HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa....... -.,.:... . • I Mechanics Cry Sabotage DAILY PILOT On Riverside Hace Cars * * * 1oc * * * (SEE SPORTS PAGE 18) WEDNESDAY 'AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 29, 1969 VOl.. 62, Ho. J,., J ~l!ltt lOPn. II ..... 011:~ ant er e s ' _iar' at • r1a Smog Ruling Fair? 'Cl1icago 8' Defe11da11t Ju(l,ge Defends Out-of-court Settlement LOS ANGELES (1\P) -A rrdrr<1 I judge who apprO\'C'd an out.o\'.>f-court se1- l\ement of the government 's ;inti smog sull against maj or :i11!01nakers says his rul in~ \"'llS in the pu blic lnlcrest. L".S. Disl. Court J udge Jesse W. Curti s granted a consent decree Tuesday 1n response lo a propo·sal by the Ju:;tice ~rpartmenl. · 'I'he d( flled during the Johh~ ad- ministration, ac cused Gene ral Motors, Ford, Ch rys ler . American ~·lot.Qrs and the Au1omobile Manu facturers AsSOCiiltion o( conspiracy to delay development of an· llJlOilutlon equipment for their product!, The decree. f0rbids Lhe continuation of practices Uie. govern111cnL C?QnJplained abflut. Judge Curtis said il 'vould h;ivc been tragic had the court 1!et:lined to sign the dttree, the case then had gone to trial and the govemmenl had lost. Jn his oral opinion, the jurist asserted 1hi> decree "gives the go\'ern1ncn l all the relief 1l could have gained if il had Lried !he case and won.'.' Adrl\tionally. he said , 1l .<:aves the taxpa yers the cost or a trial. The decree was opposed by regional agencie.<i lhr:iughout the n a ti o n , rcpresCn\Gd by at .Jtasl JO attorneyfj. ·rhey w're joined ~· U c<>ngressmen Who either objected lo a consent decree or want4:d modlfkation or the terms of the settle ment . Judge Curtis noted that the con&ent decree wjll not prtdudice the rights ol anyone bringing damage suits against the automakers in coMection with air pollu· l ion. Nor will it prevent local agencies or indiv idua\1 from tak ing the matter to another court. he said. AU.orney Tbomas Sheridan, represcn- Sa1i Pedro Homes Creep Toward Doom in Slide Special 11.1 the DAILY PILOT S . .\N PEDRO -One or four t'-xrh1.~1\•e hon1es doomed by a "1dC'nlng ctiffl11p crl'vicc crept !O\v;1rd des1 ni tlinn in the :o111rl brlo\v todciy, niuv1ng ;:()feel 111 a new earth slide \\'hich occ urred bi:fore d,11111. Three olhers in !he $51),000 lo .i75,000 c!a~s arc ;dso inching 10\\'ar<I the rock· lilted, crnshing sea 21~1 irl't bclo11i', \\hile the. ~Ct'!llC '1cw neighborhood beg;.•n 1le·•el op1ng nc,\·cr t·racks in the ground 'l"ue5d;iy. "It appears to 1n c as if it is just going lo slide into lhe Pae11ic," said San Pedro Pol ice Sgl. Tnm Barnow , walching the txpen.!!ive home slipping visibl y. ''It could go at any time or it might l .. kr 20 yea rs," adf1ed a spokesman for lhe Los Angeles Depa rtment ol Public \\'orks. "Nothlni; can be done," he added , a~ heartsick hon1eo\1·ners-pondered the fact the houses arc nol insured, since it has been \•ir t11ally impossible lo obtain such coverage since lhr 1!153 earthquake. A series of earlh tremors in recent Police Nab' 18 In 'l-lippic' Raid SAl'! DI EGO (/\Pl -Eighteen pen;on! WPre arrc~l elf Tllrsdey when police r.arcolirs <lfl icers r:iid~ a Linda Vista i.rea d'"t>llln~ they rallM a "hippie p<id ." Nine wornen anrl ninr men. ranging in 111 ge from J8 to 22. wr~c booker! for . in- \estigation of possessing :tile! ~l hn i: daqerous rlrugs. Two juvenil r girls. both 15, ~err laken to juvenile. hall ancl refer· rl'd \o the ~unty probation olfice. orhcers said several hundred secona1 C'al)6ule~ were. seiied from the <!welling y,·htch they 5airl had a f\Mr rovrrCfl with ma!tresses, walls f'Ol'f'rrd \\'llh posters and lood mus ic. A search warrant \\'R~ l!J~Ucd after in- fn/'tna1jon wa ~ rPCc11c<l frorn an ln· f~, poUce said. \1·eeks is apparently to blame for loosen· Ing cliff area soil soakrd b.v hca\·y rains li!•I "·inter and therefore sli!J somewhal 11n•table. The main crevice v.•hich ~pli l of)('n Su11- 1l;1y I.as gro\vn to a yard v.·ide al the rate nf a ha lf-inch per hou r and v.·hich secn1s 1n some places lo be bottomless has spht on•· home in ha lf. Fou r ne are st the ocean are of f thei r lo•111dati ons ;ind a g\1esl hou se has plun1· 1neted lo the rocky Point Fermin beach b~IO\\' the 180 degree view properties. Noted yachtswoman Peggy Slater. \l'ho liv l!s lv.·o blocks fro111 the dis.aster ~ene nn Paseo de.I ~far discovered cracks ap- pe11 ring in her yard and home foundation Tuesday. "I don't want to $0Und panicky, but can you come and Lake a look ?," she aSked Caltech graduate stu d e n\ Ken Zuckerman, \Vho was checking a strain indicator de.vi« in the hard-hit area. Public Works Oepartm'ent authorities sl\id the new cracks were not unexpected i:illd now appear lo be widenlng. although there is no immediate danger and no further evacuation planned. Damage so far i.s estimaled at $80,000 and bound to get worse, as the oceanfront lots coolinue sllpplng slowly :seaward at an undtlemrined nite. "None of It's insured," bitterly observ- ed victim George 1'· Smith. "II I'd ju:r1t had I fire from a broken gaq main It would have been covered,., he added. Sle~per Finislies Her NaJJ in Jail Somebod y's been slee pinj • jn Earl Williams' chair sod ft lsn,.pilocks. Williams, owner of a ser\1i. *lion at 169$ Superior Av~ .. Co.'1~ liJIP.. called police Tuesday afternoon to ~.111 young lady had wandered in and -doced off Jn his office chair . Maria Yne1es, 24, Santa Ana. finisher! her nap a.t Orange County .JAJI, booked on a charg~ of drui intoxication. 1111:; ('.ongressmen opposed lo lhe detrrr, com1nented : "Some\vhcrr, sooner or lciter, this case i~ going lo trial." 'I'hr Justice lk partmenl, in seeking lhc C'011sci1t decree, argued U1al it would u·iden research on antismog de vices. t11ajor provisions of the decree dea l "i~ patent and Fei'f4rch da!1t. The defendants, fur inst.a.nee, are forbidden lo cont inue joinL as1essment or patents or- fercd to any ont Ol them by outside parties. Another pro1•ision ouUa1vs any con· fidenUal e~e or informallon relating to e~l devices. Still !linotlfe.o' prohibit.!! the r!l'fendan18, a~ a grou p,1ftom reslrainlng decisions et an individua l com pany as to the date U v.·iil install antismog devices. Beacl1 Bicyclist, 12, Swerves Into Car; Killed A young Huntington Reac h bicycli.~t ~·;:i,-killed Tuesd<Jy afternoon when he .s.,.. rrl'ed inlo the path of an eastbound rar nn Edingrr Al'rnue, cast of Ed11i·ard.'I St rer!, according lo investigating of- f u:rr~. Pnlicr ~aid Phil Todd, 12. or IG.161 196~ 180 l'ounty Traffic Death 'roll '"' 113 ~f'renadc Lane, wa~ rrportedly doing "\\heelies" (standing his bike on the rea r tire 1. 11i hen the acc ident occ urrl'rl. The fir st men on the scene rom· mandeered so me nearby car jacks to free hhn from under the ca r. but the boy was <lead on arrival at Huntingloo Jn tercon1- munity Hospital. The driver, Mrs. Sandra Sue Adam~. !12, of 6422 Sligo Circle, ~luntington Beach v.•as not crt_ed by poli re. The boy'' death was the twelfth traffic fat;:i llly recorded in Huntington Beach this year. In 1968. there were 20 traffic <le<11hs by this llme. TOdd was the second youngster killed thl.!i yea r. U~I ltlt•~•~ A f'auaily Affair· Apparently experiencing a baby siltins, problen1 , Monlagnard lribes- rn an heads for hi s guard post near Tieu-Atar, South Vietnam, ,.,,ilh his child strapped lo his back. Ti eu·A tar is site of a 1.1ontagnard re· fugce camp and a U.S. Special Forces l!OSL Supe1·sonic Bomhe1·s Face Scrap Heap for Econo1~y \l"ASHINGTON /UPI) -The n;ition's today: "Becau se or olhrr budget culs. It i>nlirc 86-plane fleet of B58 superS<lnic will not Qe po ssible, as in th!? past, ln P1ices lo Rise, horn hers v.·ill be scra(>P'd as part of the gua~a ntee eacn-atfecied · ~rson another Pc11tagon's SJ billi On economy program , jub Offer.'' ' But More Slowly Defense Secretary Melvin n. Laird In I.he 851! the Air Force loses_<;! plane ref>(lrled toclay. rapable or nying 1,300 miles per hour al \VASlllNGTON (\JP!) _ Commerce Ja;,~e 3f.h~:U~i\f i':a;i: ~S,'P~~~~~e;~ · :15,0oo' ~eel, and of climbing to over so.Ooo Secretary J\fa urlce H. Stans predicted to· bom bing force with only' about 580 B52s. feet. "Built by Gf neral Dynamics at l'"'prt day prices will continue lo riS! n~t year All of !he 858s currently fl~ ope.ra-. \\'or1h , Ti!);., it first.f]e1v in.1956. CHICAGO llJPl) ~ Black Panther IC'ader Bebby Seale, yelling "r{!ci9t pig" and ''liar.'' charged a U.S .. attome.y dur- ing the "Chicago Eight" tria l t.od ay and \Vas thrown back into his seat with such l0rce thal he fell into Lhe courtroom's press sct"tion. U.S. District Court J 11dge Julius J . llof· fman x rvcf1 Hnfl warn~11g , on PXI na· : tto6il )chairman: 'l the Blact P.'tlher Party ihat he "quid be gagged a,nd ·chain· ed 10 his chair if another such outburst took P'ace. It v.·a~ lhe wildest outbreak yet of th• !rl;il of Seale and seven other men charg. l'cl wllh conspiring to incite riots durinll' lhc Democ ratic nati onal convention. · It hegan wi th a 8P('ech by S~ale 111 hi! supporters in the courtroom before th~ session. began. li e. told th em .. ''lf arryon1 allacks you physically, you know. lb@ princi ples or the party -self defen se." Hr aj.so sa id, "Remember one thing _. hold your cool." As soon as 1hc session opened, Chiel Defense Altom!y William Kunstler pro teslerl to lloffn1an that m a r s ha If gi1;irding the cuurtroom had 11tart.ec scfl rching mc1nlx>rs of the defense legfli :-ta!f. As Kur~tler al'lrl ·Hoffman <lebaled heated ly. Assi$1anL U.S. At torn el Richa rd Schultz strode to the bench and soid Seale·s spe<>ch about a ''physical at· 1ack" \v;is C\'idence of the need fol <'our!room secu rity. Sea le juinped fron\ his seat and ra1 low;:ird Schul!z screaming. "You rollen raci~l pig you Har. you lia r, you're 1 l!ar TriC'kV Ditl( SchulU, like his bosB Die~ Nixoii is a liar ." Three marshals collared Seale. draggfi him lo his ch air, and fJunJ: him into ii rle!ipitr. the attempt of defenda nt Da vi< Dellinger to thro\v his own body in th1 \\·11~·.' The chair lipped over and Seale topple( lnh1 1he front row of the press litct.ion Dr. Benjamin Spock, noted baby doctor an<I peace advocate, and Capt. llowfrd Levy, 11i·ho wa~ courtmnrtlaled for r~ f11sin~ lo gi ve medical !raining to .Grteft Berets, 11i·f re sitting in the secon4 r()'lv. When fleale regained bi!! seat, mar.'lbah pinned him I.here. .. Orange ' Coaat lfeaf,her , You'll be groylng yo11r v.·a~ aroµnd· tbt:1 Orajtge ,Coai;t ag11i'll ,Thursday morn.i{lg as· the d~n11i fog gets even de~ser. Afternoo teniperatUrC11 ' Will 'sink' to 6 · locally but jwhp· to 80 rurthe inland. but at a slower pace than lb1I year's rate linnal. The planes hBve ~ out of' pro-The ·858, kiiown a! the Hustler, Is the of abbat fl>f"Ct nl. ' ductiOn for some lime. only suprrson!c heaVy bomber: ever bu ilt INSmE, TODAY , Stans llftdkrted a squeeze on corporate The B:J&s cOst '$12.~· fnttflon" a'plece" to . · A id • i I d I f profit!! ~•used by slowed output and con-build . bul the Air Force !laid it had 'nl) ~ by· the United Stale!!'.. Jn 19':1 .. one ol the rn · 1 t rv .e~rn11dng Jc ~Cul e . o linued Increa se!! in labor c~!Jii. esHmale as to ~ow much t\'Ol.lid be Saved · flew from Tokyo lo London al an aver~ge f~~ ~h:sr:i~llf';: oj u~o~~mbe:"~'~t "OUr forecast suggesls that the real through t8 ktng lhem out "Of operation. llpetd of 938 miles p<c ho"r-lhiesl j , JW1 ,JiaJina .,..1;J>NJ...JJ · , · 4 rate of growth in the econom y will con· Asked wby the .851 w.as betng phased · l!tlperiaflic .flfghr~ ifti ,kl~1~:t'. · ~ · •: ll'fT"·~ •"i ",'1' f ;. •. ~., . • tinue in 1970, hut at a slow pace for a otit rath~r thanallkcnumberoftheolcter ,. Llir_d _njd, ·.'~· i"eti". ¥' ~,ibJ/\ 1.tt'L .1 • 1 lt~ ;. te:'1!'w.;.Jt•: while. followed by 1 mod~t pickup ln tbe 852.s. Air P'orce sources said more sa v-. · hec;:\l$e· or i°"~V)!rnenJ.&i our,str.lttgle 1 f'...,'™' ".: ) ~-;~ . growth rate in tht lasl.bal( of tl)e year," ings c01Jlrl be effected on spare par'.s and delefl"bnls restiJtJogJcwn· i~ng ! ~""' 1 ·~~. "jl he Nid in a apee~h prepared for the Los other Joglslic1 l)y only having one type of addlli6n of ·ntvl . C"D'1J{' l>di· ~ t.oo j ,' ' •' 1, .-•• ~. ~g ·'::::i;' , f • I of Co . fl I ' ,,,..~ •.•. Y.. .. ".,. .. .,. .nnge es area Chamber mmer~. a1rcra t n OJl('rl\t on. Improved Mi11Utem,an ·atid P I Pou1-°'" M'tl"'' .. '" t 11. Stans said the Nlxon adminlstralion'it Laird made. the di~losure In 11pe'ling ·, don 'mi~slle~.:· . · , ~·: . • ' .. = .~... '; l:."J.ill(...;._ 11:,_ infl alion control effort is "achieving l!'X-t'l11t dt lall11 or !he economy movtS an-T"f!"boinbfr reductiom wu,·parJ bf the 111Mrt11_,"' "·'' --Ma<'ht• tt-il actly th~ right effect" even though the 11011nced i\tonday which \\1ill l'loi;t. :m7 ' planp~d cutbac!;s anno1111c«1 by:. L.a ird J 1 =--· ~~ f::;~'::" H·f! Commerce Depertmenf11 mon thly index milita ry ba~rs and ellmln;ite 37)oo · Mon(jS~ .involvili~ 307 military 'in-; '~rtt!..,.''' J: . 'fl'"*"'~ M of rdl{ht leading buA1nes11 Indicators In· -n1ilit;:iry and 27,000 civilian jobs. 11alJation1 in 42 statt~.-Pliert/1 'Rko ~nd • ... i;._uu..,. 1•. ~ N11n .~ creased 1.3 percent la11t month. 01 the cutback in civilian s-. !Alrd satd t.1~·er11eas. "' r j l J \ -. --····----"i -• WWW4 W •F ¥ s Federal Help Sought for Newport Parking By JEIUlME P'. COLLINS Of .. ...,p ..... Newport Beach city government wants to ease the beach parking squeeze in West. Newporl But It will need a httle help from it! lriend.1 in Wa.shineton. The city has pinpointed three pro-perties. now undeveloped. u siles for paridnC kU lo serve at least 500 cars. With decking, that figure could be doubl· ed. Only one thing stands in the city's y,·ay: money. Thi three sites could cost up to t;Z.5 milUon to purchase and another $200,000 to pave and landacape. Newport Beach doesn't ha•·e that 'k ind vr money. So, under city council authority, the muak:lpaJ ltl.ff today Ls studyhl& ways to come up wttb the .f:uDM. And they're loot. Singles Get $600 Million Tax Break? WASHINGTON (UPI ) -The Senate Finance Committee today voted a $600 million tax break for single people who liave long con tended they are victims of lall' discrimination. (Earlier story, page 8.) It adopted a Nixon administra tion pro- posal to stipulate that a single peraon would pay no more than 20 percent more taxes than a married perSOTI y:ith the same amou nt of income. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (0·t-.1lnn .), a member or the committee, an nounced the decision, taken al a closed session of the group. He said &ingle people in the $20,000-to-$40,000 revenue bracket pay as much as 40 percent more taxes lh an their married coonterparts under present law. However, another proposal ~ ease tax· es or &ingle people was reJeeted .. The i:ommiltee voted against a formula in the House-passrd tax refonn bill. to grant head-<>l-household status to single tax· payers over 35. . This latter provision would have given them a tax cut even more generous than the one adopted by the committee. which appli ed to all single people regardless of age. h"l Two comm.itlec members m~anw 1 c pressed for amendments to increase dependent deductions for every ta"Jpay~r 11nd an immediate 15 percent increase 1n 6Xial 8Ccurity payments. . . Sen. Albe rt M. G<ire lD-Tenn .), said hi~ &mendmen t to allow each taxpa~er to deduct $1 000 instead of $000 for himself and each 1dependenl would give tot.al ~ax relief to 12 million per&ons and provide "most tax relief where it is needed mosl -to the taxpayer with the. most children to feed , c1ot.he and educate." Laguna Beach Now Boasting Oivn Epicenter Laguna Beach with its 17,000-year-old L11guna man skull. Festival of Arts and fabled coastal grandeur now has its own epicenter. Mayor Glenn Vedder, who has a .!icholarly turn of mind, pointed out the recent acquisition to Laguna Bea ch Chamber of Commerce directors Tues· dav. Said the mayor \1·ilh a twinkle, "any ci· ly in California that doesn't have its oy,·n epicenter can't be mentioned. We ha\'e long y,·anted one of those." . . Referring to the 1'1onday morning Jolt that registered 4.3 on the Richter earth· qu1ke scale, Vedder told the Chambe r I hat the Long Beach quake of 1933 -pro- bably 1;econd worst in modern Californi a times - measured 6.3 compared to the San Francisco 1906 disaster (8.25). OAIL\ f'ILOT .............................. --_,..., ..__ CAUfOllldA CIAllll CDA!l PlllLISMINO COMMH'r l•"ert N. w,,, ---Jotc• L c .... r,, _ ......... c-.r .......... n-•• ktl'lll .... n.-.. A. M•'Pliiftt ......... ~"--c.lt ... , .. w.t • 11-' ...... ..._, ,,,, ..,. .......... _ ~--..it 1'1."-' .. ~ *""' 9wr1,....... ' In& in the direcUon of the federal govern· ment. ''We sent the money <'nst," S<tid Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons. ··1 see nothing \liTong with lrying to gel some of it back." f.layor Doreen Mar&hall and lhe rest ot the council are in agreement. ""The need for parking Jots In We3t Newport certa inly docs take on regional aspects," said the mayor. '"The. city should get some help from h.liher le¥els of governmenl The pressures from beach users are just going to increase, so \\•e've got to consider financing from all sources." Councilmen discussed the subject - and gave !he staff di rection -al their study session this week. City Tralfle En1Jneer ~ Jlllt, lo nspc>!lle lo an earlier -""I-.. ':r ·· Think About It came up, with the proposed sll.el and what he fra.okly lenned their "gloomy" costs of ;icqulsltl on. These arc lhe siles and their estmiated costs -!Al A Ol\C-acre parcel at the eastern end oI Seashore. Drive at 33rd Street: $450,000; IOI car spaces. William Cagney 1s lhe owner. -(8 ) A four and one half-acre parcel bounded by Seas~Ktre and lliver Avenue, between S8th and ~th streets; $1 ,620,000 : 384 car spat'es. The western half of the site is owned by the state, the eastern half by Soulhern Pacific Rai lway, suc- cessor to the Pacific Electric Co. -!C) A ha lf-acre parcel hard by !he San La Ana Hi\"t'r channel: $1-15,000: 51 spaces. It is owned by the Orange County r·1ood eoruot District. J affe said tota l annual costs to the city for lhe parking lot.I, Including amortlu- lion of the purchase price, would be more thah $200,000. Grou annu <1I revenues tfrom parking lees) would be $67,000. "It's a pretly gloomy picture ," he saici. "J\1aybe we can get grants in aid Jrom Ille rederal government and !he :;t:ile reereolion people," he suggested. Gt\'e il a try, he Wiil& told by lhc. coun· c11. Councilmen also agreed that study shou ld be given to the posssibili ty or dnub!e-<lt'cking or going even highe r at one of the sites, al,< least. JI wou ld. they said, hike rc\'cnuei and thus lower annual costs. City ~lanager Harvey L. Hurlburt said the 5~th Street parcel I Site Bl would be ''ideal" for a parking structurt'. ··1t \1•ouldn 'l block .uoyonc's view of the ocean." Jaffe said it is unlikely that such a 1 ""' ··'\_ .... ' , Ohio State University student Frank Fioritto isn 't dead -he's just doing his thing. Fioritto moved this borrowed coffi n in(o his domtitory room on Columbus, Ohio, can1pus to lend a li ttle c olor to decor. He settles into it for an hour or t~·o every n igh t for period of "meditation." Irvine Area Re sidents Get Half a High School Residents of the I rvine area will get half a new high school next fall. Go ahead to build a half schoot at the northeast comer of Campus Drive and Culver Road beginning J an. 1 was given Monday night by trustees ol Tustin Union ffigh &hool District. The school district has a Utile over $2 111illion available for the project. 'Total cost of the completed school is to be $4.4 mi!lion, so only hall the school can be built, The school v.·ill serve residents of University Park, Turtle Rock and Culve r Dale. 'Th ree hundred high school sludenls are being bused from the area this year lo to.1ission Viejo High School. En rollment for the area next fall is ex· peeled lo be about 800 students wh ich the half high sch('lfll ;o;hould accommocla1r . Schori! Dis! riC'I Supe rinten dent \\'ill1cim Zosg said fac1htlcs to be huitt for nl'xl fall ar" twn t:la~!i"ronin builf!ing!', half <i third classroom building . two shower <1nd locker structures, one re.<;\ rnom building, and football and baseball fields. Postponed unti l l<ll er "'ill be an ad· ministration bu ilding , hal f the thir d cl Jssroom building. a gymnasium an d ~111imming pool ;incl ;u1other rest room f;.ici!ity. The design flf the ~chool is for an ultimate enro llment of 1.800 slude nL<;. The holdup in money is because !he 1h'1te hasn't been able to sell school bond ~ at a fi ve percent interest rate lo Joan to school districts. Tustin School District·~ entitlement if tbe bonds could be sjJ]d is enough to complete the high school. District architects are working on plan!\" for the half h:igh school and it is expected construction will begin Jan. 1. Sunday Shopping At P enney Stores Begins Nov. 29 .Jingling bells in the background today hera lded an announcement by the J.<.:. Penney Company that it has harkened to the b11ying habi ti:. or the Southern Ca)1fnrn1a con.~11n1f'r, Olficials said 26 Penney·s stores 111 n1 ;in ge nncl Snn Diego counllc!i" v.·i\l begin ~lci)'i ng opt'n Su nday afternoons Nov. 29 to take c;ire of shoppers' needs. "'\Ve havP op posed Sunday opcningi:. through U'ie years," said executive \Vall ~lyers. ''Howe1·er, lhe popularity of Sun· day opc-n inss v.•ilh cu stomers has E;ro"·n Slf'adi!y ., "In vie1\' of the movement tow ard Sun· cl11y openi ngs in a large number or rn<irkets. the Penney Company has clecid· f'cl 1eluc1:inlly th:it it can no longer ignore I.his I.rend ,., he added. Got Raw Deal~ IRS Sues Bridge Ex pert Jacob y DAu.AS (UP I) -r..-trs. O~·a\d Jacoby Tuesday described hr.r famous bridge playing husbal'td u a compulsive gambler v.·ho seldom wins. "I think he Is one or t h~ he~t authori ties ori bridge," Mr5. Jacoby testified. "l wish to God he just stuck tu brid ge.'' Jacoby. recognized a~ one of lhe teading brid11e experts in the v.·or!d, is being tried on charges he owes the government more th an $300,000 in back taxes. n ank record s produced by the IRS r;howed him to be a •·winner'' at the garnbllng tables in 1965. Jacoby sa1 quietly wi th a smile on his face. as his wife testified . Shi' said he plays poker. gin rummy :-in(! "het.1 extensively on athletic event!f wi!h bookies." She also said he played dice whenever he got "'close to a game." ''He gambled IJke an alcoholic ·who is " drunk," she testified. "He can"t control himself." Drysdale's Wife See ks Divorce, Claims B eatings SANT A to.IONTCA (AP )-A divorce SLI1 I filed by Don Drysdale"s \\'ife contends !he 33-year·ol d former pitcher for the Ln~ Angeles Dodgers beat her Qn numerous occasions. Ginge r Drysdale, also JJ, a model when she \\·as a tecnagrr ;1nrl a Tourna1nenl of Roses princess in 1957. fi!rd 1hf' ~u1t Tuesday in Santa ~1on1ca Superior Court, She alleges she W<ts subjected to ;issault and battery 30 srnaralc. t1n1c~. 1nosl recently lai:.l \\'crlncsday and, ;iccording to her attorney, Roaul t-.1ag<1n<1 , ls seeki ng a restraining orrler to prevrnt <1ny future vio\enct• Magana said lhe Dry8dales .. rna rrie(i 1 i \'ears and on e mon th, sep<1r;11erl J\.1onday. They have a IO·)'ear·nlcl dau,i:htr r. structure could -or should -be bullt at either of the other sites. '"With land 1•alue1 wblt lbey are, it would be the only \1·:iy Ill make a parking facility feasible n1"ar I.he river," hl' said. '"Bul tl1at holds ether terrors for the community, I dou 'l 1!1ink i!'s advisable." A.s for the Seashore Drive<l3rd Street parcel (sile A ), Jaffe &aid: •'It ean be double-decked, bul not too efficiently.'' Viet! Mayor Parsons wondered whe ther the "temper of the ~pie" i11 West Newport "'·oul t! allow a vast parking lot, especially HI 54th Street. "You go out there on il summer"s day," responded Councilman Donald A. to.fcln- nis, "and you'll fi nd there's a parking lot there no111." to.lclnn is represents the area . At l\h.:lnni<;' s11ggcs11011, the staff wlls tilrtht•I' 1nstn1l"lt•d to inve~tigale 1hc po.s:.1bllity of lcasmg lhe properties, in· :,lead or buying the m. The Flood Control Rlbnl Objects District and the state were col'llldlNd the most likely owners to agrte to lelJlin& arrangtments. Hurlburt emphasizaf that counc il pohcy guidance was needed at this lime beeause of imminent development of the privately owned ha ll of si te B. He said .a developer already has drawn up te ntative plan& for a row of apartmcml house3. llurlburt got what he soucht in 1 unanimously approved directi ve. The stall is to reporl back on the pro- gress of contacts with other government agencies and the properly owners ''in the immediate fu ture ," said Mayor Marshall. Parsons closed the discussion by obse rving: ''The sanitation districts got ft million Jn federal money for a new sewage out· fall, so "'e should have no reluclance Ill go afl.er 5intilar funds for this regiona l service." B each Trustees Approve Sex Education Group The first 24 members of an advisory c·o111n1iltcc for <in adult class in l11mily IJfe ;1n1t sex cduc<i tion \1cre approved Tucs1la.v hy trustcrs of the Hu ntington Reach Union ll igh School District -over the loud ob1cctions 0£ board member Joseph Riba l. Chler task of the committee is to pro· v1dc an evenin g rourse ou tline lo tel l parents how 1-0 teach their children the fac ts of life. Riba l, <rn out spoken proponent of the sex education cour se. for high school students which was rt'cently defeated by Jus fellcJ111 board 1ne.mbcrs. called 1111 adull sex education course ··ridiculou.<J." "This <lf'"t 1-vill produce more notoriety l<>r this i.lis1 rict than the i1nplernentation <>f !he excellent program that \\"BS devis- ed for our stude nts," he said. ~1atthew \Veyuker. chainnan of the hoard of 1n1stces. stressed the need for the cou rse. i11dicat111t; tha t parents represcn1at.1vr.s h1111e repeatedly said they ilrl' nQt f"([Ulppcd to teach sex educati on in 1l1c homr.. ''Somehow \\'c have mysteriously ~elected 24 se:< oracles to leach family hff" and .~ex educ<1tion:· said lhe bemused n1baJ. '"Tiiis IS dangerous educational ly and <l;ingProus to this district." "\\'e have not once had a pa renl come for111ard and ask for this program. 'T'his ·1hing has originated ,,·1th some screwball right ll·lng group \'.'hich has even asked Salary Sec1·ets At Sta nford Out? STANFORO (f\P) -An unOergr<>und pamphlet p11rporting ln list the salaries o{ Stanfnrrl University facul ty and ad- ministrators \.\'as distributed anonymous- ly nn t <1rnp11s Tuesday. A facult y spokesman called it an attempt lo em- barrass thr university. Stan!nr d is privalely enrlowcxl anlf lhe salarie~ nf 11.<; facully ha\·c heretofore bern scrrcl. \\'1llian1 Clcb~ch. faculty Se n a t e 1·hairm:in and religion professor. said the n1!lterH1 ! pr1n lt•d in th" :l 0 · pa g" 1n1rncogr;i phtd repo rt t'.am(• f r om finc11ml'n!s st(1lcn last i\1 :i~· 1l urin g a stu- clrnt sit-in against the Virlnam \1•;i r. Slttdcn!s occupied ;i p11rt. nf th" arf. 1111111str;ilion huildin~ \\'he re the salary 1locumcnls 11 1'r(' krp!. fw a ban on rocking horses because they \1·ere stimulating." "l don 't care "'·ha t stimulates you," \\'eyuker counterl'd. 'fhe committee -C'omposed of com· munily leaders, clergymen and students -\li"i ll ullimately consist of 35 member~, acC'ording to administration officials. Burglar Smasl1e s Windo,v; Steals 2,000 Capsules A burglar smashed his way into La· guna's McCalla .Phannacy Tuesd ay night and iook nearly 2,000 pills anti barbilur· ates, heavy narcotics and strong lri.A- quilizers. Cha rles R. McCa lla, owner of the ph~­ macy at 292 Forest Ave., said afler takltll inventory this morning lhat it was th9 fourth time his drug store had been burglarized this year. The drug thief or thiev es apparently kne w what they were after, said to.1cCaJ!a. They y,·orked quiC'kly and had gone to a drawer where tuina l (nicknamed rain· bows) were kept. Police began an lnvestigation of tl1e crime scene after the burglary was discovered at 7:30 p.m. McCa lJa had left the shop at 6:45 p.m. A rear window had been smashed lo gain entry. Marine Copter Un.it Dea ctivated One helicopter squadron was deac· t iva ted and its commanding officer took 0•1cr another unit just back fr om Vietnam ·rues.day 1n ccremflnies at the Santa Ana ~1 a rine Corps Alr Station. Lt. Col. Wayne C. Anderson retired tbt rolors of 1\1arine Mediu m Helicopter s11uadron llt\1i\1 561. which \\'as activated 1n to.·l<ty, 1968. and assumed leadersh ip ol }(1\1111 265, \\'hich wil l absorb the other. t-.Iarine Corps officials sa id HMto.f 2&5 ''as \1 ilhdr:J\\'n fr om Vie!nam as part of Presid ent Nlxon"s troop rutbaek. .. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claims J acOOy failed to pay a proper amount of Income tax for six &tralght )'ears beginning In J960. J acoby contend~ th11l he lost mnrP. money gambling than he won from 1960 lhrau&h 1964. He said, however , that the only record nf those lasses y,•cre cancelled checks he wrote fo r ''cash.'' r-.1 rs. Jacoby alsu lesl\ficd that her hus· band once cashed in a life lnfill rance policy lo pay orr a gambling debt and thllt he sold almost all of her stoc k to pay CONVENIENT J /? / / J IJ nl~h• "id J ,coby "very seldom" TERMS • L . ...Hutnphrie ~ etue l erJ fle:posittd his gambling winning~ ln a BANKAMERICA RO l l YEA RS SAM< LOCATION PHONE b~nk account. She said most of hi~ 182 3 NEW PORT AVENUE depx1i\s were Irom book 5ales and MASTER CHARGE COSTA MESA roy al lies. . .. __________________ .;..;._.;.;... __________________ _, s ... 140 1 I I I ' l ' ' I 2 l ' ' I t • r I J n I· T • 0 ,, ' )" Jo 0 ,, b • " ' d It n p h n u b rl· ,, q• '" "' " I I 1· I I ' I• Ii I A I \ -----------l Huntington Bearh Today's Flnal N.Y. Stocks EDITION * * VOL 62, NO. 259, S SECTIONS, 86 PAGES OR ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 TEN CENTS 'Top Of Pier Plan' Holds Fate of Downtown By JACt\ BROBA Cf\ O: flit o· I 1"11•1 S!tfl Decisions made or not m<11!e tod;iv \.\ 111 !lhape the futu re of H"unlington BeaCh tor lhe next JO years. This ;vas the message of several ciead!y serious speakers Tuesday night as !hey outlined the proposed "Top of the Pit•r Plan" to the city councilmen and about 200 interested citizens in !he lluntinglon Beach High School cnfeteria. Councilmen listC'ned intenl ly to a three- ' Apollo's Dry R1111 hour presf'nla!ion b.v the l.i rban Land lns!Jt ule C1t!Ll.'ns Strering Coin mittec <CSCI. They seeined to grt tht> rnessagc. A public hearing on the first st;ige park- ing authority plan 1r11s unanin1ously \'Jted for Nov. 10. The focal point or the speakers ~·as the proposed $3 .8 milli on parking ro1nplex on the inland side or Pacific Coast Hi!lhway fron1 6th to Lake streets and l'xtendin;:: 111land from La.kc . But the discussion covered lhe entire mid·bcach study area As tronauts Alan Bean and Richard Cordon board the van \\•hich \Vi!l transport then1 to the Apollo 12 spacecraft \\•hich ""'ill take then1 to the m oon Nov. 14. The dry run look them through every .step o! the la unch except tile actua l JiJtofJ . Wl1at Happ ened to Scl1ool Ca sl1 Bag F11ll of $986? '\'hose got the money ba i:: f1llerl ""'·1th S986? Th.:il's what official.~ of thr. H11n - tingt on Beach IJnion High School Distr1cl v.ould like lo kno""' toda y 1'ru stecs 1'1ovc Nea rer (;Josing D'vyc r Sc hool Jn a 1no1·e to11 ard c1·c11tual replace- ment of Dwyer School. 1rustees or the lluntington Beach City School Districl Tue.c;day n1ghl :i pproved lhe hiring of an ;ipprai5t'r lo determine the market value or the property' Charles Pahnrr, assist.ant super in- tendent in charge or busi'ness, said the ~!ate has 2.pproverl money (but ifs not yet availablr) to replace Dw y e r Intermediate School. and two appraisals of the school are needed to comply with 1;1.ate demands . The money \1·a~ lost Sept 2 ,; some"'ht."'re between the caletc.r1a of \\"es1m1nster High School and thf' Southern Cal 1fom1a First National Bank 111 Huntington Beach . II included rete1pts frnm lhe ("afeter1a anrl wa1 carried in a c<>aled bag by a can1p11s patrolman lo the hank o rr1c1a! ban\\ aud11~ d1rin"I. shn w lh:it !he mone,v was miss1nA until Oct. 24. s.11<1 Hunt ington 8('.:ich pol ice 1nvest1galots, ll"h;i were notifird of the los~ Tuesday in a letter from II. R. 1\1 ar\i11 . assls!ant h115inr~s director for the di strict. The hank ~ays the money 11as never delivered. This campus pa I ro Im an. unidentified. says it was. Police in· vesligator.s said this morning that part of the problem is that the school district receives no receipt when it deposits such money -a regular occurrence. Martin. wh en asked this morning about the procedure for transferring such funds from school In bank replied, "I don't in- tend lo give you any information becaul5e that matter is now under Investigation." Police detectives worked round-lh e- clock Tuesday on ii. but have thus far turned up no new information. "It'll dif· ficult t(I in\'estigale a three-week-old l06l!i," said one detective. • ' t-.aunded by Talbert A'enue on the north, Newland S!reel on lhe cast. the ocean on 1he so11th, and lhe tlly boundt.1ry on the west. Th rrc are eight squ<ire ni1l es, ol the c1!y "s 26. In the entire study area , but the 111ost critical section is the dow·nlown busi ness and re sidential area of only 37;i acres or .6 of a square mile, Planning Director Kenneth Reynolds pointed oul. "The re 1s ;in oriel pheno1nenon in Hun- tington Bearh," said Planning Consultant Ted Adsit. '"While Orange County and the c1ly of Huntington Beach have seen the fa~test gro1vth in the na1ion the do"l'.'ntov.•n ljfc,1 J'ias not gro\\·n In population or dc1•elopn1en1 . '' I-le pointed out that !hr assessed valua· lion per person of the city "l'."as $4.000 ln !960 and is now down to $3,000. "Other ci ties to the north are do11"n to near the $1 ,000 mark . They may never rerover. '"But Huntington Beach has a unique i;i\uation. ''ou have a third chance," Adsit emphasized . He said future improvement could only come fron1 new developn1ent in the bea<"h :irea and lh e C'am plelion of the Pacific Coast and Huntington Beach freeways. "Decisions n1ade now are vita!," the consultant continued . '"This is the la.~l chance. If private capital is not a ttracted now it v.·il! go elsev•here, to south Orange County areas and San Diego County." Adsit noted that the city had the ap· portunily to develop the $3.8 million park- ini; authoritv complex "l'.'ifhout an a.sstss- rt1enl di.stricl as is rc-qtured in most other areas. '"If there is any questio n that parking n111sl be provide<! in1 rnetl1ately to trigger downtown dcve!opn1enl we are thrO\Jih already," the consultant emphasized. '"Huntington B<'ach is al !he crossroads today." 1varncd Dr. Thorn as Ashley, vice president of Econon1ic R e s ea r c h Associates t ERA ), hired hy the city to (Se.e 00\VNTO\V:'li, Pa1e %) School Tax Hilie Looms 50 Cent Increase Feared by Business Aide By TERRY COVILLE 01 !he Otlly Pllol lh!I A .')0-crn!, tax hlke \l'ill be needed v.·11h in the next .1•rar just to rn;i int;iin 1he curren t If'\ el of education v.•i\hin the Huntingt:in Drach City 1elen1entary1 Srhool Dist ricl. So said Charlrs Palmer. the dist rict"s assistant superintendent in chari;r (If business, during Tuesday nl!lh!'s schO(Jl board rnceting "f<apid gro wrh and inflation ha1·<' fore· ed us into sut:h a position," explained Trustees OK Scliool Boricl Hy llt:nT l'\I EDZI F:IA~KI 0 1 lllt Ot llr ,pu.,1 St•ll lmp;i ~.~ioned debate O\"f'r a $!1.5 million construction hood anrl a :'i0-ce11t \dx over- ride wa s s11ddenly brought lo a ha lt Tues· 1lay night a~ v.•eary trustees of the Hun- lington Beach Unlon High School Dis trict approved the measure by a three lo ane margin about 20 minutes btfore mid· nigh!. Thr Lax increase. school off1rials said, 11'Quld be us!'d lo keep p;icr. ""''ilh rising operating co~!~. while lhc bond 1vould be U.<ied lo finance a new high s('hl>OI and rehabilitation of old Huntington Bcar h High School to comply 11·ith ea rthquake ~afe!y standt1rds Barh<i ~·ere flunt: acros:i;: the dis· tr1rt boa rd roorn fo r several hours during lhe merlin,.-: betwren lrust~s. mcn1br rs or the adininistr;ition and peo- ple in th!! ai1dirnce ""''ho round il diffi cult !o agree on whr1 hP r the bond election and t;ix 01·1"'rridc should be held at al! early nc;i;:t year. "I an1 nn1 <'Onl"inced that a ne\Y hi~h ~chool \\"Ill .~oh·c the problem of quality educa!1an far ovr s1t1dcn!<i ;it .1!1.'' ch;i rg- f'(I Hoh('r\ Gordfln, a \\"c~tm1nY!cr parent. who urged th11t school nff1c1ill~ r xaminr. WhJOI he termrd ";illrrnat1\"t'S" lo costl y b111ld n1~ prn1;ran1s He ~:i 1d hrfnrr unv r l"('!l'lll ii-h<'!•I th!'! ;i(i1111 n1stra1ton sho11irl Jnrcs11ir.1t<' hnw tn u.•e 1!5 prf'~rnt !ac1 li!lt·s and t r;i chrr.~ 1nore rrlerllvr)~·-lech11nlog1cal riids ;:i:r1d inrl1v1du;1l1zrd instruction. Tru;;l(l(I .ln.'iCl)h Ribal. the onlv l:Ylard ll1Cti1ber ln l"OtC against both OOi1rl l/\SUe ;111d tax 01'rrridr. a~recd "l'.'ith Gnrrlan, sa~·ing, '·Th is admini.strallon has bee n absolutely bullheaded in looking at in· novative educational programs such a~ the Newport-Mesa and A n ah c 1 m District'!. "This is absolulel.v a ""''<IS1c. J"rn goi ng 1o opppose I.hill bonrl iss11e unlil the ad- ministration gct.s on the ball." Several trustees and administrator1> said they were confused as to ho""'' lhel r suggestiol).5 would elimina!c the need to construct another high school for all the new students the district e;i;:~cls 1n the nm few years. Corrion countered thal classrooms ~o unused in the afternoon:' and lh al jSet BOND, Page ZJ rallner. as he gave a rather gloomy report on school finances. "we just didn'~ ask for t'nough mont'y 1.:i.~l February." Last _February 1hc volcrs appro1·ed ;i 15-cent tax increase lo be spread over three years l.Q beef up the district"s day· to-d<iy operating b11dg~1. Trustre J1·an Liggett 11"as shocked , ;ind asked, "how did \\"C underestimate our nf.)('ds so badly?" Other trust ees sat in stunned silence_ "Inflation, and I guess \\'C should have asked for more money. Wh ile \re ap- proved 15 rent~ the Ocean View District a pproved $1.25 rai~," Palmer replied to Liggel"s question. Pahner, in the posi tion or bearing bad ne11·s <1!1 night , also !Old trustees that 1he dist rict had 1hus far reeeived no buye rs for $5.75 nii11io11 in school bonds al five perccnl ln!ercsl. "Standard Oil Co. turned us dO"l'.'n and wr haven"t heard any v.·ord from Signa l Oil Co.,'' said Palmer. The 11un!ington Beach distric t, a~ da ma ny others, races a serin us shortage of n1oney for ~hool eonstruction because the bond market has raised interest rates loo high for school bonds to compete at their lega l m;ixhnun1 interest I fh·e per· cent) level. Palmer had been lrying fo 11'nrk out a deal si milar to Ocean Vie"'·'s ~·hen that distri cl sold $1.3 milllon in bonds at five percenl to the United States National Bani.. branch in Huntington (See TAX RISE, Paa;e 2J Cyclist l(illed by Car Beach Youtli S werve s Into Auto's Path .\ young Huntington Beach bicyclh;t "'at ki lled Tuesday afternoon when he ~""'·t'rved into the path of an eastbound r;ir on Edinger Avenue. east of Ed\1.•ards Street, accordin& t.o investi a;at ing of- lLrtrs. P:ilice said Phil Todd, 12, of 16361 Serenade Lane. was rtpOrtedly doing ··wheelies" {standing his bike oo the rear tire). when the accident occurred. The fir st men on the scene com· mantleered some nearby car j.11.ck.11 to free 1"9 County Traffic UA 180 Death Toll 173 hlm from under the car. but tht boy was dead on arrival at HuntingWn lntercom- munity Hospital. Cal State Fullerton, UCLA Halt Enrollnient UCLA and Cal Stat~ Fulk!rton have an- nQunced they are ctiU ing arr rnrollmenl ror next .spr ing and rest~ting ad· tni!'..~ions for fall , 1!170, but UC Irvine con- l111u es to be able to accept any qualified student Vt·ho applirs. LlCI Admission Officer J"hn '\!. Brov."T\ ~<1ir1 the student !iqUC(:ZC that ii; making <'ar ly aprhcalion ;:i must at ofhC'r cam- puses sq far has not .<;pread to UC!. Since lhe 1nillal year of opcr.:ition in 1%5, all qualified sturl<"nls who applied by the an· nounced deadline hal"e been acce p!ed . Else""'·hf'rr, ll1ough, early cutoff dale<; ha1·r. hecn irnrn.o;ed. Applicants to UCLA inr the spring already are being redirected to other LJC campusc-s. The \\'e.slwood school has 31,000 students this fall , more than the 28.500 the campus is supposl'"d lo accommodalc. New ,;ludenls ""'ho enrolled in .summer quarter so they would have to be accepted as continuing s tudent" this fall swelled !hat total. Officials estimate that 10,000 student' "'ere turned away from the 13 California ~tale Colleges this fall because their cnrnllmen t quotas were fllled . Last year at UCI. ho\\•ever, freshmen applicants v.·ere accepted right up lo the March I deadline for the fall and the dradline for transfer students from other colleges 14-·as extended lo July J, \\1ith student.o; not able to get in elsewhere the sa me situation may not hold for this year. The enrollment period fOT next fall al ready has opened. Bro""''n said the enrollment target for next year is 5,400 'tudents, excl uding 1he College of ~tedicinc. Enrollment this fall is 4.480 general campus students plus ~SO in medical school. Brown said 1,100 freshmen can be <1C· con1modated next year and 500 transfer i-tuden1s. Twlt f' lhe number nf freshm(lfl appl1c;:tions ""'"111 Ix' accf'pted lx>c:itL~e an- ly abou t h;ilf of those admitted make Jr,·inl! thf>ir firf:l college choice. r., be el1i;::iblc ror :idmission freshmen mU~I rank in !hi! top 12 ~i perceri t of h.igh school seniors ""''Ith a B average in l'pe.c1fied academic subjec~. Prices to Rise, But More Slo,vly 'VASHI NGTO N <UPI) -Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Sta ns predicted to- riay pricl!S will C{)ntlnue to rise next yea r bt1l at a slower pace than this year"s rate of about 5 percent. Stan11 pred iclC'il a squeeze on corporate profits caused by slowed output and con- tlnul!d increases Jn laOOr costs. Thr driver, t.lrs. Sandra Sue Adam$, 32 , of 11422 Sligo Circle, tlunlington Beach wa1; not c.ited by pollce. The boy;s death was lhe twelfth traffi t fatality recorded in Huntington Beach this year. In 1968, thE>re wrre 20 lraffic deaths by thhi: time. Todd was the second youngster killed this year. County Joi11ing Federal Suit On Sn1o g Devices This nation's car and truck manufac- turers v.•erc confronted Tuesday ~·ith a new opponent in a fedrral anti-trust ac- tion \\'hich charges them \\'ilh collusion designed to prrl'ent co m re ti t Iv c 111anufacture of stnog dc\•ices. Or;inge Coun ty \\'Cnl on the H~t of plain- tiffs fo\IO"l'.'ing the board's speedy ex· amin;ition nf the A\tomry G<'nert11"s su~­ gl\~tion lhat it da so and SUp<'fl"i!'Ors' ri~· 1d adhere nce to the federal office's added d1rrcti\·e "a\n1d r xhaui-tive comments -·• Chargrd "'1th blocking a!lcrnpts ,,, comha! air !)l)llt1\ion by ~rou ping ;igainsl suggested n1ra~ure.~ in Lh.:it field arP t.ener;1I i\·lntnr.~. Ford anrl Chrysler <:orpor<1tion~. American ~lntors Corpora· lion. Check(T i\·lolnr Corporation. Dia- mond T ~lotor Corpor<i!ian, International Harvester Corporat.on, S l u de b a k er Corporation. \Vhilc i\lotor Corporation . Kaise r Jeep Corporation . and ~tack Trucks. Similar charges have been filed by I.hi: federal government against t he Auto1nobile i\·lanufacturers Associ ation. Any comment by 1hc board could con- ceivably prejudice trial aclion against ihc defendants, su pe rvisors were warned. Orange Coast We11ther Robert Jlarrison or Newporl Beach will be used so1netime this year for the ,firi;t appraisal. ··~1e won'! spend money fllr a ~ccond appraisal until the stale can pro. \ ide us with funds for a new schoo l," ad- rled Paln1er. Old Owyrr School "l'.'as bulll in 193fl for less t.han $.100 ,000, a feat impossible to match in these d:iys. Sex Class Moves Forward "Our forecast suggests I.hat the real rale or growth in the economy ~·i ll con- tinue in 1970, but at a slow pace for a while. foll<1wed by a modest pickup ln tile growth rate in the last half of the year." he Mild in a speech prepared for lhc Los Angele:. area Chamber of Com merce. Stans said the Nixon administration's Inflation con trol effort is ''achie ving ex- act ly the right effect" even th01.1gh the Commerce Department's monthly index o[ eight leadlng business indicators in· culied 1.3 percent last month. ''ou'll be gropint: your way around the Orange Coa5t again Thursday morning as the dense fog gets even denser. Afternoon ten'lperaturei-will sink to 66 locally but Jump to 80 further inland. "The highest paid crafLsman on the project \1·as a truck driver for 86 cents an hour," said Palmer. Ne> llme. ha s been set for the replace- ment or the ~hoot, but trustees indicated I.hey v.•ould like it to be as soon as possi· hie. Slack Jllarke l• NEW \'ORK (AP ) -The stock n1ark(ll declined on a bro.1deniog front ln f;irrly acli ve trading late thi s afternoon . I See quotation!, Page~ 24-2.5) Dtclille~ !!lrclt ht'd thrir leiid aver Rd· \;inces ;imong ind i1·idu:il •~~uei-lradr"I nn the New York Sto<:k Exchange lo 11.23 to 494. Trustees Approve Planning Advisor y Grou1J 'nw. first Z4 members of an ad\'i!Ory committee for an adult claSll in family lire and seJt education were approved T11('sda:; by trustees or the llunlingl.O n Braf'h Cnion High School District -a\·rr lhc Jo11rl abjection~ or board member ,Joseph Riba l. rhlcf la sk or !he c:omtnillce is to prll- \'i•t,.. an evrninp: rourse outline lo le\1 p:ircnt._ hn1v lo teach their children 1he rarts nr lifr Rlb~l. an nut~ookcn proponrnt of thr .'>f'X trluca!ion coursr for high ~hool 11uderil.I wbkh "" recenti, deleated by his fellow board members, called an adult i;ex education course "rirl iculnu:o;." ;'This act will produce rnore notoriety fnr thi s district than I.he implementation of the excellent program that was devi11· er! rar our s111dcnts," he su)d, 1\-i;it [h(IW Weyuk(lr, chairman or lhe board nF trustee~. strr~ed the nerd fnr l hr coursr. indicating that parrnts reprf's<'n!ali\•r.s ha1•e repeatedly said thcv ~rr not rquippcd lo teach sex-education in the homr. "Somcholl' v.e have myst e.riously srlecterl 24 sex oracles to teach family life and sex educalkin," said the btmused Ribal. '"This is danger01.1~ C'<lncationalty and dangerous to this dist rict." "\1/e have not once had a parent come for~:ard a nd a~k for this program. Thi! thing hai; oriS:inatcd with some 8Crcwball right wing group wh lrh hat: even asked far a ban on rocking horses because they "'rre stlmul&Ung." ··1 don 't care 11•hat sti mulalea you," \\'eyuker countered. The committee -composed of com· m11nily leaders. clergymen and students -will ultimately consist or 3b members, ;iccordina lo adminlstratioo off icials. 3 Get Double Duty On Surfside Service County su~rv!!IOr! named three men Tuesday to do dou ble duty in two service districts -the Surfside Colony Stonn Water Protection District and the Surfside Colony Community Services District. Appointed d irector~ by the board ~·ere Clifford Bell, 1t1arcellno Saucedo and 1-tichard Wiest. T·heir selection was unantmoui. I INSIDE TODAY A wide-ra nging sc/1ed1de of lcct1.1 res is lined up at UC !roine for the mottt/L of Nove rnber, For full listing, see Page 31. l lrtlt• 11 IMTltl• Jt CttllHllll t <•"-c-11 CllHfflM 1>·•1 Ct"' le I JI (r91t_, H °""' .... le•• le 01 ...... , n .... ,..,... ..... ' l ftfW!f l-1j,.)1 Pl11tfl<e 14-U Mt .. -.->I """ t..""4 .. 1 >I M<ltr... • M.,tl_ Llce11tt1 11 ""'" '" l t ..,kt " "'-vlt1 lj.11 NIUIUel ,.,,_.. JC H•l'-"11 ,....., C<I °''"" (-ty 14 !'TA M SVl•lt Pl •'-1 JC 5'<1•1 ,...... 11·11 1-11 l•tt O.. l l•lllC .... 11 11 Ilk-MlrllHI t~rt f,iev11i.oi • toi.•t•n M-11 w,,111.,. c OIM11 W~I'-tt W•rlol Mt .... .. · ----·--· ·-----·-----··----------------------------------r--------------"":'~~~=n•1J11••••••1!'!!••~ % DAil V 'ILOl H Seale Yells 'Liar, Pig' At Attor11ey CHICAGO (UP IJ -Black Panther 1ead!r ~by Seale, yelling "racist plg" and "liar," charged a U.S. attorney dur- ing lhe ''Chicago Eighl" tr1af today and wu thrown back into hls seat wllh such forte that he fell into the courtroom'1 prt!IS SKtlon. US. Dislricl Court Judge Julius J_ Hor. rman served final warning on the na· tional chalnnan of the Black Panther Party that he would be ga gged and chain· ed to his chair if another .such outburst took place. It was the wildest outbreak yel of the trial of Sule and seven olher men charg- ed with conspiring to incite riou during the Democratic national convention. It began with a speech by Seale to his suppocters in the C{}Urtroom before the session began. He told them, ··tr anyone attacks you physically. you know th~ principles of the party -self defense. He also .said. '·Remember one thing - hold your cool." As soon as 1he :oe.~.<;1on opened. Ch1rt Defense AUorney \Villiam Ku nsllcr pro· tested to Hoffm;in that m a rs ha 1 !I guarding the courtroom had started st>archi ng members of the defense lega l r;tarr. As Kun.sli er and Hoffman debated heatedly. Assist.ant U.S. At torn e ';I Richard Schultz strode to the bench and said Seale·s .speech about a "physical at- tack" was evidence of the need for courtroom security. Seale jumped from his seat and ran toward Schultz screaming, "'You rotten, racist pig you liar, you liar, you're a liar. Tricky Dick Schultz, like his boss Dick Nixon is a liar." Three marshals collared Seale. dragged him to his chair. and flung him into 1t despite the attempt of dt>fendanl David Dellinger to throw his own body in the WI\'. The chair tippM ovtr and Seale toppled lnto the front row of the press section . Dr. Benjamin Spock, not.M baby doctor ;:ind peace advocalP, and Capt . Ho\\·ard Levy, v•ho was courtmartialed for rc- fu~\ng to give medical training to Green Beret..~. were silling in the second TO\\". \\'hen Seale regained his seat, marsha!J pinn ed him there. Frorn Page 1 BOND. •• ttachers ire o'>'erburdenfd wilh custodi11l duUes which prevent them from using thei r time mo!'t effectively. "Do "''e have to take our ad· minislrators by the hand and show them that the classrooms are empty after 3:30 p.m. !" Ribal Mid-"We hive to ch.afll,e the attitudes of our administrators or rhange administrators.'' Olher board member_!;. ~l a l 1 h ew Weruker, John Bentley and Ra lph Bau~r. generally agreed that the building pro· p;ram 'A'as of utmos~ importance ri~hl n::iw 11nrl 1hat I his v.'a~ no lime In curta il ii. ju11L to ha \·e a look al educationa l reform. "We've been horsing around with this bond is.sue for months," 11aid \l.'C'yuker. ""And here we are one and a half years later and we"re still hor:r.ing around 9.'ith It." "It behoov~ us to sell this bond i5sue nQw on the basis of need ," he continued. adding that lt 9-'ould cost more to get the building job done later if a delay is in- troduced now. Land Grant Heiress Miss Caldwell Dies Thi1ik About It Ohio State University student Frank F ioritt.Q isn't <lead -he's just doing his thing. Fioritto moved this borro\ved coffin into his d ormitory room on Columbus, Oh io, campus to lend a little color lo decor. He .settles into it for an hour or two every night for period of "meditation." From Pqe l DOWNTOWN • • San Pedro Homes Creep make a survey of the study area. "The city will either go forward or slide do\\'nhill," he continued. "Within 30 niiles there arc two million people and within 60 miles, 10 million . Toward Doom in Slide "Your beaches are a great asset and the Poci11c Coast and Huntington Beach Freeways "''ill do for your area v.·hat the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways did for other part.s of the county." Ashley .said creation of the parking complex and sub.seq11ent development of a major specially shopping center 'A'ere necessary to attract office building and hotel·motel enterprises. "The city mwt Invest in its future or U1e private: sector will not be: intere:;ted." the research expert warned . "The downtown area musi be: rejuvenated with all possible speed." tt1onte Nitzkowski , chairman of the csc_ in leading off the discussion said, ''Redevelopn1ent of the downtown area is lhe n105t difficult and m05l controversial of the assignments our committee has betn givtn. But proper developmeM. is a must." William Lund, vice president or ERA. ouUi.ned the potential of the area.. He pointed to the city's phenomenal srowth &Ince 1950, l·,145 -percent, compar.S to Southem Ca lifornia·!' IO percent and Spedal lo Ille DAILY PILOT SA~ PEDRO -One of four exclusive homeS: doomed by a widening clifftop crevice crept toward destruction in the surf below today. moving 30 feet ln a new earth slide which occurred before dawn . Three others in the $50,000 lo $7~.000 class are also inching toward the rock· filled, crashing sea 200 feet below. v.·hil e the scenic view neighborhood began deveJopin& n1wer cracks in the ground Tuesday. ''It appears to me as if ·it is just going lo slide Into the Pa cific," .said San Pedro PoLice Sit. Tom Bamow, watchUig th e Sunday Shopping At Penney Stores Begins Nov. 29 Orange Cou n1)•s SID percent. Jingling bells Jn !he backgr9und lod<iy "Hu11lington Beach will grow to Z25,000 heralded ;:in announcement by the J .C. popula1\on by 1990 rii1d !he communit.y must capitalize on this growth," Lund in· Penney Company that i~ hall. harkened to forn1ed . the bu)'lng habits o! the Southern lie said I.he riownto>A·n ar'ea had a Californla consumer . potenli<JI of 1,600,000 square feet 'ln retail Olficials said 26 Penney·s st.ores in ~pecial1y shopping development. Q1qe and San Diego counties "111 becin ..Hotel facilities must have a rta&On'io . locale here," Lund continued . ......._ sl.a)'1ng open Stmday aftunooos Nov. 19 "You ha\•e 200 roonls now. the potential '"f lake care of shoppers' needs. Is 1,_800 by 1990: But compelition for the "\Ye ha\•e <lpposed Sunday openings touri st dollar 1s keen. Yoo mu.st act through the years," said n-ecullve Walt 00\V." Co nsultant Adsit said wid~r landscaped Mye rs. "However. the popularity of Sun· streets must be part of the downtown day openincs with customers has grown redevelopmtnt . He pointed particularly tQ sle3tt1ly." Allanta Avenue from the future free.way "In view of llifl mowment toward SUil- lo the downtown se<:tor. day npenings in a large number <lf He also stressed the future need of a markets. the Pe~y Company ha s dee.Id· conventil)n center to attract hotel-motel ed reluctantly thal it can DO longer ignore developments. this trend," he added. e1peruive home sli pping visibly. "It could go at any time or it might toke 20 years." added a spokesman for the LM Angeles Department of Public \~'or ks. ''Nothing can be done ," he added. as heartsick homeowners pondered the fact the houses are not insured, since it has OCen virtually impossi ble to obtain such co\'erage slnce the 1953 earthquake. A Sf!ries of earth tremors in recent v.·eeks is apparently to blame for lno.sen- ing cliff area soil .soaked by heavy rains last 9,•inter and therefore still somewhat unstable. The main crevice which .split open SUil· day has grown to a yard wide at the rate of a hall-i nch pt'.r hour and which seems in some places lo be bottomless has split one home in h1lf. Four nearest. the oce.an are off their foundatioos and a guest house has plum- mt.ted to the rocky Point Fermin beach below the 180 degree view properties. Not.td yachlawoman Peuy Slater, who Jive1 two blocks from th• disuter scene on Pasto del Mar discovered cracks ap. pearing in her yard and home fou ndation Tuesday. "I doo't want to sound panicky. but can you C'Ome and take a look'.'," she asked caltech graduale s: l u den l Ken Zuckennan. who "'·as checking a strain indicator device in the hard-hit area. Public Works Department aulhoritie!' ~aid the new cracks \l."Pre not unexpected aod now appear lo be "''idening, although there i.5 no immediate danger and no further evacuation planned. Damage so far i.s estimated at $&0,000 !nd bound lo i::tt worse, as the oceanfront lots continue slipping slowly seaward at an undetennined ratt. "None of it's Insured," bitterly observ- ed ,·ictim George R. Smilh. "If I'd just had a fire from a broken gae. main it would have been covered ," he J added. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Virginia Sal c k c E b' il Caldwell . a membec of C~Horn;,·, ffr>t t 1•ee ase m ro 0 S Spani-'h land grant family, is dead at the Viejo Educator'• View Sex Education Called Red Plot Sex eodocatlon •nd SMsitivity ll'fllning were jointly condemned as international Communist plots by a 29-year-old Mis.sioD Viejo High School teacher Tuesday_ Speaker Bruce Glenn, head of the school's roclal science department. tieli vered his address to the Mission Viej o Jl rpublica n \Vomen's Club on tape when a mixup in cla.s.s scheduling kept him from making a personal appearance al the club's luncheon meeting. "Sell" educat ion ," :o;ald Glenn. ''is but pArt of a gigantic scheme to m1bvl'rt a gene.rat.ion of American youth by a con· :-plral.Orial group we know &!'i Com- munists. "Sell.5 itlvity training is by any other name 'brainwashing' and is part of all sex education programs." Glenn , "·ho is unmanled and now makes his home in Laguna Beach. is a native oC Iowa and a graduate of Central College at Pella, la. He loOk: his mast.er's degree at the Unive rsi1y of Arizona. !'taried hi s teaching career al a junior high sc hool in the Watts area of Los Angele,,, then taught at a Phoenix, Ariz. high school before coming to Mission Vie· jo two }"ears ago. He instruct.! senior classes in psychology, international rela· lions and civics. Amor.g pamphlets he recommended lo the Republican women, and cited as soorees for parts of his ta1k, were ''l.s the Schoolhoule the Place to Teach Raw Sez?" and "'Hate Therapy: SeMiUvity Tcalnlng for Planned Change." He al60 quoUd from comment.s made by gpeakers at a conference on sex education which he attended in Chicago in Augugt. Tile conftrence, he said, was sponsored by the Society for Comprehensive Heallh Education and included representatives of the American Association of Sex: Educators and CounselQrs and the Stx: Information and Education Council of the United Statea (SJECUS) which, Glenn maintamed, playa a k&y role in p~paring materials for sex e<iucation courses in el!mentary and !eCOndary schools. "M~l Of you would have been appalled from beginning to end of the program," he told the women. "These 'sexperts' are taking ad· vantage ol a J>6YChlogically oriented age to perform the tests of a Pavlov on you and I daily." Empha5izing the danger of in· discriminate sex education he described the conference participants as resembl- ing "children on a playing field who have thrown <lut all the rules and don'l even know what game they are playin;." ~ost sincerely interested parents, he said. feel that set: education courats l!ihould improvt! family relatioas., remove unwanted pregnancies and lower aw u.te cf venereal diseue. Three speakers at the conference wer~ 11uated as stating that lh!?y did not htlieve sex education would have lhf! result of reducing teenage pregnancies or the venereal di:seabe rate . .. \\'hat we are cDnsldering here is very difrertnl from the rour~e d~i red by parents," f.lcn n sai d. "'t\'e are con- ~idering elementary and high school courses in sexual interC'Ourse. se:i: pervenion and aroup dependence." The speaker .said he was in agreement with psychiatrist Dr. J\1etvin Anchell's view that students not ready to receive factual SIX in5truction can suffer emo- tional problems if give n too much in- fonnatinn too soon. "I agree v.-ith Dr. Anchell,'' he added. ''!hat fantasies rom <inlicizing the relations betv.·een the sext>s can serve a more useful purpose for mil:ny young people than a lot of facts they're not really for." "SJECUS iilyle •P'Pf'0'\1•1 of i;el( eduta· li on for all is fal se and dangerous," said Gl:nn. "Concerned parent~ must see to it that tl\ls proaram i! kept out of com· munilies in which it ia 'rearing tis ugly head . Whal is taught var it.s, but the long arm of SIECUS i.s everywhere, preparing and approving texts and edu cational l1tms used in many prog rams." He al.so noted lhat •·sex cducatlon 15 a \'t ry lucral h1c field becau se school dislrict.s must purchase new tC'xts, films ond other paraphernalia for their courses." Zeroing in on sensitivity training and group dependence policies, he asked, •·What i~ more personal than sex? It allows tbt group lo decide when, wbere, how ud with whom, is there any atta in \~hlch the group cannot decide? Sensilivi· ly training is simply preparation for 11lanned change. I do not object to any fret cholce. hut cannot accept 1hi'> 1'reepy. crawly thing v.·arking in the shadows to plan and plot." Gleiln cited Dr. Isador Ruben, editor "r Sexology Magaz ine and former treasurer of SIECUS as a i;uiding light in the .st :< education field "'A·ho has been identified under oath as a member of the Com· mur.ist party." TM party, be said, ''Is known 1., operate ilke an iceberJ, with one-fifth ()f iU activities in Lhe open. the other four- fifths subterranean or hidden. activllies that are carried on behind our view unl!l lhe rerulls are evident." Moving the comparison to termites, he iidded, "There are termites In the field or American education and A mer i ca n political life. Il has been frightening to me io recent months of study to realiz~ that some of my fears are real -th at sex education i.s more of a means to an end, lhan an end in itself." The .speaker said later it is his per,;ona! beliet that sex education does not be!Ql1g jn the .school system and should not be of- fered to any child ''until a question is asked," at which time the question is best a~\vered by a parent. The only type of school program ht could condone, he said. is the Huntingtor1 Btach plan to provide sex educatioll r:asses for parents, who in turn would tran.smi: the informalion, a.s needed, to their ov.·n children. Frorn Page 1 TAX RISE ••• Beach. But, "no takers," was ?aimer's answer Tuesday, Palmer then outl ined rour mtlhod1 by which the district might meet tht l:rises in C<lnstruction funds: ' -Don 't do anything. Just wait and sec if lhe bond mark et drops lo where the district can sell its current bonds. -Set an Plei:ti(ln to i ncrea~e 1h~ In· IC'rcst rate (not In apprOl'C more bond monPy) on th e district's bonds so they can be sold Jn the current market.. -PresP.nl a pay-a.s·you-go pla n to th!! voters which woold in effect lmmediatelv double lhe di.strict tax rate until sch()(JJ con.sln1ct ion ls complete. -Try lo get a buyer !or the five per· cenl bonds. Trustees were asked to consider a Febru<iry IO !lel'liCln dalC' and think about p!11cing 11: tax override.on the ballot. No action 1\·a.s take n Tuesday nigh I. Also under consid eratloo is A propos<il lo ask voters to raise the bond interest rate 11H•y v.·nutd be t.11illing to p11y. age of 97. She died Monday at Good Samarita n ~~~i~~~1~:~ .. ~·~. 0~11 PI.'.: Se1·vice District Hea1·ing 2JiamonJ DAILY PILOT 'obe•I N. W1.d Prt•lll•~! •"Cl PubH1l'Mlr J •• ~ R. Cu•l1y Vlei "rn oOfol •nd Gt11tt11 M•rJrtr T~o"'•' K11wil fdllor l~l"'t• A. l-Au•11~i~1 ,,.,,,..,1~, f.<Mor A1b1•I W. '•'•• .l•toe1&1t f.OolOf H1..i,..._ h.-c~ OHie• 30, SI~ Sl•t1 ! M1ili ... Adclr1u: P.O. lor 7t0, 'J6~1 Otller Of!lcn H-' ... (~ 11ll"V.."'! 11• !>'II ku .... U. C.•• IN.t.t: llO Wo•l 11•~ !•rn 1 L ........ 8tKll; 1H ~l'lt\J A•t"utl , OAft.• •ILOf. ""'"' .... IO •• lO""'"'" ..... ...... ...__ • ...,,_ .. u, l •<HI )<,"' *" 1111 _.... HJll"" 1w HIOl'ill\llOl'I ...._ ....,.. .. '" v1111v. co. .. M-. "''"'' .,..., ""'"""' .............. l..U.. ...... ••Oft -..,_., 1'!111....,.. on"" c.si1 Pu~o,.,. fll9 ~..., .,.11111"9 •••~II •rt 11 1111 W~I 1.-.. 11,,.. Nf..,:>Otl 11-..~11. .,. lJO •• ""' a""'· c .. 1• u.•w ,., ••• 17141 '42-4121 ft.-Well I I• C.11 140.1111 c ....... ...,....,w .. , 641·5'71 °""'-· ..... Or-·'"'' """""'~' ,_ .... ,.. - , ,., .••. •IUll•"-·· .....,.., _ ... , u .a~1t111-·" ......... ,_, • ,_.OM .. •"-'""'"'' "'"°"" ... __ .,.._ ...... ,_ ---.. ,, u ...... ee.~ .. M ... .... (.Ht. ~-· (II 'I•~• ·~itc t.•t ~· l.'I' U..,. •• _..1.,. llv ~I ll •1 to .._11\l)rl "'....., •'""'' ..... $)119 _.. .... By TOM BA RL£Y OI 1111 CNlfy Pll•I JIHf Angry Ora nge Coast home owner& to- day !Wied the Laguna Niguel Corpora· tion's development plans in a &ervioe district pubUc hearing before the. Orange County· Board of Supervl.sors th.al time and again bolled over into a rehashing of lhe 5all Creek Beach dispute. Supervisor WiUlam Hirl!itein repealtdly warned a capacity audience in the Board or Super.i.sors' hearing room that the .. issue •t question Is the proposed crea- tion of a service district and has nolhin& to do wtth the Salt Creek argument" But the board chairman ·~ frtqucnt warnlnas were virtually ignored by speakers who condem~ La I u n a Niguel'& plan& as plJ1 Of a scheme. to eUminale the public. from the uae of old Sall Oeek Road and I.he beach to wl\kh it o~ led. On the qtoda was the proposal by Laguna Niguel that ~ •etts of South Coast territory be transfttmi into the coun ty's ~IOe diltrict No. 3. Approval by the board would include the re.ioning or t50 acres currently witbin tho cOpwao Boy l'ub and R«rtalloo Oi,,trlct. Laguna Nlcutl vice president Knowlton Fernald, Jr. Loki supervilors &bat the redLstrictln& would In.sun! adequate fire protection, recreatinn !.cilities and park: plans for I.he mll!hroomtna rWdential .ttta. Sucll a mow . FernaJd said. WfKlkl J:n. sure I.hat horn• owntrs taktnc up residence In lhe art• wouMt not be the ''ictirns of double taxation, thf'CIUlb pay- ment ror e~ential service throu1h home purchase and paymeot l6 the Capistr.tno District '"This I!~ a proposal that can only benefit Lhe home owner," Fema.ld said. "It will Wure beach accus, rec:reaUon facilities, and publle parks on a scalt thlt cannot. be provided by the dialrict. '' Brennan "Heva" McClelland of Ll,uM Beach immedlatel.y took the microphone to urse supttvisors to retOgniie the L!IUfla NliueJ. approech a.a "jwl another devk:e in tht eorporaUM's continuinK campajgn to de&troy Salt Creek beach and bar the public at lar1e from U\f: a~a." McClelland, chairman of the Save Sall Creek campt1 ign. told the board that "the <lnce picturesque Salt Creek tidelands have Men Uttered by rubble by a ll'ffify land dev~lopment company lhat ha~ .-:1Motut.ely no regard for Lhe public 's ac- cess. "S.ll Creek BMdl today lool:I today lii• the Aswan D&rn," McCleJland said. "Thel!.e ~e have litttred the whole are.a with rubble, brobn ce.ment. cable., wire and jW'tk and t Uk you in degpua· tion to take a most urcent a.Dd most dtdlcated lo&k at what thll compa111 now lntend11 to do." McClelland dirlrioolod plctuno ol Sall Creek liuch taken by hlrnaelf early Wed- needay morning. "Thlii is what the belch IOGU like to- day," he said , "and thlt: ls u.i 1ltu1t1on !hat Is !i<l bitttrly resented by l\'tf'YOM In the. area who ii not. dnntded with W11Jn• Niautl." Thfl public Marina wu atJU under way at presa Ltmt- CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTU CHARGE zz YU.lS SAMf LOCi'. TION PHOl<E 50-HOI 11 I F ( 0 .-d c . c • " . " • . r. ' h c " a o; " H "' u. • I ' " 11 , I \ \ ; ,, . ... ,1 • -----1 ' 1 A Fa11iily Affair ~oparently experiencing a baby si ttins problem . Montagnaro tribcs- 1 ln heads for his guard post near Tieu-Atar, South Vi etna1n, \Vith t1 ; c hild s trapped to his back. Ti eu-Atar is site of a Montagnard re- fu gee camp and a U.S. Special Forces post. Stucle11t P1·esident Backed On Flag Saluting Hassle Villa r ark High School'::; student body president v:ho '''on't lead th e pledge lo the Flag v•a~ given a 60 percent \'Ole of confidence Tuesday by 1hc studrnt Body. Bob Gu mpert z, 17. \yil! be rC'l.<i1ned as :student body presHlcnt The \ ote 11'<1S 1.212 to 812 that he should continue in the post. Gumpcrtz, \~ho fi r~t said he v•as an atl1cist then chan ged it lo agnostic, says he can ·l lead !he Flag salute at school aF-Semblics because he objects to the cla,use "under God '' in !he Pledge of Al~giancc. He also says his livi ng in the United States is just happenst:an ce. ··I do not know if this is the brst fornl of govern· ment. J an1 just told that it is," he said. Following the vote, Gumpertz said tha t he realizes it in no way indic ates that students agree v.·ith his beliefs but that he ran have his own beliefs and still represent them as presid ent. Gumpertz expla ined his beliefs to the student body in an assem bly last Friday and P.1onday in another assembly three 5tudent.s on each side sp:ike for And ag ainst retaining him as student presi- dent . Principal Dr. P..1aury Ross said the slu· dent vote settled the matter. Gumperlz indicated he expects par•nt f{TOUPfl now will put pressure on the Orange Unified school board and he doesn't thin k students having taken part in a dt>mocratic process '>••oul d sit back if their decision is overruled . 'Stop Dirty \Vords' Whetmore Raps Aldricli OverStudentNewspape1· Sla!e Sen ... Jarncs E. \Vhel more IR- Fullerton ) today called UC l rvine Chancellor D:in1cl r.. Aldrich's sanction of rhe u~e of four·lellrr 1rords by the stu- .• drnt nr1-1·!ip;q1"r ' · u l t c r I y 111· <ind poin t 0111 that tlH•5e student body ff'I><: are nor paid uu a .,·olunlary basi~. bti t e'>"C ry ~l udent 111 nrd"r to becom!.' a ~tu· 1lr·nt mu~t pay !hC' s1udcnl body fee. Thf'rcfor". !he ~tudenls who ma.v be tf•lu !ly 0ppO~('d io the use of filthy 1:1:igu;ii;e and v.·hn do nol. indulge 1n befouling themsch·cs and their <1s~oc1ates b,· <lisp!a ying an utter rlisrej;j~rd for their n101her tongue, find thcrnselve~ 1n the posi!ion of supportin,I! a publ1catlon v.•hich \•iolates the ir viev.·s.'' co1nprrhcns1bJe _'' ··1.angtin~c unarrcp!Jble ;ii a pr.blr dinner partv should i.:e rta1nly be iust ;'lJ\ 11n<1cceptahic in a ~tudrnt paper," \\.het- ' rnorc wrote ln a press relrusl'. • Contact ed in prrson. hr sald. ' I )\l~t feel ciuile i:trong ly lhi!.t !he chancellor i;hnuld put a slop to things hke th at." Dr. Al drich harl sairl in a 1alk !\londay lo Ora nge Coun ty Fon11n of Town Hall of California. "The campus ne1.,·spapcr is ~tudent run. paid for with student funds and meant for student circulation." The chancellor said the gene ral mood nn campuses is one of opposition to sub. mi ssion to censor!ihip and suggested thal if he were to ;ittcmpt censorhsip the stu· dent newspaper likely 1o1·ould respoi:tl by • using even more four-letter words. • \Vhetm ore wrote: "l would like to set the record straight \\'hetmore. Vl"ho did not attend Aldrich"5 tal k, sa id he v.·as reacting to pre11s ac- Cf'!UOI ~ and ha d not attempted to contact. Alrtrich. The stale senator concluded his pr ess release : ·· ... it is hard to imagine that the language of .the gutter reOect.s even that seg ment of Orange County society in which. the Chancellor pe™>nally travels. lf this is tbe portion Of Orange County society which he fa vors and is ,most familiar with, heaven help the UniverSi- ty.'' INTIRIORS OF GRIAT DISTINCTION BEGIN WITll A l'Wll • •.• Her e at Arra·s our quali- fied in terior de- signers ·offer planned ideas for you and yo ur tiome. See our new imaginative showroom w11 h f re~h vibrant ideas I • --_I,, m: .. : ::; '!'' •}j .~ *Xii! ... I I 4 -~ -. ---.. :£ .. DAILY P'fl OT ," Tax Break Smog Ruling Fair? For Singles Judge Defends Out-of-court Settlement Gets Okay LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal parties. Still another prohibits the defendanl.!I, judge who approved an out-of-court set-Another provision outlaws •ny con-as a group, fr om restraining declsions of ttement of the government's antismog fidential e.xchange of infonnatioa relatin g an ind ividual company as to the da te it WASHINGTON (UPI) -The 5ena!J Finance Commitlet loday voted a ~ million ta:r break for single peopl• wh! have long contended they are victims d tax discrimination. (Earlier story, pagt I.I gu it against major sutomnkers says his to emission control devices. w!ll Install antimiog devices. ruling was In the public interest. U.S. Dist. Court Judge Jesse \V. Curtis granted a consent decree Tuesday in t l'sponse to a proposal hy the Justic e Department. The suit. fi led during the Johnson ad· ministration. accused General 1\lotor~. Fnrd, Chrysler, American 1\1otors and the Automobile 1\1anufacJ u;ers Association ot conspiracy to delay devl'lopment of an- tioollution equipment for thrir pnxlucts. The decree forbids the continuation of vractices the government complained about. Judge Curtis sald it would have been tragic had the court declined to sign the decree. th e case then had gone to trial and the government had lost. In his oral opinion, the jurist asserted the decree •'gives the government all the relief it could have gained if it !lad trie<! the case and won." Additionally, he said, it saves the taxpayers the co.st of a trial. The detree was opposed by regional agencies th roughout the nat io n . represented by at least 30 attorneys. They were joined by 52 congressmen who either objected to a consen t decree or "\•;anted modification of the terms of the .set tlement. Judge Curtis noted that the consent decree will not predudice the rights of anyone bringi ng damage suit.s against the automakers in connection with air pollu· lion. Nor will it prevent !dea l agen cies or individuals from taki ng the matter to another court, he said. Attorney Thomas Sherida n, repre.'ltn· ling congressmen opposed to the decree, commented: "Somewherr, sooner or later , this case is going to trial." The J ustice De partment, in seeking the consent decree, argued that it would widen research on antlsmog devices. r.!ajor provisions of the decree deal v.·ith patent and research data. The defenda nts. for instance, are forbidden to conl inue joint assessment of patents of· fe red to any one of them by outside Drysdale' s Wife Seeks Divo rce , Clairns Beatings SA.:~TA 1\'I ONICA fAP)-A divorce sui t filed by Don Drysdala's wife cent.end! the 33•year-old former pitcher for the Los Angel~s Dodgers bea t her on nume rous occasions. Ginger Dr~·sdale, also :'!3. a model v.·he n she was a teenager and a Tournament of Roses princess in 1957, filed the suit Tuesda y in San1 a Monica Superior Court. She alleges she was subjected to .issault and battery 30 separate times, mo~t recently last '\'ednesday and, according !n her attorney. Roaul r.tagani'l , is seeki ng a restrai ning ord er to prevent anv f111ure violence. :..1agan11 said the Drysdales, marrie<I' 11 years and one month. separated 1\1onday. They ha1·e ;i IO·yea r-o!d daugh ter. Mrs. Drysdale estimates i,er husband's annual income from baseba ll, tel evision ;ind promotions exceetls Si60.000 and that they have more tha n $500,000 in commu· nity properly. The big righthander. "'·ho compiled a WS.166 record in 14 yea rs in .the major leagues, all with the Dodgers in Brooklyn an rl Los . Angeles. ret ired Aug . 11 after aggravating a year-old shoulder injury. Police Nab 18 In 'Hippie' Raid SA~ DIEGO (AP) -Eighleen persons were arrested Tuesday v.·hen police r.arcotics officers raided a Linda Vista .1:1rea dwelling they called a "hippie pad." Nine women and nine men, rangin g in age from 18 to 22, were booked for in· vestigat ion of possessing and selling dangerous drugs. Two juvenile girls. both 15. were taken to juvenile hall and refer- red to the county probation off ice. Officers said 5everal hundred secQnal capsules were seized from the dwelling y,·hich they said had a floor covered \\'ith mattresses, walls covered with poster15 and loud ll)tfSiC. A se~ warrant was issued after in· formalion was received from an ln- f~er, police said. Smog Line D1·awn County Eyes Natura.l Cas Autos Orange Coun ty Supervisor David Baker stepped up his \\'ar on smog Tuesday with th e successful plea that the county refuse to purchas·e new vehicles until their makers have complied with U1e state's anti-pollution meas ures. And Bake r urged the board to consider the possibili ty of con- verti ng all existing county vehicles to natural gas systems -the installatio n of oxygen-type cylinders which will feed co1npreesed gas to the engine as a means of power. Baker got the backing of the board and the decision to a sk county transportati on director R. I. Mo rris lo review the decision in the Lig ht of pending county purchases. The board action could affect the proposed purchase or nearly $250 .000 worth of evhicles during the current fiscal yea r. ~fo rris bad expected 1.o buy 75 lig hter vehicles and 15jx large trucks for direct county use and an additional 17 vehicles for use in various county districts. Supersonic Bombers Face Scrap Heap for Economy \~'-A.S•llNGTON (UPI) -The nalion'.!I entire 86-plane fleet of B58 supersonic bombers v.·ill be scrapped as part of the P ent agon's $3 billion f'<'Onomy program, Defense Secretary f\.1elvin R. Laird rt>ported toda y. The phaseoul ls lo be completed by Jan. 31 , and will leave U.S. slrategic bombing force with only about. 580 BS2s. All of the. B58s cu rrenlly are opera· lional. The planes ha\'e been out of pro- duction for some time. The B~s cost $\Z.5 million apiece to build, but the Air f orce said it had no t'!illmnte as lo how much would be saved through takin g them out of operation. Asked why the B58 .,...as being phased .oa.it ratner than• Uke number ef the older 852~, Air Force sources said more sav· ings could be effected on spare parts and other logistics by only having one type of aircraft in operation. Laird made \hf! disckil:ore In 1pelUng out details of the economy moves an· no11nced r.ronday which will rlose 307 military bases and eliminate 37,800 military and 27 .000 civili an jobs. Of the cutback in civilians , Laird said lod,1y : "Because of other budget cuts, it will not be possible , as in the past, to guarantee each alfected person another job offer." In lhe BS8 the Air Force loses a plane capable of flying l,300 miles per houl" at 35,000 reet. and of climbing to ove r 60,000 feet. Built by General Dyn am ics al Foct \Vorth. Te x .• it first flt>w in 1956. The 858, known as the Hustler, Is the only supersonic heavy bomber ever built by tt·.e United States. In 1963, one of them fie'>'' from Tokyo to London at an average Jpeed of 938 miles per hour -the longest s upersonic filghl of Its kind on record. W ird said, "This act.ion ls possible bec;;use of improvem ents in our strategic deterrents resulting from the forthcoming addition of new F'Blll bombers and imprO'Yed Minuteman and Polarls·Posei· don missiles.'' It adopted a Nixon a<lmlnistration pro posal to stipul<.1le that a single per~ol would pay no more than 20 pe rcent mort taxes than a married person with th1 same amowil of income. Sen, Eugene J. P.fcCa rthy 10.Minn .), I meml>er of the committee. announced th~ decision. taken at a closed session ol t)·,1 ~roup. He said single people in thi $20,000-to--$40,000 re.,·enue bracket pay al much as 40 percent more taxes than lheiJ married cou nterparts under present law. Howe\•er, another proposal to ease tax· es of single people was rejected. Tht committee voted against a formula in th• Honse-passed tax reform bill to grant head-of·household status to Eingle tax· payers over 35. This latter prov ision would ba ve gi vci the m a tax cut even more generous tha n the one adopted by the committee. which applied lo all single people regardless ol age. Two committee members meanwhilt pressed for amendmenls to increast dependent deduct.iocs for every taxpayet and an immediate 15 percent increase ia r.ocial security payments. Sen. Albert M. Gore (D-Tenn.), said hls amendment to allow each taxpayer tlJ deduct $1 ,000 instead or $600 for himseU and each dependent would give total ta1 relief to 12 million persons and proVide "most tax relief where it is needed most -to the taxpayer with the most children to feed, clothe and educate.'' Adlai III Seeks Senator's Post SPRINGFIELD, Ill . (AP) -Sta le Treasurer Adlai E. StevenS()n Ill an- nounced today his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Sen1tor. He said he was reluctantly willing to take the risk of a divisive open primary within the party. I-le said he had not been discouraged in his candidacy by Mayor Ri chard J . Daley of Chicago, the Democrat conceded to he the mMt in- flue ntial in party i latemaking in Illinois in lhc past. ~te\·enson's late father was governor of i!li11ois, twice the Democratic nominee for President and a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. The younger Stevenson had served as an tlUnoia state reprer;entaU\'e before being elected state treuurer tn 1966. fie ls not eli&1bla to succeed himself as treasurer. NOW AT ATLANTIC MUSIC ••• SAYE $130.19 !Limited SAVE 5130.19 ON THIS S·PIECE "BEST BUY" SYSTEM! •••••••• • Garrard SL75 ~V"~'~ l o\. ••J~-••;.o. •c••••blo.,••·~.,, <o-11lt l• .;1~ '"'•'""' '"' •••"f ..,, q ~I ~,~f,., <"ol t>'ot1or. 10••"1-b•1••<..I o•4 I o~' >• <•"b•u to0 !~•· ...... ..,. p,;" $115.45! • SHERWOOD S8600a 125·WATT FM RECEIVER SHURE M75E Q~ ... 0"• ,, ,~ .... ,, ,, ..... , 0:..-11 1111. l>l><ol C1n•><itoo. •or H t!OCI lrlU• ln1 ••·~ ail•y ,,,_lh ~•1h1. /l.~ic1or.i rcult J F er>d Synchroph~'.tl L1m11er1 F111ld·Eliec: f ran\iJ1crl1ed lif ind Mli.:er Main and/or Rr mc1e Spe.ik1tr Switchir>!] Fron1·P1nel S1ereo H&adphon-e J.>ic~ Tran~is101 ~1ed lr.~tant Ovu lrli!d Pro1t!Ction Sep8r11e Mono or [J1te11~ior. 5ped~er Termlnal1 frqnl·oan~I V~riablt!·Crin11cl FM l"!er• ch•nnt!I H1•Sh Nci!>&GUBlded Avlomatit FM Mon?/ S1ereo5w•1Ching Foolproof FM Sterec 1ndit ator Light V11m.1cuth lnt1tl• r unlng T.tpa Monhor Swi\ch: High Fi her Switch front·;>11net Phcno Preert'IP L .... el Control Reg. Price $319 .. So ! 1w.1 •• 1 .... eplio~•tl Rog. Prlc1 $ 39 SOI • • REGULAR PRICE 1600• ILtl + 181• lll1N M75l ,_.., 0 Soundcraftsmen Lancers· Slit.SO 5115.41 s Jt.11 S tS.H ''''··· A full·rt1nge '5 to 15,000 cycl• ductf'd-port 1peakt-r 1ystem. acourtleally •~n· r ered i nd glus-wool damped to provide eiceeptlonal baSll reipor111e In e modenll"- 11l1e bookshelf l'nCIMUN'. Th~ l~C'i.ally-deslgned 8°' fU\l·rlnge 1peaker ii puf.ctJy m1tchrd to thr ducted-porl interior drsicn. Hand-crafted 1n 1e.nuin• oiled w1lnut % " han:fwoods. Reg. Price $ 95,00! COMPLETE SELECTION OF SONr TAPE RECORDERS -· s -. ~ . -·----------~-----~---------------..,-----:--:-====-----.... -··1 ·-- ! ~ 4 OAILV PILOT W«111tsday1 Ocl~ 29, 1969 • -tC-IM rn ..,.. oeu~ 1>11t1 s1rn1 Brigitte Bardot fell from a horse y;hile on a pleasure promenade last Sunday and was dra~ged 150 feet when her foo t caught 1n the stirrup. She bruised her right hip , It hap- pened while Miss Bardot, 35, was visiting Jacque& and Corl nn• Oas· 1ange at their country home. Das· sange is a Paris hairdresser. "I was completely panic· stricken," the newspaper F rance-Soir quoted Miss Bardot as saying. "I let go of the reins and hung on to the horse's mane, screan1ing to Corinne, 'Stop~ Stop! I don't kno\v ho\v to gallop,' That must have been hilarious." 0 Tricia Ni xon, the President's daughter greeted 1,000 Boy Scouts on the White I-louse )a\Vn Satur· day. The boys are from the Tu s· carora Counci l in eastern North Carolina, which has cleaned the lit- ter from 200. miles of roadside dur- ing the past year. 0 Forrru"r President Johnscnl re• ceived an enthusiastic greeting (eve11 from the und.er·30 b1t11ch) whe1L he attended se rvices at Firs t Bap tist Church of !>linden . La. Johnson's great·grandfather, George \\Tashi 11g· ton Baines, hel ped fo1111d Ill e ch11 rch 111 1844 and u·as its pastor f ro m 1845 to 1849. 0 House'1.rives splattered ~he car of pantomine producer Paddy Gubin with eggs in Paighton. England aft- er he kept their children waiting five hours to audition for a produc- tion of "Clumpty Dumpty." 0 The North Thurston School Dis- trict in Lacey, \Va sh. has decided girls can wear cre\V cu'ts and boys can v"ear curls to the ir knees if they plea5e. School directors, con- sidering the case of Charl~s Stur- d •vant, 17, v.·ho had been denied admittance to high school on grounds his hair v:as too long, vot- ed to suspend all regulations re· garding the ler:gth of students' hair. """~d'"""'"•~·-~.~~" .. ,,.....,.,...,.,...., The Oklahoma Ci ty pos t office arrcrenrl!I u·il! lin11e to delay it' rJ.l;lve ri1<:n•o r11J71.pafg11 to i"nfom the publi c oholit 1111 solicited por· nograp/iic literature. The r os· ters lui~e' bcen __ I~s~ f~. the~:-,.-~ • L6ndon Sub\1·ay Stationma st@r T en Nor m an has h is O\\'n way of dealing with angry commuters at rush hour-he plays his harmonica over the loudspeaker. "It \1•ork s li ke a charm and in m inutes eve ry~ one is caJmed do"''n," said Nor- m an, 61. "So1netimes thC'y even clap.'' Saigon Releases Monk, 88 Cong SAIGON (AP) -The Saigon govero- menl pardot£d one of it3 leading Bud· dhlst critics loclay and released 88 Viet Cong prisoners of war as part of its observance of South Vietnam's National Day Nov. /. President Nguyen Van Thleu pardoned Thlch Thien Minh , the dissident monk im· prisoned last March on a charge of harboring draft dod,;ers and deserters. A spokesman said Thien Minh -thich is Vietnamese for the Buddhist tiUe vener- able -would be set free as soon as for· malities were com pleted. More than two lhlrds of the Viet Cong free<:! v.·ere w9men. Virtually no public fanfare attended the release of the PO\Vs at numerous l0<:a· Lions across lhe country although it was one of the largest group of prisoners ever freed. A government spokesman had an· nouncerl Tuesday that 24 prisoners would b<! released for "humanitaria n reasons." But there was no explanation why the government did not make the additional releases the occasion for a big pro- paganda splash. A spokesman said 63 of the prisoners turned loose were women who had been held at a women·s POW camp al Qul Nho.i. 27S miles northeast of Saigon. Most of the 25 men came from Lhe big POW camp at Bien Hoa, IS miles northeasl of Saigon. One woman was released in a brief ceremony at Saigon's City ·Hall and ttlree others at Bien Hoa. The government gave eac.1 400 plasters -$3 .40 -and packages of c-loUtlng, blankels and other items. Leba nese Troops, A rabs Battle at S y rian Border By The AssOC'ialtd Press Lebanese troops and Arab guerrillas battled today across deep valleys and craggy ridges near the Syrian bo rder while in Beirut. the capital, pro and an- tiguerrilla student factions fou ght with broken chair legs at the American University. The rcnC'.\'ed figh ting between the guer- r illas 1!.r1d the ar my units centered around Rashaya in eastern Lebanon. Tl1e Lebanese government has been trying to curb the guerrillas' nttempts to use the country as a base for strikes against Israel, fearing painful Israeli r etaliation. Th.:i bark of heavy machine gi.ms and the crunch of mortars echoed through the rocky defiles all day. The exchanges ap- peared to be. from fixed positions, with no e1'idence of any movement by either side. The Lebanese army is established firmly and in strength in a fortress which crowns the steep mountain on wh ic h Rashaya was built. The Lebanese flag continued to fly as proof that the guer- r illas had failed to take the fortress when they launched a frontal assault against it Tuesday. They left half-a-Oozen dead by the tunnel-like main gate be.fore they v.·ithdrew !\.,,o miles down the road to the villages of Aiha and Kfar Kouk. These are only a couple of miles from the Syrian border, 011 the slopes of r.tt Hermon which r ises majesti cally to 9,050 feet. Al the American University, in Beirul, a bout 200 studenls supporting the Lebanese government In the dispute with the guerrillas stormed the arls and scien- ce building, which had b«-n seized and occupied by leftist prog-urrri!la elements. Shouting "Lebanon and independence" and carrying a Lebanese flag, the at- tackers ripped do\\'n guerrill a poS',".!rs and photographs of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Cuban revolutionary who has been lionized by the Arab guerrilla movement. * * * Mrs. Mei r Dealt P r es tige Blo'\v I n I sraeli Vote JERUSALEM (AP) -Israeli voters dealt a prestige blow to Prime T\tinister Golda ~teir in national elections Tuesday, but left her with a mandate t.o govern on a policy of no retreat in dealing y,·ith hostile Arab st.a tes. \Vith more than half lhe votes counted today, Mrs, r.teir's Labor party looked like it would win up to 58 seals in the 120- mrmber Kn esset , Israel's parliament. Cahal, the rig ht-\ving op]Xlsition, ap- peared heading tov•ard about 25 seats, a gain of three. Labor needs to top 60 seats for a majority. The 71-year-old prime m inister looked glum as she pored over th e returns, declining immediate comment. t o newsmen. But members of the Gahal bloc \Vere jubilant. Hardly at issue was the course Israel should fnllow in defense and foreign policy. All major parties agree on re- taining occupied Arab territories unti l a peace trea ty is negotiated in the l\1iddle East. But Gaha! favors outright an- nexation. Hou se Co11m1itte e Slasl1es Nixo11 's Foreig11 Aicl Bill 'i\l/\!'.HIN GTON IAP ) -The Ho use Foreign AffRirs Cominittoo approved to- d'ly a ~2.19 billion foreign aid authoriza· tif)n bill, i;la~hed SS42 .5 million belo\.,, the N1\on admin1slraiinn's request. A 2~-li \'O(~ cleared the measure over it -. 1nil1al <'flngtf"<;~1onal hurdle and he:id- ed it row11rc1 pro bable. deeper cuts on Ute H"USe floor. Cl1airm:1n Tl101n;i s E. ~!orga n ID-Pa.), :snid there 11nd011b:edlv l\'Ould be numerous flttempts JJ\ the.' House to make further reductions. lie expressed hope, liowcl'er, th.Jt the final llou ~e vrrs1on \\'ouldn •t be any lov.·er than last ~'ear's $1.97 bill ion spt>nding cC:iling . The deepest cut y.·as in the develop- ment Joan program whi ch was set nt $475.5 million for the current fiscal year, $200 million below the administration re- quest. The Alliance for Progress program of ;iid to Latin American na tions was cut $JC'O million, winding up at $437.S million. Supporting: asi:.istance \\"as s l a s he d 11nother $100 million, being set at $4 11.6 ni illion, r.lilitary aid \ra$ trimmed lo ~400 million, lncluding ~50 millJ Otl for Sou th Korea. 11organ said the administration originally had sought $375 million for military aid. then added another $50 million for Spanish bases. He said the ~pending ce iling for the Spanish bases. al though not $pecificall y earm:irked, \voul d be included in the overall military aid package. East Remains Clear, Cool R ecord Lo w of 18 R eco rded at Co ncord, N.H. Callfornln Te1nperat11r e• low l<>I """' o"•r S<tvtl't t" C•ll- f<w-nl1 u rlv tOd'•V, 1hvrtl"9 d-O"'n ""''' •rM 1l.-por11 <l'.ltlng Thi ..-tdtw" hCUtl kw-'"" third COft$f'(IJ!lv• mornlnp, F ll1hl'I ...,., 1!111 lt...il"9 ind l1~ln• eff 11 LM ,l,nQlln IM1•n1llMll Alt• -'• M Von Nun, O"'••IO 1r>a 1-iOllY• wooO-aurMllk _,, tod<td In, SI.I ..... ! ... ""'"'"" '"'°"'" '" ~ .... 1"-mor-nlftll 1...i 1venlno io ... c•ov•h 1nd li09 11'td ..,II'!' ~h lo ""'!hMll winch ..... ..._ "'9 "''"''"111no 1>1d eo11t1I ~""°" ..,.'°"9. II "'I I 111oh!ly w1.-In ..... co-1t1I IM !ntttm..:Jl- 1!1 """""' I nd lnf1nd l f .. I )~IY with ,...,_ MmPttll\ll'tll. t 1Mc:ll'd Thv....,,. LM A-'" flMI .. llMIY "'''"''' d9V'!""-'-•lvr• wllh 1 hi~., 111 n 11 Civic c ... ~, ""'' T11•1drv'1 Ill ... t1' '1, ~nltlhl -foniOhl Wilt .... -Jt. two dft'1'ff -"°"" T'**'I nltlM. Comtal All>tt01H!'OVf Anc"<t•lte AtllMe l'lo~ersll1ICI 8 L1.,.,1rck Boise l'lo$'On 8row~•vlllt C~IC&l>O Ci"<l""•ll °""""' ~. Molne1 Dell"(JI! Ftjrt)iln~t Fo•I Wort~ FrHr.o Hel ... 1 IUnUI '" '" Vettt "' ..,.,..in M l1ml M ln,_DOll1 ·~ Orltot>I Hit~ l-,.rt<, • " ·" " " "" " • .. • " " " " ·" .. " " " ,, " • • " " " ,, • " " " " " " .. ", .. " " " .. " " " " • M " ·" " " " " TIW lfro9.drt flnclll p0o•ed b\' th• tJ.t. W.ffMr ..,,,_ COiied lot no .,....:i.ttetlln ,,..._,, M""°t 1 •nd •••w™• _...,.. ""' ot 11!•"'· ........ _ .. n. ._.lan'I ,... ll>Ol Tlltt<lrl w 11 ~I. wltll • ta-4ef•H '""''"'· f1'll Alt "ollvllofl C1111trol Dll•rkl MO<"'l!'lt low clouds •"41 "" w'!lfl Jl1N •rJet"OOn wm.111 .... Li.i>I v•rl.~11 "'I""\ ~luM 1...i ff'Onlllltl h0U'1 b .. """In• -•le•lv I t~ 15 -not• '" •'~,.. !>0001 !Oday '"" T~Y• .. :llv. Hl911 IO<Y'f ~- lJ .s. S11mmaru II _, tle1• •nd co:>al -11\f ••"- •m ,,.II OI ll'>e CO<Jnl"' todev •• 1 "'"" ot Ar.:.rle 1lr «ll'treod '"" M"11. 11!.ec"'d IO'Wt ""'"' tt<Ordt<d 11 m1ny ptt cts.. ·~ v ... Oit~l•nd OOtn~ "' ""'""' P1!"' Sorrn91 "~ lloblt l p,_~r~ " " " " " q ·" • ,. ,, ,. " " """"°"' ""'' ''"°' 111 !"t {fnlr1I ... CM9fl l ""'"°"' t1' "'' N llfl. ~ -'°""' I M (10\/~V .,.,,. .... "" ~ """"'· .. l•h 1lftl•-....,.. ......... -'"" .............. ,,,. ..,..-a ~. MaMll lN ~ ....,,, -· tuf'lt'PY ....i wto.W -''~ """' '" ,~, ~ •' -...tl ln ......,,, 1•1•t , lfl !M 111• In .... -.,......, Vf!ln'f I nd Mlf .. In Ille -\'l !lt'/I, S11n, /Hoon. Tide• WIONISOAY k<Ot'ld 111•11 11:!• ...... $.1 J.«Ol'IG IO"' 7: II o m. 0.1 THVIUOA'I" Flf•I Moll . , .,, ,. l:Jt "'"'' 3.J ,-1,.1 fg,o. ••.••. ,.,.,.l.1'1m,1 1 ~~Iv!! "•'••••••"In S4 ''"'·JO Sf'(~...i 1..,.. 1 )\1 1 m,Q ~ ..,.. •11 .. ,,,,. • ..,, '"" s-~· r "'· -IUIU 1.0. p,m. l#ll 1G1N •.m. T!!t n1!1on'I .,...,"10~1 '°"' "'•• n OOOn!fl 11 Concc•d. N.H,, Wl\11;~ b..,,.t 1 rK D'lil Ille•• ot 11 •ot•l>ll1"4d In lflll. Ac'°'' "•• ,.,.,,,1 ""''I°"' of t"" ntllOll r11n 1...i '"""' ,....,, t~• o-de• ol 1111 dov. Wl<lell>r11d '"" lt•I !roin l -..11 ID , .... 0.-n•t • '"" MOiiie~ •. 1-i•tf>e~ 1lr11t!Ono ol , ... ll:Q(tifl MCI 1now o...i ~I ,,,_ w1<nlno1 we•t 1~ •!!~• •i.:>~G '"-,,,1,,n 110., .. or l"t movn!llN. IOI' Wvom1n9 1nc1 co10- r1<10. " " ,.l!l•l>l"9~ • " Po•llol\d " " ,, ll:&nld '" " ... 81uU " " ·~ " " S•('tfl"C'"!O " •• '"' L~t.1 c11.., M • ·" ... ,_ M " ''" F•t nc;lw;:n .. ,. S1--1Hll1 • " "' 5,,,,~ .... " • Th•tmet ~ .. W1~n,n9tor'! ,. ,. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream Homes On Display Over $100,000 Inventory to Choose From ltem1 as follows: Gorgeou1 cvsfom quilted sofa with sep•rat• pillows with heayy oak trim decor a nd matching love se at, 3 matching oak occa sional te blas, 58" tall decorator lamp, hanging chain swag lamp . .a n 8-piece king ti1e master bedroom r.uite paneled Med iterranean style with top qua lity I 5 years w.a rranty king size mat.t ress a nd bolt' springs. Spanish dining set, e tc. Any p ie ce can be purchase.1·ndividually. Drop by a nd see our sale~tion of fop qu~d ity Spanish and Medi+ reneen f urnit ure ••• fentesfice lly priced! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT EQUAL SAVINGS MUST SACRIFICE 1111 , .. ,, ,.,, i/111·<' 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (onJyl ' No Money Down Required- No Payment Till 1970 AT HARBOR Boulevard ' Eve ry night 'til 9 -Wed .. S dt_ & Sun 't,I 6 ~ Look for the blue windmill at selected apermarkets. ---.~;;;.-.wicw--·--.~ -----· · ;--:~ ... : ·.= ·-m1 •l . _----, 1 • --· __ Special Prices, Wed .-Sun ., Oct. 29-Nov . 2 A Harvest of Halloween Specials from Van de Ka••ap'lf Ro sette Coffee Cakes 11'1 Halloween o goinl Greet ii with treats from Von de Kemp's bog of Trick or Treat specials. A delect- able coffee time example? Ten der, light co ffee cokes covered with o delicate old-world butte r streus.el. Pkg. of 4 39c (Reg. 49c) Pumpkin Pie A gracious, golden Halloween Herve~! sort-of-0- pie w ith o leKture as smooth as cream; delicately sp iced to~te to sparkle up yo ur Halloween table as no other pumpkin pie can. 8 incb 69c (Re g. 79c ) Orange Iced and Chocolate Iced Doughnuts Flv ffy, light cake doughnuts fragrant with $piCel and glazed witfl o ur special fresh orange or smoodl chocola te icing. So home--made good, they're su're to turn any "trickster" into a "treater ... Three orange, three c.hotola!e doughnuts per pockoge. Pkg. t i 6 37c (Va Jae 43c) Pumpkin Pie 4" Pkg. of l ., •• , •••• (Reg. 43<'.) 37c Pumpki n Pie, Individual (Pkg. of 3)., (Reg. 4.X) 3~ Rocky Road CC1ndy 8-oz. ~·· •..•.. (\lolve $1.09') 9gc Chocolat• Al mo nd P11rfo it Co•• ••• , • •.•SJ .35 Chocolot• Almo nd Porfoit Ice Creorw $ 'h Gol .................... (R<g. $1.:n) J. J 9 Pirit ••• ,, , , ••• , ••••••••••• (Reg. 39c) 35c (le,. c"'"'" <IYO•lobl ..... """' ""' r1~ 1(,,.,.1'·· '''""') SPECIAL PRICES, WED.·FRI., OCT. 29°31 ONLY Halloween Coke Van de Kemp's ma kes Halloween Cakes that ma ke any Hol!oween Porty e xtra specia l. The makings.: orange buttercream f illing in between a rich choco- late layer and moist orangey layer. Ora nge OOtter- creom frosting and decorative chocolate shot 'round . 2·11JllS $1.35 l ,, Hatlowee" Cup Coke• There Isn't a Halloween witch in the neighborhood who wouldn 't be enchanted by Von de Kamp'• special Halloween Cup Cokes. Candy cats and owls a light o n the creamy o range icing or chocolate icing that covers our light n' golden cup coke treo1sl Pkg.of& 39c (Yalu 45c) Holiday Pumpkin Cookie• Von de Kemp's makes special cookies fusl for Holl~n: Th irty ric h pumpkin shaped cookies mode with fr@sh eggs a nd harvest spices, dec.oroted with orange and block sugar crystals. Gooranteed to b ring cookie roves from Halloween cookie spirits.. Cookie goblins, too. Pk1. If 30 39c (V1J11 491:) Van de Kamps e BAKERIES A DIVISION Of GEMfV.l 1-!0fT COV'. We baU Uie way you would. li yoo bad lbe time. I I \ ,I \l I } I I \ I I I ,, I 1· I I I ii I' ' I I I I \ I .\ ' ~ l ' I I \ I I ! -~---=--------- QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi "Jt's a shame nobody else is here yet. I'm sure they'd love to see bow you showed up today in spite ot & cold , ..... Claecking llp Beei· Witli Milk Ha11go ve 1· Remedy By L. 1\1. BOYD BLOODY i\IARY -\\'asn ·t :r.tary Tudor the one "'ho lost her heiid? Bcli~vc so. It wa s in honor of f.1ary Tudor that the al coholic concoction known as the Bloody Mary was created. And since that event it might be noted, some several girls have lost their heads. In fact, many. Al any rate. a man of science named Dr. T. 0. Tomlinson contends said gin drink is not the ideal medicine for the morning after as so !rl'quenlly supposed . H e recommends large quantities of beer and milk. Mixed. OPEN QUESTIONS - 1. \\'hy is the a\·erage Amer ican "'Oman's \'oicc pitched so n1uch higher than the voices of \'.'oinen almost everywhere else in the v.·orld? 2. Just how much iron is actually in a pound of calf 's liver anyho\'J'> 3. \Vhat was lhl' name of the on!y American ever to invent a music instrument used by the professional n1u sicians? 4. ln talking about th cir possessions. \'.'hy arc the rich men always so proud of what 's old and the poor men al\'.·ays so proud of whal's new? 5. How does it happen lhat girls In the Def'p South still tend lo marry about two years earlier than the average than the girls up north ? CONSIDER THIS -Are you acquainted ·wiili any \\1oman \\'ho has the habit of fluttering her eyelids? H so, is she a bit inclined to be a hypochon- driac? Dr. Leonard L. Lovshin of the Cleveland Clinic s;iys he has found a signi fi cantly high proporti on of eyelid flutterers complain about a i I m e n ts 'vhich turn out to b e psychosomatic. CUSTO~tER SE RVICE : Q. '"When did the knock-knock jokl's fir~t come out ?" i\. Thal \\as in 1937. And as is widely known the first knoc k·knock Joke e\"er told went: "Knock· knock ." "\\.'ho's the r e~·· "Oli1·e." '"Oli\'e \.\'ho'!'' "Olh·e you." \\'hy that particu lar specimen brought on more knock-knock jokes is not kno\vn • . • Q. "DO APF.s laugh'!" A. Indeed they do . Definitely. That has been established . , • Q. ';WHAT PROPORTION of the popula· lion has blue eyes~" A. About a third. LIBRA GIRLS tend to win most all lhf"ir arguments. That is. if they really try. "Strong Y•illecl" is how our Planet man describes them. lie says they may occasionally lose at love, but they rarely Jose at v.•ar .. , THAT BOTH MEN and \.\'Omen undergo the same type of surgery is not noteworthy . \\'hat's noteworthy is (ar more \\·omen than men survive such sin11\ar surgery. Also , far more "·omen than m en survive accidents that seem the same. BEAUTY -Truly beautiful women are extremely rare. However, lhis i& not ~o un· fortunate, says our Lo\'e and War man. because s u c h women often have little else to offer. As old Ruskin said, "Remember that the mOfit beautiful things in the world are the most useless : pC'acocks and lilies, for in- stance." RAPID REPLY : No. sir, our Name C.ame man hasn't quit ''el. Today he reports the 1'1iarTil Fla. telephone direc· tory lists citizens whose true n;imes are Big. \\1eak, Short, Husky. Slim. Fat. High, Littll', Slrong. Long. Plumb, •lugt , ~an, and Low. Y our question~ n11d com· ment.• art 1ne/con1ed and u;i!l be ustd 10/ifrrver pos· sible 111 ··c1icclonq Vr.'· Addrrss moil to L. /'If. Boyd, i n carr n/ P. 0 . Bo:r: 187.5. Newport Beach. Calif . 92660 'Noble Experin1ent' S tarted 50 Y ears Ago NEW YORK (AP) -111c Volstead Act became lhe law of the land ~ years ago. Of· fi claly the country v.·ent dry. Actually, national prohibition usherl'd in the "'·ette~t era in the nation·s history. the Roar- ing 205. "A great social and economic experiment. noble in nature and far reaching in purpose," Herbert H o o v e r called the National Prohibition Act in 1928. the year he was elected president. But by then prohibition was a colo.~al flop, noble or otherwise. T11l' speakeasy was the soci al center of the nation - .,,,·here there had been 15,000. prcprobibition saloona ln New York. there were 3 2 , (I (IO speakeasies. Home brew and bathtub gin v.•ere symbols or a nation's defiance of the Jaw. The hip nask was as common on a man's person as his billfold. The national crime syn- dicate, as Americaru; know it l.oday, came into being to cater to the 1mslakable thirst of prohibition·beset ciliuns. MOVING AHEAD Actu11Jy reformers h11d been lnchln1 tow a rd prohibition si n~ loca l opt ion \\'as in- augurated in f\.1aine in 1829. Tha t left it to individual units of government to outlaw nlcOOolic be verages' w1th1n their boundaril's if they Y.'ish· ed. Nol until World 'Var 1 did prohibil ion evolve on a na - tional scale. Some critics clai med it was pushed th roogh only because of the absence ln the armed for~s of so many youni Americans. The 18th amendment to the Con1tltulion was adopted Jan. 16, 1919, to become effective one ye.ar later. lt ouU1wed the transport, possei;sion or sale of alcoholic be ve ra I! es throughout the nation. At that time. proh ibition al ready was in eHccl in 33 of the 48 states, and Alaska , Puerto Rico. Ha\\•aii and the Dislrict of Columbia. Of Ule approximately 105 m i 11 ion Americans, 63 .J percent "·ere forbidden alcohol. VOLSTEAD SPONSOR Rep. Andrew Vol1tad of Minnesota was the sponscr of the National Prohibition Act which defined int.oxicaUn1 li- quor as any beverage con- taining "°"' half of one per ce.ntum or more of 1lcohol by volume." The Volstead Act was tn· lrnded to dry up the country unti l the 18th amendment became effective. President Woodrow \\'Uson VE'loed It Oct. 27. 1919. but lhe House O\'tr· rode him the same day. Tht Senate rollov.·ed suit on Oct. ISec LIQUOR, Page 1) boy 's no-iron corduroy fast back jeans Midwale polyester and cotton cordu- roy. Rugged cnoubh for school ._,car a.nd tear. Ne"er ne("ds ironing . Brown, na vy, gold. or ol ive . 8·30. re,:.: I• 111J. -1111 3.99 may co OOy~· "car 14 permanent press pants wi th long flare legs Boys pa.nts in pol restcr cotton. Red, green, blue. bro~ .. n pl a.id . 4·7. S~n .. ·it h' rtg. 7.00 fisherman knit 5.,·eat. er. Bone. Sizes 3 to 7. 4.59 pan ts shown value. 5.00. J .99 may co little boys 52 boys' wool six-button double-breasted blazer '\ A ha.ndsome new addition to a young genfs wa rdrobe. This 2-to-button bluer ha s gl«"aming mMal buttons . N avy, gold. "8· 2l.OO 8-1 l, 19.99 reg. )0.00 14 .20 24.99 IDIY co OOyi,' '<\1ear 14 mock turtle-neck shirt fisherm an knit design Boys' long·slM"V~ pull-over shirt witfi-ribbed cuffs. Great far play or drw. All cotton kn it. Com~ in bone, gold, blue or grttn. 4. 7. va lue 3.50 2.29 m•r co little boy• ll saittli coast plas1, sen d ie90 fwy at bristol, colla mese ; shop mondey through 1eturday I 0 a .m. to 9:30 p.m. 546. 9321' boys' ski pajamas knit of pure cotton His favorite styl e for !l~ing com· fort. Bri_;ht colors like red, yellow, blue or green. Completc.ly machine washablt, dryab!e. Sizes 8 to 20. reg. 4.00 may co furn ishing 23 all-weather coats with pile lining 339 Ra.in or Jhinc. Wal:tt·proof cotton coats v.1it h 2ip-0ut acryljc pi le lining. Belted ba(k. In red pla id. 7·14. Nol sho•·n l4.00 roal , 4x6x, 10.99 coats sho~·n v.cre 16.00 1299 may co girls dre~ 56 OA.fl V PILOT 4 MAVCO .. ---··----·-----------------·-·---- 8 DAIL\' PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Sign Law For the second tilne in lhree n1onlhs l-l untington Beach's n('v.' sign regulating code has been sh_ol down by .a Jnajority or the people 11·ho c reated it -city council· n1e11. The city planning staff. planning con1miss1oners and councilnlen s prnl count!l'sS hours over. the past two years \\'riling the ordin<1nce . It is designed tc a\101v bus inesSC'!'i effective signi'ng. and a t the sa111e time pro- tecl t he con1munity fronl an overabundance of la rge, uns ig htly bi llboard type displays. The ne•v code \11as 1vritlen a fter 1nany n1onths of co- ordina tion 11·ith the <'ha1Tibcr f)f Co rnmerce, t he South- ern ('<11ifor111J l~lcctr1c Sign Association. the California Road :,ide l 'oun c1 l a nd local business and civic organiza- tion~. .After several public hearings of the planning com· nli~s 1 on and the Ci ty ('ouncil. a code thought to be gen· erally acceptable to all parties \va s J.>ass cd. . The basic intent of the nc\\' la\\' 1s to clean up sign clutter that has accu1nulated over the years and p ro- lubit it 111 l he luture. The la \\' is a reasonable one. It calls for, in the case of present non-conforming signs. a g radual enforceml'nt pla11 \Vhich ls 110\11 being carried out by the building de· partment . flulerl out in the ne\v \a\v are sign~ over 50 feet hi gh in co1n n1crclal zones. Al so banned are pulsating lights \\hlch lend to be a tra ffic hazard. 1\rproved by a 5-2 vote last \veek \Vas the extension of a restau rant. sign to 58 feet by adding a six-foot pul- sating li ght b all. The business owner said the sign could nol he seen for suffi tic11t distance on busy Be ach Boulevard al its 5()..foot heig ht. Both the planning staff and t he planning corn~is· ~ioners denied the applicant's a ppeal for an exception to the la \v. The commissioners p ointed ou~ that if the a pplica· Undermined lion wa::. allowed ''there is nothing to preve n t other bus· 1nesses in the area from filing similar requests." They a dded that the flashing ball is spec1fically pro· h ibiled in the ne\v slgn Ja w. In the v.rords of Counci11nan Dr. lle.nry Kau fman, 'vh9 wilh Councilman Al Coen voted against the e xcep- tion, .. It is incunlbent upon the council to enforce rt.h eir 01,'n ordinances and not arbitr arily grant an e xceptio n unless a ln1e hardship can be shO\\'n. Other\\'i Se la1\'S of this ty pe become meaningless." Valley's Cou11cil Meetin gs Fountain \'alley's City Council meetings arc no1v stre·tching tY.10 and three hours longer than n1eetings p rior to the recall election. The change in personnel is the obvious rC"ason. .-\t first glancf' it n1ight appear that the U1ree ne\V councilmen are inefficient. causing long delays in the council procedure. But that's not really the case. Th.e council has fi ve independent thinkers Jilling lhe seats. So council ~<'ssio n s may find five rnen argu- ing in fi ve di!ferenl direclions over one problt>rn. But lhey do work their 1vay through to a decision. and they have been successful in getting the co1n1nuni'ty involved in those decisions. Some lost motion and delay is inevi table as the nc\V counci lmen seek to co1ne to gr ips 1\'ith their new rc- sponsibifities, and until they becon1e n1ore fa miliar with myriad details of municipa l government. Long meetings cer ta in ly do no l automat ically equa~e with good government. But fo r lhe n1om ent, long rneetings probably a re a healthy sign tha t J-~ountai n Va lley is not receiving p re-determined or cursory deci· sions from its Cit y Council. H C(ii!.!i. LEW.ii~ jj Ill~§ H If. 'Ii' !:.P E<.J rtl -'P'1150R ON ~Mtl'H/1J~·~· 0 l!jE-R ''Draft lottery?' I said. 'No t u·hile I'm head of Selective Ser vice!'_ j saici." Man Is Not 'Co11queror;' He 's Parasitic Dear Gloomy Gus: They Destroy Acadenaic Freedo11a by Lyi1a9 Thought s At Largr: f\1an looks upon himself as the .''cnn· oueror" of 1hc \'lorld. But in actuahly <ill .ininials -J11rluding 11s -arc para ~lllC on plants, fnr, using sun and earth, plants build sugar and starch, which are the C'sscnllal fu els for our \·itality. and \\'h1eh \'IC rannot rnakr for ou rse!\'CS: rind ll1c brain of an l'.:1nstc1n i~ dependent upon a blade of grain. • !Speaking of our '·conqurst'' of nature. this is J;irgrly myth As a ~c1cn\1<;l recrntly put 11 : "l·:\'rn !he Eskimos. Yi ho appear so wt·l1 adap ted to the 1\rct1c 11 inlcr. in real11 ~· eannut lung n'<;1~t in· trn~c 1•old : sllC'ltcrrr~ 1n 1l11'ir 1~100~. nr clothed in 1ht•1r parkas, they li re :.iln1us\ a tropical life"' • ' • \\'r speak !'!f "pcact•ft1\ rrscarC'h" a.s of)· posrd 1n "v•ar re~r11 n:h ." but thrre 1;; no real1 st1c d1 \'1~1n11 hrtwcrn lhe lwo. For cxamplr, \hr 1nrrra;;1ng conln1ertial .ex· plnttat1nn 011hc lx·ean·bed~. as ;i po.s~ihle new source of food and treasu re. will ob· \'i{>llfl.v tnerrasc 1hr 11111'10rt<.111ce at sub· rnarinc 11arlart•. • Onr nr 1hr largr r11oh1r cnn1p;ln1es has dP l'l~Pd a "l1 ii;l1 11 a.1 \'I.I :;:ten1~" rcscart·h car that 1 rs1 ~. ('\.i\uatcs <1nd qu:ih1 1cs a dr i1•'r. and rt'cnn\~ tus physiologir.;il anrl mcC'h<uncal ri>aclion~ for ru in put er analvs1~. 1 low n1;111y 1norc d('cades t:rl )ugh~1 ay ~\aui:htrr will 11r ~rr before :;11ch a ca r 1~ U:-l'<I in ;ill co111mun1t1c!' for ~ranlln,i; ;ind rl'nc11'ing dri\crs· licens«s? . . ,\11 111~tllutinns lend toward serving thr1 r t•~n ends ralhrr than the human ends ol 1he per50nS 11o hn rompose I hem. 'This 1s ;is much tr11c n! rPliginus in- ~1111111nn~ ti.~ ul ;ony 111 hers, :ind explains 11 hv 4 t1urrh organ11a1 l'l!li'> r1r111ua\ly •It h.J~r nr 1lrhu111an11c lhc sp11·1111al aln1s ool th1'1r 1011 nder~. ;)nil 111u.~t he prrJ'l'•!!'<11ly rl'n•'\\f'd hy cr1';lti1r r1'forn1. . . Thr rrlil lll 11\' of ~l an(larol~ i~ nc:a\l y c;<- pres.~rd by lhl; <.aclrr~~ I hc;ird ilho\11 11·ho , l!':ited a n1ar r1agc l·o11nsrlor and was ;i :--krd 1( ~hf' h;id hecn faithful 10 her hu!ibt1nd. "Oli. \CS." !ihe norldcd gravely, "l\c bern 1a1th!ul !111 ~ 11/ 11mcs." I\ ~ h;lrd to dt'ttde who arc :.1l!1cr-1hc Does the Edison Con1pany repre· sent the power strurture~ - Jl _ S. K. T~I> le•IUr• "Ht<h rtl•tr\' •iitw,. ""' "fi•Ulfll1 l~OI• GI H•t "'wl••Pt •. St ... JOl/t "*' ,.,,. " Gi1tmJ Gitt, D1oly .. llgt, people "''ho object lo nudity on lhe :-tage. or the people who presrnt it; fur both are 1he victims or the same fallacy , in1· agin1ng that a naked hody is a sexual ob- 1r.tl, 11o·hich all priinitivc cultures know to l>c noL at all the case. • • • \\'hy l.s. one's own language always c;,\J. rd 1 h ~ "mother lon&'1c·• rather than the .. fa ther tongue ?'• • • • ,\ lul ul people v.•ho are proud lha1 th<'Y 11a l'c no cnC"n)ies thC"y ha !e n1akc up for ll by having friends th ey l'll\'~ • • • A 1110\t o t l1~t ought to be po;;t<>d on thi: cnlrancc to e1·er,v collf'l.\l' -and 111<111y other pla ces as \l'C'l1 -1s Kierkcga<1rd'~ "People demand lrecdnm of spct"l'h In n1akr 11p feor thr l rcedum ul thought \1·h1ch lhC'y avoid." • • • 1-lusbands who complain 1h;1l their v.·ives Like to spend money would be mut·h unhappier, on the wholf'. \Y1\h Yi J\'l'S y,·ho liked to 5ave it ; for 1l 1s normal and feminine for a y,·oinan to be a hU\e PX· travagant. but unlo' l'IY . and . mean· spirited tor a 11•u111an 1,., <;q111rr{'\ 1t :iway greedily (and profoundly anl1·sexua! as \1·el11. If you tell me \1h<it ~r·u tind tll nny :i n•\ 11'hat you don't. I can 1nak£' ;:i /:ir b(•l1rr • estin1a1c of your rh;iracter !han 1! l O\J told me what ynu .. belh'll.'" ~· * • \\'ha~ rcbellioltS yoll1h is ~ay111g to thr co111fortable 1n1ddle el:is.~ 1od:1y 11·;1s £'~­ pressed by Emerson a full cen111ry <igo: "God offers lo every 1nind its choler be· tween truth and tC'pose. Take ll'h1ch you pl~se ; you can never have botb .'' P olici1ig in C lassroo1ns On!! of Ilic n1n~1 bro1r furro11o·inJ? pro~ lrn1~ of 1ncl:iv ronct•rn~ 110\\· In cut cost s of r<l•1t'.1t 1on· :tnd lh11:; rl'dt1ce the tax- p,1,1 rr~ · h11rill'u-li111 \11th1Jul satri1Lc1ng thr qu;•llll' ol ~·du4 ·a1i l)n. \\'r h.0 1c nnr sul!.gl'shon . Lr.rs slop rh1mp1ng ::.o 1nlll'.'h pl!rent rcspons1b1 l1\y on thP 11.'achi•r:. Takr 1hr c1rr~s t'Odt's, t'or c~·.i1np!c. rntolo! hour-.. \\'Cfl.' dl'\10t1·d in S:in ~lalrn I. n1••n I l1 g!1 !-.chr,o\ 01sl ri ct cluring the pa~1 ~rliuol yr:ir to surl'cying, revie.w- i n~ :ind t1:1sl11ni:. 01rr 1hr \t'nglh of s!uden1s' 11.111·. lhl' lt·nglh of skirts, grncral 1ln'~~ 11ntl Hdornrnrnts j\luch tht' ~~111r !'.orl ol thing \vas going on in rn;;11y iu r11nr high schools lhroughout the i\urth l'en1nsula . BEJIIJIOD TllE '\'110 1.F. husinrss is an apparent Cf1!1\'l<'Hlln nn thr p<1rt of n1any parents tha t 11 s !hr J"h of public school teachen and adn11n1s1ra.tors to make 1;ure Uiat Johnny and Suzy are respc<:· tably 1ar'bed and shorn Long pages t1f "~uidt'lines" h:i1·e cvtllved , and edu1'(11or!'. apparently arc erpected to seek out ;ind call to t11.sk :iny youngster who 1gnorrs sLandards ol ac· apt.able dres,,. Jn shorl, we're I urning teachers lTI•Jre lnlo p.>liccmcn. Ye~. ;ind weire p:iy1 ni: for JI. Granted, &ehools should enforce t·crl.ni n Guc1;t Editorial ! minimal standards of dress. No school 5hould tolerale skirts so lihort as to be distracting or hair so long as to impair the \\·earcr's vision. BUT \\'ASN 'T JUNIOR '~ ha1r JUS\ a~ long 11o·hen he 11•alked out nf the house and headed for school'! \\'asn't Su?.y's .c:.klr! just as short v.•hen she departed hnmi: for t:lasses '! Nnr is "proper dress" the on!y polir1ng funclion 11e seem to rxpccl fron1 educa tors. \\'c demand of teachers that they prowl the campuses to root out i;mok1ng \'iola· I ions t probably the largest cause of suspensioru during the pout school year) and to make surr that J11nior dorsn't hop in his car and lake a spin during !he lunch hour Are 1i1e to believe: lhal Junior never sn1okes around the house or that hr u.c:.rs 111 ~ l'ar only to dri\·e lo an rt fron1 S<'hool ? Perhaps it'~ high lunr th111 M·honl horirds and parf'nts lake a hard look <'II Jl1~1 v.1hrrr lhe rc.c:.pons1billty of parents rnd s and that of t'fluc11t nrs begins. Burllngamtt Ad1•anr.e·Slar Four Reasons to Ban Red Teachers Shoulrl Phi Beta Kappa Angela Davis (hcing a Communist) leach at a state uni l'ersity'! The UCLA Academic. Senate thinks so, 541 to 4. UCI Chancellor Aldrich says, "1\1y lord, yes." Many studen ts think so. Il l;iny students may he le~'e!-headcd. Another group, ne11i'ly away from hon1e, now h<is greater freedom, but lacks the discipline of parental guldan<:e , They haven't matured through real-life ex- perience. They may be partially or totally ig· norant of how our econoinic system \1•ork~. Bul they arr reminded or the in- JUS tit es in our society. And communism r hamp1un!' the oppressed. Academic freedom demands that the other side be g111C'n a fair chaf}{'e. ACA DE~llC FREEDO:\T is the right to lollnw the trut h_ Comn1un1.,1s d{'slroy at'ademic freedom in tha t lyl ng is their standard tactic (they come into pci1Yer by rlccril and rrmain in pQwrr by forcrl. They don't trll )'OU rhat injustice and Ill· humanity are much greater in Coin· 111un1st countries. Con1n1unists should be cxc1L1Jcd fro1n teaching be<:ause: -Thei r lies and fa lse appl'als may decci~e na ive youngsters 11110 v.·rong det·isiun fshould V.'C' allow 1he ~lal1a. pro· stlt utcs ;ind rlope peJdlcrs lo rt'cn11t on lug h school and junior high ground~··, -THEY O\\'E Tll EIR lriy:tlty to the Comn1unist ParLy in Hus~1a . and ;4rc therefore instrument ~ al a lore ign powr r -Society has a right t(I prolttt 11.sc]f from its enemies and not subs1dJt:c !hrbt 11·ho would drslroy us. -Taxpayers have a nght lo h,1\'e thr1r tax dollars used pn1dPntl~- LEO~ARrJ l\JUUllT Tl1r Bi'1 U1• To thr Edilot E\·en thu11gh lhe \'.i:1z1~ \\P rt: 1'l1n1in:i ted fr om the \l nrld ~t't'llr 111 19~5 . lhc y left the \\'Oriel Q Jew ni1'n1t11lo~ 1IH1L 11rc ~Iii! k 1l'k1n~ ;irou nd . Oni1 01 lhnsP 1nrn1rnlo8 1 ~ "The l31 g Lie " Thi~ s11nple ~·ct vrry c!fectil'e propagarv1;i 1t10I \\a~ 1n1·rn1ed hy the Nazis and arlopted by all the Con1rnunist p<1rt1cs 1nclllding !he unc in lht> Us. The principal of "The Bis Lie" resis in the Fact !hat ties ;ihoul minor details v.·i!l he questioned v.·hlle lies about major cletails are easily ~wallowed by 1hc 11n11 ar~·. Now !rt us loul; at so1ne recenl "Big L1r~" thal ha1-r been used by the Co1nmun1st s. THE "CUR,\~ CRISIS'' \1•as caused bv the n.ussians because thev tried lo station lntermediate Range Bali is!ic r..1issiles in Cuba that would have been aimed at the heart of the U.S. \Vhile !he constructiJn of !he missile sites y,·as going on, lhe ...---Bu 6eorge --- Dea r George : I ha ve alv.·ays gone v.·l(hout ;i hat, all through my young manhood and all during my 26 yea rs of marriage -but now it's caustog trouble . Tl11s past su1nme r niy "''ife and I spend lhc sumn1er in a resort area 11o·hcre most men 11o·ear caps. Sn, na1urally, instead of going withoul a hat I 1l'e11t v.·ilhout a cap Now lhat Yi'e are back home my vd fe won·t let me go ~·ithout my hat anymore, insi.!iting I look rnunger 11·hen I go v.·Hhout a cap. \Vhat should I rlo? w n. IX'iir \V R,. '\'ell, lnr one thing. you stmultl ht! hcrr y,·ri1lng thi~ rolumn until I get 01·er 111£< hradachc your letter caused I mean. rrn the ln \·rntor of ~ide1va~s Thinking bul )Qu\·e f11p- pt"d ~·uur cap. \1ailbox i..el!ers from readers are tvclto1ne. J\lo r1nal/y writfrs sJ1o·t1ld cont.·ey their tnessages i11 300 words or less. T ht!: ,·ight lo cande11se letters to f it spate or e!i rninaie libel ij reserved. All let- ter:: mus t i1tcl11de signature and mail· 1nr1 address, but names may be u1itlL· lr elrf. on re<111cst if sufficierlt rea$01i IS arpare11 I. Russian~ assu rrd !he \\Orld 1hal they \1cre JU8t gi 1·1ng the Cub<ins so me short rani::c n11sslle~ so !hat Cuba would be able to pro!eC'l it self !rom U.S. ag· gression. "The Big Lie." After Russia invaded Czech06lovakla !hey informed the 11'orld that they had been inl'i!ed in by the Czech leaders so Iha! they c:;iuld prrvent an invasion by an in1pcrialistlc neighbor. '·The Big Lie." TllE NORT H Vietnamese h a 1· e rcf>Caledly denied that any of their armed scr1'ices arc fighting in South Vietnam . Hov.•ever, they t'laim that the U.S. is lry 111~ to colonize South Vietnam and 1.~ actu«lly the aggressor. "Two Big Lies." Si nce all the Communist parties u:;e "The Big Lie" with premeditation one ca11 ~;1y that the Communists have no in· tcgnty. 'Thus. one is justified in ~aying that all n1embcrs of the CPL;SA have lit· Iii: or no integrity. :\-=>11 perhaps sonleone can explain \\ hv un11·rrsily profrssors that are paid by thC 1:ixpayer1; of Cali/omi a had to gu out of their 11 ay to dem and that any member of lhf' <.:PLSA that is qualified to teach 1nu:;t be allowed to teach even though he or ~hr has lit!le or no integrity. l'lca~f' 11ot c that any student tha t 1 l1ra r<.-011 an examination ran be kickf'd fJtJ! uf an y l;ixpayer-supported unh•ers1l.i'. HARRY B. f.lcDONALO, JR. ('''''''''''''ist Tf>n("hlt19 To the Edit or Had I never hea rd the "Batlle llymn of the Hepublic '' I would nt'\'er have bc\iev- rd that religio n and war could be set 10 m11s1e and be coupled together so heautifully. While listening to this tren1endous hymn. I couldn't hel p but reflecl on rhe y,·ord.~ it is saying : "As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, His lnith 1s n1arching on ·• H1.c:.lory "'·riles that for nearly two crn· turies we hal'e been victorious in v.·ar in our country and on foreign soil. V.'e are faced today, \\i!h an even greater t11sk. A task that has never beset us before -a 11ar of ideology. TIUS INSIDIOUS spread of com· 1nunisn1 thal is gaining in our country is a grea1er menace than one is supposing or C'lu ld C\'Cr imagine. We're told to put on ot•r srnt belts for protl.'ction when we geL in1o our car .. How ironi c when you clra1\' the parallel-Communist teaching in our college. Even morl" ironic. son1e ;id\'u"ate it. !\Ir. J. Edgar Hoover's life has bri·n one of grrat service. His books on con1mnuism arc a tremendous source to bc><lo1ne knowledgeable on con1- 1nuro1s1n. OUR VOUTlf are very important to- day. As our future leaders. they need more than we are: givi ng them. The high st11ndards lhat once surrounded our ~chools have got to ht! a realily once mnre. We must bring God back in to our l'las5rooms. \Ye must rid oursell·f's of lhos~ in our college."! \\'ho do nae hold to our philosophies. And we must bring back the lnya!ty oat h. These steps have got tfl be 1aken nov.·. so we won't hevtt to go to \1·ar again on our soil. in the eff ort lo guard and protel't our freeodm . f.I R.li. JAMES D. HODGE Lear11 In the i\'eac• .To the Editor: O\'er the past 10 year5 I have enjoyed your nc\1'spapcr coverage of loca l and \l'orld ney,·s events. Occ asionally, 1 differ with some of your editorials but that is not lo say I haven't enjoyed reading your neYi'Spapcr. Gene rally speaking. your news coverage is informative and in · teresting. However, I feel that }'Oil stooped lo a new low in a recent article regarding Ti n1othy Leary. I am at a Joss as to y,•hy such a 1nan of foul repu tation a n d unproduc ti\·eness could e ve r be feature nev.·s lo the extent of having a picture of him getting a haircut O,\E OF i\1Y <:hildren was Jook1ni;: through the newspaper to find a current l'vent and she asked me who this man 11'as geltlng a hairC"tl l. J explained to her that he v.•as the father of IOC hS D movc- n1enl and has preyed on the ln- Quisitivcness or the high school and col· Iese students through encouragement to have an exciting "trip." tier qucsliun In me \1'as. "\Vhy. ihcn, v.·ou ld !he newsp<Jper v.•ritc etn article and publi sh his picture 1f he has done so much harn1 ?'' l\fy answrr to her \l'dS, "[ dnn·t kno11', I Just don·\ know." I i\llGIIT SUGGEST that the next time \OU ha \r sp ace lo y,·astc . you pnnt a pic- ture and article of the beautiful parl;s that r1nbrace our arl'a or maybe a huinan 111tcresl story about :.on1e unselfish person v.•ho ga\·e their lime and effort to help our :so('1ety and not !under our society. JOHN CAl\1PBlLI.. .o\e11·port's S 11rfi11g Tn:.: To lh" Ed1Tnr: For four yc:i rs nr,11o· the b\1.ird surfrr,; of l\e\1 port Beach ha''" been bf'll1ing and h11'>~111g al lhc c\1 ~· anrl 1 leel lhey t1<11C' a rrason to. Jn order for 1he surfers to en- Ju.I' the waters oll Nc11pnrt Bcal'h they have lo pay rtich year a S3 surfing ta x ,, surfer cat1gli~ Sll rfini: y,·1th1n the city l1n11L~ wi1hout a surfing permit 1s ~ubjcct to a fine or $10 and$~ the seeond tune. When lhe lay,·s were passl"<J the surfers v.·erc told the money 11o'ould go to the benefit of the surfer s of Ne1,•port Beach. NO\\', 1969, with over 3,000 surfe rs in the area. there should be over S30.000 11o·ailing lo be spent. But ~·ail. The money has ~n spent. It was placed into the •·general fund'' and spent on who knO\\'S 11o•hat! This money could ha1•t been used lo build artificial reefs olf Newport, benefiling surfers, fishermen . and marine life. Thl': relatively inex pensive Teefs rould he set up in all-day surfing ;ireas. easing the surfing crov.·ds by creating more surfing breaks. <;ARY FISHEH Student Senior Cillren• Clnb To !he Editor · T!~re musl be sevt'ra! thousand senior citizenr in the l\unlington Beach area .. f em one 1vho mo\•ed here recently and kno1v no one. I v.•ent 10 the only senior citizens club here and y,·as told U~re are :lOO memb(>rs and the booka are closed. They cannot take any new members. It see ms lo me the parks commission could do something about this. 1 havt had to go to \Vcstn1inste r and TorrallCe .,.,.here they hal'e y,·oncterful clubs. Out it is a Joni drive lo these place5. f\fHS. J. F. VAN Gil.DEN lf 11 11(nrgroit Btarli ciq1 officio/., ar r. 011•nrc of '111.~ pr"l:>IPnL Tlic C11y Co101• c1I oi 1 1\1ov 3 11·//l r/('r!r/e 011 on arc /;;. lrrt fo r I'! conn11 11nill1 hui/di no in 17· Ocrc i\1 urely Pnrk Qll Goldr•u \\1('$1 SI. 11ortl~ of \Varnt'r Ave. to sl'TVe as n 'ncer ing pince for seiiiur c:1li<tr11s in the 1iOr rl1 end of the city. Contract$ are expecled to br let by 111id·Nnve1n- bc1. Intere st.eel rl'stdfn/s should con· taci tl1c Por~·s oud Rccrea!ion Dept. for f tirthe.r infor nuJ!ion. especia/111 co11ccr11111g Jorn1at io11 of a ·nc1n se11- ior r it1,:-ens group to 11se tile new fa · ci/tt y. Editor Yo11tll Coalition To the Editor. Aller reading "(;loomy Gus" (Oct. 21) and J . D.'S comment regarding !ht abol ishm ent of the Youth Coal111on, I was indeed glOQrny. Tbe 'Youth Coahl1on Counci l consisU or ell.ii.ens v.·ho \'Olun~ert!:d their services, donating one night each week to attend n1ertings v.·ith the youth of our -t•it y. These young people are not protesting vio!en lly, but are aUcmpting to learn and \\'Ork wi thin the framework of ou r society ant.I go1•ernmen t. The coal ition i~ something new and v.·as totally v.•ith ou t funds t•ihen It was formed . Jn solicilini: local businessmen. lhe~· soon learned that financial assistaocc 11•as not greeted cnthuf>iastical!y. Tll.E COALLTIO!\ has heard a greoit deal about the ainount of money Jost on the concert. No mention is ever made or !he poli le. orderly 111anncr in y,·h.ich the kids o f Huntington Beach conducted themselve~. The gre£'l 1n~ antl applause these young ad ults gal'e to ll1ayo r Green v,·as refreshing to Se<!. One look at l>lr. f.latney y,•orking furi ously behind thtt coke counter convinced thr. youth of Hun· t1ngton Beach that the officials of TIIEIR CITY reall y cared and are interested 1n thC'm. \\'as J .D. t here~ II ~o. hr must <id· mlt the !':miles ;i nd 1cr b;il "lh;ink you" he::irrl as thC' youtl1 f1!cd by a! thr i·nn. 1·lu~1on, w a~ YiOr\h ('l'Cty penny o[ the $7.000 110,\'E,'ER , I HOPE !he~c \.:id.~ go !rt \1·nrk and l!arn n1nney lo rrpa:. thnbC' 11 hn fC'el the furrds were los t. "llelpl1nc" h11.s alread) achieved much good in our com· n1unity, al though thi s type of help is not accountable in dollars and cenls. Sn if J. D. is so gloon1y, he should al· tend a coali!ion meeting any Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Annex Building. Perhaps afteT hearing facts aod seeini: first hand what is happening. he may nol br SQ c_ritiral Pertaining to his suggestion .,.,.e abolt~h the coalition -would this not encourage thel'e ,same yo1Hh to \l'ork outside !hi.' "establishmenl": to perhaps join another 11:roup attempl.ing to be heard, such as lhr St!S? I will personally refund J. O.'s tax los:\ on !his Cooct'rl \amounl1ng to silt cent~\ if he feels it too high a price to invest in the youlh of Hunli nglon Beach . l\.1RS. RONALD L. BLAlJ~ tHunt ington Becich Ta xpayer Also ! --WWW- \Vednesd ay, October 29, 1969 Tiie ed1 /.oriat pagt of tht Daily Pilo t seeks h> injorn~ ond stun- 111.ale readers by pr.ese11 llug th1.t 11e1vspaper's op1111.ous and com· 1ne11t11ry on torirs oj i 11lt'rc.,t ond sig1liflca11cc, by providin g a foruni for the ezpres,,1011 of our rend,.rt;' opi11io11s. and hy vrrse1iti11g tlu'! d n>er.•r vie:11:· point.~ of informed oblervrr.1 diid spokes1n c11 011 topics of Ill e day. Robert N. \\Iced. Publisher I ii I ' ' ' j f I I . ' • ,, I '! ' I 1 I • ' ' • ' \ I i 1 --------------·-----. . . . . . . Deliciously Fashionable Fashions to \Vear v.·hen lic kin g Christmas Seals will be modeled during a fash- ion showing in South Coast Plaza Saturday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. Shops from the plaza wi ll furn ish ensembles to be modeled by Miss Christmas Seals and man- nequins from the shops for the promotion of Christmas Seals. Ready to parade in the Great Christmas Seal Pul-on are fv1i ss Rosemary Kelly (left). Miss Christ- mas Seal for Fountain Valley a nd l\ili ss Donn a Flory, Miss Christmas Seal of Costa Mesa. t.~ -F'·· Peering Around ., '· ' AITENDING a home<'oming picnic hosted by Dr. Nonnan Topping, prcsiden l of the University of So ut hern Califorrlla, and Mrs. Topping \\'ere Mr. and ~irs. Jav Recd and Mr!. ~rargtiret F·Juor or Newport Beach. 'fhcy \l'l're among other donors t o Heritage l!all and members of Cardinal and frQld invited to the picnic. December Wedding Planned Yolanda Yero and Jorge !>loralcs, both of Costa !>1esa "'lit exchange nuptial vows Dec. 20 in SL Joachim 's Catholic Chu rch. Ne"'S of the forthcoming event has been announced by Miss Ycro's petrcnts, l\1r. and t-.1rs. !>liguel A. Yero Jr. \ of Costa !\.1csa, f o r 1n e r residents of J-la\'ana. The future bride is a graduate of Newport 11arbor High School and attended the Los Angeles College of Dental As~isling. YOLANDA YERO To Marry PLEDGING Alpha Gamma Nu at the University of Re.d1ands was Dave Sclbst, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bet Selbst of Costa Mesa. Sclbst is a 1968 graduate of Corona de! t.tar High School. Her fiance, son of Carlos G. Celebration r ... 1orales and Amalia Vazquez de illorales of Buenos Aires, received his education in Buenos Aires. Jlelpi.ng Job's Daughters. l\llSS JUNE McKee made her acting debut in ''l\e11• Talents" at Uie lJniversi1y of RedlBnds' festi1·aJ thPa ter. The daughter of f.fr . and l\frs. Frank \\'. l\lc!\cc of Costa J\.1e.'la is a junior ma- joring in theatrr arls and a graduate of Estancia J-ligh School. Bethel 313 celebrate its 10th annivcrs;iry v.·ere four in· 1tia tcs, the l>lisses Patty ., .... Aschcnberg, Nancy f.dwards, ,Julie \Va llon and Catherine licit.on. .· Also the slate deputy grand guardian, r.1r!!. Shirley Comnton made her official vlsit. 25% OFF SALE ST&AUNll!I BY LUNT Magnificence in Sterling,,, ctellted fOI" !hose who WW IN tlr-.t In .olk:I •llwr n.twarlt. ,...... before 1Ueh ~on --., or..,.,,. piece, of one of Arner1ca'• gr..-t stetting pattern&. ...... .............. 1 t.-Po. Pl9ce a.tanoa SAVE $12'3.ll .............. ,. .... ,...._ __ SAYE $154.111 n~-..Ao••12" UW'o.hc.~ SAYE $212.51 USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY ; CHAl:GI ACCOUNn INYJTID IANUMIRICAltD -MA.STIR CHAl•I GIFT WllAI" ·NO CHAIGol lllDAL llel!STIT GEORGE MURRAY llLVllll . C"l"IA e CllY,TAL e ,UllNITUl:f. l rislol St?Ht •I Saw Diet• fr.-woy So11tti Cemt r1cn11 """"' 14&-2700 ; ! j . • ~-· .... .. if' , ..... ._ ..... ,,_ ... 4 : '•~1:'1 • P ; 4 +e I .... + ••• t-; ;u.2:::::: ..... ___ , DAILY P1LOT 35 Jeweled Pins Offered When Chapters Meet Dinner Roasting A Hawaiian theme wil l prevail when members of Btla Gamma Ch.apt.er, E p s i I o n Sig:ina Alpha sorority, honor their sister chapter, Delta Iota, duriag a dinner meeting in Sam's Seafood restaurant. The Fountain Valley groups will gather at 7 tonight and of- ficiating will be the new chapter's adv i 1 o rs, ti.trs. George Wier and Mrs. Ray Seiffert. Installing offi("('rs for the jewel pin ("('remony are r-.trs. Al J-l ackn1eistcr and Mr.i. William Guthrie, president and junior pa.st president of Beta Gamma. Receiving pins will be Delta Iota member.; the Mmes. John Downer, Jfarold Graves, J ohn Koontz, Lorin Lammers, Don McCollum, \'/cndell Pierson, sue Rhodea, Ron S:r.abo a n d Elton Thayer. Prospective memhus pJectg. Ing to Beta Gamma are Mn. Vern C&rlson and Mrs. Robert Flippen. A first ptarl award for achievement during the first six months of mernber.i.hip will be pre&:nted to Mrs. SzaOO, Delta Iota, by Mrs. Lew Smith, president. Beta Gamma members rettivlng a first degree Pallas At hene award are the Mmes. Willi.am Hewston, G e o r g e Keller, Kenneth KI eh m. Robert McGalmery, Pal Morey .and Clarenet! Nelson. A second degree award will be presented l\ir s. llackmeister and third degree awards will go to r.trs. Cochran and r.trs. Guthrie. Turkey dinner to p u t everyone in the mood for a traditional Thankagiving feaat will be offered as a fund-rais- ing benefit by membef'I of SL Anne's Parish, Seal Beach. Dinner will be s e r v e d between nOOll and 7 p.m_ Sun· day, Nov. 2, in the church, and greeting guests will be the Rev. William L. Diamond. Committee ch airmen assisting Jack Be I ch er , 1::eneral chainnan, are Ben Rapp, prizes; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spisak, food; Mrs. Marion Tryzbinski and Mrs. J ohn Campbell, hall and table decoration; &lrs . Pearl Van Auken and Mr.i. Teresa Preepcr, tick el sales. Tickel.s for lhe dinner wiU be $2 for adult..'I and $1 fllr children under 12. TASTE BEFORE YOU BUY! cheese ball AND BEEF STICE Flea Market Opening Joint Session Two favorites from the wide leloction of specialty fooda from Leisure \Vorld, Laguna Hills Ls aiming for :something a little different than the usual rummage sale in their Flea ?l-1arket and Hobby Sale which will lake place Saturday, Nov. I, from IO a.m. lo 3 p.m. The second annual event sponsored by Education and Recreation Department will take place in the co1nmunity's sales parking lot on the corner of El Toro and Valencia roads. The sale is designed to bring together residents who wish to dispose o( their very good us- ed items they no lon~er have room for and those inlerested in finding bargains. t-.1ore than 120 booths will be Dance Club The first, third and fifth Fridays of the month are the dance dales selected by Lace 'n Leather Square Dance Club members. The music starts at 8 p.m . in the Recreation Center, Huntington Beach. ' ' •• l ' .. ~~~~~~ ~~o!~~s SOUTH COAST PLAZA Lo-CctiroUM11 Moll l rl1Pol ot S.. Dl9'o frMway, ~fo Mae &40""'91 alllfJ'r lrJ/lll lllm U/111 set up and res.dy f 0 r Orange County Alumnae of, customers wishing clothing, Alpha XJ Delta will host thei furniture, small appliances, Loog Beach group rlurlng a glassware, books, typP.writers, joint meeting at I p.m. Tues- photo equipment, cameras, day, Nov. 4. l reducing equipment a nd Mn1. William Oarlstit will countlc.-is other items. Hobby open her R061tDOOr home for items such as ceramics. the occasion. and the program jewelry, copper enameling, will be a decoupage lapidary and monoi.d~IO'~a~m~m~ed~~d~cm~o~n~stra~ti~an~=~by~~a=S~c~a~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ glfls also ";;"ill be so~. Beach artist. 18th ANNUAL ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FBEE at the MESA THEATER COSTA MESA 9:30 to 11 :30 AM THURS., OCT. 30 Also NOV. 6, NOV. 13 & NOV. 20 REGISTER AT THE DOOR POR PRIZE DRAWING for BAGS of GROCERIES CO. SPONSORED BY: 8 Alpha Beta Markets e So. Counties Gas Co . 8 Davis -Brown O Caloric CorpJration e Mesa Theater O Daily Pilot Newspapers FREE TICKETS avalfal>le at your nearby ALPHA BET A Dim e-A -Lines l\iean $$$ FASHION ISLANO HUNTINGTON CENTER SOUTH COAST PLAZA NEWPORT I EACH HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA . . ' l -. ·----------~--·--·------------. 3C OAll V P'ILOT Bewitching Hour (~ "''"' A -MYllNd lo Feuntelll V•lic'/, HllnTl"'toll ~~. ~.. ........ ...! "-"' ... d ~I.. !dmol Oh!rkt H<.,.I• ~ o!"Wft11•llDn1 w1!1 •-• 111 tt>t OAll Y l"ILOT wdl wwlt. lntor""'''°" -"' bit ..ailwd 11V M,.._ Giia.rt Tlll"'llbvlL Mn ""'........,.,. oriv., Mu.,. 11..-at.di, l1V 5 P.ft'I. F rl<l8Y '"' Pllbllano.. w..:i.....iav.I Arevalos PTO M"-Jack Ubldlmky \ President COMING UP: Fall cam!val \ will take place Saturday, Nov. 1. from noon to S p.m. \vil.b all proceeds being used to purchase trees a n d greenery to beautify the school grounds. Spec i a I fe.'.lllil"C 1.1.·ill be a sponge Lhro\Mng boolh built by eighth grade boys in .. ~:hich te~chers and principal bave \•oluntecred to serve as tar~ets. l\1rs. Lloyd Sat- terthwaite is chairman and r.trs. Thomas Peel is ilSsis- tant. Clegg PTA Mn. Alvin Llpetz Prl'.sidenl COMING UP: Annual costume contest will take place tamorro~· al 3:30 p.m. in lhc multipurpose room. Sponsored by PT A. lhe con- 1.t'sl "•ill include students from first through sixlh grades. Three judges v.·ill select from each classroom a first. seeond and thi rd place y,·inner in each of I wn categories: mosl original and llallo\\'ern 5 pi r it . Trophies \l'ill be a\varded tn all fir st plac{' 11·inners. rib· bons 10 second and th ird place winners and a special treat for all o t h e r j)Qrtidpants. Mrs. J e a n Muson, fourth g r a d e t.eacber. will serve a s mistrtss o f ceremonies. Handling arrangements are the Mme s . Wesley Tbomburgh, Herbert Norr and Stanley It=. College Vw. PTO ritn. Rielwd Begle President COMING UP: Third annURl Halloween parade \Vilt be presented Friday, Oct. 31, at 1 p.m. Children f r o m kioclerg8tten through third grades ~I participate and each will receive a special candy treat. Parents are in- vited to view t h e parade from the luncll table area, acoording to "'irs. Louis Faubert and her committee of room mothers. Crest Vw. PFO Mrs. Vic Joseph President COt-.11.i'JG UP: Costume parade will .t>c a feature of the Halloween car n iv a l scheduled Friday, Oct. 31, from 3:30 p.m. until dark. Parade will take place at 5 and prizes will be awarded for funniest, scariest, pret· tiest and most original. Vic Joseph, ways and means ch;..J'man, reports there will be an abundance of booths. prizes. novelty items and a cake v.