n !llr <iMc~ or 16 :ind :!5. 111th S(ll!ll' danct• r x· pcricncc prr fcrrcd. 0 ;i n r r :n1d1t1uns will be held \Vcd· ne sday. Oct 22, at 5 p 111 All audi tions ll'iil De hcltJ ;ii !he ·•Fantus.v on Par;Hlc ' st<iging arr<i. loC';11et1 ne!lr thr 1nt1·r~cction nJ Bal l noad and \Vest SL, Nonh of Disneyland. Persons audit ioning shoul d bC' til'allablr for th ree weekend rehea rsals. ~ov. 29·30, Dec li·7 and Dec. 13·14. plus :11x n1Rl1l rrhcarsal.~ Df>c. 11 lhl'ough IJ1•r 16. Nu ;;dv;in('r rl"~l!->t r;1· !ton i~ rrqu1rcd lo p.1r11c1pH lc 1n any of lhc aud11!011.~ TURN ON TV W EEIC L~~~· you •uo t d lo "'~••'• ~•J>D ~"'~~ b&~•~d +~. •ub1 -[•••y Sotu•d •v '" +ho O'°"llY PILOT . l\'1Ilin puts rnaln blamt [<Jr But ht: keeps t.:ln1t 111atr h 011 tht suslained ebb ul theal!'KoJI legu a~ a nu•111bcr ot lhl' a~l1vitv !hol ha~ bctu11 11• ouard of lht: !'.l usil· Ccultr 111 par\it ularly 11ol11·c;1tJl1· 1111, l.IJ~ t\!l!lelcs aru.l ~res )\hi :.eason -unly aboi11 :i clo1"11 :ibout r1·cry :"lr11· York l'Xh\1111 prenueres schcdult:d by :-i ~11· un Uruadv.a}, oft ;i ud olf·nlt Y::ar s -10 "bas1r t.:V, r11.:1.;;1n ' •·11 u1;.iy tM' early to ~iiy," hr that drgraded d r a rn al 1' • t't!f)()rts, "but 1herr are sorni' •lrtilitii.: an1b11 ion 11Ho grrrdy lai n\. odd liUle ~urring~ 1u :,:how bu~iness, pr•1111(lr ho11r !or thr thr:.tlcr'.~ "To he pt•rtrcll.Y lil \1111. 1u1urC'" IJru;idwa.1• 1hi;.:il•·r h:1-: hCC'll Kar1111 Ii ~\, fa r!o1·, as the in · 1·1tldled 11Jth r or r u p l 1 11 11 . ---- 1<.1r kl;;11'k, b r J Lier _v a1u.J 1 prl'~~lll'r lal·l1rs lv1' J lul\gl tune." hr says. Kanin shake~ hi.' head in reran of the glan1or that tilled all those playhouses that have[ 1·anished from Broa<Jway .s1ncr hr and a chap na1ncd Burges.-.1 1\leredilh Jointl y b o "' e d onst:'.!ge in ''Little 01' Boy." ''I am wilting lo level a lol or l'rltic1sm for what has hap- p1·nrtl against people who J!Ot :1 l111 uul of, but put nollun~ Ul·[ 10. Broad11 ny -hotel~. nit'r· l'lll'llll~. I'\ Cll 1 :-IXI~ All tO\Jk ;ind 11trin 't l'Unlri h11!1•, in :1 parasil1l' arrangcn1rn1 1 "New York 1Pg 1 I 1 1n at r ' thi·Hter is rrall~ the i.:11~•.~ ~n!y unique t our 1st at1r:1ct1on. E\•ery tily has 1nl1.~cums, skyscrapers. parks, depart· rnent stores and history. All THI! Wl!8TMINSTI! .. C£NTEI JDURnEY TD THE FAI BIDE Of THI 1un l1Jl:j J£CHNICDlOR• liJ0 11'r l10:1d special was lcgit.1---========== \\'IH'll thal fades it is a great pit,1• and calls for civie action and concerted a('lion b y businessmen " Kanin scorns \\'ha t hi' ralls "easv answers·· that attributt' 1!ecli.nc of theater li fe lo 1t'!er is1on and mov1r s · "The}' 1·.1111[lC'tC' for 11n1r bur no! rnr hun1an sens1bil111rs: they ean'\I i'01npetC' any 111nre lhiln you 1•<111 r·ornpa rC' r~ad1n.i: a hook and going to Lhc the:it er. "If lilnlS and 1·v are such competitlon , why haven't they affected the theater !o the degree lhal it has ha ppened here in London, P a r is , ~tockholm and so many other cities " Thi:' loc:i l filult . Kanin's . I I ' . ' cau.~t1c·li11Hi y ;111a .vs1s runs, 1s 1 •·we hal'e prcl!y 1nut il lo~I our audi('11te'' b('e;1u;;-r 111 n sing tic ket prkcs llial h;1vl' i·rcnted a rnarket only rn r :-;up1'1·~hnws.I --=""~ In the proce ss. <1uthnrs have he-con'e inl1ib1lC'd. t •DW&RDS 3 •<t·t;!f TH•ATlt . erease •lf regionil l 1 t a 1 • ton1pan1es arounC: tile country. t'un t1nued population grow1 k a nd a societ y In "h1ch people hal'r increas ing tc1;ure llmt . •·11~ 1Pry unportant 11'1 rt'.'rnenibcr, ' he adds. "\hilt lhe d e~irc rlJr thratrieal t"l • prrss1nn 1s sornelhing you ean 't stamp out or the human race -nnl (Inly lo perform bu ! to see.·· TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE llLL T•A¥£•1, ¥111i1NIA. Mc!r:IENNA, S1•ri •f "IO•N fllf" 111 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY RUN Geraldine Chaplin.Julie C hriotie l o,,, C&~•\•n a y-Al•c Guin,.eu Q,.,., Sh1,il-Ro.l S1.;,., R:•, Tu1hinqht.,.-R. Rich••il•oll "l'roph.' ar r. no1 int('l'!'Stcd ' in tfic th~<iter. rhrv arr in.II \ere~tcd only 111 1111.~. The rC\'l('wcrs. 100. 10 .~o n1r r:..tent fa ll 11110 Lhc grnr nl thr hi t-1 flop ~ynctronir •"O'"'•D•'"CO>U MHa.•~''' I'; t10W FAR WILL A 32 YEAR OLD SPINSTER GO TO POSSES A STRANGE, 19 YEAR OLD BOY ? ·'1'hr b1rl h uf olf-Broattw ay 11 as an 1•eono1n u.' n1~1t!f~r . resulting lrorn that c~use . Dick floge rs and I don't agree \\'hen he sa~·s tha t 1f a show is a hit !he publir v.·111 lk'lY any 11ckct prlt'f'. That's !he true IJ\\' ot ~1ipply ancl den1and bul it doesn't 1\'ork lor people who h:lvC' only su rn11ch 10 spend , Jnr rnlC'rla1nm~nt I ''Also. \.11hy shoulct Lhr rr be !>tandard llt ket prices for all !->hows'! There's been avancr.I on lhe part i;if everyone i11. 1 olvC'd -v.•ntcr~. act ors. I •l a gel1and-~, llobrr\. Andcr:>l)nl put it correctly when hr said the theater shou ld Ix-a place tn make a living . not a kill · 111.C: ., Kan1n , 56, h;i.~ hren bu~y . dt1r1ng lhe pa,,1 ~ r I' e r :i I se.isons. directinJ: ;i nj t writing !wo lilrn~. authorin)! " volur11~· vi ~horl S!orie;; .1 ncl 1"vrk1ni: on ~c1 rral future 1nol'1r pr11J· P{'!S alnn~ "'ith h 1~ \\'lfr, :ll·I l rrs~ Rlllh Gordon ~ ..................... _ _.., ........... ~ llitooiim; ... .,._,., Cot.OR (!'lo HELD OVER FOR 4TH EXCLUSIVE WEEK I REX HARRISON BURTON in th! Stanley Oonen Prod uction "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story The Pll\DWOMl\ll ofGHl\lhLOT The motion picture desig,.,ed to save the world fr om sa nity. EXClU~IVf Rf trRVfD ~EAT fNCACf ltlf NI! TONIGHT AT 8:30 ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WALKED ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF U~ "2001" IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE LIK<L Y TO GET. 20Ql: a space uuyssey CINERAMA ·~ ............... . • The l'll\DWOMrul ofCHl\ILLOT E:X_CLl.J_SJVE ENGAGEME:NT W et nt r l ro1 Ptt•tnh ""Ely l 1n.ltu·Brya n Forb11 Pre .l11cli•11 l<t lht d111 Htpbu•" 11 "THE MADWOMAN OF CHAllLOT" Ch trl t1 Bov•r·C!audt Oe11phi11-Edilh ~"•ll 1·J o~n G,.,;" ~1u l He"'';ll O t<•• Ho,,.,&l~e ·Merg•r •l Leigh+on·Gi11li1tl1 M11 ine Nant!!e N .... ,,.,l n •"ii lt;ch••il Ch1m ~1rl 1 in YUL I RYNN Elt ,, th• Cht irm tn OON,t.LO Plf ASENCE ,, th, P101ptcle• ~nil DANNY l(AYE 11 lho Rt,p i<~•r ao1e.l en a pl oy'"'""'" by J,,,. G ;rt u.lou• i nd tilt pie.I :n!• f,.,i;,t. by Moutict Vol1ncy.Sc•t•"Ploy bv Eilworil Anhell E11culi•• P,o.luc•• Hen•v T. Wo1111ltOn P•oil 11c1.l by Ely La11,l,.,.011 1<lt d bv l •v•" fe•b•1 WORLD PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT W!!K NIGHTS1 7:1l & 9:30 SATUROAY: l :ll,4:4S,7:1l&7:4l SUNDAY : 1:00, l :lO, 6:00& 8:30 ---' l..1__0All~PI LOT_ Meetings Along th~ O'if.nge Coast Area , "" o,,.~ <..u>•• M,..,,• """' """11""'"~ 6••{h Mo 01>« Lou~· (O,t• 11•-•· I Qftl ·eG&rd of 1lc111on. ~•wW! ~.r t>w '-"'" 11111 llc•Cll 11,,,.., 1tuni.uvlo• ... "''' '""~"' BM "'D•• "''·' ···•~<•h< •••11 /~\ L••• ,. •• """ ,.~,,,.,, .. .,, 1 ... l1u•ll11~10 .. B•a{" 11~11 c ..... M••~. lla!l>OJ ll•Y Club. 11"!1 6•~c11.111 1Soro1 •·~,,. ('"'"''' l•<1~ o• 11,u111"~'0~ """'~ oll.i \h••··U•D•i>• "'"'""' ,,.,.,J., .. IHa(ll,/,Qom .>•llo~I. ll~o•n 1-_ l~Ql 1/180" 11, W C~A>IH1911wov.Newport 8••cll,I (ll•cl••to 8.,_,.,0,,,...,,., Comml!I.,.. U 3 "••di See (~el Corp., ?J.ll i•• ••HC• ~Dall 5•nl• ,,,,..,Ip n. "" • •·•~. ~•11•1 !'Ill!!, 12•1 W C~•·I +1 ,vl>w•• NONQ'11"1 &~.,~ 17 ll r. "l .. 1 y, ,1 1~~1an•t lc<IQ•. M•"lnlt l "' ,,~I ···~ ~· ..... ~Q'1 11~••"· ,...,,, •"C 11'"'"' ·'" l>l<N I.•.,., I! I',"'" ,,.. <IUD u• <,.Q·•~ -,·,~-.. '"""""'',, ""'""'g '"" Br•<"· I ~m •m Hufthn~•O" Bcocn, M•""•'•· 1•01 fJn<v.ov ..,,,.~''''" l~'""" 11.n1. ~ol •r t1 '"" 0•3hV• ,,. . ., """' "'1'"'' , .,,,, "'" ,i~•I•• l """"" ll~h. I '"" "•c<•.\1•~11 C·nt•" O••"<•e Covn•>' r ... ., .... (<>•""' S"' to .. o, '" (lu!> W~tf'l'>ln>1~r f't~ld,. t!ub. l<•ng·, T4Ul• Luh•Gtr .o.ve .• Hvnu,....1on 11••<1•. 1 •v 1311• SI. Co.io Mrw, 1 J~ ~"' li< ><lo, I ,/; "'" , ~·~•" 1•111111. '"'"'•& un. ~·•·•• •v" ""' owanh c1110 of ouo M•>d'IDrltl, ••vn•l"''"0" eea<~ Lion' t ·tlllft• Wt •+m1,,.r..-H<l~~olAI. HD •O llO! !i,e H11nl•n9!111> \on.or ,,,., • .,, Cn,/~"""'" 1"" ·'''' &0" ""'""'" !u.• ""'"''' ~ I I I ~ p, •ldlt'"· 1)1• w P~lt>Of 111.<1 (O•>! ~,nQIO ~/~( .. , JAl( Un•V••,,11 Co••I ~I Re>lau••M. 1 .. ~ H•'""' '"'9'"" S~•<toll Cou11trw lOOC c •• ~~. We11mU.1te<, 'P.... l~Je, L••t lll'd ,.,q. M••on• IJ~ ll••tl> M•l.Qn•c P•""· H1..,lif>lllD" !<es;;;:;~~.~.;;;, °'"""' l·l·I•·'" 1 "·" , ,.. 1.i11 ~"~'-" 1.u~~ "'"""' "'n • '"'",'~""" ",'','" M';," I•"', •. "'• 11·~ °"""o. •l•,.,~•" !led<'•. I ,o < llP.•l~uren•. '"""'",•ln•ler noon • "' :f,; '!1»'""1111•• M•dlt••I r•Pla••" Po•,1, O"•'>!I~ to~•• l>O•fl •"" hv.,lt &v•nu• N•.,1><1•• ll••« \"'''"~ •0•)~"•"""""•• "'"''""r ..,,,...,,,ll•ati .. 7l0om D1,.t,Nt..t>cil ll••Ul.IJO a.on '•1vQ .• C<»l•Mti&..'l1.ll P.m P•lul "•"• H""1i<>e!U "·•.JO C.ta,,.... C..-1B'N••11'1.ll•, Morc\1.-Y 88i<cn.1 Jl •.m. \O • "' '"·~en • lll i>,., <"'""r (uuntv Amo!eu• ;t·l•C>•lO""'" lt<UR ~O .. ~ 11...-....-1 H••bor l(t,•rtb (lull. V•!I• i> m ~bY•l\O\ •!lO l Co•l "'"' l&tf ll•v"l("I llrt•~'""' ll uO•o '-1~11~ 'U!><! E.••<Uhv• ll~••CI ~"'" < ' r • ' , •• ,,-.,,.,. ,, 0 0 ' · '~ 1 <•I "" P&1•61, ~<hJ40ff.ol\ I ~1 11 "'' n , >O"loooo H,9n ~Mol, v&rC•u l!•rD<l•-.. • ~ -,,_ r • U • !' •• ""'"""•• 1G4S 8•1 l<>e 1)1 , l<t•....0<1 C"''• Me>• GrH>fe .. 1 1 o t Io 1 i oft, Edlnot r, Hunf.r1.,lor1 6e•d1, I p.,. l!•"•dllon 8"ild•no, 111' P•tt •t•••ut•f'f ~l<~ ""'°"' II vo "!•<•~St , CD"d M•\d 1 ""' C,rov•. 1 lO P m C•lt •t"•· f o>n.O.. hl•oa. PH"'"°'' llttcn. l?;IG <t.m. Gr•M• Htl~ ?1.W Tn11"n .-.ve., (011• l'l.IO"'Y fl •v<I New11<r•I B•tcn, I p "'· l.""1" ,,. .. ,. """" N•\•l"o< ~·~•••·n~ Loog• .... Jf,J t .. ·.·~ M•>• E.og lt ,. .... l l.l w "'" II••<~ '. m_ "~"'-!•lfvine Ro•• .... (lull, ... ,., M•••· P:ll 11.m. ~ Hunllt\g!M lle•tPt Pcl•N (l~b. ~n•1• ~ATURo .. v !•~woo•! (...,Ir• l(,.,,n" l.lub 'O\f l' M~>On<( !•"'<>Ir, l!tn ~h •r• ~"n ~t Sf , (O>I• Me ..... t ""n 810••1•>1 Dcl•m•SI Clull o! Co• It M•,t , bt~n~1'>, ?Ill ll">lol. ~I . (O\•o N•,..l>C>rf H•rbac fllu El~ ton hKll IM,. Hunh"!l!on 8e•<h, 'l."'l>hon 6 u>iM<'>lllf,,.t Celmm<l1<•, ll••1~u••nl, 1111 l. c ...... , ... gnw••-,..,.,,.,.., Plt t e. N•,,<>O•I ll••<n. / Kn•Qll" or Co!.,mbu> No ""· .1 Co•~I Rre• Re•lluran!, 11-H H&•ba• Me••· """"· Lodgo, ~ VII> 'O<tor1<t, He-r4 e•lll<t• 8•• Club. N&w1>1>'1 ee.cn, Cor0f1i <>el M•I. 1'C>Dll "'" JCtCh•m'• H•ll. Jtf>.I Ort ng• ..... 81vd . Coo•• M ...... l .Jt . m. "°""'•In 11.11 .... """'."'" (l.,b, "'•II· 11 ••• n.111.-. M~:.~·.·,.:·mi..·-·· ...... ~ •• "••-•, 1.lll •. m. N•"'"°'' H•tbor A••• Y'< M•ll < l l~b i --------------------------------------------------------------"-·----------------·-------"-~--'---------------YM(,., 1JOll U"•vr"<"Y 0' '" • NfWl>r;>t'I lle•UI. I pm I •Dlarr• !><.ouh, ll oll<oc• L l•<l·b~,, f,plo•t• Pc•! 19•, ll&bux~ f <•( t<onlc>, l~OI H .. •Uo• B<wQ ( !•~ M r>• I l~om D•ll.\al•V. 01~nQ~ (tlol_.I ("~ulf', l~••onk l e•no l• 15tn $! ,-•"1'! S' 14nQrtwl P l•Ct . fl~"'"°" ll••t••, l ~ om 0•¥<>1•• !<U"'""I'~" ll••t~ (ll to·'•• '"' ~" To n>~lo IQ• ~··• "·"' 11. •l-r~'", ll•d<' ,a o '" (' '' "··~ .. ~.......... l•~·" ... Qr1<1 '<Ii"·"' '''" "Y>• ""··•"'' i;.,~ (~··· "''"'" ~ ~ ,., YUE~D&Y (-t, ''• .. l >,l>d"'I• (ly~, '-'"•I •··•• /,\•·.~. noom (Q'""" O•I Md• 0::'""''" t l~t· V l•o ~..-oarn. i;;. r \'.oJ•,• "'•"~d• (Q•an• 001 ""'"'· 11 10 n"' l'""h""'"" Fl~n<ll Rol•rv Ch•ll No"~ r ""' Win~• ~tlh'U'•nl, 16--11\ f\~"" <I>«• Ro•d. Hv.,llnyton lloatn, 11 11 •m llunf,nglon !ltd~~ 0:<1••an1>, (luU, H"" ""'°" ~t•cJ1I! COllnrrv (l.,D, JIJOIJ '4•m ,.., .......... n91Gn e ,.,h 11 !\ D n•, '·'•peel H"'"°' On1,,., ' t •uo; U •1- M•"na. 10•~ 8.•v ... lt O• v•. r''"'"'-• L•,11.ll. It I u ni c,,.,d ,......,. ~'"'""" (~•1> co•• "•,,I .. 011 •"G (o.,n1,. (1~1>. (D">•.o l<'•·.1 " •.s ""' ( """~ ar! t•,,,. I '""'"Q• r. 11.~. lo. • •' , I II ! (••·• i "">"w4~ • o-on~ 0~1 r.\" Mn~" I• ''"~'"" Be•<" r~'''" L·~ ... {luP f, •Jl)(> .. ia•~ (Du<"<> Clu~, I ~ I ft 1 l.·•~''·J"'· Hun!mg!oro llroc", noon \>r••••n• or Wedo W•r I •nd "'u•li•d•V. N•w Mn• Ila"•<-• 1'"'1, Am•"c~n L.!'lllOn Hall • .56S w. lath 5!., C~r~ /,~•••· 6 o m Flol•rv Cl<10 OI NtwPOrl B•I-. !cvonp Co1•I Counl•Y (IUD, 1600 E. Coa•t l<•'lhwav. (o,onA del M•r. 6 JO a m Cc .Id M•W·N-" ;.oarl".<lr l 10"' Club, I.JP'• II"'"" (<>un"v Club, {t.>ld ....... 6 JO'""' ll ••""'1 8At '-'"'" (lun \11Ud /~M oh• 101\ B·•r•<!t o .. v• ~ew.-u•I ll••<I> I ""' I• ont1•1~ton ll•~cn l " Ln<lo• 1 ••~ I od~P. 8(1• Oc:~An A,• """""~'o" no,1on, 1 JO"'" S<'"''~ Ir• l"r ""' "''""l"' ~t>I> '''''''"'""'''''' nl 11,.rl\•, ~n,,, flu~"•' ~IO•qi!)'I '" ~"""C~ Nl•,.,oe·I H '""' (h,11''"' (Oil••I'' '""" ~'""°' .ot.l Noll• l),om•, (O,lo M•·.,o I •I . "' r"J~ Ft l•<·w· I O<I~• tl( l~1 n~o ••lln.\ l •n,oio, ?1b MdH! ~t . 11u1• ' .... ,.,,, Be''"· I D.m I Q OM, •.loo.o No 11~1. •l l C l/•n :;1. Costa Mo •ft, 1·1~ "m f .11-S-• Club. Ntw1><1rt., Inn, 'J•wPQ•t ll"~Ch, I •-"' ~·~ and Sa9• ,..,.,.,1;ion ~'l(·~·• ~nu•<1...,n ltoom, Sa,.la .O.na l•O·~·v Br~ •nd ltw.• •lrOth. S..."!a ;tnd, I .0 o.m. ~ u1n c,..~, "'<t•v• ?O.JO ctvh. V .tl•~· ! 1,,n, l:'t M<l"""' ll•lbc.> 1-.MnQ, I JO " "' I O·~nQe (oun!y (ll~PI"' OI lh• Q ,~nrr• &:,<n ol ~0<ilhP1n (~11lcrn1J, Hf~l!h I I)"'''· i11, •"d ~0>' '"""h ';dnl~ Ana , p" ' WEO'IESO"'Y r" '' '•'""'O""'"" l o"" t lul• Od•• , '•1 I 1/0 ~ ~t, Co •·• M•"" I • m 61"• l'!am• Toa~tmA>!Pr1 (JUI>, M~~~ v .. a~ to~"""' Club. to·•• ¥~·.~. I ' "' 11.,.,11nq!On ll••t" ! ""A"4' c n,h, ~h-.•ro.,O•d<h Inn. H ""''"Qlon ll•dC" •'"' • (, I• r.·•·~ !'rt"'' ~ "" t I> •o "" • "~" ,,,,n Cou""" I '"" l~ 1,, Y.~ ~ ,. '" ,., ,., '.,.,,,. .. ,. '' ·•·, " r ..... ., ,.~., ~"""' I\••~ w• ,,, ·" ,,., r " ,,,,._ • i .... ,,~. , , '"" 1 ,,. ,, ''"', '·•·•f """ iOI"''' ~···" ''"I ...... Group 1-'lans 1'o Honor 'l'op S<·out:- The Or;ingr E n11r1ri• i\i!'ll I r ·uu1u·11 will l1rdtl 1\s <1no11;il 1 1.<t;!h' Sl·1111\ Hrt·11~n1i1•Jll 1;a11-I rpu·t \\'rdnt",d<l.\ a\ lih' B;,ilbo;1 J ::11· <'lull 1-:;_iglr .11111 IJ.i1 !• uf s .• nta \n;,i has been t•hosen !o atl· •lrt S:. !25 ul !us ll•llo"' SL·ou1 ~. 11 ho v.·111 be 11·i1h ~pon.~or~ fn11n 1nJus!rv ;u1d 111" p111 f l"L,•Jql)~ thru11j'.!h(1111 Or<1ng(1 ( "~on !: .11111 11,J • -.1•i+'l'!!'d 111 I ••Ill• p1 lll lHn 111111 11lh•·1 I .1:,.!o '., 11111-Ill 11 11" { I 1illl ii JJ1 i 1111• l••p "'"' 1~·1 i r·1•! tol t'\,1 <: .1! <;,1nt.1 \11 1 \ ;dJ, I lt1;..h ~( IHi"I .. 11d ,, :, 1nt·nih1 ! ,.( Sio,1 ~~\pJor1·r Slup j94 ·non~urcd by lh(' r:lk~ 1.11dgr Hl Sanl :1 Ana l it' wdl cnler rcg1nn:il 1•0111· pe1111\!11 ror the honor of ~1\'1ni.: ;i ~1.'llus r eport on Scnu\lng 10 1·n·s1den t Nixon in r'rlir11ar1 111 \\"a:,l11ngton, r> (' • I~ ('11(';_!4•1 i~11 j,,,, I 111 B"''"' I luc .'! \\l ,\SlllNGTO,\J rL·r~1 1 -Thl't l'nilcd ~!;1l1•s ~111d 'l'llf'1S1l(11 it is prtparcd to renegouale it s n1ititar.v ha.~t·s agr(:erocnt "''ll h the Philippines .. Jurisd1t" lio n in criminnl c;i~:'~ lrl· \·olving U.S. scrvict'1nt•n 1~ the ~t·y issur. ·rhe Sl:.ll' D e p a r 1 n1 r n I :ieknowledgcd lh:11 f'lnl11Jp1nt·~ fl residenl Fe r d l n a n d E !'l·l.ircos sent a ~ l' eon d 1t111lomatir notr Tucsd;1~· r·1· <1uest1ng irnrnediale sc11•\ ,,J l<C lks on the bases agret'llH'nl , \1•hich expires in 1971 A dcpHr1n1cn1 spokesman ~;1 111 no d:itr for discussion~ h;1d 1 hcf'n Sl'I. '\fo~s Helps Edit ~lal!azinc .Jackie ~1oss. 7582 Rh ine !Jr1 vc. lluntington Beach, has bt•c.n named feal ures editor ol lhe Oasis rnagazu1e ;11 l't>p· pcrdine College. Los Angeles. She is a JU111or JOUrnalisn1 1n<11or ;11 lhe Lo.-. 1\ng~lcs (·ol· lr;:::c ;ind if 191'>8 !.;• .1r.J11a1e or foonlain Valley H1.c 1 S<:hool ! l 6" Pumpkin "l1t11f Ja r ~" 29c '1 ~w JO" Pumpk in. · 16" Pumpkin "B•R !1ck* "ltls1 J1tk" 59c 98c WIGS 1 ,. I , , __ • 1~ .• , .• 1.,.,_ 49c ••. • . i. ' . u _ "Make-Up " ,,, . ' ' ' "' 29c 'i ~·'"•'' I " • 'I, Bot.)' and tJrls' r.ola1lul sl1le~ N-l-J;l in perll\ilnent press matenals & ~nits. Infant's first sll!CJ5 tow.lid 1 98 • l..shio~le fat\ should ~t t~len 1n tlolbes like tl!est. sn • • .. Babette Dresses ' COSTUMES for "hi e~ •r Tre1l1nf ' •. d:{ " :.11•1,, 1•:•11 1 ~ t •• :.ru ~ 1~ f:1,~l l 1 ~'"' ! " u•.lv111~ l•d< 1 11<11 1 ~ ~ 1 I " •, :;Mi:•• II nl ' 1!'0.'I I ! ~ .. u S•1e. r.;11~~ !. ,, ~ 1 All tostu111t s art flame Ret.udant DEVIL 'S Pilch FORK A I p01 t • t~ I• ~fl.~ <1l1d I Q • ll·i~" "Bi dette " BOYS' & GlllS' Car Coats FEMININE - I o :;£! -.. , 1.-.0 !ii>l ! dl, 111~ Lv{.I ~-l.!r : .. !· ~ ., 1'1 ,..,, , r '~' j ,• ~ I·~·' 11,,·~•'I _ 6.49 SCH •PEll -· A 1f<1I ti·~> l•H.·• J•ne •vl!Mr ! n.,1 'Jll"l tlM'i~~ II~ 111<!~ ~ 1! ",; I Qi,"~ llt"I nlu U.t I~·~-A ,., ' 'Johnny Lightening' c .. s by PLAYSKOOl Sna. R~y,eQ \".~ld l d liP, l~n lr•u ~a pla~\,,' ~illl~n~ :.Lil 11.11h levpaia ~p~L . C~rQo l! plat~d dllgl~ t>JJS. w1!h ~illl pl~Sl1~ ~C·P~ w ,(1r,;,m,'f . Si~f· ~~' 10 p1o11e tr ~t 1. s:e~1d\Jlr.. l1!t 11~ .. f. w mn1.1~le. 101• 11·t, t141!Pr l·\r I ~10ll !l<•)"'i pJu~ '"f! "f f\. 1,11; 'Billy Blastoff' ELDON f'·'.1r.. : ' ~ASB~O -"f101ly Man ' Ii t' ,,. 4.98 ' ·~" ,( I ,H ~ ;I•'! i> r• (I <> f , i.r • ,. ' ' ' 1.98 ....... _ -· ............. ·- "Congespirin" ASPIRIN "-NASAI. DCCOHSESIANT fir CHILllR[N •.• cold 1c1.~f 101 Jger; J & ol~cr ~e~tlf. ef!er.h.P 79c li'1 "Tease" nt~~EY '-'!01111111111110111111tlllJIQlll!ll!lllllOlllllll11111011lllll!ltllOlllltlHICl!OIUllllnl"C ll! ~= "T.1me for A Change" '" ''" """ '"""' ~ h1u1 S1~ .. 0cf.2,,1t2AJI i ~ ft 'Oval-ette' ""m "'" (.\~~ I Q f,n ,.,· r 111·· 'I ic1111n111~ ~~-3 29 \t' ., , ! ~.1~i,'r. ~~'1r 11~.1/' ,;;· e . ·R·e:"i~1~ • '(~ . ·, 5 ,.,. 'Novel-ette' s ..... ::: W Alar111 I :§' W~f "~ ~n t. ktt'i JO~ ',ll()O/e. lhPlt ·~: .. ... . ·-j v.ale:. ~>J·I dj\J•n. Compd"I de~1pn 11 3 69 1 § ~~loau~ .-.11.!e or h~ ~0. I! TJOO l • . •••. '6! • f ~ e 'Snug' Alarm Clac ~ ...... , Q J ~a1dy ltatwr rs 1A I clock. Sn~u;. : l -: \ ~ p,Jr, I 1 • I fl ,j " 1 '/,•.'/ f;.1~!1~ 4 98 -~ = l .•l '••;1llt•·~1"•'!J ~.1~11 •t• ~ ; •nd~l·:.n,,~ Ci•'· It i.t 'l '· Rt(. i .91 • 5 (" .... ,r ~.t•I ao 1n~ r · ling ~lyting ellfCI 'IQu0vf. .W.-aj's ifrearned n1. ("~mes 11 1n ISS/111· r, PnJ 01 easy er·~ pas\Pl ~d!>ill~· ' ;;l101111u111+11011n11n1111ar111 llllHHOtHlllllUllCIUIUll IUICtnlllllflUOIU!HIUIUOti 1 il)llWl!Hll!Mllllllllllllllllll!IH!lll llllllllllllllHllJllllllllOltllllllllllMlillllllllllll!lll!ll!llllll!lllUlllllMlll 29c I _._..., OP'lN t A."'A I• 10 PM -7 OATS A WllK HUNTINGTON llACH -AdlHlll ' lf-eMh111·u HUNTINGTON lfACN -Srh••"''• ' ldlJtqrl NfWPO•T llACH-1020 1"111• i11 Westcliff ""'a ~llMll'lll!llMlllllllNlllMllllM"lllll!Mll'IMWl!llll!li11111111~Plllll!llffllll+lll!ltlllllllltltllll j I .------------------------------------------------·--·-· ..... ···-········ ... Saturd.11. October 18, 1%9 DAILY ~!LOT J3 Gabriel, Starr Battle Ijefore Sellout Throng RAM ON THE RUN -Tommy ~Ja son \Vill join the rest of the Ran1s backfield Sunday for a confrontation \\"il h the Green Bay Packers. Sports iu Brie ~ Napoles Floo 1·:; Holds Title 01 i Decis ion LOS A~GELES -\\"C'ltcrwe igh t ch3111- pion .!ose "?-.!an\equ1l l;i"' Napoles or ~1e~;i­ co City, flooring Ins opponenl \\·1111 a bolo-like right in the 1liird round. went nn Jo w!n a una11in1ous decision 111 15 rounds ove r the lhrcc-lirnt' fnrinrr title h11lder , Emile Griffith of :-.'cw ':i"ork ;i t the rorun1 Fridav night. The· dct'ision \\<lS u11nn11nous and rhc actio_n \\"as sp1rlled lhroughQul ;i~ 1he 2~­ year:old Napoles, :0.1ex1co s adopted s< n from Cuba. succe~~futly defen ded ihr crown for the second lime. The hard-hilting chan1p ion. 11·!\o had knocker! 0~1t 39 opponents 1n 58 rights. conncctl'd with his jolting short right, s11'ung froin the hip. lie <'<lUght f.r1ffil h on the jA w 20 second.~ into liie third ro11nd . Griff ith \\'a.~ up at 1hc count nf four b11t took lhc rru tn111at1 c right co1111l fron1 ref· eree Dick Yo11ni::. The ex -cham p f(111ght 111th a badly 76ers Stop LA, 131-126 PHTLADELPHJ,\ r AP\ -Hal r.rccr"s -43 points led the Phtladelphia i6crs lo a 1Jl-12G victory over the Los Angeles 1.akrrs FriClay night in a National Basketball Associ;1!ion"s season opener for bolh leanls. In other NBA gan1e~ C1ncinn:iti edged Ro~ton. !10-108. and NC\\" York ~lapped Chicago. 116-27. G~er col!ected 14 field go;ol s and 12 from the foul line. \\•hile tean1mate Billy Cunningham chipped in '"i!h 24 . Jerry \Vest scored 39 and \Vilt Chan1berlain 35 for the Lakers, defend ing NBA Western Division ch;1mpions. ~wollen rig!:: round on l !H.'Lkhonc. fr o111 the s 1~~h 0 NE\V Y0!11.--<i il llodges, the ~ort­ .~uoken 1n1raclr 11·orkC'r \1'hn rnol1led the New York );lets into basrball"s grea!r'-\ S!H.:ress stor), has bt>en selected ThC' :"a- tional League ~1a11a.11er of the Year in the annual Associated Press poll. The 4.'i-year-old former 11origer great captured the honor Fr'.rlay by one of the greateS1 n1argins ever 11 hen he polled 267 \ates to only 10 for serond -place Luman Harris of tlie Atlanta Bra ves . • :0-IEXJCO CITY -\"etcr an Jack Hrabharn oF Aust r<+lla !()Ok rrrh·anlAf:le of c.ooling trn1pcratu re 111 !he la st Li 111111ules of pr actice Fr1di:ly to brc<tk <1 track record and ~t lhe f11 ~tc~t tin1c of !he day in tria ls ior the eighth Grand l 'r fx nf !\1 exico. 8r<1bh:i1n. tlrn·ing his 01rn Br<1bh:i111 Co311·orlh-Vorrl. \\'hipprd around the be11utiful 3.2-inile l\I Agdalena l\lixuc,1 I rack in 1 :~2.90 n1inul es to brrak a year old record of !:44.23 n1inutes sci by Joa- qui n Siffert of S\\•itzerlAnd. Brabham's teammate Jackie Tck'.': of Belgium also bettered the old track re.cord with 1:43 .60 minutes for the sec- ond fastest time of the day. \\'orld champion Jackie Slell'arl of ScotlAnd \\'as only ~e\"cn hundredths of a s!!Cond slov•er and D('nni-; Hulme of Ne'v Zealand had the fourth fa stest time "'ilh 1:43.iO. • \\"f:ST HE:\1PSTEAD. N.Y. -A W-1 hu rsl in the closing minutes gave the Lo~ Angeles Stars a 109-9:> victory over the New York Nets in an Americl'ln Basket~ ball Associa tion game Frid ay nighl. Ra1ns, Gre en Bay Collide i1i Coliseuni Biggie LOS ANGELES (AP) -TI1e Lo., Angeles Rarru seek to stay unbe,aten and the Green Bey Packenl bopt to ftreak-out of a tie in their div ision when the two National Football Leaiue .powers clash Sunday. The game has bttn a selloot for d1ys and a capacity lwlJout ol 711,000 is c.1· pect:td lft Memcriarzc1.seum for the 't p.m. kltkoH. The Rams, led by QtJahttback Rbman Gabriel, are t--0 in ·~·Coastal Dlvlsbl 11nd tilt Pack. with iup!rb Ba;:t St.arr back in the saddle,.iS tied with the ~fin· n~J Vlltil~gs at .S-1 in the Central. Rose-fl~vored Brui11-Cal Tilt Tops Pac'.'8 By THE ASSOCIA1't0 PRESS ('.a lifom ia and i;cu. unbeaten in Paclfic-8 Conference play, meet In a reg- ionall y tele,•ised game in the Los An· gc!es CoUseum today. At the same time Southern California \\'ill be testing its No. J national ranking agains t Not re Dame in noisy South Bend, In:!. In other Pac.a action, Washington State I ~ at Slanford and Oregon State tra,·e!s lo \Vashington. Oregon has a nonleague j!ame again~t the Air Force Academy In Colorado Springs. Colo. L"CLA has pushed its Pac-& record to 2· Cl in "·inning iis first five games \\'ithout defeat. Cal rebou nded fr.m an opening clcfeal bv Te::as to win three in a row in- 011 TV Toda11 C/1n11nel T, I p.m. chid ing a 44-13 conference victory over \\"ashington last Saturday in the ~ Bowl Derhy. Tl1c Bru ins nrc ,Jed by quarterback Dennis Dun1n1:1. \'.·)-~ is second in the <'<infcreiltt. ln tct.:il offense and passinf::. l:antly Hurnphr:e~. 11 h-0 opened the st>ason as the Ca l quarterback only to be PIJShej aside by Sle\·e Curtis, Yt'ill be back in the starting rol':!. Curtis broke hi;, collarbone last "'eek and is out for the season. Sout hern Cal, ""uith preserved itJ four- gan1e unbeaten string last week "'ith a l::sl-second 26-24 ''iclory 01·er Stanford, v, iU n1eet a Notre Dame learn that is 4-l a:1tl r:ink"ed No. II in th e country. S~a nford, l·I in'the coniereit!e, trie! t-o hrcak a jinx against \\'ashington State r:i::t has se<?n the Indians 'rin onl y one i..anic in the last 10 they ho:11·e played :igaintj_ the Cougars. 1\ 1·lctory by \Vash.inglo n S;ate, 0-2 in the Pac-II and 1-3 overall, v1ould all but end Stanford'& already na rrow Rose Bo-.vl hopes. \\"a shinglon. winless in fou r gaml'.! a.nd Cl-1 in the confe rence, tries to get b.ack on !he 1vinnin g track against an Oregon State, 2-2 overall and Cl-2 in the Pac-r. This is the &61.h meeting be tween the lY.'O !cams. Sa11ders Leads, Pal111er Fold s LAS VEGAS (AP) -Doug Sanders re- tained the sec-end round lead in the $!00,000 Sahara Invitational Golf Tourna- ment F'riday, i;hooting a par 71 for 13S while Arnold Palmer's comeback ho~s 11 ere dashed Oy a \\•hopping nine on the 15th hole. Pa\m('r back in acLinn aft('r a two n1on1h absence due to an arthritic hip, hit one ball out of bounds on that hole and took a two-stroke penalty for picking up• provisional ball and finished with a 75 for 144 . Ire jlL'it got under the wire for the final two rounds when the rield will be cut to the low 70 pl•yers and ties. Sanders, who led the fifst ,round with a 65, slipped a bit but held 011 to a one.- stroke lead 0\1er a quintet that included "'eight<:onscious J ack Nicklaus al'ld defending ehan1pion Chi Chi Rodriauez. Each had a 61 for 137. Also in the grnup at 137 arc tall Terry Dill, \.\'ith a ~ond round 66, Steve Spray, 70, and Ted Hayes. Hayes. playi.na: in only his 11ccond tour event, had a 71. The ve~ran Sanders ma tched three birds ~·ith as man y bogeys i.n his run for his fi rst title since 1967. Both teams will kee p an ear tun ed tov:ard two games -?-.tinnesoLa at St. Louis and Baltimore at New Orkans. f he Packers, whose lone lass wa s to 11.Unnesota, present sorne new fa ces. But !hey ;,iso come back >A'ith rn11n y of the old fellows who dealt the Ram s and the other NF1..1tums deep miseries in the.ir big years. First, there is Starr, 'vho connected on 13·of 2Cl passes for 2.14 y;1rds last week to ~.l the Detroit Lions, 28-17. E~-Ram Carroll Dale hAd al'olher fin e day, catching seven for 167 yards and !l\O touchdo\1'ns. And Boyd Do"·ler is still n1uch in evidence. Dangerous Travis \\'illiams, reb<lunding frun1 a disappointing 1968 season. and hard·running Jin1 (trabo\\·ski are Green B<iy's leading ball carriers. The Packer defense ls still slou!, in- clucllng a Jifcondary 1\'hicb has in· tereep!ed six passes thus far. On the Rains· side, Gabriel is having his rinesl season. He has yet lo be in- tercepted in 157 lhr0\1's .. "It looks like !hr same old Packers anti lliat means lroubte," iiays Rain coaclt George Allen . stl !I somewhal spent after the team's 27-21 win in the final minutes last Suru.lay at Sa n Francisco. Meroes in a lw()-touchdown res urgent• iu the final n1inutes included Alvin Hay- mond, the kick re turn specialist ; rookie running back Larry Sm ith, tight end Billy Truax and Tornn1y Mason, who scored the winning touchdown. Las Angeles pass defenders, Eddie ?-.leador. Jack Pardee, Rich Pettibon and Doug \\:oodli ef have been highly effective. The Ran1s lead the league with 10 in- i.crccplions. . -~ ! ,} , . I '•. : l .. _;~ , I ~- ~.,,. ' • I . I ' ~ .... MR. GREEN BAY -Ba rt Starr \\"ill be at his familiar qua rterback post fo r the Green Bay Pack- ers Sunday \\'hen they meet the L :\ Rams at 'lhe ro!iscum in a key Nation<il l'ootb.:ill League game. The Ranls arc unbealen in confl'rence play 'vhile t he Packers arc 3-1. UCI Poloists l >i 8-3 Breeze RIVERSIDE -Ed Ne 1v I a n d '.~ Anteaters face their final three opponents in the all University of California water JX)"lo tournament at UC fiive rside lod<iy .. They take on the host team al 10 :30. face UC Davis at 2 and UC Santa Barbara at 5. Newland's UC Irvine crew dunked UC San Diego in Friday's opmer, 3-3, playing mostly \.\"llh a reseTve team as the An tea: .... ·s.rested down for tod ay. It wai; a close game for a quarter \\"ith liC I nursing a 3-2 le ad. Ho\\•ever, the Anteaters unloaded in the thi rd period on goa ls by J in1 i\1cDonald, Tim Harrison and \\'ade Arens to lake a ~2 bulge and breeze in "'ilh lhe victory. The: ::-in up~ thelr season mark to 8- 3. ' Harrtson w&s high point prod ucer for the day wit h lhrte goa l3 ·while ?-.1cDonald and Steve Ballback had l\.\'O apiece. Arens roun~ out Anteater SO'.lrlng with one. Saddleback Meets Rcinis In Bf1ndage Bowl Clash If a gan1e e~cr deserl"cd lhc n:unt '·bandage 1xl11•l" it·~ tonight"s Desert <.:onferencc co ntest bet\\·cen Saddlehack nnd Victor Valley tollcges ot ~1ission Vie- jo ll igh School. '\'hen the two learns lake the field For the II o'clock kickoff they 'll be operating wilhoul half of thelr starting backfields. Saddleb:ick is a seven-point fa vorite to chalk up i!s fourth straight l\'ln and sec- ond in conference pl<iy in its firsl ho1ne circu!L game. JI01\·e1•er, the Gauchos' cninchinR ground ga1ne figures to be harnlicapped tonight because or injuries to tailback Toby \Vhipplc and fullback Jl.ocky Fletcher. Fletcher is hobbled by a sprained ankle ;ind L'i only ... ~rect cd to ~cc spot duty. \\'hipplr. ,,.,hn ha~ ga inccl 451 yards behind F lctchcr"s blocking, has bruised ribs. But cnat h c:corge l!arln1an figur es he'll be able lo play. 1\lso on the Saddlebatk injury list is of. fen sive tacklr Chuck Finn with a hi p Lolocitl clol. He"s defin1te ly out oC the; gaine. Even 11·ith a runn1ni:; attack operating al reduced efficiency, Saddlcback figures lo nwve the hall at \\ill. The Gauchos ha ve ;i potent passin& game lo con1p1ement thei r running. Quarterback Rod Graves has hit on M percent of his tosses this season -~8 of 86 for 723 yards and five touchdowns. The 76ers built a 10-point half-time lead of 67-57 only to have Lo~ Angeles rally for a 92-91 edge v.·i\h 5:> seconds remaining in lh<' third period . Cunningham scored seven straight point~ before the period ended lo give 1~hiledelphia the lead it ne\"er relin- qui~hed. . . . OCC Guns for 5th Straight Tonight Tight end f\.larc \lardy is his fa vorite larget. catching 23 tosses for 330 yartls and Four scores. J':qu;illy dangerous receivers arc Gary Rossman . Ric k Day and Gary Ilupar . Vi ctor Valley is even in \\"Orse shape In 1he backfield than S.nddlrback. Regular quarterback Benny Deane will sit out ihe game with ;r bum knee and will be replaced by Jirn Cook , who has just four minutes of playing expcrlepce. Los Angeles cul Ike rrrargin to fir e points at 102·97 early in the fourth quarter but lhe 76ers rallied for a 116·103 lead and coasted . The Lakers had 62 fr~ thro1vs, 30 by Chamberlain wno CO\"erted JS. LOS ANl'.ll!llS . ' 11 IJ II 1 1·1 10 ISlO Wtt• (11on Chmbl~n ft~vlot [tlt~•O" McCorit• . " ' " , " ' .. . .. P""IL.ADl\.,.Kll T • P: T :!' Cl•tt 0 ., 11 • G•ttr lo UtJ «I JI J•C•IOI' ' 1 2 6 !O W•11>ooe~ • 0 0 I I~ C11n?"•m I! : l )4 ll Guo••• ' no 1 6 Wnso• I o o ' t lm~o'r ~ 11 11 l!M1•I 0 0~ 0 Jont• ' 7 l 10 l o•ol• 4' •1'1 "' loMI' •7 7).J\ lll l o• Anv•I~' JI 7~ " ~· -11' P'llll~d1lphl~ YI JI ll Jl -ll\ p,,,,.,,,1.101111 lt• AnQtln 71. PMl•dflphlt olO. /.t1tM•nt 1 -10.0.1-1 • By JAY DAVID 01 !11<1 0 1H, P'llll 111!1 The ·faittlful follower s of Orange Coast College's foolball who ha ve patiently "'sited !or the Pirates to e.1plode on oHense this season may finally get thelr wish tonight '>'"hen the sta te's No. 2 rank · ·ed te11m goes for Its fi fth straight \•ictory against SAnla Ana College. Kickoff for the South Coast Confertnce game. to be played at Orange Coast, is 8 o"c\CH:k an d the Pi rate.~ wll! be out to tlvenge the 21 ·0 blitzing Santa Ana ga,·e t!1£'rn l;is\ year. Or;inge Coast is a !!Olicl 14-point fa rorile lo do just th<lt , although Pirate co;ich f)ick Tucker !11 worried hls team may suHrr a letdO\~·n aftrr two straight one- po int \"ictories . In four · games thi.!. year, Orange Coast's def enst has been the dominating faclor for the Pirale3. That dtfense has yielded an average of just 182 yards a game against a l!('hed ule th at includes three d the best teams In lhe state. The Socs hl\'e been mise rly again~ the nm. ghing up just a shade more than 62 ya rds per tilt. The offense, n1ean'>''hile, has :c;purttd a great deal but htl3 moved the: ball v.·hen lhe Pirates needed a touchd cm·n. Or11nge Coast is averaging just 244 }'111rd1 a game, "\\"e haven't been as t'onsistent on of· fense as I hoped .1\-•e'd be,'' says Tucker. "But ta ki ng everything into coo· sideration, wt are doina: a better job this year than last season. Our defensive line i3 belier. obviously. and our s~or.<l<lry .tread}' has intercepted alril06t as many pa.!!Ses RS v.·e did aU ol last season.'' ff the Pirates hope to put more punch in their attack. San la An a is as good a place as any to start. Qu~rterbac:k f\fi ke Tam iyasu v.111 ~ ~rating against an all -freshma n Don dtfense. Tamlyasu has the rcct'ivers in Rob<'rt Castillo And Bruce H ick~ who are capa hlf' of iolng tlll the wa y. And tailbftck Ray Rlcnrrlo (355 yards) is a touchdown threat. Santa Ana will ha ve nine st11rtt'r~ O\J t of the gante. 1'he latest casually is defensl\'e tackle John Pri mrost', \vho cainc down with lnFcclious l1cp3tilis Thursday . Handling the quarterback chores for coach Dick Corrie "'ill be freshman Don f\fott , '>''hq came o(( the bench last week lo complete 15 of 25 tosses. Molt is ~ slO\\', however, that Gor rie s a y :ii Tami~·asu could out leg him running backwards. ~ANf ... ANA OllANGI COAST 1·.o J•m Vllu~r ' ll:o~•, C11t1•'0 '" '" '"' McC•ll•1t ' 5,..,.. Pu,dvc ,., ,,, t ia MM~u' ' ... ltt•MI" ,,, "' M1<.t Ou"n ' rtoa ru•n~·• 1:•s ?I; Jo~n "" <· M~•1~•1! JO~Mon ,. '" !""" ll•V~' , ... 1:un• '" "' Ml•• Si~o•I ' c. .. 1 J'f'de•,on "' "' ,,. 1.1011 ' Ml~• Tom1v11u '" "' ,, ... '"""'"" • "' M•vtr "' "' ~l•vc w 111;om1 ' ••v J!lc••VI 1(,1 •N ... 511v1 • '"''' 1-11(~1 "' All three of the Rams' ta ilbacks hav• various injuries. but third-f!ilringer Ken Aut ry, who's slowed by a pulled leg mU.t- cle, ls expected to star\. J. ' ' H ' . ,, ... VICfOlll: VAl l [Y SAODLl aACK ,., "'" RoddY ' Mnrr tl••d, "' "' lf"V w101oll ' n.y•n C:.•11111"•1 '" '" c;i,,,,,, C~o, ,. '" 0••11 N• ". "" e•~Nn ' n111 l l•n<l"Y ,., "' R'<~ CO•"l" 0 J•I" v.rJ .. 1 "' "' IOI" (~rl•lo '" • OtVI l lm•t•oOli '" '" And<I l••vr,r ' Ric ii "" "' '" Pon l"l•nll1rl " "" r.•&vt • :a '" J<m toO• ' tlo'll•rd "'" "' lto !lln••m•n " Toov WMOpl• "' "' "" "'v!rv • Gort Rowm.t~ "' I • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tars Rally t o Trample W estmin·ster, 17-7 NEWPORT'S AL WALLACE (27j HE AD S INTO LION TACKLER RIC I( VE RNES (69) W H;LE ROCKY DIXON (JO) BLOCKS AL DAGES (76-). T11 sti11 I-la11d s Lagu11a Beach 26-12 Defeat By 110 \\'A flD I.,_ TIA :\"DY 01 IM D••I~ ,.o.,r Sltll !;ndermanned. but not outcl assed rles- "P1~ !he final S{'Ore. a \'alianl La guna Beach High School foot ball tc.:11n bo11f'(I 10 the aler t Tustin Tillers Friday night, ~6-12 , at Laguna. The Artists had 2i men in uniform at nutset of the contest and lost sc1·eral k('y performers \'ia the in1ury route, in- <:\uding halfback Ste1'r Palmer. But 1t v.-asn't lhe in jury jinx thal beat the Art· ists. l,.aguna Beach fumbled 10 t1n1e.<;. gi1·lng 1he ball to the Tillers on fnur ocea.<;1on~. thrre of lhe four rr~ulling 111 TtJ,!Ul 11111\'h· rlnwns. The \os~ 1.f l'<1ln1r r r torl\' in :hr ~ri nnr! riuartrr ro'\ lhf 1\rti-t' onr .,r thr1r 1op running sl;:i r~, 11,. 1'.1l'rlf'fl 111 1• \I ll\\" fr1r 11 i 1 :11 rr:1i::r d11f1n g h1< hrt('f ~1 a 1· 111 'ht {'Of\IC'5l The Art1':' • 0111rollrd t1tf' \i,1'1 :i ).!.rc:it TJ(Jr!!on of thr ga1nr. ri1 1111111g .. {[ :H pl.1vs in 26 for Tustin 111 thr f1r.•l ht.If Tbfv ;1ls" f)U\.l!<llned thr Tillers (•!\ tilr ~round arv l interef ptrd fo11 r T11qu1 p:•'~'" HJ 1111r Brian Ot1n1rr, L.1gun:1 Bt·.itl1 qu.1rh·r- hack. playrd the r n11 re g.1mo• ;1t:1·r 111 1~·­ ing most of the v.•eek 1>.1\h !hf' flu. ~l 1kr Abbey l\'a~ slow in grl!llll! up 011 r1 rrv plav. running ;11 half ~perd 1nn,.1 iii lhe night /or the grill~' Ar n~t r lL·1c11 At con clusion of the C'Ont t>S!. th••rr 11 rrr 11 · players on the fie ld and only t>1ghl fitanding along the .c;idel1nrs. ·Laguna Beach jump«! off to ~ !;1•! s\art bv marching 67 yards for lhe li r>t !'!Core iii eight p l:1v~. Abbe.\· tall 1cd 011 a J7 -yard run through left tackle. Tustin pu nte r Dan Pahnka kirkfd onr nut of hounds oo thr Artist on!' ~·<1 rd l111r ... ~d two plays !a1er the Tiller~ had pos~­ f'3S\on on a furnh!e. Thl'\' C'Onrrrtrd th1.<; oile into a touchdov.'n :ind late in thr period scorNJ a seco nd time after ano1her Artist fumble recovery. The final Laguna touchdown carnr on •one-yard plunge by Ste,·e \\food, lollo11 - iriil: Bart Tabor's second pass intcrc<'plJ11 11 of the ga1ne. G-l STATl!TICS ' ·-· ~"" <IOW<TS •11•h,n<1 ~.r1t <1own1 t>•n,no ~«11 <lownt ~31!ou Tot1I fl'I! <IOW~I Y•r<ll •111hi'1Q " " Yt rU Ponlng .... ,,,,. lo<! " '. ·' l l? N11 yt•<I• glonr<f '""'''{Avt••P• a••t•"'' re-o11t!l•/Yl •<I• i:i1n1•1ud F ~m1>l~F11mo1e. IO•' , 10 ' " '" 5COlt l l ..,.,,... Sttc~ 1 111''" IY ou••TE•\ • • • 11 o ll r>11m1• "'""" ·-· 0 t1M l f w-ToT•I• '"''t..l• (~rn.,.•~ "·-·~ o,,_11 ._ .. ...... "¥'••· r,,,,, ~""'" •U51UIOO L191111• t11c~ tc• ~" ' ~ !l IS II 60 ' . M ~I •• ;.o Tull•~ I• '' ' ' ' . 11 ,. • " ' . .. ~Al51N0 LltU~I lt•C" .. "' ..... H 1 I '"'''~ • •• • • .. • • ' " ' " ' " 0 • • • " "' "' ' ' • • " .. , "' " .,. "' ' " " " "' ... " .. J . . ' '' ' "" '' .. 1: ~ " " . .. . ' " CAUGHT IN A LION T RAP f:ili ~he dd 11\1 I\ t1n11•d P \\ 1lhur 1:1~1 "!11l r• .1·111\111•1• I \.+ 11 p11r l I l.11 hn1 ' \\1 1111~.'i "I ' .\)<11!., I.Ill d • i1•11dP I' I 1lls l t l tho• 111rf. ~llo ·dd ",. .'jJ.11 l;ed t l1e 1\11 . ! ii I 1 •11~ I\ I' lo ;1 .I ~·7 ;.111rl ,J ,~fr·11~11·r 1~1f'n !'i t rit11J1 ph J ·'r1di1~ n1gl1l . Orange f1ln nops Tri tons., 14-0 D~ STF\'I" 1·,11 ·:1 \IS O• '"' r1"'·~ •'""' '' "' A kr'1· ::;o;il t.1w ~1 ind _ f • qua1lt r 1'n;il1l11fl l h'/I '' .. I' I • I If •i'" b1•;itf•11 ;!l tc ·1· !l '!t''' I I"•' ,1 1 l1~11 b;ill g:unl'~ :1~ 11 •· [';111•1 ··J, •' .. 1• ") S;111 Clf'n1c'11!!', I ~ II. :·111 "' ,1: 1.1t• ·1 ll· tons' field. Tr;11l111~. fi O, in 11 r 1.1 <.i1 f"•r11 1,I, ~ ,,., t 'll'11 1enti:~ ~!1kt• \\c lL~ 1•1u1.1•1! .1 1.i11 Hill f\1111 ble on 1/11• I W.11)~1\' ·::i .. 111! 11 •·•11 lherc cp1arterh:H·k ](11 k <;!'!11 1! • 1-, , I !hr Tritons 111 tht• 11nt• 1·:1 nl !tr,!' c;1·ddrs trwd 1.1 >1w 1f.. ,, !!'' ! 1 t du1111 IHl l \\,!~ •tnppl'<I I 1 I P' I' J111r inr hr~ ~h!\rt Taking 01('r 111111 • . .::" ·•1'. r11;1111111g l'a111l,1•r .>1~ 1 d 1 .11:• +I .: c·h11 1·ri111 ,1rd r >:pt·ri lr 11·.I loi ".1 1 11 1inl" ro11~urn1 11g !1!1 1:.1 11 f • :11-.·1, Thr dr11 (' r•,1111·)1,1dr•! 11 \!1 " 1 11 • .. 11 ,11 d I·• 'Pi ll 1 11d J;r 11• r II 11'1.1 , i;·"·'I fn:·" l1u1r-l\1~1111:c \1 1:l1 ,,,,]1 ·,n .,,._ 11 I~ ~h .. 11·111g 1111 the 1'\ot•I.,, ('ln1t'•'<ll1 .. •d ;,"rh .I .1 1110 pu11ll t·•1l1\'•T~l"n r\11\ I" 1'11• g.1 1111· 11ut ' ' n •,u 11. I ! 11 ( ' 1\• 11:0.: ( 0111 .! hr•"1).. )1·11· / 1;11 .• '111 0:·1· u 1;!1 u'"" ,.•111 r l1+r" It I ·I' 11111 \\,1:; !II tho· l]\11«1 \ll'!"1<1d llfl! 1 • t I •i~!' /!.,Ill l:t•dtil'S (u .f1 •lf J\1']M)' 1, 11, ,,d 111•' T1 iln11.~ !1'1 1111· :rn , +' 1111 0 ;it ~!n l!l•d 1111111·1 t'I', \I !11·11 \..i•).. 1~111> .\!1 ;,;;1111;J r:1 11 :1~ ll1r"1111 1111· 1 o• !11 1.1 :1! 111•' 11n L111rtl1 1!,11111 I' n11 i11r \•l!lllt•r l..1rrr .'\o'hcll i..rp! .•,1·1 ·1~·;)l,.n1l' 111 1111' l1<1lr 11t1h h1ch ~ 111111 I tr', I .: ,,, !' Ill" I ,\I> , 1111! 1 l1rc••• .I .11 d 11, 11• t i t• l1f•I 11.1 11 . ·1111· 11'1lnn' <! !' I 111••1 II• Ploll •· •·.1 1•jJ 11!]11' ,o d r d 111 fl'.10 ·1 1 :. ,, I'; 11 111 1 ~uh• 1,t 1.w 1,, ,ol 1n 1111 11· ~! _ I 11111•, 1lc·~ 1 1 I 1 ' T'• • .ir 11 I 1· '11.11 I• I ''·!:. r I ' 11.1• ·1 n l<lll 1:1 'l'I i.1• i • "" ''' ,., H I t f'llll 11 o'!t' 't • 1 ,( • ti 1 ;'l •II I •' 1111 I' I! ~ 11]• \\ 111 fJ '11 11 ll 11' Io . .. '~ ' ,, .. ~ '' ,. ., J'"Hl<"O O••n~• ., ' ' • " . '? • • t•t '. 1·1 I ,. " r '~' "/-, f"•on~f .. '" 'T . " ' , ~· .,. • I . . ' " . ' " ' " " " ' " " ' . .. ' ... , S ax on~ Du111p Ecl i~o11 , 26-0, For 30th Wi11 )';1· .H~F.T. SC'l!\\'\llZ O! t~• 0Jl01 f'.JIO! S••ll 11.0"" ;1 g.1111" of 1·:1t and nir111~c :111d 1 n:1r<1 1111-:h School 11rov ed it i..nows how · 1 hl1ild .1 bttlt·r rr1ousr1r;:i p Fnd<iy ni1?hl . l 111t'l'llf1111•red Ed1 sn11. 26-n. at La '.i!1n:1 :-it.1d1urn 111 Anahr1n1. J.n.11·:1. thr :-,·n . .'i le<un 111 CIF AAAA, r •n1pl1·t \ :;.· dnrn111<1lrd the ! ontc;! a~ II r111l1·d toi 1t~ 30th ~tra1~hl !1'1111r Leag\1t 11c1orv :111d thinJ con~ecut11·c t·ircuit w 111 of 11\c· ~l':i~!H1. Thi' t'1 111le.~t \1·a~ never in doubt aft rr !ht· l1r<>1 2 \I n11nut e.~ of pl<•Y as thr S.1\1111-. 1i)1'k thl' iipr.111ng kickoff and 1.11111 lu d .11·rn~.~ a ~core in f11·c plays. l.n:ir.~ ( r•111·h 11 1'l'h Jli!l ti~ed e1i::ht d1r- f,'1"'11l '1111111oc hark.<; ;i1 1d they :iveragrd I •,,1f'd, :1 c;i rr.r11111\c nl'!1 111g l~H yard.', \J11,1 1'1Ptl1,1rk !>un ~landlt'Y r;1n th!' <1\- 1 " .. 1•.1 '!1 01t•:1dly t'ilrct111·nl'~s and tn111- pl. :1 II i I 1.f 1.-1 -..hol'\ p;i~~~'" fnr ill' ;id- • 1111n11.il \1'.: \.1rll' ;u1d Oil!' 1nu\'hdu11 n li~,p1I" 1!111sr 1n1p1·r.,,11c ~UH1 ~tie~. it , .• ~ 1h1' l.0:1r .1 tlf'fl'nSr that w.~s !hr don1- "' '"llJ:! f.n·111r I .ru hv Hoh E11knv1ch, \!1f..1· lL1nn;1. h.c·n :O.lt•C t11re and Ch\J('k l\n11d r.11 k !111' ~a:-.on rlef<'OSi\·c line ap- phr•j 11,.:n 1· pr('~'ilf" nn l·:rh~on quart rr- lr.i. ii .!o'r r~· 1!1111>1ri~n ,ill nigll t. '111.,~· ilrnrprd !ht• junior f]Ut1 r!er~)~1 k 11· Pll\r" for ln~'r" 1ot;il111c: ~8 ya rd>" and 111 thr \rrn11d hnl f tlir Ch.1r~rr offens.;o 11t1rktd 111 rr1c r~{'. l n~1nf! 26 yard.,. !.11•1 r:1 111 i11~l'fl 111'•1 l11i:: tra p pl ays in 1111 11 r~t period ffl r :1 l·l·O lead . l h1 thr third pla.1· c1f lhe ~a n1e full- h,1<"k (if('!! Hrlrns wrnt ~10 yards 01('r I ·):b t Ii" klr !o tile E dison t11·0. Ha.v S;t:i~no.110 sc:or('d 1he f 1r~t of t1\o TDs fin :1 0'1C'-.1';)rfl p11chout .l\\cGuirr added the t .\l l":! 110111!. 111 thl' 1ranni11g .~eC'onrls Of !he periorl. t "'l'1·1r full baeJ.: .. li1n Bt>l'rrs duplicalrd ll('l n1•>' rL1n. going O\·cr left taC'klr. 1 hi~ 1 ~111r ~.1 l'ards for .1 touchdow n tllcGuire co11,·rr!e1! I ,oara ;iddfd ~in~lr !ouchdn11·ns in tl1e 1;1,1 two prrind~ on Sp;ignuolo's second nnC·~ ~i rd r1111 ;ind ;1 th rff'-~voi rd pass fr o1n '.'-l:t11dlC~' 1o l ~n·t·r \\";1~nrr. " ,,_. , ..... -~ 'I"~-· o•n• ' r 'ohl '"'I M"W~\ v~'"' •u•"'"' .... ,.,, ~-··'"• \' ,,.,, 1'\<l ., ' ·•'" .. ,.~ ., " " " " "" •w•·•~· +· "'"" \ ., . n•o.• '"'· V• C" I ;t1 ' j l ~ JS I I ""'"I•• t.,,..,,,,.. l"T ' . ' ' " . '"" '" \• "~ ,., ~ ...... t~--·!> .,.,, ... P•, • ' '. ' ... ,,,,., ~-o.,.,, •. , ' " 0 f ~ ..... "t ~· '" "l 1• ll " lOl r• ~ ~· 10 .. ' " ' .. . . ' " , " 1n " "' "' ,. -. -" yl • .,. 1l ' ~ 5~ -1 I 0 ' • . " I! l I . " ... 0 16 0 ' " " 11 1 • ;) ~I &• •• ~·· •• • •• ~ ' .. '1 • )) •17 '" • •• 1 •• Sailors Eye Shot at CIF Playoff Spot Rv GLENN "111'TE 01 "" D•llY P'llll 51111 Newport Harbor put together 1 bal• anced offense and a smothering defense lo trample 1968 Sunset League champion \Vestminster, 11·1, Friday night before an ·ove rfl ow throng of 6,200 at the winner~· field. The tr iuinph keeps Newport's faint hopes alive for a share of the c1n::u1t ('fov.·n. However. the Tars must rely on \Vestminster to knock off Anaheim next wee k to accomplish Lhat ambition. And in vie w of what the Lions showed Friday night. Westminster has as much ehance of beating Anaheim as .a girls school does of defeating the Rams. It was an incredible scene at Newport. There we re th e Sailors, kicking the ltg· endary Lions aJI over the turf. And in the stands fans were shouting, "CIF ~ CI F~ CJ F~," obviously mindful that their once-beaten schoo l might makt the toveted CIF playoffs for the first time in 27 years. Tl1ere haven't been so many fans run- ning on the field after a Newport gam~ since 1949---the last time the Tars had anything that resembled a championship team . And they haven't sung thcir ,alma mater with more enthusiasm in <1 couple of football dormant decades. But it all happened, and it wasn't don,. with mirrors as Newport proved to be clearly the superior team. Coach Wade _W.atts' Bluejackets: had to call on the poise they've show n in pre- vious duels th.is year as Westminster car- ried a 7-6 haUtime lead, chtefly on A fluke play. Receiver Kurt Dedrick had completed a 36-yard ppss from Ed Bane after seem- ingly pJaying catch with defender Bill Shedd before finally securing the ball. Moments later Monte Downing crash- ed into the end zone from three yards out and when Deano Aldridge -kicked the conversion it v.·as 7-0 with 11 :28 to go in the half, Howrver. Newport took the ensu ing ldc koff and v.·ent 53 yards wit h Steve Fish carrying the final yard . The PAT try \\'as blocked by Jim ~icNaughton and it "·as 7-f) with 8:26 left before intermis- sion. Ne1vport look the lead with -4 :27 to gn In lhe third quarter as Shedd p;issed to .l erry Smith for JS yards through the Lions' non-e1istent pa$s defense . Shedd 1k1ssed to A! \\'allace for two poinl.'i , mali· 1ng Jt 14·7. The Tars sewed it up with 4:36 left in lhe ga rne as Al \Vhite booted a 22-yard fie ld goal to end the SC'orlng. Shedd hil 11 of 18 al!crnpts for I~ y;irds and h.ad two in!erce))tions. \\"ith defenders Dan Herrlng, Chris Al· len. Brure Gelker and Don Torrey rip. pin g the Li()nS to pieces. v.·estminstcr had onlv 70 yards thr. last half. And th e Lions blew a chance at pull- ing it 0111 \\'hen they tried a pass on 4th 1loll'n and nine from the Newport 44 v.·ith !1 10 remaining-. The toss failed , Nev.)Xlrt touk 01 er and m~rched for the field goal . f:A Mf. ~TAT1111C.5 Nii W"' ~"" <IOWf\I tv1~'no r '"I down• Pa!"llf-.a ~,.,, d"""n' ~~•IT '" To!al lorll down$ V1 ,d~ rv•~•no "••d• ~•nlng "•'d' •o.i t1" v••d< 011n1~ """I•. hv•·~~· d•'I~"'" P·n..-•1•• ""'d' o•~" !~d F umbl•" F umOI•' •o•• ' • " ' " '" " • ?51 .1 ll n l 'l ' " I\' .,o,o.o.1e, ''"'P0" ~'"' ~, o~"'"" . ' ' ., o,.o• W•l'O~' s-·o~ ~ ..... !ll•O<O••d ~"''" I Ot•lo !.• ,. "~"· 00"ln•"~ 0,1.0•.,- lr,i. • ........ 0 .... !rt .... ~ I JI n ,, ' '. . ·'' 1~ ' " Jl 11• 'I w,umon"" ir '• , ' " ;; ,, l ) "• :~10u: "''"'&Ort • .. " " '" j •IJ' J, 11 ., J -11 "' ',, " " " '" " " " " " " ' . " n1 "' •~' Y• ~ti '••rud 6<~M"••• I Ola l\ "'"' Md•• 1 O'•ll )t " ) 1-. "' I ~ n "Oii 11 I! 1 1'6 • ... ...... ,~ ..... " ' " 1.1 ~' " son II .Jf~ Lew's Deb11t 011 TV Today r.Jl L\\'A L:KEI'.:. \\11s. (AP) -Ltw Alcindor , the most roveted C(lJIPgP- basketball player of all lime, will start earning his $!.4 million salary this morn· ing when the 1'-filwaukee Bucks open their National BasJo:etba!l Association :lC.'.l son against 1he Detroll Piston!. The g11me, which \\'i ll start at 11 1.m , PDT. will ht telecast on Channe l 7. -----------------------------------------------------------·· .. ·- Dulich Ki ck Sparks MV To 7-6 Wit1 Bv JOHN CASS Of "'9 hltr P'l"1 tlttt ~1ission Viejo High School U!td the toe: or Bob Dulich and a spirited second hair defensive errort•to thwart the passing or Kim Carlson as the Diablos held on ta eke out a 7-6 victory over the Vanguards Friday night in El J\.fodena. '\'ith 2:36 remaining in the first quar- ter, Dul!ch toed the football into the criso 61~egree air and through the upright$, following Andre Holmes' 12-}'&rd touch- dov.·n scamper. His efforts proved to be the winning point. Carlson, v.•ho completed 11 of 26 passts for 156 yards, led a spirited second helf effort that productd a touchdown on the third play of the final period. Poor field position throughout the sec· ond half almost proved disastrous for the Diablos and did lead directly to the Van· guards' lone i;core. El t.fodena took advantage of a short punt that rolled dead <Jn the ~1ission Viejo 24, then moved the 24 yards in nine plays. Bob Hilln1an carried over <Jn the lhird try from the one-yard line. Carlson's pass attempt for a two-point conversion "'as wiped out by a blur of Dia blo defenders. Afler cont rolling actio n Lhroughout the first half, the visitors found themselves playing in the shadow <Jf their own goal posts most of lhe time after inte-rmission. A bad punt early in the third period gave the hosts a first down on the Diablo 39. Carlson passed for 22 yards. connect· ing on t~ses to Roger Chadwick and Geoff Nickerson but lhe drive finally died on the four. Three plays later, Mission Viejo's punt- f'r came up v.ith a short effort. On the first play after El ~1odena's score. ~fission Viejo bobbled the ball back to the hosts. starting a Vanguard drive that died on the Diablo nine \\'hen Y..-fike Gray batted Carlson'~ toss to Nick- ersoo a .... ·ay in the end zone. Flril down, •u•M"" ., •• • • F '•II <town• 1>10\lno ' • F l~! dow"' Pf.,.,llle'll ' ' 1'0101 fl••! CIOwns " " 'f•rd• ""M"O \!' " Yard• 1>111lno:i " , '" Verd• lo.1 ,. .. Ne! vo•d• Otlnfd ,,, ,,, P11nT1f,lv.,•g1 dl1!1~t· "' ! •. l P•~~lltl.,IV•rd• P1"'1!l1ed J 'JS 4'~~ Fuml>IH fFuml>IH IOSI ,,, " Sci>r1 "' 0 11•'19" M ;H IO" Vl•le ' ' ' ·-' £1 MOii•,.. I USIHMGO • • ~ Mlu;.n vi.1. 11olmo. '" •• " • •• " " ' , ' WoU\1"'0" ' " ' .. ,,,..~ ..... • ~ ' ,_, Citro • ' ' " c,,,,,y , ' .. _,. Olt•< ' ' ' _,. Torti~ • •• " " Corl"'" " ,... ....... " " ' " >!film•" " • ' .. L~1m• • ~ _, " ,,,,_ ·' • ' " Toreh ff " " P"SS IOIC M!nlt~ Viti• (,rov .. ~ ... 'f, ~· • ' ' ;-53 0e.1. ' • • • -"-00 To•tl1 • ' ' n .1&1 " r.1.oi .... (1 rl•O~ " " ' '" ·"' Vike s Duel Winle ss Saints In Loop Tiff 1'wo football teams looking for 1 com· bined effort from '7ffensive and deff'Tlsive unit.<; tangle tonight in Sunset League play \\'hen the Santa Ana Saints entertain f\;larina in Santa Ana Bowl at 3 o'clock_ Off to their .,.,·orst start in five years under coach Tom Bald11o·in, the Saint.s ha\'e lost four straight. ~farina has done belier wi!h a 1~ctory oYr r Dos Pueblos and a tie .,.,ith La f'tH•nte in four outings. "\\le ha\'e not had a f11n1blf'> or a pass intE"rception go a~ainst us. \\'e ha\'en't had a single break of any kind again~t some prelly good football learns,'' Billdwin says. The Santa Ana coach fee ls the toughest job is for his team to get up mentally, In addition, the SainlS wilt be without the services ()( their top running back, Monte Floyd. He has 1 groin muscle pull. On the Marina front, !he return of Joe Ventimiglia will give added strength to the Viking ground game. Henry Lazcano is listed to .start for the Vikes but Ven- t imlglia will be ready to go for the first time in three ~·eeks. "Lazcano has done an outstanding job repl acing Ventimiglia. Dwing the time he has been in there he has done mare than \\·e have a~ked. He has gi\•en us the good second and third effort and will start against Santa Ana," coach Jim Coon says. The tv.•o teams will have a hard time lo?J)ing last year's thriller, won by the Saints, 40-35, with a last minute score. Sant.a Ana will feature the pas.-;ing and runntng of quarterback Bob McGuckin along .,.,,ith a set of neet footed halfhacks. ,Jackie While is a 9.5 sprinter, Jimmy Davis runs the 100 in 9.8 and Jimmy Otsuka is a thre11t lo break any game wide open . Marina was deall a blow with lhe loss of Bob Witt for tonighl's encoonter. A i;ta rter at tight end, WiU will be sktelined with an arm injury and will be replaced by Tom Richmond. Despite the fact they are winless, !he Saints enter toolght's contest as fi ve- polnt favorites. • * * "W' """''"" '""'" ... ... ~Hvo ~-~Ill ' W1lt1• M•H ·~ '~ .... Wr!1"r ' eot: s~.,.. "' '" ,_ ll••d G ... ... .. "' o ••• ll l!ll"~ ' s~· "'·~-"11 •m '" 1'1"1 J1.,111.,11 G O•"lil C11e"8•• '" m 01v1 J•C-00" ' Mt rt Mt·-~ .. , "' '~ l!lcft,,.."4 • .... ll1v~• "' •• II ~ .. S••""'n • llob McGvc~I" , .. '" S!~•• 0·11.,~ • Jlmmv 01\u~• ' '" !'IP.,.., L•lcl,,. • J•lt Gllu "' •• ... LtC¥ ' J1mm\f CI VIi •• Saturdar, Octobtr 18, 1969 DAILY PILOT J$ Clll\. 'I' PILOT 'Mlt1 1, Ptl 0'0.,....11 EAGL E ON THE Fl Y -Estancia High's Dave Johnson (26) follo\\'S blocker Steve Snyder (671 and Mark Dennis (79) for a neat gain dur- ing F riday night's 38-12 blasting of Santa Ana Valley, Valley's Bob Cheney (74) pursues. Johnson gained 123 yards in 25 carries and scored a ·1ouchdo\rn fo r the Eagles. Estancia is 1-2 in Irvine League play. SOPHOMORE WHIZ -Jitn Schultz 122). Estancia ~ligh's fine sophon1ore. reels off a 12ain agains t San- ta :\na \.'alley. i:·alcon defender Bill Garnson (6iJ is in the backg round. Schultz scored three touch· <lm\'n.<> and gained 87 )'ards in 20 carries as the Laglcs ron1ped. Eagles Rip Valley, 38-12 By ROGER CARI.SU.\' 01 thl D•ilY ~llor Sl •ll Estancia •ligh School"s \'ars11y Joot- balt team exploded for 2~ second quar· !er poinls and 11·cnt on lo cru.~h Santa Ana Valley Friday night. 33·12, in an Irvine League gan1e al Santa 1\na Sta- dium before 2.500 fa ns . Coach Phil Brov.·n had said before lhal his cluO woulrl be >:!.:irk <1f!r·r ilb· sorbing two lr\·ine delealS and he \1·as true to his word. Estancia looked l1 ii:e a v.·or!d bl'a1er in the first half as the Eagles ha(! the Falcons by a 31-0 counl al the end of two quarters. Jt was so lopsidt'<I that firs~ half stats 6.t.ME Sl..,TIST!CS ' '" First CIOWM ru11>1t1t " ' F Jr1I ~-• p•i.oir>Q ' ' """ "~' i>eneHift ' • To!el Flr~I dgwn• ,, Yttc'~ ru11>1""' " ,., "••a• l)o'lulng '' _,, Ytrd1 101! • " rcvea!c<l Estancia l!~ading in lo!al of· lcnse, 2~7·23. Brown's crew had looked imprcssh•e last week but dropped a 20-19 fl('{'ision lu :O.lagnolia. thanks to crucial errors. But wi th 31 points in !heir hip pock· C'l s. 1he Eagles had not fumbled and had ra!llOO off 45 offensive plays againsl \'alley. Bv the time it was 28·0. Sanla Ana Valiey hacl run off a total of six plays, fumbll.'d and lost the ball once and nel!ed three yards. It 'vas simply a maller of superi or offensive line play and lhe hard n1nning of backs Dave Johnson and J im Schultz lhat~made the difference. Valley could not sustain anything in the \v;iy of a consistent attack unt il late in lhe game and the issue was Ion~ sincr ~tiled. The Falcons scored on Dale Garcia's 25-~·;i rd n111 with a fumble and Drtve Ro- hrig's 28-yard return of an interception. E.'\lilnc1a started wi th a 66-~·a rd march on 1he game's opening series w it h halfback Johnson j 123 yards on 25 car- ris) going over from six yards out \\-'ilh 6:59 lo go in the first period. r>1oments J;iler sophomore Schultz C;"JrriNI o\·rr fron1 three yards to cap a 73·.\'<ird drh•c. Then quarterback Curt Thomas rifled a JO.yard touchdown pass t,o Bob Kaiser. The Estancia onslaught continued. An on·side kick was recovered by the Eag- les and five plays later Schultz banged OVl'r from the five. Cal Shores kicked all the extra points and added a 20-yard field goal in t h e second quarter. Schultz picked up his thi rd touch· down of the night in the third quarler on an eight·yard pilchout with 2:29 to go. Football Sta11ding s ~UNS ET Ll!..,GUE •n~h.im We~lmlnsl"' w ' 72 °1 PF P• " ,, " . No Wl>Of! l-<~'bOr \\.'r••~rn ' 01 " J& JJ' ' •'1 """a'"" Br~~·• MM•n• ' ' " • '10 JO 5fnl~ -6-"1 • ~ .. Frl<!I•'• !~or• Nr-,.,·110'1 H1r1><>• 11. v.n1,.,1n••~r 1 To"''~''' G1m1l ,...,n,,~gl<>n ll••c~ .i Wt•lt•n ,., .... ~. 61 ~'"" 1 ,11 01!..,MGE LE•OVE Lo\ ,.,,,,,..;10, So""'~ EI Do•AOO 1(~111!1 ~··~ 5~~~•rfl•c~ VAl~r>C•I Lo> AIT>l901 ''14•~·· Seo'" Brea 7'!. S•ddl~tMc~ 1l W l PF ) 0 11) ) 0 ') ' ' ~ ' ! l• l J !t ~ l 11 l01 ..ll•ml!~ .00. VM•ntl• • IT~u'1devl To,,'11ftl'• G•mu .. " " " •• • " .. ,. "' O..r~do v• l.,. A••""°' 01 Go•d•n Grc~t SC>'1C•t v> K~•~H• 11.r Bro• A"I GELU5 LE•GVE Mol~' "" B•;hoo Arnd " P•ul Ser•I•~ " llnlhonv P tu; ' lll1hoo r St, Poul • ' ' ' ' • • ,t!d,•'t 5tOrll fl': ~~~k~v~ o "lid Frlll•Y 'I 01mo1 M•l•r Otl 10 Pl111 X s.,~11 ••• SI. P•ul Bl11'1<>1> Ami! ~I St. A"ttocov ll!VtNE Lll!..,GU I! L""''"' w ' Foun•••n \l•ll•v ' (OrO"A ~•I M~r ' (o~•• M•>• ' MflQnoh• ' Eal,on ' E••ont·• ' S1nta An• Viii•~ ' '•l<l1v'1 Scotu f"\IAn<'" JI S•nto "'""' Vlllr'f 11 l (l.Ot l ll. [dl\C>f> 0 ' " ,. • .. " ' " ' ' " ' ' " " • " • • ' .. .. • " " ' " • ' " " ' ,, " ' " ~ ' " " ' M .. ' " " ' Ttnl11~1·1 O•mn ~ ou~••I~ VOll•v "' CoH• M•'• "' Ntwiio•! t!1•bo< (OrOn• O•I M•r v> MtOf\011• II LI P•I""' Gl•OEN G•OYE LEIGUE P ~nchc • 1.,..,,~s ~"'"~0 C.otd•~ C.•O <O P•<i'•<• Sol\• G.••l'd• " Qu11111 ClttSlYIEW w ' ' • ' • ' Ll!..,GUll! . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '•lll•v" Scorn 1'uslln )6, Li111u111 B•&th n 2',~~~ :J1,t:7.ct~=n~' Foo!Mlll 71, 111111 Port 7 Nt•I FtldlV'I Gtmn 1'~!11" 1t MlulC>f1 Vl•le Foot~1H 11 i..~ (lom..,.,le 1:1 -~ ,, vui. P••"- ' .. .. • " ' • ,. • • • ' • • ' ' • " ' ' " l P F PA 0 Ill I ' ~ . 0 10 41 1 ~s •l I ·~ l~ ' 'I "' 0 1 101 0 3' II M••• '•l~rd•Y'I G•-l•9un1 !tit~ YI Or1110• II E! MOdffl• Jl!llW"Y Ll..,GUI l:~n"""" F u!Pe'1~~ S•vf~n• ~un~y ~i •ll• l to• " >Hn•ft fl,,.~~ P1r~ l ow1u llrld1y•1 ,c.,t• K•nn~v ~. S~Y•""' 11 }~ii:1.~~~· ,:i,.,1gowg11 6 ~un"v 1<111• !<, i"'n• P••~ O • ' ' ' ' i • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' M•~I Frld•j'• 01rMt l<ann'!'<lv vs Sunny 1-1111 11 Bu•n• PtrK 8V!:n• Pa•-v• ~., •• ,.,,. al U P1lm1 Fullftton II L• fl1fl•e Law11J v1 Troy •I f11ll1r!Ofl .. .. " " " " " " M " M • • • " " " ~ Ne1 y1rd• O•ln.., ·;~ ,,, P,,.,111..lvt r89e d i5t•nc1 1 II I J ~~ 1 P•.,.,IH~IV•rdt l!ef'tll/<'I! ' .. ' _, f umltlei/FumClf• 1~1 ' ' " Sctrt t y OIHrtlrl E"B";i& ' " ' • ~ Irvine Crucial: CM Meets s.,,, • ..,,.. V1 11t 1 • • I US MING ..... "" .. •• .. ,......, " i:• k~ul!f " •• lr.o ...... • " Sit"""'" ' ' JO\f(I ' ' l 1<dn ' " l ot•!• " ,. S.nl1 Alll Vl!lty l l•nc' ' • 0tF1•noo ' , ..... iv ' ' °"""' • ~ "'"'''°! " ., 101111 " '" PISSlkG ''""''' .. H '" '"""''' " • ' Sit"'"" ' ' ' 101111 " • ' S•"!• "nt V•ll1y Mu<l<lt .. ' ' '""" • ' • To11l1 " , ' • " " ~ • •• .. ' ., ' '" ' " • " ' " • .. ' .. ' " ' " ' '" " " " " .. HO ,,, .•11 • -~ "' . ... " 'T '1 • -'" .. 't~/ Fountain Valley, wilh its legion or hard· running backs and a phenomenal defen!e, invades Newport J1arbor lligh School tonight (3) to battle Costa Mesa in a key lr\'ine League footba11 game. The Barons, under coach Bruce Pickford, are seeking their third ron· !'ecutive Irvine 11o·i n and tlleir sixth vie· lory in seven outings over the: past t11o'o seasons. Included in the Baron:c;' arM>nal 11re no fe1,1•er than 15 backs 11o·ho have carried the b;ill. Lead in~ back has bce.n Rick llartshcld, a converted end, who has come on strong in the Barons' firs~ lwo .,.,·ins in Irvine play. He's scored all of Fountain Valley's four touchdowns against Magnolia (ls.ti) and Corona del Mar (12--0). The quarterback picture ls 11'.lill fuzzy with eilher John Svoboda or Tom Malone ~lated to take over for injured Gary Val· buena. ('os!a ~1es11 has ii~ back to the wall with anoth<>r defeat In league play kiltin~ any ch;1mplonship hopes the ~fustangs miRhl. s111I entertain, Coach ~lax ~tiller 's crew (1 ·1) has been hampered by several injttries -Including the enlire starting defensive 5«0ndary, Quarterback Kim Woll Is' still smarl.ing from a bruised hand and may start at halfback. leaving lhe j>assing department to backup man Rolin Senik. Senik passed for 94 yards on seve n completions agalnin Loara last week in his first real test at quarterback. Rushing-wi se the l"olustangs will be h;inking on the efforts of fullback J oh n ~tanix and Wolf. l\.1anix has worked the inside ol 01>- ponenL~' lines for 145 yards and a four yard average while WolI bas r un (or 199 Huntington Seek s First Sunset Wm, Underrated Huntington Beach High School. loser ooly to Anaheim, moves lnto Western •llgh School tonight to battle Western's Pioneers in a Sun.set League football game. Kickoff is slated for 8. Coach Ken ~1oats' OlleTs are seeking their fourth win in five tries and carry a seven-point favorite tag with them. The Oilers seem lo have put thi ng! lngether following their impressive 38-0 rout of La Quinta last week. lluntin1,'1on Beach's off~ve unit r evolves around quarterback Garth Wisc, a junior. who has excellent running moves and passes with authority. l.Je 's run for 216 yards and a 4.8 average and passed for another 29S yards on 25 completioos. But he's not the entire Ifunlington of· fense. fullback Frank Neal has added 166 \·ard.<i to the Oilers' total :ind Rocky Cerda averages 4.1 yards per carry. \Vestern 's big offensive threat has been tht'.' passing game \\'ith quarterback Bob Miller. a drop back lype, doing most of the damage for the Pioneers. He passed for four touchdowns la st week in ripping T\-!arina, 30-20. l\.loats says his Huntington crew must stop the Pioneers' passing and he's bank· ing on defensive aces Lee Walters, Hod ~funiz, Frank Hanss and Jim llabtrthur to put the pressure on Miller with a fierce rush. "If \\'e're going lo beat them, we have to stop their passing game," says Moats. Hunlington goes into the game with on· ly one doubtful starter because of in· juries. He 's drfensi\'e guard Gil Certla, wllo'a been hobbled by a badly sprained ankle . Mark Edwards will replace him if he 's unable to perform. Offensively Randy Lloyd will start at tight end, enabling Dan Moats to con· centrate on linebacking duties. kUNflNGTOOI Wll!ITl'llN ,,, •m Cl•aa ' Ml~• Wilton '" "' Biii 1'wlw ' '~ 5••nton "' '" c;.i~ Glllll1~d G 'M Suro~ "' "' G-u• 011v1r c "" Smit~ "' '" Tim Sloon• G Howord S•w•d• "' "' J•,~ Cro•~Y ' Roloh OfPMlllPI m '" lldndv Llo~d ' Ric-·~· "' Girth w1 .. • "' Mlll•r '" "'""' tl•al • Al111 Co•n•tl ·~ D&v• ('0(1;•1! • ''" Ario> '" Tony (IA<elll • "' WI Hoo Q11a1~terback Duel Looms L1 Cd M Tes t "' ·~ ·~ 16~ '" Quarterbacks !\en Panique and Keith !'amuels hook up in an Irvine League passing duel tonight as Magnolia Higlt entertains the Coron;:i deJ l\1ar footbal l te;:im at La Palma park. Kickoff it at 8 o 'clock. Pan1que directs 1he Sentinel attack and has con1e along strong in recent week~. Jfe guided the Magnolia team to a 20-19 victory over Estanci a lo bring its seasOI\ record to 2·2. \\'ith Sea King coach Dave Holland ad- mitting his squad paS!\eS at least ooe-halt 11f the time. Samuels plays a vital role in the success of the King offense. Both teams have played a common foe in Fountain Val!ry. And earh lost by about the same margin: the Barons 11o·in- ning O\'er ~fagnolia. 15-fi and over Cdr-.t, 12-0. "\Ve have a good defensive learn.'' Jlollanrl says. "\Ve will try to shore up the defense even more by platooning. wme of the hoys ..,,.ho have gooe both ways in other games. i'-Tai;notia is ag- J.lressive and "-·e 11o·ill have to be coosisient to 1,1•in . '' Coach r.Iartin Hicks at :l.lagnolia isn't as pleased v.·ith his defensive unit. ''\Ve still m;ike too milny mistake~. We gave a\vay three touchdowns on long yardage, situations las1 \1•eek, one a fourth and 20 play." Hicks is happy with the passing of Panf· que but feels he needs improvement in his fak es before throwing the ball. The ~tagnolia offensive line has been a· big roncem to the coaching staff. "They can·l move people like they should. Wo .:ire neutralizing people and that's all. This has hurt our running game," l·Uck& says. The Sentinel mentor nol only fears thi passing of Samuels but feels the running · of Rick Petros will be a key factor in the' outcome. COlllON" O•L MAii 1,J O•v1 IUO'I" E ;oes K...,I :k\IOder 1' 161 Jell T•rtnff' G lS! lllck ~II C 186 Ooo9 Hll!l•1'11 G 191 Jim Mo'1~ T llf Jttl t;eo11!r E 1" K1Jlh S1mU!ls II 11} S•evt Judi!~ 8 110 Jet! Cumml"'l'I 8 IU Al St l• I MAONOLIA c ..... aon..,... J""" Mlle Dl~ld H••- Clltll 1""'1" llrlt" Cel•l'ICY' "lorm1r• J•mt• Tim l<rtuH K~" P•nl""• Jl"1 !ml!h "" lo11t1 INN o.....n1 "' "' HS• '° '" "' "' '" "' "' '" Barons yard.1 in 39 tries for a 5.1 average . Fountain Valley's Im pressive defense stands to give the f\;1ustang offense all It wanu . The Barons limited their last. foe -Corona de! 1.fer -to 12 yards total of~ fense and one first down. .. OUNTAIH V"LLIT COSTA MISA ·~ Gm Hfi',..lldf:r ' "••!Ill Ktll¥ •• '" ..,,M V1lblllfl• ' P•1 5,.-.U1<1d a~> •m s11v• R•w"" G 11,..t Glib•!"! ... '" 1 111 ,~ ...... ""' c Olt~ l'fi'•~"''" ... "' !Jill Krl•lf"'! G IJ;I,,. f<lw•rlb '" "' llob W•lk1< ' "" Mlllt< !'J '" ·~ H•••un ' O•lt Kul(•lkt "' '" JCl'ln Svobc<M • •oM~ s ... 111: •M ·~ ltld~ Moott • "" W•• "' '" •le~ ...... ,,,..Id ' '~· M•~l~ "' "' , .. ·~· • Jttf\f ll•lllV "' ~J I CAil Y "!LOT S-ai.1rd.ty1 Ottobtr 18. 196'1 :;Off the Area Greens John B111ing. ~n IS }'r.~r·olt! rrtshman at Gold('O \\'('~l College . is f11 vt•rcd to 11111 lht> first ann ual 11 IJ n 1 1 n i: I on Sea.cliff men':s rhib t+1nn1· p1on~hip. Billing l~ ;i tl1r1'f· handlcaprwr in !hf coni· petition ihat la sts for !wn more weeks. ln a )ow net swccpstake:i; lourn1J1n tnt ht ld laJt weekend, D Lindbloo m was the winner 1111h 3 &7. Bud \\'right wa s Si!· tood wilh 71 followed by Ernie High. i 4 and a tie for fourth brtwcen Jim ThompMJn and B. Olson, 1.'.l. .Ue•n Verde Don Crowell and Da vid t1,.,,,.,1•o•to=:r10.:~'~ :x I'!:" • "':"-• -i$O•*'f.Al""""•••tli:I Starl Yo11r by De ke Hou/gate lloll'~t<l .:ones the fuutball roa ch ne~er rrad a newspaper dur· iric the !<ill. tir if he tiid he never admitl ed 11. That way he ne ver J.;new v.·hat 1r:r press 11 :~s sa~ing about l11 s team or his coaching. ~le neve r got rn;id at :1 1>-r1tcr, and he never got OL'erconfident. Ferrari dri1·r;-Chris Anion has lea rnrd the same trick. Fir~L nf alL "°\1nun rr ade !hf' n11 stak e of being born i11 \'.ew· Zeal:ind <ind !h~n t(Olfl'' lo work for the Ferrari factory in ltal)1• That's one collntry 111;,t llkcs 1Ls rnee dn1ers to end their last na111es v.·ith the IL'l!er .. i". :-in 11hrn he didn·l 11"':1 a .-;inglr r11er in J9C3, the verbal stile1t.os fai rl y bristled in i\111 1111 ':; direction lrom the ~ports pages in Italy. Appa rfnt l~·. 11 C{lrr.rncnd;ito rr. Enzet Ferrari, clidn·1 :-;pend a ~lot of tirr1c rc_1rling II;<> n.-.vospapcrs elthcr, tJtC<iuse he hired .i\n1on back for the 1%9 ~1"1~011. ,\inon, 11110 led !;"1·1·1n! r<Jrcs. \\'as L'oncerned about 11hy he Cf1Ulci11't 111r1 on the 11·;;ir1d tha1nplonsh1p grand pnx circuit in 1%8. : I le did sorne sou! ~e.irch1ng. ''I tried to an;:il'. .. l " lh c s.1turl!1on ;ind sec if Lile problem was , 1-n y dri\'ing. I w<is (i .. 1vinf; as we ll as I al\rti~s had, and we had a i:hance to \Vin some r;H;es, but something stupid alv.'ays see1ned to t;o \~Tong. .J.·· "One race 1"e look <-stone Lhr·etugh the radiator. :u1other the ;f;:Lutch fa !led. Tli;it \\·_:.i~ the story all }e<ir. 13ut we had a su perior :'fQassis, and 1· .. e were able to run 11·ith the best \1'hile v.·e lasted .. .. r ''i bis ye:ir t '""ryb(1rly else caught up 1vith our cha~s1s ~l'tlopn1tnt, <"nd our engine v:a s miscrahle ." ~ So 1~69 h:i!''l t bci:.>n a good yea r in formula 1 ror the Ki11J,1yJ10 Is currPntly pro~iding n'Osl of the worl'ies f'o r !he Bruce :l'l cL<iren. Den is Hulme con1bi11e 0!1 the Canarll a11-A1neric<.111 Challenge C11 p l)('l'ies ol sport:-1 nr t';;cC':> 111 \onh A1nrr1t:1. ."'.mon is d•·i1 ins lhr lrnpa c Fe1T111·i 111 .111 effort to .<;hake up !11cLaren and Hul:n~, lnion's nbout the 0111.v n1a n 1vho has been ;ihle lo <lire \l'•!r. th c1"1. a~ the 1'.lcLaren tca rn has been ru1L1ng on consis:enl \1»c·n1 nri ~hl_J11s e1·cryll'here in tile U.S. and Canada . Th<'-add f'let Lb<it former world dril'in ~ ehampion Hul mr, C:in- A111 drlending champ !'11'L<lren and "orld C'l:is~ drl vr.r Anion come Jrom !be same ~n111tl, remote country dots not surprist Amon. llellrnan art tied for f 1r~t plact in the n\cn '5 {'!uh cl1an1· pionship afl!'r t1.11r. ro11nrls of play with J~l. Stan llickln ~.~ th ird V.'ith a 156 for the first two rounds, Participants 11·11! play .16 hetles thls r otning weekend 10 ronclude the. 72·ho!e tuurna· ment. Dr. Andy Dugger and Ron Tucker fired a 64 to win the men's besl ball of partners tournament Saturday. Ed and Blanche Cicourel tif!'d with Del and Betty Hamre lor first place In the mixed partner's best ball tournamrnt on Sunday \l'ith net scores of 59. Two holes·in-0ne \v e re recorded over the ·weekend at tllesa Verde . C hu ck Knickerbocker and R a l ph G9rdon, both of Costa J\lcsa . i;eored the ir aces on the par three, J60·yard third hole. C'o s t11 /tl e s11 Scrn1finals of tile nie.n's t luh championshi p v.·HI be played this weekend at Costa r-.lesa Country Club 11·Jlh defen ding champion J oe Oppenhein1er facing Jack Blac kketter in one nialth and Bob D a r n e I J meeting Pat Kalama in the other. Darnell 1ril1 be favored to nietl Oppenhc11ner for thr col'eted crown . rn a ladies day best b:lll tJ[ threeson1e tou rnament. Bea Regan, Elsie Stipes and 1 !a zrl \Vehster h;id a 64 for flrsl plaer. R11by Hultberg. Adriana Conte and !)ally Thompson took second 1Ni1h a 67 fol lowed by fllerrilce Dungari. Shirey Ha\,•kes and 1'.lary Grose with a 69. Nad ine tl1 aze will ope11 defense of her ladies clu h championship on No\'. 12 in a lhrce-<lay tourna1nenl. l!allowf'l'n costume!; \l'ill add color 10 partic ipanls 111 the an- 1111a! 01'!. JJ lourn;.imenl for ladies. Played as a scotch ball ::iffair, all-plnyers 1l'ill 1vear rlie'1r fal'orite Ha lloween cos· tt11ne 11·i1h pri~.es presented in lour categories, In a best ball of 1hrcesornr tournamen\. winnrrs ll'Crc ;i.'i follows 'Low gross. fligh t A - Hazel \\'ebstcr. 89 ; B -Betty Sleva, 99 : C -Rita England, 108. LfJW net. flight A -t-.l rr- rilee Dungan, 78 : B -Joyce Callis and t.!a.'\ine Ass n1us1 81 ; C.: -·Elise Stipes. 80. • Jack Saenz 11·11! star! a junior golf rlas.o; on Sa turday, Oct. 2:l at 10 in the morning. The Class 11·ill run for eight 11·eeks and the cost of $7 .50 in- f'ludes balls and <'lubs for tho:u~ participating. l1·1·ir1e-Cuost Jn a 111e11 's bettrr ball o' partner's loumament held las weekend, George Leach and Bill J\fetcalf comblntd for a 65 to defeat Eddie Riddle and Co11rtney Oweos. 67. In a co n1bined ntl of partner's mixed tournament. fl·lr. and Mrs. Clark Summer~ f ired a 148 to win. Second plal·e \l'ent to Mr. and Mr3. George Grant with a l:Kl. 1\1rs. W. L. r-.1eadows won the ladies day crisscross tournament 1l'ith a 31, Clas-s B honors v.•ent to J\-1r ~. James ~\1'itzer, 321 ~. C:lass C to J\1rs. .John Tyson. JI : and Class 0 to fllr s. Fred Meyer, 30 . !\en Hartman is chairman of the Raw son Foote seniors tournainent on Oct. 29. The Foot e trophy 1vill be presented to the winner In the age i:alcgory of 55 and over, The F:arl Stanley irophy will go to the 50-55 age group 11·inner. Additional awards v.·111 be given in the following age groups: 50-55, S6-60, 61-65, and 66 and over. The tournament \1·11] be a shotgun affa ir. S /1t11·ecllth Ji1n Perrin, golf professional ;iL Shoree!iffs Country Cluh in San Clemc111 e, \1'as eletlcrl prC'.~!dtnt o[ the c 0 l r Pr3fessional Assoc i a t i on !CPA\ 11 i1h Goh B:.ikcr ol l .l'lSLfff.' 1\-°orld 111 Laguna tlilli; 11<imcd as secretary. The nev.•ly formed associa· !ion will hold a pro-amateur tournament al Rio Hondo Country Club in Downey Oct. 27 1vith Lenny Andrews as host profe ssional. Purpose of the new group is to provide an identity for the men who make their living through golf. They also have a charity program for l h e retarded children s p e c i a 1 o!ympi cs which is held an· nua lly at the Los Aogeles Coliseun1. Other officers elected ln- t'ludc Homer l·larris of Los Al;imitos as treasurer and lhe following members of the board of directors : Bill Spil!er, Circle Driving Range, Long Beach; Alton At:e. lnterna· tio11a! r.1eado>1-'S Golf Course, El Segundo ; Ed Furtado, \\l estchesler Golf Cen ter : Boh Bougriner, Bcll flo\ver G o 1 r Cenler: Jl)C t>1intun, Com pton (;ol f Center : Hal \\'al ker, San Diego Naval Base : and Jim Anderson, fountain Valley Driv ing Jlange. Ht can't "-~plaio, howel'tr, bow a pla1·r as fnr from_ the main slrcam of worlrl ~porl s as New Zealand has managed to pro- duce world rtcllrJ h(llrler ~ and Ol.1•mp ic Gold ~l edal winners Mur- ray Halhe rg .and Pr.tt'r Snell in 1rork and fie ld, plus 1\'orld motorcycle ch11mpion~ H&rry Briggs and Iva n (\laugrr in motorCJ· cle racing, not to 1nc11 tion the three to p auto race dril'er~. "Thal r;nrl of t.ucce~s tneourages othrrs, f suppost," Amott -iillmiiiiiii!~~~~~~~~~~;!_;;~~~iiiiiiiiiiiil-1 ~aid. "As far <1! motor racing is concerned. Bruce did morr to l'n· LEASE YOUR 1970 •·ourai;e it th an any nthrr single factor, "hen be ~ent to Europe the. first time. •·ffe kept i:oming hnrk and racing at th e rnd f'f tarb seas11n, giving t\·eryb~rly a er.eek at him. If. you create a high standard, )'OU srt • bigb ~l.andard for others. "I'm afraid we don·t havr anxbody c:oming up thi~ ~·ear like •t bavt in the past, and that's nol just motor racing. 