HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• 7 • -·~-----------. .. -..... 0 .. ..... ' . ,,...,.. ,., .. -·-.... : _, : e u a u y 4 _,,.. --; a :; : o .. -,...-.-.... -.... ~-...... ---._ ....... . = e f . .. ':' ........ = •••• ·-----r-.--..----~-,~-"":"-"""• .; ·~~:r .. ,., ----.... .,..., -,._,, ... re es ......... ourt DAILY PILOT Nude Burglary Party * * * 1oc * * * Baided by Mesa Officers THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 30, 1969 \IOl. 6J, NO. Ht.' SICTiCNtS. 6f ,.,. •• , 4 Sur"Vi"Ve County Crash 0Atl Y l'ILOT ,.,,... Q l" l'U~ne INVESTIGATORS PROBE, PHOTOGRAPH CRASH SITE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT Jn the Foggy Early Morning Houri, No One Knew• Plane Was Missing Nude Burglary Party Raided By Mesa Police A roulinc rcq11cst lo chetk a 1nan's home while he \ras c1w<1y lc1I Costa tl·tcs a police to 1nt.c1rupl ;in nllegcd burglary and peyote party early today. \vith eigl1t persons -Lwo of the n1 nude girls -ar- r1:sled. , i\iore than 5(1 capsules containing bron·nish powder believed -to be the hyp- notic drug derived fr o1n deserl cactus \1ere seized as evidence, along with $112 in c.~sh and ru1 arse nal of firearms. Police said the p<1rty of, rive m~ and three girls appeared lo be packing up \'aluables an<l ransacking the home of 'Thomas Hannah, al 298 Joann St., v.·hen Clffict-rs arrived. The victim had contacted authorities 'Vednesday, expreiisly staUng that no one Jncluding his son -among the arrestees -was allowed to be at the residence. • The suspects .v.·ere booked on charges fli possession nf dAngerous drugs and burglary .and include ~ -Marshall L. Hannah, 21 , or 298 Joann St., Costa Mesa. -Dorothy J . Hannah, 19. of 2!18 Joan n St., Costa l\fesa. -Denis J. fielder, 19., of 822 Sanliagd Road, Cos~ Mesa. --Gary C. Ri stow, 22, of 3 2 7 Orangewood Ave .. Anahtim. -Charles P. Frobenius. 19. ~tiose Oceanfront addrcs.'\. In Ne"ll.·pol1 Bt:ach was not detennined. • I -Deborah s. Bigby, 18. of 293 Joann Sl., Co6la ~tesa . • •. , . -Gaye H. Huls1nan, 20, of 131 Albe:_rt St., Coita f\1esa. -Robert A. fernendc:.:, 18, of San Gabriel. The hnpro1npt11 raid ocC'urrerl about I .e.m .. v.'hen Pa1roltnen Jim rarmcr anti O;ivc cas1·y riroj' c by 1he houlle es rrdcred during 1:1 briefing sessio11 '\'C<lnesday night. Lights v.·ere on 'lso !hey stopped to Ill· (Ste DJW~ RAID, Pqe ZJ Editor of Pilot Escapes In Aussie Copter C1·ash BR ISBANE, Aus1ralia (t;Pl~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Editor Thomas Keevil escaped serious injury here today when a tour helicopter he was aooaro crashed in a takeoff attempt from Gla1tstone Airporl. First reports indicated one of the 14 persons aboard the Sikorsky S·SS helicopter suffe red minor bums when Disclosure La,v 'Discouraging,' Oaims Solon S ACRAM EN TO (UPI ) - A.s~rr:blyman Bob Moretti (D· Va n Nuys),, S11id today the new fi nancial diecl06ure law ~pu.Jd dl:scour51gc persons from ru'nDtng~'tor pubUc o"rfiee or" ac- cepting governmental aPt>ointments. Moretti made the statem,nt as lhe assembly government organization com- miUee ~·hich be heads opened a hearing on the' new law aut'hored by ~sembly Democratic Leader Jess URruh which af· fetUi state• and local candidates in all elc.t'tions after Nov. 10. "Some ha ve contended .that ils pro- ,·islons will discourage qualified men and \•;omen from running for office or ac- ccnlins appointive positions," f.1oretli ~ ... ·11, 1·hc Unruh law, ~·hich i::oes into erfecl t\ov. JO . .and sever~l older ronrllct of in- 1erest laws arc beini review ed by lho tommitlet. \ aviation fuel caught lire. after the crash . Two others aboard were said to have sur. fered slight cuts and bruises. It was not Jmmediatrly knO\\'n I( Keevil, of ·11806 Port Abbey Place, Newport Beach, was among those slight· ly injured. Kee.vii was among a group of journalists who arrived in Brisbane Mon- dey on lour with the ina11gur al flight or Rrltlsh Ove rseas AirWays Corporation (BOAC} VCJO &erVice from here to Los Angele6, BOAC official' in Los Angclrs eJn• firmed this morning that Mrs. Keevil, assistant promot\on director for Hun· lington, Center in . Jluntington Beech, wasn.'t on the helicopter port ion of the tour. She had remained with relatives in Sydn .. t y . Th'· helicopter portion of the tour was scheduled to lake the visiting newsmen from.llrllbane to Heron Island, a remote louriJt attraction some distance f[Oln Bristiane. Th'-takeoff wa s attempted from Gla d.tone Airport. about 280 miles north of Btisbane. As the helicopter left the gro.i~. it hovered at about 20 feet or altitude and then crashed back OfllO the n1nw3y. It tilted over on jt,, left side. • · Jn &dclltiOn to Keevil , BOAC officials and ./.ustralian tourist directors, other journ,1at.a aboard included.; -Efrfttt11atbr, of Travel \\'eekly, Les Anliele.a~ • -Mr. and l\tn. Melville GrMvenor, of Washitigton, D.C., he hi edltor·ir!-i:hlef and chairman of the Na I ion a I GeorRraphlc Society. -Al llughe~. Christian Science l\lonllo r. NC.\'I York. -Kay Swe nson, lravel writer, Honolulu Star bulletin. -Frank Sc holts, Southam Newspapers, Montreal, Canada. ~ I • I Fog Shroucls OC Airport By ARTHUR R. ''INSEL 01 111• 0.11, "'"" "'" Four filers lay in the mangled remains of a crashed twin engine plane at Orange Counly Airport for five foggy hours early today, .befqre a cootrol tower operator came to work and spotted the wreckage. h1iraculously, the· two men and t1vn \vomcn escaped dtath, although a portion of the dehris bu med after the J: IS a.m. accident which occurred on a landing ap- proach. Only a week ago. a sophisticated in- ~lruinrnt landing sys1cm was installed nt the counly airport, bul !he Cessna 31() piloted by Robert Perkins, SI, of Long Beach was not u1ling lhe ICS beam. Perkins and his three passengers were :ii! taken to Costa Mesa Memoria l Hos pital, where they \l'Cre reported in J,1ir condition, "-'ilh multiple injuries in· t luding some burns. Thry are Patricia f\1allas. 36, of 96SZ Durham Drive, Huntington Beach, Joann r.111y. 35, of 5356 Gerda Drive, Anaheim. aod Edmu nd Donahoo, 42 , Long Beach, a neighbor of Pe rkin.~. Aulhorilies for the Federal Av iation Administ ration sent a ream or in- vestigators lo tJ1e crash site in a field 11ear Red Hill aod Paularino avenues, but revealed litlle info rm<ition . Oranse County ShcriH's depulics, hov.·ever, said Perkins v.·as in contact v.i1h El Toro Marine Corps Air Statio n, 11'hich 1noni tors all a1rcrnrt Jn area !'>kics. lnvcstigalor5 sai d Perkins evidently n1isjudged his l:inding in the <lcnse ground fog hamperi ng visibility al the lin1e, slanirning lh rough a wire fence .along the airport's ptrin1eter and flipping over. • DAILY L'ILOT Sl•ll ,_,. Control lowe r duly personnel at the r.1arine station evidenlly believed the plane had landed safely when there was no further contact during lhe landing a~ prnach. No one was aware the Cessna had gone flown until 6:20 a.m. when an Orange County Airport control tower employe noti ced a hole In the fcoce, then sJXJ(ted the 1vreckage. LIGHT PLANE FLIPPED ON ITS BACK ON APPROACH Owners Manual, Personal Item• Spill From Cabin Rescuers found the four viC"lims and said It was a miracle they survived. since flames had singed grass and weeds around 1he site. One she riff's deputy said Today the fire spread for 200 yards around the aircraft, which was detnoH.stted in the predawn crash. An engine was flung 100 yards. The four persons )Yere on a flight from Calexico to Orange County Airport, but she riff 's deputi~ said it was not eslabl!shed when the plane took off. In vestigators said they understood one or the men aboard -possibly Perkins - "·as the president of some type of com- pany but this had not been confirmed. .Just about one year ago, a commuter airliner crashed on the Newport Free.way in a I.ending approach similar to Perkins' north-south se\dow n attempt, burned and killed all abdard . The controversy over Orange County Airport's lad of an ILS system nared <1t 1h11t Ume , )Jlding to an FAA speedup of installation ~ures. Belli Files Suit SAN FRANCISCO lUPI J -Atl.omey Melvin Belli flied a '200 mi1llon antitrust suit ageln~l 13 ln~uranct companies Wed- nes day, claim ing they conspired to overcharg' for malpractice Insurance and keep docto rs from testifying for in· jured persons. Panther Seale Frees, Court Gag, Yells at Judge Cl!ICAGO IUPT) -Black Panlher leader Bohby Seale, a\U)()ugh bound and gagged when he was carried Into the courtroom. iitill managed to get into a wild, ~houtlng scutfle with U.S. marshals at the tr.i:il of the "Chicago Eight" today. His chair was knocked over into thC press section anrl he ye lled that the marshals had kicked' him in the groi n. : Chief defense attorney W I I I l e m Kunstler Klotmed, "When are we going tn ::top this medieval torture? This Is a disgrace to ttre law. 1 am ashamed to be an American lawyer." To which U.S. District Judge Julius J. Hoffman shot baek. "''Voll shotl ld be ashamed for the way you've conducted yourself.'' It was the second day that I.he trial of right nH!n accused of conspiring to Incite ri<M durinEt the Democratic National C:onvention had turned into R yelling and ~hoving match fealuring Seale, the marshal~. a.rwl l~oHmAn. Thr judge \YednrSflay orclrred lhe na · tiona t chairman of the Black T'anlhe r party gagp:trl and !iihackled lo a chair lSee SEALE, 1'11e Zt Orange Cout The morn ing Cog m~y chill lhe air. especially along t~c coast, Fri· day but the sun should break through before moon, _ warlnin&: the coastal area to 70 degrees. ' JNSWE TODA. l' One of the least publicized of Callfohtia stale offices it shapi11g lfp as one for uihich there 'll be tilt! hotleJt contest, wilh fou r seeking the GOP nomhiatio1i fOT attorney oenerot. Page l (. .1.,.., " MIYltl n Ctllllfrlll• ' Mvlv.i ,_.. n c1 .. ,111941 J4-" Nltleul littWt •• c..,.1u ' " ~C-1Y " c ..... 111 " ''"'i. ......... .. O.tt• Nlllk n " S-11 ~II 01.,.,tn .. S~· M'111fl ·1J t!lflt.rllt "''' • T•levhllll " lllllll'I•~ .. -" '''""'' 11·11 .,, .. ,.., • Htr•tc-.. W•tN ""' •·I An•"'"""" " .,_., ,...... II·• ' J' DAllY "!LOT s 5,000 Acre~ Burned Firemen Battle LA County Blaze GRANADA HILLS IUPl'J -A ,1·Uxl~ept fire lh11l charred 5,000 acres or brush.covered hllls and deslroyed or damaged three structures was controlled tOOay on three or rour (ron i:s. Fifteen horses were burned to death \\'hen names swept the sunstilne ranch on Llie northern edge of t.he fire. \\'Inds that had whipped up to ~ miles· an·hour afltr the fire started Wednesdliy subsided during lhe night, and Los An,geles city and county fire units were able to contain the south, east and west front.s. Only Uie northern segment in t"Ounty territory still was out of cootrol for oeveral miles and a spokesman aaid it would burn at least throua:h the day . An aerial survey showed three st.rue· tures, an uninhabited home and three serv1ct-type :;beds were destroyed <lr damai;ed. Home foundations from a fire thal swept through Ure area several Nil'.On V otvs School Ruling Leadership WASHINGTON (UPn -Pr!:!1dent Nixon said tod ay the Supreme Coort had spoken decisively on the timing on school desegregation and promised to exert his leadership in solving "the practical and human problems'' growing cut of the rul· ing. In a statement, the cnief e.xltCUlive said he was confident the problems could be REPORT OF COURT DECISION ON PAGE 5 50lved ""'ith all tlf u~ working logether." He caJled on all cilliens and local leaders "to ·wcrk together in seeking solu· tl<1ns'' <lf the pmbltm11 . to meet Wed· nesday's high court opinion which said in a Miasi!slppi case U\at nc m(l're time is permluible for M:hool districts ta dt~gngate. Prtsldentlal Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nis:on feels "the court has i;poken." He read to reporters the President's r;tatemtnt on tht court's decision. ll said: "'The S u p r e me Court has spoken deci&lvely on the timinl of school desegregation. "There are cf course practical and human problem& involved. With all of us working together in full respect of the law, I am confident we can <lVercome these problems. "I intend ta U!e the leadership resources of the executive branch ef governmeril to assist in every possible way in doing so. "'t call upon all ciUien1 and particular· ly th~ in leadership pGsltions to work together In seeking solution s for these prflblems in accordance with the man- date cf the coo rt." Ziegler uid the President v:as in· formed of lhe court decision Wednesday e-nnlng after leaving the White House for political campaigning in New Jersey. Sen. John Stennis (0.M iss.), said he \vould fight to have the desegregation edid applied la the North as well as the South. Another southern congresaman. Rep. F. l:dward Hebert 10.La.). charged lhat Wednesday's ruling in lhe Mississippi case "really means the end cf quality education." Youth Held in Dea th LOS ANGELES tUPJ) -An 18·year· old youlh who was arrested Wednesday In connection with the shooting death of 11. leen-a1e girl out.side Washington JUgh Schoel, has been released by sheriff's C:eputles. DAILY PILOT ............ , .............. &..,........ .......,..., --CAUNDllA ~ ..... a\t.11 f'ti•11St+tHC COMN.H'f llel..rf N. We•i ",.....,,.-~ J•~• II. C11Jl'f Viet ,,,....... -~-Mlnl.- T~•l'l•I x ••• il ·-T~.Mll A. "'''""'"'' ~1•1• -c.tt _,., Jll *"' ...,. •"-' ,.._. 9'1<11: nu #toll .. _ ...,._. a.-.._., rn ,...,., .. ..._ .............. ...... , • Ml MMI years ago had given earlier observers the impression they were involved with the c:urrent flre. t-'Ollr of the 700 rire1nen fighting the ma~sive blaze 1•:ere injured, one serious· ly. The 500 persons and 200 horses evacuated When their homes were threatened were returning to them loday. Massed rompanie! <lf firemen were able to hall most of the fire's advances at the edges of the suburban streets. A C'OUnty fire spokesman said early tod ay the blaze had been contained on three sides and the fourth side y.·as not 1hre;1tening any structures. "\\'e've finally got Uie upper hand ," !he spokesman said. Mare then 150 policemen were sla· tiom'd in and around the area as firemen re~rted looters entering evacuated homes . Flames 11•ere visible ror 30 miles and smoke from the blaze could be s1nelled as far away as 15 miles. Fnnned by Santa Ana desert winds, the flan1es licked down from the Santa Susa na Mountains and into t he Knollwood housing tract, which Is nestled up against rocky. brush-covered slopes. The fire t!rupted shortly before 10 a.m. \V'ednesday near a freeway rest area and \\"BS believed lo be man caused. It mo\'ed swiflly into the steep and nearly in· acceasible canyons cf the mountains then vetred south toward the northern end <lf the populous San Fernando Valley, about 20 miles north of downtown Los Angele~. Arab Guerrillas Attack Lebanon, Peril Peace Talks By United Pres1 lnte1'1f&tlonal Arab guerrillas attacked government army posts with artillery, mortars and machine guns today from cme end of Lebanon to the other in a grave threat lo the preliminary peace talks in Cairo. Other guerrillas parad~ through ~\rut firing rifles in the air in defiance of the government. P.taj. Gen. Emile Burtani, the Lebanese army ccmmander in chief who is in Cairn far the talks, called for an urgt1ll mteling with Egyptian Presidtnt Gama\ Abdel Nasser tonight as proapecb for a settlement dimmed in the fa ce cf lhe guerrilla attacks. The guerrilla movement let it be known it was not ready to join the Cairo talks and Yassir Arafat, leader <lf the Palestine Liberation Organitalion , sp· pealed to all Arab kings and presidents to help "foil this wicked (Lebanese) plot against the Palestinian revolution." In one lncidtnl guerrilla unit.s attacked Lebanon's new international airport at Al·Koleial in north Leban<111 barely tv.·o miles from the Syrian border and lh~n launched a ground aai;ault that was repulsed. It was though Uiey had full SUJ>" port of Syria in the attack. Correspondent.s reported tonight from the fortress town of Ra shaya that a force of 300 guerrillas attacked with rockets, mortars and machine guns during the day but were driven back by the army in an hours·long batUt. The rebels, in their third attack in thret: days. fought their way inside lhe. to\\·n at one point but were hurled back. Rashaya is an important junction town 40 miles southeast or Beirut and Astride the guerrl\las· supply rO\l\e to the lsraeh border. The army rushed in rtin£orcemenls to brace for an expected fourth attack. The demonstration in Beirut came \'.'hen guerrillas carrying machine guns Jed a fune ral procession through \hr street for a Palestinian yauth killed e<1rller. They fired into the air but police made no move to stop them. From Page 1 SEALE ... v.•hen Seale refused to stop his strident <lemands to act as his awn attorney <!nd cross.e xamine witnesses . Today, Seale wa s carried into the courtroom strapped to a wooden chair Iind with a heavily reenforced gag aver his rnout.h. As marshals bore him in, Sea~·s 3-year-old son. Malik. pipe<! from the back of the courtroom, "Hi, D!ddy." While Defense Attorney Leonard Weinglass was cross-examining a witnes~. Seale managed to sc ribble a barely legi- ble note on legal loolscep. It was handed to Weinglass, wha told Hoffman Seale said the metal buckles on the sltaP& were hurting hi.II wrl1ta. Hoffman dl.smissed the jury and told the marshals to attend "' it,, While tht marshals worked with Stale'1 strips, his left arm came k>o&e and his gag dtappe<I off . There was 1n lmmedlale s:truglf!, Seale'" chair toppl~ over, and he. began yelling that he had been 1truck. "Don't hit me In my -," he &Ctt:am- ed. Defendant Jerry R\Jbin tried to In- tervene and "'as stralght.armed away. Other defendant.s look up the cry that Seale had betn kicked in the groin. Seale wu carried out yelling tG Hor. fman , "You -fascist dog. I'm glad J saJd the Lhings thal l ha\·e said about you." As Kunstler spoke of "medieval torturt'," Chief Pro..riecutor Thom-.. Foran jumped up and said , "Yes. ind ll was 111 Brranged by Mr. Kunstler." KuMllet said, "Wt are going to ask for an lnvtsll111t1on of this." • 'Good G1·ief, Sergea1it' Spec. 4 Snoopy, a 25-pound basset hound, has been adopted by men of F Troop, 2.nd Squadron. 3rd . .a.n11ored Cavalry at F't. Lmvi s, \Vash. He 'vas recruited by one of the troopers. who spotted 1n ournful looking ~ound .nea_r a free,~ay. Snoopy does everylhing F Troop does, includ- ing going into the field and marching in parades. In parades he wears temporary sergeant's stripes and tanker's goggles. Offsl1ore Drill Ban Bill Introd11cecl by Cranston From Wire Ser1·ices WASHINGTON -A bill to ban cffshore oil leasing in seven federal sanctuary areas oH lhe California coast was in· t.roduced Wed nesday by Sen. Alan Cranston (D·Calif.). Co-sponsor of the bill was Sen. George t.1urph y, a California Republican, who crossed partisan lines to join hi s Capitol •h!I collr ilguc . The bill, 11'hich v.•ill establish the nuirinc san ctuaries seaward of se1•en state sanctuaries along 260 miles of coastline including waters of Orange County, was hailed by Coastal Ar ea Proteclive League ICAPL) leader Jians J. Lorenz of Newport Beach. ''This is !he firs! break we've had. This wcul d gi\'e us the protection we hope. for," said Lorent after hearing of Sen. /<.lurphy's decision to support lhe bill. \l'Ould prohibit further leaus thitre . The rhannel v.·as the scene of a "blowout" from a Union Oil Co. well last January. Cranston sa id .it was '·biUer Irony" !hat !he blowout. ~·hlch fouled Santa Barbara beaches with crude oil, occurred en a federal lease just two miles seaward cf a state sanctuary. "lt did the people or Californ ia little good to set aside the state sanctuary "·hen just beyond ii, the federal govern· n1e nt proceeded to lease the stage where !111s year's Santa Barbara tragedy W86 <'llacted .'' he said . . Mu~phy said the bill was "particularly ~rgnificant because it will return control over California's offshore areas to !he people of California," Other sanctuaries would be set up in San Diego, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles San Luis Obispo. Santa Cruz, Monterey: •lumboldt and Mendocino counties. The California Senators also have }ein· ('c[ in introducing leg isl ation to ban drill· 1ng in the Santfl Barbara Channel but the bill is tied of in committee. ' Senate Group OKs I Broader Tax Cut ~ ':- WJ\llllllll'IOll !UPI) -The Senate Flnance Ccimmlttae todl)' tentatively ap- pro~d a plan to cut everybody's inowne 1 tam at le1sl I percent Tht total CIJDI to '8:9 blllion. I ~ approved tentatively wU an In- _.. """' fl,000 lo • mu1mWn of II.Gel h llandanl· -otkla permitted ==.. wbo dtJ QOt lte~ lhelr ~tu....,·,.,~ below the .OC.:lled Jl)hrty level .•• wtre •!reed to by the committee. These would eliminate fl mlllioo ·poor people from the tax rolls and cul laxes for an additional 7 million law-income taxpayers. In effect, this would raise the minimum standard deduction after 1970 for poverty level people to $1 ,100. The comm ittee acled after it rejected a variety cf proposals tn increase the personal exemption granted every tax- payer for himself and each of h1s dependents. T ' • ,. .. .. -!:.<»& ::i.... -.. The COMnWltM. :wnlCli II ~'"I at el es· ed SeSllOn9 0Ji I lllX reform bill, defeated several propasals by Sen. Albert Gore Io. 1'enn.), to increase lbe present ~$600 tleducUon. He first ~1t a m.rwe '4J"'*'9c it lo Sl,000 and also was beaten on sub.sr. quent motions. canaiJig dowd ·to a two. year plan to''IDcrea&e tht .dedudiian to 172$ lhe nn! year and ll50 Che rielt. Two of the proposala kilt oa . U tie \'ates. ' T Also re}e<:ted was I 'PfOl)08l1 bi Sen . Jack Miller Ol·lowe), which would have granted a tax credit of aboul $lfi5 for e\'ery tax payer and each dependent. This could ha ve bef>n deducted from an in· dividua l's rinal \a;"t debt. liore told ne\1•smen he \\'OUld carry hi!t fight for increasing the personal and dtopendent deductions to th e Seti ate floor . On the tie \'oles, Gore did not give the vole br!:akdown nor say which ol the 17 committee meinbers did not, participate in tile vote. Snipers Shoot Windows ThroughoutHarbor Area Roving &llipen w ing air rifles lefL a trail of dozens ol shattered windows through Newport Beach and Costa "-1esa Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, police said today. The riflemen, shooting from a passing car. cauaed at least $2,000 in damage to about 30 cars and homes in reported in· cidents. Pollet said they surmised per· haps a dOlen or more other incidents From POf1e l DRUG RAID. •• vestigale, saying someone opened the door a crack, lhm slammed Jt shut and yelled. "It's the cops," ~ne of the suspecl!I cried, at v.'hich tlme officers heard the sound of runnina: feet, forced apen the door and arrested the oceu~ntl. Invesll~tors said besides the wea-pon1, en M·I nne, an M·l carbine, a shotgun. .22 caliber nne •. 38 caliber revolver and ammunition, they found devices com- monly used to weigh out quantil..its of dru~. ' The men arrested w~ tMxilted into Costa Mesa City Jail lo await issuance of complainb by the District At~. while U1e females wert ta);en to Orange Cour.ty Jail. Quanlillu of plastic bags and gelatin capsules used for contalnlng a n d tlistrlbutini drugs were also confi!Cattd from the hdtne , and some "''ere found in a patrcl ca r used on the J•ll run . Abernathy to Speak SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) -'!'he Rev. Ralph Abernathy, who succeeded the late Dr. Martin Luther King 1s chairman ef the Southern Christ.tan L e a d e r i h t p Conference. will bt the ftatured !Pf:aker at the Vietnam moratorium rally Nov. 15 in Golden Gate Park. went unreported. The shootihg spree with pelle.t C'Dlj and BB rifles, started in the Eutblul area near Corona de! Mar }figh School, Newport Beach police said, Ulen skipped aver \he bay to New port Heighls, West· cliff, Dover Shores, then into Costa· Mua; Northeast Costa "-1esa homes and car!\ !hen were shot at rol\owed b:y snipi~ in the downftl11tn area. The ~ni~rs ended thei r spree in Mesa Verde, Costa Mesa police said. Police said the majo rity of the tncl· dents were reported through Wednesday. No cne was hurt in the shooting incident.s, relieved officers said. Damage lo autos aver<iged abou t· $50 fn eaeh shooting, but several homeowners reported los.c;es averaging $1lS to shat· tered plate-glass windowi;. One resident on Mariner's Drive in the Westclitf area reported damage of mare than Sl.lO to peppered windows. Police said they had no leads on the •nipers. Sunday Openings Starting Nov. 9 J. C. Penney Company's new Sunday ~hopping hoqrs will begin on Nov. ~. it was clarified today. It was reported in· correctly Wednesday that P£nney·s S~ tlay shopp1ng woUld start 'al a later November date. Store officials said 26 Penney's storel'I In Orange and San Diego counties will begin staying open St1nday afternoons to take care of shoppers' needs. "We have opposed Sunday openings through the years,'' said executive Walt Myers. "However, the popularity o! Sun~ day Openings has grown steadily. "ln view of this: movement toward Sun·· day Optnlnj;s, in a latge. number of markets, the Penne.y Comp.any has decld- td reluctantly that it can no longer ignore this trend ," he concluded. Joining as co-sponsors y.·e.re Sen. Ed· mund S. /<.1uskie (D·hle.), chairman of the Senate Air and \\'ater Pollut ion Sub- committee. and Sen. Gaylord Nelson i D- \l'is.). SAVE 100. ON Cranston told the Senate that the. lt'gislalion would nol affect oi) lease s now held in the Santa Barbara Channel but Sex Education Program Slated At Golden West '1.lhal advice ·would teenagers give lo their parenls <ln sex education? This provocative question wi1! be 11nswered on videolape Sunday at G<ilden West College by students from Hun· lington Beach. The event will kick ()ff fl citywide pro- gram on parent sex educa tion , sponsored by the Luthe ran Council cf Huntington Deach. The \'ideo-tape y.•ill be shov.·n in the col· lege Forum at 7:30 p.m. and is open to all parents regardless of relig ious effilial'ion. Fnllow ing Sunday 's o r ient a Ii on meeting. parent discussion groups will metl twice at four Lutheran churches on the following schedule : Nov. 3 and 10 -King of Glory American Lutheran Ch urch, 1 7 7 !11 Newland St. Nov. 4 end 11 -Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 9812 Hamilton Ave . Nov. S and 12 -Grace LuLheran Churth, 6931 Edinger Ave. Nev. 6 and 13 -Faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Ellis Ave. Each program begins at 7:30 p.m. Session leaders will incl ude Dr. Jack Jergenson, residenl in psychialry at Metropc1lltan State Hospital, Norv.·alk: P.1rs .. James Del..ange, a school nurse and min ister's wife : Ralph Werley. assistsnl pr lncipal. Lincoln Schoo l, Corona de! MAr ; and local clergymen. Further informa tion is available from 1ny of the participating churches. Spring By Sto ne and Phillips reg. 550. for 8' lengths NOW 450. T•k• adv tntt9• of th•t• import•nt ta'l'in9t on si11 diff•r•nt ttylt1 cf luxuriou' 1prin4 down sofes in • hcnt of 11u~ui1it• f•bric;1. You1 favoritt tnterio' dta:igner will be Pklppu to ·isrist "IO'J ••• H.J.GAl\RETT fURNrplRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opt n Mon., Thur1. &: Fri . E'l'•l. ll16 H.+.OOR llVD. COSTA MESA, C"LIF. 646°0275 "Teenage views on sex education" i5 the first of a series of community-paren1 discussions which originated from the re- cent coofllct over sex education in the Hunlinglon Beach Union High School Oislrlc L l·---------------------------------------------_.J , ' ( ( ' I I I I I ' I I I I I "· ( cit de en lot I.a IC< L I I ( lea ga1 COl \\ ll al I· pee ma ( Ku •to clis ao 1 Ho! p E 11 I int wa 1 1hc p .11 I I ur COi "" ., 1101 to 1 i!~ ('{!\ \1'3 C11 Inc Mi ( r<!i OJ'< r :d Re 1 lio: de! l I E Ori Th< hc1 olx GI< F per he! :ivi Tw '" I Ke1 Ne· ly ~ Jou rla~ Rri (6( An1 I' rirr "' !ln1 i1 a: I I I ' I ' I ' • .... • ' .I ' ' Huntington Bea~h EDITION * * VOL . 62 . NO. 260, 3 SECTIONS, ~O PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1969 Council Given View of Downtown's By JACI\ HROBACK 01 In• O•il~ ~UO! Stt !t Hunting1on Bc:aeh eity ('11un cil mcn got a1. eyC>ful Tuesday night. Outlined for lhcni. and 200 1ntcrestcd citizens, was a pro~ran1 [or lhc future development or the city \\'ith special e mphasis on the blighted do\\'ntO\\'n area. The progr<1n1 is the result of more than four years \'oluntary work hy th e Urban Land lnstitutr Citizens St('(!rJng Com init- tce {CSC I and an e~haustive survey by EC"Onornic Research Assoc iates (ERA). Th~ "Top or the Pier" area -old t!nv.'ntov•n section -was in the spollight. As the three hours of talks, 111<1ps, facts and figures were revealed the possible transformation of this area from an t.'yesore to a community asset unfolded. As CSC committee .:hairman Monte N1\1.ko\1·ski staled it, "A redevclop1nent plan for the do\\'ntown area \l'a.s the most difficult and most controversial of all our assignments." Ted Adsit , planning consultant to the r·sc since iL~ inception more than four years <:go, said, \'A decision mus t be rn ade now. It is vital. This rnay be the last cha nce for Huntington Beach. If private capJta1 1s not attracted now· by ci- ly initiative it \\'ill go elsewhere." Focal point ot" the discussion is an area of but 37~ acres .. 6 of a square 1nilc in the ('.ity's 26 square miles. Sonic excerplS from the ERA rrport arc rc\'ealing: • ra e Ill Seale Yells Out Again Black Pa11tl1er Rips Off Coztrt Shackles CHICAGO (U PI) -Black Panther leader Bobby Seale, all hough bound and gagged \vhe n he "·as carried into the ('ourtrooin. still rnanaged to get into a \1·ild, shoutlng scuffl e 1v1th U.S. marshals at the trial of the "Chicago Eight"' tcxlay. His chair was knocked ove:-into the press section and he yelled that the 1narshals had kicked him in the groin. Chief ' defense attorney \\' i 11 i a n1 Kunsller stormed, "When arc we going lo f'teip this medieval torture~ This is a disg race to the: law. I am ashamed to be an American lawyer." To which U.S. District Judge Julius J . }!offman shot back, "You .should be ashamed for the way you 've conducted yourself." It was the second day that the trial of eighl men accused of conspiring to incite riots during the Democratic National Convention had turned into a yelling and shoving match fe aturini Seale, the marshals. and lloffman. Thf' judge Wednesday ordered the n<1· lional chairman of the Black Panther party gaggetl and shackled to a chair \vhen Seale refused to atop hb; striqeot demands to act as his own attorney and cross-examine witnesses. Tt>day, Seale "'"as carried into the courtroom strapped to a wooden chair and with a heavily reenlorced 1ag over his mouth. As n1arshals bore him in, Seale"s 3-year-old son, fl.ialik. piped from the back or the courtroom, "l~i. Daddy." \l.'hile Defense Attorney Leonard 'Vcinglass was cross-examining a \l'ilness, Seale managed to scr ibble a barely legi- ble note on legal foolscap. It was handed to Weinglass. v.·ho told Hoffman Seale said the metal buckles on the straps wer e hu rting hi s \\'ri sts. Hoffman dismissed lhe jury and told the marshals to atlend t.:, It. Whilt! the marshals worked with Seale's strapf. his left arm came loose and his gag dropped off. There was an immediate struggle, Seale's chair toppled over. and he bei&D yelling that he had been .!ilruck. Philip Morris Buys Interest 111 Viejo Co. No Planned Development . In Future Valley Buildi11g Philip lo.Jorris. Inc. is buying a major Interest in the ~fission Viejo Compan:v. it was announced in New 'York Wednesday. Tern1s of !he deal were not disclosed by the boards of directors of lhe two com- panirs. r..lission \'iejo Co1npany, one ol the n;1- lion's largest co1nmunity bud<lers. is the t·orporation <le\·eloping lhc ! 1,000 acre new tO\\'n, \\'h1ch co\·ers an area roughly a~ large a s ~l anh.1ttan isl and. Its popula· lio n is n'nv more than 10.000. nnd will rise to 100,000 in the ne xt 20 yea rs. The lr<1nsact1on for t11 ission Viejo, "·ith H ~ re.~idcnlial, indus\ria!. comn1crcial. C'ducational anrt re{·rcat1onal fncilitir~. \\"<IS announced joinlly hy J oseph F. Cullman l!I. ('hairman nl Philip ~1orr1s. Inc . and .J a111cs E. \\'est, chairman of f\lissinn VicJo Compa11y. Cullman and \\'Pst annour1crrl \11al t.l issi:'.1n Vif'jn Com pany ""H eonlinue lo operate as a separate company under the t'xis1i ng managt'ment headed by Philip ReiHy, president. 111e a greement is ~uhject to negolia· l ion, exe<:ution anrl delivery of a definitive purchase agreemen_t. The planned development. as previous· ly used in Fountain Valley, appears doomed for future builder.s. This "''as the consensus follo~'ing Tuesday·~ speci;il s tudy sess ion between the city council and planni ng commission. "I don't lhink there will be any more planned developments with an average lot size of Jess than 7,200 square feet," l'iaid Planning Director Stan r..tansfield. this morning. in reflecting on the three- hour meeting. "Collncilmen and planners also in· dicated a thorough study of the general plan of land use regarding apartments i.~ necessary," added fl.!ansfield , "ll'ith a reduction in future apartment sites pro- bable." No actions \\·ere taken -it wa~ only 11 session lo acquaint the city'.s three new councilmen \l'ith various problems, but comments made gave indications of the l'l\y's future directions. "ActualJy we only have three or more areas in the city large enough to support the planned development concept," sakl r.lansfieJd. A PD is a tract of houseti built Editor of Pilot Escapes In Aussie Copter Crash BRISBANE. Australia IUPJ} Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Editor Thomas l\~e\•il escaped serious injury here today when a tour he licop!er he wall :iboard crashed in a takeoff allcmpt from Gladst;:ine Air port. First reports indicated one of the 14 persons ahoard the Sikorsky S-JS helicopter suffered minor burns. whrn a viation fuel caught fire af!Pr lhl' crash. Two others aboard "'ere said to ha ve suf- fered slight cul!! and bruises. . , . It "·as not immediately kncw.'n 1r Keevll. of 17806 Port AbbC'y Place, Newport Beach, wa s amnng those slight· Jy injured. Keevil w:is a mong " group or jl)l1mal!sls who arrived in Bristiane Mon- rl.'\y on lour "·ith the inaugural fl ight of Hrilis.h Orer.sefls Airv.·~ys Cnrpora1i on <BOACI VCIO service from here to l.os Angeles. HOAC offic1.1ls in Ln~ AngctP~ c:nn· firmec1 this morning th:i\ '.\1rs. Kee\'11, <1S$1.~tan1 prornotion d1rcrtnr for H11n· llni!:ton Center in !lun1ington Dc ach, \\'AS1f t on the hellcoplcr portion of the I.our. She had remained with relatives in Sydney. The helicopter portion of the tour was scheduled to take the vi11lting newsmen from Brisbane to Heron Island, a remote tourist attraction somt distance from Brisbane. The takeofr wa.s attempted from Gladstone Airport. about 7.80 miles north of Brisbane. All the helicopter left the grotind, it hovered at about 20 feet of altitude and then crashed back onto the runway. It tilttd over on ill left .side. Jn addition to Keevll, BOAC official.!! and Au.strallen tourillt director s, other joumalfsls aboard Included : -Elrner Bas:ter, of Travel Weekly. Lo11 Angeles. -~fr. and ~fn. 1'felvllle GrttveDOr, of Wa~hington , D.C., he ii; edltor.in-chlcf and chairman of lhe N a ti on a Geor~raphi~ Society. -Al Hugbf1. C:hri.stian Sc i e n c e r..1 on itor. New York. -KM~ S111·en10tt, travel \l'r iter, Honolulu .Star Bulletin. -rrank ScnoltR, Southam Newsp11pers, t.1ontreal, Canada. on lot! smaller than the city's .standard 7,200 square leet. but with g reen belts and parks figured in to make larger aver· age lot sizes. r..1any residents ha\·e opposed recent PDs which have allo\\·ed small lol.~. The rfrcct of allo\\•ing only a PD 7200 will be !(l keep lot sizes, or oJ){'n space, near lha t of the normal R-1 lots. "No studies "'·ere asked for." concluded tllansfield, "because most are already under v.·ay by counci l request." Sex Educatio11 Program Slated At Golden West \\'hat ad vice would teenagers give tl> their parents on sex edu<;:alion~ This provocative question will be answered on vide<Jtape Sunday al Golden V.'est College by students rrom I-Jun· tington Beach. The event will kick of{ a cilywldr pro- gram on parent sex education. sponsored by the Lutheran Council of Huntington Beach. The video-tape will be shown in the col- lege r~orun1 at 7:30 p.m. and is npen to all parents regardless of rel igious affiliation. Following Sunday's or i en tat ion meeting. parent discussion groups will meet twice at four Lutheran churches on the following schedule: Nov. 3 and 10 -King of r.lory American Lutheran Church, l 7 7 9 l Newland St. Nov. ~ and 11 -Lutheran Ch urch o[ the Resurrection, 9312 Hamilton Ave. Nov. 5 and IZ -Grace Lutheran Church, fl931 ~~dinger Ave, Nov. 6 and IJ -faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Elli.s Ave. Each program begins at 7:30 p.m. Session leadert1: will include Dr. Jack Jorgenl!On, resident in p5)'chiatry at. Metropolitan Slate Hospital, Norwalk ; Mrs. James DeLange, a .school nurse and minister'.s wife; Ralph 'Verley. a~istant principal. Lincoln School, Corona del Mar; and local clergyme.11. Further Information is 11v11ilable from an.v of the parll clpaUng churche~. "Teenage views on sex cduc-ation" is th' fir sl of a series of community-parent discussion~ v.·hlch originated from the re.- cent C'onflict over sex education in the lluntington Beach Union , High School Ol&t.rlct. .. -The mld-beach area i.!l approaching the point where the c ity must decid e either to allow lhe area to continue in ils present economic-di rection or, with the.. help of public and prh•ate funds and e1,crgy . embark upon a ne\V course auned al rnajor redeve!opn1cnl a n d re- juvenation. -The mid-be.ich area , !he nuc Jeu.s of lluntington Beach because of its fron tage on Pacifi c Coast llighv:ay, presents to a large extent the cil y's image. -Along v.•ith the CSC and the city's planning depar!n1ent , ERA carried out a sur~·ey. finding a very fav-orable dtvelop- n1ent potential. The existing land use con- ditions in the project area, eharacterized by low clensity residential and commer- c-1a! developmen1 s and oi \veils 'vii.ti de- elin1ng produc1ion are al! conducive to the realization of successful rejuvenation. -Huntington Beach is in one of lhe lastr~l growing areas in the United States in terms of popuJa!ion, employ· ane Golde11 West Girls Bonnie Foster. Nanci Philippsen , Connie Bergs trom. Sandy Zenk ~nd Pat Centofa ntc (from le ft) '"ere nominated fo r 1969 Homeco m1ng Queen at G old en \Vest College. Queen \viii be crowned at halftime of Rustler-Rio 1-Iondo football game Friday at OCC's LeBard Stadium. Rustler Favo1•ites A\!>o nom inated for ho1neco111in,S. queen by Golden \Vest College fool· ball squad were Judy Wilson, Cindy S7.eneri. ~usic. Duvall. Ly nn N~w· Ion and Oebie. Shaffer {from lefl). Queen "'ill rc1jltn at homccom 1ng dance Saturday night at College Center. , " rl Today's Final N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Future men!. household income and other related economic indices. Such an economic enviro11n1ent not only will assist in contint1ed growth but de1nands con· version of blighted and d e c ay i n g segments !o newer, come ron1plemen- ta ry and uses. -In ERA 's opinic1n, if action is delaytd the. rnajor direction of growth ('OUld bypass 1he mid-beach section. seeking areas more 11<1ll1ng lo 1n1t1dte viable •See OOWNTOWN, Page 11 Flie1·s Wait Five Hours For Rescue By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 th• D•ll~ r ue! Sttrt Four rliers lay in the mangled remains or a crashed twin engine plane al Orange County Airport for five foggy hours early tnday, before a control to"·er operator came to \\'Ork and spotted lhe wreckage. Miraculously, the two men and two women escaped death, although a portion of the debris burned arter the !:IS a.m. accident which occurred on a landing ap- proach. Only a \\'eek ago, a sophisticated in. strument landing system was in.!ilalled at lhe county 11lrport. but the Cessna 310 piloted by Robert Perkins, &I . of Long Beach was not using the JCS beam. Perkins and his three passengers werP. al; taken lo Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. where they 1vere reported in f,iir condition, with mu ltiple injuries in- (luding some burns . They are Patricia Mallas. :16, or 965Z Durham Drive. Huntinglon Beach, Joann fl.lay, 35, of f>3.56 Gerda Drive. Anaheim , and Edmund DonAhoo, 42, Long Beach, a nrighbor of Perkins. Authori ties for the Federal Aviation Administration senl a 1eam of in- vestigators to the crash site in a field nea r Red Hill and Pau!arino avenue.s, but revealed little information. Orange County Sheriff"!! deputie~. hov.·ever. said Perkins was in contact with El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, ,1·hich monitors all aircraft in area ski~. lnves!lgators said Perkins evidently misjudged his landing in the denlie j:!round fog hampering visibil ity at the titne. slan1ming through a wire fence alo ng the airport's pe rimeter and flipping over. Control lower duly personnel at th~ fl.1arine station evidently believed !he plane had landed safely \\'hen there was no further contacl during the landing ap-- proach. No one \1•as aware the Cessna had gone- rlo1\·n untll 6:20 a .m. when an Orange County Airport control tower cmploye noticed a hole in the fence, then spotted (Set: PLANE, Page Z) Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market began to recover some of its \05~ of earlier in ¢e. day In moderately active trading late this aflemoon. (See quota· tiOM, Page~ 22-23), Orange Coast Weatlter The morning £og may chill the air, especially along the coa.st. Fri· day but the .!iUO should break through be.fore ·moon. warming the coastal area to 70 degrees. INSmE TODAY O"e oJ the !ta.st publicized of California $tat.!? offices is shaping up M one J or which there'll be the hotte.st con!eit, with four .~eeking the COP nomination for attorney general. Page 11. .... , " Mtvlet n Cellflr"'• ' ~u1~11 """' H Cl-HIH •·• loltllt..al NltWt .. Ceml<I " °" ... " (9',lllty " , __ " Sy hilt ,._ n -..... " '""' ""' .-... " .... Mol1!.i1 ll·U lflftri.I ·-• Televllltf! " lflfffftlll!Ml!f n '"'-•le<• n "'-·· tt•1J Wo-•r • ---• •••loll ·-· •• AftR l. ..... '1 " w-·· ...... ll·JI I ' .I ' .Z DAil Y PI LOT H 0 ' , ti n .. , ___ -- Futlfl for Wonaan ' Hundreds Plea for Help Tn itial re!ponst to a ple11 by Hun t1r\1ton Beach posta l empl oycs ror help for 0111' of thei r co-workers has been good and m::ire i5 hoped for this weekend, The c611 [or help was senl out Tue sdav hy posta l workers who have established a fun d to help 1'1onte llamry mrel n1ediral Pxpenses for hi s wife Cara, current ly 111 Or<ingc Cotln ly Medical Ce nter Y.'lth f;:tll· inf! kidneys. "\\'e've built lhe fund up to SJ9l already," said PelEr Barazsu. t·ha1rma n of !he "Ramey Fund " eslabhshed by the rnorc than 200 members of the Hun· t1ngton Beach poslal departmcnl. "And item s are being donated for this \\'eekend ga rage and bake sa!c," he ad- dtd. A speC'ial garage and bake sale will be. ronduc!t'd Saiurdnv ond Sund:ly by po~ta l e1np!Oyt•S at J7:llil 1\1a!on Lanr. Jlun- tinglon Beach. to giun fund s fo r the R.1rnev f'und lndii•iduals 'A·ho 11·ould li ke lo donate items -old furniture . cloll1 ing, bicycles, ti.1ked food ~ -h:i1·c· ti1·~·11 askc1I to ('al! J::irat::.u r•t 84fi·l 10i or .\·lrs. Florence Joliri~on ;ii 8·12·26~~. :\lo111·!arv donations to the fund may he ~rril to .:Ramcv Fund'' NALC Brancll 2!3[1, c o P O · Bnx !Ola, Huntington Uearh. C;ihforn1a , 926-f7. f'rorr1 J•nge I PLANE • • • tl•r 11 reekagP CITY MAP OUTLINES GENE RAL PLANNING FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ALONG DOWNTOWN BEACHFRONT IN HUNTINGTON Ramey, a 3a-yca r-0ld ma il carrier y,·IJo ser\ ices the Huntingt ;;in !-!arbour route, :o,J id this momini:: th al he has already rf'C ('i \'f'd hospital and drx•tor bills !O!aling SIJ}()Q and n1oiny haven't Y<'l hecn rf'CCJ\- cd. Ji ~~c11rrs f1i\lnd the fnu r \'!Cttms and i::i1111111 as:i 1111ruclr 11ic\' ~urvtv<"d, sincr fl;1n1 rs had singed grass and v.·eerls :irnul\d the site From Page 1 ·DOWNTOWN •• development programs. -A proposed de ve lopment for the plan· ning area is a series of re sorl specin!tv centers fashioned af1er San Francisco 's Ghirardelli Squi rt. These cen!ers would C"Jnta1n exclusive, beach-or iented stores offer high quality goods aimed at cap- turing tourist patronage generated by the beache s. -..<iupport for hotels ;i nd motels is generated from business (lraveJing f;alesmen and executl ves\, tourism and convention delegat es. For Huntington Beach, all new facilities are allocated to the planning area since a ~ach orien· tation provides significant competitive advantage, ERA projects 800 new units can be suppor!ed 'A'ithin 20 years. llowever, this projectl on doubles lf th e ci- lv undertakes a convention·auditorium Project. -Proposed extension of the parking ::iu1horlty to the north of Pacific Coast Highway is an esMnUal prerequisite for deve\°"'ment of the specialty center com· plex. Likewise, initial planning for the development of a multi·purpose civi c Auditorium mu!t commence immediately If the community is to attract the most rrwaniin1 convention trade., since most convention sites are chosen several years in advi.nce. Sunday Openings Starting Nov. 9 J. C. Penney Company's new Sunda)' Jhopping hours will begi n on Nov. 9, it was clarifled today. It was reported in- correelly Wednelday Ut8 t Penney's Sun· day shoppin g y,·ouid start at a later November date. Store officials said 26 Penney's store~ in Orange and San Diego counties 'A'i\I begin staying open Sunday aJte.rnoons to take: care of shoppe rs' needs. "We have opposed Sunday openings through the ye8ts," said executive Wall /'.tyers. "However, the popularity of Sun· day openings has grown steadil y. •·tn \·iew of this movement tO'A'ard Sun· day openings. in a large number of markets. the Penney Com pany ha8 dec1d· ed reluctantly that it can no longer ignore lhls trmd." he concluded, Abernathy to Speak At Moratori11111 Rally SAN FRANc rsco (UPI ) -The Rei· Ralph Abemalhy, wtio succeeded thf' latt' Dr. Martin Luther King as chairma n ,.., the Southern Christian Le ad er s h 1 p Confermce, will be the featured speaker at the Vietnam moratorium rally Nov. 1a In Golden Gate Park. DAllY PILOT OllANOI (()illST P Ul l lSHIN9 COMl'AN'I' ••M•t N. Wttd "'""""' -""l!l(ll\t, J,.~ R. c u.1•y Vin ..,..,_ -C.-• Mt,,.tH Tho"''' k11•il fO•lor T~°""'' A. Mu1 phin1 ~"~''"• l O,.or .>.lbt•I W, l ~t11 ""-lt lol f an ... H ....... 9-910ffk• J09 $1~ S!r1•I t-4•ili"f Mdrtn: P.O. l a• 7,0, 91441 01Mf OHk'" Nft--9 klfll lJll \\"I ltlt."" "'""''"~ C"lt ,.,..,,. l lol ll<ctt •1v Sl•trt L .. w,.,. &eKll, 111 F.,t•1 """"' CAIL T P l~Ol, wl"' ""''"" " ·-~-1tot Hew~ fl/CM , " ..... ,~ ,...,, I H f f l ~~· .... ... -··i. .. ;'""-"' .... .. ........ ,.,. ~ ,__ltlll Vtllty, lit••• M•M, - ,,..., .... h -Lftll'lt ..... h. ,, ... wi1!0 -'"ilolt! .. H ...... Oro• (H>I ,.,...,,,,_ 1t>1 ~ny ptltllrt" Plf"'• ffl fl nil \\0 .. 1 ....... l l•G f+"•l'<l<I 1,..1\, '"' JX w•1a1 "•• $1'f1t, (Q"• Mt ... ,,..,.. ... 11141 M2.4JJI frt• w ..... .,.._, Ctll M0.1111 Ct•ttftH A'-1k'" MZ·N11 C91'tlfiftl, '"'· o,_ t out PWll.,,..,. (-... "'"'' I t I ' i t 1. ~llttlto .. ...,1 • .e. ... 1,1 -tt.• .. • ..... _.... -··~ _ , ....................... -··' ,......, .. '°" ti ct•••...,, ""''' lk<••t <1111 cc•··~· •• d 11 .,,,, .. ,. k•<" fftCI (ct lt """''' (tll•~·• I "l !<•·f '"" t.o ••"* LI Cl ..ocnto•,. t • ""•!• O M -"""'' 11'111111•1 .......... I&' •. "t'1I -~"'""· • 3 Districts i11 \Talley By TERJl:Y COV ILLE Cl the U.ol'f PolOt ~o:!I Arc m::ss1\·e ~chool district boundary ('han;;es within t'ounlain Valley likely in the near or distant fu ture? The rt is no clear amwer. only the con· lllctlng desires of agencies involved. Some would like It some would not. The question was spawned by recfnt ~pproval for 21 Fauntain valley lam.Illes to chana;e from the Garden Grove Unified School Distriet to Fountain Valley School District and the Hunlin&ton Be:adl Union lllgh School District. It was a minor annexation (not yet fi nalized by the County Board of Educa- t 1cn), but pointed out the problem in the t'ily. t.tany Fountain Valley fam ilies are \vithin the Garden Grove school boun· daries and don'l want to be, cily oficials said. f ountain Va\!ey is ser\'ed by the Garden Grove Unified School District In the northe11slern section. while Fountain Valley (elementary) School District and tbe. Huntington Beach Unlon High School District jointly serve the rest of the city. City Manager J im Neal !&id today the. city would fully support any move to brina the entire are.a und er !he Fountain \'alley and Huntington Beach districts. "We've had several cans from r~sidents who were surprised to find lhemse lves in lhe Garden Gro ve di:rtrid "'hen they moved here," said Neal. "I think one sc hool district serv ing the en tire ci ty would benefit the city and the ~chools," said Mike Brick, Supe:rin- l ~ndenl of Fountain Valley School District, "it would help the integrity and identity of bolh." Ga rden Grove officia l5, however, op.. pose such a move. "City boundaries should not control school boundaries," said Dr. David H. Paynter, superin· te ndent of lhe Garden Grove di!triet. "We have no commenl at present on 1he ~ituat ion ." sAid Dr. Ethan Fullmer, :1sd stant superi ntendent of 1he llun· 11n~1on Be~ch l n1on High School n islrit>! llunttngton Beuch s eh o o I ad- Areas to ministr8!0r! prtfe.rred not to acee.pt the 21 ~ountain Vall<"y families because they brough l more children, but no tax rPvenue. The famili~ live in the. Green Valley development east of Ward Street end south of Warner Avenue. Huntington B e a c h administrators however have recommended a study for poss ible annexaUon of territory eouth of Warner Avenue and to the Santa An a River. Fountain Valley School District has asked for lhe same study. That area is moetly master planned by the city for industrial development and much of it lies vacant no"'· It ls currently under jurisdiction of the Garden Grov e Un ified District. Both Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach administrators feel it would be a lcgical annexation. Garden Grove of· ficials made no comment. But a large section north of Warner Avenue in fountain Valley is also eyed by the Fountain Valley School District. lt rtpre.sents a much greater problem be.cause Garden Grove has Los Alamos High Scllool there. plus an intermediate school and at least two elementary schools. That's an "Impossi ble situation," Dr. Paynter said. But Brick doe!!n·t agrtt. "It'll po!sible ror a large scale annexation,'' he ex- plained. ''it's mostly up lo the people lo petition for a change. We h8ve a few small annexations in the past.'' "If the people the.re were dete.nnine.d lhey wanted to change," continued Brick, "We'd do whatever we could to brlng it about. It should not be thought of as their leavi ng Garden Grove, but ralher coming into Fountain Valley." There woold, of courte, be heavy ex· pense involving the switchlna of school lacilities and other complications, but Brick again empha5lzed that If the people "'anted ii, ii could be done. The problem 1\•ou!d have lo be settled with a puh hc hearing before the: count y Board o[ Educalion and Bob ~1athew5, Fa~~~"1·e of Bond Issue Hits 2,400 OV Children Every Monday morning of the school 'car the Ckl'an View School District ii t'<.'ds one additional classroom to ketp Jlace with it& burgeoning enrollment. Unless the voters approve a $7.S million constructkln hood Nov. t8 , says Dist. Supt. Clarence. Hall, that classroom vdll stop opening and 2,400 children would be on double sessions within one year. "The people of the community have 11 decision 10 make about the future or the school i;:ystem," he said. "The issue ls sim ply: Are we going to provide ~ny more schools for the Ocean View District?" He explained that projections show a rloubling of the pre!ent 13.000 enrollment in the next decade and that "this con· servati\'e estimate v.·ould require. eight new 11ehools or their equivalent - a total or 200 ela11Srooms. •• The Ocean View District is whal i! lermed a "klw wealth district'' and rlepends heavily on 5tate airl allocations to carry on lta bulldlng program, 1c· cording to Hall. . "But in order for ua to receive money from the state, it is necel&al')' for us to be bonded up to 5 percent of our total assessed valuation," he added. Slnct the Ocean View DU!trict has just ~Id fl .3 mlllinn In voter-authorlied bmd11, it qualllits for state aid !" t•70 but l'\Ol durin& any of ~ following year1 whlch would 11triou1ly impede any building 1cllvlty, he 11id. A "yet" vote will net increue the lat rate, Hall e.111J1lned. since the ta1 rate. ii b.ase4 on tM aue&Hd valuation. "We clh control our repayment seheduUng •nd the Increase ln meued v1Juallon should pey ofr the bends. The pe<iple who arc yet lo move inlo 1he. district will ultimately pay orr these bonds," A "No" vote. on the other hand , ""0t1lii mean program curt11 llment a n d widespread doohle se11ion1 in th e diattict, Hill said. Even 1r the building progra111 we.re ( dtlayed as much aa one year. innationary construction costs and the increasing value of property will make future con- s1 ruction much more costly, he predicted. Coupled with that is the specter of dou- ble sessions, which ha!! already been a familiar phenonfenon at Ocean View with the delay in opening of Park View and Mesa View Schools due to industry slrikes and Inclement weather. "If wt: stop building schGols, at the end of one year we will have 2,400 kids on doub le sessions. In five years that number 'A'Ould be raised to 12,000. and in tr:n years every ctii ld would be attending double sessions," Hall said. "We are fa ced with a crisi5, As of now the.re i! no more money to continue the building program. lt takes us one yt<'l r per school fur construction. You ean·t brt!ak the progrU3ion, or you will ere.ale overcrowding." Youth Coalition Elects Officers Member! of the Huntington Beach Youth Coalition Committee have elected Edison High School junior Joe LI CMCia chairman of the committee fW' 1•10. J im Sampeon was named v I c e chairman and he.ad &f pubUcily for lhe cornmiUtt, while. Pat Holine was se.Jeded Rcretary-treasurer. Other officers elected by the Yeul.h Coalition arfl Barbarea Nel.9on, chairman or rerreal!on; Jan Jones. chatrrnin of }'outh services, Vic kie Kiddle, chairmlin fl art ind Sheri Lauer, chairman of pub lic servict s _ ~1t:mber~ of the city·$ponW9d' Youth Coalition are currently m1kln& plan• for 11 youth in r ty govtmme1;1t day in November and a car rally in December . Change? dirt!'ctor of administrative ~crvic~s for the cou nty, forecast a gloon1y picture u1 tha t ev cnl. "It's difficult to l3kt! land froin a unified di!trict," he said. "Because the ~late considers unification the best systeni." "I think it 'A'ou)d 1.ake a una nimous agreement among all the. districts:· he explained. "lo accompli sh it, and that doesn't appea r like ly." "f rcall.v appreciate the help ," hf' saul of his fellow v.'orkers' rHort~. J\frs. Ramey, 32, is a diabetic and is ~uffering from serious kidney probl em s. Doctora: have discuased lhe possibility of mechanically circulating her blood or of a kidney transplant, but because of her <llabetic conditi on have arpi'lrently :ir· rived at no deci sion yet, said Rarncy. .~leanw hilc. the medlt al rxpcn sr~ krc.11 pi!ln.ll. up as they ha ve for the paft two n1onths. Youth Held in Death LOS ANGELES ll'PI) -An 1a.year- nld you th who \vas arrrs!ed Wed nesday in ''onncction 'A'ilh the shooling death of a teen-age girl outside \\'ashington High Schuol, has been released by sheriff's ~eputies. U11c ~licriffs rli'pt1lv ~.11rl 1oday the fire ~pread for 200 ~a~·ds around the. aircre1ft. whi('h 11 as demolis ht>d 111 the predawn crash An enginl' was fl ung 100 yards. Thr four persons "rrc on a flight frnm Calcx ieo to Or.inge Co11n1y i\tr po rt, huL sht>rilf·~ depul1 c~ ~;i1 cl 1! 11 ;is nnt c;;tn hl i~hrd 1rhf'n 1hc pl tine 10ok off .. Jrn r qig:itors ~;11d they 11nderslM<l one o[ the 1nen nboard -1)0~s1bl y Perkins - 11 ;1 q 1hc prc:;1d('11! of ."O!ll<' !.\·pc Qf eom· p:1ny but 1 hi~ had nol been eonfinned. .Jusl ;ibout onl' yenr :1go. a en1nmull'r airliner crnshed on the Ne11 1JOrl f reeway i11 a l:J1lCl1ng approach sin1il ar to Perkins' north·~out h sc!down atternp\, burned and killed all 01hoa rd. The conlroversy fl\·rr Qr;ingr Count y Airport's J;ic k of ;i n JLS ~ystcm llared at that 1in1e, leading 10 nn fAA speedup of insta!l<!t1on procedures. Dll1LY PILO T P~e•o ~· L•• ,.,n. INVESTIGATORS PROBE , PHOTOGRAPH CRASH SITE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT In th• Foggy Early Morning Hours, No One KMw 11 Pla n• Was Missing SAVE 100. ON ;J)CL Wtl By Stone and Phillips reg. 550. for 8' lengd1s I'-JOW 450. Take adv arila g t ot t hete ;mporla nt 5av in9s on 1i1r ditfer•nt 1tyte, •'·luxurious 1pr!n9 down 1of•t ;n • ho tt of exqu i1il• f•brlci. H.J.GARRETT fURNl1lJ~E PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DE SIGNE RS 2l lb HARBOR BLV D COSTA MESA, CALI F ··~0275 I J 0 ~ " " fl c S· g n ,. " I< ~ v ' L ' c ,, • n \\ 0 I! tc 1, th J> 0 ,, fc " Ii p ol (' ,, R " B. el w c " n• • pt " tt w d• h• A lh • • ~-P•-.-..... Thursday, Octobfr 30, 1%CJ H Firemen Battle LA Blaze Windsivept Fire Cliars 5~000 Acres in Grct11acla Hills INCITING THEIR CURIOSITY -Einily l\ilontoya (seated) peeks in- to electron microscope along \Vith other Fountain Valley High School ~.udents (stand ing from left) f\·lary Pedraza, Eleanor Madrid and Margaret Madrid \\'hile UC Irvine biological sciences professor Pat- rick 1-lealey answers que stions. Spanish Speaking J(ids Discover Science at UCI The fascinating realm of science is o~ning up for Spanish-speaking, tJexlcan-American students from }',oun- tain Valley High School. The student's are making weekly \·1sits to UC Irvine science lalx>ratorles and field trips to tidcpoois, the desert and Orange County fl1edica\ Center. Their escorts C1re CCI biological sciences students who arc trying a pro· gram to arouse tile curiosity of ethnic minority students and perhaps in terest some in college science study. The progr am in educational motivation 1vas started by the UCI ~tudents under leadership of Roger Farel, senior frorn Nev"port Beach, because they noticed very few Negro or Mexican-American students lake college science or medical courses. · Patrick L. Healey , assistant professor of biological sciences, is gi\'ing course credit for independent study· to the 20 L'CI students taking part. l'~acll of the L'Cl students also makes a weekly visit to Fountain Valley High or a high school in Santa Ana to tutor the students they are assigned to in the high school laboratory. The t1ro-1\·ay trips bel\\'ecn high school and college are planned to bu ild a close relationship between the UC! biological sciences students and the minority youngsters. Later, in January, they will take an overhight trip t.ogether to JCM!hua Tree National Park. Coast Leade1· Vic A11cl1·e,vs Give11 U.S. Post iI1 Japa11 Orange Coast civic leader and longtin1e offshore oil foe Victor C. ;\11drews of Laguna Beach will be the United States representative to the World 's Fair in Osaka, Japan nexl year, irlfor1ncd sourres said tOOay. He wi!l have the rank or amtri.~sa1lnr . Secretary of Commerce Ma urice Stanz \\'as expected to make the formal an- nouncen1e nt of the appointmenl in '\'ash lngton, D.C,. sometin1e this 1veek. Andrews, 54. \1'as President Nixon's Orange County campaign chairman in thi:- 1968 race. He was in the Bakersfield ;irea today. unavailable for cnn1ment. Speculation that An(.]rc....,·s. owner of a large Sant:i An::i -hascd f"lrming firm "'as 1lue for selection 1o a hig h go\·ernn1ent post had been derc!op1ng in recent weeks. Andrews' list of civic actirit1es in Orange County ls large. He serves as cha irman of the board of lrustees for Chapman College. He is als.) former president of the South Coa st Com- munlty Hospital board. A longtime opponent of offshore oil ac- tivity, he is chairman of !he Coastal Area Pro1erlive League. 1-vhleh has f-ought offshore oil exploitation on \he Orange Coast for years. He heads Andrews Bfos . a large agricultural firm whirh owns farm s in Riverside County and the Bakersfield area. Andrews, 1vho lives at 169 Emerald Bay, "'i!l represent lhe nalion at the mosl elaborate world's fair yet. Opening March lfl in Osaka, 1he fair will continue until Sept 13. Reports place the price tag for the ex· DAI LY PoJLOl St•lf Po1tei. GETS FEDERAL POST Laguna's Andr•ws position at $500 million dollars. Japan's fines t rlesigners are at work on plans for the exhibition, to be known as Expo-70. GRANADA HILLS (UPI) - A \Yindswept fire that charred 5,000 acres of brush-covered hills and destroyed or damaged lhret structures was controlled today on three or four fronts. Fifteen horses were burned to death when flames swept the sunshint. ranch on the northern edge or Ule fire. Winds that had whipped up to 50 miles- an-hour aft er the fire started Wednesday subsided during the night, and Los Angeles city and CQunty fire units were able to CQntain the south, east and west fr6nts. Only the northern segment in county Nixon Draft Plans Out For Senate WASHINGTON (UPI) -Se n ate Democratic leader Mike Mansfi·eld said today President Nixon's draft reform proposals will not be considered by the Senate during lhe remainder of this year, Even as the House prepared to vote on a bill to permit creali9fl of a lottery system for drafting men for military service, Mansfield signalled that there would be no Senate action. until after Co ngress reconvenes in January. Sen. Robert P. Griffin, (D·Mich .. ) :o1sserted that the Democrats "must bear the responsibility" for holding up draft reform legislation. But Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, (D-J\1ass .. l said Nixon could in- stitute most of his draft reform proposals by executiv~ order without action by Congress. Earlier, at a committee hearing, Ken· nedy declared that youths rich enough to hire. lawyers were ''buying their way out of war" through legal loopholes in the draft system. Kennedv differed with Selective Service Director -Le\lf·is B. Hershey before a Senate subcommittee while on the other side of the Capito!, the House geared for a v;i!e on President Nixon's draft lottery legislation. There was a growing prospec_t that congressional actlon may be put off untll next year. Kennedy called for "draft reform of the most sweeping kind.'' But the 76-year-old Hershey, who is being replaced as draft chief, told the senator that reformers might wind up wilh "a procedure ••. tbat ' you get no men." Hershey said most senators and House members. ~ve.~"never been on a draft board" and declar~:· "l've ftever been convinced that there Is !Orne auth·orlty in \Vashington that can tell the-~ple in J\-faryland (for example) how to run their business better.'' Kennedy urged Nixon to "eliminate the procedural unfairnesses, which permit those y:>ung men who have the inclination and lhe money to hire lawyers to be.at the !'>ystem. w·hi le those without legal representation are, generally, routinely inducted.'' Arab Guerrillas Attack Lebanon, Peril Peace Talks By United Press lnkrnalional Arab guerrillas attacked government army posts with artillery, mortars and machine guns today from one end uf Lebanon to the other in a grave. threat to !hr prelin1inary peace talks in Cairo. Other guerrillas paraded through Beirut firing rifles in !.he air in defiance of the government. ~1aj . Gen . Emile Bustani, the Lebanese army commander in chief who is ir'I Cairo for the talks, called for an urgent meeting with Egyptian Preliident Gamal Abdel Nasser tonight as prospects for a settlement dimmed in the face of the i:uerrilla attacks. -The guerrilla movement let it be known it was not ready to join the Cairo talks and Yassir Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, ap- pealed to all Arab kings and presidents to help "foil this wicked (Lebanese) plot against the Palestinian revolution.'' Tn one incident guerrilla units attacked Lebanon's new international airport at Al-Kolciat in north Lebanon barely two miles from the Syrian border and then launched a ground assault that was repulsed. It was though they had full sup- port of Syria in the attack. Students Support Paper Sign Petition Against Saddleback Censorship Signatures in support of Saddleback College student governrnent"s stand against censorship of thr. student newspaper were being picked up today on a petition placed out on a lable on cam- pus. The petition was started Wednesday when 275 students signed. At I p.m. torlay I.he football team "''as to sign en ma.~sc wearing their uniforms, accorrling to stu· dent f\en Snyder. The pelltion st11 tes "'\le the students of Saddleback CnlleRC hereby givr -our \'o\c of confidence to the Associated Student. Body government for their eHorts 1n tr)·lng to gain Erlf responsibillty and persona l freedom for the students of Sadd!eback College." That statement , proposed by Student Body President .John Bothwell, was unanilnously approved by the student senate Tuesday. It refers to the student senate's resolu· I Ion to cut oft student funds for printing of "Lariat ,'' the. student newspaper, Stu· dent senators feel it is being censored by newspaper adl'isor Mel 1v1itcher!. who is al ~o the.. college's public relations direc- tor. ltnwcver, rhc college administratiQn !>iflY5 $.1,300 In student funds will cuntinQe to be used for printing of future issues of "Lariat." Snyder, 2.'l·year-0\d treshman from Laguna Beach, said tht petition will be presented to the board or trustees when they next meet a week from Monday "so they can be aware the kids are behind the student government" Snyder, one of the students contributing to the. underground newspaper "Saddle Sore," says another issue will be printed early ne xt week. He said the newspaper is beins supported by student donations and at this time they are breakins e-x· actly even paying for 3upplies and print· ini:. territory still was out of control for .ieveraJ miles •uid a spokesman said it \\'OU!d bum at least through the day. An aerial survey :;:1owed three struc- t ures, an uninhabited home and ttiree service-type sheds were destroy{"(j or dil.maged . Home foundations from a fire that s wept through the area several years ago had gi ven earlier observers the impresslon they were involve<! with the current fire. l":>ur of the 700 firemen fighting the ma~sive blaze were injured , one serious- ly. The 500 persons and 200 horses evacuated when their homes were threatened were returning to them tod ay. Massed companies of firenien y.·ere able to halt most ol the fire's advances at the edges of the suburban streets. A eounty fire spokesman said early today the blaze had been contained on three sides and the fourt h side was not thre11lening any structures. "We've finally got the upper hand," the spokesman said. More than l 50 policemen were sta- tion~d in and around the area as firemen re1JOrted looters entering evacuated homes. flan1es were visible for 30 miles and smoke from the blaze could be smelled as far away as 15' miles. Fnnned by Santa Ana desert winds, the rlan1es li cked. down from the Santa Susana Mountains and into t h e Knollwood housing tract, which is nestled up against rocky, brush-covered slopes. The fire ~rupted shorlly before 10 a.m " \Vednesday near a freeway rest area and \\as believed to be man caused. It moved swiftly into the steep and nearly in- accessible canyons of the mountai ns t~n veered sou th toward the northern end or the J)(lpt1lous San Fernando Va lley, about 20 miles norlh of downtown Los Ar1geles:. Senate Group Ol(s Broader Tax Cut N i~'.011 v OtVS School Ruling Leailership WASHINGTON (UPli -The Senate Finance Committee today tentatively ap· proved a plan to cut everybody's income ~axes at least 5 percent. The total came to $8.9 billion. Also approved tentatively was an in- crease from $1,000 to a maximum of $2,000 the standard deducti on permitted taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions. Special tax cuts for persons below the so·called poverty level also were agreed to by the committee. These would eliminate 5 million poor people from the tax roll s and cut taxes for an additional 7 million low-income taxpayers. In effect, this would raise the minimum standard deduction after 1970 for poverty level people to $1 ,100. The committee acted after it rejected a variety of proposals to increase the perso nal exemption granted every tax· payer fo r himself and each of his dtpendcnts. The committee, which is voting al clos- ed sessions on a tax reform bill, defeated several proposals by Sen. Albert Gore {D- 1'cnn.). to increase the present $600 dccluction. He first Jost a move to raise it to ~1.000 and also "'as beaten on subse- riuent motions, ranging do...,·n to a two. year pla n to increase the deduction to ~725 th e first year and $850 the next. T...,·o or the proposals lost on 8-8 tie vcotes. Also rejected was a. proposal by Sen. J ack Miller \R-lowa), which would have granted a tax credit of about $165 for every tax payer and each dependent. This could have been deducted from an in· dividuat's final tax debt, Gore told newsmen he would carry his fight for increasing the personal and dependent deductions lo the Senate floor. \VASHJNGTON (UPI1 -President Nixon said today the Supreme Court had spr1kcn decisively on the timing on school desegregation and promised to exert his leadership in solviag "the practical and human problems" growing out of the rul- ing. In a statement. the chief executive said he was confident the problems CQUJd be REPORT OF COURT DECISION ON PAGE S solved "with all of us working together." He called on all citizens and local leaders "lo \\'Ork together in seeking solu· H0ns" or t!Je problems to meet Wed· nesday's high court opinion which said in a Mississippi case that no more time is permissible for school districts to desegregate. Off sho1·e Drill Ba11 Bill Presidential Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nixon feels "the coort has spoken." He read lo reporters the President's statement on the court's decision. It said : l11troduced by C1·anston "The Supreme Court has spokeri de~isively on the timing of school desegregation. "'fhere are of course practical and human problems involved. Wit h al! of us 1vor king together in full respect of the law. I am confident we can overcome thefe problems. From Wirt Services WASHINGTON -A bill to ban offshore oil leasing in seven federal .sanctuary areas off the California CQast was in· traduced Wednesday by Sen, Ala n Cranston ( D·CalH. ). Co·sponsor of the bill was Sen. George Murphy, a California Republican, who crossed partisan lines to join his Ca pitol Hill colleague. The bill. which will establish lhe marine sanctuaries seaward of sevt.n state sanctuaries along 260 miles of cnastline including waters of Orange County, was hailed by Coastal Area Protective League (CAPL) leader I-fans J . Lorenz of Newport Beach. "This is the first break we've had. This v.•ould give us the protection we hope for," said Lorenz after hearing of Sen. Murphy's decision to support the bill . Joining as co-sponsors Y.ere Sen. Erl- mund S. Muskie (D-Me ,), chairman of Doctor Suggests U.S. Legalization Of Pornography NE\V YORK (AP ) -An officer ot the American Psychoa nalytic As~ociation has sl1ggested that the federal government set up a national commission to study whether to legalize pornography in the United States. Dr. Bernard L. Pacella, chairn1an or the association's public information com· mlttee, made the suggestion after a seminar on pornography and violence at which participants said the dangers of pornography to society, to the family or to children, were minimal. "Psychoanalysts in general.'' he said. "believe that there is no direct rela· tioruhip betwttn pornography and crime and violence.'' But because there is great controversy over the subject, Dr. Pacella said, a ma· jor national study should be conducted to seek clear answers_ Such a commission, Dr. Pacella said, should include a psychialrisl. a sociologist, an anthropologist. an educa· tor. opponenl.:!I ol legalized pornography and other11. The pornography seminar was held fo r science writers by the association. Or. Pacella said, to explore analysts' view· poinls on current problem11, part of a ten- dency in the profession lo "move away from isolation to confrontation" with social issues. Dr. Pacella, chief of the child psychiatry division at Roosevell Hospital in New York, suggested the commission approach to the pornography question in an interview Wednesday arter the seminar. In Denmark, he 11aid, legaliiation -of pornography followed such a commission study. Disputing the argument t h a t pornography can lead to anlisoc1<1I behavior in children, Or. Aaron II. Esman. director of psychiatr ic training for a New York mental health agency, commented: "I have never seen an instance of pathological behavior in any child that could be attributed lo pornography. Thal I can say ca tegorlc.11.lly. I ha\'e never seen an Instance in which this is true." the Senate Air and Water Pollution Sub- committee, and Sen. Ga ylord Nelson (0- '\'is.). Cranston told the Senate that the legislation \l.'ould not affect oil leases nov,r held in the Santa Barbara Channel but would rrohibit fu rther leases there. The channe was the scene of a "blowout" from a Union Oil Co. well last January. Cranston said it "·as "bitter irony" that the blo"·ou r. \\'h lch fouled San\11 Barbara beaches with crude oil, occurred on a federal lease just two miles seaward of a s!ale sanctuary. ''It did the people of California little good to set aside the state sanctuary when just beyond i!, the federal govern- ment proceeded to lease. the stage where t11is year's Santa Barbara tragedy \\'BS enacted." he said. Murphy said the bill was "particu larly significant because it will return control over California's offshore areas to the people of Cal ifornia.'' ...... ' . •· 1 intend to use the leadership re!!Ources of t he executive bran<il o( guvernment to assist in every possible \~'llY in doing so. "! caJI upon all cillzens and particular. ly those in leadershlp positions to work togetl'er in aeeking solutions for tbese problems in accordance with the man· da te of the court.'' Ziegler said the President was in- formed of the court decision Wednesday evening after leaving the White House for political campaigning in New J ersey. Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.), said he would fight to have the desegregation edict applied to lhe North as well as the South. Another southern congressman, Rep. F. Edward Hebert ID-La.), charged that \Vednesday's ruling in the Mississippi c:ise "really means the end of quality education.'' 'Soad G1·ief, Sergeant' UPolT ........ Spec. 4 Snoopy, a 25--pound basset hound, bas been adopted by men of F 'J"roop. 2nd Squadron, 3rd Annored Cavalry at r·t. Lewis . \Vash .. He ,vas recrui ted by one of the troope rs, who spotted mournful looking hound near a free'v~y. Snoopy does cvery ~h1ng F Troop do es. includ· in g go ing into th e field and marching in parades. In parades he wears temporary sergeant's stripes and tanker 's goggles. DAILY PILOT Thur~AJ, Octobtr SO, 196. Gentle Ben, the lovable bear on a television network series, has been in vited to sip cocktails and .~x '''ith nationally known pe rsonalities at a special Cele in F ort Lauder· dale. ''Dear GenUe," starts a let· ter of invitation from Gov. Claude Kirk, "''ho asked him 1.o a Nov. 5 "cP!ebrity party" sponsored by the Florida Council of 100. "So that you will bear-up and have a honey of a tlme, cocktails and fancy hors d'· oeuvres will be served from 6:30 p.m . to 9:30 p.m.," the governor 's letter said. • High school rules banning long hair have "no legitim ate rea so n," says an attorney who argued a law fiUit brought in U.S. District Court -biy a girl. Attorney James Pial · za said the Colfax Community School District in Des l\.1oines, Iowa is keeping Susan Sims, 15, out of school because she refused to cut her hair to conform with a school rule which said that "hair must be kept one finger '''idth above the eyebrows clear across the bead." e Afilan police searched the Breme-11-Afilan express afler aii anonymous telephone caller said a smuggler had hidden thou- sands of dollars u:orth of Ger- man marks in the train's ph.ont booth. The police found a large package in the corner of the f booth. lt contain.ed 50 roHs of · to ilet paper. i.--'"'~"'>';L" r) '.J --~ "':·~1 .. ,_ • • • Jazz grea t Duke Ellington is scheduled to perform his se.cond major effort in religious music at a concert Dec. 2 durin~ a meeting of the General Assembly or the Na· tional Council or Churches, the council has announced. Ellington, his l~piece orchest~a, choir, sol?'" ist.s a nd dancers will present his compositions based on the lSOth Psalm. His premiere performance of sacred music was at the Cathed· ral of St. J oh n the Divine in New York City last year. 0 Actor Sean Connery, who played James Bond in five movie t hMllers based on the Ian Fleming hooks, says he h as turned play producer. Connery said in J.,ondon he would present his wife. Diane Cilento, in the play "I've Seen You Cut Lem· ons" opening in December. • Vice President Spiro T. Agn•~· told a meetinl! of the American Bakers Association he regretted the brevity of his rem arks but said he had hi! reasC1ns. "The President needs me at the \\lhite I-louse." Agnew explained. " , , It's au· tumn, yn11 knO\\', and the IP rives need raking." Dirksen Kin Listen To Senate Eulo!!y WASHINGTON IL'PI) -The Seni1le euo!ngized Everrtt ~I. Dirksen \llNl- ne!'iday while the late Republican leade r'!'! widow, daughter and grandchildren sat lif::tening in the gallery. Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, Dirksen's successor in the leadership post, said "each day as he came to the Senate he had bright and friendly comment. , .he contributed a spirit of accommodation to this body unsurpassed in my recollection." "/\7o Secret Sessions Reds Reject Bid To Breali. Talks f'ARlS (UPI) -'file United States pro- posed today that Vietnam pea c e negotiators try a "new approach" to break the conference deadlock through smaller and more secret meetings, but the Communisls rejected the move. The new American proposal, made by Ambassador llenry Cabot Lodge, called on the Communist side to agree lo "restricted" meetings starting on the morning alter president Richard M. Nix· on's Nov. 3 speech on Vietnam. * * ft U.S. Con1bat Deatl1s Rise 111 Vietnani SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. combnt deaths increased sharply last week to 102 men , 24 more than the week before, American hea:lquarters reported today. Com· mUJliques reported three new batlle!'l \\'ednesday and today which killed 48 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. The number of Americans killed in ac- tion last y,•eek marked the first time the toll had risen above 100 for any seven-day period in more than a month. The number of American wounded la!'ll week was placed at 5JO, fewest in 22 months. Mililaty spokesmen said t .,... o Americans were killed and 12 wounded in the three new battles reported today. Two of the clashes were in the Central Highlands near An Khe and P!eiku and the third near An Hoa along the central coasL Elsewhere in South Vietnam, Com- munist gunners shot down two U.S. The move wa!'I rejected by Viet Cong Forei gn Minister Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh, as well as chief Hanoi delegate Xuan 1"huy, who demanded that the next peace meeting be held next Thursday as usual. Madame Binh charged that the American move was aimed at boosting the prestige of the Saigon government as y,·rll as to cover up the attempts of the Nixon administration to prolong the war, Both Communist delegation leader!'l demanded lo know whether the United States would agree tG privatt' bilateral negotiations between \\'ashington and 1.he Viet Cong. Lodge had proposed that the total num· her of delegates be reduced from 52 to 16 men1bcrs, and that the texts of their pe,1ce proposals nol be made public . It was the second consecutive week lh:ll Lodge had abstained from advanC'1ng any pe ace proposals, and ronfined liin1sc!f to talking about the talks. Las t week, Lodge left the conference wiUiout delivering his negotiating statement in an ;:~cl designed to protest the attitude of U1e Communist negot iators. Speaking after Lodge today, the tv.·o Communist negotiators demanded to know whether and when the United States would enter into direct talks with the Viet Cong. Madame Nguyen Thi Binh said that if America y,·as ready to withdraw its forces totally and rapidly from South Vietnam. the Viel Cong "would enter into direct talks with the American govern- ment on the withdrawal." Nixon Praises Agneiv: 'He's Done Fine Job' helitopters and a plane, killing four WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- crewmen and wounding tv:o. on handed out some face-to-face praise In t.he fighting near An Khe, 240 miles tl)(lay to Vice President Spiro T. Agne1v northeast nf Saigon, troops of the 4th and Ag new then declared that a!l Infantry Division ba cked by tanks, fr ivolous attacks against the American artille ry and he!ieopter gunships trapped system "must be rejected forthrig htly." a band of North Vietnamese on a jungle The. occasion y,·a s \\lhite House rCCPfl- hillside Wednesday . Spo~<'smen said 20 tion for del<'gates to a two-day conference North Vietnamese fighting from hastily of the li<'rtiage Groups division of the built pos itions were killed. No American Republican National Commiltee. The 80 losses were ~eported. . delegates represented 29 et.hnic and oa- 'rwo Americans were reported killed tiona lity groups, and 1_2 ."'.'ounded Wednesday when oth_er Speaking first, Nixon pointed to Agnew, 4th d11•1s1on troops battled . a Com~unist 'landing beside him in the State Dining force northwest of Ple1lru. Fighter~toom and declared· bomber pilots . ~ppo~ting the ~und "l ~ very proud to have the vic e force reported killing e1ghl Communists. president with his Greek background in <.. Caltecl1 Prof Awarded Nobel Physics Prize STOCKHOLM (AP) -The 1009 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded today lo an Amer ican, while the chemi5try pr ize \vent jointly to a Briton and a Norwegian. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science announced the physics prize goes lo Prof. J\lurray GelJ.J1,1ann, 40, of the California Institute of Technology for his ''con~ tributions and discoveries roncerning the classification of elementary particles and thrir interactions ,'' The chemi.!'ltry prize was awarded to Prof. Derk H. R. Barton, SI, of the lmperiaJ College of Science an d Technology in London and Prof. Odd Jf3~el, 72, of the University of Oslo "for their y,·ork to develop and apply the con· cept of confirmation in chemistry.'' The prizes this year carry a record ca~h award of $T.Z,800. The awards toda y gave the lJnited St;i tes two of the three Nobel prizes for :science. The pri1e in medicine y,·as awarded earlier this month to three Americans for basic virus resean:h. Last year the United States made a clean sweep of the three scientific prizes. ou r admiistratlon and he has done a fine job for our administration." Agnew, when it y,·as his turn to speak, !'laid there is a ''need for self-discipline of th e adul t community." He said such cli!'lci pline must be formed in childhood. Discipline is particula rly important, he said, v.•hen American institutions are under attack. The vice president, \Vho drew con· si~erable altention last week with strong· ly y,•orded rebukes to leaders of anti.,..·ar demonstrations, said that attacks mu st be listened to and considered. Bul he ad· dei1: "\\/here the alt.ack is frivolous il must be rejected forthrightly." Agnew said he looked to tl1e lieritage Groups lO further that effort. 0 111a ha-LA Train Discontinuance Ok'cl OMAHA Neb. !l"PI) -The Vnlon Pacific Railroad \\'ednesday was g1\'en permission by an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission to discontinue pns.senger tra ins 5 and 6 betv.·een Omaha :.inrl Los Angeles. The ICC, in its or<ler released in \\'ashington, directed Union Pacific to o~rate the last train 5 ""'t.!itbounO from Omaha al 12:01 p.m. Wednesday throtigh to Los Angeles, arriving at 11 :45 p.n1. PST Thursday. Storm Moves Over Midwest Rockies, Denver Record H ea vi.est Snoivf all in Years T""'perature• "'""• .. ,.. .1.,,u clM..,, 1i.. •lr of "•H Ind doucll IOd•Y In lnl1ncl ••••• •• ,...,_.1tur" P'OM ~t $oo.oll'>· •"' C1tll0n'll1. T ... Ill"" ,...,.,.,.,., .. , •rid i'tco+ •lnd1 l1><rt11 ... 1111 cltn"r o! bn.1•11 flrft. T ... lM ,l.""lt l •tH WU IUhhV , wllll -ttrlv rr>Olll!"I lot 11.,..0 t i.. -II l lld ''""'"' ..,,,. In I"" t 1,..,on1 . T,,. filt h w11 •· flvt o.-• .._ 11:10v• w..,_,.,.., u. T,,. ov••· nltl'tt low II «I, T,,. Air ,.ollullofl Conrr!ll Ol1!rl<l ,_m lltM -i., Int c..,!,.I •'Id -1111 -'""'-<11 IM ba1ln, ~ -............ '" ... "" ••"" ~ tot. Hl ... 1 wtre In '"-1'11. T"-_, ... Wll IJ. LOS AHGELl!S 1"1 0 VtCl"ltTV- ...... ly .......,. !11,..,,.,91'! l"'•IH.,.. ~ ..... "" -COllll l•lt nltM l lld H rl¥ _.....,,., lo. '°"ltM :W. Hltl! Fridrl' _, ts. ll'OIHT COHCtl'TI() .. TO MEKltl .. M)llMl.-4.ltlll ,..,l1bcl1 w1"'111 ~1 ... 1 ..... ,._.,.i.,.. ~'"'9 wt•••1fto I 19 IJ -not• 111 in..--,~..,,...o~ F r·~•¥. ~ 11>1' ~,. t "4Val ,.,,.., ~lf!IN O'UllOO"I 11l1M '"~ •••'• ,,.",,,_ ,,.., LI" .. ltm1>'"•!<1r• ,~.~~· t0...5 r•L •HO !ol••o•:(r t•Tf Vl.LL.l!YI -.SU~"" lhouv~ r ,·i•v kltl'I l'rlW• IJ .., 1'0. L~ .. tor•G•I d ,. 59. MOVN T .. t"I ,t.•f:.lj -S•,w"V •~d llltl'tlt't w • ...,.,. ,,....,.,..,. r • no• INTl!llllO• Al'ID Detf9:T 'Er.10•" ....s.,,,.,,., -•h•"t!v w11,..., •~rwo" FrlNv, i.-""'I'"' U tf ).i "rn•r ... 1 ....... JO ... , 1~· ... u.,.. 11'•" l'rlHv 71 tt U .,_. .,,,u,,.,.,. ~ 19 II 11:1.w ...... .,... Coastal C ... 1-.W. loe but WI"' -If• ,.,.._ ..,,..,.1.,.. 1..i.t'lt v1rl1tolot wllldo .... hi •rod .....,.,.1.., "°""' ~-'"' "'""••IY I to 11 _....,,, 11'1 1Ut,_.,I to•hv 11'<11 FrllJI•. Hlilh 100.Y ti tf 1'. Sun, ~,...,,., Tide• THU•JO,t.'I' s~crn<'! tol~" 10 J• '·"'· 'o 1.,-1c .. l>J •m.01 f »" "''" 11Jt 1 ... ii ""'' -., .. ., .. ,I""·"'· Il l ....,,_ to•oll ............... ,,, •••• 1•toncl low ................... ' • lu1 •1-f •lO 1 m. Jtll ~ 0) r "'· M-"I"" t .02 o.m. llll 11.,. t m, V.S. Summar11 Ttm•r11.,,.... •1""""' lo •K"Ord low• ftlr ..,1, d•I• ''*"' '""' v1 .. 1,, .. , 19 1"" Roc•l•o. f:l-IM , W. \/1 .• U• '""' mfrnltP lllD •o 1S """"• l.Jlwl nY, "I. V .. h•d • •••dl~I cl 20. "-••orm m"""' Into '"' "''d"'f!I !•nm , ... llDt~I· .. Fl>Ur lflf i'<fl DI "'"' I"""' lt •I 1: Goodl11'<11, K•ft•, The 1r.c« ••!•MINI 1 1,,,.1 lhl ""'""" odo1 tll 1 ~••I '''" 1re1 oir~ICh•"'1 ''°"" ~~ul•· +•~• """ "''trn• T•••• to In .. • •~d t~ ·~11trn [).oiko•t• . (l•IJ.11 WI"!!! ICro<"Ol~INI '°"'' 1~0 ... er te!l~l!'f ""'' •~t FIOrlO• ~.,_ ifl>Vl1 w11" Fo•I L•Vd••n~I• ~ll>c:kl"I Pu•!o ~• 10 C mll1·1n-hc>ur. \ California A 1"'-"1Utn!Ut Aricl'IO••v1 Atl1M• 81~9"1ll1ld 8 1....,•r(to; Sol ... e o'1on B1own1Yill1 tt\ltevo t lnclnn1!1 ~nveo- Oet Molr>n De•rofl l'1l•l>l,,•1 ,._ ..., .... 1(1<'1W1 CllV L.11 "'"'' lo. •nv1111 M ll ml Ml-100111 ,......, Ori!•nl "ltw Vor~ 0 •-11"11 Olll•"v>t• ( "' 0,1,., 5o•ln11 "".., ..... i.. ""oenl~ Pl!tol>.il'Vl'I ,..,.,1 • ..., ll•rlO C•!'f R•1 lllut! ... s ''''"''"'~ S•ll ~•~• t1·~ S•" t>,t90 ~, ... ,f ~...,., .. .... T~•"'l'1ol Wu111~v•°" " .. " " • • " " " • .. " ~ ~ " " " "' " .. ~ • " ~ .. • " • ~ • .. ~ " " ,, u ~ " " . " ~ 1, •• s• ~, -" ~ ~ .. ,. . "' ·" Calcutta Pinclaed Black Coeds In Vass2!" POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. <UPI) \"assar Colh~ge officials sald today they would not give in tn the demands of 50 black coeds who took over a secti on of the school's administration building. "We wil l make no concessions under duress," a spokesman for President Alan Simpson told the girls at the exclusive t;:choo l. Thr Negro coeds immediately respond- ed that the administration's st.at~ment v.·as "nol adequate '' and vowed to remain barricaded in Simpson's office. Abo ut IO black men, none of whom could be recognized as stu dents, stood at each of the three entrances to the ad· ministration bui lding and prevented students from entering. A group of 20 girls tried to debate them at one point bul the men refused lo argue about the takeover. Asked who they were, one replied, ".\Ian, v.·e're studenls of the world." Ronda Copland, 22 , and Joe Roma, 22, were charged in San Francisco \Ved nesday \V il h lewd conduct for performing nude love. scenes in "_Oh! Calcutta!" The show had been performed locally more than 75 times to sel!out audiences paying up to $15 a seat. The students qu ietly took over the cen- tral section of Vassar's rnain building before da\\'n. The occupied area is the campus' main adn1inistration center. Classrooms to either side of the area and dormi tory facilities above it in the same bu ilding were not involved. Service at the main dining hall nearby \\·as shut off by the takeover. • The girls took ove r the college's maln switchboard and were ans.,..·ering all in- coming calls. FCC Cl1ief Ill Conte1npt? '"I'm sorry. there are no offi cials in this building al this time ," y,·as !he ans,,.,·er to telephoners asking for niembers of the Vassar administration. \VAS lllNGTO~ (APl -The House Commerce Committee voted today to cite l"hairman Rosel H. Hyde of the FederaJ Communications Commission for con- ll'1npt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed records in a license renewal case. The vote v.•as 20 to 13. Rep. llarley 0. Staggers (D-W. Va.), committee chainnan, said he y,·ould discuss scheduling of the contempt cita- lion y,•Jt.h House lead<'rs. The action fo\lo y,·ed two days of closed· door committee sessions on the dispute \Vhirh involved an atte1npt to obtain records of the Fcc·s decision to renew th!' license of WIFE·AJ\{.fJl,I, In- dianapolis, Ind. "The subcommittee asked for the records to see what was in the files," Staggers said. "lt"s qu'iet herr. \\·e're just waiting for the :idministration to an.~y,·er us," lhe girl on thr telephone said. "Some classes are being held, I guess ." "We have shut down Vassar,'' said a spokesman for the group. She said tha t nearly all of the 59 Negro coeds at Vas5ar v.·ere taking part in the demonstration. Vassar has a total enrollment of about l ,600. For this Thanksgiving 4"') and for many. many Holidays to /-/~Brings you come Henredon's An essence of Mediterranea ... This Exciting CoU1ction inc.ludes nof only the hll ridso me pieces shown but many ofher pieces including rou nd •nd ov11I t•bl1s and th1 ev er popul•r H11nr1don Mobile Server. The fin ish is the mod1rtl1ly distressed Seville finish or • beautiful gl11 11d Ivory and Ol ive finish that lends u11told po11 ibiliti e1 to suit your mode of living . • • • • See Costa Brava at Davis for Bedroom and Uvin9 Room, too. Shown above: l•rge Ch ina at only S679. Oval Table that 11d1nd1 lo 102 inch 11 $335. 6b inc h Buffet $415 . Sid • Ch •irs $109, end Arm Cheir1 $125. STOR~ HOURS , Mondey end Fridey 9:30 •.m. to 9 p.m. Oth1r Oeys 9:30 . 5:30 FURNITURE COM~ANY 1975 LONG BEACH BLVD .. LONG BEACH Phone 591-1347 -----~--~·~·-- JOOEAN HASTINGS, 642-021 • i\lichael ;:ind Ronald !·fall (left to ri"h!\ i --1 .-~,1·-~~ ne1v characters \vho 1vill assun1 e roles when the 1 lun tington Beach \\'01nan ·s Clu b begins ll ~ "'t'.'--.' puppet sho11·s t-.1onda.v, Nov. 3. The progranis 1v!ll be presented to kindergarten and first grades in both school d istri cts through Dec. 12. Ne11• ".~tarts" will include the Careful t1vins, Dan and Dorene. and Sammy Safety. \1·ho all try to avoid !\·Ir. :\ccident. Jan1es B. Rothaern1el, 1-l unlin.gton 13cach Police De- partment, \.Vil! be this year's Officer r:r1cndly. HALO, NEW ANGEL -Su rpri sed that he has been na1ned Guardian Angel by the Harbor Key of Child Guidance Center of Orange County is ~obe rt N. \Veed, 1969 recipient of the annual hon or. Presenting the trophy during the .annual Presidents Reception 111 the 'Ne\1·port Bea ch home of r-.J r. and J\lrs. No r1nan Cirkle is J\lrs. J. O'llara Smith, J-Jarbor Key president. Publ is her Cited Hall of Fame Gains New Guardian Angel' Orange Connty. ('aliforn1a. Population : 1.404 .140 n1ortal s and eight angels -guardian angels, that is. The eighth guardian angel. nobcrl N. \\'ee(l. ha;; just join_ed the ranks of those selected in previous years by the Harbor Key of Clul d Guidance Center of Orange Co unt y, :\nno11ncen1ent of the idenli!y of lhc r;uard1an :\ng cl 11·a.c; m ~de dur- i111; th<' an1n1nl frrs1dC'nt.~ Recrpti?n hoste~ h.\" !!arbor Key 1n the home of !llr. and l\lrs. :\orman ( irk!c of '.\e11·port l..leacli . GiYen annually. the honor is prcscniecl to ;i c111zcn 11 hn g11·es of h1n1- ~e l f for the con1n1uriit y and th e Chi ld Gu1danrc c·entcr, a nonprofit. lo1v co~t psychiatric clinic for emotionall y di sturbed chll drrn of Or<lnge County. Other r~11i1rd1an .\n gel.' 1rhosc nanies no1v arc in the 1\nRels 1 !al l of F'an1('. a nrl 11-ho 11·crc 1n1·itcd to the recept io n (l ]ong 1\ ith th£'ir 11't l'es, arc ()_ \\'. Ri chard \\ al1 rr Gnrrough~. ~!arr~' Rabbit t. ;\ndy De vi ne . J)r. Ton1 Robin::on. L)r. Dcinicl (;_ :\ldrich Jr. and Arthur '.\lcl\.c nzic _ 1'Jic nc1 . ..-c <;t Gua rdian :\ngcl is a nat11·c of 1\lex;indri ;i, :'1111111 '1nrl i ... !h r. father of thr ee dau ghters. K<ithr yn. i\·largo and Roberta. J·{c rrs1des \.\"llh hi s \l/i[e and daugtrters in Ne\\'port. Beach. President and publish er of the D/\IL \' PILOT. \\'red also ser1·es ;:i.~ director of the Orange County Ch amber of Commerce, Orange County Coast Association and Orange County Better Busi ness Bureau. The pre.~ident s of many llarbor Ar ea "'omen's organizations \Vere _euests a1 the reception and \l'ere greeted by Mrs. J. O'Hara Smith, presi- dent of ~larbor Key Wine Corks Popped At Benefit Adult 1nc1nbcrs of th e •lap· py V;i lley Prc::;choo! have tv•o 1111JX>r!ant fall dates circled nn !heir eail.'ra.lars, ;ind funds fr nn1 thr two c1·rnts \\'Ill be USC(t to [')Urchasr new C<]Uip- 111cnt and supplies for the presc:hoo l. Thr fir$l to 1cike place will he a \\'llll'·tast1ng party bct .... ·ccn B and 10 p.m. Y."edncsday, l'\ov. 5. in the Fountain Valle y civic center. J-';1ren1s of the Fountain Valley prcschor.Jers ...,·ill br jQincd by fnends for the benefit, and ad· d1t1onal inform:it ion may be QQta1n ed by contarting r-.1r~­ (;crald Foust. ways s n d 111eans eha1rn1<in . A l~n plan ned is ;i h_,z~a r \', h1ch v.·d! lake plaec dunnfi: t l1r i;roup"s general n1eeting 1 hur~day. Nov . 27. Arca children bet\\·een 2 years. 9 months, and 5 years are eligible to enroll in the school. anl'I registration in· fqrmati on is available by call- ing r-.lrs. Ray Roth, 982·98M . Officers of the preschool i"~ elude the Mmes. John Cutler. president; Rolh. £irst vice president: Pat Liger, ~rcond \'ice president, and .!'oust, ways and n1rans. Pa~t presidents of !he support group, which sponsors the Em pi re Debutante Ba ll each year as its major fund-raisina: proj ect, also assisted wi th hoste~s duties. They include the J\1 mes. Nonnan \Vatson. Geor~e ri1ichaud. Ste1vart Petersen, Harvey Pease, M. A. Richley Jr., R. B. Ber· nard and John Sparling. Mrs. Cirkle ser ved as Chainnan of the reception and "'as assi.,1ed ln its planning by the Mmes. Leon Fry, John P . Wria:ht, Louls E. Pratt, Lawrence E. Kittle, Van R. Parker. John J. McKerren. Harry V. Kemp . Carl B. Pea rlston , Jean ?-.1iller. J. C. Humphries, Murray Chotiner and \Villism ll. \Veaver. GRAPES CRUSHED -Anticipating a crowd of par- enU and friend s for a benefit wine-tasting party Wednesday, Nov. 5. are (lelt to righ1) Mrs. Robert DeWenter. J\1r.~. Robert Burks and Mrs. Clifford Smith. Funds ' from the affair will be used to pur- chase ne\v equipment end supplies for the Happy Val!ey Preschool. 1-~ountain Valley. Registration is open to area youngsters bet1\'een 2 and 5 years of age. New and old member~ join- rd for a get-acquain ted potluck, and other activities included sponsoring a ring to~s booth during the Fountain \l;iJlf'y Halloween harbecuP. celebration At the high school lcist v.·ee:kend. Claim to 'Hostess With Mostest' Title Goes Up .. 1n Smoke DEAR ANN LANDERS : It would seem to me that the absence of ash trays in a homt would indicate that the hostess woukt pref1r that her guest s not smoke. What should she do when they don't take the hint? ( 1 l Refutt to get jar lid~ when guest s requ est ash trays flfter ha1'ing hcen told you dQ not o...,·n ;iny~ 121 Post up "No S1noking " signs in the Jiving room ? IJ) \\lhen in\'tting gur~ls tell lhcn1 1n ad vance th;it 1f tht'y can't Jlvt' v.·i thout a ciga rette fur a frw hours to stay horne~ (4) Simply give up the il'lea ?f en- tertaining large numbers of friend s· Plrar;I': answer in the p3per . I'm ~ure I'm no! the only one "'ilh the problem. - RUTlf B.A. ANN LANDERS ~ DEA R. RUTH : People who bavt good ta1tt do not a1k fM jar lids when thty stt no ash tr1y1. They •Asume th'at the bosk11 doe1 not want ber gue1ls to 1meke and they abttah1. A bos t.ess "·bo po&ls No Smoking si~~ to her li ving room and tell~ people to ~tay home: If tbey ca n't live without a clKa ret- lt, will not ~ OOtbered with "lar~e 11umber1 of p e11'.. ·• She will ba\'t other problems. DE AR A,'JN L:\NDER..): Anyone whn read~ your column could guess -you ha1e ::i daughter and not " so·n. And 11 ·s Inn had . If vou had fl s\'ln who was married lo 11 sel fish. sporlrd g1r! ~ thrn maybe. you ~uld give your readers some decent 11d- vi ct> rm sick and tired of letters in your col· 1111111 that make the mother·in·law look like some kiod of a lerrible monster. \Vhene ver you print a letter knocking a rno\hc r-in ·law, I receive two copies in the rnail the very next day. One I'm sure is from my daughter-in-Jaw and the other one has got to he from her mlscrab:e molher. I can'l 1rll you how murh ll hurts a mother's heart to r11ise a hoy and then hand hi1n 01·rr to a l<1Z)', .good·for·nothing who use5 pla~Lic l:tb/cc1nlh~ and buys rrady mad e po1alQ salad . You ~hnuld lh'c to be a hundred. Ann Landers. anrl never knflW fro1n the~e things. ·-~IIAMI DEAR follAf.IJ: n ank1 Jor your lelte:r. I hope you enjoy the: next qne. DEAR ANN LANDERS · I hope r.tv mothcr·in·law docsn'l think I wrote that terrible letter from the pregnant gal who wants to ta ke care or her own haby when she comes home from the hospital. \I/hen my first two babies ...,,ere born, mv molhcr·in-law was like an :ingel fro 1n hc"t1v1>n. Thanks to her 1 ,i:ot h\'O ,i:lorinus v.