·alk. Hamburgers. hot dogs. coll.On candy, popcorn and drinks will be sold. Eader PTA !\trs. Jamt• Lewis Prei;ident REPORTS: Mrs. J11mes U!wis reports more than 8 O O parents joined PTA during the re c en l membershi p drive. _ .Fund-raising events presented recently included candy apple sale which pro- duced more lb.an $50 and school pennant sale which raised more than $30, ac· cording to Mrs. Charles Reeves, treasurer. Eastwood PTA J\lrs. Robert Fresenius President C0~11NG UP : Book fair will be presented again this year in school library during teacher conference \.l'eek. Nov. 3 to 7, from '.l a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Under the direc- '1.on of r-.1rs. t-.Hlo Colich , ehairn1an, PTA members will take orders for books on display. Books will be geared for children from kindergarten through junior high school. Orders will be received in time f o r Christmas giving. Library table will be featured ditiplaying books especially bound to ni~et library stan- dards. FV Ele. PTO l'lln:. Walter Tate Pre.~ident REPORTS: Schoo 1 idcn- tific a!ion hracelets recom- mended by Civil Defense Dcpartmcnl arc on sole in school this \\'eek for $1 each. No 'Scop ing Landscap ing Pro;ect Sotneonc ha~ to sti ck lus n!'ck out if a carni\·al is to be successful, so !llr:- !\l1cl1acl Gnvin, lc:i.rn1ng coordin<i tar for Arevalos School t.1kcs on the JOb. Rc:idy t0 thr111v the ~po11gc a! a prime target is Joe Laning, \\'hile Robert Kob1 1 ~l ands by rc:i.dy to c:i.tch. ThC' spo nge thro1ving booth is just one of many at- tractions hei n_\.! r cndicd fnr 1hr Sntu rday. Nov. l cornival at \ha school. Accord- ing to ~lr s. Lloyd Sallcrth1va1 tr, c hair1nan, and Mrs. Thomas Pell , co-chair- man, proceeds '~ill buy greenery and trees for the schoolgrounds. ,,. .-.. , .... . \/ " " .-. ~ --· -..... : -~ ., • ··">-,.,'- ·' .... ) ~ . Charlie Rrown·.'i Great Pumpkin will arri\'e at Ht1rhour View School when the PTO presents the Greet Pumpkin carnival next Saturday from 10 a .m. lo :l p.m . l)eckod out for the costume parade \Vhich leads off festivities are /left to right ) P . J . S1r\1 Tracey \Vood and Pat \\food. Closing event "'"ill be a par- ent-sof'lball game. . . . ~ • Approaches for Children Double purpo6e: of sale is to promote safety and welfare of ctu!dren and to raise funds for PTO projects. Anyooe wishing to purchase a bracelet may contact Mrs. Glen Henley at 962-8151. . .Recently appointed to the executive board is Mrs. Don McGee, historian a nd publiclty chairman. FV High PTA lil". William Brockmann Presidenl COMING UP : Portraits of Student Activities is the pro- gram theme for a urut meeting Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in lhe cafeteria. Program will feature songs by the music department 's Troobadors, excerpts from t h e forthcoming presen- tat ion of ''Romeo a n d Juliet'' performed by drama department members and a demonstration of ceramics by the art department ... Due to a conflict Jn dates. bowling party for husband and wife teams originally scheduled Saturday, Nov. l. has been postponed until Saturday, Nov. 15. REPORTS : At executive board meeting, M-rs. Charles Lipot, membe r ship chairman, announced that to date more than 1100 paren!s have joined PTA. Winners of banana splils awarded by PTA for most memberships hrought in \'.'ere students in Lymc.n r-.toore's room . Trophies v.'ere awarded classes of Daniel Glron. the t.1mes. Phyllis Dietz, Janet Harkawi and Sh a r on Swickar. Fulton PTO Mrs. Robert Welch President C0\11NG UP: Fulton follies Hallo\vcen parade will be presented by PTO at 4 p.m. Frid;iy. Oct. 31, on the primary playground. Ex· ecutive board members 1vill serve as judges and award prizes . Parents are invited. tllrs. Ivan Llbaldini, youth activities ch airman. 1s in charge .•• J\.lembers will at- tend general mee!ing of Superintendent Paren1 Coun- cil \\'ednesda v, Nov. 5, at 9 a.m. in Tam~ra School. Will We Be Forced lnt() Double Sessions? Is program topic, and upc(lming bond election v:ill be discussed. Public is invited. · REPORTS: S\\·eel Bippirs and Nit \\'its currently hold first and s~ond place in PTO bo11·ling league standings. Mri:;. Jamey .Jacobsfn holds individual high series tillc and Mrs. Dean tl1 cNair, in- dividual high game, accord- ing to i\1r~ .. James i11iller. league secretary. Bo11·1ing substitutes are needed ... Tea fo r room n1otl1ers was hosted last Thursday by Mrs. Henry Lange, room mothers chairman. Refresh- ment.~ provided by cxecu· tive board members were served by the hospna1ity committee. Teachers v.·erc introduced lo 1969-70 room mothers. and future class par l 1 e s \\'ere discussed. Room mothers selected are 1he Mmes. J ohn Gillman, James tl!il!er. Don Lucas, Lloyd Long, Scott Varnier. Robert Ru ssel!. \\-~alter Da- vidson, Ted Lav1n;1n, Rttd C:irter, Calvin 'cooley. An· d!'rud il1iles, Le\\·is Gilles- pie. Ge(lr'le i\loorr, Don ~tt•11·ar1. F rank \Vcndzel, J1 ichard Koles.1r, Earl Cor - rlay, Larry Swar1z, J ames tl1c!i1ann, James Neal, Ed - 1\·ard Sternberg, George J\err, Royce Lee. ,Jirn All- haugh . Hnls ey Chenoweth, !lerrnan Hoechsteller. Burt Chauncey, John II into n. Grorge Lil\\Tence, C l yd e L;iton and Lange .. , Back- 11).School night took place last Thursday. During a brief me('t.ing, J\.irs. J.:lcob- sen, membership chairman, annouoccd 1hat \\'inners of the recent membershi p drive were classes of tltrs. Roger Clark and Mrs. J. P. Zerbih who tied for first place and i\1rs. ,V_ R. Franklin, second place. in the lower division : classes of Miss Janet Park· house, first place, and Miss Susan Linsenbard, second, in the upper division . Honor- able mention wenl to Miss Susan McKinsey's class. To date. parents representing 11 percent of school enrollment have joined PTO. Haven Vw. PTO Lee. Hartwick President REPORTS : t.frs. C. ,V, Tilly, membership chairman. re-- ports more than 400 parents joined PTO during the recent drive. Students in each class reaching 100 percent partk· ipalion in the drive received ice cr{'am bars. Hope Vw. PFO Mrs. Ri <'hard Simmons Presidenl C0~1 1NG UP : Two costume parades will take place on the pl.1ygrounrl Friday, Oct. 31. for students from kinder- garten through four I h grades. Parenl3 are invite<! to view the parades sched- uled at 9:30 a.m. and I p.m. Prizes will be a\\'arded in each grade for pretUe:;t, fun· n1est and most orlginal cos- tumes •.. November ha s been designated as PFO membership month. Banner '_ will be presented to the class with largest number of par· ~···1 ents joining PFO. Member- ships also may be obtained at the Novenlber general 1nee:ling. REPORTS : Ocean View Dis- trict Superintendent Dr. Clarence Hall spoke al gen- eral meeting. Election of of· fice rs took place and thnse elected for 1969-70 are !he Mmes. Richard Simmons. president; Stanley Sawyl'r, vice president ; Raymond Tannler, secrC'lary, and Da- vid Crandal!. treasurer. New committee chairmen are the r-.1mes . Robert Hassay, room molhrr representatives; Ken Montague and Stephen !·land· ler, wa ys and means; Ger:11d Cormack, 1nembersh1p; Mar- lin Stapleton and Monl.'.lna Schultz , hospitality, and Rob· ert Sheets, publicity ... Tea was presented last \Ved- ncsday by Mrs. I !assay for all new room mothers. !i·lrs. Simmons ans wered questions of the 2Z guests concerning coming e\'ents ... Execu- tive board voted to provide baby-sitting at general meet- ings for children over t\\·o yea rs old ... PFO will spon- sor Girl Scout Troop 169. Troop members will partici· pate in a flag-raising cere- mony in school. Lamb PTO J\.lr5. Eldnn Bay President COMI NG UP: Back-to-school night will take place tomor- row in school. Rl-:PORTS : Unit meeting took place last Thursday in the multipurpose room . Point of V i e w on Educationa 1 Philosophy wa s subject of program and guest speaker 1vas Robert Sanches. assis· tant superintendent of Foun· lain \'alley School District. Program also included a slide presentation entitled !-luman Talen t. New bylaws were approved hy l h c membership. . .SubJ('Ct of program at a recent unit meeting wa s new multimedLa equipment on loan to the school this year hy a manufacturing C'Om- pany. Equipment includes a large assortment of cameras, screens , pro. Jector s <1nd nlh e r p ho tngraphic cquipn1enl. Subject was disc ussed by I~. Dean Birch, f a cu 1 t y member in charge of !hf' equipmrnt. EXL"cUtive boarrl members were presented and lr.achc rs \V er c in· lroduccd by means of a fi ln1 taken and narrated hy Gregg Sands and Rick !!olt, studen1s. Newla nd PTA ~trs. Gcor11:e Cross Pr{'stdent COr-.UNG UP: Informal cof- fees will be presented in homes of parents for the purpose of creating greater understanding betv.·cen the home and school. Coffees have been si:heduled through December. Anyone wishing to partici pate in t he s e events ma y contact f\1rs. George Cross al 962-7132 or f\oliss Patricia Szakalun al 962-3359. Pe rry PTO fltrs. George King President COtltl NG UP : Paper drive 1vill lake place Saturday. Nov. 15. from 8 a.m. to noon. Trophy will be presented to the class col· lectlng m0!5l paper, and mo~y prizes will be award- ed first, second and lhird place v.·inncrs. A n y o n e wishing to donate paper may call t~ school al 962-3347 to arrange for p I c "·· u-p , Proceeds from the drive will• be used toward lhc purchase of 35 magnifying glasses for use in scien<'e classes. REPORTS : Room mothers and thei r assistant~ met to- day to formulate plans for school parties. Mrs. Silvio Thomas, room m o t h e r chairman, was in charge. Refreshments "''ere served by PTO .•. Executive boa rd meeting took place last Wednesday. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Kenneth Gath , president of LeBard School PTO and M r s • Norman Scott, vice presi· dent. Robinwood PFO ~In. ~e Mock President COM ING UP: Preparations are under way for a smorgasbord dinner to be presented Friday, !'>ov. 7, from 5 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Jack Harri! is in charge of ar. rangcmen!s assisted by "'1 r~. Toni Sunken. Member s are Imagination Wins the Prize African head-hunters. ghosts. ,i::oblins and other assorted scary creatures will vie for top hon ors in the i\cibta~ r ·ro costume parade next f.'rlday al 3 :30 p.m. Selecting the 50th state for the theme of her outfil is Diane J;:mp!\ng. \vhile Africa inspires Michael 1::n1pting. Both hope to capture the prize for the most outstanding costume. currently contacting neighbors to secure food donalions. Public is urged 11) secure tickets in advance b\• calling i\1rs. llarris at 8'J7- 87!H or i\lrs. Lee \lock at 892-6442. REPORTS: Special recogni- tion \\as gJ\ en i\llt'n l!oll•~v and l\.1rs. J ame~ [l1xnn fo-r tht'i r scr1·1ce lo the sch!'IOI. Both "'e-rc pre-scn!ccl gif is al the business meeting prior to open house. Schro ede r PTA i\lrs. Charles Spade Pre.~tdcnt CO~l!:\(; LP: Cost 11 in r parade 11·ill be presented tornorrol'• ;it ~·30 p.m. on 1hc school gl'ound '> \1·i1h pnrtiripant~ fro n1 kin- Gcrgarten thrc11gh ~ i x I h gra de~. Prizes ani! rillhQns 11·111 be' a11·ardcd. \1 r:;; _ RolX'rt i\or!nn i.~ 1 l1ainnan and to.lrs. Oln·rr C11sl11ng, assi!"!lanl .. l-n1t 1nec·11ng and f;il her·~<'ln ni~ht \\lll 1:1ke place ~lond;i~·. :\01· 3, t:t i 30 p n). Lil I hf' cafetonum. F l~g cercmonv v.·i ll be conduc!!'d hi' Cub :'-ictut pack 2ifl \\'f'br!r>~ Spe:ikcr Chul·k Ecnrdi ct. KLAC sports dir{'ctor, v.'ill present a fi lm of lhe Rams and ans\\·er que stions con- cerning the team. Cha!rn1an nf the program 1s r.1rs. Robert \Vask. Se quo ia PT A ~lrs .. James Blaser Pres1denl RF.POl1TS . Annua l carni\·al \\'as presented h•atunng ~rime~. prizes, rC'frP.~hrnents ;;nd a tri p tllrourh the spook hnu ~c ProcC'CdS \\ i!I be used 10 finance PTA proiects. Tamura PTO tllrs. Birch i'Jatlbe11·s President CO\-!ING L:P: EXC{'Uti1·e board mC('.ting \\•ill lake rlaC'C' !omor ro\\' at 9:30 a .m. 1r1 1he niultipurpose room ... F;1li1er-.'lon spo rts night will t:i~:e place al g r n e r a I 1nccti11g Thursddy. Nov 20. •~! 7 30 p.m. in t h c 1nul11purpose roon1 HEl'ORTS : PTO :;ponsorrc! I 1('·tac-toe booth dl lhf' I lallo\\'Ct'n barb(>cue la:;~ :-:itu rday wilh pro cl' l' d s ~oing lo !he scholar!'h\fl ti1nr1 1\nnual budg('l \\'ilS ilppro1 cd anti facul!y and • I execllt.ive board member!\ in1roduccd at back-to-school n i gh t. Pl a ns wer e fnr n1ulated for the Arro11· Bearer Sl'holarshi p fund . Wardlow PFO .\!rs. Gco ri:e ~1 eeban l'rcs1drnl CO:'ill:XG l'P: CJrni\'al v.·11 1 take pince Saturday, Nov 8, from JO a.nt. to 4 p.m. Cake and pillow v.'al ks \viii be ainong !he ~ames featured. P11 nrh. coffee , hol dog ~. f!oughnu!s. and ice crcarn 11 Ill be sold. Added at· 1raction \1'i ll be a c!ow11. tllr'i. Jrss Ca rranza . way! vnd means chai rman, an· nounccd that a d van c e 11ckets 11·111 be .sold In sc hool Thursda~·. i\io1•. 6, d1irinE! 1he lunch hour at a pri ce or $1 for nine ticket.~. Tickl'ts so ld :11 the carnival 1vill be h\·Ct for 2j ('Cnis, Sf'rv1n R on lhc rommittce \\'Hh :-.trs. C;ir- ranza arc the f\lrnes. Da\·e Orcnner, Tip Do na ldso n. Robrrt 1-.lallgren. Richard J·:rkt-r t. Ha rolrl Schnackcn· lit'rg Hn11 \\.llham l/ayv•ood .Executive board n1eeting ..,,,·1!l take place ~l onday. Nov. 3, Jl 7. 30 p m. in school. • I \ " . I l FANTASTIC FEEL -"'Th e versatility of rabbit lends itself In a zi p front cro~ prd jacket '\'ith suede collar and ('uffs (at le-ft)./\ zip front slrevC'l C's:> vest '\'Orn over 1natch1n ,i.:: 1n[ni ski rt also fcalurcs dyed rabbit. t·ashlons fron1 F'enncy·~. l I I /' 11 I " I' I I I l , ' ' I ' I , I t \ , J l I I ' I ( ' I • r I I I I I ' .. , I \ ! l Fountain Valley Today's Fhlal N.Y. Stocks EDITIO N * VOL. 62, NO. 259 , 5 SECTIONS, 86 PAGE S ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFO~NIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 TEN CENTS 'Top Of Pier Plan' Holds Fate of Downtown By JACl\ BRO.BACK ot tho Otl!Y 'll•H S!1U Decisions made or not. ma{le today will ~hapt the future of Huntington Beach for the next 30 years. This was the n1essage of several deadly serioos speakers Tuesday night as they outlined the proposed •·Top or the Pier Plan" to the citv councilmen and about 200 interested ciiizens in the lluntinglon Beach High SchOQI cafeteria, Co.lncilmen listened intently to a three- Aitollo's Dr9 Ru1a hour present<i!1on by thf' Urban Land Institute Citizens Stccring Con1mittee (CSCI . They seemed lo get the n1essagc. A public hearint; on the fir s( stage pa!'k· ing authority plan was unanln1ou~ly vared !or Nov. 10. 'llie·focal· poinl of 11-.e speakers \1·as !he proposed $3.8 million park ing complex on the inland side nf P11cific Coasl Highway from 6th lo Lake slreels and extending inland from Lake. But the discussion covered the entire mid-beach sludy area U"'I Tol1,,llolt Astronauts Alan Bean and Richard Gordon board the van wh ich v.·111 transport them to the Apoll o 12 spacecraft which \1ri1J take them lo lhe moon Nov. 14. The dry run took the1n through every step of the launch except the actual liflofl. What Happe11ecl to Scl1ool Casl1 Bag ·Full of $986? Whooe got lhe money bag f1l1Pd wllh $986? That's whaL official~ of !he Hun· tin«fon Be<1ch Union High School Distrtc~ y.·ould Uke·to know today. T1,1 stccs Move Neare r CJosing Dwyer School In a move I0\11ard c,·cntual repla~­ menl of Dwyer School, trustees of the llunlington Beach City School District Tuesday night approved the hiring or 11n appraist>r to determine the market value of the property. Charle!'. Palmer, assistant superin- tt'fldenl in charge of business, said the gtate ha~ appro\'ed money (but it's not }'el a1·ai!able) to r11>lace. 0 w y '-r lntermed iate School, and two appralul1 of the school are nffded lo comply with 1tate demands. The money y.·as lost Sepl. 2 :> somewhere bc1 1.reen the cafeteria l'.lf \\1cs1minslrr High School and the Sout hern California f irst F\alional Bunk i11 1-lunllngton Beach . ll incl uded receipt s frnm the cafeteria and w11 s c11rrirrl 10 a "ealf'd bag by a campus palrol1na n to !he hank Official ban~ audits d1dn·1 sho'v lh «t 1he money was mi ss1ni:: until Ori, '24. iald ll11n!ingt()n Beach policr investigators, Y.'hll \\·ere nolifi ed of the lnss Tuesdav in a letter fron1 H. R. ~lartin , ass1s.tant business directQr for the df s\nrt. The bank says the money was nt\'rr delivered. This campus pa t r o I m an, unidentified , says it wa s. Police in- Yestigators said this morning that part of the problem is that the school district re<::eives no receipt when it deposils such money - a regular occurrence. Martin, when 11ked this morning about lhe procedur@ for transferring such funds · from 8Chool to bank replied, "I don't in- lend to give you any lnrormation because that matter la now under investigation." Police detectlvtti worked round-the- clock Tuesday on It. but have thus far turned up no new information. "!l's dif- ficult to inve!tlgale 11 thrtt-week-0ld loss," said one detective. baunrlc<l by Talbert Avr nue on the north, Ne\\ la11d Street on the {last. lhe ocean 1.111 thr. sou!h. and the r ily bounda ry 011 the \1rsl. There arr eight square n1iles. of the C'll.\'-~ 26 , in 1he entire study arra, but the rnost eritic<JI section is lhe downtown business-and residc11tial area of only 3i5 ;icre s or .6 of a square n1ile, Planning D1rec1or Kenneth Reynolds pointed out. "There is an ocld phenomenon in Mun- llng!on Beach," said Planning Consultant Ted Ad~il . "While Orange County and the ril~· of Huntington Beach have seen the fastest growth 1n the nation the downtown ;:irca has r1Qt gro1~n in population or dc vc!opinrnL" Ile pointed out th;il the assessed valua· lion per person of the city was $4,000 in 1000 and fs now dO\\.'ll to $3 ,000. "other cilies to the north are doy.·n lo near the $1 ,000 mark. They may ne\•er recover. "But Huntingtqn Beach has a unique situation. You ha,·e a lhlrd chance," Adsit emphasized . He said future Improvement could only ron1e fron1 new-development in the beach area and the com pletion or the Pacific Coasl and Hunti ngton Beac;h freeways. "Decisions made now are vital." the consultant continued . "This is the last chance. If pri vate capital is not attracted now it will go elsewhere, to &0ulh Orange County areas and San Diego County ." Adsit noted that the city had the op- Portunity lo develop the $3.8 million park- Ing authority complex without an asses.~· ment district as is required in n1ost other areas. "If lhl're ls any q11est1on that parking must be provided imn1ediately to trigger downtown development we are lhrou&h already,'' lhe consul1anl emphasized. "Huntington Beach is al tht> crossroads IOOay,'' y.•amed Dr. Thomas Ashley, vice. presidt>nl or Economic R e s e a r c h Associate~ t ERA l. hirt>d by I.he. city tri (See DOWNTOWN, Pace Z) School Tax Hilie Looms 50 Cent Increase Feared by Business Aide By TERRY COV lLLE 0! "'• DlllY .. llo! Stell /\ SO·ccnl ta x hike \Vill be needed 11·ilhin the next year iust to maintain the rurrcnl Jc,Tl of education 11'ithln the llunllngl.'.ln Beach Cit y (elementary! School Di~trict. So said Charles Palmer. !he di1;tnct ·~ a.~!'i!=.lanl sl1pr.rintendent in charge_ nl husincs~. during Tuesday night"s school l>(larrl n1ect1nt: ''Hap1d grow!h and inflation ha,•r torr· rd u.~ into such a position ," explained Trustees 01( School Bo1id Ouerride Vote By RllfJl NIEOZlF:LSKI 01 ·~· tltl!y .. lllol 11'1t lnirassinnrd rlcbate over a ~p 5 million constniction bond and '1 50-renl l<i'\' ovt>r- ndc Y.'il !'. suddenly brought In a h:t lt Tue!'.- rlay ni,(!'ht as weary tr11sters of lhl' Hun- t ington Beach Union High School District approved tht> measure by a th ree to nne rnar,ll in abou l 20 minutes before m1 d- n1ght. 'fhl' lax increase, school off ic1;ils said, 11·ou!d be used to kl'<'p pac~ 'vith risin.i::- oper;iring cos1 s, 11 hlle the bond Y.'Cluld he used In finance a new hi.i:h school an1I rch::ibi lit::ition of nlrl Hunt ingtnn Beacl1 Hi.ch Srh()(JJ tn comply \vit h earLhquake s<i fct v stand;irds. B:i rh~ \1·crr !lung acrO!'.s Lhr dis· lriC't bnard roont for srveral hours 1l11rin~ !he n1<'c!1ng hetwrr>n 1ruslP<'.~. members of !he administration and peo· plr ln the audirnce \\'ho found it difficult tn rij!'rct> nn 11·hethPr !he bonr! rlcclion and t;ix ovrrride $li o11lrf be hr\d a1 all l'arly next year. ''I arn not C'on1·incc<i th:i t a new hi.t:h school v.'il! snh·c 1hc pr obl rm of qu;il1ty ,..lur:i!inn for our s!utli>nt~ <ll al!,'' charj.1 - rc! Hohrrt Gordon. a \\'cslm1ns1er priren!, Y.h:i 11rRl'(I tli;i l ~choo! offi cia l!'. examine v.hill he 1cnnrrl •·a11cma!1l'e!'i" lo l'Q!'illy l)u1lti 1n~ pro)!ran1s Ill' ~ilid hl'fnrr anv ri('r lin11 1.~ hPl d lhe ;i rl1111111\tr .;it1(1n ~hn11ld 1n1 1,~tll!i1 \l' hnw 10 use II!'. prr~rnl rac1l1 t 1r~ an!I 1r:ichf'f!'. n1ore rffrr11vrly, ti>rhnnlog1cal aids and 1nrliv 1r!11.1 liZf'rl 1nstr11t tinn_ Tr11~l ce .losrph Rihal, the only bn;i rti 1ncmher to votr agai nst both txi nd \!l~Ue an1! tax overndr. agreed 11•1th Go rd'ln, sa}'Jng, "This administration has lxcn absolutely bull headed tn looki ng at 1n· novali1'e r.ducationat programs such as !he Newport-l\1esa and A n a h e 1 m Districts. ''This ill absolutely a 'va~\e . J'n1 1-1oing lo opppose this bond issue until the ad- ministration gets on the balL" Several trustees and arhnini.~tratnr!! said they were-confu.~oo as 1n how their sugge~tions would el im inate the neecl to conslnict another high school for all the new students the district expects Jn the nell't few years. Gordon countered 1hat clas~rooms go unused in lhP afternoons and that tSee BONO, Page ZJ Palmer, Jts he gave a rather gloomy report on s<'hool fi nances. "we just didn 't ask for enough money la.~t February." La~I Febn1ary lhc voters approved a t:l-r cnt tax increase to be spread o,·rr 1hree years to beef up the district 's day- to-rlay operating burlgct. TnLSICI' Ivan LIRgelt \\'as shocked. and a~ked. "hov• did we undere;timatc our oeeds so badl.\"?" O!h('r trustees sat 1n ~1unned sllen ce. "lnflali on, and I guess we should ha\'f: asked for more money. Vi'hlle y,·e ap- proved 15 rt'nt~ the Ocean View District approved $1.25 raise," Palmer replied to Liggers question. Paln1er. in the posi tion of bearing bad ne11'!'. all night , also !old trustees that the 1l i~lrict had lht1s far rrc t-i\'ed no buyers for Sfl.7fl mill iOfl in school bonds al fi1·e !lf'rcenl 1n1rres! "Standa rd 011 Co. turned us do\11n and .,..-e haven 'l heard any word tram Signal Oil Co.," said Palmer. The Huntington Beach rlistrict, as do many others. fa ces a serious shortage or money for school construction because the bond n1arket has raised interest rates too high for school bonds to compete al their leg<1l maxim11m interest (five per- ct>nl) le\'el. Palmer had been trying to \\'Ork out a deal similar lo Octan View'• n•hen that distritt sold $1.J million in bonds at five percent lo the United Statts Nalional Bank hra nch in Huntiniton (See TAX RISE, Paa;e Z) Cyclist Killed by Car Beach Youth Swe rve s Into Auto's Pettit A young Hu nti ngton Beach bicyclist \\'a:' kll.led Tuesday aflenioon when be swerved into the path of an eastbound rar on Edinger Avtn11e. east of Edward~ Slrttl. accordiR& to inv~tigating of- ficers. PnlJce Sil!d Phil Tocld, 12. o( 16361 ~ert>nadc Lane. y.·as reportedly doin~ "•,1)le(']ies" (slanding hi1 bike on the rear tire'. when the accident occurred. The·' flrst n1en on the &cene co")· mandeered 10mc nearby car jac_ks to fret. J'61 Coun ty Traffic \ llA 180 . DeaUI Toll t7l him from undt:r the car. but the boy v.-1s dead on arri\•al al Huntington Intercom· munJty HMpilll. Cal State Fullerton, UCLA Halt Enrollment l/CLA and Cal Sl;ilc Fullei:ton ha,-, a!'I· nou nced they are rutting olf enrollment for next spring and r1strictlng ad- n1fssio ns for fall , 1970, h11t UC lrvinl' con- tinue" to be able lo accept any qualified l>tu den t who applies. UC\ Admission Officer ,John \\'. Brown sa1rl the student sq uef.u that is making earl y ap1)1icat1on a must at oth('r cam- puses sr• far has not :"pre:id t(I \.:Cl Sinre. thr in1ua l yc:ir of operalion 1n 1965, all rrualifierl :;tudents \\'ho 11ppliC'd hy the an- nourx:ed deadline have been accepte<l. ElsC'whrrl', thou,c:h, c;irly r1110H d:iles h;n·e heen impo.~ed. Applic;in1 s to UCLA !nr the spring alrc.ady are being rccllrected In other UC campuses. The \'ieslwood school has :'11 ,000 ~tudent~ this fall. more than the 28,500 the campus is supposed to accommodate. Nt>Y.' students who enrolled In .rumn1er quartt>r sn they y.·nu ld ha1·e to be accepted as C<lntinuing f.llldent~ this fall swelled that total. Offfcials estimate lhat 10,000 students were turned away from the 18 California Stale Collegeg th is fall because their cn:-ollmcnt quot.as were filled . L.ast year al UCI, however. fre5hmcn ~pplicanls y.•ere accepted right up to the ~larch 1 deadline for the fall and the dradllne for transfer 6ludents from other colleges was extended lo July I. Wilh 1;1udenls nol able to get in rlM>11•here the r;ame fliituation may not hold for this year. The enrollment period for next fall already has opened. BrO\l'n sa1rl the. t>nrollment targ,.t for next year is 5,400 students. excludini:; !he College of Medicine . Enrnllment this fall is ~ARO general campus students plus 5f.O 1n medical school. []ro11·n :"3irl 1.100 fr~shmen can be ac- commodatt<i next year and 500 transfrr stu dents. T"'ice the number of fr eshmen app11c~t1ons \l'lll be accepted because on- Iv about half of those <idm itted make lr1·ine th ei r fi r~! college choice. Tu he eligible for admission freshmen mu.~t rank in the top tz•..:: percenl of high sch'lOI ~eniors \vith ;i B average in ~pecifi ed academic subjects. Prices to Rise, But More SlowJ y WASHINGTON fUPll -Commtrce St!!eretary Maurice H. Stans predicted to- day prices will continue lo rise. ncxl year b:1t at a slower pace than this year's rate of about 5 percent. SI.ant predicted a squeeze on corpor<1le profits caust'd by slowed output and con- tinued increases in labor cost.s. Thi' dr iver, fl!rs . Sandra Sue Adams, 32, of 6"22 Sligo Circle. lluntington Beach Y.'flS not rited by police. The boy's death was the twelfth traffic fatality recorded in Huntington Beach lhis year. In 1968. there were 20 traHie deaths by thi1 tilne. Todd was the 1e<:ond youngster killed this year. Count y Joining Federal Suit On Smog Devices This nation's rar and truck marrufat· turers were confronted Tuesday with a ne'v opponenl in a ft>deral anti-trust ac- tion which chargt>s lhem ""'ith collusion designed to prevent c11mp a ti t ive manufacture of smog (le11 1ces. Orange County \l'en1 on Lhe list o! plain- t i ff~ following the hot1rd 's speedy ex- amination of the Attorney (.enera1'6 sug- J!eslion that it do so and !=.upervisors' rig- id adherencf' to the federa l office's addeq d1rerti,·e "avnid exhausti1·e comments." Chargrd \1•1lh blocking a1lt'mpL<i t11 <:om bal air pollut1on by grnupini;: against suggested measures Jn that rirld arl'I (feneral ~1otnrs. Fore! and Chrys!"r corporations. An1rn can l\lotors Corpo~a- 11nn, Check!'r l\1ntor Corpora1 ion . Dia- mond T l1•1 0tor Corporation. lntemalional Harvester Corporation. S I u deb a k er Corporation. \Vhile l\loior Corporation, Kaiser Jeep Corporatlon , and Mac.k Trucks. Similar charges have been riled by the federal government against the Automobile l\1anufacturers Association. Any comment by the board coo\d con· reivably prejudice lnal action against the defendants. supervi!!Ors were warned. Orange Coast Weal.lier Robtrt Harrison or Newport Beach wJll be used sometime this year for the flr.1l appraisal. "\\'e won 't spend money for a llttOnd appraisal until the state can pro- vWJe us vdth funds for a new school," ad· ded Palm er. Old Dwyer School Y.'8!1 built In 19~ for less than $300,000, a feat imposalble to match in these days. Sex Class Moves Forward "Our lor~ast i;uggests that the real rate of growth h1 the economy will con- tinue in 1970, but al 1 s}ow pace for a y,·hlle . followed by a mode~t pickup in the growl!\ rate in the. last half of the year," he said in a speech prepared for the Los Angele:; area Chambt>r of Commerce. Stan& said the Nixon administration's inflation control effort is ··achieving e1- actly the right effect" even thou1h the Commerce Department's monthly index of eight leading business indicators in· crea&ed 1.3 perce nl Jail month. You'll be groping )'our w1y 1round the Orahgc Coast 11gain Thursday morning a5 the dense fog gets even den~cr. Afternoon temp@ratures wlll sink to 66 locally but jump to 60 further inland. "The highest paid cra!l3man on tht project was a truck driver for 16 cents an hoo r,'' said Palmer. No time has been 1et !or the replace- mentor the school, but truatet!I Indicated lhe:y would like it to be as soon 11 PoUI· ble. Stork llfarl<eu NEW YORK (AP ) -Tl1e stock markrt dtellned on a broadening front In !airly 11clive trading late U1is afternoon. •Sec quotations. Pages 24-U ) Declines stret ched their lead 011t'r :trl- ''anc:es IJllon( individu:.il 1s!'u~ tr<id•·d on the New York Stock Exchange to 828 to 49l Trustees Approve Planning Advisory Group The firrt 24 members of an ad visory committee for an ldult class in family life and M>::C t.ducatlon y,·ere approved Tuesday by trustee11 of the Huntington Reach lJnion High Schon! District -over tl'ie loud objcction5 of board member ,Joseph Alba!. Chie f task of the committee is lo pro- \'icle an evening cour~t outline to tell parent~ ho1~ lo teach their children the. fa cts or life. Alba!'. an outspoken proponent of \hf' ~ex education course for high sc-hool •Indents 'l\'hich was rectntl)r defeate<I by his fellow board members. called an adult &ell education cour:;e "ridiculou:;." '"Th is Jtct will produce more notoriety for thi~ dist rict than th e implemcntet\on of lhc excellent progra111 th11l was devis- ed for our sludcn1 ~." he s<1i(L Matthew Weyuker. chairman of the board of trustees. stres.c;ed the nee<! for the cour.~e. iodicating that paren\.s represenlath·es have repC'atedly said they 11re not equipped lo teach ~ex ed11cation 111 the home ··Somehow we ha rt mysterlour.ly ~rler!ccl Z~ 1iC:ii; oracles lo tt'ach fam ily lire and &e.k education," 5aid the bemused Ribal . ''This is dangerrnu1 educationally an d rlengl':roos to this district" "\Ve have not one@ had a parent come forward and ask for this program. This lhins has origil.ated wjth some screwball rii::ht wing group which has even asked f.lr a ban on rocking horsq.s becaute lht-y \\'Pre 1;timulating. ·• "I don't care Yo'hat slimul11tes you ,'' \\'evuker counll':red. The committee -rompoM?d of com- 1r111nl!y leader.•. clergymen and student11 -y.•j]I ultimately consist of :15 n1embers, 1rrordin1 to adrolnistr1tion officilb. 3 Get Double Duty On Surfsid e Service County supervison; named three men Tuei;day to do double duty In two aervlce di stricts -lhe Surfside Colony Storm Water Protection Ois\rirl and the Rurfslde Colony Commun.ily Services Dl1Slrict. Appointed dlrecl<;ir!! by tile board ~'!Te. Clifford Bell, fl.t11rcelioo Saucedo and Michard Wiest Their selection waJ unanµnoua,. INSIDE TODAY A wide-ranging schedul.t of lectures I! littt'd 11p at UC l"1in1 for the month of Novl!mber. F'or fitU listing, sec Page 3l. •1"•' " ... II"' M c.11 .. rnl• ' C•rM r t.l'M• I) Cleul.... I M I Cllllllc1 II C""~ H 0 .... H'MIC" 11 Dl'llrt•• u .11 .. •ltl .". ' '"''""""""" ~ .. " Pllt ... ce ll·H ... ,.HWt )t ••• L..-.11 14 Mel!W• I Metrl"' t..IC..,_ 11 Mlfl 111 ltrYl<t n Me•l•I rt.tf M¥1v1I ,...... M N ...... 1,...wt W Or-Cevnl'Y 11 "'" » 1~1'111 Pertw M t.e(l11 lrtow1 n·D '-'' 1•m Or. l••lllc...... .. ltrtdl Merltett , .. ,, ,........... . T1M1t1" U.t' '#Mflte• • ....... Wfttle • Wft'N lle•I ... . ---. ---·· -~-~ . -~-------~------ 2 DAILY PI LOT " Seale Yells 'Liar, Pig' At Attor11ey CKlCAGO IUPI\ -lHack Panther leader Bobby Sea[!', yelling "racisl pig'' and •·Jiar," charged a US. ;ittorney dur· ing th e "Chicago Elghl" trial loday anrl w11 thrown back lnto h.is seat with such force that he fell Into the courtroom '• press section. U.S. D1slr ict Court Judge J ulius J. Hof- fman served final 'll'arnlng on the na- tkm1l cha!nn1n of the Black Panther P1rty that ht l\'OUid be gaggtti and chain· ~ to his chair if another such outburst took plact. It wa11 the wildest outhrtak yet of the trial of Stale and st\'tn other mtn charg- ed wit h eon1plrlng to incite riot! during the °'mocratic na tlonal convention. It t>e&•n with a speech by Se.ale to his aupporter1 In the courtroom befort. the session began . He told them . "lf anyonl'! attacks you phyi;:ically, you know the princi ples of the par ty -self def ense."' He also said, "Remember one thing - hold your coo!.'' As soon as the session opened. Chief Dtfen5e Att.omey William Kunsller pro- tested to Hoffman that ma rah a I !I guardtna: the courtroom had started searching members ol the defrn~ Jpga l l'itaff. As Kunstler and Hoffman debated heatedly, Assist.ant U.S. A I Io r n e y ruchard Schultz st rode lo the bench and l'iaid Sea le's speech about a "physical at- tac k" was evidence of the need for cou rtroom security. Seale jumped from hill seal and ran toward Schultz sc rea ming, ··You rotten, raclst pig you liar. you liar, ~·ou're a liar. 'l'rlcky Dick Schultz , like hi s boss Dick Nixon 11 a liar.'' Three marshal!! collare<I Sea le. rlragg eO him to his chair. a nd flung him into il despite the aUtmpt ?f rlefendant p avid Dellinger to throw his own body in the W!y. The. chtJir tipped ovtr and Seale toppled tnto the front row of the pre~s Rctlon . Dr. Be-nja.mln Spock, noted baby doctor and peace advocate, and CtJpt. 1-lqward Le'-Y· who \\'as courtmart ia led for re- fusing to give med ical training lo Green Berel.!I, were sitting in the second rov.· .. \\'hen Scale regained his seat, marshals pinned him there. l'roni Page 1 BOND. • • teachers are O\'erburdene-d with custodial rluUes 1'hkh pre vtnt !ham from using their lime most tffeclively. "Do we ha ve to take our ad· mini1tt1lor& by the hand and iihow them that the cl1ssrooms are empty after 3:30 p.m.?" Jttbal said. •·we have to change the attitude~ of our idminilitrator1 or change administrato rs.'' Othe r boa rd members. ~1 a t l ht w V.'eyukcr, John Bentley and Ralph BtJuer, generally asreed th11t the building pro- w-am was f)f utmo~t importance right now and that !hls was no time to curtail i1 just to have a look at educational reform. "We\·e ~en hors ing ;iround v.'ith !his bond issue for mon ths," said Wey uker. "And ht rt we are one and a hall year~ 1ater and we"re still horsing around with It." "It Mhooves u' to se ll this bond ii.sue now on the b1sl1 of need," he continued, addln& that lt would cost more to get the building job done later tf a delay is in· lroduced nO"l'I'. Land Grant Heiress ~liss Caldwell Dies Thitil' About It Ohio State UniverElty student Frank Fioritto isn 't dead -he's just doin g his thing. Fioritto n1oved this borrov.'ed coffin into hi~ dormitory room on Colwnbus, Ohio, campus to lend a li ttle color tn decor. He settles into It for an hour or tv10 every night for period of "meditation." J'rona J•age 1 DOWNTOWN • • make a.survey of the study area. "TM city will either 10 forward or slide do"'·nhi ll ," he cont inued. "Within 30 miles lhere are tµ:o million people and within 60 miles, IO million. "Your beaches are a great asse-t and the Pacific Coast and Huntington Beach FreE'w ays wlll do for your area what the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways did for other par\3 of the county." Ashley said creation of I.he parking comple x and ~ubsequent developmen t of a major speclalty ghoppin& center were nect"ss1ry to anract office building and hotel-motel enterprlst1. "The city muat Invest tn lt1 future or lhe private sector will not be inte rested." !he research ex pe rt warned . "The downtown area must be rej uvenated with all poMiible speed." ~fonte Nitzkowski , chairman of the CSC, in leading off lhe discus.c:;ion said, "Redevelopmenl of the downlO\\'n are.a is lhe m06t difficult and most controversial of the H1!1nments our com mltle.! has betn glvtn. But proper development 11 a mun:• William 'Lund, vict president of ERA, outlined the pot.mti.al of I.he area. lie pointed to I.he city'&: phenomenal srow1h 1lnce 1950'. 1,845 percent, compared to Soulhem Ca!ifornla"s JO perc1nt I nd Orange Counly's 510 percent. "Huntington Beach will grow to 22~.000 popu lation by 1990 and the community must caplt alize on lhia growth," Lund In· forn1ed. lie said the dow ntown are.a had a potential or l.li00,000 square feet in re1ail f.peci alty shopping development. "'Hott l faci\itie1 must have 1 rtalCJrl to locate here." Lund ettntlnued. '"Yon have 200 tOl'lms no1v, lhe potenlial Is 1.300 by 1990. But competition for the touri.~t dollar is keen. You must act now." Consult ant Ad~il said ~·Ider land&ea~ 1-lretls mu9t be part ot lhe downtown rede1·t lopment He pointed partlcul1 rly to Allan!a Avenue from tM futurt frttWay to the downtown sector . He tJ lso stressed the future need or a con1·en11on center 10 attract hotel-motel de,·elopmenl5. San Pedro Homes Creep Toward Doom in Slide Special to U.. DAILY PILOT SA.~ PEDRO -One o! four exclusive homes doomed by a widening clifftop cre.vlct crept toward de!truetlon in !hi!: surf btlow today, moving~ feet in a new earth slide which occurred before dawn. Three others. In the $50,000 to $75.000 cla~.s are also inching toward the rock- filled, crash ing sea 200 feet belovv, while the scenic view neighborhood began de velopln1 newer cracks in the ground Tuesday. •·it appears lo me as if it is just going to slide Into the Pacific," said San Pedro Police Sit. Tom Barnow, ~·atching the Sunday Shopping At Penney Stores Begins Nov •. 9 Jingling bells in the background today heralded an announctment by !he J.C. Penoey Company that It ha ~ harkenc.d to the buying habll.!I of the Southern California consumer. Off icials said 26 PeMey's stores In 011nge l.nd San Dieao counties will be1in staying o,ea Sw1day aftunoons Nov. '9 to take care of shoppers' needs. "\\'e have opposed Sunday optnings through the years," said e1ecutlve We lt Myers. ''However. !he popularity of Sun- day open ings with customer& ha s arow n 1te1dlly:' "Jn view of ttie movement toward Sun- day o!'l'ning5 in a large number of m1rket11. th e Penney Company haa decid- ed reluctantly lhat it caa no longer igoore Lhis trend." he added. experulve home sllppina: visibly. "It could go at any lime or it might l<:kr 20 yea rli." added a spokesman for !he Loi Angeles Department of Public V.'orks. "Nothing can be done," he added. as he.artgick homeowners pondered the fact the houses are not insured, since it ha! been virtua lly impo s1ible lo obtain such coveraee •Ince the It53 earthquake. A 11eries of ea rth tremors in recent v.·~ks is apparently to blame for loosen- ing cliff 1rea wil so aked by heavy rains la~t ~·Inter and therefore still 'omewhat unc:;ta ble. The main crevice which ~pllt open Swi- <lily has.grown to a yard wide at U1e rate of a half-i nch per hour and which seem~ in some plaees lo be bflttomless has split one home in balf. Four neareat the ocean are. off their found1tion1 and a guest hou&e has plum· meted tn the roe);y Point Femtin beach btlow the 18G dearee v:iew propertie11. Noted yachtswoman Pea:gy Slater, who llve1 two blocks from the di!aster scene on Paaeo de! Mar dlacovered crack! ap- pearing In her yard and home foundation Tu tsday. "J don"t want to sound panicky, but can you ct1me and take a look ?." she asked Caltech graduate ,. tu d e nt Ke-n Zuckerman, who was checking a atra.in indicator de vice in the hard-hit area. Pub\ie Works Department authoritie~ i;:ai d lhe Tlf:w cracks were not unexpeetC'd a.nrl now appear lo be widening, although there Is no immediate danger and no further evacu aLion planned. D1mage so far is estim ated at $60,000 and bound to get v.·orse, as the oceanfront Iota continue sl ipplnp; slo~·\y &ea\\·ard at an und@tertn.ined ra te. ''None of it's in~u red." bitterly obStf\"· t:d victim Geor~e R. Smith. "If J'd just had a fire from a broken ga• m1in It \\'OUld have been cov ered," he 1 added. ·-- Viejo Educator'• View Sex Education Called Red Plot Sex educaUon and HnliiLivity training were jointly condemned as international Communist plots by a 29-year-old Missioll Viejo High School teacher TUe11cfl y. Speaker B~ Gleno, head of the school"s social 9Clence deJ)Artme nt, delivtred his •ddrNA t.o tlle. Misalon Viejo Republican Women's Club on tape when a mixup in class scheduling kept him from making a personal appearance at the club's luncheon meeting. "Stx-education," said Glenn. "is but part of a gigantic &ehemt: to !Ubvert a generation of American youth by a con- !!p!ratorlal group we know aa Com· monists. "SeMlllvity training Is by 111y other name 'brainwaahln1' and ia part of aU aex educ1tion progr1m1." Gle011, who la unmarried Ind now makea h11 home In Lajuna Beach, ii a native of Iowa and a graduate of Centrtl Colleac al Pella, la. He took his mailer"£ degree at the University or Arl:iona, started his tcachifl& career at a junior high school in the Watts area of Loi An1ele11, then taught at a Photnll', Arii. high school before coming to Ml11lon Vle· jo two years ago. He Instruct.a senior cla.!ee3 in psychology, internaUonal re la· lions and civics. Amo111 pamphleta he recommended lo the Republican women, and cited aa SOW'Cf'& for parta of hla talk, were "Jg the Schoolhouse lM Pllce. to Teach Raw Sex?" and "Hate Therapy: Senaltlvlty Tralnlng for Planned Change." He alto quoted from commenlll made by 1pe1ker1 at a conference on 1ex educaUon which he 1ttended iD Chlcqo in ~uru1t. The conference, he a•ld , waa sponsored by the Society for Comprehensive Health Education and Included repreaent&live11 of the Amerlean Association of Sex. Educators and Counselors and the Sex Information and Education Council of the Unltt'd. Stat.ta (SJECUS) which, Glenn maintained. pl1y1 a key role in preparing materials for &el' education course.a in eltmentary and 1teondary achool1. "Moe;t of you would have been appalle<I from begiMlng to t:od of the progr1m," he !old the women. "These 'sexpert~· are taking 1d· vantage of. a psychloilcalty oriented ege to perform the testg of a Pa vlov on you and I dal!Y." Emphasizing the danger of ln- dtscrlmlnate &ex ed ucation he de scribed the conference partlcipan~ as resembl· ing "children on a playing field who hive lhrown out all the rules 1nd don 't even know what &ame they are playina." Most sincerely lntertsted parents, he said. feel that sez education courses should Improve family relaUon,;, remove unwanted pregnancies and lower the rate or venereal disease. Th~ speaktt5 at the confererx:e were riu otcd as stating !hat lhey clid not believe sex education would have the result of redu cing teenage pregnancies or th e venereal disease rate. _"\\'hat \\'e are considering her(' is very different from the-cour~e desired by parent~." Glenn said. "\Ile are c9n. ~idcnng elen1ent.ary and hlgh school courses in sexua l intercourse. se x perversion and group dependence.'' The ~pea ker ~aid he was in agreemPnt v.·i1h psychiatri st Dr. ~1elvin Anchrll"s '1rw th1~ ~tudenl~ not ready to receive fact ual stx instruction can suffer emo. 11onal problems if given too much ln- forrr.a1ion too !iOOn. '"I agree ~·ith Dr. Anchell,'' lie adde<l , "that fantasif'~ romanticizing the relations bet\\·cen lhe sexe~ can M!r\·e-a more useful purpose for many young pt0p\e-than a lot of facts th!'y're not ready for." "SIECUS lit)'le approval of aeir educa· tion for all is false and dangerous," said GlenJ"!. "Concerned parents must 5ee to 1t that this progrpm ls kept out of <:om- munltiet: in which it ia reari ng lLc:; ugly head. Whal is taught varit1, but the lonr, arm of SIECUS is everywhere, pi'epar1n.i: and approving texts and educational films used in many progra ms." He also noted tha t •·sex education I~ .1 very lucrative field because school districts n1ust purch;ise new texts, film.\ alld other paraphernalia for their courses." l _Zeroing in on sensitivity trainlng anit group dependence policies. he ask ed, "\\'hat is more personal than sex~ It .allows the group to decl(le whtn, where, how and with whom, is there any area in which the. group cannot decide ? Ser.sitlvi· ty training is simply preparation for planned change. I do not object to an_•f free choice, but cannot accept lhl'i creepy, crawly thing '¥\'orking in thr. lhad0w1 t.o plan and plot." Glerufclted Dr. Isador Rubtn , editor of SexolofY Magazine sind fonner treasurl"r of SJF.CUS a5 a guiding light in the ~:< education field "'ll'ho has been identlf irri under oath a ~ a member of the Con1- mur1lll party." The: party, he 5aid, ''i5 known !rt operate llk.e an Iceberg, with one-fifth of jtJ aeUvitiea ln t.he open. the other four- fiftha subterranean or hidden, 1ctlviliPs that are carried on behind our view until the results are evident." Moving the cmnparlson to termites, h" added, "There are tennltes in the. field of American education and A m e r l c a n political Hfe. It has been frightening to me in recent months of study lo realize that some of my fears are real -that sex education is more of a means to an tnd, than an end in it5elf." The speaker sa id later it Is his per!IOnal belief' that &ex education does not be\on.;: tn the school system and should not be of· fered to any chlld "until a question 1s aeked," at which time the question is best angwered by 1 parent. The only type of school progrtJm h~ could condone, he said. is the Huntington Beach plan to provide ses education rlasaes for parents, who In turn would tr1nsmi: !he information, as needed, to their o~·n chil dren. l'roni Page 1 TAX RISE • • • Beach. But, "no takers," was Palmer's answer Tuesday. Palmer then ouUined four methods by which the district might meet the cri&e! in construct.ion funds~ -Don't do anythi ng. Ju~t wait and see If the bond ma rket drops lo where the district can sell its current bonds. -Se.t 11n elec!lon to increa s~ fhe ln- ltrrst rate (not to approve more bond mon~y) on the dis!ricl"s bonds so !hey can be sold in the curren t markeL -Pr~~nt a pay-as-you-go plan to the voters whl ch would in eUect hnmedialrl.v double the district lax rate until school constructio n is complete. -Try to gel a buyer for the five ptr- cent twnds. Trustees wt re asked to consider a February 10 election dat e ;incl lhink about placing a tax override on the ballot. No actKln \1 as t.aken Tuesday nigh!. Also under consideralion is a propos1I to esk vole.rs to ra ise I.ht: bond in terest rile thE'Y ~1l\lld he willing to pay. LOS A.'IJGELES (AP) -\'iri\nia Sal c k c Em)) ii Caldwell. • mem ber of Califocn;a·, fi rs• t ree ase ro 0 s Spanish land gra.nt fam ily, it; dead tJt the age of 97. She died Monday at Good Samaritan HoepHal. Requitm 1\lass will b e s 0 D H ~:~~t~d ~~~:r .. ~· Ill• 01 d Plaza e1·v1ce istrict earii1g ;})iamonJ DAILY VllOI "•"••' N. W••d ,.ru ld1nl -nd 'wbl•1~1r J1c ~ JI. c~rt•1 \ll(t Prt1•dtlll •nd (;fnortt Mtntt u The"' -'"" ,,~j I l.d"G< T~•"I•• A. Mw1nhi~• ,,.,.~ ••••• [d•'"' J.lho•I W. le••• "'""'''" l.d•1t r H111tl"9f•11 h •t .. Offlq lOt 11~ S1t11t M•ill"t Al4rt111 P.0 l•t 790, tl,~I 0"9r OtfkH •-• k•c~ ~1•1 I''"" 1•'11'11 .. vlWlll ("'' Mt11· HO W/1! l ol,o ~'t'ffl l.4IVN 11.cn. :llJ fo•tll l.vtftllt By TOM BAIU.~Y OI I~• O•!IV P'llel SI.ti Angry Orange Co1st home owners to- dsy l11hed the La1una Niruel Corpora· lion'• devtlopment plan& In a tffVlce dlltrict public hearing before the Oranae C<iunty &a.rd of Supervt.lors that time. .and qain boiled over Into 1 rehllhina or the s.a.Jt Creek Beach dlapute. Supervilor Wllll1m Hlnteln repeatedly "'arntd • c1paeity 1udl~ ln the. Board ot Superv1eon' heiring room th1t the "iasue It question '' the propoetd cr1a- tlon of a service district Ind hat nolhlng to do with the Salt Cretk araume.nt." But the board chalnnan'11 frequent warnl n&• wtre vtrtually l&nored by 1ptakera who condemned L • g u n a Niautl'• plana u part of a ache.me to eliminatt. the public from the utt of old Silt CrH:k Ro1d and the beach t.o which tt once ltd. On the agetldl WI S the J'lftlPoMl by Latuna Niguel that 3SO acres o( South Coast territory be transferred into the county'• ttrvlee district No. J. Approv&l by the board 'll'OUld Include the monin1 ol '50 ecre. currently wtdlin the CaplltrlDD Bay Parb end R«:rtadon Distri ct. Larun1 Ntauel vice pmldenl Knowlton Ymald. Jr. told ouporvilors lllat tho redJ,trlcUng would ln~ ldequai.e flTe prottctlon, rtereallon fl(\lltieJ atut park pl1n1 for the mwhroom1t11 rt1lt1entlal Mf3, Su<;h a mo1·e. Ytrnald 111t1. wtiuld ln- tur1 lhlt !tome owntrt taldnr up re11idtnce In th" 1rPsi would not be the \'icti~ of d(>Uble taxation, throulh pay· mtnt for e1Mnl11l &ervice. throuah hom@ purchlte and payment to the Capiltrano D~trlct. "Th is 11 • propoaal Uu1t c•n only benef it the home O'Miet,"' ftrnald uld. "It wtll iOIUNI beach acctll, rtcreauon facllitie~. and public f)lrks on 1 ec1le that cannot be provided by the dlltrict." BNnn an "Keva'' to{cCJell111d of Laiuna Beach Immediately took Ult m.Jcrophone to urp 1Uperviw1 to reccanhe lhfl Laguna Nifutl approach 11 "juat inothtr rle.vice in the corpor1llon '1 c<mUnu ing c•mpaign to destroy Silt Creek beach and bar the public at Jar1e from tht are.a." McClelland. ch1irmltn nf !ht S11ve S,11ll Crtek campaign, told I.he board that "the oncf pictureequt Stlt Crffk tidelands hevt been Uttered b1 rubble by a greedy land development company that ha s :tblolulely no regatt! for the public·s ac· cess. "Salt cr .. k Stech tod.11y look• ted1 y like tht A!iwen Dam," McClelland 5aid. "These people havt littered tht whole aret w:lth rubble. tnktn oement, cable, wire and junk and t aak you in despera- Uon to like 1 rnott urtenl end mMt dtdkwttd look at wllal tl>I& '°'"pany now Intends to do." McClelland dlolrloot<d plot11rM of 5•lt Crttk leach t1ktn by htmtell t11rly Wtd- nttday morntn1. "Thi5 is what I.ht 'beach toMa Ulle to- l'llly ," ht e.11ld, "1nd thls ls tM 1ltua tion lhnt i~ '° hitte-rly rtMnttd hy ~vttyane in the art• wM is n6t conntc:ttd with l.alfllnl Niflttl." The public ht1rin1 w11 still undtr way at rres1 ume. • CONViNl!NT TERMS 1 ... NK ... MlRlCARD M ... sn ~ ·cH ... RGE 21 YEAR! SAM! lOC ... TION PHONE l~l.HOI i , ! I 1 • I I I I I; v l I I I •• Ii· •• L " " pl p ti p ,, B " •• u n n I L F " h I . • p • ~ ' I I I I , I: 1: , I I \ i I / 1 '· t I I ' I --~------------------- Laguna Bea~h EDITION Today's Fl•al N.Y. Stocks VOL 62 , NO. 2sq, 5 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESD;.Y, OCTOBER 2q, 1969 TEN CENTS AERIAL PHOTOS OF SAlT CREEK BEACH TAKEN OCT. 9 INDlCATE (Aj SMALL PENINSULA OF FILL MATERIAL JUITING INTO OCEAN AND (B) PROPOSED PUBLIC ACCESS TO BEACH Salt Beach Debate Renewed Pit!tures Slww1a City's Downtown Plans Discussed By BARBARA KREJBICH 01 1119 Oelly Pii.I $11tf Pictures ~poke louder than words lo an O\·er Oow crov.'(f or Laguna Beach city of- fici ab:, businessn1en and p r o p e r t y owOfrs, meeUng at breakfast in the lfotel Laguna this morning lo discuss downtown redevelopment, F·eature of the program was a presen- tq:tion by Richard J. Smith, director of plannlng and development for the city o( Palm Springs, \\'ho qu ite simply showed the Lagunans \\'hat the desert resort planned to accon1pEsh and v.1hat has been accompli shed so far. An introductory comment by Downto\\'n Busir.ess Association chairman Bob Ben- ner, to the effect Iha! Laguna·s new sign ordinance is •·very liberal compared with that of Palm Springs," .,,,as grttled wi1h murmurs of disbelief from so m e n1emben: of the aud ience_ Their doubts faded, almost audibly, ;:is pidure after pich1re neshed onto the screen. j!raphically illustrating the rhsap- pearance ·of o,·ers1zr1I, uns1ght ly and cl11t- 1ercd 11irns and the eye-appealing tf- ftetivene55 of the strictly controlled sign- ing that preplaced them. Adding to the impT't'ssive review or Uie Palm Springs project \vere ~101s i!- Juslraling the disappearance of poles and v.·ires as utilities were undergrounclcd, viev.•s of garden-li ke public parking lol~. surrounded by low v.•alls and libe rally lanciscaped and huge , f 1 ow e r -f i 11 e d plar.lers surrounding trees in the dnv.-·ntow n area. The slides graphically sho"·cd results achiev~ as one merchant afler an olher. from owners of huge markets to t in~'. hole-in-the-wall shops, rcmodelPd lhl'1r r~tablishments to fit in v.·ith the new downtown pict ure, not only lo CQn fonn lvith new signing and landscaping regula- (St 1 DOW?ll'TOWN, Page 2J Sennte Comniittee OKs Tax Break for Singles WASHINGTON' IUPI) -The Senate Finance Comm1t!ee torlay \'Otcd a $liOO mi llion lair br eak for singlr people who havt long contended they are ,·1ctims or tax discrimination. (Earlier story, page S.) rt adopted a Nixon administration pro- posal to stipulate !hat a single person would pay no more 1 han 20 percent more taxes than a n1arr ied person with the samt amount or income. Stn. Eugene .r. 1-leCarthy (0.Minn .). a membtr of the committee, announced the Oruge Coast Weather '"ou'll be gropi ng your way around the Orange Coast again Thursday n1orning as the dense fog gets eve n denser. Afternoon temperalurei; wil l sink tG 66 locally bul jump to 80 fw1.her inland. INSmE TOD~V A tJ1idc-ro11gino 1chC'dtdc of lectureJ i3 lined 11p oC UC Irvine for lhe month, oJ November. For full tirting, $t.e Page 3 I. """' " M"' I• k<Vfft " .... "'. • ~ ... , .. ,, (;•llf••-'• • ,..,wtul l'...,... " ,.,,.. ~·ft•• " ... ,_, ....... •·• c .... 11.., Jl·U 0••-Ctv~t' " ,_, " '" " "''"-· .. i.1.11 ""'" .. .... '"'k:•• " Skit! ..... Jl•lJ DI"'"" " i-n 11·1' IElllWl'IM '"' ' or. '''""' .. ~• " ,.,,., .. _ .... , .. ,, ..... M1rt1•1 , .. u ·-· l•·ll T1l1•l1001 • :t,-·" " TIKll9ro 11·11 LMtlt'1 .. w .. 1~ .. • ~lllM• ' ·~· W~ito " Mffrl ... lkt~MI U ·~· ..... • •• decision. taken al a rlo::.cd ~('SS.ion of 111e w ou p. He said single prople 1n the $20.0CKJ.t&-$40,000 reven\Je bracket pay as much as 4(1 percent more taxc.~ lhan 1he 1r married rounterpart~ under present lilw . llov.·ever. an other proposal to ea.~e tax- es of single people wali rejected. Th!'! co mmittee voted against a formula in the lfouse-passed tax reform bill IG grant head-of-hou sehold status to single tax - payers ove r 35. This Tatter provisi on would h11ve givtn them a lax cul even more generous lhan the ont adopted by the co~ittee, wh1ch applied to all single people regardless Gf age. ~·o committee members meanwhile pr~ed for amendments lo increase dependent deductions for every taxpayer and an Immed iate 15 percent increase in social security payments. Sen. Albert M. Gore (0-Tenn ,). said his amendment to allow each taxpayer to deduct $1,000 instead of $600 for him self and each dependent would give total tax relief to 12 million persons and provide "most Lax relief. where it is needed most -to the taxpayer with the most children to feed, clothe and educate.'' LA. Freeway Offramp Closed for Study Orange County motorists traveling into tht Los Angeles area \\'ill (ind the out· bound Hollywood Freev.·ay off ramp at Beachwood Drive closed Nov . 3 throuijh Nov. 21. as part of a traffic study. The Stale Division or Migh"''ays is pro- bing use of va rious thoroughfares In th11t area prior to a decision on the propoS4'rl widening of the tloltywood t~rcc"·ay belween Sunset Boul evard and the Pilgrimage overcrossing. Laguna~s Image Shaky City Now Has Own Epicenter, Mayor Notes Laguna Beach with .its 17,000-year-old l.ag111~a man 5kul1 , Festival of Arts and !.;hied coastal grandeur now has i~ O'o\'O rpieenll'r. f.1a vor Glrnn Vedder. l\'ho ha:i; a i;.cholilrly turn of n11nd, poinlcd out the 11:ccn1 acquisition to Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce directors Tues - d:1v. S:.id the mayor v.·ilh ·a lwinklc, "any ci· !} 111 Californi11 that doesn't have its own rpicenler can 't be m~nlioned. Y.'e have PHIJ,LIP "J\10RRIS IJ VYS VIEJO CO. The Board of Directors of Philip ~tor· rill, Jnc. and J\1ission Viejo Company an - nounced today in New York they ha ve agreed in princi ple to a transaction "'hich v.·il! give Philip Morr\s a major in- lcrr~I in l'vli11sion Viejo Company, Terms were nol disclosed. 1'he agrf't'menl 11i•as announced join tly hr .JOSC'ph r. Culhnan Ill, chairman or Philip !\!orris lnc. and James E. V.'est , chainnan of 1-lission Viejo Company. Cullman and WC'st said that t<.tission V1- pj9 Company would continue to operate :t.5 a separate company under the txi11t1ni; management headed by Phi lip Reilly, rrcsiden!. CofC Says Keep Taxes on Road A resolution opposing diversion of !itatc ga~line tax fund s lo any but high"·ay purposes 11i·as ad opted wit hout l.lppo~ilion TueSday by directors of Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce. The resol ution .,1,as introduced by 0. E. "Bud" Schroeder, a chamber director. Sc hroeder is al~ district manager for the Automobile Cub of Southern California. k•nf: ~·anted one of !hose ." Refe rring to the Monday mornl ng jolt th:1l regislercd 4.J on the Richter earth- q{lak<? scale, Vedd er told lhe Chambtr thal the Long Beach quake of 1933 -pr1> bably second w.orst i.n mode rn California limes -measured 6.3 co1npared lo the S1;n Francisco 1908 disaster (8.!5). · ·'The Richter scales givei an idea or 1hf!' magnitude of the amount of ~gy released at the poln1 of l!llippage." s•id Vtdder. lie then e>rplained the MerCoU scale. ""'hat you feel.'' Said the mayor to commerce. "I am pleased to report "''e are now on a seismic map \\ith the epi~nter labeled Lagu na Beach." Lloyd Sellset, who managtd the Hotel l.;1gu na durin& the 1933 quake, ~aid it took: him two v.·eeks tO &et the plasttr out or his hair: 'Vedder ~id one of fhe two 'lisplattd l..aguna. Beac.h chtmneys In 1933 had been hi~. Dr. Leary Hearing Ends; Decision Due on Friday A sev en-rlay hearing into .a moUon to s11pprf'Ss evidence filed aga inst Dr. Timothy Lee ry and his family ended late Tuesda~ night with a Superior Court judge's re fusa l to ru le imm~iately on the issue. .Jurlge Byron K. ~lcl'.lillan v.·il\ make Or. Leary, 49, Rosrmary Leary. 33, and .lohn Bu~h Leary , 19, wail until 9 a.m. Friday for hi:i; decision. Judge r.fct<.tillan left the courtroom v.·1th his ann~ full of transcripts. much of v.·h1ch he intends to peruse during the next two day s. Ili1lh side~ in 1hr d1 ~putc agree that the w-antJn~ of the Lf>ary motion might \\'ell be a death blow kl the prosecution argu- n1 ent thal drugs v.·ere found in lhe "Learys' station wagon v.•he11 It was ~earche<t last Dec. 26 by Lagana Beach police. J\fuch of the testimony provided by the defense has been on the th eme lhat the <'at was legally parked when officer Neal Purc"ll approached the three Learys. If Judge McMillan agrees with that argumtnl the. pr oSf'Cution contenlion that drugs were found in the vehiclr will be 11nufferl out on the grounds of illegal search and ~izurf:. Office r Purct:!ll'i; alleged disCO\•ery led to the filing of charges of possession of marijuana and LSD against tM con- troversial trio. 1lw>.sc charges were subsequently l'n- tlorsed by the Orange Counly Grand Jury. An obviously ti red Judge t-.Jct<.lillan took the hParing !nlo the rvening hour!! Tues. day v.·ith the eKpres.sed determination I.hat "we·re going lo finish this thing to- da y'' He ha.!i ~lated that the long a"'·aited Superior Cou.rt trial nf the. LSD rultist ;ind hi! family will im1nedi at ely follow his ruling Friday. California Spent l\l ore T hau ·Take' SACRAMENTO (UP I) -The state spent $2~4.5 million more than it look in during the first three months of fiscal 1969-70, Controll er llouston I. Flournoy report.f'd Tuesday. He said general fund receipts for the firsl fisca l quarter starting July I totaled $734 ,265.977 whi le expenditures reached $979,828,132. The difrerehce was met '!l>i th :i "cash carryover" from lhe last riscal year and money borro11i·ed from the motor \•chicle and license f~ funds. Cou1tt!il Studies Pfu1a Rock Fills On Sand Draw Fire By TOi\I BARLEY Of IM 01lly PllM Sltlt Angry Orange Coast home owntrs tG- day lashed lhe Laguna Niguel Corpora· lion·5 development plans in a service district public htaring before the Orange County Board of Superv~ors lhat time .and aa:ain boi11?d over into a rehashing of the Salt Ctetk Beach dispute. Suptrvisor William Hirl1ein ttpeatedfy warned a captclty audienct In the Board of Supervisors' hearing room that the "ls.sue at question is the proposed crea- tion Of a service district and has nolhing to do with the Salt Creek argument." But ~ board chairman's freq uent "'arnings were virtually ignored by l'iptake rs °""·ho condemned Lag u n a Niguel 's plans ao; part of a scheme to eliminate the public from lhe use of old Salt Creek Road and the beach to which it once Jed. On the agenda was U1e proposal by Laguna Niguel that a50 acres of Soulh Coast territQry be. transferred into the county 's service district r-oo. 3. Approv:i l by the board wou lrl Include the. rezoning of 650 acres currently with in lhe Capistrano Bay Parks and Recreation District. Laguna Niguel vice president Knov"1ton Fernald .. Jr. told super\'isors that the redistricting "·ou ld insure adequate fire. protection. recreation facili!ies and park plans for the mustiroom1ng resldtnllal area. Su(h a move, Fernald said. v.·ould in- .~urc lh:it home ov. ners taking up residence in the area would not be. the victims of double taxation, through pay. ment for c~sent ial service throngh home purcha~e and payment to the Capistrano District. "This Is a proposa l that can Cln\y benefit the home owner,'' Ftmald 1;a id. ..II will insure beach acctSll, recreation fa cilities, and public parks on a scale I.hat cannot. be provided by !he district.'' Brennan "Hevs" J\1cC\elland of Laguna Beach immediately took the microphone to urge supervisors lo rl!cogniu the Laguna Niguci approach as "just another tSec SA.LT CREEK, Pase I ) Questioned about possible use or diverted funds. Schroeder mentioned rapid transit and alr pollution. "If we le t the barrier down," said Schroeder, "it's a real can of worms. Everybody is soi ng lo get into the act and the freeway system is only 50 percent complete.'' Schroeder noted that lhe California Chamber or Commerce had adopted a similar resolution opposing amendment of the State ConsUtution article that pro· tects the gasoline tax fund s. Library Issue Rises Again "It's unfair to use gasoline taxes for other purpo8CS," the auto club executive u.id. He noted that U'leR funds pay for projects such as Laguna Canyoo Road repalr and the city's modernization of its traf?lc slanal system. Slo<!lc Jtlarkell NEW YORK (AP J -The stock market declined on a broadening lront in fairly ;icth·l' lrading late this afternoon. tSce quotations. Pages 24-251 Declines stretched their lead over ad- '·ances among indi\·ldual i~~u~ tradrd on lhe New York Stock Eichange to 828 to 494. Laguna Beach library -all 2200. square-feet of it -w!O reaf lta head again tonight at 7:30 o'clock in council· chambers. Mayor Glenn \';edder is expected , to i;.hepherd the latest dtaCUJslon on the pro-- ble~~ an~ probabilities of a new faclUly' for the city. It has been sought for yeais. Vedder also has a scheme; "J recently crystalized a plan. The~ pi e in our lo\\'n miaht be able to ta~. a 1111 le more direct control but still be. undrr counly supervlll ion. I'm still trying to refine it." ' lt e will elaborate tonight as the council again comes under presaure to ·get the 1ob done. Vedd"r said he still favor s the ;rhird Slreet site for lhe 1ibr11.ry. It was chosen in February after many meeUngs "nd Jetlers on new librar)' location. In FebnJary Vedder called the raper tug-of-war: "The baUle of the Xerox machines." ' The currf:nt pro!>lem that has cau.~ 30mettung of a stalemate In clty~nty llbrafy 'negollatlons Is money. · The' county library system -respansi~ ble to 15 cJUts and !he unincorporated area -has been gelling libraries for about lkents-pe:r-square-foot nSonthly by le<Ke., - . Laguna C!5limates its facility would C05f. JO tO JS ceiill to ltase. The cowity has :.uggested Laguna· fu fnis h Ula land. La1unans paying pOOul 17 cents to the county in ta:o:es believe· they are tong overdue for a bigger fa cility. Harry H. Rowe Jr .. rounty librarial\, wants a new facili ty for tht Art Colony also. • •·Jim not satisfied with what we're doing In Laguna," said Rowe. "1 couldn't possi bly be. You've got good per10nnel here. We want to d() our be.st and we can't do our best In a facility l'ke thlll." Rowe said. additional funds had, been bud&eted for personnel this year becaUSt' the· oou11ty ewpecied to move to a laraer faclllty. He pointed out that \he county had_ done the legwork on a study men- tioning ' nine · pogsible sltea •M ratin& l he~. Ttle county Ulen turned the matter over lo the city to decide which it wO\lld b<. Ro\\'e suggested that the city ml1h\ want to go back and look it other tiles. r al her than the site on the eu&lrly ~ 'nf Third Street near ?t1ermald. li e said the expense of 1.aguna land (See LIBRARY, Pqo ll ,, ------·-~----••= 41 .... l ~ " " • -• -~ --. --' ' . . ' . ,.,_,. , •• + . ~· - Z DAILY PILOT L Teacher CaII·s Sex Education 'Commie Plot' ~lC education and sensitivity training were )olntl;y condemned as inlemational COmmunilt plots by a Ji.year-old M1Woo Viejo Hiib School Le11icher Tuesday . Speaker Bruce Glenn, head of the liehool 's social science department, delivered his address lo the Miss.ion Viejo Republican Women's Club on tape Ylhen a mixup La cl.as$ scheduling kept him £rom making a personal appearance at the 'Half School' For Irvine Gets Approval Residents of the Irvine area will get half a new high school next fall . Go ahead to build a half school at the nC1rtheast corner of Campus Drive and Culver Road begiMing Jan. 1 was given Monday night by trustees of Tu.6lin Union High School District. The school district has a little over $2 million available for the project. Total cost of lhe completed ~chool is to be $4.4 million, so only halt the school can be built. The school will serve residents of l 'nlversity Park, Turtle Rock and Culver Dale. Three t}undred high school s~udents are being bused from the area tlus year to f\.flsslon Viejo High School. Enrollment for the area next fall is ex· peeled to be about 800 students which the half high school should accommodat.e. School District Superintendent Wilham :Zogg said facilities to be built for next fa ll are two classroom buildings. half a third classroom build ing, two shower and locker slructures. one restroom building, and football and baseball fields. Postponed until later will be an ~d· ministration huilding, half the third classroom building, a gyinnasium and ii;wimming pool and another rest room facility. The design or the school is for an ultimate enrollment of 1,800 students. The holdup in money is because the state hasn 't been able to se!l school bonds at a five percent inter~t rate to loan to school districts. Tustin School District:s entitlement if the bonds could be sold JS enough to complete the high s_chool. District archil.eets are working on plans for lhe half high school and it is ei:pected construction will begin Jan. I. Prices to Rise, But More Slowly WASH INGTON (UPI) -Commerc1t Secretary Maurice H. St.ans predicted to· clay prices will conlinue to rise next year" but at a slower pace than this year'& rate of about 5 percenl Stans predicted a squeeze on corporate profits caused by slowed output and con· tinued increases in labor CO!ls. "Our forecast suggests that the real rate of growth in the economy will con-- tinue in 1970, but at a slow pace for a while, followed by a modest pickup in the growth rate in the last half of the year," he said in a speech prepared for the Los Angele:; area Chamber of Commerce. Stans said lhe Nixon administration's Inflation control effort is "achieving ex· actly the right effect" even though the Commerce Department's monthly index or eight leading business indicators in· creased 1.3 percent last month. Lancl Grant lleiress -lUi ss Calclwell Dies LOS AN GE LES (AP) -Virginia Caldwell, a men1ber of Cali fornia's fir st Spanish land grant fam ily, is dead al the age of 97. She clied ~tonday at GQod Samaritan l-lospilal. Requiem Ma~s will be celebrated Thursday at Lhe Old Plaza Oiapel in Los Angeles. uAILY PllOT OltM~ (.O.Ut ..um.llMING c.oMHNT '•'*' N. w.~ ~-...... inr Ju:k It. c.ri.., -,,.~---·­lh•1t1•1 .c ..... u fdlltl' fktMfl A,. M••~"i11• ,,...n"I"' fdll9f ''~~ttiil P. flltll L.,...,. lltodt. ,,,, f.dllOI' ........... ~ lll h••d J..-. •• M•ill1 ,,.,,, .. , r.o. ••• '''-tJU! a.w-e... Mew: lJO _, .... ..... .._...~:1')11 .............. ...... ,...,..... llM(lo: -"" - -2c4 ' club's luncheon meeting. "Se.x educaUon ," 6&id Gtem, "la but part of a gigantic scheme to 1111bnri a generation of American youth by 1 am& .!iplratorial group we know aa eom.. m~i..t.. . 'SeMiliVtty training ts by any other name "brainwashing' and is part 0( all iel. educalion programs." Glenn, who is unmarried and now make.a hll home in Laguna Beach, k a nat.ive 0( low• and a sraduat.e of Central ColJec• at Pelll.. ta. He took htl master's 111..,_ at the Untwrtl'7 et Arizona , al&ried bii-c.uchlnc career at a junior hip ochool In . the W alta area of Loa Angeles, then taught at a Phoetllx, Ariz. high achoo! before cumlng to Miss.ion Vie· jo two years ago. He instructs senior classes in psycholoc, international rela· Honiecoming Court Uons and civics. Amona pamphlets ht recommended to the Republican women, ancl cited as sources for parts of his talk, were ''Is the Schoolhouse the Place to Teach Raw Se:s:?" and "Hate Therapy: Sensillvily Training for Planned Change.'' He also quoted from commenf.s made by speakers al a conference on sex education which he attended in Chicag() l)AILY ~ILCT Si.II ~Mi. One of these seven Laguna Beach High coeds will reign over school's annual homecoming activiti es. Jn back row from left are Diane Judy, Jeanine Ben. ton. Debbi e Goodwin and Carol Dugger. In fron•t row from left are Shannon Cook, Hedy Buzan and ll'Iickie Glotfelty. Nov.14 homecoming football gan1e will pit Artists against El Modena. Panther Screams 'Pig' and 'Liar' At Chicago Trial CHICAGO (UPI) -Bl,11ck Panther leader Bobby Seale, yelling "racist pig" and "liar." charged a U.S. attorney dur~ ing the ''Chicago Eight" trial today and was lhrown back into his seat with such force that he fell into the courtroom's press section. U.S. District Court Judge Julius J. Hof· fman served final warnine: on the na· liona1 chainnan of the Black Panther Party that he would be gagged and chaiJl.. ed to his chair if another such outburst look place. It was the wildest outbrea.k yet of the trial of Sealt and seven 01her mttt diar·· ed with conspiring to incite riob dlU'iPI the Democratic national convenllon. It began with a speech by Seale to his supporters in the courtroom be.fore the session began. He told them. "If anyone atlacks you physically, you know the principles of the party -self def1mse.'• He also said, "Remember one thing - hold your cool." As soon as the session opene<I . Chief Defense Atk>rney William Kuostler pro- tested to Hoffman that m a rs ha I ii guarding the courtroom had started searching members of the deltnse legal staff. As Kunstler and lloffm an debated heatedly, Assistant U.S. A Ito r n e y Richard Schultz strode to the bench and said Seale's spt>ech about a "tihysical at· tack" wa s evidence or the fleed for courtroom sc~ur 1ty. Seale Jumped from hi.<: seat and ran l-O~'al"d Schultz screaming, "l'ou rotten. racist pig you liar. you liar, you're a liar. Tricky Dick Schultz, like his boss Dlclt !'iixon is a llar." From Page 1 DOWNTOWN .. lions, but to up grade architectural stan· dards in the community. .f\ETTER DESIGNS Even rranchise food outlets that use standard signing throughout their chain1t have been persuaded to design more aesthetica!ly acceptable establishments for their Palm Springs operations, Smith explained, as he clisplayed a series of slicles of chicken, fish and chips and ham- burger stands in Palm Springs and other areas. Excellent cooperation, he said. had been received from major ~ervice eta· tic;ns, whose Palm Springs installations now are among the m0&t attractive ln the community, wilh discreet signs , ample land!icaping and arliitic lighting to im· prove nigbt ilppearanct. DispJaYiD& a piodel constructed as a soil.I 1oi' Mntual redevelopment of the resort's entire downtown area. Smith ex- plained, "We've got a Jong way to go, but the greatest accomplishment so fa r has been the cooperative ~ffort of city govemment. the business community and property Owners. all working together to implement a downtown plan that will .benefit everyone. GENERAt PLAN Downtown redevelopment, he added, cannot be accomplished except as pa.rt or a general plan . Palm Springs adopted its gen eral plan in 1960, including a precise downtown plan. and the implementation of the downtown pllin has been under way for some four years. The total project envisions a financial <irea,, two retail areas, hotel and mole! areas, extensive parking and ma ny malls wilh fountains, benches, flowers and trees for the eom!ort and CQnvenience of downto~'Tl visitors and workers. "Cars an d people don·l mix," Smith commented. trte--planting program, with emphasis on palm trees, and usually requires inclusion of trees in new building projects. Every sign is given individual approval and each business is restricted lo one prin· cipal sign, usually of discreet design and placed flat against the building wall. Ad- ditional small information signs are allowed motels and places featuring speeial entertainment. "Our goals may be clifferent, bec.a1,1se \ve're on the desert and you're a coastal resort," Smith saicl, "but once the goals are determined, il js possible In im · plement tilem and usually even people ~·hn have been unhappy are very happy \Yith the result." Lagunans speaking at the morning :;;ession Included Ci ty Planner Al Autry. ~·ho reported on the stah1s of !he master plan; Llord M;l,ne. speak.in& <>l"l the aitr· rent tree plantin g program of t'he Chamber of Commerce beauliflcetion committee;. and Peter Ostrancler, who urged business people to avail themselves of the free service.q of the newly formed Sign Advisory Committee, a group of lhree architects ancl a city representative who have volunteered their lime t·a help design new signs for businesses that will be obliged to revise their sign programs when the new ordinance goes intQ effect next year. Russ Oust A111erican !l!OSCO\V (UPI) -f\l.S. Jelisavc1c, ·representati,•e of the American Express Co. here for the past nine )'ears. was ordered expelled from the Soviet Union, U.S. Embas5y sources said today , No reason for the expulsion \\'BS given. In August. The conferfnce, he aaid, was aponsored by the Society for Comprehensive Health Education and included repttSenla.livt! of the American Association of Sex: Educator1 and Counselors and the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SlECUS) which, Glenn maintained, pla:is a. key role in preparing materials· for aex educaUoo courses in From PIJfJ" 1 LIBRARY •.. seemed to Indicate some multiple use such as the Glenneyrll! Street (78 space) parking lot which might have sub- terranean and first level parking with library upstairs. The problem with this, said City Manager Jame& D. Wheaton, is the possibility that the area might be needed lo beef up in·city traffic capability which is an elemenl of the under way general plan study. One possibility, Wheaton noted, is that ~ viaduct over the downtown to Lower Cliff Drive might begin near the Glen· neyre lot. This would be _part of a •·couplet" system with Coast Highway carrying traffic one direction and Glenn- eyre and viaduct carrying it another. Mayor Vedder said he stil! believes lhe Third Street site is the fastest way to a new library. He mentioned possibility oF lease-purchase acquisition such as used for the Main Beach and the lire clepart. nienl substations .. Referring to funds lhat Lagunans have paid in library taxes, RO\\'e presented figures for fi v·e years on expenditures and revenue for the Laguna hranch , He said IL is a myth that there is any ~ppreriable imbalance in input (taxes) o:ind output (e:<pcndituresL Rowe said :-uch figures were not available more than five years ago. Asked ab<lut the possibilily thal Laguna might break away from the coun1y 11vstem, Rowe sa id this would mean the <:ity would have to start from scratch furn ishing its own vol umes ($150,()1)() b~gtnning cost) as well as furniture and personnel. The city O\Vns the building. Rowe mentioned the possibility in the financial impasse that the city might \vant to consider selling its Park Avenue library prnperty to help finance the new bigger fa cility. The city council ln Febn1ary had ;igreed to keep lhis green spot in the downtown . \Vhatever happens tonight or later, ('veryone seems agreed that Laguna must have a bigger library lo accommodate its high ratio of usage. The que stion IS the way and means. At a February planning commission 111ceting, Mrs. Helen Keeley, former Lai.tWla vice mayor, said: "In 1962 we found the library to be cnmpletelj' inadequate. Now here it is seven years later and nothing bas been done." Nixon Says No Action in Strike \\' ASHJNGTON (A Pl-President Nixon told unlon leader-s today he does not in- tend 1.0 intervene in the nationv•ide Gen- eral Electric Co_ st.rlke, Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz reported. "He reiterated it is our intention not to intervene." Shl111z :;;ald of Nixon's c:(lnl· 1nents 10 AFL-CJO leaders in a two-hour \Vh11e House me1;l1ng. P:1ul .Jenning s, preside nt nf Hie !'lrik1n1! Jntrrna1 ional Union of Electrical \Vork· Pr~. gave the President hili viev;·s on the strike, Shultz ~<iid. Three marshals collared SPa1£', dragged 11im to hi ~ chair, and nun.it him into it rlcs pl!e th£' attempt of defCndant David Dellinger t9 throw his own body in the v.•av. The chair tipped over and Seale toppled Into the. fronl row of the press section. Dr. Benjamin Spock. noted baby doctor ancl peaCl? advocate, and Capt. Howard 1...evy, ~'ho wa.<; courtmartialed for re- fusing to give medical training to Green Berets, were 5itting In the secmd row. Also Impressi ve fQ viE'Wers \~·ere il· lustrations of a varlet)'. of solutions to !he I.rash problem, now under specific study in Laguna. All busine!S enterprises, from amall apartment developments to huge markets, Smith f'Xplained, are required to inst.all trash enclosu re areas, designed to blend with building design , from which pickup can be made. '])iamonJ When Seale regained bi5 5eal, marshals pinned htm there. From PIJfJf! 1 SALT CREEK • • device ln lhl" corpor111lon's continuing <'ampaign to deslroy Sa lt Creek beach and bar the publi c at large from the area." MC'Clelland . chairman of the Save Salt Creek camJ>*ign , told the board that "the once pi c!uresque Salt Creek tidelands tiave been littered by rubble by a greedy land development t"Ontp&ny that has abaolutely no regard for the publlc'a ac- cess. "Salt Creek Belch today loolu: today like the Aswan Dam," McClelland said. ''These people have liUered the whole area with rubble, broken cement, cable, wire and junk and I aak you ln despera· tion to take a most urgent and most dedicated look at what thl1 company "°" Jnltndt to do.;' Mt'Clellat'KI clit1lributed pidures <lf Salt Ctttk Be11ich taken by himself earl)' Wed· n~•Y morning. REQUIRE APPROVAL All signs, all new buildings ·and 111 remodel jobs in Palm Springs now re. quire ritrict architectural approval. Smith said, the aim being to arrive at architec· tural dl'-$ien suitable foc the desert set- ting. The city i:s embarked on an exten~ve Sunday Shopping At Penney Stores Begins Nov. 29 Jingling bells In the bacqround tod1y heralded 111 annoo.ncemtnt by the. J .C. Penney Company that it has harkened to the buying habits of the Southern CaWornl• consumer. Ofncials 11aid 26 Penney's 1tore.s In Oi ange and San Diego eounUes will begin tila}1ng open Sunday afternoonri Nov. 29 to take care. c:f shoppers• needs. ele.menta.ry and .secondary schoolll. ··Moel of you would have: been appallerl from beginning tO end or the program, .• ht &old l~ women , "These 'sexperts' are la king a<I· vantage ol a psychlogically oriented age to perform the tests of a Pavlov on you and I dalty."• Emphasizing the danger of ln· cliscrUninate sex education he deACribfd the conference partici pants as resembl · ing "children on a playing field who have thrown out ._ the rule& and don't even know what game they are playing!' MOll. sincerely inlerested parenta, he said, feel flat sex education couraes should imprpve family relations, remO\'e unwanted ptegnancies and lower the rate vf venereal disease. • 'J'hree speakers at the conference wite. quoted as stating that they did riot believe sex education would have the. result of reducing teenage pregnancies or t.he. venereal clisease rate. "What we are considering here is v~ different from the course desired by parents," Glenn said. "We are con, sidering elementary and high school courses in sexual inJercourse. sex perversion and group clependence ," The speaker said he was ln agreement with psychiatrist Dr. Melvin Anchell 's view that students not ready to receive factual sex instruction can suffer emo· tional problems if given too much in· formation too soon. "I agree with Dr. Anchell." he added, "that fantasi es r9manticizing the relations between the t1exts can serve a more useful purpose for many young pe ople lhao a lot or fact s they're not ready for.'' ''SIECUS style approval 0£ St'X educ~· lion for a!l is fal se and d<ingerous," said (;lenn. ''Concerned parents must see to it that thi s program is kept out of com- munities in which it is rearing its ug ly head . \Vhat. i~ taught varies. but the long arm of SIECUS is everywhere, preparing ~nd appr.0ving texts and educallOllal f1ln1s used in man y programs.°' He also noted that ''srx education i~ a very lucrat ive field becau se schof:I rl istricts must purchase new texts, film' ;;rid other paraphernalia for their courses ." Zeroing in on sensitivity tr aining and group depende nce policies. he ask ed, "What is more per sonal than sex? It allows the grC1up to decide when. where, how and with whom, is there any area 111 which the group caftnllt decide? S~nsiti\'i· l ~· training is si rnp!y preparation for planned c:hange. l do nol object lo an_y free choice, but cannot accept lh1.1 creepy, crawly thing ~·orking in the .shadows to plan and plot.'' Glenn cited Dr. Isador Ru~n. editor of Sexology Magazine and fornH'r treasurer of SIECUS as a guiding light in the se:t education field "who has been iden1ificd under oa !h as a member of. the Com· mur1isl party.·• The party, he said, "is known tn operate ilke an iceberg, 'i';ith one-fifth Qf its acUv\\ie6 in the open, the other four· fifths subterranean or hidden, aclivitie1 that are carried on beh ind our view until the re~ults are evident." !\1oving the comparison to termi tes. lie added, ''There are termites in the field of American education and Am e r i can political life, It has been frightening to me in rectnt months of study to realize that some of my fears are real -that se:< education is more of a means to an end, than an end in itself.'' The speaker said later it is his per50na.l belief that sex education cloes not belong in the school system and should not be of· fered to any child "un!il a question ill :iskcd." at v;·hich tim e !he question is Licsl ansv.'cred by a parent. The only type of school progrllm h~ ro11ld condone. he ~aid, is the H\lnlinglon Be:lch plan In provide ~ex edu cation r;asses for parents, who in turn \vould transmit the infonnation, as needed, to tnr-ir own •l1Hdrcn . "This ls what lhf beach looks like l(')- day," he riaid, "and lhi1 is the 1ttu1tion that IA llO bitttrly restnled by tve.ryone In the area who is not connected with wiun• NiJtttl." "We have opposed Sunday openings throuab the years," said e.,;ecu\jve WAit Myer11. "However. the popularity of Sun· d.:i y openings wlth customers has grown fiteadily." "In view of Ult movemtnt low•rd Sun. d11y cpenings in • large number of markw!!L'i. the Pen~y Company h~s clttid· f!.d rtluctantly that II can DO longer Ignore this trend," he added. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMUICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .JJ.,.im11hrie J JeweferJ 22 YEARS SAME LOCA !ION PHONE S0.3401 The public htarln1 was &till under way 1t pre&s time. 1823 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA I • . ' I I I . I I ; .. .. i ' j I " fie •• L~ ::1 pl ii11 pl• ., B•I ""j or th mu m• ' I... p •' " , . ' " '· ' j ' .. •I i ' j •• Ii( • • • • 14 '" "' r11 Pi ' 111, pl! ' ·1 I ' n,, "'l or lh m Q ..,, . . ' I.._ j Fl m h• " 8. " w .. " " : l ' • • • • ' ' e:,. . .T oMORROW 'S BUSIN ESS AND BA NKING ' The Account Manager • ' ;;I-· .• l ' ! I I l I 1 . ·' Our quarterback system would rock the Rams. Jolt the Jets. And make the Packers green. That's be ca use Union Bank 's special style of busin es s banking demands the best. For us. For you . So we 've developed a whole new breed of professional banker -the Account Manager. Yo ur quarterback. A superstar, backed by a whole team of other pros. He knows what plays to call to put you on top . He starts with an MBA or equivalent. He has been through the most rigid training program in banking. He 's part of top management. If you 'd like this kind of banking on your team , call the Regional Vice President. At any Regional Head Office . UNION BANK WA Unionameric a Company OR~ REGIONAL HEAD OFFICE: MAIN AT LA VETA, ORA NGE/ ALSO: HARBOR AT ORANGETHORPE. FULLE RTON· EAST COAST HWY. AT GOLDENROD. CORONA DEL MAR O,b.JL Y PILOT f3 ... -~. ~ ......... . ~ .. ---.. ------· -------·-·:----::---;-:-::----:-'.'.'°'.""::°'.-':''."."'.°".:::~"::".'."''.:~!""'.•--:--••o::r.::s::i:::l!llll!!l!!!;':!!ll!!'l!!•l'lllll!lll!••llll•ll""•••••••llll•!ll•I .. ~ .. , -. ..-.......... , ~4 DAI LY PILOT L --- Taxablt~ Sales OVER Tll E COUNTER Const Jl1arks 16.8 Percent Hike ·~ ... • NASO Listings for Monday Oclober 1.7, 1969 Taxable " Orange Count} 11 r1t up 1) $686 577 for the se' und (!U 11 !('r of fi scal J!J69 a l!r1:11! ~~c lud1ni:: \u1on1o t1\ I.' ,.,, nl••-doo•lt• ..... ., owr •ft<lll<lt re1•1t •n• •• •ppr•• m•I••¥ ' AM !tom N.-.~o •• m•••~~ "!••-•••• •• comm ""'n Ju mp 01er lhc it ir I.Ji hue tord1 ng to 111(' st Ill' B<1~1U ut l'::qual,zat1on fhe Orange l fl ~-.t 111 <.1 11~t If registered a 16 II flt 11 fnt !!l t rea:;e Uurin0 lh( 'ii rn 1 j)Cflocf \ll!h ~I !I !(15 11 p s1gn1f1cant h 110111 (J 11 I 1 Stl520a dirng Int l1r~t quart rr of 011~ }t H I-or purposes ol b1 r<ilitl v11 n lhe sla!e 1gent 1 ~11111~ th1 retail s,1lt !lo 11110 ·~nr tttlLg11r1 f' 11 (' 0 Jll p I ~SI 11 g ;,ill b 11 auton1ob1 lc~ and ~uppl~ "<lit" Second qu<trte1 f1,.111 r~ 111 gcne1al ltta!I :.air, \hi'> )t 11 33 52!1 26 42~ 21 368 "" Costa 1'.1ls« \c111l0rt Bl'at h li unungton Bc11l'h I ;,igu1111 Bea1.:h \ulo Ut>al crs and Aulu Suppht's ( ost 1 ~l c :-11 i'\c111)ort Beach ll111111ng1on Bt! tlh I :.iguna Beach I~ 90 l I 826 9 <38 2 47fi Ill I(' $2i2 167 tounty II ldf • on1pared to S87 586 fur thr Ur:ingc Coast area itself l tie at1tornobtle and ~uppl1cs portion 11as $108 515 101 thl' 01 int:! < na~t to111p ired to ,nil S l~7 158 for lhl' 11 111 undf'r ol the tnun(y 111 ~uth Your ~loney's l\lorth ,.,, 29 li64 l l 678 IR 891 ~ 75[ 11 4(1:1 I 878 rercentage 1l 0 71 '" " 10 I 28 '" 31 NlW YOlllt" IA P I Do"' Jon The lo io .. lne II a Og• • Oft ~<>d •sl:.f'O Q"Olt 0 rw NL I on> •uoo• •d l>Y Ou"~ 0 11 r OfAI on•I "'"llCI Ou< tQ.n ., Otl ol Sr<o• I r> l P• nl 0<:•1•" II\< ••• E•" !or> nol •(hJAI l••n•~< E<Ofl l•I> I on\ bul •tt tP £09(11 S re>onla •• nl• [d"< ~V' Oco p <~• o\ cl Fl Pa\EI APP•O• m•l•lv J El N !• nm "' wncr •n0>• El Nut •Uv•lllt l <ou•a Ekl<o• '~·· boo•" ""' EIUom cnoud t •>~•dl "' El C-Sv1 ola (b 111 In!~• El Obi• a·~I• m• ~'''El """""' "•nQ• n OU<Jn Ele< (•1> u.1 tr •11•• P cos EmoS 0 1 ao no n<ludr Ene•u• C o al moku1>En•QR0 ma Kaown o <Om Ennl• 8 rC'1111l sa1£s A'A'1'0£,,1 1, ,,,, ~~ .. 2~., l)uring the sa1ne period Los ....... 1 co'P ' ' £qun o 1 AFAPt s n ' '~""Erle 1•< Angeles County com b 1 n ~ d AITS in.: 1111 1? E11er1n retail sales 1o1ere $3 9i0 481 up !~~. ct, 1: ~Ii ; F:11,c·~~ u11t11 8 8 perc~n t 011cr the ~a me !f,mi0~! i~, ~{ ~:r'.V!. r period !he yea r bcfo1 c con1 !1 b 1~11"ro' 1j 1i • ~~Neo~ p ired 10 Orange County s dou !it:~1, 1-( ;,• 1~'i ~::~ r.i.,e., ble percentage u1t'reast Al <o L...::r 10 '1 F1t 11 ...... A 19 tie• • o "' F•I YIF n All" p~., !l• S o Fl<knt "'!Id .... o l , • Fl91\I S~t All..iEn a'ol o FoodFP A "" Geo 11 111 Fo"I 011 Amadc I H, Fo;I G n Am Bu•n 13 1 l• Fo ocnt J. £ l aD 6 , 1 , Fo!nm Am e • .,, 10 ) 1 F nk• c~ A re We Too Deep iri Debt? Am '"'" n lD~o 11'\o F• kin E A G "'" 'J •I F ul•tW Am l<>•d lO 37 Gfth•kl A Mb 1 1:1 10\o lO•o G•> Sv< A ModlC1> lS ~ J61~ G A ttt! Am Pl~ 2• ' n • G Oevlc• A SI Got> S • J\o G k lnrt t ASI G DI 9 10 Gt.i i E" Bv S\L\.IA POBTEB 1 hroughouL th e 1960s 11 e the dee it.Ir of ha1 e bc('n abf(' to take on and <:~rr1 .111 c1cr n~1ng tot ti of debt~ 10 b111l1J and buy ou1 ho1ncs to I n 1nt l our purch~S<'~ of app11uu t o; autornobiles bo 11' ~1111111 11111...: pool s ett <'It Our {;ll' 11 11H! 1n1.:rea:.1ng nu111be1 nf 1uh~ <Jll!I our huge an<.l l!Jn1h1nJ.; 1111<11 nf pe rso nal 1ncun1<'s h<11 r 1 l tdt it compa r111 ch l';isv Jur us t(I t'arr11 our tlebt load 1 1p1c:<i l fina nle thargcs on pcr:.on<1l loans 11hcre frorn 12 now run an}• 10 36 Jl{'rCC/11 Honie 1nOrlg<1ges n1ay cosl 10 p~nr111 11r c1c11 niure a \Cilr 1'.l 111y b;.11k tllcc li tred1 pl111 s (hug(' 18 pcrt<'nl and !I Jl Am ltlv 11 , ll G~!tl Ancnr C1> I 11;7 G lie" I Ir db d Anh•u•B 11·1l Gno• Oilt o mortgage c t an An•cn c 1 , 11, c;1.11r 11 A <at• N 19 00 Gle••n W paying peak interest rates A•c1 1na •? , u GIOI> Rub Af<len M 11 11:i.. Goin <:re 1nortgagc foreclosures have A nrn "' n , 11 Good 1.-s Ark Mof' ll , to , G••"" Cn i.JeC!Jned stead il y )C<Lf after! ~0,% H n 0 !~: g~:~ ,:, )c ir 1hc equity so many mil ~~f.,C 5~0' ~\ 'l "'g:r~~-~E Av.,m<o ' , 1n , G•oY• P l ons ha1c built up In their B•bq t 1 1 , G,w1n n 8• d At 1 ' r."~ o Cn homes IS their biggest £1nan g~~ ~. n 3! Jr g~,'.,.,:;'1 lhnl I C ' • lO'o H&m Co< B•rwclo. n , ll Hn"""' S c1al t'ush1on Bo>>n P I I HOV"n In l\~umrl •I •I 'Hlln Mo Ba~ "' 11 !l Hrn •d F Brrcnn lS , J6 >l dor 1n1 fltll• I•• I• • , H llhvn l:lcl d9J1 ,.,o•nE P Bel co• 9 9 , Hoovr• l:lr k H• 19 .i """' En• 1:1.i1 L•h J6 J1 flou 1 ~' 111 llt N•ICa II l• 1~ Nl'~ {p • I Nol Eoul 10 11 N ~!IPO II II ll1! G .. O l1 J1 N•t lb 9 10 /loll M<d ~l IJ NM P~I 3~ l ... Nol s.c11 1: I~•, ~:J ~~~w ll 6 • NMOI > 'ii ~En GE I > N N•IC. I l .N cn•" F I )> tl ~I• A IJ< 1)9 N el$ 1:1 • , 1l, '°A R~ c •O 1 <!\'> NC1 NG n • ?I ~ NEu 011 II 51 NPA G•> 01< 5 NW N&IG 101 llJ,., NW Pu~• 10 . ;1 Nucl ll•c ' "gMa Ari 17 11 1 ~0W1I 11'• ll'tl 0 •1 Scon U • •I~• Orm""l I • on .. TP 1l,t ,0•0tNA S 6 OgC•I 1~ 1~P ~.~.1 1'e: ~I ll Pu Aue 1•'· n • P~( FaE n n f>•~co Co , •, P"n<ol S\o l o Pkwv 0\ 11 11.,Pa kw H 11 1••· P~"on R 6 6> P•uto• P 11 If P•Yfl~ J•l1 1 Poe"'T l ~ • P~n 0 >1-11 ?!> Po Eng n ft , 9 P1 G&W l? 1l Pt"" P~C 7 I Pr nn 11£ U 1 11 PeP>I Y/1 l< " Por n I I >. Pe!•le SI 1 J ~ P<ltol ! l J • PnRap cl 89Ph1Sub l , • , Pl!olon 10,ll Pc Pd ""/"/.•I i; P nk ln 16 JI ~ Poru >ll( •o •I, Pro Go1 l ''""""'"" 11 11 1 PubS "'H II IP, Pu .. s NM 10 n ' PubS NC " •I , Publ•~• 1 11 , Pur~c• a 19 , P 8•nn•' lAO 11 Pu 1¥ S! O II l>Ouo (~ 9 19 1 Pu nn ' • r o~o Ov" •n IO '!all T ~· •) l llan b Fl 10 XI "'••ch Cc 1J 1\ ! R~ym (d l J Ret"9 Ea 1•1 IS II•" Mta J• JI p, (rod l R l•vl" I• II Rold [ M 10 Qon n "" JI l llo" nn IJ l •Ro•r~1 ? 1 llu Slov . " 11 llVAn Ha • • • Soa •• '9 >? Sctnln £ :i • :~\, ~O'(Dlltn "" 00\ Sc ll>d Jf oo Scot "°"' • "• Ser ""' l'I l? 13 Sct1~lo A 16 ~~. ~:o, 1'(, "! I l\o SoQu•i H 19•• Seven Uo 1• 1•>1 Sl\<o N I lO ' J1 s g,,.., (p JI K SC-al WU J~ K ~N[ l ei 11{ 41 Sot.II\ Go 9 1 lO$wGC1> •• s.swEIS•C 1S , 16 ~ S1>aC•r> 10 10 Sid Q011 t 711"1 n Stu 5< w 10 ?J SMn HP<! 11 > IJ SletlQ Sit '/'I '> JO S1raw C-1 !I AO Sut>oc l • 13 1J< Su!td•I F 1' , 19'0 S••l>O I'd 10>o O• l Ame• ll 1 1 1 lanoo 11 l?i l•"•• .Q •l • lov o W 6 I lonnan l6 11 ft••• AS >~The mA 6'• 1>1 T llny Co I• •S f lnnv In 77 1:¥ lMI\ (;<1 I• •s. Tt.,.n1 G 9 10 hn<nl O '' I~ T Pl>d !~ 1? I• Trlco Pd s ! f t "" '' S l~i>(A 11 , ?I Ty~on Fd IS Wn ec 11 l >UnOor I o 9'• Un lll<1m •. 1n ~ u" McGr "9 ' Sl ~ Un '1•19 •I " us e~nol •J O/ US Crwn n ?1 , US Env•I 7o • 7.,, 05 Su<>Ar 3 J t US Ttkl 7• Id Un f'tnP 71 ?9 Utah SL d 16 o l)•'o UI I lrod ' ''Val LO ?l'• 19"' Yonce S• 71> 10 • V Ai (>n 17 17 >VY W<><1 11 Ill Wad•w P Ii ,, W i'IPAdO JO JP Wo '""' II 19 t Wl•hN('; I I '<o'~ "E' \l I• N• T 11 • Web~ Pe 1 ! 11• W~l!I tn )•1 'I WeHnc M 1•6 ) 1 Wt!hl! r. '• ?• 1<1<•1 P 77 IJ >ISi~ I A 19 JO W11n " Q -0 •I VI> n P ~ ,, 1~ ""~ 'l'h U a Wnbog )\ ~· Wn'"' T !I 1 W '< PL • Wtdlw E l• J5 Yronv E But 1o1 hat if tO<I •) s inf! t1 1uri r urbs start to 11ork too 111 11 and business slo11s 10 the pl!1n1 11herc uncn1plo\111rnt 111ou111 s ra pidl y and the rise 111 person al income d11n1111shts lo <1 l ra1\]1 \ 1 ! to rht 1s1on1:.hrnenl of <'tOntirn ,1, p~\ll11,1tnsts and soC'1o log1 ~l~ 1ou arc uttcrlv 11nrnu1ccl b1 the hi gh cost of horro111ng torla\ You are go- ing ngl1t ahc<Jd and borrowing ;is n1uth as )OU can to buy "h:it \OU 11ant About the only <urb on 1ou has been the dry 1ng up of available fund s l:llluH W I I H<;• Ml 8 r!I Son )0 •? >l ua PP \car e 1t1ch' ', ' Huv G•• While persona) banliruptc1cs are far loo many for the fir st t n1e sint e the nl!d 5() s the nu mber recently has dropped froni 181 000 in 1968 to an est1 mated 169 000 1n ft scat Jl l< ~ ....,._ __ ~·--~~-, I• 1 I\ Then ror ~I le i l a /11ngr nr An1rrrc t :> r~111!1 l'' t 11.' debt uurden 11 di brlUllH 1n1vl <'rablc If-l OUR family income is 1n the $B 000 range you re av £rage if }OU spend nearly S2 000 1n debt service \Ve ov.e inure than $36 billion on our H tos nerir)y ~7 billJon on ou r t harge 11ccou nts a st;iggering S300 billion on non fa rn1 home rnortg 1gcs \\le 1101\ pay 1nore th in SJJ b11l1on a Yl'ar In 111 !crest I~ TH IS f-Hl:'\(,F. 11111 br prunai 1)\ !ht lo11c~l 111to1n1 fan11l 1es tht le<i~t !1nnnt1.ill) sopl11st1catcd ntn a id 11 01nt 1 both bite~ 111<1 llllH II !' \S 21 ) car agr gru11p J 1 shnr I 111 !rouble 11 ill br 1ho~f I( 1~ :ihl" Ill rind thrir \\ I\ Olll oJ lr(lubll' <)I lOllr~e !I s not as ilt1rn1 1n~ as 11 appears on the ~u r f:i ce f-or instance c u r1 in.: J\1e1t' 1ssi~111111e11ts '>I hile '>I e are unpre1 r1lenccd HobC'il J~ ~th1111111tl 1hdtl <ttHI J{t i.:hard l Lc\\1~ r c,g1o r1<1 I \ itr pi l ),1di.:11 t~ r ! Si.:ttlt 1t\ Pac:1f1c :\at1on<JI l a11~ h,11( IHtJI 111111l d tu nc11 1cgional adn1in1~ l1.:it11c d 1111C s 1n ()1 111~" cnun11 Sch1n1n1cl has bcr11 p!.:iced Hl ( h,11 ~e 11! lht tnn ~l ii rcg1011 111l h hrad 11uartc1 <: 111\c11pr111Ic1(h l r 11 1" bct 11111c~ head 01 th e :-i,1n1<1 \11<t 1r~1111' HUNTINGTON BEACH SCHOOL SYSTEM 1n con1unc/1on w ith Wais/on & Co In c will hold a ser1 es of 9 lec tures on UNDERST ANDING THE STOCK MARKEJ- to be held a l the GISLER SCHOOL LIBRARY 9700 Bluefield Drive H111111n9ton Beach Leclures will Sl<trl on Ttiu rs day Oct 30 at 7 30 p m Regis er at first session, (SS Fee payable to th e Hunt1n gron Beach School Sys1c1n) Walston &-Co. ----lnc.---- Members New York Stock El change ~n(I Qrher Pr1ric1pal Stoc~ and Commodity E~ch~,..r 809 Ncrlh Main SI Sonia Ana (71 41 Kimberly 3 9301 n11£rl '") 0'flCCS COASI TO C04SI 4'<0 OVEfl'•t" l\l~(k H ll "J , Hu''' P B09u< £I • o , l~;nll Ct> 1969 flo! Be l• 16, Ind G•• floo I e C J? JJ > Ind tlud lVHILE \V E ARE spending l"~ .. ~·'G i~ l~; :~:o~~~ a full 15 cents out of each :,,;,']. ;., ,~ ;r; :n~11co~":, after tax dollar to repay our Buc••v 11 ' ") '"''"' 10 instalment debts vs JO cents :~·~~ ~ :: : l~,. :~; i~~~n in 19;:rJ v.e have been carv1ng 1~~:....~ • ~:'~ n: :~: ~;;· the slice out of a nHLl'h bigger 1~:~~';.. 1~ ;: l~ :~: \'.,,~' 1ncornc pie than ever before ~~n''~ow 1~ 1~, ·~"·~\ A rceenl Ln1vcrs!I) of 1'.t1ct11 .~~~T~~•A ! ; · j~,;~w1~1 ~an :-iur1 C\ Hcsearch Cen1er 1~l r 81 b 7 J~CQUM c stuth dist loses that full 52 c~·~· [/t, ~~ l~ · 1;::: .. w~t prr ct nl of AnH'rican farn1l1es ~~~ e~PS ~~ • ~ 1~ b;o, tud n h~1eno1nstal n1entloans1?~!;1 ~,. :· :·1~!,s1 ~' 111d inolhi.:r 21 percent ue ?~.nn •~t~ 1t j ~~1~~c n r;irrn1rk1ng less th in 10 per 1~~~! l.ind1 1t ~ 1 ~.!'"r c.:ent of their after tax 1neo1ne i~ ~'~1 1~ 1;; ~;·,:;:~ to repav such lo ins Cnr <I of 'i 1Ql ~;~~ f ., And "h1le the re is a disturb i :7'"0 A 76 11 ..: ... c~ 1rg lrenrt to\.\ard easie r ~~'~ uM~ ~~ ~~ ~t:~1 ,~c t rf'<lll terms-longe r rn<1lur1 ~:i':, 0;:.,,, 11 11 ~ ~1"' c~1 lies smaller 1lown payn1enls-~:;,.""coo 1• ,; ~":~ vo• al the same time delinquencies '~,' ni"'~ ,; 7! L::-'n~· 0t~ are only I;, percent of Jnstal Coons' ;~ ~ ~:·~·~; 1nent loans or belo" Je~er~ of ~E'~;1 ·; •: 1t:" •t0~1 the early 1950s Co n In 1 J , • l t 1u C Bu i U1cre JS I fringe 111 d Hl 1?~ r:· } . I~ ~~';.. ~r ~er of real troublr One clue 1s 'g,, ~1 ~ 1; 1:, t t~i" ' to<.J;iy s rapid expan~ion 1n ~:::".," c~ .l .~ : ;d ff', Joans to ( onsolal tte t J.:1~t1ng c ;~ ~ ~ 31 1; 'v\o ~ G~• debl Another ~l"ll ts tha! nne "" '!<>(' 1~ i1 IM Q • en " C SI••!~ ~ I M~ g '' out of !O farnll1 cs i~ no\\ u51ni:: Con•C ' ' /.Iii•• h r Co~! n • M~rnl :. n1orc tan 20 p~!l Clll • 1t~ cc~~ L ? 1 ""'"n after tax 1ncon1c h) 1tp1v 11sr0,:i 0" ~: 1: ~an8°0 ' debts and sorne art t1~u1;::: 4-0 l.~· t~ .~ ,t :;:~o~· .. 0 percent or 1nore S!lll ,1 th1rd 1l~~"" 't B l~ ~~/n H is the fart that 1n the 18 24 age g1 ~!• o"'., l~ l~ ~~~~AG•" group one 1n four JS in dangr1 1.,.. fd 11 i. "'a•• O••N" 1•>11 Mawc.r Of betng fln~flCJ;.illl 0 I ('f O<~O lft 11 l "'"' C' extended lg;i,, ~~A ,. ·~, 1~ :::o•)Pv~c. O•lu• e n ll I~ I.lo~,.., P O• (~~T I~ 1 Monn I'> ?9' 7t • 10 1 JI 1• ?\ J7 ll ' . • • 11 7l I• iol, ' " . ' ?I H 13 IJ 17 ,, '" ' " ' " ' i i ?l ls ~ 1" l1 . " ~ " n " ' ' •l ~~ " " ll• •I ' ' ' ,. " '" " • ' • " ,. ' '" • • ' ' " • " • • • " • • " " " " ' " " • ' " IT S A Cl1'\Cll to pile on g~~ 1fm g ;!,, z.:,! ~ f 1nore and mo1e debt 11 !1rn •g:;.~"E 1; ':':t:~1'~c ~ : vour Job ts safe and your p:i.v 1g •; 1;; 1;, ~ , ~~~~'r' f• 1 1S r1s1ng The burden bt:COlllC• flo ul• ,, ,. • •Q ( 1• I I I Oolv~1~ 7 1 •A n~ n1er1\he ming onl\ 111cn , 1c~r 1rrnd s rcversp But 1111h the 111/l,1t1(ln r• •lrarnls st;irt1ns lo pinch 11r 1ould be mo1ing tO\\arrl a cru 1:illl unporta nt ('( 111101n1r 1no111rnt u{ truth I I 1· I p I 11 1111 t \\A~l!l:'>JL.TO'I.: Interior D£'p<1rln1r11I ~t ll'nl1'1' recl'ntl v succ <c.:drcl 111 tr~c k 1ni:: skipJack tuna 111 Ha "~u 111 11 a1crs bv trr1hng 11111 r 1d1r1 t ransnll!t<'r~ I 1~h l~ ~ 1111! :i~ three pound s c.:an ~11 :i\1011 tl1r 1in\ transm1tt<'r pov.trrtl b1 i\lallorv batteries Thrn 11 h<'n 1hr rl'lca sed skipJai.:li reJ111ns it s st'hool !1~hcrn1c11 c.ui loc.1tl' lhc school fr o1n lhc s1Jn<1l tro111 lh( l1 !l lc 1r.insn111 ter 1 hr 'li!pJ icli tun« h;,ir1 t ~t presentlv 1s about :i 000 ton s a ~c~r but f1shcrv cx;pcrt~ s~1 11 ~ould hf rnlugrd 10 s('llril huntlred lh:'.!us~nt! !Ons --1 ""····----~ .. -..... .... ... "" .. .,,., ........ -.............. .. NIGHTS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS C•n b• more Prof1t•ble for you ) CALL US NOW FO"I INFORMATION ANO 1 A BROCHURE £!!!l!I& _ HlEPHON[ -... -a.J:> ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 t OFFICES TO SERVE All OF ORANGE CO B 11 :-;inc:-;:- Build in~ \1 o)11 lllC Up MUTUAI, FUNDS [II YOllK !APJ WeO!'\,'><ld•• compl,lt t<r,. YQr ~ ~ oc• [•U &rt8t ~1 C•• -A- ,. ,, -B- • • " ' " " " •• ' •• ' ' ... " 11 I -'" " . .. + " . '" " .. " 16] • ~· ". ' • " " " • • " " " " " " O•~v111. O~•Coll O~tnd.llll! D• t lnD ul? il•v<oC~ 11• Oo "" of< ?I Oa•lnHu!I SO O~••oPL l 60 DPL o!A J II o...,,,. Co 1 01 lm~•P I Oii Ori /\In!• I 10 O~ll•A •O O~llec In< Ornn M•o 611 O~nnM!Q Pl I Ornnvlh l O• On1<p • l )0.. OenllGr I 10 O~e<o DI A O•t•<o Ill II Oe~o!olnr 90 ~, 0 •![0' I 40 O~t Ed pll 'O Or!Sl~~I 10~ Or¥!~ l• OoF ~on lO 0 oml~1 I 10 0 .5,,.,., 1 00 .o.~n 01 c1 O•S olOIJO (') < """"" •I ()•Don •I~ OG~•no '" OG<;OO~I 1g ';,,1n:;;11'J 10 onCo .in Un•(yl! 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" " '• • _, ' Prices " ,, " ' ' ,. • " ~ ,., ' lt !'94 J~ 1' 71 1 16.... :1' 7• 1 ' I 31 ,, ,. 1•1 lO . 1'I 16 19 J' JJ l• ]J " " lt ,,1 10 -T- " • 1&26 ; e ;m:e:a.ws SJIS Complete New York Market Shows Lag 2ncl Day iI1 Row NE\V YORK (U PI ) -The market backtracked for the second day in a row today 1n n1ocl.c rate trad 111g lla r1 y Laubscher of \Val ston & Co Broke1age s ~!d profit Laking \\as carried o\cr from lh e pre' 1ous session after recent sharp gains '' hile Nc1vton Zinder of J:: I tl ut ton said the1c \1a s rcne1ved con c_e1 n over 1nflat1on 111 the face of th<? Commerce De partn1enl s 1 eport of a rise in leading econon11c 111 d1cat0rs la .s t month ~1101 Uy before lhc close the UPI n1arkel\v1de indi cator \vas off 0 69 percent of 1 605 issues cross1 n~ the tape fhere 11ere 903 declines and 484 ad\ances The Do1v Jones average of 30 blue c hip industrials fell 7 46 to 848 40 near the close Vo!u1ne of around 12 000 000 sha1 es 'vas 111 line "1th ruesday s pace One analyst said that the govcrn1nent s report !hat knocked do,v n the theory (among traders1 inonetary po\lcy 1nav soon be loosened He said th;it only \vhen 1nflalion 1& b1oughl und er control 11 ill \.Vash1ngton relax it s n1onetary restraint Eleclron1cs were a1nonl': the \V C<i kest issues Jed by Control Data "hich los t several poin ts a fter shdin~ 4% 1n the previous session The concern re potted hi gher earnings for the September quarter A nun1ber of oil issues lost n1orc than a point a lthough fractional gai ners cropped up 111 a fe\v in stances Stock Exchange Li st r•n "1 2!i l llW !'I( I lllW D •)(I "{ D]4 olO f "" 40 rl "' nt I& l uc nGE •• l "t<ICnl }Oil 1: u~ ' " ll 'l '" ... 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' ' . " . • .. • ' ". " Tho Orange Coast's Moll Complete PRINTING SERVICE lthone 642-4321 1111•1111!119111 I ' t i • • I I l I ' I . . . .. --... . . . ... -. Ugly • IS Bea11tifnl Pretty Boys 'Out' for Co 1n1nercials CASUAL TY -Jimmy D iedrich is the "victim" in 'I.he 1940 \var melodrama "Casu.alty ~uth of Manila ," part. of the current far e at the Open End Theater. F1anking hun (from left) are DavJd Markin, John Sewell, Stephanie Davv and Peter Bland. Theater Notes 'Flower Drum Song' Opens By GENE HANDSA KER HOLLY\\'000 (AP J \\'eak l'hin~ floppy ear.s'..' Dulbous nose? Are you, in a word , ugly? Then you 're right dov:n Bill Bordy·s alley. And maybe television 's, at le asl in con1- mercials. A Hollywood trade paper carried his ad this week "UGLY CASTING DlREC· TOR ''Who gets all the v.·ork in commercials? \Vhy, the ugly people, of course." The ad urged readers, "if you 're ugly, unusual or in- teresting looking," to ca!! a certain number. The number led to Bordy's office in a television studio complex. He calls his service Uglies Unlimited. "Good-looking types are on !he way out," said Bordy, 38 , a part-tlme actor himself, big- eared but otherwise more on the good-looking than the homely side. ''Nowaday s, ugly is beautiful. You can sec it yourself just by watching TV commercials. The trend is to plain people. Person-next-door types are getting the wqrk because lt's so much easier for the public to associate with them. t'd!lS, and his phone v.·as s\1 1l ringing. "-1\re you ligly'!" is tt1e first question he ;:i:;ks. About half answer. "Yes. I am;" ihr. others, "Not rra!ly ugly, but I'm a good character ac!or _" Pr o m i sing-sounding ap- plicants are invited to hi.<; of- fice, So1ne he ha s turned .away, Bordy says, because lhey were too good looking. About 25 have signed up, and as many have indi cate d definite interest. His publica· lion deadline is H allow~n, •·which I thought would be a humorous touch," he says. rN THI! W!:STMINSTER CENTEll ...................... ...._ .. Wit .... ••2···~ ll OWU" 'Mi:tl" ;ROY(• U.11 Ollt.O 1Wl1. HELD OYER. Not all of hi~ space buyers are r('(j_Jly ugly, Bordy con· cedes, but v.•ith rnakeup, cos- tun1e and expression can make themselves look so. \\'hat kind of uglines! is most in demand these days1 "'l'he natural type," said Bordy, "which J ohn Q. Public tlin a:>SO\:Jate with." June in Role HOLLYWOOD t'UPI) .lune Havoc \l'il\ pl.'.l:y a character role in Disaey's "The Bov \Vho Stole lhe Elephant.'' Repertory's "A Funny Th ing Tickets may be reserved by "The chunky, hard -hat labo rer ,~·ho gets the pro..]r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii ltappcned on the \Vay lo -the calling 827-1339, n1otion because his wife has By TOM TITUS 01 , ... D•Hy ,Hell $1•fl There's nothing nev.· under the theatrical ~un along the Orange Coast !his week, but over Jn Long Beach the city's Civic Light Opera is raising the curtaio on its 22nd season this weekend with Rodgers and Hammerstein 's "Flower Drum Song." Directed by David MacArthur, the 0 r I en ta I generation gap musical will play for two weekends at Jordan Hi gh School auditorium as the CLO group leaves the Long Be a ch r.1unicipal Auditorium, i t s home for 21 ye<'irs. Starring in the role of r.fei Li \1ill he Joyce ~turaoka, \l'ilh James Dorr playing op- posite her. Sam Lee portrays the \'enereble father v.·!t.h Margaret Pucek taking the role of Madam Liang. The "Flower Drum Song" score in cludes such popular numbers as "I Enjoy Being a Girl" and "A Hundrt'd r.li!lion Miracles ." Performances are scheduled Oct. 31, Nov. l. 7 and 8 at 8:30 p.m. \l'it h matinees at 2 o'clock Nov. 2 and 9. Jordan Aud i to r ium is located at Artesia and Attantic avenues In L-Ong Be a ch. Tickets may be reserved by Forum," resuming Thu r~day ¥ v.·ashed his shirt in that ni ght and playing through Sun-Going Into its next-to..\ast detergent. The manicurist wo day. week at the Long Beach Com-uses dishwash!ng detergent as Art Ko ustik and ?1-1 i k e munity Playhouse is the. a hand lotion." Do I h d th l I th "Cneralion gap comedy "\\'hat Several months ago Bordy ug ass ea · e cas o e " read a magazine article abou t Roman romp under the direc-Did We Do Wrong?" Joe and a London modeling agency lion of Ron Thronson. The ac· Belly Karbo of Huntington which had advertisied for ugly ti on abounds al the Third Step Beach play the principal roles types, got "a f a n t as t i c Theater· 1827 Nev.')>Ort Blvd., under the direction of Bertram response" and now does a big Costa Mesa, with tickets Tanswell. business supplying such available by calling 646-1363. models for advertising. ¥ Perfonnances are. given Fri-day and Saturday evenings at A light flashed for Bordy: a A special Hal10Y1een show i.~ t h casting director.v for aspiring h d t d F ·d · h l the pay ouse. 5021 E , sc e u e r1 ay n1g las par performers v.•l1h less than r th •·o E d L. A 1· Anaheim St.. Long Beach, o e pen n 1ve i:: ion '"""rfecl features. J{e's calling M I · 'I ct • Th R' Ti cket information may be ac-1 ·~ u t1 1• e 1a ree 1ng it the L'gty Casting Directory. C. d D J Sh " c1ui red at (2l~J 433·0536. ircus an ance-n ow. He·.~ prn111ising clients that Included on !he progran1 is the 1.000 copies \1'ill he distributed original movie "Dracula "' 1vilh C ] <lmong adver!l~ing agencies Bela Lugosi as the thirsty 0 Ollila Book ;ind mnvie and TV casting \'am pi re . directors. Frid a y' s festivites com· liOLLY\VOOD (UPI ) For $60. a customer gets a mence at 8:30 and midnight, Musician-comedian J e-r r y full page showing three poses followed by a different pro-Colonna has v.·ritten a book on of hin1se!f -which he supplies gran1 Saturday featu ring his esca pades v.·ith Boh Hope -and a resume of his ex· ·'How ft All Begins" by O. R. titled ''\Vho Threw Tha t perience. Two insertions of the Diederich and T. Michael,_-::;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;lr=a=d=e='·P='=P=''='=d==br=ou=g=ht=2-00_11 Jaeger. The show is being 1 - presented at the Open End Theater, UllS Villa Way, Newport Beach, v.•ith tickeis being resen•ed at 675-"1120, Jf •Uo~Jol GENE<lJol Com'ORATICll'Oi ' Cinema land H.arborBIV'd. & Manctwster ~ •cross lrom Dl.-yland \Sf --&as-7801 NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS ' calling the CLO box office at ,-. l213) 432·7926. Arthur ?\.'filler's p os t w a r drama "All ~1y Sons'' con· tinues its three·v.·eekend run Friday and Satur day evenings on the Fullerton Footlighters' ~1uckenlhaler Center stage. \Vall Assenheimer is directing. . • • ' l ! ' . l ' • • l • I I ' Jf Also in a mu5ica1 vein, though the emphasis i5 clearly on comedy, is South Coast Dale f.logue, Betty Strom· qulst and Mike Phillips head the cast of the play at the Ir:============= center, 199 Buena Vista Drive. Crossword Puzzle _ FiixsouTH COAST QUIL l"LAZA THEATRE CORPORAi.. San Diuo ffMWU ll lll1stol • s.46-2711 ACROSS 5Z C. •Oi!P 11 Flat p1tce 53 51a lt_ Ahbr. 5~ Ctlflies o~ oJ "'OCH! ~b (.. tos~ ~ Kin d of dul'f SE C11'{ o! 10 T\I con\rol A us t•al1 ~ 14 N'ar to b2 T o .. ~rd !l",r lSOl ~htt p C ?.~I Pl lb Ha ving no bb Urcnn• ' ,mployor.t nl 1;7 T,11.i, 17 Roman 9od !1btr 18 Ha~' fu:i b'l Eas l al the l 'l Unl\s o! U1als len~th iO lndig () 20 Dtplort sou•tt 22 Ob1tct of il (,"I'~ nal'l' ti um an work• 72 01 a mao shi p E uropt~l'I 24 Bt ver~t:i t oa!•o~ . 2b SurQe lo A bb•. and fro 13 B lr.1hm~1~ 27 A ~pr tn\ice : i 4 F tm~lP :. A br. 75 P.1 vProl lO Confu1e 1o l Alr ic a small arta )Z Kind of 001/N b1rr it1 ){, Cour t l Do a cltan· 37 >:io9 of 1n9 job tht Jtws 2 fruit )If 8t(lutalh J Tiny bil 40 Troubl's 4 Puls ate 42-Fab ric aboorma I ly 44 Ma kt 1 5 Sroughl . c;artoon lo bay j 45 Nti;llg,nt b Co mmon 47 F11nch conlrJ{\ion l'IOVl 1l5l 7 Lon~ livt ! 49 ~lJSon in 8 Lift tSS An Jou 9 801\on 50 Word Clf athlt lt enth usiasm 10 Disagreed Y't sttrd1y 's Puz zi t Solvtd ••t c •1 ! .:•1 •' ~l it .. •, T1T O 1o ~r •C t f ~£*~· 11 Ob jt ct of a c~nc tpt 12 Mt. Guintss 13 Ri9a ci ti zen 21 Pr'1n cipa l: Comb. 101111 23 lrT>agt o! a divlnity 25 0 1d t lt ctr i(al wor~ 10/2'1/ti'i JS Coi ns of the US A and Canar!a ~l Word 911mt ~3 Eng ioe5 4~ "Clliien ---" 48 Benumll 51 Shoe.Ir ing SS Macaw 51 Pair OPEN 6,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca~~IDY Awards BEST ACTRESS · Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" JOW:PH(.UVINE'-~,_VCOEMIAWl'.AU. PETER 'I.ab KATHARINE OTOOLE ;:r~ HEPBURN ·~ lHE LION IN WINTER ,,, .. .,.,. -~· 0oA\'COli.ll .... V- ALSO ••• ZERO MOSTEL ;n "THE PRODUCERS" 27 Cov ered with wa\tt 28 French soldier 58 Heddles of ~ .1 loom I'.:::::=,,,,,,,,"-: ~'l Famed 1 29 Oppositt in n!\ure 31 Somtth in g t X\11 J) Took a chanct )4 Shaped !ike an e99 35 Stairc ase lta\ur e c 11rtoon1~\ bO Pafl of tht h an!\ fol Timt or day: Slang fi3 lt1I ian commun ity b4 Coin of Asia bS t.l l~s Evani b8 Numbtr NOW-FOR ONE WEEK ONLYI Flrtt Tl-Show11 TofCttHr -A11ywh- "Patty Duke gives one of~ , , . moet brilliantly thought oat 1 ,_.# performances seen in a "'t. lonr time!'~ lfNd JM HIT lntroduclng·the pl1n1 fOt" • n•w buaintu venture: ht AREA RUN MICHAEL CAINE ........ : 1'1:\1 .L\..'\' ,J()li·· (GI For All General Audiences HI-WAY 39 "IATTLf OF IRITAIN" 8;)0 P.M. 2,,d Feo~11r• "THE GRIEM IERfTS" 6:30 & 11 FOX CINEMAlANO OPEN DAILY 6 :45 FEATURE TIMES 7:15 & 9:)0 tl1e-rnesa T ~ ,::.ntrP 01 F1('le New Ar-ipo1ntn112nts NF.WPORT AN D HARBOR I~ CO~lA MESA lELEPHONE 548·1552 FOR INFORMATION SEE IT ONCE AGAIN WINNER OF 6 ACADEM Y AWARDS IT JS LIFE ITSELF ... RAW BEAUTY tN ALL ITS AWAKENING! Wee• Dart 0 Ro ShawlR9 lac.h Ive, f'OPI ot 7 aJtd ZHIYAGO •t 1:50 Sat, 111111 SYR· lHIYAGO Cit 3:41 & 9:00 BARGAIN MATINEE WED . I P.M. $1.00 COOKING SCHOOL ON STAGE THURS., OCT. 30, HOY .•• 13. 20, f A.M. f'-tOtl by Otet190 Cont Coll99--'l.ll -PR IZE S- mc~1·r:11,m FANTASTIC ACTION Si•v• Mc0 11•c" Jacq11•""' Bin •f "BU L l ITT'' (M) w,,, • ., 8e•!tv F•v• D~"•""•V• 'BONNIE AND CL YOE" J•panese Movies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTtCE TO OUR PATRONS 1-"o..., CONTRARY TO ADYl!RTISJHG IETOHD OUR CONTROL AND APPURIHG l!LSEWHERI, YOUNG l"EOPlE UHDl!lt 11 1IHOT 161 WllL NOT IE ADMITTID TO l"ACIFIC THIATEll S TO SEE THE "It " PICTURfS LISTED IN THIS IOX UNLESS ACCOMl"ANlf.D IY PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN. "Sl"IRITS OF THf DfAD" IR) '"THE WAY DECIEYERS" IRI ~ ~l Clint E41l wood ln9•H Stev•n1 "HANG 'EM HIGH" Pl11$ Cli nt Ea1twood El; w .11.,h "THE GOOD , BAD AND THE UGL Y" R.eommended for Adults fJc;lus.ive O ra1191 Cau11ty Dti't1·h1 I119a91ment !it• minelli wendell hurton "THE STERILE CUCKOO" (M) Sllow11 at 8:45 p.m. -PIY5 Mtch 1•I C eine Shelly W ;nl•t1 "ALFIE " 5~o'"" 11 i:lO i nd 11 ,u p.m. - Recomme11d1d for Ad11lh-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EJclu1i'tt Ora119e Cou11ty D1iw1•f n E119a9cment - "T~;EhBe~ {T 'LE o~'BRITA~~;:(G> Shown at 8:30 p.111. -f'lus J oli n W~v"e Da vid J•"ll•" ---"THE GREEN BERETS" lG) Show11 at 6:30 and 11 :00 p.111. .............. +111p+·············· Juli• A•o:hew• i;t;d,erd Cren~e "THOSE WERE THE HAPPY TIMES" (G)- Plu$ Peltv !:lu~e Sh1•0~ l~te "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" Rt<Om1T>tn~<1' ror Adul!S .••••••••••••. +11.1111134,, ••••••••••••. A F•iry 510'¥ "THE GAY DECEIVERS" (R) 'I~• 8ti9e l+• 8e rdot "SPIRITS OF THE DEAD" lR) WEEK! The l'llIDWOMru} ofGHffihLOT "FIDELITY FOR A FANTASY! There ;, the spectacle of Kartharine H epb urn! Everything tibout the film is staggeringly high-class. 'The Madwoman o f Chaillot' dramatizes the triumph of good over evif, the efficacy of illusion, the virtue of individuality, the folly of war!" -N, Y. TIMES "THE TALE NT COU LDN'T BE MORE IMPRESSIVE! K•lh•r;ne Hepburn pl•ys the title role -a deli ciously daffy c rea· ture, fu ll of warmth and whimsy. Bryan Forbes is a gifted d irector. Edward Anha lt, a writer of dist inction!" -N_ Y. DAILY N[WS "A MASTERFUL, ARTFUL MOVIE FULL OF FUN WITH MEANING' A tre- mendous ach ievement in fi lm art. A movie jammed with sparkling performtinces, glittering lines and witty concepts. Miss Hepburn is magnificent. The entire cast performs superbly. 'Madwoman' is beautiful!'' -LONG ISLAND PR ESS The PllIDWOZVll\Il of GHff.lbLOT "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BETIER MOVIES! Funny, Romantic, Touching!" -GIO Hmll"'i~ lflrmirr 11...,..¥11..-...ril .. ....... , i!<lf\<; ... _, l"f.LV(l'!O•~ .,.,, <Ol'lll.S ..__. ... 1<:.i.tf!AAIHE llU'l!U!IN., ''TH{ M.i.OWOMAHOf CHAlllOl" ("'I'll~'°"'~. tuut:i ll4Ui'l"ll IO<fH ! •....S • .ICl<>I (»Vllo ' ,IU!. I<! •Ill D • QSC-<O ><QUOtU • ~•JtG.l"i • < f!O•TOI! • r.rJl'l tr.( 11.lS.&!U, l••l•"t ·i~uu,..•.c;-··~-· .... t•:··-YUl BllYNNIA ; ..... -·OON.11!0 Pl[ASINc.t: r'..,,,_ .,_. (l,t..NNY l(,t..Y[ ~ 1~ '••-• 1"'°",. , .,.,._~,..ti'-'-'~ ''IWJDOOJ: ~ _,..,. c...,.., ... ~0: YOl ~!ft\' • "'"""" t¥ !~lllO -.\1.T • , .... ,_ .......,.., -~ T "'llS!l• • (iiio.-._,_.._.,..._j,_ t1llT l.NOtU • -W!lllfl~ IOl'lllll • TrtCliUll" 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT "The Prim• of Miss Jean Brodie" WITH MA.Gii SMITH * World Premiere Engagement * 1 ' I ) \ l V! l ' - Pi fl\'er ficia ov.·n Lag. red a Pf tatic plan Pair the plan <ICCC Ar Busi ner, ordi that m"' men Tl s 1 w F in< mill have tax 8.) It !'OS' V.'011 ta" ""' s. m" • I 1 I I• ), h 1 • I· I .. -.. --.--------------------~·-=-... ••''-•~·--~·-•-•::~rel!"lf~*::-•••*"''*'""''ss••S411#'21¥•~•-~'V'Vl#~t~%~P~•"'s:':•cn1'"~·~'ff~Vir-4'~''""'""·~·1~<11~·~·-~:s;:;;t/M.ii:il~e>a~_.--::;:-- Saddlehaek EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 62, NO. 259, 5 SECTIONS, 86 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 TEN CENTS • -;r-i~~ ... ~ AS'rt!· .~ -- AERIAL PHOTOS OF SALT CREEK BEACH TAKEN OCT. 9 INDICATE (Al SMALL PENINSULA OF FILL MATERIAL JUTTING INTO OCEAN AND (B) PROPOSED PUBLIC ACCESS TO BEACH Salt Pictures Slww1& City's Downtown Plans Discussed By BARBARA KR EI Btcn OI ·~~ 0 111)1 ~Ila! U•ll Pic tur.es spoke lo11dcr lhan \\'Ords lo an n\ erflow crowd ol 'Uiguna Beach city of- 1 ficials, businessmen and properl y 1 o.,..·ner&, meeting al breakrasl in the l-l otcl 1· Laguna this morning to disruss downlO\\'fl redevelopment. f'e;Hure or the program \\'~ a presen- t alien by Richard J. Smith, director of rlanning and develop1ncnl fQr lhe city nf Palm Springs, v•.ho quite simply shov.'ed the Lagunans v.•h:ll lhr.. desert resnrl planned to accomplish and v.hal has been .accomplished so far. An introductory cotnmcnl by 00'ol'ntown Busir.ess Agsociation chairm<in Bob Ben. \ ne.r. to the effect that Laguna's new sign ordinance is "\'ery liberal compared v.•ith that of Palm Springs." was greeted with murmurs of disbelief frorn s om e members of the audience. Their doubts fadetl, ahnosl audibl~·. as p1tlurl' aft er pictu re na,hed QTil'J the srrec11, graphically illustr<iting the di sa p- perrranct of oversizrd, unsightly a.nd c!u1 · tcrcd signs and the t>ye·apPealing cf· r1·cliveness of the strictly contfolled sign· ing that prepleced them. Addin: tM he impres...-.1ve revie1.,, nf tile rahn Springs project \\ere thO!S ;1. h1stra11ng the chsappe11ra11cc or polrs and 11 ires as ulilities \\'ere undergrounded, 1·1e1rs of garclen-likc public p:irking lot.~. l'Urruunded by !nv1 11·alls and liberally l ;1nti~r:1pcd and huge, f ! ow e r ·I i 1 I ,, d plariters st1rrounding trees in lhe dr·w nto\l'n area . TI1e slidrs graphically showed rt•.;ull~ achieved as one 1nerchant aflcr anothrr, 1rn111 owners or huge 1narkels to tiny, t10Je.in·the·wall shops, ren1odcled their f ~t:1blishments lo fil in 11·ith lhc new fl·11rn\1)wn pirturr. nnl only to conlorn1 \1 iLh nc\1' signing and l11nd~caping regul ;,i- \Seg 00\VXTO"'N, Page :J Senate Co111mittee Ol(s I ! Tax Break for Singles WASH INGTON' lt.:Pll -Thr Sen<il r Finance Committre today voled a $1)0\) million tax break for ~inglc rcople who have long contended the y arr \ lttim s of tax discrimination. (Earlier story, page I .) It adople'1 a Ni-xon administration pro- posal to stipulate that a single person would pay no more th.10 20 percent more taxes than a married person with the same amount of income . Stn. Eugene J . r.tcCarthy 1D·Minn.l. a member of the committee, announced the Orange C.lllit Weather ·r ou 'll be groping your "'ay around the Orange Coast aga in Thursday morning aa the denae fog gets even denser. Afternoon tem peratures will sink to 6G locally but jump to 80 further inland. INSmE TODi\ Y .~ widt ·rnnriina schedul~ of lt!ct11rts is /i 11ed ur at LJC Irvine for tht" montli of Noven1ber, f or full listiH(}, see Page 31. Mtfl '" )•••~· 11 -•Iii• H ·ll lflllul\lll ,.,. ... , ft H•llMtl "'"" •·t 0•-· '""" .. "TA H Srt•i. "•"•• 74 Sffl•I H•WJ .l•·ll ,...,., 11·11 0•. lltll'IC ..... ~ 1t '1•r11 M••tuh 1 .. H ''11\•hlfi' n Tl'I•""' , .. ,, w.,,.,,, • 0--~Ii. II W .. loll "'''" I I • drt·1s1Jt1. 1ahcn at a closerl !'ess1on of Pl" i;;rour. He ~<11!1 single people 111 the ~ZQ.flOO-!o-$-10,000 revenue bracket pay ;is mueti ;is 40 percent more laxes than their 111:i rricd rounterpart.s under present law . l\011e\•er, another proposal to case tax· e.~ of single people ·was rejected. The committee voted against a formula In the }louse·passed lllX reform bill fl) grant head-of·houschold statu.s lo single tax· payers over 35. . This !alter provision would have i;:1ven them a tax cul c\·en more generous than the one adopted by the e<immitlee . which applied to all single people regardless of age. . Tv.•o committee members mcanwh1ll!. pr~sed for amendments lo increase dependent deductions for every taxpayer anrl an immediale 15 percent increase In social Sl!.curity payments. Sen. Albert ~t. Gore (D·Tenn.), said hill amendment to allow each taxpaye r to rlcducl $1,000 instead of MOO for himself and each dependent would give tole! ~ax relief to 12 million persons and provide "most lax .rtlief where it is needed most -to the taxpayer with the most children to feed, cloLhe and educate." LA Freeway Offra1np Closed for Study Orange Counly motl)rists lravl!.ling into lhe LQs Angrier area will find the out· bound Hollywood f reeway offramp at Brachwood Drive closed Nov . 3 through Nn1', 21. as part of a traffic stud)'. The Stale Division of Highv.'eys is pro· bing use of various thoroughfarci; in t11at <irta prior In a decision on tht proposcrl 1virlening of the llollywood Frec1<1·ay hcr 1~ern Sunscl. Doule\'a.rd and the P1lgrimat;c overcrOS11ing. Beach Debate Renewed Laguna~s Image Shaky City Noiv Hm 01vn Epicenter, Jl1ayor Notes Laguna Beach with i1s 17 ,000.year-old J .~gura n1;1n skull , Festival nf Arts and !.1blcd cozistal gr;indcor no111 has its own cµit:enlcr . t.lnyor Glenn Veclrlcr. 11ho has ;"! ~cho!t1rly turn of 1nind, pointed out the rcctnt acqu isition la Laguna Beach Chamber of Con1mercc directors Tues· d·iy. fi~JC! !he n\Clyor with a tw1nklr, "any ci· IY, ill California thal dOftlll~'.l bave Its O\Ji!J epic~nler can'l be melitinned. \\'e have Plll/,L,IP ~10RRIS nvrs VIEJO co . The Bnard of Directors of Philip r.lor· ris. Inc. and r.lission Viejo Company an. nounccd loday in Nev• \'ork they hR1'e as;reed in principle In a 1.ransaction 11 hich w·i ll give Philip i'-lorns a n1.1ior in· h'rei;t in J\l is~ion Viejo Co1npany. Terms 11·erc not disclosed. The agrC<'n1 en l 11·;1~ announce1! join11y h\' Jo~eph F. Cu!lmtin 111, cha irn1an of J'hilip ~1orr1s lnc., and Jan1es !::. \\'es t. 1·hairmt1n of J\lission \1iejo Compan.v. CuJlm3n and \\'est said that ?\llssion Vi- r.in Cotnpany would con1in1Je to operate :i~ a 5eparatc cnmpany under the exi sting 1na nagcn1ent h<'adcd b~· Ph ilip Reilly, president Cof C Says Keep Taxes on Rood /\ resolution opposi ng diversion of state gasoline lax funds to any bul highway purposes v.·as adopted 11'ithout oppositivn Tuesday by directors of Laguna Beac h Chamber of Commerce , The resolution was introduced by 0 . ~. ''Bud'' Schroeder, a chamber director. Schroeder is also district manager for the Autom obile Cub of Southern California . ]('lpg '''anted (llJC of those ." RefC"rring to !he Monday morning jolt \hJt rrgl!'lercd 4.3 on thl!. Richter ea rth· q1rakc: scalt, Vedder told the Chamber that the Loni:: Beach quake of 1933 -pro- babl y .second v.·orst in modern Cali£on1ia l imes -measured 6.3 compared to the s~.n Francisco 1006 disaster (8.25 !. "The Richter !icales gives an idea of the ·ma~nitudc of t~c arnount of energy releaeed , l!i rhe poh1t of sl tppap,''· :said \1edder. lie theo e:icplaine d the Mere<iii ~cale, "what ~·ou feel." S<1id !he mAyor tri rommrrce, "I am pleased lo repnrt 11c arc no1v on a seismic n1ap "iU1 Ule epicenter lal:>cled Lai;un n Beach." Lloyd Scilset. v.·ho n1anagcd the lfotel 1.:iguna during the 1933 quake. said it loo k him 111·0 V.'eeks lo gel the plaster out of his hair. Ve.rider said one of the lwo displaced J.aguna .lkiiCb chimney• in l1li3 bltf.- hi.s. Dr. Leary Hearing Ends; Decision Due on Friday A seven-day hearing Into a motion lo supr.ress e1,idence filed again!l Dr. 'J'i1nothy Leary anq hls f.amily ended late Tl1e.sda) night with a Surcrior Court judge 's refusa l to rule immediately on lhe issue. Judge Byron K. ti.tc,llllan will make nr. Leary. 19, ROSl'mary Leary. 33, and .John Bul:oh Leary, 19. "·a\t until 9 a.m. friday for his decision. Judge 1\\cl\lillan left the co11rtroo1n 11·ilh his arms full of transcripl~. much of 11 hich he intends to pr ruse during lhc nex t tl\O days. ll<ilh sides in lhr dispute agree that th~ J:ranting of the Lea ry n10tion 1night welt be a dr:ilh blow to the prosecution argu· r.1cnt. that drugs wer e found in the Uarys' station \\·agoo v.·hen ii 11·as ~r.archro last Dec. 26 by Lagana Beach police. t.fuch of the testimony rrovideO by the clcfense has been on Ule theme I.hat the car v.•as legally parked when officer Neal Purc .. 11 approached the three Leary~. If J.urlge Mci'--linan agrees v.'ilh that argument the prosecution contention that drugs were found in the vehicle w!U be. snuffed out on the groundl!i of illegal search and seizure. Offirer Pu rcell's 111legcd dlsco1•ery led to the liling of charges of possession of n1arijuana and LSD against the con· troversia l tr io. Tllo5e charges \\'ere subsequenlly en· <lorsed by the Orange County Grand Jury. An oh\'lously tired Judge ~·lcl\i ilhin took the hearing 1nl0 the e\·en1ng hour& Tues- d;1y with the expressed determination thal "we're going lo finish this thing to- day." ll r. has ~lated that thr long awaited Supl!rior Cou rt trial nf the LSD culti~l ;ind hi s h•mily will iinmediately follow his ruling Friday. Ca lifornia Spcnl J\·lorc 'fhan 'Take' SACRAt.tEi\:"TO (liPI) -The state l\!)('nl $244.5 million more than it took in rluring the first llircc months r:if fiscal 1969-70, Conlrollcr 1-louston l Flournoy reported Tuesday, lie sald general fund receipts for lhe fi rst fiscal quarte r :;tarting July l totaled 1 ~734 ,26.~,977 while expenditure~ reached $979,828,132. The difference was met Ydth a "cil!h carryover" from the last fiscal year and money b:lrrov•cd from lhc motor \'ehicle and li~nsc fee funds, Cou1aeil Studies .P~ti Rock Fills 011 Sa11d D1·awFire By TO~I BARLEY 01 II>• O•llY "11•1 S.ltlf Angry Orange Coast home owners ~ rlay lashed the Laguna Niguel Corpora· lion's development plans in a service dislriol public hearing before lhe Orange · County Board of Supervtsors that thJ'le 11nd again boilcd ·ol'cr into a rehashlfli or lhe Sal l Creek Beach rlisputc. Superv1.sor Wiiliam lfirsteln repeatedly v.•;irnf'fl a cariacity audience in the. Board or Supervisors' hearing' room that the "Issue at question is the proposed crea· lio n of a ser1·jce district and has nothing to do "'lt h the Salt Creek argument." But lhe board chairman's frequent 11·arn1 ngs v.·erc \'irtually ignored by 1>peakers v. ho condemned L a g u n a Nigue l's plal\S as part of a scheme lo i·lhninate the public fron1 the use of old Salt Creek Road and the beach to which ll once led. On th e agenda v.·as 1he proposal by Laguna Niguel thal 850 acres of Soulh Coast fcrrit.ory be transferred into the l'ounty ·s service district No. 3. Approva l by the bnard woulrl include lhe rezonini;: of 6fl0 ar res currently within 1hc L'apisl rano Bay Parks and Recreation IJistricl. Laguna Niguel \'lCP· pre~ident Knowlton T··ernaltl. Jr. lol<l !'l!flCf\'ISors lhat the redistricting \1·ould insure arleq uate fire protection, rc.(T{'tit1on raci1it1es and park plan~ for Lhe m11shroon1ing residential area. Sui.h a move, Fernald Silid, would in· :;urr that hon1e owners Laki ng up residence in the area woulrl riot be the vic1in1s or double taxation, through pay· rnenl for csscnti<il service through home purchase and payment to the Capistrano Uistrict. "This ls a proposal that ca n only henefit ~he home owner ," Fernald said. ''IL \l"i!l ins ure beach access, recreation facllilies. and public parks on a scale that cannot be provided hy the district." Brennan "Hevs" i\'lcClelJand o( Lagun:1 Bet1ch i1n1nediately look the microphone to urge supervisors to recognize the Lagun;i Niguel approach as "just another (See SALT CREEK, Page !) Questioned about posi;ible use of diverted fund s, Schroeder mentioned ·rapid transit and air pollution . ''If 1<1'e let the. barrier down." said Schroeder. "it's ;:i rtal can of worms. Everybody is going lo get into the act and the free1vay system iB only 50 percent com['lll!.le." Schroeder noted that the California Chamber of Commerce had adopted a similar resolut.ion 9p posing amend rne nl of the State ConstiWlion article that pro- tects the gasoline tax funds. Library. Issue Rises Again "It's unfair to use gasoline taxes for other purposes," the auto club executive said. He roted that these funds pay for projects such as Laguna Canyo n Road repair and the city'• modemiiation o{ its lraffic signal i;ystem. Sto"k Jllarlut• NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock markel declined on a broadening front in latr\y ltctive trading late thl11 aflernoon. (Sel!. quotalions, Pages 24·25) Declines slretched their lead over ad· '''Hl<'es: 1tmon~ indiv idual issue5 lraded nn the Nc1v York Stock Exchange to 8Z8 to 491. .. Lagun, Beac:h Jibrary -all 2200· .scjuare-feet of it -will rea r iU head asain tonl&h l. at 7:3& o'clock in council cllarnben. Ma)'or Cflenn Vedder is ~;,:pecl<?d to shepherd the latest discussion on lhe pro- blems and probabilities of a new·faclllly for the city. It has been sought for yeara. 1 Vedder a !so has 11j sc.heme : "I i-eceiitly c1)'5la.lized a pia h. the peoo- ple in our town might bl! able to take a little more direct control lxil fil\11 be. under county supervislM .• l 'm atlll-trylng l-0 refine 11." He will elaborate tonight as tht council agsin comes under prn;i;ur@" to gel the 1ob done. Vedder said he i;UIJ favors the Third Slrttl •Ile lot the library. It was chosen In February after many rnetlln&s and letters on new library location. ·> ' . In February Vedder called the paper tug-of•\li'ar: . "~ baltle o( the Xerox machines." Th~ current problem that has l'aused samething of a stalemate In city:<00nty library negotiations Is money. 1·he county library system -re!ponsi· ble lo 16 ciUes and the unincorporated area -hes been gettlng libraries: for :.bout lkenl.s·per·square·fool monthly by . lease. Lttguna elitlmate~ Its racillty would cost 30 lo 35 c:enti; l-0 lea~t. The county has ~uggcstrd Lirguna fumlsh lhe land. Lagunans paying about 17 cent-" to the· county in lax~ believe they att long overdue tor a bigger facllily. •larry H. Rowe Jr .. county librarian. wants a new facility for the Art Colony 1lso. ''I'm not satisfied wilh what we're doing In Laguna," said Rowe. "I couldn't possibly be. You've got good personnel hert'. We want to do our best and we can't do our bei;t In .a facility like this.'' Rowe said addilional funds had been budgeted for per10nnel Ul ls year because lhe county elpeded to move to a larger f*ll fty. He pointed out tha t the county had done the legwork on a study men- liooing nine ~lb0lc sites and ratlnC t!lt:n . The county thc.n turned the maUer o¥er to lhe city tu decide which it would h<. Howe suggested that the city might \1•ant to go back and look at other sites, rnther than the site on the easterly side of Third Street near f.1crma id. lie said the expen~ of Laguna land (See UBRAR\', Pa141 !) " -- .. • • ·--· .. ~ .. > ,, • r"'. t • ·" •• "". .· 2 OAILY PILOT l w ......... -2', 1'169 Teacher Call·s Sex Education 'Commie Plot' Se1 education and sensitivity training won jolallJ candemnod u lnternaUonal c-unial ploU by I a.yeu-old - \'lejo High School te:u:~hC'r Tumey. Speaker Bruce Glenn, h'ad o( the ~hool'11 social science departm,nt, delivered hi5 address to lhe Mission Viejo nepubllcan Women's Club on tape when a mlxup in class scheduling kept him front making a persooal appearance at the 'Half School' For Irvine Gets Approval Residents of the lrvine area will get half a new blgh school next fall. Go ahead to build a hall school al the northeast comer of Campus Drive and Culver Road beginning Jan. 1 was given Monday night by trustees of Tustin Union High School District . The school district has a little ovl'r $2 111\llion available for tlle project. Total cost of the completed school Is lo be $<1.4 million, so only half the school can be built. The school will serve residtnls of l'niversity Park. Turtle Rock and Culver Dale. Three hundred high school students are being bused from lhe area this year to ~Iission Viejo lligh School. Enrollment for the area next fall is ex- pected to be about 800 students which the ha lf hlgh school should accommod_3t~. School Dis trict Superintendent W1 \ha1n 7.oi;g l'iaid facilities lo be built for next fall are two classroom buildings, hall a third classroom building, two shower and Jock er structures. one rest room building, and football and baseball fields. ·postponed un til later v.·i!I be an ad- ministration building. ha lf the third r.lassroon1 buildlsig! a gymnaslwn and :S\fimming pool and anolher rest room facility. 'fhe design of the school is for an ultimate enrol!menl of 1,800 students. The holdup in money is because the £late hasn"t been able to sell school bonds at a five perr.ent interest rate lo loan lo :school district.~. Tustin School District'-'" entitlement if the bonds could be sold is enough to complel.e Lhe high i"Choo\. District architects are working on plans for the half high school and it is e.ipected construction 11,·ill begin Jan. I. Prices to Rise, But More Slowly WASillNGTON" (UPI) -Commerce Secretary Maurke H. Stans predicted to. day prices will conlinue lo rise next year but at a slower pace than this year's rate of aboul 5 percent. St.am predicted a squeeze on corpor11te profit.II caused by 510..,·ed oulput and con· linued increases in labor C"Ol'iL~. 1·0ur forecast suggests th11t the real rate of growth in the economy will con- tinue in !97tl, but al a slow pace for a ~·hile. follcrwPd by a modest pickup in the growth rate in the last half of the year." he said in a speech prepared ror the Los Angeles area Chamber of C.Omme rce. Stans said the Nixon arlministration·s inflation conl.rol effort is ''achieving ex- actly the right effect" even lhough thf! rommerce Departmenrs monthly index ri£ r1ghl leading busines~ intficators in- crea.sed 1.3 percent last montl1. Land Gran t llcircss l\liss Caldwell Di es LOS ANGELES <AP I -V1rgini :t f:a!rlwell. a mtin1her nf f'.al1forni<1 "~ fLr~t Spanish land grant f8.lllity , ls dead at the. ;ige of 97. She died Monr!ay at r,ood S<1maritan }-lospital. fl«!uiem r-.1ass will be ~lebrated 'Thursday at the Old Plaz.a Chapel in Lo6 Angek s. uAllY PllOI ~ COU1 PUltdMINO ~y ••Hrt H. W••• .............. l'llMWllf Ja1k I.. C..-1., Vici,,....... ... o-r• ........ Tk.11111 ir:e,..il .... The"'" ~. M1•t1hi"a ...,.__IM l:dllQI" Jlfc~tri r. Nt!l LHVN •tt<b c 11y l:dllllor ..__._ 212 F.<111 A~1. Mt .. Mii•-r.o. I•• t•t, tl&ll club'• luntheon meeting. "Sex educatJon," lllld Ga, "ii bul part of a gtganUc ecbemt to 5Ubvert a zeneraUon ol Amtriean youth by I con-- 1pintori&J. lfOUP we know N Com· munlall. "Se.nsilivity training is by any other name 'brainwashing' and is part of all sei: education programs." GleM, ~·ho is unmarried and now makes b1I home in Laguna Beach, Is a native ot Jowa and a graduate of Central Colle1e at Pe11a, la. Ht took hlJ muter's del'ft at the UniVtrllty of Arizona, 5tart.ed bis leaching career at a junior high ICbool in the Watta area ol Los Angeles, then taught at a Phoenix. Ar iz. high 11ehool before coming to Mission Vie- jo two years ago. He instructs senior classes in psychology, international rela- Bonieco111i119 Court tio1111 and civics. Amon,; pamphlet! he recommended to the Republican women, and cited as MIUtCU for parU of his talk, were .. Is the Schoolbouae the Place lo Teach ltaw Sex?" and "Hale Therapy: Sensitivity Training for Planned Change .. , He allO ciuoted from comments made by tipcakers al a conference on sex <'tlucaUon which he all.ended 1n Chicago DAILY ,.tlOl Siii'! ,.Mlle One of these seven Laguna Beach lligh coeds will rei gn over school's annual homecoming activities. tn back raw from left are Diane Judy, Jeanine Ben- ton, Debbie GoodY.•in and Carol Dugger. In front row from left are Shannon Cook, l-ledy Buzan and J\'fickie Glotfelty. Nov. 14 homecon1ing football gainc will pit Artists against El ri.1odeno. Panther Screams 'Pig' and 'Liar' At Chicago Trial CHICAGO (UP I) -Black Panlher leader Bobby Sealt>, yelling "racist pig" and "liar." charged a U.S. ;:i\\ornf'y dur- jng the ''Chicago Eighl" trial today and \\as thrown back into his seat with such force that he fell lnto the courlroom's press section, U.S. Distrlcl Court Jurlge Julius J. Hor- fman served final 'varnlng oo the na· tional chairman of the Blaclr Panther Party that he ..,.,,ould be gagg~ ancl chain· ed to his chair if another such outburst took place. It \\'as the wildest ou1brC'ak yti! of the trial of Scale ;ind seven othl'r rnen char~­ ed ..,.,·ith conspiring to incite riots during the Democratic: national convention. Jt began with a :ipeech by Seale to hii1 supporlfrs in !he ("011rlroom before the se..~~ion began. He told thc111, "If anyone attacks you phy~ica!ly, you knovr the principles or the party -self defense." He alro said. "Remember one thing - hold your cool.'' As soon ;as lhe ~"s~ion opened, C:hit>f Dfftnse Attomtiv William Kun sller pro-l~sted to HoffrTian lhat marsh a Is guarding the ('()Urlroom had slar1.t"d searching mrmhers of the defense legal i;lalf. As Kunstler and lloffman debated heatedlv, As~islanl U.S. A l to r n e y .Richa rd Schu\\z stro<le to the bench and ~aid Seale·s speech ahout a .. ph:,-sical at- tack" was Pvidence of the need (or courtroom ~ecurity. Seale iumtwd from his scat and ran loward Schulli sc reaming, "You ro\tPn, r;i cist. pig ~·ou liar. ~·nu liar. you"re a Har. Tricky Oit J.; ~ehulll, like. his hoss Dick N 1~:-in i~ a \1ar ·• f 'rona Page 1 DOWNTOWN .. lions, but to up grade architectural stan- 1lard.i in the communit.y, REITER DESIGNS Even franchL~e food outlets that use standard !!igning throughout their chains ha\·e be<'n pcrsuaried In design more ;irsthetically t1f'cept.able t>Slablishme.nls for their Palm Springs operations. Smith explained, as he displayed a series of slidES of chicken, fish and chips and ham- bur~er stands in Palm Springs and other <treas. Excellent cooperation, he said, had hren received from major service sta.