011r fiportsman C1f the year a,_'ard last year bad IA go tn the chap v.·ho ~·on a Gnld J\l~dal in lh" walk at l\1exico Cit y. "Tbe~e things ~f:~m to go io C}'Cles." Donoliuf' R ead11 for Indy \u11· 1ha1 lir has roh•hed Qff !he Tran$-A1nencan sedan serie~ for another je1r, ~:a r~· Don<ihur is rr:idy lu .1;0 Indianapolis rac- ing. This w.,.c!.;i;nd he 1o;i!! hr at Kent. \\'11 ~h , !11r one 0f !he 11ro 1·r- main\ng L:SAC f har.ip1onsh1r race~ -both on road courses -that c..lvsr out the JOO!! 1-\>>l ~on. Back 1r1 !Jh1!:1Jrl :1111.1 1h rrt -1~ alrrarlv " r rrw or men wn1'k1ni:: "11 a Rri~tr Pc.,~~c i:11r for Donohu r to dri1't> ir1 tl1e 1970 tllen1on.il Day race. "\\"e rr r.11·: ri1(iti'I ro l.ri l11tl1a11.1r11l1" prr'p<lr rd l:Jsl ~ear ," .:o;a1d lhe man v·ho l\11;;hed :-;e\enth and 11·on Rook1r: of !he Year honor~. !'\\'e didn ·1 l:n'l1•• r.H1ch n! 11 h;il tn expect. ;ind v.r didn't really ge~ itarted b11i ldin~ the C'~r t•n11I ;.fter the f1r~l nf the ye11r," ~ Donohue \\'as 1 111nre:-~cd that <1 lot ol Indy vcten:ins sholl'ed up irt the ~f)€ed,1·1y 1.np1·rp;:.rcd tO r<ice last '.\l:i.v. ;_ ''\Vt! fonnj 111<>t ihr lcllo11·s 1vho haYe bf'cn going there c v~ry Year w~re ·~h ar'e tree engineering' for their t echnolng~·." i\lark rxpl::iin'd the term "shade trer en(i1net ring." "Tha1's 11htn ynu i;it under a tree and 11·ait for a few lC'11vcs to f•l! hef ore ,VQU 1n<ike a changr in you r race car." Indy lradit lon confounds evcryone at !hf' .:o;pced11'<1y. l)onoh\le said. It. sp<nrns 1he ~o·called E~tab\ishment q\1i1e n<ilur ally, "After a !c1• ~r:;;r~ C'! 'sh;ide lrceinii;' ~·nu become ::1ccu~tomerl tn estab:ished •,1·<1}s.11f doing tl1lngs. '\\'hy <lo wc do th1s'1 Becau se we ha\e alv.·a.vs tlcne il. LhaL's 1vhy .' ''\Ve hopt to 1 ~ke '1{1\ an!.'!St' or v.·hol ll'ilS lrarnerl lhis ye ar In • t't'lme up v.·ith guod C'!lllp1net]l, and I hetpl' t(I be up to the la~k or ·, dri\'in~ at Ind\' 1101\' :ha' I have some t-xprricncr "That firs', th ne I c1er got 10 $('Cother cars nn the 1r<ick : lhtre 1vas th e rlay 1!1e r'cir dropped. It 's prc11 y tOl1gh In !Vi'l your ·experie nce at lndian:ipch~ on race day, . •·The odds are lnnr 011 11 inning that race in a \1fe1Jn1c, but T'rl ·~ cerf;inly like lo try ' ~ Donohue e.'l:plained 1d1y his boss. Penske. pulled hi1n out of the ~Can-Am scrlrs. ; ·~ ''\Ve rtad tlie nil ·~ ::ind lry 1o deride if \1'e ran he. rompCtili\'C . . ; Jr y,·c wanted 'f.' tlrnp t \'erylhing el::e. and ronccntr;ite on the Can- ~Am. we co11ld 11in t~e ::rries, but 11·c ha~·e too n1uch else to do lo "Jive it a proper effort." U011ohue al"d Pcn~kr ;ire· ;imon~ tho~r 11ho 11'0ul<l l1kr to ~r ... rule changes thnt 1'.(\'.1ld 1 educe the skyrocketing cQsts of Can·An1 • race car prcp;i:·tHion. ; •·1 v.•ould have them t ither restric~ eng ine size to 366 cu, in. or ; bin the wing or bolh." Donohue said. "If l11cy did either ol those : things !hey would cvt co~l~ so everybody v.·ou!d have a chance. ' • I ' "The. l'ay ft is now, everybody is 'shade treeing' the wing and not rt11 tly de·1eloplng JI . Therc"s a lot of diflcrence between pul· ling a v.Jng on the car and dcrc!opmenL" ~ ~'hal no11..,~11e wool<' like to do le the rult' l~11't •oin1 lo bl'lfl· ! P'll· SCCA cemptlid"n tUrtctor .Jim Ka1cr Inform• u~ lhat ru lts I for C11t1·A rrt racllll lhPI el!cQur111r. t.xotic, r~r out. ''lrtu1l~y : 111llmltt d 1por15 cur.-i "ill rtmaitl In tffrct lhrollg:b tbr t9 1l ; M:A~on . Thal me ans flO t11gine llmitallons 1nd no ntl nimum •eight • fttltrlclltJns hH' th, c:::tr "The ~mpttltor1 ~ant It tb al •·ay:• Kasto.r 1aid. 1 I CAR WITH CONFIDENCE! ALL MAKES AND MODELS BACKED BY ON E OF THE LA RGEST, MOST MODERN SERV ICE DEPARTMENTS ON THE WEST COA ST ASK TOD AY ABOUT HOW WE CA N SAVE YOU MONEY THOUGH A LEASE PLAN TA iLORED 'TO YOU R PART ICULAR NEEDS! SANTA'1 AN~ LINCOLN -MERCURY 1301 NORTH TUSTIN AYE. 1 SANTA ANA , 547-9183 f OPEN 'TIL 77 PM. INCL. SUNDAY ! tf5~ THAN l MIJ<15. 'lO~ l 'l EIW.t.T5. tl$S TH.t.ti 20 M IJ<I~. FlOM A.NYWHl l l IN THI COU NTY !'l!C&AILf WINNl•t •A&ll••• (h•ljll•n •Adl!C~Ol!Cf ..... , .. ""L ... HolMA .. • .l.1!,,l9h! .... , .... •ol,.,~rlrt" ln•!fn1!,on1I olm~"" AlllZOll,\ 5lollE ,\R llON .. .._,X•n••' Slit• r All/,,Y • "''"'•~<! A UBU~I/ oluou1l•n~ I~ 0 I ,. 101<1.,,1n.w 1l1tc• l!oiton U •HO~TON COLL"GE •. BOWLING GREEN •Hro~I•• ·-8rld;u>or1 .- Hv!I•' "c.i11. !l'•.l S•t!t C •nl,~I Cnnn~(llcv·t C•n•rol MlcM~•n ~f.on!rol Ml11ovrl S• .. , ... ,,. •C•NCINNolll CIT ... OEL !Tl1f ) "(lEMSON •Color•<10 fol'•~· COlOl!ArlO S1ATC U (f>OP"'! r•,1 C r'l'•~lf "'"" Doll!TNOIJTH 0,\VID<Or< 'OIY'On D•l1·1.-•ro S:it• •D•I"""'" D•••w•" V•llrv D•nl•on , .• , • • OtP1vw Orol<• "'El•l•rn IM•h'~•• E ut l •""fl >I• S111t ,.Ev•n1vll1t •Fl,,dlo> "FIOrlO• "'· I M. , ,. ~' • . " " " " ,, " ;, ., .. .. ., ,, ., -,, " " " . ' (I " " ., ., " •• " " " " " " ., ., ., ., " ., ., ., " -· . " •• , ?O " " ., FLOl!IOol STolTE: ....... ~t •Fl ORIOol ... '" Fr.,1kll~ I. M1rih•ll ., ,.,, ,, . ?t Frr•no 5••to _ lt Gl!'ORGIA , ~· •G,,l\llD"rf ,. ?1 ~olllVolltO 17 •H•W•ll "l<ob1r1 lrOl1~1 Siii~ •INOtolNA • •nOlo"• !Po.I John' "ICP-11>1 Ju•••1• •·Kolom1100 ~(olllSolS STolTE: • K•nvon l(ln90 l'olnt •l •k• Fo,elt 'Lor~ Htve" S•ll• LOUl!!ANol STolTE ,. -.LOUISVILLE • ,.,. •• 1,111 •Moll!YLolNO •.¥on oc)'l11,.,., 1,1,lolMI l"lol.f Ml(l<IG•N "Mlddl.,l>\lry •M•SSISSIP~I " •• ,:t " " ,. ... " " " " •• ,, " . ?1 " ''. u -· -71 . " " " " ,ltOl ol&LI W!NNlltS & I COlt l5 •MISSOUI!• ?I ""'""'""" Si t !• .. :e •Monl•n• ... , .....• ,., ,, ,, 71 ~MC~'ovlon ?0 Mu•h••~ S'•'• .,, ... , 10 •/,\out>! U11ic" .,, . . .• 11 MuM•"b<rt , ., .• . • '' Murrov S•o1f , ,. • , 'O • NEll"ol5KA 1• •N•w H•m•,hlrr •. ,U NOR7N (olltOLINol iTolTE . 11 ~Nert~ Oakcto S••fl •• . ~• •Neri~''" lo'"'• 11 Norl~•rn Mlc~lg•n 11 NOl!TH TEKolS STAT!-. 11 ~NORTMWESTE llN "' '' "'IOlRE OAME , ...... '1 OMIO STATE •1 01110 U. '• ,, .,, •• """' II •Onie wu 1•~•" .. 11 •OO:lolMOMA :• Olt EGON Sl'-TE'.. -.. . 1r •"'•clllc /Colll,) , ;a PENN Slol'TE •• '' "'""""'vlv•nlo ... ?1 •"1lT58 1Jltl'.\~ , "1 .. Pl!!"ICETON ,. ·• "'-' '1 •PUl!OUE " ~I 11•1C11MONO ,. 11 •llUTGEl!S " ~· ~M. l 1wrft>CO 1• • Stm!~'d ~o SAt> Olro o SI•'• •• • Siloo~'" Rec~ S•t!o 34 SOUT M CAl!Ol lNi. , ~! .~ov•~ D••oto -Sc Cono•r""'' so_ l.'ET >'OOl~l $.(>y!~W••'"" (T •on.I S"""•!l•ld ''S T .~•«O•O 51"""."'""' . • ''"'ol• •l~''•S (<!Cl\TIA>j • lfl\A> l f CH "l•!M O •l """V !Co,.ol ru••, 'u ( l • U Troo fl/.••tlol \lnlC" (N 'I' ! UTA!-' V•lnor•i<O \'"<!•¥~" "'"'"" > •n•ud v •W••'"'" l~•·\',_O~ '.'I-It..•'"' S!o•1 I'""."· l'Jl lllf"•' w.n ... ~,,o W'l'O,,.lllG VALE , , ' 10 " " ,. ' ~~ .. •• ' . , •• '• ,, •• ' •• " • ., ' ., ., " -. '• DUNTON FORD 2240 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA P re1~t1 JOE HAllllUS 'S fpotb1ll Foreoaats le A Winner With DUNTON llOllD '•••••La 1.111•1 1 ~ca111s l •"'•' '"~ "" .... 1• Olt fGON 14 !!••'•'" IC•MwckV .. . .... , .•. 13 TiNNE,ll!'f ... ~& l'l•tll•' .• , .... 1 ALl l0~4 , H ••••• 14 • 1!0~110.:··· •• 11 ''"'~I JOSE 1T ,_T.; 1 IL TEK ,_! lt'L !'ol 50 ) 14 S, '!.', l o '""' , 13 UT,&!< Sfollf !I .J•~, Co,,ell • •l GEOll;Glol T~C:li 1, V.'tv~I S!tl• !Oe~t1il) 1' 0'1orboln ' •l •••veno u VILl ol NOVol . " ~KENT STATE .... It Nort~w-, -"·-·'-· .. , •..• )? MeMClt l• 311•• , .. • . .. ••..• , . ' •SI, Jou•~'• !l•l .l • S"l•P•niMu-. i i•!• , ,_)j l•6"1Gn St.to ,,, ., 7 •IW .. lo•n llllrels ,,, 14 u. Me. lltelll! .. 14 !·~··"·· ... , Vl•(HITol STAT.!. .. .•.• 1( ~V.M.1.~. 1 VI.I.KE F011!5T 11 l'i•<~l•••en (SI, LOU") ll 1'.'~'T l[XolS STolTE ~3 .'i,o ln~ ti ~ret•.oorl Slote .. 11 ' ""0 ','VN .. , .. , .. T Wllll.l.M ~ ,1.1'-lllf •• ,..,, , H tolot!Morn 11111101' , ,_ll 11, ,,~•·s ' V/~;I (~~tor 51•10 . • 1 !Y11,!Mnfrt .,. 6 1•:ee$!er ... 11 w~e•""" -----· ' •U. tl!b•. 10..,1~0) .•. . •.. , .U Kenl\Jt~Y 51olt . ·-. 1 •'U-Ttnn. !C~•"••Ht tl .. ___ ,.14 ••111111• .. ···--···· .....• " O~I• Hon~er" ........ , ........ 11 Morrl• l rown .•..• , •...••.•....• e <'fUL!A. .. ____ .. .,.. . ....... 7 t!OltlH CA..llOLINA. .. , , ..... ,. H •·Olc~lnso11 . ,-, _ _ . U "Ct llfl>••l1 !'ti• (SLOl ....... 14 ••VANOf l!&IL T 1 O,..••I T.cl'I ., .,, 11 •·COllNEll •. . ..•..• U s'"" C11•1 ... ·····-· U oll!tt!<: ......... ll ')t . !O'l"tl; ,.,..,., 11 ILl.l"IOIS • • .11 Clorlo~ 81ol! ,, , .II • l<t•••!ord , .. ' • l YCO"'ln1 , "• •• 1' ...~rlon . ·--. ' IOWol Slollf ,,. ,., 11 H•r•m I) •C. W. '••I .. .. 11 O~fllln •• , ".. 1l i:idl,.ber• S"•• ... , """ 1 "'KlN1UCJ(Y ...... 7 Moll!Sl1olLL .,,.,, . .,., •..•..• l• Ct•llol ., ........ la OUICf ..... ll lthodt l1la1'4 , •...• I •Me:Ml'HI~ STol 11': 7 •MICMIGol N STollf 14 ... ...,111•• ' . •. u !.0, M1$S\S!l .. l'I ,. .• 1 !'ltOIAILI L8~11t $ • 1caa1s 00.:LolHO"\A. STATE .. ' l'll&lr ""' 1do~o S•••• ..... , .... !'MC (oll .. 1$ , ~Y1u•111ewn .•. , , W•1•mlM1'er Cl'• 1 ... .u ,.!nus .. . .. ~~1101·1, T•"""''" s• ... ·-·· .... ,, ", ... " ,0 ....... u .. ". lJ ...... )( .. 1) . ... u Kolll~olS ... , .. ,. '" !4 v-.,,,en! ., ..... 1 • Vl~Gl,/I ,\ , ........ 11 1~<!,ttl o.-.... ... ···-·· '' /,\o•nln11111 .................... ,, •Ov•nllco M••ine.. .... ,., 14 NI W MfXICO STA.Tl! .. , ...... U VllSCON!IW ....... ll SO. Collt~O~NIA .... '9 •MlNNESOTol _,, ., ,., ......... 1 "MIAMI !OHIOI ..•..••• ,,,, •. 13 1.1u1kln1 um ...... .... lt COLO!tA.00 .. , .. ,. . •••..• 14 "WolSH1NGTON , ··-··· 11 ldoh" ··-..... U ·''Yl;'-CIJSE , ............... 14 l ohl1h , , •• TULA.NI: .. COLG.l.TE IONA ... , ... ,. .............. ,, .............. ·• .. f EolST ColltOLINA. llolVY -•- PJO,....ICh .. -· ~urmo11 . tJ l•••• fol '""''-"! l'/lt..,:~1ton !O~t1• •·Vll!GIN•-. TECH ·'~0<1•~ 010••• !ltft Gl•"l!tro S•••• l'!l(t • L'. S, C (;_ ol'°ot!'<W , l!ot1~.•••!f'o'• \''ol SHINGTON 5T•lE . u ..... l-101<1'• T 0:1 0~. l , . 'li ~Sl$\ill'l>I ~T•l ~ \' "'"'" M 'tn°;0• (•lt•V · le°'~"•',,.. I l•• CAll ~Oll~Jlol ... ''"""·· , ""'"~ • ., l'o•v NE.W MEl!JCO V.'I DI;~ l'.'Or•• t.-l'f '> l•nn•1s.o• 111'{• H"Toa...,-S•O""P' E o~ C'ttlr ~ Slot• . ""'<• lli ~·~oln L MtidtJe~ ... ll"'GMA~\ "0U~IG •CO LUM l lA .... ·'' , .. " •••. 14 ·•· 1 -· 1, ... :t " , . " •• . " " " , ., " " " ' . •. H . . . " . " " • l'l " ' " • " . . ' . " ·CL E VEl ~NO t<lfU"INlL l'M:ill lll lll !IU• l l ~ITTSIU!t~U " ~oll Tl/.,OOllE • • OI Ll ol' ~Of lROIT LOS •NGEL E~ M1NN£SOlA •S.t.N F ~.•"l''ICO ~WolSl11N(,TON .. (flol("l"I•'' •l<.J<N5ol ~ (ITV •O AO:Lol~lO SAN Oil GO , , w . ' 11 " " " " . , " .. NEW O•\'lol,IS l'HIL.1.0~~ l<IA CMl(AGO G•Ett< ~•V .• ·ST, l 0 U1£ ·-A Tl AOITol • Nl'W VOltK GIAIHS .. . ,, ... ?t .... ,, ... ,. ,, " 11 •eOflllL LIAOUI ~~ OEt<l'flt '' " -. ,, 11 Ml"~'! • ;; a U•'•I O )1 .. &OITON .. ,. It ,. NOUSTON ., ' .. -· ·-" DUNTON FORD Senlot Ale! 0.-,•C°""" ..o ..... , ... 0 '1'•r 400 New el'ld U1a.I Cir• efll.I Trut\1 •• Che•t• "HeMe.t .... e.,.. s.,.1, ... u .... c:...-so.767' New Con-541-7171 ~--- '.~Nona LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL ~OTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l"·lMU '·llrt~ ClltTll'l(ATI 0 1' &U!1Nl$S, C llt?t•1CATf O" &UJINlll l"leTITIOUt "'AMI •1eT1T IOVS JIAMI Tft• u"'llftllt-• etrll!'v ftltv i re T~I u•~~'<;tnN •tts-tertll\I 1ft1 11 el~· et•ctut•l•t • b,,11-1 ol ?516 "°""•rt dvctl"t • _bv•1,..,, tf l:JJJ VII Liel ll~tv. l •vl•v•t f, C1119 M"O. Cl ll!orn;•, Uf\d!r N""1crt l,.cft. Cl llto•n\9, u11•t• "'' 1; .. m• lictllllu• !Jr"' "l ml o1 ... EllE'l''S llTll!U! !lr"' n1..,1 •I lHI!' Vt•A!'-UI' in• CHOW &l!lL end 11\of oold 1;,,,. ii ce"'· !hi t st ld '""' ;, c""'"'''"" 111 1'!1t "111 .... -H •• "'' lollewln1 ~orso111, Wl\Oot !~.r •'"'""· when ntmt In lull 1ftl 1l1c• """" In f\111 ••I JOl1c11 t! t°"!lct~11~t ••t Of•~'~""'''" u tolle,,,,.: n "'II•"'>' lOIS E. fOMONSQN, ~lll v ,1 L1f 1 . A. J. Ptll1ttlnl. 11tl V;,11 tftl11t 1, Svl!1 lllJ, N•WPC M lltotft, H"""" &11tft, Co !ltor•·•· Oal"'9 Octtb!r I~. nu Morie '•1111111•1111, ?Id tloHli Wav, LOI• i;_ li:~m•"'"" C .. hl M .. 1, Ct lll0'1P1t, Shir. el Coll!t...,,,I E. T. !'lli.trlnl, lSI Grtn&bl• l i ne. Ora nt • C1vnN Cnl• M.s1. Callfl>rnl1. O• Octobfr 1', 110 , ~!'41r1 m-. 0 Oa loll Ot19Mt I. 1tn , No!I,.., ""'lie in •nt ,., ••I• !.tllt.. A. J. !'111.,.rlnl ••.,cn1llV •t MorN Ltil E, It,......,. Mt ri• !'t llot'ln! ~nown to mt !I k tllt •en;t• "'""'•• e. T. 1"11111•1"1 ". m. 11 l!J!,C•IW ,, "'• ,..,;..,;. In· Sl'lt. el C1ll"'•nl•, Oro111• CovMv •"umtnt 1nf ••k.,.,.,llNl1&c1 t~I eJ<l(VIOll On 0<~• 1, 1119. t.t••• "''• • ,lofo"' "'• .. .., •. !'u~lic 111 l"t lor "" S•alt. f•'lonollv (QFFIC•"L S!oll l ..... ,.,, •. J. Pllletr l~I. ,,.. .. 1. 11.t •Y ''"' lltM•n !'t llotrlnl, •~• I!. T, !'111,.r;nl ~newn ts !Jof1.Y •ubllr·Cl hit,n•• "'' II Ill •~• ttr••• .,.....,. "'"'" "' l !'•l ncl11I Offic1 I• •vh<r!...., 1-,,,. wl"'I" l11•l•u1"0f'I t nd Or•"'' Ctu111'v •• ~ .... •·lldt ... l!'>IW ••tc11itt1 l~t ......... Mv c ......... IS>••n E••••ts (OfPIClolL Sl!'Al l .1.1-.1 t , 101 l(ll'ly ICISllt• •u)l1~~·· Or•rot • c •• ~, Ol llY ,., .. ,, Noluy !'vbllc Oc-r 1!, II. 2$ •rMI N........., 1. S!o!t el C•lllorn.1 ,,.., 111t1.,o '•lncl11r °"let 1n 0,.l'ft Counl\I M~ co..,mru i•" E>•I, .. •••ii 11, 1'10 P uaH~~tol 0••11 .. CtOll Otol~ ,ilel, Ocr.Mr )1, II, lJ ont ~evom~r t, lUt !"1>t' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ea.1 , l'.to1.l·------------- 1'1<f..O LEGAL NOTICE N81'1(1 TO <1t•01.Te 11s tUP&lt lOlt COU~f ., '!'NII SlATll 8' Cl l l,Olllll '01t TMI (8UNTY ., •1tAH8I ......... ,,!l ------~~ ~--------------------------------------- Jiello acain, bo).·! and 1irJg, and '11\·e!c<lmt to a,oothtr Satur- day momin1 in Unc!t Len 's Corner. All you young ghost! arid goblins are probabl~· gelling rtady for trick or treat ing in a couple Y•eeks, and ".i i n e e Ha\JO\\'er-n is just flrollnd tl1e co rnt r. thal \\'ill be 1hr ~llbietl for nrxl Saturdi;y·~ 11rt contest 1i lso. A RE:'\llNDER tn all you artiiits-be sure lo draw )'Our pictur~s on paper h e a \' y enouah so that your nan1e doeln't show through \\'hen ''OU ._'Tite it on the back. Uncle Len received a totiple 11,ood drawing! !hi.<; week . but couldn't use lhein because the paper was too thin . Here 's something of interest to Uncl~ Len's readf"rs. Th t junior division of the Costa ~----------------------------------,1 r.tesa Civic Playhouse is put- tin& on a children's play . "The Hobbit," next weekend. See Monday's paper for a picture and story about the show .. HONORABLE mention lvin· ners in this '11\·ee!.:'s art conte3t a.re : il-Jary Gu stafson. }luntington eeach; Jo n Garmshousl"., Laguna Beach: Craii: Thoma~. I, Irvine: Lynne Thoma.s, 3. * PRIZE WINNER Julie Kuder, 10, 2985 Jacarand-a St., Cosla A'Jesa * .4.ny child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's aU you do : (I) Dra\v picture on piece o( plain. \vhite paper 5" inches \\'ide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink antl make Ji nes black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own \Vork. (3) Put your name, age and addres!'> on back of dra\ving. fl lil il it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAJL \' PlLOT, Costa 1\1esa. \Vinner ,,·il l receive Kennedy half dollar. trvine: Vanessa Ha lloran, J0,•-----------------------------------·1 Costa J\fesa. and Ti1n ltuder. t , Huntin&ton Beach. BUGS Buis are cralv!in& ~fERi\IAID c f' c Oh. mermaid, mermaid.·------plea!e. marry me aro j ornef everywhere. On the rround and in you r hair, A'nd I'll Ii" with you in the RIDDLES AND JOKES SP.a. Buis are colored from black to whlte And they cra~vl around in day and night. -$y~lt Ctllin1, 11, Cooll A\••• "But how can you live under\\·ater~" Say! mern1aid so kind: "Be~ides I've got a husband, "If you don't mind-" -,.1trl<l1 H1llOt1•, t. C~ll• M"ll HALLOWEEN Hallo1veen is fun, fun , fun ; Come \Vith the goblins ; come. come. come: You go from house lo house, Bt a s quiet as a mousr : Shivers run do\\·n your -back. But hold on to your trick or treat sack , \\,-hen you go around the farmers hou se Please be quiet ; don't shout; Look in the \\'lndo1v, "'hat a fright. There st.ands a monster, out of sight. .. 1(1••m ~.u •111 .. •••• 1t "'"''" 1<1111 ..... 11, 1111 0,•All .,YI., CU ii M1•1 .. , l•t •••ftl•t .. rry I• !•1 \ll fY ••• -Ill H•IML "'"' ••v• _ .. t r ... ,.., It U•tll ~··· lll 1Ut, Cllll MUI, (111"'••11. S.•• Y•tr 4111 ... tl ... t• ..... All4r, •!• O..•t• c ... 1.11, ru ... ••• 1161, C••'-....... c.11r. ·~•1 ......... wo•Lo 1001( ATL ill "' •• ,,.. ... ••lffl ... , ... 11 ti ~'-., •••• Ctll,.nlll , l'tr ~1r t Vtlllfn: Wliea WAI J I m I'; It 0 " D foUJ16ed ? Nobody, nol t":1·cn a small poo!.:1 ty~ pixie.. i~ Pf'rftct and sometimes Andy make! a mistakt . This blushing event happtned a fe\v we.tks ag!l in lhe story abou t y,•hen rhe: first slaves came to America, And Barbara \\'rote a v e r y courteous Jetter to e:tplain that •-certain datt was 1\'AY, \\'IY out of place. Thank you Barbara, so lt '1.'I S. This little colony or James1ov.·n 11·a~ founded in 1607 -So John Hall.'kins did not arrive there with tht first African staves in 1382. However, both Hawkins and the year 1562 do belong in the correct ston•. The first African slaves \\'ere taken to "Work in the Spanish gold mines of Hispaniola V.'lllY back in 1510, Hawkins started brin(ing slave..'! to the \\'est Indies in British ships in the ye ar 1512. Al that tim~ he v.•as thirty 111d had a reputRtion as 1 ~of 1washbucli.Jing hero. laking \h e fir s! sl a\'es to .Jamestown. I n d e n tu r e d sen·ants lrom Europe and American Indians were. held in slavery by the earliest Am · trican co!onisll!. But in 1619, John Rolf or Jamestown wrot~ in his diary that a Dutch ship sold tht settlers 20 bla ck sl aves .... 1 ··~·· • , ••• , ...... "' •• "'• wo•LO •oo• ... CVCLO,l!OIA ,. •ic111r• ••--~· ..-11, 11 c•1ri.n1. 'It•"' C1rtllft1 ftr ~11 ... n11o~: Wllat Is lbe real dilfere11ce he.twten cold and warm blood· ed anlmal8? A c:o ld blooded fish can survive being frozen in 1 chunk of ice, but a_ warm blooded bird cannot . A warm blooded rabbit can stay active 1!1 through the. v.·inter but a cold blooded toad cannot . ,.There are. ad\•antages and di!!ad vantages in being either cold or wann blooded. * Dear Carol: \Vhat. ,goes up and dOl\'n but doesn 't inove? ,RIZE WINNER Customer: \Vaitress, take th is coffee 8\ray .. It taste5 like mud. \\'aitress : \\;ell. sir. ii \1•as ,ground th i.<i morning. -Ml ") G~o!llU~. Hv•tlftl ltft ••••• Dear Caro·1· \\'hat ha s four eyes but. <:an t sec~ '!dd1••!••!W : J•M1uy -M••t •u1!1lu•, llu•"~'"" l••tll De1i11is the Jfle11ace 11!"' .... ,.,, 1na1nn1a!s ·3re \Vann blooded. Body heal is created as food 1~ transfo rmed into energy. The food is the fuel that -living cells consume. in a process of slo1v combustion. A cold blood· ed creature has no way to con· sen·e. the heat that results from this, and ll radia te~ A\\'ay from his body. But his busy cells must have wannth to sta yacth'e. He depends on hi~ surrou ndings for this warmth. As a rult, lhe bocly of a frog is about as warm a! ~e air, ground or water around him. In cold weatheor he must slow dO\lo11 and he sur\'ivts the winter in the m~ tionless coma of hibernation. ti) changing te.mperaturts \Vhe.n moisture evaporates, il steal~ heat from it.~ sur- roundings. On a hol day, the s1ve<1l glands ooze rT\Oi~ttirC' and as ii dries it cools the skin. Al the same time. the surface blood vessels expand lo let more bod y heat escapt. Energetic. muscular ac1ivity generate!t e.xtra body heat. If your body i~ cold, you start lo shiver, which mea ns that your muscles are t:xt:rcising automatically to generate that extra hea t. All wann blooded animals have s l m i 1 a r mechanisrr,s to adjust to changing temperatures. But cold blooded animal~ have no such ~vices. The heat crtated by their cellular activity is soon lost and they must S.1.H1•dily, Oclobt' 18, 1%11 O/\ILY PILOT J7 --'-------- P'IANUTS 1 y Charles M. Schulz V '51,'tl'ENL '( I HAVE iHf T~£i&£ F~EL~t; T~AT 'flJNll;(J)( ~ PJT T1NC ME Ct.' , ~:~~:~ ·~~//,, .-::-,,,,.,-.. STEVE ROPER ly Saunders and Overgard 111111•111• .. ll!••r......v.·eLL·LL·· Ol(,a,v, 00 t.AE A F,t\VOR, MIKE f' lii100.'·· i "'E" I ,1 I I// _.-- ~=:z.., f~"LI Kf .. ,1, FRIEMO ""II 0-: '10\..IR 50W, MISSUS KALORE .'"""°· ... WELL .. Y'SEE THERE WAS ~ ACCtDli..,T··· \IJl-l!LE '11.'E PUSM M'V CA't GOTTA t:1ND A l"TO TME G,t\QAGf, GO WAY iO GET TELL 1.1V l=OLl<j --UJ.l .. Wl-IAT 1-iO~iE .' MAPPE~ED.' PERKINS JUDGE PARKER "•' ·no,,,,..,, "''".'"''"-'' J ("')"to_., ,,.,, By John Miles By Harold Le Doux 1st.Ir-P'UL tW(IOENT-'Ll\'; WMAf'5 VOW JOST HAVE MOON MULLINS COM~, !<AYO·· "T IME' FO~ YOUI< u f>i,<:;ULAI< DTH·· • '° ,, ----~-- TUMBLEWEEDS I WONDER WHAT r u·11BcEWEED': IS DO ING ·~11'-i!' .. .-. MUTT AND JEFF GORDO "-i:1wE. HIS Tl-i!l.IG -'ii:OOMO HElE l'El?SOIJ, -'T )IUTT'( ,A,(1!£S; .a.llEY ~ S"M ."! DON 1T <iET <iRABBY! .,....:.:::=··- 1 GOT A l<IGHT -ro CH~Cl<THIS our. YOU 'MEMBER TUMBLEWEEDS,DfPUTY! OUR LITTLE COWBOY BUDDY WITH THE BIG SOMBREl\O, THE MOP OF HAIR , THE SLEEPY EYES, AN' THE PITIFUL LOOKIN' HORSE, WHO LEFT TOWN LAST SPRl~N!:G~?~I:;:::;-"\ OH!VEAH! YES, MR.S .MUTT.it4EY WANT $ 5,000.1 T+.IEY +-\AVE MUTT C~.'.INED UP IN SOME CLO CREEPY HOU'!E' 1\5.ooo? OH, DEAR··· G , ' v. t • -) By Ferd Jahnsan By Tam K. Ryan By Al Smith SHE SAID i1.so OR. 'F"ORGET IT.1 MAYBE Wi 'D ly Gus Arriala Thil'ty years latrr. Hawkins died and no doubt \\'ent to his 1'twant. This was IZ years before the foundln1 o f .Jame!lown. He had accrued plenty of crimes to hi~ name INt wt caMoL blatnt him for \Ve tend to think that most of the earth's creature.s are. warm blooded animals like our everyday cats and dogs. But in a \\'orldwide survey, v.•arm blooded .rtnimals are f1i- outnumbered by lhe cold blooded onl!:s. Reptiles fish and iuects 1-re all cold blooded. So are frog8 1nd snails, worms. and all lhe m i.c ro sc o p i c creatures. Only birds and Most warm blooded animals have fur or feathers to hold in the bodr heat generated by combustion. They also have btol~cal device~ that adjust ;:ibsorb the ~·armth the.y need JJ.-~ from their surroundings. .. _________ .. SALLY IANANAS Ii< J'.wu.:; :t4 "'-5.;..;t L....._ ,- ,-H• .U.J. ·~ ~' .,.... - N•rt Ne rkle Neitz ' . NerLI• Nert~ Ne1>1.t,t .... NeRK ! ;~ ..... .-..._..,/ .......... ..,,.,.) ' i ' MISS PEACH (7 \ IT 'S S IMPL.~ .• fifiilB,, ~-'() le··. ., ::-J I G . , , -\V4TCl-I A NOJl.M.-L PEIZ.SON ,&.ND S EE \.YUAT He: roe:s . 1e .11 ~1(LL ~ (A2,A,at;$. • • ------------------------------------------~--------------------,----~---------......,..... J8 DAI LY PtLOT • Sat11rdt)' Octobf't' 18 1'69 NEW YORK STOCK EX CHANGE WEEK"S AN D YEAR'S, HIGH~ LOW CLOSE .. "' ., ~l1& "' '" • ,. • " . ii "' •• " • ' "' » ' . 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" ' • Ne w Yo1·k Stocks Conllnued from Page ""'" It It lifl 'I'll"¥ 11 fll LtW 11111 I H 1ft ltw L1'1 C~t M ti! l - 'I • "' "" '" , .. '" n • " " 2~:: '" •• ; h • • "' " '" • ' " "' " •• "' '" .. • • • t 1 l SC ~If pfll lll 1• Tu~"' GE b; l 1 $ • fw~n(n SO.. •11 -UV- ,. ' " '" "" " '" ,. ' II 11 ~1111 1 "'"' l•w t.1s1 •• '" 1~11 I Hlfl Lt"' Ltll f:l>f TMrty ,,,_, 11.r Hlfl'I Lt• ... " ' I ••• ' " ' " IW 1 0 0 I 10 0 • i91 I n 1•1*i " .. .. ' • • • 315 15\i, 121 t1"' '"' . ,. lW Ii ••• • ,., • ,. • '" " " " "' "' " • '" ' .. " . • ~ .. "• " ~' • " ' I ' " ' -HI- ' -JM- " " ... " " " " " )QQ J " ' ' '" ,. " 0 " '" ., .. ' '" " " ' ' ' »' . .. 01 1• ' . ' .. 1 I 11 • • . " S! l ' 11 '1 I > ' " 05 IOJ to )(I I 70 10~ 10 6 13 " ' " ' ' ., , " " • " " .. "' ' " •• .. ' . ' ,. .. • " • • .... IMlt I Mltfl L•• Lui ' J~j • " . ~~ ,u • ?1 53,. ,~J. :~~ .. 1 • " . 406 ll JI 7'' . " 711I 1 6 ' ",:, JIO 60 > . , Hf s .;i. " n '"I ••· •• II JI ~ J?5Q ~J • s• 17' I l~li '' .. ?Q ... ' 1~~ :1 . ,, ~ ' '' • • u 3? ~ .. '" ' ,'l 'l ~ 7ijl 6"' " .. ;I n • • • Sl 11 ~ 11 ',:, ' m 76 lS .. I IS'\ ' .. JO 27 ll ~ • •190 6• '10 /,.) J~lQ J~ 1? 0 SI l 16 • zllO 69 .~ " " " .. '"' " • " • • • '" • ' " '" "1 t ~ OS ?l 151 • ,. " 1SI; '° ~ • • '11 1 ' " . " M Io " ' ' "' ••• •I.I l) ~ 0 ll'• l 11 ~ . ' j , •• ., " "' " "' 1011 • '" .. .. ilMll ) Hltll LN L .. 1 n • •• • 10 • ' • " ' 2)... I • • ' ' . • ' s. ' 50 o •YI~ • • l!l j6 • 0 ' " • .. • • " • • ,, • • Tola fo 'I •.+' .... V 11r 1tl0 J•~ l " <111t 161 to d1t1 Wll!IO.V lo <WNO; ... "" ... ..... c .. Over-the-Counter Li stings For Friday, October 17, 1969 I~ A.a ..... lf'\ "' G~ 11)11• ' ' ,,.. ' " " "" 1 ... 1.\.> '""Ill! ? tr.·: .. .. 31 . 71 . ... i'Iutual Fnncls Bid and Ask \ ' -=~------ . . : ! . . . r . I • 1970 DODGE • Dul 340 Swingers Ho,,,. of Clf11,RL1t ALLEN·s Aword w· inning <'SrJ \ Gllfl O'HAlA 'l 1Arlfe&t/U.. C•ll Mr. Winner 547-9381 • Dorl 440 • Coronel • Super Bee • Six Pack • Chorger • RIT • Kemi's • (4 Speeds) Torque Flite Funny Cor SP ECIALISTS IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE " •lUIPllNTING • HIADWOIK • CAil & IGNITION ' SUS,lNSION • TllUS & WHI RS • HlADUtS "Wf IU /1 0 WN~T YOU 'NAiii" FINANCING AVAILABLE IN MOST CA511-flNANCING CAN If AlllANG(D TO flf YOUR IUDGET .................................................. '60 DART t USTOM '69 CH AltGER RT 440 magnum V-8, A speed transmission, bucket seats, heavy duty brakes and suspension, vinyl in terior, radio, heater. ZAD809 Used. low mileage. • •••••••• '69 POLAltA 2·DR. HARDTOP V-8, automalfc transmiss ion, radio, heate r, power steering, f11c- 1ory air, vinyl roof, v.rhitewa ll !ires, super lite, full vinyl int erior, YWS 623. Used. low m'ileage. = • • • • • • • • • • • I ...................................................................................... • • • • • • BRAND N EW '6 9 TRAVCO 1969 BRAND NEW '69 DODGE CA MPER IY DODGE '. COR EY CR UISE R T/2 TON SWEPTLINE PICKUP COMPLETELY SELF-CONTAINED Big 6 cylinder engine, standard transmi ssion, sleeps 4, stove, ice box. Has hide ·a·bed & motor bed, 8'x10' awn ing. No. 1982164245. v.a engine, air cond11ion ing, auto. transmission, power sreer1ng. sleeps 5, monoma11c toile t, refrig· eral or, many oth er ex!ras. ~Jo. 208216670. Used. Low mil eage. $4 .9 7 7 -~~•M•~••••••••••••••••••• '6 7 DODGE Coron et R/T 2-Door Hardtop V-8, auto. """· power Slee•· $ 14 7 7 ing, radio, heate r. (UEX 035). '67 DODGE Dart GT 2-Door Hud!op V-8, auto. 1ril ns, power steer-It 13 7 7 log, ,.d,o, he""· vioyl •OOI. ·~ (UKH 6111. '66 CHEVELLE SS M1libu 396 V-8, aut o. trans., tac.h. (SBM 929). '65 PONTIAC le Mans Coupe V-8, auto. trans., power steer- ing, buc.keJ.··s~ats: (NQV 539). SELECT USED CARS OVER 100 THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 12 MONTHS OR 12,000 MILE WARRANTY AVAILABLE ! COURTEOUS CREDIT COUNSELORS READY TO HELP YOU WITH E·Z CRED IT • LOW DOWN PAYMENTS • LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS • ARE AVAILABLE WITH YOUR GOOD CREDIT $$$$ HUNDREDS MORE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN!! '68 DATSU N '63 OLDS F-85 Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan 4 speed !rans., AM/FM rildio, heale r, wsw, v i n y t bucke l se.als & top. rNXM 971). '64 DODGE DART 2-Door Hordlop V·8, aut omat ic tran s., power ~teering, WSW. (OUX 642). Cutlass Coupe Auloma!ic trans., r ii d i o & heilter, bucke ts. tllG 16'4). '65 DODG E Polara 4-Door Y·S. aut omat ic lrilns., radi o & heater. (RSR 788). Big 6 cy!1nder engine, standard 1ransmission. One only-: Dr ive it home. No. 1167090405. • $2077 '6 5 DODGE Dari GT 2-Door H1rd!op V-8, au10. trans., power sleer· ing. (UVH 974). '6 5 DODGE 270 4-Door Wagon Air cvnd111oned, automa1 ic !rans .. ra dio & heater, w~w chrome rack. (ANX 778). '68 D ODGE GTS Hudrop C011pe • • • • I .. V-B. 340, 4-•pd., ,;; coodilioo-< 18 7 7 ed. wide tires, buc.ke1s, vinyl "' fop, ra'dio & hea ter. (V8P -468) '67 MERC . COMET C1lien11 H1rdtop C011pt Power steering & brakes, aU· tomatlc trans., radio "& healer, y.;sw, full vinyl interior. (TFC 337). I -· ~~-------------·-. ---·-···----------...........---,.. .... -•••---• •• ·---· ... -•-••-••-•-•-• •---··---•-r .,_. ••-• -•-, DlJNTON FOBD PRESENTS . ' Here's the kind of news auto buyers have been waiting for! With the nineteen seventies just arriving, Dunton Ford is ending the decade with fhe biggest new and used c~r sale in our history. Prices on all cars have be.en drastic&lly reduced. The selection has ne~er been better. And on· ... the-lot financing· makes it ea ~y for you to trade up now to that better car you've ·been wanting. , . .. ~AR~END CLEARANCE On All NEW 69'S Mustan9s • Torinos T -Birds ·Galaxies '~ L TD's They MUST Be Sold! ·~~·..;...~~~~~~~~ ' We're Ready To Deol! i So Come in Today! ., ~.· Executive Car and Demon- strator for Sale. Tremen- dous Savin9s on "T" Birds. Mustan9s, Torinos. Galax- ies, Falcons, Cortinas .•. Hurry! OVER 0 TO CHOOSE HUGE DISCOUNTS HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FORD COR TIN AS CHOOSE FROM OVER 75 ALL BODY STYLES & COLORS P'RICED AS s17 9 9 LOW AS Ser. ~ .. IA 'lJl',7t48 + T. & L. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT! For SI 'f'tlr1. DUNTON rOll:O h11 1old a"d 1atlsfied mort Ford own1r1 than any other ford dt altr in Orange Cov.nly. ,. r' '. l j i .'t '• e . ~j " . . · •• . ; -··! .·· . . . ' '~ ' . :~ • ~ ... ~. • • • . ·. ~ ..... '• .. _:. ~·: •. : .. ... . . . •. . ; .. ~ . . . ·: . . . ' . ' . -. ,• . . ... ; . . •. . : ,:. : . . . ' ' " .. . . ' " • !'> ... ~ • I ' •• ·---·--------·-· ... -· .. 'r . "· ··~ ·-~.. ~ . ~~ ~~ ~.,it,·' .. "' f.iMI "'· ,y.wo _It_ -'ffth ... i'f.~·· .Ad ,; it ~· ~ f _. ~-... ~-·-· ... .,_ · HOUSliS FOR SALE 'l !!_OUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR Generil 1000 General 1000Gener•I 1000 1. Ganer•I TOOOGener•I SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gtne<tl 1000 Gen1r1I IOOOG1ner.1I 1000 1 ..:=================~1 1000 Generl!d ' 3 BEDROOM + DINING RM . 523,950 I ' MA TT LA BORDE, Realtor ' 'ft'l'l'd/.il 'Il l!\ \I.II 1,11,.;• 1 ~p;u•;1l1 h11 l1•01 I dll\L!'".~ 1 •!111 11 , lx>.tut Ulil "·•111111 1·.1 h1ilf'l~ in th,, l•11•·l1. u, n,,.1r Iv t·~1l· 1n~ b1 w!.. In• pl.1,·r . tX"aUtl· /u.ly J 1rl••·•l~'1I f1 ul\I an,J r"'Br 1111h ,.,,1 1·rrd 1111 t1n. ba1n off 11n-1cr bNh oo111 ilfld t'ill'JH'llr1g lhl'l\lj;llOUI, I!() do11 n 10 1 ~·b. lllL" n11gh1 be !hr uJl" 1 111'1r hl'rn luol.;1n.1: fur -ra 1 ·r·~ .+ ·- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 540-8640 OPEN EVES Till 3:30 --5-B-EDROOM s3s,95o I fam11) 1i.;0111, ~ l•.<l h•. L1111i in k11el1~11. lJrrp p1lr t·.111Kt-' 1n~. lh1i:" 1..;11•rrd p<i lm Elr ctr11• ;;;1ragr d(I(•!' opcn"r Sprink:r1-,;. ::i ir.1;'.!o TARBELL 29SS Ha rbor I G•Mr•I 1000 FOREST E. OLSON J BED ROOM S l5 750R2 \\'ha1 ·• A .1 hr droon1 homr on a bl~ P.-"1 lot: And it"s on lhr Eastsldr . Al1110~1 un hf'ard of bar· gain. You can !1vr in or r<"nt it oul. l'11 y.; for ii. self l311il d Rn othrr uni!. Pa),: fo:· iL.;rlf. Srllcr soy~ ju~t 10', do11·n. llct· trr h11 .. rr Call 110 11 -6-1:i-1i:::ro. PRICE D 12 000 BELOW FH A FHA-VA TERMS SI X YEAR NEW, eon1p lc tcl y redet oral c1I. FOUR BEDROOM, f=i111i ly rcon1 . I ·V4 bath hotne 1vit.h fireplace, fo rced air tiea l aHd built -in kitchen. Co111pletely carpeted ;i 111 I d raped. Large 01cr-sizC'd double garage \11th 11·as hu1g fac:il!t1es. 15"x20' patio. fe nced \31"(1 -sprinklers. On ly n1inutes fron1 n1ajor ihop- pin_g and st hools. Conveniently located to COSTA MESA & HUNTINGTON BEACH . O~Ll' S26.950 IR.educed Sl .0001. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Bu v under V.A. or F .H.A. TERMS. 'f bree bcd roon1s. \11 0 ba ths. tan11ly roon1, dining area and buil t-in kitchen. Spat·ious rear li1•- i11g roon1 1vlth ·rireplal'e. Carpeted anrl cl rap· ed. l..<1r,ge covered pallo. fcn rerl 1;1rd and 11'el J landst apcct fron1 :ind l"t.';1 r PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY $23,900. '1"11(• ap1J r<i 1!-al 111 :tl full price \\'c"rc rC'ad_1· to go -ACT NOW. ASSUME 51/4°/o VA !600 sq. ft. FOUR BEDROOM, TWO BATH HOME. Ex tra lar gC' Ji 1·\ng roon 1. paneled fan1ily din in g area, Spneious c ornf'r lot - boat an d t rai ler storage areas. Carpet plus t1vo \\'Of!\ shops. SEE TODAY I! F.P. $23,950. DELUXE DUPLEX TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. IJi11 i11g roc111 . forte<l air h<'at an d built-i n t1lectr1t· ktlchen . r\ll ne11· ea rpel.~. <·0111ple lelv rc<l el'· oraterl in and out. 01 \"1Clr1 t ~t nc.!l" !.';i rai;c.~. 11·rll landsc:arcd front ~·ard . !-C p:i rat" re:ir 1·ards. TOP VALUE AT $28.000 NO DOWN VET ERANS -Lo11· llo1111 F II.:\ LEASE OPTION . ..\n oprortunity to 011·n111g you r 011·11 hon1e 1rith EQUITY BUILDING PAYMENTS. See this three Bdrm., den. I ~ bat h ho1ne. Over- size double garage, block \~·all & t hain link fencin _g. freshly decorated just fr,.-you - /\ice tree lined street. FULL PRICE ONLY $24,950. 646-0555 220 E. Seventeenth St. IE. 17th St. Shoppin9 Ctr.) '41~16 COSTA MESA FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES VIEW La rge 4.000 sq. ft. o [ luxury 1v1t h heated & fil- tered pool & a v1e11' of the bc1ck ba). 1\ re~l l fan1 ily hon1r . 4 Bctl roon1s, 4 baths. lan11ly roon1 , fo rn1al d1n111g rou rn. Ideal tor enter· ta1 n1ng. On ly 212 )Cars ol d. Beauti ful & y.•cll priced al 8104.000 . ("all for <1 pp·1. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT . .\ 1:e rv rare 40 ft. 1valerfront J bedroo n1 & 21fl bcith ho1ne \\ ith pier & slip. 80 r·1. p1er- head line. 0 111ner \\'ill r1nance. /\:>k1ng $199.500. {"all for apµ"t. VIEW {"ourtyard entry leads lo this beaultful. la rge 4 bedroon1 home \11th \'ic1v of en li re ba1:k bav fron1 n1ost roon1s. Lal'~c !11·1ng, roo ni 111t h 111 ti1·1llc fireplace: 4 ~pac 1 ous bat h ~: <111 clC('- tric kitchen : lu,.,JJ c a l'pC't111 .::. ()\·1·r :)~UU .. q ll. $89.500. l~a l l lur a pµ·1. DOVER SHORES !\lagni ficent bu ilder's ho111c, on la rge c:orncr lo t \•:ith ruo n1 for pool. 4 l~ed roon1~. fan1ily ruorn . large enough for hil liard ta b le : d in1n t:" rooin. 'l'h1s hon1c <lone Hl Spanish fl a1·or 11·ttll tile enlrv & adobe brick fi replace. S6·L500. Open daily. 1736 .-\nt1g11a \\'n y. LARGE POOL J)cli g:ht hll 4 bcdroon1 hornc 11·ith forn1al din- in~ roorn. p;i ncl c.d la1n1ly ruo1n . beaut1 tul a triu r"n 111th foun tain . La rge .-\nthon 1· pool. (;arden pa lto" out.">1de ea{;h roo1n -'la~t e r hcdroon1 ~uitc 11·it h !\Ir. &: ~!rs. ha th . ~ki ll­ f11ll.v decorated .. <\sking S95.000 . EASTERN CHARM .\ \\"it1cl i11g brick 1•;al k & portc coc hicrc. 1 l1re- plnces & <i forn1al din ing roo111. tnak e th1 f; on e of a kind. l·1 1sto111 2 llcdroo111 bon1e <i rn ust. Ln nc!'>ca pccl by Dic k Beason. \sk111~ ~Qj _OOO. CORONA DEL MAR 101 G IJO\I ll on thif> honir . ;J r;1 ock.~ frOtll Lilt le Coron<1 . Lar~c 11e11· l1 1·1n:! roo11 1 \1 111t II re- place . scpDratc dinin.t; roon1 4 he c\roon1 ~. 21,._. b ath:-. o n a lo t 40:.:23~. l~rin;z offer. 0 \1·ncr n1ust sel l. $~9.5W. t)prn S1111 . 41 6 l lazeJ Ur . john macnab Fl!A a p;1r.11.,.11.l 1111 lh i~ qu..,Jit) Ou1 lt ·; 1Jr.1lrwrn. j hat h horn" i~ ~27.930 011·ncr '"') ~ "'II 11.,•1' At s2:i.9:xi. Ju~t a f,.11· )f'lll~ )vun,: l.ar-:-• 111·1>· 1ly n>0n1. Bl:;-1:.4 101. f!oom for 111orr uni t~. !'=rllrr lrfl for !11r "1'1 ~1 ~n·t hun·1 -f!l "::-1!" Dial no1• ,, 1-..u:t1: ,you'll like our friendly service 1 I EVENINGS CALL 646-2259 OR 646-1050 I REAL TY COM PAN Y 001 Dover D r ., Suill! 120 64 2·8'235 "!1!1!!'!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!'1111!!!!11~~~1!!!!11!!!1!!9 HAV [ \1000 ' HOMi -R 1 T r r r 1 : 1 1· 1111 I" irn~n· Lo1·cly l1n1n .. ('illTlr~ II· Re lf, 11h1lr ;.ou·11' !h1 nk- in!! of nu mr1 .... •11s 111ort uni t~. H 11 ~r ~1-, root 101 Only SlS.:..00 lull p1·1< r t"an!a~t ir Tenn'' Srllrr panl ol f r1r 1-:-Dorl) a nd hr \1·1ll I:O all out ror .•ou. Br11cr hiJrt)>'' Di al 6~j--03/)"; COLLfGf PARK < )7 950 11.nd 1al,.-'"'r !:1 ·h F"ll A-l .. 11· 1rl•,., 1 · .. :in :t h"d l'•"•ln .! h.•!h rl"ll'\" bu1 h -111~. farn1l~ t ""'n. hR rd 1'Rlfl\Jl J1.1nrhnc :\ 0 r\1·ly dr .. 0!"111'·c1 ri u~h pi ll" t il fJ•<'lln.'.: Br.it 1n- f1 11.t 1n11 I<• !hr 1·•1n• 11 S r" !h1-< h1:.-!ilv d"·!n•h l" Cril!r"" r~ri. '11,,, r 1·,11 ti \).(l\H: F(1 f:f .. '>T ! OLSON 645-0303 lll ll,1rho1r l rnlr· :'~'99 I l.:i1 ho:-Blvd .. C ~I. 1'69 VOLUME Sl'20.9 MILLION lC:>O 10001General . 1000 I G~n~~al Genl!ral 1000 Genl!r;iil ---------1----~~~ -~~~~~~~ 15 ,sif:9i~no .... JUST LISTED 4 BEDROOMS P11tr li,1~ twrn -ln~t11 ·/ 1: " '"'~' !:r 1 .,,,_.d ,\J,.,., \",.1ilr ADDED VACANT LOT VIEW VIEW I>;-iran.<fen{'(I .,11 11~1 ·1·,, 111 ~ B!~, l. L:,1. nc111 11c11 ~11.1;:: FAMILY . RM . ) ("'\f~n :-.. \ llJ •;l!L\:\!10: 'l.11· ,1~1 rt bNJroo1n ,, ! 1,, 11-••If"!. 'P.11 k!111;: 1,11:::111 I'· !,, •p'· 11 lN"iJ "I fl ol 1 11111~· B111 ll -~.:.;.:,r~• $23,950 I ,i 1·•··1, · Tl.!:\1 .; · ~.:·, f~<I Jn.-. ;,:a.1 ;~0 Graham Rlty. 646-2414 Th~ holnlr 1~ 1 ,,L.il ' •i·hl. _T_A~R=B=E=L=L=2=9~5_5_H_"_b~o-'-=·'='=··a_'.='-'_''-"="-"="-"=:'~'=-'="-" ="cl rrlld.i r,.,. ~ ,_11 1 , ,,,1 r 111, I WES TC LIFF I -1111 .. -I 111,,· -111,l li,l1u,•1n•, Open Sat. & Sun. 1 · S General 1000 General 1000 '.' ha lb". p;!ll•·l in:.: •11 l)w J11 1407 NOTTINGHAM 1;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;: 111g J"f•Pll \ ~111 "'" ulotr I I 1ri1 1\1 \1.\\" ;1" II 11 •1· ti11""1 ii\" 1n.;n1 nr rl"n Th.i11•1 .. 1,1. hCJ •!lr. L.:r 111· r11 ,~ r\111 µi <'lrly p;incl,.O. It 1111.; •1<111 1111'1. ": t'd' .JI' : h.1Th' rlr(·. Mesa Verde-Artention Vets llere is ~·our chance lo purchase a 111\c!.v hon1e ltl tlle ~a \"erdc and ll.<,,e l'OU I" (;.I, ell· gihility. r\o !)0 11 n·t hat i ~. :l lari.:e hl.'d roo m.'. bui lt-in el ec1r1c kitchen. hl oc k 11al l fenced. Close to school s .J nd !\hnpp1ng. F.1 ~t pos:--- C');.,lon. Full pr ice SZfi 500 Westcliff Calling \"a1.:a11 l and rc~1d v for th e ac111c f,1n1t11· ·; bt'drooin Rnd fa1l1it v roo1n 1 .1 ~1cf ull1 (!c(- or<.1ted and cle~ant i\· l:1n<l~cnped . \lt1°1 tnl'i"' and llci rbor Jligh School l llsl~ .. \ r 11· I 1· p<iintcd 1n :in d 0111 llc;l!C'rl Clnd fil !"rf'rl pool Soli d 1 aluc at {in/\ ~ifl .)(JU FOR A WISE BU Y COLHWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 Ftu lic•"1• t ral"!"' trt l umbl•a11 Schaol l•tr••H•d i" A lt••I (~ta11 C•••••7 FrH Saln m11nhip Clo ... 1 C•ll f•r lflttr•i•w '" "all 1·.1"f11'11t1;: lhl'<o<U.!11• r1" 11· , p• !. tll"i"l')r•, out and a '•·1 ,, 11 • ,. patiri ii,,•\ Rlld r1•,1r \,11 ~1 Fii I <!I \"A ~;; " ' ,\'-l'L'G ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 8 .3~· OPEN HOUSES BAYSHORES " J, I 11· ~ h.tl)·· < 11 ,: -r-~ "I" t·1 MIH\ 1\IL,I> 01 .t t l::\ l ":~11 1. r-,1 .. "C" THOMAS Realtor _! I\ ( .,a,I lh•v "\ 'I I 1~1 ,, 11 I :1 r ,, : ... -.i.'i ! ··..i SENSATIONAL! :-----~~----!I DANA POINT "OCEAN PARK" MOTEL Exul usi \•ely li sted 19 unit n1o tel localed on the ocean sid e of the Coast Hl gh11'ay could be tl1c "INN" place for you. New break· 11·ater and l\larina soon to be l"01npleted 1\'i!l <J o a lot fr··· boo n1i ng Dana Polnt. "!OJ' front- age on Jl11y. S<1lr pricer! at ~1 50 .000, fle xible lern1s OCEANFRONT LUXUR Y Spa cious 4 bedroom, 4 bath Spanish ~tyle 1\1 th he \\u-bea1n ceil ing livi ng roo1n. Lovely brick fireplace. double garage. la rge pri vate patio 11 ith orchid greenhouse & e ncl06ed BBQ & garden house. Located on tv.·o lots fr onting on th e Pacific . Could huild another hon1 e Elderl y o"·ners asking SI05.000. 1l'ill l'<l.1 ry loan. IRVINE TERRACE F.lcg;111t is !hr 1rord for lh1s 3 hedroon1. 2 b;i tl1 1 c1~tcfullv dC'c·o ra tcd !lo1ne located just a c ro~s fro111 t he Coun\rv C'lub. Just in1111;1- 4·ul ;ll c l :lOO ~q It bctiutifull.v carpeted & dr;qJCti $18.Jf)(), pl"H'C'll. \\"l' k1 101\" l"lJ\l0 ll lt)l'l' 'I. DUPLEX Located just a short 1 ".! bloc k fro1n th e ocean ,· t his l1n1nacu\ate investment property has 2 brtlrcon1s. 3 bedroon1s up. G:is bu ilt-Ins in kitche ns, dark-room in O\\'ners until. 0'1'!•ners 1na.v accept ~·ou r fr;i r?e. !.'}3.500. i5 a real George price. Conic See. \ / LILLIAN BU~KE SALESMAN ':''!_,., \\"r•! B;i lbn;i "\r 11p~·1·1 F;~a1 h h";°).f;()Oll .'I J .. l·,11,1 1..··.a~t J!1:;;h11ay. Co1·u110< d .. \ :'lla r. 6 -;"j -60b{1 Gener•I 1000 ! Gene_•_•_l _____ l_OOO_ UNBELIE VABLE ! 3 Bedroorn S' !j 111,· IT •. 1.rh ["'~ ... dl r.,, l hc•1!1·~~11·, .' fq th' 111Th ' ,,[[ • ' \' ''" r1 Rr,:PL.\CL: ~ .J l 'lh1;;'. I ·•l"p•'i .~· < Ll.•!1'111 dr:ipr·' r',,11,.'+'·" ;:1"1 ,;ot1~ 111lh 11.11+1u~ IJ,1<k )<llYI f• t ·uvr 1:1 .11 I'.\ rro: Cnn~Tn. 1•11\l T•I ·li"fh ,t ~!'hO()I· 1\·· l'lHll'' ,,', •11 111.'<fl ''' \"(I ])(f\I :'\ \"I.I.'' F llA ·r ,.:111~ U '\L Y SJ'.:,j(\), WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES $17,950 l~··!,1n~ fol" a h"ri,: .. 111·· "'"11 t1r-.r 11 1•. ,\--u111 .. hlr Ii'· I !<n;1 nci11;: l•ilh a Iola! P"~ r-1rnt lrll'iuol•n.::: I 111,I pUI'· 1 h.•~r olo11I~ 11.:0 pr1 1n1"J111 :: J1 1·1gl 1t brdr·· .i.n•. all t>ler.1 1, !' b1111! • 111 !01!0 1Cl1 , h jz IP111·r1I 1<11~1 ~ , ,1 ::ar<t::c. C•1111·r nio"nt I" ~· 11·~·1-.<IKl .~hopn11~::. lil"r "I sl il.rt~r ' hu111r Walker & Lee 1 ::i~· 11,,1 •. 1111d al \•l <in1 s I 1"1··'1''1 ~'P 1 1rl "Pl! \I • 1:•,.. •\ t,.~~• , , '1 '! :-\ \\1.r n llj' \\JU o l"l {i· •l! 1 ·•· •" I,.., rl 1,r1 !lllS l!I"' t 1111 11!1 1 Colesworthy & Co. 1, io ''.,\,,, ll,. I "Ill\ ~ ii' ,. p • ..... ., ' ;i,. 1w' ! o11,. p;. 1 . .111 I" -«f•rnr. 'Jll•ol,1!·1 ~ ,\ ~ill'·I I rl •: ''"I'll j ]) • ln;h1,1:I .\ 11!.111 •. , li·1rli .1d I'"\" 111 ,, •' 1; ~~~.:1 ~I < !\.t \ 1·:11"1Jll ' •)1' ..... "\ ~.,.\ .. ,,,. ~ : •. .. :-" \ \"\. \, 546-5990 CHURCH FOR SALE ) r:r~< h a1 r11., "" .. ' \ ~ "~~,. 1ua1·y • sra 1~ .'Ci) pc-1-~n.~ Offn·r " .{· .~ch ... ) 111 ~rpa t'J.I" b111ld 1no: 2-', :1< 1'r• :: Bl :.: H\. lan1ilY'fn~Prnl cil'l"OL 1' J ~T o!rl-;"(h11 cond. 'I " S'.:2.:,00 1:.' :~:! F l,.ct Ln, HB. 11·,n•r bHi-1.'.:.''I \\".\LJ\LI~ .\ L!.E t.r1 1nr :.~, 91."il ) C! L\r.01-. IT: 1 Coldwell, Bonker OFFERS: OPEN HOUSE SUN . 1-5 P.M. Front ro w -Ca1neo Shores -4549 Br igh- ton Rd. Ex. Lrg. master suite. sep. gue:>l qlrs. Paneled den \V/lrpl. &: 11·et bflr Din. rn1. 3 L'ar gar. Rrn . for expansion. S l~7 .500 Kathr)1l Rauls ton SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW -LAGUNA BEACH Architect"s conteinp. \\'OOd & gl ass hon1e. :.:-Stv. liv ing area . 3 Br. & den, 11"alled patio. . S89.000 :\I f ink OPEN SUN. 1-5 DOVER SHORES -VIEW ! 1948 Santiago. Q,vner sar" sell ' Lea,·111: area. Lrge. ~ GR . hon1e. Fan1. rn1 . S11·ln1. pool. J~eau t 1J1il 1 1e l" 01 hill s & back bHy. .-\sking :.;i2.500 ! 'a l hr;. n l 'c>n nil!c H/,RBOR HIGHLANDS Completely redec. 4 l::R. {one of 1hesc scp. 11·hich could be n1 aid"s r111. or office ). 3 ba. ho1ne. Din . rill. & lg e. fan1 . rn1. 1\·r frplc. Lge. poolsi de ~cl . . S68.500. Kathryn Raulston OPEN SAT. 1-5 CAMEO SHORES 451~ fl oxbur\'. Reduced S6.600. Out of to11·n 01".-nC'r tn ust "Sell. 4 Bl-1 ., conv. d~n. 5 bal hs. I lome needs some redec. & land scp. ~11·i 1n . r>ool. ~(i:!.900. C'at hr.\"n 'J"cnn11Je CHINA COVE + AAA VIEW L11·111g room ))it·clo\1'n \"1e1v of a11tboats en- terin g harbor . Excell ent beaches only 50 \'ards fron1 t his lin e year-round ho1nc. ~62.500 \Vith good Joan. \\"alter l\aasc SHORECLIFl'S OPEN SUN. 1·5 277 ill orni n; C'a nyon. ~1arvelous remod. polcnt inl. Cea1ncd ceili ngs. pc):!6 Cd fl oors, circ. drive. :! Lled roon1 & den 1r;firepla ce. ~55.500 f'arol Tat11n1 ON THE BEACH-5. LAGUNA (;reflt ocean ,·ic1v & sound of surf. Pr11·. con11n, '"· poo! & tennis courts. '.? Cll. & den. 3 ha . \1 et ba r. lon1p. furn. Best buy at S59.500 . ("a rol l'atun1 EXCEPTIONAL WATERFRONT l~ar,ge living roo111 11·it h fireplace. Private ~lip for large bo<1 \. c;rass l <11r n -L cov ered pa ti o. sandy bench .ind all for ~54.500 11"ith nc;.. loan. \\'alter l·!aci sc LEASE OR OPTION L\1:-io1 11 Bluff$ split-\e1·el 11 1·icw of ba 1·- pril". ~ated entr1· -lrg. 11·cil\ed vie11· patio -cYery con1·cn1e nc e added for 111\·ne r. ~53,500 J\l rs. l·lar1·ey OPEN HOUSE-LUSK H.V.H. !}15 Sandcastle. Open Sun . 1-5. 4 BR .. 21:i b<1. + fan1. rm. 2 Fireplaces. 2 pat io s. 3 Car .'!ara ge. Profe .c:s: la nd!>capi ng. S49.950 J oe ("\arkson BAYCREST OPEN SUN. 1-6 1849 TRADE WINDS -S46,500 The Jo y e l1 ne.<;S of f;a ycrest IS \his ,3 bed· rooin . fa n1 iJy r111 ~ fire places. IJeau!ifu lly la nd:.caped. pr11 1r .. -1o na ll y decorated. ln1- n1;,c11 la te. ,\lnry Lou '.\J a111n1 3 BEDROOM & DEN 541,500 ·r11e Gl11f 1~ 1-'opular · E" Pla n. Lo1·ely v1c11• of spac1011 s greenbel t Large dc11 O\'Crl ooi... ing bri ck patio. ln11n ediate occupancy. :'llary Lou l\lnr1 011 COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER OR ., NEWPORT BEACH 833·0 700 644-2430 -Gtneral JOOOG1n1ral IOOOG1ner1I 1000Gen1ral 1000Gent:ral 1000 General IOOOG•neral IOOO G1neral 1000 .. .. • IUYE•S WAITING! • NEWrou llACH 1700 HAllOI IOULEVARD 646-7171 IUY Of THE WEEK ~]l;:l11fu l hor11c 1111 lari::P I":·:.' lo1 ""i1h l'0<\111 ror ITIHl"I' 11ni1 ~ . .'§:,?;\,;~l'}(l -]0•, lllld f'l\\ IJl'T \\ill t·11r1·v 111 712 '• "ith nn loa.n '"~1 . WISTCL1Ff rooL HOME O n 11 q uiP1 sic.Ir "lr,.rt \\ll h 1·our tr <1rd r n- t rencr . Spotless lhrouRhoul. P1<i110 silr ti\·. i11i;: room. parqurt floort'd fam1l.1• roon1. s-49.lOO. 0...n•r "'-'•11 ls uffer~. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Rtmodilf'd J bedroom on l•ri'" 66:-; I :.?6 lot to allry. f orcf'd •rr hrat. bu1ll·ins. block .,.,.u fence, 6 1; loan can br. assumrd -Only S26.930. ASSUME 51/••• VA LOAN 1'o qual lt~in• on th1~ u1tcrr-a llnJ:" hrJmr v.·11 h tirtpla«. lmmt"d1111" N'~-;t'~•1on. ruir pay· mentt. OIMptr than nrnL Sl 56 ~r mo.- S22.930 . e WE NEED LISTINGS! • COSTA MESA 2790 HAllOI IOULEVAID 546-2313 ILACK FLAG Cuuldn 1 kil l )run· <·n lt111.-i•1 ·111f,.1•1!~b h Oll1" afl rr .. • 1n:: ll J\1 ~1 on•'" ,\ 11..-111•-1Hlo\1\ ::. 111-droQnl . :1 h11lh h•lll1•' 1redy 10 n101r 1n1n. :'1•1·;11";11•" f>•1nil_\· 1<"1111. fri11n,1I du1111;: l<>••lll "'l~n r11.!1n'Z 11 r,.8 111 kl tl·h.-11 (hrr,itP fen1 ily f11n ba1'k yard .111~1 li~1 cd fnr· rinly S•l6,9:'.>0. A STEAL FOR 4 lma i;111r II I brdroom '} b11l h hon1r rrr onl~ ~l:>.500 l..a ri:r rnjoyahlP ha 1·k yard l\"i!h f&m1ly -11r Jll'l 11Q. All~umr .-~1,1 1111: f n1r111~·ini: "'' 101\" .·1 1, •, 1nlt'rrsl ra!r t •\1111'.'r 11111 a ho ~rlJ t"JI,\ II! \",\ M15A DEL MAR Lo11 r.<1 t pnrrd htllllt' 111 ~r .. ~a d"I ~l ar· An a ppc-11hn1: J bf'd1oom ~ ba 1h 'htn:lrd roof 11('311!) l1<1111r !11'111y J'-'11nlrd on out,irl" CarJ)f'I' 1\lld d r11 1,,..,· 1n r:'l1..-lk111 ~ rind1t1r•J1 (".1!J ll'l\I (fll" II ~hfl\\HI'~ "LOOI( FOR THIS SIGN"' OPEN FOR INSPECTION Ol'EN SUNDAY-I to S :.'\llll ,\01 111 (.",q.,·l l;-i-:ll•'-a \·1·rclr-l IJrn ~:-Ki l E111·01'la Dn \"l"-:ll r~A \l"rdr-1 F11 n1ily :!0\;,1 ;'ll idlond \J1· l·!untln)'.:l••n B"11 rh~I f ;1 111 111 01 . .:1'.>;lS Drak,..._~Jr <a J)rl :"11'11·-.; f11m 1!~ J \:!2 Cri1"01111 L.anf'-\l<'~a ])('I ,\la1-.1 Bd rn1• Ol'EN SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 1 '• S 1.~~: .... !';in t1111!1>-[M:;\ Pr S hor,..,-4 FRtn Din ?::'>1; I •1·('11 n V ir11 -:\"f'I• por1 Hrl 1;h t~-J fAm 1.:n;-Brrkshirf'-\\'r.~t rl1ff-J Fam -1~; Easl 19th S trCf't-Lo~ta ~lc~a-J Dd rm• o IUYUS WAlTINli! o COIONA DEL MAR JU MARGUERITE 673-8550 DON'T CALL ME A DUrLIX I n1 an l'\11'.I nirr 'l 1Jrd 1"''n1 l!O~!E: "llh ;i .' h•·llr.•ul11 .lf(•'"[Y :'11.\1 :1-\ET f}\1 ! hR<'li , r.oth 11111 1.~ 1\l"f" 0\\ nrr fl1"r11pirc111.nd n1n1·lt'~~. :'1! 11•1•·•! 11n I\ !P•l' ! trr" 1111• d Cor••l>ll 1!rl ,\i11 r ~1t"Prl L1nrr ,101J"1 r ~rc n !ht rr,.1 - ('0111~ ,rr Ul,. h1'~1 RUSTIC CHAIM Char1111 n;: 2 story Carn1 houf!t u Ith rver)'• 1 h111~. 1nr l11dlnK pr.:i:<'d h11rd"·ood Oool'I 10 modr rn built-I n kitr htn. You 01,·n !11" l•nd. Soulh o [ thi! Ji i-\1·ay. J brdroom. 2 bil th lar;(' fatnily room. S-17 .500. rllVAU HACH :t BN!room. ron\·crtlblt dt'n. fa mily room 1111d fomi11 I d inlni:; rOOll\ v.·lth • 'lt'W ot ocr a n 11 nd jr try, ,\l\ thl' P LUS • rtuT1iCOl1!1 1111 ;::c pool 1n " procrctf'd cou rl)'ll rd ... for rh .. f11.n11ly 1ha l drsf'rvrs !hi' bi's!. Reducrd ~:i ,()('(l '" ~72 ~t'l('I o WE NEED LISTINGS! e INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS SALE 01 EXCHANlil FOi LAICH~ UNITS I Br11r h 111·r a uni t~ !'.! adjacent dupl~xr ' 1. ::-3 Bcdroom~-2 B11ths :-".' n r rl1"1)n1<--l '' B11 !h• Sb·l.000 -6.ti r, Assu1n11blr loan 6 UNITS -Ut,100 SStO Ptr Month lncoma T op rcnl&l rt'f'ord, 1hl1 i! ll tt"ll st•r1 for small in1·e11 or -1'll'I; ~hel ler plus ta kt out inetim t . Call u~ Ir.day. ZONED fOI MANUfACTUlltlli 2XIO ~'1 -rt. lnduslrl11l Plant I llomt $6T,:500 lndu!trial I/>! & Offl<'f' . S32.~ :! Brdroon1 Hon~" on ~1-J Lc.t ...... SZ2.9.'>0 fi~\t.1(10 J,,.1·rt ;11· 1 I/II rh1T u \II fin ~'20,;}()I"\ - I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Saturday, Octobtt 18. 1%rJ D~ILV PILOf t,,'J 1.H::-o_u_s_E::-S_F_o_R_sA_L:.:e::....._H:.:.o=-u=-s::E::S:.:.Fc:O::R:...::SA::.L::E:._ [ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ~ousEs FOR SALE Houses FOR SALE , _Ho~ses FOR_SALE HOUSES FOR s~_E Houses FOR SALE I oGiieiinii'ii'ii'iil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiOOOiiiiGiiiien~•;';;';I iiii'"iiiiiiiiiiil~OOOi;i;i;; :G;;•;";';' ';;l;;;:;;;;;;::;;;I ;;OOO;;;G;;';";;';;'~'~I ;;;?;;;;;;1;000;;;;: iiGiioiinii"ii'iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil OOOiiiiiiGiiiion~oi;';;'iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil OOOiiii G9M r •I 1 OOOG•ner •I 1000 G•ner •I 1000 General READ THIS • • • • Arc you in the m ar- kcl for a 11e111 hon1C', a hon1e in a prime c.i rca ve ry close 10 ll unl!ngtun Slate J{cach; a honie you. can custornize ""hil e it is. bt-i.ng bu ilt, a hon1e de- signed by out stand ing archi· tects-a nd constructed by Frank I I. r\)'l'CS & Son : a Compa ny that has been in business since 1905 '! IF YOU ARE e e e e Conic to RANCHO LA CUESTA al Brookhurst a nd :\llJnta ln J\unt ington Beach 11nv r.la\' bet1rcen 10 .'\ .\I & 6 P. r-.r. ai1d sel ec t ''our ho1nc in our nc1vly opened GN IT \1. PRICED FROM $25, 990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-1338 1000 General 1000 3 BR's-POOL.-VIEW HOME VACANT :; hcl nns, J\kC"-nc1v rrts, Ul'flS, h!1.1ns, large ("'!11·rrcd pallo On a GOxl::S" V!E\V lo!. Close to elrn1cntary ~rhool, Fl IA a ppratsed al 5:!7,100 • V('!S n<:J dn. t:rprr b;iy_ Ccn1,..nt blk. f"nr-. I'd rrar -\· frnn1 \1' d1'11T thru un1.11nrnv11 l!'Oll s11 lllA- 1ng ~;1Lrs, pan'l(J S.· ll\'<1111 1·r1 l1ni;s ."..-11 a l!s , bl1ns. huf. fr>T. sto1·r. dsh11-~11·. 0 1·rr- l-11.rd frplt•, l'\rw crp1s. S~'9.950. Bkr 646.:17.JD, Fuller Rlty 546-0814 DIAL <l1rcrt &12-:i!i"·;~,.~C~I-"-"-.' )'Ol!I' ad, lh,~n ~1 1 bal"k a11rl li~!rn 10 tlir> /'ho11r nn::::~ Open Houses THIS WEEKEND Jl:H'P thi1 flandy dlrwctory wlftl you this Wffkend at ro• 90 houM h1111fl"'J. All the lotatlon1 fisted below •~ d111trlbc-d 111 IJ~ater detoll br od.,erth!nl) else• whe-r• In todoy"t DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. Po1ron1 1howln9 open housei for 1ole or to rent oro ur9ed to 1111 111th !nfotmofion I" 1hl1 tolum" eoth Friday. (2 Be droom) 614 La rks pur, Co rona dc l '.\l~r ffi 5<i3lu 1Sa t & Su n 1·5! 934 J\liran1ar1 Laguna Beach 494~3066 1Sat & Sun 11 ·5' (2 Br & F•m;ly or Den) ·)77 r-.1orn 1ng Can yon lShorech{f;,) (_"d'.\I ~ 833-0700 or 644-2430 (Sun 1-5) 231 La rk ~pur , Co rona dcl r-.1ar _ 675-~000 IS;:i! & Sun J.,j) 2210 1-'r1\·a1e f(O<i d. '.'\c11 port Becith (Suri 1·5! *1977 n ose1nary. c·o sta '.\!csu £46-0555 : 545-1:1308 I Su n J .;) ) (J Bedro om) 177:32 >Jc-Kinn ey Circle. Hun !ln;::ton f:)cach 8~'.!-.';1126 i :\ll day Sa t & Sun I 21 27 Par sons. Costa :\Jcsa 673-4166 !Sal & Su n 1-51 tt106 J,inda lslc Dr ive. :\e11 port Geach 642-823.1 1 Sat & Sun! 4549 Br1gt1ton Rd 1ra1nco Sho res\ ("d.\! s;;J-0700 or 644·'.!4:!0 1Sun 1-5' -t02 1 Cortla nd 11r 1t'8n1co Jl1ghland ~l l'd'.\l 833-0i()(J or f144·~-t;io i Su11 1.::.1 32.'l(i Kcbrdska La ne I .\]e<;J \"c rde 1 l'\l 54.)-9(-ilG 1 Sat s, Sun & Un il.1 l *~.J8 \"1rg1n1a Plar.:c t "o<.!,1 ;\Je!'>a tH5-:l75-0 /Sun J.j) 706 Bison !l~as'tblufl l .\"B tii5-1 G6~ 1S11n 1-5) 1501 H;:i\·adcrc (Jr,·tnc Terrace! Cd'.\! 675-~oOO fS:i t & f.iun 1-3 1 401 _·\l!~o 1'.\C\1port l!c1 ght<.1 !\B 046-;J227 1 ~<'I I & Sun \.,i ) J.JIH S;i ntanrlla !lr11nc Tcrr;icr1 Cd:\! 675-3()(!0 1S11n 1-."il 4J:l :\cac1a. Co r0n<1 cl el .:\l:i r fif~-85.iO 1Sun 1-51 J.';9 S;in \'1 Isabel. r·osta .\le<,<:l 646-3928 ·642·018.i Eve.~. !S;it & Sun l·~I 11 !1-l :\u:usla. Cos ta J\lcs;i f)4 2-7777 IS'1t & Sun J-j) 4008 Ri,·cr. Nc\vporl Beach 675-41 ~10 :6i5--164 2 (Sat .~ Sun 1-5) 1001 Dolphin Terrace. Corona de.I. i\lftr 675-4130 : 675-1642 (Sat & 'Sun 1-5) 2542 1.::1r1 cn. Cos ta i\l c<,a 645-0303 IS11 11 1-6) (J Bedroom & Fa mily or Den) ~24 Snug tlarbor (C!i[fhaven) NR 645-2000 i 0Jlly J.:) I 25.18 Coluinbia Drive (Col lege Park ) (';\J G4G-88ll iSat & Sun J-5 1 101 0 Oa k Street. Cos ta i\tesa 673-7420 t Sat & Sun ) 22 15 Ann iversary Lane. {Back Da y\ KB (Oailvl 3023 Countrv Club Drive t tl-le~a Verd.e l c·\I. 540-1720 ISun 1-5 :30) lJJi Gl enea g!e. Costa J\lcsa :i40--1 720 1Sun 1·5 ) Jl\48 Tr»dc"mds iP.•ycrcsll i'D 8.13-0700 or 644·2430 'Sun 1-6) 1218 De\'on Lane 1\\"cstc!1 ffJ NR fii5-~331 !Sun 1-5) 1000 Seadrift i lr\•lne Terrace) C'di\I 675-3000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2 19~1 Kin \\:l, Iluntin gton Beach 545-0465 (Sun l-5 ) 2507 Colby, Costa i\lesa 54=>-9491 fSat & Sun 1-51 2980 .J;iraranrla. Costa J\lesa 545-04fJ.i ! Sun 1·5l 2-001 Par er Lane. NC\\·pnrl Beach 54r,..71 11 !S11n 1-51 41R nrsola, Corona <l ei ~!Jr 64\,..iil l !Sun 12<i) 11 25 i':~•cx, ;\.('\1por\ Cc;i ch 6·16-7711 (Sun 1·5 ) JJnda !Jjle n f ;,Q ,· t PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES ,~ e e (/;)arre 1 LINDA ISLE DRIVE pre:Je11/J .; ljedronrT', :=; h<lt h hon1t: 11l f1nctl !-IT<ige:-nf cornplction l-'<.110;;. \terde stone entry & fire-OPEN HOUSES * POOLS pl:1ces. F'a1n1ly roon1 & billiard r ooni. 13eaut1 - fully decor<i ted. 1ir1ccd ul $155 .000 16 Linda Isl• Drive Exquisitely decorated 5 Hed roo\11, 5 Ba th ne1v hon1c 1vllh up.stairs v1e1v of Corona del JI.Jar hi ll s. 3 fi replaces. Cantileve red patio deck 11 ith gas bar-b-q ue. Priced 11·ith dock al Si45.000. 57 Linda Isle Drive J usl con1 plctcd 4 Cedroo1~1 4 Bath hon1e \l'Jlh pc1tio drck. :-;i tt ing roo n1 a nd fireplace in m as- ter brdroon1 ~uite. fa1111lv roon1 has $Unken co111·cr ~"'lio11 pit an d fireplace. Deco rated and land scaped for Sl6:!.000. Linda Isle Development Co. 1080 B.ayside Or., N.B. Bill Grundy 67S-3210 General 1000 /General ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1000 THE NEWEST BY IVAN WELLS OCEAN VIEW 14 Bedroom) 466 Shady Driv e (\\'estcl1ff area) C.\1 642-5791 \Sat & Sun 1-5) 301 r-.tcsa Dr. (cor. Santa An ~ A\·e.) Ctl i 64-6-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) **318 Buena \'ista , Balboa Peninsul a 642-5200 /Sat & Sun 1-5) *2015 Galatea Terrace (Irvine 1·err. i Cd i'l-J, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 316 r(ltaJina {Ne""·port I-I.eights) NB G~~-177 1 . t F'ri & Sqt 1-til *l-tO llarhor J.;1'1nd ' Road ((}ff l3.:iy:.1rtc1 214-t \'1.~ta 673-3770 /Sun Uluffs) NH (Sun (4 Bedroom & Famil y or Den) *1607 Sa ntiago 1Ba ycrest1 I\B :\ 13 1-5) ti42-5200 1514 \Var\\1ck L<"l nc 1\Vestcli ff) r~u n 1-5) NJ3 642-5200 tSu n 1·51 * 1007 1Toi 1day ( Bay<:r cst) ;-.;u G-t~-5200 (Sun 1-5) :!120 Lincoln \\a\-(-u~IJ :'lle;,a 171 ~1 521-001::!. I Sat & Sun) ***115 '.\l 1lfol'd. Roild (C'an1eo Sh ore~) ("d'.\1. 67.1-699!i I Sat & Sun 1-5 ! 1-1:30 Golaxy Dri1·e ! Do ver Shores \ KB fii6-1550 ( Da1lyl '1G15 Pcrharrt I Can)eO Shores\ Cd\\ 04:.1-8235 <Sa l & Sun) 13:10 (;alaxy 1J r1\·e !DO\'er Shore:-;) NB 64::!-82.35 ~Sa t & Sun) J 7:~fi .'\11t ig u<1 \ray IOn\·cr Shores:) K l~. fliZ·82:J.'i !Sat & Sun) ~:)i i Irvine 1 E<:l C'k ['.;1~ l ;\J; :i4-0-l "i20 !S11 n J.;)1 !ll.i Sandca;,tlc. (l!<11"hor \-IC \\ JJl l);.1 Cd\1 :.;:33-0700 or i,·t i<~4:lu 1."11n I ·5 / *l 'il'.: Rox bill'\ I\ ";11ncn Sho re~! rc1 :.1 83:~-0':'00 nr tiii·::'.4.'{U 1 S.nt 1-.'i \ *1948 Sz1n\1a~o !Jr 1Dover '.->hore.;1 ,\I: 8.lS-OiOO nr ti-14-243!) I Sun l·ii) lJ~ti ::;a n!lago !Jr. 1Do1C'r ~ho re ~1 '.'\H 64fl.J5ii0 !Snn 1 .. 11 ~Ol-1 C;nl dcnC\'e f.1JJCC 1.\icSJ \·C"rdc l I"\! ;Jifi-:l:i'.1'.: , 1S£1 \ 1-5 1 lLl·!l \\'ind11 ,:ird L;inc 1I1t1,Ycre ~t 1 :'\B ii~H-;12-.5~ 1~11n J.:i \ '.:700 \\';i1·ccrr'>t l ll <irbn r \'1r111 J!lll~1 ('rl '.\f fii:i-.17711 ! Sun 1-.) 1 ~n~io fl cd11co:J. l'o ~l:i :'l lc.~a .'l-1.3.o~r •. 1 1Sun 1-~)1 :!0~4 1--:rolrlenC'\'('. 5-t5-9i!)\ . 90.'i l L;i<;ra 11:Jcta . !)fHl-2.150 Costa ;\Jesa !Sat & Su n 1-"o untain Va llev (Silt & Sun (5 Bedroom ) 1-5) 1-51 !!">le Dri\iC, KC\\·porl He;ic h (Sat & Sun ) (5 Bedroom & Family or De nJ *~I I~ .Jeffer son. Cos ta i\Iesa 040.0555 :~48-3265 rs at & sun 1·5) 37fl Sa 11t a Isabel. i\C\\·porl Beach 646-7711 (S un 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE filfi J ri ~ Co ron;i dcl Illa r f)7:J-8.i-'i0 (.~1111 1-5 ) (2 Bedroom) de\ :"liar !Sun l-5, Vatly) (J & 2 Bedroom) 60~·60fi Orchid. Coron a del 673-2222 r-.Jar (Sun UNITS FOR SALE (4-3 Bedroom) J.j) 716 r-.J;iin Sl., tnr Ocean & Lake Park) ff B 53\i-14 ~9 > (Sal & Sun 1-5) * Pool * • Wat.,f101tt * * * Pool •~• w.,erfr•"t BAYCREST BEAUTY. J·:xcil111g ~ hd rrn .\:\0 den :\i\10 fa n1Ll y roon1 :\KD dining roorn, r\i\D sp;-1rkling pool \l'ilh terr ifi c· e ll· tertai n1np or play area. Lu shl y landscaped. ln11n acu1ate ! 1907 Holiday Sunday 1-S BALBOA PENINSULA. Only SI00,000 for this s pectac ula r prime ·bayfront property. 'J'his a lso inc ludes a 4 bdrin house & heaut1- ful <,and y be ac h. (Ne a r i\e\vport llarbor \'acht Ciu b\. B ill !1ents 318 Buena Vista Sat/Sun J.S WESTCLIFF. \lc rv 11e ~jra b 1 (' l0t'1ll011 . Sp;icious 4 bedrool11 hon1e \1·1th 21 2 l.J~llh s ~~ fa1niJy roo1n. Bea ut ifully decora trd. K1t che11 h<'ts lo?ds of C'upboards & counters-break· f;:i :;\ a rea. :-.5fi .50U. 151 4 W.arwick Lane Sunday 1-S Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 Westcliff Or., N.8. 642-5200 General :: honics on I Joi Each h:i1.r 2 r.r:s & l 1Ja111 -large p1"rll11·1·0 _ ~')11'' !1oa11t1n:;:. 8 Houses ,,11 '.: fllil\ <1 "1 i·~ 1'1• 111-l.11':'; I \Jt'<1lllll\J] :i h.-Ji 111 ·~ l>,1111 ill I fr· ,111 111111 1~"'1 Phh 7 . :: i !)I~ \ halh l1'•rnP~ & l'!l'OIO IU bLl ll,1 111•11•' 11111'· Horse Ranch ,! Bf~ I IJ,dl1 ho111r .~ d<1ulilr J:il1«1 t ''· 10', cl\111 n _ 0111; s~::::-i011. Corona del Mor Snu!h ol l11~h11;iy . ~irps I() bcai.:h. 4 bd1n1~ :l baths. 200 ])10f'k ,T .. ~1)\111<'. L:11d r q11·1erd al S JG,r o.1/1 Eastside C.M. I ;1 '> !00' f:-~ l•ol !01 u11J;. I $1!.~I) La9una Beach '\'at'3nl lnr:::r \I''" k•L SJO,('lll1 I . 1,•1 rns Lachenmyer Realtor 1$(i.Q .'\l"\\ j)Ol"I t.:11 rl . C:\l CALL 646-3928 BRAND NEW 4 BEDRM ,EXECUTIVE HOME ' $40,500 J ll1 ... 1, 11ro,. ol 1111• n1.,~! hi .. 11. 1if1il t;rin11·~ \\P Ir PIP!"~· •'!1 I .11 \'I .. 11:)' 1~ 1n•1ntl1• nlrl ! '·· Tr1 l•>I :O-p.11\l~li illl>ll!. 111,tr>· 11111\' do •·'l1 •l•·rl 111•1•1" \\ 1"1\ 1111,;111-.ii-1·•1 ... rp<·1111:; ,,•,•ri '1·•1\11 .... 11vi"•I lf\1n::: 1.i .. n1 "11!1 I'' 1<1llfi1! !•>'k IP<' 111,,, f' ~rJ• 1,.u_, r .. 1111.~' ,, .. ,111 11 111! ,ir\·)flW t" I•·• pL·1•'". 1<1,.11 1,,r, n• n l'!ltl •I«• 111-' 1,11:]1 In' /><o\.df' II L•lll" l~•llllll , 1 l ,· I , ~ l"I+, II I 111· I• :1111 thin.: j1k1• ,111111-l .. n~11i·~ l11r ,., ,. 1111:< 1101\11\ 11 ' t~"' 11. 11: Ill ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 9,3, :11 ,~;, f-llA or 9'; Uri hy I n1\'t1"f. 'I hr. Z ba. & fa1111!~ f.: rl101n:: Z Sly. illrx. hrick front n"a1· Brach & Ed1~011 I li~h. Bnck firrplacr 1n<i r· ble r11!ry 1n!1'1"<..'Um, sunk<'n Lr., rl rapts, s pr ! n k l c rs small tnn·t. brautiful )<1rd~ \'nluc 111rrt;'ascs SJOO 1110. S37.!l00 f11ll pr1N:' or !r;i<I" trir Condo. or? 9002 Bobbie Cirelr 11 .B. 66~'.125 Coty Cottage For 2 D;irhng. 1111111a1·ul;1!r> hv111r on largC' P.·3 ]Qt • illos1 1·011. \'rn1c11t ){)('(l tio11 • ~<.1:-r lo J71h SL Shop Cntr. t'r11r.·d vard rear allry acCf'!;~ [or hoat 0or trailr r. Sl.'i.500, 0\1 n. C'r/brokf'r. 5-18-8642 4 Bedrml+Guest R-"1 Meso Verde. $24,950 llarrl to find it \'lllll<' Ilk" !hi~ l 11r1ywh"'l'C' hui u1 i\fP!>ll Vr1Tlr ir~ 3 rt1 1·i!~ ! 'l t>.11hi;. r:u111. (t\S, ('Q\.<'l'f'tl fl'•lifl, ;;1r> li',!U 1:: ~~'~!LI\ ~:~sJIH~rb\~~ 1000 LOWEST PRICEI I I Bdnn. 1"01100 1n Bluff$ L.-i1·rl.v grr r nbr\1 \ ir11 S : ~'.:~,~~f~'!u~~,J~::1 MOST CHOICE Bro:otlill•NI' l1111 lt 1 B\·, ".:", B;i "·· f,,1ll r.11 .~· I~" r.,r 111al \Ii!>. rn1. \\'rr IJ,q·, Qual· IT.\' i·pJ'-·. ,~· dJ"<Jf)l'S. L,;::ht , ..iwrdul "1rl"11. 11 h!lns. \";i. v;iol s-1·r:idy Joi V<'t upa1\cy S6:,,;,()11 OPEN SUN . 1-5 2700 WAVECREST Corona del Mar ~ 2828 E. COAST HWY. Corona del Mar 673-3770 --OPEN -- 1.5 ~ \ Tl·l:D ., y I 8 1;_:: ~lf'rl1"?n1~. d."~ ~· d1n- 1n:; ~ ll·\ \ alur S:lb.i\oO. 2919 Paper Ln. • ~.\Tl; RDA Y S.· ~t!>'OA Y p1.,1 \"1.-11 '.': BP. Drn, nr11·-1 ly ,.11 r><·t<'•I ~1s.~A1 I 4545 Tremont I • Pall'! g;!!'drn. /1n:11" ,,n.I ill"' c·"i i\r '! 1.01, ~:1r:,1 •1 I 411 Fernleaf • ~!,;;..DAY O:--t.Y ) f <1111 1:;.i kltt"hrn. ad11ll r~·1 11'1 .j 01't'i"'ll.'' IJ<'dl"OOrll ~ s:.2. :.rf' 1632 Dorothy • HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 675-4392 Anytime WILL TRADE Ne\1·por \ Shores f,11·,oOI f''-ll \H,l!r-\\a1,·1·ft,,nl 11,,111•·. !111np«l1,,1r p1 •.·-'"~~10n 1·1.1dr-!i>1' 1~1 2 un11 , u1L1, c c:::1c1..: b1 .... 1niu I HUNTINGTON HARBOUR I Elegant contcn1po rary I .~ P.d1 , ~ ti.11h. ra101Jy 1•..,..,111. i, .. ,.k< 1.kr ll rr,11,11o 11• 11,.111~· 1'1 (l'o•,I l•!i '1 111< k .,;i,(• 11 1J1 1 . .i<i•· lo•r 1 •in1 pa1•alilc ,\I <'.,d i ~ I\'"'!•' C ELI.~; 1',\l:l l 'IJ JAY W. YcATS CO. ~i i Kc \1·port l11vd .. !\13 ,. --......-~~---. FOREST E. OLSON CO LLEGE PARK $27 150 • I An(l tak(' O\Tr h tgh • F ii,\ • J,1-,11' 1nl"1.,.~t lr:i;i.11 ~ Bcd·I r<YJm 2 b:1th deluxe buill· in~ fanuly room . Harri 11·aJ. nu1: p11.nrl ln~ N.:-wly drr.or· Ah:d Pht~h p1!r earpc!1ng. Rc at· inna 11011 to tlJI' puncti. !'°Pr lhl-~ hu.:hJy dE'SlJ"i!b](' C01lr1?" P a l'k 11ornc, Ca ll £ rt-031J.~ I 645-0303 ~I llarbor Crn1cr !19'~ llArbor fil vd., C.~I $20,000 TOTAL PRICE II NO QUALIFYING and 111.kC' ovc r Si :J7 per mnnth total riaymr nls on FHA l<:Jan 1 E:xce\1cn1 co~ta _f.-l<!sa Joca·, 11on 11•1lh ~ Olg bcdroorns Qqlck Po~srs~fon ! fantR.~· tic blly 1\'llh a J11 1le. a~ $!.:JOO [)o11·•1. \\'on'\ lasl': WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee '.1711 1larlm1• Hlvd a1 ,\dC\nlS '11:'!·0 11;:1 I rr111 "-rtl 11 11 tth a l)A[LY ;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;::;;;:;;:;;;:::;;;;;:::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:::;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:::;;;:::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:::;~ f>J LnT \\' ,\ '." T A 0 ' ' fi 12-:ii;~ O[l"n 1ill !l r~t • PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN "-~ Paul-White-Carnahan Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR WE SELL 3 HOMES PER DAY Let yours be next -list now and start packing -our extensive ad· vertising and multiple listing serv· ice will do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet buyers in all areas, have waiting buyers now! NEED ROOM FOR IN-LAW Trrrific ,·alur ! O\"c r 2100 ~'1 · r1. 1<il h nite floor rlan tor 1no!her. One large hrdr'\10111 and ~; ba1h is a11;1}' 1111111 lhr rc~I of th .. 11\ 1111; a rc~. All toi;rthrr 1t rriuflt ., ·1 Br:_ -~ bani~ r"1· S 11. ~:,o. :>16-J.l!O OWNER SAYS SELL -I'll GO NOW Jmn1ac111a1r R,. fl u h 1 i e: homr. O\\n<'r h1.1.: upi;r~1l ­ rd r1rry!l1111;;. !!igh 'l\1<1!1 - 1.1 ("$)1~. C"\\llll~Jlr 11\lill'<'S th1'<>1 :o;hnu1, )OU 11i\l h.•lr to li!lf'!")" Lf ) ''li f'l {'I\ \\.illl l'l ~\'{' !lo.:; onr. It 11u11"t l.1~1 LO<'al('d nrar l"tH!Tlll"Y rhih 1n IM'<lU \1ful ;..1~~1 \'1·nlr. J.llJ..jlllJ THIS IS NIFTY lF YOU 'RE THRIFTY I! r~n I "1 •"rrlay f"r r1 rn f'l'r1y .\ra1·1 tl1 11T you 1·an 1111'.l a r;ooo house ai 1 LO\\' pnfr, Tl11$ on~ 1.~ un. u~ul!l i11 bo111 J1'Sfl('<'1~. f\'r Pd'\ a jr-w IOUCh·UP.~ but h;.i" plcn!y of po!c11r,;i l.'. E:1<1n11nr ii< r~a\urr~ il!W/ )OU II r\tL01111 al 11:<; ' h11r'.''t111" r111rr-. ~ RP..':< ~".'~.:il'XJ .Jlf>.J I 10 RUSH .•• IT'S PLUSH! 1 r·1 ~,. i; rir 7 nr: f<ll"f'· ily roo1n 111th :l b;;1l1 , J(!r~I fnniily hq111I", T1Jp 1·n111r>11 1r11 1 l1)r11 t1on, nrar t1il "'lin.,I~ !1}1!1]1'!0·111;'1 1P nu1dll11101. Tu 11 q11al1l y \111 11 1u 1•.;il). t)kf' 11r·\\· ~i'8 1·kl1 11:: k1tchr n \1 i'l lJ blt-111~. f"10I f:it" )ard, :.pr111kl•'t's. 1,,v,.,ly J>al in. (111ly ~~7 .000. Exccl!ent 1rnn.~ Call nu11·. 546-:i.\40 RICHLY Al'rOINTED FIVE BEDROOM MANSION Lu.'\tirloo~ fan11J.1• ho1nr in B.-\ YCREST has des ign U1at will plr<lS<' a I I tnrn1bC'r." l!u~r ki!('lwn 1<1!11 niudern bu \l l-111~ - 1h~hll"flshrr, r ('"r s s,. rl ]l(.'.\)!11\:::;. ([t1<11iTy o'Ul"IT d r or ni a 1 d 1111n::: roo:n. ~·p'1ratl' rlt'n oH kitchrn. ~l1din.c door~ 01l'l'11 o u1 10 pa1·k1ik(' ~·ard and lf'lvcl~· li~·dtrd TahiTia.ri pool. J baths -all carpeteJ, huge inastcr ~droom '1ith own pril'ate bath, 24 fool liv1n.: roo1TI 1v1!h lush \1·all lo "·all 1"1llll€-l5. A n1u~t M~e at S73.-l00 -Good fr>rn» - Vacant. ~16-J.l·llJ DHlGHTFULL Y DIFFERENT L"11u sual hon1c on big cur· nr r ]01 ' l bcdroo1n~. ~ Ilalh J)l'"IOI: Palo~ \"el"lr lrpl<'. in li,·inr: rm. Larr." k1r.·lu'11 lnar!crl 11 1 1 II r·ab1nrl!, all c!ccl. bli-1ns. l .no·a lrrl lfl hr a U I 1 I U I \\ r,;trhfl. closr !o !chnol A-~h opp ing ool:; ~ 1-J,j()(). ~6-}l.\IJ GOOD NEWS TRAVELS F•ST Thought 11«'d l<'I you 111 ull It. Pl u~h modrrn 1 OC.droom. 2 !Jalh horn,., loaded 1\'ilh rxlra~. high q u a I I l y \1)11• rpt.~ drarr.~. ,\uton1atir· 11·a 1- rr sortcnrr. Spr1nkll'I'' f n111l & l'•«tr 1311-i n BB'J -1G"" ~rill. ".'0'-22 co1·rrr>d 11;;liq, Panr>!int in <!1n1ni:; il l'f'<l . ~par10H~ LI: - 1',>1111lar t:ollr;•" l'~rk t'r r,lr · :\J3n]r11n•d J.n1 11', 1..-., .. rncc SJ l,9:10 I· I. GRAB YOUR HAT 'J'h1 s 1-;i~;int 1 r.ni::\I. llorn" 11t11l a S.'27,:~on ;i•. l>lflll='lhl~ luan 11 Ith :i'·• ',. 11ll"!"P~\ 11-<Iii t l;oi_,\ l•11l;". (inly <.:.~.~:too m on11\ly 1'3) :ll"!ll~ 1n1·1 Ud("~ pl"i ll - 1nl.-la.~rs·lnsuranc::c, E\· 1n1 Ja r c ,. lot. ~111 ny t rC'{'S, shruh~. ~prinklr-:·~­ Finr lorntion. (in I y ~32,900 Orange' j'1t.i-."1·l j() JO• TRANSFER 0 11·ncr n1u.<t sC'll 5 BR- homc in l'.OJll'l'ni('nt loca· hon nrar school:\ and ~hopping. \lal'.anl and "·a iling. 1900 ~q f<'r L l~1i·gr ced11.r1vood closet.• <"ll~!on1 draf}"~ & 11·/1v cpL~-2.j'>\6 lirin:: room "ith Sl\1nr f11T1ill!;r~. T r rnfj(" klteh('n 11 ith hl 1 111.'> k d i-h11il.'h"!". z h;<lh"-. l'n«r s::;:l,i.JO. :'\lakr any oJfrr . 5·16-3440 ATTENTION All THlfVES STEAL THIS! 1 '~ )<'<!l's llC'IV ~,~jr ':o; F R ;inrf fon11al <l ini n~ t"<Ylll1 <•1 "t ~soo !'IT. r1 in t11e 11-•-lr1rl h":t111y io '.I le~<\ \",,rdr. 011·11<'r ~<i}'I" 111u sf ~rll 1·annol ;..Jf11rrl lo krrp (111<: uor_ ,Ju~L paint ,\ o·l(';!!ILlP and .IOU \\"II! 11al"I' An rlr~a11t 11001r fnr i·hilrlrr>n ;i nd r nt('r!;iin1n;:o a t $-t-1.IXKJ. TAK~ OVER Sl/4•,., FHA LOAN '\"o t•hangt:> in lnterr~ rill". Payment~ ,~18"2.00 1nonth th;i1·~ i\/L F rn~ l HR hnn1r in gnod \ocati<:Jn. :-.·"IH ~hnol~ &. :;,hopp ing. i\l;.ny ">:I ra~. :'11 i r r o r fl a n C' ! rd 11 all <T1\'rr r11·rp];J1·r Qu;.il1ly \\' 1 IV 1 fl)~ Dn1f!('~ :'.7 \ Ll Bhir !!;1\'•'0 l\l'lll<'r! ['(>/">\ \\ 11h ,11<1r l. IJV;i.11! 11«!1 dP('kr>1 I. J:lt 111 k11 '.' 1,a1i1•. Al.,, ;11lded panl'llrd • tl]ed ~ 0 1.1;~ 1·01·rr!rd ~o 11101- WOW! S1/4 °·o LOAN ,\~~urne .~2':,lOIJ irt;in al n6 I hil!l'..:" 111 111tr1·('<! l~Ql,(11) " nv•n'll 1n1•l11dr~ prjn., 1111 " 1 .1 ~~~. 111~\11";,ncr. Vt1· ~·an! ·l Ill~ -.~ ba1l1 l10111r-. 1.a ri;1' IO I lll ('<'ly lanrf,t·ti rw<I 011•11rr l1a~ ttlO\Cd an d 11'1!1 r.an-y ~nrt T n Fin<' area n<:ar 'Scllonlll only $2'.l.'.l:.0 :i lb-:i--1·10 I CONDOMINIUMS DOLORES PLAN Ui1·,.1y .} betlroom. Facing g rcrn brlt. Spacious l1v. ron111 11·1\h bcauttl'ul \V/\V t'<HT•P11ng. Ohl. 1·uslom <1 fil p r ll. r·1rcplacl'. 21-9 ha!hs. Snarkl1ni.: kitchrn, hl1 -i n .~. f;ood !117.C 1 .,,1lmo1n~ Papn. 1"-'rl ttlrd r.IOf A~k1ng Sl:.1,7?,0 E7. DON'T HESITATE Thi~ very clean 3 BR. 2 ha1h ho1nt 11.I only $29.9.lll 11·ill go fa~!. Lari;:e lil"ln\! room. Firrplac!'. \\'/\V <"PIS,. Drape~ (;cneral Ell'C!ri(" k l!chrn 11· I 1 h hit-in ovr>n &· r;ingf'. Vacii.nl , I n1 m ,.d 111.1 ,. flOllSl'SSion. L n c 1 o <; r (j f111Tio. ~prinkll'rll. Owner 11'\!l C01l5idr>r f'Olllfat.:t of ~ ;i I,. , C a I I f " r par11cular'i :l-i&-:HW NEAR ORANGE COLLEGE f\'iN' 3 Br hon1e in con- \"Cn1 r nt location to ~chool~ k shoppin~. Z story. 2 balhs. Bright lllt<"hen 1\·1th bit-in o ven & rangr . \\'all ro 11-alJ carpet.'! & drape~. t"nr~d a ir heatu1g,. Dou- hlr garagr. 2 pool s. Lan::<? rl.'creation hl11ld1111:::. !"!) n1a iotenana" only ~21 .'.Ql, EZ terms ;..1&--~-IO PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Really Co. 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 I j 1 I j ' ·' .. ----,.--,...-.,..----,-,---,.,-----.,.-----------------------~-----------------·-----.. ---...... ~ -·-· .. -~-- Space! Pool · Garden See 1his b•autiful hom• '°" Sund•y '7S.3331 Open I · 5 $93,000 Wm . Winton, Realtor 229 Marin•, Balboa l•land Open 't il 9 Every Night 5 Bedrm .• 3 Bath Pool· $26,950 J·n~h Ll\'111g, :' Hr(l l\~1n. plu .. V',,,,. '''''II ~~k,_ ,, ., '"'I l'.u·k1ng !~your boul & 11·1111 -o 'cEAN " .... • .... M COLLEGE PARK SUPER-OELUXE CAMBRIDGE rr too• Rich wood ranrl1ng FRONT ··1 ~tPEl'CABLE THROUGll· hanJ.r.on1t> brt>11kla ~1 liar. on n :! lot .Wx90. 3 rill, 1 '• OUT" ck-scribts this ~harp f11-._•rt;1ce. L,011l"ly flr:>ita P<JUl. Ba 1111h li<·a11\\•1 I i•1•1h11:.t' Krn KolJ hon\f'_ 2 fir!.'pl11c~.~. :.u~1r2n Chiinr1111i.: ,,,.i,•1 Ii u 111 1' J kuig ~ued lxlnn.& & ciual-TARBELL 2955 H arbor s:ir.<itwi 1ty gokt ca'1X'tit1~. ----------FIXER UPPER $27,500 2531 Columbia Or. OfMn Sat I Sun 1-S EXCLUSIVE WITH ) UR 2 hath h<ln1l', cornt•r Cln!>e tu 8o•arh a n•I l l1.1rt· lul l:tli\IM • ad•! :, !IHlft' rh'l. S111aU tiu .. t r11~o1.11·1r1J.; 10 u1111~. 1)!1\f' by 1J.IJ !):lnla rhul1·rt f 'l'l('e lll'ar IOI 1,J . .. Ana /11•r. then call uc. $£1.00J ilnn~~"'!,ealty A .. ~ J ;Ge;;;n;•;";l;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1~000-/ Gener al 1000 Newport al Victoria 1 ---~" '----, r.t: L T Y $17,5001 X;•ur '.\J•t_ 1• .. ~1 1111-!illi~'ll·l l tx>d1ooms, 2 S('parate h111h.~.1 • .,..,..,. .. -..... ---I Ek>l'll"H: lluill-1n k1!1·hrn, oe~~A.\l-\'ll'll,', lhJ~.. I fl \Vfi.l>hl'I. dryf'r & rt'lngcra-l!:u'l.~)r Ill l•fCA. :! nH :? 1or. CarJl<'lS, drancs. '."J l().17:!0 ha!l1, ,,11 ,.J.,r-1n<· h11i:-hr·1i TARBELL 2955 Harbor Hui.;1' ri.111.-. "1iti '"'t'an \'''"' YOUR CHOICE Baycresl Quality hull1 1 1.1r111 ~ t •. i fanl. rni. " rl<"n 011 It:" fr,r E:'I•·<'! 1:ih1r• ~~it> . ...00. H arbor H ighlands B1i;; '.! ~!(lry .l tidnn~ -~~; h,. "11 hu;;r !"t1r 1 .. 1 :11-..-111· f'OO I W!lh Jac11~tl, f!!"l>I 111nr nffl•1"f'/J S.~.000. Dove r Shores J.u.,unou.~ Spanish ~ hrl- nn. fan1 nn ~', OJ Coult aJoond a 1~ ... ~s· ganlcn r<)Om 111th l·I' ht:!h rt>· tra1·!ahl" ,..,.1hn(.' ~1 \ 27" f'\!ra bonus ruom •1Vf'I" l 1·:1J' i:a1• Panriran111· 11rw 2WO STORY FIXER UPPER 646-8811 (anytime) on a lilrq-e •"Urnrr I'll in Up[W'r F··•· ~lul))lt· · t\\Jt lc.1J<r h••lol Bfly iii·ea, overlookin~ ~'1U j-~T;"i;'i",~~-'i--~:::-;:;:;::;~l(C~o~s~l~a'_!_M'.'.!•~•~•-----'1~1~00 /l1·u•1•,I ;d ~~~1.'lflll Fl)r u1· , nllr,1•, Big l;in11ly ~pci.:ial. DUPLEX FOR VETS 1>)11'<'\14•" l'tdl ,\IJrk I.•-., $22,500 East Costa Mesa c11~1 , ,,,., .•• , ,,,,, ••. ,,,,,.,,, '"' \"al'illll & r1•;11Jv n.iw NO DOWN , $27 •5.00 ' 11 .;..oo pnr•+• N.'dur·1 1on 1n11krs :i.1~7711 ;oiiytini;• th is rll!' ht'sl 11arga1n nn T<>---------- J OI Mesa Drive, CM 1·~,.. )our r·l1;;1l1t111y \11sel.v. rta}·.~ 111;irkrl'. llAl~IJl\IOOD JUST lt~'.I JL'l'~.u· \111:-,t ">•·II lror. nf NHlTa An~ 1 buy 1nc.~in1p unit~. lhi, 1s onr ~'LOOl\S .,p;11·kii111' rlo·an ul. qnll'kly. _'{)() :-.11. 11. h•)lll~' t111 OPEN SAT/SUN ).5 of lhr f('1V ~-!1ani <llll'lf·~;'~ sulr <1iwl.(JuT. E:-ill"a di•'P Jr,1 Nr"rw.irl !.~l;111d. 4 llU, :! I\/\, 11~·a1t,d1l<.' "llh VA l•'1,,1s f,,1. ganlrn .. r play al"f.'a ,111it srr1 din nn. Ch;11·1111ng 1\l .1T 11·hich n1rans 1~) 11)01\(')' QU IF.:T. 'rl\E1': I. IN i:; D (IJt! hM' l"Pct'nlJ~· l""il•"•h l•·•t. 1tn11n, fl S Hl C~!'f'!lrnt l"Oll-Sll•'i'! i\lany (':,(fa~ still in· S6()00 ;[11 .. 1~'\Ull!<' 61.', 1'1 d11iou, 2 11,·o bcdh11Hn units dudi·d at jusr S2"! ::.00 Sl.£ J11~t S·ll.:.00 l1U)1> llll'\! Newport al V ictoria 646-8811 (anytime) 1111h 2 l>alh~ p:och, ~·r 11 lo-Tl)l),,y• ' ' li7:HJ::6;: ______ _ rlu.v )'t)u ea11·1 go111,111i::. WE SELL A HOME f'"Ul(l:C'Lfl'-'UH~; E VE RY 31 MINUTES :: nn. :i r:,\ T11111111'1UM', I"''" lllllll,, J\.1·••d-; \\nrl·-;,~ 1'\ Walker & Lee $28;1<0. l)"""''-"''':".''