·r,ek.~ of rrst. It was pure joy. My hus- band har1 wonderful n1eol~. rny older kid!! ll'1Jre bathe<!. fed ::incl el'en c-ntertained by .:r.1nrlm<1 , I rnukln't h.11·r h:irl .~ h<"1lrr l'<1c<1t1on on the French H11 1cra \\'he n shr left I cried. It hur ns me up whr I rr:id lh•l.~r n1 ean antimother.1n·law letters m your column. Anrl rlo you noti ce it always ls the boy'! mother who gels put down? I wish you'd print my l<"tler. Ann . There are some prelly wonderful motherr;-in-la w around. to.fine lil'cs in El Paso. -SIGN ME BLF:SSED lJEAR BLESSED : l'\'t got one teo. i\line lives in Dt trolL Thanks for wrilin1. !!ow "''ill vou know when the real thing f'OITIC'~ along~ i\sk Ann l.llndcr!I. Stnd for her booklet ··Love or Sex and !low lo Tell the DiHcrenrr." Send 3~ cents in r nin :1od a Ion~. self-addrrS!ed. stamped <'n1·cl1Jpr wit h )llllr requei:;t. Ann Lan1!ers \\'ill hr gl ad lo help you with ~·our prohlen1s Sf'nd them tn her in t«:ire or the 0 1\lLY PILOT. l'nclos1na I self-addressed, stamved envelope. ~u DAI LY PILOr Las Dama s On-the -go Exam ine Fashions A Fashion Fhng in ron- lcmporary .:sty I c s w1!J he presented 10 111emb('rs or Sunset Beach Las Damas v.·hen the group ga1hers ror its 191h annual fall fashion show. The lunchron and sho\v "·ill take place at 12 30 ri.n1. Satur· day, Nov. 1, in Sani"s Sf'afood restaurant. Hunting ton Bcat·h. Clothes In be featured will be lron1 Jlerron·~ of Sral ,Beach. and 11"111 11rc\•icw st~·les designed to meet !he needs of on-t.IH.•-go clubwon1en both for leisure and volunt eer hours. {'.!rs. Herron l'-'111 sen 'I'.' as f<1~h1on conrd1n:'ltor and 1'1rs. Pat Osborn v.·111 otier thl'.' com- nientary. Se rving as chairman is l\.1rs. Buck Hendersoo and modl'li ng will be Las Damas members including the t.lmes. George Chisler, Larry Bartman, Don 1~H zGerald, Bill Moffet~ and J a<.·k Osl.een, Y;ilh Junior Miss styles by f\l iss l\.lary Chisler. Proceeds froin the fashion show will go to the many youth-spol1.5Qred activ ities in- cluding area B!u l'.' Bird grou ps , vouth and civic r~reation facility expa nsion and con· lributions to the A1nerican l'~ield Service program. How 's Your Hearing . MODEL OF NEW HEARING AID GIVEN A niost unique frrr offer of ·special interest lo those ...,, ho 'he a r but dn n o t unde rstand ll"ords has just be<>n :innounccrl . A 1ruc-li fe. actual size replica nf the sn1allesl aid ever made .v.·ilJ be given absolutely free to :uiyonc <insv.·ering t h 1 s <id ve r· _f!Sement. Try it lo ~ec h o w ii ·is \~orn in Ille privacy of yo ur o"·n home v.·ithout cost or obli- :gation of any kind . lt"s yours to l<eep free. The size of this aid -is only one of many features. VISIT: ~ J~,y'P 1J + Coty '11 w••.., ,l.apw•1• • Rob•• & Gow111 • e,., bv L•'v•ll•. Go ut<d, ltdv Mail•~• It v.·eighs less than one quarter ounce, and it's a!l at ear level , in one unit. No v.·ires lead from body to head. lfere is truly new hope for the hard of hearing. These models are free v.·hile th e lim ited supply lasts, so \\'e suggest you write for yours now. Again, v.•e repeat, there i.~ no cost a n d certainly no obJj.. gation. Write for yours today to Mear- ing Aids, c/o Box M-432, Daily Pilot, Costa Mesa. .• for a lovely selectio n of feminine finery + L;119•ri• + Sl••P brt• • fou 11da!oo111 by Poi1•ltt, 'l"o~lhtrtfl PANTY HOSE • •. by Burlington Ho~iery Co ... ONLY 1.99 s.ndy c .d.on M.,; G••v•• 1!'1 1 .. lly ne1 tot totly II lfto"~ 1boul "OllO.t.V l..t.Y.t.W ... YSI · S1 C 11..,f11rt .b!t in You• Cup•"' Sp1,i1li1tn9 in 0 I 00 250 f. 17ttt St., CMt9 Mn• Hilll r91 Sllf••r• -64J·S•Ja NOW ..• AT FASHIONS FOR • LA FEMME ~ CREATED WITH EVERY WOMAN'S FIGURE IN MIND • ~-, • Hus bands Included . ·.··; .,-.. , .. ~ ... ORA NGI COAST CO LL EGE PRESE NTS COOKING fCHOOL Ort the Stage of tM MESA THEATRE, Costa Mesa -Pr•p•r• for the Holid•y• - -PRIZES - THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, t 3, 20 -9:30 A.M. The newest fashions for both l men and "'01nen will be shown1 to members and guesl'l of t he1:-r:-==~=======~ Ba lboa Yacht Club during all COVER ING THE COUNTY -Finding out what Horizon Club members all over Orange County a re doing and thinking wil l be the job of a nc\v llorizn n ('Ju ]) Cabinet. Checking the terr~tory ar~ the new officers. (left to r ighl I \\'cndy !)or- c:hester. Ne\vpo rt Beach. vice president : Susan Collin s, Garden (~rove . secre- tary, and Elaine Ke\vs, Costa Mesa, president. Milestone Reached Clubs Exchange Ideas Through New Cabinet A new level of aehievemcnl has been reached by the Orange Coun1 y Council or Camp Fire Girls v.·i!h the formation of its Horizon Cl ub Cabinet. Representative~ of the 10 clubs in U1e counl y will m<'el month ly lo exchange jdeas and discover the need~ and in- !erc~L" or thr rlub 111cn1· bership. The 1'.frs. Dennis Hossfeld, Hun- tington Beach Camp Fire guardian will be the advisor and 1'1rs. J ean ~ioffma n, Ca mp Fire Girls field director is starr coordinator. N('l'-·ly elected cabi net of. ficers, who \vi ii a ss um e leadership Saturdav, Nov. I. ;ire Elaine Kew. c Osta t-.trsri . Ok iponk:i Horizon Club , pre~I· den t: \Vendy Dorchrf.ler, Ne\1"por1 Beach, Oki ponk<i . \•ice president. and Su.~u n Collins, Garden r;rovr, E.:-H;i - \rC'-Chce, sttrf'lar y. The grou p \viii meet the f1r~t Saturday of each month in th e KATHR YN WRIGHT To Marry Summer Date Set special night fashion show Saturday, Nov. I. Cocktails al 6 30 will begin the ('vcning and the fashions v.•ill b<' paraded during 01e din· ner hour. Ensembles fr::nn Apropos! and A L "Elegan t will be, modeled by the ~!essrs. and l f\·ln1es. Bruce Cha n<Jl er, Len , South, Dave Young, Kim Kim-I ball and Dr. and Mrs. Allen! Collle, Dr. and r-.t rs. Larry Baum and l\.1rs. Sherry Eddy. I Describing lhe fashions v.·;111 be r-.-!iss 1\farsha Youst and ac.; companist \\"ill be 1'1 r s , Ed11 ard Lcthen. Newspapers Aid Parish Bring one nr bring a bundle . This i~ the invitation bcing1 issued by Sts. Si mon and Jude Parish. Huntington Beach, for lhe first of an annual series of paper drives. Papers v.·i!I ~ a~-re pted al St. Francis Qf Assisi Srhool, lluntinglon Beach, Saturday an.d Sunda y, Nov. I and 2. and i:ill proceeds from !he drive ~·i ll benefit the pa rish school. League Garden Closes Gates The Coffee Garden, Coron;i del fl1ar, :sponsor('d by the Nev:port Harbor S er vice League, V.'ill he closed from Nov . I unt il Feb. 2 ;;.o the flower garden can be ex· panded. In operation for more lhan 10 years, the garden is the league's princi pal v.·ays and means project and at\ profi ts from it arc re!urned to the community, Public In vited Tee Tattler San ta Ana Chamber 0£ Com· Thi'.' engagrment or Kat hryn Childr('n's ![omc Sot·1r 1y \\'ill n1crce building and \\'tit be r~aye \\'right and Douglas GtPn stage an open ho usr to comprised of one delegate and r celebrate co1npletion of ils one alternate from each club ,,arrelt has bc'en announced , 'I ne \\·ly rnlarged fac 1lillcs in 1n the count)". .,y ,, r. and 1'.lrs. Randall L. Santa Ana on Saturd ay, l\ov. The Camp Fire program, \\'right of Ne\\'port Beach, I, fro111 2 io s p rn. · !Edi•or·, Nol•:" column of wom,~·· v.·hile specific in its goals, does parrnls of lhe bride-to-be. '.~p .~1b~~r.;•"if~1~Pf:'~t~<f' .;""~i not follow a set cou rse. The OrangP Count.\· re~1rlrnts 11 ill '"' 1111 """""'· Plt1.e m111 1npm 10 "· o Plans for a summer 'l'Cd· l1a1"c 1hc upportun1 1y 1i1 :-cc eo• 1'>M!. co''" Mt ''· lntY mu•• "" program is tailored so that the d · · ·· .. DI AMOND GEM OF ROMANCE l "• O••mtu•d I• •~t "'°'' <0"1•~11t 01 •!I vi m•, •h• h~•d•'' o~• er th• '"'"' ~r•lh•"' •..O u~u•llv "'" "'"'' ••l>'!n>lve "'"• tire 1nu ""'" I • b"'"' WI" i> ""~"'AV '"" 01•mo"o ~~' Def/I oe;<tlllf:~ O••~• wero '"'' 10.....i '" 1n<1,. •ml ,, w.1, '"''" l"tl•t th•! l~•Y '"''e !>•OU<lnt lo f uroPt. Howe••« oh, ~1,1or" A""" 'c~""" A•• "0" ••h•u>lttl ""'""!Ir. ~oul~ '""•t•·~ t•1r>0v; mint> V'"IO b1 '"' •h• lfr9nt qu•~•llY al 9t m qu•hly D••""'""'· fh• \<•lut 1>! th• O<~mo"d vou l>U""d>~ on "" l••,•l'V 1•ort "'''' dtllf""" on four •~<10" (010•. (l•ti'<. <U•hn~ .r<I r ••dt "'lgn1 G•nor••· ly. 1nt mo•e tOICrle" • "one ·~· lh• '"'"' lhe qu•h'y 11•1'"' !•Ii• A) me ''""'• "''""'"' to"'••<I> • ••Uo"' Im!. E•<•P''°"' •o 1n,1 rule •ro the ~fry •~•e, <Olofttl Do•mor<I' '"""" ., .. !i n<:V" >'?'°•' F•rnt>u\ .,.,.,. P'•• o•e me <><ta blut t<oi>~ Oo~mor.o, the ~•llo"' f •ll&ny, t r.Cl '""II""" O•t'4tn. M•nutw ti-\...., or l~tlu"""I m•v not f\~rm Ill• Olt"""1d'• beauty, t>ul Woll lawtr 1ne volu< >llQM H~w••er. !l~w• t/llOt A•t VfJlble to t~• n•kod eve <10 ,.,,0u>I~ n~"n M in me dl>oe••o""e •nd mt vt llll of '"" goem. Mo•• lmt>0•••n1 "'•II•) 1nr qu~l!!y ot !he cu!ll<>g. !I ••••• • IOI at '"'"'· oahtn(e •""' '""";'""""· No '-dl•mond\ • •• •••tllY •II~• ... ..., '"' ~ll•P• DI • ti••..-glv., ii • /l"llnd ol •I) ~ ...... I!'! up !o II>~ 111•11~ltq ·~~rri •o b"n~ av\ 11't ~! !n f dll mond'I per~n•hly Ht wolt O!":i<lf w~••n•t '"• •lnhn~ 11..., •~OUld l>o '""'"" <Ut, ov•I. ptM sh•pt. r merdl<I <Ill, Ot "'""IUl>e ..,ntl n• will r>l•n I"• cu• so tft•I sm1ll ltli(IDlt l o• co,oon ,p0h can be ehmln•l!'tl In m1 P•O- O••montt• pr«•> ,.,u tl•po•d "" •UI. r l11,1~. •~'o•. 1<>d <•••I w~T9~1 L.,,.., 1><10 ... •'• r«•"' Qu<>leloC•» 1Pubhlllttl t>I'" Ol:lltt•S Con· ~Olldf!~ Mone-., In< ~ ?> f'nlnl> P l (•'•'I \'Ill '11 ~l~ ~ pg;,.11 11 1 <••411 111(1 •o \.111~ 1 '"'" (100 t>0lM•I 1100 to Sl.!-00 7 CINI 1100 Po<nl!) S1,5<JI/ !O \,If,~ C~mc 111 1ntl lt t Out !Tnt .. let!IOn Q! Ci•mor>d• WEIN ERT-CLARK Fine Jewels =32 Fe ~hion Island Newport Beach, Cali fornia 64 -i -2 040 Large Sizes Gown• -!he long and the short of them - in nylen, brushed rayon, fl onnel. Choose your fo vorite ot Holf·Si11 Shop from 56.00 I i j J ' !. "· i · StZfS 40-50 rtctl •~ 11~ MO<>O•Y 1 1 Uing were revealed dunnii; ;i ";J options in acttnn. :ic Mf.S .. 111.1toE gir s, age seven through hi~h 1 1 r11rd1ng 10 Ed ll"arrl .J . :'llooncy . tow r;11o~s-tow l"E r -c1~11 a, school. may C<plore 11 iUc an11 Y p;i r!y in the hornr of -'"• Mm•>. f'•"~ P~aaot•. 1;. ,",. t)rangc. Count y d 1~lri rt d1rcc-".· ., vron, f'au1 ~1•t1errn~n. 11. '"" '-'""' range of interests. 1!11' brid(•-rll'Cl's parrnt s. t ·· nel: Jo"" llel!u<1n, 16, ~·tona IQ" "". Or' c-~=::2~; ___ !:~~-----~ Onn•ID 1Jouv1~'· 11, .,,,,d 10.• ""'' 1"1111ong ot her acti1•i!1r.<', 11ir ~!1<;~ \\'riuh1 i~ a graduate of · (I•" e. t"• Mme> M··~~·I ll•otoOfl, ., I , ''\ Q6, iow ••on. i;o.tn~rtl .Jonn1•011. IJ. ni rn1hcrs assisl in jlO\"C'rly l·:isrnhciwr.r )f1gh School 1:1 Y,'' I ' IONllC•,cne,1•1 Bnnne!' 11.1n"<I '"" areas ;in 0 rr l('f ~. S[ll[)' 1lati'1. A ~nphomorc il l c1 ·1n1·c A 1'ded '"'' 1ow ""'· D•n eroA·n. 1•. ~"'""d d th 1· 11 1 I' 1 I \r Soon 11t 84 Huntington Center, H.B. !ool"""'"· 1D7. ION OfOI\; "' T C.••l1n, consr \a ion. COOr\111g, l"!lnlp· fil.ll;Jf' .n:i<.t '-'o egr . !;; 1(' 1;;. E a ""'' Cla\> (. '"' ""'"'I H.,,n<rl r . t• ' () ,. ,, ti I I rr ~;;,';;>,,,1•;1_1";~;.,li;0~: !.".~, t'e';. ~:I"~~ inJ?. sewing and lc;i rn <•thcr n1111nrin g iri s r c re t ;i r 1 ;i I I / '.~~-or's HALF• SI Z',E SHOP '"~Os"T''~-... ~s1.~o(j~~. s~·.'~,,. l.\m•'· skills. St"i('ncr Th<' C,1 pn·~:<> l1n111r nl !Jr A v _ ~ "•• 0.,11 •• 11011 Mel,.,, il: N•t• "011, Il er lianC<', ~1111 nf :O.lr :uld .1 .ir~~"ll Ul1 1rr 1r1ll bC' lh(' ~Cl · \ 1J,,~.':~,~~.1s•.s,~i;,::~,,."j.~~~"11.~0 . 11~~ :'l !r;;.. K<"nneth G;irretl of li ng IQr a f;,~h 1nn ~how and 1805 Ne"".port Blvd., Costa Me5a m 111cn ~'~"""""' .. 11: H••old Ptt•1•0• Bl St M fl I 1 1 tJ<itlu ck bufftl ;:1l 7·Jo 11111 . n: c1"" c. 1h• Mmr · vrc e~;1 ••. 1), u e ar oms 1a to. ;i so 11·as grt1duate1 •·-·-·-• · w·• '' ' .. , -• l>C"t T "'d"y "11r blac.• Rorth or ltrh Srr~t'' _._ u .. ~ '•0~· • '""""1 •·-< ,....,,,_ tro1n Eiscnho1rer Hi,!?11 and ·' u~~ " · .... S•~f."J.;;( ,.\,..,~11~~:.;,~1 vertl•. :<1''o, fl · < I How~: •:JO to 5:30, Friday 11 ':00 s~nie ..,"'• Js.i•,; ''"""· l•S. "'"" · unt1ngton Beach Blue Star now ;i tlends Vall ey College tii .,pons<i nng org,11117:"lt1on ~ 1..ow NET, ocr. 11 -Th• Mm». meetings every !lfonday al studying hi.~tory and is ;i lit: Sor1 c1 v AuxL11;irv. Prncrrd~ · ..;;,- Vt•a• 'ii.'I~"C':ioM's'i.:'~O"..~'U'i ,,. f\fothers, Chapter 2 stage San Bernardino "·here he ,, lhf' Orange Count y Ch1roprac-"1" 12' 0 ••n1tu" M•11• Fwl1trto11 BE Jgn~ Got>•lt l ... , etrn~•<I Eoti.r1. lo; k I ' c r ll••1no"""~"'· 19. w-iro... ! :ID p.m. in La ·e Park n1cn1bc'r or the colleg1 ate te n-11 I 1 1illpjl0rt the LQ~ Angeles l ~c•n.,. """'"~ Coll•n•, Oane'<I ,£~"~~t~O~"~"·~"c _________ ~;~'-t~·~-.,,~·c_ ___ _:: ____ ~"~~l"!~~l_r~~"C:!".'~~":_~r~~::'_~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::=i:~~;;;;;~:=[! l~Lo~··N~\t. OCT. ,. -'"• M ...... I u ... ,... ~" " l'g(' () • ll Tl•pr<f l' IC ' lnlC. 1-itrbo!rt Mf'''"• 1,_ ll•th.t10 111<••~· /I . M~rfV (otl.t"". /9. lOW N'ET . OC T II -'"" C~•<I•• (.flifhf f'I. /I, It•" JM"~' C~llfft.n, II ll!VINE co .. ~T I LINO Nl .. E -r••·• ~. •~• ''"'" G"0'9t C ~con, Jr-~~ L Po·•• l\ G•t aa Li!u•. lo. Cl• e !1•• 1;m •• ,. J ~ ... ~~'"'" •J r,t ,.a• M c;,.~, ·1 Don l •"~ JJ , {I•" ( 'I'<' /I""'"' ~~m ,,.,v.,, ~l Jr•~~• C.•O't"••" u. ll~t>e" !lvllt· " Cl•" o. lh• Mm•• w ,ll••m M~(." •rl. 11 I'••• (,o,•u. '1':, r <ttl (. ,,.,,,,., l•r l N•llon, JI. Coeds Bid BvAlumnae ' HEY MOM. • • You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT ... ADULTS WELCOME Sears Gi rl~ intere~lcd in finding nul morr about Sc r i pp s College and the ir niothcrs Jre t in\'iled lo a lea Sa1urday. Nov I. in U1c La guna Beach hon1e of 1'1rs. Eugne Parker. The prooE.r ~o fl 1,p!i it, c.o mforl"ble ri ::. v1ell or, fa$h 1onob le, · i:e.rt ol coch Bali de~ 1 q n. And t he re ·~ a Bali !o r (;Very fl:-,hion in your \vardrobe. See our mar·vc lou •, callee ho n ond let our e~pe r l s help you eel cc ~. .. Sky-Bo li' '" wi-,tc 32 -38 B, C 7.50 32-38 D 8.50 32 -38 c 5.00 'W oter Ba li" in white . 32 .40 D 5.50 32-40 DD lash ions for . . . F•\l-iion llle nd-Newpotl 8e•(.h Ston1wood C ent1r-Oown1y l 111•Am1dcoa•<ll, MMl1r Cll1r941, l1 ,..,..,.., Cll•r•• 6.00 T"·o Scripps st udrnL~ 'A.-ill be presen t at the 2 p.m. affair lo ans"·l'r questions and talk about the school. 1-laking arrangements for the tea are members of Orange Cot1nty Scr1 pp~ Alum- naf'. lhc 1-lmes. Hart Brown, \\"11liam Parrish. Hobert Bu~s. R()hcrl Srnilh, C"h;i rles 1-luegy . 1 lo\\'ard \\"oods, T ho m ;i ~ .loh11~on. At fr Pd Oun klrc and ;\hci<1 Giaro111<17.i1 Benefit Staged In Sa nto Ana The flr;;.t annua l fashion show-luncheon of the Orange County Auxiliary, Californi a Chapter l\.1yaslhenia l-;ravis Foundation will take place in lhe Saddleback Inn. Santa Ana ne11:t Saturday, 11t 11 :30 ci .m. The benefll"i; fund s are l'armarked for fl l.vasthen1a r.ra v is . a se r i n u s nM1romulicular d1~rase that is fr<"riue nt ly rripphng, 11l111·ay~ ('Xpensivr. and s o m e I 1 m f's fatal. Sptclal i::11e~l~ will be ~fl5s Patricia ~l<>rr1son. ~l ar of mui;ic comed y a n d tllr~ \\fhilney Ellsworth, founder ol lh c foundation. • SP.IRKLl:l'G NATURAL CO LOR'. Kodak Co lor Products used exclu11\"l'· ly by skilled, professional porudl! rho1ographers. • .ClltLOREN AND ADULT>: Group~: O nly 99c per subject. f ull ro~C'. •SATISFACTION GUARAXTEED'. Yoo must be pleased or rour money 1$ refunded. e OFFER IS Ll \ll TED' C)ne porlrait r C'r sub1ecc, l':\O r e; td m i l~-. Araila b/P a t tir e Fol/01ri11g Sea rs Stores -1:.!:3 U to 8 :30 J'.ftf. CANOGA PARK Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st COSTA MESA Oct . 27 th ru No '. 1st GLENDALE Oct. 27 thru Nov, I st LONG .BEACH Oct. 27 thru No,. I .t ORANGE Oct. 27 thru Nov . I st PAS ADEN A Oct. 27 th ru Nov. l>t POMONA Oct. 27 th ru No,. 1,t SANT A ANA Oct. 27 thr u Nov . 1 >t ,-----------------------------------~ SANT A FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thro Nov. I st TORRANCE Oct. 27th thru No,. 1,t VALLEY Oct. 27 thru Nov. 1 >t 7 7 Fountain Valley VOL 62, NO. 260. J SECTIONS, ~O PAGES Council By JACK BROBACK Of !ht O•llY ,.11111 Slltf llµn11ng1on Beath city counc1ltncn gol a,, e~C'1UI Tuc;o,day night Outl111ed lur thc1n . and 200 intrrrsted c:itizens. \\'as a prograin !or the lulurc clr\elop1ncnl or lhr t1ly ,1·i!h special <'rnpha s1s on the blighted duv•ntown area. Th<' progran1 is t!1c rusull ol n1ore than lour )'rars l"Ol11nl:iry v.ork by thr. Urban Land lnstitul<' Citizens Stet'ring Co1n1nit· tee lCSCl and an cxhausth·e sur1cy by Given Economic Research Assoc1;:ilcs t Er!A I The "Top of \he Pier" :tica -old do\rntown section -"'ti~ i11 the spotl igh t. .o\s the three hour s ol l<tlks, 1nJps. f;1(·1s and figures 1rcrt r evealed !ht po~si hic translor1nat1on of this area Jron1 .111 eyesore to a cominunily a~!'.«.'l unfoh.le1I As CSC comm ittee cha1rm;1u f\l11111c Nitzkowski stated it, ''A rcdevcloµ111t·11l plan for the do~·ntown area was lhe 1n11~L difficult and n\ost contro\'cr~1al ol all tJLtr assignments." EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO~NIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER JO, 1969 View of Downtown's Ted A<lsit. planning consu\lant to the rsc si nce its inception more lhan four .'cars r.go, said, "1\ det"1~ion niu~t be 111:idl' 11011 It is 1·ital This 1nay he the l;•:.I ''l1u111.:r tur Hu ntington Beach If prn :it~· (·ap11al 1:<; not attral·t<'d now by Cl· tv 11u!h1!1 ve ll will ~o elsc~·hcrc." Fo1:;d po1n1 ol th<' r!1scu5s1011 1i< an art•a nf htll 315 acre:., 6 ot a SC)uare n1i!e in the , 11} ·~ 26 :)quarc niile:; So1n1' ('XCCrpts froiu Lhc EHA repor t arc rc1•callng. • -TI1e mid-beach area is approaching the point where the city must decide (·1th<-r to allow the area lo continue in its present economic dirtttion or. v.·ilh the help uf public and private funds and c1,<'rgy. rmbark upon a nl'll' course ai1ncd at n1a1or redevelopment a 11 d rc- Ju1·cne1lio11. -The nii rl·beach area, the nucleus of lluntington Beac:h because of its frontage on Pacific Coast High\\·ay, presents to a large cx\('nl the city's imilgc. -Along with the CSC and the city's planning department. ERA carried out a survey, finding a 1·ery favnrablt rtevelop- menl potential. The existing land use con- ditions in lht project area. characterized by low density residential and commer- ('ial developments and oi wells with de- clining production are all conducive to the realization of successful rejuvenation. -Huntington Beach is in one or the fa stest growing areas in the United Stales in terms of population , einploy· Today'" FJnal N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Future men!, household income and othrr related economic Jnd1 ces Such an economic env1ronme11t ool only will assist in ronlinued gro1rth hut demands con· l'ersion of blighted and d •• c a y In it ~rgments to 11c.11er, t"u1nc con1p\emen· lary and uses. -In ERA 's opinion. Jf action is delayPd !he major direction of growth could bypass !he mid-beach sec!ion, seeking area s more willing to initiate \'i abl (' !Stt OOWNTO\VN, Pase ZI ra e Ill ane __ ras Seale Yells Out Again Blctck Paritlier Rips Off Co11rt Slicickles CHICAGO (L'P!) -Black Panther leader Bobby Scale, although bound anrt gagsed 11·hen he 11 as carried into the courtroom. still rnanaged to get into a "·ild. shouting scuflle with U.S. marshals at the trial of th e ''Chicago Eight" today. llis chair \\'as knocked over into tile press section and he yel led that the niarshals had kicked him in the groin. Chief defense auorney W i t I i a m Kunstler stormed, ''When are we going to stop lhis medieval torture~ This is a disgrace to the law. J am ashamed to be an American lawver .. , To which U.S. bistrlcl Judge Julius J. Holfman shot back, "You should be. Philip Morris Bu ys Interest • In Viejo Co. Philip r.1orri!:, lnc. is buying a major \ntere~t in the Mi~sion Viejo Company, it 1ras announced in Nel'< York \Vednesday. Terms or the dea l were no! disclosed by ihe board!> of director~ of the t"·o com- panies ~li~s 1on \'1cJn ton1pany. one of the na- tion's lar£('St eom1nun1ly builde rs. IS the corpor;'ll1on 1lr1·eloping the ILOOO acre nr1r 1011n. 11h1ch cn1rr" an area roushly ;is l;ir~r :i.~ ~1a nh<11tan 1!>land Its fK)p11la- l1on 1:. n;l" 1nnrr th;111 tfl.000. and will rise to 100.000 111 thr nc~t 20 yea rs Thr tra11s:H·l11111 fur .\l1ss1on \lirJn. 1~11h it~ 1c~idrn11nl. 1ndu.<!ri al. con1mcrr1al, rd11cn11011.1) nnd rrf'rc.1 tio nal !acil 1!1r<, 11;1 ~ ;i11nuunct>d )iillltly b.v .lo!'.eph F. C11l111111n Ill. t"h:11nn:111 nf l'hil1p illorri~. Tnc. ;i11d Jan1r.~ I'.;. ll'rsl, chairman of :-i1 1~~io11 \'1cio Con1pa 11y (11ilm an nnd \\'r'it ,1nni11111crrt that ~11~:;ion \'ic,1n \nn1p;in~1 11'111 conlinuE' lo nJWratc as a ~rraril!c> c111np<iny undrr the cxislins 1n<H1a.i;r111rn1 hcarle(I by Phll1 p Rc illv. presidrnl. The a.1:rcrn1enl i~ 5U\JJrrt to nE'gotia- lion, execution and delhrry of a defini1il'e pu rchasr agrcctnent. ashamed for the 111ay yotJ·ve conducted yourself " It "'as the second d<1y that the trial of eighl men accused of conspiring to inci1 r riots during the Democratic Nat io11o l Convenlinn had turned into a yelling and shol'ing match Featuring Seale, t11c marshals. and H.offman , Thr judge Wednesday ordered the na - tiona l <.·hairman of the Black Panthrr party gagged and shackled to a chair when Seale refused to stop his strident demanc!J ·to act ·as his own altoPncy and cross-examine wi~s. Totlay, Seale was carried into the courtroom strapped to a wooden chair and with a heavily reenlorwd 1ag ovC'r l·i~ n1outh . As marshals bore him in, SrcilC'·s J.year-old son, J\lali k. piped fron1 1hc h11ck of tile courtroom. "Hi, Daddy." \~'hile Defcnst AUornC'y L('onard \Vci nglass was crosso-£xam ining a ·witness, S1~<ilc manased to scribble a barely legi- ble no tl! on legal foolscap . lt was handed to \\'eing !ass, v.·ho told Hoffman Seale :-aul the metal buckles on the straps v.·ere hurling his ""risL<:. Hoffman dismisse:<I the Jury and told the marshals to attend kit. Whil~ the marshals worked wiiltSeale's &traps. his left .arm came )oo99 and his gag dropped off. There was a=mediate slrugglP, Seak! 's cha ir toppl ver,, and he bego.n yelling tb:at he bad struck. No Pla1111ed Develop111e11t h1 Futu1·e Valley Building The planned development. as prcvlou.<:· Jy used in fountain Valley. appears doomed for future builders. This was the consensus following TuC'sd:iy's l>pccia l study session between the city counl·1I and planning comn1issio n. "l dor.'t thin k thcrc v.·ill br an} niorr planned rt evelopn1ents 11 1th an a1·crvge lot sizr of less than 7.200 ~qu.irc fr rl.' :-aid Plannins Director Stan 1\1iln.-.f1rlr1, this niorning. in rrflccting on !he lhrrr.· hou r mer!1n~- "Cou11cilmC'n ,1nrl pl;1n11rr~ al.<:n in· 1i1r;1lrd a thorough ~1 1uty nf thr grnrr,1\ plan of ]and use r£'garr!1n~ apart rncn!i; '' nct'cssary." added l\fansfH'ld . "11•llh a red111.:!ion 1n fut ure apur1n1cnt ~lll'.'i p1 11• bablc." No actions "ere 1akc11 -1l 11·;1s nnh· ;i session to acquaint !he e11y'.<: three new councilmen 11•i1h ,·arlou.~ problr1n~. hu t eomn1C'nts 1nade gal'c Indications of the t·ity's future directions. "Actually v.•c only havt three or more ;Hcas in lhe city large enough lo s11 pport 1he planned developn1C'nt conccp1 ," .<:aid fllansfield. A PD is a tract of houses built on lots smaller !hen I.he city·~ standar<l 7,200 square leet. but with green belts and parks figured in to make larger av er- a,!!r lot sizes. ~!;in~ residcnt..s have opposl'd rC<'rnt T'Df> v.h1ch ha1·c allowed small lots. The r ffect of allowing nnly a PD i200 "'i ll ht> 1rt h ~cr Jut sites. or opcn space, near that ol thr nwn1aJ B-1 lols. ":\n stud1Ps 11 crc asked fo r," r oneluOP(I ~l <1nsi 1eld. 'ht'Cau~ mo~t arr a!re<1dY vndrr 11'a)' by council requcst ·• · Sex Education J">ro•Yran1 Slated ~ At Golden W e~l \\'hat ad\'ft e "'ould teen;1grrs 1:ive lo thei r parenl~ on sex education:' Edito1· of Pilot Escapes This rrovocati1·c questio11 will be an s1l'cred on 1·1dcolapc. Sun1;a;v at Goldrn \\'rst College by students fron1 Jlun· linglon Beach- The event "'ill kick off a c11y1r1dc pm. gram <m parent sex educa tion, :;ponsored tiv lh(' Lutheran Council or Huntington Beach. In Aussie Copter Crasli BRISBAN E, Aus1rali;i IUPI) Orange CailSl DAILY P ILOT Editor Thomas Kervil eS<:aJ>('i.i seriou~ injury here toda y when a 1nur helicopter he ~·as aboard cra.<:hccl in a takeoff attempt from Gladstone Airpor t. first report~ 1TKlif',1!('d one or lhc 1~ persons aboard lhc Sikorsky S·58 heli copter suffered 1n1nor burns when :!l'iatiQn fuel caught [ire after the crash. Tv.o othrrs nboard 11·erc said to ha\'(' suf- fered slight c1lls and bn11srs. ll wa s not i1nmedialely kno~'n if Kct'vil. or 17806 Port Ahbey Place, Nr~·port Beach . was am ::ing those slight· ly injured. Kre1·il 1\'AS among a groop nf joumal1s!s v.·ho arrh·cd in Bris bane. ~ton­ rtav on lour "'ilh the 1n;iugural flight or lJr.ili.~h 01·rrseas Airways Corporation IBOACl VCIO ser1 ice lrom here to Los 1\ngrlcs, ROAC nffwtal~ 111 1.ns t\ngeles r::in- firmrrt !hl~ n1or111ng 1ha\ ,\1rs. Kec1·i1, a:r..<:i~tant pr<1n1ot1on d1reclnr IClr ll un- linJ?ton Center 111 lluntington Beach, 11 asn·t on the helico pter portion of the tour. She had remained 111ilh re!alives in Sydney. The helicopter porlion of the tour wa~ scheduled to take the vi$iting nrws1n('n from Brisbane to Heron Islnnd. a re111ote tourist attraction some distance trom Brisbane. The takeoff was attempted fro1n Gladstone Airport. about 280 miles nnrth of Bri5bane. Ar, the helicopter lefl the ground, it hovered al about 20 feet of altitude and then crashed back onto the runway. It tilted over on its lcrt skle. In addition lo Kf':c\·11, BOAC oflit ials and Australian tourist direclors, other journalilts aboard included : -Elmer Bailer, of Travel Weekly. Los Angeles. -~Ir. and Mr5. l\lelvllle Groswenor. of \\'ashington, D.C., he is edllor-ln-t.'hief and chairman nf the N a ti on a Georgraphic Society -Al Jlugbe~. Ch r1s11an Sc 1 c n ' c ~lonllor . Nell' 'fork -Kay S"·en!Wln , tra1·('l v.rit,•r. ll onolulu Star Bulletin. -rraok Scholr.s, Sou1ha1n :\c\\'Spapcrs, ~tontreal, Can11d1. The video-I.ape v.•itl be silo"'" in lhc col- lf':gc Forum al 7:30 p.m. and rs open to all parents regardless of religious affilia!ion. F-ollowing Sunday's or i c n ta I ton mC'cling. parent discussion groups 1~·i ll n1eet twice at four Lutheran churches on 1he following schedule: Nov. 3 and JO -King of <;!ory American Luthera n Church, J 7 7 9 t Newland St, Nol'. 4 and 11 -Lutheran Church of the flesurrcction. 9812 Hamilton AV('. Nov, 5 anrt 12 -Grace Lu1hcran Churc:h, G931 Edinger Avr. r\o v. 6 and 13 -Faith Lutheran t:burch. 8200 Ellis J\vc. Each program begins at 7:311 p,m. Sc:<>Sion leaders v.·1][ inclodt Dr. Jaclc Jorgenson. resident in psychiatry at J\le tropolitan Stale Hospital, Norwalk; Mr~. James DeLange , a school nurse and minisler's wife : Ralph \\'erley. as.~istant prin<'iral. Lincoln School, Coroo a del ,\frir ; and local clergymen. Further information i~ availAble from anv or the participating churrhes. "Tl•enage views on llCX education" Ii tht' fir.~1 of a series of communily-pa~t r11~r11~slons v.·hi<·h origin'a1ed from lheJre. _ ern! ron flict Ol'rr ~ex (_>dUrAtion in Ult lllintlngton Beach Union High ~ IJ1str1 ct. 1 DAILY l'ILDT 11111 ,_, Golde1a West Girls Ronn ie Fo!>lcr. Nanci Philippsen. Connie Bergstro1n . Sandy Zenk and Pa t Ccntofanlc (from left) were nominated for 1969 J-lomecoming Queen at Golden \Vest College. Queen \viii be crowned at halftime of Ilustl er-Rio l·londo footbaU game l'"riday at Oc c·s LcBard Stadium. ' Rustler Favorites l\l~o nominated· tor homecoming queen by Golden We!l t Collage foot- hall 11quad Wf:tt Judy \Vitson. Cind}' Szoneri , Susie Duvall . Lyrin New· 1011 and Dr:b1c Sheffer (from left). Queen "'l\l reign al homecoming da nce Sa lurday nig ht at College Cenler. I Flie1·s Wait Fo1· Rescue By ARTHUR R. \'lN~EL 01 Tft1 Doily 1"1111 ~11!1 Fou r rl iers lay in the 1nanglcd remains of a crashed twin engine plane at Orange County Airport for five foggy hours early tnd<1y, befor(' a control lov.·er operator came lo work and spoiled the wreckage. r.tiraculously , the two men and two \lo·omen escaped death, although a portion of the debris burned after the 1:15 a.m. accident v.·hich occurred on a landins ap- proach. Only a week ago, a sophisticated in- strunttnt landing system was installed at the counly airport, but the Cessna 31!1 piloted by Robert Perkins, 51, ol Long Beach v.·as not using the ICS beam. Perkins and his three passengers wrr" al i taken to Costa Mesa Memori;il Jiosp ilal. where they were reported 111 fdir condi!lon , 1vith multiple injuries in- <.luding some burns. They are Patricia 1\-lallas, 36. of !Mi52 Durham Drive, lluntingt.on Beach, Joann May. 35, of 5356 Gerda Drive, Anaheim. and Edmund Don<1hoo, 4.2, Long Beach, a neighbor of Perkins. Au!horities for the Federal Aviation Adminis tration sent a team of in- \.esligators lo the crash .<:itc. in a field nea r Red Hill and Paulanno avenues, but rc1'ealed little information. Orange County Sheriffs depulie~. ho v.e1'er, said Perkins was in contact 1\i lh El Toro ~1arinc Corps Air Stalion. "·hich monitors all aircraft in area skie!'I. lnl'estigators said Perkins evidently niisjudged his Jandins in the dense ground fog ha[Tlpenng v1s1b1 )1ty at the 11mc. slamming through a \\'ire fen ce c:i long the airport's pcrin1elcr and flipping 01·er. Control lower d11ty pcrsonn('I at thr. r.lrinne station evidently bel!eved lhe plane had landed safely wh en there 11•a<; no rurther contact during the landing ap- proach . No one wa:; aware the Cessna had gone do1vn until 6:23 a.m. v.·hcn an Orange County Airport control to"'er employe not iced a hole in the fena, then spotted {See PLANE, P11ge !) Stock Markets NE\V YORK !APJ -The stock market began to recover some of iLs losses of ea rlier in the day in moderately actil'<' trading late this afternoon. !See quota- tions, Pages 22-23 ). Orange Weather The morning fog may chill the air, especially along the coast, Fri- day but lhe sun should break; through before moon, warming the coastal area to 70 degrees. . INSIDE TODAY One of 111e lea$t pt,blicized of California state offi«• it shapJng up tU one Jot whit,1& there'll be the hottest contest, with Jo11r .~eeking the GOP nomi'nn!ion }or altornet1 ge11eraL Page 11. •inti. 11 C11l1tnt1e I CleulflM :14.lt (Hiiia Jl CrN1we,t II C>ftlto Ne!lcM lt 01-CM 11 lt'llllWlll I""" I .,,,.,, •• _, l l '~"" ll·U Hffet<... It A1111 L.._rl 11 ,,.. .. it, ,, Mllttlel llJllt>f'I n Nt,...,11 Ne~ W Or-(-tr It lrl'fl• ~ n S-t\ H•ll U•U Ml ... elo U·U Te .. .,h!M! St fl'Mtllff• # Wt1lft" • Wfflf N1,..1 •1 WH11.,.'I NtWI 11·M 2 OAILY PILOT H 1111>. .... Thundlf, Oct~ JO, 1'69 • • ~· . ·~ 0 C I II • a•iv-tut. ~- Ftind for Wont.an Hundreds Heed Plea for Help l11Hia! response to a plea by Huntington Beach postal rmployes for help for one or their (.:~workers has been good and marP is hopffl for this weekend. The call for hel p was sent out Tul'srla y by post.al workers who ha ve establlshed a hind to hel p Monte Ramey m~I 1nedi('al PXpcn sc~ for hi~ v.·ife Cara. currl'nt!y 1n Orange County J\l etJical Center with fa1l- in.i:: kidneys. '"\\'r 've bu ilt the fund up to $3~~ :ilrcady," said Peter Barazsu. chairman of the "Ram<'Y fund·· es!ablished by the rnore than 200 members of !he J-lun· tin¥ton Beach postal department, "A nd items are being {lonated for this \l'ee kcnd garage and bake sale," he ad· dtd. A special garage and bake salt-will bt.: conducied Saturday and .Sundt1y by po~lal ernplo~·es at J7.19l A\'a)on Lane , Ji11n· tington Beach. to gain funds for the Ramf.'y fund. Individua ls ~·ho would like lo donat• items -old turnHure, clolhl ng, bicycles. baked food." -h:i vc hf.'cn asked to c1ll Baratsu al R4f:i·l 10~ or iltrs. Florence: Jtihnson at R42-26fl5. i\lonctary donations to Lhe fund rnay be srnt 10. '·RanH.'Y Fttnd" NALC Branch 2135. elo P.O. Box 1015, Huntington Beach, California, 92647. Front Page 1 PLANE. • • !he wret"kage. CITY MAP OUTLINES GENERAL PLANNING FOR FUTURE O~VELOPMENT ALONG DOWNTOWN BEACHFRONT IN HUNTINGTON Ramey. a 33-year-old mail ca rrier who ~rr\•ices the Hunt ington Harbour route, ~ald this momin~ lhat he ha:r; already rl'l'"t>il'ed hospital and doctor bills totaling $1.000 and n1any ha1·cn't yet been recch·- ed. Rescuers rnund !he four \~ctims and :-;;ijd it was a nllfil<'le lhev survive.d. :iiiocc fla1nes had si nged grass and ~'eeds ;iround the site. From Page l DOWNTOWN • • development programs. -A proposed development for the p!a11- ning area 15 a Stries of resort specialty ('enters fa shioned after San Francisco·s Ghi rardelli Square. These centers would i:-ontain exclusive. beach-oriented stores offer high qualit y goods aimed at cap- turing tourist patronage generata:I by the beaches. -..';upport for ho!e\s and niotels i~ ~enerated fro1n business 11 ral'eling r;alesmen aOO executives). touri!'m anrt convention delegates. For Huntington Reach. all new raci!lties are all ocated lo the planning area since a beach orien· talion provides significant con1pelilive advantage. ERA projects 800 new units can be i;upported vlithin 20 year!!. HOwever. this projection douhlcs H the ci· ty undertakes a con\·ention·audilor1um project . -Proposed ~x1eni;ion nf the parkin~ authority to the north of Pacific Coa~l High91·ay is an essential prerequii;ite for dt:velopment of 1he specialty center com· plex . Ukt:wise. initial pl11nning for !he development of a mll!ti·purpost: civic 11uditotium mu1l commence immr<liately if the community is to a!trac~ the most rewarding convention lrade. since mJ~t -ton\'ention sites are chosen &e ver al years ln ad••ance. Sunday Openings Starting Nov. 9 J. C. Penney Company·s new Sunday fhopping hours v.•ill begin on Nhv, ~-it wa:ii clarified tod11y. It v.·a~ reported in · correctly Wf'dnesdJly that Penney 's Sun- d11 y shopping would st art at a later No\·ember date. Store officials said 26 PeMey·s storto:: in Orange and San Oitgo ct1unties will begin staying open Sunday afternoons lo take c!re of shoppers' ~edi;. "\\'e have opposed Sul\Clay openings through the years," ~a id execulivt: Wall ~1yerii. "Ho\\·e.ver. the popull!lrlty of Sun· d.!!y openings has grov.-TI ste<'ld ily . "Jn "irw of !hi.~ mo\•ement loward Sun· day optning:ii. in a large numbt-r nf markel.'I, the Penney Com pany has d~id· I'd reluctantly that it r an no longer ignore thli trend," he. conc\udtd. Abernathy to Speak At 1\loratori11111 Rally ~AN FRANCISCO fliPI) -The Re\", Ralph Abern11 thy, who liUcceerled the l1t1 ~ Dr. Martin Luther King a~ rh 111rman nf the Sout.htrn C'hrlstian Le ad er ~ h i p Conference . ...,;11 be the fealurM ~peakPr at the Vietnam mor atorium rall y Nov. 15 In Golden Gate. Park. DAllY PllOI llleb•rl N. W•td "'"'"''"' •NI 'utll>l>(t J.,~ It Cu•l•v \llt. P1t114t11I •"" c~~.,11 Mlnflrf Tho,,.11 ICtt•il Tht,..ti A. Mu·~hi111 M11111'rg l o"o' Jill!ul W. •~••• #lll<O(ltll (f<IOt H1111l119t•11 hie• Offlc• lOt !II~ S!ttt! M.tili119 Addrt11 : P.O. 101 790, •z•~f 011111 01'k ... "'"""" ,, •• ~ ;:11 \'1••• !1!1"1 ••••• ,, •• ,d (IH•t Mn • ))0 ~.01• !•• ~"''' LtfU"41 &t~tn. Jll rClft~I "''"~' DAILY 'llOT ... 11~ '""1(1\ 11 ~om~'"'" l•t ........ , ........ '"""'.'"•0 01••· ''"'" ~""" • , ... Ill llPl•fll ..,,,_ l(>t 1-<ll"••"ll'-, lett~. ,......,10111 \11111>• (!Hit N.fu. New• p<I 1 01<1\ 111d l•911"1 ltot". •*"I '"''" ·-·~1t11·• 1dl•·""· o .. ,,.. , .. >t '"b'''"" 1,.. ~ .. ,. ~''"'"'' '''"" ~,, 11 nu .,...,,1 lo<lo1 a1.o, Hh•IMl•I IH(JI. ,,.. »o \\'fit "·~ $l•t1•. (~•·· N. ... r.1,,1>0111 11141 ._.1.4111 ft-1111 Wnt•l,...Nf C1l1 l40·12Jt CieJIHtH Ath1rtkl11t 641·1611 [ff.,ltM ....... Of-(Olli l'lltll"~'~• ,....., ....... .,...., ,,,,· ......... ~·····•"•· ''''&"" ........ ~· •""'"'""""" ~ •. , ... "'II t.o , • .,,lllK.., •••~•~• ,,.tlll prlfnlo1•..., u <•o",."' eo.•1• f>•<''ll "'" ""'•·,• o• ~ ot 111 .. rer• e• .. ~ ••~ C••'• /"1•11. (•l•I"' 1 ~'''"~"l• !• I I''•(• ~)l)O ........ ''DY ..,~,1 1,lll ll"!Otll~ltl m •lllo,., lntll\lllO•t. 11 ~ ~,,~1,. 3 Districts iit l' alley Sehool By TERRY COVlLLE 01 lh• D.11~ P1101 51:11 Arc massil'c school district boundary ch.::ingcs within Fountain Valley likely in the near or distant future? There Is no clear ansv.-·er, only the con· rlictlng desires of agencies invoh'ed. Some would like it some would not. The question v.·as spawned by recent approval for 21 Fountain valley ramilie.!i to change from the Garden Grove Unified School District to Fountain Valley School District and the Huntington Beach Union lligh School District. It was a minor annexation (not yet finalized by the County Board of Educa· lion), but pointed out the problem In the rity. ~fany Fountain Valley families are within the Garden Grove :r;chool boun- daries and don't want to be, city oficials said. Fou ntain Valley is ser\'ed by the Garden Grove Unified School District In !he northeastern section. v.·hile. Fountain Valley /elem entary ! School District and the Hunlington Beach Union High School District joinlly serve the rest of the city, Cily ~1anager Jim Neal said today the city \\'OUld futly i;upport any move lo bring the entire area under the Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach dl.!ilrlc~. ''\Ve've had several call! from r"siden11i "'·ho "''ere surprised to find lhemselves in the Gard!"n Gto\'e di.!ilricl \.\"hC'n thev moved here," said Neal. '"I think one school district i;erving the entire city v.·ould benefil the city and the ~chools," said ft1ike Brick, Superin- tende nt of fountain Val!ey School Ol5lrict, ''it woold help the integrity and identity of both." Garden Grol'e officials, however. op- pose such a move. "City boundaries should not control school boundaries," ~aid Dr. David II. Paynter, i;u ptrin· tendent or the Garden GrO\'e. di strict. "We h11ve no comment at present on lhe ~ituation," ~aid Dr_ Ethan Fullmer, ;1 ~::istanl ~up€rin1endent of the l-lun- lln)!lon Br.1ch linion High ~chool District. llunlin gton Beach s ch o o I ad· Areas to ministrators prere1Ted not to accept the 21 fountain Vallty fam ilirs because !hey brought more children. bul no lax rPvenue. The familie! Jive In the Green vaney development east of Ward !'itreet and south of Warner Avenue. Huntington Be a ch administrators ho\\·ever have recommended a study for possible annexation of territory south of Warner li\'enue and to the Santa Ana River. Fowil8in Valley School District has asked tor the same study. That area Is mOBtly master planned by the city for industrial development and much of It Iles vacant now. It is currently under jurisdiction of the Gl!lrden Grove Unified District . Both Fountain Valley and Huntington Be11ch administrators feel It 'A'ould be a Jvgical annexation , Garden Grove of· ficials made no comment. But a large section north or Warner Al'enue In Fountain Vall~y is also eyed by t..ie Fountain Valley School District. ft represents a much greater problem because Garden Grove has Los Al•mos High School there. plus an interme.dlate 11chool and at le ast two elementary :schools. That's an ''im~aible situatioil," Dr. Paynier said. But Brick doesn"t agree. "!l's possible ror a large scale anne'll'.ation." he l'X· plained, "ifs mostly up to the people 1.o petition for a change. We have a fe w small annexations in the pa~t." "If the people there v.·ere de\ennlned they wanted to change," continued Brick. ''We 'd d<t whatever we could lo bring Jt about. It should oot be thought of as their leav ing Garden Grove, but rather coming into Fountain Valley." There would , of cour5e. be heavy e~­ pen~e Involving the switching of 1chool faeililil's and other complications. but Brick again emphaslaed thllt if the people wanted it. It could be done. The pr(Jblern "'ould htive to he i;ettled 11ith a puh!i<' hearing bcfo.re the counly Board of Education and Bob ~tat.hews, Failure of Bond Issue Hits 2,400 OV Children E\·~ry t.tonrlay morning 6f I.he iichool \ear 1.hr. Ocean View School District iieeds one additional clai;&room to keep pace with its burgeoning enrollml'n\. Unless the. voter!! approve a $7.fl million <'onslruclion bond Nov. 18. 11ays Dist. ~upt. Clarence Hall, that clasliroom will Mop opening and 2.400 children ·would be on double session.~ within one. yea r. "'The people of the community have a detision lo make 11bout the futur e of the M:hool system," he said. "The h'i:iiue iJ slmply : Are \\"C going to provide any more schools fur the Ocean View Dillitrict~·· He explainf!d that projections show 11 doubling of lhe present 13,000 enrollment in lhe next decade anri tha t •·thiii con· ~erv11tlve estimate would require eight new schools or their equivalent -a total of 200 claSl§room1." The Ocean View District is what i! lenned a "low wealth distrit't" and depends heavily on state aid llllocations to carry on itfi building program, ae- C()l'dlng to llall. "But in order for us to receive money from the 1tate, it 11 necessary for us to he bonded up to ~ percent of our tot.al assesaed valuati011," he added. Since the. Offiin View Di1lrtct baa just wld Sl.3 million in "o\er..aulhOriJ:ed bondl'I, it qualifies for state aid In 1 ...... 70 but not durln~ any of the following ytars which would 1trkxlaly impede any bulldinl activity. he .aid . A "yet'' vote will not Increase tM ta1 rate, HaU erplalned. since the tal" rate ts based m the aqesaed valuaUon. "We can conWI our repayment achedullng and the incrtase In asaealed valuation fthould pay off the bOnd~. The people who are ytt to move Into lhe distrlC'I will ultimately pay off thrse bonds ." A "No"' ''nlr . nn tht. other hand. v.·ould mean proiram curtAJlment a n d wiritspread double .sessions in the distric1, Hall said. Even I! the building program were rlelayed a~ much as one year, lnflstion.!lry construction costs and the increasing value of property will make future Con- struction much more cosily, he pr~ictcd. Coupltd with that is l.he specter of dou- ble ses.!iiOO.!i. v.·hich has already been a fam iliar phenomenon at Ocean View with the delay in opening of P ark View and Me~a View Schools due. to industry strikes and inclement weather. "If we Hlop building schools, al the rnd of one year \\'e will have 2,400 kid5 on double :i;essions. In five years !hat number ..,,·ould be raistd to 11.000, and in ten year1 every child v.·ould be attending double session!!," Hall s1ld. "We are faced with a crii;is. A5 .of now tllere is no more money to continue the building program. It takes ut one ye.ar per school ktr construction. You can't b~ak the profression, or you will create overcrowding." Youth Coalition Elects Officers Members of the lhmllngton Beach Youth Coa lttlon Committee: have elected EdlllOTI High School junior Joe La Ca.!iCia rhalrman of the comm!ttet for tt8t-70. Jim Sampsl>n was named vice chalnnan and head of publklty for the committee. while Pat Holme was selected &eerrl.iry.treamrrer. Other officers eltct.ed by tM Youth CoaUtlon are Barbarea Nell01I, chairman of rP.Creation: Jan Jone1. chairman of youth 5er1'ice11, Vicki, f\iddle , chairman o( Art and Sheri Lauer, chairman or puhhc services. Members <1f tJlt C'ity-spon90red \'oul.h Coalllion are currently maklna plans for a yout h in city go1·ernmenl day in Novembe:r and a car rally in December. Change? director of administrative services for the county, forecast a gloomy pic!ure in that event. •·JL"s difficult lo take l11nd fro111 a 11nified district." ht. ~aid. "Because i!1e i-1.!lle considers unification the Oest $y~trn1. '' ··1 th ink it would Lake a un;1nimous agrcen1cnt an1ong all lhr district:;,"' he rxplained, "lo i'ICCOmpli~h Jt, and that doesn't appear likely." ~·T'"" _,,_, .• .,. ., . .. ··i rrally appretialc !he help," he sau.J of his fellow workers' effon s. J\.lrs. Ramey, :!2, is a diabetic and is suffering from serious kidney problen1s. Doctors have discufised the pm;sibilil y of mechanica lly ci rculal ing her blood or of a kirlney transplant, but because of her diabetic condition h11 ve apparently ar· ri\·ed I'll. no decision yet, said Ramey. Jl,.leanwhil~. 1he medical expenses keep piling up as I.hey have for the past two monlhs. Youth Held in Death LOS ANGELES IUPI) -An 18·year- nh! \"oulh 11·ho was arrt'~ted \l.'ednr.sday in 1.·011iier!ion v.•ith the shooting death of a !cPn·asc girl outside Y.'ashington High School, has been released by sheriff s Lcputies. One shc riff"s dcpuly ~aid loday the fire spre<1d for 200 y:irrls around the aircraft. \\'hic h \1•as dP1nol1shcrl in the predawn crash. An engine "'as flung 100 yards . 'The four pe r:r1ons wt•tc on a flight from CalP.~ico to Or::ingc County Airport, hul ~h<'r iff's deputies said il was noL establlshed when tile plane took off. Investigators said thry understood one nf the rnen aboard -possibly Perkins - 11'<1! !he president nr some l)'flC of com· p;iny but this h;id not hN'n confirmed. Just about one ye;1r ago. a commuter ai rli ner crashed on the l\"ewpor\ frcc~·ay in a landing app roac:h sin11lar to Perkin:i;' nor1h·soul h setdown altcntpl , burnt.d and killed all aboard, The con trnvcr~y f)vrr Orange County Airport's lack of an ILS sy5tcn1 flared cil that lime, leading to an FAA speetjup of installation proC'edures. , DAILY PILOT ,l\Ct. b> Ltt l'IY~I INVESTIGATORS PROBE , PHOTOGRAPH CRASH SITE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT In the Foggy Early Morning Houri, No One Knew a Plane Was Missing SAVE 100. ON ;})aw11 By Stone and Phi Iii ps reg. 550. for 8' lengths NOW 450. f1~1 1cfv11\tlCJI of th111 imporlanl 11vin91 on 1i:ir J;ff1ret1t 1tyl11 ef luiruriou1 1prin 9 clown 1of11 1n • host cf 1xqui 1it1 f1bric1. H.J.GARRETf fURNl"fURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR OESl<iNER S 2216 HARBOR ILVO. COS TA MESA. CALIF. 6'46.0271 --------------~--~---------~----------~------.-----... ·~---3-·-~·.-,..-.,-.-.-... ~~·-·-·~-·1• -·-·-··· --·-·-·-·-----l ' Laguna EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks * * * . VOL. 62 , NO. 260, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1969 TEN CENTS Citizens Say Laguna Library Need Immediate By BARBARA l\REIBlCll OJ !~t O.UV ~llot S!1lt Jn a three·huur rcpl<1y of L:igu na·s litir<lry di<an1~ \\'e1lnesday night, city counciln1en, rr1cnlls of the Library and othc~ interested citizens came to lhe unanimous conclusion that the citf'S need for a new l1brarv L~ 1n1n1cdiate. They appo1ntci! an "actio11 co111111ittee'' lo seek a sult1tlun uf the present financi al 11npasse. During discu::.s1on, ;ihnosl c v cr y alternalive, from site select ion to fundi ng lo the possibility of pulling out of the county library syste1n can1e up for rev1e1v. About the only new thought injected in- to the talks came from r.1ayor Glenn Vedder .. "'ho outlined a proposal he said hr. had placed in th e hands or F'ifth District Sup~rvisor Alton E. Allen tl11s 1veek. He is awaiting a response. Vedder·~ plan, he said, V•ould seek tounty coo peration 111 establishment of a Hallo1vee11 Heliea1•sal • Sisters P atty. IO. nncl Beverly .Jacobs. 9, are dutifully impressed by costumes a nd ferocity of their neighbors. Fred, 12. and P aul De~l'Y· ser. Fred. Pally. Be\·er!y and Paul tfron1 left) are getting ready for trick or trc.-it rounds Friday nighl. Editor of Pilot Escapes In Aussie Copter Crasli HRISB.>\NE. A11s\r;iha j LJpJ ) Or;inge Coa~t DAILY PlLOT Edilnr Thomas l\f.'l'Vi l esca1)('r! serious injury licrl.' today \11hc11 a tour helicopter he "'ii$ ;iOO;ird crashed in a tflkeoH ;ilternpt fron1 Gladstone. Air port. f irst report s indita\C'd one of the 14 persons aboard thC' Sikorsky S-58 helicopter .i;uffererl 1n1nor bums ·when ;i viatinn fuel caught fire after the crash, T~'O others aboarrl "'ere said to have suf- Iercd slight cuts and bruises. Additio11 Slated To Alta Laguna At Top of World The Oran):!c C'ou111y Bf'la d Department plnns to add about a mile ll('Xl year to J\lta La gu na Boulcv;ird , a main artery serving Laguna·s Top (lf the \\'orld. Th(' extension, s:nd JoSf'ph Swean.v. ri. ty public "'orks director. "'ill conner.I the Top of the \Vorld to Laguna's developi n ~ ~outherly por!ions such as Arch Beach tleights and the Bolsana subdivision, Sweany said the development v.•ill f;:1cilitate fire and school bus ser vice: lo tht• hilly arC'a, Alla Laguna intersect.~ Park 1\vcnuc In • brnRd street rhnt n1ns southerly 1low 11 p-isl. the nrw firC' ~t:i t i1111. It will n1ovc nn r;011thf'rl y I') crnncf•t "1th Ba I \,I 0 II Doulcvn rd RI Ar ch Beach llrighls. Planning £or the fu\ure r1111tr~ the rorut on dowr, lhrough Ali~ Canyon lo connc1:l tSce ROAD, Page !) lt wa11 not immediately known If Keev11, of Ji806 Port Abbey Place. l\cwport Beach, was among those slight· ly inju red. Keevil wa11 among a group or journal ists who arrived in Brisbane Mon- day on lour with the inat111ural flight or British Q\•erse as Airways Corporation t BOAC) VCIO service from here lo Los Angeles. BOAC officials in Los Ange leii: con· finned this morning that Mrs. Keevil, assistant promotion director for llun· tington Center Jn Huntington Beach, wasn't on the helicopter portion of the tour. She had remained with relatives in Sydney. The heliropter portion of the lour was ~heduled to take the visiting new smen from Brisbane lo Heron Island, a remote touri st atlrllctlon some distance from Brisbane. The takeoff was a11empted froin ('.ladstone Airport, about 280 mile11 north of Brisbane. A11 the he:lie:>pler lefl the ground, it hovered at about 20 feet of alt i!U<le anrl then crashed back onto the runway. It tilted over on its left skle. fn· addition to Keevil, BOAC official! ;incl Australian tourist directors, other jQumalists aboa rd included : -Elmer Ba1ter,.of Travel Weekly,[.()! Angeles. -~fr. and Mr1. ~1elv1De Gnt1Ytnor, or Washington, D.C., hr i! · ~l\Or·lft~d and chairman ol tbe N 1 l Ion a Ccor11raphlc Society. -Al Hughe1. Christian Sc I e n c e ~·lonitnr, New York . -Kay Swenson, travel v.·rlte r, Honolu lu Sta r Bulletin. -frank Scbolt!'i, Southam Newspapers, 1'1ontreal, Canada. n(!W library and its maintenance over a lil'e-year period, after \vhich the city 'vuuld asliume full responsibility for !he library a!ld be re\iel'ed of la x re:;ponsibilily to the county system. The long-standing effort lo replace Laguna's inadequate, 15-year-old library with a larger fa cility appeared lo h<il'C. been solved earlier this year when, at the ~uggcstion of county library officials, the l'ily formed a non-profit corporation to purchase land on Third Street, erect a • IDS Seale Yells Out Again In Court CHICAGO (U PI ) -Black Panther leader Bobby Seale, although bouncl and gagged "'hen he v.·as carried into the courlroo1n. s till managed to gel into a v.·ild, shouting scuffle v.·ith U.S. marsha ls ill the trial of the "Chicago Eight" today. His chair was knocked over into the press sec tion and he yelled that the marshals had kicked him in the groin. Chief defense attorney W i 11 i am Kwisller stormed, "When are we going to i-lop this medieval torture? 'J'his i~ a disgrace to lhe law, 1 am ashamed to be l!n Arneri('an lawyer ," To \1·hich U.S. District Judge Jul ius J. }Joff1nun shot back, ''You should he ashamed for the v.·ay yotl°\'C conducted yourself '' It was the seeond day thar lhe trial or <'ight men accused of conspiring In Incite riots during the Dc.mocratic National Convention had turned into a yelling and shoving match featuring Seale, the marshals. and Hoffman. Thr judge \\'ednesday ordered the na- tlonal chairman of the Black Panther party gag ged and shackled to a chair ,1·he n Seale refused to slop his strident demanrls to act a~ his O\\'n attomey and l·ross-rxan1ine witnesses. Today. &ale \\'as carried into !he courtroo1n strapped IQ a "·ooden chair ;ind wiU1 a hea,·ily recnforced gag o\•er his mouth. As marshal<; bore him in, Scale's 3·year-old son, r-.talik , piper! £ronl the hack of the cou rtroorn, "Iii, Daddy." \\'hilc Defense A11orney Leonard \\'cinglass v.·as cross·l.'xamining a "'llness, Seale 1nanage<I lo scribble a barely !!'gi- ble nolc nn legal foolscap. It v.·as handrd lo '''einglass, v.•ho told Hoff1nan SC'ale !Oaid the metal buckles on the strap~ "·erf' hurling his \\Ti.~t.!>. H11ffrn<1n dismi~.'iCrl the jury and to!d the n1arsh<1!s to attend \.., 1L Whil~ lhe marshals "'Ork!'rl "'ilh Se:il<>'s straps, his left arm came loo~ and his gag dropped off, There y,·as an immediate struggle, Seale's chair toppled over. and he began yelling that he had been struck. "Don 't hil me in my-,'' he scream- ed. Defendant Jerry Rubin tried lo in- tervene ancl was straightarmed a\vay. Other defendanlll took up the cry that Seale had been·kicked in the groin. Seale was carried out yelling to Hof. fman. "You -fascist dog. rm glad r said the things that I have said about you," Laguna Trustee At Sala1·y Meet Larry Taylor. president of the Board of Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified School District, has jolned school board members and sc bool administrators from lhru1.1ghout the nation at a three·day seminar on teacher salarie.s in St. Louis, ?ifo.' "nie conference. which will seek more effective ways lo relate salaries and merit ratings to performance Jn teaching, is spof190red by the EducaUona\ Service Btrreau, Inc. of Washington, D.C. T~ylor will re:tum to Laguna Sunday. Sloelc Markers NE\IJ YORK <APJ -The llock m1rket began to recover some of_IL, J053es of earlier in thl! day in modera1e.ly active trarting late this aftcnp. (Sec quota· tions. Page, 22-23). ' library and lease it back to th e county as a hrant h. When it developed Ural eost of the pr()- jecl v.·ou ld necessitate a rental of 30 cents or n1ore a square foot monthly, dou ble. lhc top rate now being paid by the coun- ty, the plan was rejected. As an alternative, the rounl y su gg esl£'d that the city purchase the land outright and the cou nty erect its own building, <illoc<:.ling about $200,000. or about two years of its current anticipated revenue fro1n the Laguna library tax , lo the. pro- ject. Bui the city lacks the eslimated $1 fl0,000 it v.·ould take to purchase the land. and bonds cannot be sold on unin1· proved land , H i~ personal proposal for a solution to the dilemma. Vedder said Wednesday, is tu ask the county lo underwrite con- struction of a library equal to or better than coun1y standards by assu ming a 28· cent monthly rental rate for n~·e years. This \Vou ld involve investment of $!!,500 a year over the IS.Cent rate or a total of t62 ,500 for the five.year pe riod, 1f1P.r "'hich Laguna would take O\'er complete operation of the fa cility and set its own library lax rate as needed. "This plan," Vedder said. ''would eave !he ('Ollnty moncy and give Laguna the library it needs. Under such a ('OO perative arrangement, the county library could watch over us to make sure lSce LIBRARY. Page %) eac ictor 0 .. tl Y ~!LOT Stl !I ~~011 LIGHT PLANE FLIPPED ON ITS BACK ON APPROACH Owners Manual, P1rsonal llam1 Spill From Cabin Plane Down at Airport; 4, Wait 5 Hours for Help By ARTHUR R. \'INSEL 011~• Olllt ,Ir.I 51111 Four lli~rs lay in the milngled remain11 of a t'rashed twin engine plane at Orange Cou nty Airport for five foggy hours early tod ay. before a control lower operator carne lo work and spotted the wreckage. Miraculously. the two men and lv.·o ~101nen escaped death, altho ugh a portion of lhe debris burned after the 1:15 a.m. af'cidenl wh ich occurred on a landing ap· JlTOilCh, Only a week ago, a sophis ticated in- struinent landing system was installed at the county airport, but the Cessna 310 pi lo ted by Robert Perkins. 51 , of l..()ng Beach was not using lhe JCS beam, Perkins and his three passengers werf': all taken to Costa Mesa Memortal Hospital , where they were reported in ft1ir condition. with multiple injuries in· eluding some bums. They arc Palrioia MallM, 36, of .1652 Durham Drive. 'Hunli ngton Beitch, Joann May, 35, of 5356 GJ!rda Drive, Anaheim, and Edmund Donahoo, 42, Lona Beach, a nr!ghbor of Perkins. . AutllOrities for the Federal Aviation Admini•tration sent a team of In· vestigators to the crash site in a field near Red llill and Paularlno a venue~. but rcvea}ed little information. Oranaa County Sheriffs deputie!!, ho"·ever, said Perkins was. In COl'ltac\ '1 ilh El Toro fltarine Corps Air Station. \l"hich monitors all aircraft. in area skies. lnves!igalors said Perkins evldcnlly misjurlgcd his landlng in lhe dense gcound fog hampc~ibHily al 1he lime, s!am1ning th a wire fence along the airport's r and flipping over. Control lov.·er duty personnel at the fl.larine station evidently believed the p!ane had la nded safely.when th('re wa!'> no further contact during the landing ap- proach . No one \Vas aware the Cessna had gone rlown until 6:20 a .m. when an Orange County Airport control lower emptoye nol iced a hole in the fence, .lhen spotted the wreckage. Rescuers found the four ''ictims and said It was a miracle: they survived, since flames had singed grass and weeds around the site. One sheriff's deputy said today the fire "prr.ad for 200 yards around I.he aircraft, wh.ich was de:moUshed, in the pre:dawn crash. An engine was flung JOO yards. The four persons were on a night from Calexico lo Orange County Airport, but 11hftriff'" deputies sAid it was not es!abli5hed when the plf1ne look off. lnvt:st1gators said they understood one C)f the men aboard -possibly Perkins - \\"ilt the presidt:nt. of !;()me type of com- p<1ny but thil had not been confirmed. Salt C1·eek Plea Fails At Cou11ty By TO~f BARLEY 01 "'• 0•111 1"11 .. 511# A bitterly attacked Laguna Niguel CorptJration came through a gruelini five·hour public hearing Wednesday witb Its colors l<1ttered but with the verdict it asked of Orange Coonty su pervisors-a 4 to I ruling that once more shattered hopes of "Save Salt Creek" supporters. That ruling. led by Fifth District Su~rvisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, snuffed out the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation Distrtcfs bid that it might be able to provide 1 mini-Salt Creek Road in the Dana Strand Road arei1. Envisioned by the. coastal agency was a fou r-foot wide MO!foot walkway whiC'ft "'ould gi ve the publlc a street end-style access to the ocean. Only Supervisor Robe r! Battin opposed the actio n "·hen it can1e to the vote and he 1vas again the Jone dissident w~n the board voted -again at Allen 's urging - tn hand over 630 acres of the recreation dislricrs territory lo Orange County Service Area No. 3 -a transfer eagerly ::;ought by Laguna Niguel on behalf of its Niguel Shores development. UNSUCCESSFUL APPEAL District directors unsuccessfully ap- pealed to Sllf>frvlsors lo allow them to continue: lo prov ide fire and sanitation services to 1he area. Laguna Niguel spokesmen successfully argued that the district's fi nan<:ial status would not permit it lo prO\'ide such services and thal a continuation of the present system would mean double tax· ation for area resi dents. Rejected by !he superviwr11 \\'llS the argument of onlooker~ that '.l "'ould be as "'ell lo wait f(lr com pletion of the Niguel Shores com plex and then allow the rc11ldent~ to dctirlc \\·hich of the two :.ystcms they \\'OU!d prefer. B0th de<'isions \~er!' taken after a long l11nchtess session in which Laguna Niguel rrpresen!atives -cor poration vice presi. flent Knowlton Ferna ld and attorney Alex Bowie -v.·ere the targets of fiery tirades from coastal area residents. And both Ballin and Supervisor David B:iker added thei r caustic comments to an almos t unanimous condemnation or La~una Niguel pollcy in the Salt Creek nrea . Baker. in particular, made no secret of his disgust when he was shown photographs of Salt Creek beach as It stands today -the repository for fStt SALT CREEK, Page Z) Orange Coast We•ther The morning fog may chill lhe air. especially along the coast, Fri· day but the sun should break through before moon. warmin& the coa11tal area to 70 degrees. INSIDE TODi\ Y Ont. ol the lea~t publicized of California statr. oj/icta is shaping 11p as 011c for which there 'U bP. the hottest eonUtt, with jo11r seeking the GOP nomination for attorney general Page JJ, •1rt~1 u c •• .,. ... 11 1 C11111flt• l4·H Ctmk1 n c ... n-111 u Ottll'I NlflCn It 0 1¥1r<U ll l'llt.•l•I '"' t •~ttrfl-M 11 'l'""<t n·U ", ..... _ ,. '"" ltlMhrl 11 ' ,. I ---.. -----. ---------------------~----------------------.. --. -. From Pllfe J. LAGUNA LIBRARY ..• v.·e don't falJ below 1ls standards lh4lu,11h \4'e •ould aim at a much higher slandard. "Such a ne w tibrarv v.·ould rereJ\e un · told QWU1tities ol i ftu; ind 'A'ould nut "81 J!lr qpu.. llld oervlcu." Ved&ler noMid that nhw c~I In Orange County now have their own Jibrane.s, wh ile the olher !6 11re in the cou nty system. The nlnt', ht i;aid, represent about haU the population of !he county and sllghtly less than half Jts assesse d valuation . Laguna, he ;idded, is now paying a iwr capita library tax rale $2 higher than the average In I.he coonly library district, because of its high assessed valuation. Councilman Charllon Boyd said he ft'lt the proposal w11s "not nev.·." and had been studied and rejected brrore because of cost 01her warnings 11ere. ~ouudt:'d \\ith regard to i:stablishing a separate libra ry district , no!L!bly because of the co..~ of acquiring an adequate book in· \'f'ntory, Re\•iev.·ing the history of lhe Laguna llbrary from establlshn1enl of the county branch in 19?1, Vedder said 1hat ailer enl:irgement !n 1939, the branch wa s mo\'ed to the exis!ing bui\dins on Glen· n£yre Street and Park Avenue In 1954. "lt.s site, 2,000 square feet, v.·as con · ~idered inadequate for the populat ion of 7,0ilO even then ," he comn1ented. Expansion of the cxisllng site v.><1<; f'itudied in J!l62 and 111 1964 CQUnci l n1ernbers llf'len Keeley ;.ind Richard fica rs subn11tted a detailed report on po~ibilily of utilizing Ute air space over the Glenneyre Streel municipal parking lot for a library facllity. A joint study wiih the school district in 1!165 led nov.·here, a 11166 county tsludy ~·Jggested nine possibl e library sites, with lhrl'e rectlmmC"nded for further study and the Citizens' Town Planning Association subn1it1ed support of C'nlargement or t!1e existing site. Al th at point, said Vedder , Ute Board of Supe rvisors suggested the citizens h3d better gel together and select a site. ln J anuary of thi.!i }'car, th e general plan· ners proposed use or thr pipe yard (Ill 'lllird Street and county librarian Harry ll. Rowe Jr . .'iuggest.e d consideration of 1hc non-profit lease-back procedure used i;ucces5fully in some othe r cities. The city decided upon Third Stretl land adjactnt to the pipe yard and the non- profit corporation \\'B.'i formed i n February. bu t apprflisal of !he propo~ed i<ile brought about the fina ncial block, Vrdder explained. '"ll is my firm belief." said the mayor, "that \\'e must pursue the present course and obtain a more realistic rental return from the county in keeping v.·ith present· day costs." Councilman Roy Holm agreed . '"I 'vonder if the best tack in getting action v.·ould not be to try to twist the county's tail to do more than they have i;hov.·n "'illlngnetsS lo do." he said. "'Our problem may be unique to us today, but it wi ll develop in other areas and the counly may have to re-e\·aluate the amount Utey fipend for !lbrarie5."' Boyd said he did not believe it was a mall er of "t\\"lsting lhe county's tail." ,J "If funds are lacking, it's not the coun· tv, it's u~,'' he :o;;iid ''Time is the most iinportant factor and l can't lh·e vrith thi ~ 'soon as possible' any longer. Sometimes we have to face I.he ugly facts of life and fact is that the ci\y has many obligations and Is short of funds. We come lo grips \\'i th \\'hat the cl!y can do." Bcyd said he would go alon g \\'ith pursuing the Third Slr<'et plan if another method of ra ising funds could be found , bul ~aid the Keele y-Sears plan of ct1n· s1 ruct1ng a li brary over I.he municipal parking Jot, which the cit~· a!rt'ady owns, appeared to be the most economical ap- proach. Vernon Spila\eri. chairman o! the t~riendts of the Library site committee &ubmitted a rev ision of the origin al pla n for lhe parking lot, 11.'hich v.·ould add another level of subterranean parking . The plan, he said, v.·ould add 91 parking .'ipac<'s to !ht> existing 71. and pro\'1de a 10,WU.i;quare-foot library huild 1ng above. Vedder noted that 1n con.~1derlng the ~Ile for a multi-level parking structure v.·1th tennis courts on top some years ago, the city had been ad1 ised againsl e~­ Ca\·a!loo at the site. 5p1 talen chided !he city fo r 11~ prac!IC" of expl oring "one a\·enue at a time" and for not having assembled all available dat.a on such allernalil"e~ as fonning a separate hbrary district be f o re ne~oti:.ting with the counl y. lie urged conclusive action on !he Third Street site, • OAllY PllOT Olt-'HO~ co...11 l"Vll 1'"'"a COl!ll'••n· ••l.ert H. w.,4 ............ "'-'t!""-' J•~• •· c~.1.., Via "r•lllnl -~It.I IN ... tu Th'"''' K11,il E"lo< Tho,,.11 A. M~·pl.;"' ""-""'" £~1· ... 1u.~.,.. '· N.n ·--'"' l 'li.r ............ °"". 111 Fo•11t A••· M•llJ•t ......... 11, P.O .••• '''· •Z••Z --c ... JNM· 1» ....... 1 •• , ,., .. . .. ._.t ... (!., 1)11 """' 111m ...... ifVt .. _...,,.. ~·'" Jtll ,,,. ... a atucJy ol the fasibiU(y o( ' aepa!'le distrk-l and , 11 a third alterna~'9• revttal or the Keeley-Stars plan. ~ coonty, he Aid, -r•;; to ~ U. bfF l'flM"d •al In the lrU lzld WU buiji iii lfjjilij llbrory lu from the cjly -· -In fact tu from the nUrt lcbOol diltr1d am 111 ftl.IJ'PC'W'llng the ~t library, along wil.h subsldizinc county libraries in o:her areas. Jan1es Dilll"y rOSC' to reitl'rate the original CTPA support ol rxpanding Lhe t'Xisting library site to include tile ad- ja..:ent parking tnangl e which, he ~aid is once more on I.he mar~et for $70,000. Librarian CIUford Ca ve SBid he, loo. regards !h(' present site as the best ''frorn the point of view of SC'rvice 10 the publ ic." but would he happy tn acc<'pt any plan for a n1ore adequate fa cility. tkiyd and councilman Richard Goldberg pressed for appoinllnent of a new com- mittee to "wrap up a package" for coun· ell consideration. \liCl';·h1a yor Joseph o·sun1van pointed out lhat the present library had been built hy an "econorny·minded con1• munily" and i-oon prol'ed inadequate. He also not"d that the availability nf paperback bcnks could reduce the cost of a separate library. "\Ve seem tn be right hack wherr ·we ~tarted."' sa11! O'Sulhv<in. "I'd like lo sre a committr-e report back in lWQ or lllrce weeks on all this. Vedder then tossed the bait to O"Sullivan by suggesting that he name the commiUee . Before the session ended, the maynr rttited a li st of names submitted by the .. ·ice -ma yor. They included \Vi 11 i am \Vilcoxen. Cliford Cave, Vernon Sp1taleri, Clifford Nichol s. pre.~idenl of FriC'nds of thr Lib rary and named lernporary con1· rn1 !t ee cha1nnan. Fred Brig~s .. Jan)c.~ Oillt'v. Donn Dtme!ri;.ide, Dick Clark ;ind Charlton Bo.vd, v.•ith A! Aulry s1!ti ng in as representative of the Planning Con1· mission. "I take it upon myself lo appoint them all to this committee and urge them to get lo work right now," said the Mayor. Sex Education Program Slated At Golden West \Vhat advice would teenagers give lo their parenl! on sex education? _ This pro\'ocative question will be answered on videot ape Sunday at Golden V."est College by student.! from Hun· 1tngt Dn Beach. The rven~ will kick of! a city v.·ide pro- gram on parent M!x tducatlon. ~ponsored by the Lutheran Council of Huntington Beach. The video-t~pe will be shown in the col· lege Forum al 7:30 p.m. and is (!pen to all parl."nls rC"gardle~s of religious affiliation. Following Sunday's o r it n ta t Ion meeting. parent discussion groups will meet twic e at four Lutheran churches on the followi ng 11chedule ~ Nov . 3 and 10 -King of Glory American Lutheran Church, 1 7 7 9 l Newland St. Nov. 4 and II -Lutheran Church of th e Resurrection, 9812 Ham ilton Ave. Nov. 5 and 12 -Grace Lutheran Church, 6931 Ed!ogrr Ave. Nov. 6 and 13 -faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Ellla Ave . Each program begins at 7:30 p.m. Srssion leaders will include Dr. Jack ,lorgenson, resident in psychiat ry al ~letropolltan State Hospital. Norwalk ; !11rs. J ames De.Lange. a school nurse and minister's wife ; Ra lph Werley. •~s!slanl principal, Lincoln School. Corona del !llar; and local clergy men. F'urthtr infonnatlon is available from ;in~· of Uie participating churches. "Teenage view11 on &ex education" i11 !hi' first of a series of community-parent •l 1~rus11ions which originated fr om !he re· r rnt confllrt over sex education in the Hunt ington Beach Union High School J)1strict. Ni,xon Restricts 'Veed Killer Use \\"ASJ-f JNr.TON tAPI -1'hr \Vhlte l!•)U~C' l1as reslricteri llSe of a \Ve!"'d -killlng rhcm1cal used ex1rnsivl'ly to clear U.S. roadsides and In defoliating trel's and shn1bs in Vietn11m . Dr. Lee A. OtlBrtdge, President Nixon':o: ~r1ence ad vis l'r, ordered a limited use or lh e herb1c1de 2. 4, 5-T after studi es COil· ducted by Blomellcs R e 11 e a r c h Laboratori~ showed It wa11 dangerous to a111me1 life. In a statement l111ued \\'edne5day night, DuBrldge, who is also exec u t l v e secretary of the President"s Environ- ment.al Qualit y Council, said th" ~tudlts ind icated off sprin1; of mice and rats g\\'en relatively large oral doSts of the herbicide during early pregnancy 11how a higher than expected number o f deformltJea. ROAD. • • with the adopted route of PaclUc Coe1t Frttway. This would be an rxlen11lon at aome future: time of about another two m!les, a:ald A. S. Koch, county roed com- missioner. It i1 to be an Important four· lane artery, he e&ld . The 1970 exten~lon v.·ilt bf two lanes with right -Of · WIY acqul11ition for 'd· ditlonal t""o lane3, Thi' project which will nccrssilate l1 r11f' f'ar1h culli and fills I~ es11mat~ rooghly at $200,000. Koch said lhf! timtlahle of future. ell'· ten~ion would depend on how rapldly the Brea and ILi tr1fflc develops. To Get New linage? La t:11t1a 's infan1ou., Barefoot Rar on the Boarcl1valk, currcnl ly cl osed , has been suggested as a si te fo r a con1111u11ity !C'en renter. The city's teenagers .'iaicl in a rece11t survey that a place for lhen1 to gather 1s a badly needed com1nunity in1p rovetncnl. Sec Teen Corner, l'agc J. Senate Finance Co1nmittee Okays Everyi11a11 Tax C11t \VASHINGTON !UPI) -The Senate Finance Committee today tentallvely ap- pro'led a plan to cut everybody"a incom e taxes at least 5 percent. The total came to Jlj .9 bi llion. Also approved tentatively was an in- crease from $1 ,000 lo a maximum of $2,000 !he Etandard deduction perm itted taxpayers v.·ho do not itemize their deductions. Special ta :< cuts for persons below lh e so-called poverty level also were agreed to by the committee. These v.·ou!d Lagunan Gets Suspe11ded Term For Decorations A Laguna Beach Insurance sale&ma n received a 11).day suspended jail $Cntencc thi.~ "'eek ilfte r pleading guilty to wearing n111ilary decorations k> which he was not entitled . eliminate 5 n111l1on poor people from the t:ix roll s and cl1t taxes fnr an ;:iddiliona! 7 million low-income. taxpayer~. In effect. this would raise the minimum standard deduction after 19i0 for po•·erty level people to $1 ,100. The committee ac ted af te r it rl'jected a v;iriety or proposals to increase the personal exe1npt\on granted rvery tax· paye r for himself and each or his dependents. The committee, whi ch is voti ng at clog.. ell sessions o~1~ tall' refor1n bill , defeated several propo:tils by Sen. Albert Gore ID· 1'enn.l. to increii se lhe arcsent $600 dtducttotl. Ile flr!lt lest~ mole to•rai...e il lo tl.000 and also v.·as beaten on subse· qtirnL rnot1pns. ranging do wn to a tv.•o· ~·rar plan to increase the deduction lo ~i25 !he first year and ~850 the next. Tw"l of the proposals los1 on 11·8 tie v<•\e~. Alsn rrjl'C\C'rl \1·as a prnposal b.v Sen. ,Jack !\filler j R-!iJwA l, 1vh1ch would ha\•e granted a tax credit of about $165 for every tax payer and each drpendent. This could have been deducted from an in· dividoarr. final tax debt.. (;orl' told nc"·sme n he \\'OUld carry his light for increasing thr personal and dependent deductions to the Senat e floor. On the tie volts, Gore did no t gh•e the \'Ole brrakdown nor say v.•hich or the 17 con11r.il tec members did not partlcipale in !hl' vote. l'r'ont Paflf! l SAtT CREEK BEACH • • • bui lders junk, !wisted cables and broken rocks. MEll!'!>'i'i:R ~lli:A l 'it. ~ber ~ ~-!J:tl u It Wa~ some years ago. a lovely unspoiled sector of our C'OUl1&Y with a fine view of the ocean and a perfect spot for the brach lover," Baker sairf, looking at the .sevf!rnl photogrnphs before him. "Now ," he snapped, ··1 look at these pictures and I see what these people 'Laguna NigueH have done in the in· ter\'enin& y~ars in their u.sault on Oll r landscape. '"They have brought destruction and deserration to God 's coastline .'' the ob· viously moved Baker said. "Th is i~ nothing more or Jess than prostitution or man's en\•ironmenl in puri;uit of the doll;:1 r." Lookin11 directly at Fernald and Bov.·it', n.aker added. "lf I could find stronger words J would use. them." In earlier questioning , Baker eli cited :in ad mission from Fernald tha t had n n1•. ir immediately hurrying forw ard lo clanJy his employer·~ re sponse. AO!'lnSSION GIVEN fl'ernald admitted under the board ml'mber's questioning that he had -on behatr ·or Laguna Niguel -persistently refused to respond to boa rd requests th<t his corporation grant an eaaement in any sector of Laguna Niguel terrilGry that \'tould permit public access to the beach. Dlssati1fied v.·ith several of Fernald'• ans\l·ers to his repeated quest.ions , Baker asked : '"\Vould it be tnie to say that you ha\'e no s)'n1pctlhy towards the• issue of public arcess?"' Ferntild admitted that it wou!rl be trur. Bo\\•ie 1 m 1n e d ta t e 1 y look the niicrophone to stress that he had found ··evidence of a great deal of sympathy on the part of Laguna Niguel toward.a I.hose seeking beach access. I can readily attest 10 that on the basis of my own as.socia- l ion with I.he corporation," Bowie added . "The lnltrat of other landowners and the public have alwayt been given careful conslderaUon by LaJUD4 Niguel. AW .\JtlNG OFFER ll did nat •ave the duo from another at~ I ack from Battin in which the an11ry ~11pervlsor commented: "We are waiting for an offer from Laguna Niguel (of an Pasementl and all you ever do and have ever done is nothinc. lf you have an offer to make, let's hear it now." Fernald and Bowie did not respond. "All UJal's required for evil to take o•·er the world 11 for 11ood men lo do nothing,'' said Battin. "And one item of c1·11 alone is drawing my attention right 11ow -a photosraph which depicts all kinda of debri! and junk thrown on Salt Cree.Ir: beach. '"fbese people have come to lll with di rty handJ," the anary 11.1pervlso~~­ ded. ''[lu\.J ~r/ tel)•lh~: I b. e dlsbJ.,.d\11 1itenbe In) h an attorney o the Sta.tt ridi. Cotii· n1 1s~ion and there ia an e•ctllent chanct: U1at a criminal action w:ill be brought against Laguna Niguel." REFUSED TO TALK Questioned later. Laguna N i & u e t Corporallon 1President iWi\liam Beck refused to dlacun th\I issue with tlie DAILY PILCYf. Baker explained that his vote against the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation Districts' eminent domain action wu ··IJecauSt I reel that eminent domain is a power that should only be wielded in the direst circumstances,'' But the Second Districl super• iso r n1adc il clear that Laguna Nigue l may be forced to grant an easement lo the beach through a resource still open to the board -the demands of sueh conditions cn. La.:una Niguel tract inaps when thtr come before the supervllOl'I lor final ap- pro,·al. Bakr:r poinl<'dly asked fernald to point out on the 1na p displa}·ed before the board the sectors in v.·hlch Laguna Niguel wou ld h111·e to stek cuunty approval . And he assured lht' corpora!ion's represen· tal ives that the board would lakr. particular note of the beach acct6s dispute \\"hen Julure su bmissions \\"Crt made. MANY PLEASED Witness after "'ltness \\enl In th~ mic rophone In plr.arl 11 1rh !he board to approve lhe Capistrano di.~tricl 's em1ne11l don1 a.in petition and refuse to granL Laguna Niguel"s hid for annexation n! tt>rri!ory currently servic«l by t.h e districl. Supen•iMJr \\'ill1a.m lllrstein repealedly v.·arned those testifying lhat the Sall Creek dispute "'as not al issue in the publ ic hearin~. Every v.·it11f'SS 'ignored tha1 ap]X'al ;inrl insisted on int r(l(fucing t e 5 t i m o n v reganhng the h<"aeh rnad be[ore the board. Brennan "'lle1 !;· '.\lcCl!'lland of Lai:una Aearh bla:>lt'<! L.1gun11 NiguC'l as "'un· riua lH1ed. unli1 anrl i m pr n pe r I y nioli\'c;ted and 1H1! 1leserving of any al:· lion in the ir fa rvr by 1his board." ~1cCJelland, chairman of the Save !=ial l Creek Qrganization, accused La guna Niguel of dWTiping ''rubble, dirt and garbage on the tidela nds of Salt Creek v.·ilh ab~olu1e CQnte mpt for the interest~ nr the public and in thr knowledge that thry "·ill he supnorlerl in c1·rry!h1ng they (l o by this Board of Supervisors.·· DON'T DETRA\' llt>len Keeley of 1.;jg11na Brach 11rgrd the board ··nol to bet ray the people vt this county. "You ha ve the opporluni1y to sal\'agc something for lhe public,"' the former Art Colony councilman tsaid. "People all over our nation are revolting against their elected officials because of this \'ery Issue of environment and you today have the opportunity to be in I.he vansuard of this movement." Mrs . Keeley urged the board to "aban· don the idea of a footpath and condemn the entire road. "You have established a SL million f11nrl lor beach access," she said. "Why don"l you utse it to condemn th is road and resoh·e this issue once and for ell." Sewer Oittf all Damage Studied An under•>'ater plloLographle survey nf Laguna's 3,000..foot sewer outfall along the OCt!an floor will be recommended to determine if it was da.maged by Ii-tori· day's tarlbquake. The outfall line. from the foot lJ/ Broadway jkiint.s generally toward lh,, temblor's epicenter, about 31 ~ miles olf the Broadway beach area. .IO!tph Su·eany, director n.f pubhc wo1 k.s, eaid his department will first !ei;t the JO.inch line by inserting dye into the r:ewlge effluent lo see if there is a rur· lure. The dye would float lo the ocea n 1urf2ce. Sweany said the outfall line \.•as la.st in- s:pected by SCUBA divl."rs in January nf 1967. He said a new inspection would have been ...recommendl"d for next fiscal year but the quake hastened this The public work s d1rertnr ~aid he ha.:; no reatsan to believe the line is rupturl"d bu1 nl'eds tl:l bl' ~11rc. Francis Philip Ford, 100 Cliff Orivr. was 3Cntenced Monda y following a hear· ing before the United Statets Com · missioner in Santa Ana. He wits ap· prl'hended 1n Laguna Beach \\'earing an en1ign'11 uni lorm of the hlilltary Sea Transport Service (~1STSJ , By dtcorat- ing the uniform \\'i!h a Good Conducl r.tedal and Purple Heart. Ford had com - mited a federal misdemean or, the com - mlssioner ruled. SAVE 100. ON l\1aximum penalt y under f ed er 11 I statute for illegal v.'earlng of military uniforms or decoralion.'i i~ a fine of up tri $~ andlor six mo nths In jail. A com plant against Ford had been !tied h.\' 1hc FBI. acrording to Laguna Beach police . He was formerly a Ch.le{ Pcl!y Of- ficer in l\tSTS, hut ne\'er a commissionf'd 0fffcer. lh<' ro111 pl:unt charged. and \\'flS nol C"ntit led to wc:.i r 1h{" drcorat1ons 111 fjllf'MIQll He v.·as picked up oots1de his home by an FBI agent and twn Laguna Off icer& following lengthy In vestigation. Sunday Openings Starting Nov. 9 J , C. Penney Con1pany"s ne"' Sunda y •hopping hours v.·ilJ beg in on Nov. 11, it was clerlfitd tod11y. It wa.~ reported in· etirrectly Wedntsday th11l Penney's Sun· d11y shopping would st art at a late r Nnvembcr date . Store officials f'aid 26 Penney's 11tore$ in Orange a.nrl Sin Diego counlle~ will begin slaying oren Sunday afternoons to take care of sh11ppers' need~. '"We ha ve opposed Sunday open ings through the year~:· 5aid e1>;ecutive Well r.tyers. "Howt\•er. the popularity of Sun· day openings his grown steadily. "In view of thl~ movement toward Sun· rlay optnlngs . in a large number of markets, the Penney Company has de<'id· l'd reluctantly that it can no longer tinore tl'lis lrmd," he concluded. Abernathy to Speak At l\1oratoriun1 Rally SAN FRANCISCO IUPI ) -111e Rev. Ralph Abtrnath~1, v.hn aucceMed the la te nr . ~larlin Lulhl'r King as ch11lrmRn ol lhe SouthPm Christian L e ad Pr sh Ip ronfl'rPnl"f'. v.·ill ht !hp feal urffl ~!)f'Rker at lhe Vlrtn11m mnratorium ra lly Nov. 1$ In Go\d t n Gate J'ark . PRO FESS IONAL INTERIOR DE SIGNER S ';J)aiun By Stone and Phillips reg. 550. for 8' lengths Open Mo11., T~ur1. & Fr i. E.Y11 . NOW 450. r.i.-. aclvent•g• of the1• importerit 1a ¥ing$ or. 11ir cliff•r•nt 1tyl•1 of lu~urioul •prinq clow" 1ofa$ r" • hoit of •xqUi1i!1 f•bric1. 2216 HAR!OR !LVO. COlTA MESA. CALlf 6 .. 6.Q27l ' , ; J ' G1 st; c~ an st~ '"' lh< th; die no lt n r pl ;: foe "'' ' n, lo ac nf .... -·--.-------------------------------------------------------------·-··----·-··-·--.-·-· ·-·-. _ ... _, __ 1 • ' •. • Covered Bridge Opetaed Gerry Dole puts finishing touches to .A.merica's n e,\·cst covered bridge as lie s tand s atop Curly, his 2.000-pound Belgia n draft.horse . The bridge . near Felton. Calif.. v•a s built by the Roaring Can1p and Big Trees Na rro,,·.Ga ugc l~a1!roacl a nd \Vas d ed icated thi s \\'eek. 300 Cl1icl1·e11 Die Daily n1 Biaf i·a LIBRE VILLE. C.ahon <AP) -Every day at !east 300 children die nf starvation and anernia i,n Biafra n hospH als and sick bay~. 1hr French Red Cross mission in Biafra sa y~. A report fro1n 1he mission. rf'leased by the F r c n r h Embassy here, painls a gri111 picture of '' g c n c r a I i ze d famine" arnong the nine m ill ion Biafrans \\'hose only supply line is R clandestine night airlift fronr Libre,·illr <'Ind the Portuguese island of Sao Tome. Thcrtt <ire no o f f i c i a l statistics on th• number nf fam ine deaths in Bi;1fra, bul the report estimates that more than 60.000 children and adults die in a single "'et'k. The French l~ed Cro~~ has <loci.ors ;:ind nursrs in Bial ra . It and \"llrious church relief n r g an izati o n s S<'nd I~ planeloads of .ihnut 1&1 ton~ nf food supplies into Biafra eve ry night. The In1rrnat1on;il Red Cro!i~ f'ommitler.·s rr1icf ;11 d 1ft ln•11l Cotonou. car1r.1I nf O:ihotn t'y, h a ~ been grnundrd !or I 11 c 1nont hs bPCtHL'<' nf nhJt'clion" froin the Lagos go1 rrn111cn1 to the night fl ights. Ne(!ot1;itio11'\ for daylight fl igh1s ha1·e col- lapsed. -prr day is necessary ln per111it the sur1 ival of the Bia fran people," the reporL derlart·~. So1nr 20 hn~pi t<tls are still funt•!ion1 ng in Biafra . ""The hospital s, r e~ c r v c d for chiltlren. admit only Hwise \1·hnsc c·ondil ion is par!icularly crit ical.'' the r!'port says. ··The death rate varies from 20 lo :ill percent. "The hospital at Santana, run by P'rench doetors. rl.'ports lhr \1•rckly loss of 30 10 50 rhi ldrrn v.·ho died because lhey ha1·e remained for too long \\'itbout food." Some 250 sick bays take_ care of more tha n 20,000 l"luldren for 11·horn there is no room in hospital.~. In each sick bay at least one child dies e1·cry dily. Sn1nc d;iys. the lotal nu n1bC'r or deaths in the !lick bays rxr.reds WO. Ne:1rly l .8 rn1lhon hornr le.o,:; 111•.<:lilute person~. nl o s I 1 v ;+duU s, are n1aintained by thr French Bed Cro~s ;ind !he C'hu rth rrlirf orga111zation in liundre1!s of rr fugl"e ca1nps H'illl('l"l'd aero.~.~ the territor y :-.ld l und rr Bia !ran control. Tht~Y rr{"CJ>'c iin on r r;1ge of 1hrrl' rnra!s 1icr \1 1'ck. tlic report says. "i\lany prnpl r die rvcry da~· 111 r\·ery camp.'' the rf?port adds. ··in a i;1ngle Hcd Cro:.s r,1rnp lllO rlr ;1tti~ 11crr recently 1rr.:onicd in a s1ngl~day." 111 rur;il arra" !he rcl1rf or~:11uz~1 !1011s l1:1rc set 11 11 11 ,(11)11 l1.!l'd111g L'1•n!rr:-11\11111 Jlf illionuirc Traffic Cop JOHANNES3 VRC.. S ou 1 h Africa I AP I -R1{"h:1rd H'1ylcl 1s prob11 bly the 1\0rli.rs ri ch~sli' tra ffic rop. lie 01vn~ a ~·arht . ,1·hich hr keeps at ~·lontc Carla, dr ivc~1 cs.pensivr t ars anrt has a house \1•Hh ha lf a dozen scr\•ants in 1hr l'ht r .Joh<in· nesburg suhurb nl Bryil n~lnn. Hovlc . ;i tr .xll lr n1a1111fac . lurer". supplies the 1nalc n alj for pO llce unifo rms. lie star!er1 riding a motorcyclf' ty,·o years ago at age '18 and r1r\ eloped a ,·en to br a traffic cop. · No1v he directs ru sh·ho11r traffic a~ a ,olu ntcrr almost ('\"l.'ry day on one or 1hc nu11n l roads into ,Johannr"burg . Jlt'I \rears a black un1fo rn1 and ! \1·hitc crash heln1rt. I .. , ·"CC nothin,i: lll1U5\lll.I.'" llovlr said. '"in the r;ic1 that I. a ri1illionairc, an1 working fl.~ a lrnff it ropy. riding a 500cc 111 0\orbike when 1 could hr dri ving 111.v Rolls·ltoycr. I 11111[ nn\ a "CH·ap poin1 rrl crarkp)I •·1 will ron11nu r dirc<.'.l tnt:,1 1rilff ic brc:i11~r it 1~ 111y c1vi<· du1v lo flo ~n. I ;i\~o get :i greiit dPal of fun nul of diret·. I ling tr:ifl1t•. 1 h<l\f't1"\ cnjn~'cd 1111·~ell so 1nurh lnr ~car~.·· \ Ho~·le"s w1(e recen1ly s11rrl , !nm for dil"orce. a ~k1ng for , .~i~2 a rnonth anrl c1 1~1ody ol lhrir thrrr d.iui:lil cr~ )]o~!r nppn~rs 1hc action. 11·hirh is «1"Jnt 1nuini; 1n JohJnncsbur g[ Supreme Court. ~Ir~. lloylr told thl" co1tr1 that she nbiccied to hrr 1 hti~hr.1111"~ as~oc1at1nn 11 11h1 <J1hrr 1raff1 r pol1f'f'1nrn 1\h11 10,rrr · r~iugh ' 111('11 not ,.r 111. i ·la~'· The Frc11ch Red Cros!i and the church relief organiiat1nns J1ave ignored Lagos objcct1011s rt nd continued 1heir n1gh1ly fl i~hls fron1 l.1hrcr1!1e fnr more than a \"C'<lf. r.rthon 1~ o,e of !hr fo1ir 1\lrican roun- lries v.·hich h:l\'c rccogn1,:cd B1afr11. The f rrnch 1niss1on in pror 1dc sn1ne I 4 1111 111\•tl ------------ fi 1:ifr;i ~a\'S tlic 1!\ll Inn~ flf foocl <1 re h o p r I c s s I y Jn· adeq11a t!' "The ~hip1ncn1 nf 2.1120 ton~ or foodstuffs -235 planeloads l't'r•on~ 11·ith one 111e.1J ~1 d:i). Thr rc is no rst1niatc of thr 1111n1hrr nl f:i n1 111c de;i ths .'un nng tho:-f not under direct rnedic~l or can1p ~upervislon. Overseas Christmas Tree PACKAGED -READY TO MAIL! Complete with -- e LIGHTS e TREE TOPPER e GARLAND e ORNAMENTS e TINSEL OTHER NIFTY USES *OFFICES *KIDS ROOM * HOSPITAL ROOM * FOR SHUT-INS • • Reod TV WEEK Every Saturday in The Daily Pilot ARTIFICIAL 2 FT. TALL s59a Hn1Mttts .. 9,.li•y .,d 5,,,.; .. s;, .. ,,0 .. 2640 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA -546-5525 • • Th or'>ddY, Octobtr 30, 1%1) DAILY PILOT ff Haynsworth's Life Not So Isolated GJlEEt\VILLE, S (' 1L'l'Jl -In an 1nterv1ew i-ho rl!y h(ofore hi~ nomination to th!' SuprPme Court °"'as announced h\ President N!;i;on . Judgi> Clement •laynsworth relcrrt•d to a JUd~e ·s hie as ··~plend 1tl isolation." But bcsc.igcd by rr port :·r~. fnends <11111 t~nen1ie~. ;111d st:1cks of 1111>11. thr• .'ili·>l'i.1 1"·1111! judge co rtrrdt'S his !ii i• h:J~ he<·onrr 11n) thing Lut 1::.oltiteJ Jn the l.'.lsl month The ~rock~'. lir~P1·1 ·!al'lrd chief judge of lh1· L'S. 41h Circuit Court of Appt'.1ls \lnrh- cd in his shi rtsleeres at h1.~ office rlesk Tuesd ay goinb O\f'r hricfs f)('nd1 ng tx.>fore !11s i'Ourr T<i!king with a st;:i1nn1t r th<il h<11i n1ad1> him rcluc:ta nl t11 faee tclPvision can1cras, Jl ;iynswvrth spoke about !he (·onlru1 cr~y hi ~ non11nation h:i.~ aroused throu!lhuul tile 11;1!11111 ' I 1·xpct !C'1! ~(!Ill<' 1·u11· 1r:'l11•r:-v wht·n !he 1h1111111:1l 1u11 11 :.i.~ :111i101111rc1!," he s;u'.l, '"b11L I didn't \'X f'.H.'t:t ;u1.vth1ng l1~e 1111\ 11 1111ltl h:n·e d(•vc!opcd." Thi' l:ilt'sl UPI 'lnl! ~ho11 s 11 ~ena!or~ opposeri' 10 111:. (·On· f1nna1 1un with J7 in fa1 or <\nJ the rcrnauung 19 undt>ci dPd. llarns,1·orth ls l1opefu l but unhappy o~er the f'>ipf'nences uf the Jasl n1011th ... IL has not been a particularly pleasant l'x [lr ncnee," he said sn11 hni;. Uu t lie 1n;1dc 1t clear he bcl1e;es f'ach senator has harl .~ '"p<'r!P1·t right" !ti JUdgl' his q11;di i1(•;it1on.~ r[)r the high 1 ·0111· l. ll;_i1·1i.;;w"rlh. a 111\h gt'n<'r:i · t11111 l nw~•T frun1 one ul SUl1th (".'lrfil111;1·s r11n~t pro1nlnc11L l;11nil1t''· n·luscrf lo t:i lk aOOut l ilargc' ol 1 onf!u:I ol lntcre . .;t ;ind ,11\ti·labor, b1a.~ r:used ;1g;.1 1n.~t hun by Senatt' rnucs. "Judicia l cthir:. require th at re1nal rt s1lrnt 111 r1111· lf:'ll'crsy," he said. Uut he 1s determined not lo ask al>oul the controversy. lie ~ays he has 110 intention ol withdra11•ing from the 11on11n:i- t1on. To do so, he saul, Y.oultl ''lrnd Cfl."<lence 1.1 l h e tl1argcs'' raised aga inst b1n1. H;iynswor1h Sa) s he ha s t-· ··inr11rer.:1" contacl with !he Presidrnt during thl!I lcu~llly struggle !or con· fl rmation. but intends lo re· fPliJ"1 :i i his <:reen v1llc off1cl': In the Federal Courl Building ' "" 1~ spccifLcally ealled to \\'a~hing~on. Epilepsy J\1onth Set N ovcrnbe r ha s Uern rccogruzed as Epilepsy r.lont h in Fou ntain Valle y by pro- l"lama1to11 sig11ed by ~1ayor Edward J ust. .hist issued the proc lamation this \veek in honor of th~ launching of tl1r Orange Coun- ly Epilepsy Socie ty's annual fund drive. FAST AND EASY! LANDSCAPING WITH RAILROAD TIES e Bui ld Pl•ntecs - e Retaining Walls - e G arden St air s 0 Patio Decks Edsy, Fa ~+ an d Perm aMef"\t COLORFUL GIANTS HYBRID PANSIES P:ant Now for All W int r r Colo r Bes t for Borders c!!nd Solid Beds in Sun REG. 79c DOZ. 3 00,.$119 fo, PYRACANTHA For Yu letide De,oration Lar ge I Gal. Si ze Pldn t\ Loa ded With Ma ~se s of Bright Red Ber rie) EASY TO GROW ! T1rT"I! i~ runninr.: 0 11! •rr nla nt•ni; 1h<i t :..P' 1g ga rden you want Corne 1n a nd ChOOl".C l•t'HTI ,, c.01n plel e $(llecl•on r,f fine, clean, he;:i lt11y hulb., -all lrorn Hollanl1. Rea~ona bly P"C.i:'d ,,,,.1 rea d! !or p1an t1n~ no"'. -~~~~~~~~~~~'--'---~~~-~ I BROWN LAWN BLUES'? Turns All Lawn s A Rich N at ur a! G reen. Lasts All W int er. Prov en Effe cti ve. 1 c;>T. COVERS AYERAGE FRONT LAWN LEMON FLAVORED! SPECIAL THIS WEEK M e yer Lemo n Bushes Dwarf Grower • C an Be Used In Any Garden, La rge or Sma ll REG. Sl .95 98' ··200 anBalldini Super Weedilizer A c:omplete dichondra fertiliZM with Enide. Destroys 3b weeds and gr~. Kills insects too! ~lb.~ ~;tl7},?p NOW$ll}q5 FALL SPECTACULAR! IN ALL COLORS! Comi ng Into Full B'oo ni. Ma ssive C o!or From Ha 'loween Thru Thd nksg iving . They Love the Sun HEAVY PLANTS 79' .. FASTEST SHADE · IN THE WEST EVERGREEN He•lthy Young Ash Tree s Plan t Th is Fall for Terrific; Spring Growth REG . $6.9S $298 5.c;AL. HOURS; MON I~•~ THURS '+• 6: FRt. +.I!' P·'"·: SU N 10 1 "'· +o ~ p "'' SATURD .-,Y ' • "'· +e 5,30 ""'· SPEC!Al PRI C~S GOOD THROUGH SUNOAY, NOV. 2, 1~6' 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 • • 22 OA!LY Pl Jf L 1t1llnd~y Octo~r 30 1%~ ---- San la "" fl !iW Yori{ Stock Li st 1'1one) 's \forth = .... ' '10·"'' • OVER 1'lIE COUNTER LOS A'>t LL J::S Ad,un "" ( \ f l) Co11ipiiters Open ---...-.~--..,- NASO L1slln95 far W•dne5day, October '29 1969 r (,I VClll~ (~Pl l~v ·~··' ((lmOlf l' r,,.. 'YO'~ ~100:\ E•<~e~111 ptt•• StlM N•1 c-eo i 111•~ L ... CIDH c~t H 1 J!l\C o! -A- 'F ul!erlon 11 il l bCl~JJn• ~enf'r 11 !l'lanager f CJ r $if! I J \: Ra1lwav 1n l 1~ /loi;eles ~! l£'ct11e nl':-.:1 Sa turdu1 New .Job Fields ••P,. .... ,.. •• nr1r<C11011• {111<11•·-· II I p,.,-. ..... II) ' A M !rim lllA~D. Pt <u oo NII lnclud1 r1t111 •• rnor•uo. ml••dowft or cummlJuon t • 1 •1Not GA.0 ll IJ, ~c•~'" E (1 ]~,, 'h• LD ~' ..i.>, ;<non In i, 1e , .. ,, . 1' Y''• . " ' " l& 11 "' S,L,I\ PORTF:n Adan1s is tutrc 111h :JS\l~\1111t to the 1 ice pri'~1t!f'nt iii r1 1 I I () n s I ( tt.lqu.'.l f1!'fed Ill (h1t <1g J In 111~ ! r11 p ... 1 l r 11 111 hrrt !lH' !lir l hlf'! nprr illons uff1tlr 1\1 :.,111(1 J r 11 Callfo1 1u ~ \1110 1.-i 11 t.! 11es1crn \c11 \1~~11 PHARMACY TOPICS ll 11.i~ ;ust dbout lh1s tune ~ n th1 threshold or the !%0~ th II 11111r n le;iders Sfl<'ldl 11 01 k( r' and inanv !'cono1111~t" 111 1( 1111!..inr.: hl1(k hr;-idlln\'> 111th 1hr lort c<i<:t th at lh• 111trnncit1 on c:-.:1 losi()n 11ot1!(! It arl !I'\ ,1 1 c 1dc of l'X Ir 1ord111arilv high un~mplo\ 1p1 nt I\ II ! ltl <;;lf' 1fl II h o\ r<'tonl 1::. 11c "t:i111.l thresholrl of the 1970s? I ~ \ h 1 on th e \\ hile there has been a ~i,.ady shrinkage 1n demand 1111 11nsk11le d and sem1sk11led 11 11rhLr' it least p art l y 111 111•4 r1f lhe i;rowth of com l •IJlll~ lh! lU111pU!l I bis 'ill) iii II Pl ll'h O!)l'llt ii II p gl1~ten1n1; 11£11 fa~ld~ ;Jf JI lJ op pnrlun1t1 by TERRY GRANT R Ph \ou ' 11 rh 111 1Fi1r ei h1 ll 11 11 ~ !~ I OU ad Lil 8 ~ rr11 " One 1 r1,un Ill e1r1) ?rn h<1!'. al ~ n 1 n1r in h ~ J fr sornr J 1111 l'Jf 111r11 t 1I 111 C'mo1 1 nil 1ilnr~s TOD\Y an estimated (lne inilhr>n A 111 <' r 1 cans are '111p!rn cd 111 the rf\mputer t 11s1nr~· or these 17J 0011 are progr 11n1nrrs 1s only JOO 000 Jn 1%1i Some 150 OOU arr s1s!ems i'lnalysls I'S about 60 000 1n 19116 Others ai e com puter operd\or s techn1e1ans com puter designers a n d Suri h I al f H !'>n r f n1rot 200 d I 1l -I:' lh11 t1 \)I!!~ of !1 , 1 1111 and 170 i.:HI Jons, 1 It 111 d1 1nk 1nrl 1r11 e n gi n eers ke y p11nth opcr:itors <'le In add1t1on hai r 111 11 111 1 f 11 p1 rd l\a t1n11il I 1111~11 !.'.II ' 1ra111 r 1 1 1 • 1, d u11 i,. Jl!C ~f'l "I 11!11\111 hundr eds of thousands of s cc r ct a r 1 c <: n1hCT off ire , d1 er t1ser<: c dr~n1cn PtC Ill UY.C \IJPJI J(bS [O l 0111 putcrs A c ~•1r., rlrsii n11 ' dog< \Jiii at all <.: J II \ O 11 I~ I\ I~ fo I I~ \~I < ' ' -The cnn1puler 1nd11~l r} 1<: 11011 gro111ng at the r 1l1 t f n1ore than 30 pcrc111L ,1 1e11r ind «O rne segments ;irp gro11 ng 11 1nanv time~ th 1! 1 die Th~ re ire 40 000 crnnputcrs 1n I!..,, Ill the us lO(!;I\' (On1 p ired to on ly 200 is ft:(rntly ls 1954 The brightest J fl b op For 111 d old f<l )II(! "' I )OU! I I f'~I I I !I \\ I 11 I 11r ., PARK LIDO PHARrv'ACY J51 Ho1p1f.1I Ro<'<rl N1wporf 6e11~k 642-1580 free Delivery port 1111t1e~ are I u r pr 1 gr in1n1ers \Iha 1rll the ~oni pllris 1n l0111r 1rt rt"t 11hn\ lhr\ 1 c «u ppn~rd to d1 l()r «1~1r111s ;in:ilJ ~l s 1Ii1 u 1h1c n 1d ntganiie 1nrnplrx p11h lrn1-. so th n t 1111'1 c:i11 he sollrr1 111th !hr hrlp of {Orn Why wait until the last minute? ! hr 11111(' for 111\l''-tor:. to .;[:i.rt th1nk1ng 1h 1u1 rt 11i~1ng tlu 1r pnrtfnl1ns fnr t;ix 1 urpo (<;;ind 11pgr:i.rl1n::_ their n1t"•1 n1rn! p, 11nn-. l" 11ou. nuL Lhc LIHl uf December J lo fl '" \ hi 111 .. -.:i11n1111 t:il-.111 ;i ( ~11ilal "l 11 o[ \ (l!l(J 1h1s \C'<l r and 11111 pn,.cnth hold 111o!h1 r ~rcun l } lit :i. :->1 IJ()O lo"" B1 selling 1h 11 <:1'\untv nov. 1nt1 C"t:ihlish f1 s1 000 In-..., !11 -.1 It 1 fo r 1~69 1uu rr t.1xt d on a JH I t 1Jlll ii J!~lln of on]\ :;;_1 000-nol ~ 1 000 l Ir 111rh1p" '1,0\I holo l '>t'i uni 11 ... ~t In-.:;! s 1•hioh 1 \1 1rrl \nnrr:ip1!nl l"l ns fll r rlus '' 1r 1 ~1 • -.r :il1 l1,,l11ng tho-.1 10..,s .., nn\Oi vent , 1tl ,1i 1111 t llll to"\ \i\10 (•/th• rx1lss from 1n11 rnrd1n1r\ 1qr,:i111(nn1 1n!11p!o~\OOO ( lh• 1111\L"'rd h1l;1nl'r l u ii It 1r 1111 re.1fter fl 1l d 101111;11! 1111til 1h1 i 1 t rn1n11le to '-!ti 11-.h ... u1 h lo'"'-" nd ... v.111 Ii 1111• mrirl 111r u1 11r i-.-.iu -. \Oullprolnhl1 fin d 101Jf"'-flf rn11 ,._h1 up n tlu trrid 11 .. n:il 111 r1nl 1ri:i. 1d11111n(n ( ru ... h 1h;"tlcou!d 1n1:i n 1oud r -:0 1~· l\~""111 1nur ~les ind pn1 ninrr, ll 1 our purchn:o;cs than 1n :i IP-. \nl it11t ni:t r kf'1 ln1 • r• red 111 rh sc o1f'nn~ hov. !:i.,; r'!d 111st 1n1 nl ~ nn u might bf-11f ho ncfil I<.> vour P• rt fnl1n po,1t 1on? f'ont.A< t \our ncn rcsl f)r 111 '\111 1 r offirr' tod:l\ \Ve \J he glad to nrr:in,..• 111 1ppo1ntn1cn t l1 )Ou r ronvr 1111 11! t "' th nc \{ flllT :ir1 0 11111 I Xf'CULIVC.." I )11 11 nn 1n"I o r J!lil1t.: 1t1nn 11110\ved !)j 1 nu~r \\(' <:ln t pr<'"\ nl our-;ch<."s 3-. t :i:i, f'\l'"rts i\nd a" vou knov. 1hf' p r~n t Jn ...... ri la !1 ng lo rapi1al g.un.:: and \osi;:cs n"lll\ lx ( han_g(>d with a r(soltan L cfTf'( I nn 1111" 1 r..a r s transact tons These a rc quest ions fo r \Our tax counsel We f':lll howe ve r dlSC'USS wit h }OU 1hevan0U" l<;J"!C(I,; nf 11,;: lnss S!'l\1ng l!nd su ggCflL v.:i.\'s to upgradf' ) nu r p n~nt 1nvcsl men\ pos1t 1nn All 1111• ti r<: bv tlH wfl\ <;hou ld h ave :l. ! (I I 'r Pllf j i)f ~ D 1g1 ... 1 of Ca p1tal Gain in l \_1,:'i,s l'rrn \"-11111" And for mun1cq xil h11nd h1 Id• r~ \\1 h 1vf ri «JIC'( iri I repor1 nn hnw 1 1 con\r rt pap1. r kr.-"4.:1' in t.a rea l Lax "fl\ H1 /"~ )-r" ropu" n f ~ n1 h 11 port ;'Ire :i :1ilah!<' ;1! ~n\ IJ~ ;-in \'l1t !{r offi c-E> } 1u rr r/n.~r tn mrn r1 hn kriow u hrn \ 1111nvr~1 lilih DEAN WITTER l5C Co. INCORPORATED Brrnlnn R ~ 0 \l'!l }HJl/ l ,\('I )HJ! I " n 'li 11 111 " ,, 'I' r rr"t/r11 t t 1, I 1 •1n11c1nl I /, 2.!fl'l rtn 'I putrrs anrl for r Jn'puler op<'rators 11 ho artually run the Firn1 Get~ ){I ll No•! N ed JI ; :;& ' .. C<>T• J , 10 '111 P•T • • <I, Sc Ind l! • l "• S•<'l n ' Sto• s.,,n, JO 31 "" Sn<>w 6 6 • Ser n , 01 ~ 1: .. ~~·01s1. 11 ~.ls~~n.<>P~ \< 11, l N•C. 71 ?• S~oul'• )\ lb U[" Gt ·~ ' I~~·'"" i ~ • l'J ' n F JO I SJ•~ U~ I 0 •I~. A l• l • ;r~D r1 1 • ri. fl :i• s .s o"• c,. 'lJ JS f•A ll••C J• • 'ISC• l'I•' & o '-Co ll" Y I~ SoNE ••I •O •t ll'u• 01 ' j ~~Ln r,, 11 , IB r•PA c.., " 1. 'Is"' t ,c,, II )/ NW N"'G ? I ~ l <vc < I rJ /f'~; 7 l,SD•C"• l~ l Nv II. c )1 11 ~ llo~' 1a 11 0~0 At 1 . ·~Id S1w 1 1 , (l~ o Wo1 ,9 > lO <;ton I f>~ , I .10~ ~can j~ ~1 St I~ S•· l 11 0 mnJ 1 1l S o« (0 " &'> 0!1• 'P ! • 1~•·1 ~"11' TV ; : g~~,6~A 'f'I ' ;~\,l ~~~g: F~ I 6 rec I I II I ·~ ,. I! 