- li':.<lls, whose Palm Springs inst.allaUons now are among the most aUracUve in lhe community, vii th discreet signs, ample landscaping and artistic lighting to im· pro\•e night appearance. Displaying a model construct~d as a i;:oal for eventual. rede\'elopmenl of the resort's rnlire downloll·n area, Smi th ex- plained, •·we've got a Jong way lo go, but the gre;ite.st accomplishment so far ha,, be<>n lhe cooperative cfforl of city llOvernrnent. th e business community and property owners, all working together to implement a downtown plan that 11,·i ll benefit everyone. GENERAL PLl\N Downtown rede\'elopment, he added, cannot be accomplished except as part oi a general plan. Palm Springs adopted its generti l plan In 196(1, including a precise rlownlown plan. and the impll'menlation of the 1loll·n1Lwo·n plan has been under way !or some lour years. The Iola\ project en\•isions a financial ;irea, ,.,...o retail areas. hotel and mote l areas. exll'nSi\'C parking and many mall!' ,,·ith founl:iins, bt>nches, flower~ and 1rees for the comfort and con\'enience of rl crwnto.,..·n visitor~ :ind workl'rs. ··car~ .:1nd people don't mix," Smith commented. tree-planting program, wi th empha,;is nn palm treeS, and usually requires 1nr:lw;;lo n of tree's in nl'w building-projcr:ts. Every :;ign is given individual approval and each business is restricted to one prin· cipal sign, usually or di5e.reet drsign and placed Hal against the building wall. /\rl- d1Uonal small information sign~ are :illowed motels and places fl'aturing :;peei al entertainment. "Our gnals may be rlifferent, because v"e'rc on the desert and you "rc a coastal resort," Smith said, "but once the goals ;ire determined, it is possible to im- plement lhem and usually even people ~·ho h;ive been 11nhappy are very happy "4'ilh the result." Lagunans speaking al the morning :-fssion included City Planner Al Autry. \\'ho reportC'd on the status of the master plan; I~loyd Milne , speaking on the cur- rent tree planting program of lhc Chamber of Commerce beaul\firation con1mitlee: and Peter Ostrander, who nr~ed business people l-0 avail themse lves of the free services of the newly formed Sign Advi~ory Commit.Ire. a gro11p _ nf lhree architecls and a city representatJYe \\•ho have volunteered 1heir time t::i hei r ~l t!Sign new ~igns for busint>~~es that \1•HI be obliged lo revise their sign program.~ ,vhen the ne1v ordinance goes lntn effect next year. Jluss Oust American tl.IOSCO\\' f UPJ) -!--1.S. Jcli~a,-rir, rrprti~entati1'e (lf the American ExprP~s C;o. here for the pa!'t ninf' ypar.~. \\";tS ordered expelled from the Soviet Union, U.S. Emha~sy sources i;aid today. No reason for the expulsion 11·as gh·E'n. in Allgust. .,. The conference, ht aald, waa eponaored by the Society for Comptthemlve HNllb Education and !11(.'luded representatives of the An1erican AMOciallon of Sex Erlucator:i; and Counselors and the St>x Jnfonnation and Education Council of the United Stat.es (SIECUS) v:hich, Glenn rnaintaincd, plays a key role In preparing materials for sex education courses in From Pqe I LIBRARY •.. seemed to Indicate some multiplf! use such as the Glenneyre Slrett (78 space) parking lot which might have sub- terranean and first level parking with library upstairs. The problem "'ith this, said City 1-llnager James D. Wheaton, is the possibility that the area might be needed lo beef up in-city traffic capabiHty which is an rlement of !he under way general plan study. One possibility, Wheaton noted, Is that a viaduct over the downtown lo Lower Cliff Dri\"e might begin near the G!en- neyre lot. This would be part of a ''couplet" system with Coast Higl1way carrying traffic one di rection and Glenn- eyre and viaduct carrying it another. Mayor Vedder said he still believes the 'l'hird Street site is the fastest way lo a ne\V library. He mentioned possibility of Jease·purchase acquisition such as used for lhe r.tain Beach and the fire df'part- mi:.nt ~ubstations. Jieferring lo funcls that l.agunans have paid in library taxes. llo\.\·e pre~enled H::;ures for five years on expendHures and revenue for the Laguna branch. He ~airl lt is a myth that there is any :ippreciable imbalance in input ~la 1e5) ;;ind oulput (ell"penditures). Rowe said :-.uch fib'lJr<'s were nol available more than five years ago. Asked about !he possibilil.y thal Laguna rni~ht break away from lhe cou nty ~yStcm. Howe said lhis '.4'0U1d mean lhH r 11y "'ou!d have In start from scratch turnishing i!s 011'0 vol umes 1$150.QOO b('g1nning cos!) as well as furniture and personnel. The city owns the building. Rowe m!'nlioned tl1e possi bility in the rtnanr.ial impasse tliat lhe city might ..,.,.ant to consider selling its Park Avenue library property to help finance the ne1v bigger fa cility. Thr. city cnuncil in Febn1ary 11ad :igrced lo keep IJ1!s green spot in lhe <.1011ntown. \\"halever happens tonight or later, Pvtryone seems ;igreed that Laguna must have a bigger library lo accomn1odate its high ratio of usage. 1'hc question is the "·ay and means. At a February plann ing commission ineeting, Mrs. Helen Keeley, fonner Laguna vice mayor, said : "In 1962 we found the librar y to be r rim nlctcly in<1dequale. Now here it 1s :-c.ven years later and nothing ha:; been done." Nixon Says No Action it1 Strike \\' ASl/INGTON ( AP l-Presidt>nl Nixon lold union leaders today he does not in· l!'nd tn inlerveT\e in the nation..,.,ide Gen- rra1 Electric Co. strike, Secretary of l .abor George P. Shul tz reported. ··He rri1rrate<I il is our intention not lo in1\'r1ene," Shultz 5ajd of Nixon's com- 1!11""nLs !n AF'L-CIO h•a<lers in ;i two-hour \\"h1lf Hou~e n1N:t1ni:. l';i11l Jcnnin~s. pres1dc11t or !J"MC ~1r1k.inJ:i l olrrnational Union or F:lecLrica l \\·ork- ers. gave the f>resident his viev•s on lhe ~1rike, Shulti s:iid. Three mar:.hal~ collarf'd Scalr. draggrrJ him Jn hi.~ chair. and flung him lnto il drsp11e thr <11tf'n1pt. of drf<'nrlant Oa\"id J)ellingrr lo 111row !Us own body U1 the \\ ;)\ . The chair tippet! ov'r and Seale toppled Into the· frnnl row of the pre!ls secti on. Dr. Benjamin Spock, noted baby doctor rtnd peace advocate, and Capt. Howard l.,evy , v.·hn V.'ai; rourtmar1ialed for re- fusini:; to gi ve medical training to Green Berets, "4'ere sitting in lhe second row . Also impressi1·e lo vie-.vers were il· lustratlons of a \"atiety of .c:olutions l.Q th "' lra"h problem, now under specific sl url.Y 111 Laguna. All business enterprise:r;, from i'imall aparlmtnt rlt>velopmenl.' to huge market~. S1nith expl;iined, are required to inst.all trash ~nrlosure areas, designed In blend "'ith building design, from which pickup can be made. ;J)iamonJ \\'hen Stale reg11ined his seat, marshals pinned him there. From Page I SALT CREEK • • df'\·ice In the corporat1on·l'" cnntin11ini;: campaign In dei;trflY Salt (rerk hench ;ind bar 'the public ;it large from the ~a .. " McClelland, chairman of the Save Sall Cnek c ampaign, lol d the board I.hat "lhe once pich1Iei;q11e Sall Crtiek !Jdclanrl!'.I hiive been llltl'red by rubblt> hy a ~redy land developmenl cmnpany th1t has 11b!Olut.rly oo regard for the public's ac- ceS!. "Salt Creek Beach loday looks loday like the Alwan Dam," fltcC lelland ~kl­ "Thttie people have lilt.ert!d the whole 11rea with rubble, broken cement, cabl,, wlre and junk and I ask you in despua- tJon to t.llike a most. urgent and me«t d«Dcated look at what lhl:i company oow lnlfnds to do." McClelland digtributerl piC'lute~ of ~~It Cretk Beach taken by hlm&elf early Wed- nesday mofTling. REQUIRE APPRO\' AL All signs. all new buildings and al\ remodel jobs in Palm Springs now re- quire strict architectural approval, Smith i-aid, Lile aim being to arrive at architec- IJIJ"al design suitable for the desert &et- 1 lnK· The city is embarked on an extensh·e Sunday Sl1opping At Penney Stores Begins Nov. 29 Jin&ling bells In lhe background today heralded an announctment by lhe J .C. Penney Company that it hall' Jiarkened to the buying h8bil3 of the Soulhem California consumer. Officials said "Z6 PeMey·.s stores In 01ange and San Diego counties will btgin slaying open Sunday 11fl.ernootts Nov. %9 to t1ke care of !!hoppers' netd1. et~ntaey and 5('('0ndary schoott. "MOit Cl you would have been appalled from btllnnin1,t.o eod of the program,'' he told the women. ''These 'sexperts' are taking <1r1· vantage of a psychlOl]calty oriented age to perfonn the Lests of a Pavlov on you and I dally." . Em~g U1e danger of In· chscrinunate sex educaUon he descr ibe1l lhe conference participants as resembl- ing .. chlklren on a playing field who have thrown out all the rules and doo't even know what game they are J)laylng." \ Most sinoerely interested parents, he said, feel that sex educnlion eoursts should improve family relations, remove unwanted ,.-egnanciea and lower the rate ol venereal disease. Three speakers at the conference WN"e ciuoted as stating that U>ey did not believe sex education would have the result of «ducing teenage pregnancies or I.he venereal disease r ate. ''What we are coo.siderlng here is very different from lhe course de!ired by parents," Glenn said. "We are con· sidering elementary and high school course.s in sexual intercourse, &ex perversion and group dependence." The speaker said he was in agreement with psychiatrist Dr. Melvin Anchell's view that :students not ready lo receive factual sex instruction can suffer en10· tionul problems if given too much in· fonnation too soon. "l agree with Dr. Anchell ," he adde<l . "lhat fantasies romanticizing the relations between lhe sexes can serve a more useful purpose for many young peoplr tl1an a lot of facts they're not ready for." "SrECUS st:-;lc approval of St>X educ::i- t ion for all is false and dangerous," said Clenn. "Concerned parents must see to 1t that this program is kept out of com· munilies in \\'hich it is rearing it.s ugly head. \\'hal i~ taught varies, but the long ann of SIECLl!'i is e\"cry"·here. preparing ::inrl approving texts and educationa1 fi lm~ used in many programs." Ile a15fl noted th<Jt "sex education is I! ''rrv lucrative field becau~e schoul rl islricts must purrh;i:;r. new IC':d:11 film!'! .. !ld other paraphernalia for their courses.'' Zeroing in on sensi tivity tr;iining and i:;roup 'll'prnd('nce poliric~. he. aske!f. "\Vhat is niore per.~on:1l than sex? H allows the group tll decide 1\'hen, \\'her:. 00-.v and \l'ilh whom, is therr any area \n '''hich the group cannot decide? Scnsi!.ivi- l ~· tr;1ining i~ sin1ply prrparalion fnr p!anncd changr. I rio nol ohJcct. 111 ;H"° free choice. but. eannnl aceept. t.h11 crrcpy. c-ra\1·ly thing \\•orking in thB shado"·s to plan and plot." (;Jenn C'i(ed Dr. Isador Ruben. rditor or Sexology t\1agazi ne and formrr lrt>asurrr of SIECUS as a guiding light in lhe sell" education Held '""'·ho has been 1dentifi<>d 11 nrler oath as a member or the Con1· mur.ist party.'' The party, he said. ''is kno11·n lo operate ilke an iceberg, ~·ith one-fifth of iis activities in the open, the other four- firths subterranean or hiddPn, activlliPS !hat are carried on beh ind ou r view unttl the re~ults are evident.'' ;\loving the comparison In tennitrs, l1e :1dded, "There are lerrni tes in the field of ·/\n1erican education ;:ind /I m e r i ca n political life. It has been frightening ltt nie. in recent months of study to realize that some of my fears ;ire real -1hat :-e.'< education is rnorr. of R means lo an end, than an end in itself." The speaker said later it is his personal belief that ~ex {'ducation does not beloni; in the school 'systrm and should not be of· fered lo any chil d "until a question is ;iskcd,"' al "'·hich lime the question Is brst ans"·ercd by a parent. The only type o( school prngram he <'"111d condone. he ~aid. is lhc llunl!ngtnn P.rach plan lo provuie ~ex education r·;asses for parents, \.\'ho in turn 11 ouli:I transmi~ the information, as needed, to lhl'i r own children. "Thi~ i11 what the ""ach kioks like to. day." be 8-lid, "11nd this 111 thf! 11ltu1Uon th•l Is Ill bitterly rt11tnted by everyone. In the arta "''ho 111 not connected with Laguna Niguel " "\Ye have op~ Sunday open\np through the years,'' 5'1id eirt<"utive Wal\ 1'f)'trs. "Howev,r, the popularity of Su,... day openings wlth cu&lomtrs has grown steadily." "In view (If the mO\•ement toward Su,... d~y openings ln a 11.T(e number of m11rke1..-. the Pennt.y Company h11 decid- ed reluct.llntly lhAt ll can no longer ignore this trend," he added. CONVENI ENT T!RMS BANKAMIRICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. .JJ.,,im11hrie ~ Jew eler J 22 YEARS SAME LOC-" TION PHONE SO.HO! The public hearing was 11tlll under way at preu time. 1813 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA l r i t . I • Newport Harbor ED I TION Today's Final N.Y. Stot!ks VOL 62, NO. 259, 6 SECTION S, 94 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 TEN CENTS Federal Help Sought By J EROME F. COLL11'S 01 , ... O.lly Pillt Slit! Newport Beach cily government wants to ease the. beach parking squeeze in West Newport. But 11 will need a little help from its friends in '4."ashington. 1be city has pinpointed three pro- perties, now undeve loped, as sites for parking lots to serve at least 500 cars. '\'ilh decking, that figure could be doubl· ed. Only one thing stands in the city 's way: .. : " . money. The three i;ites could fOSl op t<J ~'.! .') million to purchase and another $200,000 to pave and landscape. Nell'port Beach docs11·1 ~a\-c lhal ku1d or money. So, under city council au1honly, !he rnunicipat staff today 1s ~tud~•inG Wil) ~ to come up vtith the funds. And they're look- ing in the direction of the letleral govcrn- n1ent. ''\\'e sent the 1nonr.y c:ist," :.oid Vice ~lnyor Lindsl"Y Pnrsnns •·f .-;re no1h1ni:: 1rru11g 111!h lry111g Lo gel ~riinr. of H b;ick." ~la)or llorccn !'ll!1r5hall and tile rr~l of Lhr c·ot1nc1I are 111 ;1grr.t>1nen1. "The need for pi>rki11g lots ill \\'c~l Nc 11 port ccr1;nnly tloes Lal.c 1111 regional aspcc1 s,'' said the ma)Or. "'Tile clly .-;hould i;et sonic hf'lp fron1 tiighcr l{'YCl.'i of go1cr11mc111. The prc~surcs !r11n1 beacb users arc JUSl &01ng to 1ncrr.asr., so D"ILY PILOT PllON ·~Jo~~ \1111,,.1 CITY, COUNTY AND CORPS OF ENGINEERS REPRESENTATIVES CHAT BY THE RI VER The Conver1atlon Was Animated, but, Aft1rwards, th1 Pa rtic:ipanl to Were Clos•Mouthed Mu~l1 Ado Ahout-Notl1i11g? Sa1idhaul Contractors, Agencies Gather at R iver ilf ouLh Bv JOIJN \' ALTER7.A •Of !Mt IMl!y Pllol il•I! Arriid :steadfa.sl denials tha t they weren't h;iving "any 1n e e ! in g, whalSO("ver:' representative~ nf the con- tr actors and governmrnt agenciPf; 1n- \"Ol\•ed in West Ne"·port's contro\·crsial sandhaul held an outdoor gathering Tuci:;- day. Repeated con1ac\s by rrporl<'ri:; a! tl1r $anta Ana River mouth conference drC\Y the same reply : r-.ieeting'.' \Vhat rn('{'1111,c:? "\\.'e ciren't havini.! any meeting." so1rl an Army Corps of Eng1nCT'rs nfl 1cial. All the 9'ilile, reprt'S('nla!11·cs from !hf' f·n1Tl.5. the Orange Co unry Flood Control Di~1rict, contractor.~ Chad1.11rk and Burhanan, and the f1ly nf l\'e1.1'POrl Beach stood aborc the riverbank . talking Qllietly. Short ly lx!rnrr •h<' nnnmcrt1nE=. a ~ repr~nlali\'e:s from the c11y anrl county arrived, reporters asked the men iru;ide the Army Corps field orricr If ;i mect in~ "·as sc~uled at I p.m. lo r!1M:uss tile sandhaul operation. All the ''nonmeetrrs" loolicrl In· credulously al one another and rrfK\1l cd several tin1es: "There isn't any n1f'el1ng, {an'l ~1111 i.r.e'.' None "'halsoc\'er ·• "Does this conferenc<' 1lr:tl "1!l r s<irxih1:1ul O?Crations at all?" one reporltr queried. ''Not to our knowledgr.'' \l'as the. rcpir ~hort ly aftcrv.·ard~. ;ill tht' ind1\·1r!11 :11 ... lrft the office for ;i \'antage nn11H n\·erlook1ng the haul road whcrt' ear th movers rumbled by in pair.~ anrl thrrr~ The machine.~· r.11rgo 1s l\hal ha~ madr• 1he sandhau! operation a subJCC'l 'I! con· trn\'Crs}'. Bcachlronl rc~idcn1 s arc con1p\ain1n~ lhat thr material coining onto the hearh frn1n the ri\'erbed is not sand at all, bul r1\'erbed silt containing a 1n1xturc of sand, mud, clay and weeds. Schools Get AFf Chapter; Starts Witl1 22 Members Newport-Mesa Unified School District now ha~ a chapter of the American F'tderalioo of Teachers. Loccil 1794. Pre3ident of the new 22·member Art' chapter. Charles Canniff. 33-year-old electronics instrurtnr at Corona del Mar High School. said today its goal is a te11chers' :s.i lary contracl negotiated by collecth·e bargaining. A long-r111gt' goal. he u id. i.11 ta bring thf: wholt' school dlstrlcl into the AFT. School board members recently gave official recognition to Newport-Mesa F'tderatioo nf Tt>iu:htrs along with the long·ei:;tablished Newport-Mesa. Education A3:socialion whi<"h has more than 1.000 Slac k ,,.nrke ll NEW YORK (AP) -The stnck market dtclined on a broadening front in fairly actJve trading late this aflernoon. (See quot1Uoo11. Pages 24-t.°'1 l mcmber!i. Twenty or the 22 Federation or Teachers members are from Corona de! r-.1ar High School where 74 teacher.'! boycotted classes during a salary fighl last spring. ~ 32 member.'! Is far .'ihort of the 11bo\Jt 180 needed under :school district rules l<0r the teacher associ;i.tion to be represented in "meet and confer'' salary negotiation 3C:S3ions with the school board. "Quite frankly we'rt not too con· cemed," said Canniff, "because we don·l believe the meet and confer proce.~s is loo eff~lir<'. \Ve ~·;int nep:ot iation.~ meeting the .'ilandards of the Taft-Hartley Law.°' Nationally. lhc AVT c:ha pll'r.'i ha re -. reputtilion of heing more nl ililant 1han teacher cissocialion~ like N · ~I E A ;i~iatcd with Natinn.11 Erl11rat1nr1 Associ;ition and California Tcachrr~ AS30Ciitllon . Sflllke~m{'n f0r !he :-pon.~nr1n.i; agrnrir~ ba1·e s;1id !hat tJ1c n1alenal'.~ q11al1!y is 11(1! poor at ;ill. Th('.V lcrn1 thf' 1natcr1al uf "good In CX· 1·r llr11t qualil y." /\ftrr 20 rninu1c.~ of t'nn\·('r~;it1n11. :irn1 11;n 1ng anti gcsturr~. rhr nnnn1eet1n6 llrn:.:(' up A.<.kcd 11·h;it \Vas 1h ~cus.-.crl . SC\'l'ral nf . lir1,1ls ~hn1ggC1I and ~(111!, "nothing 1n11ch ," One reprr~rntalivP ~;iii] lhat lhr ";ir th 1n ri1cr~ "'en· noL 11;.tng ;1 ro1ilc 1 ·ln.~r 1ri ;iny 1!v.ellini.:~. ;ind that 1hrv \1·c rr. tr:ivl'I· 1ng odnn~ a rn<irl clo~sl to th(' ~r;i Aue lhc hau l rna<I ~r:1Ch('i; a frir\.. a~ it 1·;iuJ!<> up fron1 1hc rivrr nv111!h a ft·1v 1 anl~ ;i1.1,1y lrnrn lhe nQn1111'l'l1ng placr One fnrk 1:1krs lhc !Jii.:h rri;id nr:irr"l lhr 1.1r.'!1 l'\c111win bi·arllrrunt l1•n11r.-; Thl o1hcr fnrl. tak!'~ 1hf' ["11• rnad nf'arP:o.I 1hr 1.1-:Jt rr. The earth 1novr.rs "ere taking the high road. . -~ , . ... J'L CdM Sea Q11ee1as for Newport Parl(ing ll'e\ r gn1 !o ron~,1dcr ltnancing fton1 all l>GlltCl'S" Counc1hnr11 d15cus~r.d lhe :.UbJert - :11\fl ga\·e th<> st;,ff d1rer.uon -at lhe1r ~1udv ~('S:o.inn this "'~ek. C1i y Tra(fi..: Engineer llohcrl Jarf<>, in re:.ponsc to an earlier rnuncil rl'quest. ca1nc up 111th the proroserl sites and \\h<Jt he frankl y termed their "glooniy" co;.;ls nf acquisition. Tht>sc ;ire the si tes and their estn1iated C'QS\.!. -(A) A one-acre parcel at U1e eastern t'nd of Seashore Dr11·e ::.t J3rd Street. ~~50.000; IOI cat hpacrs. \Villiar n Cagney 1s the O\\ ner. -tBJ A four and one h:ilf·ocre pan·e l bounded by Sea~hore t1nd River A\ ('nur, hctll'cen 53th and 541h s1ree1s: ~1.620,000; 38~ car spaces. The \\'e.Stt'rn ha lf of 1he site is owned by lhe state , the e;islt>rn half by Sou thern Paci fit J{aihray, sut· cessor to the Pacific Electric Co_ -lC) A half.acre parcel hard by the Santa Ana Ri ver channel : $145,000; ~­ spar.es. h is owned by !hC' Orange Cou nli Flood Cont rol DistricL Ja!fe said total annual co~t s lo the cit.,. fnr lhe parking loL~. inclurhn~ amort1z3. 11011 of the pun.:hase price. \\'olllt.I be mor,>. than $200.000. Cro~s annual revenue.~ (fron1 parki ng f~s l would be $67,000. "It's a pretty gloorny picturr," hr said. "tllaybe ire can gel grants in .lid from the ledrral go1·ernme11t and the stat(! !See PARKL'lG, Page 2J Homes Still Moving San Pedro Houses Slip 30 Feet More Spc r.iu l to the Ot\.ILY PILOT SA~ PEDRO -One ot four exclu~!ve honie::; dooined by a \\'idening clifflop crrv1cc crept tov.•ard destruction in the surf bc lo\Y today, moving 30 feet in a ne\Y cnr1h slide v.·hich occurred before dawn. Thr('C oll1crs ln lhc $50,000 tn $75.000 c:lt1~.'i arc a!sn inching toward the roek- filled, l'rashing sea 200 feel below, v•hile lhf.. ~cnic \'iC\Y neig hborhood began <lcvclriping newer cracks in the ground Tue~day. "It appears to n1e ;is if it is just going to sli de 1111'0 !he Pac.:ific," s111d San Pedro i'olicc SgL Tom Barno\\'. \\'alr.hing the CX[1{'11~i\'l' home slipping visibly. "It cou ld go al any time or it might 1 .. k{ 20 years.'' added a spokesn1an fo r the Los Angeles Department of Public \\or\..~. 'Nothing c\ln be rlonC'." he added, a.~ li<>artsick horneoll'ner.-; pondered th r !act the houses are not insu red. since 1t h<is bc••n virtually impossible to obt.ain such l'o1·eragc si nce the 19:hl earthquake. A series or earth tremors in recer.t \\'ttk5 is appar tntly lo blame ror loosen. ln_g clifr area wit soaked by heavy rains last \Yinler and therefore ,stlll :somewhat u11~tablc. Thr. main C'l't vict which split open Sun. rl:ry has grown lo a yard wide at the ra t~ or a half.inch per hour and y,·hich :seems County Joining Federal Suit On Smog Dev ices Thi.~ nation's ('ar arid truck man11far- 1t1rcr.-; "'ere confronted Tuesday with a new oproncnt in a federal anti·lrust ac- 11on V.'hirh charges then1 \\'ith collusion 1lr~i g11rd tn prc\'l'nt co m p e I i l J v e n1a11uf;ic1ure of sinog device.~. Or.inJ:C Cnunty \\'Cnl on the list or plain- 11rrs fnlln \.\ing the board'x speedy ex· ;in11n11t1on of the Al!orney General's sug - ge_.o.;\1011 that it do so and suix-r\·(sors' rig. id itdhc·rcnce to the fedcr<1I office·~ added d1rccti1·e· "av.1id exhau5th·c comments." Ch:trg('\I \1o·1\h blockini:: :illl'tnpt.~ !n ron1b:11 air pollution by grouping again~t s11 g;::('stN1 me<isurcs in that !1rld ;ire_ t :rnrra! l\l ntor~. Ford and Chrs~lrr torporat1on'i, An1rncan l\lot0rs Cnrpora. !1•111. Chr<·kcr i'o-l otor Corpnra!ioo. 01;i . 1nr.nd T l\·lotor Corporali(ln. lnternationfll llar vrstrr Corpo'ration. S tu rl e b ;i k er Corporation. \\'hite l\lotor Corporation, l\aiscr Jeep Corporation, and f\1ack Tr11rks. In sl}n1e pla ces lo be botton1\ess has spllt one heme in half. Four nearest the ocean arc off thrir foundalions and a guest hou~e has plum- n1e!cd lo the roc ky Point Fermin hcach be:low fhe 180 degree vi ew properties. Noted yacht.-;"·nman Peggy Slater, "'ho lh·1 s ll\'O blocks fron1 the disa.-;\er scene on Paseo del f.far di~CO\'rted cracks ap- pearing in her yard and home foundation Tu c<;day. "I don'l \1·anl lo sound panicky. bul can ~11u cn1ne and lake a look?," :;he askerl ('alte<:h graduate student KPn Zuckerm an, \\'ho 1\'as checking a strain Panther indicator device in the hard-hit area. Public \Vorks Department authorities said the ntw crack.'i 1o•1ere oot uneii:pected and no\v appear to tll' vddening, al though there ls no irnmediate danger and DO furthe r evacuation. planned . Damagl': so far is estin1ated at $60,000 and bound to get worse. as the oceanfront lots continue :sl ipping s\o~·ly seaward at .an undetermined rate. ..None of it'i:; insured," bitterly observ· ed \'ict im George R. S1nith. "If l'd just had a fire from a broken ga~ main it would have been covered,'' he .added, Screams 'Liar' at Trial CHICAGO <UPTl -'alack Panthet Jcadl!r Bobby Seal!!, }'elling "racist. pi1:'' and "liar,'' ch3rgcd a 11.S. a11orney dur- ing lht "Chicago Eight" trial loday and \1•as fhro~·n back into hi.-; ~eat \~ith ~uch force that ht fe ll Into the courtroom 's prrss ~cction. U.S. District Court J111tge Julius J . llof- fm,1n ~crved final \\'arn!ng on the na- tional chairman of 1he Black Panther l'arty that he .,.,·ould be g:iggcd and chain· ed lo his chair if anothe~ such outburst took place. . I! was the wildest oulbrea.11 yet of the I rial or Scale and se\'Cn other men charg- ed with conspiri ng to incite riots during the Dr.n1ocratic nation;il convention. lt began ~'ith a S)l<'f'C'h hy Seale to hi!t ~upporlcrs in the c."Q11rtroon1 before the .-.ession began. He tolll thrm. "If anyone ;iHcicks you phy sically, you know \hi': principles of I.he party -~rlf dl!fense." l!r also said, "Remember one. thing - hnld ynu r coo!." As Man as the scs~ion npener!. Chier [)('fenst. Attnmry \VIHiam Kunstler pro· tr~tN1 to lloffm an that m a r s h a 1 .~ i:;11;irriing th e courtroorn hari :i;tarted seoin.:hlng n1emlx'rs of the defense legal s1aff. As Kunstler and Jloffn1an deb;ited hc:i1cd l~\ As.,istant U.S. At 1 or n c '! n1ch;ird Sch ultz strode to the bench and :i;aid Seale':i; speech about a "physlral ;i[. lack " "·as evidence of the need for courtroon1 security. Seale iumped from his seal and ran D,.IL Y PILOT t11tf '""' toward Schu!!z screaming, "You rol!tin, raclsl pJg you liar, you liar, you're a liar. Tric ky Dick Schultz, hkc hfs Doss Dick N1ii:on is a har." Thrt:'e marshals collared Seale. drag1:ed hun to h1.~ chair, and flung him into it 1lrspitc the ;it1empt ol defendant Davi~ Dellinger to throw hi~ own body in the 1vay. The rhair tipped O\'cr and Seale toppled into the fr ont row of the press section. Dr. Benjamin Spock, noted baby doctor and peace advocate, and Capt. Howard Le1•y, 11'ho was courLmarti aled for re- fu~ing ta gi\'e medical traini ng to Gre.!n Berets, v.·ere si lting 111 the second row. \\'h en Scale regained his seat, marshal! pinned him 1here PH//,LIP /\/ORRI S n UYS VI EJO CO. Thr Bnarrt nf Direclors of Philifl f.fnr· ri.~. lnc. aod l\lissinn Viejo Company an. no11nei"d 1oday in New York they he\'e a~rred in pr i11t•1ple tn <1 !rans<iction 11 hif'h will ~ivc Phi hp r-.lnrris a mojnr in· terr.st 1n tll1.~sion Viein Con1pany. Term s \\'<'Te nnt d1sclo~rd . The agrCC"ment \\'a~ annoullt'ed jointly hy Joseph r. t:ullme1n Ill, chairn1an o[ Philip ~!orris Inc .. and .Jan1es E. \Vest, chairman flf r-.1 ission Viejo Company. Cullinan and West said that f.!iss1nn Vi· eJ(l Company v.·ou ld continue to opert1te as a separate {'ompany under the exi3ting manai;ement headed by Philip Reilly, president. Orange Coa•t Weather You'll be groping your \l•ay around the Orange Co.ast again Thursday morning as 1he den5e fog get5 e~en denser. Afternoon len1peratures \~li ll &ink to 66 loca lly but j ump to 60 furthe r inland. INSIDE TODAY A 11;ide-rnngin11 Jc/1,.r/11/r, nf lcct11.rt! i., lined !tp at, UC lrt)il!~ for the n1,onth of Not)cntbf!r. f or f ull listi-n g, sec fJoge 31. •1rt11t 11 .. 11ln1 JI (11!11•~•· ' (••••• ,.,,.., IJ (111"11"" Jkl tffl'll(I 711 t<HIWff' 1• °""' Mlllc•1 ti 01-ctt 11 •l lltfll l '"'' I lnlt•llllH!llnl ff.JI ,ln1111t J .. U ""'"·-,. Mt11 !11 S1•v+t• II ...... Yl<it If.JI MuN" PIH!tft ... , ... , ...... "..... . .. o·-c-1'1 1• ,,,, ,. S'IYlf ,_ H S.Cl1I N1•1 Jl·H '"'" ... ti 0 •. 51t+"C ..... ll ,. Si.tO IOUrktll 1 .. IJ ,,,..,ltlM 11 T~tllUI N-IJ Detlints !lrelc~ their lrad over i1.d- vances among lndl111dual i~~u~ tradt>d nn the N~ York Stock Exchange lo S28 lo 494. Ganniff said N-M F'T will ,';Hbm1t a Jl('paral.t' sala ry propo~;il to U1f' !iChflfll board Yt'hich will include rrq11P~t• f.ir full medical and dentcil lnsuranct co\er;ige. One l)f thrsi> c:orona ci l!:l ~ta r l·figh cocd!i-"·Il l bP. c-h1J.'i-f'n In rei~n over f'<:hool'~ Nov. 14 homecon11n~ ac.11\·11tcs. r-·ron1 left are Kim fl ohertson, Julie J ar· vi~. Jamie P eter5on, Grte l f\looney. :'iuc Po"'er and .l anct Katz. Sea King footballers take on Estancia Eagles in homecon11ng tilt. """ L1>1 .. ., J! M1!"4• • M1rr1.,. Lie•""'' u w""""r I ....... Wllllt u Wlr"I N••I M ' , I ·- 2 OAllY PILOT Wednt~1y, Oc.!Dbtr ~. 1%? / PACIFIC B Viejo Edireator'• View Sex Called Re 'd Plot ~ex education and sensltivHy tra1nlng: v.·ere jointly condemned aa in"1'nati"'81 Co1nmunisl plol.ll by a 29-year-old Mission Viejo }ligh School teacher Tu esday. Speake r Bruce Glenn, bead of the i;chool's social science department. fle!ivered his address lo the Mission Viejo lil:'publican Women 's Club on tape when a rn1xup in cl ass scheduling kept him from 1n;:iking a persona l ·appe arance at the rluh's luncheo n meeling. "Sex education," said Glenn, "is but part of a gigantic scheme to subvert a generation of Amtrican youth by a con- spiratorial group we know as Com- munists. . "STECUS !lyle aPJ'lf'OVal o( sex edtK'a· t.ioo for all is false ·and dangerous," wid Gl~nn. "Concerned parents must see to 1t th at th.is program is t ept out of com·- Jll Unities in which it is rearing jl \ ugly fl~1d. What is taught varies.__.bul the Jong arm of SIECUS is everywhere, preparina and approving te1ts and educational fi lms used in many programs." He also noted th al ''sex ed ucation is .1 \/Cry lucrative field because school districts must purchase new texts, films rtnd other parap hernalia for their courses." DARKENED AREAS IA, B, CJ INDICATE WEST NEWPORT AREAS PROPOSED AS FUTURE PARKING LOTS "Sensitivi ty training is by any other name "brainwashing' and is part o! all sex educati on programs." Glenn, \\·ho is unmarried and now makes his home in Laguna Betth, is a native of Iowa and a graduate of Central College at Pella, la. He took his master's de.gree al lhe Univerr;ity of Arizona, started his leaching career at a junior high school in the Watts area of Los Angeles, then taught al a Phoenix, Arii:. hi'gh school before coming to Mission Vie· JO tw o years ago. He instructs senior clasr;e:; in psychology, international rela· tions and civics. Zeroing in on sensitivity tra ining and i;:roup dependence policies, he asked. "\Vhat is more personal than sex? It allows the group tQ decide whe n, wherf', how and with whorn, is there any area in wh.ich the group cannot decide? Sen5ltivi· ly training is simply preparation~ for planned change, I do not object t() any free choice. bul cannot accept this creepy, crawly thing working in the shadows to plan and plot." F,..,m Pqe J PARKING ... recreation peopltt," he suggested. Give it a try, he was told by the. coun- cil. Councilme.n also agreed that. s!udy ~hould be gi ve n l-0 the' posssihihty of -rlouble-dtck1ng or going £>\'en higher al one ol the siles, at JeasL It would, they ·:said. hike revenues and thus lower annual costs. City Manager Harvey L. HLirlhurt said the Mth Street parcel ( s'Jte Bl ~·ould be "ideal'' for a parking structure. "It wouldn't block an yone's view or the ocean ;, Jaffe said it is unlikely that such a structure could -or should -be built at either of the othtr sites. "With land ,-3Jues wh at they are, it would be the cmly way to make a parkin~ facili ty feasible near the r iver," he said. "But that holds other terrors for the community. l don't think il'l'i advisable." Ar. for the Seashore Drive-33rd Street parcel (site A). Jarfe said: "It can be double-decked. but _not too eff iciently.'' Viet! Mayor Parsons wondered whether the •·temper of the people" in West NeWJ!Orl would allow a vast parkil'lg lot, e!!pecially at ~th Strttt, . "You go Qll l there on a summer's day:• r esponded Councilman Donakl A. Mcl n- .nis, "and you'll find there's a parking lo~ lhere now.;' Mcinn is represents !hi' area. At t-.lclnnis' i;uggestion, the staff ~-11s furthe r instructed lo investigate lhe possibility or leasing lhe propertie s. in - stead of buying them. The Flood Cont.rot District and the slate were consid ered the m06L likely owners lo agree \o leasing arranrements. Hurlburt emrih11sized that cool'K'il policy guidance was needed at this time bf!<:&u.se of imminent development of the privately owned half of site B. He said a developer already has drawn up tenta tive plans for a row of apartment houses. Hurlburt got what he so\lghl in a unanimously approved di rcc1i\•e. The st&lf i~ to report hack on the pro- gress of cont.acts with other government agencies and the properly owners "in the inune4iate futurt," said tt!ayor Marshall. Parsons closed the discussion by ()bse rvi ng: "The sil11it.ation districts gol $9 million In fede ral money for a new sewage out· fal l. so ""'e should have no reluctance to _cp after "'imilar funds for this regional ~en· ice." Land Grant Heireso l\I ioo Caldwell Di es LOS AA'GELES ~AP) -Vu-gtnia: Calrfwtll, a mtmbfr of Cal1foru1a -s fir~l Spani~h land granl famil r, is <lead al the age of 97. She died Monday at {"'.ood San1ar1tan HMpital. RequJem Ma.5s will b e rtle braled 'Thursday at the Old Plaz.a Chapel in Lo6 Angeks. DAILY PILOT OIAHla CM.n PUil IStUNO CQMll'AN'Y 1oM.f N. W1•4 ll'rea\Oetll ...., P~'OllW1 J1,l-I . C111!1y lflc9 .,.._, -Ge!Wt-11 """""' n-,, W11vif .... TltM•• A. t.4~1cl.lft1 -.-...1111ot .J.,, .... '· Co11iftt H-' llff()I "" ..... __ .._ ftlJ w •• S.lbN 11111 .... ,,. Uall .. .y4, .. ., P.O ..... 1•11, t2••> ...... _ Qollrl ~ .. , U0 Wttl kf ....... l-~'m"-t•­....,.... '-di: .. ""'&!1"111 Irvit1e Area Reside11ts Get Half a High School Residents of the fn"lne area ~·11 1 S'l half a new high school ne:i:t fall . Go ah'ad to build a half school al the northeast corner of Campus Drive and Culver Road beginni'ng Jan. 1 was given Monda y night by trust.ets of Tustin Union High School D i~trict. The school district ha s a little over ~:? million available for the project. Tola! cost of the completed school is to be $4.4 million, so only ilalf the schoOI can be bui\L The school will ser \"e residents of Uni versity Park. Turtle Rock and Culver Dale. Th ree hundred high school ii:tudenls are being huserl from the area thi.3 year lo MiS§ion Viejo High Sc hool. Enro llment for the area next fall is ex· pected to be about 800 stud ents which the hall high school r;hould accommodate. Schoo! District SuJ)'rintendenL William Zogg said faci lities to be built for nPXi. fall are two classroom bi.Hidings .. half a third classroom building, tv.·o shower and locker structures. one restro<Jm building, and football and baseball fields. 1~ostPoned until later wi ll be an ad- niinlstralion build ing. half the thlr.d classroom bu i!dins. a gymna sium and :S\vimming pool and another rest room facility. The design of the school is for an ulti mate enrollment of 1,800 :student-s .. The holdup in money is because the :i;tate hasn't been able lo se ll school bonds at a five percent interest rate to loa.n to school district:!. Tustin School District's e:ntitlPment if the bonds could be .sold ls enough lo complete the high school. District architects are working on plans for the ha lf high i;chool and it is expected conitruction will begin Jan. I. Cal State Fullerton, UCLA Halt Enrollment LCLA and Ci!\ State Fullerton have an· nount'ed lhey arc cutting off enrollment for next spring and re.stricting ad· ro.mions for fall, 1970, bul UC Irvine con· tinues to be able to accept any qualified 1!.ludenl who applies. UC[ Atlmis.!iion Officer John W. Brown .said the student squeeze that ls making t:a rly application a mui;t at other cam· puSf's so fa r has not spread to UCJ. Since the initial year or operation in 196.1, all qualifi~ :students v;ho applied by the an- nounced dead line have. been accepLed. Else.w))ere, though, early cu toff dates l1ave heen imposed. Appllcants to UCLA for lhe spring already are being redire::led lo other UC campuse$.. The \Vtst.,.,·oad school has 31,000 stude nts this Mesa Woman, 28, Held After Theft At Ne,vport Motel A Newport Beach motrl manager ..,,.hn report~d a theft. l!'arher in Uie <l•y 5]'.)f'llle<l a famtha r !nrck at. 1'I Costa t>1e~ i;hop- ping center T11esda.y night, peered inside and ca\led policr . Off icer Ron Veach 11nd Tra\ielodge 'f\fot el mana,i::er Dorothy R Cr&ig wail ed untll son1e;;ini> drove ryff Jn the van , then pull ed ii ('Iver 11nrl 11rre~ted the ocrupanL ~fr:<. . .Judy Trujillo, 28, of 222Z Canyon Drive, Co.~l a 1'11es;i, \\'as arre;,led on a charge of receiving stolen properly and hooked Into Orange County Jail in lieu of $625 hit.ii. Aulhorlt ie11 sakl Mr.~. Crai g lden tifled four motel monogrammed towels. a wash cloth, bath mat, room key and 11team iron which were mi ssing after a tenant check· eel out Tuesday moming. Jnveiitigal6rs: taid the suspect also had four other motel keys, 40 unidentified keys, an electric drill in the van. She: war; also booked on three other warrant.! for her arrest stemming from different incident.,,. Salary Secrets ~t Stanford Out? STANFORD (AP) -An Wlderground pamphlrl purporllng to U.l llle ga)ar\eg of Stanford University faculty and •d· miollltraltn wu distributed anonymous. ly on campus Tuuday. A faculty spokesman called it an attempt to em· ba:rT111 the: univer!lity. Stanford ia prlvatety endowed and the ularies of Its faculty have heretofore bet'n stcret. William Clebsch. facul!y S I! n ate rhalrm An and rPli gfon profes.'Vlr, r;.airl the ma!Prial prinlerl \n lhe !1 0-p ag,._ nilmeogr11phM rf'port came from doeumt'ntl stoln lt!l May during a !tu-- dent sit-l n ;iga i n.~t the Vietnam war. fall, more than the 38,500 the campus is su ppMed to accommodate. Ne w ~l udents Y:l\o enrolled in summer quarter so they v.·ould have 1o be accepter! as continui ng 5ludent.s this fall swelled that total. Officials estimate that 10.000 11ttxlenU were turned away from the 18 C·alilornia Stat" Colleges tl\is fal l because their etl:'ollme nl q1.1otas were filled, Lasl year al ucr, however. fre&hmen ripplicants were accep!e<l right U!' to lhP fl-larch I deadline for the fa ll and the deadline for trans fer students from ot:her colleges v.·as extended lo July I. With sturlcnls nol able tn grt io elsewhere the i;ame situation 1nay nol held for this year. The enrollment period lor next fa ll already has opene<t. Brown s11irl t.he enrollment targel (nr next year is S,400 studentii:, elCcludins t!ie College of Med icine. EnroJlmPnl this fa ll is 4,480 generlll campus students plus !i&O in medical school. Brown said 1.1 00 fr eshmen can ~ ar· commodated next year and 500 tJ ans fer 11tudenls. Twice I.he number nf freshmtn .1pplicalions v.'i\I be acrep!ed because l)n- ly about half of Ui ose admilled make Irvine thei r fi rst c-o!lcge choice. Tu be. eligible for arlmission fre.shm"n rnust rank in I.hi!' top 12 1;:i percent of high :=;chool_ seniors with a B a\"crage in specified academi c subjects. Prices to Rise, But More Slo,vly \\'ASI!INGTON (llr l) -l.nrwnrrr~ Secret~ry Ma11rice f-L ~tAni; prediclerl to- rlay prices will continue to rise next year b:..it at a slower pace than this year's rate ()f about 5 percent. Stans predicted a squeeze on corporate profit.s caused by 11lowed output and con· tinul!d increases in labor costs. "Our forecast suggests that the real rate of growth tn the economy will con- tin'!e in 1970, but at a slow pace for a while. followed by a modest pickup in the growth rate in the la11t half of the year.'' he said in a speech prepared for the Los Angelel area Chamber of Commerce. Stana aaJd the Ntxon administration's inf1atlon control effort is "achieving ex· actly the right effect'' eVt>n though the Commen:e Department's monthly index of eight leading business ind icators in· creased 1.3 percent last mon th. LA Freeway Offramp Closed for Study Orange County molori!tl traveling Into the [hi Angeles arta will find the out· bound Hollywood Freeway offramp at Beachwood Drive elOled Nov. 3 throu&h Nov . ?I, as part of .11 traffic atutly. The State Dh·ision of Hi gh"·ays is pro- bing UsP of various thoroughfares in thnl .ire;i prio r to a decision on t.he proposed widening of the llo!Jywood F'rteway bef wt"tn Sun~~t Boulevard and the Pilgrim•.ge overcrossing. Laguna Beach Noi_v Boasting Oivn Epicenter Laguna Beach with its 17,QOO.year-old L;igur.a man skull, Festival of Arts and L1blcd coastal grandeur now has its own epicenter. Mayor Glenn Vedder, wh(} has a scholarly turn of mind, pointed out the recer1t acquisition to Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce directors Tues. d.Jy. Said the mayor witJi a twinkle, "any ci· 1y in California that doesn 't have its ov.·n epicenter can't be menlioned. We have lrng wan led one of those." Referring to the Monda y morning jolt lh.::i t registered 4.3 on the Richter earth· riuake scale, Vedder told the Chamber tha t the Long Beach quake 0£ 1933 -pro- hably second worst in modern Cali rornia times -measured 6.3 compa red to the San F rancisco 1906 disaster (8.2~). "The Richte r scales gives an idea of th e magnitude of the amount of energy rel eased at the point of slippage," said Vedd er . He then ex plained the 11ercoJ1 11cale, "what you feel." Sa id the mayor to commerce. "I am pleased to rerort we ;i re f"\OW on a :->ei:smic map wilh the epicPnter labeled Laguna Beach.'' Lloyd Seilset, who managed the Hotel Laguna during I.he 193:1 q1iak<", sai d it took him two WeE'k:s to get the plastl't ou~ of his hair. VeddPr ~ai d one nf the two displaced 1.aguna Beach chimneys in 1933 !lad been his. Nixon Says No Action in Strike \\'ASl-l!NGTO~ (/\P l-rre~1rlrnt Nixon 10\d uni(ln le<1ders 1nrl:iy hr cJO(>S nnt in- tend tn intervene in thP nationw ide Gtn- eral Electric Co. :-1lri ke, Secretary of Lahor C:corgf' r . Sl1ullz rrportc<l. "Ht: reiterated 1t IS our intentlon not to i11t.rrvr1u_•,'' Sh111tz; sairl or Nixon·s con1 - n1ent.ll lo AFL-CI() leaders in a two-h0t1r \~'hile J!ou:-;e rnr1.'ting Pau l .lennlnf:s, prr~ideni of the ~1rikin~ International Union of Elet·U1ca\ \\'ork- Ctf.. gavP the Pre.,ident his \"le'-'·s Qn the l'trikP, Shultz i:a1rl. Am or.g pamphlets he recomaiencled t(} lhe Re publican women , and cited as i;otrrces for parts of his talk, were "Is the Schoolhouse the Place to Teach Raw Sex?" and "Hate Therapy: Sensitivity Training for Planned Change." He a \so quoted from comments made by speakers at a conference on sex ed ucation which he attended in Chicago ' in August. The co nference, he said, was sponsored by the Society for Compreben~ive Health Education and iocluded represel'JtatiVt.ll of the American Association of Sex Educators and CoUJ'l.stlors and the Sex I nfonnation and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS ) which, Glenn maintained, plays a key role in preparing materials for sex education courses in ele mentary and secondary &chools. "Most of you would have been appalled fro m beginning to end of the program," he to kl the women . "These 'se:fperu• are taking ad· vantage or a psychlogi caUy oriented age lo perform the tests of a Pavlov on you and I daily ." . E~phasizing the danger of Jn. d1scr1minate sex education he described the conference participants as n:sembl- ing "children ~n a playing field who have thrown out all the rules and don't even knov,r \\•hat game they are playlng." ~1ost :sincerely interested parentl'i. he ~aid, feel 1hat sex ed ucation course:;; ~hnuld im prove family relatiQns, remo\"e unwa nted pregna ncies and lower the rate t i venereal disease. Three. ~pcakers at the confPrence were riu:tted as st.a!\ng that they did not hr!ieve ~ex ('riu cation would hav~ the re~ult of reduci ng teenage pregnancies or the venereal disea!e rate. ")'.'hat we· are considering here is vrry r!lffrrent fron1 lhi> cour:;;e desired by p'1rrn!,s," C.Jr11n said. "\Ve are con- ~1dering <'lemen!ary and high school C(IUrses in sexual in!.ercourse, &ex perl't;r~ion and groufl dependence ." The spea ker said he ~·as Ul agreement \~(1h psychia trist Dr. 1fe!vin Ar'lchell's \"ic v: that i;\11dPnl~ not ready to receive tac1\1;il :-ex in~tn1rtion can sufff r emo· tiona l problems if gl\"en too much in· for:-nalirin l""'.1 snon . "I agrtt wlth Dr. Anchell," he <iddc.d. "!hat fant.asie5 rn1na nticizing the relations between the !'.exr~ can serve a morP llSt>ful purpo~e for many young people than a lot of facts th!'y're n!'.lt ready for." ';J)iamonJ Glenn cited Dr. Isador Rn.hen, editor o[ Sexol oi1 Magazine and former treaaurer of SIECUS as a guiding Uiht \n the ~:< education field "wtio haa been Identified under oath aii: 1 member of the Com· munist party." The party, he said, "is knQwn to operate ilke an Iceberg, with one-ijfth of it11 activities in the open, the other' four· fifths mbterranean or hidden. act.i\>itie~ that are carried on behind our view, until the re~ult.s are evident." Moving the comparison to termite!, hi'! :added, "There are termites in the field of American education and A m e r i c a n political life. Jt ha s been frightening !(} rne in recent months of study lo r,e.alize that some of my fears are real -that sex education is -more of a means to an end, than an end in itself." 'The speaker said later it i!I his personal belief that sex education does not belong in the school sy~tlm and should not be of· fered to any child .. until a question ls .Jsked," at which time the question is beat answered by a parent. The only t.ype of .school program he could condone. be said, ls the Huntingto n Beach plan tG prov ide sex education r:asses for parents, who in turn would tranr;mi~ the information, as needed, lo their own children . Sunday Shopping At Penney Stores Begu1s Nov. 9 1l1ngling bells in the: backgrnund today l1era]ded an announcement by the J C. Prnney Company that 11. ha~ harkened Iii the buyi ng habits of the. Southern California consum~r. Officials said 2fi Pennry·s ~1ort>:r. In Oiange. and San Diego counties wi ll begin ::.layi ng open Sunday afternMni; Nov. 9 tn t;i ke. c3re of ~hop(>f'rs' needs. "\Ve have opposed Sunday openinf ~ through the years," said executive Vi11!t ~lyers. "However, the populari ty o! Suri· day nf)('nings with customers has gmwn :;teadily." "In view of th e moveml!nt toward SU11· d;iy openings in a large nutnber '1f markets. the Penney Company has dec1d· ed 1eluctantly !hat 11 can no !oni;:er ignore this !rend," he added. CONVEN IENT TERMS BANK)IMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiuni11hrie J Jeweferj ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 5<8-HO I l!ll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA r I .. t' I ! i ' I I 1 I ' I I I I -----------------------------------------------------------·----·-.-_ __,_,.........,.::---------..------------.. ",;'9 QUEENIE lly Ph il lnte rla ndi .. It's a shame nobody else is here yel rm sure they'd love to see how you showed up today in spite of & cold ...... Checkirtg Up Bee1· Witl1 Milk Ha11 gove r Remedy fly L. l\1. BOYL.I BLOODY i\IAltY -\\'a.~n·t ~tary Tudor 1he une v.·ho losl he r head".' BcliC\C so. II was 1n honor of l\1ary Tudor tha l the alcoholic coneoction k11011·n a.~ the Bloody flfary v.·as created . And since that event it might be noted, some several glrls have Jost their heads. Jn fact. ma ny. At any ralc, a ma n of science named Dr. T. 0 . Tomlinson conlends said gin drink is not the ideal medicine for the n1orning after as so frequ ently supposed. He recon1mends large quantities of brer and mi lk. i\1ixed. OPEN QUESTIO~S -I. 't\'hy is the a1·crage A1nerican v.ornan's voice pitched so much higher than the voices or \von1en almool everywher e else in the v;orld? 2. JLJSl how much iron is actually in a pound of cau·s li\·er anyhov."! 3. Yi'hat v.·as lhe nan1c of the only A1nerican c\·er to invent a music instrumrnt used by 1he professional 111usieians"! 4. Jn talking about t h c ir possessions, \\'hy arc the rich n1en al1>.·ays so proud of v.·hal's flld and the IJl.Xlr men always so proud flf what's nev.·? 5. }low does it happen that girls in the Deep South still 1end to ma rry about two years earlier U1an the .avl'rage than the gir ls up north? CONSIDER THIS -Arc you :icq uainted v.·it.h any v.·om an \1 ho has the habit of fluttering tier eyelids·~ If so, is she a bit inclined to be a hypocbon· driac? Dr. Leonard L. Lovsh1 n of lhe Cleveland Clinic says he has found a significantly high proportion of eyelid flu llerers complain about a i 1 m e n t s "·hich turn nut In be ps~ d 1osomat1c. . ClST0\1ER SERVlCE: (1. ''\\"hen did lhc knoc k·knork jnke~ fir.'ll r0111r f"IU! ••·• A. Th11\ \\·as in 19.17. And B/: is widely kno\\·n the !'i rsl kn•)(:k·knrl<'k Joke e\·er \(ilcl 1••ent. ··Knock· h.n0t.:k."' '"\\'ho·s th e r e ?'• "Oli\"e." "Olive \\·ho'."" "Oli ve you." '\by th<Jt pa rticular specimen brought -0n m-0re knock·knock jokes is not known . . . Q. "'DO APES la ugh ?" A. Indeed they do . Dcfinit clv . Thal has bt>en cstabli~lled ..• Q. "WlfAT PROPORTION of the popula· 11on has blue eyes?'' A. About a llurd. LIBRA GIRLS tend to win most all lheir arguments. Thal is. if they really try. "Strong v>'i lled" is how our Planet man describe.s lhem . He says they may occasionally lo.<Je at love, but they rarely lose at war .•. TIIAT BOTH J\fEN and '\\'omen und ergo !he same t~·P! of surgery is not noteworthy. \\'ha t's no tev.·orlhy is far more '\\"O!IH'n than men survive :!luch similar surge!JI . Also, far more women than me n su r\'i\'e accidents that seem the same. BEAUTY -Truly beautiful \\·omen are extren1ely rare. llO\\'evcr, this is oot so un · fortunate. says our Love and \\'ar n1an. because s uch \\'Omen often have little else to offer. As old J{uskin said, "Ren1ember that the m06l beautiful things in the \1-'0r\d are the niost us eless : peacocks and lilies, for in· stance." R.-\PID REPLY : No. sir. nur N111ne Game man hasn't q111l yet. Today he reports the Jlharn1 Fla. telephone dire<> tory lists citizens v.•hose true na1nes are Big, \\l eak. Short, Jlusk'' Sli1n. Fat. •I igh, Little, Stron"g: Long . Plun1b, Huge, Lf!an, and Low. )'011r 1p1est ion.~ nnd r-0 m· ·111enl~ urr 11·rlrnn1 ed n11d 1r11/ b1· 11srd wher el1cr nos · 1-1/J/c 111 "Clicclnnf1 L'r." .'lddrc.~s n1rii l to L. r.1. B0ud in cn1r of P. 0 . Bri.r. 1875, Ncu:port Beach, Cali}. 92660 'Noble E xperi111e nt' S tarted 50 Yea rs Ago NE\V YORK (AP) -The Volstead .Act became the law of the J11nd 50 years ago. Of· fici11!y the country v.'ent. dry. Actually, national prohibition u~hered in the wettei;t era in !he n:ilion's hi~tory, th e Roar· ing 20s. "A great social a n fl ccononlic ex~riment, noble in nature and far reaching in purpose,'' Herbert U o -0 v er called the National Prohibition Act in 1928. the year he was elected president. But by then prohibition v.•as a cokisSal flop. noble or otherwise. The speakeasy \vas the ~ocial center of lhe nation - v.·herc !here had been 15.000 preprohibltion sa loons ii) Ntw York. there were 3 J , 0 0 0 speakeasies. Home brew and bathtub gln were symbols of a nati-0n's defiance of the la1v. 'The hip na:i-k was as common tJn a man 's person 11s his billfold. The nationa l crime syn· dicale, as Americans know it today, came in lo being to calcr to the un~lakable thirst or prohibillon·be.sel citlaens. l\IOVING AflEAD Actually refonners h&d been Inching t oward prohibition i:;ince loca l oplinn wns in· <111gurated in l\1alne 111 1829. That left 11 to individual units of gO\"Cmment ln ou11:tw alcoholic beverages v.·ith in their boundaries if they \\'ish· ed. Not until \Vorld \Ver I did prohihition evolve on a n11· tlon al scale. Some critics claimed it was pushed through only becau::;e of the absence in the armed forces or so many youna: Americans. The 1 Bth amendment to the Co.nstitulion was adopted Jan. 16, 1919, to become effecti ve one year later. It ootlawed the transport. pos~ssion or s11le of alcoholic be ve rage s throughout the nation. At lhat lime. prohibitinn already wa!'i in effect in 33 of the 48 states, and Alaska , Puerto Rico, Hawaii and lhc District of Colun)bia. Of the approximately IO!i m I 11 1 on American,.,, 13.3 percent were forbidden alcohol. VOlSl"EID SPONSOR Rep. Andrew Volstead of Minne!IQt..a was lhe 1pon&0r of the Nallonal Prohibition Act v.·hich defined intoxlceUng Ji. quor <1s any be.veraa:e con· taining "one half o( one per centum or n'ore of al cohol by volume." The Vol~te<1d Act wa!'i in· tended to dry up the country u11til the. 18th amendment bec:im~ effective. President \\'ood row Wil::;on ve~d lt Oct. 27, 1919. bu\ the House -0ver· rode hi nl the same day. The Sen:ile fol1011.·ed suit on Oct. (Sec LIQUOR, Page 'r) DAILY PILOT J LOWEST PRICES OF TH E SEASON boy's no-iron corduroy fast back jeans Midwale polyester and co tton cordu. roy. Rugsed enough for school wtar and tear. Never nero~ ironing. Bro~·n, navy. oold, or olive. 8·JO . 3.99 may co boy~· "''ear 14 permanen t press pants with Jong flare leg s Boys pwts in pol ) ester cotton. Red, .;rtcn, blue, br o-q,·n pla.id. 4··7. Sha-on "t\'ilh reg. 7.00 fishermen knit l'"''eat. er. Bone. Sizes} to 7. 4.59 pan ts s;hown valut: ,.00. 3.99 m1y co little boys ~l ' \ boys' woo l six-button double-breasted blazer A handsome new addition to a )'Oung gmt's ""''ard robe. This ·2.to-button blu:er has gleam ing metal buttons. Navy, gold . reg. 21 .00 8·1', 19.99 reg. 30.00 t 4.20 24.99 may co boys' -..·ear 14 mock turt le-neck shirt fis herman kn it design Boys' long-sl~ed puJJ..over shirt with' ribbtd ruff.s. Grttt for play or diw. All cotton krut. C6mes in bone, gold, bluo or green. 4·7. \'&Jut }.50 2.29 may co little boys '2 may co soutli coast plar1, tan .!iego fwy et bristol, cost• mesa ; shop monday through 111turd1y I 0 a .m. lo 9:30 p.m. boys' ski pa jam as knit of pure cotton His favo rite style for sleeping com- fort. Bright colori like red, ye\lo~·. blue or green. Completel y machine wcliablc:, dryab!e. Sizes R to 20. 546 . 9321 may co furnishing 23 all-we ath er coats with pile lining 3.39 Rain or shin e. \X'ater·proof cotton coats with zip-out acrylic pile lining . B<lted back. In rtd pla;d. 7·14. Not shown 14.00 coal. 4x6x, 10.99 coats sho~·n 9oere 16.00 1299 may co girls dres§CS . ~6 MAVCO \ --~~-----··. ----~··--·-- e · pAIL Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Delay Would Be Unfair The eyes or Costa r.lesa leaders are on the Ne wport Beach City Council these days. So ai·e th e eyes of some 6,000 Newport l~eights residents. They're V.'alching to sec. \\'hat th e council's next P acific Coast Frcc,vay n1ove \\'ill be. T\VO v.•eeks ago, 'the ci ty's la111n akers instructed the nlunicipal staff to prepare a pres entation for the state on rerouting of the a dopted freeway alignment \vest of the Upper Bay. ('ouncilme n v•ant it fa rther inland. bul not as far Inland as Costa Mesa 's territorial lirn1l.~. Tha t 1nea ns the JO-lan e s1va th of a sphalt a nd conc rete 1vo uld have lo be cut through Ne1vport 1-\cights. \\here in Newport Ilcights \\'J S left unans\\·ered by counci\1nen. That decision, they in dicated. ~houl d be lert up to th e Ca lifornia Division of lligh1va ys and the J·li gh1vay :..:o n1mission, the final a rbite r of t'rcc1l'ay 1natters. But last 1veek, in a tBl k before the Ne11'port !!arbor rha1nber of Con1n1crcc . Ci!y Planning Director I~arry \Vil son said il \VOuld be Ne\vport's '·bes t po::;ition" to go before ~t ale officials \vith one preferred alternate route. lie poin ted out that it is unlikely Costa !vlesa \1•ould tend its political support to any inland reroutin~ unless it is assured by rou1c 1n aps that the ne1v alignment 11·ould stay \VCll \1·ithin Ne.\\'port Beach. Only th e Ne1v· port council's stnted advance preference for such a pre· cise rnu!e ,1·ould pl'oVide that assurance. \\lils011 did not say it, but lt is also not-1he state's p1·acti cc to consider a frec,vay route chan_i::e unless the city that makes the r equest has m ade it clear \\'here it 1rant.s the ne1v align1nen'l specifically tn go. Apart from all this. there is the crying necessity to let the people in Newport 1-lcights kno1v 1vhose home is in the path of 111hat as soon a s possible. l lntil they know \vhal •the c ity is talkinf! about. in terms of a precise ne1v alignment, tha t entire commun· H.y south of 15th Street and north of th~ ~igh\vay v.·tll be under a cloud . Why in1prqve a hon1e ii 1t n1ay be 1n the path of a free\vay? Who \v ould buy it? \Vhat kind of long-range plans can be made by the people \Vho Jive in it? And in Ne\vj}ort Heights. \\'C arc talking about 2.662 ho111es. That's a lot of hon1es, and a lot of _people \Vho live in them, to be kept waiting. The Nc1vport Beach City Co un cil. no\v lh at it has made clear its intent to try again n1 ov1ng the free1vay off the bluff li ne. should ge t on \Vilh it and make the other required decisions as c1uichly ·as pos~i ble . ILS-a Mixed Blessing An instrument la11cl111~ sy.~len1 llLS) that is gua r· anteed by its n1akers to cut in half visibility <ind ap- proach hazards is OO\v in operation at Orange County r\irport. The $110,000 fli ght control innovation provid es g uiil~ ;ince to a pproaching al rcrafl by e1n it tlng ·three kind c: of very high frequency radio beams. It has been tern1ed an ''invisible hi_gh1va y in the ~y." Airport Director Robert Bresnahan suggestcc'I last week that there is a noise a bateinent aspeCt 'Lo ft,S : it \Viii e na ble aircraft approachi11 g over the Dover Shores area to come in at an altitud e of iQ0.800 feet instead of at the 400-foot level as in pre-I LS days, Unfortunately, jets sC'ldom fly in over Dover Shore:-. They approach County Air.port fro1n the other direction -except on rare Santa Ana \\•ind condition days. \Vhat ILS will do, a!ong \rith its prilnary job of in· creasing air safety, is to in c rease the. number of incom- ing flights. Homeov.·ners can no longer look for relief from jet noise whenever U1e fo g rolls in . For those '"ho live in the area of the airport, !LS is a mixed blessing. (N) ' \· "· . • ' " '· .,. ' ~iE~. iLEW.i!i lHIE~.§H~Y SPECIAL A.~'l'!!iO~ Ott ~rer~'·OR·ore<R ''Draft lottery!' I saia. 'Nol while I'm hewi of Selective S~rvicf}!1 I ~aici_.1 ' Mari Is Not 'Co1iqueror;' He's Pctrasitic Tl1ey Destroy Acade11tic Freedo11t by Lyi11g Thoughts At Large: Man loo\.;s upon himself as the "con· queror" of the \l'orld. But in actuali!y _a)I animal$ -incl ud ing us -are paras1t1c nn plants, for. -usin g sun and ~arth, plan!:> build sugar and slar"h. which are !he essential fuels for our vitality, and v.'l1 1ch \\'e cannot make for ourselves: anr! the brain or an Einstei n is dependen t upon a blade or gr;.i in . • Speaking of our ''Ctlnquesl .. ol n.atu~c. !his ts largely my th. As <a sc1ent1sl recently put it: ''Eve n the Eskin1os, wh.o a pp ea r so well adapted to lhe .Arc.tic \\'inter, 1n reality c;1n not long resist in· icnse cold : she ltered in 1hrir igloos, or clothed in their parkas, thc.y lfvc almost a tropical life ~" • • • \\'e sr..eak of "p<'al'eful researrh" a~ op· posed to .. wa r tl.'searrh," but there 15 no reahsl1c division betwee n the 1\1·0. Por c.~iunple. lhe increasing comrncrcial .ex· plottat ion of thr ocean-beds, as a po:SS1hle nr.11· sour ce of tood and treasu re, 11·111 ob- \ loo~ly 1ncrca~c the lmporte1nce ol sub· marine warfar e. . ' . One of the large n1otor con1pan1es has de\'ised a ··highway t>~Slcn1s" research , ar I.hat leS.!5., evaluates and qual illes a dri1'€r, and rrcord s his physiologica l and mechanica l reactions for e o m put e r analysis. How inany 1nore de cades of high\l'ay i;laught£'r 1~ill we see _ before s11ch a rar is 11sed in <ill co1111nun1tlcs for granting a11d renewing dri\crs· l i cense ~'? . . . All in sl1!u1 it1ns tend toward servi ng their ""'" ends ralhcr than the h11n1an rnrls of tl1e person~ \\·ho t'01nposc lhen1. This 1s as 1nurh true ol rrligious 111· fll 1tut1ons as of any 011icr~. and rKpl:1n1~ \\ hv church organizat1\1n ~ rven tu;-il ly 1lcb<15.c or drl\umanizc the ~pintual auns f\f 1hr1r loundrrs. anf1 niust I) e pcrpt:lually renc\ved by crrati\'e reform. ~ " f The rrla\1v11y of s!an1l11rds Is neatly PX· pressed by the aetress l hca,rd abo\1t 11hn 'islled a 1narriage counselor <ind 11'i1S: a ~J.;cd 1{ sl1r ha d h<'rn h1ithful to her husband. "011 .. ~·r~." ~hr nodded gra\'el~·, "I\·e been fa ithful lnt ~ of lime~-· • ll's hard to t1cc1llc ll'ho are' s11l1er-thc Dear Gloomy Cus: Catching a left turn green arro\o;r to enter Newport Center froin all three entrances is so phenomenally easy thal it makes you wonder 1vho !he Irvine Company knows at city hall . The only faster Jert turn ar· ro1v is, in fac t. at city ha!l. -J . R. c. tn11 f11tur1 t1!l1ct1 •••••r•' ~1tw1, not nt<eutr•lv 1noi1 of th• nrwto101•. SI"~ your •II PllVI .. G!OOr!IJ G111. Olo1y Pilot. people who object to nudity on the sta ge . or the people who present it : for both arc the victims of the same fallacy, nn· ztgining that a naked body is a sexual ob- jc<:t. \llhich all primitive cultures kno\11 to be not at all the case. • • • \\lh.Y js one's own language alwa:.s call- f'd 11·.~ "mother tongue" rather lhan the. "father tongue:!'' • • • t. l·1t of peQplc who are prourl tha t they have nfl enemi C's they hate make up for it by having fr iends they en1·y. • • • A motto tl1at 011ght lo be posted on the entr<ince to every college· -and many other p\acrs as well -1s Kierk egaard's: "People dernand freedom of speech to n1ake ur for the lreedo111 of thought 11 hich they avoid." .. . "' l\usbunds \1ho <'Otnplain that tlJrir ·wives like to sprnd money \\'ould be m_uch unhappier , on the who le, wlt h ,1·11·cs who liked lo save i!: for ii is nor rnal and feminine for a 1\·on1an In he a little ex· travaganL but unlovr ly anil rncan· ·~pirited {11r a 11nn1a n In sq111rrC'l il ;1way greedily (and profoundly anti-sexual as \\'t'll 1. ii y11u tell inc 11hnt ~ou !11al tunn;i . and \\'hat you don't. l can m;ikc :1 lar bel1 tor PS1in1ate of your charac\e.r lhan if yoti told n1c \1hat you "bellC\c,'' • • \I ha: rebcl\iou ~ youth is S'1~1 1n~ lo 1he com fortable mirlrl lc class tor\;1y \111$ ex· pressed by En1erso n a full cC'nlury· ago: "(;od oHers to every mind its choice he· twcl'11 tru1h and repose . Take 11·hicti ~·ou please ; you can never have both.'' Policing in Classrooms One of the m'lst hrow·furrov.·ini:; proh· lr·n1s ol tod ay concer ns how to cul cost~ o( education and thus rl•duce lhc tax· pa yers' burricn-bul without sacrificing the-quality of educatiCln. \\'e have one suggrs1ion. Lel's slop dumping so much parenl responsibility on the leach('rs. Take !he dress codes, for example. Untold hours \\'ere de1·01ecl in San Mateo Union fligh School District durin~ the past school year to sur\'eyin g. review· ing and hashing o~·cr th e length. o( students' hair. the length of skirts, general dress and adornmrn1s. . ~1uch the same sort or thin~ 11·as gn1n~ on iri many junior hi~li ~chools throughout the North Pcn1n:1ula. BEHIND TRE WltOLF: bu:;1ne:;:i; 1s ;i n apparent conviction on the part of 1nany parenla LllaL It'• the job of pub\lc sL hool 1eachers and edministrators lo make sure that Johnny and Suzy are rcspec· t.a bly garbed Rnd shorn. Long pages of "guidelines'' ha\ c evolved, and educalors apparently arc expected to M"ek out and call to task any youngster 11·ho ignores standards of ac· ceptal:>le dress. In r;hort , we're turning l.eacheri; 111nre Into poli cemen. Yea. and ~·e're paying for i I. Grainled , schoo ls should enforce cert ai n l Guest Editorial niinimal standarrls of dres:;. No school 5hould toler.ate skirts so short as to be distracting or hair so Jong a ~ tu in1palr the y,·earer's visiun. BUT \\'r\S1'\.T JUNIOR"i; hair Jl!!lt :<<; long when he 1valked Out of the house and headed for i;chool? \Vasn'l Suiy's skirt just as short \Yhen she: departed hon1e for <:lasses? Nor is "proper dress'' the only policin~ function '~·e scen1 10 expect rrom educators. We dr.1nand of teachers that they pro11·1 lhe campuses to root oul smoking violll· lions (probably the largest cause of suspensions during lhe past !lchool year) ::i nd to make sure that .Junior doesn't hop 1n his car and take a spin during the lunch hour. Arc \\"C. In brlicvt thal Junio r never ~n1okes aroun<l th (' house or that he u~es lus c~r !'Inly to dril'e to ;inrl frorn school ~ Perhaps it's high ti 1ne th<Jt :-cho{ll board~ and parents take a hard look al J 11~l where the rP~ponsibility of part>n!ti ends and tha t o' e<lucritnrs l)f>gins. Uurllogame Ad,·ancf·Star Four Reasons to Ban Red Teachers Shou ld Phi Beta Kappa Angela Da vis (bei ng a Communi st/ teach al a state univer5ity? Tht UCLA Academic Senate think s so, 5.\1 to 4. L'CI Chance llor Aldrlch says , ··J1,1y lord, yes."·' !\1any students think so. Many students niay be Jerri -he aded. Another group, nc1\·ly a\vay fr o1n home. no1v has grca!er freedoin , hut J;icks tt1e disc:i plinc of parental gu id;1nce. Thry haven ·~ inatured through real-life rx· pcr1encr Tl.ey rnay be p<irti ally or lvtally ig· noran l of ho w our cconornK' svs!C'11l ll'ork,,, But !hry arc remind ed of lhe in- JUStices in our society. And com1nunism champion~ the oppressed. Acade mic freedom den1 ands that the other side be gi ven a fair chance. ACADEl\1lC 1'~REEDOl\1 is the r ight to follow the lruth, Con1inunl~ts deslroy acarlcn1ic frcedorn in th at lying is lheir :-!andard tacti c ~they come inlo powe r by tleeci t r.nd rernain in pnwc r hv forct'I, They 1lon't tell you that injus\Jc.r and in· humanlty are mu ch greater in Coin· niunlst countries. Communists should be exclud ed rron1 teaching because: -Their lies and f~\se a pptuls may deceive nai ve y·oungsters into '~rong rlCC'lslon (should 11·c allow the /l lafia. prn· stitutes and dopC' peddle rs Lo recruit on high school and junior high grounds~) -THEY O\\'E TH EIR loyalt y In the Communist Party 111 Hus~1a. <Jll!I arc therefore instrument s u! a !orc1g11 pri wer. -Society has a right 10 prolC'tl 1lself from it s enemies and not subsi dize !hos e \l'ho v.·ould destroy us. -Ta xp;1ycrs have a rl gl11 to ha 1c 1ht•1r ta:>: dollars useU prudentl~ LEONAHD \\!ilGllT C'o••• 11111 '' i st T ef1t•l1 i r1 !I T o the Ed11or : ll ::n! I ncl'er heard 1hc '·Ba 11lc lh 111n 1;f the Republic·• I 1voulrl ncl'er lv11c ·bl'liti· l'd !hat rtliglon and 11·ar could br ~l't 10 nlu$i<·. and be coupltd togc·lhcr sn bca u11fl1lly. \\lhilc l1:;lrn 111g lo !hi~ !re111e11do11s hy1nn , I couldn 't hrlµ but refl ect on the v.'ords it is .saying · "1\s he died to niake men holv. let us d ie lo make me n free, ll1s 'tr uth 1s niarching on ." Hi story wrHes that for 11r11rly two t en· Lurles we ha\·e been vicloriou~ in war in 011r country and on foreign so il. \\'e are faced today, with an even grca1 er ta~k . A task that has never beset us befo re -a \\'ar of ideology. THIS INSIDlOUS. spread 1Jf cun1· niunisn1 that is gaining in our countr.~· i-; a greater menace than one is supposing ~--B!J Geor!Je ---1 D~ar George: I have ahvays gone without a hat. all lhro;_igh my young manhood and <i ll during my 26 years of n1arriage -but now it's i:ausing trouble. This pasl summtr my wife and I spend the sun1n1er in a resort area where n1osl men \\'Car ca ps. So, na!urally, in slead or going without a h;:iL I went withoul a rap. No\v th<it 1ve are back home 1ny wife won 't Jet me go without my hal any1nore, insisting I look 1·oungcr \1·hen I ~o \\'ilhout a cap. \Vhal should I do ? \\'. It Dear \V, R.: \\'rll. for nnr lf\iniz, yo u i;hould be hrre 11,ri!ins this column un1il I get 01·t"r the he.idache vour lett er c;111sed. 1 mt'<in. l'rn the' lnvrntor i;ir Sidc1rriyii Think1ng but you 've fl lp- pt'd your cn p. \ MaiU>ox Letters f rom r eaders are welconte. ilformally writers should coJJvey thei r 111essages in 300 words or less . Tlze righ t to co nde nse le tters to f it space ot c!lniiuale libel is reserved. All let· l e.":: ~nl(st i11clHde signature and mail· fnrJ add.ress. but ·nanics n1oy be uith· /ie/1. on rcr1uest if s11fficie11t rcaso1L ts ap purent. or c')11\d ever imagi ne . \\'e're told to put on 011 r seat belts for protection y,•hen 11"e ge~ Into our car. How ironic when vot1 dra1v the parallel--Communisl teach.ing tn ou r college. Even n1ore ironic. some advu<·atc it. J\'lr . J. Edg ar Hoover's Life has bl'l'n one of great service. His books on co;111r.n,1is1n are a tremendous sourer. 1<1 brco1nc k no1~·1cdgeable on con1· niun1s111. OUR ''OUTll are very importanl t<r clay. As our fut ure leaders. they need niore tha n 1\'e are giving them. The high standards that once surrounded our schools ha ve got to be a reality onc e 111orc. \\'e n1usl bring God back into our r l11ssroo n1s. \\le must rid oursel ves of those in Our colleges 11·ho do not hold to our phil osophies. And \ve niust bring back !he loyally oath. These steps have got 10 b{' !akrn now, so 11·c \\'Onl ha ve to go lo \\';;r ag;iin on our soil. in th e effort to gua rd and prolf'ct our fret'od111. /'.IRS. JA/'IIES D. J-1.0DG!': r:,\'f'Pllf"llt ffigh Sclwol Tu Ille [d1lOr 1·111 ne11· 111 the CJsta ~l esa area and I _in~t cnr.o\lerl in Corona de! /'1·1ar 1-1.igh ~l'ilool ai; a senior, I 11011lrl like to say that in my opi nio n r oro11a del ]I.far is an excellent high :-rh[;,11. \\'c arc learning to think and h<' our~rlvl'~, nol to be a ca rbon copy or l'vrrsone else: \Ve can expre ss ou r op1 - n1ons ll'i1hout fear of be ing put down by a tl':irher whose opinion diffe rs. r ran honestly say that 1 have enjoyed going 10 school these past two v.·eeks. [ fct'I I hal'e learned more in those two 11'ccks than in my three years of hlgh school. I would like lo thank the perscm~ who n1;1dc Corona del ~far what it is toda y. P M l V ARB EL 1''nlkh19 Stage f'lr1t To the Ed itor : Heferring to yo ur editorial of Oct. 17, '':'i·lesa 1-1.lgh 's New \Vays:'' Perhaps the olrl school adage of crav.'1- ing before you 1valk and walking before you run has some applicati.:in with respect to the drastic ehange in educa· tlonal methods ;it l\.1esa High. There is, in fac~ .. a greal deal of good to be gained by tra1n1ng our high school students for col· Jege and university \\'Ork. Training is a gradl1al proces~. howe1·tr, and cannot be done on a rash and im· n1l'Cliate ba si~. CHI LOREN Lf.A \111\G junior high school , 1~·here lh<'ir entire day is planned for them. and inlroducing them into a system. where they do as they please, \\'hen t.hcy please, and how they please, as ou1l1ncd by the fc-\11 moods the y have a day, is too great a departure from thei r six }'ears or junior high school training. fl would i;eem that they are being expected to run after crawling. I "-OUld strongly su pport a more grndual transition froni JJ.Jl'liUr high school to the senior yea r at /'11f'Sll High. Uy 1his I v.·ould suggest a graduated giv. ing ol educational fr eed om in or der that the rllildren first reach a walking stage before thry are expected lo run. )l'URTllER, I cannoL support a hislory teacher who gives a test paper to the class and then suggests th at a!J of the !;(udents get together and answer the \e~t oucstions. This is certainly a "new way,'' though hardly conduci ve to studying 011 one·s own tin1e a·nd doing one's own work. I lake lhe position Lhe ~·old scliool'' wil~ nnt entirely \1'rong, as cvidcnct our af. lluence and growth in technology. If tl1e J\Cwporl·/llesa Unifted School Distr il't ex · 11ec!s my support for their additional bond election in Februarv, it will ha ve to do something more at Mesa High than continuing to promulgate the new v.·ays, G. R. MURRAY Kaiser J1111lor ffig/1 To the Editor: \\'hilc touri ng our Kaiser Junior l ligh Sthool recently. I obse rved conditions 1\•hich I think should interest the he alth rl epartn1ent, fire depa rtment , and school board as well as parrntS, \\'e were shown one r(lOlll t'onlaini11~ 140 studenL~ and another \\"ith a i:Jass of 79. The rooms 1\'ere large enough for thi~ nu111bc r of students but the s pace \\'as on- ly p;irlial ly us ed as ll}e children wr re crowded together as closely as possible, Long tables 11·erC used in Lhe first roo1n, Students sat elhow·t(~eJ bo1v with the1r books on the tables. J\l any \1-cre hal'ing diffi culty finding room enough to sprc ud oul lh('1r 8 x 10 piece of paper. ALTHOUGH TllE _door~ were open, the t oo111 \\a~ quite .~tuffy and students wrre l·o11ghi11g back and forth in each other ~ racrs They were generall y well bcha1·crt bul lhc con.!'tanl seething mo\1011 of 140 peorle 1n close qu:ir lers \1 as t'ertainly 1l1str;1l_'\1ng. /I s 'if this was not rnougli <:ontus1on. \ht're 11·prc 111'0 tcachPrs 011 (!1fferent sides of the roon1 leaching dif· fcrent subjects. The scconrl room containing 79 stutlrnts had indiv idual desks but !he front of one ilcsk 1\ias touching the back of the nc;;t <ind 1he aisles cou ldn't have been mol'I' lhan 21:· reel 11·ide 11'ilh books piled all rrlong thcn1 . certainly a hazard in case of fire. IT \\'AS PROUDLY explained to u~ that this was the lal€sl thing in team teaching .and lt was preparing the .:;tudents to work more independently. \Vhat are 1he results of this type or teaching ? \\'ell , my 01vn son, V.')10 has been an "A" student throughout all his school years, is failing in mathen1atics and read ing. I v>ant to alert other parents to lhi.:i :;\tualion and suggest that they take time to observe for themselves. ~1RS. D. \\'.JORDA..~ Lenr11 In lhe ,'\'ems .To the Edilor ;, Over the past 10 y<'ars I have enjoyed your newspaper coverage of local and 11·orld news events. Occasionallv, I differ 1vith some of your ed itorials bUt that is nol lo s11y I haven't enjoyed reading your nC\\'Spaper. Generally speaking, ·your nev.·s coverage is informative and ill· teresting. However. I feel that you stoopt'd lo a new low in a rectnl arllclc regarding Tin1olhy Leary. I am at a loss as lo \\'hy such a man of foul reputation a n d unproducli venes:i: could e v t r be feature ne\\'S to the extent of ha1•ing a picture of hiin gelling a haircut, 01'\E pr ~IY chi ldren 11•as looking thro1.1gl1 the ne1~.,~paper to filld a current Prent and she asked me ll'ho this 1nan 11 ::.<; ~citing a haircut. I e:cpla incd to h<'r t hat he 11·as the father of the L.5L1 1no1·f'· tnenl and ha s preyed on ti~ in- quisili1encss of the high school and col- lege students through encouragement to hal'e an exci ting ··trip." Her question to n1e was, "\Vhv. then. would tlie newspaper wrilc ·an article and publisl1 his picture if he has done so much harm'.''' /'11y ans wer to her \l'as, "I don·t know, I JUSt don'l kr'low." I ~llGlIT SUGGEST that the next time you ha1·c 5pacc to wa~Lc, yo u prinl a pie· t1irc anrl articlr. {lf the bcauli ful parks that c111bra{'e <Jur <irCH or n1ay be a hu1 nan tlltt>rl'~t st11rv about s-0me unselfi sh per son 11·ho ga.ve. their time and eff\1rt. !(, help our :socir,.ty ;:incl not hind e1• our s.0<:icty. JOHN CAl\tPBELL To the Editor· ~lore stop sign~. in Curuna de! ~tar~ No~ No! No' /111 the sign.<; 1vould do is give l hP. through streets n1ore speed which would prorlucc more serious crashc~, plus the greater hazard for chl!dre1L Ye~. ire have lender bender~ now an1I then. bul in the several incidents I ha ,·~ sf'en, ci1 hcr driver could have avoidetl lhe other 1f they had been paying attention . f,'i 1'1Y OPINION . it lakes t1\·n bad driv ers ;1l an unco nlrollcd intersection to lial'e a fr11der be nder'. So let therh le11rn a lesson at 1l1<'ir 111vn expense and not a\ !he expense or .'iOtnone 1vho can't get out of their v.·ay fast enougli. Arsidrs morf' .'i10p·and·go d ril'in~ mean~ more unburned hydrocarbons iii the au·. TO~I HILL~t t\\' ~'·e1t·11t1rt•s .\;11rt'i11~1 T11 .\· To Ill" Editor: For four ~re;.ir.~ nn11· tl1e bonrd ~urfcr~ nl !\ell'por! Bcarh hal'c been booing ;;ind l 11ssin~ at !he cit~, and 1 feel ih<'y ha ve a rc;ison lo. Jn order for the surfers to en· .ivy !h(• watrrs off i\c11·p<•rl Hc<1th they have lo pay carh ~·e;:i r a S3 i;urling tax :\ surfrr cnught surfing within Ilic r1lv li1nils 11·i1hot1 L ;1 surfing pern11t 1s stlhjcct lo ;i fi nr of $10 ancl $2:) the secnnd lln1('. \\'hen the l;1ws were ~1asscd the ~11rfr1«; \\Cre told the n1oncy would go to lhc benefit of the surfers of NtwporL Bt ach. l\'O\Y. 1969, with nvC'r 3,000 surfers i11 the area. there should be over $30,000 11111iting lo be spent , But 11·;iit. The 1noncy has been spent. ll was placed into tl1c ''general fund " and spent 011 who know s \1•hat ~ Thb money could ha ve been used lo bu ild artilic'ial reefs off Newport, benefiting surfers. fis hermen, aod marine lif1.:. The rclati ~·cly incx pensil'e reel s could be set 11p in all-day surfing areas, easing the surling crowd s liy creating n1orc surfing break~. CARY FISlfER Sluden~ --WWW- \Vednesday1 October 29 . 1969 Thr. edirorial pave nf t.11r Da !/11 Pilo/, .~eel:s io 111fo1·1n 0111! .~l hn· ululc tr.oder.~ b/I p1·rse111i11 g t/11s •11fw.~paper·~ Of}il1 lnlls aud crin1· tlt1nHo r11 01t /.opifs of -i uterr.st uncL .~ignifira nce, by pr()t•1.rli110 n jorn11l for Ilic e;r.pressirnt of our rcodcrs' opi1lious. aurl b11 prcs.r.utinf1 Il ic d1~·e r.~c 1·1r.1r· poiuls of i11r111n1rrl r,/1sl'r1;r,.~ our! spolir.s11ic11 on topic.~ 1)f t/1r day. Robert. r.:. \Vc ed , Publisher . I ' I ------------------------------------------~-----~~..-· c u ; oo I ... ,, I i< 1. +I '°"" -r-T' --• -r:;--~.' • Deliciou sly Fashionable Fashi ons to \~·e.:i r \\'hen licking Cbrisllnas Seal s ""-"ill be modeled during a fa sh- ion s ho\ving in South Coast Plaza Saturday, i\lov. _ 1. a t ~ p.1n. Shops from the plaza \Viii furnish ense1nbles to be modeled by ~Ilss Ch ristmas Seals and man· nequins from the shops for the promotion of Christmas Seals. Ready to parade in U1e Great Christmas Sea! Put-on are ~tiss Rose1nary Kelly I left), Miss Christ- mas Seal fo r Fountain \'.i l!ey and Miss Donna Flory, Miss Christmas Seal of Costa J'vle sa. r:'- 1 Peering [ Around t J ATT ENDl ~G a homeco1ning picnic hosted by Or. I\"orman Topping. prrsi denl of 1he Uni\·ersity of So 11 l h er n Ca lifornia, and tl trs. Topping \\·ere ~lr. and J\lrs. J:iv Rec·d and f!1rs. ~!argare1 r ·luor or NewporL Beach. They \\·ere an1ong nther donors t n fleritage Hall and members rif Cardinal and Gold invitC'd lo the picn ic. December Wedding Planned Yolanda Yero and Jorge ~lnrales, both of Costa hll'Sa \\'ill exchange nuptial vows Dec. 20 in St. Joachim's Ca1holic Church . r\t•....-s of the forlhcoming e\ enl has been announced by r-.tiss Yero"s parents, !\lr. and P.lrs. r.tigue l A. Yero Jr. of Costa P.1esa, form c r residents of Ha v<1na . The futlire bride is a gr.1dua1e of Newport llarbor High School and attended the Los Angeles College of Dental A~sisting. YOLANDA YERO To Marry PLEOGl~G Alpha Gan1m a Nu at the Un1vers1tv of Redlands ....-a.~ Da\T Sclbit. son of P.1r. and Mrs. Be! Selbst of Costa r-.·tesa. Sclbst is a 1%8 graduate of Corona de! ~la r ll igh Schou!. lier flance , son of Carlos G Celebration ?llorales and Amalia Vazquez de P.loralcs of Buenos Aires. rl:'Ceivcd his education in Buenos Aires. l\11SS Jtrl'\E \tcl\re made her acting debut in ··~e\\' Talents" aL 1he L:ni\'crsity of Redlands' festival theater. The dsughter of r-.lr. and !-lrs. F'ran k \V_ Mel\ce of Costa P.lesa i.~ a j11nior m;i- joring in thentflr arts and a graduate of Estancia Jl 1gh School. Helping J ob"s Daughters. Bethel 313 celebrate l!s 10th ;inn1vcrsary \\ere four in· i11a1es, the i\iisses Pa1ty •· Aschcnberg, Nanry F'.d"'ards, J ulii~ \Vallon and Catherine Helton . Also the state deputy grand J!Uard 1an, Mrs. Shirley Common lnade her official vi sit. 25% OFF SALE STe:RUHC!I B Y LUNT Magnificence in Sterling ••• created tor thoee who 1WMl the lineal In IOlld g11..., fl&twue. Newet belor• IUCh s.wtnga on lets, Of fJYtry piec., of one fJf Amer\oa'a ur•• ater11ng patten'& ............... ,. • ..,,. ,.,_....... SA'IE $12S.llll ....._ "'91nloe ,.,..,.. o ....._ ,,_......, SAVl $154.1111 72.flD. ~ t.119 12 '""'ci. P11ee Settings SAVl $212.51 Act now ••• USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY CHARGI ACCOUNTS INYITH IANICAMEIUCARD -MA.STIR CHAlt•I GIFT WltAP •NO CHARGE IRIDAl 911GISTRY GEORGE MURRAY "LVt:ll • (lflM .... c-.vsTAL • 'Ull•'llTU•t: 11"11101 St'"' et S-l>iet• freewey Soutlt Cocrst l'lon Phe11 546-2700 DAIL 'f 'ILOr 3-5 Jeweled Pins Offered When Chapters Meet Dinner Roasting A l!awalia.n theme will prevail trrtien members of Beta Gamma Chapter, E psi Ion Sigma Alpha sorority, honor their slsll'r chapter, Delta Iota, during a dinner meeting in Sam's Seafood restaurant. The Fountain Va lley groups ~'ill gather at 7 tonight and of· ficlating will be the new chapter's adv ls ors, Mrs. Gl'-Orge Wil'r and tt1rs. Ray Seiffert. Installing officers for the jewl'l pin ceremony are ~1rs. Al Hackmeister and Mrs. William Guthrie. president and junior past president of Beta Gamma. Receiving pins will be Delta Iota members the Mmes. John Downer, Harold Graves, John Koontz, Lorin Lammers, Don li1cCollum , \llendell Pierson, Sue Rhodes. Roa Siabo a n d Elton Thayer. ProspecUve members pledg- ing to Beta Gamma are Mrs. Vern Carl son and Mrs. JlJlt}ert Fllppen. A first pearl &\\'ard for achievement during Uie first six months of membership will be presented to Mrs. Szabo, Delta Iota, by Mrs. Lew Stnith, president. Beta Gamma members receiving a firsl degree Pallas Athene award are the 11rnes. Will iam llewston, G e o r g e Keller. Kenneth K I eh 1n , Robert McGa lmery, Pat 1torey and Clarence Nelson. A second degree award .,.,.i ll be presented Mr s . Hackmeister and third degree awards will go to ~trs. Cochran and Mrs. Guthrie. 1'urkey dinner to p 11 t everyooe In the mood for a traditional Thank11gjvinc feast will be offered as a fund-rais- ing benefil by members of SL Anne's Parish, Seal Btach. Dinner will be s er v t d between noon and 7 p.m. Sun· day, Nov. 2, in the ch urch, and greeting guests will be the &v, William L. Diamond. Commlttee ch a ir nl e D assisting Jack Be I ch er , general chairman, are Ben Rapp, prizes; P.tr. and f\.irs. P.1ichael Spisak, food: 1'1rs. P.tarion Tryzbinski and ttfrs. John Campb<'ll. hall and table deeoration ; P.lrs. Pearl Van Auken and Mrs. Terl'sa Pree per, tic ket sales. Tickets for the dinner will be $2 for adult.~ and $1 for children under 12. T A STE BEFORE YOU BUY! cheese ball AND BEEF STICR Flea Market Opening Joint Session Two favorites from the wide select.ion of specialty food!-! from • Leisure World, Laguna 1-li!ls is aiming for something a lit tle different than the usual rummage sale in their Flea 'flfarket ancf Hobby Sale whi ch v.·ill take place Saturday , Nov. I, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, The second annual event sponsored by Education and Recreation Department ~·ill lake place in the community's sales parking lot on the comer of El Toro and Valencia roads. The sale is designed to bring together residents whG wish to dispose of their very good us- (-d items they no longer have room for and tho.'il' interested in finding bargains. More thp.n 120 booths will be Dence Club The first, third and fifth Fridays of the month are the dance dates selected by Lace 'n Leather Square Dance Club members. The mu sic 6larts al 8 p.m. in the Recreation Center. Huntington Beach. ·' . ' , ' ' :'" ! ~~~~~, ~~,~~ .. ~ UFUl/!U SOUTH COAST PLAZA lo-Carouwl Mall l rlstol et So11 Dl990 Fl"ffwar, Cotta M.._ JIQ/IJ'l llJ//ll 111111 lf/10 18th ANNUAL ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FBEE at the MESA THEATER COSTA MESA 9:30 to 11 :30 AM THURS., OCT. 30 Also NOV. 6, NOV. 13 & NOV. 20 540·ff91 REGISTER AT THE DOOR FOR PRIZE DRAWING for BAGS of GROCERIES CO. SPONSORED BY: 8 Alpha Beta Markets e So. Counties Gas Co. • Davis -Brown O Caloric Cor~Jration e Mesa Theater e Daily Pilot Newspapers FREE TICKETS aval!af>le at your nearby ALPHA BET A Din1c-A-Lines Mean $$$ f4SHION ISLAND HU NTINGTON CENTER SOUTH COAST PLAlA NEWPOR T I EACH HUNTINGTON I EACH COST ... MUA · .. Ol!L V l'TLOT s ~Bewitching Adams PTA Mn. Poal °'*8 ""'1denl COMING UP: Primary grade •pook parade and judging will take place Friday. Oct. 31 .••. Board meeting at 9:30 1.m. Tuesday. Nov. 4, In the home oI Mrs. Du a ne Steputis. REPORTS: t.lrs. Paul Ohlsen, 1'.lrs. Steput.is, Mrs. Carl Leuck and ?o.1rs. Lawrence Poston v.'ere appointed lo ser\'e on 1he by -la lf g revision committee. Ali so El e. PTA J\1rs. Edmund VanD use n President REPORTS: h!rs. El n1 c r J ungclas, m c rn b e r s h i ri chairman repor t.s the Snoop.v AWooaut made a successful flight to the moon \\ith 365 parents joining in the drive. \.\'inning class .... ·as t.1rs. \Vyman Eckhardl's second grade class ..... ·tuch was pre- sented the trophy for the second year. Her method of winning is by tying string around each student's fing- er, Placing second \\'ere Mrs. Alfred Ames' first grade and David Hagens' Al section. Bay View PT A J\lrs. U'illiam Frost Prcsidcnl CO Mlr\G l "P: BlC\"tlr ~afl'IY day tomorrow. \V ritt <'n ex- . -amina lions Y•i!J he given 1n : the classrooms, followed by I mechanical inspection and a ~ Tiding skill test conducted by the Costa 1'fesa Police Department. Students in third through sixth grades ' .are urged to participate ... ~ Board meeting at 9 a m. ~-Tu~ay, Nov, 4, in "1hl' ...,. mul t.lpurpose room. ~· ~:Californ ia PTA ~-flln. Ted Brisso r President i:CO!'llING l"P; Board mm ing • Edison AFS :'.Maps Aims •· •! Thomas Edis0n l-!1gh School, .~:Huntington BC'a{'h, is seeking t:\'oluntecrs. ~ Now . formalizing f u I u re !,~ans is the ne1~· chapter of th <' ~merican Field Ser\·1ce. and .~rs. Owen r.1iller, actin g ~halnnan, is encourai;tn g ~ults intcresk'd in becon1lng ~charter me mbers to contact • I i I her at 812-6258. Ed ison studcn1.~ inlffe~ted In th e AFS Cluh 1na y cont~k'l Lvman C 1 n \\'er . <1C!t\"J!1cs direct.or at the school. for in· formation. The American Field Sl'r1.-1te program or1g1n:ited in France during \\"orld \~·ar l \\hen "- group of 1\1n£'rica n \ o\untrf'r ambulant e c!fJ\ (·rs I e n 1i <' ri thousands of v.ounded ~flldirrs on the baulrfie\ds. F<lllo\1•1n.'; tha l \.l"ar. the AFS proi:;rain v.·as inaui:;u ratC'd to furthe r un- clcrstand tn~ bct11t•en nJ\1ons or th e \1·orl d. I. ,. • at 7:)0 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, ln the t.eachen;' k>unge ..• Bicycl~ .safety day Ii; sche.duled for Wednesday, Nov. 5. REPORTS: Mrs. Mi 1 ton Freeman's mo ming a n d a f le r n o o n kindergarten rl&l9CI tied for first place in the r e c en t membership drive Roednmner's race. A ptUie of $15 was awarded for the purchase of instructiona l equipmenl Second place ·was J\ftss Patricia Albert's :o.econd grade and J\t rs. Donald Lo 9fry's fi rst grade class took third. The lour classes v.i tl be awarded frozen bars:. College Pk . PT A Mn . .James Schafer President C0~1TNG UP: Board meeting at 9:30 a .m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. In the home of t.1rs. Carl Nauman. ... Unit meeting 11·1ll take place at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, i n multipurpo6C roo m. Werner Carlson, principal of Davis Srhool, J\frs. Donald lfen- dricks, student council ad- \"isor and J\1rs. L. E. St. J\fartin 1\·ill speak on the niiddle school c on cep t • Frank J...opes, principal of Costa J\tesa High School along l'.'ith \\'i!liarn Vaughn, \"ice principal and Don.aid Achziger, assistant vi c e principal will speak on modular scheduling . Bicycle 5afety day ·Friday, 1''ov. 7 .••. Mini-carnival from 10 a.m, lo 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, in the multipurpose room. CdM Ele. PTA J\frs. Arthur Pappas President C0~1 !NG UP: Boys Night Out , rlinner for fa thers, sons, uncles and big brothers at 7 p.m. i'vlonday, Nov. JO. Dave Holland, coach from Corona dcl ill;i.r High School will be guest speaker along with a mystery guest. football films and door prize:s. Reser\•a- tions will be taken until Tu~ay. Nov. 4. by Mrs. Vic tor Matl off at 675-0712 .•. r.tothers and children a re invited to a special presen- tation by the Children 's Theater Guild Wedneaday, Nov. I 2 . Kindergarten th rough third grades will mett at 9:15 a.m. and fourth and fifth grades al 9:45 a .m. •.. h-fothers v.·orksbop will take place afterwards. REPORTS: t.!embers:hlp drive the Big Regatta was won by Mrs. Eugene lleap's fifth grade rlass. Davis PTA rtfrs. Grarit Berto\el President CO:'\.T!NG LP: G en er a 1 meeting al 7:30 p. m . Wednesday Nov. 5, in the multipurpose room . Cur- riculum discussion l'.'ill be led by \\'erner Carlson, pr1n- 1'1pal end depart1nent heads. J·:ighth grade students v.·111 pro1·ide a musical progr<1m under the leadership of ~1.rs. .Jamrs Griffi n, m u s ic rlep;ir Lmcnt director. n El'O RTS : Parents sti !l havr I.me to join the Pl A rnl'mbcrship drive. . f"haperoncs r 0 r lhe dance !hat too k place last Frid ay If the Hat Fits, Then Why Not E\'eryone "'ill fin d someWng "·hen the College Park PTA 5ponsors a r.lini-carni,·al and Dazaar Saturday, Nov. 8, in the school's mul11-purpose room. r.taking their sele<::Llons are Robert I3 run.~. i chool principal, Jamie Schafer, second g rader and Craig Hour Approacf1es for w e r e the J\tessrs. a n d Mmes. Charles: Y e r k e y , C"Arirad Tetrault and Ra)'· mood Esparta. Ensign PTA Mrs. Harold Shaw President COML~G UP: An n u a I spaghetti dinner F r i d a y , Nov. 14. .•. Sv.·eat shirts, windbreakers and bike bags will be sold each Wednesday during lunch hour. Harper PTA !'ltrs. Bob Lindsay President COMING UP: Board mtttin <?; at 7:30 p.m. ?-.tooday, Nov. 3, in the home of fi.1rs. Bruce Harl. •.. Bicycle safl'ty pro- gram wll l take place J\1on· day. Nov. 10 .... General meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues- i!av, Nov. 11, in the intiltipurpose room . ,\lr. ;.Jnd J\lrs. Darrell J\lann \\'JJ! speak and show adventure slides. R E P ORTS : Back-to-school night 'A"as attended by 200 parents. Flag ceremony \\"as led hy Gi rl Scout Troop 82. BuctgE_.t \\'as read and ar· proved. Profits fr om the ice crean1 social v;ere $400. Harbor View PFO J\trs. Charles s.,..·ord President COMING UP: Grade level n1eeting for parents of kindergarten ~turlenls fron1 2 lo 3 p.m. \Vedncsday, No\'. 5, in the Ne11-porl Beach hnme of Mrs. Charle'.<; Loos. Present to provide info rm:1- lion and ansl\"Cr questinns will be kinde rgarten teach- f'rs. principal, school psy- chologist. ~peech therapist and nurse RF.PORTS · :\i r s .. J;i y Kear. first \'1ce prc.<;1de.nl hns coordinated all grade Je,·1•1 meetings. 11emhers voterl during back·to-school night to provide $300 for the purchase of a Tachistiscopc to be used bJ' teachers for special readi ng instruction and $40 for a bulletin board to be installed in the school llbrary. Killybrooke PT A J\lrs. Ronald Hayward President COMING \JP; Board mef'!ing will take place Wednl'!;day . Nov. 5, in room 3 Jn the school. REPORTS : Girl Scout Cadette troop 100 led the flag cere· mony at the general meeti ng arxl back-to-school nigh\: Laguna High PT A Mrs. Mark Smith President COMING L"P: Ghosts ;inrf gob- lins football fea st will t;i ke place Friday. Oct. 31, hr fnre the ;..tission Viejo game. Par- ents of junior studenLo; v.'11! prepare and ser1•e hambur· gers. bakC'd be:ins. jrlln sa lad, g r een sa lad, ir e crram. coffee and milk. Adults' tickPlS ~\ 25, S!ll- rlcnts Wi th ASB cards and children $1. Lindbe rg h PTA 1\trs . .John Jlefty President CO:'rtING UP : Annual Family Trea~ dinner from 5 lo B Buy It? pm. tomorro\\', in the multi-. purpose room. Menu w1tl consist of sn1orgasbord sa l- ads, relishes . roast beef, ham, baked beans, hot re>Hs, coffer, te<i. 1nllk and des- :.erts. Adult s $!.25 and SO rl'nts for children in sixth ~ grade and under. Mesa Ve rde PTA ?ilrs. Nancy Reinhart Prestdl'nl co;..11NG UP : Ha 11 owe en parade at 1:30 pm. Friday, Oct. 31. .. Students \\'ho 11•ish to donate trick or treat can- dies fnr the rhildrcn at Fair\'il'w State Hos pital may bring articles to school Tu£'sday, Nov . 4 ... Board mf'E't1ng at 9 a.m. Tuesda y, No1·. 4, in the home of Mrs. ,J nhn I\etllr. .nummage sale Sa turday, t-;"n\'. 8. Dona- tion s mav be• left ~1t school on nex t ~'iond;iy and Frid<Jy. REPOilTS: 37a parents and leachers ha1·c icunt d the mf'mbersh1p dri l'l'. Banners \1•1lh the theine Gt'! Our Love BuR All The \\'ay \Vith PT A and bug tokens v.·ere awarded to the th ree classes securing the most n1em- berships. Monte Vista PTA !'11n. fl1ark ;\!orris Pre~ident COl\fTNG UP : Library corn- m1ttee and adviso r meeting at 2-15 pm. Friday, Ckt. 31. Attendin g \\'ill be the J\1mes. .Ja1nC's !\Io or, cha1rrnan, .Jack Glenn. Oa\•id Goodsell, .!\lark l\lorri~. Lynn Petty, O.:i1·1d Brant, along wilh Phil ?i!;turcr and Scoll Paulsen, princi pal. .~!rs. Fred BctlS. i\lrs. J);i1·id ill ooncy • J\.lrs. Thomas Jlrrndo11 and ;..1rs. Gerald ll orton . J;in- 1h·ri;;i rt,'n 1 nnn1 n1othcrs 111!\ '.<;er1r 1r1t ches· bre\\', f:hn.-1 surkl'r.~ ;i nd llallowetn ro0k1rs Fn dav. Oc!. 31 to t l1r ~turlC'n1.<> · 1n thr kin - tl1 ,rg:1rt cn r·i;1sscs. Stories \1· i I J be 1old by :i l'isiting \I JI Ch TIF.PO RTS· ~.J rs 1\1 o or, J1br.:rrv ehairnian a ~ k e d s1 ud('iit~ to donal e bnoks lhev do not usr. r-.:amr$ of doOor v.1ll be placed Jn e<1rh book. Newport Hts. PTA :'i lrs. Jlavi.J Cha' i~ Pres1drnt CO\IJ \(; l'P· E x e c u I i v e hoard 1nrrt1ng at 9 3'1 a m. T ucscla~. Nnv. J . <'ll srhool. REPORTS: 1\I \\":11\t'(s f;fl h i.:radr rl :1~s wo n ! w n pla~.i;rnund bJ!I~ for the bat·k-l o-5chool n1cht parent .1i1 rndanc<• :111·,ird. ill rs _ (; l' n c l\;111 :11n11ra. nif'm- hr r;.hip chairman anno unce d 1hal 1\lr!-. i\nn hrrn>gl•r's fiflh grade ''lJ<~ \\'O n 1he PTA n1rn1 hrr;;hip 1rophy 1ruh 1 2~ pcrr('nl. Classes "l(h 1011 llf'!'Cent or more rrrr11·1n.i; pri ~rs 111·rc :'I.Ir;;. n:i11d l l ar~hbar;cr, !llrs. S.imurl 1\lt"E lfrr,;J1, :'-\rs. Tho rnas ll:irdeHJ". ill ! s s 1\l argaret Hale:-·. ill rs. \\ 1Jham llaT\T':. !\I is s J\l ilr1an F:r:1ns <ll'.ri \lrs-. i\.J. \\"ey1 1l ·s tlro t'la~~l'S. O ur Lad y Queen Of Ang els Au x. .\!rs. .lan1r' Ua1 ies Pr1'<>1dent C0:'-1 !:\l; l"f': Sc·r1rs of SL C!air. sl udenl body presirlent. Their Ch(lices ~re many. for the hazuar \\•ill offer t hr1stmas ite1n s and country st ore itc1ns in cluding hnmem;i1le .1;11115 ;:ind jellies. Shopping hours are 10 a .111. to 4 p.1n. It's the Principal of the Thing That Counts \Vilson School principal R obert Lemke is about to thro\v i n the sponge as he gets the sponge tossed at h in1 by Kristine \Veatheri!l \vith Robert Lemke in the catcher's posit ion. The three a re gelting in a little practice before the \Vilson PT . .\ carnival Sat- \\·orkshops ..,,·HI be hosted for making arlicles for the se- cond annual boutique s.:'.lle in Deccmb<'r. Volun teers in- tereS1ed in attending ma)' contact J\!r.~. \Vi 11 i a m t.Iagrud('r at &14-2J ll or f.lrs. Robert fl.filler at 6i3- 83-09. Pa ulorino PTA J\.trs. Nigel Bailey Presid('nl IlEPORTS : Mrs .. John Graner, \\"ays and means chair m;in and her committee lhe J\.fmes. \\"ill1am Brannick. Paul Dumaln, Tom Moon ;i nd ~ Thompson report the J\.lexican fiesta camh·;i.l \1·as a success ... 13al'k-to· school night v.·as attended hy ;i large parent turn -ou t. J\!rmbership .ipproved the b11dgct for 1hr y('ar. ParC"nts \1'ere du.missed to vi sit the classrooms and refresh- mcnt5 \\·ere s P r v c d by J\lrs n 1charrl Schmirk ... Ei~ht n11Jn!hrrs are s1ngin,g \1"ith the Harbor \\"omen's Chorale. They arc th e r-.tmes Jos.eph B I a I k i e . Roland Soucir, Robert Mikrs, illriurire. Pillsbury, Schmick, Edwin Ch a o ri, Roberl Gr<'<'n and Fred \Vesto ver. The grou p sang earlier this month for the National Convention o f Grandmothers' Clubs in the Ambassador Hotel. T h c chorale is sponsored by the PTA. Prince of Peace PT F Harry Southron President COJ.IJNI. lP· Bityclr s:.fet.v prograrn ""'II! lake place l\londay. No\·. 3. J\1 r ~. [)011<1 ld !11. Suther 1 and, chairman annou nced that 1nothers assisting Chann Camarillo. Costa r.1 e s ;i police offirer ,1•\l l be the :'limes. Philip Ticer. Carl Kn ox. Richard C a 1 1 i n . .James Pa;i. an, Robert Ca mp, \\.alte r Sieber I. John Tooker, ~larga ret \\'orsham. \\'1lt1am Kno\\·lton. John Wells, Ka rl Le dcrrr. illirhacl Dion. John Woodley and Donald Bean . RF:PORTS: J\lrs. Hoh er t Isaac, candy sale (·hairman announced 1hat ;i profit of Sl.179 has bern earned for !he purchase of audlo visual materials. urday. i\ov. 11 . 1he1nod '\"es.tern \loc-do11·11 . .-\ cos- t111ne contest. fortune teller. gJ1ne booth, food booths, 11·h1te elephant and bake sale a nd train r ide all \Viii be offe red to tempt carnivalgocrs fro1n 10 a .n1 . to 3 p.1n. at th e school. St . John Aux. ;\!rs. Dennis \.\'alz President COJ\.11NG LP: r.t rs. Clarence Cl ark and J\t rs. .James Temple are coordinating ;i HallO\\'een costume parade for students in first and scc- cond grad e s .. , Transpor1atlon schcdulC's are being arranged b}' J\l rs. Charles Pond, a I h let 1 c games chairman .... P<iprr and aluminurn can dr11 r Saturday, Nov. J, at 2!88 Harbor Blvd. .~l<'m­ bership dri \'e is i8 percent romplete. repo r1s :'if r '.";. c;erald Abbott. Ori\·c .... ·1\1 t'nnti nul' until December . Victoria PTA ~lrs. Fred l\'ood worlh President CO:'l!Ji1,"G UP : H a 11 o w e en paradl' and mothe rs roflee at 12 .~ p.m. Friday. Or1. JI il1 rs . Ron Groce and !>!rs. Ted Argott \\'i ll host. Library coinmitree meeting at 10 a .m. Tuesday, Nov . 4. announces Mr s. S. D. Ross Board m c et 1 n g at 9.30 a 111. Friday, Oct. 31, in 1hc l1n1ne of .\J1·s. F. L . \\"oo<hrorth. REPORTS: Tea for mothers nf ~mdergartcn students took place earlie r this month \\•ith fi.lrs. Groc e and J\trs. Argott hostin g. fv!iss .Joanne Pike, kindergarten teacher and Lc\\'is Fannon . princi pal .'.ltll'nd!:'d. \\"arren Condr, recreation supervisor rx- plai ned the after school r c c rea I i on p rogra1n ;i1 ailable at !he school dur- ing baek·IO·St'hool night and l('C cream ~ocial. \\"ilham Vandruff. teacher and cMch :icrrptcd football 1 ca rn shirts donated by the PTA.,. i11rs • .John Opfl'rman. w a y and inean.<; ('hrJ1 rman has I'>.· 11·ndl'(I 1 h " ident1fic11t1on bra cele t ci n 1r unu! Frida\·, Ut t, 3 !. . Wilson PTA :'ilrs. \\"illiam Outla w J'rcs1dent C0:'-11 '.'\fr l"P· Ca rnll·al from HI a.m to :i p.n1. Saturday. \ov. I, 0n the school .cround s. Exet"u \11·e board n1e:rt1ng ;:it 7 p.m. ~londay. l\01 3, in the tcachl'rs· lounge. Fun Fur This year could very v.·ell be ca lled lhe "year of the fur"' \\·1th all the fxcitemenl it has created . for 1 Fall Fashions l ~ is seen in l'very kind or l"Otlt fro in an elegant evening cool to a casual sport coat v.·ith !he same kind of "lhro\\·· ;i.way" look that used to be associaled v.i th camel's hair or rorduroy. The variety or furs is stupendous v.·ith every kind of animal imaginable shedding his sk in for fashion's :<>ake. Aside from the old stan- dards like mink, .,.,.e have young furs li ke muskrat or opossum leading the fashion story. \\"ith lhe coming of the young furs comes yoonge r styles such as belled ""'rap coal, or prinl'ess coal<; cut narrO\\' so they gently encase the body ·without the usual bul ki ness that has been associated "'ith YOUfl'!l , fun furs. One of the most versatile fu rs this year is rabbit. Penney's has not limited them::.elves only to coats Jn their fur collection. they also have fur separall.'S ""'hich makes "·earing fur even more fun. Their· separates come in both natural and stencilled rabbit and are n.>presenta tive of this year's Jong. Jean, layered look. There's a sleeveless ,-est tha t zlps up the front and is v.·orn with its matching mini skirt. There also is a neat cropped jacket wlth suede col· Jar and cuffs Uiat can be worn "-·ith the skut" or on its own v.•ith a favorite pant. Seo Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in l\illybrooke School, Cost ;i ~1esa PrngrA m'.<; begin at 7 p.m. e1·ery \\'edncsday. FANTASTIC FEEL -The versatilHv of rabbit le nd s itself to a 11 p fronl crop-- ped j acket \\'ith suede collar and ct1ifs (at left L :\ 1ip fron t slcc,·c!rss \"('<>l \1 or n 01·er matching nuni skirt also features dyed rabbit. ' V< ~f{ o, "" 1·~ in , .. Co tho w u " di ' • ' • "' F c: 1 ' .. ' ;, n " " " ,, , " ' s t L ' l I ' I I ~osta Mesa Today's Final N.Y. Stocks EDITION * VOL 62 , NO. 259. 6 SECTIONS. 94 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1969 TEN CENTS Center Takes Confusion Out of Mesa Crise·s Communiccitions Roo1n lla11clles All C<1lls By JANICE BERl\tAN 01 t!o• D•il1 l"ilOt St1n Tht room in the basement of Costa !-1esa Police l\e<1d<1uartcrs at 99 Fair Drive is silent. except for Muzak voices warbling '·Moments to Rcn1cn1ber _"' Three men listen intently to other voices Jn other places over their headsets. T~e men are mernbers of an \8 -man <:ommunications team for the City nf Costa Mesa. Frop1 their consoles deep in the basement or the police departincnl, lhe men handle rmergen<y and oon· emergency call s for Lhe city's fire, poli ce <Jnd irater departments. The computcr-operal efl Ccntn1x con - sole~ elin1ina te the need !or switchboards and op<'ralors. S:cn Hasmussen, 1vho·s been 11·ith {'Onl · n1unications since lhc systen1 opened lhrce years ago, punched a bullon an<l ~poke into his headset. "Police Dcpart- 1nent. \\'here is H~ Don 't hang up '." He t<ippcd a foot S\\'ilch. "Possible 390 " {dn!nk ), he said to <1 policeman in a p:Jlrol t ar. He switched back lo the voice ;111 his headset. "She hung ur-lle's knock· 1ng over 1naUboxcs," he said wlth a wry !--lllilr . Conside red the nation's-111.osl. advan ced c0iT.1nunica1ions center for a citr of il s ~ 1.c, the Cost;i ~fesa systcn1 is equipped lo handle as n1an y as 300 telephone lines p1'rmittlng direct dialing into clly offices. And six radio channels link com· l See CENTER, Pag' 2 ! Film Tells UF Story Slide Sho1.v to Be Scree1ied at Mesa Pla11ts A v•orld premiere ~tarring Andy Devine \'.as ~creened Tue~day in Costa J\.lcsa. Eiglity-five employes of the Staco Corp_ watched the show. produced by the local United Fund. The screening m;irked lhc debu1 of a 17-minute color slide p r c s r n t a t i o n describing lhe services perfonued by U1e L!nited Fund , now in th e midst of 1t:; an- nual llarbor Area campaign. The slide show wiH be scrn by Costa ~lcsa industrial fir111s. The idea [or the lund·raisi ng effort came from Joseph ~1elcalf, 1nanager of Scar~ South Coa~t Plaza and heart of the United Fund 's .. 1. <lustrlal committ ee. Schools Get AFT Cl1apte1·; Sta1·ts Witl1 22 Me1nlle1·s Ne"·port·~l csa t:"nified School Dislricl n(Wf has a chapter of Lhe American Federation of Teachers, Local 1794. President of the new 22-mernber l\f'"T thapter, Charles Canniff, 33·year-old Mesa Girl Brings Stolen I tern Back, 'Sick About It' Crime did pay ror a Costa Mesa girl - in a painful le sson -and 1hc tcen;igcr mav face the future as a belier woman for ·it. the victim of a SJ:SO Jewelry theft r Pvealed today. An ornamental cross <"Ind chain ~t udded 111th 22 emeral ds aHd a ring 11•ere t11ken from Dorothy r.. Stan~bur:-•~ PortobPlln Antiques. 1856 Ncwf)Orl Blvd . last f''ri- <la v, 'i"hrv (urne1t 1Jj1 ni i~sing ;:1.ner t11·n ~ouni girls had brov.·sed th~ough !he ~torr. fine of thc1n keeping ~lr~. Stansbury busy \\'il h qucsUons about <in· t1qucs. J\londay evening. a rlo\\'ntasl {!irl walk· rd into the shop and handed the loo\ back lo ~1rs. Stansbury. ''$1.t: ~ilid she had hef'n j11.~t sick abollt it," I.he owner expla ined lod;iy "lVhatevcr made you dn a thing like that ?,'' asked J\1r.~. :;;tansb ury. "I don·t kn o1v." lhe gi rl rrpliPrl , •·r don'l need money or anylhi ng like that." Then, she said. 1he teenager n1 ade. a remark \vhic h underscored !he i!ll· pul~iveness of her origi nal <Jct in an even more puzzling way. "I \l·ouldn"1 even \l'C:lr these thing~,·· she sald - Polict: have marked the cru:e rlor,cd \11th recovery of lhc ie1velry. Prices lo Rise, But More Slowly WASHINGTON i UPI) -Commerce Secretary Mau rice H, Stans predicted to- day prices will continue to rise next year b:.il at a s\01,·er pace than this year'.s rate of about 5 percent ele ctroni cs instructor al Corona drl ~!;<r High Schoo!. said today its goal 1~ a teachers' salary contract nci;o tlatrd by c:>lleclive bargaining. A long-range goal, he said, is In bring !he ~·hole school rlistrict into the AFT. School board me1nbcrs recently ga\·e official recognition to Newport·~t esa Federation of Tea chers aloo6 with the Jong-established NewpJrt-Mcsa F..duc<J lion Associolion \Vhich has more lhan J,()00 members. Twenty or !he 22 Federauon or Teachers mr mbtrs are fron1 Corona dr.I J\1ar Tligh School "·here 74 lrachcr~ boycotted classes duri ng a salary light last spring. The .:n men1hcrs is far shorl of 1h(' about 180 needed u11clcr ~choo! dis trirt rules fDr lhr tc <icher assoc1a!ion to h1· represented in ""n1ec1 ;ind confer" sal ar1' negotial1on srs_slnris with thf' ~chnol board "Qu1tr franf.ly 11(•rr 1ml too ~·on · ecrned ·• .~riirl C;innirf. "brcause 11·r d0n ·1 hc!Je\·c !he mert <"Ind confer prort'~S t~ 1r~1 clfr{·t11 r \\le ll':"lnt nego!iatJ>'ln~ mre1i11g the st:inr!a rrl s ot the Taft .Hartley Lav;" ;\;il1 :'.lnalll'. lhr AFT chaptrrs lia1·r a repu tation "of be ing more n11litant ~h;in 1e<Jchrr association~ hkr N ·:'I I E A ;1 ~soc1<itrrl \\'1th :\al10n;il F.dur;i\lnn A.~~Ol·1alion and Ca l1forn1<J Tr;;chcrs As~iation . Canni!f ~aai N·\1FT '>'lll .~ub1n1t :. :;eparale sal;lfy prnpo.~al tn thi> u-hml Ma rrt \1-·hich ~·ill includr reque,ls fnr fu ll medical and dental insurance coverage. LA Freeway Offra1np Closed for Study Orange County molorisL'> !raveling inlu the Los Angeles area \\'ill firxl the ()Ul· bound Hollywood Free\\·ay offramp a! Beachwood Dri ve closed Nov . 3 lhrough Nov. 21. as part of a traffic study. The State Division of liighways is pro· bing use of various thoroughfares in that area prior to a decision on the proposed widening of the Hollywood Freeway between Sunset Boulevard and the Pilgrimage overcrossing. H:id10 personali ty Gene ''Spider '' ~lacLean . a resident of Costa J\tesa. pro- rided a !aped narration In acron1rany \festern co1nedy star Devine , who ll\•es in l\rwporl Brach. t;sing a scnpt written by Da\·e Leigh ton of 1hr Cosl0 Mesa planning department, Devine and MacU>an toured 1hc ll;irbor Ar('a, niaking slops at the Boy Seoul. Y~ICA. Boys Clu b and Gir ls Cl1Jb headquarters. Anothrr Dav r. Leighton. Costa ~lcsa's po I i r r. 1;hotographer. snapped the slar at the \ arlous loc ales '·The finn sho11's how lhc rarn1land bcLamc urbanized, and how, "·11h urbanization, socu1l problems developed, w11h many social needs centerins on ~ outlL" planner Leigh Lon said. The local story was inlcr,rovcn v.·ith ~lides of 22 me1nbcr agencies, including pl1otos of the Salvation Army center 011 !.,A."s skid ro1v, the Orange Count y child guid<1ncc cenler, and various fam ily ~crvice agencies. "A Jot of people kno w what the United Fund Is, genera lly, but v.·hen they sec this, lhcy'll know exactly v.·hat these agencirs do, and why it's so important to ~upport them," said Leighton . The slide show "'as produced entire ly "'i1h donated materials and talent. Devine, who recently celebratf'd h i ~ fi4th birthday. noled that his o" 11 C'h1lrlren, now gro1~11. u ~ed many of !hr ''0111h facilitie~ in the H11rbor Arca tha t ;,re aided by the United fund. Count y Joining Federal Suit On Smog Devices Th is nation's car afld truck manufac· l1 ircrs "'rre con fronted TueS<l;iy v. 1lh a ne w opponent in a fr<lcral ;int1·tri1~1 .-ir· !ion "'"·h1ch charges thein 11·11h col!t1 ~1u11 designed lo pre vr.nL c o m µ c t 1 t 1 v c n1anufactu re of smog <le\'ice.s . Orange Cou nty went on lhe li.~t nl plain, tiffs fotlo\l'ing Lfie board·s :;;pccdy cx- aminaWon of the Attorney C'n>ncra !".~ ~11g­ gcstion that it do 5() and supervisors' rig. id adherence to lhe federal office·:; added directive; "a\'oid exhaustive comment~:· Charged v.·ith blocking attemprs to combat air pollution by grouping against suggested measures in lh al f irl~I ;irr Cfeneral 1\totors, Ford and Chrv~lcr corporalions. American ~lotors Cor~ra· tion. Chec ker fl.1otor Corporation. D1;i - mood T Motor Corporatio n. lntcrnali011al Harvester Corporation. S t u d c b a k c r Corporation, White ~101('1r CorpQr;111011. Ka iser Jeep Corporation , and !\'lack Trucks. Similar charges ha,·c been filed by tl1c federal government against I h c Automobile Manufacturers Association, Any comment by the boa rc1 could c0n· ceivably prejudice trial aetion against the defendants, supervisors ,.i. .. ere warned . . -. -. " , ' ' ' , .. ~ r ·-' DAILY l>U,.OT S!flff 1>11919 DISPATCHERS RASMUSSEN , (LEFT) PAUL STARN, CENTREX OPERATOR MARILYN KNAPP AT WORK On tM• Oth•r End of Complex Ele-ctronic Setup: Complex Hum1n Problems Charges Attorney Panther Leader Seale Yells 'Liar' at Trial CHICAGO !CPI ) -Black Panther lead"r Bobby Seale, yell ing "racisl p'ig'' and "'li ar," cha rged a ll.S. attorney dur· ing lhc ··chicago Ei ght'' trial today and was th rown b<Jck in to hi s seat with sut h forre that he fell into the courtroom's prc~s section. L'S. Dis irict Court J tJdge Julius .I . Hof. fn1an served final warning on the na· 11onal cha1nnan of the Black Panther P;irty rhat he \1·ould hr. g;i ~gcd ;ind chain• r1/ lo hls t.:hair i( another suth outbur~t l r"1~ place. II was lhl' v.·1klest oul brrak yet ol the trial or Se;i !c and sci-en other men charg·- rrJ 11·ith <:.on:-pin ng to incitc n ots during thr Drn1ncr;i t1c na tional co nvention lt be,gan with a speech by Seale to his .~upp<1rle rs 111 the cour1roon1 be fo re the .~r<.~1on hf,i;:an lie l()lcJ tliem. '"If anyone allal·ks you ph)'Sicall y, you kno1~· the principles of thC'. parly -self defense.'' l!r al$n ~a1rL "Hrmc1nber one thi ng - l1ol d ~ nur rnol " As ~non as the session opened , Chi ef flrlt>nSC' A1!orney \\'illi:.m l\un~1!rr pro, lrs1cd ·tn Hoffman that marsh a I ~ guardi ng the courlroom had started srarch1ng mcn11x'r" of !hr <lefen~e lei?al s taff. As t\Unfi!!er and Hof fm an debal.ed heatedl y, 1\ss1slanl C.~. A I.torn e y HIC"h:i rrl Seh11!11. ~trod~ to the bench and raid Sr;o le"s spet>ch about a "phy9ical at- !:1l·k" wa~ c1·1dencr of the need lor cn11rlroon.1 :e.ecur1t y. ~cale iu111pcd from h1~ seal and ran 1011;,rd Srhu l\z ~c rea1n111g . •·You rotten , r:1ci.o;t pig you ti<1 r. you !Jar, yo11 'rc a liar. Tric k.v Dic k Schultz. hke his hoss UiCk :'<1...-an 1s a liar," Three niarshals to11ared Scale.,dragged hln1 to his chair, and flung hitn into 1t de~pite lhr altrn1pl nf de[endant David Dellinger to thro\\' hi s own body in the 1ray. The chair tipped over and Seale toppled in!o tht fr ont row o[ the press section . Dr. Benjam~ Spock, noted baby, doctor and prace advocate. and Cap! Ho\vard Le vy, \\'ho was courlmartialed for re· fu.~lng to give m.;di cal 1raining to Green BeN'l~. \1·erf' sit1.lng 1n 1he :e.ecood row \\,.hen Seale. regair\ed his .s'at, marshals 'pinned him there. Cal FulJcrton, UCLA Shut Off Enrolhnent t.'CLA and Cal State F'ullcrlnn li-a,,e an, nou nccd lhcy are cuttlng off enrollment frir next ~pring and restricting ad· ni1s..'iirins for fal l, 1970, but ·uc Irvine con· tinucs to ht> able to :icccpt any ri_ualif1cd i;t11rlcn t ·who applirs CCI Adini:-sinn Officrr J ohn V-.'. Bro"·n );aid the Murlen t squeeze U1al is making early applica tio n 11 must at other cam- puses so far has nol spread to UCL Since the ln1llal :yt ar of operation 1n 1965, all riua li fied stud('nl~ YihO applied by the an· nounccd,dead!inc hal'e been accepted. EJse1Yhrrc, lhnugh , ,early ClJ\off dates ha1·e, ~en imposed. Applicants to UC~A lnr lhe ~pring al rrady are being rcd ircclcd to other CC campusc!'i, The \\"('s111·ood sc·hool has 31 .000 .sttidents th1s f;lll. more than the 28 ,.100 the c ampu~ 1.~ supposed \<J acc:omn1oc!atc. New sll1de11 l.s \1·ho enrolled in sumnler qu arter so they 1vould hal'c to be accepter! as continUlng !>ludcnts this fall swelled that total. Officials estintate that 10.000 student~ '>''ere turned away from the 18 California State Colleges th.i~ fall because their en~ollment quotas were Oiled . Fincl1 Rejects Plans for Nelv HEW Building WASHINGTON (UPll-Secretary Rob- ert H. Finch has decided to shelve planr for a fancy new headqu1rtert buildina for his Dtpartmerrt of Health, Education and Welfare, complaining of "intolerable" cos1s. was1ed !pace and offbeat design. In making the unusual move, Finch admitted he "urgently needs" the $40.!'J mill lan structure but ''al lhe same time .•. I consider it appropriate to defer thl" con.~truction of a project ~·hich promiseJ lo rr~ult in excessil'ely high buildini costs e1·en by today 's standa rds of con- struction_" The secretar~··s decision was rcvealerl in a letter in "'hlch Fi nch told the Gener. al Services Admini:rt ral ion it might rft. \'iew the project. and said he did not plan to ask for tunds for the buildi ng in nexL ~ear's budget request. The multistory grani te faced buildini 'l\'as schectuled tn be bu ilt between th°" present HEW building al'ld the Capitol in south\\·est \Vashington. The new build1ni; v.ould hfJtlse only the offices of the secre- tary and his top offlcers. CofCs to Hear Schools Chief Ne"'"'por1-i\1es.a ~chool~ Supt. Will iam E. Cu nningham ll'ill speak on ··Better F~ducal.ion -Your Job" f\fonday at ;:i noon luncheon of Ne"'porl Harbor .and Costa t>fesa Chambers of Commerce. Dr. Cunningham 's talk will be 111 prelude to American Ed ucation Week . Nri1•. 9 to IS. The Jolnt chamber luncheon 1;:ilk at th"! Cos ta jlfesa Golf and C<n1ntry Club wa; r1rr111ged by the '\';"omen's Dh·isjOn cl f'ach chamber-Cost is SJ.SO µtr person. Orange Coast Wea&ller Stans predicted a squet.re on corporate profits caused by slowed output and con- tinued increases in labor cost.a. "0Jr lorecast suggests that the real rale of growth in I he economy will con· Unue in 1970, but al a alow pace for a ... ·hile, followed by a modest pickup In the gro"'"·th rate in the last hall of the year ; .. he said in <1 speech pr epared tor 1he Los Angele;:; area Chamber or C<immerce. Shot Youth Gets Stronger Lal!t year at UCI. however. freshmen ~pplicants· were accepted right up to t~ J.farch l deadline for the fall and lhe deadline fo'r transfer students from oth.ec colleges was ext.ended to July I. With 'tudE-nts not ahle to get i~ elsewhere the same i;ituation may not hold for thi s year, The enrollment period for next fall already has opened . 'Y"ou ·u be groping your ~ay "around the Orange Coart again '.fhursday m'trrning as the den&e fog gels even· deni1er. Alttrnoon "lempentures will sink to 66 locally but jump to 80 further inland. INSIDE TODAY Stans said the Nixon adminislratiol'l'.3 inflation control effort is "achieving cx- ;ictly lhe right effect" even though the Com1ncrcc Ocpart1n\·nt's monthly index 4'lf eight leading bus incs~ indicators ln· creasetl l 3 perccnl last tnonlh. St8"k Hnrkels NE\V YORK (AP\ -111c stock m:irket iltclinE'd on a broadening front in la1rly active trading late 1.h1~ afternoon. •Sre quotations, Pages Z4-25J Authorities Wonder What to Clw.rge Again~t Girl A you th shot by his girlfriend rluring a quarrel O\'Cr rvn1ance al their Costa ~-!esa aparlment ronlinues to improve to· flay. as 11ut horiti e.s sludy v.·hat charges to rlle against the tecnagcd runa"'ay. J\1ario r. Pasapara '20. was \\'OUn<led 1n lhc arm and back by a .32 ca liber bullrl from a gon the l~·year-0ld girl had taken 1n lbe burglary ol an adjacent .apartmcnL Hr is ll.~ted in satisfactory condi tion iit Anaheim J\.femorial Jlo~pital. "'here lhc c.ouplr. wound up t-1onday afternoon following an aimless dril'e in search of medical atlenllon. The girl i~ lodged 1n Orange Coun1y ,Juvenile Hall, charged wHti assault with intrnt to conlmit murder -although she maintains ll v.·as an accidental shooting .-. and aslo burglary. Detective Gerry Thompson said Tues· day the girl tore a l!cree.n from a hathroom window lo enter 240 6icrks S1 . Apt.. 5. after ~cc1ng Kennet h W. Ested 's gun lying on a I.able. She returned to the apartmenl sharrd \\'ith Pasapera, No. 6, and pointed the gun at him, determined tG force him to listen to her side of the prior argument, ac· cording ltl in\'861igators. linfa1ni liar with weaponry however, ~he said ~he cocked the pi i;lOJ thinklnsc that kept It from shooting-or put on the safely -and it fired, knocking the victim to the. ldtchen floor. The girl returned the S.10 gun to E~ted's aparl1nent after Pasapera was wounded and look he r lover of Uie pa.st six months in search of treatment. I Brown saicf the en'rollme.nt target for ne-<l year is 5.400 stuftent~. excluding lht College of J\ledicinr. Enr011ment this fall i~ 4.480 g~neral campus student~ plus 5¥> in medical school . Brown said 1.100 frrshme11 ~an be <te· commodated nex t year and 500 transfer students. Twicr-the number of freshmen applications will !)( accepted becau.iw. on· Iv about hall of lhollt 11dmittcd make irvine their fi rst college choler. Tv be eligible for arim ission freshmen must rank in the top ll 'i percent of high school ~niors with a B average in specifled academic subjecL,. ' ' A 1oide:ra11gf1117 ~chedtl/e of lectures is li ned up at UC lrvin r. for the "'onfli of November. f or , frt ll lis1i11a. stt Page 31. llM~' 11 .. ,lift• H C1lllO•~il t ,, .... , •• ~.. !I , .... 1... »·IJ C•ml'' II ,, ... _. " Ot1!fl Nr!ICH t• 0 !• ... <•1 ,, '""""' ..... ' fftltrtll""'"'" H·H ,.1~1ft(t u.n M•r..ceJt l4 .1.ftR l,.IMIUt )t Ml! .. • ' Ml<'rl..,. l!f..,"' u Ml" II S.rYlc• It """lt1 ff-IJ M~IVll ,....._ H ,. ...... , ....... . .. Or-• c-tJ 14 l>lA M 1,1.1a .._ lC '4fl.i ,..... Jl·lt l .... h r ll<tf Df. 519'1ft(..... II ''-'" M1'1o .. t h-H Tti.Yi,1111 M '"''"'" K-17 w........ • e .... R W~lll 11 •• ,,. flllWI .. Sex Education Called Red Plot Sn tdueation and 1e.nsit.iv1ty training 1"fre jointty condel'l'\ne<I as· inltrnational ·Cf.immunist ploU by • 29-y~ar-eld Mis&ioD Viejo Jtiih School teacher TUt&day. Spea\tr Bruce Glenn, head of Ole fi!Cb0ol '1 IOd.11 11tience department. ~tlUvered his tddrea& to the Mission Vitjo ~epublican Women·$ Club on tape when a mixup in class scheduling kept him from makin1 a personal appearance at the c::lub'• luncheon meeting. "S.J' tducaUon," aa1d Gltnn, ''la but part of a &1itntlc scheme lD 11Ubvert a Crir•tlon of American youth by a con- !"1'*111 group we know as Ccm- munllU:. "SenetUvlty tralnlni Is by any athtr name 'bralnwullina· and is part of 111 Mx education proarama.'' Glenn, Who ls unmarried and now maku h1I Mme In Lacuna Beach, ls a n1Uve of Iowa and a er&duate or Central co1Jep at Pella, la. He U>ok hl• m1*ter '1 dtlP'M at the Univer•ity of Arliona, 6t&rted hia te&ehinl career aL a junior hilh ecboot in the Watt.a area of Los AflCdea, $htn tauaht at a PhOe:nix, Ariz. hith IChool-before coming to Mission Vie- jo two years q:o. He Instructs atnlor . c~ in paycboloJY, tnternaUonal rel a· tioDI and civics. AmOtl& pa1phlet& he recommended to the RepUbUcan women. and cited as sOUl"Cll for parts of hi• talk, were "I! the · SchOOlhoule the Pl1ce to Teach Raw fin!'' and "Hite Ther1py: SenalUvtty Tr1lnin1 for Planned ChaDgt." He 1l110 quoted from comment.I. ID!_dfl • · by 1pe1ker1 1t a confPnce on st1 educ1Uon which he attended in Chica10 in AufJlf. The conferenct, he aald. w1• 1pon10red by the SOclety for Comprehensive Health Education and Included repreaentaUves of the American A1aoci1Uon of Sex Educator• and Coun&tlor1 and the Stx lnfonnation and Education Cow'lcil of the United St.a1t• !SIECUSl which, Gleim maintained, plays a key role in preparing mat.trills for r.ex education courses in · elmientary and secondary school!. "Most of you would have befn appalle<l from beginning to end of Lhe proaram, '' l'Jt told the "·omen . "These '&experts• Me laking ad· vM!tage of a psychlogically oriented aa:e to ptrform ihe tests of a Pavlov on you and I daily."' (mphaslzing the da nger or in· discriminate ~1 Muca.tion he describfii the conference. particip1nL~ as resembl· Ing "children on 1 playing field who have thrown out all the rules an~ don"t even know what &•me they are playing.'' Mort 1lncerely lnt!reated parents. ht Faid, feel that se~ educa!.ion courses •hou!d improve famlly relatiow, remove unwanted preinanci es and lawer the faUi: ' of VWJ'ttl ditflle. Thrff speakers at the conferenot were r;uoted a5 fitatlng that they did not btlieve ,;ex education would have the result of reducing teenage pregnaneies or the ''enere.11! di5ease rate. "What we are considering hPre i~ \•ery different from the course desired by parents," Glenn said. "\\'e are «in· : : sidertna elementary and high school Egg Farm Victim Of 'Arms Race' An unh1ppy Co~ta r.1esa businessm an told -polict toady that he is the victim of a Halloween arms build up and even 1iuf· fertd the indignity of target practlct. Aurglarl\ :-lipped lnto Dave's Egii: Tl,;nch, 830 Baker St • and loo ted th(' plant nf 90 rlOl.t>n egg~ valurd at$~, according In ov.·ner David K. Nakatani. The looters ~'arm~ up for Halloween liullabaloo by expending a few of the LOSO mluiJes on the side or the buildln1, he added . The crime was discowred at 6·30 a,m, Nakal&nl told Officer Pat Rodsers. 'It ouaht to he a wild Frid1y night." obltrved another rankina: 1upervisory of· fl eer. DAltV PllOT OU .... CONl ""'I ""1N• CIOM".lfrt'I 11•" .. N. W•-4 l>Ali.r.it .. ,,. ~ll•tr J.~1r it. c.r1,., V .. ,r ....... t .... G-rll ...._..., 1'•~·· ~ •• .,:1 ..... n .. ,, A. M•r'1!1~• --1~• '"'tOf ---JJO Will a., St<Mt Melli .. ~P.O .... IM0,9J61t --...__. .... , ttn.,. .. :-z.=._.. .._._~~m~ "• r 110: 1111111111 ••-- I courUJ in seru.al intero:>urat. M• per versi6o and group dtpendtnet." -The sptaker 1&id he Wis in a,reement Yr'ith psychiatrist hr-. Melvin Anehell's view that ltudenta not ready to receive factual sex IJU1tructlon can suffer emo- tional problems !f givt• too much in· fcurnation loo soon. •·1 agree with Dr. Anchell," he added, "that fantasies roma nticizing the relations bttwttn the sexts e1n serve 1 more Uieful purpote for m1ny youna people than a lot u tact.a they're nOt re1dy for ... ''SJECUS 1tyle approval of stx: educa· titin ror all 11 false and danaerou1," ••id Clenn. "Concerned p1rents must He to It tha t thla program Is kept out of com- mllnlties in which it is rearln1 it.a u1ly head. What Is taught var1es.. but the Jona ann ol sttcus is everywhere, preparing and 1ppr(lving texts ind education&! films ulltd in many proarams." He alao noted that "Hr education Is a very lucrative field bec1u1e school dlstrlcta must purchau new tem. films ind other paraphern1Ji& for their courses." ~roing tn on aenslttvity tr1il\in1 and group dependeDCe p0Uc1e1, he ••ked. ··What 11 more pertonal thin an? It allows the 1roup to decide when, where, how al'ld with whom, is there any area in which the ll"OUP cannot decide? 8el'la1Uvi· ty training l1 simply preparation for plaMtd eh1nge. I do not object to 1ny free choi~. but caMot acctpt thl1 creepy, crawly tf\lns workln& In the 1ha®w1 to plan and plot.'' Glenn cited Or. Isador Ruben, editor of Sexoloo Maaazlne and former trei8Urer of SIECUS u • ,Wdl!lf, Uaht In the ae• educaUon field "who ~*' !>Oen Jdontlfled under otlh 11 1 memWr of the Com· munltt p1rty ." 'Ille ptrty, he ufd, ,1'11 known tG operate Uke an ICtberJ, W,ith one-fJlth Of Its act.lviU•• in the ~n. the otHr fow-. fifths subttrranun or bidden. acUvltles that are carrltd on behind our view until the re~ults !rt evident." • ~1nving the comparisOn lo termites, hr. added. "There are ttrmltes In the field of American tducaUon and A m e t I c 1 n political life . It ha8 been frightening to me in re.cent months of study to realize that !Some of my fear:r; are real -that ~f'X education is more of a means lo an end, than an end in it.self." 7ne speaker sa id later it is his personal belief lhat leil education does not belong in the school system and should not be of. fered to atl:Y cf'llld "until a. quest.ion Is <'!sked." at which time the que5tiOn is best answered by a parent. The only type of school prt'lgram he c~1Jd condone. he 18ld. is the ·Huntina:ton Beach plan tG provide sex tduoa:tion .-:asses for p1rents, who in turn ~·otild transmi~ the information, as needed, to their own children. · Sunday Shopping At Pe1mey, Stores Begins Nov. 9 . lin gling bells in the ba ckground today heralded an ann~nc~m£tnt by tht .J.C. Penney Company that it ha~ harkened to 1he buying habit,~ or lhe Southern Califo rnia consumer . Offi<'iali; said 26 Penney·~ storei; in 0111nge and San Diego couritles will bectn sl"a~ ing open Sunday 11fternoons Nov. 9 10 t;ike. care of shoppers' needs. ""\\'e have opposed Sunday openings through the y~a.r~. '' 5aid txecutive Walt !'11~ ers-· Hov.·e1•er. the popu).!lrity of Sun· day openings w\lh customers hi! 1rown 1i!t'!a<l1ly _" '"In \"lt'!W of lhe movement toward Sun· di.y openlngs in a larbe number of markets. !ht Penney Company haa decid· ed re!uct.an1\y that it can no longer .Ignore this trend,'' he 1ddfld. Vandals' Damage Totals $500 Vandals apparenl!y armed with prJlet gun wtnt on a ramp31e overnlghl. -hooting out or 8mashing dtn:ens of car windows and causing more than $M0 d:.n13ge, Costs Mesa police said today. Report!> y,·ert slil\ ooming in from scat- ltrtd parts of the city today, 1lthough the \\'orst epidemic appered to be In the nori.heasttrn "'ction. Hardest hit Wl6 William E. JGhnlon, of 87& W. ltth St., ... ho&t truck WU pi!ked at 306 Broadway ~hen ttu-ee windows valued 1t hOO were &hot out. Ot1ler Joues-aome intured, aome not -rsngtng from fJO to tlOO wtrt ~ on Mlasion Drive, )hgtll1n Str-Ht. Monte Vista Avenue, Valuco Lane and Cibola Avenue. Slee~r Finishes Her Nap in Jail SomtbOdy'i betn sleeett11 in Earl Williama' cbaJr and It Jan t Goldilocks. Williams, owntr of 1 11trvlce 11.atJon at Jt96 Superior Avt ., Colt.a Mtsa, c11led J')Oll~t fue:tday afternoon to ~y 1 )'l)Ul\I lady had w11ndered in and doted orr In his office chair. Marla Vntan. 14, Santa Ant. finished tier nap at Onin1• County Jill, bOolted on a charge of dru& Intoxication. Apollo'• Dry Ru1t Astronauts Alan Bean and Richard Gordon board the van which will transport them to the Apollo 12 spacecraft ~·hich "-'ill take them to the moon Nov. 14. The dry run took them through every step of the launch except the actual liftoff. From Page 1 CENTER TAKES ALL CALLS • • • munlcation1 officers with police. fire . local aovernment and water d11trlct pert0nntl, Rannuuen estimates he aels •n ~vetaae of three police calls a minute. And It can be confu•lna. "We have t~ determine what's happening out thert," he says. "\Vhe!her l.hry ne ed one poHce officer or a dozen, or if it"s a civil matte r that the police can·l touch." A man sitting at ,. console on !ht op- posite. side of a glass partition gestured \1•i\dly at Ra smussen, \Vho jumped up and ran over. He plugged in his headset next to the fire dispatcher, who waa hand.ling .11 "fire 8idt." calL "false alarm. NYC -no voice con· tac!," he said. He came b11ck. Ra.!imuas.l!n explained that when the fire. dispatcher gets a call, one: police. dispatcher movts over lo make sure there's ~ome.body available to handle another fire alarm. But even this modlrn opera tion can 't ~ adequately '"lib the fal~ ala rms turn~d in tbrotWh I.ht city's 14~ red call bQxts, Rasmus&en said. So far thi~ yea r, lhtre h1"e been more than 300 false 1\ann&, and a fire truck responds each tUne.. ··the only thing that c;;in skip it l~ stak· lng out tilt call boxes, and thars prci- hib\ttve," he ~&Id. Jf a false. atarmi~t is caught near the. bot, he can be checked wl\h black light.to i;ee if he has retained any of. the. special powder dusted inside each bo:a:. The pawder can·~ be washed ofl the culprit's h11nds . Ra~musstn 11.pptar11 un~h1ke1ble. "Ifs one of the prertquisites of the. job," he said. •·You can 't get nervou& and transmit your emotion to othtr peopl{'. \\'hen they're hysterical :you do I.he be.:st you c1n tn quiet them down .~ you can get the information ~·ou need ... He·6 coped y,·ith ~·ould·be suicides wh o call up and ~ay, ''I've juat swallo~·ed a b~!l [e (lf ~!eeping pills."' ··vou have to ke~p them on the lint', keep them talking. If they won 't tell Ufi y,·h~re. they are, sometimes '>l'e can trace the call. But it takes as long as 45 minutes.'' And hi' get.~ le~s ~erious call.~. ''One man called and wanted his neighbor ar· res!cd beca115e. his car was leak ing oil on lhe streel in fron l of !he n1an's holls,.·• LC1\·d phone call~ «re. another problen1. To Cop!" with them , 'he advi~cs a change of phone number. Or, ··ir it"~ only an oc· cal!!l'.lnal call. keep a p01ice. \Vh lstle by the phone. Blow it Into the mouthpiece and he"ll h1n1 up. He'll never bother you again .'' The. communications network also Jets 1 po!lctman make record checks on sU!ll)ect5 stopped in Co11ta Mesa. The Dff1cer radios a communication ~ officer. &i ving the Su8pect'll name and blrthdate. That infonnation is rel.11yed upst airs to lhf': records department via 1n electro-writer. A records cltrk check11 the mechanlJ«I tub file for out.standin1 war- rants lor arrei;t. Tht whole records check takes lt8!1 th11n a minute . .A. direct line with thf'. state Department or Motor Vehicleli In Sacr11mPnlo allows policemen lo check on whether or nnt 11 driver stopped fllr a traffir -vlolotion i~ in a !!!Olen car .. The h<'ense number is whirl- ed through ii <'Omputer. and the rep!y comes bar:k a :iipill. ~econd 111t.er. Th£' entire communications sehJf"I i~ an optlmun1 con1binat.ion of mf'n and n1achincs. Ra5mussen noted lhal tif lht 18 men 1n l11s departm,nt . llix are fonne:r ~\icemen and five ;ire former firf' rlispatchers. They attempt to combine expertise \11th. say!'i Rasmu ssen . ··f\.faturity , l!"s n11t ;i youn~ ni:io'!'i Job. ','011 1!cal 1\•\lh the p11bl1c constantly, And yo11 listen to a lol or problem~. Sometin1es, you're just a blg sof!. ~houlder to cry on ." ~ew CrqelU ~etf~ Crevie~·~ Ti-dens,; Hom~'8 , .. Ne~~:-S'e~ 8pocill "' tile DAILY PILOT SAN PtDRO -Ont of four exclusive homer. doomed by a widening cllfftop lTevire crept toward dtstruction in the fiUrf below I.Oday, movin& 30 feet in a new earth slide which occurrtd before dawn. Three others in the $50,000 lo $75,000 cJaf:s are also inching toward the rock- filled, crashing sea 200 feet below, while the scenic vit.w neighb«hood began developing newer cracks in the If~ Tuesday. •'rt appears lo .me as if it is just.going to slide into the Pacific." said San Pedro Po lice Sgt . Tom Barnow, watching Ult expensive home slipping visibly. "It could go at any time or It miibt tak< 20 years," added 11 spoke111nan lor the Lo~ Angeles Department of Public \\'orks. "Nothing can be done,'' he added. as heartsick homeowners pondtred I.hf: fact the houses are not in.~ured , tilnct l"t ha5 hcen virtually lmpos1ible to obtain such coverage since the 19~3 earthqu.11ke. A strit'!5 of earth tremors in recent v.·eek~ is apparently to blame for loosen- In& cliff area soil soaked by heavy rains last winter and therefore still aomewha~ un!table , The main crevice which split open Sun· day·h1s grown to a yard wide a.t tbfl rite. of a half.inch per hour and whi{'h seems in some placef: to be bottomlf&s has ,;plit one home in half. Four nearest lhe ocean are off their £Ound1tiOns ~nd a guest house has plum· 1neted to th e rocky Point Fermin beach bt·low the 160 degree view proptrties. Noted yacht~oman Peggy Slater, who Jives tv.·o blocks from the dlsast~r scene on Paseo de! Mar d!~covered <'racks .11~ pearing in her yarel and. home foundati6n Tuesday. ;'r don't want to sound panicky, bu t <'Bn you come artd t•ke a look~." she a1ked Caltech graduate stu dent Ken Zuckerman, who "'aS checking a. strain indic.1tor device in !h(' hard·hit area. Pcblic Works Department authoritir!l f:,1i d the new crack! were not unexpected and now appear to be widening, although t11ere is no immediate danger and no fu1 th('r evacuation planned. D11.n1age so far Is esttmated at $60,000 Mesa Woman, 28, Held After Tl1ef t At Newport Motel A Keu,port Beach motel manager whG reported a theft e:arlier ln I.he dty S)Xltted a familiar truck at a Co8ta Meu shop. ping c~nter Tuesday niJh!, peered inside and called police. Officer Ron Vtach and Travelodge t.lolt>l manager Dorothy R. Craig waited Hnlil s(lmeone drov" off in the van, then pulled lt over and arrested the occUpanL t.frs. Judy Trujillo, 2.11, of 22.22 Canyon Drlve., Costa Me11a . wa11 arrested on .a rh;i rgr of receiving ::-tolen property and bOOktd into Orange County Jail in lieu of ~2:i ball. I Authoritie~ said Mrs. Craig ident ifjM four mqtel monogrammM towels. a wash cloth, h;ith rnat , room key and steam iron \rhich y,•ere missin~ af1er a tenant check· ed out 'fU£tsday morn ing. lnvest11ators said t.he su11pect al~ had four other motel keys. 40 unidentified kt.vs, an electric drl\l in ihe van. She. v.·as also booked on thret other \1';irrants for hrr arrest slcmming fron1 different incident~. and bound 16-iel w-, 11 lh< -..ir.nt Jots continue stippl.ng slowly set-'rd At &n uodeternlined rite. "None ol it'i: inMzr~,'' bitterly otlserv. ed vJcum Geor1e a: fn!Ui.' "H I'd just had 1 ~ from • -.,keft po,; m·ttn It would bave bee6 CWertd " he added. ' Negro Stildents Demand Firing Of Studies Head ' SANTA BAR!IAJ\A !UP0-N$1fO .llu· dentl marched out of a cl•• 4t the University of C&lit'ornla at Santa •ut>ara tod1y and went to the 11dmi~on build.inj'. where they demanded the firing o( the held .of tl\t. &lick Studies ~· ment. Si1ty students left the ¥Oeio1ogy clas~ during a lecture by Dr. Sfthard 'lihtr, th~ new department head, Ind Wfftfis a ,rou6 to the gffice o! Chanc~llpr ·V«hon J. Cheadle. After abOut 45 minute!lt I.bl blAck stu- derits Jtft tht adminlstraOon·btiildirig and di~persed. Fisher's offtce ~d their grie\•ances would be taken .uilder COflliid· eration. There wu nG vlolenca: .and campu~ polll'e l'·ere not c.!llltd in tlthO\l&h the sheriff's department of Sabia a8.rba.r;i COW'Jty W85 alerted. They did not tnter the campus. Fisher wa' •f.lPointed 1s head of the new black 1tudit'!1 protrim at me Wain· ning of the fa!J term. Mother, ]nf ant I11jured in Crasb A young Costa t.1esa ?.•oman whn rra<'hed over to put her wiggling lot back into a seatbelt harness rammed the rear of a truck Tuesday, injurlni mother aod daughter. ~1rs. Linda D. Carpenter , 22, of 20:;3 Pomona Ave,, arid her infant Julia, nine month111, were lre,11ted for bump5 •nd hrni~s 111 Costa Mesa Memorial Hotpital and reles!ed. Mrs. Carpenter was driving east on 1 ltth 8treet at Meyer Place when &be col· lided with the. rear of~ truck dri..ven by 'Thomas I... Hardin, 26, of Lynwood, who escaped i.njlU)'. Salary Secrets !At Stanford Out? STANFORD {AP) -An undtraround p3.mphlet purporting to list the aa.lari&i o( Stanford Unlver~ity facul ty and .lid· mlni1trators '''.as distributed anonymouii· ly on campus Tuesday. A faculty ~poke8man called it an attempt to em· barr1ss I.hf: urilversily. Stanford is priv ately t'ndo-wflt and the: ~alarle" of JU faculty ha ve heretofore. ~n secret. Wiiiiam C\eb11eh, faculty S ~ n at t chairman and religion profes.or, said lhe material printed in the :'! 0 -~a & e mimeogr aphed report came fr o m documents stolen last May during a slu· de nt &lt·in again!t lhe Vietnam war. Laguna Beach Now Boasting Own Epicenter 2:JiamonJ Laguna Be.11ch with Its 17,000-ytat-old Laiuna man &kull, Festival or Art.I and fabled coastal irandtur now haa its own epicenter. l\Iayor Glenn Vedder. who has a scholarly turn of mind, pointed out the recent acqui~iUon to Laguna Beac.h Ch11n1ber of Comn1erce directors Tue&· d3 y. Said the mayor wilh a twinkle, "any ci- ly in California that doem't have ils own epicenter cen·l be mentioned . We h&\lt long y,·anted one of those." Referring to the Mo~y morning jolt that reaistered 4.3 on thl,JUchter earth- quake scale, Vedder told the Chamber that the. Long Beach quake of 1933 -pre> bably second worst in modem California umta,-meuured a.3 compared to the Sa n Francitco 190& dlauter (I.~). "The Ri chte r sc1les give5 an idea of the magnitude of the amount of energy released 11t the point of slippage," said Vedder. lte thtn ~•plained Ule MerC()ll 11cale, "whal you fee t,·• Said the mayor to commerci. "I am pleased tn report we are now on ·a seismic mdfl wlt.11 the epicenter libel~ L•cuna Beach.'' Lloyd Sell~et. y,·ho manaafd the Hotel Laiun• during the 1933 quake, ~•id it took him two wtek.'i to 1et the plaster out ol hit hair. , Vedder flld f>r'e of the two ditplactd L81UJl& Beach chimneys In 11JS3 had bten his. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERJCARO MASTER CHARGE J.C. fiu1np~ritj jewe£rJ 1123 NEWPORT AVEN~' COSTA Ml.SA U YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE S.t-HOI i ------------------------------------------- By Phil lnterlandl . ."t'":"?--............ ___ .,~'.':b •·1t's & shame nobody else is here yeL rm au.re they'd love to see how you ishowed up today in spite o! & cold .. Cliecking Up Bee1· Wi tl1 Mill{ Hangover Remedy By L. J\I. BOYD BLOODY /'llARY -\\"asn 'l l'llary Tudor the one. \1:ho Jost her head"! Believe so. 11 "·as in honor of 1'1ary Tudor that the alcoholic concoction kno wn as the Bloody J\lary \\'as created, And since Lhat event it might be noted, so nic Se\'Cral girls ha\'C Jost their heads. In tact , many. At any rate. a n1an of science nan1ed Dr. T. 0. Tomlinson contends sald gin drink is not the ideal n1ed!cine for the n1orning af1 er as so fre quenlly supposed. 11 c recommends large q11 ant1t1cs of bcC'r and milk. Mixed. OPEN QUESTIONS -I. "'hy is the a,·crage American \1on1an's voice pitched so much higher than the voices of "·omen almost everywhere else in the v.'or!d? 2, Just ho1v n1uch iron 1s actual ly in a pound of calF's !her anyhow? 3. Whal was the name of the only American ever to invent a music inst rumcnl used by the professional musicians? 4. In talking about l h c i r possessions, \\'hy are the rich men alwa}'S so proud of what's old and the poor men a!v.