-' BLUF~·s BAY VJL\l"·C"' -~ HOUSE S FOR SALE OPEN SUN. 1-5 604 • 606 ORCHID 1'11111 i'!rll,Jhori dt1p1t•\1·~ .i Ill\ :l Ba. htun" 2 BR. .! Ba. 1ni~urin 3011/2 IRIS _, HH 'l Ila u~··I hl'irk frrl l'a11w (.'lu"' 10 li<'at•h Opt'tl d,.,J.11 l!T'"l .•uu. nu DON V . FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • OPENS AT/s·'-u-N-. - ~'.1r v .. 11r <'•1nv<"n1<'n1.T 1111~ 1,.,,.,.:y .1 n1· 'l ti:1 i1on1e . p,.,ls11.i' /,.t a1 Jffil J),Jlrhin T··IT ' Ill l!'l'ltl(' 'ft'fT. (1'1~•' I•> Fash1<H1 1~1•11id & 13alhoa t,1 ,1111] 'h11p11111~· PROPERTI ES WEST 6 75-4 JJO 675-1642 LU S K HOME-- HARBOR VIEW H IL LS ~ Bl~ 1 xlr.1 II.:" f;1111 11n, '' n 1 !'1'1·1 .-;.,11•t1 ;i~1~" Dr • ~1 1 '"'' 111": .. i lOO, tiH-:f.i.il!. l.(J\.'l"L' :! l.lll, l'~-IJA honl!' 111'.: '""r g11r & 1t'r1lal 1n 1"o•;,r "fl 2 lrd ~ ~-,=,,()1)(1 ('il.'ll. Ad 1;0•'•'111 l'.'I it\'11tlt1 blC'. BY (l\\"Nl·.J!. 1;7:~-::US l. i JJ'~~N J ':!·:1\.\I (;.-,-,,-,R-.-"-f-;R- l.i1r·~1· 1111<1£! l'f1'11n, c-;inJ•·n 1"••1111, '!. Hrt!ror1n1~. S::::J.000 fh1nrr. fii:1>-.i::io ----~~-• i ll"Ei\."<Fl:(JNT . p,,...! • i ';1nJl'O .~linp•.,. I HI~,~ l).•n )),1 illilford Rd 1;7~~i~!'.ili I .Cl ::-i~1~1~. l 'crn1. \'t;;-~ .. r L·rr1·1· 1:,1y 11rp11 ~u11 1-.l .~\h3.00I'. \~.:ti :-..11111· i.t:n D1 -Roy J , Ward Co. 16a) er.'"'i OLJit-r' CAPE COD CUSTOM ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST :tC.C \\'p~l1·\o/( Dr, HH •. ~ n,, Ht) II 1dr i:rccnl1,..ll ii' llll'.111 .t hill:<. f'r11';1cy. frl6.n11 l~<"r!urrd SfiOOO rnr quick l ~Pal 101r f.j.~.:'rllo 1-i::o r.a!a_\y Dn1·,, lil6·J: •. ·-0 5 Bedroom AXER UPPER EASTSIDE COSTA MESA No down tn vr1 s. p1l1 i,,.Hn f' "lbo11· grr~sr into 1Ju., )IQ\J~r and you'll t·un1r nu1 011 tnr Jr'., pnr•rd In ~~'II l1rr;111~r ll°S \'il.(;110! ;i:l<1 lho' (l\\ llPI mus! Sf'll Thi.< ·~ ,, ro··1l hP.dgc 11g:ains1 •nn'1 11rir1 :;, c II~ -Farr-.:.. W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BL VD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 9,3.1 BIG HOUSE! I J·:.xqu1s11r l'lom£' in fll'l'.'11gr ;irC<1 ul ;\e1\·po11 l!r1i.;hls. Fra1ur1ng ~ lari;::r bdrms. ...... ·pa1<1te dining room & 101 ,.., ly r<'a!' )ard. C:lnie see this lx-;n1!~· r!ur 1ni; OPEN HOUSE 1-6 FRl./SAT. Jl6 Catalina, NB Pric•d Reduced 1\EAR l'\E\\'-bf>autifuJ Foun· 1<iin Va!IC'y home. Oll·nrr ~ii.IS. "":'lly !IJSS is ~l7\ff gain.":': bdrrns 2 b111hs, n<'ll' 11ri::rarlrrt (·:1rpt1s & rlrar· •·1 1., llll'ou;:lu1u1 Cnrn1'1· l'•t -}l<J:ol ;.1·•·a . Pru'"d ~I \,\.~,'XI. loul Jp\';; 1ry :i~I ".;~I JAW do1111 10 l:u~ Jo,111 :'\!'.:\\". "\l:.lV . '.\T.\V, 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES T ILL 9,30 1010 O AK ST. :-:1!t·: S·l:t.~J!RI, 1;i1-t~6.I. -;\!'.:IV hh1n<' :..12:-t G!•lrlr·nrud "I 11 . !' I < Ask1nc S79.~.00. Pl•"!~ Open Sat. & Sun. "'u ~ ri1·un1• oc1 -.;iy ,,._.a 1 .. 11 .... Pnrc rNhlCT'd 10 523,500! 2 hdr.< SJ!l.~i()IJ Call (j 11·.!:!:ifl -==='='='·=.<Jtill=· ='"c'="=P~P='=· == large Commercial P11mr loca!lon nra.r Or- ;1111:(" Colln!y Airport 11·1th S21/ rron!agr n11 Pal1~:tdPs Ro11d. O 1 d hu1nr .t .ciora~r gan1.i::•".~ fJl\011d1' !Jl'''!'lll IUCO(ll<' nr s.:T:J pr 1· onnnlh. Ftill Jll"ll'I' S.i:!,9U(), ~ COATS ~ WAL~AC! REALTORS -546-1141- (0pen Evenings.J Sharp! 3 Bil.+ family;::-ha.,-='='·"=V=•=k="='"=''-'·===== + rov, patio; sundeck "''1th•· flt•ran 1·1e11·~ Fruit Ti"C'!'~. Newport Heights 13uy"r may a ssunie 5l.:;;, loan: BALBOA BAY PROP. 67J·7·1:!0 ANYTL\IE 1210 3 llUG!'.:" hr & dn, ~Bil, fq,11·, Lllr•t~. •'l"pl~. drps, s:rf!fl rln. ll11!V~'·lll. Casey /{ I I y. r;:1:i-:: t !~. VAC ANT-MOVE~ ,=o~~~~~~ l.OIV DO\\"N -SL:ll.\llT Newport Shores 1220 Dti1·r hy 91 !I Crdttr. t.\I &·I '-'.:.CC<:.::c..:c._:.:.::c.::.:c__.c:::_: •'<ti! 1/ 1n1rr<'~1rd . E.\CJ·:I,. e tlEDliCt;IJ Si,U1~1e LENT f'l.~ANCINI.. Sl:>.l.00 If you nrrd ll 1:1.,..;,1 fa 1111ly .-i~. '1i>. ~11A Joan you ;.;an itS· hoinc. '<C'C' illls Qn"! L!!f'. !Jv. sumt . PA\'iltENTS 1.~:ss rn1. pl11s lt:r. par1:-" r n1.: 4 Tl/1\N RENT. BILL S.\IJL-Br. J 11<1., k1tch. hl1-1ns. 1'¥ r:Y. Rlt:r. 646-966(,, 6.12·tl21 , l~lk'<. th 1.,.,,1·h. F1·r s1111plt>. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S $11i.~ill'l I::ql11ry $1!J,:XXI. i\lc1y -2127 PARSONS C'u11~1r!rr iradC'. --N-EW-PO-RT l Bd l" " I •O\l':-lEP. (j.1f,..7&1D• rmil". ·• ualh.~. Frri r.1-=========~ Sct"f'cncd patio. Top rundl· 1225 BEACH tlon! =B;;.•Y,,;•c.hc:•.;_":c':.... __ _ FHA Or VA $24,;,(I() 11P1;,\ llou;i· l-:1"•1<1. Ruth Seeley Realtor -:f, 2~ \·,_,1,, 111, :-; B. 1\r ''· 1•lr11n ~ BcJroom l' 673•4766 fr,1· .~l<'fls frnn1 \\"£'~h·l 1!11-----l====·-·1~..,<.~:f! Balboa P eninsula 1300 D eveloper's Duplex ThrT'•' IK:'droir11 uprcr t11·n lu•d1"1~Jn1 lo11·<'r, in l"f"t'.Y i::orod n•n!;t! ;11·p;,i Nl1W f~1\Jy lea~ r 1 <iuod :;ro11·th f}l1t1 ·nt1al. $ l!l.~iOll. BURR WHITE 1:1·:,\1:n n: ··:irq ;-.;r 11por1 r.1111 . N n fl., If ;n 612·:!1 ... 1 E\·Cs. P a rk View Charmer D< l1 .. li1f11 l 1•111;11?C' far111g park nn /'1·r1 l11;u!.1 f'•1u1t. T11•n h•>o;I. ''~1n1~. onr b<i1h. \Vall<'d g .• n l(•n 11nc! s11ndrck. 011·ncr 11 i.I 11"1d,• .~:;!l.1i;,11 BURR WHITE n~:ALTflR ~'11 11 "\r 1• flOrl Blvrt .. N.B. 67 • Tli·:n 1;1!-'.1'.!~.;: ~;\'I'S. L inda l ~le 1306 16.)0 ~'1 I! or •• 0111! 1"1J111tr•rl 1 1\'ilh ;; bdr111~. hu:;r <'flt !n~•·rl I family ro n111, h.1nl11n•~I 546 ·5!!1) (~Ui Cllletna lhtJtrt) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams 11 H;irbof,Ol ~h.i11p1n:: -Dig yanl 11·11h FORMER MODEL ----=== fru it ln·c~ Sl:i,9:.0. 1 111 , 1 Westcliff 1230 Ll.\JlA J'\lr 1111 f,,r :-:i.IP Ii." 1. :: u.... gl" 1,.nld) p\J I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 646-7171 D1ri~ &· lTfllg, , \p•·n,11 ,, 111,111·1 ~.12,;~M! plus lras•· noon; & Jn 1mn111cula(r ("~ln-,.,. .................... .. !;iurlM·ap•ni; ,r., r>-1110 ('()(1[. OPEN SUN. 1-5 11°11111 •11 sr:m f•"r }'"II fJCJ::AN l3RELZE~. l'J(~J o1 1 1218 DEVON LANE 'lip •'af'lwrlv !cu·'! !if\' t .. 1111~ It. ~ H1L ",! h;i II '"'-1111 ,.,,i1111i;s. ~,] I· I ":lh'l'il"IJ/ll. Appro1Pd .\It.'~! ~,\Cft!FJCJ·: ·n11 s S-~~'~"· • :J~fj.~!)9:\ li11111u 1·L11i111·~ ~.11 ,!!1~1 l'l.111' lll(•hi!h'ol. dltlOll UTILE PRICE! $23,500 Bl':A:\D l'\F.\V 110.\lE IN 1, • ..,_...,..,..,..,..,.., ... 1•1.000 E.· lake n,.,., •. l ·I.·"~' WILLIAM WINTON 61.' li·l\l "1' lll:.'\"T l;\'CTON r .. EA C 1l , I' ~ ·> "IV OWNER'S LOSS Fiii\ al ;,•,~.:: Bil. 11_. BA. Rea l E state 675-3331 rrtrl[lf' ~iu~n .. r. ... 11·1· I .\.."'f;.f'?tll •1r •!;~«.Ji IRVINE AVE . Custom bull! h'ln•". 1~1'1!" .. ri closed t·ourl;ard /,1r 111J ,1 mum pri\'a•·y , /'11<1.ny <'\tr.i • in this bcauti.!ul J P.Jr hon1c, $17,500. Well•·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Ne11port Blvd .. C.l'll. 548-1729 any!lm<' I •red hill 1237 \\ILL :)~~LL F OR s:•;,no 1 -:::::::::~====== l.Jt'J\\":-.'" 1,'t"l.I. pH 11 . i; YOUR GAIN 1<100 sq 11. :. acre. 7u f1 sql · _ < ''''I', '"·•·"'" \I Cl'" 1·. "''''rl"r "ill sl'l l Thi.~ ''"'"""-in back (If i;:aragr. 6-1&-S(llj U , ·1 p '· ,....,. Qr !~i:~;:.11.-1 n 1vers1 y a r .. I:\ QLll I\! c·.\LL .ilti-:1~1 1. "''s1 .. 11 for $1500 olu1,n ,\as. t;\"1.:5. l>IG-1211 ~111111• loan f"rcsh ,f..: ··lea n HY O\\NEl't ·::HR, 1·., ll., rrady fnr 111spcr11011 Lari;::e ~·1·pl<". l;:in1 1111. 1111:11::111<1 · Spacious & Spotless 2 'l••I")" ·I r.n &. filnlCIY. V11-111111, 11n 1rl"rd lu1 . i\ssun1r ,-, Iii: :.": ti .. '''"I' ,..1ior111ni:: 133,900 -Me•a V•rd• ' I I 'I I ' ., 1 I" 1·,111! _ .-.£'!.' a11yl111lf'. (:al!;,;, '•Fil,\. Tw!aJ $;!:;,:JOO.·· M "J<I .~n •'I tS. II ••· Country Club JH"-ll:il 11,..,.11agc Jlcal Esta!C' _fil'..'--'-"c'~-~~---1•·•t11•·r•t !" S::1;,()(w1, !llr•\I' 1n .'-,..;11· Golf l"nlU''\r N "·ll·.~il, :--l"rl.i1 • l\1ni:: :-,l~.rrt 11,1110,,111,, :! 1''11"11 •'l ('SI. 1:-:.! ~111all .1 Br, I)!!' ln1 tiath~. <'ll'r·tr1c liuil1.111 k11 ,.h. OPEN HOUS_E __ ro·ni'c-J. Lo111 d011·n sir •. ~. , IJJ\\I 1a..x~s. 2a;n· Charle rn. ~·an111y roori1. t'1n•pl,,C•' t .1v1·1·"rl p,.1 1,, ~lrJ.li'.!O Sat & Sun 1-5 p.m. 1_,,_,_i!-_:<_>1' ______ _ TARBELL 2955 H arbor '.~6 M~in ~t:• H;~· $18,SOO F ixer U pper Hl~/d,TY l•-"-"-"-""B"Y .... o"w""N'""E"R"-"-"-"-"--"' --~M=IS-SION VIEJO--.;>;f::\\I D~.LUXI:: 4 LNITS "!Bit 1 BA hnu"'"· rlhlr J.:"r· l.'no\· Park Crnlrr. lrY1t1r· /\<'ai· ~·£'au & La~ Park. xlnt an·a. N<'eds handy n1.in/ ('.ill .-\11.111111 .. i:·:::.r<:~'fl •Hom,. ~-Trn·nm(' · I.And • Open Sunday {)11 n<'r ~ .l RR. 2 BA l:o;t painicr. S:QOO dowr. Srr: f~====~====~ Cusl :; Br: I '~ BA C.11111•1 ~6112 CORT/\:,\ DI! ;,11·nr 1• t.i.\ a1l1·an10lgr $66,000 ~>.A !li••rnl" C , ·,1 , . cpt. •ltp-, r p 1:...,1111 ~1·11 . :\11."i'-'!0~ !'.TYLE !<iPA:'-J.;,J J TERRY r.f,\LTY :_"_"_._,., ' h~'.:"._ Back Bay 1240 S ~. R () C•--ra 111.,. 111,. " Dr!·or;olol ·~ •lrr.i111. Cr111J"!. ·1;1, 11."•!I anylun" '.11 LSA Verrl<' LXC'<.: honlf'. I ::_;..;___:_;c, ____ __c_:_;_; i·~r dr' ::ar !•Ir 111111 ~11 1,1rrt l'rllt·.1· s;:~.::tJI\ --Will-Lease or .~ ... old. 4 holr, 3 ha, fan1 t·111 . S'.!'1.!l:J:, ()\\~Er. •"11~1n·n ~ SIJ nl•J. PIHn~ ~ 111,..1'•' uni•• TARBEL_L __ BJ7.Q84'.i l d111 1"11\, shag c·rpls. •lq1~, l ~I~ 21 ~ Rf\. l·'.1<'1 1.11o 1.,,11 I Lease Option ~11kif, Buy l'tjl.lllY S12 ,IM!(I i\··w •. 11'1~·1'. d.i1 11n, 1,.1u ~1~.::.~; T"1 r11 ~ sJl . .)~1 $2~.soo BAYCREST .11s-.i:1!\2 . t''ll fr·,,1 •. ,,),.,. ~:n·~,. .. , i1r -,1 AC-R E--P-OO - 1 Sweeping View 1 HI: '11" 1•11 1,w111.il o h nin~ BY (h1ll•'r : ·1 13R. 2 hi,ih. 111''" ll1t1"'' tll ~"ld ~.-;·, \n. 1 -L ).\fllll'\I~ l;u, 11•·11 1 111.~1 1·111. ~.fllOl "l'lhll'. I•'•\"'' ~39,1 clo•t1o1'hr·1I x!ud10 ~hop, puhn, n11, 1·· 11\ l.01 \I; ,1.; 11,,, COUNTRY L IVING 11111!1 1r1 I•11111 1-•n.11111011!." 1~r1u" .l 1•111 Srn1t hl:•'altor 11.: f"ncrd ~d. dl'ad<'nrl :-;1 OPEN HOUSE P,no,11 l'lr h•ir~'' !, I k d f U j,,., ,id,4~1 I '"Ill \.,.1,i: -.(/• ol lo ll;.,jJ~!·J f"!n~r lo !:ol'IH~ll.<, \\'1•~tcl1ll lan:.r Jnn1 1l.1• Jo, .;' 11t .. 1",\ 11,·•li·~·a1·. ! 1,.1,., r 111·ily RARE HO-ME ___ !'la1.a arc:i s2s.:.oo lit!-··1·11 ~h.J,'P ro•\f. '(("'''"" I •t1l! IM1tl I kJ::\llT 111·.•pl.W•', lo•I-- ' [\11ris,: 1111111<',\ hu:--ht•;,,11. :: Open House Sat & Sun l1<\m<'. • Jn,•;·r • 1 .. ! I" •1· 1nal cJ ;nini: r\~'"' _,111.1:.'1~ Hr ~ h:1 ~ .. 1~1h!u!f h•HllC . ·11·~ L'"'-'" ,,,,,, C\I 1'00n1~ Sll.:.00 -1· l. t1n.,11r. TARBELL 2955 Harbor · •v "v ·• · -, urr~. 1.1-.: 11n1 1 ·1i (' .. r \.,t -\I.oil.' l'\!r .. ~. 1:Y (ll\;>.\.1:. :,h\o•~ L ido Isle 1 JSI BAYFRONT Tl111r 1•• '-J\ lo ~!1.,r11n hon1r~ 11 1•11 111; 1· 1. .'!1r Prirrtf lru1 1> $1 1'1 ·,r.o \\ 11hn11t p1r•r .~ '1<11, 'il 1 ·, flt~\ W a lker Riiy. 675-5200 ~·:·" \"1~ I .id". \!I. ~!l~"n :-.un BEST BUY r .. r !;··· f111)1ill·. i\lndrrn 2. .... 1, .\ Br 1· .. 11v. ol•'ri. IJ1n 1111 [Jra111.il 1f rri!ry 1111ly 7 vr~. old sou.:,rio. CaU (.ir "111' I \\'.ilk1•1· Ho•;1l11• ----- E XECUTIVE HOMES 1;n111 ,,,,ji f,,1·1n.•l 1!11ur11: 1: .. 111 111111 !~)ilil\ t''•llll l'1t11"I 111 lrwcr S~U ;\1 s LIDO REALTY INC. '', ,;~ \ I I I .IOftl -PRIME-ISTESI TE 111 l-1 ""'' '"' .~1 '-'I I! 11orr 11 l••h 'I!• .. \1 1\I Sl.1; ·~11 R . C. Greer Realty ~ '\' \ [,d1 i.;;'ti,,"l() 1111::. :)Ji\IO!IJ __ _ <·.,11.i. b•'tlf'1· Thaii rtr1,, }'"111 l.;•q:;r -I HR,{· f;,m nn. TARBELL 2955 H arbor l\'h11,.. rl<'ph11n!~' n 11n,,7.'11n" 111 .. 11 ~.l'.1 .i<)J S3J.[lr<I T111•t r~"aity Eastbluff 1242 H untington Be ~:h~O \\'hit~ "l•'nh;in1,· r>io111· ,,. CORBIN·MART1N 1r1~1 ,\!l·!irll:! 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ·~ lot•-70)1;-I JO fl ", lonr DAILY IJ/L()T \\'1\:'\'I' JU . \l,TOH"I 1>!:1·lGli~!I' ========== Or~n,,_ Brok~r :.::~.1:,:1!1 1\11-.-· .,,., 1· C · , 11 Cl\I M V d 1110 ~=""~=~-~----'~~·~===~~-"-c-~~_.'.,_;_·~· :·"_·~·-=·___;_·'~":'.~'~'~'~·~' ~•-•_• __ •r __ •~------ 1000 Genera l IOOOGeneral 1000 FAi\T.\.'='!'1(' n •: p \! r. LI r ------------------l!I J\ll'. 111 ;ihs<>l111r p1•1·!•'• I.~. ~pitrkl1ni: 1"1J111!1l1{ln .\ lar;.:(· llllnns, .I b<i1h.~. lo1r111:•I 11111· JUST LISTED ni,. t.•111111 I, <111•· 1111 f • •oi f;, .. I I 'I\ DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR FORECLOSURE I 1.,J• 'l•, 11 "" ,,\•JI /,lll\:f' "' 1 •1f"'i •l·•UI'!, ~ ol,•C•' hl1\ 11" I•'"• d !"1, ~loll U 1lv" I\, • 67J-2222 • l' n1ftJJ i1•emn 1111.: roo111, separ<1I•' lou111I) 961-4471 ( ::;: J S4MTol nMJtll ,(, hUK<' ni ~ s I " r l•.-~'!:'!:'!:'!:==~~===:.'...-~~'.'..'.~::.:._:::::.. Solve a Sim plt Scrambltd Wor d Pu::z lt for a. Chucklr h1•rhuf'J111. i\l1n1n1111n 11pl:<'r11. Univ•rsity >·1ril bt'au11fully lrtllflsc111~·1I _ l'op11lar 111,.,,lt•! 1n1h :t r;1r Park 1237 Unive r sity P ark 1237 O Reorro11ge the 6 Jo::rombled "'ords b.ilow 10 111oke 6 ,;.,.Dlfl ... 01dJ. Print l"!Ter1 of eod1 11'1 Its line of lQu<:irf!s. IKIPREC I' I I I' I' I I I I I' ITYLORP I I I I I' IRAWMOR I I I I I' IKAMTER I I I I' Perhaps sc ience hos gone loo for in e lectronics .. The new spapers reporl o fr ighten· ing incident. II is about on of· l ice parry in a complelely oufomoled office. The com- pute( got drunk and tried to ' undo the ribbon on the e lec· trie-. ~-ri-'-TI-"7--ir-,,,.-l G C01"11Ple~ rtie Un.<lle quoted IRAPWE'R I I I I' I I I~ by lllllng In 1he mlnirog word •-"·--'-· -•--"-'--L--'· YoU d.-velOC> fr01'! slf!TI No. J below. ·----·----11 I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I" I I I I I I I I I I I l SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN DIME-A-LINE i:aruc<'. Bt•st lur llll' 111Qn•·\ ;it Sli.fl:.O. Call 5!:'>.:-..1:i1 ~·111th t.'[1:1~1 Tir11 l t;;1al•' 53/4o/o 011 1h1~ l11gh Fl!,\ l•mn, p,t_\'I~. $160. J11TL ll<'\1hl" trr111~ :! Rll '!. Ila Sp:irk.111.i;: f'Q!ld ~:vrs .. ~}.~-6:\~l Hk r. ,\SSL' \1 I:.: GI ;,1,',. S6.000 rln. S\i.XOO balan~c on IO!ln. •I BH. fa n1 r n1, Irr: ~·arr!. fl y ri11•11rr. Call :'il6-77i8 all 6 11r \\'k1lrls. 4 BR, 2 IlA i\lr~ Hu.:h!11nd•, Pr i n (·l ri11i s only H\' 0\1 NER. S'.ffi.:100, ;,·\!l-.'~i:~ Qt:11~1' c·t1l-<tr~~;1r. ~ nn. 2 nA f\l~!n111 lTJl!S ,'t; drp:- flY O\\'f\~;lt. ;r1·~{l(il!i N•wport Beach 1200 NEWPORT HEIGHTS T llAT ON~: IN A ~lll~LIO:\ FINL). Oldrr hut t'hatm1nr.: hon1e in ctio1rr al't';1., Q\•rr ~ r('et. l..argr liv. r1'h \\'l!h f P rh1~ (lrn 1\·iih F'P fn rn1i1I rl1n1ng rn1. hit _ 111 k11r hl'n 11·11h hrkls1 nook r .... k of h.1y lron1 !11 11~11'1' BR !<U•lf" l n~1r!" ut11!I) pr,rch S.1:1.11((), f'111 ~1·a1l 1\i:t. X~-~!.'1 11r f,..l.' .":llfl 1\'F,,.;f('l~lt-r l Bdrni 2 Ba1h IJr11u11lul r....,t ~ ~11rrl. D~ t111·nrr S,':fi, -.oo :;1~.::;?1";1 ------ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE FAST MOVE IN New homes. ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed· roon1s, 2 to 3 baths. 112 mile from beach. First payineni up lo 60 days after move in. VA/FHA Terms. From $2:3,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mil• South of Adams) 962. 1353 Huntington Beach 1400 $100 TOTAL You C.L Bu~·rrs, here is an np1~1r!ur111y. t;~ .vuur ht"Jlf'- f11s t1n 1h1~ Shaq!::: Bed1oon1 Cah/011·111,1 ftanth() 2 i.UXUt• 1•1t1s b ;1 1 h s. "!lardwuod" fliMl!'S. l ':.•~I brick hN.'pl;\("(' Sr>p;11;<1!" "Iii X :tl ~·an11ly J:c.)111". r.111).:l'OIJS n1odc1,, k1tr lio ·r1 S(•llr r tia-. 1J<ln'1fr- n·•! /itlUS(• IS \ aL",lJll :.tlld ht• \\ill !'<I.I' <Lil your C'OSLS, \\'(''lJ !<1'1· H your ciua11!1ed on 11 S2-!,5(lr) salrs Pl'ltr . Call! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 F:dt1itl'"f ~ 12-\.1JJ Open ul 9 Pill SPACIOUS Huntington Beach 1400 TRADE 1n your OOat, tra.ilrr, o·amr~·1· or 2nrl TD on !his l"ar.lnt 2 BR .~ahavrn Jlonll' f;! loan hi \1lk°P fll'('I'. Not ~h11rp but at S-!I ,:JOO a hl g. b1i.: hat"j;a1n. Rex L. Hodges, Rltr1. 947.7575 Huntington H arbour VACANT 1405 ·I bo"lrn1, ~ 1·a1· c<11'ai:'r. D1ri. rm -111::111.v f'\lras. Exc<'l <1rea. 01\ly S.lR.;)00 _ sul>1n1t 011 1rnn~. \\'1!1 cons.1der l<'asr' Qr l<'llW oprinn Harbour Rlty. 846.1311 .F.:•.::"cc";.;l•::;:.:n_V:_•::l;.;le:.!y _ __:_l 410 Chct·k thi•sr fc:iturcs: Jiu~ - l.111111,\' 1001n wllh wC't bar. fur111W dining iv01n . gnrdr"n k 1l('hc11, J111;::c 1n;1stf'r hdrrn sullP. :! b;1!hs. ;; p;11los & l.irgc yard all block fcncrrl. ?il;iny, n1any rusiom !catur- NEW 4 BR HOME 2m~ sq r1 . 7ZOO ~11 11 101. P1·1c·p ~~1600. down ~3JOO. Annual prrt•rntagf' rate 6.9r(, Ser al J7~:, ~n Riranlo .'=Ii . :vountain Valley. off \Varner '.;: TIJJ E. of Brookhurst or c11ll .<.::pnnghurst H o n1 e 5 962.2760. ... ~. 11 you arc looking for s-11nclhin:; cxu-a nice, sec t)11<; 'l!ll'. M UTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 Anytime $15,950 ~ &11·111 2 h.ilh, Gl::ixlOO' fenced ;.,1, dol!blr g<ir<igr, cl.ctl1'ic b111l l·ln !'ang". oven, dish· 11 ashcr. carl)cls, d!'ap\"s, ~ • .',l)r1 Jllul r·.111 _ nn o!ht'I' 2100 SQ~·. •I Br, 3 Ba, CUI· de-sac. frpl, dining rm, fan1. rin 11 /v-:c1 bar, Cus1om drps .t crpts. 3 car i:ari:;, hut:" hack yard ,I'., patio. ~rm.rw. Assum1: fi· ;_ Fl!,\. !Jii.~.:!tj~ BY U\\";\J,J( flllll' Sra~v11s \ 11r:, "!' ~ ha. fan1 rm '1 1 i'lll t111·rlc, J·car J:dr. cpt~. p!:{;l i@lflfilllJ •lfi'"· J)('aur. landscaped ...,., 962-4471 (:;.:: J §46..llOJ palJ(I. XJI La Granada, t·v. XS-'':l·.o UY 0 \VNER j . -·. A~~un1c 6',~ FHA 'I Bit & hobby room or a Br. 3 Br. l Ba. 2 yrs n("w on Cul t'arn1ly r ni , exc("ptional rl" .<;;;i.e. Drps, shag c·rritln1.:. k1h·h1•n. l11r;:l' patio. 11•alh:- rrplc, i;;ardcn k11. ii'/Oltns, lrig dist11nc" 10 all schools, 11111.\' IHnr!sca prd & patio. 1'1:13.il Live Oak Ctrclt>. , HOUSES FOR SALE Laguna S.ach 1705 4 1:1..!r. 'I. t.a, beaut VI~ ocie11.n/Oit"l1na. S3-1 ,900. Owner 494-9'.t:\2 1707 Laguna Niguel Terr. New :/500 .sq , Jt. J-4 & 5 Br. hvml:"s in ocean l'lf'w anoa. C.i.rix·tcd, front landscaped, \\Jlh spnnkl\•rs; hltru. sett. rleaning 011en; 3 t-..>r gararr $.}8,750 To S61,!b0. ExceUenl lrnancu1i.: with 1ll't'iining in. IC'N'st r;ite fron1 1'-' ';~ to 6·'· .. ~. Laguna N iguel Cor p. '199.1 :!•14 j.4 7-7761 3 Bd1·., \'11'. lot, all crrted, n<'w 1"fl111plr1e C"us. drrs - fully !;J11rl~1·aped !· srrinklPrs, Oc\". 6 mo. 496-2;,~7 San Juan __s~~~1~r~no 1720 ------' 4 BR. SPANISH C ONDOMINIUM ldC'lllly kH'i'ltl'<! acrri~s rro111 JIO>il & rarnarla. Carj"lf'led, dl'ilfl('d: lr1lt'l'd patio; Dou. bl<' gar:1g,.. 11 <'fllr.v lo kitch.. · Pn. 1\!I blt·111s, incl. disl>- 11·;1sh<'r & 1-efng. 7 i\f1n. to No11h A111erican Rocki1'cll. This i~ frc simple lllll'. Pn<.~ SZS.950 11·ith FHA 5~f. 7c loan POINT REALTY . 3 !1:.G Coasr 1111')'., Dana Point ( i I 11 .ffl!i-532.l Apartments For Sale 1910 . Sll1\RP 4 u111ts near South Coast Plaza in e.xrellent rondit1on. rnoo annual Jn-· comr. Priced J("ss than 7i.: grosc. Hurry! FOUR STAR Really 8354122 l\'F.\\' rlrizanl 2 Brlr, bl'!'alh· taking ba:--1·1e111 11•/boat 1!r1·kin~. All hl1 ·1n kitchrn. 11 /w «pis tlu'Oughont, n1ir· rnr 11·all. lll'ps. h;itcony. S"<'\U'ily ;:u;irrJ<'rl. Nr11110rl Hr;ic·h. \\'i!I tn1rlr :ll:t'>-:tl60. RENTALS Hous•s Furnished General 2000 $200. 2 & DF.N Duplex 11 /boat drn•k. Adult!<. Ava il now. Brokrr 64:'>-0J.ll Rentals to Shire 200S I )l•('tl house &it & S11n nr l~!lll=\l!--=1='="=" ======= ~ho1vn by appo1nl s.12-:.12i.;. 177:\2 :'ltrl\uu1ry Cirri" Seal Beach 1450 \VILL Sh11rr 2 ER/'JBA ------J\.'r1•"P'l)r! Sh11rr~ d11plr\ \\'i!h V.A . L oan Assumption OC~:AN VJE\\I, J1kr !!!'\\.". 1·11. s1ng!t' l<'n111!r 01·Pr :\fl. l lOO 11111t SI OM Tntal D011·n ;my· 1·aot. '.l Hr,~ H;1, 80\IO:i It.I. 11111 61"-'lYiti 11f1 11 ur 11knds Ill~ llt rur th1~ 6' ~ :tnnu.d $1'!,fl()O. ()111wr ~:1-12:;9 )-...:....__:._:.• '• <i I lu,an 1~ Sl:.O:!. :-;,, h1ddo•n IAVI:: I Br :ipl ; \l •ll ~hare 11'1\h f!!'l"Mlll Ulld<'r 3(). ···"t'. Ocan ;: Brd!'()i)111, Laguna H ills 1700 ri·a•!.Y f .. r rofC'Upanc.v. Twu J.:••tl:"OIJI' lo;illh, 1·11q>f'tl', d1•npcs throughout. D1111hlr ~arngP. Two p;11 1os. O osl' 10 ~··hool and shopping, Scc- 'Hl<.: 1~ hc•ll,.vini;. WE SE LL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee i&~2 Ld1ngrr 1'12.4 ;;~ Opr11 hi 9 r:-.1 $1785 11 ill lir p111d by ~ellrr for \·er <'nin'.; l11an 01it~ta11d1ni:: ;: l1rlrn1 1 ljx\8' fa nuly roon1, ('r:>mplrlrly rrfu1·hi.~hrd. Ov- ror·s11.t"d 1111 1 blot'k 111 si-hoo! Pr1c1•d tn Sf'll <Jllick. $2.'J,500 \"r!s SO dn\\n, Katella R lty 847·6061 LIKE NEW I· \q11,.11 r :ii IYlron '.! h;11li 1"1 .1n11~<'.in f1111nt;i1n h•11n•', c-.11 hll. l'fll~ rlrp~. '1'1'111:\. I••·~ ,i: !'lw 1ni. Fili\ 1";111 1\t11·11r dn p)l11lll l lnly \.~ :.111 Har bour~ty._8~6-1JI 1 PROBATE SALE \"Hr;.1nt. 2 :o;h1ry, ·I bd1·n1 1 l'ot •h • ,,..,.,111\r hrin1r. t' .. , •. 111 ,J ~IHI r.11. c:anl•'n kit. h. }~1 11 •11 h. r\rl'! (• nd. ~~.~.~>(l() P a ul J ones Realty ~17-1~1~1 1"1r~ .. ~1'!~'.':lii $19,950 Is The Price 1:~11 .. 1 ,, 111•· r .. 1· 1111s ~!1;1 1·p !t·1to1•' To·t.ol 11·•.> 1111'11!.< "11 a l"l:h t; 1 lri:o11 1, ~J::I pf'1· Ill•' 11wl11d••s all. J lug,· f»"t ,.,..-1111.~. Exrr.1 L.1ri.:r r('u1·rd l•·11·h lu••I f•1r llll' kHf< plu< '/'l,1.v 1111\hl' ·. 1:ri•11 p.11"1 orr ... !'11hn111 )•)Ill" s111a U dn•\·n Jl«l'llH'r11 WE SELL A HOME EVERY J I MINUTES Walker & Lee f ()R :".1lr by owner. New V1tlcnt·1a-Lrisur;~ \Vo L' I d, J\111111n1 2~'· R1()..6'X¥.l. Laguna Beach 170S HERE'S A REAL SWINGING HOUSE r.111!1 nn 4 ]l'\"•'I~ !.· ;ippritr; t ' hr .1!"1111 2.1100 E-0. f'T OF i,r.·::..;l; Artl·:A, r .()' ,,1r-.1 111 Abrn1t $60 rno. &1&-:,r.& C.L\T. fE.\!,\J.E 30 share 2 Bl't, '.2 BA 11 1!h sarne. Pool l.t. ratio. i\111~1 l1kr doi::s. !lfiS-3193 LA IJY Jn shun: Bluffs home, NA. r1·1v_ ba1h. kit & laun- dry pnv. 644--0J.69 \\'ILL sharl' w11.lerlr11 n1 , hoinr, 11•/ rrsponsiblr male -'"· 11r frn1<1lr. SIOO mo. 645-21i97 <;lf,\Hf; Ar! 11·11h b1rly t.Ptw. <i~" .',()..1;:1, no ;U.·nholics p!ea~I' ~l'l~~'lSO aft .~ ~·J 111,11.·1· r :1t:::u11.1 "''·11 .. 11 n:..; Newport Beach 2200 \\'ID!·: I.OT \\' 1171 FT. OF 1---------- HU,\IJ ,.-r;o:--;T,\(;~: OCEAN front h0 1ll'C. 2 BR. 2 :'"l'RA\\'l.IN(; 4 BEDR:'-1. t.· RA. Deluxe, .l'<ird &. patio. f)f.N t'LOOR PI...\N, SEil· S2:>0 i.1ntcr. 673-l!OAA \'IC'ED B\' ~·, BATfls.lc========== SEP,\ RATE DINING P..\1, Ba lboa 2300 hghlrd hy Tiffany 1·han<lt'· ----------'"'~ h<'r. ~·orn1al l1v. 1·n1 h;·~ LEASE, FURNISHED \\' '\V c.iq){'t1nc. .\1.\~Sl\'l:: Pcn111~ula, 45' l}ay Jmn1age .'=l'O:\lt;; fJRr·:J'L1\Ct~. f1>"ln1 11·1nnar 2·.l'lnr.. ;, BP. 4 fl,'J.;11· to !'rdu1g fl r'<·al A.\ rilu~ :-111rn·m.,r·~ dre~~· ·~!('In" l\!Tnrr:N 111\S ,\LL 111~ r111 ,1· ~h'l11· .. r. F'ron1 all 1:L'ILT !'.\" 1:.\.\CI·: .I. O\' rl11"• 1"11<:h1111.:h,..r, rjl~f"'Slll, I-.. '=. ()/1'1 1\V.'';;l !J ~. RHl·:,\J\. 'l rein~. SC'pal',111' lrr.-zcr, l·",\:;r 1!1\H. $.· !·:XTJ:;.'\"Sl\.'E I liol .,, 'n, t•l,..Cl1'1,· ~!•Jl/'f', II'!' or gl.1ll'r[ till'~, !<l'Jlil!'rtlo• hrnilrr & l'C'lllS,l;(>r- Tho• ln1<.'l'r )!•1 ,.1 f.,111111.,.,~ I" La1.1n1try rrn. ,\u1nmatic ~J'\('HJt ':-> 1:1:.«1~1·;,\TJO:'>/ j::ar.1gc "IX'nr1" Yearly or 11r::x. \\ 1T11 _,\,,'-Q\!~Y 11·intrr r.1.:.2mq. \\",\I.I,$, 1·.-.l:..U BRICI\ t·r1:~:PLAC1<, Sl1d11lj! :.1t1•.~ "aU 111,,r nrcno; 10 n •ar P<•· 11 ... Tiu<: f;1hlll0 1U<: 11<ltnc IS .in 11111~1 11nrlin t \"al!Jr <11 544,500 FULL PRICE . ..:r,r: 'J'()r J,\ y · I ,f I\[•, "J'l l~JQl{l{l)\\'' MISSION REALTY :i.~, -~' (".1;1~1 1111.v. 1,.i1:1111a Phone f 714 ) 494-0731 FOi: S,\LE By U1111<'r· Sa r r 1 f 1 1· "· lcav1/1i; /111· f·.tir(>J)!' I It\ 111 !' rl I a !(' I y, Lido Is le 23$1 ~E\\"LY fll"c. chf'rrrul, .1 BR, 2', R1\ rurn \\"1n!l'r rrntal. 1 ~1.11 b:ll-l'.\:12 ---.cc--~~~ • ru1 II I BR. J 8 1\. Con- lt'111p. 11<'1vly clrr O!rn~ .. Avail llOI\\' \'~':11"iy. li\.\i 621-7]()!1 ------\\ INTr:1; Lt~1\~t'.' '}. on. dru, 2 h11th honu·. O\o peL~. r,7;,_i;').10 235S Custorn lu1i11 11ood & ~lass f l!RN 4 BR. J BA. 11i n!er or h"usr. l/cran & canyon yrly, 11 3 Pl'11r1. 0]'l('n hou!<e 1·1c111. \\'all to w a l J rri, $at & Sun. 6i3-8071 or r;:irpio11n~. bu 1 11 -~ n s & r,7;...n~1 f1N.'rila~·"-2 lk-droon1, 21 -~cc-'~~~----­ll~lh<:. !fpiq111' C('Jhll'll l'!ll)n. ~ENfALS (JJ•l-.N llOl J.':1·: :-;a t & sun Houses Unfurnisshed 71;,~ l·:d111grr 11.·., ll'f'••kdays aflrr 6 '.l.'.·I General 3000 ~t~-t ti?. Opr11 t1l !I P:-.1 :0.1 1 r a tn a r . Lag Bch. l\f)(J:'ll ror. A HL'N"CJ! -i; I--"-'-·""'==~~=~-- hd1·. J ha , hu~'t' l;1n1. n n. COASTAL VIE\\'! 11 /1w1·pl;ol'r, 11·;ill-lo-•1all • .11 r~·t<:, n•fnc. 1ni·I. Likr 111•11. 111·;-d 111 .l mn·~. Own;•r J1•1n·1nj:: at'("a . Sl l.ft:.O. l\ry al Four Srasons ~lrs OHiN', tllai.:nol1a & lndirinanolis. !!111111111:.!on Brach. ~--1:..00. LO/LO DOWN Repossession! I Srlrn1.~, 2 Story i\• 1\ r•p! p111nl. Cul-(lr.~~(' HAFFDAL REALTY 842-4405 Attorney Says, "Sell"! I RR. 2 I.Ill , Orig. moclrt. \\'11lnut k11cll., frpl, spnnk· lerl\. s2:t.2JO. Farel Walker Realt or ,l((I N. Nl"wp.1r1, N'pt. Brach 646.7414 Days or Eves. 2-S!ory 3 13r, 2'~ Ba. fon11al 1l1n rrn. l~aut lnd!<<'prl ('C'lrJ\. l"t. drl<1ch. J::ar . lrJ:: n'( rm. \l.iny c i.:t rA!<. H y n\\nl'r. S:t!l,'Y..O 1'117'!';'.: ---Tll~.:-QUTCKER \'Oll C.\LL. TllF: Q!'rrt-.r:n YOU ::.:r.1.1. 1 1111'1'('~1 lo1tn a~sun1ption? r:1!<' doc5n'l in· l-rease: no po1n!s :! Bdrm~ , r.1n11ly rm .. 2 bath~. ;, yC'ars t1\il. RcduC'f'rl !n Sil.~ rt.ACE REALTY 49-l-9i<» * County of O range 1\UCTION OCT. :101h, 1%.'I ~~356 Ston1ng1r111 r.d • Thl'f"(' flrrh .in•a. 11 Roon1·l Bath Open llouse 0<'1. 70, ll ani-2 111n. :'.11!;'>/l\llJ.\i Bil> S'.11,()l"o) r oR 1:11 ro C.\LL R1 1.'.!~)(} SEE THIS ONE 3 BR, 1 BA, "·lw rrplf:, rlrps. hl!n!<, p11 t10. fncrl, 3 yn; old ocean vu.,,1. in1n1ac. S32,;,oo. ~71 4\ 4!l l-6~C6 180 DEGREE VIE\V LOT o! 11•h11r watrr & ro11~tli11c, ~mn11 but lc.l"rl. ~71 !l."iO \\"r!h S1.f'lll0 drown. h:il ;ii $85 mo. Alt due 3 yrs. Brokrr .\!17-1210 1'.'17-l~t f'll'f.N llnu~" Sa1 f. :"Jn lfl·J filfi \'1r1:uu.i P~rk fl r , t.aiz11na. L;iri::,.. !a1n1Jy hon1e 1>.1' n1<.·nrr •l!l I ': 121 CLE1\N :! Bed1Yl01TI. 1 Bath, nirr RN.'a. Jmn11'd1atc pos- i'il'S.~inn. Reasonable $165 n1ontli. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ';'mft llittllf'r Hl\"rl. 111 ArlamJ :~1;i-111i;:1 nr,·n till !"I r~1 I, RENTAL FINDERS INCXPEMSIYl • ·• ~ . :-I IBIOOO\Al-IUSINISS MT.-IOCM.l.Tt SRYKI 'nw.1~c .... ..._,..._.,n ·-.-.. " p 1 \\'ORl\Jr-;r, Couple, ch~ao It 11 111rt, 1v. 11.pl. ra is ed (nhrd-fr;i i!l('rl) dog wis~ l nr 2 hr. t;nlum hsfo. or apt. ln :'\'r1\['0rt Bt'ac.h .. C.M., tltg Bch. !Pi,,r. Nov. ll ; ~11 ;, (.l "Jl :11 12 ::nG ·I BR. 2 !,.., 2 ~TS. old. Blt·in1, l ..('n~r. S-'s:• lllnn!h DAVI S f:EAl.TY 642· TOO!! - I ' ' , ' ) . ' ' ) ' • " :I " ·- " > u s T • r D " > • I , • • d 1 •I. J., ll '· 00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------~-·-·-----··-· .. ----·-·---- 1.INTALS HMI"• Unfurnl1hH RINTAL~ Hou••• Unfurni11hed RENTALS Ap11. l'•rnltl.o<I Rl!NTALS Apts. UnfurnllhM RENTALS Apt>. Unlvrnl"'°" RIAL ESTATE Gtnt ral DAIL v n LeT -------- * * * 32.SO Cotta Meu 4100 1111 ... lallnd 4355 Coato -5250 Ito.ms h r lltent 5'95 Sl T~. 3 BR. Wxe yd. Sto\f' i BR unt., ff'fnf .• t:pt~ .. STI..JOJO Apt, crpt~: unl pd. four School Tt achtri 5100 Cerone d1I Mar ------- d•pd 1°~ I Qui nJ ., I i\I ERRL"d AC WOODS dr!)ti. Cf11Jd1·en OK. Bier. • · ......., mo. e1~ tt pen;on o Y· ,~r rv1ne Shatt ntw S. Baytront 4 Br, 1 R ~34-6980 Corbln-rttuun 67>1&12 &r 17th, $100. 6Q....O!i3S 3 Ba, btaut. dtc0ratf'd, f•Jl-An l!':.:cltlnr new conctpt In B rear houist-. Stove, luxurious apt. llvilli:-1·2 ttfria. A: ntw carpels. Slti. 2 BR, 11,i Ba Town-t BR. . homt "'/pool • 2 BR furn, Hdt pool, i ame 1a111\c bay view with i;and BR., J baths with EVERY 2 BR. 2 ba., j113t completf'd. boUR. l'ado. R I 0, ""/w, panoramic vlt-w: P r' v . rm. Adu.JU only, no pelJ. btach •I your door5ltp. $400 C\NCEIVABLE f"EATURE. CMp .• drapts. dish~her, d-•-B'-.. ,~ ~".," beacht&. Ag•ot 67l-""""' 646-M2~ rno. 67~7j bit •-· ·... ,.,-~ '~'' 1st Units avaUa ble Nov. ht. -uu. NORTH Tu~tln. lmmt die.lt $Th Bach. Rtfnz. !lot plate. 2 BR. 2 IJA a.pl . 100' trom Starung et $140, Adult11. 425 J BR. l ba. Brand ne'>I". B!tin poi;s. 4 Bi". 2't B1' 2·100 IQ. Huntington Beach 3400 Utll pd. \\'on1an on I y . beach. $225 yearly lease. !llenmac \Vay (juit Eai t oI d l11h\\·asher, cpti;, drapes, ft, $3.'iO f)f'r ino. S.1~~8;)6 642-ID46 ,'~'~;..~;~"'='~~~~---2600 llarbor Blvd.) perlo. l BDR 2 hqths \11th family l BEDROO,\! lll"£t. ldtaJ for QUALITY 2 Br furn apl, no 673-6050 Don Franklin Rl tr . 673-1222 roon1 -arta new paint. bachelor. Pool. $1:1">. 1993 •·hildttn or pets. $200 mo ----------NEAR Ocekfl 2 Br. unlurn 3100 drape5, \\'/w crpts, prestige Church St. 5-18-96ll yrly. Ph. 673-6945 ORLEANS APTS /\pt. Bltn11. ~1v crpts & area clo.i;e to sc?°°ls. $250 DLX quiet attn.cl. 2 f!R. Im· JOAN IE'S lnt'l apt. ~nta.ls • <.Jrp~. No pe t1 or children, LAr.GE 2 BR plus den, 2-car ino. f«-fs. 846-J57J maC", adults, no pet~. yd . &:. awap!!. Hardesty Real $200 mo. 117~ or 673-1841 :arai;"e. pool, large f•nced 3 Bk. 3 Ba condo. 1r11.ttrfront cart>, Privacy. $16J. 67>-4&9 Estatt. 675-2&66 3 BR avatl. AdUlts only. 1'1n. Ca ~ty. Ag-t . yll.td. Trre·llned s Ir e r I . Hunt. Harbor \\ith 32' 11l!p.,/z===="='===='= 1741 Tu sli l1, Costa l'>!eKll LARGE 21 ~ BR + 2 baths, \\"•stclill shoppin.:. 4 9 l 1ennls cotu1 t. pool ~00 mo. !'llir. r.irs. Carson, 64.2-46.f.1 blk to ~ach, bltin ~love k Flo11rr SL l'.22:. ( 2 l 3 ) lease 84G-2z:?j Newport Beech 4200 Huntington &each 4400 dls!l\vhr, cpts J d11>s. No :i74--ti301 lsfiiB~s::-. 2,1s.;a:-,i1r;;,~"'·~"~'~""~'~';,;; .. :, 11 __ :________ pf'tli. $2:5 1'10 yrly. 310~~ -I BEDROOj\1 unfurru~hM . & drps, ne11r school &, '.':e\\-l'll:'l'I. Beach QU IET & BEAUTIFUL f , Tri~. 67~~9 Suiltins, ln.111 lrttS, cUl dt ocean. OR 3-I!n or ('V('S GRAND OPENING 2 BR, pool, util pd , S200 mo. airway Villa Apts J BR . 2 Ba. laundry room, sac 101. .\2.iO per mo. Ll 8-tl20i, IMMEDIATE AdultJ only, No peti;, 17676 bl tns, dish.,.,'aihtr, nt 11• shat: ~n~lurl1ng .:;a.rdcner phont l BR dtn, z Ba. crpts, OCCUPANCY I =C=•=m=•=ro="=·='"'='·="="=··===~ I Nl!'ar Or11.n1:e Co Airport A crplJ, no pets, prtt cpl. SLEEPING nn11 $30 ""'k. l BR w/kilehf'nette $45 \\'k. Htated pool. Mald u rvice, 450 Vicloria , nr Harbor . BACHELOR'S Roo1TI. $60. nio. Incl utU. no cooktnr . A\all now. ~Tan on I y 61l-J l~8 ROOJ\.t for 11·orkinl' man "ith or 11·ithoul cookin11: Priv'1. Nice loc1tion. fi..12-03..'>fi SLEEPING roo1n tor nian, pvt home & entr. By mo. only $35. 15'13 Oranre. Cf\1. sc:, \VK & up 11•/ kitchr-;n. $30. \l'k studln apt. 2376 Nev.-port Blvd. 548-9755. NICE clean room f o r employf'd man. Costa f\leu . 6-12-7920 PRIVATE EntTlJlce nr ba.th. J\1f'n only. $j0 J)fr mo. Call brlore noon 5-tS-3696 Whaddy1 Wint? Wh1ddye Ciat? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPt•s Sptclal Rate S Lines -5 tim•• -S .. uclca lt l,ILES -....0 MUST INCLUOE 1-w,..t """ n••• to ,,..,,._ -~_. 1'0• ... .., t" ,,,.., ... YOUlt PMI~• t n-e1or tOO,.I.. ......, llnot mt •••IM<1ln._ ._NOTl'llNG FOlt 5A.l li! -Tlt•Dl!!S OHL'l'I PHONE 642-5671 Te P l1ce Your Tr1der'1 P1radlM Ail 5'1.>---18·19 drps, frnced yd, cloSI" tn Lit-.;ury eardrn apartments UCJ. Adcl1s only. 20122 ,~l~'-'>~--'-'""'~'-"----- ON Back Bay 3 Br mod. 5Chools &: beach. .S21J. o!frring complf'tf' privat'Y. Orange Cou11ty 4600 Sant.a Ana A\·t. ~0-7796 COROLIDO Apt11. 2 BT Motels. Trlr. Crti. 5997 home. Ne•1 ly painttd, crpl!i. 847-4036 bP.Etuliful landscaping & un-~tudlos. somt \1'/trplcs. S180 500 &q. t1 . .-a bin on 2•; arrcs 1n Yut'ca Valley. 32100 rqty, \\'attr l:. t lt c., butane 1a11k. Tn de tor f'&r, boa.I. aJly- thlni of value. 6-12-4446 Lake Jsalxlla, 6 unfurn '.! BR rentals; s~s.coo f"P, 135.000 cq. \\'ant : Coau &J 1.rea ho111e or Condo. Own .. ~r (n~l :ij6-2'677 "69 Dull(' Bu:a, P1nc-ak~ r n.:. Ytllow body, no .... ·ered high IOfl. "1al $22Cl'.l. Tnd.: tor '67 or '68 El Carntno or r.an1·ht 1.., Aft 4, 67'S412:J a~k lor John -ro-,-,.,.-.,-,ousr.=~,~.-,_-2~1 M . Beaut. appt"d. Priv. pa!io. pool: nr'hay, Val. S32.51le. Eq1y roi· T.D .. <.-'ar. r 1UT1perl or '?? 01l'ntr 646-6654 !<tovt"'. RPsp. ptl'ITI. adults. 2 BR duple:'\. $120. Nr. Hn\g paralleled rtcl"'t&flonal facil-SINGLE adUIL,, J1Lxury i llr· NE\\' 2 BR. 1 BA, i;h11i:: a·pt. & up. Also pe-nthouse $2'20. \VEEKLY rates Sf'll Lark Yard n1ainlainf'd . SHIJ. 2485 lnltrComm. H 0 11 fl i 1 a 1 . hies ln a rounuy club a!· den apts, ""'/full r~creation Drps, dishy,·hsr, patio, bt11.m Pool & patioa. 673--3378 t.lotel, 2301 Ntwport Blvd., Tustin Ave. No pets. 962•827~ afl 6 pm \l'krlys. n~o~phert. Now leasin( in facilities & romple1e pri· ttiling, frpl r. gar. Adults, 1 BR unf. Alt utll pcl. Stovf', l~C~o~'~"~";':~~===== 0 f\ie1''""rt Beac'i vacy. South B11y C1ub Apts. no ptls. $16:1. 26ao Eldrn, 1 · d 11~ $10~$120 LDER l BR. 1 4 BR To.,.,·nhouse Near hf>a<"h I": • . 277 ::-. Brookhursl, ,\na-rt r1c, cpts, rps. ...., mo. Adult. Nf'w l\'f\I', rllng,, 2 pools, clubho~~P. LEASE-Furnished or unfurnished "" !;;7·0062 after 7 pm &· Sun. r.latutt adult. 67;>..5359 Gue1t Homes 5991 __ ....:..;.;c rerr1~ .. drps, P11110, garege. :l3&-li97 . r.todels opco 9 am to 9 pm heim CTI41 7Tl-4500 $160. :1 BR, trp!c, p11 !lo, r-;0 pe ts. :.1&-1098 · R.en!s from .$155 10 $310. rrptd, dqKI, garagt, 1.dul!~. UNF"U RN or partly furn 1 PRIVATE room in hcensrd Cabin Cruiset· sedll.II ll.6 Tieters. Chi")"•ler n 0 ya l •ni ·· solid le turn kty N"ady. rr111de tor late modtl Carl, ;am per. mob ile home or ~ )62-9677 ~\l;irhl" 1ablt , 8 rhair~'. hut.\ fr1 , stort <."Ounter. hirrit yf' n1aplc rltt~.wr, surfboard. J \\"ant rerria. or elec. rlove or ~ :J.16-1!!90 ~~------~. 3 BR. 11; BA. bllins. rrpts. OAKWOOD Garden Grove 4610 •1g9 o 1 c r.1 711 54S--S;;OI 3 Br, rrpts, drps, blt-1ns, drp•. 1220 ""'r mo. JO':'~<> ------• g e, · · ' : Br. i;:a raae apt. board k care hon1e lnr •• ~ Sl"GLC Ad I f or 2ll: 597.5227 • 67:>1118 *" tl dl!'rl y :f'nt1 r-m e n. Mar So. CoBst Pl1Ua. S250 Kukui Dr, H.B. 962·3610. GARDEN '' "' u 1 1 ... ll.\ury mo. lt>a~e. ~-.4G-57f19 Eil1'1en 1.p1s 11• 1th coun-OCEAN 8 1-el!'ze Apts: Lt e 3 LARGE 2 Br eastside, p8tio Huntingto n APARTMENTS l.ry l'lub a nitosphere and BR, l ~f. BA . bltins, crpts, Ii: enclosed garg. s140. Hirbour 3405 1700 Sth Strt-et con1plete privacy. SOUTH drps, no pf'ts. 2 i-hlldren OK. l----------~5-2655 -~-::-~T~l4~'~""'='~::.:_:l1~0~~-BAY CLUB APTS 13100 $1 60. n1o. 5-15-3215 2 BEOROO~t ::? bath, cpl$, _ 3 + STIJOY Sharp. Uase Chari n1an Ave., G a r d en 2 BR ap!. blt lns, crpts & dl'apes. buU t-lns. Best loca· $225-4 BR, 2 ,BA, bltns, <.Tp!s, "''i!h option" .$400 nionth. $30 WEEK & UP Grove (n4l 636-3030 drps. Gar. Adults, no pets. lion. l blk. to 5 Point slotts, fenced. \I a.!k lo iclUs. FOU R STAR R E ALT y l Br ' B B h '1 "d 227" Pomona. "''" 3164. $1 30 li p. t \trnished &. un· Lf'a.se. 54G--87J9. . . ' • r. ac . " Ill ser-L B h 4705 < ~ 83;>4422 Vh':e, TV & pool. agun1 eac SfUDIO _ 2 Br, new crpl~ lt lur nishtd. &12-78J,.J o r $225. l BR, fm nl'I, 2 811., THE BAYCLJFF E ux~ .. h A N d bl I I 842-8303. i701 E!l ~s. Apt . D. hi! f 1 Chlldre o K F · y II l D L Lo c . pt.. o. rps, tns. carpor • poo . ns. rp r. n · · ount11n 1 •Y 410 N ,_, ""d •· ,-,·v ""~ No "hild •••• "10. '"" ""96 LA RG£ :: BR. 2 Ba., Broker 645--0111 4:>.l . Nl'"ll!JIOrt Bl vd. '"" •" ... ·• ' · '·"" ·• ... .... .....,.....,., 646-3265 deck, \'\\'-· 1 blk bch. & $l30 2 BR upper. bltru;, crpli , fireplace $1!.~ mo. Al so new •COTTAGE. 1 Br. all util BEAUTIFUL 2 Story 3 ""'"'"'c'"'"',...c:-:c=;:.-~-shop., Adult, Sl45 mo. d no,,.,, ~·IV \\'U··~" l BR $125. !\tar OctVI, pri. pd. Re!rig. ri;love $140. No btdroom 2 bath home. Ex· :_. ' LE Adu l I s Luxury 494-9982. rps, · '""° · ........ deck. i •r. 2028 l 4t h pets. 545-6294, 540--2~-ct ll t nl •~•-Near r;chool. garden arts 1\1Lh ('Oun-St. a4~r-0760 536--1319, 6i3-17M LEASE "'/opt to buy. Home $725/month. I year lease. ll"y ~lub atmosphere a nd 2 BR. 2 b11 lnxury furn apl. 7 BR, cpts, drps. bltns. Util 2 Bedroo1TI, 2 bath, cpts, _. . E A-'· \"" •-t. 8,1_-::;19 0 ,. compete privary. SOUTii Pool, Mach, .$300 mo. pd. Sl:'!J. Adults. no pets d 1 ill B 1 "'/sml rent.., 1n rear. -~., '" ni • _, • BA y CLUB APTS . Sterling Really 494-7529 rapes, JU -ins. !st oca. "d -1 hi nol" 646-210-53&-4j58 •• t 1v1ne at I' • -5"1~7677, 968-1740 lion. l blk lo ._ Point >lo·••. ll t . 40 ag 111.. ..> 16th. J\'e11·1X>rl Btarh. 608 1\1. Coast ~1\·r ...... i;: Bch '"' • ~ F: ( l BR, 1•-/w, drps, i;ill", pool. $140. up. Furrushed & un-Sl ~. 2 8~·.1~'eience~ Yd0 K· 2200 SQ fl 3 BR 2 baths, 7141 64:)...-0.jj(J Dini Point 4740 Ulil pd, adults. no pets. furnishtd 6 4 2·:.!8:;5 or i i e. ~ pe . l&rre upstairs bonus room. \\'ATERFRONT, New p I . $12>-SJ:':iO 548--0336 842-8303 7701 EUi~ Apt D Broktr 64>-0l ll \Valk to Element=rv & Hi Island. Beaut. l0"e. dupl.,, I BR w/pool. Ltase. No 1163 JS9 -~ h Sll5 Pt r mo. 2 BR. l sn1&1l * BEACH BLUFF * 2 BR house. mo. School Fan1ilir5 on I y "·ct ar, lnrlry, ga~. boat ch1ld~n. Sl j,j. child 01{. No ptts. Blt·ins, Nf'W 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA. f nrc- Rochester St.. Cf\t. SZ75/mo. Ag! 5-16--11 41 d Qi-k -\\'inttr or longer. *" 499.20JJ * crpl<, clcps. 538-!H62. Aft 5. _.. · d h "-· Adults, no pets. 673-7861 or L'U air, & 1~·s"'"· p1 Uo, Mesa Verde 3110 Santa Ana Helght1 3630 18031 6!17-8384 RENTALS l BR '1'/w crpts, dT"f>S, bltns. pool, ''ie11" l & 2 i;tory. Apts.. Unfyr1;1lshed 1-2 chUdttn ok $135 mo. Nr \Val k to 5 Point Shops. 11'!r.1ACULATE 3 BR 2 BA EXEC. home 5 BR. 3 Ba. B E AU TI F' U L L Y furn. schls. 962-305:! 847-3957 ' •mtly room, 2 lire.pla~s: Cpts, d1jJs .. f'lec. blt-ln~. ISpani.s hl 2 BDR apt nf'ar General 5000 NEW LUXURY I & 2 BR Ho· g H°'pltal s h I 2 BR, S1ove, Crpts, drps. d'.'h""R'. ho•, -. vered patio. Sl&l Incl. gardtner 546-6740 11 -'u · eue ~·• PATIOS • BA" ~NIES l,_50 " m"' 0 _' eai'·" 1 lo• , __ /z==='======o/ $195 mo. Jnri. 4201 Hilaria frplc. dlshwhr, d!!po....... · "" ...... v ' " \V 642 38. VENDOME Adul!.11. no pPts. !\.o\.">-2181 ADU LT L;VlNG pninlment. 847-7004. Laguna Be1ch 3705 ay. --4 " SURF'SIDE CHALET "==='=======-/;--~:-.:--::::-::::::.=::::: $125, I BR clean, quir t, beaut 2 BR. $135 mo. Crrts. dl"fl6. 8262 Atla.nta, ~2800 N B 3200 I BR -r-sep_ !'Jeeping rm, I u r n . N r n111 r k e 1 _ l;\P.llACULATE APTS: r11ngt. pri\"ate patio. Also 2 l;;;"w;;;;po;;;;cl;;;;;";;;;c;h;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I crpls, drps, t1:ruout. 1 Frplc, \\"asher/rlryer, g 11. r a Ii: e . ADULT & F Af\llLY BR furn. 613-71 78. PDNTAl..BA G r a c 1 o us l• range · rrlri~. \\alk lo Prrler older y,·oman. 1922 B SECTIONS AVATLABLE l BR. i;:ara;i:t. applianC'!il. secluded living. :i.tra. larcf' l • /. h!'a('h !.· 5hops $165 nio. incl \\"allace Close to ahoppin11, Parle Q · d It Br, frplc, clostd a:ari. .._. ~=~~~-~~-~ • Crpts, drps. u1rt a u s. Adult~ $l:l0. 962•1446 TO\\'NHOUSE urn. 6"il-4982, .; 12.J. _ 1-BR 1, .. BA 1.:umpl !urn 30. *" Spacious 3 Br 'i , 2 Ba $125. 2~9 Orangr. :>48--1'.:60 Adul1s only. 2 B<lnns .. ~ 2 BR unfurn. Lovely view. trlr. laund./shllT rm. Ulil • 2 Bedrooms 2 BR, <'ncloscd P a t io , bath.~. Splil-)e\·tl, A\·aLI. Oct. ll;~rth f'nd. Aduhs. 1 child. pd $8:l nio. f;in~lr per. Priv •$\vim Pool, Pul/irt'f'n Newport Be1ch 5200 I 11·a..,hing lacil. Adults only. lJlh, ~275 Prr f\lonth . $2ZIO n10. heh-Bayshort Pk. 5..1.~3$63 * Frpl. lndivllndry fae"is "'E\VPORT BEACH Villa I~·="~''=·~"'~'~""-'~'~~~--la & Beach Strrli~i:; Rea,lty • ~'.\.l-2."i79 RENTALS 1845 Anaheim Ave. ,, STUDIO Apt, l BR. 2 BA, •l l I I 608 N. Coas Hwy . ._.i: Bch PROPERTIES \\'EST COSTA ?.IESA 642·2824 Apt. Exclusive sert1on, tux-bf'ach. Adu.Its. 21!1 Lllh St. ea ty, nc. ury Livini:;: larie htated No. 7. HB :I01 Dovrr Dr .. NB Sui!e 126 Condominium 3950 67:>-1641 • RENT e pool, Penthousr. v ; r 1v _ 645-20)) £\·ts ::>IS-6966 $137.50 BACHELOR 11.pt. utll f;pac1ous l BR, 2 BA, v.·et LARGE l bdrm Condo. Shag pd. Crpts, drps, bltini, pool. l Rooms Furniture bar. irplr. R.ll elf'r. C!'lll!'(, C H ,\ R f.-11 NG Oceanfronl rp!s, dishwa!her, drp11. 11.J 1575 P l;,.Cf'nlia . $25 & UP <lrris. Adults. no pct!. ~375 home. :; BR, ~p11c l1v rm h3th. Patio. gar. 968-76:?2 mo. \\"estcllfr Villas, No. 8. ,,, 11 " Pi". Roomy kit /==========/LARGJ:: I-Br. <1pts., nicely J\fonth-To-l\lon ih Rentals p 01,_2,96 1 1 ., , ,_ turn :"\r. bay. $140-$150 \\'[DE: ~ELECTJON hone v ., or app . 2 BR. childrt'n t:. pet ok. Cfllts. d rp~. l"lllngc, ear. SU:J. mo, 96"1-7637 2 Br duplex. carpets. drapes. i,:lfJ\'r & rcfrii . Sl:!Zl mo . J36-.J963 .,.,·/bllins. Avocado • h 11. i;: Mission Viejo 3708 fii.->-iBit; or 40)4.gij:l llf'RC FurnHure Rentals DELUXE:! &. l BR <l·PLEX crpt ! hr u o u t. P1tio PTS 1180 1220 2 BR •· 1 D w/cab8na . Jdtal loc, nr Bt:AUTfFUL v [I! w. al· DU PLE X 517 \V . 19th. Gf $-IS.34Sl A . 10 mo. · Uniurtl ap . rps, crpt, · I Id " I A du I ts -i\ltditerr&nl!'an b!tlns. Ltia sr. achJs. $350 mo/yrly. {21JJ 1r11c!1\'c yr o -BR, '-· . ., $1 3-l. 7 BR ~-pi t ..... R/0, p k L'.. ~,~ .-1, 698-3627 BA. Frplc. bltin bookcases, 2 Br near bay. 6o .. -688n \\'/\\'. drps, Singles O.K. Vill.1gr-; (llf'hind iar iuO /-===*=~==·='='===; f II I, d tt •O TRA l'ER f d I 1. Blrlg lfosr1taJl 4l j() Pa1rice IT U' 1 • u y cTp '" nis .... ~~ mo. .... ~rn. a u I p11.r... Bkr 53-l-ti980 ,~ DEJ.JGJ F ... \\'altr ront ., lse .-237'/1 Calli! Hagar. Pool, \1"a!f'r !.:. i::as pa id. ------~----~R~rl~.,~N~'B~-~·~1'~·~1~::.:.7 __ _ " B1:·. 3 BA . J>0051 l, tf'n 1 nis ... c~h1· Shown by appt nnly. Cilll Sf'nior citizen. .$100 n10. SAl'1l. ,2 11B1R3 · a'ro"k·A~~~!~ n °11K1'· BACHELOH. apt, cmployf'd T --"-'_11_" __ _ • iJ mo. ' eps o '"' · 837~937. 5-1!}-()l·lll or 646-1 14:; ''11 ' r• .,.,........., 11dul! only . .$7.i. 1216 \V. THE ASPENS 5640 8,13--6106 or 644-2838 AJ t 5 ~~~~~-----•~~--------RB.lbo.! Bh·d. 6 7 ~'. 1 ! 7 6. pm. RENTALS 7 Br. furn . v\e1v ocea n "-bay. Cotta M91a S 100 1 ~i6J2 V.'Wiam St. "ARBOR Higha.nds 3 BR. 2 Apt1. FurTiiahed Ut1l. paid. g/l.rg. 182.> &.!boa ----------4~-9t~i,} Tuslln's prt'slia-e addrf'!~s ,--. B'vrl. $16;1 00.~179J NEVER 2 BR, 2 BA, CID. patio. Adult living. no pt-ls BA. crpl!<, drps. bHins, 1n-General 4000110~=.C.C-.'=-OC,,,-'---lrplc, dlsh'<'·hr-Nr \\"estcll!.r .'ihai: Cllrfl"'ls f11!'lt O.K., no pe!11. l.e11~f'-· ~BE A t\fROJ\Tl-l,\l!!racll\c-Plz. 166.l I rv In e_ $200. Total ti ir cond:tioninl' .S'.?90 mo. 111cl g(lrdel')('r_ T he GORGEOUS J\e\v • r, glll"ll)':t", ul urn. BEFORE Arlulls~ For Appt 642---02:19 Unlurnished a-18-66~0 or ~7·1346 VAL D'IS ERE * &i2.3129 • QCJ-:,\N f"'ROllt'T 1. '.!. I..· :: bd 2 BR 11pper, crpts, t:lrp!, Gymna<-iun1& l.: Sauna.~ ~BR, l BA To.,.,11hou.o;c . Pool. :::ingl-1 br-2 br. f-'Urn -unf. rn1' \\'INTER Rl::l'\TAL. h\·ed in. Br;ind nl'\\' 311\ ~1ovr k rrlrig. SlfiO )'rly. Ari1nm,.nt~ from Sl:fl rrrlc, rxtr11~. N t "" 1 y S.1u11i1. Act'y Am, Billia rd~ 673-8088 home~ Pr1v11!e pallo lh 1ng. -~6'=:>-~""8:::::_ ____ ~~ For in[orm.!tion ~5-6687 rlccora1ed. $2ij. A E e n I Thrrapy /,,. 45· pool, BBQ• '========== 1'\"ar i).,11,,..h k s!'IOn.pw. All SllO. BRAND Nk:IV! .1 '" ,-" 4 BR, 1'3 BA, i11ud10. l b1k 64~13"2 n~ •· B 1 :?fJOO Parsons Rd. &i7-R6i0 N•wport Hgt•. 4210 \\" ..... ("al")K'UJ\6, drapes, pri· IMnl beacti. \"ear!y. Call SP\ ~'."'',sHBEDVRILOOLA,_c,,_: r:?'i:.i YRLY lse. ""'c..: ay. " 3 BDROOl\t 1' 1th vie"''· SljO --1·att J1v1n~ 6~~2'~;,,.J " • BR. J!' BA. 1600 sq 11 , no rir mo. l.ease. Near new + C\e;i.n 1 or 2 BR T •:; BP.-2 BA-lrplr,, plu!> ;-.:::_:c:,:_~=~~ 15 Air 1·onrl . rane\led v.·all~. IZ"! llrtd BFIO. Open bt:am ctil· 1n;.~. Pn\'11Ce patios & balcon1Ps f)('I S. rtls requil't'd &.13-3-110 f'lvic ct'n!tr. \\'alk ( o Adults. no pc!". 2.4~1 F.. \61h e 7 BR·:? B,\-pa tlo~ YRLY 2 BR Sl?;, 4 BR S2 · • I B• \ BI I I I Crpt~. rlrp~. &lo1·e k rttrla. 3 •s. 2 911 _ A-rrame. Nrar Ca.thol1c st hooL rho n t' ~'. 3J3j 1110, 11p. 616-1~01 r.· , -<" IL\r si ng" o C . A t H N'I pt1~. 645--:.soo beach. Yrly l<-r. $~7j n10. ~A6-S640 Ba<k Boy 4240 · ors1ca n p . omes '· BR. 2 BA, lge. SJ7j. Lt;u;e. V!LLA VJ (;-;"TO '.':·l'.i \\'. l~t . Tustin ~38-9;>:;0 CllY"-"ood Riiy 5-IS-1790. $12i. LGE I Er. dishwa.!.her,,I ----'-------SUNFLO\\'l:".R 11\"E . No pels $2;) YRLY 1st , s8ck Bay, 3 iar, drt"k . Priva!r. Broker REALLY QUIET.CLEAl'-i 2 Bh1n S )J al11 & Bristol " 6~~-449, " BR. l·'i BA. HiOO sq It. nn 5:>.4--6980 Br. l '"..! Ba. Pool, 11-dulls t.o .. :atffi ·~ rn\Jc I::. QI ~uth pct&, refs required 833·3•131). Sllll. NEi\T bllch a pt. \\' lk SlOO. 2;;10 511111;1 A 11 a CJa.i! Pll'lt<t $-111)pp111g Ct:nler ====='=====j to hcach & ~hoppina;. B~.1 ~6-l=''='='!l~=''====== Call 54~l973 N I H • ... , 3210 ~•c:.nl\I 1--· / :.:.:•w;:s:po;:c.:• _·ccc';_,'9'-'--'---1 <n....-v Coron• del Mir 4250 OCEAN k OOy view. 2 Bdrm. $155. 2 BR, clo~ lo oce11n. , Cpts., drps. GR rage. Adults EllCJ'd gM. Av;ul TIO\\'. Bkr 1 Br furn. near ghop g. $1~~ onl y. Sl7J month. 534-6980 mo. 602 llehotrofll!'. &t2--32!i.i Graha m Riiy. 646-2414 or 673-711 1 Ne11r Ne.,.,,,ort Po~t Ofl lcc Coat• Meu 4100 1'c~O~R~O~L~1~oo=~A-,~~-,~B~,-,7tu-,~,, $30 00 Wk U '"'"-1210. 2 • 3 BR UNITS University P•rk 3237 • • P 673-3.~7K all with fin!places, ----• ~tudlo k . 1 Br Apt!;. "1 BR. '.! Ba. nc11r ocean, pool dishw11.Sher11 &: l bat~. Lta ~t : 3 Br. 212 b a · •Kitchen k TV incl. k clubhoulit' P.t'ntal !ltanarcr - to1\nhouse. Nr. school. SlOO e Phone Sl!'rvice & Pool 642-2878 f\fr:s. Oiristtensen H a rbor H•lghta Four CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING mo. • !ltaid .wrvice avail. 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. 1 BR. 21 z ba. :..lnt loc. SJjQ e Dll~', wttk & J\lonth COZY 2 Br., ~\. Ground New port H gt•. L1gun• Nlgu•I 5210 5707 ~~!ALL 2 Br uppf'r. 2'JO:J Broad. U!ll p11 1d. '100 mo. Su\l ;\b1r for older couple. ~~·S!l-1.'i 4 SDR., 3 bf\ . centr&I 1·ac., llweep lighting, Sl2~ a n1on!h. \\'atrr paid. 31741 111le floya l Drivf'. 4!16-1879 Dan• Point 5740 E11t Bluff 5242 --"--------DELUXE 2 BR. 2 BA , ocran e NEW DELUXE e view. Htri J'IOOI. Lease. Rtl!i. , Br. 21; ba apl. for lta!lf: S165. 49S-205:i Jncl. spac. ma~tr. 11uHe. din REAL ISl A·rt: i-m. & dbl. attra.&"t. auto. Goneral door opentr av11.il. Pool i rec, ans. Nr. Calhollc Rtntal1 W•ntH 0 1urch. Adulta. M ptls. 5990 Amublatory only. 54S-:i223 5999 2 Bdr., r.-.;. cond., Vl•11', choice art11. 11unny pallo, ni\n. yd. main. $275 YT-lse. 4!H-1401 WANTE D in1mtd .• aaru:e for stor1ae; N'pt., CdM or Co&ta ?-.1tu 11.rea. 67~96 Storage rarait l~j :O' :;: 25' x 10' hiii;h Schwortr 673--26~ GARAGES -10:;:2()...l0ll:15. Sl:l t: S20 mo. N!!ar OC airport, Pal1sar!t ll Rd. :J.1S-::.044 Income Propertv 6000 Cocoa, Florida 3 BR hou~e .. elliclency 11pt ·+ pool & /rplc. S71.500. )1 ~';'a FHA. '900) t<t. \Vill trade up for H.B. homr. Rltr. 89-NJll Operating resr.ura.nt i21.soo Trade lor homt or TD!. 1-itr-incl. bldg. lg pavM C·~ lot & rqut p, Leon Vi bert Rltr. 548-0088 \\'UI tradt: Auton101iVe 1unf'·UP equipm t nl and J>"'\'- f'r tools for lapidary tqui~ rnent. 5-tl-20-I~ 3 BR. 3 BA. pfB__y_c_m-.-m-1. CORSICAN hon1e + ai:-tive income prnp., '\ "·· ""~ I!. p,.,. ninf Sprinf !. t:o1Tit for \o. HOME S cornf" prop. S32,fXlO tq. WITH INCOME =1514 \Vil] tradt four 1·11 nt w New dtlu.Xt-4-pltxt'!I. All bit-t"l~slont tirts 64~11:14 for inll. 1har ('rpl, drp1 At land. ou J>11.lnH111. portable T,V. scapi.ng. 71 ~% (Vlnual ratt ) nr anythina: ol pqual villuo!. loll rl:'l" avail. 4~!) Sta11·arc1 Rd.. Corona • 3 Brt-'.! BA-rrplr., plull drl J'\lar. Phone: 61:>-207'2. e ~ Bfl.-7 BA-pa1\og e l BR·1 BA-rleluxe iif'lll:lt r-' Cnlls~i· T\1·in D, &lltl) SUNFLO\.\·'ER AVf.. ·pilot. r11'llt-1200 n1i: rf'rent Bt,i·n ;-;_ i\111\n &. Btislo1 sur\'t,1• 341):-01, \\"ill con~id er Local Pd 1 ~ niile E. ot Sou th tl'1.1Sl dted or s1naller boiill • Coast Plaza Shopp1n;; Ctnter 0.1·otr fTI 41 729-3-MJO. C all 540-1973 llavl' homt ..L Jand -TO's, S90:'-! eqty _ IY1U1t ap1, mo. SALE OR EXCHANGE trl. airpiilllc, or ~~ Bkr: For Lar;:rr Un11s Box :16. San G1.br1t:I, Caill. ~ Beach arta. un\11 Clt3 \ 7M-46(6 Ad11.jactnt Dup!r ;1.e:; ~a&e lA.nd 43" r.11.une--...·1 '6.l delux.: 2 . :: Bedrooms . 2 Baths flying Bridae sedan . Tra'1e 2 _ 2 Btd1-roms . 7 Baths for smalltl' boat. •11"Jll11.nt , •U DOD car, house or ? ~SOJO -· 434 6.6 ~0 Tru~ Drf'ds A~sumable ;'~'~1 ;:.:~--~----- f"or S'.!.'JO Ftt. 80,000 + ~ ft cornn1. ionl' Gall 1\lr. Krac1en or rirope11y tn tlit h~art or !">Ir. ftfiU'-On Yuca ipa , \\'iU trlllt! eq!y Jnvr sfmen! Dept. lor Nt 11'PQn A/)L~ or ? 7 54'-2313 6iJ.2l+1 F"abulous Pott ntial ~ S ]31-l·lBA ate 13 i 160-316.i · PIT I alter 20~ dn, O\\'C Bus trnt;e !JO' \V 19th Vi~ta Shopplnl( Center l..o! V11I S6600'.I to 7 f'r S~9 :'II. l\lii:ht 1eJ1 !tparale. Both rtzoned C-1 11•/ 3 !\de pArking f'ntr11nce:~. Ly~le n .. aJ1y .l83 \\'. 19th. c .r.1. ~!-9t93 R-l lots PaJn1 Sprinl';;, rlra1·. I nt11.r tennis club S20,000. Othtr "1ndlesll area Slfl.CXXI. Trade for eqty 1n units or romm 'I. in C.J\.I. or N.B. Bkr. 64&-11+4 \\'ANT Costa f\Itsa. or \,'IC, HAVE So 1Akt> Tia~ ]()l Nevada !Wt & 30 At"rt1 o~·­ erlOoklng Lake 1\lath~1\"S Ot ar. Own-Ai !. 87::...fl.J.4 * * HAVE: Crui t ... i\les.! Cnm· mtl"C'ial $3~.()()(.l. Tft.ADE: Sl·l.OOJ t-qulty for 4 tG II u11!1s Oranat> County. Pt>rron Realty &42-1771 \\'At-'T: Photo studio f'qu\p. shooting &-proceaslnr. col. or &. B/\V. HAVE: Larae lot nr '.\larina, Salton Sta. Val. U(' $4300_ 536-7761 ~. Two lxt1·m units, C.:\1. 6!" ~j0" R·2 lot. Priced lo1v '' S:S.800. Trade for homt: roulty. Bob 01.~n ReilltOI'. ;,45-J,)SQ. I Havfl! llt'r ur1t1ta. rtal lnvt Jt. mrnt npporlunif)'. $40.000 1·.U. \\'ill trlldt all or pa.rl fo1· home, uni ts. T.0 ."1 or ? ': Chvller 6·16-8004. " :!, 150' lot11 h'art Of Palin ~rt. you can build 80 U, Sl.S.COO eq-u ity. For uni!1 Ot 1 comm"! N.B. or C.M. 1 o"·ntr 11j3.3!)4~ I Beaut. Sulek blut & 1vhHr. I Inboard 00 boat, f''lctl.1 cond. Trad" for pickup.I ramPtr or jeep up or down. 1''1"0n1 Jl400 ,·a!ue. 546-54."!9 ~· ,. 11cr1'~ Jfl!vrt. hlojavr Cou!'l ly lndustJ1al Ce nter. <'1rriort, raUroads, \\'&\tr, routt 66. 6 hn1 lrom L.A. \VIU !r11de for &ail boa!. Call 4~\-~3. Corona dt l 1'1ar _ :-iant pciol, 3 BR. 2 BA. lrplc, indr h-- b-<i. L1\•e in or pcrf !&r letiiinE". \Vant : Income In Riv. or S.B. Cnt)', 6T:>-7"9 1'flnk stole. cap. Arf\11 8 {11)1 Camcra, projfc1or. bi- n()("ula1-s, t&J)t ~cordtr. Fot V\~', vll.lu,. S::.00. 5-10.4088 or .J.16-~\.1;i Evt. \rill trad. Drapes 1v/v&Jlll('- e!, hot troty. rte. pl1y,. en- lry hall t'Onsole, ova.I l"lli· 1 '!"CQJ"Ci.~ Jor rood vacuun1 c.raner or B!ut Chip Stan1ps. :>46-158~ alter IP~! or wee-kends. \\'hat do you have lo trad• 1' Llit ll here -in OrVlle County'& lan;:e-sl Ntlld tnd· lng poll -aM make a dtl,L * * * --------------·-------- 9Q.U Fullerton, S~l-2;\I tQ . 1' $:.2\I ~pendahl... S 2 0 0 r-.t C:8~h. 10~. sHick rrqr[; 110111e prrpd_ 8 1.&' pol f'nt1a1. Ha l'e 11evrr11l I~ 8.· ~mlr 1nl"\ust t.: REAL UTATE I REAL ESTATE Oen•r•I •r1 ron1plrxes. Bkr/bldr ----------l----------&1-1-426.j o T 1 " '"'" "•"h, Office Ren ftl 6010 lndu1lri1I lltent•I 6090 w rip t.1.(1~, • n1.. .__ '" ___ ;,::_: ·---- :;ar.ig~s Co5!a ~1e~.1 Forl!n. Realtor £r1::.-:;ooo Bu1lne11 Prop•rfy 6050 SACR!f!CE: • 01•, ncr half rhani,:I'! of plot ns for dt luxe hid; ;i \ 18i0 Pl11<'ent1 a, C.:'11. t ~t T.D. $39.:)0(). As~un1e 6.6'"f.. ~o reA~onable offer refu~C'rl. Call 01<'ncr/broker 4!14-9-171 --. ---·-~ Bl•ck Kn lg~t Rest. l:lo f; 11th SI .• C ~1. {uiid £: BldE".l By Ch1·ntr 71'"1: W-6200 Full 5'~ comm to lill bkT~. -------·- LAGUNA BEACH A ir Cond itioned fJ,'-' FORF.:Sf AVb:-OliE DC'ik !ifHtrt ,Jl'.1ll,1hl1! ln ne11esf office h1.Jildlng 11( ririme locallon 1n downtown Lllguna St:ach. A lr condi· tlont d, carptted, btauuruI t ntrancrs: f 'ronta;i:t! on Forest Avr.., rea r !tads !o i\lunclp11.1 p.irkln: lots. $50 per mon th for ~ri11.ce. Desk 11.nd <'h111!r~ availa ble tor $5. Bll!iiM U hours anawerln1 11ervice 1vallablf! for :\10. AU u!ililiei; paid cxc.>epl tcltphont . DAILY PILOT 2'.!:l FOJ'l.EsT AVENUE • 1330 ~q It. Sl!S/month C'ostit ;'l-1esa • ~100 ~q It. ·1 111/1cf'~, 3 rihnst po11er. $ 3 1 O /m o . co~ta t\lcs11 • 17j() 10 1:1.000 i<q. 11 now lt:asin1r. (1n1.ltr oon~truc!ion C'l)!.t~ 1\le.5~ C. r:oJitrt l\"atlrCl!l'i Real!or Coi;ta o\lf'sa 642-1 ·1 ~~ 4!)00 SQ f1'. 3 olfict' & lob- by, mncr("!" lll t-up c:on- stn1c1ion: 240-three phaae pc11rcr. I m n1 td I a I e oc- cup11ncy. Cos\11 r.1caa. Nr N11-pt~S.D. tn1-y1. 0. C .\irpor1. ~'40--1$9:1 HUNTINGTON BEACH mo. fno l~ast'·1 2376 f'it.,.,'POrt Blvd ~9~ floor. Nr shopp1na. $180 Coit• Met• Rf'd HUI Plt:al ty 8l3---0820 EXTRA large &c.h-l BR &: Hal Pinchin Ii. Assoc, 67:J.4l92 ''""'!"'P~h~one"'!'!~-"."'!~1034!'!!~"'" e ONLY S24j e S65 Amlto! \V1y. N.8. lu1lnu1 lltentet 6060 REF'lNED g e n t I e m a n :::==:::..::'.::::;.::;_ _ _::.:; LAGUNA BEACH :KllO ~·q Ft Jndu~tri.t.1 ~pa<'t ~!»-g-466 Hu 3400 sq ll, air c.und ltion- 2 BR, 2 SA. Avail now lr BACHELOR 1 pt lor n!llL SSS Coren• dol Mor 3250 "'°"· Pool, util pd, from P'' mo. ;.,.,J "11· HARBOR GR££NS S105. AdUlts, no pet 1 , • 673-1130 • DELUXE l BR. 2 eA. [ncl gar. 7~2 Amigoa Y.'a;y. $335. pt-r mo. 675--56ll ~n1loner \\'anls h o m t y room or 11hue apt. Have car. P. 0. Box T12, Santa ON THE IAY S~tALL Offi~c unit-a.Imo&! e'CI ottlcts. LUXURIOUS 1600 sq. fl. off· 300 $q. ft. Carpt>ll!-utllilics $15-10 per mon1h. ice 11·/ bltn \\'t l bRr, hy riald. Short tcrni lea~e 01'. R. D. Sia.IP~ Ar.ti. a.16-&Soi Coa1l ll1vy. l960 mo · 2 )'f'&r Grtal locallon Ill d j 11. c" n t EXCELLENT prolit maki111: Ul'HJSUAL Large h o u i e, "'alk lo &chool, be:ach, 11hop- ph1g. 4 BR. farn m 1, lge yd. 711 Jasmine. CdM. $350 mo. Av1U Oct. l$th. ( 7 14 ) i\.'7·1483 CAll-IE:O !'HORES 548-2407 I BR furo 11pt. with eara:. 2 SHARP 2 iR PfOple ok. Sl60. 67~ or 2'164 M11ple by Wllwn. ~'~'~3-~9090='=~-----f\lodern Jurnlt urt. Pool, BACHELOR apt, 11\a.1 cptJ, No pets. S155 month. drpa:, util pd . S120 t.1gr. Longtin • '*"'974 * 67:).-09.'",4 .ft ~ Br .r._ convt den. 3 Bath1, /\VAIL. Oct 1S. 1 Bft. new, vie~. Leaite or lt•M!/Of!• beau!. furn. $1-lS. Couple, no B1lbN 4300 lion. St;Q mo. Bo:;: 4001 . NB children, l10 pe:l!, 10 uslat BEAUTIFUL Bay vie11•. 2 ~2Ei64 mfr. 1'1':fST qualify. 220 Br. $200 ulll paid. Be1ch, •2 BR. 2 Bii . Cholrc loc. Eldl!'n. M.:i-l2;il plf'r, park!n1. Adult!!. :m Arlulll. winter $750 mo or BEAUTIFUU.Y FURN E.Ed1e"'aler. (714) 171-2161 ,.,.. l!!t ( P a • 1 d • n a l 2 BR. Pool. Adult&. no pet,.;. CLEAN Bachelor Apt1 79s-400;, $155. 7112 Map1t SI., Apt. A, All ulll t!'ICI S8l up • 1 BR. 1tove, "trii. pr. :l4Ul57 or M2-9520 31~ E. Balboa Blvd. SJ.65 mo-yrly IH. 61~7225 SUD. Furn. l BR apt. UW. pd 9AL80A 6T3--9MS Rlddlf' I. Roe-1 fltallonl -. Qu ltt -Adults l9SS 2 BR, nr beaches 4t pltt. UiU ~ E. Coa11 H11'Y. Cdt.f Pomona. C:.f 548-01'3 pd. f50 a wtek. 531--3!jtt or Ci'fAFtf\fJflliG 2 Bit, l BA. 2 Br. Mated flbOI. no 61>-MlO Crpt1, dJTttl. No pf'll. rier.. T.l65 ~~ Or. oo::==A7N~r...~-,.~.~1~~~2~1~R-,~,-,. SISj mo. (411 f 1>77M i.,pt1, Wlnlt r. 507 !:. klboa Nt \\"LY df'COl'ated 2 fl,'1. 1 Br. furn apt for Sachf'lot Blvd. 673-6880 Bier. hou1e. Cf'Jlls. drpi, aar . SliO m11n tJ /35-only, $125 utll pd. PLANNING to movf'~ You'U mo. 4"4-n,Q or 494-97~ 1!171 Church St. IWS-2093 fll'ld an •.mazln1t numbtr &f 4 !FL 2\J B11 . dup1t x. 2200 SUI CASITAS tiom,1 In today"1 Clt"lflf'd Sq. ft . Bllna. dl1hwa!htr. f\lm 1 Bit apt. ~110 Nt111t0rt Ads. Ch~ck l~m now. rrpl, S300 Mo. l!Aff. 5'11)-7513 81V'1, t-.ftd1U!on by Hotpolnt. SOCK rr TO 'Et.I! Ao• BACHELOR un.furn I r om SUO. Alto avail 1 .. 2 '= l Coron• del Mer 5250 Bdrm, He•t•d pools. child ::.:c,.:;.:.;_c..... ____ _ e LANDLORDS e FREE P.ENTAL SERVICE Broker 53U982 leasr. 675-712j Ruben's, Orange County plan !or club~. chu r c h Rlrldle &. Ros11 Rtaltors a i r p 0 r t area. Phone groups, org1nlz11.tions •nd ca~ a!nt.u, •<O to ehoppin&. NIWLY COMPLITID RENTAL SERVICE FREE T() LANDLORDS lS.1:J E. CoR.~f H11")'. Cdi\f \l'eekdayl'!, 9--;i. 540-2.WJ !hr individual. Double ynllr FOR lease -delu.i.:' pro-DELUXE 3 room office iulte money. \\'rite or phone now !t~sional hldg. Only S450 ptt in Corona del i\far, Pre~tlge for lrer . r.omplete inlor1TI~· n10. Sul!ablt for m11 ny u~l'l. locll!lon, J~IJ'ltUed , n ~ w tion. Compub, 10.JB E. 1~1 St. 18j0 P111.centla, C.1\1. Cllll C!l.11X'ts k drapfl!!, priva te Suhr 2ro. f7141 836-6955. ownt r 494-9-ITI pru•klng. ReaJonomics Corp. TRAILER l\lfg. l>f'.lup on JI ~ No pets. DUPLIX TtOO Pt lf'r11>n \Vay 2 BR. 2 hR . 1$2.'IOl or 3 BR. .ft Bluf' Beacon ~0111 * UNrUR llpl or lfTilall hou!e I or 2 BR.,, garage " 300 111 n or morf' clean room lor •~~mbly or 1matl modela. IVU I pa.Int inside, 540.1793 Cos1A Mtsa '546-0370 :'I ba (137ll. Priv. pa.1.1011, MARTINl"'UE l'OV. o•n<n . ct>l'd., '""'· ""' comp. bil·in~. Best loc. GARDEN Am. 1o;. 101 o""" CO;\l~IERCIAL bltl~ .• prime '7Hi00 fenced acre11. 10.!'MXI aq It .J. loc11!!on, do1vnto1\'n C.r.t. 7~1· Ot"t'ICES 4000' dock. Rf' d I a n 11 ·' [ll:cellenl, park·llke 1Urround. _.,~-67MtP 0 1ngs for adll.lta only. Nt:ar -~ • ahopplnc. Pool. -a.a I, 2 I. 3 BR APT'S tn7 Santa Ana, Apt 113 648-5M2 or 642-1*5 •-rri• fer Rent tronta:it. S300 mo. :>48--3403 11re11-6c fl. Sch w o r r..' necrp!ion·Al'ls\1erini $?3--2'65-I STORE for least, l~ 1q. ft. Sttrrt11rial Oceanfront at Newport Pier. ;j45 NeWpOrt Blvd., N.B. 500 SQ. F f. BLDG. '"5 NEW 2 BR. $135. Bltm, patio. far. Adult.I on!y. no f'tll 160G 2ht St. 548-n:n $%75. 3 Br + &Uf'll h11. Pool, bltnfl;, w/w, drps. r11.mtly ' 1ml ptl 0.1(, Bier 53+.69180 AVAIL.ABLE "°"" 2 BOl\i"\f, Cfl\111, drpa, blttns. carport. Adults. No J>ftli. ~TQl bLX l1 2 Bfl. l\~ !IA trlplex. F"tplc. ha! t.w rythtnc. 22Ja Miner. $1Ao. 545-11152 ---------· - f OR 1 or 2 youna '{'.'Omen, 67>7566 "''"'"'="-.;'~''":_:,"""m==-,, IE. 17th St., Coita Mtu. r.o •: 1tuclent1 or f'mp. N r BEAUTJrut. Executive of. Elec. powtr. AvaUable Nov. .., We1tclut shops. G •r are :Of:;.;,fl=<=•~R=•~n~la~l'---'°=70:.: Uci!', conveni•nt pt,rkin1. lat. ~Month_ 6~00 • 1p.ce avaU. $50 11tnrle $75 MODERN A 1 r condldo~ Xlnt location. Air cond. BLDG lot lf'ue, 11.000 IC1. It . dbl. f>r,!fer TIOn·sm~. rnltt, 17th Sb'fft. Coita Hll llT"n Bl'1£:. 250 E. J7th Property 90" x 300'. 84.._LllJ ON T!:N ACft!:S 5<~~;~·~11J=--~----l>leaa. Over 700 l "''IU"e f~, &1. C.M. 54g...'701 d1y1. Evt 1. ~1479. !to \V I " 2 BR. rum .r. unrum !" .... ""' 17th c 'I tOR mi\tt oldt r man, p'1. 1240 .... r month, Parld""' -1736 AnAht:im, C.1\1. "'°"'··=-·="='"7..~""7'-=-.1 f lr!plact9 I pr1v. pattos I .. -..--··• .,_,, Pools. Tennli _ Contnn Bkf•t. e11tr .• pvt. bath, blk, trom coUH room j • n I l o r 2 office~ "'llohhy on crnd. ....,.. SQ IT i\1·1 11'10p. Slol"t 900 se1 Lant, CdM '""2811 bay. l'IO cooklna: $75 mo. M>rvlc• all utUIHe1 tn-DMr + upstrs. SCh.,.,'O~r tronl. Aeou1tlc ttlllnf . SIOd. f;\facArlhur rir. 0.st lfwyl 117:'Hl~ll llfll*-r 8 eluded. Phone f\lr. Rile 673-26:.4 193•1 P 1 8 c t n I I 11, C.~I 1 BR kltcht neltts, altt"Plnl M:'-9660 2311 La.fayetrr, N.B. MB-l~l SPACIOUS 1 ~R. r.i.nrt . rm1. Hf'lltd pool. J\tald DELUXE otflee tn Cc.ta !ton m-otfict Silt. Grrd I "NEW=~1~,,.~,otn~-,~, ~B=l~rl~,,-,~°' ttltii. 1aratt, balcony. SI~ .. fV'iee . SJO per "'k k. up. 4M f\te'a. 1500 sq ft. Alr cond, Ooor ./ upstr1-Schworer leue. 2500 .q. ti. 9e ft. 163:1 ltasr. 675--fiOU V-1ctor1e crpll. drpa:, 548--3761. 87}-:2654 f\lonrovi11., Cf\f. 673-0017. - -• D ' .. •• I I I ' I, I •• •• 1.-.:. ' ... -- -. • •• , .. ·. - -----·~----.-.--------------~ --------------· ·1,&00 SQ. i'"T., nr. J-larbor &: aakt-r. C.J\J .• 'ivAJJ. at once. SUU.£VAN 540-l-t!S ::! INDUSTRIAL units. \\'e&I 16th St. N.8 .. SSO to $110. 6-IS-171-t Loft 6100 2V2 to 4 ACRES Rancho C1pi1trano Atiillate COLLECTORS WANTED CO~ST~tUCTION ll1 o n t y ava iJat.le for lrcon~ pro- du::ina: property, Foreign & dome:iUc. l\Jolels, Nursing Rrliabll' n1t n I.:. \iomen, '-':\· Home!, Shoppi.n.; Centers, eeUent eaniln.:;:11, J'ull ~ ;lolrl O ff ic e Bu 1I d 1 n :::s. 1ln1(' a vaiab!I':. j Days .t Apartnicnl3, etc. "'rl\e or <'lt"rl1n:;:.:1.I No ~ellinz;! R,.. caU Tille r:cal!y t.. l1lling !.: l'O!Jec1ini: n1oney Insurance Conipany, 21;:, fron1 l'Cln oeer.i.t<'d dis~n-Clark Bu 11 d i n g, Birn1· '~1-s in On.ngr County & inghan1. Alabama :,;;')20:. surroundin; Al't'a . Company Phone ~2CG) 2>1-;'i:!SG. supplle<l loca tion.!. 1Handles1---=~===~--n am ,. brand candy z,. 18"0 RETURN sna cks/. $1;)15.00 ca~h . IT· $53,0QO :it'a);oned l~t ·ro . - When You Want :if done right ... Calf one of the experts listed below!! . .· SERlllCE DIRECTORY -------- .. 101S &''EMPLCl)'(illfft I :!.~•$ & .Jl,IPLOY~ENT JOIS &_ EMPLOYME~ Je• ,,..,.. Wem. 7100Jebe-Men, Worn. 7100 Jo~ Wanted, • Men & w..,, ,7030 " . Cl-tlNESE livl'-in Domt slics. Permantol. J:Aperlf~. }-u East !-a:ency &12-11703 Jol:ts-Men, Worn. 7100 abilities ~r.:ili~iteo a9erlCiY . . •••••••••••••••••••• CLA-YAL CO. IS THE FORliMOST MANUFACTURER OF AUTOMATIC' VALVES AND CONTROLS WE CALL THE ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR AREA "HOME" NOW )'oU have an opportw1ity to be part of our r~pidl)!' gfowin g industry, and if you live 1n the, Oiange County H~rbor area, you v,ion't have to leave ''Home. ' i! no1v offering fabulous. oak ~1 uddt'd, ranrh s1it spreads. The only o!ll'~ o! their kind Ill 111l' 1iwrcd. }'or Pl"f!iOnal ll11t'r-paya ble $300 mo. g~;.. due in S!RVICE DIRECTORY I SERVICE--Dl~ECTORY \l rW in Jlti., ~·t'1:1 si:-nd 14 n\ol1tlu;. Sold a t ~llH ,000 6·7 ,. ' 'ti 1·• ooo d ' A1ph1lt Olis 6520 Electric•I · 6640 Iron ing » nan1 r, add1 "ess G.: phon..: \\I 1 ""• 01111; o n :J _ ' 1---~------- If y,ou have experience come in and see us. in any of thi s work, Boon11n;;: l'o11111 Co<1sl Ari'a Jl1;:;h abo1 't" Th<' sn10;;: brH - Pi·i1·a tr 1'('.lads a nd lo<:krd g;i1,-. gu1i r;1 lll rr rile na1u1·al hcallty or thl5 fllt'nier Span- 1•h G1·;1n1 ,;iJ1TuU 11(ll'd by br<1uttllll Clc velanrJ i\'a11on~J t-orest. AU iitila 1e:s a1<1ll- a blr. numher lo ,\J11.ti-S111te Dist., A_cres . niagnl.licent oce~~ 5EALl ~G & PATCHINt: ELECTf'.lc'AL s.-. '1· v Ille 9005 F lrnpc riaJ Hiiy \le\v :so. Lag-una land. JO ,c R ··d t"al 1... . .1 ., , :: ·,, ., ., "" DisC'1lu nt. Bro!.:i:r ,~:;1 en J' • huUS _-COh\~· Do11 r1:~· Cal11, 9~L. !.! .. ) . , Cornpl rcas sr i'\'. CulT"lllly 86I-!)li l. 197-t..'10 or 493-1706 E\cs. engagNI l;ly Ci ly ur l'.;\I. 101. Ladies Apparel Shop lST TD on \Vhilc \\'<itcr vicw su-ec l l'r~11,r.11ii.n. ---~ -------Likc 10 011 11 )OUI' oiin bw~i-lo! in La;;u_na Be;,r h. '.\G,000 ;\1\TO C01"<P nes;o;'.' 1-lerc ·~ ;1. real oppor· al $1Jll 1no. uicl. 9.-~· All clue Gcn'I Coutt'a~·tt11·s ll~~-.l~l,S Floorp. tu1u1y· co 011 n your 011•n !i!lOP :: year:!. 1 ~'0 D1is;;o1:1n1 666S llith .1. snial! investment for BROKER ·19~-5100 Baby1ilting 6550 l'.\f:PJ::l' Vl:"\YL TILE PRICF'.D Fr.O>J ~S.000 LO\\I DQ\y,-,· . -Ez TER::'il:; Fnr tni ... rount1)' !11"111;;:, 1:r. 11renH.'nt 01' JU.")l ph;1111n1 ~sl n1rnt 111 l+ ba rgain p1·1tr. Call or "1•1 te fo1· ro111plc!c dc-111ils and J1 rr. L·olor bro- churt~. lt:\l lll'{'., Ht rh'P. Fountain Val-$;).100 2nd TD. JO 'i. l nt. BABYSITT'lNl_/ 111y huin" _F1•1·c c~L Lu.:. <:unU'. j.!U·l:.'G2 , I d P o . ·71 "-:i--1&--\.IOR c::, area. All mt>rchan I~ -ayolf vt:!. . ~-a.soncd_ claj ~. 1nfan! CJk, :-: c ;, 1 !======"-====. is o n con!';ignmrrH. No l11. Pa,y. $8.J :'llonth Oil 4 Br !) I at,. 1 I ~Pl ingdei lr l IG 1•cstn1('nt in n1erchandise, hou.~e in 0ra1\gr . ti7:>-!916 S\2-::&JO _ · Ga'rdehiRg-·. -6610 pay afl r r ii is sold "\\."e u•tti11 E1·i:s. -~------ you k s11J"J('r.•be )·ou At 110 BAJ3Y~ITT !~t:. '.lly hC.0'.11" ANTHONY'S l'Xpe:n~e. For con1pletc 1n!or.1ST and 2NDS ~.a~·/n1!('. \\;1r.1.1 .r'.~'.1,', i\lt;e R,\NCJ-10 CAPISTr: . .\~O ·IJ'i() Can1pus 0 1-. N'e 11·po11 Bl'ttch_ 9~13ti0 S46-7483 IDEAL ranch livin~. alniost an acre. tr.oonn;:: on ;in oran;::e ;;1'01·e \n Capistr;i.no cily l i111it~. \d lh Dana Pt. breeze, i oned sn1aU cstatl', hon;cs per111Htrd, all util., incl :re11t'r, $29,!nii. Ol1'ne r • 494-1'.!&1 bt.lorr t9 A>.l L mation, ·\\Tit" or phone F . L. J ·Hd , lnl.1_111 0 1, __ ~-~.::=?: __ Tiern<'y, :!t.::O !'\orth J-Jolly. Sn. CaJ1L T.D·s, lne. ALL day or afl\·l' ~chWI, 1ny 1rood \l"a}', Bui·bank, Calif. ZE Nmt '.'·Ei003 • Toil Fri;,..1 ho1ne E-s1<lr C,\f. :.' ~I'S C.1' Phone 1~13 i 8·13-.J.::•lCI. OVCI' ple;\.~{'. ti !~-l~S\;_ FRIGIDIARE Money Wanted 6350 GOOD (..";i.r(' fol' ~ur c·hikl P Lunches. fr nced )<1fd. U<:1)':. JET ACTION $5000 Secured loan, in1. o r n, 1 C :\I .1. ')\OI Fri~dairt! JS n1 in. \Ii.ash. trrms pr('f I yr. Call r.lr. on Y ·· ' ti-Ii-. ~=- F'<t.~te:~t in the industly, :;0, Ben~on 646-8004 SIT, niy hnnlr, C.1\1. Clc<1n. 18 1nin washca \1•il[ do the aM NOTICES hoinry a11110.~phcrc: niany \l"Od• ol.~. 30 min ...,·ashe~. rCf'i;. &1:,...2901· FRIGJDIARE OtiTsl'AND· Found <Fr.ff Ads) 6400 .• BABYSTTTJt-.'i~. r\;,y •)!" ING WCATJONS:· La 1.1il·a-n!ti::. :'11<,i;::noli,a & \rarncr. da n1ajor ~hoppin:; renter. FOUND: ~l~n·s pres~"l'ipt ion F'V. 8·1 ~-6·r;;; OCEAN &. CANYON View Garden Grovt-l: Buena sunglasses: \·ie. Califorrlia l.L~C"E°"N"·s~E=·=o~~----,k P•1·k. ' & lclaho Pl.. i\lesa VPrde. 1 1 ', Da.v i.:•_•l'C, 1ic,., · from !his 1\·oods_~y. artistic d r l 1 ' C • 0 M i Call & klr 111H1·. :i-l:l·1092 a:i-·:>. in ;ui l li'U ''.' ~T" .. · ~· setting on Blu r Bird Can:i-on Olft• • at C -· Coas l Pl<1 1.a a~11 .. :H9-1llu8 r.d .. La:; Bc:h 673--1 1~0 Equipment, In~ YELLOIV PoodlC'/n1L'\, aboutj=========== BA LBO,, P rnin, ;;o:i..'JIJ 101 on '.!334~~ \V. Vale:nc:ia 1 yr .. old. : \'f"l'Y ~1nail . Brick, Masa11ry, etc. ha~·· C·l o1· R·2. $::.S,:-ioo. Fullerton 714 · ... ,-78"" Pavlanno ~chool a !' e a. 6560 673--6256 or 67:r-3:.:!"!tl 1 -7M7A=N~U7F=A~C~T°"U"'=R~l'c.;..~";;o="" 346.-200'.; -I _E_U _______ _ R. E. Wanted 6240 NOTICE If )Oll have a J or 4 bedroom hon1e tor iia:c or for rent call us today. \re represent thr eu1 p!oyc-e,; o! a lar~e 1irn1 111ovin;: 10 1J1e harbor all'<! and they n;u.st ha\·~ housi 11~! 1\IJ ca~h 1f de,;ired. Call r·arrow ~S6~0. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGE~T 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 146-1'40 !OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 I NOTICE E -S~IALL :;rey slnped .kitten. ILD, r:r1nO{IC'I, repair. :>.."J>alld,Jng con1 pa11y needs fl · n 11 B 1 .. _ Briel\ block "OJ\<TC'lf• r · · as e a co ru·. ''IC a""" · , ._, · man_ or su_pe r.1:1on of pro-liJahd S75-titS6 car pcnlcry. no Job loo ~111:111. <l11,·uo11_ Sl.>,OC(l 1nvestn1e11t. , • . . Lie. Cont i'. %~-li!l·l~ Salary open :+-!»ha.re in prof. YOUNG part \\'hlle l.· l"ah co , ~ its + C"Ompany f11nae ben-1<·111. Vic OrangC' Park. f-ri Bus"n•ss Service 6562 e!i1~. r or appt phone (Tl.fl ICl/JO. Call 5::9--3880 10/1 81---'--'-------- J..'$-98n. eXI 490. P rincipils YN'G frmalr cat p/Sian1e~r on!y. \"i(', ilfag nolia ' & Adams, COUPLE \\'ANTED to H".B. 8.J~-:'61:: opci-ate small" Cii!C(".'ria ln SU RF"BOAR D \ i('. l l.E. pier. professlcinaJ bid;, i\l_llst be Cal; co id£'ntify. kno\li'led;able t. drsu·e 1st .S.J:!-~i(l;;; class operalion. Conla('I '.Irr. . . '.f rempid11, g:;7.29'it} r _-.t 31t POODLE-tcrn cr n1L\ puppy: \\'orld 'I'rcnds BJtl~ La .. una bl ack, i;:1·a)~ on lac:r. Found TYPESETTING ,!'\r11· and f"0111plr l•' <: o J d 1-ype facl11tll'-5 ~rrv111i:: all cf Ora n.::~ Co unty. (Jffe1·. Ing: ~pcer!y scr1 icr & )(11v r<:1 lf'S. Call fol' f111·1 hr r Hllls. ~· " ·ori \\"arner. H.B .. 816-4027 ,:.;:;;~~----~-lr.OT<Yi"h'i,,;;;--;.;;;;;;;o;c;;: \ Carpentering L!ITLE Gold i11ine for T\li'o CA.LICO 1-\ittcn .. Yollntl \'tr . 6590 in S.A, l ndu~lnal Ciifc Vicloria &. Plat;rn!la /\11'. '-16-~o··i aJt '"P ill short hours., ~hort c.nJcrs; ·" " 1-•1 .! • CARPENTRY ;\JINOJi REPAIP.S. No Job 11 I ! C' q \l i p . G o o d GREY rabbi!. :J..16-5145 or Too Sinall. Cabinet 111 £ar· ~asr.. ~<f!).5.lS9 a.1~3888 a~es & o l h c r cabinets. !>IAC.1-l!Nl; Shop, 0 iv ne rl=========== 5·l:l-817J, if no ani;,wcr leave r<'.'tir1ng. p r op ,. r , y t,., Lost 6401 m sg at 6·16-~~02. II. O. e<ru1pn1etll. &l '..'-:.'ti01 e> r ---.----.-----l=A-"='="='-'"=-'·I" .,.~.-,I BLACh a nd •IYlu!p 11 nd gr;.y CARP.ENTlt \· c b ,. 0 • ~ .,..._ · 11Herrd male cat. lost last • J l ' 1 ·' G !F'TS !: CAP.11$ "'I . , "'.· · Old ... . . Rc1nod. l"'\J Job 1un 0,111<111, 644·48'6Q Th" Gc~I. '").~I S no n1,1r{'~ L,,!)<'\'lcnr<:d ill;11n1ciia11ce Buci;irt Land ~p111::; GradlJ·a1i:· 11o'l'l ieulrufb t l\L'S t:ardc111ru;: . & L<iwn i\la111lena11cc. Co1nint>rc1al, industrial & re::.;dt'ntial. . , .. * -~~6-:;!i29-* C:0MPLE.T=E~- Ya1i:! illain1 . (J(';1n11ri J:r""· 96.~·l !l:JS, ~-8~17 --cut.~:£;1ge Lawn J\l;1i,1!A11anl'r . f,iti:-n~cd :,1s-1so~1 ~.1g:. 1:i!J.t aft •1 JapanC~c Llarllrl'lrr (:01nplr1" Y.ird :-ic·rYi•·r J·1·tr L'.~1·i 111at•J tilli-os::o , FuJi La" 11 Sar\ll'e ,._. Gr ncral \'l!rd ('lf!anup :110-l:JG!l FTt'e.·E~i'H1a1c ('LKAi\'.-UP SP ECIALl:rr : ,'.Jo11 Ing, ~d~i1t;;, odd jobs, . ]~l'i!S\.JllOh)i'. ;>l,S-69;,.·, JL.\J'S GardeJ1i11g & ~ta11·n n1a111lr11a)ic~ .. ·n 1•{ & Co1n- 111,..rt·1aJ .. ·* ~ \IJ.4SJ7. * Expe rt Jap.1nnl! Fl ~ES'T \\"Of,.1~ §J6~Q::S I General Sel'vice5 . 6682 WHY so'U1Nri.:..1'1NT! :5101 • (il<11·r<.'· F\1dr &·IJ-lcal SL.:X.-r.E:S~STOr:. AJ•pl11 <d t11 8:-.io.U n ~ l;la ;.<; J.'.,1· Fr:EE T~-·IJ111;1lO:-:~. t::all 539-6923 .F1· .. 1'.\ ~<;pc.Ii :i r1';1~. Z I·. 1·0:-1 !D ·!l·ll'l C!1apinan -"''" ~( ;ard"n Cif·ovr. (;Ar.11c ;r)·Uot1rs ::ier\·JCC'd &_ Hrri;11rr·d -General House _\la11:1 SH). min. 1!7·~'"'·J~S I. If yOlJ h::i.vc a .1 Ol' ~ becl1'00ITI 1 1 -1JL}flle for-$!1)c ~t' for rr nt. c;,.H us loday. \rr represenl !he e1n ployee! <l f a lq.1-i:t l1m movi11c: 10 t.11r Hai·bor , Ar& .and thry niu:;1 ha1c holl.$lng '. Ah ~·a~h if !lc~1rcd. Call Farrow 0·16-85.\0 '.1w 11~1 ,-11.JJl 1~r11 1i;i11 ua/il,v iit:irk. C·ll 61 \J.:.!:i·i: 11i th uniqu<" e ~e h ang e \'1(", Clay & Orangr :its.-'-----<J. ~ H.iu,lin_g . bu~ine.,~. Np 1·omp<>lll!on. \Yearu1;,:. elr a r []e;i coll;,1-, QU.-U.ITY P.epait·.' -Al\rl\1-, r:cal Ear:;ain! 6·1·'-:!·C:O alt Ii f'liild"i; pr\, F:cw'd. ti4::.-J629 lion.~ ... New con~1. by hour 6730 BUSINE:SS ana FINANCIAL Bus. Opportunities 630(! ·~--'-'-------- pn1 of 11 k11d~. LOST; Lr,... blk allercd ni;i.lc or Conlract. GlG-3 I I:!. ca l \\/ ('i~ar rt>d Ilea co\!a r REPA!H.!::i. ALTl:.H,\TJONS Bus. Wanted 6305 v\r Laguna Nl(:Uel Fil·r Sta: ~AB I NEJ'. Any :,.11.r 111h Ch'ld · R Pl '• )"r~ t>'prr. ;.iS-671:'. DRY Clcanin:;:-P rt'i;s shop. i rtn ~ prl. cit. t'aSe _o,~c·c·~~~~~-~- l\"e10.1>0rt Ech. L<1guna Bcli call ~93-4073 RE PAI!t Pa r lit1vns S1n .. JJ pN'I. P1·1v prty. ( z 1 3 J L \mES irH.l.Jc1. Vic Cc.n!er Rr 1n~lr.1. r l:·. ~1!r or ~Uay, FAMOUS 'iS'.!..;37;;.; St. C;\'I or 3rd Ave .. La~na Reas. C;i ll hi'.N .,~0--!6 19 BRAND NAME Beach. Yt'i 811. \'aluablc TOf' DoU;~r fCtJ" ul•I itf'n1s you r ''.;111·.1-;:r, 11 111 slot·r./hi;d/n1· 111~,1·1". L1't a ~n1;1lt hus1nr~>-;i1au p:1y a l- 1r11t11111 II) .IOt\J' ll(J('J:;-. Jo)l1), ~{;6-(i l '.?li Y,\RD1Ci11 ' l ' ! ran u p . r:.e1i11.i1·c lrf'r5. il'y, 11lrl. trno:ior 'hal·khor. ·gr ii tic '.ll3:l·S<1.; CANDY ROLITl'.:S lnvestme"t Opper. 6310 p ap er s. Re1ya rd. 499-:!369 Cement, Concrete 6600 • l.,.'LE,\N l;P .~-Tri1nn1in:: l;-,:o~ ll\'ailabJ,. iJI Cos!A l'.!l"~a A C Q U t S I T t Q N Or:. a(I. 6· . e C01\CRE'fE '1 oi·h' a 1 I T'l'l'C 4: shrub J'.r1110.1·al & many oilier 1011·1\!! in this G Q L D E N R r 1 · "v c r 1 p 1 d I • I i\IEH.GER, Small C<luca-' • \_ I 1 -ypc~. 00 el·;s"" !'\!..':, oni. Rf'<i,,OtlatiJ<' 11'.l--I~:,~ ·area. AU locatlon11 are 1·0111-tionaJ products 1111,. has pt'O-''Haney.·· Vir 7'.J r ~a Ca ll ;J !S--l::::M 11 \"Ll,.'f' l 'I • 1 1. ,. I ml!cciaJ or /actor;.". \·ery " ,.,., Ti r:r ·al'(! (a I l --r u " •, 't1nu1•-o s r ' lui;h ,.6rnin::;!, no srllnig Ul· d uels launchl'd hul ,nc~ds ~ .1 ~'"'· ~ '. 11 · * CONCT.ETr;; t-' 1 o o r ~ .. J\anrl~inan any11p1.-_1ow l'all l:lluade1• ba.~e for 111a1·.,-r1in .... ,l·l\1--_,9!), P•llO,, 01•. Rra~"ll,i l)lo. •,cl I • • '·!'.''··'··"·•'• • 1oivrd. Tll qualify ~ou inu~ ' .___, '-" ' lir J'!'liablr ,~· hair 1 h!' & t"'\pansinn. \\.ri\r Daily Ptlot LOST: Sinai! Ian n1<1le Col·k· Don. til ~-~.il l ~----;,--;---'----~· --, - Eo:-.: :\l·"·1i:i •.p .. 1 ::t.,.,y Oii· ,.. .. • ·--• LLl'.:,l.\'-lll .i11rf l!"h\ u,01 I d~y ::'Pill'C' l1n1t l dclj ~ 01• . ' " " oo, . ' .,.., · '-dJ ~, 11 "' L'-dl O:iir ri·esi.. \ 1r. Co t'Ollfl f]r l '.ll a r . Contractor! 6620 l;;-' Money to Loan ~20 tii:;...{i!Hi~ _ ~-~~:.'?~"1 * ~l'!Or; (o ~~;;:,.O T:EQl,J IP.ED ---'---------1 lnqu1 rf'abo111our··rr('cbonus 2nd TD loan AFGHAN llourni. 1 )I',, 1,111 Medallion Homes Cl•an Up And 1-faul j 1·otli(' plan". ~lake )'our ju. 11·/hl:i.ck fac". Lo:-t 111 Cd,\! Siil .1 lnarl fill\-3..l~ll lure i>CCUr(' 111th u~. 11 Dunn 1011 :;. t>'i.)..S.J1 8 ~~~.~!}\ · .t Brarl~trl'"! r«t N! Na\\onal Prompt. o:o nJ](;e:ntl a.l i;ervic:e: --, F "2·2171 "'0'11 BL,\CK Cork-11 -!'on, nilllr, ~ Housecle•ning I, Co. 111· inoi"".' 1nfon11at1on -~.,.. d yr~ "\d, a 115. 10 "Alf1r ht 673S ~tn na1nc, addrrs$ l.:. phone Sl'n lng l lilrbo r Area ~O }!'! . .,.~ ,--1 "-1., E I• B 1111101 .,...-.,1' ..._.1 ,-~·-·~;JI•.~' • L ·.~ , no. to: r.OliTI:: DEPT. P. o . Sattler Mortgan1 Co. 1 Llo.