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M< '" '" M M• M< M• "' '" M• M• '" "' " " " M< Mo "' '" " '" '" Mo "' '" "' '" ,,. Mo M• "' M< M• No M• '" M• " ,,, N• No " "' /II< '" '" Mo '" '" "' M• "" M " . ' No "" Mo '" Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo MO Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo "" "' '" Mo Mo "o Mo '" "' '" "' ... '" "" "' "' "' '" " u o ""' "' .. " .. '" ... "' '" " "' •• . .. '" "' f :1 "' '" "' "' '" ,. '" "' '" '" "0 " '" '' " " '" 'o ,. "' .. "' " .,, "• '" '" '"' " " " '" "' " '" "' " "' "• ., . "" "" "' " .,. •• "' '" " O• 0. O< 0< "' 0< ,, " .,. O> 8: 0' O" O• O• ,, °' o• ... o .. o. c.. '" O• 8: .. .. •• ,, ,, •• .. .. •o ,, •• •• •• ~ •• .. " .. .. ,. •• , ,. •· •• •• ,, t: .. !~ 14 ~o Thur&1lay's Closing .... .,., lh• ) ltllfl l.n CleM C11t -L- • !>8 ., .. 16 11 • 11 .. ,. '6•• 11 .~. ' 11 • 3S o 9~ 81 IO •••• •0 Jf STOCK LEADERS Sw II Co 60 Swing 1,,. .0 SVt>ronCp 60 S•Oron !>fl tO ~Y~trO<l Doon Prices ,..... "• C ..... I Nitti law CllH CM 170 ~~ ,.~ 31 2' • ,. •• 2t .uia 3J' 3-1 ' J S61S6 .S.1 la 11 11 n -T- -U V- n J1 JO H J )'l>t ; 71 J ' ll lE • U.mplete New York •• Prices Slip Again -3rd Day in Row NEW ) ORK (UPI) -Stocks ralhed lite Thurs day but declines edged out advances for the third day 111 a 1 ow in moderate turnover Shortly before the close the UPI market\.\ 1de md1 cator '~as up 0 3 percent on 1 577 issues crossing the tape fhcr e \I ere 724 losers and 622 winners The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip rndu~ 111als was up O 99 al 849 33 near the close \ olume of around 12 000 000 ~h a1 ~s "as 111 lrnc \\1th WeonesdJ) s pace Econonuc an peace uncertainties continued to \\ e1gh on the lt<>t although so me encouragement may have stemmed from U S Secretary of Com merce l\Latmce Stans comment that there \\ill be more prosperity and less mfl at1on ne.xl year Control Data "h1ch plunged l~ \\ ednesdav re covered a bit afte1 a delayed openrng A company spokesman said Wednesday that 1m esto1 s may have been di sappointed \\1th the concern s third qua1 ter earnings al thoug h they \\ e1 e abo\ e the year ago penod Steels and molo rs traded na1 ro\\ ly Car makers have scheduled higher production tlu s ~eek Chemicals oils airlines and airc1 afts moved m both directions and generally rn narrow ranges Rails also \\erl' mixed P1 ices <lPclmed on the American Stock Ex clrnn ge m moderate turnover Un•rco .e Unll Ltcl Alo Un I Hll NG un C1rno 1 Un (1 t> Ot 2 Un on Coro Un El« lO Un El pt6 10 Un El ol• S6 Un Et ofl SO Un E Pl t Jn Et of SO UnO IC tt I l>O UOCI 017 SO \J n Pee Co 2 , Thwsday October 30 1 %9 L DAI LY PILOT Exchange List , ... .... .. ... N u•1--U.C .... CM DOW JONES AVERAGES &.a lflt11 L_e...,.c11a 4 lt\.\ 11V. 11 'I .. U \• U ll 2' • 1 lJ ll .)J u ,,~ M M \ -'9 m Al • 41 • )6 11 11 IOl '\ ' .~ " •• 1.\0 61 1>7 l 1120 62~2 67 i90 II ' SS I llO ,, IY 1 110 I? • • • SI 51 1 .56 .... A1 .. • .. ,., 1 ... Hew Yont (M >) F Int I Dow JOM> I VI Hit\ wms ~wl WIMO X l 41 W/•JI w I •0 il • 1!. STOCl(I '"" RR Ut SI~ W • $11c I to 11 ,, Wlco ~ 91 OPtn H Cl~ Low tiow. Nat WoV Y ~ 17 WMMICO l'l 19 141 ,. 15• te m 12 8~ It + l l/ ~:',.!f.:' 1-',t l• 1 200 80 10 tS 19161 AO 100 o -o ,s1wooiw Pit 10 tt 1 s eo l• 16 I 7 55 t e 11 0 011:~,'t,11Afj.wy 2116 m 11 111 ll 1M 92 + o lllwurl 1,. eo n 4'/et6Qn ~f,f; f ~ '° n ••oc'-1 v~eo '° 100 I:F.~~o 1 ~ IS :iool i• I pf ~ IO 11• 600 IPI • Horn ZIY e (C)tO 1u soo 1~n1 hit t ~o 11) ru n Ind 71 SO CooYrlt flttd by it>e A$~0C I ed PftU 1•69 S.tn Pit 1110• I HIOh 1.. .. Ctou ( -W X Y Z- JI 11 'i ·~ .,, I 23 -'• S ymbols The to ow ., It • hY .., &vmb()lt UU1 n 11\t ' ock marUt reoorh 001><» o• • v -l e~ ex d v deNl ~" ,_E< x -E( r19htt ~w-W thout w1rrant5 v-Wth w~rr1 n1 1 .vd-S~cu I n ~UU"1ed bY l u i'i nd-Nt~I d ,, btJltd wl-Wlttn HUed btln1 Co11111lete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stoek Exchange Li ~t ~ 6 11 • ~ 1~ I• ?~ " . 10 • n . •O 71 1 I 2 7 I • 0 @ ~ 14 u 8 0 19 19 6 ·~ ., ' 14 ' s 0 11·~ 18 'r n 1n1 2• , -CD- 76 15 l}l• 17 16 • 16 • J.Cl 30 ?B e z71 • 1 t ' 10 •8 8 70 t 06 • ln 1 ~, 31 ' 9 .. JS JO t I 110 5 6 2$6 ) 71 l 1 3~ ' 7 ' • 3 l I 11 6) u JS 8 I ~ m s 40 2 • 1 11 1 18 n 8 t 2 l H 8 ) lHJ 6 ~ 51 J7 I 11 33 9 70 1 1~6 7 1 6 7 7 1 7) ' /, 1 ;o n 8 I H 108 11 l fl 00 11/0 ~ l JO 10 79 79 8 16 5 11 n ' n 4 1l ?t 13' 6 n IJO qo 57 73 2 ?6 ,, J 6 JA 230 9 JS ? 6 u 16 n 16 . .sos IS 1 I• 1S ' ll • 8 73 • 37 .)$ 1 51 ~ 10 JO 16 18 • 2 " H6 31 66 ..... " 9 "'• 13 IS • 10 1e11o u 111• u 1~ 3l 11~' 56 A,. II 13 H2 11~\ 'J fl Ai ,f i~v. st 11'9 16 '"' u 1 . j~ JI 1, 70 6 • 3 s • l 6 11 H~ ~ t ' 1'l • )7 15 J 9 I t 11 ,. J? • 11 16 1 A 1 761 2114 ?ffi 21 17 a Ip , 34.. l! ,;o 8 28 s ,, i. 71 .. n 7J JS 10 ' 7• •8 t jl) 10 9 1150 I ~ ~~ ' 1 • \ ,, tO I s 9 7 7• 2• 16 J 9 141 11 • J 5 31 8 ' 1 9 n• 7'> J 9 7 16 J 76 10 JJOO 2 J s 7 16 10 I t '" 0 S6 1115 1 J I 91 ?t • AO 1, 61 43\1' 1?0 • 20 10 '> • IA ' lS :J I , 71 s•~ 2 14~> 16 5 ';J ~ u ,,'1 • n~ " II~ u' 44 "'' • '"' ,, " 64 2'j~ ,. II 'i ~ m , ,, ••1 " ,~ ) $ ' . I ' . 11 , .. .. 74 Jt2 " 71 1l 7• 31 }0 ~· 8 J 4 ' 101 1 7 II 1 19 1l 1 I f 6 7S1 7• 61 J J •1 6 4 50 11 2 ~\ 8 •2 J 18 ., •1 ' • s 17 7S J 1 IG •9 2 88 B 17 20 • ' 58 9 2 9 4J 7 4 s 1 8 t I\ 74 8 J 16 10• 10 ' A? '1 s • I 6 • I J 76 J 83 ' 1 7• 1 . 71 S7 ' II .. , I. 78 • e J• ~ 16 77 6 61 ' 2~• s 131 •<> l? J8 1 ~I 19 S8 11 10 s ' J1 I 19 • AO 9 • 7 15 1 10 .. 52 13 19 l 13 J 7 11 • 38~ ,, lA~-H>o 18 70 • 6V. 2S'4 '". ll 18 ' s•s A\9 •S 8 ' 6 Pl O S s 4 17 7 s UH 36 191 781 S3 18 1 8 ~ 10 SA 6 AO '> A l 11 ~~. 13 10 ' 11 l? !():!\ 60 7 • ,, 21 • 6\o ., . .. ••• II '> • 22 u . ':!? .., sv. ""• JI'-11 ~ i~ IS~ ,. 1 -1S 11Ve 4t~ , ,,~ • 10 •• 11 n 2' 6 • 2J • t . lS • 75 l • 19 16 • 6 • 1 > 6 ' Jf 61 9 • n : 13 19 • 2ll ' 57 J I ' 75 4 16 • 6 1 • ,,~~ S•a It 16•\ II Jl 7 • s II 7? 8 76 8 ..lJ ~ 4 -1 ' -.. l -12 -+ 7 • -1 1 t~. -\ +2 • -1 1 -J ' -.. .Jon King Gets Var ian P ost Vanan Data Machtne!ll of Irvine has appointed Jon King to the posiUon of marketing services admiruatrator The position was made available due to the expansion of the marketing services depart· ment King 1s responsible for na tional and 1nternahonal ex htbit,, direct mall and sales documentation Since 1965 h~ has been ownt>r and manager of a pubhc relations flrm Ampersand m N e w p o r $ Beach , ... ~ ... -. -......... -. ~ ----, ... ----------~----------------. ..... -------------------------· 24 DAI LY PILOT mRnSPIBLD'S • • 1s going out of the E ICA FUR ITURE BUSI ESS Have a FIESTA on us ••• To enable us to expan"d our already large Spanish and Mediterranean import furniture inventory we are closing out our entire Mexican Fu rnit ure departments in all 3 stares. This is the fin est Mexican import furniture ever assembled ... all re gu lar fir st quality merchandise at " once-in -a-lifeime" irresistible prices!!I 30" x 30" Door Commode with bold hand wrought hinges. Re g. t39.95 .............. Sale Hi Bock Occ. Choir in red pattern vel- vet. Reg . 159.95 ..... , ..... Sale 38" x 70" hand carved lop Coffee T oble with gloss top. Reg . 199.50 .............. Sale He avy leother sling Occasio nal Cho irs. Re g. 99.50 .......... Sale 24" JC 64" Desk wi!h graceful han d carved legs. Re g. 199.50 ..... Sale Hand wrough t & hand carved Swag lamps, Table Lamps & Floor lamps. Deco rative wrought iron Firescreen. Reg . 39 .95 ....... , ....... Sale 6' high Room Divider with decorative wrought iron trim. Reg . 99 .50 .. Sole Gome Tobie & 2 matching chairs. Hand tooled leather top. Reg . 99 .50 ............... Sale Lorge selection of a uth entic Mexican wall decor, accessories & oil point· 1ngs ...................... , .. 36" to ll Bookcase in deep groin fin. ish. Reg. 49.95 ............ Sale l eather strop magazine rocks. Reg. 19.95 ............... Sale 9950 9950 15995 6995 14995 1/3 off 2995 6995 7995 All Speci11ly Priced 2495 1495 Drop front secretory. lnlricotely hond carved. Reg . 399.50 .... , ... Sale Octagon shape Occasional Tables with spindle base. Reg. 69.95 Sale 6 1/,' tall Bo\:lkcose .... -ith lattice de· ta il ed front doors. Reg . 259.95 Sale Wrought Iron Wine Rock. Ho lds 6 bot- tles. Re g. 19.95 ............ Sale Sunburst Woll lamp wi!h amber gloss . Reg. 129.95 .......... Sale 48" to ll Divider Screens with decora· li ve planter. Reg . 39.95 ..... Sale Ha nd carved Sovorolo Chairs with red velvet pillow seals. Reg. 149.95 .............. Sale 3 tie r Verdi metal Plant Stands. Reg . 99.50 ............... Sale large selection of Sofas & Choirs in pla in & clipped velvets .......••.. 5' toll round Curio Stands with gloss shelves. Reg . 59.95 ......... Sala Many Divi der S.creens in wrought iron, spindle or lattice pattern ......•.. 36" block stroo Leather Bench. Reg. 49.95 .. : ............ Sale 249 95 4995 18995 1495 9950 2995 9950 4995 All Specially Priced 3995 1/3 off 2995 6' toll Armoire with graceful ha nd wrought metal detail. Reg . 179.95 .............. Sale 12995 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Many items one of a kind & subject to prior sale. All sales final. Lorge selection of miscellaneous bar stools ............•....•••...• Reduced to Cost Twin size hand carved headboards Reg. 99.50 •............... Sale 6'-7'-8' banquet tables Rendered tar stain fini sh. Reg. 149.95-299.50 ......... Sale 3 step chairs- 36" tall with decorative metal trim. Reg . 14 .95 ................ Sale King size hand carved headboards with rope design pattern . Reg. 149.95 ............... Sale Wall units- 6 Y,' ta ll of 4 shelves. Reg . 49.95 ................ Sale End table Magazine rack with hand wrought nail trim. Reg . 49.95 ..••........•... Sale 3995 9950 10 14~95 ·~ 995 7995 3995 2495 Brazier tables- 48 " with pan & tools. Reg . 199.50 ............. Sale 14995 Heavy natural leather side chairs Reg. 79 .95 ................ Sale 61/2' tall spiral staircase Reg. 79.95 ................ Sale Entry credenza- 36" wide with bold carved arch doors. Reg. 119.95 ...••..... Sale 4995 5995 7995 mRnSPIBLD'S FULLERTON, 225 No. Harbor Blvd .. downlown • Phone (714) 871 -5720 HUNTINGTON BEACH. 18582 Beach Blvd. • Phone (714) 962-4477 RIVERSIDE, 4343 Market (near t 41h on Markel)• Phone (714) 682 -7950 ---- STORE HOURS, MON. & FRI. 9 AM TO 9 PM/ WEEKDAYS & SAT. 9 AM TO 5,30 PM TERMS? CERTAINLY! OPEN SUNDAY 12'Cl0 TO 5 PM ' " " '· Ha Sistf cost! ser. trick Et 111 ! BR!S Orange r Thoma~ here lex a boar~ Gliuls o Firsl persons hcliC'opt <H·ialior T"·o ott fcred sl Adi To At' The 0 plan.~ \() Alta La 1 strvlng The'' ty public Top of l snuthtr1: llcigh111 Sivtan ' fa C'ilitalf &be hilly I Alta L 1 broad p:ist the sou thrrl) Douleva1 Planni lO d014 r, -------------~-~--~------......... ..,, ............. -.""'!'7"!'"'.""1"1i"1'~.,.,.~------------·--... __ _...., ________ ---•• '"' •••P ii'*''fiit *."1!"Yf'·t"i"'W2..-.-... ,;..,, p-· ...... __ .. -. --------.----~1 .. Saddleba~k EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks * * * vo e. 62 , NO. 260, J SECTIONS , '40 PAGES ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER--30, 1969 TEN CENTS Citizens Say Laguna Library Need Immediate By BARBARA KTIEIBI Cl f 0! .... 0.1lp ,!lo! Sll!I In a lhree-hour replay of Laguna ·~ llbr<1ry dnuni! \Vednes<l<ry 111ght, city couneilmen, Friends or the Library and otht~ int erested ('itiic11s ca1n~· lo !hr unanimous conrlusion that thl' cily'5 need for a new library 1~ 1111111cd intt:'. They appointed an ··action co1n1nil!ec·• to seek a solution of the prr~c·nt f1nilncial unpasse. During d1scuss1on, aln1ost e \' e r y ;i;ternative, from sne selC'<'tinn to fu11di n;;: to the possibility of pulling c1ut 9f Ll1i: county library syste111 ca111e up fur rl'\'1ew. Abou t the only ne11· Lhought 111Jrl'(rd 111· to 1hc talks c.an1e fro111 r.1ayor Cl rnn \'edder, who <iuUined a proposa l he ~aid he had placed in lhc hands of f ift h Distric t Super\'isor Altc>n E. All rn 1h15 ·11·eelc . He is awaiting a rcspon.,t. \'cdder·s plan. he said. y,oulll ~rt·k county cooperution Jn cstablis~.nicnt or ;i DAILY ~ILOl' Sl•ll PIMl't Hallo1veen Rehearsal Sisters Pally. 10. and Beverly Jacobs. 9. are dutifully in1prcssccl 1,,. costumes and ferocity of !heir neighbors. Fred, 12, and JJa u\ OC'kr1 · ser. Fred. Patty. f:!e1'crly and JJau\ (fron1 le!l) arc ge tting ready itJr trick or treat rounds Friday night. Editor of Pilot Escap es 111 Aiissie CozJter Crasli BRISBANE. 1'l1slral1a 1 !:Pl I Ora nge Coasl 01\ll.Y PILOT Editor Thomas Keel'il esca1K'rl ~er iuu.~ ini11r.v here toda}' ll'hen a tour helicopter nc. \\"JS aboard t rashed 1n a lakeatf alle1npl :roin G1<1clsi~nc Airport. First reports intl1Pated nne of the 11 person.~ aboard !he Sikorsky S-:>8 helicopter sufferc1l minor bu ms v.•hrn a\'lalion fuel caught fire alter the crash. 'f"·o others ahoiird were .~air! to hav e suf- fered slight cuts and bruises. Addition Slated To Alta La g una At 1'op of World The Orange County Boad Department plani; to add about a n1 i!e ncx l year lo Alla Laguna Boulevard, a main artery :ierYin g Laguna·s Top of the \\'orld. The ex tension. sald Joseph S"·rany. ri- ty public works direclor. will ronnecl the Top of the \\'or]d to L<iguna 's dc\·elopin~ southerly portions ~uch ns Arl'h Beach lfelghts and the Bolsana subdivision. S1veany said lhe developmeol will f"cilitale nre and school bus service to 1ht hilly 11rea , Alt.a Lagun:a intrrscrl5 Park A\·cnue in a broad stretl that n1ns ~oulherly <1011 n p:isl the new fire statinn . It will mO\'e on ... ou therly to conncl'l "ilh B a 1 b o 11 Boulevard a1 Arch Brn('h !lri,qhts. Planning for thr futun! rou trs t)1e n1;1d '" do"''· lhrough Albo.C:anyon to Cl}nncct tSca ROAIJ, Pa11e Z~ l l l 11 as no! imn1cdiatelv kno,111 Ir Keel"il. of 17806 Port Ahhey Pl;irr, Newport Beach , was a111011g those slight· Jy inj ured. Ktt,·il y,·as among a group o( journalists who arril·cd in Brisbane r-.ton· day on tour wilh the inaugu ral flight of British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) VCIO servi~ from here to Los Ange les. BOAC officials In Los Angcles con- firmed this moming that r..1rs. Kee vil, assistant promotion director for Hun· lington Center in Huntington Bea ch, wasn"t on the helicopter portion of the lour. She had remained "'ith relalh•cs in Sydney. The hclicopter portion of the tour \Va~ scheduled lo lake the visiting ntw5men from Brisbane ln Heron Island, a rr1nole tourist attraction some distance fron1 Brisbane. The takeoff wa.~ attempted from Gladstopi Airport, about 280 miles north of Brill>ane. As the helioopter Jell the ground, it hoYered at about 20 feel of altitude and then crashed back onto the run"·ay. It tilted over on it.:i left side. 111 addition to Keevi l, UOAC olf\rials and Au stralian tou rist directors, olher jOunu1lists aboard included : -&lmtr B•xt,r, of Travel \\'~kly, Los A~eles. -Mr. and Mrs. Mel•llle {irfllvtnor , of "1a~hlnl(lon. D.C .. he Is erlitrir-ln-chlef and chairman of the N a ti on a GeQtgraphic Society. -i\I llugbes, Christian Scien c e l\fonilor. New York . -f\ay S•·tnlCll, trave.I writer, Honolulu Star Bulletin. -frank Scbeles, Southan1 Ne'>'!spapers, fl.1 ontreal, Canada. 11cw library and its maintenance over a 1he·lcar period after .,.,.hich the ci ty 11 uuJd assun1c full responsibility for rhc :ibr.1ry and be relieved ol ta x responsibility to the county systern, Tht· long-standing l'ffurt t'o replace l.:1~11na's inadequ;ite. !~-year-old library 11 Hh a larger fa cilily appeared to ha1c l"H.:r:\ SQ!rrd earlier this ~·ear 1vhcn. at the ~11ggcstion of tuUn l_\I library official.~. the c·!ly formed a non-profit corlJl.iration to nure:hasc land on Third Street, erect a • IDS Seale Yells Out Again In Court CHIC 1\GO (UPI) -Blark Pant her leader Bobby Seale. although bound and g;1ggcd \\'hen he 11·as carried into the t·ourtroon1, still rnanagcd to gcl inlo " 11ild. shouting scuffle with U.S. rnarshals :.it the trial of the "Chicago Eight" today. llis chair 11·as knocked over into the prc~s st'Ction and he yl'lled that the. n1arshals h:td kicked him in the.> groin. Chief defense attorney W i 11 i am Kunstler stormed. ··when are we goini;: to ~lop !his nmclievol torture'!. This is a 1li sgrace to the lawt J am ashan1ed to be an Amcrlran lawvQt." To ll'hich U.S. Oiiirict Judge Julius J . Hoffman !'hot back. ''You should be ashamed for the i1'ay you\e t'nnductcd )ourself·· lt 11·as lhc !>Ccond clay that the !rial of r ii:ht mcn i.JCCused of cor.spiring to incite r101s duri'ng Ille Dcmf)('ratic National r on1·enUon had turned into a ye lling and i.ho1·ing 1nalch featuring Sealr, the n1:irshals. ;ind Hoffman. Thi· judge \\o"ednesd;iy orderctl !he n,1. t1ona l chairman or thc Slark Panther party gaj?ged and shal'kled to a chair 11hcn Se;ilc refused to ~top hi s strident dr111<1nds tu act as tlis own a!lorney and l·rri~s-e:i-a minf' v.ilnf'sses. Tnday. Srale 11.•as carried Into the ('Ot1rlroon1 ~traprcd tri a woodr n rha1r 11od v.'tlh a hca\·1ly rrl'nforccd gag over 111," rnouth. As niarshals bore h11n in, Sr..alc "." 3-yrar-tild SQn. ~1a!ik. p1J>Nl fron1 1ht-back of the cou rl roon,, "H1, Daddl'" \l.l11le Defen~e A!lornc-y Lcoi1<1rd \\ring la ss wa." cross-fi.:;uninini;: a 111loe ~~. S('ale mana~cd to scribble a barely ll'g1- hle not1.: on lcgal foolsC'<1p. It 1,a~ ltnndi>d !n \\'r.lngL::rss. who told Jlnff1n;1n S('t1lr- •;i1d n1c nie t:il huckh;~ on the slr;t!J." 11 rr•r hurling tu~ 11 nst.~. ll olfmao 1t1s111lSSl'•I 1he 1ury and !old the n1arshals tri attend l. 11 . \\'hilc the n1arshals 11·orkcd with Scalr"." ~traps. his lefl arm came IOo!'E! and tu." gag dropped ofL There 11·as an imrncdf:ilc strugglr. Scale's chair toppled Ol'Cr. and he began yelling that he had hccn .~truck, "Don't hit me in my -.·· he scrcan1- l'rl. Defendant Jerry nubin tried to in· lrrvene and y,•as straighlanncd a11.•ay, Other defendants look up the t'ry that Scale had been kicked In the j!J"Oin. Seale v.as carried oul yell ing lo \l(lf- f!nan, "You -fa scist dog. 1"1n glad r said lhe things that I ha\e said about )'OU," Laguna Trustee At Salary Meet Larry Taylo r. president of the Board of Trustees of the L11guna Beach Unified School Dislricl, has joined school board n1en1bers and srhoo\ administrators from thn..rughoul lhe nation at a three-day sen11nar on teacher salaries in St Louis, ~lo. Th~ conference, which y,·ill seek more rffcctivr ways to relate saleries and n1eril ratings to performance in teaching, is sponsored by the F.ducatiooal StrYicc Bureau. Inc. of "'ashinglon. D.C. T;jy\or will return to Laguna Sunday. Sto"k ltlarkell NE\V YORK !AP\ -The stock market began lo reroi·er some or its 1ossc5 of e11rlie r in the flay in moderatt.>1y aclive trading l::itc this afternoon, (Sec quota- l]Olll, Paae1 22·2.11. hhrary and !ease ii bat k to tt1e C(JUnty J!i a branch. \\'hen ii de,·e!opcd that rost of the pro- ject y,•uuld neccss1 tale a rt>nt11l of JO cenls or n1orc a sc,..are foot rnonthly, double the iup r<ilc now being paid by the coun- ty, the plan y,·as rejected. As an allernalive, the cou nty suggesled lh<'.11 the city purch<isc the land outright aocl the coun ty erl.'ct its own buildin~. alloci:ling about $200.000, or abou l two years of ils current antici pated re\'enue from lhe Laguna library lax, to the pro- ;ccl. Bui the city lacks the estimated $150,000 it "·ould take to purchase. t.he land, and bonds <;annot be sold on unim- proved land. llis personal propo.sal for a so lut ion to the di lemma, Vedder said Wednesd;iy. is to <1sk the county tO underwrit e con- st rut tion of a library equal to or bettcr th:in county standards by assuming a 28- ccnt monthly rental rate for fiYe years. 'J'his v•ould invoh'e investment of $12.500 a :;ear ovt'r the ta-<:ent rate or a total of ~62_.500 for t.he five-yea r pe riod, after "h1th Laguna would lake ol'er complete ope ration of the facility and sel its own lib rary lax rate as needed. "'This plan," Vedd er said, ""·ould save thr county money and gh·e Laguna Lhe lib rary it needs. Under such a cooperative arran11emenl , the county llbrary could watch over us lo make rure (See LIBRARY, Page Zt eac ictor DAILY PllOT !Il l!,,,.,. LIGHT PLANE FLIPPED ON ITS BACK ON APPROACH Owners Manual, Personal ltem1 Spill From Cabin Plane Down at Airport; 4 Wait 5 Hours for Help By AHTH UR R. ''lNSEL 01 !I" D•ll~ 'Ii.I S!lll Four fliers lay in Lhe 1nangled remains ol a ('rashed t...,.1n engine plane al Oran~c County Airport fur fiye foggy hours eiirly lnduy. before a control to"·er operator c:i•nc lo work and spotted the v.·reckagc. 1'.liraculously, the two men ;ind l"(l 1101ncn ('sc:iped death, although a portion or the debris burned after the l: 15 a.Ill. arcidcnt which occurred on a landing ap· preach . Only ;i week rigo, a so phistic;11cd in- slrwnent landing system was in.~talled at the county airport. bul the Cessna 310 piloted by Robert Perk.ins, 51. of Long Beach "'as not using the ICS beam. Perk ins and his three p;isse.ngers "'ere al ; taken to Cos ta Mesa Memorial Jlospitttl, "'here I.hey were reported in lillr condilion, with n1ultiplc injunes ln- c.luding some burns. They arc Pr:itricla ~tallas, 36, of 96S2 Durham Dlivr. ll unlingt(ln Beach, .Joann f.1a~·. 3S, of 53f>6 Genta Drive. Anaheim, and Edmund Donahoo, 42, Long Beach, a 11eigl1bor of Perkins. Aulhorilies fo r the Federal Aviation Adminislrlllion senl a team of in- YestilJ,lltors lo the crash ~ltc. in "' lielcl near H.ed llilt ant i Paularino aYenues, but revealed liUlt• 1ni onn~tion . Orange Counly Sheriff's depu1ies. bowe.\'er, &aid Perki1t~ wa~ In contact • r 11 ilh El Toro l\farine Corps Air Station, v•hiCh 1nonitors all aircraft in arel'I skies. Investigators said Perkins eYidenlly misjudged his landing in the dense J.lro11nd fog hampering vislbilily al the lin1c, slamming through a wire fence .;1lo11g the airport's perimeter and flipping O\Cr . Control lo"·er du ty personnel at the l\1a rine stalion eviden tly believed the pl~ne. had landed safely "'hen there was no furthe r contact during the landing ap- proach. No one "'as a"·are the Cessna had gone do11·n until 6:20 a.m. wl'len an Orange Coun!y Airport control tower em ploye nollccd a hole in the fence, then spotted the wreckage. llc~cuers found the four victims and !iilid lt was a miracle they surYivtd, since flames had singed grass and wttds around the site. One sheriff 's deputy &Aid today tht firn -"Pr~a~ for 200 yards around the alrcrafl,. \Vhich was demolished In the prcdawn crash. An engine was nung 100 yards. The four persoM were on a fUght from Calexico to Orange County Airport.. but sheriff's depulie!I said ii was not estnbllshed wht'n the pl ane look off. 1 nvestigatnrs said Otey underttood one or the men aboard -po!111lbly Perkins - wn~ the president of some type of com· pany bu t !his hRd not been confirmed. Salt Creek Plea Fails At Cou11ty By TO~f BARLEY 01 Ille Delly ~Ii.I tl.n A bitterly attacked Laguna Niguel Corpi>raUon came through a gruelinc five-hour public hearing \\'ednesday w\tll ils colors tattered but wilh the verdict It asked of Orange County supervisors-a 4 to I ruling that onre more shattered hopes of "Save Salt Creek" supporters. That rutlng. led by Fifth District Super,oisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, snuffed out the Capistranc, Bay Park and Recrealion District's bld that it might be able to provide a mtnl.Salt Creelt Ro.ad in the. Dana Strand Road •rea. Envisioned by lhe roast.al agency was a four-foot wide 600-foot walkway which would give the public a street eni>styla acct!SI to the ocean. Only Supervisor Robert Ballin oppo:it"d the action when it came to the vote and he was again the lone dissident y,·hen lht board voted -again at Allen 's urging - to hand oYer 630 acres of the recreation district's territory lo Orange County Service Area No. 3 -a transfer eagerly sought by Laguna Niguel on behalf of its Niguel Shores development UNSUCCESSFUL APPEAL District directo rs unsucces&fully ap- pealed lo supervisors lo allow them to cun\lnue to proYide lire and sanitation i;ervices to lhe area. Laguna Nlgut'I spokesmen suc~sfully argued that the district's financial slalu!I would not pern1il it to provide :suctl services and that a tonl inuatlon of the present system would mean double lax- ntion for area residents. Rejected by the supervisors was Ille nrgument of onlookers tha t 11 would be as 11.'ell to 11.·ait for completion of the Nigut'I Shores cumplex arxl lhen allow the rrsidcnts to decide which of the t11·0 .lo/Stems they would prefer. Roth decisions were takt'o a"fter a Ion,;: h1nch less session in which Laguna Niguel representalil'es -corporation vice presi· (len t Know!lon Fernald and allorncy Alex l'lo1l'ie -11·ere the targets of fiery tirades lrom coastal area residents. And both Battin and Supervisor David Baker added their caustic comments to an almost unanimous condemnation ot Lai::una Niguel policy in the Salt Creek .orca. Baker, in particular, n1ade no secret of his disgust "·hen he \\'as shown photographs oi Salt Creek beach as it lilands today -the repository for (See SALT CREEK, Pqe Zl Oraage Coast Weather The morning fog may chlll the air, especially alona: the coast. Fri- day but the 11un should break through before. moon, wa rming the coastal area to 70 degrees. INSIDE TODA. Y One o/ lht l11!:01t publicized o/ Calijon1ia statr.. o//ic-es ;J shopina up as ont /or whicli fhtrll!:'ll be lhii!: holU!st C011tt"1I, with fouT sll!:ekf11g thll!: GOP nwUnalion /or otlorney general. Page JI. •• ,.,.,, u C•lfMllll I ''"''"" *" ........ " c,..,_. ,, 0.•111 "-'le.. ,. Ot-c11 ti lfl ... 111 ..... ' tJrtef'l•llllMM n ,..,.."u n.11 --M -L.-11 U I ,,..,"" n M~ ..... ,_ U N•t:..,11 .. ,_, 4-1 Or•ft .. ,...,,,., 1, trl¥1e hm. H '-" *II tlMll lrM'1lth D·11 Te ..... ltlM U T"-..-.n n ........ ' werw N1wt .. , •• ....,.,, "'"' o-• --· . - ---· -----------------------------------------------------------··-..... - ;'. DA.ll Y PI LO T l 1-. -'°· 1'16'1 ' I t 'rom P ... J LA GUNA LIBRAR Y ... \\'e don't fall below its standards lhougfi \le would aJm al 11 much higher standard. "Such a new library would receh•e un- told quantities of giflS and would 11ot -r.. ..,.,ii. ud tetVlctl." VeilW noted lhal n1M clU-ln Onni:e Coonly now have lheir own librlf.ries, ·while the other 16 are in llie ('ounty liystem. The nine. he said. rt>present about half the popula tion of lhe <.'ounty and slightly less than half its assessed valu111ion. Laguna, he added, is no\\' paying a prr capita library tax ra te n higher than the average In the rou nty library dislri cl, because of Its high assCS11cd valuation. Councilman Charlton Boyd said he felt the propo1111I "'as "not ne""" and had been studied and rejeeted before hecau~ of <.osl. Other \\'<irnings \\'ere sounded '' ilh regard to eslablishing a separate library district, notably because or the co~t of acquiring an adequate book in· \'mlory. Re\•lewing the hislnry or the Laguna library from establishment of lhe county branch in 1921, \'t'dder said thal aftt:r enl:irgemenl in 19.'tll, the branch was moved to the existing building on Glen· n€y re Street and Psirk Avenue in 1954. "Its size, 2,000 square feet, was con- ~idered inadequate for the population or 7,000 even then,'' he commented. Expansion of the exisling site was ~tudied in 1962 ;ind in 1964 council rnembers Helen Keeley and Richard Sears subm illed a detailed report on possibility of ulilizing the air space over the GleMeyre Street municipal parking lot for a library faci lity. A joint study with the school district ill 1%5 Jed nowhere. a Jgf;G county study suggested nine possible library sites. \Yith l hrce recommended for further ~tudy and lhc Citizens' Town Pl anning Asso{'iation submi t!ed support or enk1rgenH:nt of the existing site. At that point. sald Vedder, the Board of :;upervisors suggesled U1e clllzC"ns had better gel togf'lhf'r and select a site. In January of this year, lhc general plan· ners proposed use of the pipe yard on Third Slreet and county librarian Harry JI. Ro>A'e Jr . .'!Ugge.o;led ('On.'!lderation of the non-profit leasc·back procedure used successfully in sorne other cities. 'The city decided upon Third Streel land ild jaccnt to the pi pe yard and the non- J)rofft C(lrporation ~'as formed i n Frbruary, but apprai~al nf the proposed ~ite brought aboul U1c [inani:ial block, Vedder ex pla ined. "It is my nnn belief," said tJ1e mayor, "that \\'e mu st pursue the presenl cou.rse and obtain a more realisLlc rental return from the county in keeping vdlh presenl· day costs." Councilman Roy Holm agreed. "I \\'Onder if the best tack in gelling action \\ould not be to try to twisl the county 's tail !(l do more than thry ha\'e show n Yi'illingness to do.'' hr said . "Our problPrn may be unique to us today, hut it will devplop in other arras and the t"<!unty mJy ha,·e to re-t'Yaluate the amount they ~pend for librarir s." Boyd said he. did nnl bel1e\"e il 1va~ a mailer of "ll~d.'lting the county's tail." ) "If funds are lacking. it's not the coun· tv. it 's us." he said. "Time is the most frnportanl fact-Or and I can't lh•e \1-·ith thi1' 'soon as possible ' any longrr. Son1etlmes ""C ha\'e 1o Face I.he ugly fac!s of life and fact is that the city has n1a11y obligations ;:inrl is short or fund s. \\''e c·umc to grips >A'ilh what the city ('an do," lk~·d sai d he w1n1ld go along 1\·lt h fhu:~uing I.he 'Third Street plan if anothe r mrthnd of raising fund.~ could be found, bul said the Kerlry-Seilr~ p!an nf tnn- i,,trurting a libraf)' O\'er the municipa l parl<.ing lot, >A·hich the city already owns, appeared lo be the. mosl econornical ap- proach. Vernon ~pil:ileri, chairm<1n of the Friends of lhe Library site rommittcc i;ubmilted a re\·ision of lhe originill plan for lhe parking lot. "htch \\OU ld add anolher le\'el Or subtrrranean parking. 111e plan, he: !'aid, would add 91 parking spaces 1.0 U1e r:i.ii.:ting ii. and pro11de a 10.SOO.square·foot library buildini.: ;ibove. Vedder noted that in considering the ~ite for a multi·lc\·el parking !'lru{'ture \11!h tennls ('{)Uris {In lop some years ago, the city hacl been ad~·ised against l'.\· ca\';it1nn al thr site, ~pllalen chided !he ri!y for it s pr;:ictirr nf exploring "one a\'en ue at a limr·· anti f('lr not having assen1b!cd all available data on such alternatil'rs as fonning a sep.1ratc library distrk·t b c r ore ne!lntialing with the county. lie 11rged conclush·e action on the Third Street si tr, OAllY P1 lOf OllANG~ COAS1 P'l/ll l:ltllHG C~""""" tt.M,, N. W••4 l'te'*"I ... """'1 .... , Jtc~ •. c •• 1...,. Vici P'raleerd -Gmt•.i ,,,.."'"' Th•1t1•• x.,,,;1 f.t! ... fli,,.,.,, A. M••phint -.1111 !,,, .... J.!d11r4 P. Noll L-.. t<I\ Cl" l!!fl!Dr L .......... Offk.-,,1 ,,,,,, ...... Mtilfli• Allllllll••111 P.O. loo ,,,, t2612 --(ftlt -""tw· DI 'l\ln1 ''" S'""' .._,, ,. .. .,, n11 oYn1 ••-..,,...,.,.. fllllllll!tllll .. tel>: -)Ill ~!owl a muly af 'the fe.uibilltJ o( 1 S4lp&rjjte dlstrkt and, aa a third alternative. r!vfyal of the K~ley..stars plan. The -· he said, -rduelanl la ...,....U. lbe hJcb ,,. 1 vohiallio .In lbe aru and wu·buloe' Ill ...... • llbruy tu fmn the city .-, Whllo In. !atL tu rr.m lbe eotln .-dlatrlct area I! 1Upportlftg tbe ~sent 1lbrary, a.long wltll subsidizing county libraries in other areas. .James Dilley TOiie to reiterate the original C1'PA support of exp;111ding the f'Xisling library site to include the ad- jil cent parking triangle which, li e said is once more on the marke t for $70,000. Librarian Clifford Cave i:;aid he, too, rtgards the present site as the bt':;t "lrorn the point of view ol service lo the publir," but v.•0t1ld ht' happy lo aceep1 any plan for a more adequate racllit)'. Boyd and rouncllman Richard Goldberg pressed for appointment of a new com- mittee to "wrap up a package" for coun· l'il consideration . Vice-M11yor Joseph o·su\Ji van pointed out that the present library had been built by an "economy-minded cnn1· munity" and soon proved inadequate . He also noted that the ava!lahi\ily of paperback hooks could reduce the cost of a separate llbrary. "We seem to be righl bilck where we started," said o·su!livan . "I'd like to sec a commit!ee. report back in lv.1(l qr three \\"eeks on all th ls. Vedder then tossed Ilic ball In O'Sullivan by suggesting !hal he name the commiUee. Before the session ended , 1hc mayor recited a list of na mes subinitte<I by the vice·mayor. They included W i 11 i am \V ilcoxen. Cliford Cave, Vernon Spitaleri. Cllfford Nichols, president or Frie nds of the Library and narned temporary rom · n1Jttee chairman, Fred Briggs. ,Jan1es Dilley. Donn [)(ometriade, Dic k Clark and Charlton Boyd, >A"ith Al Autry sitting in as representative of lhe Planning Com· mission. "l take It upon myself to appoint them all lo this committee and urge them to get to work right now," said the Mayor. Sex Education Program Slated At Golden West What advice would teenager5 gi ve to their parenl..'! on sex edu cation"? This provocative question will be ;ins>A·ered on vi deotape Sunciay at Golden \\'est College by students from }iun· linglon Beach. The eYent \\'ill kick off a ci tywide pro- gram on parent sex education. sponsored by the Lutheran Counc il of Huntington Beach. The video-tape \\'ill be shown in the col- lege forum at 7:30 p.m. and is open to all parents regardless of religious affiliation. Folk>win& Sunday's o r i en ta ti o n meeting, parent di.'!CU.'!sion groups Will meet twice at four Lutheran churches on the folloWing schedule : Nov. 3 and 10 -King or Glory American Lutheran Church, I 7 7 9 1 NE'wland St . Nov. 4 and I I -Lutheran Church of the Resurrttlion, 9812 J1amillon Ave. Nov. 5 and 12 -Grace Lutheran Church, 6931 Edinger Ave. Nov. 6 and 13 -Faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Ellis Ave. Each program begins at 7:30 p.m. Si:S.'!ion leaders will include Dr. Jack .Jorgenson, resident in J>St'Chialry at J\letropolitan Stale Hospital. Norwalk; ~!rs. James Del.ange. a school nurse and minister's .. ~1ife; Ralph Wer ley. asslstanl principal , Lincoln School, Corona de! l\ta r; and local clergymen. Further information is a\·ailable from any of the pa rticipating churches. "Teenage views on sex ~ucation" is tile first of a series of community-p.arent r1t~russions 1-~1hich originated from lhe re· crnt conflict over sex educalion iJJ the ll 11nlfngton Beach Union lUgh School IJistrict. N i.-xon R es tricts Weed Killer Use \\IASlONGTON (AP) -The \V"hile llriu~ has restricted u.~e nf a weccl·killini:;: chemical u~erl ex\l'nsively to clear U.S. roadsicH>s an d Jn dc!oliating trees and shrubs in Vietnam. Dr. Lre A. DuBridgr, President Nixon·.~ ~c1cncP advi.o;er, order('(! a limited u5t' of the h<.'rbicide 2, -1 , 5-T after studies con- ducted by Biomet.ics R e 5 e a r c h Laboratories showed it \\'/IS dangerous to animal life. In a statement issued \Vednesday night, DuB ridge. who is ;i\so exec u l ive secl"'f'lary of the Presirlent'i; Enviroo- mPnlal Qu~li1y Council. said the studies fn,tica ted offspring of mice and rats given relatively large. oral doses of the herhiclde d11ring early pregnancy show ll higher than expected number of deformities. Froon Pqe 1 ROAD. •• >A·\th the adopled roote o! Pacific Coast F'reev.·ay. Thi5 v.'otild be an cKtension at 50ml!!I future lime of about another two miles, 5aid A. S. Koch, munly road com· ml~loner, It is lo be an important four- lane artery, he ~Id . Thf' 1970 extension \\'Ill hf IV.'O lanf'~ with right· of· way acqul~lllon for .art· dillonal l>A'O lane~. The projttt which will n~ssltate large earth cul~ and fill s is estimated roughly al noo.ooo. Koch said the !Imel.able of fulure ex· lenslon \VOUld depend on how rapidly the area and it.I traffic develops. : , • .r ., DAILY PILOT""" ll'llot• To Get N ew J111oge? l.aguna's infan1ous Barcfo_ot l3:1 r on the Bo~rd\\'alk. c111-rcn~l,Y clo.sr~I , has been sug gested as a ::;1te for a cnn11nu11Jty \('en ccn1cr. J he c1t,y s teenagers Sili d in a recent s urvey that a place for the111 lo gather i .~ a badly needed com1nunity in1 p roven1e11t. Sec 'feen Co rner, Page 3. Se11ate Fi11a11ce Co111111ittee Okays Every111a11 Te:1x Cut \VASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Finance Commillee tod ay tentatively ap· proved a plan to cut everyhody's income ta:<es at !east 5 percent. The total came lo $8.9 billion. Also approved len taLlvely \\·as an in· crease from $1 .000 to a maximum 111 $2,000 !he stilndard deduction pe-rmitted laxpayers 11·ho do not itemize their deductions. Special lax cuts for persons below !hr Sl)ocalled poverty level also were agrttd to by the committee. These would Lagm1an Gets Susp ended T erm For Decorations A Lagu na Beach insurance salesman received a 10-day suspended jail sentence. this \\'eek after pleading guilty lo wearing military decorations to which he y,.·as nol entitled. rli 1111110il c 5 111illinn p1ior prnpl~ fn1111 lh,., r.1x rolls <1 11<1 cul t;ixr1, for ;in addilion<il 7 n1illion low·i nco1ne taxpilyc rs. Jn effect, lh 1s \1·ould raise th<' n1inu nun1 s1cind<1rrl ded•1rtion aft<'r l9iCl for povcrly Je\'cl people to $1 ,!00. ThP t"(llnmir lee ::irled ::iflrr 1L rrJcc!ed a variP!y of propos.11~ lo in rrl';:l51' the persona l exe1np!io11 ,1.:r;"t nted PVery tax- pa)cr for hin1seH and each of his dependents. The cornrn1t1ee, \1h1ch is voling al clo.s- ed sessions on a lax rclonn hill, defeated 5e1·eral proposal5 by Sen. Alberl r.orc 4 !). i ·r·nn I. to incrl'a~e 1he pn•5cnt $6(l(I d1rluction . llr first los! a move lo r::11se it to )1.()00 and also "as bealen on subsc· (]\•Pill motion~. ra ngi ng down to a tw•1· )l';1r plan to 1ncrei1se 1he drd11 e11un 10 ~i25 rhc r1r.~I ~car ;ind S850 !hr nr't. Twn of tile pr,,posals lo.~l on 8·8 Ile. \'(•!Cs. ,\1·;11 rP jer·lrr! 11ns a prr1p11~11l by :;;en. .J,1t>k l\1Hle1· 1 It· IU" il I, II lurh 11ould h;ll'" granted a ta."< l'red1t 11 f abm1t SJf,,) for c1cry lax iia.l'er and ca(·ll dr,1w11<l('11t T11is r nuld ha ve brcn c!cduclcd froin ;,in ill· 1li11d11:.il"s lin:1l lax dcbl. l;ri1·r lolc! 11c11·.,1ncn h1• 1111uld t•;irry l11s f1glil fl1r 1nt:rc:i:-u1g Ille ppr~on<1I and 1lrprnden1. clcdu\'!Hut~ to the Senate floor. On thr 11r \ olc~. Gore did not giv e the vo!e brr;ikdn1\'fl nor ~;iy which of 1hc 17 con1n•ittec rnen1bt'rs chd not p.:irtit:ipate in !hr \"Ole. F rom P•fe 1 SA LT CREE K BEACH • • • builders junk , tw isted cables and broken roc ks. llEM&'IBER AREA "I rem~ tbls coutal aru u it wa~ ~omt: years ago, a IOl'ely unspoiled :-Ct'lOr of our counly wilh a fin<' view of !he r11..ea n and a prrfel't spot for lhe be:ich lover," B:iker said, looking at the Se\·eral photogr<tphs before him . '"No w,'' he snapped. "I look at lhcse pictures and I see what these people tL<1guna Niguel) have done in the in- lerve ning years in their 8.3Sault on our landscape. "They h:ive hroug/11 dfi;truclion and rl:<se~rat ion to God's coastline," the ob- '·iously 1noved Baker sald. "This 1s nothing more or Jess !han prostitution of m;i n's rnl'iroomenl in pursuit of lhe dollar." Looking directly ;1l Fernald and Bowie, r.aker added, "If I could !ind stronger \'ol')rds I \l·ould use them ." In e:irlier qurstiooing, Bilker elicited an admission from Femald that hart J\owie irnmcdiatf'ly hurrying forward {() cl::irify his emp!oyer's response. AO:'lllSS ION GIVEN F!:'rn<.rld achnilted unclrr 1he bo;ird men1 bcr's que stioning th;1t he had -on behalf of Laguna Niguel -persislently rrfused to respond to boArd reqursls th{t his co rPQralion grant ;in easen1e11t in any !'ector of Lilguna Niguel territory that t:ould pecmit public :iecess to the beach. Dissatisfi ed "'i1h se1•eril l of Fernald's ans11·<'rs to his repealed questions, Baker asked: "\Vould il. be lrur lo ~ay that you hal'e no syn1pathy IOll"<Jrtls the issue or public ilf ("'SS?'' f cmald admitted that ii would be true. Bo\l'ie i rn m e d i ate I y took the rnicrophone lo stress thal he had found •·evidence of a great deal of sympathy on the part of Laguna Niguel towards those :;eeking beach access. I can readily attest lo that on the basis of my own associa· t10n with the corporation," Bowie added. ;,The interest of other laodowners and the public have always been given careful consideration by Laguna Niguel. A\\'AffiNG OfFER It did not: save the duo from anoUier at- tack from Battin In which the angry i-.tipervisor commented: "We an! waiting !or an offer from Laguna Niguel (of an rasement) and all you ever do and have t>vcr done is nothing. If you have an olfer to make, Jet's hear it now." Fernald and Bowie did not tei;pond. "All that's required for eYil lo take n"er the world is for good men lo do no!hing," said Battin. "And one item of el'il alone is dra>A·ing my attention right iin"' - a photograph whi ch depicts all kin ds of debris and junk thrown on Salt L'reek beach. "These people have come to us with rli rly hands," the angry supervisor ad- ded. "But I can tell them this: I have rliscussed this matter (beach debris) with <in attomey of the State Lands Com· nii~sion and there i.'! an excellent chance lhat a criminal action will be brought "gainst Laguna Niguel.'' fiEFUSEO TO TALK Questioned later, Lagu na Ni g u e I f"orporation President William Beck rcl use<l to discuss this issue with \he DAILY PILOT. Baker explained that his \'Ole against !he Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation Uislricts' eminent domain action was "because I feel that emine nt domain is a po>A'er thal should on ly be wielded in the direi:t. cir1·un1stances.·· Hut the SeCQnrf District su pervisor n1ade it clrar 1hal Laguna Niguel may be fnreed tn grant an C'asen1rn! lo I.he beach throogh a resource still open to the board -the demands of such conditions on Laguna Niguel tract maps \\-'hen thf!J" come btlore Ult aupe_rvlaora for fil'lal ap- proval. Baker pointedly asked Fernald to point out on the map displa)1ed before the board the sectors in whi ch Lag una Nigupl 1~·ould have to seek county approval. And he assured the corpora1ion'! rrprrsen- tatives that th e board 1vou ld take parlil'ular note of lhe beach acec~s dispute when fu ture submissions were made. J\.IANY PLEASED \\'itness after wl!nes5 1.1'en\ lo llli> mi crophone 10 plead wilh the board to approve the Capistrano district's eminent domain pelition and refll.'!e to grant Laguna Niguel's bid for annexation of territory currently serviced by the distrirl. Supervisor Wnliam ~lirstein repeatedly warned those testifying that the Sall Creek dispute "'·as not al issue in the public hearing. Every wltness ignored that appeal and Insisted on introducing t es I i mo n y regarding the bcilrh road bC"fore \be board. Brennan "lle.\'s " l\1cClelland of L:11?una Reach blasted Laguna Niguel :is "un· qualified, unfit and i mp roper I y motil·c:lcd and nvt deserving of any ac- tion in their fa1·or by this bo">arrl, '' McClelland, chairman of the Save Sall. Creek organization, accused Lagun;i Nig uel of dwnpi ng "rubble, dirt and garbage on I.he tidelands of Salt Creek \\•ith absolute cont.empt for !he interesti. of the rubH c and in Uie kno~·ledge lhnl the y ~'ill be supported in el'erything they do by th is Board of Supt:rvisurs." DON'T BET RA'' Helen Keeley of Lagitna Beach urged lhe board "not to betray lhe people or this county. "You tiave the opportunity lo salvage something for the public," the former Arl Colony councilman said. "People all over our nation are revolting against their elected officials because of this very issue of environment and you today ha"e the opportunity to be in the vanguard or this movement.'' Mrs. Keeley urged the board lo "aban· don the idea or a footpath and condemn the entire road. "You have eslablished a $1 million fu111! for beach access," she said. "Why don't you use it to condemn this road and resolve this issue once and for all." Se,ver Outfall Damage Studied An underv.·ater photographic survey of Laguna's .3,000-fool sewer outfall alon.1:: the ocean floor will be recommended 10 determine if It was damaged by 1'-1on· day's eartbquake. The outfall line from the foot of Broadway points generally toward t])r temblor's epicenter, about 312 miles oil lhe Broadway beach area. .l~eph S\1-·eany, directtJr of publl,. wo1 ks, said his department >A'ill first te ~t the 30-incli line by inserting dye into the itew:ige effl uent to see if there is a rup- ture. The dye would float to the ocean aurface. Sweany said the outfall line \·1as last in- spected by SCUBA divers in J anuary nf 1967. He said a ne\v inspection woulri have been recommended for next fiSCflr yeilr but the quake hastened thL~. The public >A'ork~ d1rf'ctor 5;i1d he h.:i:- no reason lo beliel'e the line is rupt ured but needs lo be sure. t Francis Philip Ford, 100 CiHf Drivf, was sentenced r..1onday following a hear· ing before the United States Com· missioner in Santa Ana. He \\'as ap · prcbended in Laguna Beach "'earing an ensign's uniform uf lhl' Military Sta Transport Se.r\•ice (~!STSl. By decorat - ing the 11ni£orm >A'ilh a GOQd Conduct ~l edal and Purple Heart. ford had con1- mited a federal misdemeanor, the com· missioner ruled. !---;::==~-=-=--=--========--=====================~' ~1aximum penal!y under f e cl e r a I st;:itule for illegal wearing of militar.v uniform~ or deroratinns is a fine of up 11• $25fl anrl/or ~1~ 1nonl.hs in jail. A complant against Ford had been [lier! hv Lhr FRI . :H'{'nrding tn L"lliiUna flrilrh police. He 1.1·a:; fonnerly a Chief Pr\l y ()/. ficer in tl!STS, but never a con1m1 ~~in111·t! nfficrr. llH' ('fllllpl<:llnt rh;ir~•,i>rl , ;u1d 11 :1 ~ no( r 1111\l('d to 11c;1r thr. df'('Or;i1ions 111 (jlJCS!IOf1. li e \Yas pi l'kcd 11p ou1.-.1rle his h1>mc by iln FBI 11gent ;inti two Laguna Officers following lengthy inl"rstiga!ion. Sundi1.y Openings Starting Nov. 9 J. f . Penney fnn1pany's nC\V Sunday ~hopping hour!l "'ill begin nn No\', 9. it \l'a:'I clarified today. It wa:oi rt"por!e(I in- correctly \\''ednesday thill Penney's Sun- rl11y shopping would ,,1arl ;it a later Novf'mbf'r rlatr. Store officials ~aid 2fi Penney's ston.·~ in Orange anrl San Diego countif'S will begin sta)'in g open Sunday afternoons to take cnrc of shnpJl('r.~· nt>l'ds "\\'e ha l'e npposccl S11nOay opening!\ through I.he yee.rs," sald executive Walt. Myers. "However, the popularity of Sun- <lsy openings has grown stfadily. "In view of lhi.~ mo1·ement tnward Sun· day openings, in a large num be r nf markets. the Penney C.On1pany has decld · ~ reludanlly lhat it. ran no longer ignore lhls trend," he roncludOO. Aberna th y l o Speak At. Mo r a tori11111 Ra ll y SAN ~~RANr1sco (l!Pl l -Thr Re v Ralph Ahf'rnath y, v.•ho ,o;uccee<lrd the late nr. Marlin l.11thrr Kini! a.~ ('hairman of thr Srlu1ht"rn rhri~tian L e ;id er s h i p fonrrrrnrr, l\'111 ht the f Palurf'ff :'lpt"tlkPr 11t the Vietnam moratoriunl rally Nov. 15 In f~lden G.itl~ Park. SAVE 100. ON '])alV/1 So/ct j By Ston e and Phill ips reg. 550. for 8' lengt hs NOW 450. T •k• •dvenfege of th e1e importerit difftr•n+ 1tyle1 '' lu1t:uricu1 1prir11; down 1of11 In •host of eKqui1 ile f•bric1. H.J.GAl\l\ETT fURNll1JRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGN!RS Open Mon ., Thur1. & Fri. l 'f •t. ll 16 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CA LI F. 6'6-0271 VC ( A :::ilrc <1bo1 ~·car trarl Jrvi1 A L • ··~ l I E c"' Ke• !ro hcl •• bur '" Jln rub F pr.r m" ~li~ bla: ~ ,,,. J>oi ~ f)ir liri, Bri < B• ,< li,rr olh tlo A" I "" ------------------------... -----~--~~~ .... --~-... ~.__,------~·-·,--·--~-·~,.,.-.--·-...-·-. --·· ----· -..... -. Newport Da•·hor EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stocks * * voe. 62, NO. 260, 3 SECTIONS, ~o PAGES * ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1969 TEN CENTS City Ready to Withdraw Bay Swap Support? By JER0~1E F. COLLl o\"S 01 In• oa.1, p ,1~1 ~!•fl Ne"·p:irt Beach 1:11y .government nia y ~oon withd raw its support of the con- troverslal Lpp1•r l:Say t1dclancts e.xrhangc A majority or city cOunc1ln1en arc already on record c.~r.r~s.'>111g doubts about the 1\'isdo111 of s11<.:k111g to r. four- ~·f'ar-0ld policy sta1cn1<'nt batk1ng th(' trade of Orang!' County lalttlantls for Irvine Cnr11pany uplanrb . A reversal of lhat policy pos111on could eo1nc at the councirs i'ov 2·11n<'cl111i: Al that the session, nl u n 1 c· J p ii l lawmakers will · -Reconsider the ci1 y·~ suppor1 of lhe proposed swap, \1 hu.:11 calls ftlr the c:-.· change of 157 acres ol county-0wncd Tidelands for 4f!O acres of lr\'ine u11la11d s -Hear ,arguments frorn the ··Friend.~ of the Upper Bay" ;1 in1cd cit p1.·rsuad1ng lhe cilv lo intervene in court action 11011' pend ing on the tr.:ide. "Fricnds'' n1cinber Frank Ilob111~un. a re~earch engineer , said lOday his grou p 1111! SC'Ck tily 1nter1•enlion on rhe grounds lh;tL the Back Bay tidelands should be un· 1lcr czl y -instead ot county -Jurisdic· 11011. Rub111son 1s an1oni;; those suing the 1'flt111!y and the Irvine Company in the 1·ou rt test ol thf' lcgalily of Uic transa«· 11011. v.·ho~e stated p11rposc is to opC'n up !hi' tnar~bl:t11d area for <le1·clo p111enL F111al a1ljudlcat 1un of the issue . !hrough all 11ve nuts of appeal, could taK e up to • fi\'e years, In the opinion of City Attorney Tull y Seymour. Robinson asserted that ii the city were ta go to court and charge thal the county has badly adrninistered the tideJ;inds, it \\·ould ha\·e 1t .. strong case." Noting that I !he Upper Bay is tota lly within Newport's t'Orrorate boundaries, Robinson cited what he tern1ed a precedent for such lega l action by Lhe city . "l'he city of Morro Bay in 1965 won, in an a1nicable setllcinent. a bid for the same thlng," he said . "It was verified by the courts." A telephone interview with Morro Bay City Administrator Malcolm Little con· finned Robinson's report . "We ~1ent to court." said Lillie. "and \\'hen it \\'as over, we received fr om San l .. uis ObiSIKI County the lrust for the. tidelands and all the revenue the area generates." The State La nds Commission concurred \l'it h the settlement. Little iald Morro Bay's tidelands are even mort' exlens1ve than I.hose of Upper Nr1\·port Ba y "\lie al~o got some beach!!'s Jn the deal under ·fee' land~." he added, Tlobinson said thal in his appearance before the Ne"·port Council in two weeks he l\'ill point out that Newport Tomorrow has rerommcnded tile east side of the !;ppcr Bay be condeinned for public use. He said hf' 1vill charge that Big Canyon (11hich empties Into the bay from the cast ) 1s useless without a beach. "As for tSce BACK BAY1 Page Z) ra e Ill ane O•ll 'I' P ilOT Sl•ll P~ot• LIGHT PLANE FLIPPED ON ITS BACK ON APPROACH Owners Manual, Persona l Items Spill From Cabin Editor of Pilot Escapes In Aiissic Copter Crasli BRISBANE. Aus1 r;il1a ~ l"P l ! -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT f,dtlor Thomas Kec\'11 and 1.1 othrr persons cla mbered from Ille "'re<:~;ise or a crashed hcl1cnpter hrr(' toda y. then "'atched whal \\'Ould have been tht·ir tornb e>:plode and burn. "It L• a n11raclr really thal \hesc people fi re alil'e," rt1·clarcd C!;irt ~tone Fir<> Chief .l im Cra11t . ;i fl er .~ur\'C,\'l!lJl \he bla ckened rubble of the 1011r a1r\:raf[. F'irst rcpor1s ind1 r;1lr(I one of \hr 14 persons al)o:ird lhc S1kor!'<ky 52 suffered ni inor burn!' ;in1I !wri nthers su~tainf'd ~light cuts an<t hni i:-1'~ 1n the cr11sh and blasl fcd.,.by ;i vi1111011 fui'I. .'\o \\'Ord \l'il S unmc(li:itely a'•atlahle &boul ~·ho was hurt or 1r Kcc\'i!, of 1806 J'ort Abbey Placl' "·;1., ar11ong lhrm. 1'1rs . l\ccvil, \l'hO is :is~J ~l:uit pro motion direc-lor ror llunlln£lu11 Ct'nlrr, llun• lingt'>n Beat·h. \\'ai, 1101 along on the lour, Drilish O\•rrs<'••~ ,\,rv.;iy, Corporatiou tBOr\C! off1clal~ 1·onf1rn1cJ. Shl' had )o.t:l\'f'rl l.rh1nd 111l~ r'°'la11 1r, in li,rrlnfy. 11hilr l\rr1 il i1t'('Orr1p:i111r1I Ill!' uthl'r inurnal1s1< \1110 .1rr11r1l 111 kri ~ha •·,e f.lnnrtay n·1 !ht 111;111:111r<1! lli~hl ot the li01\r V('IO Jl'! •1'J'\.h·I' IT:Jl'!f ... ' \':!!• An~l'I•' \V it nrs.,,.~ ~:11(1 111" ~1 l..11r.,~ •. hl'!1rop1l'r CiJ't)Uli 12 LoW'JllJ; U~WS!llt'll .'hHl L11 0 j crewmen lifted ()ff rrom f.la,rl~tonl' Airport en route lo Heron Island off the Great Barrier Reef when 11 falterrcl . The stricken chopper plunged back to the run.,.,·ay from 20 feet up, lilted over onto its side and blew up with a trcmen· <lous explosion seconds afler the la i.L aboard escaped and took cover ncarhy, One wheel was hurled 400 yards -thl' length of four football fields -from 1he crash site. where fire1nen 11s1>d lfl,000 gallons Of themil'al foanl and W<i\er ffOlll t"'O trucks to halt the blaze. Only one main rotor blade and a hit or the tail section remained on the n1n~':'l.Y or the a!rport, located in an indui.trial to11•n·on Ille central coas~ Queensland, .aliout 200 mi les north of Brisbanr.. Besides Keevil, BOAC executive/\ and Aus!ralian tourism directors, those <1boa rd included: -Elmw Bll•kr, of Travel \\'etkly, Lo~ Angeles. -rtfr. and i\lr5. i\ltlville Gro~vrnor, flf \\'a,qhin~ton. D.C. he i ~ l"dilor-tn·chief ,onrl f'ha1rm.'ln of lhe l'iallonal Geographic Sncirty. -Al llughes. Christian Sri r n r e t-foni lor. 0/c1\ York -Ka}' S\\·ensn n. lta\'Cl writtr. 1ronolu!11 ~tar nuJ1l'liJL -frank Schnlf'll, Svulham Ne11·spapcrs, r.i onLrca!, Canada. Flie1·s Wait Five Hoi11·s For Rescue By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Fou r fl iers lay in the nianglcd re1nains nf a cra.~hed !win engine plane at Orange r v11n1 y Airport for fi re foggy hours early loday, before a control to11·er operator l':irnc lo work and spotted the ll'feckagc. i\1i raLi.ilously, the two men and l'>l'n 11 nn1cn escaped death. although a portion of the debris burned after the 1:11 a.m. ciccidcnl which occurred on a landing ·ap- proach. Only a wrck ago. a sophislicaled in- s!ru1ncnt landing syslen1 was installed al 1hc cou nly fllrporl. hut the Cessna 3JO p1!otrd by Robert Perkins, 51, nf Long Beach ""as not using the JCS beam. • • .. __ ·-· ----.... _ -~· ---. ·--· ··' OA llY P'ILOT l'llOIO e1 LM f'IJM l'r rk ins and his three passengers were ~11, lakcn lo t'osra r-.1esa 1\fernnria l /l u-;p1 tal, when~ thry "·ere re1lorled 1n {.11 r condition, \\'ilh 1nulliple inju rirs in- Llt1cli11g sonic burns. INVESTIGATORS PROBE, PHOTOGRAPH CRASH SITE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT In the Foggy Early Morning Houri, No On• Kn•w a Plane Was Missing Thr.1· ;ire Piitrici;i t-.1al!as. 3~. of 9652 llurharn Dril'c, lluntlnglon Beach, Joann :\.lay .. 1fi, of 53&6 (;crrla Dnve, Anahein1, ;ind Edinund Donahoo, 42. Long Beach. a 111•ighbnr of Prrkins. Authori ties for the Federal Aviation .o\d n1 inistrat1o n sent a 1ean1 of !n· \Csti ga tors to the crash 1'i1c in a fie ld nc<i r Herl !!ill and Paula rino avenues, but 1c1·1·:1lrd little infonna tion Snipers Shoot W indoivs ThroughoutHarbor Area Or,1ngc County Sheriff's drputie~. ho1,·e\'f'I'. s:ii d Pl'rk ins "'as in contact 1111h El Toro r-.tannc Corps Air Slal ion, \1 hirh 1nonitors all a1rrrafl 1n area ~k1cs. l n1·1~s1 1 1;.itors sa id Perkin:. evidently n11.,judgcd h1s landing in the dense ,e.r·nund fog h;1mprri11g \'isibil11y :it !he I llllC'. sl;1n1ni1ng through a 11 trP frn1-e ak111~ the a1rf1Qr t's pcrin1ctcr and flipping Ol'l'I'. Cnn lrol triv1cr d11tv J)(.•rsOWnrl :it the Tll.1 n11r st:1t1nn r1 1drntly helir>l'Pr\ lhr. pl;111f' ha(! land\'d s;1f1·ly 11•hcn thrrr \\'a~ J.t1 111r1hcr cnnt:ict during the l;111d1ng <ip· ]l!'(lil('!l. No nnr 11;1s a\\;1re 1hc Cf'~sn<J h::id gone 1lflwn un111 ~.20 a.in. 11·hcn an Orange ( ·ounty AiryJQrl control lOl\'Cr 4.'tnplo.1·c noticed a hole in the fence, then spot ted lhe wreckage. Hescucrs found the four victims ;:ind s;iid it \\'a.~ ;i 1nir;1cle they survived. sin<'e ll;i me.~ had singed grass and \1•ecds ;Jround lh e site. One sheriff's deputy said today the fire ~prr;id for 200 yards around !he aircraft, ·which \'18.S demolished in the. prcdaw n cra~h. An engine was Oung 100 yards. The four persons were on a flight from Ca lexico to Orange County Airport, bu~ ~hrrilf's deputies said it "'as not established \\'hen lhe plane took off. ln\·estigalo rs said they understood ()Ile of thl.' men aboard -possibly P('rkin.~ - \I'll)' !he presidcnl of !'ome type of com· pany but this had not been confirmed. .lust about one yea r ago. a cn1n1nut.cr ;1irliner crashed on th e Newport Vrecway iu a landing approach similar to Perkins' r•o1·th·!'0Ut h setdown attempt, burned and killcil all aboard. The controversy o\·rr Orange Co un ty Airport's lack of an ILS syste1n fla red at that liinc. leading to an FAA speedup of installation procedures. l\Ionagau: Tax Cut ] 11 19i0 'Unrealiil ti c' Sr\CRMIENTO rtJPI ) -A.~scmbly ~p<>11 ker Hobert T. Monap n betle\·es It 1s •·prnhably 11nrealii;lic" lo eicpect the Jg)'O l'lC'c1ion-ycar lcp:islaturc to makl.'! any Ro\·i ng snipers usi ng air rifles l!!'ft 1 !rail or rlozen~ oi shattered windo"'S through ]1-;'ewporl Beach and Costa Me.!ia Turs'1ay night and \\'ednesday morning, fX1hce said loday . 1·he nflcrnen. :;hooting from a pa~s1n~ t'f\r, ct111~l'rl at !Past $2 .000 in damage to ;1hout 30 rnr.~ and hon1cs 1n reported ifl· c!dr nts. Police s:ud they surmised per· h,1p.~ a ritJ1rn nr n1ore other inc idents 11-rnt unrl'portcd. The> shooting :;prcc with pl'lll'l gun.~ ;-111r\ BB rifles, star!ed 111 the East bluff ;irra nr:'l r Coron;i de! J\1;ir High School, Nc111port Beach police said , then skipped 1iver the b:'ly to Newport Height!', \Ve st· i.:l1ff. Dover Shores, th rn into Costa :\1e.~a. Northca~t Co.~1a l\1e:;a homes and car.~ 1hcn "·rre :;hot at followed by sniping in the downt own area . The snipers ended their ~prce in l\tesa Verde. Cos1a l\fesa police said. Police said the majority ()f the inci· flf'nts were reported !hrough Wednesday. No one was hurt in 1he shooting incidents, relieved ofri cers said. Damage to au!os averaged about $50 in each shooting, bul several homeowners reported losses a\'t'raging $125 to shat· tered platc·glass windows. N e'vport Woman Moving Costly Tlfov ing fla y for Jean }!;igf'n, 4.1. ()f r.:cwpo rt Beach, was especially costly WPdnesday afternoon. TI1e \\"Oman, moving Into a new apart. mcnl at lhe South Bay Club at 2 p.m., left l \\'O suitcase" containing $3,300 in jewelry and clothes in the open trunk ol her car as she wenl into her new apartmmt at 920 Irvine Ave., police said . When she return~ for the two :sui!.· cases 15 minutes later they were gooe. Inc luded tn the 1rtlcles inside was a $2.000 r ing wUh a %1-c:aral aquamarine and 12 diamonds .set in gold. Belli Files Suit Q\·erall cuts in t;i!les. SAN fRANCISCO (U PI) -Attorney f\l nn:ig:in \\'e1tnrsday cxprcs.~rd r\:iubt :'\tlelv!n Belll filed a $200 n1lJUon antitrust al)oul a tax cul although c:ov . Ronald . su it against I~ insurance companies We<!· nc;lg:in's art1ninistrallon ~portcdly 1 iit • nesday, claiming 'they consp!rtd lo eonsirlrri ng proposirik a permanent 111lC" ~.~rt~arae tor malpractice insurance r t•d11c!ion lo be financed I hr o U ~ h iflftr k"eel' ~Cf()fS (rom lC!tlfylng fat in- ecoJIOlllJCS in Ule state budget. Jured persons. One residt'nt on r..t ariner's Dri ve in the Westc\iff area reported damage of more than $150 to peppcred windows. Police said 1hey had no leads on the snipers. Girl, 19, Tells Police of Attack By Hippie Type A !!!·year-old Newport Beac h \1·01n<in lold police \\'edncs<lay a 1nan in hippie rlrc.!'s for ced her into her car, drove her to two secluded locations and raped her twi ce. The "'oman, \\'ho said ~he \1'8!5 loading groceries Into the back scat of her car al a parking Jot at 31st Slreet and Ba lhoa Boulevard, said the rapist approached her car at Z p.m. The man. bearded. with long hai r, pushed her inlo the ca r and !old her to kee p calm as he drove. She told officers he drove lo a .seclu<l- t'd area south of Corona r1cl Mar, then raped her, saying he would klll her if she did not submir. Then the assatl:int rlrove hack inlG the Newport Heigh1s area, .~he to\rl of· ficers, anrl raped her again. Ninety minu1rs after lhe incident in the parking lo~. file man drove the 1~·oman hack lo the loca1ion anrl fled, leaving the viclin1 snd car where he found them. police said. ThP. stu1pcct was descrihl'd as of med· hnn build, \~earing a yPllow buHon-down shirt and blue bell-hollon1 jeans with a red triangle on each cuff. Police. said they found se\•eral finge r- prints inside the victi m·s car whi ch mi11ht have been left by the man . 85 Burglary 1\1 urder er Gel8 Life Sente nce LOS ANGELES (UPI) -E11genP. Joe Gallego!i, 22, has been sent~ncerl lo life in pr1.son for the 11la}'ing of t"·o elderly spinster 111.~tl.'!rs during a S5 burglary. Callcgo11 \\'as se.ntence<l Wedne~ay followlng his convlcllon of two countt of first-degret' murder in lhe ht:atlng denlhs of Hester Sanders, 85, and her sister, }1ary, 80. Ha1u1ted House Scares Up Ftu1ds For Hospital There's a haunted house on the. Orange Counly Fairground/\. )1'5 scary. So scary in fa rt, that a lrl'nage girl keeled ()l'er in a fa inl \\'ednel'day night find had to be carried ou! Jn lhr arms of the Mart Scirntist. "[tul \1'c have a fright fo r e\'ery 11ge ~niup.'' rxpla1ncd Larry Gardner, the ~!;id Scirn!ist,-"v•c cton·t scare the !1\llc t..1r!s mu ch " The h;iunted hou5e is sponsored hy th<' Pu nch and ,fudy Guild of !he Childre n's Hospita l of Or;ingc County, \\'l1ich will benef it from the 50 ccnl admission ree. The haunted house '>l'ill be open tonight . Jlal]o\\·ee11 night, and all day Saturday. If you're a teenager and s~arc easily, better try it during day!ighl Saturday. Slack JHorkel1 NE W YO RK IAP) -The stock market hegan lo recover some ()f its losses of ea rlier in lhe day in n1odl.'!rately active trading late this afternoon. (See quota- tions. Pages 22-23). Orange Coast Weather The morning fog may chill the air, especially along the coast. Frj.. day but 1he sun should hreak lhroug!l before nioon. \\'arming the coastal area to 70 degrtts. INSIDE TODAY One of I.ht least publicized rif Calijornio 31-0tt ofjice.s i.s .~haping up o.s one }or uihich there'll be tlte: hottest conttit, t<:ith fo11,r seeking 1/Je GOP 11omi"nallo1i f or ottor11ry genl!'ral. ('age J J. l irlh• Ct h,.•1'11 CltHlll .. (1,..lu c: .. ,..,. .... 094111 1ftt1Cn 0 1¥t•t tl •dl .. rutl "-"' '"""'lfl"''"' ,1_,, Mw11~ .. """ "''""" " ' """ n .. " " • n fl·U H " Ml•i'o• ff M~twol ,_, U N1het1tl N1WI ... I °''"" c111..ry " ,,.... ~ .. ,..,. ,, tHlh :IHI tN>C• Mlf~lll 2'·11 ltlol•I~ JI '""""'' n ¥1'tt1htr ' "'••Ill Nrw11 ... '"''""•t N ... lr•tt '· ~ 1 -----~ -··--··~.--- 2 DAI LY Pll(IT " Harbo1· Area Pioneer Nicklas Die s The strong, steady hands lhat heftffi hipboard lumber 50 yea rs ago. rowed the rst Balboa ferry and dredged up an iland for the homes of rich men poor by !her slaodards 11re still now. .Jack Nicklas is dead . Tra\·eler, boatman, builder and friend l stranger~. the. Harbor Arra pilloeer ied al i8 last Y<'l'Ck in ll oag r>1emor1al ospital alter a short illness. . Memorial scn'ices for Mr. Nicklas, nf 12 E. 16th SI., Costa fl.1esa , were held riday at St. Andre\\''s Presbyterian hurch, nol far from lhe home alld yard ~ loved. ~any people didn'l know the name Jhn Albert Nicklas. or lhat he was bom ov. 27, 1890, in t.1orrillton, Ark ., but 1anv knew him by sight. EVery day, !he American Flag wa\•ed om its standard , a fixhire at the icklas home, Every day, Jack N ickla.~ hims<'lf waved passersby -business t>xecutlves, ~hool children anrl everyone else - 1other kind of fixture there. "He never missed a day that I ·member ," said one man. J ilek Nicklas tramped up and do1-1·n the ~lifomia coast aboard lhe lum ber trges. visiting every port. an rl CX· !rienc@d the great 1906 San Frctncisro irthquake and rire. !lis ship finall~· put in :il Nrwport o>ach's old Pi-1cFiidden Wharf in 1917 and irklas stayed, his roaming finished until ~ moved on al the age of 78 last .etlnesday. Nicklas ~·ent to \\'ork rowing the first ~lboa Island ferry for the late J°' Bttk, wrated a dredge to create H. A~ "Pap· 1" Palmer·s brainchild, Lido Isle, and :irked 30 year!! for south Coast Boal Jilding Company. "He was meticulous in painting ·ivately owned boats, as well as govPrn· ent ships during the war years," said a !alive. The yrars -38 in the Harbor Area - ~re full for Jack Nicklas, and he retired 1955 to enjoy his home and yard, 1!1ivating his berry bushes. "He will be remembered as a very ie ndly per.son," said one member of the mily today. No one can condemn thet kind of monu· ent. 'pastic Kids ~ . :'.iDJOY Newport 1alloween F ete J'un1pkini;, 11·i1cht'.~. gh()sts and goblins -<:orations ~·ill be part of a specia l :il!o\\·een parly toda y for ~pasl 1c 1iklrcn , The deC'oraL1ons. tles1gned. n1arle and •na1td hv the stu den ts or r>-1ar iner!'I hool. wl'i-e lran~ported tnd<1 y hy Ken· ·th Allen of 1fi07 Highland /\v t ., ?11.·port Beach. for the party heir! al the. unda t.ion home, !-307 W \0~1h St. Los ,~elei;. "Many Of the i;p:isllc childrrn have \'Pr harl a 1f;i llov1 etn party brfnrC'." Jen, president or Serloma. mrn's r\·ice organiza!ion and sµonsor of the 1rty ~aid today ·• Nearly all of th<' !ildrtn are conl lntrl tn ~·ht<'I C't1 <11rs anrt t' total care patients .'' he added . 5turlent.s of all classe~ tontnbu!ed their" forts to1-1·ard making the hundreds of \'Ors for the event, he no1ed. .berua th y to Spea k .t l\Ioratori11111 Ra ll y !'AN FRA NCISCO 1UPll -Thi! RP v, :ilpn Ahtrnathy, who succec<lert the late ·. Ma rtin Luther King .11 s chairman of e Southern Christi an Le a d e r sh i p •nferrnce. vlill be the featured ~peaker the Vietnam moratorium rally No~·. 1:> Golden Gate P11rk. DAllV PllOT n •AMGt COV.Sl ftVl1 rlHUIG (Olr1U•1111• ••ff•t M. W•N •rt,lftr>t -l'llllli.tlll J1c\: a. c~,1 • ., Vlee J>rnldotol• -c;.,..,,1 MaNttr l~-•1 IC11v<I ··~ lh•,..•1 A lrifu,p~i"' ............... ("''' . J1r•lfl• '· c.11;~, ,._, -h c;o, at1110r .............. om.. 1111 W•1• l•l••"l•wl••••' M1:li11t U4••U• ,.0. t .. 1171, 9246J --Cftll _, J:lll wn1 l t v '''"'' L_. ""°'' f77 ,_, •-..........,.,... klldl . ., S1h '""" DAILY P ILOT i tefl .. ,..,_ quiet ltlotnetat Corona de! l\1ar 11igh School cheerle ading crew takes a break Crom usual strenuous activit y. Seated are Angie Goggio. (left) and Gael l\-looney. Standing (from leftJ are J anet Katz, Jenny Nakano and Julie Jarvis. Fron• Page 1 BACK BAY ATTITUDE • • • the urpt>rmosl rart nf the hav heing i;et as1d!' for the public.'" he ~a id, "lhd!"~ Jll~t. a rld iculou~ thoucht 11 's !hr mo.!it \\'Or thless part of the ba~·." GF.T BOTll AREAS Tt1e c:o unly would ff'Cr11·e hoth a rea.~ fr11n1 th(' Ir vine Compa ny as part nf the f'xt"h angr agrecm enL l1 r1bin ~on declarrrl thr r1 ly rn11lrl r nJf'IV ~5 1n1ll 1on il year in rr\·rnue~ frotn thr: h:i1·. 1( the !ideland~ .... f'f f• IHHIC'r II\ Juf1sdicl1on. "That's ri h('llU\ a Jal of !ax mo ney.'' he ~aid . "!f 1-1·e rnulrt rlr'rnnnstrat r thal 1hE" cOllntv ha~ d11nc a t)(ltl .l"h af!n11 n1~ter 1ng 11s 1n1i;tl'Psh1p of !hr ha~·. do yo u sec. 11·h;it 1-1·ould hap[l('n ~ The city 1-1·ould get it all " J Allan Beek. a mf'n1her of Nev:port's mil~! prom1n,.,nt. ri11ner r f11mily anrl a pruu 1pi1l · Frl<'nd~·· ~pokesn1an. i;;ur. <'l'NIPfl t h1.~ 11t!'k 111 11 111n1ng a place. fnr lhr Bark Bay d1;-eu;..~inn on the NQI'. 21 C'l)Unc1 I ~I ndy srssinn agenda ll r had l11!lr trriuhlr Only ~J ;i~·f)r nor. rl'n ~1 <1 r:.ha l1 1n1r"l.l P'~rr1:il1011s ;ilxt11t t.1 k1ng up the suhJrct at ;ill "!n 1!14>4 anrt lflfi.'i. Jhf' cr•11 ncil expreJ;sed lo; 111(' Suite !.;ind.' C<n111n 1,,~1011 its ~up­ . 1)1')rt of !hr ex rh<ingr." ~hP s11id . "~O a s f.1r :ii; !he cit1· 1~ concl'mrd. this IS not a 111at1rr for p!1licy r!i~cuss1n11 " f<iO T POL ITICAL She said un(i!.a court decision is macle, ''the que~lion of the lrade should nol become a poli11cal issue " Fou r other members of lhe council -a majority -pro1npl!y disagreed with lhe mayor "!L's al.so council policy to periodically rt>1·1c.,... pa:;t policies.'' soi id Councilman Donald A. fl.1clnnis. "TI1is is the ap· propriate lime to hear all i;idcs of 1ne ex- C'hange And consider updating thal policy. Thtre has nol been a complete re\'iew of the trade by its opponents _since r ve been on thi.~ council.'' (Mcinnis was cle<:ted la.~t vrar)_ B<>Ck said his group wanted lh_e .~r­ portunity to elaborate on ihe poss1b1hty of a citv claim for tht' tideland~. He. said lhe tim6 to movr i~ now. not after a courl decision is reachrd. · "I'm not ro sure. v.·c shouldn't be 111· terested In making a claim for tht tidelands." i;a1d Councilman Howa rd Rogers. "I'd like to see a presentation made." •·we should take another look al It .'' 8ald Vice t.layor Lindsley Parsons. JIEAR TRE!'of OUT Counciln1an Paul J . Gruber, mayor at I.hr time the toun<'il tndorse-d the ex- <'hange. also ag reed to hearing oul the ''friends .·' t.1c1nnis J9 trr pointed ool thal the preS('nl council 1najority W9S nol a parly tn !he original policy. ''Ma ~'be we ~hould ch11nge it," he said. Gruber more th an 1\10 rnl'lflths ago made his lurnaboul po~hiou clear Ourin~ a study session discussion !hill rc~ultrd in no action. he. said he 1-1·<1~. unhappy about the Coun!)'·lrvine plan to convert !he Bi:;: Can)·on site into a publ k· park 1\·ithout a public bcarh or r i1y mari n.1 art>:i . "A co1nn111nl!y p:lrk ltirrc IS )t'SS than desirable a.~ I ~rr. 1[ nn11 .'' he ;,:i ul. ''l.lnles~ 11•e can have the hayfront too , "''e 11·111 ll'lnrl up 1-1·11h a park \VJlhout th~ mriln ~ '1 1 raying fnr !t.~ improven1en1 "' ll r was al!\Jd lng to re1•enues fro1n a cily- 011 nrd n1 arint1. (;r11hrr !erm rd lhe tradr at present a d1liit crt propo~111on for !he: city. "It seE'rns It) bran er0<lcrl -badly eroded -trade for !he city.'' he said. Counc1lma11 Rogers ~<iirl t.oday he ha s r!'r·r1rrrl <i n off-thr·euff opinion from a lrg:i l ;J111hnrtty nn tl1E' city·~ chances or gcLt1ng control of the Back Bay tidelallds. ''He said rhe odds are 80 lo 21) against 11 ~:· Rogr r~ .~1at<'d. "Anrl that rna.v 1-1ell hr , hut there ts ~till that 20 percenl cllan c€'.'' It is tonside.red Jughly probable that lr11ne Company officials \\'Lil also seek lime on the ~ov. 24 Cily Council agenda, "Snn11•onf' lron1 thf' cnu nty might 1-1·an l to be there too," said a city aide . Vets Day Rally Plan ~ Revealed \\'ASHINGTON /AP\ -Plans were an· rl'Ollnccd Th11r~clay for a Veterans Day "freet1om rally" at. lhC' \\'ashington i'olonurnenl to fl{'rm1t "lhe silent ma· Jority" 1o 1·01ce it~ views on Vietnam. Rut !hr sponsors. including the Anierican ~gio11 and the Veterans of Foreign \\1ars. said the No1•. 11 gathering 1-1·111 not be a coun\.l'r·dcmonstralion to lhe s;ct-oul·Of Vieh1am·oo1v dE"rnonstrations scheduled for Nov. 13·15. llnv.·e1·cr, Or. Charles r.1oscr, ('.eorge \llashington Uni1·ersily professor who is organizing lhe Veteran.~ Day gathtring, !laid in reply to a quesliun at a news con· ference that "we would be nattered" if 1l1e antl1-1•ar groups demonstrate against it. lrvi11 e Co. Sets Service Banquet The Irvine Com pany will host 1L~ third annual Commun\t.y Assoriations Award banquet Frida y at the Nev>'porter Inn, Newport &ach . A1,-ards will be given to 21 presidenl3 , repremiling as n1any individual Irvine commuru1y associations. for tivic service lo their communitie~. Six special honors 1-1·111 also be gi,•en. The a~50C'iations range in s1z.e from the 9Z.1·reJ;!dencr University Park to Irvine Col'c \\"Ith 50 homes. ll a~·a k a wa llefi ed; H a re Vows Takeover SAN fR.ANCl SCO (AP) -A Negro m1litan\ fired by Sr. S. l. llayaka~'a say!! ltC' "Ill l1cad thC' hla ck ~tudJes program at ~:in f"ran('isl·n S1atP College. t ven 11 It hnul pay or 111hn1ni:.tr11tion approval. N~guel Win 's Battle Superpisors . D~al Blow to Salt Creek Back~~s By TOM BARLEY OI .. 0.ll'f Piiot Sllll A bitterly attacked Laguna Niguel Cor))')ralion ca me through a grueling fi ve.hour public hearing Wedn esday "''ith ils colors tattered but with the verdict 1t asked of Orange County supervisors-a 4 to I ruling that once more shatlered hopes of ··save Salt Creek'' supporters. That rulir.g, Jed by fifth District Suir.rvisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, snuffed oo t the Ca pistranc, Bay Park and Re<:reation Di strict's bid that it might be able to provide a mini·Salt Creek Road in the Dana Strand Road area. En\•is ioned by lhe coasta l agency \\'as a four-foot wide 600·foot walkway which would give the public a street end-style access lo the ocean. Only Supervi50r RGbert Ballin opposf'd the action when it ca n1e to the vole and he was again the lone diJ;sident when the boa rd voted -again al Allen's urging - tn hand ovf'r 631:> acres of the recreation rlisl.rict's territory lo Orange County Service Area No. 3 -a transfer eagerly Profs Rallv ,., To Stt'allows' Ai<l at UCI \Vht>n cliff swallows mi~ra!e back lo this area next spring they'll be alloY<'erl to build nests under eaves on the UC Irvine campus 1f professors have any· thi ng to say about it. Last spring the campus maintenanre ri eparlmE"nl blastf'd s1-1·allow nests a1-1•ay ·with high pressure hoses and now the fa culty has moved to prevent it happen· ing again. The Academic Sena te nf farul1~· mem· hers a few <lays ago voted 1-1·itho1it. rli~· sent to prot('('t the. swalJO\.\'S saying their presence enriches lhe can1pus at1nos· pherr. "We don't want, the rampn~ turned into 11: desert," ar~E"d As~islant Professor of Organismic Biology Joseph Arditti. "A!'I an old bird watcher I'm 11·ith you," said Bernard C.elba um, chairman of !he Academic Senate. Another assislant professor of organ is· mic bio logy, Harold Koopowitl , said swal- low droppings have not been very ob· ''iQus. that the mites they carry ha\·e not been known to harm man. and their nwnbers can eventually be controlled if neceuary. "We should attempt lo n1ake the campus more than a mere collection of buildings: v.'e should aim for an inle· sraled biosphere,·• said Koopowitz in hi~ rr~olution . "Therr is no rtason v.·hy birds on the ca1npus cannot be cultivated as ~re geraniurns. if \\'C. recognize that from lime Ill tin1e bo!h v.·itl need pruning. Nrlther need pruning at the prelient lime." Graduate f;tudent Mik e Straui;~. 22. nf Balboa Island . who has stlldied Jiwal · Jowi::, said the destruction of nests last spring probahly 1-1·ill doc rease the num· ber of s11.·~l!ows returning but not elim1· nate them. He said the i;waUQY.·s on campus were ve ry se<:rell\'e but he would guess lht ir nu1nber at betwE"en 200 and 400. They should be spE"nrling the 1-1·1nter somewht>rr 1n th,, South Pacific , ht ~aid. sought by Laguna Niguel on behalf of H1 Niguel Shores development. District ditector1 unsucctssfully ap- pealed to supervisors to allow them to con!Jnue lo provi de fire and sani tation serl'ices lo the area. Laguna Niguel spokesn1en successfully ;,rg11ed that the district's financial status would not permit it to provi de such services and that a rontinualion of the pre~ent syste1n wou ld mean double tax· ation for area residents. Rejected by the supervisorio; v.·as the argument of onlookers that !t would be as v.·ell to wait for co mpletion of the Niguel Shores complex and then allow the re."ident.s to decide which of the two systems t.hey would prefer. Both decisions were taken afler a lonR lunch!ei>s session in 1-1·hich Laguna Niguel representatives -corporation vice prtsi· flf!nt Knowlton Fernald and attorney Alex Bowie -were the targets of fiery tirades Jron1 coastal area rc~iden\S. And both Battin and S11pcr\•isor David B<l.k<,r added their caustic comments to an almo~t unanimous condemnation nf Laguna Niguel policy in the. Salt Creek .orea. Baker, in particular, made no secret of his disgust when he w11 show n rhotographs oi Salt Creek beach as it i.tands today -the repoait ory for bui lders junk. twilted cables W hr~ken 1 ocks . "I remember this coastal are!I as ii ,1·as son1e years ago, a lol'ely u'nspo1l~::I f!!Clor of our munty with a fine view ol the Olean and a perlttl spol for 1lu1 brai:h Jover," Ba ker said, loo king at th11 i.e\·eral photographs before hi m. :·No w," he snapped , "I look at lhesn r iclures and I see what these penplo t Laguna Niguel) ha ve done 111 the In· trr,•ening y::?ars 1n their assault on our J;indscapl'. "They have brought destruction anrl desecration 10 God's coaslhne," 1he: ob· viously n1o\•ed Baker said. ''Thi.ii JS noth ing more or lesi; than prostitution of n1an's environmenl in pursuit of th<: dollar.'' Looking direrlly al Frrnald and Bovdr, Haker arided . "H I could !ind stronger \.\'Ords I would use them '' • In earlier questioning, Bakcl< ellcile I :in admission fron1 Fernald tfuil had Bowie. irnmedl:ilely hurrying foNard 1•1 cla rify his etnp!aycr's response.: Fernald admitlC'd und('r the ·boarr l rnember's questioning that he had -011 bthalf of Laguna Nigu€l -persistently refused to respond to bourd requesls lhtt his corporation grant an easemecl in any 5ector of L<11<11n·• \\t!Uel t errlli1~y 111.,L 1:ou!d permit puhlic access to the bea ch. Di·. March to Leave UCI For Position at Stanfo1·d Dr. James G. March, a UC Irvine pro- f<'ssor who was the first dean of the School of Social Science~. will leave UCI in June to accept a professorship al Stan- ford. r-.tarch's primary appointment will be to a school of higher education, but he al~o v.·ill be professor of polilica\ science <1nd sociology at Stanford. March, 41 . has betn profe!'i~r of psychology and sociology at UCI since.he resigned his deanship la!>t June. to gi ve more time lo teaching and research. The remainder of this school year he will ~pend part of his time al St.anford but mast of his time. at UCI. he said . "r>-fy main focus of interest has shifted over the last two years to problems of university organization and this poaition 11·il1 give me an opportunity to punue !hose inte rests." March recently Wall commissioned by 1 h~ Carnegie Commis.sion on Higher F:clucalion to examine the role of the American college prtsident. H. Thomas James, dean of the. Stanford Sf'hool of Education, said. ''Professor r>-tarch ranks with lhe most imaginative ;:ind constructive men working in the field o[ organizational theory toda y." March holds a bachelors degree from UnJ"ersilv of Wisconsin and masters and doctors degrees from Yale. He is a member of lhe National Science Board. He rose. from senior research aS&OCiale to professor of psychology and chai rman of Lbe doctoral program In t.he Graduate School of Administration at Carnegie. Tech lrom 1953 lo 19&4. when he accepted !he Social Sciences dtanship at UCL March and his wifr, Jayne, have lived , ·I ' 0,1.ILY .. ILOT Sl•ll .. ~tit HEAD ING FOR THE F~RM UC Irvin•'• March in Corona del r>1ar for the last flv' year!' Their daughter, Kathryn, is a junior .at stanlord. Three sons attend school local !>· -Gary, a freshman at Orange c o.st College ; Jame~, a sophomore. al Corona del· Mar High School. and Rod, a freshman a! Corona dt';l r.1ar High. SAVE 100. ON ';})awn By Stone and Phill ips reg. 55 0. for 8' lengths NOW 450. T•ke 1dv1nt•9e of thes 1 import•nt 11vings o~ 1i1r different 1tyl•1 of luxurious 1prin9 clown 1of1 1 in 1 ho1t of e11.qui1it• f1bric;1, Y 01u favontt fnt,frior dttig ntr toill bf Mppy to ,~i.ft ~Jou ••• PRO H SSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGN ERS Op1n Mon ., Thur1 . & N i, fv11. 1116 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA , CALIF . 6'6-02 71 I t E O• m 0'1 """•" "'"~ . ..... 1,. lh 1>ub BJ SA lar Y•>r elecl \\'ay gene Th ""'" ing $<2,5 polil go ve Bro11 ha1•c year :;ton• Th noun Sen . Glen Se or ente1 VOl Lo Ev t ge ne fmn l noun firsl Sp unsu no1n: befo1 leav1 ~ -''I !"ea ('.01 f:rt Pia Re s s, p •T ., e E "' ~39. f;lf,l. $39. $29. • oAtl v ,,L or 11 Hot. GOP Attorney General Race Shaping 1/2 Gil. SILE t t~llO"• Nole One O! II•• •I•!•'• ,,..011 ln\1>0rl11nt Q!ll<•• ·• th~! of -'· tl:'11',ev1>vt'ik"'o811it:t~11 1dh1~"'.'r1i~i:1~:~~~ "'"rltn • r•<• oev•looing belwceo !ovr l<•1>vbllcao• for !ht IOb) By GEORGE SKELTON SACRAMENTO !UPI) -By fa r the hottest race in next year's Republican primary election shapt\s up as a four- ~'ay contest for the attorney general nomination. The four hopefuls plan to spend millions of dollars seek- ing a job which pays only $42,500 but offers unlimited poli tical potent i a I , T\1·0 gu\·crnors Edn1und G. Bro1vn and Earl \Varren - have used the office in recent years ;;s in1portant stepping stones. The lat.est Republican lo an- nounce his candidacy ls State Sen. John L. Hanner, 35, of Glendale. Sen . George Deukmejian, 41 , of Long Beach, officially entered the race in May. YOUNGER JN RACE Los Angeles Dist. Atty. Eve 11 e J. Younger, 51, generally regarded as Lhe frontrunner, is expected to an· nounce his candidacy alter the Jirst of the year. as Gov. Ronald Reagan's Cagainst former U.S. Sen. human relations secretary. Thomas Kuchel. He ls Atty. Gen. Thomas C. adamently oppo s e iJ to Lyncll, 65, u~ only Democrat liberalizing marijuana laws, in a statewide r~ to survive says public pressure should be the 1966 Reagan landslide, has brought to bear on"judges who Slli<i Rpea!edly be plans to render liberal deciaioru and advocates tough measures to seek re-election. But many kick the "revoluliooaries" off polittcians have tbdr doubts. ca1npus. He also calls for a If Lynch does not run, his chief deputy, Charles A. ''moral and spiritual rebirth" in California. O'Brien. probably will. Aside from its influence and stepping stone potential, lhe office of attorney general cur· rently is attractive because il is the only statewide position now open to a Republican who desires to move up_ lhe political ladder. The lone ex- ceplion is the less prestigious office of secretary of state. SEEK RE-ELECTION Reagan, U.S. Sen. George Murphy, Lt Gov. Ed 'Reinecke, controller Houston F'\ournoy and Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest all Republicans -plan to seek re- election and are nOl expected to be ch.:llenged in the primary. In announcing his can- didacy. Harmer described himself as the "most con- servative" of the four. Few would dispute this. BOTll AGREE Deukmejian g c n er a I J y agrees with Harmer on mari- juana -a position which runs opposite lo the Nixon ad- ministration. Deukmejian also says as at- torney general he w~ld try to cha nge recent court decisi:>ns 1\'hich have "tied the hands" of po!ice1nen. He Y:ould do thls by pressing for new court ap- peals and puihing for new laws. "We need an aggressive at- torney general who will leave no stone unturned in trying to reverse these illogical decisions," the senator $ays. "We don 't need someone who says 'we can live with thenl' and Jays over and plays dead . "Living with" the court decisions is precisely what Younger is trying to do. The former municipal court judge says he disagrees with prac- tically all the Supreme Court's Spencer Wi!lian1s, 47. the unsuccessful 1966 G 0 P non1inee, may announce even before that and take an unpaid leave of absence from his post Harmer supported Dr. Max Rafferty in his successful 19611 Republican primary campaign 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA .<\.~k • .\boul Sean Con,·enient C:redit Plans SAVE ss! Regular 129.99! 71/z-}'oot Scot ch Pine Sears Low r•r]cc! 88 Aek A bout Sean Corlftnient Credit P.I.ne e 'ltte!e p-aee-ful, natural-looking •rtifici•l treee m-e @vmmttril'"a lly !haped, thf':re are no h •d aides e E11ch is de5i11.ned to ~tay lov,.11 for ,-1::an witboat any ne.cdle drop or m",,;~. Fir e re,i:<lant ~l9.99, 8-Foot Sl:.otch Pi n'"---------~ J;lQ,91), 7'h·f-"oot Blur ~pr ure_ _______ _. $39.99, s.F'oot Blue Spruc"'--------- J :.?9.99, Pet:i.Ii c Fur·------------ Sears Mailable 1'ree • J tttludea Tree. ornnneata, ttend and 1kirt. E..6y lo &el up. • Paekaiced in • box th•l p11tr111et Poslw l Re~la1ion1. OPE,\ SL'XD.,Y ... for TourShoppin1:Conftaimot ••• STARTING!'\' ... Z r • "'' ' • WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5100 ~ ..... ,. ··-.. o M1n11nilt f;r•11f i1 compltl• wi01 11ncl i ncl burner. D Yerv 1l191nl 91t wtrmth, c~etr, •nd bt eu+v w•thovt th • wor~. 3495 2x4 MASONITE or PEGBOARD ARNO Biq 2 .-.t 1i1• l1ocl1 ;i,,lf lo • .,.,,;.1y of 11101. M••onile m1lce 1 9oocl che •p p1int C•n.vo1, peqbo4td is lint 1h.,190. 37c EA. CARPET AK 0 T~•ckum •lic~um for o'oin9 ct rpel or c•n••l 1;te• lht f•1I "'•Y· 0 Holcl1 firmly in pl•t • witho ut ••P•"•"• in1l•ll•!ion c~••9•1· 0 Jui! cul off who! VOii n••d, 1l1p it clown, l1y c1rp1!, vou'r• dont. J 2 4 9 RO LL WHITE TOILO 0 W1t1t clo1•I of fir1d porctl•in for rtpl1ct m1nl or room 1clcli!jon. D Ancl if vou'r• ••cli~t • btlh, chi ck 111 out fo r f•utt11, p11llm1ns tnd •11c~. w• qol •omt bt t uh . 17aa GILMORE PISTOL ' ' NOZZLE 0 1111 clry 9r111 lo th1 drt W, 0 Ail t t~ ii w;1h.thii pl11tj1 1prty nn1 1lt . 0 If ii flqhh b1elt. ttt lht produttrt el Mlu ion lmpon iDl t , thty'll b• f11tintftd. ' ' decistons in the: past 15 years. But he say.!> il is ttme to slop tomplalr.ing aboul thein and instead adjust to lhe "tba11g- ing ground rules.'' SUPPORT LAW "l'rn not sayi ng Dick and I arc just like that," he says, .. but Lhe people who have sup- ported Nixon in California generally will support me." Wiiiiams, the only Northern Californian In the race so far, plans lo campaign on his record with the Reagan ad. ministration and as former San1a Clara county counsel. Kam·cha(ka : Younger and Williams both support California"s recently· enacted marijuana legislation wh ich allows a judge to treat a fir st conviction either as a felony or c1 misdeme<inor. "In any crime," Younger says, "the wider discretion the better." Younger has been clo.<:;e to n1any members of the Nixon administration for years and even was considered for • cabinet post. Like Deukmejian, Williams would Lry to reverse court decisions through appeals and new legislation. But Ii k e Younger, he would try to "live \l'ith" the decisions in the n1ca11tin1e. "The police have to abide by the l~w like everyone else," he says. VO OKA s9aa MY OLD FLAME • LONG FIREPLACE MATCHES ["l No mor• 1in9•cl • ... 1 p•n•••I. D U10 lo l<qhl tli• qu11t'1 c:>qt,eH• 1cro11 fl.• •oom, it'll m1k1 !ht w,f, cro1y. ..... . tJ Acl•trfistd 1peti1f1 9oocl !hru No•er,,ber S, 1969 (•nd Ho(y Cow 01'1 getting tlo1t to Bi9 Bird limt 191in,) AGA OAK LOG SET ...... _ ., .. D Appro•t cl bv th• AGA, includes loq1, 9rolt, burn•r ind volvt. D Gu1•1nl1td ill wrilin9 lor I v••• (in invi1ibl. inlc, of couri1 .) D V1rv n1tur 1I, Y•rv convtni•nl, tncl v••v 1conomic1I. -, ........ ""'. 2895 GLIDDEN SPRED SATIN LATEX WALL PAINT .. 0 100"1. 1crubb1blf inltrior lohx p1in! in hunclr.d1 of 9 •••1 tolors. lJ Ori e• !o • omooth m•ft• fin:•h in minut1•. 0 Roll t ri. bru1h•1 , cl•tft up On W•ler, lully 9u1rontted. 6 49 GAL. 7 INCH PAINT TRAY AND ROLLER SET 1 0 H., .. , • p•n th1 t'1 wortlr ih w1;9lrl on 9c1>•• lo•lht,,, [J With mflclr in<j roll o, no 10<1, iwo Jo, tlr o prict of ont . u C.n doubl. II 901<1 ponninq ~ii if !ht rO ve " 49c BUS · BOY GARBAGE .... ,,..... ,. ,...,:(,, ~ DISPOSER 0 Ruq9•tl, strvict fr•• <li1po•or1 •inc• 1953. 0 Co .. 1;n11011i l•tcl, in1ul 1t1cl •I 1ink i ncl droln outloh. D Gu•••n•••d, ind 1~. p•ice m1 k11 w11to 1111 ....... 1 .. 1. 19aa 4 PIECE FIREPLACE r -· I TOOL SET ' ; 0 w. brought olt No. l l out of !h• slo•troom d u1l1cl it up incl put if up lor 1cloplion, LJ Ni e• 4 pi•c• 101>1 1•1 i• 1•/in block includ•1 •lt nd, pok•r. bru1h. 1nil 1ho¥t l. 998 ~ 23 SERGEANT'S FLEA ' COLLAR 0 Good pric1, Ktt Pol, t ll the p1! ownf<1 will d ft you. 0 Th1 let• won'! likt 'l'l>U loo well. 0 8~1 !hey'!I bt oo d •• d "' ot won'l mtkf ony d il/1ren<t. 97c PANEL ADHESIVE 0 U1e for I 1mool~ n1ileu p1n1I in,,1ll1!1on, Ll Or you covltl 11•• ie '""P tlro c•t in nighh ii ~our .,.;/• wo<ritl 1 ltf. n r:i. ,1.nd .rcl coul~; .. , 9~". 10 if'1 111y lo Ult. 99c 32 GAL. PLASTIC TRASH CAN FULL 4x8 PREFINISHED WANUT TONE PANELING -~...,_,... ...... ,, ....... ..,,,,.,,.. .. .~ ,_;__ __ 0 Why "ot buy • ntw ont i nd btfor• 11'1 in w•• h1•1 th• 1Wcl1 clfcorolt i t, 0 H'll qivt lh•l'll 1om•lhi"q lo do witll lh•ir l•ftov1r prolttl 1;qn p1i .. h. 0 7 Y•tr 9u ~r1nt••, lock;n9 lid , 11nil1ry, iv1I rin1t tl•tn with ho11. 0 Owr m•n•<i•• t1U1 th;, ChtrtV Walnut To.,•• M1ho9tny P1n.lin9, 0 Evtt nolictcl th• 111• ••P•"•i•• 1~. ''•'"• lh• len9•• th1 ntmt? 0 lt'1 pt•f:ni1h1 cl, v.qroovtcl. ~ncl 111dv for !mm1di1tt ln1 !1ll 11ion, tom• 11• it, it'1 prt !ly. 2'' • I ·---·----~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------..-..... ---.. ...... ....- J 2 O.AIL Y PI LOT • Big Ga1ne Hunting in Harbor ··ua~k,voods~ -' • • • ., -• <'! \ ....... 4'.'. ~ .. -A LAURIE BAYLESS SETS OUT IN SEARCH OF THE MONARCH IN BACK BAY BRAMBLE, SHE SNAGS THE BUTTERFLY Nc,v11o rt lOOth Ci tv to Joi11 • SCAG Group \:r11p(\rl Be;ich has become the IOOth S-Ou1hC'rn California city to join th(' Sou01ern California Assoc1at1on o ! G111 c·ri1n1cnts 1 SC AG \. SCAG off1c1<1ls !oday announced ac- t'r;1t;1nrr of Ne11'1l0rr~ membership, trrn11ui.; 1( a ··landmark ·· The r11:y thi s fall JOuoed !hi' influential, fofl r-VC'nr·uld plannin~ adr1sory body :>Ll l"r 1nnntl 1c;: "' dehi>cration on the 1nr u1bl.·1 -hl1J. \r-\\ port ~ rntne rr<1son for J01n1ng the . ~rn1 1p 1~ 111 tr~ t<J 111fliu·ncc planninc sug- • i;!l'~llU!I" by SC.\l; on location of a rri:-.1nn;1I airport in Orange Countv and to 'r. \ t(•\\ !Jlh1•r pl<in111ng issues aflcctlng ; !\1~11 IJ<•rl Beach as they come up. Cuu::l1lni;1r1 l'<1ul Cruber. the onlv ~ holdu ul 111 lhe approv<il of mem~rshlP. flpp•'l-~r-d lh! 1n1r.1ng IN?cause he \·1ew·ed : 1h" 1•ri.,Jn 1La11on a::. ··s1n1ply another level • ()! t:111 (T lllllf'Jl\ ' ~ ·r llr• pr11nr gfl:il nr ~ewporrs mem- ' \)(.'r-h1p 1~ 1nJrr-t111g local \"!ews on the pl.1111:1:1;! bn..Jy 's :-\t11ty nf a Southern C:il1h1n.1.~ H\'gional :\1rport Sy ~lem, . • l'rl·!11 11 11.1r~ 11vrf.. on thr far-reaching ~h1•h ,drl'ady has started ~! .,1, li;i~ l.'.Om1111 tters "11 t110 levc!3 d1 .-du c 111!h .11 I~11Jo11 and airport.• Thr r.rn11p ;1J<n ha~ rl'('ej\·f"d federal ~1 ;1111 ,,, -11ti~1u1.:c regional airport plan- .: n1r.g ·1(1.t,, La 1r 1ncn Off er Treats lo Kids Aro1111d Ne 11:port (;r1111·11 tnf'n in ca rs all n1·cr !\ewport Brar-h 11 iii i)(' otfcring candy to <:hi!dren on illL' ~t11·L·t Fru.lay, but parcnt.s ' a!artn is unncccs~ary . Thi· rn+.·n 11111 hr pot1remen in uniform. Tttlf'rl '"\n trick, \Vr"\I Treat," the can· dy ,,11l'r1ng 15 a goodwi ll program i.pons11n·d by the ~Cll'port Beach police Qerartn1cn1 E.a·li patrr1 l111an n11 dut,Y throughout the dav \\ill h.11 r ;i !>ack or candy in his patrr1I tar t hild!·cn .ir" 1·nro11rag('d to 1Ya1•e at a pa.~s111_g pa lr••I i\1r an1I rome up safely for some frre 1·and.1, Mrs. Hcrskind Rites Scheduled Fun l'ril l scrritr ~ for I\ at ha r i n t Her.~k111d, n1o!ller of .~1lrnt scrroen st~r Doroth1-Darc . \\'ill hr helrl at 9 a.m. Fri· nay ,1\ J!ac1f1c \"1ew 1\1emorial Park Chapel t.tr~ JI , r~l..111cl. a re ~1denl or C~ta ~!cs.i fnr 21 ~e<irs. d11'(J al a convalescent hon1<' ,\l!•U<lal" afl<"r an illness of several yC'ars. ::11<' \\ ·'~ i8 Shf' 11 a~ a fl)rn1rr ~1nger and danctr on i!.e nt11 \'orl-. ~l<IJ'l' Sol" ~11r1 ivor is hrr du ti;;htcr. Dorothy lJ>1re o' t..'.o~1;i ~lc •:i. Burial will bt lit Pacific View r lr.morlal Part:. LAURIE , IS, EXAMINES ORANGE ANO BLACK BUTTERFLY, NOTING SHAPE, MARKINGS Shoes With Matching Suit ~1esan Sues 1'lug Oi:er '.4 ppro-v al Se ul' Too Zayda 1-!anber r~·. a (o~t:1 '.\ll'~a real !'.'St.ate broker. \\·ho \\·as lnr 1926 :'1!1ss Houston and once danced a~ a Zlegf1eld girl. LS taking on Goocl Housl'kecp1nj! f\fagatine in a lawsu ll n1•er defeclil"e shoes. ~1rs . llanberry has fil ed a $36,000 da1nage suit against three parties -in- cluding the Hearst Corporation, pubhsher or GoOO Housekeeping ~1aga7.inc -\\'hose seal of approval was given to the al· Jcgedly defective foot\\·ear. The California Court of Appeal has Just ordered the mammoth p u b I i s h i n g organiui.tion to starld trial , by reversing a ruling by Orange County Superior Court Judge James F. Judge, who dismissed lhe action against the Hea rst Corporation at an initial trlal. The appellate court has now cleared t.ht w·ay for the new Jan. JJ suit naming the Hearst nrganitation, plus distributors Victor B. llandl &: Bros., and retailers, Akron Stores. The original suit filrcl by New·port Beach attorney Roy B. \Voo!sey charged the Hearsl Corporation \\'as liablr because its well·known Good Housekeep- ing Sul of ApprO\"a\ amounted to a war- ranty of quality . Judge Judge excluded I.he oraanw.llon fron1 thr action. saying G(l{Xl Hnusckc ep- 1n11, wQul d not be h<ible, but the San Diego ::ippcll:ite court disagreed in a forma l fin· ding. f;oou Housekeeping is in a position that ii has a duty to use care 1n endorse:nent of products suc h as thr shoes 1'.frs . Hanberry cla1n1s caused loss of her kncec<ip. the court explaillfll. The <i ppellate court also said Good Housekeeping is in the business o( ad- 1crti5inc and inducing customers lo buy and therefore is in a poor position to argue against its influence on buyers. ~irs Hanberry -1~·ho complains she is in constant pa in <1nd reduced lo M('(ticarc benef its and lil"ing off the sale of her house -claims Good Housekeepifll! either did not test. or negligently tes ted the product on which she blames her in· jurirs. Although Good Housekeeping cannot be su t>d on the basis of strict liability, the court opinion holds. the publishers could be H:iblc for negligent misrepresent.ation 1f to.Ir ~. llanbcrry's clain1s arl' valid . Cnlci>s there is a new ruling by thf' Califnrr.1a Supreme Court between now and Dec . a, l\1rs. llanberry and her ltjal Mail Won't Go Through; Someone Lifted Mailbox \Veekend user~ of a Post OHict' mailho:t" en Balboa Island .,,'ill prob. 11e\Pr ha\"r. their mad delhcrcd, it y,-as discovered Tuesd11:y. Someone stole tht. four-foot ba) side mallboz -letters and all. POltal tm~s miking lht fi rst pir~up after the Saturday w·ttkrncl p1f'kup discovered 1he loss al Park and l.>1a1no11d avenues Tuesday. The n1ctt1 ! bo'I: \\·as anchored to lhe .!.and along the bay w·1th three metal Jipikes. Th1e 1"es ripped the receptacle off the spikes end carried it off. r-011nsel w·tll have the opportunJI} lo pro1 e 1hosr char)iCS 1n Janua ry. The 1ong1imc profcs..~1onal dancer said ~he bought the shoes in ~larch. 1966. 1•.-ent hon1f', and fell down \\"htle wearing the !>hoes. Stashed Hash Found in Bay By Lifeguards Ne'>l·port Beach lifeguards on a routine (living exercise Tuesday found 10 bricks of hashish in Newport Bay. leftovers !rom a huge, record haul of the illicit 111anjuana resin earlier this year. The 20-pounds or hashish were found ~·a rds off the r-.1 Strett public pier and lloat on the Balbfla Pen insula. police said. The bu lk of the po tent extract 11o·a5 rJiscovered in the same area last April I <:nd amounted l.o the largest single: haul 1n C<1l1tornia his\£1ry -l:>O pounds valued a1 upwards of $500,000 on lhc illlcil market. 1 "lrs obviously stuff ·we missed after the first discovery," Narcotics Detective Al Epstein said \\'ednesday. Lifeguard Capt Buddy Bclshe said a le<1m of lifeguard div ers first found one brick of the hashi~h in murky waler <1boul 2il yards from the ori ginal find by a. ffuntington Beach fisherman la.st gpring. '"It took lhc di\'ers about I~ minutes to f:nd the rr~t. It ~eemed to have been 1noved a11·11y from the origina l Prea by l!df's through the ~ummer."" he said. \ 1~ilJ11it y at tha t point 1n \he bay is ;ibout fl\ c fee!. he sa1ri U11 rrs use that pier rrl!t.darly Dec<1u~c flf thr calm wate r artd public float a1a1lablc. '"\Ile just found ii by pure 11ccident," Bclshc said. ,, '· ' . i • I ' . • ..... ·~ ... u . , . • .,,,. . ¥ •• • --· • I -·· .... l .~ • r i't • ' ' ' -'• ... : . .. '' CdM HIGH FRESHMAN MAKES SURE OF HER CATCH I \ ·. • .- BACK HOME , SHE MOUNTS IT FOR BIOLOGY PROJECT Laws on Aircraft Noise Drafted by State Official St.ate regulations on aircraft noise in- cluding a fine ol $1.000 for each offense are being drafted by tht' slate director of aeronautics. it was announced toda y. The director. Joseph R. Crotti. s<11d hi~ staff has begun studies '-'·hich .should result in adoption of airport noise ~land· ards as required by an As5embly bill passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov . Ro.id Reagan last month . The bill resulted from 1nlcnm hearings hi •• : by lhe As9Cmbly Transport.Ilion Con1miUl'C last year. "\\'hile his staff is preparing its studies, Orange County airport .!t.aff are devc!op- 11tg a proposed on:linancc In comb;it ex· ressivc aircraft noise for !he county airport. But enforcement of the county code would prnbably not employ a hne. but. in· stead. a pcssiblc w·ithdr&1v1l 11 f permission 1u use lhc airporl, sourcrs have said. Tne proposc<I cou n!I' t(l(!r. nun11s prfl- pos<'d noise levels, arc bring ~tudicc1 b1• slnfl nl thr Federal A er o ne 11 ti c s Ad1nirtistrat1on. Tht FAA 11.·ill probabl ,1· f"1 'l11rn 1hr (J{din;ince along \\"il h su~g,.,~t1un~ 111111111 the nexl 30 days. Assistance in draftin& or tl1c nr11· ~:;itc rode \\"ill Cl'lme fr nm a special com mi ltre (If !>e1·cn -111·0 ho1ne Ol'.'ncr rcpre scn· 1ali\cs. and one e:ieh f1·om the Depart· n1r11t uf Puh!u.: llrallh. t.rague nf Cahforn1a t.:1t1es. the Cou nty Supervisors Association. thc {)(>purtmen1 ol Education anrl the Air Transporlat1o n AS5oc1ation. All \\t ll be appointed tiy (;n1·. Rc;igan. Thr rod(' 11111 bf>rf)11lt' t·ffcc l1vc J;:in . I. 197 1 and would llTIJ><'!'l' ;1 $1.000 for C'aC'h offrn.'l'. "·hirh 11111 be rt misdemeanor. The :11rrraf1 11per:it11r found in vialat1(•iJ \\Ould ha1·c lo p:iy 1he hne. J\cwporl Patrolman 'Culnna,tt·r or Year' "-1rmbcrs nl !11" r ,,rfl11:i d1>! ~l ar Srn•1! n1.,111r1 h;11e l't1n.,cn m111o rcy r1 ,, r:itr"lin::in !-.1.1nlC'I' Brc ... ~lcr as Cub· rna~!er nf th~ '(';1 r Br('.~.~trr . a mc 111 brr nf thf': N~prnt H~ach Po\1cr lk'part1nrn1. \las cho~r ·i rf'ce.u ~y f,,r ire ;innu<1I ;11,·11rd bv t.hr rt1~1riri 1h r"Cl!1rs. Thr !'lX-~rar 1·('tPTan ,: !hr fnri •' h,1\ !>l'r1r1t :i ~ rubrn,1~1 1'r f•• 1':-1ck 666 for thr pu~t 2'; ~c.ir.~. 10 ho "" "i 1i. '~ ,. ' ]1 1· I 'd' "' I 14".r l'lt ,., m 1 ·---~~~~~~~~~~~--..... ----..... ------------..-----------------................ . Santa's Almost Done 6men BEA ANDERSON , Ed itor l~u .. .S.Y, Oc .. Mt )t, IK' • , .. , ,, lf . '!!< l \ ... \ .. .. r .•. ~ '~ • ~ • >' ' y ' r ,,, . ' . , ' ~ ; " • , ·~ \ ' .. ,,. . '{.. ' ' " •r • .. ! ; l~ .11 ~Y~:-.~,£~ }, . . . } ' ,.,; 't' ,;·~~ ' -·~-~ " ' ' '1:1 • ·''"' ·f~ • ' ·~. ;, t ' ., ~ -~: " HALO, NEW ANGEL -Surprised that he has been nan1cd Guardian Angel by the 11arbor Ke,\' of Child Guidan('e \enter of Orange Cou nly is Robert N. \\1eed. 1!"169 rec1p1<'n1 of the <innual honor. Pre5cnt1ng: the t rophy during the _annual Presidents KccC'p\1011 111 the :\r11 pu11 R~;i c h hotne of :\Ir. and illrs. No r1n an Ci rkle is .