•ays so proud of what's new? 5. l"low does it ha ppen tha t girls In the ~P South s!ill tend to 1narry about two years earlier than the average than the girls up north ? CONSIDER TltIS -Arc yol1 acquainted ·with any \l'Oman \\-'ho has the habit of fluttr-ring her ey<'lids? If so, is she a bit inclined to be a hypochon· driac:T Dr. Leonard L. Lo~·shin of the Cleveland Clinic says he has found a signifieantl~· high proportion of eyflid fl utterers complain eboul a 1 I me n I s v.1iich turn out to b e psychosomat ic. CUST0\1ER SER VICE: Q. '·\\'hen d1d the knnck-kn0<·k jokes first come out:'" A.. That \\·as in 19.17. And ;i s i.o; \\"idrly knfl\..TI thr !1r~t knrwk·knoc k Joke eve r told "·en\. "Kn0<h.- knock." "\Vho's l here ? '• •·olh'e." ''Olive who?" ''Olive you.'' \\'hy lhat particular speeimen brought on more knock·J..nock jokes is not kno1\11 . . . Q. ..DO APES laugh?'' A. Indeed they do. Defi nitely. That has been f>Stablished ... Q. "WHAT PROPORTION of the popula- lio n has blue eyes?" A. About a !hird. LIBRA GIRLS te nd to win most all the ir arguments. That i~. if they really try. ''Strong v.•il!cd" is ho\V ou r Planet man describes U1em. 1-Je says they may occasionally lose at love, but they rarely Jose at ·war ••. THAT BOTH MEN and \\·omen undergo lhe same type of surgery is not noteworthy. \\'hat's notev.·orthy is far more \\·omen than men survive such similar surgery. Also, far more "·omen lhan m e n sur vi\'e accidents that .eem the sa me. BEAUTY -Truly beautiful ''"on1en are extremely rare. J·lowever, this is not so un- fortunate. says our Love and \\'ar man, because sue h women often ha\'e lit1le else to offer. As old Ruskin said, "Remember that the mOflt beautiful things in the v:orld are !he 1nost use 1 es s : peacocks and lilies, for in- stance " RAPID REPLY : No. sir, our Na rne Game man hasn't <1uit yet. Today he repo rts th e flti ami Fla. telephone direc· tory llsts citizen~ whose. true names are Big. We&k. Short, flu sky, Slim . Fat. High, Little. Strong, Long. Plumb, Hu£e . Lean, and LoYI'. )'011 r q uestions and. com· Hl e ttf.~ ar e to"tiComed and 11•1/I be ustd irh,.rever po.s· .~1/1lr in "Check.in!) Up." .4dd rcss ma il l o L, T'>f. Boyd, 111 rare ol P. 0 . Box 1875, .'\'eu putt Bench, Ca/if, 926~0 'Noble Experi111e11t' Started 50 Years Ago NEW YORK (AP) -The Volstead Act became the law of lhc land 50 ye<i rs ago. 01+ ficialy the country wen t dry. Actually. national prohibition ushered in the weltesl era in the nation's hi~tory, the Roar· ing 20s. •·A great soc1:il an d economic experiment. nQble in naturn and fer reaching in purpose," 1-Jerbert Ho o v c r called the National Prohibition Act in 1928, the year he "'as elected president. But hy then prohibition .,.,.a.~ a colossal n op, noble or otherwise. The spea keasy \\'BS the 80Cial center of the nation - \vhere th~re h11d been 15,000 preprohibltlon saloona in New York. there were 3 2, O O O ~peakeasles. Home brew 11nd bathtub gin .,.,.ere symbol!!' of a n•tion's defia nce o( the law. The hip na..,-li; wa!I' 111s commnn on a man·s person as his billfold. The nalinna1 cri1ne 11yn- diC'•le, as Americans know it today. can1e Into being lo cater to the un..,-lakablr. thirst of prohibition·bfsct citizens. ~tOVING AH EAD ActuaJly rC'formers had bern inching l o w a r d prohibitlor1 .'ilnce local option .,.,,as in- .1uguraled in 1'.1aine 1n 1829. Tha t left It to indi vidua l unit~ C'lf government ln out law alcoholic beverages \I ithin I.heir boundaries it they \l•i!h· ed. Nol until \Vorld \Var I did proh ibition evolve on ~ na· t!onal scalP.. Some critics clAimed il v.·es pushtd through only because of the absence in the armed forces or so many young Americans. The J 8th amendrnenl to the Constitution Y.'aS adopted Jan. 16, 1919, to become effective one year later. It outlawed the transport. possession or sale of alcoholic beverages throUghout the nation. Al that time. prohibition already "'as in effect in 33 of lhc 48 slates. and Alaska. Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the District of Columbia . Of the approsimately 105 ni i 11 ion Americans, 63.3 percent were forbidden alcohol. VOLSTEM> SPONSOR Re p. Andrew Volstead or Minnesota was the 1pnn!'MJ'r' of the National Prohibition Act wh ich ~fined int.oJiClting Ii· quor as any beverage con· ta ining ''ooe half or one per cent.um or more of •lcohol by volume," The Volfitead Act w•!I' In. lenrled to dry up the country 11nt1I the 1ftth amendment bectirne effective. Presldt.ot Woodrtiw \Vilson vetoed it Oct. 27. 1919, but the Hou~ over· rode him the same d1y. The Senat e followed sui t on Oct. ~St'e LIQUOR, Pace 1) ·I boy's no-iron corduroy fast back jeans Midwalc polye.ster and cotton co rdu- roy . Ru,gged ~ough' for school "'ear .and tear. Never needs ironing. BrO'(l,'0, navy, sold, or olivr-. 8-30. 3.99 permanent press pants with long flare legs Boys pan1 s in JX>lyrster cotton . Rtd, green. blut. brOlli'n plaid. 4-7. Sha-'n •"ith reg . 7.00 fisherman kni t sweat. •r. Bon<. Sit.,) to 7. 4.59 p.ant1 shown value ,,00. 3 .99 m1y oo uttl< bo)'& )2 boys' wool six-button double-breasted blazer A hlndsome nc1v addition to a young gen t'• ••ard robe. This :"·to·butlon bluer his gleaming metal buttons. Navy, gold . "S· 2l.OO 8-12. 19.9? reg. 30.00 J4 .20 24.99 may ea boys' wear 14 mock turtle-neck shirt fisherman knit design &yi long-slttVed pu!I<iver 1hirt 11.•ith ribbed cuffs , Great for play or dre55. AU cotton knit. U>mes in bone, gold, blue or green . .(..7. value 3.,0 2.29 mey co south coast plaia, sen di190 fwy et bri1tol, coate mese; shop monday throuth salurdey I 0 e.m. lo 9:30 p.m. boys' ski pajamas knit of pure cotto n His fa vorite style for sl~ping com· fort. Bri£ht colors lil.e red, yrllow, blue or green. G:>mpletely machine -.. .a.shable, dryable. Sizes 8 to ~O. rt~ 4.00 may m furnishing 23 all-weJ th er coats with pi le lining 339 Ra in or shine. Water·proof cotton coats 11.·ith zip-out acrylic pile lining. ll<lted back. ln r<d plaid. 7·14. Not sh own ] 4.00 ooat, 4x6x, 10.99 coats ihown "''ere 16.0() 1299 rnay co girls dresses '6 5416 -'132 r DAILY PILOT l MAVCO • ' .. ·~.----..,. DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Delay Would Be Unfair The eyes of Costa ~le sa leaders are on the NeY.'port Beach City Council these days. So are the eyes of some 6,000 Newport Heights residents. They're v>'atchlng to see ~\·hat the council 's next Paciric Coast Freeway inove "'Lil be. Two \Vecks ago, •the clty's lawmakers ins!ructed the municipal staff to prepare a presentation tor the stale on rerouting of the adopted free1Nay alignment west of the Upper Bay. Councilmen "'flO I it farther inland . but nol as far inland as Costa l\f esa's territorial timils. That means the 10-lane s"•ath of a s phalt and concrete \vould have to be cut through Newport ll eights. \Vhere in Ne\vport J !eights \\'as left unans\vcred by councilmen. That decision. they indicated. should be left up to lhe California Division of Highways and the l·llgh1v<1y :::ommission, the final arbiter of frce1va y matters. But last \veck, in a talk before the Ne,vport llarbf)r Chamber or Commerce. City Planning Director Larry \Vilson said it would be Ne,1•porl's "best position" to go before state officials 'vith one preferred alternate route. He pointed out that it is unlikely Costa Me sa \vo uld lend its political support to any inland re routing unles~ it is assured by r ou1e maps that the ne''' alig nment "'ould stay well \vilhin Ne"'port Beach. Only the New· port council's stated advance preference ror such a pre- cise route \vould provide that assurance. \Vil son did not say it., but ii is al so not 'the state's practice to consider a freev.•ay route c hange unless the i:i ty that makes the request has n1adc it clear \\'here it 1,1,•ants the ne\V alignmenl specifically tn _go . Apart from all this. there is the crying necessity to let lhe people in Newport J-l eighls kno\v \\'hose home is in the path of \l'hat a s soon as pos:;ible. Until they kno\v \vhat the city is talking about. in terms of a precise ne1v alignment, that entire commun· it)' ~outh of 15th Street and north of the highway will be und er a clou d. Why improve a home if it may be in the path of a frc e\•lay? Who \vould buy L'l? What kind of long·range plan s can be n1ade by the people who live 111 It? And in Newport Heights. we are talking about 2,662 hon1e s. That's a lot of ho1nes, and a lot of people \\'ho live in them, lo be kept waiting. The Newport Beach City Council. now tha L il has n111de clear its intent to try again n1oving the free,ray :iff the bluff line. should gel on v.•ith it and make the other required decisions as quickly a s possible. ILS-a Mixed Bless ing /\n instrument landing sys'le1n (!LS) t hat is ~uar· antced by its 1nakers to cut in half visibility and ap- proach hazards is no1v in operation a t Orange County Airport. The $110.000 night control innovation provides _guid· ance to approaching aircraft by emitting three kind.~ of very high frequency radio beams. Jt has been tenned an "invisible ltigh1vay in the sky." Airport Director Robert Bresnahan ::;uggested last \Veek that there is a noise abatement aspect 10 ILS: it will enable aircraft approaching over the Dover Shores area to come in at an altitude of 700-800 feet. lnslead of at the 400-foot level as in pre-11 .. S days. Unfortunately, jets seldom fly in Over Dover Shore.~. They approach ,Counly Airport frorn the other direcUon -except on rare Santa Ana \\•ind condition davs. \Vhat JLS ·will do. along '"ith its priniarv j"Qb of in· creasin,I! air safely, is lo increase the numbCr of incorn· ing flights. Homeo"•ners can no longer look ror relief rrom jet noise whenever the foJ! rolls in . For 'those 11•ho live in the area of the airport. ILS is a mixed blessing. fC) .,,PECIN. .\WISOR OH ~fKl~l·OI:· M"R "Draft loUery1' I .<aid. 'Sot u·hile Fm head of Selective Service!' I saicl." Man Is Not 'Conqueror;' He's Parasitic Tlaey Destroy Acade11aic Freedom by Lyi1ag Thought~ At Large: Y..fan looks upon himself as the "con· f!u eror" of the world. But in actuality .all animals -including us -are paras1t1c on plants, for. using sun and ~arth, plants build sugar and starch. '>l'hich are ~he essential fuels for our vitality, and ""h1ch '"e cannot make for Qurstl\'CS; and the brain of an E1ns\t1n is dependent upon a blade of grain. • • Speaking of QUr ''conquesl'' of nat urr. this 1s largely myth . As a sc1enlisl recently put il; "Even the £ski1nos. who 11 ppr a r so v.'ell adapted tl'l the Arc.tic \vinter, in reality cannot long rl'Slsl in· tense cold: l'lheltf're<t in their igloos. or clothed in their parkas. they liv e almost a tropical life '.'' • • • '"e speak of ·'peaceful research" a~ op- posed to "v.•ar rf'search."' but !ht>re 15 no realistrc diV1s1on between the l\.\'O. f or f':<an1ple. the in creasing commercial .e:<- ploitalion of the ocean·btds. as a po_s~th1c new ~urcr of food and 1rea~urc, wtll ob· ''iously increase the importance. of sub· marine v.·arfarc. • • One of th(' J.:irge motor companies has dev15ed a "high .... ·ay :"~stems" re~_arch car that lest,. e\·aluates and qu a1J f1es a rlriver. anci records his physiological and mechanical reactions for c o mp u t er <ina!ys1s, How many more decades of highway slaughter v.·ill .,..·c see . ~lore 5Uch a •ar 1' used in all comm u111t1es for granllng 01nd rcncwin~ drivers' \1ccn5cs·~ . . . All in ;t1lul1ons lend to.,..·e1rd ser \'1ni; iheir ov.n cn1ls ra10Cr than thf' huma n ends of the persons who compo!'>C lhe1n. This is as n1uch true of rehg1ou s in· t.l!lut1ons as of any 01hers. ~nd cxpltun<; \1 hy church organizat1r1ns eventually debase or dehumanize the :::.pirilua! aims nf their found ers, and mus\ b e pErpetually ren<",o.·cd by creative reforn1. • • • The relallvity of standard:"' is neatl y ex· presSE'd by the actress I heard abou t who visitc<i a marriage. counselor anrl "''as asked if she had been failhful rn lier husband . "Oh. yes," she nodded gra vely, ''I've been faithful lots of tunes.'' • • Jrs hard to decide who are s1lher-the Dear Gloomy Gus: Why cio '¥1'C neerl a Crime Preven· lion Committee when we already ha,•e an overpaid l;nv cnforcemcnl and judicial body not doing 1hr job they're paid lo do ~ I 1hin~. ii v.·~11 be just some n1orc hypocr111cal hp servlce. -J P. T M• lr••u .. nrltcl• rtt<ltr•' Vtt .... , ftOI ~K•Utrolr '""" ol Ill• """''''P'" S•Mi ..... "' HtVt •• 01..,,,, Gu•. Dl llY ~ilo1. people 11•ho objecl to nudity on the stage, or the people who present it : for OOlh are lhe victims of 1he same fallacy. 1n1· ;.ig1ning !hat a naked bOOy is a sexual ob· jccL \1•hich all primiti ve cuhures know to be not at all the case. • • \Vhy is one's own language a!v,.ays calt- f'd t~ . ..:o "mo1he r tongue" rather than the ''father tongue':''' • • !. lot of people who are proud that !hey have nr1 cnemie:; they hate make up ror il by having frienrls tllf'Y crl\J'. • • • A mollo that ought 1o be posted on the t'nt ran ce to ('Very college -and n1a ny oth er places as well -i~ l\1e.rkegaard's: ''People demand rreedotn ol speech to make up for lhf' freedom of 1houghl which they avoid ., • • • llusbands \.\'hn co1np\;i111 lh<1I tll('ir wives like to 5pen<! tn oney wciulcl be much unhappier, on 1hc whnlr. 1\·1th w11cr g 1~·hn liked to lia,·e it . for 11 ii: nvnn;il and feminine for :i 11 01 nan 10 \JI' a httll' rx· tra\'ag;inl. hut unlorely ii111t niean· sp1ritcu tnr;., 11n1n,1n 10 :-.1~1111rcl 1t ;n1~1y greedily (and profoundly an11 ~rxual a:; "''ell 1. 11 )·•ll tell int 11h.11 \ou l11H! 1i1r1nr. an(! ,1·hat vou r!on L I 1«111 111:1h" 11 1;1r tX."11 rr f'Stimiite of 111\ll' f'har,it irr 1111111 if 1ou told me 11hal ~uu "f)r l1r\1' · ' \V?1a: rrbelhnus .vo111h b :-.;1) 1ng to the ('f}!nlorlable middle tli)~~ 1orl:1_v v.·as ex· pressed by E1nerson a 1111! ccnlurv ago: "God offers to e\"cry mind j1s f'hoice be· !ween truth and repose Take 11·hich you please; you can nevrr have both ." Policing in Classrooms Onf!: of !he most hrnw·furrowing proh- l<!.m5 of tod ay conce rns hov.· to cul C<:1sts or education and thus reduce 1he HIX· payers' burden-but without sacrificing the quality or education. \\'e have one suggestion. Let '~ slop dumping so much parent responsibil ity on the teachers. Take \he dress <:odes, for example. Untold hour s v.·ere de voted In Sen fl.1ateo Union High School Dis trict during the pa!!\ school year to surveyi ng. re-view· Jng and hashing Qver the length_ of atudenl5' hair, the length of sk1rl5, cene.raJ drtss and adornments. P.tuch the same sort. of thing was goin~ on in many Junior high schools lhroughout the North Peninsula. BtlDND THE \\lfOLE busi ness is an 1pparent conviction on lhe part of many parent11 that it's the Job of public school tMCberl end administrators to make 1ute that Johnny and Suzy are respec· tabtY 1arbed aod shorn. Lon1 pages of "guidrliMs'' ha\'f!: evof'Yed, and educator!i apparently are expected to seek out and can lo lask any younpter wbo ignores 1tandards of ac· ceptabhe dress. Ja ahort. we 're turning teachers morll! tnto p:iUecmen. Yes, and 'we're payint.: for If. Granted, tc.hools &hould enlocct certai n Guest Editol"ial nii nimal s\andarc\!1 or clrl'~S. i\'.o sc.hool should tole:rale skirt s !'O short as to be clistrarUng or h11ir so long a~ to impair !he wearer's vision. HUT WASN'T .JUNIOR's hair just ac; long \\"hen he walked oul or lhe hou se and heade<l for school ? \Vasn't Suzy 's skirt just as short when she departed home for classes? Nor is "proper dress·• the-only polici ng function we seem lo expect from educators. \\'e demand or teachers that they prc,11'1 the campuse:"l to root out smoking vi ola· lions (probably tht largest cause o( suspensions during the pa at school year) and to make sure thal Junior doesn't hop in hi·s car and take a spin during the lunch hour. Arc "'e lo bel ir,·e that Junior nr ver smokes around the house or that he uses hi.~ car only to drivl! lo and from school~ Perhaps it's high lime Iha! schMl boards ind pare:nts'i:akt 1 hard look .it Jtl$f where the responsibtht y of pare nts ends and that ()f educatnrs bf.gin~. 8urHncame Advance•Star Four Reasons to Ban Red Teachers Shou ld P.hi Beta Kappa Angela Davis !being a Commonisl ) ttac]l at a state university? The UCLA Academic Senate thinks SO, ~41 to 4. UCT Chancl'llor Aldrich say.~. ":v!y lord, yes.'' fo.·lany .~l uclcnt s lh111k so. J\lany sludents ma)' be levcl·headed. Another group. newly a1\•ay from home. n0\1' has grct1!er rrf'edom. but lacks 1he 1l1sciplinc of parental guid11nce They h~11('n·: m01tured through rcal·l1fe ex· per1c11cc. Tl,f'Y n1ay hr purlial!y or totally ig· noranL nr hQw 0 (1r e(·nnom1c sv~tem 1vor k,,, But they arr rt!n11nded or !he In· Justices in 011r sot1crv, And comn1unis rn chan1piont the opP.rcsscd. Acadrn11c freedom demands that the other .side be. given a lair chance . ACAOE~llC t'REEOO~t is the right to follow the truth. CommuruslS destroy academ11: freedo1n in that lying is their stand ard tactic (they come tn!o power by <lcC'eit and rcn1a1n in pnwer by rorce). They don't tell you that iniusllcc and in· hurnanily are much greater in Com· 1nunist countries. Communists should bf' excluded lrom teaching because: -Their lirs and fa lse appeals may dect>ivc nai ve youngst ers into wrong decision 1 should "·e allow the J\ta na. pro· slitules and dope peddlers to recn11l on !ugh school and JL.Jn1or high grounds~ I -THE\' O\\'E TllEIR loyally to lhe Commun1~l Par!y 111 Huss1 a. anrl arr. \11eretore inslru.rnents ol a fore1~n 1)1)\.\·<!r. -Society has a right !o prnlrc:t. it sr!r rron1 its enemies and not ::;ubsulizc tho~c 11•ho "·ould destroy u~. -Taxpayers have 11 rii;:11l lo hill t 1hr·11 ta~ doll;irs used ph1dent h LE:O;\AHIJ \\ Jll(,HT Tlar. Di!I Li<' Tl'l !he Edi Lor · Even I hough the Nazis we.re t"llm1natM lrom the 11•orld scene 1n l!M5. 1hey left the world a few mrn1entns !hat are still kicking around. Onr nl those men1entos is ''The Big Lie .. , This simple By George ---• Dear George : I ha\"e always gone without a hat. all through n1y .1 uung nlanhood and alt rluring niy 26 years of n1arriage -but now it 's causing 1roubll'. This pasl summer my wife anci I spend lh e summer in a resort area ,1•herc most men wf'ar cap!; $(l, nalurally, instead of going w1Lhoul iii hat I "'ent v.·ilhout a eap. Now that ~·e are back home my wife won 't let me go "'ithout 1nv httt anymore , insisting I loo k. vnunger when I go "'ithout a cap. \\'hat shou ld I do? \V. R. Dear ,V. R.: \\'ell. for one thing , you should ~ here writing this column until I get over the headache your ltller taustd. I mean. l 'm the Inventor of Sideways Thinking but you've flip- ped you r cap. Dcnr George: \Vhy can't \\'e live out in lhc '>l"oods like the Indians? And follow nature? Instead of all lhe&4!1 meciiclncs and f ads~ The Tndians v.·rre healthy 11nd they didn't spend hall their time chasing down to the doctor's office. TRUTHfUL Dear Truthful Yeah? Then how come they \(llSt~ i:;.end your problem~ In Geor gr, \\'hy ~hould he sit arrund being hapny: 1 \ Mailbox l,eitcrs fro m rcGJer! are u;elcome. iVornia/ly 1vriters sho11 ld convey the ir r11essoges in 300 words or lei;s. Tht 11y/lt 10 condense letters lo jit spact or e!ir:iiua<e libel 1s reserved. All let· te.~!: ~n:1~i include signaturt and moil· 1•1!1 ad(frc~s. bur ·names may be with.· licl'.l 011 ·1r(1 ucst if stt f]lcient reaso11 IS orpareul. yel very et!ec111•e propag and;i tool v.·a~ 1n1e.nted by 1he Nazis and ad Jp1ed by all rhe Communist pa rties including lhe one 1n thf' U.S. The principal of ''The Big Lie·· rests in the fact that lies about minor details 1\·111 be qtJestioncd v.·hite lies ab<lut major t!ctails arc r.asily swallowed by !he unv.·ary. Now let u~ look <1t some rece nt "Big Lies·· that have been used hy the Commun is ts. THE "CUBAN CRISIS" was CilU.s<'d by the Russians because they tried to 5tatioli Intermediate Range Ballistic ~fissiles in Cuba that \\"Ould have been aimed at the hea rt of the U.S. \\'hile the construct1Jn of the missile sites wa:s going on, the Ru ss ians assured the v.·orld that thty \1ere just giving the Cubans some short range mi~silrs so that Cuba 11tould be <1hl l' to prnlret itsPH from U.S. ag· gre8S1on ''The Big Lir .'' Af!rr Ru~s1a 1n1•t1ded Clec:hoslovakHI tht·y 1nforn1ed \hr 1vorld !h ill lllcy had bern 1111·ltrd 1n by lhe Czech leadrr.s .so !hal 1hr1 r;;itilrl prevent an ln\•as1011 by an 11n~nal15t1t f1('1ghbor. ··The Big Lie ·• TUE \OllTH Vietnamese h a 1 ,. !'('pcaledlr denic<I that any of rhe ir armrd ~rr11c"' are f1gh!1ng 1n South Vitlnani. Ho11 r1rr. they clai1n th.11 the L:.S. 1~ lr1·1ng to colonize South \'1elnam and 1s aC1ua-lly 1hc aggressor. ''Two Big Lies ." $1 ncr ;ill !11r. Communi~t parties u~e ''Thl' Big Lie" with premeditation one c:in ,,:iy that !he Commu111.,ts have no 1n· tegr11y. Thus. one is ju~t1ried in saying I hat all niembtrs of the CPUSA have lit- tle or no integrity. ,,_;)W perhaps someone can explain why un11·l'rs1!y professors that arr paid by the taxpayers of California had to go out of 1he1r v.·ay lo demand that any mem~r of the C'PUSA thal is qualified to teach must be allowed to leach e\'Pn though he or she has liltlr or no in tegrity. Pleas1: note lhaL any s!uclcnt that rhrals on a11 exan1in;it i:ln can br kicked ot1\ or an y taxpayer-supported university. HARRY B. to.fcDONALD, JR. tl'alki11g Singe First To the Edi tor: Referring to your editorial or Oc:l. 17, "i\1esa Hlgh'.s New \\lay~:" Perhaps the old school adage of crawl. ing before yot1 walk and walking bcrorf!: .1 ou run has some application with respe ct lo the drastic change in educa· lional methods at Y..fesa lfigh. There is. in fact. a great deal of good to be gained by training our high .school students for col- lege and university work. Training is a gradual process. however, and cannot be done on a rash and im· 1nediate basis. CIDLDREN LEA VTNG junior high sc hool. v.·here 1htir entire day is planned for them. and introducing lhem into a sys!em where they do as lhey please-, iA·hen they pleasf', and how thty please, as outlined by lht few moods they have a day, is too great a departure lrom their SIX yr:ar s or junior high ~ChOOI traini ng. It v"ould 5rem !hat they arc being expecled to run after crau ling. r "'flulrl ~tron~ly ~vpport 11 n1nr, aradua t trans!t1on Crom Jun ior high school to the senior year at Mesa High. By lhis I would suggesl a graduated giv . ing of educational freed om in order that the children fi rst reach a walking stage before they are expected lo run . FURT HER. I cannot support a hi story teacher who gives a lest paper to the class and then suggests that all or the 10t11dcnts get together and answer the test nurstions This is certainly a "new way.'' though hardly condue11'e to studying on one·s oll"n tune and doing onc.'i ou·n 11·ork. I la ke !he posi\1on the "old School" 'W/l~ not ~nllre.ly "'rong, a~ evidence our ;i f. fluence <1nd growth in technology. If the Newport·~1esa Unified School District e.~· peers my support for therr additional hond rlee!ion in f'tbruary. it "'ill have to do somr!hing more al ~1esii High than con tinuing to promulgate the new \.\'ays. G. R. r.1URRA Y Kaber Junior IJlgla To the Editor : \Vhile louring our Kaiser .Junior High School recently, I obser\'ed conditions \.\'hich l think should interest the heallh tlepartn1ent, fire department, and school hoard a.5 'IA'ell as parents, '\'r \\'ere sho"'n one room containing 140 students and another '¥1ilh a class of 79. The room:> were large f'nough lor this number or students but \he space "·as on· Iv parti;i!ly used as the children ,1•ere crowllec1 loi.?ether as closely as possible. Lon g !ables were used In the tirst room. ~ludent5 ~at elbo11··t<>-elOOw wi1h their b~1ok• 011 lhc rabies. i\1a ny ~·l'rc having d1ff1rulr )' t1ndini: roon1 enough to :.prraJ IJU! lh<'lr a X 10 piece of paper. \LTllOIJGll TllE doors werr open !ht roo111 1\as c1111tc :.tufty and students \\"<'re • {1u~h1ng back anrl forth in r ach othrr"~ fare;; Thr.v \\'f'rl' generally well beha1ed liul !hr l'Orl~lant ~eething motion or 140 reonlr.. in Clfl~C flUarters was eer1a1nl.Y dts1ratt1ng. As if lh1s w11s not enough co11f11s1on , thE:re 11·c rc 11,-0 teachers on Oiffercnt sides of the room leaching dll· feren1 subjecls. The ~cond room conta ining 79 students had 1nOi,•idual desk.~ but the fron t of one desk "''as touching lhe back of the next and the aisles couldn't have been more lhan 21 ~ feet wiOe with books piled all along them, certainly a hazard in case or fire, IT \\·As PJ\OUDLY exp!alnt'C'I to us tha t this was the Jalest thing in tenm 1<'t1ching and \l was preparing the students to "·ork more independently. \Vhat are tht results of this type of l eaching~ Well, my o"'n son, \\·ho has been an "A" .student throughout all his school years, is failing in mathematics and read ing, I \\'ant lo alrrl other pa.rents to th i~ ~Hua!ion and suggest that they take lime Lo ob5er\'e for themselves. l\fRS. D. W. JORDAN Leary IK llie ,,·ems .To the Editor; Over the past 10 years t ha\'e enjoyed your newspaper coverage of Wx:al and \\'Orld news events. Occasionally, t differ with SOmf!: of you r editorials but that is not to say I MV!n'l enjoyed reading your newspaper. Centrally speaking, your news cover11ge is informative and in· teresting. However, f fl'.t'\ that you stooped to a new low in 1 recent artlc\f!: regarding Timothy ~ary. 1 an1 al a loss a~ to v. hy sLJCh a man or. foul reputation a n d unproducti 1teness could t v e r l:M! feature. news to the ell'.lent nf having 1 picture or him getting • haircut. O:'\'E OF l\IY child'ren wa:<1 look ing 1hrn11gh tht nP.wspaper lo find a current f'vrnt 11nd she asktd me v.·ho this man v.·ns ielllne a haircut. I explained to her that he was the father of the L.50 lll()Vf!:- ment and has preyed on the i"" quisltiveness of the high school and col· Jege students through encouragement to have an exciting "trip." Her question I() me "'as, "\Vhy, then. would the newspaper \\'rite an article and publish his picture if ht has done so much harm ~·· My answer to her was, "I don 't kno11t, I just don 't know.'' I !\TI GHT SUGGEST that the next lunf!: ~·ou ha\•e space to waste, you print a pic- rure and article of the beautiful park.'! that embrace ou r aree1 ur maybe • human lnlcre~t ~Lory about some unselfish person who g:ivc I heir time and rfforl to help our soclely and not hinder our ~OCICly. JO HN CAJ.fPBELL Excellent lligla School To the Editor l'n1 new Jn the Costa J\le~a area and l Just enrolled in Corona de! J\1ar tligh School as a sen ior. I v.•ou !d Jike to say Iha\ in my opinion Corona 1lel 1\1ar is ;in excellent high school. \\'e are learnini; lo think and be ourselves, not lo be a carhon copy or e \'eryone else. \\'e can express our opi· nions "'il houl fear of being put down by I !eachcr whose opinion differs. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed g:ilng to sthool these past 1wo weeks. 1 feel I ha ve learned n1ore in those l\.\·o v•eeks th an in my three years of high school. · I wo11ld 11).;r tri 1hilnk 1hr persl'lns "'ho made Corona del .\Lir ll'h ril it is today. PAi\l VARBEL .\.el("fJfJrf '~ S11rt'ir19 Ta.r T(\ th .. Ed!tor For four \'cars now lh•· 1}11arrl surfer~ or i\rll'PQrt Reach h:i1•r been hoo1ni:: anrl h1ss1n.~ at !h!' ri1y and I feel lhcy ha1e 1 reason to. In ordl'r for the su rfers to en· JOY th..-\l'illt·rs off Newport Be.ach thoy ha1 e 10 pay each year a $:\ S\l rli ng l:ix A surfer ca\1gh! surfing 111th111 the cilv limits without a surfing permit is suhjecl lo a fine of 510 and $25 the :o;econd lime. '\1hen the la11·s v.·ere passed the surfer~ \1·ere told lhe money \\'Ould GO lo lhc benefit of the surfers of Newport Beach. NOW. 1969, with over :\.000 surfer~ In the area. there sho11ld be over $.10,000 waiting lo be spenL But 11·ait The money has bten spent. It "'as placed into the •·ge neral fund" and spent on \\'ho knows \\'hat '. Thi~ mooey could ha \'e been used tn build artiflcia! reefs off Newport, bf'nefiting surfers. fi shermen. and marine life. The relatively inexpensl\·e reef.I could be sel up in all-day surfing areas, casing !hf' surfing cro11tds by creatina: more surfing breaks. liA RY t'ISHI'.:Jt Student ----- \Vednesday, October 29, 1969 Tht' t.ditoriol pagr. of Ou: Da.ily Pilot seeks to i11for111 (lntf. .stini· tJ/a tr. readi'rs Ou prcse11ting I.In! ·11e1vs pa11cr's opiuions 011<1 co1n- me11 rrir!/ u11 f!Jp1•'.~ oj interest n.nd srgnifico11Cr, bu providiu g a f or11n1 for U1r Pipressfrn1 of ou r rrndrrs' opi 11il)~1~. n11d br1 prC'S('llfl UQ t h£: <lrrit.r.~,. t;ir•v· po111ts of i11forn1rri 01>.~rr1•Pr.~ C111d spokcsnien on topics uJ tl1e rio 1J. Robert ~. \\'eed. P11b l1 shcr • ' • . . . • • • • • • • • . • • . • .. . ' ' • ' ' -----------·· ~---------------,. - " . . . •• _..,, " • ~ A11ollc ~ p1•y Ratti Aslronaut s !\Jan Bean and Ri chard Gordon board •lhe van \vhi ch \\1ill t ransport then1 to the Apollo 12 spacecraft whi ch \Vil] take them to the 1110011 ~ov. 1.,1, 1'hc di)' run took them through every step of the l:lunt:h except •the a ctual liftoff. Cal S ta,te Fullerton, UCLA Halt Enrollment L:CLA and Cal St ate Fu\IC'rtnn ha \'e an. noun ccd th~y ;_ire cutting orr cnr olln1cnt for nc:-.t spr111;:: and restricting ad- 1nissio11s for fall, l~iO, but liC lrvinl' con. 11nuc.,, to be ;1b!c tu accept J11y qualified ::.tud cnl 11·Jl u app lic'>. l!CI Adn11ssion Of ficer John \V. Brown E.aid the studenl squeC'zc tha t is n1Jking early appl1catinn a must al olhcr c:.im· pu:.cs so f:ir h:is nt;: l'prc;ic! to UC I. Since the initi;1l ~c:ir o( operation in 196S, all rr11a l1ficd students \l'ho applied by !he llrl· 11ounccd tlc:idl1nc h ;.i \"C llcl'll accc pLett. J::l~f1rhcr1'. llln11gh, Cilrly rutoff d:ite~ l1:11·e been 1rn()()sed. Applicants to UCLA Football Game Passes Off erc<l F rre p;is~s lo Friday night's Laguna Brach t-.lis~in11 \'1ejn football game arc bcin~ olfl·r··d lu both "Senior Citizens "' ;1nd "Dads" it l\'iJS announced today at Laguna Ucach Jl1gh Sch(.lol. Older grid iron fans \\'ill be honored 2l on!..\ with 1ca111 t':ithcrs at the hon1e _IJ<JTTle, schedu!c<J for fl p.in. al the Laguna lir!d. · p;i~~cs !<ho1 dd hi' pic ked up al the high school atlnHnislrat1011 of11ce before 3 p.n1. friday, for !he spring already are beini;i redirected to other UC campu~es. The \\1est1vood school has 31.DOO studen ts !his fall, more than the 28,500 the campus is supposed to accorrunodalc. Ne1v student.'> \1•ho enrolled in summer quarter :-;o 1hcy \l'ould have to be accepted as continuing students this fall swelled that total. Officials estimate !hat 10,000 students \rere turned aw ay fron1 the 18 California State Coll eges this fall lxo.ta use thei r enrollment quotas v.•cre filled. Last year al UC!, howc1"f'r, fr csh1ncn applicants were accepted right Ull to the t.larch 1 deadl ine for the rall and the deadline for transfer students from other l'Ollcges was extended to July 1. \Vith students no~ able lo get ln l'lse1vhere the same situation n1 ay nol hold for this year. The enrollment period for next fall alread y has opened. Brown said the enrollment tarp-et for next year Is 5,400 students. excluding the College of Medicine. Enrnllmrnt this fall is 4,480 general campus ~tudcnts plus 5.:iO Jn medical school. Brov"n said l,!00 fr~hmcn can bi' ai'· commodated next year and 500 tr<insfcr students. Twi ce Lhc nun1bcr of frcshn1cn :tpplicc.tions will be accepted bcc:i11sc. on· ly abou t half of those adrnittcd n1ake Irvine their first collrt;c rho11'1~. To be eligible for nd1111!>sio11 freshmt·n niusi rank in the top 121 i pcrcen1 or h1i.;ll school seniors Y.'ith a B .11 vcragc l!I specihed academic subjrcts. Sino•' ~ Line D1·a,,111 Co1111ly E)'Cs Not 11r<1l Gas A11,tos I )/ 0 1 .111~(' 1 '01 1nt y Suprr\'ic;or JJ riv 1d Baker StC'ppcO li p h\.-.~ \t·~1 Otl ~ino~ 'J'ul':.doy 11 ilh lhc :-.llCl.:C'Ssful plra th at the l'011111y refu se 10 p u 1 rh il~c nr1v \"rhi cl r ~ until 11u .. 1r rnakcrs have con1 p!1cd \11th thi.: ~tole 's ~111l1·pn llulio1 1 incu:.urc:.. 1\11d u~1k rr urged the booird lo consi der the rioss1llil 1!y of con· \'Cr lip ~ all rxisting cciunty \"tihfclcs l o notural gas systen1 s -the i11.,t:il l;1 11on qJ 11 x,,gen·typc cyl inders 1rhich 11 1Ll feed cu1nprcsscd gas to the C"ngine ;.is a 1nrans ul pO\\"Cr. l;a kv r got ~he backing of the board a nd the decision to ask c·ounty 1rcu1sportation d irector R. I. ~·Torris t o rcvic\v the dec ision 1n the 11;.:ht ot pcndin~ county purchases, ·r he b0ard action could affect the proposed purchase ol nearly S2~.000 \I ort h of E!\"hicles during 1he current fi scal year. Mnrri ~ had cxpr-r ted tn h11y 75 light.er vehicles and six large tn1cks for d irect c oi1nty use and an a dditional 17 vehicles for use in various county d istricts. INTERIORS OF GREAT DISTINCTION BEGIN WITH ~ l'LANI liberal Terms Wed11t!drt, Octobtt 2C,, 1 %9 S DAILV PflOf 3' Apartment Eye Court I11junct io1i Co1isidered by Mission Viejo Resiclerits lly l'Ati'IE:LA llAl,Lo\S 01 lilt' D4it~ p,~1 ~I'll! Lealit:1'i; ur lhe ~lls~1<n \'lf'jl"'I :i par!mr~.t protest n1ay take lhl'lr b:H11t' t•• thu courts if all othr r a~t:nucs !~iii, i! \\.is reported today, '1\\ e lla\•e an attorney who Is con· ~11lt"r111g an 1nju1;ct1on again:.t apa trment 1·,,nstruction," sanl Dorin Lu c a 11, t'l.,urn1 an ol the protest group, speaking b"Fnre a group of 50 Miss ion Viejo 1'cs1dents Tuesday nighl at Mission Viejo li.igh School. But he said legal acUon would be a last re&0rt. Of lmmediate importance would be lhe signing of peUlion1 to be Uken to the Orange County Board of Supervisors who have tentaively set Nov. ~ a~ lhf' day lhey'll vote on the fourth rc\i:.lon of Mis5ion Viejo master plan . The plan calls for doubling and in some cases tripling the population density. Murphy Supports Oil Ban "\l.'e are anticipating appearing befor e the Board of Supervisors and ha ve good organization along these lines," said Lucas. "\Ve kn ow v.•ha t we'rl! goin1: 1n say and how we're going to say it. I d0n ·~ wa11 l to sound likl' Jcirnes Bond hur that's all l'n1 prepared to say <tt tl us time." The protest group, which Is C'til ling ll$clf lhe J.1ission Vic)o C1tilcns A~socia· lion, already claims to h:ive ! 000 signatures prCltesting the fulur(' con• struction of 9,000 ap artn1c11\s 111 i\li ss1on Viejo. Scn<1tor's St a11d Hail ed os 'Ma jor Triumph' C:i!ifornia Repu blican Srn:1101' f.1'orgc fl1 urphy announced T u e s d <.1 ~· 111 \Vasliington U1at he \Yill cosponsfl r n bill 1irshing stnte oil drilling s:u1 r l Uiil",Y !11111\!) oul\l"arcl to the continental slv·lt. Fon11er Newport Beach \ iri:: n1;1~ 1ir J!:ins J. Lorenz, a leadt'r of the Co:is1:il Area Protective Leaguf'. (CAPL), hailed f.1urphy's decision as a n1ajor triumph in btha lf of ul!in1ate passage. The original bill v.·as in troduced b:-t Senator Alan Cranston (D-Catifornla) and Dow11 the Missio11 Trail Almost 2,500 At Sadcllchael\: l\l!SSION \'IE,JO -S<tdrllC"h:i{k Coller,r lhis fall is exactly onr ::<1Udl'nL :iny n[ 2 ,~00. Enrolln1en t i;; 2,-tJ'.l. S11pt'rlnt~·n<lc:1 L Fred H. Br~incr s:i id \od;1y, or that 11u111br r 1.32:; :i n' en ro!lrd r11l\ !l111c, l:tking 12 or 1110rt: t (111r:-(' t·l"t.''lil'l , nnd 1,176 a re part-!11111' :il11clv11l~. 111. cl11d:ng worl-.1ns <Jtlutt., a1tcn1h11i; r\1'n1ni; cJ:.15sc_!;. UC'f(Jre !he ~cn1r~IC'r $1:1 rted 1[ h.id lir•·n ('S\!lll<llf'd hill-lirnt l'11TOllll!(/lt \\lllll!I lie. l , lf\O t11 J.600 :.tuth:n!~. P l.'CJ k cnro!l111lnt 1.i· l v1 •·1 r 11 l1•·n freshn1en onl y and 11111 :-.•1ph"rn or ( , 11 : c ;1ttendi ng the i;rhnol 11:1!-; .1 111 11!' r11L r J,;x){) st1alent s wi111 nb1.11t HOU H1ll 111\ll'. 8 PtlJllJJfliiJtS '" \ "ic \AP!STR,\~O \'ALLI'\' -Ci1ildrrn 12 yr;i rs old and younger are in1·11ed t i 1·ntrr tilc1 r best 1!<'cor;;it<'rl p11mpl\1n in .'.I Grr,11 Pumpkin Contest. Jurlgin ~ fur the 1•1·1!n: 11·1!1 1:1kt• pl.ice ThuL .. J.1_y ;it •I p.ni. ;ii !hi• Sou!11crn C;;i!1fon11.1 f'i r.~t N;1[11111;il fl:.nk, 31!171 Cnrninn Capi;;tr.1nro, $:in Ju:in C.1pislrnno. ·rhe p11n1pkins 1vill hr plHf'Cd n11 d1 spl:iv iii l ~K· bnnk lobby . l'rizes will be ~11v•1 rd•·Ct lrw the hrst dt'cor~ll<'cl pu111ph1n , 1 11~' big· g<'SI purnpkin and lhe pu1n ph1:1 11 11h 11l r rnost in teg rily. The bank JS sp 'l1:lor1ng lhC C\'Cll!. O 1•111•rin111e11tnr?1 C:t>11r.~f· S1\0DLEBACK VALLEY -,\ rri11r~o In b:isic par!ian1entary prnrrd:1r1• 11·1!1 b,.gin Nnv. 5 at Serra ~ch .. :il, ~11!.!!l \ 1t·. tnri1, Capistr:ino 13eal'li. 'i 11C f1ltlr·ll'Ct'k SC!"ICS {n 18kf' r \,1("" r 11 \\"c·rlncs(!ay mCJrnings frn111 9 :;o .i •11. lq 1~ :io pm. \~ill be tau gh L by ~11~. J . Fr ink Snowden. Tin• coursr is frf'P :i nd npf'n t l rr~1dr1 !-: n1 Sadrt h·h~ck \'nllcy. Snnnsnr; ;1 r1' 1nf''l1 br r~<•[ th e C<ip1~Lr;1no t 11tfild ~ 1·~11•11 1 •! J•TA. J\l cditation Lcclur<' Set in Laguna Uca..!1 A lecture on "Transcrndcn1 n1 'ft 1!it:t· lion'' ac; taught by r.'larhari?-;111 fl1;1h1·•l1 Yogi v.•11J be prcscntc_rl al 7 o'clrw·I; l•l!!ll'hl in the auditonun1 ;iL L:igun a lle:1t h I llbh School. Spc<1krr 1\•ill bl> Jf'rry Jarvi ~. dircctnr of the Studcn1s' Jntcrnation:il fl1 cdil<:1\1nn Socie1y, lie \\•HI give an in1rr1d111•(1ri11 11) 1ncditation t.echniques laughl by the Hl· ternat.ion;11Jy knov.·n Yogi. flh:rriby ls crossing partisan lines ~o join !11s culli.:ague on CClpit ol llill in urgmg ils udoption. "This is lhe rirsl break we've had. This \\ ould give us the protection we hope f .. r." sti id Lorenz <1fler being notified of fl1urph~'s dl.'ci!i10n by tclC'phone. Currently, the stale is allowed to l''":abllsh the <Jrcas in which oil drilling :ind produclion such as Jed to the Sanla E:H b;1 ra Channel disaster last spring are (l!Ohtblled. The largest individual stretch lies from the mouth of the Santa Ana River to U1e r.1exi can Border. ll the Cranslon-Murph y bill is passed, however, Lie sanctuary w o u Id automatically extend fron1 northern to southern borders and follow the con· t!nental shelf seaward to federal limits. Lorenz said CAPL bas been in· strumental in various anli-0il interest legislation but the statewide sanctuary bill would be its greatest victory. Capo Still Interested In Expensive Civic Site The price tag is h!gh but the San Juan C:ipistrano City Council is still Interested ln Buchheim l'~ield as a poss.Ible civic l't•ntcr si1e. The propt'rty adjacent tn the old C:ipistrano High School is owned by the (.',1p1~1r:1nn Unified Sc hool District. They ;ire .1~k1 11i; ~300,000 for the 7.5-acre parcel ;·ll hou;:;:h tv.·o appraii;ers placed the value ;it snmc1rherc betv.•een $176,000 and ~.1&1,000. "IL appc:irs they are \l'il!ing to sell the prO[lCrly ," said Councilman Tony l'ul"~tl'r. •·Bul I do11·1 believe It is ap- propri::i tc for the city of S<tn Juan C:ipislrano to be p::iying !or new ('!<l!<Srooms." The school board has indi cated lhat n1nnl'Y \\'Ould be Spt.'nl for additions to Hil·hartl Henry Dana School in Dana l 'nint Fur:.ter s;iid he di scussed the matter \11th Oll'J ho;i rrl men1bcr who suggested 1<1:.t !lie cou11r1 l n1ake an of fer :-r11nt:\\'hl're hct11'f'f'll the appraised price tind !lie :i:·king price, "If the schnol bo arrt can gel more 111011l'~" th f'y should," snid Forster. "\Ve ~hnulcl offrr thc1n what it is worth to us.'' Fll ayor Ed Chermak has suggesled that a committee be appointed lo study the of· fer and make a reco mmendation be.rore the school board's 90-day time limit has elapsed . Got Any Magic Up Your Sleeve? Amaleur or retired magicians \\'ho would like ({) share a trick or two with students in Thurston I n t e r m e d I a l e School's elective course, "t.1agic As Entertainment," arc Inv It e d to participate in a special assembly at U1e Laguna Beac h school Friday morning. The assembly l! timed to honor the grcal American illusiOnist Houd ini, who died on Halloween 42 years ago, and is bein~ e!:pc<:ia\ly recognized this week in a proclarnalion issued by the Society of American t.1agicians. The unique course l5 sponsored by teacher Art Fisher, whose avocation is magic, and is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in performances, The audience al the Friday demonstra- tion will include r.1ayor GlelUl Vedder and ether invited guests. Block captains n n rl nclghb'lrhl)od lieu tenants for cnch <1rea ha1(• lx'!'n ap· pointed to canvass their neii\11borhood, for more sign11tures und to cli!'sen1in;1tc information. They arc being dirt'tll'd by Bob Brennan. Anothf'r parl of their pla n ha s ix'i'll t•1 \\'in th e homeowners association to their cause. "\\'e hal"e bc:rn lnl"itcd hv 1h'! honlCown ers associntlon to come intn lheir orgaruzation," s:ud Lnc:is. lie said niembers of his group \l'PrP. planning to run for bonrd of rl1reclors posilion.s In the hon1eowners grnup. 4'lf our people are elected, we Cllll turn th'! homeowners association fl"om a i:oci<il cu ltural group into someth in~ rl'ally ef. fective," said Lucas. "\\'e need an cf· fective voice \\'h<'n dt:'aling \\'llh the 1.lission Viejo Company.'' Lucas asked v.·hethcr or not the apart- ment protesters have p o s ~ t i v e alternatives to offer to the r.I ission Viejo Company or v:ould lh<'ir stnnd be a negative one based 011 the sloga n of no apartments. ''We have very realistic alternatives for them ," sairi Lucas. "\Ve realize they are out to make n1oney; v.·e kno\'I we can't stop all the apartments. \\'e have come up with a plan which we believe to be better than theirs. ll is both realistic and fair." He said he preferred not to elaborate on this at this tin1e. In restating their reasons \1·hy they v.•crc against apartments, the conuniltec presented statistics on single family dw elling evaluation, the types of people \\'ho 1il"e in ;:ipartn1cnls and the CTllfl1ional problems \l'ilh thei r chil drrn and the need for more police protection in dense· ly popul ated arf'as, Jn an effort to encourage his audience. Lucas lold aboul a case in Los Angeles where the action of 281 pe!i t111n signers th11'ar\cd a pl:in for n high n sr whic h had been zoned for live yea rs. Only one pf'rsnn vo iced ;in rpposi ng viewpoint during lhe meeting. J. A. Whitelaw stated that he bellcved the publicity given to the ap.'.l1'tment pro· testers had devaluatf'll his hon1c :is niuch or more than the future presence of aparlments in the cornmuni!y. NOW AT ATLANTIC MUSIC SAYE $130.19 !Limited SAVE $130.19 ON THIS 5-PIECE "BEST BUY" SYSTEM! "D .. -··· •• Garrard SL75 5y-cl.ro.t o\, •ulo,.u•:= ''""'"bl,•'•·~"•<•"'~,,,~ ol. ~. ' bu o, ~•••v·"•;,i.1 11.,,f,,.;<,•I < '""" ~"'""' a,•,nood •'~ P"<llion <•lobtolod !<>no ''"'• Reg , Pric• $115.45! o SHERWOOD S8600a 125-WATT FM RECEIVER ~iiiii: ... Ou• or ~nur•'• '•~u• tol•,,....•<I l!I"· 1!1t<tl C•r!<•O~., IO< "''"" l•i <>• m; onu 11lk1 >mootn n.g~-.. M1~•or1r~u1! IF and Syn~~1rooha~., I .in11t>15 r ,.,1r1 l11ect Tr<in!•slorl tl.'d RF ;ind /\<Ii'"' Mn'" i.n(l /o• 11.e<no la SD(!ilker Switching I rvn! P~ne! Sle•eo Heddnhone Jilek !,, IKt'·•'" t..,r.r10 or l ~ tcn1lon Spe;.~er 1 ~1m1n.ils fr(1nt-p~11rl Vat<.•blc Control .FM ln\er· N"r'~ OH~•dl'ti ll111ome!lc FM Mo'lC/ ~.t1·r•-o Sw1 t~h1 n11 f oolpfQfll FM Stereo lndlc1tor Light 1 .ine t.lord1nr Switch: High Filler Switch Front-p11riel Pllono P1eamo level Control Reg, Pric• $319,50 ! CW.lnu l cu• opllo"t11 • Reg. Price $ 39.50! REGULAR PRICE 8600• SL,5 + 801.- Sl!Yr• M7$1: il1?.SQ SI 15.45 S J?.SQ s •s.oo SS6,,45 0 Soundcraftsmen Lancers A full·rani:-e 4!S to J5,000 cycle ducted-port ~peaker sy~tem, a cou~tlcaHy ('ngin· errE'd anl! glass-wool d&m?E"d lo provide exceptional bass respon1;.f' \n n moderate• size bookshtlf enclosuN!. The &Pf'CIAlly-deslgnf'd 8" full-rnngf' speaker t5 pcrfrctly matched to the ducted"port Interior design. Hand·cralted in genuine oiled Walnut % " han::twoodl. Reg. Price $95.00! ~ , COMPLETE SELECTION OF SONY TAPE RECORDERS SONY b;t.1!-mJ -......... ,, o-oc.o. ...... ~- ~ liiiil • • , )I e r e al A1ta"s our quali· fied interior de· signers offer planned ideas for you and your home. Sf'e our new imaginal1ve i:.howrOQ(ll wirh f r esh vibranl ideas! Avall.,bte ~<-'Ii~ '-c-~-, ,_,.., ................. ,,,. • ~. I DAILY PtLOi \'Vtd11tsda:y, Octobtr 2', 1961) ! l' . • --.i .. ,~~-r\ .. "\o _. J ' "' • 31""' ., Brigitte Bardot fell from a horse \Vhile on a pleasure promenade lasl Su nday and was dragged 150 feet when her foot caught in the stirrup. She bruised her right hip. It hap- pened \Vhile !11iss Bardot, 35 .• was visiting Jacques and Corinne Oaf.. sange at lheir country home. Das- sange is a Paris hairdresser. "I was completely panic-stricken," the newspaper France-Soi• quoted Miss Bardot as saying. "I let go of the reins and hung onto the horse's mane screaming to Co rinne, 'Stop! Stop! '1 don't kno\v how to gallop.' That mu st have been hilarious.' () Tricia Ni xon, the President's daughter greeted 1,000 Boy Scouts on the \Vhite House-la\Vll Satur· day. The boys are from the Tus· carora Council in eastern North Carolina, which has cleaned the lit· ter from 200 miles of roadside dur· ing the past year. 0 Former President John.san te• ceived an e11t11usia.stic greeting (even from rh.e 1111der·30 bunch) when he attended ser vices at First Baptist Church of ~linden, La. Johnson's 9reat.grondfut/1er, Georgt \\lashing· to11 Baines, helped joi;nd the church n1 1844 a11d was -i"ts pastor from 184$ lo J 849. • House,vives splattered 1.he car of pant.omine_ producer Paddy Gubin "'ith eggs in Paighton, England aft· er he kept their children \vaiting five hours to audition for a produc- tion of "J-f umpty Dumpty." 0 The North Thurston School Dis· trict in Lacey, \Vash. has decided girls can "'ear crew cuts and boys can wear curls to their knees if th ey please. School di'rectors, con- si dering the case or Charles Stur- devant, 17, 'vho had been denied admittance· to hig h school on grounds his hair \Vas too Jong, vol· ed to suspend all regulations r e- garding the length of students' hair. f) f [,•--! ;:; Ok;;,;~:o~ post office 1rrorl'nl!y 1oill liove to delay iu arlvertisin:J ran1poig n to tnform. the TJUb/ic ohout 101.SOlicited pOT· 11opra.phic li tera t11re. The pos· ·! !.ers hat'C bee 1i losi in the mail. -7'"· • .., ., h®~"'l""''"'"" .. -mi • Lo:idon Sub\\"WY Stationmaster Ten Norma n has his own "'ay ot c\ea!ing v>1lh angry conunuters at rush hour-he plnys his h annonica o\·cr the loud speaker. 4'It \vorks liken charm and in minutes every· one is calmed do\vn," said No r- n1an, 61. "Sometimes they even clap." ~aigon Releases Monk, 88 Cong SAIGON (AP) -The Saigon govern· ment pardoned one of Its leading Bud· dhist critics today and released 88 Viet Cong p:lsoners of war as part of lt.s observance of South Vietnam'• National Day Nov. I. President Nguym Van Thieu pardoned Thich n.ien fdinh, the dissident monk im· prisonro last March C1n a charge of harboring draft dodgeMi and deserters. A spokesman said Thien Minh -UUcb Is Vietnamese for the Buddhist title vener. able -would be set free as soon as for- malities were completed More than two lhlrd.s ol the Viet Cong freed were women. Virtually no public fanfare attended the release of the POWs at numerous loca- tions across the country although it waa ooe of the Jargut group of prt.<onen ever freed. A government spokesman had an· nounced Tuesday that 24 priaonera would bl! released for ''humanitarian reasorui.'' But there was no uplanation wby the government did not make the additional releases I.be occasion for a big pro- paganda 6Pla8h. A spokesman said 63 of the prisoners turned loose were women wbo had been held at a women's POW camp at Qui Nho.1, 275 miles northeast of Saigon. Most of I.he 2S men came from the big POW camp at Bien Hoa, 15 miles northeast of Saigon. One woman was released ln a brief ceremony at Saigon's City Hall and three others at Bien Hoa. The government gave eac.1 400 plasters-$3.40-and packages of clothing, blanket.a and other l~ma. Lebanese Troops, Arabs Battle at Syrian Border By The Associated Pl'tl1 Lebanese troops and Arab guerrillas battled today across deep .. valle)ls and craggy ridges near ~ Syrian border y,•hile in Beirut, the capital. pro and ~ tiguerrilla i;tudent factions fought with broken chair legs at the American University. The renewed nghtlng between the guer· rillas and the army units centered around Rashaya in eastern Lebanon. The Lebanese government has been trying to curb lhe guerrillas' attempts to use the country as a base for sbikes against Jsrael , fearing painful Israeli retaliation. Th.? bark of heavy machine guns and the crunch of mortars echoed through the rocky defiles all day. The exchanges ap- peared to be from fixed positions, with no evidence of any movement by either Side. The Lebanese army ls established firmly and in strength in a fortress which crowns the steep mountain on which Rashaya was bui!L The Lebanese flag continued to fly as proof that the guer· ril!as had failed to take the fortress when they launched a frontaJ assault again5t it Tuesday. They left half-a-dozen dead by !he tunnel-like main gate before they withdrew two mlles down the road to the villages of Aiha and Kfar Kauk. These are only a couple of miles from the Syrian border, on the slopes of Mt. Hennoa which rises majestically to 9,050 feet. At the American University, tn Beirut, about 200 students supporting the Lebanese government tn the dispute with the guerrillas stormed the arts and scien- ce building, which had been seized and occupied by leftist proguerrilla elements. ShouUn& "Lebanon and independence" and tanytng a Lebanose nag, the at- tackers ripped down guerrilla pos\ers and photographs of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Cvban revolutionary who has been lionized by I.be Arab guerrilla movemenL * * * Mrs. Meir Dealt Prestige Blow In Israeli Vote JERUSALEM (AP) -Jsraell voters dealt a prestige blow to Prime Mini11ter Golda Meir Jn national e!e<:tions Tuesday, but left her with a m~date to govern on a policy of no retreat in dealing with hostile Arab slates. With more than half the votes counted today, Mrs. Meir's Labor party looked like it would win up to 58 seats in the 12n- membe.r Knesset, Israel's parllamenl Gahal, the right-wing opposition, ap- peared heading toward about 25 seats, a gain of three. Labor needs to top 60 seal! for a majority. The 71-year-old prime minister looked glum as she pored over the returns, deelining lmmediate comment t o newsmen. But membel'I of the Cahal bloc were jubilant Hardly at issue was the course Israel should follow in defense and foreign policy. All major parties agree on re- taining occupied Arab territories until a peace treaty ls nea:otlated ln the M1ddle East. But Cahal favors oubight an· nei.aUon. House Com1nittee Slashes Nixon's Foreign Aid Bill '\\.'ASHINGTON lAP) -The House Foreign Affiiirs Committtt approved to- day a $2.19 billion foreign aid aulhorila· lion bill , slashed $542.5 million below the Nix on administration's request. A 23-6 vote cleared the measure over Its inilial congressional hurdle and head- ed It toward probable deeper cuts on lhe llnuse floor. Chainnan Thomas E. Morgan <D-Pa.), f;aid th ere undoubtedl y would be numerous attempts in the House to make further reductions. He expressed hope, however, !hat the final Ilouse version \\'Ouldn't be any lowe r than last year's $1.97 billion spending ceiling. The deepest cut was in the develop- ment loan program which was set at f475 .5 million for the cunent fixal year, $200 million below the administration rt· quest. The Alliance for Progress program of aid to Latin American natioru was cut SUK> million, windtng up at $437.~ million. Support.Ing assistance was s I a 11 h e d another $100 million, being set at $414.6 mlllion. Military aid was trimmed to 1400 million, including $50 million for Soulh Korea. Mocgan r;ald the administration originally had sought $375 millio n for rnilitary aid, then · added another $50 mil!ion for Spanish bases. He said the r;pending ceiling for lhe Spanish bases, although not specifically earmarked, would be included in the overall military aid package. East Remains Clear, Cool Recorcl Loiv of 18 Recorded at Concord, N.H. California Lew /09 tw~o cv•r !oull!er11 c111.' forn•1 •~••Y !od&•, 1/\11!!ln• down mod 1 r11 Olri>Ol"!t durlMI l/\1 pred1wn l>ou'"1 fOf" '"-lhlrd GOnHcull..-. m c•11lf"l9. F llohl1 .,...,,. sill! l1n<1tM •!10 t1•lnt1 coif 1t Los Ang•I•• lnte,...,.1lonal -'t'" <>0rt, b\<! Von liuv;, On11r1Q 1nd Hcllr• "'ood·Burbal">I<. wer1 10<V..O In. Su""'I"" burMd lllrouoh In btlwe.,1 tile morn1"9 """ ''""'"' law ~loud1 e nd !119 1<>Cl QuSIV ne>rlh !o nnrlh101I winch """I~ '"" ''"'""'"'"' 1n<1 co.ut~! tllll'O'"l reglon1. I! w11 1lloM1-.. w1rmt r In lr>e co1S11I '"" "'termt<ll• ••• u11iev1 1<>Cl '"'""" """' tO<l~r ... 1111 f\Tghlf' 11mi..r1tur11 •~Ptt'" T1>11r-s<11r. Lot A"""t" 1\.14 allth!IV w1rmff c11rt1m1 ttmP11r1turn with 1 Moh of 72 1t Clulc Ctn!er •lier l ut>cM\··1 r.+.11 at 47_ Ovtrn!gl\I low lDflloh! ,,.111 N ,,.., U , IW'f ..,__ ....," lrom Tu~ ,,1,111. TIMI flVMer ~•If --bv 1111 U.S. Wt1Thtr aur11u t•tlfil lor rio -tPll11l~ lhro<Hlh Mor..:llV 1.-.d ....,,...,.,,_ ,,.,.,,1,. ,,.., or a!loht. tr .......... ~··· TM Mlloll'I !lot -' T-.:ln' ... ~t. wttll • .....,...,... .....,!.,,._ Thi .All' Polllllta!I Collln>I Olllrld ~ 111111 -!11 TM c..,lral ..... ('Oltl•I HC1\ool of Ill• W1l11. ~ w1•• '°""'" 1no crooxtv Cl\rl"'o ,.. ... ITIOl'lll.,. l'lour1, wllh •fTlrno<ll'I IUlhlM llld 11111'>1 llSlr ... T .... ••• u ~·· 11111 -~rll w.,. ...,,.,.., lldJ' wlrh flleli• f" ti.. 601 11 11 .... ,,.., 1•~111. I" TP\e JOI In IH1fl« oe1.1rl YllllYI Ind ,... '° M fie ......, \lfllt)'I. ,,, Wl.l1lrl•.'VTKUTt Coutal Moml"9 low clouOI '""' fl)ll wltfl ~f1 1"1lrnoo11 auiuhJM . l.19111 Y1r!1bl1 wlfldt "ltfll llld rnotnlrlt llc>vrt ~ '"°"'I"" wnltrl1 I ta lJ kr1011 Ill •"tf"o rioant tomr ..., Thurlidllr. Mtfll too.r ... Su•, Moon, TW.,. w•oM•IOAY 11-eOnd hlttl •.. • ..•.. 11 1111.11<. S.J l«ood low . l ilt.,,.., 0., THUlltOAY ,.,,,, hlofl ··••·•·•·•·•·• l\S<I ··"'· J.t "lnl law .••••••••• , •••• l :M I .II<. 3.1 S..:01"111 hlvll , ............ 10;J.I '·"'· i .O ~ low ......... ,.,. ,,. '·"'· 0.1 111~ ••-'"°' '·"'· '"' t:o• ,,..,. ~ ll!Mt 1:0. 11.m. kh !O:M 1.m, v.s. s ........... It _, c:lltr ~ COO! _,. h .. , ... ''" !Wlf .. , ... (Ollftl,,. today •• l't>lff .. Ardlc 11,. C:9¥...... tflt; t tM, llt«Ol'd .... _. -0W If INll)' •llK'1. ,..,. 11tlltri"I _,,""' .... -t t dttrtn II Cor>Cl:l•ll. M.H., ""'~ l>t"ott • r.cord !lltn of IJ hlllllllllld 111 Ito!. .-.~,.. "'-wnrr11 -1IOl'I of "" fl~llotl rein 111d ,,_ -•• tllt ..- of 1111 dlY, WICMll'r1!M tth• !ti1 I""" Tn:11 fO lfW Dllcaltt t NI Mof\111•1 • HI"*° .l ... lllOM Of "" lltK.klft f\M -..... loci! -_,...,,.. -In t tt1><;1 t~ ,,.,. tll!trll 11QH1 .. 1111 mount1l111 lot Wyornll'll .,.. COii-,.,. r-~•tnr ... ,Albvlvf~ ... M:horl .. A!l1n11 •••inn.Id •1-m l'L~IM l'L<n!"" ..._.. ... Iii. ChlC.1100 Clncln"•'1 -v Oft Malllft Ot!"'11 l'tlrWflkt Fort War1h "'"""' ·-tc111111 City l.11 V-1 Lot ,.,,,..,. Mltml Ml ...... llOlll H-Orllitltl N-York C1111•t- ai11i.n. ctt~ """"" "'"" .... ,"" ..... lltabi.t ·-· f'll!1bu ..... f'orll111d llt1Dld City Ate! llulf ·-S.c••-te lti' ltl\1 City ... - S.11 "''""'t(• kl"'' .1DOll•"I TM<"..,.I W1.iilMI011 Ml911 '-"' """· JI :n .Ol ,. " .10 ., .. M .. " " 41 31 .02 M » n o .01 .. .. . " .!I! " .. , . " • n ,_, tt Sl .. .11 ff " q " JI 44 n " " " 1111 7• ,fl .. " n ~ " .. .. " " .. . " n " • " " .. .. ·" ... " .. " .. n " " -M M -" .. .. " n " .. " .. n .. " .. ·" DE ORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dr~am Homes On Display Over $100,000 Inventory to Choose From lt11m1 el fo1low1! Gorgeou1 cu1tom quilted ,ofa with separ•t• pillow• with heavy oek trim decor end matching love seet, 3 matching oak occation•I tablas, 58" tall decorator lamp, hanging chain 'we9 lamp. an 8-piec• king 1i1• master bedroom suite paneled Mediterrane•n style with top quality 15 years warranty king size matfres1 •nd box 'prings, Spanish dining set, •fc. Any piece can be purchase individually. Drop by and Se• our selection of t op quality Spani'h •nd Mediterrane•n furniture , • , f.hta1tically pricedl COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT ECj)UAL SAVINGS MUST SACRIRCE No Money Down Required- No Payment Till 1970 Look for the blue windmill at selected apennartets. ,.,~~,.,. .. ~.. ; ; '.:.\?'.. -~-=-:-&··· ····-i-~--~--~·~:::·==~~~==~;: .. =~-:·::·~:· :.__ -....~ ··" l-!b., ._....__ Special Prices, Wed.-Sun., Oct. 29-Nov. 2 A Harvat of Halloween Specials frGm Vaa de. Kanap'lt Rolette Coff .. Cakes lt'1 Halloween agoinl Greet it with treats from Von de Komp's bog of Trick or Treat specials. A delect· able coffee time example? Tender, light coffee cokes covered wlth a delicate old-world bvtter streusel Pkg. at 4 39c (Reg. 49c) P•Mpkln Pie A g rociou5., golden Halloween Harvest sort-of-o- pie with a texture as smooth os cream; delicately spiced taste to sparkle up your Ha!loweeri table OS ~ other pumpkin pie can. 8 inch 69c (Reg. 79cJ Orange Iced and Chacolote ked Doughnuts fluffy, light coke doughnuts lrogmnt with spas and glazed with our special fres.h orange or smootil chocolate icing. So home-mode good, they're sure to turn any "trickster" into o "'treater"". Three orange, three chotoiale doughnuts per package. Pkg. If & 37c (Val114ll:J Pumpkin Pi e 4 '' Pkg. of 2 •••••• ••• (ieg. '3c1 37c PwMpkin Ple, lndlviduul (Pkg. oi 3) •• (Reg. '4.k) 3~ Rocky Road Condy 8-or... ..••..••• (\lolue $1.09') 99e Chocolate Almond Pal'"fait Cake •••• •••. $1.35 Chocolate Almond Porfalt Ice Cre•M ,119 y, Gal ................... (ieg. $1~ • Pint •• ,.,,, •••••••••• , •• ,. (Reg. 39c) 35c SPECIAL PRICES, WED.-FRI., OCT, 29-31 ONLY Halloween Cake Von de Kamp's makes Holloween Cokes that make any Halloween Porty extra special. The makings; orange btrttercreom filling in bef'ween o rich choco- late layer and moist orangey layer. O range butter· aeam frosting and decorative chocolate shot 'round. Halloween Cup Cakes Thero isn't a Halloween witch ln the neighborhood who wouldn 't be enchontltd by Yan de Kemp's tpeciol Halloween Cup Cake.s. Candy cats and owls alight on the creamy orange icing or chocolate king that covers our light n' golden cup <:oke treolsl Pkc.111 39c (Val1145cJ Holiday Pumpkin Cookies Von de Komp 's rnokes special cookies ;ust for Ha lloween; Thirty rich pumpkin .shaped cookies mode with fresh eggs and harve$f .spices, decorated with orange and block sugar crystals. GuorontMd to bring cookie roves from Halloween cooUe spirib. Cookie goblint., t~ pq_ If 30 39c (Val11 49cJ Van de Kamps. ~ BAKERIES A OM!llON Of OO«W liOST ctt:P. We bal<e tile way you would. U yoo bad Ille time. r l l --· ~----·----~~-----~--·------------------------·-------------- -- ---- -- QUEENIE ly l'hil lnterllll!Cli .• •:"t'-'!'~'"-~~· -·:~~=-•'.•-:''' .• . _;-... "'lt's a shame nobody el.le is here yet. rm *Ure they'd love to see how you showed up toda7 in spite o! & cold •••• • Clwcking llp Beer With Milk Ha11gover Remedy By L. ~!. BOYD BLOODY Tl-tARY -Wasn't ~tary Tudor the one ~·ho lost her head? Believe so. ll was in honor of 1\1ary Tudor thal the alcoholic concoctioo known as the Bloody llfary was created. And since that event it mJght be noted, some several girls h.!lve Jost tht-ir heads. In fact, many. At any rate, a man of science named Dr. T. 0. Tomlinwn contends said gin drink is not the ideal medicine for the morning arter a! so frequently supposed. He recommends large quantities of beer and milk. Mixed. OPEN QUESTIONS -t. \Vhy is the average American wonlan's voice pitched so much higher U1an the voices or women almost ever}'\lo'here else in the \1-'0Cid? 2. Just how much iron is actually in a pound of calf's liver anyhow? J. What was the name of the only American ever to in vent a music instrument used by lhe professional musicians? 4. In talking about their possessions, '"''hy are the rich men always so proud of '"''hat's old and the poor men always so proud of what's new ? 5. How does It happen tha t girls in the Deep South still tend to marry about two years earlier U1an the average than the girls up north? CONSIDER TRIS -Arc you acquainted with any woman who has the hab!l of fluttering tier eyelids? tf so, is she a bit Inclined to be a hypochon- driac? Dr. Leonard L. Lovshin of the Cleveland Clin ic says he has found a significantly high proportion of eyelid flutterers complain about a i Im en ts '"''hlch turn out t.o be psychosomatic. CUSTOl\.IER SERVICE: Q. "\Vhen did the knock·knock- jokes first come out?': A. '.f'hst "'as in 1937. And as ts widely knO\Vn I.ht first knock-knock joke ever told v.·ent : "Knock- J..-nock." "Who's there?•' "Olive." "Olive who'!" "0Uvt you." Why that partlcular specimen brought on more knock-knock jokes is not l..'tlown • • . Q. "DO APF.S laugh?" A. 1ndffd they do. Definitely. That bu been established , • • Q. "WHAT PROPORTION of the popuJa. lion has blue eyes?" A. About a third. LIBRA GIRLS tend to win most all their arguments. '!bit is, if they really try. "Stronc willed" is how our Planet man describes them. He aays they may occasionally kJu at Jove, but they rarely io.e at war . , . TIIAT BO'l'B MEN and women undergo the aame type of surgery is not noteworthy. Whet 's noteworthy is far more women than men survive such similar surgery. Alao, far more women than m e n survlve aceidtnt.s that lteD'l the 11mt. B~AUTY -Truly beauUh&I women are extremely rare. However, this is not to un· fortunate, says our Love and War man, because 1 u ch womtn often have little elte to offer. M old Ruskin Aid, "Remember that the mo11t beautiful .things in the world are the fll06t u • e 1 e 1 1 : peacock! and lilies, for in- stance." RAPID REPLY: No, m' our .N1me. Game man hl!n't quit yet. Today ht reports Ult Miami Fla. telephone dlrec· t.ory list.'I citizens whose true names are Big. Weak. Short, Husky, Slim. Fat. Hlgti, 1.Jttle, St.rona. Long, Plumb, Huse, Lean. and Low. Your qutstiom and com- ment.s art wtlcom1d and will bt used whtrevtr poi· siblt in "ChtckinQ Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, i)t co.re of P. 0 . Box 1375, Ntwport Btach, Colif. 92titi0 'Noble Experin1erit' Started 50 Years Ago NEW YORK !AP) -Tho Volstead Act became the law of the la nd 50 years ago. Of- fi cialy the country went dry. Actually, national prohibition ushered in the wettest era in the nation's history, the Roar- ing 20s. "A great social a n d economic experl~nt, noble in na ture and far reachina: In purpose,'' Herbert Hoover called the Natlonal Prohibition Act in 1928, the year he w&l5 elected president. But by then prohibition was a colossal flop, noble or otherwise. The speakeasy y,·as the social center of the nation - ~·here there had been IS,000 preprohibltlon saloons in New York, there were 32, 0 0 0 speakeasies. Home brew and bathtub gtn were l}'mbols of a nation'• defiance of the law. The hip flask was 1s common on a man's person aa hU billfold. The natlonal crime. 1yn- dicale, as Americans know it today, came into beini to cater to the unslakablt t.hlrlt or prohibition-beset cilianl. MOVING AHEAD Actually reformer• hlld been Inching t o w a rd prohibition sl nct local option was I~ augurat.ed in Maint In 1829. That left it to indtvk!ual unita of government to oullaw alcoholic beverqe1 within their boundaries if thty wish· ed. Not until World War l did prohibition evolve on a na· tional scale. SOme criUcs claimed it wu pu1hed thrwah only becaute ol the abtence In the armed forces of to many young Amtrloans. The 11th amendmtnt to the Constitution wa1 ad~ Jan. 18, 1919, to btcomc-effective one year later. It ouUawtd the tra.Jlllport. po1K&Sion or 1alt of alcoboUc btver11e1 tllroolhout the nation. At th1t lime. prolllbltkwl •l .. ady .... In effect In 13 of the 48 states. and Alaska. Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Dlltrlct of Columbia. Of tlit approximately IOS m 11 l 1 on Americans, 13.S perctnt wert forbidden alcohel. VOLSTEAD 8PONIOll Rep. Andrew Volltlod of Mlnne90ta wu the 1p:m« of the Nalklnal Prohtbltlon Act which defined -c:otlqr JI. quor as any beverap. con. talnin1 "one hilt d one per ce.ntum or mon of aJC'Ohol ~Y volume." 'nie Vollteld Act "u in- tended lo en up tht counlr7 until tlit !Ith lnl-became effecUvf. Prtddent Woodrow Wtllon vetoed K Oat. 27, lilt. but the Houae or.,.. -him the ,..,. ... ,,,. Senate followed auit oa ()et. (See IJQUOll, Pip ,, DAILY PILOT 4 LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON boy's no-iron corduroy fast back jeans Midwolc pol,..,.., ond -mn1 ... ~-11.~ moogn tor ""'°"' ...., ond t<11. Nnu nefdl ltoninJ. Btt>1'ft, n1vy, gold. or oli ... 1-lO. reg. 6.00-i'.OO 399 tftly co boys· -..·ear 14 pcnnancnt press pants with long flare legs &,. , .. ts in p<>lyeot<t -· ~ &rttn, blue, brOW11plaid.4-7. - ..;th "'!· 7.00 fahmntn lcftit -~ er. Boil<. Si..~ ta 7. 4.59 p111a oliotrn .. Jut l .00. 3.99 boys' wool six-button double-breasted blazer . \ A hancbornc MW add ition to a young r ·· wudrolx. Th is 2-to-button bluer has gleaming metal buttons . Navy, gold. rtg. 21 .00 8-12, 19.99 rtg. 30.00 1-4 -20 24.99 l'ft&f m },:,ys' wear 14 mock turtle-neck shirt fisherman knit design Boys" long·tl...,.d pull-ovtr shirt with nlibed cuffs. Gtttt for play or dress. All tOttOO knit. Ccmts in hon<, gold, blut or grttn. 4-7. value 3,,0 2.29 1111y co little boys l 2 111ty eo 1outfi coe.+ pine, ••n di•to fwy at bristol, co.ta mesa; shop 1116ndey throu9h 11turd1y 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. boys' ski pajamas knit of pure cotton His favorite styl e for sltt-ping com· fort. B1igh t colors like red, yellow, blue or green . Completely machine 'IVa,shable, dryable. Sizes 8 to 20. reg. 4.00 mty co furnishing 23 all-weather coats with pile lining 339 Rain or shine. Water-proof cotton coats wi th zip-out acryljc pile lining. Jlelttd b"k. In rtd plaid. 7-14. Not >hown 14.00 co1t, 4x6x, 10.99 coats show n \\'ere l 6.00 1299 m•y co Birls dresses 56 546. 9321" MAVCO 8 • DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE l(notty Trash Problem Fair and equitable method~ of handling a communi- ty's trash problems -especially JI 1rs a resort c:oni- munity -are hard to coine by, La~una 's city co1u1c1J- n1en discovert>d in their recent tratih pick-up st ud y. Resort a reas seen1 to gener.flC 111orc trash than tovons \\'ith a setllcd population, <'tnd.Jlavc n1uch more lroublc getting rid of ii. Occasional visitors are inclined to be unconcerned 3bout li ttering. Saine landlords catering to shor1-lrrn1 Lenanl:.. though ,,·ii ling to pick up the tall for v•ater ln ll~. arc less enthusiasti c about paying 3 regular trash pick- up fee . .'\nd the tenants are rarely \~·illing lo go through !he routine of signing up for trash ser\·icc. So the !rash pil es up . or is surrep~itiousl y contribu· led to a subscribing neighbor's collect ion. The lr<i sh ~·ol !C'clor is unhappy because many so-called suscr1bers ~on·t get around to payi ng their bills. lie red-tags <hei r garbage and leaves it on the side\\'aik. It nll adds up to an unsightly and odoriferous l'l'Cnc th:il sets supporter s of c ivic beautification to fun1tng. "ooner or later, most co1nmunities have lo get around . o ~o n1e form of n1.andatory trash collection, including: rnlorccd payment. ·rhe City Council has decided th at. for Laguna , the l1n1c has con1e. .\ n1aiority of year-rnund residents \1 ant to have thrir trnsh removed. as efficiently as possihle. and ex- pect to pay for il. /\ m a ndatory colleclinn systen1. \\'ith ;i!I property 011·ncrs paying for th<? serYice , 11·011ld save n19ney for rnost of t hem , si1nplify the collection job and 1nake a cleaner t0\\'11. No argun1 ent there. Out-of-I0\1'n o\vners of vacant !and n1av take a dif- ferent vie11'. But. as councilJnc>n pointed oU t. they now contribute to school taxes and help pay for police, fire. ~c\1·er and other municipal services. 11·hc>lher they are hein!? u .~ed or not. This is p<1rt or the privilege and re- •ponsibility th at comes 11·ith 01\·ning property in a well- Jrdered community. Trash should be no exce-pdon, if only for consid1ra· lions o! health. '' r.lany co1111nunities handle trash collectton a kmg 1\ ith \rater service, providing automatic pick-up v.·~ere n1eters are hooked up and shutting of( \l.'ater for non· payment of bills. l·lo11'ever, Laguna does not 011•n its \Va ler service and lhe Laguna Beach County Water Distric&. au so far t>een reluctant even to dlecul!is tht! matter. The alternative is to get trash fees onto the tax roll~ by seeking a vote on an override or on fom1ation of a sanita ry district \\lhatcver path is chosen. it is hoped that Lagunan.• \1 ill sec the need lo clean up this longstanding problein. BricJgi11g the Language Gap Capistrano Unified School Dislrict is extending a hand <.1cross the language gap U1at is actin~ as a drag .)n al Jca ~t part of the district's J\lexican-:1.1nerican stu· dent population . . The district has applied for federal funds to set up a fi ve-yea r expanding progran1 t hat \\'Ould see its fi rst phase implemented \\'ilh ninth g raders. Studerrts hobbled by ha\·ing to absorb all thei r in· st.ruction in their "second language," English, '~·ould be ~1ven a two-hour class that \\'Ou!d provide instruction in both Spanish and English and \\'ould focus also on Span- ish and .M.exican history and culture. In a second phase the teachers of th e special cour5e p,•ould go to the--t>ther 'teachers of the participating stu- dents and a sk, "hC>W do I get this student to participate 111 yo.ur class on an active rather tha n a passive basis.'' A third phase would reach out to parents in language and cul·lure night classes. The program ain1ed at six percent of the dislrict'll papulation could be a good beginning in a n area \\·here a boost is sorely needed. s ~iE~. Lf'.Wll~ ii i!i ~ § R It. "l( S.PE:;C/AL A~'V150~ o" ~.i.t THIN~ ·CR'-o r!-1£ iz •'Draft lottery !' I said. '.Vol u:hile 1 'm head of S elective Servic e!' I sctid_,11 t ' llfa1i ls Not Dear Gloon1,· Gus: They Destroy Aeade11iic Freedo111 by Lyi11g 'Co1iquero1·;' He's Pctrasitic Thoughts At Largt: r.tan looks upon himself as the ··con- qu<'ror"' of th e v;or!d. But in actuality _a!I anirn:ils -including us -are paras1t1c on plants. for. using su n and earth, plants build ~ugar and starch. \\ hich arc the essential fut>ls for nur 1·itality, and whi~h \1 r.. cannot ma\.:r fnr ourselves. and tnc brain of an Einstein is dependent upon a blade of grain. • • Spcak1n~ of our ··rnnque~t" of n.ature. this 1~ largely myth. A~ a_ scicnti~t rt't:rntly put ii ··i-:\cn the E:sk1mos. 1\ho a pp ea r 50 \\ell ad;ipted to the Arl·_11c ,,·inlcr, in rc;ihty c<tnnot Ions resist in· trn:r-e cold: sheltcrrd 111 !heir igloos. or clothed in their parkas, they lhc almost a tropical life :·' • • \re :'<peak of "pearrl11I rrsrarch" a_s or· posed 10 ·'11ar rcse:ireh." but there is. na realis\lc (!111~1nn bet'.leen the 111·0. For t'xan1plc, lh(' in1.:re:isi ng comn1crcial cx- plo1tation of Ille ocean-beds, as a po_ssib le nr11· source of food and treasure, will ob- ,-1011:r<lv 1ncre<tse the ln1por1ancc or sub- marinC 11;1rl{lrr. • • One of thr large motor con1panics has de1·1sed a ··hii;t11\t1y ~~stems" rrsearch c<ir Lhal tc~ll'. C\"t1l11a tes and qualifies a llr1 rer. nnd records his physiological and mechanical reactions for com p u t e r analv~ii:. 1101\· many more decades of high~ray sl:i11ghtcr °"ill \\'C see _ ~fore such a car 1s used in all (.·ommun111es for granting and renc1\·1ng dr11 ers· license s·~ • • • AH 1ns111u11ons 1cntl 1u1~ard i;er\ing !heir O"" ends raiher than !he human en(\s nf !he persons who compose them. This is as mu(.·h \rue ol religious 111· :-i1tu(Jons as or any others. and explains \1 hv churl·h organii.at inns r1·rntually {teba.•c or dt'human1zc the spiritual {lims of their f'!Junders. and 11111st be pc rpl'tu;;U~ renc11e<l by c:re{l\hc reforn1. • • • The rc\;i:1111y of stan1!ards ii; nratl~ t:'X· prt':-scd by the ~clress 1 heard ;ibr;iuL 11 ho 1 i~ricd a 1narr1agc cnunsl'lor snrl 1'.aS :1sked 1f ~he h.id l:>ccn la1thful to h('r /111sband-··oh. ~c~,'' !-he no<ldNl i;ra1e!y, '·1"1·, bct'n fa11hf11I h•1 :i o! tunl'S ' , , Jl"s hard LO decide \\hO are sllher-lhe r\'e rinally saved enough money to take a date from Laguna Beach tu Los Angeles to see ''HAIR." But I hild to ski p my \{Isl six haircuts. -Shaggy T ~" lo1lu11 ••lltth rt1forl' ~·~•. "OI ftt(tUl rlly In~·· •• !ft• ~·"''~·~··· St"" ~out HI Pt••• II GI_,,, Gu" Dl l!f l'olot, people \1·hn objccl to nudity on the stagc, or the people who prescnl it: for both are 1hr 1·1cli1ns of !he Sarne f:i llat·~·. 1111· agining thal a naked bod y is a sexual ob· 1ect. 1rhith all primith·c cullures know 10 be not at all the case. • • • \\"hy is one's 011·n language always c:itl- r (1 \f,_• "1nol!'rl'.r tongue ·• rather tha11 the "father tongue ~·· • • • :. li•t ur !X'Oplc 11ho arc pr(rud th:it lhcy 11avc 11" en('m1c." thry hate n1akc up for ll by ha \'1ng friends they cn1 j. • • • A tn ollo Lhat ciught to be pos1c1! on the cn!rilncr to c1·ery i.:ollc1;c -and rnany o1her p!ati:s as v:e\I ~ 1s Kierkcgaanl"~: "People demand freedon1 of speec h to make up !ur lhl' frl'cdon1 nl thoughl \rhich they <I\ 01c1_ ·• • • • llusbands \1ho co1npla1n th:ll !heir "·ives like to spl'nd monry 111,uld be much unhappier. on the ll'hnlt', 11 ith 1111rs 11ho liked to :-a·.-c Lt. for 1l is nnnnal and femini ne fur a \1 01nan tn be a l11tle ex- tra1·ag<Jnl, bt1t unlo\Cly and mean- spiritrd for a 11 nn1.1n tn •qu1rrel 1t <l\\aV greedily tand profoundly ant1 -.sc:1u<1! as l\CJl I. If \',)U lcl\ lllC II h;l\ \ Ull I 1nd fUlln\ • <llll l 1\hal ,·ou don 't. 1 1·ar,· 11111h1~ ;i t.1r ·h1.'\\•'r (·st1n1<itc of ~vur rhar~1·1 rr than ii ~011 l\1lo inc 11l1;it 1·11ti ··bcl1r1c" '. \\"11 ;1: rf'bClli(lU~ >Oll\11 I~ s:i~ lllS In ll1r co111fort{l h]c n11d(!I•~ cla~s 1u<l.1v 11 :-1s ex- pressed by En1cr~on a 1111! rcnl11ry ngn : •·r,oo offers to l'\·erv n11nd its rl1oicc he· t11ccn truth anrl rePosc Take 11·h1rli you please: you can nc\'er have both." Polici1ig iii Classroo11is One of th(' mn.~t brn1,·-fur ro11·inl! prob- lerns of today concerns ho'>I' 10 cut cos\s of educ<ttion and ll]US rt'llUte the. taX· payers' burden-bu\ 11 uhout sacrificing the qual ity of educallon. \\'c hurc one ~u~gcslinn . L~rs stop dumpin~ ~much parent respons1b1llty on the lcacht'rs. Take the 1.lrcss codes, for exan1ple. Cntold hours \\'ere rl1•\0ted in San Mateo Union Hii;h S<'hool Dist rict during the past school year to sur\ eying. re1·ic\\·- ing and ha~h1ng Ol'C r the lrngth of students' hair, the lcng\h of ski rts, -aeneral dress and adornme~ts. ' f\lurh the same sort of 1h1n~ 1\as ~01ni:: (In in many 1un1nr high schtJOl.s throughout the ~orth P1.·n1nsula. BEHIND THE l\"HOl.t: bu si ness is an apparent convicllnn on Ille part nf many parenta that it'1 the JOb of public school ~ and 11dministrators to make sure lbM Johnny and Suzy arc respcc· lab)J garbed and shorn. . Lein« pages of "guidelines·· h.11·e efGlyed, and educators: apparcn1h· ;ire espect.ed lo sedl out ;ind call lo 13),k any .younplcr who lgnorcs ~tandards of aC· ceptable drelll. · ln 1hnrt. we're turning tt'achers 1n•~rr. tnto poUctmen. Yts, and 11'e·re pa~·_ing !or IL Crant.ed, schools: lihould enforce certain Guest Editorial minima l :r<tanrlards or drc~s. No sch ool ~hou\d tolerate skirts i:o short as to be (tistracting or hair su long as tu i1npa1r the 11·e;1rcr's l'i~ion . BlJT '\'ASN 'T JUl'\lOlrs hair JUS\ as long whl'n he 1va!ked nut of the house and )leaded for S<.'hool'~ \\'asn't Suzy's skirt just as short \\'hen she departed ho1ne for classes~ :\or is ··rroprr ctress" the only policin;:: f1inct1on \IC scen1 10 expect froin educators. \Ve demand nf tenl'hers th<rl tht')' pro\\·I the campusl's to root out smoking viola- tions t probably the largest cause ol 10uspensions durinl? the past !1ichoo1 year l and to make sure thal Juninr clO<'sn·t ho1• in tus car ant! tak e a i:pin during the lunch hour. Are 11·e to b<'hevc thflt Junior nc1·cr i;mu\..cs around !he hou~e or lh<'lt he 11~~ h1.~ car only to dri \-r to an(! from school" 1-'c·rhaps i1's hil!h lime 1h:Jl ~chool bo:ird~ and parenlS take a h<1rd look at J!I·'' 11 h1'rl' the responsibihty or parents ends and that of ('rtucators b('g1ns. Burllngam' Ad~ aoc,·St;i r Four Reasons to Ban Red Teachers Should Phi Beta Kilppa Angela Davis (being a Comrnunistt teach al a slate university? The UCL.'\ Academic Senate thin ks so , 5~1 to 4, UCI Chancellor Aldrich says, "My lord, yes." fllany students think so. r.lany students 1nay be le1·el-he{ldcd. Another group, nev.1\y away fro1n honlC, now has greater fr eedom, but lacks the disciplinc of parental guidance. They ha\·en·~ matured through rcal-hfe ex- perience. Tt.ey may be partially or totally ig- nor<inl of ho1v our econo1n1c system \\or \.:~. But !hey arc re1n1ndl·d of the in- justices in our socie1y. And com1nunisn1 rhampionf lhc oppressed. Academic trl"edom demands that the other side be given a fair chance. ACADE~UC F"REEDOM is the right lo fnlluw the truth. Cornn1unists destroy academic freedom in that lying is their ~tandard lactic (they come into power by fleccit and ren1ain in po1~cr hy force). They don't tell you that 1nJust1cc anrl in· humanl!y are much greater u1 Com- n1u nist countries. Communists should be C:\tluded fro m teachi ng because: -. Tt;eir _lies and f;1l:;c appeals n1 ay deceive naive youngsters into v.rong decision (should we allow the r.lafta, pro- stitutes and dope pt-ddlers to recruit on high school and junior high grounds?) -THEY O\\'E THEIR loyalty to the. Commu nist Parly 111 l{u~~1a. and are therefore instruments of a for eign 1xi11 er. -Society has a right 10 protect 11seJf fron1 its enemies and not subsidize those 11 ho 11·ould destroy us. -Taxpayers ha\'r: a right to ha1 e their tax dollars used prudently LEOt\ARl> \\'RIGHT Tl1e Bi!I Li<" Tn !hr. Ed1tor - Errn t hough the Xa1.1s 11·cre ('l11n111a trd fro111 tl1c \i·orld sc-rne 1n 1945. ll1ry lrfl the world a few mernen111s 1hat ~1rl' still \.:1 t kln1? around. One of those 111\'lllrntos j~ "The Big Lie." "rhis s1111ple ~·et \cry elfecth e propa,i::anda tool v.·as 1nven1ed by the Ka1.is and adopted by all thr Com n1unist parties including the one in the l," .S. The principal ol "The Big Lie" rests in the fact !hat Hes about minor details 1vill bC' <tues!ioned 11·hile lie~ about rn ajor 1il'tail.~ :ire easily s11allo1rrd by the unwary. 1\01v tel us look al some recent "Big Lies" that have been used by the Communists. TllE "CUBA!'\ CRISIS" v.·as caused by the Russi{lns betausc they tried to station Intermediate Rangr Ballistic ~lissiles in Cuba lhal 11·ould hal"e been aimed at the ---Bu George Dear George; I have l ll''ays gone °" ilhou\ a ha t, all through my youni; nianhood and all during my 26 )'ears of marriage -but now it's causing 1rouble. This past sumrner my wife and I spend the 5un1mer in a resort area ll"here most n1cn wear caps. So, naturally, instead of going 11•ithou t a hat I "·ent wit hout a cap. l\ow th;it y,·e are back home my \\'ife won 't let me 10 without lllJ hat anymore, insisting I look 1·ounger '>l'hrn 1 go 11 ithout a cap. \\'hat should I do? \\". R. Dear W. R" \\"rll . far one thinit. you should be here "'·riling !his rolumn untll I get Ol'Cr the hc.idache rour lt'ller 1auscd. I mr<tn, l"m the. lo,·rntor of Siflc" 11ys Thinking but you've flil>" per! ) ou r cap. "';'',..t/,"" -, Mailoox LetterJ from rec.d ers art welcomt. riorn1ally tcriters should convey their n1essa9es i ii 300 words ur less. Tlie rig/It to co11de11st Jette-rs to fi t space or e!:1ainate libtl i.s reserved. All let- ter!: 1.-:11st in cl11dt signature and mail- ing addrtss. but namts may bt with- held on requtst i_f sufficient r easo11 1s apparent. heart of the t.:.S. '''h1lr the constructiJn of the n11ssile sites "·as going on, !he Russians assu red the "1lrld that they 11·ere JUSt gh·ing th' Cubans some short range n1issiles so that Cuba v.·ould be able to protect it.self from U.S. ag- gression. "The Big Lie." After Ru ssia invaded Ciechoslo1·akia they informed the world that they had been invi ted in by the Czech leaders so that lh~y rould prevent an invasion by an i1npcria!istic neighbor. "The Big Lie." TH E !\ORTH Vietnamese h a v e repeatedly denied that any of the ir armed services are fighting in South Vietnam. llmve ver. they claim that the U.S. is trying to colonize South Vietnam and is actually lhe aggressor. "1Vto Big Lies ... Since all the Communist parties use ''The Big Lie'' with premeditation one ran say that the Communists ha\'e no in- tegrity. Thus, onl' is justified in saying that alt metnbcrs of the CPUSA have lit- lie or no integrity. i\a1~· perhaps someon' can explain "·hy un1\'ers1ty professors that are paid oy the taxpayers of California had to go out Qf 1hctr \\"ay to demand that any member of 1he C'P!;SA that ~ qualified to teach 1nust be allO\\'ed to teach even tbough he ()r 5he has little or no integrity. !'least not e that any student that rheats on an examination can be kicked 0111 or any taxpayer-:rupported university. HARRY 8. r-.1cOONALD, JR. Cont'"""'"' Ten<!hi"g To the Editor: · Had I never heard the "Ball.le Hymn or the Republic" t would never ha ve believ- ed that religion and war could be set to music and be coupled together s() beautifully. \Vhile listening to thi!I' tremendous hymn, T couldn"l heJ p bu t refl('(t on th' '>l'Ords il is saying : ''As he died to make men boly, let u.! die lo make men free, His lrulh is marching on." llistory l'-rltes that for nearly two rtn- turies "·e ha\·e bttn victorious io '>l'ar in our country and on foreign soil. "'e are faced torla}', l''ilh an even greater task . A task that has never beset us be.fore -a l'"ar of ideology. · Tins INSIDIOUS spread or com· munism that is gaining in our country 1s a greater menace than one is supposing or c111ld eve.-imagine . We 're told to put on our seat belts for protection \\'hen \\'e ge t into our car. How ironic when vau draw the parallel-Communist tractiing in ot1r colleg,. E\·en more iron ic, so me ad \'llf'ale it r-.tr. J . Edgar Hoover's life hall been one of great service. His books on co1nmriuism are a tremendous source IO l>Pcome kOO\\'\edgeable oo com- , JDUltiiln, Ol'R YOUTH are \"try important to- day, As our future leaders. they nl'ed more than '>l"e are gh·ing lhem . The high ilandarlls Lhal oin: surrounded owr S('hools have got to be a rtality once mort. w, must bring God back inlo C/Ur rlass rnon1s. V.'e must rid our1;ell"eS flf lhosr in our ro\legcs who do not hold lo our philosophies. And "'' must bring back lhe loyalty oath . These sl rps have. got 10 be taken nov.·, so 11.·e v.'on 't hal'c to 'o to ------- v.·ar again on our soil. in the effort to guard and protect our fre.t'odm. l\IRS. JAl\fES D. HODGE J,.,enry it• f.fae ;\1ett•s . To the Editor: 01'er the pru>l 10 years I ha1·e enjoyed your nel''Spaper coverage of local and v.·orld ne11·s r vents. Qccasionallv. 1 differ l''ith some of you r editoria ls b·ut that is not to .S{IY I haven't enjoyed reading your new~paper. Generally speak.iug . your ne11·s roverage is inform{ltive. and in· lerest!ng. Ho"•ever, I £eel that )Oll stooped to a new lo\v in a recent article regarding Timothy Leary. I am at ;1 lll'>S as to "'hy such a man of foul reputation a n d unproductiveness could e v e r be feature news to the extent of ha,·ing a picture of him getting a haircut. 01\E OF 1\IY children was 100\...iog lhrough the ne\\·spaper l.o find a current C\'ent and she asked me l''ho this rna11 11·as getting a haircut. I explained to her that he '''as the father of the J..SD rno\ ,._ nienl and hns preyed on the 1n- quisili\"encss of Lhe high schoo l :ind col· lcge students through enl'ouragcnicnt lo ha1e an exciting "trip." Her qurstion to me 11as. "\\"hy, lhcn. 11·ou !d the newspaper 1\·ritr. an article and publish his pi cture if he has done so much 11arm '~'' flly an.swrr to her 11as, "l don·i \..noll', I JUSt don 't know.·• I .\IIGllT SUGGEST that the orxt ti me lOU ha1·e space to 11·aste, you print a pic- ture and .-trticle of the Ocautiful parks that embrftce our area or maybe a human 1ntercsl Jilorv about sorne unseH1 sh person \\"ho ga\·r thr1r tirpe and t!fort to help our society and not hinder our society. .JOHN CAil!PBELL 1,·t!11·porl's S11rt'i11y 'J'n.\- To tl1" Edi tor: For four 1cars no11• 1hC board surrrrs or ~e11·port B·e ach ha1·e been hoo111g .-ind hissin:; at the city ;ind I frel lh<'y h:11-r a reason to. In order for the surfrrs to en- ,1o_y· the \\"aLcrs off Newport Bench they have lo pa y each }'Car a SJ :>u rfinJ.? t;ix A surfer ca ugh( surfing \\'lthin 1.he city Public Interest ! ' ' Pre!!s Couuuents . . Be\l,vllle , ~.J., Tlm rJ-New~:· "F'or ma ny years now \rire St'rvices and nrwspapers har' enjoyed special low rates for the transmission of nc~·s. just as nel'·spapers have enjoyed lower postal rales in mailing new spapers to !!Ubscribers. The idea behind these con- siderations ""'as that rn.owspapers \\'ere semipu blic institution s, that dissemina- 11on of 1he news \vas in the. public in- terest. •. and ... see ms to juslify some special consideration.·· Hunli ogton, Ind., llerald-Prtss: "Con- tinuing debalt over the. Safeguard an- limissllc defen._"(. is al last focusing on the real issue -!ht queslton of di sarma- ment ... The 11.·ay in whi ch lt ill decided ma)' v.·e.\J determine. nol onl y the sort of ruturt Ame.rica is 10 enjoy. b11t whether the nation \\'ill ha,·e any future al all " A1ltt. N.~f.. Jlldepndtnt • Review: " ... property rights are human rights. Aod oo govcmment should be gi vm and no majority shou ld assume the authority to ta ke away that which rightfully belongs to any indi vidual citi:r.cn. U is anoUlCr part of tnllh th at human rights, by ch·ilizalion"s code, .should be 5\Jptriar tn majority count or governmental decree." luni!S 1>-ilhollt•a__;'brf1n1; permi t is ~ubjccl ID :i fint: of StO and ~2.l the 1iC1.:011d time. \\'hen I.he l;ll"s 11 ere pa ~sed the surfers \1 l'rc told the n1on('y 11ould go to tl1c bene!1t oJ 1he surfer!> of :"'rwpori Beach. 1\0\\', 1969. 11i1h ovrr 3,000 surfers in the <lre.1. there should be ov<.:r SJ0.000 01a1llng to be spC'nl. But 11'aii. The money has b<'rn 5pcnt. lt 1ras placccl 1nt-0 the "general fund" and spent on who knows 11 nal ~ Thi., money could hare been used to build artificial reefs of[ Newport, tx:oefit1ng surfers. fishermen. and marine hll~. 1'hc relati1 cly 1ne.xpcnsr1·e reefs l'Olllrt br set llfl 1n {111-day su rring areas, easing the sur!inj.! crowds by crcallng niorr ~urhng breaks. <;ARY FISHER Sludcot P1·operty Jffn11nget11rnt To the Editor: I gt'\ ncr~·ous when I hear lhat Laguna f}eath i~ going lo niovc fa st on anything, cspcc1;_i ll y '"1nce reading thal our city n1anager, !llr. \\"heaton, pulled a honer th;:it co.5t u~ cit.y taxpayers S4.250.00 in 11Jss of revenue r.1r. \\lheaton allowed fl1r. Sibson to rent a •·building deemed un~arr·• by the bui lding department. +That is a new t11·ist. l Their hamburgrr busine-'-5 1vas slow, :so r.-tr. \\'healon rtid not ha1 e the heart lo collect the rent . and allo11·l'd it to be in arrears to the lune of f~ 250.00. This JS the f'Xplanation of our city 1nan;igcr· "Co1n1nl'rc1al Proper I':! 1\tanagcmcnt 1s a ne11· runct1nn of this of· ficr . :ind I ran onl_,. ~<ly that this e\· pcneril'c. 11·h1le prob:iblv cxpcnsire. ha, sharpened n1y pc·rspcct1ve~:· l thought r1 er~ c.ne knt>11 thn1 rents Jail due on the. first ctay of the 1nont h. <'0\FESSIO\S ,\nE l!flOd flll" lllr s.nul. I, 11 I 11't ;i pprehen'I\ e 11 hl'11 1 hr;ir !h;.t H1e c1l_" ll'anls to Sl'l up a pla11 whr.rcb~ ;i 11on prnf1! r·nrpo r;dion wnuld arquirr n1nr. In<~ •'11 Thi rd ~!/'l'CI ,1nd lt'a~e tht' \;111d lo ti\!' r·ut111 11-1The eo1 1111,· ha.~ al readv ~·I · frrrd lo hu1ld L;:iguna ·a l1hrary 1 ·Tt 1., ;iln)I)·\ a 1rar ;:ig0 th<t! r.1r. \l')1e:iton 1• 1·11tr 111 thr >:c11 'i'r1rk T11nc~ 111 :11 he lhn11i::h: he could purch.ise the~c nine lot:>, 1oned fo r hus1ncss 1n the downtown :irt:l for SI 1:,,000 l\ot only ts ~Ir -\Vheaton not J.:11011 lcclt.:eabll' 111 thl' rl'ntal business. h11 I he 1s asleep at th l' swnch if he thi nk .! lliat business pro)l('rl y can be taken Iron-: U1c 011 ners at Llus nd1culous figure. BEFORE TllE cit y -'t't .S up anytlnng :is nebulous as this non-profit corpor{ltion, I suggcs: that the owners be approached to Jcasc their land on 11·hich thl' county I' ill pul up the building. It is only fair th;_1t thr. existing owners rcc{'1\·c the re\'enue from lhcir prope rty. ,\n\' tuTie the. city govern· 1nent sa~·s 11 w1 ll gh·c the taxp;iyt'r !omcth1ng on a non-profit basis, it needs looking into .. , and carelullv! i\!RS. R, f'ISCHE:n \\"cdnesday. October 29, 1969 Tl1c f'd1roriol Tlfl(lr of thr Da il y r i/o! .~t·cl;$ 10 Hl/llf"'ll {/Ud Slim• 1./ntr rput/t>r.~ h11 11rf'.~1?11l1ng !hl.J ·11('!<'.t)'lf1fl"r '~ qr1111011.s (111<1 com- 1rir11 111ru 1u1 1v111rs o/ 111 lertst 011d .s1gni(1('oll.cc. ti !/ prov1di11g a Jor11111 for 1111' r.rpression of our rcu tlrrs' 1Jplnro1u. and by prrsru11r111 llu: tl1ecrs!' uic10- f'Q l'1ls (•! 11t,Jr1,-111rd oh.~cr1;cr11 (II/fl_ Sj)OkC!i,llCll un !(l/)IC~ oj l/11 (10 11. J1bhe11 N. \\.·eed . Publisher 'f GRAFl'ITl Nixon Splits Reformers Of Draft \YASHINGTON ( liPI j Congressiona l advocates of draft refor1n are split down the middle along party lines. 'fhe wedge forcing the split is President Nixon's request to draft by lotLcr.v_ Alm05t evervone Ja vo rs the lottery, but lienlo<:ra ls v•ant to go beyond authorizing a random selection system this year. They want the chance to considt>r other changes. :-;11ch as ending nir1~1 student defer- n1cnts. Republican reformers. hn w- 1'\'l'f. contend that if the !louse, 11 hen it lakes up the lollerv bi J: \Vednesda \', does anyth.in g 1nor(• to U1e inilitary ~cltttion scrvit·e act or l96i it will jeopard1 7.c Lhr rnea- ::.ure's chances in the Senate. All Republicans nn I h e ,\rn1ed Srrvices and ·Ru les <:omn1 1Uecs. as 'veil as the c;op leadershi p, backed par- h;in1entary ground rules that \I ou!d prohib it members from doing little more \\'ednesday than voting for or against the lottery idea . Speaker J ohn W. f\lrCor- mack (0-J\.fass. ). has endorsed lhe Rules Committee recom- n1endation. making it likely the lloust" Y.ill· turn down al- t.crnpts by Democratic: reforn1- crs !o st·rap th e restriction. Sixteen lib<>ral IX>n1ocrats planned !n an nounce. howe\"er, !hey 11·ouhl l1i;h1 plans to limit l-lousr action. Outside groups 11·crc l:'Xpcc1rrt tn mount sim- ilar dri\"Cs in lhe next t11•0 Al though libf'ral nemocrats are in th<! fOf"efronl of the n1ove. $Onie of their conserva- tive collcaguC's 1\"ant In open up lhl' entire dralt Jaw to amendment. Rrp. Lueien J\'.·l'f.fzl. 111. f\1 6 \. chairn1 <in or !he House Int ernal Security Committee. 1~ one of the :cadcrs and Y.'i\I Irv tn olfer an amendment rlim1na tini; college defer- ments except for those par- t icipating in college officer traini ng corps progrcims. Rep. Lucien Ne<J zi. CD- fll ich. l, suggested Iha( the ad- rninislration promised Demo- r ratic leaders of the Arm('d Scr\'ice Committ~ th<i t ii \\"ould oppose a broad anack on the draft law in exchange for their support or the lottery. Ncdzi's ally on lhe commJt- 1cr. Rep. Otis Pike. (0-N.Y ), ~0rmed ii "sad'' that no Re- p•1blicans ravOf"ed considering •·true reform of the draft in- :i:1cad of si mply the illusion of reform ·• LIQUOR • • • 28, 191!1, and pro hi b i l i on became the la~. Du ring prohibition. y,·omen !ook thr.ir place at bars for the first time, alongside =nen, J·:vcn a s in today's controversy O•er marijuana, there was a theory that prohibition caused a moral breakdo14·n among ~·oung pe<iplc -turning them r ynical to11·ard I aw en- forcement and undermining their respect for authority. J\tARK ET CRASHED Then, ~O years ;1go this \\'ed- ncsday, 10 year.~ after pro- h1bitioo had begun UIC stock markrt crashed. An era of 'tlnndcrful nonsense e nd ed vdth America sliding into the great depression. 10e noble ex penment also 11·as doomed. \\'ilh economic pressures added to the mora l revulsion a g a i n s l lhe hypocrisy of prohibition, both major political pRrties called for il.S repeal in their national plaUorms ol 19.12. On Dec. 5, 193.1. tile 21st arnendment to the Constitut ion \\'as ratified, rtpealing the 18th amendment. Prohibition ended. Wahl had prohibition ac· compli shed? Before Volstead, American11 drank an ave.rage of I 84 gallons of into:ii:lcants pet rerson per year.-Last year the figure was J.7 gallons, Du ring prohibition, th c average \\'as 1.95 gallons. Pen11eraff4' radial drill press for tlie ha•dyman ! Reg. 109.50 NOW 84.99 Vemilil• tooi -r b9 w.d fo.-horUonkll, anf"'(or or rrnill"iple dr~ ol woods CMd JMtols. Drill• vi orry 111nP. o.-t9 the immw el • 32" Urde.. HOii :I"'' spinch '"'"'· ~H diudt. Spocial buy! 75 pc. socket set with 19" tool box 29.99 A 1t1Uft for ••llY hondy.en w "'°'" ..,., ...M --lo ~ rill"" ...,,..er rt. t-.., s.t lflcl ...... "'-. ...., wi.w, follM .,_._ 911111 .oc.U.. ...... "'" .d Ill" cfrhe ni.....W. ratd..ta.. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY W'°"""J, Ottobir 2'. lM ' DAILY I'll OT 7 PENNCRAFT® 10'' MOTORIZED SAW ••• Reg. 179.50 ••••• NOW 137.99 l<leol to haV1I in ~r wO<k.hop. One -tra~nd fongortip con!Tol for blode-dopth ond ~k setting. 2'h HP motor deli,... cutting speed. up to 6'XXl rpm. Cuts 3%"' deep at 90°, 211l at 45 °. Hurry i" now and help us celebmte! KHp yo•r tools In Rr thrH drawer tool cabl•et Reg. 59.99 NOW 49.99 All ..t roll~wwy cobin.f f.IOI 3 ~ ~ ,...w.,. Jock ond krrys, ottd heayY dllf't .W. ,_,._, 11'1 d•r· cool Of'GT .-. wi~ f.d ....... krl th. fmt -., lo o.t ot "°"' ..... Special b1y! Pen11craff9 power teols fflat do tile job Yo1r C•olce 19.99 10 aollofl ceped1'y ..i d!WI..,. ....._, ~ HP l'l'letor. Verioble IPMd. tc1ln _,, with 4 _, _.,~ "';'_ ro ..... ff .tlh...,.... .-&, ........... ........ FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH SAYE ti I · 20" TOOL IOX WITH llfT-OUT TRAY a,.. 7.44; NOW 6.44 · SAVI ti t PENNCRAFT• ELECTllC GlUE GUN . R~. 4.99, NOW 3.99 SAVI •l.aGI PfNMCRAfJ• 4 PC. WOOD Cltlm SET bt. 7.29, NOW I." SAVI fl.IOI PENNCWT9 4• llENCH VIS( ..... IM,NOW6." MYltll ffllNCWl• ...nDllM a.,,. <l99, NOW 3. '9 UYI ti.IOI -1'£NMCRAl'T0 6 K. WlENOI SET a ... 6.4', NOW'·" • •• r} UVI •II PENHCIAfT• 16 OZ. OAWHAMMH a.,,. 4.4'. NOW 3.44 SAVlfll l'INNCaAfT" ,.. lllNCll PIAN! bt. ,_,,, NOW 1.9' LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR YOUR CHOICE Reg. 36.99 NOW 29.99 Pe1111craft® llg•twelght· 7" sander /polisher ..• Tool operote1 ot 3400 rpm for .ondi1i9, 1800 rpM fer lwf'in;. lodudes polithing bonMt, :Z &andi"t d-., plottic cord ond odo,....... H.. buik. in tool ,..,, Peancraft® 5/8 HP router-lig•t weight, easy to handle! hijUlh to finff l~rt .IXM". fi,ill tum of odi~I rint ii 1MtYiW1!.nt to %" cMpth of cut, Hol l:irMsao .d boll bearinff. Wr1nch included. P111•crafte heavy duty 71/4" clrc1lar saw ••• Sow f..atuN& 11 .. .,. oncf Medi. beaMgl, ._ dwte ONI 1M'IOWIW. outboard lho&. 1 \fl HP ...., dtliYen .,..m up to 5200 'f""· Circular uw .-, .... 7.99 NOW $7 IAVl'21_ ,ENNC&VJ• SfANOUN IAVlfl.MI •INNCalJl• DB.1111 PUIH Daill ......... NOW4." .... l.99,NOW6.9' NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA .................. ---.. --......... .,( ~~ _ .. -........ ..., ............ .., .. ,....., .... ~. -·-·~--: Minority U.S. Planes Blast · • • Nixon Hits Trail Ill ·'68 Style B11siness Aide Fired Ca11ibodian Camp ' l ~ \VASHlNGTON (U PI) - The mtlie ·wu the. SIUTlt - arms o~ in a "V", fingers spread. the samt vle-- lory ge!ture. ln his fi rst cam- paign appearance In 350 days Richard M. NiJ:on had nOt altered his campaign slyle. '"rhat is quite a wctcome ror an outside aa:ltator," he chortled Lo ll,000 cheering ~ partisans In Roanoke. Va. Nixon "'ent lo Vi rginia } Tuesday night, as had Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and Gov. Ronald H.e:agan before him, lo help Linwood Hollon, Republican candida1e (or governor. The ··out s 1d e , agitator'' reference \\'as a ~ poke at William C. Batlle:, ,J H o l t o n ' s Democratic op--I• ·ponent·, "'ho said Nixon, "Agne1v and Reagan were all outsiders coming in to tell ~ Virginians how to vote . llovt::ird Baker, ''1hf.' f1nf' young Republican !ron1 ·ren- nessee " Baker w:is 11p- proacl1ed by an old rnan alter one of hi.~ campaign ap- p(!arnnces, I.he P re s 1 d e n I related, and lh l' n1an said "Son, tor al! ruy life up to this tirne I ha1'e voled the straight Dc111ocratic ticket because lh<1L 1.~ the way n1y grandfather would h a v e "'anted n1e to vote. Tl1is year l'm voling rte pub I i c an because that is the \\'~1.V 1ny grandson wants me to vote." All or the se -the story, the crowd eornpliment, the fron· WI altack -vintage Nixon c;unpaign 1;1ctics developed 1n four n;'ltional poill1cal contest~ and little changed by a year as the nation 's leader. \VASHINGTON IAP) -TI1c Nixon admlnistralion has fired the disgruntled head of lhe or- lice of f\linority Busi ness Enlerprise after he publicly urged black businessmen to pressurr the government for tnl'reased aid to n1inor ities. Sources said Secretary or Co rn1nrrce tllaurice JI. Stans pcrsoniJJ!y ordered Thomas F'. Hoeser fired Tuesday. not only for his stand on n1inority business aid but because he 01>enly t ritici:t.e<l the way the Of\'IBE wa s being pron1oted. Ho~·ever, the <ll·y ea r~ol<l Roeser, a white. former public relations man, "'as kept on as assistant to Sta ns v.·ith new responsibility '"for Jon g-range program planning and polk·y de~·elopment." Harri111<111 Hits Pca<·e Policy SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. air power has wlped out one ol the Cambodian border c a 1n p s where the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese are reported re· building for their next offens· ive, milltary spokesmen said today. • In U1ree hours of aerial .al· tacks, dive bombers and heli· copter gun ships demolished \\'hat spokesmen described a.'I a "huge complex" inc luding 20 tin warehouses and 60 for· t.Jfied bunkers. None of the ai rcraft was shot tlO\\'n in the bombardment but one U.S. helicopter succumbed to ground fire in the same area. crashin_g and kil~ing one cre\\·n1an wlule wounding one. NIXON -CAMPAIGNING IN VIRGINIA FOR LINWOOD HOLTON , •·1 don 't think the President ~· of the Uni ted States is an In the Roanoke appearance l and in two n1ore sehedulecJ ton ight in New Jersey on behaU of William J . Cahill, r .. Nixon sought to consolidate .... Ilic grass root s strength of his ~ party, Nixon carried both New "' .lcrsey and Virginia Jasl No vember -by 61 ,000 and 148.000 voles respectively - and his party wol1ld gel a subslantia 1 boo~\ by beating Abraharn S. Venable. a ~9· 'ear·old Negro career govern· inent employe with experience 1n equal opportunity pro. grams. was nan1ed lo Rocser's old posi tion. NE\V HAVEN. Lonn. IA P) -\\'. Avercl\ llarrin1an told a Ynle l.'n1vers1ty a u d i c n t e 'fuesday night to '"keep up the pressu re'' on Preside nt Nixon because his approach to peace in Vi'.!tnain is "<ibsolutely 1vrong." A patrolling observation heli· copter crew spotted the border camp Tuesday one mile_ fron1 the Cambodian border in the rolli ng hills of thick jungle 6.'i 1niles nor th of Saigon, spokes· men sale!. \; :out.<iider in any county or any tt ~tale of the nalion," yell cU ~r. ~N ixon. More cheers. 1he band played "11ai! to tile Nex t ca me a coinment on I I • N.. · ti ti>• ,,·,c and cnthusias1n of the :1 It might have been one year C 11e ·, nol ··1 ixon s ie .... .. ~·ago. at any campaign s\011 in One.'' Th is time it \1·as a hup. cn11vd. ;·Nixon's successful battle for py and lively Nixon , not one "\Vhen 11·e slopped in al lhc ;· f the \\'hite House. This time 11·ith a fight on his o\o;n hands. airport I thought that was ~~>t-~,-,r.-r..,~!·~-..M:~::"" •. "· ~: >:= ., ''#. ..., ·•. , , ~ ~.~ " !l:..t. ' iSpeed' Use Charp;ed ' ~11 Cu11111ii1igs Suit • ; LOS ANGELES (UPI) - t he estranged wife of Robert Cummings has accused the •ctor of using the drug "!speed'' and carrying on an £;ternational affair with his for mer secretary. • r..tarv l::lliot Cum1nings. 51, a former actress, nan'ed Macao- &om Regina Fong, JI, as the Other \\'Oman in her cros!'l tomplaint for !'le pa r ate &nain!enance Tueiday i n fU perior court . .. Cummings 59, sued his wife ti" 24 yea rs 1 for di vor ce last · '1arch, charging her with CI · ifemc cru~lly. ·: l\1rs. Cu mmings asserted that since 19&5 her husband '1sed the dn1g methedrine, tlrsl intramuscula rly and then 1.ritravenously, causing pro- Jound changes in his personali· ~She also accused th~ !Jouthful looking aetor of con· )iulting as!r~loge _rs and ;umerologists 1n rnak1ng ma· ~r busi ness decision!'!. v.·hi_e h Cle ch arg ed led to "dis· ~strous" finanrial dealings. ; The complain~ said Cu111· )nings ha d frequently np-- ~ea red with ?-.1rs. F'ong 1n tublic, hatl lt1ken her to Hong ong. Ne\v \'ork anrt Paris, nd traveled aeross the United t.ate s in a ca1npcr with 1he . om an. : Mrs. Cummings s;ud her • ur 1 T•l•P~Oll FACING DIVORCE Robert Cummings husba nd "s C(Jnduc:t with ~Ir~. Fong subjected hrr <ind thr1r rive children to shan1f and humiliation. The couple was 1narrit'<I 111 Rive rside March 3, 1945 and separated Oct. :u. 196/l. Cummings, a health f:>ittl enthusi ast, has starred in four tl'lcvision senr.~. 1nclud1ng "The Bob Cum1n1ngs Show." and has appeared in more than iO 1no\'ies. JPerso11al Tax Exe111ptio11 j Of $1 ,000 Bei11g So tight : l\",\SlllNCTON IAP I -T)1r fena te f inance Comn1it1ee l!l t <1k1ng up tax relief for in· fli \'1duals 3f\er \l"eCkS Of S(rUi!· :i ling \\'ith more complex tnx reronn provisions ,~Sen . Albert Gore (0-Tenn .). l aid he 11·ot1ld push ;it t()(lay·s 't;l'.'ssion for an inrrf':i ~e in the 't>er~n;.1 1 exc1nption 011 the in- ;l omr tax from lht pre~enl ;$600 to ~1.000. .,. ~ This would cost th e 1rt•ils11ry ;)bout ~12 billion and probably !·.,..•ould provide greatl'.'r lax re- :Jiel lhan Lhe panel \\'Ou)d be •Will ing to grant ~ The present S600 exesnpt.ion itias been in cffecl ror 21 ~·t'ars. ~r~ and a nu1nber of othrr !Jenators argue it 1s completely ~ • ! Papers Sold • ~To Knight ; L_PHILADELPlllA ~LiPl l - pnie Phil adelphia Inqui rer and i!lhe Philadelphia Daily Ne 11's &ia ve been sold to lhe Kn ight Ewspaper Group for ap· oxitnately $M million. The acquisition. a M01111Ced esday In Cleveland, makes e Knight grou p I.he third f rgest U.S. chain in . total irculation. It had been f1ft h. The chain alM> publishes lht' fiami He.raid, Detroit Free ress. Akron, Ohlo, Beacon tToumal : Charlotte, N . C ., llbserver: Charlotte News; allahuaee, Pia., Democrat: aeon, Ga., Telegr1ph ind he Macon Ntn. T h r ~ t Uber priftll went to Kni&ht pers in IMS. Walter Annenberg, presidcnl r Triangle Publication and .S. ambas111dor to Britain, J''lti&d &be. PbUMelpQia papers. in adequate in \'1t·11 OI tllC 1 l ~f' In living l'OStS llo\1"e\"er. Ille '\1xo11 ild· ministration ~t roni.:l) 11ppo~t·~ :1111• incre;i:-;e 1n thr t'~rn111t1011. (;ore said his pl:in \l'ould be lo sub~t1lute a Uoo.~l 111 UH• r~· f'n1pt inn for two fc;i!url's of the House·passrd bill -a low 1nco1nc allowanc(' des1gnc11 111 knock milliotlS of povcrty-lcl't'.I filn1llie s off the lax rolls ;in(! a cut in income ta.~ ralc~ acro:.s the board for all ind1v1dllals. These two fealure .. ~ would pr.ovide $i.2 billion of the $9 .2 billion of tax reliet in th( House version of the bill. The llou.~e measure grnnts S2.4 billion 1norc in relief th an !he $6.8 billion it gains through lax reform. A number of senators have contended their branch should try to narrn1v !his gap, or al leas! not in· crease it. But F'inaoce C h a i r m a n Russell B. Long (D.La .), has ~t1id he would not be surprised 1r the Sena te boosts the tax relief . Long's eon1mi llcc . I I ' welt on its 11'av toward mreling its goal of Completing work on the 1namrnoth tax bill by it s F'riday deadline. Car llils Crowd; 4-year-olcl Dies SAN MATEO llJ PI) -A motorist p)Qwed into a cro11·d lea vln1 Bay ti1eadov.•s Hace Traci Tuesday, killing 4-year- old Jame! Lonis .Jr. and seriously tnjurfng 111 least three other·persons, Police said tht driver of the t·ar, ClayCon R. Bennc1t, Los Altos. "''.is arrested o n maneleughter <:haries. Reform Jews Reject Bid For Schools ~1IA1\11 BP.ACH (APl -Op- posing their own rabbis, thr American Reform .Je1\'ish laity hi11·e volt'd ;igainsl creilting il fulltime pri vate school system for their children. Financial !roub les lu the Ron1an Ca t ho I i c parothial school~. an un"·illlngness to ask for federal funds and 1uvalty 10 the nntion "s publi(· sChools wcrr t•ited brfore the dereat Tuesd<1v of a Jewish diiV school pfopos:i \ <1\ thr r iiion or Aincru.:,111 llebre111 ("011~rl'ga1 io11s 1 VAl lC J con· 11'!111011. The rejection by ~l anding 1 ote u1 ;1 3·2 r:itio a1nong the :!,000 <telegates 1>u1 1he UAJIC 1n clirect conflict 11 11h its na- l1onal rabbinical organi~a\1011, the Central Conference oi American Habbis (CC AR). Since neither body had lrgislative po\1·er Ol'er lhe :;~·n;igogues, lc.rnple~ that havr started nursery srhools and kindC'rgartens and want to pa y for 1heir own h1gher-le~·c.I ~chool.~ n1av 1Jn ~o. Bul lhe UAH (; rejec!lon i11 general asse1nhl.v n1r.an~ no nation'>l•icle syslern 11•ill \Jr built Ull to n111tch the Hebr!'w 1lav sehools or Orthodox anl.l co!1scr1·atl\'f' J11daisnl. Heform .Judaism in \hr Cni1ed Slat es ha,~ onr milhn11 mrinbers. iOO ~ynagogue.~ and J ,000 rabbis. Riots ~lark 1-Jolidav In Spain i-\1\0HJO (L"l'll -Abot11 800 Fi11a ngists, .,1~011linfl. an 11111on.1rt'lu~1 slogans, lou~hl 11·1th r1ol police loda.v on the ~r.th ;inn11'Cr~.1 ry uf !hr foun · 1t1ng nl the f ;ilans<'. Spain's onlv 1111l11lcal pa r!y. 1;11r l"la.~h can1c as politic;il sour t fs ;,:,ul Generalissimo F ranci.~co Frnnco has reshuf. fled hi s cabinet, di1ninishing the power of !he \lro-Falangist fa scist forcrs. lie 1s expecttd 111 announce lhe t:hanges 1'hursday. Scores of police charged inln the ralangist ranks 011\side !he Teatro de In Comt>dia in down\O\\'n ~1 ad r i ri . The demons trators, celehrating the anniversary. regrouped arid werr repeatedly driven back bv poticf'. ·They shouted '·Fal;inge yes: .Tuan Ca rlos rio!" a n d "F'alange "'i1h the workers!'' Should Christianity heal today? C-Ome tO this Christian Sc ience Leclare 11:JI •.111.s ... ,...,. N••· I H1111tl'"f,_• Cl._... Ti...tr• '-h lltff. -1116' Spo111•r14 · hy f l"t Cllwu:ll _, c11,111, Scl•11•h1 Hv111h1tr•11 h.cli Stans, so u r c e s said, where Lhe rally \l'as. There \11ere as many people oul there as there are here," Nix- on said. Then he told the story about the Den1ocrats in the only lwo gubernatorial races I his year. disagreed \\'ilh Hoescr's \'iew thiit OJ\1BE shou ld show some firm accomplishments before It sou ght publi city . "I think it's absolutely \l'rong to Vietnamize the war. lt"s one 1vay to keep us I.here for an indefinite period.'' Bombs, ro ekets and machin'" gun fire from the Air Force warplanes and Army copter gunships killed a tota l of IZ of the camp's defenders, some of !hem as they fled for the sane· tuary of Cambodia. .. , ,~,,, .. . 'I.. " ~<1, .. .. ·,~,··;_;~,., i .... SAVE~100 THRU SATURDAY! Fabulous Founders Days sale of our 13 pc. family room group. f'ut this"' wM~ the oclion"s Weliest. , , ifll ~hr119 off" the hmdes1 wftOf. kiln drftd barnk or• ringed with steel hoops, hme. o rid. oak ftnis.h.. Cus.htoninGI is lote11; S-nibber at poly.rethafte fOOlrl with wipe deem .,;,.yt ~ry. l.Gnlitiated plastic tab!. lops, too. Wild lntiiom (eYeo yottn) con'! hurt fo"'llY room fur11i~ like tf-iis. k-icludn: Sofo , 2 end tob les, colfee !able, game lab!e a ~" choiri, bar, 2 ba· ilool~, wan la mp, REG, '966, NOW $866 SAVI 1361 4 ~ !e<!ting group -7 .t• sofa, 2 erid tablet., coffee toble. .... tn.s , •. NOW •219 CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD SAVI t.37! S pi;. game group -48" dia. game tuble and A IWMI ch~ri. I~. Sl75 . , . NOW *331 DOWNEY MONTCLAIR SAVI t271 A pc. bor gf°'-tp -"8· l'ride bar, 2 r.i'l'ef stools, waft ktimp .• .... •266.,, NOW f239 U1e Pennrp liMe Poyntent Pa- 1'.,.,...1, f.,.;,..,. ptW incl...H ._._..,- lo! -_,., ol11i .. .., -· FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA DAIL Y PILOT tJ ~ s~hool Dems Ain1 'Firs t o[ Its Kind' Mom Blasts Bi g (;u11 s At M11r11h y Bonds Traded for Land Yo ivs to T eacli T ee n Daug hte rs Herself . . l LOS A.NG EL8S (AP ) -The Democratic nationa l rom- milleeman wants top priority given lo the unseating of Cal1forni;1 Hrp11bl1can Sr11. Ceorge -~1urphy in lhc elcc\1un ncxl year Stephen Reinha rdt made llir request in a lcttc1· 10 Sen. Daniel lnouye. (1)-1-lawail, l chairman of the senatorial lampa ign romn11ttet.>, 'rl1(' let- rr r was made public: hC're ·ruesd<1y. Reinhard! ll'l'Otc 1 Ii a I ~1urphy is '·spokesman For the "ar party in our nation" and is "way out of Slt:'p .... ·ith lhe \'iews of the n1ajonry of Ca ll fornian s and Aincri cans," Murphy recently called for tuJI -1;calc rt"surn p11on of at - tacks on all ol North V1eln<1rn ;ind assailed parlteipants 111 the Vietna m l\lon1tor1urn Do y demonstrations Ocl. 15. FAIR ·11 f ••!, f.;,., ftc+. •• I. Tho:,• thrM word1 tu"" up fe clo" ;,.. •P•••lio"' on t~• DAit Y PILOT 1dito•i•I P•9• •"••y d1y, !'iACltAi\1ENTO !L'l'll -And1,jw I{. Lolli 11!:;o an- The state t1as \'U!llplcled ;.i "fir~! of tts kind'' agrccn1cnl 10 1r:•ch.• unsaleable school con· :itruct1on bonds fnr a 380·acre ~t;itc college ~Ile in Cunlrrl C~L<1 County. <Jenera! Ser1•1i:c~ l)u·cctur nouncc\I Tuesday the sanle ty pe of trade will be.' made 101· a '125·arrr s1tr for thr pro· po;.1·tl Vl'nlur:i Stale Collci;(', Lolli nolcd niunry ror nr1v school r:>nstruction w;is not av.:u ltible dt1c Lo the slale·s in· SF Vice SquacJ Raid s AJl -1111de '011! Cal(•ttlla' SAN FRANC ISCO ( LJ PJ ) - A 111alc perforn1er in lhc all- nude revue "Oh' Calcut!a "' was pinched by 11i:c :-.qu11r1 of. flct·r~ after the t111al curla ui Tuesday night -and only a 1ni.~spellcd ndrne ~11ved ;.i fl'inale mem b{'r ol the ta::.t [!'OJn ;i sunilar lnte. Three policemen Joined a ~('II-out audtencr (Jf 399 for thl'" ... how tx-fnre arrestini; .10:-.epl1 f10111a, 22. on a charge of '·lewd conduct 1n a pubh c place." They also had warrants lnr co-producer Richarrl 1'1orris and act ress Ronda Coph1nd. hut. her name was miss]l('lle.d. She pro1111 sl'd lo drop by the J-Jall ot Justltc l;i pic k 11 p a nl'IV warrant toda1·. llo1na and T\>l 1s~ Copland .,..tTC ;u.;..:uscd nf ··:-.u::.pcclcd i.;cn11al l'On\;1el' dunng a scC'ne dcscrihrd a~ a sa tirt' 011 elcclricH l scx11;i,I r rs po n s r (l'~ls.111 ll'h u·h p:.1rlie1 p;1nls fire 11 ired. i'orn~ ~aid 11 ..,•;is Lhe fir;.! l11ne the rcl'lr ll' has been blister! sinc·r 11 opened In Nf'w York Mny 21i :ind in Si\n F'r<i n· 1·1st•o rnorr than ;:i rnonlh ago . He said hr "'ou!ti consult his al\Qrnl'Y hcforc d cc id 1 n it 1vheth1'r the shJw would go on ton1ght. -'. Jomes Ccun Pl!flney, 94 yeors. Ii foood" of A£'!!!~TYlf J J.C. P""'Y Compa"Y• I". Fabulous Founders Days LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! --· '.:: , ,---. _ .. -; FREE DRILLING Panneys will custom drill your new bowl· ing boll to your exact hond measurements. No charge ••• it's all included in the pur .. d.aoe price. 11.99 SPECIAL BUY! TORNADO BOWLING BALL BY EBONITE B~k hard rubber baR, the type preferred by the 'pros.' is made for Pen~ by famous Ebon ite! Mode to Amer ican Bowling Congress specifica· tioni. EBONITE PLASTIC BOWLING BALL ........................ 13. 99 VINYL BOWLING BAG WITH MOLDED CUP ....•....... 3.99 CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD • MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA .. ·' ability to sell l\.s l'Onslruction bonds wtlose interest rates are l1m1\ed to 5 rx:rrl'nl by Californi::i law. The state uH1c1al said other property needed for schools roay be obtained in the same 1nanrier so !he land can be ac- q111red i'lt current prices. If !he pun.:hases had been dcl'erred, Lolli said, lhc price \1nu ld he higher 111 the fu ture whe n the sta te has the cash to buy the land and the sites pro- bably v.·ould not be available al a future 1tate because 01vners either would sell the1n Pbewherc or develop them the1nsel vc:;. Owners or lhe Slle \\'anlert for the proposed Contra Costa Slate College agreed to accept .1·\8 bonds. t•ach or $5,000 U0norn1 nall:.in. Lo!l1 :;aid the stale 11 ill sal'c "considerable" n1011ey on the Contra Costa a c q u is i t ion because the land was ap. praised at $2.25 million but I.he ~talc purchased it for Sl.74 million. LA Scekin" " Bl ack Ofri ccrti LOS ANGELES (APJ -A Lask fo rc e of high·lrvel Los Ang eles pol ice ofliee rs is slated lo embark v.•ithi n a mon th on a lengthy tou r of !\'cgro l'QIJcgcs in the Deep South . Its mission : to recruit blac k poli cc1nen. lnspcclor t\lerlon Mowe, lhe department's chief of staff, announced the plan Tuesday . FON TANA (UPI) -A 41- year-old mother o( ~ven is keeping her t w o teen-age daught ers home, vowing to teach I.hem herself because Fontana lligh School is ram- pant with "pills, violence, race problems and a sex education that would make a street-walk- er shudder." Mrs. Owen Temple informed high school officials of her plans Tuesda y and said a six- page letter detailing her charg- es Y.'as in the mail lo the district's board of trustees. In her letter, Mrs. Tt'lnple sald she pulled lhe gi.·\s, Deb- orah, 17, and Cyn thia, 16, out of class "becau se of the en· vironn1enl there" and she reared ··for their safety and v.·elfare." "~1y children don·t have lo be subjected lo lhis type of thing," she said, "nnt as im- ma1ure as they are. They don't hav e to see other chil- dren taking pills to face lifr .. " Police indicated I.here was a potential dru& problem at the school. Officers iaid lieveral arrests for drug violations ha d bttn made ne ar the campus but none so far had occurred at the school. Mrs , Temple said the girls were "fr igh tened of lhe socie- ty .at school. They are afraid to g-0 into a restroom alone." She said her daughters were exposed t-0 "unwed mothers attending the school. sex edu- cation from teen-aged mouths" and "disrespect of pupils to teachers.'' lier husband, who runs a mobile home n1aintcna nce .service, and the two girls agreed Y.'ith the mother. School Supt. John E. Price said the district might have to undertake CO\lrt action against Mrs. Temple. He also said he: ordered a meeting ar· ranged between U1e principal, John Cappiello, and the par· ents to try and talk Uiem out or I.he idea. l\frs. Temple runs a pet shop LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PR,ESCRIPTION ~(.,. ~="~<P PAPER BONANZA! ~~ TRUCKLOAD PURCHASE! DELSEY ASSORTED TOILET TISSUE TWIN PACK VIVA DECORATOR 16 TWIN PACKS) TOWELS 5 Rolls $1 K QT EX -•a REGULAR 1148 COUNT) -DINNER NAPKINS in her hon1e and say s Ult girls can learn mathematics, homt economics and business train· Ing by working there. "As for a career," she said, •·they can be professional doi groomers." State Farn1 Hikes Rates SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - State farm Mutual announced car insurance rate increases averaging JO.I percent Tues· day for I ,385,000 California dri vers, effective Dec. I . The company's California region vice presidents, Charle~ Q. C-0x and Max White, sai d the increases result from "a sudden and severe worsening of losses" v.•hich amounted to $3.3 million during lhe first six mont hs of 1969. 99¢BOX R•g. $2.05 ASSORTED COLORS -180'1) KLEENEX BOUTIQUE FACIAL TISSUE , .. COUNT LAVORIS MOUTH WASH 12 OZ. I OTTlt: Sl.I' 89' BOXES$ 00 SCHICK, Glltt:TTl WILKINSON STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES ""'I( "' 5 2 '0 ' 99¢ EXCEDRIN - IOTTLE Rtq. 11.59 ~1 l!/RIJ I!J//M,'• '''""Rf/I/VI~ s .. • GILLETTE "RIGHT GUARD" DEODORANT COSMETIC PUFFS 4 .... $1 00 PERTUSSIN WILD BERRY COUGH SYRUP llGULAl llt J or. IOTILI RIG-. ,,_ 49c GIGI TEASE COMB DRUG and DISCOUNT STORE On the Penl111ula !ACROSS F~OM NIWPORT CITY HALL ) 3333 Newport Blvd., New ort Beach, 675-6611 7' . ' ' ,, • 1 II DAILY 'ILOT J F>ILOT --"OVE "TISER _______ w_,d_•_t1tla y, October ~9. :%i Where Illness Concerned, Many Like Peg to Hang Hat , .y Pekr Stelncnibn, M.D. ttun.ka nttCMilfy. He 'U v.·ant Lo f''OR MISS J.: I can't under-seem 10 i.;o Inside ralher 1f1<.111 ~ornc bab1e:;. I !!unk yw Liln LIOL·~nl mean,. fell 011 the OacJ, I read abou l a n1<1JJ v.·ho v.'enl Where ill~ss is cooctrned, rule out cl\ron1c bronchJIJ~. sland ·why you would need to outside. The baby doctor sa)s relax. The eye s~i.:1a!1st will of the head . It 's not realty an for a hern ia operaUon and .;r.. .... .-)e like 10 have 1 peg cm ph)'lfma, coronary anery take Z5 vll.amJ.:i tablet! every his tear ducts are clogged. He put a probe into the du cts ., act·ztlent but a sudden inter-v.uke up to find hi& seA wa! ·-·v ~· d I •-1· l II has adVl:!ed we take him to few times to open them, After ference ""'!th the circulalion in ehanged. I think this is hor-. t~ hang their hat on. U lhey disease and angina pectoris. ay. l)'I; 1eve ytJu are 00 v a. I l B•-J'-11 an eye specialist who will open a few trealrnents you r grand· the brain. For example : cer-rible .and am wondering if UlJ3 haYI l coueh. they may aay, A1 you musl know, I'm only rn n-consc ous. = w:s, " a-thern up. \\'e are 5iek about th•ld will be oi b!e like other ebra! hernorrhage, ee.rebrat l"Ould be 1ruP . I need to hav e "ll's those darn cia:aretle!." gues!in&. Your doctor "'111 givl' mins are no guarantee of ~ • this situation. Are we l'.·orry· ehildren to cry "outside" thrombosis, E"U'. The common herru.a surgery. Have I an)'· I( a pain in the stomach, ••it you the fa cts. good complexion. \Vhy not Jn" too much ~ -t-.trs. J-1 name is ··stroke." lhing to be afra id of~ -Mr. A. st ~ h pples" Jr check witil your doctor? It will DEAR OR . STEINCROKN : r. • • ~ heada~. r;:~e; :yea ~u~1 fllEOICALETTF..5 bt less expensi ve in the long ~1y beautiful groindchild has no COJ\1MENT: IL is not unt.:om· FO R MISS K.; Thr lerJTI • • CO~lt'tlEJlri'T: Not trut'. Con- ftffd a checkup and new lRepUe. C.O Re1der•I run tur11 when he crits, They mon to !ind lh1s condition in ""t erebral \lascuJar .accidrnt'" OEAR OR. STE IN CROHN: :;1der 11 another medlcat fabJ ,. glasses." And so go the. pegsl~--~---~---------------~------,---.:....-------------''--------------~---''--__:__: ___________ _ which ·we use hopelully to ex· Jtl;iin our symptoms. espcciall.r it we have put off visiting our doctor. DEA R OR. STEINC ROIL"": Somel.lme ago I was told I had lhr: influenza. I treated myself lfllh aspirin and rest in bed. Bot since then I've had diUi· eWty in breathing. Some days I lf'el JU&t 't'·on- derful. On others, I can't even !)tnd over 10 make the bed without having trouble breath· "1<· . lf I'm called to the telephone a\ a time li ke this, my breath· inc: is so hea\'Y people always 4"· "Where did you run Crom?" '''HEN I stretch my arms ovrr my head to hang cur· talns, I gel a terrific pain in ray chest and have to stop for a fe111 n1inulcs. Sometimes it's so 5€\"ere !"m afraid to move. Do you think it's a!l due to the qu : ·J ha vcn "t !old my husband as l,e 11·orries .Jbout me enough. f'm not the type of person to sit around '!'"hen there's \\"Ork tO be done, so this is getting t.o be a problem. l a111 60. I suppose you 'll le!! me ifs about time to see a doctor . -~trs. R. ·cor.tfltENT: Good c: u es s. Yts, it's about time. Oon"t you ....... , lt"s possible r.hc influenza t.d a part in it , buL only a 1rnall part. You mighl c:onsid· ii' it the tinder tha t set off thr bJaze. : As a part of your physical. t belin·e :vou·n need chest X IJIYS and elttlrocardiotrama- ~ whatever other necessary u aminaUoos your d o c t o r Urban Meet At UCLA :\Jses Model • \Jsini;: a rapidly developing 11000-ecr.e p I a n n e d com· plunily as a JTlndel. a con· ftrence at UCLA. examin ed ~ dev elopment al new towns Q a strategy for meeting the Wtds of a population that 1s both ex pendi11& and becoming h pidly urbanized. :·The co nf eren ce , l.'Q· q,onsored by Urban An1cr1ca Inc. and UCLA's School of Architect.ure and Planning and Graduate Schoo l of Business A(lministration f' x p I ore d Pie roles of big business and ft.a te ilnd fed eral govern111ent fn new-community partnership jhat is developing Westlake Village. a planned community aear Los Angeles with a pro- jected populatio11 of more than 75,000. It will also include an OJT·site exp loration of lhe new community and 1L! planning concrpls. The co11fcre11ce. -Develop- ment f orum-7 is one or several ~m:inars held e.ach year by Urban America on business 1n volvement in urban problems. Urban A me r 1 c 8 is a "1 a shi ngton-based nonprofit organization concerned with th e quality of urban We . Ori Lhe forunfs age11doi •~ "' discussio11 of legislation rrcentlv introdl1ced in thr Califoriiia legislature t h a t would ;:iuthorite creation of a s!ale-11.·1dc mechanism t o &hape urban growth in rapidly el:pancling areas and to en- courage grov,.th In others. Engine Over 1st Hurdle A ~!ea1n engine fo r aulomobilr.s. designed ;i n d built by a group of sludents a11d facu!l y at Sa11 Diego, has passed 1ls fi rst :sta lionary tests and mn v be reedy for road trials witi1in six n1onths. The unique power plant. built around a mod1\ied l'l''D- cyllnder motorcycle rnginc, was opt>ratcd nn compressed 1ir in recent tests. Ray Salemme. graduate stu- dent in chemislry at t:CSO. is the prlnicpal designer of lhe engine. He said the engine w1U produce from 10 to JOO lim es les.s air pollution than 1s J:cncrated by lntem1l-c:om- busllon engines u1ed in most automobiles today. The po"·er output or Lhe 74· i cubic-inch engine will equal 1 lhat of a conventional six· cylinder automobile rn1Jne , Saltmme noted. The UCSD unit Is deii lgnrd t.o optrRI' 1t 3.500 revo lut.lonl per n1inute. "'ith rstcam temperature al I)() degrees F'. and prtuurt peak· ma at 800 pou.n<h per iquarr Inell. UQUID "Prell" SHAMPOO n1 .. t1tr1 rid" ••· Jll ..• ltftll lllir utt aNrHlHI! ggc 1.15 11\l 11. Si11 All050L "Dial" D11~11w1 rw tM faailr -... , · wilt .... J'll'tt ftf9! l:. 47c S1z1 61LLEn£ OILY "Cutex" lllil Ptlitli ..... .,. •1'1--1--ii ... 'lttll Lmnll 41c, 4 11. Slzt 2:69c POLAIOID Color Film Type 101- 75 s,...i fall .... Mllf ,,k lat I •111tif1I u1tr1f •tll"u. 3·~·55 II "Adjustable" .... lor '1ecnmat•l" R•1or 119 • , • 1 791031.JOO'Sl llA· Im steel edaes. IMlY • ... -------··-·-~-----""< •• II SYl'IA•IA Flashbulbs "1!11 O.t'"-r.to:r,,e Imm AU ~AC-IB !llo~es (Ii I ' 97c [111:wJ'iol31115hcobt~(lllf 1~ fls:-;ti sflots). ea. AT LOYAIU-10" 'Baby Magic' -~i'l.:11::.1 HOIDSYOUR BANKAMERICARD PURCHASE Kar MAii -Cay to O!ltfirle. .~alt.silly ftrn .•. <l!ld niu.•.d 4.98 ~~ c!n be. Ha;; 34H pla~·c 14 49 1 rtassis, b:Jet seat ard a•ltn61~ lool rests. • "TRIPLE VllW" "Flatsy" n111s 11lAL -llle~'1t Ii;;! .•• and 1ila!'s Illa!! 41h" l~lly ~~!ablr, JAd lo~eable ! Oct;s!d 1n adorable ol/fhr, • rlro on b.ick lo be wo•n -=.::l:P "'"'2.' 89 TOPPll --A t1ulv r~ffl1trl:· aole GGIL Sloe do!!~ :lrll mtll'f r. n;-•, S·m~ly 11ra'1t t.'lt ma· ~ ~ tr•'mbl~ -sh~ ~l~p~, • JA8•~n~. an~ t··~~ 'tf,n.~. 1.19 15" Baby Sweetums., """" J115t 11•~ a re.ii ball~ .•. s~t drinks lie!" 3 19 ~•bottle a~d wels. full1 io1nlecl-rooted hMr !)lat Ull be -~lle4 1'1d :;et • Super "100" Road Race IlDOH -O.~riro:~-·o .. .rJ /leell9 88 . r.f 11.., ·.: r(Jlllolt '!, d'. & ~ oody s~tlls <nd prr ;i.•1ed •~"" corrt1ol~. , Kiddle Komedy Theatre MAnEL-Tht~ ie1 wi~11o striqs ~! l]fl trollt Of bac.~~-ti. •lllll<Dllb"Dlied 5 88 s.iwt Stu •aiid 1Nkes ~id~ ~ters 'ifof JOU. a. • I P'YREX• W~~~ "Opal" Bakeware · Trash Container Cl •i~. ••1t1 c1l1r 11 Jr1ttic1I s1i11 ..• 4 IY, ·• rt"" S1l1W Pit P11te • 1¥. It. OJt• fl1liw • l Qt, 9'11-.; ltkitt: tr.II• 2 ll ltJI. D•1• LIBBEY Barware LIQUID "Sta-Puf" Fm Soft- llNSE FK Sttur. f!lf1i11 W11•Mlu i:11 .. 59c LIQUID "Joy" Dt1"1ffl fir s,a1 k ll~c Dt$~11 ,., lEMOll F1t1~' 32 or. 59c l(i11 Sire JUMIO IOLU Paper or Foil A>!>Olled colari~I pa~·r ~ 31'.l''' !8 ft. I or saltil c~l­ orlul rolls of 1 69 to•I (ZO'"t ~6 1 . t). • ZEE I IUNIOOM Tissue wtn.11• Celln ••• .12,il .00 GILLITTE "Techmalic" RAZOR W1 1~ Cartri~11115 "''" su1 ~11ss Stnl £1111~ h1., 49 1.95 • ,, l ClAllOl .. li1ulHts 20'' ·m Mirror for VANITY 'F E~ll~~l·-11 •· ,r d~·it~ of 11:~ :.c r "1 •· l\oJ lor.~" I d l '"' t .11~-~ l •~'''y I '' I 1 r<~~·~t r.-.,. W11 • "~ll1••11n lillU. ''Ci\Jti11 .. Sit• r "11t •.. 11.e 1.,.1d.crne '4ll.~ ,., aelm,/ei, Irie ' i.it.~ ·~ Instant Hairsetter WI!., 21 "N1t·rt·11ce· reUt1s • . :-.el" llair 1~ m•n· 1 1212~·· 1•er1ll iizt. Mirror~ ;ire ·ur-~ '" rounded by ge11ume Brush· ' ~d Brass l1nish frames, 4 49 ~old 1011 bac~~ Hoot tor /l~gtng. I '. _, 1 '•' c 111~ ' l'lor\s 1111 ~11 18 88 : lae:J 01 hair Perl&t lorsdillol, lravtl ~IC. • ' r 4.89 Leaf Bags ·--=---~ IOXED Stationery PLASTIC !AKKEl"S Oven Fresh Cookies Choose from llTOlny etilo' · 1 lul stylt) 1111lb 111~tchrr.~ 1 6. 9 erwP.lopes or sell se<i1 · N'llts. As\!Orted CW!l pfll' b:rt. • ,a; I§ 1.n~u-~ 1•011 (11fl•.o1;i!t (n p, P~a~~I li~t;<r. l!•111ff Oiitcne,1, Ll'llltolat~ 31111 Spit:t N,' lq. 1.DI Ill lllU' SIAMlBS Stretch Tights-,: IM'X. IJh• -i.hooe~ lo ltl w1i. ti.licutc1 wtisl bi nd 1~a! lits s111111, w.!Miit birid· •fll. Ass't colors. Ac•1lttl AltsJl•l' 99c 1.39 Shirts LOlll lletw: ~ ti I~ t0t!011 illflr. locl. i1pprr bac~. 2 29 As&'t*11Wtt, SinlJllU • OlllS' Elly Pants Cklo$I frlln tclorlul prlot or slrip1 k· .lip~-.... 2 49 "'°f. SI"' I .llU • 1t 11 ht. . ... .... BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOLS Drill1 w/Chvck K•y J i9 S•w fini1hin9 S•nd1r 1'1.'" Cirtul1r Saw ~o·~~::.M~y::o1:, •. "~1i'1~ ''"!fl l!IAd~. •I•• • 1101~ Cl•O,Tf! 1•Mi"G •t"O"· ' f1'' f'\illD' ~ ve1 ftll I'• ·~D•••I• •ttlUO•lt~ ,, .,_ m . ~,,. !rrO·Q~'· ~.rtl'I •or ''"' 1'"""'~0 ""'"'C' ·~" """' e~.ftl '"" .,. lilt 1'1•rtGIU! tool tY•Yt<I •~a •<•Dll c.,h '" c• ._, lftt!ll. bl•1•1t ,...,, nca•~ •OIY>im"''' you""'"· w(>OCI, 1>1111oc• •'Id D"'-•• lmn•tYrd bur"uu1 C'O 11u·t•' Md ~~Jll~ ,.,,•d• ·"" •llff 17\4tt••~" •UIU ltt•~d moto• •U••) C"~mn!t•e 1Y «•m11J"•1,o" 1/••• Ille Ill " 1•to l'l••o• •IJ(U 8.88 9.99 14.99 Coca-Cola "'° l!et11r11 -lhroN A'lllV llortlf. 11 ti. Stn 69C le1. lk "P1k1fl llW .. Mixlll Nuts ,._,....._ bll" ••• ....,. iMoy ""'""'""'' 5gc ....... lJ tr. Cits 19.99 24.88 OPEN 9 A.M. I• !0 P.M.-7 DAYS AWUK HIW,OIT llACH-1111 l,.JIM ht Wt>tMl lH ''· HUNTINGTON ll.ACH-A4-i1 elMll l rNk•11•1t HUHTIN•TO N tlACH-J,rlllttf ... I ltfhttt• ... __________ _. .. ________ M l!Hllllll.._ li\Ulllll ' . 1i.n ~r.x.tiu1 bOirl; ol ~~lfl!lnt rr1_11l 11J(I ~tnn ~·~m<; l~il taotr do .... nwa1d 1u·t l·e t~t r 1~ero::,,, tz~e. INFANTS' Blanket Sleepers W)rfll . w15•1~l1 sltll· t r1 wita ., .. ~ zi,,.r, 11•·1~il Pl11lit·llt S1!1-S1f1s. S·M-l·~L .. , ... , •n111 ll11hl lttlWltlt 4.98 2.98 .-. ---. -~ ..__, __ ---..-...... "" G PILOT ·ADVERTI SE R llelps Noia-teacher~ 1 ............ ' .................... ,,, ••••••••• '"1 • YOUR PROBLEM: : You w.11nt to .. 11 tome it•m thet you no longer need but l0m90M el" can UM for • • • • Pe1·so1111el Boa1·d at Work : • N e w po rt -r-.1 e ! ;a school of Newport Beat h Pt'rsonncl N 0 T 0 YER $ 5 0 • trustets don·1 govern 1he t.:ommission. 7 ? ? ? ; school distri<:t ;a 11 by The other l\.\O membtr~ • • • • • ? ? • th ernsel vcs There's another, ~lnee lhe sthool 1.:01nmiss1on f • JOUI ANSWE ! independent governing board ""'as fo rn1ed 1wo years ago ar" I• ! called the Personnel Com-C. Chishohn Brown. a Cos1a • • mission. ~tcsa businessn1an and Joseph • You ~~.11 THE DAILY PILOT, ••k for : The job of the Personnel Hamblet, forme1 Nell' port l Cl•111fi.d Advertising, and pl•c• • ! Cominission ls to administer a Harbor l-li gh School principal. board followi ng a reccnl hr:ar· 1ng at ·which no other names werr: lld\'anced. Center Us e Pact Signed • • • civil service lype of :>ysten1 Their tenns originally 11·crt' -PILOT • for non-teaching employes or staggered, lla1nblct for our : 4 : the s•hool d'"tc,·ct _ 1,·ke the ye.ar. Sal)·er for two and On Ot:t. I Fountain Vall ey's i fl./ .... · ..... -,;~-· .•. · ~-· • ' 0 B f h I J . -" ti IOOth r , 'WCi · • custodians, bus drivers and ro1vn or I re e so t lf'Y aycces s1gl\<."U 1e con. PENNY • cilfeteria v.·orkcrs. wou ldn 't all be up tor C'<•J> tract for use of the city'3 corn-! poinlment the same year. rnttnity center ai lO'lOO Sl ater PINC • 'rhe three-member Com· Appointmenls 1vcre by three A\'e. f "' ·1 . ··1 HER ! mission detennine5 things like different olfices _ Brov.·n by Since that date 2Q more .:On· • Cl S • relative pay of various posi-the school bo ard. Salyer by thr 11·acts h<1vr been signed. rang· i • \ A. SIFtED AD : lions and 1rho is t ligible for state supcrintendl'nl. and 1ng fro1n a single meeting 10 a • promotion. H bl b h 1· r kt k u•a e The co •. AT OUR ~"ECIAL LOW RATE '! am et y I e execu 1ve o -v.·ee ·. c>-wee " g . m-~ ... ~ of the three com-ficer of the state Personnel 1nunity cenler has served • -11 missioners, Frederic W . Board. groups from Lillie League to : 3 LINES 2 TIMIS 2 DOL' .. : Salyer. is up for reap+ Hamblet was re<1ppointed by wine Lasting parties and many • -•s ; pointment. lie is being recom· the executive officer for an 1•arieties in betv.·een. ! -mended by the sc hool board to additional thrtt year5 last .. ..., lot of our recreational • AND YOUR CREDIT IS. GOOD I : state Supl. or Public lnstruc· year. 1neet1ngs aren·t reflected in •• • D I Al N 0 W D IRE CT r, !• lion li1ax Rafferty for a thret" Appointincnrs are on recorn the contracts," added Stanley year term. 1nendation by the local school Stafford, parks and recreation : 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 a : Salyer, a person nel CX· board v.·h.ich fi rst ho lds a director. • • ccuti ve in priv ate business, public hearing lo hear from an The community center open- : <T.n"" Nertti c ... .., i.._1UIJ : has .served two years on the interested candidates. Rea)> ed June 14 and has been bu sy -**•..,..••tt•**********************"****'*..,..*~ co mmission. He also is a pointment of Salyer l1·a~ nearly ~very day si nc e then, ::::::::::::=:---:=:::--~::::::::::::::--:=::::-:.'.._'.'.lo:"~~~;m~•'._'m~c~m~b~c~c~o~f~t~h''.'....'.C~H~y~~'"=:•m~meo_d_e_d_b_y _1_he__.l~'h_oo~l ~'-''-'_s_1_ar_ro_,_d_. _ Sears L ae ~c a r~ R r ,10J,·i n ~ ( :h arp:r- PERMA-PRESP Full Cut or 1'apered Dress Shirts •."'cart. µ:i'r " ~oo • choice .,r lwo l"l<~<l~· :--I ~ I<"!' ... full ('UI or tapered ••• l<.11..r ~ou r pit k '. • :--.li ort ~l r(",r:-"'·ilh Barre coll11r i11 ''hilt , J-,lu"· l!recn, m;,1i z~ color •Lo n ::. ... lee,r:-. "'ith 4..'0 nlr'e r1ible 1·11ff;'.. Burrr-or l .~n n t ollar. l n ''hi tr. '-olid ~ o r t"l r ipe:oo • '\r,rr """d irn n i n~. 141/2 lo 17 97 $;'). 99 Long !Sl ee ve~ 97 / OPEN SUN DAY S ... for Your Shopping Convenience ... Starting No''· 2 ~-------------------------------------------------, IUENA ,A.II( f t MONlE lOWG H.o\CH f'tCO "'...... '°""°""' M)Ult4 COAST ""1A I I CA.NOGA PA.ti( GL(NOALf Ol.YWIC I SOYO SANTA ANA TOHANCI I C.OMPTON HOllYWOOO OIANGf Is I l ANTA. ff :w..IGS VAllfY' I COVIN A. INGIEWOOO ,A$AOEWA ears SANTA MOftolCA. VflMOHT. "'-"' ,_________________________ ___________________ , '"Soli1focti0f'I Guarartt..., Of lout-MOMya.r.lc.. ••-.-.. -• se.., 6 ~ ~ ....... S• •r ,. .. A..M. • '130 P .M. \ Sears • SAVE 34o/o! • • ' ' • .; v ' • • • • • t • t t '"'~ILY PltOT fj1 (11 ----- .. • • • • ·~:· • • • ' • • • • • • • .Men's Cotton Broadcloth Pajamas t'el'ular '3. 91:1 $ • 1 ll)nll •'""°'""· liu11on co;i l 1)r pullnvflr11t~l i n1t. ln ~1111r •·ltoio·e of paltr-rn~ e f~'ltn fr,rl al>lr. lo n,:·~'f'Mri 11J e \1f'ln·~ •i tfl~·-i:n11ll 1h ro11J h t"\ll'• h1raf'. Ruy '"'"'. I ~,. :"°ll"ar .. R t \•ol\'illl! C :l11tr11r for or :2 .811 each Satisfaction Gu aranteed EJ Sliop MH4ay l~n S1111r41y or Your Mon ey Back ears 9:30 A.M. 10 9:30 r .11. ,...,, ,0.. ..,.. co. Su41y112 NHa i. S l'.ll.. f.' DAILY ,lLOT M S1lloNOt woao • MR.MUM _w_''-"""--''-' _O_<t_o ... __ 2•_._1_%_• ______ P_IL~T·~OVERTIS~ ' Child Can Become Own Outsized Twin A l.luld ldn be rt~ 01•11 1111bt.13 '11h111 ll11·\ .111 ~"'Ill •1111J\h· "''1 r '"' ,1".11 ·1111 outsn:ed L111n when one side 1o( .111d un g1r!~ 7 or 11 ~1·~r~ 1,f 1 uni hlt• J• 1J1(• tn1ll 1d !h•' h.dl 1he body gr'fJ"'S largt'r lhiln thr fli:l' 11 h('t1 lhl' ulfetll'd ~td(' 111 ~tld 'I)! kr: 111111! 1-du•r'r th1• nthcr !h•·rr JU\\" hns rcarhi::d norn\ I lib• ~·r 1.11, 111 ~ 1n1u lhl' 'kull Ooctor.s l·::all th1~ hc1nii:ig •fl· ,1d1il1 ~111· llr l!nhln'>•JJI \>111! • Tll1·,1• 1 ~11, .111· !11t &10111111• 11srn . n1ea1un!! !hut llu .. pcr•,111 '1h1· L~t' ,11,.I "~"·.t· u·~ d1,111 ,1 J'.ffl 111 Ill!' 11•111 r JJI•, .111•1 is hal f a giant Cau~ of 1l1l· lu:,11 ..1bo11l llu· l.10.1.'" 1111 1· 1'.IJ1 ·11 111· l'»Jl unt·J llll'rn 11••' ~ondi lion is unkn oy,•n. but <til-d1~tu:;~ed ur1t1 ! the yot1og-rl•·r" Jaw 1·oulcl 1101 ~ruw <1111 parently the two halves of lliC' 11 t•1"t· p:1~t lhc rt·eon11nr11d••1! inore ' Dr' Hul.J1nsun i ·~ bod y are so n1el1ow genct1cally o"lgl'~. huwt"1c r 11/a1ricd. dif/ere11 L 111i' oral ~ur;;cr~· ror1~1 sl '> •1i '"l'lh' i111.·1<;J11n 1.; 1111· ~;11111• Oral surgeons al l 11 1• 111;1~1111< ;.111 1•H·1~u1n 111 Iron! of 11-r•d 11ii1•11 wu111en pii~! n11ik'I·· l:nivcrsity of Sou 1IIe r11 lhc 1•;1r fru1 n tlil' lla1r 11111.• a11 d a~t· h;i1 r th1.•1r l.1tc.~ lil ted ' Ca lifor111i.1 School of Df>nus11·1· f11llow111g lilt• ('llf \1()\ff ol tl11• "llli· 1.J11v~ f,u·•· 1,;1.-. ,1.11.1·111 to ld of the caS<' of :i ll·~C:;ir:· l'~11· dcl11r'nu•il lr11111 h1rlli 111" old while l.os Angclt•s buy 10 Th1.·11 <t buul oil<' t"IJ.llilh nf :in l111H ·r 1<111· ancl i·hl'l'k hu11r 1111 ::111 :lrllt le u1 !hf' l)ct•1b1•r 1 s~tH· 111eh f>l lhe ~UJl.H 'l'. l!'ll~ ol 1111· lhl' l1•l t ~1cl<:-11•1•f1• l>ulh ali<.ill of lh(· .'\rni•ru.:an .lt111nu1I 1;1 ------------------ Oral .Surgery. Dr.~. f\.l ar)h I-: Hublll!;On 11f Santa ,\10111ta. ll otx:rt Shuk1·11 11f ne~l'd:i and I tarry .I l)Ougherty or NorLhrii:J,i.:e sa1J thev <ire lhe li r~L In think of surEically ren1011ng I h t· gro"th center of lhe Jall' 111 a growing hern1g1anl l">I •'" !101"11\J I "'111< I ii ~ tu11gu•· .u1d lu11rr lip \1cre th1c.~en€'d \Ill !lit' 11•ft :lidt' ~0111r of lus lcrtn on lhe ll'lt ~1111· 11 1•1" lar larger 1l1;.1n 1hc1r uj1pu.-l11• llUl!llh'l~ iJnt' 01 tltc1n "<I ~ likt ;i !JP<ir's l1.1oth.' Dr Hub111s<•n !><11d . '.lbout 1t1rce l1n1es 11urn1al hun1 an !>Jze " Thi ~ IOOlh and det•ply illl· pacted n1ol:1r.~ ht.1d 10 he e~- 111.H.:tt•d 1>0 L'SC Ortl1udUnt1sts h(';tdtt.I 1.J.1· Dr Dougherlv 11111 IU 1·vrrt'el the bfl)' s: s1:r1ou.~ 111o1!oeclus1un u1·er a lwl)-year IJl'r1od. His 1nouth and teeth 111111 .ir1x·.;r alrnosl normal.. The abnormal grov.•th on th e tc11 ~1de of the boy's TJY t~· tende:i lron1 head to Fool. ll1s lefl eye 11•as h1gl1er th:in h1\ rr~hl and trntled to turn 11111. HC' was ncar&ightcd and h1s f')'es y,·atcred when C.l· posed lo light. I/is pel\'is .,·as I hr t e · quarters of an 1neh higher on the l1{t side. and his left leg an d 1001 were larger than 01e rig ht Surgeons al Orthopaedic ! losp11a l, Lo~ Angele.~. 11·ere able !o currecl his loot deformity. Only 50 ca;:.eS of hcml&JC"'"· 11sn1 hare been reported In n1cd1ta l and dental Journals, Dr flobinson said. "I arn sure there arc r11any 111ore ol these ehildrc.n. but their cases have "''n con· sidered hopel ess in the p;i1.st and have not ~n reported." Only cosmetic surgery ha s been done in sonic of thet>e ca~es pr c1·iously. and si nce the growth cell s of the lower ja1' 11 r re not removed the 1 L· tcn1pls lo correct t h e dcforrnities were unsuccessful. OJ". Hobinson :iaid . Givi11g U11 S1rtoki1ig· May Help i1t Sleepi1ig The sa1ne .1pcrallon ";1s perforn1ed by lhc1n r~cen1ly nn a ten·sear..Qld 11·h1lc g1r! in Los Angeles. t ·nusuaJ cnl<1 rgcn1ent of 1hc !ower J<Liv on one side is ofll'nl lhc n1ost striking feature 01 1h1s defonnitv. and 1 ~ nollccab!e shor\ly al!cr birlh j It would be bett er to opcr;ite j Sears Sears Great All-Around LOS Ai'OG ELES -Quitting smoking may help .\·ou slerp more .soundly. Brain ~·a\·e studie~ at t.:l..l, .... that inrol re eight thronir 1mokers show they sell.lorn fi nd ings in an earlier study ! about lhose dependent on BOAT BUFFS sl eeping drugs. \\'ht'n sleepi ng .4.lmon lo ~k •bty ;, •h• onlv . 1 full-l im• bo•lin9 •ditor wor~in9 pill~ are \\'l lhdrawn. people .,,. ony n•w•P•P•• in Orenq• 11·ho ha \·e become addic:ted 101 C ounly. Hi1 ••du1;•• co••••!J• I., k I of booti"'J ond y t~h!Onq n~w• them, Irie hca\·y smo ers .. ;, • c:lt il y f••l~r· of th • D.4.l l y l'OUld achir1·e "deep"' sleep. 1e nd to dream e1ccssivcl y and11 'lLOI But after they ga1·e up ~h~'~'~'_;;";~g~h~lm~•~'~'"~------~-~-·~~~~~~~~~~~ eLaartlles. l he ~ub~equenl !I lest!! at the UC LA 1'1edicat Ce nter shov.·cd the subjects fell asleep more <1uickly andl slayed asleep for to n g e r. periods. Al first the rr wa s c,i;.' cessh·e dreaming aritl son1e nightmares. But after i:r re1\' nights the test suhice\s began to have normal drea1ning periods, compara ble to those l of moderate or non·sinokers. I Among the youn.e or the : eight undergoing tht• (('SU; (ages ranged fron1 21 to 4;i). short periods of deep sleep ap· parw!ly occurred a r I e r1 cigarettes "·ere abandoned.! The older subjects still fa iled j to achiere surh a state of 1 sleep. alter they ga\·e up1 smoking. but the resean.:hers found "indication·· that <"On-' tinued absti nenet from smok·1 ing might e1·en1ually rt'storc iur h sleep. The stud y traced a pattern nf much less drea1n1ng anrl the. absence of deep sleep among l i.:hronic smokers. s rn11l ar to : I SEE HY TODAYS WANT ADS e F111· lh"" \,inr ly 11~11 1 irtl. \11', .