\ ~ PV111n11a, Ct11J ~l iGg :Zi:i r:-. Jith ::.'t~""' LOST· ~n1all L111 m.tlc Co•·t~·l --==bt'-~•IUI ID() You 11anl a. :;ooi.! inronir ----1c1c5c.o0070~·---A-Poo. :,llaf:.~. blh' r;,r~. ll0 .\11:: r:u1l."1)1~ , for a lin k rfllll 'I ~ La,·k ,.,1 1·1(" Corona del ;\lar, 67~~;~ Build c,.11 ~0111· 1•11, !'L1,ro111 " f<lr ;;".IO{J rriil r i\atr lo?n · fl J \ ! i 'l11ne ton:("!< salr r•f Ullif11l" \·acant OK. )lr . .\d;un~. Slk. "l11 Tr . f,, .int:r 1·al tTH 'inan.' 111! •• '"~1.c:n 1'011.C{'-;~1011 bu~1 11,.., . ., f,12-!Jt:iC!.i }'rn1<ilr Nn f\'(1111 t•l;i11~. E><"l".V i!~llll i! !i1a~1°1·p11'1«' Grol-."i' * 1~~-~1:::0 J"c I I 11!\ ·I I~ o·r·J 1·1:--1-t l ('Hl!~HOP s·i0 r, .... 1,1i\I. ti~(}..:::Ji,:1 ___:__:'_:_ ~O-( \ ·' ' .• '· ldci.ll fni· ,·ou pl<". Mortgages, T.D.'1 63"45 DACH~H li:'\D pupp), nialr Gr: .... -1'.'.BAL C.-.n1rH, 1'•1' ,\I! . ___ •_O·l\·1944 • :..~D 'f.D. Hom .. 111 r ity of Seahury lnH:l. n .r:. 1,;1us caq icnt l"y. !\J1w1 ·,-.1r. ;1ild ,\· -h"artbr ok<'n: ;:.::l:i-1;:~0 ren101!r.l1n~· 1", ~ 1:s ,.,. \DP.E:;s Shop, .\lool"-0--Day, I Car.son. i 1; '~ .• -'.II du"' 6 Yl'"·l --'---------1 prricnrr .. i::l-7~).~1. ~11.2.;s.! I hu.'>' Burna Parl\ 11.rca . S30. 1ric int. D1::;c1 l:i~ii-. Personals 6405 - 0 1\'nl"r' ;,~i-394£. 8 1i-::S~ i<::;Q.cw;:',6 ----------- Carpet Cl•anlng 6625 Bus. Opportunities 6lOOlu1. Oppertunitie1 6300 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE f\1an or \1·oman to restock. TI C\\' type dispen:;ers '''itb h i g b qual ity candy ducts. co in pro- *Alone? YES IT'S YOUR FAULT * DIA'.llONDS 11 rl' llll':l.SUl't'd by qualily. ~o ai"t" 11·c! Dl.\;'l!Qi':D C.\RPf.:'I'· f or rrco1'ClOO llll'-".~ao;c !h;it CA.r.PJ:;T & Furn. ·<·lcani11_~: , "i ll r:hange: )'Our Ji"fr c::ill i(Jr I <la)' ·"Ci"\11~·c ·~ 11ual 11y I ORANGE ro. '5·1'i-tl!X)7 11oii;, t:H ll ::;1erhn~ fOI' I 2~ hour r"rording brightne~~! 6,12-S;iw HOUSEWIVES CA RP.I::T & uphnl~1rr.y ste;i111 Double your niOllCY for Xmas <·lranl'rl. al.';O Parrw1 u1- or rl'l.i!!~ nionl')' for your club s t;i.1\ation, r{est1lts guar. For or ehu rch. A phone caU or ·-rrrc ·~st. call S.l\r;i91J I ·lette:r a nd )'OU 11 ill receive lrrc, conipl<ote informa·tion . <;ompu b. Jif:>S F:: .. ~~!. St.. ANNOUNCEMENTS. S1111.! 203. f , 14) 8.;b-ti!).j;,_ · I -.:1cENSED Ind NOTICES H fl US i:; CL'~. f , Y t N'(; t.., 11nyl11n1'. i;oot1 rtf"'. rra~'. 1;1.t..{i11~ \ ---R,\ Y ,\·.Crc<1'1 1 .l.o.n11orial :'"IV. l''IT'J>l'I ~. '"'rii'lo\,~: llool'~, ,.1, !:~~ ,\. C u ill 111 l' ' I +: 1•;.11ui --'---·--1\"t:\'OU\V CL!·:S:'\fj\'~ l 'l'Qt1!1~•· t11 pll'i<':IC ~ e :116-~':.'Hl e . --~ --• \\'l:'\DOl\"S DIR.TY·: Fi·ee f'S1~, l.i ~'f'iil'S-·r'_\p. .lolnn1y D11nn fi-1'.!-~Jfrl \\'OliLD Yti11 brlie1·e I 11·111 <"l•:<.1 1. youi-ho111r for Blue Chl p :;1a111r•f .' 897-7.~JO CARPt:T~. \Vtn!lll\\'S, 111'". r tr., Urs nr COiu'c'l.. .'.\hit llll!i.: Reas! Rrf.s: ~-,.\S-<11 11. Ironing •7S~ lro111nt::• Alt£1•.'J iion!<. Qrin~ 01\·il. ha ni:i;r1~. -~~· ANNOUN.CEMGNTS and NOTICES \Y E ARt: LOOKil'G FOR TH E INDI· VID UAL WHO \\'ILL \\'ORK THIS BU Sil'ESS LIK E IT WAS MEANT TO BE-ONE \\'HO WANTS TO BE F lc;- ANCIALL Y IND E PENDE NT-A P ER- SON ASPIRING TO EA RNll'GS WELL OVER $1.000 P ER MONTH. ~plntuJI r:r adin;;s, .ld11cr. A nou t 1 on all m:i.lli:r~. ~\:! N. 1:.1 n ncemen S 6410 legal Not>ces 64SO \\i~ h~ve a limited n u m b ·e r of positions avftilablt in this ar ea. Both part tlrnt and full .lime. \\1e rtQUire exchange of refer- ences ~fore an Interview is granted. You need at least 31,1:15{1 to 33,750 cash, '"'hi ch is ' . only ' for supplies anti equ ip111ent. \Vrite, giving phon t nunlber. to , Cam ino Real, San Orinc.nll' ·~92-91 ~(). 19&-9:ill7 ' 10 A:'-1 . l O P'.11 Attr1ctiv1 Expe--;-l Grand Opening Academy of Physio Ther,py I \\"I LL no! b<" rr,'iron~i!JI" fr>r a ny drOls "ot11Cf tluln iny n\\ n. Jan1l'~ i\lichnr l Jt!N J 1~·111 no1 he-N'll~n~ililr Ir.I' ;ony drbl.3 olh~r lhan my t•\\'n Robert V. Bri~~ln YOU:\G \VO:'l!A.'J d;i.ncer 11iU teach you all_ la re~t !ltep:o;, Call ,\n:leU 213: l'f.11~1.X.8 1·10 PP.t :-;au11oi. /.· n1a.~~.i;r, to lr111aJr lc =o----c====== lech. JCI a!l'l-11? niidnight' '? JOB!>"" CMP.L-OYMENT VE·==R"v-"1,-1-.,-,-,-,.-,~-i11----.1 flay~. 2.l.) Thah;i. :':u11c C. JoD ·Wanted, Men 7000 bridge Jl!a)•r As P"'11nrr ror =La=""="='="="='='="°'· ="=1=·1='=1.='== ' fluplicall>. Tr11\·el if )O\J like· · C1metery Lot• ~ 18 !!hare. ~7-66S:l ~--- 6..\CHELOR t.ook1n.;: f111· girl F'OR :'"\J,J·; t>,1· •111!•r·, 6 ·1•,1 . trnni~ plii)rr 111 :-:o·, -1 c1 f1<: V1c.11· ·\·,.111.-1.-.,y hil• ....... ~--··-----.-- \\'A\TED .. Foe j;i fl.n .".rRI r 11~1'-up l;il.Jot·. , 1111,1lcs1. $~ rirr hr CaJI • ·1~i-l2Sli. 1 ; Cls in;:. r Tr \\"rllr Bo:-. '.llS\71 C'.t!I ;,1,) 6!16\1. I 01$TRIBUTOR DIRECTOR , DEPT. If 1 Diuly F 1101 Pu.1'i\'f1\'t;-1 1·,-,,-,,-,.-,-.-,.111~i -.- Job W1 fl ttd, -Wom•n 7020 .. SJJ South 2nd Weit 'ALCOHOLI CS A no nyrnou~ find ;"1 ;in1~,111~ n111nhi·1· i}f Fie ~1)-,pi"E"'·· Tlir'\t Salt L•ke c-Jty, Uteh *4 OT Phone 5'11-7:!11 <11 1'Ti1" to ho111(' .. ib 'lilll11y~ Cl;is~1 !1l'd -1·~v' r \p.. ~-~·-----•---------+------"-"-·"-·-"""--· _,,,, ___ ,_c_"-'-''-"'-'-'-"-,_,_,._._,_·11_0_,._k_•_ho_,_,,_"_"_"_· __ _c ____ :_,:'_'-_''--"---- Janitorial 6790 J Adi·ei1i~ng . -----~·~· Productioll Arflst SP Ar:l{LL Ja nitonaJ & \\'1n-.• Production Mgr. llo\V clc<1n1u6 Se rv.. • \V10· <lll\IS1 l'C'l>'.li.!., t'OIJH:I. COll~t. Cleanup. -~·ree e<t. %8-2691, Dt;TCJI i\lanit Scrv. crpt C"lng, l lr wa.xl ng, 11 lndow 11 .t~h ing. Jla.1·1-y \<Ill Bl'yncn ;,37.1.-,os H no ans caJJ aft .'.l. Experj11;1ced agency prodUction 1 r t i 1 t c•pable of • e m e productlOn manilige· ment for Newport Beach a9ency. Xlnt. salary and benefits. E:-iTATS i.[a;i.r Tree Senl flen¥J;!ll & trimn1in;:~. tr~ "'1 1m~1e . ...:a.11 ~Al-OOSS. ==="'=======~ I Ple:a sc ~end 1'<'31.Jmc lo The DaUy Pilot Box· !\1-368. · L1ndscaping 6110 LJC'D ·/Japanese la.aj.~c-apc contrl e\Qr, La11Tis, &prklrs, pa1 ioi;, Ctt . 831}...30::7 ASS'!STANT PLANNE.R Ma•anrr. Brick 6830 $111. to ~J1. 0 per month ~ RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanish Masonry A Special_ty! Block , Brick, Concret• Free Est. 63J...l3Al Papl!rhflnging Paintiog . 6850 NEED PAINTING? C;il l us~ r.c liablc Service 11'/ Qu11Jily al its hc,;t, at lhe 1110,;t 1·t aoo11ahle p1i\'.:es . t"1'l'r 1•sti ma 1e~. 548-6002 * INTEJiJOR EXTERIOR t P ain"ti11i; ... Paprrhan~11.;: L11:. l ns. liuaran1ee~ Jlarris Painting &tl-4.xis SUBUrJ:IAN i'a1ntin,;/.Oec Expert Gu1u·antti:>d \Vork F1·"c <'!l1 , J\o Job !oo l~r;,:,.e vr too sn1~1l . 494-.3190 P Ali\TJ;G Int!, Ext Lowest cr;ntracfcd pri1·es. Ful,ly illl'. Salisfatlion gua.1 . Frt.il est. ,Jin1 \\"eeks 60:7.-llti6 P1\J;.ITJNC . l'apcnn~ lli )TS. 1n lla r!".:ir arc~. Lu:. & b11ndrd. Rel~. furn. 64:.!Jm& l; ,\: .-; Pa1n1crs. Int-Ext. Jluu.<r ~ a pll', i'\o job' too ,.n1aJ L !."i.")"-:.'9:,:1 all :i, BOB·s il la strr Painter· k f-:~1n1irltr1' Cll~!o111 \1·orJ.; rinl.1. ;n::: ;,::_i~-~·iS6 ll'ALLPAPERl:-.·t; & PAIN.: TJ;\G, · JO rr:s in 'll.f'f'tt. R,-.asonablr ra l"S. li-12-0127 P AINTl:-\G S... papcrhah&in.;. Rca sonal:ilr . ~j )T~ · <e:>..p. t;r r111a1t, skills. 6'12-J3t.! Ji\'TER!OH. S.· c.\I A1·cr;iii:e ~ h1'. h~f'. lahor only Sl37.0tl Call :~1&--l :l1b .... Pla!terJng, Repair 6880 e P A_T'C 1-l PLASTERtNG. All tyrw~-f ree C:..11 ."il0----684' cstintatc. 090 Plumbing i'LL":>oJ/3 11\'G r.F.T':\lR ;>.~ JOh !toll ;.)11<1 11 • • 1-;12.:;1~s • Re_r:iodel, Repair, 6940 GL'ILD, P.c111odel. r.epair Dr1f"k, block. c o n c: r e .1 e , crpn1 1:0·; no job l'lO ~in·a:1 Lie. Contr. 96:-6943 * 1r--.,(1 n!'cd rr1nodl"hn:: p:i11n11°i-2" 01· 1r pa1rs. Ca1J Dirk. 6~2-1 19~ • Dr<'~~111ak111;: • Al1 rr<itio11;; Sp<;t:i:il 011 hrn1s. * 6!6cfi.\,j(i * STITCHERY CL,\SSEt' s.-.111n:;:. llclp 11·ith ChriShnas 1.Jca.~. &-1.).-1400 Alteritians -642-SUS· '. Neal. al'.Cura!r. :.10 ~rarS ·G,,p_ . ' . -CITVOF- NIE.WPORT BEACH Requires B,5;./B.A. in ·~ propriate ficld. Perfo1·m~ r1\tt)' lr\'l'I Pl'Of~~~ianal planni11::: 11·cirk' or a1·c1·- agE' diUicuh¥ in cw1-ent llnd lO)· advan·erd piAn· nin:;:. Sal&ry .a.bo\'e .1.1al'1· in-;' step pOssible for can- didates ....... ith AddHionitl planning experience or ~duc:atidn. ·ZONING INSPECTOR $614. fl;> $131. per month Rl'QUirts li\'O years ("OI· Jrg:e in p{anningJ zon\n;: .admmim'ation 0( relaltd l1e)i:;J, .and t\..:o )'tars of [111!-ttmc p;i.id public· CCl/\<o lal't cx91'{ieore, prefl"r· ~h!y in .an i nvestigato1;- t:a/>!ir it;.'. tn.~~s p!or plans ·.a nd prt>mise~ for compltance • .... -ith zonin; Te;;ula ttons. App11!.'.<l(1ons for the a bove pogitmn.s should ~ lill"d im· ml'dia tely at , tbe P tts<>nnl'l Oflicr, :::::~ Nel\'POrt Blvd., Ne\\"))ctl"I &;i.c:h, Ca.lit. 92660, (iJ4J 67'.i~. Assen1bly ITT JABSCO ASSEMBLY FOREMAN Con1p.a_ny has .a_n. 1mme:d1· att> oi)c11m; for · .1. p~ ducticin asst'o1bly fore· n1,1n. :\J kn 1n1un1 ol 1110 )rar! rt-1.ilcd cx per , Pl't'· f!'t' so1ne collrs;I!. Libl'l"· al f11ngr bcnrfit p 1'1). p-am. Sa.laiy commcnsu· r11 1e 1\ith education & e"- pc:ncnce, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY . J:".:l\fPLOY"ER 1·1&l. Oalr \\'ay. C.'..i~ta J\!e~a . Callf A1aembler1, Bonder• El1ctronic Technicians 1::.,P""l'l!'nc:e<l. ~.alar;o ope:n. -~P.~LY .. lN f;'ERSO:'J lb.di:< l\fiel"Of')l'Ctronifs Co rp. 3i51J .. PulJman St. Costa :'>lt"AA. $23.)0 Tree Service 6fl0 AutomoTl\'e • s-c-11-.. ,-n-c-: :_n_"_"_b,-,.-.-,-rs MOritgomery Ward hr<';i.h' founrlaUon~. F1'<'e '.<:st. ,,\Uto. Sei-v1ce Cent{'I' Any Tr~ 5cr.,1ce. J.;;!)..J9ZO has an 'urgrnf need Dou,:: 'for .1. -• ~ 6· _,,. e SERVICE \~'RITER Upholst1ry YYV e, ~ARTS 1>tAN CZYKO~.J'S Cusl. Up!WT. I::urorit!ll'fl Craf1s1nansh.ip 10(),..,,. Fin! 642·145.J' . lS:jl N<"l\'port BL, C.~J. E:-.peri~. p rcfem'd :\1nt co. bcocl'it~: Apply in Pt-non Tm Edingtr, Hun t. Bch. B ABYSiTJ'tR, intelligt nl, t_•apablo for occasional t Vl"l'l· ing & daylin1e care: 2 boy!, agrs 4' & 7. Rr-f~ rtq. Non- iinoJ,;er.' 646-9,jjC) BAB\'SrrtER. lile-111 for 4 Job W1nted, I c hildren 1 :.! i;cti oo\-aZf!\. Women. 7020 Sahuy open. :'l lu!il 101 ~ -----------child1'fn, ,Jill' h011se1vork. ll Ot;~Ef\:~l-~P~lt. h~e in. 830-4~~1 . e DAYSHIFT e· Orlll Pr••• 0,,.rators e SWIN;, SHIFT • . Turr.t Lathe 0J"r•to,- En9in. Lathe Operator Radial Drill Operator OrUI P1e11 Operators CLA-VAL CO. 171h & PL'.llCENTIA, COSTA MESA S.1-2201 Equal Opportunity En1ployer. . .................. , Jobi-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 BABYSITTER .. re~p. needed in1 med. i\Iy home ortly, ~3 day. 3-t dB)'ll 11 k. 5:43 arn - 1:30 pm. Q\\·n tr an s p . 548-1429 3-l:lo only 6 ABYSITI'ER·HSKPR $100 Li\'e in 6 dayl!. !!9:"-4S78 Rf'g'U)ar nUses lo $150. BABYSIITER, f"'rom 2 to 6 P.\I daily. flle~a !'\orth are'a, Costa J'.1esa, 546-Qi.17 Eve5, 8!!11ki n;; !'\e11pon l\afional Bank I::sc.1v11• Officer Call illr. Carter !l-5, 642-31U Computer Operator• ~Sv.ing & ~l id Shilts \ 2 years e:tpeMcOce on m~! 1130. Cfi3 :sor!f':r & 314 repro- duction. T~letype bkgrnd . bene;!icial. CONTROL DATA CORP. ;'.j J9 \\I. \\';ui"lt"r, S,A. (iJ4J ~282o Equal OflNrtunlly e mploye:r Custodian Ji\Tl\IED. openlng: ftlr reliable man 1viU1 pr,\rious in· BARi\JAJD;· il or pt time. dustrial· j;mitorial e:1p. Xl nt nilhts, ·Good sal1'1ry. Apply \i orking rond., gd. pay &. au days: 4$6 E . 17th, C.flJ. fringe berielita incl. prolit 5\S-9949 sharing. C~if. J n 1 e c t ion BEAUTICIANS Illolding, 2IXl Briggs A\'t., !or day k e\-eni.ni !!hhts in C.111. 5-16-4160 popular • p~ C.?.f, salon. I----'-------I P~sent ~1Atf 'can't bindle rapidly e;.;pandirig '1.olume. PAid v1.cation. Call \'ioia: 5-18--9919 or Apply in person, Cro1111l~ Glory Beauty Sa- lon, ~6! E. 17th St. BI K JN I &rm.aid/dancer. Full or pa,rt-tinte-. Cost& r,Ie!a 6-!S..7S01 8o1t Mfgr. -NEEDS ...... e As1emlilers e Finish Ce.rpenter1 * O' DAY YACHTS* 3000 Pullman, Cost.i i\ies.a . BOAT CARPENTERS AND MECHANICS Experienced, La11:e c-u~orr: ronstruc:tion. Top 11·agt>~. llli.LARD BOAT \YORKS 1~3 Baker S"t., C.i\I. Bo.1.t ca~nter.5., exp'd. Auto Coast 548-5581 U74 .Placentia, C.r.1. B 0 Oh'l-.:E EPER as~istilllt, for oceanogni.phic firm. Ac- counts p&yable-receivable !: i;:cneral bo ol\k eep in;; kno11•le<l:;c. 51S-3486 BOYS 1D • 14 Carrier Route.s 0pl!" '°' Laguna Beaclt, So. ~ DAILY P ILOT ~-<!Z'.!l BUS DRIVER !or private Chri~ti an 3thooL Put time. \\'ill train. Good Orilin;:: r ecord rtquired. Apply 16133 Br oo k hu r 'st , Fountain Valle)'. 962-3312 Cashier /Bkkpr $403 .Ii.I r.. ~111.1·p, good oppty!' lndepend•nt P1r1enn1tl Agency 1TI7 Oran;:e Ave., Suit C C.>IJ. 6·1:?·0026, 3-15 l;Si9 CLEANt~G lady necd<'d. frlday prefc rrl'fl .. 4 hrs on· ly. 1.Jus1 ha1·e o 11• n tran sporta!Jon. Reference~. ;;.!&-781 7. * CASH IER + Car v.•ash, full time or p.a.rt limt. CAU.: G45-Z022 CLERICAL: I n:;; u r .an c e cssua.l ty rxper . 1 glrl ofc in H.B. l\J r !'llann. 842414!1 1'-COUl\S-:'\1ALE Apply: FLYING BUTLER. :;tot Ne...,"POrt Blvd., N.B .. COOKS k Coolt's liell)l!r. Me.-.;ican food. Nile!. Call .....,,., Cooks FJY COOKS Toi' 1ra;e!, f'('rmanent, hon· f'~t. and ;ood 11·orkin;; r an· ditioos in area's \eadin;; l't'staun.rit. Apply 9 am lo :l pm fol' mter\'it w .1.t ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR TE;\f· alpha. il.J\d numcr i· ..:al. Verify .\lid so~ re. late:d cleric:aJ d u I i e 1. Guod \li'Orkini': condition~ and benefit.!; I:::QUAL OPPORTUNITY E;\U'LOYER l-1&.i DaJr \\'ay Costa ?llesa, Uili!. *DISHWASHERS *BUSBOYS APPL\' I~ PERSO~ COCO'S -;g r·ashlon lslarld :'>r11 po11 Center. N.B. DISHWASHER ExP4rienr,;ed Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hw~. Newport Beach DISHWASHE~ Experiencr<l Da) ~ Apply to T'llr. Col,. NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB "j~ 11'. B.iy, Balhc;i {Clos-rd Mon. & Tues l DEJ\'TAL AS.SIS1'Ai\'T for Qr. rhodont\c practice:. Cha ir:-:irlr I.: lab, D€rital rxp req. Or!JIO ,.xp pre f. Age l!l-30. Top MJ . <'lj'. 642-2..326 Dental A~sis!1111t chamide, cxperiencl'd Phont anytime 9!)8.578:? Dept. Stoi:t J. W. ROBINSON Ha.<1 an openin;: for a -MAID :__ Olle:rin: !ull tlme r 111ploy· 111er,1 '-li th eXC€ll e.nt benrli!s. Apply in pel':!On to the P<"r· :wonne\ Df>pt. F'ASHION 151.AND NE\\"PORT BEACH DOt>tESTIC Live 1 n , rhl1dren's meals k lauodry. f';ci h<'ll\'Y h~e11·ork. Sehl-girl or unll'ed mothr r ok. :-;;Ja ry .. Balboa Prninsula . 673-0149 Draftsn1en 4·001\, -~chool a,i:rr~. Chris· BA 8 y S rT T E .R ' i\fature •.1:1." __ 1_11~n1e f'-'{'11--por t &JT.a . • MANNING'S , "'Orn&l'l, .2~1· days .~·k.· \,in. '·~h--.. •,>1.-: Architectural Draftsmen & Job Captains l!OliSE wiork 11·antcd by Oly. 0 11·11 11"a nsp. r.r ts. , tall hr forr ~ a1n or 11.ftrr 5· pm D0,\1&5TJC \YORI\ F.:y ho1J1·. 0 \111 1ransportano11 :;;;,-:n.~··li6 ."Ll .\111er lad.1 111.1 <io ~'l'Jur (in;,:, Ill)~<)()!\ ,~hi-, d,,I ]~\h .r.. r 11Ur 11,,n, !":\1. 61:'.:1~!19 1\CCUt;NTL."\'G :->n1i<n Set.; nf Rook~ 'l!y h~1e. ;1\0-?ll l ('\('.~_ --\1--r;,;r:-f:Jrph~11t~7 ·- rant. 2 scbOol~ar:c l!o)'s . CO,FEE SHOP Back ~Y atel'··~~l7rl :4rot El Toro Rd. BABYSl'ITER.. your home or Leisiir. World La:una Htlls mine. l\ton-F'ri. 2 boy~ 's & :?. 837-1014 .0.:.8.n ··cardtn~: E·ll.·~er schl 'c"o-,0,~B~!N"A'T~l~O-N~'.~.,,.,.--~8"­ ~,a. 'H.B. 96:.!-2319 r.Jalds ,l: Go Go Dir.ri<"ers. BABYS'TTTER v.&nled for 2 Top v.-a;t".S. Phon~ for in. g-irls 411 k 101. Aftc-r ~hOoL l~r1icw. ~ll S!Y Las;;)', ~I Vic ~ts1·§. ~10. ll'k. gj3-{Ml0 Harbor. C.~I. a11rr -:-1::;o.. CUSTODIAN B1\l3Y;'ilTTEr. \\'I n I (' d ~ llo1lrs, ~lal)day thru Frida)', 11)--:?.I J'~t:hil(l1,.n. O':ty home Slj ]J{'r 11·cek. Call Diane 5.)0..8.11t.tt.t : tor l!mall chul'('_]l, 5 ev~ & Sat, Opportu111ty for rettrrd cou ple. $~j r>l.'r mo. Im· m('cii;11e opcnini . D a 't t U"~J8. ~VI!.~ 0 1721. Immediate Openint• Perm•nent Po1ittons frank ~· Hope & AHoclatn ArchltN"1."i & Enar. .01 Civlc C1111· Dr \V. &in la A na, :;17-9.\lll BUSIE ST markctrlac~ in t011 n. 'l1le DAILY PlLOT monry. 1lmt. :: ellort. LoOk a u silied scc:tion. s a, r TIO'.l': ! ~ - r ) • IO l~f ro- ''· •r "' "'· '"' '" 1flt '" .'~. . S ". ,.,. :irl ,,., "' s & " -----·------------------------------------------------------------------------- , -' Mvfrtl1•r• ~Illy ''''' th•lr -.4s 'Illy ,,,.,....,. I • ' ' Phoi"s. Art Open 8:00 o.m. • 5:30 ;.m • ...9 td Noon Soturdoy -Closed . Suodl; . - '. I '.Pl>U. DIBECT ... 642-5678 WESTMJNS.TE~ & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 , Huntington .Beech: 540·1220 Laguna leach: ~94·9466 . Hours-Regulations-'De•illines llltllOttS: Adv1rtr11r1 ihould ch~k th1lr all• lll1ilY tirul ~t;._tt 1M1ttMl•t1ly .,,..,. • or ml1c~a111flt1tlons. l'HE DAILY 'ILOT •11Utft ... )IU1Hltj fer •rrer1 Mly te th• ·•Jltlnt ef· pultli1hin9 the -'••kl11m1nt cornctly 9"• time. . ' . DIA.OLINE Pett: CON AND KILLS : S:H P.M. tht 4•Y W..-1 pullllk1tlet1. 1ac.,. for w .. kefllll Elllltiltft 1"4 MonUy 1ec:tl1N wh•n chttln1 tlm• lt l :H P.M. Friday. · · YOU MlJST HAVl: KILL NUMllltl Wh•n 9cillint 1n all Mc.111 .. ef ~vlclr rnultl, ff\ sur• to m•k• • tiikord of th• klll numhr tlw•n pu by J•Ur H t•k•r •• Y1riflc;•!i1N1 '' J°'!r c41i. Ew•ry •ffort is m•d• to kill or <orrett a new •d that ha1 .... " •rllarM. b11t w. ''"°" l'tot gu•r•nlff to do •• until th1 .1d ho11 •l'P9.ltM lit rt.. ,.,_,. DIME•A·lllillE Ads •r• 1trlct1y c11h in o1dv1nc1 atr m•il •r •t •nt •n• .t •ur .rflc ... NO sahon• ·orckr1. · · • Th• DAil y PILOT 'l'llltYl!l t}l1 right ,. cl111ify, "''· ·,.n •• ;. •r r1fu1• •nr. .,, ..... tl11M1nt, •nd te ch1ng1 it1 r1!11 ind r1gulo1tlon1 wltheut •r!.r not ce. W,.il·Addr••: lox 1175, Ntwport •••ch, (,u~rnl• ' Daily Pilot Classified CLASS1FIED INDEX HOUSES FOR SAL! OINllUL COSTA MIS~ ilrlll$A Oil MAI "\l~A 'ffltOli• COLLIGI. ~All( l'llWl"Ollt IEIC" l'llW~OltW lll!IOHTS IAL..OA COVIS NEWl'OllT SHOltES IAYCltEST IAYSHOll:l5 00\11!11 SHOlllE!. WESTCLIFf lo!AlllOll l!lliHLA"IOS UNIVl"ITY l"All:K !IVIJllf . IA(I( l.IY t!ASTILU'" 11191•1 TIRJtACll" COll!)lol• OIL MAit IALIOA l'El'IOUULA IEACOH lAY I.I'!: 1$L,oti'IOS LIOO Ul.1 BALIOA MLA.HO llUHTIHGTON. llACH HUl'ITll<IO'rOl't HIAIOUl FOU.NT•J" YA.LUY . Sl.1.l. ·~ACH ~~~Sol!:.·~~~~. LOl'IO atl<H 1..AIUIWQOO O•AHGI COUHTY OUT OF. COUNf·'I' OUT Ol1 STATE ST.ll'ITtllil WISTll\!l!ISTt• MltlW,\Y, CI TY SAl'OTA!. •Na SANTA ANA HGT ~. ORAl#Gt fUSTIH KQltTM Tu~r, .. AMAlll:lM SILV[lt•DO C•.NY(IN HAVASU LAI\[ LllG!MA Hills LAGUNA IE.I.CH l ,l<;UH • NIGUEL MISJIOl'I VIEJO S•l't 'Ll_Ml!"NTlf SUI JU.I.Iii ca,.11••.t..NO CA,.ISTR•HO at•Cl'I OAN.fi ,.OIN1 t.,111 1,-se'o OCEAMSIOf ~AN Oll!GO llllVIEllSIOE COl1N1Y HOUSES TO IE MO\lf:O ~e~~r:~~I~' SALe 'l'ARTHENTS 11'011 IAll! RENTALS '"' ... "" 1111 HIS '"' •1111 uu ltlt 111) 111J '"' 1110 Un uu ... I 141 lllf 1111 JUI ,,.. 1l H 11" 1i s1 1lU '~ lllJ "" ,,,. • t•n HIS ·~ "" 1'00 uos "" ,,1! ,,,, Ult 1111 "" !•l! 1141 '~' 1~!0 10! !US llH 110! "" 1701 11\1 1'11 17?J 11!1 110 ! "' 117! , ... , .. 19'1 l!!J ... Housn Furnished "'fHl!,ll '"' "" !IOI ltliHT•LS TO IH•ltli COSTA Ml!S• "lfSA DEL MA.II ~ISA Yl!ll:DI · :OL\.lh lt>4•1C ' !o'!W,.OllT iEACH .. l!Wl'OllT .GTf.- Nl!Wl'OllT SHOltll IAYSHOltPI -OOVElt s~•u "ll!STCltFI< 1Jlil1V£11:51T¥ l'•!llt l•VlNE ••Cl< •AJ fl.ST I L ·~ llllVINI!" TEltllACf (OltONA 011. MA,• 1,1.LICIA 9•Y ISl ANCS LIDO IS~fi IAllO• 11tl1'1D HU"I TINGT ON llA{H JOUN"TAIN ll•LlEY l f .. l IEACH LONO IE .. n+ Clt•NOI CDUNT'f llllT.l .liai• NIESTM INSTf lt "IOWAY C('rY SANTA MA liEIGH TS :o•st•L lAGUN• ll!•CH . .I.GUHi lollGUEL MIS SIO N VIEJO I"" CLl<MENill" i~ll JU.IN CAP!S Tlll.lNO :AP1STlllAHO llEACN , .. ,. .. 1'011!11 ~IYE'!"OE CO\JJ!TY 'ACA,TIOH •E HlAl S :ONOOM!Nl\J M )Ul'LEXIS FVltN. RENTALS 710! 111t i n1 "" 1111 "" ll7! = "" lll7 "" "" 11•1 "'' "" "" 11!0 '151 1!SS l~I 1+11 ?•!O "" "" 1~1t H!I tlU ,.. "" Jiii )111 "" .... 1)1 l i n t "" !II~ ... 1•\ft ... Houses Unfurnished ~EN'!'ll•L :OST.Ii Mf:S A \lfSA Oil MAii \IES• \IEltDI! COllll;;f l'l"IC: )l(Wl'Olt1 ll!ACll "!Wl'OltT HGT$. .'~IWl"OJtf SHO•lt IATSHOlt£5 OO'IElll 5110lli~ "'ESTCLllJF UIHVIJ •SITY l'Altll' tll!VIHE 1.-cK lf'T E•ST ILU1'fJ IR'llNI TfllltACI ,;okDIU OIL M,Alt tALaOA t AT AlA,.ClS LIDO SSLI! ViLaOA llL .. 1'0 "IWl'OltT Wl!IT · "'4-Tll'IOTO"I llAC" .. UNT.l!'OTOM M•llOlllt 'HTA,!N Vl.LLIY !IAL llAC" a••OIH OltOVI LOMG al!"ACM )lllMI COUNTY iAl'tTA AHA Nl!STMIHST~ilt '\llOWAY CITY lANTA ANA Hl!IGHT$ ::o.ur"t , ' L.AGVP!.a' J!A,(M ! • t &OlnlA Nl(all!I ' Ml\SION VIEJO !i CLEfl\1 .. TIL llflll4fl• ' -~ tiTll:IHO 1rAl'.M ~A 'OINJ C MtN!filNI xas u1r1rW•M! ' RENTALS "" J1U l!O 1111 SIU "" !711 J!ll l17J J111 ,,. l1l1 .,. "" "" JlO '"' "" "" '"' '"' Jll! •• -... l•St ... "" ,,. l41t JIU 1411 "" ,., 11H , •• 1 "" ll!I ,,. JIJI 1141 . ,. ... A11tl. Fi.ir,,ishtd Cl .... AAt. I ... COSTA Ml!Sil MESA '111101! tn:w,0•1 el!'ilCM NliWl'Ollf ~IGHtS NEW,.0111' Slolnltl!I WISTCL"I' U"llVEltS\TT ,.Ilk IACI( BJ\l' IA.ST aLVl'I' CORON.Ii CIL A\,1.1 l•U.OA BAY 1SLAl'IDS LIDO ISLI IAllOI ISl•NO HUNTIHGTON ll•Cll FOUNT .. 111 WALLIY .S~AJ. IEACH lOl'IG ll!ACH _ 011 .1.l(C;E COUNTY G°'llO~N GlllOVf WtStM11'1STElt MIDW•T CITY SANTA .. !'IA SANTA AN• HflGHTJ TUSTIN COAST II. LAGUNA aU,Cll LAG UN A HIG U!l MISSIOl'I \'llJO ~.IH CL!Mfl'ljY• D•l'IA l'O+Hf· Tltl"Ltll:, -'c. t. COl'IDOJ.\I NIUM ReNTALS .,. •111 '* •11• (ltl ••• ... li1ss .... ... UJI . ... ... ,41,. ... ... .,. "" •• .,. lltS .... "" Ult ... ... ... Apls. Unfurnished , , G!l'IEll.U. • IOH COSTA MESA 'IM ME~A Vl!ltOE 1!11· HEWl'OllT ll!ICl'I ~1.0I NIWPOllT HEIGHTS 1111 l'IEWl'Oll:T SHOlll!S Jtlt' WESTC Lll'F Sl)I UN!V6ilHITY l"A•lt SUI IACIC: UY nu £AST ILUll'" U4t COllONA Oil M.I• J1H tALIOA • SlMI IA¥ ISLANDS ll5t llOO 15LI l lH HUNTll'IGTON • llAClll J•" FOUHT.l.11'1 ·vALliV J•ll 8J.L90" ISL•NO JlS5 SE'•L liACi'I Jost l01'1$ IEACN HM O"A,NGE COUNTY UM GA ltOl!N 't(;lllO VI WJ$T"'\INST;E."' MIDWAY CITY SJ.NTA .. HA JlliNtA AN&,. Hl!l01't't\. TU5Tllt COASTAL lAOUN4 lfo'!/4 l•Dl'"A Nll'HJl;_L MISSION VIEJO SJ,. Cl l!MfNTI!: SA,N JUA,N C•l'UTll•NO O•NA 1'0!N1 REAL ESTATE , General "" ''" li1' "" Sot ... sitit "" Jltl ... "" s111 SHI T•IPLEI(, rit. SM CONDOMINIUM 8.,t •ENT.Ill WAl'<Tl!'O !f'l'I ltOOMS 1'0111 ltf.llT 5"1 llOOM a IOAltO SIH MOTEL$. Tl.llLatt-C:OUllTS Jf'1 GUEST HOMll 5"' MISC. llfl'ljT.llS J"t INCOME l'•Ol'Uf"r -IUSINES$ "llOPIEltTT 'e51 Tlll lLE ll l'Al'l:l(5 teJ IUSl'llESS ltlNTAL •fff OFFlCl lllNT•L tl1' !l'ICIUSTlll!°'L "Ol'E•TY '"I tOMMEJICIAl ... 5 il'IOlltfltlAL ltlN1•L '"' LOTS 111111 llAN :>tEJ ••H CITltU! GROVl!I 'lli •CllEAGE •ue LAl(E l!'L"NOJIE 4Tl1 l'f!OPT "1'01'Elt1Y •1lS o'A:,1N GIE co. l'rtOrl:llT"I' 41fl OUT OF ST.IT! P•OP. tllH MOUl'ITAIN & Ol!S!ltT 1111 SUIOIV1110N \.ANO ~lll lllE.IL E~T•TE SlllYICI 171! II.I . f)(CH .. NGI 6lJI Ill. E. WAN TEO 41tt BUSINESS and FINANCIAL BU~INl'SS WANTED INV ESTMENT D·~·""v~lfio• ~1)$1N":SS 01',.0ltTUll'•lilES lr.1\IE~TMftlT WAl'ITIO MOt+tY TO LCI'"' l'EllSONAL LOlll'I JEWELllY LO.INS COl lATE~•L LOJ NJ 1tE•L ESTITI lO•Ns MOlllTOl iGl!S, T'llfl 0 .. 11 MOH l!Y WAHTl!'O ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES FOUN(I IF,... Afll •~M LOST 4dl l'E•SOl'l•LI l'f! Al'INO,UNCl1'\l!NT$ t41t llllf"S 1+11 fUl'<EllALS ~11 l'AIO OltTUAllT 141J FUNE!'Al tllrtECTOlt! tl1+ FLOllltSTS tl!S CAllO OF TN .. Jjl<I 6'1,- IN MEMOlllAM "11 C'i:MElEllY LOTS &111 CEMITElllY Clt,..TI int C1tWM.ITOltll$ tffll MEMQlll IAL l"AllCl 101 AUCTIONS ..-H AVIAT!otl JlltVtC• 4•U TllAVEL t•ll '.1111 TllAl't$1'0ll't1Tl0Jrl M41 AUTO TlllAHSPO llTAflO,. t4.ta LEG .. I. HOTIC•S .._ CO!llMAN & TUTOlllNa 1 ... SERVICE DIRECTORY ACtallfftN•, · •HI AlbWt:lltNG SllllYICI tJOJ Al'llLl•Nf ( llEl'AlltS ••• ,,, .... Al'l'ltAl$1HO au 1~1'!1•1 T O•+t lUI Alt(HITl'CTltlU.L Sl<ll'VI(' tJJJ AUTO IUi PA+R~ •SJI ... u10. '"-"' 1.11 .. '"""' •1c. ..... llAIYSl'lf1NO •Ut IOlt MAIMTl'H .. lllC• IJH 1111,K, MAS.0Nll¥, tic. '5it llJSll'tl~S llCVICll '"' IUllAIM. • • • tJJI CliTlltlJIO , tJrs CA•(H5fMAkllor• .sit CAll~"Tfilt tNO •M ;~MINT, ,._.... , ...... ,. CHll• CAii~. LIC...,.. (.Otl'l:tt.ACTOll , .. ,. Cl.Jtl'liT CLIANtN• 6ftt -CllPIT L~VIN• & ll:l~lill f"1• 0••"11111 ..,. OIMOl.ITIOJll fllU• Olafll'T .... ••••It• •JJ ILICTll:tCAI. ,,... IQUFl'MINT •l)ITAll 6151 fllli<I CINf aM11 ,.LOOM . -FU•N.1(1!' ...... It,, l!f'&. 4 11 fUltl'llTUlll ltllTOllNa & •EflN/SION• •'9 G•1tOENING u• Gll'llJIAL 'Sllt'll(l1 !Wiit GlllAO IM9. OIJCIH• 6'lf GLA.$1 UH Cilllll"l!Jrl fllUM• t 111 GUN 5HOto tTll Hl.AlTl't CLUB• 111t MAULIN• '"' HOUllC\.l•HIN• ITU IH:r9111011: OICOIUITINe tnt' INCOMI TA-._ t14t lll'ol<I, On11-•l'IL lie. 115'1 HllOH!NO tJU IMIUU.TtNO 67• INSUll•NCI! Im ll'tVI STIGATIN., Ollftn!vt ,,. JAl'llTO•IAL, ..,,. llWELlll'r '-ll'Allt,. l'IL .. U.Nb,CAl'IN• trll LOeKIMtTlt tm MASONllY, lllttll tnt MOVING & STOllAGI -•111'1Tllt0 ... __,,_IQ ... I' INTIHG. l!f• ... PATIOS ..... l'HOlOOlt•l'HT tl1t l'LAJTE•lN&. l'llcll. l_t, .... l'LUilrlll!N• tlM PfT GllOOMll'I• ,,.. "00L S!J:VICE ~It l'OWl!lt SWSll'IN• ffll "UM" SE IYIC:I tl'IW 1100,ll't• .,.. ltAjltO. l1Nln, llt. 11111 lllMOOl!LIN• & tt•l'Allll t•M lll!MOO!LIN•, a'.ITCHllll •HI SCll!tn Shlttt• tK$ IEWll'IG •Mt Sl'WINe N•CHINI •l,.AlltS 6H: SE l'TIC Tlol<llCS. ,.,.._, .,.. •W TAtLOltlN• 1'11 Tl!ltNlTE CONTIOL ••n TILE. c ....... 11; .m Till. LI~ ..... "' a•~...... 6f7J TlllE ll!llV!CI 1'91 TlLIVIUON. lttftlt'L lie. ''"' Wl'ljDLST'"llT mt WllO!Na '"' JPBS I. EMPLOYMENT JOI WANllO, M.. Hll JOI WIHTfC. Wm11~ 1•• JOI Wl.NTIO, MEN & WOMIN Pn. SC HOOLS & IOO T•UCTIOH 70~ JO I P•E"AltATIOl't 1llt Tl>(lAlllJCAL ,,. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE FUllNITUlll - OFl'ICI •u•NITLlllll Mlt OFflCI IOIJl,MINT M l! tTO•I IOUll'Ml:NT •it CA,i, lllST.liUltJ#IT •11 IAll ICIUl,.Mll'IT 1111 NOUllNO\.C OOODS lttf OAllAOI!" SALi Im "Ultl'tlTUll AUCTION ~ Al'l'L1ANCll I TM JHT!9Ut$ 1\11 SEl'llNO MACHINl!I l lH MUSICAL 11'1511tUMINT 1111 l"IANOI & OllGANS IUt ll!•OIO I~• TILIV!110N t!l5 "41·1'1 A ITlllllO lllf TA"E •ICOltOt•t t'lH CAMl!llAI A IOUl l'MINT IJ&I l'tOll'I' JU,.~lllS - IPOltTll'I• e.ooos Ult Clti'tOCUU•I, IC0,.11 lilt MtSClllAlollOUS -"'llK. WANTIO hfl M•CHllol!AY, II.. flll LUMlll f1jol STOltACI ~t IUILOll'IG M.ATlllALI l 'lt SWAl'S f7M PETS and LIVE!iTOCK l'ITS, •ENIUL CATS OOGJ HOll_SEI LIV•ITOCIC -~· ... •• ... tALtFORNIA LIVING NU•lllllfl S'llltMMIN• l'OOl.I l'ATIOI AWl'llHGJ v•C.ATtoHI TRANSPORTATION IGATI & YACHTS JAILaOAn l'O'lllllt. CllUISl!lt1 IPl•O-llCI IOAT• IOAT TltAllllS IOIT M.o.IHTWNA,.C• aOA"t W.vtCIRW• ~BIN( EOUI!'. IOAY llll', MOO.IN• 10 .. f ._lllYtta'S ID.AT ltll't."t•ll IGAT (H.liltTllt l'llHIHG SO.ITI IOAT MOYl!ltO IOAT ITOl:AO• S0'11 WAM'T•O Allltll.A•f Fl.TlllO "'tSOftl MOllLI fklMll'S MOTilll ftOMIS •tcl'CLll ILICTlllC CA.It MINI •llC:ll MOTOltCYCLll Ml)TOlt•cooT• 11:1 AUTO llltVl(I• & l"AllTI AUYO fOOll I IOUll'. fll.AILll, TllAVIL TltAILl'llS, lltlllh tllllcl(I ,., .. , CAMl'lltS CAM"I• lll!N'IALl OUN• •UGOl•S IMPOllT.10 AUTOS S"°lltT C&ltl •ll'TIOUWS, (LAll!(I llAC. cA•s. •o.e AUTO IYllltS :~:~~~,.TIO IJIT8 L•All .. Wl•D CAU "" -"'' ..,. ... -"" ... -... ... ... "" ... ... "" "" -.... •M -... .. u .... "'' ... : ... "" ... • •• "" ••• ... ''" 4stl ..,, . ., .... .... '"' ... ... .... ... .... -~AVE 'YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME · LATELY? • 6 4 2 -s 6 7 8 D A I l y p I l 0 T c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 ~~rtll'V 11....,.d ol T•111I""' l'ubll•h<'d Or•"•• Cotol Octotle• 11, 11. ]16t 7· LEGAL NOTICE HO,ICI! 01' INffNTIOlt TO •NGIG• IN TM! !All" C, ALCOHOLIC atVtl.A•lt <klo>ber I. IMI 10 WHOM IT MAY CONC-:.ltN : $ubl~I lo I''""'''" cl t~• II<•"'" ••· t ll...i to<. no1 1c1 11 hl!flbY t lvrn '"" "'~ un1t.r•l1n<'d "'"""'·"" to .. 11 tlto~oilt t.w~oo-s t i ">• ,....,...1111>, O...:•+be<F ., loUowo: • l ~l'Q'l I & C let<~ llv~ .• Huntln1ton •.. , ... l'l'l'b'\•nt .16 •<i<~ •"!."""""' lllt vn· a.,,1,.,...,. r, tnlVln• to 1i.... OePt rl"'""' ~' •t<~•ll< l•v•r••• c .... 1 .... 1 le• 1 .. u.nt~ r.~~·~~·;;,:.:,:t "'~1=1~,~~~·:: lol\ewt: ON'SALE l !Elt A••...,~ dl'l'!lrl"ll ta e•o11!>1 ll'lo luu•nto •• ~ .... h tlceml (,J mt Y Ill•. VOfillNl Pf1>-' !"~' ti 4nV ot!'<o or """ O<!<'lt•lm•nt ot Alco~o1lc flev .. i to Con•r<1I,.,.. bv mill "' !!\O Oo~rttl,~M ol •lto~oll< fltvorot .. C~n1>ol, 111! O ,,, ... ,, So"•m•••o. C1111..,...11 ?SllT I • .., t• ~ 1>o ro<elvl!d wtll>· In .JO o!tl'1 "1 !"" Otle "'e pr~ol!d or....,..I••, wfrt 11,,1 posl•~. ~t.,lnt '"''"''" ''" d!"'l•I •• o..,v..,..,, l>v 11w_ Tiit prtm"'' •re ,.,,.., llc•~"' "'' ti>~ ~·I• O'l llCO .. Ollc l>tvt<IOM, T~4 fo•m ti verlll<otlan m•v ti.. oettl~ !rem '"'of· ti'• o+ I~• D1P••lmtnr RoO.rt l ovl• 9••'•'" J.,...~ W, Mc8 r l~• Mt ,..,. E. Mt l "d" ""bl·~-0<•1)91 Cots! 0.01, io.1a1, Qc.f!lbo1" 11, 1961 1Uf··· LEGAL NOTICE T-171'1' MOTIC:I' TO CIEOITOltS ,U,.lltlOlt COUIT Cf THW ITATI 0" CALIJOltl'll.I 'Oil TNI COUN1'~ ()Ill OlllANGI! ,... ""'"' C:;•f!• o+ JEll:N A. L•lllCO::, Otc••>l!d- N0 11CE •s Hf:llEIY GIV£"1 In !h• <"•<!llft,., OI lf'of ltl!Vf "&"'6<1 ""'""""' "'"' 111 PH•O"' lltvlnt cto lm• 1t1ln1t '"' otln d•c~ent '" rt<t~!nod to 111, ltl•m. "'Ii" •~• n'l'<t>u r; vouc""'· '" t~• n<l1<• o• "''e l••~ ol ti'~ •~1 •n!ll ll!d eourr, ~' I~ P•n•M !~'"'-' ''""' !n~ "'(•, ..... """<"'"· lo t"• unOr •1lo~ 1• '"' m!it • o• STOOD. t!A llN!;lT. El l!OTT 1"'3 AUNE, Anorn•~• .. I ll Nor1" 8•ot a"''"• S•n•• a,,,. Col)lo•nl• I•""! '"""'"' N l~, .. ~tr l. W~IC~ II "'I ••IC~ c• t>U1I"'~' ol t~e u""'"lgnod In 111 mot!•" • .,. r,1,,1,.,. •o lfl• '''",. o+ ul~ d•~:o<I•~•, WI"''" h:lur mon!~! t !l•r IM 11'>1 Publl<•· 110,, "' t11 <1 "olic• •• pply 11. Oifford Thom k ITT IABSCO TURRET LATHE Setup &. 0F"r•t• TOOL, DIE & MOLD MAKER MILL I. DRILL OPERATOR SHIPPING/ RECEIVING CLERK STOCKROOM CLERK ALL po!>ltl011S require .~nn~ eXP'('ricnce LfBF.RAL 1'"R INGE BENEFIT P R!XiRA.J\f EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E;\lPLOYER 14-~j J)ak \Vay C..:,..,!a l\IP.o.a, Calli. i n 1i s.1:>-8251 ru11 T111\e HOUSEKEEPER Apply in person HuntJfl&"IOl'I ~a~h Convalescent Hospital 18TI:I:! Dl:'la\vare S1., H.B. HOUSEKEEPER • INSPECTCiR~-;;;_l ity ~ontrol . ott<led lrn· mtdia1ely,. l\TcG~or Yacht Corp. 1631 F'lacenti.1, C.~t . t-;Ef\"NELl\IA N trn11nr e, lull Ph: 612-3S I:\ ,. I\ ta in. or part tmif". f\Et\'NEL. r<t.JF. Grn. clean-. in~. Age no baiTiPr b11l ~on1e hca.vy \\Or k. 6,12-38~0 J\lTCH EN Help.· 1niln 18 or over. Apply f\ENTUCf\Y FRI ED CHICK EN, 2929 E. Coa~! l!lvy., C d i\I. LEGAL TRAINEE \.\'oi·k •l )\:el.l.1'f'rt C'~nl er, start :S.t00/1no. Requ1~s scr. rl!tariill PXf'lf'J1('tice. T,i>e 60 \\'Pilf. 'light ·~north11nd , Ar- t.cwn ry. Rqlaad S. Barcun1E''. &l>OO'll ~!ACHIN!ST E:xp·d Brchler·Torno~ set-lip "'""· Xln1 pay , OE'ne fl!s , rLJture 1•i !h rapidly ex· pandi n~ fir m in ~n1og tree 1.·n111n1unity. 71·1-7!l7·9JjJ . tl!a c hinis'-! • Punch Press & t"ts h ing Rod \\'rappers e Mulli1lid• Oprs. Top dollanr ii t"xp"d & Yrilling To S~32 ~r week. Apply to 11·ork. Brov.·ning r<tr;. Co. Tony Ouchi. 1919 P!acen!ia, C . !\f . \\'ILCO TOOL k DIE 5.JS-1 17l :;190 Pullman L.a.N: e FRY COOK e !-;un, f.. Hohclays off * EXPERIENCED Costa r.1esa. :)Jl)..5-13:! i\1.-\0-llNIST \\anted 2" 52' r"P. prefcn't'd. Call for 11.ppt 5\S-4211 J to 5 P;IT and 1 la 9 p ,\I. * * Housewives and Mothers * CHRISTMAS * J. C. 'Penriey Company Fa"'ion l1land -Newport it•ch H•s positions OF"n in * Sales * Slod * ~anta ·s Helper * C'redit intervie\vs ' * C.iift '\'rapping * l\lerchandise recor ds *PBX Schedules in('!ucl ing afternoons evenings and con1bination of both. ' J-~inest conditions -Top supenrision _ Ex· cellent benefits inc luding distount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Mond•y thru Fridey J. C. Penney Company :::;:24 Fa1hion l1land Newport Beach, Californi• Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 ---------·- Mfg. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN MA NLIF'ACTUR- ING. il-lECHANJC,\LLY JN'. CLINJ;:O . :>l!J-3~11 or :J-lS.()376 ll!A NAGE:'-IENT po s i ! io n "i lh fUte-r ni;inulac1u1·rr of Y.il!~r ·& y:a ste field. Broad ~p('C':trun1 of d1i1ie~; Equip · n1ent Engineering-, Purch<>s· ing, D r a f ti ng;:, in.s1'1c Sa.leg, f:rt1ph~i.s being able lo u.ork on your 01111 pro. j'!ct~ fJ'Onl gtAfl .10 J1nish . f:11l11ry. 6.12-121? * ~z: 11 ==-==== Jobs-Men, W•m. 7100 PART· Time matt, 18 & o~"•r. ,\ssi.s. il-lgr, traintc. Apply Taco Bell, 69,) So. Coast H\\'Y, Lai;:. Bch, PBX An.sv.·eriog !ervice, e x- perience pr eferred . 1f- ternoon &. 1nidn\ght shitts. Hun1. Bch. area. 5J6-S881 . . PORTERS EXPERIENCED Excellent Eniployte B•nefit1 J\I EDJCAL Assi~t:int. Sack off ic·t r.~iter. /\lu~t l~ u.'ill-., ing lo -..·or.k 1n h11~y G.P. ;:if •. ficl". O!he-rs ne"rl not apply, Salary , OJN'M. l\li~~ion Vi~· •, APPLY Ptr•onMI Offic• Th!Td Floor The Broadway jo E! Toro area. ~1.1aio 5ECOND or d inner cook. Phone • ~9G-:J146 newpmt . personnel ... agency Pl"Of9ssionel S1rvict for th• •mployer and the appllc•nt 133 Oov•r Dr., N.B. 642-3170 549-2743 Nurse~: RN, parl ii ine: 1.~. I .:;..11. 11-7 LYN, full tim,.: 7.3 [· Park Lido Conva.lesrcnt Ce nfer, ·166 flag~hip Rd. NP11-port Be11ch. &12-ROI~ NURSE S · Pr1vatl" Duty needed. P.N"s, LVl"'s. All sb11\s. Call ii.ny hour &12-!/95;> NURSE5 Needed !or p r ivate rl\1tr. Pra tical t:_ AirJr~. No lie. nc(". All sh ifts and li\'C· in J\1u~t ha\·c ref s. Call any hr . S.12·99.l:J •1 t.urt1 of Fashion FASHIO:-l l~N D Newport Beach A11 Equal 0 1'!portunity Erriploy"r PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR ,\PPL'i' i\lcGi·egor Yacht Co!ll. 1£.11 Placentia C.\lst a MeAA Profes1ionel Employment , Assi1t•nce COA5TAL AGENCY A mem~r ol Snell ing I.: S9el!ing. Tnc, 2790 Harbor Bl; 0 1 5-4().605..1 PUBLIC SPEAKERS If )'OU ran 1"1'<"'rui1 6'. tra in, or LI you ha\·e r ver h;id • cou1·~ 111 puhh·· .!'peaking, !here may hf' a p!a<"'! fo r you II 1111 OUI' N<t r l Co. J\fook ~loorl. •136 \\'. 6th St , Tu.;. 1111 :i-l-1-7302 APPLY IN PER.SON [ N U R SERY SC H OOL flELPEn. . f..Ef'LY ROX P jfi.1, r.E:.CEPTIOl\'l S T & A5SJSTA:"T for 1 0 ca I orlht11!011ti~t-Xh1t Y.'Ork ina: DA ILY PILOT THE RIGGER .. ~ur..sES Aides. r:,,1i"t:I. All rorul'~ 1;. r a y. State "XP'Jr. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~htlt~. lnq . personnel clcpt. a nrl qll11l lf11:;i1lon:o;_ Box lliM MAINTENANCE MECHANIC #!Ii f 11sh 1o n i>lan<'l Ne11•pot1-Beach . Hoag ~1"m. Hosp. Nc\vport ~a<"'h. Cal. SCHOOL DISTRICT _ .. o t·f!CL SLTPf,RVISOR. r.e~tau1·ant 0 1!..:t 0 •'11""' \~. ,.,. ltont ld W. Fone• E '"''"~· ot !llo Wiii o• I"• 11>o~• ~•l'l'l•n o•c""•"I :'a!;uy rar1,:;:P :l:i.i-i.. .• y;:c \Vo m a n n1 u .i: I h ~ v " Ancient Mariner ____________ , REQVIREl\IENT:): -VAiid 1'-Upcl' i50l'Y ('_\fl. \\"I 111 M W 1ak111~ a]'lpl 1cation_s fl'.lr Qi.[iJQrnia hu~rivrr:< )1<'rn~~. r~lcphOnC' ;in~ll'Pi·in\'.; ~fr\.ic,. Full &: part t ime, day & STOOD. •AltNtn, ILLIOTT •NO AUNI l y: , ........ "· T~···~ .. •11 Nf ... h IN•fWfY i1111t •~•. C•nPer•l1 "1fl Toi: !7111 .f.11~UJ An1r.,.v1 '9r l•eo:Vllf' "~1>111~~ 0'"''" (Of•I 011 tY 1'1!0!. O<!ol>e• 11, II. 7J •~d Novemt>o• I, lf6t ll'OMt • FRY COOK (Six rnghts • w~k) Apply 1n pcrron lo Tl--fE D-£EF' 2 to 5 pin n1N::han ic :i! 1't'pa11· or ll(hool or Tel,..rhone Cri. 11~1 ::o. :, t'l'r s sluli ~. bu !lf'~. <111101nobilt'~, h;;i;ht days incl. '>'l'ken<l~:.... ~c;z.~2 e KITCHEN HELP iru"k.~ :u1rl 11:11.'l()l1n~ f'ngi~s. ; •• OPERATORS ... e DISHWASHER F1llNGE B E N f.: FI.T S -E:<pertencE'd in _i11i;Je ocrdll' e BUSBOYS l'wr.lve rlays paid vatatllln and overloc.ks. (;ood piece Apply tn ~r~on per yca1·, lll'c!vl' d;,.ys '.'iic-k Y.·or!: pricl's, steady ,1-ork. ~7 \V, Coas t Hv.)'. leave f)l'r year, ni~jor medi-EDDY r<IOSS J~0!2 Locu~t Newport Be11.c!1 The Fiv• Crowns ~R. i~~~an~~~~· -C11ll St., \\'E'stm\n~ter.: 5.14-SGS. I =Re-,c,-,-,-,.c,c,-'--'--'-'----t R•steurent • Miss Zacll mcyer at 8·!2.6&51 OPENING • f"LQORJ..AQY NJG}IT BUSBOYS ~~~~~~~~-1 LEGAL NOTICE "·'"" 3801 E, Pacific Coast Hwy. Ext. 2?5 'bt>1\l'PC!1-J ,,, 5 p.m ., ·ror G-11rmci1t i\lfgr. Good AND DISH\l.'ASHERS ce•ri~~i~i1:u~' N .... ~tNllt, CoroM dt! l\1ar N o ph. ca.JI!; no la1r r thii.n De( 1.!. J'.169, pay, pcmianent. &n-26G6 Tl>+! """""''"" do c.,111v 111~v '" For•ign Car M•chenic• PAR-f.:_Tin1e cleaning la°fty Over JS. No 'chool pie•~· CMChJ<,ll"f • b<J•l...ss t t ms w. ""'· SI., f ... J • ...::.... honie~ ·-Appl)' in flE'l'SOn to ~·~'" """· c1111orn19, ""n•r tne 110111011• Good co. benE'fils, \ncl paid i\tAIDS or ,..,w rtrtt. "IJ.I''· • • , 11,,.. "'"''of HAL't t ODY SHOP 1nn vacalion, '""', tns, uni. FUU.-Tim~. rerorl hotel, -not· li\•e-d· \n fo1' rl ispley BOB#S BIG &OY •~•I •t in firm h ComfOS.,, of 1111 '"!low. · -' 1-l"" 1~• E 17th S> C '' 1..., ''''°"''· .... ~ •• "'"'" tn 1u11 tt•d forms furnished free. Good :La:="""::;;';:":;'='::'="=·='='=•='~'="';=~~P="="'°~'='='='=';"'"'' ,· -~==·~==·=~.:C==-==·===· =·="=>="=' =:o j '"'" ot "'ld.,.,c• •r• ••follow~: ,.,.,mm, ,,..hedulc. A£k for • l"•tt l04btltllr, IUIJ Oftll....., Cir., ~... ~ • •• ! ~••dfn Grovt. c1111<>rn11. Joe i\foore Ph. 540.1764. ~: Jtrrv 01...,,. 171•1 LI Limt, F1K1n!1ln 1~~~"'~"7:;,,,,o;cC,-';';7:;! v o11ev. C1llfo•nlt . ... DELICATESSEN !\!AN O•t.,, .. ~~~::-.;;.,~1;:~'· Full time Y.'ork. See Terry, J@rrv 0111,,. 49j E. 17th C.l\t • Stilt ot C1llfor,.l1, Or1r11t Coufliv : o .. Oct. '· !Ht. lwt9r• mt, t nottrv HATR Stylists -Beauty "~~lie "' •nil ™ ''"' !lo ... "'"°"111.,. n....rator• H u n t I n C I 00 ''""'" '""' l-edb.fn~, ,,.~ Jt•rv 0111'!' '-'t= ... •-.., ,... tt IN ""' "'""' ,..-.,. Stach & Santa Ana. Busy .,,...... ••• wl>tc•ltltcl ~ '"" wl"'I" 1.,. ___. p h •''V"'""'' '"d 1cknow1tc1•9ll 11\ft' ••tc:uled 1111.IOMS·"'""" p11y . on e 1111 .. ..-... 5.J2--04:i2, 968-8080, nr eves [OfFICllL J EAl l "•' ~3"0 MtN I(. H~•r'I' •N ...---I"' lilol1,.., l'ubllc -C•t1tor~I• Prl"c1,.11 Offl<• I~ o ...... '""""' l.tv C•mml•olo" E~•lr<• Nov_ '" 1'11 •ublli.lllid O•lr1ff C:oo'I Otil'I' l'•IO!, !><l<ltler 11, 11, ti t n.d Ntveml)!or 1. lftt , .. , .. , BEST Tl>t DAILY Pl\.OT effert 10"'• of ti>• lt•1f f1•h1F11, 9v •Clutl '"'"'' ef •••tl111. •"•iltl>le 111 .,.., n1w1,1p11 lt1 ·~· ,. .... ti. FAIR f1i t, f,;,, f,,+wtl. T.,,,, t~••• "'o•Ji iuM 11p f1 ctori ;., •fll•'•lio11 e11 +~• DAILY JllLOT ..fito•i•I Jl•I• ... ,,., tltv • HICKORY FARMS \\'e •re tra.ining pan t11ne 111les people for penna nenr 11nd Chli~tmas jobs . Enjoy . a;ble work. days & ever; . Pl«11.se call l\t Hickory r11.rm8, &i. Coe.st Plaza, C.i\J., tov.·er l>tall. TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD f~TIA STAR GA'ZEEi<~ "-'=""'.":-..--~-Cl.AT J. l'OLLAN r ..a.a1n .. , ·, Liia.A 1l"'.-• u M Y-Doily Adivltr Gvtde M stff. JJ~ , · V Auo,cl/119 to,,.. Sia,.,. ""(" ' 11 A/JIU d •.f5d OCT. 3-,_ t.1, 7o eve1op rnessoo~ or un oy, u31.11~Jr . 21r39 rtod wuds cor~ng to runblrs ;;;: M '11 "'{~ of -pzr Zodioc:blrth sign. 11 ' I . " <: ME~OIANDIS! ,OR SALE AND TRADE MIRCrlANDISI fOR SALE AND TRADE I DAIL V PI LOT S1t11•d1y, Oc1obfr 18, 196q °'a""s&~. crn,..p.i;L""uY""ME'""'Nl""H"O"u"S"E7S'F"'O"'R-.. SATL"E -.<'.sA""LE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR IMERCHANDIS! FOR l --------1 • .;.;M.;;;E;;.R;.;;C.;H,;.;A.;.;N.;..D.;_IS_l_f,;.;O:;.;l.;__s_A_LE_A_N_D_T_RA_D_l;;___1 • .o.SAC..Lo..E;__A_ND TRADE SALE AND TRACE SALE AND TllADE l~~'::!. .. ~"~·~W~om~. ~7~100~ Job•-M•n, Wom. 7100 Fumtture IOOOFumlture IOOO F rnlturo - F ltu 8000 1600 I· ~· --1 -;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";';";;;;;';";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_1.P~l•~n~o~•:__l&~O~r~1~•~~~·!._~1:130~M -~'~·~,·~1;1•~n~oou~~·~~~l600:;;;M;;::;1'~'~";"~";"~00~·~·~~~~1 ': "'"""'"'' "'""' . . . ' PUBLIC NOTICE FACTO I-COUPON ~urant ::iecl't"tary I" 2i I ~ ,!, BUSBOYS p.,, T im• ' DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION CLEAR El For Week-ends Secr,~ta ry ~· •1'9 OF II LUXURY APARTMENTS f .or t•J!'Y orrkri> clearance ol : ·• 11171 ~ !•ll ov.-r11~<'. demunsu-a1ori;, Vice _ P~sident Spanish & Mtldlt•rranean Furniture !Joor niodels, &1ud1o & re. • APPLY rN f'ERSO'.'l' • ,t-Grneral 1'\Tanagrr $50,000 lnv•nfory To Choot• From turned Pian')! & Organs. \rho can lilkP ~horthan\J 100 Hr11J saving~ up ro ~o··~. "Pi11 , 11 1·.es '\'an<'!y and fig. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN A DECORATOR DREA ~I JIOUS~: ON '"\'l•tylhin~ ~uar11 nt~d like ures, rypc60 "-pn1 ortxo11rr. Sh R Fl S I F I C l DlSPLAY-3 ROOP.IS OF GORGEOLl.S n .. 11· s.a1 .. 11u111 ri1 111 sreciJic !1111-Jly rompany benefits ~t1ch ow oom • oor amp es· •c ory oaeouta SPANISH FURNITURE (1vas re,g. $1 ,295 ) ,,1.ii·k . ..,., 1i111ry: No money a~ ra1<1 vacations, sic k 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. SACRIFICE .............. $398, tcrn1s. <Jowrl 01\C::. )1'ars !o pily. lt'.,r1>, paid 1nNlH:<ll arwl life This gro;al s.111' only al : REUBEN E. LEE -151 E. Coast Hwy. N ewport Beach This coupon worth $25· 11 • Chri1tmts gift for •ny sof• uphol1t.ring from October 25th to Dec embtir 15. Thousands of 11mples to choo•• from. Bring to • • • J & J & Harbor UpholsterinC) 350 N. Newport Blvd., Newport lffch 642-5876 or 646·8051 RL'S!au rant: f'.xpe11enttd * \l',\JTHES.'>£S -. COOK' Arrts 1n JH't-.;(ln, run« ... ,, Cror. l"e ShPf>. ~ob2 \\'. 19ti1 St., C0~la i\lr~~1 lf\SlU'ario.: .... C'redlt un1r1n, pen. • 5 pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. aet, • 96 R m FURNITURE \\'ARD'S BALD\\']!'!/ ~IUDIO l'ICl n plan, r te, Call the in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love H!l'.l Ni ·wr ... w1. C.i\1. G42..'l4M lJAJLY PlLOT l1Jr an ap. seat, or chair e 5 p<. Spanish Dinette, oak O~n Evrry Nite l '~COUPON f>01ntmenr, 64~·1:l~l and ask & SUndny Alternoon I ~ for :-,1M'. Gn:,rnnia n. tabla top• 3 heavr. Mediterr1nt1n matching 1844 N•wport Blvd., Costa Mesa ----- ----------tables, top durab e enough for Fl1me'f\cO E NI h ' 'I 9 • f'IANO Hf'.1!>.'TAL Misc•!l•neous 8600 Ml1cell1neoU1 ~E C R ET A r: y !or p1m;. v•ry g t fl -Wed., Sat. & Sun 'til 6 :;PEC!ALJSTS J!Crous, demarlrli ng, bu.<;y 3-Dancing. Will 1ell p ieces individually. l'!'~~~~~~~~~~';"~~~~~~~~~~~INo lime HniH. tt"ntal applie:i; HOO F\e,,!a tJr;.111 Rcs!au1·an•: PJrt t1n1r hP lp .,..an!ed, 111a!un-JI e r so n . ~:1 fl() hr./ ~\;)..!)1163 RE:-Ol,\l.lt ANT: Lody. lull flr parl !1n1e, ma turf' S2 f'f'r tir. -.:,· ... !1."r~1 RE.TIRJ·~D il1an or 11·on1an \1' dt'11 r1·~ l«', C ,\\, l·! hrs ,\~! ~ T"nip. ~11'.>'!.):0~ SALE::: -F.ar n n1oney 11·11h no \nvestrn,..111 S ;i, r a Ii {"111rnT1)' nr<'tls full & r :ur-11n1<' h•'lp, i\f'! del: 11·e 1r,un For tnT ph. ;..1:.-6100 1ALES.L.-\DY. r \n'rl. jr11chy i;tr-.r<'. llill 1unc. ~.,.Ht-.":403 .Salr <. Joe * Fantastic! 15 the 11nn1 Jor T hi~ na11onal ron1r11ll~"s 11,,11· p1·1Jg r;i.rn for N1111hc r01 Lahforn1a! \\'f riced : -DISTRIBUTORS -:'>lA'.l:AGERS .-SALES\1EN -S:\LE~\V0~1EN • -REPRESENTATl\'ES -·fB.AJNEES This is a real .i;round floor o;irortunity 11·1t11 a ~ohd auto. matic electron ic equipment hrm that offers Sales HIGH Immediate Earnings 546-3050 UNUSUAL Opportunity Tfi'): lnder>endent Ordrr ol f np•qers have oprn!•rl a ' fl"\\V "HI·'" in Ora•1g£' Coun· I.•' r.c·qll!re 111tell1gent man 'ti . 5~-('.rii!Pj'.:f' noT JlfC• e~~('ll;.' !5 h o 11 I '1 harr ""'· pl'ri<'nr,, 1n n1,,,.nng p11hl1r. l 1ii:n1!1rtj ]\fp 1rmr fl"~1 1 1on. E~rning "1n1•11,,nccs irnn1.-r1. l~te\~· ~11,.,LJ\<1 tre-in excess ol ~~-.o "·rckly. Trleph"fl'' l"'"1•r<'n 10 am • 4 f'T'J, .'.ll~n. thn1 fri. frir R ~ ('OlJ1tm<'ni. 534-1701 or ,Viulh \'<J.1<1 rnd or the rnu111y, ~9: <;~1)), Sales V.P. 10 5i20,000 1. 1 ~r ..:._ 111c('nr1v,.. + r x. r' 11~\'~ flyn11tnir grov.1n~ , ,, Ue-gn'C Ele,..~rirnl rir mrk1f;. ~!f'('k "PliOn ,__ all rro l•rnef1tli. $1'11(1 1·<'sume or call Arm;i11, ~·16-5-l!O JASON BEST F ;nployin1>111 Ai:rncy 21l.f! So !'>I;i.1n, Santa Ana. ' ' .:.1 100!> Pt-t ime or Full-time \!,,n, ""1n('•1 .\· !i111<lrn1.-~trf'· rl"il1n"\1 1· .. 11r !ll°"•lTl" \\ 1!11 11~ "''r;1 {l~,n !'1 ~.1110 a r1""'" (+•11 r.,r 11flp.-.1n1 61-\ i;rl) r~•. ljO~ Fri, Sal S :;1 Ir THE NEW JUDY LEE IS fl!'! ll'hl-·l• tnn .~· {''>Cill llr' I -:irn ~ ~l . ~Ji'('] p<'r v.<'rk 1 .~ r~,·· 1,ir1 .. r 111"1•e )'lrl~ ''""1 h"'•I'' ;"\n dt'll'''"D ~ 1''"'1111.r;, r•n 111 ,n~Tn1rn1 ~an1 :dv;1"1is1ng . agt-ni.:y. Shop f-irst! Then See Ou r Unbalievable Buys! Furniture 8000 Garag• Sale 8022 11"1 fl lllThr1s,.. wil111n a. year. ·us e a~i typist, good 1001 other items w ith terrific saving•I 1----------NE\\' &-USED f'lANOS & NEW gag range ST5. Dining t;ible 6 chail's, china cab>net $95. 10xJ 5 beige nylon rug & padding S.l..i. Set for 8-new dishes $12. 24 pc cut c;ry~tal glasses $30. TV rotor mast «n1f"nna ~2.'i. Va c e u n1 clean!:'r $20. Antiques & many more. 433 Bolco \Vay, NB. £16 .. IJGO ~pellrr, a111b1\11)U~ for in· M h ORGANS . Best deali; in c1·easini; T'f'5JXl n.~1biJ 1ty & \n. Bank Terms Store Charge aster c arge LIKE ne\v naug. club chr & Garage Sa I e Oran&c County. \\'c lakr. '"m•. •\'ITh ~u""rTcir .Jn hat;sock S40. !11 a l ch in g !rad 8 k " r ' BankAmer1'card All Accepted red I t bl .. e:;. an terms. Orx'n lwh1r h 1re'll trs! at our ex-c: enza amp a e an.,que Sa 'I & -white SJj. s· loose back t/Sun 1 'til ?, : on · r .11 CVl'S", ~u n 12 10 '1. p('llS('/. Joh H1rh1des b1ll i11g lll\l\-1MON D & hurlgr1s. \\'r1tr fully. • • • • • • ~~eds recovering $25· 2400 ELDEN. CM in CORONA DEL J\.1AR F:nc_los" r<'s ume. L&C, PO J:elng, stov<', 111\J IJ, 211:>1 f '" C:oa~1 H ll'~" 67::·ll!J:ID Uox 796, Balbo;i. • • J\.1APLE dropleaf d 1 n in g cb;i_1 r~. •)(1'1~ 8; <"'lltb _ *PIANO RENTAL SECRETARY jor busy rx· room lablr & chairs. Maple fl f.F S'.3. C~!i .'\IO\I• ~i;), SPECIALISTS """'''" '" , ... ·, .. ,'"·.-ii,·~,. double be1I, bookcase h•11'd· w 1 ., 1 F.STATE SALE · !'llrdlcal equip. Hosp. bed; pa!ient lilt: ,1•alker: alter, pressure pad: trapeze baf-Sold sep(l_fa!rly or collectively. Suh111it hid.~ in \\Tiling to Un1r cd C111if ~nk , Alln. Dal'!a D. 1-loltby,' Box 1139, Sc1nl>l Ana ~2702' .-.. ._. , . ., ~·-., ., _,,_ .... • • • 1 ·: •• 1 .as1r1· .,,~v .<i1\'J1 1110•.1,,1· /\'o l11nl' lun1t. Jtcn1at applies hoard, c:on1plete wlth box I •1 I I I.Ip 11<'11' drflT. \•'llhin fllU!tla! •'· " Of · i'll'f' .'\f':1t $:i.). l'l p11rch;.1~1' 1vilt11n ii •'<'ar Funds Co. 1n /\ie"vpt. Bch 1 .;;<;;:;::;=~:iiic.=;<O~~~::;=;::::;::::::::::======::::::~l 11.prings & niattre15s. 13olh llprighl f1'l'f'Zr1· r<'f $~'1, N J~\V .~. t,'::;F:o p J,\NOs & ll.l'ea. Top skills. shorthand. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT excell"nt. 968-7056 Oval ftl!: :SID. F:lcc :-:tovr :i;1:1. ()Hr.ANS. BPS[ (lf'al ~ in t~'fllll~ t._ aptltude \~ilh I-----------I ~F""c'c"citcucrc•o_ ____ 1110::.:;:.:0I NEAR nev,o blonde king size 4 The ll1HL'iC 1n &'l«k ol •l [1 £. Oran;::r. Cnuntv. \\'c takl" f~u1'f's -i perStina1ity ·+ h I I OO OVER_ STOCKED pc. bedrm. suite, Lgc. !l 17th I :.r. 612-574 1 1 nutr·~. n:ont;; ·1,:i'lns. 0 ,....n Sc oo •· natruction 76 d d ·-Startin; salary $4T;i \1·ith rav:er resser, two 2 CLOSJi\(; (JUT t·;s rAT~: !\Ion ,\ fr1 t'\-,,~. S11n 12 10 4. bl!ne!it ol stock option. Ca.II JOIN THE FIELD dra1ver bedside c hes!s, 1 E-..ery.•tung must go, i,love. /1 1\i\L\'JON D 6-!2-~360 for 11ppo\nt. \\'ITH A FUTURE! MUSJ SELL! headboard. $125. 542-1212. re!ri;..:, fli rniturr A t s 0 in CORONA DEL il1Al1 *AUCTION* .~e Belly Bruce at miJJ Cxec Agency !or Career Girls 410 \V Coast H"y., N.B. By appoint. 6~&.393~ SERVICE STATION Plulllps PctroltUJTI Co, !>.'.ow hinng for Salary - npcrated service 15tation. r:xperience dP.sired. Coad :-tarting s a I a r y plu~ hCnerous comm, with exrell oppo rtu nitie s for ad· vanrement. For in!ormatlon [;rookllur~t & Adams, ¥Iun- tlnglon &;h. Equal op- porh1ni!y employer. SERVICE STATION Top island salesmen. GOOD pay tor exp'd. men. Corona de! Mar Shell Serv. 2801 E. Coast Hwy. at Goldenrod. 67~ SERVICE Eta. attendant, full time. over 21, older man preferred. Apply A.M. only, Sav-i\!or Oil Co. 7th & Ck-ean M.B. SERVJCF. Station Attendant. rllll 11me days. lf.45 Adams, Cosla illcsa. :..40-1206 SERVICE Sta. At t n <I n ·t , E:xp. Apply in f'IP!'S011 ~ Y·/_ Coast Hwy . N.R. s r:RVJCE Stahon atlcndiin!, r~p. nee. See J\likl', 4678 C;i111pus Dr, N.B. SE\VEP~<:i. experienced. Ap- ply 525 F~st Ave., Laguna neach. 497-11 31 !'llA1'.IPOO girl. must be lk~ensed . f or int. ph. Pe!er Christian. The Ne"'Jl(lrler Tnn. 644--034fl S lfT P PING : Ex p' ~upen·1~r !or ~mall o:lept . App.: 118 E. 16th St .. C.i\l. SL'P.VEY BOYS for Pool Co .. 4 hrs a dri.y, ;; day \Vk, aft srhl &_ Sa!, Sl.75 per hr. ~·!~-iflli2 -T·u=T~o=R""1N"'G,----- "f?ed g<>ncr>l.I tutoi·ing for ':? hos~ !a.:es 10-121 111 my 1!1111!1 n~1on \la.rbo\1 r homr ~lh.:;1i 1 -.T YPISTS e \\'DP.1-i \\llE::-.· ~· \l"l!ERE: YOU l\.A:"'T un 1rn1fl(li':11)' 11~s1gnrnen1s VOLT T n<t~ni Pr1-sonnr\ ;~\~ Camnus Dr, ::;uite 11)6 :.:~11 p•n I Br~rh :'>16-47~1 WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Age/education no t'l'!Tit!r! \\'ON in a co nt es l ·BI g hou~e. for quick skle ~l:J,:iOO 28;ll. l·: Coas1 Hwy. 673-8930 l! .vou 11 ill sell or buy give \Vindy a try Auctio ns Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Barn _8,..hi nd Tony'11 Bldg. Ma!'l. 20i:>12 Nrwport. C.\I f.46·8686· 52 INTERNAT l ONAL pir kup, com1nercial license $125. 60 Datsun Sedan, runs good, real economy $175. El,..e. ironer $12. Tools, misc !lfiZ-4!l.'i7, 10079 San Pablo Ct. F .V. ~t u~ help you qualify. Net~ 9 pc. eorner arrang. Spanish con.sole_, ?llotornla cash. ~u ndny only 9 A~l 1o:: P IANOS&, 1.?H.GANS INi\.KEEPERS INSTITUTE choice of c!rs. reg, S230, now col.or TV. Still 1n box. For Pi\l, 177 f'1Jsl;t. [llr5a St., NE\V .~·. USED lNTER.i'lATJONAL $159.50 . New beds: King quic k Mle, call 536-2029. C.tll. ;,18-7072 or '.'i·l8-433:i !lfotel/i-lotel/ Apt Mgmt Sehl $99 50 n s~ 50 Full e )';uni1t1a Pianos & Organs • T honu1s Organs . , ...,ueens o". , • F I 80 A DIVISION OF $49.50, Twins $39..50, fully Office urn tur• 10 ANTHONY SCHOOLS guarn. King sz spreads $13.95 - C .S. T roop 1202 r;;i 1·a;.;" Sale in parking lot HIBi -Su prn11r, Cl\-L Sa!. 1Jnl y, 9~1 P~L C.ood usrd (·lothrs, d 1shwast1,..r, bnhy lurniturt', tablr . rlcsk, many 1lrn1s. Con1r s,..,.,~ • Kintl1aU Pianos • l\ohlcr & Can1ptwll COAST MUSIC NE\V1l0 RT & l'L\RBOR (05!a r"llf'sa * 642-2S51 Opi>n Jfl-6 Fri 10·!1 Sun U·S 1n1 S. EROOKHURST fl. sz. $9.95. Headbrds: EXECUT_IVE _desk with ~ide ANAHEIJ\.1, CALIFORNIA Kings S15 Queens $12 50 arm Sl2;i. AdJust. typewriter Oasses fonn every 'veek Full "sio.sO, 1\i.'ins ;4:95'. chair $25. Back storage bar PHONE FOR APPT. Trundle sets (duo riser ) w/ $40. 644-2869 betw. 9 & 5. Ask for Be1ty 77&.5800 inner spring matt. N<g. $106, STEEL f illng cabinet, 4 ~ppli~cu LEARN TO BE nO'lv $79.50. K.s. sprds $13.99, drawer, legal size, lull --------- ------8100 S AVE $300 AN AUCTIONEER ~·r>C. Span gp. $2-19, J\.s. vel • .'!Uspension. $50. &17-6319 Relrigrra tors .... lr1un ~JS. lnfroductory Offer TPnn s!.art.~ soon_ ve1 spreads $49.50. Canopy C E Port Color 'IV, 4J " l\1!111111. Console P iano Patnlers Equip: Binks low- boy f·o111pressor, 2 others. 40' extension ladder, 2 20' ladders, 5 gal pot, '2 gal pot~, m i."c gUJl~ & ho~es, DeVilbes airless, 642-1}141 a!ter 5 \\'EST-BEO:.I SCHOOL beds reg. $119.50, now $89.5(). Off le• Equipment 8011 like nu .......•........ ~l IS J.10111,..d numl"l\'r .... ~69:i Of AUcnONEERING 1''ull sz, 11.leep -sofa reg. !>lay-1;1.g cir·" (lryrr lll1V GOULD MUSIC Enrollment JiteratlirP. lree. $239.50, no1v ~169.50. Christ. S ~EE D -0 • PRINT u.~cd .lO du.vs , ........... :'iS!l 20-1_ N . CMiS Bonded and Ct'r!Jfied instnic· n1as lay.aw:iys now. SJ ESTA mimeograph; 3 :ihelf blue RCA CunsQlr, l"Jirir TV , SllS ·' J • fll illll, :--,\ 5-!7· I tors. Opportunity for I.hi: SLEEP SHOP, 1!127 Harbor metal bookcase; Kodak \Vh1tlpool Llnfl('nal g~.s HA!llMOND • Steinway -Ya· handicapped. PO Bo:rit 3021, Blvd .. CM 64!'>-2760 daily 10-Readyprint copier. All 111 dl)'t'l' , ................. ~59 maha • new & used pianos KING Size !,led SIOO. 1 dune buc;-g"y a slro rim & tire $20. r-.takaha surfboard $ 4 0 , r;o.-ean szs. m~c Canyon Dr. Ci\1. &12-9;>34 Anaheim, Calli. 92803; or 9Sat-Sun10-6. good cond. 644-1422. DUNLAP'S ol all makes. Best buys in (TI4) 638-500:!. 17 p K" s· TYPE\VRITER, add. 1nach., l SlJ j\'r11·port Blvd., C.1\1. So. Calif. ri;;ht here. ATTENTION LOVING PARc C. Jn9 JZe calculator, Very reasonable. 548-7788 SO-!i\TIDT ?11USIC CO .• Beel XI t nd 892 '2423 1907 N. l\lain, ENTS! YOtrrH SPEECH room n co · ~-COLD~PUT rril«g/rrrr lcr. Santa Ana WORKSHOP. Ages 7 to 17. Large !J drawt>r dresser, mir. G S I 8022 ideal for i;arg. ~fi:i. K"111nnre _ . . TREE S\1·eet Valencia. 20 Learn 10 speak well, enunci-ror, 2 bedside stands, king areg• • • gas !.:lolh£':< dryPr $~5. (i.E:. FRF~f-~ ORGAN CLASSES porinds $1. 1918 Dover 1:r.1r. project Aftrr school &: h dbo 'Cl tra ·1 a11 10. \'.'ll~l1rr Sl:i. Xln t cond. !l!onday nitr s 7:.::.0 · 8:30 pm Drive. Ne1vport Be a c h Sa i<ize ea a1 , me, qui I· GARAGE Mle & 11.ntique~. '4'-.''','.l I•"'''"'''"· ,.-,,. GOULD MUSIC CO. 6'" .• I". 1 turday~. Private or class rrl n1attress, i;heets, blank· Round oak table claw fee1, " r< ' "-" c'~~='cc,"~--~---~ rate~ 494-8295 I 1, G 1. J'\ 1 20-l.l :-;' il!;i1n S .. \ S-i7-~l Kl.-:.., . . ·· -· cs,r .. many antiquP clocks .:. .. ,,,cin e sin\'<', 11-111,,, · ' · r.BYVacuumcteaner\\'tth MERCHANDISE FOR Oioice ol Spanish Russ.an wnovar, very olci push hu rton, Forr<'d !n :-tll. PR IVATI-: !'i\RTY \\'ANTS 1 attach & polisher . X!nt cond SALE ANO TRADE or Modern Stylr. Victorian sofa. beautifully l'.;Mrl r9nr1111011 !!~;n;r;inulrlc. TO UL:Y P IANO FOR & ;;11<i.ranteed. Pay oU b&l ol AH For $249 hanrl kniltcd dress ~izes 10 ~'.1.J.1~1070 afl('1·4 PJ\I CAS I!. ~12·60,15 $39.67 oi· take over pymnts. Furnltur• 8000 AL!>fOST New Rivie.ra Queen-size ;e;ola-bcd, fv1aple desk & f'hair, misc. flfaple table~. easy chairs, dinette 11.et, Jo\'ely Maple bedroom suHi', lamps, china , s l I ven>.•nrf', kllc.henwarc, line prints & paintings, linf'ns. blankets & many inisc iten;_s. Days: 2612 San· t;i Ana~ J.18-5930. Eves 645--0865 HERI TAGE flt od i I i e four .. poster bed, chest of drawers, bcd.~ide tab Ir, $125; tv•o charming chair~. S2:> each: small chest malt'hing mlrror, $18; drou: hle bed box springs, mat- trt'ss, S2J: 2001 ~i Kings Road, S.lS-2394.. Sat.-Sun. & l :ves. DON'T Give up: You rnay J1nd it at Amenca's largest, most unusual un lin1shed f11rn1turr store. Cor. Rcd ht!J t..·_ Santa Ana F\1·~·. Tus1in. J rn1 So. of_ Nr \l'Jl(lrl f11y. Open ::62 days per yr. 54 l-;,f70 2 Tl\'I :"' bt'dS. con lfiTifl. :')i,fl. ~n1all desk $20. Dres.~f r .~2?i, hoth anlH] ~rrr n. 2 1w10 Spanish l:M'dspn>e.ds SlO f'.1. illisc. Alt Jn vl'ry good coiirL 6 11-13~7 No (loii·n PmL<;. only $9 mo . & 12 carpentrr tools & much ~1A YT1\l; Au1oi na111· 11 . .,..,h,•r, UPf:JG!lT p1;1no. f\1. Schult;:, Crl'dit clr pt !':>.~:>-7289 W[LK'S WAREHOUSE more. This Sat & Sunday xlnl f'ond, S50. !J \G-.~!ii2 or white ,'i, gr1l1L s:io. 67:>-6698 flilOVl NG. Camper S l 50, 22fi c;ranrl Canal, !,iHle 847-SJ 1:, a ft"r 6 or 1vknd~. s ho1,·ca:,£', iron bed, rugs. Balboa Island -N o -STO h · t 1 ?llODE:L 600 Kcnff111r1• /Iulo /\_'i ,\ Clark upright C c~t. an11q . pl<: ure n1.mes, 600 \V. 4th St,, Santa Ana previe\\'5. \vastir>r, :-.Int rood. S7J, pt;i11.. ll'!lh bench $1W. gl>lsswar'f'. lots o! odds &. Open Daily !l · 9 fl10VED lrom larger hon1e, ~i4G-8ti72 or ~17-81\:i ;.Al}-3177 ends. All 10 am, ends Oct. --..c"'o1c'_"c·60-c'c"c"c·c1c1.f>c• __ , mtis t ~ell contemp. scrt1onal 2fi.121 CPr1 1 Pl, CJ\.!. Sl30. Ann chairs S35 ea. \VASlll·:r:. &. riryr r, :ivnf',,do, Television 1205 ESPANO'L IN QUALITY Swag lamp SlS. Dressers Sl:i S12:i R<>frig-frnst fr"" $100.I'-''-'---'--''-----== SE\\'tNG mach. &. chair. Model Home Furniture ea . 'ne comb. drcsser/rlesk F'rrr~rr':-; Sli~'· ;:,10-1n:r; Ll'asP Color TV "'f J31arK pol in i;rlll, upright piano, ,., ""'!> up1·1~hl freeier & misc. Savings to g;i.,..,, Very easy $50. Lamps SJ & J3/'J. Mir· PHIL\O rr•frigrr.i tf'll' ~ ;;,, A· 1\'111 1.,, Opt ion to h11y. fl · 3 It E II I l'I ·in .. -J' · N d 1· 5.15-76!\:',, \701 Park Sl, H.B. nanc1ni;. comp e e rooms rors $10 & $25. All firle cond. xi-r ''1 eol1( 1 ron. i; ",•J'I:;, • "'" M't \'1(1'_ o epr>si of decora tors slyled Spanish Bricabrac_ lOc to $10. Sat&. 646-i::~ir, o\-Al'hl'•• TV nrn1al Co. CRAFTS'.llAN table saw, ex· lurniture. Consisting ol \he sun only 26U Redlands Dr. \VF. ~TI NGJl(ll,!SI< ··lrrlric, ____ ,_11_'2_2_.1_1_5_1___ len,1on top, 1 J{ motor, l<imous custon1 quality fl.la· CM. r nni;e ~:jli. Relrig,..rnirw [r"e SYLV,\N J,\ i'nrt. TV ~xlO n1r1al stand + plant>r & dri d Jiving room g roup. Theliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. \Y:th riini:;<' nr SlO 117:>--~;;~l(l .~creen l l2V DC c<.1r or boa t n1otor. <ot! !or Sls.5. 546--(II~'.I origlnal El PresidenTe s nac· 28J Del Mar CM \\.1\SllEP. s. rlrv. ,..I', a1"('rid1', britt i ~::-.. eond. $60. 61:>---2808 CARPET Installer has nne lous n1a ster klng E;iZr> hKI· ' • • ~1 0. 1 1 1 1 ,1 af1l"r ;, rn1 roll, avocado nylon carpet, ronm suile anrl the authentic ., .:J, {(' rn;-l'fl~t r~c " 00 1----'-=~=---oc· ~ -I u~·o TV double jute-backed. Will gel! La Paz "'rougt,t iMn d fnP.tte SATURDAY 10-4 ,. rrr1.er ·16·'-J.40-ri:r; • .~r~ 's • !!. <I \II ood 1 · al\ or part Sl/yarrl. ~'>40-7245 sets Limited stock ~ S48S -!Ro;...;·nrr~: Jronr r, 1·r111 .. r ;i ·., 11 • R <"'Om ition. lla~ilton Showroon1, 5948 Furniture, gar rl en tools, arn1. Srldnm usr rl, l\kc r11·111•'===='0·.1oll=>=101=.64=1;0, == OLY~1PIC TV Console ,;tereo. \\'estm ins te~ Ave, \Vl'slrrliti~ clothes & other items. 1 Ail!/f lll. Lowrey Organ \\'/ • ;,.-S4:i. ;,'.'}j-~1~7 H' S '" 1c1. ::!!14-443"1 HOBB J S T, S DE light ",'========::::1~~1-!F~i-&~;>.':fe~,~·~·~--"8~2~1~0 ~;~;;> Both .-.in!, sac! SOLI D nuiplr. l1t1nk bl'd11 Numerous electrical &ele1•. Antiques 8110 J\1AH,\l\TI. 2:1 r ece i v e r, CROSS top Refria:., \V/ladder $6.i. Plastic_ lo:ip tronic parts, 11\Vllches, )i!c~. BUJL-r In l3rfl llll'" !1'\•'I;!. Bnt.ak :;112 13 s p,.. a k er a utoni11.tic defro'<t. Exr _ $6."1. knet>hole mple de.~k S65. nio!or s. Also misc ho\1~chol1J l.if'r!'VlllY in \~l;~i : ll\l~ 1$ 11 11 !i Y >-I ,... fl l s ; d1 111J 1019 Thi? llrinse in Back 445 E. Con~h hark 111p le rlrsk t'halr items. 2872 Stromboli Rd, lur n!·1to! · S Mo l •,,~t oII ·r St ;). Dute.Ii ho.~ 111 plc l<1tJle Cill. Sal & Sun. nnll(H1" llPP<:hl 1'1''11"· i,i.,,. (i.!" '1» .. .'I '1' ~ P\i L • .::.''c"""c· ''::"01·~:'..'lc1::L'-----;..'01.1'11' 11•'\'"f "'''rll, :-:,,j.,I .-:,•,·~·~·~1! .. _· __ . __ _ Sll :iO, Hnund rlrun1 niplc . . . · · TOO!~ hn>;. cabinet & rhc!it. lahlr ~1 7,5(). 1'.lirrnr Jrip ODD~ & ends uf lur111 hu r & hr11.<s f'>1t1rrlr holdrJ .. .,,, '"l'"li f, 1 C')lr1.v ~-l r«rk t11nr, Lg r;ipacil.'t'. Portable sg;1, appl111 nces loys & garnrs rd .kr·~·hn:ir"l .•11f'r>"i 1 !1110 ••! r.L"'• Ii 1"r"'i. Only ~70, flrcss111g_ tah\r \1·/~k 1r1 Sl:'i ' · · 1:i:i1 H.11·erside Pl. C.i\1. Cherry Dr<1cons bench :riiJ galore, all kind.~ ol orlds & hrs1 :'1,,111,~r t;.~ , \"r 1111111 • :,;o-::!1.~3 • ' · rnds \1'he11 the premises No. 111.!.! 'lli:O 1.;': .. 111;; J"l' -61 1-2~fi!l; !J.;-., \\·ere vaCi11f'd. ~031 Sr1nn f.10VED to sn111l lr r h0m": P.d, Univ. Park, In1ne. Al! mu5t ~ell-6 pr MJllfl map!<' d>ly Sa1 & Sun l\NTlQ\ I'. <J,11-: l>1il h·1. <'d rl111TtW, 1"'11• '! rl1<w I! 1:•-~lnpfi! •I, f!;1!l i;.1~·-n·1.:" 11"11 ·1 TAI'!~ \:FCfll\f)l·~r.-Nnn-lco, ·I·,.-·, ~ ~r,.1 •! '\,, 5 I '' • l ,111 '.'If,':-:<; 11 • ~~·~-----~ }-1)1:-()'-: 1'h .. 11r.o;1·.q .j1 ~ ;1 ,,11 Camerds & Equip. 8300 l\orn "f1".;1k1,r ,<: 1;,)111,1,•r 616-·;~;~ -"------J\.l!SCL f11m iturt, pQrL se''" ln>; rnach. Boy's bike_ Quer n .'\!l" t>l:·rl spread. 6-12-2020 \Ir.:. f:f'Jin"r I ':11 pt'! la yt-r ha.s Hi Lo n.1 l1111s ~1-~ yd. Shags fm111 $.",:() up .i. niy labor, '.IOc ~r yard. !JtiS.6!110 , l<l ~I H !, ltnn1rd, nr.1[1 \s )~" '.;_i• n _!'ll••n" .1!.1·.:'.!_\~~ * SALESMEN * Apply in Person f:•'.11 !,f.!1• 1 «l'<':i 10 !)(' "'' SURF a. SIRLOIN NF.,\Rl,Y Nrw maple fur11, Ke1v rorly Amerio;~n JI.' rou"h & 6' t1u1ch hrii nr! nt-w. Antiqut furn, 1!1F.hl'~ k hn c:-ii-hr;ic. 9 A:.t to 6 P~I ~2-6t)f;7 S01l•·n1 1"·111 Rlt ~1·1 tnn1111. llc-~~~-----­ Trundlt' !)c(l·nlrt;d lranie, B1\NDSA\\', rinll p!'f'ss, !able 1·uslon1 ('('JI rr. Purl. walnul ~;i nrl~r. fll'll11ro1d 2-10, tape )l;,r_ lfnflnian 21" 1•011~,.,lr rl'('O rrlcr, mi~c ''.?_me .. 5hop TV T rutonr 19" pnrl. TV. .t r ... r. 1\cins. !!•ti !11 i~sion All '>nl1 f'flnd . ~,~~07\'J. o'c!Oc-clc2'='· -~-~--,,""' LOO KIN G l o r nl<IFRF.:'\Cll s1v1,.. furn .Xl~L n1aho~any7 J\.las~lVP. RCA pnrl (1 1~h\1·asht'r, rr fn g, i·<1hi 11,,1 $600. Bu!lrt $200 i·v. lan1p~. e!c. 2117 La Lin- rf'<'On lo;. J\.i. 1, ~. .~\I) f0T1:1 l'. J·.lrt•!ron1r rarner;i :,1n-.. :1~·; \\l1!1 • 't'" ~Ji', nr niakc ol· 1"r r.1:1-w:71; .111 7 r \l QLl L!·:N An ne sola Sl23; ~u11l~n1p S~O: sih·t'r platrci 1f'il ,\· <'ofte e !iCr\•icc $.)(]. o --:.-.n "-tl••f'\· -'tn<f ron1m r. ,, rtr allrti•ani-... rh. 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. \I! \h, 11,, ... !., O-l'.!·7.l ,i2 Newport Beach A1.i_~ s:.ir;1h Cu\•<'ntrv h;1~ e e WAITR.ESSES '•'"'111nc~ !"1' fl or pl. 11n1c Dram>lt1c, \'Xciling, ne\V t'Oll· '.'\111,1s ~lic:... 1~ I i· :i s an 1, /{'"Pl in 1\·a1 tre~~ employment d1_·1 nl•• rl ''"'" \\/f'll J; pl"tgran1. Young, attractive I""', ro ll " c t 1 n J) ~ { r \l'OnH'n, oppor!unity to e!lJ'n dnl1 i·•'l'l"S. f'hOn~<' ,011r o ri ~oxl monr~· in busy cof!ec hr· \l1n. ~·r.:r ~L ~·,,r 11 !\'. !>.hop. Fab11lous bonus plan, c.ill · ~10-~i14 ~· ~~2-.:.i.~3'\ Jin" 1nedic.al ro:erage, thru -·union, automatir pay 1n-Sales Secretary rreaw-.'.'. meals. rilcasant ,;ur. "'i'h 2-J _\·,,~rs n~11011al r·nn· l'lllndlng~. Exp'd and Un· i;11mrr products f Xpen,..nCf'. exp'd. Special training pro· S11ti1111t rf'•u1nr 10 D<11l,v r 11ot i::ran1 . }'3.1\ \\.'1t?l. Apply only during follo"'ing ho1Jrs: !llon ., \\'ed.. :rn .. sa t. 2 pm lo 4 pn1; Tues. & Thurs. 8 pm to 9 pm. Ste • SECRETARIES· SL\11\JONS Qnrl'n s i i. e hide-a-bf'rl. orng &. bnvn twc,,i:I. Good corid. $7:;, ~S-::!~2G ELEGANT French Prov. dining room ~111te; buffet. oval table 1\'I 1'2" !i ll~ & 6 chalrs. Never used. 5l9-19ZO 11 ft 6: :lO 7 Pie('f! 11\'0Carlo d inette set. J1P-C11n v.·ood-grained lop. 2 l l'<ivi:~. Harrlly used. $1 2i fl33-2'1-JS al!l'r '2 Pi\f 39" Box spring, n1att1'1s~. lrame, nearly ne1v $3:> . Assorted lramed pictures $2. :.4H!'J26 For Purrha ~ing Agrnl ;\large Grayson, Kona Lanes, SINCER Cebinl't ~cw 1 11 g :1699 J-larbor, Costa r.tesa. in machine S~. Maple 40" x person. No pho/11:': calls. Ap. 44·• roroer bed lable $25. ply prior to Oct. 22nd. ;.Js-8926 \r AITH.ESS-Flex1blr ~('he<!_ I o,.,',,.,',~--~---­ r-,1,. x i c: 8 n Foorl -Cocktall~-QUILTED An1iQu e s at j n chair, orange & .l'fef'n S:.0. P~c1f)c C~1 llv•y .. F.xp nol i\taple 1 dr&\\Cr chest $1:). r~!>ien l1A.I. Call g,16-:1207 ~H!.IZ6 ;1 n-(;S~'6 · rla Pl , NB foff ol 2.1rdl Oct. --18-19. 10:30 AJ\.1-5 Pt-1 . l.(lhol~IC T'f'd c0r!l"r group~ , ,, T 1 ti ~·,•nv,,rr ~ in to ·2 tivin ll('i}';. ~AT ONL). oy.~. r o 11ng, r·(l~I $·1'i0 :-><c S2i.l or !w-s1 books, \'ase~. pots & pans, nrf"r 6-12·1'Z19 c\'1'~/11ikfnr!s BBQ. garden tools, m11 ny · 111i~c itcm1", 1122 Corona La , l\-IAPLF. upholstert'rl rocker, Cl! ':'>40-0658 . Sl Z. Used l lotpo1nl cop· :-=~~~~-,---,,,-,-,,.,­pertonc re frii;. $8!1. The G,\TtAGE Sale . h Go-c11rl . f'ac-tory. 54{)-6842 rlbl ov,..n &. ~RngP, ronwle TV children s ganu:~ & B,\BY rrlb $13. R!'l(king nii~c i!ems. 1409 Priscilla hor~e ~. High _chair ~~. Ln, NB. 6-12-1277 \\'aJker $2. Tricycle $2 . ..:cc.,.c;c,:cc:,~=~--­~IG-<iti'26 NEIGHBORHOOD Gar a g e Sale, Household Furniture, J ADE silk custom sofa, 16' illisc_ellaneous. 10067 Spar- ii;ect' 1·2 pc. Cost $1600 rn1,. FV TllAKE OFFER. 673-5.180. IGc. AcRc~cG=E~SAcLcE~, ~F~"~rn~l~l"~,.-e, POOL Tblr., 11pp!iances, incl. J\liscellaneou!'. Sat & Sun 11 frzr., furniture, lamps & am-4 pm. 2707 Llghlhou~e. mi11c. Good conri. 84&-J433. CdM fo fl Crown Dr. Nnrth.l 15' ~PIECE Sectional sora. LOTS Of Goodies! 1 • .,.heel 81:°\vn. Early Amencan $35. tra-il r-r, 1\1, rlhl beri, 10 HP 67:r-7fi~. J ohnson, ~· ttllo. 1~70 Boa Quality king: ~~uilt!'ri. \'\slll Cir. C.ill. 54&-:.3\fi Complete-unused SlOS, \\'or!h 2 ~·Ai\ltLY sale! E\'erylh1n.; SZ"-.0. Alt ~ t. \l'k r1r!~ 812-6.'ilfi lrnm furn. 10 sallboll.t. Sol --------OAK fl,~"-. 1n•1~1' 1 .-1~. Ch1n,,cp 111~. Fro·n"li ~!"\" cir _ IH·12:: l\f'rirh Hhrl, l lJl Sporting Goods 8500 ~lt>-~~_lci ______ ~ ---------$,\\',\fi!•; I~ ,::i11t:r, douhl(' OHII::NT,\L rug, very old s;o. Sewing Machines 8120 :':O", r1111 1111 ~1 111,..rl, p~ri. :;i12_78:io 'f;9 J'l-':-1'.llOB E I -,-.· , .. "l'Y g•li'l<i ~!i.'l h1i-11 . Llicty'~ . '·· · C'Otl!-l•r .rii. ~<';1 ~1111, f11ll ~1 z1 p[l('r. nvlon CA f:l'ETING ·<..:oral color. ini:: nv1\'l1111>', 1\h•i11 i.•1 r-.11"11 lin•'rL "'•' >in;ill $1.'I. :i•!8..:<if.li9 Ex~·rllr·nl 1'i'lndi!ion. 11xl2.9. i;t~ Ir r,,,.-.~ f'Yf'I') lh111;;. 1\ll :i;:i:1_ fi7l-7226 ,.11,1~·11 111..i 6 111"· ~·hi. ld1" ONh :::i Pl. BraT'f'at bo"'· I c:::::c..:c..:.=:::.. __ ~~- nr w r111111. S~O(l Call brnrl•I 11r-w SIO val11c , NV.\\', ru~!on1 mar!,.. 6' bar , :.4,<:.~1s 1 !<l!<'!•!1rr s::.1. ,\I~ of\C' 50 lb s22: •. T'owcr mo\1•er. 6 mo~ Hf'd \\ '"" hunter l iJ valu£' nlrl. $,~;;_Desk $7.:,0 .. fi.12-:.:.Sl8 t9fi'.I :-:1~r.1-:n. \\·/tl(';i111 "ci1 .. . _ • con~nlc ~ .. t.ig-z~~ ~J,ikcs _"_''-''-"_• _s_10_>1_,.. __ ;1_,, ___ 19'' TV c·nnsole, as Is SJ.i. 6 t.uil!Jn 1 1nlf'~. 01-rr(':\.,1~. ;1 ONE P'"r of ladies "'Le uphls!rrl dinette ehrs ~. ea Yi>ar ~11;1r. F'11ll prw<' $.)!\.24 Trappt'u1·'' :<kl boots, ~ilC 6 or all Sl:1. 642-2112 fir $:1 Z6 nvi. .'•2!i-ftf;111 or r,i,._ 11irrl \1·ith boot tree. $100 . PARROT (Panamal Exrr>ll<'nl rnndition. 548-llJJj Good talker . ·cage & Stand Musical Inst. 8125 BRl\Xn nr ,v surfboard 7'10", 646-1301 -----------011lv 1n 1111trr once. Xlnt !or Cl-ll UX:RAFT. Tl1e How & PIANO, l\aW>lll c n n ~fl l r, Chl.'f~!nia~. ?>411--1760 '2 10 \\'alnut ,·11h., i ,r~ 01t1, :l~I -----------V.'hy Lihr!!.ry. thru yrs new $-1'.li Luri111.: ~narc Ei~ f'All 'D br lly board. Knee S7!i. Like new &M-161& rlnun 11·/all <'\l'!'~. s~o. ntachinc :11 SIO, HOfl·IE:"llADE camper 11hf't1 5~~-~J7hh • :1 18·:.S6.1 * fts 8' bcrl. C':Jb height~ 'A·in· GIBSON ES JJS TD 1 pirk11ps, l<•ni: n•·1 k ~liri l,i,ily, lll<t l •'hlr~,, ~f(l,\ nivinit eqillpment S70 \\.r! ~1111 . used twice., 11;i ln, s.~o. ·,111-::~~'.l 61;..:!~lli C,r11\11\:'~ SUPF1l01\RDS ~)'<?"' llrihie '101\'S. $~5. !lfi2-70:;5 POOL T AELf;; & pins, top. $ll,'"l, Call 615-1 028 poog of il fa.<\ gro\1'\ng COllSUl11C'T p r n d II <' t 5 n1a n11Jacttir<:'r, l)errls }J ~harp woman for 11 t"f'1r1011•1h " fl(ISl\ion. Exprn. enr r· 1n p11 rch11.s1nh. 1n\·r n. 1'•1-v c11nJro1. produr 11011 ron. t.r•d 1lcl-1 rablr, hut \I.ILL Tl:A!N an 1nlrlhgcn! ~1rl. Good :-l\1Jl~ requirM. ~or! :h1.1n'1 :in. lyplng r,o A r<>al opporturuty for a care er 1) pc. \\',<\!TRESS · F:'xp'd COF'FEE SHOP. • 6'12· 7~24 * !IJODERN green '11viin & cha ir_ Good coruL S~t8. Pr ol f<.lODERN dirn':ltt', flowered 31 4 Apolena A,.,.., Balboa ~Id lamps, hoth $7, The print chalN:. '.'.i pc $J.5. The lslan<I . 6 S!rtn~ r l('rlrlc i::Hil'l.f ;uiri Woorly, 12.' Quigg-Tandem, 11mpl1f1rr $;,n no Call both fr1r S:~. 673--0632 6' T!K1 «al'\'rd fron1 Pa I m t~e. S3:'1. 1110 Carlton. S.A. For l\larketinJ:! Depl of a last &rowin~ consumer prnducts m11nufacturPf '}leed., gir1 with top skill~ for rei<p:iri~ible secre(&rial posi- t.Jon ShOrthand 100 wpm. ·tyfl!'' 71) 11·pm. ?>fust ha1·e Jn· l1111t1ve. New bid& .• Irvine lnclustrlal Compl<?x. Excel. 't~11 ,..ompa_ny benellts, Call f'1f Appl! POL YOPTICS, INC. f,46.mct \.\'ATTERS, W a It re: r; I e: 5, ·'2121 E. Coll.St I-fwy. C d M. Busbo)'. Pref. r xp'd. Apply : • SALES\V0~1AN * !>IATt.:RL Part time. Young Maternity Shops So Oi11&! Plaza. Pill'A orJy Schools-Instruction 7600 VOCAL Tech. k IOflg in· terprellltion. &g!nners thtu 11dvancfll. 494-93-W aft 6 TY'Pt.~: Earn mo\"'9 learn J\.ITST & CompoM"r. C.a ll 642-~ 792 f'flctory ~2. F'acJmy, 540-6342.G --,-RA-G"E-·-"s-A"L"F.'. -c,,c,-,-, ~R-4~~7 afl<'r 5 !':'>1 T0 ,.0 1, " "-I "\· ·'· 0 M iscellaneous 1600 -'~1_ .. _,~1;_1 _____ _ i\fJNK siolc • toui'llialint . fully lrt t1111. P e rte e t ! Sacrifice'. fi.1 2-2267 9· Sofa, good condition. COUCH ·& n1atch ch11.1r. dble Ttem10, HousehOld lurni ll1rr, Scotc hguaroed, $j(J. bed, tnd 1b111. Sacnf.lce! ~ ! 30&3 Platte Or. Cit Sat lSlll, c,1> O .-.:1.'I, .cit: 1111'1 " "t"' TI. V<ilue $7•1:1, As\..1n~ s:;;(l. BATH ROO~I sink. good $10. 546-1548 aftrr 4 P;\f Call 646-856'2 9-5. DtNJNG Se!, solid "·alnut, 6CA 0~RP=ET~.-,~ ... -.~ti71.\7o~N~EW= ,.heirs., xlnt quality. ron-$4 11q. yd. 396 Hamilton, C.<tll 61~-:zt.\21. Rrt1~-. 1 s11rl s:ivrr h1b, 1-double FENDl'.'.R C L.IT A!\ 1dn r H1ll ~10 f'a , ~!\-2139 PAIR Lamps $10. A5wrtcd curtains, <l r apr i;, & bedspread& Sl·$10. '.>18-8926 f 0R1'.fAL Early Amerira n dining 111.blt. i; rha1r~: birchwood &:. T b fl n1 a 5 m11.ke. like oc11•. S l 7 J, !14.l-6934. CONTEMPORA R\' d ! n 1 n a: room ~t 5 ch11.1r~. Rood con· rli!lon $50. 642-0!l~j tempoT'l'lry ~tylt . 644-11'.!8 C.M. Satunlay only. Gihson pickups Sl:!:> of!rr 'Iii Ondi::c, 2 dr $200. Vacuum C111i Stevl' :.4f!..()9fi 7 ,.J ... 111r r g, attach. $35, Both USED 5 pc. anhque "'h1te GARAGE ~8.le: Olrl dPsks, Af;Cf\l ·:R "• \"l\ILI'.\ cd rnnd $11 .. ,!l!I.~ brlrni ~et delu:"I,., S!l7. The bertroon1 Mt. 1nisrl i1em.~ NE\V STRING!', CA ~~: 1 ·~1-:fJ \\'a~hcr & dl')'f'r S::iO : Fat'tor_y, ~~2 29'.)9 !';1\lbro, C-:0.1. S;I! f..· Sun S50 :i1;.1~r,.~ wh11" 111<'11\l patio f\1rn., 4 l tSED 5 pr a11\irp1" \1'l\1!e PIA!>.'O $1~. Rock~r S~. ,\CCOP.DI0:-1 1'2 • :\1111 la! !'•"~ S7fl, Aft~ f'1'fl, r~14--26.i7 bdrm 5t'l rleluxe, $97, The Youth bed $1(1_ Garrlcn tooli; &!'>!' J_,rnvir. 12 H.u;!> i\"hll-\\'.\:"\TEO; Brn~s bed 1ran1r. t-11c.tory, 540-684'2 '25c-SI. :.C.~3679 ~·1"-24i:! f:f'A~11n11hlr :s~2-3716 Tl!F: OUJCl\f.:R :'!'OU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU CALL, I -T-H_F;_Q~l '7JC-.KER 1li"\"rfil. TllF: Ql"!C"K !·;R YOIJ f',\l.L. TIIE QUICKER "i'Otl l'El.L THF. QUICKER YOll SF.LL TI!E Q!'l('K ~:R 'on ~1 -1.r. TIIE QUJC!\Elt "i'O't• SE Li~ HAND mo\vers SS • Rollav.'lly Nod SlE. chests $15. ~S-8155 $10. OaJ< PJO;o.;EEP. rf!el lawn .mowtr $5(1. K e n m o r e rotisserie hnultr.gri!l Sl.i. 54S--2m F1 r~\1·f'Od ror AAl'- Vry Euclllyptws 54().9887 For 011.l!y P Dot \\'ant Ad!! Dia.I 64:J.5678 BEAUTTP'UL natural mink s!ole, scarf &. box h1.t, in like n~w co nd1t1on . Weslmo rland 1terllnc: M"rvire for 6, orchard pat- tern · is opfn 1or llfe. Sacrifice prices. Colonel \Ville. 646-0042 UP-TO·DATE rlo!he~ 1 z 11/12 l.r. 13/14. Be11er qua!. casual & formal. Tustin Ki8-7316 BATHROO.\I pu!ln1&n, hkl' 111'\V, 1,..1-raio ~op, bml'l. pl11n1!J1ng fixturr~. $.ill 67~-i?26 F'ARBER\VARE E 1 r c I r i c ro!isscri,.. S30. Soprano Sax-. ophone SJ8;;. Portable color TV S22;'i, &16-2174 CONTEJ\.fPORARY w a In u t bdrn1 sf:t $100, re[rit $15. Gas srove $20 &. mi1c items. 673-2678 or 6~2802 GIBSON ES 335 TD 2 pickups, l<>lfi neck. Solid body, matchles.!. &Jj.2246 ·Evtnirirs TRUl\TPET, Schwinn bike, Conlon ironer, t\ta 6' uifa•. la\\-•n mo\\'er. Phone 494-l!M GO·KART. "illac" 8 HP engine. Good oorn!ition. $70 6-!6-01.45 4 ;\lir helin Radial 91Sx15 tin~~. Jlkt II'IV. Cail 642-l!m ANTIQUE white ~sk, $l5. Child'~ red1\·ood picnic Ml (bench & table I $10 ~2205 WEINGARD TV Cfllor an- t~nna. 30' mast \\-ilh rot&r $50. &15-2205. SCH\VINN BIKES: 1 girl's 2!l" & l boy·~ 26", $1D each. Call 64:>-'220;;. QuMlty king bed-quilted Complete-unused $105, worth S2.'l0. Aft 5 & wknd1 842-6536 UPRTGHT RCA Freezer $75. Bedroom ~t, $50. Call Ior &PPI. 53&.1944 Mite. Wantlld 1610 SWE BUYS $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV,-P!1ft•-Stt••o1 I PIM• .,. H-Pill CAIH IN JO MINUTIS • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH *FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WANTEDl *CASH* CU'h in 30 n1i nut~~ !or i!JOd , ur;e-d furniture, TV, ,;tereo, appliance~- 547-5722 TOP 'J\.IONEY PAID !or h1rni turr. f.:_ 11p)l!iances. C11.ll JANJS, 8!.J.l-1818 NEED bric.ks one II) 1000, ~asonably prittd 6#-+6~7 Mac.,inery, ete. 8700 FOnl\Llt'T tow motor, ~h.:trp, ·1000 1i,.1n· l1ft·nt1w t1r""· col11m ri ~h!l!--0n s~~ Sl61)11·on But-!l.ne :Ui j(t, 4000 Jh_ Cl.<rk. i·uns nw e, ne\\-' n1htlf'\' $~~;}_ &12-f3DJ, e\•C1 8'l7-1-fl~ Llh F: no:-w f!a~lode maU\ni outtlt. la rge romp~ssor, 8 pen11 t-y c:1Hi. L)(I' or hose .56.iO ;,\S-2367 r ves o r \1'krnd!i 6 STATION 1n~ercom S}'Slen1 ~61 51;;.ros4 Lumber 8750 Ext. whi!