\!rs. J. O'!lara S1n1 1h, Jlarbor J\c y prc-'>1dcnt. Publ is her Cited rlall of Fame Gains New Guardian Angel Oran,<:e \ri un t.v. \alifnrnir1. Populat;on 1 104.140 n1ortals and eight a ngel~ -ga ard1a11 angel ~. tllal is. The e1gilth g11ard1on angel, Robrrl i'\. \\'red. has just joined the ranks of U1ose ~f'lecterl in prr\·ious years by the llarbor l\ey of Child Ciuidancc (;cntr r of Ortingc { oun1 .\'. .\1111ounf "lllcnt of !he irlcnr1 1\· of the (;11nr<li;in .\n~cl '~a s n1;:ide dur- i11c: th e 311111101 P rr ~idcn!s Hrccrit 1011 hns 1erl h1 IJ0rho r Key 111 the ho1ne of :'\I r. and >Ir ~. :'\orn1J11 (1 rkl c ol \"c11pnrt l3cach . Gi,·en a nnual!~·-thr honor is prc"r n1ed !n,. c1t 1zen 11 ho ,i::11·cs nf hin1- self fnr the c01nm un1 1~· <1nd th£· Child c;11 1d<J 11 rr ('rntcr. a nonpro f11 Jo11 cost p.~ych1atnr cl1n1c fnr en1ot1011al ly disturbed chil dren of Orc:111 gc County. Other 1:11ord1a 11 .\ngel ~ 11hn.~c nan1e;; nl/11 <1 r£' 111 the .\n,:.:£'1~ !!al! of J.-an1c ,inrl 11ho 11f'rc 1n11tc<I 10 the rer r p11nn <ilnn::: 11 ith ·their 11 11·rs. are (1 \\" B1ch,1 n1 \\ v.l icr l!.urrn11 c.h "' !l:irr1· J{a hh11t \ndv Dcv inC'. LlL Tom I-\ol>1n ~o11 !)r. IJ.in1cl r; .\ldric-11 .Jr. :ind ·.\rlhllr \lr l\rnz1r. i·hr 11r11r'o.,.t (;u<ird 1 ~11 :\n;.!C'l i ~ a 11"!11·c o( :\lcxandr1 A . .\!11111 . and i:, 111!"' f.1 thrr nf 1hrrr r!:iu ~i1tt>r.~. Kathryn, .\!<1rgo and Roberta. l ie resides 11·1 th ht ~ 11·lfr> ;:inti r!<111.~h-~r r.~ in ~c11·port Be;:i ch Pre!'1 drnt and publi.~her nf the D.t...IL\' PILOT, \\"ccd also ::.crves as director of the Orange Count~· Chamber of Commerce. Orange County Coast 1\ssociat1on and Orange Couniy Bet ter Business Bureau. The presid rnt :-o! niany Harbor Area women's organizal ions were .i;:uests a·l 1he recept io n and "·ere greeted by Mrs. J. O'Hara Smith. presi· den t of Harbor Key. Pa:-l presidents of the support group. wh ich sponsors the Empire Debutante Dall each year as its major fund-raising project, al~o assisted "ith hostess duties. They include the i\1mes. Norman \Vatson. George J\lichaud . Slev.·a rt Petersen, Ha rvey Pease, J\·I. A. Richley J r., R. B. Ber- nard and John Sparling. ' '· " ',II ' I I ,,1 1' ' I I i!I L_. i1:: I I .. I~ I :,11 ' 11 11 ii' ., II i1 1 11 ' ~ i'!: I 1 I • I I i!, 1,1: 1i1 11 1111 ., , " :'11 •' •' r ·I 'I 111 I. I 'I II 11 1i 111 Ii 11 " ,, ' , • ..... j -I .. l I ' , 1 ' , I ' . ' I " At the End of the Tra il The re'll Be a Fiesta Jl.-lrs. Cir kle serve<l as chairman of the reception and \Vas assis!rd in it s planning by the ti.Im es. Leon Fry, John P. Wright. Loui s E. Pratt. La"·rence E. Kittle. Van R. Parker. J ohn J. J\1cKerren . Harry V. Kemp. C:arl B. Pearl.(ton. Jean f\1illcr , J . C. fl uinphries, J\.1urray Chotincr and \\iilliam II. \\"eaver. Senoritas who are membe rs of the Ticktockers or the National Charity League have invited their falhers to a fiesta Saturd ay. Nov . 8, at Knott's Berry Fann. After strolling through Ghost To\rn at 10 a .m. the "padres" and "hijas" "'ill make their \\'ay to the Chicken Dinner restaurant for enterlainment and luncheon. P inatas, bulls and li!Ue chicks \l"ill decorate the I ables and father~ ""ill "'ear sombrero nametags. Hi g-hll):!hting the entertainment will be a skit titled Bridging the Gener.1tion (;ar. prr:.~en ted by the 12th grade Ticktocke r.~. Senoritas on 1hcir \\<tY lo the fie sta are Laurie Gage (lei:> and Lucinda !Ja ye.~. Claim to 'Hostess With Mostest' Title Goes Up • DEAR A.J\i~ LANDERS: It would uem 10 me that the: ab5ence of ash tra ys in 1 home would indicate lh et the hosle!!5 v.·oold prefer that her guests not smoke. \fh1t should she do v.'hen they don't ta~e lhe hint? 11) Refuse VI J!PI jar lids v.·hen sutst~ requ~t a~h trayli after having been lold ~ou df"! not ov.·n ;in~·"' 121 Pn5l up · ~o Smok1n,:;"' 51gn!"..1n the hrlni room"' 1.Jl Wh<'n in 1 iJini:: i.:11ri;,t!' trll fhrm in ad1·ancr !hilt 1f 1hrv can 't In <' ,,.,11 hou1 a ciRatette: /or a fPw hours In ~lay iiome~ (4l Simply g1\"c up lht idea of rn· 11'rtaininR large numbers nf fdcnrl li l"'lea.o;e ans"·er in the paj)('r . I'm sure J"m no1 the only ooc 11·11h the problf'm. - RCTJI BA. ANN LANDERS [il OEAR RlJTTI : Pt~" •M hll't cood la~t' do not 11s• fnr jar lids ""hf'n lhf'y ~er no a~b lr1y1. They •&Mmt Utat tbe hoslf'55 dr:w1 not want bfr rutsl~ In smoke and th'y 1b1t..in. A ho51.ts~ "·ho ~~I~ :-;o Smoking !1.(n5 In htr lhin~ room and (ells JH'Ople lo sr..y home if tbf'y ran·1 ll\'e wltho.it • cl1artl· Ir, wlll not be bnlhf'red with "lara:e numbtr1 or ruestl.'0 Sbe wlll bl\•e otbtr problems. DE . .\R A~;..· LAf\DERS Anyone """hD rear!s your col11mn could gut~s you ha 1·e a daughter and not a ~011 . And it"~ ton bi d. If vou had a son whri wa~ married In a selfish. ~potlcd Rlrl -then maybt you cou ld give your readers some dec~nt ad· vice. J"m sick and tired of letters in )'{)Ur Ct>l- umn that make thf' molhrr·in-lfl '-'' look hk f' some kind of a terrible monst f'r. '1'-'henever you print a Jetter knocking a n1other·in-law, I receive two copies ln the mail the very rtext d11y. One rm sure is from my daughter-in-law and the other one has got lo bt from her misttable mother . I can "! lrll you lmw much JI hurls a mother ·s hean to ra ise a hoy and 1hen hand hin1 01·er 11'1 a lary. goOl"J .for·nnth ing v.'ho uses pla.i tic tablecloth.~ and buy~ rrady made po tato salad. Ynu ~hould li\"e lo be a hundrerl. Ann l.anOrrs. 1tnd ne\·t r know from thtse things. -~1 1A;o.11 DEAR l\.llAMl : D1ak1 for your letter. I bope you f'njoy the next one. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I hope f.fY m!'.>lhtr-in·law doesn't thin k I \\'rote that terrible Jetter from lhr pregnant gal whn wa nt.s to ta kf' care of her own baby v.•hcn ~he comes home from the ho~pllal. Wh en my llrst two babies werr OOrn. m)' mo\h('r-1n-law "'a~ like an ;ingrl lr:in1 hravc n. Thanks lo her I i;:ot l\\'O gl 11ri11us wcrk.~ of re~t. It wa., p11re joy. My hU~· banrl had v.·onderf11I mr;il<>. my older kid11 were hathert, fed 11nrl c1 rn cnlrrta1nerl bv ,;:rRn1ln1a I rouldn't h;nr hH•I a hr1trr ,·acation on lhc Frcnt·h H111cr:J \rht.n she left I cried . It burn ~ mf' up whr I read tho~r mean 11ntimother-1n-Jaw letters 1n your co!un1n. Smoke Anrl rlo }OU notirr it alwa ys is the b.iy'~ mothrr who ~tts put down? I v.·ish you'd print my lellcr. Ann . There are some pretty "nndrr£ul n1nthers-in-law around, ,\line lives 1n EJ !'a.so. -SIGN ME DLESSE:r1 llEr\R BLESSED: l"\"f' got one too. ~liae ll\'ts In t>etrolt. Thiioks for writi•C· flow "111 )ri11 knaw wh('ri !hr rra l th ing rnm11.~ alonb"' 1\~k i\nn Lander.~. S.nd fnr hrr h("IOk lrl '"l«i•r or Sr'< and iinw 111 Te ll tlir fliffrrrn("C'."' Senrl :l:l cent~ 1n r oi11 :i nd a I ron~ ...... 1r.adrlresst"rl, stan1 ped 1"'11 rlnp~· v.1f h 111111" fl'fjU('\! ,\nn L;intlrr,. \\Ill hr J:lad to hel p you w11h ~·our problr1n~ Senr1 lhrn1 In hrr in l arr of the DAILY PILOT. rnclos1n1 a sr l/-addrcssed , .!.ta1npcd envelope. -r 8 DAIL V PI LOT Damas Examine Las On-the-go Fashions l\11 Osborn "'11\ offer the com- n1entary. Husbands Included The newrst fa sh10ns for both 1nen and women v.·ill be sho11·n ORANGE COAST COLLEGE PRESENTS COOKING SCHOOL On the Stag• of the MESA THEATRE, Costa Mesa -Pr•p-1r1 for the Holidays - -PRIZES - THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20 -9:30 A.M. A t"ashion Fling in ron- tcmporary sly I es v.·111 be presented to memb<'rs of 'Sunset Beach Las Damas ... hen the group gathers ror lls 19th annual fall fashion show. Serving as chairman is lo.1rs, fl ul'k llendersun and modeling will be Las Damas members Including I.he fllmes . George Chisler, Larry Bartman, Don FilzGerald. Bill lo.1offt>lt and Jack Osteen, with Junior r-.tiss styles by Miss Mary Chisler. to members and guests of the ___ _ Balboa Ya rht Club during a ir;~~~~~ The luncheon and shov1 \\'ill take place at 12 :30 p.m. Salur· day, Nov. J, in Sam's Seafood restaurant. Huntington Beach. Clothes lo be featured \\'il l be from Herron's of Seal _.Beach, and v.•il l preview styles designed lo rneel the need s of on .the-go club\Oo·omen bolh for leisure and volunteer hours. lo.lrs. Jlerron Will servr ;is fashion coordinator and fltrs, Proceeds fro1n the fashion show "''ill go to the n1any youth-sponsored activities in· eluding area Blue Bird groups, _vouth and clvic recreation facility expansion and con- tributions to !he American field Service program. "'avtt!•H menl How's Your Hearing tt!ODEL OF NEW HEARING AID GIVEN A most uniqut frr.e offer nr ~perial interest to those who h e a r bul do n o t unde rstan d 11·qrds has just been annou nced. A true-life, actual size replica 'of th e smallest aid ever made Will be given absolutely frf'e to :tnyone an.~wering t h i s adver- tisement. Try ll lo see ho 1v ii Is worn in lhe privacy of your oWn hnme without rosl or obH- i;.nion of an.v kind. It 's yours lo keep frer. Thr size of thi.c: Aid is only onr of many features. VISIT: '+ Co1y 'n wt1"' 1l 1e"'"'''' * l obe1 & Gown• "II' l r tl by l i\ytHt. lt v.·eighs le~s than one quarter oun{'(', and it 's all at ear level. in one unit No 1vires lead from body to head. Herc is truly new hope for the hard of hea rin g. These models are free v.·hile the limited supply lasts, so v.·e suggest y ou 11Tite Io r yours now. Again. we repeal-, there is no cost a n d certainly no obli· gation. \Vrite for yours today lo Hear- ing Aids, c/o Box M-432, Da ily Pilot, Costa Mesa . •. for a lovely selec+ion of femin ine finery "' l ift91•ie .. s1 •• ~ b1e1 "' ' PANTY HOSE by Burlington Hos iery Co ... ONLY 1.99 s ~ndv c~.i.,.~ M eri Grtv11 • ll's rNlly nit !IHI ftrly hi t•;,,~ U1e~I 1'101.IOAY 1.AYAWAYSI NOW ... AT FASHIONS FOR LA FEMME ' ,,. .;;-. • ' 11, . ·-· ""' .•. ' ~~· ··'I' . . . COVERING THE COUNTY -Finding out what Horizon Club mc1nbcrs all over Orange County arc doi ng and thinking \Viii be the job of a ne1v llorizon Club Cabinet. Checking the terr!lory are the new officers (left to right\ \Vendy Dor- chester, Newport Beach. vice president; Susan Collins. Garden Grol'e, secre- tary, and Elaine Ke\vs, Costa ri-tesa, president. Milestone Reached Clubs Exchange Ideas Through New Cabinet A new le vel of achieven1C'nt has been reached by the Orange County Council or Camp Fire Girl s \\·ith th e rorma1ion or il s Horizon Club Ca bl net. Rep rc sentat1 vrs nf the 10 clubs in lhe counly will n1er.I n1onrhly to rxchangr idea.1' n11d d1,c;cnvC'r the needs anrl 111· lerr,c;l" of 1hr club rne1n· bershlp The ~!rs. Dennis Hossfe ld, Hun- tington Beach Camp Fire guardian V.'ill be the advisor and Mrs. Jean J-1offman, Camp Fire Girls field director is staff coordinator, Newly eleclerl cabinet of- ficers, 11-·ho \Iii! a ss ume lcader$hip Saturdil,v, Nov. I, arc El ainr l\c11-'. Cn::-1a J\l'el'<i. Okiponka HrJrizon Cl\1h. presi· dent : \V c n d y Vorehester, Ne11·por1 Bl':ich, Okiponka, vice president, and Sus an Colli ns, Garden r:ro1 c, E'-lla· \Ve·Chce, secretary. 1'he grour will mrel !he first Saturd;iy of each month in the KATHRYN WRIGHT To Marry Summer Date Set Tee Tattler Santa Ana Chamber of Com-The engagc1nent or Kathryn mercf' building and v.·ill he FayP \\'right and Dougla.c; Glen r·on1prised of one delegate ;ind nne alternate fr om rach f'iub fiarre\l htis hcen announced in the coun1y. h.v f.lr and J\lrs. lland:ill L. The Camp Fire prot!ram. \\right (Jf Newport Be<1ch, "'Je:.::r~~;~•;.1~1 cAo;i:a~ ~A;~c.r:~:~· \\ h11r specific in ii,; J:flal", lioe.c; parC'ri1s ol the briclc-tn-bt-. ;;:..1r~e.~:!!~."oi.~;~~e~f,~:~,1,,•~orO' not 10!1011-• a set l'our~r. The P l;in.~ fnr a sunimrr 11-·ed· Bo• 1)00, Co>•• Mt\~. T~e' "1w>t ~ pr ogfillTI I!) l.:iilorrd SO \h<tt !ht 1ete1vtc1 b• Mo"""' 1 rling \\Cre rcvr;1!!'rl rlurin~ ;i MEi.-VEltDl J!l!'IS, agr S('l'en lhro11gh hiJ.?ll f tow G1to~s-Low ljET -Cl•~' A. S!'hfiul, niai.• '·''f)lurc "''l" an11 ly p;:ir ry 1n thr h(lrnc of '"" "°""''" f r~n~ P~!IO<>t•. 41. "'" '-Q•<h !I. P~v1 !>1111erm•~. /l, hr·• •o,.. ranc r nf 1nirrrsts lhl' brirl~>l'll't!'~ p<1rrn1s net, Jann VPrlurTI>, 16, •.•onn!I lnN n•1. ~?~~~1118.u;;:i.'1~m~~1, ~i~·~~.1 1i ... AP~:;, 1\n1nng 01hr r aclh 1!1e..-. !lie i\l1 s:o; \\'rrgh1 1s-;:i gr;idiiat c n( ~6. 1ow 1ron1 1.>.011 .. ,11 Jon,,)lon. IJ. n1r111 bers :i~~i~L 111 po1 rrty f·;1scnl1011rr l!inh Schn.ol 111 '"'l low nel; P~n Brown. I•. 'econ<! f o 10 ... ne1. cn.,1 ... eonn.r•. 11. 1n1r<1 10,, ;ire;i.~ an< other t1c lrls, study Rialto. A sophornorf' at n~o; C la" (. tno Mm•1 Hftrold f ,_ Q so1om<:>n, rn1, 1ow vro"'' R r C.•r11n. ronserva ion . ~·oo,:1n~. ran1p-range Const Co)lcgc, she 1s ~~~~11,1r1~.1"i./~11i,;'! ~",.~, l'o';. ~;;"~! ing. se111n~ ilnd learn other 111ajorin g 1n s c c re! a r 1 ;1 I '"MOlor"'~.111i:S6._:o;;:~, .s~a.'~"• Mm•·.. skil ls. scirncC' . 1~~· P~~~~v. s~.0,:~"~01:r;· ~11~1~1·t~. H~~ Her liancr, son of fllr ar1rl Mmeo. 8••1 Mum"19, J•m•\ II"<•. i.: 1\l r.~ f\rnnelh Garrell. or Rici< SchtHM er. 11. Harold l'e!eroon, BI s M f 11, (le>• c. me Mrnt>. Vlt 81•1f•. lJ, ue tar om1 Ria !O. also \\'as graduated ~r;~~£~r;~.1~~:ri~ .. :~c;:.1:; fn un E:isr nho11·cr J1 igh and 5.,,1 • .o.na. 034 .. ,, 1,., ... , l•S. M••• llunt111gton Beach Blue Star now at!ends \'all ry College in spcrial night fashion show SaLurday. Nov. I. Cocktails at 6.30 wij l begin! the evening and the f115hions v.·i!I be paraded during I.he din. ner hour. En semble$ fro1n Apropos and A L'Eleganl will be1 rnodeted by the 1'.1essrs. and Mines. Bruce Chandler. Len South. Dave Young. Kim Kim- ball and Dr. and i\lrs. Allen Cottle. Dr. and i\lrs. Larry Baum and J\tr s. Sherry Eddy. D<_.scribing the rashions v.•111 be ri.1iss ~1arsha \'oust and ac- con1panist v.'ill be ~I r s . . Edward Lethen. Newspapers! Aid Parish Bring one or bring a bundle. T!l is is the invit<ition being l i~sued bv Sts. Simon and Jude P;irish, Huntinglon Beach, for the first of an annual series of paper drives. Papers \\'ill !}(' ar.cepted at SL Francis of Assisi School , Huntington Beach, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. I and 2. and all proceeds frotn the drive \~ill benefit the paris h school. League Garden Closes Gates The Coffee Garden, Corona del lo.far , sponsored by the Newport Jfarbor Service League, wlll be closed from Nov. I until Feb. 2 so !he flower garden can be ex- panded. In opera!in n for morr tha n 10 years, the garden is the league's principal ways and means project and all profits from it are returned to the community. Public Invited Child re n's Home Society "''ill slagP an open house lo <'e!ebrate completio n of its ne\1·!y enlarged facili lies in ~anla Ana on Saturday, Nov. J. fron1 2 to ;, p n1. Oran~f' Count:y re~irlen1s will h:11 e the opport unity to see .. ;idoption.~ 111 action ," ac- r ording t'l F;rlw;ird .I . flloon{'y, ()r:inge l'otln!y r!i str1ct direr.· 1ur. Clinic Aided The Cypress home of Dr. A .!;1cksnn 0!11'er 11·ill be the. sr!· 11ng for a fashion show an<l potluck buffet at 7·JO p.m. ne.'<t Tuesday. ~ Vo•a~ ~·.f~~':ioM's'A~r~O\.~f{," P.lother~. Chapter 2 stage S:in Bernardino \\·here he is Jo~~wG•~~i!r. ~~1801r~87d i~'f.,.~,m1;: meeting s every l\londa:v al stud~·ing h1,.!ory and is <i r ~ 8a,,ho1cm1... 11. wooa ro.. I ·3fl p.1n. in Lake Park n1en1bC'r of the collegiate ten-~~,~~... w.,,,., con ... ,, Dont1<1 Clubhouse. n1!" 1£'11111. Spnnsoring organization ls U1e Ora nge County Chiroprac- !ic Society Auxil ia ry. Proceeds 11 111 support the Los Angeles Collrge of Chiropractic Clinic ... CREATED WITH EVERY WOMAN 'S FIGURE IN MIND The pror:er, •("J I! ur.i;'t, romfor ta ble ti'.". well ~·, foshiono Dle, 1 r~t1r t ol coch Boll d e ;, i g n. A nd there '!. o Boli for every fa •.l1 ion in your v1ordrobe. See ou r morvelou · c.ollec t1o n ('.Ind le-t our e~per ls help y ou :.elc c.t. "Sky-Boli" in wl "c. J2 .JS B. C 7.50 32·38 0 8.50 'Wote r Boli" in whi te;,_ 32 -38 C 5.00 32-40 D 5.50 32-40 DD 6.00 fashions for ~t'"~):.)'"· .. ~f. OCT. U -lt<t Mme•;--------------- ll•t<>e<l M•flon. :" ll«h~·o Yd«•"· 19. Hettv Co111m. 1', LOW Ml!'T, OCT. 17 -M•-. (h••lt• Cell•l<•n, 1/. M" J•mf< CJlllh1n. II lltY!M£ COAST l llMD Ml .. E -Ct~"/., !ftp M"'•• G"""V' C ~c.ou, John l Pov~•. JI Gr•gp Ufut, :Ill: (It » 8. t"' M'TI•' H ) 5,.·~n_,.,n, )J C.OO•O• t.1 Gr •nt 1)' l o.,.. l•n~. JI ,; Cl•" (, '"" '·'"'"' S•.., I.:•,~•. JJ•:, J o•nno C.rnsi~•ua•r lo. ~Ober! 8~!1ft )lj (II•> D, ••• ~'m•< WI!"~"' '°''cC,,,<1. l•' •, !'!•• • £•p,~u, JI'•· F<..:I C.. Mev.,. N,d N~l>O~. lf. Coeds Bid BvAlumnae ' Girl,c; lntrrested in f111din.e out n1ore about Sc ripp s College and thei r mothers arc invited to a tea Saturday, Nov. 1, in U>e Laguna Beach home of ~trs. Eugne Parker. Two Scripps students ·will bt pre~cnt at the 2 p.m. aHair to answer quest.Jons and talk about the school. J\iaking arrangement,c; ror lhe tea 11re me1nbf.'r.c: o/ Orange Count~· &-ripp~ Alum· nae. U1e fl11ne.". Rarl Brown, \V11lian1 Parn~h . Rubert Russ. Robert Sn1i1l1. Cha rle." llurgy. llo\1·ard \\lood!<, T h n n1 :i .~ .tohnson. r\lfrrrl n u11klrr and 1\!ir1a Giacomazzi. Benefit Staged In Santa Ana The f1r~t ann11:il fashion :i;hov.·.Junchron tJf lht Orange County Auxiliary. Californi;i Chapter 1'.1yasttlf'nla r.r11vi~ F'ouncla lion will take place in thP S;i<ldleb;ick Inn. Santa Ana ne:'C I Saturday. at II JO a.m. HEY MOM. • • You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT ... ADULTS WELCOME • SP.IRKLliliG.NATURAl.COLOR! Kodak Color Produm used c:xclusi•t- Jy by i killed. profc$sional portrJ1r rhorog:raphers. •.CHILDREN AiliD ADULT~: (;roupl. Only 99c per sub1ccr. f ull r<'•eo • SATISFACTIO:'I GUARAl\'TEED '. :'foa must be pl~ or your moniev IS refunded_ •OFFER IS LIMITED! One portrair f)l't subjiect. ra-o rc·r (11m1\y, DIAMOND GEM OF ROMANCE lh• Dl•MDnd 11 '"" "'""' •o""'ntlc ol t ll Q•ITI'>. tnt ~.,,..,,, M t {If lhe m.,.,t b•llll•nl •r'l<I u>1,.,ltV !nt mo•! ••?efl>lvo "l!\t lltt "'•' n•v· t r burn• ou!" l• ant w•v tho Ol•mof11l hos bfen deo<rlb..:I. 01•'"°""• "'e•o Ii"! tou'1<1 •n '""I• •'1<1 U woo Ira,., Indio 1na1 •~•1 "'''" br""lthl lo Eu•opo, Howt vtr. "'' hl••o•k a.,1.,,. ~ou••n •·~ no"' e•.llt.nlf<t. Prnonllv, Sou!h A!r l<•" l•mou5 m1nn v111<1 b~ ltr tht ltrg.e >t Quln1•tv ot 11•m ou•lll• D•&mon1a. Tl\e ..-alue of 11>1 Olt man<! you ""rCh•>e !n !ho ltwtlrv '"''e wo•I d•per>a "" l<>u• l1<1ori : cola,, <'""tv. <ull1n9 ~na <•r~• we•gM G1n.,01. ly, one mo•1 co10.r,.,,, 1 otfll\t I!, "'' loner the «uall!y Volut 111h •• tn1 !!0«0 OHPon• .., ...... a. ~ ,1110.., ""' E"•<tpl;o.n, "' rnl• rul1 "'" '"• '"'V •••~. co!Or..:I 011rnor.ao """';n •• "'"""¥" .,...,., Ftmou• 11•m· pl.., ••• "'' OHP blut H!>t-• o ....... ,,.,, ""' ytlto .. Tl!t•r>r, .,,., In~ II'''" Orfl<le<>. Mlnu•• 11 • ...,, or lnclt.o•'""' ""'Y <'IOI M nn tne Ol•mon<I'• b•~u•Y· but W<li lawe' !ht Y•I~ •llf~1 HO\ljfYf f, fl•WI !n&! t te Vh•b4! I<> 1,.1 naJcf<t •V• co s.,klu•I~ "-"•m bOt~ ·~• apt>fd••nt 1 •n<I Th~ ••lu1 "' m1 ftm, Moot impetl•nt ol 111 " lhe <1uthly of lht c1r!Hng, II t•~e• • lat Of tom•, """"n'e &<Id '"'pl••!lon, No two dll m?nll• ~·· ·~•<lly .11, •. An<f I~• ·~•11• of I <ll•mond glvn II I mine! OI •'I )"'n. It'• U• lo Inf! PIAn"l"9 "Vl>of! IO b"n!I 0'11 fl'le ~t In o dl~'TIM<I'• """°"•Illy lie ... 111 lie<"'" ""'•Iner 1n1 11,.,,h.., 9em s~ould bl •ouna tu•, O••I. """' •t>~i>e. tm.,•1<1 ruf, er m11QUl>e. ,..,,., he Wiii pl•n tho tu! "' lhll •rn.tlt O..bt.le. or c•rbOn 31'Ct• can bf ollmln1twd '" rn• pr~ ce.•. Dia"'"""' P"<'!'S ,.,11 CePM<I on cu!, clantv, color. ancl '""' W•l~l\I Ll>!e<t !>t'O"' ••• •K•nr qw!a!•O«• 1FuDl .. hed bv OeBH,. Coo· •Ollaa!td Mono•, In< I ,, ~"'"" "~ '"'"') 1~ to 13}1) l<'l l'oln11 I''> t •rMl 1110 ~ 1.n' l c~rar 1100 "°'""' tl1ll'l to 1),800 1 ••••' !700 PD'""1 1L5'0I!10 n.ooo Como on 11"1 u1 our 11ne 1el«llon of D11mond> WEINERT-CLARK Fine Jewels ±;32 Fashion l~land Newport Bee ch, Californie 644-2040 La1·ge Sizes Gown1 -the long and the 1hort of th•m - in nylon, bru•hed rayon, flannel. Choos• your favotit• at Half-Si1• Shop from $6.00 Ji ii I I l • I q ¥ 11~1 ~ ~­~ \rf Soon at 84 Huntington Center, H.B. Effa ,..,. No r's HALF-SJZE SHOP \ 1805 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes• • "Vt bloitk 1101tli of 11th 1tr .. r•• •'M• Hou~: •:lO t• 5:10, Frldo, te •:oo "" m '""'""' "'"' Mom• ~ Sears TIU! henelit'!'; funrl~ arr rarmarked for 1\l}0asthen1a G ra vi:i;, :i ~e rio u r. neu romu!l<'ular disease lhfll 1s trrqurntly crippling, a!wa)·r.. Ar11i lable at th e Fol/01d11g Sears S tores -12:30 to 8:30 P.AI. Ft~hfon l11and-N•wporl 8eeth Stonewood C•l'll er-Dowl'l•y "10rrnsri'l'and 5 <>rnetinir ~ CANOGA PARK Oc.t. 27 thru Nov. :st ORANGE Oct.27thruNov. lst faJ;iJ I s~1al i;:uest" "'11! be :i.11s' COSTA MESA Oct. 27 thru No v. Is+ PASADENA Oct. 27 thru Nov. l$t l"alric.ia 1\lorri.i;on, ~tar nf GL ENDALE Oct. 27 thru Nov . 1st POMONA Oct. 27 thru Nov. li t music c:omf>dy a n d 1\1 r~ ~ SA NTA FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thru Nov. hi TORRANCE Oct. 27t h thru Nov. I st VALLEY Oct. 27 thru No,, I st l.._A111erfc••'· M•ttet-CM,.,.. l• '•"''"41 Ch•f1• Wh1tnev Ell~"·orth, lnunder ol LONG BEACH Oct. 27 thru Nov. !st SANTA ANA Oct. 27 thru Nov. 1st !ht. 1ou'nda!1on. !------------------------------- '· :h II ,, r I' r V< ' h ... ·0 E l ; B. C,.oa Kee fron heli· \\'OU bu rt "I >CC .Jim rubt f ; per~ n1in s!igl blast N< •boc Pon M dire tJn,I!' Brit (80 s~ Sydr flt he 1-lon BO; Aog IV "" «rev A1rp Gre; 11; the onto dous a boa Oo leo1r rra~ gal le Pl Bi In Ph Inter \.1'3!1 Tt 1he I pan It P.fi tion': COf]> MC'A' as la t loo i lo JI) Th• 111 r educ. W8' O.llln Joe. ~!l!'~I Cu' r.11s~l nprr; P~l,c;I Il!!i II Thi lion . def In. . --··-·--. ·-·--------------~~~----~---~~----~---------.... -~~ .... --~--"!'-----~ •SC ¢ ; 44<• 4 •W• 4 4 Q Costa Mesa EDITION Today's Final N.Y. St.ocks VOL. 62 , NO. 260, 3 Sl:CT ION S, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOR NIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1969 TEN CENT S • ra e Ill , ' :..-_ . .,,. • DAIL y PILOT Pftoto bY Ltl '•1n1 INVESTIGATORS PROBE, PHOTOGRAPH CRASH SITE AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT Jn the Foggy Early Morning Hours, No Ona Knew a Pla ne Wa s Mis.s ing Editor of Pilot Escapes 111 Aussie Copter Crasli BRISBA NE. Australia (UPI) -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Edito r Thomas Keevil and 13 other pcrl>On~ clambered from the v•reckagc of a cra.11hed helicop1er here toriay. lhen watched what "·ould have been thC':ir tomb explode and burn. "It is a miracle rcallv that these prnple arc alh·c." declared Giadstonc Fire Chief .Jim Crant. af\cr surveying the blackened rubble or the tour aircraft. First tt'pot ts inclicaled one of the 14 persons aboard the Sikorsky S2 su ffer ed minor burns and ll\'O others sustained slight cut s and bn.1ises in the crash and blast fed hy av iation ru e!. No \\'Ord \\'as immediately ava1l;iblc .111 bout \vho "'as hu rt, or if Kee vll, of 1806 Port Abbey Place, was among them , ~frs. Keevil. v.•ho is assistant proinotion Qirec1or for Htu11ingt:in (;en1tr, 1 h111 · t1ngton Beac·h. was not along on the lour, British Overseas Airv.'ays Corporation (BOACJ off icials contir1ned. She had stayed behind with rc!ath·es 1n Sydney. 11·hile l\ee1·il accomranicd th<': other Jou rnalisL~ \\'ho arrived in Br!~hane f\londay nn the inaugural fli~ht of the ROAC VCJO JCt scr·•icc fra1n Los A ng{'\e~. . \Vitnesscs :-aid the ~1kor~ky hf'l1cop1cr c<irry111g 12 tounng nr1~·sn1en and lwo c·rM\ mt'n lilted oH lroin Gladslnne Au1xirt en rou1e lo He ron Island off the Gre:it B:irrirr Hect 11 ht>n 1t falt ered. The :;Lric ken chopper plunged back to the run>'•ay rron1 20 fee t up , tilled 1J1·cr onto i!s side and bll'w up \\·ith a trrn1rn- rlous cKpk1s1on seconds "lier the lasL aboard rsca ped and took cover nearby. Onr. 1~heel "'as hurl ed 400 yard& -lhc length of four football fields -from !he rrash sitr. 1\·herc firemen USt'd !G.000 galloos ol che1nical roa1n and wa ter fron1 Philip Morris Buys l11tcres t In Viejo Co. Philip r..forri.i;, Inc. i.~ buying a ma j11r Interest in the J\'li~sion Viejo Company, 1t \l'a5 announ ced jn NeW York \Vednesday. lwo trucks lo halt Ille blaze. Only one main rotor blade and a bll ()f t~ tall ~t'ction rernai ned on the runway or the airport. locatro in an inlfustria! I O\~n on the central coast of Qucenslanrt, about 200 inlles north or Brisbane. Besides !\cc' ii. BOAC f'xeeutives a1H! Au st ralian tourism director~. thnsr. aboard inch1rled · -Elmer Ba:l'trr, of Travel \\'eck ly, Lo.~ Angeles. -1\lr. and J\1rs. l\ft l"lllt Gros\'enor. of \\'ashington. D.C .. he ii; editnr·in<hicf :i nd chairman of the National Geographic Society. -Al Hughe~. Chris tian Sci e n c e f.loo itor, New York. -Key Swensoa, travel writer. Honolu lu s ta:r Bulletin . -Fra•k Scholes, Sou tham Ncv.·spapcrs, i11ontreal, Canada. Nixon Res tricts Weed l(illcr Use \\'ASH JNGTON (AP\ -The \\'h1lc llou~ has rcslricled 11sc of a wced-killin~ rhcmical used ex tensi\·cly to clear U.S. roadsides and in defolial1ng trees and shn1bs in Vietnam. Dr Lee A. DuBridge, Pres1<lent i\1 xon'<: ~c1enr~ ;1d1·iser, ordered a limitcrl lJ S{' of the herbicide 2. 4. 5·T after st11d1es con· ducted by Biomctics Re s c a r ch LaboratoriCs sho\\"Cd lt v.•as dangerous lo anilnlilt li fe. Jn a sta{e1nent issued \\'cdnesday ni ght. Dull ridge, v.·ho ill also e x e c ut i v c secretarv of the President's En\•iron- me ntal Qual!ty Council , said the studies indica ted offlipring of mice and rats given relati1·ely large oral doses of 1he herbicide during early pregnancy sbow a higher than expected number of deformities. DuBrid ge said it wa,c; improbable hu mans could receive harmf ul amounts Qf the he rbicide from any of its existing uses. Hut he-added he was acting to assure public safety pending further studies. Harbor Panthe r Scale l'rccs Court Ga g, Yells at Jud g ~ f'HJCAGO 1UP ll -Black Panthrr lc<tdcr Bobby Seale, <1llhough bound and i;aggrd when he 11·a~ C'arrircl into !he eourtroom. still n1an;i,1?cd to grt 1nl!l a \\ 1ld, sho1111ng scuffle \\ 1th L S. nu1rshals ;1t the I rial ol 1lir "Chicago l:;ight " lod11y, J l1s-chair w::1s kno--·ked 01·rr into the pre"·' ~rclion and he ,\'f'lled that lhc n1ar:.hnl5 had ku:ked hin1 in lht> groin . Chl<'f ricfrnsr atlornry \\I / I l i a 111 KunsOcr stonnerl. "\\'hen nrl' \\'f' going 1o ~·lop this n1rdir1·<t l torlurr~ This 15 a disgrace to the la v.•. J am as/1an1ed to be <in Arnf'rican law yrr " To 1\·h1ch li.S. D1slr it't .J11dgc Julius J. Hoffm an shot back. "You should he ;i sh;.imt:O for the 1\•ay you'l'c conducted ~nllrl'>clf" 11 v.as the seco nr1 r~Jy that !he trial nf r 1~ht men ;iccused of cor.sp1nng to 1ncllc rlnls during thr 1Jr1n\1Cralic Nal1onal C:nnvrn\1 (Jn had turned u1lo a ~·(·lling ;ind :;.hol'ing n1at ch featuring ~cnlc , the marshal~. and Hoffman. Tllr Jt1r1gc \\'ednPsday orr1rrf'<l \h{' na· 1ional l'hilil'ln<in (l[ Hie Bla"k J•an1hcr parly Jl.'.ll:U!('d a11d sharldcd tn a ch<iir ,,·hen :icale rrfu~rcl 10 stop h1 ~ :<tnrlrnl drn1an1ls rn <irl :is his O\\-n atton1ey and tTO.~S-CX<lll1 lll(' \\lll)t'<;Se~ To/lay. Sralc 1\ns carri1·rJ ln1n thr cou rtroo1n .s\r;ippcd to a wnodrn ch air and w1lh a h1!a\1ly recnforced gr.g over his mouth. As rnarshals bore hin1 in. Seale's 3·year-nld i;;on, ~la!ik , piped from the back of the cnurlroom, "Hi, Darldy ." While Defen~e Attorney Leona rd \\'eingla::;s v.·as eross·examining a \\'ilness, Scale managed to scribble a ba rely lcgi· blc nor ~ on legal foolscap. ll was handed lo \\'einglass. who told Hoffman Sr::.I P. said thf' metal buckles on the straps \\'ere hurling his V.Tists. HoffmCJn tlismi.~serl the jury and lold the marsh3ls to attend I, i1. \\'h it~ 1hc marsha ls workcfi with Scale's st raps, his left arm came loose and his ~a g dropped off. There was an immediate struggl,.,, Sea le's chair topplro over. and he begnn yell ing that he had bct?n struck. ane Flie1·s Wait Five Hou1·s For Rescue Dy ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 !~I Di iiy 'llol Sl•lf Four fliers lay in the mangled rema ins of a crashed l\l'in engine plane at Orange County Airport for five foggy hours early today. before a control tower operator cl'lnle to work and spoiled the v.•rec kage. J\1iraculously, !hr t11·0 1nen and \11·0 11 0111cn escaped death , although a portion of the debris burned afler the I: 15 a.m . • 1rc1df'n t 1l'hich occu rred on a landing ap- iiroaeh. On ly a week ago, a sophisticated in· slru,nenl landing system wa,i; installed at the counl y airport. but the Cessna 31 0 l>i!oted by Robert Perkins, 51, of Long Beach v.·as not using the lLS beam. Perkins and his tnree passengers 11·ere ;:11 ; laken to Cos ta J\1esa Memorial Hospital, \\'here thl'y v.·ere reporlt'd in f,1i r condition. with mul!iple injurie s in- lluding sonic burns .. The y are Palricia Mallas. 36. of 965Z Durham Ori\'e, J-luntington Beach, Joann i\lay. 35, of 5J56 Gerda Drive , Anaheim, cind Edmund Donahoo, 42, Long Beach, a neighbor of Perkin~. Autho rities for the Federal Aviation AQm inisltation sent a team Of in· 1·estigators to the crash site in a field near Red Hill and Paularino avenues, bu t revealed little informat ion. Orange County Sheriff's deputie~. 1101\·el't'r. said Perkins v.'as In contact 11 ith El Toro J\farine Corps Alr Station, \l'hich monitors all aircraft in art'a skies. J11vcstiga1ors $aid Pl'rki ns evidently n1i,.judged his landing in !he dense !!ro1111d fog hampering visibility al the 111ne. :c;lan1ming through a v.·ire fence ;,long the airport's perimeter and fl ipping 01·rr. Control to\\·er du1y pcr~onnel at th e J\1ari ne station evidenUy believed the plane h;irl landed safely "'hen t hen~ was no furl her contact during the landing ap· jll'():1C'h. No one was a~· arc the Cessna had gone 1lown until 6:20 a.m. \\'hen an Orange <.:ounty Airport con1rol to"'er employe nclicell a hole in the fence, then 5poited the v.-rcekage. · Rt'scucrs found the four \'lcti1n~ an d ~.11d H v.·as a nii raclc they survived. since f!an1cs had singed grass and v.·eeds around the site . One sti enlf 's deputy sai d toda y the fire ~prP.ad for 200 yards around the nlrcraft, v. h1ch \~as drmolish<'d in the predav.'n cr;i~h. An engine "'as nung JOO yards. The four Ji('rson~ 11,•cre on a flight fron1 Calrxico to Orange Courity Airport, but i;heriH 'i; deputies said it 11,·:is not eslahlished \\'hen the plane took nff. lnvcstigalors said lhty underslood oiie nf the men aboard -possib ly Perkins - 1~·a~· lhe preci dent. of some type of com· p:iny but this had nol been con ri nned. .lust about one year 11go, a commulf'r :iirli ner crai;hed on lhe Newport freeway in a landing ll pproaeh simila r to Pcrkini;' riorth-l!outh setdow n attempt, burned and killed all Aboard. 1'he controversy ov er Orange County Airport's lack of an ILS SJSlem l111red at that lime. leading lo an FAA speedup o( installation procedures. Slork IHarl<eU NE\V YORK I AP) -The stock market hegan lo recover some of Its losses of earlier in Lhe day In moderately acti1·e trading late this afternoon. (Sec quoUi· Unn!, Pages 22-23). Dies DAILY "'llOT Si.ff""" LIGHT PLANE FLIPPED ON ITS BACK ON APPROACH Owners Manual, Personal Items Spill From Cabin Burglary Check Leads To Drug Party Arrests A rout 1nr request In check ;i 1nan's ti omc ~hiJc he \\'J S away led Costa i'.1es a !l<>hl'e lo 1n1errupl an alleged burglar y and p<"yo!c party f'arly t1JdaI. 11·1th cighl pcrsvn;; -lW1l of tlicm nude girls -ar- reslecl. ~l9rc than 50 eapsulr~ conla1ning hro>''ni.~h pov.rler bclirvro 10 be the hy11· nnl1r: r.rug de.river! from desert catllA ~ \1·err sf'iler1 as r1·idence. along v.•ith $112 111 cash ancl an arsenal of fi rearms. Police said the party of fi\•c men and thrr.e girls app~a red lo be packing up \'aluabl es and ransacking the home of Thoma s· Hannah, at 298 Joann SL, \\'he n of/tc{fS arrlved. The vi1.:tim hod rontacted authorities . Wednesday, expressly staling that no one including his son -among the arrestees -"'as a\lowe<I to be at the reside nce. The ~usPccts we re booked on rh;i rgr~ of po~s,ssion of dangerous drugs and burglary and include ' -Marshall L. Hannah, 21 , of 298 Joann St.. Costa Mesa. -Dorothy J . Hannah, 1:1. or 298 Joann St., Costa Mesa. -Denis J . f ielder, l~. of 822 Sanliag11 n oad. Costa ~1esa . -Gary C. Rislo1~·. 22, nl J 2 1 Orangewood Ave .. Anaheim. -Ch11 rles P. F'robenlus. 1!1. whose Orcanfr onl add r('ss In Nev.•port Beach ~·as nol <fetermiiie<I . , Lights \\'ere on so lht'Y stopped to \n. \'C.!.l1gat ~. saying someone opened the door a crack, thrn slammed It shut and )cllrd "ll"s the cop~." one of the suspc<:i.~ cried, at v.·h1ch 11me 0H1c:cr,.. heard thr sound of runn1n.i: feet. lorl'C'd open thr door and :irrestcrl the occupa nts. Jn1·rsligators sair1 besides !11{' weapon.~. '111 i'-1·1 riflf>, a11 ~1 -1 carbine. a shotgun. .22 ca liber nfle , .:lli caliber rcvoh•er and ;11nm11nit1on, lhcy found devices com· rnonly used to v.·eigh oul quanti ties of drlJgi:. The men arrested were booked lntn Cos'. a !\1csa City Jail to awail issuance or con1f1lainl.c; by the Oislr1ct Attorney, v.·hilr. the females were taken to Orange (;01!r ty .Jail. Quantities or pla~ic bags and gelatin ca1Jst1IM used fnr containi ng a n d r1istribut ing drugs we re also confiscated from the home, and some were found In a patrcl car used on the jail run. Orange Coat Weather Terms of lhr deal wtre nol r1isclosed by 1he boards of director,i; of the two com· panle5. J\fission Viejo Com pany, one of thr na · nor·s largest communit y builde rs. is the corporation dr\·eloping lhe l 1,000 acre nc\I.' town. vt'l1ich covers an area roughly as large as J\lanhaltan island. IL~ ~Pu.la~ !loo i~ now more rhan 10,000, and v.·111 r1:se to J00 ,000 in the next 20 years. Jack Nicklas Opcratecl Ferr y, l/elped BuiUl Lido Isle -Deborah S. Bigby, 18, of 293 JoaM St.. Costa Me!la. -Gaye, II . Hulsman. :JO. of 131 Albert SI .. C6sta fl.f esa. The morning fog may chill the air. especiall y along !he coa!l, F'ri· di6y hul the sun should break through befbre: moon. warming the coastal area lo 70 degrees. The lrans:iction for J\lission Virjn, wi!h It~ re~ldcnt ial. industrinl. commercial , erlucalional and rf'c rr.ational facilities, '''as announced jointly by Joseph F. 0.1llman Ill, chairman of Philip J\lorri~. Joe. and Jan1f's E. \\leht, cht1lrman of ~~tssion Viejo Cori1p;iny Cull man :ind \\lest an11ounrrrl t1111l ~l i~.~::>n ViCJO ro1np.l1l,Y wi ll t'Ol\!in11c !O nprr:lt(' a~ a ~l'pafa1r c(lrnp<in y 11mlcr 1hr. rxl~1l11g n1a11agcn1c111 hc:ule d Uy Philip Heill y, pres idrnl. The iigreen1enl 1~ subJf'"t to nr~nt1H· tion . c:.eculion ;;ind dcli1·cry o\ a delini ti v1 purchase agreement. The ~trong . s!"3dy hanrl., th:it hefted !;hlpboard lumber 50 years ago, rowed the first Balboa (erry and dredged up ::in island for the homes of rich men poor by olher standard!! are sti ll now. Jeck Nlcklas is dead , Traveler •. boatman, builder aod fri en<I to 5trangen, the Harbor Area pto™!er died at 78 la!!l week In Hoag Memorial Jlmp1ta1 11 fter 11 short illness. r-.femorial !'ervices for Mr. Nickles, of ~'12 F.. 16th !<it., Cos te Mesa, were held Friday <'IL SL Andrew 's Pres byterian f.hu~eh, not· far from the home and yard hf' lol'rr!. ~\any fl('Qp!e didn't know lhe nanic ,J()hn Albert Nick\a~. or that he v.·;i.s bnrn NO\'. 27, 1800, in ~1orrlllton, Ark , but mflny knew hlm by ~ighl. " ., F:\·ery day-. the Anierican Flag v.•av('r! from ii~ stand ard, a fi xture at the Nicklas ho me . Every day. Jack Nicklas hin1sclf wavrd at pas!;(!r~by -husines~ excc utiv·t s, school childre n nnd evt>ryone else - another kind of fixlure !here. .. He never missed t1 day that I r.cmember." .'iairl one ma n. .lack Nicklas tra1n ped 11p and rlov.•n the C.:a lilornia coast aboard the lun1l:lcr barg('s, v1~iting f'\'Cry port . and ex- pt.•rlencrrl the great J906 Sa n Francisco earthquak e end lire. fl is ship fina lly put 10 al Nr\vporl Beach's old r.1cFacl<lr n Whnrf in 1917 anrl 1\ickla.~ stayed, his roarn ing finishl'rl unt il he mo\ cd on at the age of 78 las' \\'ednei.day. l"ickla.i; went to work rowing the first Balboa Isla nd ferry for the late Joe Beek. opera ltd a dred ge to create H. A. "Pap- py" Palmer 's brainchild, Lido Isle, and v.·orked JO years for South Coasl Boat Building Company. "He was meticulous In painting privately owned boat11. as well as govern- ment ships during lhe war years," said a rela li\'e . The years -J8 in the Harbor Area - \\'ere full for Jack Nickla!. and he retirerl in 1955 lo enjoy his bome and yard, cultivating hls berry bushes. "Ile v.·111 be remembered a!I a very fr lendly person," said one member of lhc fa n1ily loday. No one can condemn Lhat·kind of monu· "n1enl. -Ro~rt A.· Fernandez, 18, of San Gabriel. The impromptu raid OCCUffed aboul 1 11.m., wlltn Patrolmen J im Farmer and Da\·~ Casey drove by tbe house as ordered durinf{ a briefing session Wedne sday night. P eda l Ca r Stolen Costa J\1esa polic~ loday are on !he lookuul lor a ear stoli:n fro1n a [am1ly garage \\'ednescl11y. Hobert A. Russell. n! Z.12l \Vestm1nster Are., described th~ vehicle as 43 inches Jong. v.•hi lr, wilh red , painted fl ames, valued at $.10 and pedal ·propcll ed. t INSmE TODA'\' One of the 1,.,ost publicittrl of Coliforiua stare offices is sl1npin9 up os one for which there'll be Liu: J1otte.~t conteft, wilh /o!l r s1,r.ki11!J the GOP 1101nrnoti1111 }Qr attorney general. r ove 11. l trltl• ll CaltM•lllt 7 (l1nll1'4 14·1• Ct miu Jl c.......... ll Dt~t~ Mt llf" II Dl ... «U IJ l •ll•tltl ,,., • liRl"l•lllmt ll II 'l~•n(t 11 11 ~fftM-If Aftft Lt .... <t 11 ' , "'I Vltl l1 Ml/ful l 'Vftt1 lJ M•lit<!•I ........ ..I °''~'" c"~"' ,. Srlw•• '''"' n i .. q,. M-JI Stec.k M1rlltlt U-11 f flfVloi... JJ TllelM<t .It Wt••~tr f w .... " ... ' .. -~·••lfl·• "''" "'" • I. ... ---··---·------------------------------------- Z OAtl V l'ILOT c Ghosts Enierge in Costa Mesa 'Tiz the season lo -y.·ell to cut holes in one of Mom's old bed 8heets and pretend you're a ghos'l. And , if you have several friends and there are plen ty of bed sheets to go around. so much the better. PhotOJ::· raphcr captured these appanlions on film as they were on their v.·ay to a spook shO\V, Under those gho.!i tly costumes, v.•e'd be willing to bl"!., are the gi rls of Scout Troop 29 from Lindbergh School. Newport Altering Bay Swap · Staµ.d? By JEROME F. COLLINS or 1111 Dtllf P•IOI s .. n :'\ewport Beai:h rlly governn1ent may i;oon \1·1ttidraw ils su pport of the con· lroverii.l<il Upper Ba.v tidelands exchange. 1\ n1<1Jority of l'ity council1nen arc :i lrtady on rrt:1>rd cxpres~ing doub!s ;1!"111! lhe v.1srio1n of stic-kin~ to a four- ) l'<ir'()lrl poliry statement bac~lng lhe trade of Orange Count y Udelandio; for lrrlne Company uplands. A reversal of thC1 \ policy position could conic at the couneil'.~ Nov . 24 m~llng. ,\l I hat tl11? session, municipal );~11 inakors will -HC'i'nns1rJrr lhe l'ily's support of the proposed swap, which calls for the ex· ~·hange or 1~7 acres of county.owned ndelands for 450 acres of Irvine uplands. -Hear argumen11i from the "Friend~ of the Upper Ba y" airned at ;>ersuadini::: the ci ty 1o intcr\'ene h1 court action now pending r'ln the trade. "Friends" member Frank Rob inson. a research engineer, said loday his group 11'ill s<'ek city intervention on the grounds 1hat the Back Bay tidelands should he un· d.er city -instead of county -jurisd ic· lion. Robinson is 11mong those suing the county and lhe Irvine Company in the. ('Ourt test of tbe legality of lhe transac· tion, whose slated purpose is to op'n up the marshland area for development. Final adjudication of the issue. through all avenues of appeal, cou ld take up to fll'e years. in the opinion of Ci!y Attorney 1'ull y Seymour. county lhe tru~l f« the urlelands and Jll 1he revtnue the area generates." The State Lands Commission concurred \1'1lh the settlen1enL. Little sa id Morro Bay·s tidelands ort r\·en rnorc exten5ive th<tn tllOsc of Uppt'r Nl'wport Bay. "\\'e also got .~nme b<'a c!ics ui the dea l under ·rec' lanJs," he added . Robinson said that 1n lus appearanre brfort' the Newport Council in two weehi; he will pnlot out that Newport Tomorrow has recommended !lie ea~t side of the lJppl'r Bay be conden1ned fo r public use I\la11 Arrested Ove r 603 Pairs Of Stocki11gs A Long Beach man who allegedly walk· ed out of a Co~ta M~a store with 603 pairs of ladies' nylon stockings -under the noses of security guards -Is in jail today, but a companion escaped in a stolen car. Claude F. Malton, 24, was arrested and charged with burglary and receiving stolen property. since three power saw~ reported stolen earller in Huntington Beach "·ere found in his car. UCI Professo r, Dr. March, Takes Job at Stanford s~ary Holiday Manslaug hter Filed i11 Crasl1 Killing Mes a Girl Robinson asserted that if the city 1>1·cre t-0 go to court and charge that the coun ty has badly administered the tidelands, it Y.·ould have a ''strong case." Noting that !he Upper Bay is totally within Newport's corporate boundaries. Robinson cited what he termed a precedent for such legal action by the city. The $600 worth or ladies nylon.~ \\'err recove red outside Sears, Roebuck & Company, 3.133 S. Bristol St., as evidence. ii!ong with the saws from i\lontRomery \\'ard & Con1pany, 7777 Edinger Avt .. Hunt ington. Security guards Arnold Jlickettes ll.nd Roger Ramm told Costa Mesa police f\.lalton and a companion walked into the employes' entrance just at the shift rhanae Wednesday and they smiled and said hello. Dr. James G. ri.tarch, a UC Jrvine pro- fessor who. wa s the firsl de!n of the School of Social Sciences. y.•ill leave UC \ in June to accept a professorship at Stan· ford. . March 's primary appo intment "'ill ~ '" a 5ehool of higlvr education, but he also will be professor or political science and sociology at Stanford . ri.tarch. 41. has been professor of psycholOIY and sociology al UCJ since he re&icntd hil dean&hip last June to gi\'e more lime 1o teaching and research. The rem&ind'er of this school year he wlll ~pend part of his lime at Stanford but most of his time al UCI. he said. "My main focus oC interest haa sh ifted over the Jast two ~·ear1 to prob}efns of university organiz.ation and this position y.·iU give me an oppOrtun.ity to pursue those interests." March recently y.·as commissioned by the Carnegie Commission on Higher r:ducation to examine the role of the American college president. H. Thomas James, dean of the Stanford School of Education, said, "Professllr r-.t;i rch ranks .. rith the most imagina!i,·e <ind constructi ve men working in the field of organizational !he<>ry today." March holrt~ a bachelors clegree from t:ni,·ersilv of V.'1sconsin ancl masters ancl rtoctor s degrees fro1n Yale. He is a membe r of lhe National Science. Board He rose from ~enior research a~wiatc 11'1 p roff'~snr of ps~·t'hology and chairman of the doctoral progran1 in lhl' Gracluatc School of Adn1inif>lra1L1ln ar Carneg1r Ttch from 19~ to 1964. "·hen ht' accepted the Social Sc1f'nces dtan~hip at CCI. r-.larch and 111:; v.1fr, .Jaynr. ha1·e ll\'l'd in Corona del 1'.lar for the. la~1 tire ~ ('ar s. Their daugh1er, Kathryn, LS a Junior ;it Stanford. TI1ree sons attt>nd ~ch()()I locally -Gary. a freshm an at Orange Coa~t Colle gr , J<ime~. a .'iophomorr ;it Coron,1 del fll:ir High School, and Rod, a fr eshman at Corona del ?11ar High. Dealh Snspl'cl Freed LOS ANGELES tU PI) -An !8.year. old you th who "·as arrts!t'd \\'t>dnesda.v In connection "'ith the shooting dl.'ath of a t~n-age. girl outside \'"a~hingtnn High SchuoL has betn releaser! by sheriff 's Leputies. • DAil~ PI LOT e,,tt.\Nll Co.t.~r PUi l !~HiN• COMIOAH't !lob-rt N, w,,, ''"~ .... , ..... 1 ..... J•(k l . c~.1 • ., Vim ,,...l<ltrol '"" ~·· ,,.,_. Tlio,..11 K11vil Ed•lor ----JJO W•1t l•r Slr••l Melli11t 1.44,..., ,,O. I•• 1160, •J•Ji """' ....... """'-' ---~. 7111 Wiii ......... ltvt•O L_... htell: ltl .... ., ·- HIM'll,..ltl> .. Kii; .. Jiii '"""' \ Poets P en Halloiveen W arnings LSD in candy, People smoking pot \.Vhat a rotten holiday, Oops, sonieo11e just got sl1ot! There is HalJoy.·een through the imag· !native eyes of Dean de Rimanoczy a sixth grade student at Cosla Mesa ·s Pomona School . And if you think that's grim, here·.~ "'hat Michael A. Coloo sees coming up Friday night: There are some mischievous kids I know, They beat up a kid and laugh. "flo ho" Some are smart. ait61her a. dopt!, But they all 1ikt! to f!gg a.nd soap. UnfM'tun"ateJy. Costa Mesa police view Halloween the same a11 many students 111 Mrs . Geri Landi's clas.ses. "'hich wrote poems on Hallo"·een as a social problem, ralhf'r than as i;trictly a fun tradition . "We sta rted "'ilh a discussion and lhc students came up with this idea, 'Don 't trick ~·ourself . play It safe '," expla1nf'd l\1r:;. Landi. Costa Mesa Police Ca pt. Robert MOOdy concu rred tod~y with that idea, issuing a warning for leenagl"rs whose holiday f'xubf'rance tends to exceed the bounds of the law . ;ind also motorists. Only Y.'cdnesday, a Costa l\tesa busi- ness "'as burgla rized and 90 dozen eggs ~lolen -for an inte r·school baule au- thor ities fear. "There arc quite a few \aw violations invol\'ed ," said Capt. l\1oody, listing mal - icious mischief, throwing an object at a mo\'ing vehic le, curfew and others, all of Yl'hich will be toughly enforced, Cap1. Moody said lawmen expect a longer·than·usual period ol Hallowepn hullabaloo1 d11e to Friday night foolhall gam es and no school the fo!lo\\ ing day. •le also urged adults and children to bear in mind the consequences of i!le,i;:af lla!loween revel ry. as Y.'ell as watchin~ for costurned youngsters on the road- ways Yl'hilc driving. Snipers S hoot Windows ThroughoutHarbor Arelt ~lisdcn1el:lnor man slaughter rharE(c!I \1·rre fil<·rl !!Y!riv ;igainst Brice. Crutcher Campbell .Jr. n[ Hunt111g!on Rrfl rh. clrh·f"r of a rar in a Sf1l11n!ay lT.l!lh 111 l\'('1,pori B~;ich \1 hich killed a 7·yr:ir-old glrl. Can1pbell , 2.1, nf 191\.11 Berkshirr Liinr., ~1ill \1 as 111 Hoag ~ltmon:1I !111~pital rl'Co\'ering from leg and arm fractures re<'ri\"ed in th<' hrad·nn crash nn Pacific l'oast H1ghy.·ay nl'ar Bayside Dr11·e. Police said his car cro!lsl'd the cen1r r line ahd hit 11no1tier rar head'()n. ca usin g 11 !o roll anrl crush 7·1'ear-olrl Juhr Priers of 2910 E!les mrre A1:e .. Crt1ita ~le~a Julie's aunt, Virg1n1<1 I. Peler!i. 24, wh11 was injured, ha s bern releaser! from 1/oag ~·lt>morial llosptlal. S!1e sufft'rcd Sf'\'('f(' CU!S. Pnlirr .~a 1r1 !hr rompl.1int 11·a.~ granlc<l by thr Distrirl Attornrv·~ nffii'"· Court spokt'~1nen said a \1•;irranl "'ilS lo lll' 1ss11ed 1odny. Ar r;i1g111nC'n\ infor111at)nn 11·:iS 1111t ;i1 ail:iblr yrt hcc;i11~c or Ca1nphr.ll'~ 111- JUr1e8, court aides ~aid. Be ll i Fil es Suit "The city of f\.forro Bay in 1965 won, in an amicable settlement. a bid for the same thing," he sa id. ''ft was verified by I.hr co11r1 ~.'' A te lephone interview with Morro Bay City Administrator 1'.talcolm Little con· f1r111erl Ronin~on·~ refl"rt . "We went !o rr•nrr." :;aid L11tl". "and \\'hen Jl was 01rr. 11c rccc11cd frorn San Luis Obispo l l a untcd House Scar es Up F tu1d s For l-lospita l Thl'rc·s a haunted hou:;e on the Orange Cn11nly Fairgrounds. Jr.~ ~car~'· So ~c:iry in fact. that a lrt·n;ii:r ~irl keelf'<i O\'f'r in a fa int \\'('dne<.<J;iy night :ind h.1d l:i be r;lrried <111 t in 1l1r .1r1n~ of 1hr ~lad Scienti~l. "But \l'I'. liiive " fright for e\'ery a~r. Thf'y were assumer! to hr ne1v en1ployes. Ramm said he !hPn 1veni to !hr front rf !he store and noli<.:td lhc ~rcnnrl 111;lr1 rlri,·e un into a red 1.011c and park his ca1· will1 1he l'ngine running The store emrlovl' ,'iaid he brcamc suspicious when 111e' set alld 111an enl cred ti1e ~tore and emerged wilh f\fa lton, ea cb carrying two cai;e~ or ladiei;· stocking~ Q\1ei;tioncd, they said they "'ere sh1 r- p1ng the merchandise but could produce nn orders, so Ramm escorted r-.talton rlo\\'nli tairs lo verify the story and Rickel· ll'!' s!a~·ed \\'ith the other :-uspect. Bu! he rlarted to a nearby car it laler de\'el;:iped had been stolen lron1 Jeanie S. i\ladison, of 209 La Cuesta Drive, Sao Clemente, and fled . Mesa Girl Hurl In Auto Crash ~r,11111 ." r~pla1ncrl L;11·ry r;arri ner. lhe /\ Co~la ~lesa girl suffered a ivhipl~~h ill;id Srif'n1is1, "we don't scare the lillle itiJtiry Wednesday when hl'r car wa~ kid s niurh." ~truck by another when she pulled onto Thr ha11ntr<l l1011sc is spon.~ore<l by the Fairview Road fr om Paularino Avenue 111 Pun<'h and Judy Guild of the Ch1!dren·s lronl of oncoming traffic. S,\:'J FRANCISCO (UP!l -Atlornl"V Jtospilal of Orange Coun!y, 1o1'h!ch will Elizabelh A. Boswell, 19. of 1!136 :'llell'in Belli filed a $200 mil!1on an!1!n.i~l tlf'nefil from the 50 cent admission fee. Sanderling Circle. was treated at Cosl..1 ~u1t against. \:J insurance com1Jan1e11 Wed-J\1csa ~1emorial llosp ital and rele8sed. nesday, claiming. 1hcy cnn.~pircd to The haunted hou se 11·ill be open tonight, The nthcr motorist . t.1 iss ~t lchta\ R0\'1ng ~nipers 11sini:t air rifles left a trail of c101en.!. oi ~haltered v.·indows lhrough i'ie\\·port Beach and Cosl<I Me~a Tut'~Oay night and \\'r<lnesday morning, poh('e sa1<1 today 01erchargr frr n1alpra C'hf'" insur<i.nre \l:i llo\\'t>Cn night. and all day Saturday. Rhei n, 23. of Los Angrle.,, a Nl'wporl· reported lo~ses avcraaiht: $125 to shat· and hecp Ooetors lron1 u·st11:.1ng for in· 1f ~011 ·re a lernager :ind s('are easily, ~l esa Unified School D1slr1ct teacher, ttred plate-glass \\'indoy.·s. l ~j~'"='=d=""='='"="='=· ===========":':'":'='':':'=' =''='"="='':' ="=;'·::"'::''::''="='=·='"='="="·='·==='="'='=""'=='="l::":'·='·="='=0=''='="g=lo=po=lk='=·,- The riflemen . .!.hooting fr om a passing ('Jr, caused at least $2 ,000 in damage lo about 30 carr. and homes in reportt'd 1n· tidents. Polit'e said thr.y surmised per· haps a doien or more other inc1deo!s went unreported. ,.... The shoo1iog sp rte. \l'11h pellrt guJJ~ and BB rifltli, s!artt'd In 1he E;i~tbluff area near Corona rlel Mar High Se hO()l, Ne"·port Beach police ~aid. then skippe<l o\·rr the bay 10 Ne..,..·port Heights, West· cliff, Dove r Shores. then into Costa Mesa. Northeast C~ta t.fe!ia homei; and car:; then were shot at followed by sniping in the downtown area. The snipers endtd their spree in ri.tesa Verde, Costa Mesa police 1aid. Police said the majority of the: inti· rlents were reported through Wednesda y. No one was hurt in lhe shooting incident!, relieved officers said. Damage to autos averaged about s:;o In each shooling, but several homeowners Superior Court To Sentence Man In Gu11 Burglary An Alabama Carnival worker caught in the wrong shoot.in& 1allery a month agn ' in Costa r.le~a fac~ a king prison tern1 after waivin g a preliminary hearing Wcd- ne~ay in Harbor Judicial District Cou rt. Irby D. Stephens, 27. of Tu!caloosa. Ala .. ''"as ordered to appear in Orange County Superior Court Nov. 7 lo be &enlenced for the burglary ol a downtown (O$la Mesa gun &tore. Pollet> alerted by a silent alarm cap- tured Stephtns inside Grant's SW'ph1s, 1750 Ne\\i:iort. JJh·d .• "'ilh 52 guns ,·alutd at ~.000 all g11thered up and ready lo go lnveslie•tors probing lus record after the Ocl. 2 P>hotgun·point c a pl u r e cliseovrrl'd he. "'as also ·wantecl in La~ Ve.gas, Ne\«, and Te;ii:as, on ftderal car theft aTH'I forgery fhnrgei;. The Al:iba ma fugiti ve -who ha111pent most of his adult year~ in prison -haf\ hfen held .al OranQe County Jail since his l11test 1rre~t. One res1dtnt on 1'.!ariner"s Dri\"e in th~ \\"estchff area reported damage of more than $150 lo ptppered "·indows. Police 5aid they had no leads on the ~n1 pers. Ci ty Sp onsoring Boys Sport Camp For 5 Saturdays Costa ~1esa lads from ages six through J.i will be taught the basic fundamentals of 'Eports "·hen the Recreation Depart. mcr.t ~ponsors a ~ys Sport.s Camp beginning Nov. 8 for fi ve week:ri, ending Dzc. 6. It will be held at Estancia High School from 9 a.m. lo noon Saturdays. Joe \Volf, former athletic director for Estancia High . will lead the young C4mpers throu gh their paces. leaching them basketball. football, swimming, 'vel1ht training. isometrics, conditioning and agility drills. Th<' let i~ $12 for lhe CQ11rse. nl'e:istration wi ll he open through Fri· rlay at the Recreation Depi111ment, room 303 al the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, and Sa turday from 9 a.m. to 11 a .m. al .Es!ancia High School G~·n1nasium. Call 8.14~ for more mform1Uon. Irvine Co. Sets Service Banquet The lr\'int Company will hofil ill lhirrl 11nnu1I Community AsS(ICiatlons Award banquet Friday al !he Newporter IM, Newport Beach. A1vards will be gh·en to 21 Pl'f'~ident~. represtnling as m11ny individual Irvine com1n11nily associ ations. for ch·ic !ier\'i<;e lo their rommunilies. Six special hooor~ "'HI •l:o be 1iven. Thr.. ;ii;sociation~ range In sire. from lhe !'l2.~ re ~irlt'ti'1' I :111·crsity Park to Irvine Cove "'ith 50 h(')n1t11. SAVE 100. ON ';])awn and Phill ips reg. 550. for 8' lengt hs By Stone NOW 45 0. T•k• •dv1nt•g • of the10 im,or+•nt 1evin9s or. 111 d iff •ront 1tyl•1 of luxuriou1 1prin9 down 1of11 ln • ho1t of ••~ui1it o f1bric.1. \',..u1 favurltt f11te rio1 desiane1 1m11 bt hir"JtV to ts!ist 'JOU ••• P,'OFESSION•l INTERIOR D E$1GNEll~ !lib HARIOR !LVO. COSTA i.A ESA. CALIF. 646.0171 '' '· r ' ,. n ,, " ( • ' • c ti ol P' II c ' II F: " Ir ec he K p, p, Al "! W< O' de "' R; PY of St1 tic Ill • ao I pa be '" co; int • I 1 .. Sa al de I mi al 0 l wU Kh me ( me Sd "" t An "ii BO< "" ~ woo Lin in I Cl rep T \\'II! fen L Atl; SI. nea ' k • • • I ' - Down ti.e Missi;,n Trail Shopping Center Set f 01· Ni guel LAGUNA NIGUEL -A new shopping cenle• has been planned for the corner of Crown Valley Parkway and Niguel Road. Work is expected to begin next year on the 12-acre site which will include a tolal of 78,500 square feet of buildings with 430 parking spaces. The center has been designed by Howard F. Thompson and Associates of Century City. 0 l'o1dh Wh1.1 T 1L"ice SAN JUAN CAPISTRA NO -Richard Hesson was Lhe only double winner at the Fiesta Association's recent adios to the swallows activities. He took ho:ne his trophies for being the best Spanish dress- ed boy and as the most comical costwned horse and rider. Among winners were three sisters~ Erir. Porter, best western girl; Holly Porter, best Spanish girl and Tamara Port£r, best decorated bike. Other first place winners were Rusty Allen, pinewood derby; Richard Rodman , ugliest dug ; Mark VanVuyen. best western boy; Chris Brimley and Greg O'Grady. football throw; Pat Allen, best decorated bike; Robin Gunderson. back up horse race; and Brad Mathias and Randy Rehling, wheel barrow race. O Vle1v Loss Protested CAPISTRANO HIGHLA NDS -Unhap- py over the loss of their views, residen~s of Capistrano Highlands along Mackenzie Street are meeting with Macco Corpora- tion officials tonight. The object of their protest is cut and fill grading which is preparing gro~nd for a new residential development directly across the street from them. Homeowners are unhappy because they paid for view lots and now their view is being removed and being replaced. by a 5lope. The meeting will take place m tbe company sales office and is open to all interested residents. e Bobby Sale Slated LAGUNA HILLS -The second annual Leisure World Flea Market and Hobby Sale will take over the parking Jct located at the corner of El Toro Road and Paseo de Valencia on Saturday, Nov. 1. Everythi ng imaginable has been pro- mised for sale at the event which begins at 10 a.m. All residents are welcome. 0 Farm 1leek Obserued LAGUNA HTLLS -Farm city week will be observed by members of the Kiwanis Club of Laguna Hills al their meeting Tuesday. Guests of the organization will be members of three Mission Viejo High School clubs which focus on agricultural 5tudies. The students from Future Farmers of America, 4H and Agricultural Explorers will tell about their interest in agriculture and will outline the facilities for lhal 1;tudy at the high school. Lindhergl1 Hurt In Plane Crasl1 J\fANlLA (UPI) -A light aircraft with worlo famous Amerlcan flyer Charles A. Lindbergh aboard crash landed late today in frabela in the northern Phil1ppines, the Ci vi I Aeronautics Administration reported. The sketchy report said Lindbergh, who was with an unidentified companion, suf. fcrt'd only minor injuries. Lindbergh, 67. who made the famous Atlantic crossing in hi s plane "Spirit of St. Louis" in 1927, was en route lo a town nearby. Loud Ru1111Jle-Then Sli,p UPI Telephoto Expensive San Pedro home moved 3()..f eet closer to d~structiqn when the giant fissure widened sli ghtly with a ''loud rumble." The crack, which has threat· ened to split six houses from their cliffside perch above ·the Pacific, has continued to grow since it was first discovered Sunday. Students Support Paper Sigrt Petitio11 Against Saddleback Censorsliip Signatures in support of Saddleback College student government's stand against censorshi p of the student newspaper were being picked up today on a petition placed out on a table on cam· pus. The petition was started Wednesday when 275 students signed. At I p,m. today the football team was to sign en masse wearing their uniforms, according to stu- dent Ken Snyder. The pelition states: "We the students of Saddleback College hereby give our vole of confidence to the Associa ted Student Body government for their efforts in trying to gain self responsibility and personal freedom for the students of Saddleback College." That statement, proposed by Student Body President John Bothwell, was unanimously approved by the student senate Tuesday. It refers to the studenl senate's resolu· tion to cut. off student funds for printing of "Lariat," the stuclent newspaper. Stu- dent senators feel it is being censored by ncwspaf><'r advisor Mel Mitchell, who is also the college's public relations direc· tor. However, the college administration says $31500 in student funds will continue Homeowners of Viejo Plan Election of Off ice1~s New directors of Mission Viejo Homeowners Association will be elected Wednesday following a program on the pros and coos of incorporati on as a city. The program is to begin at 7:30 p.m. al Mission Viejo High School in the muJLJ. purpose room. New memberships will l>e taken for 1970. Members will be entitled to nominate and vote in the association clec· lion. Membership qu alification requires only home ownership in the <.:ommunity. Annual dues are $3. A preliminary slate . nominated by the hoard, includes Mike Shearer. engineer; William Gardner, educator; .James Oreber, stock broker ; Donald Sabadc, in· surance adjust or: Wilham F o d e r • distributor; James White. attorney; Gary Buss. computer salesman; Dick Latham, ancl Louis Ramirez. Additional nominations Will be taken. Each member whose dues are in odrer will be cntilled to nine voles. They may be distrib11etd among several candidates or lumped for one. Guest spea kers on the incorporation topic are to include Richard Turner of lhe Local /\grncy Formation Com· mission : Robert B. Russell. special cfistnd coordmfltor for Orange County; Stuart E. Bailey, assistant county plan· 111ng <tirrrtor: and possibly an executl\e officer of the Mission Viejo Company. Spanish S pellking Kids Discover Science at UCI The fascinating realm or science is opening up f o r Spanish·speakmg. Mexican-American students from Foun· tain Valley High School. The students are making weekly visits to UC Irvine science laboratories and By Phil lnterlandi ,, I ! I field trips lo tidepools, the .desert and Orange County Medical Center. Their escorts are UCI biologica l sciences students who are trying a pro- gram to arouse the curiosity or ethnic minority students and perhaps interest some in college science study. The program in educational motivation was started by the UCI students under leadership of Roger Farel, senior from Newport Beach, because they noticed very few Negro OT Mexican-American students take college science or medical courses. Patrick L. Healey, assistant professor of biologic al sciences. is giving course credit for Independent study to the 20 UCl students taking part. Each of the UCJ students also makes a weekly visit to Fountain Valley High or a hi gh school in Santa Ana lo tutor the students they are assigned to in the high school laboratory. The two-way trips between high school and college are planned to build a close relationship between the UCl biological sciences students and the minority youngsters. Later, in January. they will take an overnight trip l-0gether to Joshua Tree NationaJ Park. FCC Head Non1ine,e Gets ~enate Group OK to be used for printing o{ future issues of "Lariat." Snyder, 23·year-0lrl freshman from Laguna Beach, said the pel 11ioa will be presented lo the board of trustees y,hrn they next meet a week from Monday "so they can be aware the kids are behind the student government.'' Snyder, one <>f the students contributing lo the underground newspaper "Saddle Sore,'' says anothP.r issue will be printed early next week. fie said the newspaper is being supported by student donations and at this time they are breaking ex- actly even paying for supplies and print· ing, Doctor Suggesl.s U.S. Lcgalizatio11 Of Pornography NEW YORK IAP) -An officer of the American Psychoanalytic Association has suggested that the federal government set up a na tional commission to sturly whether to legalize pornography in tile liniled States. Dr. Bernard L. Pacella. chairman of the associa tion's public information corn- miltec, macle the suggestion after a semina r on pornography and violence at which participants said the dangers of porn ography to soclety, lo the family or to children, were minimal. "Psychoanalysts in general." he said, ''believe that there is no direct rela· tionship between pornography and crime anrl violence." Dul because there is great controversy over I.he sub1ect. Dr. Pacella sa1rl. a m<l· JM 11a110nal study should be conducted Lo Sc<>k clear answers. Such a commission. Dr. Pacella said, should include a psychiatrist. a sociologist, an anthropologist, an ecluca· tor. opponents of legalized pornography and otJ1ers. The pornography seminar was held for science writers by the association, Dr. Pacella saicl. lo explore analysts' view- points on current problems. part of a ten- dency in the profession to ''move away from isolation to confrontation" with social issues. Dr. Pacella, chief of the chil<I psychiatry division at Roosevelt Hospital in New York, suggested the commission approach lo the pornography question in an interview Wednesday after the seminar. In Denmark. he said. leg.alizalion of pornography followed such a commis sion study. Disputing the argument t h a t pornography can lead to antisocial behavior in children, Dr. Aaron II. Esman, director of psychiatric training for a New York mental health agency, commented: "l have never seen an iosta nee of pathological behavior in any chi ld that could be attributed to pornography. That I can say categorically. I have never seen an instance in which this ls true_" Agreeing. Dr. Abram Blau. psychiatrist in charge or the child psychoanalytic divi- sion at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, acl<led that even the definition of pornography is: "I don't know what it is •.• J cion't know what it is with the modern trend in nudity." "Hold ltl S•y What You Wiii of Me, But Say Not One Word Against Lagunal" WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate Commerce CommiUee approved Wed- nesday the nomination of Dean Burch, presidential campa ign manager for Bar- rv Goldwater in 1964. as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Jt also approved the nomination of Oavirl Well~ of Garden City, Kan., ns an FCC member. The analysts agreed th at what ii; im· porLanl for children and adolescents is not exposure to pornography, but their family life. Given a strong home life , reasonable parents. rea11onable frceclom , Dr. Pacella said, "I don't think it matters what pornography they see, really." Thursday, October .30, 19(9 S DAILY PILOT ·~ .~ Coast's Andrews Gets Japan Post Orange Coast civic leader and longtime offsho!'e 011 foe Vi cl11r C. Andrews uf Laguna Beach will be the ln1tcd Stall's reprcseotative Lo the World 's Fair 111 Osaka, Japan next year, informed sources said today. lie will have lhc rnnk of ambassadnr. Secretary of C'ommcrcr Maurice Sl;inz \\'[IS c-.pectcd to make the formal :rn- nnun<'ement of the appointment in Wnshington, n.c., sometime !his week . Andrews. 54. was President Ni-.;on·s Or:1nge County campaign chairman in the 1968 race. He Wits 1n thl' 11al-.erstil'ld url'a 111day. unavailable for <'Otnment. Speculation that Andrews. owner of a forge Santa Ana-based farming firm w:is du e for sclec:lion to a lugh gOVl'rnnH:nt po.st had b<'c11 dt•Vel0p1n g 111 rcn•nt "C1eks. Andrews· list of rivic acln itic;; m Or:inge County is large. Ii<' serves as chairin::in of the hoord nr !rm.tees for Chapma11 College lie 1s al"J f11rm <'r prcsull'nl ot thl' South Coast Com- munity llospilal board. A longtime opponent of off"hore oil ac· til'ily, he is chairman of Lhc Coa~tat An•a Protective League. which has fought off:;hore oil exploitation on the Orange Coasl for vears. lie heads Andrews Bros.. a large <1 !-:riculturJI firm which owns farms in Hivcrside County and lhc Bakersfield area. Andrews. who Jives al 169 Emerald n ay. will represent the nation al the mo:.l elaborate world's fair yet. Opening Marth l5 in Osaka, the fair will continu e unt ii Sent. 13. Heports plai.:c the price tag for the ex- DA ILY PILOT Still Pholo GETS FE DERAL POST Laguna's Andrews pnc:itinn al $500 mlllion dollMs. J:tp.rn's fint·'t clc:-1gn~'rs :ire <1l \\ork <•:i plnns for the exhibition, lo be kno1111 il' Expo-70. Police 'Bee f Up' f or Hallo1 cee n A ''beefe<l·up'' Laguna Beach police force will help shepherd youngsters find h.,useholders through what Police Chief Kertnelh llu<'k hopes will be a h:.ippy and unrventful llalloween Friday night Jlt1r•k said extra men would be cullrd in lor a few hours and sent out on p;:itrol. keeping an eye nut for the safl'ly oC young trick-or-treaters and also for ··malicious mi schief " Huck had the following ad\'icc Cor parents: -Ha\·e children wenr light.colored cos· lumes if possible. Some of the new on<'s made of luminous matcrral that. reflec ts car lights are especially safe, but car· r~·ing a flashlight (no candles, please) also helps. -Ct11ld r<'n shou ld travel in group~. not. sing ly or 1n pair~. krcp\ng tn thl' l.ltlt:s o[ thr roadway where lhN·c i'> Oil ! idcw.:ilk. Nevrr walk down the middle of the roarl. -/\bo\'c all. s:ivs lluck, p::irrnts :-.hnulrl ricrcpt rC'spons1b1Hty for thC'ir chilclren <md at least one adu lt ~hould :.iceoinpJny t.:ach grou p 011 ils lrick-ol"lrcaL roun i<;, -Older 1 lallowt1c11 celcbr:rnts shoulci rrmcmber that Laguna still has a 10 p.m. rnrfew for young people under IR. 'fhc new polii:C' chief said he pcrson::illy rscnrlctl a group ot youngsters around hn nc1ghbcrhood la~ 1. J lalln11 ecn ~· n d evt'ryonC' had a line lime. I le <'~pert& to ha1·l' n fine I l:lllowccn in Laguna too, he added. Laguna Teen Cente r Idea Prompts Talk-Not Act ion By FRED SCHOE:\tEllL 01 tne O•llY Piiot Sl•ll During the summer months. there w;is trtlk abm1t a let'n center in L;:iguna. 1'hl're ''as l'Xl'ltemcnl. Many Laquna teen:; \1 <-re ~1 1rr lh<1t nnr of tlwir dn•ams woulcl t;1kc shape. The citv counr1\ got. in on the thing. Coun!'ilnwn hcurd a reqm·5L lo open the lormcr 'B<m•trn1t l3ar" on t h c Boardwalk, d11r111g lh<! wi11trr months. as 11 place· for t11c L.IJ.~lW• lt'Cll~ lo go. The 1·1ty counC'il w:is gnmg to SPC 1r the b;ir"s liriuor 1icrn~1· t'tllll<I be surrcnc!rrcd while the estnl.llbhmcnt v. flS uiicd as a tu'u u·11trr . THE JnEi\ WAS grrnt. rt sttl l i~ The desire rem :uns. 1'ltt' Citizens' Add~·.ry l ommll tcr-survey o'I La;;una Braeh l!irh ~' hool students shnwPd, !hr tern rcnlrr f(.lnkc<.J high on tlH! Improvement l1!:t Out will we ever get a teen center? The answer seem:; to bC' "et·cntually. ye<:." Things are still up m the air. Jt s1·rms the Boardwalk iclra will give way lo a pm· posa l by City Hecrealion Director Gt•or~r Fowler, who wants to use the new 80_1 .;' Club facility in the canyon for a tcf'n rec center. ''The new facility will opPn in DC'cember and we plan lo holrl dunces for the teenagers oul there. We can also use the old Boys' Club facility on Coast. Highway if the interest warrant,s it. .so far I.he Board has l>f'en very responsive tn the use of the new ft1r ilily for the young people," Fowler said. OF COU RSE, the news Boys Club out in the canyon would be a great pl ace for dances. But would it really be a place where the kids can go whenever they want? According to Fowler, the u~e of the club woulrl depenri on the Doys Club activities, with U1e remaining time for the community. ls the former Barefoot Bar stlll out of grasp? From what aUorncy .Jerome Stevenson, who leases the bar from the city, says, the way is open it the details arc worked out with the city. TH ERE IS NO PROBLEM with the Ii· quor license," said Steve nson, "because I can surrender it back to the Alcoholic Beverage Control for any amount of time. say during the winier months anct use the bar (or a teen center. There is a strong possiblity that some arrangement cnn be workec1 out with the city. Uut IJ t do !\urr ender tlw lkl'n~c. 1t WJIJ cost nw n certain amount each month, which could nr. ~r>lit belwet·n myself and the City o! Laguna Beach." 1\ teen center could adrl a lol lo our community. It would offrr a pl ace to dance, something we've needed since the Laguna 1'ccn Cor ner :;trret rlances. l\bny trrn~ lnvr tn plav pn11I Wll h :i ('Pn:.-·:-. pn1d 1ab!r· r·1111ld Iv: m:1d1~ :.t\ a1 l:i!Jll'. A <'(•J1tl'r u 111ld p11111dc a pince lo show l1l111s !1r eondud J;:im ~1·~~wns. l\laj be nw~t 1mpnr1a11f, 1J rn11 lrl hl' '' pl at<' \\ li••r1• k 1d" r'o11'd l!l l t11gc t lwr infurmaily to ju11L gd to know cacti ot:111i". S1~mctimes T wonrl1'r. Parrnts ~"c kiri" on the :;trect anrt sigh, wiiihing there was a p1nrr tor them lo go. Arc \It> going to <lt1 s0mfllh1ng'! Do yo11 -docs ~omcone care enough! Tusth1 ~Ian , 22, Dies i 11 W r ec I{ A T11stin motorist cli('cl Wcrlnr~rl.iv when his small rorei~11 car smash1·d rnto a pickup truck al an Irvine inter11ection. Dead al the scene was Clyde S1len11m~. 22, listed in fair condi tion toda y at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospi l<ll was Doul!l(.ls .J. Coffi ng. 19, <lf 546 1 Catoaba Lnnc, Irvine, the driver of the truc:k. California Highway patrolmen said Si?.emorc·s cur first struck Coffing·s truck al Barranca Hoad and Jlarvard Avenue and glanced off into :1 prtrked lrflc tnr·.trailer. The driver of the Intl.e r vehicle was unhurt Ga1nhlcrs ~ol Fazed Cv :; N ut·lcar Tc, ls LAS VEGAS (APl -Three Un· r!('rgro11mt 1111ch·nr t:·~ts wrre set ore at U·e Nevada trc;t site 75 miles north of lh1s resort C'ity We1tncsday, but lhl'Y didn'l distu rb the >;<•mbitn.i.: Chnndelicrs ill thP. 2'.l story L:rnclmnrk Hotel swa\'cd 101· srvcr:-il srconds after the la~t ·hlusl, de~cnbert as low-in· t('rmet!Jale y1eld1 equal to 20,000 to 25,000 tons of TNT. ' . ~·-~-~-·· ·-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............. ~~~ ................................................................................................................... . 4 DAILY PILOT lnurscay, Ottobtr JO. 1%, "'---'--=---"-'--~~~~~~~ I 1- 1. •' .. i ! , ilJI,,. TODAY't NEWS • ; Gentle Ben, the lovable bear on a television net\\1ork series. has been invited to sip cocktails and .rr.ux u·ith nationally kno\\'n perso nalillcs at a special fete in Fort Lauder- d ale. "Denr Gentle," starts a let- ter of invita ti on from Gov. Claude Ki,.k, \\·ho asked him to a Nov. 5 "celebri ty party" sponsored by the Florida Council of 100. "So th at you u·ill bear.up and ha ve a honey of a time cocktails and fancy hors d '-oeuv~es \1•i ll be served from 6:30 p.m . to 9:30 p.m.,'' the governor's letter said. • H igh school rul~~ b anning Ions h air have "no legitimate reason, says a n attorney 11·ho ti:rgu_ed a Jaw suit brought in U.S. District Court ~biy a gi rl. Attorney J ames Pl~z­ za said the Colfa x Community School District in Des l\·Ioines, Jowa is keeping Susan Sims, 15, out of school because shc refused to cut her hajr lo conform \\'ilh a school rule 1vhlch said that "hair m ust be kept one fin ger 1rid',h above the eyebro11·s clear across the head." 8 fl; r; an-~~ce --,-.,-,-,~,;-;"~-""",-'h':"""~ Bren1c-11 .. ~J ila11 l'Iprcss of ter an 11 3no11ym o11s tclepl1one caller 5aid ~ a. smuggler had hidden tl1o u· sands of d ollars wortll of Ger· r man ml'lrks i11 the tran1's phone booth. The police f ound a la roe package in the cor11rr of the 'j 1 booth . It con!oine d 50 r olls of , L;~:t.p~:~~~--~.~-=-~ • Jazz ~real Duke Ellington is scheduled to perform his se~ond major effort in relig ious m usic. at a concert Dec. 2 during a meeting of the General Assembly of the Na- tional Council of Churches, t he council has announced. E llington, h is 15-piere orchestra, choir . sol?- ists and dancers ,,·iJI present his compositions based on the lSOth Psalm. J-lis premiere pcrfonnance of sacred music ,,·as at the Ca thed- r al of St. J oh n the Divine in Ne1v 'l'ork City last year. 0 Acta,. Sean Connery, 1vho plciye d James Bond in five n1ovie thrillers based on the Ia n Fleming books, says he has turnC'd pl ay producer. Conncry said in 1,nndon he 1\·ou\d present h i,; \\'ife, Diana Cilento, in the play "I've Scen 'i'ou Cut Lem- ons " opening in Dece1nber. • Vite President Spiro T. Agne,, told a n1eeting of the An1er1can Bakers Association he regretted the brevity of his rcm:i rks but ~<ii rl he had hi~ reasnns. "The President needs me at the \\'hite J·lnuse.'' Ag-new explained. " It's au- tumn, you kno\1", nnd the le aves need raking." Dirkse n l\in Li sten To Se nate En l o~~, \\'AS!!J:\CTO~ fl.Pl\ -The Sl'!'l.ite C'uologlzffi E:1'errn C\1. Dirksen \\'ed· nE>!'day u·hiie the latr He.publican leader's 1~·idow , dau ghter and gr andchildren sat li~tening in the ~allery Sen. Hugh Scot t of Pennsyl\'ania, Dirksrn's successor in the 'leadership post. said "each day as he came l::i lhe Smale he had bright and friendlv comment. .. he contributed a :>pU"it ·of accommorlalion to this body unsurpassed in my reeoUect1on. '' N o Secret Sessions Reds Reject Bid To rARIS (UPI) -The United Stales pro- posed today that Vietnam pea c e negotiators try a "new approact:" to break the conference deadlock through sma ller and more secret meetings, but the Communists rejected the move. The new Ame.rican proposal, made by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, c.:illed on the Communist side to agree to "restricted'' meetings starting on the morning after president Richard M. riix- on's Nov. 3 speech on Vie tnam. * * * U.S. Con1bat Deaths Rise I ri 11 ietnam SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. eombat deaths increased sharply last week to 102 men, 24 more than the y,·eek be fore, American hea:lqUarters reported today. Com- muniques reported three new battles \\'eclnesday and today which killed 48 N:irth Vietnamese and Viet Cong. The number of Americans killed in ac- tion last week marked the fi rst time the to!! had risen above too for any seven-day period in more than a month. The number of American wounded last u·eek \vas placed at 530, fey,•cst in 22 months. r.Iilitary spokesmen said two Americans were killed and 12 wounded in the three new battles reported today. T1vo of the clashes were in th e Centr11I lligh\ands near An Khe and Plelk u anrl the third near An Hoa along the central coast. El.~ewhere in South Vietnam, Cnn1· munis t gunners shot down \\\'O t.:.S. he!itopters and a plane, killing four crewmen and vt'ounding two. In the fighting near An Khe. 240 miles northeast of Saigon, troojl5 of the 4th Jnf.'lntry Divisicm backed by tanks, artillery and h~licopter gunships trapped a band of North Vietnamese on a jungle hillside \Vednesday . Spokesmen said 20 North Vietnam€se fighti ng from ha~tily built positions were killed. No American losses were reported, Tv.·o Americans y,•ere reported killrd. and 12 wounded Vt'ednesday y,·hen other 4th division troops battled a Communist force northwest of Pleiku. f igh ter· bomber pilots supporting the ground force reported killing eight Communists. Caltecl1 Prof A\varded Nobel Physics Prize STOCKMOLr-.t (AP ) -The 1969 Nnbcl Prize in physics was ay,·arded today to an Americ~n. while the chemistry prize \\"ent jointly to a Briton and a Nor.o.·egian. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science announced lhe. physics prize goes to Prof. r-.lurray GeJl.r-.lann , 40, of the California ln~titute of Technology !or his "con· t~.butions and diseo\'enes concerning the <'l;issifiealion of ele mentary partlcles and their in teractions." The chemistry prize wa s ay,•arded lo r~of. Derk H .. R. Barton. 51. of the l111ncrial College of Science and Ttthnology in London and Prof. Odd 1-1.:i~sel , 72, of the University of Oslo "for thl'i r work to develop and apply the con· crpt of conlinnation 1n chr.n11stry ." The prizes this year carry a record c:i~h award or $i2.800. The awards today ga\'e the linitr.d ~t;;tes two of the three ilO obel pri1.es for science. The prize in med icine was awarded earlier this month lo three Americans for basic virus research. Last "t=ar I.he Un ited States made a clean Swee p of the three scientific prizes. Talks The move wa5 rejected by Viet Cong Foreign f.1inister Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh , as well as chief Hanoi delegate Xuan Thuy, who demanded that the next peace 1netting be held nex t Thursday as usual. Madame Binh charged that the Americsn mo1•e was aimed at boosting the prestige of I.he Saigon government as \\'ell as to cover up the attempts of the Nocon adminislration to prolong the war. Both Communist delegation leaders do.'inanded to know whether the United States wou ld agree to private bilateral negotiations between Washington and I.he Viet Cong. Lodge had proposed that the total num- ber of delegates be reduced fro m 52 to 16 rnen1bcrs, and that the texts of thei,. peace proposals nol be made public. It wa s lhe second consecutive week th:it Lodge had abstained from advancing :iny peace proposals, and confi ned liimse!f to talking about the talks. Ln st wcl'k, Lodge left the conrercnce. wiU1ou t delivering his negotiating statement in an at.'l designed to protest the attitude of the Com n1unisl negotiators. Speaking after Lodge today, the two Communist negoti ators demanded to know whether anti whe n I.he Uni ted Sl::ites would enter into direct !'.Ilks with the Viet Cong. l\tadame Nguyen Thi Binh said that if America was ready to withdraw its forces totally and rapidly from South V1etn<.1m, the Viet Cong "would enter into direct talks \\'1l h the American go\·eni- 1nenl on tl1e \\'llhdrawaJ.'' Nixon Praises Agneiv: 'He's ' Done Fine Job' \VASl!INGTON (AP) -President Nii>· on handed out some face·lo-fa ce praise today lo Vice President Spiro T. Agne\Y ;ind Agnew then declared that all fr ivolous attacks against the America n system "must be rejected forthrightly.'' The occasion "·as \Vhite House recep- tion for delegates to a (\\'o-day conference of lhe l!ertl::igc Groups division of the l:rpublican Nationa l Committee. The 8(1 delegates represented 29 ethnic and na- ll onality groups. Sp2:iking rirst, Nixon pointed lo AgnC\V. st::inding beside him 1n the State Dining Jtoom, and declared : "I am very proud to have the vice president wit h his Greek background 1n our admiistration and he has done a line Joli ror our administration.'' 1\gnev.•, wh en it 11'as his tum to speak, said there is a "need for self-discipline of tl1<! <idull community." He said such disci pline mu st be forrned in childltood . J)isclpllne is particularly important, he snid, \\'hen Arncrican instllutions arc under a!\ack. The vice prcsident . \1·ho drl'w con· sit~erable attention las t v.·eck 1vilh strong- ly worded rebukes to leaders of antiwar demonstrations, said that attacks must be. listened lo and considered. But he ad- ded · "\\'here the attack is Fri\'olous it mu~t he re.iected forthrightly:· Agne\V said he looked 10 the Heritage Groups lo further that effort. Ontaha-LA Train Di sco ntinunnec Oli1l 0 \1AHA !'l'b. !CPI\ -Thr rnion !'ac1f1c J{;nlroad \\'cdnr"rlay \1·3~ g1\·cn p!'rmiss1on by an order of the ln!rr~trile C'n1nmcrce C<lmmission In llisco1111nuc. pa~enger trains 5 and 6 OOh1e..:n 01naha <Hu! Los Angc!cs. Thc ICC, in its orrler rrlra~rd 111 \\·ash1ngton, dircc\l'd Lnlon Pac1ftc !o operate the la st train 5 wrstbound fron1 On1aha at 12:(11 p.m. \\'rdncsday through In Los Angeles, arriving at ll .45 p.rn. PST Thursday. Storm Moves Over Midwest 1 Rockies, Denver Record Heaviest Snowfall • Years lit Tnnprrat11rr• !.1n•1 A./\1 "'I""• Cill'f'll Ille t lr ct l'll lt •M <10UO• !D<ll• I" lnl1nc! 1•e1l •• 1...,ner1tv•11 •o .. '"re"•"""'' ~ .... m . • ,., c:1111.., .. 11. Ti'\1 111111 l•mot•11ure• 11M hot wind1 l/\«t •M<I tht dt"'"' ol brulltl llr••· TM l o• ""otl10 1•11 w11 1<mnv, w l!lt -t ••I• mo•nlnv IOG 11""0 '"-(Diii •NI l•e<Wf/\I •v••• In !i'\1 .;1nW'onl, T"" 1tl1h wt• II, llv1 ci,... 9 ree1 1b0vt W~nttd11•1 IJ T"" 0"9r· nlti'\I low h IO. T"' .A ir Palluhon Con1ra1 Cl1!r•<' -h lloM •"'Of. In '"• (""''"' I nd coa111I -1lo/\1 of '"' bloln f1.t1<tlf:l w1•1 '"""Y 1!!1r "'' 11••1 ....,..nln1 foe Hlo1t1 ""''' t" ,,,. Kl•. Tfl.e w1!1r w11 IJ, LOS .ANGELES ""'0 VICl"l lTV - MotllW' "'""" •h•ouo/\ FriO~• SO'T'• ,,.,, .. M nttt COii! I••• nltM 1~0 •••'• "'°""'"" Low lonltM i.. !'i l~ll F •IM• nur •s. PQINT CONCl!~TtON 10 MEXICAN 90110Efl-Ll9M wfrltble wl""' nltl\I i nd _. ..... 11«.....,lnt _,,.,I• I "' lJ kN!'• In '"""-1'11tt!Oltl'l Frlclt Y, Wldlt .. , .. d fo'I """'' CDllTl l •tlf•I d•!IU,.,. onthOfl "l~M end •••I• morn· l"lf. Ll!!lt , .. ,.,,..,tl.,rf cht n"' CO ... iTAL '°NO INTEllMEOl ... TE. VA LLEY$ -S.....nv ll\rc1u... Frid •• !ilfl'\ l'r!dfy ll Ill «I, LO• !o~ltM 4$ Ill 541. MOUNT ... IN AllE.U -!."""" •lld co ... tnl c .... 1111tr•l>l• fo'I ""' ... 1111 tem• •1-•~•n<'IO<'I •~nJJ'\11\1. Llt M v1rl1blt w ll'd• n eh1 1'1<1 morn!"' r.111ir• 11«om!tlf wt'1trl~ I to IJ ~nc1'1 In tl!ernocna tollo• t llll F "CltY, HoD/I lad11 6& lo 10, S11r1, "'''""· Tide• TH!.llUO ... T S"!"'~ ~~... 10 '' • "' S ~ J•••r>O 10"' 1 JO'·""· 0 I ,IUOAT U.S. S11mmary Tt.,.H•1ture1 •lun•O'd lo •Kord lo-1 IOt mi. ao•t ''°"" IN Vlrl!onl•• 10 1h1 Roc\lt 1. Elk\t11. W V1 , \t"' "'' m...-cu"' •"P 10 11 •·hllo ... u,.n~. N ", ~•a 1 rl•d•"° QI :IO. I •1~'"' movtd l~!o IP\f M•dwn! '""' !ht ll;c(l>'i•l l'tu• I"'""' 01 no"' lf'IC! .. "" t • Gl:>odl•fl<I. 1(1~• '"'\no,. ••'fNl~a "'""' IP>o w~\itf'I "'i~• c• • ~•" •~n l <tt ,.,~,,~,"~ Irr.,, Li~I" California ""'ll\J<111e•Qvl AMhO,•Vt .AT11n•• ll•~e'll!tld e .. ,,,.,,~ eo1" 80•'0n fl•Q'"'""''llt C "''"~o C.lnt!nna ll Oen••' 0~• MOll'f> Oel•cill F•l•b•nl.> F<tl~O t•tltl'lt IC1n>1• Ci!v lts Vtt1• LOI ... t\Qf lfl Ml•"'I Mln"f•<>a+i• "''"' O••••r• "'e"" Vt'\ 0"1on~ O"•"""'• f h Pol..;" ~DrlhOI P•><> ~0D!t1 P~otn11 P1!tJb11•0~ Pont~"" Fi'" la Cltv ~~1 Bt"!I S• 't "' •n•o tilt~ L•w !'rte. 51 Jl l• 31 ~ " .. " " ~ " " " • It 69 ~ " ~ ~ ·" I " lll ')(I ,,.. ~l •r .IJ . " ,. ·~ 11 1.l .. » ~ 0 .~ .. ~ " . . " " " " .. " . 61 jj •• .., ,\i • " . II •• JJ ,, ~· •-.Ol . " ,, .. .. " fl u UPI T1 ltpho10 Ronda Cop!:ind . 2'.:', ;1nd Joe R on1a, 2'.:'. 11·ere charged in San F'rancisco \Vc dncsd ay 'vi th lc11·d conduct for perfo1ming nude love scenes in ··.Oh! Calcutta~" 'l'hc shu1v had bcrn performed locally n1ore than 75 times to sellout audiences payi ng up to Sl5 a seat. • FCC Cl1ie f ,n11 Co11te1npt? \\',\SHINGTO:'>I fAPl -The li'l:.i<;.e (~n1:nerce Co1nn111tce \'O\ed todny to cite ('hai rman Rosel II. !!Ide of the Fl•del'al Con1 munica1ions Conin11:>s1on f.,r cnn- trmp~ of Congrc~s !vr refusing to !\1rn ovcr subpocna'.!d records in a 'license renewal ca<>e. The vote was 20 to l:J . J{cp. l!<i r!t>y 0. Su1ggl'rS (D·\V, \'a.l , commitlee ch:iirman. !-ai d he \1·0:.i:tl discuss scheduling of the conl.C'mpt clla- lion \\'ith House leaders T11t• action follol'.cd \l\O days of clnscrJ. door con1n1ittce sessions on the dispuli' 1d1ich in1·ul\ed nn attempt to 11bt.'l 111 1rcu rd s vi the FCC\ dcL ision 10 rer.cw th!' license of \V l P E ·A C\I · F ~'I , ln- dian11pol1s, Ind. "The ~l!bcommittre asked for the records to see 11·hal 1vas in the flies," Sta.~gers said, Blacl\: Coells L1 Vassa!' POL'G llKEEPSI E, N.Y (oPI) \';1:.:>ar College offu:ials said Loda y they 11ould nor gil'e in to the demJnds of 50 lll:ick l'~ds 11ho took uvi'.'r a section of !ht.'. :o.C'h110l 's ad1111nlstrat1on building. "\\'c 11111 rnakc no conc1·ss1ons undcr cJurcs~." a ::;puk~'tn<in for l'rl'•ldC'nt Al!!n Slmp~on told tflc girls <.1t the c:<clusive srt1Hul. 'fht• .r>.:egro l'Qt'ds irnmediately respond- ed tn;it tht' 11dn11n1strat1on·s stutcmenl 1111s "not adrquatc" and \OV.'ed to remain b:·~-1cadt>d 111 S1mp~n11's office. !\b!lut JO black n1en, none or y,·hon1 c11:1l<l be rrro;::!nitt•d :1.., :.ludents, stood at l:.1c!i of the three c11lr<.111ces lo the ad - Jn1n1;;tr:ition building ;ind prr\'l'nted ~lluJen!" !rum cutcring. A grullp of 20 r1rls lnt•cl to dt•h::ih' 1hc1n al one po\nL but tht• nH'll re!u.:.cd to argue abou l the l;if;l'll\'{'f, A~kcd 1\ho thl'y were. one replied, "~. \1·e·rc students of U1e world .'' • studen!s q11il'tly too k over the ccn· t ~;i \ ~ection of Vassa r's n1 <lln buildin~ before da;vn. The occupied area is the c-.'1.n1pus' 1nain adn1lnistr:ttio11 ccntcr. ( 'l;is~rooms to either side or 1l1e arc:1 and c111nn1torv fr1c:ilitil's aho\'C it in the. SilnlC budding ~\·ere not 111vol\•cd_ Ser1·iee at the main thning hall nearby \\'US shut off by the takeo1·cr. Th e girls took over the college's n1ain S\\"itchboard and \\·ere answ ering all in· coming calls. "I'm sorrv, lhere are no officials in this building at ihis time:· y,•as the ans\1er to 1c!ephoncrs asking for members of tl1e \'ass.Jr ad1ni n1stration. "It's quiet here. we're JUSl \\•ailing for 1:1r ;idmu1istratlon to answcr us." the gul nn 1hr lrlrphonl' said. "So1ne classes are being held, I guess." "\\e h::i ve shu t d0\\'11 V.Jssnr,'' said n ~ookesman fo r the group. She said that 11carlv all of the 59 Negro coeds al Va ssar 11 ere· taki ng p<irl ·1n the demons tration. \':i~~ar has a total enrollment of about J,t,(ll) .. For this Thanksgiving d'8) c:ind for many. many Holidays to /./~ Brings you come ,r-11 1~1 L ·" I Henredon's 6Vs!tr ~1zn1r ,l\n essence of Mediterranea ... I I -· ! Thil E~citing Co11 sction includ es no! only Iha handsom ll pieccJ sh ow n but mo ny other p t ll c e~ including roun d ond ovol lob!es "nd lhe e"er popul.ir Henr!ldon Mobile Server. The fini sh is thll moderil le.ly di~tressed Sev ille finis h or " beautiful gla r ad Ivory .ind Olive f;nish th e! le[ld1 untold po ssibilities lo su it your mode of living . • • • See Costa Brava at Davis far Bedroom and Uvi119 Room, too, Show n ,,bove: l"rge China et onl y 5679. O"al Table that extends to 102 inchlls $335. 66 inch Buffet 1415. Side Ch e irs 5109, and Arm Chai rs 5125. SlOR l HOURS , Mondoy ll nd Frid.iy 9:30 e.m. to q p.m. O ther Days q:]O • 5:30 FURNITU RE COMPANY .11 ... 111 ... ,..,,.,t, !/\""''" ~r!(I~· JNTEll.10~ ... ND QESEllT r<EC.IONI -WM1 t lld 11.gh•IY "~r,..t• ·~·oug~ Fridt Y. Lo"' IG"lthl JJ to J.tl '"'"" Vt llr.' .. !O 10 '' IOWf' Yfllf!VI Hit~ F'rleltv 1J IO H lll'PI' v11tn1, fJ •o tJ l'•n ' n ~~ ""1' •o,. Se<""r " ,., SKO"" !o,. II !j ~ ,... I A '"·~ .... 01 ' , , '"'"' "'"" •1.it•• ''~"' !o '~• •"'II 1~~ ••llt<n f1,•~0Tll <tit l•"t C.Py S•n Dir.~ -• ' I ?f ·~ 1975 l ONG CE•,CY BLVD,, lONG BEACH Phone 591 ,1347 low.,. W'1l1ty1. ' • t un fl •lto I IC I rn. 1111 J tl p In, 1'1-ll ltttl ~pm. Jert1 1 11 1 m. ~"" wlM1 1<(0,.,n10"~ s.omt 1h'"""' •"l•ll• ""'" !P>o , ..... ~. Pl'"" '"''''t wn~ 1'~•1 L•v<I•'~"'~ t1Qt> "' vu•" w11 to otO m l!t t n l'l()v" ~~··· t "l~r•rt•" "-'••~ln~fon ~~ Jl .Ol ~ ~ ~ .. I ~ v ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~-~~~~~-~~-~~-~~~~---' -------- ---·--· ----------·-·------------------~-.. ~-~-- Higli Court Orders South To Integrate Scliools Nou \\'ASJlt \"CiTO."l (l,Pl 1 I Y* After I~ ~t·.,r~. 5 n1on1hs and .!•,'» 1:.! d:11 s 1 ! ··a ll 1tf'llbcrate ti': ~· ""# ~rred ." 1111· Supri:nie Co urt ;~:r ~~ )1;1s :.n111•11111l·cd flatly ;ind ,~ ·-~-l'\if 11n111 11 mu11,1y 1\ w1l l 10Jcr:ite no ' lurtht>r tiJ'l:.iv 1n :; t: t·1 no l dl·Se~1 egi1t1•11i. "1'111 •1!ilit;·i11on of t i ic ry ·' ~1-i1•1vl 1l1\\1·1t ' 1~ 111 1 .. n n1n;it r 1lual :-.1 ht.1111 I h'lllS ,It <IJ\\'<" ;111U In 1•111'1 11' n111~ ;111J l;rr e;lfl<1r "1)1 Ullll +r1 • 111- lt'gr:11 r(l 1 •thonls," 1111· h1~h j'«lll'l 1let·l:1n•d Ill a IU'IL'f hut I t:l•1r.1· nil•n~ h.indu..I d::i11n Loi•· l\t•d llP~d,.1 Tnc· t1r~t -1n:1_1•1r 11p11111 111 for thr adm1n i~1 r;1Lion. i ·Ill d by the l 'UUrt ~H1CC Jt1,· ... 11l r11l l\1,\1J11 ilj)[")1lll\k·d \\ .1rrrn J·;, l3urgi'r l' h it' I Jtll \J<.'t: 11 ,(s ii ~h.1rp ~t'lbatf.. Tl1l' .)11:;t 11:(• Dt•µ;1nn1rnt h<id 111'[.;t'd the tDlU't l\! al!o1r rnorc ' ' . Whicl1 Roall for Nixon Over Coi1rt's RL1li11g? \VASl-lL'\r.TO'.\' (AP l -Thr The Nixon admi nistration·s Suprrn1r.. Court's ord•·r ,.f J uly ~ guidelines gave solllh· t l<.1:,sroti1n ll c:;t'grcg<iti:in ''.1 L <'I'll rlistrie ls 11 itil "bona fide'' fl111 ·1•' r<11'-l.',, ;1;1 11nn1cd1:1lc (".lt1col 1on pn1bl en1 s. a r hH.nce pr.iblr1n fnr Prr~1de11l .'\1~011: tu drlay tl£'.\t•grl'ga tiu11 until \\)\;ot 1,1 tin about :1d111in1str<1· !l\·X1 /;il l \\'~1:11, ton1pl1anc c 11011 ti uidi•J ine~ ;illu111ni;: :-i,me plans \1 cre nt·gotiatcd. /J1'l'P ;;;ou lh Sl'!1111.J cii~lrir1s Any dtc1sion on t h:inging 11nlil 1'1i0 tn t;l1n1nt1\(' du;il lhr guldel111cs 11!11 ha1 e to Uc ;,1·-.11•111"·· n1acil' b,v thl' f'ri,::1den1 , prob- ' 1':1<· l 'ri·~11k1t1t c;1n !;1kC' one ;1hly 111 t onsult at1011 \l'i th HE\V nf 11•0 1·1.,1d.-, :1\ t•'fl f'l\l't'•1· ~1·t."r1•L1 r1· H"bt'rl II . Finl'h IJl'l'I ill JI l'lr.(~!l'i '1t lll'l,il~ 111·.v ,(nil .\111· (;1•ri. ,J•1lin ,\l1 to.:h1:ll. ti I -.l11cil Pll t ;111nr.1111H'll\ ul!1('1;1b ;ilso ll•· c:..111 1·1i11L'I' ;1ctcr1 llH' fort ci>1· <J r11sh of 1H'11· soutl1· cl PL/~~on as !;n v ;ind ('h<:ngc cr11 inu•re;;L Jri n1•1.(11tiDted thr guide· lines or keep p!ayini; plans rathe r tha n \I :.i1l for I! 111\1·~ !Jy ;q1pl';il 11i,~ ;1dd1 11,.11.11 i·D111·1 (1rill'r~. 1 ',J~1·, 111 linpc 1l1t' <· .. urt 11 1!1 "Tht'I II lri'•k <i1 !!la ! ';1t 11111d1!v its <.kc.~1un." ~;11d onL' (•Jl('f', d-ct rcc !JI (11e court and •11J1,·1.il dL·t1d1· thr1· ni'1gh1 gL•t :i bl'!· In c 1th c r c:isc. t•li i< 1.ils IL'r di·:'!! by gCJing the plan ·ll'.t'l'1', the high cour t l1as JJ)-rou1r.." .s:i td one offi ci al. J11\ll'1'f! 1ro 111\':'llidate :111y t!0\·11======== ( rn1nr!l\·:1 ppru1 eJ pl:'!n lh<1t d1·l;11s rlf''-l'J:::ri.'gali1ln of a'r <,( l1J(l] d 1•1!'1Ll 1111t1~ !IC:\( f<tl L 'l':a: f1fl1LL for (11d H1;.:l1 ts h1 !!'.•· /Jo •p.11\•~:f'lll o! l!e:illh. J d.1 ~'i!Uon ;1n1! \l\•\lari· h;1.;;; al·I i• ,1d\ di I ''j1l1·1I lO(' ~lllh pl'-llb, And Jl L~ no\\' l1L'gc1l1:111ng \\11th I }j I ;1dd1t1on;1I 01'l'P South I ~1 h.1,.[ lll·l!'WI > fu r dr~rgn•­ ~;!111111 pl:ins Ill it \'.i•U ld be l'f·I )!'!'111 r n1·~! f.til. time for lnt.egraUon ul '.i) sthool districts in 1.1issi.ssipp1 1'he courl's dee1s1on de<dt spet if1cally with the Mississip· pi ca~r . Bul the languuge of the opi· nion left 1·1r tually no roon1 1or doubt the same slrict ru le or cl('scgregation now will be ap- Jllit•d lo other areas Of the S()ll [h v.·hcre some degree of segregation still prevalls in rnorc t/lan three fourths of the pu\J l1c :.chool dislric-ts. ··This ruling spells disastt'r fnr public education 1 11 i\11ssiss1ppi an d rnony pari s of the south," sauJ Sen. Jan1es 0 Eastland (0-;'l'ti~s-l Officials ol thr Nutio1,:il Association for thr Ad i an· ct·ment of Colorrd Pe1Jple ! ~AACP said tht' l'OUrl had "<Jt:cepted the. principle v.-hlr h 11£' urged no furtht'r cl<' lays." The t'ou rt 1·0\('d tn repl<it t' U1c J.).yeor-0ld "all deliber<1tc· speed " doctr ine on deseii;r ega- tion on grounds it .. is 110 Ion g e r c on s t ilutionally pern1issibl e." The co u r L established a new po~ili-:in : Sc hool districts 1nu sl c('ase to operate one set of sehoo ls for bla rks and another for whitrs while they are battling in·I !egral!on suits in court. J Legal sources predicted thcl lwo · pagt.> opi nion might pro111pt civil rights force s to 111oun1 a stron{.( new assau lt on ''de facto'' segregation e.xi st- ing in n1an_1· northern cities dur to r•'sidt>nl1al patt erns. I The 1\'AACl''s legal d('fensc fund . which represented the l Negro cause in ihc i~l i ssiss~ppi c:isl'. began an 1n1n1e01ate rrview of about 200 school1 d('s~grl'g<i tion tasrs afre;uly fi led throughou t the sout h, 11 here 1\ contended a PQhcy of "litigation forev{'r'' had held back int egration. ·It \1oh ' l 1~l' ;il l ll1o:t' lfli01 111;111'> ;1rr r•ll l 111111. · ~:11d one ~1n1·rn1ur11t nf:J!'i;1!, ··11·.i a -,1hule nrw bnll ga1ne . :.q1p;1r- 1 ·11tl~· 11111\ ,di plilllS ll;11J11g (11 111 IJllll!f'dill'C \lno ·~., ThP g1111·rnn1L'11l h:1~ tv.o 1'1' 111" i.! I· ro rn" df'~r::r··~;1. l1•it1 ·1 rrt,1!11 t1·;111t :.0:1111~'1'11 d1 ·tl'J!'! ·'· 011P 1.• l!ir 01g!1 {·nui·! order' l »1~•'d \+11 J1t'CI 1011 ~ ~Upf!'!lH' t ftL:r! !lt·t l~1q11 null;111·ing du<il I !-\~1<'111'-·1111· ntlwt· 1 ~ hy L'l ll- FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS WATER HEATERS 1 •l1 •111 !+·d• t•:d :11d !11 dJSll'il't~, 11lllfll! d•I fl(lt Jll'(l\!ril' al'l\'111• ;iiilf' pl ;t1]~ h1r !'Ullij!l\l!l(! \'.i!h 1111 t~r.1 (..111\ 1:1.;lits ,\lt. l 'o:s 111 OIHl ll lS 111 V 1's1·1'11 1 t ,[t \\ll (,\;\YO~. A1·~1 1 \I', -.. \1•· ,,.,1 11fr;11d .,r J 11 1 ['1];111 ' ' 11!• Plllii ,J..Jliflt'I' •> ••>I l•I' 11,1 11 • !,i lo!'•' d• 'l·f'!l· 1l 11c ,,1,1n.: 11101 r;r1~l1l ,\11r;1 l 'l 1 .,,p,.r,i ,u\ll (\11111,1\ 11+ '1h' '1:1 In~ ~pt (:;ii !n11 r1'1' '·i!i(·rrd rrn111 J1·;·1r nl l·•1tl1 ',, 'l t11v 11f'rf! '.\1:11. l'itn ~i·1q'ICI ll •'T't'gn1 O ~ <ind h 1n •l,u11 1n F (' ~1 ~I 1!.In 1·, h 1•5~1.1r1 co,1nu1i:1t1\)_ B1·r1·£!l1101 la11.L:1 tl'd and ad· 1 ''"d iu~ l1·11•11d'. "lf I prri~t1, I Ide """'""'-'"' '°'" ' I 'f cxa ~ 1'ccns ' Can l\1arry 1\l STJ:'\. Tc~. 1LP !) -The- : !.J!i· :itturrit·y gc n c r n 1' \\ cdnt:.d;111 s:iHI tl'cnnir.cr:; ln T l'\.J.' ;i h~T .1;)11 . I can legally tlel·l.11'1• tht'l1\\t•i1·1•;, 1nfnrn1;1lly 1n;1rr1<'ll 11 i1hou t parental <"on·: !.! 111 ,1s !on~ :1~ !he boy i:. at 11·1~1. Ifi ;ind lhc gi rl 14 ~('ars : O)d. I !\lf ornC"y G1 ·11!'r;il Cr;111·fo_rd ~1 .1r:111 '"ii! l lH' 111·1v f:oi1111lv , utlc p,1:,:.cc! b} tile lcgisl~tu re 1 t\lJ., 11·;l1' df!t>~ riot reriu1r" p.1 rcntaJ CQ11sc1it to wed unrl<'r, 11rw rnrnmon la1v rnar n;,~l' regul ations. 'Li111il Seal,;' \VASHl!\(;TON ( APl (;!'Ing ress h;1s been asked to I 11111kc 11. il!t'gal 10 u ~f" the Gre:it St'cil of Ilic li11ilcd States ;i nd lht• "<'als of the j Prrsidcnl nnd 11cr pres1t!ent j for comn1crciA ) purpoSC'l>. u , REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal. • • $42.88 30 Gal. • • $44.88 40 Gal. • . $49.88 50 Gal. ~ $64.88 • • Th• '>u~l:!y '}u•••o !e~d -;l•u I ned '"'•hr h••'o' ' ~ o~~d w1•~ '"J•lv t~,.,n. •• t equ.,ed bv IA~ W• h~··e l""'~ d•y '"'1 ~11.1 .u n •v•il.blo, ,f ~"""'•'~-A ll "'""'•' in<••!l•+,o n pMh intludod. (_~'I by ""O" -'"'l"ll thA! d •y. J,l1 0 eme1~en· ly '"''"11 .1,on 4 ~•:lo bl1 . All wc1~ done bv m••- (c, p lumb~''· INSTALLATION AVAILABLE GARBAGE DISPOSALS IN-SINK-ERA TOR MODEL NO. JJJ s31 ss REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE . . . . .. , Med ol Jll -I y,_ G u.,,nte1 MODEL NO, 555 s45aa REG. $69.95 OUR P~JCE ...... . Model 55~ -l Yr. G uo •enlee MODEL NO. 77 s549s REG. S79.95 OUR PRICE .•. Model 77 - 5 Y,. Gu•••nle1 "" INSTALLATION AVAILABLE DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN OF THE MONTH - ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT lfWE~11 ~ CIFFEE MAIER ... • Willi 50 fil1111 ... FR![! Coffee-Cone Coffee Maker gtves you an rttractiYe server full of delicious coffee in mi!l- utes. No sediment. no bitter· ness, no bother! Your coff11 can be reheated ho urs. even days later. Ifs the best-brew- ing, most economlcal coffee maker you e1n buy. Th(' gn\'{'rnm rn t \\11uld hr !1ble In ~('~k injunctions :'Ind! hr 1n~ rriminal pro~ecution to 11re\·~'n! rn1~\1~r ul 1h1' ~r·11I~ l!tl(ll'r :'l h:ll propn.,cd hy Ally. II CC'n. John ,"J, ~11t ct1c ll. !••••••••••••••••••••••• ---- -~-UPI Tfl~p!lo!B Blasti11g Out of Sund \r ilh just threr mon1hs left before ret urning to slate· side goJ[ courses. Lt. Andy P ina rio of El Pd so. 1'cx .. kccr s his golf s11·ing in the rig ht groov e fron1 atop a reinforced n1orta r e1npldcen1ent al. 5lh ~pcc ia! F'orces Grou p camp north of Saigon. Th11rsday, Octobtr 30, 196'1 DAILY PILOT ,"I;, 1l'anted to Be Kittg Nlosque A1·so11ist Testifies JEnl'SALE'.\I IL:Pl l Rohan is a n1ember of the Temple of Solomon must !le I 1e111s /Ill\ hal·I 11ohan told a Church of God Protestant :.r el built again on Ten1ple f'.lc.unl Jt·ni salc in court today he set \\'hich, according to him, in east J erusalem before lhe believes !he ancie nt Jewish :'iecond coming of the /ll('ssiah. ll1L' 1\I AC!Sa '.\IOS{jUe fire tv.·o·~=======================~ 1nn111 h~ ;i go bt'l':lU~l' he v.•:.intedl" !u IJe th e k111g of J erusalem. Thl' 28·~f·ar-u!tl Australi1ln l'!ir·1\l1<1n 11 a:-; tile le<1d-0f! 111t1H''S .1..-h1" tn<t l resumed £,>J!•11111 ,: ;1 ll1 t1·an<l-a-half- \1 CC:h r1\!'~~. lit• ts t harg{'d \111!1 !uur t·uu nts or arson. . r did ll [\) pro\'(' to the 11101J J tha1 (;nu ll'~•nt s n1e to l>u!lt! hi s IL·111plt· :u1d 1hat 111· \1111 ~1·t 1111· 11 11 ;1s king ul .Jv1·.i~.dl'1 11 ;ind ,lutlc;i :· Rohan tuld lhl' tiln •c •·111:111 t'(Jtlrt. J !1~ f'L'J!l;1rhs 111 Engl ish were s 1111ult:i11l'•1L1 . .;lv trunsla1cd into Jk·br1·w tor e(1urt officia ls and :.prct;•tnr '· I! oh an· s L·111·yt'r , Y 1tzhak Tun1k . 11:.J' ~alil he \I ould at· 1rn1 pt to p1'<11" l11s client 11 <i s n1t•11t;1ll.v t!11b;il:1nt'Cd w h e n he ;ahnl l!cd '>t·!l 1ng the fire Aug. 2J :ind ~houl d be found in· noc<"nt by rc·ason of insanity. '!'hr r:\r:J.l) !