-.;..:h1"0,•rl<'1' 1.~ lo1K'l,v !m, only !1r·~ " 1<11 l1o1J1p_v ~!Lh:Y 11up, anrl 11r ]Q\'1'< 111 pla y. huy 1i1p1 anrl .11iu·11 hr li~ppy 11 11<1 r~•I l1111r1~·. • r:rc1.tJ.\' rror· II "l''l'I rlijl'I• 11 1~ n llrr~ 111il trhr11 1\l•i!. rt1ni.; r1ni.;~. ;i111u1u•' J:nl(l. n1akf' ;in ~1flr1· f,.r 1h,.,r ~l !J.lhtl.v 11~.-.i 11n:::• • l.1fi' ''"~Hr ,,, '"''' l••r P1u1l flun) .. 11 ~ hi· nrr1J••1I 1111s :'l · r.<1llrr h!Allr 'h.i "l ~R" for h1~ 111nb<'r 4·un.1n:'.. \iHi.,,. an flffrr lor 11 ;irid ,1 11 )0111· 0 1\11 f11c 1\{~id. Men's Dress Slacks Were '13.99 to '20 l.h~c from trim i•r nr full cut "'ylcs. In man y colo~. brokt:n \Jl e\ &ti.tfacticn Guaranteed rs==i or Your Money Back ~ llil&. IOUVC:¥ UD CO. 88 S~op Moad11 thro S1tud11 9:30 A.II . to 9:30 P.M . S11d•1• 12 Nooo to S P.M. -I JACl(ETS SAVE '3! Regular '17.98 88 •. .\fi.tiJM r~ (or adiw. --! • Pol-and -popl;a .;..-. --~·---· • Zipper peek.ell • fa:ne'J li.aing ••• ~ fir J • Daem•• po),..ter • Brni. l'"ll• mtanT '11 ~XL Reorenihle Jlleket SAVE '3! Regalar'l2.95 88 •Qmh.d -., ........... tuck..-., hood • -~Jlon 1rdfeta qeilted le n ..... poJ~ •••ICU&....., to~ '°"'99 l•ffet• • ;-,j:!'f!lt, S. M. L md XL. S9.83 ----------------------------------------·--------,· , OW<•• .... 14 ·-~000. l11·•!)0 fl "'°'""'-(.I l ltl l ~OUC""t l..0171 ~ [C 1·11"5, Nill •JMl,,'19U1ll ~Wf~1 SOUNc.o.ut ~...., I I r•l<ICoO .... l <O 0..1 Ci!1 '11'~1• Ol J '{II'•. 0 '·'''' r>l•"O\C t IQ!O /4H l ·l 111 ...., -• 7.., > ,,_... 54 ... 1 .'' ''" I I -• -,..,. ~&(, .. l'O > ....... -.-I I ,_.()O< .. l 6Hl 1,Ml 1,,&, l<'ti-""Xl l<O ''~j l ........ ,, Sears . _ ...... ,,,. <O\"N• •6'0611 •<i'I~ C'f 1 2ln "u"'"' 61' llll, l J1 'f' • -_.a .... --_________________ , ,_______________________ - sh.,Nit~.~~~f-lOAJA.."'~'.M.,S-'ar12N.-.. S'J4.. --• ., 1 'sdl1•Gs•s .. 11ll•.._......, .... • ' PI LOT.ADVERTISE R Wtdn~!liday, Octobfr 2~, 1%q Wtdnfld11. October 2', 1%'1 I DAil Y PILOT J3_ Good Neivi---------------------:----------=== ""~""""--.,,:-. ---~----.$ • ----·-,--~.".-:-"ll:,.--"<~rn~<:r..r:i:.,...nP'I Career ls EEG By JOYCE LAIN 1'f<OW •l'Ou! .....,.., -~~·10•"0"• '~ ·~~ .,,,.....Okel 11e1~1 $01~ my d•v;~ttr end I "'' ln••rtl!O<I," A.-One t merging health oc· cupaUon in denand is the elec- tr~ncephalograph IEEG) tech- nician ; highly qualified tech- nicians art: also called EEG technologists. THE EEG technician oper- at.es complicated electrical equipment that helps physlci· ans discover braln disorders. and records the progress o( paUeuLs wit.h brain tonditions. J()BSCOPE. Most \\'Ork in h09J1itals, clinics w medical scilools, some are €¥TJPloyed in phy&icians' offices. }lere's how the American Hospital Associ- at ion summarizes their duties: "'l'Ht EEG technician runs an instrument that records brain waves, The electrodes <i re attached to the patient's head in specified areas. The rlectrodes measure impulse frequerM:ies and differences in electrical potential betwee n various parts of the brain . Throughout the test the tech- nician observes 1he patient's behavior and makes notes on the recording graph. He ana- lyzes finished recordings for possible fa!se readifl«S. The physician (usually a neurolo- gis t or neuropsychiatrist ) in- terprets the tracings in diag- nosing brain disorders." ~!ONEY. A leading author- ily who was very helpful in preparing this column, Dr. John R. Knott of the Univer- sity of Iowa, estimates the av- ('rage starting salary is ap- proximately $4200 with a future potential of $9'"JOO, or more. f\fAKE-UP. illost are won1· en, though n1en ;ire in this field, and 501ne ha ndicapped persons as Y>ell. A smar t. dc- tennincd mature woman can become an EEG technician. EDUCATION. The minimtnn requi red is a high school di- ploma, and mosL EEG technl- t·ians have learned on the job. l/oy,·ever, the trend is toward upgrading education and pcr- fonnance through formalized trai ning progran1 s. SCHOOLS, Most EEG tech- nology prog rams arc offered by hospitals or medical schools at lhe present time, and with one exception. alt prograrns started within lhe last six yea rs. These are : U. of Al.'.!· bama. Barrow Neurological Institu te in Phoenix, Duke U. in North Carolina, U. of F'lor- ida, Louisiana State U., il1as- sachusctts General Hospital in Boston, Mayo Clinic in Roch- ester, Minn .. Medical College of Virginia, U. of Washington. and U. of Wisconsin. hfost of the prog rams Jasl ~ year: the range is si x to 18 months. One two-yea r program ~tarted last year at the U. of Kentu cky at Lexington. and some juninr colleges are expected to beg in programs very soon. Until several n10nths ago. tuition in EEG technology pro- grams was free and students v.·ere also paid a stipend. But fedrral s pendi ng cuts m!'an tuition v.·ill probably rost in the future ; inquire al the school of your choice. STUDIES. High school social and physical science courses are useful. No rigidly fixed curricula exist in EEG tech· nology programs because EEG is a changing and growing fiel d. but the basic "corr areas'' do seem to be agreed upon: Wtrumentation felec- Lronlc equipmen\l. U1chn!que, anatomy , physiology and re- lated clinical medicine. R1$:GISTRATION. To boost !lie professional standards anrl recoenitlon or EEG techni- cians, the American Board of Registration of Electroenceph- alographi c Technologists ha s developM a voluntary exam- ination administered periodic- ally. To dale, onl y about 100 technicians have passed. re- :-ulling in the designation of ''R.EEG T." after their names, hut aboul 150 are tak- ing the exams yearly now. Ad· vancement potential is heller if you btcome a regist.ry-Jevtl EEG technologist. WHERE TO WRITE -F'or a brief leaflet on EEG and EKG (heart) tech nicians, pub- lished by the American Hos- pital Association. se nd 1ne a postcard at this newspaper. for infonna tlon on the regis- try examinations, write to T. S.nnlt, Secretary, ABRET, Division of EEG, Graduale Hoa:pltal, 19th & Lombard. Philadelphia, Pa. 191 '8. • • • Mias Lain welcom~ your career topic sugutions for u~e in this column. but the ,·olume of mail makes ptr- sonal replies Jmpo1siblc. Sears '\• •• ,.., Regular '149.95 Queen Size Sets in Choice of Innerspring or Serof oam SAVE $50 Set .,. ,.~---· each Mattrees or Foundation A•k About Sears Convenient Credit Plans Queen Size Quilt•Top Innerspring Mattresses •Medium firm, 522-coil mal~ tre11e1 with quilted scroll top baroqae print cover • \"erlically &titched border. ~ord hand1e1 and metal "enll! Matchin1 Pllsture- Male FoundatioDL-t:a. 49.88 Queen Size 60x80-in. Serofoam Mattreaees • SV2°in, deep polyurethane foam maures~e1 with quilted r1yon flocked cover •Firm 4-in, core plus 11/2-i n. layer of 1aper eoft foam for euperb aleeping comfort Queen and King Sheet Sale '~~ "' ~"'I"' .. $7.99 PERMA·PREST • So lid Percale Sheet• Queen Flat and Fitted 697 • . .\,·ailable in yellow and blue $9,99 King Fl1t/Fltted 8.97 $3.59 Queen PiUowcaae'-3.17 !-3.59 K.ing Pillowcaae• 3 .1 7 S9.49 PERMA·PJIES1" "French llou<1uet'' Percale Sheets (.J11f'r11 Fined ;1n d f l;i t 847 •Pink and blue .. French Bou· (tUet" d esif[n SI 1.?9 Kin~ F'ined/Flat__] 0.4 7 S4,49 Queen Pillov.·ca&e!--3.47 , S4.99 King Pillowcaee 4.4 7 •No ironing when machine waohed and tumble dried • Wrinkle re•i•lllnt, •lll)'I! omooth, fresh looking on the bed Sean KJng or Queen ~bite Mallre'9.Pad• !9.99 Queen Sit 7.97 !I L99KingSiz 9 .?7 OPEN SUNDAYS ••• Red Label Daeron~ Pillows, Pink/Dine Co•er Queen Size 20x30-int L2 ror 16 King Size 20x3S.i nch-.2 ror 18 , _________________________________________________ , for Your Shopping Convenience STARTING NOV. 2nd! I IU!NA PARK fl #DHTf. LONG llAOI "'° ot 111..-u POMONA SOUlM COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PM K OlfNOAlf. Ot.Ywte l $01'0 IANt'A ANA TORltANCl I COMPTON HOll\'WOOO OAANOf ~ IANTAll-VAU!Y -I COVINA frrfOlfWOOO PASADENA SANTA MONICA VDMONT d '-----------------------~ ears------------~-------' "HtblaelioDGuarantMdorYourMoneylack."' --=•• Sllof6""'*#snd~..,.. .. ,, rNDl.Jl.ttNOPM. -. • r 1 ; ' ' I I ftj DAI LY PILJT ' • Netv lt'orld lfffft•f~et? Highway Projects Approved Mi111g Bea11 8 Sot1t11la11d Futi11·e Crop? SANTA Ar;A -.4. potcn-They n1lght rl"ell l>Pll bran In ad1 ance for the n1arketrtl lially valuable crop I o r sp1·011ll> 10 the 011cnl." n11itlures. California IS bt.-ing grown on Dr . .Juhnsun 1s 11·orking on He added. ' ' Be ca u s ,. ANAHEIM -'Illr~e con· test plots in Orange, Los l lit; pruJrt·t 111lh Dr. \\'1lli:l1l 1 Cal1forni:1 beans ;ire 1H1<1rlv tracts for jobs totaling more Angrles, ln1prria l. Hlvrrs1dc, JI. lson1 , R111·rsi<ll.'. a11d f<11111 free uf 11101lJ1>, processors arC than $40,000 in Orange Counl y Yolo and Fresno counties. Advisor Birh<1rd E. Puffl'r. :1nxio11s to srt> the C'!'Of> roadway projtcl~ have betn The crop is n1ung beans, Los Angeles. Both <ire in the bcco1ne cslabli:.lied 1n this awarded by the State Division source or the bean Sprouls L'C Agnt·ultural Ex1ens1on stale. of Highways. se rved in Chinese res taurants Service "An t':o1poner~uiiportC'r h.;s pnd~ high off I !Jp @round, 11 hrre a n11h·l11ne can eas:ilu stt 1p thl·rn oft. • "S ina Out" 0 llelps Tots Tht largest I~ a $23.190 :ind used in Jlrl'pJred Chinese They already ha 1· e p,ro1l'n said that ir we can cont1n11f' LI) assignment f::ir Paul Gardner foocls. supt>nor r1uality n1uni.; bt':111s grow beans of this qualily on ;i ANA HE II\ I :;;ng 0 11t Corp., o( Ontario, f or Fi·ank Na111c<l Un1~·ersity of Calllornla in Los Angeles t:nun1 y con11nert·ial st'alt'. ht• cun Or;11l~I' County and the l.J.$. modification or traffic signal~. plant scie nli sts belie1'e there (Saugus) te~t plot~. Now tlu~ assure Californi.'.I growers of il1;1nnt· l"nrp!\ Reser1•e, Sea l lighting and traffic chan· To Boal'(( Po•l 1iligh t be a good economic hcan is al sn he1ng tested :it UC n1ost ol the U.S. rnarket. If Hcarh. will :.tagl:' a ·'Toys !or nel izalion at Brookhurst SLreet "" future in growing a bCllcr type _Dav is, linpet·i;il Valley F1f'ld costs arc reasonable -;u '1JUtl(I l 'o!s" bC'nl'fit here Dec. 13, and Lincoln Al'enut in 1nung be<111 Station. South Cuasl F'ield Sta· 10 rents a pou111I -11e c·<1n Thf' s111;; Oul grou11 is con1. Anaheini. SANTA ANA -S;:iot;i Ana E~l'rpl for a fe11• 11rrcs near lion t11e:1r San!:t Anil). Hie brea k hravily into the 11urlli posed of n1orc than 170 youn~ The job 11•ill pr ovid e attornry K<rr! C . .Fr;u1k 11<1.~ l 'tiba Ci1y, C:.ilifornla has no \\'esl Sidt· f'iel<l Station in 111arkct."' rHt'll ::inti 11 0111·~11 from mor e separate left-turn phases for appointed TuP,sday as roun!y cominerci<il production of the J•resoo County. and at Ul'B. J apan 1s-a h1g u~rr of HHlng-th:in 40 high school~ and col- trafrlc from Drookhurst Street Supervisor Robert w. Ballin's bean. Calilomi:i processors or Dr. Johnson said beans bean~. he s;11d. The be;1n1> <ire JeJ!es in Orange County. onto LinC'oln A\'enue. 1-1·here it Chinese foods depend on mung presently avalla blc frequcnlly ground 111to flour. The bentl1t program 1-1·il1 hr is difficult lo do so now due to representalivc on lhe counly heans from the Southwest and cfevelop n1olds because of rain-Tu kL•e11 produc\1011 l'USI'> \1•.>ld ;it 7:30 p.rn . al Anahe11n lhf' heavy use. Fish and Game Con1m 1~slon. from foreign countrie s. la11 in thl:' produeliun nre;is. do11 n, n1cch:ini<:al h;1rvc~t irig 1 ligli School. Adnli ssion will br The James D. Knight Frank. 44, lakes over lhc "If costs ca n be kept down." tl-lolds on the seed can cause 11 111 bC' ;i nf'eessity, Dr, 01H' 11r11· t"Jy for each person. Conslnictors Inc .. of Orange, commission seat l'<Jcated by says Agronon1ist B. Lennart hea vy losses in the culturts John~on ;iddcd. Therefo1·e the All toys collected will br 1-1·as gi\·en a $12.512 contract l& Warren K. McCarty. Mis ap· .Johnson of UC Riverside, 11·here the beans are sproutt·d. resc<irchcrs hope to con1I:' up tll!1Lributct1 to nerdy childre11 install rock slope protection at pointmenl is cflectil'e irn· "California growers co u I d resulting In rur1her los~es uf 1~ilh ;1 1·;iricly that grows rast, u1 Orange County o 11 a froolage road bridge. over niediutely. break into the world markel. chopped vegetables prepared sprouts u11iformly and has its C.:hrist mas morni11g. Trabueo Creek on Route Five.1-----------------------------'"---"-----'-'----'.-----..:.-------------::.__--- E. D. J ohnson & Company, of Anaheim. was given an $11 ,523 job Involving traffic :1lgns and signals on Pacific Coast Highway bl:'tween Dover and Bayside drives in Newport Beach. FAIR BOARD'S MARKS CITES MRS. YOUNT Longtime County ~H Leader Honored Taxi Woes Mrs. Yourit Horiorecl Ironed Out By Fair Directors At Airport SANTA ANA County rrLLEHTO~ -Longtime 4-1-1 Cluh leader i'oirs. Emory 'i'ount. ol Fullerton, is the ne1vest recipient of a \Ycstc rn J·'airs J\ssocialion r I a q u c. ;iwe1rdcd for outstanding com- 1nunily scrricc. Orange County f air B:lard President Cecil ./_ f\1afi;s presented the brass a n d 11·alnut 1il:-ique lo Mrs. Yount during the hoard's recent ineeting al the Fullerton Ci\'ic Center. Thi' a11·artl 11•as the second for ~'lrs. Vounl, since she received ;i t'i1·e-year award for her 4·11 Club service earlier this year. DEATll NO·TICt;s CONLEY l,'ildr•d !1<1;. (""I'" A~• •!. nf 1'1 r~~''' 51 . CMI• ,.,..,.,, D••· cl d!I•~. Cc.!-· )7 ~~·V•V'd ~v b•ol~u. Ed· Q~• F. C.Of'•••· J•. o• W•<i """'"" bu•Q. Ko n•unv: ""'"· """· ,t,nQ;,. llr>e fO<td '>'P!>I~""• Mlcf\Tg•n: Ml~' /l.nn WI!'"""'" ~"" Mro. II•"• J••" Conle•. Tolr<tc Oh'O MemorlAI ,., •. ·~·· we•• held Tu.,<l~v, 1 XI PY,, 1>~11 Broa!l .. av Ch•P•I '"'""••en!. O'cnmcnd Com•!rtv. W••' Prr-lgn- !Nrq. lr•n•ur•• I!•" ll•n•O""•• Mc•· •u•••· Co1la M••~, D'••<lots. llART ll~lli• Lt l'f\"''" lllrl. 'ti~ .O•h S•. N-l>Ort lle&<h. Date c! dc•lf\, Oct 11. s"·~••l'd '" .,,,.i...M. cnor111 f. Ho••; two nool>ew" John Murf•Y. !'•"'""""' N~w Jer;•v, •nd l(onn••~ Murr••• P•"""en. N!H JonoJ S•rVIC•I "'"I b• hr.Id Tl\l,,~av. l PM, l'•<I"< lll•N (n~a•I, lniermenl. "•<•''' U••w M•- mat1•I "•'~· D<r•<l!d ~• "•ell!< lll•N llETISKl 1\'I) K•'h•••"• 11~"~'""· ·~01ncr n• De•~­ "'' !Jo•,_ D••t ot OtOI~. Oc•t1h•• 11, R•"<l'M ot 11lll ~on'• An• Avo , Co•'• i.·.~•• u,~•1M!on wllt l>t ntld In P•r·t" u•~w c~~P•I rnur5"a•. noo<> unh! • P'li. PnC•hc ll•eN Mor!Y&tY. Dlr•<IC"· SHOR E I''"'""' ( '"o". ~711 WJ•n•• Av•, '"I'" ""'n" l'•~<tl. ~~''""•d nv w"•· \ F •ent•• >~ere/ 'l101t\tf, M•d••m• ~nore . '""'· l""""" Yor~. t~r .. Drc•n-· '"· A•ne•I. S!•nlr• &n(I """"'"" '.>nGro S••vict1 will tw ~eld !n r,~rar' r 111 'It,.. vor~ lor•I ""'"~""""" bV Pee~ Fnm,ly Colon••' Fune1,,1 ><rm, ARBUCKLE & SO.'I \\'estclifl fllortuary 427 E . 17lh SL. Costa flltsa 6~6-483& • BALTZ 1'10 1lTUAR JES Corona dcl fllar Oft :I.ft~ Costa fl.lt sa Jlill 6-Ztz4 • BELL BROADWAY !\tORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa fl.lesa LI '8-34.13 • DILDAY BROTHE RS Huntington Vallry Mortuary 17911 Beach Bh•d. Jluntincton Beacb BU.7771 • McCORl\flCK LAGtJNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Lapn• Canyon Road Lqana Beach 414-9415 • P ACJFIC VIE\V PtlEMORlAL PARK Cemetery e r.tortuary Cbapel 350t Pacific View Ori\'e Ntwport Bucll, CaJUornl1 '44·!7• • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '7111 Bolu A,·e, Wntmluter 193--35!$ • SHEFFER MORTUARY LllUD• Be.ell 414-1$35 Saa Cleraaie •ti.otOO • SMITHS" MORTUARY 6%7 ~tala SL llunllnaton Rtacb - ~1arks praised ~lrs. i'oun\'s ti reless <ind rledk·ated efforts on be>half of the y ou l h organization. bul she In !urn aeceptcd il on behal f of all 4·11 leaders too. Dance Urrit On Tonigl1t At Irvine IRVINE -The ~l urray l.ouis Dance Co1npany will present three \\'Orks at UC lrl'inc tonight. ''Proxi111ilir s '' and "lnter~ec11;:in," bo I h co1n- missioned by the Unllcd States ~a l iona l Endo1o\'mcnt for the Aris and prcinicred this past spring during the Louis Com· pan_v's Nc1v York season. w\JI hc-pcrforn1ed, along with the 1964 classic, "Jun k Dances." Through a grant from the !\ationa l Endowment for the Arts and aid from the UC lnter-cam~s Cultural Ex· change Committee , the Mur· ray Louis Dance Company lViJI be in residence on the Irvine campus for a half week. Dur· ing th e residency lrvine dance ~tudents will hr able to meet !he cornpany Hnd participate in rnaslcr classes given by Louis. Thr performanre will be in Cra1-1•fnrd Halt at R·JO p.m. Tirkct s For tile performance 11rr 1l l".'lilahlr 1n advance al the f ine .. \rts box of!icc. Beauty Aids TV Parade supervisors agreed Tuesday lhat taxicab service at Orange County Airport is now free of the problems that at -0ne lime appeared to thrC'aten the franchise of the Tustin Cab Cornpany. They unanimously baeked a report which commended present services provided by the company and which noted that thtre had been no further complaints of overcharging by its cab drivers in recent months. The board noltd that cab lakings at the airport are climbing with a new high of $823 establishtd in August. That f« includes the $250 n1onlhly concession to lhe county. Con1plainls of overcharging and inefficient service led the count y recently to investigate thr company 's optrallon of cabs (or airport users. 1'1ore Time ForCcunpers ~ANTA ANA -A proposal guaranteed 10 double the fun of Orange County's camping cnll1usiasts \\'as unanimously b<1r ked. Tuesday by county .loupr.rv1sors. Tilt• board dPclded to extend the present 14-day off-sea son Umil for camping in the cJUll· ly's regiona l parks to 30 days. That extension Y1ill apply to the period Oct. 1-~!a y 30. Super1'bors were assurf'd that a study of camping habits and praclices indicated that no risk would be posed by the ex· tension. Beach's Legion A;-;.\Hl-:1:--0 I -Sharon Rl'r· ~luoitl'' Di11uc1· ~tcin. a lorn\er ~l iss Anahe1n1. O 0 hllS b('rll SC)('C\l'd lO ~SS!St r-.1cn1berS O f JJuntin g1on tclel'ision announcer D i c k Beach Posl of the American J.;1ne for !ht' first lelet:asl of Legion and the auxiliary are Anahein1 's Annual Halloween SlaJ.ling a potluck dinner f'eslival ;inrt Parade. Thursday at the Lake Park l\l1ss Bernstein. prese ntly Clubhouse. e1nplnyed as a l1isneyl;1nd VIP There v.-ill be garnes and hostess and a stu dent of con1· entertainment following tile 7 n1unici'llions ancl public rela-p.in. dinne r. lions at Cal State Fullcrton.11i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o,! 11·ill make her professionaJll television debut v.·hcn Channel 5 airs the 46th a n n u a I A n a h t'i rn H a 11 o \I' c e n festiv1t1es, li\·e, lro1n 9 a 111. to noon Friday and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday . Although she re presented her rily ;:ind was interviewed nn TV sc1'cral lin1es-<luring hrr 1967-68 reign, i\liss BPrns- lt•in 1\•111 be l'>Orkl ng prJ. fessionally be f o r t Lhe television cameras for the fir st time. Swi1n Tea111 Spots Still Open Spots are slil! open on Foun- tain Valley"! re c re• lion deparlmtnt svt'im team pro- gram running for the next two month.~. Boys or girls between the agt•s or six anG 17 "'·ho can S1\·itn 1nay sign·up f:>t I.he pro- ~ram at 11'\t recreation and parks department in the com·1 munily center, 10200 Slater Avr. The rail program in·I clu clri condilionlng 11 n d1 training, "''ilh se\'cral swim *STAR TV* EXPERT REPAIRS on all makes and models •COLORTV •RADIO •STEREO Prompt ... eflkient dependable service with top-quality RCA Receiving Tubes Piclure Tubea * ST~R TV* 275 E. 17th Co1t1 M911 642-9742 1nects 11cht'dt1\ed for 1 :\01"en1be r. .. __________ • A Kenmore Washer with $ All These Features For Only SAVE $21! Reg1tlar •169.95 Two Washing Speeds Ruy N"ow nn ~rar& ll efl'n-rrl l:~a~y P~)1nr11l /'I Jll, ) our 111onthl y pa}meuts begi n in Fchruary. Kenmore Electric Dryers Start As Low A.s 188 11111* IAU TA 1-4400, J2J.jJ)0 CAHCIOA , ... ~ J•0-0661 CC.WIOM NE 6.2jl1. N[ l ·:S76 1 COVliA '"·0611 u ~OHll GI J .)fl I c;11~~A\! OI J-JOO(, 0 ,C.4611 l!OltTWOOD HO 'f.Jf41 ll>IOl!WOOO 0. l-1J21 IOWG M,l.OI Ht :S-0121 l-IO~WAIK ~· A-n41 Olf.wlt ' tolO AN l ·J711 °'ANC.t; 637.1100 fAUJIOIA NIJ l-l211, U l -4211 •ico wr •-4~6? '°"'°'"'A ro 2-\l(l, NA f·l161, YU 6.67JI 14M Fll;NAHOQ fM 1-7111 • l\"orru a l and llC'li cate f'ycles for :11 1 ~nu r. C'l othc~ • JlC1'u I a r a 11 d µ.r n t I e \va~li .• pt't' ,,_., f for prnpt'r cloth r . .:: care •Lint filter keeps lint and dull· iniz lhrca rls frorn \•1a5}1ing back o n to r iot he s e D crp-t:lean ing a:;ital ol' loo~n&: ~tuh born cllrt fa:-1 • !".l af"c ly feature: ti Jlin ac tion ~to p s ''hen th(" lid is rai!cd • .\t·1·~ lie fini!hed c abinet wipOEi c lean '' itli a <lun111 cloth \lod rl ~8J(){) Sears Care Service protects the valu e of 'our l'rn1nore Washer and Dryc"r ••• \\"e servi ce wl~t we sell_ , ... -h c re,·rr.)ou Ji ve or ITf'Y ove 1n Ill e -~.:\. U!>!IA A>I A U 7.)]71 !AUTA ff vtltlC.~ ''4-!0! I SA.NT~ ,11\0MIC"A IX 4·67 11 IO'JTH C:O.O.IT "-UA l (Q.JJ,l ' ' 10tl 4MO: .H2-1$1 1 I YAIUl l'O 3.8161, fl 4,n,o "l'llMONT n •·1 •11 AtSO AVAILABLE AT SEAR:S CATAL OG ANO APPLIANCE S.TO~E S --·--·--------------------------------------------------·---·-----------·---.. ----·· ·-..... ~·. ·------\Pe11tagon Watchdo~s (~riticizetl V.1\SHINGTON \AP) -Sen. \1'1Ulan1 Proxmire sayfi a blue· nt>bon panel intended to be a 1vJ1tthdOO of the Pentagon h;1s ber4mc.~by virtue of n11htary cnnlracl.a held by a majority of t11c1nbers, a 1hif'ld Hg:lins! i'l'l\k1sn1 of the d e f c n s e cstablishnient. Ei ght members of t h c pre~id1·ntia l pan!'! h;1re in- terests totali11g n1ore than $! hllllon in dt>f('n~l' • rc!at<'<l husincs~es, the \V is co n s i n OemocrC1l said . "Ob\•lol1sly this pa11el is caught in the l'm brace of the \'C'I)' burea uc-r111·y it is suµ· posed to l'val ua\e and 1.:on- strucLivel_\' critlc:lzl'," he 5ald in a Senate spl'cch lo be delivered l01lay !Jul released Monday nigh\. EXPERIENCl::D ME,'I The Pentagon, how~ver, said the members are "widely ex- perienced ln!ll~lduals from many walks Qf ~fe" \\'ho are ser.~ing wit hou t pay. 1'1eir dlver~ily s ho u I d r nablc thcn1 ''In n1caningfully <ind objecti rcly view na ti ona l defense needS' (ll llle nation ,"' defl!fl!le officials said. The panel was named lust June 30 by Preside nt Nixon and assigned tu study pro· turen1ent and rnanage1ncnt pr;icticr s of th~ l 'cnt:igon. I lolrlin~s by 111e e 1 g h t mcn1bers in 12 l·on1p11nies doing 1nore than ~15 rnilllon in business with !lie Defense Dcpar!mcnt, and positions of 1""'0 of then1 wit h insurance 1·on1panics holding i:onl raelor stoc !>: or loans raise~ a conflict of intercs1, Pro:-.n1in~ said. ''In short. the~ ;ire the right n1en who may be faced \1'ith recommending rhangcs \l"hlch may hurt thei r o•rn in- terests,'' h~ said . STAFF l\fEl\1 llf.H ln addition , hl' said. the 1 ~,. 1ncmher panel's d 1icl <id - 111 inis trativc off icer. J. F red Buzhardt., is a Pcnt~on Slafl member. "Tile panel has bcco111c :;nolher crc'<1 !tn1• of 11\c Pcn- lagon," Pro~n1!1c ~aid. '"The panel is at lx:si a snam, at worst a n ind:c-.1ion of how powerful the Pen agog has ac- tually htton1c -so powerful t.hat ii is able to 1·ontrnt !hose 1vho woul<I cril icl;c ii." Proxmir~ ~upfi1ed this list of those he t\·~ctibed as ''mem bers y,•it h rlosc Pen- tagon associations : -Robert C. J ;1ck~on . l'hairman, Byan !•·ronaulicat Co. -George Chan1p~•n, a di rec- tor of Traveler.~ lstirancc Co., ln1crnational Paper Co. an d An1erica n Sincltl~z an ti !11i nin g Co. -Lcwi1i Frankli11 P1>1rrl~r , a Hich1nond. Va., lawver whose firrn, !he sen11or .~iiic!, represcn1s Ne11•1"14,r\ N !' w s Shipbu ilding and Dryd.,rk Co. -Hubcn F. Mcl\Jrr, ex- <;>uality Costs No More ..• Whien You Buy From Springdale Hardware I' I' DUE IN VALLEY TV'1 Robert Wag ner Car Sho\\' Slates TV 's Bob Waner Television star H o li c r l \Vagner .,..·ill be a spcci<il gul':>l at the Fountain Valley H1gt\ Schoo l Boys' League Fir~! An· nual Car Show fro1n 10 a.n1 . to 5 p.m., Saturday, al the school. 'V:;gner 1vill lie on ctl!1_lPllS fron1 2·5 p.1u. Lo s 1 g n au tographs. 'rhe star of It Takes A Thief 11•lll also pick the ~·inner at 2:30 n.111., in '1 drawing for a J londa 50 1notorcyclc. At lc11sl 17 luc~il 1::1r d1'id1'rs 11·ill have !heir nl·11· 1111•t!l'IS •Ill di splay 111 the :-i<'hool"s op1·n quadrangle. Adn1ission l~ Ire<>. but a donation of fifty cents In the Boys' League \\"Ould be ap. preciated, Funds 11·i!( go toward Boys' League activilil'S during the school year. The Sundari dance b.1nd 11,dl perform in Lhe un1 pithl'.Jlt:I' fron1 1 t a.n1. to 1 p.111 Refreshments and inforini!linn on display car.s will he pro- vided. l'Ctltil'c ,·ice pr(':;idcnt ;111<1 director of TR\V Inc -\Vllftcd J. f\I C'N~il, dirl'!'· trir and adviser of Fairchil d !111ler Corp. -\Villian1 Blackir, chairman Cate rpillar Tral'lnr rn, <ind a Ulrl'tlor of Shell Oil Co. -\Villia1n P. Clement.<> Jr .. chairman of the hoard of ~overnors of Sou t her n i\letlt>disl Univcrsi1y, whiC'h Proxmire said holds $735,000 111 de,ense tontrae!::.. Prox1nirc said Clements is a di.rec lor o[ Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co., ..,,hi ch ht'15 defense industry loan:> ancl :.1ocks totaling $7,6 n1i!lion. and chairman of ~EDCO, Inc .. \\'hlch has $93,000 in dcfl'n~r contrac!s. -John l\lauricr F'luk r, pr·cs, ident, John Fluke l\J ;11u1fac- turing Co. THE BEST Re~d,.,.~;p po I !• prnvt "'P•~nu h" ;, on& cl l~e wotl,f, rnc-•I popul1r comic 1Jr;p1. Rt0ad ii 1!1;ly in th,. DAILY PILOT. Why Be Satisfied With Anything Except The Best! . ' HttLlltAY ltttLLBlt lt~ltllY I Free Roller and 11 ay Set with one o gallo of ~~. SPRINGDALE HARDWAR[ 11HD s~ ......... HUfttlogton kh. IU-446J • DAIL V PTLOT JG Nixon Model Cities Program Troubled \\ASJll;\:l,TON IA P) -ThC' N1x1u1 iu.hn1111~1ru1 1on, v.11h trouli\t:s 1·n~1ugh i.ilrl'ady ovl'r ~1·hool desegreg.'.ll1011, is trying to cra~c any 1111prt.'s!>io n it con· doncs racial t.!1scr11ni nat1on in ti n· 1\lrn:kl Cities urb<in aid f\CUbl":Jlll The r.·lodel Ci ties p1'0llle111 th·~·l'lnpcd when I h l· ad- 111101stralor •11 I he C'Orl· l'l'lltrall'!t renewtil progran1 1o!d ;;i rcpurtcr the govern· n1 enl 11ould not vett) a 11e1gl1borhood wish to rebuild ron all all -tJl<1l"k ur ;11!-whltc ba~I~ "\\'e fl'('l (!('C1:.10/l!<,·· 1111 ni ~1 nt !(1r, these are local said t he Cid· Flnvrl H. 1-lyrle. <111 as~1sta11t secrct"ry cir 11110.~uig and Urban De\C lo11 rucul. "'As long as we 11re :-.11tisf1ed that I.he prople_ 1111\'C /\<id freedo1n of choice and \1•ant to go that route, then we don't plan to interfere." ~I E~tO ISSUE IJ Hyde has s1n1.:e l1red o!I a clarifying men10 to all J1 Ut:1 regional offices after feeHnt!: pres!urc frorn gover111ncnt civjl rights officials. The nierno reads in pnrl . "Any local prOJ)Qsa l tlcs1An - l'd to accompli~h segreg:il!on through discri rninatory :.ie1ion \~011lt! be in violation of Title VI of the Civil Hights Act of 1964. and \\'oul d be rejected by Sears Sear.s Care Servi ce Pro1ecl.s The \ia lu c ,)f Your l\.r n1uo rc Dr)'r r ScJtS highly · 1rained 1echn ic ians a~s u re yo u service sat isfac.1ion with personal izcJ proression· al care . . We service y,·h,11 ·we ~i:!l, wherever }'Ou l ive: or may in rhc U.S . .A . lt11s adrn1n\strat1on. "'In <idd1tlon, whenever a Ci· ty has. or should have, 1dcn· tified d1scrlmlnat!on as one of its probl cn1 art>as, ~·e :.ire 1teterml ned tha t its progra111 wdl adequately and com- prehens1vel)' Cleal with this Depooed Lives in l{in" "' Egypt CAIRO (UPI) -King Id ris of Libya, deposed eight ""'eeks 11go in a mi11Lary takeover, has bern granted pennission to live in Egypt. the ncwspapl'r Al Ahram said today. ' problen1 in • mtunlnglul "a} " Will CUl."OIJ.ragc 1n 0 b \] I t y lhrouahout the community and increase the prospect ol peo- ple movi ng both in und out of lhe 1nodel nei ghborhood rather than bei ng locked in." authontl'd by Conlfes!I In 1006. 'fhe admlnl~lr<tUon pliln'> lO spend $JOO billion on It th11, yea r But some goven1m1:nt l·1 vll rights offi cials re1naln cun- cemed abou t llyde'~ st1He· mcnl in the c!ar!fying n1emo that the administration "has not estab1ls.hcd a polll'Y to use the Model Cities progran1 as a11 af fi m111tive tool to achieve the integratlon of a rnodel neighborhood.'' ATIACK CAUSES 1'he Model Cities progran1 t.'> an effort to funntl all lhe rtnewal federal-local dollars can buy into target s!un1 neighbo rhood!'!. The idta is to altack all the causes of pover- ty and blight within a slun1 through one Integrated pl an. Hyde ernphu111Led in h1~ nll'lll<l that rna 11y ledrte1 education, 11 o us i n g and renu\\·al pro gram s in- corporated In a iltodel Cilil·~ · pl<in require ::1s~urances ul nondi:.t.T1111in <itio11. ··Any such µro11 ram cnrn - ponent which does not adh ere to these po!ic!es w o u I d ~eriously endanger the fundinji o( the entire MCKlt l Cities prn- grn1n of a cHy .'' he said. "I believe our qc;tions to J;1te fully den1onst r11te our (.'(Jill· mitmcnt In this {egefd. '' tlydt goes on to suy, ''IL is my personal 1·iew· that the ;:ic. eon1plishrn~nt of the prin1ary objective of the l\1orle! Cities program, the improve1nent o[ the total quality of urban Hie, in the model neighborhood, So1ne lM communities in 45 stales., lbe District of Colum- bia and Puerto Rico are participating in the progranl 6 gas m11ct1 the big dllflll!ICe Kenmore Perma-Prest® Cycle Gas Dryer Scaro L_ow, s13 9 Low Price • Cyclt.1 for norn1al and pern1anenl prMs febri c •"Heat" and " . .\ir Only'" temperature eettini.;s • Lo1d·A·Door makes a bandy "'·orksbelr • E111y reach top·mounted lint ecrr.cn • Acr)'lic finished cabinet wipe~ t lean t.lodel 70~00 Sears 3-Cycle Gas Dryer Oototanding s 15 9 Vaine! • Cycles for nonn11. delicate and permanent pns1 . , • 11afe for ill fsbric1 • High. warm, 1ir temperature 1election1 • Easy reach top mounted lint 11creen • Convenient Load·A·Door make11 wor kshcl! Model 70200 Soft Heat Dryer with Wrinkle Guard C ;re nt V nlu c! • Soft Beat ••• po~ an cn<l to baked·in wrlnkle1 • Fabric Mister .•. ende temperature !ielting guesnvork •Wrinkle Guard ••. keep1 permanent prcu clothet wrinkle·free •• , top mounted lint !S<:n:en • End-of-Cycle Signal , •• eigna l.~ you the n1oment clothee •re dry Model 701)0 Buy Now on Sears Deferred Easy Payment Plan Your Monthly Payments Begin in February OPEN SUNDAYS •.. For Your Shopping Convenience STARTING November 2nd IUlNA ,_..K TA 8-,400, !i21.,SJO C•NOGA PAIK J,Q.Q66 1 ll MONTt GI 3-3fl I c;trnoA11 CH !i-100,, a 4.,611 HOllYWOOO HQ 9.5f'l INOtlWOOO O• 8·2.521 LONG RACH HE 5.0121 HOllWAU:: IM .f·n61 ot't'MC & IOfO Ali 1·521 t ou.NGt 637-2100 PMAOIH4MU 1-3211, IL ~211 PICO WI a.4262 Wfl'A ~kt 7°137t SANTA R lfllNGS 944~11 a.t.NfA MOtOCA IX 4·6711 IOClrN COASJ l'lAZA 540..3331 JOUAHCI !i42· l,l 1 VAlltY ,0 J .1461 , fl4·2210 VUMONT Pl 9·1911 COMPTON NE 6·2.591. NE 2·.5761 COVllJA 1166-061 1 ALHAAIRA 2U9l 5' ARCAD!A 4~j..4 100 IU R8AI"~ 8'3·31'1 CHINO 627-1,71 Cl11.Vt~ CITY 117-1161 CVPRISS 116-1550 POMOH4 ID 2·11.&5. NA f.5f61 , W 6-67.SI IAH 'llNAHDO fM 1 ·7121 Al SO AVAllABl£ AT SEAR ~ CAT Al Qr; AND APPi IANCE STORF\ KAWTttOllNf '1f-0611 HIOttlAMD PMIK ,,...,,., H~lON llACK l.U-2•1 lAUWOOO 624-74'0 10$ AlTOl '17464 llOC!CIOllAOll>N0 IUIDAUWlll 1AN ND10 147~1 aHIJ.IMH O.US "1.JIOO SUNlAHD al2-4'SI Ul\AtefU.1f'lf _,.,,.....,..,,,. WDTMHml .,,_,.,., WIST COVINA l'U.lA 960.1161 .. Sat:ifoction Guaranteed or Your Money Bock" Shop 6 Night1 Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. fg 9:30 P.M . Scars 1 J ..... LY PILOT Lt. Col. IUcMnt L. ~totller ol 17ll Bahama Pl.act.,, t.:'<l.sl.tl t.teaa, commanding off icer of Marine Attack Squadron 13-4, Marine Air Reserve, accepted one o( two identical a·~1ards J'lf't'8~ted by Ma]. G ' n , Robert Keller, cotnmanding general ol the 4lh r..tarine Air Wine, l\larine Air Reserve OCC, GWC Offering Short Oasses Short offie,.wttk. c I a s s e s ranging from civil service preparation and PBX lO first aid and auto a i r conditioning v.•ill be offered beginning in No vember al Orange Coast and Golden West colleges. Registration fo classes al each campus y:ill begin No\'. Training Alanlito.s. L os The squadrons were award· ed the "Chief of Na~·al Oper•- tions 1969 A\'iation Safety Award.'' "It is rare l'A'O squadrons located at the same slatlon ob· tain such a hlgh re<Xlrd or safe flight during an identical period of time," the general sa id in making the awards. The citation presented to lhe con1manders read, "The ac· comp'lishment of the record is the resull or co m peten t leadership, superior technical skill , and o u I st a n d i n g alrmanship.'' Col. \Villiam Groeniger of f'ullerton accepted the other award. Pvt. Donakl L. Clark, U.S. Am1y, of 200 E. 20lb St., Costa r.1esa , has been assigned lo the 512th Transportation Com- pany, Vietnam. His 1nother, Mrs. Pauline Clark Jives in El Monle. .. \A/tdnt~ay, Oclobtr 2~, 1%11 PILOT-ADVERTISE J l the Air rorce Sy~1er11s Co11l-Costa Mesa, is a rnen1ber of a 1na nd a\ K 1r11 a fl d, Albu-unit that has w{lfl lhe U.S Atrl qt1erqul', J\i .i\I. J-'orc.:e OuGland1ng U JJ 1 l tlecorated with the Bronze The Jieulenanl ls a graduate Award. $12 00 $18 95 Star medal for meritorious of Huntington Beath High ALrman Fishl·r. an air • • achievenient v.•hi le engaged in &:hOOJ and or Occidenlal freight sp<x·ialist al the 37;,c)th n1ltitary operations against !he College, 1966. Technical Sttool, SJ1eppard Now NOW Viet Cong forees. AFB, Tex., will wear a The sergeant. an ln!elligen\·e l'tc i\licbael U. Hr,wtr, zu. llistinctive service ribbon to Starts Thur•. Oct. JOih-: •t IQ A.M. technician at Tan Son Nhut son of J\lr. and Mrs. Browning nu1.rk the honor. 7 88 AB, Vietnam, was rited for Brewer of 1953 Newport BlvJ ., The airn1an is a graduate of outstandlng leaUership, pro-Costa J\1esa , has been assigned Ne wport Harbor High School. HOWARD'S MEN'S SHOP rcssional knowledge and sound as a11 infantryman with thei--------'=----11 Judgn1ent. He is assigcd lo Aml'rical Division, Vietna1n. Read The Daily Pilot 's 42 FaUtl•• l1l•ll4-0,,..11. llo.dw•r the 377th Combat Support His \\'Jfe, Sonctra, Hves in Newpon h4Klt-Ph. •44·2175 98 Croup, Pacific Air f orces. Huntinl,rf.Qn Beach. Award Winning Ope11 Mo•. thni Fri. 10 ,. t :JO--Scrt. 10 10 • e laMA-rlcarcll • Mentor Ch•rtt • Di- ll. Cleo T. Hierlmt:ier!,J~A~1~nfn~•n~l~.ci.~RJ°"~'~'d~F:i~s"'~'j·~=~:~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~·~-~·~l<~•~•~E~·~P~'"~'~~~~·~~C~•~""~~ll~•~"~'~·~~~~~~~~g L:SA F, son of J\trs. Annadell son of i\lr, and Mrs. Marion E itorial Pag es Hierln1eier of Huntington .fisher of 1753 Tustin Ave., Beach, has been assigned to \Vright-Patterson AJ-'8, Ohio. The lieutenant, a c o s t analysis officer with the Aeronautic a I Systems Division, previously served at the Air J<'orce Plant Represcn- tatlve Office in Huntington Beach. Sears 3. Hours are 6: 15 to 9: 15 p.m, Pre. Jerold J . Werner, 22, He received his commission in 1967 upon graduation fro1n the U.S. Air Force Academy. Fee is 1$5 per class. son of ri.frs. Betty Werner, 3223 Courses ~·hich will be of· Colorado Place, Costa Mesa, ferW at OCC include : has been assigned to the 45th LI. Frederick A. Biel;, son of Civil Service Preparation, Engineer Group1 Vietnam, as r.1r. and Mrs. Charles G. Tues d 1 y 7 . 1 0 p . m.; a combat engineer. C.:arst'en, 312 ISU1 St., Seal Duplicating .Processes and Beach, has been named as PBX, T-Th, 7-10 p.m.; PBX-, 1 __ S~gt_._c_h_ar1_., __ T_. _•_1_<1_on_n_i•_~P-'~'l~""-'-'-"_k_,_, _w_i_th_a_o_o_i_t _o_f I Receptionist, Tuesday 4 • 7 p.m.: Shorthand Review, M- \ll, 7:30-10 p.m.; Typing Re view. !d-\V. 5-7:30 p.m.; First Ald, \Vednesday, 7:30- 9: 30 p.m.: Efficient l\feal Preparation, Wednesday, 6:30- 9:30 p.m.; English Grammar, Tu and Th, 7-10 p . m.; Reading for Speed and Com- prehension, sections ~londay through Thursday from 7-10 p.m.; Slide Rul e, TI1ursday 7-9 p,m.; Data Processing 1'.la th, Thursday 7·10 p.m.: Teacher Aide. T-Th, 7-9 p.m. At G"1C: Typing Review, T· Tl1. 7:30-10 p.n1 .; S alon Techniques, 'Vednesday 7-10 p.m.; First Aid, 1'\.·!onday 7-9 µ.m.: Basic Writing Revie~·- Thursday 7-9 p.m.: Reading: for Speed and Comprehension. l\f-T·Th 7-1 0 p.n1.; Auto Air Conditioning, \Ye<lnesday 7-10 p.m. RegLstraLion at OCC \l 'ilJ ht· in the admissions and recorUsJ o,fice. At G\\"C it \\'ill be held Jn the administration building.! Huntingto11 Vets Day Plans Laid A joinl observance o r Veterans Day on Sunday, Kov , 9 is being planned by the American Legion and the city Clf Huntington Beach. Viet r..tayor George f\lcC racken and Huntington Beach Legion Post Com- n1ander Hal \Yirtz are co- chainnen of a committee for the ll a.m., one-hour program. Sint"t Veterans Day is ac· tua /ly Nov. JI , f\layor Jack Gre'n is asking all Huntington Beach residents to f!v the Ame rican nag on both Nov. 9 and 11. Emphasi s of this year's pro- gram v.·ilJ be on young men \rho have fought in the Viet· nam v.·ar, according to Comdr . \\'irU. r.tcCracken said all !tic.al patriotic, civic and scn·1ce (lrgan1u:itions "·ill be asked to participate i'n the No\'. 9 pro· gram. ~1aj. Donald Babb1tz, of thr U.S. r-.tarine Corp~ Air Slation at El Toro and councilman Donald Shipley have bE:-en ten- tatircly listed as speakers for the reremonies. Indians Hit By Epidemic A polio epidemic is Ti\'aging the primitive Auca Indian lribe In the Ecuadorian jungles and at least 15 have di ed. accordin g lo a Santa Ana missionary organiza tion. None of the tribe's: people have been inoculaled. ac- cordi ng to Ben Elson , .ad- mlnistrator of the: Wycliffe Bi- ble Trans\n!lon Society. head- quartered at 219 \V. "'alnut SL. Santa Ana_ Vaccines are being Oown in- to lhe area, hov.·ever, to ald the Aucas: through a chain or missiOfl! mainlained by the organiz.alion in the jungle ter· ritory. Word has filtered out from ont mlaalonary, Miss Rachel Saint, that 15 persons "''err dud in the first two weeks of the epidemic and it may now have wonened.. Sears Sears Kenmore Floor Scruhher-Polisl1er I JO"' Priced! $18 •Balanced 1 1o!i~her hr:1d , •• po l l~ht:r\\·i!J n o11 111 h hcn lirt r•I from lhe flo or • :! co mbinalion h ru~hr., ~ rr l! huffinir; pad~, :: ~nap" ~fad,J 8110 FREE Home De n1onstratio n fta;o '"•"Ofl ~.,... Lle-r...,.~d E••V ro•·m~"I r1 ... 'our M<in1h11 fo:rm.:nls 6e«i~ in 't 'ehr111r .. ' ) f I ~-~·~~- • ?"" • ' : '· ' i SA VE '6.95! '29.95 Scars Canister Vacuum • l wbttl eiinister ••c • Togl~1wi1eh. IS'rord • Athlehrnenttinc:h1d~: rn1-noor tool, du11· ing brush. 6-ft. pla1tir. ho1,, 2 Irietioo fit w•n<k Model 29.Z·t. Shop Mond•y thru S•turda~· 9 :30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M, Sunday• 12 Noon to 5 P.~I . liUJ. aoaau~ ~P co. Save 22% to 30%! Trim or .. Sa,·r •;J .~O"' 111 : L~tl('X J'ai1tl 11., .. 1~~ , •. ~,., •I lr>e <:o~• (<)t·rrn•~ rhie~ in juol •1i·h•. 499 I" •l•rorA\or eol. "'" .f R;.1M'1,', Sa,·c '3 Now on I Coal House Point R~larSB..?9 • r.; .. , flo•11 ... •MOOthly, cfriN i• 599 \12-hoar. m•WJ eoJ. "fl· #!900..i ' '169.99 Portable Sprayer lnd?d., .. n,t:;'h.,e 12988 •nd 1nstruct1on~­ :-'ave $40! e Sprays aU material to 8-incb pattern '199.99, 'I• HP Spraye~ 49.88 '259.99, I HP Sprayer l 99.88 Latex House Paint 99 talion '9.99 Latex I-louse Paint • 1-coat co\·erage o,·er a11y colors., f!:teept on ~hingle~ and ~·hal.cs, •Irie~ in V:z.-~onr • 5.i r.olOJ"S plus 11i·hi1e. \Veal her r~i&lanl. #.1000-S '8. 99 Latex ~cm i-Gloss • l1rie.i lo a :;of! mediunt .-h•·l'n inju,tJ O mi.nu~. l:i..t·e llent fllr w.IL!ls th a1 l'l'•'f'ive b<ird Lreal.menl. e Wide choice of decorator i;ulors. #7300-5 '9.99 Honse or Trim Paint • ,:\'on·chalking, non-,,lili nl11·:., non-yellowin,s uid on e coat caver0t.c;e, e,_•·t:pl on shingl,..,; • ~.J. (J ec"f'ator color~ plu • "hilr. 62,l(IO-:'; '9.99 Latex l'laL \Vall Finish •;,..\'\'av dtrra.Li li1v. :-.crultl•.ihlr, ri nr-('ria l t OV('r· a!!.r-~o l orfa,,t, ~1~11 1 ;,ind ~t a in re-I-I Jn! •:i t 1ll'1·or<1t or c-ol<Jr· pl u~ "hiir. #81i1Ml.:; THE ~Ef\ll S JJE:~T Cl \RANTEE lf one µ[!.,,., j.,h to ~o~t.T ~t>f c;ol\JT with (I~ U'.lOC ... hen l pp!iC'J ,., i t•lc ""' '" ti.c,.,! ·l~Q ~q. ft. pt·r i;:.11· lo a or fad~ r,) l:ir-•Uk>t•aY ''' ,...._,1,..,1,. ~·in>1. rhe fol. lowini; ~~itl~t.c ~!al!" h1>u:,ehuld J11r, finscrm~rl..i;,. lc;ul l 'C!IC!I, t.r~)'C"'"' hr''"~ 111,J p t•)(: !'C!X.JI , .... hen "".<.<htJ"" ,J,.,,·,1e.!,ur 1..,1, !•> 11.:01 « .JX1tt1ngfr(;m .;(laf', '"'·atcr ''" Jti..,r>;C'nt. "r dl1' r.on• TJ,'11 d.-.~~ not re111ai11 inl•t.t rnr 5 \C'ar5 t1 om ,J,•c-nl •Ir, ••I! woll lurn•~h a..!lloriv<i~I r~inr io ~re n•vcrJS"OI' rd und t\>f, ~ pk!C' purd1~c f'l'•fC'. Save s40? 3/i HP Portable Air Co1npressor w /Tank Ii r .::11 l.ir '1 ·:·1.'1') 99ss • l'uts the r:ompr~d :rir"' here you "atrt. it., wbttl '\OU ne-edit.D eliv,n2.9 CF.Mat IOPSJ • ·1:::.Gallon stora;t: ta nk (or ev4!n rre"'°1uc. IItnTY in lo Seaf'j fot" I.hi~ greal bny. #17Z34 ! Save '15! 3-Gal. Paint Tank carry. 2988 ither 3 gallons of paint or I aint can. Pressure regulator lo hang on ladder or , to 16105 OPEN SUNDAYS ••• for Your Shopping Convenience ••• TARTING Nov. 2 , ________________________________________________ , I ~·-'" •. uoo, '''"'"0 .. ~GI 3-.Jtl l IOM'.I ""°' H! l.0121 ~SI ).114!,..,... t-J \61. YO'"''' wt M>41 .auntCOJ.R~ J.40..lm I ~PA.)40.0661 Gt~lllOf~l Ol)(,0 4 .... 11 Ol,TMPll;&»!'OAH l ·3711 A"*D7.J311 ~$41·1S\I~ I <'OM'JOHNi 6·2Sll, HI: 2 Sl61 MJlll'WOC)ll HO f .J.941 ~ 631·2100 ~ A .. !lftGS HUO'll Vlrltm' l'O ).I.If\, I CO'IMl."'"°'11 9'f(.l!WOOO Oll·2511 ·~ .. 1-3;1 1.»t.4}'1 &a:it«AClU7tl ...-l'lf.1911 I '------------------------Sears-------------------"Satilfaction.Guor.ntMdorYo.rMone,lock-·--.. m-. Sh.p,,....,,_.,,,~s~ •pti»AM. .. t.ao.P.& ----· ~----------------·------------------------------------------·----------·----. ~ -----· ., 12 Pl LOf-ADVERTIStR WtdntSday, Octcbt'r 2'. )%q w~. Dcto!w 29, J~ DAILY '1LOT Jl'' t Vital Statisti~s for the Or0:nge Coast Area Marriage L~censes School _4 verage Low 111 Tax, Bond Issues Success of local school tax and bond proposals i n CalHornia dropped lo the !o\\'est level in three years during tl1e 1968-69 school year. according lo a new sta1e1vide :<urvey released today by the L'dlifornia Teachers Associa- 11on (CTA ). The survey prepared by the CTA Researc h Ik'part1ncn t reports the resulfs of 237 ta;.: rlections and 227 hood t'lcc- lions fron1 July J, 1968 through .June JO, 1969, r.lajor findings arc: During !he 1963-69 Sl'hOQJ ~·ear, 2!6 school di stricts held :l.17 tax elections of v.•hich 121 15!.1 percent) passed and 116 !-18,9 percent) f:1ilcd. IJllrln,i: !he same period. l!ll !>L"hutJ] districts held 227 bond rlci.:tions of wh ich 81 135.7 per.· ("Cn! t passed and 146 (64.3 pcr- t"Cnl ) fa iled. 'l'he total amount of successful bond issues was ~280,076.335. Bond i s s u c s drfc<ited a mo u n I e d to .5862,268 .430. Dr. Ga rrard (:ordon, CTA research CXC'<'Utl\'f', reported 1hat the 1968-69 percentage of successful tax elections w·as J ~.7 below the prl'vious y!'ar. The drop in bond l'lcct1on sui.:· t·csscs was 9A percc1 1~ Successful tax clcclions this pasL sc hool yC'a r \l'<'r<' also 2 2 percent belo\v the 1966-67 le vel. Bond election succcsst's \1·crc do"·n 5 4 percent from the 1%6-67 )·ea r. 1S<'e Threc- Yca r Chart on Tax and Bond Election Hesulls at end of ~1orv. l G0rd on noted 01at once <1,Eain. a minontv rule pe\·ailed o~er b-OnJ clec11ons. "If school bpnds had re- f11 · cd a · ra!hC'r than a lwo--s nlajon1y vntf', therr- 1•:ould hJvc been 200 (88.1 pcr- r-c>n1) ra1her than only 81 1:15 7 perccnl I successful hond clf'C'· !11~11$ last sehool y e r a,'' (;ordon said. "For In 11 9 of the r1ections that failed, a n1a- JOT1ly nf voters \Verr in lavvr of lhe bond~. but their \\'ishrs ll'l'fC thwarted by !he minor1· 1y .. (;ord on added lhal. a1·· 1·ord1ng to the latest report Jrom the US. Office of Educa- tion, of the 50 states 32 require only a si mple majority vote for school bond approva l. New York has lhree requirements, 50, 60 and 66 2-3 percent, depending on the charter and classification of the local school system. Three states, Alabama, Ha\1•aii and Indi ana, do not require voter approval. or the remaining 14 slates all but one require a 60 per· cent or higher voter approval. Nebraska has a 55 percent rule, States ''1ith a 66 2-3 percent majority rule are California, f\1 assach usctts. Missouri and Nc1v Hampshire. No r th Dakota, "·hich also requires 66 2·3 percent vote has, in ad· dition, a 60 percent rule in cases or emergency or in school districts or over 5,000 in .'iludent popula tion. Gordon pointed out that the issue or a minority of the vo ters having the final .say on \.\'hether bonds pass is now being cha llenged in t h e Califo rnia cou rts and those in :;evcral other states. Jn California, Sutt('r County Superior Cou rt Judge Robert (i. 1-lauck has ruled that the lwo--lhirds vote requi rement is un('(Jnsti tutional. li e agreed v.·ith plaintiffs that the re· <1ui rem('nt violates !he one- n1<Jn one"vote principle set down by the U.S. Supreme Court in line v.·ith equal pro-- j('c lion of the law clauses or the 14th Amendml!tlt of the US. Constitu tion, The suit, now on appeal, was brought against the Yuba City L'ni ficd Schoo! District to fo rce the sc hool board to authorize to sale of $4.5 million in bonds \.\·hich did not receive a two--thi rds vote but \\'<'re approved by a majority l 56 6 percent) of the voters. A "class action" on tl1e ~iin1e consti!utional question hn~ bl'en fi lf'd in lhe U.S 11is!rict Court in Sacr ainento 1111 behalf oi' six plaintiff s, in 1hc hope of SJX'Cding up a U.S. Supreme Court dec1s1on on the issue In \\'est Virginia, the Slate Suprcn1c Court has ruled again st a 60 percent re- qu1rc1ncnt. in th at state. Th e ruling. 1101\·ever. may be a p- pealed. Also, a lower court in Idaho has ruled against lhl' 66 2-3 vote requirement in that slate. The decision is being appea led. JOIN HAIR & CO. Come As You Are Breik th• cha in' cf roller1, clips, •nd dryers. Try cut 1oft sc i,,or cut ••• YMI l'ftCIJ nnwr ••to Mt JOW Mir ogaln. Now ••• Penelope (Formerly of j'.iene Shecove) & Robert Pignotti HAIR & CO. · (at RIVA'S) . It l17 Marlrie Ave .. lalboa l1land-P'fton1 67J.12>1 fer A"'t. O,.rt 1 IH'(t t. liwH. WI-0--"IMM t.fl P:w ''" Mll;• C-& L ....... Wanted Operator with Following Sears '160.94, 151/:z•in. Drill Presses 11988 lndwtrial Quality, with mu lri·speed attac b- n1ent. 20 different !>pceds from 230 RPf\f rr, 8000 RPM SJ>('CiaJ .. safe lock" Vi-lei. capa- cuychuck. '64.3 7 Grinder & Wheel Combo !-20! 4488 Deve lops YJ·HP .• sharpens tools, rough gri nd, shape, fini.s h grind and buff. Adjust- able tool rcsrs and~ ty g.la.ss eye th.iclds. 20-inch Rotary Mowers Ligbweigbt and ea.sy to handle. Regular $126.99 10.5 cu. in. engine, fold=atic 8883 badle. Self<leaniDS bbde, DO ad ;u.. fuel system. Save $62 to •93 on Bench Saws or Radial Arm Saws Crafll!man Power Tool Guarantee Free service and paru upon return, if any part proves defect ive within I year of sale. This guara'.ntee does not appJy co electric tools used in re nta l service. -~ SA VE '12 on Crafblman 18-inch Hand Mowers Quieter mowing. easier push· i~ ~ steel blade" sealed Dall beariD&S in reel. steel' frame. Adjusu Miro 2-inc)ics. Regular •239 Radial Arm Saw • lo.in. radial arm 6aW with friction loek that holds carriage eocurely at rear ead of track • Electn>mecba.Ucal bnke -blode within 10 aeconds •Develop• 2.HP ••• eot~ wood 21,;..ia. thick. Very a.ccnnt• cutting! e Large 26Vu:40-in. table •Color coded control formeyeet-ar • Ideal ror profawiOftal or Car ,.:tv .._ worbbop. Model 2943 SAVE '93 Regular '27()3 9 Bench Saw 0.lgncd lo moel the precision ~ meol.& of craftsmen and home wort.hap ownen alike. Comes mmplete with l RP. motor. &tand. ::! l[id~ e:stemioa _. guard eemhly. OD4JIT twitch. # 13702: I '62.92 Radial Saw Kits 3999 S.l VE 12:!1 Most popular md useful UC<W'C'in . . • molding be.i,, dad o, j aefl or molding cutttn. head guard. mi1tt \'iSC and book. Jb. dial ltlll ... kir! '129" Crafl!lman 18-inch Power Reel Lawn Mowen OPEN SUNDAYS ••• for Your Shopping Convenience ••. STARTING NOV. 2 ·-------------------------------------------------, .. ~·-To\ MfOO. !i21-4S>O l1. MONJ,: GI J.3,,. IOtll llACI Hf: 5-0121 POMONA. ED 2·114$, NA ,.,,,,,, YU U 7SI PICO WI M262 lQUIH ('Qt,lf "UA 540.»JJ I I CANOCM.r.ur l.f0.0661 Cil&IOAlf ot J.100f, a f..U11 «'tW!C, 9010 AH a.J211 wn1. ANA a 7-1311 lQaAta .u2.1s11 COMmJNNf 6-2~81, NE 2·5761 MOU.TWQODHO 9.Jf~I OIAHC( 637-2100 ~ SAHTA "9'IMlS t 44.t011 VAWT PO~ ....... fM,D'JD I I ~WO.Sii . K.UWOOOOll~S21 P.uACllNA681·3211,lS1·•211 s UNTA~IX4471 1 vttMONrl'L"lfll '------------------------e,ars --------------------' "Soti1faclionGuaran11tdarYour~1lock" ___ .,. Shop6NithlaMMdaytlnuilhSatunlay9;30A.M.Iot-.JOP.M. l " ' . I . I -~. --_..,,.....__ .. , -----------·------------------------------·---. . . -, • -; 'J ' . . . : -'. J & CAIL Y PILOT W«tn~sday, Octoblr 2.9, 1%9 Saboteur Got to River·side Grand Prix Cars· Hy OEKf<: JIOULGATE Of ll>e D•W\I P HOI Sl•ll Unshakeable ev idence e1nerged tod<1y that two race cars were sabola~l'd in the l'arly 1norning hours Sunday to a!Ject L11e outco1ne of lhC' Graod P(IX ;i1 ltiver~il!c l nternational R1t<'ew8y, th1> DAILY ~f.LOT learned exclusil.'cly. • Suspicion 1vas alsu strong tl1;1t a third cur 11as lan1peretl wl!!1 bcfon: lhl" l"Jt<'. F,ear 1hat a subotcur had run r;n11 11;111l 111 f1'.lt Ri verside garage area ca11scd c1 l'ry entrant v.'ith a car failure in ll1e ral'l' tu ~an1 i11e tu s prohlen1s elo~f'ly_ "Brakes ll l're tan1pered \\'!111 011 Ilic ~'f'r­ r an driven by New Zeal:lntlrr· Chris ~11on ;11111 the McLaren (•I 1.nlhar MtltschcnlJacher. Although J'(· .. 11h~ of flu~t-rai:e l'.'xun1inat1on of tlii.: John 6urtres l'h<111arral 11erc not avai!ab!e, l h~re was a strong hint lhal his engine l><1s deliberately sabotaged. Fortunately, no accidents resulted frcun fu111 pluy -at least n() acridents oe· currC'd duri ng the race in whi ch there "';lS proof that sabotage played a role. I !ere 's wh-. L happened lo the three cars in question ; Anton's cre1v discovered in a routine t'h:)Ck before the race that the cotter pin hjd been rernoved lroni the bah1ncc bar, a part of the braking syste1n. The car :-.tarted. but was eventually disqualified for push starts io the pits. Off icials were notified, and Ille word \1':1s passed to other cre"s -check your brakes. l\·linutcs before race lime, l\1otschcn· bach{'r found lhe lefl re ar rlex line of his brake.s had been cu t, probably V.'ith a ll'hata~'a !\'lean No Contact .,. Cinl"v r•o11 ell of the. Da llas Chaps looks like a v1 ctin1 of an autoinobile accident not ~ basketball -playe.r as he gr)niaces \Vith pain Ilf!c.r h1tr_t· ' inf! J font 1 ry1 n ~ fur a rl'bou11d ngn1n~i JJ1tt sburgh Tues day n1 g11\. J-{1s • wire (·utter. His crew (.'bangtd the hoe and bled · the braker, arriving ten mln ute1 latt to the pre-grid . · Soon arleT the race started, the new, he stll y·lnst&lled braltetine worked itself loose, lorcing Motschenbacher lo make a pit stop that dropped him out of con· tent!on. He flnl1hed 11th. Surtees' car suffered a mysterious engine failure that caused him lo miss lhe start. He completed only four la1>5, one at a time, as he p!tltd t.hree Umes to all ow his crew to chanae spark pluas and 1nake other adjustment.~. Jt turned out Lh01t one cylinder was tle11d. nnl1 the crew concluded that a fore!g!l objtct had been dropped in the intake manifold. As far as BHI Young , presil"lenl of the Ca lifornia Sporls Car Club was con- cerned, sahotaae was an inevi t.able result of poor !ltCurity mea!urts in the garage area. ·'Sa lurd.11y night before ~he race it was about 8 o'clock and 1 was leaning against a v.·heel on Ron Goldleaf's Lola wtien I fell something hit my elbow." Young said. "I heard it clank Inside the engine compartment of his car and so did his crew . "They looked a long time and finally came up with a large bolt. We could never figure out where it came from , but \\'e thought somebody had thrown it." Larae crowds of people In lhe garage area all weekend made it difficull for crews to work, but by and la rge they \\·ere well behaved . Yoill\K still believes thtre should be more protection from in· UP'I Ttlf•Mlt head is bandaged irorn an earlier injury. Dallas v.1on the ABA game, 112-111. Oil City Fans Went Wild Twins Best I've l\'lanaged, Says Rig11ey . Friday Nig ht's Biggie Recalls '46 Tilt r ans ran umuc~;. ripping down 111c ''"nod en railing at old, dccr~pit S;:1n l~1 1\1ia 1.:1111·1 Till y .~\t)rinrU 1111· f,t>ld ;.ind ~;L·nerally bcha\1ccl much 11\..~ gold 111111c r-,, \I i1n l111d j11st ~truck 1! rlt"h, • .\nr! in a w:1y, the~ (\;id ll wa:-l'l~6 and th1·1r ll1111l1ni;lon B(lat l1 Jl i!!li !\chr.111 fuolh:il l tl';1111 hi.Id just edged :-<.1 n!.i An<1, i·G, 10 111n 1hr Sun~ct Lengue ·•·!1;11111111111.~hip, And 1•. l1t'll you r ;·0111- 111on1t y \ ~cllool hasn"t 11un a league ttl lc _111 ~O :'ears, 1 h~1l's cauSl' for ce lebr1Hlu11. The chap \l'ho klckt~il the con1'fff sion \1·hich rlccidt•d that ga111r"ii oul comc w~is F ran~ Ciarrlh. One of ll untington's top \VlllTE \VASH .......... ~ ...... ,,. " •r11nning backs \\'as Bill \Vi se. A center l\'38 Ken ~1oats. Now, all three ha ve you ngs\ers playing J irSl strin g for lhe Oiler varsity and J\1oats also happens to be coach of tha~ ·classy 19ti9 squad. <Hld h:i~ a bye dale ·1 hl· Oilers clue\ /'1·1arina in addition to tlw CD·IC'<iders. ~n ir Huntington 1vins those three for a 4·0 rli.1 111plon~hip, \hat 194fi scent: 111;iy be rcf}1';111•d Nov, IS in lhc finale \'.'1ll1 ;"\1'\11x1rL Orlter Fnmlly A .. u Huntington isn 't the only are11 ~ehool wherr ft11nllv ar t,r, are in\·ol\'ed on the 1969 rootball · production, Kewf)Qrt Harbor has it,r, i;h11re of second 11:enrration atbltJes. Oenn v BC'an's fathtr Bu rk v.·us one of th<" top niilers of 19~7-48, non ;ind Bob Tripp come from a long Hnr nf talented Newport guards. Their ftilh cr, Gerald, was on the 1947 Sailor tcan1 under Wendell Plrkeni;. Thrir uncle Don Tripp played on the 1912 teen1 -Nc\\·port's only cham- pion ship squad. l\n(l Cliff Tripp, another uncle, played for Al lrwln in '48. A furlher note on the 1969 Tripp~. Their mothl'r Is the former Barbera Bergeron and her brother \\a~ a guard on lbe 1951 Newport team that tied Anaheim, 0.0. Dd'n Burns coached that oulflt. Newport al10 bas a number of former players· brothers performing this year. Bill Shedd, IUU Hendershot and CTalg Rothenberger have all watched older brolheri; pe.rfonn 111 bygone days. This Newport hlatorlcal data i~ courte1y of former DAILY PILOT sporl s editor Uon CentreU 1\'bo qu1rterbackr:d the 1949 Sailors. Aro1111d the Bent nick r.tanctbo. former basktlball and baseball star for Costa Mesa High, Newpor t Harbor and Orange C.oasl College is now back in the area. He's 11·orking as a!h!etic director for the Jlarbor Boys' Club. E);·Costa Mr:sa -OCC football whlz Ste1·e CoUlesh bas caught lZ pa!1es for JS3 yards this ytar at Whittler Collr:1e. And, Ton1 Matthews of Costa Mesa was on the undefea ted Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) football team of 19~3. illcl,aln Con1h1g to Cd1!1 Denny fltcLaln, Cy Youac award 1\'lo· ner of 1968 "'beo he pitched 31 victories and ltd the ~troll Tlgtn to tht basehall championship of lhe world, will appear in the Orauge Coast art a Nol'. II. Ht' wUI be at llammoad Orran Studio. 21114 E. Coast Highway at I p.m. for a. public appearance. At that time bt'l1 pla y ibe organ, d<J 1 dialogue routine and chat wtth customers. Ml NN EAPOLIS • ST. PAUL (AP J - Bl\1 Rigney says it's much too soon to think al.>out an opening cl;iy lineup, but that it 1~·ill be ni ce lo \>"ear the 1vhit e uni!orm at r-.1etropolltan Stadium. Rigney formally wa s na1nerl r.tinne!ol a T11'ins manager for 1970 Tuesday and hraped praise on the power-laden lineup, which used to cause him to shudder. "When I used to v:alk out here and chan11e pltchers. I l'i"Ouldn"t \el the new pitcher look at the left field seats," sa id Rigney, a veteran Of 14 managing stasoM. "I c!ldn't y,·ant him to be nervous." The 365-foot fence looked even smaller lo Rigney with a Twins lineup last year that included .300 hitters Roel Carew, Rich Reese and Tony Oliva and slugger Harmon Klllebre"', whom Rigney feared most. "It's going to ge av.·fully nice to be V.'earing the white unHorm and w11tching Killebrew go to home plate,·• said Rigney. "I've bc<>n watching him for nine years and he has scared me to death more times in the eighth and ninth in- ning!. It's a pleasure lo be on the same side with him." Rigney wa1 In the Twin CIUes to slcn a reported '60,000 one-year cont ract, ,(~ terference by race ftlru of c~ws working on their expenalve tmper•mental race cars. The failures l h•t appeared to document the suspicion that some kind of nut was on the loose last weektnd caused other crew s to take closer looks at their ow1\ car failures. 1'he failure most difficult to explain of the lot was the crash of Bruct McLaren's car when tht 'uspenslon failed about midway through the ract. McLaren·a c~w chief, Tyler Alex· 1nder, examined the broken rear "''lshbone carefully and reported he could find no tampering. Howev tr, he was at 1 loss to explain why it broke. Properties of metal being v.·hat they are, a failure of that piece should have eauaed the break lo oe<:ur 15rveral inches awsy from where It did. "We don't know wh•t happened," Alex· ander said. When McLaren era.shed , a course marshal! was trapped ia his path. The of. ficlal was hospitalized with two broken legs. Failures of tl'IJ lwo Coela Mua entries -the Dan Gllrney Mel.eagle and the AUtO(."(lasl Tl-2.2 Titanium car driven by Jackie Oliver -apparently were not due to foul play, althoogh Gurney's car suf- fered mysterious engine trouble on ra~ moming. Olficial results of lhe race listed 14 drivers as nol finishing and two others as bein!!: unable to start. Tn a race of this type~ the failure rate is not abnormal. But the drivers are jlttery just the same. Four Speak Out Big 10 Coaches Roast Off·icials CHICAGO (AP) -Four coaches have violated a gtntlemen's agreement this tiea•on and publicly crlficlied football of- ficlaUng in the Big Ten. Thia is the biggest package of beefs ever aired Jn one season since lhe agree· ment was establl~hed II} years ago ''in the interests of better officiating based on the premise that nothing is solved by public discussion of it." The violators are rookie Big Ten ~oach Bo Schembechler of Michigan, Duffy Daugherty of Michigan Slate, Jim Valek of Illinois and Ray Nagel of Iowa . Valek and Nagel leveled charges in the last several v.·eeks. Proble1n Bovs • No Problen1 For LA Boss LONG BEACH (AP ) -Age and so- c11-\led problem players are of little or no concern to George Allen, the coach .Of the undefeated l.<X'I Angeles Rams of the Na- tional Football League. "I couldn't care less if a player is 25 or 35 years old. 1 just want results," said the bo.o;a of the Rams during a brief cof · fee break at the team·s training quarters here. Problem players~ ''I don't worry ii a player is reported to be a 'problem,'" Allen declared. "I want to mttt the guy and find out for myself if he is a problem." Allen tic kr:U off a few of the Rains whet came to the club v.·ith such reputations . , . Maxie Baughan, Jrv Cross, Bub Bro-...'ll came to mind. "I could use some more 'problems' like them." the coach cracked. It ha.s been said the avera&t age of the 1969 Rams in this, Allen 's fourth year as their head coach, is about UI . ''I've heard th at figure, 1 think. I don't really know," Allen continued. "But ag e in terms of years doesn't bother me in the least as long as the man does the job. "Bill George was 36 wflen he came to 11s as a free agent from the Chicago Bears in 1966," Allen recalled. "I told him I'd be satisfied if he could plOil y only h.111! a season. 1-fe played !he full season. He did a lol for the ball club in mental tou ghness.'' A ft>1v samples of Allen's dealing : The Rams acquired Tom Moore from Green Bay, supposedly past his prime. Moore·~ blocking v•as ;i bi e; factor in the 1,000 yards Dick Bass gained ru61ting three yea rs ago. Allen t.rsded ~loore to Atlanta for Bernie Casey -alro "aged" -and the now -retired Bemie was a key perfor mer in the Rams' 10·3·1 record last ytar l'.'ilh ~ touchdmi.·n passes to hi~ credit. Beugh1n, of cour~, has been outilan· ding as the lineback!ng defen1ive slan.111 c.111ler while Bob Brown rates a1 one of the mO.Sl powerful offen sive tackles in football. Both Baughan and Brown are alum ni of the Philadelphia E01gles. Alle:n's trading philosophy is ?.'ell J.:;no\\11, "I want lo trade for today,, not next year," he says, which ex plains why he ha s no qualms about trading hl1h draft ch<lices for proven talents. "Ye.s, I m•Y have 11 little trouble mak· 1118 trade1 now. But then again." he said, "maybe we won't have to make many tradts." The Rama art &-(!. Obviously this ls not trading time. ' Daugherty did it after the Spartans' 19- 18 loss to Iowa Saturday. : Schembechler got in. th e act in a telephone conversation al the Chicago football wrllers meeting Tuesday. Daugherty said an official made 1 n "unforgivable" error by ruling that an in-- eJ;gible rrceiver, tackle Dave Van Elst, was downfleld when Bill Triplett threw a 38·yard touchdoYi'n pass to Sieve Kough. The play was nullified. Schembech!cr said; "Officiating hag not been very good, in my opinion. They call penalties ~hat arc not penalties. They call penalties that shou\od not be called. Officiating could be improved upon greatly. "PerhflflS some officials are not good tnough W be in there. But I'm not putting blame on them for any losses." Commissioner Bill Reed in the last to )'Cars has passed out only two reprimands for public criticism. They went to coach Jack Mollenkopf or Purdue in a 1965 outburst and to coach \Voody Hayes of Ohio State last year. Reed v:ou ld not confirm th at reprimands hal"e been given this seaso n to Valek, Nagel and Daugherty. "Lei's just say l''e have been In touch 1rith then1 and leave it at that," he said. "As for Schembechler's remarks Tuei;.. day, I don'l lhink they were necessary, in order or justified." Mayes, whose No. I ranked Buckeye~ ha ve a 19·ga1ne winning streak, can fi nd nothing lo beef about. "But it is obvious frotn a study of our.1 and oppcnents' films that officials are rrackin~ dov:n on infractions and calling them closer," he told I.he writt.rs by phone. "And this changes coaches' plan~. ''This se ason \'IC had a clipping in· fr actior. called against us and J chewe<I out the official about it. But in viev.·ing the film~. J Sll\'I that he v.•as absolutely right J'rn th.inking or ?.'riling a letter about ii." Coa('h Ara Parseghian o[ Notre Damr said that "we've had good and bad calls this season but after coachi ng 20 years }'OU becoine realistic about ii," Ree..I sald that "I've never known of a )'ear when officiating ll"a.'i not con- troversial.'' "Aller the season's flrst few games our conclusion was that there was some rag- ge<iness in officiating." he added, "bul basically the mechanics of officiating are 11·ork.ing v.·elJ and that is a basis for good ;urlgment. "Are offici als cal ling tllen1 clost r Year in and year out v.·e constantly p11t emphasis on offlclatlng against all form :; flf vic1ou.~ pl;iy-piling on , sj)eanng , ct1·. \Vt "'ii! continue doing It.'' Not a Praver " For B11cl{eyes To Plav i11 Bo,vl .. CHICAGO I AP' -Otllo State, the na - tion's No. I footba ll team, isn 't going tr. lhe Ro.se Bowl or any other bowl, despite .Buckeye coach Woody Hayes' se:ntimenf.,_ Hayes, a brilliant tacllcian on and off the football flekl , iuseday said th at Jn his view this ia college football's JOO!h anniversary "and the best team In the country should appear In a bowl game in· cludin~ us if we are the best team in the country. lf not, we wouldn't rleserve ii." ~, He vi vid ly recalls that 1946 ga1ne . A'ld he says thal Friday night's crucial with \\"estminster at the latter's fleld is tan- tamou n1 to th<' '46 Santa Ana clash in J1n- portance. In fact, he opines 111:11 it's the biggesl came the Oi lers ha\"e {aced since !946. And, he mav V.'l'll be right si nce Hun· ,~.lingl011 has captured (Jnly one league title l'linte -Uiat 'in 1966 when it bagged l,.recwa~ loop la urels. One-armed l(icker Prefers to Tackle Haye:s made his remarks Tuesday in a telephone interview with the Chicago Football Writers. The bowl question pop- ped after Hayes' Buckeyes had .~ared 10 their 19th straight victory \~'ilh a 41 -0 triumph over· llllnols. llllnols coach Jim Valek said "t think it 11 a shame If a team lik e Ohio State goes undefeated and eTids up No. t and then cannot plt.y ln 90mt kind of a OOwl ga1nt, In "l:i6 Hun!J ngl.011 h;id no scnnu!'I r hal!rngers. But now lhc Or;itlJi;C ;ind Rlal'k musl get by Sunset <..'<>-leaders '\'cst1n ins1cr and Ne'A·porl !both J-1) to share the chan1pionship with Anaheim. Huntington and Anaheim 12-1) lrail the pacesrtters by a half gnm<>. An t1hcim <toes not figure to lose any of ilS last thl'ef' r nco11ntcrs \vllh the also·rn11s-. Bul ll1e oth<'r t hr~ title a~pir;1•1I<: arc nol MJ well f•ff. Nav.•port mu~t 1net·t Mun· lin~on ;1nrl lucklc.~ \Vcsll'l'n . \llestmu>S ter gets Hunting ton, Marina SAN DJEGO (AP) -They call him "Lefty."' His cotch and teammates say \11!"s one of the best tacklers on the foot· ball team as well as its leading scorer. ]Jut Dale Cu rtis has no lefl arm. ··r 1n a foothall pla)'Cr. not just a on.-- arrned placekick er." the 22-year-0ld, 5- foot.-9, 185·pound Curtis said. "1'<1 rather ni11 k<' a tai.:klc than kick a 60-yard field g6ol " lie lost the arn1 111'0 years a.11:0 ln a fork lif! accident . lle's l)Ccn righ\hande<I 811 his llf: but 1h;1l \ \Vhcn tcamn1 ales ;it J·"ullcrtcn JC gave hin1 his nickname. Ile kicked 21 slralgh!. eKtra points at Fullerton, then came to United Stale1 1 n temationel Univer~ity's California \\1estem campus. New he 's war.king on a string of 19 st raight, and also hu a pair of -46-yartl /ic ld gflals. He leads the team with 42 poinlS. Dale cloesn"t mind being c11led Ltfty, but "He gets down on people who fetl sorry for hlm, '' says h1s l''ile or three years, P11m. Dale a150 kicks oH for the \\'eslemers. ThHt.'s v.·hen he gr ls his chanct to make tacklf!s lie ki cked off six times ln 11 re- cent game and was In on three tackles, one unasiilsttd. "T1cklln& ls 110 prol:>lem," t h e younpttr from Anaheim, Calif .. said. ''1 hit 'em with my head, the way I.he coaches tell ua." "It ha.s to bt demoralizi ng for the olht!r team lb have its runner knockerl on his back by a one-armed fella,·· said \Vestemer coach Marv Braden. ''Lefly really slicks 'em . "!{e's so ans:lous to get down the field an{I make tht tackle that I'm afraid he 'll over·n1n the football and ml~ kicking It. "This fella 11 11! h!art. '' Braden said. "Vnu'd th.Ink Lefty ~1ould l.Akt it e1111y 11rter he kicks off but he &ets out and hits -and h1rder than mo~t. .. Last year CurUs kicked seven field g()&ls and scorC'd 40 points, his kmpst three.pointer from 42 yards out HI• live field goals a&alnst Whittier (Calif.) College last year set a NaUonal A.uocla· tlon of Intercollegiate Alhletlcs retord. ''I worked hard to at.ren&thtn my leg and Improve my distance ," he· saJd. "Now I mak<' about 70 percent from 60 yards In practice." Aft.tr 111 games. he's suctteded on seven of nlne fleld goal atternpt.s, in· eluding the two ~yarders. The shortest has been 22 ya rds and his avtr1~ dis· tancc is well ovrr 30. On extr1 piilnla, hlJ thi rd att.tmpl of the yea r was block~, glv!na him 21 of 22. "I don't think they should go to the Rose Bowl, but I sure would like to see Utem give Tennessee or one of those teams a rt:al thrill. Ohio Stale would tihow them a thing or two,'' said Valek. Bill Reed, commissioner of the Blg Ten, emphatically ruled out the possiblli· ly the conrur;ncc would give approval lo a team going to any other than the J\oie Bowl which he called an "•xceptlonal. situaUon l\Jnged on the Big Ten's no· repeat rule." 1 Ohio Slate apparenl\y 1vil1 be ,,~ limlr.td by the no·rr.pcai n1le tilnce the Bucktyes representt<l the conference la~t season and came off wlth a 27·16 vict.ory ovtr use. --·· .... . ·--........... ----------------------------------------------~-----:------:"':·-----; --- GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Coaches Bla st l_,ate st Stale ~lo1\ou.119 •1'1cre·~ no j11~ticr " 11 1sc arc Ilic reaction:. nl' ll\('k Tut·ker ..iitid :av Sh;ick lcford , football l'OLJches of )1~111,;c' C'oLJ t and Colden \V<>st Co!legc, J fi{'I' scclne. ilic c:urrent rankini.:s of the ~l:1'•''s lar:::r juf. 1;r col ll'J:le"', reica!i.Cd ti .. cl ~1v hy 1l1c. Ju11io1· er 1::g•. --...-: L1 ~·c;i11 . Shackleford natu ral!v :is~un)ed his trnr:1 11·outd in1nrol"c on-its No. 3 ranking er l;1~l 11r(·k nftrr the Rustlers v.·hipped top-ranked ~ast Los Angeles. 1 7-1~. Bul instead of going up, GoliJt>n \Vest slipf)('d one notch in the curren! poll and is n111v lied for nin th 11·ith Ensl Los .Ai~geles. F11!1crton and Ventura .. Or;ingc Coilst. 111hi ch 11•as third hist ,.,·ref: but lost its first gan1e to Cerritos, 2:l-ll tumbled to e•ghth. llO\l'C\ler, rank· •'d ahead of rhe Bucs is LA Harbor. a l!'"trr \hey c<.1rlicr be;lt, 21-20. Ha1·Uor look 1)11 r Orange Coast's Ku. 3 spot. ··1 don't kno1v ho\\' they could do that ." J;a1d Tucker. •·Ra nkings just don't ha1e ;•111· rh \'n1C' or reason. And ranki 11~ East 11 ,,;~ A1igeh"s with Colden \\'est is sirnply J·11~1('1J!OU.<:" !-)h;icldcfonl shJ"ugged of[ the slighl or 11 is team b.v saying "that's the way she ·~Ot~. I don 't know \\'here 1-\·e· beloug. but it srrn1s to l>e a little liit out nr linr since .\1•c beat Ea~! L.\. Blll 1"111 not going to '\rnrr•· about JI Ion 1nuch." 1rtiile !he <·on11·nver5y 11;1;; boiling :it ,he lower end or Lile lop 10. Bakersfirld. (IUC of only t1ro unl>P<1len and untied le:ims moved into the No. 1 spot. v.·h1ch .tast LA had held since the start of the •1r ar. \\'esl VallPy, the only other tean1 111th "'" t1utarnished rnark. rnol'Cd ur 1wo ,1otche~ into No, 2. • Jn the small college fl(Jll. Saddlcb~ck ,Cnlle!:(e climbed tl-\·O spots this v.·eck Into ~crond place de spite being idle. LARGE SCHOOLS • _ l . B:ikf'rsfirld «2. \\"csl Vallry 3. L.A. H<irbor .. 4. San Oicgo ,\le~:t ' 5. Cerritos -i 6. Ch abot '"i . Pi1sndena a. Orange Cna~l !1. !Tirl C.olden \l'e:-1 Fullerton " F:a.~t Los Angeles Ventura S.\1ALL SCHOOLS 1. HPeclley 2. Saddleback :i. Yuba 4. College or Redl\O..id.~ :s. f\1 l. San Jaclnlu tl. • :avilan 7. ilhra Costa ~-ll ancock !l. i\lonterPI' Peninsul<i lQ. \~'est Hill~ u;.n, lli·O I !4 I) 14·1) j 4-1) ([>.!) ( ~·O·I I l;i -l ) j4 -I I ( :l-1) !4-1 1 (4-1) 16-0) 14 -1 ) I .'i· 1) ~ 5-1 ) (~1· !) (;>.;, 13 ·~1 I ·I·: ~ l•\.2 ) \3·::1 R UST l,ER POl,OISTS SL A P SEA l/A IVKS r.nlden \Vest rrmained unbeaten in r-;ot1thern Californ ia 11 <iter polo :ic1ion v.•ith a 17-1 trouncin~ of Los Angel,s I I arbor Tuesday in the Scaha\\'k pool. The Rustlers have only Los An,i:elrs .J1tv lo beat fo r a clean sl-\·ccp of the •100P·s fir:>t round oppof)('nts. : Torn llermstad's aquamen CKploded fnr 10 goals in th e middle pe riods. Fi1 e .,in lhc ~econd and third, en route to their lnurth league win and 14th on the year. .,. Lance Norris and Al Rojiis did n1o:-;t "r the scoring for thr Hustlers. Norri~. ,iresh111;10 tro1n Hunlington, Beach,. h1l ll1e nets fou r times and RoJaS. a \\·esl· , Allinstcr product, tallied on three oc- .c.1sions. llermsiad had a chance lo substitutr · 'l r<"cly throughout the gan1c and wa~ plea sed 1~·ith the play of his second and third teams. O.t.JLY i-ILOT JI Too .Tiny to L.ist Weights Rio Ho11do HB Gridders Small, hut Lethal Not Afi·aicl By GLENN \\'lllTF: h"d to oorrow ururorn1~ fro1n the Pop The only trouble 1s, instead ot taking success. Too. our group coal'hes ~Btnny 0£ RustlCI"S 0t ..,. Da11, "1i.1 ll•~ \\'11111cr tcan1~ abu..,, lhey thsh it out. llapp, ~nnl:r Cax1no, Ross f.lacDonaldt tlun11ngton .Beach lhgh s football b. nd • · • ·d ets • r · · · · players are so sniall they ha ve to stand l.lut they were loo ig a 1'1oats had to llunt1ngton Beach s m1 g .are .,.1 or ha\'e done a fine JOb teaching technique." h . th . 1 k And lh 'J ~end lhtnl l>atk, so the story goes. the season, ranked seventh 1n Orange Regar<fing \\lestminster f.loal!'I clllls on a c ~1r to open e1r oc ers. e i\iluat:.' urf cns11e line a\leragcs 17:>.7 Cou!'ltv and are a hall game out or first . . ' are so hght that th~y are ~pare_<! the_ e1TI· pound:. n.•r nuin 11-'hile his bac:ks tip the plac.e ·in the Sunset loop. the Lions the top learn In the loop. "They barrassn1enl or ha\'1ng thelt ""'eight listed ··-1 ' . , •11 h start JO iieniors and a junior. Their in game programs stalt'S <>l an average of 159.2. That's I I. ey upset Westminster l1lfy s are . . At I th I, th. · 1 -d b h11rdl,\' \Vh~t you'd call a se t of giants in the lea d v.·lth Ne"'""rt 1-latbor a team quarterback (Ed Bane) Js the best In the ea st a s e pie ure pa inle y , . "¥ • . coach Ken ~1oats as he girds for Fridiiy this era or goliath-sized prep squads. they It meet 1n the season finale. league and they have t"o or the best run· night's Sunset League biggie a t ;.It •·nu think that's bad, you should see Quite imaginably, the Oilers' great sue--ning backs in Monty Downin~ and John Westminster. our JC fensi\'e team," moans ~!oats, v.·ho ce.ss has been a pleasant surprise. "It Baize. The Oilers hC1ve nn offensive starter! is so 1 hy :ibout those fifi,'Ures he refuses to son1eone had told me in August v.·e'd v.•in "They're so big they'll prOOably try and who \\'eigh more than 188. One end is 147. divul&(' the1n. three gan1es this year, I v.·ouldn't ha\'c march up aod down the field against us The.ivu ter boy is the biggest fell ow on the You can almost fee l sorry £or all those believed them," 1\ioats admit!. and if they can dominate the ball that field, little 1cllows v.·ho go oul and ta ke their ''But these kids have become a tightly Wily , we're in trouble," the Oil City chief Hunt ington is so din1iJJulive that Moats lun1ps el'ery v.·eek . knit team and it has a common goaJ -says. • WORDS OF WISDOM -Tl untington Beach Jligh Coolball coach Ken J\·Joats fires up hi s te am <'l uring a recent victor). "?\\oats. 11·ho coaches his Oi lers fro1n the press box al hon1c g;unt·~. Jia s hi s charges 111 Sun· set League cha1npionsh1p contention \\ilh a 2-1 record . Moat s' (orces invade \Ves l1n1n ster High Friday night Ior a cru cial circuit test. Mesa, Cdl\1 A,vail Tit]e Sl10,vclo,v11 Corona dcl lllar and Costa lllesa po~h.'<l big v.·1ns in lrl'1nc L<'ague water pr.lo ;ir- tion Tu<'sday and 11·ill n1cct head on 11t'\l TueSrla.1' 10 dcf'idc 1hc loop cha1npionship. Corona del ,\!ar rc1nni11cd unbc:1l1'.n on the rnt1rc sr:1~0n \1"ilh a 2J-1 clubh1n~ 11f Santa Ana \·alley 1n the Falcon!'.' pn:11. The 11·i n v.as lhe Sea Kin gs' l ~lh st1·;11µ1d. Costa !\le~a duinprd Ls-t~nc1:1. ; :i. 111 E:iglr 1-1 a!ers. Iii run the ~hl~l.t/l!;," JeiJgue n1<1rk to 4 0. ln oth('r play, fuunlain \ allr) etlge•! E(h~n11, 8·6. 111 ;1noll1cr lr1 ul(' -.~kir1111 11 ilnd :\"r1'. j)jJr\ l!r11·00r 1!Cft-aled U01rnc~. 4 3. in ;i no11·lt·11gur encountrr £i!:(h! Coron;1 ph1ycrs rracl1cd tllr ,..;('01"· ing column v.•ith Bruer Ulack and Scoll Kcwtomb leaclinR lhe wa_v with se.1 rn j!nals apiece. Othr rs to hit !he net5 \\'l'rl'. Bret Bernard, four, Bill Loitz and {;;irth Bergeson, two, amt Kurt Krum· pholtz. Brad Jackson, Peter Kemmcr!y an~ John Holyoake, one. Ron r-.1isiolek pacert thr ;..1ustang a11 ack \1 ilh four goals while r-.like Beat , Rl'llt J\inyon and Oa1·e Bannon added one each. Dan Heffe ran dented the twine twice and Steve \Vebslcr once for Estancia. Bill Rice led invading Founta in Valley lo its win over Edison . He wa s joint'd in the scoring department by Ru ss Solt and Kurt Westerfekl , tv.'o and R i ck Ostheimer. one. Bob \Vu rs1cr and DHn l'.:ddy each tall.Jed three times for the Chargers. s,, eetes(. ll'in Ever Lions Do1i't Use Mirrors, vl iist Oiithit A1iahei11i ('" a(· h C I ;1 r r \'011 l loo1·~bt·l.c of 1\1 ,\\· 1111 11 11~11 S1·ho11I Jnu ~t he t1~(·\1n~ like 111' li.i~ :1 llll:.11.t',\' 1111 111~ li;u·\; 11·1tl1 oltl L 11 ll J)ill d111111 <1t \\\·st111111:-.tl:I' 1·11n11Hng «!i•I "l1111lpd1" ;11·nl111d likl" ht·~ hl'l'l1 d1 •1 ng i1tl' till' fl•' I <"l•llflll' nl \P;i!~ \••.1lll'i1tl I ··11 1.11.r't l !r•·n111nduU~ ~111 1•" in 1,11 "~ 11•1110,,1! ·•t:aln~l Su1is1·L ... ,. .......... . 1{0(; l·:I\ C AllL~O\ ........... ,.~,.~· Lr<1l!'UC ri\;ils .. :ind 111ost C\cryonc clsr, /nr tha t 1n:11lt•r. Bui Wes1JTI1nster lligh ;ind its coach, lllll Bos11cJI , lirn•r bcr11 r11101hcr story. Jn lhc history of th(' !1\0 schools· eon· l1·ontt1\io11s. it'i; bcc11 <1 s1;indoff at ;).J·! ;inrt in c;irh lns!anc:e it 11· as v.-11 fl oorrb"kr 1·:-; l3os1vE'l l. The ILJst tv.-1l )rars l1a1·c bre n \\'t'.'il1nl11s!er's. But. thi l' ~t·a~on·s 21-6 lq)~c1 has 1o go do1-1'n as tJ1r :;11·eetr:.l 1\111 Cl'<'r for \Vcstmins\f'r. The Lions <1 ren'l nc:irly lh<' le:i111 Bos11el l prrsen ted lasl year -s1 n1ply be1·:1u"e of the Rreat personnel that 11·as 111 thC'" 1968 can1p. \\·esllnlnsler a IH 1969 lrt.1 rnplcd the Colo11y <111)11ay -i1nd in lhtJr own b::H.l<yard. f\o one rise hns bcrn :ihlr 10 soll'e J\11;d 1ci1n like Bu~11·cl l il!ld after 1raleh111g I.II'' {icl>aclr Friday 1u o;hl 1\ 1\'<L'i app<1rc nl r!lll'l'OI'" 11rrl' noL 1111·0)\•cd . 11'~(1.:;uJ ll 11 11~ ~unply a r;1::-c or <1n l'll· 1111' 1cii111 hcat111~ An:1he1111 at 11~ 01111 g.111 c. Thr L111n~ 11 ;11\l1·d lhr \ 11.:tory more 1lia11 Ana!1ein1 ::H1d ;1pp:ire111t_1· f1g11rPrl th;1L 1he sun .~i111ply 11011!d not coinc u11 t11e next 1nor111ng 11 they ll"ere to go down < to dc!cat. than anyone el~e this 11 ntrr has seen this sr:;::-on. i\nd, lhe Lion~ h;1d lhe hU lr th1ng<1 i;oinr for them that <1h1ays ::-ce1n to go as;1111st other Anahcin1 riv;il~. T11 ice poor kickoffs bounced a1·•)und cra1.ily, One went to the end zone ;1nd 1he olher to !he An ;ihein1 onr. The l'ila! nrsl down~ \\'Cr!'.' in:tdc li1• the til<•rgin of a foot or less 11hilc flnahCirn·s k c~· e!forts Failed by the san1e distance. S11 rl' com pletions 11·erc dropped olten hy the Colonists wh ile quarterback Ed !l:iJJr of \\lesttnintcr h:id an f'nd hy the n«n1e of hurt Dedrick 1rho coold noL Bosl-\·ell called it "our lii ggest win e1·cr ,'' and rightly .1oo. Nlou11ties Use Bo111IJ 011 Foes Bi1t Ca11't Wi11 Victories haven't come very easily to 1\lt. San Antonio College's footba ll I.ram thi~ season. 1'he ;..·!011nt1es, v.·ho hal'c the niost dif· ficull opening three-gan1c se ries on the ~outh Coast Conferenee schedu le. r11 n in· 10 another buzz.saw Saturday night whe n they Ince Orangr Coast Collrge . i'olt. SAC has taken i\ on thr chin in !lie first Lwo eon lerence outings, 4~-14 an1i 44- 19 from Crrritcis and Fullerton. bu1 la ... t 11cc k chalked up a 1•ietory 11·ithout 1nuch rlfort. An earlier '!.i·7 defeat at the l1ands or 1.(Jng Beach City Collrge 11•as 1r ansforn1- r.d into a 1-0 11·in for fllt. SAC 11•hcn l h e Vi kini.:s \\'Cre forced to forfeil the gan1e for us ing an ineligible player. Thal brought the J\lounUes' season record to 1-4 . Even though the ~tounties ha,·e been outclassed i11 all but one of their fi ve gan1es. coach Don Greeley's outfit has dangerous scoring potential. Thr i'o lounlies love to throw the long a~rial bomb. Jus! as Colden \Vest. i,rhieh sall' the r-.1ounties click on three such bombs After lhe Rustlers had salted a11•ay the contest. Greeey admits his quarterback. Don r. r a y, is a belier 1 on g passer than a :-=hort one. Gray has only connected on 46 percent nf his tos~s this season. bot he 's hit half a 1;ozen scoring strikes. Split end Ron Thomas has been his primary target, hauling in three of those scoring lO!!ses. 8y HOWARD L. HAND Y Of llHI h h'r "II" U•lt \\l hen a football coach pick! his team I.ft defeat a ranked opponl!nt and foraelll thl crying towel il's time to llstea. Coach Jim \Villiams of Rio Hondl College Isn't makine excuses for bll lelim's unimpressive won-Jost record '11 for an y injuries the Roadrunners rnilbl have suffered. He also isn't Impressed v.·ith Cold• West, hi5 Friday night opponent on ta.I Orange Coast College gridiron 1n a Southern California Conference ~ (rontation. Jn picking Rio Hondo to win. he 11)11., "We are looking forward to beating~ They c.re a we ll coached team ind •!) everything pretty well. "Their kicking game is ex~ional and they run to perfection. TI\'e defense i' quick and fast . But l thlnk \\'e will beat them. "l have to say we arl" t~ best 1"3--1 team in the country right now. \Ve have played a good game every week and all but one or our oppoocnl.! have been rated tn the top 10 before we met them," he adds. The R<>i.drunners hal'e lost to Cerritos (37·26). 1-larbor J:Z&-14) and Citrus (JS.17 ). They tied Pasadena ( l4-14) and defeated Glendale (21-12 ). Harbor 1No. 3\, Cerritos (No. 5) and Pasadena (No. 7) are still rated among the state's top 10, while Golden \Vest drops from eighth to a ninth place tie after defeating last 1-\'eek's No. I team, East Los Angeles. The confident Roadrunner coaeh feels his team should have beaten lfarbor last '~·eek. "\\'e had a chance t() ll'in it early. When you fail to score lour thnes i,i,•ith the ball inside the 21J...yard line, you can't '"'in. One time we ~·ere on the six with a first doY1n and fumbled. "\Ve 've had a fairl y balanced attack. We didn't run 1vell against Harbor because our quarterback was sacked b1 their defense. We did gain over 300 yards throwing against them." The Rio Hondo coach apparently figures this is where he will beat the Rustlers and is perhaps looking at the game statistics of the Golden \Vest team against ?ill. San Antonio and Santa Barbara. Both scored three touchdowns through the air after the Rustlers had won the game on the scoreboard. "Our team is a you ng one and our coaching staff is ju~i now learning my '\'ay of doing things," he continues. \\'illi;in1s is in his fi rst ~·ear at Rio Hondo after serving at Ca l State fl..os Angeles \. "A young tean1 like ours creates • lot of problems. \Ve have 10 freshmen in the starting offensive lineup with only Keltb \\'ortman (a guard) returning. "I'm not disappointed in our showing at <1111 . 1 feel confident our kids can rise to the situation and best Golden West. RJght no1·t this is the big one on our schedule.'' The Roadrunners make a comp!e!e thange on defense. "\\'e are more ex~ perienced on defense, especially in the secondary. I feel v.·c hal'e an oulstandin& clcfensive team." Rio Jlondo ha.~ scored at least t wo touchdowns in every game this year - but so has the opposition. And that i.s ~1ly it is currently l·l ·l for lhe season. Troja11s Shell Ai1teaters, 8-2, 111 Polo Tiff Sou!hern California's Trojans r:!llied ror live goals in the fourth quarter and dlJn1ped the l'lsiting Irvine Anteaters, 8-2, in :i irater polo 1n11tch Tue sday. Thr Trojans. along with lhl! \\"in. gained re\·cnge for rtn earlier 7-5 setback handed thcn1 by the An teaters in the lr\'ine pool. UC! trailed J-0 going Into the last period before Ji1TI Bredburn and Jim ~lc Donald could put through the only An lealer points. Bradburn's came via • penalty throw. 1-101\'el"er the two goals weren 't enough as the Trojans pul fi\•e ahots past Jrvi ne goalie Don Ronaldson in !hi! fourth stanza. The Anteaters wi!rl" hit hard in the penalty department. in the second half losing starterii Ste1'e Farml"r and ftlcDonald on fouls. Ir vine star 1\1ike 1'.larlln "'aJl held scoreless by Southern Cali fornia but played an outstanding all·round game. \Vlth the loss the Anteaters now atand 11-5 tor the campaign. .·Mira Costa Offense Is Question Mark "We don't !)a ve fa.ntastic speed In the backfield, but Ch2t \Ve lis, ln.1' Jones iind Al Da ve are all good runners," Greeley says. Defensively, the r.lounlic boss sa_\'!l mistakes have been the only out.standing feature or his club. Coach Ed Newland's crew took to the road again today meeting San Femand1> Valley State in a skirmish in Northr1~. NBA Standings '" Bv .JOEL SCHWARZ Of .... Oll!Y .. 1 .. 1 "'" ~· S.'.ldd!rback College has been !he : ~urprise !earn of South'm Ca lifornia Junior college football !his season and coocl• G~rge Hartman will ha ve a strong ~1ide.~ just ho\v good a team he has afler -SaLt1rday night when the Gauchos take. on .~lira Costa in the first of two crucial · Ut•sert Con ference gRmcs. And. strangely eno11i;:h , i\l ir:i C'ost11 rnnch Biii Cochran feels lhc san1c 11 11'1 al>ou t hi,; club. , .. , really 1lnn't kno1v hnw J{oorl ~team I li il\'C. \\'e always co1nc. along slo11 ly and it lake s us a long time to find out how good \\'e are. ''We'\·e wme a long way sint'C the season started. but 1-1·e still haven'l been te~l ed In a ronference game yet. Saddteback and Mira Costa are 2-0 in ()ese.rt act.ion, and are hnlf a gan1c brhiod the leader, 1'1t. Sa n Jacinto which is 3-0. "Our nffensc i!J !he hig question mark rir<ht nov.-. In tht last t"·o gnmr!'.. our deft•nsc i;ot us lhe hall 1 rry quickly 111 i;00tl field posit ion and decided the oul- rome l!erly. The rirst offense just hasn't hCilJ much playint lime." ~hr ;i Cosl:i ha ~ a regular 1\!utt and Jeff art 111 !hf' baeldiekL F1.llb<'lck Pen1 SanJr v.·eighs a healthy 2:J:1 pounds "'hilc lailback John Oougl:is hide~; in his sh:idow at L4S. "Saolc is an <imn1.ing pl;iyer," Cochran says. "lie has ,c?reat speed for his slr.c !5.1 in full gear IOI' r!1e 40 ). blocks well and runs hard. 'Our r!efrn~r h:is bern excellf'nt. trs rloo 1> ... t'\'Cr~thin~ 11·c'vc asked ." he says. ··s.1drll('l1:1rk "111111l<l he 11ndt"fe<1lc·d. ·n1r" <lid r1 er~ [lunb b11L win ;igain~I !:10111 h11e!'ol!!rn_ "I rn conrf'rned v.·11h !.l11pp1nc: lhrir quarterback llod G r;ive.~. naturally. llc's one of the best around . both as a n1nncr anr1 throv.·er And he r;ikes v.·cll. "Their tailback 1Toby \\'hipple) jg a rcnl fine ball carrier and the fullback IRotky F'!etchcrl is 1he best blocker \rt'·rl" seen .. "In addi1ion they huve fine rcr.ei \'Crs and both their offensive and defensive li11es are fine, <1uick ;ind :igile units. They h;,1·e the qu ickest linemen v.·e'll see "You h111•e to he i 1Tiprr~sro 11·h~ S:ill~ d!r1·ack." Cochr~111 .c:;1~·s. "In fact. I'd Ii~" to bf in1prcs.c:ed "ilh lhern .~itting in the .~lands instead or on the field ll'he re 1ny ut·ler 111ill probably i!Cl up." ------·--------------------------- "Yle just haven 't had any consistency nn defense. A lot of II pu been caused by injuries and having to put togelher a ne1v un l1 each 1veek. ''\\re·rc healthy th.ill week. but we 're facing a solld club ii'! Orange Coast. "\Ve have lo take al\"ay the outsi1le from cRay) Ricard~. He's a prclty good back and they seem to throw the ball \¥ell . "l\'c are going to try lo 11101e a,gain~l ll1e1n on lhe groun rl I saw Orange Coast against Harbor nnd they k>o krd like a ,c?ocxl learn defl!nsi~·ely v.·ilh that size, but I think ~·e can ru n," he says. •••lert1 Oh leleo! ¥11..._ OW~ WL,.d. •• Wt.ht.a• NtW Vor' I 1 .... -S.F .. Mll(• l 1 .n• \~ ""ll'd'lpl'llt J I .ISO !''t utA~I• J t .n~ -!la lllmor~ 4 ? .H1 :'J Al!t nte l J .JOI I l,H:wt lli<itt 4 ) .Sii ) Cllk.tOO l J .Sl(I I Ott;•of! l l .OllO 4 """"I• } J .1M ,\, Clndnne!I 1 I ,llJ 41;, ltn 011111• l J .Ue f ll01ton I 4 .700 J SMttle I I .009 t tv ..... y•1 Jl•vlh fl•ltlmor• !H, CHtro!t 116 1Jo1lon no, lo\!lwtl/ll" 10, tltw Vorlt 1H, AlllMI 104 Chlc•uo HI, Sfftllf llO T.._, .... _ Pl ;\t~•lpl'll• ar l•llllMI"• S•n 01-t i A!lt nlt Ch100~ ti I•" "••ncl1<11 ''"'""'I"• .. -M•!""""" a! o.frtll :h~ O!"'Oll •I Nt w ¥~ C:lll(lr11111l 1t "hMlllll .. ---. -. -. ----. -·------. ----------------------------------------------------------- _U DAILY PILOT Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT s10 In Cash For Each Week's First Place Winner 10 Voit Footbolls (or other Sports Equipment l each Wffk Be • pigsk in prophet. Play the DAILY PILOT-Piclt~roo g•m• for weekly prites. Winner 1ath week receives · $10 ce1h and a Voit Collegiate footbell (suggested ret<!l if price, SI0.95 1 or prize r icked i rom list of other Vo it qu ality sporting 9ood1 no prize under.$1 0 re· tail v1lue I. Watch for thi1 player', form each week !Tuesdeys and Vlednesd11 y1 1 in th1t DAIL Y PILOT Sporfs Sic· t ion, Circl e the teams you t hin k will win in the list of 20 9am11 and send in the player's fo rm or r111on- eble facsimile . Then watch the DAllY PILOT sports pages for eath week's list of 10 winner1. RULES I, 5ubm1! '"'' en1ry 11i.nk or • rt1oon•t>I• l•<•lm•le lo •nTtr 1n• ~IPll. ). ~·"" 10' P ILOT P l.OSKIN PICK EllOO CON TEST, 5POrll ~Pllrlmen!. P. 0 &OX 1~. Co1t1 M•••, Cd. 9U~6. J, Only one tnlry ~· 1>et1on tlCll ,... .... 4. En!r;t~ mu>I bf d•llver~ Cby moll <>' 11! iX"On) to DAIL'!' p.JLOT olllce ov l p.m. Tnuoa•v. w. J Vol• R:ubbfr Corp. •nd 01 IL Y PILOT emplOyn I nd !Mir lm- Me<l<•lr l1mlil•' ""' t ll!llble lo en~u. •· HE 811E,,KEll 1nd CHOICE OF PRIZE bli nk> muol bl' litltod In Ol tn1rV I• vood ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ •••••••••••••• E1,'TRY BL.41\'K ••• • 1 • • • • • • • • Cln:lt tea-yo11 tfllnk will wh1 tflh w..._., tomn fho-team ii MC.and oltt l\1tff) Roms vs Atlanta USC vs Cal Washin9ton vs UCLA Kansas Stote' vs Miuouri Florida vs Auburn lndiona vs Michi9on State Colorado vs Nebroska Wisconsin vs MichiCJGn Rio Hondo vs Golden West Mt. SAC vs Oran9e Coast Saddleback vs Mira Costa Mater Dei vs Bishop Amat Huntinqton vs Westminster Loara vs Corona del Mar Marina vs Anoheim Newport vs Follbrook Mission Viejo vs Lo9una Fountain Costa Volley vs Estancio Mesa vs Edison San Clemente vs Tustin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tl[ I R:EAI((" -l.'I 0""''..,, II• !olil nu"'b" ot Po•~ll ><Dtr<! • • • ~AM::.:.•--------------­ • ADDltlSS • • C1TY '"-----• • rHONI n x • CHOIC! OF r'ltlZE (C~ack oRt, clrcle 1"'i"' flR 1l1el • 0 Swl 111 1-i111 1: lierli1e Kit l' F•otboll • S M ML L XL 1_ Tether loll 0 lo1ketlloll • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• QB Tosses Strikes DAILY PILOT P""lo br Rlch1rd l\01hler VIKE UP THE MIDDLE -J\1arina Hi gh School ,viii be going \l'ith this type of bread 'n butt er play \vhen the Vikings invade Ana· heim's La Palma Sladium F riday night to balle A11 ahcin1 l·ligh in a Sunset League football gan1c. Tailback 1-l enry Lazcano 140 ) is the leading l\'la rina ball tJrr1cr running behind 1he blotking of fullback St eve O'l·lare (27) and guard Steve Abbott (61 ). SC Hits Harde st hi League San Clemente lligh School has as good a de[ensi\'e tcan1 as there is in the Crestview League if lhe opinion or Tu~tin coach George Allen is ac· curate. To Offset A1nat Ace HeartALLack ! MD Needs Big Rush lffi]s Coach PORTLA:\D. Ori' -El'nrsl S1nit h. 40, \1•110 c~rnc to thr 1 Lnivrrs!ly of Ponl:1 nd altrr l Caach Bob \Vocxls of !\later •·\re ne ecl the good r ush and Dei High School has a tiger on a good job in !he secondary. his hands Th ursday night and \Ve Jia\e to make 11 ad en he's the first one to adrnit that his ~1onarch football team is rcleaf<' Uit ball f:1~1cr but in for it s toughest came or the :::1nrr he has a qui ck rC'lcase, 1t"ll he lnugh In <lo, season. .\later Dci collides "'ilh ":\Jnal pr obably hns tht' undefeated Bishor AJnat at __ h_cs_, __ p_o_ss_i_ng __ ,_,_•_m __ ,_n Uirec-tions lo !\11. SAC Dunn l<'ad.~ 1he Orange compiling a fine record a> Coa~t area 111 rushing and basketb:ill coach <ll lhc l ni- scoriog 1~·h1lc llauprr! has ac-1ers11y or 1\lbuQuC'rqur. rl 1cd! counted for 812 ~anls. Hc"s 1\1rsdav brforc thr ~lJ rt nf his first sCason herr. run for 418 and p:i~~rit fnr ~24 . !)1n11h \\.:JS f11und al lus !1omr !>ho11 !ng Ill!> t-qu.d Pu l';JI 111 in l\t'arb.v <.;rC'~h;.:n by hi~ either clepart1nc:11. l'h11dre11 11heu tllr~· rt'.!i.rncd DtJ nn 11:.is ~( 1.orrd I 11• o ho111e fron1 school. J le w~s br- VikesDon't Lil{c Us, Says Van fllarina High School's root - Dall tellrn. a unit thl& has posted a 1-4-1 record and three los&es ln Sunset League action, 11•11! be up against a sta ggering· but still dangerous foe Friday nlghl when it i n 11 ad e :s Anahcim"s La Palm1 S\adluin for a ('lash with the Anahei1n Colonis ts. Coath Jirn Coo r1's Viking s pla,1 ed 11 ell enough lo 11.·in 1110~1 gan1f'S l:1st "''eek . but frll to Ne11'Port llarbor, 18-15. No\v they face an Anaheim cl ub th:1l has lost its last IYt'O ga1ne~ -son1eth1 ng that ha s otcurred against a Clare VanHoorebeke-coached team (lfll l' three other tin1es in the pa;\ decade. \"an Hoorcbeke has s ee n thr£>e game films (l f r..1arlna and ~a 1 ~. '"For the lire of me I t an"l ·undt'rstand how they IJ;i1 c \1·011 only one football · g31nc. ··Jiin has a goocl football tea 1TI down thcrr. Thr_v hHl'll ;i!w ays done a good job against us. For some reason··· lhev don't like us," says Van. Thr Anahcin1 nientor sa~·s his tcun1 v.·il! be fa cecl \l'ith ., basically the sarnc problem as the week b€fore 11· i I h Westminster. '"l\larina is very similar to '· '\"c stminstcr in style of p\11.y and 1'1n imprc5sed v.·ith their quarterback ! Rick Saeman). '·\\'e couldn "l p u t the · defensil"C rush on Eddie Bane ,,. (\\;estminster ) last week and if \\•e"rc to come b<ick v.·c'll '" have to clo a better job in that drpartment against ~larina. ··You can"t a1lo1v the receiver to run his pattern and then run ano ther pattern,''" says ''an . . .. Allen·.~ T11!rr~ 11·i1] pl:iy host to !he Trit11n., Frid;i_v 11111111 1n ll'aguf' :1rl+1111 and :o.('a~on records ol lhe 111'0 1r;in1s gl\P little ind1L·;1l1on n! 1 h c t:lo.~rness or 1he gcu•1l·. :\!I. S<in An!onio Collrgc 1n a kry Angclu~ Lc.igur ~lhs1on Th(' Lanrcrs ~port i•nr l'lf !hf' h1•<l p:is~u~ garnrs 111 rcctnL pr1 •p h i.~lory. louchdowns 1:1 l'~C h nJ the 111·1 eel t,1 ha1·r suffC'rrd i1 J1C',1rl :->orlh nn :\<''IJlfll"t Fro ·rw:iv -~'~'~"~"·~"~·~·lo~,~· ~lo:>~l~fn~':"_· g~·•:m:'~'~·-·~·-·~· '~'·~"~k~· ~"~'~"~lo~f':'~ln~g~h~>S~b:co:.l~k~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I•' lt11t·1·\1tlr F1·rt'11;1,\. \\(''1 011 ;111 1 !('1•111~·,. 1.1-.l. l\1 ver,1dl' F rt.'l!W<I\' tu Len1nn1 "l! will 1ake ;1 ~11prr1nr r f- forl for u11r kids 111 l1a11g 1n I here,"' Allen .~ay!;. dr:;r1tr his h'arn being a t 11· u -po 1 n l /:1\"(\J"llr ··Thr ~· ha1·e pl a:ir1 I :1 lol be'!· !er eornpcut1on than 11·r h;ll \'. \\'c"re a young tca111 ;ind 1rt~ milkC ;i IOI or !!llS l;1I..(·~ Oil l•f· fcnse. I wa~ <1l so unhap11: '>'."1\h ou r defense lasl 11 t·rh,"' lit• ;atd~ Th" T11s!1t1 c·na1·h rallt•d t.1 ~1ngle nut ;1ny p.1n1111!ar ~::111 t lenu·nlc 1lcfrn~n c pl;iyl'r". ~ay1ni:: onl.v tha1 "thry lul h;:irr1 ln f;'lt!. !11"~ .ire 1hc hf·!'l l11 11rr<; on tlt'fi.'11''' Jll n1c league·· Of(rn\11t\.1· All• :1 p11111I<; I" 11uar1t•rbath ll1LI-•:cddt•, ;1s 1111' nn1• 11 h11 ha I•• IJ•• 10111 11iri<«l 1f hi'; T1 llrr ;1n; to 1· 111. 1'1~111 rnd 1\11h \tr"\:11n:i'":i ~1"1 rlr.i11~ !111' pr;11~C\ ol the 'J'U<;l111 cu n.h P:11r 11n't·r1 ll 1<; '-l;'l!ed t11 flpen at ra1lh;ic·k r .. 1 T11 ~1111 f,,r lh r ~rr11nd 111•rk 1n a rn1' . <;t11·~· ll 1ck~. thf' l··:1d1111! Tilli ·r gro1111rl t:<llll•'I, 1~ H 1l0ub1ful pnri1c1p;1111 fl t' 11 ,•~ 111111rrd 111 a 1nflton·yrle :u·ctdcnl L1 ~l \1·rck anrl rlirln"l pl;Jy Jga1n~l fll!sstou \"iejo. Thr JUl11f)f 1'n1nbi11J!l(1n nl quar1rrb;1ck l':1L ll adi·n t•1 split rnd John J\1('1\ay i~ hcroming a near-legend before 111r 1\\"0 :tr(' cvrn seniors. Haden has con1 pil'll'd 1nr, 11r 1.13 nt 1cn1pt s fnr 1.780 y<1rd" ;;ind 22 lot11:hdO•\·ns. ll f1gurt·~ 011L 10 a 71 .6 completion pe rcentage. · lt"s a hard c:r11nb1n<1t io11 hi ~111p. \\'e"!I ha\"r to i:;rt 11 good r t1<.h on h1n1 i Haden• \\"r\·1· h;id ;1 ll"l'rih!r pao;.~ ru sh so f.1r thi:-. vt."ar. ll"s been a con1· bin;11inri nf !hing~ _ . , 11 r JU~t h;n·C'n't clnne a good JOh bu1 \\ e har<' the capab1l1ty to do II,"' ~ .. y~ \\\Kilb, SI, 111rnoff in An:1h C'1m. i\"orth nri Lr111011 (11·h1rh brenn10:-; 11.i riar(! i\1c,), 1\i ro11gh J."11llrr1011. p<i.'t Fullrrlun JC ;111d lo f\1·pa C11nyo11 Rnad. liigh! Oil Hrc:1 C:in.vn11 no:id . 1111·11 IC'fl ;1! fn111 ~t;111d i;-ibou1 !l 111ilrs1 ;11111prnrccd111 \':i ll1•v Bird. Highl on Va!lr~' Blvd:, ~ " left on Grand A1e. ,\IL SAC on a · right. _,?·:·~ . .,..- C".i!1fr11·n1.1 for a lnng, long l .~,~:-... -~~~< l)'llr.'" hr (·nnclur1f'S, ·'l{., ~ ~JP. r.1.1trr l1c1 figures to r ntc r1 ,,,,.. -'· . · tht• g,1111r 111 full str('ngth 111tll · ' ;1::-,.,. ... ' -"', t I· c t 111dcn1 ro( 11uarit'rbat k I ·• llnh ll au prrt ;i n d halfb;1rk ~!;irk /Junn guing at fu ll! Bat ter etl l\lc ~a Reaclv .; For 1st Ba11cl-aid Bo,vl ·,~ -~ '' ) l ". .. ~,-, \..,,\ 11r1':.. rnsl,i ~les~• 1!1~11 s ·hu(il r lann!'d to run ill"I tof- ft·n~r con ~is!ing l•f hand-::iid 1 .. 11 and h:in<i-aal r i .'l h t I h,wr\"rr. th is wrek co:it•h .\tax ~!Iller n1<1y run out of h<inr1-aids as 11'cll as player.". k id~ a~ 11-rll "Tllc lnJllr\' ~1111.~!10,1 11a~ i:;11!tl't1 so bad th:tl s11n1l' of nur kl·J• .1rr 11nn drring wh(1 ·;, 1::·•111~ to be nrxt," ~ars \hllrr. ItS an Old Forester lnj11ri rs l1arr hit I h r f·:ct1~(111. ;lc<·ordinE?. In the :\lr~a hoss. is J sound. team. '"Thei r c1u<1rterbzck iJerry lli110Jf1Sil) runs thr ball 11·rll ;1nrl throw.~ good. 111ey run a 111t of good p:iss pallcrns anr.! keep your 1lefcnsc busy, kind of day. I Fallbrook Tougli iri Li11 e \l 11~t 1ng." ;it epidem ic pro- p:irl i<JnS durinJ? !he firsl !'i'I: 111·~k~ of the seaso n and lht' :-thoCll already has had tn rancrl its juulor v a r s 1 t \" ~l'hrdole because it didn"t hn1 c l'llnugh pla)·rrs to st11l 11p. 4-Wa y Tic In Pickeroo \\"hen 1nu lo~c nn~: nl JtLh hu1 \v1 n another. \\'h,u ~ .i!u:.id i r\ ,i_:,da c<"lcbr.Hz•"l n 10ppt'd off \Vit h-lhe i:;ovJ 11 •. \0r nf ,J &rt ac Kcr11ucky Bourbon. fty ROGER CA RLSO N Of l'M Otlly l'llel Still Newport Harbor'~ no n - league opponent, F::.llbrook . has a lot of things going for it this season. Firs!, the V.'arr iors 11ave a ciuarlerba ck by the name of Eddie f cignrr, son of 1hc softball pitcher 11·ho"s a n<1- lional figure as the leader nf the ramM "King and his Cou rt" softball tea1n . Feigner reportedly hi s lhe same credentials Iii his father -he throws strlkrs. And , lhe f'al lbrook outfit boasts a delcnslve front four that l \'erages 130 pounds J>C'T man. The V.'arrior~· o \' e r 11 I J r eco r d . 3-1·1, is tlece ivin,11 . Arter v.·innlng twice , both rhrir ... tarting tiatfbacks -11an Lat- ti me r and S\rve Meyer~ - :::ustBincd ankle injurieli 11 nd 11.·ere out of the next three games. Jn ihat span the \V11rr iors pirk~ ll fl two los~es 11nd a tie. \\'ith the duo back. the \Var- riors riounrcd on previou~l.v unflefealrd San Marcos, 33-18. after !railing at lhe half, 18-6 in an Avocado League cn- co11nter. So . despite !he school"s sn1all 1>i1.P 11 .2651 in C'Olll· parison 11'ilh NL"wport Harbnr •2 .346 ). it appea rs that coach \\"adc \\"atts ancl his Snilors wlll ha \'l' more than enough to contend with Friday night at Stars Top Foe LOS ANGELES !AP) - \\'arren Davis ler1 Los Angele~ hark from a 13-point lhird- pt'rlod dtficil , then r.eor~r Lehmann too~ ovrr ;i <; the Stars dumped th<' Denl'l'r J!o1:krl b 1 ~118 Tut sday night 111 tJ1e American Ba~ketbalt Associat ion's first ovcrtirnt g3n1c of the S<'.'lSOn. lhe S11n Oiei:;u Count~ school ll 's thr run111ni.:: ~:11nr, hO\\'C\"Cr. that hil~ p101·rrl h} hr lhf' SUCl'l'SSflll wr.1pon or coach Glenn Fors~·111r The \l"u rriors 11:i1r inadr good use out of ril e shorl )'ardagc plays 111i\h l.<illlrncr Rnd l\1ryer::: doin,I! 111o~t of thf' 11·ork . Buth hal'r ;:ivcragrd four y,1rd s 1)rr L:;1rry . Lradlng the dcfc11s11·r rorr~ for fallbronk arc ~\lards (;ar.11 SaY•\'rr 12701 and Hich:1rd GarCia !231 I. !;it klcs Bob 7\lcBr oom t200) and Douc \\"illia111s (2201. The tough Interior lincpla y or Fallbrook"s dr frnsc has forced n1ost opponrnls to go lo the air nr outsidr. SEA~0:'-1 HE CO nn 19 Carlsbad " " 0 0 ~~ Vb la s.1n 11it.1?11 l10 Orange Glen 0('eRn~irle ~an J\·l arco~ II n :n " 0 18 So far r-.l lllrr has Jnsl 14 \vi1h injunes, srl'cn of l h e 111 :-l;Hl('r~. '"\\r hare a g::iod lt•ain i(ir 111r l1r;:l .11d lmwl ,"' quips :>l1l lrr. in n .~11 11 :1111111 :11111 ;i ~r.1~o:i lh;1t h;i~ produtcd l1l1lc 111 l:i ugh ubout. Thr latrst i·;1sualtirs ;ire 11uartcrback Kir11 \Volf who ha.~ a broken ~houlder, RlJard I l;111 :-p!rlbcrgcr ll'ho liJ s a h.1ngcd 11p knrr lhal niny rr· 11u1rc surgery and cornrrl.iack Grrg Jordan, v•ho \las cleated in !hr stomach. ~lillrr reported his lea111 '>'.Cnt lhrough its be.o;t pratli('r. '<('~.<iion or !hr .~eason ~ionday as 11 prrpares lor Friday's en· co11nter with Edison. "f lcrl our tean1 has had :1 :-uct:css ful season and our kill~ ha1·e played wrll, con.o;ir1r r in~ 11e"vf' had lo u~r a dlH rrcnl lineup each wee!-.. "lt"s h" l' 11 1l1~co1 1rag1n~. l'o11 e1·rr. 10 drop clost: garnr~ !11.e 11 r have nnd Jose all our A four-11,ay lie, in eluding two 111l'1nhrrs nf 1l1r. sa111c fan1ilv rr~lll!cd for till' flr~t pl:ir·r 111 t!ir .o;ix!h \l'l'rk of lhe DAIL'\' Pit.OT Pig5kl11 Pickeroo foot- ball )!:ue:i;sing contest A total of 36 parl1cip;;nls pit:kl'd 14 11inncrs \\•ith thr fo11 r dc.1dlocked pickers f'ach tnbbi ng the exact nun1bcr of point~ sco red -700. lnchided in thr first place deadlock were June .7\1. an11 r-.lark Johnson: Gerald L. \\'al ton. all of Costa Mesa and Sltphcn Boice or r.ie11·port Beach. Orhcr \Vinnrr:'i included: \"al 1\xcl,on iSunset Be a ch ). Tiobrrt S. Cnmpbell I Dana r o1nt \, Judy r o\\'rll ifou11t:i1n \"allr~ 1. rhris 1.11ngdnn ~Foun­ tain \ <1lll') ), r-.1argarc1 Stidrl 1 Cosl,1 l\le!'a) and S le\' e L:ick1r (Cost a r-.~csai. H~!U(' 1 I ''" " ·r . 86 proof. $6.19" fifth •p "' ... ~ Sl\"C 1 oi;o ~·hen ;l you buy by d1c Cl.Sc. /\r ~u o•r !•111 ! r,.., I l />(rc 11 rin1h.".-i-(<1(1 1n •h~ mukct ,, .... ' ' " .. ' .. •• • t · ' I , ' • 1r• '·~-· ~-T•ll n •• ·~-~ ' ••.. , . ' • "'. t . ; •!U •I [~~~~ .. l't• • jT 10. ~~ UI I~ • 1 •rucn • ""' VallJue11a In Retm·11 i To Baro11 s I Things h<1 ve neve-r· been bel· 1 lcr on the Founlain Valley ' Hi gh School foolbal! scene. Coac:h 8 r u c e Pickford 's r.cirons are 5·! for the ye<1r. 4- 0 in Irvine League action. have \\·on seven of their last r ight and are working on a 11Jrce g11n1c shutout strl'!ak_ And, Lhe Barons' (_·orp~ QI rripp!cd rn dun1n1~J11ng al a r<ipid rate. At last cou nt, only two grid· drrs a re 0 11 lla• t!isablcd lisl - both for the ycur. Bul Pi ckfonJ ha,; <JIJ ol h1 ~ backfield <ices baek and 111 tiood condition. Haek and ready to roll is riuarterbac:k Gary Valbuen<i, \1ho'IJ sl<lrt at spli1 end t111d br ready lo play qu arterback 1f neces~ary. i\nd backs Hitk Po11t>r and nick !'lfarlin ha1·e re turned ;i nd are ready lo :;t:-1rl in the Barons' hackfield <lf!cr silting 011 t nearl y half of the :-;l.'JSOn. Pickford says his tlub is 1n lhc best. pllysica l slinpe if s e1·er been in. "The kids are lough _ They 've been scrapping Lo gel back." savs Pickford. All of thi s srells bad ne\rS ror Estancia High School. Fountain Valley's next Op· po11enl Thcy·IJ square off Saturda y night. at r--<r:wport I/arbor High :-ithooJ. Pickford !>a\'~ his club i~n't looking past .Est:inc1a ~2 ·3·1 ) ;ind to Lo<ir<t 16-01 the foJlow- in~ week in 1l'hal sh<1pes up as !he Irvine League cllan1- plo11ship sho\1·cJo""·n. '·Esl<1ncia has one of the rinesl .backfields in the league . J)a1·e .Johnson I~ a pretty fair football player. _ .he runs 1r ith authority, is han:I to bring do1vn and picks his hole 1 rrv 1~ell. ":'\nd J im ::;chu lti: qualr!'ies .'lS one of the best sophon1ores II) the Jeague. [ kOO\\' this boy fr0n1 Pop \Varner footb;itl. •·But their strongest point is rlffense, ~o 11'e kn o1v ~·e're in for a tough gan1c. sa;.'s Pickford . MV Bo8~ Fret8 Over Lag1111a (';in ;i team lh<i! ha' v.:on oor gan1e 1n ~1x be con1placent 11hr 11 1l l ace.~ a tean1 th11t h a~n ·l wo n a deci sion in six 1J11ting;;·• Coa ch Ray Dodge at r.IJsslon \'!"JO thin k.~ so :is he prepare~ In ~ Diablus for a Crestviell' '«rll ;ir bo'.I•!'' ge me at Laguna firach Friday night. '"Laguna hasn·1 won a ga111e ;ind tllcy ;ire hungry," he ~:i 1 ~-"Our kids v.·on their ~anlc for !he yrar and f don't J..1101~· it they arc co1nplaccnt or not. b11I 1\·c may ha1·r qu ite -'l !l'w· changr s in lhr lineup Friday n1gh l-'' The Diab!o <:oach declined lo n<in1e any new starters for the g.11n('. saying ~I mply th <it h" 11ould decide Friday nigl1t 1f ;i.ny chan ges are to be ~adc. Jn addit ion to being a lillng ry team and defending t'han1pion s of the Crestview 1·1rcuil. Laguna Beaeh is an "aggressive team" according lo 11odge. "They hal'e a fine qqartcrback ~·ho thrO\\'~ \\·ell. That kid (~like l Abbey 1s hk c nur buy Allndrc Holnies:. Both ;i!'c good runners but it is dif· ticllll for a kid to get recognl· tion 1\·hen he isn ·1 playing 1\ilh a i:tood learn." DOOgc says his star1 ini; backfield \\·ou ld bt back intaet nr-:t season ·111ong \\1ith a guard and a tack)~ from th.e ntfcnsive team. Wh1 le he \\'On I 1·on1e out and say it, Dodge i~ 11ndoubtedly preparing for IH'Xl year, along 1\'ilh finishing out 1J1'e (:urrent EeASOfl. Only ne1'I injury to the team I~ ~Ii.kc Gray at linebacker. (;ray missed last v.·crk's game •11d is defi nitely oul this wrck ~i::;i insl L1guna. t:ar\i'r in the yc<1r the l>iahlos lost two starting back~ l<1r the sra~on in Torn Berc;f'.' <1 n~ Don \V!lson . both itniors. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-, Wtdnt sd1y, Octobff 2~. l 1H1ti _______ o::A_:_l::_l Y_:_Pl:_:l_:_Or'--"'2'-'-1 Corcu1a clrl l\Iar AJ,vays Gives Us a Hard Ti111e, Says Saxon Coach C o 11 s id t r i n g who l ·s tflgh School . e-d in tht p8!t -particularly on!'i l1:1d :;11 rpt pa~t lhl" Op· HIU 111y:s tullback:!I Riek your defense \\'Ith Ll1e belly , EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS lransp1red 111 Ult'. pasl fvr .l\ltcr <ill. the Saxon~ ha\'e ag11iMt Corona de! Mar. pu.)!tlun <it., r;itr of i7.7 po1n1s Petros and Steve Judith are ~rle.5," say11 Hill. 1 Wars High School':-s Saxon!'i u1 not lv~t .an encounter in IJvc "Corona ah1i·ays gives us a IO J J. the two runnerii that most im· Loara ""'ill go into thl' test lrvlne League pla.v, Orie woiild ~cars tlf Irv ine halllc!'i. hi:ird lime. In 19!15 v.·t had tht' 1 This is <1 b1"' g<i me for press him in the Sea Kings' .it-minus one of ils standout.1. think C1J&ch Herb Hil l and his An(!, tt1c !)ax ons h ave CIF's hlghe!ll scoring te~11l1. \,·,r11n;, Jll ~t ;is it 1s for us. ta!'k, Tight end Bruce Wagner contingent ~·ould be hu rly never lo.~l al Newp o r t Out we cerlu.inly had all wr Tlit•y 're J.J ;Jnd vrry 111uch 111 "~t doesn't seem to n1atter A"•"•bl. now·. !4 ye •11 ••Pf l• ii rtn<.• --.ill lr••n pv•ch•t•I. ~ Ho9h ••rn1n91 1e<.ord -$9,7SO ;: ••q~ired. W 1ite l o• M · ](4 t~r • .,.,,..,. P•I'••· R•pli•1 ~eld 1t 11(tfy ~on· happy \\'ith the pro~pet'I nr 1!1>rbor·~ i1<1vidson Fit•Jd. C"ou!rl handle tha t night 11 hcn contr.n t1on and we know 1.hc.v·11 whl!'h one is in there. And sustained a knee injury in the l 1ncct1ng (or"ona dct 1\l;u· Vn-Hul !hi! 1.~ 11uick to !HJlnl 11t1l \IC bt"al lhem 6-0 ." s<1y~ Ji iii. be ready to play us ..• tht>y /Keith) Samu,ls operates the Estant·ia "'In last week' and is -'-'cY_ni"gch_,_,_1_N_•_•cP"_''-'-''-'-"-"-'-'_h_c~ll-:1 L_'c'-"-'-'-"-'-'-'-'_rn_h_a_s_1_a_<· ___ A_ll_•_'_'_'_''-'-"-'c"_"_"_'_'_'_"_'_'_''-'~-~''-'-'"'c'_'_'_'c.'_'c'_":'c'cHci_ll_. ___ __:opcc:Jic·°"c___w__:_''cJ._Th_•cY_cP_''c"c__'_''c___•_u_t~rC''-th__:•__:•c••_•_•_n_. ___ ~~::::::::::::::::::::::::' fid enl••L DAILY 10 TO H~SUN. 10 TO 7 • 1,.., l•plo•-·~•-1! >tio '""" •• ...,., ... •••·,.~•<.-bl,!.,. ... ,.,.,.. ........... '"'' "° ... ,.. •"•' ,. .. ,, ...... -11 ~-........ d ... -••• ,,., • ..... Moo••d -A•r +ollo•• "'•' "''"" d-•o• ... d •ooo•d,••" bo •o,.!o<od ................... 1 , ...... _.,,. ... , .,11 ............. '"'· ... ~ .. . J .... -............................ _ ........ ,, •• ,.....11..i __ ...,"' ... , ... , ........... . • w .,1 '"'"'"'" o•d ... ,. ... J-1,..,. "" 1old b,.," ,,..,,...,.,d 090·-"" ..,1, . ., •. "'''"''' .............. , ................... ''" •' .... ·····-· .... d " ....... ,,,,, .... '• ........ '" ........ , ......... 1 ........ ~ ••••••• • di ho .. o'otod. '"''9'"1 o•'• lo'•••"'"'""' ol ,.,1,,,, ,.,.,.,.d At~ AOJVtl•fOlfl ,1,ll IAllO 0>1 (l/tll>lf l 'l'll?D,1,• IULllol• '''''· .. , !Ml '"'" or ADJUIT•IHI -"'"' Ull Pll(f O• NO·ll.101 ••1c1. GIJ.ll;ANlll 0000 NATlONWIOr. F r BOOSTER CABLE 'IO J II l:L \~· f, D! I • "' 'r ' • !• i"' RISLONE ... ,,.~.~. '""'"" l'•~d. ~ ' ' (•<I ll Moro "~···:.." ~1 0.'-r ll ~l~~R I\\'. \"\nS YOUR CHOICE! 77~. 76e GU.lltl 96.!. ••vo -!li•t '"''"" •rt.._ l"IVl.,ted Rf.t\llrt• I06t mo!« compr,.. I; ... '°"' It •"I .... 1,hn •ml I'"'"''· 29. l o00.29. 4.1·1129 EXPIRES SAT., NOV. 1, '69 •. LITTER BASKET ,., f ,rJ<'l<'er thc,i-.,.,,~ 41-2002 ISK PREMIER 36-MONnl GUARA..r>.frEE • HNVJ dvfy tiutyl iril1e'l' lirm- •hll .41>iJ JOO" ~~.cf pre--• f'u~ continental trr.p-sround tre1d ~ •Jfoa C'Old dHlfll ANV SIZE LISTED AS GROUPED lllcatW,1,U, JUlfLU' "" •. so.11 1.ao.11 .. ,,,,. J.Jt.1• 1.1s.1• 1.11.1 s &.1s.1• j,1,LI ,lU.l lfD, P•ICf !X f~ l IA.CH l•Cll 111! ANY ',. SIZ£ ... llSTE D '" 5 20 "' "' ' " , ___ A~Y SIZE ',. &.JS.lS (l.lS) LIS Tm '" FISK t lo<lowe ll . ..... , ... •1.1 119 .. 2 11 fo4'o•ol f,.,., loo BATTERIES FISK CUSTOM .,~,--. JI'" tr118 • :« "4•,..,Tll id'A~~~'l"l.I FISK PREMIER FISK TllEIMOSTAT 154 ........... !: ...... -'""''"' .,.., """''"' -prnw ..... ~4·1021, 29.3100. 44·1017, 44.tO'll'J. 211::1101, 14·1018 &.IS-lt ,,, l SS.11 {l.4S) • 24 '" - ·~ r"•~· rlue 1,.:1.,..1 '"'",.. ·r.u \<'hl!•,..•llt .~ ll'J more Md i. •Wb;r .... u • ...,iy. ~lim ]in" '1•"'"· •~iuot.ol>I• ~'""' •'"'~ '°'"'~\•! I~ ttin•"wn,and foll) Ju llOl!ll U~ 8-TRACK STEREO TAPES S~! <'h•'"'' t•"m a l"r¥t ''IC'<..'1io>n of ~!crcu 1.1~' f<.llll l"ln~ mun:; hi!' 'clitr~ tlll '·Ir"°• B1~IES ALL MAJOR lllANDS YOUR 43:. 20 & lO 35: .. CHOICI wt. ANTl·iOtllm TISTU .. •• .,.. fl1tM. ,. ........ 1. OU.et' li.te • IA TTHY HYDROMmR HtllWlllll' "* ....-......i : 1'11, JM••ll•1, V""4111t., 11: .. M,. Mlffrift. ••OK•· ' .M:!I!' _-:_~·!~ THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 leach llvtf. crt McFadtfr" 8'2·2081 BUENA PARK 5885 Linc~1t A11. et VaRey Vl•w 126-5100 ' - BUENA PARK 5301 leech llvcf • ., Lllltweller 523-3040 COSTA MESA 2200 H•bor llvd. at Wlho• Hl-ZOIZ I SANTA ANA !400 EdlO<JHatllrbtol 5 .. 71lZ • \ { " ' 1. .. -----_____ ""':" ____ -------:-------.,--------------------------------------------------- II -- )..!' •. ,,_. .. ,...L (.1. ~•·\~ \ .. f. ..,, • •· ,.. Jf.•.0 •. \'.¥ .. ICCC CHAMPION -Dill Donova n of Corona del ri tar, (center ) accepts the \1·in· ners trophy fron1 lournament chairtnan Bill Schauppner (lef't) after capturing the 15th Annual Club Champi~n ship at lrvin.e Co as l Col~ntry Clu_b. 1'.,lle ne\~ champion posted round s of 7<>:"7 1-77~.7 1 for 294 tot.al t.~. \l't n the titl e 6y fou 1 strokes over runnerup and 1967 !CCC chan1p1o n 1 cd l ibcrg. To Mi ss io11 Viejo Cou1·se 1\lission \'iejo Country Club. 1hrough Lhe efforts of pro Jack Ficek, has sal vaged Southern C;i!iforia 's oldest golf lourn11· ment and increased the purse to sa2.ooo. Tht oldest <.'On\111uou.~ golf tour n;imcnt in S ou t h c r n California, the PG 1\ C\ent \\'ill he eo.-spon sored by i\lission Viejo and the Ne11 [>Orter Inn, /\ 36-holc pro-<1111 tourna- n1cnt on Saturda y and Sund<1y. Dec. 27-2.8 will grt the action under 11•:iy. first round play 1rlll t<il.e "three day s. s\;1rLinE: on ~londay and Tuesday tor 11rst toast players \\'cd- ncsday !Ne1v Year'si is a11 olf d11v 11 ith co11clus1011 of the firsl rolind on Friday. Thf' field \1·ill be l"ul 10 iO for ~11turday play and j0 ror lhe lin al round on Sund~IJ . The puri;e will be dh idcd with $45.000 going to the µro.~ i11 the attual tournanH'nt and "5 ,0CKI will go to the pro 11 in- ners in the pro-an1 ll''irh .'#2.000 for amateur pnzcs. al:;o:i tor lhc pro-am phase of the r1·cnt. The tournament is rno1 tng From Los Coyote~ lo t-.1i~~1on \'iejo this year. l\TTV 1Chan- ncl II ) l~ expected to telecast •!. Bob J)<1rncll dcf ea1 cd .luc 1·ham pion . Lo 11·in the 1ncn·s i·lub title ;it Costa ~les;i (nun- try Club. Darnell drthronC'1I the c:ha111plo11. 4 and J. in a 36- ho lc pla~·off lasl ll'Cekcnd Jim o ·shauncty drfralr1t 'Yendell ,Jackson, 2 and I. to J!ilin the lir~t flight lT0\111. .lack Bro\111 \1a~ 1he :;erond ll1ght 11i1111cr wilt1 ci ti a11d ;; 11etor:-i o\·rr Frank Lristrr. Rob Dut:an 11· on the lh1rd tl1.c:h l 1111h a 2 illld ! 11clor.v 111 rr Carl Pa!lotlinl lo lhe eo11.~olalion flight, .Jat:k Valasek iron \cl\v gross honors 11·ith a 73 foll oll'ed by Roll Stcath 11·ith a 77. Lee l\1rby \\'as the low net 11·inncr 11ilh an 85-16--ti9 tollo\\·cd by Chuck flaubriek 111th an 81- ll-70. \\'ornen·s C 1 u b <1t:li1 it1t'~ t·rntcrcd arou nd a f i r 1 cl strokes tourna1nenl 111\ h Vi Hoskins 1vinning /\ Flight. Sile had a 92-ll-79 lor a 47 field strokes. In B flight. Dorolhy Roberts ( 106-28--781 and Trudy Orlon !111-28-631 tied 11·ith 4:1 licld ~trokcs fol!o\1·cd hy Rull.v I ruttberg 1112-23-8~ 1 and 4~1 l"icld strokes. ln C flight. ticri ;\lt'r11:-:h 11as the ll'inner \1 il h ·Hi l1t'ld ~11·okes 1121 -36--851 lollu11cri by 1\la xinr As1nu~ (11:!-29-fi:i! an<I 47 field ~t rokes, l ·'V ~fil e S•111•11·r \\'1tha m .J. lh1brr of f)O\\ll"Y b"can1f' the thi rd player in the brief history of the Fount;un Valle y ~1ilc Sl1uarc (; o If t·ours(' lo make a hole-in-one. I le aecoinp}lshcd the feat on !he 171h hole using a 6 iron on thf' 168-yard .!:;hot. '\lith four tl1rec-pal' holc11 on thr course., onl y onf' remains 11 ithout a h0\1'"111-0llf' after Hube r's \hot !h1~ 11 cc\.... Tllf' l'OllfSC 1\·as opened Junr :!8 or lh111 year. The fir~t annu;il n1en "., t.:h1h t:harnpionship 1ourn:11ncnt 11'111 eel under way Nov . J and runs fi1c 11•ecks. There arc :l;)O n1e1nbcrs in the in c. n · s organization. llc111lo1,·ln1·I.: Sc1n1f1 nalbts i11 the 1nen·s t·lu b c h am pion sh i p are Uctcrminl"d 11 ith one exception ~· At1MU P~ GOLF . J '"·' '·"' ... ., •' -"· .... '.....:, HOW POSITIONING OF r:;;...- BALL AFFECTS SA NO SH OT S Tne po&1!1on .ng ot the ball 1n te !al 1 on ~h 1 p to t ne leet is ver I important on sand sho!s. lri fact. it direclly af!ec.ts iust ho IN Jar the sh ot will fly. ~" .µ tt ' ' 11, to r 1n5\ance, you play the ball well bacK in yo ur stance , as I a.,, doing 1n tll ust rat1o n t· l , th e clublace will enter the sand w11!' less !oH than normal a nd ' ' ~!, will cut deeply into the sa nd \." / ·-·v (illu::.\rat1ons Cl, \'.:.::-. ® Norrnally . tn 1s po~1!1on111g wou ld be good for buried li e::. 111 which a deep cut 15 needed to pe ne- trate below the ba ll. The farther forwa rd you play the bal1 (illustra · ho ns 8 and A), the greater w1tl be !ht lolt of lht cl ubface as It enters the s and and the less will be the depth of the cut. As I general principl e . re me mber lo play lhe ball farther bacll' o n buried lies and farther for- wa rd when th e ball •S setting up 1n lhe sa nd. If you loUow this pauern for ball pos1t1on1ng. you will be able to s wing rnore or less the same o n aH sand s hots and s till achieve similar shot re sults. . .. ... . "' - <ll j\·Jc;1tlol\'lark Country Cl11b L<irl'y Brown defeated Don Eo;.11., 5 and t lo gain a spot i11 the se111 1~ against the 11inncr of a rnatch between Les Harris and Chuek Beally. In lhr o1hrr half ol thf' hrat:kCl. Biel. You11;,: del c;1t<.'tl Terry lian~tcad . J and ·1, 11lulc Craig 01.~r11 tl('lcaled ll;ink Go11tly. I-up. lo gain sc1n1t'inal berth~. The "llal'T'i~-Be a11,1· n1<1h.:h 1nu~t I}(' 1:on1plctt'tl bl' Suncl;iy ll'ith !he semis and f1n;1!s !<'lk· ing place 111 thr next \11 0 "eeks llmu:lw S J (}nc or \hr b i~ber lotirnaments of thr ~car 11•ill gel under 11•ay at Hancho S;in Jo:1q ui11 Countl'y Club early l!l Nol'~nbcr. Thr 1nen's t.:lub pre~idenl"s tournan1ent 11·ill !'Un for fi\'e 1recks \vi\h com- petition in fou r nights. In a best ball of fourson1t> tournament staged I a s t 11·cekend, !he tea1n or Kim Dcn1nc<1d. Hay Sclnva1nborn, Gene ~l cDonald and Ron \\'ci r had a lo1v ncl score of 57 fo r th~ l'ictory. Second p!a<"c went to a lca1n t:oin[>Oscd of Bill Ed1l'ard.~. Doug Terry. Jim O"Connell and G;1ry Douglas 11·ith a low nr1 :>core of 58. Third place 11·a~ 11•on by .Joe P;11olc1ti. Frank Hcck111an . Pal \\"a<lc and Ray Burby 11·Hh a lo1v net of 59. ll1111li11glOll llt"RC/t Vu·.,t round eon1pctilion in lhr ;innu<tl seniors tournan1e111 ;1 f f lun11ng1011 Bea('h (;01r Course is untlrr \1 JV. Thr rvcnt 1~ a lull handicaP affair fur rilayrrs 50 j c;1r-; Qf age ;u1d nhkr \11Lh co1npe1ilion 01·rr ~6 hfJ1C~ ' low g1'11~~ 1t·uuh~· and !hrt·e 1011 net ;111 ard..; 1• rll he 1n<idc al cunc!u~1on 10 !he 11111· l<•l Da11 ~ 11·:1.~ tl1r 1111111cr uf il 111e11·s cluh hlind bug1·.v lnurn;.uncnt \',Ith a IKllll\ tOlal or J:l' · ;1\ \lr~a \'erdr Counlrv Llub follo\l'cd by Ray Paule~· and l'aul Butklc~ in a tie lor ~el'ond place at 3~. In a 111i :>.cd hc.~t bait vf rour~on'c tourn;11nent on Sun- 1lay. lirst µl;icc \\cnt to the 1ca1n co1npo~cd of Bob an d l'ug L111lc1011 and i\like and Hobbie. \\"<istu witl1 a score or 57. Sr.t'ond place . \\'1lh ;i ~1:ort nf '."i~. ll'Cnt lo LOll'Cll and .lrannc Stark and R1t'hard and Virginia Schne ider. Li g hl\vc ig ht Football JV fOOTl,l.l l '""h~lm ~ ft ,_,. w~ .. min•lfr 17 ft ' I ·?6 lovchoowr1· f ·eme"' !71. 0011<1. Wln~IO P•T : Fot <TI!"' (r~nl Mo""' ~ft••O N•NOOr! l D ~ 17-14 Touc~""~"~· \'/~1!1 . O •cni S1le•r· 61. "' .. ~ .. ,: ... ,,., .. 6!•'" s'"'• An• lOU(hdO 'I" r 1um"'~' P•T. Mo•lln 1r~n1 o I . ~· n n " D-n 1~ D n o-14 ---- 11 .. ~.~ ,:.~,:,.;~s.: ... ~•l'll•~•n'I on TV •1•d TV WfEK -d.,t,,b u1t d .. ,,~ th• S•tvrdty •d•ti11n of th• OAllY 1'1tOT . Jaycee Footllall SOV 'l'U C0 11ST C'Or'\'f 'E llENCE Cl'IUllTOS '7 Loni B••tn :1 ••• Hon.do ,; t.\I SAC 11 S•n O•~~n M~,o n Otono~ ("~· • fUlll'•lON ~) (;1><• 1 ;>!; p'""" ;J El Com'"• It O•dn•t Co•'' '' s~" D·•~o u Ml SAt MT. S-"C ll P.,.., .. ,or 11 Golg~n 'fir;! I Lo<·q f\••(I' ,, (""""~ l1 Fvllcrlon OllA.NO! COAST JI Golo•n We,1 •l C1or•"\ 21 •1art.c1 73 I vii"< on l< ~-n!' -".nl 1• C.e.rrl!05 SAN OlfGO 1 C...•O~-'"'"' l e< ...,,~•I•• BJ~ersllrl<I rvll~r.on Sanl1 An1 SAN bll'(O r·••A l l Va:lc1 11 H•rtnl ·1 Soulhwe.i.-n ll S~n .. An• 1• (•r.,'.cl SANTA Ar.A ' p , .. ~ IJ R1 v•r·10. I C.Olorn W• .I " ~on O•e<>n M• •• l' O••nq• Co1 :t :; 5•n 01~10 SOV'l'llEft1'\' C,1.L. CO!\ l'EftE1,'Cli C'l'l"ll!~' ' " " " •• • ' ~I ' " " ' " " " " " .. " .. ' ,. ' " ·' " '" " ., ,. ' Ful1•r1on 1·, • Oronqe Co•.! ?\ ~ Cll•v 1 S•n Born•rd,nft a lo' ""Q•l•1 ?• fAST LOS ANG(\~~ •t Frr:.ro I~ --' C.~o•cn 1 -., 5•nl• Ncn1~• 1 •I iJ ~:1~';',."'.1u1 ;; I GOLOfN Wf jl XI Or•nqe Coe,t 1~ '' •fol. SAC. n 11 '...inlil A.n• r, •· S~o11 81 rb~r~ ? II l:eol lo; Ano~1•· 1• ·~ Lon~ 8•~ch l" -, !.•n Oie~c NeA 1, 1 '~ Oronqe C.o•~I 11 ,1 Venlu,. 1) ZI R;o Hondn I• LOS ~.,IGfLl::S V•nlur• II " 5•n o,·~o ~ ?'> ~~n 8rrna1a"'" I• ,. (QM~'O•I l'l (.ypre~1 0 '1 ciena~I• II (olrM1 a Cornie.• " ~"""~·n1 l• t-luCor .. 10 HO/IO-:i IJ ESlilC 'I' CO!\ f 'Elfl''''Cli l •ll!TOIN !. •ni.loo• \1 1llP• !I Por1ervlll• ;o Palo ve•d• A lmperl•I V•llev • Mir• cc.ii COLLE~( 0, TH ! OCIE~! 7 Cnanev I +;'ntoc~ 1 S3ddleb~c~ • Ml. Son J;oc,nle ]9 VIClor va11e•r IM,Ellll•L V•~L[ • • GI~•~. "'''· I• V."e•I Hiii• ll P•lo V•rO• 16 Mita Cc;11 JO B1riTcw 1! Ml. San J~clnoc MJ ._.-, COIT• ) P•lom1r l~ AnlPIOPC Viii•• n P••aaen• •I tmpprlAI VlllP• j5 8•'ll01V MT. SAl'I J,l.C.!N TO 'o Mer(ed " SoulnwP\I""' 01 Lo•cl• f•o~n SO Victo• V~llPv li Colleq• ot '"" oe,•ri •1 lmr>erl•I VI II•• SAOOLllACK '' $oum*e•!..,.n 1• Gro<,~m°"I 1fl cn.11 ... )8 Collc<>e cl 1ne Oe .,1 && v;cicr ~~C1t011: v.t.L~tv I • llu!tP O Cue·11 JI Ml. SPn )•conic ' SIO~et"cK • CClle9c ct lhC 0C o"I Off -road Race Opens " " :.;1 1 " ,. •·I " ~~l '· •'.'I " ' " ·' l·:.'iSEl\"A01\. ~1rx1co -En- tnC.i in the :'ll cx1ean 1000, n grueling lest of dri\"rr anrl I 1nuchinl', began checking 111 toda.v for prc-r<1ee inspec1 ions a.t this resort city on BaJ<J California's 1vest c:onst. The rac:e for S75,000 in pri~es get~ under 11·ay a1 8 a..1n. Thursday 11·hcn lht" firs! reh1cle takf's off fo r the !In· i.~h tine. 832 1niles south at La Paz on the tip of lhf' rug- ged peninsula. The cv rnt, s11nc1ioned b11 1he National Off Roild R;i r(. Association. will h;ive a field of about 260 dune buggies, n10- torcyeles, pickup truck~. fo11r - 11·heel-drive vehicles and pro· duction sedans. Racers s1art <ii ont':-n1inulc in tervals and n1 u s l finish 11·ithin ~R hours. The first ve- hicle, usually a n1otorc}·cle. i~ rxpected 1n La Paz early Fri· r!ay morning. SATISFIED W ITH THE MONEY vou·Re EARNING NOW? (,1,bli11'ted l•o ~t•t9• F;,.., <••· '''"'I Nt"" OOvjt Oon la M1t~e l Mon•'ltd Acc&unh Oil. 1'1ulu1I Fund1, "'"''"' C opit.I, l~1 u•· 1nct , R1 t l E1ltlt J o!ht r l o• OrO,nled lnvt 1!"''""· CAll l ~OTO Sil ' 1•·~~~ 17 141 139·101 I SEARS Has Everything . . . I Including SUNDAY SHOPPING Sund a\ Hours 12 Noon to 5 P.M. Sears Prie r s l·:ffl'1·ti,·t: Wed. 10/29 l lt ru 11/ I \•k About Sean l:4J ll ' <'1 tif'11 t Cr Ptli t Plan:i; Fa ntastic Value! Auto Stereo Tape Players • :O:ca l'li uni,c r~a l undcrli<J '-h 111 o<lrl.- • J:njoy 11111-ic \•ilh no an nu) in~ i n !crr11 1•t 1 .... • ~-nr 011110~. l1n<11 ·. 1·;i 1nprr:-:1111_1 tra il "r~ 88 ... t:_;_\RS Super \ alue! Eco nomv ·\Vo,·c n l'J asli c Ccn c r s e ,,.o,·cn pla~li c fur free <1 i r circulatio n • ~n tire ,.o ,·f.r 'vi11e& 1·lca 11 \\il h lian1 1l c lo th • \'"a ilablf': in Blue anrf Bl a<k • l:ilS 0 10 !,I CAI'-'. Seai·s Conver·tihle Vinyl Tops • l)i11pnint-~r ain \'i11 yl 1np:' v.ith r le.nr rda~l i c rear J{einrorccd on in:o-iil c \\·it h \\i:ltrrproof c-o ll nn • Hca,·y·duly r u:-L-rr;;-i-..ta nl i ippr r •~·or .4.mcriean-n1<1<lc ea r!" only ,, l1td i 1 11 ~, 2997 Fr on L Fl oor 1'1.ats 199 • 4)n t" ~itr. to fit 1ll 1·ar~ • Fi nt>~l quttlity hl1r \,.. (lpaqftr ' in ~ I • 11u i:-~ripp i n~1·lra1 , on u11~ .. r· ~1 dt prr,·cnl m<il fro m •li p· plllj[ e 'With h<in1l•o n1r 1·11nl r 11q 11•· r<ir~ lrin1 • Satisfactwn Guarant ee d or Your Mon ey Back Sears Sliop Mo•day llir1 Sal•rday 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M. 11.ll.J, AOll\I CK .UCD CO. S1•day112 Noo• lo S P.M. 4 ... ' . ~ r: , .. .. & ,, M ' ' ' ' • -+ ---~-------------------· ----------------------.. --·-----------------·-·-· -.. , I TOMORROW'S BUSINESS AND BANKING : -·.: . " The Account Man a9er1.-.;, j , , ... \ .. ~;~ , ~. :_.:c,i" , r . ' .~£{!,. 'I• ~ri;V'J.'~'· '• '.' . . . • " . , ... , ·, ' . ' .,, ') . . ·. ' . '~· . . ~ i I ~ ·~ ' ; ·Ji '' Our quarterback system would rock the Rams. Jolt the Jets. And make the Packers green. Tha t's bec ause Uni on Bank 's special style of bus in ·_::;s banking demands the best. For us . For you . So w e 've developed a whole new breed of professional banker -the Account Manager. Your quarterback. A superstar, backed by a whole team of other pros. He knows what plays to call to put you on top . He starts with an MBA or equivalent. He has been through the most rigid training program in banking. He 's part of top management. If you 'd like this kind of banking on your team , call the Regional Vice President. At any Regional Head Offic e. UNION BANK WA Unionamorica Company OAANGE-alUNTY REG IONAL HE AD OFFICE MAIN AT LA VETA. OR ANGE I ALSO HARBOR AT ORANGETHORPt. FULLERTON · LAST COAST HWY. AT GOLDENROD. CORONA D£l MAR Taxable Sale~ Soat• Cou.~L ~J,1rk.~ 16.8 Percent Hike rrta1I " Orangt LOUllt) \\lrt UIJ 10 S686 577 tor the !iCtond q1111r1rr of hsca l 1969 a 16 9 !)Cl\;Ctll Jtl mp O\er l!t \tar 1!('1ut c ill ord1ng to the !ii 11r Uoard or f:qual11.al1on 1 ht Orange lo,,( .11 ~;,i 11~cll rl'gistercd a I~ 8 p;:1e:1111 111 1 rca !il' during 1111 a 111 t ixrioJ 11 1!h ~J3!~0J 11p s1gn1f1tr>.nll) 11u111 n I\ SltJ205 durng Inc 1r ~t (Jllartcr o( !1115 1e.11 ~ 01 purpo c~ of brr 1l.Jo11 n 1he 511!(' a~t nt\ 'Piii• !11e 1 l !<111 'ales 11110 01 i' .:<ite,."1 v r n r o n1 p il !i '1 n g al! bul ;outon1ob1lc~ and ~upµl1 ~;ilr second quancr f1gu rrs lor arncr;iJ re1,1 1J .l'a lc~ th1~ 1c if Retail t~(lud.i11& Automotl\t "" Custil :\I ~• 33 .1!9 \e.\\ port lieilC/I l6 i2i !lunll nglon Beach .B 363 Lagun,. Beach II Z6..) o\ulo Dealers a.nd \utu Suppllt\ C-0:.cta 1-.le:.a 14 90~ \:c11port Bealh I 826 Huntington Bcal h 9 438 Laguna Beach 2 416 11rrt t'.!111 &7 tount) 111dr I 011Jpo red 10 Sfll 536 !Or the Orange Coast area 11:.elf The auton1ob1le and .:;uµpl1es portion 11a~ $10351;, for rhe Urilngt' <.:oa"t 1.:on1porcd 10 un i.} .$1J7 1;;& IOr !ht ff' 111a1ndrr of !he u1unty 1n su<.:h Your 1lloney's l\'ortll '"' 29 664 ~I b18 IR 891 J /.>I l I ~O~ '" rf'lall sale~ f"trl tntag1 13 0 71 13 I ,, JO! " " 1 JI f.>ur1ng the Sll rne period Los \ngeles C..:ounty com b 1 n e d 1et<>1I sales "ere $J 970 481 up onl) 1111 pcrcenl 01er the :same: period lht ~tar befo re L"<lm pared to Orange: Coon l) .-; dou ble percentage 1ncrca:.c A 1·e We Too Deep in Debt? 1 hroughout 1hc 1960~ 1 e !hf clrt ale of ha t' bct'n ablr to lake on a11r! 1 ;11 r1 an e1 er 11;;111g toud Qf debt~ to buJld and buy our ho1nc ~ 1 • hn intc our pu1 cha~r~ o( appJ1,111cc~ aulo1nobilc:s boiu' <1111nn1111;:: pool s ell ct<.: Our gre 11 and 1ncrcas1ng nurnber of JObs and nur huJC and {IJn1b1ng 101<11 of pcr..onal 1ncorne~ h:11 e made it c-omparu1 ch c 1~1 for u~ 10 1.:;irrv our debt load But "h<1t 1f IOI.la) , 111fla11on r 11rbs ~tart to 11ork 100 \\ell ;ind bus111cs.~ ~1011 ~ to the point 11 hrrc unc1npl o11nl'11t 111oun1 " r;1p1rl!v :11ul the ri.c 11 pcr~o11 ;ii 1nc-or11e <!1n11ni~hc~ to ~ cra11 I Then for nf \rner c:a de ht bur dr11 r 1 able " ;it Ir 1 I ;i l 1 ~ 111n hr~ ill bc1 nn1r 11111 itol Le p11n1ar1h 1hr lo11c~t 111cornc ra1n1hc~ lhe le l~i flll<lll(i;Jlly ~nph1stlc: 1!cil 1ncn a11d 1101ncn hulh black ~nrl 11h 11 e thr 18 ~I 1r11r ai,:1 group In .,hnn 111 1roublf' 111\I br 1h 1~r lcJ t ;i bl" I l t1nd thcu 11 11 •t o[ troublf 11 p1c<1l f1na1H.:t lOarges on prr~onal loan s no11 run an) 11l1crc froi n 12 to 36 pertcnt Home 1nor1gagc:. may cost ID pcrCC'lll or e1 en more a ) rar \l<in) b<in/.. check credit pl in~ Lharge 18 percent and up 'ct !O tht a 10J11shment of t~ono1n1::;t~ p\1ch1atr1sts and ~oc1olog1:.1~ 1ou are utterlv 11nmo1 ed ti1 ihe high cost of borrol'>ing toda1 You are go- ing n ght ahead and borrov.1ng ;is 1nuch as )OU can to buy 1 hat 1ou 11ant About the onJy l'urb on 1 ou has been the dr1 1ng up of a1 ail.able funds IF \OUR fa1n1h income is in the $8 000 range )Ou re a1 er ige rf 1ou .spend nearlv -:2 000 1n debl str1 ice \\e O\\t mo rt than ~6 b1 lhon on our ;iutos nearly $1 b1lhon on our charge accounts a slaggcring S300 b1Jl1on on non farm home morlgages l\ e now pay more rhan $31 b11l1on a \car in 111 tcrc:st Of cou rse l\ .'Ji not a~ alarm ing as 11 appear~ on !ht ;;ur lci<.:t: I or 1ns1ancc {flff\111,!!. ll tul e "t a r t> unprct erlentcrl Ne1c \ssi911111e11ts l'obc rt n ~\h1tnn1cl l lctt' and Richa rd ( Lc 111 ~ 1<:;::1011.1! 1 ice p1 1 ,1dc11 \, oJ Sccu1 1ty Pacu1c '\at1onal r.a 11J.; h 11 r bt l ll nc11ned to nc11 regional adm1n1 s 1r;i t11c d111 t" u1 0 1 11 c count1 Schl!nn1el has been pla(rd 111 {hlr ~e 01 the t o.1-.tal re21on 11i.h head quarlr1, 111 \p11 p01t l .. cdth l r111, bcLO lnl.'~ head ol fhr <.:;~nt,1 \n,~ rt 1C111 HUNT 1'GTON BE ACH SCHOOl SYS TE \1 \-Va /ston & Co Irie w ill hold a series ol 9 lectures 011 U'IOERST ANOING TH E STOCK MAR KE T to be held at /h e GISLER SCHOOL LIBRARY 9100 Bluel1eld Onve Huntrngron Beach Lectures wrl/ start on Thursday Oct 30 at 730pm Peg1sler at frrst session, (55 Fee payable 10 the Huntington Beach Sc/100/ System) Walston &Co. ~~~~-Inc.~~~~~ Membe s New Yori!; Stoc ll E•change •"11 Qtl'ler Pr "C•Dl l S1ock and Commodlly E~Cl'lan9•s 109 North Main St 171 41KlmberlrJ 9301 nvcri ·~ o~r er load of 1nortga,ge debt and pa~ 1ng peak interest rates mortgage: fo reclosures ha\ t declined steadJI), )t:ar after 1 ear The equity so many mil lions h<l\e built up in their homes 1s their biggest flnan c1al cusluon \\ h1!e pe1 sonal bankruptcie~ are rar too man) for the first 11n1e ~1nce the mid 50 s the number rtcently has dropped from 1111 000 1n 1968 to an e::.ti mated 169 000 in fiscal 1ear 1969 ll e lp '1'1111 .. 1 ... , I lllll" I u \\ ASHi\:CTU:>-; 1 liP I t 111cr or Ocp:1rtn1en! SllCl1t 1,.1< rrtcntl~ succeede(j 111 lrac/..inz. si.:111i;ick tun a 111 Ha11a11a11 11 ater~ b~ feeding l!n \ r;id10 tr.in ,n11llers F1!-!h as ~1n::111 as lhrcc pounds can s11al101\ !he 11111 transn11tter po11 trf'd by \l.:1\lorv batteries Then \I. hen rhe relrased sk1p1acJ.; reio1n ~ 1 1~ school ri~hermen Lan lolate tt1r school rrom the s1:;nal lrorn thl': htr te Iran m11 lf'r Thf' :,k1pJaCk tuna har1 l':S\ pre ~e11tl) is abou l "000 tons a 1 ear bllt f1 hcr1 expe:r ts say II {OUld be tnlargcd to se.1er;i l hundrtd th::>uS<Jnd Ion~ " NIGHTS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS c.n It. mor• 'r•fit•ble fM yau CALL lJS NO~/ FOR IN FORMAT ION ANO A BROCHURE ... _ lUlrllOllE -,Lal) lllSWI!'"; IUllLIU I 543-2222 I OFFICES TO SE•VE ALL Of OfllANOE CO. ' OVER THE COUNTER Complete-Ne,v York Stock List NI"~ YO~"( !A~\ , ........ I t...,. OI~ •................................................ 1,., ..... O'S, .Sito(); ll!:•Cfl• .... .,. ~· ••In "°" C/lltlt> c NW NASD l1•t1n9a f•r M9ncilay, Oct.ber 17, 1Mt Vulu1nc ll•bc• w l 11 8•~ OI T ,~ 11~11c.~ 1 10 l~1C pf8< !>G •• •C P (• l!~~~PUM .0 s~n~I' pt " l!~eol' Df 1< 1:1 1n~r ?U BorbOI I J; Bard (II' 15 f~ C I t ~ I!•• c "' 2 ;o Bo!•\ I +• 11.in Ind II••~!~ of <o l!ou •~Lb !.O Bo>I l ~b f s .~rr l ob l:!~~ukC ~ ~ B•&rl•g~ I l!•.r Fa 1 Bf'C~m•n ~ Beet Dl<I. !>I 6 ~~~ } b 8•co Pt+ D 80 gHem I~ 8•11 How ~ Bell In • <«> 8 om 1 Co I 8"'<11• \ 0 B•od • pl l 8•1>•"• '0 e"""" o•~ o E•"''" ~' ~ !l•n! <: ~ro -l B•n~ )~! .,;i ll•n<1ur! s. 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' J1 . -"" 11 . -... ~:'· t . 1111 Stocks Decli11e In Active Traclii1g NE\V YORK (UP!) -Stocks decli ned Tue sd3y 1n n1o deratcJv active trad1ni;, Shortly before the close the UPI markcl\\ Hle 1nd1cator sho\1 ed a loss of 0 13 percent on 1 612 is sues c rossing the tape There 1vc1i? 75-1 declines and 601 advances The Do1v J one s 1ndu str1a! average \1 h1rh rr fleet:. move1nent ui 30 selected blue chips felt 4 49 to 855 79 near the close Volume approximated 1n line with l\1ondays pace ll 000 000 share:. nbout llea vily traded stoc ks \\ere !\Ills Chalnie1o;; and ,\Jum1num Co of A1ncnc<1 Thr former ti ildec! an early block or 130 000 shares at 1.4 11 1n a cross tran sacuon while a 13a 000 share of \Jcoa block chang'"d bands at 75 cross Al so active \\Crc l~lect1 1c and 1\lus1cal lndus lnes Texaco Alias Chen11c.1 t and Occ1dcnlal 1 he latter reported a higher th11 d qua1 te1 net Conglo1ne1 ates folio\\ ed a mixed oath \I htlc electrorucs :swung widely and in both d11ect1ons 0Jls and n1otors also n1ovcd on both sid e" of p1 c vious closings So did rails a1rl1ncs and a1rcrJfts Chemicals \\eakened \v)ule gold nun1ng shai cs generally traded 1n narrowly irregular fash1011 Pnces eased on the !\mcncan Stock Exchange 1n n1oderale turnover .....:"::"'::""=---='..:.""':.:._ _______ o_<IL_,_,_nor Stock &:change Li st ' 1-1 .. , tr. 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" • DAILY PILOT Ugly • IS Bea11tih1l Pr ett,y Buys 'Out' for Cornniercials By GE:-.IE HASOSAKER HOLLY\\'OUU tAI' I \\'~ak chin" F!opp) ears~ Bulbous nul>e? Arc you, in <1 ~·ord. ugly '' Then you're right down Bill Bordy's allc,Y. And rflaybc television's, at least in con1· mercials. ,A A Hol!y\\·ood trade paper carried his ad this wcr.k : ·'UGLY CASTING DIREC, TOR I • ! • • ; • ' ' ' • • ·-' ~ ' I CASUAL TY -.Jimmy Diedrich is the ''victim" in the 1940 ,,·a r melodrama ··casually Soulh of J\lanita," part of the l'Urrent fare at the Open End Theater. Flanking him tfro1n Je ft J are David ~·lark.in, John Sc\vell , Stephanie Davv and Peter Blan<i. Theater Notes 'Flower Drum Song' Opens By TO'I TITUS Of 1!11 0 1l1r i-11ot S!oll Rcp€rtory·s "A Funny Thing tfappened on the \\'ay to the There's nothi ng new under Forum," resuming Thu rsd<1y the theatrical sun along th~ nii hl and playing through Sun· Orange Coast this ~-eek. bu t day. O\'Cr In Long Brach the city's Art Koustik and f\I i k e Civic Light Op<!ra is raising Douglass head the cast of the the curtain on its 22nd season Roman romp under the dlrcc· this '>''eekend with Rodgers and tion of Ron Thronson. The ac- J1ammerstein's "Fk>\.\·er Drum tion abounds at the Third Step Song." Theater. 1827 Ne1\·port Blvd., D i r ec t ed by David Cot;ta !tlesa, "'i th t ic k ets f\f acArthur, tht 0 r i en ta I a\•ailable by calling 6~6.JJ6J. generation gap mup;ica! vdll ¥ play for two \\'eckcnds at A special Hallo~·een show is J o rd a n H i g h Schoo I :o;cheduled Friday night as parl auditorium iiii the CLO group of the "Open End Live Action leaves the Long B ta c h r.tulti f\iedia Three Ring rrlunlcipaJ Aud\torlum, its Circus and Dance-In Show.'' home for 21 years. Included on the µrognun is the Starring in the role of Mei original movie ··or;icula" with Li will be Joyce t-.1 uraoka, Bela Lugosi as the thirsty l\'ilh J ames Uorr playin~ o~ vampire. posite her. S;im Lee portrays Fr i d a\'' s feslivites com- the venerable ra ther \.\'ilh mence at -8:30 and midnight, !tlargaret P ucek taking the followed by a different pro· role of r-.tadam Liang . (i'.ra m Saturda}' f ea tu r l n g The "Flower Drutn Song'' "How It All Begins'' by D. R. score includes ~uch popular Diedenc\-1 and T. !\tic\lael Tic kets may be re served by calling 8Z7-1339. ... Going into its next-to-last \~eek al the Long Beach Com- n1unity Playhouse is the generation gap comedy "'Vhat Did \\'e Do Yt'rong:'" Joe and Betty Karbo nf Huntington Beach play the principal roles under the directlon of Bertram TansweH. PerForn1ances are given F'ri· d<1y and Saturday evenings at the playhoui.e. 5021 E . Anaheun St., Long Beach, Tickcl 1n{orrn;1!inn may be ac· quired at (213J 438-0536. Colonna Book llOLLY\\'000 (LP!) r.lustcian-comedian J e r r y Colonna has \\'rittcn a hook on his cscapaclcs 11'1\h Bob Hope. 11\led "\\'ha Threw Tha t numbers as "I En;oy Being a Jaeger. The show is being ----- Girl'' and "A Hundrt d ~tl!lion presented at the Open End f\-1iracles." Pcrfonn:inces arc Theater, 2815 Villa \Vay, ~cheduled Oct. 31, Nov. I. 7 Ne..,,·port Beach, y,•ilh tickets and 8 at 8:30 p.m. '>''ith being rt sen•!d at 675·1120. I matinees al 2 o'clock Nov. 2 -r and 9. Arthur r.1iller's f1 o s t w a rl Jordan A udito r ium ls drama "All fl.1 y Sons" con- located at Artesia and Atlantic tinues it s three.y,·eekend run a~·enurs in Long B e a ch . Friday and Saturday evenings Ticktts may be reser•ed by on the Fullerton footllghters' calling the CLO box office al r.,uckentha!er Center stage . (213) 432-7926. \Vall Assenheimcr is directing. ¥-Dale Hogue, Belly Strom· Al~o in a n1usical vr in. quist and Mike Phillips head !hough the empha~is i~ clearly the cast of lhe play al the -- "\\'ho gets all the \\'Ork in r ommerr1a1s·! ~\lhy, the ugly people, of course." The Jd urged readers, "i( you're ugly. unusual nr in· tcrest1ng looking," to call a certain nun1ber. 1'he number led to Bordy's office in a television studio complex. He calls his service Uglies t;nli1nitcd. "Good-looking types arc on the \\·ay out ," said Bordy. 38, a part-time .Jctor himsel f, big- 1 c<1red but otherwise more on the good-looking than the homely side. ''Now ad ays, ugly ls beautiful. You can see it yourself just by "'alcbing TV cornmercials. The trend is to pl ain people. Person-next-door types arc gelling the work because it's so much easier for the public to assoclate with then1. "The (·hunky, hard-hat ];ibarer \\'ho gets the pro- mo!ion hr.cause his wife hasl washed his shirt in th<it cfctergenl. The manicurist 11·0 1 usrs dishv.•ashing detergent ns 1 1 a hand lolion." Several months ago Bordy read a magazine article about a London rnodel1ng agency \.\'hich had ad\·crtisied for ugly types, got "a f antas t ic response·• and no1v does a big business supplying s u chi 1nodels for advertising. A light flashed for Bordy: a casting directory for aspiring! performers \\'ilh less than perft'cl features. lle's calling it the Ugly Casting Directory. l-le 's pro1nising clients that 1,000 copies '"·ill be distribut ed among advertisl n~ agencies and movie and TV casting <lirec1ors. For $60. a rustun1er gets a f\111 page sho11•ing thrl'c poses of himself -v;h1ch he supplies -and a resume of his ex· pcrience. Two insertions of the trade-paper ad brought 200 """"' FiiX: SOUTH COAST on comedy, is South Coast center, 199 Bul'na Vista Drive. IF=~------------------- -~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-11 Crossword Ptizzle ACROSS 1 1 Flat p1rce of wood 5 l<lnd or duly 10 TV co,,tnil 14 Neir 10 l'.:i Of \hrrp lb lla ~1n9 no r~ploymrn t 17 Ro111an 90J lS H1vr /un l' Unit§ of lr nglh 20 Orp lorr 22 Ob ir ct c.f hu111~n 'ff Or l· m1nsh1 p 24 Bfvtragr Zb Sur9f 10 and fro 27 App1tn\1cr : Abb•. 30 Conllnt lo I sir.~11 1rta 32 Kind o! ban+er 36 Court J7 Kin g or th r J t ws 52 (,roup '.:13 Stitt: Abbr. 5~ C r lr br ~ ox 5b C!a~r 5S City or A.ustral•B 112 T o•ard t ~r { f '11PI b'> Ur~tl n b 71 r~1d f f1brr b~ E a ~t o! 11 e \J ,,1,,. 