(' pain1, £'~ .. $2.95 1 x 12 Sh~l~·ing, a fl , • $.09 4 x ); Pant\Hn;: ...... $1.99 1 x ti's 11 runnine:: foot •• $.OQ COSTA MESA BUILDERS SUPPLY 1700 ~upe rior. 0 1 548-2826 FREE TO YOU PSYCllEDELTC cat, tunny i;irl-brother. blue e:~1, whltt-.11 • 11·ant ho m's. 536-rm 10121 AKC Bas~u Hound, fem&le, 11 ~ }TS. tri·color, Jove! children. Per fect ret. needs renr ert yllrd. Adults only call plea~r. 54~ 10121 AnENTION! l k it t ens , brother ~. lltf'd tt&me to,C:<'lhrr . Use. l!ller box. 54!L1 816 16122 CATS and kittens, homes \\'antec1. :..36-7TI9, all ~'<· lranrdinary 10/21 INSTANT purr. tiger, white guy, black Oulf. callcO OuU, hotnt's M~. ~Tm 10/21 I'M b\& n uH Oomc:at, 1lll\ite w&.nl a lnvabJt m&5ler 11ma) ~777! Hl /21 f'E~tALlt r;!am~'-"· H11~ !hOI•-6Th-1821 . 11 ~ )T, MALE & femllle kHten~ IMk· ing for homt. 842·32'1:7 10 '1 ~ GENTLE. f'rilky male kif. ten 96UTI7 \()'?() FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU e NIWPORT IEACH ·········-· lll 1 ._ llYd. e COSTA MESA ··············-·-····· 330 W•t lay e HUNTINCOTON IEACH -····· 309 Fifth SrrHt e LAGUNA BEACH ------··-222 Forest Avenue 3 .650 x 15 Goodyea,r nylon BOY 'S Schwinn hike 2•1". $JI)_ tire~. se.!1 1 or Rll $7 ~ac·h Filn1 1<pl1cer Si 2 Record Do1nininn &.mokeles~ electric players ia. ca(•h. Show an<I rotisserie $25. Shiskabob at-Tell reoord pla,y('r y,·ith tachment for rolisserie $5. records $15. Boy's toys 536-1135, ~I. Lazy Susan $2., Cui'· SAMSONITE Li:iggage, 3 fains $1. each. Meat (_'Utl'cr pieces SlO or S'I each. Sl.50, Rooster plaque! $3. Canopy v;ilance $. Curtains pair, Colfrc pot $3. Tum table SJ.$0_ 2 l'halrs $1 .50 SL ,\~snr!rd gla!<5f'S :Qi: 1 21 . 0 t'ach. Cookie Jar SOc. Com-eac 1. J cean Vitw Ave., lorter 50c. forinals sil..e 14ico'o"c."~'1"'0'·cl 0 Be_"_.,_,. ___ ~ $'.: f'ach. C1~1kb0Qk~ 50r, UTILITY Trallt>r S:!-1. \l/alnu! \Vf'tl<l1 ng .g1/(s never u~ad bookca~c headboard Sill !O«Slcr $1. l1-0111ng bo(lrd $3, Tv.·1n mattrrss 11nd bo.~ Ca111~tcr !>rt $3. Napkin spring S.1. Tinn and rtoublc holrler 7~. Rays $1 ~ach. bertpreads $1. 847~72 Bed pillows $·1 p<•ir, Car1ister DOUBLE flt I . set $2. cutlery sc1 $3. Steak 0 lh ".' 1 a 1 r e s ~ . I' Bl k $2 r eo pcutc, lOX springs knives •. an cts each. ani rr S'>~ ~~" 2'>:!1 \\'r(idinc. drrss and \'f'll ~1zc \ ann• .:i .. ..,,,.---~ 1 I $1.i 2 p;,\rs blue drapes At\"r!QUED Blut' bed com· $10 cacl1. !-lli2-lIB02 p!e1e 25, mat(·hing vanlly . Si. Stnall folo:ling bed used TYPEWRITER $2fl. Snare onc{' $:i. Che1<t o! dra111{'N; drun1 $HJ, Sl11nd $3. sland SL 5:\IHJ(J2J illusic $$. ;,JG-1668, 11 .B. ==~~~~---~ 21" TV works $15. a4:Hl782 TRUNDLE Bf'd~. 11Tought -1401 SL Andncws, S.A. iron. maltresM's $ 18 · S\.I Boots \\•onir.n's 7112B $9. 962-3781 \Vhite hgure ice skates 71.~B tllAHOGANY Single bed $'2j_ Console radio phono $20. Kitchen table \Vith leaves SlD. 536-131i6 2'\" SL!il'ILINF. console T.V. $25,. Quality toi!el complete $12. 21" ,Jacobson reel lawn $6. \Vhite. china lamp small S4. lllgh chair Cosco $6. c;E electric baby dish new S3. Croquet set new S5. Rocking chair $6. Double bedspread chintz new $4. 9xl2 hooked rype rug:s $8. 646-&Zl rnowe1· S20. Valiant Torque \1/ALNUT Bookcase head" f\it(' transmission S 7 . board, doubl~ $l:l. Child's 847-7Dl7 record player $5. Pole lamp, BUNKBEDS, No mattrr<sS('~ hcigc and \11hite S4. Table la n1Jl, brO'>l'n and \\'hite $2i Sca!tl'r rugs $1-S:l. 700 Vanity tahlc $8-Bath1ne1\C _clc2c·50:.,.,· 0"cg..~c.-'--~-= ~). Double malh't:'~f; $:!. SINGER Sewing mac•inr. $1 5, Tricyrle $3. Tloom divider 8mm projt'ctor S\2. 613--2966 S~-962-462li 'IATTRESS A I . 1 1..:.c..:=c.c:::c------: :. . nr spnng sc s, 1 Golden Glory star l c r ciou hle $10. 3 l'.'.'in se!s $15 ~c l--0vr11 pt'OOf $5. 3 table SS ('ach. 1 new hvin set s2;1, e;ich. 2 lamps Sj each. B11nk bed set $25. Bunk bed 5.)6-7J20 $10. 2 tvdn beds $5 ench. 3 USED Refrigerator $25. Ne\\I Bel'line clothes rack $3.50. 962-8679 Be\lroom chf's\s S7, $5. SJ. Small tables $2. Extra chairs $2. Small lamps 50c. Framer! rn1rror $1. Red•vood 2 Door stainless steel under h r r b e cu ~ / benches ~. counter re!ngf'ra!or less \Vorkini:: v a cu um $5. rompt'f'ss<>r S2~-S track tape 673-$575 on Peninsula rll'C'k $25. !'llatching spt'akrrs ~.=-'~ccc~~~=~~~ '.')!i each, Goorl 23" T.V. S25. s,~ r .. 10 :00-4·,oo .. 3030 &b_h Strrro $10. G()CYI f'llrloscrl ~·--~.ill._ Boys StJn)!~:ay S_l." ~ricakcr Sli'i. SEARS hll'nrlrr '.orl s ~fh'>llnn 26 b1k{' SJ. Large doughboy tiller Sl:l.~. Power bru~h for $'3 4.. bl-'k fluorescent f'itn1s1rr varuum SJ. Dog h~Jb \\'ilh a~ixture $ J I). hnusr S:l. S11alOi ng <:'aT chrr'i; R " ood no furniture mill $.l Ba!fcry race car et1W pa S'> r:n S\ t t JS" $5---$20. Crib Siil. Contractors --"'-'· . n -car ~al'C sc , ' I lh rro $1-G 0 0 d tr<1ck $6 .. B.1dm1nton srt SJ .. \\llCe. a W .1, , ?· 1 binoculari; S10. ]54J2 Duke 1 oas!l-'r S3. Books 111c-JJC. Circle JIB. near f\1cFadd&n gal. heavy dtlty lloor \''3.X and Jid,1·~rds S•l. Child's record player $2. .::c:c,,:.,.,~~-~--..,--1 G.I. JO<' set S2.;ilJ. 4' DOUBLE 6('{! ma!lre~s. bct't Aluminuin Xma.~ tree ~3.50. i;prin'i~· hook case heal'!-fi---.£'·, B ladies shoes 25c-J. hoar!'!, 2 nit.c stands S~. Kleenex <lis]lf'nscrs S I . ~-"1f~4ll2 Lad1r~ pur~es 2 5 c -S 1 , SI) APART~1r:N'r Ga.~ s1ovc SJ ;,, Jrwclry 2¥,. Dishes 5c-25c, P0rtahl<' type\\Tlter ~10. Tools 25c-$L 1..:-:.~=~~--,.--53r,...1;ir,q J-jANDr.!ADE Bra1(1rd rug NE\V Ire rrca1n freezer SJ. 2 8x1Q $8. Pushca1'1 S 9. c1JHce 1ablf'.~ $25 each. K<>n-Collapsihle tnblr 3x9 '.';;JI). morrg;isrlryc r -nee ds }loui;ehold items 50c-$6 . m1nr>r rrpa1r ~15 .. Crib, ml!.t· 67:}--b:i72 ttT'b;<, rad and sheets S20.i'l;VcA~Ll'N~UT~~Kc.cidco-<-Y--,,c,,-,,..ccd :"parnsh floor l11 mp S271. ro!lec table and 2 rnd tables Lar::P Sp::irti~h nl!ITO'r $20. S25. \Valnut bookcasr $7.:..0. Stroll"r s:), Fc,..ci1ng l<tblr Lit:hl 11100<1 douhle dr..,.<1s~r $10. 011\ rn.ttan chair s:i. :! and mirror $23. 2 J·:nd \ahles sn1all rnckl'rs SJ l'ar.h. S:J. Light wood coffee table Colrnlan icebox SIO. 2 Slf'rp-S~. 1 Blal'k y,•ootlen chair ins: hags $3 "a c h · 11·fth I'C'd corduroy cushinns HantlmO\\<'r Si Fryp<i.n $~. S". ~IG--:}~56 12 ln1erna1 inn;il Coll<'rtort .::_:.:c_c:..:::.:::.... ___ ~- Librl'lry books, Jik(' nrw S\O BAB\' lle1ns; Cril) and mal- 'l 'h ,1 .. ,11• _.,, tress S 7. Pr1rle--A-!11a11c {It' ea , ,, i~1c <in,__ .. ,, , , . , $S I I I I 0 c $ 1 S11·1n~ S6. Pla~pen . (("('or;; or 1ems -· I '('11'1 s· B b • r.11sccllan,.nus lul{'hrn 1tc1n~ · uni]lf'r-r" l ."r .). ~ ~ lllc-$l , l'i('tui-c ! ra m r ~ "'aJkrr SJ .. <.:.on1r crca 1vc 25c-S\. Dishes S:i. Bahy play!h1ngl;f\.nys, ~on1e n1ct'.' . h tl Sh !I rock in rant cloth1rig. 1:>12 Verano ~umphc ."'r S' 8"',,' h~r~ Pbu·r· UCI S33-29:.7 ing 01 st' ..,, a . · ----'-,C,=-"------ pa cker $:1, J.,a11;e pain1111>; DISl!:">lASTEfl, Pf'r!ro coo· s2;:,_ !'l·li~f'f'\];i.nrous hnrns flll1nn S'll. 671-Z(17. 1oc-;.o.--., ~t11rt~ S1i.'.1, Ocl "1~ Tl!E History or Ct1'1i1zation 1111t1l all ~old 847-171R. lf',,'.l. ily Durant -10 Volum('S $25. 4 Goodwi n Ln., 11.B. 12 hl11s holt re\'"rserl chronic rims 2 E. nf &-1u·h nn Ell1s 1 /nr $'.i, S1a1np and rn1ns 1" R!FLF. frrn"h _F n r r I c: n 1n $25. CASH ~94-1891 3--8 Leg1011 vt>ry nld S 2 5 P ,\1. F'r<V'lklin r1't'adlt· ~"'.~ ing IA ·cQcUc',c\7R-.~1c0-,c,_-,c,.-,-,,c1.~,o2fJ~. m11chinr J'f'<11 ol d cahinrl, Jlou~rholr! orlrls ant\ "fldJ> good shape $20, Ph. J3&--040.1 ~r-S~. V;iricty store j(ems l lunltngton Beach ~10<'-SJ. Bn."<Cd slationery 1'11ARBLI'; Trrrazl'.O collco and cards 50c. S1k. stools SI '!ai'o!c S15. 2 !llahogany end ca. J\lf'lal !y,'in bed frames tahles SU .50 t>ach. Corner $2. Cosmetic items 50c. mahogany table SJ5. Tai! El'CS. and Sa1. and S11n .. :.44 whl1e crackle finish .'\-»•ay Gnf! f.it , La~na Beach. Jan1p s1;,, Vacuum l:'lc11nrr. Re-tween ~gion and Park all ·attachments, gooi1 1,'<ln· f\l'"nU('. 1st St., back o! cllt1on $10. Ex p ens i v " Glenny~. women's ice skates, slir ~13 .oo:::::::r"1,c,cbo_Y' __ llk--,-,-,~.h-.~, near Tll'W SIO. Girl's sl1oc Rifles j25 each: 400 Square skatrs. size R S4. ~>36-R7•10 ·yards carncling, 1v o o I , 11' K1>\virv1tor re!rigcrato1· i,1·rl'rl, Persian, shAg $2 $23. 968-8282 square yard. R 11 f 11 e ~ GOOD Ash rlonrs I 2.\'' ~-1. :l surfboard $2."i. 2 Pole lamps 32""S\5 t!ach wi1h haniwarr. $2 each. Wa11her and dryer Gnrrerd auto turntahle tyJl(' s2;1 eat·h, 2 Por!able radios A J\1;.rk 111 needs nrw nee· S:i each. Por1ahlt TV SZl. die S25. Dodge truck hody As~rtmcnt ~I lamps $2-S5. cornplr.te fits any flat h<>11d Can1cra Sl.> .. f.l rn A n d D ix! i;e ri ck up $25 , v.Timrrl's clo1h1ng Sl -S 3 . fl onei-,cP low volt11gr rlnck Oi:<h,vare anrl household thrnnosta• rebuilt rno1o r item:< X-75r. CQrncr of 21st St~. 5.'i&-3121> :ind' San1a Ana Ave ., C._M . FROSTED Wig for sa!r, T\VI N hr.011 S\4 • $10. beau!iful light brov.'n hanrt Surf006rd $25. Boys 20" b\ke tied h11n1an ht1 ir nevt'r het'n SIJ. Tables SS. Lamp!! $.l ·11 II 12· B ,.,, .. , • ~"VT'f' rtoors $10 nttir. -,vorn w1 se ,~. eau ... ,__,.,,. "' Srantsti red \'inYI noor tile Orapes nnd bedspr<"adl'I 50c for 811.ll'. ('nough to cover each, 3(18 Apolena, Bal tide appro!<lm8\f'1y 115 1111uare .ft. COUCH SJ5. Couch $U. TV T"l!:ai tiargain S15. Oil pain· table $2. Waxer $5. 5et 8 tin~ of peacock in hlues and p1stts, cu p s 11nd sauct>111 greens 2x3 feet very lovely S2.SO. Bed lrame $8. T\\in Sl::O. Spanish 1ht'1nr pic1urcs 11prt11rls S2.50, Radio consolf' vrry rPf'lsonable S 5 -$ l 0 • S~ r.E rotii1serte SJO, II 962--6770 yards drapery material S9. C L011-ll'~~LfNE, Umbrel1111..::""~·>-0:_:::4~"'---~---~ $8 . Boio: spr1111ts $10. nouhle \\'HEELBARROW 4 1 ~ rn ... It. m'Ylern ltd $10. H , B , rontrar:tors' !<tylr. n 1hher 53f;....l304 ll~ $1R. Cl'lll 1147-(18811 \ BOX Sprin&: and mattress, AUTOr.tATIC \\'atcr softener. headboard S20 for all or Good condition $25. 51&-21367. good condition. 5' COFFEE table, \\'BS un· p;i1nled, now ant 1 q u e ,.,.hi!e/ora.nge $25. Sony lape recorder, portable S l 5. 8.13--2737 ELECTRJC stove S :> '1 , Hrfrig1.>ra1nr S20. \l'ash111g n1aehtnl• $25. fi.!2-~773. 2·14 !)anlo To111a.o; S1. C:'11 GAS stovc. ol<lt•r niodcl. vrry clean with niany niore years of scrvit'(>. Still burn· lng S15. 642--1()65 • PANASONIC Af'.f·FM radio $1D. Colun1bia s ! "r r o 11011ab!e phonograpll S25, Good-sized Ne\'~11n11r i·n(frr table ,,·\tll 2 c:onven11:'nl cira\\•ers $25. 962-38.117 2 walkte-talkles $10. fea!her bt11'ner, U!;ed for n1ak1ng ar- 1-ows S5. New ammcttr-Ol l prcs~urc gatigcs 1n box $.\. 8n1m movie camera SJO. Comblna!lon portable radio. rerorrl player SS. Piv<'tta hiking bools, size g.~ $12. 2 tumhl1ng 111a\s Sl2. 28 lb. recutvi' hOw, arro•vs and q\ll\lcr $8, T<'nn1s racket S4. Rcg-ulauon basket ba 11 ba<'kboar• I ant\ hoop $10. Boy's b1k<" S~•. f'] Paipo bellyOOarct. $60 fW'11', $25. l'~t·ectnr $Pt Sf! Bead kiom for hobbyists $:l. Acoustical guitar S25. B<ingo d111ms S4. l.Fath('r-knit boy's jacket $5. San1 Snead i;:olf irons SlO. Full length wf't suit SlO. Ar· row ran;r1 ~~·. Baseball niitl. 6 linger $8. Football SL Basketball S2. Call Steve S.18----0967 BOOKS! Good t'flnd1t1011 . 3•1 Bobbsr;v Twins SlO. 30 Hari-_'~'=1-10c117"c"c'-·s_lcl0c._P_hcoc"'·:-sc--R-A-M----L-E-T-S ,..'.;ern: :tt~837 LEAR .Jet Stereo R por1ablr tapr player S25. 6 Co1Te111 ANSWERS m·k "'°' IT>. """ "B!'ue-hird" ~Ins ?l5cn1 Pfckcr -fll illet - Por1ly -Do1•·nhill $25 .. 31:) E. Balboa tllari-ow _ il'la!'k('! _ Pre- --"~'~''~·~A0P~'-'-'-· _N_'B ____ 1 .,.,.·ar -TYPE\VRITER 7 POUND ~pool 18/2 C hell Pl'rhap!I science has gone wire $5. 500 fee! 14/I red too far in C!C'ctronics. The insulated ""'ire $8. Black neivspapers report a fright- \\'alnut board 15/l6xl3x96 ening incident. 11 i~ aOOut an $16. Crane hook • 6 ton office party in a completely capacity $25. Bo!iton &II 1 auto1nated office. The com· speed n!ductor $25. 1/3 HP puter got drunk and lrir.d to rapacitor moto r $25. undo the ribOOn on the elec- Unused. 548·6162. Lric ITPE\VRITER. F0Ri\1JC,\ !op kl!chen SI'! LARGE Chair $7.50. !l!;&.-3875 S~5. Roll·ll\\av brr!, like new $2:1. Jlandso~c iron gates BELLYBOARD $10. ::>lD-16~2 ~20. L..oads of od~-der.ora!?r TRUNK, dome lid, old S2:J. 1te1ns, under $.:i. Plastic Christmas 1ree, 6 Jt silver hange~s 12 for SL The $2.50, Ty~ivriter. l{ein· Ashcll s, 917 GI en n c Yr e ing1on $7.50. Punch 00\1'1 Laguna Beach ladle, cups (crystal. s12: A'.1-1 l\lARINE radio $15. Cocktail shaker and tray, ficC()rd racks S2. Lamp $l. cht'Oml' SJ. \\'all dtsk $5. Truck )'11irrors S5. 6 ' ' Day bed cover S5. Ell'ctric Pickrttr s!irle rule S7. Black razors, Schick ,,nd Sunbeam 11·ini;-nps $5. Brown i c $4 . Elrc!rlc !oothhn1~h s:). Starnnle ratnrra $4. 8-track C!ork rarlin s:-1. Flit stole- lapt's ~2. 67~>---551'5 rape. l'rnilnr, auburn d.red S\:'l'\SON ITE card table 4 SJ~. CartCl]l ,·aniers. ehrOn1e '1 ' s:,.'(J · S:Z:1. Toro nnw{'r mo11·('r l'hairs $1R. Good condi11on. ,.-. Salrin hair dryer $10. \\tann S:?ll. Garden tool.~. sookrrs ca1nr.I coat, stylish $20. 2?x: -S3. Edgl'r ;,(le. Edger fi'i'5·6.~:l'J. and lrin1rncr S3 Pl'f'ssurr BLUt: 1·ouch $l5. Chairs S2. Bi rd c11gr, round SS. Roll- aw:iy hcd $15. \Vhat-nols $1 · S:l. 205 28!h St. NB lank spr;iyer $·!. l\l('tal clot.hes locker $5. Alummum i;lop lad(IPr S4. Buti\lll' patio lunlrrn $;),_ Baron1rt'?l' $2. Cu1'la1n~. tO\\'f'IS 2¥' -$'l. SLED llcx11Jle !Iyer S7 .~. f>ih'rro records 5Ck;. C1o1h nr ~:\cctric \\'all heater $5. pla~nc tablf'c\othes Sl r.arh. Rl'vcrr. 1novic prujertor, 8 Col'<lumr jc1,·elry, pur~es, p111t t·amcra, ll n1n1 \Vestnn ~hoc~. blou!\-1"5, nprons 25<: • hi,:ht n1clcr. Still carnt•ra all $2. !\fan's jacket $3. Books fr>r ~1 3. :'llalt·hing f'nrl tahl,.s lOc -SJ. Table lamp \Vlth S~ ra1'11. La.mrs $1 hi s:1. shade $5. Pole lamp S5. 2 '['ll'o Twin bed framrs S3 chrome b)r<I ci;tges and ac· r:1rh. fi\2-6;',74, 5Jl9 Bruer rc~sorl"~ S3 • $5. Al! day ('1·,.~1 ·r11t. Nr1,-port Beach Sa!, _ S11n a f t" r noon FDH-sale~ Rer!1v0Qd picnic 616-287'J. 1397 P.ivcrs1de Pl. T<ihle . muches Sl4. Patio1...;c_._1'11_· _______ _ lounge $7. Leather lop end EXCEL LE NT u sed 1ab!cs S20 each. Roll.away car[l('ting, 9 x 12. 10 x 13, 12 hcd S7. Chair S2J. TV s!ancl x JJ. JOr. sq. IL 2&1 Knox St. $~). \\'indo1v blinds $.25. \Val· C.~t. m;,...:zmil, 6·11 eves. Ile iron. toa~!rr, lamps, \\'HlllLPOOL "'asher SJO. pillo\\~. S2. :"1Jt 11~00. 437 545-2Sl:l Carna11on, ((!i\1 ~c.::=c.~~~-~~~o TYPF.\\'RlTER, Underwood R5-i~!J~{. I GER AT 0 R S1 5. :;1anrlf!rd rypes !inf' S23. Ca!l t~=='-"-~----~- 847-0l!8ll 1 PA IR lined r!mpes. JO " 1 S!~LFPROP~:LLF:D I awn ni011·rr ~2:1. Oil painlings 11_ -S I'.! Jj l 2 matchini; pai r~. s· :-. ::H" S•l.50 f'aeh, Lir;ht ~'20. Ou1door Santa-N'lndeer c tnn;inioo. ti ra1111f11!, 11,.cora!lon ~i Caniboard · phone tl!J ::; 11 k y n1•1, lik(' ne1,·. No Sunday 'l P:'ll. 111.,.,place $~. Car var~1um $], h4ti-!l797 Jlanri ~rw1ng machine $3 ~::.;~--,.,-~~~-7 \\all pl<1q11cs $1. Bl'd larnp SE\\'ING machin" $Z.l Courh ~I. Kn1ck-knl!.l'ks :.OC:. Cul SlO. Ch <1!!rr bt>nch S.J. Cnb :X-fln ! un1 lorn1 f'Omple\" S.I $10. Ba!.s111et1e is .. ')f'al('s S3. Br>11k.~ :.oc -SI. F:1tchen 1\·,irc lnran! s<'lll $ 1 :'llrln1ac, :.rye . $1 ,fr1\r\ hnJ.;r~ j()r . sPrv1r•c for ~. $3. ;\Ian's $1. P11r~es $\. Lin"n 2X • Sl Jarkct. ~ilr ~2 S7 Pant~. Jr\\·rlry ;,Qr llats $ 2 ~11c ~6-32 $.1 ,..a,.h. 2108 l)r;ifl"·5 frh1lril SL Cl11ld '.~ OrJng-r, C;>.T, Ll S-:1 lZ·l ]lf.-pr,.ser1.,,r $1. l'lirt\r BOOKS, i'lll kind.~, g<'I nie n11t hn\\·I~ ~iOc:. China coffer ~,..t fl'nm undrr 10c . ~J!X . 1974 $-1, P1nr cones :le -J(lc. t'edrral, C ~1 Hor~rsh(l{' set S.t S\11 ffrd BcR'°o"°llo'N.~J~cd'c--ch-.-.~,o20c aoim<1-ls Sl • S5. Toy boxes _ 0 an c aus · S2. $'1. G1r!'s vanlty $4. Toy l:"'on~-~·90.>1;:,,.---,----,.,... r!ruin ~rt S:t Gamr~ :.Oc · $3. K.EN~TORE auto ma Ii c Toys 25c -$5. S-\6-5.')8(). '1747 v.·;ishrr in J:oorl ninning con- FT'('mon! Lane. CM cii tion $25. 546-5255 GUITAR. 6 11tring, c"<r.l"llent AUTOMATIC r;tereo 4 r;peed rondit inn S2j. a<ll!--0727 ~cord changer, Pickering PAINT sprayer S2:l. Portable diamo~ cartridge ~25. 2516 record player Sl5. F'olding Bo111do1n Pl. C.M. mc\fll chaH'~ 5!lc each. Fan 15W HIFJ mono amplifier SJ. Can opcnE:r $\. Roll roof-$1 2. 2516 Bowdnin PL C.!11. ing i;iaper $3. Sack plaster 10 GALLON aquarium with paris JOc. Camera 11ood r i I! c r, rolls. Oourescent light Sl. Polaroid camera light. excellent conr\itlon SlJ, Upholstered chair $25. S15. p h ii c o n"lrigerator, \~'in<lo\\I shultr.r $7. Tufted \1'0rks good $20. \Vh ite htadbo&rd S25. fl1atching nvcrslulfPd rha.ir S6. Blonde tJt>nch S25. 5 antique chairs C'nd table S2. Child's 3· S25 ('ach. fllovi111: b\ank<>IS pla.~tic boat t i. Do11ble $1 each. Solclrr 1ro" $1. 2 hibachi $4. G.E . ste&m iron patio chAirs ,S3 t'arh. 0 11.k S3. Nancy Drew books 25c s""'ivel of!ict ch,otir $\0, C<1-n· each. Standing ar1isfs ea.~! nin!' rookr.r s:,. X ~a s Sl. Sal anrl Sunday. 2:'16 decorat1011s ,5Qe_ Antl qtle fl.1agnolia, C.r.f. nnv.rllit's ~. 2 an!~quc. oc-CUT i;i;lass dish Slll. Amber c11.s1~nal cha 11_'1> S2..> rach. and blue crystal dinner bells r.1an ~ nPw ra1nr.nat S25. 32 $3 each. 2 antique ladies cup J>('rCOlt1tor s9. Crystal rockers ,,..·ith cane 11cal and puncn !'Owl, tray and 12 back S\5 aod S25. Old violin C\J PS $25, Portable TV SlO. S25 5'10-317R Pair small marble lamps · · .. SlO. Guitar S25. Banjo $25. 18 CUP coffee pot $1. Martini 3281 Colorado Ln. Costa pitch.-r 75c. Book Oub Mesa, sun only' novels 15c. U:athcr allachn .::::=::c-=~--7.-~-..,.-,,,-t c11se $4. Leather hr\tlcosc 2 FRENCH p&1r end tables s1.:iJ. 209!1 Cen1e1!a Pl, S9 each. Cofitt tablt, ah10 Ne\\ rt Be1ich. 548--8382 Provincial S9. Very lergc 3 --~--~-....,-.,-,,-, plt cr !!ec11onnJ. F' rt-n c h REFRIGERATOR. w <> r ks Pro111nr\11I, Rl!IO c11 n be. a {1nc S\8. 8 1\by strollnr $11). rouch S20. Che~! nf clra\\'r.rs B11hy r11r se:;i!, n11ddC'd $5. $1:'1. Bedroom chA1St' $15, NII-Sun only. &12--ll!W nice !or u p h o I 5 t e r 1 n g 2i5EEP !!Ca rod~ and reels 675-12tll. 721 Uirklpu.r, Cd~! S25 11nd S2{1. 6-4~823 / !aturd<iy, Octnlltr 18, )qf.(J DAIL V PILOT 29 Here's How You Can Uso Our Famous Dime • A • Lines •Int thH'I or moll them with correct c_. to on• of oar 4 convenient officH. No commercial ads allowed. Each Item must be priced with no Item ovtt $ZS. T\VO sll'Bight ba~k wooden chatrs $5 tar.h-. New king. slZC' sheets and plllo\vcases S9 ser. Thfl'e brand new nighlgowns $2 and $3. New pla~ rnf.lts 25r.-each . Planters 5lk and Sl. New a~htray 50c. New "htld'g doll 25<.', New· teething ring 25c. NC'\V oral and rec.tal thermometers 25c ('a ,.. h . Bathmon1 scale $1. Dre:<ses SI cal'h, Kit rhcn items 25c- $L 3291~ ~iarnll' Ave. Balboa Island , 6 7 5 -6 4 86. Sa rurday only Hi GUAG~: s111gh1 NrTP!. J . C. 1!1g.:e ns. \Vith\~hl'lls $20. fi.l~-IS -\ fl!!NIGUN surlhonrd IJ' Good concll1ion $20. LI 8-6'~7 PORTABLE !ype Wr i ter ~oorl cond1!lon SW. 548--6507 CREDENZA, an!iriued $25. S p!ace setting Nontake china $20. 673-502-1 YOUTH bed $10 Chest $11) Fireplace. screen with brass andirons and 100!11 $20 F'.loor scrubber and s\l·eeper Si Rattan bar stools S7.50 each TV 10 good Maple cabine S20 Bookcases S4 and S7 C&r Rir cooler S25. Crib S5 Pbo!o enlarger S15 Small :r.olas, matching i2S. Trike S4-545-3G79. DOUBLE: bed $25. S!ulled cha u'S S25. Call 642-2983 COMPOTE DiAh $6, Chinese opiunt pipe holdf'r. brass IVhl !!lone handle Sl2. Old l:Wrn1an Beyruth mug $15. Old IJ\lal picture fran1e $16. Ov<:>rstulfed f'hair, n!!eds cover S8. fl1ov1e projector S25. 6 hi-Ii mid range speakers S3 each. r>lattress for b11by crib S-t. tllrdiclnt t'abine! wilh 1n1rn1r $\i. Movtr .i;rreen, rww $9. &12--6911 BABY Clcthes hamper S.J, C'A~T lro11 laundry t\!h $;-. Infant seal SI. Glas:< bottles, 10" 1al)1" sall', 1 ~ llorsf' tiru~h. stand 15c·$2, Blink· 1notor S25. 1 ~" f.tilwaukee C'1!e 111a1ti't'ss $25. Twin bed rtn.11 S20. 8" !'11n1or cable saw hf'adOOard~ $i . Doublc bed $2. ~\\'imn1ing pool pumr frame $3. Coffre table, tank fil ter, cornplctr, like black S7 TV s!and, '>'TOllg ht nl'w S25. 2211) Oran.,-, C.r.t. iron $:>. Danish modern PJCTURES $.1-SIO. Chairs couch S25. Children games $12 and S9. Lan1ps $1.50 sr1d 50c-S3. Skipper and Barbit' $1. Drapery n1atenal JOc·Sl case, clothes $15. Old Wh ite Clothing S2-1De. o j s h es porteble sewing n1achin<', Sl-.'X'. Artificial f] 0 we r s run~ great $15. Large pk·nk l:'>r·-S5. 2'29 Slrrks. C.l\l. • baskt't, used once $ 5. 962-~~'.l CAllPET!i\G, beige. ro rlus DESK 21'.l" x 40" top, center yards S17,50. BaHe.ry, t2V, tlray,·cr, 3 dra\\~rs on earh PRIZE-\Vinnin,1: Halloween 11/D, S8-T:i.bl1>, forrnice side $15. Snack trays lOc costume !or lady, size .16. litrgc_ SIS. 3105 Barbados Pl. rach. illagazine rark St SlO. ·12 inch round lablP, 4 [\:/ ~11)3 67~5709 folding chairs, 1ableclo!h SIO. Twin bed 1 r a ni e, STUDJO couch S2J. \.l/aln11\ 2 ii-latching 4 rl r a,,... er bookcase headbosM $1 0. TV cart $7 . Both in good dressers S15 each. 2 large Garden tool collection fl6 condi!ion 546--0181 olcl boOkcases $7 each. 3 item~l $12. 17 new C1Jpper PAIR sterling silver 3 h1·inbox s pr i n g .~ and drawer·plllls $5. S\\ivel desk branch car:delebra $25. Pair niatching niattrcs.~es, SW rhair S6. Colonial bridge tnhll' lamps $10. End table and Sl5. T'>l•in loam mat IB mf>"table S5. Twin '.'.'hile $1Q. English bone china !ta tress SlO, Double ma!~s~ chenille bed.spreads. hobnail po1 S.1. \\'hlte cashmert for hide-a-bed $10. double rlesign S6, De co r B tor con t, size lD·l2 S21'.l. S.IS-13::.J hox spring Slll. Solid oak nprn-work \\'ood panel. 7 2 CHAIRS. His and Hers, red library tablC' $~5. 5-18-16'27 frl'l' tall, 42 inches \\'ide $5. tapestry $10 each, 548-1292 LTKF: NC\V trnvct'Se rods and Home harber se! S3. 5 piece cordial i"e !, n\ar!e in France, GOOD sturdy 8' i::aragl' door. 1 pair green dr&pes. 2811" x nel'rr usf'cl $2. New 12 bottle $2:>. Harrtv,•are for door SlO. :lO", r.-len's plnid J sui!Pr sp1uf'-rack '.'.'i1h labt>ls $1.50. Adju~tabl!• nirtat b <' d hfln ging: s u 1 t c a se $5. 40 inch tall table J11n1p, fran1c, \1'itlJ cas!ors $4.1 c'c.'c·1-c'os;-,.c1:..________ l'l1artreu~e bllsC SS. Bci~·s VLs1a IFilagTCc) building BOY'S 20" bike $15. 548--8236 shirts, pants, eh:, s.ize 10, 5c blocks 2!)r. 1:i1 ~ • 711.1 -3'~. I 7"· Lo I d l ' M'lal "'" •--••. "•v•< o ""-· vc y ecora or Call &12-3184 or 359 East lJ<;'.< ., ...... ,, " 14 · h all $5 used, cost $11.95, sell !or $5 vase,. ini;: es t · 20th Street. Costa t.1esa. Saturday end Sunday, 9 io 5, rach. G,E. ga rbage KITCHEN set y,·ith 4 high 1.k 8402 Friesland Drive, H.B. disposal, 1 e new $15. back chairs S15. "Lane" 548-8236 Bet\\<ern \Varner and Slater, roUee tsble SID. "Lane" of! Ne\\·Jancl S!. corner table SID. Colcn1an DRESSER Anrl night st1111ds BOY'S 2r• bike $8. SniaJI OLD fa shioned hand applique pictures for children $5 and $8. Antiqut! ~twlng machine cabinet S25. 1J03 Vlllley Cir- clt!, C.M. Turn right at Vic- toria aod Valley Road WEBER turquoise barbecue. $25. illinton glaMWare J5c' e<1ch. Flower pots $1.50, 64&-"'3 OLD fashioned y,·ooden '.'.'all phont!, short type S25. Stu- dl'nt rlt~k '>l'i lh formica !op S7. J2" l\irned posts 6'4" long, 2 !1Jr S2.J. Large \\'ocx!en storage shf'lf unlt for garage SS. 1110 Carlton, S.A. M0-3177 GILflLLAN radio.phono Sl5. Colun1bia record p I a y e r S2.50. Antique slandarrls, Caruso, Galli.Curci albums 25c • ~2. 613-1893 Balboa Islanrl WARM '.'.'hile modern hir coat. i;ize 12-14. Sl8. Bet!er dresses SJ -$6. 673-1893 POOL table S25. Singer sew· ing n1achine S25. Zenith TV S25. 894-439J PAIR ol mOOern living rooni lamps. \\'alnut base. Ex· ccllent condiHon $10 !or 001 h. 968-4129 SUNBEAM mixm11.S ter $15. Waring 2-speed blender SIO. Tricylce. excellent condition $7.50. 54~2539 or drop t,y ri.nd see st 3245 Oregon, fllesa Verde. \Ve are moving ancl don't want lo pay mov- ing-cost~ S\l'ING set deluxe, 2 ~'>''in~~. glide ridt', gli de chair, slide $20. 5-10-8079 LADIES bike y,'i!h basket $16. Large Scotch cooler $3. Brownie handbook, new 50c. 4 bar stools $3.50 each. 646-3680 210 ELECTRIC stove S20. Servel gl\~ rt'lrigerator for garage S5. 2114 Continental Ave. C.M. ...an1p1n~ stovr., 2 buM1fr S7. s1:i.4 int•h l<>lrsco pe S25. Pie· carrying animal c11.ge $6. 2 new 1v icle oval ttres, J4" tlll'C' lran1es 50r-Sl.T.i, Laun- Electric !<pace hPatf'r $7. ,,. $10. rinis. ~ inch y,•JdC', 3 yr:ir <lry ~p. 2::, lbs S-1·. Bsr soap Hl'lmet S2.50. Clnihes, all ~!EN 'S suits. size 44. ~Liar11n!cr. cost $15 rarh, ;x·, l..;irg,. hirci cagP $10. Toy !<izr~ S2-s:i. t-fouse trap rcllent conditlon S5 to Sl~• .each. TV needs 2 tubes txi.~ SS. Electric dryer, F'rig-,i;::aniP a.nd o!hrr ganies Sat-Sun. 673-8237 SlO. 64:..---141)8. irJ.11rr, S2.':i. Kf'nmQN' \\'asher S2-S.). Lamp ~hadrs 12", KE.">;~ORE aut omatic STAl\JPS US·UN·YDC's 25<' $25. Universal r!ishwri.shef 1;,'·, $2. Pull do \\In ,,...a,.her in very gocx:I C'On· to ~\,:)(). ti! any com· S~. 5-16-6215. 2952 RedwO!X! a I um 1 nu n1 l11mp 16" dition. Ha~ all the cycles hinati1Jns_ US plate number, Ave., C.il-l. d1ametrr $6. Small roller S25. 847-8115 7.l[) & mail early hlock~ 2X· 1~7 Stuclesnglrbak('r S25. 5" skates SJ. Car chains, /JI) x I 7VcA~R"1"o"u"s~,-,,-,-,-,~, -,-w-,-, d $1. 5-19-4221 Sat·Sun 12·5 PM fluore~i:c nt light fixture 14 $1. 'l golf elubs s:.. Hang. '> 4 4 6 1-S sc:raps, • x , x , "" · L J?ECORDS, 45 rp1n, big v.·\1 h canopy $6. 40 HP, 4 ing '1'hatnol shelf S6. Ban1• Maple double bed with box bands and vocals Early f'ylinder gas engine S2D . boo roll, 6 x 5' $8. Glass 0~ spring• S:20. Kitchen table l950's. 549-4221. Sat-sun 12-5 646--4644 jccts 2;>C 644-25'!16 $10. Book 11hell $8. 864 W. PM. NE\V Electdr. deep !ryt!r S!2, BEAUTIFUL Baby bed wilh 18th, C.M. 646---2377 CASEMENT windO'.'.". com· NPw 4 s!iN" ioaslcr SU . Kantwr.t mattress, v tr Y BOY'S 2fj" J ~peed bike S:13. rlete with screen $!~. Two \\'\l ter can SJ.!'jj, \\'atr r l\ki rlean S15. Red raw sHk Good. 642-8479 ('\lrtain rods lik!' nc\11 $15. $:'!. Aluminuni chaise loun~Cl lamp shacies SS each. Maple ~ ~; e . Ba l h r 0 0 m tub tC'lephone stand \l'ilh padded 14 x 6 CHEVY Rally sport E"nr losurc s2:1• Big Boy S2. ;-..1en'~ ice sks~s. sizr 8. bench $12. l\iangel, very \1·hecls \11i!h beauty rims barhecuc and liood, new $3 50. 36'' archery large! r)c11n $10. 314 Villanova Rd,, and hub.~ Siil each. Slot r.ar niolor Sl 5. Medir.ine chest $7.:lQ. -Large carvr.d lan1p $·!. C.!'11. set S2.i Set of Mustang hub 57_;,a. Cocf;.iaH lahle S15. JR09 TustJ n A\•e, &l&-210~1 I 'N"E=w~s.-,1~be-1c,.~,03-. ~Bc,-m-p-er rap~ SID. Leal &~'etper '11). Dr~k pad, 24 x :\8 $7.5!!. 51':1' O! E:nd and cof!ee tahlc~ ja.ek l l Girl's clothing, size floor Wll.l(tr $15. Vo i l l!ang'ing light ILxture $10. SB. Ra11an chair w i th 7, $.l Large red wagon Sl punching bag wl!h rim $7,_ 67~-722G cushion ~. Solid oak desk Large cyllnder bird cage, Porsche interior parts $25. LARGE mahogany buJlet hair is. S!anding J gallon !ally eqnlpped SIO. Ladles 548-8820 with radio $25. Tapestry $5. grease gun $8. Blur ret.'Orrl rink roller &kales. size 7, $5. SABOT boat cover $1. Tudor Hanging lamp $2 . 962-J02.'i bolder ottoman S5, '.l ft. roll End and TV !ables S2 a.nd pool table $5. Clia\r $5. King CHEVROLET huh caps 50r pla~t1c shee!ing. long $3. $3. L;itlies cloLhing, sizes 12 size bed pad $6. Whitt Vf'ry good set fak<' \\'eddlng !O lll'2. new rohei; 75c-S4. Cabinrrall (loublt ht d t>ach. Srrecn rloor, new p k ~k 1-h ring enscmbl(' $10. Zodiac aperhac "''V 11 •u r.ac · l\prt:'ad J6. Mirror $5. Shoe s:1,JO. Call '.~l~'.'i134 money clip~ 50c ~ll.(h. OlrlPr T1Jys, rag dolls, puzzles i;kates, size 1. Sl.50. \Vh ite It USF:D TV's * Emerson 19 inch TV Siil. 15c-5(){',_ 961'-2927 rain boot~ $1. 673-3958 S1 5 . $25 , AU ~nod C"Ond111on. Car Ron /\1rr coolrr $1.'l. COIN~, Lincoln ~et, 1941-68 (·.,u '11 611' I ,,-T\\'IN bed tso!ld mpale! Sl:J. --~-·, .~, · ., A'll')'t can1sicr \'ll('IJun1 J. $.~. 1965 Austria prool S-1. u J s 11 r·; s, fr a n 1• •s can :iG" x :i6:' picture framt 5-15---25~ Box ~pring snd mattress ' . Bl k d $15. Night !land 1antlqut earthenwarr. "S!arburs1 " \l'Jlh V:iL~~ o. ac an '"' p11 ttcrn. C'ath p1e('J:: --11·h11e 1:rill"rr table \\'i1h HEAT Lil.mp !or aches s;:reen·1 S7. Vanity desk $15. \\'oocir>n hi~h C'hair, 1:k: <lra,,..·rr S~-Top ol car lu1<:· patns, Uoor niodel SlJ. Formica bar 1op <wood ne"'• Sl2. 6-11-\IY.l6 ~ai;:e racks ~l. Carl lilac 545-2529 grain! Sll). Under \\Io o d BAO\' rflh Sl..50. llanrl nll'-· ~u;~1~~n~;111gc~~~n~~~ ;~~ ~~.u~:~~c;t~s~~r1~~k: 2:~;;~\d but good $25. f'r $2. lil·ll $lO. Bnoks 5c· lamp SL Sta.nrhng lamps SL 5 2l1h x 13, mt!!al SS. T'railrr S:Z,:,O set. Sat ll·14 only. 365 g11.t l•at"r ('A n $5. Sell-con· hitch !or a smnll car $5. l·:~lh<'l'. C \I 1111n"rl m,,,.,,, .~trcen S2. 5-15-252'9 ROLLA\VAY &14-16.~7 .. , $ 1;, - DRUM table $7. ThfH titr wall shell $<!. Sandwich toaster S·l. Ba!hroom sink with fi!t1ngs $16. 400 hour cloek $8. 2 Skat 5cooteni Sl.50 eaeh, Boy's suit wllli 2 pailt trousers. size 16, Iikt new S6. Blouses, size 14 and 16, 75c · $1. Dresses, r;il:e 16 S2 f'ach , 2 burner buHel .range controlled heat $7.50. 8 se!.~ rollage curtatns suitable for kitchen or bathroom S2 eacb. 642-8472 10' ALUMfNUflf window awning \\'hitt, good shape Sl 5. Call ~711 SJX J eepster motor $25. Cushman motor s c 0 o t e r wheels on frame S25. Beauty sink gt'l'y· \\•ith trim $11), JI) by JO mirror $5. G.J. OV('n ga!IO!ine heater Siil. Jui~r vegetables, SlO. GirJ·~ bicy. cle S. 11' boat S25. Box trailer $25. Beauty ha.tr dryer $23, 1vfll Lhrow \n sink. 646-8015 ROYCE Union 26'' bicy!e $7. Child's rocker f2.50. Twin bcclspread and bolster $3. Like new , New salad bowl S2. V .,II au!o transmission $25. Portable T.V. S25. 23" T.V. $20. Call 548-£.129 PLATFORJ\l rocker, brown S22.50. Car lop carrier $7.50. School type desk, child's S7.50 each. Encyc!Opedia &et $10 . .Alun1inun1 w i n do w frame, 2 x 6. $7.50. 546-8693" REFRIGEJ".A1'0R w o u Id make fine hePr box, cross. lop frerzer S20. T~"U racing type bikf's, need work $5 each. 26" boy'i; blke. $8.50. 1930 vintage Woodf'n hlgh chair $10. Large ova.I br&id- eci rug SIO. 548-J806 LARGE antique d re s s" r , spict brown, newly painttd Sl7. 642-255.'J or come to 2177 Maple SL C.r.t. KING size maHressts 125. King size box. springs aod metal frames $25. Crib $6. 8 foot gold couch, funch Provinria.J $20. Coffee tnblt $7. Rtd leather ann chair S1Q. Maple drop ll"al table $15. 4 kitchen chain $1 each. Double bed, complete SlO. Philro retrlgerator S20. Gas stove $15. Picnic table and 2 bE"n c h~• $8. card tab I"' $1. 4 P0t1tiao 14 inch msgg Sl5 pair. 2 Chev chrome rans and new tirft $20 each. Porsche speedster fibcrgla&! top S2J and % glde curtain~ S25. 2 bookcases $4. $11). 64;,...2740 beforl'-3. 163~ E. 21st St. Costa Mtsa, ~u • house GREEN vin}'I rocker $12. Large tlectric ovt!I $12, 54&-6328 G.E. steam Iron $3. Electric percolator. tltctric t.eisaof's }1.50 each. G.E. upricht vacuum $11). Heavy bath scales Sl Books ?k • Sl. Square ti1pper.Yare $3. Box ol diMes Sl.:JJ. Lamps 50c. ~;> .Plr:tu~~. pl a ques, planlf'r~. odd dishts lOc • 25c, Drapery and dre!s fabn('s 2X . $3. New enr· r!uroy reading pillow $3. Jell'elry !Oc • $5. Belll'US ~elflvind 11'Rtch, no band ~­ fllod \\'atch SJ. New wall•ll SL 353 E. 21st St. C.M. 646-4698 MAY TAG t1 uto1nat1c. was~r. runs gooc;:\. Very special buy 125. &16-211)5 COl:-JS. J!lfi.1 mint sraled set~ F:leetrir. !"Ar!~ an<:l rl u~5 f> and J) S~.Z5_ Krnnrdy 25r-S.l ~lrr!nr r.o rrl~. l1al\f'.~, 1'.164 P-unr· 65c. 1'.1&1 2:1('-1~<'. PoriahlP car ear· fl.11n~· iGe. 549-4•121. Sat-Sun rlcr bar $1. f],.rtru: sw'i\C"h 12·'1 P!'l1. pl;i.\ri; Jflf'-1'.>c r11ch Flroken STROLLER. J<:Oc>d cor1tl!!ion rh;11r~ Sl -S.l rach. Single $7 Doub!r heci, ""celltn! anrl douhlr hcaOOOards SZ-SJ co ndition $20. !!-12-.1772. ('aeh. El,..ctrolux V!lcuum BOX ~pring anrl mattress, like new $20 eacl1. 7 rt. pool tab!e. cues, new bil!ls S20. 6 It x .1 II 6 1nt h blond drop lcsl rl!nctle table, 1 chain $20. Aluminum Chrislmas trer. 6 Ir. ttvo!ving !land, color wher<I S6. D 1. r k cocktail table, end tablt $2.50 l'ac.h. Grrtp quilted bedspread ~2. Child's 3 Jt ]lOOI !able, hall~. cues $4. Bird cage wHh stand SJ. l bar 111001~ S3.50 each. 2 cast irnn pans S3. Kitt henwatt 5c . SI. 3 high-backed kllchen cha in, ta.n SlO. 5 J:al!on paint spray container wllh line~ $15. 548-4903. 945 Victoria St. C.M. PATRONS S20. Olrt !ool box $2. Oak CARPET-gold Hi·Low lO'xll' IAblc $5. Old fumilure and pad $25 lnr bulii, good patching mBchlnt, antique CQndi1ion. 842-377~. $J. TV trays 2X:. Bo'.'.•ling SOLID ,,...fl-_!nut lamp table ball $2. Pieces ol carpet S5. with teak fini~h 2 :l '* ·' 1609 Baker SI., C, !'It . square, 16'' inr h i 2 5. S<\5-~1~7 842-377:1. I -"-"-"'-'------ GAS stove, 4 burners, oven, Ll.l~ii. W 36", H 41 '', iood condition $20. 642-4784 REFRIGERATORS l 7 .50 . Hide-a-bed. need! recover· ing $12.50. 2 coUee tables S.S each. Platform rocktr S7.50. Hair dryci-$20. Tow bat $5. Books and magazine11 Sc • SI. Automotivf" bookl! 25c • $4. Au1o parts 25c • $10. FM antenna S4. Pictures and lan1ps 50c • $5. Surf toartt. ll"('ds fln $10. Tools 5c -$.1. 2Q2l3 Birch St . ~ta Ana Hf'ight!, Slit-Sun, !).5. 200 GOLF b8.lla, a.JI good , l!k:-15c·20c eac h , 219 Poinsettia, CdM ;\1EN'S Goll 11hoc11, 5\ze 9 Sl ARGU S c amera $1 5 2 lounge lrnnies with tl1aJViOVOX T.V. Sl 5 Chain; springs and lrgs $:i f'a('ti. $.'l each Lawn mower Sll) Clock. radio, rief'llS tube S5. Stf!p table S8 Drenel shoe r.ooSf' neck stand hestt>r St. $20 Coffee table $8. 1870 Boa File drawer SL card tahle Vista Cir. C.M. SL Plyv:ood ~-S2. Wa11le STNKS S5 $8 a.ntl $12 Stnol iron $1 . Slant board $5. Scott and tank $15 To,11in beds $15 AM-FM tuner S25. Scott 20 f'11ddlt lank Sl2 Patio grfUll watt lah amp SW. 2 Tennis S3 and $4.50 Gas healera S3 racktls $1 eacb. Reverb unit each Jungle Jim set Sl5 w1th anlp 11nrl :r;peaker $W. Dish»•asher, need!! rtpair Buck"t ~al S5. 3 bottle bar S20 PaP"?r to'.'.·cl dispen.<;ers ~I Sl . New tie rack SL $1.:..0 Camper h11r Sll. Bus Vibr11t1Jr mas!lagrr $ l . s<''1!. recline!! Sl5 Pon! l11rf. Roa~\ hrlard SL Trou5cr der S4 \\1egg IGMC1 $12 rack 50o. Speak.trs SJ, each. 1402 S. Spruce, San!.8 G~e neck lamp15 50c. Ana. Dowling hall $~. 6 v 0 111..D'S n"d and b I u e tvaporalor crtr coolrr SJ, s!riped C\lrtains $2 Woman's Dome clock Sl. flten 's ice. clothes $1 ·$2. Pur.o;eg 5(k; 11Ka res, sizt 11, SS. Post ca.rd Red Tenn.Tull hathroom ditto machine Sl. P.A. n1g and lid rover $2.50 Red a.mplilif'r, as !11 $10. 4 track and while r;tr\pped CU'IOJl)' tape deck lor car. nttd! for tuh S2.50 Mak:hina: cur-repair Sl O. Hot shave l11ther CHEST ol drawtr11 S5. Cha.irt' taln 50c Tension rod, ex· machine $5, M8--600i. ml B $10. Maple rolfff: table. SIO. rends 6'. 50c Pictures 50c Pacific, C,M. Ent lable $5. Lamp $2. Rattan chairs. S2.50 e?l"h A \l/onderfitJ c h r ; 8 1 in a s Pallo table. 2 chain; $5. 41-1 Early Americaii lamp S2.50 prc~rnt for Mlmt Jurlcy boy , Emerson St .. C.M, 642-1659 Polr 111mp S2 End t11.ble 12 or girl. Complete set .,, /11'1 TV PEW RI TER, Smith /lrtHici.1 1 Cowen 5c ea1'h 1, I n k 1 e I I er '~ P!cturt C1Jron11o, clean, excellent \\ hi(r Cosco Cit?' st'.'nt Si Encyrlope:d!ll. tl1ore lh/1 0 condilion, goorl fnr ~ludcnt Jnfantsee t SL ~n.t a.nrl Sun-7500 fUIJ-eolor picture! S2 S20. Rtgina eltctrtc broom dRy. 236 Magnol\11 ,, C.f.L prr volume. M7-SJ19 SJI), 543--716.'l ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME· A -LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT WARNING! Adv•rtising not conforming to our Dim .. A-_Li.,• re9u11tions ... may be in viol1tion of both City end Stale Board of Equalialion codes I I. No commercial firms or private business mey use these columns. 2. EACH ITEM for s1le must be priced - no price over $25. 3. DIME • A • L I N E ads ire 1cc:ept1d ind published 1s • unique service to our petrons end the DAILY Pl~OT ' reserves the right to limit their publi~tiort to one day each Wff •. DIME-A-LINE edo ore strictly cash with copy. Roll~finr •t• Uf'Jtlt to ,. port promptlJ 10-Ut• DA rL Y PlLOT ClUlitltd Departmt!nt UIJ wtolatiorw Of the•• Dtme-A.·Lla• ftCO' i.uon.: DAIL V PILOT Sal11rd11y, Octo~r 18. 1%/J FREE TO YOU PET ond LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION SPR.INGER Sp&niel 2 yr. aid, 1125 801t-Y•cht ·------Good natut1!d, 1enUe dog. 5 V.'Elr.tARANER Pup p 1 e 5 ti.by puppies playful, quick AKC, shor.o;. Grand chanl· tO learn, 2 m!J'!>. oid. pion~. 5'M"J687 10/18 • (114) 692-2-12.1* Charters 9039 SAIL CAL ~i ~23 ~r day. CAL 36. $60 per day. Slel'pli 6. cau ni: 846-2957 HOBBY items: pa.per mache, 1 _A_K_c--R-,-.,~,-"-~-.1--G-,-,m-.,, eCz: cartom, roUee cans, Shephrrd P"PS for sale. 1 H 9200 Mobile omea Christmas i;:an:ls, etc. IOI' male & I !Prnale $65.00 auJ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; hobbyi11.s. 531-tm io11s $4-0.oo s3~5W4 LABRADOR. mix puppies lA '~oo=n-A"B'°L"E~P-,r-P_><_•_l~oo~~~·-,,g GREENLEAF bl.ark, 3 ~·hite, I brown. All for a boy. ~ each. Brin~ v.•a.nt Childn!n to play 11'ilh. boy. 6-12-6.'i74 PARK 968-1935 10/:l2SCI ;;;:o,1N~' A"'u-z~E~R"s-. -,"I-ir-. -,A"°KC FREE To zood home, 2 Yr· pups. Show or pet!!, Stud in clear, clean, cool Cos!a old sWH:t, gi""nlli!, rusty col· service, 833..{)361 r.lesa. New 92 5JHl.Ce Adult or part COckl'r. Fl'male. s1-..1'£TE"RR1°E~'R--A-K-C~. Park NOiV OPEN! Mobile ~<!129 lOll8 champ i;ired frn1ale pup, 2',; Jlorne Display r.todels &- Bl:AUTIF'UL Male Si11n1esc mos. Rra!t. 549-2~7 Sales ollice located at Park. dome~ticatM, ll'11~h traine<I, SJLl{Y T,.rner male pup~. 7 OPEN to 11dul!s only. J\loving and \i·sk. AKC. Adorable t)ealthy cannot lake him \vlth Im". 9 AM TO 6 PM .,..,.,. 10,10 & """ mo. &>I'""· FOUND 8 ah'odorerl kilt""· A{(ENJ MOBILE now all healU1y & inust find Horae• 8830 homl'!t, Plea~ h€1p . 11·p"\'t" -----·----HOME SA' Ef ha'd a ruff start! 491.1326 HORSE Jn!C'll!gent, gentle, LL.,J 10120 goorl conlirn111tion. '.!:i yr ~===--,-,...,~= i::Plrtini::. s110. s.1(}.3769 1750 Wh1•tt·1er Ave 6 KIITENS, ·~ Sia1r1esr. ;c--~--~-.--.,.,.-,,- N!'ed good horn!"~. \\'ill Sl\1AL L Shetland, I'.: hi I d Costa Mesa dt>liver • 8 4 7-7 3 9 o or brokl', da~~~ ~J $7j. 54!-308' 101'1 ,.~ 714: 642-1350 2 LONG haired b!k kittens, 2 Livestock 8840 "'~,~U~T!!!!!!!!J~.~!!!!!!!!~N~fw"' gray. 1 blk/~'ht, i gn·1v.·h1. 1 ~-"-'--'-------sELL 1m usro Box tmd k Mbrkn. 1 "·ki;. IT'S FUN TO BOARD old. $&-7952. 10122 Cynthia Your hors(' at TALLY HO Cooper Dr. HB 10121 F.-\R.J\IS. Box stall.5 $J5 per TRAILER SALES SOl>fEONE \Vanis us -who? mo. t.IC"tal shaded corrals "Buy from a man I. $45 ""r mo. Automatic Via· Like.lo stay indoors, use it· r~ who lives in one I" ter box. '"George" !.; rrr, feed & 1.:leaned daily. \\'E SERVICE · 1 l'l <'l.C'rt'S lighted arena, "Clarence" (h: 1 t lf' n ~ \\IHAT \VE SELL~ 10/18 !raining ring. River trail ac. 5-19-1846 Cl'~!;. EXpcrt English & 321 So. Harbor, Santa Ana SHEEP · dog/collie n1b:, \Ves!ern lnsiructlon •. Tally 1 Bick So. of Bolsa 5JJ.Jffi6 trierxtly, long haired, mall', Ho farms, 17262 Ne1vhope, BAY HARBOR needs room to nin & Fountain Valley. 54~9587 Mobile Home Sales childttn to play \\' 1 1 h · TRANSPORTATION Casa Loma Roll -Av.ray • 544-9533. Sheraton Mano. • HomeUe • FREE To good hon1es, 801t1 & Y•chh 9000 Kit • Prestige • Sahara lovable, ittY & ~·ht. kittens, 8 ALL SIZE.I) "·ks. Also severaJ others, DAVID L. FRASER NO\V ON DISPLAY various colors. 534-1Q2. 25' T.S. CRUISER 112J Baker St., Costa Mesa 542-7096 10/18 ComplC'le. Sacrifice this 11·eek. 1,3 block East of Harbor Blvd. PLAYFUL, friendly male end, Sl,500. Cosca Mesa ITI4) ;,.Jl)..9470 puppy, p/beagle. Needs Call: TC'd Rogers playful, friendly family. 3t!~ Via Oporto, Ne~po11 548-003 or 673-3990. 6/J.j:.!52 FR.I."E to qua!. home. Bl'aut. '6! LlLAS!'.11-'AR C 1 ta 11 on, AKC, med. size bro11'?1 male I nboard~utboard. 120 Mere. Doxie. All i;hot:5 . Cruiser with pc11·er jet & 34&-3818 J0/21 powtr trim. Full cover. PRE'ITILY marked pla yful Ready to enjoy. A 11 tabby kittens, need good ma!nrenance records. l home. 7 "·k~. old, box train· OY'Tlel'. KI 6-4444 ed. Call &12-169;) 10/21 1 'L=1~v=E-~-,-,-ro-,-,~bo-.-.. ~N-.,-,-~ 7 DARLING kittens, 6 "·ks LCVP 3j'xll'. built .63. old ft1m;tly CR!ico & S!o\·e, ~inks. l'ngine, paint, 1 , blk/~·ht. 644--D&88 2 9 2 I ton, spare par Is & Carob ro,13 hardware. :\GOO. 0 11· n er tr11nsferred to Africa. See at 6 fluffy kitt~ns, all color'5, 21': :m;J.~ Nt>ll'PQT1 Blvd, Ci\'i. months old. playful & healthy 968·56CKI J0/20 BOAT \f1\NTED PMva!e pal1y. 30 to 35' T·S SHORT hatr fuU gmwn solid c·lean, 11,atC'I' ready, nil black cit, vie. Eastblufl. dealers please. To 310,000. &14-4597 10120 Phone 5-'l&-~ll GfVE a kitten"' home! Cute, 8 f>l AN \Vinslow \1fe rail 11 ith playful. housebroken, male. carryin.i; bag. 4 yrs old. 53&-3156 e\·e~. l0/20 Never been usrd. Checked .J. Kttens.. stripped, "1<-98n 1,; Siamese, tiger 6 wks. old . 10/ZO annually. $250. 6'13-66.ll:i 160 hp f'ord lntercep!or 1/0, m:1ny 1'\'.lras. mus1 Cfult KiMens, lol'e PfOple. sell! $2-150. Call aft 5 P:'II Hoosebroke n. Look f or 536-5910 ho(lle. Call 6~~1-44s2 10120 18' SEARAY T r j h'u 11 Otn,'\' 2 left. fat lovable pup. JnbOarrl/Oulhoard. Li k C' pie11. 5 wks old 1215"' hi' at new $3:.00. 84&-2T.?:i. ·niaturity, Call ~ l0/20 PEDAL boat S225. fun & ex· J· LITTLE k i I tens. at-f'rcise. Foot operated or .tractivl'ly marked. hl'althy, outboard. 613-6001 iweet dispo~it ion. 646-2388. ·.-.-2-3-. _A_L_B_A_T_R_O_S_S-. -,-,,-,1 ?>fINIATURE pink male kif· sC'll $')00. 1'1' RUNAROUT, ten. trained, live.in only. 1nust si;?ll $22:i. 6'1.'i-1028 548-1243. ======== SELL Your Mobile Home FOR CASH 639-3291 536-8869 Broker '58 Tandem Kenskill 25'. Toilet & shower, air cooler, New ati.·ning, Sleeps 4, Perfect cond. Nr.111 paint. Sa('rifi('e for quick Sil.le ~13JO. Anchor Trailer Port. Ch.;1a J\!Psa.. 642-~8·11 DOUBLE Expando, Kit Tro· j11n. 20xJJ. Lari::e carpo11, porches &. :-,torai;:e :shed .. 1'l11st sci.I to !<CtUe estate. $6,7:i!L Katella 1\.l obi J e E~1ales, Sp 114 , Stanton. Call 82~670 '68 12x60 2 bcd!'oom with a1vnings, skirlll, shed, compl<"te, In b€autiful Costa .~fr.sa Park. 0'1'nC"r mu.~t leave area. 63G-32'ill Braker. Many Mobil Homes fan11ly & arlult park.! Pric~d Righ!! Call ii.36·8869 or 636-32~1 Broker 2·1' f'E TUP on the cho1cr~t location H'I lovely Trailer Park. RC'nt paid to 1st. First Sl 2j() lakC'S. 327 \V. \Yllson, C!\r ~e Space 29 20X55 3 Qe<lrooms, 2 batn~. buffl'f, coole~. a11 nlngs. shW, ('1)m- ple1e_ In 11 top family park. 63&-3291 Broker. ADORABLE Sllkie-Poodle Sail ho.ts 9010 20•55 ·---------pups. 1J 11·ks old, 3 mal"s. 1 Demn $li5(). u~ed SJ3j() 3 Br>droo1n. '!bath. All r~11·a~. trmal.-. 5-15-1&68 10120 l-~;u111ly Park, Call J::&.SS69 J4' o ·oay i.:-;ed .... s500 B k l-P/PERSIAN kitten 0-1 F'u11 Z'ln" Roa t Cl). B;;Jhci~ I'll C'J". tTI05 old. l\C'C'd hDfO('S badly, GREATEST or n1CC'f:< 22"7'" '.? FULL h<>r!s, :;o g;1] hot \\'.:l- 5;ID-1535. 642-1 327. Star ~loop niod 2,J3, 'l;i· tf'r !;ink SJ.~00. 16-W Ne1~-porl. EXCEPTIONALLY I 0 \'('I y m;i~f, like new. Sar $23)0. _5P~·~N_·,~·~'~·~c_.,_I_. ~~-- killl'n~. 3 mo~. old. &r to '.J34--0001 12x60 Front & Rear apprtc1a!C'. 6M--09!Xl 10/21 PENGU IN s;,il boat l J 1;. All ex1ras. Family park. C.all CUTE mt.>:ed breed puppies. \1'/sa!l l\, tr;iller. Top con· 531)..,i;:fl!i~. 636-32'.ll Broker. 833-2:255 10121 di!ion $425. 837-8;i98 l!l,l} Na~hua llli.40, cornp. FREE n1aJe kiiten~. tiger LIDO lt 222·'2~, ~xl~,-,-,-0-rn~:I. f~rn. neiv alun1. a.wn1ng m11rkt'd. 54~1986 10/2! full ra~.,. Trophy 11 inner. .$ OO'J ;>;11 'V. Bay SL, C.r.I . Sl ?OO. 6~6.1712 f;parf' fi. frl2-i~41 CUTE fluffy kitl~ns, 11('11nerl -~~=~~~=--HOBl E CAT SlOOO ~lAl-\E: Offer for 20' x 57' k hsbrkn ;l'th-6~0:0 10/21 Goldrn11 est. ·10' s c r r r n ... 4~\.!!J::7 * PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK pnrrh. Trnns av11i1. !"i:i&-2~4;, SACRIFICE CAL 20,- Ptt1, Gentr•I 8800 S2.~. * 6P3·769:! 20.\.:J:i 2 BB. hbath,,~· !';turc•lyl a,1·n1ni:;. porC' . 1nest ~ H J:>! AL A y A N. ~lam('Se 8 METER park. Real huy! 642-S232 bluepon!s. 7 wks. SJ:), AKC 12131 EX 3-16:15 ' . .. . TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~TATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION --Motorcyclea_. ___ 9_300_ 9520 lmport9d Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9400 Imported Auto• 9600 Imported Autos 9600 1967 HONDA lfiO SCRAMBLER Elec, starter, 800 ori1 mi. S.JOO. . 1967 MATOILESS 600CC GSSO Scrambler. For the pur1et. $6.JO, FIAT 63 Cffl;V ~6 T. P .U. V8 8'1----'.C:..C.:.----1 Calif. Cabover Cam p .er . 1968 FIAT, 121 Sedan. lite Many extras! Flush lollel. blbt. 1400 nn. $1395. or $795 Better lhttn XJnl eond. & T.0 .P. 64&-7584 , BRAND 1967 TRIUMPH T-100C :.!)()CC. Very clean. $ij(). JAMES LTO 1584 Newpon Blvd. 642-0040 1968 BSA 650 tt Lightning 1,fiOO miles -r~al clean like brand new no st:ratehes, blue book Sl.030 sacrifice for $895. 84Z..3813 'ti6 !{ARLEY Sportster $1 ,095 Call afleT 5 Pf\.f 675-2.JS.C Auto Services & P•rts 9400 S~S50. 5.16-7f6l alt 5 or '68 F IAT 124, spt cpe, r&h, v.knds. air, mflg "'hf'f'ls !~:JOI) FANTASTIC 4 . Su.r Can1p. 491-8328 eves f'ts,. nC"w \Vl'slways & new·68 • .:..c,~.1=A~T_:;S5\l,:::._5-,d-,-,.-B-l"_'_·I m1n1-eampers. Prices star1 $!800 p) at $375. Sceitts, !1!4 N. ~ All 6. 545-1326 * Harbor, S.A. 1967 % TON Ford Ranger Camper Special, auto, pv.-r JAGUAR brks, radio, alr cond .. 29,fKXJ • ' n1i. Best oUer. 2867 Hickory -.-.-.--.----- Pl. /\pt B, Of. 546-799~ *. ~ XKE, lmmac\ilate ron· . ~:_c=.=.c..;c.:.;,;:;:_.c:..;__I dit1on, lo1v nH!eage. NEW can1per shells cab 6i.>6Z26 high, fully lined with int. .~---=c:.:=:-__ ___ I lights & vent. $229. Scotts. "64 JAG HTK COUPJ:: E type 914 Harbor, s.A. 4.2, ~·eUow, bla('k 1n1tcr . TaPt dee, R&lf. 838-5460 NEW BUGS 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO CO BEAQ{ CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT .•. NEW '70 }<'ord P/U 3o/o over .~1 . _ .. - dlr. invoice with camper ;; ,JAGUAR XK-140. F-X· rurch~e. &'Oils, 914 N cellent L'Ondition. Phone Auto Supply Wholesale Prices to All Complete !11achine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUILT ENGINES Harbor .. S.A. ' &l!r-298G Duno Buggl_•_• __ 9_s_2s KARMANN GHIA CHICK IVERSON Harbor Areos On ly Authorized VW, Porsch e Deo ler TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVI YOU 1125 Victoria, Df 548-6&50 1&391 Beitch Blvd. HB 847-0091 * OPEN 7 DAYS * 445 EAST COAST HWY. et BAYSIDE ORIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 67l·0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIA LS S49-3031 1:1· TRAVEL trailer, Northwest Coach, new cond. Sleeps 8, 6 mos. old. Take ovC'r payn1ents. 6-15--098'1; 36<1 E. l61h Pl, Apt B. CJ\1 Trucks 9500 '69 DODGE 112 TON Sweptline Pickup Big 6 cylinder enginE'. s tand- ard transmission. One only -Drive it home, No. 1167· ()00.1(6, Used, $2077 SADDLEBACK DODGE 547-9381 1~{11 N. Tustin, Santa Ana Fron1 Ne11·port Fr~11•ay - \\'C"st on 17th St. Tul'n left on N. Tustin. "69 Chevy ',i I.on pltk 11p, 'l'ith camper sheU, Air, pwr sleriing. auto tran.~. pwr lirakes, V·8 cng, radio, 6,00'.J niiles. ~3010. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING JOO \V. Cst. H~'Y. NB 645-2182 GMC TRUCKS Orang!" County &tle5 SeJVice HeadquartE:rs. NE\V. USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 28j{l Harbor Blvd. Costa l\lesa. $.10-9640 ard Ten Light Vans VolkS\vagen.o:. Dodges, Chev· ys, Excellent cond. 100% ·\l.'aiTanty. KUSTOM MOTORS 845 Baker SL, C1\f :)40.$9l:i 0]')€n .hi 9 P .1\1. '62 Rambler American St~lion \Vagon '61 Fiat. 1200 Roadstf'r convertible '60 Chevy 6 cyl auto. $59<'J $499 PORSCHE J1rluµort 31111µorts Station \Vagon $;j99 '59 Porsche 1600 Super 3100 \V. Coa:-;t H1vy .. N.B. top (.'Onditlon $189!1 . 6'12·!340;, 510.1764 ,.,99 68 J\ilERCEDES 280 SE Authorlied MG Dealer '59 Karmann Ghia ~ Sed '58 t.1G Roadster $499 • i:"2:: po_w~~4_Xlnt '66 Porsche !111, 5 spd, '57 Plymouth V8, ~o 30 · ' nu. ;i aft Al\if/FJl;l radio, many more automatic $299 · x1ras, xlnt cond. ;1150. Lido J\ilotors Branch 'S6 100-SL; over S!l.JO in-6~2.0349 Tustin Auto Clinic ves!~ in_past:J yr'li. in C'n~., 3_2_200_!-inn-----,--,-.-,J-62 1300 \V. Coast Hwy. Newport ex~ei ·• inter. A~k. $850. 'll'hilc, xlnt cond. A;>.l/fi\1 642-6762 67->-7329 1962 PORSCHE '68 Coupe. Roadster. i\lldnight '64 PORSCHE SC Con. New AUSTIN blue, !Ult p\1T, aulo, ale, !Ofl, tires, & engine. 613-&IOO ----------1 11e111 radial tire~. S7100. ivf'ekda s '69 AUSTIN Amer i c ll, 636-3030 I ~=·=="~·====== auton1atic, 101v n1iles. $1695. 1960 J\fereedc,; 100. Clean, 675--691.2 after 7 Pl>! new lites. $ij() ! i r in. SUNBEAM 6·12-44.i2 f'VCS. 1%:1 SUNBEAi\1 A 1 p ine AUSTIN HEALEY ~lERCEDES Bent 19fi0 220S Rnadsler. auto :-;hirt. ~ooJ of door. Air. flC'\V tires, :\Int. cond . Asking $900. 962~126·1 . '67 Austin Healey $2495 S7:'ill. '.">l!\~7;i:is Finished in gll'aming ruby ========== TRIUMPH red ,v/blk leather interior. MG Fully f"!lulpt. inC"I. "'irel----------TR·3 EIGO. Good cond .. incl., v..•heels. \Veek-end Six-ciaJ. ?11G regular lop. Tnnnf'au top. J1l'lllpLlrl 31111µ011~, 3100 \V, Coast H1>,'Y .. N.B. &!2-94ffi J.ll).1i64 Aut~tized l\fG Dealer AU STIN AMERICA Nl!es, Scrvl'ce, Paris Immediate Delivery All t.'iod~ls J!rluport 3l111µorts Salei;, Servicr, Part.s tool kll, S700 . .li37-097:'>. Immerl1ate Delivery, AU i\lodels J1rtuµort ]l111µorts 3100 \V, Coast Hwy. N.B. IJ.t!.!)405 540.1764 Authorized l'llG Deale r •51_ TD Classic. Ne'" interior, nt1v tyres. Please call, make offer , 54!J~5981 '62 l\·JG.i\lK Jl; Nf'w 11r!!s & PR int. X111t cond . $j()(l 67J.030:: '6:1 TRIUl\IP\{ Spilflrc, xlnt 1;1:1nd.. 7500 mile~. Pnv 01vner. Call 64&-30!i~ afl ·1. TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE All MOOELS YOUR BE.sf DEALS ARE SflLL AT DEAN LEWIS "62 YORD 31 ·ron. V-8, 4 spd. C H NB 3100 w. oast 11.'Y.. . ' MGB 1-~ngln\" rehll :.!JOO 1nilei; ago. 642-9.J(Q 541}17&4 BILL MAXEY 1%6 l!arbor. C i\I ~ ply hl"al)' rluty lire&. J\ulhorfred i\1G DeaJer 'l---------- /lca1)' d u 1 y su~pension, 1-----------SSOO. P I I ~""" ,.,,.. ,.,14-·5:, Austin Healey srntC' ~::-.. ~l usr scu ·61 ~ri.;n. ITllO!IYl:O![TI~ o" ,.,, ""· ''"' "'~ ' -' --. -·· -<vn<l., $800,. 494-$3;)2, after 67:rll~1!1 . • • . '6:; Che\)' ~f. lon fleet :":.1ze VS. Dlr, &l:'i Baker, C. r.1. 4 P~I. OPEL 18881 BEACH BLVD. 540-5~1:.i FOR saJe 1!JJ'.J Austin 1'1e"1cy Hunt. Beac:h 847-8555 Sprite. Bri!. Rar.ing grn & ----------J ., N IC ' I Hwy o· B h "68 Dodi!;e 'J 1011 \'8, auto. . n1 ' -o o s . . " c go!rl . $6:JO. 5-19--0928. "h~ Op<>l \ragn11 102 HP. Dir Dir. S.15 Baker, C .JI.I . sl· "··k C \I ;>10.5915 •,J w ·er, .; , DATSUN :;10.5:111 '68 Ford Econol ine \Vgn. Dlr. -----,, p '""' U EL St;i , 1l'~g , 84 5 Bakl'r , Costa COUNTY'S ORANGE Ex. n11 .. i;tror:I rnnd. Run,, ll1C'M. ;,41}:i915 NO. I ·'='·~,,=, ~·"'~· ~J-~.1~3·~·~1,_l·~'="=·l== I '68 Ch<"\)' Cu~!orn Van. Dir. DATSUN DEALER Ai .. r'ond1tioner, 4 ~f"l . rll r.. R4'1 B:iker. Costa !llesa. PORSCHE ln~r!f'd~ l!onr; r rPam c.~t,. 5J0.5915 DOT DATSUN plu~h hlack 1rit. Takr sn1a l! JS',. "-•oh BJ,•d """" ''' ,,.,,,1,. L"'''· lo"' ·49 GJ\1C. romplcte ne11· cng, ,,,., °'" · '69 Porsche 91TS Targa "" " " · · 1 6 lluntington Beach py n\111 ~. VJJfS~LB. Call 111-cs & pa1nl. A tcr call 842-7781 or 5'10.1'1442 Tan1;:l'nn,. l'\lC'nor' ". hlk 1h-"'"n .\!J.l.977:: or J I~.(~<\. 673-719.f _ _::c.:..:.:;::...:::..,;~_.c'-=-tC"rlor E;1·rry pi1•Slblc 11c·l-----·---~- VOLKSWAGEN '68 vw INTERNATIONAL I ton VOLKSWAGEN '66 V\V Sqback $1095 or trade larger ('ar or truck. Camper shell $1 10. 83[)..4237 'ti·l V\V Bu~cs Dir. 8•1j Baker, C.i\l. 540-:-i915 !11UST Sell '66 V\V Ca1nprr fully eql1ipt. !01v nii, A-!! Best off 642'-1:'!36 C've~. '62 Volks11•agcn Sedan. after 6 Pill. 496.:\11:10 Call 1967 V\V. chronic ll'herls, very (·lean. Asking S1;;9:i. Call ;14G-9J26 a!t 3 Pill. "6S V\V Bug, stand. trans, Bendix AM/F~'l. under dash rack. 83(J..3TI9 after 5 '62 V\V, '64 englne, mechanical Corn!. 73J-2325 .Fine "6.i V\V Sqt1arcb11ck. 15,IJQ S. $!J7:i. Excellent condition. Aft 7 pn1, 54~139 'l:i l V.\V. BUS 'E.-.;cC'Jlent ('O!ldirion si:::..o -Call 5'1S.1SOO "61 V\V, rel;llt eng, 11c111 pau1t. new brukes. $J50. 64.1.0:i32 '66 V\V Snrl. beige 111/blk 1111. R/H, Porsche r1n1s, Xlnl cond. $1350. 54S-2716 V.\V •• Porsche • Mercedes cng's. & u.scd parts, steady in s tock. 6~2-03:J(l. '6S VW $900 Call 67::1-3567 afti'r 5 VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS FRO'.\! $399 ~l~. :::031 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 11:\RBOR BLVD. --~C70=S~TA J\'IE.'iA '69 vw $1·~99=s--1 Unhc!il'vable: rantastie ''al. 11e! EV<"J'y ln1;1;:1n,1h)c d C.Cf<S· sory 1nel. \\'l)f•rl c]as)i, 'vood src,..r ing "hf'(,1, sun roor. f'O !lllnc111;il rad1.il lirr~. 61 !:\ lo~·al n11 lrs. F;i1·1or.v 11 a 1Tar1. ly, ::'cc and dl'r\"C' lu bcl1 l'vl'. J1rtuµort 31Inµorts 3100 \V. Coa~I llwy., N.B. u.12.940.5 :)10-liS.1 Authi:iri7L'd 1'.J\. Dralcr '~ V\\'. SJ;JO{J, In cxcel!cnl condition. ·, P!I : 67~1-~2~6 fmported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 • •• DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1 t67 VOLVO 144 SID. $209500 R . H . A,<om•"'· """' '" e1111d .. •eel •~•'P UVl'lll 1t67 vOLvOi14 SEDAN $1495-00 R .• H . < ''"'· , ,,.1 "'" c er. TR. Ecl~52,__ _______ ,_c:_: 1965 •HARMAN •HIA $15-9500 Sp•ci•! 8od11. 1500 Eno; .. ~ 1p•eci, l .T. ft11!ih. A h••d lo /,nd model. re_g. Brit. SJ'Afl. ~530 SABOTS _M:.i:.n~i :.B:.i~k~•,;• ___ _.;.9,;2;_:75 rlump trut•k. Dlr. 81j Baker, '69 DATSUN re~,soiy. 9:.0 n1ilr~! Sbow-'65 VW room rf)nd1!inn. S.lij9.i. 32 Vf'ry 1·lcan. l..1c, NOL ~'27. nlh1>1' f'ors c)1cs ro tl1oo~e Best ovf'r from . 1'67 ~OYOTO LAND~CRU1Si_11_ HT $219500 New l•re1, ••Ir• c:I••~ UOFI 10 Cais 8 l?O f'\e1v inc-1 sail. 32~'.l. 6~:>-0'llZ s J.1.P. !llJ/\'.T BIKE. Like _C~._M_._54().~_5'_1_5 ____ _ 9020 Jlf'W, $1'Z9 .. c~n ~.10-400:; ~e TEN Light Van, all rnakes. Big 4-dr Sedan. "-£pd , Dlr., radio, beater. 1300 miles. \Viii sacrilice: Takr o!dcr trade. cau · Phil, 49+9m. 545-0634, Z\V.1031. $695 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 H<trbor. C.i\f. &12·6023 SIAMESE kiH,ns, purebred _P_o_w_•_•_c_,_u_i•_•_., __ c.._;_ ;11 3036 Java Rd. r.tesa Dir. S.lj Baker, C · r.t. 110. VPrr!e 1 _>1:c;0-5cc.;9J~'~--------J1rtupo11 31111port~; l!l\i"f 32' CHRI~ Corinthian, 548-5172 fully equipped. Xlnt· ~nrl. 3 HP ill1ni Bike, mag "-'his, '66 1-·orr:1 l-'100. VS, auto. Dir. \\'ill M"U f'quity. D:iys {711) f\.lorse clutch . .New cond. 8-l{i Baker, C.:"lf. '65 V\V, 1 ooor, 4 speed, radio. heater, beautiful red 112S 737.ffiJI, eve:; ~8·2-134 i\1r. $99.50 548--8714. 540-5915 ENGLISH FORD 3100 :v, Coast Hwy., N.B. ra:.1.~h~~~io~t~':. lt~~-.il:i GERMAN Shl'phtrd AKC. top qoality puppies. 2 mos cld. Xlnt papers. * Sll-1568. CRUIZON 16" Cabin cruiser wood/fbgls, motor k trlr. $5.Xl, ~ 'T=A-c~a-,~,.-.-""'~-"'-"~'-· ~$125~. "' best Qffrr. LT 8-1702 9300 Motorcycles AKC SJLl'i.-Y PUPPIES 7 ~-eeks old fat k ready for Speed-Ski loah 9030 HONDA Scrambler 2 5 0. :a MW home. Come & see 14' Inboard 1ki boat, d!!ep V them. ~957 hull, 1vind5hield, &augr.s, i5UR.E brfd Dachshund bh1ck xtra engine, lrg ~·hC'cl ttmal.e puppy I v.·eeks old, trai.ler. $62j. Sun only. \rery friendly, a nd lovable I c64~J\..4=21~'=~...,.~--­ ,DJ, 962.-6770 12 FT SKI boat. American 11!'-IN-.-Dox~~ .. ~.-,-.-A-,-0-,.~,-1,-1 Trailer. 3::i H Evinrud~ ~red. I "'ki;. f£:m<'IJE'S, motor &. accei:;sories. S2:!5 AKC. C~mp. slk. 49:>--4203 11\ktll 1111. 5'46--0139 BEAGLES, females 13 ll'kll., I 01"6=-c~.~,,.=..,.,,j=-,,,1~il~ity:--,,.,-,, ·).KC Rer. t,; pricC' ~2:>. boel JOO hp Chrysler. t1tll ~9 new COVE'r, steal at $700. . ADORABLE f.U n\lltur' Call &14-4919 afte r 5 pm • SCHAUZERS. AKC Re11:. 14' Glaggpar boat. 30 hp C..U •v.e .. 495-4579 ,Johnson enr, tilt trlr. Sae. WHITE Tiny Toy Poodle 1..;l"JOO=. "'=..,.='='·="=i.=207=7== )JU.pPIH. AKC, 10 v.'ttkl old. Boat Slip Mooring 9036 """'"' POCJDLE Pups. tiny IO'Y &. SIDE tit for 1111.ilboll.t, :ZZ-24' Jrt;, · all oolora, AKC, top $2.10 ptr loot. Vi!la Del AlJlllltJ'. Stud '"'· 89l-9'Tl9 Llrlo 54~lfi08 .(KC reai.1;;d .Gt t ma. n 30' SLIP 11.vall11hfe. Powrr RM!pbml Jl'lPIJ •IDr -.J~. l ho<1.t only. 15' gide·lie. ;mile A l tema.lie. ~· .i1:;.,.i192 'fANI male cblhuahua. 11t rm . ~·ants hoat slip for Zl' Y'ar~ old. l'fo ptipt'n. 1$30. Ventur(', Pleitse ~'l'ite Daily 791 Shallmar No. 3. C~l. PUo! Box J\f.J-15. I ,_ Sharp! Lots of Chrome. $275. * Call 612-1~ * '60 l\foPt>d ;ii) cc. I0\11 1niJ~s. :\1nt :<;ha(lf'. SG:l. &16-4721 11fttr 6 1%7 YAil1AllA. 3Qj. Big Beer Scr11.n1blf'r. ;ij(XI nit Bell helmet. S100. 5-16-9378 67 Yan1aha T1ri11 100 Ne\\' til'I!!. $135. • 51&-177;;. '68 TR!Ui\·IPll Bonneville $800, 1210 W. B11.llXM'I. BIYd, Apt. 8, N.B. bet1v. S.7 pm HONDA Cl, 350. 1500 mi, lug. i"i't n ck. ~""t hrlck. very clean S500. 968-51lit anytime 1969 "Y ama.h11 Enduro 250 CC. OT.JS Ex1rru:. $6.lO + SIS-5963 • NE\V DJ\T\V ~low ~·holcg11J<" coi;t R-fiO, 6lXl c:r.. )1.11-282'6 1~ TilJUj\f Pll 2;i! CC. Xlnl cond. a.oon mt $.'UO. • !}36·7816 • 9' Cabover ca1nper, new on "ei. Cht\'y, V8. $249:'1 Dir. 845 Baker, C.~t . S.l(}.59Jj '67 Chevy 1 Inn flat herl, VS. D!r. 845 Baker. C . r.t . >1<>5915 '61 Econollne V11n, xlnt cond. Re.\l ™rp! Cragar t1·hls. $195. 67S-2955 9S10 ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES. SERVICE '69 Z..tODElS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 6'12!~1ft~riur! l\JG 0::1~:;54 Harbor, C.1'!., 6·12·0413. '58 V\V Sunroor, Blaupunkt "&l PORSCHf: FC. 1 ownf't, Ai\1/f"'J\T, Coco m!l(s, niint 11pprox . 35.000 nn rblt eng. cond! Must &ell, Make offer! ne1v C"lut1;h, blk i n 1 I' r , 494-68!13 Perfect car. illusl sell 1hisl -~~------- "'eekrnd! Brst 0 1 f c r, ·57 Bug. &I tr11ns, R/H. 61:)..144& Trustworthy transportation P h ,60 C $l795 $?.00. Lllmbrc!la l:JOcc Sl~. or1c e oupe 64J...27,UJ Co<Xl bt'01vn 11•/hlack in1C'r.. . 2Q60 Harbor Blvd. fully equip. Good condilion 67 V\V bus • .sun:J1al '.'i: t.1ilitary' type 4 v.•hl'el Costa Mesa 642·0010 throout. \Vr-ek<"nd Special. mnip ~)camping rliive ·in lop coll(!! 196.i '""!~~~""'~~~~~I $2200/bc.sl uller. Cill11pi'r etxr11.s. Bob Scout of "'hl drh'l', bucket ··-~---546-::;&:;;i after 6 seat11. A·l Alw $1100 each. FERRARI '&I VOLKS\VAGEN Camp• Cell &16-5637 2278 Plactntia, n1ob1le . .A,\I • f';\-l radio. C.i\I. FERRARI Pop.up top. Side. tint. ll lon- '64 4-wheel Jeep, Joarled, Newport Importa U:d. Qr. lane Red. ~.'>-4.'192 \\1th oven:lrivt. $19 O O. ana:e County'• only authol"' lJOO ~· Coast llwy., N.B. V\V Squattback-Ne1v J uly fi<l&..3056 il'f!d dMler. 642-9-i();) _ 540-1 764 '69. Rarlio. w/\\'. Ju~t like J EEP·l946 CJ!A, ovenim:I SAL!:S-SERVJCE-PA'RTS Au1hor1zed r.1G Dealer ~w . 7700 miles. $23!15. . cl 984 ~ Id ' D 3100 W. Coast Hwy. PORSCltE ·;,7 SJ'lf:eds!E'r, 673-82S2 tJres, eon. • ... :s 10 r, .... urnn .... D-ooh ~==========. 642.~ .. --.,~•• o:x-540_1764 xlnt conrl, mC"ch perf~ .Bei:.t _ c.r.f. Authorit.ed P'trrari Dealer ofll'r over $2000. a.12-ii209 VOLKSWAGEN Rtcr••t'n Vehlcl•• 9515 "F"'E:.R~RAR:.:=.::, '-·i;.;c.;;. ,;330::.;.G..:Tc:::,-=+'-11 c'.:"':c'C.C---~.----·1--------­--'65 Scout i x .f Dir. 843 Baker, C ;\l .. 540-.'ifl\j Camper• 9)20 69 V\V CAl'-IPER Xlnt .. VERY ReuoMhl• • ·1~296-1 • ~nt rem.111t, ye 11 0 w, 19fi8 PORSCHE ·rarga 9_~2. '67 V\V rlh, rf1:I v.ilh blark bt11('k le11!h!'r. $0950 or llffer . Re~. Zl,000 ni1lei1, A~l-F J\I in!. 2:i.OOO nii, xlnt C'Qnd. Cl\lt Skip 5%-jjll, Ex 59:1 r11 rl10. ~16-.1!1.'7 nr 4!l4-.)('..W $1 :.00. ~1fi-12!H . FIAT 1--------'68 FIAT SPYDER C.OLD. $Ki% I\~ 535-Sl 1~ 'GG PORSCllE 912/:i J111n111C' '66 V\V Sr'r111n, :-;ln( rond. f'\11 raint E>.IRAS ille1·h Oris::: n1111Pr·le;iv1ng rountry. JX"rf Rcst rf'11:r; Df!f'r 67:h1~()i Slflj(J. ;,n1-t:>17 • 1962 PORSCHI'.: ',i6 V\V, f'ng1J"!(' 0VC'Thflul('rl 11'111!r. ldnt eond. ('~ ~hflJ'I': S?ffi. M6-17'2J A:'lt/F"~T S21f(I ~-1.lt.f>lll2 C'~'~"~'~''------- ------ 1961 70YOTA SEDAN $149500 R .. H .. Li" "'" ;,,,,. I '"'· v,T~P~<~<~l~~~cco,~~ .. ~--- 1964 PLYMOUTH VALIANT $89500 6 cvl., R., H., ~ulom •t;e , L;ke ~ew, "'u1t t••· ATA0l7 19'7 FIAT 150 s119500 F•1lb•c ~ Cou~•· ~•ela t, 4 \peed. ;';"~;,~\~N~o~.~·~··~·~,._------~ 1•64 OLDSM011lt s595 Fas We90"· ve, R1H, ru~i rt~I good. L•c. OXD3~2 1•66 MG.I ltOADSTElt $159500 R&H. ~·tp•~d. SAA,8<1 nu DATSUN PICKU• s129500 RIH. 4·•pt•d. C~ac\-1~11 p1ic:t . ;v;w~v~·~·~'~--~~,~~-----=:.::: 1f65 l"ONTIAC TEMPEST s79-~5 C111tom H~rd T~p. V&, R, H. "-1110 l~t. RPLO<l l'l 7n~•~1ivio~,.~swiii-iAG~f~N.----.$~1=-4~9500 R&H <l ·•peed I lot of •~Ir ••· Showroom fre1~. V!-1.-.651 Dean Lewis Orange County Toyota·Yolvo Headquarters OJtE"' SJ.T, TO' JtM 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Ol'E'f ~UNo~'v 'O I PM • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~T A TI ON .-mported ,.uto• 96()() Aufoa W1ntff 9700 VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NOIYI 1'2 -144 -145 -164 'IliE LOWEST PRICES YOUR 811:ST Dt:ALS Alli': STILL 1\T DEAN LEWIS 1966 Jliu•OOr. C .. \J Pl llOO 'IL:i, il!r cond ., •I ~pd, "'· o/d. l'fl1 . l'f'tl/hlk \111 645-1154 r'"· nr 6\G-ll!iO Qays VOLVO ·101l::2---;:-~1-m- Srda11. l;1rfu .\uh; 1,/ AIC. :\Int l'Ollfl. P1·1 p1·1y . WE PAY CAJH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET '.:8'.!8 llarbw" Blvd. Cfls~a l\lesa 5'16-120rl v LEASE v ·u~) LTD ~·ord l:OUJl(', 311', p11 1· '"'l> & lll'ak!Cs radio S!l'.Y.l 111u. ·i,7 \I\\' .. ,, ........ S·lfl nio '1.o>1 '!'-1·:11 d. all', fully Pqp'd. :-;11!1.• prn·i· , .. ,, ..... ~1045. ·i;~ Cad r:J l)(u·ado roupe. fully 1•qu1pp1•1I , . $19':+ n10. , 'G9 Ct>dll:al' Coup!" fir \'J!lc Antique!, Clas$ic$ 9615 lull:.· •·quipp•·d . , :'illl~J 1110. 1929 f OHl• ~lotlrl .\ '6~ Cli1·v Ca1naru, P'1r s!1~ k h1~1kr~. ;ur ........ S9l n10 Road,,1r1· r1o·\,; L;p. 3• , <ii·r 3. r11~1nr, hra1l1-r~ /..· du;il eJrb11. 1;1" "·hrPI~. h1"1l raul1c J,ralir s. $1000. f,\~-0720 :;7 !'llo1~11n f •I. f'\C'<'ll1•n l cond. :'i1600 Jo:l~·.l716 11 ft ~1. 11\1 rt;i y \\kCthl~ --193 1 DE-SOTO-- C;ill ;,.19 lj71 ,~,30~-o,,,,.0!<0-.\h~h't ,\ ncad~rr.r full~ r r ~ 1 11 1· r ti • min1 cof\IJ. $2600. l -IB· 12'.">l A.utos W•nted 9700 \VE PAY _ . CASH fer ll!ed can & truck!! iusl oa1l us for tree eslirn111e. GROTH CHEVROLET Ask for Sa.Jes f\lana~cr Ui:!ll Bearh Rlvd. Huntin~tpn !leach h1 '"~I -y,;E-PAY TOP-- DOLLAR tor i;:ood. l'le;in u~ctl f"~t's 1.11 m;ike!. Ste Gcor~c l~;iy Thcodo1·c Robin~ F'oi-d ~060 lla~bor Bh•rl 6-l~·OOln C.!'11. ll\fPORTu \\"A:-.""fill Oran;e Countit:! TU? S BUYEr. !U.L i\A.'<EY TOYaI A l S8Sl ~ach 81 \'d. fl. !Ir.a.ch . rh 847-8.:iJJ Will Buy Your \loli-.swai:;cn C'I" Porfrhc &. pa,v IOJl dnllart. P <11d fur or not. Cali n.'\Jph o;:;.09r~ }'ol' Dally Pilo1 \\';:in1 AUs D1J1I ti11:ot.~ SOUTH COAST CA R LEASING ;;OO \\'. C'5.l !lwy. NB 61:0.2182 LEASE. RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST OELIVERY ,\JJ populat" rnakes. Ford 11uthorl~cd leasing system. Le! Our Comrietitive Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2060 flarbor Rlvd. Costa l\Tesa ~42·0010 LEASE ANY MAKIC OR MODEL Lrt our Jrase e.~pert.~ ~how ~OU tilt> bC'S\ pl<in for ~Olli" li•'r,onal needs wnhout obJ1. ga11011. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ~~:~1 llarbor 611 <1 Co~lii ~lr~a l JIJ-%10 Used Ca r s 9900 CH ATHA M AUTO SYSTEM !!~00 \\". !st. :Sant~1 Ana .. .1 11·9!!~1 • Ban!; l1nanL'1og :1\'a1lablt , "1!! al ~ Cfl1TY OUl' fl\\ I\ contrl'IC'IS (\fl 1r..,osportal1011 c11rs. '67 C;1111<111.l $1l-i!Y.!, "ti7 D!Xlge RT \l':!Y.\, '!i i Po111111L" GTO $1099. ·r;;, .\!u~tang 5609. G,I For<I \:1. ~G~9. '62 !'llooia -~~"J:i. 'l:iO T·f>1rrl 52.'l!l '60 Pl~·111c111J1 \1'1 1 61 O:in1et S1\l9. '60 ("hr1 ." \\'<i~on 5199. '61 VaJ1. 8111 ~\fl!! ~9 Q)fl~ 5199. CHATH AM AUTO SYSTEM _•,fo(l \I', 1~1. :0:;1111.1 .\na .. i ll-9:'1.~1 • 9900 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK More Thon 200 Cars To Choose From lr•nd Nrw 1969 IMPALA $2866 SJ'Or.T (1 )1,..PF.. \':!i:. 11111~n o;I;'\;..,.•. ;11 11 .1 1r;1n<.., P.S. Scr1;.il No. !61379 1.1~'.il ;:. LARGE SELECTION OF NEW 1969'• AND LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS GOING AT FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ALL MODELS AVA ILABLE e CAP RICES e IMPALAS e WAGONS • CAMA ROS • MALIBUS 18211 Beach Blvd ., Huntington Beach Hwy. l f So, •t So11 Dl•qo f..,y. Phone 545-8163 or 847-6839 'Til IU P.M. TRANSPORTATION UMd Ci r• 'l'R..AN!'PQP..TATION CARS llWPOaTER MOTORS !036 llA.RlJOl't BLVD. t'05"1' A Ml:SA 541-52'4 or 541451 I FINANCING AVAILABLE '6S ~PORTS M"<l.111, \l,700 1111., &ir. pwr .. vin yl 10.,. Top con<li°bM. "1».3232. BUICK '£8 Buick Spur1 \Vagon. tni· n1al't1latt-.low 111 1 1 r a ~ t' 15,:,00 mi. A/C, rad io, Pih, P/~. nc11r or11· Good~·ear ~lyi;lall \.'Ide I.rack tire1. .~.119:). 67.j.'.?173 •r 67H21 6 fl!(; STEAL.~ 196.i Buick Li!Sabre 11u11 r r1. Xn!l C()nd. L•1w 1n;tea.1:r. i\lo,·ing.n111st sr-ll quirk! Best ofr~r rakes! tii~J22S, 'fil BUICK Gr11n Sport Convt. i\lusr ~~~ $1200 Pr111 pty. 67.\-2:0> . BUICK Sprc1al "64. Xlnt corn!. PIS. P/IJ, r..t+L 673-8..37:1 ;if!~r :-i. '!iii ELECTTl\ CU ST 0 :O.·I HARDTOP . Bt:Sr OF't"l:::R, * &!:>-I02S * CADILLAC '68 HDORADO Blaek ... .-ith black &. Y•hite hounds tooth interior, local ra1., !1'.r!ory a.Ir, A:\l /Fl'>f l'ltl'{'O radio, 6·Wl.y 1tAI, tilt ,t;. rrJrsC'Opr str~rini wheel. poll"rr door IO(·k3. 0 n I y ~l.OOJ n11lr~. Li(·, \\"QDI04 $5795 ALLEN nt•l.~n1ob1lr-CAd1l:ilr Jnr. 1lj() $o. C£1<i~( lllf,:h\.\ay Lai:un;i Bca(·h l:'\r\I 10 Po!ttry ~hack\ 494-1084 547-110) '67 Cadillac Convertible, lull p(lwer, alr, excepllonllly c:rnn lhruou!. Sho ws very ru1t c are. $3399 0~1~,P ~.,~ ~1 1!).:(l."I ~:x1 66 or fi7 J9i0 H1\R.80R BLVD. COSTA 1\IESA CAD "67 Sf-fl. DY. 61\,; "'hnah.:h br;:hn1 top. :'\Lra cl('all. Fl1,1U ctr posl &: all ;occe<.. Pv! p1)'. rnu~t st-ll. S.1.'.l:iG. tii.-~(711 or ~110-4469 -'69F leetwood Brougham Best offer over $6000 Call 49'1.6SR2 -:-6'.le,\O rLE-i::·rWOoD BnOUGHAill ~JOO 1111lt'S ~9'1 ~88:.'.! ·67 tJ Donirlo. Lo m1 . :\Int ronrl. Nr1r 111'""-· Lo;1ded. .~tSJO Pl11' prly 11·14-~:?1;5 '66 COUPE <.It Villf'. 'Vhi !t, hlack l<'alht'!'. Full rquip· n1e111 . C I ,. a n. Ask S2900. :J-19-1174 rl11~ ~. ,.rrs .ll6·Zli 12 '66 CAD. Sf'oda o [)(>Ville : lov• 111 ;it n I. .!'llll"f' 11rw. S~i!li !'1'. P l)'. ~2--0::I!) 6'l Cail 4-dr St.da.n fltc11,ooJ Cl'uugh1n, lo<1dcd! ~:~-5-IQ(l ·;:.o CAD. E:o. runr1,.r. funny p;11nt. cood tire~ .. ,is.·, c.i~h 11\.1 -\~'ll ·----Cr\D 'l)!J Scd Dr V1llr , rxtr.1s f;irJ ;i1r. -•l1 l-: "'" 11rr, pr1•!r.c\ -!il\1 ·l~l-~j9~ Til l•: f'lJN' NEVI· R SETS "'" DA ILY PILOT \\'1\NT ADS! r·or D;illy P1!0T \\"..101 Ad:-; Dii1I fi.!'Z-~'67S lmpor!•d _ ~~.t~.!._96~_1mported Autos 9600 Import.cl AutOI 9600 ' BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S BRAND N!W 1969 0 VER IN STOCK 50 IN STOCK Read y & Se rviced for I mmediete Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKENDll • COROLLAS-Seda ns-Fo1stback Sprinters-Station Wegons • CORONAS-4 Door Sedans-Hardtop Coupe• • MARK ll 's-Herdtop Coupes-4 Door Sedan• e CROWNS-Sta tion Wa9on1-4 Door Sedans e LANDCRUISER$--Hardtops-4 Wheel Drive Wegons e PICKUf>S--4 Speed Standerd Trans. A ufol'l"l afic.~ -4 i peedi -fec:tory air c.ond it ionin9 -sl•r•o la p• dackt m•g wh e1l1 •nd m•ny ofhtr options . • Many Demanstrators at Reduced l'rices • NAME YOUR DEAL-WE WILL TRY-EASY TERMS e Select Dome1tic & Impor ted Uud Cart Below Market Prices • JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11-5 540-2512 TRAHSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TilANSP.OR TATIC!N DAil Y PILOT :I I TRANSP Of!TA TIO~ ttOO U1.d Cari -U..ct Cere 9900 Uied Cars -------'-' t900 Used Cers J CADILLAC CHEVROLET CONTINENTAL DODGE OLDSMOBILE RAMBLER j6 OJda. 2 dr. One ownrr E:x-'69 Cadillac '66 OIEVROLJIT C,aprlce-. One owntr eu with only F LEE.TWOOD 2tOOO miles, hu all po..wr + BROUGHAM air condltk>nin1. Absolutely 1913 CONTINE:KTt\1..5, 4 dr &edanJ, Thrte ol our cf- llcll.la havr thtlr nt w 1970 model1. The can for We havt lo1v m\"s. tl pwr &. a.tr. Xlnt cone!. Cars may M '65 Dodie Polar11 crU!nt irond111on. Hardtop. dlr. kl ~ktr, 1173-1793 C.r.1. ~~ 'il lloliday Coupe. Pt•, P /b, llOOd cOlll'.I. 0<4·ner '63 Rambler Wa9on ' 0\'l'l'hauJC(/, vf'ry rlt an. 01.,.nrr ca.r. Lu.:. JGl..m7 . .O~ • c111r · . ~ Turquoi~. whitt leather in. tht clcuw~t one In town. terior with wh ite vinyl top, Jim Sl r n1ons !\I tr c e d t • factory a tr, Al'd/TM slt t'l.'Ct &nz, 120 \V . \VL'Tttr. Santa radio, 6-way stat. tilt t. ttJe. Ana. a46-41\4 FALCON $.'"JOO. 646--4'?2·1 $395 •• sco!>(-~tttrlng, po11·er door-',~,.,~--~,,~,~P~A~l.A-. -V--8-.-.-,-,-.1 lock1. We VWY64:l P/b, \'lnyl top. Ptrlcct $6695 mechanical rond. l 01vnt'r. Prv prty. ·ill,000 rnl Askin.a Htn by calling l\tr. 1fa0110n ----------of Apo! Io Devtlopment Corp. ~7-7044, llCM E. 11th St ., S.A. I 1.m to 6 pm '"'k· l'J6~ OLDS Cutlass.fi mo nlrJ Orii:: ro.;t S3800. ~ti! for ''6 l'elcon Future $28;:iQ. &1&-5971 rvrs ':! door. Sold ne1v l Yl'll a ,i:O ESTATE Sala. 69 Old.'! ~ 2 $3ZOO, 00111 bc!s1 01f'r dr. ILT. f'~11u powc1. Alr $$95 &12-1~2.i d•YS '62 Conlin•nt•I HOL IDAY RAMBLER· 100~ fl;irbor. C .. \I, c l:l-602.~ 1%:? 1\!l!;TitO, I cyJ. slick 4 l'\ew lirrs Sl11 ur hc&r of"- rer. 2133 Onu igc rive .. C.M. :-~is-:!f.1~!) ALLEN SllOO. Days (21 31 4S2-JlJJ. x J::7, r1·c~ k \\kncl~ (TI~} 6~:>--091 S FuU po11·r r lnclurlin2 a1r . Orit owner. Like ne1\/. Lie. JRD ~-Best Ol'<'l' HOLIDAY RAMBLER l .. .;.,~O"L:;D"'S~88~"°',,-,-"-.,-g-oo, 1969 Jf;u•tior. C./'11. PIS, p '!=:. 6~1·6023 Cal! • 4~\.!SJ·l $495 '61 Falcon W19on "6:; OLDS Starlirr, l)la1'1'. R,\.,!BLER-"{;;:: CJa~siL". rt\; ..;' rlf'a11 pain1 ,'i: 1111. N~1v ti ~ SJJO. til-1-1~119 ;ifl ~i 00 pn1 .. · 1 Olrl~n1obllr·Cl.dll!01c I n~ 11:)0 Sc. Coot Hi&:ll~;,iy l-a1un11. &aeh CHRYSLER '&7 CHRYSLER HOLIDAY RAMBLER OnginaJ pain!. Ve1j' clean. )<In! ccnd, air rond., nrw 1969 Harbor. C.l'll. &;it ov1r tires S700. 54;)..:~~' 6~2.fift13 $2f5 '61 OLDS Sta \\'gn. ~~ '6S Rambler 66o Classic J:::>ofCf'llonally 1·!e;1n. I f.l'l'lk'i". - r.1 ... ;\fl •. \'! :;:-is. lki;t ov1'r ~Nt.\'t to Potlrry Shackl 494-1084 547-3103 ·111 CONT Coupt, flt'tf ~'Ond, HOLIDAY RAMBLER Clran, good tra m>. Call a1Lc1· i\lichelin llN'S. Attonley \.\'ill l969 !!arbor, C.f'-I. 5 Pl\1. 5~g_.i775 61Z.6003 $59S HOLIDAY RAM BLER' )969 M;i,rQor, C.~1. '66 c oupe dl' Ville Gold. 2-DOOR ~ARDTOP . Equipptd with r \'try Posiiblt V~ •. automatic, lact~ry 11r , accessoi)'. !\lust uli now. ~\\•r sttt rln1. J'l()-...:e r bra.· Any rt • s 0 n ah 1 Ut lir 11, radio· t.. heatrr. Imma- J.1!).lli3 days, eves.~~: culate. (UOE 74.Jl . sacr11iC't' personal c • r . h OS ' ' =• ·ss F;ilron \\'agon rull P'"· vL -r 1.,,,.,, perlcrt conr! , S2995. l\lr. Tucker. 83'.>-2200 . Belo\"' book By°' v -6~..fiO'.!.~ '~ ~~='~.::,;,.. ___ , 1963 Cadillac 2 dr HT. Comp! $2295 C'qUlp'd. hcaut t"OIH.I. Lo 1nilts. $129;i. 2 \1ay radio ATLAS equip optio11aL 8~6-3002 '69 CAD S<'dan cir Ville. All CliRYSLl::R -i'LY/'llOUTl l e,·1ra~~ Lo'v n1ileage. l::.'i· ::929 rtARBOR !IL\-0 , ccHtnt' buy! 6-14-293:? COSTA l\IESA 546-trJ.I CA MARO Open 0111ly ·111 lo p.m. '67 Chrysler Town & Country '69 Camaro Z:ll Station \\'agoo. Full po\\·rr Bill Tl'tomas Susp., Koni 't , includill£: clual air. VJ908V. po)yglas, roll bar. Comp. Best ovtr belts + more. 12,000 mi. j;229S Nel'er raced. but ready. HOLIDAY RAMBLER $339~. GTl-!1653 19119 Harbor. C.!'11. 1967 Cunaro, P / s. tloor 6·12-60"2:: \\'kdyt. a ir. low mLlea::e T.0 .Pymts. · ~nrr. e.,, S:>Q.6507 ~O\.\' down payn1t. ~:?O ;\l~'fllc "6J FUl,L equipment.ti:========= ::>t., La;. Bi>ach. ·l~l-1 1,~ Clea.n. Le11.thcr i n 1 e r 1 o r . 7'-fr tallic blul'. SI ~. Days j\g..11i~ or tves a-16-36~2 ·s:: CO~TINENTAL 4 Or. Ful1 Powfr. \'c1)' Cltall ~900. 67?.-741 ~ CORVAllt FORD PLYMOUTH '64 Galaxl• SOOXL '68 PL\'. Slint l V·8: 4 Dr. ll:srdtop, on&:lnal i•td pain!. f act. a ir. auto .. p\IT. steer 4 tin 1h~ 00tir. LIC". NYK ~-& brk.i;. Vinyl top. l9.000 tlli. Bt11 over Or\11:. 011ntr n\oving $6tS abro11d mu~t sell. &3-11!1j HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1..::"':.:'::'·---~-- * "6-i ,\ \!R,\SS.,)OOR StalJOn \\;.:IL f"I!\ air Slia nr heSl of!rr 1;1:;~111 1 · REBEL "6~ f:,..hrl , \'11;, 11 11to. ,1h'. D~- 813 Bakci. C.;\! ~Jll}Y.11!) STUDEBAKER 60 CORVAtR $ri18. 1969 Ha rbor, C.t>l. '61 Road Run ner. low 111ilt s. Run~ (00(!-IOtJks i oocl ? 642-6023 Dir. 845 · Baktr, C . !'II . .64 Studob•k•• "·-m•~, ••. · S11.t or Sunday $48·653( ... ,. -915 • .......,,,, ,.., • T·BIRD '63 T-BIRD '6' Falcon 1'utura l.~~7-,='7"==~~~-~ nice car, need& motor \\'Ork '60 Cor\·air, l ·5peed tood Fully factory !!Quipped, otr. '58 PLYr-.tOUTH \VagOn, gd. s12;i. 847'-4~ cnndltion $150. Call 543-4937 $695. cond.: $13.'i. alter 5 Phone 642-61113 54S.19:i9 -~~ Sharp f.101111, 4 6pd. i'ou 1 ~,,..=~f'O""~~D;:.:;Fu,,:ctur:::•:::;Co-,-~-11-.I ___ _;.:::..