\u~1r<Jli3n, teSLi· l11ng Jro111 bt·h1nd a bullet· pnJ1.1f g l:1s~ b\){Jth, t old Pfl'Siding JIUlgl' Hen ry F. Baker he \\'!Hild not swear an 41;llh bl'c<1u~L' of tu s religious hl'liel.~ l!r agreed to n1ake <i.n ;iJ f1nnation 1!1 1i;-ll 1he truth. Now!PSA ·J· els every 9 minutesto Oakland! 7:15 3m to 8:45 pm. Both W3 ys . 7:1 S·8 :45 · 10: 15· 11 :45 3m-1: 15·2:45·4:15·5:45· 7:15·8:45 pm. More on weekend1. Why worry about a reserva!lon when PSA has over 161) lllghtl a day? Such an oasy·to-remember schedt1le you can carry Jt around in your head. Why remembe r lowest fare s? Or all jela? Or great service lo San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, end Sacramento? Or that kids unde r 12 fly PSA (w ith !heir parents) !or half fare? Sti!I wan I a reservation? Jt1s! call you r travel ag ent or whatsitsname airlines. PS<\ gn.es,.,... •lift. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TOYS -HOBBIES -STATIONERS o STATIONERY -·"' . . ---iElBfliiii TEMPERA POSTER CARDS Si1: 1tude11t j•"· !it! lnd udM all Iii• .populot color1 for 99¢ f~n '" ichool or ho"'e. Only SCHOOL FILLER -···· ·-······ .......... .• • ,• .•, •• '" ,,, .,,.'! ••· lnder, pa,.r . ""'I· ),00 PAPER 500 SHEETS For School ond O ffi,e U1e. 1.37 Yol11e ONLY ALL-IN-ONE BINDER 1.99 Drafting Tenplates & Lettering Guider Compl•te ,.1.,..,tion 100 .. 400 ARTIST MATERIALS SET WEBSTER DICTIONARY Com,oct 1cflool & oHic• 99¢ 'N•w World' (ditio•. a..,. 1.1• o,,1y CANVAS BINDER St•rd., fleov., d11ty l 88¢ ri,...cl ca""°' bord.r, Color, bl11t Onl., ''How'' & ''Why'' BOOKS Q~e1tlo1tt & a111wel'1 e•tll' t"'lld ml9ht -a. A11 oddtd 4 95 lltCenll ... lo l•orn. 011ly ' • SCHOOL SUPPLIES The American Heritage Dictionary Of the •nqli1fl lo1191101f•· tfl• tint dic1ic11eiry to be ill11st•oted wfth phctci:irophs, "'ops, eind drowlnq1. Thit forll dlctlonar., to rirco•d th• totol onces!•., cf $895 t'nqli~h W?•ds. Th e f1i1t total dic1iei"ory, Onl'I CRAYONS 400 Count Non to1k-<olTIJlltt• 76¢ cclc1 i election Only SCHEAFFER CARTRIDGE PEN 1'a,ked wl!h 1 lice cor1rld9 .. , pl111 S c11to l•ff lor 1chool 77¢ ~pttiol Rc9. l .00 vol11t O"ly An ACHE CASES Ho11diomt & d11rablt. Many typ•I & tlr" to cflcOI• from, St11d"r 10 b115l11eu. Sryln lrom 599 .. 1687 FASHION PSYCEDELIC REPORT FOLDER REG. 19c SALE SCHOOL BAG Cotton plaid fro11t with T••• Mc•. Ouroblt fo1 Ike 2 47 i tude11h' bookJ" i11pplln. 011lr • SHEET PROTECTORS Heawy outef9 l'f'Oflletor ...... f11r $Chool or •fflc• 3 10¢ w!,.th bl•ck boc:•· for lnq-lood •p NW ~, -"'I 8"41 .• ..,. J f11r JSc 50 FASHION ISLAND OTHER STOll:l5 Westchester Los Angel1s Cano91 P.1rk NEWPORT BEACH 644-0981 OPPOSITE THE BROADWAY GIRL TALK All In one en1Mnble. A complete bock to 1chool outfit with the up to date look. REG. 2.98 SALE 1~99 PAPERMATE FLAIR f•lt '" • h:l119h 11ylo11 1harp • wrlln Wl!Ooth • llQh lo119tr. kirq. 49c Now FASHION BOOK COVERS Stylish covers for ort your books. Stude11h may color key their te1tbook1 or notebooka. Pkq. of 4. REG. 49c NOW --.r-.- ---:=> ---=--===--- DRAFTING SETS For 1chool or profH1io11al •••· r~0::a:::•• 295 lo 2500 h o'!!. S•porottl., or in 1eli. 81W SAVINGS GfT J PfNS! 87c Yoh1• ONLY PICKm SLIDE RULE c .... ,1.t. wlectlo11 •' .n ty,.. ,., ....... 100 2800 , .. , .. ~:::· .. "TELL ME WHY" BOOKS bPEN SUNDAYS ~~~~§TOYS. HOBBIES· STATIONERS -•..:...· .... ···--·~·-c··~-·~~~~ ........ ...,_,......,..,........,. ______ ....,. ________________ _ • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAi, PAGE Can't Wait Two Right along \\'ilh public concern about CO\'iron· mental pollution in Orange Count~ ranks w~rry over the county's greatest single asset -its shoreline . Of 42 miles of coastline , only about 20 miles are state, county or rlty O\\•ned. The remainder is pr!vate proeerty, so1ne of it a lready developed; the re1na1nder sub1ect to developn1ent. And sun1e of tJ:us already con1· n1itted for near-future develop1nenl. Shoreline plans have been dra\11 n up in yea rs gone by, then i ~nored . NQ\11 a new ~Ian ~a~ been _proposed, this time 1n a clin1ate of public op1n1on \Vh1ch seems likely tD induce action in s tead of 1nore procrastina'don. Both lhe county and coastal cities appear ready to n1ove in this vital area. Zoning and condemnations to protest beach access arP. under consideration, 'fhe first \\ orkshop session on the proposed plun was scheduJed for loday. But there is a n1ajor shortco1n ing in the present con· cept. This is the idea that the Shoreline Plan can take l \VO years to prepare. Unless Orange County stands still for l\l'O years - most unlikely along the coastal area . of nil places - t he master p lan for the shoreline likely "'ill co1ne l~o late to be valid in n1uch of the coasl:JI nrea 110\v ~till unco1nn1itted. The possibility of itnposing a n1oratorium on dc- velop1nenl for the l\\'O years has been mentioned . Bu t 1h is lakes so1ne doing. Property O\vners a ll along 42 n1iles of coastline th at \11ould be \Vilhin the .study zone could ha rdly be expected to st<ind still for tax increases on propert.y they cannot use, for exnrnple. And that is only the beginning of the legal con1p\exilles o( an ex- tended moratorium. \\le should have such a study and a n1astcr p1an. Rut if il is not to be loo la te, \Ve'd better speed up our ti me schedule considerably. 'fha t likely will cost more m oney than 1he nO\\ .. proposed schedule. But the added C?st \Viii be little_ con1· pa red to the cost of lost opportunity to ge t maximum public bene fit from our coastline. W ol"d 'I 1isane' Requi1·es N eiv Definition r , Sydney J. Harri~ . . . In di sclosing more aboul her fa1ni!y life and background last m:inth, Stalin's daughter declaqd that. in her opinion, her lather \ras not "u1sane" when he ordered the. bloody political purges ol the 1930s, although he may have bcco1nc paranoid a decade laler. J think the wo rld of lhe fuiurc -if thPre is to be one -will require a n l'IY definition of the v.·ord "insane." Jl erelofore, we have looked upon insanity as a mental abbcrralion; it sct'mS to me that there is something called "moral in· sanity" as \veil. TllERE IS NO d11ubt thnl Stalin °"·a:;. out of his n11nd in hi s last years, or that llitler was a rsychopath frotTI lhe mn- ment he entered 1hc l\1unich beer-cellar ln the J!l20s. But \Vhal of the men around them'.' \\'hat or the cool. p!;iusible. cf· fic.ient functionaries who did their dread· lul bidding? In some \\'ays, indeed, ii is e:isi!.'r t:i forgi\'e a lunatic likr Jlit!er than a Goer- ing. a f.ocbbel s, a llln1mler, or an t:;ichn1ann. He ~·as possessed by a dcrnon burning in his brain: they had no :.uch e-;euse fur. th ei r coldlv bc~t1al beha\·ior. l~ikC\\'ISC., the. mPI\ around Stalin \\"ho helped murtlrr all \hr Old Bolsheviks \\'ere "n1ora\ly insane.·· OUR CUHRE\:T defini tion nl lu11;1ey is 100 n<i"rJw, Luo clln •cal. 100 convrn11011:1 t. !'I ~er\e as a s111:1ally u.~elul ~anlst1ck 1n Jl!dginlf-.thc actions of JlUbltc l1gurcs. Dear Gloo1nv . Gus: Sen. John Schmitz says his slogan ts : "\Vhen you 're out of Schn1iti, . vou"re out Or gear." No class at all! Better -and more aL'<'11rate -'"'·oulrl be : "J11hn Schmitz is the n1an \\"ith the solid Birch mind." -T. G. P. Thi• ff•IUr• refl•(!• rel~., .. ~,.-, 1'1<11 nK•U•rllY lhON GI ·~· ".......... s .... your "1 "'"' I• Glotmr Gu1, Di lly "'Gt. Trur. \'.·e are all reservoirs of prirale 11'ickcdness, and it lakes no Shadow IQ know \~bat eril lurks in the hearts 01 men. nu t public wickednes~ on a 1nass scale is not just quantitatively !;lrgcr: it 1s <1ualilalfvely d1HercnL To be u11just, to be cruel, e1·en to kil!, for personal reasons , ~c.rn1s part of !lie tlclrct we ll'err.. born with ; to kill thousands. and evl'n n1il!ions, of peorle in1rerson11lly, sin1ply hecau~c they ore kul .:iks or c!lplt:ili sts or Poles of Jews, is a form of 1noral i11s<111i\)'. IN lllS 1'"E\V BOOK. •·Functionaries," F' \\"illiam Ho11·k111 defines such n1en as \lfQSe v•ho "\'iew their v.'ork entirely in l"nns of a job \1•rll 1lone -wilhoul slor>- pi111~ to consider ll'hether or not the Joh n11~ht to be done.'' Eich1nann '~<I~ Ju.~t doinµ. hi~ job. tak ing <1rdcrs. c;.ir rytng oul lh!.' function assigned hi1n. To d1\·orcc ends 1ro1n tnc:ins. io 1lt·humaniz:e oneself so lhal J th1ld ~hip· rwt! to a gas cllambrr rnran~ 110 rnore th<in a sausage sli pped JTJto a casing. n1ay not be insanity rn the rn cd1cat :-rn~e of th<' term -but 1f lh<'re i.~,. 1noral nonn in hun1an conduct. 1\h,11 r!Sl' 1:;111 11r t·all such a diaboli c departure fr:in1 the 11orn1'! Pentago1i arid tlie Birds Sometimes you 11·ondcr 11'hn t goes on . J'or instance, you wonder ho111 thousands of lune\lonaries in thr Prnta~o11 arrive al 11 d<'ei~ion inrulring the disbu rsement of public fl.Inds. It 1~ presumed th;il first a me111oran- dum reaches lhe desk of a 1na1or °"'hO, asslsled by a couple of captains and 111 hos! of noncoms, has a controlling secretarial post in one of the hundreds of liC.Ctions in the building. Re may in due lime pul th is on the desk of some colonel or br1gad1er com· mancling a sf'Ction group, and charged "'ith examining 111en1orandun1s left on his desk. THE COLONEL t\IA\' reJet1 the ~morandwn. or convene a hoard con- sisting of olht!r colonels, prrhaps a l1rigadier. even a major J!eneral in lhe comptroller's division if the. n1cn1oran· dum seems to treat of weighty rnaLt crs. Jn a few weekJ or months. nft cr i;eve.ral sessions, the board n1ay reject and Ille away, or push it to higher ccl1elons. These are responsi h!e for budget allocalioru; and contractual processes. H tMy say go. it"s go. Altogether, perhaps 50 of11cers and a ht:ndred members of their sccrrlariil l i;trJfs have been pushing the:.c papers around. ff TJlE l\IATTER IN hand 1nvnlvr~ the porehase oj conventional guns or otht·r milit ary supply the proipective ens1s may run to several million dollars. If 11 lnvoh·es costly experimental weap11nry. or air designs or naval vessels. COlit n1ay run lo hundr('cls of rn1/llons, e\·rn blllluri~ 1t then reache9 public nollce. thr Pr~11idenrs nolice, and 1nay be clebalcll In the Congress. So naw 1W'D your wonder on the col· l ' '- Royce Brier lrctive Pentagon mind. Does ii consider, is it C\lcn a\,·are ol. the wishes of the peo- ple it serves? Rarely. If the people don·t like some Penta1i1on venture lhars going In cost then1 money. lhey arc un- dermining lhe security or the Nn!ion, and may be Communist ~. YOU \\"OULO think, hO\\'Cl'er, the Pen- lagCNl \\'ould be a l11tlc chary in these days of mistaken bombings. And, oh yes, the Pent agon 111cntioned mynah scandals, Green Berets, the retired major general and his guns. The Pentagon has stuntbled on 1vhal is called a "bad press." Excepting a little petulance, it cooldn't care less. It has si gned a $600.000 contract with the l Tniverslty of Mississippi lo leam if bird' c.an be employed in '"''arfarr, Can ravens, pigeons and other fcalhrm:l Friends be lralned to take over "dangerou s, difficu lt, expensive and bor- ing" \\'Br tasks like aerial photography, n1issile steering, mine detection? WO ULD '\'OU Kl'\OW how lo spend eoougt, in lhis undertaking lo feed 600,000 hungry kids? Don't knO\.I'. bu t surely ~ou \.l'OUldn ·1 beRrudge omlthologists and falconers their travel expenses. And. oh yes, the Penlagon menlioned 111yn{lh hirds, doubtless tu flap over the t.n<'1ny and tell hln1 to q1i1l while hc"s ;!hc:id. In F-t'vcn ~e;irs or lh e. CAr~on &hows mynahs ha ve never spoken a damn word , but balJeluJah, :-in_yway. The possibility of getti ng so me significant finan cloil help fro1n Sacramento or \Vashington is enhanced by lhc climate of public opinion and the practical poHtics of the upcoming election year, if we can move quickly and boldly enough to pul together a sound and impres· ~1ve progra1n . \Ve ought to make every effort 1o produce a shore-- line plan before the end of 1970 . Mental Health Needs Orange County's mental health budget for 1970-71 got a st range reception from l\.l"O of the coun·ty super· visors !<is l \veek. Supervisors David Baker and Robert Battin talked <lnd voted against the budget, contending that the irr crease \\las too great. The proposed budget of $1L9 is a husky $4.1 million higher than U1is year. But , under the new system adopt· cd by the state this year, transferring to the counties the primary responsibility for operating mental health pro~ran1 s, the state provides $9 for each $1 spent by the counl.y. Actual county costs would be $900,000 compared to $600,000 this year. Baker expressed great concern les t other counties n1ight increase their budgets as did Orange County. He found the 1nental heal th budget -and presumably the progra1n -'"lotnlly unbala nced." So1ncho\v overlooked in the balance sheet, it ap· pc(lrs, \\'as enough concern over the key item : ,,·hat needs to be done in Orange County. Wha'l does the n1oney buy and how badly needed is it? Orange Coun ty has long been considered as very deficient in th e mental health field. The s.up~rvisors \vould do well to face up to the task of bringing Ora nge County up to par in this a spect of public health. The state has pllt that responsibility squarely upon them. Sp11rred by Russia's Expansio1a at Sea Navy Intelligence to Be Modernized 'VASll!NGTON -Spurred by Russia't expanding acUVities at sea , the Navy is pl..1nning to step up and modernize its in- telligence operalions around the \l'tlrld. Funds for an accelerated intelligence [lrogrnm are included in the big defense inoney bill nO\V pending in the House and Senate. Navy spokesmen have urged that the sums be approved in their testimony b(hind closed doors. l n~luded in the Navy request is regular f11nd1ng for cloak-and-dagger intelligence, ;intJ counter-intelligence activilies of n.:>:1rl.v 1,000 agents operating around thf! 11orld. Those activities range from sensit ive espionage investigations to an 1111·reasing number of inquiries into N1.11y narcotics use. The proposed expansions, howev er, are rcqnested for surveillance on , over and under the high seas. lnvol~·ed are repo rts lro111 ''i.~u:il sightings and those from r:1d<ir. SOlllld·sensi1ive sonobuoys and ilth.:r sophisticated sensors. NAVY rNTELLIGENCE experts are dr l'lloping a coin pulcrized system under \'.l1irh reports on activities· at sea -in- cluding those of the Navy 's ow n ships - arc coordinated and analyzed at a ne1v center in suburban Suitland. f\ld . fro1n rlata available there. Na~·y commanders \\ 111 be supplied \.l"ilh a rrport, a coin- Allen-Gold1u11ith putcr printout or even a graphic display l<> n1eet their intelligence needs. lnfonnation will also be made available tu the Defense Intelligence Agency and to the civilian intelligence community. Com- pu1er operations in fou r regional center5 \11111 be linked by high speed com- 1nunications to the new center in Su iliand . Some of the data processed wi ll be used for non·mililary purposes. For e:tample, !lie J\'a"y's ocean surveillance program provided continuing reports to the State Department on ships which could aSsist in the evacuation of 7.000 Americans fro1n Nigeri<t after the outbreak of the re- ('C•il troubles there. ''LllGEr--'T EFFORT" -The Navy is rcq1icsling more I.hen $36 million in the prc~ent fiscal year for Naval intelligence, 1riore than double the funds reques~d l l\O yea rs ago. A major part of the boost is an accounting transfer , but actual pro- gram! will increase by about one-third over the three years. Rear Adm . F. J. llarlfinger, com- n1ander of the Naval Intelligence Com- mand, has told congressional co1nn1iltccs that Russia's ne\11 interest in sea power is largely responsible for the step-up . "ThE" urgent effort lo i1nprnve Na\'<ll intelligence capabilities ha s been pro- voked primarily by the steady and con- 1i1iuinlil expansion of Soviet sea power." said Harlfinger in teslirnony winch is soon to be released, The admi ral referred specifically to the penetration of the modern and exp<lndlng Ru~sian neet into lhe ~lediterrane:in Sra and the Indian Ocean during the l<ist ll\Q years. He testified that the Russi:ins are shu,ving "increasing cornpctence" in us- ing their mcxlern ships and equipment. "!\tORE SOVlET SHIPS and aircraft are going to sea. going further and staying out longer," said Harlfinger. l:i addition to the burgeoning Russian n;.;·,•y, Harlfinger noted tha t the Soviet Union is de1 eloplng "une of the world 's Jurgest <ind most n1odcr11 merchant rlccts" -up from seventh to fourth pl<i cc in number or ships, over a tcn·year pe riod, \1 hile tbc Uni!cd States h<is slip- ped from third place to sixth. He also commenled on Russia's large.- scale effort in oceanogra phy and testifi ed that n1ore than 40 Soviet intelligence col· l('ction ships -ships with a mission like the Pueblo·s -constantly monitor U.S. !\avy operalinn.~ :irouud 111r 11ol'ld "n, :. c :-:ccpli 11~ our 0\\11 !>1•;1r11;1~!~ ' "Clenrl~· . .:ill this i1111}rt's:.1vr :1n(i 11101111· ling Sovie~ st-a po11·1·r 11ccd.~ to b•; \l'atcht-d. "[p order to g;1111 the lic.<;l po~~i lilc j11 . forrn:iUon <•l;i:.iul So1·iet ;1ctil'111rs ;i nd (·ap:1bilit irs. !ht 1'\:ll~' i~ ~c·ck111g 111 npplv the lates t 1n stirncc ;111d tct.:linulogy to l11e i.;(:llecliun. prucess111g. <t rld anal~ \IS u! u1· telli1;ence," lhi; ad1nir;.1J dcl·larl'd . liARLFl l'\Gt::n l\'\l!l ro·d 1ha1 lhc Sn\-it·t nav;i] prcsent•r 111 !h1· l\l('dllrrr:111etln rtJ 1968 \\'as six lllll{':i 11 h;ll 1t ll<id br1•n 111 J!l6i. J·lc refl•1-r1'd !{) the s1:i1r·1nt·rtl nl Ru:.sia's Flfl'l A1l1111ral Crosh kov lh;1t I ll~· United Stalt:'S n'usl undl'rst:ind th1:1t II "" lunger has niasll'ry 1Jf th\' sc:1" ln!elligcncl' experts here <ift· ('rln\ incrd that lhe Kreml in has dccidl'd !n 1·h;1!1t•ugr: th at tradilionaf U.S n1;1sl•'r11 Tlu·1r 11t1v :.., not changed b.11 !ht• l;1t'' · 11\;i t 11111~1 11f lht Hussinn !'ftip~ 111 1111· ~1t'd1tr11·.1111 111 h.1ve recently lie<·11 11 11l1d1_.1111 11, So' 11 L porr :c;. Th;it fir£'! 111ovr1nc11I 1~ ~(>;1«111:11, CH'· rording to l ilt l''lp1•r1 '. :inti '-lri.Uld n\·· c~·~lon nn :-.Urpr bc A ~11111 l,1r 1v1n1t·r wilhdrawal lirst 1!'~1r rt·l urn~·tl Srll 11·t ~hips 10 hornr p1Jrl~ lor rl'pa11 , n:~uppl y and t'rc.w rcplcni:-.J1na·nt lly Hoht•r1 !'. A!lrn :ind .luhn A. Loldsru1lh Nixon to Mousetrap His Opposition? \\'ASJ!!NGT0:--1 -'T'hc President of the United States is about lo \\'ind do w11 u-:e 11·;1r in Vietnan1 . i\l r N1;o:on"s J\01·. 3 speech 11·\1) he tne \eh1rlr. ii h11s bci::n announced so far ln :1d v:i ni:r. ;iqd Hie Prcs1de11L ha s been ~o sc<'retil'e about its probable content, lh<ll a hlorkbusll?r 1s a cer1::iin1v. \Vhrn it is nve r, polit1cai analysts 111111 no doubt say th:it it was a brilli anl <!i~rla.v of 1no11setrapping the oppo~i !ion. Indeed. l\lr. Nixon has 110\V manag1?d lo 1'nlite every possible presiden tial op- pn11cnt into n posture some1vhat !o hi! h·f1 . All arc den\anding itnmedia ~e or ;1lrnost 1n1med1ate ll'ithdrawal fron1 Vict- na1n. Thcrcforr. \.\"hat he has to ~oy - since I\ ll"ill be less than the lell is drn1anding -\Viii give him a cert.:.iin :n- vulnerabitity \o criticism from his o\.l'n ronstituency on the right, v.•hich is caus- ing him his greatest concern, THE REASON IT is lhe right and uct the left which is worrying the PreslJent is th::it he has at last made up his mind lo give the !rft niost of v:hat it "'ants. He has r!ccided tn follow a course '"'hich r•,;iy best he su mmed up as the Kennedy-Aiken J1n r. I! wa s John Kenned y 11·ho said "It is their war -sind in Ille lnng run they are 1he ones who \.\'ill ha\·e lo win it-the peo- ple of South Vietnam." fl was ~en. r;eorp" Aiken (R-VI.\ who advised Lyn- dnn .Johnsnn so long ago to ''dec la.·e a 1•irtory and gel 0111." To OOrrow a little lrnm each nf :.hcse s1 rictu res is at long last .,.,·hal Ricnaod Nixon has decided to do. As of now, the Pl"l'sfdent is planning to announce a cease-fi re. In fact, as Sen. ---By George ---. Dear George: Is lhere anything that fan be done about a garbage man v.•ho leaves garbage all Over the garbage area every day ht comes around? FURIOUS Dear furious · Thi~ !ittmll to call for a rather r1bvlo11s ;inswe.r. If so111ebody is lrrtl'ing garbage you d(ln"l went, l'alt up and cancel your garb•gc ca tering service. .· ·-· Maukie"icz al)d Brad~n i\llk<' l\1ansfield, the Democratic leader, his pointed out. the United States .o\rn1y 111 Vietnam is already honoring a i:ind of "cease· fire." It is no longer acLively :;ceking out the ei1emy bul is hokJlng ground. There exists already the kind· o( encla\·e which Gen. George ~I. 1}a'lin once recommended. The President phlns to make It offkial, SECOND, THE President plans to an· noun c e a major troop \\'lthdrawal-perhaps S0,000 to 100,000 n1er. -U1us further indicatini; that he is \1·ind111g do~·n the \Var. So much for 1he Dove~. 111ey 11•ill corn· plain 1hat 1t is not enough. but they can· not complain thal il is nolhini;. The V1rl- nan1 moratoriuin scheduled !or mid- November will lose its bite. r-io\V for the Hawks -those in his 0\\'11 party and in the party of George \\'allnce 11ho are so much on !\fr. Nixon's mind these days. "Bugging out," nol being the first President "lo preside over a n American defea t"-lhese are phrases lhal Mr. Nixon has used recently lo those 'vho heve talked \1•it.h him privately, and they re\'eal his main concern. Here, again, the Aiken-J ohn Kennedy advice recommends itself. The President will say what Defmse ~retary Melvin Laird has already said: that when American combat troops are 'ft"ilhdrav.·n 'The Pill's' Side Effects Birth co ntrol pills havl!! become so popular in this country that v.·omen may tend to overlook the hatards involved in their use. The recenl warning from a spccia! f'ood and Drug Adminlstrallon advisory board about possi ble adver9C side effects caused by the pill should not be takP.n lightly. The FDA pane.1 found, as British researchers l"arned earlier, that women v.•ho use the pill art at least four times more llkety to suffer blood clots in the.Jr circulatory system than non-users. Such C'lots can cause death or sertous Illness if they lodge In the brain or elsewhtre. I aowever, while Lhe potential of serious trouble exists. the committee found that the number of deaths altrlbutable lo con· trace:plive...caused clots is l'ery small, on· ly lhree in 100,IXQ per year among "·01nen of child-bearlna age. IN VIEW Of lhe documented hazard. and In \'ie"' of the exis tence. of other, less c,xpensi\'e (and somev,rhat l~s effective) means or rontraee ption, caution should bt• lht \\'alch\.l·ord fflr women, doctor11 and ph11rn1aclsts. Those \.\"ho engage in the 1H1l unc:om1noo pracllce of using lheir prescriplton to obtain pills for another ' Gpest ' Editorial may be laking that person's life in their hands. Doctors "'ho prescribe pills wi1ho11l rirst making a physical e~amlnation and taking an appropriate history are asking for ltOUble. IN CALIFORNIA now . one firm ?t·hich iruwres doctors against malpractice suils reCQmme.nds lhal all patients be asked to si~ a w11iver which states lhey know the pills "can cause scriOlll reactions and complications. both known and unknown." Similarly, phannacisls must be oo con.st.ant guard against. customers \\'Ila may present fake, outdated prescrip- tion forms \\"hen asking for pill!. There i!.: no doubt that contractplive pills are both safe and cflcclivc when U!I· ed under good medical supervision. Still, competent r"search proves lhey c11n be deadly if doctor, pharmacist or patient fails to exercise due care. Louisville Courler-.,Journnl we shall le:n c hrl1111d .~ r11nl!ngr ncy 1•1 supporL 1roop, t1• 111·111 1' 111.11 011r l11,1 11• altlt·.~ <lfC tl(•! li•''l"l'lt'd .•nil lhiJI !IH~ ~p(·c·trr of 1n11·~.1~··1·r 1110\! liurnhlr ll'h !r h t~ now ht'111g r:11..,t•d ;1 s thr d11·n~f11I r c~ul1 ol tolal Arnl'ri1.;111 1\1(lid1·;11val <14 •!'~ ni•I occur. OUR BRA\'1'; i\IJ .ll::S. [hf' PrP'iith·nL \1ill point nul. arr nriw f''!\11Ppt·d \\'!Iii :Le very latr ... L 111 11l'ilflH!l~. nut· Air Fnr1·(' \\'di conlln\h.' u, 11 1.~1111• lli..:111 ;1ho;nlul~ superion!~ over tilt' IJ<1ll lt!l11·ld!'". thrv 11.11 h;11•c An1crican ~11pp\if'~ and An11'1"11«111 money and Am1•rit .u1 tx1.•l',_ Under these l"l!"C'\Jln~r11111···~. :.1r i'\f\'•n plans to s~y. lhcy ou_gh1 111 br :1hll' 1.1 1,P- fend then1 sehcs, ,\11d 11h.11 11 lhi"'\' 1 ,,. nor ? Then surt>!y 1l 11·ill 1101 l)c u~ 11!10; 1c defeated . It \rill he !hC,\". This i~ 11 ha1 l\1r. N1-.11n 1< f)rt·~.•·nilv plarining to say -·•IHI h1 du. It !1:1~ .i.1L been easy for h1111 to 111;11tr up hi!<. •P•n•!. But, af1cr ;111, ht· 11·1o; !1 u·d 1•1 t r,r •:1:11b else. He has tried to 11011l1c11 111", he 11,1s trird to ncgotiat r <J p1\11.·1· 114' h:1~ I 1'1-.:d 10 Jl('rsuade his cottn!r\nir..n lu 11:111 .1 hlll e longe r. All hll\·e fa1!;·r1 And SO the plan :Jbo1t• outl111ril . lhn11gh it may hr phrasrd :i s h i 11\1;1111 rnl 11ir·., has " ni11ch SOUIH)cr \ 11"!UC, I l IS 111c u11!y thing lc.Jt for h1n1 10 dri Dy Frank '\l:u1kie"it•r. and Toni fi r;i dcn Thursdoy. October 2:1. 19(i9 The crt 1tonol pngr nf Uir /)11!/!J Pilot Hf<'~--~ ro 111Jrir111 nf11I .~t1n1. 11/ale rcodrr.\ /)!/ p1"(':.;('ti1111 u U11., 'tlClllfJXl/lCr'S VJ)J1i11111s and ro1n- 1nen1ury flit I0/11 r s of 111fcrr.~i ond s1yni/ironre. l1y IH"otiil/1119 n forur11 J11r tli r c.r;Ji tc.~.~11..111 of 1111r rf'oder$· opi111n ij$, (l!ul h11 111·esPu t111f1 U1r ll11'lrS<' 11rrl. j)Oi!l l$ or p1fot'1Jt1·ri. ul'·'''1Utr.1 ond spol;11~111r.11 111• iopu:., u/ rl1r (j(ly. Rober l N. \\ ccd. J1ublishcr 't -~-------------------------------------------------·------------..... -.....-.--·--------- Chained Boy Tells Court Of Burning INDIO, Calif. tUPI) -An- thony Saul Gibbons, 6, ~ltting on a pillow on the ~·ltness stand so he could be seen, testified Wednesday he was burned with matches and im· prisoned in a, packing crate at a desert commune for start· ing a fire .. The small boy was barely audible as he related the events that led to his being chained inside the sweltering box for 56 days during the summer on the farm-commune operated by a cult called Ordi Templar Orientalis. Eleven members of the eom- mune, including the child'~ mother, are on trial for fel· ony child abuse. Anthony, now a \va rd ot the court, said his f ingers were burned with matches after he started the fire whiCh destroy- ed a house and injured. a group of goats June 20. He testified he was placed in the packing crate with his legs chained and let out. only to do his "chores." The boy was questioned re- peatedly before he too k the oath as defense attorney Keith Blazer attempted to es- tablish if the boy knew what a lie was. The boy said he undcrslood that he would ·be punished if he told a lie. After Anthony testified the prosecution reat-- ed Its case. Big Crevice Gets Bigger; Home Slips SAN PEDRO (UPI) -'!'he giant fissure that ha s threatened to split s ix houses from their cliffsidc perch above the Pacific \Yidened !!lightly with a "loud rumble" and sent a $65.000 home 30-/cct closer to destruction. "It appears to me as if it is going to just slide into the Pacific," Police Sgt. Tom Bar· row said. "But ()( cour5c, I don't know how soon." Barrow sald there \\'35 a "slight jolt and loud nimble" ·when the home started its des- cent 'Vednesday. The home. "'hich 11• ,1 s evacuated last Sunday when the :!00-foot long crack fi rst appeared. hung precariously on .a 200·foot cliff aller sli p- pi ng ov-cr (he brin k 011 a m;;isslve section of earth. Of the five other homes. all valued from $50,000 to $75,000, three \\'ere abandoned Sunday and two were vacated a year ago because of another sl ide. Girl Spots ·Parents Pair Held. for Child Abandonment LOS ANGELES (API - Sheriff's deputies arrested a couple In suburban B e l I Gardens Wednesday night in connection with a 4-)'ear--0ld girl found clinging to a fence along busy Interstate 5 South of Bakersfield last weekend. Booked for investigation of felony c h i Id abandil nmC'nt charges ll'ere Ronald F. Fou· quet, a 31-year-old welder, and his wife, Betty, 26. Sgt. Glenn Scott of the sheriff's inforn1ation detail said the parents exercised their right to keep silent and refused to answer any ques- tions about the case. Scott said the youngster, ap- parently abandoned' late Fri· day night, \"BS found by a California Highway Patrol qr. ricer early Siturday. Tbe patrolman quoted the child as saying hl!r mother and. father dropped her oil <Jn tbe highway aild instructed her to hold onto the f:l':rJce tmtil \he police officer arrived. Kern Co u n ~ 'i aulllodties reported that, in the interval. lhr y recel\/ed numeroU,6 offers of adoption and ijpanCial aid for the youngster, who iden· tifitd herself as Jody Smith. She \\'as de!'!c ribed as pretocious, brown-haired and having a winsome, tooth·gap sn1ile, Jn Bake-rsfield. Sher 1 f f Charles Dodge repcrled that the arrest of the pilftllls stem- med from a tip bis office received from Beverly St. Louis of \VhiUler~ \\'ho saw the youngster's picture on a Southern California television ne'.l'S broadcast. l\1rs. SI. LIJuis Dodge said, lhal she had formerly acted as a babysiuer for J ody. Tax Pay111ent Deadline Near s The highway palrol said that SACRAMENTO (AP) -Fri· ·.,vhen found she was cold, wet, day is tbe deadline for the tired and hungry. The officer more afauent Californians to who located her said she was pay p.arl of their 1969 stat.e in· also frightened pnd he had lo come tax . Zodia.c Case pry her hands from the fence. The Oct. 31 deadline app11es Scott said the Fouquet cou-lo those persons who paid $400 ple \1·as being held . for or n1ore in tax last April on s us pee t Held, lr•''•'°•'•""•'·'·.L.;o;;;n;;;t;;;o;;;K;;;e;;;rn;;;;;C;;;ount_y_._th_e;_, ____ .nc_o_m_._. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[ In Las Vegas LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI )- A man arrested on a fireanns charge has been booked on a hold for murder in California .and is being checked out as a possible suspect in the San Francisco zodiac murders. Clark County sheriff's detec- tives said Wednesday that Gary Ronald Sch illing, 27, Los Angeles. was arrested on the Las Vrgas strip Tuesday nigh! for possession of unregistered Jlrearms. Schilling was arre~ted \\'hen deputies found hlm sleeping in the back of his ra r in the parking lot of a hotel. They found a .380 beretl:i and a .22 caliber pistol in the car. Fingerprint s an d handwriting s a n1 p I e s \\'('TC sent to San Francisco Police to determine if there was any connection between the man and the so-called zodiac killer. Authorities in S;;in Francisco have attributed fit'c murders in recent months to a per.!;on who has called himself the Zodiac in letters lo poli ce and newspapers boastin g of the murders. San FrancisCQ police ~aid they had received information from Las Vegas authorities but added tllat their in- \lestigation of the suspect was not complete. Judge Faces Assault Rap PASADENA I AP) Superior Court Judge Lloyd S. Da vis is to appear in ~1unieipal Court Friday morn- ing for arraignrnent on a felony charge..of ass ault with a dea dly \\·eapon in lhe stabbing of hi s wif e at 1hl'ir South Pasadena hon1e la!>l Sunday nig ht. The compl aint. \\:\S i~sur.d ' \Vednesday by C-:1·:.i n Lc1r1~.1 deputy dist rict attorncv fol"' Pasadena, after lie 1;1\keil .,1·i1t1 , f\lary Troja Davfs. ~L ;;it Hun -I t111g1on Hospllal. Shr· is under 1 rC'atmcnl for a punctured lung. Davis, 51, is fr(•e on his own recog11izant e. Lewi~ said he \\·ould recon1mr.nd that th e judge br al lowed 1o remain free pendin g cou rt decision. RUSSO PETS GO FIRST CLASS BY KENNETH COTIAUX At Jtusso's 'Vondl'rful \Vorld of Pets \vhi<.:h features thi> latPst trends in pet departrnent stores, e.very type of pet is given t he first l"lass trealmcnl. For \hr dog Jover there is a glass enclosed nursery '''here a pproximat ely 50 AKC pedigreed pups arc on v!e.,v. You can take 1he pup of your choice into their "Love Room" to ~('l acquainted. And for a.Ii the. accessories you \\'ill nPed. there is an endl ess Assortment you can choose from including dl'odorants, breath sweetenf'r;;. colognes, umbrellas. SY.'cateri;, ('Oat;;, vitamins, fancy leads and col· Jan>. groon1i n>: lnols, automatic watering devices, toy&. beds, housrs, tra.,·rll ing crates, ('le. Fur thc female dog thPre a re ''rant y pants" and sanl_t.ary napkins for. those diffi cull days, and for the n1ale, his own personal fire hy- drant. Sn that yon can properly care for your dog, select a hnok on any breed from their complete pe.t book depart· 1ncnt. 7 hC' frline y..·orld gets eeiual treatment y..·ith their sep- arat e nursery and a toin plele line of accesstiries includl:ng toys and new modern cat littler pAns, For ~·nt11: favorite p11o;sy rat you r an ali;o have a defuxe cat tree designed and n1anufartur(•d in oui· local area. Fresh salt water fish ln all thl'lr sparkl\ni;1; color are part of Russo's 1nore 1.han 200 varitie-s of tl'opica! fish, contained In over 100 aquarium~. To house your choice or fish, you can ~et anything from a emall fish bowl t_o a magnificent one hundred gallon custom deslgnf'd aquarium in an unlimtC'd choice of finishes. To hf'lp you dc,.,nra!e your aquarium and keep your fish well fed and healthy. you 1v!ll find just .,..·hat you need in the Jari;C' fis h supply departrnent. Thr-bird roo m <Jffers many beautiful "feathered friends'' from the colorfUl Uny finches to c:-0:01.ic parrots. Bird cages can be had in all sha~s and ~izC's . There Is e~·en one. model that can be hung like a 6Wag lamp on Its o'>'•n base as a fl oor model. If reptiles bother you. then by-pass the green room. also known as the small animaJ .room. Herf', again behind glass can be ~cen snakes native to Am@rlca and other countries, hamsters, lizards, mice-, rats, frn~.~ and mon~ keys. These pets have their O"''n !pecially dcsigned cages and enclosures. Thr Pel Del icatessen is loaded \vllh assorled foods and dtlirassies for dogs, cats. bird!, fish. hamsters, mice and !TilH:h morf', Of conrlic. there are al~o treats likt vitamin· 1zcd rhncolfl1 r. drorc~ and 11·holc dried fish. \101·p•s arr nn!. \.;·ft .;iu1 t'ithrr, A gr••ld ~,..lec tion ot i.:rron1ing aidrs. v1ta1n1ns, remldir.~. <'nndit1on~.rs, halters a nd lead r opes arc on hand at all l.i nl•'S. F"nr i;if! givini:; to pet.~ and prt n11·11r·r.'i, tl1f' gpJeclion in f 1~u1111r•s , li·a cup~. crca1nc•rs, plntes, 1•1ns, etc, is quite Hnpre:-~lvc. All this And m0rc is for YGIJ 10 feA~l Yl'lll\' ryes on at ·,'\ f;i>hinn JslAn d in 1hr Ne1\'f1nr1 Shorpln>:; Ct•nt"r .. Russo's '\Vonderful \Vorld of J'ets is localed just 01•pos1 !.c !l ie Broad1vay. Be sure to ask lhem (<Jr your free gift \vh"n you visit them. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream Homes On Display Over $)00,000 Inventory to Choose From Items •• follow1: Gor9eo1.t1 custom qu ilted sofa with 1epar•f• plllow1 witl'i he•YY oek trim decor end matching love seet, 3 matchin9 oak occe1ionel tables, 51" fell decorator lemp, hanging ch•in 1we9 lemp, en 8-piece kin9 1iie me1f1r bedroom suite paneled Mediferre neen style with fop queHty I 5 years werrenty king 1111 mattress and box t prin gs . Sp1ni1h dining 11t, etc. Any piece cen b• purcha1• indiv idu1 Uy. Drop by ind ••• our ••l•,tion of fop qu•lity Sp•nish •nd M•diterrenean furnilur• ••• fantasfi ,ally pric•dl COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT E9UAL SAVINGS 1111 1:,, ,.,, i /11 ,.,, 1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (onlyl AT HARBOR Boulevard ~',·~I r·•'jh 1 • I Q -w .. rl c:;"'~ h S·J'" t.: f, MUST SACRIRCE ss&aoo No Money Down Required- No Payment Jill 1970 TI\unc'.131, Oetobfr 30, 1969 DAILY PILOT 7 COME IN TODAY AND SAVE, SAVE WHILE 0R71-f-O grows again! Visit Our Beautiful New Store Today In FOUNTAIN VALLEY-16131 HARBOR BLVD.-PH. 839-4570 NOW-A KING SIZE QUILTED MATTRESS AND 2 BOX SPRINGS Quilted Twin or Full Elegantly quilted mallres·.·s 11nd '$5 8 box spring ln your thaice of Twin or Full size. , ,., "~l ~; '.';ef-414 .• r. ., " . ..,,, .~. ::,· • BOTH PIECES Ht/9'1 wh•I rou get: • Qullled 7-lt. Iona. 6-lt. mattress Wilh matching dual box springs • Fieldtr!sl King sile lop sheet • 2 Kina s!z1 bolster pillowi • fl~ldc1est King size fitted • 2 King size plUow caseJ bot!om sheet • KJnr 1lze mtllrtss pad •King size "easy·roll" me!al frame INCLUDES KINIJ SIZE DOUBLE BONUS Super Twin or Full Here's what you gel: * Fieldcrest King size top sheet * Fieldcrest King size fitted bottom sheet * Two King size bolster pillows * 2 King size bolster pillow cases * King size mattress pad * King size metal frame with easy.rol ling casters The Royal Queen s11a H•r•'• whit you "'t: •Mattress and box spring • Fie!dcresl Quee n si1e lop sheet • 2 Queen siie bolster pillows •Fieldcrest Queen size fitted • 2 Queen size pil low cases bottom sheet •Queen slza "easy-roll'' metal frame • Oue~n size matt ress pad INCLUDES QUEEN-SIZE DOUBLE BONUS ,.,.. ............ Aristocrat Twin or Full luxurlOOI dHl>down quilting, choice of Twin orfullw~'."''m•llressand boxspr;ng, $68 $78 Quilted ccwer with Ortho's beautiful decoralor ticking on maltreu rnd malchin& box spring. FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. IN•~ '• Zodr'•l BOTH PllCE:S BOTH PIECES LAKEWOOD ANAHEIM 33 Candlewood Dr. 1811 W. Lincoln Ave. I .lc10tl fro'" loktwood C•nt•rl (Opposite F.dM•rt) -----··--. • DMLY PI LOl DEDICAT·ED . TO ·:S ·ERV 'I G I Retail Clerks Union Local 324 Millions ·Poured Into Economy Of Orange ·\ County -Long Beach :Area An Orange County Landmark ••• Local 's 32 4 's Headquarters and Auditorium. Long known as a leader not only in organized tabor circles but also in the community is Local 324 of the Retail Clerks Jnternat.ional Associati on, AfL(;IO, 8530 Stanton Avenue, .Buena Parle And with good reason. Loc:il 324 has grown from fewe r than 2,500 members in '1950 to <.:lose to 15.000 today. Jn that time, the organization has compiled an unparalleled record oC service •.. to its members and to the community, •• service that marks Local 324 aa "L.bc union that cares." Members of Local 324 Jive and work throughout Orange County and the southeast area of Los Angeles County, including Long Beach.They arc the "people ~·ho serve you when )'OU shop,'' cn1ployed in super· markets, drug, discount, and other retail stores through- out this area. Local 324's unique success has been keyed to IL~ basic philosophy of providing, through collective ba~ gaining o n an industry-wide _basis, a better staodari of living for union members and their familic~. The union members believe that tJ1is, in turn, creates a sounder economy for the entire community, for by achieving better w ages and working conditions for it ~ members. the union not only atlracts new m e tnbcrs. but also creates increased purchasing power; this, .in tum, promotes community growth, v.•ell-being. and en- richment. The economic impact o{ Local 324 for lhc year of l9fi8 alone has been conservatively csti111atcd at over S120,000,000. It is even greater Jn 1969, having in- creased substantially each year a5 tbe result of union- nesot.iatcd contracts and membership growth. ··we seek nothing which would adversely affect the community or its econ omy,'' says Local 324 Sccretary- 'frcas urcr Arthur Z. Berland. "'We recognize our responsibilities not only to our own members, but also to the various communities we ·Serve. We also recognize that our country ·w ould not have achieved its present-day standard of livin$ were it not for the influence of trade unionism, to which we arc totally dedicated." Local 324 goes far beyond the usual concept of an ordinary labor union, by constantly scel.ing oat ways in ,~·hic:h the union can become a m ore significant part uf the lives of its m crnbcrs and their families. lia\·ing established through collective bargaining a · broad range of protective benefit~, Local 324 adds to 1hc!'c :1 personal concern for individua] wcU being. Unusual personal services have been instituted, along "''ith a series of social events throughout the year Uc signed to create recreational opportunities for all. And to r ound out the cycle. Local 324 and its members arc dedicated to community servia;:, partic ipating in .niany charitable activities and instituting special plans whereby programs arc creat¢ that would otbcrwi~ no! e;1:i~t. ·rru!y. R etiiil a Crks Un.ion Local 324 is "-Dedicated to serving its members and the community." The re- ~ults :ire good for everyone. Social Events, Personal Service Spark Union Typical scene at Local 324's Annual Labor Day Picnic. The unparalleled 5UCCt~s of Retail Clerk, Union Local ~~4 at the bargaio1r1g table, where ocw 11nd different fr.nge hcncfu., have been env isioned, r;arritl over ;i.ho into the unioo's uruque Krvice.\ to its member.i. Using iu cooccpt that the members 1re "one big fa mily.'" Local 324 plans many ~ocial and fra1crnal cveou annually, 10 bring members and 1heir famil ies w gclher. On l abor .Day Ior the r a5t ten years, a ~igantic. r icnic featu ring food, fun 1tnd h·olic has been a tradJtienal aff;,ir- a time when Ux:al 324 families joio hands in celebration of their union·s achicvcmco1~. Another tradition j1 a mid-summer dinncr-dallcc, v. i1h din ne r scn.·ed uodc.r the ti!IHS .anJ dancing in the union auditoriun1 . This popular festivity attracts overflow crowds every )'tar. milking 1t obvious that the union membtni eoioy gettina. Jo. a.ether for an evening of friendly camaraderie. T'wo family nights at Disneyland are scheduled 'ach Oclo· bcr, "''hen th e union "lakei; over'" the ropu111r rnlcr1a inment cente r for the (Xcl~ive use or its members, thrir familic.\, an ti jUt.litS. At Chri~tmas, a spcci;1I .r arty is held for children or Local :J~4 member3, With Sanl:l Claus and other entertainment as well u candy and a 1oy rnr each child. Group aHendance at California Angels' baseball p.mcs. the Jee Capadcs, and other ~imilar cvcnb-with tickets at reduced rates and the union r icking 11p the tab for the difference-ha\ been another popu l~r i crvicc. alon1 ,,,·ith special tll~unt tickets li»ucd v.·11.bout cost) 10 a \'11ricty of enlert:Unmcnt diversioru. And yet another innovatio n hu been .. Family Nighl"-a union meeting at which hu.\bands ;ind wives and ftons and .Sa1•~hlcr. of member.i; can ~cc bow ;i democratic union func- 11ons. Tbc union leels that by bringing the family inlo the picture in this manner. everyone will have a helter under· ~lanlli nc of just what local 324 ac.complishes in behalf of the 1nembcr and the family. Jn turn, this dc•clops a spirit o[ fra1ernalisnt, creating a unity that comes from close family rclMionships. "A bu~iness corporation may be. an impcnonal thior to ha thousands of sLock.holdcrs,'" says Secretary Berland, "bul a union can never be an impenonal orpnizalion to illl mem- hc rs. l llc niembc!'l o( a union are the onion, and tho union is a Jivina:. vital force in their lives." T"hc personal theme is expressed not only in sending ~cct· ing cu rds for significant occiutons (birthdaya, weddings, births) anJ gct·wcll cards and flowers when illmu OCX:UlS, but also in dislrihution of •uch f1111etiona.I itcffill as poc;:ket-siud contract bookkts detailina. provisions of the agreements under which n1cmhcrs \1-'ork; quick rcrcrence ·wage charU showio1 the l"Urrcnt wa,c .scale and pin·pointing lhe union department to c.111 in event of any proh!em; plastic poc.t.ct savera and ball point pen.' bcarina. the union's idmtifyin1 "lymbol of service .. ; a ycnrly. c:ikndar marking the union'• monthly meetin1 dates; and 111 many other wa)'J. A recent innovation ha..' btto plans for rroap tnvct at rcduc'll ra1e:os to popularl world attractio111 such u Hawaii ;1nil Europe. The first lrip arc scheduled nut 1prin1. .. we·re here to help our mem~r.\." .~11.ys Soerelary Bcrlan(J. "In hclpina them, we help the community. Tbafa what unions are for." Efficiency Highlights Local 324 Operations ln5ide local 12ol's beautiful hcaJqunr!eT!I building, you'll find efficiency 1.1 work-modern, dcpartmcntalitcd bu1incu utllizinr the latest d.ta processing equipment and methods to maintain up-to-thc·minutc records on nearly 15,000 union mcmbcni. without acrificina. warm human rclationshipa. In addition to necessa.ry records and data oa the members. the union maintains many additioaal aervicc ...... crcdlt union. r;ricvarii;e bandlinf, iruuirance clai m .. aocial 1ervicca (aid with unemployment cla.!ms. workmen"• compcmation. •I.lie-di"' abili1y, MXial security. etc.), and othirr departments. Constant eommunieacion with tile union's mem~rs ~~ • maJor undcrtalin1 in l\$Cl r. facilibotcd by lhc organization·., moothly newspapcr-ntE REPORTER-od rupplemcntcd by 00J:emiod-O-Oram,. c1rd .. Jc11ers. 11nd other communiulion3, Ne9' mcmbtn receive •n lnitiatioai porlfoli() containfnr a bookllt, 00AI Your Semce," deaiped to introduce them to the uniciri".t many services. and in additiort, c.opics or coutract.s, the union·1 bylaws, and othc~ pertinent inlormaUon. Al'nUal rcporta detailina the union'1 a.cbicvcmcnts are sent to 111 mcmbcr.i.. who ue coos.idercd both u "'atockboldcrs" ln the orp.nization 1.0d alao u memben tJll one larp, happy fllDlily. . Amons more tt'CCnt servica ,tanned by Local :JlA d • !cpl aid department. wherein manbon cu recch·c limited legal advice without cost. "Oor purpose is lo provide every possible :service !o our mcmbcn and their f•miliM," Secretary Bcrlaod 1ays. "We arc con•tant.ly scarcbin1 for .new wa)'1 in which to make l...oc:al 324 1nare valuable to each 111d every member. We believe that 5hould be the purpose of a labor unk>n. aad we are doin& all "'C c1n 10 fulfill that purpose. .. Community Service A Key Union Activity Local 324's "dedication to sef\'ing its members and the c ommunity" is. far more than a mere slogan of meaningless words. The union makes its credo a reality. Along with the many mcmbe~hip service• noted on these pages, Local :J24 has instiluted a number of unusual scrvices to the communities where its mr:mbers liv~ and work. Perhaps uniqce among such services is the organ!r.ation"ll SI0,000 fello.,,,·ship-in-pcrpetuity, now in its fifth year at the City of Hope N ational Pilot Medical C-enter. Specifically designed for TCSC:arch into heart disease, this grant is .fina.nud by voluntary contribu.tions from the memben of the union, who believe in the philosophy that by doing things together, they can accomplish greater good for all. · Jn 1968. ha'fing been informed of a need. lhe members of Local :324 completely furnished a teenage. ~rcation room at Children's Hospital of Orange County, usin&" $8,SQ9 to purchase not only recreational equipment (piano, stereo, TV, pool table, arts and crafts materials, etc.), but also the furniture. drapes. and other necessities. No month 11oes by without substantial contributions from the union and its members ta charitable organizations o r other groups in ne.cd. Seven hospitals received television sets from Loca] :324 at Cbrislm:i.stune, 1967. In 1968, an average year, o'fcr $4,000 was donated lo more than .50 organizations, aside from the City o f Hope fcltowsblp and the Children's Hospital of Orange County. The uoion has sent more than 200,000 cigarctlcs 10 servicemen and women in Vietnam as a reminder that they arc not forgotten and-indeed-arc uppermost in the minds of the folks back borne. From time to time, students in classes at ~hools through· out the community visit Local 324 to observe a union in ;iction. Representatives also are requested to visit cla.sses frequently to present the union's slide series .depicting its activities, and to explain the role of the union in. the.life of the community. As a. public .service. the union ha!I ~rectcd a time· temperature sign beneath its 42-feet·high revolving "Sym- bol of Service" at the corner of St1t1ton and Crcsceot at Local 324 hcadquarten-providing 24.hour information to passersby as to current temperature and time. The union's ex.leosi'fe billboard campaign a few years ago was used to promote not only the organization itself. but also a large number of major charities and the neei.I for their support. In the words of Secretary Berland. Local :324 it "dedi· cated to service rathtr than, profit." And if ifa a worthwhile Community action project, you may be sure Loca1 :324 is in'folved io i~ for Loca.I 324 ll ··1hc union lbat cans." Teemig• Flecraatlon Room et Chnd~n·s Hospital of Orang& County, furnished end •quipped by Local 324 memben. Wage Claims Collected Wao-cl•lm cl'leck goes to Local 324 mem~r. Serving tbo membersh;p O[ l.ccal 324 in the fiold UC l S Bll5inc6s Representatives, who arc oomtantly oa the job o( checking stores under contract with the. unioo, to sec that provisions of the agreements are followed. During J 968, the union's Grieva.oce Department processed more than 1, 100 daims for wages, SJCk leave f.aymenrs, and funded vacation pay. Total amount col- ected in behalf o( Local 324 mcmben by these Business Representatives-$79,696. There wtre also 54 mem~ hers restored to their jobs altcT being discharged. Over the past five yean, an average o( more than $63,500 has be:cn collected for Local 324 members a.nnually, with tbe number put back: to wort undct contract provisions averaging 41 per year during that period. Loc.aI 324's tenacity in contract enfmccment is self~ evident in tbese figures -proof that lhil vnion tatel its responsibilities scriouily •• , "the union that cares." Senice With A Personal Touch ' Visit! by local 324 personnel brighten hospital llQI .. for union mem bers. A.ny large organiration tcods lo become impersonal, to fmc in a maze of numbers and ~ta1btic! the v.•armih of pcnond iden1ity. · Not sn in Local 324. To tbc union, 1he men1ber1 arc not jo't 50 .many names on a rqsier. 1Ju1 n1ther arc member• o[ one big family, l'o'ith mutunl go~I~ and mu1ual problems. And this personal touch is rcllccled in man}' ••ay!, from the hroad program of sodal eienrs planned for n1crobers and their fa niilic.s to the more spe:cific pcr.:;onal inicrc~t ip each one. which hll contributc4 in no ~ma ll measure to local no1·1 ~access. , .At scmi·aMual Danquc1~. for c~r.m rilc, members having, )ltiiCd. the 5ignific.ant milestone of 15. S!.U, 25, or 30 ycar1-o( nicaibership in the ·union arc pc rxinall y honored by P~· tlon of certificates and pl aques citing their Jong·lime .maabcr- ship. · ·AIM> awarded are f"paid·llp hfe mcntbcnhips," gra111.t-to Tetircd members with: 15 year.; of cunlinuous n1cmbenblp in the union, hooorlog"-"cm for iheir loyo1.I .stfllcc. One of the more tJl usual mcmbcr~hip ~cr1ices in Local·3~4 is the '"Aid and Ar..~isfancc Fuod," ~ct up !o provid~' be.lp·1or mcmbcn in financial jdifficuhy. • ·, Each year. an •vc1$1.ge of more than ~6.fillO 1~ pa1d 0G41to mcmber.s in direct·~ and Assistance.'' and i'l r.ddition, wsl!- fillcd food baskeb ;i:1e' ·)tributed to lboi.c: in di~uess at~ Jivitlg and Christmas. · · ,... '. On the.ir birthda mcm~rs recci1·e a s;ard brinsii!1 ~ tteetin.p "from thoits:inds of fricnd;'-their fellow IUl,l-Oo niember5. ' • And those who arc ill receive a aet·.,,·en card -...itb limhar best wishes for speedy recovery. 111 fact. bospitali.ud mm9'trs arc visited by union personnel who offer aMistance in C-O- pletin1 claim forms for insuranc·c. st.ate di~bilily « wq;\- mcn·s compensation, ;u well as 1he lillurancc that the union is ~tandiag by in time o[ need, ready to hclri in every po6Sible way, Flowers from lh• union arc an additional rC3S!iunLl!tC to members and families that others (their fellow union mem• bcn) arc interested in their early and complete recovery. Additional cards art sent to cOIJllilc moratc any special DCC&Sion-births, wedWnp, retirement, and otbcn. Special attention is acc:OJde.d the you.o1er mcmbcn .,,.ho i:nter our country's service. Upon toking a military withdraw~t c;ird, these Local 32• members arc al50 sent • special-card wi.shin a: them "''ell and tApressing their fellow member~' appreciation for lbc i;acrificc 1hey arc m1t.in1 i.11 behalf of 111. And upon r~tum, !her receive a .. Welcome Home!" card. Jetting them know their efforts have been apprecialcd and extending the lra1croal hand of fellowship in a w.ln.t. lor work. well done. The i..incere appm:iatinn of the union's members for "lhC:!.e unusual gestu.rc.s is reftccted mnnth af~r month in the "'jb.ant you letters'" published i11 Local .324·a newspaper. · There i1 a death benefit fund maintained by actling llid• a 1mall portion of monthly due.'!, to provide $3,000 to the beneficiary of an active mem ber. The bcndiciary also rcc:dvcs a white Bible of appropriate faith, direct from. • un.ion bw.i· ons,rcprcscntative. From "'the union that earl'.&." the per50Da1 t00th-'Wl1'Tl1 and sincere-is a. hallmark of ICfVice that ma1:C111 Locll 3~4 the ootMa.odina: orpni..za.tion it is. 324's Members Enjoy Many . Health-Welfare Benefits "'Mora precious than all the moocy io the world'" Ill the 1pt description voiced by mcmbcn of Loi;aI 32• eonc:erflini: tMir extensive 1-lth and welfare bendts, p1id ~ IMlll fund5 m11.iut•ined &y empJoret CODtributions Rd 1s part of the nnion'1 cttntracts, Pel edm..inistered jc:liAtlJ-by union and employer trunea. · Loc:al 324 prides itaeif in ba-.int introduced m1D}" .ocW CIQ'I""" ccp!B in the frin1e bcoc& Jl.tld. Not OD1y docS their ea.prc- bensive hca.lth plan include complete hospital UNI medical ca.re for member and falJIJ.ly dependent! (incl~nf X·taf.~ l11boratory 1esta), but also auch cxtna u viuon cue, '!llJIWlll phySical chcck-uJll• maternity care, pl)'dUatrie care, 1d11t i•- mcQt for prucriptiou drual, dental ud orthodontic carerbd other Umov1tiom. • • The value of thac bent8ta ie apparent' la flsur-fOr jll• year l.968. lflma Local 3~ memben IDd tJMir hmillt'ft.· Olind a total of $4,773,(MI ia bclhh badta. ..=. i... For med.iC'.il and it cue akme. ti.. ..,... ~· claims in 1968, tolali=i 6",957. • .. Aad aside Crom bta1lh ClfW,.Loc:U Jl4 bu AefUliat•l <ltbcr ~ectiv• benefit.a l1*.t mu• a b9Ucr ny of Ille' r the lUllOD's memben :*1fan:illilL • • Tbln .,.. nlne paid. bi) .._. the fOOlll ~ mmplc, plta eacb. N JUI -ncttitre op • ..,. ...U after lS ycan' ""ifM bUcd om employmmt "ie .. indmtry. rather than for·a1i iDdhidtJIJ c:mptOyerrett:; S250 _per month aftct 20 years of IC1"Vice, "with 1' at aae 60 and pro rata pe111ioll1 for ow:i. retirinJ witll ,_.,. years of aervicc; death benefit of SS,000 for rnembln -' SJ,000 fOI' dcpeDdciru: paid lillt Jea"¥e, pllll pay for ~ lick Jean: cltoife of bcallh u4 dal.sal prosruns (clWc '1Jll oi indcmnity t)'p&); iuaraate .. f ninteNnce of bliDcel;.4iiid ....,_ ............ _ . The actual cmt to the manber;·.if ..... to ...... ,... --bendlta Oii & diNr:t ~ ~ .... beln ··= at °"' S17l per month-« iadlld IDCb a ~ · . poaible. ~n m'lt) And u. ... ~ ..,. ..,.. Jiii Whfch lo itopf'OYC and broNea ., '°°" err: aD .. ,..... ol--·· . Mo woodcr the mcmbm call ti..~.._.~ ru. all die JllODef la lhe W'al'W. .. n. .,...... • &II llWiDJ ••• a ..... of ,.._,. _.,. flllil .....W ·'8'11D· .-1o ......... _ .... ..,,,,. __ Locai 324. • A J .~· ,. ' • ·. ~ '15;« Trea: As D.niot F ··Fri• •t ,, ' Uical .... ~ ".:ftr 9n' . ..,,. Ii ....... .hi~ ~ ·-· ' "\!!!>h> '"""'' *8 1t ..... of the ... CRI .. --I I MEMBERS1 COMMU .NITY ••• The Un.ion That Cares Arthur Z. Berland . -I Meads Local 324 " ... ' .. • , ,. Q'iiiding its destinies as administrative bead of the 1 1.S,000..member union is Arthur Z. Berland, Sccretary- Treasurer of RCtail aerks Union Local 324. As executive head of one of the largest Retail Clerks' unions in t~e country, he is dedicated to rendering the Friendliness Marks Union's Services 'riendlY atmosphere combines w!lh helpful eftlclency at Local 324. 1t bappen1 all the time. Visi!o~ to Retail Clerl' Union :t&cal 324 arc ~o in1pri:~scd by the union's personnel they annot help remarking, •,-hey're so friendl y! .. • :ftroughout e\·cry area of IJ1e highly departmcnWiud ~lion. there is the same air of (riend]y efficiency. ":lnlc entire Local 3~4 office ha1 bttn designed specifically ~ service lo lhe members in muvJ. EYery function i' ~ed quickly, efficiently, hut above all, with a wann cor- diMity 1hat •rks Local J24's siocere interest in CYCfYOOC ~ by lhe union in any way. A.is helpful, courteous manner is apparent in every arca- ~er it be in the Records Department conccrnina: mem~r- ! in · 1he organiz.ation. the Jri,ur.1.oce Department where. h and welfare. information apd Lo;sistance i5 provided. Social SerYitn Deparlment which assi~s membt-rs with .. wnety oE problcm5. the Data PrQCCSSin& Department where 1 ~~-thc-~ncs:· computerized operation spced1 needed_ in· f~uon 10 its ·intended tl.'ie, !he five telephone trunk. hne11 i9Q Jhe switchboartl enabling membcn lo call toll·frec from tllniagbout the union'1 geo1raphic jurisdiction, o:r in any other ottlle union'1 office areas. la a few words, Local 324 i~ "1hc union that cares." CREDIT UNION AIDS MEMBERS Among its many 11rvkes lo its ritmbcrs. Local 324 sponsor~ a Federal Credit Ui:tion, where "*mbers may borrow money at•'knr intuat rates, and stve with bi&h dividend retunu. .:' :rhe :Retail Cterb Local #32.( f'ederal Credit Un.ion was ~lishtd in 1952. and since that time has disbursed more ~ $10,900,000 in loans. ConYenicnl]y localed al lhC-rear or Local )24'i headquarter~ Clft. ·build.in& in Buena ,Part. the Cndit Union ii another o(:".lfl.e many 58rvi«t desi111cd by the union to proYide . its .DWmbcn aad tbt:ir fuail&n Mtb avuy poaible benefit. making ....,organiu1ion a major inltucnoe. on tbe livct ot lh05e wbo ]lllNDd.Jy proclaim, "1\ cloeui't eoll.-it pay& lo beton& IO 1*:td 32-4!" · ., I~ abnolt OOClllm\J: e:se a.n4 a source of ,..ut cemmun.ity ·~ ii Local )24'1 t-uailut auditorium, located r.d;acent to ~ hcadquartc11o al 1110 Stuton AYcnue, Buena Part ·~··~ 110J Ol.ly far'tM]Nllltbl1 meetiep of the uioa's ' nd for dMit~~-'~ &he auditarhm ii allo e ... -= ... -......... , ..... ., .. nDiltll ll 0..... for ,_ '1 CIOlh' ...... u.drt -·-_. __ _ ' tin& 1100, aed CCltltlfbtl witJa Cl&rie1 litcbea, full 1t1p es, ud an u nave ,.i\:tn1 an.a. the lltditmiurn is upoe by Lo:f324 rnembcn u one more way in which n pf1)ft th4ilr \11.llfC to the comlll'lunily. Tbqo Uke Jl'Ul in lhllr aui:Utorluml ~ u they talc pUl pride ift their .... '*"""" k ....... ""· --~= ""'-.................... -. oe:g.~ ia aymbollc ot what Local JU ma:nbers ·-· .. maxim.um 5erVice to its membenhip and establishing a standard. of living which bcodi:ts not only the members but the community as a whole. He maintains at the union an .. o~n door" policy, inviting the . members and their families to come in at any time to discuss their problems, to offer 5uggestions, or just to visir. The high degree of community respect for Berland and the union he heads has been graphically demonstrated over the yca11 by the many honors he bas received. Jn 1966, he was named "Man of the Year" by the Buena Parl.:-Junior Cbaniber of Commerce; he has been singularly honored by the City of Hope for his creating o[ a research feUowship-in-pcrpctuity there in the name of the union's members; he ha s received, on behalf or 1he rncmben of Local 324, honors from many major charitable organizations, includins American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, United Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis Society, United Way and others. Berland's ~cation to trade unionisn1, the guiding force in his personality, Jed to service as an elected Business Representative, Head of Local 324's Textile Division, and ultimately to his present position as Secretary-Treasurer. He was re-elected to oftice for successive three-year tenns in 1962, 1965, and 1968. Berland's background embodies managemetlt as well as union administration, leading to an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding between Local 324 and employers in matters of labor-management rela- tions. "\Ve arc proud o( our business-like approach to the conduct of our union affairs," Berland says. "After all, meeting the needs of some 15,000 union members and their families is big business in itsolf, and it has to be approached that way." - ...... , .. _,., .. <•• Union Store Card Throuabout the United States and Canada. the union More card of the Retail Clerks International Association 1s rc;:{)~­ aiud u the proud 1~·mbol of reliability, i.ntepity, and the bc.M ia service fioro stiUed salespeople. The familiar red. while I.lid blue ca.rd-clilJllaycd al super· martcl5, drug storn, dixxnmt. I.boo and other retail ~tore< thmu.&hollt the Or;uip County-Lon! S.Ch arca-h 1hc 1.Doppcr'1 iuide to buyina where emp oyc.n rcspe~l the righh of tbtir emplo~t11. where lood wortins condiiions and g<'Od PAY mU:a for beucr cititeTlll :and a hiEher i;tandard o( l1v1nz b~ - Local.324 Host To Foreign Visitors Vlsito11o lrom Ja~n. welcomed 11! Auditoroum 111tra11ce. A constant stream o[ ''isitors from foreisri l~nd~ co111c~ to Retail Clerks Un.ion Local )24 lo obstr\'t the lunCUOTU of a modern American Jaboc union. Se\~ted by 1he U.S. ~partmen!~ of L~bor and ~tate from hundreds of ·local unions 1hroughou1 lhe Uni1cd States, loc;d J24 opens lb door~ lO vi~ton. from 'uc h !ands as Japan, J;unaie1. Lebanon. Turkey, Brazil. Arscntlna, South /o.fni.a. Aultralia, New 1.celand. and maay other'. Among rcceat visit~ was thaL of ~O mcn1hrr' of the }lp&l!CSI Dila C.Ouncii-the All J11p~n Department Store U nron'' Cou.ncil for lotcrnational Labor Affairs. The grour w1tncs~n.1 a specially prepare.d slide i.erie~ depicting Loe~! .l~4·s m;,nv acliYitiet (thc._alide ~iai has also bec";n .~cnt to muny foreign countries as• example of American labor's role in soc1et1· 1. vilited a typical dilcauat 1lore, and were ho~lCld by the wii-on at Dillleyla.nd. Appreciation !or loca.1 124'1 hospilality WU elprcs~d by theo.-Sccrctary of Labor W'tllard Wuu in 1968 when he stated in a letter to Secretary Ba-land that "Ibe assistance render~d by you and your col!Cllrucs in tbe orpniud trade union mOYcment aida con1ider1bly the. dew.loprncnl ud JT0wth of free trade unioniJm lbrouahout the world, whicb. aci. as a bulftrk. a,.Wt the IJIRld ol communiam." AJld accordin& to Berland, "'It ii a scnuim plcuure In ex!end the band of feUOWlbip to t.bete Yiliton. and wa 1h1ll conliaue ou:r cf.ortt to merit their confidmce ia our,,orpnita· tiOD u aa example of American trade anionin Ut 11Ction." Community, Union Share Auditorium think rJ. 11\tit Ol'llftir,ation, ind what they hlieve othert thinl: of t.hem : "THROUGH THESE PORTALS PASS THE MOST WONOEltfUL UNION MEMBERS IN THE WORLD.• Only rec.cntly. the auditorium was compk1ely refurbished-- a f'OUti1le procedur• foe Local 324, wbidl is con!l.antly up. and!n1 itl facilties, to keep than lltl111C!i¥c and rundional. 1'he pvtia1 ua • .-, wa1 ~ "81i&bed. And the office., of I.he union haft beell JemtJ l1L duriq lbc PMl month for more tutltctk>nal opention. Amon~ the many cbariltbSe IClhitlet in which the Local :J24 1ud1tOrium playa a key tole ii flte bi-weekly WtlJ b11by cliDic. 10 wbd puull ol infantl briaJ \heir babies for-free immuniu1ioa aboll for 'lh£lU,la, polK>, tetanUI, whoopina couah. and &mall JIOL Local 114 doDatal uu of Ule auditorium lo .. Onn,.. Clnmtf HIU&h Dlrplrtmall for thi. tcrvict . held __,. atbw °flllldllJ • t,,at GU1Ple or Local 314'1 dodXadqa .......................... \ Democracy In Action! Food contract ratifica tio n meeting, March 1969, Ana/'\eim Convention Center. 0J>(raling under dcn1ocra11.: bylaws '11t'hich call for mcmbtr· ~hip t lcction of all ofticert :.init represen1:11 ivcs and n1emhrr' "r the t~ecuti~·e board as well. Local 324 projei:ts lls teital democracy in to every phu~e of union ac\i\'1t y. All actiol15 of otlic~r'!I are subject to 11ropro\·:d of the 1'1- memhcr exa;11t 1ve boord, which meet!i weekl y, and the n1en1 ber~hip of the union. which n1cets monthl}'· The union's bylaws arc frequently upda!cd to l ce-r p;oc e with th• i:hanging times. wi1h i;ccrct ballol vote of the mcn1 l;er~hiro required un all prorosed changes, In addition, prior to all n1ajor negoliations, nitm ber~ alTei:te,1 ~re 11skcd to answrr quc~tionnaircs a5 lo their desires (On· Refunds, Dividends Paid To 324 Members Among the many unusu-.1 con(cp1s pionct red by loc<il J :~ ha~ bctn p~yment o( d1 ~idends on 1he member~· due~ in· Yc\lmcn1. Hav1n11 ~cl 11p through p~)·n1cnl nf "doul-lc due~" a "Pe;ice F11nd'' fur pn.>lcctinn pn or to ni..11or nc~t1ations, the union ha, 1rad11ion:11Jy 1efunded ~ud1 p31n1cnr' in event the fund' "ere nn1 f<.'tj\llrcJ 10 1Jrder lo ;1ch1c1 e a ~e\llc menl v.11h 1he employer~. Huv.c1cr. 1 ucal 1:.i h~• c..il'!l<'d thi~ refund a \(cp further. The union ha~ ref11nJcd nol only the full amounc, of "douhlc dues," but in ;addition, ha~ p~iJ an t .\lra 10% di,;jdcnd on 1he ~mount rcf11ndcd. ;1n1! hc~ond thnl. • !O ~O dividend on rcgul~r dues pa1(I fnr the tir,L "·' n10 111hs or 1968. Similar refunds and d1viJe11J s ~re at.o hc1ng 11aid 111 19ti9. Pre\'IOtl.'>ly unl11:~rd of 111 union l·1n:ks, these refl1nds and di¥idends 3rc. ~Cl'Onluig lo Secretary Berl;1nd, ''part of our 11orking philosophy 1ha1 1hc union bcluni:s to the men1bcrt, and they ~hart cqu:illy 1n ilt asset~. "Through jud1c1011> handling o( funds and 1hrough econort'lie( effected by efficien t npcra!ion of the urganiza1ion·~ vario11' functions. we have n1i.1n1~1ncd a •trong financial ~lalus d~p1lc the f~~I 1ha1 011r du~' >lructurt rema ins at minimal lcYel. "And if we arc ;1 hlc to nrer1tlc Y.ilh a degree of prolk:itn~v enabling u~ 10 accurn11 la1e a surplus. it i~ ao more th11n fai r th~t our n1en1hcrs get ~ rcturn--0Ytf •nd 1boYe our normal ran1c of SCt¥iCeJ-<1n their duct inYt slment." Housewright Intl. RCIA President Heading ao orsaniiation or mQre iha n ~(1().()(11) rncrnbcr( "'or~ong 1r1 ret ail ~1nre' 1l1ro11i;hu11t the United Statr<. C.1n:..:l~. anJ /'ucl'lu Rico 1\ J.,n1c~ T. H"~l~cwright, Prc·.:idrnL of lhc Retail C ler~~ l nl~rnnuonn l A'socla1ion, ,4.FL.1 10 l.ot"I )24 " one o! rhe 1~1 ge'l o( the 1c,·erat :.llndrcd lixa! unions which n1H\.:t ur 1hc RCIA . lia~lr,;ed by more 1han 20 yc~rs or ~uccc.~~ful ~crYict wirh the organitation, 1-lou~ewris!u wa s elected to office in 19bR 11) 1uccccd long-time Presi dent Jame~ A. Sulfridsc, now Prcsidcnt-Emcritu' of the _RC/A. Under 1hc s1.1idr111ce of thc-c men. lhe Re1ail Cler~~ l n1e1- n .. 1ional ,-.,;socia1ion hn~ hcco1ne one of !he bt~t \.:Jlown .1nd mos1 hii;hly respcctcil l3bor orsiln1z;ition~ in the world, Hou~e11•right had Y.Or~cd as organi1ins director ror $CVera1 of the RCIA ·~ geographical diYisions. :and wa!I International director of organi1.;ition for :o;everal years. He had been e:i;tc· utiYe assi~taat 10 the International president prior to Sutrridae'• 1clirement. Under 1ht accompli~hcd leader•hip or Jarne1 T. Holl!twri&)i1, 1he Retail ClerL~ face lhe fu1ure will\ confid~. knowinc that a capable and detlicaied officer sunds 11 the helm of their nrsanit:ltion. Protective . Funds Aid Membership As a vital parl af ils con1rac1s, l.ocjl 324 hat neaotieted extr a prottttion for ifa member, apinat the misfortuoes of ucemployment. Ulnw and injury. To so alona with unemploytnt lalurance proYidtd under 5la!e law, 1he union adds eltr dollar5 in Supp!cmeolat Un· employment Bencfi" from 11ft c p10\'tr·contributcd tn1st fund. In 1968. !here were 2,0J9 'Ut h checi.:~ inucd to l ocal 3:!4 mcn1bers, proYidins SSS~510 '" help chem carry on until !hey returned to work and a regular paycheck. And much tXlta wOrry al'tuut the family income wt$ dim· iuted tbrou&h the union's Supplementary Di~ability Benefit prolfUll, which pl.Id out a &otal o( $3114,.99S coYer1nt 7,001 claims of mcm~rs ol!: work. because of i1lnes.s in 1968. L«al )24'1 Social .SCrvllU Department, which processc.' the wppltmen11l bnlef\t l'fOtr•rna, al50 :a:;iists lhc member• io many ocher wayJ. Thlor dcparlmcnt htlps hundrtds of members each year in obtainins unemployment benefits. workme11·1 compenntion. aocia l 1ecurily. ind other paymenta riahtfull y due I.hem, rc- emphaslzlna the oft-rept~led union 1los1n: "'h doetn't eo111.-it Pl\YI to be.1001 to Retail Clerk! Union local 32"4." cerning a new con1racl ; later, they meet \!l ralify or rtJCCl the contract ncsoll~t~J by the uaion 1n their behalf. Locid )24 11ublishcs dcl!liletl inforn1ation aboul the union\ :1ct1~itie~ in 1!' """n ncw~pR rcr tuch month, including a COrl.1 · p!clt finanGi;il s1;11en1enl. ''All our rnernbers have an equal share 'in lti( assets of the 1ir9anb:~1ion." say11 Secrc!Hry Berlan(I, "3 nd Lhcy arc thereby cn1i1lcd ru I.now our fln:1nd11I status. "We rc~I 1h~t Loc11 I 324 is :i. dassi..: c~amp!c of dc1nocrac1 1~ acliOrl," he ~deb. "\Vc'rc prot'd of our membcrshi11 ('lilrt1ci pa- 11on and we want 10 keep it th at way." College Scholarships Presented Annually College scholarship winners receive award certificates. A•nong 1he rn~ny uniq ur rrog ram~ crcalfd hy Retail Cler~< t 11iofl l ochl ~2 .t in behalf of its rnem bcnhip 15 1htir annual ( nllcge Si.:hnlarship Con1~c 1i1ion, open to all niemhers, 1he11· d 1ihl1cn. and 1heir hu~ban<ls or wive~. ~ow in 11s cii;h!h yeur. thi~ r rogra111 h,1, rro~idcd S61.500 t•' l'J.t \!Udtnl ~, with .\t0.000 ~~1 u1iJ o: c .. ,h 1e:ir l" crc.11e-~~ ;..,hul;ir)h1ps of S25U, ~50!1, and ')751.l r;id1 . :11 both unde1- gr~Juale and sr~duale k11els. ~elected hy :In 1ndcpendcn1 comnh!I Cc of le:td1ng ciuzen5, 1he ~holarship winners arc narncJ 1<f1cr talani; a cu111 rrehen- M1 e ctamination, v.11th those a~hiC\lllg highc.\I ~core~ ~ub· mining gr11de record.~ and CJlhcr d;ita a~ y,ell as a11pcarjn£ he fore rhe commiuce for ptrson11I 1ntcr\'1cw. "V.'e\1 lilc to 'cc the dt•Y when every hi:;h ~d1oul gradu;i.Je can loo\.: forwnrJ to ~ll rnding college ii ht w1,ho.!~." Sttrcla ry flerl"nd says. "Ry a.<sis1ins ~ number .._,r s1udcnl< in con· 11nu1ng cherr rduca1ion each vcar, we feel the nn1on 1s making ~n important 1nYcstmenl 1n the tu!ur c of out ~ounlr).' SYMBOL OF SERVICE Retail Clerks Union Local J:?4 rroudly di~plays its sym bol, worn as a union button by retail store perso nnel throughout the area served by the union. Tbc l!ymbo\ is c1nblemat ic o[ Secretary Ber- l::ind's dcfinilion of the type of organization he heads: "A Union ls nnt 11 sto re \vhere one bu ys be tter working conditions for 1hC' price of a month's dues. "A Union is an organization ·where workin& people pool their loy alty and thei r counsel. Jt is m this mannC'r that Union gains hove been ~accomplished.'' In 1963-64. Local 324 featured 1h i~ symbol in a year-long spcci;il rublic relation~ program, using, new~papcrs and 53 billboa rJ~ to brin g about be tter undcrstancJing of the org:1 ni1.ati on and its accomplishments. At tbe snme time, Local 324 called attention 10 n1ajor community charities and the need for their support by the public. Throuih continued adve rtising and 1hrough its display nt union headquarters, Loca l 324 's "Sym- bol or Service" has since hcco me a familiar sight·, one that ~ignifics "the union that cares." • DAILY PILOT fl -. -. ,-.-- • 18 DAILY PILOT Th,MIJ, Qtl-'«!, 1"'9 Do%en Points Rapped , :: .... -... ·--rilots ~ero In ' r, on , ... :! SANTA ANA -~lenibt'rs <>f ~ the Orange Colinty l'ilols C: Aasoclatlon have n1 o u n ! e ti !; spirited opposition to lhe pro- C posed county oi 1 r po r l ~ ordinanct, citing morr than n :C:: dozen sections in the code tt-" v.·hich thev term rlisagrceablt>. -~::-The prof>o,.,C'd ord1n;inee, stil l ::; in public headn~ hlagcs brforc ~ -lhe county Airporl Corn -~ h / • " ' tnlsskln, y,·ill be s1udied , t en \Vil! go before co u, n l Y super\'isors here. A. eon11 nued public heanng before the ;iirport commission ls set for Nov. lZ. Mesa Man Engineers' Group Head ANAHEl!-.1 -Costa Mesa Public Work:; Director George E. Madsen is the new 1970 prrsidtnl of the Orange Coun- ty Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The 1955 graduate of Calt.ech \I as installed during a dinner meeting or the organization at the Grand Hotel he re. The new engineering society president, 1274 Conway Ave., Costa Mesa , al so holds the ti- tle of city engineer. He has been a municipal employe for nine years. Three other men also were installed as officers, including \·ice president Don Fix. a San· ta Ana struchiral steel com- pany execLJ\ive; secretary Ron \Volford, Santa Ana director of public works and treasurer Bob Ledendecker, assi~tant ci- ty engineer in Orange. Vets Due Questions SANTA ANA -Orange County Veterans Service of- ficer James E. Heim reminds all ex-servicemen and GI Y•ldows \\'ho receive pensions that annual questionnaires will accompany the Nov. 1 mail- ings. Each must be filled out and ·malled in by Jan. l!i, 1970, but should preferably be returned as soon as possible to avoid complications, said Heim. Failure to promptly file may result in a dela_v and pensions will be cut orr entirely for 'lhose who do not n1, at all. pnsiillly even being required to repay prior allotments. DEATH NOTICES l\JURRA Y 1•"'" W, Murr1v. 0.T• of dt••~. 0.:1.,. n. ~""11ve<:1 bv wile. eu 1~11 <!•~gM ... t, Mr>. MarilVll DoMVI~ 1nd Mr\. (1rol eor!>fl, of lntlt wOM: 1r><I f1v1 er1ndt.hlldren, Gr1v.ol<!e 1••vTc••• T~ur1<11v. !o<!ov, ll A,M. El Toro Cem• ••erv_ Olr•cle<:I bV .5.l>tfl•r Lagun• lle1t~ M!ltTu1rv ZE\'GER '''"<!d h M. ''"""" Aot "· ol 151 El • evonit, ~"" ''•"'•"''· D11e o• <!••'"· Oc•ober 1'. 51Jr~•VOd tlV ~v•D1nd, lr. "•"· d&oQl<lf1, LQl• Ardl!~ -PldQf!!, o• llo•llno •1•111! 1·""0 g•ondd1uo~'"'" 1,,,0 D•a!"e" a nd •~o ,,,,,,., v i.1'1· """ tocu v. 1nu,.01>, 10 A'~ +0 • PM, !h il t c~ ••• 1. JU+:) E. Co••I H•oh .. ••· (nfDfll IHI M•' ~···I~ and '"'"'' me~I orlvott , F •m•lv IUOQ•"• !flo•e , ... 11n1no to m1•.e "'"""'''"' <on!rlb"· !lr n., olea•• '""" 1D.,I• tn me .,,..,,. loon Ctncer ~o~ltt>. B•l•l Mor!~•rf• O•rttto•l· ARBUCK.LE & so~ W'!tcliff l\torluary 427 E. 17th St., Costa riJesa 646-48&3 • BALTZ J\tORnJARlES Corou del l\lar OR 3-!450 Costa flfesa 1"11 6-t4Z4 • BELL BROADWAY J\tORTUARY 110 Broadwsy, Cost.II J\1e1a LI 8-:1433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Hantington Valley J\tort11ary 17911 Beacb Blvd. Huntington Beac:h '42-7i'71 • McCOmncK LAGUNA BEACH MORTIJARY 1715 Laguna Canyon ROid Laguna Beacla •tt-ff1' • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemelery • rifortvary Chaptl 3111 hctfte Vltw Drl"e Newperl Beacll, Callfornl1 '44·1111 • PEER •"AMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '7111 eo1 .. Ave. Watmlll1ter 113·3W • SllEFFER MORTUARY .-Llpaa Beach ftf.IQI -SU Oemalle •MIM • SMITlll' MORTUAltY ll'l Maloll. llaadqtle-- l Pllo!t AssociaUon obj&.:lioos intlud~the ~cl~owing : -l\.atr1ct1ons on com- mercial ~ctivitie!! ma k in g then1 su~t to approval by c-ounty Supervisors would prc- \1t>nl aircrafl owners from selling lhelr properly private- ly. ll would also prohibit fish .,:potters, aerla! photographers and other business pilots from conducting ' i c a s u a I com- merce" at th~..afrporl. -Prohibition of f u n d soliciting witht>ut w r it ten permission from county Supervisor& woy.Jd interfere with associatlon requ,sts ror new members and would have an equally detrimental effect on flying clubs, charitable groups, political campaign v:orkers ''and others who have a legitimate basis for seeking financJal aid fr om pi Io t - owners.'' -Prohibition of dls play s i g n s , ad v e r Lise menlS, circulars and the like ·without the airport director's permlsskJn would p r e v e n t posting of "for -sale" signs by private owners and would pro- hibit bulleUn boards. "Handouts are an important m'dium and it is undesirable to try to prohibit such action," Association President Robert Fallon charged. -Strong objection \Vas also cited to a regulation stating that no per110n should park, store or repair an aircraft ex- cept in areas de!lgnated for such use by the county direc· tor of aviation. That meas ure. Fallon charg· ed, would effectively eliminate maintenance and repair in hangars and tie-down areas, because the only designated repair areaa at pt~t are th<>se occupied by fixed-base operators, not i n d i \' id u al pilots. Excessiv' restriclit>ns or non-nu isance type work is detrim~nLal to aircrafl safety, h' said. -Restrictions a g a I n s t picketing on the airport ground s drew fire, too. Fallon called plcketing ''a well- established f recdom f u 11 y governed by existing law ." Furtherrnore, he added, 1t would prevent members of the association from publicizing lsauea that concern them. . Apollo Extension ,Studied ,1 ~ ' SEAL BEACH -Aerospace -As a ~pace tug to haul siderable savings if pre-Oight experts trom Nol'tb American cargo for early apace stations. saltwater protection and post- Rockwell are now consid,ring -As a re-usable craft that-)anding procedures are chang- the possibility of extending use _._.,, __ "" __ ...-_n_o_w_n __ •_t_co_n-__ ed_. __________ 1 Countians Cheer Band Of Britain of their Apollo spacecraft until the late I970's when the 12- man shuttle and spac' station become operational. J_ E, Frankiln, vice· presi- dent oC advanced programs at North American's Sp a c·e DivUion, said, "with minor modifications, the A p o 11 o spacecraft command a n d service modules can serve the space program until we pro- vide the truly economical shuttle system." One such svstem l s presently under sludy by the corporation and would be manufactured at their Sea l By TOl\I BARLEY B h 1 t ·r NASA 01 "" 0111¥ ,1101 51111 eac pan 1 a con- ANAHElM-Britannia drew tract is granted. the raves Tuesday night as Sorue uses for the four-man more than 300 of her so.ldiers Apollo outlined by Franklin in- ancl airmen regaled a near cl~de: capacity audience in the Ana-Long duration lunar heim Convention Center \l'ith mis~ions in v.·hich the module a show that's as British as would stand by to return three Nelson's column -the tour· <>r fcur men from a small Jab nament and tattoo. estab!ished as an early lunar Jt's a mixture of pageantry base. and panache that brought _ Long duration earth orbit more than 5,000 delighted · · · th A II onlookers to their feet time missior.~ using e po 0 to support a l 80-day earth-<}rbit and time again to applaud a y,•orksh<!p or space station. :series of performances th at were as a stonishing as they -As a .cargo module to car- were colorful. And it's hard to ry space freight to earth from resist the observation that a four to IZ-man early space Brilain·s balance of payments--='="="='="·=======--== BEST problem would have been solv-r- ed long ii.go if the is\and,rs had only put this tremendously appealing piece of tradition at Th• DAILY PILOT off1r1 1c.m1 of t~• b11I fulur11, bv 1e\u1I the top of their export list. iu•••'f of , •• c .... 1v1;1,b!. in Sears --~ OPEN SUNDAY for l~u r /•(1rni111 Holidc111 S/101111i11g ('01zve11 ie11ce NEW Sunday Hours 12 Noon 'til 5 PM for All Sears Stores* in Los Angele• and Orange Counties •exctpt C•talog and Appli•ntt Store11 Maybe they should swik;h '"'f n1w1p•p•< -.in th1 "'''a", their selling pitch from the'==========="------------------------11 merchant to the military. For I· lhere·s no dou bt about it, the pipes and drums. those magnific,nt motorcyclists on thcir flying , machines, a covey of gymnasts who made a 11 that \1·e've seen so far in that field seem to be about as athletic as a 1vheelchair and S-Ome astonishingly inte\!fgent Royal Air Force police dogs had lheir audience sold long before the intermission. And providing the central theme to an excitin g and col- orful sho1v 1,1:as the elan and lhroa t--ca tch ing pomp and precision nf three of Britain's crack regiments -the Hoval Scots Greys, the Gordon ll igh l an<lers and the Parachute Rrgiment, The marching or t h e s c cl isciplincd warriors is nothing sbort of a miracle and they 11·01·e ~omc intricate pa tlern.~ on that Convention fl oor. A11d for all thei r superb showmanship and d r es s clothes they can, at 3 moment's notice, we arc assured, get into the driver's seat of a tank or immediatelv perfonn a multitude or th0c sophisticated fu nctions that /ace today's soldier. No less astonishing wa s the nhility <>f the Royal Corps of Signals motorcycle team lo perform their fantastic $lttnts on a floor that was probably the sllppiest surface lo feel their gifted \11h,els. It made no difference to them ; every act was accornpllslied with grace and finesse including that in· credible pyramid of 26 riders on one machine, The show now goes to the Los Angeles SporL, Arena for awe ek. Jong engagement A.naheim·s \'erdlcl could be heard in lhe lobby on the way out; "Th'Y should have had a Yreek here -at least." lET'S BE RlfHDl Y Jf )'OU hAVe Til!'W nel1hbon or Jmow of ahyone movtnr to our area. pleue tell w •o that we m•y extend a trtendJy welcome and help them to become acqualntl'd In their n.w •urroundinp, So. Coast Visitor 494.0579 494.9361 Harbor Visitor ••• Ome90 i5 proud 1no1 !t 1->cs i,.en (hc.;E'.-. <iS stord<lrd i~ue by ~·ASA for 5pou .wol\..ing ond Ml'.>'n·lond1flQ l'\stronolft5. 0 OMEGA TRUSTED IN 151 COUNTRIES \ lllDU TO II RIGISTll TODAY Speedmasler Chronograph features pu~h button timers, rneosures 60 second, 30 minute and 12 hour intervals. Srr:io l I dio)s function as minute ond hou r to- talizers and second hand. Tochy- meter scale measures speeds . Heavy duty stainless steel water· proof CO$t. Adjustable brace let. n.. Complete Omeoo Collection lntludin ov., 3$0 di1tlnctiv1 $65.00 •• $1500 'It tOMI IM fOl YOUR !!!! OMIGA. llOCHURI * •• fOll Plll GlfT CONVEN15NT CREDIT Pl,..\~S I AMlfAMl•ICAlD e MA.ITI• CMAlGI tt;i JEWELERS FOi· U nL St•'" H•u"; Me111,, Tltim., •rl. JO.f P.M. T1t1t., Wei .. S... 10.6 pi,M. HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER 2JOO HARBOR BLVD. 54$ ... 5 COSTA MESA Big capacity for narrow spac.e! Mod11 TA 12 SE 5178 5198 I ~,7 eu. ft . e Mod1I TE,F. I SSE 5 278 MODEL WA SOOU MODEL DE·S16U SPECIAL ' offfR· C.,.... In '"' your ... ,y.ope~ • ICE TRAY only 99¢ •321 22 YEARS QUALITY 5'ERVICE • 2-lA!'\'81 Tboro-Wah • PowM>-Flo MecbanYm ~ Built-in Son Food Dispoeer ' 5148 Plu1 P1n11I General Electric: WASHER and DRYER $248 FOR THE PAIR :RCA Color TV Tht 'AlllllZO .. Mo~ol GJ·/61 l l' dl•t ., :l~~ "<I· I~, pl!;t119 $54881 • • • r-·--· .. : -~ ........ • WE DD DUR OWN SERVICING • WE DD DUR OWN FINANCING I • ,. Oo '" "' ' " "' '$ ·I' ' fl lo 11 ' (, ' I·: " ,, 11 , , II " Ii le [ • • T ' ' • • :• •• • ,. ~- =-~ -· I -" " •• -~( s; -~ -~ ---. ---------------------------------------···-----· ---------------------, I Hot GOP Attorney General Race Sh.aping 1/2 . &IL. SILE mKV h /k ' • • , f (Oo!N'\ Nol• OO!f gt •i.~ ti•!~'' r ·~" ,,, . .,e.,~•n oh·<~• •• •n•• u• H· !')(1•r• Q<"lf'iL ~(I it <J141·• r~l;;•1~•·• I hit• n"~I" •11~"110" !~•> llftl<I• """' '"""'"' ri •II{• d•••IOO ,,,. ~Tw•en •Olir """"11!10.el\> IOt !h• 1!,~I Dy GEORGE SKELTON SAC llA MENTO IU Pll -By ,far the hot1c'.'.I racC' in ncxl ~·va r·'s B('puUllcan prinun·y '"f"lcct ion shapes up as a four- :way contest for the atlomcy p cncral nun1 1naLion. • Thr fn ur hopefuls plan to ·~pt>nd rnillio11s uf do!l11rs seek- ..ing :i Jll!J \1•h1ch pays on ly ·s~2.500 b11t offers unlim ited puli t1cal jJ O t c n ! i a I . Two gu••rrnors Ed1nund G. Bru1vn and Ea rl \Varrcn - ha re used Lhc urf icl' ·in roce11l \1·~1rs ;:., 11npurt:1nt strpping ::.i.111es. ·rhc lat('SI HcpubliL·an Lo an- nounce lus rantlidacy 1s State :-:i'll. John L. Jlar1n er. 35, of ( .h·n1l~1lc. ~;l'n. (;purge !)C'uk1nejinn, 41, flf l.1111~ Beach . officially cnll'J'ct.l !he ral'c in t-.11.1y. \ u u~G EH 1:-.i RA l.:E Lo~ Angeles Dist. Atty. 1~ 1-l' 11 c .I, Younger, 51. gi 11rr;lll.v rl·garded itS the /l\;11 1runner, is cxpc(·ted to <1n- r··11111C'<' l1i ~ c.:int1i<h1cy ;11lt:r the l1r~l of the yc<ir. Spencer \Vil lia rns. 47. lhc 1 111.~u..:t:Ci>Slul 19fi6 G 0 P 11nrninCi.', rn::iy unnounec even before lh;1l and t;1kc ;.in un pa id lra1 c of absc111.;c froin his post -,.ar8 1 •Jl!I r 11icnl • · rcdi l I '];in~ as Go\'. Ronald Reagan's hu rnan relatiorui secrtlary. Atly. Gen. Thomas C . Lynch. &~. the only Democrat in a statewide race lo survi ve the 1966 Reagan landslide. has saiU repeatedly he plans to seek re-election. But 1nany 1>ollticians ha ve their doubts. If Ly nch dot!s not run, his chief deputy, Charles A. O'Brien, probably will . Aside froir. its influence and ste pping stone potential, lhe office of attorney general cur- rentl y is attractive because it is thC only stale\vlde position no w open to a Repdblic an v•ho desires to mo\·e up the politica l ladd er. Tht lont ex· t:eplion is the less prestigious ortice or secretary of state. SEEK RE-ELECTION Reagan, U.S. Sen. George 1i1 u r p h y, Lt. Gov. Ed Hci nec:Ke, controller Houston Flournoy and Treasurer Ivy Baker Pr ie s t all Hcpublicans -plan to seek re- election and are not expected to be cha llenged in the prin1n ry. In announcing hi~ can· ttidacv, H a r in er described hi1nsC1r as the "most scrvative" o[ the Foor. would dispute this. !!armer supported Dr. htax llafferty in his successful 1968 I{epub!ican prin1ary campaign SAVE ss! n~g-11 lar '2 9.99! 7 '/.-Foot Scotcl1 Pine ,,. :0-:ea~ Lo'v • l_l rirr ! - 88 .".•k . .\bout Scar& Comenienl Cftdit Pi•ns • e Thr.~e J!:rarpf11I, JHllural-Iook.in; artifiC"-ial lree& aro : ~v1nn1rt ri•· :-t I I\" ~h apNf, 1 l1f're. are no bad l!l ide~ • e ~:ar li j. dr~il!~1rd In ~lay lm ely Ir:rr )Can withnt •D1 ~~ 11ccdl r .f r1•p0nr n1 r ""• l,.ire rc~i ::-1 .i nl -:'1:1?.?j , fl.F'nul :-'cnt.·h P i nr·----------~ ~'2fJ.9'1, ';"l/1-l'oot Hlur ~pruct'·---------~ ~ l'>.,9, 8-FQ nl Glue ~prurr _________ _ ~2'..1.99, ·11acific Fur _____________ _ Sears Mailable Tree • Jnr\udes Tree:,om1m~11a..,11and a n1I ~kirt. Ea~yln '!elup. • flw r L:•t1ed in a boa. th.I l'n~llf l Rf'gu lation& -:-1 S ars I , •l'f::'i suNoA v •.• :. e fur\ ou<'hopp;ngCon .. nlenu '"'·. . .. :STARTING N.,... 2 ~S, ao.J.IVCIC .lN~ CO. • -- _..,, ____ _ against Thomas fom1"r Kuchtl. V.5. Jle Sen. i s adamently o pp os ed lo l!be ralltl11g 1narlj1,1a1\11. la\\'S, says pu blic pressure shciuld be brought to bear on judges who render liberal <lecisions and ad vocates tough n1eB.sures to kick the "revolutiona ries" of f campu s. lie also calls for-a "moral and spiritual rebirth" in CaliiorRla. BOTll AGREE Deukmejian g e ne r a 11 y agrees \\·ith Harmer on mari- juana -a posit ion \\'hich runs opposite to the Nii:on ad- ministration. Deukmejian also says as at- torney general he y,·ould try to chaniie >t_ocent court decisi,Jns \\'hich hM ''tied the hands" or poli~men. He would do this by pressing for ne\v coort aµ. peals and pushing for new laws. ''\Ve need an aggressive at- torney general who will lea\·e no stone unturned in trying to reverse these i 11 o g i c·a I decisions," the senator says. "\\'e don't need someone 1vho says '¥:e can_ live \\'ilh thcin' and la ys over and plays dead. "Living with" the cour t decisions is precisely ·what Younger is trying to do. The former n1unicipa t court judge ::;ays he disagrees with prac- tically all the supreme Court'! 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546-7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 ... r ' "" t . , 'I~ . ·~ M11 n1e nite fir111t ;, compltle w:th 1•nlll 111, bumer. Vliry •l e91~f 911 "'•rmth, ch11t, i nd beouiy with o~t th1 werL 3495 2x4 MASONITE or PEGBOARD .. -D C l.eic• htl• of 1tvrdv m11onile er p •g~oe rd. . . . ... :::~::::::;~~~;: ::: \\ ::::::::: 0 0 l ig 1 " 4 •••• l1nd1 ihelf le • .-1rtety of u101. . . . . . ....... . M1.oni11 m1\11 4eed chtop p1;ni o:•n•tt, p19bot rd i1 fine lle1191 . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . -37c .•. ~ .... ~ EA. ARNO CARPETAK 0 Thit lium •lic\u"I fer cl oi n9 c1rp1 I o• c1rptl ti1 11 !h1 f11I "'•Y· 0 Holdt firmly in pl1c1 w:!hout t •p~n 1i~1 in1t1lltlion ch1r911. 0 Jv•I cut .,ff whit yeu need, 1l1p ii tie"'"· loy c1rp1I. ye u'rt dent . 2 4 9 ROLL WHITE TOILn 0 W1t1• clo11t ef firoJ po•c1l1i11 fer r1pl1c1m1nl er roem 1dditio"' 0 And if you'r• tdilint t hath, ch•ck 111 out fo t f1 uc1h, pull1111111 tnll 1u ~h. ""' 1et ••"'• b11uh. 1788 GILMORE PISTOL • NOZZLE. 0 •••• llry , ••• , t• tk• llr1w, O Aft•c• it ... a~ thi1 ,11dic •P••Y n1idt. 0 If if fi9hft lt•c•, ••• tho predwct" ef Min itn lfl'lpe11 ibl1, th1y'f1 ff f11ci111t.cl. decisions in the past 15 years. But he says it is lime lo stop comp!a!ning about lhen1 and instead adjust lo the "chang- ing ground rules." SUPPORT LAW Younger and Williams both support California's recently- en<1cted marijuana legislation 11•hith allows a judge to .treat a first conviction either as a felon y or a misd e1neanQr. "In any crime." Younger says, "the wider discretion the better." Younger ha.'i been close to many members of the Nixon adminii>1ration for years and e1·en \\"a& considered for a cabinet post. "l'tn not sayi ng Dick and I are just llke thal," he says, "but the people 1vho hav e sup- ported Nixon in California generally will support me." \V iUiams, the onl y Northen1 Californian in the race so Jar, plans lo campaign on his record with the Reagan ad· ministration and as former Sa nta Clara county L'tlllnseL Like Deukmejian, \Villia ms \\'Ould lry t(} reverse court decisions through appeals and new legislation. But I i k e Younger , he l\'ould try to ''li ve with" the decisions in the meantime. "The police ha 1·e lo abide by the law lili:e e1•eryone else ," he says. 1 am·c at a : \/OLJK A s9aa MY OLD FLAME .. .. 0 AJ •• ,t;..J •P•titl. good l~ru November 6, 19~9 !i nd He ly Cew ;f, 91Hing d1111 lei l i9 lird 1;m• 191in,) AGA OAK LOG SET 0 Appto•ed by th1 AG .i., inclwd11 log•, 9 r1!1, burnt• 1n,j v1lv1, 0 G u1•1nl11d in ... ,;1;n• fot I Y••• /in in•i1ibl1 ink, of cow111.I O V1ry n1lur.I, ~••Y cen•1ni1nl, i nd "''Y 1c1nomic1I. 2895 GLIDDEN SPRED SATIN LATEX WALL PAINT i f ' • 1 0 1oar. 1crwbb 1bl• inle•ier li lt• peint in hundred1 e! 4r1el colors. 0 Oti e• ••• 1moelh m1 tl • fin:1h in minul11. 0 Re llt'I, brw1h11, clton u1 in wi ltr, fwlly 9utr1nl11d. 6 49 GAL. 7 INCH PAINT TRAY AND ROLLER SET 0 Htrt '1 1 pi n lh1•'1 "'odh ;h w1i9ht In 4 cc11 l11th1r1 . 0 With mt lchin9 toiler no 110, 1 ... e for !h1 pti c1 of ont . 0 Ctn dc.uble 1• gold pinning kit if th1 ,; .. ,fl 1i11 t91in, BUS BOY' ••••AGE .. DISPOSER 0 .. u,~.t, terYico ft11 .litpc11n tinct 1951. 0 Conlinuou1 f11d, i111ul1t1d 11 oink t nd d r1in e ullth, 0 Gu1renlt1d, t nd th1 p1ic1 ,.,.~ti Wtllt ltu "'•t1iful. 1988 LONG FIREPLACE MATCHES 0 Uo• le> ligkl 1111 9ue1t'1 c19•retl• tcron th• room, it'll "'•\• I~• w1f1 t •••Y· 4 PIECE FIREPLACE TOOL SIT 0 We brov9ht ele Ne. JI ovt of th1 1ter.roo'"" du•l•d it up •nd put It up fo• 1dopt ic.n. D Niee ~ pi•c• feel ttl I• to!i n blec• ine1udt1 •'•nd, pok1r, bn11h, 1nil 1ho.,.1I, 998 "23 SERGEANT'S FLEA • COLLAR 0 Good prie1, Ktrm, 111 the p1I ownt rt "'ill llif you. 0 Tht fe11 ... en't 1i\1 ye"' toe. will. 0 Bwl th1y'U bt 1e dttil 10 ;+ wo1•t rrl l ~I t ny dillert nc t . PANEL ADHESIVE 0 U11 lot 1 tmoeth n1ile•1 pontl •n •!1il•lien. U Or ye>u ceuld Ult It •••P th 1 c1I ill 11i9hh if ~eu1 wife werri11 1 l.t, rJ Fit• 1le11d1,d c 111l~i"9 9~n. 10 if 1 111y 11 u1 1, " 32 GAL. PLASTIC TRASH CAN FULL 4x8 PRIFINISHID WANUT TONE PANELING ~;~~§~~~i-~'i!tl~b.. 0 W•v 1101 buy • new •111 1nll b1ft11 i1'1 in u11 h1w1 f~I •111111 tltcert ll it. 0 It'll t iw1 tht.ioi tomothint It '8 ... ;+h ff..W-lt ftevor ,,'1'11t 1it n ,.inh. 0 1 , ••• 4111••11••·· loc~i11t lid, 11na1ry, iu•l 1in1• cl•tJt """"' he11. Q Q.,, m11n•t•' c1ll1 llli1 Cht ffy W1lnut Tt1n1 M•ht gony P1n1lint. D E•or notic•ii the 1111 •1p1n1 i•1 th• ilt"I, the ltn!•• "" "'"''' 0 tr , prt fln ith•'· v.4•eo •~,j. end •••dv lof imm1oril1!1 in1t1 1t1ll•n. CO"I• ••• lt, lt't p11tly. --... -~---~~~.,....,....,.._....,..,....,...,.. ___________________________ _ I! D•llV PJ~Ol · .• 411i1'11als fffo T est s =New Heart 7 Border Crackdown Still Irritates Businessmern SA:i YSIDRO (AP) -"As Prolonged ini>pct·l!ons .. r l1alh\'ay between San Diego But, the same beefed.up or marijuana and dangerous l<ir as we're c on <: er n e d • eve ry car and pedcstnan "l'rL· i:ltld the border. said trade U.S. Customs crews checlr.:: drugs into the United States. they're still lying Up people at supposed to ha ve bet•n rcl:J;\'.t·d \.\'1th r-.1e."<1cans JS 1n1proving every vehicle and pedestrian •·1 think the United Slate~ the bQrder,'' says Vir1H Buck V.'<is 420 (II~! f·1111111,irP1! ..,Ith 500.000 the ~ .• 111c \\ell: 1\l~t )'l'CI/". Clpcrator of a motel near this lvhen the crackdo .... n's n:.i111c .-;Jowly. "They're starting tu here , and delays now can run has lost a Jot of customers,'' ,._ 111os t.usc<i bordercr.o s sl n g \vas changed front Opl'r:J!1on l'l1n1c back,'' Ed Carson said two hours al busy times. says Sy Paul. He is manage. '' ' I 0 ; .. HOUS'fON 1 Tc:<. IAP) -nr. lro1n California lo t-fex1co. ntercept to ll c r al J u n \\1.'dnc:.day. Under Intercept, molorists of Aaronson Brothers depart· Nunez is one of 7,000 ••grCl'n card '' hulders .... ·ho l'f0!'..S l h1~ border daily to worl: in thl' U111tt.·d States, n1a1nly a" unski lled l:iborers. 11ierc abv are hundreds of fltcxic<.in youngsters head ing ror L'S. schools. Nunez says Ill' 11ow n1u.st lea ve home a1 4 a rn. ~'))enton A. Cl.IOley ~a 1 J Adds Rigoberto Nunez, who Coo peration. l11!ens11ied bor d er in-s pent as long as si x hours in nient store 100 yards from !lie ..... Wed nesd:J)' 111· hrli evr~ a lives in Mexico and works in But delays at bordl!I' tT OSS· spcctions by U.S. Customs o!· massive tieups, particularly border. He estimates that llOLL \'\\'()01 • I \l'I .sltioctifird 1necha111c..i l t1c;1rL 1he United States: "I must ings still arc lunger lhan thi'Y ficiah; began Se pL 21 in the business is 60 percent of ":'-will h{' rt><i<JY Jor U~l' nri lt-iJVl' hon1e two hours earlier \ve rr last yeur -despilP 1hc 1n;1ssivc crackdo wn on on weekends. Now on l y normal. Con:-.lfl!lc1• l>01\ l1ng 'I ol''i, •1'1, fQrn1l!r S\d.;t• n11d ~(·11•1 ·11 ,1< • lri,~s Hnd tli1• \VJft• 1)) pn1d11c•'I • 1(1rcclo1· !11111 '111:'', 1lu.I 'l11t•·- t!ay :dll·r 'uJl,·111.,~ .i t 11J1,1 · <irn.:!it ,\l r:i T111 ..., 1',''•1 1,,.~ . .i1 l1er i'hrr1·r 111 · l'.11111111 ll.1' [:(''' UJI Uf11,11!\1... 11 •d l·1! 1;1 .,."f:nim ri!s \'.·it hin lhl' 11 r), l Lll·1;au se of the border wail." Jighte r traffic v.•hich unJ1n;i 1'v na rcotics. I nte r ce pt head· ·•suspicious'' vehic les are pull-"It's bad ," sa ys G i t month. So, despite .._ name changr, citizens generally attnhutP lo f1uartcrs in Los Angeles now ed aside for the lhoroug'h Stephens, owner of a servicf' Slightly fewer !han 95.001) cars crossed into tht• U1\1tcd States last week. eo111p111·ed with 108,647 the week. hcfun · and 118,005 during thc Ja~L "'eek of October 1%8, ,. lie ;11,., ~.u1l 1l ina~ ht• :i the t' 011 trove r s i a I U.S. fear by 1nany •if la!tng 111-are eJoscd and the joint U.S. check, lvhl ch s peeds th e s I at 1 on , Des pi Le t be decadr hl'!on· 1111· fHoblrnl ol i·r;itk<lown on drut;: smuggl ing volvcd in long de!:i ys J I llil' J\1cxican drug control known overall process somewhat assurances lhal Intercept ~·as • transplan! rr1cct1on b~ the. JJ.'.l · :+t the border .slill irritates t russing points. as 0 p e r at ion Cooperation In Mex ico City, U.S. and being relaxed, Stephens says: tient iS salved. niany Ainericans and Mex-ll o1~·evcr, a spokcsn1:i11 !ur hcgan Oct. JO along the entire ~1exican officials .are discuss. "I really can't see any 'rhe number of peopl<· 11 lio cntcred on fool or in 1 rh1{"rr~ J~5t · · II •· o n · 1nerchants in Chul;1 \1 1~\J. border. ing other ways to stop the flow· change." Tht u1trrn:i l1on;l V ,;n w Jeans . ... 11rgl"i>11 Yi ho h••s 111'rlunnrd 211....:::::....:.. ___________________________________________ '------------,------------------ h11111;111 h 1• ;1 r I tr.1n-.pl:inl ~ 11uuld n•ll p11'du ·1 \\h<'n tlH' 1110111111•1! 1n1•ch.1n1cal ucv 1ec m1J,:ht be ready for use on a person. Cooley also ~'OUld not detail the changes that ha ve been nuutl' s1 ncr h1· 111;idt' us1• nr .1 tot:1111' n1 t·l'hanu·:d hl'nrl 111 :1 c o nj r u v c r :-. 1 a I April ·I tr<111::.pl;111L at ;-it. Lu k e ' ~ J::p1srup:il llosp1ta1. fir 11uuld only sav there has hccn ;1 n1<1d1f1Ca t1ol1 ;i 1n1cd :it ~·cn:11 11 s!rt·~s areas HI l11t:· pun1p1np, ~ystt:ni. Coo ley ;;;11d at a news con- ference he wuuld 1101 hcsila1e to use ano ther 1ncchani c:.il henrl under crnergency con· dittrJ TIS. "I would hn\'C u~ed one lou r mo111hs-ago 11 ;1 Uc1•1ct• had ' been <J1'<.11!abll'," he s;ud . 1 Coolt•y t'XJ1l;iincd thal thr only m ech;1n1t;ll ht•art ava1lflbk· at ~ thr tnnl' 11 as of a child·s size and not an adu lrs. lie 1nade onl}' indirect ; refl'rencc to 1hc l'Onlroversy ! .,.,,hich 1n\ olvcd :;urnt• clai ms !ha t the Apr il ~ dl'I ll'I.' \\'i.I S llS· ! cd withou t ~ u f I l l" 1 c n t ex- ., perimcn1<ition on ani1nals. The '! patient. Haskell Karp. 47, of Skokie. Ill., lived 65 hours with t he mechanical device but died 36 t1our s alter receiving a hun1an donnr llc:irl in a second o~r;ilion. Cool~y C'1nph:i~1zed again th;i l n1l't:h;1n1c ;il d e vi e es shoul!I hP used only lo prolong hie unt1! a human donor can be obla1ned . Artificial Le u Tric<l tl . On Horto;c PLLL~1A N, \\lash. (A P) - Ther<' \\'tl S ah\•;iys :i certain finality about lhl' w <t y l!oll:w"v.'ood used lo do ii. "Old Pain 1:• the pionrcr lan11ly's pc1 horse had ~teppcd int0 a prruric dog hole .and broke his leg. ''It's hrs!. !his way. son." Ille ;. rather would say as lie took •; his t"arly \Vinchl'slrr off !ht' -:• wall. • ..l'al nl \l'Ouldn't !Jc any good ~ anymo re. Now yo11 slay in : ,here 11·1111 your ~'l a." Fr:in1 lhc distance 1·amr thr ' sound of the rlel'd. find vou kn{·\1 old Paull \v<1s no 1norr. Tll1· \\'ash1ngton S 1 a t (' U 11 t Vt' f 'i i l )' \'('!•T!0'1f) lllL'<lil:Ull' ~chool now ha~ liv- ing prOflf thc1! nol t•\·~·r1· hor~c Y.'hu.·h hrto;ik-; a lt•g nl'ttb to bf' sv ~un1m:1ril.v dlspatched . 1·h<' ··pn~1f'' al \\ISL i- "1>11ndC\' .. :• fi-yt•ar.f1!r! /\p pa\oosa mare \vho is minu s one ur hr r !11rt'l1·i::.~ Jil'l hrl1111 •• 1he knrc. llund cP 1s <to1ng •• qL11tl' 11 !'11 011 ;1n ;irtJf1c1nl !rg. 111111dPr ~ IPg wa, ;11np\1l;1\ed Ja~l' ~lay h) ;1 (1101cc1u. r-.1 0111 . 1·ctl·r1 n:1r .. 1 n. .JO\' :-it•1•trt ~11n, IG, wt11ist1 pa rl'.n l~ raise Arip alnosas nl'a r Augusta. f\.1 on!. s~11rt Duruh.'L' suffered a eon1pound lrac\urC' on lif•r lroul lei;:. 1\ 1 l'L put .J c .i~t nn thr •. flo r<,1• ~ l··i: but the brra:. b<•c;11nr 1nfl'clrd and il 11 a~ detHlt><I to ..1mpu!atc. L<ller the Se.vert!