7il lndl;o '\Cu•t e 71 (,.rl'~ ru -e 72 O! a E 11rop~a11 iiat•on. A bOr. 7i Butllmar , 7 ~ Frrn1 lr ~ 75 R 1v r1 ol Afr 1ta 1 Oci a cl tar:· inq 1ob 2 Fru!t Pol c •1 a r.••P! 1 1 0 ~-" I C ' r n to • • • c 1 • c [ I £ ~ ' l OZ'j,b'J 11 Ob 1rcl nl ~Sc~,,~ J concr pt o I \I ~ 12 Mr. (,111n t ss t.l ~A ~id 13 R19a c1t1it n C •nia~ 21 P rin cip~I-A\ W~rd QJ111t Comb. form A 3 En9ines 23 l<T11qr oj a ~& ··c1t1rrn··· d1~in1ly 48 Bt numh 25 Old 51 ~hoc~ 1rig t lt cb 1ca1 ~S M~c aw ••• 57 Pa•r 21 co~rrrd with wa\tr ~ loa.n .. QIO~ PLAZA THEATRE CORPOllATOI San Diuo ff'llWIJ II Btiltol • 546-1711 OPEN 6,45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca~~Q1Y Awards BEST ACTRESS -Katharine H~pburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -,,.,...,o,. ! ""'~"I <• •~ud .ICM~( t£\1'*' -AA~VC:Ofl,(Mm'_IHM PETER ~ KATHARINE OTOOLE ?~ HEPBURN tMAITlN l'Oll lHE LION IN WINTER '"""':::-:~. "A\W l-11 ....... Y- ALSO .,. ZERO MOSTEL '" "THE PRODUCERS" • 3' Bt Qut at"l ' · 40 Troublr s ) Tiny bit 4 Pulsalt 28Frtnch SB Htddlt s of ~ 5' Famtd 1 solditr ca•1oonist 4i F1 bric •4 .... , • • cartoon I. •5 N11Jll1Jtnl , 4 7 French J 1 11ovr lisl ~ c• Sr11on 1n Aniou ' ! • ! I I • I ! so Word or rnlllus iasin " • ~bnOfl\'llll)' 5 Brciughl to bay b Ccimmon contrac\1ort 7 Long l!vr! 8 Lllrlr ss 9 Bo,lon l!hlt \f 10 Ol11grt td ' 29 0P>JO\ite in r.aturt 31 Somt th1n9 t lt\fl 33 Too~ 1 thanct 34 Shaptd 11\::t an 199 35 Stairc 1st ftl lurt • bQ Part ol the h;ir, i hl Tim' cl d~y: Slan1 hJ ll!l1 an to111mun1\y b4 Coin of Asi a b~ Mi ss Evan~ b8 Numbtr NOW -FOR ONE WEEK ONL YI Flrtt Tl-Show11 T09~1M1 -A11ywltere ....., "Patty Dake gives one of the ~. most brilliantly thought out <--1 performances &een in a "'~-long time!'t... lf"'1 \\l'IA• 11 ~A I H . ,~, 'l\.M..~ Q ... Patty Duke ~ ... ~8- JM HIT Introducing the plen1 fOf" •new bU1inet1 venture: ht AREA RUN MICHAELCAINE ·"fl IE 11:u.1,\.~ .JcH~·· calls, antl h1! phone \1 as :;t!l l ringrng. '·Are .\OU ugly'.'" JS the first ljUl'Sl1on he asks. About half ans11 cr, "Yes, I arn:" the o!liers, "Not rt ally ugly. hut J'1n a good character actor." p r 0 Ill i Stng·$0Ullding <l f._ pllcants arc invited to hi~ uf· flee. Some he has turned away, Bordy says, becaus~ lhey 11'ere too good looki ng. About 25 have signed up, and as many have ind i c a l r. d definite in1crt>sl. flis publit a· l ion deadline is llalloll'ecn , ··which I thought would be a humorous touch." he says. N11l all of his spare bu yers are really ugly, Bordy con· cedes, but with nlukeup. cos· tume and t Xpl'csslotl m~kc thcmsel\'C'S look so. \\'hut kind of uglines:ii: Is mosl in demand these days? "'rhe n.:itul'al type ," said Bordy, "111hich John Q. Jlublic can associate with.'' --.June in Role HOLLY\\1000 (t;PI) June llavoc \.\'i!I play a l'haraeter role in nisncy's ' The Bov \\'ho Stole lhe Elephan! ... , NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY & GREATER LOS ANGELES SHOWINGS ( G l For All General Audiences HI-WAY 39 "IATTLf OF lltlT AIN" 1 :)0 P'.M. 2nd feature "t H[ GltEEN IEltETS" 4:10 & 11 FOX CINEMALA ND OPEN DAILY 6:4S ~EATUll E l lM[S 1.IS & t :JO tlze-rnesa Th0atre of Fine New Appointmef!fs NEW PORT AND HARBOR lff'COSTA:-ESA TELEPHONE S48-1SS2 FOR INFORMATION SEE IT ONCE AGAIN WINNER OF 6 ACAD EMY AWARD S IT IS LIFE ITSELF ••• RAW BEA UTY l~l All ITS AWAKEN ING! ,,,, •q--_, (.QLJ/., '' ! /.'~¥!' q G:ft.\l.OI~[ ()"!OJ~J JU' IL er.~~·;~ 1.;'.10"\.Rft',i\.Y · ~'-·1 ' '.'.:",; ~~:.~.\}.!.'.'.A. F;._i:i., r ::..r.:, CN ("!C'>r,!;Jt I•i>°•i;(I NJ) ·: ::..~ l\fM 11..:Hi."i:ll_.1.\' ~'.: coi.Oi 2ND MAJOR FEATURE Wnk Dcrys 0 •• Sltowi•t loclt En. rOP'I el 7 CMd ZHIYAGO el l :SO !lat. snd S•11. Z"IYAGO 111 1:45 & ':00 BARGAIN MATINEE WED. I P.M. Sl.00 COOKING SCHOOL ON STAGE THURS., OCT. JO; NOV. 6, IJ. 10, t AM. pr•11nted by OrCllllJ• Co1111 Coll911-FRI( -PR,I ZES- FANlASlJC ACTION Sit•• M.c01'een J ttq ~tl;n• l iutl "BULLITT" IMI We•••n B11!tv Five O""•"'•v• 'BONNIE AND Cl YOE " RotommtndlCI !or A~~ll• J•p•NM Movi•s Ev•ry Tuesday Night I SPECIAL NOT ICE TO OUR PATRONS CONlRAllY TO ADYllTISING IEYOND OUR CONTROL AND A'P!ARING llSEWH(ltE, YOUN<; 'IOP'LI UND!ll 11 CNOT 141 WILL NOT IE ADMITTED TO l"ACIFIC THIATIRS TO SEE THE "R" P'IClURIS LISTI D IN THIS IOX UNL!SS ACCOMPANIED IY PARENT OR ADULl Q>UAIDIAN. "\POUTS Of TH! DfAD" !Ill ' "THE GAY DICIEVIRS" IRJ -c . ,.,,,,, ____ ... _ Clint E••• .. ood lno •• Ste•1n1 ''HANG 'EM HIGH" Clint Eo,twocd (·Ii W•ll t ch "THE GOOD . BAD AND THE UGLY" Reo..,m9'flded for Adul!S E.1.c:l111 lvt Orc111t• Cou11Tr Dd¥o•l11 ln1JC11Jlmtn' t;,, ,.,inel l1 wendel! bu<!o n "THE STE RILE CUCKOO" (M) Sho""" ot 8:~5 p.m. -Pl~1 M•thtol Ca i~e Sli1ll1 Wint1r1 "ALFIE" sno .. n ti t :lO tnll ll:IS p.m. - Rocomme•ded for Ad11I~ ...................................... Exc:h1si¥• Oro119e Co1111Py Drl¥e·I• ln1Jo91mt11! - "r~'E"Be~ iTte o~'B'RITAf~::(G> Show11 at 8:)0 p.m. -'1111 John w.vne o •• :d J111n 1n --·--"THE GREEN BERETS" IGI Show• at 6:30 and 11 :00 p.111. ••••••••••••••Ell§•••••••• ..... • Juli• An.;,,..,, R;c~o•d Crtnn t "THOSE WERE THE HAPPY TIMES" IGI J>.t~v Ou~. S~t rcn l 1I• "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS " lltcomm1nGecl tor AOulh •••••••••••••• .,,,,., ........... et NOW! •• 3rd A Ptl•y Story "THE GAY DECEIVERS" !RI Plw~ !ri get!e 8•rd ol "SP IRITS OF THE OEAD" (R) No •"• unGt• JI wll1 be e6-mlUICI uni•~ l t(emptftl,.. •r .a ptronl or tauu 9w•nt1l1n. WEEK! "FIDELITY FO R A FANTASY! There is th e spectacle of Kartharine Hepburn! Everything about the film is sti!lggeringly high.class . 'Th e Madwoman of Chaillot' drametizes the triumph of good over evil, tiie efficacy of illusion , the vir tue of individuality , the folly of war!" -N. Y. TIMES "THE TALEN T COULDN'T BE MORE IMPRESSIVE! K•th•rine Hepbu'" plays the title role -a deliciously daffy crea· tur e, full of warmth and whimsy. Bryan Forbes is a gifted director. Edwi!!rd Anhalt, a wr iter of distinct ion!" -N. Y. DAil'!' N~WS "A MASTERFUL, AR TFUL MOVIE FULL OF FUN W ITH MEANING! A !re· mend ous ach ievement in film art. A movie ja mmed with sparkling performances, gl itteri ng lines a nd witty conce pts. Miss Hepburn is magnif ic ent. The entire cast performs superbly. 'Madwoman' i\ beautiful!" -LONG 1SLJiNO PRESS The l'llIDWOMlU} of Glfl\ILl.OT "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BETIER MOVIES! Funny, Romantic, Touching!" _,.. HM11m,i~ lllpilr .. .... lllllllll -..a.l lfl._,.... •• ,D'lllS-. .. ~ATH.1.lllHL HEP!IURN,. "Tlt[ M.l.DWO"IA.N Of CK.I.Ill OT 'Gl<lllllS Jil'l'I~ • w.ur - I"'!~ f,.l•S • Jt'l>llo ~"'I~ • ral.( "11111l'~ •rut&•'°"°""'' ~·I ll'till!QI • r.>J\tlnl UA$11111 ••ot n1 <ti'-•• ,,.o ,...,•tH"•~~• '--''• YUt BllYJIH\111~ ... -..,. DON.I.ID f'lEASHICI it,....,_ R 0ANIH kA'E ,., ... _ •• , • .,,..,. "'t ........ ~1"' l'!'AAW ~·~ N -.... r,.,...., ""11(! l'•l!..;t• "'-l!'"'lVW•'IO-•!l •l"'u!·,.-•Wltfl!Y l ll'l:•imJlll . f"'---~--.i-lll'llll-.i • Dtouoll llp llltlll IClllU • J1QlflltW 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT "The Prime of Miss Jeon Brodie" WITH MAGGll SMllH * World Premiere E11909ement * FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER • • • ... ~. ... ·------------------------------------------DAILY PILOT 27 . . .,. 'Flowers' Solo for Concert Ballet Wins Cheers at Harbor fligh ... . ""' .... ,- . , I Katharine By \\"ILLIA~I GLOVER NE\V YORI\ (AP 1 -A fragile fantasy tha t shov.·s off youthfu l acting ability, .. A Scent of Flowers," opened ~londay night at o r f. Broadway'5 ~l a r l j n i q u e Theater. ll i<> \'i/iually a drama solo for Katharine Houghton , a niece of Kathar ine Hepburn \1'ho won some nice lihn at- tention previou~ly in "Guess \Vho':o; Coming to Dinner .'' This time f\1i ss Houghton, after a Broadway bit last : :-ca~on. must breathe credibili- 1\' into a do11,nbe.at across·lhe· • •• iral'c charade of a girl \rho eom1nits suicide. /low and 11 hy are disclosed 111 literal f lashback s and odd, posthun1ous conversations Since English author J::imc!li Saunders has a knack for con- torting even the 1nost si mple relationshirs into m r s to. philosophical discourses tinged '>l·lth errant humor. I he c·hallenge to lhe auburn-tress· rd actress cu1d her eight associate.~ on stage is tairly rorn1idable. FAMILY ORAMA -Cast In ·r1111rsday's opening dran1a-disct1ssion at r;olden \\'est Col le ge arc (scal- ed ) June Day ton and Andy !)arks and (standing ! 'f om Palzner and Ron\rcn Proust in the dran1a of an alcoholic \\1ife and molher. Golde1i West Stci~es L.. Hy TO\I HAHi.i-.:\' OI !M D•ll' , • ._ $10tl \\'e v.11 nessed Friday night a pcrforni::ince of ballet th11l \1•ould hal'e done juslice to halls n)uch rnore tiallowed than those of Ne11 port H<irbor Jhgh School. Not that the s plendid dancers of the Arnt·ricon Con..:ert Ballet Co in pa n y \\·ould . "·e wLll y,·ager, have ex· changed lheir surroundings for any loftier prosceniur n in lhe light of the tremendous and rlr:hly dese rved ovation lhey ret'rived fron1 a delighted capacity audience. The~' loved il and . bless them, they said $0; and they 1nadc it clear in po~t-i.'Urtain L-ornments that il 11as an audience 11ith v.·hich they \fOuld lil e tu quiekly renew a happy acquaintance. \\'hat niade thei r sterling performance e1 en m o r e 1ne1norable \\'as the fal·l that th1·.v regaled us \11t h si~ ballets -and all. nia rk you, tuncert v.·orks of hig h caliber -11·ith a eoinplernent of eight dancers. It \1·as an ]n{'fedible de111ons trat1on o! rndurance on Ll1e part of Gene ~farianac. ciu's gifted little group and no praise can be loo high for thl'ir unstinted endearors. \\'e h<1d .frars. lookin g back at their earlier exertions. th at the piec:e de resistn ncc of I heir repertoire -\\'illian1 \\o'i1t- n1eyer's glorious staging of Prokofiefrs · ·C I a s s i c a I Symphony .. -niig ht be the \'ictin1 of those e a r l i e r herculean efforts. Ou r fears "'·ere groundless. t·a1al1r r ro!r in that nu1gi1ifi- le111 "t'lfl .,111t·al S}111phony · lllarinaccio \1as \ery ntuch the n1aster in that s11 irhng, nnpas..'iioned ballet. a full-ron1· pany offering that had an 111·er"·hetme1t ;iudien('t> on 11~ kncts lone; before the tasl Jt'le. I le ~rougnt to tlus ex1.:1ling ballet a discipline and force 1!1;it ob1·iously inspi red h1~ 1nore junior {'olle:igucs Agnin. il secins :il1nos• crhninal to pick one or fou1 pohshed, Ltnpn:ssive danstuSt" but we couldn't help but :;inglc out Btirbara Goodn1an fur s1>eci<1! <tt·t:li1i1n 1n t h l' J'rokollt·fl : this supplr. ('Url· !rolled artist brought into her role a fire that was not q1111e . perhaps, ~ apparent in her female colleagut·s <1nd her corps 11ork l\:IS pcrfeetion it ~cl!. A girl to \rateh. l1!1ss C.:OOO- m:i11. And 11 e don't dou hl that, Grne .\1ar1n:itc10 :.hares 1h;1t <:unvict1on' SURllEALISTIC \l'c hti\·e lefl ours(·lf l1ttll' $paee Jn \I hieh to con11nen1 011 1he balance of a top-fl1ghl prl)- gran1 but we du 11·an1 to p::.v 1 lributc lo lhe t·on1pnny's 11·01·k , in "The firth D;iy ··. a s1range- l l' disturbing. al1no.i;l surreul .I ist1c work inspired h~· the bnrikl or Genesis, ;1nd "Balt~t Re- rlrct1on~.'' an ai ry, uttcrlv l graceful sho\l'casr or ball~t r:lassiquc th;it did rnuch forl the morale of a ballet erllic sttking release froni ii die t of l 1nodernis1n. She rner\5 !he lest with great scnsiti\'i!y chan n ilnd persuasiveness. Here is a boisterous hoyden one m(). men\, ii girl fully ;'l\\'ilrc of her Fcn1ininc allure the l)('XL and lhcn a cre::iture t r a pp e d betv.·een religious Jai1h and human passion, tremulously :.ummoning tragic tears from a \\'ell of SOTTO\\' that you simply ha1•e to believe. Disc:ursire, archly self -in· dulgent ar.d padded v.·ith soapy detail at tin1cs, !he play come.~ across with much to be quietly {'Ommended and remembered in its mixture of solc1nnity and dark n1irth . Fa111ily Crisis Plays Tl did indeed prove to be the JC-ll'el of the e1'ening although 1ha t summatio n. and the su1g ling of any particular were! "''ork for special meniion, islii••-----;;;;,.,.,.;;. hardly fa ir to the lilannaccio .. =· ... "': .. · .... · ·• ' group·s ahno~I flaw less stag- Jonnna Di (.;io\':inna and, C:irla Sea lander .. • • • " Among !he people sharing the before-and -after dialogue -the heroine has di ed before the play begins -are Sydney \Va!ker, Carol}'n Coates. John Glover and James l';oble as relati1 'es of l'<irying coin· passion; Hoderit'k Cook-. or. f1cia ting as confessor. priest and embalmer: Jr e m i a h Sullivan and John Colenbac k. a pair of Shakespearean gravediggers. A series of !our stage p!a~ s baseO vn major crises 1nany Orange Count~· lan11!ies lace lcxlay starts 111ursday ;it 1he College Center b u i Id 1 11 g , Golden \Vest Evct ung College, 15744 Golden \\'est SI .. Hun· t1ngton Beach, fron1 i 30 to 9:30 p,m. The initial play, Thursday night '1 111 be "L.1dy On the Rocks.·· ba,;cd on alcoholism ;ind its r1·lnt1onship to the fan1 ily. S11bscquen1 pla ys are ~c1 ror i'\ov. fi 11hcn "Fences·• "''ill df'a ) 11i1h 1ntegr;i!io11 and a d1:.cus~1on vr undt'rslanding rl'l<ttt'd problerns. On Nov. l3, "Quiet Cries" will portray 1l1e 1·arious a~11ccts of su1e1de ;:ind lls prevention. ing of an excellent program. RICH T AL El\' TS Liz 111 Ca1u co The series. '·Play:> For L11·. ing.'' is a realistic study 111 rarnily problen1s through roh: playi ng using professional ac· tors. Sponsore d in coopcrat1on \1·i1h family Ser\'ice Assoc1;1- llon of Orange Count y, rach of rhe Thursda y f'Vening prr~en· fat1ons \I ill include group discussions led by a pro· fcssional lamily counselor , ar· cordiog lo John Turner, C>.· ecu!ive director. Las1 in the series will be tl1c Nu1·. 20 pl:1y "The /\Ian 1\0body S;iw.'' based on the quality of n1cn T!OLLY\\'000 fL'PI ) Elizabeth Taylor will pla.v a surprise cameo role n·i1h hu~· band Richard Bu rton in "Anne of The Thousand Days.'' . ' . Speed -methamphet unim: -is a 'try dangcrou! drus. It is named for the ~ wlth whKb its u~r rida to 1upemormal levels of ea- ci1..ability and wateful na..~. Speed i1 de1troyi ng more youag mind1 in California than any ()(her dru1. Eaperu fear the illicit DS.C of thi' and similar dl'\lf' will reach £pidemic proportion1 this year. Jr yoo arc a worried parent with ~ &bout the drug tubcul- twt, or an open-minded JO'll'll pencm tak.in1 another look at the facts, read on ..• ....... lipoN! It i11\1Ch 1.~dnl tb.c. th~ medical profCl6ion limits its ute to emergiencic.s ruch M con- trolling blood pRllUCe durin& lllf'- FY%cn Spc:ied ia med iodttcrimi- nal~y. it over-1Ctink1 the pb}'li- ctl and ntnou1 1y1tem.-•ilh drutic aod unpndictablc RH.Ill. --Spoool-! .,,. botdleod Speed -..... -'*'61 the .... ..,.. dw: lleruilt- '"" -by injection. He then upe-n.aca a "rUlll .. up kJ 1. '"hiP'"- •n euphoric conditioa lbst CM Ix maintsintd for as lon1 • a w.l by rtpe.ied IMin.JirUBa. On I "opoed bia&<" tile - aftm Raya awake foe dayt. His appl'lite for food or dria.k ia sup-- prated. His kJH:tua: to the. &we buikk rapidly, ao from u iDitidy ~ dole be may 9hoot fnm 1000 .. ,000 ""lhcf-dlily - flf ,,...... tMn a doctor will ld- Dnisttr i• dw: apM"Slrin1 room. A• ll is .. ,.. .. propeue.1. the ' . Thr pla~·s 111!1 be op1'11 to the public w11hout cha rge. Further 111forrnation may hi" obta111ed by contacting · FSA !lead· qua!'!Cr~ <ti 838-73i7. speed user bccomc~ mort ft'\l)c~' and disorien ted. J-fc may become uncontrollable and harm h1mM"lf and othcr5. lli~ brai n, heart and liver arc all under heavy ~train . lf he can'I 1alr:c th i~ puni,hmcnt, he may die from overdo1a.1r -or from impuritic~ in 1he drug itM:lf -Oii from vio!CTJce re~ulting from bit ~ychotic coodition. Al an unpredictable point. ht 'lltopt 100.0.ing. This ma y be bt:- CNK ol. fali1uc. panic, or 1imply became: hi1 supply runs out. l'he "er.ti·• c.omes as he drop~ repidly from a hyperc1citable fotllte lo one of e:1treme e:1haustion. If he '~ a hard-<-O!"r addK:t ht may accclrralc his crash with "dow"ncrs~ -u:rually barbitur•l~ which art alM> fre~ qumtly addicting. He may 1lecp for 24 to 48 houn. cat ravenously on awaktning, lhtn go lnto a 1t1tc ol tllfeme dcprtMKMI. This can he so x vcrc and ink!Jitnblc that he m•y Lake oft on motbu rwn. "11y-- .......... s,...i! Speed._. _.nr l1n •o two eatqcw m: e..,. imelDtal mtd ""'1po)Mw. An alanniac nmtb« ti Yusnc 1:1pcrimntcra IP'Mhak k> lhc compmlaiww YK. ia oostr.llt to tt. oripn1I H...,.·Aollbolry ~ who UK'd IMrijuaru. and 1..SD ror "crc1.ti..,e aad rtlis)oft 4::rperi- nlCIN." E~wa-,. tt.i1. rcpulc!d coe1utptioa cu lead to drug-.,.-...:. 5pold. boilc ., ... -~,... •llY in bla«t merhc l•bontorie5 end i• heocnin& more readily a...-W. .,,.,.,,. dealen. Ofttn ·------------ 11 ""cut'' wi th 1ugar or in fact 1ny .... h11c powckr 10 mate the supply Jtretch, and thu' male. the 1ale more profitable to the dta.Jc:r. \lo/hen m1dc by amaltuB unde r on!>anitary 1.:ondit.ionP.. contamina- tion 1s often pre~t. the common ~idc tfftt11 bein1 abf.cuse~. blood potMming and hepatitis from un- 1tmle need.let. So the. medical PfO- fcssion "faced tvith both physical and P"}'Chiatric problem.a ill trut- ing the ":cpmj fruk.. .. wt..i cm ,_ • .._ k! According 10 fotmef d"ll·-r• who arc work.in& -with clinical 1eam1 to help addK.11 be.I. the habit, thne are three Nlic ltcr- one can take in coping with the growing drug problem: ~ Gtt tlw foc:tJ °" what dn.i1' txt rtalfy doilf.t 10 p«>pU. F«tJ. Not htarMy. S.. set. CoNM" llw clmkdl,..,.;.. Jntl',. Thlft ltMt • nattd HJH on • "°'"-'~ rotlvr Mt dlOfiofl. Tw.. ltfWJI.-, Jt1111Mlf. Gn ..,_ ~rlvT witlt otlwn ;,, yow CDM-'"""''1 'Jlllto .,, CCWlfl JWd .&mlt th# ""'' prolHmi. Grt1flP,f .,, JMWV111 IJv.o.flttwt r>w i,.,, 10 ""' -,...,. lwlp -•tl'HI. If J'O'I or MiftOOC de. '° JOt11 'has • drui probk&. write. for for- th« 1-fonatllion: ~Abme lnb-111,atlon ftOJ J11t1rr Strt,f .S. 1-t~. C•lil,,....;. H /01 J .,1;. A"drewl in "Tllou Wore Thir Hoppy Ti111iri" "THf l"RIMf OF MISS JfAN IRODlf" wdh Mo9qi• Smi th wi,..~f ~i 29DS fMr Coelt Hlthw.., Coro11e Ml Mol'-pll. 67l·6160 f ,, t • l .. ( BALBOA 673-4048 Ol"IN 6:4S '" [.Ian ... a.tMa ,.11ln1ula ADULTi ONLY -Al•• 111 Ceter- e M.&aLON IRANDO • RICHAaD toONl • an.a MO•ENO ln 1111 E~t·li nlj' N.,.. Su1ptn•• T~rille•- "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" pa rti('ular1y irnpre~s11 r 1n lh:it thuughtJ ul , 111W\lv • · f 1 l l h D.iy," so carerul!y and ac· 1·urately ke) ed to tht• h:iun - 1111.c. Villa Lvbos scorr. and llolly Lynn, Jarnes Her11C1'lo ;ind thl' magnifieenl li1annae- 1·1u wf're 1·erv much to tht• lore 111 lhe ll'Clt 'received "Heflet· lions." Our only regret is that n·e do not ha ve the space to 1·0111· n1l·n1 on the rern atnder of thi! rl'l\;H'du1g prugran1 . It v.·a3. in all areas. il!I nuspicous open· ing for thr Harbor Area Cor11· 1nun11y Concens Si'awn. Knowing Sllrni!th1ng vf the .~1ruggle ral·ed b.v sul·h grou ps a~ the Anu:n can Conce rt Uallel Co111 pany. a last oote n1i~ht not bt.> 0111 of place . \\'e have, 111 this \l'ea lthy na· lion, a handful of struggling bsllf"t comparuts "'·ho rur1•n e on the pro1'erbial p1t1ancr an<l ~el n1ainta1n. r:oo bless then1, 1clcal!I and !!lllndiirds thnt dl'SC f\ I." a belltr balaoce shrtl /Jc;neu 011ly kno .... ·s "t1y 11;,, :should Uc ~u a 111cre droµ our urgent nalu..111al re s ou r cf:~ v.ot1 ld 111ore than qut~ncb tile raging (inancial thirst of ~o 111aov of our cultural venlu rr:-.. ~1~~ ~i~~~~-,~~n~~ Bu"~?~~_}n;~:'.n h~:,., [,ft; I " John N1cho1:> D:Jv;d lon:-ie AJ\l\ri !:iorgent , .. A,a.1 J. Poku!o Fred Kar lin ·-·-- ----::--N -· .... •• •. ,.,,..•.l'?'i,.. ..... ---·-' ·•• '''''.•·r•" ~,...,.,j • ..,,., .. • -e--l~;cUO"'/.no<~P<'-"" ~ , ..... -... ~·· .. r -.. ,--.--·-- •-EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN-• • l"REMllR[ lNCPAGEMI Nl • Jtdo l<l#•O l f II.I.Cit •• •I oi.. '""""" lo too.1 •• , ll'• .. ,. -0 1, I-I H I ., . 1· .. 2 °"1 CfNTURV·fQ)( PRt.Sf.NTS '' ,, " • l"REMIERl lNGAGlMEN'I • JULIE ANDREWS · RICHARD CRENNA ~'THOSE WERE THE HAPPY TIMES" MICHAEL CU16,. IJAHIU MASSEY · iiii"Clllfl• · ioiiii WlSI . Witti111 flJICllll.D ·---... --~ --• -a-• -11111 .... ~ lll!I · llOlllll lllGIS . -"lo lUll -21M1 c....,. , • ...,,_ Htor "JEAN" T\o 10_, ·~·-i1 M119I .. 'hil Sii''"· GiH L.elaltrl9l4o, Sliel"" WiRttrl ''~ L...,..en!I, Ttuy s-..i1 .. ,, "B!JONA SERA MRS. CAMPBELL" I '' .~l~•L~O~M~l~Y~•~ll~OT:__ _____ w_~_,_ ... _~~·°'-''"'--"-·_19'_• 1UMILIWEEDS LISTEN, KIP! WE ONL'( GOT A FEW """5 0 M1ER LEFT FER '!\:XJ N ME! I AIN'TllO.m 10 &IE At« OF IT 101llAT S1IJPIP P06 ! TELEVISION VIEWS Gray Whale Life Sho,vn By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V ''ORK (AP) -Jacques Cousteau and his undersea adventures returned to ABC Tuesday for another series of speci'aJ reports, in this instance a fascinating study of the gray -or desert -\vhale. Cousteau's ocean-going laboratory , the ship Calypso, follo\red the 35-ton mammals fro1n their summer resi dence. the Arctic Ocean, through !heir 5.~mile journey to shallo\V lagoons oli Baja Cali- fornia. THE HUGE creatures. facing extincti on by hunters. return south lo mate and bear their young. \VhiJe Cousteau's cameramen risked their li\•es re- pt>atedly to get pictures of \Vhale courtship rituals. the animals roiled the 'vaters so it \\•as impossible to get anything on film. The cameramen failed , 100, in efforts to film the birth of a \Vhale. But there \vas some remarkable under\C.·ater photography of mat- ing "'hale~. The most interesting portion of the program sho11·ed rffor1s of the Calvpso cre1v to save a baby \\'hale, injured and stranded on a beach. WHILE CAME'R:AS recorded the details. !he men treated it s 11·ounds , returned it to the water and attempted lo substitute a men-made fonrtula for its mother's 1nilk . Since this \\'as a true.life stor1·. the little -on e ton -\\'hale died. The vie\\·er fe lt almost a~ sorry as the Cotisteau cre11-. ABC's "\Jo1·ie o( the \Veek'' \Vas a 90-minute :-ho11· catled "The ,.o un,1? La11J•ers" and it had e1·ery ear_rnark of a prograrn dt'."signed to become a fu ture series. It 1ra ~ fashi oned fro111 the basic recipe used for the popular ~ene s, "\lod Squad.'' THE LATTER centers on three young police underco1·er agents supervised by an experienced cop. ''The '\1oung La1,·yers" had three vo un..,. la1v students :::u per,'ised by an e:<perienced iitto~ev. The pilot. sho\v \vas filmMI in Boston -a sia1e "'hich pe r1nlts la1v students to pract ice in cou rt 111th ~on1e !j upen·\:-1011 . TI1e actio n 1111·01\·ed a nei12hborhoo<l la11• off1c<' and a ca.~e oJ t1r o un employed musicians accu-;-cd of robbing and bea ting a cab driver. The !rgal kid . .,. of course. craC'k ed 'Lhe case and ihere 11·as one of those 1ne1·itable 11'ilness stand denou ncernrn t ~. It 11,as an interesting shot1• \\'1th possibili!1es. RECOMMENDED tonigh·t: ''The Bras:; Are Coming." NBC. g.10_ PST. Herb Alpert and company plus Petula Clark Jn an hou.r ol music: and trick photography. De111ais t,Jae Menace • , , ------ - - - ---------------------------~-------------------------· ly Tom K. Ryan I 170ITT KNOW WHY I TRY TO FleHT rr. ... l'M 06VI009.. Y OVER MATCHED '' I· ii SALLY IA NANAS l ...... --.... PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz IN<ffiAP, !'.I\ 60IN6 10 WRITE A LfTTER TO ll!E HEAD 6EAGU' - HOO.I cx:€S "THAT SlRlf(f l(tll) ? ·----~ ~ ll!f HEAO BEA6LE HATES JUl-iK MAIL! By John Miles JUDliE PARKER By Harold Le Doux ,,.. """1mHT IT'S A.GAl~Sf rEGOl.-'T\Otil5 10 TliAf HE SEE HAVE A. WOti\AM VISIT A 1'050HEr SEi6EAWT! E-XCEPT t'll~lril6 YISITlMG HOai5 1\1 nlE VISlTING MEA~f.;;;~~-., MA.YeE WE C.tM HAVE HER: !EE HIM IN THE UEVTI:NAHT"'5 0FRCt: F<Jr A FEW MINDT'ES.' lET'5 5EE WHETHER Tl-IE OFFICE 15 II ISE ! IP .,,,,... UATE IT! M~WHILE .. CAN YOU A.RRA.N6E ~ lliE 10 l-IAVE THE SPBJCU ~ TIWO: NEXT T1ESPA.V? By Ferd Johnson We CAN ONLY .AFFOl"D TO ~EEP YbU ON IF LA DY P. FINDS ,A .JO~, M.AMIE· STEVE ROPER I KMOW V."J-IAT THE CA~ WILL CO, MR. SWEN'! -BUT RIGHT NOW I COU~WT BUY A Rot.LEl?·5KATE.' 1'10V..'. Mii'. KALC~E-W E JUST H,APPEIJ TO H.~'.'= OI yi,:_ Fl(')(R A LJl(E·NEW •CA TAMOU"'T"-COMP\. ETE WITH SP!;C1 A.L FUEL FEED -·GOOD LOW.ft.ID l<E 5POf.l SE !WO I F~N7,&.STIC\.-~ , ::-'\. TOP-=ND ,-'1-~f~~l?,P, POWER .' /fl AT$6300 rrs A GIFT. SON.' SOR'l<Y.' Til.-'W<"S ~~ ii-IE C'R1...aKS.'-BUT flL. BE TOO O.D iO GET A :,..-~,./ ORtVER'S LICENSE BY"THE "Tt~E I RA!SE. THAT KtlJDA ~-DOUGH.' "TM.AT SLAVEl>RIVfR? MUTI AND JEFF By Al Smith ( NO, No. POOOLEBl.G.' NO DOUGHNtJTS .1 WE -MAVE ENOUG H CAKE! ·-·· .. ·-· • ..... «• • .,,.,_,,, ••• - ,_ .-' -. . ,. ... . ~· ,_ .. ~·-·---., •_;'! .9 GORDO By Gus Arriola 'IOLI CDUl-D WEAi< 'E<M , 100, oF YOI) DID Nii ll.A.VI!' vut..il-DP's DtSfASf f • ' •: C!L.)~l.OC'IS DI SE:A..S~f . ' MISS PEACH By MeD AATHuic ';:;OO;;;>l~T:;YOU;:;;;--;F;;:I N;;D;-\'.;::_::S::'::E=A=..,=T=H=U=,,=, = ........ ==E==;r-y::e;:s-;:,-:e;:UT:;-:7:-:HE;-::M::;O;::N::e:::y*-· THIS HUM!LtATIN<i f . ~ r-,._ ' " IS USED TO FIGHr \31GGE>T fAILIJF.f ITV STUPIDITY .•• -mt-S'cHoc L ! ~ > '1 I ' ~... _, .. . ,,, ... --,,. A· ~EAL, L\Vf De PE o;J looi;!_ 1/J THE: Ou~rrM01?1tE rj" . -··- <: II LCC k: r--~-­ • • . 1 ' i 10 . f WEDNESDAY By Charles Bar10ttl , . l(Y L8 1 __._ .. ___ 9 ltl1111 Hir!'liflrb (C) (30) D l!1' (JJ Q) RIOftl 222 CC) (3tl) ·Te1eh1r'1 01(Jflpinf M " P1t1 D1lC11'1 WO!"-wit h hlih school drt0- ouh bn"f' lllm 1n imPOrtant 1" OCTOBEft 29 oltar !rom a wrpor1hon. Frint C.1mpanell1, MOfrii Erby arid l1• 8urr rl 1.uest. m D111c! fro.st (C) (90) t.omedl1"" 1 J I "" I • ~ r ai;1or Oannr Kare, romlc Tommf 5:00 COQi>tr. utlrist Bir! llo•. M1J. l•" 0 REDDIN GIVES INSIDE I Pearl.On (David Fmst'1 sistrr. wt>e * INFO ON S D SI w,tn hrr hu$band o~enteis a 1111s.- • ' " s1001ry ho!,p1fal In -'!ric1) rnd wi!ll 6:00 II I la ....,, (t) (30) JtJry Dun laster TOf!J' ~ahrntnn. phr. I m Tiie 11, va1i., (C) {60) 0 it' HvntM7·1rinkMJ IC) {301 f.l) ~ lllNtre tiO) "'IM· 0 Slwti Allen Stlotl (C) (91J)I pefldos ol Dodgt Cit)'." Roc);y Lant Guests •re Robert Q lewis. Hi ll !tat~ F1111rr. G.ar111 Llndur, The 81oth al SonrA (30) ers S1nct1t, Don Ru:l!rnond. Mal 9:00 0""'"" 'i' Mldiul c...t." -\60) Sharp1 1nd Anne-Mane Bennstrom t -e; l •.J '"'' I Oi Joe Gannon d15CO'l9f1 thrf 1111 0 L.A. TV PREMIERE! 1n111nHrina sludtnl 1dmitttd to 1111 * "LOVE IN A GOLDFISH , hospital for an intestinal 1illllfl'll is nu1sint 1n tlpe11$ive drug htb1t. BOWL " -TOMMY SANDS; J'j~n Marlin and Tim Coll.silflr.e & FABIAN -COLOR! I 1uast. 0 Sir D'Clod Morit: (Cl "lm in Cl BAN)(.AMERICARD • Goldfisll INI" (eomeoy) '61 -1 ~ * SPECIAL' "Th B Ar my Sands. fab1in. Jan Slerll~1. • e rass e Toby Michaels. Th,ir \Chooj super Coming!1' S1arrine Herb 1ntnodetT! dedares stud1nb QI OP· Alpert & TIJUANA BRASS ~$1le Sdltll off-limit~ lo e11th other. 0 ~@ ID I lflC!hlllillrm ~ut they decil!e In :ioend their ~" Co!liioa (C) {60)tfwb' All*'t "acatlori IDSelher aorw~Y. aod me Tljuan,• Brt• ~ 1 O Did Y•n Oya. (30) concert eornprisinf ID d th•ir '°' tun~ Petu!1 Cl•" au.ts. ...i m l"IJttll 1'11t1 (30) Sl:'l!rll IOI) sllnl mtke G111i!10 II>' W St# Trt' fC) (60) I r!lJ (]J Mlkt ll9l.li111 ft) 190) j ED Wlllt1 Ntw? (30) .. lnterna 1•0011 Mar111ne.'' fa (j} CBS lkwl (C) (30) €IJ TIMPI 111 P"11oll (30) CE"""' ft) (60 ) .lad H1c~ey. 1:30 D l(J'jlC Jt-m. (C) (50) . ' C:J Thi G1m1 '11711 (C1 (30) J•m MatKreH hosls, Guesh are 81:'1trli G~rland. S.ind1 Baron •nd A.b~et Lincoln. m To Ttll t!M lnith (C) (30) rn Dfttc.• o1 111t l"rftidtn1 (Jn) [3 ~) Huntl1J·l rinld9f (C) (30) I m &utt11 r., (301 r·e~r~nces. 0 WrnUint (C) 160) t.owboy Uni. I ')id littH!brook. MtihlY "l!tm, Utt~ Br~1se1 •nd Mil Masures -IR- rurtd. O @ill®AIC • ......, Mcwlt: "CtofU liiirf" (comed,. dr1ma) '6&--lYfl" Redrrrve. .Limes Ma!lll~. ,l,l8n Bates. Story rrl 1• awkward you~& woma~ whoa l\f1 11 dramatically changed. fD Your Dell¥1 Wortlt (SO'! I~ hi;duc1r.1 a Mw m1awi11e t!!fmat. lhe consumtf vrie1 eon!1fn1 lntin~ w•~ writ! M1.1.. Vir(i"i' 1(1111urr, P•esrdent Nl:l(lrl'I Sfl"ci1I -.ii· IJnt tor consumer arfal~ ind .<;~~~ilJI (;3yl0<d Ne1JPO'I. 111 •ulo 1epa1r C1"11"1der. m Sytvi• , [•ri!rut 1601 jil ([) Tiit MunJten (30\ ,:30 0 Ntw1 (CJ (30) B•~t• W•rd. m H~a.r. l4 cci (!iO\ m H• s.h1, ,... s.id ft) (lOJ m "'" (CJ (301 m R•"11• • ..,, (60) '.1:00 0 CIS ["'1foa """ (C) (30) 10:00 £1 ia: CIJ HIRI n..o (t') (60} O Whtt's Mp Li,.! (t) (10) A r1di!:lll C~intu M1oit1 itudent m I l0¥t ltcy (30) ttll!fldinr: !ht unlvtnrty ii fou~!I dtad 1u~l •1 Mt'.Garrtl h•a obh1ned @But tl!t Clor:• (C) (30) lht tv1<1tntt of his conned.10n 11rit11 £li Co111modlty I Stor;k hDOrl (30) • V:irnmunist inte uiaent1 finf. rii (6 ) Anirfiu! <CJ (31)) o »'E m""" c.i .. "-"'• ED A~ora! (JO) (C) (60) "Th• J:l3 Arriva 1t ~ (() Trvth ., ConMltlltl'IOll (C) Noon.~ A lofl2·1mttr190ned robber !II (10) due to 1rrive 1n the town lllt1er. ~. ~ WinoWlllSt \C) \JM I h~s \PO'lf!d ven11nnce °" two cit• = "' •tens. Gunts are Glori• GraMme. CD Th•I liirl (C) (30) ' U rry G1tn. Roy•! Dino ind 8119 7:30 0 ~ (J'l lit111 Ct•pbtll (C) l&O)I Steele. >ohnn1 teJn. Rich Little, arid Und•i O WHO 'S BEHIND THE SOS? Rons!td1 11ua1t 0 ~ 00 m TM Vlrii"illl (t)I * TOM REDDIN TEUS (90) "A LO'ie to R~&mbe•." Diarie 0 m Mtn (C) (60) Bl\;tf guests Bl I BoJIOll nt\OJ., 0 Diii•! (t) (60) p1oer rtp()(!ei-1rtlst who i:ome1 m ,.,._, Muon 1'.'t1! in se~rch of stories •nd the sintr of htr 1111 hulbind and @) Rnr-ldt •111111d°" (60) m Speeulatiell (Cl (60) ... C&ll' el11ld rrtct Be11 3iso i Utsls. I ver$!1tioo W•tn Sol Hur(llL. 0 Stump tht St•11 (CJ (30) Mjke . Sloke1 hos;s Gues1s i re Rut1 Lee.I &II C.rC'll 0. .. .,..., (30) D1~~-~a1~ier ~nd Robert Clary.. itl):lOiI)Un Cirtto en 11 ~(JO) 0 IT J1(DTIMI Flyi111 Nun CC) (1r1 ''The N.i! So Great lmpcs!~r." 11 :001J 0 0@ """' (C) I «rv Slorrti ~ue~s ~' an untm , O Alfred Hilch«1tk p'cyed riport•i "ho u determ1nrdl -Tht Morie Ci "'I In pho\()frapn Sister Bertri ll1 i~ -alN '" JI ght m Out. lhnitJ D MO'llr. (Cl "Th9 8ridps t! (I} ClJ ~ \0 ~(I , ltM {C) Tol;~·R1" {dramt\ ~ -W<lharn, g) m Cl) Jll ... (Cl fla:a!~ Grl ce K~ll1 fre1Sr1t ~ire~ l'~r'IQral tlrat"l 5el ~Pl'IOng N.!Yl ll:lO 0 ~Ii M.,-, linffHI ft) 1"1n- (a<11~r ·b.!~ 1it pilols 1nd heli·I 1t<1m or1111na!M in I-lolly.mod. tr.o tu r~ue team$ durin1 Korean! 0 O;_] 16 ; m Johnn, t.anOtt (C) l'.!r, Sc:hadu led rue!ls mclud1 Ptlyl ht ID Tnrttl l!lf tl>flMIQ\llllalS IC) (lOl D1llei. llobtrt Dow~y (produoir), m JPX!d to1 the Dtfel'TM' (C) (frO) R•cky Jay (m111eian ). Alln f1111I, fl) T..:llnlul Cctntf (JO\ 1 ~al Mineo, '"d Souo1 S.les. """ O Mow11: "Tllll Tn1111" (wtstrrn) ~ loyt.t Olen Cook! (301 '.iS-JIU!n Ben°'tt, R111dolph Scott. m C~~tflo 11 Rohl (30) Wait!!'! Brenn1n. l:ODOJKt ltlinp (30) C.IOI 8umt t1 D (jTfl)Ci) lotJ 8i•-•ll ICI i Ues.I!.. ! SC°llldu!ed iuuts irl cl lldt sin1er1 , . ~andler & roune: t:amic Pr1l. B1c'· 0 Gues5 who s coming to • ,..~·ds; 1;0111td;H1n. Bartirf• H1llr. * lunch on COURTSHIP OF1 .ind Rn_ Allph Abern•tltJ, trYit EDDIE'S FATHER? n~hti 1t1dtr. O @ (f)CD l~• C1nbf1i, 11 0 M""-: "'Pd ll_.. (dr""1- Ud1t•1 r1tti. (C) (30} "Guess1 romt11te) '6J-P.1ul "'""'""· Sid· Who's Comma to Luoctr?" Tom ney Poi1;er, Joinrre Woodwud, D••· r.orbelt IS just as surpn!ltd as ll•s ha11n C.rroll. d~lt. Betty Kelly, w!ltn they mttt aJ MIN: ~1·1 r,.. .._1• for 11\1 f111t time after Eddie m 1 1d1arn1) ·~v" Morroir, ~'" 1·•tts ht!f !llln M•I 11'/f!f !Of !ht G11y. ¥iff~tnd. Cicely Tpo11 •rid Jtmts Cole 1~est U.1111 m llft: "T1llJ w .. , ...... 1111"' m Qu1111 ·,_ I "" (CJ (30) (dr1m1) '47-Jlobert Yount m !toe• M1rttt S..1111'1 (JO) l :OD 6 Mowil: ..,,_ llad T.r" fdr .. f1) TM f"1)1t S.11 (60} "Dinner ma) '57-Anthcn-, S11ll. 11 Sw1tti•n1.'' (R) O O "'" (Cl ttl l11pa<tos Min1c11ts 130) 0 CoM11u1111J lllllltiil a-11 (C) l :lO Ba Cf! Th• ...,..,, HifltlHliu m Adle" """1rr. "SlcnC ¥1"- (t} !30) f~, Cl1mpttts 111 •I tile• hrrt:" (m)'llll')') '54-«ent T.,ior, S1lvt1 Dollar City Hottl rtlltlrsi1111 J1n1 H)1ton. to1 [Uy M•f~ weddil'll .tlen Shiflp[ Sh1lt1 thowl u11 1'111 lt1mt that l:JOCDM-Jtipt ~ "Yfllj"' •1111 !hwy ltl W!!rth $8$,000,000. l'tlill ?"1ld," '.'Go!dtll H&~I d ~urlpf." Silvus 1ues1i. 11'1e Blind Goddau.. THURSOhY DAYTIME MOVIES 10:00 D °"""" n. "" Wi~ .,.. .. (d11m1J '60-Gi"a lollObrtPla. l~• Monl1nd. lZ:O"J8"Tlll INlll 11.....,-(lllfll.ll'J'J '37-Akim T1tl'llrotf, .lot!1 TrwC. .... . ' r ) • • • • , • ' ' Vietna111 . The lJnlled Stales is in \'ie!- norn i:l.S an aggressor and should unilaterally get out, says former C BS cor- respondent David Sch()('nburn, who spoke re cently to 150 students in Orange Coast Col!ege auditorium . "We should send 50,000 men .home every month for JO -months and then 1!.'e're out," ·he told them. : Schocnbrun said he was vdth J-lo Chi P.finh in Hanoi in 1!4-15 \.Vhen Vietnam 1!.'<lS declared a sovereign st11te nnd American planes flying overherid dipped thei r wings in tribute. , . The journalist visited flo in Jlanoi again as fl'Cf'ntly :.:is 1967, on a visa, 11hen he 11rnle · -a cover story for the Saturdav · · Evening Post. · ··Ho ha sn't changed. \\'e\·e • changed. Oh ho11· we\·e chang- ·•, ed." Schoenbrun said . J le snid President Nixon is con1n1Hted to interventionis m ·instead of intcrna!iona lism. "What is lrl r. Ni xon doing declaring a mora torium o~ .'.,democracy?" he asked . ''I have seen la1v and order in Spain, in Nazi Gern1any and in the So\"iet Union." Schoenbrun said the \'let. nain \\'ar really becan for the _ U.S. in 1946 when ii went along ,. \rith ll1e intervention of a • ·French expeditionary for ce at l-laiphong . "Only because !lo v•as a ,.,.Com1nunis l Y•e s up po r led , F rench aggresslon," he said. ~, '"Jlo hadn't com.milted og· _8ression. ~":.: '·But we've give n THo one . billion in American aid. Ap- parently Tito is ou r kind of .... Commie. \\'hy? Because he ' broke v.·ith St.ilin's Ru ssia. "Ah," sa id Schoenbn1n, ... "_you see it iJ'rlot ideology but .•. a great power conflict "Fidel, that hippie. \Ve ...... tolerate him 90 miles away ·from Miami. But Ho's people -J0,000 miles av.·ay. \Vatch out. lhey 'll be landing at ?-.ialibu Beach." Schoenbrun said, "Once we made the mistake of back.ing ... the J;-rench V>'e v.•ere loo proud, -t oo arrogant, to admi t it. _ "I \vas the only American at ' Dien Bien Phu in 195~ v.·hen 'tor the first lime in history a yellov,. people defeated a v.·hite people in open battle. It meant the end of \Vestern domin ation in Asia. The French saw it; they sued for peace." .. , Schoenbrun said U n i I e d ·States -contro!ll'd South 'Vietnam fai led to hold an elec- tion to srttle the. l;O\'crnmcnt • flf the country in 159fi as called for by the Ccnc\·a Con\·cntinn because EiscnhO\\'er "'as lold J-/o \\"OUld get 80 ["lf'fC(•nt Of !he \'Ote s. Eisenhower admitted as much in his memoirs, Schoen· brun said. "The holding of ~n eleclion only 1[ our side \\111 y,•in you ''m ight can the Cook County ~yndromc 1n 1\'0rld affairs," he remarked. Schoebnin debunked 1 he dom ino theory that other Southea.~t Asian C' o u n tr ies ·vrould topple one alter ano!h('r if Vietnam ~·as lost to the mmmunists. and said the Sou t he a s t Asia Treaty Organizatlrin (SE.'\TOI did nrit obligate the U.: lo get into Vietnam. "Don 't .\·ou see 11'1< junk !he governmrnt is feed ing ~nu, ho~vash.'' Schoenbnin said . He s:iirl he is nnt a dove :ind -he recei1·ed the \Var Crass and Leg11Jn 0£ P -111Nlals in , \\'orld \\';ir JI. "But I am more proud of the books I ha\'£' v.·rittcn th:in the camp.aigns I ha1·e fou<:hl," he said. lie io:: thP author of, "Virl· nam : 1101\' \\'e Got In and !l o1v \\'r Get Out." .. •·r.·ly coun try right or wrong," is a juvenile slogan, , Schoenbrun said. A better ~ glogan, he said. is ''My cou n- ·1ry right or wrong. yes, and when riJ:ht to be kept right · "and when wrong to be put . ·right." Schoenbrun. formerly Paris ·.bureau chief and Washington · · correspondent for CBS. is now a senior lecturer in the Colum- .J>ia Universit y G r aduate '·Sc hool ol lnternalional Af- fairs. . ' Hero Gets · His Diploma · FAY E TTEVlLLE. N.C. '·(AP) -Sgt. Robert Pat- terson, 21. a ?-.ledal of flonor winner in Vietnam. II o t . another award Tuesday -.an • ··honorary high school dlploma although he finished only one year of hi gh school. • PaUe.rMJn, a member o[ the 82.nd Airborne Division al nearby Ft. Bragg, wall guest • ..nf honor at a parade and ban· quet In Fayetteville for win· ning the nation's highest {'('lm- bat medal. which Pre!idcnl ~i~on prrsenled lo hin1 two • ~·erks ago. And ?-.lassf}" Hill School gave. him a diploma making tun1 an honorary grad.\!ate. .... -·-··--·~·---~_,.._..,._,..,..___,, __ ~-------~~---------- • 11"411 r ..... ,...._....,.c:-...•.•· • •>•22•111· •St ... w-.1 .... -w ........... c ........... -. ••• • lJN ~ ..._ H..., ......... c:..-, c .111. • 6117 w_..1.1., • •• , .. w ... -w .... 1-.r e IMdi ........ ..._ _ H ....... IMdi a.,p ... ~. HMtt ..... ~ e 11 t61 f~ Yi.w •Ch.,•• -l•f't ... rt••• Gw4-GreM e JI 1 JI IMdi .... • Mmt9. H.L PLAYING CARDS PLASTIC COATID REG. 2:49c 49c. I •s Value! Baurifullr ~ graved. JtlC!Dda bowli, le& ket- tles, YUO, pl!cb- u, plmter. $11" Samsonite Bridge Chairs . la.rp ~Int ia antiq ae whilt $8'9 •inyl. Sturdy steel fnm<. M.,chl .. T•ti.I• Slt.tt s391 18-Plece Punch Bowl Set Jncla.dts ' $277 q1.1art p uncb bcrwl. 8 cups, l It.die and 8 cup boob. 1970 Unen Calendar Towel . B_right ntw dt-aac 11p;ns. Ust " a · oilm~r. then u 1. . IO"'"fl. With m.a il,ng O rton. P!Mh po]JO'U io '1 '' ""'e!t colo~. Ml· chiM~Je, • 0 s2995 Clairol Makeup Minor GiYCS da r ot ''" 11 lls" """'• '"''· '23'' Mirror ad1113i. tet •nr anglr. Brite Calendar Watch Bands St_1inleJ 1 ttttl $4f5 with perpetual alendar. '2"-14 Piece Set Marking PHs 14 usorted col. ori. W•1hablt, od4:'r lt•I, non-$144 1o:11c.. E a 1 r to .... loll Away Slack lack Mofo al ""'1$ 6" hlbiiiir -'"~ Brig:hdy chrome plated. Holdt I pair. ·-~·--..-'1" u .. , .... C .. d, •••••• m 771 Ht U1t Pitt Up ...... = 991 Sl.ZI llHk R1tk ..... ltlCi. 731 U1 ll1111T111 .•••••• ;p:a;w: ... HtnNRllt ....... ; "'* '1" 12.49 ,, .... H11pn . ; '3" V .. l In of 25 Reg. 11'' & •1 14 Celalwl Westinghous Chrlst111as ·Flashcubes or Cards ··M3 Bulbs 87° 78° "'"" "" .i::.;:".!; hinll 1 . iG bot. Bi.ii ltlcruoo- .BUJ' now for holi- d.y picture tdiog •I f ot CTctyOOt on your :f u-rinp in llm.it-timt offtt ! lilt! Scoop pardwc ! • 1 •1 Quilted Piiiow Covers WfnC J:I,,. 98c Ha .. • 1bt m io .a lid colon. mill· ti colo r auipa to blnrionitt or flon.l md -i. ty p~l 1, JI 2, UI WC. 59' Valael 6 Focit Phistlc Mat •12'5 Value! 4 Pc Tray Table Set Walout ?" look lrtJI · in fOld da1.11T1. 4 lingsiu tnn arolldiout ttora nid:. 98!. Plastic • Utllfty frays ~ ~;;2i'I 01"pt11zcn (or "ntnl" la my ltOftl't W. J1n11bo 1 O" "Plutlclon ""'"'];!.,. $1" Ii.kt! lo 6 de(. Ol orator colon. $9'1 Koclak lutalllatlc 44Camera ft:: S-.'7 instant -I !Olding: it llashnibn. t5ts Yaluel Wonder Whnl EJ[erdzer Het.'t'f duty ~ bet ti~. 11ed r&o info rccd ,;rip$1 ft hlnd!t. Fot' ....Ut watcMn. WJ" "'"'"'$32f dial, Juminou. handf. S mart pLtRie alt'. Toddler doll wltll Stroller f!1~'Jr!,d .,. """ ...... ita _,. llniU•. 11 ... 1Tald•1 Telep•••• =----""-T1lk to Donidd $,. D•c kr. Mich, .. _ . 'J"Whld-up WlnueJ Pals W alk i.11, 661 ro c k1111 action 10J1, 10 faadtw. inc. .. _ Bulky Knit Acrylic Sweaters N"' look cardigan an~ Ditc:CM111t Price paJJ~ •Ola '' <kligh<-s5ta Jul Pall c:Qlon. Choice of eolian or j~[ neck 1f1ltf. FWJ ftshiontd lizes 36--CO. s5•s Flocked Dot Women's Dusters Pmnantnt prut. JOlid or piiot fl~kol do< d~<m. $3'' Elaborately trimmed .,.jth cnbroidcrtd I~. ~0% Xo. dd p:ilfetcr a )0% A"ril n,..,. Fruit & Vegetable Plastic Novelties Thi! 1calt 1c1u1 1/1 YtW' CHlca worb .6: comes in 4 colon. Tht Ttgttablit 88' people lltr cute Ir ,,... PHliog, odd 0>lo< • ch.lrm ttl your home. Gold Decorated Ceramic Gifts ,. kant ,old a. I f«t in 6 differmt $ 99 '''''"' P;""' Nut II: fruit bo•ls. ptdcsuJ d i I b ' I, Tun, candle holdert, tllOR'. ~ hi.ir in J 24 ROLlER to 10 rn in-s24aa u t t1 . New ~:;.,;; ~ : ! '. p[ttt with mirror J9C Instant Self Adhesive Carpet Tiles 9r9" equara ol mir· &a1!ous polyoldin 2 9 wi<h fo•m mhi~ C b&cb tnd stlf·srirlc: tapt. Easl. to insti ll rounclf. EuJ ar,. .... L 1·UGUID e 7 · JH . CWINa• • • • • • • · · • ~C..110-C• 98' Black Flag ANT ANO ROACH KIUll 11' ....... k"•"'"·" 2·s1 •• Serteant's Flea Collar '".: ~ ·-........ c.. '147 '1" 121 . Spot Ulter .•..... s1n LadJ Wilshire Casual Skimmers CompoN to Natlonal D~-~134 lrand1 at $2.50 $169 Prlcol Fuhionrigbt alippm 10 wru indoon 1111d ' out. Soft 11r1 intd P.llllf ho4t: &itt JO\I that :;j'' p111e l1, JOld lon,11, Jean, leggy look 1il•cr JDJiu. from .,...i1t 10 1oc •• , Hand lu!M ... with " and Agi lon fits lJ smooth· hccU, cwhiOQ in· Jr u a ICCOnd 1lcin, ocvcr aolo . sap or bags.. fall thades. 9ic"'P;nd's Cold Cream ........ 72' 1111 J ...... S."• 42c 47• T .Olli OP 10 .. ampaXllllMIUaOlllUPU .. 3:99c J.J 0.Mlt 19c Vaseline Hair Tonic ...... . 68c Ki111 Sis• s1 09 Bromo Seltler Tablets 73' P•elt of 40 T•ti.lm M 11 0.-U.-14 s2•• Geritol Tablets or liquid 6'14 0..ce TO. s1o5 Pepsodent Tooth Paste 69' S O.n(• s 11• Phisohex AllT1 UCTllllAL POAMINO IKIN CLIAllllll 99' P•ck •I 16 88' $1°' Sominex Tablets ......... . ___ .......... ..,,,,_.. ....... 66c 98c Ben Gay Ointment ....... , ...,,,,,,.. 99c s1 so Caroid & Bile Tablets ..... P•ck•llO 58' 891 lsodett es lozenges ...... . Double TippM S)55 J&J Cotton Swabs ::1:00~~ 99' J&J r.ck .1Tw•1 ~0.11e•.PWk1.m. BodJ 121 Shower to Shower l'OwD• .. urtley No Iron HI Fashion · Dress Shirts $347 Oioott tht mw det;i toli d colori or go wild •· •1th i1ripes or pl•i6 . Beaut if ull/ ddefl i It'd with , tht nnr 11 bion1bJ c 1prt1d colltr. Monogram 6 Straight Bourbon Fifth $299 Gallon 4f ynn old. New at Thrifty Qunn Vldorfa Scotch Fifth s439 Gallon Diuilltd •nd bottled in Scot· Ju\d ••• 16 Slroof. Ladies' Short Sleeve Rib Knit Tops ""'"'' s3ta '"'·· BIG SELECTION! DISCOUNT PRICE! Halloween Costumes $1°'ro$2tl A tp«'W;llilt ttlcaion cl .. s:ruewmc Ghosu , Sktlttons & etihcr rnstume1. Jelly Boons or Orange Slices i!..°'"'' 291 Anlmol Cookies ::"' 331 Peanut• In "l91 the Sh•ll .,iJ 110.- ~.:;:,1:;:_;'! .. ~.....,~:··•::ILY<Pll:~-~~-~=~~:~~l~~-··.--.----·-~------------------------------·------~-----· - " • l ·, ,, .. :, ,·: -' LEGAL NOTICE ,fift9rMY 11tl ........ •tv•. Lft ""'"'"' C•li1. M•• P'ubllo......, Otong• Cc"'' Dad; P\1111, Orf0!>9r " •f'<f Novemo•r 5, 11 l•. 1069 ?Dll-119 LEGAL NOTICE "'OTICE TO CllEO!TOll !I \UP'ERIOll. COURT OF THE 1fATE OF CALIF01l"'IA FOil TllE COLI NT.Y OF ORA NGE No ...... ,,,. !•loll or !AL" JEX MORll.IS, Ore•••· LEGAL NOTICE SUP'EfllDI COURT O' TllE ST.t.TE OF CALIFOlll .. l,fi P'Oll THE COUHlY OF Olt,fiNGI HO ........ 1'1 NOTICE 01" MEA,RI HG O" PETITION FOii P'ROIATE OF WILL AND FOii lECTEll5 TESTA.MENTAln' E>to!r d MARY JANE ALLEN. DK•••"" NOTtCE H•tb .. 1 J, Allen h•• !lltd lle•ein • ~"· IU)l'I "" Pr Db.81•"' ... 111 •nd '"' lu11a,..;•,,, l •!t•'• T~••m•nl•,.., lo Pt!llio""" ·••••l!'nC• IO Which 1$ ..,..,, ,..,. lu•lhPr o•'1icu1aro, and lt>al !tit t.m• and olat~ of h••""9 l!>r 1ame hi • bH'fl ••• '"' Nov•ml>o• I~, 1909. al 9·JO 1.m .. In I~• courlroom Qf Oeoariment No. l f1/ ~•'d • ,. ,; ~ coorl, a! 700 c ;v!c Cen!pr Or1"1: Wnt, Jn ,..__i<..,, ?•31. rnr c;i. ..i .Sanla Ana, California. ff Pal.a Octot>tr 21. 19'.f W. E. ST JOHlll, Coun•v Clerk. ' • I • "°i.ioT1CE IS HEii.EBY GIV E"! to !ne •'tdlto" ol 1~• •l><lv• n•mt<I O~•ll•nT lho! •II perion• h1v1"9 claim• 1Q••"'' TM said ooc!'d...,t ~r• rl'<!vlr«I to 1111' th•m, wllh fl>e ntctt••.-Y voud>""· ln !ht olllt• ol IM cl•'~ of !h• llbo•• enUlltd coun. "" lo 1>re>'nl lhf,.,, with the "~'"''~'• voucMn, lo in• undrr<;gnHI •! lh~ ofhCf cl P1ul A.. Ha n....,, "'ltotnev •I Law. '19 E•1t 11111 Slrttl. Cosu MPW. C1!llornl• 't1611, which 1, "'" Pil>•• ot b<Jslne"'. ot CYRI L ... W,t,L5TOH, 0 ES OF SAILS UM rorr•nc• '°"'"''''· F R T The Long Beach Arena re-~:;;•,';i;; ~:i':~1• '*" sen1bles a summertime marina with hundreds of .. ,'9!'fl..,. tor ... uuOfl..-full y rigged sail boo ts on display in the Southern California Marine Association's fir~i all-sailboat shov.•. Large crov.•ds are attending: the even t. Publl•htd Or•"9• Co.11 Oal!V J'llo!.1----'---'"'-------------'-..'..--------------------------0ctoMr 11, Tl •NI Novem~r J. • tt>t un<Mr>19ntd Jn 111 "'"""" .,....1~1n,nq ,., !ht ntot• of 1aid OKOO•nt. wllhln '""' ..,..,ins 11ter th• Ur1t ~uthc1tl011 OI '"" riotlre. 01ttd Odobf r ?l. l~t. J1ne! l .. MO'"~ Eweculrl~ OI !hr E•!•T• ol !f>e alll>V• nunN 11rcN rnl ftAUL A. HANNA, ,._.. ,, Lii• l lt Ent in~ s1r1of Cftll """"' C1!11<1f'11lt t KU Ttl 1"4) ... ,,... -6'1Hl41 ,..,_....,. to< E•1<Ulro• Pi.rtlllsMd Ot•<l9• C<>1<I O••IV P ,lal, ~ 2t el'ICI No•emt>e1 S, 1), "· ,,.. mo-a' LEGAL NOTICE 1969 11ll5-69 LEGAL NOTICE P-HOIU CEll.TIP'ICATE OF 9USl"IEJS, FICTITIOUS l'l ... ME Th• uMr,.19....:1 llOr1 cer!if'>' hi! 11 r:on· du<•ino • b"'ines• 11 ISi St. Cll>lr, Coste Mn.J, C:•ll•o1ni1, ur><I•• tilt Flc!IHou• II•"' nemr of PETITE ,fiU6ERGE And 1n11 ••id lirrn II cotn001..., of lht lollowl"" p~'""'· WhO!t n•-In f ull .,.... P'-C• ot rr.Odencr is •• follow" G-ges Outierriw, ]161 A!!1 L1g1Jr11 Bh•ll., l1gu1>• i!leacl'I, C11lf. DITN Oclobrt 11, l t6t GMrgn [_ Ouperrav Si .&TE OF CAL!FOllN l,fi, ORA.NGE COU NTY; On Oct. 11. 111.\t, before mt. • No!atv Public In """ for ~aid 5111" i>e•oan1ltv '"""''"" Geon1es ou...,r1ov known lo ""' ----,.,.-occc;-o:c::;:;:c,;:;---·1 •~ be TM• orr.wn whoso 1>om• '' •vl>sc•I.,. NOTICE TD tll.EDI T0l1 <d ro lne wilhln '"""U"""M '"" 5UPF.ll.IO• COUllT OF TH! •ckn~wl"<19e<1 ~. e~rcu1KI !Kt s1m1. STAT! OP' C•ll,011.l'llA. Foll (OFFICIAL SE ... Ll THI CDUl'IT Y OF ORANGE Mo rv IC t-!en•V M~ . ., ... 41U t.lotarv Public · C11tfornl1 £.tit• of ~ ... FIRY C. ICO~I E LO. ~;~~~:·~~~~·In Drc••Oll'll NOTICE IS 1'EllEBY GIVEN In lh• MV Cntnm lnlo" E ~pirtt '"'"II~• of t~r •bO'lf n•m«I d'<Odenl Nav. 11, 1'11 fhi• 111 l't'l<I"' 1 .. vlng cl1lm1 aqo ln•t !ht P ubll•h~ O•anot Coa•I D•llV Pilo!, iold n..:1<1ent ••• r1<1ulr..., 10 Ille tnrm, OcT<>be• n, ?t and November .\, 11, with ltir nK"'"'1 vouchfr'-in 1h• p!l lce 1'6' 1'11·69 ol !ht du11 01 lh• ab<I,• enll!lfll '""''· or '" P''"'"' !till'!'. "'"" the ""'""'Y LEGAL NOTICE vouc~tn.. 10 !he und••••antd •I In• ofll<• 1----------------I 0 1 hl1 A.tt orn•Y!, l(fglov, P1ochl'f: """ NOTICE TO CREOITOR5 t-!otvl"/. tiy C1tl S l<.tolev, 1700 Ea•T 51JPElttOll COURT O' THE Co••I t-!lghw••· (01Gn• oel M•" C•ll!O•· STATE OF CALIFOll "llA FOil ,.,11 91615 whit!> '' tne place ot ""''"''~ THE COUHTY OF OllAHGE ol tn1 unM•110nr<l '" I ll ""•11"'1 Pe•• Ha, A·UUI f.1,lnln<1 11 '"' •1•1t• ot "''d ooc•"•"'· LAYC Series Winds Up Sunday Los Ang eles Yachl Club's ?\larinel and Race Sunday - the third and final race of the popular 1-larbor Serles -will also serve as a final chance for the starters in Long Beach Yacht Club's La Paz race to get Jn some final practice before the Nov. 8 start. Sever<il boats in ll1e l!arbor Se ries <1re La Paz entries v.·hich \\'ill have sailed all three races. The ?ltarineland race will Research Benefit Drag Boat Rcice Set At Mari1ie Stadiuni Cancer research \\'ill be the beneficiary when lhe 1969 Prag boat racing season nears an end th is weekend 1vith t he Southern California Exchange Clubs Drag Cha1npionshlp al the Long Beach ht a r i n e Stadium. ·rirnc trials v.•ill begin al 9 a.ni. Saturday /Nov. ,I). to be followed by eliminations for under 100-niph c l a ss e:.; . Eliminations for the heavyweights of the sport. the over tOO mph rigs, will begin Sundav at noon. in Cli max 1\ill be favored in the featured blo wn fuel hydro class. along: with his perPn- nial rival r-.1r. Ed , driven b,V Larry Hill for owner Ed \Vills o( Fresno, and Crises. to be handled by Fresno vek:r<i n Sarn Kurtovich. It wHI be the class' nexl-to- last 1ry at 200 n1ph at Long Beach. Thousands Attending Sail Sl10\v Thousands of sail boat en. thusiasts a re keeping the turnstiles clicking :it !he Long Beach Sailboa t Sho1v which opened l.:ist Friday nnd con- tinues through nex t Sunday. Top interest exhibit, and the largest boat in the sho w, is the nc\v Col uml>i.'.1·43. from Colu1n- bJ;1 V;1ch1s in Cost<i J\fcsa. Race Set Friday f(imball Seeking· Douglas Cztp Win Ed Kimball nf r al Stall"' Lons Beach v.·i!I atlempt t1i er1d the hos! leam ·s "hex'' I"riday and Saturdciy when he t11kes on .seven outstanding riva!s in the 4!h annu<il Doug!<is Cup JntC'rcollegiate ?-.1 atch Rac:e Serles 00L.;1de l,(}ng Beach Hart>or starling f'rit.!f1V . Kiiri ball. a 1nen1ber of Alamitos Bay Yacht Clu b, ,1·as one of three :.;kippers named by competing teanis -joining •• i ' i ' ' fil"C previously au11ounct-d. f \Vitlian1 E. Zemmin. Z~-year· ~ ·"'°'~' old senior from Detroit, \1 1!J BOATING lead Lhe \Vtl\'ne State tea1n and Bob CrosSlcy. Z2 ye ar old junior lrorn \\"est Vancouvl'r, 11•111 be at th(' helm of the t;nivcrsi1y of Brill.sh Columbi a bont. Also in compctilion in in- tercollegiate sailing's most nnpo11ant match racing e\·ent \l'i!I be defending champion USC, tl1e University o f \Vashi ngton. Yale , Tulane <inti Stevens Jnstitute of Hoboken , l\!.J_ All eigl1t four·man teams 111- cludc crews of race·tcsted yuun~sters. Ca! State led the fleet going into I.he fin al race of l<isl year's series, but lost the litle to use v.·hen il 1vas dts- qualified because a loose sheet bru~hcd !hi' \1ind11ar1l m:1 •·• t:nder 11e1r 1 11!~ s ad opt ed l ~c;ir, the 1nr1di:n! 1•.-utild 1. h:l\ e hl"l'n gru1111tls for a d1 qu;ilif1<:n t1011 11 !lie ~ :1thl l1a I retur11c<l ;u\\I !'c-roun<led 11 •• 1nork. lJouglas Clip le.1ms ,, draw frnn1 eiglil ldcn11c<il, 1 l Columb1il-2b r.I:ll'k II ~l ori1 { 'fhursday n1orn111g'. rrae!ll!~ !'C~slons 11·1 11 IJc hcl J 'rhtirsd:11' ;111d !]11.' rir!'it l":ll'l'. Of lhC SCJt•""'\ is expected 10 grt 1111dcr 11ov Friday ;ot 11 ;1.1n. 01 rr a 21 •• 111ile 11in(hvti1'd-ltc11'Llrd cour-~ ou l!'ide the Al<1 1nllos. Bay <'n· trance to Long Brach l-lnrhl)r. wl•nin '°'-'' mon'"' aller th• l1ru pUb-E''"'"" o! Ve<• A., Hunr.r. a1w ~nown 11 ;1o tl<••lon of '"'' no•k • V•ra ao•lt '"'""'"'· Oec••••a. Ol'•d Oclob•• 11. '"' NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVfN lo !ht start from the No. 2 buov off F ish Jl arbor, lea \'e the black and white L.A. entrance buoy to starboard, the Point Fermin \\•histle buoy to starboard. the LA YC 1'.larine land race mark to port; the Poin t Fermin buoy lo port on the return trip. the harbor entrance buoy to port and finish off the No. 2 buoy in the main channel. PrOCeeds from the event, conducted by the Na lional Drag Boat ASSOCL<l lion, 1vi!I go to the Exchange Clubs' anti- cancer re.~earch program. National Charnpi on n a y Caselli 0£ North Hol lyw ood in J1is new Panic J\touse hull will be gunning ror the magic b;tr- rier for the supercharged Juel flatbol!om class. !JO mph. Cascll i"s old Panic J\1ouse, po\1'ered by his same 39Z·cubic inch Chry<;ter engine. i!'i the blown fuel fla tbollon1 \1•orlU reco rd holder al 148 mph. Othf'r Or ange Count y ex- hibitors catching the ('~'cs or hull-thun1pers are Ericson, Islander and Coronado in the larger type bu:its, <ind \V. 0 . Schock in the sn1allcr boats. Schoc k"s Sant<i na line in sloops U~l to 37 feet is also receiving lols of :ittcnlion. ·! ·' ' •' j J..,n sn•\aon S<olo•I" tr•<!i!o•• ol 1ht 1t>o,r named dt<Hl•nl '"•I 111 P"'-.<;n• h•~lnQ cl•'"'' 1g1ln•• t~ ~•<1 dect<l~nt ••• •1<1u'"" to l ite them. w•th Ille nece .. •rv ,o>vc"-'"• In tn• ollkt ~· 1~• clorlt o• tho 1t>o~• tnlilltd co~•I, or I& "'"'""' !hr.,,. with H•t nf(e.,.,.rv •OU(llo••. to one "....i""'gn•o ~! th• ollk • OI 11., .0.11o•"•V1 COOl>e' a>\d Wllt1, IG1'1 i!I S!t••'· 1-iovwetll, Clli!Otnll t•~l. wl'licll ·• me otac• of busi"~"' ol tt.r ..,,. o•,.lg,...., in 111 matt.,, P•r!alnlng lo tf>f: f\!11• OI '""'" dr<:-n•. wothln ~r mt>"•~s •Utt In• fi~t pu~lltlllD!I ol !his nC"c•. £•!'<u•o• of •~e Will ar '"" ol>OV• n•rn"" oor•d&f'I ltEOLE Y, P'EACHEE "NO 1t •RVCY •• C•rl s. IC"lfv 11" E••I (011! ltl1tiw1v cor""• •of """· c 11o1trt1!1 •lOJ 'Ttt: !1111 ilJ->Oll ,fi!Mfttt>'• r.r E•1<utor l"ubliohlll O••~~~ C•e'' O~··~ P.101 Oclober n, 19 •..ii Nov...,ll<'' ~-11. 1•6• 1911 ·~· LEGAL l\OT!CE Oa!!d Oclobrr •· 196• Jamf\ Edwin Hunl•r E•tcuto• ot tt.• w iu P-J~I' o• 1110 obo•• "•m•d lltt•o~nl Cl ll.Tll'IClTE OF I U51NESi, COOl'Ell: At.10 WILES, FlCTITtOUS "IAM( 101' I !.!•tel, Almost half of the boats In 1he Harbor Series \\'ill leave Long Beach Harbor Sa turday. Nov. 8 on lhe 960 mile La Paz race. f\·la x Bale or \Valnul Creek -• " T~t undt,.io t>td do <flli!~ '""' A•f Ma1w1!11, Clllil<lrnl• t4~! rcnovc!lno ~ bl"'""" •• 116 M~ln SI • TEL: 141Jl SJ1-4H• t-!un!ington eoac11, C•li•o•·nl•. u'l<\M" •11• A.11&1'11•1 tor Exe<vtor tlctl!lou! 11,,., nlmt o! ~IJR~UR HOUSE P~~H1hed O•ana~ COi!! D•·I~ Pdo!.I, ---------------trod '""' ••ld Ihm ii com"'""' at 111• Ocl<>ber I . 15, n . 1'. 1'6' ll6S·6~ LEGAL NOTICE toltowlnq ~•00"\. who•• nom~ ;., 1~11 1 -----:cc::cco-:c:::=:::::----I' ___ _:=.::::::_:::::::::::::_ __ _ •rod pll(11 ... rfllll•nc• ~" •• follow.: LEGAL NOTICE Olfl>G C•lcedO. ?171 Annl•etHrY Li no,!----------------! fol..w....-t Brach. C•~•. llt•!rlct Celcfllo. 1l1l A.nn"t""'"' l.1n•. N<waor! llt•tl>, Coll!. 0 1•tc1 OctOl>lf" 11, 1•6t Oltvo C1·<-lltet1icr C•'<>dD ST•7E OF CALIFORNIA, OR.\"IGE COUNn'. On Oc! 1•. n~ bo-'t>ro m•, I tlo!orv PubhC on ....... •-• ".••d SU .. n•••on1llY ._...,..., Oi••o I. II••"''"'""""" '""""n '" ''" •o"" '"" ""'""'' "'"""' "~"'-.. "" wt>f<.••b<"!l !ti ,.,. ,.. ,. • ln1!•um•nl lrod ...-•-'-"° ·~·• .. .., .. ,.a '"" '"""· IOF F!Cl'-L !E•'..• , ... ' .. """'' .......... -c (1h'O•<'ll• P-·• •~··(tit <• .~ r-~...,.. '' " •'• c.,......-.. 1.c~ r • .-... •i"" ~· 10f1 l'ubl>of>•d 0"'''" t~••I 0• '' P\l!')I, O<'<it-:r ;L 7' '"'° "o••"'""' ' 11 1'6t 1•1•·~· LEGAL J\OTTCE eAR·JI 11 \O,ElllOll COURT 01" Tl-iE STATE OF C•llFORNIA FOii: THI! COUNTY OF 011.AHGI No, •·Ml4' HOT ICE OF ltE•lllNG OF P'EllTlON ,.Oil P'RDIATI!' 0,. Will •NO fOll lECTIRS Tl!ST ... MEHlAllY E•!•lt of GEO RGE CORNES MA7· 1£50"1, Drcea•Nl-t.IOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVE N Tnot Jt• M1nr.o-0n Calhoun ~·• 111'11 ht••in 1 .,.11. 1100 •or P•obM• "' will •nd tor "'"""'" ot l•ll•r• Te.••mtM••>" lo P•ll•!ontr. '"'"'tn<• to w~ich Is rnfd• IP• lu•!n., 111'1<tvl•~· om! thal In• Um• and Pld<t ol """''"9 '"' , • .,.,. n.i b••~ '"' •w Nov•,.,t>er \f , 1969. o! 9·30 • m, •n lh• courlrOO"' o! OtPAr'"'""' No. l o• ~••<I ,out!, •1 100 Cl•lc C:•n••• Oto•• 'Ii ••'· h1 lh• (olY OI ~•nTo Ant , C1h!c,n11, Oi•td Otloll•' 11. 196• w. E ST JOH>I. cau~•v c'"'" HA.,1!11.. SI LLS I WOOD. Unf<ln Bonlt $Quiff, Soulh fOWtl, ---------------Sul!o Nu"'"'" tOI, Or•nt• C•ll•ornlo t?UI •nornrv1 !or Ptllt!one• Pvbl,,~•d O<on~' (Co•! 01.iv r,101 Oc tori.t )). 1<. 1•. •969 !V9Q •• LEGAL NOTIC E f'·J!l!t CEllTIFIC ... TE OF SU\INE!IS, FICTITIDIJS NAME "!he un<itr•lonl!d <10 <tr!l!v th~v "'" <onat1<1ong • bt"I""" or P 0 . Bo• 1™ Huntlnvton Stoen 916~7. Co1,fornlo, und"' int llclltlou1 firm ""me o• ~PIC & SP.ON GENERAL CLEA.NING SERVICE •nd 1h•I solo !l•m ;, <ntnPO>r<I ot tne •ollow-ina ae'"onf. wno,._ nam•• in full and 1>\ac•1 of re.iaence "" .,, 10110 .. •· The<1sla Blft11. 19U1 Co1C'1tl!er Lon•. Huntln111on floe<~. Bt1a>1tt I Mlllo, 19Ul Co1<.1>r1tor Lone, Hunli"lllOft Be•ch. Ot!HI l0-78..!t rne•r•la Bltu1 fl"aoltf I M•llt Stolt 01 C•lltorn••· O•on~• CouMv · On Oc•ol)lof ?t. 1%9. ll•IO•t m•. I Hoi..-v Public •n 1n<1 lo• "''d ~'""· ptt~•ll• """~"'"" l nfr•••• B••ul """ B•lqltt• I. M i\11 ~nown •o m• "' bf "'" ~·•onl who•• nom•• ••• •v'11<•l""<I M int w11non •n•l•um•M and •<"towle<1geo !~e• •••cutNI !~P ~"'" IOF FtCIAl, ~[A ll Joseph E. Of•'• tfnTn'Y Publo<·C,ot•o<~ e J>tinC'~~· OT••<~ In O••nfl• Countv Mv Co'T'm••"·•O~ I··~,..., Jun~ ~1. 19'Q l'ubl'\~f<T 0'~"~' Coo•' O•.tV ~1"•1 OC!nbn 1'/, ~"" Nov•mbtt '· ll _ 10, 1969 1~1 1-69 LEGAL NOTICE Wtrntt M•r~o•d Pltoto Z1reke1·l~a11itacl1e11 011t \UPElllOll COURT OF THE sTATE oF CA L1Fo11"'1"' FDR Chuck Lewsadder of Nc\vport llarbor ''{acht Clu b THE COUNTY OF ORA.NOE .. o ..... ,ooJ \Vas ti ed !or firs t \\'i(h Lo1vcll North of San Diego NOTICE 01' HE•RING OF P'ETITIOM . . I I l [ •.. II G ld c I FOii. P'ROBATE OF WILL •N D FOR going into l 1e as r nce 0 the r a ,Q up <J~l LITTe111 TE ST ... MENT•av S unday. Then ca me di ~as tcr a s Zuckerka ninchcn E•'"'" ot WI LLIAM J .... O ... M~: Oe<~~·· !d !V's m ast caiTie toppling d 0\1"11 und er th e in1 pact o( NOTICE IS H£11[1\Y GIVE N That • d L dd w•rn om D. ,..~""'' h•' """"''~'"A p~u-gusty \\"In s. As a result of 1he n1isha p C\VSa er !It>" lo• prob•!t r>I wl!I f!IO IOI i'>uncf &I fa i\ed to place in the regatta , L•He" T~111me11!•rv lo P•ll!k>t>•r. l--------------"----------------•e'••!"f'<f to w~l<h I• m~d• lot turlh•• o~•!i(u""· ""~ lh•! !tie "'''" •nd ol•<• nf h~~•l"'I tn• ~•mt h•• befn 10! ''" t.IOVfm-''· 1'6f, ol ~XI t.m, In l~f coun•_,. ct OrP••lmr11! >lo. 1 ot •a o '""''· •t 100 C.v•< Crn•tf OtiY~ Wt•I, ir. tnt (,t~ ol 5~nl• ,fi"t, Clll!Ofhll. Ot1ed Oclobe• 11, 196f W E ST JOHN, c.;.,nlY Cl••~. ,lt .. "llCLIN A"IO ir•.t.."IKL1N. 191 E11! lllh \lrttl, C11!f Mttl. Cll!torllil '1117, Toi: HU! 1-41-USI .\ttotnlJI tor P't!lllo!M't Putll\llHI Or~~' c~~•I D•ll~ 1>1101. 0c1oc.r ,. JO ft"" No~~r '· ,..,.. ' 7(111 ~o Helps Solve 3 Biggest FALSE TEETH Rough T1·ip 9,000-rnile Voyage Told Dy E\'EL '':"/ SllER'\'OOD 01 11'1 01itt Pittt s11H It's been a Jong long \vny - 9,000 miles for "'Tin- perary," a 60 fl. ketch that sailed from l 'rinidad inlo Nev.•pon Harbor. The Danish-bu ilt boat can1c across the Atlantic in 17 days: spent two months in the r.tediterranean and the Carib- bean. came through the canal and now will sail north to Van- rouver after some repair at the Lido shipyard. The three-man. 0t1c-woman rrew of the craft are \'a rd \\'allace of Costa Mesa, Cor lleaucen of the Netherlands. Tim Horner of 811rstow and Roswilha Hofa c ker of Germany. llie toughest lest of skipper Hcaucen and his crew was Hurricane Camille's effects on the east coast of r.te1l co. ··11 was rough," the skipper :;airl tersely. "It 11·as a real buffrting'' he snid. "We had a fi re <iboard off th e co;ist nf Costa Rica, not a big one." he added, "l sn1rltcd sn1oke and by the time I had pulled St\'itches, ;i sra had crossed the bow and doused the name." The crew caught three fish, all m.'.lhi m:ihi, nrt cr i:;pending $200 for rishing gCJr. "We meL 11 man in Ha,1 ni i that caught 30 fish nn $2 v.·ort h of equipment." the navigator said, laughing. The luxuriously furnished cabin '>'i th rlt'ep, conlfonable red leathl't fh:tirs ha~ a modern gallry well ~tocked. Decks arr cn\'('rl'd 11·1!h s:iils nnd J:C&r. Si11 !s arc h;ind fCt. "t.1an alof!"' 11 as a fan11!iar cry during the sailing saga. C:cncral ch:iirrnan Bo b \\"oodward of i\l'\\'J>Ort Beach s:.11d the Sou1hern CalHorn1a !11arine Association's first all sa1!boaL sho1v is o\l ract1n~ crowds exceeding pre-sho1v cxpect<"Jlions . The show is open 2-11 p.m. nn \\1.'Ckdays, nnon lo 1 ! pm. S;i111rd.:iy, and noon Lo 7 p.1n. Sunda y. Earl Elrns Plac es lligh In Snipes LUANDA, Angola (,\P) - F.arl Elms of San Dicgn • Cali f., lour times Unilcd Slates champion. and J\hke Shear fini shed ~l"cond in lhe second rcga lta of the \\'orld Su1pt' S:11l1ng Ch:i1npinnsh1p~ fvlonday and n1ovcd inlQ f1r"t place in the gL•neral ~t:ind111gs h.is.ed 11n the first twn r.icr .... Elrns and Sbcar f1111sht'd !>L'- 1''1nd behi nd Pauln S:in10-; anti F. Sil va ot Port ugal. Thr 1 · "· 1ram illso finished sernnd 111 11\c fi rst rcgal1:i frir <i lnlal ,,f ~1x points. l'orlug:i! 11':1~ in .<.c· f'Vnd place \\l!h JO p11111ls in tea m standings. Tl1c compct1!1on rnd~ Vi ii. da y. NEW 30-FOOTER -Focal poi nt of the Co ronadn Yacht exhibit at the Long lleach Sailboat ShO\V J ~ this sleek-li ned Coronado-30. Jt is 1outcfi as a high periorn1ance yacht \r ith plenty of crtu:;;in~ con1for t. Other ('oronado n1odel s on displ<1 ,Y at the ~ho\v a!'c the 23, 25 and 34 !ooters. Cororiado C o 111bi11es S 11eed, Co1nf or ts A 1vell-balancl"'d combinat ion of the best in racing yaeh!s ilnd comfortable cru ising crafl is reflcc!cd In 1hc Coronado-.10, recently unveil«! by Co ronado Y.1ch ts. T h e I i g !'I t-<lispl:icC'mcnt 11(·ean-racrr-cn1 1~cr Je<tturrs a hi~h .1~pec1.. r:it10 :-ailplan .. 1 ~11C'pt fin k('f') 11 llh m<i:-.:imv1n 11 it. a !ivc·I~ dlsp\acemc11t h11ll. .inti ;in u1n1su oilly l ong ma~.­ J1nun1 PffC'cl!ve waterl1 nr . Thr C'oronad0·30 i n1p:ir1.~ a ''blg-b0nt'' fcl'ling be 1 O w , ;.\t•111 m1t1g 1;1 rgely fro1n ;1 J_\entrou.~ bcarn and high ;r1•cboard. Six bf'r l.hs and .:1 familv·sizr flinrll.e a s s u re c n m.f o r I a h t c crui~1rii::. Carefully !il'lee!efl !ea k p.1nc!· ing and 1nalthin~ trim con'• v the appe=irance rf a cu~l1i:n yacht. /I. funhrr rrfincmcn t nJ 11ndcrb0c1 1· hyrlrorlynan1tl'~ the :;.:i-ra!lcd trin1 t;'l!i - stand;irrl on L1C' l"or1111.ir!o-;.1J, 'flit' 1r1111 ! h rrfr1, !l .1 ~rconc1:irv nuld( r 1111 f1'1 I •' lhr tf,1il!n!; rdr · uf 1:" kee l. Prnnr·r rfur,z r>f 111r h ·1 f:ih •·l'lhanrr~ 11!! '!1;1: l rri~I 1,, ril I I(' i"('l'I, ;11! •'I 'I' ( 0;1 1 lri 1in1nl h1rl1rr · 1 11 1q1h1:i1il I! I :1Jo;,11 1,rl t1 b.1l;inl'c lhc ta·1t11. ;-:;1.1nrt.1rd 1111~1\i,11·,1 ! '11rr f: f111·n i..,hrrl I•\· ;i \ •1111·•~.11 ,\iornic-4 1,1r • :i J':1l1t1• r ~i ·(, l Cll£11lr', LONG WAY ON TIPPERARY -Cor l·lcaucen of }lolln11d . eng1n C'er ;1 ncl n,'l \"lj:!;i- tor of Tip perary , 60-!l. boa t. on deck o{ hi s hom e for !J.000 n1ilc:. 0( ocr.:Jn :.iJ il· ing. Boat sailed into Nc,vporl l·Iarbor fro1n Trinidatl. f j I ' ... _£: " ·; w ., II• •I'. ( '·' 1Jlll :;'l. ' " 'I I' ! I i I Public Lectures DAILY 10-10-SUNDAY 10·7 Listed I or UCI The following public leclures will be presented by Universi- ty of California Exlension, lrvlne during lhe monlh o[ November: M..Uy, Nov. l 0 n.e Manipulation oe the Marriq:e Partner," Everett Stroetrom, Ph.D., director, Institute or The rape u t lc Psychology, Santa Ana. Part Qf a seriea on "Divorce and Remarriage." Room 104. Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Jrvine campus. 7 • 9:30 p.m. Adml.s!ian $4. Taerwby, Nov. 4 "The Trial Jury," E. W. Miles. professor, Po Ii tic a I Science, San Diego State College. Part of a UCI Ex- tension series on ''The Bill of Rights. Today." Jtoom 104, Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine campus. 7 -10 p.m. Admission $4.50. "Terres1rical Vertebrates of Southem California," Wilber Vol. ?-.1ayhew, Ph.D., associate professor, Zoology, Depart· ment of Life Sciences, UC nJversidc. Part of a UC! Ex· tension series on "The Natural ll is torv of Southern Californ ia :" Science Lecture l lall, UC Irvine campus, 7:30 • JO p.m. Admission $4 .50. "i\1irror, Mirror oo the \Vall," Carolyn See, Ph.D., v.Titer. Part of a UCt extension series on '"11le Sl percent ?o.!inority." Room 101, Physical Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine campus, 7:30 • 10 p .m. Admis· rion ~4. "How i\1ay We Develop a Beller SeJr-lmage on the Part (If the Retarded," Robert Edgerton, Ph.D., associate professor. U~LA. Pai:t of a UC I Extension series on ··~1eeting the Special Needs of tfle r-.t enta l l·Y Retarded ." Auditorium. Fairview Stale Hospital, 2301 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admis.c;ion $4. Thursday, Nov. C "Contrasting f\1 en ta I Al· tiludes of P or tlgese F ishermen and Farmers," Hans Leder, Pit. D., chairman, Department of Anthropology, Californ ia State College of Fullerton. Part of a UCT Ex· tension serie~ on '"The Way!e of fl.1ankind." Room 101. Phvsical Sciences Bldg., lJC trv"ine campus, 7 • 10 p.m. AdmWion $5. "English and Scnltlsh Ballads: Survival in I he United States." Miriam Cox, associat.c professor, English, California Slate College at "Fullerton. And Keith and Rus· ty McNeil . lecturers • ptrformers. PRrl of a UC I Ex· tension series on" Americana · "Black, BrO\.\'n. Red. Yellow, White In Tale and Soni: ... Room 178 Fine Arts Bldg .• LJC lrvine camrus, 7 • JO p.n1. Adm is.c;ion $4,$0. Saturday, Nnv. S .. ;+. .. ~ t:ni\1ersi ty. St. Hu g h c s College, lecturer Department of Anthropology, California State College at F ullerton . Part of a UCI extension series on •·Tue Way:s of Mankind." Room JOI. Physical Sciences, Bldg., UC Irvine campus, 7 · JO p.m. Admission $5. "America Tums Westward : 1 Loggers, Miners, Trappers, '• Sod bust c rs , ll a ngers Ra i I road e r s, Cowboy?i,, Badmen and B andits ,'':' Mariam Cox, associate pro- fessor of English, California State College <it F ullerton. and Keith and Rusty i\1cNeil. lecturers · pe rformers. Part of P AUL RAYNARD "AQUA SPORT" DIVERS WATCH a UCI Extension series on "Americana • Black, Bro\\'n, Red, Yello\v. White in Talc a nd Song.'" Roorn 178, flne ArlS Bldg., UC Irvine campus, '19.86 7 • 10 p.m. Admission $~.50. Saturday, Nov. IS .. ~ "Mergers and Acquisitions - Current and Future EffccL~ Upon The I nd cqendf'nt Business," Lester L. Welch, M.B.A., consultant. f.1.anagc- menl Advisory Sr r vi c e s C.P.A .. Alexander Grant and ,. Coinpany. Speakers: Ar thur Cuse, Acquisition and Mergers Consultant and Broker. Gerald F. Ryles, associate. to.1cKin sey and Co. Inc., Charles A. Werner, partner, Alexander Grant and Co., Bernard I. .,., • Wa1erproof up lo 600 fl. (when ca.~r.. crystal 11.rc intae!) • Tell 5 l.hc date, too! • Luminous dial, awccp !econd hand • Sturdy band, stainless back .- Fisher, fi nancial analysis, _ '' ia: 1\1.C.A. In c. Com mo d o r e ,..,....,,-..,.,,,,..,, Room. Newporter I n n , Newport Beach, 9:30 a.m. • 4 :30 p.m. Admission $30.00 (includes lunch). ~ Monday. Nov. 17 "The Role of Counseling in Problems of Divorce and llemarriagc.'' J. Rex Smith, Ph.D., associate professor of ) :'iociology, Callfom ia S t ate ; College at Fullerton. Part of a '· UCl Extension lecture series on ''Divorce and Remar· riage." Room 104 Physical ' Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine campus. 7 • 9,30 p .1n . Admission $4. Tuesda y, Nov, IH "A Demonstration of Educ a· lional Processes in teaching ........,,..... 11 Si~ua~ion," M~r~aret Sewell,:~: :·::,C .< · principal. Fairview S La t c · ..... •lospital School. Part of a UC I Extension series on "J\.lC'f!li ng the Special Needs of the J\.1£'n· · I.ally Retarded.'' Auditorium .• F airview State llospita!, 2501 J{arbor Blvd., Costa fl1esa, 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admission $4. ··r he View From lhc Back of the Bus," A rle en J1 rrnandez, M.A., public rela- tions and industrial consultant. Part of a UCl Extension series on '"The ~l perCt'nl J\tinorl1y." 'I' !loom 101 Physical Sciences ,. Bldg .. UC Irvine campus, 7:30 • JO p.m. Admission ~4. "'J\1arinc Animals,'' TI. A. Boolootian, Ph.D. v i ce president. Visu<il Sci enc e Productions. Parl of a UCJ Extension series on ''The Natural History nf :>nuth C'rn California." Science Lcc1ure Hall, UC Irvine campus, 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admissi on $4.50. ANTI-FREEZE • • I n l e r r o g a Lin n and Counsel," Equity and lhc Law: The Gi deon Casr." "The Bill of Rights in Action: .$1.17 C11 /. A mu" lor <"'" w••!"tr ~""'~"' ,_" •ulomoh•• 4rPI, a"<ouol BOYS CREW NECK SWEAT SHIRTS lleg. J .57 Noiv .99 T1111 q 1rall!y 1n11•;, 1·01tn11 c;re'v !\J'l i< p11llo11•r J,,n:::· ~kC'vf' ~1~·,.at 1'111•1"" "1111 llRPl"'rl fl"C'••· linl n>; nrid 1·r11 1f 11·rrd l•"•·k h11nd. C'ulors lncludl': Gruy, rC'tl, blut:! and n1orc. Siz1~s :::i·L·i\l. ... ... P LANTER S SPANISH PEANUTS ·l·ll• 167 \'i!C"ll'llll l .HI • !-'""'"" Qu•""'"I el !~•I IC "'"'' ~•lul. .. " ,, ., ,. 1 • ' l -j "Industrial and Commercial Real Estate • Opportunities in New Cities and Con,plexes," Sanforrl C.oodkin, president. Sanford Goortkin Research Corporation. Palmer Room. l"'ewporter Inn . 1107 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beach, !I a.m. • 4 p.m. Admission $25. (includes lunch). Freedom 0£ Religion." Krn-· neth Bailey, Ph.D., director, Teacher Education and srn1nr lecturer, History and EUut..::i· lion. UC Irvine. Part of a l"CI Extension series on '"The Bill of Rights, Today." Room 104 Physical Sciences Bldg., UC 1 I rvine campus, 7 • 10 p.n1 . Admission $4.50. ~· ... --~ .. ~1onday. Nov. IG ''The Solo Parent,'' Susie Dinaway, cha i rman H om emaking Oeparlm"nl, Santa Ana Valley Senior lli~h School. Part of a UCI E~· tcnsion lecture series on "Divorce and Remarriagf:'." Rl")Qm 104, Physical Sciences Rldg-.. t:C Irvine campus, 7 • :I ao p.m. TueMlav, Nov. 11 I" Pollution in the Tcrrei:.trial Environm£'nl.'' Roger Sperl· ini:, adminis!rative services nfficer, Statev.•ide Air Polltt· l ion Research Center.Parlor " UC! Extension series on ''The Natural History o[ Southern California ." Science Lecture Hall. UC Irvine cam· pus. 7:3G • 10 p.m. Admission 14.50. "Womanpowr in Politics,'' Assembly District, California Legislature. P a n e I I ~ t ~ : Dorothy Le Conte, ~f.A .• Assistant profesMr, Political Science, California St a I e College at Long Beach and fi,farie Shibuya. Los Angele." Cct1.1nty CommiUee on Human Relations. Part of a UCl Ex· tension series on ''The Sl per· cent ~1inortty.'' Room JOI, Physical Science~ Bldg., UC Jrvine campus, 7:30 • JO p.m. Admission $4. "Some Never Finding~ 011 Autism and other Emotional Co ndi tions,'' Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., I o under. director. Institute for Child Behavior Research; director, Per a o n n e I 1w1eaaurement Reeearch Department. U.S. Naval Personntl Research Activity. Part of a UCI ~· tentlon &tries on detling with Mentaly Retarded. Auditorium, Fairview State Ho.pita!, 2501 llarbor Blvd., Costa Mesa , 7:30 • 10 p.m. Admlnlon M. TtrarMl11, Ntv. IS Hne M•orl as a Minority In Hill Own Country." Ngapare K .. Hopa . Dip . Soc· Anthropoloi)" B. Ll~ .. Olford Wednesday, Nov. l!t "A New Lnnk for the Independent B u~ in e s~ , · ' Robert L. Spcik. pre.<1irlen1 nf Robert L. Spe1 k .:ind Co , Caro11scl J{n(lm. Newport Inn, 1107 .Jamboree Road . Newport Brach, 9:30 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Admission $25 (include s luncheon). Thur!itlay. NO\'. 28 ··on to California : Anoth£'r fl.1cltlng Pot,'" Mariam Cox. ,.-.;, <1ssociate professor of English . California Slate College al Fullerton. and Keith and Rus- ty McNeil. lecturers perform ers. Part of a UCI Ex- lrnsinn series on ;, Am ericana • Black, Brown. Red, Yellow, White in Tale and Song." ., .Room 178 Fine Arts Bldg .• UC • Jrvine campus, 7 • 10 p.m. Admission $4 .Sll. '"A Maya Village F iesta," Duane Metier. Ph .D., a~1'ociale 1 profe s s or, Anthropology. UC Irvine. Part of a UCI Extension lecturr serie.'I on "The Ways or Mankind:' Room 101 , Phy!!ical Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine Ii campus, 7 .. 10 p.m. Admiasion , 15. . ----------- I WOMEN'S FOLDING SLIPPERS 97 c 111·11. J .!J7 CANNED HAM Reg. 1.27 99c Delicious in1ported ham. Buy several today! :1 I WrcWsdar, (lctobtt' 29, 1%1) DAILY PllOf 31 = COST A MESA STORE ONL YI ''Sock-It-To-' Em'' SALE! I tastes great in cans! ..ollll l I t,.CANADA DRY~ ! ~,!~~'!~~!.~ I CANADA DRY SOFT DRINKS Cose of 2-1 2.40 Vahae 1.92 ln yu11r fil\'uritr flavor~. ' FEDERAL FIELD LOAD SHOT GUN SHELLS 12, Jfj & 1.77 .. 20 Gcmgc I I •I • i Papt'r field load~ for al! shotgun hunting. 1t I• .. ' . """l"' _.,., j _____ ., "'001.~S 1010 • ?O>ll BOYS & GIRLS BICYCLES SJa.fJfl ""'"" 28.44 " ,, .... . .,,._ 131111· nny n! lhi~ Jo"-, lr,i1v p1 ir'"· '--,t PLASTIC LEAF BAGS & TRASH CAN LINERS "''"· lilk l'o1tr Choice 57c T'111·k;ic·· n f r. ::~1··._jfl' 1.-.if li;i:;:, or J2- .1t0··~-:1·· 1·a11 liners. • • • • • • •• • • • r SOFT E X • , 1 1 :I ~ ·FACIAL TISSUE Reg. 2le 2 for 19c Jn assorted colors. Ladies Banded KMART GRILL SPECIAL ALL· YOU·C'AN·EAT "11 11 Tarlilr Sa11cr 11.nd Bun. PANTS 2.00 neg. '.!.98 :\ssortcd fall colors u1 sizes 8 thru 18. Just Sa.y C harge It <II K 111arl f'. ' ' ,. • .... "''? .,,..,,,""fTL ~ 11t.;tm -~-~-~ ~~·~· ~-.~---~'~·~· -~~,-~.,.~>~· _c~~~"l'l"Y· ~' 'V',lJ'.f"'A11'lMF' ·-"Jl HANGING STYLE SWAG LAMPS 30%. Off tn 11 ""l•', \•1dr selec-tion of ,, ~l ylro; nnd rolors to snit your ' h"n1r df'rnr• lnch1dPs all nrcc~· ,.n1•y hard11·arc /\lod£'1s 139. 131, J.; I. I• " I) r -.... ,,...... I I BED PILLOWS 6B:a 2.00 ,,,,,,,(" ' ' .,, l' ,. f. !"oft-• "'':.t' fonn1-f11lrd S!~ J,. ;-.·o fij:ll'l B11y v·vrr11l Rnd cha.r&:r.: Ill , "' m:l'.!'X::'m"tl'. ~ ..... __...,.._,._ ' ! MOTH ERS ASSOR TED ' COOKIES I 2 ~KGS. 73c I Heg. •12t· Pkg. a ' ~\11 \''lUr f;t1·or1 1r cook1P9 11.t. A bl11 1 s11vin~~. ~tock up for Hallo11•r.en "'. encl af1rr. '4 . ·-·..-:.:m.~ ·'t' ... ·.r.- . . ' ----------------------------------·~--~~-----~--·-------------·---·-------------··--- ~J DAil Y PILOT to1.Cn1trlrs 'ti:lnt rG R Sun.,Ocl. 2,, 196' 7 :Grant1 s H.,s 1 eml FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! ADDl'TtONAL PIEi PARKING GRANT'S GULF NEXT DOOR .AT SERVICE STATION Featuring the largest Selection You've Ever Seen! ''THE WIND KING'' •••••••••• • • • • • 19ACIP"IC • by Pacific Trail! THE RUGG£0 "Wind King " unlined jacket is an all -time favorit e. Sup er Silicone durab le waler repellent finish . Flip· up collar. All of the new colo rs -wash 'n wear, of cou~el Sizes 36 to 46. . ~ . • ~YJ.'Yit • : s~ : • • •••••••••• r \ THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MORE THAN 30-STYLES TO SELECT FROM AT GRANT 'S! "THE WINDSOR" by Pacific Trail! $2750 SPORTY new Heathrrtorit importrd wool pl1id fully lined with 65~~ Acrilan acrylic, JS~~ Vrrtl mod· acrylic. Sizet 36 lo 46 in Loden •nd Brown. I , I I \ "CIMARRON" by Pacific Trail! $25 WASH 'N WEAR ltmin1t,d corrlvror tor t J !r1 w1rmrh. Body linin11 ind colltr ol Ac-r i !1n de e p pile, nylon slrevr inner quil1rd. (hool• from· l colori in 1i1tl 36 lo 40. "RANGER" by Pacific Tr ail! $20 V1ASfl 'N WEAR Surco~t ol w11 ~rproof nylon co1ttd witfi modified urethtne Super-I<· Kole . Fully lined with t olor coo1d:n1ted 1cril1n deep pile. J8.48. "CHARGER" by Pacific Tra il! $2250 100 "·~ WATEltPltOOf n y ! on shell with w1lorproof co•I· Ing. Acril1n 1crylic deep pi!1 for e•lll w1rmt h. l e1ded trim coll1r 1nd 1leev1. Sr.nd· up coU1r wilh hood. full tip· per. S-M·l-Xl. ___ ___r ---- Grant's Has Jhe Greatest Selection And lowest Prices, 100! SLEEPING BAGS SPECIAL l ·lb. D•cron b•g. Full sizr, rugged col1on & poplin coyer, w•rm 100'}0 cotton fl•nnel lin ing. Sturdy full zipprr for double bag. s1oss REG. $14.88 DOWN BAGS? SEE GRANT'S COMPLETE SELlCTIOH Of lVERT TTPE 01 OOWH I AG ALL AT lOWEST PRICES! hom s3995 Fruit of the Loom THERMAL UNDERWEAR FAMOUS MAKER. "Thermah" for w•rmlh •nd comfort on the co ldesl of day,. EACH PIECE THERMAL SOY. by Adler $1 PAIR $6-$7-$8 SEE GRANT'~ h rmt,.dou' ttleclio., / .... \ of •II ol l~t 11ewtll wich 1nd n1•· j 1ow slr1p, lly\11 ... i nd •olid col- or1, too! fi.,rst 100 "~ combtd col- 1011 lh11 wo11 'I wrinklt, 'hrink or l vtr '"'d ironing. Si1t t S·M·l·Xl. HUNTER'S', HEADQUARTERS GRANT'S GUN DEPARTMENT i1 staffed by experts in !heir field of shoot· ing . Y/hat e~er yo u may want in gun s, from ii S20.00 22-Rille lo 1 SJ,500.00 Shotgun, Gr•nt's has it in stock ! Come in and see for your· sel f one of tht larg es! stocks of guns in Southern California ! OVER 1000 GUNS ON DISPLAY * SHOTGUN SHELLS * LI ST 13.90 $298 60X Of 2 5 Nationally fan1ous CPO SHIRTS $995 For Guy s and Gals -Fin' wo ol CPO slyled jackets in brighl solid colors and bold plaids in sizes S-M-L and XL by Reminglon /Peters HI BASE LOADS ~--------- Did~ ou Know That Grant's u · · · 1"10$ OVER 201000 PAIR LEVl'S 0 IN STOCK! * 4LL SIZES• * 4U CO;ORS• *" . w'"d" ,, h LL S1YLES• ter · ug ost • de~i in t~e Jadd/Pant s, cut to fi ri '"· JFttched e 0!" OUI D t b,,. ( ¥els at all to Stay ·-OUb/e X Ii or Slir •lrafn . ' With co lhey . unlc-ro-Fit A Points. Prr-Sh Pper rtp. Sizes 2;,, nelo¥ Pair f runtr , s· 980" :~~.:: )~· BOY'S SIZES (0.121 . ..... $4.98 Now on the LEVI'S "'' sce nc- the LEVI 'S "" culotte, in a soft poly esler-collon b len d corduro y. LEVl 'S"'1 unique detailing, rich color se le ction . SEE GRANT'S GA LA COLLECTION Of All or THE LATEST STYlES IN LEVI'S' FOR GALS! . ~ LEVI'S® I ,, for GALS! ; ~ .''\ \ --1' ~-· BUSH JACKET . , ,I UNIQUE drti.iling and a defin· itt "With·il" flair dislingu'ish fhi1 smart new Bush Jacket. Scotchgard~ finish m1ke1 it watrr rrpellrnt. .. - -------~---------------------------------·--------------------------------- ------- -. ----'! J 8 PILOT-AOVE RTISfR Wtdnr'>day, Octobtt 29, 1%q Stir Up Hall:oween Fun • the Kitchen TREAT STAY-AT-HOME GHOSTS AND GOBllNS Pack Happy Memories In Serviceman's Box \Vhat \\'Ould a serviceman in \,-ietnam n1nst like to fnHJ in his rnail next December \\'hen hi s thoughts arc turning lo11•ard hon1e and !he !a1n1!y gatherings that will be taking place there? r.1ost likely it \11ould be something homema~e. from his \1•ife's, moth- er'.~ or sister's kitchen, or even from a close fan11!y fr iend's. A box of chocolate chip cookies: chock full of nu ls and chips, n1oist <:ind che11·y frui tcake. old fashioned oallneal cookie., loaded with spices and raisi ns-all \\'ill remind the ser\'icc111an of the aron1u of cool.Jes baking in a \\'ar1n ki tchen during the holi day season. i~ut, to 1nake his Chris'lrnas n1ore pleasant. the lin1c for actltin is no11'. Early 1nail deadlines must be n1et and they arc r<lpidly ;ipproachlng. Baking and packing sweets for the Jong jonrnc•y i'ICrQss 1hc ,c;ca is easy ;ind can be an O<'casion !or a preholiday fa inily p0:1rty. ·rhl't"l' i ~ no lin1it tn 11·hal can be put in a box bound Ior Vietnan1 th al 11·!1) ple::ise ;ind ~urprisc a lonely GJ. !Jar cookies, drop cookies. s1vt'et breads baked in ('11.c;ros;iblc pnn s ond even cakes baked in tube pans all rnail v"ell. if p:ickcci !icrurcly. llar cookies can be baked in ahnnlnum pans and n1ailrcl 1rllhout he- ini:: cut. NLtl breads end fruitcake can be baked in one-pound coffee can~ and shipped right in the can. Unbuttered popcorn or breakfast cereal. ~uch as puffed ll'hcat tnay be ~sed ,for packing. making almost !he \\'hol e packa?,c edible. J-Iard or che1vy car1dy, such as pcanul brittle or tc1ffy nlso mails 11·e11 and will"he enjoyed. If there is room, !here are-many ether ·trcal.c; bc ... ides S\veets that servicemen like to receive. ·"' Prcs11·cctencd so ft drink mixes. packaged (Irv ... nur~-pi zza 1Tiixrs, <'Jn ned :-ard1ncs. crackers. canned spaghetti anrl bro1\'tl brcJd, unpoppcd popcorn nnd even ,iars of peanut butter arc popular. No1v, 1\·hat recipes of baked goods should be included ;111d ho1v .~!1(1uld they be packed? C:ookies made \\'lth bro11·n -"ll.C:.'.lr nr hnncv ~t;1v rnoi ~I lon;.:t'f. r:rp11·n- ic s <ind c11ocolatc chip, peanut butler and d;itc cookie.~ nre popul.'.lr <imong the Gfs. The cooki es should not be ovcrhakcd Jnd shou ld hr. 11 rapped as soon a s thev arc coo!. brop cookies should be "''rapped b.:ick-to-bnc-k i11 p.:iir5 and should be packed. as 11·ith the other cookies, in cans such as shor!l•ni n!! or cnffcc c<ins. The cans should be lined in 1rax paper or !oil :ind 1h c r<1ns shnuld he packed full of cookies and filler material so there is no roon1 for anyUiing to rattle. Before being packed in e sturdy ca rdboard box (nnt shoeboxes or other simil~r '"eight boxes) the cans should be .<;ealcd 1vith masking tape. The final steps should be to wrap th e cnrlons 11•cll in several lavers . of brown paper and tie them securely ,~·ith brown cord. Address should be clearly marked in pen or marker (not pencil ) and coated \\'ilh see-through f ape or clear nail polish. _ If all precautions arc taken. the cookies and c.'.lkcs should arrive in-' tact and fresh. in lime for Christmas opening. 1-lerc arc the postal d eadlines: :n1rfacc .~ail <rcr.11lar parC<'l post). n.ot later than Nov . 8; SAh'f, space a:--a.11ablc airlift. fourth class rate, up to frv~ pounds, Nov. 22 : PO\V, parcel airlifl. up lo 30 pounds. Nov. 29, and ajr- rnail parcel post. regular parcel post ciirmail rate', Dec. 1-13. Recipe suggestions \vill be found in today's F'ood Section. Brighte n Ole wi!Uul facts ~ those youngsters too small to go "trick or treating" \Oo'ith a special Halloween party .•. in the kitchen. At the party set the little ()nes to making nutritious molasses treats to fill the goody bags of those "ghosts and spooks" ringing your front doorbell. (Molasses is rich in energy -producing iron.) Your younf children are sure to fee part of the festivities if they can have the fun of seeing the costumes of the callers, and of giv ing a\vfly the candies and cookies they have made themselves. Early in the day, make the dough for hiolasses Pumpkin Cookie ·Pops and keep it refrigeral.ed until party time . \Vheli the cookies have been hakerl and cooled, pre~s wooden skewers or ice cream sticks ca refu lly Into the hol- lom of each cookie lo fonn a cookie pop. The children can frost each cookie pop with co J or f u I orange frosting in keeping \~ith the pumpkin then1e. Sup- ply assorted candies and nuts for gaily decoruting each pop. Cashew nuts can be used to make mouths. • .turn ed up they make a happy fa ce; turn- ed do\vn, a sad one. Candy circles make unu sual eyes and shredded coconut or chopped nuts can be used for hair. The fun of an old·fas'Jio ncrt molasses taffy pull wil: keep !he young ones happy 1\•hile v.·ailing for the cookies to bake and cool. Youngsters really enjoy the pulling, squeezing and stretchlng that converts the taffy into long c re a my strands. The delicious orange flavor of this molasses taffy is sure to delight the candy makers too. Be sure that ;ill the little fingers are well coated ·w[!h butter during the taffy pull, as Ulis makes the candy creamy and easier to pull back and forth \Vhcn alt the taffy has turn- ed a golden anibcr c1ilor. h,1\·c the child ren pull it into Jong strips. Cut 1l v:ith scissors into hite- sJze pieces and then 1vrap lh<'m in plastic "·rap _ Tic the ends of each piece v.•ilh or<1ngc y;irn. l\J 0 LA SSE S Pl:l\IPKIN COOK IES 1 ~ cup bu!lcr 1 cup sugar 1 r up light molasses I cup "()(Jkc1t m a ~ h r ct pun1pkin, rilher frt·:,h ur eanncd 4 '~ cups flour , sifted 1 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 ~ teasp00n sail 2 teaspoons ground ein- namon 1 teaspoon gro1md cloves I teaspoon ground ginger Orange icing (reci pe brlo1v) Cashe1v nuts, candy pieces for decorating Cream butter and !'Ugar together in a mixing bo1\ 1. Blend in !ir,ht 1nolasscs and th en pun1pkin. Sift togelhcr flour, bnking so:Ja, so!t. (.'innamon, cln\'r~ and ginger onto a 11•axcd sheet or paper. Gradu;illv add Oour mixlurr. !o other 'ingrerl ien!s. Bl~nd 1\'ell at low speed \vilh an elec- tric mix er. Divide lhc dour:h into fo11r ('qual parts; chi!\ for 30 minutes. Knead each dough section into a smooi h ball on a flourerl board. Roll out to 1·1'' thickness on a floured pastry cloth. IKeep remaining dough in refrigerator until ready to use.) Cut with pumpkin cookie cutter or, with a sharp knife. Cl'.t around cardboard cutout of your design. P!::ice on a greased cookie sheet. Bake cookies in a pr <.'heatrrl moderate 375 deg rees F. ove n fnr 8 to IO minutes. Cool on a. rack. COOL BREAK FOR HALLOWEEN GUESTS \Vhen ('OQ!, press wooden skewers or ice a ·eam slicks inlu lhc botlotn of lhe cookie tu lunu cookie µ1,1p. Do thls . -.\('p cartfully as it U im- po rt:int not to sh3tler the cookies. Frosl wilt\ orange icing. Decorate face. Orange Icing 1 pou11d package con- feclioners sugar, sifted 3 !alilespoons frozen orange Juice eonccntrate 3 tablcspoo11s w:itcr 1,:: teaspoon red food col- oring ~.1 tc;ispoon yellow food col- 0r1ng ?llix liquid ingredients wilh the sugar. Makes enough to r rost 5 doicn cookies. ORANGE A10LASST~ TAFFY 11 z cups sugar I cup light molasses 1 ~ teaspoon salt I cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons butter ':: teaspoon baking soda I tc::ispoon orange extract Combine sugar, Ii g ht nioln sses, salt and heavy crcnn1 in a heavy skillet. Stir- ring, bring mixture to a boil over highe st heat. Reduce heal to medium; continue bolling until the mix· lure reaches 285 degrees F. on a Cillldy therrnometer or until a small aniount forms a firm ball ~hen dropped in cc!d waler (about 14 minutes) . Remove molasses mixture from the heat; add 2 table- spoons butter and sprinklr. with baking soda and orange extract. Stir until well blended anci buUer has melled. Pour onto a Jar~. well-buttered pluucr. Cool for 5 minut es. Turn edges of taffy lnt0 center 1vilh a "'·ell butier~"I spatula. Continue cooling tor 15 minu tes , \Vith butterc:l !; pa I 11 1 n . divide taffy into 4 pieces. Grease fingers 1\·ell "'ith but- ter. Roll taffy sections into balls "'ith lingers. Pull, fold back ,1nd squeezr. taffy until it turn:-a golden color and becomes hard to pull. Pull taffy into lonr. strands, about 1 :: inch ln diameter. Cut into bite-sizerf piece~ with buttered kitchen shears, auickly. \Vrar p i e c es In- dividually in small square~ or cellophane 11Tap or waxed paper: tie ends 1vith oran r;e yarn, i! desired. ~men ,.,. " Refresh Goblins \\'hen thQse ghostl e ~. ghoulies and long -J·c R i; cd beasties co1ne e11lltnR at .1r1ur house tlus Hullow ccn, Jllllh~ them in, and send the.in a\1ay cooled and invigorated. There's not a rnother in ll•f' cro1vd who wnn'l ehcer you f'l r this brier p;iuse in the lnck - and-treatin g. cspcei:.illy \'.h('n your 1rcat la kes rhr fnnn of :1 fizz t1r ;i !>il rikc lh:11·s ~1~ nutritious <i~ 11 i~ nppl :i!inµ The h;J ~c 1.~ apncnl nr apricol-pineapplf' n rt" t ;i 1· , made frotn p11rr pulp .1r.r! juice, wit!1 suga r sy rup il dli L'Ji. The br ight color , the f111!, smooth body and the 1ru~ sv.·ecl fru it fl:ivor all cri1l\c through in si n1plc, b1JL clcg;int blendings of nrctar an 11 shcrbeL or nectar anti He cream. And, for the very 11·cc \1 ilt h or goblin 1rho co;11cs ca!hng before rlinnl'r -1imr , :1n irr rold glass of t1pplc 1u1cr , surn'tl 1vith a prpp<'rm1nt stick ;ind dccora!cd \1'ith red and j!r':'·"' maraschino ehl'rrir~. Jo·1~·-: ·fcsti1·c <ind grnwn ur ;1rd (locsn't ititrrfrrc 111th l1is :ip- pctite. Thrsc rlrin~:< r,111 h(' \1.hipp"1I logrthcr .1 s 1-.ich h,11 ch nf tallcrs ,1rrl\'CS. T!i(•\' t.i 1" bc!!cr 1h:il way. ;ind there's r. 1 11'aslc for tile h11slr ~~. FIZZES Fil! chilk•d glass ~:i full 1~·i t!1 cold nectar; a<l tl on(' i;rO"P vani!h1 lCP CTl'<llll 11 C;J• i1 glass and fill gla ss to lop w11 h ginger ale or 7-up. SllAKES I can nectar (chi lled) 2 scoops or you r favorite sherbet Blend ingredif'nls "' 1 I h b('ater or in blender. Dccora 10 with paper thin orant:'.? or lemon slices and maraschino cherries. APPLE J UICE Serve apple juice ice colrl in gla~s with peppermint. candy stick or cinnamon stick and rrd and green maraschino cherries. Patience'~ a Prime Requisite for Eating Pomegranates L Ry DOROTHV"WENClt _,,,· ."'""--,"'-"'"'-:----------------;~' d.:;::~:r.";;;:;"'he, r;,s1 ·• ·;·;::'.Home NE!WS and Views pomegranate of u;i «aSOn over thl . -,,,..,,...---------~· ._, ______________ _ wtiekenlf . Pomegran.t. eaUnl tairs tlm«: ~s aA4 caUH: the ju(t't ·to 1patte'r Jar aad patience. ~fary fs thlyonly one~· and Wide. ' l•mily wlU1 enough patience .00. · f , pa.~ir.n for pomegranates rO come COLOR TRll:ASURED tbe CiUficulli~s oC eajJnc lhc1J>," , Tbe;~# ,crlJUOn pmcgraa1te. Jiftce Sbe puts on .,_dvtr-JJ-ii>fon, spreads• la tt"t~ lpr tt11•P1rklin1 color, but ou~ 1 thiol( IJ!W!fiaper, cub the ' llewal"I . of· fta U.fftlftg pnwcr! Prolecl J>Ohlegrapit:e In hall, aDd picks the 1our clldlet ind furnl11llng1 before 11t- 1UscioLM1; juicy ,'5eed 'ac1 out or tht taekln1 • fOP'f!g:ranote. ~e~ents one ~ pne •Ith ettt'ler a fqrk er ' Thfs bcaoUful fruil is omamenla\ as ht'r finger~. • r ' ~elt aJt a;ipclltmg. Miiny people huy Fingers arc· really better than a fork. pomegr~l'ttites to use In table dceoretlnn~. Fork tines may pwiclure the plump seed TI1ey la.sl forever in a fruH bowl-unless you have pomegranat~ loverll like Mary in your family_ To enhance their ap.. pear2nce. yoll can polish pomegranates vl'llh eook1ng ail. A nattve of Penla, the pomegranate ill one of the oldest fruits tnown·to civilized man. It gradt.ially spread throughout the t>.fediterranean region. a n d Spanish missionaries bri;iught it to t>.1exlco some 400 year~ ago. From Mexico, It was In- troduced lnto Calilpmia and planted near lhe early missions. Today California ls 'the ooly slate ·Ntiere pomegranates are railed com- mercially lo any great Extent, ·allhough i;ome are grown in the southern states. The pomegranate plant is w~ely used as an omamrnt.1 shrub in lifornia. The flowers or the pomegran 'hrub tasl throughout most of the: s~,ini{ 8od fUmmer and in the fall the reddiah-purple fru it makes the plant 'Yef mo re decareUve. · lf 'you're new to Californ!a,,:i>e:-heps you've nevlr !~n a pomcgranntc. It'~ a reddis h-purple fruit about the i;i ze of a l.:irgc oran&e. The tough, Jealbery 5ki n encases ruby-purple !'iced sacs which are arranged in seg n1cnt11 and are a1lnched to a thin while men1brane. BASIS OF GRENADL\'E J uicy p11!p, covered with 11 thin mem-. hrane f the sac I ~urrounds each Sttd. The fla\ er or tile juice, When the pomcgraaalr Is ripe, is mildl y acid and qi,1:1r unique. r omei,-anote juiee ill the IJ:isis of grena dine r.:rup, v.·hlch l!'J used for flavor nnrl color In r1111ny drfnk~. 1'here !!'l n:i easy way lo "Juice" a pomrgran:i!e. One ml'lhod 1s to remove the seeds, pul !hem in a jelly bag · and sriucezc out lhe juice, A beUer method for rxtracllng juice 111 to cut the pomegranate. in half and ream the halves on a plastic or glass ~not <"lu1ninum) (ruil juicer. Press ihe fruit on the reamer, rather than twist. Place !ho rc<imer in the si nk to avoid spattering the julcc on yourself and your kitchen . Slrau1 the juice through a c.Jlandcr to remove the seeds, then through a double Lhickness of cheesecloth lo clarify it. To make grenadine sirup, !11ix 2 to 4 c11ps pomegr;ina!e juice (depend ing on neidity) with 2 cups sugar, bring to hoH, Sin1nier 3 to 5 mfnuttis. Thf.~ ~In ketp 1n the rnfrigerator for a short ti1ne. To keep it longer, store ln the freezer. • ·---~------------------------------------------·---- 3f O~ll Y PILOT \Vedntsd~y, Octobfr 29. l9b') Mother Hearing 'O Promise Me' Too Soon Before Wedding DEAR ANN LANDERS. l'ou\·e had aome difficult problen1s lhro11gh the yellf!, but I'm willlng to bet mine wlll be one of the tougheil you've run into ln a Jong Ume . My hu,iiband and I had a very good marrrlage-. We enjoyed 15 ,1·onderful years to1ether. Three years ago he \\•as killed in a hunting accident. He was only 4-0. Our oldest daughter who \Yas 13 years at t~ time adored her daddy, \\'hen tie dled she becAme \'Cry depressed and 1n- secw't. The day of the funeral i;;he asked me to promise that I wou ld never marry again. Since that time she has askC'd me at leai;t a dozen times to repeat the pro- mlse and I ha\'e done !iO. I have enjoyed the company of four or five intereslini men during tbc past two ANN LANDERS leresting ingredients. The boy also may lrade formulas \\'ilh lhe neighbor kid. Quile often the inexperienced amateur chemisl does not know lhat the mWng of one part or measure o( two chemicals wlll produce one i;lz.e boom but 4 parts or measures ol the same chemical wW pro- duce 16 times the explosive force. years and now I have met one "'ho is \'ery special. He ll'ants Lo marry me - and I want to n1arry him. Last night n1y daughter asked nie to repeat niy pro- mise. She inu.st be. reading n1y n11nd. \Vhat should I rlo ., -EXCEDRI N HEADACHE DEAR EX : Life is a series of choices and decisions. And now \'OU n1usl det ide if )'OU are going to pass u·p an opportunity to hal·e a lull life, or stand by a promise made v;ben your mind was clouded by grief and l14'isted with pain. It is a pni- misc you ~hould not have made, and one ,,·hicb. in my opinion, should not be kept. DEAR A.\."l LA.i'JDERS: I have a message for parents v.·hose kids are :1n1atcur sc ient1:;ts. Sooner or later, that ~on of _\Ours 111ho is some14·here betwe en 12 aud 17 years of age, will find his way to a 1nail order source for more 1n· -· v~--- Our 16-year-0!d son who always has been cautious , responsible and d sound judgment Jo.st hill left hand while enjoying his favorite hobby. For some unknown reason he decided to use. a melal rod to st:r Lhe mixture instead of a wooden one. Even so the boy was very lucky. He could have been blinded. Please convey this message to other parents. No need to use our name. Just Sign Us -DENVER PEOPLE Cooking School Begins Tomorrow Scho olbells \Vill Ting tomorro\v as the 18th a nnual Ora nge Coast College Cooking School begi.n s at 9:30 a.m. in the Mesa Theater, Cos ta 1\1esa. Begi nning the four-v.•eek series \1•ill be Sandv.•ichery, a study of fancy·\Vithout-fuss sand\vich making. DEAR DENVER: ThlJW f&r the waro· Ing. Every parent wbo bas aa amateur M:io lilt In the lamJJy, pleaat lake DO&c. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your column on VD wl! the most he lpful thing I have read in a newspaper 1lnce I can remember. It not only gave lots of valuable information, but it gave me the nerve to ask you this question. (I'm a boy JG.) Here goes: Can masturb~Lion bring on VD? My folks wouki ki ll me if they knew I wrote a letter like this. I can't send you a sell-addressed envelope. Please answer in the paper. Too many couples go from malrimony to acrimony. Don't let your marriap Oop before it gets started. Send for Ann Landers' booklet, "Marriage -What to Expect.'' Send your rf{jutst to Ann Landers in care ot this newspaper enclos. ing SO centl in coin and a long, stamped, sell-addressed envelope. Ann Landers will be gl~ lo help you -PJ-JOENIX with your problems. Send them to her in DEAR P.: Masturbation wlD oot cMuse ,., care of the DAILY PILOT. encloslog a VD. Nor will U cause plmple1, dark sell-addressed, stamped tnvelope. Safety Hints Make This Halloween A Treat, Not Tragedy 1-lallov.·een may seem like a simple chlld's event that is as simple as sewing a costume and buying a bag of candy at the grocery store. But it isn't -it can be one the most dangerous evenings your child spends, if the pro- per precautions are not taken [or his safety. mask impairs his vision . \Vatch the shoes in the cos· tume -will they trip him? Remind your children to watch carefully before cross· ing streets. Suggest that they go around the block to avoid crossing stret>ts. Showing Harbor Area women hO\Y to con- stru ct such fancifuls as Stra\vberry Break· fast Sandwich, Stuffed Rolls, Gourmet Wine Sandwiches and J\ilonte Cristo Sandwiches \\'ill be i\1iss Pat l\'logan of OCC and l\fiss Eileen Coyne of Southern Counties Gas Co. Co-sponsors of the school are the DAI LY ~ILOT, Alpha Beta markets, Southern Coun· ties Gas Co .. Davis-Brown Appliances of ('.osla Jvlesa, the Caloric Corp. and the Mesa Theater. DEBBIE MERGENTHALER Futur• Bride The J unior \Voman's Club of Huntington Be a c h has prepared a list of safety Ups for trick 'n treaters. All are simple, but can mean the dif- ference between a treat and a tragedy. After your child come! home, go through his sack of !reals to see if there is anything he should not have. Remol'e aJJ his makeup with cold cream and give him a v.·arm bath. Prepare a glass of hot milk or coeoa and en- <:ourage him to unwind by tell- ing you about his adventu res. Magic Gift Brings Life Tickets are necessary for the free series and are avail able at Alpha Beta markets,. the theater, OCC Evening College and Davis- Bro,vn. Door prizes \Vi\l be given at each session and a ne\v gas range 'viii be a \varded at the end of the final session Nov. 20. Hawaiian Honeymoon r l ~A.s if by magic. !\Jrs. Richard Cartcnscn of Costa i\Je;,a turns a fe1v knobs lo bring the Gill of Life to kidney patien·ts \1'ho 'vill be assisted through the annual Gift of Life Ball and Gourmet dinner Sa turday, Nov. 8. in the Di sneyland f·lo tel . Spon sored by the Kidney F"oundation of Orange-Riverside, Inc., the ball \Viti inw elude music by the Doctors Orchestra, entertain1nent by the Groovy Granny's and other groups and a _go urmet dinner at 8. Reservations may be made by calling the found ation office, 528-3991 . Nuptial Vows Repeated Horoscope Leo: Wait, Observe THUR SDAY OCTOBER 30 By S\'DNEY O~IARR Fl!hlng, plan ting fa\'ored by lunar p011itio11. Besl hu ys in· c I u de household furniture, ra r e ·be,·erages, historical boo ks, bathing suits . Ans>A·ers lo myslerie5 are foond : l'X- cell t'nt for researth. Lihraries lrill be busier than usual. ARI ES 1 ~1arch 21 -April J~\­ Condilions .at home suhiecl 111 erratic change. \\1l<il v.·a~ set1 1ed once again bccornt'~ huge questio n rnark. Kry is 10 mol"e wit h tht tidt>. Be fl ex- ible .. Say yes !O chance for ad· \'anr~menL TAURUS (April 20-.r"\la ~' 20 1' t~ight 1ouch should be ord('t or clay. J\·!an.\' around you 11'ol1\d be more than happy to ar,i:11r. Don't waste time. or emotion~ on pet!y dispu tes Patch Iii) di fferences \vlth rclat11 c. Incl udes change of residence, domest.c rehabilitation. Past iri 1'estment is due for ··ac- \.J.on.'' You gain . LEO I July 23-Aug. 22 ): tl-lav be difficu lt , but strive to rC- rnain beh ind the scenes. You could get surprise television Dffcr. But \\·hal you do rece ive comes to you. No day to be aggressive. "'ail and obse rve. VIRGO (Aug. 32·Scp!. 22 \: i.A't Gemini individual do the picking .. ehoosing and guess- ing. Stirk to conservative ('OUrsc. Study Leo niessagl'_ You receive important com· phmen t, <1S$.1gnment. Be quiet II ilh1n. LIBRA !Sept. 2J-0ct. 221: fl r or1g1na ! enough to kno1v \1 hrn IQ let go of out1nod<'d ('11ncrp\<: Don 't he 11·cdded !o ri:JM Your <itl ltu(Je today t·h111!lr! be pr o gre ssiv e, <1;-nan11c. ~!any are dra wn to )u11 L11·e up tn fine po1ent1aL SCORP IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 l: \\'hat vou search for may be 111 IF TODA'!' IS Y 0 U R your Own home. Know this and BIRTHDAY :ou seem serious,1 ;icl :ircordingly. Slick \Vith ex· but you hflve r ca l un. pentner. Don't 1~·ander too f:i r derstandirig of humor. Some of ' ;:if1elrL Valuable discov ery is yoor th oughts, attitudes are I l1kcl_y if you <ire al erl. considered bizarre. You do not I ' ORANGE COAST COLLEGE PRESENTS COOKING SCHOOL On the Stage of th• MESA THEATRE, Costa Mesa -Prepare for the Holiday• - -PRIZES - THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20-9,30 A.M. GE:\fif';I (~!av 21 -June :!O ~ You r sense of advent ure is <ic- centr-d . You C"OUld succeed lll speculati,·e ''enture. J\feans folio\\' instincts . Tortay ~·ou can bypass son1e of the rules - and come out viclorious. ,·ou v.·in. CANCER (,June 21 .Julv SAG IITAR llJS (Nov. 22-follow the crowd or conform . Dec. 2 l ): \\'hat someone else' fjiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOii;;;;i;.;,ii~~ ... ;iiiiiiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:~iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i:::: {IO('s 11ith your money could h('comc. n1a tter of immediate c::onl'ern. Key is lo be lair but 22 ):: i 'ou gel fre.~h \'[('\\' nr what future i.~ li kely to be. l 'IRGll\"I A.'S SNI P 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 3334 East Coast Hwy. • Corona del Mar Phone 673.8050 TIM E TO SIW fOlt CHRISTMAS! l 1tk;n9 for ide1•7 W'et~~ c~1 W~df\f 1 d~y t ol • ti mn lot 1u99t1!ion1. J, Tho ycun'J m e•rr~d t oupl@ would ~••e f,.n tinwr•ppin9 m1!ti1•~9 lo.irr on •1 made /tol') Jifly Sirnpli(il'y 1256. Uia '•"Y, l•nv "tlour, co•d u• toy, "•l•ot••ll on •u•dt ~•l e>uf. All Wt•ha blt e11d cc"'• •n "v~"'"'v'' t clc'I. 2. Moth,,, G•v<Jh!u , "'''' or fri end wcvld d~­ ll 11hl i11 1 ece i••~q • "'"' cuddl1dath robe, "'•· chin• w11~tbl f Ice. McCtlh h~1 e 9'e•I ri••· ler11 #'971'-t ip fron! clo1ut• e ~d tett ~Ovl choi'o of 2 len9lh1. Do~'t lor9et lo frlm <'1 lot o~ cf our d•cO•tfo, breid1. ). Mek• the "1mell fry" f1m inine1 l.ecpy wi t~ • ~•"' robe. Choo1• • qu1iftl quill1d f6 br•(, tor• Gwroy, cvdOlt(lolh o• i~eJpen1Pve c ri nttd fl111· 1111. U11 Simpti c;ty 7l7 i, 111•1 '-ill•u 12. Se• you 10011, Virqinit P,S, Chri1lm1 1 i1 pftl-; f jrrt 10 lnol ov•• c ur h•tillley 11l1ction of lur u•y l1b"t\! UN Yow lankAmtrlcorfl or Ma•ter Charq• Kitchen Convenience is this ... • Rins e conditioner dispfP"1er ~elps , keep glasses and silver fro m spotting. l! • Order lnlerthengei!lble fro nt paMIS separately. Colors or Brushed Chrome. • Opt;onat designer door fra mir8 t.it. ·::::: $17811 ©DAVIS BROWN 0th., models m tow • $151.11 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa-646· 1684 Daily 9.9, Sat. 9·6 Summer Wedding Planned Accompany your child with a flashlight and instruct him on safely measures before you leave. Be sure all costumes Do have a home party, i{ possible, and discourage trick or treating. I[ that is not possible, Jimil the hours to 6:30 Lo 8 p.m. are flameproof. Before your child leaves, In· struct him not to go inside anyonc·s house. See lhat his costume is nol long l'nough to trip him and that he v.·ears so mething wh ite so he \\'ill be easily seen. Check to see if his And, if you are oot driving, be extra elert for the hoards of ghosts and goblins crossing your path. Remember that small children. when excited are unpredictable and may dart into the street unex- r1ectedly. Can you eat all day and still lose ,{ weight? ' Chaos Sets WEIGHT• Party Mood ~~!~~~~:,.;; i progr•m that work5. TM 5fRtl llOCHUlt-0.U 13S·S50S FINE BAKERY Dlll11 Bre ad SATISFIED WITH THE MONEY YOU 'RE EARNING NOW? E"eblOshed l•o~''''il' Fjrm C••· eli~9 Now o ;.;,;on to Me•~11 M•n•9ed A ttou~h Oil, Muluel Fund•, V1nlu<1 C•p1!1!, ln1u•· •'I• Re•I E1i1!1, & Ot~er Te~ Oriented r n~e ••m1nll, H you ere now 1utt 1uful in • re!1ted field, C.t.ll LLOTD SI LLIN•ER. 17141 239·2011 An old tim• ca1s•role br11d, bakad w ith cot- tage cheese, dill a nd onion. Very light. Comei in it' own tin. 59t P11mphin Pie Rithard's velvety pumpkin pie, 41 perfect de1- sert for a Ha llow•en dinn er. Sl.55 Polalo Rolls A favorite littl e dinnar roll, part1cul1rly good wi th chicken. 6 for 34~ 1oy 9rit1 .t nd flax 1eed. A hearty, • '"'"""' ..... . .... ~C1t;ffie~iottib9g~ We ha ve 411 menn•r of delectibl• conftctlons, ti ny pttit f1ut1, m1rinqu• shills, frothy Sfl'•cial c•~••. ln fe et, with• littl• notice, we can do ju st a bout anything ! ~~LIDO CENTER 34.ll VIA UDO !NEWPORT BEACl-l 673-6360 • Dej Fashi ion st plaza nequi in the mas: Costa j. AIT picnic Toppir: UniveI Calltot were l 800 ~ Newpc among Herita Card.in the pi1 PLE N" a RCdla1 of Mr. c .. 1a gradu1 High ~ i\JJS: her ;:; Talent Redla1 The Mrs. Co.st.a joring gradu; School ( D "T -- ---------------~_........__.. ______ .,._ ________ ......., ______ _....._........,.. __ ~--~----------~-----. ------------- WtdntSdl'/, October 29, l96C} DAIL v "1LOT H Deliciously Fashionable Jeweled Pins Offered When Chapters Meet A Hawaiian theme will prevail when members of BEta Gamma Chapter, E psi Ion Sigma Alpha sorority, honor their sister chapter, Delta Jota, during a dinner meeting in Sam's Seafood restaurant. The Fountain Valley groups will gather at 7 tonight and of- ficiating will be the new chapter's a d v is o r s, Mrs. George Wier and Mrs. Ray Seiffert. Installing officers for the jewel pin ceremony are Mrs. A1 Hackmeister and Mrs. William Guthrie, president and junior past president of Beta Gamma. Receiving pins wlll be Delta Iota members the Mmes. John Downer, Harold Graves, John Koontz, Lorin Lammers, Don McCollum, Wendell Pierson, Sue Rhodes, Ron Szabo and Elton Thayer. Prospective members pledg· lng to Beta Gamma are Mrs. Vern Carlson and Mrs. Robert Flippen. A first pearl award for achievement during the first six months of membership will be presenieo to Mrs. Szabo, Della Iota, by Mn. Lew Smith, pres'.)ent. Beta Glll'·ma m e m b e r s receiving a first degri:ie Pallas Athene award are the Mmes. William Hewsron, G e o r g e KeUer, Kenn::.th K 1 eh m, Robert McGalmery. P a t Morey and C.b,..lll'.A _Nelson. A second d~ree a1rard will be presenle< ~-~s. Hackmeister and third degree awards will go to Mrs. Cochran and Mrs. Glll:(~ Flea Market Opening Leisure World. Laguna Hills set up and ready for is aiming for something a customers wishing clothing, little dilierent than the usual f1Jmiture, small appliances, rummage sale in their Flea Market and Hobby Sale which will take place Saturday, Nov. 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dinner Roasting Turkey dinner to p u t everyone 1n the mood for a traditional Thanksgiving feast wlU be offered as a fund-rais- ing benefit by members of St. Anne's Parish, Seal Beach. Dinmr will be served between noon and 7 p.m. Sun- day~ov. 2, in the church, and gr._--1g guests will be t.he Re-:. William L. fiamoM. C.Ommlttee c h a i r m _. n assisting Jack ~el ch e r , general chairman, are Ben Rapp, prizes; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spisak, food ; Mrs. Marion Tryzbinski and Mrs. John Campbell, hall and table decoration; Mrs. Pearl Van Auken anci Mrs. T e r e s a Preeper, tickPt t-::1~:::. ll ·r..:::.::F:;-i~ tne dinner 1'1ll ~ ~ for adults and $1 for c11litlren under 12. j Joint Session Orange County Alumnae of Alpha Xi Delta will host the I Long Beach group during a joint meeting at 8 p.m. Tues- day, Nov. 4. Mrs. William Christie will open her Rossmoor home for the occasion, and the program will be a d e c o u p a g e demonstration by a Seal TAST}: BEFORE YOU BUYt cheese ball Two favorite. from the wide selection of specialty foods from •. • • ~1~lk~ ~~0!!!~• SOUTH COAST PLAZA Lower Caro!IHI Motl lrfstof at Sot1 Dl990 ffwwcry, Costa MM an111'111J11111r11n 1111n j Fashions to wear when licking Christmas Seals will be modeled during a fash- ion showing in South Coast Plaza Saturday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. Shops from the plaza will furnish ensembles to be modeled by Miss Christmas Seals and man- nequins from the shops for the promotion o-f Christmas Seals. Ready to parade in the Great Christmas Seal Put-on are Miss Rosemary Kelly (left), Miss Christ- mas Seal for Fountain Valley and Miss Donna F1ory, Miss Christmas Seal of Costa Mesa. The second annual event sponsored by Education and Recreation Department will glassware, books, typewriters, photo equipment, cameras, red1Jcing equipment a n d countless other items. Hobby items such as ceramics, jewelry, copper enameling. lapidary and monogrammed gifts also will be sold. Beach artist. -------------------- Peering Around ,, AITENDI~G a homecoming picnic hosted by Dr. Norman Topping, president of the University of S o u t h e r n California, and Mrs. Topping were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Reed and Mrs. Margaret Fluor of Newport Beach. They were among other donors t n Heri.tage Hall and members of Cardinal and Gold invited to the picnic. December Wedding Planned Yolanda Yero and Jorge Morales, both of Cosla Mesa will exchange nuptial vows Dec. 20 in SL Joachim's Catholic Church. News of the f orthcomjng event has been announced by Miss Yero's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Miguel A. Yero .Jr. of Costa Mesa, { o r m e r residents of Havana. The future hride Is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended the Los Angeles College of Dental Assist ing. To Marry PLEDGING Alpha Gamma Nu at the University of Redlands was Dave Sclbst. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bel Se\bsl of Costa Mesa. Selbst is a 1968 graduate of Corona del Mar High School. Her fiance, son of Carlos G. Celebration Morales and Amalia Vazquez 1 de Morales of Buenos Aires, received his education in Buenos Aires. MISS JUNE McKee made her acting debut in ''New Talents" at the Univen;ity of Redlands' festival theater. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Mcl\ee of Costa Mesa is a junior ma- joring in theater arts anrl a graduate of Estancia High School. Helping Job·~ Daughlf'rs, Bethel 313 celebrate its 10th annivt>rsary were four in- itiates, the Mjsses Patty ~·~·,.­ Aschenberg, Nancy Edwards, Julie Walton and Catherine J lei ton. Also the st<ite deputy grand guardian, Mrs. Shirley Common made her official visil 25% OFF SALE llTERUNG BY LUNT M agnificence in Sterling ••• created fot ttl098 who went IN finest In 9011d atlYer flatware. Nf1V81 before such Savings on l8ts, ot 9Y9IY piece, of one of Amellca'a greeteBt .-ting pattema. 32.fle. ............... e 4-f>a. Pl8cl ~ SAY£ $123.11 ~ ............ a 6oPG. ,,,_. Semnae SAYE $154.011 72.fle. ..... "°' for.12'9 12 M'<1. Piece 8et1inoe SAYE $212JG Act now ••• otl• ..,,,,_ Nonmbet l~ta USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY -AWAY CHAlGI ACCOUNTS INVmD I ANKAMERICARD -MASTI~ CHAa•1 GIFT WRAP • NO CHARGI lllDAL HGISTIT GEORGE MURRAY SILVElt e CHINA • CRYSTAL e 'UltNITUll& l rlttol Smet .. S. Dlefe Pt.ewcry s..ttt Coast "-,. ... 14'·2700 ·====================::.'!\,) ..... ~,w~.;.o;. .... ~~~ ... take place in the community's ~=======================================~ sales parking lot on the corner of El Toro and Valencia roads. The sale is designed to bring together residents who wish to dispose of their very good us- ed items they no lon~er have room for and those interested in finding bargains. More than 120 booths will be Da nce Club 18th ANNUAL ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FHEE at the MESA THEATER COSTA MESA 9:30 to 11 :30 AM THURS., OCT. 30 Also NOV. 6, NOV. 13 & NOV. 20 REGISTER AT THE DOOR FOR PRIZE DRAWING . for BAGS of GROCERIES CO ·SPONSORED BY: 8 Alpha Beta Markets e So. Counties Gas Co. 9 Davis -Brown O Caloric Corporation e Mesa Theater e ~ai!y Pi!~t Newspapers ~'-~ T1CftETS avcrr~ ... ~e m 1~.n' r·u;uMy ALPHA BETf\ Dime-A-Lines Mean $$$ FASHION ISLAND HUNTINGTON CENTER NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1·11 COSTA MESA R ~----=-==-=-==-==-=-===========-====-~- • _n DArt V PILOT s Bewitching Hour Approac~1es for Children ~ ..... i ,._......, .. ~ffe.!i~~ i;"w;.;tl.,;' .. _._.,... ~ i9'Mti. Gtftllll """"' -c-.na t>tite., ~~.f'""'" F,..., fW Adams PTA Mn. P'"1- Pruident COMING UP' Primary grade spook parade ond judging will take place Friday, Oct. 31 .•.. Board meetin8 at 9:30 a.m. 'l\Je&day, Nov. 4, in the home of Mrs. Duane Steputis. REPORT'S : Mrs. Paul Ohlsen. r.1rs. Steputia, Mrs. Carl Leuck and Mr!. Lawrence Poston ""'ere appointed to ser\'e on the by.Jaws re\'ision (Ommittee. Al is o Ele. PTA !\In. Edmund VaoDusen President REPORTS: r.tr:s. E 1 mer Jungctas, members hip chairman reports the Snoopy Ast.rooaut made a successful flight to the moon wiU1 365 parents joining in the dri\'e. \\'innlng class was Mrs. Wyman Eckhan:lt 's second grade class, \1-'hich was pre- sented the trophy for the second year. Htt method of ""i nning is by tying string around each student's fing- er. Placing second were Mrs. Alfred Ame5' first grade and Davld Hagens' Al section. Boy Vi ew PTA "'"· William frO!lt President COMlNG L'P · Bicycle safety day tomorrow. \Vritten ex· aminations wiU be gi ven in the classrooms, followed by mechanical inspeclion and a riding skill test conducted by the Costa Mesa Police Department. Students in third through sixth grades are urged to participate .•• Board meeting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the multipurpose room. California PT A "In-Ttil Brisso President cori.tmG tiP : Board meeting Edison AFS Maps Aims Thomas Edison Hi gh School. lluntington Beach, is seeking volunteers. Now rormalizing f u lore plans is the ne w chapter of the American field Service, and }.lr.;. Owen ~li!ler, acting chainnan. is eocouraging adulls interested in becoming charter members lo conl.act her al 842-6258. Edison students interested in the AF'S Club may rontact L\'man C 1 o v.· er, activities director al the school, for in· formation. The American Field Service program onginated in France during \Vorld \Var I "''hen a group of American \·oluntecr ambulanc-c dri\'er~ t ended thousand~ of \vounded soldiers on the battlefields. follov.·ing that v.·ar, the AFS program "'·as inaugurated to further un- derstanding bet""·een nations of the v.·orld. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1n the teachers' lounge ..• Bl.cycle aafety day is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 5. REPORTS: Mn. Millon Freeman's morning and a f t e r n o o n kindergarten cla.ws tied for first place in the r e c e n t membership drive Roadrunner's race. A prize of $15 was awarded for the purcllase of instruction.a l equipment. Second place was Miss Patricia Albert's second grade and !'<!rs. Donald Lo\\·ry's first grade class took third. The four cla.sseg wiU be all'arded frozen bal'$. College Pk. PT A Mn. James Schafer President COMING UP : Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. in the home of f\1rs. Carl Nauman .... Unit meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, in multipurpose room. Werner Carlson, principal of Davis Schoo~ "1rs. Donald 11en· dricks, student council ad· visor and Mrs. L. E. Sl. 1'.1artin \\'ill speak on the middle school co n c e p t . Frank Lopes, principal of Cost.a Mesa High School along with William Vaughn, vice principal and Donald Achziger, assistant vice principal will speak on mcxiular scheduling. Bicycle safety day Friday, Nov. 7 .. , .ri.1ini-carnival from 10 a .m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, in the multipurpose room. CdM Ele . PTA Mrs. Ar1.bo.r Pappas President COMING UP: Boys Night Out. dinner for fathers, sons. uncles and big brothers at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10. Dave Holland,'coach from Corona de! Mar High School v,.i!J be guest speaker along with 11 mystery guest, football films and door prizes. Reserva· tions will be taken until Tuestay, Nov. 4, by Mrs. Victor Matloff at 675--0n.2 ••• Mothers and children a r e invited to a special presen- tation by the Children's Theater Guild Wednesday, Nov. 1 2 . Kindergarten through third gradeg will meet at ': 15 a .m. ana foorth and filth grade3 at 9:45 a .m. •.. ~1others workshop will take place afterwards. REPORTS: Membership drive the Big Regatta was won by Mrs. Eligene Heap's fifth grade class. Oovis PTA Mrs. Grant Berlo\et President CO\ftNG UP: G eneral meeting al 7:30 p. m. Wednesday Nov. 5, ln the multipurpose room. Cur· riculum discussion will he led by \Verner Carlson, prin· l'ipal and department heads. Eighth grade studenls ""'ill provide a musical program under the le::idership of r-.trs. J ames Griffin, m u s i c department director. REPORTS: Parents still have time to join the 1-'TA membership drive. Chaperones f o r the dance that tool!. place last Friday -~----~--. ' ! ._ i l ' r . ,,,, • ' wer~ ttie Messrs. and .\lmes. Charles Yerkey , Conrad Teu-ault and Ray· mond Espana. Ensign PTA 1'1rs. llarold Shaw President CO~ll :"'G UP: Annual spaghetti dinner F r i d a y , f\ov. It ... Sweat shirts, \\'indbreakers and bike ba!!S ""'ill be sold each \Valnesday during lunch hour. Horper PTA :\lrs. Bob Lindsay President COf\·!I~G t:P: Board mretlng at 7:30 p.rn. 1'1onday, Nov. 3, in the home of r-.trs. Bruce Hart. ... Bicyl'le safety pro- gram will lake place r.l on· day. Nov . 10. , .. General meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues· da \-. !\'ov. Jl, in 1 h e mt;ILipurpose roorn . i\lr. anti J\lrs. Darrell Mann v.•il! spea k and show ad\'cnlurc slides. REP ORTS : Back-to-school night ""'as attended by 200 parents. Flag ceremony \*>'as led by Gir! Scout Troop 82. Budget was read and <ip- proved. Profits from the ice cream social were $400. Ha rbor View PFO ~!rs. Charles Sword President C0~1'~G t:P: Grade le\·el meeting for p.'.lrents ol k indeq:~<!rlcn students fron1 2 to 3 p.m. \\'cdncsday. ~"Jov, 5, in the J'\e11-port Beach home of f\[rs. Charles Loos. Present to provide inforn1a. llon and ansv.·er questions \1•i!J be kindergarten teat.h· crs, principal, school psy. chologist. speech thcrapigt and nurse. REPORTS · !'<1 r s, Jsv Kear. first \'JCC presidc.nt ha"> coordinated all grade level mtttings. l-.1enlbl'rs \'oted during back-to-school night to provide $300 for the purchase of a Tachistis.cope to be used hy teachers f1'.lr special reading instruction and $40 for a bulletin board to be installed in the school library. Killybrooke PT A f.1rs. Ronald Hayward President C0~1ING UP: Board merting ,.,.ill take place \Vedncsd;i,1-, Nov. 5, in room 3 in the school. REPORTS: Girl Scout Cade~ troop 1045 Jed the fl ag cere· mony at the general meeting and back-to-school nigh t. Loguno High PTA f\ln. Mark Sm.lib President COMING t;P: Ghosts anrt gob- lins foo!ball fC'ast 11·ill t;;i ke place Frida~·. Oct. J!, tx,frirc the l\t ission Virjo g<1n1e. 1~;.i c­ ents of Junior studr.nts wi ll prepare and serve hambur· gers, baked bt':!n~. Jr!!r. salad. gre en s3l,1d, ire cream. coffee ;u1d mtl i... Adults' ticket s SI Z~. ~Ill· dents v.ith ASB curds un•I children $1. Lindb ergh PT A f\lrs. John Hefty Pre::.1dcnt CO;\'flNG l"P: Annual Family Treat dinner from !:!. 10 8 .J.J · • " f p m. tomorrow, in the multl- purpo.se room. r.1enu will ' consist of smorgasbord sa.I· ~ a ds, relishes, roast beef, harn. bakr d beans, hot rolls, ru!fee. tr.J, mdk and des· serts. Adu lts Sl.25 and SO cents for children in si:flh grade and under. Mesa Verde PTA !\Jrs. f\a11l'y Reinhart President C0'.\111\G lP: 1-la ll o w ce n parade at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Oct 31. .. Students v.·ho ""'ish 10 donale trick or treat can· tJies for the l'hildrcn at F~ir\'iew State llospital may bring articles to Sl'hool Tue.!.day, r\o\'. 4 ... Board 1nrrl1ng at 9 a m. Tuesday, r\ov, 4, in tile home of Mrs. J• hn...!\'e!l le ... Hummase : .1lc Stiturdav, !\'ov. 8. Dona· t 1cn~ 1na\' bC l(>ft at Sl'hool 1Jn next ~londay and Friday. REPORTS; 375 parents and teachers h•i vc joined the mr-n1bersh1p dri\'e. Banners will! 1he th eme Get Our l.ol'e Bui All The \Vay 'Vith PTA and bug tokens v.·ert a" arded to the three classes securing the most mem· berships. Monte Vis to PT A ;\lrs. l\lark Morris President CO~!!XG UP: Library com· mittee and advisor meeting <1\ 2.15 p.m. Friday. Oct. 31. Attending wi ll be the r-.tmes. James ti! o or, chairman, .J:.ick (',J enn, Dav id Goodsell, i\l:irk r-.torris, Lynn Petty, na\·id Brant, alo11g "·ith Phil Dlnurer and Scott Paulsen, 1'1fl nc1pal. . .~\rs. Fred Celts. h1rs. David tilooney, !\!rs. Thomas Herndon and !'<!rs. Gerald l lorton, kin- (!('~~:irte n room mothers \1tll ~Cr\·e \\'itches' brew, i ho;;t suckers and Halloween rookie.;: Fnda\', Oct. 31 to L ic ~!11dents · in thr kin· dt•r1Jar1rn (]asses. Stories \1' i I l be told by a \ isaing 11·1tch. REPOHTS. '.\lrs. J\l (\or, library chairman as k e d studcr.ts I•• dona1r hooks they do nol l'SC. Naml's of donor 11 ill he placed in e.:ich book. Newport Hts . PT A 1\lrs. f>::il'id Ch •1\'is Presulrnt cn ~.11\:G tP· Es e (' u t i v e ho:ird n1r"t1n1; at 9 3fl a.m. Tu('~rl:iv. 1\rn 4. al ~hoOL Rl~PORTS Al \\'al!er's fifth grade c]:'lsi> .,., on t v.· o pl;,1ygrnund l)alk for the bac k ·t{_)-~ehool nigh: p;irenl :>J\cnd<.1 nr r :nr<ird. ~1 r ~. (: r I\ c l\:'l11:imura. mcm· brrsh1 r l'ha1rman a11no:.inced 1h.1! ~lr~ .Ann l\r()('ger's fil th gr.'.lde t !.'le~ \\On Pie PT 1\ rn1 1nb1·r.th1p trophy 11 11h 121 pcrcrnl. Classes 11 11 h JOU percrnl l\r n1ore rf'('C'JI JCg priLCS \\'Pre ~1rs. P:1r1d 11:-:r•hba rgc r, ~l rs, S:i murl fllr E!frcsh. ~!rs. Thon1as J!:'l rdesty, ~I 1 s s ~largarct llalC'y, flt r s. \\'il11;1m l/~ir\'C'\. !\I i s s ;\l.'lrinn F.1 nns nn·d ~!r s. A.J. \\"t'\'lll's !lro 1·lp<~c~. Our l ady Queen Of Anc;els Aux . .\!rs . .James 0 31'ies 1 ·~c<1dc nt CO~.ll~G l!', Sr rlrs o f If the Hat Fits, Then Why Not Buy If? Everyone ,\·i ll find r;ome~ng "".'hen 1he College Park PTA sponsors a M1ru~arruv~i and Bazaar Saturday. Nov. 8, in the school s mult1·purpose roo1n . Making their selections are Robert Bruns. ·6chool principal, Jamie £chafer, second grader and Craig St. Clair, student body prr~idcni. Their choices are 1nany, for the ba?.aar 11·HJ offe r C'h r1 ~.i11Js itc1ns an<I country s·iore items inclurhnc hr>n1rn1:-rr i~n1s and jellies. Shopping h ours arc 10 '1 -ln. to 4 p.111. ,.. -~ ... ' . . ~ •\ -.. ~ ,., '~ . .. '~·i. ! . _,,,, .... ,,.;;. •. 'l<.:.i .. _. It's the Principal of the Thir\• That Counts \:Vilson School principal Robert Lemke is about to urday, Nov. 11. themed \Vestern Hoe·dO\\'n. A cos~ thro\v in the sponge as he gels the sponge tossed al tumc contest, fortune teller, ga1ne booth, food booths, him by Kristine \\'eatherill with Robert Lemke in \1 hite elephant and bake s ale and train ride all will the catcher's position. The three are getting in a he offered to tempt carnivalgoers from 10 a .m. to 3 little practice before the \.ViJson PTA carnival Sat· p.1n. at t he s chool. \1·orkshops will be hosted for making articles for the se· cond annual boutique sale in December. Volunteers in· terested in attending may cont.act Mrs. W i l I i a m l\fagrudcr at 644-2311 or l\1rs. Robert l\1iller at 673· 83w.J. Pa ul orino PT A hfrs. Nigel Bailey President REPORTS: Mr.;. John Grauer, ""·ays and means chairm:in and her committee the i'vlmes. William Brannil'k, Paul Dumain, Tom Dloon and Les Thompson reP1'.Jn the ~fexican fiesta carnival \\'as a success. .Back·to - school night v.·as atteoded by a large parent turn-out. f\1embership approved the budget for 1he year. Parenls \i-ere dismissed to visit the classrooms and refresh- ments were s e r ved by !'<1rs. Richard Schmick ... Eight n1on th ers are singing with the Harbor \\'on1en·s Choralr. They are th e !'<Imes Joseph B I a i K ie , Roland Soucie, R obe r t Mikes, ti1aurice Pillsbury, Schmick, Edwin C h a o n , Robert Green and Fred Vi'estover. The group sang earlier this month for the National Convention o £ Grandmothers' Clu bs in the Ambassador flotcl. The chorale is sponsored by the PTA. Pr in ce of Peace PTF Harry Southroo President CO~IING t;P ; Bicycle safr1 y program .,..]!! take place tilonday, l"<ov 3. i\I r l>. J)onald !'<1. $ u t he r 1 a n d , chairman announced that 1nothers oss1st1ng Chano Camarillo. Costa 1\1 e s a police offirer \l'ill be the f!lrncs. Philip Ti cer. Carl J<:nox. R!rh<.1rd Ca 11 in, .l:imes P:i ~·an. Rober! Ca mp, \\alter S1ehen . .John Toakrr. Margaret \\"orsham. \V1 ll1am KnO\l'l ton, .fohn \Vrll~. Karl Lederer, ~!1charl r>111n, John \Vood ll'y and Donald Bean. REPORTS: ~·lrs. fl.oh er t J ~:i:ir. candy sale c!1;i1rman announced ·rhat " profit of Sl.li9 has been earned for !he purchase of audio 1·1sual materials. St. J ohn Aux . tilrs . Dennis \'!alz President CO!'<llNG UP: r.1rs. Clarence Clark <1nd !'ilrs. James Ten1ple arc coordinating a J-Iallov.·cen costume parade for students in first and sec· cond grades, Tran.~portation schedules arc being arranged by l\lrs. Charles Pond, a th I et i c games chairman .•.. Paper and aluminum can drive Saturday, Nov. I, at 2188 llarhor Bl vd. .,..!Cm · bcrshi p drive is 78 percenl complete. reports ~t r s . Gerald Abbott. Drh·c ""·i ll l'Ontinue until December. Victoria PT A !'ilrs. Fred \Yoodwortb President C0~1!:--JG UP: Halloween parade and mothers coffee at 12:50 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31. r-.trs. Hon Groce and Mrs. Trd Argotl \l'ill host. L1br:iry committee meeting ;;t 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. announces Mrs. S. D. Ross ... Bo.1rd meet in g at 9.30 am. Frida}', Oct. 31, in the home af fllrs. F. L. \Voodworth. REPORTS: Tea for mothers of kindergarten studerts took place earlier this month with Mrs. Groce and Mn. Argott hosting. Miss Joanne Pike, kindergarten teacher and ley,•is Fannon, principal attended. Warreo Conde, recreation supervisor ex· plained the after school recreation program available at lhe·school dur· ing hack-to-school night and ice cream social. William Vandruff, teacher and coach accepted football team shirts donated by the PTA .•• Mrs. John Opferman, way and means chairman has ex- tended I h e identification hracelet drive until Friday, Oct. 31. Wilson PTA "lrs. "'illlam OuUaw President COM IN G UP: Carnival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.'m. Saturday. Nov. I, on the school grounds. .Executive board meeting at 7 p.m. fll onday. No1·. J, 1n the teachers' lounge. Fun Fur for Fall Fashions This year could very well be called the "year of the fur" \-\'Ith all the excitement it has creatrd . It Is seen in every kind of coat from an elegant evening coal to a casual sport coat ""'ith the same kind of "throv.·. av.·ay'' look lhal used to be associated u·ilh camel's hair or corduroy. The varic!y of furs is st.upendous ·with every kind of animal imaginable shedding his skin for fashion 's sake. Aside from the old slan· dards like mink, v.·e have young furs like muskrat or oposswn leading the fashion story. \\'ith lhe coming of the young furs comes younger styl~s such as belted wrap coals or print'ess coats cut narrow so th~y gently encase the body without the usual bulkiness !hat has b e en associated ""'ith ybung, fun furs. One of the most versatile furs this year is rabbit. Penney's has not limited themselves only to coals in their fur collection, they also have fur separates which makes wearing fur even more fun . Their separates come in both natural and stencilled rabbit and are representative of this year's long, lean, layered look. There's a gleeve\ess vest that tips up the front and is worn wilh its matching mini skirt. There also is a neat cropped jacket with suede col· Jar and cuffs that can be worn with the skirt or on its own with a favorile: pant. Seo Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens met! iri Kill ybrookt School. Co s I a r.les;i. Programs begin at 7 p.m. e\·ery \Vednesday, FANTASTIC FEEL -The versatility of ra bbit lends itself to a zip front crop- ped jacket \\·ith :;uede collar Jnd cuffs t at left ). 1\ lip front sleeveless vest wora over matching mini skirt a lso features dyed r abbi!. ' • I I I l J I ' . I \\ ! ~t1! )',11· ~(Ill I 1•'! ·11 ,\1 di :·l'I ( ' I'! I S< ---------~-.._.._. __ ....._ ___________________ ·-~~---~--.... ,.._--~ ---, Journalist Explores Russian Adventures AUTHO R James Robinson An uninhibited picture of what goes on in the most forbidde11 areas of Russia will be presen ted by J a m e s Hobinson when he addresses members of Pi Beta Phi South Coas t Alumnae Club. flobinson. a ti t h 0 r or "i\rncricanski Jow·nalist," will be the second guest author ap- peuring h<'for e the alumnae·s U•leliraly Book Re view Series on Friday. Nov. 7, al 10 a.m. Introducing the tra\'eler will be Miss Carlotta Williams, ~C'l'it's director and book t ritw. :md Mrs. Lawrence K1llll', prc:.idcnt. Robinson "111 r c c o u n t adventures, intrigues. suspi- cions and hazards encountered on his I0,000 mile trip. Those rntcrcsted in attending the re- maining three benefit pro- grams may contact Mrs. ll oward ' Means. chairman al ~48-GIOS. Assisting are Mrs. Hichard Elliott and Mrs. H. E. Jr nness. . "-· Let's Tall< Girl Talk \\inning p1 If(':, during a re- ' '"nl C,1rte1t e o rama in O'f"letl l'.1rk ,.,.,,. 111l·111twrs or Girl . n 1ut l'Jr'rrtr Trnop HIG of J· 111111t~11n V.illn. Thr grn11p \1 (111 eighlh plaC(' 111 fu n !'I rnt' and a ninth pl:tc<:> h:1.inrr in ~kill 1•\ cnt::. du1 in~ !he \\CPkrnd prPg1«.nn. .... DAR SPEAKER Robert Jenks Moon Shot Discussed ln,tght Into the Inside o( !Tow We Shot the l\loon will be the topic of Robert P. Jenks. program m a n a g e m e n t c o o r d i n a l o r for North American Rockwell Co r p . \\hen he speaks in the Ilolel Laguna Tuesday, Nov. 4. .Jenks, who will be appearing before Patience W r i g h t Chapter, Da11ght ers of the Am('ricnn fl c v o I u t i o n . d('1•clops ·and keeps t h e st'hedules for the Apollo ap- plication program. He is a resident of Tustin. The meeting will begin at 12: 15 p.m. according to Mrs. Erwin B. Marks. regent. Hostesses will be the Mmes. Island Honeymoon Follows Ceremony Costa Mesa will be home after a honeymoon in llawail for the new Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bernard McDonagh, who eicchanged w e d d I n g pledges at the altar of SL Andrew's 1' r e s by l e r i a n Chapel The bride>. the r o r m c r l\alhleen Ju) c(' Buri. is lite. slepdaughlcr and daughter of Mr. and l\lrs. Thomas C Williams of Costa Mesa an d tile bridegroom is the sou of Mr. and ritrs. Bernard V. McDonagh of Honolulu. Rrpeating her vows after the fl ev. Dr. Cha rles H. Dier- enfield. lhe bride chose a long- sleeved gown of chantilly lace. A lace-edged mantilla com- plemented lter gown and !ihe carried a Bible given to lwr by her late fa thrr. Jack B. Burl Jr .. topped with while or<.:hids and stephanoti!i. Miss Cha rlene Diane Burt. was her sister's maid of honor and Miss Diane McDonagh. sister of the bencdict. was bridesmaid. They wore empire gowns of lime green and car- ried gold velvet wrapped baskets of gold and ye llow chrysanthemums. Thomas Flynn performed the duties of best. man ancl guests were seated by J.ilme s Lillis and Royce Gibbs. A reception for 65 guest s took place in the Fireside Room of the church. where the register was circulated by Mrs. Marty Roberts. Special guests were the benedicl 's brother, K e v I n McOonagh. stationed al fl. Bliss, Wash .• and his cousin, Miss Terry McDonagh of Seal· lie. The new Mr!\. McDonagh is a graduate ol Costa Mesa lligh School and Orange Coast College. J !er hu:-band attended schools in Chicago a n d Ccrmuny and recently com- pleted service with the Marine Corps. Potluck Event Bids Greeks Gifts will be auctioned when Laguna Beach Panhelle11ic members meet for a potluck lunrheon in Laguna Hills Park Clubhouse at noon Wednesday. Nov. 5, and all members of national social sororities are invited to atteiid . Mrs. George J. Carpenter auction chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Herbert Dewitz, Mrs. Richarcl H. Olson and Miss Rulh Wilkinson. Its purpose is lo raise money for the scholarship and American Field Service funds. Other upcoming dales for the group in clude a bridge tournament and luncheon in Ben Brown's Wednesday, Nov. 19. Students Selected Wedn~sday, Octobrr 29 l'lM Ga la Pla nned A get·ac.:quainte I n•ght Ill the Newporter Inn has been pl::n- ned for students, faculty members, wives and friends or r .... r 1..., r cculty The evening :i J• 11u1 , be;.: !~fll!?g HI 8, Wiii Jill I · ' <f::i11l'Hlg l11 the mvsic of 1 , · J1111m v Vann Tno, door p11. ~ and hor~ d'o1.:u\ r1.:s '1'1r~ , are avrn lahle al t11e d1111r 1.r from any membe.-of lh" ~ 1 , rl!'nt Bar A« oc1:1li1111 Seven Orange O>ast high Western S t a t e Uni versity school seniors have been nam· College or Law. Anaheim, ed Lu !ht: Iii-Deb and Key-Man Saturday. Nov. I. councils of the Broadway, f"--------------------------. Huntington Be a c h and Newport Beach. For the store's Hunlington I3cach councils the students are Melissa Alkin so n ,'J West rnin!il er Hi gh S c h o o 1 . Chad DukP. Fountain Valley! I l1gh and Chris Linton, Marina High. The ~ewporl c o u n c i l members are Tyra Hansen. Newport Harbor High School ; Karen Anne Johnso n. Estancia High; Rocco Oe rn ate is . Laguna Beach High, and Bruce T. Endsley, Costa Mesa High. I The counci l members meet with merchandising a n d business authorities and assist the stores with their you th ac-1 livities. Each Decembe r the groups sponsor a charity pro- ject. I Hi gh point of the year is the awarding of three $ 5 O O scholarships to members of the counci l. Parents Club I Orange Coast C h a p t e r . Parents With out P a r t n e r s l sponsors a pancake break! ast I he last Sunday of each month in Costa Mesa City Park from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wally Richards, chairman, w l I l answer questions regarding the public "rain or shine'' event at 542·8700 or 542-9665. FINO OF THE WEEK Silverplatecl accent dish. Fill it with a wine bottle. Load it with bon bons. Accent the posit:ve. s 10. "' .---: SLAVICK'S ~elet>-SINC£ l!il.7 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 Your Charge Accounl Wele1lme -B&nkAmerftMd. Ma~ler Ch"'"~. ,.. Open Modoy, Friday until 9:30 p.m. Laguna Group More than 3500 girls from • 144 Cadetle troops in Orange County parliripated, and tak· ing part frorn the Fountain Valley group were Laura Erll11nd, Debbie Stevens. Lynn Welle, Pam Siaz, Th eresa \\'cher, Nanette Thompson. Jo Colgrr n, Pam Zehnder. Mari Jlrilchard, Valerie W hi t e , Sharon Kanable. Debo r a h McLain. Doris Allen. June Zarnamoto and D e b b i e Simp~on. Will iam Carrillo, Lee Childs, Sheldon Dahl and Emory Day l"ll""Ml""ITl":~------------------------------------- \111rfl l'·'ll Legion /\uxihal'.v r r I.agun.t nrat'h galhrrs the ~' 1 nnd ;i1~d lour!lt Thursday '1 ·~n111g 111 lllf' Lrgion Hall. Mn.. Do1111a Allen is the gro11p lPadcr as!iisted by Mrs. .lim Allen and Miss Kathy J la~'e!<. V1siling DARs o r pro- spective members are invited to attend. Reservations may I be obtained by calling Mrs . Carrillo. 494-4 I 40. . ·Sears Has Everything .. · 1 including SUNDAY SHOPPING Sunday Hours 12 noon to 5 pm . PrirP5 Effrrti\I~ '\\rdn es.da~, O i-L 29 tl1ru ::;atnrday, 1'M". 1 Sears SAVE 27% Now on Feminique Bras R egular S5.SO 399 '$6.~0 Bras tD and DD Cup)-4.9~ I lam:rs you wic.h Featherlift sur ports in lower rups. Uoderwirl minimizes fulloess. White.. Sizes 32-lOB, 32·44C, 32-440 , 32-4000. 'A VE 18% Now on Zipper Style Panty Girdle I I i ~ Regular $11 I 899 Satisfacti.o n Guaranteed ! S I or You r Money Back ears IUU., &OUV<& AJID CO. All o\'Cr shaping ancl figure problem conttol in average or full hip styling. front, bade and side panels for complete conttoL Wide cuff top slims midriff. White. Sizes 30-46. CHARGE IT on Se11n Revolvins Charge SI.op Mo•.lay tltn Satvtlay 9:30 A.WI. to 9:30 P.K. SUMlaya 12 NMa a. S P.L I r I· /'I baking is fun with Bridgford Bread. • • It's so easy now to serve, fragrant, flavorful, fresh home-baked bread v.1ith FULL SIZE 1 LB. LOAF .. _...., . 0 ' _. •• --'l}i& .. '/Co ... ~, .. ~ NEW .. Uo" _.,. . ~;;~. ~ y.tt.9 · :~ . Bake-in-the-Box Bread Just follow these simple steps ... LET RISE IN THE BOX ... BAKE IN THE BOX ... AND Bridgford' s popular 3 1-pound loaf tray pack Look for Bridgford Bread N YOUR GROCER'S FREEZER For free recipe folder send a stamped self~ddressed envelope to: Box oc· Bridgford Foods Corp., 1308 N. Patt St., Anaheim, Calif. 92801 :Ja DAILY PILOT \','(j11t\d1y Octobfr 29. 1969 Market Basket helps you fight inflation everyweek with ••• COPYRIGHT 1969 MA RKn BASKET OCTOBER 29 Pr.ca rttee1iw now thru Tl.lb.."'°': 4. 1Cil69 'LS.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEEF FULL CUT I ONE IN Count on Market Basket to be your perennial inflation fighter! ROUND STEAK DON'T BE FOOLED Bl FANCT NAMES ON BEEF! For down 10 eorth dependable quolity, nothing take1 !he ploce of the pl a in old official U.S.0 .A. Choice 1!.ield. Thi1 i1 the offi- ciol U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1h ield put on beef ONLY when i1 po11e1 o government e:rperf1 in1pe<lion of le:rture, color, mo· turity, mo rb!ing, bone 1truc1ure arid olhe• QUALITY leolure1. All Markel 8a1ke1 Te rid eroy 8rond Beel meeh U.S.O.A. Choice quality 1!ondord1 and weor1 the U.S.D.A !hr :ce ~i,; .. •..i to prove ii! AND IT 'S DISCOUNT PRICIDI U ~DA &• .I. lroger w,.r.t.ont Roasting Chicken ,.49< U SD.AC.~ lrndffliy Bro,.,,j ~ ltfQonnd Cube Steak ••••• " $1 1' U.5..DA Cf-oa t...WO.,. 8•and SH' klntla.l littl~ Clod Roast •••••• "98< MA RKET BASKET :OFF EE c '~·'w .t· · 5·QT. BTL ,.t:;,' ' ' ~ m•<• ~~,..;'V""""'~S~Pk~c~ljlAL~~""'~"""'~ """"'~'' B.:l1>t l Rou'IO Taiio• ~"~"''~(rd Si~ l·n lmr>!'••al II ~Drffl (•td~n Cl>O•m Bread •••.•••. 3 ;~::, $1 Spray Starch •• '!.~' 59< Margarine •.•.• ~:: 41 c Napkins •••••• "lo'' 11 c Romo" .u.e.,i (lr"I(, XI<; Ott labtll Mar~orine l'u•.nci 8fff. !.«! & l!nS" Moor...-"'f':ll Instant Cereal ': :· 44 c Sta Puf Rinse .. ;;: 99< Parkay Soft .... ~;; .39< Dog Food ..... ';.~· 30< Ma ... !1 8c!•t' ~·oflo (.1>.efllbaw ~ron1 c• 1'!r n• Instant Coffee '~.~·99< Fabric Finish .. ,.~· 63< Spaghetti ...... ;1:35< Ketchup ...... ':~· 24< (~o.::•1 Cor1c...,Q1 1.,~: .. 1r1 i ·i' !!.:l~vP'O"l"':·oe" M;;th;~;·c~~k ie s 47c Diaper Swe et .. "'.:·71< lior..:·~ [)c1f 01 M"' b·.c~ Wo!t< ~ Pillsbury Mix •;.;· 55< Raindrops ., .. ,';,;· 59< D:>lt ~~ • °'"'"'~'"' Pineapple .... 4 ", ·· s1 Dash ...... "'' 77< • Pl~. Dol•(·.·•'!'C [•l"•1 "·l~•·1 lmr-o<.>111 • Pineapple .... 4 ·i.:.;· $1 Margarine •••.• i:: 38< D<.>lt l I 01 (on Fruit Cocktail •• 3··69< Y~"R CHOICE NEW CROP FLO RIDA WHITE or RUB Y RED \iaAPEFRUIT MAYONNAISE SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE "•"'"-Cabbage ........... 7 c lrt~ l....,., Broccoli .......... 19< famly 'e<.lt c HILLCREST HALVES PEARS 31' JOI:• & Ti.. &o<:n•!ojO (trim S•vlr or Wllalr •t!ft.rl We've been bonli ng high pri(el for a Ion• till'll wilh the 1no1t powerful o nti -inf lotiMI we opon cl 1hem oil ... De•p-Cut DiKevnt Ptice1. Comparal The'e Mork e t 801ket pricet ore ot low or lower thon motl other food cho ini, dii.counl 1lo1e1 , co11v.,nience o nd in· depende nt 1lore1 o,.y doy ol the week. Preval Nobody, but NOBODY, ofl•r1 yow better YOlue1, week ofler week, thon your Market 80 1ket 1tore1. You con't do 01 woll anywhoro 01101 Corn ••••••••• , •11io~' 18< Von (amp< Pork & Beans • .'i.~' 41< °'"'"""' L• "d J ,, .. 69< 1qu1 oy ..... ·;,"· lw'c•~11 eo1•~ Gelatin Salads •: ?' 29 < ••of•Ce>bv Longhorn Cheese "89 < (rolt l"(!>...., ..... 111 W't>l>Md P•ll(.OU ~'o:..,j Cheese Food ••• ~~; 35< 6",,,'1_1111, .. iliil,~·-·'~"""·· ..__.,.,. ~~l1""ry 11~"'"""\ lt~rl'l•t B• "t •. , 20< ISCUI 5 •••••• , ''" i RIPE & CRIS P GOLDEN DELICIOUS OR PIPPI N APPLES Moco•on1 & 8fff or Sc>o9~"' & Meo! Swanson Dinne'rs 38< St0ro,51 fro"'' Tuna Pie ...... ,,,, 20< QI> PH>v ''Orf" C l'w~. ~I0<,11 or Ptr·r..