=:::_ __ _ m\Ut 5ee thl! Oil<", 4 ipd. Xll'!t com!. One" ___ P:....:Oc..N;.;_Tl:....A_C.;:_ __ '100.2ZC7 own1r. 16382 Sercnadt La .,1 consolt , xlnt cond. $lijl} or 1!168 CH RYS N'f'\1' r o1·ker ~ best otft1". 541-6507 door haJ"dlop. Lo11.drd! Pri ply, Jo mi. ~ nt \u Rafliat CHEVROLET !ires. Be;iut car & rond! __ :..;._;.::.:,;_:..;;::_;__I Call 673--Si-IO '69 Chevelle 55296 ''069,.-CH""0R~Y"S'L~E"R~l~l'-,-,-.-.,-.I 1-"aciory air. 4 spcrd, bufker Pl~. P/E, Pl\V. air. Jn ~at.'!", vinyl intenor. ~pecta.l n11.!es. l1kc nt1v. '.\Just ste to CORVEm 1967 eo .. ·rtt~ Stingray JZ7 en· 1int. factory air C(lnriition- ing. f'O\\"f'r -..-indo,rs, A:-1/F?.! 1·adio. -"JX'Cial \l"ht c!s 1.11d ures. Lie. Z~.J.:: IJ. Hunt. S ch. 142-39Hi '66 Pontiac Tempe~t • . Ha.rd1op, radio, heater, air 6J Ford Gala.xle llr'!ltop, cond itioninff JlClll f'T st~rin" Silvt r·Blut. 1:90 r n;. 1uJI Lie Rzuiis' EC'st ovt'r ... po11·r, air, nr'v tir("s . .$10:,0. · $t9S Priv prty. ~1s~::i21 HOLIDAY RAMBLER ~ rlr.. hrl. liJfl. Full p1.1T. Dlt, Fac101y rur ronrlrtiooing_ Cm.e . m1·nr1· :"mall do1"n l:::ii:ct'I· !rnt conth l1un 4!f.1.97T.J. OKI.. 410. 1968 FORD FR1rl11nc 500 sta-1963 llarb.Jr, C-;\I. '61 T-Bird tires .t:. 11·ht!els. aJlp1·r cia1c: ~-7657 $'.:399 $2499 "61 CMRYSLER Nrw Yol'ker, llon \1!lgu11. R&H, pb & ps, 612·60'.!l 11ir·cood. $!773. fi.lfi.2491 e.\I. ,65 C•talina ~\G l\fon-F1·i, 1:30-·1:30 llal'rltop. ru,1 f.O.J'1cr. Li.! }'"uJI pow-er 1ncludu1g air, oi i;l:\l'!al 11•1lnt, ! 01111cr. Ui. ,. VT\\' ~HS. Re.ci nvrr -· D\"0 l!l69 Ford Cala.'1"1es VZ\J..oo.t. Best 01·er Fully loadrfl .$'.!~ij S69S j3~~290 HOLIDAY RAMBLER $395 HOL IDAY RAMBL&lt. 1969 ll11rhrlr. C.!>l. ;. tltl..faJ.~ ._ I '37 F 0 RD Convr rtib:e . 1969 Harbor. C.l\L R t 11 ab le transportation. 6l2-6023 c~~~:so~ .~~h~:~:~;~~;~: ,~~. ·o~ ,,,, V·$, r/h. p/11, b\ICkt t ll'!lls, ' ' n e 11· hrake!, a:d . 1..-ond \\"tut~ $69:'>. 673-67~9 "6j CO~f~ 404' 4 Dr. R-1-f, p. R. 36,000 n1i. Xnlt C'Clnd. l 01vntr. 199:J. 540.5919. 117~. 545-2090. '11 FORD R1.11chrro Up". g ryl. 111110. trans . Red/black IQfl. Nlct . $.~2'.l. 3t9-J{l31 Ext. fi6 or 67 R/H. ~400. 64&-1950 Lembrt"tla 150 er. $1 '.!'J. 1970 1-1.\RSOR BLVD. 6·1~2740 ~ •1 "6.l GA L. Frd. <:onv. S393.• ;C::,0,:,:~~~~~~= '66 Cus10111 To\\'ll 'Landau. 'I hill cqu1pn1er1t, reehn!ni ; IMn t ,;eat. lei;s lhan 74.00I · • n1i. Like ne\\', origin~ .j mrner. $2393. No lrade&. 673-308[1 '67 LAI'"'~D~A~U~o~ll-po_w_l_,-,,-.~.'I Air an1/ln1 r.1dl0 pow anl Nrw h,<1 . b11t! New p/; t1rrs Uri~. (j\1·11cr Brlow book PcrfN't t•o11d. :!l!'.-JO!ii 'jg T·BIP-0; ;111 po11·er. nTtf. '. xnlt rond. $2·!:J. :=.1n.;;r31 E\t. 6(i or ti7 19i0 11.·\RBOr:. BLVD. COSTA tltE;SA '59 Chevrolet CONTINENTAL CvS'TA ,, ES.\ 1: Sell/trrl Jor V\V bu&:. Call '6.:i GnAND Pri'I" ~ r!r llT, ';)6 CORVETTE $6~ or bcM 194-1973 p ; '" p / h, radio 11• 1 t h offer . Good C()nt1. rl'\'t rb. $7JO or bes! ofr MT 3836 '69 f ORD Country Sedan · ~t<'ltion 11·a~on. Loallrd! 968-1::81 2 door hard:~p. Oriainal s:.ooo 334-5290 '63 Pont Bonnevillt' ':.' dr. P\1 r ~~;k. paint. Lie. ,z1'1'Z02~. ·54 LINCOLN cont1nenW lop DODGE '62 FORD C:onvrrtible . Runa 5&8, air, R&H, a uio tr<1n~. ·~' intcncr. au·&· u po\\· condition' $950 h I . I . ty S6"-Call Cl'. Ecsi Ol"f'I '67 DODGE DART ~ood. s.29::;•,16-30''' • ·,··,,.,'.,',.,~_n . pn p . ..:.J .• S295 l 'ill! St.!.S.124 ~ " C:o.trl!f'01 Coruhlion'. HOLIDAY RAM BLER '66 Con11n~nt&.I SM. Loaded, \\'h1tt i1·1th vinyl top, atr con. l!JG2 F"ORD Sia lion \\'a;zon '60 PONTIAC Bonneville Sia· >:lot cond. lo1v n1tlt <1ie. . 1 .v.w Vt..., .........l condition. eesi l ion \\'1.gon. r./H. r:.u ns. 1%9 !!;irbor. C.;\I diuoning, au 0· tran~ .. "" -•J "'""" Oc n 1130 'J!l0171 b>l'.!·b02~ $2j()Q· Pr1. 5-!G-78.78 <'r steerin.1;. rarho 11nd hcatt r. nlttr, &12-7374 a , · ;)' · · -'69 :\fARK II!, blark, r rd New tirf"s $15..Q;,, 3J.000 orii:;· 1968 PONTIAC Firebird 400. .;,18-2918 • '61 Fn1\J T·RH'<!, lull Jlll"·r.r ,1·/ air s;:ood l"Olld. P.l"Sl of. f("r Call aft 5. 67':>-1110. - ·ss T·BIRO, gel. condition • .:_ !200 '57 Chev. ~fa . Wgn. lrarher 1nttr1or. Loaded! 111at nulc~. Call t>:l7-ll56 · JAVELIN ·! speed. Po,1·er ttrg, po11·er Bei Arr, 4 Dr. Very good cond. R.)8.~460 Origin.U O\\'Oer. brks. 13,000 m1. 54~2330 6l2·SS38 nr -I}~ ' P..rbu tl1 :!S.~ r.11;:-in~. new lire~. -====;;,;::;===,,;_;2':==:====== l·=========o...'..:O.:O:"'==-==-;====J -'f;S SST Ja1't l1n. VI, auto, g-1:11--• new Iran~ .• po11•cr stecrin:;:. Used Cer1 9900 Uted C1rJ 9900 Und Cer1 9900 UHd Cars 9900 • po\i·r r brilkt;'), auto 1ran~.1jiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;ii;;;;i;;i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii j ::•:k•:'~· ~c~.M~. ~0~1'~· ====l,r~~~:::::=~~::~~~~::::::~1~· · i!u~t )trc tn appn•ei:itt . RE'il.·111 5{().11915 sonahly p1•ittd a 1 $-193 c,u g17.;is1 . T BONE STEAKS LINCOLN JOOS l'llEVROLET St"ioo • \•:ai;o11 Ori;:ina.l . p 0 ,,.,. e r '66 CONT., zcld w/blk. 1·1nyl :;tetring, JlOii·er bra kt: 1 , roof: all e:<Q'a~. Xlnt. confl . ~l~i,'.a~~n p:~:~ .. ~~~n~~~:~i~ AT ~~:~~ 11s~~~d.Nfi7;r~fil"ont, or Sat &. Sun. 96S-5348 I \\'ILL TRADE: '60 l111p11la 2dr hard!op slk shift ro1· ('J1t\'Y 11iekl1p nf equal• 1·a1u ... 61.'>-1843 I '6-1 Chr.1·y fmpala Convt11 rbJt e11g:, loadtd, dlr. take! rorci~ r~r in tr a de . :-;yz;,;i.; 49 1-~iil 1%6 CHl:.-VY !111pala ~ Dr. 1rr. Pl~. RIM, 10\\" milt . I fl\'n<r. li!.r ncu' $l49::i. Prv rnr S:lJ-1::22. bl f:\11',\LA :: scat -..a;:;on. l\tr. r1.-. !h".'h mllcai::r. ~.lnt r1111111ni::: :\L\!\:l: Oi"fEJ{.i "1]6 Cll£VELLL :oo Othp;e, 2 dr. v .s. ;:nJto. p/J. SlOO 11\"rr 11·hoir!'.<il,., 675-~735 \'.16\i Cl1cve!lt SS 396 l·:~cclle.nt conrl ition ii12--l:i179 art II P:\I '66 Ch("\"cl!c ~s ?.!IS. • i;l)d. Dir. lMJ &kt r, C. l\l ·J 540-591.:i . '65 Chevy lm paJ• 2 Dr. Good col'ld. Al.ito, V-8, $1200. 67;,....ti3i S , '68 CA,\J,\RO 327 1:.s Prs.' R/ll. Aulo. 28-1 Knox St., C\lj ~2991 f!Vt &. \\'ill lra.dt. 1960 Che1-y 4 Or. Runs :::OOd. XJn1 paint , tires, fully tqwp'd. $393. ~9-2ti0~ '63 4 Dr. Chevy lmpala. P/s, P/b. Radi-1 llrea. Xlnt oood. SS50 543-~ '57 CHEVJ\OLET'ffi. 3 11Pd. trans, t:d. mnd., new Urea. $3M, 6'12·1~7 ''6 Chevy Jn1pa.le , a ir. R&H, P/~, Goo d C cnd . ~l~j(} 54-0-1l37 '00 I~tPALA 4 dr. HT. v.s.1 11uto., ps/ph. f'..&11. pvt pty, SJ'ij. :;48.'421 1 I '57 CHEV 2 dr, :-.;Int mtth. conrl. $32::i. R/H , atiC k al'lift. 5&7596 '61 CHEV \\'a;;-on, autom, V- 8. R&l-f, po11·rr. Good cond~ $;.-Oil. &16-ti'l JG I r;"EED so111ebc:dy to low 'liO Impala C(lnvl. fine .run- ninsi: rond. sni. 673-Ji~. '36 CT!EvY Slatkin Wrn. $100. S'5-'l91.l afttr 5 pm f~3 di!:VY El CAJTlino, new / 2;\l eng!Jl(' k. tl'ln!mi!!IOn. $:09l. 675-:mfi '64 lf.fPALA f'OOV. aulo. PIS, R/H, Good C'Cnd. $350. 6'16-799.1 I GROUND BEEF PRICES!! 1 t61 DODG>I COIOMIT COUl'I v.1, 1u!1 1t1111 .. ,. ..... , 1ft 11in,, t•tl ;e, h•t l ••· WXF 071 1t65 C Hlfl LLI COMflllll\.1 V.t ,tu~e. '''"', """"'' 1ltt"~t· rt d•o, h11t1•. SZH 7 JI 1•67 PONTIAC COMflll ll\.I v.1, •~I•. h 1n1., ,.11 ... 11 1'11ri~t. r1tl;1, ht t i t •. XEI 07 ' 1't61 IAltlACUDA Aule. ''""'·• tt die l h11 l1•. ""Wf f •1••~;"!· NN" 1 t 6t FOl D •ALA.Ill 100 2 d•. H.T. F1tt1ry t i·, •ule. h t n1., R&H l'.S. No. 101 17 1 s2395 s295 s1195 $1895 1t•7 CHIVIO\lT IMrAU s1795 5.5. C•u••· Aut1. h •nt., 'owt• 1lt•rinq, r1tll1, h••ltr, viRyl r1o1f lHA 515 1t66 CHlflOLn IM,AU. ST AflON WAQIQN v.1. '"''·· lr t~t., ,.owt• \to1•ri11t , r1tll1, h11to1 r SUY 174 1•65 FOID G-ALAll'E 501 COUPI v.1. t ule. '''"'·· 1••li1, h1111r. SIN 574 ,,,. co1vrn1 COU~E <! 1r1eil. ,,11;0, h111 ;. •. u~z 01• 1t67 MUSTAM• PA.I TIACI 1+2 v .1. ft tloty ,;, c.1n411i1ninq, pe ..... 1t11r;n,, ••d;e, ht t it <. TIY ~I 0 s1395 s1295 s2195 s1795 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2821 Harbor alvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 MERCURY '64 Mercury Coloriy Pk. StatiQn \Vqcn, 9 pa.»{'ngcr. Air, full pD\.\'tr, Lie. 0\''~· '10.J. Best ovi!r $6'5 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1960 Harbor. C.:\!. &IU023 '&\ i\laraud~r. a ulo. p~T. bkl sts, CB radio. 390 eni. SSOO 833-'.!.j7j all 6. MUSTANG '65 MUSTANG ~ dr., hd lop. Au tomatic, rA · rHo. ~iiltr. Runs Hkt new. Take lorl':ign car 111 lr11de. \\'Ill f\nc prvt. rny. Dlr. Krn, 494·9TTI, ~~OOJ4. DCi\f. 1~5. '6~ r.tuilAlll H'r 219 V8 R/H. P/S. New tirt1. brake.i;, i;hock.~ &. pa.Int. E~ l!lh11pe $1100 F'inn. 6i6-6.ll7 alt 6 P.\I, '67, Likt nt"" lo. 1ni., 11111. top. auto., console. sir. loadtd. Orii. o wn tr . 496-2l37 6.l tlfUSTAl"G Co n v I . Blut/-..•hitc lop. n1H. 4 ~p. trans. !tally Pack Console. ~.000 m i. Good con d . 6'tUTI8 '65 MUSfANG Conve rt . cocot. new tran~ .. good oon· rllt!on, one o\.\·ner, $1005. 673-M70 afte r 6. '69 i\1AOI I Jl,000 n1i., PIS. P/OIB. strrco tape, 4 i;peed, 3:;1 Ram air. 111ll\ 1v11rran1trl. lm1n11c. BC'st Of· fer over $2800. 49'J-3627. 'j2 ~-ono sta. wi;i:. l.Y' slick tiff's, 1'!'1 is $100. '53 Cl\ry1lt-r Md .• mtr. rec. 01•trhaul~d . Ex. run. ronrl, SlSO. 493-3158 '67 l\lu:-;tang, rtally clean! r:.t H, bi.i; Ores, T-Btrd Lnt. j;lRti for f1111l W e. 642-8422 '117 i\lusta/'li. low mllcJ, 6--C'yl &t ic k., new !i res, $1300. 962-7530 THE Bt~t ~lu,11.l&Jlg Grandt 1069 for r.alc by O>A-ntr. 64&910'2 1969 f,WSTANG fu;Jy l.oa<k<I 5U5290 'li7 Mullllna', 4 1pd. Dir. M$ Bakt'r, C.~t. ~915 ::~~~~e USED CARS LOOIC '011: THI DIAGNOSTIC CIHTIR SI.Al 0.H T~I WIHDIHllLD 100 % PARTS AND lABOR WARRANTY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co.-1n •II ftllflheRlc:11I portJ i11el11dlllf ..,1111, d1I,•• 11M , ,.,., •Rd, 'LUS brokn , b•"•ry •11d uho1111.t •Y•• 11111. All r111olr W•r'I don• hi •wr OWR wr•IC:• d1p•rf• '"'"'· 1t•4 CHIVllOLIT l .,_l'ALA WA.GOH V.I . ftc.lorv ,;, cGnililio"inq , r•dio, heel••. power 1l11 r,ng. 1AS06711 1 t6J CADILLAC cou .. 1 DtYILLE F~ll p•wt f, f•clorv ,;, ce~tli 1;onln<J. Sup1rli conilitle~. f00?'1At.1 1964 OLDS.MOllL'E WACiON Air c11nditien•n9, ·~tom1tit. r1dl11, ht•!••, P'""'' 1t11rint . fTVCS54l 1 t64 CHRYSLll. Ht:W,ORT •·Ocor S•d1n. V.s. l1cterv ,., con· diti eoinq. 1vtom1 !0c, po..,11 1111rinq, pow•• br1k11. (OF.flfl J) l f6J POID fAIRl.AHr: WAGoON v.1, .:, condilien;nq, 11dio, h11i1•, 1tick 1hif1. !MZK71Sl 1 t61 fOl.D LTD 4·DOOR SIDAN Ont own t •. ltO V.8, 111!om1li1, p1 w11 1!6e•inq, 1tdio, h11t1•. ntw Ii••• lVTP708 1 1t 65 F'OID CiALAl ll SOO HAIDTOI' •·Dee•, v.a, crvitomatit, fa clery t ir conditieni"t• l,,IJ pow••• r1tl ie, h11t1r. I PIXJJ7l 1t61 fOllD CUSTOM •-DOOi SDN. J 90 V.S, pow1r lll•ring, Cf Uiteffltlic, r1di11, ha''''· Poll ~ Ca r. I I I s~SO l s1195 - s1495 , 1t61 DODCiE COl.OHIT 4-DI.. IDM. s· ·1395 V.I , pllw•r 1t11rin9 , pew1r br1k11, • h11I••· D•!•tli•• Ct 1. ! l 15171 1 1961 •ORD MUllANCJ v.1 1n9in•. 4 .,,.,, tr1n 1mi 11io~. 11die, h •• , ••. on ... q•••n wllh •li ck interior, (Ql05?f ) 1••4 co11vm1 HA11D1or R.1mo••lilt lop. 4 ,,,,,., r1die , h11ttr, P"""'' wind o ... 1. AM .FM r1 dl1, ( RHC'1011 s1195 1t6• POHTIAC ll MANS HAIDlO' s1395 . ?·CO••· )26 V.I , , ..... , 1l••rln9. 111toln•lic, l&H, tli11ck•I 111h, wid• 11•11 llrtt, 11.'MVJt•l '''' PGRDD MUSTAN• v .1, •ul111111 lic tr.1u111i11i111, ttcllo •'"' ~11t•r. Stoc• N1, l020A ())0026)- --.. ,.>- • • • .. .. - • .. . -.-.. L• ~· -.. ______ ,.. __ , ..... ......----------·~-------- g DAILY PllOT . ·- .. .. :>: EXCE LL ENT SELECTION OF i\IOD ELS & COLO RS AVA IL ABLE FOR LEASE OR P URCHAS E • . " • u~~~E;~: 1969 CADILL AC COUPE DE VILLE Sh.t limer gold with bl.tc.k Yinyl roof •nd bl.t c.k cloth and le at he r interio r. Full power equi pment plu1 factory •ir con· ditioninq, AM-FM r1dio, power door loc.k1, elec.lric. 1eai rt !e11 11. r 118)68) 1965 FLEETWOOD l\ro11:::h:ln1. ~1111 1"'"'1', fai:lory air. S1C>1r;1 <.;ol<I "Ith b1'1,,;+ r,,,,r and 1n:11t·hin-:: ('l<>th autl 11 :11Ii.1• d 1\111a.-I;. 1 111 l••l•--cf'pir \1 hf'r l. 1>011' r <lL•"r Jo;·)\:;, P"llf'r '' nl "1ndo11 .~. A:'-l·f,\J f<lrl10, <'Ir . \1 '0.\0;;~! 1966 CADILLAC Co111·Pr tibl<'. Anliq11e g11l d "'llh match1n:; !r1p 11nO f11ll lrathr r inlrrinr. Full powrr. fa ~!·ll'Y ;i ir. ,\:'11-F'.ll radio, t ill ·!rl•';rt,p1r :;1"t'l'l n-:: \I h"rl. I TSr.7'..'~ I 1969 IMPERIAL L1'1iaron 'Oii!"' Full 1"'''1:'1', f;i.-tory air. !>t,~rt'n lll l"" , ru 1~r ,·,11111·nl, r \ery po,,~1bl~ opllon. Paddrd t np. tX::iPi 77 ~ 1967 CADILLAC :-<1•(\,111 l'lt \0 111" \•r·r~htn r\tr11<ir. hr.11• 11 11n,1l t••I • «IHI lllill rlnn:: • )ooill & I• ;11hri· 1n1rnnr. Ful: 1•u11ri r ... 11·1',\· .111, .\\;.j·~J r:Hhu. 1••111 • <'I' r!""I ),,1 \ .• \', 1· I"' ll•I!• .1 •« •i'!,l\i \SI 1967 EL DORADO r.:11•"!1'(' '•·I ll 111th I LH I, 1,q. i'lntl ~·old r!,,111 & )1·a t1111 111!•11"1' ~111 \ \H1111·, l '1 •lq1·~· il ll' t'IJ1Hl 1 l1••llll1 ~, ,\.\1 ·~'.I I 1·~d 111, po11 rr do1or l11ck-, al'l'l'IJ\ :.:::.\~Ml 1111lr-.. i'"\\'1;1 1;1 1966 CADILLAC ~"rlu n r;r \'11lr. :'lli~t bl11e \\'ith n1atel11n.: f'ln111 ~nd l r~lhrr inlrrinr. Full ]")()l~('r, fac- lnry ;i1 r, t il1·1"\"i>t Orir !\\l'f"rin!! \\hrf"I. A~!· r'I 1.1(\lP, 1"•""1· rl•1'lr Jn1k ... 1r:Ys 9;,,"t1 SALE .J ·~ ; 0 230~ ~~ PRICE SALE (<)Ql!rO .. "'uU· 1J1 PRICE PRICE SALE s -,7~~ ~If ~}~1../· PRICE SALE SA,f;ft(l ~ ~~! •• , ... PRICE PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY CADILL.i\CS TO SELECT FROM LARGEST SELE C TION IN ORANGE COUNTY SALE 5 5800 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC CuU JlC' de V1llr. l\onnRndy blue \•·ith bla1 k 1.Jindau and blue IC'alh«r tri1n. Full po11·('r, fal'lory a11· rondilionl11g, till-Irle \\'l1t::('!, ,\.\l-F;\I radio, etc. Local one 011ner. (VGZ\171 1964 FLEETWOOD r 11 11 po11·f'r, f11 ctory 11ir condi tioning. lla! nil or cadillac's popul;ir option:s. Beautif11/ be 1~~ auton1obiJC'. ~OQB6 \6 ·1 1960 CADILLAC Cou rlf' Dr \·;11 .... Bnar"·ood exlerior "1111 n1;l\rhino: intrnur. r11IJ pi111 t'.'r and fa cto1·y ri1r cond1 1ion1n~. ,\hsolutr ly excellent con· d111on. IPTA•llS • 1967 CADILLAC Con1•rr1ihle. Grrcian \\'hile v.·ith bli!.rk to11 ;ind h!ari; full !e;ilh"t intr n or. Full 1;011rr 1nrl1ufrn~ POl•f'r slrrnn-:: -brakes -1•indo11s- ti 11 ay ~l'al , A:'o.1 -f ;\I radio. •F71680i21 1 965 CADILLAC ll;•ril!nt• l'••ll/'(' c a,1·11dr :•rf'rll 11 1111 111111• ll· i11::: •·l0!h Hnd IC';ill1C'r 1111 r 1•1or. r u ll l•"11f'1', fal'tUry a il'. c\lll·F.\l r;u.ho, tilt·trlr:.cnp1c ~1ecri11c "h('rl. 1ll:Ct;(j1:: 1 1967 CADILLAC COUfJ" De \1illr. Aflt'sia11 lurquoi~r •11\h fll3 lf'h in;:: 1·loth'· and lt>alhl'r inlerior. run !'\O"C'r, fiu:tory air . .\.,f-f i\[ r0tdio,. \ill-lelc- ~Co1'11' ~trcnng 11 hPrl. I TEX9l).\ 1 SALE s4400 PRICE PRICE SALE 5800 PRICE PRICE SALE 52100 PRICE SALE 53500 PRICE Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area • 0 • ~ • fWY. ADAMS ILVD. NlllRS. ,;-.,. O CADWC , ,.......... . STA MESA s ~ NEWl'ORT l!ACH ~-\Bl~llS 2600 Ha1·bo1· Blvd., Costa Mesa :;40.c .I t)() SALES DEPAR'fl\1EN'f OPEN 3:30 A:'II to 9:00 p_,l :'11011. th ru Fri. • 9:00 Ail ! to 6:00 P"I Sat. and Sw1. All CA RS SU BJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFEC TI VE THROUGH TUES DAY , OCTOBER 21 , 1969 l NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmm.di•t• d1l iv1ry e E xc~lent Selection Over four acres of ultra modern tatal Cadillac facilities desi9ned to IMtter sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. ---------. I . l I Fafflily :lfee f ' OCTO BER 19 , 1969 BAtl'Y Pl LOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OC TOBER 18, 1 969 HOLLYWOOD SURPRISE Natalie Wood: From Pampered Star to Doting Wife&. Mother . ADVENTURE IN AFRICA An American Couple Visits the Emperor Of Ethiopia PSYCHOLOGICAL QUIZ How Good Is Your Intuition? THE FLOOD OF TRASH Revolutionary Ideas To Solve the Rubbish Explosion CHILD GUIDANCE New Ways To Help Your Pre-Schooler Learn r Askcntemcrourself /II/( 1.f/I UfJ \ If I> UI If. I\ /, If ff II• 1f111f i ll "' ,/1•r '" ''" \ t n , 01/1 :,:1·. ,,,,, ,,,,,,,..,, ,,,,,,,., ,,,.,, /'"''',/ fur 11 rl f '""'' '' -fl,.,,, I 11111•·111. \,•11 /1 111 1(11111. \.L ., I I I I I •' I' I' • • I.' • I I• llJH/J/\ 11/fl\fl't> I'll \/ \ I• I . \ ,,,,,' ,,,, \ ,,, '"'' ,, .. ,," '"'"'' t I , I .. ,~/t/1•1/ '"' • "'''' It f,,/, Ill ,., ,,,,. --f1111t ,,,,,././. \1111 ,If, (1•11 I I. (//,,,, \I \I I flf\ flfl/\f ' fl I~ I.. '·'''' '' ',, 'i·r,, ,.,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, .. ,,,,:.:_, ,, , , , ,, /, ' ' I' ,, ,. I ""'"'""" \/,ff ,-.:••11 I ,.//, .• /, "" . ' \\ ' f U I< J . f" Hf. IU I II I< >I I-H . /1 ., /I//,( II II\ 1·1111 't 1111n11•11 1d10 fit tl1t· r1·•1111rr•1111·11I• /11•1 .,,,.,. /:'Ill t1t.:1•111 •• :- -.f1111 1· '1·h11/:z.. JI 1·<1 I 11 11 -.: llr1111.-l1. \.). • I l11f. fl l ,I. 1j'J•J1 1111· 1t• • •II l•i••t•·1! ; II!• }11·u.f11-11 1,11• ,.f It • •\ ., t ' If 1 .. •• fl .... 111 , ·I J,. 'I" .I"" ,f I" ,I \\ .rl.. Ill• I 1.ftl1,' J,.i 1 II t 1 • I 11 1.f I '' 111• I' I. 'J .. t d I ' I I •I 111f 1 I I -1r r1111•·11 I• • 11 1• •• '· I fl/( \I fl(/,, /if \f I\. \ I I I• • /),, 11{l"'"" ,. ,,,,, ,,,,.,, ,,, f ,, , ',, flf•fllll f ltll(/111/l I I •l'.:111 11, or 11 r /11111 ,,,,,,,/,,., ... "" 1/,, 1r j 1·r\t'\, '" tlu· .. 17,, ,,,,, , "" ,, fl "''" '' 'I"'''·" ,, ,,,, ,,., /1!.:11,/, 1111111 f'\ ,/ .. u n 111•/1/ '"' 11 /"'" /'''" ·-1 /,, t f11u::• rl. I /o. "1111• II ' •' • I 11 What in the World I Ex 1•cul1v1' Mom I ti/\ "I I\ I I 0/.1 I I , / 111 • " , I r•·ri ·, \ 1111 11111• of tl11· h in t.: 1 ""·'"'·"-' U h11·/i 11/ th1· h 111:.: n ,.t>'r.• 1• ,,,,,r nrotl1t·r .'-H . f'. I tf1 ·•. 1<11/1·1:.:lt. \ .t . ''. nm F . J. m 11./\ ..... ~ ·--~~ .·;)I . I • I/ I . I I • II ft,, 1il1111• 1/11 · 11 1rl1111· 1111·1111.<! I r.1r11 11 lt11n1 fir• ~111111/11·• l111111!ht' -tin . lrt U 11 /1r. /11 ·1 "' I ,, /, I '. \ • /I • \1 ,,. 1. \ t \\ " ,. f,' I ~ I" •J t '-1 •I I• "' l .f 'I di I I ft tf -~ \ f '·• • ,·1 ; 1 '11_• r • 1, ,., I. '\ ,,, d' I' ·1 I· I' J, " . '"-I' ,,l,1 I I 1. ,, l• . " " , I' ,I ! ,•,I tLJ· \\ tld I•• I i. • I di! 'II ,. •111••llt11t ti+. • ·-.. f '• .. ti , ... "'' , ...... "' I' ,-1 ' ,, .t ... \ • ., I '" '" \!Ill, ' II I,,,. ' I \\ . . I,., ••• ' •. h fl• ••• 1. 11::· I• , •• ' It I "11tl• ..... t, .... Countdown to Sll:'nrh'rn•·~s \I f I t-. .\ C f ·' \ l ~·. .... r~1 ,,. 1.; ,... "" r.\ .1 ''"'"'' O t>. I '""'tin ,_., ~<f • • ,, I/ d .. ' t tt ... ·ti , ' V\' ~uh1,. HI IC '·1 I \ I. I l I( U I 'ti U . . ' ,, ,,. /( it tr11•• tltfll tlu· l rnt\ ,,,,,., 11,,d u r11n1· 1·/ r or f'' .'-I on nu/ I 1 11n•ll11 . llr1111/,/, n . \. l . • '... 11 ""' 11111• 1 .. j .. , .. rJ,, \\ JI 11 • 1 .... r1 ·Ir ... , ... 11 .. • I, 11111 '' '" 11 1. •I· I • " II t\ ·' ,, , "''. I I• ., l),. ' t I I "' ., \• ., 11 , ., ".t I I 1,I ' " 'I ' It t I t t lllf t1 t I I \ 11 till I' I • ' .! "" l fl •• 1•11 I lq t i I .. tll i ' JI II. 111 111 •,,.I,, .1 111· I••· ,, , /fl/: }ti/I\\\ e II I '' ti n tli1 I ,. " I c ,, I "''"'" .. ,,,,, ,,,,,, ""'''' '" f\,, I"" If ,//,,,,,,, II /,,, ,, /,, -/', 11.I• r I r.r11J, /111 .f r U r11 l111111. \ I ' II \ q1 I ofl ll1f.,lll._l 1 dtt o11.I -. •• II a..:• I <II d 1 •I!.. 11 ,I, '• ff•' •f It• ~ 111'11 \\,,Lt #111 l.,tnt·lo•H \,, , ... .t 1 ... --I '· ... ..... fo. • t,J ~I I I• !I J "• Mr.•1 f, "" 1111NOUI '.'!tt.r•,.1 Pl J'PfHl ,,,,I , d•I '• ~· \ 1r k '11t1 ""' '\ \ II 11f · L· l ................ -..... _l--..,,.,. . .. J\ I I \ 'H"'., ,.. ...... .. h"'" 'W , .. , .. H ' I I ' ' ,. ~ •• j,,, '. 0 ~ •• ' • [1 ... ,. '",.. ' • 0 I .. v " ~. H ..... , ; I •• '' ,, 19f\'.t i "'"°''I ' ~If ~t • '"·n 1\1 '1 .11,• " ·. -Al\1 ~4.Z IN G VALUES I R0 \1 s4 99 ., . .... . - 0 l 11 • t '" 11 , I 1·I 11 .1 I1 • "I r, 1 \\ I '1·1 r \' I 1 , 1 • I 111I1 • 1111 l p I." 1 • 11 i.1 t-. \ \ I I I' 111 ", , I I \ •t I "\' . l Ii I' ! I' I I I I I • I I 'I '1 t I I q 1 111' \ \ \ •. i \ 11\ ~ ', I 1 ll 1 n I \" t • 1111 1111 I 1 '\ 1' '' i l.11111 •·.I 111 1 \ \ i 11 1 • 1 I 11 · 1·.i1 h · 1 • t t l 1 1 • .11 1. \ t \I 111 I ! 11 I '1.11111111 , •• " : I I 11 \ I ' I\ I:" I t '' t. 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I.' 1 • I \fl I 11 r \IHI "' IHl ltl\ I l'l'f,111111111" 1111.,.,-.,tllc h .1 .,l', (,f pl.11 (' m.11 ., o r .1 l11vt·h 1l'.11loth :'-..1pl-111 ., .lfl' hnghl n d .,,.,. \ ClllJ'llll 1111 n11111lwr ., .11111 rn11· .. ' ' , l • -• •• < Rt/\TI VE SflT< HI-RY l>q•1 I ltf t 'llll '\. \\ I ~·d1'-1 \1 111111 ll••t1•l1 ~~11 1 1 \ t ' " I ~ • , I I; I " • . 1 • I· 'I " .·I I " ., ' . t I t ~ I ., ·. ' ,, ti . 'I ' . ' • .. . . .. , ' ' I . ~ t I I' I •' ; . .. <.' . ' , .. . ' ' s , . ' •I • ' t .. . . ~ i. I r i . •tl · JOIN THE 100,000 DOCTORS WHO QUIT SMOKIN& Cl&IRE 11 ES!* ·u.s. Public Hollh Service Follow the TOBAtrplan for 30 days ... if you don't quit or cut down drastically on your smoking ... get your money back! Doctors know better than all of us what a menace smoking is to the heart, lungs, throat ... and life itself. Don't keep making excuses about not being able to stop. You can if you really want to .. end Toban can give you the extra help you may need to make It easier. NEW TOBAN CONTAINS THE CLINICALLY PROVEN INGREDIENT EFFECTIVE AGAINST SMOKING! TOBAN ADDS POWER TO YOUR WILLPOWER Toban lozenges act as a nicotine substitute reducing your craving for tobacco. Suck on a Toban lozenge and see how pleasant it tastes-almost candy-like. Inside the cigarett&-shaped Toban box you'll find a booklet "How To Stop Smoking." Follow the directions for just 30 days and you'll find you have cut down your smoking or you've quit the habit completely. No matter wtiat you've tried-try Toban. II could be your life saver! You h•ve nothing to lose but the smok- ing h•blt. If Toban doesn't work to your Htlafactlon after following the 30 day pl•n-aend ua the box tops end your sales sllps and your purchase price will be refunded. Thia offer expires December 31 , 1969. AVAILABLE AT YOUR DRUG STORE USV PHARMACEUTICAL CORP., NEW YORK, N,Y. 10017 ---~---------- ENTE R TAI N MENT NATALIE WOOD- From Pampered Star to Doting Wife and Mother As a ch ild actress, she knew nothing but wor k; now she h as fam il y responsibilities-and loves th em By PEER I. O PPENHEIM ER NATALI E WOOD: contentedly married and mothering three lovely children! It was a totally new concept for the doe- eyed bea uty J'd known so long. Seventeen years before s he 'd given me he r first in- terview. Before thal. I'd watched her ad- vent upon the Hollywood scene as a child. I speculated on the changes I cou ld antici- pate in Natalie, as 1 waited in her split- level llel Air home. And I recalled her mother telling me. "[ ruised my daughter to be a movie star. I l'ompletely subordinated my life, t hat of my husband, and our other two daughter!\ lo help Natalie get ahead.'' In sp ite of her father's objections to show-business involvement for his daugh- ter, Natalie's mother remained true to her obsession. Natalie had whatever was nec- essary to steadily build her career. And whi le she left Natalie's dramatic training to the directors, Mom took over the care of her daughter's personal life so thal Natalie grew up fully concentrating on act- ing, while her mother answered fan letters, did her shopping, and per formed every c•hore around the house. Natalie never had to dry a dish, make n bed, put her clothes away, or keep track of a checking accou nt. This lack of train- ing later hacktired unhappily on NataliP. when. in 1%1, her four-year marriage to ~ctor Robe rt Wagner fa iled. "I may havP 8poiled her too much.'' worried her mother ut the time of the wedding. While Natalie 's teen li fe appeared ca re- free. privately she st rngKled t hrough a rniMernble exi ~tenee. "Il wa..11 the worst time of my life." she confe!l11ed. "Not only was it hard to find the right roles, but 1 w aM awkward and self-conscious." By the t ime she was 16. her role Clpposite J ames Dean in ''Rebel Without a Cause" won her an Academy Award nomi nation. Still working hard at her trade, Natalie plnyeri Maria in "West Side S tory" and r halked up another Oscar nomination in 1964 fo r "Love with the P roper Stranger.'' But Natalie's l)ersonal life deteriorated. • /"(lm il11 H'eekl11, Uctuber TY , /Yli9 Heartbroken when her close friend James Dean met his tragic death, Natali e bottled up her thoughts and, except to her anony- mous psychiatrist. refused to discuss what went wronJt". When people insisted t hat one need onl~r see how totally consumed Natalie was with herrnreer to pinpoint the trouble, l couldn't help remembering Natalie's since rity when, hefore her ma rriage to Bob, she told me. ''I ran't believe that a cti reer can ever be- come all-important to a woman. It's com- pl etely unnatural!" In trying to ~ort out her personal life once more, ~atalie confessed, ''Most people ~pen d the better part of their lives tryins;t lo find out what they want. Happine~s i~ MO elusive. 1 honestly can't visualize what I'll be IO year11 from now ... " Now, eight years later, Natalie's voice nutside the door i,iounded d eeper than I remembered, more mature. As it should be, I re;tsoned, now that she is a 31-year- old woman with a family. But her voice, a nd my imagination, misled me. T he petite l\alnlie W(.)(>d who bounded barefoot into t he room. d ressed in a fetching doll-sized romper outfit. looked more like one of the youngsters she was supposed to mC1ther than the woman l 'd mentally constructed! "I am sorry l 'm late," she apologized. "I was taking my F'rench lesson, and there was so mul'h to do. The children-Sarah. who is 10, and Charlotte,!>. and Hugo, 7. a miniature of my husband, are coming over from England next week. We're so happy." Natalie's new life began almost three years ago when publicist Rupert Allen invited her to dinner to meet Rich- ard Gregson, who was visiting from England. Gregson was getting a divorce. so Allen decided t o play cupid, seat- ing the two side by side. Allen knew that Natalie was unattached, although she had been romanticall}' linked with actor Warren Beatty. "It was really strange," re- called Natalie. "I sat down, nnd he sat down, and we turned to look at one another-and that was it!" She promised to visit Gregson in England. Gregson proposed as soon as Natalie arrived. There was one hitch, however. Jn England it is difficult to obtain a divorce. Natalie and Richard waited two years for his freedom . During all that time, Natalie refused to accept a film role for fear she couldn't be with him. F or Natalie. the waiting period was a good thing. ''It gave the children and me time to get to know one another." At first. Natalie was not sure that they s hould have a church wedding after waiting so long. "But then I decided l wanted something I coultl remember." She smiled as she showed me pictu res of the ceremony. l commented on her wedding bouquet o f wild blossoms and strands of golden wheat. Natalie smiled and said, "That's an old Russian fertility symbol. My parents were Russian.'' As my eyebrows raised. she continued. "Oh, yes. I'd like two or three children of my own!" Natalie continued to surpr ise me. UnRble to even boil water. she had somehow learned gourmet cooking and had become a licensed decorator as well. She decorated her husband's office before he dec ided t0 return to writing (he coauthored ;'The Angry S ilence," for which he re- ceived an Academy Award nomination). Her one extravagance, she admits, is clothes. One day the children saw a picture of h er in a magazine, and when they asked their father about it, he explained thal she was in film s and was a famous lacly. And then Sarah said knowingly. "That explains why she is so clever and has so many pretty clothei:i." Natalie was enticed back into movies this year with the role of Alice in a film about modern marriage and m o- rality called "Rob irnd Carol and Ted and Alice." "I was looking for something unique," s he explained, "and l feel this picture is." Does Richard object to her career? "No, as l'lng as it doesn't interfere with our lives." If it s hould, could she give it up? Natalie looked at me as if I were simple- minded. "Why, 1 did-for two years-and it was easy!" As I rose to leave, I couldn't resist the query, "Natalie. what took you so long to discover how to be really happy?" ''I g'lless just finding the right man ," s he admitted. ... f 'um1l11 Weekly, October 19, J9tJ!J s Nowyouhave a sec chance. If you missed the c hance to enjoy making music the first time around, the Wurlitzer organ and Hobby Lesson Course give you a second chance to get in on the fun . To cxprcs!. the mU)IC that's in you. and to )hare it with other-;_ .. that') one of life's biggc!>t pleasures. And it's a pleasure you don't have w llll !>~ anymore. even if you never played a n1llc hefore. Name y11ur fa vorite i1P .. trume11t . , . clarinet. trnmhune. drum!'., mand('lin . marimha. harp. harp::.ichon.1. Hawa11an guitar, hanJo. cymhab, tom -tum~ ... ynu rnn play a// thc')c anti mnrc when )IHI play a Wurliller organ . 1 1'~ a whole prchc~trn . . u whole t'e!>tival of muc;1c 1n 1rne 1n~lrumcnt. And wi th the Wurl1tJ'cr Hohby Le\!'.On <.'llU r)e. y(1u can pla) 1n 1111 11mc at all. Ever) member of your family can. II" .. ca~icr-and more fu n-than you'll ever believe. Send for our free ~a mple (c,,(rn record and 'cc. Better yet. Jrop in al YllUr Wurl111cr Organ Dealer and try ti. Yo u 'll play a tune hcl"nrc y<1 u leave! Find out how easy it is to play ... send for·the free record. ~-------------------------------~ NAM E __ Wurl11tcr. l)cKalh, lllm111~ 6011 ~ Dept. FW 109 Plcac;c ..eml me: r J b ee \<1mple lcc;son rc..:o n.I of the Wurl1lLCf Ho bby Lesson (\)Urse. [•1 Na me 11f my ncarc'\t Wurlit1cr Organ Oenlcr ADOR ESS ___ ---- CITY ___________ S I ATE _____ Z IP __ _ PHON E ----------~---------- WuRLllz ER mean~ Mu sic to millionsit· p ianos· organs -clcc trnnk p1a11os · band instruments ~-------------------------------~ I .. Family Weekly / October J.<J, u1a:1 Share an African adventure in a palace studded with jewels and guarded by lions; meet 0 An American Couple Visits th By )HAN AND JUNE ROBBINS The 1wmpt11<1usne.'11 of H ai le Sela.'lsie's autnrratir r eign is di.<Jployed rm his bejel(le/ed throne. • Fu1111l'll We~klv, October J!I, 1969 RECENTLY, during a visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we kept hearing colorful descriptions of Haile Selassie, the cou ntry's 77-year-o1d mona rch, one of t he wol'ld's last autocrats, a man both feared and beloved by his subjects. That night at dinner an English j ournalist ex- claimed, "The titles that man possesses-F.mperor of Ethiopia, Elect o f God, King of Kings, Con- quering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. King of Zion-and that isn't all! But on him they all look so good!'' Our host. an Italian businessman who has li ved many years in Ethiopia, said, ''When the natives !lee Selnssie's automobile passing by. they throw fl owers. kneel. and burst in to tears! Mus1rnlini should ha ve taken that into account before he tm lered the invasion !" We were intrigued by nil these comments and felt that the E mperor would be an exciting per- iion to meet. When we requeRled an inte rview, a court spokes- mnn Micl, "llI M (Selassif' is rarely referred to 3:{ nnyth ing else. and HIM means His Tmperia l Maj e~t.v ) is very, very busy, but I'll make special mPnlion of ynu r rlcs i re." The follc1wing clay, as we watch~! t he Emperor·~ Roll:-1-Rnyrc Rlowly pass hy on Chl1rchill Street, Addis Ababa's ma in thoroughfare. one exC'ited man ripped d f hif; sh ir t and waved it furiously. A woman kept bowi ng and moving her r ight hand counter-clockwise l\S Rhe twirlerl I\ Coptic Cr<lss, the double·barred cross of Charlemagne with the six-pointed star of David. Our comments attracted the attention of a ynu ng man. He bowed and said. "Please do not thi nk me fo rward . but J speak your language M I nm n Aludent at the University. If those people <l o not act t hat way, it could be very diffi cult fo r I hem. Hf M cxpl'.'Cls such arloration. and it is not unc·nrn mnn fo r the pnlire lo arrange s uc h dem- onstrntions <•f afTe<'l ion !" The Ethiopian did not RC~m I n hP nfrairl nf being overheard beca use he :idcl C"d , "M.v rwrir r1111ntry hns much poverty and despAir. llowever, we a rc making some progress 1" A professor al Hatle SelaRRie University told me. ·•F.thiopians are leaping forward, but they still have much leaping to <lo. Ma ny people in t his country are still li vin g in t he 16th and 17th cen- turies. When Sel:1ssie <lies-after all, he has been r uling for :u~ yearA-there will be a shooting malch, bul there is little Communis t movement here, so it doesn't seem to matter to E thiopians who wins!" SelAssie's son is now under vi r tual house arrest after l)eing involved in an unsuccess- ful coup to overthrow his father in 1964. Our re<1uest for an interview was finally gra nted. The only rule that we would have to ob- ~e rve was not to <111ote SelasRie directly. We al110 learned that he often gives extravagant presents to people he likes. ~L a ruler who has survived invasion and coup as Emperor of Ethiopia The palace grounds are s urrounded by a fence higher t han that which surrounds Buckingham Palace or the White House. Vis itors walking up from t he parking lot are greeted by an enormous, free-roaming lion named Tojo and the ominous ruars of severs:\ I others that are caged. We clu tched each other tightly at one ferocious roar . The staff tiptoes and talks in whispers as they shuffle up and down the steps of the mud-eolored stucco palace that has precious stones--emeralds. opals, amethysts. diamonds. and sapphires-set 111to the exterior walls. The reception room is lavis hly furnished. The bookshelves hold a collection of and about Winston Churchill. The on)y incongrui ty is an embroidered \'ictorian sampler that reads. "God bless our home." W e were told that it was a present from a lady in Rhode Island. Although the F.mperor is s lightly more than five f Pe t tall, his impac:t is e normous. When we met him, he was wearing a light tan uniform with 13 military decorntion~. He received us in a large, sunlit room, b11t the day was (•hilly and a fire rracklecl on the he:irth. H is two papillon-some- lhin~ like a Chihuahua-also a gift from the llnited States. ~nuggled on a polar-benr rug. 'l'he J·:mperor sat in a silver-gilt c hair that bor e a royal erest. He already had sent word thHt he would "Pea k only in Amhar ic. his country's tongue. But he is fl uent in English. so as we spoke. he often h~·p.asse<I the interpreter. The Emperor made a j(reat point of sa~·i ng that Ethiopia was the only t'ounlry that has held together since Biblical times :rnd that his people rlo not g ive up easily. He then told us thnl Ethiop ia slnmhered historically for a \'er.v long time partly because it was a nd re- mains a Christian country surrounded by Islamic nations. Haile Selas!'lie l'l'<.'alleti the classic stor y of how the Biblical Queen of Sheba. then E mpress of P.thiopia, heard of the wi!ldom of King Solo- nwn and traveled with 1.100 retai ner!! and 2,000 horses a nd camels lo Israel to hear the great King's lectures. We were re minded that in Tlte Sm1g of S11/o- 1111m it is recorded that King Solomon, entranced by the Queen of S heba's beauty, pointed out that she was in his power. S he replied that Ethi- opia was no power to be trifled with. Solom on offered an agreement-he would not approach her unless or until she took something during the course of her visit that belonged to him. She answered calmly that she therefore could not be more ~afe, as F:thiopiani1 are not thieves. Solomon, in his wisdom, arranged however to have S heba served a very spicy and salty dinner without either wine or water. S heba went serene- ly to sleep but woke up several ho urs later parcherl with 1hirsl. Solomon had left a crystal jug of water in her room. S he drank from it. Solomon promptly appeared from behind a curta in. claimed rlefnult. an(I the line of Judean-Ethiopian rulers was that ni~ht establi11hed. Hundreds of cent uries later, Haile Selassie is the result. SelnRsie waved both hands 1\!1 he told 11s that he i!'I determined to move his country forward pt'ltrefll lly. I n order to dn so, he believes A friran nut ions must nvcii d major wars nmong themselves and walk :in amennble and opportunisti(• tightrope among the great powers. When we asked him what he regarded as his Rre.--itest achievement. he said in English that he feels that a country can only be strong if its peo- ple nre educatrtl The i'~mperor has turned his rnrmer palnc:e into a univen1ily which bears his name. Of the examples of student unrest we had seen. he merely said that there also was a great deal of student unre!'lt in the U.S .. but it didn't mean that education o r the country was doomed. In 1935 Musscilini's Jtalian army occupied Ethi- opia, and Sela11sie despite a very eloquent plea for help before t he League of Nations, was forced into exile. Selassie believed that he was destined Srlassie pefR a l i<>n cub i n his palace'11 park. lo go back to F:thiopia after the end of the fiv!~ yenr Italian occupation to help h is people. He told us that on Jan. 20. 1941. he crossed !Jac·k into his country. It was shortly before noon when his plane landed in a field that had been haC'ked ti11l of the Jungle. lie mar ched the 500 ~·ards Lu the border ancJ ran up an Ethiopian ){reen, yellow, and r ed 11landard on a flagpole. We MJld that we had been m arried on a Jan. 20 He smiled and remarked that it was indeed a lucky day. We had visited Selassie's private staule that morning and mentioned how impressed we were with his magnificent Arauian-Ethiopian p<iniea. When we told him that we owned hor ses. the conversation tu med ln horse breeding, of which he knew n great deal. The Emperor sait.1 that riding was the best way for a man to get away from h is t•are.s. Then, sighing, he remarked t hal althnugh it was a lovely day tn mount his fnvc.rite steed, he had to wo rk. We look t h is as a .sign to depart. As we were nboul lo leave, he said that one of his mares would 11hortly foal and that although we raised fine horses in the U.S .. no stable was complet e without nn Ethiopian pony. We agreed. Rcenlling that he g ives expensi ve gifts. we wonckr whether the mail soon will bring news that a foal from HIM is en route. Em r>cror's residenrr. w lin."e walls are ·"t-udaed with prtieio'Ull jewels. F,fhfopian.~ knul and ki.~B tlt e ground M Haile Selaatfie'R car approacl1el(, Pamily W oel.-ly, October 19, 111119 7 I --------. ------·----·----·---------------------------- I l Where to Spend a minute on a Mere ALASKA Anchorage Ca,,bou M arone Aniak I a•i:,.. lnlerpro!>es Bethel l:lPlht>I M,.rina. Inc F aorb anks P~rsrnger's M ar11H• Juneau Ch..in11el Marone Wasilla Bog ldk.l" M;,rone Sales & Service ARIZONA Bullhead City Mohave Ma11ne CALIFORNIA Baker'!.l 1eld Custom E11g111eer1nR Fresno Clawso11 Boal Worhs l a Habra H1lls1de Modesto Modesto Ro<I & Gur1 N otthridge West Valley M ar111e San F'ran clsco Park Pres1cJ10 Marone Santa Clara Cope & M ePhetres Susanville Rogers Sport Shon IOAHO Boise Miller's Ma11na Caldwell West~rn Golf Car Sale<>. In c Hope 1:.llosport Bay Resort MONTANA Eureka Gamble Store Libby Jenkon's Motor., OREGON Klamath Falls Witll'S Boats & Motors Medford Medford Ma11ne Co. Portland Bro<.lenbeck's Marona Portland Portage Marone Tangent fun C..1t y Boats & M otu1 -. WASHINGTON Bridgeport Moen's M arona Clark ston De Chenne's. Mitrin.• Gig Harbor lli1vshore M aro11.1 Issaquah UoatJ> Unlom11ecl Kennewtcl• MPt/ M i'lllflil Milton John~n11 & Fostrr Seattle Cllrts Craft ol St>.-ltle Spokane Denenny's M at111a Yakim a M in I 1e Marina Can We Solve the Trash Crisis? D IS P OS ABLE pop bottles, abandoned automobiles, obsolete ref r igerators-just plain garbage. They aH add up to a monumental headache for many communities across the count1·y. How can we get r id of a11 the waste affluent Amer- ica produces? Each year this nation pr<)duces Ml- id wastes weighing 250 billi<1n pounds. That wo11ld make a mountain a cily- l>lork wide-nud 50 miles high. Each 11ne of llR thrtiws out 5.3 poundsJif solid waste a day or 2.000 p ound'§-a year. What's mnre. that amount will triple in JO years. Compounding the p roblem is a :'lhortage of lahorers willing tf1 work garbage routes. red1werl land-fill areas for dumping, and our awareness of the hazards o f pollution. Obvinusl~' SlH:h a nisis neeclR a solu- tion, ~111d some nf the proposed solu - tion~ are revoluti1H1nry. !<'or in!'lln nce. t he U.~. Puhlie H ealth Ren11·r ha8 a warded several (Cm nt~ lo lltutly lhe tn1rnqw 1·tatinn "( refuRe an<I nl hL•r ~ol id waf-!te.~ t)~· rail from <'i i ies to alrn 11<lo11ed strip mines nnd other lnnds in nl'etl elf rel'lamation. The Pl!S is nlso lnokin~ intn 1111• pc•ssihilities of pumping Jiquefird gar- lllq .. ~l' thr1111gh :1 pipeline from Chit':1~P "!<1 make mar~innl l llinois lnndH p m - tl11dive fo r agril'Ulture \vithm1t hazard lo hum:m health." The1·e al'e machine;; which t'an rnm- pre'ls raw garbage into small !'lolitl l1lcirk11 l !lf1 the original si7.f'. Jndu!'(- lrial rle~iR"ne r11 like J enmH' Go11ld 111·1• ,,·nrkin~ f(I 1·reate n s.dasi; hpltl<• th:it rnrlls whl'n broken. OthPr Hl'il•nt isl~ are e.xplnrinlo( lhe pnssihililil•f-1 of f11r- nwlnl111g p :q1e1· r:il'lons thal will di" c;c1l\'e in watt•r anti edil)IE> mal<>rinl.; that enn 111' ll:'ll'il lo pHckrt~P fo11d 1111d then fed t n l hl' hn11sfhold pets . Rut pr<1bahl_v thP mMt hiz:irrc rf'- ~carch iR in finding wn.vs to r<;fine gnr- hage and cxtn1C't nutrients frl'lm it. The seemingly exotic, comir-strip sol11t ions to trash di!lposal have be- l'ome imperative now. C'ities 11uch 1\51 Philadelphia have already s igned con- tracts lo have ROlicl wa11tes railr oaded tn distant empty mines. A ,Japanese ll"ientiRt. Or. K unitnshi Te1.11kn. h1H1 gone one fltep further b~' inventing a c·ombination C'ompnctini.r and coating machine to overcome the bacterial problem. After he compresi<es t he garhage into cubes. they are dipped in asphalt or concrete, making them immun e to de<-om position. Other techni<g1e8 being proposed are burning the garbage at 11ea in a spe- l'inlly designt!d im·inerntc1r 11hip and dumping the regidue overboard. Nonreturnable l.H1ttles anll pla11lks are the biggeHt headache11 of the !-lllni- lary e11gi11eers. "Plalltics," said u study hy the Karman Center of Aero .Jet-General <:orporali on in California, "are c·omp letel~' immune t o biological dernmposit ion. lf we lrnr.v them, they ren111 i11 alm11s l i 11detin i lely in t he1 r onginal statt'. If we IJurn them. thf'.'' c·ont r ihule h~·drotarbon!i nncl oxides of nitrogen (cla11icero11H ttir p1>ll11 tnntR ) ln 1111r atmosphere ." So plastics have been fol'm Ulnteil that will denty within two or t hn.•p year~ in Runlighl. ReHearrh in the •·evap11rntin1(' izln11s hottleH is accelerating. llr. Samuel F'. JI ulbei-t o f Clemson llniveniily 111 So11lh C11rolina sa.\'H he haR a bottle that will behave ju~t like iclaHs unt il it is broken. Then it will beeome 11oft 1111d grl'a~y and eventually melt nway. W hat ahont refus~ 111'\inl? 11seful agHin~ J)r H,n on Miller of \olorado L'n1\'er<1it.1· iR rcHPan·h i niz t he· l11nl11gi - 1·al cnll\'•'l'!-ll1•n of animal w11 stt'll i 11t11 l!Ht>flll 1111trie11ls. Snc-111·1· is al~o Hll"Ll $ClClinir with tlw proltlt~m 11f re1·l;i1rn1111'.( lms11 mi~t;tl,; from old a11t11s, lv Rl'IR. n•frigerate1r~, and rother massive nonfood trash. B11 t whntevPr H?lt1 ti11n iR fnnnd, whel11Pr it he bi7.a rre u r banal, some- thing must he d11n e Rnnn. Former PreR - 1dent JohnRon Pmphaili7.ecl I he ur~en­ c·y of the Rilu ntio n wh~n he irnld . "Rat•hel ('arson rm('e wrc1le. ·rn bio- logical hi11tory. 110 or ganism hns sur - vive<! long if its environment became in 11c1me way unfit for it, b11t T1<1 or- snrni~m before man ha11 <lelif>erntely piilluted itR uwn environment.'" -ANDY SUGAR Fa 111 ily Week/ v. October J 9, J 9GJJ t How wou YOU anfwer tlJt,s e 3 Bib~ QuestionJ? • To whom ill the Bible addreued? Everyone'! • Who •pew in the Bible? God or man, or both? • What i9 the primary message of the Bible? A clear undnst.anding of lheSP 3 Bihle questions is es- s<•ntial to benerit fully from God 's message and promises to man. Th(>se questions a re an- SWl'rrd in a booklet "Under- atanding the Bible" written hy a Bihlr schola r to help p eople> h<'nertt more Crom thf'ir Bihle study. Thi!\ hooklet. which has hPlp<>rl thousand!\ ~ain a r li>11re r u nrlE"rl'ta nrling of Cori's mt'soiage to man. is availahle at no charge. --= Write For Your Copy TODAY/ MAil COUPON TO WORLD WIDE BfBLE STUDY P.O. BOX 22166 Denver, Colorado 80222 Pt1•a!I(> send FREE copy of "t lndt•rst.anding the Bible" Addreu Cii y Stole lip W W 11.S. it •ponoored by a group of Chri1Hons to lncreo .. llible atud . Rip Van Winkle Couldn't Sleep with Nagging Backache Naaalna be.clr.ache, headache and mu•· cular ach4ie and pain1 may com• ... 1th ov••--trtlon, emotional UPMUo, or ev- •ryday 1t,_ and ot,.ln. lf thl• naa- alna btickach.., with l'fttleN, 11ff1>I""" nlahta, i1 w ... rlna 1ou out, maklna you m!Hrable a nd Irritable, don't wait. try Doftn'• Pilla -an anala .. lc, a pain re- liever. Ooen'• 111ln·rell•vlna adwn on nasalna backach.. 11 often tM an•wer. G.-t Ooan'1 Piii. -not a hablt-tonntns drua but a well-known 1tandard rtm- edy UMd tuecnafully by mllllont for onr 70 ,. ..... See Ir they don't brlna you the Hme wetc.>me relief. For oon- venl•nce. alw•J'• bu1 Doe.n'• larae 1IM. ---- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I j MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • Homemade cantlies and cookies arf' juet right for handout~ to lhe .. trick-and- Lreal'' group. Adults. too, will enjoy tbeiw special treals. U11i ng la rge MJua res of alu- minum foil, hag an u'411or1menl of pack - agt-d peanuts, mart1hmallowt., t"omme rc-ial Butterscotchies Yi cup undiluted evaporat~ milk ~'. cup sugar ~ teaspoon salt 2 t ablelipoons but1er or margarine 6 oz. (I cup) hutterscotch-ftavort'd pieces 1 teaspoon ,·anilla ext racl l cup ftakt'd coconut ''z cup coa risely chopped ..-•alnuts 2 to 2 ''z cup~ criRp ready-to-eat cereal l. Put evaporated milk, s ugar, salt, and butter or margarine into I\ heavy 2-qt. saucepan. Bring to a f ull boil, stirring t onstanlly. and boil 2 min . 2. Remove from heat. Add butterscotrh pieces a nd extract; stir unt il s mooth. Actd coconut, nuts, and cereal ; toss lightly until well coated. :J. Drop by rounded teas poonful~ onto a tookie ~heet which haR been l ined with waxed pape r or nlt1mint1m foil. Allow lo stand until sel. About 1 % l/J.'J. Fruit Jewels I cup sifled reitular all-purpose ftour I leasPQOn bakin1t powder Yz teaspoon Halt 2 teaspoonR 1tround cinna mon 1 1 tt>as poon ground nutmeg ~4 teas poon ground d oves '• cur, buttt>r or ma rgarine Y1 cup packed brown sui:a r I lablt's poon 11:ratt'd oranl!!t' ~el ~·, cup undiluted n aporated milk 2 cups chopped mixC"d candiC"d fruit I cup coarsely chopped walnuts 6 oz. (I cup) 11emiRwt>et C'hocolate pittt'll I cup seedlesR rai11ins I. Sift the Rottr. haki11g powne r, Ralt. and !.pie'es t ogcthcr ; set a::-;ide. 2. Cream butler 11r ma rgarine; gradually 11 dd orown !4 Ugar. nenming ·we ll Mix in orang<' peel. 3. Alte rnately a <id dry 1 ngredi ~nts 111 third:,; ancl t>va porntcll milk in hHl\'e!-1. mix ing 1111ttl blcndt>d a fter e.ach acl<lit ion. ~tir i11 remain i11g ingrerlienlR. I. Drop hy heaping lea 11poonfu l11 onto lightly gresu~ed <·ookie sheets. 5. Bake al 375°F. about 12 min. 6. Cool cookieR on wire r ack. F nlm lop f(J but tom: Butluscotchies, Fruit J eweL'l, T oll Tlouse cookies, Double Flavor F1afge., frm1fed squares, and ChoC'olate Decorat ing Dip for Cookies. .-andies such as candy bars, corn, orangf' &liC'el'l, t"arameli>, and mulli-eolorecl candy· C'oatetl milk-ehoculule u nclies. Tie eaeh foil f>OU<"b with an c1range rihhon. Put one in each exlendcd hancl when '"Irick a nd treat.-rt1" com«' to C'a ll. 7. If de8ired, coat the btlltom~ o f cooled rookie~ with Chocolate Decorating Dip I l'ee rec i rie 1. 6 I 11 7 clo z. c11okies Double Flavor Fudge cup undiluteil naporatC"d milk 2''4 cups sugar V. tea s poon salt \'4 cup buttt>r or mar11:arint> 16 large mar11hmallows or 1 cup mars hm11llo•· crt'am 6 oz. (I r up) RemiR•eet chocolatt' pieces I teasi1oon vanilla t>XI rad I cup chopped walnutR 6 oz. (1 r up) buttt>r1o1cotch-f111\'ored pieces I. F11r ch11r11/nt1• fn.yt'1'. put evaporated milk, ll ll j.(tlr, llalt, butter or margarine, and ma r s hmallow:-1 or marl'hmallow cream int() a heavy 3-ql. l'aucepnn. Br ing to a ful l hoil. !ltirring to n~tantly, a nd boil 5 min. Remove from heat. Add the choco- la te piet c8 and extract ; 8tir until !'mooth . Mix in nut8. 2. Line bottom!I of two 8-in. ~quare pam~ with waxed paper or aluminum foil. al- lowing end:! lo e xtend CJVer two oppoRitc s irlel' o f each pnn. Divide mixture equally in pa nR. Sel aside. 3. F11r hutlersMlch layer , use ingredients and follow pm cedure (Rtep l l as in c hoc- ola te layer, 8Ub8lituting butterscot ch pieccR for l'hocolnte pieces. Divide mix- ture in half and turn enc h half onto a c hol'olate lny('r. Cool : t•hill un til firm. 4. L11o~en fudge from pan, lift out or in- vert onto n hoRrd, peel off paper or foil, nnd c ut flldge intu squarrll. If d eAi red, t o11 wilh walnut h nlveR. Abfl llf 4 lh11. Chocolate Decorating Dip for Cookies IZ 07.. (2 c-u ps ) 11emi111"et't f h04'o lnte pieC"t'S Z C"UpR 1<i rted confecliont>rs' KUjtar 1S cur1 undiluted rvapor11l t>d milk I. Melt r hOC'<1lalc in the lop of a double ho ii e r over hot (not boiling I waler. Add confectionerR· ~u ~ar nnd evapor ated milk; beat until !lmooth . Keep on t he heal over hot waler while dipping; slir occasion a lly. 2. Dip cool2d cookies <prepared from a cookie mix) in chocolate. put on waxed paper-lined cookie s heei. and a llow l o sta nd until set. Fu mily Weekl11, October I 9, J IJ(jf) II You can make this fairy tale cake even if you've never decorated a cake befor e in you,r life! It's fun a nd fiO c;1sv. with the· S<>Crets vou'll d iscovN in Wilton's b<-autiful new.Cakf' a nd Food Decorntini:? Book. It's tht' f'Xl'i ting rww book that shows y1)u how Pas.v i t is lo cl(•coratc c:t kf's likf' tlw se ~nd m;in,v ut hNI', horR d 'ut'uvn•s ;ind molds jus! likc :1 profc•i.;..-;ionnl. How <'as.v it is l o rlo ftOWNS. f('llV<'S. bordcn;;, ~ piping, lntt i<'C work, c·ven writ1• 11wss:1g<'H a nd m;lk<' figm(•i:;, whc'n you know 1•x:ictl.v how. Wilton's book jg n biR 81/i x 11 inch<'s. Full of gorg<'ous color pictur<'S. Complete. Exciting. 160 p.'lgcs. 148 in colo r. Giv<'s _vou s tep-by -s teJ> dirPclions on how to havf' thC' most lx-auliful cak('s 1·ver for purt if'S, ;innivN~:1rics. birthclayg. c<'IC'hra tions, f•V<'n w<'dd in~s! And hon; cl 'O<'uv~ tha t look lik<' thr y wC'rl' turnro out b.v a 0 1h'rer f)j!'('(lvr>r hi<i<il'n t;1 l- ent vou ncvN kn('w vou '1111d. H nv(' fun! S h nw o ff! 8 n v1• m o n 1 • y ! M a k <' lllOlll'V ! Act now 01Tl'r may llC'Vf' r ti l(;t i 11 Ix-r('- 1wa I 1 •d iu thi1-< publi· 1·at1on. M:1il in your SJ tod n.v Pl<':iS<• don't d C'lay. Oon 't mif'H out. OF.PT FW-11), WILTON t-:NTF.nPHISl•:S R.'~1 W. I Hith 5T . CHlf'I\(;(), 11.J. ll00.4:1 S.~on<t. itrPIOI! p.,.,.,... n 1..tl mv "<>flV ol Wilton·~ C:okP erwl f"ot)(J Otororel irur Boole I er1rlo..,.. SI I 1-:n<:loooe .~2 lor 2 C'Of>i,..,I r.itv Scale 7.ir I • ---------------- ~tomach upset's had it, by gum! " ,,.. 1CHililZ ' ":::!>Just chew it away - with Chooz, chewing gum antacid. Relief in a twinkle for stomach upset, gas, heartburn due to acid indigestion. Big plus: "problem" . . persp1rat1on solved even for thousands who perspire heavily An antipl•rs p1rnnt thnt rl.'ally works 1 Solves und e r a r m problt>ms for many w ho hacl d e1>pA1red of f'ff<'l'llV(' hl•lp. Mitc hum Anti-Pe repirant keep11 underurm1411h11olutclv dry for t ho usands or l{ntl eful users. with complett• Jo:l"nl lenes1:1 to normal skin 11nd c-lotl11n~. This unusunl formul11 fr1)m R trus t - worthy !'.6-y(!..r-old Ill borntory is l{Uara n t eed lu Hfl t1Kfy or denie r will refund purl'hnse price. So !(et the p()1ot1vt> pro - tect ion or Mitchum Anti-Per- spirant, Liquid or l·rt'Krn. $:!.00, 90-dny supply . A \'Hilnhle at vour fRvor ile drui.: or toill'trv t·•111nlt-r. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Firmer Lonqer l>11yo11r 11\lsl' te<>th n11n oyknd em- l)Rrl"8.'IS yo11 by ron1ln1t loo"<' And drnpplnK whl'fle•·er yo11 r1u, fuugh or talk ' Then ~prlnkle f'AS'r F.E1'H on your pie.tr, FA~TEETH holds dt>nlures Rrmer lol\1ter hold~ them mor" com rurtabty. t ()(\ M11ke8 eatlOJC en~ll"r f'ASTF.ETH Is alk ullnl' Won•t 6our No i:nmrny f!O<ll')'. pasty t.a31A! l>Pnlure" th11 t Ill nrP e1<Senl1al to ht!lllU1 Stt your dentl~t rcl(\Jlarly Clet f'ASTEETH aLulldnagcounLers GETIING UP NIGHTS MAIUS MANY FEEL OLD c' .. •u111t 11t h uh••'\ ot IU,1<t1h,1r lrnt.• tli•fl" t1ht~l" 111ai" n 1••n ,tn•I \\t•Uh•n It•• I '' n~~· .i nd n4'f' uu~ frori-f r••(Au t•r'I '""""'I! "T II• lt1nl( ur1n.11l11n nl1:l1t • tn•l da~ ~··• ••tHLtrif) ~ n\t n1." In.!\(• '"'•'I• .1ncl l.,1\1 ll•11ld 1lf IH· n.H "''" lu• ,1 nil r••t l I 1hh•r t I n •cS, th1IH •'M~«ft Jn ""1 h , ••M'S 1 \'~ l'I'.:-\ 11•11all~ l•r lni:s ti'l.l\11n· '""l (Prl h\ 1"urtt1nJ! 1n11:•t In~ ~··nt1" ln fh Ht urln~'\ :11HI •p111·~:~ ""'II\:.!""'" 1 ;,.,I , ... .;'!I '\ .1111r111:1:l<I • Chooz gum is not only a superb antacid ... it 's also delightfully refreshing in its own right. Right! Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid. NOW! Rtd your home o l mice completely w 1lh d ·CON1 _ Mouse Prute. the ama11ng \ mouse killer that s- MOST EHECTlll( ..• h as twice 11s much mouse-killing ingrl'd1ent as other leading brands. It's an ingredient rer ommendeo by the U S Government CLEANEST ANO EASIEST 1us1 pull tab-bait feeds au tomat1cally 1--1 ~..l'!!! ---Ml(;f ~-·-:-. ;.- S AF' EST . when used as cllrecied. ule around c h1I dren •nd pets .{ "f No wonder 1t ou t sells all oth ers c om blned- d·CON MOUSE·PRUFE YOUR CHILD MAY HAYE PIN·WORMS 1 OUT OF 3 DOES 1-'idgetinit. IUSI! Ol Mlee11 ancl a t urment - rng itrh 11re o flen lelltalP s1gnl'I ul l'in-W <>rrn:t . . ugly para. .. 1tes that rn .. diral PX~rt..'I !Illy infes t I out •If PYt>ry ll iiersunHeummen. t:nt lrt> fam- ilies mil v ~ vi!'tim. .. linlt nut knuw 11 Teo g1·i Tid or Pin-Wurm.'I. thr•y mu_•t ~ kill"d in thl' largP intf'11tinP -.·hPN• t hPy livr anti multiply. That ·I' e'tartly what Jayn(··~ P-W tal1lel-, riu. anol hen>'s how thPy do it. l-'in1t a Yitmlilir ruatrnic rarriPJ< the ta hl,.t...'1 Into the lww1•l" llf'forto they dis.'IOIYP. Tht'n Ja,YTit>'1< m od- ern. rn<'dkally-apprnw•rl in1Zredien1 It°"" ri11ht tl> w<1rk kill11 Pin-Wurrn• qu1rkly, easily. h lr 11uur p h01naadat . llcon't titke r-han!'PH with rlang.-r 11u><. hi1d1ly •'llntagiuu11 1'1n-W11rm~ whir·h infert Pnttr•' '3mili1•!1. r.l't 1wn urn" .Jayn,.·~ l'-W \·1·rmilu1e1• ~midi, """Y·lu-tak" lahl1•1" . "l"'"l"I 1frt1•11 for l'hih1n>n and 1utull-•. Dog Nearly Heh es to Death • I thought "'e·d hn. e I<• put Oa1n to slup, she wtfned w /r(lm lorg, 11rhmg wr.:s. I hod about i:11 e1t up 1r1·ing th111gJ "h,,, I /mmd S11l/odene. The itchlng.rropped,sore.r tlHlll healed. lu11r ~,,,.. /lad. R/e.r.r )'Oii for Sul/odene," .roy.r Mr.r. Jnhn Burme.rtu, Ne..., Jersey. Slit FOOENB liquid medication reli<'vM frrnticcl itching atmn<;I in~lllntly. Quick- ly promOlt'~ healing of rungu.~ itch-wrc~ (often callcil mongc, cc1cma. hot spot\). Used l>y kennels and veterinarians. Fo r dogs •nll cats. Get SULFODENf! today. Al drug 'lt>rcs and pct departments. New Ways to Help Your Pre-Schooler Learn A noted educator is proving that the child who isn 't l earning simpl y isn't being taught T ITTLE JOHNNY can't understand LJ how to tell time. So his moth- er follows him around with a clock. She keeps tel1ing him the time an<l asking him the time. Then she buys h im a t oy watch, and she is determined that h e will learn even if she mus t :<1mother him with lessons. Little Mary can't understand how to tell time. Her father says she's a bright child nnd that i1he is just being ol>stinate. ''You cnu lei do it if you wanted to." he rages. "You·re a naughty g ir l! No more dessert u nt ii you learn t his one simple thing!'. Father is determined that she'll learn even if he hall to µ1mi:1. II her . "The two most commnn faulls of pa r - ents h ·yi ng to prepare their chiltl for lt>arnintc is smothering and 1nmi~h inn.'' a(·cord111g lo Siegfried Engelmann, an i<-onoelastic educator at the J ns titu te for Researc h on Exceptional Children at the l'nivernity of lllinnis. "But any pare11t can instill in a child a fn tJP uf lear11 i11g, as long as the.v lhemselve!-4 understand the te:11.:h- i ng prini:iples," he adds. These include : 1. All t•hildre n can be taugh t. If a child does not le11rn. it i11 because he iRri't taught. 2. St~1rt early. H alf of all growth in hu- man intelligence takes place between birth and 11ge fuur . 3. Te~whing shoul<l be made pleaMnt. 4. Don't be :-ur prised if you ran'! teach some h;\sic thing in a moment or a day. 5. A lw;1ys end the lesson o n a nut e of :IC'C'nm plishment. 6. Lel him know you a re on hts side 1. IJse prfiise and give him the reward of ~howing off his new knuwleJge. 8. lf you have set standards too h igh. he will fail. When ~h1111 ld you a pµly these principles? As y111111 g a~ 18 m11ntl1s. areording to F.111telman n, the lial>y i~ rPady tn learn "what h<• •~. where hr is. Hild who lnvrs hrm." Ii i~ 1;i•lf-111rngf' Hnd his ~tpprn111'h t11 l11ter lift', <'aid i{lu:-; or darin~. 1s 111 t hP pr111·1•:-1s nf hring formpd A parPnt can t P111 •h h t~ 111fant the hasie assumption '! 11 f la111ttt;1){I' C'V('ll hcfore he krww!I h11w 1o talk F·:11gelm111111 alfm xays that when baby nap:<. I hi' h11t1schold sh1•11 Id not ti rtoe and whi11per ; 1f h e 1s lo learn to com•entrntr. he must he able to shut out nn ise~ himself. A linby can soon s tnrt lwilding toward a 11sef11l vocabulary, if his parents name pnr t11 of his hody while pointing the m out A I ways speak in complete senlences, loo. n ot nouns and verb!\ only. "This i!I your . .. " is as important in the lear ning pro- ce.~s as "hsrnd" is. After l\liout 11 .ve11r, haYe him tr.r to 12 /.'tt1111/y Weekly, Uctobor J!I, /!lt1!1 point to his hands and toes. Although he will make mistakes, he is getting the idea that language is not j ust sounds, but some- thing t o be transformed into actions. Little children cannot recognize a fa- miliar pen1on in a photograph because t he person is only two-dimensional. They can identify that person only as a three-dimen- sional objec·t . So Engelmann suggests leaching your ch ild to identify a nimals from well-illustrated l>ooks first. Al two years. you may teach several lf's!'wns weekly with the following steps: I) lsC1la te the objec t. 2> Name it. 3) Ask him to r epeat. 4 > Relate the book o b- J,•d, name it. and then relate it to t he l'•111 11111.'ll , , iflf1 1i,,11/,· 11/1j1•rt:1. '" rrnl one.~. rf'al fll>jecL C'aulion : you must realize that the haby can't see much differenC'e between u tigt'r and a g iraffe, so p<lint it out. Don't be a fraid to a<lmit that you don't know. Have r eference books on hand. II 1• w1 II follow your example. Don't inadvertently give yuur child a downgrading self-image with such re- mar ks as, "You'll never learn." It fre- quently tlikes a trained pe rson to unrlo t h is un fair handirnp to learning. "lf he'11 been hilting too many sn11 ~s l<itely," F;ngel- nwnn adt.ls, "il 111 all r ight tn rig it sn h e will have the satisfaction of rloing the next t liinK riKh1." ft:11i;r1·lmnnn's £·11ncPpt.s have. been inC(ir- pnrutPd in tfla«ht'r~' manuals. r1•cnrds. nm! l·h 1ldr1'n's wo rklto11b p11hl1shed liy l nstrue- l 1onnl M<·1lia 11f Atnt.'l'l<':t, lnr., New Ynrk ('ity. A 1·rnnl in ~ 111 1tr-president. ~<irma11 Frnn7.en. lhl· first special pre-st h nnl pro- KTam was held at the l 'niwr11ily of ll'1- no1s. It l ook r hil<f ren with an average I.Q. o f !>fi anti sent thf'm t o fi rst grade with an :1\'erage J.Q. of 12.1 c lhe top 5 percent of thr nnlinn 1. But the most impo rtant factor in hclp- 1nl{ you r child lo,·e to learn is you. t he fH\r enl your pa tience, unclerstanciing, and t h11rn11ghnes~. -TF.RRY S HAERTEi . -----·-·-----------~~--~---------------------------------------------------._.----.. all 10 fragrances only $4.95 WORLD FAMOUS FRAGRANCES FROM PARIS! Do you want to give an unusual, elegant gift? Here's one that will bring gasps of ecstasy from the ladies in your life who are lucky enough to have you remember them with this sensational collection of the world's most famous fragrances. Here's an opportunity to purchase this unusual package of 10 perfumes for per- sonal gifts, business, kissin' cousins and every female on your list. Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give the most enchanting fragrances of the finest Paris perfumeries. Such a wide array-there's the perfect scent to match every mood in exotic. bewitching fragrances for earthy moods, alluring provocative scents for romance, nowe ry essences for the demure. Each one offers a different, exciting new femininity. A PARISIAN SCENT FOR EVERY MOOD! Each in its own dJstinctive bottle and set in a beautiful tri-color gift box deco- rated with gay. crisp drawings of Paris. We have Imported a limited number of these exciting gift packages for distribu· tion in the United States and Canada. Please rush your order now while the supply lasts. Upon receipt of your order we will rush this amazing gift package of 10 world famous French fragrances, ea ch in its own different, distinctive bottle-- all for only $4.95. You must be completely delighted or your money back promptly. Please do not delay. Mail the no-risk coupon today while our supply laats. NIRESK IMPORTERS 210 S. DesPlaines St ., Chicago. Ill. 60606 • An extravagant, exciting gift at an unbelievably low price. • You save $10.00 when buying gift package of 10. Our price, $1. 50 for each bottle if bought separately. • These are all genuine full strength perfumes, not toilet water tK cologne. • All perfumes sealed in the beautiful bottles you see pictured here. MDNEV BACK GUARANTEE Nlresk Importers, Dept. P R -126 2 10 S. DesPl•ines St., Chic aRO, Ill. -- Ptease rush at once the fabulous collection of 10 World Famous Fragrance perfumes for only S4.95 uch set ptui 2se fo r postage, h1ndline eno 1nsurance--on full money-back guarantee. O I enclose S------n Ship C.0.0. plus postage & C.0 .0. fees. O Chitrge to my Diners' Club Acct. No .. _____ _ n Charge to my Amer ican E•press Acct . No. ______ _ Name------------------~-~~~-- Address ______________________ _ CilY------------------------- State ______________ __...ip Code _____ _ U Order 2 &if• pack.a1 es for $8.90 plus soc posu1e. (Save $1.00.) t I Send ... additional sets @ $4.45 plus 25c posta1e each. Canadian orders filled same price. --------------------~ •• . .. ... OJ 13~ ~ ~ ~ WolteJL n• SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -Al WA YSI 4116 DRAKE BLDG., COLORADO SPRINGS, COL0.80901 LIFETIME SOCIAL SECURITY PLUE Your name and Soc11I Securrty nu111btr perma11enlly en1raved on 11ch took1n1 sohd brau plait Virtually 1ndtslrucl1ble. can't wur 01 teu hke paper e11ds Coves you posit•~• 1denhlic:aloon lor 11 lofettme. S1>«1fy name •nd Soc11t Security number on order 48·hr svc r4004 Sodal Security rtate $1 Bill-PAYING ENVELOPES Why i.cr1mble tor envelopes al boll p1y1n1 hmt, or bouk up stationery sets? Send your cheds. orders, etc. on these crisp, while 6\ii" envtlopts dur1ned 1usl tor lhos 1ob1 Rtlurn on ~pper lefl corner shows your namt addrtss and Zrp code Pack ol /5 r3003 75 Envel~ $I SELF-STKk PACKAGE TAPE Needs no water, no hck1n1 no mess• It's prtssu1e Sjlns1l1ve. 1us1 tu• of1 and press on platt QulCk and easy tor m11l1n1t storrnt, mtnd1n1, sh1pp1n1 54ves you Hmt and trouble 2 inchn wide !>()()" roll wraps lots of packa1u1 Handy piastre d1SC>fn~r •1lh aittrn1 ed1e S 1 003 S."·Sticlr Tope S 1 BAKED-ON GREASE WASHES Off I Krust Olf worlis wonders on dirty b~ck uusted pol and pan bottoms so they butt clHn easily •ulh a Kou11n1 p1d II does the work. yo;i don l [n oest ••Y lo clu n tleClrrt s~ollels, w1Hle 11ons ovens. etc Sale on aluminum chrome pn1ul11n Merl non 1(920 1(1.,.t-Off ( 6 01. J s 1 DON'T RISK INFKTIONI CLIP NOSE & EAR HAIR SAFELY! Good 1room1n1 demands that unM&lltly hit! 111 n01tnls and uri be remcwed -and now you can chp t1 oul saletyl Wllr risk infection b; pluck1na. or by nrck1na wtlh sm.sors' Tiny multi-bllde rotary shur rs salt. aenlle, etlechn. f onest chrome plated sur11e1t steel Mll IUipett. $1 PERSONALIZED VINYL DOOR MAT for your o"n home il"d for &tits! I OUlh, sprono ~tnyl tops trap und. 1rass. d11t Self dratntna. 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C'.ompltlely sate-can't onr ch111e. Ptu1 into any 111111 outlet Rechar1e I to 5 bltterru 11 a tome (C, 0, penllaht ilnd 9-voH tra~sis tor types)' P1Y$ for itself Int H5060 lottery Charvet $4.91 RED & GREEN CHRISTMAS LABELS Gay return ilddress lilbels 101 Clo11stmas 11dd a lestr;e holiday touch! Colorful red and creen holly des11n with your choice of "Merry Ch11stmas" or "Seasons Greet1n1s", plus 3 lint name and addrrn p11nltd on rtd '>00 1n handy bol ~ day service X762 500 Clwatmcn la'*• $1 ,. INSTANT HAHGING SPACE! Over lhe Door Hook R.ick 1ives u11a h1nc1n11 spac;e 111stanlly No onstilllahon, simply slrp rack over lhr top of any tns1dt door Grnt tor coal\ hats, rubes tic Ideal for e1l115t>Kt 1n billhrooms.bedrooms.oncloHl doo1s elt All slttl, chrome l1n1sh 17" long 6 /loo~s H307 H-lr Rock $1 81ltte on safely and comlort1 Sturdy tub seat 11 erral lo r loot baths shampoos. sir down 1llo•e•1 bllh1n1 chrl drtn Slvrdy 111ps htlp conva~nh and elderly l)toplt 11'1 •• ind out of tub Whrte enameltG aluminum non sh! rubbtr lttl Cllo1u of 4 oosihons 11 116 :UO H419 Bathtub s-t $7.91 12 PERSONALIZED PENCILS 69¢ My firsl ind last n1me buuhlvlly ompnnttd rn told teneu on h11• quality Ve1111s ptM~s Grtll fOf school. ho111t Of bots111ns ,,. CJorldren lOYe tm beaust they are personalued "'t• t•e11 own namts Thtst art tvM we ptllUs, No 2 lead t8 toour stmu SIS. Set ef 12 reMill 64k GOLDEN SCISSORS LAST FOREVER! R1101 shlrp sl11nless steel blades actually cul ii corn 1n two' Yel they "'II newer need sharpen1na lrghl, easy to use on dehCillt or bulky labncs. I wo pair 1n set, 6H and /'4". alumon2 rolden fintsh. on vinyl case Completely rustproof A real value' Nl010 Scla..n Set $4.91 UTILE GIANT TV /FM ANTENNA !hrs hllle 111n1 puts lht tnllrt 11111n1 1yslem ol you1 house lo work n one 11ganhl rv f"' anlrnn• Just connecl one end fo the ;intenllil '>trews ol your TV or IM plua the othu end onto iln dtd11t outlet• Uses no elect11c1ty. costs nolh1n1t lo optrale Gua11nleed' H2065 rt119-ln Antenna $1. 91 MR. TWISTER Shnd on 1111 I w1sle1 and IWISI ••1y lhOSf e1lfi1 inchu on •ml and h1ps1 Tones your muscles 1n dudrna some you wt IOI cotttn you h1dr S11 mu lites crrculaflon rm p<oves coor d1n11ron So easy lo ust •hene.tr you have a lew e.lu monulu Mr I w1sttr os a iJUf eJ•lllS" IOI every onr on th• I 1 mot1 hom toddltr~ lo 1r1ndpa1 tnts' fun 10 use •nd watch' lnslrurlrn"' lor Ut•CIStS ;If rncludtd F1032 #IA#. Twl•™ $3.95 VACUUM TAKES OUT BLACKHEADS Don't squeeze and 1n1111t stun -lt l Vacutu remove bladheads &tntly Just !"II fht ftp OR fht blicahtad, press the hlllt pump -blackhead os aonel Gentlt \'ICuum does the hrc~! This is the aenuone Vmite•. not lo be confused ••th rmotators Guuantttd F2S9 Voc11tu $1 (GJ~ 2-FT. x 3-FT. POSTER Sud on any orcture, document. manoaae llG~. birth c:ertthult, wedd1n1 rnvrtatton. !>Weir. and •ht1' or color wpsllol (no nec•tMs) 01 J5mm colo1 sltdt and hue 11 tnlar&td into 1 111nt 2 It l 3 It blaP. and whrte posler Comes roUed on 1 1111~1n1 tubt lo prennl cie1s1n1 Your 01111nal returned Silt ind sound A real conwerSilton poete tor 1ny rooml Alto• 2 4 "eeks 05009 Giant Photo (from photo) $3.91 05010 Giant Photo (lrom sltdt) $4.50 500 RETURN ADDRESS LABELS SOc Quiel, u sy way lo put your name ilnd address on ltlle•s ched s. books, records. t ic Any name ad dress and lop code up to 4 lines btaultlully pr1nted in black on whrte cummtd libels •1th rlCll aold tnm 2' tone f RH handy bo' 48 hour ser.ou 5714 500 1.obela SO• RETURN ADDRESS FOR PET S 1 i.o nud lo "orry about your oet 1e1t1n1 lost' Jh1s ltltlrmt relurn addrus tar shows lhe pets name plus your name ilddress ilnd phone numbt< •H en graved rn oolrshtd stainless 11eet Comolttt •1111 mtl1I hoo~ (Uy lo P•f on tollilr 48 hour serwrce P4001 Pet t.D. Tog $ 1 r---------------------CUT OR TEAR OUT THIS ORDER FORM AND MAIL TODAYI t Everything is guor· ~alter Drake & Sons I onteetf to please or 4 ti 6 Droke Bldg., Colorado Sl'fings, Colo. 80901 I your money refunded. ,.4Ml I We ship within 24 lws ADDRrSS I except os noted. HOW .UNY' 1101 NO CITY & SlAJ[ llP I NAM[ Of ITUI PlllCf I I I I I L I ____________ J WE PAY POSTAGE! Pie~ nn COD IOfAl (llCLOS£0 Cnl<Nildo 1rs.rdtn11 add J\ I•• ---------- ---------- SELF-HELP QUIZ: What Do You Know About Your Intuition? SCIENTISTS are as curious about the phenomenon of intuition as the layman. In their studies they've learned some interesting facts about this elusive ch a r acteristic. Try this true-and-false quiz to learn about int uition-and how much of it you have. 1. Intuition is something that only women have. 2. Intuitive thinking is not in· fallible and sometimes comes up with lhe wrong answer. 3. Intuitive thinking can solve problems which logical or 1rnalyt· ical thinking cannot. 4. It's diffi<'ult for a person to tell when his 111tuitive faculties are functioning and when they nre temr ornrily "turned off." 5. Intuitive people have ditfel'- ent per1wnalilie!-! than the nonin- tuitive nnes. 6. fntuitivl" r eople enjoy taking clurnces. 7. Your int11it ivr fncult icR func-· tinn be.c;t wh<>n you're tense. 8. A well·rlcvelnpetl intuitive sense makes a person "lucky." ANSWERS 1. Fnl!H'. I ntuit ion is no more confined to one ::1ex than thinking i~. A!>. l\ matter nf f11ct. it 1.~ a fnrm of thinking. nut M\ Harvard Uni- \'('l"!litv !ltutliPA h:t\"I' demnn!lt rater!. it <liffrr;; nrn rkr<lh· from ordinary a na 1 vi ic·nl think mg which proceeds loi.rirally, onf' Atrn nt a 1ime. Jn - tnilive thinkin~. on lhP rnntr:ir~·. i~ <l{'sc-rihPd n 11 n mcntnl 11hnrt l'llt. 11 ppr·cPplivl' lpnp, hringing the i11ti1itivc thinkrr nn answer which arrivi>~ !'In q11irkly thnt he i::1 l'lrarre- l~· awarr of thE' nrnresR. 2. Trn P Rut. [1!1 lf nn·ard sr iPn- ti!ll nr . .Jerom<' S. RrunPr point!< nut, nil nf our f:l<'ult ies are fnllihlf'. And )(lgir 11l thinkini;c r nn re::11ilt in wrong an::1werR, too. 3. Tri1r . The ::1ame 11tudy ... howe<l that int 11 it ion ran often p rovide an11we r;; to problem!'! in science, as WE'il a11 in everyda.v li fe. which would be extremely difficult-if not impo;;;;ihle-to achieve with lop;ical thinki np; only . ILLUSTRATION I Y JOHN HUEHNUGAllTH 4. Fal.~e. The noted psychiatrist, Or. Erii: Berne, made tt study on intuition a nd the way it works. He finds that the intuitive person can almost alwnys sense when this sen:;e is 1lperalive and when it isn't. It is, he notes 1n summing up his fin<li ng-s, a special feelinJ{, which rnmes alld goes, S. True. Psy<·hnlogic·al studies at \'assnr !lhnwNI that pl.'rsons who made high scoreR on solving test problems int uili\'ely (without be- ing p:i \'en cl 11ci:i necesRa ry for anal- ~·fli s l differed from the other!! in the followinp: ways : lhe.v were much more self-confident, harl qui('ker re· flexe!I, were more crentivP-mindcrf. ;md nble to expre."fl their thoughtfl and feelin~fl with ~renter clarit~-. The~-nlM ttc•11dlo'd lo be mnrkedly incii,·i1h1aliRt1r perflon::1. 6 . Trnr. I ntuitive peopk tended t n ht> m11ch more fenrleRfl in evf'rr w11y than the nnninluilh•e nn<l much lt>flfl nfrnid of bein<Z: crit.i- l'izPn hy othrrs 7 . Fnf.~1·. RtudicR ::1how that mf'n· tnl .c;tnteR whirh J)ronu<·e lf'nAinn. tfmd tn p11raly7.P int uitive perc-ep- tinn On the othpr hnnd, 11erenity and R<'lf-rnnfidence help the c1rli· rntel\' senRitivf' "si xth'' RPn11e tn fondion at peAk efficiencv. 8 . Tn1r. In A c-rncinl s-itnntion. intuitiveneflfl enRhleR the perRnn to ::1enfle tangiblE' anc1 intl\ngihle fa('tors more swiftly and accurate- ly than with the Rlower nrocesflpq nf reaRon infl and (leduction. This nermiti~ quirk judR"mPnlfl whirh make!'