>Ons decid· ed 10 s ,. n d thr hor~ lo th<' -· WSL 1 l'.t rr1n;1 r\ 1·l1111c \\ hr·rr .she could I)(• fined ~·1th :in .. ar11flc1al leg. .. rir. L. :'-1. >\uger. assoc i:ite '": pnllessur of 1 eterinary clinic:il i. mC'clic1nr and sur gC'rV at W<ii;hi ngton S!<i lt'. s;11(1 the ; suc:crss of the artificial limb ~. •·rC'sls in the balance yet. 'The , horse's problcn1s arc tcir fro1n ' solvcd." Pull ing an ;i1·11f1c 1n! limb on ' .. ~a hors1· 0 'JU S I isn·t -. eC'flnom1c;1/ly ICi1S11Jlr. n r ; loc1c11L" Ko g c r conlinuctl, ... "We d1tl ii hrl"r 11s a pr111ec:l • ' for our senior veterin<1ry s!udcnLs." ~ 50l T 11u isia11 s Die in J'loods Tt.:NIS fi_;Pll -/\ total ul 50 1 per!«lnS died .and 132,008 I061 lhcir hrimes 1n fl ooding 1n T\.ln isici betwf't'n !'lept. 26 and Ocl 211. according lo ~O\'em­ mcnl figures rrle:+sr>d tr,.clny. A guv crn1ncnL .~pokrsman &aid n1 ore t.h11n ~'i .(l()(l ilv.1•11- Jngs were de5lrgytd 111 I.ht -. ... floods, which hit all parts of tho country. • 1. P"C{S A•f DISCOONTtO f ~CEPT O N 1 A1a ra ... oto & G0VE•NM€NT <.ONTWl.lfO lllM~. I ~" ~\~I ' • ? • ""' 6Sc 1UUD 1-A. ,.,. CHUCK ROASn~~'.~.47' RUMP ROAST ...... .u.78' BLADE CUT FIESH&UAI CENTllCUT STANDING CHUCK 39c GROUND4a· c ROUND 7ac RIB~:~" 75c ROAST.. LB. BEEF.... lll. STIAK... LB. ROAST.. LB. RATH, HORMEL, SWIFT, WILSON or FARMER JOHN 73c ROUND STEAK~'~". ................ 88' 11Ts1•11 ~ll.1c111.r.c:o.1.l1.r•G ........•..... SS CROSS RIB ROAST ~~~ ....... u.77' !!,S~.!.,.~YJl.8..~.~~~........ c STIWING BEEF~'.".'.~:'. .................. 79' , LOIN LAMB CHOPS :::' ......... 11" Rll LAMB CHOPS~~~ ....... '1" SllLOIN STEAK ..... ·-·---···u. 97' E-Z CUT CUBE STEAK ..... _.,..98' PORTERHOUSE Ill'.-. .......... ,' 1 '' FRYERS ~=:::.~~--·········-··1•.3Jr CUT-UP FRYERS ~~~ .............. 37' FRESH SPARE RIBS :.':::'. ......... ~ 69 ' THIN SLICED BACON 79c LAMB LEG~."..'..~.'. .................. 19' OiC.UI MTlll 2·0.Lrtk.. ..................... ,.. ·--------------------------------------=--:::--i -------------------, I __ °Ytf d V , I LUCKYSllCEDLUNCHMEATS10lO<NA.P1Clll&PllUllTO.OUYJ.MACA1011&cM1ut6-<JLPl._ ...............•• 35' l llJJll'VGR e l\GmpS\JJ I ~.~!.~:s .. FR~~~5. ......... 59< ~~!-!u~.'!.~~2_1,f!!i!;::~~47c ~~1!!!.".5. .......... , ... 34< BONOEDFORH NDERNESS l AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY I ~2~~~!!,~~,,.:-,:~~~l.:~~.'.".~69< ~~o.~~.E~~·R·~.~~~~~!!~ 67' ~!~~'!~~':.'.'.'. .• ,".. 8' RJ;'~~ED $) lL? li_oF (~~~~T~~:~R:ro~;~~~j L.::~:::·~:::!·:::~":::l~.:~u:::~:::·~:..:·'!.u:::E:::ES::.·~::~:;;:'::~~6:8:..c_:s.._:H:Et:::.S.:l,:S::·~;;;~;;;E.A;:·!!;;:.::!: .. :!:.L= .... =:.:4:.:1:_c_:~::.;:c:·O:Y:'S-:P:.:~:::SL::.:T!.:A;:~:;·l;.:·~: ... :..4.:..:8:..'.i..-------.. ~~~~- rs:wJ'""11n'~-B.A .. B· Y.ME .. A .. TS·•,!Ji.~L· •• · •••.• 2 .. 5 .. ' ~G·Rr,;E~tJUICE j~~ ~~1lE~:rY AMS BREA:~~:;::~~~~0.~ ... 5?' .. ... . OLIVE OIL ::r.:.t~-----··-···· .. ··47< 2 7 IX lll'MIH l lflltll 6"' JUNIOR BABY FOOD:~~~~ ... 12' ,fREISWEIT 36( ~ MARSHMALLOWS ~::;·:~' .. 23' GOLDlN C MJ.B. RICE M "'"' ........... ' BHCH-NUT STIAINED::.'ll'= .. 8' 46.~~~AN GARLIC SALT ~: ... _ .............. 39< 29·0Z. CAN ANTHONY SPAGHETTl n"""·43 · FOLGER'S ~:'~:~c.u1 ........ 73' SNOWDRIFT =i~'!':~.·--·--13' :~~:~~~ ~i:::::::~::: ~ ~ ifAlllD ""'· x-·· ~::~o~~i~~~1~~~~:~~::::::::::.~~: FOLGER'S ==-~~;.'.' .... .1 1' VEG-AU ~~~1!.~!~~~~-~'.~ .. ···-········· 23< BLACK PEPPER ~=-~~ ...... -45' MAXIM ~::'g ~·~~J':r.~.~;.111 V-8 JUICE :!~'1~~~~ .............. ·-··-· 421 MAXWELL HOUSE ~~~·,~i~.'.' ...... l i' O'"" TOMATO JUICE :!~ .... _29< PICKLE STICKS :::.1::~.~ .............. 44' ~· , ... .ta;&f! LOG CABIN SYRUP ici~i£64c CY°' FRUIT COCKTAIL ~~C:,~\'u• ... 2Jt CRANBERRY SAUCE :'!~A1~:!:~.~ ... 25' HUNT'S PEACHES ~·:1 ca ............. 26< PINEAPPLE~:!\':;~~~,.~~~~~~ ............ '20' FRUIT TREATS :':l:'. .................. 35 ' APPLESAUCE !~~:.l:u ................... 22' DEL MONTE PEARS ~:~~'.~u ........ 33 c ·CRANBERRY JUICE ~~~~~~-~ ..... SS' WAGNER DRINK =~~:,•L·~.~~.~~ .... 49' ... K.y&f!---. TINY SHRIMP EAST POINT 45 ( 4V2-0L CAN ~ CORN !~':il':.U.~~~~~~~ ........... '21 1 DU MONTE PEAS UoLm ........... 22 ' PUMPKIN PIE MIX ~I'.., ....... 33' <7"" GREEN BEANS n~·~11~g~ ...... 21 • B & M BAKED BEANS noL<u ... 39' ST!WED TOMA TOES ~::~~=~·~··· 22 < Es IAllY(AUIOl•l.lo nll"lD 1::6< MANZ OLIV 11,or.1u ............... ,.J CKLES UDf ("Otl:I 39' r Dill Pl JJor.1u ..... -.. .. CHUNK TUNA ~~~·,~::.~~ ............. 321 ~· .... KA(&f! I SKIPPY DOG FOOD o~~cE ac CA N RED SALMON \~!rsc~~c.~~~-' .............. 99' HASH ~~··~'~sl~~::'.~~.1.~'. ...................... 45' HORMEL CHILI ~f'o1:~1A• ................ 57' PR ES ER YES~:!~~!:~~.~~-~'.~~.'-~.~~~.~ 53' PEANUT BUTTER ;r;;.~:: ............. 87' . HOUSEHOl.f JJlil(;_; . LADY SCOTT TISSUE ~"::.'~" 26' LUCKY TOWELS r!!~~:~ ............. 27 ' ORCHIDS' NAPKINS mn .......... S5 ' sconlES FACIAL ~::'l1~.~-~~ .... 28' GLAD WRAP ~~~~-c.:i':~ ................. 31 < ZEE LUNCH BAGS Mn ............... 25' IVORY SNOW ~~~i~:0~'.~········-·-·82< GAIN DETERGENT M OU U ........... 1" TIDE DnERGENT ....... , .. : ........ 82' CASCADE ~~1:~:~~~~-~~~.·.~~.·.~~ ........... 69< BANANAS 10.( 100% CtftQUITA l lAND, THl flNEST QUAl llf ........ YOU CAN BUY ••• GOlDE N RIP( I flRM..... LB. THESE UE MOT ORDINARY RUSSET POTATOES, THIY ARE CHOICE, SELECTED SIZES FOR ALL YOUR POTATO NHDS ••• COMPARE THE QUALITT AND THE LOW PllCE O~ THESE ••• U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET POTATOES 10 "= 44• ;.. Pn RITZ PIES , ........................ 33' llOTlllllll ll-l ttL6-ll lt .. ,_,.llUllllOJ BEAN BURRITOS ~r~~~t ............ 37c CORONET BEEF ~=-~.~-~~~-····· 1" ROAST TURKEY :::;~;:~--·· .... : .. 3" GINO'S PIZZA ~:~'t'ru.--·-·········62' FISHSTICKS ~!','t':::~ ...................... 93< PERCH FllLET ~:';:~:' .............. __ 61 ( ORANGE JUICE !~·1~~!•···········---26< VIGETABlES ~:~~.1!! ....... , .. _ .. , ..... 38( l'lll-CUT (01•.MlllO Wl&IT&lllil SWANSON MEAT PIES .... ,., .... 25'. 1 lfff.("ICI I•· fUlllll WAFFLES :~~~ :::i~.~.~~~.1.~~.1.~ •• _ ....... 44' MORTON MACARONI !.c:r-:~ .... 40c GIAPE JUICE ~1~~~ ...... _ ... _: ....... JI< OH BOY BAG 0 PIZZA :::'.: .. _ .. 89< Our LOW E-.:~Pricc! R~g:D BREAD HARVESTDAY 25( STANDARD OR OPAllD£1 1 6-0Z. LOAF t HOtJSEllOtb,,l(.-.. . JOY LIQUID:f.'r,"r ..................... 83' Ml. CLEAN CLEANERm'lrn ...... 66' COMET CLEANSER • .,Lu, ....... 25' ZEST SOAP .............................. 20' TEllZE K2R !','1~~:!~~ ...................... 1•• DIAL SOAP '"'""·-·-··--·······20' IOOX FORKEY BUYS ,.,11n-..................... _ ....... .....,. ........ ---""'"'Ill ..,.. .................... _ .. ...... _ ... ,__..... ' . ,. .... ~ .... -.n..,. ~ . . ............... ~~·: sn1111 n'tm&Y sawms! .. ~ ·· .• °"'.. ·OTHER JJEMS CIGARITTES :~":~~IP\llSIAn ......... 3°' PURR CAT FOOD !':'t,.. ........... 15' ALPO DOG FOOD~!t~~u;:: ..... _ ... 29' GAINES BURGERS :::u ............. 85' KAL KAN Pn STEW ""Lm ..... 22' PURINA DOG CHOW .............. .74' ·~·~am411o ... . .t~.m!!J'!PJYV "-·-... . CRACKERS~~~~-~-~~-~~~~.':~~-~-·-JJ< HI-HO CRACKERS :~~.:~~1.ox ........ 37' KITY SPLITS llltlf (WUIOILA·C .. ot.1 43' LIC l&\ot-Ot.r•G ......... . BUNS :.~~;;~~~~.' .. 1~.~~.~ .. ~~~~.~~.~~~-1 ..... 31 ' POST CEREAL ;.~!~~ ................ 43< CREAM OF WHEAT\~1~1~ ::~.1 ••••••• 40• ... KA(&fl--..... BANGO POP CORN 32.0Z. BAG 21c MARTI NELLI GALLON BOTTLE DAIRY PROD UCTS LADY LEE ICE CREA M»·"'·"' ... 59' DITIO t.:;.1~::.1~""~.1~ ......... , ................. 37' ORANGE JUICE ~~~1':,:• ................ 79' MARGARINE ~~u~z~~~:.1.'. .................. JQt BEVERAGE· SPIRIT SHASTA BEVERA GEs ,,,.,""'··21' LUCKY VODKA :~,;:0.";"'' .... 2~' BREW 11 10 21' DRAFT i~·;1·~;~: ..... l J1 SCOTCH WHISKY :~!~~~;:11 ~,on11 3'' LUCKY BRANDY ~:~~~~~1.111w 11L ••••• J1• GOLD SEAL WHISKEY !~1;;:;;, 11 ~ 33' , ..:_;0" LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY-AIDS ' · - ultr& br\te •11,s l1tl1te 78 ttiS, I frti' ~IJ~ ( ! ,, ... , .. 10 CUP ALUMINUM PERCOLATOR ADORN HAIR SPRAY WITH NlW TOUCH· TOP SPRAYER ....... ,. •• , •• ,1.,1, l!tll $168 U.11"1 -h l C._tlJ Mii •111(( lflllJ ""' "' qat It. .... .., lllr• Ill 1111•, ll·U.ul IOTILI Of 100 BA TIR ASPIRIN '"~''"11111 111u1"'"'"sias 69C ilflcU.L ... lb ,ric1 ...• _._ ...... . ~!!!_~~!...... 8 7c ._ •....... _ ...................... . I RAPID SHAVE .~ llAPIO i GILLETTE INJECTOR RAZ OR BLADES foi 1 qu1" no p~U or ~rii 1~'''· h11C1lltllt 79c l~1!CIOr Pkt 111 Bltdes .... LISTERINE CO LD TABLETS lt!•1 clu• Hiil ,nutn . •t llf!ll ~ h1hc .. 1 ... n celH u~" "' u,.1, -• · Kt11111hu '""· r;., •'I' 1111111.. Listerine ·· 01111• 99c C()tgTA~ofltl - E.-ryd1r • ••• -Di~111t Prrtt STORE HOURS • 1110~. ""' ,..~ , .... ?t 16 , .. MT,•1 1•11.110,.lol~ ' I -. ' • • • ---------------~------------~~--~-------------------~------------• Births Oc1o~r IJ Mr ~nd Mr~ l<ov C C+ilbv, ~lt 1rv1ne Ave , lll•wPOrl O~aO.. 11"1 M r ond Mn Fr~dle Roi'""'• 10 1~1 ~no"" So, F ounloi~ vo1 i.v. bO'I Mr •nd M<>, A'Tt""' S Chrc~on~~-IOJO Mo~rone Clr(le, rovnl••n V•ll•'· wirl October Iii M~ &n~ Mr ~-Wllhom F K lr~~om. 111 Wo ln"'' Cr.>h M.-a, ~ir l Mr ond Mr~. Oovod T"onh, llJO~ I A . I MICRO 88 PORTABLE STEREO c . MP EX Cassette Player/Recorder System Here's a complete compact stereo system and record- ing center in a handsome Sam sonite case. Speakers separate up to 20 feet and there's power aplenty for big, • rich room·filHng sound. $17995 complete with slere<:i .-Jyni mic rnl1;1(lphone1 •rid slanQ Divorces P-ILl!D W1rntr. Eileen vs "''""' L OR~ll!EAVE ITI Woon, kerrv Aly11e •1 r11om1• R1!1o~ BQl',.ma, Onal Fer11e vs Andr,.., Rt Y C•rlo•, Mor ltvn M "' Ern,t l W fltnl•ml~, B!llY J: •• Euutn• L811,.,. ST. Jonn. J•yne P. "• Wllll•m Monroe, ''· konn. Al~trle v . "' Vttnon w. Jon11. Cll!lotd o. v• L""I•• c . Wi~l~:ftmFrenclne M1ri1•rd vi Jollfl Moll, Con•t•n(e 111 J•mn MICRO. 86 HOME STEREO IN WALNUT Stereo for butterfingers. Playing and recording conve- nient cassette tapes, your fingers never touch the con• venient cassette tapes. Luxurious oiled walnut cabinets. $18995 COME IN AND HEAR A COMPACT-CONCERT! c omrilele s vsle m with mlc•ophone.s AMPEX TAPE BONUS-SAVE OVER 503! Yo ur choice of prerecord ed stereo tapes or blank tape with purchase of any Ampex Tape Recorder. El>t)n, Ch1rlotl• Ann 111 CnerlH 01vTd ~~~=~· ..,~"?::";.• vv.' ~:tt~~d s~~,o,:,ne L1 Fre-sn1ve, Lawrence 0 . v• f'hvllil J. Sonntnbfrg, Otl<>l>ln• Lois vs Edwerd le•OY Sml~tl, Judl!h Eve "' Victor Bl~~~f"'"· L~cl+lt Grece ..,. Hormes Jeckm1n. Ch•rvl v1 R°""'' Ley, E l'!~~~!h vs Jtnnln1u fl. Sumpler, Flor.net "l_ Vt RIYM01'd "l. Wien~"· Vt•onlce Jo' A.nnt v1 ee,n••d Sneuan, Vt lml LO<J v1 Tl'!Ome1 Le4 51ttlt , Rut E vs Judv Ann i~~~~f~,~~~~:v 11~1~r:~~ s~~ •. L••nn S•nche1. 0 010... "'· VI Th-· E•e.-t!! Wotl1, Alt~~"1!or, Jr, 115 Merlooi cneeth•m, F1ln ~· A.lc~••d cn,1mom k•I•>. F'•nk J. vs EunTce ••• 1-j~lltr, Willia,., Ernie vo Gla~v• C. B1rnhar!, Simon W. "' Sl•ll1 M Bornfl•!~, Ju<llth Jlo>1ll1 vs lt:ic~ard 8 '1J(I . l(frnt f. J•mu J . II• Judith /It. L ..... Lindt M••'• .,, "'~ l••· Jr, Ch•ISl•n,.n. Cvn!h!1 F••ncts Gordon 1"11on C•el1, Pelrlcl• f'. "' P•I•• J, Summe'" 1(1!h"I"" 8 r1ndl1y VI Arnold J1,.tll, Tl>oreso Ann v• Jerrv L•e ll rlgM, 5hl,I•• Ann v1 Oovld Jahn Mino. A.•l•ll• v~ Joe Do J••u• RemlreI. M orl1 0•1 Jtooedo v• Emlllg l o••-Jo1olln VI Elll•o G<><l<ll•v. !lettv J vs Ronald G, Mlll•rd, M•rv K•1hleen v• Emmel! C. ,, We•tr\, Mour ten vi Doneld P. Fron~. Ooro1nv Ellen v1 Jtevmond Schroll, lh tlh Mc v1 Dor>~ld J_ Ztlrtlt'· Jono l~ul1e v• Oon1ld G1n1 fh!o,d. 6•1111 Joon "' AIVln ©DAVIS -BROWN 411 E. 17th St~ Oo~n. M•u•e•n 11111 v• A,11p11 E•n••I, ,. Te .. Y, Lind• Mtte YI 1tlch11'1 il•l1n Swk-~r~, Allcf II, UI Cl1r.n<:e L. H1vton, Pnv1111 Nl<llno .,, J11c1>1"! c Thorn!nn, ll••tent Je1ntll1 vo F••nc l• DIRUE IEMP£R. #f Blll2 • ,,,AAJl'I~ W!U~Ulw.J, [in 1111131 12 ft. I .... No. Pll2 ® POWERLOCK RULE * l on ger·wearing e;oisy-to--read blade. *Handy belt clip. Costa Mesa-646-1684 Daily 9.9, Sat. 9·6 ill••·"~'' J•. M;11.,, Co,ol Jun• v1 l~ J11vm111 ""'man, !llencv Ann v1 J1t~ Oouoi.1 Gull v. M•rl.,..lo L. v• J<>l'of! M1•Nw M•llo, J orn•• Don vs H1len Oororn ~. SPRAY, STEAM OR DRY IRON ~ri~' s13.45 '.IA S•"A"' V~n•1 • r~•• heafiflf • "H6rYOrJ W i<J" i;:<.>lo,> t-..nOle ·convertible New 4-position rug adjustment 1:1uickly selects "Jndoor-Outdo<w"" #>Normal", "High"' or "Shag .. for maximum efficifll'W:y on all carpets. Optional ~ttachments ""ailable .. .. ...... ' . ·.' . . .. .. . ·. Lf1i1!§ F-'c.t..< • ' ' • SPACEMAKERS tnn wuie ~ into1 llanrc ,i.e. DRAWER NOW'4'& BREAD DRAWER NOW'5~ TOWEL & WRAP MJW '6ti' OlSP.E.."iSER COB CO Step Stool •Co,,,f0<1 p1dd e-d •••I 1nd btol. 'Wldt , 11111r· ~1t1d•d l ltP•• rw11ll1b!~ vi"n~I ,~inH ... 'llH1 Gold, "''°"' ...OOorB .... -1-J•"• . OllLf '1298 ,.._ __ COBCO Trav Table Set Fo., 11b11t tl'H:I IVft•ibot.11--.. • •ecl.Goldtfl brfft "-· 'f fbl!-&it• tt'Y' ifl • cl>oke of COloni.1 Hi...- " Co1111111110 M.t>i. PtUMl'I. a.,.!""/ -l llot Ol!lT fJ.21111 ' ' 52.88 S:PONGE MOP fJfrJ ·heavy chrome. plated 1;queeze mop. Bli ceJJulosP. sponge • ., •••••• ., .•... (04J H11vy·duty, leak11roof plastic. Use 11 trash can liner or lawn and leaf bag. 22-gal. CIP. 20 b.., ... ' .............. (26) Th~, 9etobfr 30, 1~69 KING SIZE Box Sprin9s & Mattress DAil V Df!.O"t J 2 S YEAR GUARANTEE Twin f.un Queen $44.95 $54.95 $89.95 HEADBOARDS You• C~oi c 1 lllNG QUE!N FULL of Colo" TWIN ~121 !.1s.so s49s Sl 2.50 Sl 0.50 _1/l lllt. N. of l'th St. IN01t to Frior Fl•lt) Doily 10·'-Sat. 10°& Cl1eck Your Horoscope Here is bow: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 = sz5~ Free safe deposit box for as long as you maintain $500.00 savings account •f,!! (apptGJdtMt. rnrly cot! to rtnt box at blnk) PLUS : Free service charge on $750.00 or Travelers Checks •7!! OR Service charge free on purchase ol up to 10 tickets lo Iha Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater event• through TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 savlngsaccount =$39!! Stop by and -us to open your accounL L. •• UJ, UOIJ, lOOfl,, Werwptw , • TWELVE omCES TO SERVE YOU DdW11£Y·IAlllWll1ID LUI l°' AllllElfS lllAID C!NTER SOUTH CDAST PLAZA 'llXIOG 1 • cs:• SW. --..... S.. Bwi•dioo, Coll. C--Clil. DOWll£Y-FIRESTOIE TDPAIOA PLAZA MDNTER£Y PARK WHIT11!R DOWNS 1zn L rn ... aw. C-.l'ldf.c.11. 2011.lll<ftlidAWL 1l21li E. W1 1 • .-: SW. LA CftllClllTA ARCADIA MOUllT VlRIOI Bill GARD!IS 21211--41E.U..OlllA" • . 40tll.Y_A,. . &740Lf,,,_A,.. MAii on:a: M01 WHITTllft 90UllVAJllD • lOl ANQll.!S, CAL•o•A = Thors~ay, "ctobt r ~O, 1969 DAit Y PILOT J 5 , , Boot .. b11 /\ uthor We ,1/phabellze llow Cu11 You f 'ind . . . Tl1en1 Other1vbc:" The Bookstall 333 E. 17th SI .• Costa ~lesa 5,18-4611 l~~nlna l~t Pern:•k• t<cuw l [) ·Y·!'ii·T·T·S·T·~ ·Y· f '? Foreign Language? Gibberish? NO! 11 means: O[J Y[JU r.IEEO l [J TAKE STEPS T[J lr:lPfl[JUE Y(JU fl lUTUflE? If so, at no co~t to you. you can be tested t o see whether you Qualify for • career in the Computer fleld -the third·l•rgest but fastest-growing industry In the world tod11y. Don't be 11ttlfled with second bestl Test your Qu.t liffcations FREE at The Academy of Computer TechnOI01Y1 f'hooe or w,;,., 547c947] Union B•nlt Sq ~••• -Suite •O SQul~ Tow1r, Or1n99 ('12111181, NEWPORT COUPLE HELP PROVIDE SCHOOL FOR MEXICAN CHILDREN FO" '"f'-INfOJllMAflOH S£ND THI! COUPON r•••••···································~ . ' • Name Phone 1 . ' : Address City : • • /') ,j ( Co~ple Leads Drive : County Stale Zi p : • • 1 Educaflen: Hlah School O College O • L •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Coast Contributes to Baja Scliool For Top Spotts Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT Nr\\'port Beach rcsicicnts' contributions of pa per, pencils, books, crayons and rnoney ha1·e received e g l cc f u I i,1·clromc fron1 !he p oo r chilciren of La Ladrillera slum in L.1 ·r~17, Hnja California. J ohn and G c n e v i c v e JACK'S STA". STA. YOUR HEAOQUARTERI FOR PREST-' PREST& LEVI'S~ TRIMCUTS MR. LEVI'S LEVI'S' Blu e Je1n1 ... $5.91 LEVI'S' Corduroy1 ., ....• $6.SO SLACKS SLACKS LEVI'S ' Sli1·Pre11 J11ns ., .. $6.91 1s.so rROM LEVI'S' Nuvo's ........ ,, $1.00 1s.so l[Vl'S1 Fl1r11 ........... ..... t• 111.00 •• Ei TORO SAN (LlMINTt 113.00 Dl\I\ Y 10 A D/11lY10109 Solidi & Pla ids fr1. 10 tori sur;, 10 10 .t · 5UN, 1110 4 UNIVERSITY (!$.r,{'rf'-•/..7-. 1?13 Horbor Blvd.• CO$IO M1~0. Col1for.,1a ?2627 DESK AND CHAIR SALE! WOOD DESKS $99 11 WALNUT 30" x 60" METAL DESKS 30" x 60" CHAIRS HIGH BACK • EXECUTIVE • SWIVELS $99 11 Other Executive Swivels FROM $7488 ----·-----------------~-- \\feisblal, volunteer educa· tional 1vorkers at !he tin·shack colony at the tip of the bleak peninsula, returned to the area i,1•i\h the donations this month lo find a new school building under construction. The pair. frie nds of Balboa residents Mr . and ~trs. Dcbf'r \Vhilehcad, last summer col- lected the materi<1 ls f o r speci al projects \vith poor J\.1exican st.udents. llarbor area r c s id e n 1o; ans\\·ered the appeal Of the couple with boxes of learning malerials. '.f'he. Whiteheads followed the t.·i ti:t.en donations wllh U;elr own of sportinR good.'), in· eluding volleyball and baskel· ball equipment. \1·hich \\'ill be put · to use in Uie hol, dusty slu·m. "\'t'r have collected about all 11·r can hand le." t.I r s , \\'h1lehead said today. "The real problem isn't get· ting the items, ir~ .getting the m down to La Paz." I/arbor a r e a yachtsrnen planning crui~es to La Paz will take some or the equipment along, she said. ·tn !he mcan tirnr. I h e \Veisblels, , fonner poverty· i,1·ork volunteers in lh£' United State:;, will stay a! least a ye"r more in Baja California \'.'Orklng "''ith the chitdren as lielpcrs to regular teaching Slaugl1ter End E11ds KC Hotels KAL\'SAS CITY AP) -The ciecl1nc of Kansa.~ City as ii l1 vest~tk slaughtering center ha s caused the closing or the ~tockyards HGLel. a l:1ndmark rn the stockyards distrlc:l for ti ! years. Thou.~and.~ of catl1{' stream· ing in1o the rnarkct once nir.an~ tha t many \.\'ea ry cal- tlemcn ne.cdeQ a handy place to sle{'p before heading back to the ranges. ''Right after the war we had 45,000 cat\le in the stockyard s on a Monciay mor nl ng , .'' r eca lled Mrs. Edward Ross. whose father bought the hotel in 1920. "Now \.\'hal do yoo have':' Abo ut 2,SOCI." In the boom days. when Kansas City was second only to Chicago as a li i;iestock market, there 11·ere sc.v~ral hotels in the s t oc k y ard s staff. "\Ye arrived on the opep1ng day of school." Weisblat said, "and found that the school which ,everyone had ('Xpe<:lcd lo be ready had not e1•cn hf'en started yet. The chi!drrn fou nd patches of :.hadc to liold tlassC's. One group u.~cd a Pepsi sign as shelter " \Vl!hin a fc 1v days of the couple's qrrival , h o w cv er, n1ateria\s for t h e new school bega n to arrivt'. Since thr.n parents don11t111~ lheir 1ime have hegun lo hu1ld the masonr.v \\'alls and 1n~\:1ll lhe roof of lhe slurn's !irsl school. ''ll's taking, forni \'£'ry ,,·r.lt now," \\'eisblat said, tn a later lcurr. The. next project. hr r.~· plained, 15 to inten·st lhe area's 12 and 1:1-ycar.ohls Ln start t he lcnrn1ng pnx.·css, ,sn1nclhing thry li<nr 1g11orcd throughou t thcl1· ll\.C~. "\\'e arc thinking ahnut :ir1 pr1Jgra1ns for ll1f' 1lropuu\s who nc,·cr dropped 111 " fl lurh t:f lhe. in atrnals donnt ed i11 1111· iinpr1 1111plu ~un1n1er r<1n1p;_1ign 111 Ne\1·pur l Bench ll'ilJ br used tor !ll:\1 1:l· I ort. In th{' n1ran11111r. w1 \l l{' 1hr ~chonJ is h<'lng hu1ll 'and slnw · n1n\·ing p]<1ns for v.·at !'r :inrl H II rlC"ctriral ~l'r\'1cc 1o 1! arc a O'\'CC ll rr:.oh·,·d. 1hr """a·), c1111r1rrn ilff' going tu :>(;hU11] 0111 111 P t SI l J Unors. 31"1.tY a c "That 11•il! elUl llE:C' soon. II(' A II II hope," \\'e1sblal added. a owctn cos l um c1-------------paradc and penny rarn1vti l 1vill be pre s ented 111 \\'est111instcr on Friday hy lhc 1 city's Hccrcation and P:irk:.• Dc partmenL j Thr par;idr, 'co-sponsored b.v U1e Bl csscci Saera111r11L Schoo l Parents Assoeia!1011 . hrg1ns at 6:30 p.m. at Sigler !';.irk. i200 PJaz:i ~I. I Awa rds will be prrs<'ntrd 10 ' you ngs ters wearing coston1cs 1 showing originality. lhr bes!' tlallo"'·een Spirit. and the 1nos1 rlnborately <l{'coratcd i:ns- hunc. Come to this Christian Science Lee lure 10:l0 t1.m.-!'.a1~1d11y , Nti•. I H11nlinqtt1n Cin1m11 Th•alre l etich 81,d. at Elll1 The carnival, Riso st•hrdulcd for Sigler Park b{'111'rcn i p r'n and !I p.m., will feature a spook house, g;imr hooths .i Soon•orod b,,. food booths and J:allo\i·cen j fir~t Chu•'ll of Cllritt, ~ci1t11liit Hu111111qton iea(lo games and con,Le~s,ts~.jijij~jiif··~~!lllllll INSTALLED CHAIN-LINK FENCING di ~trict. ·and the ~tockyards1--------~---------------I :~~·~~.;;~its IOO rooms, w" LOSE WEJGiiil'''"'l'HIS WEEK Now <inly one remains -the West End Hotel. Odri~ ... C•" h•lp you btco'T'• lh• +ru•• ilim P~"o" vou '"'•"! to be. LlVf!SIOck brokers say the Odri~ ...... ';"Y •~b1tl •nd •••ily 1w•llow•d. Co•l•;n, no d1nqe•Cu• flcellne of the Kansas Clly cat-tlr1191. Na 1t1r~1"9· No 1pee1•( ••••t.;1;.. Gel ,;d cl·~''" f it •nd 1;~, tit market wes caus~ by lon<1 •r. Od•in1 1 ht.• b•en u•ed 1utcr1dull v bv 1~011••nd 1 .11 ••tr !~• auiomated slaughtering opera· c.011nt.y lo• a••• 10 v~•11 . Odrine~ e-0"1 Sl.15 ••d th t 1,,9, eco"omv . _ . Ill• $~.2 5. Yau mu1I lo•• u9lv fA I or v~•H !"lonrv .,..,11 bt r•lunded bv t1ons In sma!JU p!anl.'5 acros.~lvour d•uqg;,1. No q_Ul ,1;0 "1 ~•~ed . Sold w>t l. 1•01 qu•<An1ee bv: the country near feedlots Cl.4WFORD 'S RIXAlL: l'Ji.4lM.4C Y-JaO~ NEWPORT IOULEV.4RD whete catlje are fat lenerl. -M.4 1l ORDIRS FILLED "Artistry, in Moving" for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 ---- 1st R ec ruits To Cratluotc ~ASXIN·IOIBllS Tht• ()ran~e CotJnt1• l'tat-e , i fJJJu·crs' Acadeiny ~011\ -;ind 1 \ Colden West Colleges llr:il -I c l;1w rnfurccnll'nt cla~s "''Ill t;radualc Nov. 15. i''1fly rcc:r111ls lrorn eight CJ· ~ ...J ty police t1cpart1111:nts iiave \,.._ .. ICE a been 111 a 111ne-i,1l·C k lrainin~ ' C EAM course, slullcd lhl s year Jron1 .,...,,...,,,,,,. Or1.tngc Coast Colltt:c t u t;oldl.'n \Vc~l Ci11IPK"· Thl· p11bl1c: 1 ~ 111111rd to an npeu house fro rn J.fi p.1n . Nov . 15, :1l lht~ 1'•lllei;1-. 111 ~on )tlllCllOlt 11·1lh J.:fdtlU!lllOn. 247 Broadway Lo9Yna l ea ,11 -~'14·'117• Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. BIBLE THOUG H1'S Ett!•11al Hell: Lo1110 :, ,.,d lod ov •bout H.lt. Yt.t, th• '"" • B•bl t whoch pod•••I Gcd. c~ .. ,1 ond h••••n .1,0 po""•••v •nd obundo ~tl~ le•<he• a l Helt •~d ~~. o •• ;1. H~ll W<ll "ol .... d. lo· mtn. but ••II.,~, fo1 So•~n 1nd h" •nqel1 M.tt. 1~ 4 1, 'Ye! ,.,I men .,.,I! bo rho rt woth )•Ion th1ouq~cu• ~leon.tv 1 M ,fl,nn1 !odfty •oq vl ft rlv ,,.,.,,,..<! ''"' •~'<" woll iend !hem to Ht l!, M en• com'"'O•l •MOii'} ,,1ch ''"' >'• !,,no :n•uol '"'mor oldy •nd J,un ~enn.,._ rho1• •r• ''""""'HPd 01 -fr•volOu\ m•nne< wolhoul !l.ou9ht ol !hp Hell ... h:ch ... ;11 •P•~''-Much ,, •~uqh1 Tod•v .bo~t ••• '""" •o •chool chold ten, l h•y o•e told tho! l~u• ''NO LAVI •9•:n1I "unmotr•e d'' •e•. t.ut thot rl ;, .. ,on9 ooc;olly, Yot, thera IS • 1-w. G<1d'1 l•w. •9~'"'' ,, •nd it ,, w•on9 £TERNA Ll Y, •~nd""1 !he oflr•do r lQ Hnll. I iefl, 11 1, Re•. 21 :81, In odd,. loo n !ho B<ble '"•~ no I IAR '' lJ RUNKARO ,h~ll onlo• H•••e n. (Re•, 21 :8, 21 :1S. I Co •. 6 IOI. Je>Y• l~vgh! !ho REAlllY of HELL I M~tt . S:]/.JO. 1~ ~l .Ab l On• '"n <10 to H"ll b·1 d1>•nq r.,1 "' 1t•'•d •bo•t . And •110 by d o ;~9 NOIHING •bo"I Je >u• ••d h'! oeo!h on 1h r ''Oii I~•••"· Ju1I 1.t on0 :9'>oro '~r S•»O' 41nd You .,.,II be lo'I etrrn41iy. Ho l•;d, ''-He ih ~1 be l;o•eH1 ""' >holl be d-mn~d I MO IC 161. "If v• lo•• mp, l e~o mv <omm•ndmrnh". IJn. 14:15. I J~ 71 t .6, M.11. 1.21-21 1. VISIT lho Chu«h of Ch.\11 717 W. W il10 ~ S.t., Coil• Me10, C •l;I. L•! uo holµ you 11udy !he B<bl•. "'~on this Frigidaire Jet Action Washer Aapidry-1000 spins fa:;\.lJ u~-g e 11ilc 10 extract the drip lrcm your laundry. Many pieces ar& rea dy for i roning. Th is \Vasher a lso features Jet Aclion Agitation • Automatic Soak Cycl e •Jet-Away Rinse & l int Removal • Aoller- matic Mechanism-no be lls, gears or pulleys to wear, 'NObble or br<>;>k.! FR!J.{ -W~Llo l~•r I"'' '••1 ... ntn ~OU bu~ I"" 1 tlQ•cl•"• 'o'lllht •. ""'"' ....... ~•lly ""~'" ... UOn' 1oheMr. 88 Fabric Softener Dispenser .. i:G§; ~ - Hurry! Supply limited Don't waU 1. Offer is limited! ©DAVIS BROWN 411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa . ' .. , ·•. -· ·' .; ' ~ ·, -; ·' i _, ., .. .• • ' ,. " .: •. •. . :~ •' " .. ,. ., " .• •! •. ~ ·'!: Dr.l ly 9-9, Saturdny 9·6 646-1684 J ...... , ____________________ ... ' ··~ \ . --. ---------------------------------------~· Marxist Insurgents THll'IJl.T, U-b.JIH111 I \f'1 Mllf\lSI Jn,urgrnl' h~!.H 111,111 U1c bnttl1·n1l't\l.:> of ii 1:1:h r11 tury ~·:1~1 le 1h31 pru11dl·!l 11.,. 1 rusarh:r:. 111!h 11nt· 111 1111·,r l.;s1 :>1runl.!hnlds. Hiflt•s ':11111 111.J1'hlllt' gill•• Hlildl' 11! tht• S111 ll'l l ril<111 .111d (',,1111nu 111~1 Ch1n.1 P''''i.. ln'll! fl;!ffll\I '1 11' II! 1111' I .ii•! lilt\ f. 1•.11l!'i a.~ lern·agr rebels \\•ho •JW •lll lht' lhu11gh1s or ~!ao TSl'· 1.1n u trade fire With J..(>baneSt! •u!1l 11·r~ 1 1.t• reht'ls se1zet.I the Cha· 1, ,1.1 !it. Gilles 111 su pport of \r:1h guerrill:i tlrm;unls f1.;r lr11·d111n to raid Israel froro 11.,~< ~ 111 Lt>banoo. They ha1 e h, Id rl lur .~ix d;i_v.s now, bu;is11ng that anything the f'rus<1dcrs could do, they can du be.UC'r. The Crusaders held the cas- l!t'. ~·hirh do rni natcs lhc Oh.I Cuy of Tripoli, for 100 years. l>t[1\.Jng off Saladu1 's hordes hut finally bowing before 140,- 000 l\loslcm ~·arriors In 1289. The <111cien1 citadel is held Using no1\' by some 40 n1en who l'f111ld be reinforced <1u1ckly if <in assault seemed lmm111en!. .. Vi'c are strong enough lo beat off <iny auack," rlaimed a stubble-bearded c:istle con1· n1L1nUant code·named J\.bu Sail f.lohamn1cd. f\1olla rn n1ed v;as issui ng or· de.rs wlule his rebels scurried Lebanon Crusader's from \ anLage PIJllll to \"antage point re1urn1ng the fire ol army snipers. One yuungs1cr, his green and brown tiger suit con\rast· ing sharply with ll1t' A:l'ay wa!Js ol the castle, toppled frorn a lrulUcr, a bullet U.U'Ough his ltg. Jn the town below, a l'Uff(•\V -... ·---~ has be<'n relaxer! and barr1- l·ades sealing off 1he Casbah par11ally removed, But sov. l'r1une11l troops. euntenl Lo defend the port and commer- r 1i:1 I cenler ur li1e city, h<1ve 1nade no atlernpt to rnove in. Abdul Majid Rafai, "42-year- o!d boss of Lebanon's out- lawed Arab Socialist Baath part.y and one of se\'eral an1i. governmenL leaders in Tr1poh, l·!aims !ht' \'JO!enre is designed lo ex ert prc51>ure 1n fa vor of tl1e guerrillas. ~le says the Con11nun1si p :i r l y and the f\·l :i rxist Arah nat1onolist n1ove- mc11t are hts allies. 'fht' tv.1ce-ja1led llafa1 de- nies he is pdrticipating in a Castle· re.volut.Jon. But outside the cities, the f'a1nps of P<1JesL1nian refugees ha1'e been turned into fort· resses, and most able-bodied men carry ~·e<ipons as mem· bers of guerrilla organizations. 1'he main road to Syri a is cut by guerrillas in the Nahr El Ba red camp. The Big __ ~~=-=---~ Sears i I Toy Box at J\fini Jtanl'f' or Sinl 2?:1' 1",,r n1,uiJr11re 1,.1, .... , .J ,,11 ~ ;.iuJ Ji,,11 h<JU:.<:t. r-..1..ul J ·r.,\'s ;ii ( ·' f\\ l ''f l'r 1• e( f· 1 111 ~~ IJnll.,; ]?! "' \ \.11 ! \ ' 'I '•\ ' "' I 111> "'I : 'r '' L"'' '1'1)\' ,IT ],.,~.'(''! Pr1 ~t-~' :1.1•,._ ·r.i1,1 ,. Hr11 I ( l1 air :-lt'L) 0 .4"' 1\l :1l1t·I'~ 11 .. 1 \\ 11 .... 1. '.'-tr111 ·\1'11"11 ."'•'I __ ,_q; \f 111 i-l .:1r ·r r~u·l'nrt. ___ 9 . 97 l' .. rl..rr llru•. \l 1•1111pul ~ __ 1,4 ' \l ,11 1<·l" .• "J",1ll..i11,i.: Har·l,ir l>oll 'l .C)I <JP.EN :SUNIJA YS • • • for Your Sl1oppin~ Couvrnicr11:1· STAHTLl\'G NOV. 2nd 1592 itl"~-~Jt.e'/,_~_ ·'----'---' ,.;...;., --' ,\\.11·, I '" ' .1. 1 .. 11t 'l f 'r IO l'~. ·' (l t c. "' b i,1 t> 'Pf'"·'""~·' 10' l•.111l t·•I """· 1'- t • "'"':1 .... ''" l·or<"t.11.!.C ••UP,Jr <An., 1n°•r<'. r.1.1111011r \X i ~ \-.•o!l'lnH'!ll __ ,l .'J I ll1·~1111u•r'.~ Bollrr ;-.1.:+lr' _ I . 77 llodl :-;1,.1•111·r-"ll'"ll••r l .t1.f !<1•1111·11·1" HJ ln -"-11""·11· \II I :l .11-1 \\;ill..i., '1",1Jl..ir 11 .?Q '"" E1r h· \.:--1.. .. 1 .. 11 2.-18 ld1·al"li Ita l ·~· hil't:I"'~ 4"9 All l1lt".1! ·1,1y, .u 1 .. !V. t'~[ l<rmro'~ F ru ~1n1tion llall_1.9f'i ) ahtz(f' -( ;1J 111t. <)f SI.i ll__ I . 7h l'la)"koo l '.~ ·r) l..r Bil..r ___ •t .88 ldra1"1< \l11 rhlP lll"ad '.l.·J·1 l'h1) 'l'ap1• 1\lu,ic \lu~·hi nr _tJ.97 \1 :utc l'" fl (1I \\ ltrrl~ Suprr- f:l1 afjl!'r!°"p rinl Ra.-1• ~·w1 _ 7.97 -2. 78 ldr al'• :\1ini .\lolorili,· 528 A II ·ru)·~ .ir l.u1\'l'~C Prices. 4ss ·""""" """".Ith '"',I" 1.1,., rt.Ir. \l.1.••n"~"h/>JI· ""' ,.,] ,_,,,,n h Jf ''"'"~· d"mf" "'~ f:lr1;lr;1 I ( :,1r~ 2896 A II r t don 1.0)'S 31 ln'l\'C'St Pr ile~ .. 11 .. fl !>lrnrn t O-inr '1 'l"rif'~···f ,. 697 1\ II J l1·J,iron1 -r,·r~ at I n11'l''t PrH t'~- }'i11h f"r Prill'.r l"lay •·amily 1,9 94 f J A 11 1·1,hc r ~1.'111.0l:J,,.-Pra I.' "J'ui s ,11 Ln"·csr Prict·s. ~lill1 t"l's llnt \X h rr l.~ Car"--66r '1"111nhlr-1011P• ~,.._ ___ l 2 .94 Tiny 'J'nn~il ()nzrr 5 Rl· OiJ. u,.11 l'uzzl 72c l'l:iy f)oh t'our Pa · 63r. 1:!7-1'1., Tlnkt"r To~ Sr 1. 78 Boys' 20-in. :Spyder Bikes. Low l'ri crd'. • llip:h ri :•~ ltandlt har•, 2 697 ,.hit1: buckcl banana ~ea t • c:o;.blf'r hr<1 l.t', l.nohhy '""' ~-";.;,._""lice • i\lc1allir. r;o1l color Boys' 10-Speed Bike • :0:111011111 IO·~rrcJ gr.ar J c· r aillrur •I .rutf"r·pllll hand hral.f"~ .•11'1 • hnlh l•l1rrL.; in .ii ~,,, n11d • \r1~ har pro1ect~1r ror 1lrr:.i1ll1·ur • Br;HJlJful nan1bo~<1 nl j!tJl d :-=t-eri;; Low Pric~! 5488 ~ ~L ' . . . - (;iris' 20-in ch :S pydcr Bi <'y<'k • p,,""l"~l"ip h 1;:l1 r1-r bJTJ- 11 j,. li:ir· • \\ ldll': lo~n.1 11,1 ·•·,1r 1,:.1.111.·h 111id1.1•1o;:l11 [il"f'< • c.t.rnn1e 11la1rd rin1• ;i11 d f1•r1d .. r• • l·la111 h11 \a11r ~"''"" .•. ~ti. 111c li ~1 l•' /'\) ' s .. ars 20-inch 3687 Junior Bicycles • 1:lt 11 Ji ,. rnn,rrtr d t(I full ~i1e ~I'.' 1lr r hi kr ~ trwi nt'r wht'rls 2988 • 1 ,irl~· in blur; h1J):.' ntagcnl~ I :on\•ertihle Style I 6-in. Bike 'nr~• \ •lu•: 2288 1h·IT>f"'""1r \Jf!f>"r 't.~r, ,,.. .. ~"1C'• p1d'1 h1~r .. Tr•inini •·he<'[) J!!K hf d, Mt~n1a. ~---------------~---------------------------------, tlllt« ,,,.~T A 114400, ~1\ A.SlO 11 MONlC c;1 3.391 1 1owc; lf lc~ HE .s.0111 f'Olil.OM,t, ED 2-1145, NA ti.ll61, YU 6-67l1 "co Wf 1·'261 ~TH coAsr nAu. l'0-l33J I I cAHOGA r.i,l ( )AO 066 1 C.U>IO•U CH j .\OOA, Cl '·'6t1 01.,111ric , w10 AN l -.S211 .$ANIA ill'IA Kl 7·Jl71 tO.uNCf 542·1511 COMnow NE 6.1,11, Nf 1 )161 ._011YwooD HO 9.39'1 o •o'IGt 631.21 00 ~ s•NTA rr sn1NGs '''·8011 vALirr K> J.14'1, n<C-2:220 I I covv-11. 966-0611 11-c.trwooo OR 11.2,11 rl~•DIN.\ 611 1211, JS1 '111 s S•r-11,. ...,ON1C,. fX A 471 1 vtl.11.0l'lf rt 9-1911 ... --------- ------------ ---ears ---------------.. ---_, "Soti1foction Guarante1d or Your MoneyBa<k" ._.. .. Qllol,U,lllO co.. Shop 6 Night& Mondoy through Saturday9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M. . -. ----~----------------------..-----------------··--. --·. -·· ,, ... ~ ...... . . ............. -· .. --··--·-·--·--~- ~men JEAN CO X, 494-9466 • ,.,, 11 HALO, NEW ANGEL -~11rprised that he has bee n named Guardian Angel by 11H' Jl ;i rhor J\cv of Child (;uidancc r ent er of Oro1nge County is Robert N. Weed. i nfi9 Tf'Clpl t'nt 0( the anilllil l honor. l'rcscnt1ng-1l1c 1rophy during lhe annual Presidents Bcccptioa 1n lhc Ne\vport Be ach hon1c of l\1r. and ~'[rs. Norman Cirklc is ;\Ir.'. J . 0 ·11,ir.i Sn1ith, 1rarbor Key prcsi denl. Pu bli sher Cit ed Hall of Fame New Guardian Gains Angel Orangr !"1•11ntr. c·.11i 1.1rnla. Popul;:it1on· J,404,140 mortals and eight ant;els -gl1:1rd1:i11 1,111gcl:-., Lh:1 t 1~. The eighth g11a rd1a11 a ngel, Robe1l N. \\'ecd. has just joined the ranks of t hn~r srlt:c!cd in prc\'i0us yenrs by the l·la rbnr Key of Child Guidance Cente r 1Jf Ot"i.ltl,.:l· ( ·011111). .\llllf>llll('~ 11H'111 r1 f 1hr idcn tdy nt 1hc. f;11n nli;:in Angrl \Vas made dur- iPC t1l!' (1 111111,\1 l'rt·-..1dcnl'i l{er cp1 1011 lio~ted b,v !l;:1rbor Key in the home of :--11 .• ind ~Ir:-... :-.1 1111lJn Cirkle o! '.\c\1·port [;C';tch. Gi\'C!l ;1111111"lly, the honor i'-pl'l'"en1cc1 to a c1 t1zcn 11·ho gives of hi1n- ~C'!f for lht• cnn11nu111l\' .ind 1h11 c·h t!rl (;u1d ;i n1"c ('t'nter a nonprofit Jo1v cost P"~chi1lr1t' rln11 t' fnr crnnl\onJlly (\1<;111rbc·d children of Orange County. Otlu·r <;11 .11rl1.111 1\llJ:l('I" \1hnsc nan1r~ 1101\1 arc in the Angels lla!J of i ·.i1ni• .111d 1· l1t 1 11t'l1• 1n\ilt<I 10 Ilic rl'CC'pl 1n n ;1Jong 11·1th their \\'ives. are (\ \\, t:H 11,11!! \\.ilil·r 1 :ur ro11 Q h ~. ll<1rry l~a!Jb1 1t . :\ndv Devine . Or, Tom J lnb111~011 !lr. !1;1111i I ( ; .. \ldr1 ch .J r, ;:ind ·,\rtllur i\lcl\cnZic. Th(• 11l'\1'~''1 ( ,tJ ;1rd1:111 \n~l·I lS ;] !l;l\I\'(' or Alcxandr1.:1, t.J 1nn. anrl is 1Jit• L1lher (lf lhl'l'C d.:iughlc rs , KaLhryn. i\lwrgo and Roberta. l ie resides \1'1!h hi:; 11ifc und daughLcrs in l\e,vport J3each. Prc~itlcnt and pu blisher of the DAILY flJLOT. \Veed a!so serves as rl 1rector of the OranJ;e County Chamber of Commerce. Orange County Coast Associa tinn and Orange. County Better Business Bureau. The p resi dents nf 1n any !!arbor Arca wornen's organizations were .tuests ::i·t the rccept1011 a nd \vcre greeted by ~1rs . J, O'Hara Smith, presi- dent of I·la rbor Key. Past president s of the s upport group, which sponsors th e Empire Dcbutanlc B::il! ench yc;:ir as jts major fund-rajsing project. also assisted 'vith ho stess <iu!ies. They incl ude the l\1mes, Norman Watson, Ge<1rge l\1ichaud , St c i.vn rt Petersen, lfa rvey Pease. M. A. Ri ehley Jr., R. Il. Ber- nard and John Sparling. . J\l rs. ~irkle se rved as chairman of the reception and ~as a ssisted fn 1tS planning by the l\·lmes. Leon Fry, John P . \\.'right, Louis E. Pratt, La,vrence E. Kittle, \Ian R. Parker, John J. A1cKerren, Harry V. Kemp, Carl B. Pearlston, J ean l\1iller, J . C. Hwnphries, l\1urray Chotiner and \Villia n1 ti. \Vea ve r. Ancient Art Nurtured I· ' 1\' ' ii1 " •I ii ! I ' ' 'I" Bonsai, the ancient Oriental art of dwarfi ng flants, will be the t-opic when Laguna Beach Ebel Club meinbers gather in Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery next Monday at 10 a.m . Mrs. William Dotts ,::els a preview lesson on the art of stunting IJ1e growlh of plants in order to capture their beauty in miniature from Harold Gregg, guest speaker. 11e will demonstrate the pot ting. pruning: and shaping or a Bonsai tree \vhi ch \v iii be given as a doo r prizr Mrs. \Vi!liam llin11·ood \\'ill prcsldc over a bt1s111cs<; meeting foUov.'i ng the progran1 , and l\'lrs. Richard T. Bos\vell and her co1nrnitlec 1ril l ~c r1·c refresh· n1cnt s. The Laguna Line Mouth Wash Bottle Big Hit at Party By JEAN COX Ol 1111 DellY I'll•! 1!1lf HALLOWEEN GOT a big head start lasl v.·eekend with the Queen of llearls' Goblin Hob Nob "'·hich in addltioo to ra ising more than $2,000 for Ch ildren's Hosp.ital of Orange County, attracted some very strange couple!. Take f\1r . and Mrs. William Thomas III of South Laguna, grand pri:ie y,·inne rs, when costume awa rds were handed ou t by \Vllliam G wi n n , "monster of cerem onies." They came as a bottle of mouth y,·ash and the Green Phantom and \\'On a rasc of champagne for their efforts. f\1rs. Thomas was a \'ery au thentic-looking bottle. Her husband, with a green fa ce and green cape, circulated 11·i!h dedication among the l7S nicrrymake rs in the San Clemente Inn handing oul typed cards which re ad. "Once in the morning does it." Other winners were Ann and Jack Knowlton of Emerald Bay, Adam and Eve ; Bill and Mary Beck of South I.quna, a sheik and his harem girl, and Prentice and Jan Taylor of Emerald Bay, a witch and magician. Some other merrymakers "'ho cul memorable figures at festiv!Ues included Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preston of Emerald Bay who came as an owl and pussy cat and Mr. and Mrs. James Delariey of Laguna Niguel who were a pair of handsome devUs. ' ~ ... cu R ic hard f\fudge of Three Arch Bay had a very convinc· Ing costume ac· cording lo re- ports. He came as a hippie and looked so life- like he almost didn't make it through lhe front door. Another in!eresting couple \\'BS Jackie Onassis and her escort. a press photographer. THE DOUGLAS REEVES of Laguna Beach plan to com· memorate flalloy,·een in a somewhat quieter m a n n er tomorrow evening. The couple 1,1.•ill entertain several Laguna Beach friends over cocktails ar.d a buffet dinner . Am vng those invited are the Messrs. and Mmes. Henry Bass. Robert Joyct and Erwi n Darai. The Reeves recently return- ed from a restful vacation in Hawaii, where they had met ont another aeveral years ago when they were bolt! residents of what wu to become the soth ttate. While vacation ing Doug and Sally were houae guests of Dr. and Mr1. Lyle G. Phillips of the Manoa Valley and although they spent most o! their ttme on Oahu, did slip away for a few days to a remote section on Maul where they were the only people on the beach. From thrre I.hey could gaze across the water to two olher islands -Lan ai and Molokai. One of the big moments or lhe trip for Sally was a tea given in Washington Place, Lhe governor's mansion, by the Daughters of the Nile, Among those present was Mrs. John Burns, the governor's wife. JERRY CURRAN, director of Mission Viejo Recreation Center, said much activity is expected there tomorrow night when th ey turn t he mullipurpose room into a Spook I-louse. complete 1vi!h a torture chamber, house of \~·a x, varnpires' cauldron, \\"itches den, a morg ue and other gha stly attractrons. The Spook !louse "' i 11 operalc fro1n 6.30 to 7.JO p.1n. and close until 8 for a 30 miuute break. Jl will reopen from 8 to 9 p.m. Tickets will be 25 cents a person. Mission VJejo Recreation Activities Committee w i I I 3ll'ard young survivors who complete a tour or the Spook I-louse y,·ilh either an apple or hot dog. OTHER ACTIVITIES pla n- ned by the recreation center include a social dance and breakfast wh ic h will take place Saturday, Nov. 15. The dance will take place in the center from 8 pm. to mu!· night and \\'Ill be. followed hy breakfa st, served 111 1\l1ss1011 Viejo Inn, unlil 2 a.in. T1cke1s £or n1cmbers and g11t•:;1s will b(' $6 per couple. SEVERAL Yt'Ol\fEN 11•erl' 1n Palm Spr ings last wee~ !•1 11·;i1·e lhc Laguna Be a c h Ilusiness a nd Professiona l \Vomen·s Club 's bafUler at the fall confe rence for Sa n Orc11 District. California and Professiona l Clubs. Busint2SS Won1cn's Among Lagunans allcnd1n!-: 1\·cre tllrs. Florin 1\ >lartitl, prrs1dct. alonb 11 11h >!11~ Irene 1\lcC!11 rc ~rr11! Jiu· 1\h11t:'. Ilerl Lovelady, Enulv Sln~krr and A. \V Cornt·lius. t\ YU DA ~TES Auxiliary, Ch ildren 's llome Soc 1 ct y . hosted a brunch in honor of it~ <J !'<SOClaLc mcnitcrs in the J\lission Viejo home of J\lrs. Hobert J\1arusich reccnlly. J\lrs. Edward Jl.1 i I ch c 11 , associate membe r s h 1 p chairman, was co-hostess. New associates introduced during the affai r included the Jl.1mes. Burton Allen, .E. B. Carter, Clyde Curley, Vince Esposito, Jack Fleck. Stuarl Gibson, Terrance Hickey, tlar· ry Kenawell, Donald Krran:-, Robert St. John, Will Sooter and Charles-Wilson. New provisional members >M·ho wlll become active 111 Jl.1arch are the !\Imes. Da vid l'rnrnnglon \I Jn I o n Cun- n1ngh;un. Ali-11111 Jone~. Jolin i1·!:1r.,, ,l,unc~ Hussc!I .i nd T11n Str:1drr. Till:. 11.\f. PRICES ;ire bark lro1n v1~11s with lheir relalJ\'('<; 111 l\:in.,;is. J\I is sour 1 , Oklah o1na un d Arizona ;inrl rPport thry foun d the Ozarks a beautiful spot. Tiu.! lughl ight of their tri p 11·as revisit ing the La).; e T~111eycnn1a area wher e. lht·y :.:111' ;i rt' t'n;1ctn1cn1 of l!rirnkl Hell \\'right"s s l o r y, "The Slt!'pl1crd nf !hr Hills·· The l'nccs \rcrr. born in thr. nz;.irks. lie ~:11d lo11n~m he1s: :1n,1tly reac/1cd !hr place 1n a 1rry b1~ 11;1y, and n1cnt1oned 1111 arr·:t arOt!:irl L ;i k e T;.111,._1 c11111:1 ;ond Table !lock L;ike 11 :is becoming cro1vd~d 11ilh Jiroplr, <iutos. motels, nlght tll1bs. harnburgcr stanrl s and gl fL ~hnps. ~IRS. HOWARD HJNRIClfS opened her !'.:merald B;iy home for a recent meeting fo r Ebcll Club of Laguna Beach's literary section which launch· ed iL.'i fall progra m Wilh a review of Art Buch1,1.·a ld's l a t e s l b ook, ''T h e f'~sl11bl ishment is Alive arid \\'ell in Washington." J\-1rs. Clrirence Carson gare 1hr rrvicw which 1vas rnl1011·ed by a luncheon served by J\lri;. Hinrich.'> and hrr co-hostess<'~. JI.Ir.~. Edmund L. Van Deusen and r.·lrs. Anthony Orlande!la . Claim to 'Hostess With Mostest' Title Goes Up • Smoke DEA R A.1'.lN LANDERS: It would 11eem to me that the absence of ash trays in a home "'ouid indicate that the hostess 1vould prefer that he r guests not smoke. \\!hat shoul d she do when they don 't lake the hint' 111Refuse 1(1 i.:ct j;1r l1ris v.'h rn gursl~ rrr111ei;.t a~h lray:. af1cr he1vins brrn told ·' .111 rl n not Q"'n ari:.., ANN LANDERS ~ 12 1 P11~1 11n ''::\o ~111nk1ng" ~1g n.o; in 1hc. living rf'K11n~ 131 \\'hr n 1nv1ti ng /,!1Jr~1~ 1rl l thcn1 in Ad\'an cc that if thry C'an't livr 11111hou1 a clRat eltc for a fe 1,1.' hours lo st11)' home? 14 ) Simply givr up IJ1r 1<1ea or rn· trrl;,inin~ 1.ir,c:r nu111bcro; o! friend~ l'k:f ~r an~wer in lhf' paper. l '1n ."!Ure I'm nnf !hr nnly nnr ;1 1!h the prllblcrn . -m;r11 n A. DEAR Rl:Tll: r•ople who have good ta ste do not a~k for jar lids when lbey see no ash tray1, They a1au me Chat the hostess does not wa nt her gue1ts to 1moke and they abslaln. A httste~~ ~'ho posts No Smoking slpt In h<'r lil·inA room and tell5 people to 1tay home H thry ran'! live without 1 <:l11:aret.- tr , 1o1·ill nnt be bothered ,.·flb "larga numbers of guests." She wlll bal'e other . ·---........ ·- problem a. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Anyone who reads your column couJd guen you have a daughter and not a son. And It'• too bad. Ir vou had a son who waa married to a selfish, spoiled gir l -then maybe you could give your readers some dcant ad· vice. I'm sick and tired of letters In ywr eel- wnn that make the mother-in·law look like JOme kind of a terrible monster. Whenever you print a letter knoc king a mother-lo-law, I receive two copies in the mall Ule very nei.t day. One I'm sure is: from my daughter-in-law and the other one has got to be from her miserable mother. I can't tell you how much it hurts a mother'• heart to ralae a boy and then ha nd him over to a lazy, good.for-nothing who uses pl;istlc tablecloths and buys rtady made pot.Alo salad. You should live to be • hundred, Ann Land•rs, 111nd never know from these things . -MIAMI DEAJl MJAMI : nanka for your lettt.r . 1 ltope you enjoy Ute next one. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope MY mot.her-in-law doesn't think I wrote that terrible letter £rom the pregnant gal "'hO wants to lake care of her own baby whe n she come1 home from the hospital. When my first two babies were born, my mother-in-law was like <in angel from heaven. Thanks to her I got two glorious weeks of rest. It was pure joy. My hus- band had wonderful meals. my older kkf1 Wert bathtd, fed and e\'en en1erlained by grandma . I couldn't ha ve hnrl a better vacation on the french Hiviera. \\1hen she left I cried. ll burns me up whe I read those mean antlmother-in·law lttte~ in you r column . And rlo you notice i1 1111,1.·ays is the boy'.• mother >M'ho ,lll'ls put down? I wish you ·d prinL my lcl!er. Ann , Thcrr arc some pretty 1,1.·onderful mothcrs·1n-law around . r••linr l11·es in El l'.:isu. -SIGN t.IF; DLF:SSEI) DEAit BLf.SSF:O: r,·e gol one ton. f\llne li\'l'S in fle trnit. Thanks ror "·riti ni;. How will ~rm know wbrn lhe rc:il thing comes along ? A~k Ann Landrrs. Sd fnr her booklrl .;Love or Sex and llow to Tell the Differrnce.'' Send J::, cents 1n ('Qin aod a Ion~. self-addressed, staznped en 1rlope with )tttir request. Ann lH~nilrr,; 11111 be gl;id lo help you w11h your probll'n1~ ~en1t thf'ITI In her In care of th l' DAl!.Y PIU)T, rnr losing a sclf ·addressed, ~tampcd envelope , --. -------------:-~~-~--------------~--~ ....... ' . 11 DAJL v PILOT Damas Examine las On-the-go A Fashion Fhn.g in con- temporary sty I es Ydll tM! presented lo men1bcrs (l[ Sunsel Bt>ach IAs 0<1rnas v.·b<'n the group gathers for Its 1 l9th annual fall fashi<ln shoY:. The luncheon and show \\'ill l ake place at 12 30 p.111. Satur- day. Nov . l. in San1's St-afood rr~laurant. l!un 1111gton Beach. Clothes lo bt' fralured \l"iti be lrom ll t>rron ·s of Seal Beach, and 11 111 preview styles designl'd to rnret the nttds of <lo-thr-go C'lub"omen both for lrls.u re and 1o!un1eer hours, ~Ir~. Herrr1n will scr\'f' as fa~h1on {'ot1rc11nator and ?-lrs. Fashions Pal Osb<>m \\'ill otter the com- mentary. Sen'ing as chairman ia Mn. Duck I lendef!iQl and modeling y,·111 be Las Damas members including Ole Mmes. George Chisler, Larry Bartman, Don }'itzGerald, Bill Moffett and J ack Osteen, with Junior Miss styles by ~Iiss Mary Chisler. Proceeds from the fashion sh<>w wi.U go to the many youth..sponsored. aclivities in· cluding a rea Blue Bird groups, youth and civic r ecreation facility expansion and ron- tributions to the American Field Service program. How's Your Hearing MODEL OF NEW HEARING AID GIVEN A mo~t un111 ur free offer of ~pc'cia1 interest 10 those \4' ho h e a r but rlo n o t understand v. ords has just been announced. A .lrue-hfe , actual size replica of the ::rnalles! aid ever made "Il l be gt\en absolutely free to ;in,1 Mr ;ins,1cr1ng thi s adver- t1 scmenL Trv it lo see how it Js wom in t.hc privacy of your O\\n. home v•ithoul cost or obli- i;::auon or any kind. It's yours lo keep free. 'fhe size of this aid is on!y one of many features. VISIT: It \reighs less than one quarter ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No ~·ires lead from body to head. Here is truly new hope for lhe har d of hearing. These models are free while the limited supply lasts, so v.·e suggest yo u write for yours now. Again. we repeat, there is no cost an d certainly no obli- gation. Write for yours today lo Hear- ing Aids, c /o Box M-432, Daily Pilot, Costa ~1esa. ~ rt~~ • •• for • lovely • • • selection of fe minine finery C o1y ·~ ..,,,,.,. 1!11,.w11r * li~11••:1 P.ebt• & Gowh1 * si •• ,. hr11 g,,, b~ l .ty1!1e, • f1111~da tio~• bv Poir•l1 •, Gcu~rd, Ldd~ M tr l•~c Yeyth~r~fl PANTY HOS E by Burlin gton Hosiery Co ..• ONLY 1.99 S4~d, c,.1 ,0~ Me r< G r1 vt 1 ll't rN lh' .... IM '''"' ... '""'-·~ "OllDAY t.AYAllUo Y~I !t Co,..f:id ~bl, •~ Yoyr CvD•" S ~•'"•:•1<"9 i" 0 Ii 00 150 !. 17fll St., C"'• Mne Hlll9'ftl Sq ~are -••2·5430 NOW ... AT FASHIONS FOR • LA FEMME ;) COVERING THE COUNTY -F ind ing out what Horizon Club m embers a ll ov('r Orange County a re doing and thinkin g will be the job of a new Hori zon Cl ub Cabinet. Checking the territory are the new offi cers (left to rig hl J \Vendy Uor- c hester , Newport Bea ch. vice president; Susan Collins, Garden Grovr. secre- tary, and Elaine Kews, Costa Mesa, president. Milestone Reached Clubs Exchange Ideas Through New Cabinet A new level of achievement has been reached by the Orange County Council of Camp Fire Girls wi th the formation of its Hor izon Club Cabinet. Representatives of lhc 10 clubs in the county will mert monthly to exchange ideas and discover the needs a nd in- teresl~ of the club mem- bership. The Tee Tattler !\!rs. D<'nnis Hossfeld, Hun· tington Beach Camp Fire guardian will be the ad\·isor and ft1 rs. Jean Hoffm an, Camp Fire Girls field director is staff coordinator . Ncv.•ly elected cabinet uf- ricers. \Vho wilJ a SS Um C leadershi p Saturday. Nov. I. arc' Elaine Kew, Costa tl-lesa, Okiponka Morizon Cl ub, presi- dent ~ \Vend y Dor(·hestcr, Nc,1•port Beach, OkJponka. 'ice president. and Su~an Collin.~. Garden r.ro\·e, E-Ha- \\1c-Chee, sccrrlary. The group 11 ill meet the first Saturday of each month in the KATHRYN WRIGHT To Marry Summer Date Set Santa Ana Chamber of Con1-Thr i>ni:;agen1cn1 of Kathryn merce building and "'ill be Faye \\"right and Dougl as Glt'n comprised of onr dcle~a1r and one alternate fron1 each club r.arrru ha~ bf'rn a nnounct'd in the cot1n1y. h.1· ~I r ;n1d ~Ir~ l1;1nd<1ll I.. The Can1p Fire progran1. \\"right nf ~l'\1·p,1rt P.1 .1th, 1~ £ :.;::" ,~:~·;.,1~1 c:0iu,:.~ ~.;i"on:_~~ 11 hill' specif 1c in its goals, docs parents nf !ht• bndc-10.be ;;. ir;. '!!!\<:" P:~;~r,;,.~r 1~:'"/a ·~~b': not follow a set cour se. The Plans for a sun1mer 11·cd- 60>" 1)6C. c ... t8 M~. TM~ IT'Y't t>t program is tailored so that th.- Husbands Included The ne"·rst fashions for bolh me.n and women y,·11! be shoy,·n l D members and guests of the Balboa Yac.-ht Club during a .special nrght fashion sh<iw Saturday, Nov. l. Cock1a1ls al 6;30 will begin the e1·cni11g and the fashions ·will bl' paradeJ during the din- ner hour . Ensembles frorn Apropos and A L 'Eleganl y,•ill be 1nodeled by the r.tessrs. and r.1111es. Bruce Chandler, Len South , Dave Young, Kint Kim· ba!l and Dr. and f\.1rs. Allen Cottle. Dr. and ~1rs. Larry Baum and f\.fr s. Sherry Eddy. Describing the fashions "'ill be Jl.tis.s .\tarsha Youst a nd ac· compani!>I "'ill be ftt rs . Edi\ ard Lethen. Newspapers! Aid Parish Bring one or bring a bundle. This is the 1n\"itation being• i ~sued bv Sts. Simon and J ude Parish. Huntington Beach, for the first of an annual series of ORANGE COAST COLLEGE PRESENTS COOKING SCHOOL On the St-ee of the MESA THEATRE, C-Mna -Prepmre for the Holktayt - -PRIZES - THURS., OCT. 30, NOY. 6, 13, 20-7,30 A.M. DIAMOND GEM OF ROMANCE ln• Ol•mond It !tor """'' """"""< Ol •II ptm\, int h•rdl'<I, on• •I "'t m< .. I l)till••nl •nd .,,,.,..11, I~ mo+o! ••l*l"v• "The llrl tMI no~· t• bu"" out" +•ant woy "'• O'-""""' nu °""" dt><<itied. D••'""""' Wtro jor\I lc<;nd In Indio • ...., <! w•• '''"" lmll• lhU "''' "''" tl<'OU\1'111 ID fur<>pe, !io-vr•. '"" h"Mlc A•I•~ "°"'en ••~ ""'"' ''"'""'"' Pr~'"'· Soulll •••le•"• l•m<>Vlo mine. "I''""' by I•• '"" ltrgt>l 111><1n1<!y l)t ;•m 11 ... llt1 D1•monGI· Tnt ~•I"°' of 1111 OM!-ycu purrft••• i~ tne lt,.•lrv >la•• woll dtPt"" "" !au• l•<IOn: colOr, cl•ro!v, cu111ng ~"° <•root wtlgnt. G..,..••I· iv. th• "''"" tal<lrleu ' 51C»lt I>. "" unor "" qu•IU~ V•lue ••II• •• !hf olon• otel><"'• l<!Wflll• • ""'!<!"" tiM. E•tePhan• lo 111\o ru!1 •ro 1n1 vorv '"'"'· c-aloo-od 1>1.,...,..,0, ""°"'" '' "!•r'v" ''°""· F•rN»l' •••m-pln ,,. ~ c1tt9 DIUt HC>PI Ol•mooG. mo ftllo"' f llltnJ, oncl tllo: v•e11t O•n<l•n. Mol'UfP tla ... i or l<Xlutlon• may rol .... m .... 0"1f'C)n(!'t bffllfJ, bu! will lo-• tilt v••111 sll11n•. Hc.,••ior, ll•W> IMI ••• Yl1!blo II> IM ~••.a ev• <lo sorlol.>IJ ~"'"' bOlll t~1 ·-•••net • .., TM v1ru. of !l>t ve"I Moot imoort•nl OI •II i1 lh• qu .. hty of """ U•lllnV. II toke> • \ol o/ !Imo. Po>ll•n<• ..... ••HPl•ll-. No -dlll'TICltl•" At • L•tCtl'f 1!i!<t . A!ld Ill• '""Pl O! • 11i.moo11 wlvn " • mlr>O Of "' Ir"> up la ,,.. pla...,lr9 e•Pt•I to b"P!l ""' It'll bt.r In • •ll•mond'• Pl''°"'"tv Ht win doc<le ...,,,n~r '"" !lni>~ed oern 11\ou"' bl rovnd ·~·· O<OI, -· •11<104' ...... ,.Id <UI, or m ••Qul••. AM h• will Pl•~ -<U• •O 1"-1 ;""'II DoJCll>le. or Ct•b<>n >?011 <•n i. 1UmiNll:l1 Jn tf\C pr~ cn1. Ol~mond• pncn will du,..•d on cul. <l••l!v, <Oil>', •nd ,.,.., "'"'q~1 t•".a tlfl<lw "'" rrcenl q"°!•U0•'1• (P11bl~9d DY Ol'Bttr• Con. i.o lodalod M l~, lrn:.l ?5 Paint> P; <••••l no"' 1HO i.o Polnl• r•., <•••11 •15tt ia U?i 1 ••••• 1100 11111"1>) 11'llO "' 1?,IOll 2 <•••1 !200 paint•) S1.'>Q,l !a Ml,000 (O'Tlt '" •nd It • cur l•ne .. 110 0on ol Olamon1i, WEINERT-CLARK Fine Jewel s paper dri1·es. .:::32 Fashion Island Papers \\'iii be accepted at Newport Beat h, Ca liforni a St . Franeis of Assisi School, lluntinglon Beach, Saturday b-4 4' • 2 0 4 0 and Sunday, Nov. I and 2. andil~ii!i:ii!iiiiiiiii!! all proceeds from the dri\'~I' 14·1JI benefit lhe parish school. League Garden Closes Gates Large Sizes The Coffee Garden, Corona del ~tar, sponsored by the Ne"·port Harbor Ser v ice League, y,•i!l be closed from Nov . I until Feb. 2 so the flowe r garden tan be ex- panded. In operation for more than 10 years, the garden is the !'!ague's principal v.·ays and means projecL and all profits from it are returned to the community. Public Invited Children's lfome Socicly will ~lage an open house to <'<'lehra tr c-ompletion nf it~ 111>1\·!y <'nla rg<'d facih1ic~ in Santa 1\na on Saturday. r\ov. 1. fron1 2 1n 5 p nl. Gown• -the long ond th• short of them - In nylon, brulhed rayon, flannel. Choote your favorit• al Half-5i1• Shop from $6.00 t·, I~ ~ '"""'ve0 "" Mo<><1• ... 1 1 ding were revealed during rl MES• vE•oE g1r s, age seven through high 1 .1 Low c;11o~'·LOw "ET -ci~~• ... school, may explore ,1.idc am1 Y por!y in 1he home o[ -'"• /.',m•• F•~"' P4ddocr, IJ, •aN '_ .,~., "~"1 Sl•d••m•"· 11, ,,,.1 10... range or interrsls. thr bridr-clrct s p<1rcn1~. ""· Joh" V•••u•!h, I&, socond ..,,. n•l. o.,., • .,, 09IJ9••·· II, !""" '"'" nrl. A111ong other aclivities, the 1\11.~s \.\'nnht is ;l gradu<t!r or Cit>\ e. !ht M'""· "'''"""' R~o--•, .... . • "' f,'' 01 ange Coon~) residenls 11·il! h:11l' the opporlunily to see .. adopt ions in action ."' ac- cording to Ed11"ard J. l\tooney. Orange County cl1str1cl direc· lnr. ~6. IQ,• 9ran; RiOw•d Jor1.,.10~. 1i, 1ncn1~rs ass1 ~l 1n pove rty F.1senho11 r r 1!1gh St hrlOJ 111 I '"'' •ow ... ,, O•<I Bra ........ ''· s~or,<! J h r· Id d I . I c 'r Soon at 84 Huntington Center, H.B. IO"""· Ch•rl•• 80,,~11. 11, '"""•ow areas ant ot er ie S, s!u y f1<1 to. '' ~0ph~n1orr al CJ ' ' A .d d ~,'~,.,n~~·~ti. ~~ .... ':r'o.i :-"R'"'T. r::1~~ CflllservatJon, cooking, camp· Or;inge Coas1 "l:ollegr., she I.• In IC I e E((a L _______________ ___, t~.in.'',1:"';~.;; .. /lfo'! !:'.i. r~.;. ~;:"~~ ing, sewing and learn other n12jonnc 111 s e {' r ('I a r la J ) HALF SIZE SHOP M ~ -k l! · ·r~1r C.1 p rc~s 1101111: 01 Dr A ]\ th~os~i'''l: .. 11!.".:00=~. ~".'!hf Mm•'-s "j s. ~("l('ll('C .1;,i'"'"" Olli er 11111 br the se1-~ or s • R•• D•,b•, 11011 Moll••· n, Nit~ 1<011• lier f1an{'r . s.on nl :'llr and u;.,:;•·a~.?'t.~~;.; •. 11j • .;!•,"RJI•. 11~~ :'llr~. .l\ennl'lh Garrpl j o! !111g rnr a J:ish1011 ~holl' ;ind 1805 Newport Blvd., Costa Me1o1 m ~i'."c1~~~(~;. i'.lmt~i·y~~11~1·~o;;_1~'i: Blu e Star Mom s B1alto. al~o i1;i.~ cr;:idu<it ed polhH·k buFfrt at 7 30 p m . l T ~..:i '"1'1 block 11orttl ef 11ttl Str!Hi" fl~'"• wn-.,,.,. •1. J~m•• M'''"'''· fr orn E1~rnho11·cr 111,h and ncx ue"'-1<1}'. ~"·''· w. C Will••"'•· II Ho11": ,,]II t• 5:)11, frid.-, t• ,:00 ~.~~."M~ .. ~~·~·7, '~~ ... ~ .. ~~·. J_a~.~ Hunling\on Beach Blue Star no\\' allends Vall ey College 1n Sponsoring organ1L,111on i~ oA1 vr•<1e t •c'"'"· M". Fr~n>. ~ov l\lotht·rs. Chapter 2 s:ane San Bernardino 11herc he 1~ !hr Oran"e County Ch1 roprac-"1 .. D4 or1119•hi• M•Jt. F~11"""" BE llAHt"O S•N JOlOUIH ~ ~ I low NET. oc1 1t -Tn~ '·'"'-mect1n_lls e1·cry l\tond:iy at ~t ud~ ing h1sror~ .'.J!ld l~ a tic Sof1etv ''uxillarv. P roceeds Jo~" C.o~"rl. 61, l!t•"''" EWl>tf!. ••• ~n k " k JI • Lo-J c 1 l!d,,...,1om .... ,.,, w •a"' 1· ..... prn. 1n La e r ar mcrnbcr of the l'O cgiate !en-'1!1! ~11ppnr1 lhe s Ange es I ~;f,!,~~'i. 1,~•rr~~ ca11·"•· Oon•><I _:C~lu~b~h~o~"~"c· ________ __>:n~<Ss__'.l':'"~'~n':_-____ _::_ ____ C<:<>nJ~lr~·~rjo~l~C~h~'~'°~P~t~'_:c~UO<CC~l m~;~,~-J~=:=========::::::::;::;::;::;=:=:;~~~~=~ CREATED WITH EVERY WOMAN'S FIGURE IN MINO The croo£r, :oft uplift, c.orn fo rtable <!I'.. well a'.. lashicnable, i'.. p ort of cac.h Bali des i g n. And there ·~ a Ba li for every fe ~hi on in yo ur wardrobe. See our marvelou-:, c.ollec lion and let our experts help you ~elec I. "Sky-B•I;" ;, w1,,tc. 32-3 8 B. C 7.50 32-38 0 8.50 "Water Bali' in whi te. 32-38 C 5.00 32 -~0 D 5.50 32-40 DD 6.00 fashions for •.. F•,hion l,land -N•wporl lle•th Ston•wOod C enl er-Oo.,..n•y .....,,,_lc."'11, M•tirt' CNr••· le '•"'-C"-'•• ' iow NET. OtT 11 -Tn• ,_,.,, ...... t'••t>-" .,,~•t•n I• 0!0(~8<d0 V~"•" It .. '"v (Oll•m. 19. lOW NET. OC T. II -'·''' (Tl8ri•' HEY MOM '"""'"· ,,_ ....... ,. . ., '"""'"· " . IRVl"I: COA5T I Bl!ND HINE -(l~n "• ! .... l.'m•\ r.•00 10 ( !.<~••, Ja~n l Pa•~· :.1 (;••99 l••ur ll. (l~n II !Tit Mrn•• " J 5;.,.10\.G'I. ll c,,......g• M C.rtn• 1: Oto<' lt~•. JS . Cl<I" C. '"" "'"'~ I 5M'TI .... t\, lJ . Jf~~~· C.ro"''"'"" -,. 11~1>•"' Bu•i.-r JI (I~•\ D, ·~• • • /.' ... ~• Y, ii,~,,, I>(("'~ ... I>•• (!~··~· )/ ·• ('rod ( /If,~'' "!I "'"""' ~ Coeds Bid BvAlumnae . . C1r1.~ Interested in findin; n11 t n1ore about Scripps College and their mothers are in1·ited to a tea Saturday. Nov 1. in the Laguna Beach home ol ~l rs. Eugne Parker. Two Scripps students y,·ill OC present at the 2 p.m. affair lo 1 an~l\er question~ and talk about 1he school. ftlaking arrangements for the tea are members of Orange Counly Scripps Alum- nar. the r-.t me.!i. Bart Brown. \\"il\iam Parrish. Robert BUS!l. Hobert Smith, Charlrs Huegy Ho11·.1rd \\'oods, T ho m a ~ .lohn!lc111 , Alfred DunklE't' and Alicia Giacomazzi. Benefit Staged In Santa Ana Thr l ir.~1 annual fa shion .!'holl'·luncheon of lhe Oran~e County Auxiliary, Cali£om1a Cha pter ~tyasthenia Gra\"is Foundalion 11.·ill lakt place 1n thr Saddlcb;ick Inn. Sant.a Ana next Saturdav. at 11 ·JO a.m. You Asked for It! NO AGE LIMIT ... ADULTS WELCOME • 5P\RK Ll ;\'G l\'ATURAL CO LOR'. Kodak Colo r Produ<:cs used cxclus1vc- lv by skilled, professi onal poruair rhorograpbcrs. •CHI LDREN A.'\ll AOlJLT>'. \;roup~. Only ?9c peor su bicct. f ull ro~c:. •SATI SFACTION GUAR AJ\TIED: You must be pl«.!ied or rour mon<"y is refunde d. • OFFER 15 Ll~llTED! One portrJ.it per 1ubjccc, "-'O r cr lamdy, Sears The beneiit's funds art' rannark~ for ~lyasthenia Grav is . a serious ncuromu~lar d isease !hat is frequently rrippling, atways expensive and .!iO mt limes Arai/able <tt t/1 e }'o/101ci11g Sears ::iwres -12:30 to 8:30 PM. fatal. • Special g11esl-~ 11·ill he ~11 ~~ Pa1ricia ftlorr1~11 . star of music con1edy a n d J\lr~ \\'hltne.y Ell~worth, founder or CANOGA PARK Oct. 27 thrn Nov. 1,1 COSTA MESA Oct. 27 th1 u Nov. I 11 GLE NDALE Oct. 27 th1u Nov . h t LONG BEACH Oct. 27 thru Nov. 1,1 ORANGE Oct. 27 th1u Nov. I st PASADENA Oct. 27 thru No v. I st POMONA Oct. 27 th1u No v. I st SANT A ANA Oct. 27 thru Nov. I st the foundation . !---------------------------------- SANTA FE SPRINGS Oct. 27 thru Nov. ht TORRAN CE Oct. 27th th1u Nov . I st VALLEY Oct. 27 thru Nov. lot ·--------------------------------·---··------··---.. --···---····---··--·---· TERRY McLAUGHLIN News Rtvealtd • Terry Mclaughlin To Morry in June A June wedding is being planned by Ter· ry McLaughlin and James L. $\1·eeney of La 11esa. News of the forthcoming event has been announced by the bride-elecl's parents, lvlr. and 1••lrs. Ha l J . McLaughlin. J\·Iiss 11cLaughlin, a 1965 National Char· ity League debutarite. is a graduate of Co- rona d el .r..1ar High School, Orange Coast College and California Stale College at Ful· \erton. ll-'here she now is work ing toward her teaching credentials. Her fiance, son of \Villiam P. S1vee ney of San Diego and ?\.1rs. Lois Beson of Po"1ay. is a $!'faduate of Helix Hi gh School and Gross· m ont College. He v.•il! receive his BS next J une from San Diego State CoUege. Juniors Sponsor • Two Exhibitions A f ternoon Rites Patricia Knight Wed SI. Andrew 's Preshvtl'rian Church was decora1ed with t·andlellght \'elvet ribbon and t;ipcrs for the early a[tl'rnoon rites unit ing 111 m<irriage Palricia Loie Knight and Thomas Scott Speirs. The double ring ceremony for the da ughter and son of Mrs. Loie Knopsnyde r Knighl of Balboa and !'ltr. and Mrs. lfarold ,\1. SfK'Jrs of BeJIOower was performed by the f~v. Dr. Charles II. Dierenfield. Given in man-1age by her brother, Kenneth \V. Knight II, the bride chose a chantilly lace over candlelight satin go.,.,•n designed "'llh a cathedral 1ra111 and f!ttl.'d bodice. Her elbow length veil ,,.,·as caught to a camelot boo· net and her bouquet was an arrangement of roses, baby's breath and stephanot1s . Wearing ruby lace and velvet noor lengtti go"·ns and carTYVl& lart:e duche~s roses "·ere 1>1 iss Linda \\'hetslinc , maid of honor, and the bridesmaids . !'11rs. R o b e rt Prigmore III , r-.tiss Linda Baslanehury and r.trs. Knig ht. John C. Speirs served h i.~ brother as bes! man :ind ushers \\.'ere John Cottingham, Richard Ingold and Prigmore. A champagne reception and buffet in the Balboa Bay Cluh follo\\"ed the ceremony \1•herc 2fl0 guests !>lgned the book circulated by l\1iss ~1ary Catherine }lolland . After honeymooning in San Francisco and Lake TahOt'. the bridal couple wil! establish thei r home in ~ewport Beach. The fonner r-.fiss Knight is "' graduate of Ne"·port Harbor High Schoo l and a pri\·ate girl's college in London. Her husband graduated fr o m Bellflower High School and at. tended Orange Coa st Coll ege. Club Bills Reviewer ~ . . ~ ... ... -t •• , ; ...... ' ,. f •• ' ,. '• . M RS . THOMAS SPEIRS San Francisco Honeymoon President Bids Board To Halloween Party r-.1r. anr! l\lrs. Laurencr illmes llaske!l. Robert r.toss. Er\1·in "·11! host boa r d Arth ur Corrh•eau, Kenneth n1e mbers of the f'ounl<i in ~l a rtz , llay Hac kerott, Hugh V::illey \\'oman"s Cl ub and :->lagi\1, Robert K~·Je , frank Ei·eren l\Mnan. bocik and their husbands dunng :i Zerbe and \\'ill Romine. play re\"1ewrr. v.·i \1 be the Halloween party Salurday, The club al~o JS selling l'."01·.1. Ch' d . .':Uest speaker v.·hen South r1stmas car s during c0f· Coast Club of Lag una Beach Otl1cr acti\'1\ics taking pl.:icc fees for members and fr iends meels in the T 0 1v er s include a series of six i:;oH of the club, and proccC'ds v.·ill restaurant \\'ednesdav. No\". 5 les"ons for rnen1be rs. ~I r!>. be donatrd to the Huntington hl embcrs :ind RUests \\'il l Eldon I! a :r> k f' 11, SJl'lr1~ Be:ich l"n ion 1!1gh School ronvene at il ·JO for a social chairman. has an nou nced th:it ~<·hnlarsh1p fund. Addi tional i:-es.s1nn, and luncheon v. i!I be matches 11·ill be arranged \1·ii h inforn1ati0n may he obta1nf'd ser\·ed al. noon. (Jther are:1 l·lubs at the con. hy C' al Ii n g ~1r.~. L_yle 1\lrs. J!owt1rd s \\"i t ?. e r , c!us1on of 1hc lessons , <; r r r n 11 '' y, ph1!an;hropy ho~p1tah1y cha1nnan, ,1·i!I be Providing instruction is Jim chairman. 962-3640. I Military Outlook Brightened Orange County now ha! a USO program of its own which ls be ing assisted by a corps of USO Junior Volunteers. The yoong women, Tanging in age from 18 Ill 25, pbn and organiz:e recreational a o d social activities with the aid of Senior Volunteers and pro- fessional staff members. Servicemen stationed In Orange County are invited to dances, picnics, beach parties and other events by the Junior Volunteers as part of an effort to extend friendship to men based far from home. The junior volunteers also partici pate in civic projects such as l:nited Fund. Com· muni!y Chest and oth er fund· r aisin,i:: effort s which help sup- port USO. Young v.·omen in terested in becoming a Junior Volunteer may contact l\!rs. Thomas Yedor , member of the Orange County Council , or Sidney Kaufman, exe('Utive direc.tor, BOOKS 'Hungry' Discussed A panel di!lcu ssiOl"I cf World )lunger i!I planned for tht World Community Day of Church Women United of the lfarbor Area . Tht program w111 take pla...--e at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Nov. 7, in the Orris! Presby t er Ian Church, Huntington Beach. Participating In the panel discuS!lion will be four women who attended the Callfornla World Hunger Conference at Disneyland, the 1tmes. Irwin Neihelser and Robert Holbrook, "'hillier. and John Dean and Robert B. Bernard, president of CWU, f r om Ne"·port Beach. The P.tariners :singing group from Marina High School will entertain. and the Rev. Dona ld Roberts will cffer the in-1 vocation. \ Ser'"ing ~ chairmen of the , program are Mn. Marsden Peairs and Mrs. B. H. lhMn. at the USO Council office, 214 W. Third St., Santa Ana, 836- 48.Jt. !XTl!Ml.T I.Am: S"TOCll: • .. lllp.Ull PICKWICK~ BOOKSHOPS , So\11~ c-i. riua, c.... 11a1 :MOolnc• __ l 74J llollJW'Md II ... -~~lllil NW • FA~HION YA A DACE • "Buy Now For That Christmas Robe" HEW SlLECTION 4'1UILTlD COTIONS AND SATIN .1.cn.t.TES MA CHIN( s2n '2" WASHA I LI! 45" TO TD. Hu9e Selection 54" To 60" IOHDEDS, Pl.AIDS, CHICl<S AND SOLIDS-YAL. TO t4.tl SALE' PRICE '2'0 '2'' TO YD. Fobulous Foke Animal Furs 60" 56.95 Val. SALE '4" YO. 5fE OUR NEW ooueLE ICN ITS , OACkONS, o .-.CRON .... ND WOOL..AC!lYL!CS, AND conON5. INTERNATIONAL YARDAGE 2750 HARBOR BLVD. Artist.photographer Torn Grubbs ha! tM-en selected by t he Jun101 F.bell Cl ub ri f Jl;ewport Beach as ar11sl·Of· lhe·month for r->ovember. assisted by r-.1rs. Paul Hill and An der!>on, pro and 01\•ner of A donation of $133, procff'ds' l>lrs. J. \\'. Lon g. l>lrs. C. P. lhe Fountain Valley Golf from th(' annual rumn1age 1 IN COLLEGE SHOPPING CENTER models lo sce nic spots in Kristen..-.on is p r o gr a n1 J{ange. ~ale , \\·as con tributed to lhc Orange County, saying th at he ~c:h:a~i,~m2a~n~·-_______ _:T~;o~k~'"~ge..'.ins::'.l ~ro~c~ti:o~n -•~'~'~lh~c::._~D~a~n~n~y~l~fo~1~n~~'»>fu~n~d~. ___ _'.'I=======================-'!! On di.~play in l>lariners Library, Newport Beach, will be samples of \\"h~ the photographer ca 11 s en· \"ironmenta.1 portraiture, a combination of pholo portra it and photo lands.cape, as v.·ell as £ormal studio portraits and land and cityscapes. His studio por1raits are done •'ith an original lighting ap. proach and his scenic \\'Otks "·ere made during a recent too r of .several European counl ries. Grubbe ort.en takes his Jopl i n Ranch Meeting Top ic Sh0\l 1ng slidcs and speaking 11bout Joplin Boys Ran ch Wi ll be its director. Ra y SI ripe, Slripc will addrcs.~ the \\'omen·! Overseas Service League. Orange County Lni t liu ring a meeting a~ 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, in lhe Santa An.a Library. At thi!t timt membe rs '"'·ill contribute Christmas gifts for the ranch. ff'els the m nsl.an t challenge of·- thc physical surroundings. Children arc the favoritr subject of the a"·ard·"inning ph otographer, v.•ho explains that they are natural and com- municate easily. Jfe attended the University nf \Vashington and San Fran· ci~ro City College and 5!udi ed photography under Emn1itt Smith in San Francisco, Bill Brant in Seattle and at Ackerman Studio in Seattle. 'l'hc club also will sponsor an e.>thi bit Saturday, Nov . I, in the Island House , Fashion Jsland, 1n keeping with American Art \\'"eek as design- f'(! by r->ev•port Beach r.tay or J\lrs. Robert !\farshall. Fron1 10 a m. 10 S p m ar11st~ shn\\·ing their v.ork will be Thelma Paddock Hope, Caro Ei1ton. Gloria Brade.son, l,eah \la ~Qur1. and Sylvia 1-loonier, :ill of t he Newport ll arbor t\rea. and a group kno"·n as Crafts man Six from La guna Be ach. 1nclud1ng Jack 'Taylo r, t-;icole La. Caille. Be ve rly Yi'eber, Frank Chester. Ron Whitacre and J\1r. and Mrs. Jon Treadway. OH pain!ings. slone'ft·arc. mat'r;;ime, encaustics, wood paintings, jewelry and metal' sculpt ure an will~ displayed.! WE KNOW OUR Wiien It Comes To TERRY CLOTH CLOTHING , is for A~WAYS RIGHT 'for l11ll•nc1 -A &ol1rr11r, "'•chino w111'11lil• l1rry clotlt ro-b1. Co111forl1bl.....-b11uti• fut '"d pticod f•om only I f, H~~~E~t:31~~~ ''..o;rrJ OF tj ""-·..... ·· -.. -· I u l ri1t1I Str11t Entr111e1 lot•11t1 J . M1911in I U.S. N1f l l1 n~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol COJta MHa at tM San Diep Freeway Phone: 546.'2066 ·~-------------------- ' ( ~ -... ~c. o. Mon·~ Uttro·Chroo in stainless steel case. Water• -.shock ·res1slan1. 125.00 b. Wlttnauer Seo Dueen ror women " I 7 -1ewels. Water• .. shock-resistant 70.00 c flooo's l 7-1ewel W1t1nouer. ielf- w1nd1ng Matching e.io:pcm~ion bond. 55.00 .....__ .~ ......... ....L.......... ~~ ---~ SOUTH COAST PL.AZA -Up,... mall acrou from Wool•entl'1. CotH Mna -l"HON I $40-7117 C HRISTMAS LAYAWAY UI• W•llll9W'I 1t .... 1"'111t (~I,,., ••n~.t.rnork•nl 1r M••lwf C~•t"I•· c DAILY PILOT J It IS TH IS YOU? YES7 TH EN YOU ARE TH E SEX KITTEN TYPE - FEMININE A ND ALLUR- ING ••• IS THIS YOU? YES7 THEN YOU AR E A GAY SOPHISTICAT E • WORLDLY AND WISE WITH A FR 0 ST OF COLOR ON THE TIPS •• , IS THIS YOU? YES7 THEN YOU ARE THE UNDE RSTATED BEAUT Y. MEN APPRECI· ATE ••• COOL •• , IS THIS YOU? YES7 THEN YOU AR E SWE ET, CUTE AND PROB· ABLY BUSY AND YOU LOOK FOR A PP EAL W ITH EASY CARE • , , WHETHE R YOU ARE 1-2· J O R •. YOU A RE A WOMAN WHO WANTS: EXPE RT CU T, STYLE, PER'. MANENT WA V E AND COLOR •• , SO LET US MAKE THE MOS T OF YOUR GOOD LOOKS ••• 0 UR LOVELY FRENCH PERMANENT ••• "TEMPTRESS" !Complete with Cut, Style e nd W•ve) Now $15.00 Sold ell over tht worlcf at twice that prictl Exclu1ive to MISS PRIM MoMI Aca~•Y ood ....., Sloop 11542 ·-llY4. c Did To""• c:o.myl ... MAIN...i nus HUNTINCHON HACH CALL NOW t'2·HU f ' . . . . . . . . . -----------~~~---:--.~.~.~~~~~~--------~ ... _. .......................................... "'.""' .............................. 1111111111 Jt DAJlV PILOT CM Auxili • ry : 11\t first Thursday of tl1e l 'osla Mesa Unit ~ gather in mont.b members of t h e !he American Legion liall, al 8 ,\merican Legion Auxiliary, p nt. Hear it all -• on the marvelous new Zenith Coronation behind-the-ear hearing aid. Dbeovet once again the~.._ g.-.dull heart'lg losa 1116alll away. n. .... Zanlth Cotonatlon per1om. ti a wide rWlg9 of ton.i val~ wittlln Its comp.al cae contains the greatest number of 1Ntul9S evefonered In• Zenhhbetlin~ ;l'i*vrtL ............ Z Che qualfty goe.s In belo19 1he name goes oa s. and b'y It at HAL AEBISCHER HEARING AIDS 340, E. Coast Hwy. - Coro .. tl•I Mll'I' 675-llJl • ' ·~ ... OJ!· • ..; I•••. • ••••••••••••••••• J • S-T-R-E-T-C-H : , iP' ,11· :;,.ii~· ·~' . ~:r it· ' ' _. . ~1-V•1 r • • ... ' . "'-~·. .. . , . ·c· ~--. ;., . • • : & SEW (T.r.t) : J A fS ,·.;· Iii' -'J . ,,.,j;.~ .. ! '1<, ',y$ ,.o r · .J • ,, • "' • 1¥;, ' • • • Knit Fabrics • MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM L ANDERSON Exchange Vows • • : in Orange : • • Yellowstone Picked for • 724 East Katella • . .,,. .................................................................. . : WE TEACH YOU HOW : • TO SEW WITH ALL : KNIT FABRICS • • FEE $15.00 . ,_ .................... -.. ...................... ..-.......... ..,, • • • • • • • NEW CLASSES ST ART NOVEMBER 10th thru 14th I Mornlru11 & E'enings) IMAGINE! learn to make Stretch Pants in one hou r, bathing suit for $5.00, even girdles! J\laking their home in J\la1n· • molh Springs, Yellowstone Na- • lional Park, \Vyo., are !Vlr. aru.l J\.frs. \Villiam Louis Anderson. • 'J11e bride is the former I Susan Annelle Sterkel, 1hc I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Manuel \V, Sterkel of Hun- • • tington Beach. For her •Nedding: sh c selected a lace streel length • go1vn \vith a shoulder lengl h veil and carried a nosegay of 1 while roses and daisies. 1 }!er maid of honor, J\1is~ Tommye \Varner from 1 Ga!veSton, Tex_, wore a yello1v I dress and 1vhile mantilla, :incl 1 carried ycl101v roses and 1 daisies. 1 The bridcgroon1, son of l\lr and Mrs. Johnny Anderson of • • Setting Wedding Great Falls. f\lonl., asked .Jan1es f\1 a tu ch e from :-.tissou l.i, !11onL, to serve as best 1nan and ushers were forresl Sterkel, Huntington Beach, and Cart Anderson, Greal F'alls. F'ollo\ving the cc rem o n y V.'hich wa s conducted by the Rrv. Merv Olson in I.he Chapel, Yellowstone National Park, the newlyweds we re honored during a reception in lhe !llammoth Springs dining room. Miss Sharon Anderson circulated lhe guesl book . Th e couple honeymooned in Great falls mountains . The bride is a graduate of J\·larina Hi gh School and her husband attended !11ontana State University, Missoula. SALE Thurs .• fri .-Sat., Oct. 30-31, Nov. 1 Three T epics At Mermaid 1n Focus Luncheon - Horoscope Pisces: Avoid Extravagances FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 By SYDNEY Of\tARR Fishing, planting favored by moon position. Menu Up : Something spttlal, fea turi ng the old and new should be featured. Old country solar soda bread. 5 cup1 nour 13 cups whJte flour, Z cup1 wheat or brown flour). I teaspoon taU, 1 teaspoon baking 1oda, Z tea1poon1 (beaplng) baking powder, 4 eao~s butter, Z lablespoons bOMy. 'II cup bui- lermllk, Z eggs, beaten. should not permit yourself to be a "soft touch." Draw line betwee n l eniency and foolishness. Help those who l are also willing to a Id themselves. Then you are on right track. · VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Enterlain friends w it ho u t ruining budget. Avoid garish display . Accent quality and simplicHy. Finish task "'hich adds to your prestige. Be a sympathetic listener. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be careful where diet ls c.'.ln· cerned. Heed c1ualified advice in this area. Your appea rance is important. You get chance today fo r solid advancement. Avoid al!Hude of braggadocio. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some changes or philosophy may be necessary. Backing (\ r FALL DRESSES on the go WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE -NEWPORT BEACH Melt butter and honey together OYer fire. When hot, combine with buttermilk. f\thc aU dry IJ!gredlents together . Add io beaten buttennllk and egg mb:ture: knead. Cut dough In quarters and place on flou~d cookie sheet or pizza pan. Bake in 32S-degree oven for 55 minutes. Then you'll be cooking with astrology! v.·hich you expected n1ay 001 1·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be present One \\'ho aided in past wants lo go "on his own." ARJES (March 21·April 19): Day features strict attention lo detail. You must build on solid base. Accent on home , property, land. No short cuts. Be thorough. You could make valuable acquisition. TAURUS (April 20-ltfay 20): Travel seems to be on agenda. May be short journey con- nected with socia l occasion. Key is to be l'iilling lo move, try, experiement. Open your- self to experience. GEMINI (May 21-Jun e 20 ): What seems like "sure thing'' requires additional study. if nol capi tal. Realize surface costs comprise only part of the story. You could grl caught short if research is faulty . CANCER (June ·21.Ju!y 22). You may need more room. Includes actual residence - and could also apply 10 ln- rellectual efforts. Your desire is to spr ead, to increase, to multiply efforl5. But don't go too fast. LEO (July 2J·Aug. 22J; Yoll China Display tl'lembrrs of So11!h Coast Federated China Painters \1'i1\ exhibit thclr work al Fashion Have alternatives at hand. SAGITTARIUS !Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Emolions r u n strong; but you r likes and dis likes are anything but con.1 slant. Day features change,' expansion, pleasure, You are not likely to be too serious. Leave details to others. CAPRICORN (Dec, 22-Jan. 19): Avoid being overanxious. Don't jump .at first offer. Not wise to commit yourself on paper. Get ex-pert advice. \Vise to play waiting game. AQUAR IUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ): Fol101v through o n schedule, progran1. Don'l be distracted by one who merely desires fun and g a mes . Recreation is important, but it should nol be dominating fac- tor. PISCES !Feb. 1!1-t-.farch 20)· Avoid extravagance, You can beautify surroundings \\•ithout overspending. Key is planning and money management. Surprise gift brightens day, IF TODAY JS '\' 0 UR BIRTHDAY you are du e to! gain greater sense of direc -1 lion. You are a dedicated in - 1lividual. You .are intens(', loya l and you can exhibit a 1 1.l'ndenry to be jealous. You are soon going to be on a cour~e 11·hich leads to greater personal fulfillment. 1sland Friday, Nov. 7. from 10 To •·nd oul "'0'~ 8boOI ~w•wll t nd a.m. to 9 p.m. Demonsl rations . :~''!'1"'"t0o:r.~~· 1~~nev r ,~r;;,a"J~~; I A•1ro•""~· ~•~d SO c•nh !O Oma" GOLF CLUB SALE -1969 MODELS- All1mlnum 01 Steel, Stiff, Rtgular or Sol• Flt••· Loni:i, Rt-iular or Short Shafts. Woods and Irons Reg. Sale Tony Lema $285 $155 Ken Venturi 285 155 -~-Spalding 285 185 Arnold Palmer 285 195 First Flight 295 225 Golden Ram 285 175 Tommy Bolt 175 75 Ladies Aluminum 185 84 Goll 109•. Lodie1 1!1011lc Shott 25 °;. off. Wt ll~lln(t or lank• Arnericard, Ma$ftl Charge. Group Le·uons Th~,,day1 al f A.M. Sl.50 J oin Now SKI P MAY 'S Co•ta Me5a Golf Range 27 17 Newport Blvd. 545-9993 In Orange County Fairground• Golf tnurw(fion Ski p May Cla~t "A" Profnslonol SKI P MAY'S Newporter Golf CovrM 1117 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach 644-9910 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sn1~ polynttt doubf• knit, p olynttr k11lt •wHtff bodies, a11d cotton lt11!h. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • !II e r maid s , \\'omcn·s v.·ill be given and punch and eoo1<1ot, '~•DAILY P!LOT, eo~ :niD. At the Nawporter Inn -A Par 3 Course $1.SO Green Fee -$1 .00 With This Ad (expires Nov. 30th) Oslrander and Richa rd cookies will be ser.•ed. fr»)';~ Crntral ~1~11,,.,, Ntw Yo•-·"'·"· l CQ[dherg, a Laguna Beach Ci-~:'.:'.:'.:'...:.'.::.:'.:.:'.'..:..::::'.: ___ ~'.'.'.c.--------.:.':===================== TEEN CLASSES START SAT., NOV. lst-9°11 a.m. HRS. DAY 9-S; NITE 7.9,30 P.M. Parking in Rear -Phone: 633-2842 Division, La~111a B e a r h Chamber of Commerce mriy anl!cipale a capsule pr esen· talion of progress in three diverse areas of the Art Colony SCt'ne during a 1nceting in the Towers restauranl at noon next Monda y . ........... 8. II.•• ••••••• During the monthly meeting J\lrs. Roberl L. Turner. pro· gram chairman v.·Jll introduce Bernard Sy fan , Peter • EnzymEs bO thEIR own thin~ Enzymes, the protein a!alys ls absol!Jlely e ssential to the digestion o f foods and the ch!!'!mislry o f health, are specific in how they act That is, enzymes can only do their own thing! Each can only acL upon a certai n substance or a group of chemically related substances and no other. And, each has its own temperature at which it acts with greatest efficiency for maximu1n hea lt h. Accord ing lo Taber's Medical Dictionary, enzyme activity can be retarded o r inhibited by hish or low lc>mperatures1 the presence of salt~. dchydration1 or radia tion. That n1eans enzyme activity in heat-treated milks must be re tarded or inhibited; that Ah.a -Dena Dairy's unrirocesscd, unheated Certified Enzyme-Rich Milk has full enzyme activity to give you a better food chemistry for the maintainance of 1n11xi mum health. Certified Enzyme-Rich Milk is inspected daily by the Los Angeles County Milk Commissio n as part of Alta-Dena Dairy's rigid production !>landards. Alta-Dena Dairy del ive11 from fann to home all over Orange County. for homt delivery call 832-0800. THE WESTS LARlftST PRODUCER OF CERTIFIED £NlYME-RICH MILK ly Council member. Syfan w11! p r o vi de in· formation on proposed restoration of !he \Voodlanr! Drive area and Ostrander \\'ill relate objectives of t h P f)011·n1m1·n Business Assoc ia- tion. Goldberg will eye present and possible future problems of the city council. A q u e s t I on·and-ansv.·cr period 11•i!l follow the briefing session, and a bus i n e s s mee!ing conduc ted by !11rs. Thomas Johnston also is plan· ned, Backgrounrl music during a no-host social session prior to the luncheon will be arranged by !llr~. ra ~ Neederman. entert a1nml'nl c·halrman. :O.l embers <ind all Lagun11 Beach v.'omen interested ln Jo1n1ni:; the group may obtain luncheon rrservalions by eal l· ing the chamher -Office, 49~- -1018 by \01no rrow. Males Lead In Temper Tantrums 7he a\'erasc man loses his temper about hvice as fre· <Juen11y as the a v e r age \l'Oman, revea ls a n in- vestigation of anger at Colum- bia Unive rsity. The report indicates that the .a verage man loses his temper :;i~ limes a week, against about three tantrums for lhe average woman. Jl also was noted that while women tend lo lose their temper \\"hen someone has rlonc or said something they coni:ider disagreeable, men seem lo lake personal grievances rather calmly. Instead the stronger :;ex lends to get upset aver things ; flal tires, laulty razors, traffic ja1ns and so on. Silver Sands The first and third Tuesdays .IJl 8 p.m. members or su~·er Sands 286. Native Daughters Qf the Golden Wei;t i;:alher for meeting!\. Lake Park Clubhoose 1n II u n ling to n Beat h is lhe mteling place for lhe first ~ession. f\1rs . Jack \V1json, 548-1479, \Viii furnish location informallon on the se· cond meeting date . Speed -methampbmminc -Ji a very dangcroui drug. lt is named for the speed with which its user ridc:a to aupc:mormal lcvels of u- citability and wli.cfulnes.5. Speed ii destroying more young mindJ in California than any other drug. Experts fear the illicit use of thia and oimilar dl\lp will ..acJi qridmiic ptoportiom this year. u you .... W<>rriod pannl -~about tho dl\la llllxm- ture, or an open-minded JO'ISI& penoa laking anolhlr look at the lllCU, read on ••• "1111111 ...... ! It is such a dmtgerou.a drug u.t file medical profellioa limits ill me to cmergeoc:ies socb u con- trollina; blood prtll\U'a during Al'- i«Y· Wbea. Speed is~ inciiterbm- ..Wy, tt o""..ainta the pbyli- cal aad nrnous l)'ltem -with drMtic md wpedicbhlr n.Jts. ipeed user b«omes more restlcfis and disorien1ed. l-fe ma y heoome uncontrollabl e and h:i.rm him.elf aod othus. His brai n., heart and liver are an under hc11 vy litrain. Jf he can't take this punishment. be may die from overdosagc-or from impurities in the drug ltlelr -cw fran violence rcaulting fn:m hU psycl>otic ronditiou. At an .. pmlidable poin~ bo """" .i-ing. Th» may ho b&- -d loliguo, pciic, or simply bctaatc hil NpplJ nms out. The "'auh .. c:umcs M he ruup,, rapidly frcm a bypcrt.J1citable 11ate to one d. enreme e•haollion. Jf he's a hard-am addict M may accclcnte his crash with "downen" -usually bubiturales which are al90 fn>. quently addicting. He may alttp f~ 24 to 48 boun., cat raftDOIOlly on awakening. then go into a state of atreme dcprts.olion. This can be IO leYCfe: and intolerable lh.d. he may lab: elf on aoolh« nm. """ ....... --·•a,..? Speed I ,...-.Itr fall fto _.........,, __ _ OCJIDl"llli ... An olarmins-d -aport--. .,...i. ... "' tho Cl:Jmpaleift ma, kl c:urb st ~ 1he original Hailht-Albbary bJpp;oo who UICd mari,_.. and LSD for .. creative and rtligio• erperi- -.• _, lhio -ood COlll1llllplioa --"' di..-......... !JJNd .. ~_,Iller­ ally la blad; -ia ond io ._,,,,.,. --rwdily ... ,'* ... ~ °""' it 15 •·cut"~ ith ~ugar or in fact any "'·hitr. powder lo make the mpply i\lrctch, and thw; make the We more profitable lo the deale:r. When made by amaicun unda' voaanitary oondition&, contamina- tion i1 often prctet1l, the common side etJccta belng ab9c:racs, blood poi!JODing and hepatitU from un- 1terile oecdJeL So tM: medical p~ fellioo i1 faad with bolh physical aod pydllatric problem& in trt.C· ing the~ <nu ... wwc:m,_.,.,.,,! Ac:conlin& to former drug-ascn wbo are working ..ith c.li.nicl.I teams to help addictJ kict the habit, then m three buic llepl one can take in coptn,c with U. growing drug plOblem: F1nt: Gn the !at:V.., what Jtw,. or~ rtaUy doint lo peoJ*. FllC:tl. Not lteoT10"j. Mc 1 ' COtlliJ#r fw dWtd nf. d.OC<. TMI -• naod ,,_ .. ~---­nHI ,_ .. ,...wlf, Gtt ... ,.fJwr wirll orlwr1 M 7""' CGWt--_, __ .._.._, .,_ tlw """ """"""" (Jr._ ... ,.,,.,.,. ,,,,..,,_, . -,,, lwlp -_,, ,.,,, -NI.,_. "'J ,..,,, ,,,.. ,_,. Yls ,C ,.., •Hl01 ------------------- ----·-~--·-------------~---------------·------·----_______ .,. ___ -·+ -.... ·-·· .. -.......... . ) .. , t a:--r ·'-·, ' C.cr ry Dole ).Ji!!<: :~1~1.·.L1 '1: !nt" ~!L.:: !<"I \rn rric.:'s nc\V£.'.s l c:overed bridge as he rl ands CJ top l 11rl\. hi· :: !JUIJ-n!1·1·1r! !."' 1,111 dr.ift11orsr. 1-hC' bridge, near F elton. l ·a111.. \\·as h111lt li\· 111 · l\rioirir:; ( .,,111p .. ud J',1;:: 'frees l\;irrn11-Gauge Railroad and 11as dcd il;J'1 ,1 1111 .. 11cl! .. 300 Dail \'· iJ1 • LI BRE\.Jl,Lr i -!\r ry t .. 1v ;· , r h1ld rt"1 ·rli r nl ~i,111.•'1 1 ,,r;.j nnrn11a 111 l31<iir,J'I h r·tt 11~ and :.it'k b:n ~. tl11· I• ·n1 , H• ! Cro~s 1ri;ssr.n 111 J 1.1' 11 . ·\ rPror1 11r0r1 1" 1 '" T"ll'n ~n f I··· ti" I ' I ' II Fnib;>~·v !1 ·:' I' 1 ., 1 J\ll1UT('o[' :'".IL r, IP\! f:i1n1 nc" ;11110 -~ 1: r1t'"' mi llinti Bi;:ilrari·. \1'1•··P "r'y lillpply lin<' 1~ ;i • 111'! ! 111 • night .1irl1 f1 J ."'Tl I 11,.,,, '· :i11d 11,_, f 'o~l1"-,t )L1 I, t f" ~·Jll Tr·n1". ']"]1'lrr ;" •' • 1 ,, ' r r 1 :1 ! ~t ;dl\l!tS 4''1 f " I H!1;1, ,· • I ·117l1 1H' fle:ttJl,_ 111 J I " t, 11 I. lh<: rrport C'>l1n1.'.11•' !Ji.·11 n1•1 i· th;i n fi0.000 rh1ldif"' :111-l :v~ul1'i tlir in ;:i si111!ll' \\/·• k 1 he Frcnrh I'· : !'· lr1; ,1,..,1 tn1 , ;111rl n •• •'I I: '' 11 ;·r.11 \'.11 " ' ! I r• • J; ;1 n I / 1 l I n ~. · I I ' p\.1n•'h1.1 rl-1d , 1:i111 1 • 1 i trl!'d ~uppl1r~ 11110 [.,.Jfr.i 1 C'Y n1,l1l11. "T he lnt!'rn·•11 ·I' I J:1 I I':-.• ; ('otntl'lll, i .pi!.d r ' I 1. 1111. · . h ;i i; b('!"n 11 • ·111 I I r , , n1on\h-. hr1J11· 11, '11•1n, lrn111 l)'t' L·!:,:11<> f,' '111'" 11: !" thr n1i:ht !light \ ~..-., t1.1••<: for dn~l1ght ll1i;l·l l.1 \r l (lj. 1:1r:-cd Th" Fn··1• 11 Hr I ( ·1 • .. 11 J 1!11· rh11··r·h ,. " r 11 "1'1 h;1·.e n:nr>i• -1 L ..1 .. ! · • ;ind c1111111:1:0 ti 1' r 1 L 1· !1 1i.:li1' !r"•:i• I ,,,, d'1 f11r 1r.1rr. 1hn11 :1 '' ( ' •1 I '"'' of lh•• I•· 1r ' 11 I I fqr<: vh1•'1 I 1 r• !'•1fr.1. , 1 rr• '.•1rv In r t1 e 11r11. ! nf 1111· J, rr,-11 jll "l'lr " t:1r r1 pot'l ( ( . I! ~ .. ~'I j· .. I I .1. :irr ~1 1 11 •r 1< :,._; 1 l Bl d•,1. Tt1c 1 1• I' r \ r ii !nr , 1,,, I l"llV l hu~\1 , .. ')' ,1 1111 1-r.11'11r1:1,1ilv 1 ,. ' " J 1'1 'll t '•') '· P ' .. Ill r;i1 •· 1.u·!l:: lrulll :'I 1•1 ~.•I pt •ecn1 . • 11•· 1111· p1I ii ;'I )';•,11! 1!\i1 , r• 11 i. F1i"1rh 1h1c'"r~. r"rn11~ I " I 1 !v l11y, 1ol .,II 111 !",II 1 1 i· L·1 du I li• i·11:1;·r 11 I !' I"! '•T1 ·1111 r[ l<>r 1un J 1Jll~ \I !lil1•Ul ]11(,d. ' :-11nt• ;t:;,1 :-ick h,1}~ 1,ikr r 111• ,.1 n1011· 1h:1n 20.000 1 II '/In t 1111 11h•>n1 !litre 1s no I•" 11 I I 1111' IJ1t;1 I:,. I 11 !';11·!1 ~lt'I. I • I• 1 "ii" 'lqlrj d1r·. ~ ' I' o', • ·'"Ill!" ,t,, I·'. I hr t ' I , l!'I r I I 11• <iii, 111 1l1r ; '\ i1 I, 1 \\'!").. ;,l~I. i\1 •1 v 1 fl n.r1IH111 hnnH·lf'ss ''1 I 1I1Ji (' ] "'f'l•:l~. ]Tl 11 :-, t 1 ,\ .u,;1d·,,, ,1!'1 r11:111J1;t111e1I hv tl•l' I I •11 • n1·•I 1 'ro· ,111d lhr I• •I '' ' I 1.i I "I 11;~1 <' ('.I I 11)1 ' 'Ir ·rl , I'' 1111 l"n ·111 .ry 1. 1.1\ + J .1;111. n • n111 rnl. 1• •\1· .1·1 ,• ··1.1rr nC P1· , I' r 11t'1·k, t~1c I ' _\ ' .I, I .. plr 11.< r• l'I \' •!.1y ' · • 1 "l • ' 1 '11 Ii Jif•fl ,. In , .., "'~!1• H··d (I'<)'~ llP lli!I 111 .it;. II• (l' r(. 1•nt ly ": •' ·I I'! •I • .11;,!1• dct) .'' t., ' ' I .i1 1 tl1r t 1 lu I I • • ~ lip "' !ll illio nuire Traff ic Cop .lnll.\'.'i\"LSB\"RG, !=; o 111 h ..\[r:ra 1Ar 1 -H1l'h<1rct lloyle · 1~ rrob:ihly lhc \1·orld·s ri chest lr;tlfic ("Il l). !le 01111s ;i yach1, wl11ch he keeps :!I ~l onte Carlo, drives 1·-.;pt>n:-.11c cars and has a h1111<>r 1rith half a 1lozen "'l"-<•n!~ 111 the rli1!' .Johan· 11f'-h11rg s11liur1i or Bt"}'anston. llrtl'lr. a tr:.:l il" 1nanu[ac· 1111·\·1:. • 11pphes thr rnateria\ tur police uniforn1s. He started riding .1 lll<lif)rc~·clc two years :ii:!,o ul a;.(c 4B and developed a ,;.n to hr ;i 1r:tflic cop ' :\'o11I' he direct< rush-hour tr,1(!11 · ;i~ ;i 1aluntrrr .1!mo<-t • t'I L'TV dnv on one o! thr mt11n ri'l!idS 111io J ohannc~hurg. l-\r 11rars a black uniform and 11 hite crash llrln1et. '"I scr nothini; unu sual.'' lln1lr '~111. ''in th<' farl 1ha t I. "n111!i1J11:tlrr. am 11 nr ki11g ;is a 11,1t11•·· ''"Pl', ridll't: .1 !"ilOtT r1•11ur!•1h•' 11 lu·n l c·oulrl be •frt\'IHi.!. rnv llol!s-l\0}"ce. I am nril a ~rlt-:.ippointed c:rack~1t. "I 11·111 con11nuP clir ec~it~g lr;!fti1· bc1·;lllS(' Jt I' n1y Cl l"IC dulv t11 d11 so I ;l]r;o get 3 J.!I t'.t! dr;1! 11[ fUI\ 0111 Of clirrc- l!ll t! 11.1ff11· I h;i1 r n·t r11J11.1·ed 1n1·•1'lf ~o 11111"11 lnr 1 t'ar~" I ll·P lr·s 1vifr ret\·n1ly surd' h1111 ·fur 1!11·or (.'C, asking for1 ~• t2 " rnu11!h :ind ('tJs\ody ot !li1<1r lhrr•' (!;111~htc r.~. Hoyle 11p!)fl"4"'S the :iclion. \\0hich is 1·1.ntlnu1nf. in ,J o!1:innesburg :-.uprP1ll•.., t'nurl .\lrs I lo~ :e 1ul d !hr cou r! 11!.11 ~hr 11hJ••rlrrl lo her )111~h;ind'<: <1~~1x·1 a1i11n with n'hrr 1r;ili1•· p<il 1r rrnrn. 11·ho 1·' 1 !' • 1.111gh ' n1!'n nut of his I I I ·'· 111" I ,,. ! 1 1·11'lio1n -----------·I f: I I r,1 "I' •.l!;. (I.I\. f· "d ,,.,-.. h n ' ' · I ..,1. ! 1 II' ' T!l" .11.:1111• ,I I :.: • I I I rf loods1 ult:; -~ 1 pl ~.1.1011.- 11,. •I 1111• ' " lol .. li·'oll h .. ·~1 11· 1• 1 { 1.nlll·r diret~ IP •II• ii lol I Ill 11 .'ilpt'I \ l.~10r1 Ov ersee::; Chris linas Tn:c P A C l(AG~D -READY TO MAIL! C ~r.iplc ~ c with -- e LI GHTS 8 TR EE TOPP !l R 9 GA RLAf~D «) OR NA MENTS • TIN51:L OTHER NIFTY U~E5 * OF FIC ES * K IDS RO OF., +r HOSPITAi_ ROC.,, f< FOR SHU T-INS P.eod TV WEEK Every Saturday in The Da ily Pilot AR TIF ICIAL 2 FT. TALL s5ss . ... ···~·-·-····-··- Thunday, O<;tobf r JO, l 9b'J P6!LV JI/LOT f 1 Haynsworth's Life Not So I solated GREl::NVJLLE , S.C. IUP!i -In an interview shortly hefure his nomina tion to the Supreme Cou rt was announced hv President Ni:c:on. Judge Clement Haynsworth r~fcrrL'CI 10 H Jur1ge·s life as .. splend id isola tion." But beseiged by r('porlcrs, friends and enemies, ;ind stacks of mail, the 56·yl'ar-old judge concedes his lift· l111s becorne anylhing but i~ulaled in the last 1nonth . .The stock y. bespecl<1tll'd chit·f judge of the U.S. 4th Cir( .;:t Court of Appeals work· ed in his shirtsleeves at his office de sk Tuesday going over briefs pendinil be fore his cou rt. Tal king with a stan1mcr that has made hiin reluctant !o face television cameras, ll;iynswurlh SIJUkc abvot lhc controversy his riurninalion has aroused throughOlil the n<1t1u11. "1 expected sonic con- \l"'J\'t'rsy \\hen thr norn1n;1l 1u11 was ;innouneed ," he ::;aid, "h11 L I didn't expec:l anything li ke this woo Id l1<11'e developed." The lau•st UPI poll shoy,·s 4~ senators opposed to his eon- firm a11on 11·ith 37 in favor a11ll the remaining 19 undecided. Jlaynsv.·orth i.~ hope ful but unhappy over the experiellCes of the last month ... It h11s not bet'rl a particularly pleasant c~pc!'!cnce ," he said sn1ilin,i:. Uul llt> cnad(" ll clear he bcltcvcs each senator has ha i..I a "pt'rfeet right'' to Judge his quaJifJcallons fo r the high eourt. lla.1nsv.·orth, a t1!lh genera· lion ]Jw1cr Jrorn one of So uth Carol ina-·s most µrominent lamil1 es. refused to t<1lk abou t l"hargcs 1>f cun1l1ct ul interest and a11l1·labo r bias raised ag;i1ns1 h1111 by Sena1c c ritics. "Judicial ethics require that remain .~J[cnl in cnn- tro versy," he ~<ild, But he is delerrniHcd nut to ask about the eontro1•er~1·. lii' !>a)'S he h<IS nu 1ntcnll;J!I u( 11·Hhdrawini; front the nur111nft· 11011. 'fo do ~o. he s<11d, .... ould "lc11J (·reJ1 ·rlrl· t:i 1 h c charges" r;ust!d again~! hun. N o v e 1n be r h:.s bt.'<'n rccog111led as Epill'µsy ~lunt h Jn Founlain V;illtv by pro- clamation 1-1gntd by 1\l<1yor Ed\\·ard Jusl. lla}n;,1,or1h ~J}S Ill' has l 1••·ct'' enntau \\ 1\ll tt1e i'rl·;,1dl'nt durin,c: tlie ,,·o11-•" 5lrugi,:h· lvr t·nn- l1rrn.111vn. hul intt>nd' lo rr· '''"'"' .• •! h1~ r:r+,1·n11J111 nfF14 ·P in 1hc Federal Courl Bu1lrl1ng 'PCt1f1cally called !u \\ J:.h111gton. .ltht 1'-'titd thr proclamation rhi;, 11~·ll. Jn honor or the Jauncl\111,c: o! 1h<' Orange Coun· l y 1·:1u l1'P~Y Society's annual f1111d r11'ilf'. FASt ·AND EASY! LANDSCAPING WITH RAILROAD TIES 9 Build Planter1 - • Retaining Wa~h. - G a rd en Sta irs e Patio Easy, Decks Fast and Pe rm <.'lrren t COLORFUL GIANTS HYBRID PANSIES P:ant Now for All Winter Color Best for Bor ders a nd Solid Beds in Sun REG. 79c DOZ. 3 0 ••. $1 ,., 19 PYRACANTHA For Yu!otide Decoration larg e l Ga l. Site Plants Loaded With Masses of Bright Red Berries EASY TO GROW! , Ti<M is rurining cut l<1r ,~ pl<1 nt1ng that spring gllrden yoo want. Com tt in .11nd choose from a complete selection or fine, clean, hea lthy bulb~ -all trom H olland. Rea!»Onably priced and !eady for p!1ot1ng now. SPECIAL! WITH EACH DOZEN LONG STEMM ED RED ROSES TAK E HOME A BEAUTIFU L CATTLEYA ORCHID CORSAG E FREE IF THERE IS NO SPEC IAL OCCASION •.. MAK! ! I BROWN LAWN BLUES? Turns Alf Lawns A Rich Natural Green. Lasts All W inter. Proven Ef fec tive. 1 QT. COVERS AVERAGE FRONT LAWN LEMON FLAVORED! SPECIAL THIS WEEK Meyer Lemon Bushes Dwarf G rower • Can Be Used In Any G arden, Large or SmlJI! REG. 11.95 98( ~ .. 200 an Baldini Super~ Weedilize1• A c.omplete dichondra fertilizer with Enide. Destroys ~ weem and graw. Kills insects tuo! ~lb~ ~t~:~; Ncw$10.~5 FAL~ SPECTACULAR! CHRYSANTHEMUMS IN ALL COLORS! Comirig lnlo Full B'oom . M<'l :.sive Color F-rom H,1'1owce n Thrll Thrt nksgiv in9 . Thf'y l ovr the Su n HEAV Y PLAt~T S 79c, .. FASTEST SHADE IN THE .WEST EVERGREEN Healthy Young Ash Trees Pl.,nt Thi~ F•ll foe Ter rif ic Spring Grow11• ~E'.. S6.9' $298 S·GAL. HO UR3 , MQN_ 1h,u THU RS. 'J io I); fR'. t.11' r "' ~U'J 10 •"" '" !t ~.., S,t,TUP.OAY' •"' '" s,Jo ri.., SPlCIAL PR;ICES GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY. N::)V_ 2. 1Qb1 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 -----------_______________ ....._ _________ _... _________ _ .. -...... -... --···-·. ----·~----------------.......... ---------------~--"""'· ~I) OAh .. r P!llT ~-s Tl111r~d.iv O .. tobtr JO, 1?6? Santa Fe Your. Money's Worth. Complete-New Picks Ada n1:-o LOS ANtll.-:LES t Ul 'l 1 - Co1nputers Open " NJ:W'"TblU! 1•~-=•w~c-•llf• 1,., .. ,..,..,.,111,.!",.!'l,.lll.,llllO!".,l!l.,lfl.,.,.,.,., .. !1'.., .. IN'"' York Stoc:~""' ,,, ., NASO Lilt1;., for W.dne~ay,7 Oc'tobtr 2', 1ttf 'tU:.1 ..... u. c-<':.: OVER 'IHE · COIJNTE.R "~'"' ,.m I 1Wo 211 2' "' j:Gl J>fl H Ray 11. Adam'>, a native ot t-""ullcrton, "'ill bt'L'1lmf' 8Cnrr:il manager I o r Saoht t t' Rattway 111 I ~ Aoiiclcs l'l- feci.1ve: JW~t ~:iturduy. New Job Fields :~1~ ~ ~ :: : .. !l~ 12111 :: .. 1M.'l1l 1"".: A,cmeCI 1 ... ' 22 fl'~ ~\Ao -,, WI 11, 1;• Al;tN Mlo:I 7D l ) a\\"":. Ul'a+\• lr!l".t111 "1iw VOlll( !A:J = l!f~ '"' Jlio Mel G&O 1) 1'1':1 $c:Mll11 E ..... 1 ....,,..,, J t i• 4 l~l ,,..., IS'!' !lei I V(" l ;,,,, 1.e,,i:i;-1':.c,,. 1 ur1:. r"" ~ , Hu LID Jf'~ «1'4 '"'°'' 111' 1J"'-1~ ~~hll: 1~ ~,~ 1,\\l ~~"' ~2n. l~l~~y '~ Adams 1s rurr~111 ly :.iss1~t.1 nt lo the \'ICI' pre~t!h1nl npt r·•· r i o n .o;, J1c.1dquancre<l 111 Chicago Jn 1 11~ 11t'll1 1 ~1~t h\• \Il l[ bClUlllC !h•' ( h11•t op. I .11101\s ,.f llt'I r hir :\:1111 ii J· I' Ill L<1!llO!fll;1 \J iltH\,l ii 11 d 11estern ri.r11• \h•~1 {<1 PHARMACY TOPICS • b1 TERRY GRANT, RP" You 11 11 lo kv\v t o h ll\f' fPll· pr hr11da1 hi-5 a~ .1~)U ad1•anc•' 1n agr. Ooe 1"'1 • u 11 1n r1lf•1y t<'n, h11~ at ~r,rr1 1ln1r 111 !11~ lift', !-Om<' 1.,, 111 c.r llH'Jl!al ••1 emo11ona l il!ne~s. • Supp!v l111 lf 11 tnn nr melll , 200 du.tt'I\ 1.'t:..t:S, U11r1y c111t• s of fH '~h 11 t11t a n(! 170 ,t:al- lons ,,f f11ul d1 1nl> nnd ynu h1n r llu !11• 1111 <)f il !\!)UR! NalJnn;i l ~,u 11t.,1 ll L t R 1:: u r lea.n1 fr11 oinr \I rrk dunng pre-~ra~o11 1r.11ni ni: A C;il1fo11\1M "'l•lomrt1 t~t 1~ drsfi:-11111~ ! "nl11t I I""~'~ rnr dni;:~ ,\Hf11rn1 ~·"H 1,..11 ' ""' RI a ll :-;.~·i n.!' \I' r1 .. i:·~ II'!'· fn\nl'c, 1;in 1"11' l'\tl'nrl11d If th!". cu1 nr,1 1~ 1nu1rf'd vrl~ usually IHt1 f' lo ~11 ru1r ")" rto~rd '111" ti"' r,f torH,11 t lens p1r10 111.,, ihu; ll~lr:o..~11). f'nr ln••ll•\TI ~1'1 11'"" old r:1'-h1·•n"11 '"111 1•,1 your p1 Ps\11p111 ns lo \\ !!h 111 111..: PARK LIDO PHARMACY 351 Ho1p1t•I Ro1d N•wport lleeth '42-1510 Frn Dtllv•ry Dy S\'L r JA PORT EU ll war. JU~t about this l lmt!: on lhe tllrrsholrl of the 1960s that 11n1m1 le<1dcrs, scx:1al \\Otkers and many economists \l'l'r ,., ni:-1~1hg black headlines \Vl!h lhe [oretast lhilt the .tt1tomat1on expJ.os1on would lead lo ii Gecade of eJC'o traortlinarily high uncmploy. men! A u ! instead, ~'P'l<lt 1s I h e record as 1vc stand on lbe threshold of tlit: 1170s" \Vh1le thett!: has beof!n 1 o;teady shrlnkaae 1n rlt!:m8 nd for unsk1llt!:d and sem1skllled \1tlrkrrs, at least partly herause of the growth of c«n· put('r~. the comp11ter has s11nullrincous!v opentd u p gustening new Lie!ds of JOb op- portun1tv. TODAY, an estimated one m1\1ron Amer 1 ca n s are cmp!ovf'd in the co1npUter business or these, 175,000 are '}lrogrammers, 1 s. onlv 100,000 1n 1966 Some 150,000 ar.e syslem,i; analvsts, vs about 60,000 in J%6 OtJu.'TS arc com- puter operators. techn.cw.ns, tomputer designers a n d eng1ne t:r s, key pnoch operators, etc. ln add1t1on hundreds or thousands of sec re I a r 1 es. other .office a<l\'ert1sers, salesmen. e lr, etc , owe the.Ir JObs. lo com· puter~ -The compu1er induslry is no1v growrng al the rate of n1orc than 30·percenl a year and somt!: segments .;1re gro1\'· 1ng at n1any times lhal r ate. There are 40,000 computers rn use 1n the US todav, com- pared to only 200 as recently as l !l:l~ Tl1c brightest J o b or-- portun1 tres arc I o r prn- i::r~mn1ers 1Yho tell the com· ru1rr~. in computerese, whnt rhcv are supposed lo do, fo r systems analysts \\'ho anal) ze ~ n ll organize complex prob· lrmc: ~o ! h .at lhev tan be solved u.ith !he help ol com· Why wait until the fast minute? The time for invcslnrs l.o start lhinkini; ahout r1'i!\J gi11ni:: their. portfolios for tax purlJ(lt;eS an(l upgrnrling their investment lJn'-'1I1ons 1s noio .. ..n°" the end of Dec:embcr. 1Jt•rc's why: 1.Rt's sny you'v(' talcrn :t capital t?ain of 1-·t ,000 this year and you prer.ently hold ;inoLhcr fM.."CUn ty ala $31000 103S.. By t.elbng 1 hat ~rity now, you e:tahlish a $3,000 ln.~ Rcc;n lL? For 1069 you·rc iaxed on a n< l capital ~n ol only $1,000-not $4,000. Or pt..'fh.iJ'IS you hold securities :i.L loc:oos voh ich (':t('{.ffi your cip1Lal i::ains for Lhis '.l''t·ar .. By ~L.:1bh.shinl! lb~ Ir.~ now, yo,1 ,·.i n rl("(loct ur to ~1 .000 o[ thP excess from 'our orrilna.rv 1969 1fl(OTDC'. anrl up to $1 ,000 ;if lJ11' unu~l balance c.11'h yc.1 r Lhcreafter. J~ul if you w:uL unl1\ lhcel.1<=l m1outc l o t;':<"lahlL-;b "such 1~""4:-S nnd sv;•itch into more 11ttrad1vc i~u~ .. yo1u1ll prohahly find y~f cau~t up in lh1· l rnd1lll)Ml ::-f'~1 r-<"Od l.1x-a<lJ usl men l rm;h.. 'Iha t o:roJd m<-an you'd fl'l'('Jl'c I~ on vour s;i\cs <'ln<l pay mvrc 110 vnut pwc~ than in a Jt·s.<; voliiLil(' rna rkr·L.. ] nl£~l~d 1n rhSC'O"lf'riTIJ:" 00., fa~-fldjust­ mt n L<. now migbl ~of benefit to your porUoho position:' Con lad YOUT nearest. lJ.:--..i n Wi I ter office today. "We'll be glad to :\t rn n ~<.: :in a1>po1ntment.., al, your coovc- n1r.n11 , ~it h nnr of crt1r arf"oonl ,.Xcctlt.I~ "I111·n :-. no C'Ol>l or 11hh~at 100 ITTVolvefi ()f roun.c, WI"' can'L pn,.