-o->• Bag O' Pizza •• • •«•89< ho1fft "c>plt. P"""'*"' or M"'Cr Johnston's Pies 'l~:74' lro1..,.~~-lf.Moc.,,o"'l.(llftst. Pl>!-.l.oJ (;,.,,,.,or !.ponocf\ Scuffie 11 l'J 01 Stouffer's Entrees45< w-o 1 "o-(~or S.0.,,1119t Pizza & a HaH ••• $1os J011<i1101"·111e~ Pie Shells ...... ~. 3 7 c .. . ... ... .. . 8 FOR $1 ..,,..,.__4 8~0 4 9' Bango Popcorn ~1:49c ....... ...._ Raisins ••. """'0 39< • P~gL .,_,_ . . . .. , ,. . . . . .. . ...:·.·· ' :-. • ... f ,. • • .... "';""" ' J' } . . . . .. •• ~ .. :. , t • ' Dates ',.,, 29 c . . . . . . . . . "'" l'ITlfD. l~Z. h:G. J'h e COSTA tAESA-~:!." ..... ' • NEWPO·RT BEACH-" ............ • 11•"· 1110 Im.. Ave,. IWllfdlft "-J e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-';'~!::';" . • .. I ; . ·~ .. • e HUNTINGTON BEACH _,,.,, ... ,.. w ......... .. e SANTA ANA~.\.':.~ i l I t ( I I J I j [ I I p F v T c p s T s s II s [ [ ~ s L F p ' , , • I • I < I • I • I • I • f • • I < , ( ( ( ( PILOT·ADVERTISER 19 V -~n-~r!·y De• ~~r :q 191? \'Jedmday, Oclobu 29, l 969 DAILY PILOT 39 FRE~H SLICED 49( BEEF LIVER........ . ....... L6. MORRELL PR10E ,t.LL BE~ L 9c DINNER FRANKS ~ .. : ...... te.U OsCARMAYER ALLMEAT n7c SU CED BOLOGNA .. a.oz. tat O~R MA YER All MEAT 66C SLICED B'OLOGNA 12.oz. 7 MANHATTAN AlLJIEEf 59( S&LAMI CHUB ........ , o.oz I LlllY'S FRUIT BONE IN LB. BONELESS ROUND STEAK ...... te.87< USDA CHOICE Cl'/ H ATER BROS CERTIFIED llEEF ROU ~~D BONE ROAST BONELESS em $110ULOER ROLLED ROAST ...... USDA CHOICE OR STA HR BROS CERTIFIED BHF RUMP ROAST ................ . Vi;'fSHCl!OUNO • EXtRALEAN •FLAVORFUL G~OUND ROUND . ..... La.49C ..... LB.79( .... Le.77' ... LB.77( USDA CHOICE OR S TA TfR 6ROS CERTIFIED BEEF 9 9 ( CLUB §TE AKS ............................... Le. $ TOP SIRLOIN GROUND SLICED STEAK BEEF BACON USDA CHOICE OR ST ATER FHSH • LIAN MORRELL'S YOIKSHm BROS. CERTIFIEO BEEF GROUND HOURLY 1-LI. REG. OR 2-ll. THICX Sl!u! 49! 69L~ CHUCK RIB BAR-M STEAK ROAST WIENERS USDA CHOICE OR ST ATER USDA CHOICE OR ST ATER ALLMEAT-BUYTHELI. llROS. CERTIFIED lfEF HOS. ORTIFIED BEEF OR 5-ll. BOX-BULK 49~ 6-rn 69C 57~. & 7-TH RIBS LB. 1st 5 RIBS ........ LB. 79' Satisfaction Guaranteed! on all Your Purchases. USOACHOICEOltSTA.TlRIROS CERTIFIEOBHF s 1 t 9 I-BONE STEAKS ...... .. ..... LI. USDA CHOICE ORS TATER BROS CERTIFIED BHF s 1 2 5 PORTERHOUSE STEAK ........... LB. CHUCK ROAST USDA CHOICE OR STATER Bl'IOS. CERTIFIEOBEff '79' BEEF STEW BONELESS ................ LI. USDA CHOICE ORS TATER BltOS. CERTIFIED BEEF 79 C RIB STEAKS .............................. Le. U S.O A CHOICE OR ST ATER HOS. CERTIFllO BEEF 9 8 ( STE AK s ~=~~;E TIP .... " ... -" ...................... LB. . ., . REAL FRESH FLAVOR U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF FULL OU ART c LB. COCKTAI L ............. . 303 CA NS 3£f~~·~:::.:,.:.::·:0UN039 ( x~*********** BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE .......... coa o· THE WALK-HALVES BARTLETT $ PEARS ............................. . NO. 21/.2 CANS ANTHONY SMAUOR LARGE ELBOW 2 MACA RONL ... ~ALJs DEAL PACKAGE FAB KING SIZE DETERGENT .. ~ 4. 'i~ 1{Uue.J / PEACHES SLI CED & HALVES .... , · 2, FRUIT COCKTAIL .. ·-·-·-· _ ~ . · ~ r :9 WHOLEllPRICOTS .... --· -·. r«.J7 TOMATOES . :LL ,1;i _·-··. -· • ,33 CHlllBEAN S _ . -.. ··-· ,,,.,31 PORK & BEllNS 2 SMALL RED BEllNS . TOMATO Pll STE SNACK PACK PUDO iNG SNACK PACK DICED PEACHES ~ JU , . ·. ?9 31 ~ 1 • 6J ~ ~ . &: LIPTON VEA B AGS ~~'J UNT 59c PKG , ~~(IPi>Y Dt1G FOOD REG OR ~ ~ s '11 Ctl!Cl<E~ ~ ~ P. • I ( ...... ***;f .. ;.~,· .: .. <:t-·r:"-:+-:i::* ..... J TABB Y CAT fOOD KERN'S **************** J.POUND CAN ... S 1.7S lg~ii~ .... _ .. 5 sJt~t~I *************** STATER BROS. COFFEE ........... 1-POUNDCAN FURE CANE GRANULATED '*************** DIAMOND A f t~R ............. _ P~o 53 ( ·***************** SLICED BEETS ................................... .. "ARMER BOY KRINICLE OR REGULAR ************ LIBBY'S rc.i~ ~~ ....... URGEBAG 59( TOM·ATO Lt>we -r. ~'Uf vatf 'Pua.i l JU ICE ....................................... . ALBERS CORN MEllL ... ---... 5 r1,~ 4~ tHUNK TUNll • --·--'·I 1 (A'.67' SOLID TUNll · _____ .1.'ic•·· 41 c ORTEGll DlCEO CHILIS ___ •. ,,, n TOMATO COCKTAIL · .. ___ 2 ~r,.29' TOMAT O COCKT/\IL ·· ____ ,,, : 23' MILANI MEAT TENDERIZERS ~ .z 49c JIFFY POPCORN ---F: 29' LASAGNA DI NNER t __ .• ·l 92' SOFT MARGARINE ... 0 39· ~~tA~Tt .......... . 40.0 Z. PKG.99' OIET MAR GARINE r «' '·'·H---· •Ip 42( SPANISH PEllNUTS ,,_.,.s ____ .... 35ct'· 57' COC KTAIL P'NUTS , . , ---· !i'.' 391 l ' 69' BURGER BITS ... fl_ ",_t_t __ , ·---5 l " 79' P~INCE LLA YAMS ---~o · .· .. 47' P.D.Q. CHOCOLATE BEADS 14 •• r59' EASY OFF OVEN SPRAY ........ __ ,, «u>ic.lT ' VETS' NUGGETS .• t n 67'totB.P~r ,p 21 HALFHILL CHUNK TUNA __ ...... _ ,.4 r•·:39' LIFELINE TOOTH BRUSH MEO. 6. HARO ..... 59[~. ************* SUPREME PANTYHOSE ASST. 89( COLORS " SIZlS ... ... EA. -~~************ ALEX SALADS ~o· ATO-MACARONl-~LAW 1 s.oz. EACH ....... 39, ~ll!iiii1~------~--: CREST TOOTHPASTE REGU L.AR OR MINT 'APPLES LBS. SMALL FANCY RED DELICIOUS GRAPES LBS. EXTRA FANCY RED EMPEROR $ 303 CANS $ 46-0Z. CANS RED VELVET !G!m!v~~-~ROP"" ...... · !. 2 5 C Nu's ALLBULK 39c DTRA 66c LARGE HZ. El. VARIETIES LARGE EXTIA FANCY ...... ' · ·· ..... · LI. ~RGOE ,.RNCYN ~re.rr. .......... .. ... ,!s 2 5 c GRAiiEFiiiir ~.2~ ~~~ !!UPNO. 1 CAN I lUltlCIYHOODLl 16' MR. BUBBLE BUBBLE BATH MJB 1-lB. CAN 73' PERK s·ALMON 1t1vERs1DE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS • THURS. thru WED., OCT. 30 ·NOV. S ANAHEIM COSTA MESA SANTAANA COFi=iE 2-LB. CAN ..• sl.45 . LB. CAN ... s2.09 U OF.UllaY I CHICKfN NOOOU CRlAM OOCIClN CHICIUN" RICl EA. I t 3 12-0Z. s1 PKGS. CAT FOOD 2 8·0z.25C 3430 W LINCOLN AVl:.l~UE 2564 WEST BROAOW1W GARDEN GROVE 888 CHAPMAN AVENUl 21 80 NEWPORT BOULE:\1/\F'D 707 WE ST 19TH STREET 1175 BAKER STREET HUNTINGTON 6EACH G862 EDINGER AV£ 2630 ED INGER AVENUE 2603 WEST 17TH STREET WESTMINSTER 8522 WE STMINSTER BLVD. WHITTIER-1 4212 M INES AV!. ""!'!1-"I""!"'! .. ~~-------------------------------·~---------........ .. ~ . . ' TOMATO SAUCE POP MA YFRESH ASST'D . 12-0Z.CANS $ $ DEL MONTE 8-0Z.CAN -............. .. for ZEE TOILET TISSUE 4·ROLL PACK ............... .. • ".! .; HALLOfrEEYVALUES ~ APPLE JUICE or CIDER 89' MA'ffRESH HAlF GAL. 49c , .................. -····-········---FULL GAL l'(lpC~ . '" 35' ~~~-1!'.~,~~~s >cr.J i$1 L YSOI. DISINFKT ANT SPU. Y ............... -.......... U -Ot CAN $1.19 NUCOA MARGARINE DfAL PAO: 1.U. n:.G. •HH-•« M.l.B. COFFEE 4.:.1 I I ~ l·LB . .....• CAN DEL MONTE:-MIX OR MATCH 'EM •CUT GREEN BEANS NG.JO>CAll • GREEN PEAS llO.lO>CAN • CREAM CORN 00=.m:- !!!!~§!4lc~~!~-----~;4~$1 ROSARITA DHllEIS 12-0Z.SIZE 43' ll>f.l(K AN M'Ef OtCH!ESE fMCt-tllADA ······••H········-···-.. ---...... ········- DOWIET FUU FIODll WAFRIS ...... ~-....... 1ocr.""l7c l l I ----------............ ...,....,....,._.,.... ______ .,._-. ..... --..,.., ............ _,..,__ __ ,..,...,,..,..._~,.,.-.:--:•·.· --... ·-;--.. -•• ... -··· ........ •, .... . SAFEWAY BIG BUY! r1 SAFEWAY BIG : BUY! r-1 SAFEWAY BIG BUY! !f '1 SAFEWAY BIG BUY! j:u. i 'l . . • ASSORTED ~ ~ TOMATO t.~ I\ AP LE ·J " h . ' . I' NIB LETS i :i CORN ~CIGARETTES ~ , I SAUCE CIDER . ' 'I ..J •• • . (1 00-MM's $ 06 H ;I "I ~· ' I ' . . ' r ·l Del Mont e t c " Or Juice -1 " Rich And Ct n. $3.16 ,; :. r1n ' Town House ,., .. ~ Regulars ~ Thick-Al l-8°01'. From Fresh gaL or Kings ctn. -~ Purpose. <an Ripe Apples. jug ·' Vccvum C: Pockod ' Goldon 12 .. ,, Kern•I• con y ! AJl!!IW·~'!'lml----- Mayonnaise Best rood~ The ''Real'' Mayonnaise q .. rt 53c" I" Popcorn Town House · 29C Yellow 2·1b. Pop and [at. r:kc. , :-1 SAFEWAY BIG BUY!, __ ! ~ k:!if,1 SAFEWAY BIG BUY! r ·~ jBABY FOODS ~ ~ F< 5 . d c " ;i 0 H. c 1-.·. tro rne ~i ~ uncon 1nes Fru its, ~; ;"~ Loy er Va rietie s Vegeta bles ~) f.i In Assor-19·01. 1 fJ~.~~~-~::., •r.C_:;~~Y~=n' l fed Flavors pkg. ~ ""N, ' 'I • :.' '-• '· •. Horm el Chili With Bea~., ~39c CllJitk. Ea1 r 15-or. Heat & Serie. can Peanut Butter SkiPilr c'"°'h ' 97c or Re;:ular I l -01. Style. size MAKE SAFEWAY YOUR HALLOWEEN ·HEADQUARTERS FOR GOBLIN GOOD BUYS! STOCK UP TODAY -WHILE OUR SUPPLIES AR~ COMPLERI Ch unk Tuna StJr K·•1 30c ti1ht Mn t ••,.; .. 1 ;. Dee p Ocean Pork & Beans 1 ~~~hc;i~~·s 31.01. 250 l omato Stuce. u11 R lk C d Al\Ol\rd 3"' 11 an y "~N· '" > '------";:::::'.--========:;-' '! or Ronls Largo Italy C1ll Safe~ay fu't)· .A~e1 fo• fla~or ar~ FutJ·r Trimmed io Sa~~ Voo Mvney~ LOI'.' Pri~e! ' (Spt ncer Stea~s lb. Sl.98) lb. Rolltd & Tied ( 8111 Ch1tk i!SOA Choice St(' I-1a r::rtu! Ard J .•f f Ideal for Po· Pcasl ~g. S1rces [ venly For r ~r~r Or S~nd ,.,. '.~~:. ,-. t : 1.: . ,., ) ~" _. f ··, ~ f • c 1 Top Sirloin Siecks Roun d Ste aks ·· . ., , I Bonol1n Cu ts $)39 Cen ter Cul Bone-In 89 I USDA Choice Graded fl~ef lb USDA c~o ·e Graded Be•: I C l , (Fillet M!1non Steak lb. S2.39} ' Ideal fur P,;nFr)•:l£, b, r ........ __ .,.. "'"-~~ -. l' ~. ·--~' .. --~ ... ~~---, Chuck Steak T ·Bone Steak ll•ol• Cwt ut~~ r .. ,... foS o·5 0 lb. 49' Ii, 98' ~~-~~"~~~!s" ggi ~~.~~,~~!s .. s1 &9 lldditional ltfeat ltft1na9er's Features.' Sn-1'! 511t c· ri."n try 5tyli !a;!e•1 Jb,79• lb.79'· lb.79' Tomato Soup Campbell's-So Rich And So Thick Too! Wesson Oii For Salad, Cooking Cr Fryina:. It's light! l-ki. 48' 1111. Jell-0 t.ela\1n De~erts·ln Assorted f ru1t f l~vors. l••· 11' ,k,. Dog Food Pooch Brand-Regular. Chicken Or Liver F!avoJs. 151/rea. 7c ... Margarine Nucoa Regu!ar-frK Spread Or Coo!tina: Use. 1-tk.27' ct1. Scot-Towels Regular or Dtr.oraled In White Or Pastels. ,~··33' "" MORE EXTRA VALUES! Bakerr reatures ••• ,,,.. :!~~ Donuls :·;;·~"':;.: Pvlllpkin Pit "~'.::t;.:'." '~::-33c .~t. 391 ·:~~ 751 Dairy & Dtll,at~ssft.' . Frwlt Drl•ks 1~~;·~ Dips '""'' 1-.1....,NI , ..... ''" fl>li'!I' ..... , ... '""' tl• t• I !:!'. 49' ·:,!~ 39• ~ .. 121 . .,. " • • Apples ancy Cabana ~ nanas - Fi111 Ad loldoo FNil. fops To Slice Owr Ce r.;ls, For Snacks Or l unch lo1es low In Price! Safeway low Price! lb. E1 lr1 FIRtJ llt1lf1w111 fled Cr Gold~n Ot!ic1ous So Frt1~ And Cri~ Toa~ c , .. 19c Tomatoes ,..,,,,;,, "" 49' r.rm Md Plumt1-To ~I. . Si1te Into Sil1ih' ••tla l Anjou Pears l ., .. ,. ..... • 19' ..... 39' "' Raisins 10 l'\·n. ... 39' Cranberries ~,::; Ava(adDS l l'lt \'II ~ .. , ~w ·,,.1"' Cucumbers t.o;'.'~.~·."· Onions ~I ..., 1 Y1:1<• ~ { •1 •-,11· Carrots Cookl·es ""'' "'" " ....... 89c IOC~ien As~ortrr.tr,I Fresh Snaps """""''"""· 2·"·49c 1'1n11li or G1n1tr ,t,. Ice M·11k ''"'"'''""" 89' 111 G1lkl~ C11 t~" 1,1 ~ 5' Candy Bars ~~·,~ ... 6 , .. 27' Beverages , ''Ti;',, ':;:" 10' Cracker Jacks 3·::::·29c Baggies S1nd .. ,c~ B1tl Clt1n ~nd St~·<.i·1' ':i'':I' 33c R.C. Cola ,.~.:,1:~~-~ .. 6 """ 89' •1lllM DISCOUNT PRICES ON Hc-ulth und Beauly Aids nnd Non food llems Daily! Electric Can Opener Hamlllon •••ch (17" Value!) •• 2 S ~lift •• , h '""'1 51'1""p" • pv1 Ir !1tro I••·"" 11l'tt s,. .. ,, Wa1tr ... ~ 111 ~~., Scouring Pads ~.~ ,:':i 261T:';i" D1od1r1111t 1~~~.'"~1 ~·::· s J ll n'~' Glll1tt1 StaU.1111 ;.~~~ :i·~ 651 ~;,, 1 'h le 'IJ'·i !•r• I'~·"• llllftf'lf H pas '"" ... 1 .. :, • .... • 11.n1 Alka-Stlt1er ';;,,','' .~"N IS1m:i' E1c1clri" Toltlet1 :>::, .:"H 6''.,~1 " 211•1hr .,.. ..! Vick'• •r·Qull ,...~:,:. .. ~ .. •11•~r::J Dr'1slaft , .... ,. f>•Q -\ .IL 99'-1'• ,, .... Ol ll 1 1'1 ••• GI' .IL lot S~· ';<I I'""' 11' ""' '" • le• ; """'"! "" M<! C1poc1I M•thwash 1!;~·· 921 ~?i.7 C LDI , .... , .... , .·.·1·, ,,. ..... _. HI• ICI '" ~11'·~ ... Yl1h11 1, ••• ,, ,G;·;~I ';;::· 'l"W~'r C11tlcur• Seep ·~~;:"-3J4 -n.':' hsltl• Olllfllent '.;~:· 161 W~7 1•cea. Flllll io ~:.:,.. ... '1"~';'~ Pt .. eld "lOI ,.~':'.u ""''41 '~~7 • • 211 E. 171h SI., Costa Mesa •, 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Be1ch • 24 tof9narch B1y Plaza, So. Laguna 636 N. Coasl Hwy., Laguna Beach • Sanla Ana Freeway al La Par, Mission Viejo . . -, ' I I • .fJ DAil Y PI LOT i\'edn~sday, Oclobrr {q, 1%'1 Alpha Beta's Man in Blue says: JOHN Rlm.Aff STORE MANAGD! TORRANCE VOLUMES 2 tliru 12 • 20.000 LEAGUES UNDER lbe SEA ~SWISS FAMILY ROBINSDI •THE vui&n!IAH • IUM6LE BDDK •SHERLOCK HOLMES • PIMDCCHIO · • TltE, ~RDES •.ARABIAN HI~!$ • ADYEMTilRES OF RDBIN HDDD i "• CJl.l·lflU.WIUl,.o. Plut.BU~All f , .. 1, .... ' ' .$4.00 YAWf,EACll $11f 1 VOLUMES: 2 .:;.., 12, om; .,.. ·" ·~, »~\<I.Ji'::~ ............ ~ .. t• .. ... -· - .. VOLUME .I '~SURE I $4 UE, SPECIAL INTRODU OFFER! •? .,,...¥'' ¥ 22 VOLUME SET The Illustrated RY in this ad, including 51 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS, I •Total uviap Is Clliputed oa aJnrle Ulil purtlwts. Tilt figure would be much higher ii meat & prod11te savlngs war• included CIAHT SIZE PACKAGE coiD 1PJm DnERGENT @ SOME STORES 69( CHARGE 8Jc KING SIZE PACKAGE INCLUDES 25c Off SOME STORES $I 05 CHARGE $L33 ------------------ Y.'1NG SIZE !OTT!X SOMt STORES CHA~Gt ~ DOVE LIQUID .831 DETERGENT ----------------- SOME STORES CHARGE 2.5c GIANT SIZE ' INCllt>ES Jc OfF AJAX CLEANSER TOTAL DISCOUN TS EVl RY DA~ ;v~~\s ~,~~g~~~ CHA~GE PRICl Po0tlil'i"s'c0Lo cREA111 00 79 1 ' AVA!V.BLE" tN D£COl!ATOR COLORS . PAO:: or £:1 SOLO PLASTIC '°' ,0 w REFILL CUPS t~~e.?~ 59c 54 I VASELINEHAIRTOlllCllll 951 ii'Aa'fr.l'Alilc'rorroli' 1Jl5 $1 3' ii'ii'MYLA.ii0cillsui.fs0 '1" 871 "..(}tlNC-f: l!OTT1£ ROMILAR S·HOUR COUGH FORMULA !!'!'< :;:A'"I: • ~_,...,. ~:.;;L!: SKIN CLEANSER -,... .. "'""~n· . ..-~·i RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 1P' S) 27 l ili ul'fil4' eil'fr'E""'"'n: a9c 731 ii! i PU1RfFY0MOUTHW ASH 11 41 $) 19 '.·;~~) ii'EPro0ilrsMoL 69c 55 1 ------------------------ &'nf.cic· C'R£1il01lf NsE soc 481 ~-OUNCE llO'm .r; • R<;(;ULJ.l'I: OJI: Wl'lll PO!JY I Cll ~ 16-0lJNCl: BOTIU: • IUX.i:Jl..AR OR WiTff BOD"f l .1::. 11.lJ -----------------II Ot:'!C!: PLASHC BO"liU: ii°i\icls'Er0'Lorio11 11" 871 FOTTtL or~ Better Protluce at DISCOUNT PRICES if"AAS AVOCADOS5~s1 iiiiNA souAsH s~, a"eh1ccot1 2 1 29¢ g:. lUSl:IOUS • DEllCAlE rLAVDR PERSIMMONS I "WISE BUYS;,. ECONOMY SIZE" 1. 10·ll . !AG • CAttFOftlllA • YOlfR CHcilC( • DELICIOUS APllLU 20-tB. BAG • All PUftPClS[ • RUSSET POTATOH 97' ALPllA B!TA • l? 01. C!~i.O BAC 38 0 PlnlD PRUNIS ' PRODUCE PRICES Eff[CTIVE THURSDAY thrDUEll WEDNESDAY OCTOBER JO thru NOVEMBER 5 :>.!:".'..Y S!Z!: ?usnc BOTTU: HEAO l SHOULDERS LOTIOH SHAMPOO ~X~G~fil . s 112 ------------· U.OUUct BOTnL SCOPE MOUTHWASH r~ SOM& 88 r..roPl srotti::s ¢ ~ CHAR~;; tl.19 ORAL B TOOTHBRUSHES tHn.D'S 111USH '20' ~;r~c5l~~u; 41¢ YOUTH BRUSH '3G' :OC'V.! STORES 47¢ CRARG!:: ~k 10lAL DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY £']'.'[ A\Plj~ It'"'~ :!.TORES CJSCO·" 1 CHAP.t"E f ~ .< ------------------ DRIVE GIANT SIZE PACKAG[ INCLUDES !De OFF DRIVE DETERGENT SQ'}[ ST011tS CHARGE BJc " ADULT BllUSll '40' MEDIUM -.------------------· •DULT BRUSH '60' EA?.r> r.oMt ~-7oRr.s 71 ' CH>J\CE: &;.: (I, ------------ GIANT SIZE PACKAGE 1• (''J!:ct: l'.:D;;;\ RI 0 X n 1 ~ DRAIN CLEANER 89' 7 7 ----------------------· Olli.RT !H"lTTU: . :: ' ';"7,-11~,; Cl!A"r'if. · COLD WATER ALL LAUNDRY DETERGENT 75 1 COLUMBIA EICLYCLO Ill ~AN~A~Cl~N. fAJ r ~A/II 1111•11 ::·~ -------" .. ANACIN TABLETS P r>Tn.!: or :50 scm.;: or 10.? 65c 541 ~?~ 7!c l.li l\.ll INCLU0£S !Cle OFF Volume One ...... 69 . VOLUMES 2 THROUGH 22 $1, VOLUME 9 NOW ON SA I DmsTaN TABLETS 1F1 $) os BOTJ'U: or ICJ TAMITS 9Se "" ~-Oll?'Ct Ar.ROSO!. CAil SECRET AllTl·PERSPIRANT 1111 871 FAB @DETERGENT SOME STORES ,,~ CHARGE 83c ----------27 O~g; CAN SIMONll NON SCUFF WAI roMr. i.roRr.s CHMO£ i8c (~.01mc1: CAN • ' FL.A.VOl\S ~Hl·C ~ JUICE DRINKS 33c 301 12·0\INC£ CAN• 3 ft.AVOflS !3.: llt> mEi.0''FociD'ci'it['0 ' s1c 591 !'fFY • 11.ou r;cr PACICAG~ BUTTERMILK Biscuits !De 91 @ciWs'cosa1ad on 49c 441 COSTA MIS 241 I. t7tll St. SA.T!Sr.' "::TION WA!u.NlT~O t)q VOL.P, IW'"lolfY 11£fUNCCO • !AUS TAX COl.UCT"lDON ALL TAJ(AIU ITEMS • WI l~VE ltlGHT TOPmJSE SAl.C. TO CCMM£AC:l.ll OU.L!RJ I HUNTINGTON I ACH-,0.S Ad•~ HUNTINGTON llA. H-11611 N .Mel• St. '°UNTAIN YMjLIT--ltJO W•rMf SOUTH LAGUNA4JOl22 S. c-t Hlwey LAGUNA Hllll-jJS41 Coll• tk I• l•I•• IRYINIE-18040 cii1,.,, U"l•enlty l'•rli • : I ~ - I ( ' : I ( I I t 2 ' ' ' f [ ( ( ( c l G q -- --- •_,,.....,..,..,...,....,.,.,.,.,,...,.,..,..=.,...,...,.._, .... ,......,....,.. _____ .,..,~.,..,..,..,.. ____ ,........,._.,..,,...,---.,-..,..---:·-:~"":"·-... --:•. --·--.... -·· .. -. . . . ' . -. . . . . . .. . . . . ' WrdnrsddJ', OctDbff ~. 1%9 DAil V PILOT f.1 save you s14.69*'' STOil Hons. llOll. tin Fil 1' A.II. 11 I p .M. SAT. 1nd SUll.10 A.II. lo 7 P.M. ----- --- ------- --. ~ i:;r:G Silt PACKAGE :?~1s @ Col d Water ALL '""" DETERGENT 131 $)It ------------------- KING SIZE PACKAGE INCLUDES 25c Off AJAX LAUNDRY DETERGENT SOME STORES CHARGE $1.38 l\'EW ! DRY FALL FLOWERS ECONQ.PACK ~ LBS. OR MORE 1-tB. PKr.. 0.STERN Q\JAUlY nu au ours 1li'l'll'~ .,c QUALITY IOWA MAID IL l!CON 2-~:cKAGt s\'l'c~'1 27 ARMOUR • 12.0Z. IK~ Ml111 Curt ~'A BACON 64' ALPHA BOA arrmn flDll STANDING RIB ROAST ;:33c ROAST" I.I. YM Al.P\!A WA Neishborhood Butcher (the Man in the Red Apron) Proudly Offers BUTCHEl\'S Pl\IDE M •DISCOUNT Pft!CfD • QUALITY & SATISFACTION GU • U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED eru J QUICK MUI. [ 1 FAVORITES [ 111cari 11111 BARBECUED CHICKEIS "t"oohd '" '"-lq" fOA tOUIERMESS • fUll fUVOl 11:. fJ[!ll • l'tl[·!f.UONCO RUDY TO 11.lKE MEAT 59' LOAF • KOL.D Ill.YT • m m I~ Ol. l lZE l·PAK 85' STlAKS n:1 CE!ITlfllE!H • 1-l!. FILLET OF 59F PERCH f ALPHA BETA EU!Clill"S l!IDI BONELESS RUMP ROAST OR BOTTOM ROUID DELICIOUS ROASTED or BARBECUED .... 1rrcnr1 11111 RECIPE -sAYORT BEEF STEW'' • T·BONE STEAK $1~~ • BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 98~ • ROUND STEAK fULl CUT 99:. llOlml[~N CUllE" CUf HALIBUT STUU s1 os .. ,,_ __ _, • BEEF SHORT RIBS 43~ ~: \' ' at DISCOUNT PRICES STRAWFLOWER 491 IOUQUns BUNCK A!io ether f ~II ile111s A~.iilable THESE MEAT PIUCtS EmCTIVE nlURSDAY throuah WEDNESDAY OCT08£R 30 llvoa&h NOVEMBER S OAK LEAVES, EUCAl'IPTUS, SEA OATS, CATTAllS. AR TICHOKE, PUrF KITS TO (Al OISCOUKl§'J IVERJ$il~ • ;., '1~• Monr Mor• 50ME -lPHA ![1- SIOIHS DISCOUHI CHARGE PRICE E~fl1 ''COHrcA~·NE cAAro11 69c 65 ' ~tr~~~~~PDilTrD H:A~'AQ, VALt;;: &2, ~~M:trt1b11 C0HO~~rtrHAM 5~VALVE 50' JILPHA BfT~. • 1~ o:: c·1p • 3g, VA t.UI: 37' POTATO SALAD with EGG ' :-1.9. CUP t :>e VALU:: i$e ~.tB~ CHEES-~ SPREAD LOr\F 99c 95, '~ r-w -,1 $141 2-LB. SLICED CHEESE rooo 1.59 lt'rlst~MA~~·s MARGARIHE J9c 381 fJ. C"i~LVl'I • ::>~ VAL1J£ ALPH A BETA 35 IMITATION MILK I --------------- CREAi WESTERN UYESJOClt SHOW • Ncvemher 4 thru 9th f\JN roR THE WKOl.I FAMILY CK!LDREN FRE£ CREAT WDTUN llMlllT CDf1ll SA.lfTA -'Mo\ r~ECW"Y & o\T\NITIC 212D $0. EASIDll AVC. LOS AAGW S. 90022 TOTAL OIS(;OUNIS EVERY OAY ~!!SSTO~ • 11urrrT CAN @ ~Mo~n!~ SAUCE SOPilf: ALl'NA UT& SIOll(5 Ol3COONI CHAR'f PIUCl 15' Al,KA I ET A •All MEAT• "TX VAL!JE" 14 OUNCE PACKAGl: 691 SLICED BOLOGIA r I I I I ~------------------~ I I I I I I 85c 691 r r ------------------4 !:ING Sill! PA~AGt DRIVE DRIVl mcuroo;"' orr DETERGEIT 131 s1os @ ------------------- WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE Of PARTY NEEm •MASKS • CANOLf.S • •NAPKINS • TABLE covrns 'lUS oil ,..,,, 1.....,m. Hi:now..,. C11>111/ WHflE Sl'OCl'.S U.STI 14 OU/r6CE BAGS INDIVIDUAU Y WRAPP[D JUNIOR CINDY URS • M[K"f W!Y • SNICKERS • THREE MUSIDIDS SOMf STORES 731 CIWIGE 79e IC OUNCE !AG • OO>mDO.lLLT WRAPPED Mounds Junler Bars '.?~~ 11 OUNCt LIO • INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED HtrslllJ lllalatures ~£;0~· PACf:.AGE or 101 • SOME STOR!S CHMG!: ~k FUERS BUBBLE GUii PACICAG!: or BO • 79rc! VALUE ALPHY'S S.UCIERS PIC ~ MTX • ltlDTVTDUAtLT witAPPt:O 53' 63' 651 72' • CAF!AMI:LS • J£LlT BA!tS • TOOTS!t ROU.1 •SALT WAT61' !:!SSE& 39 •• BULK CalDY ~~rn:'~. HAU'GW.ON •GRAPE • flt'NGE • U:MONAD°i it'i'PPY'D'ira·iil11s 25' RIDt"R'S • OAUOM APPU CIDER WM! S'ORt5 CHARGE 11.39 99' REDEEM YOUR FOOD STAMPS IN All'l LOS ANGruS OR OIWIGI: COLlllY ALPHA BETA llJIAl lJl\CUU Nf', EVERY OAY ~ MISSIOM • BUFm C>JI ~Cut Greea Baans ~ MISSfON • llutm CA!ll ~stewed Tomat .. 13• 8' 15' 10' ru1·t Dl~lUUN IS l\llRY UAY IO IAl OISCUUN I~ (YlRY UAY BATH SIZE CORAL. WHITE OR GREEN LIFEBUOY BAR SOAP SOME STORES CHARGE 20c Sl™l ll'MA l(TA STOfltS Ol$COUll!T tl!A~!Of PRlt l 19' .AllKl ICTA • g oz. CAN • 1'1<1 v.um 23, Frozen Ornn Julct ~------------------ 12 OUNCE CAN • 4~ l'AllTE ~ /"Ii:::... ~smz O!I WROtJ: mooL Green Giant Cora 25' 20' ' ~---~, PHASE Ill BAR SOAP 1------------------------... ,_ , phaselll • !1£Gut.AR BA!I PIHi: OR AQUA 19' 181 PACK or so • A~OR!f.:O COLatS 12• t SCOTT FA~ILY "!PKINS 13c I I--s~ij~0~CH~r~ ~": _·~ ~2~ -~ PACI". or ' . BATH Sl%E: LUX BAR SOAP ·~~],';" 62< 451 I I .--~~~~~~~~--.,, I JACK I BEANSTALK 1-- ------ ---------,,."rl!::f~ WHOLE KERIEL OR ""c"" I CREAMED CORN 23° 171 --· -----.. • ., ,. ~·· /•o~ BAGGIES -,;:;:; BAGGIES • FOOD WUP BAGS TUM"SO 5l'l!: PACXAG? CONCENTRATED ALL DETERGENT ... f,-Lll!-,-.!T-.-.-. -o,-,NT-rtOU.--·-11-.n-.-,-LU-t: ...... ~~= ~ 63C ~----------------------- iLUiliti'lnnL S) 4' .~ CH+RGE 75c I . @ GREEttEAS CAR 21J' 17' II~~~ rr6.h 7nc I ~ ClWIGt i9o 7 ~ cuT'A's'Pilll&Us'"'" 34, 1 : ~SPURS 39' L. • .---------,·-t AL1U llTA QV~ LUDY @i:1SUEURPUS 35' 31 c TOTAL OISCOOOS lVll!Y °"' •PACI. Of 11 @Sira'EP'Ei'COR'i'1; 4c M@:is ! . .,,,. 37' M it:' GREli BUi'S27• 1 CJC * CllWt ._ Ii GIAHT SIZE PACKAGE INCLUDES IOc Off RINSO DETERGENT SOME STORES cm&E 83c @65c "'@·· fLP11111m ....... w" -w 1' lllAD "'•AW< -· 1' K •LP11111m • ""' '""" l( ~-------------------· "~~ PWloLlvE UQUID DETERIEIT 83• 5 2' ... ~TICAU 1111 e ...... .,..,>K ... .,;ici JI OUllCE IOTTtl FlilAL TOICR FABRIC sonEIER ~J."' 79' SAYE WITH AIJ'lll IUA'S 12,171 mAL·ll!SeGUllTS Save even mora with Double Dlscounls Thty mean e:itra savinp for you. Mada poulbla by special .,..clln,. with J!I• cost roducllO!ll pwod on lo you. loolt for -""""&fi>ul tilt '""'· I I f For Frying .. Preference DEAR N AN: 1\1 a Yb e 1 1ometime ~ou ca n s • y 1omelhin& about skillets? 1 <'an·t gel along at all with my ~tainless 1ttel oae. All ii waall to do is gurgle with lhe Ud oa, spaller with It off. I don't even like to fry ln It any more, aitbough staiAJess 1ecms alee fo! ~g alo• cooking. I kttow )'Oii llkt c11I Iron and t bave a 1m1\I one but It has a "bot spot.." P I a i n aluminum 1au out of shape. Jlow aboat lteavy alumlnum? I "'ant to bay a really good skilld bat hesltlte. -RUTll \\'All..O, KANSAS CITY, MO. !'o one material has all ad · \'anklges but some have more! than others, Al uminum heats quickly and evenly -that l means a Jot -but if it is too lhJn, it dent! and warps. Jf I were skillet shopping LETS ASK THE COOK by Nan WUey tomotrow. my vote v•ould go for a gocxl, heavy, cast ;ilunUnum one, lf you can find such ·a th ing. Clerks are not alv.'ays kno\1•\edgeable on <lif-1 ferences, beyond "But this is 1 the newe.sl thing!" J/eH\'Y alumi num is prac· 1ira\ly indestrucUble. J've us- rd a dome.topped chicken l fryer like that for years.1 Anytime you burn food in ! aluminu m, jusl boil some v.atcr in the pan till particles softeJl enough to scoop out with a plastic scraper. 1 Stainless s1ee\ is durable and ¢asy lo take care (If but il is a poor conductor <lf heat. I t:ne~cn heat can cause stick-I ing and hurning of thick foods. Very high coo k 1 n g tern· ~ralures may discfllor it p<'rmanenlly. I notice on a new set I got nol Jong <1go, 1 1 hat if a pan boils over. lhe ,1·a1cr marks on the outside slay there. Nolhing you can use mak es them go a"·a:v. A 1 11t1li!ies test kitchen sa,\'S !hey ha\'e the same lr;:iublc \.\·ith 11e1v pans of that type. I Cail iron is espetially good fnr Jong, slow cooking but I 11sc Inine for anything. They 1 11'11 me modem one~ can crack or Qrcak if dropped but l'rc bou nced rny years-old on<' l flon't know how m,Jny t1m<'s 11 1theut disaster. You do hil\'l' to vl;ltch any ~aking them in chshwaler these days betause tleletgent.o; take off I he ··~ea60Tling." But it's easy lo rese~son. 1 F~ 1he many whn keep ask·1 ing, j usl coat lhe inside of the pan ·with uns:il led fat or oil .I h<'a( in a 250 oven for t""'O or throe hours. Hi.11 ·res1stant glass for tflp· nf-tlre·range cooking look s r1re: brats slnw\y bul f'Vrn]\''. 1: I! r.1sy to s<'e what's cook· 1n,r:::'but it crllcks 1\'llh sudden l lrmperature changes or can hreal: outrighl if you let it l)oil drv. On an elcrtnc r.1n~e hrt· 1rr ust' a ~mall 11 1r f' .cnd uncl 1r the pans \\'hen coo~ini:: un ~1gh. rrrc ceramic i::J,1 s~ ulen~i1~ -lhc kind you can 1.1ke d1rttl1Y fro1n frrezcr lo o\'cn -lfa1·e a lot J?:Oing tor 1hen1.· The!f don·1 1llsr)lnr. il"n 't bre4J.; if they boil dry, but lht·~· ran break ii dronprrt onto a hard surf;irr ;;nd 1hry cost qui \e a lot !or genera! use. Tbe nonsllck finishes are a "'hole i;tory in IJ1rm~eh·e~ f'tc~ in wme \.\·ays, nol so nicr in 4llhers. I ra11·1 ~ay 1'111 crazy about any of mine. • For your baked girts, you may like lo ~et Kan's col· lection of recipes \\'ilh mailing hin t$ ca lled. "f.oodies <ln th\' Go." In rrQuesting t hi s booklet, plca~c rnclose 25 cents and a stan,ped, self-ad · 1lrc$sed en\'ClOJX' lo Nan \Vi Icy' in cerc of the DAILY PILOT. j N'an Wiley regrets that she cannot provide p e r son a I answers lo you r cooklng ques- tiorw;, but questions nf gC'nera! inl~est will be an~·ered 1n her· ro\umn. Address your qu«mion s to Nan \\'1ley in care <lf Oiis newspaper. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST or BLUE CHIP STAMPS RUMP ROAST ............... . We Reserve the Ri(Jh t to l imit. C&H SUGAR 5 LB. BAG ·------·-·---- MARKET 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD. STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.~J PHONE: 673-8310 Jt'E DELIVER PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 30, 31, NOV. I I-BONE 25 STEAK LB. PORTER-$ 35 HOUSE LB. STEAK ..... TOP SIRLOIN 79 09 LB. LB. WE FEATURE ONLY THE FINEST I u.s.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ~----- -FROM OUR GROCERY DEPT.------------------ ALL Detergent 69c KLEENEX BOUTICj)UE GIANT size ea TOWE LS 3i89c GIANT ROLLS KLEENEX Dinner Napkins 2 3~ PKG. OF 50 DEL MONTE ZUCHINNI 39~ 303 TIN Hl·C CORONET EA.FRUIT DRINK 3i89< TOILET TISSUf 25~ ALL FlAVORS-46 OZ. TIN 2 ROLL PACK . ' .-.· ... -. FOLGER'S COFFEE 1 LB. TIN ·~ . . .-~-·" - BEST FOODS MAYONNA1$E FULL QUART D!L MONTI STIWID Tomatoes~,~· 29¢,. '. ALL FLAVORS Shasta Pop ?B OL N It Botti.- SPRINGFIELD Applesauce ':,! l(I NG SIZE 69¢,. Ivory Liquid GoELAllN 1()¢ •• Jello JO 01. .... CORONET 25¢ .. Facial Tissue Pkq. of 200 FOLG!RS INSTANl $139 ... Coffee ;:, 0 L HEINZ 9'.29' ... Vinegar",!,~~ .. " DEL MONTI 19¢ .. Catsup .::.~·· FRANCO-AMERICAN 2/39"' ~l'A.GHITTIOS .. 1so-.Th1 PKG. Of 11 29 SOS Pads ¢,. KNUDSIN'S 4 / $1 Yogurt I Or. AU fliu•en l(NUDSEN'S conA•I CH!ESE ""' 89' ... .---FRESH FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT ___.;._ APPLES Your Choice JONATHAN or RED DELICIOUS 10c LB. LETTUCE 2i25c GIANT HEAD Bananas 10~8. GOLDEN RIPE BALBOA MARKET ON THE PENINSU LA 608 E. BALBOA BOULEY ARD PHONE 673-8310-Houn: 9 AM to 6 PM 1 O ~o DISCOUNT ON All CASI PURCI" ~r OF WINI AND uquoRJ ' ' " ., ,. • '· " '· ,. " -.• ,. .. • • ' ' ' ' . ' .. . . , -iii ' ' . ' 'It c: i 'l """ :t ,, IP bil P<1' dOV· .t9ft It We tM! -tho . .., '"" tall r: bm to o .... hr~ c<i:' ..... '" •• .q; lfl!!< av~ ."!"' y, -"'"' to' ,, di• = pet• .. ;If a')d p<t: Illa ':Y. Illa! .eCQI """ ·II .1 .. ., .. ~ ., tl\1.1 """ lr:o< """ II) ""' = c .. lo« '°"' °' ed .. "'1'I ..... d•U ""' ... • .. • .. -~·~------~--------------·----------------------·· ... -· . --..... ~--.. -.... -----. --. . ' -~ WldM1dlt, Oct.-,,, 19'i9 PJLOT ·ADVERTISER S ~riuf~~urer~ Assist Get Out of Meat Rut Cheesily . . . . . ' ' . I Fi:xing Breakfast Now Easy as Toast Thi~ hearty cheese dish 6 egg~. slightly bt'a1e r1 \~'urrc:.lt't:;h l re sauee a n tJ takes the place of meiilt. Z cups milk 1'e11t:lable: tu rn into a greased ITALlAN CHEESE PUDDING 1: teaspoon Yiorcestershlre Z-quart casserole. " ' a sllcts white bread, crusts sauce Bake 111 prchea!l'd S... d I cup drained c o o kt d degree oven to a cuslard-lik'. • 1t'1 the time ·"' year wbel Brta.~fast in a glass is cer-s1dering that everything but Compare I.be cost of a :i;tant breakfast ii wnether or remove '" )'l[l!ll afe' rtmtnded to '4eat " lainly easy W prepare and one minute or work is done for ''standard" breakfast with egg not you and your famlly con· 3 tablespoons buUer \'egetable consistency -about Jo·' 1Mlttr • brMkftlt:" Exactly dlsh washing is alnuis t rtOO·t'X· J'OU. and toast for 19 c ..... ts. Would I tablespoon pre pa re d Spread bread "'Ith buttrr, 1ninutes. i t il·.11btt&er lw'Mkfast? "" sider thal it tastes good. Only mustard then with mustard: cut lnto Serve hol. r.takes 6 servi~ tt ti IU~ to be betttt istent. A\'trage <:061 for an instant you say an instant breakfast I! you can judge. 1 pound Fonlina cheese cubes (makes 4 cupsJ. Note ; If pudding is ma~ · wi.ai? · · · Cost ol ail'I l n s tan t breakfast plus milk you add is your two ctnls' ""orth7 o\ good breakfast isn't, rKasseri or Italian sharp), r-.1ix loiethtr bread cubes, ahead and refr1geratM, add 10 J~~ Ny .that ~y~M-"-"-"-'-''-"-'_w_no_ble_._coo--,·_1_8w~21-ce_nts_.~~~~~-A-""'_'_1b_le_h•_n_g·u_p_w_il_h_in-~u-nle_~_i_tt_os_tes~g~ood-·~~~~*~•d_ded~~~~~-'-"'-'-'-'-·-•~g~gs_._m~l l_k_._m_i_nu_1e_st_o_ba_kl~ng~ti-m_e.---"" roo1Mii tile '°""""' ts better. :{:',.1:.:1..:\.~i::,~ .. ,. ,,Theo Wbat · W a better ~ldlllt? Y~ ·may already .. eotJni ""'· From your ~ M>d ·UieJr parents, you d!l"ei;p.d · a "Meakim pa> .t .... ". It maY ·be · anythq fmn ~ and eus with fruit and t.oUt to .rice and fish to ~en apd ~-All are the basics ol a JOOd breakfast. ·The important facts about a &~ breakfast are th11t it taltu.IOod.and la1oourishing. r:~ recommend that bnaltlut pro.!do · ..... roorth to one-third of YfNl day's food needs. l'hat's why a st.aodard breakfast pattern of juice, cef'.UI . and mUk w i t h "'po..ibles" of tout and an ep is ~ed "good." . Be.Ida. . being nouri8hlng atJ1! ·laltinf, good, yatr erpect food f«: bruldaat to be ea,,lly aV~lable in every food .. ~ket. You erpect tile foods to be eCionornieal, quick and UE'J to ptepare wlth little or no mess to clean up. '.J1>< sQndanf brtalcfa!l of ctftal, · milk and fruit· fit!I most of.. :,lour eJpeetations. It ~ only 12 to' 15 Cf!'ls per pu'son. But ~lare dishes to -.,,..., . :If you add ·toast with buUer al)d an qg, · U.. cost per pttJOn ·11 111'.k Jt oent.s -and U>ere .. ·dist\IS to wiuh. '·:You. may frown. on the idta that ' brtakfast can be quiet., ~.Jcal; unmnsy and still nounohir1&c ' ·But· food manufacturers, alort. 1<>,U..chOnglniways and 'I~ of : ~ulm;. have .~·up :wiJh ·qulte a number ~:.~~'loOds for ~~ mu~im to mix - U.,.t's:one of the more difficult ~-nefe an waffles, ll:e!J<h -&!"f ... rruit. tarts .to ~ -lht1·an •uy . . ·ie . rfe!!nt . yW.. i)lslaol tnnfatst · di"ink.s have ap-~ .•. ·your ' entire tftakfl3t . in just one glaas. C11f.tl'is·be a a:ood breakfast? ~Ing . to I a be I ln- Jorml.tlon. it is. C)oe "breakiaiit." when mit· ed. l:"iih a cup of Him. milk, euppliea an adult with at least °'*fcurtb ol the minimum d•Uy · r~uiremmt of protein -many vitamins a n d OllllerW. New Slant LOCKER BEEF SALE POT ROAST ~C.":... .......... _u..75l PORK CHOPS c.,, .. c,1 Rib ....... lb 89! CROSS RIB ROAST ~=:~ .. lb 98! PORK CHOPS c .... .c~toi,, ...... lb 98! CHUCK STEAK c'''""'''c~ .... tb.58! PORK SPARERIBS c~'"'''''" 79i SWISS STEAK Ch~"•~loM ..... lb 79l SLICED BACON s~r•.t•ryMopto .lb 86! FILLET OF SOLE,,~, .............. lb.1" WESTERN OYSTERS io'o~. "' .... 88! FINNAN HADDIE ,,., ........... ,,86! CANNED HAM w,,,., c,., ....... ,. ... 4" ""•. ..... . . ... 11 •• . , .. • All USDA Cl.Ht lfitli Ttel .. i111 Ir.I lll•llS G•rnft .. T1.t. lt•f W-lflii ln1 Wnl .. GROUND CHUCK~=-~=~,";; 73! PORK SAUSAGE , .. ""'"M""'"'76i PARTY DIPS.rb.rt .. ,',80• c, •...... 36! : : BONELESS HAMSc~"'"~Mi ,iHomtbP' PERCH FILLETS~;~:.::: ........ lb 76! CHEDDAR CHEESE ~:':'~::-.;;:,:~,, 93! BEEF SIDES ---· S4l W ..... 240U..oooooooU.. HIND QUARTERS -·-67! w ..... 120 u. ........ u.. CHOICE-BLADE CUT PATTI-JEAN 200Z. SIZE LOIN OR RIB END Game Hens BEEF FRONTS ............ 49l w~ 120u... •••••• u •. BEEF ROUNDS ::;:i;;;-............ u.. 67 ~ Pork Roast Chuck Roast c c LB. WIENERS :::~~-~~ ............ 594 LUNCH MEAl=~o .. soL3/1. CHIPPED MEATS'"'"1SON 5JOZ3/1. BISCUITS :~'f.'.:'.~ ....... 90Z 7/454 QTS. SALA~"'' ~43~ .KRAFT MARSH-~25~ LIGHT M~AT ~~~,~a~. KtiUDSEN ~ 23~ DRESSINGsor<s....... MALLOWCR£ME,~1 CHUNK TUNA 11N '.11l . .I. YOGURT"'""''°···· ICE CREAM ~;~~';; •........... 59f CUT CORN ~ .. , ....... -14t EXCEDRIN .. c-............... 8~ VITALIS10.. ...................... _ 99i ORANGE JUICE ~ic;~~,~~.18! TENDER PEAS ~~--.14!. BAN. DEODORANT ~ ... 134 VOTE TOOTHPASTE .. 70i APPLES SAVE 7 DAYS A WEEK BA NAN-AS FANCY GOLDEN RIPE c EXTRA FANCY CRISP . JONATHAN c LB I AllllUON'S SAVIS TOU MONIY RIG. INSTANT SANKA•t> ........ 1 "' INSTANT SANKA.o.. .....•. 1" LASAGNA DINNER ~~"". ••. 9 1• TREND LIQUID ~;.': ....... 42• PUMPKIN S CRANBERRIE H1;;"H BOURBON ·~-~~ FRESH $9 85 SMOOTH EVEN OCEAN • SIZES FOR SPRAY -PKG. Cider:=-;:.····-·· 791 HALLOWEEN Wine =.,~ ........ 1" c B ~Gnoi· 1" eer 121120. .... ,r11 ...... I • ......, 3" "' ........ 2.,,i20s. •• UllTT-·lfZGAL '.1179 BOURBON LB . 2 for 25c ioMAiiiELETIUCE AJAX ALL PURPOSE DETERGENT -KING )13 PRICES GOOD OCT . 29 THRU NOV.4 DISC. 1 OS 1" 87! 32! l.llllfSON'S SAYIS YOU MONll' RIG. DISC. I CRYSTAL WHITE Liquid.~ 63• 59l INSTANT MAXIM'"'······· 1 " 97l NU SOFT ~'.'.'.". ............. 79• 69! PE A N UT S ~;-;::; '.~.':'.' .......... 73' 68! ASSORTED CUP CAKES 20 FOR ONLY 00 H"kD ROLLS PiAINO• 5EfDED . fA 3• WHITE BRE "'"' .............. ' AD '"'" .. 1.0, 5/1 BOXED COOKIES ;~~z ..... 1 ~ Wes · 1· pec10 ize In Foney Decorated Cokes for ALL Festive Occossions . ... ' . ... " ,, ,, ' " "' . ' ,., H•lltl119ton Beach-15511 So. Edwards La4J111111 leacll -700 Sa. CCICISt Hwy. Fountain Valley-16042 MGl)nolla Huntlngtan Beach-8911 Adams COratla del Mar -3049 Caast Hwy. ·-· I • I 48 OAILY PILOT .Pack These Treats for Easy A 4 -• • • 1r ~ou plan to b<ike l!:!~ICl11',' !or u sc.1·v1el'n1an UV(T.::t:a\ 1rerf! ;ire soml' s11~g1:st1011' .J1al Wiii guaran1er mn1~tnr!>~ •·h.:-n packages <.i rn\ c !or l(1l' Z ohd11)' -f'KCIT tAti.t: : t·se ~itu r fa\'ontc lru 11 r.<1f..r l"ipe r.re;,~c the <'Oltcc can • • • • • • .111d !11\t i: 11 1111 11 t•l! grcasrd bt'i!I~ tlrn11n p~1p1 r 01 1'a" p.1 pcr. ••l!u1< ing vt h•n.'1 · 1 111111 ;1hu1,., 1hc l'lli:l' 1,1f 1hr p:i n 1u u.•e 111 hH1n& eakc fro1n <'<Ill. U;i kt' .it :i!50 dci."fl'l'l'i tu 2'i5 :'lllQl:\ J h('.lUf' Alluw !n t.:ou[ 1horuu,t:hly , but du not rrmu1e t'akr from t.:un. Simply cn1f'r thr ean ;u1d parka~e In a ~turdy cu rton for mailing. FAVOR l'r E OATMEAL COOKJF.S ~, cu p butter or nthcr shnr tl·tung I t'U!l t.ugar 2 eggs 1 ~ teaspoon salt I DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I 19th & Harbor, Costa Mesa -FRfE CHECK CASHING SERVICE- Price5 Ef fective Oct. 30tk tkrougk Nov. 5th WE FEATURE U.S.D.A. CHOIC E OR TOP VALUE CERTIFIED BEEF GUARANTEED FOR FLAVOR ANO TENDERNESS • • OR YOUR MONEY BACK FARM ' .,. . \.. \.,,. ,~\ " LEGS-THIGHS QUARTERED FRYER BREASTS QUARTERED FRYER 39~ 49~ ~N~~C~°. .~!~~~ 7 8 ~ 89~ ~E~I?~~~ •8 ~~f-. 4 9~ RIB STEAK DELICIOUS BAR-B-CUED FRESH PRODUCE AT DISCOUNT PRICES ,BANANAS GO LDEN RIPE ....... . ORANGES JUIC Y SWE ET EXTRA FANCY NORTHWES T APPLES ~i~c1ou s EXTRA FANCY NORTHWEST APPLES g~LLl~~o"u s .. 1ocLB 10~B . 10~B- • ~-~TURNIPS or BEETS 1 o~B. • \·'7./~~. -J1~I GRAPEFRUIT ' ..... ~· . ..-"' New Crop Florida Whit• or Ruby .,,... Rtd SOLID MILD BROWN ONIONS .. RED RADISHES GREEN ONIONS 7c GARDEN FRESH ...•.•.. BUNCH U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS Gladly Accepted **** .• . - 2 teaspoons cinnamon ~t teaspoon each nutmeg and cloves 1 !:: teaspoon soda stirred into 2 cups flour 2 cups dry oatmeal I cup raisi ns I cuµ nuts For1n lnlo small balls, then flatten on a greased cook.it sheet. (You may use a fork or the bottom of a small glass. I Bake in a 350 degree oven till lightly browned. GUfttDROP CAKE 1 Yes. this one will arrive at Its dcst.ina tion just flne if you take care to pack it securely, wilh no rattle-around &pace. I pound white raisins I pound small gumdrops (!run flavors, not spice) I cup nut meats I cup nour 3 cups flour I teaspoon cinnamon 1, I teallpoon cloves t 1'c teaspoon nutmeg J l teaspoon salt I cup butter or margarine 2 t'Ups sugar 2 well Oeaten eggs l 'i cups unsweetened ap- 'Plesauce I teaspoon vanilla I teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon on·a rm watl'r Dredge gumdrop.5-, raisins and nuts in the l cup flour .' .,SHl tog ether the 3 c.ups flour, spires and salt. Cream butter and sugar. Add we ll beaten e ggs alternately with flour mixture and applesauce . S!ir in vanltla and the soda which has been dissolved in the one teaspoon water. Bake in a grcase!l and fl oured lube pan for 3 hours at 275 or in large loaf pans. SPICED \\'ALNUTS Excellent as fillers when packing boxes of your eift- Conjure Grownup Spook-in \Vh y let the kids have all the fun on HalJ~·een ·E\'e? Mix a \Vilches Brew and spirit up a Devilish Dip and some Spooky Spread at your own Irick or treat party for adults only. WITCHES BREW (serves 1%-15) 2 bottles dry, red wine 11,i lbs. finely granulated sugar or equivalent liquid sweetener 1 fifth brandy 3 quarts carbonated waler Apple slices Dissolve sugar In small amount of hot on·aler and add lo wine and brandy. Pour into large bowl or other 8-10 qt. container. Add carbonated waler jusl before scr\'ing. Keep cold w11h ci!hcr a block of ice or 6-8 trays of cubes. Garnish \1·ith apple slices. (If usi ng 1 i quid sweetener, mix fir st \1·Hh wine, then brandy ). Serves 12- J5. DEVILISll DI r Combine ln lari:e bowl or in food blender containe r the following : J cups mashl"d avocado 1 cup cre<im cht"C'~c i i cup each chopped gr~ onions, radi shf's a n d tomalr~s I cup ~hcl'd fr11 nk~ 2 t:ihlcspoons br andy 1 l11 b lesp oo n \\'orces(cr.o.hire sa11re. • ~ teaspoon chill powde r Snit and peppet lo taste Crcarn v.·1th electric mixer or blenrl at medltlm speed. f\lakcs 3'~ cCTps . SPOOK y srnt:AD 1 lb. rooked. cleaned shrimp !canned . frozen or fresh) .Juice of 1 ~ lcrnon J tablespoons anise fla vored liquctir \: teas poon prPpared hot mustard Dash Tabasco or Louisiana hol sauce Sall and freshly ground pep. per to t.asle Ch1Jp shrimp fine an d mix on·i1h rem aining ingredients or place all in1redients in blender and incttase and de crtruie • speed until shrimp is rtnely chopped. Melt 12 cup (one cubt) but· ler and blend into shrimp mixture. Chill overnight in mold or small bowl. Unmo!d 16-30 minutes before St'rvlng . Serve. with brtad fin gers and toast rounds. CAKES POR ALL OCCASIONS •• 20 MINUnS • 01~111'1 l'•ll•f -l'•hl• ...... - 1'!'1 -Oeftvh -•II. DANICA ,ASTRY SHO, lllllO .. l lYO, 67).HIJ , .............. , • Shipping :Overseas cookies. Pu! lliem ln plio :iacks. Remember that hard can- dies and nuls·i.n -lhe-:ihell are other items ove rs eas servictmen llke to get. Melt l t..ablespoon, butter in a shallow pan. Add I cup walnul hal~·es and toast i!J a :.JO de- gree oven ahout 25 minutes, sti rring occasionally. Remove from oven, sprinkle \\'ith a combination of 1,~ cup sugar, '.~ teaspoon cinnamon and 1,1; teaspoon allspice while nuts are still warm., FRUIT COCKTAIL COOllES 1 cup shortening 1 cup brown SUMar I '4 cups white sugar 3 eggs 1 cup ralslll.'!!, briefly boiled and drained % cups fruit cocktail (I large can, well drained) 11,1' cups nuts (optional) I teaspoon van.ilia I teaspoon soda l teaspoon baking wv.·der 4 cups sifted nour 1 1 teaspoon each · or cln-' namon, powdered cloves "l and nutmeg ; Cream shortenina. sugars and eggs. Add dry lrigredlents . Mix as much as possible . Add raisins, nuts and fruit cocktall. Drop by leaspoon on greased cookie sheets. Bake aboul 10 minutes at 400 degree till Jightly browned. Makd I to IO dozen. · If cookies do not tlse and spread properly add• a little more flour before nett panful as fruit cocktail may nol have been drained enough. BANANA BREAD Nice and moisl! Leave in disposable pan for mail ing. \Vrap v.·ell, protecting top with piece of heavy cardboard cut to fit and well lied to hold in place. I 13 cup shortening 2/3 cup sugar ~~ teaspoon granted· lemf'n rind I beaten egg 174 cups sifted flour 11,~ teaspoon baking powder 1 '1 teaspoon soda , l cup banana pulp (2 to 8 fully ripe bananas, maih· •di Blend short ening, sugar and le1non rind till creamy. Bea t in egg. Sift flour, salt, soda together several times. Add to fir5t mixture in three parts. alternately with banana pulp. Beat smooth. Spoon min greased loaf pan (about 4x8 size). Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour or till loaf tests done in cent.er. Do not overbake. If you like, you may add P cup SQit uncooked d r i e· d' prunes, raisins, apricots ·or dales, cut in pieces, along vdth l,li i-\1p chopped nuts. SCRAMBLE Pack it in lidded shorte nire._ cans. For mailing, tape lid~· 8eellrely all the way around and then in a criss-cross. I 'ilz cups Cheerios I~ cups bite .. ize Rice Chex 11.a cups bite-size shredded wheat squares % cups slim pretzel sticks l cup sailed peanuts ~ cup margarine 4 tea9P00ns Worcestershire sa uct 1 ·! teaspoon garlic salt 1 teaspoon onioa salt I tea.spoon celery salt Mix cereals. pretzel sticks and peanuts in a large-roaster. lleat margarine to me!l bul not brp1m . Add Worcestershire a n d seasonings to 1nargarine. Pour over cereal combo. Mix well. Toast in a 300 degree oven for about half an hour or till Jightly browned. Slir every 10 minutes to get season ed margarine evenly distributed through lhe mix. PINEAPPLE OATMEAL COOKIES The pineapple helps keep these moist and add s a nice flavor. ~: cup shortening I cup sugar ·~ teasPoon cinnamon 1 s teaspoon nutmeg I unbeaml egg B~l OU(lct-s crushed pine· apple, tmdrained l cu p sifted fl our 1 z teaspoon salt ~i lea.spoon :ioda Ill,. cups ro lled oa ls '-: cup chopped nuts Crl'a m shortening, sug11r and spices till fluffy . Beat in egg. Stlr in pineappll'. Add flour sifted wllh salt and soda Blend in oats and nuts thur- oughly. Drop by teaspoons onto greased pans. Bake 12-1;, minutes al 37~00 degrees-. Let cool on pan a minult' be- fore remo\•ing. t.takes abou t 4 dozen. ORAN GE GUMDROP BARS 4 eggs, 1ep111ated 211.:i cups brown suga r, packed J table.spoon water l teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted nour 1r.i teaspoon salt I teaspoon baking powder 1 cup candy orange slices, cut in pieces ~. cup chopped nuU Beat egg yolks first. Then •dd 9ugar, water and vanilla . Sift in nour mixed with baking powder and sail. Slir in or· ange slices and nu1s . Beal egg whites stiff but not dry, Fold in. Spread in a well greased 9 l. 13 1 2 p;1n. . Bake at 350 rl cgref's for 3[1- 35 minutes. Cut in bars whilC' still warm. Or leave in pan for mailing. Cooletl bars are good rolled in powdered sugar . Pumpkin Cake Pick a pair or pumpkins for Ha \loween trick-or·tre aters and for the whole family as \\'Ci!. Authentic "His" and "lier" Hallowttn .:akes are made \\'ith real pumpk in, then frosted with orange and black colored icing. To bake, simply use. ()Ile package of pound-ca ke mix for each fa ce, substituti ng canned pumpkin for the milk called for by the recipe. Add 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1h teaspoon cloves for flavor. Frost the faces on•ith a bu tter-type orange icing. then add facial features v.'ith a black icing. FO R THE UNUSUAL klc~ Home Cf Gift Siop Felltherock Broiltr -t~e n1w1st idee in electrie broiler$. It's vertical, w'ith 9ril1s on both sides of the heating element. !Cooks steoks for 8 or ham· burgers for 12). Feetherock of natural volcanic ori9in aurround, the heat element, distributes h1o t evenly, for fester, better tastin9 broiled meats. • Our s~•lve1 ere leden with greet g ift idee1I Q11!ck, be•utlful gift wr ep tool ~9.95 • RI.CHARD'S LIDO CENTER Hll Vio Lido, Newport BHch 673~300 . . . ... RAMILIMG ROVND t I WITH SALLIE Dl.'liNF.R !~ A TEAC L'P • ' . Ne w ~ozy \Yay of eatini:. round the fire and !el yqur giicsl~ rn<'lkr their o~ , it s alt come \Yith lihl,., packages of turkey telAi t· zini chunk c,hick<'n \\ ith rlt:•' and c.:i rrots, 'bl•cr .almOn- dine, or tuna a la nept~r. Gill' I.' Very hody a !ea (:1lp or· mug, ·1r1 lhcm pic k tht>ir package of 1tinncr.Puur cVn- ner in'lhe cu p', pour on ho lr a cup-of hnl \',:Jlf'r, \\'ail ~. minulc5. 'fhe n stir. All don1• wi1h the ma~ic of 1rakctt l,. cassrrolcs and u n1 -ltJ.J delic ious. •, Nr1v li\'B,\'6 11·Jth food s .~ •. Drui't ~ou JO\'e thc1n. 11~ ; Hlrr fron 1 Holltind ;· . hf>a11tif1il , J"nl: j.!'rJin Ol~<"1 r.111 1 Rit'r in conking bats. The nire \Vessa Dutch fljl\~ guJrantre no ~nggs ..,., !umps. nn ~1.i ('k,V pans .:. . Thfl>W th<' rackJge in a ~!I of batlin~ \1·a1cr fur ;.211 minutes. Te.Jr open I.he ~·; •• and toss. e:; MOST PEOPLE LIKE TO Tl·f!NK OLD • • • " • •• • \\ ill'l'C i l(IH{!tlr~ ;'!l'"e dS1·,. cerned but here's '"11 brlghl ~icw ta!llcs .1ri i:c--1,· over your Rfter dinne r Ire cream. Tirldy'.~ Cana~n Liqu eur. the only one v.·~\e heard ot made \l'ilh bourpn and ble nded 11·i\h lirenc!Qi- quru r •. only in Can~a they c;-,ll it .w h i s k ~;· Bronte·s little bro w n vinegar juR: rn adc the Dill pa,-:e s c e n e in ~c ne1vspapcrs a \vhile bacJetn shout that thei r YorkstW·r y:a~ original. uni que Eng~h and flavored like apple .,.d hone.v. \!latch t.hal lt'f' cream jump: ,. MORE SONGS F'RO~I THE JS LA NDS • • • ... .. . , • .. From !hr ol~ R•.d !ren.c;u red cn!lcctions nf fi r kamani na. Uni~uely yfWs , . big sunnv "'·hole liun~f pirkl!'d pinParple .. •1 pin!'nppk• relish rnadc •1 n1ac;idarnh1 1a1ts a;I raisin!'. lla11aii 's an~we ' cti11 tney to 1lr1 hrad.v !hi ~ wi1h :inv n11•[q or fov:l.lltfl ~(!...;J f"I<' Sdlll <' I ' lt.'1ll!l!l'fY marinade ;:in~1hi11g y ~ 1\ant to ta ~tr Hawalian . Tropica l Sp<'rl.1li !ir~. ~ df'l1cious llclighls or f f' 1nany cult11rc<; brought ~ l-la1\·aii 01'cr Lhe rcnturic~ CHEESE \\'ITH KILTS •• ... ., -, ,. •. Ne11·s 1n semi so11~ :f.t.! r ating fuurl . . f r °'1J1 raith ncss Cheeses ! . t'f, L:.i bster, Sl'OIL1ntl. , 11 ill~r \\'1 thout car::iway . . -~ p:ickagrli, gay red and ~i' plaid .. Tn m.1kc a sal:i(Gi1• 11p ;ind take notice w1tlf ·t. 100 1nany calories \1·e tr'¥f'I fn Swilzer!and Ccskn g~·1 chccsr 1i; made \l'ilh ::lim mllk an rl ron1e~ in a gra!). ~ {YJl1t'. ,, \l llflJ 11111~ It!'~ 1 !hir1.-: ,~· •l\~'1· '1 1:'11•f'Jl htlllt a clrur conso n1n1c . "' Crurnrrt ~ :ire t:ngl<li!. \Vhy woulcln't Trafa!c froze n. Stl l)!'r k i n i;. s I" English crumpets 1n po '11 your roa~1er. hl' about I ·: best thing 1h,11 C\Tr •f · con1panicd ,cnm,. cum6 t marmoladc fr rirn AU5trl"i .1 ~r son1e f\arnaalna pt.i Jam. ,.; \\'t11LE 131\fK 110 ;\1F. ON 'fl!!:: FAR:'-11 .. .. ... •• 4 • ... ·~ \\'e wc 11t ou t lo the fin' r shop ;ind "hi pped u~.i Dutrht>Ss Bns1• vwh1cli conJ .. in all sizes just a~ long-«'> it·.~ b1i:; 1\ nice lil!lr 11tlf!i. ess \\'OUld run ahoui J inci,..;; across, recommended f~:\ going aw;1.v cnr~asc A btll. r~nuu•. 1n11n::: Dutcir., C{ltl ld ~lrr!rh <1rro~s to lllfi. rhcs. l1rt!1n \\1lh '.!l r s1'lerted bccil11~e they h c the larRrSI pe t:ils, Let I . p e I a I out to full bl 11 pl'rfcction . P11·k all -: petals off one bv one d knll one rin d pi.irt 2' h \\'Irr a1ld wrap th e p I'> roun d and rnund till 'u come up with one 1g beau ty. 1\'(l_x1 great th •,: arc clone 111th can19i:i k·nvrs anrl ri li hon In ma1l ;i ~u~clou.~ ~lt:ln for clu1cf1g • R1th11rds. 111e peo :i c ~lnrl' 11bcre dn1ng aftd I •· Ing lhe unus ual for •1, mak es u~ 111£' happiert. ! • • 0 . ' ~. --·----·---·---------------------------~-·-----·-·--. --.. ----.. ---.. --. -·---- PltDDlJEI Our [tr•d1.1 c• i• •• freth t114 '•rf•ct thtt it'• ilttutlful. We ol'lly lui1y th• flt1t1f 4111tllt y, hincl -t11 lc~ell, fr•m t•l11t94 t r•w•r1I FOR HALLOWllN "TRICK.OR•TREATUS " SWEET, CRIS,, CALIFORNll> DILICIOVS APPLES 8 L••· s1 GOLDEN R"E. CENTRAL l>MUICAN Cl>ll>NA tRAND BANANAS 3 LIS. 29- SLICED IN SOUR CREAM OR VINll>lliRETI! Gi'RD!N.FRISH, LON~ GRllN, CRIS~ CUCUMBERS 2 '0 • 19'. MARSHIURN'S YOUNG l TINDU FR!SH TOPPED CARROTS 21L1.19-,KO. DELIElTlllEI T1nttlii:in7 , i1 the word for owr Gtllc1t•1- ''"· Spec1elitie1 i'"jttrt14 ~,.,.. 2t c111111- tri e1 , the r1r1 and ticttic, ft 14f • little 1dv1ft tur• to 11tht9. G!ORMAE DRESSING ROQUEFORT IUDDIGS SLICED, BEEF, HAM, TURKIY, CORN!D BEEF OR PASTRAMI, l OZ. Smoked Meats 3 '0• s1 OAK, SLICED, COOKED ~ Danish Ham • 01. 4tr FANCIFOOO Of 'ARIS Pate de Foie 2¥· 0 1. 3 '0 • s1 NEW ! REESE ONION l CO ... RL!C FLAVORID Sesame Chips 1 01· 49- PRDIEH PDDDI A f11c in1t in9 trrty tf food1 , mtfly ytu ''"'+ f;,,c1 •nywh•r• tltt. Her J'••v•••, 1oup1, d111ert1. DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE 'OS. ' ... ·1 DOLE PINEAPPLE· GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 6 OL ' ... ·1 DOLE PINEl>"LE- ORANGE JUICE '.,. ' ... ·1 l FLAVORS ORANGE JULIUS BARS • PL 49c ROS.ARI TA COCKTAIL TACOS 1v, os.l ,..'1 ROSARIT A, WITH TACOS COMBINATION PLATE 11 OI. GREEN GIANT RICES ,. •i. J ,..11 Sp1"i1h llt lc1, Rici y,,~ •. Rice ,Otf, Rice M1Jl1y, lltice llti1•tte. Ell DY FOOD Gins C.me in '"~ pNview 011r luscious 1rr1y ol l&lft Pock&, DriMI Fruih, Ja1111 & JtRits, Chtasas. REM!MB!RI New is the llM• lo mail •nrM•• t lfts. Lot us help ytul .. PHONi 47UJ60 FOR HOME OELIVEltY PltlCES EFFECTIVE OCT. lO, l l, NOV, I -~· ··. o., •• Strtn1d• For Yeur ft111aure LIDO MARKET CENTER by ltrnico Foy NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE • • AN INFORMAL SUPPElt TO ENJOY WITH A FEW GOOD FRIENDS, AfTElt SAILING, AFTER THE GAME - ANYTIME THE MOOD IS LIGHTHIARTED! AND SHOPPING IS LIGHT-HEARTED TOO, WHEN YOU SHOP AT RICHARDS, SOFT LICiHTS, SOFT MUSIC, AND A,TIENTIVE SERVICE! BRAISED FISH PROVEN.CE SCALLOPED POT A TOES TOSSED GltHN SALAD -GrHn Goddess Orossint HOT FRENCH ROLLS CHOCOLATE MOUSSE A Ch1rC:lon"•Y or Rese i$ perlect with this! In c1111relt , light ly brown 2 lb1 . helbut 1t11k in IJ4 C. oli'f'I i ii. Silt ""d p1pp1r. A.id I cheiap•• on ion, 1/J ki•ll ,,,,., clrl•ria•d, -4 tom1t111, p11f1 ... 1111111 .. tn .. chol'Jllld, 1nG • 1J11rinkli"1J e tirlic powde' te tt1t1. Ceok IO min. AJd 1/1 C. wh it1 wine , I 1+tl k c1 l1ry, I hay ltef, ) spti~1 p•,1l1y, jtiflch ef thym• 1"d waftr to cov•r • Simmer lO fa ~O min. ~•m••• c1!1ry, ptr1l1y, ~1 y le1f, tnd 1lr••· IBIT Rich 1,~·, beef is fin1 Bli ck Angu1 t nd Htr1forJ, c•11+,11l1d fed, f•, m1rv1lou1 fl1 ... or. P1 rf1ctly .,, .. t nd ct ttfully cut. Th i1 m1k11 hitter ••ting for you r f1 mily. SMALL IND, TH! FIRST l RIIS Prime Rib ROAST :.~~~~-:::.::.:1 R!8ULAR CUT Prime Rib ROAST ~·p•rt~ fer ... , •• ,.,., l>LASKl>N HALIBUT STEAK Try .. , 1"i•M "•h Provence SPENCER STEAK ~~.!'t~~;~""wlth IONIUSS, THI, KIN6 Of ROASTS SPENCER ROAST Nlct fer ... f a.urgv~ littll•• Syle SHORT RIIS Lffn and Meaty Barbecue lllF RIIS • • 1.29 LI. 98¢LI. 1.09LI. 1.79LI. 1.79~ •. 3'c ... 59cu. Stuffed Roa1tln1J Chicken Stuffed Pork T enurloln ... ,>ttoo ,_ -59c .. . ...... , ..... _... 1.39 .. . Marinated Meat Balls ,, oMll - U.S.D.A. 'klM! ll!f, TOO ! .. .... BRDEEltY COFFEE 1 LI. 69- M.J.B. COFFEE 1 Lt. 1.37 M.J .B. COFFEE J Lt. 1.98 l>R DEN AA BUTTER I LI. Ile HALLOWEEN PARTY TREl>T I TREE TO' APPLE CIDER v. GAL. 69¢ ASSORTED FLAVORS, FRUIT DRINKS Hl -C "' Ol. CANS 4 ,..51 AMERI CAN llAUTY ELBOW MACARONI ~·.. 2 ... 29c CAMPIELLS CREAM Of MUSHROOM SOUP DUNCA N HINES AS SORTED FLl>VORS Cake Mixes •·•·1" s;.. 29¢ GRUN GIANT WHOLE MUSHROOMS 11. or. 4 ... '1 GREEN GIANT SLICED MUSHROOMS "''or. 4 ,.,sl GREEN GIANT CUT APARAGUS SPEARS GR!EN Gli'NT FRENCH CUT GREEN BEANS JI) S ,,. 51 GREEN GIANT KITCHEN s"c'° GREEN BEANS "' 5 ... '1 COREEN GIANT GOLDEN CREAM CORN ,., 5 , .. '1 SEVI N SEAS DRESS ING Green Goddess · • oz . 39¢ ZEE BATHROOM TISSUE 3 ... '1 CHINiT DINNER PLATES 11 CT. BAKERY Ow, ki,k1ri 91t up v1ry 1trly in th1 rn orn in9 t1 h,.,., fre1h lt•k•d br1tdt, pe at ri11 , pi i t 1, c.1k11, ju t+ ftr y1u. 11'1 feet, .,..., c1 n m1k1 jvtt ebout •nythin, y•ur 1wt•t tobth cr 1Y11 l NOIODY DOESN 'T LIK E,,, 49c CINNAMON ROLLS 6 , .. 3Sc SU PER IL Y LIGHT BUTTER CREAM BREAD 4Sc PUF FY, FA T LITTLE ROLLS POTATO ROLLS 6 ,., 31c SIN8LI LAYIR CHOCOLATI CAKE, llCORATID HALLOWEEN CAKE 99c PLOWER !HOP Flew1r1 11t • mood ef gr•ci•w• liYin9, on .. l11 lnt t•kilt, c,• .. •ntt, ,;_., +•'''· Our flow•r• 1r• ,rtmium qutlity, fr11h citlly. E'ity lh•m I POM POM CHRYSANTHEMUMS IN GLO~IOUS FALL SHADES FOii. HALLOW!EN 1 49 IUNCH 6 "2.;..&..~.r-MARKET HOME I. GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FtOWER SHOP CLEANERS O'EN Dl>ILY t .7, SUN. t.6 O'tN OAILT t·6 0'tN DAILY t .6, SUN. 10.l DAILY ••• ,)0, SAT. •.s 0,.N DAILY ••• DAILY ,,Jo-•. SAT. 1,10.s , ' ., ................................................... _. ....... _ I • I I j l "'""''"'"f""''""'"""'""''""""' . ....,. ___ ..,.... ____________ .--~"7-;---....·~ry~·-·~-~ ·-----·_.....,,..-...,....------;--;--~-~·r:-.-.-,-:--·-.-r-····.-·----: •:: · .· .·: • , , ,,, , · · ··· • ,ff DAILY PILOT CENTER CUT CHUCK • STEAKS YOUNG· N ·TENDER BEEF LIVER KERNS TOMATO 12~$1 SAUCE STYLE HAIR SPRAY IJ OZ. C.t.NS FOREMOST COTTAGE CHEESE '"" ••• ROYAL YAMI YOGURT "' PT. CUPS 2~$1 59' ALPO CHO"" IE(f l IY PlltODUCT 4 f $1 PUPPY & CAT o FOOD TAll CANS R ---------FL YING CLOUD MANDARIN ORANGES 11 OZ. CAN!. c LB. c LB. CHUCK ROAST FRESH DRESSED FRYING R·ABBITS WHOLE on CUT UP U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS ROLLEPJ SHOU!.D F.~ CLOD ROAST FOREMOST IMITATION HOMOGENIZED MILK AND BUTCHERS TO SERVE YOU OVER THE COUNTER U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND BONE ROAST ENGLISH STYLE BEEF CROSS RIBS LEAN· N ·MEATY C FILET SWORDFISH FINE TO BROIL OR FRY LB. NORTHERN HALIBUT U.S.D.A. CHOICE LEAN BEEF C BRISKET BONELESS LEAN BEEF STEWING LB. MEAT KERN'S . . SUNSHINE HONEY GRAHAM CRACKERS ~~;;, PACIFIC CREAM SANDWICH COOKIES ....... JUMIO 1 1/4 LI. PKG, CHILI •·•· ,,, 5/$1 SAUCE "0 •· "" 1 ' PENNANT GLAZE f .RUIT CAKE 39' 49' SW EET BAR M WESTERN STYLE CORN BEEF ROUNDS BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK SLICED BA C 0 N HICKORY SMOKED 79~ ------ BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK WIENERS 59~, ---- BAR M WESTERN STYLE CONEY WIENERS 69fb . BAR M FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE 49~ SWIFT'S PREMIUM 2 LBS. BUTTER BASTED TURKEY ROAST w~~;~' Breast of Turkey . Turkey &. Ham Ro111st '3" '3" Turkey & Gravy ,. 0 ,, ... 'l':,. FRENCHIES SHOESTRING POT A TOES ~;~•,Coo• LIGHTENING WHITE LAUNDRY WHITENER ~,~:;; U.S. NO. 1 RUSS ETT ' • " 49 ~ POTAT OES . 10 L B. CELLO BAG 49 ' TOKAY GRAPES 1o:b 5/$1°3 3 LB , /$100 HASS VARIETY AVOCADOS YOUR CHOICE ASSORTED BULK CANDY .. PRICES EFFECTl\'E THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUf'!DAY P.. SU NDAY PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON 1-'ANO Od.30,31,Ncv. 1,2 WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOn C O~J!l'JICtr.~s ) 69' VO ID "FIE:A, jlJIJO,A,Y NOV ?NO l ~bq ,fl ! L;,.,.t ! l o, 1'11 Cou p e~ -O~t Coupo" P1r C.uito••H • 1111 l•---·c;ooo ONLY,.., '"'~"••N 1.t.sl(£T _-=~ -~ I SPR INGFIELD F~FNCH FnlES POTATOES S/51 IANQUET CREAM PIES S" PIES TOUR CHOICl Olf V.All:l!Tll\ 5/s1 ROSARITA WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE DLU~ CHIP STAMPS 1 ~:h ar.d Placentia 710 W. Chapman F STC "I th ne ver reat.at fame Sh< of ~ when prepu dinll I singe1 hod' '"" have Alic \•lbrai dark-'. framt tange bro~1 con tr• the outsic vtil s A> h6ppit anyth ment. <OOk . enjoy Ill>' ilD'l" who said, For • Brool "Tl fa the· and week ner woulc ate o W<!ek ."W to "' thing she's bage tdm "SI cllen eggs reall· cooki a par at Sl mate thing said. "A imag -th~ g>"lrn intirr for I of m it OU is nc a re1 betlt don'I elim sonir no h in~ to h men belie: "Way port. [k hi pp mor· 28 y of U T> rant p!et• ed t, nes! in 1 thfs for "I ol ' sch I ope1 stev woo for th• 'F'oi I d• 20 v;·a1 1an she wit Tho In · pla '"1 DD "" E. [ loc 0, "' () h< le w C( Cl b< d w •1 0. Cl ---·~ ·---------~--------------------------------·-----------~--... -· ... -------·· ---. -----------. ·-~ PILOT • .lDVUTISU J7 IN) wid.m.,, Dctolllf 79, 1'169 DAILY l'Fl.DT ~9 Famed Cook for Hippies Favors Imagination By JOHNA BUNN STOCKBRIDGE. Mau. "I think Allee ii In ne ver- never land," tbe real Alice ol reataurant.. IOOI and movie fame !iald. She was in the sunny kitcMn of M:r New England home where a few days ago she had prepared lht food for lhe wed- dlnl of flower child and folk- singer Ario Gulhrte. A vlsltGr had told Alice Brock that lhe 1"!S not at a.II what one would have expect.td. Alice in pcr!!on is a young, \'lbrant y,·oman. pretty and dark-haired with Mr small rramt attired in a brilliant tangerine overblouse a n d brown elephant panls -in contrast to the final glimpse of the movie Alice standing outside t.he church in v;hite vtil and flowers. • • prlclnc food , or how much 15 1 large Cini of tomatoes 'I• cup cinnamap and !lugar labll'spoon or mor.e ot su&ar. paw>dl ~ IJ'teD peppers C051, (Ull, fresh tomatoes in (l tbsps. each lngre1ilt?Ol) K.6ep I.a.sling, stirring and ex- or how many portiom to make. lellDO) 11, cup crushed walnuts pe.rimenting.'' Ali~e 1ugga.s1..S Somttimes one ot the k.ldl set 2 cans tomato paste \I~ cup sliced black oli\'es (or the addition of seafood In \.he the t.ablu, but tbere WU much· Celqy, muMrooms, carrol, raIBi.o&J ba.!iic cheese layer (omitting more work toil than the cook-piflley, black: oli\'es (111 ~1' cup grated Panncaau the cinnamon. sugar and ing: The ptpptr "'!hakm had "'°'ions!) chectt rJisins) by mixing in I cup of to be filled, the windows and l bay leaf I teaspoon oregano minced clams, shrimp or noon cleaned, buying all that I teaspoon oregano S11IL, freshly gound pepper to lobster nieat. or coo k e d food, aauttlng .alf those veg-1 teaspoon basi l taste c~cken and sorne rinely chop- etables besides decorating the A1arJoram, thyme, red ptp-2 teaspoons snipped fresh ped sautecd onions. po r food with parsley." per, sugar (optional) parsley spinach Ja)'er, defrost 1 The restaurant officially Chop up onlOllll and peppers J uice and grated rind of one p;ickage fro~en. ch o µ p e d known as the Back Room was finely wilh one garlic clove. lemon splnaeh, squeeze until dry and a one-woman operation, ''For Cook them in ¥• inch of ollve 3 cupt spaghetti sauce richop and sau te with 2 chop- Junch," Alice said, "I had om-oil until soft. Mix up all the ingredienl..5 ped onions, 3 rninced clovf's of eltts, hambur:hr!I, sandwiches Add tomatoes. tomato paste except half the mouarella and garlit". I pound ground beef or ~s:lli~! ~~ilio~: ~~e~~oD~~ and whatever else you may half the grated Pannesan sausage meal. ner was more elaborate wilh want to use -celery, sl~d cheese. Allttnale layers of ALICE'S SHRI~1r CURRY seven or eight things on the mu1hrooms, grated carrots, lasagna noodles in oiled bak-For the shrimp menu like beef stroganoff, minced parsley or black ing dish with layers of cheese lf you buy shrinip in lhl'ir chicken kiev or c ur r ltd olives, cul up. Add . bay leaf mixture and spaghetti sauce io shells, they can be cl~aned l and cover. Simmer 6n a very that order shrimp. I fed 30 lo 45 peop e -before or after boilln~. Just tit a time. The place was low name for least 811. hour. Sprinkle mozzarella and re-peel the shtl!s Off with yotir lilnall, and sometimes it was About 45 minutes or so maining Parmesan cheese. fingers and a beer-can opener 80 full , people brought alq before you are ready to use over the top. Bake i n or a small knife, scraping out the.Ir own tables and set them the sauce, add sea~nings and preheated 350 degree F. for the black vein that runs down up outside." ~malning garlic, chopped. about l hour (or until brown the middle of the shrimp. Boil How did she manage so For tbt cbet1t layer and bubbly.) Serves 6-3. raw (or frozen) shrimp in y,·ell ? "By getting up at five I pound (or morl') recolla AFTERTHOUGHTS: "You salted water. You may add in the morning and wo rking (or coll.age) cheese must use oregano and basil, some len1on juice (or l table· and runnin1 until two in the pound (or more ) but try some marjoram, spoon vinegar\ and sliced onion morning when I went to bed ," mozzarella cheese, grated th}•me, or whatever. I like a to the water if ~·ou \\'an! to. she said. "It's an insane busi-3 egg.!, beaten few shots of red pepper and l Raw shrimp shoald be done Jn 2·5 minutes ; froi en shrirnp iu 2 to 8 minutes. Don ·t o\'cr took Lhern. Aller Uiey are cook.ed, sautl' shrimp lightly in curry ~auce. for lbe curry 88U('t 1 large unluo I large applt ~ or more tablespoons butter :J tablespOOns f!our ! 1 t cups chicke n broth !)ash ground gingL'r 2 1or more) teaspoons ctirry powder Aboul 2 tablts?IXJns sour 1Tl'an1 Grate union, prel apple ar11I saute in butter gentl.'1 until soft. Slowly add flour and m1ic \rell. Add broth ior fllli.~r 11· quid) a l1ttlf' at a nn1c ;l!lll :-un rnrr until srnootb and tlu rk. 1'\luw add g1ngrr, t·11rry powder. stir in so11r trf'an1. \'uu can stop nght now, or you may add any of the f1)Jlo111i'1~; hot pepper sauce, red p:>µpcr, sl1e rr.v, chopped c h u l n p y, grated Jcnion rin d. d r y mustard or poppy ser<l.<1. 'f'his .~aucc is also great on l'hlckrn, rice, 1·f>1:etables or egg:;. N•.,.od11, I~<. PLAYED IT BY EAR Alice Brock ·~ ,., ·--- As I.he famous cook 9( the hippies, her ideas on food are anylhlng but anti-establish- ment. "My mother v.·as a good cook and my father thoroughly enjoyed his food. He was, if not a gourmet, maybe a gDurmand. We v.·ere a family who talked about food and !lald, what are going to have for d i n n e r tonight~" the Brooklyn born Alice said. ness. The: first week 1 broughtl----c---:c:--::-----------------------=:_ --------------===---,,---,= cc-o=-cc-cc=o====:=:°"::::::="-'~· ''There were times when my faUier went through the steak and salad routine and for weeks, we'd have that for din- ner every night. Then we would have periods when \.\'e ate out at least three times a week. • "We never knew y,·hat it was tG have meat loaf. The best thing my mother makes, and she'1 a fabulous cook, is cab- bage borschL She never show- ed me how to cook anything. "She y,·ould leave the kit- chen aDd listen to me drop eggs and flour everyv.·here. I really became interested in cooking when J had my first apartment, though when I was al Sarah LaY.Tence my room- mate and I cooked a lot of things on a hot plate," she 1aid. "All cooking takes is a little imaginatJon and a little wine -that's for the cook." !iht said Jrlnning. "You shouldn't be inti midated if a cookbook calls for heavy cream or a pound of mullhroorns. You can leave it out and improvise. Cooking is not a science. You can take a recipe and create someth ing better than the original. If yo u don't like onions and garlie, eliminate them and add sea- sonings you do like. There are no hard or fast rules to cook· in~s has been brou~ht home to her by the hippie move- ment, she said. "The h!ppies believe there is no particular way to do a thing. The im- porlant thing is to do it." Dots she consider herself a hippie, she was a!lktd. "l"m more of a hippie than not. I'm Z8 year• old and I'm not part ot the Establishment." There really was a restau- rant, she said. "It was a com· pfele accident. 1 never intend- ed to hav~ a career or a busi- ness, My mother, who works in real estate, came ac.ross this sreur. depressing diner for sale. "It wa5 located at the end or 1n .alley with an old guy schlepping out hot dogs and opening up cans of Dinty's stew. My mother thought 1t would be a marvelous thing for me or my sister to do in the afternoons. My sister said, 'forget il.' Then I saw it and 1 don't quilt know \\'hat hap- pened to mt." "I was tired or fetding 15 or 20 kids every day. Besides I \\'anted lo get out of the house tan abandoned church where 5he and her husband Ray lived with their communal familyl. The next thing, I found myself In this greasy smelling little place and I cried and thought, '\\'hat have I done~' DID IT BY EAR "But I made it and did it by ear. I knew nothing about Easy Candy Delicious This acrumptious can d Y tookll and tastts professional. TOFFEE CRUNCH l)c pOUnd (2 1tick1) buUer t cup sugar -2 tablespoons water 1 tableapooo tlcht corn syrup v. cup tent.I-sweet chocolate pl- 2/3 cup nntly chopptd walnuta home over $700 in a paper bag. Ray quit his job. We thought ·we were going to be rich and have a new style of life." She was reminded that hip- pies don't worry 1bout money. "Not until they are faced with life," she said. "Ray an<t I met al a school where there were kids from upper middle and upper class homes. The tuition was over $3,000. The kids were unaware what it cost to replace a tube ·of tooth- pa!le, or to pay for the tlec- lricity or to buy a shower curtain. Most hippies don't see money as the driving force in life. They're more con· cerned with attitudes, and making mooey is not an end in ilselt." CLOSES RESTAURA:\'T Alice ran the restaurant for a. yl'ar, she !laid. "It was a major responsibility and I had to be there every day. One day I looked at all my mat.trial posessions, the refrigerators and the dishes, and figured out what I had done to myseU. I had reached the point where the restaurant was o~'Iling me. Besides the more material possessions you own, the more you have lo ta ke care of. I felt trapped and thought, after all, the. refrigerators etc. art only ob~ects. I closed the r l's- taurant and v.·ent to Puerto Rico." Th e restaurant noy,· is the Village Snack Shop. "It's like I never ex isted. It's not the place where oncl' you could go in and get homemade pies and coffee brewed from fresh- ly ground beans and bring along your o~·n bot tle of wine, And then Ario wrote the 1c>ng about the whole thing ." The movie , "Alice's Restau- rant," \\'as about a small part or her life. maybe two years. she said. "It's strange seeing all lhe real people, like a p s y c h o-drama. recreating something that happened one or ty,·o years ago. J v.·as taking a second look at my life." Out of the movie came a cookbook, for which she has a publisher, and also a franchising restau- rant bu siness. JL's all a C.in· derella st.ory c01ne true. The wedding least she crtated for Ario and ttis bride, Jackie Hyde, included fat- roasted turkeys. roa st beef, her own special fruit s a I a d . lasagne and Arlo's favorite curried stirimp. "I promised to t;hov.' Jackie how to mnke the special sauce," Alice i:a\d . "It was really a beautiful wedding. I had only one day's notice and lhe phone rang aboul 4-0 timr.!I v.•hile I was doing the cook · ing," Alice's approach to cooking is non·authoritarian, leaving H up to the readers to make changes according to their mood. Recipe's for Alice's lasagne and curried shrimp from ' ' A I Ice's Restaurant Cookbook" follow : ALICE BROCK 'S LASAGNE For lbe p&!lt.a: Boil 1 pound of lasagne in a lot ol salted water with a few tabltlpOOfll of oil. Add small quanUUea at a Ume until past.a ls toft and pliab)t but not completely limp. R e m o v e gently from the v.·aler u·ith tongs (or a spoon) and let cool. For Ute spqhttti aauce 4 large onloM · c 3 or 4 green pepper~ 2 cloves of garlic Olive oil In a 2~uart heavy sa001pan over low heat mtlt butU.r: add p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 1Ugar and 1Lir until melted. Stir in wate-r and syrup. COnUnue cookinl over low heat. without 8tirring, unlll t teaspoon of mi1.ture is brittlt when dropped Into 1 cup very co&d w.W -no degreu on a candy lbennOmet.er. Pour It once lnto a lha1Jolir butlced pon. CooL Pi.ct -i. ...... bot. bot bolllnl. water unUl soft; atir to blend. Spread over cool ca~; sprinkle with "''almJts, palling down the nuts. To JtTVe, chip PUT WH IN YOUR POCKET Stll umvanttd ltenw with a DAILY PILOT n,.,,w Ad. PHONI 6'2-5671 candy into trregular pieces. '----------"' PRIC••••••mv• · 1111111s. thrv su•., ocr. 3IMIOY. 2. 1ttt U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ROASTS RU}ol.P •• ROlLED CROSS RIB 89~ U.S.D.A. CHOIC E lfff BEEF SHORT llBS PlfS"-'llOllM U.S.D.A. IMUICTfO LR OF LAMB lUllt QUALITY l'Olt: LINK SAUSA5E 391t. 791t. 3 ... s1 pk91, FROZEN FOODS COLORED OR 16-0I, SIZf 6Sc: YELLOW Cll NG HAtVES or SLICES DILMONTI PEACHES DECOU.TED PAPEll SCOTT 51NO'S CHEESE PIZZA •·· 33c .... TOWELS LARiY~S 0SANDWteHES ;:;·:-; 85c. SIM'1.f SIMON "''~f , M!NCf,,,C 9-INCH PIES P\)M,ICIM AUNT JlMJMA, ~IG 29C ROLL '"39c COUNTRY WAFFLES p~g , 4 ,o,2'1> •1 con• LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN •••••CY .................. BIER OL'YIROl•IA FRANKS T ..... '• .IUICY ll·OZ. PKG. fOOO GIANT IUCfD 49c I 691t .. ALLIUAT 80LMNA OllUOM'S M-Oollon l l.59) HARD CIDIR 79C fOOO Gil.HT AJSOITfO """ PAl·T CH• DIPS ANACIN 23! TABLITS C I For Poin lellef • lortte ef 50 ntU 1WS IOI.a.I IWCl ft Offl •YLC•IM -·-·;i. 76• ··.~;:· 79• .... AT Z •• ,,. ,1• 64c C .... n. """"Mo --f l :II Yll• ITI HOPS ••• .. ,,,,.. __ ·"' ···79• ... •wsnnn ALL GRINDS -COFFEE YU BAN 1.1b. 7.7c ton 2-lb. con $I.SJ SMUCKER'S APPLE BUTTER. 11 -oL jor ...•... , •.•............. J l c SMUCKER'S APlllCOT-PINEAPPLE PRESERVES. 20·0L jar .. 6Jc SMUCKER'S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. 20-oz. jar .......... 67c SMUCKER'S MINT JILLY. JO.oz. jor ........................... 29c SMUCKE~'S GRAP£ JELLY. 10.oL jar ......................... Jl c SMUCKER'S CURRANT or STRAWBERRY JELLY. lO·oz. jor 37' ftE.tlf'i' Of pUIAf\l\llS A•:,... -~=···· tO!t 1 1Rl(j, or llE,. PILL SBURY STREUSELL APPLE or CHERRY 14 ·0Z. pkg. 59c fRESH fROlEN U.S.D.A. INSP ECTED LAMB ROAST · SHOULDIR 49.'. CUT Ho. f~lSH fROlfN U.S 0 A INS,fCTtO 79 ( LAMB CHOPS ·~.:~ lb. flfSH fllOZfM U,5,0.A. INS,fCTlO RIB LAMB CHOPS r~!SH flOZfM U.5.D.A. INSl'ICTED SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS 981t. s11• , .. 691t. l!AOl TO BAKf Pl!·S!ASONl O MEAT LOAF MANN'S PURf PETU NA APPLE All \IAJUETIE5 CAT CIDER FOODS 'lo-G AL 49C 10 .... •1 GALLON JUG 89~ c:o nJ RIDwEMPOlll llAPES 2 lb• 29c swEEi 'vA.s 2 1"29c nlciiii CUCIMlllS 2 , .. 29• ;n-ri1·''"• DATEs __ ._ ... _.:'_.;._. _3_•,,· COFFEE -All GRINDS MAXWELL HOUSE DRY CAT FOOD LITTLE FRISKJES l!Stt or llVEll fl.AYO~ 1-lb, ton , .............. 7Jc 2·1b. con ........... l lAS J·lb. tGl'I .. ; ......... $2.0f 4·1b. 99c pkg. 2300 Barbor Blvd. at lt'Uson St.. Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa ·-•+ ... . .. '" -~ -.... . ... -·-•• ~ •• -..• ~ --.... -.. ' ••• -.. --· ·' - ' • • • • • • -·· •• -~· ---·~ _, ------~ --.... -:1 ----------.... •• -------·----- r T _, ~c:y,..~,.-.-..-~..,,..-----------. ~' --· ·-. • --•.• -• -----. ------·· -··-----.----· ---------·-; ""::r ---:-.-::-------:-~ --.---·----~---~-----------• - H ~LY PILOT PJLOT-AOVERTISER ,,8 .. . ' . ' " ' .. •'• • • • • • --·~ -. .. -•• •• ~-·-- . ,. ' •• ~ . • . . -. . • -, '· FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF c FROZEN FOODS Gorto" 14 • ..., 63' flSH STICKS ••• , •• , • , , rk1. Gorlo" l ·•l. 4.,- FISH ..UF'I , ••••••• , • •. Fk9, Gorton 7-ol. 49• FISH C.llSl'S ••••••••••. Plo:9. Gorton 7-o._ • .,. SCALLOP CllSI •• , , , , , , Fkg, Mn. Frich y'1 1-o._ as• GOUIMn SHllMF ••• , •• Pkg. Rup•rt fried 11·01, 75• HALllUT flLLm ••.••• Pkg. Ruport 14-01. S 1 39 fl I ID SCALLOl'S •.. Pkg. • C•rn•fion t -ol, 39• FISH STICICS •• , , ....... Pkg. Ce,n•tio11 2-lb. 98' FISH STIAICS •.•.... , , .. Pkg. T~rek-Beo l Addod Por 89' VIAL CUTLlTS • , , , ••• , ••• lb. llREAKFAST Sl•ECIALS Wilson C61prifo I-lb. 67• SLICED IACON ••••. , • .,. Plig, Wilian Certified ar f•rm •r J ahn 77c SLICED IACON ..•.••.. Per lb. FRESH SEAFOOD f,.,h W.1h. Whale I 't..Jb. 69f COOJCID CIA.I ••.••• Avg, Wt. a F,.,h Loc1lly Ctught Per 98' SWORDFISH STUICS •••••• Ill. Fre1li Filleh p,, 91• DOYEi SOU •.•.•••.• , •. lb. Fre1h M in, Wt. 39• IAINIOW TIOUT •..• !.-01, it ,. •••••• ''TENDER-LEE'' ........ ,. • FINE QUALITY U.S.D.A. CHOICE LB. $125 PORnRHOUSE . . . . "· IONILDI $145 TOP SIRLOIN .,,, .. .,, LI SPENCER ................. $1 ~~ FAMILY STEAKS ..... 95~ BEEi? ROASTS BONELESS CHUCK ROAST .. 'as:. ROLLED AND TIED CLOD ROAST ... 95:. BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP •• ROUND 9a:. LARGE IND RIB ROAST .................. a9:. SMOKED PICNICS TENDER AGED STEAKS $109 SMALL IND RIB ROAST ................... "· IONl-IN RUMP ROAST .................... 79l. 45~ ROUNDSTEAK78~ BONELESS TENDER $1 09 TOP ROUND... LL CINllR CUT 7-BONI ROAST ......... 59:. ROUND BONI ROAST ... , ............. 69l. MILON CUT RUMP ROAST ............. a9:. PRE-S LICED SMOKED PICNICS BONELESS TENDER $ 109 CUBE STEAK... LI BONELESS TENDER $1 09 SIRLOIN TIP . . . "· 55~ LEAN TENDER CHUCK STEAK 49~ DELICIOUS 89 RIB STEAK . . . . . fb BONILISS STEWING BEEF ' ........... as:. UAN BEEF SHORT RIBS ............... 39:., ............................. Si1nple Sinion Large 24 o~.--. PUMPKIN PIES ALSO APPLE OR MINCE 00 JERSEYMAID : conAGE CHEESE : All 29c PINT VARI ETIES ea CTN. • ' • • • • All GRINDS FOLGER1 S COFFEE 65c 1.L1 . TIN ; JERSEYMAID STIRRED & FRUITED : YOGURT • • • ' • ' 6 I-OZ. s100 CTNS. FOR • PEANUT BUTTER ••••••••• 39' ioMATo sAucE •••• 3 FOR 25' IRIS LONG-2-LB. PKG 39' SPAGHETTI •••••••••••••••••• ~ .... ~ ... -M.C.P. BLENDED-6.0Z. HROTKGDOG BUNS •••••••••• 33' ORANGE JUICE 6 ~ 5 100 ----· GINO-16-0Z. : GR HN GIANT-10.oz. PKGS. : NIBLETS CORN : MED. PEAS OR SPINACH CHEESE PIZZA 49' i BU~ER 29C SAUCE ti Zee-Assorted Colors BATHROOM TISSUE DETERGENT -INCL, lOt OFF 4-ROLL PKG • IVORY LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT GIANT AJAX c KING SIZl 6SC ll-OZ. 1-LB. 6SC INCL PKG. I Sc OfF Hallo1vee11 Pro1l11cf' Specials VALENCIA ORANGES OR RED DELICIOUS APPLES LB. CELLO BAG For tht Kid1 : SPOOK IMITATION -ICE MILK FUNFORALL iiilPl'i' PPLA TES ••••••••••• 69' HALF GAL. CTN, 29:. BONDWARE-7-0Z. 100-CT. POLLY BAGS 7 5' COLD CUPS •••••••••••••••••• Del Monte -Large 2112 Tins SLICED OR HALVE S CLING PEACHES 00 • FOR DOLE-lOl TINS 5 $1 00 FRUIT COCKTAIL • • • • • • FOR PINEAPPLE JUICE • • • • • 4 fOR $1 00 c Special l11trod11.ctory Offer Ne'v "ARMOR TOUGH" STEFiBNT 44<twikm '"°f.™' INTERIORS WEST BEND 11NcM f;ennine OPEN SKILLET '0.\'J~~~:i" OUI NICI TWO-TONE AVOCADO A J•UW COtOlt rot TH! DJOIEH THt: COVfl TO TI!! 3 QT, SAUCI ,AN Al-SO flTS nus SKIU[J Halloween Beverages PIGGY'S APPLE CIDER KARASOV VODKA $2 9,!TH c FULL GALLON GIBSON HARD CIDER FIFTH 79c llalloiveen Delicacies OL' VIRGINIA -RNDER, JUICY PKG. OF 10 12-0Z. c MONTEREY-CHUNKS 75c JACK CHEESE ............ lb IUNMAID 1 0 1,. 39~ i FRUn RAISINS ;;;:: : PUNCH 6 ..... 49' 1111. JANE ANDERSON-CORN-PKG. OF 12 2 ~ 25' TORTILLAS.... • PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS . THRU SUN., OCT. JO, l I, NOV. I, 2 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO . . .. . , " " d• B rr ,. ol ,, SI A N (, " r; " P' "' po " " al " a d w II a "' he lh " " m cc \\', lh (8 p1 ti I m si. Cc w ,, '" bi hi cl; ta Ir "' " (; a 2 ,, a ,, r ti p • d s " d ~ ' q r • h c " g ---------------~--~--------------------~--._...,._............--.-----------~ .... ------------------~-----------~-------------· -------------~~--..... --... _., .. DAIL V PILOT $ J Husbands Served Ice Cream Whether They Like It or Not • I NEW YORK (UPI) -Most women think men's favorite desserts are pies and cakes. But the desserts wives serve most often are ice cream, ~elalln or canned fruit . The study that revealed these findings also quoted most wives as saying they choose desserts to please their hubands. per cent of the 800 women questioned in the eight-city st.udy said tbey serve ice cream one or more times a week. Sixty-seven per cent said they se rve canned fruit as frequently. flavored gelatin, which is relat1vely po p u I a r , and packaged pudding m i x e s , which the study showed well d<>wn In usage on a tist ol 12 types of desserts. Other desserts considered Wel'f' mix cakes, already pre1)ared cakes, cakes made from scratch. pies made from "l'l'alch. bought pies and froze n baked goods. Women ranked both Ice children's desseri,t relaUvely Pies and cakes' sUpcluld earlier. Even thouih desserts can be cream and canned fnuLs high In nulrlUon, with the.fruit tak· ing a slight edge. But they look on canoed fruit as a ca,,ual dessert -not fancy enough for a formal setting or a special occasion meal, sueh as entertainig close friends or the husband's boss. few felt pudding~ ahould be status in menu planning ap· In our llltreaslngly weight-expensive, three • fourths or served lo adults. parently stems Crom their oft· coosclous societ.y, low calorie women said they wouldn·t Pres were envisioned as a deserved image as fattening, desserts appear to be making eliminate that course to sa,·r man·s dessen and. with rich and expensive. small headway -at least. money. They indicated that cakes, those best designed to The study showed women among the families covered in thfY tend to reser ve cake' impress both famJlies and put trozen baked gooda in tM this study . Women said they and -lo a lesser extent - guests. Women also called same class as cakes and pies fou nd il difficult to accept low pies for the occasions whrn pies and cakes the tastiest -and for the same reasons. calorie desserts. Forty per the upgrading of a mNil and most popular desserts of Yet 45 per cent of lhr women cent said thal "low calot ie outweighs the d15advanla(!U ttw dozen they were asked to ~aid they buy more frozen desserts usually aren't very or high cost and high calorie ~ons1der. foods now than they did a year good ." counl. While you ponder the logic of the foregoing, consider---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storage :;pace apparently has little influence on the choice of dessert. Only 60 prr cent had canned fruit in the house and 77 per cent had both The women tended I n categorize p u d d i n g s as somc other lindings of the study made by the Bureau of Advertising of the American Newspaper Publisl1ers Assn. (ANPA): -lee cream is the most fre- quently served dessert and the ranking favorite with children. Runners up with small fry are puddings, flavored gelatins and cookies. -Children. a5 yo u might ex· peel, are th<' big dessert eaters. More than nine out of 10 women sciid their children ate dessert with one or more main meals during the week and three oul of four sa id their children ale dessert every weekend. · -Women themselves saicll they preferred gelatin, cake!)l and pies, in that order. Yet 68 Youngsters Will Grab This Bar Chances arc this cookie bar will be a favorite at yourl house. I ' SHAGGY BARS I cup sifted flour 11 ~ teaspoons balting powder '~ teaspoon salt '1 pound (1 stick) butter, al room temperature :i.1 cup sugar l large egg 1 teaspoon vamlla 1 ~ cup fine comllake crumbs 1 .. 1 cup plu!. 2 tablcspoonsj chopped toasted blanched almonds Caramel Frosting. see below On wax paper sift together the flour. baking powder and ~al t. In medium mix111g bowl cream butter and sugar; beat ln egg and vanilla. Add flour mixture, cornflake crumbs and ~'1 cup almonds: with a spoon mix until thoroughly combined. Spread in buttered cake pan (8 by 8 by 2 inches). Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven un· Iii lightly browned -about 2;; minutes. (Expect center lo sinlc slightly.) Cool slightly. Cover top with C.aramel Frosting : sprinkle '~ilh the remaining 2 table- ~poons almonds pressing them into frosting. When frosting has set, cut in bars: remove with a small spatula to wire rack. \.\lhen completely cold, store in tightly e<>vered tin box. Caramel Frosting Jn a small saucepan c.:om- hine 2 tablespoons softened butler, 1/:l cup firmly packed dark brown sugar and I tablespoon waler. Bring to a full boil , rem ove from heal. !=itir in I teaspoon vanilla: gradurilly slir in I cup sifted confectioners' sugar. Nuts Added To Dessert Kids particularly like this fa vorite clcsserl with peanuts added. PEANUT BLANC MANGE 1~ cup sugar 6 tablespoons cornstarch 311:: cups milk 1 ·, cup chopped cocktail pea· nuts 2 teaspoons vanilla In a medium saucepan, stir together thoroughly the sugar and cornstarch. Slowly stir in milk, keeping smooth, Cook over medium heat, stir- ring constantly, until mixture thi ckens and comes to a boil. Remove (ram heat: stir in peanuts and vanUla. Pour into serving dish or individual dishe.9. 'T'o eliminate formation of skin, place transparent plasUc wrap (without pressing down ) diredly on mixture. Str'Ve warm or chilled. Make about a ~rvinga. cookies. 'Pear-feet' Pie Use coffee as part of the Ji. qui d in making vanilla Jnstant pudding: turn Into baked pie shell: chill. Seafood Seo·lections ~.~!~~!o,~M~~IMP rff'98~a l>lSO PlUECT IO• SALADS ~ • Gorton'> f im Sticks '' oL 98c u-0z. "" ........ 69' Gorton'• CloM Cri>ps 1.ot. ~o ....................... 6Jc Gorlotl'• fish & Chips l.1&. ~ 1.79 l~U ........... , 69c Slnirtenda &ef fritters ........ .'.: .............. \l ~1.09 C.H.B. Preserves ~~~~~!~RY 49c Vons Peanut Butter E~ 69« Vons Premium Coffee ~~ 59' Ovaltine Drink ~~~0E~~~;l~ 59' MONTEREY r .: ' ' ~ JACK CHEESE . ! VONS WJSCOt-1 .. 11'1 79 C ~ 1 ~ich & C•eomy I~ ' • fn lhe Piece .... . . ~· , ... ___.... ... ~v~~---.: __ -.,,,: :i:-~t;! •• SllCEO MEATS ..... ,... 3' '1 .. , o• .... ,c._ o l Ol ""' l (, •tli:ffl or T1.trhy1,~' A5i: JOHNSTON'S PIES YOGURTS ~:"':.~::~ 5699' Ce >tsHIM,.Lf'l'"f l fSrlNDiti& 79' t ~!!E:M::~~-. LI. Extra Values! ~~~!~D CHUC~ I ·or·~~~~E RIBS r ,.:,,: i10U·~~HI( 69~ ~d.~~~,~~U '•tt ,• 69· 8onole•1 tforn l•••tt lO"r' ""' •• "11 • .,."°"' S 1.39 lb. Osc.or Ma,yer Ber.on i.u;.N~ "''· ''"· ................. 85c WolorThin lloton CIC""'"'· n.or. """ ....... , ... 79~ 5,..;(ri link SoU>Og• •IOWN "H SUYr. I OU. ........... 65( ..,_....._...,. __ > FARMER JOHN ! SLICED BACON j U>J-1. £"51UN, lASIY ...... , 73c Beef Li 'ltlCI 59• • ver ou•"" • lt. Enriched Bread VONS WHITr. WHEAT 3 $) O~ SANDWICfi ~. lA~Cl 11 2·l&. lOAf Apple C·1der .. mETIME,l'O•YOUI THl•STYGOSllNS 59' fUll GALLON.,. Sl.09-HAlf GAUON •• Westwood Ice Cream £t(?~. 59' Jerseymaid Butter ,,~~::~k~TY 79' -SAVE CMN ..... ""' "ODU« VAlUESJ RUSSET, ~. .;;-~~"':: ' ............. lt..-y • ...., ........ .... ~ ............... wiMi-ti.·~··· .. ~ ........ liililf ~ --.... .... -... ...... _ ... ., .... ...._...; ... _ .............. """' ...... • !Ml. -... ,,, ... _ ... ............ _ ._ ........ _ ~~.:"'-... M!!lir ~~~ ....._Ma .. I ty/o/N/S•l;l·tutlJ.1•1 11:1141 TV DINNERS . ~EANS:.N 41C . • •''"-''·' ~ EA. ••••w•«l'f ~ • CJ;Ol?tO JtillOIN DnHa foecl Colte ,.,_. ur.. "" oL "'"' ............ 79e Gino'• Ct>-Pino i.01 s11c .. .. ................ 59c c;;,.0•1 Peppenolll "n• 11oz. "" ................. 7.5c lllDSEYE VEGETABLES . 5 ' $1 Pecu or CA.it Co.-n 100/ h G • 0 M ... V ... & f,9fl<h ar C1.1t leo,,.11 t.ot. -'1' I I MCJ> fnlil Pri..U ' """'"'"" a.or. "'' • .. · · · .. · · .. • 1 Oc Spous/lot fucl;uicl• 01 l'O••>OL " .,._ • • • • .. • ... ~c VAN DE KAMP ENCHILADAS tMc\e•, IMI or Ck ... • 39' ~:;:.~~~·~~··~;······ ~1Jt·;®,$~:Ju3~ GRANULATED TO PLEASE ALL YOUR TRICKSTERS! All VONS 5f°"!S IO,V£ " GOOD $llECllON OF H.AtlOWIEN , .. vo•· Y•S·~ "llt rovu s . ...,..,,,!'$ ""'o .. , .. 11f•J.!NDous ASSOP!l•t r<r o• "•llO•V!f"I C•NOltS A,.0 COOOl!S ... AU Al VOl"S l.l1W ~I Trick n' T•eol EAl10 Voluu! ·1.-~. 1 Mon., jSUCJClr . .,, ..... SUGAR HOLLY '"''• 1irw. ~II. 1!1'f!N9 SwttT•n•r Caramels I Popcorn n"t y""ll.4 39t 'l•Ol'lO 11>1 l'O 29( 1A.Ql PMG • , .. t~ OI "n.s ).ci .. l FANCY fARMS Whole Peeled ~ GLEIM TOOll PASTE ~ena.w-1.u.-............... :19c I ,.,, .. ,....._ ..... Soil ___ ... l .. I ....._..._ .... -1-.-. .......... 6jc AMI.WM!~ I.al.<'"-....................... 2'1t ...,..,......_&OL_ ........... <lie a.t-&......_DllllW_..__Wc C.f ,_ ~ I ~ .. or.UM ............. 3/$1 Allflle 1Mr r~ »4*.CMI,. •••• ,. •••• -..... 6/99'c s.. Ctt.p ''°"""Merit. MA ......... , ......... 311 lullw Taff_,_. cmt&u&-........... .-c Goocl I P!.i"ty Conely T•tol1 •oc• ''"' .... 7Q< C•oditr Jock 1" H•tlow11N "'o..,, ............ ::19c Double lvbltlt 11n~ 10• C1 •IG. • ........... 69c a..th·Nut lo\1niolw11 • rvvo•s lOC' l'W. . J~c l roch's Quality Cond'f Cnir Cem I Jefty '""' I lag of Pops ,.... -" ,.c -,.,, ' "' ...... 79 ,._,, . . 89 "~ . 79 SCHll...o Vanilla CANDY APPLIS ..,. ·~. ~~::.. 11!. SUN MAii HISINS 1 •o~1 HiW FllSH MIDI IMS :1~;~,":. 4t;. fAICY IOME APPUS ~~:'s' 6 i '1 S9oniih RiceJ..hfil _ _, .. 7'001 ........... -l'e p.,+e.., P•k Fir111h •19.0t ""-'"'•.n.ou. ...... -.• A19' ~-Split ,.,, Soup -UM ........... •• .,,. 7Jc YUl .. N CoffH '"'· on. 53' 0.-,. Pi. ;lllsit -nor. CMe ........... ,_63c; A,.a. f"-f1llnt tolU10a. llU•. U.lf , .. ., , " ,. ,.. '3c i~C:.\· ........ 77• .............. , " AllOffH '1o~or• 3-0Z. lor Salads or Deu.rls... l'KG. HEINZ KETCHUP a;,~ Tomoto Flo•od Mo~ot Good foods To1r1 l•l/t r .. ' Jeh,,_lr Qvollly ''oclfltf• , • .,. ~ Pall.it n.oz. ''·'"• '°" ... ... He •-,.._ PlllWt £Wu nor. •111 .......... $1.ot •-Du1h bw --..t.oc.•1n" ........... .ec Oloty tut~ -.-Ltuo. •« .... t 1,$1 •lflit•t••' ...... #ft,. tH~t" '•"'f .a.--.. ,,_.....,.. ~- . .,., __ _ HUNJ'a Tomato Sau<» ::..,~·~=-2'2lk 104CAM I 7' Refore serving, press pared, ha1yed . and cored f r e s h 1011 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst Huntington Beach Cal1forma Bullett pears down ' ' 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale , Huntin2ton Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain ValJeJ 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Bea~ ~":~cr!~ryd~~ti b;o~~ ~8~: .e 34081 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach ,,.... ----...... ----------·-----_.·-·...----·--------·---------~-----. . ' :. .. -· . -- I Super-Shoppersi Looking for ~big savings? Want to stock-up for Fall? Then make a bee-line for El Rancho! Fresh Broccoli •••••• • • • • Garden frc.~h _ .. inakes a great companion for a lean tender pork r oast ! Super Shopper Grocery Specials! GREEN GIANT Vegetables .............. 5 i $1 • l"du r c.:hoice of Golden Crean1 Style Col'tl,,. \\'hilt: \\-hole Kernel Corn .. :French Style or ('ut Green Beans, Johnston's Pies ............. 59~ Apple, lllinc.:e or Pumpkin ... favorit es of lhe ::;eason ! Big 9 inch s ize ... lender crusts, gene rously filled! Aurora Tissues ........ , 3 i 69' T,1·0 ro!l p:\t:k:'i .• _ \1 h ilt' L•\' deeorator c:olors ..• softncs~ is the 1Yord for lightly ::.eented Auror;• ! Tiny Peas ............................ 3 '" $1 Asparagus ........................... 3 '" $1 Le Scurr .. _tiny and tender '. ... Ko. 30:J ca n::-. (~1-een Giant ••• nil green: 10~~ oz. C\l.11$-. Pop Com ............................. 29~ Fiddle Faddle ..................... 3 '" $1 J olly TiJTII' _ .. :! lb. pkg.! Lols cif fun hcrP: Snack sensation •. -;; \"arielies ! f:eg. :?.9t . Sunshine Cookies ..................... 43' Totino' s Pizza ........................... 69 ' 1'he hit iu nc'v cooldl's ! Lenton or Cherry Coolt·r~! }"rozen ••. Cheese, Sausage or Blll'ger ! ... 16 oz. Ice Cream ................................. 69¢ Petite Peas ......................... 4 IM $1 S pringfield •• half gallon ... fa\·orit.e. flavors : C& \V.,. Frozen ... petite, S\\·eel ! ... 1 V oz. pkg~- Chili and Beans .................. 3 '°' $1 Pine Mt. logs .......... : ............... 69' pennison's ... for October e\'enings '. 15V2 oz. cans. Burn brilliantly for so long! Sa\"e l Oc ea.! Skippy Dog Food ........... 12 '" 51 Your pet 'vill love you for it! .•• No. 1 cans. Finish ................................... 3 1or 51 For automatic-di:sh\rashers ! :to oz. pkg. Y11~an Coffe~ ... ": ............... :: ... 69~ ~ dessert coffee ...... II>. ca n .•. 1.u 1. Bold Detergent ...................... $1.09 King Size ••• \Vitl1 eni.:rmes !or added po•rcr ! Delicatesse1! ~pecia:ls! ': Super Liquor Sp ecials ! Bar·M Franks ................ : ......... 59~ All meat ••• and -every bite~del iciOUs ~ Seagram's 7 Crown .. HllfGAL.. $11.39 Sa ve J.JO on the economy half.gallon ! Cracker Barrel Cheese ............ 75' ~arp slicks _._ great ,,·ith apples'. .•. 10 oz. pkg. lauder's Scotch ..... Hl lf·GA L ..... 511.99 Jmported •.• sippin' ,,·hi.sky ._. sa\·e 50c! Bon Bel Cheese ..................... 79¢ Gilbey' s Gin .......... Hllf-GAL ......... 59.95 Jmporled from France .. , di!tinctivc: ... 8 oz-. Don't forget the ton ic! Enjoy Gilbey's, Sa,·e 50c ! Baby Edams .............................. 65¢ ~ fayorite , , . Scrt11·':: . , . S ounce ball~! Early Times ......... H11r-GAL. ........ 511.79 Bourbon fanciers, take note .,. sa\'t' $1.~0: Red Delicious Golden Delicious Pippins Macintosh ('runchy cr isp apples .. _ juicy ... '1 ith fl<1\·or 09zing <~t every SJ:t{lJlPY Qi~e : Con1pare the quality . . . choose El I{ancho. . ·-- .. lb_ School·Bov Jonathons ............ :.'.'.'.~'.~.r-'i.'.'.~'.'.1:1:'.~:.~:'::1.~ •••••••••••• 10~ Crisp Celery . • • . . . . ..•.• 15! So frr~l1 ••• sc.. lender~ Spre<tcf the crisp stalks \\'ilh peanut 1Juttrr for a great snack for kids! , .... Super Shopper Meat Specials! f:r: Raasi L1'nn a11d n1 cat ,1· . , , 111oru valu e becall!ie it's trlnunrd t;J R ancho st,\-lf' ! £11jny thr flavor of nutritious df'lif ious pork :•t iL<; best this \\'eek '. (Loin End) F.0:1 sl 01.lc tfl ~,~Jde n Pl·rt'ccl1u11 ft1 r a n1<1111 l.'.<1ur:s1~ .•. anJ h:1\·e i>noHi.{11 l!;ft for a i-cconrl incnt ! I) Pork Loin Roast . C[Nl[R cur. .... $1°1~ Spare Ribs ......... r1RM[R snLr .. 69~ 'fhf' l1c;\Jt or tllC' loin ..• a~sured 1 1'1l•ll•l'll(':"~~ l.••:111 and 111Paty •• _and so sntisf.ring~ Fresh Sausage ......................... 59~ Ground Round . . . .. ... ... . 79 ~ Chateau Briand .....•. $24~ Qua!it.,v ~ou 'd f'Xpr t l fron1 1hc £111cst restauran ts ... 11011·, enjoy it at hon,c '. l l.S,D.A. fhoice ! Fresh Beef Brisket . . . .......... 981b Swordfish Steaks .................. 98~ J•rrsh ... lo afford lhnl finc1· fla,·or you prefer! 011c11 daily !} to 9 ••• :->11nda11 10 lo r I Prircs in Pffect Th 1ir."I, through Sun. .Vo1'. .l, .'.$, ;;, No ,"la7'1-6 ln dP1U81-.~. Ask the ~~nager about our conve nient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warn er Ave . & Al go nquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 272 7 Newpor t Blvd.· 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Vill age Cente r) Also conveniently Jo.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasapena • J: ~ ~ f. • ~ " -. . ~ ¢ ~ ' • ; • I. " . . ' ' • ( ' .. . ' • ' • ' ., . .' . . . , ·' • • • ' . ' ' : ; ' ' , ·' • l . • ?, ' ~ . .. 1 ! l ' -I < I • • • 1 . .. -" .. ........ .. .. I!' ... ... --~~-~--------------~--..-..---.. ---- ------- --. -----. -------f PILOT-ADVERTISER Wtdnttday, O<lobfr 29, 1969 ~\ EXCELLENT SELECTION OF ~IODELS & COLORS AV AJLABLE FOR LEASE OR PURCIIASE )fag11Hic·f"11~ • DAIL V PILOT 53_ u~~~Ei~:' 1969 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Full power equipment plus factory air condit ioning, AM-FM radio, power door locks, a uto seat rele uu, etc. Lovely Cameo beige eiderior with a flu ptd· ded roof and Delphine Fleir cloth end leather interior. ( 141129) 1966 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Full power, factory a.ir con· ditioning, A'M-"¥ radio, tilt-teJescople st,.i>r· in;i: wheel. Grecian gold with black leathrr interior. (RKK878) 1966 CADILLAC Convertible. Antique gold with matching top and full leather interior. Full power, factory air, AM-FM radio, tilt-telescopic steering wheel. (TSR728) 1969 IMPERIAL uBaron coupr. Full power, factory a ir, stereo tapi>, cruise control. every possible oplion. Padded t op. (XSP777) 1968 CADILLAC ~f'dan De Villr. Full power, factory air r•lll· d itioning signal i;erkin~ radio, power door ICX'kc;. Arrtir hlue v.'i th dark hl11e 1or and f'.xqu1!':itP matching cloth & ll'athrr intrrior. Low milE';:i,:::e. OnE' owner. 1820AGAI 1967 CADILLAC Full powrr. far tory air conditioning. A~r.n1 radio. POIH'r door locks. powrr ,·rnt "in· dows. Bronte fin·mist "ith black padded top and blark ll'athrr intrrior. (822AGA) 1966 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. J\tist blue with ma tching cloth a11d !rather interior. Full powPr, far· tory air, tilt·telescoplc steering wheel. AM· FM radio, power door Jocks. CRYS958) SALE s2700 PllCI SALi s2600 PltlCI SAU 54800 PltlCI SALi 54400 rRICI SAU s3700 rRICI SALi 52800 PlllCI c • \ EI< : :o 4 ll \ I. IT' C: \ H 1 LL \ C:.~ ' 'I'(> ~E t .r:c ·T Ft:c>\I L\HCF."'iT ~IJ .F(.TIO\ I\ o I\ \\C I-'. ' < H \ T' '. 1967 FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM This lovely Grerian whitl" Cadillac is absolutely gorgeous lnsidr a nd out. Has Cadillac full power features including factory air condilionin:;. AJ\1- FM radio. pn•mlurn tirl'5 plus mucb. rn u<'h mllri>. This onr owner C'.adil- l11r h11s only 22.000 miles ancl should be driven to be fully appreciated. CTGU978) SALE PRICED 1968 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE This Normandy Blllr Cadillac is immarulatl' and has only 16.000 <'ar1>· fully drivrn mill's. Dark blul" paddt'd top with blul' foll leathrr in trno~ f ull lfO\\'rr and far tory air l'ondit ronlng. Strr<'o AM-FM radio. lilt-lei~ sropic s tPrring whe('l, t wilight ::.entinal phis all of Cadillac's popular accrssories. (WV E5G5 J SALE PRICED ~ ._.J A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale SALE $5700 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC CoupP dl" Vlllr. Normllndy blue with blark Landau and blut" lrath!'r trim. FuU power, factory air renditioning, tUt-tele wheel, AM-FM radio, etc. Local one owner. (VGZ117) 1964 FLEETWOOD Full power. factory a.ir conditioning. Has all ot Cadlllac·s popular options. Beaut iful beige aulomobil.-. (0QB616) 1966 CONTINENTAL 1'1111 powrr. fal'lory 11ir, tilt lltrering Wh!'rl, Antique topper with white vinyl top and copper leather interior. IRHY396) 1966 FORD GALAXIE '.100 2 Door Hardtop. 29,000 miles, 1 o~•ner. fa<'to;y 11ir M nditlonlng, automatic, powrr s t,,rnn;? and disr brakrs, radio, hE'atPr, whltr 11alls. Sp1rnii-h slh·rr 11ith hhi<'k \inyl t op and bia<'k vinyl lntrrior ITFE769l 1965 CADILLAC Hardtop coupr. Casradl" gu,.n v. ith matrh· Ing cloth and lf'alhrr intrrior. FlJll po~·rr. factory air, AM·F'l\1 rndio, tilt-t.elescopic s trrring \\ hcC'I. IRGU64J I 1967 CADILLAC Coupe De VIile. Artesian turquoise wllh matchin~ cloth 1tnd ll'athcr inttrior. Full po\\rr, factory air, AM·FM radio, tllt-telc· iicoplc ateerlng wheel. (TEX904) SAU s4400 r1trc1 SAU s1400 PltlCI r1t1c1 SAU s2000 PRICE SAU s2000 PRICI Y ••r Factory Authorl11d Cadillac Dealer Serving th• Orang• Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600. HarhOr Blvd., Costa Mesa ' 540·910tt SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thtu Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 Prtf Sat. and Sun • . All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SALE PRICES fFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER '4, 1969 NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmmedla'* ullvery e Exc.ef ltnt S.lectlon Over four acres of factory author· izecl total Cadillac facllltles detlCJn· ed to better sel and service Hw and used Cacllllac automoblles. s .. II tt I 2 If -.. -r • :r t i . i t ' . .. " I 1 I I, 5 I, 6 , t t 1 II • ~ r D ) r ' .. ,. D i 0 ,__ ...----~-----------...... --·-----------. ---. - ' • ' . . . -. ., ,, ' ... .. ... ~ ---· --------..---·-----------------------·---·-··-·-·--.....---------~~- HOUSES FOR SA LE HOUSES FOR S•LE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOU SES FOR SALE G•neral 1000 Gtn.,-11 HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 G•~•r•I 1000 1DOO Gen•r•I 1000 General =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1..:.. ___ _.:.._ 1000 I HOUSES FOR SALE N•wporl Beach 1200 t•oR~~CLOSUt-:Et: ( I' a r k J.11!01 '!'u1,·nh.-.r. l IJR . :!1, lJA. }'rplc, blt n~. ponl. 1't>~·d~ p;i,1nt ,t, ,..,,. S28.·1j(). Lu11.<un Co. l...lti--0732 Huntington &•ach 1400 Huntington Beach 1400 DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT R<>.tU!lfU] ,\'.11·111;1111:1\1111 111.,11 hornr un liU tt fol 11 111111••• .t ~lj!. !'111r.iJ ~1:11n-.1,,-. J,-., .. 1•1 fn1111 ·pa1 •llll• , !1l1; t•• '" lllf'ndDll~ l1l,1•!\ I' •llllo'. I l:lt·dn>0111·· ·1 _ 11..ili••. l/1' Jn 11r:; 1'1)o1111. I 11111h 11.-.. 11 1.'N SJ. lt. T l•• 1 .,!_ t ".u·· pe !t'll .!:_ dl,1JW~ II'-.~ !p~n I.! 1111,11111~ ,1j!u. O!t1·n«t lo_) ••l u.:111a! 11a1w1·. ~J;~. ;~1 john macnab 171 4) 642-8235 :1\11 IJ.,,,.r IJ1 1\o', :-!1 111,. !.'11 ~f'•lpu11 B1'<H h 1~11 01,nrr~ •.• A 3-Bedroom Home ~·tJll 0~·1 .v $10,995 BU il TON YOUR LANO ' • !1•-.t ''I. ft. • U.1Ulllr <;J t,1;.;1• e .\JI JJ1i1 ;u1'l 11lJ.~I ·. e l'ull+11,111 u;olll e ~P"' 1•1u~ 11;i11!1"tJl1r<. CALL 537-0380 • J11 )1111~1 Orang,. l'uu111y and 1.ilit•r ;1ppl'O\"rrl an·a~. STANCO Builders Inc. BEAUTIFUL RANCH MESA Q\1aJ11y tct1n.-.1n1r11u11 :ind i1~­ •1;,;n arr )'OUI'.~ in llu ~ 1111- 1n:-1.1.'U!.a tr 4 l>i-droon1 fa111lly h<11n1•, Jll~t :? ,·rat·~ Ill'\\. La r;;<' ;;a1ll(lr1 ,.,1.yk-lolchen 111111 a ll thr budt·ins Fti>rll dr,ullal1c rntry 1n 1°·vv~1"l'd PJllO !hi.~ hvmr slunr;;. E.~­ ,.,..lJ<'nl as<.urnabl<' F ll A f1 nai11:1 nt; . .s:::',:i()\) and l\lll'!J1 " HOME & INCOME NEAR THE BEACH I :\ 1..drm llOtnP \\ith !ii"'· fll!lo"f' f..· ditlltlg-H.IO!ll I sr11<11<11(' 1 bllnil r•rnlal 011 1 t•ar or lvt . t'u!I pncf· $26,500 ./ 1 t1drn1. rlt an. sharp hon1e l Bdrn1 rental? !\t>ar l'.oslu :\lrsa Golt Coul".)(!. $24,500 Newport •• Victori• NO DOWN VETS for 4 b;g tll'droomi; and 1 Ju.\unous balh.~! f1·i·~h n~Ju11 t'al'J"lf'ls & dra~~ tht"1""•u:,:J1uu1. Ha11ch sited kik·hrn 1111h BUILT INS and BREAK- FAST BAR~ ~"paciou.s fn1'ntl- Jy living rooni wlt1i n1antletl CSED BRI C!\ FlHEPL\Ct: l<'ading IO IO\'<'ly t't'.Jf p,tt10 ani.J yard 01 !011·cr1ng ~had" 1rr1•s. Nr:u· high .<;i.;hool.~ &· n1sjvr i;hopping: "'ould ~ou belie\·!' S:t.i,,lj(l? li's rrur' f'll1\ lt>rins OK a! O~L\° $ ! . i!)(l llo11·n. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTE S TWO CUSTOM BUILT HOME S ON ONE WIDE LOT Bolh spacious, s poltf'S.'1 and twau tilu l, S••w plu~h 1·111'fJ1.·1~ u1 Will hon1r s. F1~1n1 )11Hnl' has lll'f'µlt1l'r . J11.tg" f<iinliy 1W1n and L'flU ll!I)' stylr kizeh. Pn. Pultshf'd h8t"lh1{.()(j flOon;. 11!J r asy on I")(' and fool l\'utc \111 ru11'1'r<I h.v :::1 .. nl shade 11'f'<'S 1111'1 a 1n•ulth101ll of hloomu1,; fl o•1 C'l'S <111<1 11 u11 IJ't't·~. Cune1t•\1: /J;.lrk1n:; for boaL~, lraill'r or can111t•r. ~l·e flus 0 111• ol a l;ulll prop<'r1)· in fine ra~I <1d1' Cu~ta i\lr~:i WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTE S ----------- Newport Height• 1210 6 l/• 0/o INTEREST !'n PolnL~ To A.-;su1ne 1~ayn1r11! Slffi !\lor1!h }",.1, t.:ind . Yvu 01rn t \11·11,•r IA.It ."ilt.'\ 1.!ll ,-.;!·ar <"li11 Dr. 3 L>d1·1n.;. t..:x11·a Balli All !l1-d1•eurarrd c ;wJ Yalur A! S34.9:..:J 67~ .. JJ,iJ !·:l'rs. 6--IG-.-,:!:!7 FAST MOVE IN l'ic\V homes. ready to 1nove in . :! lo 5 bed· ruon1s. 2 to 3 baths. 1/2 1niJe fro1n beach. l'1r::.t payment up lo 60 days after 1nove n1. VA/FHA Terms. From ~23,990 The Beach (on Brookhur it I m ile South of Adams ) 962. 1353 -, Corona del M•r 1250 I Hun tington Beach 1400 e OPEN 1-5 e 709 LARKSPUR $3999 Toil:d 11,11111 p,il rll•'l1l \~~llfn(' C l l'1J11 GI RESALE BANDIT'S BOOTY 01~1::~ 7 Days J!Ai6& \Vestrninster Avr. Gai·drn Giuve Balanced Power Holn6 646-8811 Anytime Walker & Lee Walker & Lee , fit HA\' ,\ Ill' ll'lf HEAi.i'\' l .\L .-:111. I.· Sl!n. & Tur:-:. thru ~·,, 2 BK. 2 ba. ho111r II l•J.o<ls of chann, plus apl. lor Hl- con1". -ORCHID Open daily. 'J\vin rticdallion duplext>s; 3 BR. 3 ba. & BR. 2 ba. each. Xlnl !mane .. ing. Xlnt location . t.Jo•:i \1111· I t::rd1·uvJU n1odel l :r1 :'\1 r~lil101 ~ -11 .1 li;_.~·h001.~ .'-cl Qu.dd,1111:.;. :-,,, .'nd TD l(.1!1:; Sakrr, C.1\J. $27,500! OCEAN VIEW! Pr1ct' :..la'ihr-..1 for 1111n11•111ar11 i;.alr. Flnr,1 b,11J1·1n h1tt'h"n Brr:it;1osl 11ion1. ATIENTION vm No Ca$h Needed Colesworthy & Co. "For A \Visr Buy" 6.\2.m1 5%% ORANGE (;on::rous .:: Br. :: 0,.111 hu111o· COUNTY'S 011 <1t11r1 1rrrlinrd cul.dr·Sl1<". !\rw •1 '1\· 1·;11·p1•1,,_ all buill- LARGEST in!'. bnt:J; r11·l·pla1-r. Jar111l3 2629 HARBOR BLVD. !'00111 & hur;" 0,·r1~1lr•f 1,,1 546-8640 Outdoor OUQ &.· n.011\ fot l1rrpla1·<-. r o.>rn1.il d111on;! Open Evenings hoai & 11a1J;·r. 1\ssunir :i.1, • ,, room. :t10-Ji_,l t ill 1:30 10<01 • 320,400, Sll.f P.I T.L TARBELL 2955H a rbor 1-----------I Prit'\"'rl for 1mn1N!1a1f:' salr at General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc l\caltolt NEWPOPT BAY 5 ON I EARN 24.8', S 1J!'a1J!1f11! :-t u•," l,Hl1 11 nd pla~t< ,. !1on1•·~ ,,11 on<" 11 11~1" :::·,.i 1 .. 11L lvt r.1r1),,.,h111"..' l11h1Jlo11~ :'\'"'f'Ul l IJ:I\". All 111r-; yrar·· ~oun~ ~<1111:1-Tw 1 ahw' :: 13,.d1·1<.,1n ;ind :..' 81•l1rvo11! 11nil.~. Se1•a- rar .. , <'lfl~"d ~arahr.~. Pa . uo~ " n d man1rurrd i:round·. s u hm i l on drn\"n )'R.1 111r·11!, :-:rllf'r \\ill (';\IT.\' J1 ,\\" inlr·rPSl !na n. rn11on~·1hl,. 1.1 rr. plil!'" ;it ~l ;;,fl(/. Tn ~.-r. ra I! 11~: •. 0.10.~. -1· 1· ;· "BLUFFS" 3 BR BEAUTY 1 erJ.111~ & adob!· plus r-:panse ur ;.:111~~ o,·rrlook1ng ;;11•,'11 Jo;-11. !1 ~ bath & C.'<'.!l'a roon1 r ,,. 111;\H/. Convenient ll)Ca· 111.ri -Right pric'". Sll,95<l. 'ALSO .s21.:i00. Call ~i;:,.s.12 1 :'<ilJlh Coasi P.r;i.J E.~ltll<' HORSES, HORSEs :- HORSES Beaut1 tul JOO) _,;q, £1. 3 Bdrn1 , 2 baU1 homr, .1U!'I. 4 yrs. old. Loe. 111 Corona. on 1-aITT lot w I !i.Ji·sr~ .all 01·1·1· thr ''neighborhood··. Excl1angr ror .somr1hif11: in Nev.·pr11'1 Beach arra .. Sll:i.00'.l ti '.,, Loan can be s~~un1rd. llllrilft REALTY ' B!Utf< ' \BR for 1 .... 1,r • $.l}[l nH•'1'hl)' . rurn1'tl'"d . Ridd le & Ro ss Realtors CdM e 675-7225 20".!:i \\' r..alboa l\'B li75-b:OOO 24-1;: E_-Co.1.~1. °Cd.\l tiT.>-6061.l ·-:".~~~-~-, ............................. I~ l~l~n~~E ~i~f~'f(~lc. ~11w\I 1 r1luu:s k prggctl IJOOM<. C1r<. d11vr . f',ood po. 1 rn!1~1 /,,r remod<'hni;:. s . ...-• .-~I(). , K Jlhl"\ 11 !: 11d•lun Pool · GI R•5ale Atlr-.ictivc cornrr 4 bdrm \\'ith Anthony pool, 18.C &', fully rqu1ppcd iucl. pool . swcrp. E...:ct'l j~4 ','o Joa11 at $191 inr l. ta_, !.-ins. Ownrr 1nost ~n.,. 1'lll' for off,-.r. al r,.ad..v trans. /erred our uf _..1a1,. ASSUME 5 !4 % LOAN . 1 BR Condominium 11·llh "! pools, a club house I. built.in wet bar & warm v.·ood pan~ling, Great for family living & fu n, Payment is Sll t ,,·hi<'h includes all . Ne1'· 11~1- 111g-• eall no1'. P t'1cr Sl i!.:.00. jfiJ1a.. COATS ~ WAL~AC! ~EAL TORS -S4Ml41- (0ptn Evening•! -QU IT RENTING! 11!lo I !arbor Bh·1t. al Afla1ns 5·\j.C«i:> 0J>f'n rill 9 P~I ASSUME 51/• 0/o LOAN 1600 !Ill tr FOUR Bt:D- R001'!, T\\'0 BATll H0~1 E. f:xt1·a Ja1·:;l'" hvin:; roon1, paneled fan1ily d1nllll:' a1'Ca. ~pac1ous corrW?r lot • t10at a nd t1·ailer slora:;r a1'rus. C;u'pcl plus 1110 "01·k si1op~. NEIV \".A. LOA:'< AL!)() AVAILABLE. Ser loday. Rl•llL~ ;u·r hl~h and COl~G f'..:1 e1u~s Call 5-IS-:::?tiJ ll!G!lER! Stop buyin:; )·our 1 ............................. ... land/orJ (I house anrl i;:e1 DIVORCE SALE )Qu1· u\\'11. ·1 bcdruom, :! bath with LARGE F A !'.11 LY HOOl\'f for Just $23,000. NO DOWN V .A. OR Sl400 do11·n t'.H.A. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 204:: \\lestcliU Dr. "'6-m1 For Lease or Sale Vaean! 5 brhin~. 2 h:111i~. h111llwootl I Io o r ~. lai~f' lxlnns, l''tTlflc kitchen \\"llh h-uil 1 • •n~ & d1sh\\a.~he r. 0 1011•r I01.::111on neal" :<rhools. 1 yr;1r lt'asr OK _ t·aJJ rlO\\'! \tJ• HJ9:: Bal\e1-, C . .\1. j.jb.~.W Al!Ol7ley says, srll 3 l'Jdn n I::a~1s1cle, C.i\1. Va L" an I. $23,500 ~ -PEl=ll=ION -51 --.~. -1•. * 642.1771 Anylimo * Mesa Verde's Finest -Golf Course .<\tTC's of ,·rll"r1 ;;-rr<'ns • .16th Irr. 4 lx"drin, drn, family rn1. Atlracu1·r atL 1u1n. Fish /K111d .. "1011r lorrp!atr,., fJ1n. 1r.::: rooni. ~1 ud10. !'1>an1~h door wi1h hu~r lo:;~1a . f:ir bclu11· t"•'plar1·111rr11 u1 Sli!t.JOO. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~'190 llartior Bh !I al 11<l01nl.i 56-9-191 Open till 9 P :\i 1100 VACANT-MOVE IN LO\V 00\\'N • susr-.nT Dr1v~ by 919 Ct>flar. Ci\! .t ea!! if intcrrsced. EXCl::l,. LENT F"JN,\NCl:\G. S1 5.0l'O. .:.:', '', 1''H1\ loar: )'UU t·an a~­ ~un1r PAY ~f l::j'l;'fS LE!'"S THAN HEKT. R!LL S.\!lt,. EY. Rltr. 6·16-!1666, &12-2221. FORMER MODEL 1Rr:. :! B,\, hi:r fan1il.v nn. Drp:-> & •"l'PI~. ""l>l'll.•l\'r la11 ls1·ap111g .~-pii11Q_ COOL 0(."J::,\:"l" 6H£EZES. 1900 :.q. "· CL.:Tt:. bl"ick lron1, ~pl1! Jc,,·1 for sale, leasr·option or rent. Al>ki n~ S19.JO(), CALL GLEN QUEEN '.}10--1151 Herita,ge Real 1;sta1r (open C'\"CSI DUPLEX Prim• Heights Ar•• 2 BR, es.ch pl.us fireplace: CLEAN & SHARP! TRY $35,000 Gr1h1m Rlty. 646-2414 Ni>ar J\'rwporl Post Office N•wport Shor•s 1220 e REDUCED s:,,oooe If you need a i;t«o;H la1111ly hOlllf', S<'f' this Ont'! Lgr. !1\'. rni. plus l;:r. porl;.o rn1.; 4 Br. 3 Ba., 1-:itt·h. bll -ins. 11.! Rik~. to brar h. ~·1·r ~nnplc. SlG,;JOO I-:qully .S19,:i00. i\lay l.'1>11.~idrr tr;ulr. e Oll"i'\E!: f.!G--OS l!le Do ve r Shores 1227 Irreplaceable View of BAY & MOUNTAINS ! Unirp1r "olrl 11·orh!" ron1rm. J>Or"''Y. ••:-.r1·1111,r l11\U1J hOlllf.'. :JOOO SIJ 11. ~ Rl:·s. 4'~ BA + m;11d~ q1r!'. Ideal for rntr!"!11 ini11g. Ea.~y nH1.111, lmn1cd OCC"up. J-"urnishcd 01· unfurn ished. /\ssun1 ""'"-""-"-"'"-~""""""""""'""'I 61 ~'·• loan. Bo.\ 16::2 SB $18,500 Fixer Upper ;,iS-72 HI Uni\lersity P ark 1237 AIR.CONDITIONED DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2212 • DlVORONG, hy owner. 2. Sty. 1 Br." '.': Ba. r :>.rcu1ivr hon1e. V1t•11·, li::-c. lot. llarhor Vicll' ll1 lls. J r.lus. tw\\. $49,900. 2012 Port Cardiff Pl. 61·1-:iXU B•lbo1 Peninsula 1300 De\l eloper'~ Duplex Thi.._.,, fK'droo111 UJlfl~r hrt1 bl•th1l'l111 Jo11r1", in l'f'l"Y ;:ol{l(f rrnlal 31·ra :\ow tul!v h·:i.,. r rl. (~(J()(j ~.1'U11·th poirnual. $19.~lOO BURR WHITE HEAL TOR '.!901 :'\rwpcn Blvd. '\.It 67.}.-11);;(1 6 12-?.!~; E1·1•t 1306 LINDA Jslr lot tor -,air J1y O\v11r1·. s:;:t.51J(i plus ! r a s r Jll!.YITIL uf 3·1300 JM'I' ~\'ar Slip f"apnc1 !y for~--{;!/" boals. :.1 r i. 11·;itr1·front. ,\ppl"t!\rd plans tncludrd. 642-ii-18\ or ·.i.;:..;:l'\G 2 BR, l BA hou"c, dble ~at', xln! sres. Nrnds handy man/paint~r. $2500 do1vn. See: 3.)4 1\lagnol1a, Costa r.ltsa. 3 B<trm 2 F!3llt 1-rptd. •lqJ, f1·plc. t1lt-1ns, 1l1i>h'1 <1~hr1. 0 \"Cl"SIU'd gar. II I rl!'C OpC"t1· r r. L1kr 11r11•, \\' Sl(]p C.\l J llS·Ol:.:7 af1 :; ~ ~r:. down, Jr;:. :'lffiR _,u1te Li do Isle 1351 4 Bit 2 BA. bli·in~. pa1 1u 1'"/BJ::Q, fan1 1·.,1. s::i1l0 rln or 1,-.,,_.. \\', :!11d. 066 ill1"<>11. :J-10--7:.!!7 M•sa Verde 11 10 up. hra111rd ,·r1l1ng, J)<lt!os. :;1·ea1 lutat101i. :'I',. \! torl:iy_ •red hill J ~l.AL T'i Univ. Park Crn1rr. In 1nr Call Anyt1n1t S:Q.(jl:<o Corona del Ma r 1250 DON'T CALL ME A DUPLEX ------LI DO LOVE LY 4 BR. r fan1!1y 1•n1., I hall1" ,t· a t>1trhr11 to •·\i1 e 11\, · 10 Fl. <Jn 11 1d" ~lrrrl (,Juah t~· l·vu .. ~lLU' 111111 Wa lker Rlty. 675-5200 :;:~li(i Via Lldo. NB Op<:n Sun. NEWLY DECORATED Brau!. l;;r. l1v. rm, :: Bl~. Z l:lai11~. 40 r 1 l\/I . o;i;1,;lfn LIDO REAL TY IN C. ,:377 Via Lido l1l•'.1,,. 1·uU I i!f.'11 .'Ja.1:11011". f\' 545-0458 ---~ ----$ l 6, S DO :; l,.;it•n1 2 tiu1h. 1•h•t<lnr hnilt . 111 ran;;c & uv••n, ;;arha&e 1!1svosa.J. i·oul!<'I'-& drapes, IL':>:lf)ll" fcrn·rd l•il . doubll" )::«tdj!I". la11d~l'.1pt'1L :"165U rl•11<n. J•,;~!ll•JJI I··~ Utan nnl lT~l ijJ411t£,r ~ .... ~~:.:~ _. I U.'' '1'~1~~1~. ~fli~.~Nr.~.~·11ndn. n.•1111 • 1, /J)lil•. J••·I pr1v11.' '1 .. ~11111~ ',1.•1111 • ~I L\ loan l <1 1111 ,,•,·, ltil \],, li~J.)1111 ! 1 ~!L; ll hy p;•v 11•r1L S: col -1 J,.1 1 .. riJ.v •'!'1'r :p1~ .' Uwnrr \\!II h• Ir• "•!11 11n;11~·u11 1 pin·,. S!9.0li(). Wl·:.1177 .. ' ..'.' ~1<1.,. I 1_;)· u11·:...L1~ 1 l~ln1•.:. Ba.; f:.111 nn, l1Jtn ... 11q.~. l-.hai;I •Tpt< TIU"ll--0111 1 ) r oltl. On •·ld-df'-i;;;•\ :-,,';1r s 1· Ii I & , hellr·'· "-h'lp :.; C•unrilrlelyi rrnt·"d .~ J:uiil~capetl. hn· ! 1~1a!"' ;Vr ;ii :1~·1.!:! _Ar<:hc!"I (11'<1" ~1n.r11J .. ~,.\.J.,f;!, -----, Ow ne-r Transferred .•"l1a1 p .' "101)-3 l ~Jnn 21; ba1h. On 011·nP1' 1111. Cafl)- <'IS· dr;1p•·~, all h11ilt-111s. t 'or. n1al d1111n~ J\IOJn. ~crvicc pnrrh, J.r 1n1ly ro11n. _\,,time 6 ',~ Ii) l•1>+tl . ]'l'I• r ~::.-,,'JOO. Paul J ones Realty ~1 7 l'..'6h t:11 ,\ll-S!ll9 Beach Home BLUFFS fS TATE NOW SJ4,000 ~ Coldwell, 11.nker & Co. 550 Newport Cent•r Dr. 1'1'*•iji BY OWNER •l!o1ne -i-Tneon1~ .:. Land* C11~1 ~ BP. l' • B.\ Co1npl 1•p1. drp..-. f P. Brain 1·r1l. ~.S. R10 Ceramic 11lr. ~ (':Jt drt gar. Inc u11 il ;ill .Si5 m o. Plan'i. ~ n1orr unil~ E a J>y T r rm.s $::1,500. &12·j()l6. Cul-De-Sac Barga in Ta.kr over 5"\' ~ ~-HA Joan 5tll)('r sharp 3 BR \\"i!h ovrt'• sized ra n1J ly roon1. ~hakr 1001 & brick fit'l'plat'I', ToHl.l payments o n I y S17•1 p.·t n1onth pays all. Lan::c 11.111" 1-play arc,1. 1"00111 for IY-,.11 Grs! l"alUr at S~7.500. C.\LL 5U'l.1Jjl tlr1·1111;.:..: Rr aJ 1:..~- 1a1r IO[lf'tl f'\·f'.~I . rrn ;u1 cxt1•a nice '.? bc<111 .~111 ~~~~~='.:"=~~~I HO.\IE: 1tJith a 2 lx-d1'•.101n .;;:-----~fl!~, df'n. nr'v ~r1s 'rlrJ)ll. ?'llONEY ?'llAKER ou1 1!;1rk. ~untington Beach 1400 Jrplr . l1l'1ni: 1uon1, d ining &rh unus arf' 1)1\r~·r 01:cu. roonl. f.••ltrr tu1111'. Pncc C11-1,.tn I'' I ;i Ir 1111rn1· ri::hl "!I th• J\loilf~ ;; lar~,. lx·d1 0~,rn•. '.! lm1fl~. ~1><111.011~ !nmtl,v k111•h,.11, buih·il'I~ ;ind r11n1" , .ibt· nr1<. ,,r nal•11;il B1n·'1 Thrn '011 tl1 r:-in1 r d !011s~1- ll li•. llui:r <'l",26 fan1il\' 1"•1<>m. ht-;11n••d c·ril1ni. n111~•1\,. J>t .. n• firrplR"'" Nr-.11 l;~J.0Cifl ! 1111 !Hiii 6,l"1·0.i0'\. COllfG[ P«.' 111 ;so JJ,-.l< _l o'•'' • ll,•B• •' I" )>'11 I• ,'i-"-,J If•( {(I);(' "If'<" f<111la~!J<' lo,\\ oPl•·J 1',f F/f,\ l0 •11n. :'\ .. q 1,1 11 1,1111~· ~ hrdH1•1r11 . .' l1n1l1 ( 1,f. ]f'c'." J•a1 t; • •IAlo• 11"'11" 1:1! !J \\ ;1 r 1111 ! pa1wh·rl la:n1!.\' Jco•••" 01'111'" h111lt-1 n 1,,1. h1•11, rl•·•"i> 1111.-. 11 /\\" •>ll !•"llll!;. L:ti- rl f'r 1•1 11 rrl l•1r :i1 ••ri ;it ~:..'7.!150 R" ~1n.i 1 t ~f'r Tl/£11<,1·. ('a ll r.1:-;.v::U; rcJr:EsT F OLSON 1111. r: .. ~11 .. ,. 645-0303 a! 11.trbor Cr11l1>1 ~·~"J.J !!ad•1r Blvd , C Jl. 1969 VOLUME $120.9 MILLION Newport Beach, Calif. 1----.--.... ---, I 833-0100 644-200 COZY AND QUIET I ::==========!Ea3t.o;id1• ;·u/ tlr sat· : Brd- • WHY PAY RENT? 11•hrn _I "ll ! ;10 !-i11~ ~ Br. 1·, l)alh I •r iJ< )ul<" ;I\ \.'~ ·~'(! l:•»l!I h•I I) '11! .t• t .1k1". C • .1 1 tuJ.i) l"L' .. ,.,,, • .J1·l,11b . Dovidson Realty :7;,ti J l.11 h,1r Bh·;l , C .\l. -,16--..~>460 ~;\C'S 51'.}.]()j!i roont large lot 1\'1lh rov>'rt'd p111io a.nd fii1 it l!'l'r~ galore . $21.95o . &or 1t anyt1mr. 546-2313 646-71 71 Investment Income -------.---..,.,,17 \"\IT_._, !ari:~· lu1 t:;2,:n.1': CHANNEL F RONT t'(••n1 11• liu1!d :, nl"r'" S'.IO.WO _; 1:1:. !.ollllly rtl1 :-;1<'1l~ l<l 01111•0 111]1 I :!IT~ !'"I fli '1•••111 . f 1,J1111~:. ""1111rn1n~. Well s-McC•rdle, Rltf•. l.n.1!111i;: a1 )•1ur lt••llt dour_ 1~10 ~rwpon Rlv<1 . C-~1 Onl,\· S 11..~~1 Tr rm~ ;,\~-I~ lJ.j.\.OIJ.S·I .. vr~ CAY WOO D REAL TY b .. 1.; \I t"1.a~1 lh1y . :-. B. • ;,1..;.1!.~J • .;--m?:: J;"1 1i!minr.~-;-;;­ l!•l Llhl'U • ;Hid ., more units. Dr11 r liy 1-.-i, '-'a nla Ana i\1·r . 1h,.n 1·~11 lla11ia it rally t.1 .'·t<.AilJ E ASTSLUFF-- P.11 nh lllOll"Y • ltuy f~·~11I ·: Ur 1. Ila. horn". on qu1cl slrt"C l. Cond. Ucu r·r than nr1v• f'in. a\'a 1I S1~.s.rin_ CORB IN-MARTIN ::O:l6 E. Coa.<t llw~ .• QL\I Ht:ALTOHS t);;,.1 1;iG~ CASH TALKS 1 * South Co<ut l~caJ t..~t.alc ~ hdnu hvn1r. Jl1"1\d llool's, •~ ,,.,-.k1n:;: .'.Uccr:..~ful prorr~. n1r,-. l'pls1 J1·p.~. Ii: lo!, L1ost' I .<1on;iJ rc;iJ r~catr ~a[r~1nf'!l. 1n tlr1n school'. Sil,150 i'JIA/ E.\!"•"pl1on;ol hrnrl11~ Plrr1~r \",\OK. 01\"ner mo\·inl:' _..oon I •·1llt ror apfl<1u11n1,.,n1.::.1.:..sif'.:!.1 i.-1'.1)~. "~<'ll no"!"" So111 h Coi11.·i. r:r Rlr"r'. Full•r Realty 546-08 14 ----~- POOL .\lr~a \'rrrlr T·Plan wlfabtt· Jous pool ar<';1. dc<'fl p1lr '"P1~ f.· panellrd fa111 1711, j','u !Gall ;Jl'rtil. .S.31.500. ~N~11•1 ' '\' --• l' · ~.. · r' ' · · I ·~" • , ' . 546·599G 4 Bedrm. + Guest Rm. $24,9SO I Me sa Verde E\r::hl11 11n1nt•.:: ha!h~. Buill- 111 kll<'ll,-.11. {"11vrr"d p!ll1oJ, :-\1 1·;1 n>i,c11 /'r•'•l1.:,-. J,,..,llr. . ..W-1 7.0 TARB E LL '2955 Harbor -LOWEST P RiCE ! l~''"I.' t:1•""1,,1,' "11 .\· 11r,11 '\' li l\ll l•n:: i••ll• r :9 -~10 Delancy Real Es-fate :!.,:~ 1· •. c .... -i 111,_1, Cd\J 673-3770 -------S '251500 ! Fore.st of Tre•s! 11 •d·· , ... 11,·1,.1r 11r11 ••11 ··~ r.:ir 111)1:1! •Jr tr:11]•·1 [>1'i';1111 \i11ell- •'ll • l111Tli c-.i111nrt.'. Tr\a~ br.l 111o11ll~, Ii u lo h :V 1·,11111 , 11·.,,1..,llvp Frn,Td 1>0<11 -.ii. ,11 1,:i,111 ·i10-1~u TARBELL 2955 Harbor 3 liR 2 BA. huuily m i, P1·of rlrrc1r 1 '~ yr old·<i;lnt cond. S32,:M '.!1 ~~2 Fl{'{'\ Ln., 11 13 (J11·m'1" li-16-\1'~. V.1.P. Home Brand nr1v IVit ll \\"rll<' 4 bdrn1 :: batll po"dct 11>0m. t~ormal d11Ung: roon1, fan1. 1·111 . /,1r 1 h.11· .t· f1plf'. Lu\ttl'iou~ly rarp(!!Nl. ~u· pt'r!J vic1v. Pool in landscap- "'d court yard. Roy J. \\'ard 11::0 t:ara ;-.:y l)r. 616-l:MJ East Side Duplex '.! br-d1oon1 rach unit. J.iund<)' nv•n. Ca1"Jl'l'I <. dr:1pr,, 1•01. r1"rd patio, rlo.<I'() ga1·agcs. Con1p!~1ely fen,·rd, 11·alk To ll!h .;;t ~h11pp1n:?, All !(•I ~T.1,!JCO Ckr, t.l~·!J:il"1. BA YFR-ONT-APf \"1~1.1 llrl I.Kio. P1rr 8 .. ~1i11 11.r a1lablr. s,-.11 or lca..~l'/up­ t1on. Price t:!S.500. George Will iam•on P..EALTOH 673-43~)() F.\"l'~. 673-1564 5 ledrm • 3 Bath Pool· $26,950 Rirh wood paneling. haod- Nlffil' bar. Parking /or boal & trRilrr. Ln\"l'ly r irs.1a :•,.-,! TARBELL 29SS H,11rbor BUSIEST ntarkelplacc 111 101\'Yl. The DAI LY PILOT Cla.'ls\fird s('r tlon. S a v e monry. Umc & rrron. Look now~!? College Park 1115 Mother-In-Law? ~hr l'All 1 rla.~ 111 hrr 01•1n pd. \"air sul!r l•'11 h J)!'l\alr lll!!h You'll ~1111 hJ\'r 11lrri1y ol r1"1Q1n for 1h<' '"""1 of lhc 1:1111 ily 11·11h ;; IJo'd1,••111-., ~ h.:111\' ,\· !'ll'11'1ll"ll~ f.111111,v r n OJ 111 pl1b •11111!11" :.;.1111;.:,. You "'JI aprrl'1·1a1r !hi~ )lon1,. n1••1!f>d 10 q111ri1 ~n(I rtr:.;:1n1 ("nlh"bC /';ir~. \\,-.11 11 .. 1 th \::}.~-.1. 546-2313 .. THEREAf, ~ E~'.I'A'fE~ Newport Beach 1200 Ch•nne l Front Du plex A "'al .~harp l1s!1ni::. \\ulk to sliops 011 Lalo. Doc·k !\11" !;:r . hoat. V1rw halh unit!', .\:l nt h'l'lllS St..il'ffl R, C. GREER , Realty 33» Via Lido ti73-9JOO Bluffs prin1e on Bay J()(•a tinn. :! hdrs . .SJ9.~ CaU 61·1·z:lj9 rvr~/11 krnd~. p11•r! a11rl f1;11\"lr<-:. ~11ua1 1•d on a q111,.t trrr t111f'ft Ct1ron:1 o!rl \l,1r sTl'C:rt. Une1· _101u"1r Custom-~:!~.95n. O\\·nr-r. A;,;1. Near Po rk 'l'f'n lhf' t"<'s1 • Con1r "'"" 111,. '.'1,r<1 :->Q t"T. <.:USTO.\I 8EAJ.:. best. A Real Es1111cr~ f~-TY 0 11 ONE LEVEL 4 f;J'la c . elusive. 673-8550 RENT BEATER CAR.'vlE:l.ISH :.! B1 11,11110 plu_~ S250 !TIO. Jfl("OtTir fl'll1 \ 11l" ': 13r :: B,, :i pl L::r !111 tir Ill:: l·o1'0na P.• .(' 11 ~1.:,,1 f111 S/"11111 ii;. ap1,·1 ~11,, Jl,1pfol'r l'11 111•1·~1 ly l{rall_\ 1io:;.!)..i 11 '.ow t:. Cva.,.1 !111) • Cd\! --SRICK-;-SHAKE- r:1rqurt, st'I 1011" u! f]ih>ll i f [lut•tJ<'•• llu-uuul 1111·· 11•'11 [1·. \1n" ·1,.rr;-u·r '.l J:r:_ 1i,,,n,. "·11h at! cto~,-.-111 adl'anl~;.:r<. anoJ 111111imu1n ,·;ur .1.o·d O!C~r<'l.I at N-l,900. Ha l Pinchin & As soc. ~'loo E. Coo:.1 Hwy. 6;;,.1.:!12 HOME PLUS INCOME 1:.-111·~1;·1<:-d c h:irn11T un 11·001 11f ::.-, I! r:.1 lQt 'v 1w11rr '! Dr. :! h:oi apl. OITI" tlbl. gar. on rear. Apl. l~d. for S2f(I ni.1 Li;r. Trrcs: ."o. of lh1). $11.~>((1. t"lr\. ti•n1 '- Chr<h1rr Rral Est;i!r 6l,"1·2·ir:: l•fus hrdroorn~. :•: hnll1~ LARGE PA,"-;l;:J.LED Y,\:\l- IL Y ROO:'ll 11·11h <"hC'<'ry t"ll:Erl-\CE. F.lr~;inl ly ilr•._ 111"al••(l 11 ll h q11:11H~· 1 .'ll'fll"I . in~. r!rap.:---and 1,,iJ I P·•fli'I". lk'!,11 lll"rl gai·agc on a H,.y ;111.J l,u1d."Carrd !!11" f"a ') n1.1111tr11~ nr,. SIS , i:~1 ;ind ) 1)ll ra11 'ITL\l.)f; J.'l _\VUf ~llldll('r hv111" f·11 rjnl\ n. WE SELL A HOME EVE RY 31 MINUT ES Walker & Lee :J)I: \I r•l1•l1tr P1. 6 Hi-;111 i\l('t; ~ ER l1uuw. b1·l•l'\ 111<1skt'I Qu1l·t; ~;1lr. hy (111 11!'1" ')'.?.:0.100 .111' < ~·]\A l'lnn $14li prr 01 on t J1 . C;i,rpr!s ovrr ha rd"' o o d floor:". Sunkru LI':. 1\1111 l1rrplarr. Pa!/(l, 11·ood drrk t ;1·rat nr1gh h0r~ -r;nod loca· lion. i\"r Goldrnwc•I \\"arnrr Sli-116~· EY 01\Nl'.'.R 4 llf~--:-2-cl-~\ tr1-lr\"c•I: lull ,-,,J'pt.•! ,\· rh·apes, fr11l c, til1 11s. As~11111(' s1, ·, rH,\ 10 .. 111. s~.j()() )l;JZ-li\lil $ 17-::jt9 •II' :,::6-Jl',S l'..\'ERY 11!1:>,!; rl~r 1s hrre why not you· 1:>1 0.trhvay, Golden \\"e:s1 .Jr, K·:>la rt, .\l o•i! r·,•111r1·. l'JNE FASHION !IOflJE:i ..... , ha\'C ~ S.: lrrn1~ ;i1·e \\ idc ')l'('ll flYlll! Pfl.000 llJI, !~1·, I. 11..11;.·<;. IU 1r· l:l'.!25'2;J Where In The World 1".1n )Oii t1nd ., n,·,11 ~ t"!rn1 11,,111~ 1n r\1 r llrnt 1f H. !·,.·~. 11.,n l1w unl.v ~1 1 ,~l if!, GUI fl)!' U"l"l"ll •t" lo 11n -- Pai·d w :-Oh•u r. r." ![·,. EX TRA SHARP Only S31 ,000 1;1 no du,1n t'll.\ 1,, d·1,1n or ;is.~UU•' h11v 1111 l•>nn HAFfDAL P,1 1.\ :-0 1:!-11()5 J BR t.· l'l.l!ll rrlll,/r 1!cn. lorn1al din r111 1·u1rrt"d pa110, ln1rly :;a1 olr 11 11/f1sh pond .t· 1':i1\Tlall. F1111~hed i:;u~i=r d11uhli ~a • i:>ll1•" rm. ~!dll) .. ,,,.,. r·11,\ .. ·,·, In. 011 !1•"1" s Ji"-100~ BY O~·-\J, .. --.,·.,-, ·,·,,-,,-., nrra .. \111.~1 ~rll 1 BP.. 3 yN nld Tl"Jll'f<'t":1l1tr r. 1~ 't V!I ,\ ln:1n 5;:.1.1(,n ')(;:!-7t;i73 G.neral IOOOGener.al lOOOGeneral 1000General 1000Gen•ral 1000General lOOOGen•ral 1000Gener1l lOOOGener"I 1000 THE REAL TRUTH IN REAL ESTATE LENDING! JJcar I lon1e Buyer. 1'he gloomy ne\VS stories dC'c rv1n;; the high l"O~l s of hon1c buying arc n1i s· leading ... e ven \\'orse ... lheY arc untrue. Existing FllA and V/\. Joan s <.:heck the se con1parative exan1ples of interest rate:, for Prime Lending rate for big bu s i nc ~s Credit Card Purchases Retail oullel charge account.~ .t\utomobile Loans Personal Loans The present interest on new F•I..\ and \i1\ loans is 7112 r "· 51,~i;;,.51,2~;. lypicat loa11 s: 8.51}0 18% 18"'" 11 c;,-22r,, 10.So/o • 23% \\'a lker & Lee. Inc .. lhe nation's largest res idential real e:;late f1r n1 , \1ants you to kno\v the facts: • A New Home is your best investn1ent • :\s you purchaSe, }'OU gain equity in property that will increase 1n value. • • Over 30 years yo u can buy a ho1ne cheaper Lhan you can rent the san1c hon1c . Land values, construct1on tosts. and in terest rates \Vil! continue lo climb. • Buying no'v is a hedg,c against in()ation. Your best he1P is a\•ailable {ron1 \Val ker & Lee's highly skilled staff of 500 residential spec ialists. Let \Valkcr & Lee help you into a ho111e a l loday's lo\V interest rates. Don't miss this month the price of homes goes up. golden opportunity to purchase a hon1e a l loday's lo\v in terest rate. Every \Ve believe lhal it will benefit everyone in\'olvcd in the real cslate 1narkel !01· \Yal ker & Lee to n1ake an al l oul effort to sell rnore ho1n cs in th e 1nonth of October l han a ny 1nonth in their long his tory. An Acute Housing Shortage Is Just A round The Corner! ·Now Is The Time To Buy A Home! NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE-646-7711 2043 Wtatcli ff Or. at Irvine Open Ev1nintt HUNTINGTON BEACH OFF-ICE-M84.2-4455 761Z~or °'"°'''' llUllTllMTG+I CIMT•ll D,..-.... COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491·540-0465 2790 HAHOI llVD. Ope11 l venifMJI 'til t P.M. -------------------------------------~----------------------·---·. ----------·-··-~--...• -, z5 PILOT -AO\l[RTJ SE:R~-=~--w .. "~"~"-.'.''•o .. ' .. '-~-'-'-' ~!·"'=' HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE KENTALS !RENTALS . I RENTA~S RINTALS RENTALS CAIL V P'lLOf " --------Houw UftfuNdahM HOU1t1 Unfurnlahed Ap!L l'umlahotl Ajlll. Purnlello4 Apta. u.,.._ * * * * * fountain Valle"y--'-1_4~10 0.1na Point 1730 ---------- (i~o/.,, $143 mo Spacious 5 Coat.1 Me.. 3100 Fountain Valley 3410 Br, 3 B11 , li;e lot Top BY OWNER • Large tullstde nr lghborhontl VI('. Oup. O\l!rlooking new Dana Brookhur.;l & F.:lh,. Drp~. J'o1nt ~latuw.. .t::.x. oc-ean xtra crpting, '! Ir p Ir, \'lf'W~. 2 bc1r. upper. 3 bdr. C'.'OVt'red pa.llO, ~p1·inklel'$ i<N·cr. Approx. l.nl sq. tt. Cott a Mna 4100 Leguna a..ch 4705 C"'a Me.. !-'UR.N large bach apt, ~1v1-~--------5100 front &: back, !L,111 tn"5• ~ ea.ch unit. Very good hnan· yn1 old. $32,T:JO. t';.Z ternis. i::ing. Ca.JI · 496-5914 Leavuig 1tate. 962....J.17:i 3 &Ir., pa.rtla..Lly Jum. honlt'. Wt: ~ clean nosp. tt"nanl!i Sl801n10. 1~am111 only. Alt· \o ~nt our dellrable 3 Br & 968-436l dc>n home in QUK't traet nr. • CO'ITAGE, 1 BR. All util pd. Nrw f'Jll~. drpg. $145. No pel~. 546-6294, 540-2546 SC"tmols & Mops. Avail oow to right party S235 mo. + drp. 5-l.>-9HJ days; 5'16-13.58 to I BR. UH.I pd. No JWlll. PANORAJ\flC vif.w Cl\lerlook· TOWNHOUSE • 1 yr. IH. Ul5. Nr ~ tumllure, ire A1Jto Beach, 2 bdr & 3 fl25. 3 Br. 2 Bt., bltna avail Nov. hi s..a.J866 bdr. furn. All eltt". 11.pti. w I dlhwhr, 2 fU i1&r. Smi th. ' Mature adull5 No JWls or Unturn. us t..xlncton Ln, ===---=~~--1 child. $195 &: $DJ. Call &It. 6 CM. 1213) t11-1511. SPACIOUS 2 BR. Pau-lhn.I PM, a-3755 I ;-o.c-n=:::-=c-==-'Hlnck bar, ~w tumJtul'e,I===~~-----2 BR Ou~:ii: apt $140 wfw Laguna Be1cli 170S Apaf'fment• For S.11• Mew Verd• 1980 3110 Laguna Nigu.I 3707 ~--e .. amic bath. Vrry lavd_v. RENTALS cpt, drpg. aean. 2 children l.17 Victoria St., C.Af. Aflh. Unfurnllhed OK. No pets. Nr. PaJiaad« \\'Et:KLY nontaJs: •tarting Gener•I 5000 ~~:!:.~· 642--0'ra! or at $3j, Pool. phonrs, & mald1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;= I "'w-::--r;:c:=-;;--;;;c,,-, ---- HANDYMAN SPECIAL 4 UNIT APT. I-Jere's a 1~al oppo1·t11n1ty for the smaU 1n\•es101•. Foul' unit apt. hldg., locnlL'\'.J 011 tl1r oceanslrle of tlir hwy. ;1p- prox. 120 yds. l1"Pm a Sf'clud. ed beach. Al! a1·c t0n1plctely fumisl}('d, liQfrl" hllllt' sur1 del'ks w/ 0<:.".1n \'IC\\. Lee. tree s'haded ~1t10. The bldg. ronsi.~1s of the fol. lowing: Or'I<' studio apt., one I bdrm., t1\·o 2 h<lm1 . apt'I. TllEY ARE IN NEED or GENERAL REPA I R S, NEW elegant l Bdr, bN'ath· lukini: bay \·iew \\/boat docking, All blt·in kitchen. 11/w cpts lhrot1ghout, rnir· n \r "'alt, drps, balcony. Scturi!y gu~rded . Ne1vrort Beach. \\/Ill lrade. 8.18·3460 RENTALS Houses Furnished General 2000 I~ R~·=~=:::i1'!' :] llllXIOISM , ............ : -:\ WIOOITIAl -MNSS An. -IOOMMA n SO'VKI PAl1''T, f:TC. All units are USW.ltfft.C.1t•W.....MM111 pl'f'S('ntly leased On a Si'a· i ~··~~~~-~-~~-~-~ii'i~ 50nal rcnlal has1~. "" can show an al'tual & scrurrd _R_e_n_t_•_l1_to_S_h_•_r_• __ 2_00_5 income. F'On &.J..7o SEASON OF' APPROX. $960(), lleN-'s an xlnt. opporlunity for the ambi!'.011.~. offered "as is" '" $69,500 FULL PRICE TER,\1:' /\VAIL.! TRADE~ CONSID~:Rt:D MISSION REAL TY 98:'> SQ. eoa.~1 1111 .v., l,;11:11na Phone (714) 494·0731 TAX Shehrr -tlrluxc Ot..'ean \'\\'. dupl. 3 bdr., 3 ba. & 2 brlr. 2 ba. $.'i(},(XXI ca.5h 11•Lll handle. Phone -P a u I \\'estb1\'XJk, 49-1-!!7~8. \'ic Tomek Rcahy. COASTAL VIF:\\'~ Terrlfic Joan i:1ssuinp!ionl Interest rale dOf'sn'I 1n· creast"; no points. 3 Bdrm~ .. lamily rm .. 2 balhs. 5" yl'ars old. Reduct>d to $-U,;,oo PLACE REALTY 49~·!li!H 180 DEGREE VJ E\V LOT of v.·hHe l'l'alcr & 1:011slline. small hut level. $7,9."I(} \l'Llh $1 ,000 dol'l·n, hal al SS5 mo. All rluc 3 yrs. Broker ~!W.\137 .1:11.1021 !-"l::l\tALE roon1matr> 18·30, Baylront art in Balboa. $50 1110. 675-01~ \\'ANTED refined lady to share homl' in Rlnlf~. N.B. t-\1! & laundry prlv. 644--036!1 BAL ISL_, grarl stu. 01· rol- lei;e grad to share nu 2 BR. sriv. 67:,..:1915. \\'ILL share. rny 2 Br apt. pool 1\·/girl :ro to 3.; w/goOO morals, Rl'fs. &t.5-2969 aft. 4 Newport Beach 2200 BLUFFS, n<'\\' 3 BR. 2 BA Condo. Pool. Partly turn. $3JO. yrly. 675--6044. 6'12-36-1:1 2300 2 BR. gar,.:. baylront, util. pd. SJ7j A\'atl. 'Iii Juoc 15. 67J.-J,,._il()J Spectacular Oce:io Vic\\' Pc11in. Pt. ~ Br, 2 Ba, beach $19!1 "'intet·. 615-5660 2351 * Furn ~ 6R, 3 BA. Con 1cn1p, Tl('ll'IY dee. B!1 ns.. ,\1•ail MO\\'. Yearly. (7141 621-il()!) - l BR, 2 BA, f11.m rm. dbl lrpll:., rlrps, bltn:o;, gardnr. 3 BR, 2 BA home. $250 mo. incl. S~. 1sllla.sl dep. Pho~ alt 6 pm l'l'k rlay1, ~~788 anytime l'l'k~nds. 5'18-8837 3708 Jj\tJ".lED Occupancy? 3 BR. 2 Mission Viejo BA $225. Sharp! Shttrpl--'-"-'----'------ hou~e! \\'ill con 11< id rt r BEAUTIF'UL vir1v, 2 BR . l ~· leas<"/o p1ion. SlS-6:141 rves. BA. Frµlc, bltn bookcases 3 BR, 2 Ba, fa1nLly nn, 2 Crpts. drps. 837--8937. lrplc's, $230 fT)(). l car garg. . Cf11led. 673--8213 Dana Point 3740 ----------F'OR LEASE -2 bdrm :! cN;;•;;w;;p;;o;rt=B;•;•;c;h=;;;;3;2;00;;;I bath. cpts. Vil"w. 1 child ok, • no pet5. l 175 mo. Point B/B Really. 49G-JJ23 TO\\'NlIDUSE • · 39S0 NC'\\' cilf'PC'ting, ncw paint, 2 Condom1n1um Bdrms., 2 baths, split.Jrvel. 3 Bdnn $250. mo. Lst>/ option Pool. Ad ul\!1 only, $225 Very clean. rhild & pets we!. lllonth . come. ~ Bay & 84Hlch RENTALS Realty, Inc:. Apts. Furnished Ml Oo\'rr Dr. NB Suite \'16 &l"l<200J 'Eves. ~ G.neral 4000 e DOV1':R SHORES e B!'.:AUT!fUL. large t.1cditer· rallf•an ho111e. S11'\n1mini::- poo1. L'!c. Avn il. Dec. ls!, for 1 01· 2 yrat· l!.'asc. $6.j() l'rr n1on1h. 6-l::r-02S'J \\'ATERfll.ONT Lux. Apt. on lhe Penin. New 2 bdr., 2 ba ., pool. Lsc. adults. Boat ~lips a•·ail. Caribf> Balboa, 310FrrnandoRd., tTI4J 673-3003. 2 S1ory 4 )T old beaut. 3 BR. 2 BA. rlin rm, lam rm. Fen yd. Nr N.B. High. f'rplc. furn or unfurn. Call 642-7528 or &1&-1456 HARBOR Hi1;:hland!1 l BR, 2 BA, crpts. d-rps, blt ins. rlsh. \\'hr no Jl("l5. Leas.t', $775 mo. irx·I gardel'ler. S.18·6640 or 5Jj.Jll6. DLX Condo'~ \I /pool !.· lrpl..:. 2 BR, 2 BA. S:?:JO. l BR, J BA. S27J. Liaison 6-*6--0712 BLUJo'FS: lovely 4 Br, cpts, drps, !rpl. pools. \Vlk lo sto['f's, !Chool. cluh. park. No pet s. 67:>--1-197 or &14--0449 Single Adults Luxury single, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and unfur- nished. with complete privacy and landscap- ed country club at- mosphere including $750.000 w or th of recreational facilities designed and operat· ed just for si n g I e people. RENTS FRO)! $115. ANAHEIM '277 So. 81\'XJkhurst !l blk. So. or Lincoln) !7141 772.4500 GARDEN GROVE 1:noo Charman A\'c. * GrVE-A\VAY * BelO"W bldg. cn~1. 4-11·ay vlew. Dr('11tn house. 25 .;-;tra features $'.Ul,500. J..011· do111n. Owner &1~1 112 •LE1\SE/OPTION • Xl nt terms lor t~i:r, 5 yr. oltl 3 Br. 2 ba. lwl11" 1\·/ocl'an vii'\\', Call for trrms. PLACE REALTY •r.H-9704 Laguna 2705 Beach HOUSt: + HORSES OCEANVIE\\' 2 Br. 2 Ba. :l Br, fan1 rm, Bek Bay, vu, pvt. Jn/ant child & sml pet """\' cp1s, nu d<'C, $300 IM" ok. :I blks lo beach & li73-0507 ila11"nlo11·n. Or u n I u r n . I ~B~L~U~r~r~s.-,,"~"~,-,,..B~r.> .. 0 2 ~B>,, (4 blks \\1, ~nta Ana F11-y.) ITJ4) 6.\&.~03(1 NEWPORT BEACH ffiVJNE AND 16\h i il 4 J 6 13-0J:iO '194-491:0 Cnndo. Pool. S3::.0. )Tly South Bay Club RE:NTALS 67~4 or642-:l&tJ A I Laguna Niguel 1701 partmen s Houses Unfurnisshed .sT.iO YRLY 1~. l".e1vpcirtl--.,,,-====,.-;,::- Bch. 3 BR, 11l BA. 1600 ~ri Tlw GORGEOUS l".ew Laguna Niguel Terr. General 3000 Ne1v 2500 sq. 11 . 3-~ ~· j Br homes in ocr11.n view area. !\'.ICE,\. 0<"an! Rearly for oc CarpetNI. front la r.1lo;cap€'tl, cupancy. 3 bcriroon1 2 balh with sprinkler.<; bltns. self. f\!(lnth tu month. Reasonabl cl,aning o\'rn; J car ~;irage. rrnt !or th~ area. Ca-'.: \Valk $51!.T:iO To S6l.950. Excellent ('r & Vt-. 8·1244;)5. financing with dPchn1ng 1n·1 c1~C<7."""2~B~t.~. ~lrp~lc-.-,~,-m->'. "'""d-,yd. !'rest rate Iro1n 1U~D lo Children & pets "'elCQmc. 6:,~ %. Bkr 53·1~9M Laguna N iguel Corp. 499-1:1~4 5'!7·7j61 ~~HJ. !I Br. 2 Ba. pal10. RIO. Yrnc:~d yd. Ch1lrlren & 11CL~ RENT · !>f'I!, •I ."1 tiih·,, 21.: O !\. Hkr. ~.:l.\-69SO h11 .. $27~1 mo., 11·11· ,\ Ja,111 -· ~· 1 :J:W. ~Br sen. hn11.s•• r C'llf'('{ cnrr !urn. ~·M-7(}(J/\ ,, • San Clemente 1710 \\',\R:'-1 & J;o.;Y!T IN!~ 2 BDR:\l hornr. Wl'l'ly lrvrl. eri aN'il, Ocran \'l('W. 1-!rdwd firs. lrplr, bltns. 2 car gou·· concrete patio. By ownt·r. Call 492-3100 Sin Juan yrl, ~li_n'c. Child o,i..;, Bkr s.r,..0111 S17:) 2 Br duplex. RIO, ,,·fw. g111-, On Bkr. 531-6!!80 ~-rplc. Perun. s:n: •. 3 Br. fn1 rn1 . trplc. bltn1<, w/w, Nice area. Bkr. &13--0lJ I Costa Mela 3100 C1pistrano 1720 LARGE 1 --'------P.R. SIO\'l' & OCEAN VIEW Capistrano Palisades R.amh\1ng RallC'h iio)tJ~ 11"1lh 4 BR s • L.R. 01n1nl'.: i·m G: f11.m rm Ori two lnts l..--.r,1p lcfll.·f"<!. Beam('{\ r1•ll Ln•~ n1 11-ocrl ran. ii.· ~11 ulrrr:r.. \ 1rw from LI](, 1-\ir f..: ni110.11·r B/Jt Room f•1r pool. Jt.1r<"' OK. C'h1·n \\'Ill 1r11rlr rL)! 1nr· unit C. l\l esa -X'.'r 1•p11·1 $34 .~. 64~7171 n•frh:.;. nh·r ca r f\ et i n~, 1!r;1ri•·s. l-!illl\P<; (I a i 11. SL.1'Jfn10. 1\hJrrLl'd ruur•lr oril.1 ,\g\. fW2.J77L 2 HR. nr O.C. fln1>01·t. S160 r h1lrlrr n [, p.--.1 01-\ [\{l g(lr. 10(r,J Cyprr~s. :-•·\S-;.rJ.l·I 3BR. 2 Br\. conl1n, !1!11110..., rrr1·k1ris OK. S200 J.--.;i~l'. ~7.~-1~Tl', if nro -.i11s !l6'.!-l1~0~ 11nc-;;~: 1n rnurt. Crpts. r!rp". rarpnrl '116 \Yr~l 17th St, C'r>o.la 1\lcs01 .. 11. no pets rels req. 833-3·130 VAL O'ISERE 3210 ~uu:l·l br·2 hr. Furn.unf_ N.,•~w~po"'-r~t_H_•~igh,_t_•___ Saum. Act'y Rm. B1Jl \;:.rds 3 BR, 2 Ba, heated pool. Therapy & 45' pool, DBQs frplc. llOO tea~ 2CIC() Parsons Rd. 642·86i0 -===71=3:'=4''=1·1=634'==::=:!$1.10. Bach apt. -&hopping all ut1I Close lo pd. Bl<t. B•ck Bay 3240 534-6980 :..:.;;;.;_-'-------$125. 1 Br ocwly r11!t'Orated. EXEC. home 5 BR. 3 Ba. · B k Cprs, drps., elrc. bll.ins. Patio. ut1l pd. r o f! r $300 pt>r n1onth. 54&-fi740 G4 5---0l l l Ea1t Bluff 3242 Costa Mei• , _____ _ <100 KEW 211• '' " 3 BR & I'm $30.00 Wk. Up r1n. :; B,\, 01\llrr'~ IU.'1 apt. e Sturiio &. 1 Br Apt~. 1~2 A1111go~ \\lay. S·l?5. e Kitchen & TY incl. 67:,..:iJJ.1 e Phone Ser\'icc & Pool • !\laid sen.:ice avail. Corona del Mar 3250 • Day, week & Month 2376 ~ewport Blvd. 548-9i~ 4 BR. 2~; Ba. duple~. 220Cl $155 -ATTRACTIVL, l bclr., Sq. fl. Bllns, d 1sh10iashrr. 1 . ~ 1. 1 S300 ;<,J 1 ~ !>40-i5D poo, ul11. paid, .r:a noen IV· lrp · · ' o. ca. e. ing, aduHs, no pc>ts. AJ:o;o Ii 3400 Bachelor apt., elderly l'l'Ork· Huntington Beac ini:: person pN>frr. 1800 .j BDR;..IS 2 barhs, l:i.m1ly \\'111\ace Ave .. t_'?-1. rr.,n1 (lrati 1·11ranl, ready N!Cl:: Furn 3 rm ;ipl. $120 lvr Q('("Upancy, $:'Kl I mo. incl ulll. ~1n.r:le man only. A;:I , ;;.\f>-H·li-R"f. 310 r>!radoW !.;irk Ln J Bf'. 2 ba, rrtfdrp, blt·1n~. toff 2300 b!k Srtnra .l\na A~'t'I . rrlr lrplo-. clrr. 1tr. opct'l('r, ()prn a_fl 1 Sal~· Sun. 111\1rr sail. A·B R 11 Y · $12a, J BR rlcan, riuicr .. beaut ~!2-li~l n\' 12111 ~!l7·Jj~1J !u rn . Nr 1nar ke!. 4-13R. To1\'llhOl1~r. Near \\'as!wr/dryrr. gar a g<". ht'~f'h 2 fl'lO]S, clubhouse. ~1at11re adult~. 1922 B LE1\:"F:. ~1:\li-17~7 \\'alla('r_. -----c-- Q;\o'l: gift -many \\·01ld£·1'!1 Huntington u-rvic~. TIIE BEL CONG0,11 NE.'\V • Dt'IW1e 2 BR'1·2 5-15-9-t:tS VENDOME Bath•. C rpt1, drpa , * Lal-ge l Bedroorn • dlshwhr!ii, ranges. $ I 5 5. !urn, \1'/w crp1s, drp~. iar., ll'tlMAC\!LATE APTS! Avail Nov lsl·lOth, Stt al ~rio, stt to apprrciate! ADULT la FAMILY 760 W. Wil!on. 548-6731, Whaddy• Want? ·Whadctya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special A•t• $1 2:-i. 54&-6030 & 646-1841 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 646-825.l S Ll--5 tlnws-5 bucb lllULll -.\0 MUil INCLUDE SUS CASITAS CloH to thopplng, P•rk DELUXE 11p1. Qu i rt . ~ ,_ -• If-. J..-.Wll•I l'Dll •11!t lfl '""""' Furn 1 BR apt. 2llO Newport * Spe.ciOUI 3 Br'a, 2 & Spacioua. Bit-int., Terrace 1-'l'otJ• ·-el'Ml/ff' .....,_, .... ! nMI fl/ .......,. ... 1-HOlHING '0• U.l• -TltADEI OHLYI *2Bedroo $1 10 . 1 st & la1t . Blvd ~ledallion by Horpolnr. nll , ~S-2039/<•< •7••. PHONE 642·5671 · * Swim Pool. Put/i:rern .,...,......, "" $110 BACll apt, J..rn\ Ideal * Frpl, Jndiv/lndry fac'l.s for srudl'nt.~ •. artists, oct!an 114S Anaheim Ave. To Place Your TrHer'1 PeredlM Ad vie"'· 646-232.i. COSTA ~fESA 642-2824 •NASSAU PAL\1S• 1 & 2 BR, Pool 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 HARBOR GREENS I BEDROO~t l11rge. Jrteal for BACJtELOR unfum tr 0 m hachf'lor. Pool. S12j, 1993 SLIO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 01un·h SI. ~'1.8-9633 Ddrm. J-leated pools, child l.ARGE Alh'llt' f\1m 1 Br apt care center, adj to shoppini , & garg. Ulil. !>lature person No pets. $113 673-1365 7700 Pelel'50n \Vay Costa r.-1eu. 54fi.03iO ATTRACTIVE 2 BR, $140. 1613 Santa Ana A\·r . \\'ill!---. • .--::Rc:EN==yc--:•.-- also rent unf. M3-!572 1 BR nenr new civic t-en!Pr, :'llarrirtl coupl~ prer, inlant ok. s12:1. &16-1!126 f'URN 2 BR upfll'l' apt. Trr· race, lrpl c. U r llilie~ illCI. $l:il. 1970 r.1eyc>r, Apt. B. 3 Rooms Furnitura $19.95 & UP l>lonth·To-Montti Rrntalll \\'!DE SELECTION NO DEPOSIT 0 ,A.C. IIF'RC Furniture Rentals 517 \V, 19th, O f 548-3~1 Si\IALL furnished apl w/util. -~~~~----~~ Living nn & BR. $60 mo. S\20. 2 Br, gar, palfo. * 548·91'li5. Chilrircn & ~ml pet O.K. Broker 64~11 1 Newport Be•ch 4200 4 BR. 2 ba .. !amity nn. Fl1esa --'----C--0.1 ""· S2'<l mo. ""'· OCEANFRONT lge 2 Br, Agent 6Tj,.Zl01 tr pie. nr. school &. churches. . \\'inter . 675-5442: 1510 w . $150. New 2 Br !tudto type. Oceanfront Crpts, drp:1. bltns. Adults. ---===;---1 Bkr. 645-0111 DUPLEX -=-.,..~-.,.--,-s100. 1 Br. stove. \V/1'1', 2 Br near bay. 673-6880 l'l'aler & gru; pd. Smt family BR large. f"ear Up~tairs. $1 50 Yrly, * 67l--80S8 * ocean. c07·~"~·~"~"'-'""'--"°~~~-$13.'i. 2 Br. v;/\\·, RIO, drps. pool. Broker ~980 OCF.AN FRONT, view, 3 BR. ========== Delu.'l:e, plush! Bltn.~. frpl(', Coit• Mna 5100 P\c. S325. Winter. 67J.-.8088 OCEAN FRONT, 2 BR, large. Frplc, $180. \\'in!er. *673-1!088 * FURN $150. l BR. crp!~. drp:o; &: blUns. l~J BA. Pool. 1525 Plar.f'nt\11.. Harbor Hel9ht1 Four CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING $160. 3 BR, IS BA, blt·lllll, crpts, drp,. dishwa~her, mJ ac Utah next to Air. palio. No pell!, 2 children poii &: J-luge ~real ion area ok. 5-45-3215 $80 acrP. Want beach hse * 2 BR untum apt, D~. new Crpt. Bltn stove A: reCrig, &tl-366 ATTRACTIVE 2 BORi\!<TPts drp3, bllins, carport. Adul~. No pets. Sl35 P.!o. 54M769 SIJO 2 BR upper, bltns, crpts, dfl>S. no pet,. 568 W, 'Vil80n St. 54j..()760 N•wport Beach 5200 o.· lncunr. (714) 458-3100 or ll7·3169 Dct:anvif!w res, lot O.f·Nt"l'I'· pt. ~a . 'J'ranst'd. \\'ill trade $7,000 eqty lur car or prop. ln No. Cal. Approx mkt val $17.00J. 69i-3634 40 ac. W. Or~n. timbt'r land. nZM fi e. Can add, Want: Sml income prop or Sportfisher to 35·, TIS. Qo.\•n. er/Bkr Milt !fanson 49+-!Mn DELUXE 2 k 3 BR 4-PLEX Tl' Cruile-r TY•in D, auto Apts. $185 to S2l:J mo. pilot. range 1200 mi: ~nt Adults -l-ledilerranean survey $401>1. \\'ill consider V i 11 a g f'. (near HiMg trust deerl or smaller boot, Hospital .t Park Li rl o Owner (TI4) 729-3400. ?<.ledical Bldg.) ?<.!gr. 41501-::--'--'=-"",,.--=--.,. Patrice Rd., NB c.orona del Mar. giant pool, ,7"-;-;;T;;~.--;;;;;--c=:-:-1 3 BR. 2 BA. f11>lc, indr !>-YEARLY 2 BR. Upper. . I Slo\'e, ttlrig, d r • p e 11 . b-q. Live-in or pert or Adul!s. no pets. Lease req. leasing. \Vant : Income in $1j{J mo • l'l'ater pald. Cou. Riv. or S.B. CntY. 6Q.7089 pie prer. Call 6T>2438 or .see HAVE R·3 1.46 ac:res. <k-t'an at 202 30th St. View, 1157 Pacific Ave. Coit. YEARLY, 2 Br. g11rg. trril, la. ?ttesa. Will trade-for TD's crp!s, drps, retrig. Couple or 1 ! . Owner. fZUl 2U.3101 only, 1~13 \V. Bay Ave.1 ~"~'='~· ~(71=3~1 ~"""'c:..;~00"'-. -:-:c- Nel'l'JlCnt 1,; acre (X)untry Estate l Br, BACHELOR apt, employf'd 2 Ba, 18xl6 pool, horses or adult only. S75. 1216 \V, units, 20i\1 eqty, \\'ant beach Balboa Blvd. 615-7 816, prop, incomf! or ? 4!H-9i55 (horner 531-76.'lti 2 BR, 2 BA. CID. pa.Ho, TRADE Sl0.000 • q t1 i t y frplc, dis hwhr. Nr Westclilf home in Costa fllesa I o r Plz. 1665 I r v in e. $200. units, Harbor area. Have Adu\\i1! For Appl 642--0239 boyl"T' for houM". Coa:rtline 2 BR upper, crpts. drpl:, R.E. ~lm, 536-1366 .. i;!ove &: ttfrlg. $160 yrly. '73-8088 East Bluff 5242 l Bcdrootn hon1r In \V~t niin!<tf!l·, wnt'fl R-4 witl parkllll: overlay, llfJplO Sl9I\-t cqu..ity !or 1ncom property, IW2-Sru or ~ Brokt"r. Arcadia • 7 Jge dlx apts. Near llt"IV • f1replacet1 • car pkg Pll, Trade ~lfy for Income or home, New. pon Beach , 416-6748 5 BR, pool, Ora.nc;e Co. SZ. $300!) eq1y. \\'ant amallr house or OOu.se without pool, cabin, mobilC" home. cami;- f'f ar car. SU.2'713 Have 23 unit apt. 1-1.B. Over $30,(XX) yenr gl'06S. Trade $1 30,000 equity 1or clear Calif, ac1~ag~. CO&!tline R.E. ;....))...3n7 536-1366 Equity in 3 BR, den, beau· litul vle\I', Back Bay home in N .B., for bare land. Agrnt, fi75..6252 or eves '73-"'23. $100) equily in 1969 OJnoro. let station wagon. Fuily equipped, Trade equity lot older car or ? 8JG.2!M5 or ~ 2 Units Laguna Beach Exchange for 10 -20 urritii FORTIN. Realtor 642-5000 1701-A Westclill Dr., N.B. Rare clas&ic Cadillac El Dorado Brougham, e o • I $16.200 nf'W-O'ade for equif)' in3orotBRhomeor ?, O\\'T!Pr 842-4953 Newpcirt Hgt1. 4210 * Clean 1 or 2 BR * Adults. no pell!, 2421 E. 16th S!. $135 mo. up. 646-1801 TOWNHOUS E 3 Br, 21i ba. Be1ut. appt'd. Pri\'. patio, pool: nr bay, VaJ. $32:500. Eqty fOl' T.D .• l'a.r, camper or?? O\\'Tln'~ 2 & 3 BR UNITS e NEW QELUXE e ;i.ll \\>ith firt!plac:es. ~ Br. 2~1 ba apt. for lea~ *. * * * llishwashen & 2 baL'ts. l oci. spac. maatr. !!Uite, din .. * Ren tal MllI\llger -•-dbl t l ~!!!!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'i!~~"!'~~~!!!!!ll!!!!l!I Rest., ba!' + 2 lovely horn· e11, fruit trees, hon.e barn, rental!! 5 + aett~ in Pauma Valle:y • la.'< shell. Tl'ade - 11crg. &/M comm'I. 644-lTil rm. • . garalt', au o. ?<.in. Christiensen door opener avail, Pool I:-RENTALS REAL ESTATE 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. N "·lhol'· ~c. area . r. ._.. "" Apt.. Unfurni1hM' Ge 1 Coron• del Mar 4250 Cost• Met• Ch urch. Adults, no pets. ner1 ~:;:~~"-:jJ~~~P;h~one=~-~~l~O;JC~~ I • ONLY ' 26 • Room• for Rent 5".S SPACIOUS & d~1UXI' J Bn. '.! ~ Amigos \\'ay, N.B. Huntington Beach 5400 ----- BA. duplC''I: \\"f[rplc. S. or GENTLE:'\TEN • Beach, pool, \·\"'·· }.