! it easier tn lake inl'ltant acfv~rntage o( opportunitieR. -JORN E. GIBSON fi'urnilv Weekly, October 19, l!lli!I The Fun Begins When The Lights Go Off! Christmas Ornaments Glow in the Da1·k, Cost Five Cents! Won't Shatter, W ea1· Out, or Burn Out! Guaranteed! (HOLLYWOOD) Now, for the first time you can decorate your Christmas tree with the amazins neu• and im prot•ed Magi·Glo orna ments tha1 "come tu life" when the lights go off! Glow and Floar in Space! These un19ue .~old, silver. red, grttn and w hite omanit•nts aJJ a frstivc spirit tn the mmt elt:.{;ant tree. unJer ordinary li,t;htin,l! l011Jit1011~. Rut /1Jttn lo the de· lighted /!.'IS/'! of ru1·p1·ne when you furn the ligbti 011tl Then. 111 total diirknef!, your Magi· Glo ornaments mnt11111~ to .~litter. gleam, and glow and give the illusion of gently floatinj:! in space 1 Won't Wear Out or Burn Out! t>.fa,l!i·Glo ornamenls will bri#Hcn your Christm~. )"ear after year after year! That's becauS<' your Ma~i.Glo ornaments tan·t wear out or burn out 1 Ma l!i·Glo's mtemscopic encr,c:y 11n1ts lan be ~har~c-d JnJ rechar,l!e<l 111de/111itcl1.' And they re· quire no b:itter1es or eledricc1I conned1ons! Wonderful, Magiral Fi$1;ures! Designed by Amc-ril"an artist~. produced by Amerit·an craftsrnen, Ma,Ri-C';lo desi,qns embrace all the trad11ional, wonJerful, ma,Qical (1~ures o( ( :J1mtmJ~ CuJJly Santa Clauses' DJrlin,l· ( hri~trn.is an,c:els' Sparklin.~s stars' Dekllahlc ta111ly (anes' Sh1mmerin~ 01mt111.1~ tree~' C.lcamin~ candl e~ 1 Carol 1n,g tx·lk And m;iny more' Oil'f'ov~ry is ''Arridt."111111'' A TV and llH>llOll rilture producer aC· c1dentallr d1scove1t>J the ~cc1et process that makes this spectacular t'Hcct ro~~i­ ble. while 111vesti,catin.i.: spC\.1al effects for a science.fiction movie Resear'-hinj! phosphoreKent materials, he founJ the onlr known methods of ap- plication (hand pamt111.c and silk screen- • in,g) were of ten unsatisfactory and dlu·aj'J cost ly Howevn (hecJll'><' he didn't know th:it 1t "rnulcln't he done") he developed a nt>w method minl! h1µh 5fX'<'d lith1>.~­ raphr and 1ojct t11111 mnulJm,g T hen , inspirat1011' He rt•J l1zed that his o;ecret pr•xes' \\'111dd m.ike 11 pos.~iblc 10 rrod11tc Stulllllll,I! Chrt\tmdS ornaments TI1rv"J ~low 111 the dark. yet rnst less than ordinary ornaments 1 Shatterproof Ornamentt1 ! Next, he ruled out breakable materials, so even the youngest member of the f ami· ly could share the thrill of trimming the 01ristmas tree. The final choices included spenally treated shatterproof materials (durable enough for outdoor display!) as well as metallic laminates on heavy stock. fxntcd hy the enthusiastic comments of his norm a 11 y bla5t'' movietowo friends, he arrangeJ for exclusive distribution by a reputable mail order firm. S«'t o·r 72 Only S3.501 The successful result is the availabi>ity of Magi.Clo ornaments that glow in the dark wiih 1ad1a111. luminescent co lor! And they arc priced so low that you can decor· ate your tree lavishly, use them as stock· in~ stuffers, table decorations, and party favor~--or even trim Christmas packages you want lo "outshine" the rest! A deluxe assortment of more than 72 t11d 11 ulua/ Map.i·Glo ornaments, ( averag· in.[! <iver 3 inches 1n hei_ght 1), is bargain· priced at only $3.50. That·s less than five cents :ipicce' And quantity discounts make Ma.~i-Glo ornaments ideal for Christmas p.1(1s You save SI on each additional ~t! Ma~1-Glo ornaments are the perfect gift for the people who de~rve "some· thing more" than just a card ! Maµi·G10'11 Guarantee You rnu~t he lOmplctely and uncond1· t1onall y ':ll1 sf1cd Wtth rnur Map.1-Glo Or· namcnt~ -01 rou ma)' rcn1rn them within 10 dJy~ for a prompt and u119uestioned re· fund of the purthase prtCc! Off t>r it1 limilhi ! T HIS OffER MAY Rf MADE ONLY ON(T' Ma,l!i·Glo ornaments are avail· able ONLY by mail t I a&&&&m1 OltDfR NOW TO INSURE DEUVHYI m&W&&&& P.M. PRODUCTS Dept. FW-1019 ..... I I 466 North Western Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90004 ,.,.... m• tll• M~lt n-.1t1 tll1t lllflulty sttw hi 1"91 •an111n! I 11Menlll4 llllt tMr """n M •11ttrita, • 1ltc1riu4 ct1111tellHs-tlt1t t1111 wtll .. .,., 1utter, n1r HI. tr Hr'I "11 tt I • Mt ~tly utisll ... I aiy l'lt•nt tllt• llftlll1 ID Uyi ftf I 1111111fw•! 0 Del1n 11ltftllf1t ef 12 lal1 M1t1!}.....Mtp $HO 0 TWO lltluq •strtJM1t-SI lsftt $11 Strry! 111 C.O.D.'11 O ADDITlotlAl Otl•u 1ue111N1b, 10--$2.50 rtlllT •-•• •*tu l'UASE ... tl1r1 50c fer ,...._. •• ._. .... ef 11tll mtrtlNllt ,.. "*1! . ... ~~~~-~------~-~---~~~~~-~~-~­....... -~~~~~-~~---~~~~-~~----~~~~- Cl _ I I ·-·-Stitt_ -----mmm umm...: Would you like to sleep sound-and live safc-ror the rest or your li(e-re/(ard/t'n or headlines or apurtins. violent crime? • Would you like to rdax your worries about the aarcly of your wife. your daughter, your younser children'! Then accept my help. I'll give you the simple cautions and sarc counter ~tcps I've u~d to protect VIP s the world over. It need cost you virtually nothina. It takes little time. It'~ as easy as brushing your teeth. Easy to Be Safe! Why rnlc daily, 11nneces.siu1ly, all you have aod love'/ You may now be running ri~k~ which 11111 don't rc:alize - the easat. ~implcst steps could safeguard you simply by know- _J _ ing about them. Bad Guys steal and rob .. , a b11Ji11uJ. Training is life long. Prison is a tutorina school. They're 1ouah They've been taught txac1ly whet to do to invade your homt -take your J>O!iile'I· siom even your lift ,uccc••fully, with (ca,1 risk to them. Y1111 c11111 be I heir ca~y mule victim. Tht1y know exactly the ca..icst, "1fc~1 . fllstelt way 1u .'lteal your car-your valual-lr~ and your cash 1m/11.u you knQw how lo prevent these danaer... Bur here·, how-and ro NJ.Ji/)' m·nld most of toot rl\kfi, What Discourages f ntruders lcnow -and I can help you and your family avoid d•nger from inrrudn•? fkcause my 1ob ha.\ been to do exactly 1ha1 for VIP s, Because 1111 my prok~s1onal Ide r vc studied how criminals think "spot" a victim look over a "job"-plan ~trategy -commtl their cri.met.-and what d15coura1~ thtm from doing "°· Would you prefer an intruder lo pa.u you up-- for an nJ.Jiu mark 7 Follow my simple dos and don'b-ll{ld '""'rwhr/mi1111Jy they, will pass you up, Yet you take no drastic step.. nor change your way or life. Becau.-w: intrudcn1 look for the fll.\t~t. easiest ways to ~le•I lhe mm t-and avoid harder W•Y'· l'vc put all I lnow into book form to help average families keep safe. I simply tell you the 1larin1 weal<ne,,cs which !rained criminal• can rcco1nize in your home right now-and exactly how to correct them. I give yC>u the 'implc security tips, 'tcrets. and caution. that cause intrudcn1 to IO on to another eL'!icr "joh" Should an intntder evu follow you or aprroach you or your home. 1'.no·""i"F nortl)' what to do con 1a•·r 1•f)11r ///' So plcao;c reed for the nt,t 60 ~con~ cartfl•lly How to Play Safe! lntrudeD lrY to grt into your nlf as you stop on a deserted street for a red liaht. You break down at ni1ht m a stranp area-or rrtum to your parked car there. But I ~bow you flow what to do to avoid danaer 1h1111. You hear a stran~ noGe in the bllement. It u an intruder. But I show you now tbe simple pro- "ctivc 5tcps to take tht'11 -ht'/orr he acts tc> yoUJ' bedroom. You're away on a trip. Intruders approach your empty hoiAC. But 1·ve alrrady ~hown you eucUy what lo do brjou: you left-and the intruder pa.»e5 your house by. You think you're bcmg followed or overheard. You're not sure. But I've already shown you what to do to protect yourself-even how to use the police to friahtcn them off-without them or thr police rulizing what you're up to. A stranger colnC!I to the door with a ''lcaitimatc'' rtll\On to come in$idc. I show you exactly bow to check his "credentials" before it's too late and c.a.aclly what to do 115 soon as you have a11y doub11. You tcturn home. It's buraJarizcd-But I've already shown;ou exactly how to increase arcatly your chance o ge1tin1 back personal pos.oies.\ions. You're walking home on a dark ni1ht through a 'tranac nei11hborhood. Or you gel home late and auspcct in1ruden1 have already entered. I tell you 11ow euctly what 10 do to play safe then. I warn o f ways thieves take edvantaai: of your habih, plans, rven part~-and It'll how to /uf'- ual/ them, And of the deniers or being munrd and robbed even in • high cla."11 hotel t>lr1•aror- and how 10 keep thi:< from happening to you, Protection for 25t Hue's what sin1lc women should do ahou1 namt' platr holder.1. How to get extra police protection, extra ~curity from your landlord, utra help pro- tcctina valuables from your in- surance company. How to be u fcst travelling, even abroad, at home, in your car, on foot, wherever. The lock 10 vocr room in any hotel or motel can be a TRAP for you. Dozens of pcopfe you don't know all have the key for your room- perha°' includinit {irrd employees or their criminal friends. Anybody el!.r can 5imply kno<lc-then, when vou open, """'' in. I .~how you how to be rntirt>lv ufe and sleep calmly without dan,er rr•n•dlnr, Herc's • protective service for 2.5•-how to orotcct business M:crtl• and advice on the best kind of JlCCphok "~py" intnvitwer I rcvnl w~rc crimina~ hope )'011 keep your doa and advise whrr11 to kttp your dog 10 protect you best - THIS MAN C: AN HELi' PROTE<.T YOU! ' fllrrc h 1'1111/1111111n. ,,,,, .. ,/ Ft'drrnl A>t"'" Crun~ Wl4b Uriently Ntt•d Help! '" C lttuRt' und Jtnirlfy n.pert. H .. ,1111d1t'd .:'nme 111 14 ~1>1111trr1·~ tl1r Mur,fei/11',1 wu1ufrort1, 111Hong K o11>1'.• fury .1liir» Ht' helpt•d V IP s f(t'I th,.. ururitv ,. rhev must have 1<0hrrr1·a th•' r nu -Ulrtrh ><1111fm111111 1.1 fl M 111<>r 1n the• (.J S M iliwr.v /11ull11t•"", R1•saw• .. H t' 1s Commit1et1 C hatr('lon 11/ thr Ama1nm S11< 11•/v for l nduJfrtnl St>< urity, //,. dirl'•'I-' lri.r 1)w1t firm, U lri1·h Suurity S1•rvice.r. llr will hdfl 1•r<1/ed you 1111d your /111•.:d nne•-M1h~r<·1•a you /iv11, worA: or 1rav('/ Jimply by your "ec-epti111( hi.• uDrr bt!!/OMI. FM , __ b Hmbli91d5 l 'eeo-Aae Glrk OkkrP~ Nlabt Wortlen Cwttr Girls Hown•ivn "-Owatt1 8111'-9 Me• A,.n.-. DweMen.! ARE YOU SAFE? ___________ _ Viol<nce up' Respect for law down! In many areas burglary ins urance excessive-or unobtainable! .... Sixty percent of cars stolen by youngsters under 18! Under 18 addict arrests up 74% for malr~-40'l'r for females. ~Ost addicts steal. .......... What are _vr)lil' family's chances? Of robbery-and 1<'0rSt>'.1 Violence could happen 10 anyonf' -to yau How can you keep your family safe ? Simply by knowi~ exactly what to Jo to avoid danger bf'/Orf' ii comes. It is estimated simplest step5 could have prevented most thefts. holdups and even &Maults and murders. To eliminate mosl of the risk of criml' slriking you and your family -simply and without chaQS.ina your way of life-read the report on this page of a former Federal Agent in Charge and Security Expert and his offrr lo help you. especially al niah1. I show you how to outw11 ,-o,,.plelt'ly the in- truder who stick$ !Us hand throuah a broken back door window even if you·rc not home. I warn how intruders may easily open any sprin1 latch or bolt In your house-and show you the simple way to pre~en1 this. Your pre5Cllt lock may not be enaa&lna the Jock strike firmly-and have '""' most or its hold-ing power. I show you how to restore that power completely-for a fr11e1ion of a cent. I reveal whit else often makes most ordmarr locu ineffective a11inst any !'rained 'intruder-and what you can do 10 correct this complr 111l)'-for pennies. Suddenly Feel Secure! He~·s 00. to lcno,.. tor cert•m whether wc:nc- onc entered your apartment while you were gone -for a frac.:iion or 1 <.-cnt. I report on a simple and li&ht a11d portable device to keep a door clascd while you arc in the room. And on a small, light, very effcctivr <kvice that inserted in any keyhole makes 11 impossible for an intruder to "pick" the lock. And how to prevent your door handle from """"'If· Even how to use your prescot TV, radio or stereo to protec:r you. I show best ways to ~cure your car-how men- and women-can best hide money on their person -and txactJy what 10 do about ~rvants, and children, who seem to be makina minor thefta. Is your present o utside ligh1in1 hurti1111 your chances of 5po111n1 intruders? rn show you bow to tind the pn/rct light protection for you-in minute3" Herc's how w avoid criminals you mi1ht other- wise u cc11Je11tol/y encounter-and what precautions to lake hr/orr leaving your •partmcnt. Security opcrts report m0'-1 window locks cannot rven w1t~tand a slight push-or become 100 /ooJr to lock. edeqoaicly. I show you tn~-tly how to secure th~ opcnina.'> firmly. How Best to Defend Yourself Suppose an intruder docs act in your housc- or a criminal attacks you in the street, in your C&T or wherever. I show you now how to defend you~lf then. I'll show you simple weapons lo usc 11a1nst dangerous people-strike a sharp blow, apply wick- ed pres.,ure-evcn shock. I'll a.ivc you effective ways to usc an umbrella and newspaper to dercnd your- self-a special way to repel an intruder-and Jproy mark him for future identification-with a watu pLrtol-111d indelible laundry ink, Herc'$ how 10 UllC p'1111ie1 1 simple way to q11;111up/11 your punching power-what never to do with fireamu agajnst any intruder-that you S« on TV cveryd1y. How to mL~lcr the Karate chop -until you can break a wooden bQard m hair with your open hand. I show "diny ways" 10 light with your elbows-how lo ~ your 1•olcc in a fight wit h 3-Way r'111lr1. I show how to use dcv~ting "root punchcs .. -cven better w11h high heels-and revc:a.I .. u1,,,rab/, spol\ on 1ll11d::ers, h'ad.J and below. Amazing auto sccurity devices to secure hood, prevcnl cros5ina ianition wires, secure hub cap, gas cap and f!!Al"S, and on alanns and nomcmakers that 10 off 1( doon, hood or trunk arc opened while car is unattended. Astonishina robot home electronic unlll that phone messages to police, report on entry, phone fire department and report fire, even phone utility and report appliance trouble-or phone your sum- mer home or t rusted friend when trouble strikes -actually disiinguish bt1.,..tt11 c.mcracncies and give proper report to parl~ concerned. A.ma.zing robot nurses that report heart attacks or other sudden danacr health conditions. I rc:porr on amazing protection available from simple. low cost security items-like astonishina chain locks you lock /rom outside-and an itl- c.rec:libly simple pdacl lha1 IJll.krs ii hArdcr and harder 10 budge 11 partially open window-the hardu an intrudu a1t11rnp11 to O/Hft ii-and pillow switchn for ou11id11 lights to use the mom""' you hear •noise. I warn of pitfalls to avoid in buyina secUrilJ equipment. I show how to use relatively inexpen- sive equipment in place of impressive <.'Ultly equip.. ment-1nd ""' mo1' .ru11rr1y-and how to he $arc 1<·i1hout scientific electronic equjpment or a friend- ly doorman. I report on TV cameras o r 2-way voice boxes that escort you from your lobby into your elevator, upstairs ind step by step to your apartment-and scrceninl! downst•irs TV camera that ft111h visitors face-and credentials blown up-cm your present TV M:r~n. The Full Story Herc·s the full story of latest sophisticated "bugging" devices char ~PY on you el~tronically -exactly what to do to protect yourself, and business !Ccrcts, from them or if your hold or mote:! room or even ir your own ho~ is bugaed. I 5bow how to eliminate chances of being over- heard-even by tiny tran.,mittcrs placed in your pockcr or briefcase. I reveal three "i!ecrct" devices that c05t you nothlna-arc found in every hotel or motel room -and have enabled me lo sleep 11<>undly in hundreds of strange rooms throughout the world. I sho'W you bow 10 protect lo<:b aaaimt """ master ltey-block any door le.nob from wit.hin- m1h a noi.o;y clattering burglar alann al no c~t or trouble. ""'" . -· ~ I I ' Act Now! Don't buy a fire: extingu&her a/tt!r yQur home bums doWTI -or snow shovel a/tu you're S110MJtd In-or this boolc a/Irr you're • crime ~tatistic. Accept it now. You mlJllt fed more 'ICcure than ever in ~, your fire beforr--or no cost, Could anythinit be rairer'' My book is in ~hort ,upply. Each edition printed so far has quick.Jy sold our. It's first come. first -crvcd. Act now The sooner you gel it the sooner vou gel my Security Help. and peace of miftd' I ttive you Judo blo...,. delivered with the open hand how ro concentrate the full fore~ of your entire fi~t in Ollt' knuckle euctly what to do to nerve centers to make an attacker ,quirm-how to give suctdrn ~harp blowi. 10 send him crawling 1w11v I warl) YOIJ of ~If-defense gadgets 1h11 may «> C·D, 1969 be illeial in your 8'U or loo danieroUs to be near othen1. I pa.\s on to you eminent /11gal opinions on your cuct legal right\ in ~isting­ tvcn killing an Intruder. Fantastic Security Devkes! '1--I~ STEP INTO A NEW WORLD ,c-; . ' OF SECURrTY SCIENCE lo rt-" ( protect you-security gad~try 10 ~I staui;r. the ii:n11in1tN?n and often surpnsmaly mexpens1vc to use or share with others. \ ' • --AMAZING NO-RISK COUPON I I I NATIONAL CO\JNSt:LLINC Sl:RVICt: Dept. J51J 4511 N .W . IJ!llll SI., Mla•I. Fla. JJU' Plca.\C ship me your book S0207 "HOW TO AVOID BUR G LARY AND OT HER C'RI MES" on • <>-month N«i>-risk Trial. Unlcsa llus book does all thla pa~ ha.• led me 10 upect I m1y return ii for full refund. 0 s.4.91 Payment encl<lled. PleaK ship peal· paid. I sevc poataJ chu1ea. , O CHECK HERE if you wish your order .sent C.0 .0 . Encl09C Sl.00 soodwill de- posit. You'll pay postm•n SJ.911 halaocc plus •II PQStal chuaes. Same Money-81ek Guarantee, of coune. Amazin1 llcylcss loclr..s you dial or oper11c by pushbutton Special alarms that cause outlandflh remote controlled lemcs to take , 1ns1ant pkturcs or movies for future identification of inlrudcn. lncxpeMivc elrctromc Sl!ll.$Qfl that guard •ll 11111.ndows, doors and arounds-repon 10 an : NAM._ _____________ _ alarm above your headboard any intruder enter- ing your drive or your property or break.ins in. ~pccilll cl«tronic unit~ that aive alann when .wmcthin1 is touched-or ue activated hy anyone comin1 wrthm ~o m1ny feet. ADDRESS _______ . ____ _ I CITY ___ --"T ATE ___ ~ZIP ___ _ ·---------------------------------· T .. - ' FAS HI O NS Right for the Road "M ARRY ME, and I'll make you a chauffeur" is often :rn u n- spoken prom ise paving the marital road . But who minds? ln t hese marvelous non-muss separates, you'll dash in and out of the family car, d ischarg ing your driver dutiel'! with gay aplomb. Knits, all. we show three ~-reat put-togethers: t he new pa nts look. ~' zippered j umps uit-snug amt ea~y to slip in and out of-paired with a sleek. shiny raincoat ; a three-part ensemble Rlarring the fashionable tie shirt, an easy front- pleated skirt, plu$ long vest; and, finally. a season I es~ V-neck dress which we mated with a curvacious notch-collar jacket. Jus t add scnf. a Klint of me la I at t he ear. a soft cr w:;hy hat-and start traveling! -ROSALYN ABREVAYA Ai/1•f•n fo.~1111111.q o rarefree Crc.-<lo 11 arr11lu· l.:111/ 110 ry-and- wh if 1' drPx,q, $/X, nnd nauy iarkt•I. I Z.'I . Mor lm1P wa.qhol>IP. , Sun1r11 lhr traffic urnP in an all-Dacron ktiif ensemble fro111 Deunn : 11triped sltirf, $13,' iikirt. $12; vest , 114. PHOTOGllAl'HS t Y HAl OKUN S<o•ve• by ltay Strauu. Un1;..,1ted ~ S marf trat•eler feam.'I 11µ red 11•011/ Im ii j 11 m /!Mii i . $ 5 U. n nd a .~frf'k /1/a ('k pi/1•./111Pd ('llQ f , 1 70. f 'rnm M uli<•rn l>f'b . f'11111ily Weel..t11, Octobt!I' Ill, l:lli!I 11 Fades those HorriO _Agegpots* -famous cream skin faults Those ugl y brown Rurfat'C' spots • arnvl•rystubborn. Somf' thin k f'vt.•n ho1><'lt•1:1s. No ordi- -wu v trt>am will removt• thl'm . Bul F.soterit·a d0<·s-for thou· sands! Bl'Cl'IUSC thm1c spots of p igm <'nt ar<' in the surface skin. and F.sutt•ri('f\ hac; a m NI· for stubborn 3 month supply. $2.00 7 oz. Eronomy sue, $4.00 u·ation to pc•nf'trntr-, to rc·ach. to break up tho~f' s r c•ts. Within a Wt'<'k. you s hould SCI' thos11 spots lwr.:in lo fadl•. Tht·n. I lappy Day! Steadily. your hands bt.><•ome d<·ar. smooth. young-looking again. For t hl' M m r rl'ason, Esott'rica has h1•1•n uiwrl hy millions for skin fault.c~ that defy ordinary !lkin ('Or f' -tn makP dull, muddy s kin look d f'a r . to rout hletckhl'ads a nd s11rfa1·1· pimplPs .. to rt>duc1• roarsl' p11r<'s ... to lighten clark, n eglecterl nPt'k or dingy d ra h. lifrlt·ss s kin .. l'Vt'n to dim fi m· linPs. Esolt'rica -thf' onf' bt>s l answn to prubl1•m s kin. from thl' trus tworthy 51). year·old Mitchum lahoratorif's. Sat is fact inn guarantE'ed or n •turn th£• unused portion to s ton• for n·f und. At your f;worih' dru~ And toilPt rv cuu nll'r Science Fint;f s Way f,, e To Shrink J: .. 1_;. ) Painful Hemorrhoids ~:ii il ~ And P romptly Stop The Itching, -~-[ Relieve Pain In Most Cases. A !lcientific re!lc11 rcl1 institute ha11 dis1'1lvrred a m edication with t he ability, in most l'H11cs- lt1 promptly 8top bu rning itch anri act l•al ly sh r ink he m1 Jr · rhni<ls . I n nnt• hl•morrhmd r n11e after another Vt•ry ::<triking impro,·e- m1>11 t wa~ rrpo rlecf hv drwtorn whn rnndul'lrrl the l<'sts. Pain and it1·hi11g wrr,.. rm•mptl~· re- lievl'ci. A11rl whil~· l{Pntly reliC'v- ing p ain, ad111d r e ducti on u1hrinka~e J look pince. TeA<1ts c-ondurtt><I on hundreds o f patienLq by doc-tors in New PHOTO CRED ITS Pa ge 2: fobion 8ochroch, Copltol Rec ord•; Howlhorn 8ooh . Inc . NASA, U.S. Army. Pa ge 4: Glob. Photo• Poge .5: Colvmb1o Picturea Poge 6: UPI. Page 7: UPI; Wide World Poge 9: UPI York City, in Washingto n, 0 .\.. and nt :t Midwest Medical ren- ter prnvcd this so. And il was all done without nan:otic!-1 o r slinging aatringPnts uf any kind. Theserret i!-l l-'n 1parnlinn H f) Th<·n· is n n other fnr mula for the t rPatment of hemorrhn1ds l ike it '. Pre paration II also lubricat es, soot hPs irr itated tissues and hdps prevt!nl f u r- ther infection. Prepnration H com eR in ointmen t o r su p - pos itory form. No prescription is needed. FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLtn'CH fonna • comlort ci..hioa: hold9 dent.I pl•tea ., much 6~ and m uner I.M t )IOU c.n •I and talk with fl'Ml.er comfort and ..,..,.;1y; in many CUM slmost &1 w~ll •• with n•l•nl teeth. K lulcb 1-the oon9t...t r..r or • droppina, roc:kiry. chafinr plate . . . u your drur· 1 isl d0e9n·1 h•11e Klutch, don't •ute reent.r on H lntltatu, but ~ Ill J()t •nd we will maU you • 1-..ous tr1-I bo11. llLUTCH CO., I n 9801( El111in , N.Y. 14902 Let's Draw • Pony by A 11n Davidow JUNIOR REAS URE CHEST This pony, named Tony. Is rompy 1tnd roan-y. .. Two Ar• Identical Wh ich are they? <See Answer Bn:r ) Plua One To a t hree-lette r word which is a synonym for a relative, add a ltut letter and get what you hope that rela ti ve will be. (See Answer B<>.t) let's Draw Animals look A 1111 Davidow half publiBhed hundreds of fasci1w fi11g drau•i11g ltsso11s fm· childre11 ill a delightfully sti111ufati11g bC1n k . Ten11 of thousam /R 110/d nt $1 .!J(} in hard cover. 1''nr 111111 1· copy ;,, 110/f MVer se111l 1111/11 SJ 71lw1 'i!S(' for 11hip- pi11g f n "Let'., Draw A 11 imrtfR," Dept. A/44. Raz 707, G1C111<l Ce11lral Slnlio11. N ew Y 11rk, N.l'. 10111 7. The Great Lakes Spell a Word T he fi rst letter o f each of t he names of the Great Lakes s pells a word. What is it? (See A11.<1wer Box)· You Name It J Jd cl d Jd <See Ans1ur B o:J') Minus One, Plus One F rom a six-letter word that means that you have all that's needed of a certa in thing. take away the first letter and add a last letter-a nd get nothing! (Sec An.'twer Box) Answer Box 'JO!Jad ns 'C.!J3 ·ud!lP!W 'O!.H?lUO 'UOJllH-S<JW O H : 11ads ·pup1-urn :auo sn1d ·l4.8nou-4.8noua : en1J-snun~ 't <IU lll-J U:>) UOO'P 'B:) :u ;)W8N OOA 'J> puu c 'SON :OM..L (8.l!JUOtpJ ~buy life insurance from just any Agent? Look for one of the best. A Ne\\ Yori.. L1k Agent There a1 l' a numbl'r 111 1 l'a,1111' ""' he\ 'Pl't ial. hr ... 11111 . hl'., l'<ll'L'IUll\' 't:IL'L kd, lliurnughl\' l r<li llt:d. BaL kl·d h\ .I l (lnl r a m \\II h I 2'i \Car ... o f l''PCI 11.'flll' Anolhl.'1 fl'.l'Pll llw L'\\ Yrn I.. l 1k Agl'nl \lamhoul f1 um thc cnmd Lil1..· 1n:-.tir;.i1ll1' is hi!> Larce1 . And hl· dn OIL'' all ht' work ing hour' to ii And'' ht'n ti luinc' lu pru k~~1011 ;1I ,l\\arth, our Agc n1:-. win 1hcir 'har1..•. A11tl t h1.•n '>l•mc. l n fal.I. we ha \l' m ore nwmlwr'> ul 1lw pr1.·,11giuu' Mdf111n Do llar Ro 1111d T:.i b k ,1nJ lhL· W11rnc11 L1.·;,Jc 1·, R<•untl Tahk ( 1111 111 ... 11 v "Hk g roup~ u f l1)p Agl·n1') 1 h ,111 an\ (II h1.·1 1 urnp an\ N11\\ 1li;1t \'ou hn''" "lm1.·thin~:ihu111 1hl•1r h l11l' nhhon q11:1 llht~1111111,, "'" 1101 put 011l· 11t 11111 N\'\\ \or I-l.ik A gl'l1h llJ \\Ill I.. 1111 \(}ll , N,·" Yu1 k Lift• I 11M11 .11h t' l 11111nam 'ii M.1<11"111 A\'t•nut•. Nnv York, N.Y. IOlllll I lie , (.roup ,111d l kJllh ln.,111.111\.•', A1111111 11,•\, p,.11.,1,111 Pl.in-. Our I 25th year l I I I j r Get This '9traisht Our teen-.age daughter's teeth a re straighte ned. She find& it qQite a thrill. Her braces 11re off at laet. And I"m braced for the bill. Her teeth are in, my ~ash is out. T he job ran rathe r high. Tight-lipped for months, now she can smile More readily than I. -Riclaarll ..4nnour QUIPS AND QUOTES A woman phoned a doc· tor and asked whether he made house cans. "Only if you're consid· ering selling your house." replied the doctor. "Why is that?'' "I'm also in real estate.'' he replied. -Bnb Brown FriC?ully dogs take a lick- ing to you. -Frank Tyger T rying to patch things up aft.er a (juarrel, the husband said : "Dearest, what little present should I buy for the one I love best?" r austically, the wife an- Rwered, "How about a briar pipe and a couple of pounds of tobacco?'' -L11cille J. Harper Then there was the mad geniu.s who cro11sed a pe- destrian with an automo- bile-and not a la1usuit. -D . 0. Flynn 1t was a solemn moment. We stood before the talk- ing statue of Lincoln at Disneyland. Having lis- tened to the historic words, visitors were reverently si- lent when one small boy piped up : "Gee, Mom, I didn't know Abraham Lincoln was a Diimey character!" -Mt·s. Ree Rt•anry Sn me husbands 11ever k>ww that their u·ives rnn- Hider them financial wiz- ards ttntil they stand be- ! ore the j'lldge in a divorce rourl. -L ucillP J . Goodyear "Oel'ided tu tearh sr.hool again-eh. Professor ?" Family Weekl11, October J9, 19li!I It JUST COMB IN '' ou are mvit.c11I l<i part iciµat-11 in ll home trial demunatrat.ioo or all ama1in1t nPw hair wal'ing dis- cover y that charm-eonacioua women have long 1-n waiting fOf'. Try D"W runsa-llama al our rUk OD guarantee of Sati!lfaclton. He'nil for Rinsa-Rama today' NEW PROTEIN RINSE Safely CURLS, WAVES HAIR without Perma•nt Wavlnt No matt.er bow lltn.i1tbt ;ind bard to curl your hair ia, just stir l,.·o llJlOOMU I new diacovery HlNSA-HAM.\ PROTJo~IN RIN8E in a gl&a1 or water. 1.A>mb through llllir, put 11p on regular eurlen1 or pina. Over·n4!hl h:iir takes on 90rt lultrous euual "'avea and curls aa lovely u natural wavy hair, safe for all types hair, even dye<! hair. And no matter hoy.· damp Of' r:ainy the weatJier, your hair stAye as neat 11011 11o'avy the 7th day aa the first. Condi- tions dr.v hair. Fights danrlrutf. ll'e amairinl(. Guar11ntee<I satiafllC"tion or monev back. Rend $:!.50 for enoul(h HIN:.:..\. RA MA OOllCt'utnte to m11ke 2 gallon If C.0.0. roetaae extn. Wril4> for HI N8A· HAMA today. FLEETWOOD CO., o.,t. R~l1 427W ............ C ... ,ll ..... New Kind of Nail Tou~hener Takes Only 3 Da ys ... Then You Can [~\ ~;i~~I ~~~ ~~~~~! '"' 111111 )1tu"rl ''"''"·ant 111 pull tarl • ., "''h 111ur finK.-r11ail:< . hul 1~n ·1 11 1·1111~1111111: lu L11uw th .. t n o" nl• mall•'r .. hat . ~ou"ll ha,!' all Y••ur nul .. , 1111 mat1rr .. hot!. lrnp1>1ta11t. 11· .. lllt"' It• k1111" y11u <'bit w•·.1t )•JUr nail• 1•xtra 111111( l1lw a •11han·, fJ,urit•· w1fr ,,.,•3r~ hrrl> (juxt w pro"' .. 1..-\ ~\U"<'iul) a nti !hat \'ullr lull!(, Ion,:\ 111111, 1'.Rll >1111 lln· uul 1111 1111111l1•J t ~1•rwnl1•r. M"•I tn1p11rlant . , 11lw11~~ \11ur 11nil' l1111L lo1111. ar11l lwn111t ru . Th•· 111"'"'"" ,,f ··111n ;1:1111 ." llE\\' :\,,.1 °'tr•·nfo\thrn••r" ~uaran1t·1• that v11 u 'll h.t\I' nu mun · ..,.,,.L .. 11 or loruL1·n n1111•1 Y"ur nail• 111av l11•11tl ,, 1111!1· untlr•r •lrt'•, lout tlw\ ·11 b1• ''''' tuuj!h t.1 1,,1·ak. "n•I tlwn·'• 1111 turn1JIJ1•h1•I·· 111 .. l'REl'.1111 '' IH.\\ ••• 11••1 3 •Imp' "1,_,,111 1 .. ly 111'" ur\.t 1ltfT1·r••11t, ti "'"'l" ll\ "'""' rJl'ul "'' 1tl"'"I''"'"· 1111 n1•11•tUrtZllll( 1•r11111 pl·· Ju~l f'Ut d Jr o p .. r .. l'H ru I )I .... IJE \\ •• Ulltl•·r I h•' ltp "' 1•111'11 ..... 1 u 11u· ,., 1•n ""' f••r :1 1lit~' 111 .i ru" 1111•1 111u"ll ha',. nail~ ltl•• a l1Kr'"~" d a" h1• n ••• ou t 11 H"' ltlr dw' "io· lwJul1ful :-ef1· . .-ffwwnt anti ra.1. 11tu1·~ 111 .. 11111ai111f!.. , ..... 1 .1,~ .......... ,1 ... 1•1n:crnr~ DEW i°'<M1I 'lrrnl(tli•·11•·r · 011h S:l 011 ("•·lj•J1ol. If C. O.n . -'I.Oil dr, ... ~11 ,..,, .. ,.,.,! ;-., d 1·1.u r 11J1I-lorr11l . qJ•·l a111I tl1111·1 II'"" l1111K anti 1 .. 111111ru . 1111111 ••nfrr for .. l'tH.I '.IOL'S llE\\' .. t111lu' 1111 11uar.111trr 111 -~1 .. fa1·t11111 or •"t11rr1 l1 .. 1tl•· •'aft f1or '"""''' h1wL ~··1111 l••. ~leetwood, Dept. XX18, 427 W. A•ndolph, Chlcato. Ill. 60606 KILL ROACHES '1A J S AN D MIC I 0 VE RN I G H T ~ ,__ ,. ~ for 91 years Stearns l lectric Brand Paste has bee n used with great s ue· c.ess in gelling rod or obno~1ous pests. Alter eatlnR, pes:ls die elsewhere When sce~ing W8tc r 11 nel fresh 11ir. Stearns Ete ctrlc P••I• ts a MO N!:.Y· BACK GUARANTElD .. OIM·shot" lclller. Rats. r08Chl's a11<1 mice can. no t b uild a to lera nce 10 11. E.asy 10 use. A hllle d111J will do ti. Order from your d1>aler 111 &9~ a tube. Or you can ord er d1rect-1ust add 11 ~ postaRe Get rtd o f these pests NOW. Se nd 69; plus 11; postage TODAY lD snARN S ELECTRIC PASTE Dept ~4 l20 S. St•te S t • Ch1ceeo, 111'. 6 0 604 KEEP FEET HEALTHY! WALK IN COMFORT! ....r!'!~.,. 10\l\~\\.. i CupptRS! PERFECT FOR INGROWN NAILS • u1111111t Iner •ctle11 fiu 1t Sell111e11 S.f11UI StHI • Trims te '•rfectl.,. Dttp curve du 11" permll' 1t1hl preu urt to cut 1"1t1nlly Hot yet avallable In stores Introductory price on MOH£Y·8ACI( GVAA -HTC[ only $2 .IS plus 25c po1l•1e Language Courses-s 2. 4 5 ! ~"!!!!'!!!!'r!!!!-..!!!! .. !!!!•!!!! .. !!!! ... ,!!!!. .!!!!k .. !!!!le.!!!!'"!!· !!mn~ Learn to speak 11 Foreign Language on Just hours with Farnous U.S. Military Langua11e Rec.ordsf Only a few minutes a day will buold your co1111ersation skills in any ot 8 d1flercnt languages! Complete courses 1111a ilable in French (S4805). tt11lian (5-4810), Spanish (54818). Russian (5-4816), Germ11n (!;.4806). Hebrew (5-4807), Tur•osh (54820). Cambodian (S4801)! Each lnslruc t1on Set elves you s top-Quality ':loubte-l11ced. 1ong·play1ng 1• vinyl reco rds of unm11tched clarity. plus handy lnstruc.tion M11nu11I lnv11lu11ble for bu111· nessmen, travellers. students. adulls studying at home• Ma•t only S2.80 per set (we PllV shippinR) to "LANGUAGES'" Dept 2000, 4500 N W lJSth SI . Mi11m1, Fl11 Be sure to include cooe number with order Full refund euaranteed. Whea You Or4er By Mail Fro• F1•ily Weekly •.• Plu\t 1llow up ta four Wfflts fo Mll~•Y Tho ach ••t plKfd by rf'll"t•blt compa"ln Tiit 1ltnis •ncl <O\lr art chttktd for rtli· 1b•lilt b) r • ..,11) Wtt~l), 100 If )'Oil'~ an~ Q1>HtoOn •bo•ll m11I ordtr, )USI ,.,,,,. ~"''" tnpartmrn1, f a..,lly Wttltly, 1141 L01"9\0<I Avt"~• N<w Yori(, H.Y 10022. THE HARMONY COMPANY 4602 S Kolin Ave • Ch1cagu Ill 60637 •ell CIT'° ' fW109 I .... ___________ ..,, Destroys odor on sanitary napkins At last -a deodorant for you ••• and for your clothes tool For women only -h 4•rc'11 the Spt,>ciol feminine rleocloronl lh11t desLroys odor wh1ir<" you C'on't t'l't'n use an ordtnory dt'fld Qront, I Cs lamouB. e asy -to-use <lU•:ST Tle<:xloranl Powrler! ( 1) Qu t:aT helps keep your borly odor-free -even m Ow mO!lt in timate s ress ,) \ 2> Q UEST de st rov~ odor on sanitary nap-II kms H elps prevent o<l ur u•herr odor ling<!rs lon11· • f'Bt-under bras, girdles. pllnlv -hose °'000 .. ,., Specl•I deodorant for a ...,..or• woman's speci•I needs BACKACHE Painful Joints Yo u tong to e ase !hose pains even tempo raroly, untrl t h,. ca use •s cleared up Why not 101n millions of O!her users 11nd try OeWitt's P ills ? F11mous tor.. over 60 years. DeW1tt's Ptlls contain 31'1 enolgesic to reduce pain. and a mdd d1url'l1c to help eliminate re1111ned flu ids, lhus llushrn g nu1 bladder wastes which can cause such pains DeW•tt's Polls often sue· ceed where 01he rs lall If pain persists. always consult your doctor. but first try OeWitt's Pills -------.. ---------- ~'1· E \N ' . FROM 0 0 MA HA M UTUAL F I Three way I protection that covers you both 1N and ouT of the hospital UPTO PLUS UP TO PLUS UPTO $500.00 $25,000.00 $1,000.00 A MONTH for for • doctor hospital for calla expenses regular living Doctor Calls-Pays up to $500.00 on a scheduled basis for doctor calls at the office. in the hospital, or at home. Includes liberal surgical schedule. Pays both doctor Hospital Expense s -P a y s up to Living Expenses-Pays from $100.00 to $25.000.00 (from $10.00 to $50.00 a day $1,000.00 a mo nth (depending o n the depending o n the pla n you qualify for) for pla n you qualify for) to help take care of hospital room and board for each member reg ular Jiving eJtpenses when the family calls and s urgical benefits forth· · • ~ • ~ ·• · · · ,. a "·~· .... " , • ,. 11•0 and can't work. ness or accident! Doctor call I .;1. • I!. 10 11 ::. , :>e ab • xp J 11 r p cy. these tax-free ~· · -·. . : disabilities that payable up to the date o f the o thereafter, Surgical benefits a1 Covers the whole family! 65 or over? Cc-I E-.'.tra ('a-.h lo S uppkmt'nl '11 "Extra Sc•rnrity" plan pay~ $150 ()( /rt't! cash diri•ct to you\\ hen )OU ;ire You m:iy he clig1hlc fur r ltrll n. lhal OOURLF. and TRIPLE-up to $·~ -as your needs grow and your ~1 mcnts decrease. '!"\o ph.' -.ical c•xam: F.nroll no"' Get free facts ahou Omaha's new "Extta Security" plnr menli; Medicare. Mail c <ird or co ~ ~ ~, DE ~~~N~E~ ~c;~s~R~ A~ ,:'!'.L ~R~6o'!:vi f' I~~ r age 65 . Special r~~~ ~ .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ .......... .., .. ~~~ NEW r-------------------------------· disabilities that Mutual of Omaha policy covers you both IN and OUT of the hospital .•. PAYS ~\~ 5500.00 FOR DOCTOR CALLS PLUS ~.~ 525,000.00 FOR HOSPIT Al EXPEN SES PLUS ~·.~ s 1, 000.00 a Month CASH FOR FAMILY LI VING EXPENSES 11 YOURS FREE! Dept, 120 ge 65• Mvtvol of Omaha I O•noko, N~bros~o 681J1 I I I I Thtrt" wny p,olrrt1on rilnn' n"udobl.-1n my 1tntr Aho •u\h f,.,,_ '"'~'motion oko-. I f,,,f! mod1?rn low co<1 111• '"'" <J1>cr µIons ovu.loble t u my fomily fron1 U1>1tr.J of Omon<J I om o"" 65 Pleo•e lutn"h m~ f,.,., facts ohout t\f'W l \'.ho St•tunl) ho,p+t;JI 1ncom@ pluns ovoolobl« on my 1101,. :-; \\11 •,fRll l~'· '' RPIP t lfY ST A IE lll'tOlll r Omaha. 'ackaged ife insur- ~a Com- CARO OR Mutual ef()m11h11 ®~ Get farts ~bnu l nrw "Ex ira Securily'' plan that s.1ppli•men!f> Me1!1c.1rt' pays $I )0 00 i1 week lax I rec CJ'>h direct to you when you're ho~p11,11 ized You mJY be cl 1g1ble tor extra cash payments lh;it OOUlllE and TRIPLE -up to $450 00 a week as your needs grow and your Medicare payments decrease. about 'Thrce..wayH protection plans available jn my state. L.J n.1:o.v 1 u,11 t'>tt-L 11uurm11- tioo about Hoe. modern .low- cost life iai;urance prograQts available to my Camily from Uoitcd of Omaha, . L J 1 am over f>.). yfrase rush m e FREE facts ~abo u t ne w •"Exiro Sec-urity" hospilal income plans availa ble in 1t1y state. fhp Compt1nq thilt p11q., Life Insurance Affiliate: United of Omaha Mvlu11 ol Omaha 1~ t1ctnsed throughout the United Slates. Great Britain, Canada, Panama and Puerto Rico Li•tnr It) Buh Ctm\ltliirl', .'iulllrdU\Of t1rrtl .'i11nJnn . "'' nc·, "1\(111111111 .. Sre "/l.l11111ul of Q,,,.,J,,,'1 Wild A.'111Jt.1f111n" u /111m/1 ''""' 111 r 1•/<11 1111 NlJC-TV. S11111lo1 .•. ('try ________ ___,_ ---- '"Ult°'-• II, Hr.Vii-.~ !UCN tiU£-----~----------:---_.;...---------- NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH * t Hill HOLDER by Dick Wiison WILSON FORD ' ...... Huntin~ton Beach Back in the earl y 1900's in Meril - lan, Wisconsin, the lacol physy- cians made many curious ootes when signing the coronor's death certificate. This little gem has to be a classic : "De· ceased died from blood poison , caused by a broken ankle, which is remarkable, as the automo- bi le struck him between l h e lam.p a nd the radiator." May- be some of you folks can re- member back to th e early I900's? That's about the t i me Ford started producing automo- biles that would change the lives or all of us and the world around us. The Ford Motor Company has been doing tta tbing longer Utan anyone else so it's no won- der that they are the style. per- formance and safety leaders of the industry. 1970 is no excep- tion ... The brand new "Bet- ter Idea Cars'' are here now. All of us here at Wilson F o r d Sales in Huntington Beach wouJd like to invite you to drop in and look , feel and drive your fa vo- ritt> from the great new 1970 Ford line. Not only have we been making cars lcnger than o t h er manufacturers but we have made more of them a n d each year we have consistently offered the new car bu~ l h e largest selection o( model, color and style ... Again, 1970 is no exception. Whv not drop in and see for yourself. Our store here at 18255 Beach Boulevard is fairly new as automobile deal- erships go. However we a r e loaded witn experts who know Fords best. They all agree that the 1970 model line is fabulous and the best ever from Ford ... We think you'll agree with the experts. Come on to Huntin~on Beach and try a brand new 1970 Ford for size. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, OCTOBE.R 18, 1969 DICK WILSON'S ~~sL!Pc~ afv?.~~m!~k~~ACH Ill .................................................................. See all the g--- newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALES DE,r. 'I a .m. to 10 p.m. 7 Days SUVICl 0'EN Tues. thr11 Fri., 8 a .m. to 5 p.m. Moi., 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 592-5511 I E -T Rl Tl - SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 EVENING I 6:00 6 The Big News (C) (60) Clete j Rob ells 0 (;2~ ( 6 ID Hun:ley • Brinkley Saturday Report (C) (30) O II Mondo (C) (30) •·r reasure ot Topkapi •· 0 Boss City (C) (60) Sarn Riddle hosts m Barbara McNair (C) (60) Bar- bara's guests are Bobby Darin, lhe King Cousins and Ja111es Darren. ffi Animals, Action and Adventure (C) (30) "Spell of Macumba.'' Bill Burrnd s cameras retrace. the 1925 exped1t1on into the Brazilian jun· gles by Colonel Pervy r awcett, who -along with his son John-wr.re never heard from again €!) TV Readers' Digest rl}The World of Beauty (C) (30) 6:30 O KNBC News Conference (C) (30) O Rosey Grier Show (C) (30) Jan pianist Marian McPartland, com11; Dave Madden and singer Jeanelle While guest m I SP£CIAl I Championship Sur1· ing (C) (60) Bill Buuud 1s host lor a took at some surfing champions fr om Hawaii. Australia and lhe United States €!) Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (30) ED The President's Men (C) (30) (R) .'-'· Mered1tl7 W!llsons ftte~he ID On the Edge of Eternity (C) (30) Cl) Girl from UNCLE (C) (60) 7:00 6 CBS Evening News (C) (30) Roger Mudd 0 KNBC Survey (C) (30) "~n sumer f'rolecllon " O Anniversary Game (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts O Death Valley Days (C) (30) ··The I r.prech~1m ol Lasl Chance Gulch,'' slarong Denny Miiier and W.lller Bur ke m I SPECIAL I Krng family at the fair (60) A lour of the Cali fornia fxpos1t1on 1n Sacramenlo. '17. 3 1 Pas~port to Tr ave I (C) (30) "011v1ng Across Brtlarn " €!)Sunset Trails (60) ffi NET Journal (60) I Do· Re· Mi (30) The Rat Patrol (C) (30) 7:15 lakers Wrap-Up (C) 7:30 129. {{I ) Jackie Gleaso~ (C) (60) ,2~ 6 ID Andy Williams (C) (60) Andy's guests are Don Knotts. Ray Charles, Cass Elliott and l he Creedence Clearwater Revival 9 Melody Ranch (C) (60) A spe r.1al 1r11lule to singing cowboy Gene Autry Sµeml guest is Al Morgan. 0 117 3 (fl Dating Game (C) (30) Jim I ange hosts O Million $ Movie: (C) ''The Mu· sic Man" (musical) '67 Robert Preston Shtrley Jones. Burldy Har.k ell HP.rm1one Gingold. Paul rord. The slory cenlers on a small Iowa town 111 191 2. when a last talking salesman comes to lawn lo sell musical insiruments. organizes a boy's band, and falls 1n love with "Marran the l ihrartan ,. i Wonders of the World (C) (30) Los Caudillos (30) 8:00 (jJ) ( 3) ffi Newlywed Game (C) (30) Bob lubanks hosts. m Movie: "All About Eve" (drama) '50 Bette Oavrs. Gary Merrill, Anne Baxter . m Hawaii Calls (CJ (30) Sagebrush Theatre ( 60) Dn Being Black (C) (60) "Basis ot Need " Al Freeman guests in a story of a middle class black social worker who falls rn love with a woman on welfare ~ Noche de Estreno (2 hr) 8:30 6 '.29) l B 1 My Three Sons (C) (30) The family atlempts to convince Str.ve that talking about soil ero· sion and driving habits in England 1s not the accepled manner of cou rtship. 0 (2~ ( 6 ) m Adam-12 (C) (30) "A Ditlerent Thing." Ofllcers Mal· toy and Reed turn up a murder suspecl in what first appears as a rouline hit-and run auto pedeslri· an fat alily. 9 '67 FIRST-RUN FILM * MYSTERY THRILLER! g Movie: (C) "Enter Inspector Maigret" (myslery) '67 -Heinz Ruhmann. Eddi Arent. 0 1171t JJ1ffi Lawrence Welk (C) W Buck Owens (C) (30) 9:00 6 ~91 ({) Green Acres (C) (30) Oliver. Lisa. [b and Arnold lhe pig rn his flying togs descend on Chica· go to pursue Arnold's claim to the $20,000.000 Birnbocker pork for . lune 0 23' 6 ID NBC Saturday MoY· ie: (C) ''Jigsaw" (mystery) '68- (Continued) THE 76 TROMBONES ALL-TIME HIT! In its entirety! ROBERT PRESTON / SHIRLEY JONES / BUDDY HACKETT / HERMIONE GINGOLO TONIGHT on The Best or LA 9-7:30·10:30 PM cotoR1 More Boys & Girls Needed For New TV Commercials And Series Thl1 i• t!M-lamt ..,ord from rt.. malor OCJetlh a11d prod1tcers 111 Hollywood. Tele•l1lo11 commer· dal• are blq h1t1l11ea1. It 11 a b11sl11ess that e mploys a la1'9e 11umber of childre11 and pay. them lar9e aalari". l11t where did tfleae kids come from, a1td how did they 9et tflere7 WeU, would you t».lie ... they're fo111td l1t such far out places en F1ttler· to11, Sa11ta Ana, or ttie 01tter re- 9lon1 of lonq leach ar 1'011101ta 7 Some af these yo11119sten may li•e ri9ht 11e1rt door! l1tt who finds ttie11e talented boys and qlrh to f I I I ttie prodttctlo11 11eeds 7 The studios a11d a9elth don't ha•• time, so °' a rea1tlt, there is a la1'9e demand, and to fill this demand, a l'uhtlc lela· tions Company called TA•E I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hers hll"ll· ed its e11erqlea and reaources to filtinq the need. TAkE I l'RO· DUCTION~ moires profeulo11al co11tracts in Hollywood for new· co men. ... SIN DY FNNF:N Loral SL'hool girl's earning~ r each $10,000 in T V ('Cm · mer~·1als a few months after he i n g ~1 gned by Take l 'Production<;. IF YOU AIU BETWEEN THE AGES OF J AND I'?, AND W OULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER CIALS ANO TV CALL NOW TOLL FREE ORANGE CO. OFFICE ( 714) 547-6251 TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 1261 North Vine Street HOLL YW(lOD, C ALIF I l blocks So. of Hollywood & Vine, ocrou 1tTeet fro"' Joey li1hop Theatre. Page 3 Rf_c~ IS f3acf/ WITH ORIGINAL PEN-COLLAGES TO SHOW AT HARBOR CENTER BARBER SHOP 23006 HARBOR BL VD . FACTORY SHOW ROOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. 879-6732 THE DAIL\' PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 18, 1969 SATURDAY (Continued) 8 NIWI (C) (30) Bill Bonds. Harry Guardino, Hope Lange, Brad-fttlilbln's People (C) (90) Guests ford Dillman, Susan Saint James, I are Peuy Lee. Woody Woodbury, Pat Hingle, Diana Hyland, Mlchul Jim Lange and Marty Allen. B · d Cl d ") I Joe Pyne (C} (2 hr) J. Pollard (" onn1e an Y e · Swinctnr Cosptl (C) (60) I Bill Anderwn (C) (30) Tlle Toy T111t 5rtw Up (60) Horse Op1r1 (60) "Young April,'' made in 1926, stars NET Pt1yhouse (90) "Pasl In-·i t B -' L d. .. (R) s1 ent screen s ar e-e ove. tru tng. (E Passport to Trnet (C) (3D) (30) Two rough mo:orcyclists, sus-Z1ne Grey (30) 9:30 0 ~ Cl) Pettlaiat Junction (C) 11 :00 I 0 0 m al News (C) peeled ol poaching in the Hooter-11:15 f1bulous 52: (C) "Tbe Horse ville area, are too many and too Soldiers" (drama) '59 -John tough for game warden Orrin Pike. Wayne, William Holden. Constance 0 BEST BET * Diana Ross & Supremes Sammy Davis-fast-funny HOLLYWOOD PALACE 0 @ al Tiit Hollywood P1l- 1ce (C) (60) Hostesses for the evening are Diana Ross and The Supremes. Guests are the Edwin Hawkins Singers. The Jackson five, and Alan Sues. ID Kitty Wells (C) (30) 10:00 O ~ (8) Mannfx (C) (60) Robert Conrad portrays Mitch Cantrell, an ego.maniacal movie star, who re· ruses to believe ManniJ's conten lion that someone is out to kill him. Parrish and Ben Cooper are featured. I News (C) (30) Ernest Tubb (C) (30) Rawhide Roundup (60) 8 01 de Muico (90) 10:30 O Weekend News Wrap-Up (C) Towers. During the Clvil War, con. flict arises between two Union officers who have opposing 111ew points as lo how the war should be loughl O Saturday Night MoYie: ''Too lite Blues" (musical) '62--6obby Darin. Stella Stevens, Everell Cham- bers. Vince Edwards. I Ingmar Beraman festiv1I (C) 11:30 m Johnny C1rson (C) Movie: (C) "Citnevine" (com edy) '54 -Kay Kendall, Kenneth More. ID Movie: "Tunes of GIOfY'' (dra- rna) '6(}-Alec Guinness, Susannah York. 12:00 O Movie: (C) "Prince V1lluf' (adventure) '54 -Robert Wagner, James Mason. Janet Leigh. 12:30 ID Men in Crisis 1:00 iJ Movie: (C) "The J1chls'1 (ad- venture) '67-Vincenl Price. O News (C) ID All-Niiftt Show (C) "The last Muskateer," (C) ''Guns of the Black Witch" and (C) "Operation Count- erspy." How the North almost lost! John Wayne William Holden In Color. Tonight at 11 :15 PM CBS ~2 THE SoLDit'JlS 8 ;g sis ry, -0) 11$ se in ce n- m If· Id IO >y ,. , .h )• h .. r. I· ;I k I l I SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 MORNING All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no· tice. 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 T e Christophers (C) e Bible Answers Give Us This DIJ (C) Tom 1 nd JerrJ (C) Sunday Funnies (C) 7:30 B1tm1n (C) Mormon T1bern1cle Choir (C) TV Worship of the West (C) I Sacred Hurt (C) 7:45 The Christophers (C) i Davey ind Goliath (C) 8:00 Ci) Limp U11to My Feet (C) • The Christophers (C) D THE CATHEDRAL OF *TOMORROW-IN COLOR! with Rex Humbard, Maude Aimee & Musical Staff! Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) D1y of Discovery (C) Wonde11m1 (C) Allen Revival Hour (C) CV Paul Harvey (C) 00 God Is the Answer (C) 8:30 Look Up and Live (C) , This Is t1le Life (C) flee to flee (C) Movie: "Big Jim Mclain" (dra· ma) '52-John Wayne. Nancy Olson. m KATHRYN KUHLMAN and * GUESTS IN COLOR I Klthryn Kuh11111n (C) 3 Revival Fires (C) full Gospel Revival (C) The Stor, (C) 9:00 6 C1men Three (C) 0 My flvont. Sermon (C) Or. Dallas furner, Community Presbyle· rian Church of La guna Beach. guests. D D1y of Discovery (C) Campus Profile Gospel Music (C) 17 (31 A. A. Allen @ bthr,n Kuhlman (C) (])Tom ind JerrJ (C) • Nueva Cit. . This Is the life (C) · Agricultural Report 9:30 6 Today's ltellglon (C) Ruth Ash· Ion Taylor moderates. 0 m Guideline (C) "Mariju..ana- The first Step?" A panel discussion on the pros and cons of the use of mari1uana. father Daniel Egan, S.A of tile Village Haven, New York City, 1s moderator. D Notre Dime Footb1ll (C) Notre WORLD SERIES BASEBALL Programming on NBC stations Is subject to dlange for coverage of the seventh game of the World Series of Major League B11eb1ll, which will be played, if necessar,, between the New Yori! Mets and Baltimore Orioles. Game time to be announced. (Continued) TV !PORT! H/tJHl/tJHTt SUNDAY, OCTOBER l 9 9:30 AM D Notre D•me Football (C) Notre Dame vs. USC. Taped. WORLD SERIES BASEBALL If necessary, a seventh World Series game will be played today, between New Yortt Mets and Baltimore Orioles. Time to be an· nounced on your NBC station. 10:301J ~Ci) NFL Today (C) Minnesota Vikings vs. St. Louis Car· dinals at St. Louis. O @ 00 AFL Football (C) S.D. Chargers at Boston Patriots. 12:30 Qj Cl) NFL Today (C) Green Bay Packers at l. A. Rams 1:00 O ti) 00 AFL Football (C) Buffalo Bills at Oakland Raiders. 1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Trojans vs. Notre Dame. Taped. 4:00 O I ''IC.AL I 0 . J.! (C) Tom Harmon hosts program recalling 0 . J . Simpson's football career and his work in the ghettos. The 6'2", 205-pound halfback, winner of the He1sman Trophy, is now with the Buffalo Bills. 0 UCLA Football! (C) UCLA Bruins vs. U.C. Bears. Game taped yesterday at Berkeley. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 10:00 ft ®) Ci) I ll'1(1Al I Football: or 100 Years Old and Still Kicking (C) A look at football on its l OOth birthday-and the way 1t mirrors the attitudes and asp1rat1ons of the American people. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 6:10 D Lake~ Basketball! (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Cincjnnat1 Royals at the Cincinnati Gardens. A one·hour tape delay game. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 11:30 AMO @ (~ NCAA Football (C) Michigan State at Iowa 2:30 m S.F. Invitational Open Golf Tournament (C) Live. 5:00 0 @ (1) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Boxing. U.S. vs Russia at Caesar's Palace 1n Las Vegas, Nevada Whe~e can you get S 3,000 cash ... with the lowest monthly payments? HOUSEH $) UNION HOME LOANS $39.66* Monlhly Pdymenl on lO·ytar Homeowner Loan anci you're e1111ble whether your no me is pa 1d lor 01 not' ''Borr01Rr 8500 to S 10,000 or more• by phone!'' HOMEOWNERS -compare Union's new reduced payments with any bank ... any loan company See why thousands of homeowners call Union Home Loans wh en they need cash for any reason . PAY ALL YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan from Union You 'll probably cut your present monthly payments in half. or better . . and have more money left out of every paycheck! "UNION'S lllOUCCO P&Y~CNT 1nC1udn bolh Princ1p11 & Intern! re pay~ tn'n •n lull in 120 mon1ns NO U lLOON l'AYMEHTS! Annu;il per r.enta~e rate" it4 l1n3nre charge per yur per SIOO ol unp.id balante Total ol payments over pe1100 ol 10 ye.HS at ~39 66 a month, \4,7S9 20 Shor ler & 1onge1 term loans available because 1t Union, you're the boss -you can p1tk the p1yments lhlt fit your bud1tt! CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER WILL COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER , SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! LOS ANGELES OFFICE GARDEN GROVE OFFICE HUNTING T O N PARK OFFICE TORRANCE O FFICE Mr Newton Mr Jennings Mr S tevens Mr. E dwards Mr Gomez Mr M c Dowell DU !5·4141 539-2122 589-671 1 542·3545 787-1424 696·, 165 V AN NUYS OFFICE WHITTIER O FFICE. Page 5 Two Gals and Teresa Graves and Pamela Rodgers are the newest members of the Laugh-In cast (seen on NBC, Mondays at 8 PM ). Teres;3, for- merly of the singing Doodletown Pipers, wa s born in Houston. moved to Los Angel es with her parents when she was five. was a straight "A" student in high school and a headliner in the school plays. She was with the Doodle· town Pipers three yea rs be fore Joining Laugh·ln. Pamela Rodgers was brought to the at- tention of George Schlatter by Rowan and Martin. in whose movie. "The Maltese Sip- py," she plays t he Queen o f the Moon. Pa m was also born in Houston and was "Miss Texas" in the Miss Universe pageant . She was a showgirl in Las Vegas and then in New York and has had feature rol~s rn a number of motion pictures. a Frank Sinatra Jr. visits Las Ve - gas and environs, from the bright lights of the famed Strip to the inner workings of Soul· der Dam, and uses them as a massive backdrop for an hour- long variety special in color, "Frank Sin atra Jr.-With Fam · ily and Friends," on CBS. Sun· day at 9 PM . The "Family" are his famed father and his sister Nancy. The "Friends" incl ude Jack Benny, Sammy Davis Jr., Arte Johnson (pictured here as the "little old man") and The Doodletown Pipers. Guy ~~------------------.................... . A-T • T-E-N-T-1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY -G T6 SALES & SERVICE Alw•ys a-1.rge Hlection of new •nd used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St.~ SA 547-0764 THINK Ill ~ SH and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale -on NOW! HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!]~rY][Q][!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 19&& Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADQUARTERS H1199 Mlectlefl e4 ftew & ~ Hecllllve & ,......,.,,,.lor medeta ..-k .. IW 1mm.ol1l t dtljv~ OPE LS GALORE! H*a• l11ye11tory of He., 6 Used Opek are priced to Mii l"'Meellcn.ly TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU JO H tra I T"t Dri.,. at "° I it T od.y o&TTa cost at • • • • ~ ~.r~ ·~~ ~~ALIFORNIA \~,·· SPORTS CARS 901 E . ht St., S.A. 8 and Z IMPORTS JACTOlY AUTHOllZID DIA~ COMPLETE FOREIGN CAR SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IVERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer in the Harbor Are• rm ~mo of tho Levo Bug~ Special ~ 445 (. Coat Hwy. et lcrpide Drl.,., N.I . 67l·Of00 54t-JOJ1 est. 5) Ht. 54 & 55 SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports is Your kind of place. Your Authorized • Austin America Large stock of used Porsche• Jags, MG's, Austin HHleys, etc. n~wporl JHnµorrs 3100 W. Ca.st Hwy., N.B. 642-9405, 540-1764 #1 In the ~arbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mined. ZIMMERMAN DA TSU 1845 Harbor, Costa MeH 54'l-6410 SUNDAY (Continued) Dame's Fi&htina Irish battle the USC Tro1ans. I ~ CV m Dudley Do-Ript (C) 6 Oral Roberts (C) Batman (C) Mano 1 Mino Randlfro 10:00 lnsidt Football (C) Georae Al len, Gil Stratton host. B Acf iculture USA (C) (fi') (}) 1ffi Georae of the Jun· &It (C) O Movie: (C) ''Tiie Mptftious S.Ordsftlan" (adventure) '62-frank Latimore, Tamara Lee. I Doll1ra l Sense (C) @ f'lnt Baptist Cburdl (C) (j) Town Hill Meetlna (C) Un Grito en 11 Obscuridad R•ltJ Review (C) 10:15 'assport to Profit (C) 10:30 ~ Nfl Tod1y (C) Minne· sota Vikings vs. St. Louis Cardinals al St. Louis. 0 Ci)@ m Afl Footb1ll (C) San Diego Chargers vs. Boston Pa· trials at Boston. I @ Ci) (D hnlutic Four (C) f'1ith for Today (C) Se~ Power (C) 11 :00 HJ me buyer's Guide (C) 0 (J1) <~"@Bullwinkle (C) m Movie: "The Third Man'' (mys lery) '50-Joseph Cotten, Valli. m Church in the Home (C) 11:30 0 1 CV rn Discovery (C) "The Remarkable World of Seals and Sea Lions.'' Program on the uniqueness of these creatures who combine the habits of land mammals along with the ability to live in the sea 0 Movie: "Hold Back the Night" (drama) '56 -John Payne. Mona Freeman AFTERNOON 12:00 OM ov i e: "Buckskin Frontier' (western)-Rlchard Dix, Jane Wyatt. I E.ss.enti1lly Sex (C) (]) Colleae football 1969 (C) Cine en Su CHa lnsi&ht (C) 12:30 Gene Autry Orel Roberts (C) (j") Nfl Football (C) Green Bay Packers at Los Angeles Rams. (}) Pattern fo1 livina l :00 0 @ (6 m AFl Football (C) Buffalo Bills vs. Oakland Raiders at Oakland. 0 Mowit: "Out11w Fury" (western) '50-Jimmy Ellison, Russel Hayden 0 @ ) ffi Directions {C) ''Eli jah." first ol three programs de voted to the Old 1 estament prophet~ I She1lock Holmes Bil At11cll RtvlVll fires (C) 1 :30 0 @ (3) ffi I uues and Answers (C) m USC Footb1ll (C) USC Trojans vs. Notre Dame at Notre Dame m Voice of C1lv1ry (C) 2:00 i) lnsid" /Outsider (C) The work and inte1pretalion ol black art and artists are discussed 0 I sJ1CtAL I Founder's Day P1- r1de (C) A two hour tape of the City of Westminster's Twelfth An nual Founder's Day Parade held on Saturday in conjuncl1on with the City's 991h Anniversary Celebration. The program is ottered without commercial interruptions O Press Conferen~ (C) IN COLOR (J BOBBY DARIN SA NDRA DEE DONALD O'CONNOR 1'HE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. OCTOBER 18, 1969 m Buck Owens Show @(I) Sunday M.tinM : "Gunfight at Red Sands," starring Richard Harrison. § Chucho el Roto Future (C) 2:30 Sunflower Celeb11tion Company (CJ Norm Anderson hosts O Movie: (C) "The Desert Hawk" (adventure) '50-Yvonne De Carlo, Richard Greene. 0 Million $ .Movie: {C) "The Golden Tieasure" (adventure) '61 -Tinlin Georges, Milou Wilson m Bill Andenon 3:00 i) Movie: (C) "Up PeriKOpe" (dra · ma) '59-James Garner, Edmond O'Brien, Alan Hale. i Samson (C) 3:30 Patty Dulle Misteroge1s' Neiahborhood {R) 4:00 0 SPECIAL! '0 .J.!' Simpson * with host: Tom Harmon O I sPt CIAL I 0. J.! (C) The fool ball cveer ol 0 J. Simpson 1s examined Tom Harmon as host and narrator lalks with and about 0 J during the film. which was shot during lhe l 967 68 college football! se.-:son. and wl11ch locuses on 0. J 'sJ exploits 1n the field and his work in the gheltos 0 UCLA Football (C) Bruins vs. I Un1vers1ty ol Calif. Bears Tape de· lay ol yester day's game 0 ffi Colleee Football 1969 (C) ffi I love Lucy W McHale's Navy (!ll (31 laramie .J~ "6 locker Room (C) ED What's New? (R) 241 f 8 feature I Creemos Ensign O'T oole 4:30 Skippy (C) "Golden Reef.'' When two geology students discover gold 1n a river bed. Sonny and Skippy do some snappy police work to lrap a pair of dangerous gotd thieves ffi The Munsters m Voice of the Hour 23 6 Film Futures (C) "l 1Rht in the Shadows .. and "Rails North " ff) Adventuie: · I ocks of the Cote d'Or " A look at the network of wa terways 101n1ng the Seine River and its tributaries to the Rhone Saone Valley , 29 ,.., f ace the Nation (C) § Musica y Palab1aa The Rifleman 5:00 F 1te the Nation {C) 0 Spuk Up (C) Btll Leyden hosts 0 BOBBY DARIN , SANDRA * DEE-"THAT FUNNY FEELING"-IN COLOR! O Movie: (C) "That Funny Feel. in(' (comedy) '65 -Sandra Dee,[ Rohby Darin Two aspiring aclresses. who support themselves by main ta1n1ng a house cleaning service, tryl to 1moress a new acquaintance by using the apartment of a sup posedly oul of town client who hap. pens to be the same person O Shirley Temple Films: "B11ght Eyes " wllh James Dunn. m Man From UNCLE (C) m Batman {C) <f71 l:f Seven Arts Theatre: "Loss ;i::n:::~hr:~:rring Kenneth! ~ r6) My World and Welcome to It (Cl ff) Youn1 Musbl Artistl: A per formance of Brahms' difficult "Va· rlations on a Theme of Papnini, Op. 35,'' performed by Pianist Joseph Banowetz ~ Ci) Camera Three (C) I Toros Hera Co• tlle SUrs (C) Run for Your Life (C) 5:30 II Newsmakers (C) 0 "All AMERICAN * COLLEGE SHOW" with Arthur Godfrey O All-American C.ti.ae Show (C) Arthur Godfrey hosts. Judges are Jim Backus, Henny Backus and Kent McCord. a,l Gilligan's Island (C) fl) Sunaet Trails t2~ (6 ) Woild Tomorro" (C) ED Fiench Chef: Julia Child pre. pares chocolate mousse. .a?) (A) Amateur Hour (C) EVENING 6:00 11 KNXT Sunday News (C) (30) Clete Roberts. Stan Duke. 0 Q~ (6) m Meet the P1eu {C) (30) O Polka P1radt (C) (60) "Themes of famous Entertainers." Dick Sin· cla11 hosts m Daktari (C) (60) Q) Animals, Action and Adventu11 (C) (30) "Untamed Africa," Bill Burrud provides an adventure through East Africa, including the offshore island of Zanzibar. ff) Speculation (60) ''Where Have All the Hippies Gone7" (R) ~ 00 Future (30) (I) Man From UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 0 R:lph Story (C) (30) A visit to the largest mannequin factory in Los Angeles ( R) 0 t2) 6 m G. E. College Bowl (C) (30) m Dick Van Dyke (30) Run for Your llfe (C) (60) S1gebrush Theatre (60) 291 ( 8 Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 Q C29 ( 8 l Lassie (C) (30) Young Jell Treat is trapped rn an aban- doned Air force practice range where a "live" bomb sits 0 TIMEX Presents * The TV Classic "HEIDI" All·Star Hollywood Cast o Q1 oo m 1 ,,,c.41 "Heidi" (C) (2 hr) Ma1umilian Schell. Jean Simmon~. Sir Michael Redgrave. Walter Steza~ and Jennifer Edwards (1n the title role) star in Johanna Spyri's classic slory of the orphan glll who is torn between her devo· lion to her uncle and cous111 in the city of Frankfurt and her wish to live with her beloved grandfather high in the Swiss Alps. (R) 0 The Baron (C) (60) "Samurai West •· Steve Forrest stars. 0 (f1) (3) (i) Land of the Giants (C) (60) "The Unsuspected." Afte1 an accident, Steve de<:ides lo turn over his fellow Earthlings to the ~ulhorities in exchange for passage back to Earth. 0 The Joe N1m1th Show (C) (30) A new conversation show featurina Joe Namath and Dick Schaap as co hosts m Movie: "All About Eve" {dra· ma) '50-Bette Davis. Gary Merrill ED The Advouiles (C) (60) ''The 9 • 69 1r- a- Ii, st :) re it 1) :) $ I· • II e e :I , U.S. Military Role In Yietnam,'' Ion auut. (Rescheduled from Ocl m c..1ars , ea.c1 .... (30> i2> 7:30 6 ~Ci) To Ro• Wltll Lew (C) D @ (]) &) AIC s-dlr MeN: (30) Aunt Harriet flrhts a 1o1Jn1 (e) '"Sb19CNdl" (western) '66- battle to shape the family and the Ann· Mararet. Bin& CIOlby, Red But· neiahborhood to ~n customs tons, Van Heflin. stOI} of people before she heeds home to Iowa. of varied backaround whose destl· A. G. Vitanze plays the rom1ntic nies become lnt1r1ocked durina a Italian. 2,!Xfii'tfirney to Cheyenne. 0 MHlieft $ Mowle: (C) "1·15" GI TIM S.--' tile (sci-fi) '61-David Mclean, Charla Sc.41 ( ) Bobble Gentry stara.. Bron10n. Story of the mental and w!lh the S4>0t1i&ht al111 on Brenda physical problems faced In the Lee, Joe Tu, Fenin H~ and riaors of X-15 research WOf1I at The Fuller Brothers. Speci.11 auests the California Air force base, not include Don Meredith and Charley only by test pilots. but thelr wives Pride. (R) as well. m Cavalcade of Books (C) (30) m Passport ID Tmel (C) (30) Rntlide Roundup (60) "Italian Pastels," Ho•twood (C) (60) ''The Bat· ff) Hori. Opera (60) tie ol the Bands." (R) m Los Caudillos (30) I Domlnpa Herdtz (30) L'OO 9:30 • News (C) (30) Doug Dudley 6 TONITE'S BEST BET Tiie Sporb Set (C) (30) * The ED SULLIVAN SHOW' · Co••nta~ 1 Celebrid~" (30) • 10:00 Qj ([) Mission: lmpouible (C) 6 ® (j) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) (60) Jim Phelps lets himself be Joan Rivers, Bili Dana and Cyd framed for murder in a scheme to Charisse auest. discredit a scientist who has de- g ROLLER GAMES-live! (C) veloped_ a mind·destroyina _drua. * T BIRDS DETROIT Conclusion of two-part episode. · vs . Dina Merrill and David Sheiner g loller Game (C) (2. hr) guest. T-Birds vs. Detroit Devils. Dlck Lene 0 CN (6) m The Bold Ones (C) calls the action. (60) "The Rebellion of the Body." 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY Paul Hunter receives a danaerous THE FBI dose ol nuclear radiation. Child * presents st.ar Eileen Baral guests as Jenniter, 0 @CV (D lite fBI (C) (60) a victim ol leukemia. Other auest.s "Gamble With Death." Inspector include Edward Faulkner. Lola Ma· Erskine investiaates an extortion de· son. Cliff Potter and William Smith- mand that stirs the cold ashes ot ers. a closed murder CDSe. Michael Cal· Im News (C) (JO) Ian, .Anne Helm, Simon Scott and • Let Me Talk To ... (C) (60) Laraine Day guest. labor Report (C) (30) m Cesar's World (Cl (30) "Gar-Minion Forum dens of Love." A tour throuah the : NET Festini (C) (75) "NET exotic land of Pakistan in Southern Presents N11ss Peggy Lee." (R) Asia Cesar Romero hosts. (R) I Gran Tubo (60) ID The Forsyte S11a (60) "The 10:30 World Tomorrow (C) (30) Pursuit ol Happiness." Followin11 John B11bour (C) (90) Ketty the birth of Helene an~ Jo's son, Lester. Jerry lnnman, Jackie Shel· news arrives of Frances accidental don, Jack Carter and Ralph Saler· death. Irene tells Soames she no guest. doe~1't lo_ve him but agrees .to m Kathryn Kuhlman (C) (30) marriage in order to escape hfe 11 :00 ft 0 ffi News (C) with her mother and lecherous step 8 Cathedral ol To111orrow (C) father. . • The Movie Gilme (C) Sonny fox el Carrousel Muu:.tno (60) hosts. Guests are Carl Reiner Llla- 8:30 ID Probe (C) (30) "Narcissus Ca· beth Scott, Ann Sothern and' Norm per." Pail I Crosb ff) World Tomorrow (30) "CityilJs." 16 ~ (8J Ntws (C) Program explores methods of de· 11:15 1 CJ' (El News (C) luS1ng the u1ban powder kea of 11:30 Movie: (C) "The Qr-Is social frustrations, bitterness. re Greener" (comedy) '6l~ry Grant, sentment and hopelessness. Robert Mitchum, Deborah fl.err, Jean 9:00 Simmons. 8 MONSANTO NIGHT-Pre-O Lohman & Barkley (C) * sents Frank Sinatra 0 Movie: (C) ·'There'• No Busi- Jr. with Family and ~~ii1~~1sti::,~au:n~~1~m~~~~~ Friends. Stars galore! nor, Manlyn Monr~e. 8 Q!J@ [ JFICtXt I Franll Sina-0 William f . Bucllley (C) Author ha Jr. With F1t11Uy ud Friends Theodore White auests. (C) (60) A music variety ~c1al ~.Movie: (C) "Blue Mutder at St filmed entirely in and around Tnn11n's" (comedy) '58 -Terry· Hoover Dam Valley of the lire. Thomas, Alastair Sim. Mojave Dtsert ind Las V1aas. Ne· 13 This Is the Life (C) vada Guests include Jack Benny, 6 lnsl~t (C) Sammy Davis Jr., The Ooodtetown 12:00 ' IAL Mart Walen Story Pipers. Arte Johnson. Jack [. Leon· (C) Richard Boone stars in lilm ard. Frank Sinatra St. and fbncy based on the obiluary ol a news· Sinatra. paper reporter. written by him just 0 f;~@ m Bonaiw (C) (60) prior to his death In 1966. ·'fo Stop a War." Hired to avert a 12:30 O Speakina Fretly (C) threatened war between cattlemen 1:00 6 Movie: "Oh! Susanna" (west and nesters. a ranae detective linds ern)) ·50 -Rod Cameron. Forrest himself accused of ilcc.eptlni pay Tucker. Adrian Booth offs Steve Forrest and Miriam CO· 1:30 0 News (C) Smashing! Right? That irresistible Cary Grant and that rugged Bob Mitchum fighting O\'er little 01' Deborah Kerr! Or is it Jean Simmons? \_. .. The Grass is Greener" THE KNXT SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE 11 :30 PM P•&• 9 Page 10 WEEKDAYS: 3:00-3:30 ~ '(OUll CO 5 T,1>.l\ON MINO'~' ''' -· . MORNING I m Roy Rogers 11:00 O '29 8 Where the Heart Is (C) 0 ~~ 6 ID Jeopardy (C) 5:55 O Give Us This Day (C) m The Gallopini Gourmet (C) 6:00 O Sunrise Semester (C) Math and Romper Room (C) geology are studied 11 :25 '9 8 CBS News (C) 6:30 O Odyssey (C) Psychiatry and so 11:30 O ;29 8 Search for Tomonow (C) c1al action ate studied 0 2~ 6 ID Name Droppers (C) 0 Education uchange (C) "D1s-1 Al Lohman Roger Barkley co-host. cover Flying lust l 1ke a Bud " Guests are Doug McClure. James George H Rhodes hosts D1ury and Nanette rabray. O Project Know-The American j O Johnny Grant at Univeual (C) Political System : W1l h l'rol Donald O The Anniversary Game (C) G He1zberg of Rutger~ Un1versdy. O Tempo (C) Bob Dorn an and Roy ID Educational Programs [lwell co-host. 7:00 0 CBS News (C) Josept1 Benti. I m Sheriff John (C) 0 23 6 ffi The Today Show (C) T1avel Films (C) O Eleicise With Gloria (C) : Pocketful of Fun ID M1. Wishbone (C) 1 11:45 0 Coms Guy (C) Wed only @ Fella the Cat (C) 11:55 0 ~~ 6 ffi NBC News (C) rn Commodity/Stock Report 7:25 O Community Bulletin Board (C) 7:30 O f oreign leg1onna11e 0 News/Ed Nelson Show (C) O It Is W11tten (C) Mon. Wed . 12:00 0 Boutique (C) f 11 , The Bible Story (C) Tues . 0 ~~ 6 ffi You're Puttin2 Me Thuis On (Cl Larry Blyden hosts. Guests ID Wonderama (C) are Jack Carter, Phyllis Newman. AFTERNOO N @ Bozo (C) Peg&y Cass. Bill Cullen. E J. Peaker '9 a 1 CBS News (C) and Rob ert Kte1n 8:00 O 29 8 Captain Kangaroo (C) O Movie: See Daytime Movies O Uncle Waldo Cartoons (C) O ~17 3 1 Bewitched 0 Daphne's Cartoon Castle (C) @ News (C) Bill Johns @ Gumby (C) ff) Stock Market Close rn News/Stocll Mark't ffl Once Upon a Day 8:15 17 3 Video Digest (C) '.1.9 8 Andy Griffith (C) 8:30 ID The rhntstones (C) 12:30 €) 29 8 As the World Turns (C) ij) Rocket Robin Hood (C) Q .ia 6 ffi Days of Our lives 17 1 3 Rocky and Hts f11ends (C) (Cl Macdonald Carey stars 8:45 O You1 Money's Worth (C) l f1urs 0 ,fi 3 J That Girl (C) only George Woodyard hosts ID News (C) Jack Latham. 9:00 0 29 8 The Lucy Show (C) @ Dialing for Dolla1s (C) Dave 0 23 6 ffi It Takes Two (C) Reeves hosts Vin Scully hosts Guests Sha11 Lewis. ffi Stock Market Analysis !>har11 Wallis and their spouses 101n 1 :OO 0 29 1 8 love Is a Many Spl,n- Lohman and Bttt~ley <1s panelists dored Thing (C) 0 Love That Bob: Bob Cummings. 0 23 6 ffi The Docton (C) O Movie: See Daytime Movies 0 17 3 Dieam Houu (C) 0 Oebb1e Orake Dancerme (C) lD Password (C) ID 17 3 Jack la l anne (C) rn Office of the Pru1dent @ Undetdog (C) ff} The Galloping Gou1met (C) 9:30 0 29 8 Beverly H1llb1lhes (C) 0 ;23 6 ffi Concentration (C) 1:15 ff) (ducahonal features . O Movie: "ee Oayflme Movies I 1:30 0 29 8 The Gu1d1ng light (C) 0 Movie: ~ee DayllmP Movies 0 a~ 6 ID Another Worl~ (C) ffi Mcv1e: See Daytime Movi es I 0 Father Knows Best; Cookrni (C) @Gum by (C) /Guidepost, Mon. I Wed only Wed r" Pub he Service films, 0 17' I 3 J rn let's Make a Deal Tues Thurs (C) Mon ty Hall hosts 17 3 Hayden's Happening (C) ID Truth or Consequencu (C) 10:00 0 Andy Gr1ff1th (C) @ World of Women (C) 0 29 a· ffi Sale ol the Century rn Techn1c.al Coiner (C) Jack Kelly hosts 2:00 O 29 8 Secret Storm (C) @ Essence of Judaism. Tues Re-0 2~ 6 ffi B112ht Promise (C) concihatlon. Thurs 0 Dur lull1 Meade (C) rn News/Stock Market 0 17) 31 ff} Newlywed Game (C) 2J 6 Sunny Today (C) Bob Eubanks hosts ff) Educational features lD I love Lucy 10:15 @ World Talk, Mon , Public Serv-@ Human Jungle ice r1lms, Wed , Mr. Merchandising, ff) Commodity/Stock Report r11 2:30 0 f'29 a The Edge of Night (C) 10:30 0 29 8 Love ol Lile (C) 0 23 6 ffi letters to l augh-In 0 23 6 ffi Hollywood Squar es (C) G.11y Owens f1osts Guests are (C) l;ir1 Murr.iv Krrn1 MrCarthy Jan Murr.Jy Audrey Meadows Leigh lunP It 1 kh.irl I\. rr11 It ·~·n Jnd rrenrh and Bob Crane .1.i Git '~"' l!•w,t 0 G11I Talk (C) :) !) t. :S e ,s 1. !I s e I· ,, n e n 0 @ (i) (fl The Datinr (C) Jim Lange hosts. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Hazel (C) Stocll Market Summary 3:00 ~ (j) Gomer Pyle (C) Ifs Your Bet (C) Hal March. Guests are Marty Allen and Joe Campanella and their wives. Hipway Patrol @ @ Q) General Hospital (C) Mi(hty Mouse (C) Bozo's Big Top Show (C) Mr. and Mrs. North @ Matinee: Don Rodewald. • Matinee: Don Wilson. 3:30 Luclly Pair (C) Richard Dawson hosts. Guests are Arlene Golonka, Jed Allen , Nichelle Nichols and Jack OeMave. O Mike Douglas (C) Sonny & Cher co-host with Mike B Ozzie and Harriet @@CE) One Life To Live (C) Hobo Kelly (C) TV Readers' Digest (j) Popeye Cartoons (C) 3:45 · features & News 4:00 Sea Hunt The Naked Truth (C) @ @ Q) Dark Shadows (C) My Favorite Martian (C) Peter Gunn Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. The Robert W. Morpn Show (C) The Flintstones (C) The Munsters CI) Perry Mason Horse Opera : Pocketful of Fun (R) (j) The Flintstones (C) a> E.I Dolar de Amar tl) Bewitched 5:00 0 KNBC Newservice (C) O News (C) Tom Reddin. 0 flipper (C) m News (C) George Putnam. I Batman (C) 00 Jimmy Tllomason (C) Onte Upon a Day (R) (j) McHale's Navy I Un Canto de Mexico Gilligan's Island (C) Dream House (C) 5:30 @ (J) CE) ABC News (C) Candid Camera Gilligan's Island (C) Sunset Trails @ This Day 1969 (C) : Misterogen' Neighborhood (j) News (C) Frank Tracy. · Viruta y Capulina • Town Talk (C) Louis N ye and Agnes /Hoorehead attempt 111 answer q11r1·1ions (IMed hy Hollywood columnist A rmv A rcherd (crntn) on K 111. Channel 9's Tire M t>i•1e Game this week at I I PM. Rudy Vallee und Carol Ly nley are also on this week'f panel. 1n1roduc1na The Heathkit .. Boonie-Bike". The 111-season Trall Ind snow Bike P'ower ltom the •"9;11• i• treruferred by chain lo thi1 11 1 I SO lwbeleu floelalion·lype tire. The retwlt ;, hi9h 1tability and remarkable traclio" .,.,der almo•I •"Y 111rface col\· dition. - lntroducinq the Heathkit Metal Detector "Tl1e Bl'nrh C'mnbrrs drliolit' "/\ ,l\l1tst (or l'rospectors'' f ind coins. watchn, jewelry, pr.clo1n metals. Hove f1111 a11d start a ·49er rush in '69! • • THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION ... _ ,.;,,-'\ '68111 ~ FREE Send for CNr Huge Catalog It's ~ to Yo11 for tlM A&lah19. HEATHKIT~ ELECTRONIC CENTER ...::: ..:..-. 