-...cnL OU1'5elvts m> f.;u C'.1.pert..'l.. And. a.-. you know, i.hf· present l:rws relat.i.n.1: to cap1t.al J:"3.1IlS a nd 1008E'S m ay be rltAnged, with a rr ...;u\tant e.iJl'C1 on 1hts )-car ':;; tran.qi_rt.MJn!'i The;c a.re.quc~.1.ion.<; fo t vour I.al.'. coun~L We can, ho""cver. di.~ wilh you lhc vanoui-t a"J)CCt.s of ta:x-la'IS selling and suggest ways to upgrade J'OOl' prc9el'Tt. 1nve_..1.mcDL pcEatKJO. A II invt.'Stol'lll. hv the way, i;;lwluld h.:rw n copy 111 oar J!Jofi~ Digest of Capt.a.I c~un ;ind L<iti5 Provi!'1ort" Ao<l for mun1opa l llflnd holder.--. v.:f' h.1ore a spcc:inl report on how lo ronvert. J).'lpcr ~<;t'!'(. 1nlo ronl t.nx. 1':1VlOJ!S. ft'C{' rnp•C'~ of rnrh rc1..-i rt. a re aV3iJ11bte at any Dea n Witt.er office. )LJ1.t"rr c~r /11 ..,.,.,, wM k.noe when y ou uwc.st WJJ.h._ DEAN WITTER~ Co. JNCORPORATED .. -i-,.._Ytft~~ .150 Drtnl"n R 0 ydE'l1. Vier. T'rPsidt1 ut Nl"lllp<.Jrl Ctll lPr-[)rfUt, Ill the r 1na 11clal Nr '•·11ort /Jt ocli Tclephonc 644 2292 Pim .,.,,,,,_ w•t~l'd DY l ,,1.,1 JIO', Jlil "11!1 M.., Jl'l :lllVt m CP'T I •ll Mm1r1I HI ""' 11\li II'!'! -':'! twl11. ""l )1 ....... ,,~Ml Auod · ·~ 5'i t i'> 10 1111 e' •'• ,,,. .,,,, l>o !;:. Al! ... llf 1 40 7GI 4)\ ...... "°"-''"' ~ I'" .. !'Ion o1 s.<urm.. ton l•b ,1..., ,,.,., ,.., 11 n l, u o1 '°"' 11Vt 1 l~ "'""•llf w 2 t ,....., IO ..,... -..., "' 1 o111 I d r t Dt•ltf"• Inc ••• ot<b k • JI M1! ~ •1• IP<>I 11 )I 2.1 "'"'I"" (co ' , ..... 11•~ U Y> •• ~II ... pU t!:~; an Or COmpU f!T 1'411 1<fu11 tf1"'1C OUcrl I t Not llYr I\~ 1f S.Crll!IO A t'4 11~ Air PrOll ,IOD II 3114 l71'1 J7!'1 -,_ i...CUll 160 operators who actu•Uy n the 11or>f boil ••• ·-11-P 11\li llh N1t6i I I"' $eari. Pl u-. Ill\ Alrilltoll 11 ,. tJ , ..... ltu u... lto\IEllll 1~ ru re~nltllve 11'!11r ~I U 1' WE~ OE 11 I "' Solo C"'• n n .,~111trln '1 I 'll 11.• li.t -" it'v computers 'Mlt!: tota ls rn each 0..1 ... •"c'" •• c k"' u" 11v. ,.,1c; u , .... ~ s"uv1. ""''~ ... ,. • 11 ' i•~ 111 e ,,... + .... *mPll, 10 .io0roi11 .... i.1, J 1co, 1 " I""~ re io J111i ~ 'r to ''l'l "''""' .a Jo11 ~ s.t ~\lo _,, r: ,.,. " of tht!:se occupations art!: f!:it:·""'-·•'wn1t1111>•••1t1~ 51, 1 Ncl1A :i."l.jS"4 NI .u a A wr t 1'\.'o ,.,,. v.--. 1, "' MC:urll!n (OUld I (_ Sv1 S'• ~, Nlelo II Jll, Siio I C11 IVt t•t, Al(a""'lu 110 IM 7'V. Ml'o \;, + lfo l'I r 10 l>eeled \O doublt!: by 1975 ~IYt be." ""'' WP1t1 l:tt,, 1:11,,. ~"'~,11tt-: 3"" l\lo W11 ''"° 14>,< Al<:c51•~ 20 11 ,~, lllo 2l11i -141 , :!J',, 10 "''"' 1•1kf'dl 01 Mldul ,, -.. ,., rlG f'~ 10 Tel .O'o ""-All~af'ld.on 111 17V• ''"' JO, • • "'if' GI• However , there alsG will be ... 111 (l>dJ 1 .. 11r. c1ri 4'11 'j"' N 1r 011 ,"",,, •!',', 1 • i•"<t,' ,'i:i' ll~. !)~":~ 10. , J:?. i' ... 1~. J." -11s """it enormou' n"m'·rs of )Ob ~~·.-11' "'~~.•,•• !:'.!",?... 011 111,. ! N G1• .,., .M ... .-"" • o1 1 ~ " ""' ~· thr-•• ,, C: JS PfW N1!G "-1 w JS c l ~:o ltW. 11"L\ICI 7 olO ~ 11•• olAll "°"" -ft. !ltl 1 openings In other computer :1 ·~~<l•r l~;I,!.;! ~:,r.0 :· I~~ 1t14 ~:1 p~~: r:1~ JJ "• ei-':~11 u~ !!~ !~:::~ r~ ~ ~ g~ 3tt + .... ~-· ' SpecJaJllC! ranging ft 0 m retell m1rllup lnlwl>I ~·· 11 ~~!• A•I IJ ... 12 \o lid krw ~li,.:. 12'. .. All1!;'5,!! 110 ll't lD'o ~ IN -ll ni llt~ assembling computer com-~1'.':i!t"'".,.. ~ ::11°6~ 11~1ll:O::"~.·J :C"'fi.,., 1.~1.11fi~ ,).,.,ik-:lll=/114; ,f =. ~~+"" 11R .. to AM E"t m~ 11\~ rlt Tac 11.1.i 11o;, Ormnl 11\• ll'olo IT-Cl #11 SI Alll~Po:I ill 21 )9 \lo ll'4 -1" :lT111'1 IM poncnts to ~eUJng computl!rs. .v.1 <orp 1 t '"''" ... .., 4J o;, g".,. TP' l ~1 \Mo vr.K Tv '"' ~ A111 " 1 M "' ~·ii \lo u + ,,_ , in""Drt"'JJ ST AF,A.Pr .\ 131.io7''~ fl f-5'\' ~..-"fl\ 10\Aol~ ....i•I F II 1\ .... Aljl9fl .t I 1to ilO M .f l\l In Plltll ARTING salaries for A1ts ll'IC 1111 fl~""" r~ 1v. , •vctt 11 n 11•eo f" ·~ '"Allied. P .. " 11•0 1«11 1~ I ,_ I AVM Co 10"2 '" l'llrfld T sia ··~ PEC hrl II"• no;, •MP• '" m Allio C~•l!n lll ~ 7M ,. ~.. Pl I comp.i t!:r p rug r am m 1 n g Acme et ,..., la'<'/ ,.,,,1..,. llh n,,. P1011 Ir .t.J'•...., T1AMr 11 ll Alp/'l•PC .. "' " :IOflo 11 + ,, DWG• \Ml ••• ,,,,, n~ .,. around. Aull• VII: 36 l1 "!{Ml lei 1\0 ..... ii.VI I'• I'. '••Ml• B>\ B'~ Ale ... I.. IJ& I}'~ t'iit'.. •'Ill -it,. =· .. ., v" , ii.fl' HOtP n~ l5 Ft .,., sr B Pac Fee Ji 31 l 1v1or W -,.v, 11 AMIAC. "° " 1w. 1 lf _" l.11 H -00 ( ha Air I...... 1 N f'I ill l!' 11\'l Vo Pt«C: (: ' /\lo I Ii' 20\l'll\J A"*°~ 1.29 11 »llo 1l J:Alo n J .. degree 1n compUter scltncet H ~ ~ ''' "'" •1 • ..., Plr.W't' 0 11 1.i.olli u "" " 1\11 '"' ArnH d1, 7'1 1"" ~· ~ .,., v • ... .-. ~ I • you ¥t • ~n "' 12~ ll'to ,,, In.,. 21tl "" P•nc:I ...-. '"' •1 Al ' J AKMR I P'2.. 1 ,..,... 12\o ""'' + :::'l:r-" ~ ' A ~ lf• ~I lllFlrt 5-\9 Sh P•r11W H m'I 2l'.lo C• 'l n"6 "°""' pfl.JO JI ...... t l .. Iii .+ J'4 C°"'I pt to a roundSll,OOOUyoumoveUpA ..,..,,., 11\J 21 """'''I:'"-I•'"'' J 11n 11Cop AA1rF111r ,IO 'Jl :W\\MI~,...,_.., omw£t1 J 10 the occupauonal ladder -say !I!! J: ~ "',..=i_ IP 2!~ ~r. ::~:.Jn: ·~J,~0u ,'~n1GS 11~ l~ ",.11'1!£!~1" 1l: ~ if' ~' f4,U ! ~ :!or:'1 ~ f ' Ai; Mr• W 1\6 F•tl Otl U It ,_lop f tl 2lV. T"iqol 0 t. rnrG Ht'9 I J 2N 29\to ~ _ '°' -..f kJ rom programmer to systems •111Mf i:. tv;, , t".l 0rn1 :u n111 ''" Ol•L ''~ s:ii. r,e..., tn ff "'".,..,. ? 70s 311., ,. ,,. , l I I d ....... Gft 11'ot. 1W. F-r ll'I • P1 EAoln ''• !llo Trlcco Pof ' AmlOQI I.. 1• ~ .tt. 1 +" -Mlllo I ana ys o syslems es1gner -..... _ 1 ,... ,......., '' i1•. P1 G~w 71"1 ,. Jr1<1;11r 16\fo Am t •n 'le llf ~ ,,\lo '''Ito _.. ~<• • VOii ton t>pcct lO he earnong i\m lllJ>ll llll H\~ Fi .... I (P l'o 9 • Penn Pt~ J'~ ' TrOPic.1 14"" JJ A<1n llf I I! 17 2M :H :H -1111 .,,, :dl1 1 IO ' AEI t eb 11, Fr .... ln E 71 7l Pe"" 11'.E It 11 ~~ Ty"°" I'd llh IA'-f"' Clll'l'I '° ,, ll'j 11~ llflo Oii dl1 pl S ...., ooo or so within rove yrars A"' 1~ ... 10·~-11 FulY-1 ''• P1p11 w. r:11o Po unn,,. 11-t tv. ,,,.," 1 • , l>I. " """' + 11, "" ODd 1 " 'l'"V • A"I Fv•ll 1(1', 11 '1n01 '''" II"• ... rllll t c1 th Un OoUf 1t 311V, AITl(redlt to " 11 1~• ti + ~ onFtl coll..Y /\nfl If YP.U mOl't JnlO a h!gher /. Gr'ffl ""' "1' 11 Svc 1!\, ll"-Pe!rl1 II .lf'I SO\\ lln tllum JI ll"I AC~ I ill) l 11\~ Jlloo 11\Ao onFrfk!lll I · '~ I""' lt lll"" G Alrctl ''' '') Po1rot11 d\-1 .:iv, u., McGll llft t Am(:y.;i 1 2S ~» lll ~'"' ~ _ \\ oco l••iJnt position, such as your com-A ,1,1,, a 10•• 1oi. ~ Otv+<• J J'• ~R'!., •i '' un ill•1t 16'4. 1111o A"' 0111111 1 11 fl~\ fl _ ~ ortN•IG 1.11 pany s D1re<:tar ol Dal a Am Pl"" ''l"' 2l>.< Si!!!-E1t !" t \4 PllPklri 1• 14'~ ui Grw~ N '"' A~1f\lt lh 11 1111. 11• lll\ _ '"' "" Pl4 n , A fi\1<11«> U J5 G l(lntltc: J ~ 3'1 P~I ub Jl>l ?11,0 US llkNll lt IN ADl1!Ttl >09 11 21:i. 2 \lo 11~ + I,. §§-O • Processing, yo11. can expect to ~sl' c~ ,1• J~ om;: ·~;: ,f" ~\~,!;: 1f"\ ~ Hs. J!:~Y:, 11 1'1~ ~£11\.:' ~ ,~: ~" u;: Y11o -t\ on ~:: tt 13"" 000 Am tot~ l!', 111 Gino'' .. •5 Portr MIC 17'~ ?Ill> VS TJ.:L e ' A"' l!nk1 I )t) JI .... 31 Jl•Ji + ~ O..IA rL ,. cam .,..,,,, or even more. J.nch• C:p ,, ''1"1 ~11.11 "" 31 Pro c;.,11 110•\ 110~ P.f,,'~~'• 2J"'-' 2•~ Am j:. 1"" 1J1 311 214;. ~ +"' ~C•n le E'pcr'·n-d c 0 m p u I< r ... -.., a 11 11v, t•••n w ..i 47 p,,,. An• ., u st ru .I" 11.r:~• -'A' tJO •rv. •ll'I ,,.., + "' ,. -n. "' """ ... ,..., c 11~ 1y, 1o1i Jlyp '\'> 6~, Pw~! N11 1r,•,",,'~,-u,~11 (o l~i.• r.,, •,o,',","r•"-",1 ~~ '•"•1, ~'1' +.•~ oo, ,._ c.!!.,l -c:alesmcn st.art al around Arut• ,. :1t .o Id ,c~c 11• • 1' Pub NI.I ,,. 1 _ -·· _,. ..... ,,, ~ .. AT<• I'"' lJJ,11• Gotd LS )I 11"1 1'..0SH(. 1' n"'v1nct S• 23'117•\l'J AmHo/1 10 'IJ ... ll ... l:At -:'.1 IMIGl >J $12,000 a ye;ir and '\:'Ork Up t::~ ~ ~l•& 1)'1 2;:~ ~c ~~ ~!~ ~~~:.r l~U. l~'-" ~l:t'X"ocr W~ tti1 :m 11~:P l # •I •n~ ••*-4J = V. ::1M3/1 11~ fairly rapidly to the $25 000 a ..,,k MoP in, 1 •\~ Gr;::: 11 11•, " •~""'' :IO'l 3!"• w....,1 ... P 1,•• '•'ru111 Am1nv>1 110 1f~ ri"' ~~ ~~ -',' ont oo pt 2 ' ... ,,_ H 51 !l ~ Grnll ill 1111, 19'• Pfrlf'f $1 \I 11\) W l!t1de Dl1' AmM~ll• to lJO I "' ,. -~ Dnl l" 0 year .range. 11.rv\<11 110, 16)1 Gr1n.,.f Ill 1n PD...o C" I 1>11 W.,~hw ,",',1 ',,' '"m'~.1!,.1.0 " Jr! r,:~ n:,:: ~. 'c'o"•'f···"o•",, I dd l f I "'CC 8ot 72 :.?JV. Gr.we Pr 11'~ 19 Pllt~"'l l\ l~ •~" NG • Am ...., )s. II "" n a JlltOn to o ty sa arit!:li, i1.u1o ~cl 111, l•'1a Grwth in 1t1 21 111<1 O•n 11 • uv. W•lh 111£ 1,,' ',',~ •,mNetGai'? If! 33,~ ~g'· ,",!•, -+ }•, 1o!>~•t 01,•.,.<o th th frl .. flt f A-"'~o ''• lOl'o Guerd C~ 6>i t" ill•ll 'tral 1l ll<lo W-1 Tf .,. m Ph r 1l' 1 -ert!: are e nge ne so 811>9nr 1 ~ 1" Gu~ 1~1 10•, 10>.< R"•n•b i:1 ~\.> 36"5 W•bb ill• 22 11 ARno~010ll 1J ~\i 11.,.. 11v, -I• -nit ~ stock options, the secunty of t!"~':'r Ai 3t,, ·~ H::,;;.,. ,:.~ ;~~ ::~~·f: 'u ':! :z:~irnM ~l'~ ,,l'I ...... ~· ' ,, 7.s ~~U ~l~ ::~ -'f'n,J 'I bring ablt!: to take your sktl 1:·1 P11~1 •1, 3J,\ H""""' s 111~ ,,\~ illl<.Oll E• '' 10 w111:l G lo"' p, r's sri1r '° :ii 2J 71"< 11\\ -'' c::l • ., u 81.,1,1r C l D 1011 Ha•rn In l '• Jiii ll:to Ml• lf>I 1tt"1 W1tc1t P 10'lt ~ A .;:;;., I~ 3lS ll1t )011 31\'o + 'J,, Cop11l1Ad l 10 anywherr. in !hf! country and e.,.,..,, 11"i ,, • .., Httll Mor i.1, 1' Ret Creel .i"' •l'· w11n NAo i01v. 17,. A,~.",',•,'<,nio ·~ ~;:,• :!!:•, ,',",', + "<C~•.•,•,•, 1 .. ;i! B1Jln p 7;, Polo Hen•ed p l• lJ<~ ll llev S!o 1'1'~ 11 W1ln Mt' l\O ~' -SI to almost any nl.8jor industry l!!t•um•r ~1·r. .,,,., 1-1\doc In! io•\ 11 R<>&d E• 17'+. ll.,.. w11n Pirb i1 lTYI Am.S '3 llV. J1>;, 31'• + t• o•lnthl!!t ' 18.,lt! ll ll\~ "II" 16,~ 11 ltobln M ?J 7' WI .. Wh 101~ 11'.0 .. Id ol~I! 11 100 tf\l tt•1 -!oCarGW ?SOI plus the poss1b1hly ol ilarlini e~~ 151., 361l H..n.""rP 61 19 R ... 1..,,, ljlfl 11 w•'•"°~ T JO<• ll\\ 5111•11 " « J1'• n JI -Y> 1"'",..un n 8etle 1111 11 1~~ H-f a1'> n Ito• C11I J -, ,..,,. ,,. ll'I t~.n 1 Mr '° 1r, 21 7r', -" owl~ le ~rur ow11..company, _ ••1oot l('ICI •"• nv. Horl ~' 1,. "'\ ..,, s;v :w.1 U>Jo 1.c ~l 7th u.. A'n,{'1 £ , l ''• '"' ''• + ., 0•&<1c1, "° 'low do l'QU get lhe ,·,ghl 8•1""' "• 101\ Moult Fis ,., l 11,,,,", • n,·' •••• •,,',','", ,e-•.• ~ ... WWi. 1 ,, 51'. SO•, 51'1t-•,CPC In!! I 1t Bt•l H• ]t •1 Hircll Ml t 10 -t I '"' '" I II 10•1 10' 1 10' 1 -'• Cr1ne I 60I> kind of training for a good 8t lf Lt" llo\~ l"~ """ PP :JJ'~ 11') :w"if" l '3 1100 11'1 ll\1 t •l't. + ., cro .... l(n M 8Ulu.., \If 119 1'1 Huq Ges ;::: u:~ Alli r.~~ 61) 2 111'> 2l'.\o uli -"<'.rPUlftltlnlf I computer JOb~ l:~fch~ -,,1 ~·; =~~ll f P 36,,,. 11,, ~~f,1e1nc " 11 ~~ ~~ 11~ +:: ~;~"1c!rf' GET A COLLEGE rit'gree, 8oe<-HI 31', ll\o Ind G11 ?ti'•, 'n5 (I lO 111 JOlo :JO•~ :JO\<, ~ • Cl'W<\Zell I 60 I h 809~ Et •'• '"• '"" Huc1 32t MUTUAL jlMC P1l.10 2 11• 111 lU -+ 19 1CTS Coro lfl \1111 a maior In mat or SCI· e .. 11 Se• u1,;,161~1ntoftc 11, 11, AMP Inc; .. •11 '''l 11•. sa•o +11~Cv<i1hv c~ .. d 8lloltl~ C ll'• l:IVo llllt•rd I 1•~ "'"" Corp lll •t\9 .. 1, 4'1"o \ Clldhy pf1 H enceormay even an a van-8,,. c1P ll'•l4\4l~t c01, ,1 1~ ,1.~ ""'11"' 210 11 11'4 ~\to 36-.=,!cuulQ•~,. cd d th 8111.wv G 74• H\/. 1~c11 s 11 ·~s 1 Amtel JJ 7! 11 1~ !&'°'> , • Cummln -c egree in ma or eng1-er.,n ,., 11 ' 11\:o lnt•m ~ 111, "'" AA•<""" 1 '° 2t1 lll>~ )II JO>• -,'> cu ... 0•<111 10 noenng Then go ID a erv"" B• 11>. '™ 1~1 8W•h !" ''• FUNDS •,fl<hHO<;~ 111 31 ...,, l-lh .. ,. -• <un111 Wr• • ll~d<ev 11" 12~ In! Mill ' '• 18~ Al'ICOll'NSlr I •l Ul'I 'I 11Vr _' Curt Wr A ! maj{U' C 0 ffi p U t t r m.anU-:~~~~: ~ i::~ ~ [~ ~yc11r ~·~ .J: ... ;:..£'!11 l-jg ii ~;:,_.. ff~ ff:t -1 \: ~~\:"p,H 11J/ facturer ~·1th a tr a 1n1 n g 1•1 w sv '~"· ;51 .. Int s, "' 16 Tl''> ~'ii'"'t 4)f a.. J''' 1~ :If\\ :;:11._ c,aru1M 1 ocr uru:o l! ~ 11'(, Int T11>t 11'~ 1111 Aqu• CMm 40 """ .. .. \} pror,-ram -and a JOb w1ul1ng •non M 1• n 1n•""1 11 '! A.Jiii. svc '' 10 llf'> 11,., 119.., - I h h d 0 I k l C1n~M B 16 M !onlc1 7S 1 ••TtP$vc lot •I 11'1 12'• ,,, •• 08nlllY, Uo t1 1cn1cren r atco C•n•~" 1v,n 11\sou111 111~·:11 Ari1n1os 20 n 11 l'f'1J01!-. D1 ... c11.is I I C•P Sow 1 \ )~'I J col1ro F ~I Jlh Ht.W YOltK (AP] !nY Guld t ~ f SI ... '1r\CoSI I Ml 1t JO 7'"k 1910 = \: 01.t Ind Xlb e~e course~ in com puer c,. 1n1A ''• P.~Jrcoun c 1~11 111.i. ,.,,., .. 1 1nw l<>dlc 1J11ns1Arrnour 1611 11 ~1vt :11 .511,+,,..o•fll"" "'~, ft ff red lh C1P1'Cl'o &• 1 J m WI 11" -... "'° ln\ffl 80> tl ll Ill.Ii""' pl I 71 I '' 62 12 OJl'<'>CP 1 l ~C'ICnce, 0 tn 0 e Jn t!: Cat!f 81 ''~ 7\/. Jomt1 J a' t1!1on1 1~Drlled bv lnYnl"'J Grovo r"'•ICk IO 11 36'• """ :J6>~ _Yo Oeyco pf&?! adult educalwn ,.,,., ... ~ .. am c1r1r G• ;1 11 Jo..,•br 111~ 1 !fl• N111on• At1PCI 10s NII s 41 l '' rmillub l 60 1 3'1'• "'• 3'l< + '" D•l'I"'"'~" ~o . ···o• i•K NG ll•~ll\'IJU"' Fd~ '• 11f!IG'I ol Securllleo Mut IOD\1 11 .. c ..... " n 11'1< n lt>l Da'1nPL I~ Don ( sign up far courses at en••~ ., 1..1 K111•r ~· ' '" v. Ot•l!!•1 '"", ... P•09 s ! 1' Arvin 1,,., 1 12 11~. '"'' 1r:i. _ ... DPl "'" J IS d de l tn VI'S 1'1 • 1tt't. 1(0 JS! pt 11) l I/If Ptlcn 11 wt>ldl jttdl 71 ' :IC A .. dlld 0!! 11' Bl 32'1< »-. 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'JI All R!c~f!d t .Ill f Tl o t• ''' 1 _ "1 Ot...,Ml<I Df I f St I t I hrl1t s lllol HO k.oY '"II 18•,Allillold lllltl Jonn"" Jll072IOAll ill lch pl l 11~·~161 ltJ•.+11<Dnt1p1y Ito. r nmpu er con1pany Wit OU !hi Bra.t 61 • 691~ Kr~•~ c 11,, 11 ,, "•~1 1,, 111 1 • J Hncoek 1 ' ''' 4t1Rch o111s till ""' "~· Jl>,, +. 1, o,,,,,.,11s1 ~· Jr I n v es I g a Ing I ~"" pf " !OJ l(ry: c~ lJ u • A!~I•• II ,5 1! SS l(•~,1-f v,,,,1 1 Allillch •11 IO SJ 11 ,., .. 't ..,.. Dtn RGr , 10 thoroughly Jn tbe blunt v,·ords 11-1 1 ll~ 1t:•v11 P~ 1•1 , , ""A"' " •1 1 °' ~.,. e1 1• 11 "°' At111 Clltf'l 1 ,. 2s>~ 11 11•, + , , ~or Ko Pl " 1111 u A '6', 1114 1(1"' In! lJ<. ,.,, Allll'!• FG u"1well $ 8? 70 n n"' All•• Co•• llJ J'I Jt~ 1·~ -l, e•tto pf l!!t of one major New Yorkct11 ue 1,1, J•,1(1n11 El , , i1.mt10 1 11 ''' u• •• •>1 1o t1Almll"1 Pia' 21 ll'l "'• 11'~-·. 1:i.cora1nc 110 l , " Clark Ml 2J M l(lrk Ca u•, If'~ ,t.rn lu• l 71 3 SS <~• Kl t 15 I,. AvtS..kll' Dtl llG l!>io lJ'"' I~_~ O•IE<ll• 1 o10 empoyn'l'nt agency iDmt!:c1..,1on n-·J\tol(no•Vot '' ~1 AmD~1n 1t 1•1 1 " Cu1 ic1 Jhl tMAvto..,tntn<1 11• 14•i 1• 1.t _..,o.iEd pf!50 are 'ftOrthless and ~t!:tlmt!:S li:~:onM':) 1~i: l~~ ~Ut11'011 1,. t~ :~~ c;',"J, 1::~ '" ~~: ~~ lf"ll1f1' ~~ ~.lo.lt n ~:; ll~ J.~ =~·~ 8:~~~'1 2tlOP f rl l I •h (-Cp v • 11 ..._, In 711, 11.., ""' Inv t ll 1.u <u• SJ I 01 I lj AwfV l"d .J1 I t1'1 i.n, ,11, -"-01,11'1"'" M even r a U U r. n l e coimt E p: t \.lo L•""• 1" f• ,,, ""' Mui '..so 10 111 '"' S• J Jt • o :vn•' 1~ ..., 23'1 H•• H•l t•\o _ ~. 01.rn11>11 110 ~ d alt f•h h '· re Colllflt F ts 71',l t,.. '#!I l U V. A"'N Glh J 31 JU Po!1r 161 JtS v•~I Pll I 311 Je lll -4 OJ1thl"' 1.0 ,.,. a u s o • ese sc ooi.:o a Cobol s•r 1r\ 1,.. t••'°" 5.~ •v• Am "'•• 1 02 .,,. ocnit•b '•i 111 A~on "" 1 10 • n 1nv. 111·~ 111-.. +•. oi.Sh "'c' 1m po~sible ta place" Cornc11 J 111~. l •b c11l Jll 1"' A~d>ttr Gr...,.. 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H-~..,., ~1• S1vi.t: ~llG PK• iuo y JI'\ ,,,.. -h OlllonCo .Nb OU e SC 00 81 ~I a c-Como A 5 1'" [yl>(h c J.11'-)j I'll"" A ... 7C Cl fttld :tt.fl"~ ll•tPunl iG 11 n~ 22'-' fl ... -'~ D!nlrC!ub 511 C'red!ted bv a stale re..,1i•l•ry ',:!!! c,,, ',',"' ~v, ""•'•',,",,' 1™ 1~ f vnd • I-" 'j• C••ll 11 I{ I •"llP Df 2 • ll .xiv. l l -~. 0 1 .... v lOb o:o-··~ ,.., .. r, " l'" Ii.cit • 1 1 MYt ii l "DP .,u is 2 :n.•4 u., ''"' _1,, 01115"!19 1,., :l"C'OCY 1f1tactuallyha~com-Cmo Mlh l'~' "II 11.llY II'~ o• cl Cl J ll J 1'MNIMO ,, • fl•llllTr Ill t$ 66'1o 6.1\, '''.'i -'flD!vt<lln<I ]& '> ' Cmo T~ ~l'•ll'4 ...... lllo:rt 11 4tv,•1._ un1v11t M•n Fof 11nUu 1•tbOll 1311 J 11\lo $l JI Drl'epper ta pu!ers for sludenl<; to usr. con lltPC~ JO 31111 111o...,1 ,A.1 ,'\ •I.lo !!,.., Kn! 10 u If 11 M••~ c;i~ 13 07 fl.. ••d c II. 71 11 Ml• .U<io Sll':I -~' Oll<'l'llMlft 10 d \ Cl !•r•IV I'• I Mtnl~ M. 1"11 r~ 1!r l'of UJl l llMl'llo 'tr ljtllT. Ille Inc I ll 16'4 11 U ~ Doml<d !l•~ i ~omr on I , if 1t offer~ J ri h c,,.,utd ' ,.., M1""' c 1,,,.. 1 """'"' 1 Of '11 M1•n " '~ 1•r1 "''o 3 1,,, 11 '1! 11'\ --·~ """"etl•v 10 co~tr•n ,., • M llrawr u l !I'> !oalen &I I ll 1 5' M•!I,.,. llUll. 811>! Ind J~ '6'o IS•• 2b1, Dork co JJ placcincnl ser\'ices and what c-r t 10 11 "'"'' o J'''o•O "'' F d~ 11011111Mc011<> •~ro 111hrn pr210 • 6l'• 11 •T -l ~~Oe-r onvor h f I !Ofp ~ ~ 31 McQuy 15 ;6 1>1ton I lJ I JI Mlllil. Mu 1 7 ?j lluOCftlb 10 !7 1' lllio "\io 1.,, Oovor (p 6' I r ex]>('rience o recen rwtrn '' 1•..:. Medic H J'"" 10t;. fl roH St 11°'11 7! MQOdv, co H 1 u 41 1•ttl•b u •? 601• 60\o 6011 = "-o-cftm , a.o gradUntC'S has been In flndJrtg ••II M~ 11 1' Medtrft ' l>i'~ lulloC~ 1.1 0 \11/!Moo<hs l•\IU.1 ••Ir Lob wl II lll'1 l0'1o m• '01a~cCD 1.0 C•ou <:co .oo·~ OJ ~tlpar 1>1 Ji"' ~~n;.: ,:,ti~~ ig MG:~ Ful'8tt 11 ') l:;~~~o 1 SO 11 11 !Ho 11 , ~ :: Orenl~d 1 •o JDbs Only after you get ~~:~':: ~ a·~ \h .. Ml~ G~: 1~1• ,,,: C~P0"1r 1 10 'fc /"<""' • ~ Hs ,,, ,.,I 1 14 ·;.;~. "I.1, ~.,. -~ E~:~~ r:.'r, Sa\isfaclory ansv.•erS Should 8:7.:Vo:-:O :r~ l1io :1~'.!"GT l(" ~I~~:~::~ ;~f ~.: Ml~,u~d 1'11 ta ~!)~~ )~ .. l~ ~!,11 tt~~ ul•:;: \t 8lvf~\Cp1 !: )OU make any commllmmt. 01v1o '" ,,,~ ll\11 ~Pit e., ui. v, Ctni Shr n :1111 d M•" o°'o" '," ! ;, ttehiO.r 11'11 1t1 !li. 1,., ,,,,, • ou~~rd' 1 10, D•Y Mir 71 ~ ?!;"> .Y,lu VIG 7 1'~ Ch~n~IM '°~""' u "' ~ 8tlto Pt! 50 I• 1t~o 2J\, Jlh -,,f. o I• C 8:.iCf:n1 In :~1 ' ~~~ ~-It~ ,f~ 11~ ~=n!I 1l ~: l/ li :::~I Os~:~ :: ~::ii 1:1i1'tt:. ~ ,:f n:: ~ 1: : ,,: gu"~:.: l~1!ra Otlll! 11.P • "• ...... "' p~ 14'/o \l'.t. G,....111 '°{l J~ Mvl '"' 167 !•T t it lntrrctin n 10" 10 10 -1, .!:!._Q,n, •' ........ "' ,,_ , 1""'"' t I 19lj HE ii. Mui lllJ" • ~ I C " -'•"""I L .... lu• (~ 55 ,., M«T• p 10•,. 111.. SOK1 l !IO l I Mot WStc 10 tl,, '"',i ,·.· 15 1'I 11'• ?JI~ -1\lo O<t 1 JOP!l •o Del C•~T 14'~ 11 • ~e S I~ I~' (1'lot Gou• W•t 1"" ll..111\ st en • O ~ 41 •• •I ... -1 011<1\I •DI 1 0,·.~ 1f~ ~~\I !,' "•''•'~cc", "· JI• f-Mnd r It Jot 1 l..'° NII '"""' '61 'n ..,.,:·I "' l ' 1'"-e-~ .. -1\, D• 10Dl2 10 "' lJ 1 F•~· 10't5IOl'81 N•1 SKvr ~.. -,F~ lM 2M :11 .. Jt'l1 sa•o-1,0YMDlnll IJP 0.¥ ADD ll'1 l•'•Mutl~r 11•, 11:~ Sftr1'1d '106!JI • B~l•n \~IOPl.M ~I~ ~:tt 11 10 ,1 S9 '' +!>1 DY ... Am ..... 81~' c~ ,:,\ ,::; itf.~11, El ,~ 1~~· c~tm<I 1 55 2111 B()o!d 5 60 4..11 !:,." J~ SJ 11 ~ ~'~ ,1~:,• 11·~ -Vi -' ·-,,. ' •..• •• (olon(~I OIYI• •;.o.J tM ., • , .. u•IC nc '• '" II'"'"" '• f.U'Y 'OJ j!oll G•Wlh t,J'Ol 60 • W 60f 14'e 1'1~ 16'< +\~ E 1tKP<~ 10 Doclll•l 11 :!9 "f~IC•• I! "'! 1? u"'IJ 11,ui !I "''Sr~ 71M 1n -~tt '" ll1 H 14•1 lj'' •• Eu c0Ct1 tO Oo!IY Md 111> 11 H(ma C• )~, l>,, Gnt•lll , .. Tl lnctm ~Jf •Of wui.,he m U It 11~> I 1.. E•O! ... !r ,l]p oo .. J•n IJ5 l'Jl "Ille~~·" J1 Vt~I 7•1. 0 SIPC~ loll 96' ... ml<; c .... ,. 1,. ,,~ I'• '"t-\•EeJIGI' l lJI Firm Gets Dr. Huegy ~ Deylt oe 2J \o>411o K Pt Pd 31 lJ Ccol c;,111 l•lJllJ'l"f•t woit 11J 'U "M" 1sti l MI llr JO'> 1'f'o 1'•0 • Eu !UIU 1.0 (""'"'' 10 o10 11 11 H@I C.rl" 10 1' II " .,_ I 111 !I Jl1 o t.!:•1 1)11 E11! l(O<l&k I r r C t1arl1'~ '" l~ur.gy of (pmS 8d' J ll s Ml .. .., .. ,~ ,, "lJ llf<I Thrt• fO • ).I .,,, ·~ "" -l'i e~-Y• I O(t (ommonwnn Fd• Ntw Wld ll " lJ " l loctOt 1 M n n 1'1\1 n,. _ \\ Ech~n1ou ll Jrvinc has 101ncd Cleaf), ftitt C•o Fof 1eE11a NY YMI 1•1•1111 •l•J""" '1 101 n1; H 2.!11 -1,EckraP11 lO & C d 1ntoon If IO•J N-1"" 1610llW !I'll l elllf J ' ii 21•1 11" -i Ef itanflrqo I Q as \ire pres! en! in 1nvn 1 10 it I' .,.,,,., u u u .,. l'ec-Hll J 11 • 5"1 "" _ ,, EG4.G ie h f ti l Sloe:' f !O 1 Oc"*Pll &.Ml t «I lirt Ben I Jo • J .,,\ .If\\ ..... + "1 EIMu&lc ~ C" il r jle O ie counse 1ng i .. 11~ AB 1 si 1·~ Om'I• 8 ~1 tu e1,,81r 011 '' t tJ ,, 'i +t ew.u1 •n Ot~ firm S f1nanrc anfl CrO"Oml C with CD I 11 1 a 100 0 lJ 021' U go11t1i. 8rkJ :IO l'O 1t'l I '"I -''E l~<! ,_,_ '' ""'" "'' l~ftllt 01 Fd '"10 ,, oolna l !& 31!/'S JJ'i xi•, J01•-I' E Mem M1! Plat'ln1112 grnup, 1t .... as en· ......,.1 '", ""wms 110011 11111011C•! 15b 11• ,,,, ,,.., ,,,, • 1\ EIMM1• ,., OIYI• l'ld' ,14 10 ,, 'N'&ll 11 1!11)! Ona ltJ l 11 7'1o » 1•.., ,.,,~ ll!llnNe! i"" no11nct ct todai·byCh1pCleary, ...,,. F<1 •11uffo"°•"" 111 '°'~Mi~ 111 1 11·. n·. nh -•, 1"•-.;i~c. 1 ~·• I"! 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My I fO I" II I~ o 1U>o -•o PldJ """ \)n Bank\\h('rehclicrvedas!ht!: ·~wD01111olJ11Pr •1 Fund• er1,1M v o11 I" "•I -''> AOll!Mln 40 evo~ M IOS•Ni!j rwl~ 1~16 l6U gdwvt<Alo J 1 •I ll•) •) -l-'• ~•M Df4 lS hank ~rtnnt1m1cp l ann1rig O•cotlnc11 1111~• N E•• 1o!ll 1oc•!:;'H,•,0°11~1 s '4 l 0 1, 0 1> nnl•S~• •I D,11wr~ 1 1 1~1!!1 N •ior 1'6t'1MI '""c n 1 7 7' 11•1 lll• ou!"n ?~ a nil 1 \~I\\' 1 I h s pe c.1 a , E'" ••••Pro r-und 11 ot11ij •own • Jlt I/ 17>< IJ .. •, Es.1!1 !nc 120 d Snr JU 111 '•OvOnl 411 I, '<>Wn Co DI 1 \ '• ll'• H , ~ •oE••ul•• 311 rcsnons1b1!111rs in foreca:1t1ng 1 in 78, 1•11 Pu•ll•n 1017111 •wn,lft••1 1 11 11 1111 u •,,-1,E•H•1n1 110 ' "' I' I •I 1 01 Putn1m fu!"1d1 I"'~ ~ .Ill II 11 JJI • U U + "-(lhVt Co 11 nallunril economic 11nd f1nan-~,..,.1 1116 11 16 e •~u 11111116 '""~"•1 11o • :>0•· 19•, ,,,._ '"'l'~YI on•~ I I d "YI Fd IJ 6J 11 " c;..,,.., I I 13 11 1ll ~<• ', 10 11 lj" I' 111, • \) u•otna I lOt ('l,l r~Jl S rt yf lY 121,lllJ Gr!~ \lt•IJOJ 1 ::.ot<r ,a·'!: 11 l '' ' ll<1 -••1~•~•P -n H l ded th 1lonlo'"'-••1 IAcpm I l.! f l'l Q .. l 711 ,,, ,,, V .. 1h•rP r uegy a so prov1 e 8111~ 10 , 11 f7 ~.l'r"' , "' Is) u~",,t1 tft 11• •t " is.. B h ~ " .c.11o 1 ,, bank1n,111n~l1tUt1on \\Ith long-f;;;,::: 1l'6U:J v~'J" 'J·ttl.~ ~10·~·~,: Jg i#~: ~\• ~\O:~ .. :f"~tt .... .o,. range planning anrl projecliDns sooct if ft 1i 1J lleP l:c~ 1 U J l! "11~ R•ii"l 71• 1J'• IJ !J -~ 'll•c~c 30. stoc~ u11u!ol "'""' 1/!!'I :! l~:t'r...iQ'."!: M ;,1, j;(• ii~ ~1, l'•l•rh 11111or ~~tr;~~~na~n an~h1~1~1e,ogr~~~~ l::~r ltir. :w.1; t..::i~ ,,f7' • 1~~:~. : ,:j ill:: i}t, I '~ -1;: ::1:•pf1 1 d'"'''°"" for bra n•h ,,. :::;,~¥Se U 11 ~ <t:;""tnv"'~~\1111 ~ftunv 112r .JI• ,: . :.Z ~!='J.'1'n f'JO 1.. ·• '" nla•" • !~I JS tl :W.tl -~ Ft"llttl Inc q '••ti' ns 8 n d -·1"' ' 11 • ·•• 11 If"-"!., , • ,,, """' '1n pans1on, ac 1,1 .,.. o , ;;:;, Glfl ,l lit 11 ""' s1 11 ' 11 ~ :1 ~in:ni l'1 N 11'• ij}' -)~ ~ ... 111M1 - 1nf'rJ!t!:rs '"" 1 ~ ~ ""' "f, 't • l•N-1 Ill ~ 11•\ L~ !ffi' -~· ~"'' '"' I.elf •tr\! In 1 "I [IWll l 2 •moRL •St "° 10,. ~\; -"""' ... • t" Prior lo his a!filiat1on \\1th JOINS CLEA"Y, HITT .,.,.., 11 t1. 1.... • 1 " '""'s.. 110 .1• J,11, 11 3 ""+ 11..:iM"" "' ,., •lrla I lj • IK Arn 10..51 1 ·~ •I•"" "°' 15 1 '"' Pt .t l'l'tlP•c&"' UCB.Dr Hueg}'v;as onlhe ,.,..,11u11 1 •IS<>KSlll!!)J ffP1eJ10 ,,,. 111~n.,ii +i:·"P~ 1211 exec utive zlaf f o f ~1"1~!!~ l;~l'I ""OtMI 1nuj1l~~·••tl•,!:•o .J "'~ !! ... <S -•1't:t:i~~s i. ~-hC Dr .. Charl•s Huegy "I" runc111 f\'1 , .. 11•m• 10 111c!:i.ru~1•;f ,"!'I".-.-.·',',,,-+: l'MD1eu1r , TransAmer1ca ""'starc orp. f ., r • ..., M ,5 :t 0 11 1nv1 1i, J> • <•'"•it' 611 u 1 1,1, ,, -.~ "'" M1! •~ oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:Oiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiolFl~~·I 'JC:1 ) It S~r.: .. 1a:fl ii (lff C&CX. J ikl If 1' If 6t = '• t;;;:brd "111 19 r """''' Ill 4.'1 !""~ '"v "flj' I C••~f'tl \ '2 ,, ~·' ll'\o 121~ ·-.... ldctM 1 • INC.., ,, 'JO wlnV GI JJn •I C•Nl<h I 611 .., 1•W 1t 7'''t -'4 "lllro! l ' I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e /\LI~ ABOARD' ~pflt'a.lln;:: t11 the )~Ung, ne\'l'r too •)]ti rrir this 110 Tr..1 11 Jay. o It 1nth bt-11.otiiul .cclloerj'. ~fl .wo, ~ bu,y, e Th\s :\tUST/lr-.:G 11. too ~ oung lo ~ turned out to piui!Uft' )961; 6 cyl\n<kt, \'lfl)i lap, PIS, in txctl· lent condltJon, e It you:r tT)'ltal blllJ r.hM\'I a m(IV~ )n the tutu~, )'Qll ('I n N!C'O'IJP on lh" Pllpctl-"", lfP1't' 1~ 11 utility tra ll<"r 7':~16'. hn5 tarp. "ill U'avtl, '"' ~ '" ~r lnw 1•.fl u C1"i•..C• tO 71 .0 lt>..i lf'' Fm fl'tl.,.11,. '''" VI 1 l 11 11 f rm G! !.71 C•rt.rW ~ 311 ,,,,_ JI ll"lt -''° Flmt,.. t 60 1'1! l'IOlh 1 I Cl l•I• SI 5lJ0 U. ~I• JI IJ 11\'t u:· l•'• -I~ '11 CM! 7 :rl'f i" N'r '!ft '"'"l1n ~ ...... 1 , ... 1. pl Al•• ).I 1t'Jo 1 ~ .. ,.,. "'•'Hc1 .... 1ia 11 u I 11 I ""' nd U tl J11 C11r1eCk• loO H ~V. 3'11 -\~Ft! llStr 7fs 11 t I fld..:: I 15 (1 C111trTr I 20 11' ._.~, '2'1 4A"lo .. I~ l<!Khkh 90 ~ le .. I ft 5cltf> I.IS J. CCI CO•D oil ''' t'~ f1A -"' l'!llV I'd .OM • {" I'' SlfTn Roe F• i-CP IO 1 ,. " 11 -'1 •111Mr$c! 16 F .... " 81! "!ll11 r'->tCp I 11j "'' '4'• '4"11-l"'f...,.,ln• !oil f th ,,. 11• CeP OP )' IM 111" ..,.i,, SO tO', tt to -·~ 11 .. 1~a•• ! ~ ll't I 01 t H S•PC~ 1! I I' CtAc• '"' JO :n ll'l till olJl.(o ~ l ' llnl "14• !II ""Mtl f 'l ' 5~• l"GI I 11 ll C•"IFf• lOd l '"' w.~·· 14U, -I\ •nn! ..,111' oulfil , lll1 11Pln~ 10 1,ff C"'H"" ••• 1 , •• , )Jl\o -"tFll IE ((14111 rt..i.11" Grov~ """ GI 12.At '6 t! 1111.1 l~ 12 )JV. 7no, + "°' l'I• G11 . .!O Corri SI I 'n Mii Ao 11 f: !J 11ILI pf• 110 &4 ,. ·1· p .... 1 u ONTC 101 11 To1ch" 10 I I lllP$ 11 .ti If>• )j"'° N _ ... I' 1~1,t ,lllJ U!lt • ' ' jKlln<I 'rt 1, 1 <:e~· i.I " ll • J]l\ + '• ". "'"' '" Inc""' 1 U 1 0 1~,,. I U ' ~"° ""' I~ ll T'• l ·~ 11"' -\• ~I-Ct 1111 ~'"""' a 16 'JI tdlllOI I'' ~ Gent W I 3' LI <QV. c•l + \ 'til •" fd lrMUI IOfllOlJ """GI 1j~'t Ctn! n li 11'11 !'' 11 I 1 P !cit• JO "'""" ~"' 10 0110• Towr MJI onftllJ ... ~ "'" ' 111; + t\" C Cn 11 ~~ ~"( II ., 1 1! \'•"CHI .. , ff Cerro!... l•I l''• u )!' + ... •Mc e'7)S llr1lrr H 4' U d r1w Eo lifil <•rt Si IO ,1 •'i k 1ll~ ,+. ,1 FDCICIP•I• f"t ~· 5tc. lvdor F• 11 I (•"-• " 1 '' ~ H ·~ l'oc>f1 Cfl IO •• ~ '" l' h ~r.;£ F' ' l}1 Ceu ... 1, • a ?.i11> 1:1o ~1• -"" ~· ~1" ~:r IJ rind" ~..; "'=:: 11ti 11,11 ~ ~ ,i; u~ l ~ 1~ 1 u ="'"(• If.Mii ~"'~.Su! ~r~ .. f'u~I~.' ""' c=:,S,.~·1' II !.11; ~? ~\ .. §"::~enJ.• "m , !nc..., 11, 'IM C!l1"Mn~ )fl "" "~ Wlo + '' extior"/ • 111 •tJ JR c1111 • ChKlK I :n•o n .. 1'4;.-\1. '* 1, 00 llt 'tJ l OP' c... ~¥11 C~11r,. • l • 3' n• • "'""' -!Jo l'rlllPSul 1't11 "-I .. \l•lir1 LI... •. <-..Hv '60 M 6j1l U'. .,~. Ff'\ltl>Ca , 10 H11bcw" fl" ti ll11 \· 1· t .IO °'"""''¥ Je UI 1 '> U lj" -"' "1elo• '"" ~I' \.:; ll , 11 " nc:°"' a s.'" Cl!ll v• 1 • ' ll\'o 11 1 " r: i JI •I 3 11 'i ,. . °"'-I lJ I' •t~ Jt +\II • R ~1i?!'" • '" " l'llo ""' .,.. -... 'j I II '"" ~ t c "' ll ll 14~ 14 * . llt< .. l • ' "'' •t'I' cl ,.. tO"t ~. + " .. ~ '!"'I'~· lr9P HJ SPP Hj ,,·, ,, ··~' _.,, ~vb'lm• :n nv Intl , 1 MU""ft Sl ~ W ;1 l!I G!h '" ' Mlr'I 11 I' I Ml.IMC , IE ll tSI Inc ''l J I Wt1!$1 In Jji '-'.k '6 'II -1 lrn•fct .-•11oi1W1"1 MM 1 Cl\ltll"f! P .! I ! r:--· Im~ CfP 10 IS lj" Wlilhltn I! ChlllP f " ,... • ""' -14 trno Gii! 11i ,.. w t t'ld Co,.ct,rvl! 141 u J/" ,. ili1 , l~t Pill!. IM 1 ~ W~lfl"/11 t H {hrlj,(;11 l\of lit '1 p;, 1 .., _II l""tP..d 106• I# W/f!<;D rd 19 a11 ~I! t vr.,70cl l t!'~ !'' ~\,-t i'• ·=,., ... IA 21 'l -~ 'I ' •Ofllt l "' .,, ,.~ \1 \1 -~. , t I' $; 1 ._ hr(lfll•lr ' ~uo 1 1311 -te I"' •111: •1 j( .. 'I ,, .... It• ,.q, ., •1'' IJ '· -\ ... -··---·---------------------1..--........ ___ .,., ______________ .,,.,1!¥ OA l~IOli l J,ll ftr!Gf 1A ~ 11"1 HI\ 111~-.. York Stock List F,I I '' ' ~ ... -~· ;;,, . ,, 1' ' 'k 11'1 -.... ~ -.,. 31'1 -1\11, . _, 7'1\ + YI [ " ,. " t t ' I t ' t ' ' ' L l ' t ' ' t ' t ' t t ' f ' ,, \ " • " ' ' ' • ' • •• • .. • ' • • • ' • • • ' ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' • ' • • • • • • • ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ' ' • • --------------~--·---------------·-----·--------· --. - W00nesday's Oosing Prices-wmplete New York i! ~ii 11:~n S Lag fi f:~ !f If ~·; Market hows nw·~~..,--.., ' ' i 5f~-1U. 101 r.... !t~ ltlio + "' ~:~2·~~:~ 2nd Day in Row l)f, ~· i:~! ~· .t-' 21 ~;,: JJ • lll1 -• 1 lot " lot -• lt ,,.... ™' 11 .. ll -T- NEW YORK (UPI) -The mark•l backtracked for the second day in a row today in moderate lrad· lJlg Harry Laubscher of Walston &. Co Brokerage said profit taking was earned over from the prev· 1ou5 session after recent sharp gains while Newton Zlnder of E F Hutton said there was renewed coo· cern over inflation in the face of the Commerce De- partment's report of a nse m leading economic 1n d1cators last mon th Shortly before the close, the UPI marketwide md1cator was oU 0 69 percent of l 605 issues crossing the tape There were 903 declines and 484 advances The Dow Jones ave rage o! 30 blue chip industrials fell 7 46 to 848 40 near the close Volume of around 12,000 000 shares was in lJne with Tuesday's pace One analyst said that tbe goverrunent•s report 'knocked down the theory (among traders) that monetary pohcy may soon be loosened " He said that only when inflation 1s brought under control will Washington relax its monetary restra.int Electronics were among the weakest issues led by Control Data which lost 11everal pornls after sluting 4% in the previous session The concern re- ported higher earning:s for the September quarter A number of oil issues lent more than a point, although fractlonal ga.iners cropped up 111 a fe w in- stances Ile.-_, lM Stock Exchange List Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List ----~-- _t:; . -----·· --------~-~~~-------------------.. . 4 DAILY PILOT Ttiur$day, Octob'r )0, 1q6'l SL_.c.:;~~~~~~~~~- p L( !Uoy Ful~ rna llail fect A to ti 0 C/1ic Jn bee off I(' Califl l\eSll I . by ! You J er hrl '" '"I o"' ~ At sq i;omr emotil SupplJ 200 d~ of frc' 1011~ ( hav" Nalin' tean1 pre·se A Ca· desh.;r' dog~. I RI 1111( fnlnf'~ thf?~ usual. clos lens I f nc old -fa: yol1r · ••• .I.I mRnSPIBLD'S • • 1s going out of the ME IC FUR ITU E BUSI ESS Have a FIESTA on us ••• To enoble us to expand our already large Spanish and Mediterranean import furniture i nventory we are closing out our entire Mexican Furniture departments in all 3 stores. This is the finest Mexican import furniture ever ass embled ... all regular first quality merchandise at" once-in-a-lifeime" irresistible prices!!! 30" x 30" Door Commode wilh bold hand wroug!it hinges. Reg. 139.95 .............. Sale Hi Back Occ . Choir in red pattetn vel- vet. Reg. 159.95 ...... , .... Sale 38" x 70" han d col'\led lop Coffee Table with gloss top. Reg. 199.50 .............. Sale Heavy leath er sling O ccasio nal Chairs. Reg. 99.5 0 .......... Sole 24 " x 64" Desk with gracef ul hand car ved leg5. Reg. 199.50 ... ,_.Sale Hand wrought & hand carved Swag lamps, Ta bl e lamps & Floor lamps. Decorative wrought iron Firescreen. Reg . 39 .95 ..........•.... Sale 61 hig h Room Divider with decorative wrought iron trim. Reg . 99 .50 .. Sale Gome Table & 2 matching choirs, Ha nd tooled leather top. Reg. 99.50 .............•. Sale l arge selection of authen tic Mex ican wo!I decor, accessories & oil point· 1T1gs, . , , .. , . , , , . , , ... · •.•...• 36" toll Bookcase in deep g roirt fin- i•h. Reg. 49.95 ...•........ Sale leather strap magazine rocks. Reg. 19.95 ... , . , ......... Sale 9950 9950 15995 6995 14995 1/3 off 2995 6995 7995 All Speciolly Priced 2495 1495 Drop front secretary. Intricately hand carved. Reg. 399.50 .••.••.. Sale Octagon shape Occasional Tables wi fh spindle base. Re g. 69.95 Sale 6 1/)' toll Book.case with lattice de- tailed front doors. Reg . 259.95 Sale Wrought Iron Wine Ro ck. Holds 6 bot- tles. Reg . 19.95 .••••.••••.. Sale Sunburst Woll lamp with amber gl oss. Reg. 129.95 .......... Sale 48" tall Divider Screens with decora- tive planter. Reg. 39.95 ..... Sale Hand carved Savorola Chairs with red velvet pillow soots. Reg. 149.95 •••. ": ......... Sale 3 tier Verdi metcl Plant Stands. Reg. 99 .50 ••••••..••••••. Sale large selection of Sofas & Choirs in plain & clipp•d velv ets, •.••.••••• 5' tall round Curio Stands with gloss shelves. Reg . .59.95 •..•..... Sale Many Divider Screens in wrought iron, sp indle or lattice pattem .•..•..•• 36" block strop leather Bench. Reg. 49.95 .. , •.• , ••• , ••.. Sale 249 95 499s 18995 1495 99so 2995 9950 4995 All Speciolly Priced 3995 1/3 off 2995 6' toll Armoir1 with graceful hand wrought metal detail. Reg. 179.95 . , •••••....... Sale " large !election of miscellaneous bar ~tools ......... , .............• 12995 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Many items one of a kind & subject to prior sale. All sales final. Reduced lo Cost Twin size hand <arved headboards Reg. 99 .50 •...••...••••.•. Sale 6'-7'-8' banquet tables Rendered tar slain finish. Reg . 149 .95-299.50 ••....... Sale l step <hairs- 36" toll with decorative metal tri m. Reg. 14 .95 ••••••••••••••.. Sale King size hand <arved headboards with rope design pattern. Reg. 149.95 ............... Sale Wall units- 6 '12' loll of 4 she lves. Reg . 49.9 5 ......••........ Sala End table Magazine rack with hand wrou ght nail trim. Reg. 49.95 ...•..••.••••... Sala Brazier tables- 48" wilh pon & fools . Reg. 199.50 •••.••••..... Sale Heavy natural leather side <hairs Reg. 79.95 ......•.......•. Sale 61/2' tall spiral stair<ase Reg . 79 .95 ......••...•.... Sala Entry <redenza- 36" wide with bold carved arch doors. Reg. 119.95 ••••.•.... Sale FULLERTON, 225 No. Harbor Blvd., downtown • Phone (714) B71 -5720 3995 9950 10 14995 995 7995 3995 2495 14995 4995 5995 7995 mRnSPIBLD'S HUNTINGTON BEACH, 1B5B2 Beach Blvd. • Phone (714) 962-4477 RIVERSIDE, 4343 Markel (near I 4Jh on Markel)• Phone (714) 6B2-7950 --- STORE HOURS, MON. & FRI. 9 AM TO 9 PM / WEEKDAYS & SAT. 9 AM TO 5,30 PM TERMS? CERTAINLY I OPEN SUNDAY 12,0Q TO 5 PM ' WESTCLIFF Westcliff Drive and Irvine in Newport Beach I No tit.ore Haunting • • •WE'RE PAVED Thanks to the superb caoperat!o n af the Sully-Miller Co. and !he City of Newport Beach Oept. of Public Works, who with 0 minimum of inconvenience during construction hove tronsfarme'd Westcliff Drive into the finest of driving pleasures ••. Come see far yourself. H DAil y Pll~T tl''I T.-- BEST IN BUSINESS -Right-hander Tom Seaver. sho~·n here pilch- mg for the .'\e14· ,.ork .\lets 1n the \\"orld Senes, Ytas named winner of the 1969 :'\ational League Cy 'Young .\v.·ard as the circuit's 1oP pitcher. Seaver. a former l"SC star, .,.,·on 25 regular season games and one start in the Series. Clash Sat11rday No11l1wester11: Tltorn In Oliio State's Side E\' . .t.:"STO'.\". 111 IAP1 -Hea\1Jy fa\·ored ()h)() Siate. the .\"alJon s \o_ I college foolball ttam. colhdes Saturday with ont o( tht Buckt;. rs most annoy mg Rig T!'n rn als . \ort/lwe$lem ·s \l.'11dcat.s Although Otuo State last seasoo ~!ted ~orth'ili estern 4a.21 en root.e to the na- t;onal ch.amplOn.Shl p and 1().(1 record, O\'er Bounces Add Son1e ~ lileage To l ,000-11uler £\"SE:"ADA. :-.le:<1co !can lf))'.) aclua ll~ 1~ 332 miles from hrre lfl La Paz a1 lnt up of tht Baja r ;;ihforr.ia pe rJn.~ula Poss1biy olhcials of this 11.1bf:ed auti>motr.,.c:-cle ract are counu:i~ bt>und uig m1'.age . too Abou! 260 er,lr1e~ turned up for loday·s ~t ar\ "'1th each !ea• 1ng at one·rrunule Jn· tcr• aL fror.i 1!-.1: St aside rcsorl The hr~ arn; al 1s ekpec tcd early Fri- Cay at La Pa:. bu\ It-!~ than half I.he en- tri es probably "111 bea1 the ~hour limit, t.ay offlc1a l5 ol th<: ~ponsonng Nali~I Off Road Racing ..U.soc1a1 ioo. ~·ell k.no.,.·n l'nlrant.s mc !udt: actor Sttvt ~fcQueen. dn\·1ng a ··Baja Boot:· a lype of lourwhetl 'chicle made especially for the race Speed~ "'·ill range from five milc.s an twr to 140 mph cu dn\"ers lake a coune O\'tf 1l3\'ed road and rocky trails. Only one-fourth of the way 111 pa \'ed . ~1echanical fa1 lurr.s -punctured tires and broken ailes -are antic1paled. CompelttlOn L<; d1rided i.nto eight c.att:gories -prod uction t1•10-wheel dri,·e, utility and buggy \'ehicles. non-productioo two and four-11.·eheel dr1vr., production four ·whtt\ dri,·e and motorcycle& oYer and under 250 CC. engine displacm1ftl l. Former wUi.ners among the eolties in- clude Larry Minor and Rodney Hull of Htmel and Andy dr. Vereilly and hL5 son, Andy Jr .. of Corooado. tht put decade ?\orth'4·e~rn has betn something of a thorn Jn OSU ~h Vloody Hayes' side. Hayes. sending the Rei Kem-led Buc k.3 at\er l.beir 20th straight \"ktory and !.lth succa&i\'t confere~ triumph. still ha.s ,.i,·ld memory of 1953 when tus un- defeated and top-ranked club ..-as upend- ed by ?\orthwestem 21-0. That abo y,·a.s lht !.ixlh Buckeye game o( ~ season a.s is Saturday's Oluo Statr. \i.sit which figures to mar Northwestem·.1 homeconting and R06e Bowl hope.s ol the WUdc1l3, who carry a 2·1 Big Ten record . Tbe \\'ildcat.!i. who don"! scarr. easily after running a non-conference gaunt ltt against r\otre Dame. Soolhern Calilorn1.11 and t:Cl..A this la.II. \l"OO thrtr. of lht1r i.e,·en meetings 11rith Oluo SI.ate begiMu:g in 1963. L'nder Ara Parsegh1ar .. \orth11o·estem scored SCC'Ct'.5.Sivr. tri umpl'is o,·er the Buc keyes. 13-li in 1962 and Ji_,, 1n 196J . In 1961. Ohio St ate be.at the 'Y11dcaL~. lO-O and in 196--1 . firsl "'ildcat season for current coach ,\lex Agase . tht Buc key"' also struggled to a 10--0 de<'LS1on. lt should be noted Haye.s' 196 ! OS IJ l'lub l1nl.shed 8-0-! and 1n 1964 had a 1·2 rr.cord . Two sea.5on.s ago, Ohio Statr. bare· !y edged r\orthwe.stern. 6-2 "I'm glad all the people "·orry1ng about us getting clobbered Saturday aren't on my football squad .'' said Agase. \.\·hose \fildcaLs have a 2·~ o;·erall record. '"\lie'rc goin11 oot the re thinking ._.e ha~e a chance to \.\in." Last year at Ohio State. \orttiwtstern lrailed only ?i-21 after thrtt quarttr6, but the Bocks' super sophs exploded for lhrtt tcuchdown.s in the closing period. On ck:fense, lht Wikkal.3 must try to shackle Kem and F'ullback J im Ot1i. Obio St.ate is lhe nation 's So. I ma)Or :.coring machine "·ith a 46.4 point average . The Buck.! rank ~o. 3 in tota l offense ""1th a 4.n.O-yard average and ~o 5 in rushing offense . a,·eraging JOO 4 yards. The Wildcats will be un,·ei!ing a new starting quarterback in J o p h o m o r r. :-itaurte Daigneau, who replacrd \'t:teran Dave Shelboume in last Saturday's 4~20 ~panking at Purdu~. Hr. hit 11 of 45 tOSM'.5 for 276 yards and l\\'O touchdov.·ns. Seaver Completes Mets' Sweep Kt;W YORI[ (AP\ -Pildlq far !hr Nt'W York Mdll ba: ~ bee!! .-n . peiero-. bu!~ rmdt f!f m OOmir !!ft. til Tam Sa\'t:r came alll:ig. Tlro yun qu. Sea-vtt won binudf RooDe ol lht Yur bcnn in tbr NatJom.l l..eapf n now be bas bea wiiecte:t tbt wimtr ol tbt Cy YOllDI A....-d u tbt "2.gue ., best ptchtr in --But Sea\·ft' rrprtsenls an ~ JUl5t an hanor or an rtnrd flll' Ult Mds: lw tql'dlt:Dll the~~ for be .-u born IM ol a lids' past O.C in- ciudes !UCh master ber'S as Rogie-r <hi&. Crail ~ Jld Y ...... J•y Hmt. Al Jacbon G~ CliCo and Tracy SUJ!anl. Only ~ !iel:~ ago W'he!! lht ~et.s W'ft't ttUWd thty '°51 a record 120 pmes and ml.SSed by a batr d. becomiftg the &-st teanl "1th lhrer. 21)..game losers. ln I.hat fir"9. year, pitd!ing f« ha,....ll's •or'St learn e\·er. Cr a.ig k>st 2~ pma. Jmck.soo ~ and Hook 19 Ande r· !ml. .-ho didn'1 pitch moch during lhe final mon&!:l. look 17 defeats. lben came 1969 and c.al")· Gentry JOLn-n: the 5'aff and the .\lt-U came up .-11h .ne t9tting and f!~li11ni;i Sa\'f!T ex · ~ into a ~7 pncber "hose 10 rtniifn 'ictones it the end ol the M.alOll ~t ~ ~it'll to tilt Ea.st 01\'llion title He won t~ ftrst ga..~ o( a playoff ~ttp O\ er Atlanta. for the '.\atX:Jnal U:ap: pennant and add ed aootbtT '1c- tor-y in a stunning fi\e-1a~ y,·orld Serih root of BaJtimort, com;>Jeting !he lmposs1blt' Dream. Craig. Ander:50n. Jac k.son. Stallard . they all must ha\ e bttn kiokl.ng on 1n awt-, lhinbng thr}· had bttn born 100 """'· Sea,·er. a hand!Omr ?~·re ar ·o l d ~raduate of the L'ru"er~11y of SouthttTI CaJlforna, fiuished the regular ata&OO 11'ith 35 ataru and II c~ S--. HU r.amtd run a~·eragf' v.a.1 2.%1 md be. bid n~f tbdoulf and 2G!. 1trikt ouu. Sta\·er got 2J of the 24 Cy Youn( 'f'ota; rast by the pane:I of the Baatblll Wti:&tn" .'.aociatlon o( Arntr1c:i and anmmced Wednnday. Atlanta 's Phil Nitkro. %J.ll, got tM other. All this !OT" the man 1hc "1tU "'1Mld for $50,000 oifter picking his namt out of a hat. Seaver's original contract wHh .A.tlantil was voidt.d bt'-c'autr tt "riotated the collegr. rule which fllrbMil lipin& • player whi le hu college 5eUOl'I U; in pro- gres.. CouW Tl1ro1v Ball 80 Yurds Plunkett STA.'\fORD 1AP J "°bm Jim P\unkttt •a.s 17 years old, be cruld throw a loo1;ball IO ya.rd:!. This impressed more than a few college roac:hei arxl the San J ose lad was besi~ed •ith olltts. That ht c~ a school only a few miles up the freeway may have surpriJOO some. but fer Jim the deciDoa. to go to Stanford .. eas)'. "I y,·aJrted to bt cka to my folb," he aaid. Sow in his junior yu.r ol foelball e:llgibilhy, Plunkett has alrtadJ rewrit~n lhe Stanford football rtrord boot.s and appears liRly to take most of the Pacifte-1 Confert'fK'e records along with --r " . .,..~ . -: ~ ........ ·. • • . - ·" • -. Dazzled U..m. Plunkett's father, partially blind. died in June. HU mother can·1 5-ee at all. Jim alway.s worUd after school to s:up- ple.mm1 his lather'5 earni11g3 as a news.- stand dealer and help support his parent:s and younrer mitt. .. ll didn 't seem any different lhan any other homr." her~. "l\o'e got along ftne . r d ahra)'! have to walk my mother to tbe stcn. U 5emlS like my oldest siste:r alw ays has bem marrie:d. r ""33 tilt youngt"Sl." At 1-3 and ~ pound.'i. Plunke1:t grew rr.st~ •nt:n he was red.shirted by Stan- ford coach John Ral.5ton his sophommr -- . -· ' • itla1t lt'itho11t a Cage The :'olontreal Canadlens scored on this play fo r their onl y goal 1n a .i-1 loss to the :'ollnneapol1s ~ort h Stars \\"ednesday nig ht. Christia n Bordeleau I left 1 pushes the puck to\1 a rd the empty nets as .'.\orth Stars Them as a Prep )~M, but the yf'ar ol practice enab&ed him to larr"Sl full-biown UjX>fl the eolle:ge football scene last year. If.IS 1.lSii yards passlfli I.st season set a Pac-I rtt'llr"d and la.st week again.st L·cLA Phmkdl titd the Stanford carttr touchdown pasliitg rrcocd and Uw: total cifmse record as y,·ell. In addition, Phmtett is only II yards shy o{ Ody Norman's oill-Ume Stanford pa.Wng yardage record, a mark he shoukl t:nak this week apin.st Clre.gon SI.alt. With thr. rest ol thJS year and all of ntrt year yet to pl.ay. Plunkett !lboukl ~t some of those records out of reach !or a Jaig timt. Plunkett is surr. Ill be a high draft choke arllOflg the pros and JS rated by !YI \~an expert than John Brodie, hllru.e lf a fOf"mer Stanford quarterback, al a surefire star in tht pro ranks. ··He ha! no peer in college," u ys Brodie who gave a few pointers to the Slanford team during spring practice this \"l':ar. "He .,..as lht best in the country iast vear when Ile "·as ooly a sophomor&. Jim ·has e\·erything. absolutely lhe best l"ve e'\'er i.een in co1lege. I haven't beefi able to shew him anytiung. He 's • treat to watch." ' I:. - • goa Ue Cesare :'.Iaruago 130 1 li es flat on the ice. Lou .'.\a nne (2J) blocks :'olontreal"s Pe~e '.\lahov\ic h (20 ) a...,·ay from the cage ,,·hi!e Ray Cullen 1JO 1 mo\·es into the acti on. Detroit Explodes Do" ns Kings, 5-2 Dues are Hobbling ~lore Trouble LOS ASGELES I AP 1 -Detroit's Gary ~l onahan scored his ftr st Natiofla l Hockr.y League: goal and Y.'ayne Connelly tallied less than tv.·o minu\f'.s later 10 open Ult: h:W period and spark Che Red \\'ings to a ;..2 victory o\-rr the I.I.ls .o\ngf'lt s Kir.g~ Y,'ednesday niBhL \\"ing Bruce :-.facG rr.gor opened the ~ring at 10 :29 of the fir.;t period but Eddir. Joyal connected on his fir~t goal of the sea.son to knot it at l·l at the 12 :~ mark. Ve1.fran Gordir. HO'A·e, Y<'ho r~uircd lour stitche s to close a gash in h.is upper hp in tht-r.arly m.iTll.ltt.s of the game when toe lrll and 1'1"a5 accide:ntally cut by i'I :-tick, broke lhe deadlock on a power play Long John Silver Look Overtakes Pirate Attack Bl' JOEL SC:ffl\.ARZ (M .... °""' l'llM Well .\ pirate is usu ally pictured as a \·igor- ous swashbuckling chararur swinging from a yardarm \.l ith a sword clenched in his tmh. But thr. Orange Coast Pirates this "'·eek look more like Long John Sih·er. hob- bling alOf\1 on h1~ peg leg. 1he di5localed knE't' he rtt'fJ\'ed against Santa Ana two '<''etk..s 310. flanker Hicks. '41-oo ha1 bttn dogJed by leg miserin in hi.oi two yr.ars at Or- an'!c Coast. ha.s a SJlrained ankle while spl it end Cast.ulo ha.1 a banged up knee. Of t!\e foot. Tucker behe,·es Ca.st.illo ma y be the on!)· ooe ready for falltime du1y Saturday. 1\t W yo111i11g; 3 Negroes Quit L . .\RA:-.llE, '\'yo. ( AP I -t:ni\'ersity (lf \\'yoming track C'Oach John \\'. \Valk<"r said \\'f"dnesday three t-;rgrocs on the !rack !tam have turned in their equip- ment and are planning lo Jea,·e the unh·ersity. \\'alker said the thrct have left the squad as a rt9ult of tht' dlsmiS&al of 14 black players from the \Vyomlng football team. He idenlifil'd lhr.m As Huf'y Johnson 11nd Grady ~1ann ing. both of Chicago. and Jerry Miller of Battle <:reek, f\lich . Girl Goalie Inked by Pros Cc.i ch Dick Tuckers team has lour b;:id lt'~' this \oll"ttk a.!I it prtpare:s for iU Sat- uniav night South Coast Conference samf l\'ilh 1'11. San Anlonio College. And the injuries ha\'e affected four of lhe main cott.~ in tht Pirates' sporadic but pctentially dangerous offense -Ray Ricardo. Coe t.fe~r . Bruce flicks and Roben Ca.'•tillo. Jle"s figuring oo Richard Ourante to opt'n at rullback. Tony Ventimiglia at tailback. Bruce Rogge at flanker and Grorge Barnetl at split end if the big four isn't ready. ~1eyer and Ricardo arr. the: heart of Orange Coa!t''i running game 1aining 542 ol the Pirates' 1156 yards. And In the air the four injured players ha\'e caught 44 ol occ·s 56 completions for 573 ol lhe ~am's 712 aerial yards. They also rrp. resent half of the Pirates' touchdown production. \\'1lker said eight n1r.mber~ of hi! tra<'k squad '4'ere blacks -and he has received assurancts from at leRst three who plan lo remain on the squad. The track roach said the thrtt who quit tokf him earlier they wouk! lea\'e if Lhe loot.ball playus "·eren't reinstated. MARQt:ETIE. ~l 1ch. !AP\ -Thf' Marqudtc Jror: Rangers of the t:.S. Hoai:"ey U ague ha Ye come up wilh IClmdhinl different 1n tht 11.·ay of goa liu . • (l!ri. She;I Ka~ Koch . an l&-ycar-0ld frallun at Northtrn ~hchl gan t:ru\'tf'SI· If. A pYrer since she was 12. Karrn tnrOiJei:1 at Northern 1-tichigan ll'ilh I.ht .W. of makin1 the: hockey \Um. But the .._ h.u no le.am. So Kara! 1ot a trial with the u m1pro 1roo Jtsnge:n and btat out k>ur males for Qt bld:up coalkcepinc au.11n:mt11t •, l\arcn. who carries 130 pounW on a S.. fool·$ frame, is a\.l·are of the haz.ards o( r;oa lketping and ha.s a scar lo prove 1t. A doct?r put 10 stil<"hes undtr her le ft eye . iflcr she fa iled to COJ>' "·1th a puck !ired by her f 1theT in a proictice scrimmage ,,\·o season5 back She 11.·ears a prolttlJ\'e mas~ 00'4 lier mother irulsU. Karen Yid htr partnt.s ha\·e no ob- JcctH>n lo her becom ine an Iron RAngt'r "They tokl me as long ii I lhink I can hand le 1t. they "·on't lnterftre," said thr. rturdy bru~tle. "Jfs probably lrut that goahcs ect hurl m~t oftrn. but 1l!i really not as bad as people think · · Len Bru mm. coach ot tht Iron !langrrs. said. "'Sht'll lla\·e a ~gular contract '4'ilh ll\." Robert Caster. li~pound left '4'ing. dccl.arrd : "She's got a lot of guts. It's hard lo btlie1·r. a girl '4-ou.kl moo there and lel us shoot at her.., Karen "'ill pre&ent a dressing room problem 1\'hen the team finisht'! trai ning and goes into action in a seri<'S of pre· ~t-ason eiliibilion gamc.s startin' ne11 \\'tdnesday. At present she suit.s up 1n hf'r dormitory and retunu there for her !ho\\·er after the team training sessions. \\'thout lhem In the lineup. Or11nge Coa~I figDrt!! lo hB\'e 8 difficult time "10\'ing the ball agaillSt anyone, e•en ~!L SAC. which has n"I y.·on a game on tht rteld tthe Mounti..., ha\·e one forfeit \'K1or}'l . That quart<"\ ha.s flgurl'd in 1%25 yard'.'! nl the IS61 the Bua have netted in six ga~ thi~ St.MOO. Tailback Ricardo banged up his right knee e1rly in the Cerritos actioo SBtur. day Bnd may ha\·e !IOl1le slightly torn liilame11l.!I Ht's 5<:~ing 11 specialist and "'on·t rio ::i.ny running In practice until I.his aftcr- nooo . Fullback f\te ye r l'.'1 still slowed up by Vi1lhout them, quartaf'Uck 1'like Toimi. ~·asu and tht Jittl~std Ventimiglia •i ll ha\·r_ to carry the bulk of the o{ferv;.h·e load. ··Our ~ense. will just ha\'e In 10 out 11nd do another job for us •&•inst ~II. SAC,'" Tucker says. "\\'e h&\'t no depth, but lhafs something we·,., kno"·n all alon~" ".\lt. SAC is one of tilt better off(>ft!i\·e lt"8mli arnund . They ha1·t excellent run· riin~ ability -their backs are big. fa.st and ha \·e good moves. • Walktr sakl: "I told them not to w11it for reinstatement of the football players because it probably wouktn 't happen." The coach liaid the three blacks tml ha\'e sakl lhev 11·ill re:maln 11re Del SmiP1 and Quentin \riilianu, both junior co!lt-gc 1ran.sff'rs from ?\c:rlh Platte, Neb. and Arabie ones of Cheyenne, Wyo. The 14 bl1ck football players Wtte: kkk- ed off lbe team by co.ch Lk>)·d Eaton for )Otning 11 student protest against r11ci:111m. F.aton said he had forbklde n his athlctt s from partkipaling in any student prolf"!;L 'The blacks ha\·e contendt'd their ch·il righu -namtly f~ of e:rpresslon -had been denied by Eaton '1 rule. ' p ,, h " n f, i ~ 1 ' ' l ,, 1 l ' r I l I I ' ' ' ' -. --.... --..------·------·------------·----·-----~-------.---~---~ --·--.. -----------·-- Thur~day, Octohfr XI, 1~6~ VAIL V PILOT _!7 Prep Coaches Opposed to 2-point Conversion D.\' ROGER CARLSON 01 1111 D1l1r "1191 itort 'rhe lwn-po1nt conversion option was pul into effect !his year in high school football and after two-thirds of the season ha~ passed, the DAILY PILOT declded il was time to hear lro1n th<" coaches and find out just what they think abOut iL The poll \\'as close, but in ihe end the nays had the margin by a 9-8 counl with Jwr coaches non-co1nn1ittat. l:!asically !he argument for the change is th11t il helps e!iminaLe tit-s and n1akes the gan1c n1ore ex citing for the fans. Argu1nents against 1t were lhat the rule puts too n1ucll pre~sure on coaches and Jllaycrs Herc s how l'ach in chvitlual footba ll t:oact; on the Or ~u1ge Coast area. along \I 1th se 1 era I other vutst<1nding tutors in U1e Cl!-' SouthC'rn ~ection1 feel about it : Bob \-Voods, !\tater Uei -''All it is is a lleacl<1ch(' for the coach. 1 don'L like it bec:.iuse it's son1ething else yoll ha ve to lhink of al! the tirne. I don 't think it \\'ins 1r.any games. i'ou don 't see it uscri that n1uc·h The c.:ol leges and AFL have l1ad it !or quite a while and you don'L sec Lhetn u~ini; i1 very niuch, Mate1~ Dei Fights Amat 111 Crucial ~later Ori and Bbhop Amat clash toni ght <1t !llt. San Antonio College ancl at s1ake is survival in the rugged Angelus Le;1guc title race as bolh tcan1s sport 2--0 league reco rds. Kickoff is at 8 and the ~:ime \\'ill~ aired on KEZY !11901 . High-scnnng Bishop An1at ranked No. 2 in the Clf, has rotnped along \\"ilh a phenomenal 46.6 per game scoring arC'rage antl n1u ch of the _Lancers' suc- cc~s ha s been in the pasSJ ng department. Amat boasts Junior quarterback Pat !laden \1ho's con1pleted 71 percent of his pa~scs for l ,780 yards and 22 touchdowns in lc:idtng !he. Lancers to six straight '"ins. including a 2i·l3 11in o\'cr Loyola. a club that ga1·e 1\1ater Det its only Joss, 14· 0, in non-league '1Ction Hi s chief target has been split end John td cl\:11'. son of the IJSC football coach. 1'he (Jr' reco rd, incidentally, is 32 m pJSSl':i, and 2.187 yards sel b~ Hawthorne JJ1 i,:h's Jnc Contestabile in 1953. T h e Lancers, under coach G a r y l\!an1101 ich, ha ve lhc ground ga1ne going for them too, 11·ith tailbacks ~1anny Estrada and Greg Berg sporting six-yard a1'rrn!,!eS. Estrad<i h;is scored JO touchdov>'ns and Bf'rg S('\'f'll. The Lancers' b1 g!!rs t 11·111 11·as 80-9 over 1~lllS X. a tean1 )later D~'I heat. 49-7. The ]IJon.-irchs held tha1 1narg111 alter lhree fJti <irll'r~. incidentally Rishop Aina\ is ;1 t11o·roinl lavorite lo ht'at :'\later De 1. But there are sonic ~undaritic s tiety,·een this year's garne and lust -yea r's duel. In ·l9fi8 11l1tn these two teams collided :i1 the Santa 1\na Bowl. Bishop Amat y,•as 6-0. ranked secon d in the Ct f' AAAA and \1·as fa l'Or<>d to beat r-.1ater Dei. Last ,ear·s result ended \\'1th JI.later l)c1 cruSh1ng Amat, 36·7, after leading 23- U ~·t the half. Coarh 13<Jb \Voods' JI.later Dei·s big of- fensl\C \l'C'apons have be(n lhe running ;ind passing of junior quarlerback Bub I la11per1 and the sLraight·ahead J>(>\.\'er of t1alfback ~!;irk Dunn , who 's scored eight h•uehdo'>I ns 1n the Jl,lona rchs' last four gJnH'" MATEll. "' l lSH0" • ..,.T ,,, "m B l•e·~"'n ' Jol>n Mt"•• r~ J•·" Gr•' 1• ' ~···· 9..,,, '" "" 0•<' ·n~ " S1·~• ... ,~ ... "; .. ,, .. er•o-'Q'd ' ~\u<'"' G1J991n> "' '" '"""""~"' ,, M•~• Sov1 '°' ~,., . .,.~·oer ' C:nrl1l0<>1>•~ ' " ''" /.' """ ' f f I ft~ So•• 11n '°' H•u0~<1 ' '" Hed•n "' M•c~ c;,,,..., ' •; """' i;,,,,,... '" ''" (;···~"· ' Pav• a~n~•'m• '" s··~ J•U<M>" • '~· P•>lll Ht1 sl{ies To11 GW C in Poll "' "' "' '" "' '" ,. '" "' '" .. Trulli is stranger th an fi ction anri this \1'cek 's national junior college foolball rankings release(! by the J .C. Grid-\.Vire ·c1::rtainly are strange. Golden \Vest College reappeared in the top 20 again, tied for 20th in the pool y,•ith ;:i small lichool In North Carolina called Let•s Jl,lcHar . Jlov.C'1·er. East J.os Angeles, the team lhe R11stlC'rs bo'.l·led over last ll'eek. 17-14, is .~!ill ranked ahead of Go!clen \Vest. T:1c HL1skies share 13th place Y,'Jth Orange Coast. Thr. Pl rates trail Fullerton ( 12\h ) and LA Harbor 18th l. two teams they already have beaten. Cerritos 14·1). which handed . OCC i1s only defeat of the season, r.omebow didn't make it into lhe top 20. In the upper aln1osphere of the polls, Bakersfield. wh ich y,·as No. I la~t week -fell to third de.<;pile winning iL.-; sixth straight. '. Ranking one·t\\'o in thr nation no1~' are Nor\hy,·estern Oklahoma arid Arizona \Vestern, both of which have 6--0 records, b1.:I have played lesser opposition. ' No•tt...••'tr~ Ol<l•l><>,.,1 1 6~1 '" ' Ad ion• W~•'l!rn (1-01 :a ' Bo10ft1tl01d 11-01 " ~o,,..,, M i\). 16·0) ~ • t~•! •ivt!•, M iu (..,_ '" • v•er. Te~. 11-ll ' P••~d~ 1..0-1\ ·~ ,, LA Holfbor (•0\l "' • t1u!(Mm.on, l(An. 16.1 "' '" •Tlf l W!U V•llt• !tf) "' H-''""'• To .. !&· I no " t u>11•!0" IS.II "' " (T>fl O•~r><lf Co-11 r~ I) "' £•~1 l Ol A nGtlt~ (f.I/ n• " l!•.-dl•>' U·OI m " E~\I . M"l 1•·11 "' ", •T"l (01um~·• ll•1•n, W••~ 11 l) "' (ollfqf ~· ll~wO'Cld• !~I~ "' ''" o•~"" "'''~ .. 11 "' " <Tio\ Go•d•~ w .. t IO 'I. '" ·~ Mel!••• '" (1>0 ll "' \\'ade WaUI, Ntwporl Harbor -''I like it. I think it 111akes a more interesting garne for the ::;pectalor:s. There are thnes when it makes the coaches' jobs a little harder I suppose, but I don't like ties." Clare Vanlloortbtkt, Anaheim -"I don't really know for sure, I haven '! made up my mind yet. I suppose it 's as fair for one team as it is for another but some coaches may end up gelling fired because. of it. lt's another means for the fans to second guess the coach. I'm sure it was put in to help eliminate ti es, but a lie is better than gelling beat." Dave Holland , Corona del J\lar -"If I rould vote on it. I'd \'O\e it out. I don't lhink the kick ls automatic in high school. You "'ork your game plan and lhen lose it 011 a t\1•0--point play. \Ve use il simply becallSc we don't have a good kicker_ And \1e beat Bolsa Grande 414-13) wilh it But if I had a kicker I \\'Ouldn 't care for il at all." Jim Coon. 1'11arina -"I like the rule. ll"s better than lhe old systeni. If ll'e had a consistent kicker I certalnl11 wouh1n 't use lhe lwo-poinl option until ·the end or "'hen we really needed it, thoogh ." Herb Hill, Loara -"\Ve haven·l been \ ~ l ' ,, billen one way or the other yet to really 111ake up my mind, but we atcepl the ru!e 1vhether \l.'e like it or not. I don ·t really have any strong feelings about ti one way or the othe r at this poinl. Tom Eads, San Cltmentt: -"I think ii makes a more exciting game. If it nleans a win I'd certainly go for the two points. But it gives all the grandstand cor1ches a chance to second guess U1e cocich .. '' Ray Dodge, Jl,tlssioo Viejo -"ll doesn't make any diff erence to us. \\'!! don't store enough touchdowns to \\'in bv an extra point. Tustin trietJ one again5t u~ last 111eek and v.'e blocked !he p<iss t~f ission Viejo 11·011. 7-6 \. I 11·ould h~11e Jone the san1e thing H J 11as 111 his place _·· J\tarty i\lc\\'binney, El Haneho -"I think ti's a great rule. It eliminates the tiE:s and gives a team a chance to win. Our ball game with Lakewood 11·as so d::rn close 1! \\'as the differen ce. Lakewood trailed 13-12 with three 111inules lo go and n1issed it " Pete 'i'oder, Blair -"1\L the high sc:hool level r1n not too fond of it. It puls a lot ol pressure on the coaches. It 1vorhs ou t real \\'Cll if you don't have a kicker. HEAD BANGING LIONS -\Vest1ninster J1 igh School defen.~ive back Terry Young (14 ). sho\l.·n here as he zeroes !n on fi S:i nt 11 r\1111 b;,1 1l - carr1cr, v.·ilJ be in the Lions' rugged starting hneup Friday n1g h1 \\'hen Lio11 Coach Hea11s Prai se 011 Oil er QB 8\' C.LF:l\N WH1TE 01 ·~· o.,., "il~1 si.u \\'hen you talk Huntington Ben ch 1-ligh's footba ll team to \\lestminster tut or Bill Boswell, you are really talking about Oiler quarterback Garth \\'isc. Bos1vel1 continually goes back to \\'ise·s ta lents "·hen asked to discuss his Fri<l ay night Sunset League biggi~ with the arch- riva l Oilers. "\Vlsc is a great runner. And he can pull up quick lo throw the shot. Too. he plays outstan<ling defense. He coul<I be an <!II-league running back. He runs harder than Anaheim's quarterback (George Fraser!. "Watching \Vise on film you see Ian· tasli c run s. He sccins to score 011 41l least or.e long gainer in each game. He cuts 1n and out, gocs through defensi l'c players and follows his blockers." Pirates, 'Arc they for rtal''" T h0~t' are the opening 11 ords on !he rPlc.asc this \\'eek deta11tng lhe J .C. Gri d· \\'ire 's national junior co\l(•f!C football rankings. And a lot of peop le hal'e bel'n a~king almosl thl' sa1ne question : Are the r.ankings for rea l" You have to \1·011der 11ftl'r 1l1c strange things that cropped up In Lhe two major rankings this \\·eek . Both the J .C. Grid-\Vlre and lhe stnte poll, the Junior College A1hl e1ic B11r('a11, seemed to ignorr Golr!en \\'c~t College 's 17·1~ victory O\er E<Jsl Lus Angeles Saturday night. Golden \Yest 14.1) sl:;irrs 11 inth place in the slate with F,asl LA ,4.)1 ;1nrl is ~1'1 rn notches below lhe Huskies in the nal1ona l poll But Golden \\'est isn 't !he 011lt• \'lct1 n1, ()rarigC' Coast 15-11 and Cerritos ·!4-11 aL~o ll'ere pole-axed. Cerritos ended the Pir:i tr 11·in strrak at fivC'. but didn 't c1·i:n 111 '-l~•· the lop 20 nationally 01 angc Coast, n1ea nwhil<" 1\'a~ !-.hovcd bet: ind Fullerton (5-1 l and Los Angele<; Jlarbor 14-l I in both ratings even though the Pirates had beaten thcn1. We 're going for two points every ti me this year bttause lbe perce11lages in the long run are in your fa~·Or 00 the IWO· point play. We've scored more running Uian if we had made every kick ." Bruct Plclo:ford, Fountain Valley - "l 'n1 ntither (or or again.st the two point rule \\·e·ve used it both ways. \Ve beat Hanch'> Alamitos. 1a.1 4. by u~ing it and ll was also a factcr 111 thr Magnolia g;in1e 1vhleh we won, 15-6. \\'hen '1agnolia 1nis.~· t'tl the conversion, lt meant they needed two nlorc touchdowns to beat us, IL beco1ne~ like ~ul extra touchdown under those circurnstanccs. Probably the best c.:0111menl I 'l'c heard is second ha111I. but tr uc. This tl11ng L5 go ing lo cost U lot o( coach('~ their JOb~. It beco1nes a gue~sing g:11nc between coaches and fan s. If you n1ake ii and win. fine IL n1ake~ the gan\l'S rnore inlerf'sting." Bill \'ail. Edison -"I don 't like lhe ru le. I think fron1 the sr>cC'La \or's stan1l · point it ·s a litlle rnore t>nterta1n1ng U1Jl 110111 :1coaeh's 1'1e11' 1rs a cnmplelcly d1\- 1eren1 ;1sprcl in scoring. I 1\'as ho:ippy the 1\ay 1l was. But rd U$C it if it 1neanl lhc difference bet\\·een tying .ind winning " Ital Akins, Laguna Beacb -"I don·l know whether 1 like IL Qr not because it l:asn't presented G prob!eni to n1e so far . \V r ha1'e only scored five touchdowns this year and each time, wit h one exception, we scored fir st and tried for the k.ick. It dcpcndi: a lot on what kind of a kicker a team ha s. 1 'm sure it would be an added !Jurden in a close ball garne." Gt'orge Allen. Tustin -"Personally I'd JUS\ as soon ki ck the ball and mm;t high schoo l kid s-have trouble doing that. llav1.:n·1 really been in a situation to use 1t. \l'e go ro~ the kick every time. But the re·s no question that lt will force you to rnake a tough d<"cision in the future." John Ford, Lak C\\'ood -"I dislike it. It t:ikes up too 1nuch time . \\'e have lo prepare an offense for it. I'd ratlwr sec the goal posts nlo\'ed up lo the goal line :tnd sec the field goal lx!come more pn;. 111inrnt 1n !he high sc hoo l ga1ne. The NFL has the right lde<i." Bill Bosy,·ell , \~'estm inster -''The lw n- poinl rule n)akes for a nlore excitin~ ga111e for the spe-cl ~tors and an~'th1ng cha! 1toes that is certair1l y a good !eature. \\'c've been hurt son1ewhat by it in the Newport and Santa Ana games. You can ' ,. 1hcy nicct lluntington Beach in a kev Sun.,ct Lcngue ga1nc ,.\lso pie· 111 re<t r~. s,1f('tyn1nn c;reg Nev.house t41 ). J-'riday s clash II 111 be at \Ycst- 1ninsler. Rust lers Thrre rea ll~ 1 0'1 ;1 s~1 1~fnr·tory r\- pl ;111;i \1on lnr !]11· 11ay the r<1nk1n~s ca1n" out t'\Cn 11h\'ll \lie people who put 1he1t1 lt>t!elhC'r try to explain the situ:i\1on "I 11'.l~ c.>.1iect1ng to hl'a!' ~un1c ••••••••••••••• JOEL SCH\V.1Al1l ..... .,, ............ . bri11·:1chei: !his \\'Cck," :-,;1y~ F"red H:1{'r', t11re.ctor of thr .Junior Col!C'6e 1\thleth.: Bureau. "If the peo plr 111 ~ou1· ;'1n';1 .1rC' up· vi , that's understandable. I 11,1-.,:i·1 1110 harrY tll\Sell ;1!ter I rc-el'alu<itcd tlus week s j)l;ll "\\'e\·c l1ad a 1 iciuus <"irrlc tlu· l;.is! frw \1·eeJ.:s 11ith all of the Lop 1e<J1ns knocl;inK nli each othrr Jn onr. or !\I'll mor,. wee~., the polls wil l fit back togl'ther.'' he Sa)S, "The only reason we do ra!ings is Vic t ims hi •l,111'·(' 11.i•il' I ;111 llllPl"l'~·( Ill lill•Jl] \\'e 1111 . l).1•.-, 11· 1 .l;1~c_.l 1, l1renu:--e the1·c \ 1 ,,, 11 111(')1 ('n1pl11· .. 1~ on Ilic ratings I 1 .•. ( n·1 1t r,' .111,-;1h• .. -•.1._ ;1rcn ·1 an I , ""11 <11 I! 1.. ,1 1 .. 1.111J,dl tc;11 11 ·1" 1 "' t' •+ t,1·1 1l'\' I ' .. 1<. t'.t~c.: 111lcrcsl Id 111(· "P•ll'1 !; 11' ~;1;," li P ll)ilk(•'1. Ill e fin:il dee1s\n1) 1<11 11!\l'I'(: lih' 11.'Llll\~ <.llC 1;1111.ed hy llii! hllff'illl · I 1,;1>1 ;ill I ht stOrt'S S;1turday n1ghl and !-.1,1111 ;1,1· 1n"1 o11 n!~· I l:1il, lo a tJ1fl'crc11L 111.n•hc1· nl ('11af'h('~ and rt•porters e:1rh \'""-" ~111d 11sl.1i1t ir op1 11l1J1l. "\l't• ~end 0111 the p11ll Sunday and there in."I 1 ~o·t ;i ny 11111e to :;el Ufl any kind ur l<i"l''\ll \oling ~tn•clun•_ 1, Bncr h::s had hb prul1lems put1 111;; 1'•).:.\'ll11'r a ><:!<Jlc poll. Iii •· logi~tics for 11\1: J 1 · (;ri1l .\\'ir(' Ji;11'c to he e\·en greal{'r. Fr11 -~"int· stran;,;r reawn, I II e l'Ol1>;1dcna·based organlzation year arteT' 1 r-.·11 i~ howlrd over b~ lhl" ~uccess of ·1r:11ns oul~ir:e (If Califo;·nra Tl11$ i;or•s 011 year al!t'.'I' year. even th1ti..gh Ca lif11rnia te:uns hrld more than a z t <itJ\·ant11.1;c ov er the notion in the no\\'- dt'hrnct Junior Rose Bo1rl. score a k>t of points if you have to, I'm for 11." Tom Baldwin, Santa Ana -"f don't like it. I guess I should but I don't, We haven't had any scored against us this year and we have scored four times in five attempts. II puts a lot of pressure on the coach and the kids." Phil Brown, Estao<'i• -"Yes, I like lt. It eliminates lies. I've been involved with the rule for the past four years and I lhink I can see the advantages to il. '' ~lax ~tiller, Costa Mesa -.,1'01 against it. I'm just used to playing the gamr the \\'llY it was Ql'igina lly played . 1 ·n1 a firrn believer in sticking with the old rules and not diverting. There·s too 1nany changes in rules in all sports," Ken ~loals, Huntington Beach -•·1 like it . 1t pu ts the burden on the coach but I don't like tie games. However, I'd rath\f sec a tie breaker system used." Gary l\.larinovicb, Bi!bop Amal -"I'm hea vily in favor of it. It adds a lot more to the ga1ne and adds excitement. Before :t P;\T ll'<is rnn re or less simply a ritual, but no\\' you can ll'in gam<"s with il" Toil Passe r 1'es ts GWC Seco 11cla1·y By 110\\'i\llll L. llAl\DY or !~~ Oj;I• .... ot Stitt Coach Ray Sh:icklcford of Golden "'v;t College is concerned aboul two things as h(' prep11res the Rustlers for a Friday n i g h t Southern Calif ornia Conference gar.1e '.l·ith hin Hondo College at Orange Co<lg\ Col lege ·~ gridiron_ Fi r:.l. he i~ fe11rfu l ol a lcttlo"'n after his tean1 tlcft':\l{'d La st Los Angeles, 17- .: t , "\\"e be!t"r not have one or we 'll get !Jl':1t lor ~11rl'. · hC' savs. "\ am 'ure they 1•, il l be rc:t!i~· lor Ll~ ;;nd I agree with hl111 •!'·1,;1ch .1!111 \';i11ia 1ns! that they arc the l.('~l l·Jl \c;uu 111 lhc country," SL'(·ond coll~l·r•i ul the Ru st ler coach is il 't' lin;1d runnr1· pa;,~111g gan1e. ··This k itl 1 (;rt•~ 1 Lee is the be~t pa~sC'r "'i:. ha •.'t' lattd l:11s season. I-le ean thread 1lic nce<lle antJ he did an outstanding job :,g~ins1 J!;rrbor last \~·eek ... The Hustler defensive secontJ<i ry has llf''.'!I ht!rncd several tirnes t11 i:; year. 1111. :.;;111 Antonio and Santa Barbara each '. er>red 11lrC'e 10111·h(l..,11·n" on <l"rral bon1h~ to b r i n g about Shackleford 's corx:ern about the 1{10 11011<10 quar\.(•rback . Lee comµleied 18 of 33 tosses for ~I I '<il'ds ;ind 1lin·11• tll'o t011ehdown pnsses, b o t h to flankpr back l\en ~lathe\1's. ~T;.i1he11':> c;111g111 11111c throws for 160 yarcl:i' incl11din;:: 17 and 6J·yard touchdown pla.1 s. Hi' l!()ndo lost to Harbor, 26-14, and di<ll Lt h;1rr the .ser\·ices of its leading running back , Steve Gullotli. He \\'a~ out \1 ith a hip-point injur)' b11t is listed 1n the starling lineup for tht' Golden \\'est {;atne Ol11cr \11an sharp('ning up his pass tlC'fcnse, St13cJ.:'"fnrd has been working lo climin3tc fun1b!cs. ''\Ye hal"e funib lctJ n1ore this year than any 111nC' l can re1nen 1bCr. ThC're is no 11ay to coach ;igainst the lu1nblc but we are tr> ing to straighten it out." Once aga111 . as 111 al111ost every gan1e, lhc Hus!lers will be OUt\\'Cighed by a wi(le 111arg1n and must depend on speed and :•~ility . \Vhlch isn'L anytlung new !or Ilic (_;\\'C e!el'en St<1r11ng lineups for th!' Hu~l\ers wil t rc1na1n intact on offense anti defense with tile only 111Jury -'>llflc rcd :11 E:asl Los Angeles to end ~!:or\.. \\"hitficltJ lie suf- fC'red a knee 1niurv ;111.i 1s dcf1rtitely out nf th1.~ 11 eck 's g~111r al!il 1111gl1 II isn·t as ~erious as wa ~ thouglit •'I f ir~l. 1\1 en1hers n( thr-1tu,t:cr defensil'e ~rtonrl;rr)' fac11ig l1:!''r stirfest test of the 1c.1r u1clude (;re:; Henry, .John Carroll, ·B11ddv ~IOt'll and !\u('I Paulson. I~ wa5 ~10Pn-·s 111lerc-:'pl1nn in lhe closing 111 inutes of !he Ea.•t Los 1\ngeles game th:il assured Lhc !lustlers a victory. UC I t o Tackle Nation's Best !'C lr.,.ine water f)Olo forces meel their ,,.i1f!es! tcsl of the season \\'hen they trav- r•I 10 lCL:\ Saturday to meet the nation's tt111 collegiate power. r\cl1on h'.:'gins at 10 a.n1 _ Coach Ed Ne\\·land 's Anteaters tuntd ur for thrir duel '.l'ilh UCLA by slamming S<J11 Fernando Va\le.y State, 12-4. \\'ednes· dav afternoon al U1e losers' pool. 1~llkr .tlartin led Anteater scoring with four while Ji m McDonald and Dale Hahn POttecl three each. Tin1 Harrison and Rich Eason tallied one apiece. Boswell figures-Westminstf'r's strength is also at quarterback wit h Ed Bane run- ning the show. Huntington coach Ken ~1oats has called Bane the league's top quarterback. Bane has hit 57 of 124 passei; for 682 yard_s. And he·s run for anolher 114 in 49 carries. We Have to Win Them All-Hartman However. he isn't the onl y key to the I.ions' 3-1 league recorrl, good for a first place tie in loop standings, · Boswell calls safely Greg Ne\.\'houst a standout on an ever·irnproving defensive unit. He also praises Hu ntington Beach iletenders, singling out linebackerll Dan Moat:s and Paul r-.1oro as the sparkplugs. "Huntington is smaU but very mobile and quick." the Lion chief reveals. Their strength seem~ lo be deft'n~ but they have 1t good offen~e lo go "·ith it. "Their people are tough to block. Yo11 ('an hit them bul thry don·l slay block· rd .•. they go on and make a tackle. The preliminaries are-, O\'l'r. and the Desert Conference laotba!I rnce gets down to the nitl}'·grilly SalLirday night in Oceanside when Saddleback College risks its title aspirations againsl two-time defending champion ~lira Costa College . Gaucho coach Grorge Hartman, who y,•ill have had two weeks to prepare hi8 No. 2 ranked small college l.eam for the Pi rates. knows exactly what he's getting into. "Thi;;-1l'ill be 011r lnughe ~t gan1e ~o far "nil lhry ha ve a lot of things goin& frlr thc1n. fo;Jira Costa has won 16 str aighl ronlf'reni:'f! gamci;. lwo rhnn1pinn~h1p~ and thcy'rl be plar1ng on llicir ho1ne tleliL "Their oUcnse \\'ill prc!ien l us wi1h more problems lhan anyone \\'e'1•c f;_iced. "Their fullback {235-pounll Peni SaolcJ is as tough a runner as we'll see and they have a pair or quick hacks (John Dougla~ and Sporty \Villisl who l"lln brrak IOOSI'.! on an_y p:ay , This is the most dangerous runnin~ IC'lln1 we'll farl' "Thf'y do nll kln<ls of strange t.hin~s on 1lclcns~· 11nd hri ve ~omr 1:ilen te:1 pcoplr. J11nior Paopao 1prono u1u·C'd prl\\' i)!JWI, is an outs tanding lintbuckcr ;111d so is thei r hi g tackle \\-;illy ;\lulufi <l 12:,G poundsl. 'f hcy n1so ha1 e a pair of n,•11.u-nini; all - Cl.'nfer('nce defens ive hacks. Tl;e Saturd:ly gumc. wtiich \\'Lil be playetl at Oceanside High School. is the fir~t of '"'O rn<JJOr tesL<; fo r !he gauchos lthc nl hC'r ls the season finalr. \\'ilh J1,1t. ~:.11 ,lacinlo l and 11artn1nn . lLnllke ~l ira r·o,~t<J <:O:l<"h Rill Cochran, believes his tt ::im h11:-; to 11·10 then1 bQth. "\\'•• ht1 1 (• 10 win a!1 01u· g:uncs. \\l1n1•11·r 111 ns lhc title 111ill hal'e lo go 11n- lll·(calcd. Th;1t rneans \\inning c1·ery flame. starting Saturdu y:· the Gaucho boss said. Sadd lcback has bl"en hurt by injuries, but the IWc>-week \ayolr has bl"f.D beneficial for the Gaucho!. Hartman says his only dooblf'Ul performer is startJng offensive tackle (huck Finn. F'lr.n had an operation lo remo'c • blood ('10t from his hip two ll'Ct'k~ agt anrl re!-.un1cd contnc.t \1'otk \\'ednesday, Har1m:ln. lhinks he can play Sa turday \)ut ~n 't sure for how long. TIME TO UNLOAD -l: .. J .-\de!~on 110\ 11·i.J I return \.) lne !'r1 •• ;; .\;1·-~, :J~' ,,;.1 'rl at r;ci;,r-icrbati-: f-r!day ri>ght 11 hi:n lI•t .\'.~·i.. :.~::. ta:.e ur. £:.:j,son <it Hunting- Kissi11 g .S ist er 01(, Says Edisori Boss ~f ();o:> ;:·;;_,, •1;'~ \l ··~·*"' 1n:irr1r.;: G~"~:-.:;,.: •·' 1 ..i. • pX>tl;;:rr1i:'(J " Lt flJUl!,;..I ;:<::To'' 1, JLlSt Lke ~:!-·J.'!2 '.·"..c ,, ·~;. But Er:1s~.1 H.;!'1 S<::.ix,l < 03lh Blil \"ad nr_,, · r, : t :i.re 11 ~_,,his /1,Jtb<: ;; pi""• r~ r.1· - ",\ t.t 1-mJt~ r,..:·t-:-1::;.:-·, t, '" ;,.,tj !.1 /,"ji 1-": ...... k.-~ <o :I ~:'i!o;t .-Jo:•: r1• ;,,..' • ftiil()v.,n,g h.s _:olln~ lt-o/:1." ~(· f,nd dtad lr.c); (,1 l"1f' ~,;~<rJfl v · .: prt;p:l.'"S I 1r Fr.er .. r.:,;t1: ~ cO"ltst 11 11n Cos..i .\1•:s;i T.'1" "Jrt1i. H1..' f ,r~'.·'.' ;o• 5c:·,V11I f; J.1'.2 a~:·: it-!.r·· ~.•: ga me ' ;1rid \':,,' !, ~· ~1 a ! :: :,::t>r .•:,r•d a• t~c s~C'~(;~; 111 l'n;111<:tl ~'i fa: \\"hen ! sa-., t:v· ll' ri! :h" r,1:-.e· tr<irn.-;,nrJ l '" ~ r: ... ~ · .· t,,,1\, in Septl:'~1 ~Ji·1 . I v.:i '-"ry (! .' u.H.l~ h'll' \'.1.'1! •!•• '\','e ,,rf: ,;,jl ! , ... g;r .:; o:l •l,f ~I :,'.1J J"ffi fi r• ,d I '', 1• t1f"1 1,1.•( •• I'•' .t.ot• t,"', _,.;,~.' ;1 , T ;:c · _ ." i · , '•"'.ly !. , .. ~ • f •·p .. " •I l'~'!.l'" • \\ r r • " ;1t '"I' 1'1 f •1 r :, .. J )•" 1 ''I I I• f·.1:~ ,., Jr!', p'.ayer all sea"ln " \ "'' 1r1<Jica1es he still plans \ ·, ~:e• ;1 Funke onlv on the r:•·fe:--;,,r unit. Fu.nli:e also 1i ,u ~,, .. ! L p at fullback earlier 1r, tu•· (·;,son unlll he bruised ;:, l.ra-1• 1 T'" r ~,arger~ ha\·e lost i:':t':-·:'" b;;t k Li le Ra~mond ' f,,r ::it· r,:.lancc r,f the se:;:,on ,1 tn ;, dJ~l ocated ~houlder . ~· rnl 1 1 the other Chargers ;.:>JJ ··~·· bumped and bruised !:Jut \ :ii says all of them u·11J l,c re;-1dy Frkiay. j \":•.! J' impressed w11h Costa ~-!-'•<i r:P'P!IC its l·5 record. · rr u1Dy v•ere completely ' t-.eatr.-,1 1,e couldn "\ stay 1.1·11h ::•_m ·11c St£·n them pJjr and 1 ~,{ rr :; no doubt the\ ·re a ~·,-..1 lo';im . T h tV ]05[ SOffi(" to~i;h ~«'Tit'~ bv ~ few po:nts.. .r:i~r.!::S. i~' y prrJb<lbiy ~h1.Juld f,;11 " 111 ·' . .)1,"'1 \!;11";1 \ I• 1:-\"J pl,\!Od.c 11 h:ird r ,nnJ11i: 1.1ilbat k ;ind r.• 11., • •• 1,1:: -·r.,r :i l!nt' bl(J('k· 1~c' t 1r h.111.' T~t·: re µr 11bahl,1 ; rlrt~ : 1 run r,gh! al 11~ ;:ind ~1•• ·: r ''" :'l •:,,p :h1'!fl tn ;,·1 r-·" :: .• I'' ,; 11 1~' ir."1"· \'. .1. r·,.··\'•'"• u. ,,.• 1·-. ;,; ' • • 1, . , • ,1 I < ~q .: ,Ojr I' :•• ••·! .i <" I! f" ·'1·r:.;.;:" r• .. -. \r:.I -~:;l•-• ''"•t'r"' ! :;.1 1·r• J r I'(' j " !hi : <!' ! 1,.: 11{·(k 1~ ·nf' 7 ; :11 .,.,r:i .'.f;,gno~ia 'fJ'Jr r.111 ·1~rh;i!'k .J (' r r \ ll 1nOJfJ <a ·~ad h1< hc· .. t 12 ar1•· 1.f '~'" \t<ir dt j 1·· 11 •I ~·.•,r:-tning 11 ~!J. In 1r 11n1 or f.1'11 .Jeff CJrter d.-.d ,\\~irk D··i !uff did a gw-1 Jhli of L!•Jt1.::1g. ''O n del c n ~r ou r l1n• tia1·kcr;., Hr11:»,~· \~ h.111 .n1rt K~n Funke, p<>rf11 r:;ie·1 ll'ell and Brian Bayle!>!. na!o t.ccn ;i \\'' ., : h e r prnn11::11;: the (Jr;1n>!1.· Coa~: '(\lC,\ 1~ of· f1·r 1r.~ -;w1m1ning lt>sson~ fur hr.ys .ind girls se1tn ~t"ars old ;,nil 1.p !"';, ... ,~ ;;re held S;:iturdav lr••rn ll Jin. to noon btg111· n111g !~1 .~ Saturday and )<isling fur fl\!' sessions . At noon the pool ls open for recrt<•t11•na! sw1mn1 1ng for lhr rf'<\ nf the <1fternnrin Furth,·r information can b1· obta1nti.I b)' calling &-12·9~. College Sta11dings 4"•"'1< C•>U Co->l•'f"" ...,.LT""O~ ~OVI~ C••ol1"" c·,,,,..-1,, C.i•Ol,~1 ~'•" N•e<l~n<I l•C (~'0""" V"C°'"I o~•· \', .... ~Q ... ' l •t [,,., .: ... ,~. !>t (C~'­ //,hC~" '··~····· er .• ...,...,. I•. ~I ~! C•<I• ~r1!e l(tn••• °""° "•1• ·"~'•"" ""~, .... N"'!""'""''" w .. ""'1'" ·~· Mlt~ $'61t 0 11t,.,.,u!" Pt •l'>C.11f" v.i1 (~•,.,I! ' ~ \ :; ·.; ' 0 ' ' ' 0 ' ' , 0 .. . . (C•ff'l h" WL l Pl•O• l 0 Q I ' l ] 0 '~ •I " ' " t • ' t• I (, " ~ c .... ( 0 I~ OI (Olll1••n<1 W Ll P!<OP ~ ~ I ~ J! (, \? ' ( ;. 0 n ~I '>I r1 r~ n ' 0 ,, ,. :0 111~ ) 0 •) >\ t l 0 10 •} 01i 1•10 , .......... . W LT P!\OP 0 11 I 0 ! " 0 0 0 ., 0 P1<0!•C·I CO!lf.l'""(t WLTP,.01' G 0 }1 1 t~• 0•1«;• <•·!~ .. • 7 0 I I <I ••• .,,~ 0 '1 '• ,, ·•c 1 I 1 ;r " r • ·'" '·' ~101~, P >'• \o,il>••'"'" n, ··~• I ~..+ ' .. , .. ~0"" o 3 o '' n Q •O lflll CO"'" .. "<I W L T '" 0~ 0 0 al !I 0 0 H o n rA J. ( .. , I I f, I ' J ... ~t"'O 0 '! 11 A•l·•" 0 11 1< /"''""" ' 0 .... •Ii v .. ·.;c•t + o " <I ~t"'""' 0 71 110 /,-,., S! .. r 1 0 .I •I \Ou!~•ttl C•"'t•t~<e ~ .. ·-,•\ , ... , ~"' J r~ •• -,.~ 1 .. ~\ .. a,·.o. TCH W LTP<>OP 7 Ii o •I 11 't 0 9011 0 II '! 7 I; •1 II I 0 :19 ?0 & J• ~ 0 I •l 0 1< 41 WH!f"' 411'11!•( Co"!•~..,<• W l TP1'0' '· ·~'~ ~ 01 ·• l • t·~~ ~a•J?' h • '• 1 I ~ I ' ~ •r' , ~. ••· , n ,j '• I t ; • 0 'I I OA ll.1' PILOT S11if l'- t<:ln BeJch ll1gh Block ing for . .\delson on this p lay \".ere l)al Sv.eetland (73; and Dick F erryman (50 !, Dimc-.4.-Lines 1\lean SSS Viking QB· Against Leara To Miss Interceptions Colony Tiff lrs been a grim yta.r. Aod •· i ! h .\naheim. Huntington l(ey for Kings Beach and \\'estm.in.stu still Corona dl'l ~tar 1-figh School loooung ahead, prospttts ap-is in its eighth year of varsity pear e'\"l'll dimmer for Marina footbaU and a t no time h;:n e H1gh Schoo,! and it.s Jue~ r t.J:mg football team. the Sea Kings e>er held an Coach Jun Coon's \'ikes are o\·erall roo:ird as good as 11 1s !+I going i.al.o their Sunsrl now 44·2! alter si x ~eeks ol League tt"ST. 'A"ith ."1laheim Fri-COOJ baL day nigh t al La Palma (.oach Da\ e 111'.>lland·s Cr•rt-€s Stadiwn and lht'y"ll be doing it are in a s1tu<illon v.·here lhi'y ~·hhoot th e i r Ko. 1 quarterback. are mntending for a pos.sib!e Hick Saeman suffe red a share of lhe lr.ine U.ague head in jury in last week's 13-championship as they meet Jj Joss to :\'e~·port llarbor and undefeated l..oara S:iturday ding performance a~ a i n s t Loara, I U1ink we hJ'.f! a goad chance al be<ILU1g ti1tm, · sa)J Holland . The trio or b:ic ):s \1·err- rc•spons1ble 11.ir I u u r 1n· tt:rcept1on:o ag.iint ,\lt:~:.i. And. he s:i1 s Lhc ,\llcce~\l lJ I ru;in1ng of fullb•u ·k 1:11 h Petros and Sti'1 c J udi th 1-; <.·o:"::ingent 011 th1" li'.vt'l'.1ng 0r back Je:f Cumming . First Wi11 Fo r Pirates nu;r;1 ) Oran;;" ('1,a5t <..:ol lf"~1 5 r ro'>s ("11untr::r 1t'<im po~[r·(J IL\ fir'! S<r..llh Co<i.~! CunferLnrc victory of 1:.c ~··;;.<,Qn hen: \\"tdne$Cl;i:; !Jfternnar1 , edging :-.an U1eg0 City C'Jll l·~(·. '.!7-::Z. JJ;111 :\!1l'•ll"Y \\i:IS the i.1· c~.1 1durd winr.tr. ~,·t:ing a nt'v. c1 1..if~t· t te,,rd Y.!\h a 20.23 t ilX.'kllJg l1Uwr /'±r.JtC' plc.C('rs in· 1' 1d1 t! FrtrJ ~ki rd,.., tilth in :!IJ :, T ~1 l/J ;!! :'7 Jl.!'h !'J• I Ll' ,, . ., cr,t:1. lS a doubtful partici pant. night at \c·~1XJrt Harbor High vir ·ti ,• ~· 10 11,na·rente ac11on Corona Ctl ~lar g;i· • .; L 'l;1r.1 all 1t 11Jn:ed l<i!>! ~i·J r hrforc 11 11;1s IJr <•lll'.!t' Coaq'; fir;· Jfe's missed the rirst t~·o School. fa lling, Zl-20 It 1'a\ the ino•t :oHt:r i1 .. c-11,,,, ... \e'-1 1e5t frir days of practice this week. The Sea Kings have bounced r.io1nts :>tGred un the un -.1 11n .\1 1 I .1a1n, tt·;:n1 is Fri- Repla"•·ng h·•m ···ill be i·un·or defeated 19{;.8 C!F ,\,\,\chain-,, .,. ,,, '·'••· .·\it•·•· 1-. ,.,t~\·, •. ,,.,J '-" 1 back !rum a 12--0 defeat to .... " ~ v Dave Campbell. vtho was used pions . I at ·:-. .. 11 !JH ~!' '.'lt;:LC Col!(·ge. f th I Fountain \'al!e·.: \\"\.th t•·o "''·' H II d ti l•••f or ree pays a g a in s t "" o an •a) s 1c-c .c -- Newport Harbor a t in In ·1ne compct1i1on. the reason his !ei!m J!a ·.e 1.1i;ir;, ~o~E~,,~EME ~T quarterback and a quarter at latest a 12--0 verdict O\·er Cos:.:i ~uch a hard time 11'-'s the ,,[_ defensi 1·e halfback in the Mesa . fensi\'e blocking of lu~ 1ntl·r.<1r Yikes' opening game of the Holland ~a\s the ke1· to line. EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS year against La Puente. beating Loara" lS the same one Three of those st;;nduu:~ 11±11 r~ .. cibJe for dumping U,,ta be back to haunt \'.'·'' ~<l\'•', However, if past hll'tory i.! .....,.,.,.~ · ,, Mesa They're tackles l\en1 Srudll•·r AVAILAELE NOW, 14 YEARS EXl'E:<IENCE -WILL TRAIN PUPCH ASER . Hl(';.H EAllH!HGS RECO RD -S~.7SO REQUIRED. any measuring slick. Marina ··~ defensive secondary !2&1) and J im !\orth 1 l8'1 • ;ind v.·on't be a soft touch for the did it for us again.st Mesa and guard Doug Hilliard r !80 · W l!ITE BOX M·J44 THIS NEWSPAPER. REPLIE S HELD STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. twice-beaten Colonists o { if Keith Petros, Da\'e Krotin The Sea Kings, :;.1 1n le;.~ ir· Anaheim. and Karl Killefer can come up play. are underdl'.l;;5 for tbe In 1966 ?.farina was (!-7), -~·~•thll>_.1the~~wne~~kind~·~o~f~ou~Ls~l~an~·-~fou~rth0_~,lt~ai~g~hl~w:'.e~ei.c~··~--~==========~ lost ta Anaheim. 14-13, and a yea r later the Vikes ~3-0J lost 9-7 to the Anaheim culb that '"·ent on to post its oaly outright CIF championship. · Coon !ays his club must use the same tactics that wert so successful for Westminster last voeek when the Lions beat the Colony, 21.0. "\\'estminster did a good job on the quarterback sweep. They ran a 6-1 defense 'll"ith stunting and we hope t h e same tactics wi!1 enable us to ~top IGC<lrge) Fraser on his rollouts. •·And of course t;i;e have to contain their passing game," says Coon . Coon had some good words for a couple of offensive linemen who have rome on to do a fine job in the blocking department. SPBBDW'AY * RACZNG Orange County* Fairgrounds* :.i~~· Costa Mesa FRIDAY NIGHT OCT. 31. 815 PM FREE PARKING ADULTS $3 00 JUNIORS $1 .50 CHILDREN 50( Buy On Firestone Uni-Charge or ~ Revolving Charge ~ QQ~.9.9.ill.9.ill~ GUARANTEED BRAKE RELINE ~.".' _$ 95 Any Am•rican '" Except DiK l rake1 Includes Lining & Labor We Do All This ••• * Replace Old Linings and Shoes with Firestone Bonded Lining * l~spect Drums, Hrdra1lic Srstem, Return Springs and Grease Seals * Adjust Brakes for Full Drum Contact GUARA~TEED 20,000 MILES OR 2 YEARS GUARANTEE-\\'c .tuJr.1 :i.:cc nur hraJ:c l111ing for the specified Pu1:1ht't 11f n11 lc~ ur vcJ1~ front date of 1n5t.1lla- t ,,1·1 \\h1 d1f1·cr t11n1t·~ J 1~'1 ,\J1l1 '-!rnf'11t~ prorJted on mil e-age' and h.1\t·J on pri(c~ l t<rrt11t a1 t11nc <Jf ~Jju5tmen:. VOLKSWAGEN BRAKE RELINE Guaranteed 30,000 miles or three years! WE DO ALL THIS! •Repack front 1'00:1 bearing!I •Replace. old lininp and !hoe« wi th Fire.too& brake lininp • AdjUAt brakes for full drum contact •Inspect drutM, hydrauLc system retu rn ~ririnp nnd j!ff'I\~ ~H I." GUARANTEE : We rutrur.lee OUT brll9 lining for the gpecHl«I numbtr of mile1 and Ytar1 lrom date of i.Ntal- latioo., •IUchl!'l-er ('OillN fir1t. Adiu•lmtnll pro- rated on mile•g• anrl hMed .,n prices curnont at timra of 1dj1.11tmenl. $ other parts extra, if needed Drum Typo Bra kes FIRESTONE STORES COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH -475 E. 11th Street 8 646·2444 e Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 9 ... ,,.,4 p.,. o,,,..,~ LQll,I.,,~ o • f ;o 0 " HUNTINGTON BEACH -16111 Beach Blvd. e 847-6081 e Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 9; Sat. 'Iii 5 ' ' " ~1 • ... ~ \. ' ' .. ,1:. ................................................................................. .1! • ' -------------------------------·-------------~·---------~· -• -.,-., .... -r ~·-•. -,--~ -·--. ,--"' --~-• -' ~ -. -· -' ". '" ----~-.-. Letdow11 i\1e11aee!S It \\'Ould sern1 th;,i1 in :1 th ree-month period :iny prep football team would ha\'!' a lct - dov.'fl at one Lime or anoLhPr. And apparently that is 11·hal has bee n h<1 ppening a L Newport ll arlwr Migh Sthoo l whe re coaeh \\.'ade Vi'atts' football squad l1as b<>cn gui ng through lrth~rg1e prac11ces in pr~p11ration for nOn·lt'ague and non·Orange C:o11nly for , Fallbrook, Frid:iy night Sitting arou nd like a fa l c.i t DIHECTIOi\S Go Sou1n on Son D•e•o Fr••w~• lo O<••noiao, then lf!I on O\•Qh ... ~• 10 •nO OtO<••O inllno IO '""'""· Jlbolll ..,._nail "'ii• oa'1 Bon••'' '"'" loll on M•»ion Roa~. rn,. ocnool I• tot•t•d on rlQhl •IO• oboo• tn.-.. mil•• •l>o•d. 'Tt••el tlmo ,, oQ•ro•lmatolv JS mlnu'<> !ro.n 0<•••····· 11nd pos~essor of :-i l111r :i·l rrcord . the Sailors l1;J1 c r<inh.J· ed \V<ills. "\Vr have been r.~lr£'n1ely fl ol. If we play likr wr have pracliced th is W<'ck we're going to get beat bad. T don'l know what ii is 1na~·be 1hey think lhl•y're sutisf1erl \Vith t hem s e lves <Jr something," says \\'att~. "This game docsn·1 count in league standings but prestige is something else. Anaheinl lost lo a Bakrrsfie!d team and hasn't recovered vet. Momen· lum means a lot:·• continued Watts. OAILY PILOT 20 .i\rtists Bid To Escape Cellar Spot Going rru1n \c;igue charnpion lo the c~llar in one ~eason Isn't eJtar.:tl y plea~a nt. Coach Hal Akins of l.agun 1l Beach v.·ill send his te-a1 n aga inst Mission VieJu with lh1 , in rnind Friday nighl v.·hen !hey n1cet in a Crestvie\1 gurne on the Arti'st field . The Artists have lost six In a 1 uw this season , including lour !t'.'agul' ga1r1P.s, after wlnn111 g tile 1968 Crestview l!lle. lnJunes ha1·e r i tl d 1 r. d Laguna Beach all year but Akins is hopeful most <lf !hr \valking \VOunded y,•ill be in uniform Friday. Looking down the injury list, Akins gives the following hospital report ; Bart Tabor, his ankle isn't bruken but he has been on crutches two days. Hopes to use special wr;ip for him to pla y. Roland McElhaney. ankle. s!ill swollen quite a bit. Ital Proppe, dizziness, work· Ing in full gear. Steve Palmer will return after missing \asl week 's game as a linebacker on defense. Scott Allen has the flu but I.~ C'xpec~ to play. Mike Abbey re·injured his knee but \Vill play. Coosidecing the possi.bilitics LAGUNA GUARD STEVE PALMER (RIGHTJ SHOW S ALL-AROUND CAPABILITIES AS AN ARTIST BACK TAKING nf a threc-11·av tic 1n the ' ' HANDOFF FROM BRIAN OTIMER The list goes on and on but Akin savs h~ will have 'J.7 half of Our tcain is playing \1·1111 hurls. Sunset Lcagut t;K·c , 1 h c n~'erall rrr.:o rds of team.~ n1ight oc a dctrnn1n111g loctoi· in just whnt two tea1ns lro1n the league 11•i!! ;1ch·ance lo \ln' CIF AAAA playoffs. As for Fallbrook <ind its football team. \\';i11~ ~:1,1·.~ 111(~ \Varriors havr usrd ;1 tl1 l!t·1·cnl defense against ea ch nf their opponents. •·we don't rcallv h.nnw 11hat they'll defense uS w1lh so \\'e don't know whal lo c~pect;• says Watts. And, Watts hag nll11•r \1·or· ries. "\l,le'rc laking f)lcnly or !i1rie to gel there Fnd.iy - we·n even slop to ca t I hope Jl doe~n't get too much into the rc<1 lm of a hulid!1y h_•!ili\'al. "ln that fram e Orm.ind you don't play good football ," he ~·n·s ~· Ti1~ Sailors wi ll ht> plaving "ithou\ starling ri gl1L 1al'kl!' (:rant Ge Iker. whn·.s been hob- bled with a knee injury. Chris Allen. a 6·0. 212·pound senior, replai.:es hi1n. NB 3rcl In Bowling Newport BeaC'h's l;iv.·n bow l- ing club came through with a lwo-point sudden death victory <l\'er Sanla An<t lo win lhird place in thr final 1!169 Coast League standings, After finis hing the rrgular ::cason in a Lie ll'ilh S:.inta Ana . lhe two clubs niet at f{1 ·l·rca- t1011 Park in Long Bea{.11 1n the playoff. The four comprling learns for e<1rh club scored an unp recedentrd IH'. both 1n gainrs won and po1n1s scored. 111is brought about the suddt'n death playoll. Newp0rt learns "'Cl'f skip- ped by Sl;1n Le l~icvre and Bud Klvn and inc!udf'd Chilek Sh\JIL ll utth /iutl'IH·!'~r111. Jay \Vaters and Al 1\lornson. Laguna l/ills y,as league champion \\'1lh 1-f c rm o s a Beach second. Problen1 For Eag1es Sel'cral lineup change~ ;1r{' in store for Es1a11eia high :-lchMI':;; lootb:ill tr.:1111 11 licn the F:~1glcs -!nf'l'1 lr\·inl' Lr.::igul' c•n·ll'atif'r 1··ounta1n \:!lie~· at i\l'wport Harbor Hi gh S:.ilu rday 111gh1. F'irst and foreinosl is thr backfield situ11tion where aee Da1·c• J1Jhnson Is still 1ry111g to int'nd a bruisrd b:ick !hat has :iggra\'~\cd last year's fr;J t- 1urrd vrr1rbr:11' ltlJUr~·. ll hr's unubk lt1 >::tan . it will be sopho111ore .J1n1 Schult;, lak· ing uver tllr la!lb<i tk duL1rs v•ilh second tearn quarterback T~a ul JO,YCC' S\;1rting j n Schultz's full b:iek !>pot And the rt' are thrre l'hangcs in the ~tarti ng orft'nsive linr wi th Lu is Flores 1 192) starting at center. Bob Fate !185 ) at right guard and Rod Felts (190) at right !fickle. As for just what hi~ Estan- cia gridders musl do to stop 1he Fountain Valley offense. coach Phil Brown says his defense must stop the Barons· inside game \\'ilh the fullback smashes. "That seerns 111 be 1he key to their <lltack :ind I think if \\'e ra n sh1Jt th:1l phase out and make then1 go outside w1 1h 1heir haltb<ick~. y,·e·11 hring 1hen1 dii11 11 ;, little,'' :-a1 ~ Broy,·n. (Jl l<'n~ivel\' !hr ~:i-lJ!les musl d11 l)t"ltrr thii n l<t'>l 1\eek's los- 111~ "/fort ar;.11n sl Loara (26-0 L · \l't• can run nn anybody if our kids in the line c~ecute proper (Jffcnsi\'C bl ocking. The Sarli<• An;i \'alley and fl1<l !_!.110h\l gamf's \1 f'rc good cxan1plrs ol how well they can perform and 1f we can gel we'll move the ball," says Brown. !ONE WEE ~ ONLYI NEW LEAD ZEPPLIN "THE ONLY WAY TO FLY" 8 TRACK s4la CASSmE & 4 TRACK $387 Limit Two Per Customer MUNTZ COSTA MESA TAPE CITY 17th AT NEWPORT BLVD. Stop Water Polo Foes Cycles End ===-~~=== .. The thing that pleases mr 111os l is the fact thesr kid s st ill h<11·e a fine attitur.le." Tars, Oilers Roll On F airground 1 Race Meet FLYING FUN! by WAYNE CHASE By STEVE .ANORE\\'S Of ,~. Dad1 Pilot Sl•ll Nr111101·1 I l;irlxir ;ind 1 lun- 1111gto11 Rr;i i.:h rem a 111 c d 11n1Jca1cn ;1fLer notcl11ng Su11~1·1 l.c:lgue \1 al er polo 11· 1 11 .; \\lednest!ay, Newport derca!t;il V.'estminste r. 7-3 in UC Irvine's pool and Huntington n1ppl'd hnaheiin. 7-fi 1 n lhr t 'olo11i~t~· \1·:11 ers. IVlarina tll1boeu \\'e,tern. ~:; i11 ;1no1 hcr Sunset skinni~li. 11hd~ Corona tlr! fl1;tr 11 a.,- downing i\1ill1kn 11 , 7-4 for its 15th .straight \\'In ;,nd Laguna Rt'ach "'ilS swaniping Sad- dlehack, !!i-2, in nun·leagut' Htles . TA!lS-LIOr\S Ncwporl outscored \Veslm1nsler, 3-0, thr first two pfriod~ and fought off a slight Lion rally in the second half. Tom \Varneckc paced thr Tar attack with five points a~ Bob Srarles and Dou g Snyder chipped in one apiefe. Lion Chris Ohre tried lo play ' n tighl defense on \Varnet•kc ;ind score at the .'i<linl' t1111l' but found the t;i~k l<JO r.ltfliculL and man;1 ged (•rJ ly t110 p(Jinls Ken Davis added the olher Lion tally. OILERS -A1'l'AHEl:'ll l 1unllnglon Beach led all the 11·:1 v 1n it s fifth Sunset l.e/1g11e victory \\'lthoul defeat. Allaht'im made a final dcspr.ra!inn rush al the Oilers howe11 er. The Colonists found !hernsclvl's down, 6-0, with lhree minulcs left on the clock <1 11d [ought back lo within 7-6 betore linie r:.in out. Huntington 's balanced ~cor­ ing :ittack sealed the Co!0o- 1sts' doorn. VIKINGS-WESTERN Marina led all the way in its ro1np over \Vestern in Lile Pioneers' p oo I . Chuc k Holloway, John Maltby t111d J-Jowie Johnson led the scoring 11·ith Lwo goals each. ChiJ> !Javis, Steve Mcconnaughey and Eric F'iles contributed one goa l apiece. SEA KINGS-1\-fJLLIKAN Corona tirnes in pull far t.1illikan . de! Mar tallied lour the third slllnza to ahead of invading Up until the third period the St'a l\i ngs' 14 game win skein was on thin ice a~ Corona !cd, 3-2. Rr,1d .!aek.,on ltd tlH: !h1rd prnod outburst with 1110 ):!oals l!e also led the sconng list 11·1th those two along with Bn1cc Black's pair. Bill Loitz, Garlh Bl'rges(ln and S(·ott Newcomb l'<tCh i;cored 1Ult'_ ARTI STS· SADDLEB,\{;I\ Art1sl coath (;('orge l'arc.v lried tl'erything even playing \\'ithout a go;ilie but the hapless S:.iddleback Roildrun· nf'rs still could manage onl y 1wo poin!s during lht' en- count er in tht> Ar1 ists' p<Jnl Laguna Beath explodl'd for nine gua Is in U1e second period :ind took a commanding 16·1 halfl!me adranlage. .John Enfield tallied lour tunes in the devast<1tlni; !lf't'· ond frame , Charley \\'are Jed the of - fensive firework s with eight goal s. Following were Enfield, with five. J im Orlowski, four, goalie Rock Gulledge, three, Earl Wellsfry and Vince McCallll, two, and Bi\1 Brown, Don Ware and John Slows ky, S11rrdway n1otorcyc\e racing,. \1'111 ho1v out for the \!lfi!l St';L,Ull l'r1U;1:--night al 111(' (}r:111gc Coun\y Fairgrou11Us1 s1 ~1d1un1 \l'it h the final ar»' p1'i1rant'C nr 1he \Vorld Chn111-1 p1011 ~f)l'edway racer in \h\' A11glo·f1'1neri~an Series 1, l C on ~ou poH +h. phy1H:ol •~•m for p1lo1 l<•;n.n9? '!'0 1. if vou'ro •n ••.,•9• p~"cn, lh1dv v•••• •q• • p;lo! hod lo b t p'"!!v ru9qed. Bui •dv~nt~d ll11•n9 h th!l;'IUtl •~d ;mp•ovod f'qu•pmon! ho•• c~o nqed that Th. •9• of !h e '"P"'"'•n·p'1!0! ;, po11. Anyono ;n reo<onoblv qood hool!h t•!I loorn to llv !od ~y . And •••n • p~v•,<'.61 dofetl Don't bo olroid of tht iniliol <od top•. Ant of our s>rc ft•· ,;onol •••If will holp ond od- H"'RIOR r:Jl'P'>. woo'! not~ll6"1v <p oi,nd ~o~- 5,. d.,n't •ul ~ vo.,.,oll o~!_ II Be forl' a se!Jou\ rrowrl that on•d., 1•u 10 11, o! mo bO'I <Iulo r•ln '"' Or•n~o Counl1 I Wt Gitt• VA !u\ly •ppro•e<I COUfHI lhnl Jlor T r~n•port R•lin~. Wt havo br•nd now Conn• "H" ..-010 ond on•!rvm..nt ... ul~pe<I ,iper Choro- ~eu. H-'RIOlt .l\l!AllON, SI U w~rnor 11.vo., 14'-tlOO. Ope~ rrom •und•• lo '"""' doilv. "Bdn' on •~r <•lumn •nd t•! vo~r 111 llitM lor OMy ,5.00". vov'1 • i~!err>lt'd, hove • 90 ol W h N Ol't'rl){IWCd !he stad iUtll la .'i 11 ii, To•• lho phy1.,,I f,om "" GtC ext Friday night, Jvan l\.1augl'r1 1 FAA ·d ,,;9,,•1~d phy,:c>.". It Week for dor in'I col! much. You ., •• J JN f.LIGHT (nl<IJOI') lhe reigning world quoLiv for onlv • Th,,d Cleu WOMEN 1·hainp1on was beaten by Itickll0~m;'.;;''~'~"~'0'~·~·~··~"~'"~'~'~· =====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~=1 \\'i;iocls of Hunlington Benc h in I'. .a raec that wa s the mos1 thril li ng nf lhe season. 'rl1f' champion had not been beaten in months of competition. Al1hot1gh the F':iirground~ 1r:.ick is small by comparison 11•ilh European <ind Br itish tracks. it lends iLscll to stiffer competition. l\.1osl l r a ck s overseas are a quarter-mile ur larger, some are 'l'~ of a mile. Mauger and countryman Barry Briggs. both from New Zea land. f o u n d Californi:i race~ eager and aggressive SAVE NOW Af $11.79 OCT.-NOV. ONLY WE DO RACKET STRINGING Tennis Racket Stringing -Ash,way Nylon Ashway Multiply· 4.00 Ashway Profceted • 6.00 Ashway Vanta9e • 7.50 Steel Rackets Sli9htly Hi9her Tennis Racket Stringing -Victor Gut Victor Superb· 10.50 Victor Professional· 12.50 Victor Imperial· 16.00 Badminton Racket Strnging Nylon 4.0o Cut a.oo Squash Racket Stringing Nylon 4.00 • 6.00 • 7 .SO Cut 10.50 • 12.50 · 16.00 •The exclu sive Built·in.Pourer avoids spilling. ~~•It's two inches shorter, so it's easier to handle, easier lo slore-J •The price makes it even better .. Addition.11.l Holiday Savings. Stock up now for the upcomln1 holiday& and save a n addit ion11.\ $1.18 per hall ll~llon. Case ol 6 Early ·rimes half gallons. Each half gallon $10 .61. •' I I ------------------------------------------------······ .M DAI LY ,ILOT ,_.r_..__., ... ...-. It CARUUL Of LOOSE IMPEDIMEllTS Loos• imped1ment.5, as defined in the Rules of GoH, are "n1tur1I objects not fi•ed or crowing and not adherine to the ball." These include loose stones, leaves . twi1s. worms and insect s, and lhe like. On the erean the eolfer is allowed to remove lh1s1 objects. Should his ball be moved in the proc:us, it must be. repl~td. but without penalty. However, it is in the fairway or roueh th1t you must bt careful. If, say, you aecM:Sentally mcwe your ball whi~ · rtmovin1 a k>ost imptdiment within one c:lub·lencth of tht ball, you must tlkt a one-stroke penalty. The same penalty occurs if your ball is accidentally moved by your partner or t ither of your caddies. The best procedure is never to ·try to remove 1 Ital or similar object unless you c1n do so without . possibly movin r the bill. 4 f" ................. ... GOLFING PRACTICE NOW CAN ,.A'f OFF l.AT£R! Tl'l11 aM·""· 111H -pllbliil'led Art1old Pahl'I•' booiclet. ··Pr~ ... 1.Mws )'OU ho• to · pr.ctit1 at hom1 \or po••r pt., en )'llllf 1_.r11 eout'.lt. 51nd !Ot and • 1Um~. return I~ tD A.rl\Old ,.almt•. r /1 this n.-wip101 r. CIF Prep Grid Standings .i..u..11 l t:1iau11 llN~lLllS Lfli(;Uf. .,, l ' "' I'• l iU. .. ,,...,, ~ I I 1:'1 11 ....,, .. o .. )ltll ;, S•l'o.I 'ID .1 1 ,.,..,, )( ' ;. ' " 11.'t S<'n'<O. o 7 o :t 1' ~!.An-l l t l• .. .,,,l' L1.-a u1 ~t,r• '·'""''"° • I I 1":i ... ., ,, M,rt Co,!t ; I a So lorr.nc.• ' 1 e u '..4 •' ., Mt"""°""' ? D ~I ie 1 .... 1~ ? 1 ,.,,.., l ...... ~~· ? t .. " I• 13 "" l"'''"" . • ~HOtlllt • • • " 11 J CM.t.NNf.L tr.-aul" 1:..i !! '"' .o H D ,,, Jt "v~.,..,...a • f f ~tMI 11,,..'0 . I t ,,..., ! I t......,._.,... Oo" I D Com1rol '" D •~ tt o "'''d l 1 1. ·u ·~·'' • • "' •.> .... ~""' ' • ' .. 111'1 crr•u1 llL' ll•.SUI •••• .,Of\. 1 • , "' ,, •...:""'" 1 • ' ~l " '"''""' ? ? • :• '• ~~:"'" 7 ~ t ~ '! •• ( .. ( ''''0 1? S•~l..,.~1..,•• !J I ~'.:l S.." c..r-•• I 1 I U '' c:o .. n Lf•Guf ro-.orc" ?D l .... I (-ii•""''' ' I t ... 'I Dlwnlroowa f I I D '.Ii "! Ptrol'P"o.J"! I I t :!~ ;G I"'•,.,•' 1 1 1 J!"·f Do ~·"t·1 I ; I 11 t ? 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McEYasy. a rormer higti school and coUtge 3W imming st.a.r, won first place io all three events. 1be Olympics fealured athletic' compditicm for IOI law enforcement of. fictn. ~tcEv~ also won second plaot for politt athlete of lhe- year at the rtcenl com- petition_ He won races in the 51}-yard backstroke. SO-yard butterfly and JOO-yard backstroke. ;\fcE\·en~·. a former com- petitor in Olympic swimming trial competilion! in 1964. broke several national 5'\'im- ming record! in high scbool. THE BOOTY -.'Jewport 3each policema n ~·U chael McEveny shO\\"S oU the three individual medals he ~·on at recent Police Olympics. Onct before thi:s st:a')On t..WCh Toni Eads' Sa n Clemente Hi gh School roolball team was shutout 1111·0 st.raighl games. But it came back to win a Crestview League opener aod gain a tie in another. Since that time, !he Trilans ha\•e dropped two more league encounters, bolh by shutouts. And this is .,.,hat womes F:ads as he prepares his team for an in\'as1on of Tus1in f't1· day night for a a o I he r Crestview League encounter. "I "·ouJ d like lo run for some of!ense, ·• he say;;. '•\\"e ha\"en"t been able to gcr.er ate <in offense for se'·eral \\efk!!. and in ord~r lo .,., in, ) ou have lo score."' The only games in \\ hich the Tri toos have scored lhi5 ~ear, they h:l\"t \\'00 and tit<!. 'The San Clemente roach l'i hoperuJ his team can win its last three games to gain a .500 season. Much of the success of this desire "'·ould seem to hinge on Friday's game 1n v.'hich his squad is underdog by IWO points. After that 11 pla~·s luckless Laguna Beach and ~l1&.1un \'1eJO, boasting one win bct.,.,·een the1n. back in Cary lliC'ks. We'll 11..ivc lo do evl!l"yUung .,.,., caa tu stay in lhe game." Tht Tntons are nursing .111 lew bruises sufl ered last week but have no new injuries. San Clen1ent.e"s offense 1, built around quart.erback Rick Geddes, a capable pasier y,·ho t<in also run with the ball. Eads savs he does1t"l con- tenipl:Jte .iiny changes in his pro0ab1e ~lilrt1ng lineup th 10:: "eek \\·1th Ste\c Di vel, Rick Hro\\ n and Tony Plowden io1n1ng Ceddes 111 the operun;; b<itkf1eld Eads says, "I hope \\'I' can s\<iy in there defensively against Tustin. They are a .