·v.,n.•lhin' furnish--' 2 BR art. cplsrdrps, blt·in Corona del Mar 52.SO LARG'. "' ~· & r f ,-.. 3 BR 2 Ba tennis. relrig, entnl.nce. $85 • \\'~!king d1s1ancr lo heach & rang~ · ov<:n. re ng, l't'~i-----' ·• mo. 5.1&-8518 1 · 011 h'ld er. disposal, air corKI .• patio. NEWL y COMPLETED fireplace S185 mo. Also new siopping. ie~c34281 tenon. AU. utilities paid. $200,mo. DUPLEX 1 BR $125. Near ocean, pri. $1 5 WK 6 up w/ kitchen. ly. $3T.i mo. 67;)-.,... ·' d«'k. ..,r. 2028 1 4 l h SJO k "·dlo \ -" wls Oluy . M pets. 2 BR. 2 ba . 1$2::.0) or S BR. · "' !1u ap · ..,.,., BEAUTIF1JL & SPl\CIOU~ 7 Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. ~ L-1-1 \'-' 536-131 9, 673-1784 Nel'lmnrt Blvd. 54S-9m. ki :h & ., ,,., t -""•' . '.v. pat10!", ·-BR UPp(."r. lilr I(; <'11 ISIO l'\ewpor! Bl\·d., C :\I. C'OV. Jt.&n.ges, Crt'd .. draped, DLXE 2 BR, hltins, cptg. bath. $200 mo. All L1t1 I pd. ~77'29 f:rr .. ll.~·l9.'l9 ccinp hll·in~. Bc-!11 l{lC. drp~. pool. Adulr11, no 19, Afll1lts. 432' ~ Goldenrod. j'lfl _ 707 Orch1tl SIW mo. :iJb-2398 67J.-0980 FllERRl?IIAC \\'OODS BEAtrrlFULLY Furnished I An excl!lng new con~pt in & 2 BR e.pl!'I. Avail on i;hort h1xuriou1 apt. livlng . 1.:t lenn b11i;i~. TI-I F. JA~IAJCA BR. 2 ha 1.hs ~ilh EVERY l)l'N HarEL, Crl711. CONG:!VABLE FEATUR~ l BR rear hous1>. S!ovr , 2 BR. 1 Ba, ric<lr ocean, pool l s! u.ni1!! a\'ailablc Nov, 1st~ refrig. & new carpet!'!. & clubhouse. Stai:ting .at ,Sl«l .. Adut1s. 42.> 2 BR. 2 ba., just rompletl.'d . 642_2878 r>ler Lmac \\ ay (Just Eas1 of Carp., draJ'l('s, dishi\·asher, 2600 Jlarlx1r. BJ~·d. n~xt to blt ·in.~. We.tmln1ter 5612 REDECORATED 2 BR, 1 BA. Crp1s, drp~. I i: e stor.&gt. Cl~d gar. quiet. adult~ 15601 Van Buren. 894-3590 Tu1tJn 5640 COROLIDO Apts :l Br studio furn. $210. 673-3378 Naben Cadillac.) $-15--6300. 3 BR. 3 ba. Brand fM'W . Bltln THE VICTORIAN dishwasher, cpts, drapes,1---TH-E_A_S_P_E_N_S __ _ Compl"!tlng Nov. 8!h patio. 15652 William Sf. B.lbo. .300 Brand ncw 2 BR. J ~, BA . Don Franklin Rltr . 673·2212 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Tustin'• pl'!'1tige addrtss ----------S t 50. Ad ul I s on l y .1, Adull living, no pe t.o; CLEAN Bachelor Apt~. Crp1s-drps-bltn11, Sound • _ Shllg carpets All ulil Incl $.q:l up proofetl, pr! gar 11·/gtorage. ~Y Total Bir conditioning 315 E. Balboa Bl\ld. Fcnceri ~·d \\'/patio. \Va!tr 'Q.. •-• Unfurnished BALBOA 673-9"45 JXI. GardP.ner maintained . • • ==========I 667 Victoria St. 636-41211 ON TEN ACRES ~:.:6:~:11 1~;au$~~ Huntington 8•ach 4400 MARTINIQUE 1 k 2 BR. Furn & Unfum For information 8.1Y.i687 CHARMING, GARDEN APTS. Fireplaces I priv. patios I Pool~. Termb. Contnn Bkfst. 2 13R , pool, u!il. prl . s:..oo mo, Excellent park·likt' surround. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 6#-2611 1\dul1s only ,~ ;-.;n _Pt'lS. 17676 LOI!:~ for' 11riu.ts only. Near (~1acArthur nr Coast Hwyl Cameron, 841·212;i. shopping. Pool. 1 BR lunl. 'Va tPr t,. g<111 pd. l. '2 &. 3 BR APl'S ADULT only. $85. ~II! Palm. lm Santa An11., Apt 113 l lun1ington Beach. 536-4678 6.f&.5:142 or 642-146.i l)r ;)36-49i9 LA.RGE 2~1 BR + 2 balhs, blk In beach, bllln stove It di~hwhr. cp!s I drps. No pets. S23.'l r.fo yrly. 3101,j Jrt~. fi7!>-5.J59 Lagune Beach 570S 100 CLIFF DRlllE ~180 I BR, J 11 BA . Crpt~. dl'J)!!. bltins. View of ocean. \Valking d1staM<"c to town . AlSo furn Bachelor. very large, $170. 49-!-2+19 or 494-5,loJ. Motel1. Trlr. Crts. 5997 \\'EEKLY rate~ S<"a La.Iii r.lotel, 7301 Newport Blvd ., Cosla ~lcsa Gu•st Hom" 5991 GRAD. nurse \\'ill take care ol elderly couple, 2 male or 2 female pa!ienls in my crwn home, 24 tir nursing care, top ref's, 499-4017, Call morns from 7·2:30 PRIVATE room in lic:emed board & c11re home tor rld f'r ly gentl eman Ambula!ory only. ~5ZZ5 Mlac:. Rental1 5999 IF'l'DUSTRJ1\L uni!~ r 0 r 1torage. $60. \\'est 16fh 51. Ne.wport Beach. 646-1724 GARAGE avail, Jully enclos· rd. $20 per mo. * 5-1S-292t + SINGLE garg $20, v.·estlklr. easy 11.cce~~. elect .. cemen! lloor. 642-5.'il.1 Income Pro'<pe=rtv"--"6000'-" '1 BR hou~r. $1,17 1110. 81'1\ITI· .--.,! r.--.11i11t:s. 11'/w rpts. frplc. 2f~16 Elden. C.l\f, 6·12--11520 Harbour 340S Newport Be•cli -'--------4200Newport Beach 4200 ORLEANS APTS. LARGE 3 BR. 1 BA, prl patio, l:llr 1n:i, di!i'hw5hr, new olive shag CJ1!tg, drp11. $235 Mo. 67>3794 alter S Rental1 Wanted 20°/o Return GfVE !".ow -United Fund ~ Brt Eastsidr. irpl, crp1s, dt11~- fi.Kl-400:l afrrr 5 pm 3 + STUDY, 5hllrp, Lease w11h op I ion . Asking S400/ino. FOUR S T AR Rlty. RlS-4422. Grand Opening -lmm.di'lt• Occupancy OAKWOOD J BR av11il. Adull5 only. 1741 Tusl..!n, Cos!.a llle~a Mgr. Mrs. canon, G-12-4641 5990 General 3000 General 3000Gene ral 3000 The best of two worlds • 2 BR. f11>\c, crpt, drps, balcony, laundry rm. So. of ll~'Y. 322 lleliotrope. Avail Nov, li. $100. 67:>--3645 WANTED, Rental for l'linter S. 2 BR unita in Calta Mna mo. Fuml&hed house 1 or 2 near O~e Av•. ll 23rd bdrm5 ¥.'/Xtra lg. Hv'g rm. Strfft. $15.000 down. O>n- on Vicloria or Aliso Bch. 1act Lany Pfilrter. Plett' 494-6709 Barrett Realty 642-C5.1 Solve a Simple Scram.bled Word Puzz:Ito for a. c:1iukle 0 l!eorro~ l.tterl or the four acrornb!ed ~ b. J.JW to form four Ji111~!e words.. IPIRSAH I I' I I I IDYKUS I I I IVASIT I II I I If a lot al people sold what • _ _ • they think, It would be mostly .---------, -wordt. llUDRIT I If·~· .... ~, ""'1"'"'-'1~~, .~ 0 "-""' .... "'""1• -by f,ln., ~ .,,. m;--• • • YQtl develop froin llep No. 3 be!o.t. e PRINT NUMBERED LETTERS tN THESE SQUARES ., UNSCRA.M8lE ABOVE lf TifJS 10 GET ANSWE' I I I I I I e_,."'"-_.,.. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 your home and your country club For your horn•, 1•lect from 1in9le , on• .1 nd two bedroom ep.1rtm•nts. Furni,h•d or un- furni1h•d, each i1 profes1i on~lly decorat .. d .1 nd includ•1 c arpeting , drapar1e 1, .1tl-•lecfr1c Westinghous• epplienc.e,, 'tor• 9 • sp.1c.• aplenty end priv.1te balcony p.1tio. Ju1t stepti from your door i1 • "."'hol• world of e xclu1ive country club recr•1+1 on: • Professional size T •nnis Courts • Resident Tennis Profe11ion.1I and Shop • Olympic size Swimming Pool • Whirlpool B1th1 • Peddle T annis, Voll.ybell, 8a1ketb.1ll Court1 And a 20,000 squere foot clubhoo1• offer1 th•'• f•.1fur•s: • S•parete Men'1 end Women', Health C1ub1 with S.1une1 e Indoor Golf Driving Rang•, Billiarc:ll Room • Theatre TV Loung•, Art Studio, Perty Rooms Models Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. D.1 ily RENTS FROM $1H te $310 OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS I 700. I bth Street, Newport Pho"•: b-42-1170 Fairway Villa Apts Ntar Orange Co Airport &: UCJ. Adu.I.ls only. 20122 San~ Ana A,·e. 540.2796 $160. LARGE rlt"luxe 2 BR. I ~l BA. GE Kitchen. 2 car gar. Adu lt, no pt'IS. 2.fO E. 16th Place. 548-6432 $160. 3 BR, frplc, patio, crptd, drpd, garag<", adulll. 289 Ogle, C. M. 714; M&-8301 or 213: 592-5227 NEWLY Decorated 2 BR l BR., 1 bl., cpl1, drpa.. bltns. $175 mo. leue. ALSO: 2 BR. I ba. $150 mo. Jeue. Agent 675-2101 COROLtDO Apt11. 2 Br studios, AOmf! w/frple1. SllJ &: up. AIM! prnthou11e $220. Pool &: pa lios. 673-3378 I BR unf, All util pd. Stov relrig, cpls, drp1. $150 mo. Mature adult. 675-5359 LARGE BMlnd new 3 BR, 2 BA. Vlel'I', South of Highway. 673-6904 RENTAL SERVICE E-SI DE hm +income. 10 FREE TO LANDLORDS unil5 + 2 mw;, rm to bid * Blue Bra.con 66-0111 * Sl2j,QOO, 20';"'., dn. Owner \V A N TE D: Unfumisho.'d _'478-llOO'l=~·==~===,­house, Corona df'I ?>tar or LO\V 00\.\IN PAYlt1ENT Balboa l1laOO, CaU 539--0159. NEWPORT DUPLEX. Bkr • LANOLORDS • I=="'= .. ===="'="""=,..,== FR.EE RENTAL SER.VICE 1- Broker 534-6912 Roams for Rent 599S LRG rm, prt •nt I bath Lrt c l oset, patio . close bch/1hpe $75 mo inc uW 673-1023 FURNIS H ED room, .-en)ernen pretrrred Newport Beach. Busl-• Property 6050 Bl.ck kn,ht le1t. Ml) E. 17th St., C.M. (Lend A Sida.). By Owner 714: KZ-mJ run 5% romm to All bkn. Bu.Inna Rental w I carport $115, Oi!lposaJ. ========== l'l'a!~ pd. 2566 (Al Orangt Balboa l1lancl 5355 Ave, 6J6.4120 -,-8-R-.-,-B-,-,-,~-.. --.,-,-. -,oo-· HA.RBOR Hfo ights, new 2 Br, from bea c h. Jn;.yearly 642-200l JSc SQUARE FT. 2 BA, all elec ldL w/auto Jrase. 67~207 1 BR kitchenettl's, Ueeping Rriail Of oUice 1pa~~ frplc. Adult• only, no peta. ========= nm. Heated pool. MUI lJ»UOO .:f ft. 2U to $175. M0-3941 Huntington htch 5400 lltl'Vltt, $30 IWr wk I: QP. '50 62r'd St., Newport B ch. NEW 1 BR apt, bltn 11ove. Vktorie Key for entry, N.B. wJ $1Zl per mo. No pet1 or 2 BEDROOM 2 bath, cpta,SI '~.~F=EP=tN~G,,.--,.,,,.-~$311=-w~k.,-,1 Lodge. Owner 12131 2· JlQl, children. '42-4014 drapei, buill·ll'll. Bnl loca· BR. w/ldtdM:nettr $-l5 wk. tves 12131 2-46-0'700, lion. I blk. to S Point 1toftl. I =='"='=='=~~~.._-LG 3 BR, 1%. bl. Cpts. drp11. 1130 up. furnilhed I: un. Heated pool. Ma>d ~rvice. SJ'ORE • Offices, aq. ft. C.rpor1 lo pool. Kklt OK. furnished. &42-lSM 0 r 450 Vk:krria, nr Harbor. campers, boa.ta, IYPH 2714 Coll~e No. 2. 646-709 IJ.12-330.l. 7701 EJlla. Apt. D. n.JRN room w / pri t.th • buainess. Frnt. park 20 c::at'$. DELUXE 3 bedroom apt. 2 Bedroom, 2 ba.th:, cpta, •ntrance. PaUo. Quiet. 15601 Unl im. tra!Hc. Remodellrw • Dlb plumhlna: . .,;/w crpls A dntprs, built·il'll, Bnt Joa-Van Buren, We1tmlnster. $225 mo. 410 Newport Bhd. drpt. 548-3481. MG-0154 Oon. 1 blk to 5 Point dons. ~ 64l-S851 2-7BR. I l! t 1 . Responalble $140. up. Furnished .. un. SMALL Bach. unit for OTW! STORE for ~. 1500 IQ. ft. •dult1. No ptU. furniahed & 4 2 • 21 3 S or oldrr' .-noo o n I y, $41 Oceanfront at Newport Pia, For •pp't. 5t6--0684 84).U)J rnn EDill Apt D ~ s-MI. 114-1809. 515-79 ·-r.~-- Wtdnt!day, Oetobtt ~' 1969 PllOT·ADVERTISf'.R H ANNOUNCEMENTS J08> a cMPLOYMENl I JOBS A EMJiLOYMINf and NOTICES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliimiiiiiiiml-J Joln----M9n1 Wom. 7100 1 Jobs-Mt~, Wom. 7100 ~ DAILY PllOT Wednesday, Ottobtr 29, 1969 --¥AL I Sf A Tl I REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ... \,; Oentral Gen•r•I FINANCIAL ' '. J: ~~~~R~ .. ;!ta~I~~-~~ L_o_1s ______ 6_100_ 1TR-Commerc. blda., lDI at,i. N. PklWTMJUe ohJ f\ewport . IUt&I for artl1ta, ~lot'll, anOqut't, etc AM-quate parkl nK. 613-!!060: ~141 Eve&. 8 u1. Opportunltitt 6300 FAMOUS BRAND NAME t:,\NIJY ROU1·D; When You Want ii done right ... CLERK BUYlll 6405 BABYSITTER \0.'11111t'd 1 OPPORTlJNITV 569 W. 19th St., CM $150/manlh lndud 1n11: all util. It~. 3 )"'an 11·i1h option of ::; . Jol~t & las! 11nly HOT SPOT! 6 ~2:1Cll STORE lor lease 1100 sq . 11. 1n shop (•Ir on 11111 SI. Cos!11 iltr~11 Call day 49-1-:l!ilJ 1ute !162-3883 \\'ANTED: Bldg appro.-; 1/00 sq. ft . ~ul!(lt.i!c I o r 1TSlau1·:1111 \\'rl!f' D a 1 I y Pilot Box :it-3·17. -~-RQ0.\1 ~u il&blc for 1<1lt ~!Yip. men·~ ,,hor n1• l;1d1<'~ <;hop, Call Jun Bcrh ,h1r<' li7'.i-!HO:i 6070 BUILD -43 UNITS Cuy ot Ontario: Cotnt't lot, 210'i.:l80', all Jmprovemf'rltll. Ontano I n If' r n 1 I Iona I Alfl)0/1 $ mmutf's a11·ay Nf'w r.fotor Speedway 10 mi11utu,. S36.000 cash or submit C>wner P, 0 . Bo'I: 9, Curiimonp, Calif. Ph t71'1J 982-2j()g BUILDERS j(}' R-2 Jot flf'&i· hf'11cb, 11.B. Only $9(00_ R. 0. Sl•t••· Realtor& 5:\6.8SOJ ~·17·3519 !\'ow avtulable In Coll!& Mf's& I: inany 01her !OWN tn t!ti1 •res . Ail locaUon1 arr rom- 1nen:-1al or Jaclory. Vrry high ramings, no selling in· 1·oh·ed. To qua.I:ly you must be reliable !..· have 1 hr 11 <Jay ~pare tln1e !days or t\'c~\. Sl21X lo $::J50 nF.QUJRE'D Call one of the ex13ert s listed below!! C'tuldrt>n, fl.ly hon1r, .si., 1fa)'1 Neii t'ard & gift lhop need• $2300 CRf:J)IT 11 N,.wportrr "'k. Rel1<1ble & lo\'C kids. l'\l1"f. buyl'r in &11™•are A Inn will dlM.'OUnt or Trade? I ='-'c>-='c"'~~==-=--o~c:-. parly goods. MLlSI M penn. Cal!LI 8-862:i. B A B Y S I TTER & lite Nl'atness, m an n er • A- ALCOJI OLICS Anonymoua housework. Older "Oman sincerity w / p e o p I e Im- Phone 5(2..7717 01· write to pref. Sonora sch! dist. porlanl. Located Balboa • P.O. Boll' 1223 Co5!a Me~a. I 962-100'3 or ~7~ Cd~! 11re1. All rtp.lln con. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT BABYSl'ITJ::R ncdt>d imn1ed. fidential. I tor 10 mo. old baby. 5 day i)(>Uills • Uaily Pi.Jot, Job W•nfed, wk, 1n usl come 10 home & I ===~c"°='-·_P_·751_3-o--:-= Women 7020 havt refs. ~ CLERK -Reproduction, resJ) 1ro'K1·~1',"',"1,~~.1 0.M"'•k .. ,1~.~,",~.s SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY e i\llNICARE NURSING • . . --I -·---h ~Ul~l'~l~~[~~r~!\~'·Naa~o~~ Asph1ft, 0111 6520 C1rptt cl~anlng 66'lS ~i .1 6790 hon1e carr. on hourly ba.~1~. BABYSITTER "'' 11 n t r .1 . \\'lll incl incoming & out Fountai n Valley area. Call going mail, niaintain ena: altl'r 6, 5.ll-3<!30 document &. pr int filr1 • l hot1r n1h11n1u111 . Also .shills Co_ For nlO!'e inlormation ---------& J' . ~•r ,. SEALING • P T I G C RPE ·r RKLE J . . I • IV' . !Ve-In . ..,..._,;,;o BE,\U'rlt'Ul. view Io t, send nat11e, 11dJrC'sa & phone A D TN A T &-upholstery Stl•1nn " A _alltlor1a · .•n· e AJ!il'd Nurses & Aides • Tus1in. I d f' a I l•ll" '"b tu111 no. to: JlOUTI:: DEPT. P . O, R<-sldcnllal -Indus -Corne"! cleaned, also carpet in· 1low l'll.'11.rung Se1·v, \\in· 0 1 0 C ,. R . operate blue lint' mach., Ille BAR !\\AI O -Apply The lyping bent'llcial, xlnt oppt. Place, 2fl00 Balbt.oa Bl1•d., Call l<aren/Vanguard Data Nr11-porl &-a!.'h. Systems 540-7640 BAR tllAI D -Niles, 1\11\VER!C.K 1728 Ne11JXlrt COl\IBINATION. Sharp Bar 1\la!ds &. Go Go Dancen. Rlvd., C.\I. Tor 11·ages. Phone lor in. BEAUTICIANS terv\ew. &!.!SY LaJsy, 290J lor day &: evening shilr~ ln Harbor, C.1\1. 27 t\. Superb location. Vtcv,. C all d I I . . ur.~es eg1s1ry honit•. Frcr & dea1'. By B(J~ 58 Po1nona, CaJlr. 9176~ on1pl rC"rus ~rv. Currently st a11on. Results l(Uar. !'or 01\'~, rl'~1r -· conh', con.'>t. 27:19 \\' L-1 S A 0111wr, ""'"I trrn1~. \l>1y I FRIGIDAIRE ___ engaged by City of C.i\1. Jor frt'e est. call &16-J971 Clrnnup. r',.,,c rst. !!68-2691 · iugan ..anc, · · •-!========= -========·=-FJC BOOKl'E''·:rEr. • ·•; t;;l;r lrade. ti 1;, -Z 2-1 ::, street r<'slorat!oo. -• r. •• .: .. 6i3-0;'.{IJ JET ACTION NATO CORP. Electrlc.tl 6640 L1ndsc.tping 6810 yrs_ Exp. Aulu. Dl\tV, Frigidaire 18 min. wash. Gen'I Coolractors 6:!8--J8l8 Public Acc1111g. & small R i nches 6ISO f asll'St in the industry. 30, ELECTRICIAN; Llc!!nscd, LIC'D Japanese landscafll! bu~. \Vanis part tin1c. F'lc.'1- 18 ni1 n 1vashea will do the Biby&ltting 6550 b<Jnded, sruall job~. 111a1111 & oon11·actor, La11·n~. s prklrs, Ihle hrs. Yasl & dl'.pcndable. work ol 45. 30 n11n 1i•ashes. --'---=-------rt'p111r;. ~Ul-5203 patios. etc. 83()..3037 4::12-2905 ('ves. LAGUNA BEACH ~1tr Colotual houst'. Xlnt FRIGIDIARE OUTSTtl ND· EX·PLA YGROL!ND diI'f'clor I 0========== . '"'u""R"s"E"s",,-cAc;,o,=,:--:,c,c,";ic,bccl, JNG LOC,\TIONS: La l\li ra. 11·iJl care ror rhild in my Floort 6665 Masonry, Brick 6830 f(lr IKinie ra~. ~6-1.-,iO popular • priced C.l\l. salon. PreSl!n t s laff can't handle rapidly expanchn;l: vohtt11r . PaHI 1·acation. Call Viola : :.ti\.9!119 or apply tll person, Crowning Glory Beauty :.;a. Ion. 267 !::. 171h St. Corporate Mgmt Trainee to $9,600 Air Conditioned pr<Jol ucing a voc ados r da major sh6pp1ng r.en11·r. hom". !\Ion lhru Fri. Call RICHARD ALLEN' • Allied Nu. l""•'S t.· A1~<:s • 0:-1 fOr:l:Sl' AVENUE: ,-11rus & ro1n mcrr1al JaJ'l(I. 67• ,, .. o CAHPET·VINYL TILE _ Df>sk spacf' dl'al1.1blc 111 Su1t11blc lnr .\lobtlr hon1r.;. uc11cs1 office b1.oil1lin1:" at \\"ill d1\•Jdl'. Tern1s by prin1e locaiion 111 down1uwn oll"nrr Le<11·111~ St.it('. P. 0. l ... 1guna Brach. Air cond1· B11x 473. f all brook, CA tioned, l'arpc tr.d, beau!itu! !12023 ent1·ancrs: F'rontagl.' on I~========== G;irden Grove & Buc:n:i .. -"''' 01 O.C. J\"Ut sf's nrg1stry P k l=====c-------fn_oe e~t. Lie. contr. 5-J0-726Z, C t & S · " 2729 IV L ar BABYSITTI~G :\1 honie. 546-4478 us om p•nlSn . 1ni;:an Lane. S.,\. Coin·O·Matic r!;iy or 01\e, wam1 food , nice 1~========== Masonry A Specialty! PLEASANT practiClll nurse, Equipment, Inc. )'II.rd. Infant OK, &U-5299 G•rdening 6680 Block, Brick, Concrete carah!e. kindly & quirt. No :!J.3~1 j \V, Valencia BABYSl'M'ING. days, fenced Free Est. 633-2343 smoke or drink. Have riir & U i-· I no1v h1ru1r,: t'Xpt'rit'nced carpenters k J iberglas men. call B1ll 541)..8950 Boat Mf;r. Forest ,\••e .. rear !cads lo 'r.tuncipa) parkini; lots . .S~ per n1un lh for sp.1t'e, Dt•sk •nd chairs available for s:i. Business hours a11.~wcrini; service availuble for $10. AJI uuli!.ics paid c.~,·cpl telephone. DAILY PILOT 222 t'Olil::ST ,\VENUE LACLiN,\ BEACH 49,1-~.JGG r.101JJ..llN 7JO sq r t . do'A•n1011·n Ci\\ f r o n t a }: e , l1g-ht, airy, \\"f'!I illw1Hnati•tl. a /c, dbl. toilers, plrntllut parking, su1lablc for <ilc 01· • specialty r e I a i I . 183 1 l'ev.'JlOrl BhU. G42-IZ30 OELUXI:'~ J roon1 nffif'f' :.111tc in Corona de! i\1111", P"'~l ige location. l'anelled, 11e1v carp<"ts & dra;ies, pril'illt' pal'lo n~. Realonom1cs Corr . 67H700 ·--~--1000 SQ. FT .• ;1\r cond.; carpet, parking. S300 n10111h . Pacific l\lulual Bldg, 271 1 E. Coast !IV.')'., C ti .\I . 673-4120 OFt'ICES /~CCf'Pl iOll·1\!l'ill Crillg Secreli1.rlal 334.} Newport Bl~·d., N.B. 67~1001 COSTA .\lf'sa olliet?s. A/C, crpt.5, drp11. P11rkl f1i . Vf'ry nice of(ices. Jjj,) Baker, !J.lti-4ll!i0 UPSTAIRS Off1rc 11 fliuy vir11. Call J 1111 Rf'1ksh11 e, • 6i3~!!:i0:. * omm•rci1I 6085 E.X'CELLE:\I prolit making plan for club~. ch urch groups, orga111Lations and 1~ indiv•duaJ. Double. your money. \\'rite or phone now for free, con1 plrte 1nform 0i · tion. Con1 pub, 10.X\ E. lsl .Jt. Suite '1.()3. !7141 8::.6·69:..::i. IJLDC for lease, 11.000 sq, ft Properly !XI' x 300'. &1~>-1 1:13 d&y~. E1•rs. 642-lfi9. 9!0 \\'. 17th .. C.:lt. l-090 COSTA MESA e 13::<1 sq. It. Sl6.i/mnllth e ::100 ):(!. rt. 4 offl('es. :: pha!<:e pci11·rr. S J l 0 I rn o . e 1130 to lJ,000 ~q. It. ll'lll' lras1n1:. undrr t'f"lrL,ll1.1r.t1oll C. Rohcrt l\;111re~!!i Hcal1llr CO!lla :"111'.'s.1 61~·11~., b LDG:-; 2i{Wl, 11~. 1.'00 ~'1 11 ll ',C' fl \GG7 Pla1:rn11a "'". C. :\I. Grqri.;c \\"ry11I~ 6 \1\-1 J(d Lot• 6100 BAYfRONT Commercial Lot "!IP Of Q}d Tr'.\il~'-0 ll1ar1n r -"'!1111 .. ll On =""""pr>M Bl1d :\~'XI to l\'o<xh ·!I \\'ha1 r i ,i f l. rii1r11as~ $220,1 00 Listed cii;clu~i1·rly 111111 Fullrrton 71 4: S:!S.7833 ynrd. 5 Day \l'l'Pk. Costa ANTHONY'S credentials, Ullencumhered. ;\lesa a rea. 642-87 28 I Pap•rh1nging 6-12-4434 DELIVERY Painting 68SO E"l'ER I EN'CE D DAY Citrus Groves 6175 -NEEDS Sn1op; t ·rce F A LLBROOJ\ Supervi <r lht• dellvery of auto CHILD or llllant l'l:lff', 111y 644 4860 .i. p;1r1_~ & nt'<'•'S.'lOries to our hon1e. ~ n10 Lil advance. • NEED PAINTING? \\'ORKER. O Assemblers • Touch-up 6'·· ACRES 470 BE,\HING T-HEES N E IV ~IODERN 1\\\"ARD \VINi\"ING HO~JE. LOTS OF GLASS TER- HIF!C VI E\\' OVERLOOK- ING PALA l\IES1\ GOLt' COUR~E. $:l1,000. 5111· down & re11"°nahlc ll1rn1s direet cuslorn1'1·i; 111 Oran;:r Cou111y 64&-55:t7 Clean·up, Reniodrl C.i ll 11s• HC'llable Servlce 1v/ 110:-.JEST and NEAT !========== Bud<et Laod~ea1iir1:! · c,11 -0 y1·,m,. ~•1 27" e Finish Carpenters. Al"t'U . ~75CO ·1nvestn1rnt re· .. Qu(lll!y at Its besl, al the a" · ~ .,., -1w B I k M t E:..Jl('rie nccd llorlicul1urist quirrd. s2.·i0 prr wk pl us r c , ••onry, • (, n1ost reasonable prices. A r.t BI T IOUS, rtepcrx:lablc profits. ~liould c.\CCCd $10,000 6560 XE\V l awn s l't!·secding. Free rs Lillta tc~. :i.1S·600:.! young 11·oman i;ceks Girl * O' DAY YACHTS* 31EO Pullnian. Costa ~!esa e B rown & S harpe operators: to $~/ hr. Firs1 and 2nd shilt. Min. 2-3 yrs t'XPf'I". per yr, for appt., call t7l4J Complete lawn carP. Clciin 1l lNTERJOR J:::.\'TERIOR * Friday poslt i"on . 6~6--2131 .)39..;JiiOO ex! 39J. BUILD. Rc1nodcl, repair. up by job or morilh. f ree llri1•k. block. concrele, esrirnates. f"<ir inro, call I t t 0 6310 rarpe11lcry, no job too small. 846.-0932 Irorn owner. nv•& men ppor. Lie. Contr. 962-6945 3!9 Stewart Cyn. i 2S-7113 Rd. AL'S Garoen!ng & Lav.•n INVESfOR'S -CORPS. --l\lainlenanee. C.on1mercial, 161 U llntg Bch. 88 U El Bu&in•u S•tvic• 6562 industrial & residcn!lal. R. E. Wanted __ 6_2_40 i\lon1e, 50 U Yorba Linda -* &l&-36:/9 * to ~ buiJt.tst o "' n e 1· TYPESETTING dcpreciarion, 10', s""ll· CO MPLETE .~ i\cw 11nd comple1c c o I d NOTICE dable-acrcp1 pre paid. \\'ill type racililies serving all Yard r>laint. Cleanup trade &14-lZb:i. of Orange County. Oller-P.eas. 968-1928/616-82-17 If you have a 3 or 4 ~room hcune for sale or for rent, c11l! us today. \\'c reprt'srnt the cn1ployces o/ a Jargr !inn n1oving 10 the Harbor Arra and they n1usi have housl11g~ All L·ash if desired. DH rarrow 5-i&-86~0 NEED Investors to lur thcr Jevclop shallow S . E . l\~nsas oil lrasr. Ca!! or lng: ~reedy servit:e "'-low 1'~UJi La11·n Service rates. Call for further & (;r neral Yan.I Cleanup info rmation. (D4) 836-695;) :i10.J!!G!'.l Frl'e Estin1111e \1Tile, 8:.31 Arnell Dr, 118. -=========== 8·12-:?212 ~ C1rpentering 6S90 Mon•y to Loin 6320 CARPENTRY 2 d TD L MINOR REPAIRS, No Job NOTICE n oa n TttO Sm"11. Cab1"'1 In • ., If you have a J or 4. bed· agf's & o th e r cabinets. roo111 hon1e for i;aic or for P ro111pt. confir;enll11l !f'rvlrl' ~5·8175, U no answer leave 642-2171 545-0611 • '·'"2312 I O l'ellt c·slJ u~ today. Ir e rep. ms. at .....,. ·. L . I Scr\111~ Jl;,rhor ll t't'll 211 .v rs. Andcrsor1 resent thr. rn1ployees o a ~~~~--- 1 S1ttl11r Morfnan• Co. .~ lan:r l1rn1 n1ov1n~ to t 1c • • TnANSFER Panel trucks .t ·· .136 E. •7th Street hai·1xt1· af'f'a ;111d th ey must 1 ----~~=~---1 V\Y's to Can1pers. Rebuild ha\·e housing! All l·ash; ii $15,000 or remodel boals desired, call farrow ~~iJ for good rt>al estate Joan. prclabrication. Custont-buil t JJ:'ll'S Gardenln.i:: & la\\'ll n1ainren11nce. Res. & Com- n1ercial. • 540-48.'.:7. J apanese G;'lrdener Comple re Yard Scivlce Frf'c Estinialc &IG-0830 CLJ-:AN·UP SP ECI ALJ!-i"'T: JI-lowing, erlging, odd jobs. P.e;i~on11ble. 5-18-69:i:i * Exptrt Japanese FINEST 'VORK 646-0384 6682 N 0 T I C E Vacant OK. r.tr. Adam~. cabinets & I J x tu res , GARAGE Doon Serviced & Broker * 499-2130 f ormica 11·ork. 61&-5219 or Repaired. General House If you have a 3 or 4 bed room :.4S-l6."¥1 ho1nc for . ..ale or for J"cnt Mainl. $10. rn1n. 67;)-5384. tt•ll u~ tod.iy. 11·,. 1i•p1e~r111 Mortg1ges, T.D.'1 6345 C.\P.r~~NTRY, Cab i 111.: Is I:==========: 6730 Painliog -P aperhangini;: Lie. Ins. Guaranteed l!a1Tis Painting 642-4558 SUBURBAN Painling/Dec Expert Guaranteed \Vork F ree f'~L No job too large or loo small. 494·3100 Job W1nttd. Men & Wom•n 7030 CHt:-JESE live-in Domestics. Permanent. Experienced. Far East Al!ency 642-8703 e B&S to $4.50 hr. !<tin 5 yrs expr.r. first & 2nd shift. These joh!l are EPF's. APEX E r.1 P LOY r.t ENT * PAl:-l"T/NG ln1e1"ior/E.>:ter-Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 AGF.NCY iO!'. Loc:RI refcrencrs. lm·1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 1873 Harbor Bl\'d. ml'd. sen•tcc. 646-3657 Costa r.tesa, 548-::426 --abilities p ,\JNTlNIG, Ext. Int. 18 yrs Bookkttper "' '"' L " r.,, "' ar.1Limiteo * BRITE $600 A('()llSl. ceilings. !'rJ8.J'.l'.!il. OfJCTlC(Y DU.\1:-l" Bt DUN:'>l Quality Positions foi' A.P .. A.R Preter NCR 3100 Pi1111nni:: & Papcrh(ln~10;; ,-, , d 1. exp. No ryping. Ftt-'Phi. . " . ..,uahfie App 1cants Free est. Ri:oa5. 6~-·236-l ·lSS E. 17lh St., Sulfe 22~ Also frf.' po~11ion!. }',\JNTIN L;, papering: 16 yr5, Cos1a r.lcsa 642-1470 s.c:urity Personnel in Harbor area, Lie. & / Agency honrh:d. Rers. !urn. £.12-2~J6. Accounting ANAHEir>f PA li\'TER, Exp"d. E.>:t I Int. COST ACCOUNTANT Zcr24 W. Lincoln nt very low rates. 675--12-17 MANUFACTURING !:ANTA AN_\ aft 6 p111. Opponunily for accountant \r i'lls Fargo Bank S idi::. "'-· ·1 ,. d 1 Saola A11a F'r.1"-' a! Main \\".\LLP:\PEP.ING & PAIN-11·1c., 1111 1a 1ve a n arn ll· J tion. ~grcc or r.qu lvalcllt =-=-=-C7'o""=·"'="=~=-c= TING. IO 'YRS in a1'1!a. J{cfl.~oniiblc r;1tes. GIZ-.D.i27 FOR Better Painting, in!er· ior & e.~leiior, aroustic ceiJ. 1ngs. 646-Wl7 & 541 ·3Wl ""'"''""' '"""ired. Al. BOOKKEEPER F/C tr.:1.ctive 1tartlng salary and betl('fi ts. Srrd resume to f or CPA Firm D. Paulsen 235 F isher St., ~IA Mesa, <:alif. f\'.1gucl Pf'rsonnel Agency 27635 Forbf's Road L.1guna Ni~uf't 831·1~n thr. c111ployee~ or a large 1~." RETURN Rc1n.od. No job r~ s~_all, f1rn1 11101·111g to rhc barli.Jr ~-.,Iv.'> . . 1 1 1 TD q•1al1ty 11·ork. Call ti1&-l:i,6. ...,..,co_., ~al-On('( i. • ---- at't'.i aOd 1hcy 111ust haYe p;i.y11 bte S500 n1o. 8'r. dur 111 QUA LITY Repatrs -Al tera- hous1ni:::: All cash; 1! desil~ l I months. Sold at $104,tXX:l tlon! -Ne1v cons!. by hour Plastering, Rep•ir 6880 e PAT C II PLASTERING. All typrs. Free estimate. TOP Dollar for old irems Call 540-682:i yo u r g a r a gr , 1v 1l l ===========-! Advertising Production Artist Productian Mo;ir. BOOKK EEPER, F/C c.ost accounting. Salary to $650. Fi>e rtimbursed, also fer positions. «I. cau Famiw 5.i6-8640. "qh $:i0.000 down: on :-i or Con!rnct. 646-3442 BUSINESS and Arres magn1t1cf'nl ocran Rl::PAIRS, ALTERATIONS FINANCIAL v1cw So. ~i;:una land. IO';",, CABINET. Any size :foh Discount, llrokfr z:, yrs. rxp("r. ~l-IS-6il3 Bu•. Opportunities 6300 l:Jl-8100 or ·193·1"if.E Evrs. REP.<\IH. rartilions Small CANOY SUPPLY 1°ST~\\'lli1r \\'a1c~1r11• Remodel, e!c. Ni lf' or <'lay, ROUTE lot in Lai:;una Bt•ach. SG.000 Rens! Cal! KEN 54()...4679 at S60 nio. 1nrl. 9' ,., Al! due -AFFILJA'fE (:\o Sellin~ ln1·u!1'e.d1 l.'l:t't'll1"t11 n11.1ln1r lur fell' huu1·~ '1rcKly ll'ork 1Da~s or Cl'C!llngsi. Rc!Jlln~ & C\JI· lcr t111i:: n1011ry lroni ('0111 opera1cil cJ1spensl.'rs u1 Costa ~1 rsa f.: :.111Tilt111tHni:: <if'{'a. \\'f' f'SI. l"(lulc. {l!:indles ni1n1r br;u\tl f.'i"l.ll1ly k ~llat·k~l :\!:ii.). ca ~h !'('. 11uircd. For prrM>nal in· len ·1r1v 111 Cosla ;llesa area, . •f''til nanit'. Hrlflr.'<~ i.· phl)11c rn1fltbt·r 1•1 :'llull•·Sla\r [11r. 'Viii ~; 1111r"l'l:i! lfl') Uo\1 ne~. Cil1!. 90~'-I:.! !21::1 :>:6 !.('lo:ll -*-P-ARTNER_*_ 1_;,.r," :-.~1 .. ,,,~11v na•1111a 1·111nn::: f,1i~1. 3 ~'e~rs. 12<i~ 011\counl C•m•nt, Concr•t• 6600 BROKER ~94·11 37 ------~~~~c l * CONCRETJ.: F 1 o o r s, 1ST and 2NDS poOo" "", R"·''°'blo. C"11 Don, 6~2-8:i11 ~. Calif. T.D's. Inc. ZF.i\'£T11 ~.(i(l(l.1 _ To:J Frre Contractors 6620 ANNOUNCEMENTS---,-RE_D_H_._G_E_R_W_IC_K_'_ and NOTICES Building Conlractor Found (Fre• Adi) 6400 Fam. rnis. bflnns, patios Lll'Cn~ed-r1..-.e t>~linu1tes f"OU"D 11 k " k 6i::-fiOl! & 54!1-2110 " J Ill' '1){' · n -flOO ---~~----~ l\t'anni:. chain rolliir J. liEi\'ERAL Contractor. All tr;1sh. \'1c !-!arbor Ahd t.· carprnlr}'. concrete, add & \'irlor 10, C:'ll. J6(] Jlanul !on. rrn1odel1ng. 23 yrs e:o.· C\I apt :;, 1orrirncr. :iJJ.7984, 847·'l'.,!l2 sl'i'O\V F<1 ri 11111 1'1d..-run. lJ:lnrlrfl. Sorn 10 'f~~ \"it C1rpet Cle1n ln9 6625 231·(! & S;in!I\ An~.(' \I Call CAi1PET & r un1 cleanin:;: H m or ,.,.,.~ f.1'.!-2 . .,l(l for 1 d;iy s•'i"\'1re f.· qua lity KIT rEN-. -,,t:ivut-4 111on11o~ 11·nrk, r :ill S1r r!111i;: !or okl. hlark 1;. grry 1ii;rl" 11·11h h1",j\i1!11!'•·' f.!2-~.i20 l\hllf' 1nark1nc::~ _V~(· ~'!_! .l;ll.; ('AHPt:T t:lr,11111J'b-O-,-."-" &. T .. 111 t1 , C:\4 .W.1-1!11.1 ~1~ f1j L'phol~1r1·y cl('!4111og· l;ER:\1,\-N fl(li111or, 1·1c. El r 1l 'r St'Ol('h0'.u::irc1. Hnrlxlr Toro k Le isurr \\'l)rl(!. D1sco11nt :':(.!l-1~00 011 11f'r pis 1dc11l1ty & claun. .-Dii<nionrls ;:ire n1ras11n 'rJ Gi~1!l16 :J.I" '1lt3111), sn ,1rr \\'I'' r.1rns pl'l'Scripllon gla~•"S, D!A.\lQNn C,\HPF-1' Yir. J9tlt & Park, C.\I, CLF.1\N ~:!~S C.l:r1J17 iin.v11111e ~4738 GIVE ;'\ow -Unltrd fond slore/and/or n1ovP. Let 11 small bu!i11f'ssm1:1n pay at- tenlion to your llC(!ds. John ;j36-6J26 C!~EAN-Up ant;! ti ght niov- ing. Call DRvr · * 89::.-42!1j • YARD/gar. r.lf'anup $10/load. Salvageables fr«! Rf'movc fl'('C'>1, ivy, ~'Tade. 96'2·8715 -cLEA;~ ti~P~&~11",c,c,,c,,.c, - Trri>s l..· s hruh!l'f'ry 1rimn1cd Ol' 1"1"'!110\'l"<f. 5-19· I 3'J9 C i•an Up And~H~.-u~l - $10 a load &16-2528 Hou1ecl•1nin9 6735 LAN DLORDS \pt "Rental r:eadler'" ready your rental. II o u s eclcanin).:, pa1n!1ni; rler. repair, ciirrr1 sha 1n· poolng. yar.1 11·01•k. 540-392~ BA\' & Bcarh Ja n1tona1 Serv. Carpf'!s, 11 uldn'\ s, noors, ('I C" Hf's & Co rn m c ' I li lli-1401 r ,\T\P~:TS, \\'tni!O\\ •. flri;. ctr Rrs <ff Come'!. Xlnl 11 ork !teas: P.rts. ~Hs...111 1. \\"OULD 'You beliel'e I will ('Iran your hnn1t' for Bl 11e Chip Srii111pi;? 1197-7'.t'"IO e \VJNDO\.\'S IJJRT'i? t 'r('f' est. W yc11rs e_x p. Johnny Dunn 642-2.164 \\"JNDO\V CLEANING Pron1IM' lo p]ea!C! •5'a&-2210 • --- Plumbing 6890 PLUiltBlr\G REPAlR i\'o Joh too small • 642-3128 • E xperienced ag•ncy p roduction 1 r t i • t capabl• of • o m e production men19 .. ment for Newport Beach agency. Xlnt. sal•ry and IMn•flt&. Th< * If you ne('ll remodC"ling Pleasr 5cnd rt'lillmf' lo p11intini.: or repairs. cau Da\J Puat Box. ~1~%~ Dick. 6'12·17!17. cc='=:c------- S•wing 6960 J\ L T E RATIONS-~l~n·~ & won1cn·s. good Job. Fast & l"';1sonablc. 642-.'l299 Al1 c111tions, restylf' !.,. cusron1 Bedspl'eads Lotll~ :i18-1HH • Dressn1aki11g -Allf'rations Spreial nn hem11 . * 6--lG-&W!i * TILE, C•r1mlc 6974 • \'rrn,., The Tile i\lan• C11~I 11,.rk ln~tall & rppatrs 1\11 Job llY• small. Plast<'I" pntc•h_ (.r11k1ng sh n 1v e r rrp;i1r. SIT-1!l.i7/S41}../1'.?!J6 Upholster y 6990 CZYKOSKJ S Cust. Uphol. Euruprnn Crallsmansh1p 100'-;. fin~ &1 2-14~ l~JI Ne:"''POrt Bl .. C .~!. IT'S WONDERFUL th e 111nny buys 111 a pp!i,1nccs J"{IU rind in the Cl11ssified Adi. Check thr m now! Accounting ACCOUNTING -CLERK- T 111) .lf'al'S f'\'.pcriencr. t!cru::al actoun!in~. 11c· t·o11111s payable er recl'1\·· 11 blc, or .ioli rost. T}'~ 5-0 11·rm r lrrtnc Call Per &onne l Dept. 1714 ) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beach f';ii;uel Pt>rsoMf'I Agency Zi'63J Forbes Road Laguna Nig\Jl'I 831-1 4n BOOKKEEPERS Inter im Personn•I Servic• 11.i E. 17th St., c _r.1. 642-7523 BOYS 10 • 14 <:arrier Routes Open '" Laguna Beach, So. Laruna DAlLY PILOT ..,..,,, BOX BOYS ;\l11st be avatl. \\'k. day wornini:::~. ovl'r 16 part lime Or 40 hr. 1110ek. Apply in person. Richard's Lido ~farkrr . 3133 Vla Lido. N.B. Car!"lcrs n•·:---. i1•11'll~ 11~1a11\1.•i1•'rl a~ 1 ·P• in 11rl,1 loi" 111,.ny y~:u·~. 11'"'' r\p;ll)din,l , ,'it;ll'1 1!1g •;'II. ;1 <~ 'l'l.OOJ 111'1' .'-'I" rl1J~ ',r uf Prof1 1~ :'ih71 ild 11'l urn 11\- 11 ~l1•11'nl 1"1 sr_ Prin11 p~J )lf'1r('1cd n111~t ho1·.-r~r!'u- 111 r 111anagr111f>111 11 blltty, P.l~·d iOl'('S\1ga1lon ITI\'lll:'d. R0fr1-rnrri; exrhan.i::Pr!. Jn. qu11·1ci; held 111 ronfidt'ne r . i'l'rson;i l 1ntl'f'\'1rws onl~·. C,. 11 l\rn CliUord ( n4) "t-iu:i0. LONG ha1rcd wht & grey le n1alc cat. Vic \Varner & i\l11gnoha, f .V. &12-1313 . . . \\'r nrcd c11rr1Prs, male 01· frmale. l& yrs or ov- er & boys 16 yr11. Mid ov- f'r , gOQif hea.lth. !o dC'· l1l'rr tlurd rla~-S t)'!')<' mflil r;i.rh Sund(ly 1nor11· 1nb lri these are11s -1-lunt- lngtun Beath. f ountain VnJ\r.y, \\lrstm in~trr. Suo- ~··1 Urac·h. ~l idway Cit}'. Sen! Bt arh, Costa ill~sa, r-.·('1~·por1 nrach, Corona dcl l\lar, lrv1nr, Lllgu11a Hll!s, El Toro. ~1iss1on Viejo, Sari Juan Cap1s. 1rano. t:apislrano Beach, Laguna Bf'ach. South I.a- gun11, Dana Poin!, San 0<'111cnTe; IT'S Ikach hou~e 1in1r . Big- _!;rst ~clrt•tion c1·,.r~ 5ef' !hr DAILY PILOT \l'Ai'\'T ADS! , 2 r.~1c c11r krys, ~ t . ANNOUNCEMENTS Christopht'r med11l. v \r 161h ind NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES St. Cl\! !park• 541\..79~2 F d F oun I rM Adi) 6400 Lo.t FOUND : Collie, \'If . Av11lon &. \\"ilson, Co~•a ;\lf'sa. Call & idenllly. 642~1 Lo•t 6401 -----'-CllJHUAllUA mall.'. 1an with d11rk ~lrtnk flown back. "·hilc spot on rhe~!, Approx. S II)~. fl('a collar, fa in , Jlf't for 6 yrs, Lost 1·\t, 19th & !\'e1\'ll0rt. "Penny."' Re1V'd, &lf..-2l86 LOST Tors 10-21. Labrador Bernc1·f'1., m11lC', 11n~ IO "J11ck."' nr Bri~tol/B11ker C;\1. Lie No. 2·IO:i. Re11.·ar<l. :1o1&-'26:15 a ny1in1e Pf.t\INGESB ,dog l ost in N .B Oll·1lf'r s:riev1ng. Brin( rn 152j PlaCt"nhi'I. NB Apt Cl nr call 6'\U260. R!w"d, DIA :ll. R1n5: -2 ~tonr. Call Collect l'l llt r 8 P71!. 492-3066. RE\\'l\RD. IRISll Seiter. n1ale. 'l 11 ks ago, Viclnr1a 8' :\lon.ro,·1a fi1s. cr.r. Call r.i2-112Y.1 BLK. 1«h1rr, nr11 nr:e ra1. Ff'malr. f\'.o front cl111.·~ S:il il!:'wlU'd. CM. 64&-32(",_'i VIC Cdl\1. Slllllll Ian ma}r cock..a·poo (shaggy\. black rars. Rr1v'rl. S25. 673--6664 LOST: S1nall Ian niale Cock· A-Poo. ~ha~~. blk. f'fl~: l'ic. Coron11 rlcl J\.1ar. 613-6664 LOST r emale Collie, 6 mo. Vi(" F1;111·\·1rw & Avocado on 10fi6. ri1R-J1.l:) or ~-12-0296 BLAC K &.. bro1vn Cftf'ker!Ccrn1 . Sh<'p n1 L"1:., :-..ia-t:i!lO Pe rsonals 640S ·*Don't! Ca ll us 1( YOU shl! hC'lif'\"C In c111·r styl e-ctrir111:; Ofu\NGt: CO. :>li·6668 21 I Ir N!Curdini:i: --HOUSEWI VE S- r,,,utii.._ your money for Xmas or l'ill~e money for )'OUt club 11r r hurrh. A phone call or lrTl<'r 11nd ~·r>u wl U rct~l 1•r frrc, rompletr. 1nfonn11t1"11 r o111 put,. l !f>.~ t:. l~t St .. Suit@ 203. 17141 ~~. Equal oppor1t1ni!y employer ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES Accounting G1·ad * JR. EXEC. LOSE 6405 Our Chrnl Corp. sH ks grad. .,.,·.l\")' League a ppearance IArCTJunling major) to eri~r 1n!n a stofl level posioon. SI0,200 WEIGHT t 'l·:t: PAID Sec urity Personnel Agency .\'.\i\Hl!:J,\I I \\'ant IO 1rom<'n 11·ho ar~ 10 2021 \\'. Linrolo 71 4~2000 pounds or ITlOre O\'l'l"ll'Clght ~.\:-."TA ANA to 1ake pnrt In ~roup 11·r1 ght \\"('\Is fnrpro Bank Bldg. E:..ce!lenl pity. ~ho r l hours. ;\pply 10 arn to 4 pm, r.lon. thru Sat. for 11"0rk slartln& th is Sun . No \'. 2nd. 7452 Lorgf' Circle J !unnngton Beach 630 Terminal \\'ay Qata r.Jesa 27694 C&m)no C11pistrano La&"una Niguel loss program of sprcializ11\[ Sui te-iro CASHIER Restaurartl expPr. J'f'duc•ing. All inq\1itir,s ron-&1ri1;i A1111 f l'\l'Y 1 t r.ta 1n preferred. Nights. 6TJ-!H05. fide ntial. Ask tor r.lr. l\en, .~ 11.o;23 Ask for Mr1. Franke. ned,v 537-j.ll:!. A!DES. Nurs111~. Exp C' r . CASl-llER-Mature w o nl ll n \VANTED; Ride fron1 :l(llh !.: Prrf'd Apply 111 person ''ia for store '\"Ork, 1vtll train, Santa Ana Ave., C.~I. to Pl!: 714 -494-8075 full or pert tl mf'. 6T~291 Allllheim. 3 blks. off S.A. 1\pplir11n!~. t~ponuy: C H R J S T ?tt A S gpending FN 'Y. on Broad11"11.y. Day URGENT shift, 5 days. 646-K>i9 aft. LY NEED moMY ! Jmm~latf', prof. • ~crerary i!ablc, enjoyable endea""r 6:30 P.:\I. • Girl fri.111.y/Bkkp r. for your 1p1re houn. Call LICENSED * PB:'\ srr110 V11nda Bt'1uty CounMlor Spiritual Read1n~!<. ad11ee NEWPORT BUS, INESS Cosmt!'ctis. 962-1910 on all m1ttf'r~. 317 N. r,1 1--,C"L"E""R"'K"'T"°Y"P"l"S"T,--Camlno Rr.al, San orincnte SERVICE CENTER 5() wpm accun.le. In adwl'- 492·9llfi, 496·9.)07 Fashion l1l1nd Ar•• ti5\f11 "' u.Jt 1 pretnOtkln - 10 A'.\f 10 P:'<l 5f\() :-;,,1,·po11 Ccnler Dr. I ~ C Oep1. Samt d ctap'""""• o. • HARROH <'.1tt-1r.<;;J.: • Suite ml. N.B. li44...f!m thinks young! 0 11ily 2 P:-T, fun 7.on~~Boal BAB'\"SITTLR-E\•ery fri &. MISS EXEC AGENCY Co., llall')O;i * r. •. .-02.W Slit nite 8 pm -2 a.m Vic. 410 \V, Cout Hwy. ONE Kilt -m&J\Y v.•ondf'n HB Call $2-7682. Ne'i\1'011 Belic h M&-3939 ~~EE PAID Nationwide .\!fr. firm netdl young n1an 10 enlf'r into its e,.;('l'Ut1~·r development pro- gran1. Train at COl'JlORte JI.Q. in a(l functions of the company & its subsldlarira, admin1s1ra tion, manulaetUr- ing &. 1narketing. A!IO ff'C po!<itions. S•curity P•r&onn•I Agency ''2 locatJons lo serve yo1.1" AN'AHEll\f 2(12,l \V, Llncoln 714-63~2000 S...\/'jl A AN A \\'ells Fargo Bank Bldr. Suite 204. !:aIJla Ana F r.I)'. al ?.Iain 547.0Tll COUNTER GIRL, EXlJtr, full time. Ap ply 1$3-1 Nev.·· po11 Blvd. Cill Cooks FRY COOKS Top '\'8!1[t'~, permanent, hon< es!, and good \\'Orking con· dL1ions ln area'1 leading restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 pm for interview •t MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24ffil El Toro Rd. Leisure World La(Wll HUJ1 837-1014 COO K. graveyarrl k rtliel. Exp only. Start ,2.30. COT· TAGE COFF"EE SHOP, 162 \V, J9!h St., C.~1 . Custodian Ji\11\IED. openinK tor rt.liable man ":ith previous in- dustrial j11nitonal eXp. Xlnt 1vorking cone!., gd. pay & all Jringe benefi!s incl. profit 1haring. Calif. I nj e c t Ion ?i!olding, 200 Briggs Ave, C.?il. 546--4460 Deliv~ry \VANTED: Auto carrit n tot aftf'rnoon Rei:is11:'r route tar Costa M"sa & llfach an11. Ple!lse c111l 540-3006 ---DESK CLERK- CASHIER Largr, Ju,xury hottl. Good sala.ry, tive days. to.lust be exp'd on NCR 4200. Apply in person only The Newporter In" 1107 Jambortt Rd. i\'e\l'Jlt'.lr1 Brach DREA.\I Job -Keep your important job 11 .... 11e &: moihrr & earn a "'kly paycheck. 5-H-3854/~7/ ~15--4193/ ~2::>40 DISHWASHER Experienced Apply in p•r•on SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 P•c. Cit. Hwy. N•wport Be~c_h __ DI :> H \\'ASHER/KlTCHEN· llF.:LPER (~11JJe\ Fu1 time. day r;hift, Top WAff'I . Call \Vayne 8 33-0 1 12 RA NCHO SAN JOAQUIN C'.OLF COURSE, 1 8 0 2 1 Oil\'er Rd., trvi~. Nr UCT DISHWASl;f ER. Hand waall. Goorl and fleprndable 1 mmt. Good pay. Apply tn P"rS"ln ;irtrr ~ Pill . PI R AT E S INN, f40 Hf'llotmpe, Cd~1. DTSll\\',\Slfr.:R • Gral'f'yard 1 hi 11 , $1.6.l hr. CO'?TAGE COF FEE SHOP, 562 \V. 19th St., Costa J\.lesa. Oliver MINIBUS DRIVER DRfVE AND NARRATE NEWPORT AREA r.JINt BUS TOUR , \\'RITE BOX: M-567. DAILY PILOT *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! MuJt bav. clean C&!Uornla drlv\ng record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. lJ6 E. 16th SL Costa Meg l:NGlNEER. Projt"CI prnon w/dl(ilal ""' mrlf'r uptr, Desi1n pro. duction respon.~ibilltif's 2-:i yrs, Salary commenaur-."° w I elCJltr. Sl21\·S14K, Sol fid gnrw!h Co. [)(olinHely on U. move. Call Gerry '\olrite :) l().6Cfj5 COASTAL AGINCY '1790 Harb:M' Blvd, CM ~~------------------------.--.-----------..----------·----~~ -... --------·--------------------------+ --• ~!7 PI LOT -ADVERTIS(R "1ednestfav, Octobtr 29, 196'1 Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Guitar 3. Baby Crib 4. Electric Saw S. Camera 6. Washer 7. Outboard Motor 8. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 1 I. Refrigerator 1'2. Pickup Truck I 3. Sewing Machine 14. Surfboard 1 S. Machine T 0015 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin Cruise r 19. Golf Cart 20, Barometer '21 . St amp Collec tic-• 22. Dinette Set 23. Play Pen 24. Bowling Ball '25. Water Skis 26. Freezer 27. Suitcase '28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . Ba r Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Trooical Fish 35. Hot Rod Eauipm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slide Projector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tires 45. P iano 46. Fur Coat 47. Drapes 48. Linens 49. Horse SO. Ai rplane 51. Organ 5~. Exercvcle 53 . Rare Booki 54 . Ski Boots 55 . Hiah Chair 56. Coins 57. liectric T rtin 58. Kitten 59. Classic Auto l-0. Coffee Table 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go·Kart 6 8. Ironer 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furniture 71. Tape Recorder 72. Sailboat 73. Sports Car 7'1. Mattress, Box Spgs 75. Inboard Speedboat 76. Shotgun 77. Saddle 78. Dart G!me 79. Punching Bag 80. Babv Carriage 81 . Drums 82. Rifle 83. Desk 84. SCUBA Gear These or any other extra thin9s around the house may be turned into cash wifh a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don·'t Just Sit There! PIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YQUR CREDIT IS GOOD) WednHdaY. Ottobtr 2q, 1%9 DAILY PltOT /;7, JOBS ' EMPLOYMENT,_ JOBS I EMPLOYMENT Joas '_1M_PLOYMEN1 J08IT EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOY MINT Jobr-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi-Men. Wom. 7100 Joba--Men. Wom. 7100 Joba-Men, Wom. 710t E Q U I P M t:: N T HcntaJ Y:1rrhn11n. l1\ rr 21 ::ionw DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES --:: I GI :=~~=~: If@:::§~:~: I t~:~: ~3 General mr('hanicnl "'t1f"r ~, day Il k f:l:.IJ-l:rl!l',:"\ 1.\1...'i 2167 ll:i 1·hor l~h rl . C :'II. * * ---~:-n·11tl\ 1· :O:t•1"1'Cla1y Housewives and Mothers * YOU! $600 ~l<m or women over 18 wit h cars, stat 1011 wagons or light trucks. Eun edr• money for r,r th•' Qlllcn 11t'e 111 tl11~ llu~.v lun . ~edy. lo lhc- l'l'l'~. :\fotur(' a11d t•tiraldP li1•.i1·fl art>a . f 0r m'".;ut1.11Jlr .\L•<1 IPi> po:,1t inn~. Apply 8: 30 am, JO: 30 am. or 1 . 30 pm Slart- u1g Tuesday, October 28th . * CHRISTMAS * l6131 GOTHARD Security Personnel Agency UNIT M • REAR HUNTINGTON BEACH GE_N_E_R_A_L_O_F_F-ICE~:-==:::::::;...=:::::::..:::::::::::::====== J. C. Penney Company F.uhion Island -Newport BHch .\N,\l IEl.\I Grn I ins11ranl'c· h;i\'l;gruu11d, Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 '.!U I \\" L11wnl11 n::.1 ..!1iC(l 111 l'lll'JI, ln>tll'llJH'I', J.\gf'n('y ••• MACHINIST \\'rfls ~~~,.,IOA i~~i,' Cid'.! ; r ~11rp \ (;rt, t.vri1~1 • .>hl.lr l-\·ar1,'d ~hup a11J i,rl<lin~ r \· Has positions open in * Sales 1!l1•nl'\ rnfgr _ 1:•111 not ,,,,,.,.,_.;u)" rw11rm·r . Prrc1s1on 111~1 ru-:"..i111a 1\n:1 1°1'\1.' at ~tu.in ~n-012:; MISS EX EC AGENCY * Santa's Helper * Credit jnterviews * Gifl wrapping j:lJ~Ll~GLi\SS Ll':i\IJ \II-.~ 110 \\'. l'n«.'l l 111 ·' .'\c·1\ 111 wl Bc .. 11·li ti Ill .:!1::!1 Abo l·::-.p'd l..\:\1 1~ ATUl:S .\dntJW('d 1\illl'l ll'S, fllC'. 1:1'.:t \'1l'IOria St., C.:'11. Ii I&. 'j 16:1 Schedules including afternoons, evenings and 1 combinaUon of both. \\'1l1;11'd t::o:tl \\cwks . An r411aJ opµo1. r 1nplo) er 1'''.l 1, k SI C \T l.r nrral • ~ ~1 1'1'_: :__·_· _ ASSF:i\113LE!tS, 1 ill'tl"lllf'l''i, :\ti\ ID • J lousrkeeper. ma101·r· Foreign Car Mechanics elrl.'tririan. mllcn-. <'111Jppl.'l' I 11uman fr1i-re L i r f" m c 1i 1 Cood 1·0. b\•nrfils. 1nl'I paitl gu11 11pcrator. e~~ E. home, Gd pay & "k. l'Ond. Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex-j cellenl benefits includin g discount privilege·. ! 1·11C'at1on. l!1·niip 111s, uni. Pomona St.. !';.t\. Call i\lrs. Ellis • 49-1-!>4,'8 * Apply Now * f1w111<; !t1 rn1~lll'd Ire.>, 1:uod ---• 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monday thru Friday c11m111. :-.i.:h<'rlulC'. ·'"k for Job5-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jor '.\lnorc Ph. :it0-116 1 DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES J. C. Penney Company GP11r1·aJ. Cocktail Waitreuu Part time Hostesses Fl. time Dishwashers ::::24 Fashion Island Newport Beach, California ~~I::~~=: 11 :: == 11 ====== ,\J'l'LY I'.\ l't·:ll W :'\ ~Jen or women over 18 wit h cars, station \1 go is I' It t k Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 lob.-Men. Worn. 7100 MASCOLAS •a t • or t,g l l'IJC -:;. --------- 1615 E. 17th. Apply daily 8:30 a.m., or 1 :30 p.rn. Real Estate Sales Sales Santa Ana 2011 Placentia, COST A MESA Pmgrt-ssivr, younc, i'/('1\ port _t.;_iJ_I _F_n_rl_a.v ----2029 W. ht St., SANTA ANA Eeach Corp. offe1·111g: bonu~ * Zowf. $475 430 W~~-l~ins, ORANGE plan ur> 10 70' ~ comm. rte:;. ---tdential S'alri>. !Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 I Jobs-Men Wom. 7100 PROPERTIES WEST .\II a1uu11J g.11 11 111 11111 thi!>I -~' -MRS. ARNOLD 675-4130 Jllb II 1lh lh1s ~Oln'.! l1r11i. 111.·1 r I I 1· MEDICAL I' 1 1 1 .... • "an <'r : ·,:-.pl'r PIE . . Rc:.taurant 1'0(. or 111'. rnnt111 C'"'lp. r.M .. E:ll. f f'imik, NO ai::e r l'Ollt & hal.'k offll'r, No <':-0 fr" 111·;;011ablr Abo 1t•r pu-li mll. CC'nttlll's Coff!'t' Shop, pe1·. nE'l:l!Ssary. 1 .)'I', grn'J :.11 i""'· olt1'c r pc Full Time DISHWASHER Lil~, 1:..i1. i:::: S. C.>I 1111 y. e ·' r. Security Personnel l!l HF:!l~ MISS EXEC AGENCY Agency --·110 \\'. Cuast IIll'y ,\.\.\11'·1.'·I llELf'I::r.. ,\·. CLl:.:.'\:"<Lll' ,. ,.. ,\ncf Part Time BUSBOYS i.:.. ,,('\\ j')Ul'l n.'lt(•fi Ii !li·~9:::1 :'t':'·I \\' t 111,.1,111 1.1,;j .:,JCOQ :'1111~1 ha1 ,.._ d nvr~·s lil'Cn~r. ---------- . :;.\NT,\ /\';\ \ \\ill.ml I.;1J11! \\ul'k~ 12~J ~ neWpOrt . \\. ll .._. .., .. B. l I nakcr St., C.'.\I. ,~ :-... r d.n.:n 1,.1allr\ ')(~. ·----------• Sanla 1\1\a l"\'\1')' at ~ta111 I IUv~l-:1\Et::Pl::H, Ill(' Ill personnel j 11.c1::: motllr l'lrss llon1r Crl \I ·> ----1rrrn•~r1·"· ''liman "1111 1 .... agency r;11~ r. I-fl l 1 I,\ y . P1trd 1a,.1ng s11ialt rh1l<l oli, ;,:;1.11:io 10 .\PPL Y IN PEnSON :. P;\I TO .J P~l Snack Shop '# I r1r 11:w1mr 111 nr nm11111c: "\If). 111)1 . :i fll11 ph<•-;. ,\i;k for \Jr. Lw lcn. -----------11 0 U S E 1' ~; L P E I~ 111r ;:::1·111 lr 111a11 1 or ~ da)" prr "k. \\'n:,hmg. elf'. Call days 612-S:i~ t 11:=:r;l'R -Jlr~p \\01na11 roi· lilr d <'ii l1111::: .~ 1·Mkin::. ~ hi''-n1•11'llll1:,;;,,, Ii d(I~ ;:., $~ hr :1IS-l~l I. 1101..i:-\~l--l:.J-'.PU:. ('\l'l'Y f r1. tnr ~ hi'~, ~2 h1 .. l'l'IS, Cd:'ll fffi-1!):10 -·-----11ocs1·;wor.K -\\'om an \I ,111trtl 1 1i;1y "''"k Own 1 1·,111~ t!.:!~1 hr, 7 hr~. :\lust 1>1· drrwndahll' h.111 rrt<,. Call hl\111 ~,.ii pm, !1:;:1-:!9G:l. Professional Service ~:.;m E. Coast lh1y. for the employer Corona de! 1\lar and the applicant r.e~iaurai11 833 Dover Or., N.B. Ancient Mariner 642·3870 549-2743 . . ' -. now taking apphcalJons tor N~11ri>e!-: RN, part tJmc; ;.:;, Full & part liml', da.y & . .-11, 11-7 C'\C'S i;h lf'I~. LYN, f11ll 1irn1·: 7.3 e KITCHEN HELP P<11·1; Lido C'onv;ilrsern1 e DISHWASHER 1 ·rntr r, ·1ti!i J<'la;::~h1r TM. e BUSBOYS :'\\'I\ po1·t CC'ilch. 61'.!·llO It --------_ /\pply in P<'l')>CJl1 * NUll~J·:s AIOI'.$ * '.!607 \\I. Coa-;t ll\\y, l::.'\l'El11 E:\CED i'<r11 po1·1 Bra .. !1 * ~~rn-3061 .. -----------r.cst.auranl t1.T r:s1. s R ei;i1;tPrerl BUSBOYS NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A -· ------• J:\SPt::C fUH. IOI' quu ilty r1 rnm:: Ii.. ni~hl ~h1fls. E,, br nel1t<. /\µply Pr rsonnel !Jm•f'ltn. Su. Cn;i•I Com· mun1ly llo~p., '.:187'.l Coasl Jiii y . So. Lagum1. 4!JS-1::ll. l'\I. ~:)ti, C u II t I' 11 f . ll('t!rfl'cJ llll- 1lll'd1al\'fy, \it'G1·!'~or Y11l'ht L111·11. l(i:;t J1lar1·11t111, C :\I -Of1wr J"A;-..1 ro1:s. tlonr 11t1.\t•1·,, I W k d Pl c·pls. l'fl \('f'l('J)l.:<'d. ~ 0 0 ti or an ay \\Ori< r olld. & p :i Y \\'htlri;::lo1 f' BI ti g . 1\l;iJ11· trnaner. :i t~-!l:J!J:: THE For Week-ends APPLY J.\J PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach n t:STAURA NT r.Ii;I'. fap'd ll'oman as fast food mgr. fur !oral C\f. opera11on. Apply 111 person :'O:"> S. Tui;tin Ave., Or"n~c. Fri !J:::0-12:30, i\lr. \\'ollf. DAIL y PILOT l\~)Pll~~ERATOR S Western Girl WANT AD $522 -$652 H IBM KEYPUNC HONEYWELL 642-5678 KEY TAPE WAY P.ES'l'AUHAN l': LALJ\' for • . tull or part ttmr. mature. $2 l·.;irn 111onry on 111tr rC'sl1ng per hour. :tt:i.9Sli:I tr mpornry a•s1~nment s, and IJr rlig11Jlr for 01ir fun rlts· RELIABLI:: Youn~ ill a n l'\\O YF..\r." EXP l:.:1111:..\CE ,:...-..;._.====;..==.=,1 PIUO:FJ::rtr..l«D. STAHT 0:\ ,.,1u111 twkrls. w I truck de 11 v c r ne\\'~papcrs. Ach·arwrment Western Girl, Inc. m;;r. Alter :; · ~10-6201 \ --r .... Read Cla111fication1 6500-6900 in the DAILY PILOT For Expert Assistance S\\'IN(; SlllFT ~ !':'If 10 Jl ~O f'l\l !N LONG GEACll. t)11l!'lc111.t111:::; r111pl11~·rr li<•nr flh l\IP1ht•o1t, "it11d\ plll'- 11667 :'lk A1·thur BIYd. Sulit' ~J.1. :\el\ port Beach 540-0325 Sdlcs * Fantastic! Pt\r:T Ttmr p 11 ~ 1 ti on 1s thr 1101'<1 l'lr th1'\ n ;i.(io11al I 'llJ""· t;1 .... il11flty, Ltfr 111-;11·;1tai,1,.. for rrtn·rfl man • company's nrw prn~ram for , ~nr.ir11·r . ~1c k kill r. flr•t•I"· S 1 C 1·r , \\' n1t.:ht~. A1ml.v I' r r "11 11 11 r l • out irrn a 1 urrna. c 1111 Ill pl.in l'I(' .\ppl~ I I >1rrrt'lr, :vi. C r• ;i 'I C11m· n<'l'C Thursday. Oct. 30th, 111111111Y Ho p .. ::is i'..1 \iiast -IJt.~r. !Bt.;TOr." 8 AM ll11s, Su. La~una ·19!)-1311. -.\TAN.\(;l::r.S 1·,1. :;·,() -."Al-E~\Jf.'.\I EDISON _,~~:\I an :-t . ll11n 1 111~l!in Hl'l1 .\11 r ci11..il npportu1ii1y rmployn 1'rypunch ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR llt.\f al ph..i and 11u11H1ri- cal. Vei-i(y and ~nl(' rr- l;ilPd rle!'il':il du I 1 r ~. (;1)()(1 worlrn1g conrt i I ions :inrl brndit.:;. t:QUAL o rPORTUNITY DtrLOYl:..n 118j l>alc Way Cosla Mes;1, Callr ---:::,\LESWO:\II::'.'I -PAYROLL --nt:PRf~:,1;;;-;-TATJ\'£S ACCOUNTING CLERK -TRAINEES Thi~ ts :1 l'Nl ground Uoor Full <'ha.r~r payroU d rl'k ;ind oppor1u11ity \\llh a solid au to. lll'C'nu111s pa_y;1 blr clerk for 111a t w rk rll'onic equipment ma11ulacl11n11~ plant of l :!:i llrm lhal offf'r~ hourl.v a nd i;alanrd rmpluy. HIGH P<'~ \Viii also handlr groufl • 111s11ra1we paper 11oi·k. Jtr. Immediate qu1i't's good. accuratr typing Earnin9s a bility, ):;~p<'I'. on hkkpg ma<.:h., pay i'Oll quarll'1·ly rr . 546-3050 po11s. p1'C'fr1Trd. Wil l tram Sales on our Burrou.iths E·2100. Give your family ExC'rUrnr 1\·01·king con<l1- tiol1!', br 11cf1ts. Phone: Mr. llor~lcy, Prl'i:onnrl i\l;tt'. 8 li·::.J31 <~A.MERO MFG . CO. iSOl Clay. llunl. 81'11. ltrtrpllonisl * HELLO $475 A CH RISTMAS TO REMEMBER AVON t;tamou1·, das.~ and ab1lily. Co!>metirs & gilt 1tem5 111 l>o you have IT! Show bt~ :vour sp::i.re time. Start firm nreds you. Typr 60. Sii now. Call - rn1 I ;;.t.>-112.JI !)(), fee paid. Also fer posi-j l-0-7041 LEGAL lion~ -Sal-es _______ _ SECRETARIES Security PerHnnel YOUNG MEN • to Sb.)() month EPr·" Agency I( .vo11 r•njny people 11 n<l :? ,VI'S Cali!, exper. 111 lili· t\NAllEli'll would ))(! rntt'M'Sled in sales, gal ion. W.! I W. Lincoln s:lJ.:Z()(XJ f'ilher :ts a ea1·etr or on a • Ill ss;;o £PF ~ANTA ANA part limr basil\ It would pay :.? >rs e>.nr1'. 111. 1.:01·p. 01· \\.'l'll:s rru·go Bank Bldg. you lo S<'e us. Co. 23 yrs old. la'> lllW ICal1L l. Santa Ana Frwy. at l\laln listrd rm lwo Stod; Exchani;. Ape.\ Employnll'nt Agency j·l7-072:l r s, nationwide TV exposure IR7:: llarbot• Blvd --RECE-PTIONIST wlth more leads than we can Cost11 Mr sa 518-3•126 'T'yr11ng ,1()...3() wpm., know 10 h11nrllf'. :VIACI llN~; knives i;alc~man kry atld .. you nit. eaU Lo-f'or mo r r i11formatton Tradr firm 1s i;reking an ex-ralll':' Mr1'<'hants PPl'!';(H111el 1111<1 JX'l'~m1l 111tervirw f'('r. ag;rrcs.~1w salrsrmrn to Agrn~Y. W·l3 \\'cstcJIH Dr., call Mr. (;o00wi11 !'O\C'1' all tr11·il01 ir~ from I N.R. 6 IJ.:!710 :m .RY;>O \\<'SI ltJ !<;1~1 . \Va~,.., M l1 F. (' E p T I 0 N T ~ T ~ :\Ion. & 'l'ur~. !) .1 1"11 11111i: ~1011 h;1i-1s. c a I I A~!'l.~:\l'. r 1•11' I (J ""' I RU~f('.;~l~ketpl~l 6 16-X72 1 • Ol'lhO(lmili~l :'\Int \\1tl'lWl~ l0\\11, ·n1c [)i\IL \' PILOT (•ornl':r; S.· p;1y. State r -xpr1· money. tim,. :_ dto11. Look 11nd riuaJiflcal1on~. Box J686 CIA5~1fied u ctlon. S a v ~ l"r>11 rort Rl'aeh, Cal. now?!! ~-~-~...._ ____ . l \lt\Nl<Xtll~T. lull or p>irt timr. J'\c\\ riort Ucach ~alon. 673-4186 -----~---~ BUFFUM'S NEWPORT Now lnterviewin~ CLOTHING SALESMEN Full Time . II you ha\'e br"n at custom. rd lo 11orkin.;; with the fin-j f'SL d ientele and merd1.a n.' d 1~r. you 11 tll r njoy the C'\(•eUcnt oppartunities inrl <'ompany b<'neflts o.Ucicd by this posi Lion. Apply in pr1-:,-0n only I l l1lt'1-vir1\S be1weer1 '.?·.) P~I # 1 F.\SH10N ISLAND' ~J.le" i\l kl'!. * SPECTRUM · '" ''" ~.~:~~~, K~o;o. I ~core of act1,·1tirs tl'Om P.R. to ,\farkr1iJ1:;: -Advec-tisln:: '.' You qualify 1f you ha1·e co] . k~r 11-aining an<! krcn tic. Sire lo SUC<'Ced in the P ):t. hl'ant h of markrtlll;::. Pos1- l1a11~ a(furd an opportunity to he l'l'Catl\·c & 1ndrpt'n- drnt. J\cw A-C auto, full \\'lnr &: dinr r xp€nsc a1.:cOllJll and top salar~. Security Personnel Agency ANAllEl:'IT :.!It? I \\'. Lin<"oln 6:::>-20<JO :-:::\NTJ\ ANA \\ d ls 1-·al'go Bank Bld&'t ~Ullf' 2{'j r, Sant.a Ana Frwy at :\lain ~17-0i23 SALl::S :'11/F. I Neal a nd aggressive to ft'll oflice suppltl's, lurntt\U-r, stationery. Apply 270 Bng;is Avr., C.;\I., A:\!'s. SALESGIHL '.!:>-40 <'.\p'd in kn!l~inr.: & cTucheling. Calli .• t,>-:l81 '.? fol' appl. Tl! I'.: 10/ITI\Tf. Sr\ LES, pt-t 1mr , f'VP..,, ;i:::1• ;;O.-.fa 1002 lrv111c A vr .. N.E: f \\'rstctirt Plai a :-HIC<; THE NEW JUDY LEE I i'i r11uutabk . tun & C':'\Cilln.::: J;:arn $j() • $100 prr 11 ('rk full or part • tm1r. Choo:$r your 011 ll hOUl'S. No del1vel'y or !'oUecting, no invrslment to start. lmmed. proliSa l\'r train. Phone !">4.J-2036.; , SAU:s -pal'l tim{' ol\fY \\'anted : 2 men ~ l::vt's & Satw'days " Salary + bonus Academy of Computer Technolaw Call :>4 7 -94 71 !l am to 8 pm SALES -f::arn money with no investment. S a r a h Coventry needs full k part-time help. No del: we tra in. For int. ph. :;.t:H)I()() !;ALES Sarah Covent.cy h<i!i openings for n or pt time X1nas sales. PI r a s ant , dignl!ic<J 11·01·k w/no in· vest., c o I I e c t i o n 1 or deliveries. Choose your own hrs. l\fin, age 21. For intv. call: Jilll--0614 & 962-;'69:: SEAMSTRESS. C'\p'rl i 11 clrapcrir!'. La~na B ch . Phone or 111·ite Laguna Dea<'h lntrrior-;, 1020 S. Cout Jlwy. 494-6848 I SEAMSTRESS COUNTERGIRL E:-p'd pt'l'ferN'rl. Apply m')rn. ings ... CLO\\'N CLEANERS. Fashion Isl. 64·1-Zil:l SERVICE STATION Top Island salesmrn GOOD pay for hours. F.~f'. l'Pl(<I, Crll'ona rid l\tar Shrll ~"'"'· 2801 E. Coast Hwy. al C:oldr 111'0(! C'rl \I. -----\rhilr rkphants! Di111l'-a-lltle \l'hitc rleph11nls! Di~­ llnr DAILY PILOT WANT ADS: ~~~~--~~-~ I ' ~AllY PI LOT \&/tll11 eM1ay, Ott~b'r 2q, lQ&Q 'IM,LOVMfNT-1 JOiS i EMPLOY MIN r McKCHANDISf ,OR MER~HANDISE ,DR ~ALE AND TRADE SALi AND TRAD! .I•~• Min, '!'om· 7100 Jo~n. Worn . 7100 Furnitvr• IOOO f urnltvre IOOO MIRCriANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE fOR SALE AND TRADE \Vtd~tslf.-y Ot \!lbtr ?!) lQ~7 PILOT-ADVERTISER :t:J ··-ITRANSPDRTATION FREE TO YO U 1------ MERCHANDISE 'OR SALE AND TRADE SERVICE STA , f\t.\N' \\'AJTRESS l.. d~h11 !'>hr ·'P· tull t\nw, experl,rw.~. Chev. 11ly ln fM'L'Wll. S\11~8 Chtih•!. ron, fi0.1 s. Coast lh1y, La · ·111 )\' l\Pllfl01'1, NB s:una &It. \I Arrnt-.Ss-\\ an•t-ol • t-\lll'J' SECRETARIES--l'ar1.11111r, ~ d :1y ""<'k, C.:iU iilter :; Pl\!, 96S· 16.10. Inter im P•r1onn•I Servics 415 E. 17111 ~I., C.~l . '42·7523 Sectttary Nf-'ll'~!™pr•· nrrds Part Time Secret•ry I" Vir~ . Pl'r~idf'nr i. Gcnf'L"al ~lanao,:l!'r \\'ho i:a'l r11kc ~hnrth11 11d 100 l\'PrTl , l1k,.~ \'lll'll'ly Allll /ig- UJ'!;'~, r: !)(' 00 11 pn1 or better. ~lany ccn1pa11y bclll'fits such ;is paid 1a t·a11on.~. s ir k 11'11\'t', paid niedk·al aod lifr insura111'f', C'l"cclll union, fK'll- ~1011 rh111, fl\:. CaU II\\' DAJLY PILOT for an a11· f10intn1~nl . 6 1'..1-1321 and a~ for r.l r!, Grrl'nn1an. -SECRETARY/LEGAL Gd. l\'flJ~I. S/K11·1hand can be !1lr. -JI r .\lJ'rmely ~harp, wiU 1ra.1 n'. Beaut. fl('\\' ofl\crs. MISS EXEC AGENCY 110 \\'.Coast 1111-y. S \\'O:IJEN-LADrF'' S Parents lni;r11u1r nf"Pd.~ 1,10 '10111rn Ill r~pl;,i n lllU' p1...-.. grain. S7~.00 \\Pek . l\urk hn;, 9 11.n1 • 3 pnl. No l'\f"''' lle't'. Ph.: 5-16-.·,;:,.i 6 11111 h.l l! Ptll •)nl_v. \VOl\lEN, full flJ p;n t 11111r 11ttdNI i111mrd fo1·· ('lilhl Cart 1\idf"s or Con1pall1v!I!. ,\ge 20 lo 6,j. 6·1!-:::?; 1. Sitting Pre_l.!_y_A~L Schools·lnstruction 7600 I KEYPUNCH TRAINING Wanted S Women TO ITAl'tT lLJ\SS '.110:\0,\Y, :"\U\'. .~ P1Jo1 h:erpw1 .. h 111\1::1 ;t1 1l ofrrrin;:: !he l1111'st ~ q111r1· 1nr11[ & lac1lltl1',. <i\.itJ.il1h:: Join lhe lradrl: I SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room • FIOor Samples -F•ctory Clo1eout1 3 ROOMS OF F\JRNITURE $389. e S pc. auth1ntic Spanish Bdrm. •et, • 96 in. quilled sofa with 56 in. matching lov• seat or chair e S pc. Spanish Oin•tte, oak tabl~ top e 3 heavy Medlterr•nean matching t•ble•, top durable enough for Flam.nco Dancing. Will sell piec11 individu•lly. Shop Firil! Then See Our Unbelie vable Buy5! 1001 other items with terrific savings! Dank Tern1s Store Charge f\·Jaster Charee Ba11k:\1ncricard All Accepted 1 ·-- 8600 ----------[----------M iscella1neou' Muaical ln1t. 8125 t ----::.;.;;.;:..:..;_; _ _; ___ "'-':: M lscellaneou1 160Q1Flltl-.\\'OOI> lvr :.1d"·•·ul I" ACCORDION t21 Xlnl. 120 }'o ur Sllf'<'i l l(•;111u11~; •1 f'I! Bass Lemar, 12 Bass Noble. Sl'hMin•·fl, [X•J1v & ~1rk'd ,.,.,.,, * AUCTION * ,,.,., .. "'·'° ', ,., 11'-'1 c. l !ARTIN Tenor Su, new S275. 54&-1871 FRIDAY -OCT. J l it 7:30 PM CONTELLO Arcordioo ;tllll • UNCLA!i11£0 .'>TOJ~AGE 1'{)1,d used 16 mos. $~ or e REPO~SESSJONS 0 Call 1..'0llr cl 171 If &!1i-01S-16~ ,\~JI tll6fl<ll' bUlll(Pl h .11)', h11nd-t!P•I "tt: \101)1 .-i1·1uf•t<1111 Ju .,ul and .-;1°.1• S7·-,, lil.»-09:J.'1 a/1 1·1· J 11:\1 111' \\f"t'lo.t•n!h. be.st 'offl"r. 962-9933 .SE.\LEO BOXES • t:SEO LECTRIC G i ~'URNITURE. Redroon1 sc1s, ilK-L\DILS l·.ng;ii.:1•!11"111 E llf SIO u l a r & 01rs~. D1v11ns, J'rl1tlli'tl!&eS, H1n i,;. Br.;1ul 1lul, anip ltr · Appl1ant'es, D!fl('H,·s. Rc11sona1Jlr 5-IS-4987 e N~:\V . TOP N.\AIES • LI S-S'I,\~ ACCORDIONS, 120 bass BANKRUPT FURNITURE' \\'EDOING Rinr<~ -ll 1s & Fiorino, $195. Prof. SonoJa, S f'ORE, 6t>(lroon1 M"ls, Din. Jlers. U&ed 9(1 da),,. Ant1q\lf' S:.!'J~1. 962-561A 1ng roo.n acts, Chin11.1, Bui-gold, &11.uLLful. ;\\o.k,... O/fr r. fct.s, Ct'tlar rh£'5 ls, Cotnnwd-Cal~ 1;;:,-t;J.'19 Lll\A~LE •rnnll t.r 1-.. rl lf'1 11aJc·,1 1l"rt lw11vr1 r1up1•;, l 1uos. ()]d needs Kood honit 836-4~93 PUPS -~ .. ·rnlf!Jl shortha1r • Dobl"1'1na n !';-:re I I,... 11 t hun!t>1". 1>t'.l. 11ro1c l't10 n £tli&.b~7:; ll/I LOVABLI:; calu~1 h111 1·11 and hil'ndly rurio1,,,.. ~111•11, ~1 11k.s old Ol'N ! gwl h u n1 P s-. J.:12-iOOi 10/31 PETS ar.d LIVESTOCK Pets, General 8800 :: R,\IJBl J'S lvr ~111• · .i:i lhs of lood s1·, 5'16-0lJ:: Pl1nos & Orpan1 1120 es: Larnps, Hehdl>Oard.s, Mir. ·.;.;::.:.;;:_F~A-C;;;.T~O~l!~Y:_..::.= l'01-s, \Viudow chrs!s, C:1"Cden. Mi1c. W•nt1d 8610 tats 8820 CLEARANCE! Z11.s & i\IUC/I ~!OHE!~ ----------c=------== f actory ordeni clear.nc-e of I Y'S AUCTJQN 1110>~ oltl Siames•· & Abys~i· W No $ WE B Uy $ 'fl<,\VELINC.. """' "" 10 all overage, demont U"fl.!on. 111.111 f··n1a!e ki1tics. For noor models, studio k re-00:\Tt: BROl\'St: ,\r.OUND $ FURNITURE $ rie l~. 1,,·,,1~d1ni:: or st101\'. Best turned P lanos & Ol'gans. :!{.17;]'~ NP11·po."i1·1 Blvri. APPLIANC ES offer. !i 1.~1;~; Jttal !!llvlngs Up to 30%. rk'hind Tony's Eld,; Alat'ls Color TVi -Pi •"o1-Sl~•eo 1 Everything KU11.ranteed like Co!ta l\lrsa • 646-8686 1 Piece or HoY..e Fvll new. Sale limittd !o !pecillc OPEN' DAILY~ 10 4 CASH IN l O MINUTES ~lock -S(l hurry~ No mo~Y'[~~!!!!!""""""'""""""" e 541-45 31 • down OAC, 5 years lo pay. F'OR Sale: ,\11.,1;"1 1,,.g uf This great sale. only at: ;iood1es including <lC'!:ik .SlO WE PAY CASH \VARD'S BALD\.\'JN STUDIO Dbl bed fr<1n1c S1 0, b;;r i, Dogs 8825 DOG Obedicrn •,. ln~1n.1•·•1vn. lll'w clu&S !"1·111111~ St!lr!-, !'\nv. 4!11. Appn11·,...11 V•L: /\r,1 ])1.:11 Bea(·l1 611>-3939 Sec -$563.00 Academy of Computer Technology Call :OIJ-9101 9 an1 to 8 Jl•ll 1819 Ne,vpo11. C.M. 642-848~ :;rools SZG, Jubic St. !)'ping --~W=A~N~T=~0~--- I Open Every Nlle 11JJ $1..'iO. b;11Jy luh 111fant 8022 I:. Sunday Afte rnoon scat & other bub' ·icn UsN furnit~rc. 11a1'ht·n<, •lr.1 . Y 1 is. ers t~lt1~ s '"wk1n~ or no! 1 Furniture 8000 I Garage Sale ----------1-------- Obt•dirnee I ns l l' q 1·' ors ·''art 1 ncrc s l hc1111L•! 51&--0989 AKC SILK\' Pt.:PPICS *' PIANO RENTAL Polaroid carnt'ra S7.~.0. po1·r. ' REWARD" · Fee Paid 120 Pc. "MADRID•' \VED. Thu1·~. t·1·1. '.? 21 4 --~=-~===--H11lgl!l'S !Jr., C.:'11. !Z blks fl1EN -\\'0.\IEN 3 R G ' l I. 'I I• Lil I 6 .,.,,, .•. &>ECIALISTS hea1e1· $7.50, \\·11.HI,... ir\'.ln ~:!. '> ~'O fl .., ~ No lime limit. Rental applles ?<>Ille i;1erilizc1· S:!,:;.'J, iJ9wl-S,.'. ~n -2 ·. l.·1~_! All h11vr nC'"' ho1nes. rxtept ::'llr. Srhrucclt'r & tie's lonely. lit~ f.d . h11rpy s, Jv1-C'i> to 11!..1.1·. ;i1~-!9l7. i\Tarkl'!ing Bki;i·ntl • ;ood skills • Bral'h il.l'Ca • Ciill Loraine, :\!crchMls Person ntl ,\g~n1·y • ~1fH3 \\'estd1ff U1·, N.B .• 6-l.l-~770 (,\Jso l<'c jobs~, · oom roup a~ ,._, .. r . ' ... • 1 Bf COM£ AN Fr.O.\! '.llODEI. I 10:\!ES dl'<:S~C'.I' •1'/1111!Tur, J)11n1~h to pw·cl!ase 11·i1 hin a year. 1ng ball & h11g SHI, "I;:" ,t, NJ·.J:.I) ll1•1eJ,,s one 1u ]OllO. NJ-:\V & USED PIAi'\OS l: c·a"e $1.i & n11u1y orhcr rr;isonahly priced. 61 1-l6S7 -AKC-COL[I E-PUPS ORGANS. Best d,,..ah; i11 ill'nis. OO:i f'ark A\' c ·. ---2 Ir fcniales and 1 sable Ot"ange Count~·. \\'e takl' 1.ae,'Una Beach or c a I ! FREE TO YOU ni11lr. Shot & 11u1ml'cl. rrades. Bank 1crn1s. Open ·l9'1-,,28cccrl~-------:Mi'.!-JC~7 I I l I f I l"''''I•. ,,.,,,,, .. 1 ... -...r1'r boool>, 111· udr•. l Ill led so a ani ~ " .. ~~" ANNOUNCER t·1L;o1r -:! 1•nil 1ablt's & t•o/-loook5hC'tf, spo1·11na:: i;:OO<l5, ·l:t lt·c ral•lr - 2 !ani ps _ rli'Cs6• l'JUl1 t'PC01'd ~·oil., Zclli1h SECRETARY Gd, 1ypis1, lite fhorrhand. ··oot'Clinate "·ork fol' ·I rnen. .'.\larketing r.\jl\'r. g oo d. (frra! pcur!r: MISS EXEC AGENCY '110 1\1. Coa~L l!11.v. :"\e\1·po1·1 lie.11.ch 616-~9.~9 SEftVJCE Stiillon Altrndant. 111ature exp'd man, :-alary "LE,\fti'" On p1'0fe1s1onal cquipn1f'nt in a locaJ radio s(ation !!uni 11·orkina: b1mdeas1c1·s. for co111plere voirc an11I~ SJ;:. C.\LL THE INSTITUTE OF BROADCAST ARTS 772.3800 Plal·en1e111 SCl'\'irr f'duca11on 10<1 11 open, tight mC'C'h. \\'Ork .. \p-COMPUTER ply ir1 Jlt'l'SOn Union St;ll1on PROGRAMMING ;.r,o \\I l9rh, C.\I SlllPPii\G & »lock c lerJ.:: Wrilnted 6 Men "'ornan 01·er JO for }1111t!I TO S'f,\RT CL,,.:::s manf'i;:. co. rull ti1ne Jl.6j ,\IONDAY, J\'OV. 3 hr. to start. 1\pply n1orns (I. P ilot program olfrr1n;:: thr 11:30 a1 G-0lde11·s :\lag1c 1·111est t'qtilpmenl & lcir il•!lr!:> \\"and, ~6 \\'. 17th St., C.,\I. avail11blf"~ Rcal-liinc ~·0111· Steno-Construction purer progran1111111s Good 1yp1~1. shor1h;ind, i;:l'n· Academy of ~ral clerit·al. Salary u11r11, Computer Technology Nell'pon Brach at"!;'a, Call :,.17.91;1 ... &t:!~~~LER l --~'-"_"_'~·-'_'_"~"-­ .101:-.i THE rIELO j \\'ITll ,\ FUTUR!::! Position av11.1lab], for pe rson. ,\:eledurat 1on no 1:-~"1'1• 1·~ ablr,_ n111t1u-c 1nt1 11·1·lu11I. Let u~ hrlp )ol1 qualll~ Prt ff'I" Teller PXJlf'l'. hut 1111! l.\"NKEEPERS INSTITUTI::: 1·ons1dr r app1Jc·a11 t 1v 1 th 1·r.. 11\'TEf'::\,\TJON.\L la lrrl bkgrr1d. Xl•H, 11ork1n.-:\lute!. llri1cl/Ap\ ;\1g nit Sclll rond 's & hl'nrl1r~. A DJ\'ISJO:V ot- Pll'a!r appl~· 1·1 prrsl'.ln to ANTHONY SCHOOL~ r.lr. Llleh ur :'I/rs. Park<'r. li17 S. BROOJ\HUf.~T GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS r.33 E. Co11 ~1 !il•y, Corona drl .\la.r, Calif. TYPIST CLERK II (Half time) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $2.61 to $3.17 per hr. r.f'QuJ rt~ th:;h .S1·hool d1- plon1a. orv. rear ;rncral clf'Jic-al c'prrit n<.:r, j(1 1rpn1 1~·p1 n;;: ()Tl!!' rlll1'!'111 OD('nin;; 111 the buildin;; rl"p1 ,\PPL\" l.\l:'ll f.D!,\'fEL\' ,\1\',\J/£11\f. (,\L/FORNl1\ ll;1~~rs lorrn rvcrv 1rrck PHONE FOR A.PPT. A~k for BPlty ';16·.'151'{1 The Ne"·txirt School of Husine.~s t·e1i!u1't>s 11 erkl y 1·rrrc;.hrr courses ln 1hr i.kill.~ ynu nef'd to ~r! !hr JOh )OU "ant: li::3 Doi l'r Ur , i\ !:: 61~·3870 \'QC,\L TC'ch. & song llt· l!'rpretation. Scr.:innc!'s !In'\/ advanced. 4[1.1-9340 alt 6 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 1000 r r -uiirror -hrii(~OOaiY! _ lransoeca11ie r:id10, <:I c c i\ion & Fri f'\'eS, SU11 l2 to 4. SALE. SALE -S.\Li-; LOVABLf':: hlk /1d1 t I 0 n <: Ch'.l-;A·',.-u-,-. ,-,..-,,-.. -,.-,,-"-,-. -,-h-·c •· ht>;!lcr, do::ol1011~r. l " w 11 1p1illt!tl 110.'> :.p!'lllg & r11al t· .. HA~ll\ION'J) Treasu1·e & Ti·a.~.1, .~al, lmtred frni;ile k11i('11 \0 wks. rrss -:1 J')C'. dinin; rooni: n101rcr. l1ouschold, bi J t table li: 4 hi-b11ck l'hairs. 1tr111s & ('l orluni:;. · reg., la1•·ns/blat:k ni1JJ1k. in CORONA D!:L :'llAR J\'c11port f'~hell Club nhanty old neerls good hon1r \\'111 f L ood S' -\V u n der ul l('rnpcran1r.nt. 28;,.i E. Coa.!i\ Hwy. 6i3-8930 PI OJect COME YE ALL' spay /or g home :;;>-11.'l l Sho1s. :'llat'IUlCrt'SI l\enncl~. PIA.'IOS &: IJH.G~'IS J\lany i!l'n1s lo ehooM' Jron1 . 10 .a :di;..iY.1~~1 CO.'.\lP.\RE AT Sl~9 9;) FH Er-;c1 1 P1u\'int:1al f'nd $399 111hle \l/Ur<i\\C'r. JI ea\' y fru1t11ood. SJO. Slat bench S9. Short 11•ig, J::u1·opf'An hair, l!ghl h1-011·r1 11 I blonde frost- 111:;, 111.'rds selling. Paid $90, ~ell for $30. La.dirs ~hoc roller ~k1ttcs, size S. 3!D. :;1~00;.1 NE\V &. USED All donated frn111 n1en1bers LON!::SO.\IL :-iuuopy lll'etls -=~--~--1'"11 rl,111n-!•111I •. 1;111.t ~IG lll<l, I WELK'S WAREHOUSE WO \\'. lt!i ."t., ,t-a1l!a .\na Open Daily 9·~ !'al. !J-6 Sun 11-6 ESPANO 'L IN QU ALI TY Model Home Furniture S.11·ings to SJ~r . l "t'l'y e11sy f1nanc111g, :; conir>IC'I•• rouins or decorators :;1ylrd ~pani~h lurnilw·e. Con~1s!111g of th.: f.11.n1ous custon1 f!llali!y i\Ja. dnd lillu1g roon1 group. The origioul El Prt•sidcrne spae- ious n1afl"r ku1g Sil{' b('(l. room :.uuc itlld the 11u lhtnt11..: La Paz 11Toug l .. 11nn diol'l1c '"I~. Lillllfi'rl st'Jl·k • $!SS. I (;u 111Jt1111 ~hOll'f(Jnl ll, :i'.l·l:l l\'cstn1111,,trr .\vc, \l'rs1n1111s. tl 1. s~~-1~:;1 l:SED ho~p1tul 111ntr. & 00.\' ~11r1ni;~ s~·-· llotton1 frri·~.!'l" d1 llt~c G.E. f:C'fr1;; $1 '.!L l;l'(P<.:11 :'llo•d C!'('dr11.;:1 S:l.'i. 'l'hc fa1:tu1 _v, J8Sj !!arbnr, ;1 IU-6.'l·I~. --.=~-~ f U/{,\'!TIJHI". L'•'lllnll'd f10111 dbplay ~haJ10.~. 111odrt ho111. r~. lk'l'01':"t !OI" eani·cll11l 1u11. ::ip>111J~ll .\; :\lt'd l lrrr;111~11n ··le. RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd., CM C\'i'l'Y r111r 'ttJ !l \\'('fl. ::;1 1, l. ~11!1 ti t fi ."11.VLI: i:!"l'(I)' ll \t•d ;1-----P,• h11i'111 ~·•llr ~•7. !\r;u<in)I' l.1111ps, SI. 1·a, L n-co <1111J1r1! ~ofa -chair. buth Si..: Tht' 1-"a!·l••r), \,S:\,'i 11 ;i 1• h u r ;i!(l-t:i.~12 l::OR ·' ! ,\L-1·.~·1y--:-\ 111r·r1 l ·;;-11 d111111!!, 1,1Lilr. f, 1•h111r• b1rrh1\ocxl ,r,, Th n 111 11 ~ 1n;~kr. lil.r· 11e" . .'j I;~, :,1: ... r.'•':1 c O.'\'rt:;Jil(Ji'~".\r:r h1t1r 11- bed. rlaf'j,, li!'!l1\11 , 70". i.;rlod f'OlldillUll s-J(). (\IJ..()'j]j ;i(lrL' ·'· GARAGE Salr: l::vrry!h1ng )::O('S. 1~ !lead Sk1lon1 ski~. 190 7rhras, Lange boots, ;s rl'cord collcclion. kllchen 1•<1l'C, <'lot he~. linen~. books, ct•·. F1·1., ~111. & Sun. '.:'020 Pha1aropc Co11r1, ~I e s a Vrrdo'-~--~~-­O'KEEYI:: &· ;llrrri!! ~a~ rancr l\'ilh -;:1·iddle S~5. 8&1 CO!lJ:"l'C'SS, C .i\I. REt 'RIGERATOR $·1:i. Stnl'e s:::i. D1nrn e $20. Sc11•1ng 11111 chinr. $-10 . ~~IS-J06i. Appliancu 1100 1:rrr1gr1'ators r1't'l111 ~JS. GI:: Portable Color TV, like llU ,., ·•·····•····· .~148 GE clerll'lt' d1yrr .... S69.9."1 RCA C:onsolf'. ('O!or TV. $178 l'>h1rJpool aulon1allc 1\·a~her. 1·opperlonc ............ SW DUNLAP'S J':i l:i Nr1\"fXlr1 Blvcl., C.;11. 548-1718 t'Rl ll!DAIR.t; '.?door f"frtgrr;itor. Perfect cond. SS."1. • li11i--171':. DlVOP.CI:: 61."r-2'JIS • S'alf'-196~) G I:: lrn~I fi.,..p rrll'i~. (;t1fClcr I.· :-..1t1lr1· r11n1:1' & 01·en; used 1 inn, 131'~1 ofrt'r. 596--1219 FRIGIDAll!E, au1on111\1c "a~hrr. On<' year ohl. Xlnl ocond . S9:i. &16·1R."ol e ·Yamaha Pla""'s •. 0>-.a"~ & fl'iends. (;oodir:s galore. his own Charlu' J::ro1•n. :\JAi.i·: ~hl•lln'. y r s. 'N • ·~ c b & Al(t'rL•d. Jn1pl'l'SFh'" P<•fl{'I'"· e Thon1's Or"n"~ on1c ro11sc · 1111co1r1· a P.HI'~', 1';1l11ahlf' par11 poodle •""" 2 A 0Cau11ru1 rlor.:. :"\Pt'dfi ad1.1l1 e Kln1b11.ll Pl~"o• 1rC'asun.•. 270-1-708 Cliff Dr. f1"Cc to l'i~ht llo1nc, Cal! -· N' 11 home. '.'S:i.J. 5-lli-7(177 • Kohlt r &. Canipbel] .B. (A ey rnlra1u·r1. Nov. days !J68-76HI 10-30 COAST Music ls! & 2nd . 10 /\:\1 !o J P:'ll. \VF:l\lAHANEP. P :: pr 1 P ~ 2 tlTall' kittens, musr ;:;o 10. N~ P l"TEflS E · AKC, shoLs. Grand 1.'ha111-' L>VPORT & HARBOR /\ i./ quip: Binks ~r!!iPr Blk. ,\ \\'l111 c l.: 11:::cr- Cosla 1'.lrM * 6\2-2!1~1 lowboy r o rn pr cs s o 1·, 2 slrifl('d. Tn11ncrl 10 tiller h•1.\, IJ!un~. Open 1!4i Fri l!l-9 Sun 12·5 others, 40' r xlcns1011 ladder. 54S.1Sl\i lfl 'J;J •f71~l .t)~-2 123* So • You'•• not ready 2 20· lacldrrs,.:; gal flOI. 2 ga! 1 K' 2 1 1 C 1. • II lens. { ar 1ng a IL'(I s, ' b I pot.~. 111isc i::uns & ho.~f'i;, 1 & J bl •· & h 1 s n ,t 1 ° "1Y DcVilbesa i rl r s F 61:.'-0111 gra,v · 11"" •11 1"· f'n t 1e piano o your choice. aflrr 1 • 1vk~. nhl, h~"b!'k11. 611-{)(;Sf:. All monies paid c~dil to-· ~'!121 Cllroh ~1.. i\.n . 101:n "'ard purchase • fl'Onl $10 S<?LD Honie! t:vt>iy thing CUTE. fl uffv k11 11·11~. 8 \\k:-. n1onUily. GO('s~ Color TV, scct1onal, old, !l·ainPd, hsbrkn, tlC'c<l GOULD MUSIC 1able f.· ~amps, bedroom set. oorl ho1ne &. loving i·arc. p111.no, 1hnr 11(' srl, \\'asher &· ~&-6?1)2 '.!().!!) N. lllain. ~.\ 517-{J)ll dryer, desk."' and llluch ::,c:_;,·:.:.:--~---~- HA,\f?ilOND. Steir.way. Ya-~lore~ :.V>-!lll.i BLACK 1\ngora J,,1iltn, n1al1', niaha • n!w I.: l.Jsed plaflO! 19~,7 r: I:: N \ U LT J!r" apr1ni,.,. :: 1110!\ rilrl. Gcntlf' • · ·, .J., d1,•r ... •:s1tion. x..-: .. i~~J7 ol all makes. Ber;;t buys ln r:an1hlrr 11<1'.;()11. ~;1ctory ....... :.;:;c::c.:.::'-~C::.-~,_, So. Call!, rilht hert. 11ork bcnrh. Furn. So1ue a n-CUTEST kill<·11s 1\fa•n!I f'lu(- SOL,lIDT l\JUSIC co.. liqurs & JTII~(' 1lrn1s. :i.'i2 \\'_ ly ('\•er had. r~catly 1,1 go. 1907 N. llfain, Cc!l!l"l' St. C,\I. 54&-461;) 10/30 Santa Ana K!rtE:Y Vae11uin CJC1\ll{'l' \\i1h 2-P/Pt.P.~!,\:"! h!T1f'tl :;-1 Al\C Silk_v T1•11·1er 1n,1h· pup~. Chnst1na.'t s fl" 1· I al fll'lf"' hi ~·ou Sli-,. 61 1-IS!JI< vr:\!,\l.i':, 111riua1!11'<· J~JUtllr /ltipp~. S1;:i. C<tll tl) :1~&-~1:i:1.1 13EA lfl'lfUL Daehshu n'I pupp!('S, AKC', 4 11 ecks old. j -HJ.j3()'i ---------.\IJOl~.\P,l,E, !n\'•'11htr r t1P· Pll'" Hra·•l•'1T•-rn('r /a\licl' K-9~· ~: •. 962-s1 07. ' POOD!~f. Pup:-, tiny toy & roy, alt color~. AKC, 1or 11uaJ1ry . .<=:11 td ..,,,r li!'l:;-'lll'l f'REE ORGAN Cl.AS.:iE.S 111lach & polishl'r. Xlnt ('l'.lnd n1••s olr!. ~rl'rl hf?,nl·s IJ<tdly. ~londay nite.'l 7·3(). 8:JO pm ,_. guunintrerl. Pay orr bnl ur ~1;'.lll~>G:: H orses GOULD MUSIC CO. S3!).67 or !ake ol'cr pyinnts_ :; Adnn1blc 7 1<k. l•ld pupp1r~. S:\l ·\LL Shetlarid, ,. h 1 l cl 8830 ~O la N. r.tain, S .. \. 5-17-0681 Cri'rl1t flcpt ~o'.ij--'i'.?~fl J.Q\·~lol". To l:OOd homi'. broke, dap1e bf'ry $7J. PF:JV,\TE PARTY \\1Ai'\'TS :\ltCullock Ch<iln :-.11\, '.:'\" 61&-lll08 10/31 ~)'j,)...)S~'S TO RUY PIANO F"Olt rol!ci· bladr. 1!f'11· t:1.u11f. B•"•t s!;"\.\TE.c;E 1·;,1. rr n1" I 1•. TRANSPORTATION CASH. 512-6045 r,f!,,1· over ~100, Rl::'-l:xi:! hriu~,ilnL1!.t·11. l' · :r~ 011 1 lllAHOC. Kn.!Ji. piano & ar1 r r 6 hai; ~h•'ll~; ltir111ll_v~~~~1. Boats & Yac hts 9000 bench, 1'.lirnonette rnodel, l::vrresl k J erir1i11g"' 11·hrel YOUn ho111,.. 111'•'<1~ a lr"C BOA'I' S.-\Ll·:. ;ill 11-1,r ~.,11 1< xlnt oond. S.'iOO. 494-i6::ii rhair,l raprsr fqrlwd~,C'tlm. kiUrn. l.';111 :-1 .l 6-.::li li .1,.,i:::cJr for $•lo'. i!r 1,1 ll fl rnodr handlr~. hath 1-giJ. r>\'t'~. llJ/30 \lay tic l'l"l't'•l ;ii:'<•;• :-.. our -T"ecle~v"'l1Clo""n----~·~2:0:::5 61&-1146, :?693 fl11·erside Dr. FRF:F. \\',\:-;111.H. F 0 R Ba.~e 1 9~1 \\'. <"••.1•1 H1 11·av, C.:'11 . PA!l l'S. YOU Jl!Ch: l 'P, 1\('Wj~>I'! H1·11d1 E1ld or S,ol r , Lease Color TV or Black & \\'hite. Option !o buy. Frt"t" sen·icr. No deposit A-Active T V Rental C.O. (ll 522-USJ CURTIS r.Jathes comb. TV, Alll/Jo',\f It. lurnl•ble. S\50. Pvt_ ply . .136-7197. CARPET lns1all,..1· has or1r ~1·1:,..;:~Kl2 Jl}/2';1 :';u;\, ,\",n'. ~ r\'.lll, a1·ocado n)•lnn carJl('!. ADOnABLt: '.: s 1 a 111 e ~ c J:'i' 111ho11.rd ~-1:1-,-,-,-,-.,-,-,-,,-. ,-,_ double jute-hackl•rl. l\"tll sell bllhl" ki111·n. rrrr lo IOJ•'1n; rr.-ulrr. all or pai·t s:;ty;u·d. :d0-7U5 h~r. 6.i& Ofll6 12" LlfOLL PRESS, lilt-NOJ'i'Y~rc,,c,,-.,-,"-,·.,,·-..,c,,-.,-, cl-"-,,c, !11ti!r, all ar!achn1cn1~. best ino!llll old fcni.de ).;111,...11~ Sailboats offf'r over ST:i. 842-1962 after Call li-16-i::4~ JO .\1 9010 '· 11-,\~llER & rlry('r, avol'f!!lo, ~ USED n ·~ LUVl~LY k 111r11~. blark ,\, s11;,_ r.rfni:-fLnst fn'r $100. S15 -S-ID. GOOd d CROSS Ion I: c r r i I:'·• 11·h11r, 1~ S1anl<''"· 6<:":·~!:12 LIKE SAILING? DISLll\E TllL~I·" l··rl'CM'l"S Sli:.. ~10-109:1 Call 513-il\:i <'On rtion auton1aftc tlrfro~t. J::'1T. $65 -=========== [ Th-!' Hou~e 1n B•ck 4~J E. ,\KC Ca.<<>.<'! • tn-L'flln1·1'<L \\ ASHJ·:R & <lrycr, avocado, -1210 l!lh, 6-12-ji~l. Call S.10-8.6~~ 10130 Sl'.!:i. ftcfrll::-ft't>St lrt'e s100.H ._;_.cFoic&::.cSo•c•c•c .. :::. __ ::.:..: * • • • SPOITF:U r:ih1Jil r .. g')'}(l Fn'r1.er $6:>. ;-,10-lOf1:) '1"~, COilfPON!:NT St<'l'('O sound f 1\'.\l!t\' f\len1llt'r<h1p l n horn<'. 6·1~-~.111. --c"'.C=-oc ,\ltlDI·.!. SI.JO l\fnrno1·r auto ~ysten1-Citatio11 Prr anip & Ji'\·lnr Coast Cou nlry Club V!::R\' J::C'n1ICh-;-111n\ ra lllnl~ • Pa)1nrnr', l1•·:h Ullr1-:o~t. <J"flo'l'I lilli••ll. .'• l Ip l'f'n(ii l. r l<'an1nr:. tn.•11r:t11" •, r li, rr:EFLr:. 'lj ![,. L ~ • Lo11' !'H•I, IHI l\l)f:!\ C.\1\1.FHt.L '-\ll.l.\1,• 9010 J.ltJtl 11, lihl' m'1' t ull r11r 111.: i,:P.u' & 1111y 1railer Sl~OO 1o11-r;40 Power Crui,ers 9020 CA:'llPnf.LI, C"u~· 1 2::· "1th ne11 ~.00 llP l'hr'•I' 1:ng1nr , lra11•1'11~~1nn, \f .. ,)1·111" etr t'E!;itly '" cu 111 Need~ fir11.~l11 11;.:. .~ . .Af~I.•. 11 lllo trlr lill -'.l~UI MARLIN HR l.111• 110'11 HI' t; •~. S IG,001 u."~ i71.t.illll .'Ir:.. e 1'\)Y>'n, ,.1·1·~ 1.1::.~11~1 '.\Ir. J<1mes. l l ' C:llli !S-Jto<11l\•'f. LOAD· ED: Fullv c•1t1lflJ1<:d. Xln1 eond . /1:~61 ~··· ' C a I I 67~>-32~3 nr s1::-o:.o, .---~ O\\'ENS Cab111 C1·u1~•'i', 'ti F!. Nc11·1y pa1n1 rd. Inboard Xlnt corn!. ~.«), !i~ti-8.l~t! i':\·cs. 28' f/\l!lLl/\EI~ :-;111irUishr1 F/13. 250 hp C1·q<.;tth'r. coni· plrl!'ly equip. ~;;·:_:i12_, __ Boat Slip Mooring 9036 iO' SLIP <1\:11!·1hJ,,, /\II nr part. l'\"1', (\\ni .l11n tjlh $2.00 1w1· ft , Cull Churh Avcrv !ii::-··:?'1:! BOA. T--;l 1 ps, :\ r-.. -IX-,-, t-1~1 ,-,~ ... -, Nu S1oilbt.;11~. Hi r1 10 :10 ft n :\\'.C~I l b1~·.'.\H.»!8-~l Moolle Homf's 9200 SPACES! MOVE IN TODAYlll NEWS* PARK CHOICE OF MODELS OR CUSTOM BUI LT IN SMOG FREE Costa Mesa Newport Harbor i\!!111 1 /llnh1l,... l!"n1r Park r;r :1:.r::>l LE. 1 f' \lr0l•llo• !J•illl(' ;..:,1h•l'> 11.)(l \\'h11!!1'1' ,-\\<.'., (·>~!a .\\ •s.1 'J ,1k,.. :-:r11ri.)1\ !"11y, "r l/;lli'1r UI. 1i• l:"lrh :.'t. Drive 11·r~1 !ri l\'l11111rr A1't', CALL 1714 1 6'2·13SD -BUY J• HEW SELL rm USID Cooper TRA ILER SAL ES "Buy from a man who lives. in one!" \l'E fF:l!\"!('1; II 11.\ 1' \\'~; f t!.L! ~~1 .-..1, l!ad1·11·, ~11ra An11. t J;:1·k :"-'!. r,f B<ll~a :1::1.J!)iL S E L L Your Mobile Home FOR CASH 636-3291, 536-8869 Broke r ------Top Family Park 20x60 ~ 1}·•11''1111--, ..! h.q1i~. ~l.,1rt~ a11·nu1r:-. l •i<ol, 1', 111 ."an!a ,\na ,\J >lst --<1 1 nf1• r. lj.~i; .. ;291 -l2X6D-NEWMOON : HPrll'(><'llll 111 llanl"ll <••U\'c ,'\rh1\1 l'.Jl'k, C•1n1ph'IC ~19()() Call f_i.",1; .. ~Z!Jl r.1Pk••r 10. ... "To-:-:.!"nH. ,,11-::-;-; '1.c,,c,,-. ~s.-1 llf' Jn hr<1 r1 •d (' '1. !'pacr \,~ :1.:' }'a1 rla..\ !Jr. /\Iler I ~fl nn1 --------1968 12x60 rad; 111 C1J"h1 .\f. ~·1, Le11\'- 1n'1; ;1r<.1' n::r.._~'."ll '" tilt> P"r.-nrincl Orrict, :;::;co i'e11·p011 Bh·d . ~ e 11• p o r r Bf-'ach. Calif. 17111 li/3-66..~~. Typ1st-Rrl'rpt1011 1s1 Siesta SALE! [J \;\J:-;IJ 1hn1nc n •in1 tcol•ll' ,\ \l'a~h1·1·. \'rll1""· xlnr rond luner, Dy11ak11 iO amp. for ~11lr. Pvl ply. li7J-9\31 Brin~ ~·ai::r. 1>-U.i-~S~l •·hall'~. Cl11 11r~r t••uk •~JHCI' 1 acoou · r iangrr. '" CJrpt't l;,)"'r has Ii i Lo PAltT-SI,\~lt~:;i"; l\'1Prn~ Tn IO' a1·.nin,:: szu·11 t.1!Jlr. ;:;111\'" d1a1r .... la1nr~. J\F::"\.\\OP..E auln "asher. 6 ·~. Burnt Ot'all~(' 1•11 bine1 rt)'j~ris $\.99 :I'd. ~hag~ ll'.ood hoinr~ '.'l!\2-iO::; Jfl/-;f) e hi-, ;1 1•1 • j!fJ-'i'.1 1< C~l'. 6<::-1!.{J.~ l.•I" n1nrlr1. xnll {'fl!lfi. S .t lOO coznplf'te. Cnll &l~-2·13ll · 1 .._ ----- C;1 I •1, 111 1!, ;,. 'I I ' 1l.1y 11y 0'1r Lluh f'!dn :'.L11ronr !'\l\.J:-.(, tLt.B '~:; ~l6-Sli72 or S·li-Sl\5 i\l•c ~ 11 1 •. Lii ------iO x .1r., 1 l3J-·r1P,OrJ,'I, ha.1h I '·,,·1·· 1·,·, .'i \6.~7~. ,1(17-~ll.i :1.~k for Phil. frnm ~~.50 UI) 1'" ~: ,0; 1 1'1"0r· BnO!'EN 1 r n1' 11 ' f,11· .:-;rrv'i'.'.\1 !I~"~'' :',\HIJT '.! ~-l.'U~ brd •:-'I :.; .• 1hn· CL!~,\~. 1•nn1f~,,·t,,blc .~11H:l• ,., " fV\-<"'r \al' ,...,........, h I" 11 ·11 •1· 1" ''I ',_ n '' ~ ' --•Ill\. " • ' ' ' >II qi"' \\;l < !, I., ' " ' '.'\, •. ,,1·,,, ''''·'' ' '>I•••· ''H'· 'I'• o 1"°0 • '"' '' fX', cornl'r a l'r.in:::;. h,...rl. 111;1 11i't'~.•, f\1•'1, :-nil"arl ,l.\\"T,\G ;iut11 11 ;1~h,.1', ~Int STEREO. Ai\l/F:\1 r•dJo, DOUSL'" ,_, _ _. , • •-" --"· ,., """ , "' .,.. * WHEE! $400 ;llrt l th(' puhl 1r, 1!C'<11·y tl1c1a, phone r .\'fl, T.1·pr l\O, Security Personnel Agency A.~A.JIEJ.\I 2tl:1~ \\', l.1 llC\'.lln t.:;J-2000 SANTA A..'\'!\ \\:ells F'ar10 811nk Sid;;. Santa ,\na f r.>.')'. at tllau1 541.on~ TYPIST P.l"-rpt1nni &!. !rlcpho1lt', ~·l•'I'· K·al. Gil'I Friday for 1\"rw· po11 Seat'h A<lve11i,ing A.grncy, Shorthaod h<'lplul, but not <'Ssen1ial. full nr part timP. Wrlte Daily Pilol &x r.t.J.19 for \nlervlf''ol'. TYPISTS Interim Per1onMI Servic1 +&.; E, lT!h ~I ., C.1\1. '42-7523 WAITRESSl!S Apply in prrson only THE RIGGER #l& r uhion Isla nd Newport Beach WAITlll!SS EXPiRllNCED ',, .. , •• of ,.1,., ,-. !2"" .. ~,, ,_ h .:. '"-'"· 1na ll"{'SS, ·~';\ HID !'·~,,, .. 1-•I .. ",,•·I• !r.?.l It r.11>-1~51 "'""""1'1 .Sr :'\ '-;: l "\I. J'.1' ·· •.,. ""·"'' J\lllor .t!:, fi12-h'i'~:: ''""' 1 ~1·~ old ~j(). p • ...,nograp 11·itJnutconsolt. 1 1 1 r $'-" ·• " •v · ----'' , ... 't:O.IJ:..,. :"\ew hcil•. l\u1~ - --.·.ik ~"-··'· •1;.~11 :i Outlrts for iarvo recording & ~!:!·i~::.: :. ""1 rai n' .,,,,, 673-0\!1-l lll-'J! 7~· .\llJ.1t1'fl•.,, • \11'11 0·011d •• 8\37 Trl1 •1·1t11 111,:i~ ··•11,~ ~9'J:11. Qucrns S39.~. Full /_)Jt(!/' li';d r!111111~ 1a hlr 111~· ..,..,, " " 1 h ,_ .•-61 ..... ~.~ a t <"r or - 1 -,, 11 , t' <I 1 ... 1 • 1 , . ~ --Ref•,·gecaloc SJ_S __ p ay ac" $150 or be!t ofr . \\·erkt'nd~. 4 CL'TJ-; h1\l rn-; 11"•'1 :::ori. • fill,\ l'll'l.o' ,r•'"n ~' 111'11 . ,_1.., 1 .. , .Tll"'l"IOr. ~:>1.fl~. T11ui.~ ~J.1.9.\ h1IJ.\ I•'·"'''• Ii r aptiuns ,111·., See lo app1'f;c. 673-2614 aft 4 l10111r. %42,il Hll~\ rr l11ushrrJ _ flh011•• -/01-l~~S ~r1acr l:!,;.., r, ;tua1 n 1\Jnr:: ~i ~prrads Slii.'.J5 \i·/~cll! fllH\~ .l7.i !H:.!-6.~ 11 53&-!l.>14 I ~"":..c:.c:cc.c:::;_::.::.::::.:...::::_ STERLJN1-; ~ 1 I v ,. 1· /111 'llf;~~~~::;======-'=======c.='-='-~°====0-.=====c- fl. .~t. :'i9.9... Hradbn:I~. ~,1·rt·rtA L n11\, dr•h., ·, l.\()U ' ------R~ Ster~, A ;vF ronsole. Hoy;il D<1 n1.0 h. •' n n1 I" fmperted Autos 9600 Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 Kini;s, $Li. (J ureus $1:!.:.0, l1kr nr\\', ~7.• Antiques 8110 JI nograp ' i\ > i\1 sttreo ~rl"\'lct" !ors. 611 -2160 al! 71 ;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;.;;;;i;;;;;i;;;;:;;:;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ }\W SJO.:>o, T 11uis S~.9i • C,1!1 ~lli2-~!ll'l • radio in 6' long lJ4'.'a11t. . it Trundle ~rts tduo r1ser1 1,.1 P at Michael Antiques 1valnul cabinc't. &.12-3473 1-''o"c' ----~~~~- RAND OPENING! 13RAJl)E[) nit; 1l6xl'J1 .. lust 1nnf"l' ~11r1ng n11111 , l'l'~ .. ~1('\), G 110w S79.50. K.s. ~rrd~ S\.3 .99. Office Furnit ure 8010 r'1n,, Y'lrcrinn or European Tape Rtcorder1 1220 clranrrl. $:JO-in{'1ur1cs S'.?O fur :i-p(·. Span gp. $2·19, l\ ~. vrl-1-----------& Anicrit·an Victoria11 furr-'-"C.::.C::.::.::.:.::..:. _ _::.::;:; clcan\n~. &lf>-5641. \'C1 ~preads $~9.50. Co.nupy SPA:-.L<;I! 1x~i--r.t1r\·ed ;~1! ilt11~ Sec a! .k)S t.:. 17th St. fl10DEL 990 R?berls Tape fit"C\.\1l0d for ~•le l>{'{/S l't'JZ. $119.50, now S:S::.:..J. four Sltlr~ ,'<, top, ehair i11i·l in f .:II &\i-1776, 10 lo;). rl!'corder. \V{Mllke & ~ar Ory 1-:uralyptus r1111 sz. sll!'cp • t-of.1 rr~ ---· .. ,, phones. E11ctl. cond. SIOO. :~I0-9887 S~.>00 ~ 1 l l iS-t;i i: r1 rs f. A11t1q11c t'oll-top ur.s,; 673-6255 days. E v e n i n i s ~~=~C"'""';c,.,,.-,.,,;:::;-f I ):!>9 . .:iO, now SIG9.50, Chnst-"!nids. Sl~ 673--009J Qu111ity kin.: hf'd-1ru11lrd tnas lay-aways 1101''· Sl&:STA lz=~======== 611l-4Ml ===========-rnmplctc-ur1uM'1I S10..i. worl h SLEEP .SHOP, 1927 H;trbnr Office Equipment 8011 ===~"-""'==°=:':':: C & 300 S2j(]. /\fl~) & i\·knrls ~'.!-6~J..Vi l Bll'd., C1\I 6-J:i-;!100 tla1Jy JO-hi &120 -!!!!,!!'•• Equip. I 9 Nit-Sun 10-6. ,\L.\lo . ..:-r .\'~\\' Lndrl',••\t.l ~wing Mac nn E'.'\CELLl'.;i'T r on d 1tio11 \VILL BUY 16 mm proj. hikrs. Girl's, boy'~ 20 inch. 1 DON'T Givf' up! You 111,1y OL11c11i n 1n1.1 ~U .\rld1n ;i: J~i ~INGEr:. \1'/hraut l\'111 silent or llOUnd. ?11ust be Jn Jind l! al America 's lar«cst. n111rh1nr Pc•1·fr11 1n11'l\11on l'QllSOle & ll£'.-zag. i\Iake~ ......,i nd . _ _. S17.50 e11.ch. 5-lS-6449 ,., !!'""" co . reas. pn.__=i. 1 1. most unusual unl1ni~1wr1 n nJ.v S!iO ;,1~~:111 hutlon llo!e~. OVl!'rcast~. :> \VILL SELL t"ed~ral •1\'7 POOL TAB _.• lurnllure stort•. Cor. Rcrl111J\ CA.L'Techio liry clei·trl•· ;ul· )'C'ur guar . 1''ull p1-ief! $38.2~ Enlarger tor 35 mm. 21t" x all f'qui11n1e11!. $::J & Santa An11. t •\·y. Tu~t1n. l di'r. \\"ork.~ fin('. SJO. • or $5.26 n10. 526-6616 2!~ ", etr .. In folda"'&)' c:ase1 ~==="*~'36~'~"0'~'-*..,.,,._,= nil So, of l\'ewporl Fwy. :.1.'>.-J&-IO ""/ m11.sklng r11.M:I, \Viii FURl\'ITURE & C<1rJll'I. Cosl Opt>r1 362 d<1~.!. rrr ~r. =""'=~~-~---Musiclf Inst. 1125 trade on projt'Clor. Call on -f. :;•:.Ca rpet 11.~!alla11ons_ ~I l-:,\iO TY 1--'E\\'R!TER, a•l•l. 1n;i,·h., 1:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;.1 I --~---i·al!'ula!ur, V"L'Y l'"ason;ihlc. 11·knds. Fri e \·en lhn1 Sun, Ph. &16-.~/<\L B.v llf!pl i.;:-;1::n !angrrinr or.1·. h1~>al·k Xlnr ,·,1nrl . 8~J.:!12.~ GUITARS LAiuna &11rh. 4!$-21 J2 \\i!LL rle11.n oul your g11ra.~r 1 ch11ir SI~. Danish ~nd-lhl~ \'11LL BUY 16 mm proj. or fl l I i c for the U5.ablr'I S4.9Zi. RCA TV, wC1rking;, Cafe, Rest•urant 8014 i;i1ent or r.ound. ?\lust be: In junk. 57;;...;i2:>.<1 $1 0. Used turq. hlde-a·hcd Ln11·Ps~ prit·rs in ltOQ(I cond re11.5 'C'f'd '" ·r•· 1· lo 1a~:. f.ESTAVRANT equip. ll<1 !r h 0L"ange County .. · · pri · J-12 .i::augl' shn!~un & 1 · ,,.. 11 c ry, """' i-·, \" ••l-t from' \VILL ·'F.LL Fl!drr •I n"'"" """~,·,...rl ihlr li-22 H bo 540-6842 C'll'rr lahl,... 1np, h<1hy o:ronr1 ... .. ..... ~,_ .. "" , ~'"' " ' b & I WAS NOW ~n1Argrr /nr M mm :!'• X m•<""m * 6·11>-f .~'i~ I piano, piano 11r · ~lrin s, Id "" ANTIQUE oak du11111; tahli', 1 211", rtr in fo lll\'ay case ------ chairs. 2 trurlt'llr ~I s, f'Qnlp. uphol. c,.·cwhl:il hrir !.· F0lk gu1!a r1 Y>/n1askln,i: t11 ~rl. \V i 11 HONDA !IQ ~1\1t1J.;·A:\~ay ha r·k bar. 11 ~l1M1b. u11iJrr !"I"" S17.9j " . r k $0G drt!sers, Xln! ga" Slovr. -· ·VJ !rarir n11 pmjtclor. Call Sal .,utpfK't at· · · hur rn11ir . : krg 1lraugh1 Elco>•·!, 1 r•ck-ur •6"3 "1ii• m1sc. Rtason11\Jle. ·n1urs .~ ., ' 499-215.2 1. _,, ....._ 11'f'rr coolrr!i 11 /)JnttlP !<1'11'. S4~_:i.·, $',;9.!>5 frl l-5. 7008 \V. v.:tan!J't>11l, 1 ..... ,-•n•ch .. I t ru,,ll{'r! ,_'o.u. ,,,u.,., "" Ampll\\lll Ampll NB. 64 ,,_ iN" n1ach . lklnnc'y's Sea mm USl!:b 5 pc deluxe an1lq11C' "h11n1y 67j..(ll00 Folk Gtulars wtl t dlotlle $38 .. 9 pc cnrnrr 31(9,!)J ~roup, floral S/18. l>rrrn G.1rage Sile 8022 rtosciiroJ O;i.o;.'>1•· ri ulHrd occ r l111i1• $2!l, Th<' JlOO r11ctol')-. 188.J JI a rbor .•• HANDCRAFTED • • f Pi1<ler ;\lusia ii;: !>1~2 •••• GIFTS • . • • ~1fW! S69.9:i SS5.00 SJ;;J .00 ---1500 AVON hol11c i·ullrctiun, ~1 SSO. 1!¥.ll Anaheim St., C .~I. ~1'411--&117 C:OLt" clubs. c:on1 r:olete sel of !~::C.::.C:.C..~~~--~­n1rn'~ .\!rCrrgor s i 1 v er tlf/\PLE heel~. t'h('~t!\. dress. •-T , Ilk l'l'S, hurch. d1111tn1)()1 t. .-...v1t our~y "· ' M IV. "'1S-!lf1 I ~ld for ovtr s:ioo flt'\\'. "'ill • ;J ' • IAke any rea!Ol\ll ble offer. BEDS • S12 k. Slj. 2 l'olo.yl11g Al~ ,.,., or 'ol Omtn's bf'eln-A. 11 t om a 1 1 c , \\"nshert. VOLVO lXlCUTl'I CAJ St •. # 786"0 142 SEDAN FULL FACTORY l9\JIPMEHT llTl[Q]OOIOJ[!][A]j COii.ONA 2••. Herdt.' IXICUT1¥1 CA~ f ull fo ctory •quip. plu• r1dlo, •ulorn11i c St•. 25•6 F"ll f•ct. •ci~ip, Sir. #1115 USED CAR SPECIALS 1t6"6 DATSUN 1600 Rod111. R.H., <l 'Pttd. Ori9i11al & $1495 Sharp. TfU 927 1 ~·· AIJSTIN HEALEY Sprite, Raditr., R.H .. 4 speed $1295 reol sherp. YLT JZS 1968 CHEY. '1 T. S•yleside '·'· R.H. 11.eal 111ce l l 4Z4C PU L.W.I . s1995 1t•I TOYOTA CORONA H.T, c,.e. 11..H., <l 1pffd Showroa• ~; "' 51695 1••1 POll.5CHl CPE. 1'00 S. l . H., <l •pHd, tllra nice for tllit s1995 f•a•. YPO 311 1 ••1 'IAT 850 Spyder l oth"'. l , H .• 4 ""' SJ 495 .... ,,. w ¥Ci ••• 19•7 lARMANN GHIA . <l 1p"4, ...,.., v • .., low •lln, S1695 ll~t .... Tlf 'f' 401 l\IAPLL rofftt" 111hlf', etld Apply in P1r1on t~blr 11·hh l11n111, ~"1 "' SUllF & SIRLOIN hlQnd table~. Brclroo111 rh~11 S: o!lwr ni \s1· 11''11\~ Fri \h•,i·•in I). J~ 11{>1 '.':1, "at k . ..:11n ,\01• 1 I:.· s~,r>f! ~im.ro 1r111dr-Jn~. nc1'5, S2'0. ~~llllfl S20. fil:>-100~, '1976" '179000 SfJO P•c. Cit, Hwy. w11 h m11IC'h 1ni;: '1r11 pt ~ Newport Be1ch OllWr ltt1n11. 5 10-6!1):7 • WAfTRE-"St~<i -ow r ?1 Qu1ht)' kind bf!d -riuitted. Appty: FLYING BUTt.ER Complete-~nu~ SIO,j, "~rth 31tl1 Newpm-1 Blvd., N.B. S250. A.fl ;) &c wkn<1-' 842-65.36 '! 1 ~311.1 ."iln !n l,.11ru1 . t'V, 9 ,\ '! 1,1 Ii I ''1 121-B!J\ '111'1!1!;~ ,, 11111!!11·~ .. ~ 10 -l I.,, I..!! 111'" ' hes! S~j. C:i n1~1'"r \i:ll'UUlll $ 2 o. ~l.li<-,t)ti7. 1\I! !l1.'1il'r hr11 nds. l.111 ''"1.1·~. ISLAND GUITARS Zl:I '1.1n nr ;\\e., Ra.lho.t lslt j;iJ.J1ti 4 <lp!'O 7 d1y9 8' Bnin~"·ick Edgebrook pool \\'n1nrn'i;: 26" J'h\111p5 tahli! Sl.30. :; ~pd. B1kr -s:.oQ 962-!17<!i nr·;111rl """'· 64i;..~•lctl LEWIS DEAN ~=~~ L d " r " d T oto & Volvo Deoler 1-::'l!TED Fl~D-Comn1unHy r-=--oo0-i1:1 i:oorl Fu-cstonr Orortge Co•utty'1 ltf"IJHf on mos mo em oy COSTA MESA C'ht&t They i C't lhe job lilf'll, $\j pi!U', l11~l~';";;.;"~";;;R;•O;;.;;R .. •;,O;,;U.;L,;,lV"A""R"D"""""""""6"4"6"·' .. J .. o .. 1 ................................. 1 done bKI LI 8-1202 ., 1 ~ ( E [ ! E ' ~ 4 • F T ,, 1, 6 ., 1 :-;1 I ' I L I l~ ' • I! ' " " ,\[ f T o1 0 " > " T ,; " " " ' ;, o, '67 K s Je l!l< rl• "' ·r c. "' "' a ov R " Sf/ " " ... 1: . --------·--------------------------------------·-··-·-·---------------··-·------~----·------~ -~-·~---- 29 PI LOT ·ADV(RTISE R Wtdnt1day Octob!>r 29, l eiclJ Wtdn~'1!ay, Ottobtr i!CJ, 1%1J DA IL V PIL OT 5 fj •• TRANSPOR '"' oCN ITRANSPORTATfON -1 !.flAN SPORT~TION I T~_PORTA:'l'~N-1 TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'._ORTATION TRANSl'._ORTATION r RANS PO~o ATIO ... __ i RAN SPORTA-":l_Olj_ Moblle Home• 9200 Dune &ugg le1 9S~ Imported Aulos 9600 Imported Aul'• 9600 Imported Auto• 9600 ~ew _C~r1 9100 ~t!_ Car• 9IOO_"•w C~r_, _____ 91~New Cars 9800_ BAY HARBOR MEYERS MANX Mob ile Home Sales Cti~toin brunie rnrlblllak••. 1..:a.s.a Loma Roll · A1-1a_v · ,\!J t''1rn1~:11irnts lli ur.<l li\'11 Sheraton 1'1anor • llornettc ~IU.\t SP•'' S21~5 Kit • Prestige . Sllhara JAMES, L TO ALL SIZES 1-81 :-,;,, Bl ·d 6,.1 ""l'I NO\V ON DJSPL..\Y :"::__1 \port \ · ~-·""" 11:5 Baker SI ., Costa Mesa \11\ .... X/CORVA!ll.-- 1~ block East of Harbor BJ\d. '.I lake t1Ut>r' Of>spt>rate' ! C.Osla f\lt-!11!. fTI -1 1 S-10-~iO • 64&-1896 • PUBLIC NOTICE LIQUJD,\TI ON SA.LJ-: Imported Autos 9600 Brand ne1v mobile hon1r, !9~7 ,\IO!l.GA:-.l r 4 t.\- -------·- FERRARI FERRARI 1\e"'port ln1ports Ltd Or- an~e County's only author- iled draler SALES-SERVICE-PARTS ~HJ() \V Cn1tst 1-i"Y· J\C\\VQl'l Bt'ach 6-12·9-1{.6 5·1 0-li6~ .\111hnrll r!l r('rrar1 lkalrr JAGUAR MG PORSCHE --_____ M_G ____ 1 '57 Porsi.:hr COUP" nrw p;unt, ,,(~! n11. lln rebu1lr '61 St1per 1·11 !. & trans Stt•t'{'U-tape, e:»cel cond $1675, f.l u~t gee & M"ll 673-733 I I 673-9200 Sales. $('rvh·!, P;1ns lnimedlate Ot!ivrr;-. ,\U lll udels J2rtuport · . 3J111porrs . POR 66 ~12 >spt.1 RE-BLTL T ENGL"'JE ~ IBANS * 6ij.11;)96 * roun1ry duh lJ1·jng, adul1 ~ c·ellent (·ond1tion: ni>w tnp ... 7 J;\GL' .. \J: ::-..!\ l ll'J. E'"· If inte restl'<I pll'ase call 11(•11• b1•11ke:.. $1600 Call ·:1uo \\'. Coast Jh\·y. !\.B. Gl!-~11).j !H0-176~ A11thor1zl'd ~Ir. Dr.1lrr SUNBEAM '67 Sunbcnn1, ne\\' tires, chim r1n1s. A'.'11/Fi\f radio. nr"' pc.int. rr1v prty $1300 or hr!-t olfcr. Call <ifl 6 P~I. ' 1·rllent cond111on. !'hone btwn &-II P\I :'at ot' 11·1 ~-12-3716 al I er G flr 61!>-~'tSl:i P.\t nn ~11nrla.v. JJ6.:!731 l<l'f'kL•r11!s. ========== NSU hrrr a.L Kuston1 DELL'X~: V1long 21 x till. /11 .. ========== pl1an<..'t's. dt'[)S, f'.'IJ>"n. • rpt~. AUSTIN HEALEY mlrro~'Cd <!oor.; $ S, !l 5 0. ---------- KARMANN GHIA : )U IS :.k"0rs, 01,'r hr:ut l'l1nt I ="='=~·="=·'=I======= • n;,:. amaling perfurn1a nre' 1.•J,, pnC""d' 645 Bakl'r :-.1., Jmmd(·ulatt' 10!'111·· awl nut ' (':\I. 5-Kl-5913 1965 Karmann Gh ia. :,..star Adult Pk, f\o. Long Bf'aeh 422-0ilJj nr ~:ll-2117 Bicycle1 9225 =,_;_.:__ ___ _ EXELLl":NT con d \ t ion bikrs. C irl 's. ho~"s 20 inch. Sli.;)() earh . .'yl/l-&H'.l AUSTIN AMERICA ~1l"s. ,!:ervirr. Paris ln1mc<l1atr !Nll\•ery All ?olodel.~ J1rtuµ orr 31tn o rts 3100 \V , Coast H1vy., N.B. SCRAM LETS &42-9-105 541).176.J " =A="°"=°';'='d =""=""=''°=' ANSWERS CORTINA Par1l'h -nuskr -Yista -'67 FORD CORTINA Turbid -DIRTY Spo1, Cpt>. 4 speed. P.a d1n, If a Jot of [l('-Oplc ~aid 11hat he11trr. !'lf11.~1 se,. 10 app1"1·r1. th~Y t hink, it 11 ould be must. illl'. Lie L:T\':1~S. A Spt't·1al ly Dl!lTY 1101·t1s. AO 6:) Yi\;\l/\HA "2.)U l'.'.ndurn. $1299 Xtn1 s. SGfi. 5''6·20i l all)· ~ 11011•. SC'\! 3.)()6•, :O.la1 ..:us, '.\ 13 , l'VPS. ft ~ .--.. lloo-da !60-Scrn-mbl"··1 \t~ o 1300 mL + '"" S3'0, ~~ ~~s 962-97i6 • SUZUKI 80. ne11• knobby lll"C!-L, •' & x. chamb. ~1 HJ. " 614-01;,.i~=--519-30.11 E:xt. 66 OJ' 67 fj!) y ,\\lAHA 12\ 900 1n1. l:li"Q HA!l.BOn BLVD. hrsl offer. COSTA l\IES.\ 6iH'..ll2 af1er 7 pm L!KE ne\~' '69 Honda 9Q Trail DATSUN Bike 5275. ---------- l\7:>-i!i/J7 '69 PICKUP 1966 110:--;oA JO} 5200 or hf'~t r1Uer. jJ2 C;il1lnrn1a ;inytime ;\r111· ne11·. 1500 iniles ~ \ ~fl'l, Auto Service1 & Parts cJh·, 1•·ill s3crificr' Sn1all 9400 da\1·n. \\'ill !inaner pr!\"llh• party. ZQ~()@LB. Cull l~en ·lll-~773 or 5.15.oo:n. BEAC!! Auto Supply Wholesale Pnr,.~ lo Ail Complf'!e ~la•·h1n" :•::hop SPC:En F.QCIP;\1£:'\'T HEBL"ILT E'.\GJ.":E'.i 11:•5 V1l·t01·i". C:°'l :-r:~-6jJO 1~36 1 Br111•h Biid. 1188!7.0'JJI , • OPEN10AYS * ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunlinglon Beaeh 8-12· 77tll or ~40.144'.! '69 DATSUN Bi;; 1·dr Sedan. ~.<pd. Dir. r"ddlo. healer. r;oo milr~ \\'111 sarr1f1ce: Takf' nlrl!'r l!!!l!!!!ll'!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!IJlll!!l!J 1r;11lr. C,111 1'!111, -13 !·DOil. -_fr - - ---5~a.Oll3·1. Z\\..JD31. Genu ine Mag Wheels ~~=--==-~--===== ENGLISH FORD l·l' 7 S90 pt>r s•·t r lus Jugs & 1·ar~. Nat ion a 1 Speed Center I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 21 10 S. l!arl)or. Co~1a )ll'<;i &-l&-6irn Oi>f'r: ·111 !l. 6 fln Silt l.'\rxl l'l \lr ·1 ~, :°'11\GS, i\!/T R.111rl<'T, Ji'" f'"' Forrl, 2 for $20. f..l.)..Z2!t; ;iftl'r 6 nm. Tr1iltrs, Utility 9460 ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 i1IODELS J111merlia 1e drl11·('ry LA RGE SELECT!UN Theodore ROBINS FORD -~1 -ll I f •I I ~lr\l'S 2060 Harbor Blvd. I 1 lnr 011 rrnr S. r· at ~~ Bnl;1d. 1 =-""-======== "·•:. (" PORSCHE MERCEDF.S BENZ :'l!ercedes llTl"CkrO bu! 642--03:.0 r unning: PO!~:;CllE '1''6 ~1:'. Crrrn. \' \I'. _ Porsche • :'llert crles rn<:i."~ s .. usr.rt piu•t:-;, steady \n ... i.1rk, 6-:2--03:.0. AZTEC body. \'\V engine, nr•·rl.., a scrrnb!ed. All parts :11,.•l. :'ll11hi• ofrcr. 536-:'0'.!I TRIUMPH r.~ TR ~:JO. \\'1rr 11•her!~. lug- 1 !<<Ii:" rack. ne1v \"1 nyl top. \l1rl1thn tires. 32650. Call •1ft 6 pn1. G~4--030S TOYOTA BILL l\IAXEY ifJ§iY@!J~I 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beac.h 847-&SSS 3 ini N. of Coa!ll Hwy , on Bch "6fl TOYOTA Land C1i11ser, ;ill xlras, xlnl conr! S2Jj(I or 1r:10r on late V\V can1per. 675--0933 "68 Toynta Coron;i . HT. <Hilo, !'Cd. almnst nr11·, dl r. !HSI Bilker St., Costa l\le!>a S.I0-591j l'nitffi F'und time Imported Aut?s 9600 Imported Auto1 9600 Imported Autos 9600 '65 vw SOG $999 '68 VW Square Bac.k P~d with b I " t !.' inh '·~· .:;~"""' ~~ce ll~~I c" r ~. !~ n -~ on l~e •o~d. P.ad o A h~a 'e1. VTU 5.(4 $2099 '66 Porsche 912 C pe. Fine d ""'~9 <•'· ~ 111d ;,.~,. Tko rc .. 7kl1 ••cond · !•or•d. ""~1! •e e to •opr<· l 'O't it1 per1on6I '•te YQT 2 0~ $4199 '69 vw $1899 1963 v.w. ll•dto, etc. Spec;al. UQT. "' $999 1967 DUNE BUGGY P<'4 d o~d R1ltv •q~•PPtd. H ~•dlop. U'<IR4a7 $1899 '66 Ghia Coupe lh• Pi n~ lodv Rad"o and ~••ltr. S8K'7l9 $1699 '67 vw Spec;81 m"rco~ painl li~t new, !TRH 705 \ $1499 '66 VW Fastback Sed. E•lro deon .& 1how1 pei· 1on1I tort . RQP48 I $1599 EXT. 66 & 67 "' ~ • rai;nr, u · ; ' Costa l\!t r.a 612.C.()10 •w 1 '"'.,i:.::;;~1 ~1 " 11 GIVE ,,w -"'"'"' I 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa P.ECOUP !hr-('flSt ol movinit. ,.,,.ll~T~F.~n~1-~r~'~D~=JJ1 h~~~~~~~!i!~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~!!!!!'! buy this 7'¥'11i" ut1l tr!r. ~-==- w11h 1~u·r &1&-16ti lmpo_,_le_d_A_v~l~•~•--9_6_0_0_lm...;.p_o_d_•_d_A_v_l_•_• __ 9_6_0_0 jmported Autos 96001mported Auto1 9600 irucks 9500 PICKUP TRUCKS fol; Chev # Z!$-JIS •..• ~ '.19!1 1;·: C.11rv Ei9m'9 . , . , •.. \ !J'l'1 fJi F<'nt T'l~~ ........ ll!Y.1:1 h6 n,..,,ii;r T1!37':l!l ....•. s~\" Fi.~ Ondi:;" ,-s. (Ill!(), ~·~3 11\ 711 I H. fii~l9'.!7 .. $~\'f' ~ KUSTOM MOTORS Alfth JH f"llr. •ll 13akrr ~I, (;\f .',.11).jf/1~ GMC TRUCKS nr;1ngr County Sill('~ ::ic1T1cr !lradq11arlrrs. ~l:.i\' . L:3ED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2.!I.)() llarbor Bh•d. Costa :\lr~a 5·10.9el0 11nd •57 f'ORD VAN", \1·11lni.;1 pi!OPl, ~ll'!"('n/la[l". Extv I meeh cond $1700. 548-::W2 or 548--620::. ;11\ 5 "&I Gi'i!C V11n. Goorl 1·onrl J<;rw lire~. $1300 or besl of- fer. 646-3900. ·49 G:'llC. romp!etr 11('11· c11; , 11re1 k paln!. After 6 call 6i3-7l!H ·a2 Che1'Y \1 Ton. Nf"f'rl!> trans 1\llrk. !\!AKE OFJ-"ER • 646-a2ti2 * "G7 CHEVY. ~ x 12 flat b<'d. Ku1lom Motors, 84j Baker St., Co,11 Mesa 540--5915 9510 1!16'.i KAl!'ER Jttp, 4 \vbf'f'1 rlr11"c, 3 l'YI die~l. for ~Ill" or y,•ill tr11r!e !or lall" model Teyola or Rmtl<'1'1. Grl"at fol' (»1mPf'r, filft...16·11 Ci1mpers 9520 '65 OIEVY cab-over C&lll~r. 2 r]bl bf'dg, perJ. concl. $1 .'15(1. 494-36.;( Q\VNF.R. 6'.l C.n nn 1\8 ltan,er. J-;\""!raa. Take car ln lradt. 5\.~-1G67 SllF:LL Ca111pc r. Coot! con- rhlion $'2(1(1. ~.'2-~l'.I.~~ --~~ 4 UOOR . 6 fill"'~ lntrrn I PU . •1·/ nr new r-al)<n•C'r, Sile $14!l:i. !161l-391i:i. 4.l!)..Jl!l 1::i . • I I wait? The f•guar Il.1! ll one of lhe ~·orld't great automobiles. Yet II sells for le11 than haU whal the worJd '1 other great aulomobUe11 1ell for. Under $6000. w 1to1areyouw4lllnglor1 JaguartlJ POOL E 2l4 EAST 171h STREET COSTA M!SA nLE~HON~ 548-7761 w > -· In • i - -... -I: .. I: ·--I: 0 0 ~ ~ Ill .. A. ~ IO IO 0 -.,,. -· co co --0 ., • • ' ~ • i " • l • .., 2:: ""' ::> Q ~ .., ..... Cl f5 &a :Ii :a z ~ ... -'--~~~~~~~~~~~~·! 1¥.,, oz u.o - ggg • • • .., 0 .., .., 0 .., to. °' Ill ., .., lh V.lh ggg • • • °' I/I "' "' to. '° °' C'C '° .., .., .,. lhlh • ...... !I.= z -.. ::) ... 0 l Cl" ·--"' ,. II •• ;oo 111 a 0 C) 0 000 • • • C'C I/I .... Q C'C I/I °'.., '° .., .., lh .,. .,. • .. ~.~; -.. ::) ... 0 l Cl" ....... .,. ,. II - ;oo "' a ., l e ,, ca: z Cl "' Clll z -> C( "' a: .., ... C( .., a: Clll z .., > .., 0 "' ... "' .,. <t ::> u .... 0 .... 0 ' ~ "' > z <t ... 0 ... z 0 ::> "' •.. . , . r-· I • • ' -, ~ " ~ --..-~ ... --• -,. ..... -.. • ,. ----r .. -.. -?-.. -:---~~ r~·--· -~--------~ ,....,.. ,...,...,.,.,_,..,__..,,_,"r""J...,..,'"J""J''T~.,..,..,..,..r....,..,...,..,. ________ ~• • . • • , . . , _. , , r--r . .,.... ...: f .P F )! J ) ,F F F BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE r.,u, f.n1,,,v tnu;rpc.j '"" r1ud n9 "•~d •c•'•· ,~~t ~,,11,, h ~t l ~" I ~h·;, ~••a'>~ rid w~1••' '" '· , • .;. """"'• C.d•J-•'>. t t . FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! THE GMC's FOR 1970 ARE COMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS ... '•llltGll(llllli FROM CAMPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL OVER 40 SERVICE STALLS TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK AT PEAK EFFICIENCY! DRIVES ••. WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A LARGE FLEET ••. WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCI< NEEDS BEST! v.a, ~c owv froM spr in9. heory l!R. ~prin9, suspension leof spr;n9 RR, air inj. reactor. pu1hbu tton todio, full loom 1eal. l ,"4M EOI A.l £ DELIYfRY IDE AL FOR CAMPER! NEW 1970 3/4 TON PICl<UP FULL P RICE CE25900 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR 1963 OLDSMOBILE 93 SEDAN 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 500 " • ·" \ .i. " l.' 1966 CHEVROLET CORVETTE ~·· .. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1965 CHEVROLET CORVAIR •·•r ·•~ •••• ~· • ' , " < • " " 1967 OLDSMOBILE CUTL ASS 1964 THUNDERBIRD 0C ,,I l'()N•(, I ·~ ~ • ,,. ,.,, •• -II'(•\' '" l/,11. 1968 PONTIAC .. " ln63 BUICK SP ECIAL 4 DOOR , .,,..,~ ··~· -. ~ .. r~n n ,. ~ •. ,.,,. '""· 1 r~· ,,., • . , ~·· <D· ·~···~ • ~ ',~ • '• ~ re ~· " ' --· '. ,., . <I '' 1' ~,r '"· \.J l- 1969 OLDSMOBILE 1966 CADILLAC 1969 DATSUN COUPE DE V ILLE P ICKUP T RUCI( "~' •••. , ..... ff . p ,,,, .1 /, •• . ' '-"" , I~ l J 11/> "M • I', , ''' 2850 HARBOR BLVD. S40·9C40 w'".d~'-'-''-'''-''~°'~'~°'~'~'~'~'·~1~%~'==-~=PILOT-~OV~RTIS~~~ft TRANSPORTATION ,~RANSPORTATIDN 'TRANSPORTATION_ 1 RA,.>PORTATION 1 KAN SPOR IA TION hnported Aufot 9600 A\lfos Wanted 97001 Used Cart 9900 Used Cart 9900 Used C.1rs 99'W TOYOTA 11" 1"w --------1 TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEA~ ENO SALE ALL MODELS YlJl•lt l~~ ..... 1' lJi'~ALS .\HE ~.-r rLL ,\l DEAN LEWIS cu;.~;;o:: VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS 1T:0\I $399 CASH for used cars !: trucks just c:i.!! us !or titt ~limat". GROTH CHEVROIIT Ask for Sale~ f\lanagf'r 18".!Il Bcarh Blvd. l·Jur1tin;rnn Beach Kl 9-3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET CHEVROLET f.!i C!l I·. VROLt f l'aprit"r. <lnt o"rK'r l'<ir ll'itll ortly •11.CXXJ 1n1lr~. has all po11't"r t- a1r l'Utllht1oni11::;. Ab:>0lutrly thr 1·lc>ant'"il o~ in T"/11•n. J 1n1 ::ilC'mo1L.,-ii[ r r o: e r1 es Ben~. 121) \\'. \\'ar nrr, Sant.a /\na. ~.ii;.....11l1 -----t>1 L!. C,\~.tti\O, au10. nrr. lant;:1s! It' nu c'(Jnd,. tnl' "I IOp, 4il r. 1;.i_, B.al.:rr :)t., Co.,l!I ~!<'Sa. :;.10-;>!'11:1 '6J 11\tl'r\L,\. co111·1. ss:t!•. 11 /11, bl.:t ~cat.•. ale. p/•1, Pll•. aul•), 1 011 nt't", lo n11, \l i.~.l of1rr. f\6~-~!:>1. 96$-1997 1;9"'Cilr.v El~Can11no. fae: air. J.AI <'11;;. turbo hydro, (!1~c bn1krs, .~1,•rru S'.!900 or GOOD SELECTION ::8?8 llarbor Blvd. n1_,,_.,_,_ff,_•·_. ~'-"c_-"~'!'~,o:__ __ Costa fllr.~a 5-U.i-1 21)0 ·~~I CMl-'.V \\:;n, nrw a u· WE PAY TOP •'onll. r /h. p11 r, gd cond. ft ~ COLLAR .~22.:.. :;::i;....is:11 \i~ for ;;<'IOCI, cle;i11 u~d rars, 'GI CIH'\'111]rl Bl'! ,\1r nPw :.!83 So all 111"kcs. Sre r;cor.,:r f:;iy p11g1nc, st1C'k, ~JJO or oi1('r. • di l'l 1C'0001c Rnbin~ r·ord ~,11.::ri•1 •e ~P :.!~o Harbor Bhd 196:> r:i'--c-"-.,-.,-.,,-,--,-0-,-,, L. .,~ \ J\1 61~·00i0 air/1-und. \1111 condiBO/l. "\' L\lPOHT.::. \\ A."TED Bc:-.1 ulfrr. 6\; ... 2()(1,;, 01:!-~ O range f'ocntics o! '· :(~~1 ~.'.t 61.i v1· bl TOP S BUYER I Iii SUPF'.l'l ~por1. 11111nac .. .l'.100 ll.\f~J;01~ Iii.\'!), BfLL r<1AXEY TOY~A aulo i.11111, ,t:old. SIQ'Jj ,\Ju,;l ___ <c'\JST.\ ~ll:_.:_:-_c_i ___ 1 lSSSI Beach Bl\'d.v~ _,c.'c'c' c'c"c-_1c37c1 _____ _ '65 Volkswa9en 11. Beach. Ph. 847-83.35 ·51 CHEV \\·ago11, avton1. v . CAMPER BUS W'JJ B 8. P.&!!, power. Good cond! I UY 11"'· ,,,,_.,., r .. Jl lujl, l'\tTJl\'11( ('<llldill(}n '(uslom Motors ·1n CllJ::VY II \Yagon. j'\('\\I Your Volkswagen 01· Por~che 11res, brak('s. i~JO. fl.J !;;d" 1· .'r . ("J~W ,\J1-,,1 & pay lop dollars. Paid for * :J<l;)..'.:J80 * . dfl.j'Jl,', or nor. Call f:;ilph =========== -,.-. -,.-,,,-,,-"-.. -,-,,-.. -,-,-,,-.-1,1-"''-~==~~"~3--rooo-'--=---I CHRYSLER <'IJlll/o. 1·hru1 1ir r ;1 11f,. 1 \l',\NTl·.D: Clt•an \ \\' l'ancl; ----------- 1<hrrJ'. \lttl 1·ontl. Call ;.•rrr 11111p;1.v 1·ash. f: r 111 !1i ~~2iO>o: Torn t-:1 ~-1:,~17 1$1-\ 11'---;'i<!~l~k. Sia 11-11~ A t L . J .,o u s Sll~i irtl;_uo easing 9810 IU~·l:.'~~ all ti pin. ,\lon·f'n . 1\ll !('1.v !'<tl A· :-.1n1 1 :r,~1 V\1·-. -r;;;w;.-~.--, ,-"-"-"' 1•n:::111r. !\'r1• h c" k r ~. C l1r•Hil<' 1'11\lS, Ci<',u1. sr•:, ·1i1 \'IV l 'u"lll111 t 'a1111)('r. !',1•·1 I" !·II r11:.: 111 \\:nTanly. Sl•~lll •II' IJl::ST C>rFEI:. Call f.1'.:-11)!~ --~---117 1,·11 r:11~. \1111 1·<;i11d, .;;,,01X1 1!11, 111'•:.:• 111!/l)lur·k r -.;t P1·1 l'l,1' ~11·1 1 10r1n~. rr,p. r<•1·1~·. ;:·1::-::1i'11 LEASE. RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY ,\!1 por1ular 111ak~~. Ford authorited lcu~in:;: syste1n. Ge t Our Con1[M'lil1ve Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD :!i'lG(i 11'1rbor !~]1·11. Cosr:1 ilJe,;i 6·1'.:·00 10 LEASE-ANY-MAKE- '6~ Chry~lcr l'\•'111 Yorl.:er, a1J·. L>rks, :,11·~. \;.indau. ~h;1rp! l.01\', 10111 pnce1l'. l\11,,1on1 ,\lolors, S.1:> Baker :-iL . Cos1<1 f\l<:>sa :1\(}..,'191:1 CONTINENTAL '68 Continental Cpe. Fal"1ory 11arranly. Automatic 1ransmb.!>1on, fa1·tory a i ~ 1·01ldi110111n;:::, f u Ii po11C'r, \·1 ny l .oo!, 111\ll'I/ ;;111.$,'i, n11d. nigh! black ll111~h 111th lcatll. ('1 1n1.•nor . (\\':\:;"< ll!il 54666 GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY 101.'..'0 Garden Gruve 'i.'i' \'\\' l :lli ;, ~U.l~KJ 1111 .. ,\\I/I' \l l.!1\1·; j\F:\V! !\!u:,I OR MODEL 636-2980 M'I! a! 1111r•" fl•'~! r,;., .... ;·1 ,,,. fi!'.!-·~;o:: Of{tT! Lrt uur ]rt1"°c c.\pcr1s showl-----'li:• CONTINENTAL ~(u1 11\r hr ... ! pl an Jur your ~·door ;-,(},()()() ti." \ 11 :-:rn1r.-•1·11 )';,l!IO. 1r;a1·k prr~0n.il nrf'd~ 1111110111 ubh· L11ncl;1u 1011, lf)<tded: &;ation 1111. s2r01. 612-0090 UNIVERSITY 'h2 Li111-. Continental Fully 'io '!\'11, \Jit1'1ll ~.1·•, ,J.I l';l«li, ,\\I I I \!, ·I ,!;.: t; 11111~ r·\ti,•"-. !l'.17:!0. tii::-:.2irl OLDSMOBILE l'flUlll/X"(I. :\IC'rhan1cally .'.~:Xi ll;irbor Bl\-J ~"Ulld. ~~'.J:i. Sli.j9~:i. . .., \'II. 1n1· ""Y 1111orinat1011 cu,ta :'llr~,1 ·r;u---c-o~r1~F::-;----rA-L-.--Lo-,-,-,,-,1, l'.dl i\1\-1'.lj\1, \Jon 11Jrq fn -,10~10 ~ "" 1,.ry ~l 1\l 1011cl, Ir.II' 1111lr a;:;c -'"_'I'~, II~ day :-;;ii or :-\1111. 1-.-~-cl~E='A~"-s~E=--. ~-I'!!(~ f'1·11<1!r -.10.1~1~ 1·•.1;. ~·;.0011 n11. s1n1:,. ~ ~ ;:•111 Jl 11111l1nlrll , !I B. CQRVAJR -,•11-.:.:1;\ ', 7 \'IV ............ :\l'.l 1110 (;r; \'\V-1;:;-,:--,'i:dr,h --.,,-. -,-,,-. ~L-\· ·~:i ·r-Bird. air, flll!y cqp'd CQf~V,\11:, ~ fir. 1%() !<rd.in, 1·1'11 1••1«!. GI'!'( 01/1')'. l';1ll ,:-alr prlC•• ············ 399.J 11h1tr. Xln! n11111111;; l,lnd. Jo 119 C,1ll !:..\ l1urado •'OU(I(', 111 1~ ~2·1 ·l'l·l-~iti9 lot. V,\I, ~:'\Cl"Ll.~:NT (f\'.\l• 1:.ul•o ~900 o;· .. ~1'.'0 <)f 1;j' :-,i l'l l111ly ('<llUJl[lf'•I , . ~1 9J 111{}. oo~-===-======== '69 Cad1lia" Cvupe rl" V11Jr CORVETIE fully rqurppcd , . :"i16~! 1110. 'li,J l'llC'V t".1111"".l ll"f ·\1 ',t -----------:~; \'\\ r: 11 ~ ,.r1nipJrtrly l11·ak('~. 0111· .. : ... S:Jtl ;;10. COl:Vl<ITE 19!iT, :;::7. '.!ton.~. ,,,·1:'111,,1 i.-.: 1 •110 ct· <'il<;1tlC' SOUTH COAST A '111' ·'1. p/!<, ni:.ny :-.ir:is. CAR LEASING 21.000 11u.~.11~k.r11ds, 613--0167; ''II() \V c·~r II ' /\'H .,-"fS'l \\)\(];\)$ 5 ... 1-.iliOO haJdl\lll \j',,(I l\I 1',.1,t,, .. :"I " ' \\.\, l>>--------------- ----CORVt·;'ITE:: 1:168, 1'.!T, t'!iTh l. ---"•ii \'\\ (.,,\I 11111<•, ,,n 1'Pli11 1lt •·n·~11w ~:1.::, nr "f I r r. ·,: .... ;I.~ Used Car' 990() A:\l/f\!. lil.:r 1l/'t1, 11'.000 n11. \\ krnrb• (i 7 ~ -0 I f) 1 : t.7 t;t I ', ( )l 1'~111 11 U1\ II• I' Tll 1\N~l'ORT\TIO:\' C:\RS \\\.:d>1).~ s::~ ... ~,f,()() P.aldl\111 I 111 ... 11 (Ju11 I, <;.;1lr -\1~1~ $:.~•n~ ic:: .. 11.11 io'i \'\\' J:CS NEWPORHR MOTORS :.'llili 111\RBOH l::LVD. L \Cl·.LJ.E,'\ I' CO:\'DJT/0."': l'O.~T.\ ,\!!-;:',\ 548-5 294 or 548-8511 -196 9 vw CAMPE R FJ...,.,\NCING AV,,lJ,,\HLt: n .o\, I,\~ lill l 'IT~ fit.' 27S!l - 11 1 \II ~'Ill.II• Hlh'k, al1l1illl<l· BUICK 11• ~ ,,.,.,,r, \:1 F\1 ----------- 1 1 ... ,!_;~ .. 11 .... ti l'\l i.' \ \\ ~qu.11t•l\·11·h, r,1rll11 I,, ' ii I 1 ~ '• _\!Ill I'• 11u! • :.. I II ;i 111'!' li ! '\I hi Rl\'ll::B1\. Co1nplr1 rly ;itJ IOlllll.(11·. J:/IL ;; I r . lll ('~ '62 vw s us s7so. io;" ... f•\' rw111rr. a n. •'U.<.h11r1 11 hPrl~. -~~--11"\\ p ;111l1, :-,..,, ll $;· hi1r-11 'I ! "•·II (.,(1 V\\ t '.1lllflf'I \\ )l ~I 11 12-:,~~XI 11111_1 'q111p1, l<"I 1111, A-!' I·~·-··· 111 ------~ 1 .. ,. •I , 1 .'<1Hli''il 11;i•·11n f:, ' "II j,J ••. l,•tl <'ITS, __ 1'1•r1 dr jP<'nd;obk, 1'\1115 l~CIJ . '64 VW CLEAN! I Owner $\fJ/1 (',di ~ ... 11-...: .\ 1<1111• ~·!'·-, 1'!fj.'.o2 17 ;;--Lfl'I " .1-1• -----, u , h ,111('1.1. ;i1r, al I •1 \\ l:u .... dlr r11ra~ "'' rl ('(ll1tl. f'n1 pty .•!• l".akl'r :-;1, \J,:!1.i. :11~-iUl'i'. ('01' l ' \h•-.,1 * ·,11l.,'fll:1 -',--~--I 1'l \' \\'_ Ho~ y:~· ( ... 11 1ih---~~!l \[Irr ~. p111 CADILLAC DODGE '6S CORON ET 500 1h>ut' hardtop '1 \Jh \'$ r tl· ~l!ll', ;<\Ul{lllHill~' ll'..LIHll\I,;.. ~1·111. 1~1,1 r1· ''C't•1·111::. rnrl10, \1••;11,~r. 11l11lr 11,11! 111\'~. I 1'1,1 ) )'<.(ll, 1111(('(1 ;.:l.1.•::-, "hrrl •11\•'r~ I .. 11111'!' l1kr 11ell'; 1 r~~:I' J~~, $1482 GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY t.;n rdr n (;1 0,c 636-2980 -------' 67 OOOGE DART J::xr C'llcnt Conditiori' \\'hilc '"ilh o;inyl lop, a.lr <;on- rlil1r111u1i::. avlo. trans .. poi•·. r1· ~1crr1tll':, r11dio and healer. \'riv 111'1'< V.8. $16.:'.0. J.),000 1nilr ~. Call 6::T-11::.G. fi.'1 OODl;E Pulara (·(invert., u11drr 10.000 1111 Sl:lOO or ho•>..! ofl<'r. l>i:'.----i~:.~ DODGE 'liJ L>odi.:c Polar<1. V-8, au1 . on•• 011·tx•1-, shfll'Jl: Kuston1 ,\lo1or.,, S·lj Ual.:cr, C06la t'olrsa ~>~:-J'JJ:i ---~== FALCON 1962 t'At..CON SI a t 1 on \\'a::on. Good ronU. .. ~>::6-0439 .. t'ALCON 63 S3:i01 !\li\l\J:: Orf'ER.. • ii41-2Jti2 .. FIREBIRD 'ti9 t'IHEBIP.D :lJIJ Tak., 01'l'l' P<l)'ll1ents • ~?-26;{: .. FORD OLDSMOBILE '6>! OLLIS fl/I. (onv., I.di p1n•rr. J;1 .. 1orv t•,\11'it~. lo·n11, tH2--0J l~. au-. 1nany "cil'ranty. .\lliST Sl:.LL! '68 Toronado. niany rxlTa~. Ciill a11er '.') P:'ll 642-lm '6J F..((J STA \\'a;;. Sat'ri!lf'P. Or1i;: 01111,·r l::xccpt1on.a.l . $1 1~!. 613-123:! ·ss OLDS Vista l'rui~er, lo'" ni1 ., load4•rl. Call &12-:lll6 il!t"r '.'1:30 Pill. PLYMOUTH 'li8 Ply t~oad r.unn<'r hdtp l'fW! ~ s?(I. 4 barrt'l, bii:; '"' ginC', lal·I.:. ·I bar1'f'\, big en- lr.1.,, 111u:-.t sai.:nl1o:c. Take O\'C'I' J!itYlll<'111S call 646-8154 '67 I\IUSTANG. J ~p. V-S, '6.'1 l'l,yn1outh Valiant '22::i' 1·111 Pc>rf. l'Ond. Bei<I cash s1:-:. sl11:1\, good t"Ond, :J,!JO. offC'r. This ha$ to be bc~l 5-11-::07~ .. buy in Calif! 4!J.1-&J66 c>.:t. I ,==========I .::o:.: LO.\DED! '68 Gala.~lC', 2 dr Landau top .. Fae air. PIS, P/B. Pl \V. F ~I :-Tf:REO n1.d10. :\lnt cond. S300 dn. 642-2'i.)2 or 518-2682 '66 Falcon Futura fully lactory c11uipped. Dir. SG9:i. Phonr 612·6!12:: '61 FOHD Cour11ry \\'agon; PIB. P/S. auto., R&ll. J. 01111f'I'. Xlnt cond. Slj(I . 6i::-~i8 I .6:: ralcon. f ine ;'llct"han- lt'al condition -~3.50. Call :>-19-1827 '6-1 t'ORD Gi!la.\ic 4 dr. p/s, ;::d. llrrs. i;:d. cond. %2-4il9 aftrr :i:::o. LINCOLN PONTIAC '68 G.T.O. 4 SPEED Fac·101-:-· air. f1011rr ~tC't'rini;: t.: liralirs, \'inyl l'OOf, radio. llr:itrr, :!1,000 nn:;:. nu/es. Onr ll\\'tlrl', likl' nr1v. PrPJll· iu1n \\'idc 01·;J (1rrs. Still In fa r·l.ory 11arranty, Priced to sell today. $2699 ~,~, ~., .. :11!1.:;c.11 J:::\1. 66 or 67 1970 lf,\/'BOI', BL\'D. l9ti:: LlNCOLN Contincn!al. • COSTA ,\JESA Or1;;1nal 0'1ncr. ?~.::62 ar· turtl miles , abs perf_ '67 FIRE-BIR---0- 61•1·~'?18. V-8, autoniaU(' \Jw.tnsnussjon, ===========I facrory a11-, po11rr stc,•fin;;, MERCURY '6~ !'llEP.CUP.Y Colony Stillion l\'a;:on, full ,5ij(), J.lS-7Sl•l LEAVlr\'L; for C<11·1b., Par\.: po11 er lllUSt !'('II '63 :\lon!Cl't'y, nil fll\T, illl'. ~1111 coni1 S7j(I, 6'1-J..'..ltC~- MUSTANG l96S MUSTANG CONV. Y rllow w l h]al·I.: lop and black llllPl'IOI', Ri ii, 289 11 I n1all· ll(ll ;:.~pr·cd. Fout· good Fire. !'lone 11·1dc 01'al~ and 11·11·r huhcitp:<. E\·ccUrnt Condi. 11on. $lli:i, CalJ lijJ .. \.19~ aft. rr ii P.~J. '68 Mustang L01'tdC'd'. Xlnt l'Ond, dlr, iri· :-.1df' & out. Tak" foreign car 1•1 u-ad<' o,. small rl (I 11· n ~l;ikr [Oii', !•JW paynll~. VZI,. !\~.'!LB. Call f'llll, 49·1-90T~ IJI' :-i l:J.-{6}1. ---.~---­LEi\Vl\'G ft11' <.:anh., n1u;1 ~rll 'frli GT pkg, <tf<', i\.\1/r\I, f/p\IT, (] i ~ t', 1·ad1al~. 4 barrel .~189.'.i. 611-:?GJ.I. /\!-:\\' 196:1 ,\l u~1 a ni.:-1;randr, rt1r l'0111t. r!cluitir in t .• {'ru1sr-O-mahc . ."1 ill ichrhn r<11li;1L~. ;!100 1111lc~. 0 11ncr Ii i l-02fiti po11rr 1lii.c bralit>s, radio, hci.rrr, 1•h1tc 11all 1 i r• ~. \'1n~ I roof. t1nt"d ;da.:;s, wheel co1·rn:. 1 :\YS •4.81 12<44 GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY lU.12(1 G.lrdrn Gi'u>;e Gatdcn Gro\'c 636-2980 '61 Pont. Grand Pri\ hrdlop. 1<h1!r 11·/l>luc 1lnyl int. huckl'1 ~rc.r~. 1·rn1cr consolr. radial !irr~. ;,Int cnnd, orh: 0"·111'.'r 1\'il! ~rlt ror :'i-~9:>. :'Pr at 11 11 1 !·'., lilh SI .. ::.,\. Call D;ivr !la11~r11 \11\da)S S an1-{i p111 ~li-7(}\1. l~l!i-" Po1111.(1· 1; ro t:{l•J· 1·crt1hlc 4 i<prrrl. Ta\.:f' over flil~ments. &lfi.~lli8 11ft 4 • p l11. '68 rJr:EBJJ:I) ,100 Turbrl h)·dro. po<1rr. :<tcrco F!\I. ~22::.0 or bl'.'~I ufl"r, 6'i3-68il) ';1:• PO:\ITAC. Xnlt cond _ $19J. * "lS-~.rlb 7 • '6S f1rrhll'r! ::·){), p/b. L;:uu!au lop. f;fi-!HIS illl', p/~. Teache1·. '67 Gran Prix-Sherpl l..oadr<I' $199j. 8 16·116J RAMBLER '6J f:A:\IRLER An1cnt"an, 4 Poor. '.Z:l2 {·11;; . l;J.:1 hp, aufll. SOOO. .'\l11t 1·u11d ., Ca I ! 'GS ;\ll,;~TANC ra5tback. !'6'!-102·1 fl/11. ~laizs. Shrlby 11·hl~. -~~-~~----­LATl: i;:: TiO. •1 1lr. fi 1·~·l. tii::-i;~ij,'i ,..,.,,_, ia<'. plinip. ~t irk 01Trrlrl'r. Lo miles. l , :C~:c:;-,,C'-C--,,---~ Owrlt'r. S li:1. Ii 1&---1 iti2 \ll'.'\T,\~ti 'fi., t 'n111·prl1hl". S!1 rk. !l lu~t ~rll·Brsl o/Jrr. 6/,'Hi'.?91 'Ii:• /llusta11i: V-~ ,, u to. hron1r. ~1111 1·oncl. l'alJ f.l.'H)111 btfr 4 pn1 . ·6.·, t·nr. nr.OTo~"'r.--,-,, 1H11o 1n1ns. rlh, a/r, !ran.~ undt•1· 1\'ly, U.=.o. 8-M>-'.!329 ·57 Cus!o1n Hardtop_ ,\u10, full p11 r. al! c-;1ra..:. L;idy 01111c1'. ii lust ~rll 6·\.1-29:>1 OLDSMOBILE 'Sj OLDS Cvtl11~s. :;;:J HP. SSOO. Clean, good ('(lntt., nrll' fi.12-~'G20. T-BIRD '67 T·BH:D 1 . .anclau. •12'0 en&, pcrfc1·1 1"0nd111on. all ""lra:. !ult p111 . 111ltlrr 21.000 1111 Ont; •J11nrr. $2JOi 61H'ii4 '6-1 T·BlltD. \\u.~t ~cl l Sarrif11'"' Full Pfl"rr, a ll Rc~f nffrr. 60~-1~~~ VALIANT '61 V/ILIANT \\'ao:.:on. On~. n1• ncr. Cle.in. :;oorl l'ond. T:./11, ~11cl.: sh1[l. s·,;,Q Da~> ;,10-2 11;1 };xi. 11. l:\'c 61!-22:! I. ----1 ·r~, \'\1::-:-.unrnol. A~l -F~L X· , 11• 111 111·r,. 1n1n~ \'{llld \lhl~I Ill n1 i!(ll-6.'~~ '65 CAD DE VILLE Imported 1'1,1tos 9600 lmocrted Autos 41600 Imported Auto' 9600 •t;'l \II; ,\1 1~1111 'j 1•111 1>0.Hl~n:l. \', 11! 1 •;1~· 1·;1~h T·un hi ~.\,'1~7 VOLVO VOLVO ,\I\ "n.:111;1!. 1t1ll p1• 1·. r;irt ;i1r, dlr, 1;1kr rorr1;;n t·<1r 111 trad,. 111· !•llHlll {]01111. QJ'.\. :;~~LB, Cull Ph!! 19.J...!lil:l ol' :J 1;,.oo;; I. C,\J). LL OOP.ADO lt1<1dC'cL 1';1lr11~. hlu/wh!, 11nrl 1ori. nr1i;:. 01v1~r. fn1· 1l11h-. ~jj~f,, Phonr ~It 62!)..~~! c.'-----~-­fil' C,\D 1-011\l'l'lihlc ~'0.000 ac· h1~I rnill·~. }•ull J-.'lll'<'r/air CE No\vl lll<'!11rlr'! ~lrITo. B!111•k nn\ CLEARAN hl 11t·I.:. ~;il·1·1rirr. 9GS·53..S 142 • 144 -145 -164 '· I II 6 11cr"1'rK ~or 11 er p.n1. Tiil•'. LO\\'l·:..:-r PHICES \'('ll '!: BEST DEALS 'Ill CAD t 1eetwood, i.i,000 .11:~~ ~111.1. ,\T 111\. :i;~·111 \l'1!111c('('rt 10 10 20 DEAN LEWIS lip r1111bo.11YI or scuba eq"J1p /IS [>11 1'1 f'.'l.\111"PI. fil:!-1.'1J'! ------ 1~-•i llad'<.11', f' \J 61G-!l::O.~ Sport Cars 9610 '\~ \!Gw·r11. ~·•'>rl 1'<'11'\1 . S·lj(I. ~,.,, lp .i: rrh11il1 rn:;. .I !1'-!111~1). Antiques, Cl~ssics 961 S tiJ ~t.D. ]JV \[a1Rdnr rrrl •1/ 11·ht 11n~l t1111, xlnl rond, hH~ <'\crylluni; $:!600 . j.I0-7.ii:: CA MARO Jf\l;j C1\ \lAlli) ~~7 r::>, hlk 1 111~1 1•111. I ~ri!, rhtn1.1r r1n1~. low 1111, !1\.:c. n.c1v. ,;fl :0.1< IL)l.1. \. rh;1~~1.; "~C...fl!.~!I 11 :-,. d 1¥"1.1 < hil!'~I~ lu!l,1· =~"'-======= CHEVELLE ,.,., ... ,., .. , ~:':..O l•r 1-ea.~ o!!r r 110 [~-I _______ , .~ 'I·•_ •II ! r,1·rl 1•p! r;r; \l1(•<'l1r )J.~hlnt \'.il:, I , 1•' 'I'•'•! ';: 711.1 alt .1 I '·'l"t . hur l<:"' :-rdt~. hl;u·k 1\J 11 11 11 'Ii• 1111 ,i',fi '."lfi~ I (,I \ L , .. ;-:-=-and l;1l"L I'.]\ t: lo(l.,y ..=-T1-;;;-7 L ~! 1·-...1rFT' 11 'ID ;"c'c'c"_' _______ _ BRAND NEW BUGS 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••. CHICK IVERSON Harbor Areas Only Aut horized V\N, Porsthe Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SlltVI YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. •I BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD" COSTA MESA 673·0900 HOME Of TH E LOVE BUG SPECIALS so.Joli 3 ----_...~---------------------... -----~-~·------.. -----.. --------·----..------. .. --... PILOT ·ADVERTISER WtdllfSday, October 29, 1%9 DAIL V "LOT &I • f PEOPLE LIKE us BETTER And this makes John50n & S.n the place for you to buy your next car. lefore you buy any car, please read th• nice thin9s people wrfte to us about our fine sales staff. Wouldn't you really rather buy a car from ftne automobile men like these? CONTINENTAL MARK Ill SALES DEPT. MERCURY SAl£S b'EPT. USED CAR SALES DEPT. Safe Buy Used Cars '• ., l'nH lTHE CiltHK) l'EL.lUSES Mr. Ptlt ustl wu very co11rlt ous t nd went ou! of hos way to phone u1 '' Mri l .J.K.. Elsinor•. Ct l1f. "Pete is • l•ne pt t>On. He is • credit lo your or9t11iution btctutt of the persontbl1 t llenl1on ht gives hi~ t ccounh." Mr. O.M.L. M1u 1on Vit jo, C alif, J . "The greatest 911y I ever mt l!!1 Fine u rvict ." 4. ''If ell t g t nc•es hi d mt n I.~. +t .. lt d mort highly." 6. "Pelt 90• u& t ll the tllenlion ing the u lt to us.'' ' ' , "t Mr. C .S.B., Corona d t l Ma r, Ct lil. Mr. Pel•uHs the ctr b usineu wt uld b e Mr. P.11.R., Newport Buch, Calif, & courluy and we were plttstd re9a1d· Mr. J .E.A., Riversid e, Calif, ltUSS LAY I . ''Ruu we1 prttfv 1tre19h1 forwttd •nd •ven 9•"'• me som• qood •dvict on lone nct . So far. strvice hu bun good loo.'' Mt . J .l., Coal• Mu•, Cel1f. 1. "Enjoyed do'ng bu1in•11 with you. C•r u lisft cloty 10 fet." Mt. H.A.C .. l agun• Hills, C•l1f. J. "Of the 9 <•rs p urchued Wt hevt mtde over the yu r1, this lranu ction w\• the rno1I pluitnt. Mr. Lev wu ulrem•ly coutleous l helpful. Our . ,, ,;·,.., Monlego wu deli•ered in u ctpliont ll y uli1lactory condition." Mr1. J.P.C .. Fountain Valle y, C 11f, CAll llllMElt "Ve ry lint 1e lu m4n · 9ood t pproach. C•rl is • mtr1 of his word.'' Mr. W.A.W .. Corona del Mtr, C .t,f. ?. "I w u +reeled w•th fht but service I heve ever rtc tived from • ctr u ltsmen." Mr. R.A.W .. Coil• Mtu, Ca l•!. ). ' I h•vo bun lo m•nv pl•<•• where they Ult prt11ure u llong. Wtlh you I 1 •• 1 lhol I bou11ht the CH •nstud r JOU telling mt. n.n~ you "*"f. mu,h. K .. p up the f,.endlv • tm6tph•r•.'t Mr, R.S P., Cos le Mu11 Celifi 101 MAHCiAN I. ' Everylh1n9 top1." Mr, C .A.R .. Newport l .. ch, C eltl. ? "Mr. Man9an is •n "llctpliontl rtptt senle• love for your a9tncy." Mr&. H.G .S .. Sanlt An•. C alif. J Bob Mtn9t n is a ve t'f inlertslin9 ptrsontl· 1ty, tnd most gttcious lo cuslomtrs. I hi9hly recommend him in your field.'' Mr1. D.M.P .. Aneht 1m 4. "I would ful free lo recomme nd him lo my fri end•." Mr. N.C., Coron• del M•r, Celt!. LIN lltOCHU (Lffle Dt111t.) I . Mr. Brochu wu n lrtmelv courteous •11d helpful to us, It wu • ru l pltuure lo do butintn with him.'' Mr. S.M., Wtttmi111tar. Celif, "Thit w u tho most p•inleu ntw cer pur• chut we heve t vtt mtde. Mr. Brochu obvo· o ut lv ru li1u thtt good u r•ice P•V• off.'' Mr. R.P.T., Coron• dtl Mtr. C elif • ), ' I will re<o,.Hntncl Mr. l rechu tvtry cll•n•• I 9et," Mr. C.l .W ., Newport Buell, C alif, IUD WAITI Mr W 11lt wu one of the nicu l u lt sl'lt n wt htvt ever done bu11nt11 with wht 11 pur• chu ing t11 t ulo.'' Mr. L.F., Coil• Meu, Ctl. ? 'The cu wu very 9ood a nd clu n, would c omt b.c ~ eqein.' , Mr. H J .W., Hunl1nqton Buch, C eli(, 1, "I ~ould not h••• hid more courleou1 or b tlffl 1ltenloon ' C .P Shop. Los An9 elt1. Celal. WAYNE SCj)UIH I. "Good u rvot t i• the lie thel bind•.'' Mr. l.E.O., Cost• Mt1t, C t l,f. l . "Furtherrrore I wu quilt happy with lh• dul you htlpecl mt ma~• t nd ctrl•inly will bt btclc l•ter!!" Mr. O.H .. Fullerton, C •lif, ). "Mr. Squl•r wts v.ry h•lpful i11 our u le cl· in9 the t •t cl model ctr we wented . He •• t ho • proftniontl u lumen.'' Mr. J.M.V .. Newport leach. C.lif. 4. "Courlt ou& 1erv1c t in t ll 1uptch. S1nct r• thenks lo Mr. SQuoer." M·u V.E.G .. Huntonqlon Beach, C•lif, GILHltT "FreitChy" LOISllU I. "Yu. yu, yts, I will recommend you to my f11encl1." Mr. F.O.Y .. L•9un• luch, Ctl. l . "I found 9ood meinlent nce ' dtf•il worlc done on the o r before , .. chin9 the n its lot. Thi1 ••"• ceri.'' Mr G .E.M., Se11ll Ant l . "I wu tru hd courleou•ly." Mr. F.H.S. JIM STEINMm I. ' I wu ltu led courteously, l ilt T •vlor I u1 td cer m9r.l wu very courleou• t l10." Mr. C .R.H .. Buent P•r~. Ct l1f. J. "My <•• "'•S clef,vered in 1tli1fado1y con· cl1t1on.' M .. W.O.C .. Ne..,porl 6u,h, C t ltf. THE ABOVE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE W R ITT£ N TESTIMONIALS ON FILE IN OUR SALES DEPT •.. 2 ' • ., DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER! HOPE W.E· ... S-AT CLOSE·OUT PlllCE-5 '69 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL EXECUTIVE SEDAN WITH VERY LOW MIL!S Medium 9r .. n melt llic with luth1r 1nhrior, vi"yl roof btltt.,j wl walls, power vent windows, 6 wey n•f, tilt whul, •ulo .. ft mflt. •ir, AM-FM rt• d:o, tillt ,1111, powtt door lo'~" W indshield slic~tr p ri<t S710 I. IO. Sloe~ No. 117'. s~r. No. 9Yl2AU 1 '· lS. NOW SUH.00. THll CAil IS n1c1D '1533°0 UH THAff OllGIN~ WINDSHllLD PIUCl J Mor•, ludltlve C.ntlnontal1 T• C:hMM Pretn at H"fe Sevln11 NIW CARS 540-5630 642-0911 Save $911.70 Brand New 1969 Marquis Colony Park Wa9on H11d lo f,rd me•oon color w.th ~19 en91nt. f•onl I ru r m•ft. •utom8t+c h•nsm1u ion, w "w lore1 , l119g19t carrier, )rd , .. 1. power bro~fl & 1leer1n9. '" condotionor. AM ••d•o. tinted 9lu1. H. 0. '"" pens;on. Windshield ptice S5l15.70. Sloe~ No. 1155. Sro . No.9276KS93'H. NOW S4414.00. l Br.~cl New l l £ .. culive Wt9ons To Choott Ftorn. All ti Ouhltndin9 Sevin91. BRAND NEW 1969 COUGAR XR-7 2·DOOlt HAltDTOpi Buuliful medium qold 1nt l•ll•c finis!-, Ftonl •nd rt•r rubber floor mt h , eu• tomatic lrtnsmiu ion, E71,,t'4 white wt ll tirt1, powt r sleerin9, power bre~u. power side windo,.,1, console, f•clory •ir conditioning, tinted g lut, dtlu .. •••I •~d ftonl thoulder bells,' wire ... ~ .. I co••••· AM.FM s tereo. t ic, W indshield tlickt r price SOU.90. StL No. 4517, Ser. No. 41FCIJMSl7911 NOW S40J9.21 . SAYE $81969 12 TO CHOOH 'ltOM AT llMU,.Alt IAVINOI S.EE YOU S.00.N! YOU W.ILL BE GLAD YOU CA.ME IN! :JOhDSOD•SOD UIED CARS 540-5635 illl~©@[L[t{] @@[t{]lffilm~rttl1J&[L a 1£00[( ]Il[ a ~~[pcl@lUJOOY/. ©@UD@~OO ~' ~~~~~2_6_2_6_H_A_1_1_o_•~•O~UL_E_Y_A_R_D,~co_s_T_A_M~ES_A~~~~~-' 1 Mlle South of the San Diego Freeway \ ), I '68 CAT ALINA • •!·IJ•>Ol' :-;,,(!:111 \'-~, h~dra1na !1 r 1r1111'· 1 11i~~1011. 1i1111 ,..r :;1,-.,.rin~:. rndio. hr<11 · r1·, facJory air rondit1 onini;. 1\\'Fl~· :1~•J 1 '67 LE MANS -~·Door 11arlitop. V-~. po11·rr s ircrlni:;, '1'ad io, hl';\l"r. 11·hit.--. 11·1111 lirrs. far· 1111·;v nir eond1t1onlng. Ji ,S.IJ rni!C'~. \ZCf\61:.!i '68 PONTIAC CUST. 1'1•rn 11t.•i;l Spor1 Cuu )...-. V-R f'n~111r, radio, And hf';i !cr, \l'hiff' ~ldf' 11·all tires. l\VXfJ8'1 ) [][] -.------.. -.. -.-.-.:-: !·~-.--.. --.:71"':' ' •• ". '. ~.' ..... ' .... .. -. . . - $1977 ROY --..... If this is the way it's going to be, Roy Car· ''ct·'s co111pclition has a lot of work lo do just lo 1nalch the g1·cal selection ... Tl1cy can never 111alch the deals and after-sale service! If you \Vant the BEST selection, BEST price and BES1' car, buy now & save now at Roy Carver's. TllE GREATEST RE.SALE CARS EVER!. '66 OLDS SUPREME •l-d,1or fl;irdt"oP-\1-1'1. n11 toma1i1·. po11· {'I" s t,er.ring, rad1_0, hC'a1.~~· \1:hitc ,~·all 1irt'~. factory iur cond1Lionu1g, vinyl 1·n11 L l TFA lb.1 J '66 TEMPEST CUST. :!-J),101· llfll'lit op. \/.,<;. aulnn1a tit' 11·an:;• 111\-,ilin, r11rli" & h.--.nt\"r . pn11(T ~1.-.--.r. i11i.:. :17,:fi.l Ollh'S. ( \\'F,FJS-1/ '67 CADILLAC ('"'II''' rl•' \'1 !1,-, F111l 1-.011 i'r, f;ic to1;.J ;i1 1· n111ct 111un111c. tift .telcsC'npie strrr- 111:: "IH'f•l, Ai\-J .f j\\ r~diD. blur "i\h "hllC' padded lop. 1TWV6661 '66 GRAND PRIX ,\11tomalic, radio, heater, (Xrwet s \~1'1'· ini;-brakcs-wln®''-'9, factot.Y 11.fr, ''inyl lop. (RIT{_)'.lGf - '68 GTO :l-llr. Hardtop. F.ad1u. hcatf'r, po11·pr i;1r-p1·ing, 4 speed, factory air. ,·inyl ICTfl. CXEL.611 ) '69 DODGE DART !1.000 11pprox. m,l1£>s. Radio, hf'<'l.11'1', ' 11•11 on1a!ic, ''inyl t op. CYQC3931 ' $1677 $317.7 ;'66 CHEV. IMPALA · -1-D1·. :"F.da11. :.!_0.000 a pprox. 1n!I('~. ; Radio, heater, 11.utoma'tic, power steer- • i11g, fa\'lory air. CT30AJ '68 BUICK Wildcat J:;irlrn, ]1.--.;il.--.1', HU!fln1ati r, pn1•·rr ~t.-tii n.-;, vin~·l tor. factor,•· 11it· •·nn· <lit innirH.::. \\Y,.\E5:l:'i/ • $3377 '6'6 ' Gfo· ',.[":· llo<dtop: 1;.dio-& '""°'·~""-·•·--$1 -.97. -7 1nn11" t ransm1ss1on; po11·rr strcr1ng, tT~~Z091 J j : '67 BONtilEVILLE 2 -fll'. 1!;1nltt•]'. P.;idin. h<'!1\P1-, flUIO• 1natic. po11'cr strtiring & brak'°S, J)OW• "I' 11·indo11·s, factory a.ir, stereo tape. • I \VIC24:J i ' c~~·!~~~.~~~,~~E "''''· ,, s.~2--·6· 77· .. malic, po11•er stePring & br11.kl:'s, ht('· i tory air, po1ver v.·indo11·s. ITRH6001 '68 GRAND PRIX nadio, heatf'r. ·Auton1atic, pou·l!r !leering, factory air conditioning. fl1Vt:K79 I ) $2977 ... CARV·E:R. PONTI ·Ac 2925 HARB.,OR •. LV.ll:/; COSTA M .E SA -··•"' ,_,, ,. '1,. •• , I . ~ I ' • Kl•64444 • ... . . ... ,, .. ~." Fabulous • ~ Jaf!IH Cosh 1'..ney. 9-4 ~ F°""der of J C. l'en.-.y Company, t.t • Jacket tSale! Save 15% ;i. A.hlry ,..in 1i r.1ize1. TecWy Q~N ALL beCll' .,..._, o;lon lie pile with a dog leash boc belt. Warmly 'soYS' AND qu~ ocetgte to, polyester ~:Hed·;:;: $]]· •-6 •· G~LS' JACKETS , Siz .. 1.14'~ea-. •1i .NoW iis-O" .. lffRU SAT.ONLY! .'.> __ -... Whee! Celebrate with Penneys as we un-button jacket savings and let down our prices! Jackets for boys, jackets for girls, reflector stripes, bush coots, fur trims, plush pile .•. in fact, every jacket now in stock is whee-reduced! We're blowing our tops with savings, and just in time, before the. ·sec.son blows its cool. Come see 'em all ... great "finders" J.r fOOnde,.~, Days, great ''keepen'' for eorfy-bird holiday-gifts. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! D .. ~· pit. liMd pal'ta. All· weathe't nylon with K-Kote• for water~• ... warm acrylic pile lining anchafety reflector stripe trim. Hidden · hood. Green, gold, blue. Sizes 6-18. $11 lew.12.91 NOW '. I ' AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNE Y STOR~ j 1 t i • ~ I .,, ., . \. ___ _ Fabulous Founders Days Seamless stretch pQnty hose specially priced for youl 2f~r1.99 ~ 'em by the dozen ... sleek" fitting pantyhose in Sunton or Coffee hon. Short, Average, long, Extra ~· lt.•e..,.J.einleinoltex Cw..__ Wr stretch wig 0.ultle knit polyester tops and pants •.• now ...... .,:rec1 5 n9 ....... !.. ..., ... *"' ,..,...., lllp~ long sleewd Mpl in~ biall of bW, ~. navy or ..._ ... .._._.,_... ... ~a.mme•of ... 'lllA a stikfmt clowlt 'h top11ri .,._ ... 19.88 $-M.l, ... ,........._ ... 8-18. Don't ....... ............. ........... . ._. •u •• Mm , • ..,_,...shell, '"'•*' 119....., •i "ft, -.vy.,. I.Ive. Sis .. S-M-L a" ... f.VAJLASLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE .2 (, ,_ c.11 r.-y, ,,,. r .... '~-' J, C. Pe11...y Ce111pe .. y. 1-. I : Dne••J ~l~V8 FIRST 0.UALIT~· ·-... "' Fabulous '•-Ceeh ,_,, f4 y--. Pou""•' er J. c. , ...... , co ... pciny, '"" Founders Days Look at this price for a swlrf y nylon bra gown! 4.99 Shape up beautifully with a bra slip .•• 2 gannents Jn 1 3.99 Our answer to your undercover my1t.ryl A nylon tricot and lace bra allp In fu1elou1 ahadea of blue, pink, yellow and white, Sizes 32-34-36. Haw a beautifully frothy nyfon tricot gown, prettily styfed with a lace cov· erftd polyester filled bra top. f n pas- tels, ml1•1 sizes 32-38. You can take it with you ... our mini co!'tipact hair dryer 13.99 This mini-compact i1 portable, ha1 remote control, heating t.1nit on the bonnet, a 12 ft. cord. w~ighs leu than 1 lb. in use. Pushbutton blender with 7 speeds ..• value in color ... 14.99 In white, harvest gold or avocado ... a fantastic value! Blends. whip$, purees ot the touch of your finger. Big 40 oz:. gloss jar, 2 pc. measuring cup top. New! Our garterless panty girdle and hose kit for a smoother you! THE KIT $6 Hove a smooth, clean line from waist to thigh with our medium control girdle and hoM kit. The girdle 11 In white or nude, sizes 5-M.l-XL. The 1 size long length 5fretch nylon hose are in Suntan. It's revolutionaryl Stretch hose refills in Suntan and Coffee Bean'I \V A ILABLE AT YOU~ L OCAL PENN L r !::> 1 Or<E • ,, l J ' l I ' "~ Fabulous ' ,_ , ... r-.r. '" r-n. fevlMler ef J. c . l'e111tey c-p•11y, 111c. Founders Days Fabric special! Bonded ~uiting Buy now and sew later to save! 58" to 60'' wide 2.66 yd. Get ya'rds and yards at this thrifty price! To slon" acetate/nylon bonded to acetate to hold its shape I Spring colors, so buy enough for all your sewing projects now. 'Nordic Star', our 100% viscose rayon pile scatter rug value ••• 24"X36" 4.99 26"X46" 6.99 34"X58" *12 'Nordic Star' boldly combine• deep plush solid and tw.ed bands with a denMly tuft.d solid background. Scondanavion look J,, blue, gold or copper combinations. Quilted throw style spreads in high fashion prints and solids TWIN or FULL 9.88 QUEEN or KING 14.8 8 You have to see these spreads to believe the low prk91. Puffy twin fine quilted acetate for solids, cotton for prints, polye1ter flberflll, cotton backed. Solid d.corotor coton area gold, aqua, olive and blue. They Soolt like they coat much more, 10 hurry ln for first choice while they loatl Help ua celebrate and 1avel Stock up on our Nation Wide• bleached white sheets nowl twin fitted bottom or 72X 108 twin frat full fitted bottom or 11X101 full flat COHI 1.68 1.·aa 2for97c A special buy on an alway$-fomous Penney value ••• our sturdy cotton muslin sheets. Sanforized• for mini- mum shrink•, our exclu1ive Elasto· fit on the ' fitted version. All in snowy white. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE -- 4 5 Fabulous FoUnderS Days Jo"'•' Cath P'11111ey, 94 1••<~ Po~11der of ' J.C. P'tn111y Compo.,y, fne. -= Instant comfort in our guaranteed el·ectric blanket! Special Purchase! Twin, single control. ..... ~10 Full, single control ........ !Jl Full, dual control ......... !13 KING.'28 dual control QUEEN '19 dual control Dlal all night warmth as you like, no matter what the weather. Marvelous blend of 45% pofyester/35o/o rayon/ 20% eotfol\ IO right for Colifomla. In lusft oofd, lllOll, peacock or pink. Buy one for .very bed In the houa ••• help us celebrat. and save Fitted mattress pads with elastic odges really fitl Twln ............ 4.49 Full ............. 5.49 Queen ••••••••• 8.49 Klng ............ 9.49 100% polyester fllled, diamond stitched, wtth Sanforlzed• tklrt and coverfng, efastic tdge for anug fit. AVAILABU! AT YOUR L.OCAL PENNEY STORE 2 YEAR GUARANTEE IMri.tt Mel oontrol .,. guaranleed ,,... from dlfeotl In "*"181 anif~lp tor two Y••.ra fro"' date of puroh .... If .found to be defeccM Within th'-period. NUn lo ~ Md blanec.t fMI« con- trol Wiii be r.p!eced, How do you like your pillow? 20x26 standard .. ~6 20 >< 30 queen ..... ~8 20 x 36 king ...... ~O Soft, medium or firm Doer on~ polyester f 111, polyure than e foa m core. Polyester filled bed pillow buyl 2.50 20x 26", ~u• and white 1triped cover. Buy sev· er~I and savel • J • • • -':· ~ '--~ ........ ,.,.... ....... ., I. C. '--'r c,..,_,, .... E ous Founders;·........,· '> -~s Ban.-ton~ nyl0J1 shirts for him · 2tQ15 NeW os now, lightweight, mochifte washable sport ihfrts ••• mock turtle necks or fashion coffcir ifrli~ .•• In bo1ic or fashion ahades. M.n'1 atzes S-M-l·Xl. Buy several now and save. Men's Penn Prest~ casual slacks ... ORIG. 7.98 NOW 3. 99 .50% Acrilon• acrylic/ 50% royon _ never-iron slacks ... Grad or Conti- nental .•• in blade, olive, blue or gold. 28-38 waist, 2S-32 length. Help us celebrate and save on first quality! Wide angle binoculars 19.88 7X35, convonient center focus leather carrying COM. I Penn Pres .. sport 1hlrt1 Penncroft•labelrnoker ·2.99 Identify anc1·~ .... and offfc9 ....... 6 Vtho.:th9 colora. 2.99 ~·lronl0%~·poly­ . ....,/20% ciottOft ••• .,.bfant or ~... . ' -~ .9-lc .~.,~·a~XL _ .q .. iluud 3999 Peim ,.... .. lack•t ltuy 12.88 wr.. ~ .JM¥ttw/35% , .... ...,...,.poplln, ocrr- lc .... ..,. ...., Clltotttd colon, Men'• s.M L.JCL AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL Pl!NNEV STORE Ftaincl -denim ......... Otf9.l.11 ... 2.11 ..... Wue __ ..._,_.. ~.-...... \ ..... : .. ,.. .. •lal71-36W. I • 7 l --:;r • • ;; . ... _ . .. . ' . . c -1' ....... . : ~ '-"''~ .. · Giii's p\My ... ti.1'cl lhl.t ~.,......,.fed'°"' let 3~99 Sweet ftttl. mlxhna of prints and sol~ eolOra.. Taps. ~ 8 8 c necMd ....... whol. ~-"­ ..,. 'naw' Sook -In ·1lze1 7· 14. net. mist runa longer, come.... _..... In neutrot cOIOn, are In nude heel style. One size fits all teen s1ze1 10..16. luy a do~enl Buy her lots of tiF.ts in pretty colors now .••• save! 4for$J Look ot thla prJce.fO..girl's tlghhl ChooH enough coJors to give all her out- flta the total look. S·M-l. loy'1 or girl's coaster broke 'Swinger' bicycf~s 37.88 . ._,, _.,. In .flo,..boyont color. . · .•. , .. i.·o.ve ch, • .,. •. ·p·t Citl d ho.t~Uelaori .. o'nd f~irden.: bottoH todcn... ~-· · .. ' .,.,,,_,, ... - .lotnea Cash Penney, 9'4 yrs. f~rof J, C. Penney Company, Inc . . .. BoY's Acrilan ~ spOrt shirts in stripes or solids! 1.99 Man .al.Hd volu" for your young man of Acrilan• acryUc. Mock turtle necks .,. conventional cnltnn. 6-16. Penn Prest® boys iea~s Orfst. 3.98/ 2 99 4.49 NOW • Neve1-tron Firehose jeans of 50°.k Dacron® potyestPr/ a<>% cotton; loden, bros~ or blue; 6-18 reg., slim, 8-16 husky. ' ' \ \ Boy's sweatshi 1 : • long or short •' - I t '•u~ho Orlon~ ..,~Iris in ~'. ~' • . . I I I l ' 4 I 1 • I • ;. 1,,--.,-- OUR NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE WEEK! FOBEMOSTe BIG CATS AT PENNEYS AUTO CENTER ·SALE! ..,oL. 'E·L TIGRE' FIBER GLASS BELTED TIRE WITH 2 PLY POLYESTER CORD AND 2 PLY FIBER GLASS BELT Whltewoll tubeleu feel. NOW ~~-~! ~~:~ ~'ji 25.44 ptua fe4. tu ancl old tire NOW 29.44 NOW 32.44 plws fe4. tax a"cl •kt tire Whltewall tubel"' r.d. plvt htl. tu •ntl ehl ti,. Size !78-1.t f78-1• F78· 1S . ..,. 31 .95 33.95 33.95 Whltewalt tvtt.I ... ta• Sise a ... 2.18 G78-U 35.95 2.36 H78-1 • 37.95 2.50 J78-1• 39.95 G78-1.5 35.9.5 H78-U 37.95 900-15 39.95 l78-15 "1.95 FOREMOST .TIRE OUIANTll Guar•• ... apln.t ,,._. _,... ..... ... 2 . .U 2.68 2.86 2.58 2.11 2.71 2.87 II your t;re weart out durlna the llrst half of th• 1uara11tte period, retum it with vour guuentH certlflcata and Penney• wlll replace your ti,. with • new tire, charalng you 509' IHI then the curre11t aellln1 price lncludina Feda,..I EJCclH Tu; II your tlr. WHra out durlna tl't• MCond l'talf, you 1>9Y 25% lus than the current Mllln1 price lncludln1 federal El(CIH Tu . IArant11 •1•it1lt fellura tr we replace Iha tire durlna the frco-replecement period, ttiera 11 nCl charget If we replace the tire after the free.f'eplecemant period, you pay !IOo/. or 2~% lea• than tht current 111trn1 PflCa Of tht Urt lnclud· ina Federal EJCclM Tu. Cem"'a~lal UM This 11u1r1ntee Is void where pass~1u tlru era UMd on truc\\s UMll for busman, or driven over 30,000 mitn In 011a yeer, ' 40 MONTHS GUARANTR WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLACIMINT Hert'a llew 1tllf l\lltalllH 11eln1t fatltlft Wtrtlll lllltw l'M•rantH p•ri•tl ---·-..... _ ...... _,, __ ........... 'It mentll1 ,,.. ""&acament perie.I -...... -............ _, __ ,,_ 1·20 m•lltM ~ .. ..,, ... ~ ...... -.... ___ ,, __ ,,_ ., ........ ,.,. ......... ---·-·-·-· ·---11-40 ,,. .... BUENA PARK FULLERTON rangatl'lorpa at Valley View CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA NEWPORT BEACH ·DOWNEY VENTURA HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR • ---------------------------------------- ~nne111 ____ o_UR_NA_n_o_N_A_L_A~ur~o_M_O_T_IV_E_W_E_E_KI ____ _ AUTO 011111'1111 FOREMOST• 'EL TIGRE' MAG· TYPE WHEELS Single piece cast alumf num wheel and rim. Satin finished cenflt Hdlon. fits disc brakes on all cats. Visit Penney's Auto Center and check out our complete line of speed and custom accessories. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE Ill Scat-Trac F/X Indy profll• tires ••• G70· 1" ...... ~:73_.. 33.44 AF/X shifter conversloa kit 19.95 Our cot1tplete ltlt fits modef1 with 1tandard and Oftt'drfve tranwnl1- 1Jont. (1.4" x 611 & 14" JC 7" •In) Reg.~~~ 31.25 ( 1 S ' x 6_" & 1~"x7") Re9. 37.25 NOW 33.75 (14" x 6'' & 15" x 6'') Re9. 32.25 NOW 28.75 'El Tl9re' ml"nl bike ••• 189.95 / ('< :• ,. ·, .' , . . / Pe11My'1 AF/X racing facket 7.95 tf70.1.C ........ 2.9" _. __ 3f.44 J70.1'• -·"-3.31 m ... ., 42.44 The '!I T1gr9' featur• both front and rear .., ... llon. fn blue with red and white lfrfpt1. JCS, I. M_ I. XL Nf:AIMl•IW. J70-1.5 ······-3.09 ........ 44.44 AF /X 1tfety helmet 17 .81 Mfery helmet 19.88 BUENA PARK ( 01::~11 ) CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR CHULA VISTA NEWPORT BEACH DOW~EY VENTUAA. - • j I I • I i l 1 l t I L I , I &\nne1ft_ AUTO C•NT•lt IMtant lftount 1peake~ t I OUR NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE WEEKI \ DELUXE 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE DECK Tape features modern functional design thumb wheel controls, a sliding balance con- trof, channel indicator and channel seledor. LIKE IT •.• CHARO! ITI Three top buy tape cartridCJ•s Reg. 69.95 NOW 59.95 Tap• head cleaner cartridge ••• 1.29 Ellmlnote1 wow and flutter cauNd by graphite depo11t1. Addi years of llf o to tape heads arid tapH, lnaurH maximu m fidelity of eound, PENNEY'S CB RADIOS THAT OPERATE ON ALL 23 CHANNELS c. FCC Type Accepted BUENA PARK ( 0':~~=~-~:;··) CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR A. Golden Pinto Cl. transceiver $159 1 he Golden Pinto features Delta fi ne tuning, a silenc er control, t0lld state circuitry, color coded illuminated d ial plus many more. B. Pinto 23 mobile transceiver $129 T,·anace iver operoto1 on oW 23 chann1t111 h otvrH lncl\Hle "S'' meter, 1quolch control, public oddreta system, 11dernol speaker lack, m01e. C. Pinto 238 CB base transceiver $159 Thia hand,omety dellgned ba50 ttation comft com· pleto with a baM ltation mluophone that can be totily dlKonnected a nd replaced by a mobile microphone. CHULAVfSTA NEWPORT BEACH DOWNEY VENTURA I ... i1111e11•-------~o~u~•-N_A_TI_O~N_A_L~A_UT_O_M_O_T_IV_E~W~EEK~•---------- AUl'O OIUITll• •. •. 41 MONTH GUARANTEE Wmt 11 MONTH Pl8 1811.ACEMENT ShMW llfl)' fareMOtte 5'1per Hlth Volt lottery foll (not 11terely cfltchore•> within 11 l!Mfttt. ffOM the do.. of pvr- chote, retvr1t It to '•nneys and It wlll lie replaced fr.. of dlot... After 11 months but "* to the eiq»lfatiM ._ .. .f lhe .,.,_,. ... , J. C. '"MY c., will replace the batteir ......... My ,., the perio4 • ........ ~ ... the ... r9M ,,_ .. lhe """ el,.... ,,. retN "'9t' ............. ............ SALEI FOREMOsr BRW 12 VOLT IAl.IERB l'rovidet sure-fire year '.rovncl ~ t•* • ..... GCat-t.y load with Hie. luilt to 111..tote ........... a&w. ii capable of corrylnt an txtro h1ewy 1 11 I .... _. .. ~· peok llartfnt ~· UICI IT ••• CHAIOI m --, 111ta.-laver 1, 2, 3 letbe . ~' SpecWI a.ea 4.99 ' . Her•'• what yov •h • IJqMrt wheel aliptMnt HeN'a whet ytv ... , • 4 wheels ........ I• • ~lete chwll IM•lcetie• • SwheeleNfatM • lxpert ltralce aclfuthMnt • etl dtan .. (S t1vartt H.D.)" • c ..... , .... ,it .... inspection • I' • "-w.el Rtt.r \ - BUENA PARK ( °'=~=· ) CANOGA PARK . F.UL~ERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH ,MONTCLAIR .. 1119. 27.95 NOW 22.88 , ... , Power Team Che di I • Checlt .......... , ·"~-·- • Checlr tfartw, ....,tatw • Male• loM current tett CHULA VISTA NEWPORT BEACH DOWNEY VENTURA .-.. ............ --------------------------~~- • ' • ( 1 t : \ I ' I I \ • . . t [ . .... 1.: ' . ' ~ ;J or, . : <: ' Savel Famous-Make Watches ... 17 and 21 iew•l1I Yov'JI Waftf to treot yourMlf Oftd 1ta•h ~me away for very apecial pNMntt. Men's and ladiea' style• ... calendars, '""''' day·and- date, sport ond dren styles in Ht• group, 9"any one of a kind. Gift boxed. 22.88 '449 PENNCRES~ COLOR CONSOlEfTE WITH 23'" SCREEN MEASURED DIAGONALLY ..• IT SWIVELS! • "Quick-Pie" for inatant pie· ture and soUftd • Built-i n 'automatic de· gauaser • Uniform picture contrast • Pr•· tet VHF fine tuning • Front-mounted 4" • 611 -speaker • "Contemporary" styling, twivel base • Walnut print on hardboards aMf hardwooda. ~~!~~?~ $449 PENNCRES~ "CONTEMf'C>RARY", "EARLY AMERICAN" OR "MEOIYERltAMEAN" STYLE COLOR CONSOLE WITH 23• SCREEN MEASOHO·OMGONAUY •''Quick-Pie" for insta11t picture and sound • Built-in auto· Matk de9auster • UniforM pfotur• contrcnt • Pre~ V~F fine tunin9 • front-mounted 4' x 6 tpeak•r Founder's Days Fantastic Special Buy! Portable Color TV ,opular reMcreat• 1.5"* screen cotor port· able. Handy wp·front coftfrola, •yed AGC . ,.,. wnif9r• pktwr•. ~Ofttfalll, "Qvick-'f•• f., fc:ntet pktw• Clftd sovftdl kfeal f« bedtOCNa er faMily viewing at Htfa specitil low prfcef ~49 •Mecmwed dia9onall1.. · "T .6. -USff!NNEYS. TIMI PAYMENT PLAN ASK OUI SAU:~~ ABOUT A 1'111 ·10 DAY NOME TllAU .. . . . ' SPECIAL COOKWARE IUY! 10-pc. Cook~ Sett .ilt Avocado or Harvest Gold. ChooM al"min~M wfth fW.41~n Teflon 11• or tri·ply conatructed atainlen at.et, •itttfJ wlil. bo~etl enaMel finiah. Sett inc!ude: 1 and 2 qt. co~~ !¥C• ,,...._, tt:· covered D.-tch ove", I covered fry pan, 10" ope11 fry '"'~' 4 •p egg poacher inaert. ~ ~5 Cookware ctod Watd-.es available at all local Peoneys ... TV's ova~able at the~· stores.o,ily: · - COMf'TON CUlVHCtn' V~H HVYS ................. ' ' FUllHTOH OIAHAl>A HtllS HUNTINGTON lfACH tiUHnHOTOH ~RK tNOLfWOOO lAkfWOOo lOHG HACH LOS Aaos MONTClAtR HEWPOIT IUCtl MORTH HotlYWOOO· SAH fHt4AHOO · SAHTAAM.\ lOUAHCe V4tf HUY$ "?; , . .... -·~