11 tr A I I I I'. To r .. c h H .. th~it Electro'lic: Cente r la~e Harbor llvd. to lall Ave. •••I O I\ lall • few 1horl bl•ch le ))0 Eut lell or ta~e Sot• An• Fr .. wey lo Harbor llvd ., Harbor ltvd, lo l•ll. • ftw 1h~t blod1 end you"re here SAllS & P'AUS HtATHIC IT 77'-9420 llO UST IALL, A~AHUM Sl~ICt 776·'421 Page 11 A DISTANT TRUMPET ~12 Bow can he keep his cool with tbe C.O.' s hot-blooded wUe at his aide? •• COLOR MONDAY-PART I TUESDAY-PART II KABC-TV THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEE._, OCTOBER 18, 1969 ~ Allon! (30) ~ j) Trulli 01 Coluequence1 (C) (30) MONDAY OCTOBER 20 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "Diploa1bc Courief'' (drama) 1 '52-Tyrone Power. Patr1c1a Neal. 9:30 IJ '"Sea& of Surrender" (mus1~I) '4~Macdonald Carey. Wanda Hen dna: O "Y-lro• tM Briel&_.. (dra·I ma) '62 -Raf Vallone. Maureen Stapleton m (C) "Blad N11cissa.IS'' (drama) '4 7-Deborah Ke rr David f arrar 112:00 e "TIM lady's fro• Ke•tYdy" (dr ~ma) '39 -George Raft. Ellen Drew 2:ao O "TIM lid Seed" (drama) '56- Nan<:y Kelly Patty McCormack. 4:30 O (C) ·•nus ~PY FeeJia(' (com edy) S8 -Debbie Reynolds, John Sai on Curt Jurgens EVENING 6:00 O 81& News (C) (60) Jerry Qvnphy 0 m Huntley-BrillklfJ (C) (30) 0 SIT-BACK-&-TURN * ON-TO-STEVE -TIME! 0 Sten Alltti SMw (C) (90) Guests are [a11 Grant Mark Russtll Della Reese and Mar, ruttrnic~ 0 SiJ O'Clod Mow .. : (C) "A Dis· t.111t T111•pet'' Part I ("'~stern) '&4 -Troy Do11ahue Suzanne Pleshel1e. Diane McBain. James Gregory US. Cavalryman lalls 1n love with an other lieutenant's wile Her husband is killed but the young man's 11· ancee appu~ I Did Yan 07'• (30) PeytH "8ct (30) Stal Trtl (C) (60) ..l M1h Doucm (C) <90> tfl n.t's Nn? 130) lridepend ence Advenlurt ·· Tony Salelan visits the ln eate 'Constitution" and rt· c1utes Ille War ol 1812 7' ..i tas NtwS (C) (30) m r...,,_ de Perd .. (30) CE ""'" (C) (60) Jack Hac.l.ey 6:30 8 IUCBC NNWMU (C) (60) · TM '•IM ;11M (C) (301 Jun McXrell hosts Gues1s are Donna .lean Young. ~ M1tthlll and Nancy Kulp I h Tell lilt Trd (C) (30) Off ice " lilt l"r tsidl9t { 30) 6 Kuu.,-lriatley (C') (30) , ..i Tiie M.mn (30) rn ,..,JCMA 34 <C> ( 60) m """ cc> <30) 1:00 I cas Evuiac """ <C> 130) · W\lt's My U..? (C) (30) l Len Lucy (30) SMt tile Clod (C) \30) Co•lle4itJ I St.cl ~ \ 30\ ~ 6 Molldi1 SMw (C) (90) "}ohnny Tiger shmng Robef1 Ta1lor and Chad Everett m Cu.r's Woild (C) (30) CE nut liir1 (C) (30) 7:30 O ~ i, liuUJaoh (C) (60) "Hawk ·· Hall breed Indian poliu Sgt Hawk ltnds his mother -a while woman who abandoned him twenl) years aao when she escaped her Apache captors Brendon Boone, Louise Latham Michael J W11ted. H1lane lhOmpson and Robert Bru baker guest 0 er;) My World and Welcome to It (C) (30) "Nobody [ver Kills Dragons Anymore " [leven pickle loru lead John Monroe into the world of 1mag1nary 1rilernalional 1nl11gue Svetlana M1schoff. Bill Er· win, Karl Bruck and Aly Wassil guut. 0 THE GHOST & MR. * BIXBY ON THE STUMP! 0 Stump the Stars (C) (30) Mike Stokey welcomes guests Bill B1•by, Edward Multiare and Karen Valen· line 0 11: .l. CE The Music Scene (C) (45) Larry Hankin, Christopher Ross, Lily Tomlin. Chris Bokeno, David Steinberg and Paul Reid Roman host. O Million $ Movie: (C) "Younc tusidy'' (drama) '65-Rod Taylor, Julie Christie. In Dubltn 1n 1911. a laborer writes and d1stnbutes pamphlets protesting working ton· dittons. inc:illng riots Later he be comes a successful playwright I Truth or ConMquenus (C) (30) Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Tedlniul Corner (30) ustern Wisdom (30) "Causal· 1ty." Philosopher ~an Walls probes the Indian idea ol karma. m Chucho ti Roto (30) 8:00 0 m uugh·ln (C) (60) (11 Wal lach plays harmonica with his nose and An ne Jackson turns slandup comic. 0 lad B•nny (30) Connie rranc1s guests. m Qti"n fof 1 Day (C) (30) Stod Market Sum111uy (JOI World Press (C) (60) m Hrt Pmdt (C) (90) 8:15 0 ft !. CE Tiie Hew People (C) (45) "Comes the Revolution We Use the G11ts' Showei " Rebel Su n ley talls 1n love With a Negro a111 and this disturbs Wash Dennis Oli· v1er1 Susan Balson and David Mou.s co star 1:30 0 ~ .!.. H11e's Lucy (C) (30) Uncle Hatiy learns his 1on51ls have lo be removed· and ieatts w1lh all the courage of a three ye.ar old Mary Wickes and lack Colltns euest . 0 Bl"llillS ill Action (C) (30) Tom· my Prothro analyzu the game be· lw~n the UCLA Bruins and the UnNersity ol California Bears. m Divid Frost ~ow (C) (90) @ Tlle Big Valley (C) (60) m s.ac.tirus11 na .. 1re <60> 9:00 0 Q.j ,_t. M1Jt>eny RFD (C) (30) M 1lhe leaves lo be a New York model. Ken Berry. Anene Golonka and Frances Bavier co star 0 ~ -6 m NBC W4nd1y Movie: (C) ~a, Love Poueutd'' (drama) '61-l ason Robards Jr Lana Turner, [I rem Z1mballst Jr A successful at ,9 ) e a n d . .. I. 0 s e e 11 ii '! e I. 1· i, d n g r. .a s I s s e I rl I· d 1) 8 II I t. I· e •) ~ a 1: 1) Alan Sloane has ingenious methods for predicting the weather. One o f them is to study Los An ~e les s teps o f City lla ll. This i thl' kind cloud patte rns pho tographed by sate!-uf o n -the-spot reporting you ~C't when lite, to m eticulously analy1.c a ll avail -you wa tch Bill Bonds/Eyewi tness \'.l•ws. ahle scil'ntifk da ta from our ne twork Bonds h ead s a n l'WS team that rl'ports o f weath er stations. fro m where the n ews h a ppl'n s. Stu Another is to walk outsidl' the s tudio ~ah an hrin~s ynu personal intt-rvil'WS a nd see! In fa ct, Alan Sloane oft€:'n from thl' locker room s a nd pla y in~ brln~s yCJu the weather from whercel}fields. You ~et t he news tha t affects it happe n s. The beaches. The you o n Channel 7. m ou n ca ins. Tht• desl'rt s. The Watch it. what we reveal today, you 11 argue tomorrow. BILL BONDS/EYEWITNESS NEWS 4:30 & 11:00 PM /KABC-TV torney suddenly finds his whole life changed in a few days. O Httt Come tht Stars (C) (60) George Jessel welcomes Don Rickles who 1s roasted by Morey Amster dam. Henny Youn11man, Gene Bay· tos. Pat Henry and Pat McCormick. Singers Al Martino, Joi Lansin11. Ma11on Colby and Jan Daly also guest 0 (1V (3 ) ffi The Survivors (C) (60) Tracy and Antaeus Riakos meet again alter 20 years Lana Turner. George Hamilton. Kevin McCarthy and Rossano Braw. as R1akos, star ED NET Journ1I (60) "Matador ·• A prolite ot the Spanish idol. El Cordobes-da1edev1t of the bull ring. 9:30 U ~ C!J Doris Day (C) (30) Dons helps her son Billy combat the aggressiveness of a competitor's mother 1n a candy selling contest Max Showalter and Amzie Stnck land 11uest. 6 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers m He Slid, She Said (C) (30) £i) R1wflide Roundup (60) a> Revista Musial (30) 10:00 U Q9! (a") C.101 Burnett (C) (60) Ken Be11y, f111 Conway and Kay Medtord guest (Rescheduled from Oct 13) 0 THE NEWS BEHIND THE * NEWS-TOM REDDIN! 0 W News (C) (60) 0 @ [ 3 I ffi Love, American Style (C) (60) Bill Bixby, Connie Stevens, Sid Caesar, Maureen Arthur, Barry Nelson, Siu Gilham and Chelsea Brown star in lhr ee comedies about love 6 Delli! (C) (60) m Perry Muon (60) @) Firing line (60) Wilham Buck ley "De Gaulle and De Gaullism .. (R) al C1rcel de Mujeres (30) 10:30 a> Un Grito en la Obscuridad (30) 11:00 f) 0@ a> ffi News (C) O Alfred Hitchcodl 6 The Movie G1me (C) Sonny Fox hosts Guests are Louis Nye. Agnes Moorehead. Rudy Vallee and Carol Lynley W Outer limits ~ (3) ~ (!) News (C) 11:30 U ~ I Merv Griffin (C) 0 ~ 6 J m Ntws (C) O Movie: "Tht Ptrfect Mani1ae" (drama) '46-David Niven. Loretta Young. 0 (17) r 3) ffi Joey Bishop (C) Cov~ erage at the world premiere of Stanley Kramer's "The Secret of Santa V1!1011a " trom lhe Westwood Vill<>ge lheater In Los Angeles. O Movie: (C) "Auntie Mame" (comedy) '58 -Rosalind Russell , Forrest Tucker @ Movie: "Lnt Sta2ee111ch Wtst" (western) '57 -Jim Davis. Mary Castle. 11 :45 0 ~~ I 6 ' m Johnny Carson (C) CJrl Reiner 1s subst1lule host. Her schel Bernardi guesls 12:00 m Movit: "The Beal Generation" (drama) '59 -Mamie Van Doran. Steve Cochran. 1:00 U Movie: "The Youn2 Don't Cry" (drama) '57 -Sal Mineo, James Whitmore, J Carrol Naish. I Community Bulletin Board (C) News (C) Action Theatre: "Red l 1ghl " 1:15 f) Ntwi (C) TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 For morning and afternoon listings. please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day 's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9-00 0 -s.llaltl"s Is I 111 d-\tl!l'tn· !-r'\ Sl -lt>ft Chand~• [~yn ~tyes 9:30 0 ·1~ tel H~ 1dra M! 39 -i·~ t-'lC'M1m ?1 lr?"lf )unnf D (C) 1tttw'9 ............ td""l '""l ::--~!-V Coo!>er Robt!U m "Strufitllold-d·a-l 'D.: - "1l:.l:·.!: W't'I b!":·!'l S.'tt' t"f 12.00 0 ~ l ru i f.-lit~ o: t"\l : -:'>:·:-'.°'I Ll-.0...' -t'9 ,_,.es 2:)0 D (C} ~ .... -C"!n':! s.:;._w !I sv,·u~ Ptl)'~-.:-! ~ ~~n: ' 30 U (t) "T 1m11 tk ll&a.prfc:Hr ":' E ... '! :>. -.;._...-'.);:-• S..--:- J:K • "1 r : "If" · t w f o..,1 •.r, 6:00 fJ le NNs (C) t60) je:<ry Dunphy 0 m Halftkoy-......, (C) (30) 0 FOLLOW THE fUN TO * STEVE ALLEN ... NOW! 0 5'rwe Alle9 sa.. (C) 190 I JefTY Collins R111 hylor f.rroll Gamer Tommy Coo~ •no .>un11~ Ottys guest 0 Sia O"Oect ~ (C) WA oma.t T,...,.r Part II twestem) ~ -Tro, Donal'!~ S>lunne Pie ~ne [}l,nt McBain Junes Greg ory u S ~alryman !alls in love ••OI ano:~· Lieutenants wrte and ~n lnd1111 upns.ng :.iuses ~ ten SIOnl for Ole romz~ I ~ v. ~ 130\ ~ P'\Ke t3CJ Sbr Trtl (C) (601 ~ .... ~ (C} (90) ~ n.t's ..._? 1.3ii\ Coin Drs tnl>llt>OI\ ~ ~n ~.lce.s a co"' trom t?lf mtnt 'l9 I CIS Ne-.s (t) 3'.: ~ r_,. • "'"'" 3: a> NNs (C) 6J Jae.. t-tN.t'\ &;)Cl 8 UllC "'··~ (t) 6( . n. '-~ (C') 3: J ,., Wa,:t.~ "="S::S. GI Te Tell ~ Trwa (C') 3tl fl_) ""'s,ec:tiw • x :23 6 "..,..~ (C} 30 ffi ...... °"'9 Mear ):' T'lf r l ;"t ;;i ;Qme I?~ Conno· v l:""' ~ :"'It .11.v.A a:!ls:•: r.•~ ---~ L -.: l"lltJOOl'ts C/ •"If 0--Zi -.i:.:: ::fO'T.l"!S ~ I Tllit Mmsiln 3: m~ 3' (t) t.:: n r \f .... "' ,. , /1-. 'u-~u· , .... R('IN•l ) tlloHI(' I ulls .1·oun(' \ .•. I I II ... <•tr 811 •1 ~ Pa:r.c I 1hal ,..u .. ar-ltrrt• r01hu " "' ..; A<• ''>-ft J....: •J:,.,./.i 'lt•r .;·;cr;r· ,,, Ulli .U. '1<'. 10 1h< ·'•h'-···' -.. '7, "c r t ,._. .. , ''"-:"-: riw•rn~ U ~LJ M .;r II . .., .-t .'J I ... _. I ... '1. •'" ~ B< 1 \(..;,,·.,, M df., \I D Tu<uia' .J: r\f r''' ________________________ ,_'-________ ,_,. II SECARD POOL TABLES I I SLATE !~~~ ~295 j I ~!AIU ! s7911 ! I ~ S ~~I SS99 s s:."·; .~ ~ .. ~ ~-~.-:.., = lXCWSM CUSTOM SU Tl T AILE W1'TI4 Ua-A &A TIC.. = DO[S l«>T M.U OUT Fil T RACl USf AIC> f AST. 9 OI IS WU s FREE! --I l SE~~~~~~ n _·2:~l =;~: I ............... , ......................... ,, ..... , ......................... , ..... , ..... , ..... , ............... ,, ..... ,, ..... ,,,,,,,~ ~ 14 m "en (C) (30) I Movie: (C) "TIM loMly Profession" 7:00 fJ CBS Evening News (C) (30) (mystery) '69 -Harry Guardino Waller Cfonklte Dina Mernll, Oun Jauer. Joseph I Whar1 My Line? (C) <JO) I Cotten, Fernando Lamas, Bubard I loft Lucy (30) McNair, Ina Balin. A private 1n Be41t the Clock (C) (30) vestJ11ator atlempts to solve a mur Co•modity /Stock Rrport (30) der case in wtuch he is a prime ~ 6 . Branded (C) (30) SUlPect.. em Abou! (30) 0 Sllowcne 5 (C) (60) Geoige ~ ..!.. Trudi or Consequences (C) Burns and Abbe Lane star (30) I em "ET Festival (C) (60) "Three by ~ Islands in I.he Sun (C) (30) Martha Graham." includes three TUt 5ir1 (C) (30) maior films adapted !of' TV. 7:30 Q! 8, Lanur (C) (60) J~ly eI'J ~ (30) Hos;.1ns' romance with an attractive 9:30 B ~ Ci) a. ~ ind J. J. "'dow leads to trouble with boss (C) (30) Gov Drtnkwater's descent Murdoch Lancer when the girl, from an old Indian fighter nearly played by guest Antoinette Bower. blocks some important lndran leg1s sets her c.ap for Murdoch 1 lation. 0 ~ 6 m I Dream of Jeannie I I "ews (C) (30) led Meyers. (C) (30) "Jeannie and lhe Bachelort Ht Said, Sllle Said (C) (30) Party " Tony 1s t11cked into attend-I Rntiidt Rouad., (60) 1ng t11s own oache!or party, and · Cbucllo Anflaaet (C) (30) tht affair causes confusion for,10:00 ~Ci) JJHci.u ! Football: or NA~ 100 furs 1nd Still Kicaint (C) 0 Stump die Stars (CJ (30) Mike (60) A salute to the centenrual Stokey hosts Guests are Bill B1JCby,, year of football, American style, U:tward Mufhare and Karen Valen with a s1udy of how it has changed hoe I in a changing Amenc.a. Charles Ku 0 17 3 ffi Mod Squad (C) (60) ralt reports lo L1nc-W1th Love " Linc falls 0 GET THE INSIDE INFO '" •o·~ "''h ~n a11ra,t1ve young * FROM TOM REDDIN' wt '11an out their romance 1s threat ' • ~nte wnen 2 man from the girl's 0 ¥J Nnrs (C) (60) Das1 arrives 1n town Janet Mc-1 0 1.,., al Marta Welby, M.D. t ach an znd fred Pinkard guesl (C) (60) "All nags nying ' Henry D Mllhon S Movie: (C) "Green Wilcoxen gut.sis as Clpt. Ricll Bal llhlWOns" (rcmance) '59-Audrey linger. aging war hero determined htp!>urn Anthony Pei kins. Lee J I to s :11 alone lo the South Paci flt Cobb Based on w H. Hudson's Ruta L~ also gueru love story ol a young pollt1cal rel I Delli ! (C) (60) • "i~ n lhe Veneiuelan jungle and Perry Muoa (60) R mz tl'le • bird g11I " I : Ho•nood (~) I Trvttl or Consequences (C) (30) 1 i Caret!. de llA•,eres (~) Judd for the Defense (C) (60) 10:30 · Un lirito en la Obtalridld (30) Tecbnol Co111er (30) 11 11:00 0 0 ~News (C) em Tlle City W1tchm (C) (60) 0 Alfred H~cacoa ell Chudto el Roto (30) 0 The Movtt 5a1N (C) a.-oo 0 'A 6 m Debbie Reynolds (C) m I UlCIAl I Br id 1e r r 0 m N 0 30 r~e Bodyguard · When Jim Plaice: Part Ill of a drug abuse bel ., es a hockey player 1n his trilogy Tile film. nanated by Rod soo:1s ::o.umn Debbie decides to Steiger looks at the re$tard1 and :i·~·~: J1r-against th~ angered Prev~rt1on ot drug use O'!i tr 11 3 ~~ 6'• ;29 8 News (C) 0 J1d Senny (301 Bob Hope a1i Feature (C) "Wa~" Story of rueS!s the 54lvaging of the great .. arsl\lo ID Quun fOf a 011 (C) t30) -333 years after •Is sin~mg 1n the U) Stod llhrktl Summ1ry (301 pon of Stockholm 1n 1628 m 01s.c:ottleque 1 Go-Go (C) (GO) m ~ CI) News (C) 1·30 f) '.N 8 Red S.elton (C) 160) 11:30 U '.N 8 Merv liriffin (C) fc S.-·va n Kayt Ballard Paul Re 0 .'.2~ 6' m )obny Carson (C) •t't' l-.C 'ie Ra•ders goes! t.1rl Reiner subs as host Ma11lyn 0 :23 6 ff! I u I 1 1 ( C) ( 3 0 Maye and Y2ohet Kollo gues1 ·!~l s ·o· ·~e Memory luha is 0 MootM: "Ain't ,.. TilM for Glory" .::"'e·e~ a 100 as voca t1s1 to a musi fadvenlure) 57 -Bury Sull•van l ~·"-" ~~aded by I.ink Blue Gene Barry ~JtS'. Garv Cfosbyl 0 rr 3 CD Joey Bishop (C) 0 llh1 W"rtl! the Stan (C) 130\ Scheduled guests Jacli.ie Stewart k·s-I, 'en l udden welcomes guests grand pm rclCe drwer counlry ,,;:. C.•!'lf and B 11 Bitb~ srngeis George looes and Tammy 0 TT l CD MOYie of the WHk; Wynet1e ct'\ "lllt Monk." 1adventure drama) D Movie: "A Tuh of HoM(' (dra ~-•a ~· l t"'gl'l lacli. Albertson mal 6:' -Dora Bryan Robert Gt-:·&~ w d~ans C'-.1rl Bea A tale Stephens Rrta Tusl'l1ngtiam ~· ··la~.:ed c-me unfolding on lhe ID Outtr Li"'its s:i·~-s ~··d"s and bays of San m Mom: MHe41pt!ft (drama) ·53 r·tr-: st't' Mallan s oortravs Gus -Sterling Hayden .loan Leslie W:-i• a romolet~Y independent 12:30 ID Morie: "Bedeli.a•' (drama) '47 -i!n •"IO 'zkes a 1ob when and -Margaret Lockwood Ian Hunler •"Tl l'le -a its t~en moves on 1 :00 U Movie: "Wittlout lteserntions" ID DttlCI frost {C) 190\ (rom2n~ comedy I 4&-.l<Yln Waynl' ffi T'liir Big Valley (C) 15(11 Claudet1f Colbet1 Don Oerore ~ S.eebrush Tllu trt 160' 0 O Nnn (C) ffi lnt.11act (Cl 3t11 A" Tr!ns 0 Com111unity Ballriln Soard (C) DC:""S-"' ~"'° l CX'I P J'IS Air lD Action Tllutn ~-Pa-' II Ho~l "l'l'"l""~ntalo1 2:15 ID All·N1tftt 5atow: Alleg'l\eny lJp s A..:-•-H :-~sol r~ .,_., nsing and fht Barc.n s African t-oo 0 'll 6 ff.' World Prr111 lere '111 In" no. !ph ard tn •Uf me by 1ee l.J. enl irly ~is 01 (C) 1ial tie. ~ed Ku 1.0. '11) tal ied 1ic 30) No Jse lod 1nd ot hip lhe C) lyn ry" an :ci ltt try my ra ert SJ 47 is" 1P Cl Ip an RH1dentl•I 1nou1 • comc·1 Ct>mplf'll n·asonablt st.•rv1C'1 Curn•ntly l'n~agl'd _by Ci ty of C.M f1>r s lrl·•'t n·storat1nn NATO CORP. Gen'I Contrutor' Coll 618-1818 CARPET B. FURNITURE CLEANING l•'or I I'•) S•·n 1e1· and (.J11.1ltt) W11rk CALL STl-~l~LI N{; F< >It UHi< ;1 11''.'\ESS"' 642-8520 ~ DIAMOND \ I Carpet Cli'aning '(·1t·1111p1or•" :\l1'll111d ' S11il ri·lard1·nl Sh;im111 11·' d1·1 ·p E:-..p1·1 t anil ~Uitl aril>'t'll F ref: estimate 645-1J17 TONY'S CLEANING ~ERVICE R ESIDEHTIAL & COMC'L Compll•lt• floor t•arC' Wall~. windows & l'aqwts Mrinthl). w1«•kly, daily Vt•1·y rl'l1abl1·. F'rrot Est1mat1 •-. 548·9823 EYES. & WH!'END~ DALE JANITORIAL ~ERYICES C•impl~·l•' Clt·an1ni.: .St•rvtn• for llom<' and Offic-1• Curpt.'Lo; -Flours . Wmdow:-. CALL 541-5048 ~ IRIGHTER SIDE ~CLEANING SERVICE ~AltP'~Tt & F URNITURE CLEAN ING Dt•t•J• p1lr & sc1d r!'lard1•n1 mdhod H1•as pr 1C0l'd F'r1•1· l'~I Coll 541-4134 WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT VOLKSWAGEN S t•t'\ l<'I & H1·111111 < ;,·n•·ntl lkpa1rs. Autu111atw t 1·a 11,,1111-.,,11 •ll'i. f rn 1' PPler Scllltopllor" CerM•M! M;.srer M rchinlc 2073 Harbor Blvd. Costa Men. 64~-6373 • HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES Nt•\\' & Custor11 lk l r.·atl,i; Ex1·1•pti11nal valul'"' 141 8 East 16th St. Costa Mesa Call Barry, 646-4540 I :tluh · \\·atk-. -l>nvt•\\i1)" 1.11 't'll"' · H1•:i-.1111n hl1 I ta t," -Fr"' I·:-. fl 111 al•.,, - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION WE SIT e mER INC 5ubsld1ir y 01 Gerber Prod. Co. Pro1enion;1 Suoerv1i•o., tor chtldrp,, e!aeny & conwlesccnt ANVTIM E·ANYWHER E Sitting Pre tty Agency ---64.2-32.74-· npp11r111nilit·!' nva1la 1 1· nc,\, for ll1111-.,•k1·1·p1·r .... Cuoks, l\111tlwr'• Atd1•:-., ('haulf1·111·-.. 1!1111, •r-. _ GeorqE-Allen Rvland Aqency Emo:oyer l'tY• F~ 106-8 E. 16th. SA 547-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN Ne Job Too Small 1'1 11111 111 S1 ·n .,.,. l<1·11 -.1rn·1 lll1 1·:1 1 .. ,,' Call 545-4614 Ge11erol Ho111e Moi11t.,.011<e 510.00 MINIMUM 675-5314 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5678. nt. l1S • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! NEW LAWNS H1•-<;p1•d1111.:. ~·un1ph•h• lawn 1•nr1· (')1•a1l lip b) Joli ur month ft•'t t•s t1n1a t1·-; For information call 846-0932 -893-1995 LAWN SERVICE MowmK and Ed ){JOI-: BPrmuda Lawn•; Renovutt•d PhoH 892-0717 011ytl1W1e JONES GILLESPIE B GOPPERT. INC. Sf'rVtng Thi!-Commun1ty for over ,:t$ ye•r' 536-2531 207 Sth St.. H.B. Dul' lo ('llnt111ns, 50:.!, a gc-, SR-:l:l Contac t Ron Grr1'nwooct lnsura nn • 545-5614 437 W . 19tti St .. Cotta Mno PAINT NOW IEfORE WINTER! Extl'ri11r s p1•1•ialists . F'mest quality workmanship and nllitl'r1al-; Ccimp1•t1tiv" prir1·s. f n•t• Es tuna ll•S Coll 962·371' -PAINTING- '..!~ )'£'31'!. l'X(Wfl('llC'I' H<'I t'f't'llC'•'S Oua ran lePd w11rkmansh 111 Coll 1111 642-24]1 l'luml11n1.. lk11n1r l)ra Ill ('11"1 llll1l! -r1•·• ~'...111 11at1 ·-. - SPEEDY PLUMBING '.!I !Ir-. & \.\l .. 1·k1·11rl \V11rk 546-2387 or 540-7217 PLUMllNG RE'All 24 HOUR SHYICE 1<1tch!"'n & Bnth rf'mod r lmg Fr1·1• F:st1ma1t·s Coll L.akt -642-0341 WATCH Any shav('r cl('an('d, .l1led and sharpcneJ $3.85 6'6 W. l ttll SI. Co11a M•u Coll 541· I '61 VACUUM REPAIR e VACUUMS e 110 AND UP COMPLETE REPAIRS AND PARTS. COAST VACUUM Pho11e 64%-1560 CRAFT CLASSE:i Valley Bike & Hobby 17071 Magnolia < ri t 'vV ;irnt•r J Call 142-3777, 545-0377 PRIVATE llllDGE LESSONS Bl'g1nm•rs-lnle>rmc•diatt· Advanc£'d Lt>arn whlll' playing m i.:roup of 4. in 6 Pa."y lessons• S12.00 JoMphi.. fowler 541-9661 LEARN OIL PAINTING Using our simplified mNhod ~ Bc•ginnc>rs • Advanced PECORA'S ART CENTER >Olt HarOor II, Cotla Meu 545·1423 or 546-1196 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671. nt. 325 $6 50 -7 Days lndudf's C'Olor a dJuslmt>nt and <k mngn<'I ii111g. 90 day 1m cond1 t ionall y ~uaran Lc•l"d ' rrom 11t St•rvicr 67l-9077 (Mp JERRY CURTI~ x"The TY & A11tH•o Ma11" '£' ' / . ~'I C'f\rn my money .. · and youi cnnfidenc1" TV HPpturs IN YOUH H OME Pho11e 642-1432 Page 15 .. SMILE WHEN YOU CALL HER THAT! Dina Merrill ha:. beautiful eyes-unless you make the mistake '-'f refe ring to her as a socialite. in which case those lovely eyes can become very cold. Ne.ther does she like being referred to as an heiress. "Why not call me what I am?" she asks. "An actress!" Any woman who had been working at her pro fession from the age of 16, and had hundreds of top credits in movies and television. ''4 p £: ~ 1A.oulJ lugically he rcferrcJ 10 as an actre<;s-unless she happened tu he one of lhC' wcalth1e\l women 1n the world . D ina Ma rdi is rhc daughter o f Mllrjone Merriweather Posr. heir- l'\!> uf the Po \! ccrcJI m1llil.1n,, am.t the late Wall treet multimillio n- a1rc. E. F Hutton. As a rc,ult \he 1s comtantly trying to prove that she is just as ~1nccrc JnJ hJrJ-1A.urking 1n her career as any other uctrn'>. ::ind 1~ nut "mpl} a ·pour little rich girl" "ho toys with acung as a hobb) M"' !\1 errill. "h•l's cu-!>tarring 111 thl\ 1A.eek's Mi~s1on : lrnposstblc tSund:n CB'\. 10 P.\1 ), .ind on NBC\ World Premiere mo\ie "Thl· l oncl\ ·Pr1,fc,<,1on." T uc:WJ\ at 9 P!\1 -;ay~ '>he bccJme an actrt~!>!> hcc.1u'l' ··1 lmc 11. Jnd I IA..Jrll 10 J o ii. ·1 don't thin~ !'ti be any Ol'lll'r .1t ffi) prole'\\ltln ti I haJ had ii fin :rnc1al 'trugglc. Th:i t ha'> nothing to d0 "1th 11. ·· She SJY' that carh m her career she lo~t some top mil''> ~imply becJu<;c producers rcfused 10 cast her a., anything but a wealthy '.><IC.Cl) girl "I hJJ Iv ht' '"ice .1, ~ou<l an a role ro get half rhc rccogn1t1on," 'J)' M "' Merrill, \~ho frlt thar \he was caught in J 1A.c1rJ tr.1p "herl· l>hc "'a\ being denied her aims in life simpl) hecJUSc her name \.\as 111 the ~oc1JI register. "All that has IA.Orn off nll\\,·· 'ihe says. "I'm even given ~imc gooJ 'had girl' rule~ no" an<.I then, anJ I love 'em." Dina warn~ th<1t there " a goal that most Amcric<.1n~ ha\e thJt can be dangerous. "Many people still U\k me why I want to work at <>omcthing a5 demanding as acting "'hen I don't hJve to do it for a living Many Americam have a drcam o f h:ning rnough money to quit \.\Orktn~ "'hale the) 're yo ung enough ru enio~ li te-hut anyone "ho achieve~ that goal. and stop\ W•Hk1ng. ~on f1mh out that life CJ n be a horri- ble h11re when ) ou have nl1thmg to J n." Pa1e 16 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 18, 1969 . . . ~ · , · ( L 0 SE -Up. ~ ... '<1 '. .... A SPECIAL GUEST FOR BARBARA They stood in line for more than two hours to see the veteran comedian work less than 15 minutes before the cameras. The capacity aud ience just didn't happeo to be there, but came because he was to be the special guest star at a special ta ping session of a nine-minute segment for a n all -new nationally syndi- Cll ted musical-variety television series. . Who derives such loyalty from fans-young and old alrke? J ~t one person-the greatest all-around comedian of all time- Bob Hope. . "Old Ski Nose" didn't demand special preference, but the one- time hoofer is so busy-what with personal business cc;>mmilmcnts, plus enterta inment a nd charity appear.ances-.that he JUSt couldn't work himself free for the regular taping sessions of The Barbara McNllir Show on KTTV. Channel 11 , Saturday at 6 PM. During a dinner break from a network sh?w he was taping- and still in makeup to save time-Hope hurried across town anJ o nto the McNair set in the Hollywood color studios of the new Metromedia Wes t, national television headqullrters of Metromedia T elevision. Producer-director Jorn Winther rolled tape for the Winters- Roscn Production. Hope and his dazzling hostess did their bit, and away the comic sped to the d ay's previous commitment ... and the legion o f fans depar~ed. . . . Channel I I viewers will be lreated tu the tnunllablc Hope, plu!. vocali'it Joanie Som mers, comedienne Jeannine Burnier and the rock in' eight-man Watts I 03rd Street Rhythm Band; while M"' Barbara not only solos, but also joins her guests in song. w11h musical bllcking hy Donn Trenner and his orchestra. As the orchestra heralded Ho pe's entrance that special day with his famed musical signature, "Thanks for the Memory," the comic. supreme took his place in the beautiful crystal chandeliered inter- view a rea to talk about his show biz cronies. his annua l C hristmas vi~it'i to American military ha-;es in various parts of the world (''where the actio n is"). modern-day sights and sounds (including mini-skirts) llnd even turned aside a plaudit or two. Miss Barbara told her guest that comic M arty Alle n recently told her audience thllt "Hope is the greatest all-around comedian o f all-time," to which the veteran funnyman jokingly retorted: "Anytime a comedian starts praising me. it's time for me to start worrying.'' Miss Barham asked Hope about mini-skirts. and "Where Thcn:\ Life, There's Hope,'' quippcJ : "If gu ys can't find what they're looking fo r now, they're not looking in the right places .. Hope. who recently completed a motion picture with Jack i~ G le.ison and pl ay-; ge>lf with him whenever the two can get together in Miami. Fla., said he is thinking about doing another "road c;how" movie with Bing Crosby and G leason. The la tter apparentl y would take the place of Dorothy Lamour. 1969 :ran dIDC 'ing ndi- e- )OC· ots, dn'r >ara g- a m.1 1CW !tli:i er s- and anJ Jlus 1hc If j,~ virh vilh n1c- t er- 11US uh.I ling ,old 1)f tan .ere ha1 !b ktl' her 1w·· ulJ WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Torch Son(' (drama) '53 -Joan Crawford, Gig Young. 9:30 O "Fame Is the Spur" (drama) '46-Michael Redgrave, Rosamund John. 0 "All Th is and Huven Too" (dra- ma) '40 -Charles Boyer, Barbara O'Neill. m "Paris After Dart" (adventure) '43--George Sanders. Brenda Mar· shall. 12:00 0 "Reachin11 for the Sun" (com- edy) '41-Joel McCrea. Ellen Drew. 2:30 O ''Arch ol T11umph" (drama) '48 -Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer. 4:30 fl "The Spanish Main" (adven- ture) '45 -Maureen O'Hara. Paul Henre1d. Walter Slezak EVENING 6:00 tJ Big News (C) (30) Jerry Dunphy. 0 Et) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) 0 LAKERS/ROYALS IN• * FAST GAME TONITE! 0 laken Wum-Up (C) O Sia O'Clock Movie: "Until They Sail" (drama) '57-Jean Simmons, Paul Newman, Joan Fontaine, Piper Laurie, Sandra Dee four well-bred sisters lind lonellne$S dunng World War II. I Dia Van Dyke (30) Peyton Pl1ee (30) Star Trell (C) (60) CV Mike Dou1Jas (C) (90) EID What's New? (30) "lnternalionaJ Ma11azine." Qj (jJ CBS News (C) (30) al Tiempo de Perdon (30) (E News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:10 O takers B1sketb1!1 (C) (2 hr) L A Lakers vs. Cinc1nnat1 Royals. 6:30 8 KNBC Newsmrce (C) (60) • The Game Game (C) (30) Jim MacKrell hosts Guesls are Donna Jean Young, Scoey M1tchlll and Nan- cy Kulp. ~To Tell the Truth (C) (30) Office of the President (30) la ( 6 ) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) ED Guten fig (30) Second and th11d dramatization lessons 1n use· ful German. ~ ~J The Munsters (30) al Noticiero 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:00 1 CBS Evening News (C) (30) • What's My Line? (C) (30) I Love Lucy (30) But tht Clock (C) (30) Commodity /Sloe~ Report (30) fn ~ Amtfita! (C) (30) EID Ahor1I (30) ~ ~ (j) Tnrtti or Consequenc.n (C) 11 Wr..tli111 (C) (60) The Mlahty (30) Mldaets end Dr. Jerry Graham are m W1nd.-t111t (C) (30) featured. Q) 1Ut lilrl (C) (30) 0 (H) ~Q) AIC Wd11ad1J 7:3011~(!)1ilen Ca111pbell (C) (60) ~:(com~·~::'i!:: Dionne Warwick auests. •II. Hayley Miiis, Gypsy ROM Lie. 0 @ 00 m The Vlr&inlin (C) Anivel of two new student. et a (90) '1he Runaway." Johnny Whl· catholic air1s' school causes en up- taker stars as a waif who runs away from a Colorado home for roar. wayward boys and finds refuge at fl!) NET s,.dal (C) (60) "Goodbye, Shiloh Ranch. Peter Whitney and City Hall." Outaoina mayors Jerome G St k II Cav1n11h (Del.), Joseph Barr uy oc we also guest. (Pitts.), ind Arthur Naftalln (Minn.) 0 @ @ (l) The Flyin1 Nun (C) (30) "Guess Who's Coming 10 Pick· discuss municipal pressures. prob· et?" Sister Bertrille tries to settle lems. •nd pelllatives. a strike al Carlos' casino-restaurant IE> Sylvia J Ullque (60) and alienates both owner and 9:30 CiJ Mns (C) (30) strikers._ , OJ Ht S1id, SM S1W (C) (30) 0 Mllhon $ Movie: 'The Pow• &> Riwhidt R~ (60) and tht Prize" (drama) '56-Rob· ert Taylor, Burl Ives. A drama of 10:00 B Qi (j) Haw11l ~ (C) (60) human dignity, ethics and love, Stwt McGarrett encounters a small and the thirst for power that mo· guerrilla army who steal arms from hvales some people to use others. a Hawaii armory for • revoultion in I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) their own country. Henry Silva Judd for the Delenst (C) (60) guests. Technical Corner (30) 0 QJ 00 m Then Camt lrtnson Joyce Chen Cooks (30) "Peking (C) (60) "'Amid Splinters of the Ravioli." A versatile dish which Thunderbolt." Bronson tries to help doubles as appetizer-snack or com· a young woman and an ex-priest plele meal whose inner terment leads them to m Chucho el Roto (30) fgnore the need for medical assist· 8·00 0 ~ ,..-1 '-!:\ Th Co rtsh. f ance for the girl. Guests are Bruce • \.!..!.I w ~ e u IP o Dern and Zohra Lampert Eddie's Father (C) (30) "Pain." I m News (C) (60) . Eddie's llrst day at school ge~s otf • Della! (C) (60) to a ~haky slart. Bill Bixby, M1yosh1 j sJICIAl I "Paint Your Wapn" U mek1 and Brandon Cruz star. Premiere (C) (60) Dave Reeves I Queen for • Day (C) (30) greets stars at Cinerama Dome Stock Market Summu~ (30) Theatre. and film clips are shown. Tiie Fonyte Sa~~ (60) '.he Pur-EE Rawhide Roundup (60) suit of Happtness. f?llowtng the EI1) Speculition (60) "A Conversa· birth of Helene a.nd Jo s son, news lion With Carl Roaers.'' arrives ol Frances acci dental death. m Care.I de Mujeres (30) (R) m lmp1ttos Musicales (30) 10:30 g;) Un Grlto en la Obscurid1d (30) 8:20 0 Lake11 Wr•p-Up (C) 11 :00 I 0 0 m News (C) . • . Allred Hitchcodt 8.30 fl t;tcli ...!) The Beverly Hlllb1lhes • Tiie Movie Game (C) Sonny Fox (C) (30) .rhe Clai:iipetts rehearse 101 hosts. Guests are Louis Nye, AllleS Elly May s wedding to bac~woods· Moorehead, Rudy Vallee and Carol man Matthew Templeton. Elvia All Lynley. man and Roger Torrey guest m Outer limits 0 Rams Highlights (C) (30) Taped 1 ffi Q) (6)Qj (j) Ntws (C) highlights of Sunday's game be· . m ® News (C) lween the Rams and the Green Bay Packers 11 :30 tJ fit (j) Mtrv Grillln (C) O @@<E Room 222 (C) (30) 0 fil 00 m Johnny Clrsen (C) ··rirst We'll Eat. Then We'll Strike." Carl Reiner subs as host. Boyce & Pete Dixon unw11t1ngly heads a Hart auast. , teachers' strike supporting a school 0 Movlr. "Gunfighters" (western) ' bond election Lloyd Haynes, Denise '47-Randolph Scott, Barberi Brit· Nicholas, Michael Constantine and ton Karen Valentine CO·Slar 0 @ rn m Joey Bishop (C) I D1vid Frost (C) (90) Opera singer Mary <Asta and actor The Big Valley (C) (60) Lee Marvin guest. S111ebrush Theatre (60) 0 Movie: "Ont Potato, Two Pt· Sonrisu (30) t1to" (drama) '64-Barbara Barrie, _ Bernie Hamilton. 9:00 fl Q91 (JJ Medical Cent• (C) (60) ID Movie: "Tht Awngtrs" (1dven- ~uest rrance Nuye? portr~ys an in· ture) '50-John Carroll. Adele Mara. iured V1elnamese gHI who 1s brought to the United States for treatment. 12:00 GI Movie: "ltlter from an Un· Chad Everett and James Daly co· llnown Woman" (drama) '48-Joan star Fontaine, Louis Jourdan. 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL 1:00 fl ._le: (C) "The H1rd Man" * Alan King Barbara (•est.em) '4~uy Madison. Lorne Feldon, P~ul Lynde ~0 "' .. <C> 0 t2J (6 I m Kr1tt Music Hell (C) 0 Community Bulltlln loud (C) (60) "Alan King Stops the Press," OJ Action Tht1lre: •'flle Man I Host Alan ~1ng and guests P~ul Mirritd" (drama) '4C>-Joan Ben· Lynde. Charlie Callas and special nett, Lloyd Nolan. guest Barbara feldon poke fun at newspapers and the ir \lil(IOUS 2:00 m All-Ni&flt Show: ''Atom -Age Varn· departments pire." "Woman Hater." "Cisco Kid." IMAGINE "-ffM YOURSELF ·:;, BEHIND THE MICROPHONE! (' WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCINATING CAREERS INTERESTS YOU 1 0 DISC JOCKEY [j NEWSCASTER [J SPORTSCASTER 0 COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER FRH VOICE ANALYSIS TELLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TAUNT"I TRAIN AT HOME. OR IN OUR 8lAUllfUL NEW STUOIO SCHOOL' You c•n sludy broaacu t technlquu 11 nome. on your so1rt l•mt , or 1n our new 8r0.1dcnl· inc Scnool-LOCATEO RICHT HERE IN LOS ANClllS-under lhe supervision of our Olrectoni f1culty of 11 f1mou1 t>roadcuters Radio-TV stations "'erywhere nave an lt.IMCDIAll OCMANO for botn men and wo11111n to l•ke over lmport~nl aood• pay1n1 1obs 111hl now. NATIO~-WIOE PLACC"4£NT ASSISTA~'CE at no ttlll t l>\ll Tu1t1on au11tance av11l~blt Send to CARHR ACADEMY'S dM1fon or F•mous 8ro1dcuter1 for FR[[ book· let, record, •nd volte 111alysis dtlalls NOTICE: ENROLL NOW FOR CARUR ACADEMY'S NEXT CLASS! THIS COULO 8E YOUR CHANCE TO PUT YOUltSELf 8EHIND THE MICROPHONEll •An eccredlted m "mber of the Ne· tlonel Home Study Council and the • Nationel Association of Trade end Technlcel Schools •Approved for Veteran Tra•nlng •Member of California Auocretlon for Privet• Education •All ellf.ibre Institution under the federel y Insured Studenl Loan Procram . ,--------------------~ CAIEEI ACADEMY C'1: 7S NoHywood lealeward J'l : L• Allctlta. Callfomla 90021 W 1 ......: (213) 4'°'~ I I ..t le .... if I'-"' lirNllultiflt 1 ...ltl!M -111 ..... letll.. ..... """ ..... .,__ti .. . Ne me O ty, State/Zip f'tlon• I am Interested •n 0 Cfinsroom f1 Home StoldY Page 17 BOBBIE & FRIENDS ··The Sound and The Scene" be- longs to Bobbie Gentry-and KlTV viewers! The Chickasaw county beautv who captured the country with a haunting Mississippi Delta blues number. "Ode to Billie Joe," brings to C hannel 11 a musical extrava- ganza that"s "now," colo rful and ex- citing. airing at 9 PM Sunday. The hour combines pop and country- ftavored m usic. the be~t of the soul sound. a nd a dash of contemporary comedy. Joining beautiful Grammy Award-winning Bobbie in co-hosting ro le' are D on M eredith. retired star qua rterback of the Dallas Cow- boys. and Negro singer Charley Pride, whose hit "K aw-liga" rode high at the top of the Cash Box country-western charts. Sharing the guc:st li~t arc pop songstress Brenda Lee. country- westein <;tar Ferlin Hu~ky, soul singer Joe Tex and thc: Fuller Broth- ers. a 'inging-instrumcntal group. ind ividual sounds or each performc:r are presented :.against a striking. contemporary scene created by a simple multi-level modern stage. Solt: embellishments 10 "the scene" are a fountain in a square pool (complete with goldfish) a nd lush green trees. RAPPURT-Cawl Chwrnin>; tmd Wa/1er Brennan f!Ut!SI star "" NBC's The Drwr Martin Show, Thursday at 10 PM. hae 18 THE DAILY THURSDAY OCTOBER 23 For morning and afternoon . listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "A Cl!.n11 of Ht1rt" (drama) '43-John Carroll, Susan Hayward. PILOT. TV WEEK, OCTOBER 18, 1969 O Steve Allen Sbow (C) (90) Jerry Collins. Belland and Somerville, Charles Nelson Reilly. Norman Wis· dom and Bill Morrison guest. 0 Sia O'Clodl Movlt: (C) "Tbe Youn& Land" (western) '59 -Pat Wayne. Dan O'Herlihy, Yvonne Craig. Dennis Hopper. In 1848, 1 redc· less 11unman kills a well-born young Mexican, and, for the first time in California history, an American stands trial for klllln& a Mexican I Didi Yin Dyke (30) Peyton Pl1ce (30) Stir T rti (C) ( 60) (j) Millt DcKl&lu (C) (90) Whit's New? (30) "Coins in the Economy."' ~ (j) CBS News (C) (30) iI) T11mpo cit Ptrdon (30) (l) Nen (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 9:30 O "Rtmtmber tllt Ni&ht" (com- medy) '40-Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray 6:30 8 KNBC NtwstfYice (C) (60) • Tht GHii &amt (C) (30) Guests are Donna Jean Young, Scoey Mitchlll and Nancy Kulp. B ''TllTH str1npn" (mystery) '46 -Geraldine Fitzgerald, Sydney Greenstreet. m "Johnny Apollo" (drama) '40- Tyrone Power. Dorothy Lamour. 12:00 O "Ruuln of Rtd Gip" (com· edy) '35-Charles Laughton. Mary Boland. 2:30 B ''Sevtn AnlfY Men" (drama) '55-Ra~ond Massey, Debra Paget. 4:30 1J "Hell Bent for Luther" (west· ern) '60 -Audie Murphy, Felicia Farr I To Ttll Ult Trvtti (C) (30) Perspective (30) ( R) @ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Playin& Ult Guitlr (30) "A More Difficult Solo." A solo of in- creased complexity is analyzed. em- phasizing both note comprehension and fin11ering. Pro11ram conclud8$ with a performance of S. L. Weiss's "Ballet." ~ (j) The Munstm (30) iI) Notici•o 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) EVf~~I NG 7:00 B C8S Evenin& Ntw1 (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 6:00 1J Bl& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 g;) HuntJey-BrinkJty (C) (60) Haunting Remarks from The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Nor 1111ly '' EJ 8l'glcy 11nl' of H lhc fit1c'1 .1cf1)1'\ 111 ho1h nwv1e' anJ lclcvl\IOn. hut ru. who gul'~t 'tar' in the.: "'MJJamc C'.indilla10:" l'fll\lllll· or 201h C:c111ury-Fo x T .:ll'- \1,iun\ l h1: lrh11'1 ~tnd Mr., Muir ( J11 1ng I hur'd'') al 7 JO Pi\1 lln ·\Ul ) l' .1 m.l'l1:r J1.tkc1ic1an. In 1 the h1:\d.1) ol rJdlll hl' \'> J~ unc 111 ll\ 011\ll'\I JClllf\ B What's My Lint? (C) (30) m I Love Lucy (30) lkgk\ ,1,1r1cJ in raJ111 in 193 I in hi' ho meto" n of H ~lftlorJ. { 111111 I ll' pl.1\c:d f•lllr ch.1rJClcr\: an ulJ Mexican, a young Mcx1- c.1n .. 1 Chinl',l' Cl'o'-anJ ,1 lllll\ 1c Jircctur. in J JrcJm about a m1>v1c C.:llnlfl.111\ un locJl11Jn Hl' "·" on ht:. v.a) J\ a J1akc11c1:m I d \thin hl'JJc:J k1r lhc lug llnh' in Nl'v. Yuri. anJ 11 wa,n't l1rng bdorc hl' \1a, one o l rad1l1\ must 1n-demanJ aclOf\ It\ ca~rcr tu n.1m~· 1he 'hnw' on "h1ch he d1dn·1 acl. During WW II. he Wa\ J regular o n "Thi.' Stall' or the Unron" and \\;J\ fh.HCJ tor ht\ um:ann)' Jupl1cation or Prn1dcn1 ROO!>CVClt's VOICC faJ'!> lavoritl' rnd11) role "'a' that of Charlie Ch:m in 194) AwJre ol muny Onen1al spccial1,t<; in the business, Ed d id1i"t think he had a c:huncc. ll "a' hi~ fo rtune cookie anti he played thl· role lor five year' hcforl' going 1n10 mo tion pic tures. •·AnJ." l:d qutppcd. ··1 h:.1 vcn'1 shut m y mouth yrt " The lihl,~l and Mrs. M uir \lllfS Emmy-Winner H Llpt' I angl'. cd· \•.1rll ~1ulhJrl'. Reta Sh:t\.\ Charles Nebon R..:ill). Kellie Flan.1gan .111d H;.irll'n Carrnhcr I. g J :l 69 "1 ?, .. ,, l. I- ll n n '· e s y n :s :s f I B11t the Clod (C) (30) Commodity/Stock R.,ort (30) @) Tht American Wtst (C) (JO) Ahora! (30) 00 Tnilll or Consequences (C) (30) m True Adwtnturt (C) (JO) G) That Girl (C) (30) 7:30 0 ~Cl) family Affair (C) (30) Jody is accused of breaking a win - dow in his school's cafeteria and is suspended when Uncle Bil~e­ lieving Jody is innocent-stands on principle and refuses to pay dam· ages. Bill considef3 sending the children to a private school, and makes some preliminary inquiries. but it is Jody who makes the ulli· mate decision. 0 @ @ m Daniel Boont (C) (60) "The Printing Press." Benjamin Franklin. aided by Daniel and Israel Boone, outwits the British and re· trieves his printing press from them. Fredd Wayne guests. O Stump the Sta11 (C) (30) Bill Bi1tby, Edward Mulhare and Karen Valentine guest. 0 @ (l) al The Shott and Mrs. ID NET Playhouse (90) 'The Battle of Culloden " Peter Watkins' recon· struclion of the last battle fought on British soil. €I) Mlllica y Estnllas (C) (30) 9:00 IJ Qj (])CBS ThursdlJ Mowle: (C) "Two on a 6uillotlne" (sus- pense) '65-Connie Stevens. Dean Jones, Cesar Romero. Story of a marician whose will requires that his daughter spend seven conseeu tive nights in her lather's eerie castle in order to receive his entire estate. 0 @ (!) Q) Tom Jones (C) (60) Jose Feliciano, Mary Hopkin, Shel ley Berm3n guest. €f) Elitometro (30) 9:30 0 Q) @ m Drarntt (C) (30) "Juvenile-the little Pusher." Fn· day and Gannon track down a nar· cotics supplier and the trail leads to a junior high school and a hip· pie's pad. I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. He Said, She Said (C) (30) Rawhide Roundup (60) Musical Ossart (30) Muir (C) (30) "Madam Candidate." 10:00 0 @ (§) m Dean Martin (C) Ed Begley guests as a candidate (60) Carol Channing, Walter Bren· who opposes Carolyn Muir in the nan. Victor Borge and Dom De race for City Council president. Luise guest. 0 Million $ Mme: (C) "It Started B m News (C) (60) Witfl a Kin" (comedy) 'S~Oebbie @ (]) Q) II T"• a Tllitl (C) Reynolds, Glenn Ford, Eva Gabor. (60) "f lowers From Alexander." Air Force sergeant finds that his Alexander Mundy helps SIA courier bride is endangering his career and Lorrie James on a mission white his sanity. pursued by armed enemy agents. I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Senta Berger and Nigel Patrick Judd for The Defen11 (C) (60) guest in episode lilmed al Porto Tecllnlcal Comef (30) Ercole, Italy. Tiit President's Men, 1969 (C) I Della! (C) (60) (30) Perry Mason (60) m Chucho el Roto (30) : Tht Advocates (C) (60) "Should 1:00 II ~ Jim Nabon Hour (C) Congrns Require a Comp~el~ With· (60) Miss Kate Smith guests. In draw:,! From Vietnam W1th1n One addition to her singing, she teams Year. (R) up with Nabors and Frank Sutton m Carcel de Mujeres (30) in a comedy sketch depicting "Tar· 10:30 m Un 61ito en las Obse11rld1d (JO) zan and His Parents." 11 ·oo 0 D 0 m N (C) O Jack Benny (30) Lucille Ball · O All d Hitch e~ guests. re coc 0 @ @ Q) Th1t Gl!1 (C) (30) 0 Nfl Same. of !fie We.. (C) "Hearing Today, Gone Tomorrow." m Outer limits Ann Marie is suffering from a se· @ 00 @ @ ~Cl) News (C) vere co:d. but can't postpone an m m (E) News (C) outdoor ~udition for an antl·fr~eze 11 :30 II Q;} Men ti riff in (C) commercial because the awaited O ~ '6" ~Joli ny Car10n (C) snow has fallen The cold aflec:ls ~ l~J.<:J.:J n .. her ears and unable to hear cues 0 Movie: 'Sorrowful Jones (com she makes a' shambles of a filmed edy) '49-Bob Hope, Lucille Ball. commercial audition. 0 @ (.3) (it) JffY Bishop (C) m Quttn for a Day (C) (JO) Comedla.n ~~d.dy Hacllett guests fE Stod M1,_et Summary (30) 0,~0Vle: Kint ?' the Khyber RI· ID Waslllnfton Week In Rniew (C) fies (adventure) 54-Tyrone Pow (30) er, lerry Moore. m feUciino! (C) (30) @ Movie: "Murder Will Out'' (~ys­tery) '53-James Robertson Justice, 1:30 0 ~ (6) m Ironside (C) (60) Valerie Hobson. "Love My Enemy." U.S. officials 12:00 m M · "l "ttl M" ·st ., ( negotiating release of prisoners • OYI~: 1 e tnr er ro· lrom Red China are accused of mance) 34 -l<athanne Hepburn, murdering the chief of the Commu· John Beal. nist delegation. Philip Ahn. James 1:00 U Movie: "Touch of Evil" (drama) Shigeta, Khigh Ohlegh and Jeffrey '58-Ctmlton Heston. Orson Welles. Lynn guest. Janel Leigh O Bol ing (C) (90) I 0 News (C) 0 @CV m Bewitched (C) (30) Community Bulletin Board (C) "Naming Samantha's New Baby " Movie: "Blue, White and Per· All the grandparents want top bll feet" (mystery) '4 2 -Mary Beth ling in new baby's name. Hughes, Lloyd Nolan. m DaYid frost (C) (90) 2:00 m All-Night Show: "Spysmasher (!)The Big V1ll11 (C) (60) Returns," "Trent's last Case," ffi Sarebrush Tllutre (60) "Cisco Kid " Wa:11tto REDUCE the size •Want 11maller hipa? Try Relu - A-dzor. It's the modern way to reduce the 111ize of hips (tummies. thi~he, and waistline111, too)! • USE IT WHILE YOU RES T ! That's right. You rest for as Jillie as :rn minutes a day and let Relnx-A-cizor do the wo rk. Relax-A-cizor provides a fo rm of "effortless exerci!lc" to the important supporting muscles of hips, wai11t, abdomen and thighs. And it's this muscle- toning exercise lha t reduct's the size of the a rca. • Many adult women lack i.rood muscle tone bccaui;r they don't get enough cxerrise. Relax-A- PHONE NOW! Oleander 5-8000 Olympia 2-2550 To ll f, .. , Unlth $l91 ofyo~r HIPS? NO WEIGHT LOSS! cizor g i ve~ effortle!l11, concen- trated exercise t.o such figure areas as h ips, waistlines, thighs and abdomens. Regular use causes the!le areas to reduce in !lize measurably to the extent these muscle11 lark tone because of in!lufficien t exerri!le. And the less the musde tone, the 1orreater the degree of size redurtion, • NOW -find out how t.o redurc the !liZf' of hips, wai~t. abdomen, thigh11 at home ... without 11ny physical effort ! RtlO·A·t•lOf c1rrin !ht SEAL ol tht NATIONWIOl CO NSUMER TfSllNC INSTITUTE, Inc FRUBROCHUU ... MAil MOW ! . ...... RelaxAcizor 9 ••••••• ·FREE! WRIT[ TODAY for fRll lnlormltlve llluslr~ted color brochure. Tells how women o~e1 18 redur.e the size ol h1os. w1ls1. abc!omen. thla~s. It's fR[f 1 Rrlo·A c11or, Otpt 14·01-08 980 Nort~ t.. Clt11t91 8oulft1rd LH Anotlu, C1llfenti1 90069 PleHt send my FRH cooy ot "Your r1rurt'' by Burton S~1les 10 0111n enY1lopt Ho oblir1tion 0 MRS 0 MISS NAM! A OD RESS_ GlfY 0 MR STAf( s y < ~ .. -----CIC TIP _ _ PHOHf .., 0 I am unoer II 0 I am ovt r IS ~ 17.5C ; 14 01·08 9 1019 -11 -------------------------------- Page 19 ... I • FRIDAY OCTOBER 2A For morning and afternoon listings, pleue see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All &ta· tions reserve the right to change programmin& with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "r1lrrtift1 tilt Clo4ldl Wia S11n1l11ne'' (musical) '51 -D~nis Morgan. V1r11n1a Mayo 9:30 O "M~My Blllint11" (comedy) 'JI-The Marx Brothers. O "Love ind urceny'' (comedy) '59-Vlttono Gassman. Anna Maria f errero m "Nlpt lut to Olfblin" (mys.. tery) '46 -Robert Newton. Ray l OYell 12:00 O "Well lirooMtef Bride" (tom· edy) '4&--0h~ia de Hav1lland, Ray Milland 2:30 0 "Petlified forttt., (drama) '36 -Humphrey Boaert Bette Davis. 4:301J (C) "Hell on fris.co 81y" (dra· ma) '5!'>-Alan Ladd, Edward G Rob1n\On, Joanne Dru. F VF N INC 6:00 IJ Ii& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy 0 m Huntlty·lrinkley (C) (30) a .... -(C) (90) Geor1e C.rt1n, ...., Ropf's., Ind The first £.drtiolt, The Thim Sq~re Two. Su·i lat.I ...t Allan DrMI 1uest u • era.ca Mewte: "flle , ...... .... ..,.. (sci.ti> '57-RICh•rd EJet.I Philip Abbott W1tJI the aid of Robby the Robot, 1 ten-year·ofd boy isl 1ble to become irM11ble, but be· comes !tie i>a•n of a super com puter ttyin1 to rule the wor1d. . Did v .. °"-(30) ...,... "'--(30) Siar Tret (C) (60) ()")MIU Deacln (C} (90) . nm 111toir? (JO> (l) CIS N..s (C) (30) . r.e.,. • ,.,... (30) I · Newa (C) (60) Jadl Hickey. 5:lO 8 MIC Newwrriu (C) (60) • T1'e Ga .. Ca .. (C) (30) Jim' MadVell hosts. Donna Jean Young, ~ Mitchlll and Nancy Kulp euest I To T .. I tilt Trvtil (C) (30) Offlca 9f T1'e President <30) Ci) H•nti9f·lrinkley (C) 130) leek lat (C) (30) mn.. M .. st.en (30) NOtldtro 34 (C) (60) ..... <CJ c3o> I 7:001J CIS Ennin1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Wll1t'1 My Line? (C) (30) I Lowe Lucy (30) Beat the aod (C) (30) I Commodity/5aDdl lllpOft (30) '6 ~"''"' ShowcaM (C) (90) "W1nchmer 73," stamng Dan Duryea and Jamea Stewart. W Ahofa! (30) Q9, (ii Tr u1h or Consequenca (C) (30) /'V C llAR(j/:-Left in chargl' 11/ tht Chuparral ranch. 8/uv 1 \fud \luc/1·1 /1111•1 u prize stallion r11 hund11 r111dn1 und 1aJ..1•1 rlr111111 111•p1 ff/ rf!de1•111 h1111.H1I/ tn "1 11 .~land /ur .\flm e1/11nJ! \I ,,,,,· ''" II( '1 I he 1111('1 Clwpurral, Frulu, ni 7 JO P/vf Pa1e 20 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. OCTOBER 18, 1969 I A.lnu• Wiit (C) (30) m The 111 Y.U., (C (60) TUt Cir1 (C) (30) S.1elw• TUatre (60) 7:l0 Qt. 'I. 'tt S.art (C) (30) C.tula MaAlf a.. (30) Bach's Broderick CtawfO<d 1uest1 u G. "Suit• No. 3 1n C MajOf (Prelude Errol Madre. the man whose treas and Gl1ue)" Is playad. ure Mu 1s Jent south of the border ~ Nocllea hp1tlu (30) to collect before 11 can lall Into 9:00 Cit (IJ C8S Friday Mwie: (C) KAOS hands he laC CILllleftP'' (western) '67 (J m Hip Chaparral (C) (60) -Glenn ~d. Cllld Everett. Angle "To Stand lor Something More." Dickinson. Guy Memll. A marshal Blue's sense of respons1b1l1ty ts with the reputation ol the most ac- ~erety tested when he 1s left 1n curate 1unm1n • the West is con- sole charge of the Chaparral Ranch fronted by 1 roun1 min who rides and losei a pnze stallion to bandit into town dftermintd lo dilPGse of raiders. the marihal and claim the title for 0 stu•p UM stirs (C) (30) Mike himself. Stokey"s auests are Bili Bixby, Ed· O Playboy Atw Oar\ (C) (60) •ard Mulhare and Karen Valentine. Hueh Hafn9r's 1uests are Bob N&w. 0 12 ':I, (l) Lft's Mike 1 Deal hart, 0. C. Smith, Bill Cosby, Gary (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. LeMel, The Pickle Brothers, Rod O Million S Mowit: (C) "Ferry to Piazza and GfOl'&e Chakos. Hone Kon(' (drama) '61 -Curt 0 (i1) ffi(l) Htre Come the Juraens. Orlen Welles, Sylvia Sims. Brides (C) (60) "A Wild Cofo"'al Jeremy Spenser The immaculate, Boy " The Bolt brothers face a pompous captain of the broken· group of lriih renegades plotting down "Pat Annie," a ferry boat to involve Seattle In an attempt to playing between Hong Kona and free their homeland. Art Lund auests Macao. becomes saddled with a as Flynn and Brenda Scott as broken down drunkard Austrian exile B11d1et when Hong Kong authorities expel 1· 01vid Suullind (C) (2 hr) him to Macao. and Mauo authori· • Nueva Cita Musical (30) ties refuse to permit him to land. 9:30 • News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Based on the novel by Simon Kent. He Said, She Said (C) (30) m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Rawhide Roundup (30) I Judd for the Defense (C) (60) · P1ndouma (30) Techniut Corner (30) 10:00 · ~J (6 l m Bracllen's World (C) French Chef (30) Julia Child (60) "Closed Set."' Several ac1ors Chucho el Roto (30) become suspects when a movie 8:00 fi9 8J The Good Guys (C) (30) director 1s murdered on the set When Claudia sets out to beautify John Van Dreelen and Yvonne the countryside by sowing flower· Wilder guest. seed capsules. the police think she 0 G) News (C) (60) and Burt are throwing away illegal 0 (11J (J) a) Jimmr Durante Pre- drugs. senb The Lennon Sisters (C) (60) O Jack Benny (30) Wayne Newton Guests are Bob Hope, Andy Wil- and Louis Nye guest Iiams and The Osmond Brothers. 0 r17 -3 m The Brady Bunch I Della! (C) (60) (C) (30) "Katchoo ·• Jan appears Perry Mason (60) to be allergic to either her new · C1rcef de Mujeres (30) father or the Brady dog 10:30 · Un lirito en 11 Obscuridlld (30) I Queen for I 01y (C) (30) 11:00 0 0 m News (C) Stock Market Summary (30) Alfred Hitchcock lrrterhce (C) (30) "Air Trans· • John Mckay Show (C) ports-The New Look: Paris Ajr ~Outer Limits Show " Part II (R) 1 CJ:,~'") (6) ~ (jJ News (C) ai) Lucec:ita (C) (30) : The for1Jte Safe: ''The Pursuit 8:308~(i)Ho11n's Heroes (C) of Happiness." (R) (30) Hogan attempts to swap Ger-I mm NeWI (C) trude. Gen Burllhalter's sister. for 11 :30 Q9l (j) Merv lirinin (C) Mana Hottman. a glamorous Allied · ~ 6 J m Johnny Carson (C) agent being held by the Gestapo. Movie; (C) "forest R1nge11" The Heroes abduct the not ·alto· (romance) '42 -rred MacMurray, gether -unwilling Gertrude and al· Paulette Goddard, Susan Hayward. tempt lo use her as leverage lo 0 @ CV m Joey Bishotl (C) persuade Maj. Hochstetter and his 0 Movie: (C) "Boy on 1 Dolphin" men to free their agent Leon (drama) '57 -Alan Ladd, Sophia Asll1n. Howard Caine. Kathleen f ree-Loren. Clifton Webb. man, Wendy Wilson are featured ID Movie: (C) "Pandora ind the 0 f;i]@ m Nam1 of the Game flyin1 Dutchman" (drama) '52- (Cj (90) "Goodbye, Harry." Gene Ava Gardner, James Mason. Barry and Susan Saint James are ~ (j) Weekend Show joined by guests Darren McGavin, 12:00 0) Movie: (C) ''The Red Shon" James Whitmore, Dane Clark. Mar. (drama) '48-Molra Shearer, Anton sha Hunt and Jan Sterling in a Walbrook df'a)na about a frantic search for a 1:001J Movie: (C) ''The Rmnie of missin11 American missile scientist. Fr1nkenstefo" (horror) '58 -Peter 0 Across the S.Wen Seu (C) (30) Cushing. "face and Place." 0 O News (C) 0 (iJ) CVG> Mr. Deeds lioes to 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) Town (C) (30) "The Pixilated Man." ID Movie: "Mid at the World" A TV gossip commentator tries to {drama) '55-Frank Lovejoy. Keefe make Longfellow Deeds appear to Brasselle have lost his marbles. She sets out 1 :40 O Movi e: "Destination 60,000" to make him look ndiculous when (adventure) '57 -Preston foster, he refuses to let her interview him Coleen Gray on her program Kathryn Hays 2:30 m All-Night Siio• (C) '"Devils Can- guests. yon " (C) "The Livi ng Coffin" and m D1vid frost (C) (90) (C) "Go Go Maola " ( ' J ~69 !h's 1de (C) '67 gie hal ac- Jn· 1es of for lO) !W· ary lod the 1ial a ing to 3IS as (C) ors 'Vie ;et. ine re- lO) Iii· 10) uil !C) .,.. ay, rd :c> n" iia !S" on ol ter 'C) d" !le O" er. In• nd SHE'S HEIDI ... BUT HER PALS DON'T KNOW IT acllwlly wa, Heidi and lhat the event~ of the story were happening 10 her. Al other 11mes. ,he thought of how much she missed her dog. Cookie. whu wa' required to remain in England because of quarantine regulatioM The ~pecial was produced on location in Swtt terland and Germanv. f ame has not gone to H eidi's head. In fact. fame has hardly even touched 12-year-old Jennifer Ed- " ards, who was ten when she undertook the title role in rhe two- hour "H eidi" special for N BC. "I guess the reason the show hasn'1 affected my life much is hi:ca use most of m y friends have never seen it." admitted Jennifer. While ~he may mio;s the fame that i.., rightfully hers. Jennifer has one go0d reason to be h arpy that she\ no t generally recognized hy lhc puhlic. The fir"! c;creen ing of 1he special last year curtailed 1hc final few minutes of :i hard-fought football game on the East Coa<;t. and Jennifer is dcligh1ed that she hasn'1 received any "fan mail" fro m football fans. knnifer lives in EnglanJ, and the ~pecial has no t yet been j1rcd there. Although she visits the Untted States frequently. she ~a\ 111 Lo ndon when "Heidi" was firsr hroadca-;t in the United l.i1a1i:c; in November. 1968. She'll he there again. in school, when 1hi: 1or-rated special receives an enco re colorcast on NBC. Sun- dav (If 7 PM. "When I meet people now. I try to find out 1f they're foothall fanc;." 11he reported. "If !hey are. I walk away-very quietly." llt-11/i Oe11111fu I d11 artls) Inds ll rel11r ra111 /are-..•e// lo hrr urin11s-/aced f(llllld/alher rS11 !11ichae/ Redgra\'t', Ct'lllt'r) 10 '""' hu 1111cle. lfr·· s ,.,.1,.11101111 IM <1\11111/w11 Schell). :.Mo'it people don't helieve me when I tell them I played He idi." Jennifer continued. <;ounding just a bit hurt. "But I've learned not fo say 100 much ahout it . If I were 10 hrag about it. they'd get rhe idea I think I'm helter than they arc. Really. I try to keep it a c;ecret. .. Je nnifer reported the lime her teacher in Engiand. lea rning of her role in the 1elevl\10n ~pccial. a'kcd her to bring pictures ro cla'is. ro avoid m aking the other youngsters jealous, \he went to great lengths ll'' 'i neak the picture\ 1n1 0 school. While Jennifer hit\ not '>een the show on 1elcv1\ion. o;hc did see 11 in a <,pecial clmcd-cin:uit \C reenin·g arranged for her hencfit at "J BC-TV'c; Burhank \IUd10'i "I think '\Orne hit.., I could have Jone t">eller:· she s:iid self-critic- .Jlly. "Ru r I think everyone d"e was hrill1an1. The most exciting thing. hoth doi ng it a nd ~ecing it. wa' the ... cene where Clara and Heidi are having a hig fight m the hedroom. The \\.iy \he (Zulcika R0h,<1n) did that wao; fanfa\t1c .. Jennifer. who made her aC ling dehul In the srec1al. reporlcd thal \he had nn tro11hlc lc,1rning lt1 cry fpr the enwtionnl ~cenes. "During rchcar~at.... I cried hucke1 ... a nd huckel\. It got so I had ro 'lop. 10 ,ave rhc tea~ for the filming. or el ... c l\l get all dried up ... T o turn o n 1hc tear<; \\hen needed. Jennifer merely imagined c;he Janet Leigh Gets lnvolVed Janel Leigh is a n actress who lends 10 get tnvolvcd both on the screen and o fl. hut not in the same way. In her latest film. ''The Monk." the ABC Movie of the Weck (in color . Tues.. at 8:30 PM ). Janet plays 1he wife o f an at· torney. But when her huc;band hire<> ad- venturer George Maha ris to do a litt le 5hady inve\tigating. Janel and Maharis c;tart in- vestigating each other imtead. Carl Betz: and Ramon St. Jacque also star in the film that wac; made in the San Francisco area. Off lhe screen. Janet gets involved w11h c1v1c projects. po litics, and organizart0ns )uch a'I SHARf'. the show hus1ne"c; cha rity that raise<> huge sums each year with a variety "how featuring rhe top name' in H t)ll ywood . Few actressc\ in Ho llywoC-1tl's hi.c;tory have made a<; many filmo; a\ J anet has 10 her credit 43 to date. And mo re importantly. it wnultl he diffi cult indeed 10 find another actre,c; with as many friend\ In a hu,mec;c; where time to think of 1'ther\ i\ alwav" in shM I 'upply. Janet maintainc; a rcmarl.utilc numher of fncnd .. h1p5 with reorlc jl Jll level" In addition to her bu~y prnfe~~ional career ,ind civic activ111c~. \he i~ al\l) the devoted mother of two dJughtcr\, Kell) 11 .rnd Jamie I I, and the wife of investment hro ker Rohen Brandt. The key word in Jancr"s life is "organiza- tion " She keeps her bags pachd so that c;he can accompany her hushand to New York on husincss trips. and when she works o n films abroad. she always takes along her two daughters. "The only way we can make i1 work is to have a chcckl1~t and carefully arr:rngctl wardrnbes," Janet explains. "You can't leave anything to chance. or 10 memory F o r example. I keep a complete duplicate m akeup kit just for traveling.'' Ke lly and Jamie love to jet around the wo rld wi1h lheir famous mo1her. A tutor ta kes care o f the school problem. and when they visit citi es such as Madrid. they have reunions with young fricnd'i they got to know during Janet'11 previous filming days. Janet\ next ABC film . that will air later 1n the <>ea'ion. will be "Honeymoon With a ~l rnnger," which co-stars Ross:ino Brazzi. It wa .. filmctl in Spain last summer. During rhc pa'it summer, Janet and her hu,h.1mJ tonk a deligh1ful acht cn11,e o f the Med1rcrranean. exploring Corsica :ind many \mailer isl:inds. 'Tm a horn tourist who \\0 11·1 q11 11 1111 I ~cc 11 all " she con- f e"n P•ae 21 WEEK Allen Hich Mr. Ge<>rge Q. Big, President of rhe Gigantic Broadcasting Co., Lid. and lnc., took a big slug of Old Tarnish, removed his gaze from his secretary's miniskirt and bade her summon Joe F lack, head of the netw ork 's promotion and poblicity dept .. ro the executive suite. Upon Flack 's arrival and even before he could be seated, B ig shoved a copy of the Megalopolis Bugle, the town's biggest newspaper. in the generaJ direction of his promotion manager and said as fol- lows: "Look at these two big ads. You will note that bolfl of the rival networks are quoting glowing reviews from critics concerning thek new fall shows. Mean- time, where are we, and what are we doing to quote good reviews from the critics about OUR shows? Nothing, mat's what nothing! "Here give me that paper," said Big. "Let me read you a few of them. 'Grand- pa's Other Wife': Scinlillating comedy at 11s very best -Sydney Freeload, Sauk Center Banner. Here's another: 'Let's Eat the Flowers': A masterpiece containing top entertainment for all -Joe Schm altz, East Dubuque Times- Leader-Gazette·Sun and M ail. And listen to rhis. 'The Frightened Cowboy': Spme·tingling adventure in the Old West Ca n't miss being high In the N1elsens -Al Boozer. Greenpomt. La .. Ech~ Diplomat." Big stared coldly at Flack. "How come you didn't run som e of c.ur good reviews m an ad?" Flack took his courage In ·hand. He decided to be trulhlul, at a ll costs. "J couldn't. We didn't HAVE M y gOOd reviews to run. And besides, that sort of ad means nothing to the public. Anyone knows that even if a new series is a dog the networks will manage to find a good review or two somewhere, and that's what hap- pened Ln this case. You seen any of those shows, Chief?" Big, who rarely looked at even the shows on his own network (he deemed his non-looking 'defensive therapy'). admitrcd he hadn 't seen any of rhe shows in ques tion "But that's got nothing to do with it," he snapped. "We're last in the ratings You better think of something, Flack," With his job on the line, Flack 1thought fast. "I got it. Chief.'" he said suddenly. ''We'll use shock treatment. Now, many viewers feel they could wnte better sc ripts than the real w riters, others think they could act better than the actors. There are t n1t:h in lending ads. why not apply the same tactics m a series of ads about our show~? People will be so amazed they'll tune m out of curiosity. Then maybe they'll be hooked. Think about it " Three day!. later Joe Flack was back in B1g's office w ith the <1ds ready for publication. They went like this: 'Love In a Haystack': Jt you enjoy trlvial plots of no depth and the performance of a star, Gloria Thirty-Eight, who learned actlng through a correspondence school course, you'll love this sbOw. 'The M etro Squad' T11~ of violence on the lV screen ? Sick or cops who really know what t11ey're doing? Like chases that last longer than the commercials? If so. M etro Squad is for you. 'A Boy, His Dog an d a Housekeeper " Perfonnance of the cac;t in this one Is a rare exercise in no talent. You'll know everything that's going to happen before it happens. The scr ipt telegraphs its punches in slow succession. Don't miss ll ... if you can. Joe Flack , beaming with confidencP., looked to Big for ai:r proval. The president or Gigantic groaned, but only slightly HP reached for the e\'er presen1 hottlr or Old T::irnic:;h an<I downed five fingers at n gulp. Hr spokr· "It's just craty enough to work. But If it doesn't, I want 10 point out something to you '' "What's that. Ch1c•f'>" ''The door·· Page 22 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WLlK. OCTOBI R 18, 1969 MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN IN STYLISH SETTINGS lnnmatl\e concept., 1n de<.ignmg <;els for filmct.l television arc hcing utilitl't.I ir1 Mr Deeds Goes It) T own. which airs on ABC. Fnt.lar ;it ~.10 PM. Thc~e k chni4uc' are Jue partly 10 the !\tagc backgrnunt.l _of Monte M arkham . whu !>l;ir~ as Longfellow Dcct.1~. anJ the expertise of two crecn Ci cm' :irt d1rl'tt0r!>. RtW• Bellah ant.I Zoltan M uller. When M arkham first hcgan di~cussion with prut.lucer Boh Swee- ncy ahout whcrl' 01.'cJ, wo11ld live ;rnJ v.11rk. hi' mind "a' full nf 1Je.1<;. I t,ngldhn ... Dl'1.'1.h "·" lhl' puhli,hl'r ,1f a ncw<;papa in M andrake F<tll' .ind J 111Jn tlf ,1mpk t:1,te' -v. hl·n hl' ,..,;,, ,ut.Jdcnlv informed 1h.1t he h:1d hecnmc .1 n11ilti-1111ll111n;11rl' :ind he.id 111 a giant C<'n 1-!111ml'r.1tc ll1unt.lct.l hy h" latl' unt:k. rh" Jll'Ce,\lt.1h:J hi\ g11ing Ill ev. Y 1.11 ~ ..... here hl' 11\1.'\ 1n a l.1,h1t•ll'1hlc rl"lllh11U\l' ,1n<.J \H'fkS Ill \lllllplllllll\ llOji.;e\ ,".1cl.!tml! '' 11h art dire<:ttir, Bellah and f\!11llcr. f\h1n1c 11ffrn:d '0111c 1!1 ht' 'lig)!c\!illl1' t.1r .1J.qi1111g \t.1gc 1i:chn14t11:' 1<1 film I r1•111 thc'c 'l.'''l"f" came 1he Mr. Di:cd\ \Ch h11ill nn 'taµe 1() ,11 lhl.' ( nl11mb1;1 l{,1nd1 1n Burh:ini... ( .iltl .. f t1l' ll''ull,, ,,1\'' i\l.1rl-.h,1m. ";ire ,, L'nmhin.11io11 tit hl.';111 tv ,1nd I 11111.11111ia "'111 .. A11d .. 1CCl'rllin!! Ip lkllah. lhl·\ ;1ri: .1l'l' nwri: 1.'C•'"''mical 1ha11 lhl.' ll\ll;tl lllll'\ 1\1.11 l.h.1111. \\ h,1 ,, ,I\ rk.1,ecl With !hi.' nll'' .1hlc \Cl\ ·" a I.id V.-llh .1 fh'\\ I 11.'ll•lr \\'I. d1.'\Cr 1h1:~ them ;1\ r11l1<1\\\ · ,\ p,·r111.uw111 'l-.det111l <,ct """' h111h 1111 ''h1ch m11lt1 un11' an: 11111\l'd 111 .111d 1111t \\',ill, .11c 1111 traci.., .1ml t:.1n he mnH·d with l111k l'll1•1t 111 .1 n1111111H1111 11f t1111I.'. \'.ir11111, "'""" 11f drJpl.'rtl.'' .111.' ·"'" 1•11 tr.id., .ind 1.an he n11lcJ 1nt11 rl.ice Ill m11lllll'\ Th1'1 l'lim 1n.11n t1llll' "'11.ill\ 'Pl'llt Ill h:tnglll!! them " Om• d.I\ lhl· '~l"lct11n Ill.I\ 1111 II in111 rhc II\ 1ng r1•l10l 11f n ccch' 1.·kg.111t f'1.'lltht•ll\l0 .1p.1r lfllllit th1· fll'~I d.I\ lhl' dmtni.: r1111m hCCilTllC\ h" h.111if"1111lh .1pp1•1111l'd h1,,1rd n111111 \\'11h atkpl re arr.ing1:mcn1 hi\ llfllLl' hcL1lllll.'\ lhl' bcdniPm .ind \Ill: \\'r\,I f ht: \l/,1hil.: l"Lllfl1llU\ \\ h1ch I\ l'ffcCICd C'1lllle\ frtlfl1 the 1Tltnlf11Uffi 111 fhl\1r ,p.1u: 1n1t111nl Dl'l\H,il1ng 11r · drl.'"ing·· the n'\'01' ,.., d11n1.· 4111tl.ly :111d df1Ht le"I) ''1th th1.• 'lwu.ilh· dl'"!!nl.'.d Ct•llll'mpt1r.1r} t 11rn1turc 'tort:d 11ght 1•n lhl.! \l:ll!I.' .1nd 1111'\l'd in ;ind nut "' rcq11ired 1\1,111<.h.1111 \1h11 lwl1h ,, m.l'ter\ 11l'g.rl't: 111 theater an.; fn1m the l '111\\'l\ll\ 1•f ( "'•'f!(1.1 h." haJ 11:n \l.'.lr' 1111 the ... t;1gc 1r1 \1 1mmcr ,11•1.J... llh· '1,11\ I 1.1111..1\1·11 1\1.lnr\ \\1111-.\hnp. P.1'.llkna l'hl\·hllll'il' and 'l.111 I )rn·•'' (.!••ht: I h1•.111•1 .di ,,f "h11 Ir h.I\ c given htm 1nll'n"ivc· J...1111 .... kdgl' ,I( 111 ... d.dl '\\ h11 J...111''" hl· 11111'1.''· ·,~c m,1\ h,• ll"ll!! tc.:hn1411c' 1h.11 will hl' ... 1.111d.1td 111 llw h<111\I.! 1•1 t1,in11rr"'' '.lrdlll,f! v.,111, L.1n 11p1:11 !\loll 1<•11111' 111t11 11111.· 111 111.11-.1.· 'l'l'fill lr11m nn.: l.1rgl' Pnc \11d .i \'nil \\tlh p.111cr11ed ,,,1llp.1p\·1 \,In tiecnm1: nnc nf p.111cllcd v.111•d \'Ith .1 tn111 h ,,t .1 h1111n11 11 th.it '"'" \l'Hf mnc1d ' ' 1 1 , ' '1 r .I t' in Their Fly~ Muhtnes (C) m Evans·Nov1k Report (C) 0 Cl~ (6 rn Banana Splits (C)I EI> Tutro famili1r 0 @ l'It ffi The H1rdy Boys (C) m film futures m Amuing Thre! 12:30 0 ~ 8 I Wacky Races (C) OCTOBER 25 EI) Cuerd_as y Gu1tmu 0 Hi&h ind Wild (C) 10:00 0 ~ 8., The Perils of Penelope O Movie: "The Cruet Su" (dra· Pitslop (C) ma) '53 Jack Hawkins, Donald fJ 17 (J ff) Sky Hn1ks (C) Sinden Q Movie: "Ch~rge at feather . Riv· m Movie: '1he Man Who Could 7:00 . (j3 (6 m Heckle & Jedtle (C) er (western) 53 -Guy Madison, Work Miracles" (comedy) '37-Rol li9J (V m Casper (C) Ve1a Miles. and Young Joan Gardner Mr. Wishbone (C) @ .Movie; "The Man Is Armed "· 1:00 0 0~ (j; Superman (C) Felix the Cat (C) (diama) 56 -Dane Clark. O Double future: "Seven in the 7:25 Give Us This Day (C) EI>~ Dolor de Amar Sun" (adventure) '66-Granna Maria 7:30 Sunrise Semester (C) l0:3o f) ,29 i! Stooby-Doo, Where Are Canale. frank Latimore "Requiem @ (31 $ Smokey th~ Bear (C) ~·2~C) 6 m Jambo (C) for a Gunfighter" (western) '65- Rudin& With Your Child O M . . (C) "Ebbt'd ,, (adven Rod Cameron, Stephen McNally I Bozo the Clown (C) ~;~e. 1 e O Movie: "Missile lo the Moon" 8:00 ~ (i) The Jetsons (C) iU'r~er -Ray Mrlland. rrances (sci Ii) '59-Richard Travis. Cathy @ (6) m Here Com es the ITT 3 t.t:\ G II' (C) Downs Grump (~ -· ...u u iver @ Colt 45 I (J7, 3 it.t:\ Cattanooga Cats (C) m Mov1~: "Berlin Correspondent" .::T.\ C ~ d M . Y ~ (drama) 42 Dana Andrews Virgin ~ arc e u1eres ll1mb1 (C) 1a Gr I more · 1 :30 0 29 I 8 Jonny Quest (C) Tales of Wells Fargo ll:OO 0 591 (i) Archie Show (C) @Wrestling (C) . Gumby (C) 0 ~ (61 m The f'llntstones (Cl 2:00 0 Mr. Ed 8.30 ®l (j) Bugs Bunny/Road Run. H (fV (3) rn Fantastic Voyage (C) 2:30 0 Sltps to learnrng (C) ner Hour (C) . ~m O . 0 @ (6) m Pink Panther (C) 11.30 · 6 m Underdog (C) • Wagon Tr.arn. (C) 8 Cimpus Profile 0 1 3 ff) NCAA Football (C) m S.F. lnv1tat1onal Open Golf Movie: "Chase a Crooked Shad-Mrchiga~ State .~t Iowa . .. Tournament (C) Lrve ow" (m ste ) ;58---Rlchard Todd 0 Movre: (C) Powder River (ad m The Answer (C) I else: lli1 venture) '53 -Rory Calhoun Cor· 3:00 0 The New Society (C) Paul Udell Rocket Robin Hood (C) inne Calvert is host as high school students 9:00 ~ (6) m H. R. Pufnstut (C) @Movie: "Code of Sllence" (dra engage tn a free d1scuss1on ol con g Movie: "Ride a Crooked Mne" ma)-fd Nelson, Mark Zachary. tempora~ problems and conflicts (drama) 'JS-Akim Tam irofl. 0 Dr. Kildare 0 @ (~~ff) Hot Wheels (C) 0 (ill l3 l ffi Amerrcan Bandstand m Movie: "Mr. Universe" (com-. (C) . edy) '51-Jack Carson, Janis Page. 12:00 0 (29 (j) The Monkees (C) EI) Ti.emp~ de Perdon lD Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) 0 International Zone: "Subbulak ffi B!g Pi~ture (C) EI) Canclonu y Musica del Recuer-shm1 at the United Nations" 3:30 0 Viewpoint (C) Jere W1tte1 hosts. do 0 Home and Recreation Show (C) @ Patty Duke 9:30 0 ~ (i) Dasta'111y and Mutttey Jack Rourke hosts. ffi Silver Wings (C) SATURDAY MORNING 4:00 O Movit! "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" (comedy) '48- Abbott and Costello. Bela Lugosi. Lon Chaney O Championship Bowling (C) 0 Movie: "Siena Stranger" (west em) ·57 11oward Duff. Gloria Mc· Ghee. 0 I Spy (C) I Man From UNCLE (C) McHale's Navy McKeever and the Colonel Feature 4:30 0 Youth and the Polite (C) "Drugs and the law" 0 Outdoors With liberty Mutual (C) @The Munsters m Bronco CE) The World of Beauty (C) 5:00 0 It's Academic (C) Competing hrgh schools are Carden Grove. Norte Vista (R1vers1de) and Westetn (Anaheim) 0 This Week ln Pro Football (C) 0 li7) (31 ff) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Boxing U S. ~s Russia from Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada O The Avengers (C) m Daktari (C) Batman (C) Peter Gunn 23 6 High Chaparral (C) ttJ Playine the Guitar (R) EI) futbol-Soccer 5:30 0 Ralph Story (C) (R) I KNBC Newservice (C) Gilligan's Island (C) Mr. and Mrs. North NET Special (C) "Goodbye, City Hall " (R) m Agnculture USA (C) ~ I ~Movies ol tile Week Now Open 7 DayH a \\'e41!k SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 9 :00 O (i7) (3) (C) "Stagecoach." Anri·Marg ret, Red Buttons, Brng Crosby, Bo b Cummrngs, Van Heflrn and Keenan Wynn star in the classrc western adventure o f travelers on a stagecoach to Cheyenne. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 9:00 O ~ (6) (C) "By Love Possessed." A wealthy attorney comes lo a fuller understandrng o f his moral respons1b1lit1es durrng a few shock-filled days. Lana Turner. Efrem Z1mbaltst Jr and Jason Robards Jr. star. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:30 O (ii)~) (C) "The Monk." George Maharis and Janet Lergh star rn a fast·paced story of adventure and intrigue set agarnst the colorful backgrounds of San Francisco. 9:00 O Qj @) (C) ''The Lonely Profession.'' Harry Guardrno. Dina Merrill, Dean Jagger and Joseph Cotten star 111 mystery about private eye who tries to solve a murder after he becomes a suspect. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 9:00 0 @@ (C) "The Trouble With Angels." Rosalrnd Russell and Hayley Mills star rn comedy of two prank-prone students and therr Mot her Superior. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 9 :00 O ~Cf) (C) "Two on • Guillotine.'' A girl must spend seven consecut ive nights in her father's eerie castle to 1nher1t his estate. Connie Stevens, Dean Jones, Cesar Romero star FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 9 :00 O {29i (8J (C) "The Last Challenge." A marshal's reputation as the most accurate gunman 1n the West is challenged by a young stranger. st arring Glenn Ford, Chad fvPrett i!nd Angie D1ckrnson. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:30 O ~~ 6 (C) "Tom Jones." Albert Frnney and Susannah York star in a roll1ckrng tale of a young man's adventures '/RATE~ NN DINNERS SERVEO WITH wl~t, ChMH . Hiid, bO.cl po11ro, 1nd vtoet111k ot Iha d•r $3.25 fll et or sole chicken kiev top sirloin vt>al cordon bleu filet mignon tail Dilly Future bee( brochettes wltll lllct Pll•ll $3.25 $4.25 lobster tail or filet mignon buccaneer • I.ck AntUI IHf E•clu1lvely WINE & BEER V• litre 11.00 ~. litre I I.SO 1 lltre '2 SO tlelr .i.er S .H Re1erv1t1on1 5u99Hl9CI Phone 675-2051 Opo.•n !'l :10 · 11 00 4l0 HELITHOPF: AVE CORO A r>F:L MAR • t Page 23 CONFUSED ABOUT STEREO? CASSETTES? CARTRIDGES? REEL-TO-REEL? 4, 8, 12-TRACK? ASK the "WISE GUYS" at ATLANTIC.! CTHEY'RE NOT REALLY "WISE GUYS" AT ALL-THEY'RE JUST VERY WISE ABOUT STEREO QUEST10NS > " SA VE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! • Solid-State Stere o Compact Ta pe System 1hi• ;, for the pe r~on who wanh a tru· ly verutae, port<1ble 1tereo t ape 1y1· te m. Complete '4-t rock ••ereo -b uilt. in power a mplifier• and m•khed 1tereo 1pe<1kers. Built.,,, Stereo Con· irol Center permili complete f.,cilitie1 for • 1+ereo luner, o r ma9nelic phono- 9raph, Two mircophones included. • NEW PRICE SAVE $30.00 NOW ON NEW SONY 230! OLD PRICE ... $22950 s199so GARRARD 25-WATT SYSTEM HARMAN-KARDON 200-FM -e 1$ w.-11 soi.a SMrc 51.,eo Amphtier & Pre Amp e 11" Co A•••' Lance• SAYE $74 S l I SPf'c>"cr 01lt'd Walnut • • EntlO>ure' REG. PRICE $1 74.50! e lf70 Ga rr Ard Aulomo"c 1 urn ltb'" plu• >lerto c&rllloo• will> d1a mon0 ••v•vs s9999 Ask t he "WiH Guy1" •bout this H -K 200 .•• Reg. $250.00 GAUAID ... Reg. $45.45 LAHCHS ••• Reg. $59.00 SAVE $154.74! "Best-buy" $ spec:i•I 199•1 system I FISHER 160-T andXP-s·s FM-stereo S'HE'RWOOD-AR 125-watt AM-FM ... oO ... REG. PRICE $369.SO! ., • I ' I f\I • ,,. , H 1111 I ''lit '>f ~ • ""''' '" Reg. S l 19.01) The /600 A. " 1·She•WOOd\ n~wul llS w J ft with tld ~1Ucon =:::!!!!!=...;:a'~1('•rCJIU FET front tnO lh.i 'I 11'1 1•U'tJ11MIU tw n f,thh,.., w ,01 !\h U' tt '11.\nW>nd 'hnu~. w~I ''"' Ucht & •u.,t "• •r SAY( 5 201 73 s39991