============= large team alld operate oul of a pro .sel using the 1-forma - ll?ri. ··That kid 11.arry) Camah;in can lhrow t.he football an<l they have a \'er)" ~rvid running BEST T ~e DAILY P!tOT .,ffeti >o"'• of Jiu b.11 leolu•••. b,. octuol •U•vey of •••d•"· •••il.ble '" ony 111w1poper i11 tht n•licll. OPEN SUNDAYS for yo11r shopping convenience starting Nov. 2 ~ Sears 0 . uusMAN YLO N GUJU.. coast PLY. N d Coast to F• 'LL 4 -d! llonore u h Guarantee 3 o .. }font r..:.tr; _!.1_/ l?.Q:; 10.0:! 1).'J'.~ ;_:~.-.'\; 14 -;-.':'.-,-.; 11\. R.:.!.·,, l·t. ~:?.'J.i '1'11ht>Jf'""';> \\"ltilf"\\"AJI°' -_-_-_---~~·-~~-1).i__ 1_1_0.0~ l ~ .• -J:-1..,. __ _ -:-.:l.1,1 l .'..:!:i.'>.1 f:.7~ ·1 :-.~:t 2i . 'J.-. :{0. <>.i J:~.t).i i1_;12 18.63 --+-----t-- 1 o.:l:! .20.(1.'t 11 .:t.! -·.-----· :?~.6:~ 18.f>J ALLSTA'rt: Pa111"'4!t•J!rr 'li re ~ ;uarattlf"C 1·Rf.AD UFl~ 1;ti \M~\"'i01"EF: f ........ __, All,.;.,.,, ,\ll l.l1l"tC'J 01 •hc 11rr /C'll·' ~t Ir• •m n .. row.J ro.d fta.Jar1.h or UC•<"< t::! 10 w'°'"'...;t Of WCl<o.· n ... ~h ·r- fnr llnw 1...._. fur rbe h•C' cl tlror~na.! UT><i ''ll•t 11i'ill ~ ...... 0.: R..rr••r ,,~,1 f'Ur>C'U•rc•• .. ~. 1a dooi: ~ OI 1:.ilufl' itt ~•,tun.ti' l"r 1f.r 1irt-. ~'Ila""· • q,,.,, onil rbc rrOJ'Qlti{)OOI (""""' ri:mlMJeU•l!gf'ID(IC r""' Fc.k-nl f,>1<1..rTa rfu! ,..r 1r'C'1>" trr.o<I u.•C'J. THF.AD WJ-:~M-4..11;1' j ,( \.R4~Tl:E •:••1'•111,,,.d Ac•i-•: ·r ... ,..1 .... -(Wlt. t·,,'" tin• 1 ... .._: T1--tt umti.or l"•I mr...rlK 'l"'C'i!~•'-'h•• •·111 ~" o.; Jn t"•<.i..~ tor •hi' '"e.1er!AC't' ir. , i>..r.iun.c me uorri:o• •e.~.,,1.r ,,..11,,., l"'"....t: pl<U I Nknll r.(,~ -,.,, k""' 1!.r t.:>110•1111 .~..u..t-: M-9t.• 4 ;11•r••t~ • % •• 2 \. % i I• 39 'flriCC"S F:rr,."1i,·e I IJ/'7 ~~•9"./' ~9m• •hru 11/I 6 -----va•.r.:•-- ---~-- - - - ---- - ---_ _. -..... , ... ,4 t-44on, ~21-4.JJO n MaNI! GI l .J91 I lOtolC HA.DI l!l ~ 01 2 1 P"CO W( 11-4267 I a.wc:io. ,,... J ~o 0661 c;i H>CM.lf at .s-1 00•. a '·'61 1 0t1 .. ...:'" w'° ~ a ~11 1 ~ ro 2.11•!, N.\ 9..5161. YU u 1s1 I C:OW1Qlfl'«. 6 7~1 1, Nt :'-S7~1 ltOtl VWOOO HO 9-}941 "'";o..-t 637 i 100 (OftU "6-06!1 .--OllWOOO OI 8-7}1 1 r .t.<.•PI"' 091·J2\I, J~r.J 2 1 1 SAMJA ~ Kl 7-3111 SN.fl'A ft ~ 9«-sJI I --------, ~{ ~'1-ISl I I lJl".ANO ftS-1'27 5At-ITA .:HCA rx '~1 11 .:.OUIH COM! nAZA .!540-JJJ :J Y•tlrt l'O l -846,, "'·2110 I \otlMCM rt 9-191 r , _______________________ _ _ ___________________ , '"Satlsfoctioa GuaraaJe1d or YCKlr Money Back'' I ·-----·------.--.,...-.,....,....,.--.,..------=----.,...,----·--------------··-------.-----------···----·· -. -. -. --· ---·---··· WHAT'S IN- OUTDOORS? Don Locke of Corona del Mar established a new re cord for the Balboa Angling Cl ub and the Avalon Tuna Club over this past weekend by landing a 245112 - pound marlin on 12-pound test line.' Locke was fishing aboard the boat "Wahoo'' skip- pered by Bill Pigg o4 Newport !leach, \\'ho he ld th e old 12-lb. record of 181 pounds. The spikebill was caught 18 miles due east of the east end of Catalina, and the bait 1,1,•as a Span1sh mackerel. Th.is writer was fishing v.•ilh George Lobaugh of Newport Beach this weekend near Long Point and found the hill fish very reluctant to bite. Sund ay Y:e spotted tv.·o jumpers and tried to bait one broadbill, but that was the entire action for the day; for us. Most of the fish were seen around the 181 and 209 spots , but seeing was fa r better than catching, as onl y a few fi sh were weighed in at the clubs. The outlook for this weekend is nO'l too encoura.[!'i ng as the fi sh seem to be moving fast as the \V aler temp· erature cools. Working in a southerly direction fron1 the Newport jetty for about 20 miles could pul marlin fishermen in the area. but this depends a lot on \Yater and weather conditions. WEATHER BIG FACTOR IN DUCK HUNTING The waterfowl forecasts for the southern p•rt of the state •re dependent upon the weather picture. Hunting could tt. very slow or ii could be excellent depending on the wind. If the wind blows or • cold front moves through, waterfowlers could be in for •nother repeat of the open· Ing weekend, but if the calm sunny we•ther returns •long tf-ie coast then hunting will IM slow. This outlook is true for all areas in Southern Cali· fornla open to unattached hunters. The forecast for" private duck clubs is great, according ta club managers reporting. ART'S LANDING BOATS WINNING FISH S. W. Gammon of Riverside fi shed aboard the boat ''Channel Isle," skippered by Bill \Vallace, and landed a 10-pound cow cod to take hci me the $100 savings bond in last weekend's fishing derby for Orange County re- tarded children. Art's Landing, Davey's Locker and San Clemente sportfishing all partici pated in the derby. The top prize and trophy were presented by television perso nality Dick Lane. HUNTING CLUB OFFERS VARIETY The Hidden Valley Gun Club located along the Santa Ana River in Riverside off•r1 Orange County hunter• a chance to challeng• th• upland game and the water• fowl under near natural hunting conditions. Tom Forbes, manager of Gr•nt's Surplus in Costa Mesa, and th is writer visited the club last week and found the hunting and facilities excellent. As the sun came up over the ponds, ducks began la com• to water, and by I a.m. most hunters had record· ed limits of sprig, widgeon or mallards. After a coffee break in the club hous• w• headed for th• fields in quest of pheasant and chukar. Our German shorthair point worked the fields in front of us, as the party made its way through the heavy cover. Hunting was not exactlf easy as we managed ta bag only two pheasant and two chukar in more than 21/2 hours cf hunting. Tlie birds held tight, and when they were flushed they really took off. As it is almost impossible for local hunters to enjoy the hunting of native gam• in Southern California due not only to the posted lends, but •lso due to the lack of native birds. So, clubs such as this are in some Instances the only taste of the great outdoors many of us can parti- cipate in. Memberships In private clubs open to the public vary In price depending on the amount and kind of hunting a prospective member desires. Club facilities include trap and skeet ranges, club house, dog kennels, picnic areas, showers, fishing, flighted mallards, air strips and reslaurants In addition ta the fine hunting available. QUAIL RATED GOOD , CHUKAR SLOW The opening of the quail and chukar season was fai r to good in most areas reporting. The quail and chukar population ~a s up in comparision to past yea rs all over California. Even thou gh mos t hunters found the quail easy prey, chukar hunters found hunting very slow. The weather "'as ideal in the deserts and lower mountain elevations. The birds are in large coveys and will remain so unt il the fir st measurable rainfall of the season, at which time, they will spread out into smalJer coveys. Some of the more promising areas for quail this weekend are the San Bernardino mountains on Lhe des· ert side and the low er elevations of the east and west High Sierras. Chukar can be found in the China Lake area and th e desert areas of Red Mountain and Victorville. CRAPPIE BITE AT VAIL LAKE Jim Oxley of Vail L•k• reports that crappie are being cooper•tlve and that large stringers of these good ••Hng pan fish ere being c•ught by mast •nglers fish· Ing th• lake. CurNntly the evera1• size cr•ppi•, teken on red wormt or yellow and white i lg flies are in the one ta 11h: pound cle1s, atthough • good number •re tipping the 1cel•s et •round the 2..pound mark, Oxley reports. Mr. and Mrs. George Lowe of Newport Beach weighed In a nice stringer of 25 cr•ppie weighing more then 30 pounds. Be11 •nglers ere finding aood action on dHp run-- nfng plugs and rultber worms fish.cl off the bottom. The bnt ectlon for bas1 h•s bun off rocky points and in the brvshy ereas. Oxley announced that the fllhlng hours at the lake wlll be 6 a.m. 'tll S p.m. For reservation• phone 1714) '7/>.4611 . J•ck Ford, m•n•ger of L•kt H.nshew reports th•f catflshing is good, with many anglers catching limits and ne•r limits of cets to 6 pounds. The b•ss are !Ming c•ught In about 20 f••t of w•t•r on rubber worms, ... , Duck hunting •f Henshaw h•s slowitd a little, hut Ford predicts better hunting wh-., the first big storm hits th• ar••· Deer Season Will End The 1969 eastern Sierra dttr hunUng season. which includes Mono County and all d Inyo County north of Cottonwood Creek and Highway 190, ends Sunday. The late deer season con· Linues through Nov. 9. The late season includes all bill a small we!lern piccr: of Los Angeles County; all of San Bernardino County ercept a portion ol the Chino Hills ; all but the wutern edge of Rlverside County; en<l all but the extreme northwest comer of San Diego CountJ. Productive / Quail Hunt .-f 011 Isla11d Catalina is going lo have one ol its better quail seasons tlus }'C'ar. So says Doug Oomtiard. director of Santa Calalin11 Island Hunting Programs. "This spring. the birds wen· so slo\v lo nl'st," Bombard ex· plains, "I thought for a"·h1h: 1969 migh t be like '68. Then \l'e started seeing new birds, and the h.'ltching continued righl on up into August. A big car- ryo ver of mature quail plus ;:1 lot uf young ones just has to add 11p Lo good quail hunting . .'' he concludes. Alt hough Cata1in:i's hun ting acrommodat1ons \1cre prelly "'e!l booked b<"forc the season starled, Bombard says he s!ill has p!en!y of J::OOd tl llll'S .1v;iilable, including 11·cekc11d (!ates, sprinkled through hi s resci rvallons calendar. Catalina quail hu nting, of- fered only as a pac kage, pro- vides the service of an ex- perienced local guide (with no more than fi1•e hunl crs to a guide), transportation by four - ~·heel-drive vehicle, luxury ac- con1modations at the Cata lina llunting Lodge. ex c e 11 en t meals (including lunches eaten in th e field ), and ev en the preparation and packaging of birds for shipment to the ' mainland. Guns. shel ls and t h e necessary Californ ia hunting license are not inc l uded . although shells and ~late licenses may be obtained at lhe Lodge . Co~t of the Cat.1l1n:i qu;1il hunting r.ackage is $6[1 per day. an an1ounl that rn<1 ny hunte rs find !hey readily match or exceed "'hen lhf'y take off by f'ar for a con· \'enlional hunt ing trip that re· <JUl rf's their usin~ j!as. 011. mo- tr!s, restaurants. guides a n d 11 hatrvrr else the1· ma v nrrd. ln'onnation aitd i-eser~·a· lions for Catalina qua1I hLln· ling may be obtained by phon· ing (213) 546-4882. DAILY P ILOT 11"'9 ,.,..,,_ BAGS HIS LIMIT. -To1n Forbes. 111anager o[ Grant's Surplu~ in Costa Mesa ~ho\vs off_ !he lim1~ of ducks he shot last \\'eek at the 1-fidden Valley Gun Club 1n ~1 vcrs1 de . llunt1ng \Vas good at the club. as it was in all areas of Southern California. T~e outlook for this 1\cckend is !air. but a change in the weather could n1cike it exce ll ent. 1969 At\'GELlJS LEAGlJE If Demi•~ Jo l• P~~•r ~' o ..... 1~vu• t ;1 Lovo11 1111 Plv1 JI l1 5!, .t.ol~Ol'Y MATEJI 0!1 I S8MI A"I I Lo~o11 1' l•~..- 11 LC!f'll Be1c~ WI""" 11 Se•v"• '' Plu• X P'IUS X S.r•I u sr. Berni«• 11 SI Jolln Bo1co 11 (8l~f:<lr1I Bl•"OP A"1al f\o\ITer Otl llJIVITE " " " " • " • " • " " ' ,, " ,, ,, .. " Prep FOOll<iLl "' Soni• •N V•I •, 1! Low• I II M<\I•~~ Vlr>n •2 legun1 B••,~ 71 Vilt• P•t~ JI S•~ Clem~nlf """''• I Br•~ LAGUNA B£Atfl I lnllt Pit~ a • ""'~ 11 •• "tuj••n Or•n~e M l~SIO'" \Ill JO 5•"'1••t~<· llo•I•• (~"''I~ ~<c•n1•t • c; •. ,,,, 1 f l t.'(l(t"n' 0 Tu1t o ~ '"" ~ <••..,Srt r~. ii ~· ,~...,-~. Football Log " • • ' • " " " " " ,, • " " " ,, FliLlllt:TON • .. •. 11·• 11 Su•• I HP'• l~ :J, .• ,,,, ""'~ I lro• Ill l a H•b•' lt[tjlff O'I' l~ fl M!>&'•I f><•h ·•• Tf Ln""'ll I• l• Hob•• ~·v•nr• ~ SIJN\Y Hill• Lio H"I JIA 1 t<wtl•~IO• Bt•t~ I ~•<>er.I "1fTll!o• I• S•••nn• I I('"""'~ H l""''" ' f.-y llU l()<O 11 S~rt n l'QOI""' II ~•nn•~f i ~"'"""" • I-• Hob'f lOWl lL " " ' • ' " " " • " " " " " " • ,, 1' ~0"!"•11 {!11~} ,, "'~"'"'"''"' 11 .. UNTINOTOM llACH 11 l,,1 HU>'I l J< E~i'°" I I Ana"'I"' )I J~ l a Oulot1 o •l Wl'>!rrn n l& S1nl1 Ano I• 11'\All ll'IA lJ lo Pu•"'' l>o_ lo.,1nc:• • Oot PuHl'°' XI Wn l.,n •1 !.In•• An1 IJ Nr••PO•I H••bo• MIW~llT MAlllOlt u (0ton1 Ot l ~· • Coil• M'"'I .'M ~1n!1 """ I~ "''°~fl'"' • 1 wut111•n•"' 13 Mltln1 '""''" ANA 0 /\>',111, Ot• H C""'OI"" " " • ,, " " ' " ,. ' . " • " Thursdi)', Oclobtr 30, 1%9 DAil Y PILOT :Ji- In Southland ·1'11 ' V I Five-trout Limit ,; ! ' Begins Saturday: The winter seal(JO bag and poasessloo llmlt •iii five trout goes into effect Saturda y in all waters In the counties of Rh•erslrle. San Bernerdino, Lo!! Angeles, Ventura and San· la Barbara. The summer portion of Southern California 's all-year trout season, when 10 lrout may be taken in most waters in those ri ve counties, ends Friday . Exce p tions are Pud· dingstone, Legg and Cachuma Lakes which lia\'e a 5-trout limit year around ; Orange and San Diego Counties in which the winter lhnlt of five trout Birds Wi11 Openi1ig Decisio11 A big lumoot of Sout~m California hunters matched wib and legs with a bumper crop of birds last weekend as the 1969 .Quall and chukar season got under ,.ray. Jn general, the birds \l'On . By Sunday night m o s t hunters ha d succeeded only in moving the birds around a bit, averaging two lo thrtt quail and one chukar. Some of the best quail hun- ting was in the McCain Valley and Jacamba areas' and in the C:tvelaod National Fore~ t south of Pine Valley in San Diego County. Some quail limit.! ~·ere taken from thP bnr&hy 1rtas of both Imperial Valley and the Colorado River. but the: a\'erage ~·as poor. Mounta in quail produced fai r hunting in L:is Angeles County on the desert side of Angeles Crest and east of Pearblossom . In the New York·Providence Mountains in northeastern San Bernard!m County, hunters took Jots of cottontail rabbit~ b u t few bird3. Quail and chukars are there in good numbers but are widely scat· tered . It was tht same story Jn the Ord Mountains in the Apple Va 1 I e y • B.a r stow·LUcerne trlanglt: where hunttrs heard a n d saw chukars but had a hard time: coonectlng: Hunters overran the Red ti1 ounl.Bin area but succeedtd mostly in furthe r scattering an a!rtady JiC&ttered population wrnt into effect on Sept. &; a·nd the Colorado River-Saltoi; Sea area which has an all·yea~ limit of 10 lrout. North of the coonties of San• ta Barbara, Ventura, Loa Angeles and San Bernardin• the general trout season end~ Nov. IS. , The· on1y Inyo-Mono water) open to trout fishing aft et Nov . 1 S are Topaz Lake, th~ Owens Ri ver below Pleasa nt. Valley Dam, and the Oweiii RJver between Cr.owley Lakt Dam and Power Plant No. I. , The manmade s p • w n in~ channel adjacent lo the Owtrt; River al>oul a mile belOf Pleasant Valley Oam is clostji lo all fishing. ~ From Nov. 16 to the opening of the 1970 general trOLlt season, the trout limit cti those portioos of the Owerjs River open to winter fishing 16 fire , but not more than ¥1 pounds and one trout. Topaz Lake ha s a year- around Jimil of 10 trout but ndl m'Ore than 10 pounds and one trout.· An exception is that "t Topaz five trout may be takd'i rtgardless of their size. · SOVTIILAND TROUT PLANT following, by county, arc the·Southcrn Cali fornia waltrs bcint1 stocked this \.\'ee:k with calc'hable-iize rainbov• trout: LOS ANGELES -Big Tu· junga Creek upper aection, Crystal Lake, Legg Lake, Puddingstoot H.esen"Oir. San Gabriel River East, North and West Forks. SAN BERNARDINO Colorado River ' ·at Needlt!, Deep Crttk at Bowen Ranch, Lytle Creek Middle aiid North Forks. Santa Ana ruve r. SAN DIEGO -Doant Lake. SANT A BARBARA -Lake Cachuma. Pro Cage Standings . .. I 111tr11 Dl•ll""' NtW VO"' Phllllt•l•hl1 lllltl""'" Mltw•ull:ft Oolro!! (10\Cln""lt l oo!on ""'"'"" Lo• •ntfl,. Son Fr1Mll(O All1~!1 C~•tooo p~.,,..,1. ~•n Dlt90 ~ •• 1111 w l Pct. el • 1 ... ' 1 •• 1 • 3 .$11 s •J .5711 1 J ,CIO• l ~ .3lJ •• , l •.'100$ Dht1'9n s 1 .71 I ) 1 -"°° 1 l ·'" 1 J 111 1 S .JN I ••.71X1l . ..•. , of birds. Around Johannesburg ...,. ........ ,., •"""' and Ra ndsburg. in Kem Coun· "~1 11<1.10~11 ,,., e.1111....., .. 1os ty, sht:riff's officers cited a (~k~':.,1 :!·1.~~ .. 0~~:..:_;~«> 17 number of hunttrs f or , T.Uy'o OtfTI" shoollng In clost!d are:as. ,,.11w1u~•• 11 o ,tr.11 On the Naval Vi'eapons ~~,1~~~T ;,' ~:;..T:,. Center at China Lakt. the l· .• ·-· I I 597 h '"''V'I 0•"'" uay ... e or , unters was c~1c•oe "''· 11111..,oro •I e.0-1'"" 1.098 chukars, 252 quail and !>ltn 0 1t110 ti n ... •o• 11 Clor• 1' Poc>'lc ' • " " " Vo"~ l>M ~ o,, .... Fl)'.;t~, I • " •' • 1'0" " " " " " " 11 N•ww! H .. ~ lJ ''"""''"""' c•~''",...11 11 M1111e " 139 ctilton\ails. 1.11 ,...1~k" •' p~11-10~11 " -~~~~~~~~~~~~~--c:::.::::_.c.:_:_c:::::::.c.:_~~-Ii (1!"""'3r•I 6 l""• B•"'~ Polv lJ 11-1••• O~l I St P1~1 11 o.,...,nv .. u ~ s. ... n SI~ Pe<!•• 1 MllU••~ 0 $1 P•ul Jt 811~°" 1o.,,11 11 'fl "'"'"" Jl M.01"1'\ 1• LB Polv 10 Not" 0 ~"1• 11 5T ""'~orv 11 S~I!• GARDEN GROVE LEAGlJE •OLSA OUMDI " " " • • " ,, ' L vftWOOd 11 1' Coro"" dtl MA• I> I MAY!t ir 1 1J "l•!I 0 I S1n!l•oo " 0 R1nc.llO "!lfTIT!<>I II G"lt:Ol!N GltOY[ 1' So\I!" T ... r~l'U 0 'II ~ou.,111n ll1l1Pv " I l!r<Oil 11 11 c""'oto<1 19 11 P1c•1rc1 ~ 10 Lo Quln!I D U. GUINTA H !.dl!ICll 1• '' "·~· ~ I Lt Mlrfd1 1' 11 Hul!lll'>lllO'I lletcll l8 O lltncl'lo Al1mltot 1!I 11 G1tden C.•ov• 1'0 P'At1,1CA j Vllit Pt... I< ' £•lane•• O • L• ce .... a• " l1 DO'I P uohlQ• l~ 0 G•,~•n C.ro~1 1t 10 ~n!ln;o I lt:A.lft .. O ALAMITOS \I F111.1n!8I'! ll•lltv II 7!1 Lt fh bft I 11 Sl~rra ll 1) P"'""'°''"' I XI l • Oulnl• O u 8oh.a C.r•nd• 0 S.t.l'f'T IAOG I £! Dorl~ !I I \.I Mir..,. I J C Nell II 11 MorT11 ... ,1... ,, U llo!M Gtt"" I I P-.;ltl~t lo CH.ESTVJEW LEAGllE Qlt:AMGl • t (lll• Miii I t Lo1or1 71 1'I ''"II" I JO Min ion Vlolo ~ u '"" tlet!>tf!lt n w ltgU!\t 11..-cl'I • It. MODIMA 1j l(f '!M<'!Y 1' 1' SA Volltv 711 1'0 $In Cl-IA )I 1J Tu111., '-' I MIH .,,, 111tl4 I ll 111111 Pt,t I ' • r_,, •• , • 0 IM ~ .,. •• Q r,r., •. .. l • ....... . l• l •~ 1 • l~ I'-• v • II Pf'' • lo !><1"8""• 1 UST , .. ll LllQun• R••o" I 5an (l•rn~n!O 7 ~<>'•" II 1 El MO<l<n• IRVJ,\'E l ,EAGlJE COROH• D[l M"tt "'"'Hn<J•! .. .,,. ..... 11 l!C"~ (,'"""' H Eo·~ 0 '-<'II"'• n V•ll•• 11 1'•~""11 !) , .... 11~ .. CO$TA Ml !A ~ I')·~·~ I !,.., r~·• H1ttoe• ll E•l•n(ol J I o.H• " Fo~nt•I" v~•10•1 O Coron• n•I M11 EDISON 1' l' Ouln•8 I HIJnli"glon 6f•<.)I o toront (11!1 /11• ll .Soni• An• v,1i.y 0 LNtl I Magnol•t 11 , .,.,,~ I P•t•••tt I CD•1• Me•• \9 Mo;nol11 '' !><ln!I A.no V1ll•v a LD•tl ,OUHTlli'I VAlll!Y ll l!•oc~o "l•m,101 t O•••~" C.•o•t II M1;r•>1I• 11 Coron• d'I W.M 6 C0>T1 M~•I •• 5,,,,. "''" v .... . .. Bu,..NJO~\ 1' 0•4~0t LO ... llA .. ~.~ .. A"'9 VOllfY )I (O>ll N~ 1~ E'«·son Ii E1t1n,,o MAGt.IOllA 7 T•oV 'I f.• D<>l"•Oo I fOiJO\ll •" \ltllev XI f.:•l •..CI• I Co•(>"• dpl Mo• 1 l:dbon SAHTl AMA VllL['I' ~ foomrn 1t £1 MOCleot I l.(>ll r.o G E""n" 11 E•••nf_•o o J-0<.1~•••" v111,., f'REEtt' Al' LEAGlJE II 11 1,.!1!• I Vot-c•t H Tre~ ' Ful't•IO'T G SU""' >4111< I kv1~11• •l w.,,.,. " ;1 v .,. ~ ... I> l • ... ~ •• ·' 1• \Q~•' 'I ll l<'.o'nl'd• 1 • J ft •~• F••• I ~U ""y H!ll; • " • ' " " " " " v~,, •• ,, ' "''o·• :i$ .,, ... ,,,.., 1 .... . '' B~""' P1•-_1(1 K•n• •• 1, ,, ,~ •• .,.,.lf Jo S •ndl•P..<• ;,,; ftW"n• "•·• " • " ~·•""' '"'" ' """ t.c ~rll TllOY " " " • " • • " ,, " • • ,, ' ' .~ OHAt\'GE LEAGlJE • • ,, • " " " " • ,, ' • • " " " " " ,. • • • • • • • " • • " " " " , " " " .n " " l lllJ ! r ,,norto<1 1' ....... . 11 Loo~"" Br•'" IJ ~0"0'" ii S~OOl•l»t~ II lo' "!or?"•'·~ E.L 0011"00 ,. 5•""•0" 1 M"""""' 11 Sono<a ·~ V•lenc11 '1 Lo• •m•;M I/ l(•leH1 1' full~IM ... & ... kATl lLA 4 l~< ••1m1IO> 7 5,,,.,,.d lJ El Daro~n LOS Al.AM!TCS 1 I Wor~mtn 1' •vi•in •I Lo• Am1~0) 11 l(~itll• IQ \loltnc,. ll B•tl ~ ~~'"'''" H Ml"1lt>11e LOS AM leOS • L~ A•ornlloo o ~•OdlU>llU. 0 E.• °'· .. ric 0 V1IMC1I liADDLllACk 7 Mln !o-1 Vle!o J Tta• o Ila•·~(•• 10 I °" •rnioo• 11 Eire• 11 5(11'10ff SOMOIA •! LO"!Ytll H s1onnv Hiiia i~ E1 DOfldo 11 Bt•A .1~ 1(11 .. 111 11 t.&Odle~...:~ YALINC:.IA ~"'""' Hill• e·,~• r1•0. Sedd1•t:.lclt 11 (• D<Y~r!C I I.tit "ll fTlilM )j l ot ""'"°' .. " ' " " ,, • " " " • " " " " " • • • • ' " " " " " " " • ,. • • " " " ' " " ' " " • ' " • • Sl11YSET LEAGlJE •I ;! C~•"•~ :• JI ""'ll"~! ~· 14 '1VO\t\"~'O'I 8••t h » ,. NIWPOl'I tOrll>of " • ' " l' Mo••n• 14 Hu•tlng!OI' IPl••<" WISTlllM 1• ~., ... ". I Mo•·•~n I Wf l',..'"11" :;> '~"""" n "~"""~··~ 8• H~ JI "''"" • l •• o..oed I l • ... r>CM !) WMtOfn JI 5•ot1 """ I N•·•Qorl Hort'l• JI ""'~''"' " " ,, ,, " " " " " • " " • Poor Hunt At Wister After an excellent opening. rta y .~hoot the week before, rl u c k hunting W8! poor last 11i'l'('kt'nd on the Department of Fish an{! Gamt:'s Wist.er area near Niland . Saturday . 244 Wisler hunters look 421 ducks, two Canada geese and 13 coots for an average or I.II birds per hunter. Sprig and gretn·wing- f"d teal made up mott of the bag . Only ~l out. of 200 resen•allon holder!!I !howed op. Sunday, 159 hunters took 126 duckli. two snow geese and 13 coot.s ror lln average cl just under one bird per hunter • Thirty of 124 reservation holde rs claimed their permiU . The full 'Vister quote of 200 ad vance reservations have been mailed to hunlers for Saturday and 110 have bttn mailed for Sunday. However, 'no shows' are erpected to leave plen1y or perm\ l 1 available on a Ora:l-ctme first· served basis. Present poor hunUng is not because or a lack of birds In lhe general area, bu\ ralhfr a resu lt of the blueblrd weather. The DFG report& there were only half as many ducks on the Wis ter unll last weekend as there for the opening-day shoot. INVESTIGATOR -Four.year-old Craig Sheppard of Cost.a Mesa carefuUy investigates inner wo rkin~! of • huge cow cod brought into Davey's Locker 1n Newport BHch. Rook_ cod seeson is again in full swing and \l.'ill continue until nex t spring. Rock cod nJJets are among the best eating of all sal l water species. • I -----------~~-------------------------- .;11 OAllY PILOT =========ir=::::=::::===:=::::=:::::====11~~~~1 !Bg ~ Jbuth Coast Repf'rtory 'Cactus Flower' . .- fllflipt It I IEST PICIUllE DFTllYW! ..,oocoee>ooo coo 0 000000000 . ' ~ He : .. A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FOttUM .. Ol'EN~ FPIOAY-'!Sll NEWPORT 11LVO .. -..e.r H•rt>at l'1 £\ EllVAl!O~ > • lNFOllMATION -.... I )il "Wl~nl• tt.t ,. ... w· -OEL!f.;l'lff'Ul-SCR CHILORll"N'~ TH(Alltf. MUSIC.O.L (;OM[DY AT If~ F AllC1•L 8£)1 ! ""nl lY> ~1 l 00 """'?.JO p.m. (Ill"" 111.-i.erw•r~no 11•11011l1 Fiii'SouTH COAST !Ih:lRlt -PLAZA THEATRE roRPllltlHilll' San Die&:o f1 eewa.y al 6Ji$lQI • 546-271.I · OPEN 6:45-SHO W STARTS 7 P.M: ·. Winner -3Aca4~1PY Awards BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn WINNER·:.. "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR r· xv.t"PH {.l(Vl'<O'. _.!oJj ~'wl:O fM&.o.m" flLM PETER 'l~ KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;r~ HEPBURN . • i.v.tnl'I KlU 1HE LION IN WINTER · ....... ::-::'"~" '""~" DO••!>l' .__ ALSO .•• ZE RO MOS TEL io "THE PRODUCERS" ~<G&rudl ~ ~ They still mal.e : : 1'"'-::;~~~:::;;;-~~-::;-;;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;;--~-~ . ' ~ : pictures lilt.c lhis! ~ ~0000000 0000000000000000 lulie~drews i;11tgsb1 '"mrose~re ~1e'llc11JJ~' $111es·· l.._,,......,._J • ' 10!t-C"°"°'" -f<»; P•lfSHITS JllUE AllOREWS RICKARD Cl!ENNA ~THOSE IDE THE HAPPY TIMEs·· I -a Cllli • lllll£l lllSSft ~ QW\9 'iiUT "Ill ftli,ui flltCIC.D 1 iQtilii: iiiiioo.-..ttms 1-•llll• \•[-... --?. -Plu1 - Comedy Feo1u•e hit 5ilw••~. C.ino Lo!lobri9ido. Shelley Wi11re•i l'eter la"<\'fcird "BUONA SERA MRS. CAMPBELL " lve. l'erf. flo"' 2 P•"'· Co11ti11. !>1111day 1 '·"'· tJATIO...:,\t GEN.ER AL COPPO~U1'nON • C •ox inemaland Harbor Blvd. & Manchester ~ .;cross trom D >Sfle~land \Sol -635-7601 __ _ NOW PLAYING EXCLU SIVE ORANGE COUNTY ANG~LES SHOWINGS ( G) For A!I General Audiences HI-WAY 39 'BATTLE OF BRIT AIN" 8 '.lO P.M. 2ftd fl'olutr ""[H( C.REEN 8lnfT~ · ~ lC t I l FOX CINEMALAND OPEN DAILY 6:45 F EATU~E TIMES ,.15 & 9:)0 Nea r!,-J.:, <'r' one J~i ~11 ·11~ lo La nden; ~AT. 11:10 & 2:)0 ~I.I N . ll~JO OHlY ALL SE ATS 7lc • ~uli• A"drews 1,. Cast in Lagu1ia "T~~ie ~-~ Tliie Heppr TlrnH" PLUS "THI PllMI OF MISS JUN IRODIE" ·· wah M199i1 Smith COWT"'UOUS SUNDAY, I ... M. AC.t.CEMY WINNER i -WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS I -Ar.WillJIRIIU:!l:N DAVID LEANS FILM ·--DOCTOR ZHMGO ALSO ALAN .ARKIN _ I i ..a ,,,..,.,:t lopi gt 7 Zhiyggp gt 8 :SO CGmr to t~e Coo~l119 S<hool Thu~dgy -f G.m. FUN PRIZliS 1:.xcl...si•·e Ren,.,ed Sear 1::11J1qenwnl/ TONIGHT 1'T 2001 A professional <l C' l r cs s , director and producer y.•il! :;t<1ge lhe Orange Coun!y premiere or "Cactus Flower" as the second regular se:ison production of the Laguna- f.1oulton Playhouse. ,Gwen YatTicll, wh(J has stag. ed more lhiin 100 chi!drea·s Symphony At Chap1nan Tl1r Chapman Syrnphony Orchestra will present it!> first concert of the J 969-70 season Sunday at 8: 15 p.rn. in the L'hapn1an Collei;:c Auditorium. Admission will be free. The college-sponsored co1n- 111unity orchestra is conduct<-<l by Dr. Halph S. Smith, pro· fessor or music and head of the department of music at Chapman. Soloist [or the cou- cert. will be pianis t Norn1an 'fhoinpson, -an assistant pro-- lessor of ITIUSiC afChapnlUll. Thompson wilt be heard 1n .the Beethoven Piano Concert No. 4 in G Major. Other works programmed by Dr . Smith arc the lnt roduction to "'Khovantchina·• by Modeste 1'.1i.1ssotgsky and the "Hustic \Vedding"' Symphony, Opus 26, by Carl Goldmark. "" ~-rrcm:a•· l!!l iae,..-. it... Omled Al'flstS sho\\.'S as well as 25 adult pro- duction~, is guest director for tl1c Abe BurrO\'IS con1edy wb1ch opens Dec. 2 for 11•"0 ~·eeks. !..-,. Playing the leJ;1ding rol~ of lhc bachelor dentist whn uses a nonexislant \\.'He lo \l'ard off ,: matrimony will be Robert Engman (who·s also a dcnli~t offstage). Betsy Hewett" \1•11 1 play the nurse who poses as J1ls wife, \\.'hile Ch r i $ \Ye'1 lherhead is cast as his suspicious fianeee_ • • 'I £NltRt AINMENT Folk Fest At Lag1u1a Hounding out the Laguna cast are l\fichael Ad 11111-. Ph.vJJis S!roud, Chuck t:ult:.'l n, Chut'k Sch I ck r r. Doug P:1nn entier and Judy Hirsch. An evenlng of folk ::.1nging 1 \1·ill be prCSl'nled Sa!u rd<iy ;11 , B p.m. by tile F<'!.ti l"al nf Al't s' Chorale 111 Laguna Bl'ach. "Me "'.:.-, , \ I\ ' Natalie,;-; ,.m "" DUKE"" C-f'I'°"'"'~ Ii!!=-:;;::-=• "TllE l'LUL\,~ ,J()IJ" "Cactus Flower" will play for HI pcrforn1ar1ces, Tuesdays through Saturdays, closing D<:>c. 13 31 the 11c1v playhous«, GOG L.agu11a C:Jnyon Road, l.<iguna Bc:ich . Heserl"aliu1;s are being tJkcn al 494-8061. The songfest will be slaged1=====:::::::::==== in t h e Festival Foru1n, ti;,() Grass Hoots -Al~o in Color- e MAflLON IRANDO e RICHARD IOONf e RITA MORENO Laguna Canyon Road. at thr rear of the Festival of Arts grounds. ) Fc<4lurcd on Lhc progra111 will be a wide vtinety of folkl 11HJS1e. includlng lilucs, hard r o t· k <lnil songs or RL1ss ia . I llunga ry, Jncland, hoity and! lsr;1cL "'-sf"'"'~"'"•~<> tri>CI»~ W<'fl • 11•~·•4*: n wu.IO ~A•DfN o•o...-' $.I.I Dlt60 flfY' HELD OVER ENDS TUESDAY IP -ALSO - "THE ITALL\N JOB" The ZVll\DWOzrll\0 of GHl\ILI.OT "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BETTER MOVIES! Funny, Romantic, Touching!" -Sood Houieieepirig M11w1~ :~ II\• l•cO!in9 Nr,., S<J 1p•~•• lh,;ller- EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT mf:ip1·r:1w;m ·1==,,T::::F::::~=~=t=o=1;=~=NT=G=o=;=A=~=~=· E,,,,1---'···:·tn~::~;·~c~:f:;~ .. ;:u;.·:"· , -~ FAfrilTASllC ACTION l ===========- S/ftv"• McOurr• J~~quol ;ne l •uel "BULLITT" {Ml "W"'''"" Bo~l1y Fey• O<in~woy ·BONNI~ AND CLYDE·' J apanti• Movies Every Tuesday Night I SPEClAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS M CONTRARY TO ADVERTISING lf¥0ND OUR CONTROL AND APPEARING ELSEWHERE, YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER 18 {NOT lld WILL NOT IE AOMITIEO TO PA CIFIC THEATERS TO SEE THE .. R .. PICTURES LI STED IN THIS !OX UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY PARENT OR ADULT G UARDIA N. "SNltlT5 OF-THE DEAD"' !R! '"THE &AY OECIEVERS '" tR! Cl,nt £~1!wood 1~9•• 5,,..,n, "HANG 'EM HIGH" Pl11l Ci n! E~•!wood El> WAIIA<h "THE GOOD. BAD AND THE UGLY" Reomfntftde-d for Ad11ltl ..............• ,.,,.... ........... . E1d11$i" Orci119• Co11nty D1ive·i11 En9..,emet1I L"~ M:nn•llo Wrndoll ll udon ••THE STERILE ~U CKOO" IMI Sllciwn ot 1:45 p.m. -Pl11l M1 th~el c~;n~ Sholley Winle" ••ALFIE" ~~own a! l :N 111<1 II lt p.m . - Reeo111me11ded for Ad.Its •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Excl11siv• Ort1n9• Coullty Drivt•ill (,,,..,,,,..,,,,, - "rM~~~·a'AcTT~e o F LB'Ri~A~·;,;(G1 Show• 01 8:)0 p.m. -Pllll , John W.>¥09 0~v;d JAn\\•n -·······-"THE GREEN BERETS" !GI Show11 ot 6;10 oltd 11 :00 p.m, -- -""""--l Jyli• Andrt'I•" R;c!'l1r d Crenn1 "THOSE WERE fHE HAPPY TIMES" (GI ,1111 P•!lv D<i~• Shtrcn T 11" ."VALLEY OF THE DOLLS•' Uzo Minne!~· Wendell Burton· lim Mcintire i:.~:.:-.:1 ·"°"1''11: "°"""' "~'.Mo:~ ~bf p-00..wJ ord U.re.:1ed m,111( .l(coe(j b1 "'John NKhols Cbvid Longo Alvin Sorgenl wAlon J. Pokulo Fred Korl,n n ..... . : . \_J : lcr"og ·,:~~ :.m,chy V.~~~ l,Tl-1!: ~·.....:~'A '-"' i>ew"ri Remrd·""J M;~~~)Jd>roio:dOI' A PorOll"O>'ll Piel~ 8Dl-.. ~-.. --.... --I! .............. .,, ••.............. •-EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN-e ' <( •• • J Aity Ho•¥ "THE GAY DECEIVERS" IRI 1'!111 8••9;11. e~·do• "SPIRITS OF THE DEAD" IRI ~O ont untler 11 will h• •ti· """,.., ""''" •<<•mp1n••d ~Y • P.,en• or •tl11I! •111rt1••n. r ' t'!lll .. . , • ' ftf: .. C .. ft~VO, llT I'll!" • .. •~• '"'"~'"WY • sa,. """" ~""" •• 1· 11 0011 • ... u NTING ro,. • "' .. ' H SECOND FEATURE AT IOTH THEATERS • I ' I t:l t :l -~---------------------------... -.... --......... -------------~--~--~------···-__ ,. .. TUMBLEWEEDS Br TOM K. Ryon SALLY IANANAS JlE'( ! WAIT A MINUTE!.. SOME· TIJING AilOUfTlllS LANDSCAPE LOOKS FAMILIAR! ... WHAT IS IT? ... il1P:1" JA6GEP l«K roRMATION ()','l;R 101HE LITT? illAT ZIGZAG GULLYONlHE RKilfli' 1 IOIOW! IT'S 1HAT 6rofESQl.JE. CRUMPUD SHAPE' CNER 1HEREJ_ SOPP'(, Ol! PAL.I T H U RSD /lY OCTOBER 30 6;00 fJ lif Nns (C) (60) Jury Dunph~. 0 ID HunU.,·l ri11UtJ ~I (60) U Sten All111 Show (C) (90) John Stewart, Mort SaliL fred Smoo!,' Jerry Van Oyke and Chuck Jon!! rues!. 1 0 "SPLENDOR IN THE I * GRASS'' -Part I -Color NATALIE WOOD and WARREN BEATTY! D Sir O'tlock Mowit: (C) "Soltn· Hr ill OM Cr1u" P1ftriwl (dr1ma) '6l-N1!1!ie Wood, Wa rren B111ty, S.,,ody Dennis. Pit Hintlt. Story of • hith·sdlool lir1 in lovt with 1 boy who stoin saeint lle1 arid slw. suffers 1 "nervous b1e1kdown~ with '" attempt 10 commit ~u1cide. 0 Diet Van DJtr (JO) m Pt)'lon PIKI (JO) (D star Tnk (Cl (60) @ m Mi•• Do11rt•• <c1 c9o> I fD Whirs Newt (JO) "Stories Coln' Tell." I tB (!J cas Nrws ft) (JOI fI) Tlrmpo dr P'erdon (JO) CD News (C) (60) J~ek Hie ke1. 6:30 0 K/tlC ,..._,.itt (C) (60) 0 Thi '""' &11111 (CJ (JO) Guts! 111 Bnerlr G11l1nd, Sa ncfy Btron, N>biy Lincoln. Sonn1 ro~ llosts. m Tt T1!1 tilt Tull/I (J(I) f1) PlfJ!lfdi•• (30) ED Pl1rin1 tllt li11i\1r (30) "Cc11r~ Re-.iew." tS CIJ Tti. Mun1ltr1 (JO) RJ Notidm 34 (C) (60) Et) Ntw1 (Cl (JO) 7:00 0 CBS Evtninz ""'' (C) C30J Witter C1onk1!e. 9:00 u ..... (C) ('°) D lfll III m......., IC> 130) "T"o Trkt-«:fitst w Not to Tricl- CM"·lr .. t" Sam1111h1's pl1n to tlM lh• l1milJ dress up 11 wilehes 1nd col!td. don1tion~ !Of UNICEF on H1!lowetn lnruriillS £ndor1. m Dmt rm1: 1c1 <'VI Acton Rob- ert Sh1w •nd .lit-P1l1ria, IOUMd d!ecls expert Wes H1rris, comic bc~le G.-,le 1nd Slllltf Sadl1 Dis- tel 1ue5', ID Thi li1 Y1ll1,-(C) (60) El) S119bnsll T\utrt (60) "Min from Ut1h." John W1yne stirs. ED NfT l'llyhollSI (C) CZ hr) "GIOf)'! Hallelu}ah!" from San fraricia, the Amtrictn Con,.rvl· 1011 Tllnlrt production cl a new Civil W1r dr1m1 contr1stin1 the trim rulities of the blll!1li1ld with the rom1ntie view ol !ht Wlr htld br ltio.st b.ck llome. E Mlllu , &tr*• (C) (JO) IJ GERALDINE PAGE *GLENN FORD "DEAR HEART" CBS THURSDAY MOVIE IJ QI (j) CIS lldq .._..: ''5Ni llwt" (d11m1) '64 -Glenn rord. Ctr1ldln1 P111, Anlfl.I LIM- bury, Mitll1el Andenon k ., Blrti1r1 Nichols. Stziry of 1 loMly podmi> tre• lttmdillf 1 pottmuter's eon. Yenfion in /'ftw York, wl!o m•ts ind l~Jls in Ion will! 1 ~" who I! en1•1111d to 1nolhll1' wom1n. 0 ~ (j) Cf) TOM 1oflts (C) (&In 81iti1r1 Edtn. Wilson l'ic•ett, ind Helldr1 & Ullrtt 1unt IC-1301 9:JO o n oo m 1r,.,.. <Cl <Jo1 "Hom1tid1 -Ci111rrlle Butt." Sil. rrid.Jr 1ml OHicer Gan"°" nib 1 homicidt .llJSfllltt w~en the smok· in11 h1bits of his Yid.im uncover an hnpQrt1nt tl11e. 0 ""' (t) (JO) Btxltr War4. Q) l+I Slid, SM Slill! (t) (JO) fE Rnltidt llo•lldup (&0) (D Mlllial o.-t C30) 0 wta.t'1 Mr . Linc? IC) 130) 10:00 D rJ1 (6) ID DNn Mmin CCI SouPr S.les, Dina MM1 1tt, M8r-(&0) Dffn wtlcomts TOl'IJ Ben11ett Ru~n 111d Arlen• Fr1nc11 lie ee· Sid C.eur. P'll Henry 1nd Charles 1ebr1ty p1n111Jts.. NtllOll ReillJ. m I L-LKY (JO) 0 ID"-' (C) (60)' m Int att Clotk (C) (30) 0 @ m <D II T1,n I Tltitl (C) El)ComlltDl:lity/Stocli: ll1il0[1 (30) /W) '1~e Blue. Btu1 ~nubt.~ ,2l ({) Tiit Ameriun Wist (C) (30)' Ale~ander _Mund1 1oe1 bellind tilt ED Allori! (30) Iron Cur111n \IJ Hunf~IJ to rescu1 -WeW1 Do<tw. SIA thief who w11 ~ C!J Tr~ • CGrtNq11tnr:a (CJ ~ruQtd 1nd •idn1ped by .1111 Y11- (JO) dyk, • Hun11rl1n l!l't'· liH1ne Mon-m Trvt Ad\ollllllft (CJ (JO) llYtcdll aunts 11 l111Y1, M1rti"' aJ Th1I &WI (C) (30) Beswict 11 M1ri1 Ind .loti11 RuntU I S Winy DoYer. 7;30 0 ,S (]) F1mi1J Att11r (C) (30) 0 Dlll1! (Cl (60) TOii,-Mtrt1n ind Cissy ind GreU become "1n111ted""I Theim• Houlton 1utsl Sindy ltr· 11ler they see their friends all 11bou! on ind tt'le Frid M,.rs Orthe3tr1 them muryin1t. I ~r~ l1atu1ed rquluty. 0 Ii) (6) m D1nill l oent {C)I m ,....,. .. _ C_60) (60) '1he Tr11tor." A Bfit1!1h 0111· al Clrul 41 MlllM'tS (30) cer, cl1imin1 to be • de1eclor, ind his lltifr, nearly lead 8oGne into 10:30 m 1lt Adwc:ltll (C) ''Should tht ma-in1 ' !ital m1stik1. [d f11n· PrnM!l UNMivt .t.utomobn1 lit- d~n ind Jill lre!1nd 11ue1l. bllity lnsurltl'M:4 System S. Abof. 0 Sl-p ttlt Sb1"1 (C) fJO) llut& ls/'ltd?" (R) I.et . 01tk Gautie1 ind llollts! Clary m U11 lirilt Ill la Olnwri4ad (JO) 1uest. o @rn rn Th• &llortt "" Mr1. 11:oe no om ill m m"""(C> Muir CC) (30) '"Nol-Si:>-Drw111le 0 Atl!llil Hltdadi: HO\Jrs." Gull Cotl•ie is liken ovei by lflree e~ped t011'11c1~ and tht 0 NFL '8M1 el ttM Wttli IC) 1twist ref uses to h1lp M1t. Mu11 m Olltlr ll11ib Guy M11k$ ;.uests as Duk.1. l!ll IIJ ~ 00 ~ Ill .... (C) 0 Mil1ioR $ MO'lff: {C) ~1 like NonrJ'' (comtlfy) '62-Pdei Seil· ers. Nadia Gre~, A hom~pun sehool·lJ:JO 1J 111: 00 "''"' 'riffill (C) l'ro- te1ctier becomes 1 1uthleu 1ycoo11 1r1m ori1in.1tu ill Hollywood, tali!. i11 te11 light·lint&red le~s. B ID 00 m Jelwl"' Cat•• (t\ m Trutll or Co11MQ11tl!Ctl (C) (JO) Scheduled 1111Hts: Bob & R1y, ToRr m llldd for th DefltlM (C) (60) R1nd1ll, Tooh Shor. Salome Jans. . I o..-."Cllirap ....... {lllJ!-m Ttdtftkal CorHf (lO) tery) '49-IJ111 Li4d, Dolln1 Reid. (DT1"1 f'midlrd's ..... 1"9 (C) 0 @00(1) J1er l isht, ICI (JO) I Noel H1rriscn. Junes fr1ntisc:vs, i nd RI Ch11tlll ti lite (30) Jerry Sh1n1 1r. 1mon1 ltit xhed· 1;00 IJ ~fl) Ji111 Ntbon Kour (CJ (60) -Juliet Prow,. 1uuts. 0 .btl hl'lllJ (lO) 0 MARLO THOMAS ls the * Snowbound THAT GIRL A Comedy Classic! I vltd 111ests. D MM! (C) .,.,... Dlkllil c.....~ (comedy) 'i5 -J1tm Cl11ton. GiJnl, .lol'l111, Cherllt Ru1- cles. l•il!ll Goodwin. m lllwit: "l1ll ......, n.t cw. l1np4 tlll '1¥«11" (xi-fi) '57-Tim Hott, Alldft1 ~tton.. 0 fiil (J) ED Tilll Qlrt (C) "The 12;00 m ~: "Aft.it ill HIY•n•" fdrt- Snow Must Go On." Ann, Doll •!Id m1) 57 -John CIWYtl!IS, Sar• lier 111rtrrts tft trapped 11 Kinne-ShtllL dy Airport It,-1 blln1rd 1r1d Ann b dttt1 II 1n impor11nt Brotdwl 1udition. (D (lule11 ,_ I DIJ (C) (30) fl) stoc:t MtrW Slllllllll'J (30) f.D W111lll11,_ WM Ill W..ltw {C) (30) 111 , ....... ? (C) (30) l :JO 0 ~ (i) m 111"""9 (C) (6Q) '"Sff1n1 11 Btlitvin1." Ci1cumlt1n t11I l't'idenc.• CIUIU set. Ei Brown \o be accMsad of murder. FRIOt.Y DAmME MOVIES ,:00 0 (Cl "tlpblti LI~ (Id· vent ure ) '55-llllt:k Hudton, Bar· b111 Ru~. 1 :DO R llllrit: (t) "Y1ll hpl; .. M-flt"' (dr1m1) ~7-bttirr Wil· li1ni1, Gtor11 1t1dtr, .IDhn Suo11. 00-1<1 11 C...•llitr 1""11• INnl IC> m ~ "CW.-,...,.... (dflm1) 'S6 -l'tul luU.. ar, W1l!lh. J:3CI m M-lfi&M -..: '"lltUk. !ht Moon Mrnl(t." "ll'Df'I a..t, .. "'TM \11mpir1"1 eotrln," tt:OO D (C) "lld .... (mnleil) 'SS -l'tl Boo111, Ctiristl11t CtrMt, T'"""' S.lldl, Shlr9' Morttl. 12:oon-n......., ..i 111 11rr (!wrlf) '41-Ellfll Drew, f'tul l•· ... I:• 8-S. .... (11fwrtntvr1) '57- llltfllid lurtoll, .IOI• Col!h1a. l :IO m "T~i1111 Tl ColAr' (dr1m1) '36 4;30 IJ {t) .... hf CMr" (INlltrn} -ll1ymorwl M1Ul'f, •etph IUcti1rd· 'SS-..._ tl!UllJ, VIVICt l..,_ '°"' !or•. ...... -· ~. By Charles M. Schulz IOolOJ/E l lfYBt lolll:EU'- rM -"RI HM A 6aXJ CN( />JIP RfAU.V-A 6ll1J (!<W? Cl. llOW OJ/E • --<1'11W<"6 I'll\ 6'»16 lll-A·f!/>P rlAV, AAD lllEll llAVE A 6aXJ r:f¥/? =-- llKL....J ~-Ht.D..-...JL..-~ ~-,,~· ~1le PERKINS , .... no•·-' ... T--'!""'-'• .) !Wl..t-tf-ll JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS \ By Ferd Johnson fi ,_ '• ~, .. ., i! ' r -. ., STEVE ROPER By Saunders and OveRJGrd NOA l1"lE LAr&R- Y'KW0\11, MIKE!-·! DQt.rT c.Ai;:e: ABOUT EVER BEING RICH, BUT IT SUJZE WOVLD ~EEL ~EATIFAGtJYCOIA..D DASH ~F ,,_ CHECK FOR h-L!KE ~b 300 AND ~lvt: Tl-IAT .. CATA"'10UJrlT• ~Ctwlf.' YEAM/ owe ();-7HE AOVAllTAGES OF BEIN' RICM 15 "THAT 'lt.XrVE &OT MOWEY, ROD.' MUTI AND JEFF YoU SENT YoUR. DCX:lDLEBUG OUT TO WORK? YE"·"•s sue" A Wl-IER.E RAVENOUS EATER IS ~E ~EEGE I "TOLO-l-llM HE'D WORKit-JG? l='AC'TORY! ~AVE -rt> GET~ .'-~/\"--,,---1 JoB AND SUP~, (; ~ GORDO ooJJl"r XJJOcK. OtJ~ BCOZIAJ) DOI?! IF IT WASJJ1 Fat ·E,AITHWORMS, All 11/E WORl-0 WOUUJ ST'ILJ.. tE STONE/ MISS PEACH f-tlMSELF.1 ~ • ~ .-.,,...--1 i ; i ; r • t ! I ~AL• 71/E Yi/OfUO 15 STONED llOWf • ~ .. ?llA, HOW 00 YOU ANO YOIJlt CLAS5MATl'S 61'T ALON6; Sc.~oo L. Pr'fC~ OLG,IS"'f ···$UV.Ar.,., 6T0/8 'TOii!' ~ l'JIJ~ ., )IL nil ,#.CRJ!, ,,,.,. ANNUM!· u~• ON• Jlf,HAppy FAMILY. HOJ,JEY !-rM SO GlAO '10IJ ~TOPPECI.' J J«VE SOMETMING FAIULOUS TO TELL )OU/ By Al Smith ~E MAKES THE +lOLES IN -me s>Mss ~ees•! By Gus Arrlola By Mel ID.Jo . l I j I DAI\. V 1'11.111 13 By Charles laneHI TELEVISION VIEWS 'The Brass' Was Muted By CYNTHIA LOWRY NE\V YORK (AP) -"The Brass Are Comin','' Herb Alpert's NBC television special \Vednesday night, was his third in three years, and it seemed to suffer from a desire to top the other two. The re~ suit was a spotty. mixed bag. NO HOUR filled with music of Alpert and his Tijuana Brass can fail to delight. But on top of that rich serving was heaped the visual part. Some mar- velous material \Yas (Urned on California beaches, but there \Yere the trick shots -fades, dissolves, strange Oali·esque segments of the band playing on the desert. Sometimes, \\dth pie·in·the-face comedy, one felt as if he had turned in by mistake on ''The J\'lonkees." At others, it seemed like a leisurely psychedelic soft drink commercial. There were cameos and blackouts used so much on "Laugh-In." And there did seen1 to be more commercials than usual. THERE WERE some happy moments, too, in- cluding Alpert's and Petula Clark 's satirizing: the style of the master movie makers from Fellini to Busby Berkely. Alpert, a great trumpet player and a romantic figure, essayed a little singing, too , displaying con- siderable style but pretty th in notes. Maybe everybody \vas trying too hard. MIDSEASON action is \\'arming up in the tele- vision bullpens. "Hee Ha\v" is back in production, certain of a CBS spot around New Years, probably the current "Leslie Uggams Show" time period. Johnny Cash and hi s crew start ma king nev.· shov.·s for ABC in the next 10 days. Programming executives of all three networks are in conference about cancellations and replace.. ments. Among prog rams likely to disappear at mid- season is CBS' "The Good Guys." ABC is unhappy about the reception o( "l\·lusic Scene," "The New People" "The Brady Bunch" and "~Ir. Deeds Goes to TO\\'n." ft is unhappy about more than that. but there is a limit to hO\Y much repair \1•ork can be don e. It has in the \Ving s the "Pat Paul sen ShO\\'." and Engelbert Humper- d inck variety hour and a situation comedy called "Nanny". about a governess. IT WILL finish out the season \\'ith "The Sur- vi vors" no matter what the ratings. and \Viii stick hv "It Takes a Thief." ''Here Come the Brides" and ''The Ghost and Mrs. l\!uir," all of v.1hi ch are lan- guishinj!'.. NBC is not enchanted 1\•ith the reception of "The Debbie Reynolds Show" or "Bracken's \VqrJ d," "T ~ream of Jeannie" is on the weak side, too. But since there are O'f'ten contracts and commitments it is expected that. if anything goes, it is likely t~ be "Bracken's World." Dennis the Menace -ptiU.., 10-J> ' • • / •,....-----------...... -----....-.:--............................ __ ....,.."'""!'"_~_-r'....,...,~~---·--·· --· . . . ' . . . 3il DAIL 't' PILOT THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the man 1oho knows just how to l!irn t he phrasl!!' Lo get the most out of the barb 1s DAILY PILOT column- ist Sydney 1-larris. He hru been called th e modem -dat1 Henr y !lfen ck en. If you 're ready far hi.s use of thl! acid ad;ective and thou gh t· provoking prose to gi~ you the fleedle .•. if you wane to find :romething to think about in what you read ••• if vou have a senso?" of humor, you b e I o n g with readl'!rs who delight in ttlling others what "Syd said" in 011t of the nation's most • quoted columns. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "One of the highest p•id lob• In Ameriu con1l1t1 of standing up in front of • mic- rophone, Hparating tt-11 good records from the bild ones -and pl1ying the bad on••·" ''lt's 5ad but 1rue th at \vhile alcoholir s a re the best argument for abstinence, so many abstainers are equalJy effective ar- g ument for a Utile dr:ink DO\V and then." "Moat of the 1o-c1lltd 'incompatibility' In m1rri19e springs from the fact that to mo1t m•n, ux is an 1ct; w'1il• to 111 women, it is an emotion, And t'1i1 differ- ence in attitude can bt bridged only by love." "The sole difference bet,veen a 'dedica. ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement ,,·ith his objectives.'• "The most explosive combination In the world consists of 1incerily 1dd1d to ignorance." "\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex· cessively hearty handshake, I suspect f\lr. l.Iuscles is trying to sell something, hide fiOtnelhlng, or prove something." Check The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col· A Regular Feature of The umn, the DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Dally Newspaper Once Huge Sea Now Jt1 st 7th? 1.A JOLLA, Calif. fAPI - Scientists are preparing to test a theory that the ,_,led ilera- ll('an Se:t. now a n1oclest seventh in size among the ear1h"s salt water bodies, once 11'<1S a vast ocean lapping at t.he llima!ayan r-.1ountains. Or. Terrence Edgar, a research Geologist at the Scripps I ns tituti on of Oceanography, said forthcom· ing comparisons of Mediter· ranean and Indian Ocean bot· ton1 sediments may bolster the belief that both were part or the same watery e:orpanse 70 million years ago. Some scientists theorize that the Mediterranean once con· s11tuted a titanic body they call the •·Tethyan Sea ." They believe shifts in the earth's land areas jammed what are now lower Asia iind India into the present Asiatic ' ~­. ~ ... -.. , .. tt'" lfell, lt~s Different co ntinental mass from the Air condit ioning is no problem with this rather un· south, while Africa and the usual model of Volks \vagen. The entire body is 1nadc present J\tiddle East also mov-out of white wrought iron. The Los Angeles youths ed north. driving it on the beach think it 's g reat, but the high· \Vay patrol m ight think otherwise. The car, built as part of a V\V exhibit, is complete \vith black vinyl upholstery and all running gear. The result. Edgar said,-----------------------------------------------1 \\'Ould have been to cut the Cutting Fat Again "Tethyan Sea" in two. He sa id the process may be con· p 4 g tinuing, with !he African CGn· en.a on linen! still moving tot.he north : and west, diminishing the size of !he Mediterranean still fu rther. He said the same .11clion, coupled with a slow eastward movement of the Arabian Peninsula, is gradually enlarg- ing the Red Sea. Dieting Brings Savings Set at $2.3 Billion The plan to obtain Indian Ocean and Mediterranean sediment cores by dee p drill- ing is part of a $22 million Scripps·managed p r o j e c t which during its first 18 months produced sediments up lo 140 million years old from the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean botloms. Funds for the project v.·ere provided by the National Science Foundation. \VASHINGTON (AP) -For the past eight years the Pen· tagon has gone on periodic drives lo trim rat from the defense establishment. It's diet time again. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird 's announcemenL Wednesday detailing new base closings, consolidations and cutbacks brings to 1,457 the number of such economy ac· tions reported by the Pentagon since 1961. By the Pentagon's \Vay of bookkeeping, those moves are saving the country almost $2.3 billion. Looked at one way. thal"s enough to pay for the fi rst phase of the expe n sive Safeguard missile d e f e n s e system. From another Vif!\l.·point, it represents about 3 percent of this year's $78 billion defense budget. l ri-fONTH OF WAR Or it would finance only about one month of the Viel· nam war based on recent spending rates. Some Pentagon critics con· tend that because ec<11¥1mies from base closings are pro- jected into future years, the savings are to a certain extent of the paper variety. Pentagon official! argue. however, the savings are just as real as those a family might achieve by cutting back the weekly grocery bill from $50 to $3S. A chart dra1\•n up by the Talk About GROWTH Sure, the Orang• Coaat has bten growing. But 1 look at circulation figures be 1 ow will prove !hit the DAILY PILOT it growing rvtn faster. All the figures represent fir1t quarter readings for each of the c1lend1r years indicated and the 1t1tistics 1r1 filed with the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC J, 1cc1pt- ed by th• netion'1 largnt advertising spice buyers as the most authoritative source for newspaper cir· culation fi9ur11. Year ,t,11( 111 ~ .. r1•r t.,.11 Dally Average One Day I .,_1111 endln1 Mir<~ JI ,,..,,, AIC Ann~tl Alllllt , ... 11.12.1 11,14.J , ,.1 14.l~! 16,76) 1962 18,055 18,734 1963 23, 184 23,854 1964 26,609 27,404 1965 29,106 30,695 1966 32,983 35,408 1967 34,257 35,716 1968 ' 36, 155 38.329 Pentagon showed reported economies in money. man- power and mili t ary in· stallalions from 1961 through this week: United States and Puerto Rico -1,299 acti ons, Ylith ca!cu\ated annual s a v i n g s lot.aling $1.84 billion an d elimination of 89.382 civilian and 134,463 military jobs. Overseas -228 actions, \\'ilh $459.2 million in savings and J6.n8 civilian and 51 ,038 1nilitary jobs eliminated. Total savings -$2.299 billion, 106,160 ci vilian jobs. 185,50! military slots. LAIRD SENS ITIVE Pentagon spokesmen ~ay Laird is sensitiv e aboul the latest cutbacks, calling at- tention to his statement in August warning that U.S military readiness ""·ill suffer. But the defense chief also cautioned 'Yednesday th a t further reductions are stilt t.o come under h i s con· gressionally Inspired program to lop $3 billion fron1 this year's defense spending plan. Although th ere have been some howls of anguish from members or Congress 1vhose districts are suffering payroll losses, Laird thus far has no! encountered nearly so much oppositio n as one of his predecessors, Rober t S. t.1cN amara. McNamara started it all in 1961 with a blizzard of 1nilit;iry base shutdowns that almost ble"'' the botlotn out of the military pork b:irrel lie. claims credit. for the majority of the 1.400..plus base cutbacks listed in Pentagon p re s s releases. STL"BBORN ATilTUDE Some members of Congress reached the height o f displeasu re ~·lth lvlc.Namara as the years went by because of the stubborn way he stuck by decisions to shut lhe gales on bases. Of all the closures, the Pen- tagon admits to only five being reversed. f ew of this week·s actions eppeared lo be related lo the 1vinding do1rn of the Vietnam conflict. Open End V oudeville live-Action Multi-Med ia Three Ring Circus and 1 Dance In Show. SPECIAL HALLOWEEN SHOWS -FRIDAY! &:JO p.m. & Midnight 1969 39 183 41 252 I Origlnalf\lmof 1 1 . * I o;~~!~~i;:~;. The DAILY PILOT Has Plenty To Talk About Gains in past 10 years: AverQCJ• Dally Circulation One0 day Distribution 334°/o 311°/o I p E N E N D THEATRE "'°"e 6 75.1120 2115 Villa Way Newport Bt•c:h HOUSES FOR SALE Gener•I lOOI VIEW O:iurtyan:1 entry leads to this tieautifuJ . largf' 4 bedroom home with v1ew ol ('ntirt be.ck bay lron1 nH'.iSI rooms. Lii rge !Jv!ng room with rnar • ble fi1"t"pla«; .\ spacious ba!h.5; all 1~lectr1c k1tt hrn; lush carpe-t1ng. Over 3200 Ml. It. l89.500. Call for app't. john macnab (714 1 642-8235 901 Dover DrlvP. S\Jlte 120 l\'e11•port Beacb SHORECUFFS 2 Bdrm. & dtn w/frplc. Beamed ceiling~ & pegged floors. Circ. drive. Good po- lt"ntial for re.niodeling. ~;,.i.~.00. KaU1ryn Raulslon ~ Coldwell, BankOI' & Co. SSO Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833,.1)700 . 644-2430 Buy Of The Week Delightful hon1e on large R·l Jot 1\'ith room for more units. SZl,300 -J0 7r and owner 11·ilJ carry a l 7'1r;, wit h no loan l'OS!. 646-7171 3 BR 2 ba th home, con}('r lot 130xlro' • add 5 more unit s. Drive by 15-15 Santa Ana Ave. then call ll11ni11 llt111ty 6-12.6560 $35,9501 5 BEDROOMll Family room. 3 baths, built· in d!'t'am kitchffi, deep pile cafl)eting. Huge patio. El~ Irie garage opelX'r. Sprink· lers .. ~·L720. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Investment Income 7 UNITS. larg(' lot 137x3C6'; room to bu!Jd 5 more. $90,000 n1"n"r "'-ill cam· !st TD. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 ,\"ewport Blvd. C.r.t. ;-i.15.7729 6-l 1·0684 eve.!I. EASTBLUFF 13rini; ninney • buy beaut. Br. 2 hi:l. homr, nn qule s1rret. Cond. het!rr Lhan nc11·! F'\n. ;ivail . $.19,500. CORBIN-MARTIN ::036 E. Coast lhry., Cd;'lf REALTORS 67:>-1662 DREAM CASTLE I $23,95011 Pcrfl'f"'! homc in price & size! 3 bedrw111s. 2 baths. Coun- 1ry style kitchen. Prime ;if"{'a. J!(l.1120 TARBELL 2955 Harbor e EASTSIDE C.M. e N1,·c 3 hdrn1 2 bath home with doublr garai:;:C' on alley. Try S23,{XYI Grahan Rlty. 646.2414 Near NM1ll0rt Posl Office * South Coast Real E5tate JS SC<'king sUC(.'t"'SSfu] proles- s1onal real estate salesmen. E:o;cept1onal bcn<'fits. Plea~ •'a.ll f0r appointment 545--8424 ~uth Coast, Rra!1n rs. 4 BP. 1~. ha!hs, !an.al, sepan1te outsa!e \\'Orkroom !ITC hOUSt', pleasant yard. t\rar \Vcstcllrr P I a z a. $11.900. i\lngaard R.E. r.n 1~?222 j BR 1 Tli\, f11 n11ly rm, Prof rlrrnr. 1 '~ }1" old-xlnt conrl. S32,:iXl 21 :1.~2 F'lccl Ln., HB 01\'ner fi·lfi-1321\ General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Reallor1 NEWPORT BAY 5 ON I EAR N 24.8% 5 hcautiful stucco lath anrl p\11i;ter homes on ()TI(" h UJ,!C 234 foot lot (ll"PrloC>kin(i fabulou~ Ne.,.,·port BAy, All 11re 7 years young. Fantastic v11l ur? 3 Bedroom and 2 Bf'clronm unll!'i. Sena· rfltc, clos('d gar11(tP1. Pa- lio:o; R n rl manicurt'd '1"Tound.'I. S u b m i t on do\1·n pnyment Seller 1\111 ('flrry Jn.,.,. lnter,.st ln;in. lmrin~~ihfr to rl'· f'>]R ('(' fll ~~2.500. To S~, call 645-0303. COLLEGE PARK $27,950 llf'N>'' yn11r rht>nct' to ~ii\"(' ~:-i. J11~t tal((' nl"rr fflri!a~tlc ln\1' int"rl"!i t fHA Jo11n. Nn 111111!ify\nP.! 3 bedrl'.>!"lm, 2 hnlh Col· ltocr P11rk est11\(' homP. Rich \V ll I n u I flllllt'led f.llml lv rnom Del11xe h11i!l·in kilr hrn, rlr"r nlle \\'/"' r11rOf'tlnS?.. un. rlrr nrh;f'fl fnr 11rr11. at !'27.9!i(l "" ~rru•rl ~re tod11y. Cill 64;\.(l,1f'q 645-0303 ;i1 Jl.lrhor Crntt:r 7299 Ha rbor Blvrl., C.:0.1. H• ·-,Q, ~· ,, " ,, w ,, ,, " " e I b • ,. t , $ " " " ' " I ' ' , I I I r I I '' " I I ' ' ; :-- • • ... ----~------------------------------------------------------·-~·-----·-----·----~· .. Tln1rsif.iy. Octo~r 30, 1%'1 DAILY PILOT :JS HOUSES FOR S.l>LE HOUSES FOR S.l>LE HOUSES FOR S.l>LE HOUSES FOR S.l>LE I HOUSES FOR S.l>LI! ""'" ALS Houae1 Furnishe.d HOUSES FOR S.l>LE HOUSES FOR S.l>LE KlNT.l>LI Houton UftfuNllahecl 1000 General 1000 Generial Huntington te•ch 1400Huntlngton Beach 1400 Laguna &.ach 1705 -------- Newport Bnch 2200 Newport &..ch .General 1000 3200 Estate Sale N"eYlpo11 lll'1~t11 duplex must be sold tu i'M"ltl!" esta1e_ 2 t)('(hoon1 unJts 11Ut1 rt'!llly ha\',. charui. Both have wood hu1'0ini: flreplacr1, fr"fll virY.!i, and scp1u-alc palhJS and yards. E.....:~llcnt ~ilndition Uu'OU(thou1. Not lea~ land. Asking ~J5,0CO. ~ Colesworthy & Co. "1"u1' A \\'1:-.i• Buy" lH:l-i777 Unbelievable But True Eas1s1df' Cos111. '.\lrsa hrnnr \1·1th added 00') !;11. fl. pan· r iled !an1. 1·rn. 1111h 1'fl1·\; /lrPplacr cxpandrd n1(1~l•'I b..1111 with <:us10111 k•allll't'S, add rd roon1 of! ga rrigr al· 1 ... <i.dy plwnlK'd for h:.Hh, plus :; largr bedroon1s anti ~ baths on a 135 ri . deep lot . .!ill it n«'ds is p;iin! bur a1 fl3,500 you'd bcller i1urry, OR.l>NGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BL VD . 546-8640 Open Evening s till 8:30 - NE.l>R THE BEACH NO OOWN VETS fo1· ~ big &droon1s 11 nd 2 lu.'1:- i Or10U !'i ba1hs! f'"rt'~h nylon carpets ,t dr11 p1'.~ 1111,JHL:h· olit. Ranch s11.rd kitchen I 1o1•\l h BUILT -J:-lS <1nd BREAKFAST I3.\R! Spac- ious ll'it>ndly l1v1n1-: 1'001n \1·iU1 mantled USED BRIC!.\ FIREPLAC£ lr11du1:.: to lovr. Jy rear p;\110 anil yard al 101vr.ring ~hallc U'l'C'!i. Nrar high ::.rhoul & 11111jor ~hOll· ping! \~·oulrl you b<'lu'\'I'. · S....?S,330:' irs t111r! FllA ! !l'rins oi-;: at only $1.100 dO\Vn. WE SELL A HOME 1 EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 279!J !·!arbor B!vfl. a1 Adan1~ &-!:J.-0..lliJ Orw11 1ill 9 r:-.1 GOLFERS Newport Bluffs Ocean View It's dW1c:ul1 to desct1llc this ho1nr, It 's absolutely bei.utl. lul, ii siti; on th<' poinl or lilt': Ney,,•port Height£ Bluffs y,,·h1ch o tlers a i{)l.'ctacuJa.r JSO degTtt view of the 111061 rught lights in the world, ll101 ol 1he BalbCJa. Bay and Parihc 0..:tvdll. IC )'OU 11rc lookln!,l Ior a homt' of this l)•pi' you really rnust sec 1! lu '-'l'lll't'r1a1~ 11'~ lca1ures. 1 1 ·~ s111'C'ad at ~.!XXI anc.J 11 or!/1 l'Very flCMY. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 Open E\fenings till8:30 HOME & INCOME ./ :: bl.Inn hnmr \\"Ith f11·r- pla,·e &· di11111;; roo1n + :.''llJ1·a1l' 1 lKln·11 1'C1111ll on J'ClH" vf lri L fiJ\1 f!L'il·c $26,500 ii ~ U.lrm, clC'an, ~ha1·p hoine -.. l Bcll'nl r<"nl<il. !\car Cv;,la /ll~•sa Golf Course. $24,500 Newport COASTAL VIEW! MOVIE SET Jn1agilic you're an actor \v11h all the chann of a ::iolltllt'rn nlansion: \\11\.lk up 1ne brll:k prome-narle thru double doors 1rito a living roon1 of lovf'· h ness! Look p.;lSl spe.rkluu,: chandd.icrs <it the art gal- FAST MOYE IN Tel'Tific loan assun1ption: BLUffS, new J BR, 2 BA. Condo. Poot. Partly turn. $3.7A). )Tly, fi15..8')M, 6C-l&t5 /" ,. ,. HOUSE + 10 UNITS lery and balt•ony. Str p u110 Bcauufully decorattd <I BR, the Ju.xury of a J5id 3 forn1al 2 hath, ·1 year old house-plus 11•11 2 BR, 1 1 ~ ba U1, 2 Stoi·y d ining room: en1<"1'!a1n your apartment! With $1700 a fri<"nds 1n your ~1e1lilratc nwnrh h1<.'01Tir . .f units a re furnily 1'0t)fl1, Yuu1· HUS- BAND I !AS J l!S O\\'N DEN! niL"i'ly fu rnishctL Large heat- Ne \v homes, ready to move in .. 2 to 5 be d· r u01ns, 2 to 3 baths. lh mile from beach. First payment up lo 60 days after move in. VA /FHA Terms. From $231990 The Beach (on Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adams) 962 . 1353 Interest rate doesn't 10- crease: no poinU. 3 Bdnns., family r1n., 2 baths. 5 years old. Reduced to $-II.~ PLACE REALTY <19-1-9704 H.l>NDYM.4N 'S Spet"!al! <I lncon1e units 120 yd~-to bt-a<'h, Patios, decks w/oc~an view. Nd~. paint, etc, Should gross $9,00o yr. Pr. $69.900. Consider trades. MISSJO N REAL TY 49-1-0731 180 DEGREE VIEW Lm 2300 2 BR, p.rg, t.aylront, util. pd. $l7J Avail. 'til June 15. '""""" .Spec t..ac>ular Ocean View Penln. Pt . .a Br, 2 Ba , beach $198 wlnttr. 675-5660 Lido 111• 2351 ed pool. $35,COO do1o1•n will OUT DOORS -AW.IOST I 3 liuy al 5169,j()Q. Dover Sheu·•• 1227 Lido ,,,. 1351 ol. white v.·11.ter & coastli ne. small bu1 level. $7,r;.i{I wilh $1,000 dO\Vn, baJ at $85 ll\O. All due 3 yrs. Broker ACHF.: of fun and aet1vl!y. Figure S ~\11 :\1.\11~1; POOL Ridd le & Ro~s Realtors lrrepli1cei1ble View of d 1v1d(-d for eluhJn·n and 3 535 E. Coast Highway BAY & MOUNTAINS! adult.-; PLUS srp.'.ll"utt' thC'ra. CdM • b15·12 25 U111qu<" .. old wol'lcl" c,;i1Hcm- NEWLY DECORATED Beaut. li:-r~ l1v. rm. 3 BR. 2 baths. 40 Ft. lot. * Fw·n 4 BR, J BA. Con temp, newly dee. Bltns. AvaU now. Ycarty. (7 14) 62'1-1109 l"-'U01: po.,1, p1cn11· ]i(aS BBQ porruy, <'.\l'tuuvc lu.\ury ant! BOAT r, A T 1-; FO R IC ·;;O;l;l;o;M;;;e;H;;;;;;;;;;;;l;l;OO;;I homr. :iOOO sq, fl. <I BH.'s, EASY BEACH DH IVI-.:. !"<.•e1 1 4'S BA + n1aids qtrs. hlt>tJ th1.~ BIG FAMll~Y VALUE MESA DEL MAR for e-n1erta in1ni:. Ensy main. 11 lx'd1'U01Hs ·i-drn . 3 lcv-ln1n1<'d oer11p, 1-"'ur111shed i•ls 21~ baths) lJ<>loi·f' 11 1s Lo11 c~l pncrd home in l\1C'sa or unfunushed. Assutn .. Gun(' \\lii h th.~ \\:uld." dt•I J\1ar. An appealing 3 bed. 6'::'; loan. Bo:\ Jbl:! jl;ll $52,500! roo1n 2 bulh shingled roof ~72--19 i.M.'aU!)'_ lli.Nne 1W?1o1•ly painted!=========== on {,!UIS1d<'. Ca.rpC"ts and University Park 1237 dt11Jl(·s 111 c>x,·ellent condiuoo.I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 10 Houses Call rlU\\ for a sho11 i.Ilg. I• 546-2313 11'.>' THE REAL \~ESTATE~ JUST RIGHT Easy CaN 2 BR to1o1·nhuusc. Jusl $26,!l:,0. C11111r S('C. •red hill $18,000 REALTY !~1-11'.;7 477.1021 $64.500 -ft C JVE-A\V1\Y * LIDO REAL TY INC. &tow bldg. co.s1, 4-1o1ay J377 Via Lido 673-7300 \'1e11·, Drcan1 house, ll xrra .,. .. ...,,,,.., ... ..,..,,.., .... 1 1catures $38.500. LJ:iw down. ATT H ACT IV L 2 BR. O"·nrr &12-4112 Rc1nodclc-cl. CM·rwr will car· •LEASE/OPTION• ry 4:c loan. No points. X!nt \etms for U1ls ~yr. old: S4J.500 Phil Su 11 i Yan . Br. 2 b;:t. hon1e 11·/ocean S.IS-6161. 1·iew. Call lor terms. Pl.ACE REALT Y 4!»-9704 Huntington Bei1ch 1400 $3999 1101 Leguna Niguel Terr. Li1guna leach 2705 OCEANVIEW 2 Br, 2 Ba, pvt. lnll:1n1 child & sml pet ok. 3 blks lo beach & downto\11/l, Or u n f u r n . 49'1-1915 snJDlO guest house, $100 11 mo. Uftl. 1neludt'd. Nr. store &: beach. 494-684.'I RENTALS Houses Uhfurnisshed Gener•I 3000 ·ro1at down payn1enl A~sun1e GI !Olin Glrn J\l;u· 4 Bcdt\lOlll n1.Xll'l Cd Neighbors · 1valk School~ Nu Qual1/yin;;, No 2ncJ 'fD Please l:ail Ni'w 2500 sq_ IL 3,4 & ;> Br. NICE & Cl<'an! Ready for oc hon1es in ocran vlew area. cupanc:y. 3 bcdroon1 2 bath Carpc1ed, front Jar~dscapcd, r.tonth to month. R'awnabl 1vilh sprinklers; hltns, S('jf. rent lor tile ai'r.a, ea;,;, Walk c!rani'ng oven; 3 <"ar garag.:_ e i· & !...«>, 842-J.45;). Choir:<' t:astsidr. lo..:a1iu11 t·losr 11.1 !>llf/Ps. E ;u.:h hous,. !i(.'pa1·- a!cd liy ;;aragr ,r,. patio !01· p1·1vacy_ Low 111h.:n'sl . as· sumabh: loan. !'<.'o v;1caney. ·RENT BEATER t:n1v. Park Ct-nlf'l'. J1vinc r.1ocJC'1'11 2 Lx't.lroon1 hon1C', [ ,,,..,._. Call Anytin1e !iJ:;.oszo ftal ni'<il anJ t·!r<in on la1-gc ~·or-l-----------1 [.&Ullt $58 ,TJO To $61.!fJO. ExcC'llcnt 1 -----~~---­ linanring wHh rlf'cllnlni;: in-$100. 2 Br, Crplc, fcnCf'rl yd. lerest rate Irani 1!~ ',C. 10 Children & pe ts 1o1·elcome. 6~.i ~~-Bkr 534--6980 Near Horbor Hi '.! hon1rs on I 2 bd1·111s &. 1 J1vini;-roo111. Jul cai•h h;1ve bath ·-J,ul:;C lll'l' lot. CJ{)!;C !o 5chool~. lr\!ine Terri1t.e 1245 '1 m ~ rhUJ'ch and shoppfng. Sul'C e "f ""'1.' '""""'" i"" m.ooo· IRVINE TERRACE WE SELL A HOME EVERY Jl MINUTES Lovkuig 1u1· a tlt'aut1tuJ!y ap. pcun!t-d hon1c 11•1th a "f 'OR- walker & Lee EVEr. VIEW'"' ''° llol' q uuti1y •I bedroon1 \\"ilh 1 -----~~---- 17097 i\!<1i;-nol1<1, FV 545-0458 Laguna Ni,uel Corp. $210. 4 Br, 2 Ba, patio, R/O. 4~13~~ :,.t7-7761 F ent.'ed yd. Children &: pets RENT . sell, 4.j hdr., 2~~ 0 .K. Bkr. 534--69.'lO ba., $215 n10., 1vtr & lawn $130. 2 Br sep. house. F enced earl' furn. 5'14--7008 yd, slave, Child O.K. Bkr 645--011 1 $17~ 2 Br duple-x. l/B TOWN HOUSE N,1' .. cru<peting, oew p&1nt. 1 Bdrn\j., 2 baths, spl~t-lf'vel Pwl. Adltll~ only. S?'l.i ;.fon!h. Boy & Beach Rei1lty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suitf' ~6 &15-2000 EV1'!s. a48~ e DOVER Sl lORES e BEAUTIF'UL, large f.le<!!ter· ranean humf'. S1vimm1 ni; pool, t>tc. Avail. Dt>c. l~1. for I or 2 year lease. $6.)(} Per tnonth. 64~ WATERFRONT Lux. APL on the Penin. New 2 bdr .• 2 ba., pool. Lst>. adult~. Boat slips avail. Caribe Calboa, 310 F'e r nando Rd., (714! 673-3003. Newport Heights 3 BR, 2 Ba, heated frplc. $300 lease 213: 41\,\63~ 3210 pool, 3240 $27;) LEASE. Custom 3 BR, 71 ~ BA. r·an1.~ Din. Ne1v 1:pts. All elect. kitchen. Large lot. Extra.ti. 2215 AA niversary Lane &16-9040 EXEC. home 5 BR. 3 Ba. Cpts, drps., t!IE't'. bJt.lns. SJOO per month. 54&-ti740 Corona del M•r 3250 4 BR. 2~1 Ba. duplex. 2'.lOO Sq. ft. Bltm, dish111a!her, trpl. $300 r.to. lease. 540-1;,13 •• Victoria 646-8811 Anytime Horse Ranch ~f4~ \\'("S[\'l lf( G-l!i-7711 Dr. l'l.IU!'lyard r11uy and SUN 53/4 o/o DRE1\C/IF.D POOL. Call 1kau11ful J lxlrin 1 ~aU1 horn<' \\'AR:"-.1 & JNVITlr\G San Clemente 1710 F rplc, P enin. RIO, \,.,,,., i:ar. On Huntington l••ch 3400 Bkr. 531--6980 MESA VERDE'S Finest Section i\llRRORED ENTRY. FOR- /llAL DININC ROOi\I -~· J .~00 :-iQ. Fl. Nr11·ly carprt[•!I & '.! BR 1 bath ho111r t_ duuhlc ;,;:1ra;;<'. 10·;. du11n • Only SZ3,:JOO. Lachenmyer Realtor IS6(l Ne1\'IJOt'l Blvd., C.\l CALL 646-3928 11:.1n ll'd, rlose to p~rk, t:1·rs. ti l-1-llhi.l li l6-:!'_'9(1 schools & l1bra1y. lf you\·1· I=========== ix'l'n 11•alching, ~·vu know JI "'" "" 1"'1. CAMEO SHORES 546-9521 or 540-UJl VIEW HOME Bc;1t111fu! custoru ho111f' \\-'11h labu!Ju,; 1J('1~:t11 \'11 '11·, in .E -:1·lus1 \·c Cameo ~l\01'\':;. "'"""'"'"'""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I ,; Bf'1!1~vn1~. :I Bat h~. HORSES, HORSES, HORSES B<"a.u11ful ElOO .-;q. f1. :; &Inn 2 bath hO!l\f', JU~l •I ~TS. old. Loe·. Jn Cvrotl<.1, nu l-arl"t" 101 111 · l~u~·~ all -O\'C'r th" ''11C1gh-horlloo<l'·. ~.: ..... n:.ni;c lur sonu·1h1n;: 1n NP11p1·w1 Beach aJ'••a. $ \G,000 Lon n ran Or 11s~un1t•r!. RmDRI REALTY 20~:J \V. Balhoa, NB liJJ.ijO(l(i .!-11:1 r~. Coa.~1. Cd~! 6f.l-OOli0 L;u·gr J~11111ly l'oorn 1TX.1J Ponl :: c.1r ;.;;11 c1;;<" ~I C!J.,'~)O L1~1rd r_,o:tu.~1 \t>ly \\'1th That Large Family NO\V 101· pnc<", 1enn~ and Oil a conK'r ~ot. Caqi<'IS & 2 BDR:'ll I e I v l \e\"C'I· d raj)('.s arc 111 first cla~s · loni · ~ e Y appa1nt1nen1 to 111~prr1: Fanlastic Pa cesettef" WE SELL A HOME A stl'ik1ni;-c,,_1 e1'10 r d.-sign on EVERY 31 MINUTES la1'j;;' ('1)1'11t'r lul l\J~h 1'00111 ror 11·a1\('1· or 1)()()1. c.:u;;:to1n. Walk & Lee 1~.l'd lll~nl<' 111!1\ I lxl!;n8, er (11111 11:.; ru0111 &. lt1 rgf' 18~20' [an11ly 1w1n. f'<1t 1u. lull li-16·7ill lil)l'tllkl c1·s ,~ \J(';1ut1fully l<Ul<.l-1----------- Sl':lllCd F1rlil 11n1c ollerrd.1----------- 0ut:,lt1;1rhn i;. v;tlur. a t 5·10,:ilO. Corona del Mar CALL 51(}.ll:'il l !cr1tagc llc<1! $17,950 ,<:;P,\'.l:JSI! STUCCO 1250 e OPEN 1-5 e 709 LARKSPUR Sal. & S1111. ,i:, Tues. LlH'll f'ri. 2 DR. 2 ba. hulllr 11 ]l);id.; Nr 11ly 11a1n1rcl 2 BR on nier-of l:har111, plus arr. jor 11i- 1·or11rr 101. Carpels, kitchen conlt'. r;uigP, lari;:e room rlu'U-OUL 604-606 _ORCHID 1-;1 1·~ !1 15-701::. 01)('11 daily. f11•1n J\ll'd;,J\1011 ·111 E. h:E.<:;~f!.L CO. Reali ors 1hip!~;"'·: J Bit. _'.! IJ.1. & 1916 !;(I, ~-!011"{'1'. SA ER. -. bu. eal'h. Xlnl hllarl('. • · ~:i.li't91 e 111i;. Xtnt lor_,1 1011 .i .. DON V. FRANKLIN ~I::NAG~: TRE,\T REALTOR Your f.•m 1ly 11111 ha\·f' a b:.11 e 673-2222 e 111 1h1s :: BR homf" nr. __ _ Cilll•'gr Pa1·k 1\·1th l!UCE LIVE IN ~ l 100 SQ fl 1 fan1ily rrn. Lois "STORYBOOK " LAND !Jf r<o1n lllr B11!1arrl:< S.10.000 011ly ,1 t'nupl r ol hiulk~ 1"1111 ,\· lt1C·ff'.., :in ,.,.,s11ni:: t-1·11\ f'f'l1Y111a Hr;tl"h !h1.~ r·h:11'r11('r loan. Vogrl Cu. 12667 I::. 1\'J1h 11egg1•d h;i1tlwood flvo1·s. C1·a~1 ll"Y-Cd \! fi7:;..2020 fllH<kt·n k1t1·h1 ·n .1rnJ :; lirrJ. r1J111n:-;, ~ h;1th.~ .. nrl rnn11Jy 1'1.10n1 -Sl7,;i{l'1 . d" · ,\ bl }'lit\ cd areu. Ocran vu'w. llrd wd con 1LJon. • ssunia c ·. fl f 1 bit 2 . Joan $131 po .. •r rnonth pays rs, rp c, . ns. car ga1 · II II II I & concrelr patio. By o•NrK?r. a . onl(' IS a ·~ CCll'IC .. Call 492-3106 a l<1rge 11·atl'r so!lc11C'r LS ~=========o included Covcl'Cd patio 11'i!h - lovrly [iJantC"rs, block \\"al'. Apartment$ ~hake i\K!f. attached double For S•I• 1980 ----------i::an1"r. Priced r ight at N'Ell. ''""'"' sw.OOo. '-o n 2 Btlr, brealh- I' nlhi4Jtt1Jlm11 ••2-4411 r:.. ,m,01 --fl)J A MONTH ~nkin:; bny v1c>w "'/llllal rlockin!;. All hll,111 kitchen, w/lv tpt~ throughou1. 1n11·- ror \1·all, drp~. haleony. Security ~uarded . Nr11·~1rl Brach. \Vi!l tradt. 638-5460 Cy o\•ner; ~rae. ·I Br. eondo,1----------- t.,11nJ). v.•/blu1s, PWI Pl'll111. RENTALS As.~u1nr "x1s11ng FHA loan Houses Furnis hed 11·11h .110' ~ 1nl. ~10, paynl!s . --------- SI 1:1. \\'hy pay rPnt S:. i:ol-General 2000 ll"'! only l't.'C'C'ipts': 011nerl----------- 11 lll hl"ijl \I Ith flll:lnC. t-•u!] [11 l!"r $19.000, '.162-'!117 rvr/ 1~·k11ds. .~I CE 4 EP~ l10111t'. tol.'IO'v n1;1rkf'L Qua:k :-,ilc hy n11nrr S:!J.400. :,1 1•• FHA ..J RENTAL FINDERS J lllW'llCSIYE ... ~(I ··r::1 •..-w ...... , UT.··~TtSEIYKl l(l(ln. :'1146 IJ'f'r Ill 0 n I h . 4H W. lttlo, c •• ,. M ........ 111 Carpers over ha r it 1v o o dl ·~-~-::;;~;;:~·~·-~~-~~~-~­lloor~. Sunkrn LI: 11 ithl'. f1replacr . Pa110, 11·11od cir.ck. Rentals to Shi1re 2005 l il"l'itl 111•1i;hbors -::'-!'l'i loca · t1on. Kr {;(lldC111\C~l . LADY \\Ill Sh;irr Largr \\'ariu•r. S17-11~:, i\lohilr Ho1nr, will'• 1'an1e, $Tn. 3 Br, ln1 rn1. frplc, 3 BR 2 ba, cpl/drp, bit-ins. bluis, 11·/w. Nice area. Bkr. retr. lrplc, elec. d1·. opener, 6-15-0111 1r at<'r soft. A,B R I t '¥-========= I 842-mt or (213) 597-3753 Costa Meu 3100 LARGE HOME tl!l'S.1 Verde. Ne11• <"arpcts & dt·<l pe! ........ $275/n10111h 546-9521 or 540-6631 ~ J K .NICHOL~ , 3 BR. 2 Baths, den, cpts., di·nps: fr11..1i , y!U'd, '~ acre Eastside. Avail. Nov. Isl. $230 J\lo. IH2--53 19 5-18-8578 3 BR, 2 BA. condo, hltins, crpl·kids OK. $200 lea$C. li73-1271. if no ans 962--0JO'l 3 Udr., parualty furn. home , $180/lno. Family only. Agt . 96&--1362 * COTTAGE, J BR. All util pd. Nc1v rrpll!, 1lrps . .Sl·Ja, No pets. !"H:>-6~. ~2J46 2 sn, s .A. l!ghts. S160 ml). Ct11ld1'l'n &. pcl OK. No gar. 200Jl Cypress. ~8-3044 t BR. To1vnhou~-Nf'a r beaC'h 2 pools, clubhouse. LEASE. 536-1797 Huntington Hi1rbour 3405 3 + SfUDY, Sharp. Lease \\"ilh o pt io n . Asking S100/ino. r OUR ST A R Riiy. 83:>-4·122. Fountain Vi1lley \VE need clf!an rr• to rent our de-sir · den horn~ in 'I" school~ &. •hoP to right party drp. :'.>15-9-1,13 •I c ve:oi VACA;\"T crpts. [)('!~ 5-lj.'' Bl:, 1.1 •• , ·1·, ~to,·c. Nn $100. mo. "!.707 _M_._ .. _v_._r_d_. ___ 3_1_10 3 BR. ~I ·-=-=--=----1 age 40 to 5J y rs. 5J0..672.J or BY 0 \\.NEH: I B<lnn, 2 E.li. ~~lS-!"11 11. :: UH, 2 B.\, lain rn1, clbl 673-8550 Check t h i ~ b";iu11f1U adult o•.:<:up10..:d Condo-VA APPRAISAL ~1or Jopk111:.:· ·n11.~ 1s it• ;. n11n1un1 at·r(1~s 1IH' ~1n•t·! $23,250 li•l'J;•· t1111·1n' :-<1u111!:> 111,,, a II!!{, '!. 8 1\, l;;,, lan11ly l'ln n1·ri~ .t t'l"[llg-. r\f'C'll~i1 <' 1.111.i~('ar1•1-::: .~· pnl1u COOL UCJ::.\'.\ BHLl~Zl::.:>. l'J(Xl S(J, r.1n1 nn, hltns. d1-ps, ~hag1. •. ~-------_._. I 1 bl i:rpl~ !hl'll--OUI. 1 .'IT nlrl. On~ E:'llALE 1"0011111111.l c 18·3?· frp r ., (rps, 1n~. i;ardnr, c:ul-1le-·~ae. r\ca r ~ <:. h I s . BJt,Ylro~11 a!11 1n B;il boa. $.JO incl. $250, 1st/last rlcp. bclws, shon'g. CD1nplctC"IY1,,",",'·,'-'-""'_.'-"~-~--~ 5-l.'i-~788 Phone ;ut 11nytin1e 11 \..- f]'!'ln1 thr 1\l r~" V1•"lr ~ \11.'ti1"Qf1111~. 2 h~lli", 03;?;· 1111 bul lhH!'~ lll)I .-111, 11 11.1;1• Co11r11ry Cluh. l.mJr1<1cu· ,.,h1nr 1111110 1,1(]1 l•loll 111 ilf'n "t° 1·111111ri 1~ rni HP~l uu -.. '" Mission Viejo J70I BF:AUT1F1JL vie111, 2 BR. 11,11 BA. Yrplc, hltn bookcases Crpts. drps. 8.17-8917, lute condit1011. Srll111; h111·k hal'bt'CUI', .-..t11n111:.: rar-f11rn1.d <1111 r111 dti1•1l· ~-~L~ll. ·:._-~~1~~ -RENTBEAT ER-- pl'ice at s::o.9:.io intlud"s qu1'I floor~. "lu~ 1<> school:--~r11 1r.-.. 111 ,..,ldiriu11 1,, ra1tng --sfe,so(f F-ixer Upper C.\P..\1t:L!.S!I 2 Br. home !enc••(! .t landsc.:q}('d. 1111-G!HL 11Cf'ded to ~hare niy 2 1111.\lED Ckcupnne,y! J Bil, 2 111ar~ S!·t• a1 21 ~1:! Archer BR ho111e 1n Cd~l . S75/n10. B1\ $22."1. Shaq1! Shal'f> a 11·ashrr. 111·y•·r. rl'fn.;-and ~hupplll1;. Quick pusses. <>i·ra 111 ki l• ll ,\/ S."~7 f)flQ Hu~ ~ BJ~. I BA h1i11.:.I", dlilr gar. plu.~ S~:l() n1ri irn·ilinr fl'oni c:-r;i1or .~-au1on1at1c i;ar-~ion. won "r l;i -..t. :,Jn1 ;11-e.1. Nt.,,..d" han~ty lhc :t Br :: B.~ ;11,t Lgr. loil Cll'\"'lr, 310,()'X)_ 96.'l· 1:>6 I 67:;-{;867 11fl 6 pin. hous1•! \\1i11 cons i d e. r -------~ l1•a5c/opl1on. 838--6::-11 eves. Ownef" Tri1n1ferred \\'ANTED rclillC'cl lady to Di1ni1 Point 3740 ai;c iloor npcnt'r. 546-2313 e 646-7171 111,111 p.1i111rr ~1-~~ {1_?1'11 · nr. Bi.: L'"onln:1 Erat;h Sli:;,()IJQ • COATS A·r .~:i i ,\J.i.i;noliu. Lo~t<I ~ho1•n by ;ipp'I ,\!rs. ltorr<'r Shnrp '..! ,1nry :i lxlnn 2'i:. ~hare honic in Blulfl'l, N.B. l BR. 2 Ba, family rm, 2 lmlh. On t'flnwr lnl. Carp-1\11 It: launrlry nrlv. &l·l--0369 lrplc 'i;, $230 mo. 2 car garg, rl~'lll'llfll'~. all hu1d-111~. F'or. NCR.<.;E \l'ill share 3 BR. 118 I c",'"0p,tN_l0·~607'-'_021c3-~--­ n1al d111111i;i: 1"V1J1n. s<'f\'i<"l' tio,11r \\)ii·onian. · 96Z..7:i21)..if 3 BR . 2 B,\. P .al 10, f1rrplace. FOR LEASt: -2 bdnn 2 bath, cpti;. Vir1v. l child ok. no peu;, $\ij mo. Point r.ral1y. 496-:)323 & /l lP-.:i t:n\vt1·s11y Henll y 673-f~'J IO WALLACE 3 B•h 1n '.:' Bath •Tl,ll!, 1h"f', ::ill'1 E. C11;1~t lh\"y. ('11.\I f''iflh. f;i111 ily 1·,"YJn1 Assume nn an~ ,.11 R nni. \\"/\V r11ls, drps $200 mo. REALTOR.$ J • .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiio 1 ~-li •· c 11 l:;i!t. 1111111'· '1 "11\1 J.~hrt'. HOM E--PL-US IN.COME ''•'" .1,.;-rr . .-,i,,.-.i 10 l I --546-41•1-DIVORCE SALE l:iii:::=========I )Vl'f'-ll••tl 1-;,or. 11 ',,. uprn. Rt•n1nrh•lrd 1·h:t11111•1' 011 l1,1nt t.'. 1,I 1011n . pnt·r s::.:i.900. Rl 7-3:i08 Paul Jones Realty \\'11.L ~i~t'l' .,."1Y ~.Br a pt, Condominium 3950 •·r. JJl>l' 11('''• \I -.1Jr C:'>I topen E\1ninp) "I :;;, II l~-2 l•Jt 1, •nc111·1 \''' '~'~'" , ..... , "i i , i"I ' . .">1.,.fH.;i' .!\Ir~ o I • I 111 :;:;li-l:.'6li E\·r 817.Mf19 pool 1\" ~lrl .a r~ :·11•IG:ood n1or11I~. llef~ 6-1.1-i969 <1f1, 1 3200 ~ Bdrm S:!j(), mo, Lsr./ o prion Very c\('an, l'hlld & pets v.·el- con1c 962-03&1 I•;:::;;;;;;;;;;;~ I' E;i:t'.~;,j~(', ·"'c ·~! ~· V ~"l,; ~ 1 :: EXECUTIVE HOME !1~:.:-Ll,c,-. chc,-,.-.,-,,-.-,..-,.-1,, ~,/1 ·,,1~ ,~~;1 ,;11.~1,1 ''\~~1 1 1,i,; 2 Story ~ yr old beaut. :i AR. $23 Soo ll'llQ I o s··'·"" I Co•t• Mes• 2100 ::! BA. d111 rn1 , lan1 rm. f\·n ,~lff;K4~' I , 11 ~ . ,11• l'IJ!, .... ~n1 •11 <;.!1(1 hl•J [.gr·. !1•·1'•, "''~.of Beach Home --·--.. "I" Ir·~ "· ~lid. 7f,fi llu:.ori. 111,.v SJ!. . .i;<i F"lr·.\. 11111 ~. '.! 81:, ilrll. f'l('11• l'Jll.~ d rp. "2 "R i~"."", ,,,,1 _1 '.I .~ mo. yrl Nr N.B. !!1i::h. rrplr, 1; .•. 11·1• ~• ~ 11nr-1 4 l,,J. lil--i17 · d . <> ..., ... ~ •" " "' · l11rn or 11rifurn. Call &12-7318 11,1 ::•, h••lh~ l;•is.:i• 1,1,_ •' '~ ('hr~!111"' l\r;il F.<.T.,t1• J;i\-<!if\3 J11ilc, 111'1111;: 11"'111, ;;urig * • •Abo garagp $l~i rn•), or fi l&-\[i6 RENTALS Apts. Fuf"ni•hed i11g 1~•1111 •11rr l•J11h l11:.: B•ach-1·2-00 -lmmedi~l;"""p~,i O"n '"'''•ll. B··l \•·1· l1u1·1·}: rir·•' r.1~-11c1 N ewport ~.!;,\I~~ 011 l\\'l' Ai;\. =====-====== usr: OUll !!Or.SE5 4 Bedroom. ll''il!f'd lll!•·p ·1I P''"I \ 11>·1 11" T1'ro :t 1:1', :11 b.1 S!j ~:,111 "L' '.i:IG-.ri.iS Newport Be-,,·h 2200 .l 61· h~" fain i·n1. Br k Bay, !'>~1t11r .1 1_•, l•1.in \I 1/,' NO WAITING t 'a•ll. ,\· cl111 1 111~. 1:kt>1. --"'-------Tht> C.Olt\.EOU~ New 642 1771 A r -\"U, 1v1•.-epl!., nu dct', s.:;oo [,c General 4000 l)o•l1ghtH1l I h<l1111 :'llc,,1 -ny ime •1l h·1 • u111u 1 a1•\1•J!l v. i•.w 1hr-h.-1111 :-ialtlrda} n1~!it ;1n'·l 1n t•lt·•· J..:I k11. f'l1•Sf· lo Where In The World z BR, 111 RA rurn. Crn!~. 6i3-(J?!07 VAL D'ISERE V('rflc l~1n1r 11 .,11;1~ <'fl l.•, ror ;i,.v n1r:tn11ng ,1·1 111 a 1,111 11 p:.11·k 1:\1\ l•JI° 11<1.11. $."i!,!foO ('l•ll yr,Li find ;i ni·a i ·: hr!rnl ilrp~. nl'll'ly rlrr . NI' bf·h & b F 1 1 ~ !fl.<11 l't"itll k l•)\'r-ly BY OWNER DAVIDSON R I 1 1.1 .. R C GRE ER R I DLX Condo'~ '1·/pool & ~ingl·l br-2 r. urn-un . . eaty l·,1·•01t lil~1·111 , 1c1·r al""~. · · ea ty li••lllr111t>:c<"llrn1 ll.B.l'X'a-111k1. $180. 6jj .. -O(H2, \213! ~50 3 Sa A l' R B"lllni nr1ghhor11r,•i .. J11 1;1 li1n:k •llo111r ...: lll('il1nr ·' \.;1nd • l 'l\1" ,, VI"'" lro111 All;ilu11i:.~':.:1:i V1;i L1rl0 61:1-:i:;oo ri.,n f01• nnl,v S1 •1,9:J()_ Call :1~.:r:;uoo_ frplc. 2 BH, 2 BA.$ .. , ... una, <' Y nl, ta! 1,11 the nial'l.;el. ~28.!l:j!I. Cii~I :; BH 1'3 B,\ Gon1pJ '.!7:,a ll1rbar Dl\J., C\I (" I .. r I ----=-~=--El'.. J BA. S21J. L1a1son Ther.ipy & 4:)' pool, BBQs '.ilC-~•l';O f:V<'<, ~1 \.1-l'.l ll J'I . "' ••(;\ llla , .• in_•pa!'f'S [)J\i(Jf~Cl:'>iG. hy (1\\"llrr. 2. ror trrnf11· !l't'nls. --TIME FOR 6~f ... 0732 2000 Pan;ons Rrt. 64 2-S67ll ~fl~'. t~~·~ci ~:r~m~11~il::l'il~ l)lt·11 cJ 1•1 th h r.~h,.ra lnl !?r Sty. I Br. .1 Ba <'\<'C'Ulil'I' Pai'll1r Shor~ fle;illy BLUF'FS, new 3 BP., 2 8 ,\ 1 $110. Bach 11111. Clost' lo ''I' . ..,. I"' . '.~·s\1 \\°r~\° • .,,~,1lt1i 546-5990 ' Low Interest Rate !!URRY~ Anyone• can il S~Ulll" 1!ui> ;,:>,.', loan . no ch;111i.;r 1n rail's. Rrcl'n!ly l'Nlct~ir­ alNI 4 bdr111 rnQllf'rn h<11ll" 11 ilh lilt·ln::. $ IOOO 1ln . 1ak.: O\·rr 11ymnls of $2;!..1 prr n10nlh pa) s ail CXJl('llSC'S, llun·y! \;l• l!l!U Baker, C.111. $26,954 1900 Ft. Of Ch•rm V<'l'Y spacioui; ho1n r I\ 1th a h11gf' :n It pi1110. Kini;-SIZf'd Drdroon1!'l, 2 bath~. Built· irt~. Owllf'T trnnslrrrNI -be· low l'\.'fllaC'e!nent? ;t40-J i20 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor LOWEST PRICEI 4 BR. Condo In Bluffs U:l\'ely gr1'f'nb<-ll view &: llCar !M'~mming pools. S.19,:i()() Delancy Real Esti1te ~ E. Coas1 l hr.•y, C.:d~1 67l-Jno CHANNEL FRONT = BR. + 'amily nn. !'1r!ps lo ()('('an; fl!.h111g. !iWHnmlfll!:, boRnni:: Ill your r1oot fl our. Only Sl\,j()O. Tcm1~. CAYWOOD REAL TY 63f.6 \V. Coll.~! llw)', N.B. • !nS-1 ~~ • 1·~1n~ 1·harin. \\idow 1"ill hu111r . V1r11·. lge. lnl llurl>111' :'136-~~'.l l Eve!i. 5'1S-27:'.3 QUICK CASH t'<•r flrt. !;c]r. lnr unit an d 1 .S:MOO l 11 Conr!Q. Pool. $350, yrly. ~hopp;ni.": all uh..! pd. Birr. Sl:i mi;i. P L'\ns 4 rllO!'f' 1Jlli1s s~ % l1a I' !!l\lllh.' & All1!lf r~. V1c•11• llillr.;. :; f.1ns. ll{'W, THROUGH A 6'i;H;044 or 642-36·\j SU-69SO 4 Hal P inc 1n s soc. Sl!l,!100 ;t lif{ & l'Qll\'rrl!ble den, =~.,-~--,-.,--..,-,I ~;\;.~{£. T t' r m -~ S.~l.~,00. 0 :;!111) ~:. Co;.~1 I h1 y. 61.>-"1::9'! 2012 Port Citn111f Pl. &1 1-;1:)f>fi fn1 n111 I din rn1, coverrrl DAIL y PILOT $2!"1(1 YRLY lSC', N<"11·port I s1 2::i. l Br newly decof'llted. -EXECUTIVE LIVING 2 Br.. lnirnH<"Ul11.rc: J.i.,vriy pa\10, h1\·rly g<111len 11·/fish WANT AD Bch. 3 BR, t~l BA, 1600 sq P111in, ulil pd, Br o ke1· V.l.P. Home Gorgeous:: 13R '1 hnlh ho111c Coruna J<'I }.lar viMv hnmc. v1trd. Cpls, 1111,,, dlil gar. pond r.· 11·atrrfall. FinishC'J I===========..:~'='=· =oo="'=''="'='='=""'=·=""'"=="'='°~~="'=""'=l=ll="'°====;=;= I B d I 11.cll · 4 o" quiet t1'Cclinl'd cul·de·sac. · 1 bl • ·-rn° rm ran new v1:1n ' ~ Pn1·acy behind lui;h land. ill ,\l~rt.."ti<'ri!l' (!"ar<11;r rou r:s a,. b " ... · 4000 hdrn1 :I billh ... po"df·r 1''C\I' "'11\' carpt•j.~. all bu111. St" ...... Xlni /or r hiklro'll & en-J\l::iny ('.~tr;is. FllA 5~t. ':t> In. Generi1I 4000 G.n•rail _____ 4COOOC'-CGo'-_n_o_r_•_I __ ~----- ' • • d. in~. hrirk f1r1<pl;i,·,•, family ,.,, Q11•n<'r .1;17 ~0-1 I ~..C..-..C..--~---------\1)()/ll. orn1:u inu1g 1-0.iin, 1ert1111111•« $69,:iot) Bi1lboa Peninsula 1300 · · '- I I l b & I I roon1 & hui::1· OVlTSlzrd Joi. "" arn . rm. 1o1·r ar .· qir. PROPERTIES WEST , Lu,.uriou~ly carJK'!('(L :;u. Out<loor EOQ ,t i\J01n for 675-41 JO 67'1642 Developer ' Duplex t · p I · I d hoa1 & trallt'r Assumr :,~, •;, .r prr, \'1cw. on 1n ;in l'C1lp-=~='===--=-~. Three hcdrooin upper llvo rd court yard. Roy J. \Va.rd loan -,SW,·100, SIT,! />.IT.I, F'ORECT?SURE (par, i< bedroom lov.t'r, in vt'ry good 1 l3o C.a la .. -:y Dr. 6.16-l:i.XJ. P riCNI for 1n1n1Ni1:1tr !!a lt' Bl Lido' 1ownhsc. :i BR, 2 z f'('nlal ar<'a . Nov.• fully lcas- $"17.50(!. Ca.JI :,1a-s-121 South BA. Frplc , b11ns, fJ')OI. e<I Goud gniwth potential. East Side Duplex Co.1st RraJ Es111rr N('Ws paint ,t-rtf'. $2'\,•r.o. s.i9.soo. :? hNlroom rt1t:h unit, laundry Liflison Co. &IS-f!7'.i2 BURR WHITE l'UOlll Car)'l('tS, drap!'5, ('.OV· Pool · GI Resale \\I ATERFRONT DUPLEX R£A LTOR 'c1·cd ·,P·',","· 1clos~ i:;11~~r1s. Al1 ractlve cornt•r 1 h<l1111 with "'/dock 16 . 21~~1ac 2 ~11 1 .t I 2901 Ncii'JlOrt Blvd., N.B. onip r l' y encl'u, w..,,., o Anthony pool, lil,.;38", fully BR. ,.JIJI•. 1.2',, oan. 67.-m.10 G4l-?l"" E 1ith St. shopping. All /or rquipJX'd incl. JXlol _ 1;1\'l"Cfl . OWNER 671-6701 ~ :>./ vr.s, $2:1.l:OO. Bkr. 6-U,955:>. ~eel J~~ ·,r loon al S\91 incl. Bluffs prime on B:ty Joca tlun. Lindi1 Isle 1306 2 bcln; $39 :-.00 Call 6,14-2259 "'-----'"-'-----'""" <'Vl'S(\\:kends. LINDA lslr lot filr !In.Ir by ===~='====="'I 011·nf'r. $3~.;J()O plus I ea s e Newport H•ights 1210 payn11. of S·l::OO f)<'r yea r. -~---~-----1 Slip capacity for 2-W' hoal!i. RUSTIC MODERN 51 FL l\'lllcrfn:rnt. Approwd i\luch glass, open h<'a1n cell· plan~ includ('rl. BAY~ONT Al'T. Vista D<>l Lido. Pirr &. :<lip :i.va1Jab,-. ScU or Jcascrup- 11011. Pr1rr S28.51Xl, Georg• Willii1m.on Rl:::AL TOft Eve~. 673-la&I 5 Bednn • 3 Bath Pool -526, 950 r.lt'h wood pant.ling, hand· somr bar. Panrtne: for boot lo· 11'[lilr r. U:ivl'IY Fir!la Pocl TARBELL 2955 Hi1 rbor C ASH TALKS J tx1rm homr. I [l"'lvd (loon;, nlcr cpts 'rlr[ll'J, Ii:: lot. Oo~r. 1(1 r•l<'lll srhool, s,t;,T;,iO FHA / \"A 01..:, OwnP.1' moving iOOO &. !«1:'r ~. "~ti nowt " Fuller Realty 544-0ll• Ill.\ 1 in.~. Ow11r r 1110111 ~nx­ ioos for off1•r _ alrrady lrlllls- lerrcd oul of !l11 lr. · 2 BR ·• BA dining 6"2-648l 01' 101s. . • . 'I=========== play a"-a. L rge f.:nced )'a.rd. L ·c1o Iii• llSl BAYCREST LOT 2 yrs old. Sl0,500. Q\\·ncrl ~-' __ ..;,. ___ _ 6-12..8o99 t.11 RivC"rsidc Avr. LIDO LOVELY Prhne arra. Priced 10 Sf'I! - S2'6.9::.(). Build !l(JVo' or Jar~·r, •I BP .. + "'mtly rn1., 4 ba!h~ b b ~-1 Newport Shores 1220 &. a kitchen to "live ill." ut oy ill t ...... ay's pnt.-cs. 1319 AntJ(jUft •REDUCED $.'i,OOO• 40 rt. o~ wlrlc Sh'et'I. Tf )'OIJ nt'fl(] 8 grt'at f11.niily Quahly construi·llon Barrett Realty 100J \\"i•.~1rli!! Dr. N fl. 642-5200 honie, see this one! Lgr. Hv . .,':"11lker . Rlty. 675·5200 rm. plul! li~l'. party I'll\.; 4 ::.366 Via L111o, NB Op!'n S11n. Br. J Ba., kilch. blt·1ns. 1 1.~ BUSIEST markl'lplaCf' in Blks. to bell.Ch. F'"C i;imple, 101o1•n. lllC DA ILY P H.OT $16.500 Equity $~9.:iOO. J\1a,y ClaMiflerl srct\on. S 11. v e co11~i1ler ir11rff!. n1oncy, time It. eUor1. Look e Q\\'Nt':R 6~f.-7849e now: 11 \ TltADf; 111 your boat. trailer, c·;i111pt'r 01' 2nd ·rD on th1~ v a c a n l 2 BR Scahaven Home. GI loan 10 takr over. A! $21.300 11 hig, big tm rg.11n. R•1t L. Hodges. Rltrs. 847.252S Large 4 BR· W/LOVELY POOL GI/no do11·n or f'l-fA/lo do1o1•n BEST BUY! JIA FfDAL Rlt:y 8·12·4¥i1 BY O\\'NER <f BR, 21, BA lr\.-levcl; .full car)X'I & drapl's, frplc, bllns, Assume 61'* -;;, F'HA loan. Ui,500. 8-12-6161 BY Owne.r: !'-loving out of atta. Mu!!l sell ~ BR. 3 yn old. Transferable 6 V. •,;, f'l!A loan. $34,!1.°". 962-7673 Founti1in V•ll•y 1410 -------6~',i , $145 mo. Spacious 5 Br, 3 Ba.. lge In!. Top nc:igh b o rh ood v ie . Brookhur!ll .\ Elli11. Orpi;, xtra c,'Pl.ing, 2 fr p I c, l"OVl'rcd rtalio, sprinkler.;; Cronl &: bark, !NII lr~s. ~ yn old. $31.7'50. E-Z trrm3. Uo11ving stnte. 962·3'175 0 l!tc1rronge letreri cif ·in. four xrambled word• be- low to form fovr 1l1T1ple wordt. ILAVIUS ' I I I I I' I I IATAGE I I I I' I' I I I' I A Milton Berte gog: •t just got bock from Lindy's. I 0J- way1 go.ithere for o cup of ~,R_O_C_N_O_l ___ ..,I coff .. ond on -." 10-·l o I-· -.r-T.r-r--.r-nrl A C~lei. tM d11,1t;ltl. <QVGted I I' I I' I' : ~:i,~ .::,, ~~ b:!. 8 PRINT NUMN'tEC r tETTEl!S IN SQUAtES • UNSCtAMal.E l ETJ EtS I fQ! ANSW(t rrrrrrr1 I I I I I I I I ._, ___ _ SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLA$SIFICATION 9900 --. -----------_______________ ...._ _________ ..... ____________________ _ -------~··---------~~------·--------------~-----·-· ---·-·---- 31 DAIL V PI LOT T ~ursdo1J, Octobtr JO, 1%~ l\CNIAL' 1· RENTALS Apta. Furnlshecl A--. Fumkherl Newport Be•ch 4200Newport &each 4200 Sl'ACIOUS AND CONVENIENT All ne\v 2 bedroon11 2 balh townhouse. Lu;ic - ur1ous sh ag carpet, fuU length drapes, red tile kitchens \\lilh built-ins. 01'er 1265 sq. ft. plus deck or patio. Poo l, recreation building, ne xt to \Veste!iff Plaza Shoppinb. $240 per n)onth -Adults only. MARIN ER SQUARE APARTMENTS 124'4 Irvine A v•., Newport &each Ju•I North of W•stcliff Driv• G.neral 4000 Newport Beach 4200 RENTALS • I RENTALS .. A.,ts. Unfurni.,_. Aph.. Unfurni•Md General 5000 Newport B••<h 5200 $100. l Br, i;.!ove, IV/W, water Ii. gas pd, Sm1 fa.1nily 0 .t\:. Bkr 534-6'.J&l SIJ(), New 2 Br 11tud10 lype. Crpts. drps. bltns. Adults. Bkr. 6-&-0U l $135. 2 Br, 11•/1\, RIO, 1;ool. Broker J.34-G980 drps, 5100 Harbor Heights Four CONSTRUCTION JUfl COMPLETING 2 & 3 BR UNITS all with fireplal"es, d ishwashers & 2 baths. Rental J\lanager - !llrs. Chlis!iensen 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Nl-:WPORT BEAO I ViUa A1ir. i::xclwdve li<'ction, lux· u1·y living, lari;c l1catcd poo l, ~nthou:;c-v i f' w . Spacloos 2 BR. 2 IJA, 11·rt b.11r. {.q1lr, alJ f'lCC', t.•rpts, <!1·~~. Adull1', nn p'r I ~ , Ri1ri.:airt 11.t $3l:J rn o. \Vcs1rl1rl Vlllas No. &. I) 1:!-2·Hl6 or owner 75.."r40'!.6 DELUX t.: 2 & 3 BR 4-PLEX Apl~. $1ll5 tu s:n5 n10. Adu I t s , 1i100it~ITanenn V i l l a t:e . 1nrar lloog tlosp1t;1I & Park L 1 rl <1 J\led1cal Bldg. f l\'lgr. 4150 Patrice Rd., NB ----UN f.-UllN $150. '! BR studio apt. P11t10 .t. pool. Crpts, rlrps & bltns. 15:6 Placl'n11a., N.B. Eest Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e REAL ESTATE General REAL ESTATE G.n eral ------- Rentel• Wanted 5990 Office ftantel 6070 WANTE:D, Jtc11hU for ll'intt·.-LAGUNA BEACH nin . .1-'urnUhOO hous .. 1 or 1 A ir Condhioned Ix.Inns w/Xlra j~-.-~v·g rn1. ON 1''0REST AVENUE on Vtr!ona ory5'} Bch. Desir s,pace available I n 4!~14709 /'" nc.wC"sl ol.fic" buildini: at RENTAL SERVICE priine location in dm\·ntown l-'REI-: TO i_..\NDLOHDS l.;1.i;una ~ach. Air condi- ;. Blur BeaCi:ln &6·011 1 * llo°"'I, carpeted, beauWul ===========-! enllances: r~rontage on Room• for Rent 5995 Forest Ave., rt:'ar leads 10 ------1 .'tfuncipaJ parking lots. S50 LftG rn1, pri. enl &. bath Lt g c l ose1, p a t io , c l oi;e bch/shpg S75 mo 1nc util 67J. J(J:!."! l Ult k1ll'ntnet1e~. s,;eep111,1t rin~. lleatcd pool. Maid M'rl'lCC, $30 per \.\'k &. Up, 4.j{) Victoria per n1onth for space. Desk and chairs available for $5. Business hoU!'5 answt'ring sl'rvice ilvailable for $10. All ulllll!es paid except telephone. DAILY Pil.,QT 2'l2 FOREST A VEN VE LJ\GUNA BEACH SLEEPING rm.s $30 wk. l 4£14..9466 Bil w/kllchcnette S~5 wk. J\10Dl::RN 150 t ~--~-·*~-""!"--~-•£1P1BUSIN!SS and * * * * ... FINANCIAL 'l!r:t • 'e Mort9•gos, T,D.'1 '345 ~ 1ST and 2NDS -,- Wh•ddy• W•nt? Whaddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special R•t• S Lines -5 t imes -S bucks RULES -A.O MU~T INClUOE • 1-W~ll JOU r.e"8 to lreO.. ~Whel ytlu ••nl In lt•ft. ._YOUR -•t>Gl e<r .Odr"'s, -.S """ <Jf MVV1111-S-HOTHI NG FOR SAL~ -Tl:JIOES ONLTI PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Trader's Par•dise Ad So. Clllif. T.D·~. Inc. ZENml 2.flOOO • Toll Free ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES Found (free Ads) 6400 fOUND black Coc·k • a • poo 11·e-<1r11);; chu111 cOllllr .~ l;·a~h. VIC' Ma1·bor Hl1•d l.· Vie!o1·iu. Clll. 560 lla1111llon, C~! ap1 ::, sl!o\Vt··-,-.. -,-,",-r=,-,,c.-,,-,-.1 bandl'1 I. Born in '68 Vic. :lJrd ·" S.1nla Ana. C.i'.J. Ca.JI a .fu. or eves. 642-2540 l\ITil-.N. About 4 monlh" nld, IJl;.ck 1 gtty tli;er Y•ilh 'l/111t• 111arking11, Vk:_qr Java R: T11h1ti, C:\1 SG:-79T, - 1==-----HOLIDAY PLAZA DELUXE, spaeious 1 Bdrm. ·Furn apt $1}3 plu~ u1i1. lleated pool, ample parkini;. No children-no pel'I. Cast• Mes• OCEANf'RONT Jgc-2 Br, Phon. ~1034 lrplc;, nr. :o;chriol & churc:hcs. /:i::::::::::~~~~~~~~= ? Br. 21,~ ba apt. for lease Incl. ~pac. niai;tr. suite, din rn1. & dbl. i::«ra:;:-c. auto. door opener avail. Pool & rec. area. Nr. Catholic 01urch. Arluhs, no pe!s, ]~cared pool. J't1a1d service. downtown CM fro ~qt a g;: 450 VJctor 1a, nr Harbor. light, au·y, '"ell tllwninatell, F URN roorn w I pri tath & a/c, dbl. toi lcti;., plenliful entr!llll:t"•. Patio. Quiet. 15601 parking, suitable for oJc. or Van Uuren, \VestJninster. .specially re t ;1 i I . 1831 8!M-:1500 Nc.wpor L Blvd. 6-12-4230 TllAOl·: 51~.00J r qui I y borne 1n Cosla i\lcsa r or un ils, Jlar\.,.,r a1'C'<L J!a1·c buy~r for houM". Coastline R.E. J.16.lm, 536--1366. :: Bt'tlroo1n hoinr in \\'rsl LONG hKircd wht &. gny 1111111.IC"r, zoned R-1 witl il'1na!" ca!. Vic. \\'am.er " parking overlay, appro i1·\:if!rll'1ti11, f .V. Rl'l-1.113 S1!l.'1 e11111 ly /or 1nr-01n c·OUN'•· C 11· · A ] \\'inter. 675-5412; 1510 \V. -SMALL Bach. unit for one .1 81., ,710 ~. ,0 .. 11Jl r , ..... o ir., v11·. va on fll"Oflt'l Y. ·~-o oor.,..,,-&. \\'1lson, Co~!a i'.tl"sa. Call 196.l Pomona, C.'.\I. 4100 $30.00 Wk. Up • Studio &. l Br ,\pl~. e Kitchen & 7V lnc·I. O<:c!lnfronr 4210 Newport Hgts. '-----* Clean 1 or 'l BR * Adults, no pets, 2421 £. 16th s•_ $1 l'> rno. up. 646-1801 Coron• del Mer 42.:i ·1 ---e Phone Scf'\lice & Pool SPACIOUS & deluxe J BR, 2 e Maid service avail. BA, duplex w/frplc, S. of e Da.v. \.\'el'k & r.tonlh H11'Y. Everything furnished 2316 Newport Blvd, fH8·9iJ5 • \l'alkint: distance to beach & $155 -ATTRACTIVE. l bdr., shopping. Older children on· pool, ut it. paid, gard~n llV· ly. $32;, 1no. 675-J.l 28 ing, adulls, no pc1s. Also B~/\UTJFULLY t-'urnished. l Bachelor apt., elderly \.\·ork-&. 2 BR apts. Avail on short ing person prefer. .1800 1ern1 basis. TII E JA.VIAICA Wallace A1'f"., C;\I. INN HITTE.L, Cd;\1. NICE Furn 3 rm ap1 . $120 r ,~B"R-,",~&-,-,.-,-,-oc-,-..,-. -poo-1 incl urit. Single man only. & clubhouse. Rf"f 310 r-.teadow Lark Ln &12-2878 fofl 2:\00 blk Sanra Ana Ave). I c=~~-~--,--c-.,, Open a!! J Sal & Sun, f'URN bachelor ap!. Nr beach & shopping, ulil pd. $125, I BR clean, quiet, hcaut ss;; mo. 675-315..1 furn . Nr market. \Vasher/dryer, garage , LARGE !\'!OD BACHELOR i'.1atutt adults. 19Zl B Beautifully furn, all util pd. WallaCf'. $100 mo. 540-2266 COROLIOO Apl.5 2 Br studio t'URN large bach apl, equiv fw·n. S2l0. to 1 BR. Uhl pd. No pe!s. 673-3318 $135. r>:r new furniture, avail Nov. bl 5.l9-381iU, Smith. SPACIOUS 2 BR, Pass-thru snack bar, ne11· furrnturc, t'eramlc balh. Very lovely. 357 Vic1oria St,, C.!lf. * Large I De-Oroom • lurn, 11 /"1 crp1s, (!rps, gar., patio, src to appreciate ~ S12i :y:g..ro30 & &l&-1841 SUS CASITAS Furn I BR apt. '..'110 Nc1vport Rlvrl. i\!l'dallion by Ho1poln1. *NASSAU p,,L;i.1s r I & 2 BR. Pool 117 E. '.!2nd SI. 612-3&1j 1 BEOR00.'11 l::irge. Ideal for br!.chelor. Pl'l(ll, ~\~.). 1993 Church St. ~,.i);...9h,G ATrn.ACTIVL ., BR, .$1-10. 1613 San!a Ana A\'{', \\'ill al.so r rnl unt C.1.~4!jl:! I BR n<"ar ncw civic ccn!C'r. r.1arr1rd <'")Uple pref, infant 4300 CLEAN Bachelor ,\pls. All util incl $S5 up :113 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA ti1"3-99l::i Huntington &each 4400 2 BDR~I. l'·· bath. k it r hr n. 11·a~hl'.'r/dry1"r, ft"n ccd pa1u..1. Crpts, frp!r. pool. l hlk frorn shoppin:; c1•n1r·1·. Nr Brookhurst & A1la1ns. No chihJrcn or pct~. $H:~1 111n. !!62-:'.~0:; CHARMING 2 Br:, p:iol, uril pd. S200 mo. Adults 011.IY. No pets, 17676 Cameru1\ 847-212;). • l SR furn. \Vatcr & gas pd, ADULT only. SIG. 911! Palm, llunt111g l<1n &ach. 536-4678 or 53f~979 ok. Sl:Z:J. 616-S22fi Sunset Be•ch 4455 , __________ , f'URN 2 BR upper apL Ter- race, lrpll". Ut1Ji!les incl. $1;,Q, 1970 )le;ycr. Apt. B. Sr-.1A1L furni~hcrl apt ,,·/util. l BR apl on canal. Nt>w rlrps, Clt'an. SR nlP rent yr round. $125. 5.16-1766 4600 Living rm & BR. $00 1110. Orange County • 548-9(X)S. l --~----~--- $165. J BR + dl'n, beside pool , garage, 1'ery private. adults, no pets. 64&-:\76·1 $67.50 NICE Bachelor ap1. 132 \\'. l\'ilson. C.111. 5'1S-9:ii7 Pr 6·t2-12fi~• SINGL~ adults, 1 u x u r y cardt'n llpls, w/full l'C('l'Ca· lion facil1!iei; & complete prh·acy. South Bay Cluh Ap1s. 277 So. Brookhursl. Anahr 1n1 !7141 772-4JOO $.';fl .~ l "P. Very n1c:e J & :! Garden Grove 4610 RR trlr. 1:;,1 F.. 16th, £pace I cSl-N-'G_LcEc·'-Ac<_lul-"'-L-,-,-. -,-,cy No. 16. f' ~l. 1;.12-J2!iS gnrdf'n "'P'~ w1rh roun1ry rlub atrnosphen• an(! con1- pll'lr pr1viu·y. SOUTil SAY CLUB APTS 13100 Ch11.p1n1111 A\•1• .• l.anlf'n Grove (il~J t\:>.&-30.W 4200 :-.e11wrt Btarh 2 BR AP1, rpts/d11JS, bit-in rang .. & QVen, refrig, freez. er, disposal, a ir CQncl.. J>6.t10. ALL u tihttes paid. f_'{l(l/1no. Adult~ only . no pets. Well.,.McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Nel'.port Blvd., C.r.t. s.J8-7m r:ve . .'M8·l939 1\.fERRli\.IAC WOOD~ An exciting rll'W concept in luxuriou,; apt. living. 1-2 BR. 2 bdths 11i1 h ~VERY C.UNCEIVABLE f'E,\TURE Isl Unils available Nov. l s!. Sl!irting at SI.JO. Adul1s. 425 l\'ler1milc \Va y ljw;t East of 2GOO Harbor Blvd. next lo Naber.1 Cadillac.I s.Jj.6300. THE VICTORIAN Co1nplehng Nov. 8th Brand ne1v 2 BR, l ~; BA. Sl50, Adults onl y. Crpls-drps-bltns. So und proofc-d, pri gar 11·/s!orage. J'enced ye! 11•/patio. \Va ler pd. Gardener maintained. 667 Victoria SI. 636--4120 MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. ExC'l'llrnl, park-likt'.' surrounrl. ings for aduHs only. Neat' shopp1n~. Pool. J, 2 ,r,,:: sn /\PTS 1771 S;i11111 An<1 , Apt 113 6·16-5~112 or 6-12·14!iJ ORLEANS APTS. 3 El~ a.vali, Adull.'J only. 17·11 Tu,,tin. Co~ta !lfesa Mgr . .ll!rs. carson, 642-46~1 Fairway Villa Apls Near Orangi-Co Airporl & UC/. Ad~1s only. :?<l122 Sant.a Ana Ave. 540-2796 e ONLY ~2 1,:. e 865 A1nlco~ \Vay. N.B. NE\Y 2700 Sii ft 3 BR & lain rm, 3 BA. Owner's Ju x apt. 752 Amigos \\'ay. 67J·;ict3.~ Corona d•I Mar 5250 ---I BR reur hu<.15e. Stove-, J"l'hig. &. new carpc-ts. 2 BR. 2 ha., just con1p1C"!Cd. Carp., drapes, d1sh11ashl'.'1'. blt·in.!t. 3 BR. 3 ba. Bratlf'f nCI\". Blt1n dish1vai;hcr, cpts, drape~. patio. Don Franklin Rltr. r,73.2222 ~-tBz;r:;~ ON TEN ACRES l &.:. 2 BR. F urn & Unfur n fireplaces ( pri\', patios I Pools. Tennis • Contnt'I BkfsL 000 Sea Lane, Ol~t 64.J.'.:!611 lhfacArlhur nr. Const H"W-y! NEWLY COMPLETED DUPLEX older person on J y, $•18 Commercial 6085 srrv1cci; pu1tl. 5'1S-l809. EXCELLENT profit n1aking PRIVATE: Roorn -Kitchen plan for clubs, ch ur ch pr1v1I. Nrar 21st &: Santa groups, organizations a nd Ana. $17 wk . &1:r-l294 the indivlduaJ. Double your GENTLEMEN • Beach, pool, money, \\lrite or phooc now ll'nn1~. rPfrig, e ntrallC:C. SS:J for frCl', f'On1p!P.lt' infOJ"ITI:t· n1u. !"i'.lll·S:JlS lion. Compul>. 1058 E. 1st St. ']' \VI" & I k.L I ~Ulf(" 203. {n4J 836·6955. ,I ' Ufl W I C lC!l. TOWN HOUSE: 3 Br, 2'i: ba. Bcaur. appt"d. Priv. p;111n. pool: nr hay, \1al. S'.l:!,J!JI. J:::q1y lor T.D., -e<ir, (•;1n)pCI' or ? ? O"·nt>r 6 lo.6654 $J!JOO e(jUllY Ill 1969 l."'hflVl'f"l- \l'\ s!allon 11·:igpn. Fully c<]u1ppcd. Trade ~-qui1y Ill!" uldl•r c:ar Ol' '! 830-2913 01' 6::6-0C\.l:l $30. wk ~tudio apt. 2376 BLDG for leilse, ll,000 sq 1l. NC'w(X"l rt Dlvtl. 548-9755, Properly 90' x 300'. 6'15-lJ'.131----------- -days. F.l'es. &12-14 79. 940 \\I; Tl' Cruiser T11•in D, auto Motels. Trlr. Crts. 5997 17th .. C.M. pilot. ra.nc::" 12(1() mi; rC"{"('nl J-----------liLUVC'Y $•10)1. \\'Ill 1_'(lnsidrr 7nt.VEL lrailcr spaces onl-----------1!11~1 df'<'d or s11ia!ler boa!... Co11~t ""'Y· J{ent s:io mo. lnduatrial Rent•I 6Q90 Dlvni'r t7141 7n-340o. C:.ll &16-9681 COSTA MESA 12 unit~ close to ll<1d)(Jr & \~~E~~lra~s Sea B~~k e 1350 sq. rt. $165/month Nr11·porl. Ci\!. Vallie S!)S,000, d~\~ · i'.l~sa civporl v ·• • 3100 r.q. fl. 4 orlices, 3 Ow1ll•J' 1111! l':llTY • no f111, "' · phus!• po,ver. :S 3 1 0 I n1 0 . 1:ha1·i;cs , Ll'f.ln Vilierl Rllr. • Ji~ to J5.00J Aval!_ J.kt. 7.1~.(().SS a11ytin1l'. Guest Hom•s S998 .!st. under constructio11. ~-'--""-"'----'.:,:,: C. Robert Nattress Rl'il!lor t;r:AD. nurse 1v1JI tuke care Custa :'l'icsa 61:!-l48:J ~f1rld~:·ly co 1 _uple, _2 malc or BLOCS 2700, :.!·IOO, 1200, :;q IL "' em111P pa •cnts in tny own S•I c tt 1Gti7 Pl , r · • . I ,1 ._h ~ -. ac1 n 1,1 11\l'., l'·2 Cnrnn1. Bldg, lgc-p;iv,,d lot nc::ir Nt•w1>1rt ,t· Bris1ol Hlvc1 \i<tlllt> $2j,.-iJO. \\'ant vif'W homl'. Leon Vibert Real!ot· a.!8-05SS any1in1r. Bnikl"r. & iden1Hy. 642-4091 3 BH, pout, Ut·dnge Co. $:;.LADIES gold r. 11. r r in ~. ~::ooo f'lllY-\Varn smalle I lloward.~ purk1ng Io l. hOIL<;c or hou.se 1111hout poo~ M·l-1.(,!}J l·dli111 nh1ll1lr ho111•-. camr··,~-----~--~~ r1· nr' 1·ar 842·27'21 2 l~i\!C .. ·ar keys, S t . -· Cht·1stophl'r u1cdu.l, vie. 16th 1!111•e ;!:: uni! ap1. 11 ... B. 0\'ri· St. C:\I (park) &lS-7952 ~:l0,000 yr:ir i:;i·o~s. T rade :1:1 :;0.roo <'quity Jor (']e:u· Lost 6401 l":ilif. <1C!'<':'lgl'. Cn:i~·tlin_,. '---------'-It.I~. t,.:1&-:;777 ~-.35-1 J~6 I.OST Turs JQ.21, Labrador 7'"-,--,-.,=~-~-·I Retriever, niule, ans to E11u1ry in 3 BR, dt'n, bl>au. "Ja('k." nr Bristol/Bal;ei- liful vie1v, Back Bay ho11ic C:'ll. Lie No. :Z.103. Rev;ard. Jn N.B., tor htlrr land. 54$-263j anytin1e Ac::e111, 675-6252 or eves til:'-tl.'\;!:l. BLACK &. b rown --Co<:kcr /Genn. Shep mL"<., :.! Uni!s La:,:una Bl'ach fo'cmalc-... Gemini", Vic Cl\f. i:::o.chilng" lor 545-4590 10 . :.'O units . FORTIN, J:i•;iltoi· 642-5()00 PEKINGESE ~ .1 o s l . 1n l70l ·A \\"eslclifr Dr,, N.B N.U._ ~1\•ner gn~v1ng. Bring cc---0---~-.~=-~·,1 In 1.12.1 P!a(·cn!l.a, NB Apl llarf' classic Cadillac El c:: or i·aJI fi42-ti2ti0. Rew'd. J.Xw~du ~1.'0ugham, cost DIA~!. Rln; _ 2 stone. Call S!6.~00 nl'11-uade for equity Colll'r\ alter 8 J'i\I. 492-3086. 1n 3 or 4 BR home or ?. RF\\' ARD Owner S·t2-1953 =c·~--·~~~.,,.---. GR~Y ;,tripcd kittl'n v1r. r:csl., •_iru· + 2 lovely honl· Golrlcnro..! & &av\C'I\'. Ccli\f. \Vhat do you have to trade? cs. IL'llJ~ trces, ho_rse bai·n. Yellow collar. 673-6300 from "i·2· 30 Lisi ii here -in Orange rer11;.ils J '-ai:res 1n Pau1na1~~-~c,---,,,-,,,,--,c-; 1on1c, _. 111· nursing care, top C.!l'f. CcClrge \Vood~ &IG-1 !l>I re.f's, 4~17. Call 1norns J ----------- Pl:IVATE roorn JU liCl'llS•'d Lots 6 lOO County's lnri:<'st read tmd· V;dll'Y -tot." sllf'lt. Trar!c ·FILI\, whitr, orange ~t. li-•:1rd & care hornt• for BUILD 4:: UNITS inR post-all'J make a deal. acr&. ~-ut comn1'!. &ll·li'!I Fenialr. No front cla~s $50 Rcv.•ard. C:\I. &16-3:.?fia l' l de r 1 y g en 11 rrna 11 Cir.v ol Ontiir10: Cornrr lo1, An1hulr1tory only. S.lS-5223 !!!O'x180', all 1111provcn1c111s. .. * * * * * VIC Cdi\-1, sn1all tan mal<' 2 BR. 2 ba . 1$250) or 3 BR . =========='-! 0111 ario J n 1 ,, r n 11 1 1 0 n a J I '!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\l!!!!!![!J!'!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I lttk·a·poo lsha!(:gyl, black 3 b& l$3Z5J. l'rlv. patios, I M isc. Rentals 5999 Airport 5 mir1u1P.~ aw:iy l ~BUSINES" ana HUSINESS •nd curs. ncw·d. $25. 613.-6664 rov. garages, Cp!'d., drapC'd, N',,,,. MOIQ< '.··-·d"·~y 10 • hi · "· 1 •· .... , .•• '"' FINANCIAL FINANCIAL LOST f"en1ale Coll ie, 6 mo. comp. t·1ns. oo.:st OC. INDUSTRIAL units f 11 r · I SJ n11nu f'S. 6,000 c11.~h or Vic. Faif'\l ic1v & Avocada on 705 • 7o7 Ocx-hid storage. S&O. \\'cs! lGth SI. sut.111111. 01vnrr P. 0 . Bu" !l. Bus. Opportunities 6300 Bus. Opportunities 6300 10/26. 54&-::15~ or 642..()296 ,75.,0§t) .A Nriv[JOrl A<>ach. fi4f,..li:!l Cuca111oni;i1, Cahf. Ph t"il •li r~ GABAta·: a\·ait, Jully cnr lo:;:-~l~2-2:.o9 FAMOUS DELIVERY Pe rsonals 6405 ed. S20 IK'r !TIO. -ce~u=~1"L~D~E=R~"s--BRAND NAME ~llf)f'l"\'1S4' thf' df'livery ofautOI-----------Wiii IUKUUIEJl.1 CD .• Ult. ,, l,,\RGE 3 Dr... :! Br\ pn p.1~1(1, bltlns, d1sl11v:>hr, Dl'I\.' (•I ivc sh11~ !"rpfg. drps . .SZ15 ~lo. (i7:J.379·1 af!rr ;; .. ~>1~2!121 • C\t\"DY P..OUTE::i p.i 1·1s &. aCL·e~50\·1~s to ou r ACTING <JN'GLl" I :'\t111· a1 ,11l1dJ!r 1n c(l,,1.1 :\f,,~;1 1·11s101n•~rs lll Orarige Cnunl,) . • ·• i;ar.11;t· or ,rn1 .0• Do you want to be a run time 120/nio. Avail, now. J\lcsa J R-2 Joi nc·ar bt"ach, lLB. .~· 111<u1y 11!hl"r tr111ns i11 rlllh 1'rc11. $7500 l!lvt's!nirnt re· n I .!JOOI) I ·' ,,-. k 1 11'0rkin:! p1ufe~sional? Do J)l'I l\'l:ir arc11. 642-4-122 11 Y · ;Ll"\'a, AU oca!ions arc ron1-'!Ull't\1, ·•N fll'r 11· pus ~ R. D . Slates, Realtors 111r1-c1ril c)r h11'!Dl'y. Very prof1 !s. Should l·~cet•tJ ~20.0CIO you b;J\'f' Ilic sell d1sclplinc • 6 ,, '' , I II · •• I 111 subject you1·scU to a r ig. !. Bl:, 11plt.:, 1·•·111, (J11is, Income Pro~rty 6000 J;J ·oot ,,47.:;::;,19 11gh (':11·111ni:•>. •1<.1 .~\' 111g Jll· l'l\'I' .~r. ror appt., ca l (71 4) •-I 1 ·r 1·· -·:u '·rl"' "9" ill Bri11sl1 truining-course-& hall'Ol\y, lu1111dry 1'111. So. nr -----~-~--Bl::AlJTlfUL Vi\'\V ! 0 l , \'Over. (}fill~· "Y YOU lllUSl :i. ~·;,.,..'" l:'XI .> ... J!11y, ."i:!:! Jfcliorrof)(". Avail 1.0 \V DO\\'N PAYC.JENT Tustin, I dea l fur rusloni hr. rcllahlc. & luivc 1 hr a lhc artistic hum11i!y !o ac. Nov. 1;1. $200. 675-3645 NE\l'POHT DUPLEX. Bkr homl'. f 're" & clear. By day spare tlrnc (tlays or rcpt nllnor !'Ole~ until I hf'.' :! Hit., I ba., cpts, drps. hlrns. $17:-i mo. IC'asc-. ALSO: 2 Bil. 1 ha. Sl:lll mo. lease. A11ent 6i:>-2101 6"27"2 'vcs) lnve1fment Oppor. 6310 training pet"l(AI i!> romple1e? ~===='=~=·="=·====·! 01vncr. )'.:ood 1 .. rins. i\-\ay c · -take rradc. 67 :1-l24 3 , $1200 1n s:::j(I flE:QUIRED JNVESfOR'S -CORPS. If so T/11-: LONDON LA- Busine11 Property 6050 fnqui1"<• .. oout our "(rt'\'.! l~inus GUNA A CT 0 R S \1/0RK. 57J..-030:i n>U!e nJan". i\lakc yout Ju. lG l U Jl ntg &h, 88 U El SllOP mtght ht-able lo help =~-,,.---,----c,.--­i\ 1 Jo: SA V1·rdr }!Oii f"OUr.'il', NE\Y • Dclu:o.e 2 BR."s-2 Baths.Crpts,drps, Bla ck Knight Reil. t'ornt'r .J;iv~ & (11,.~n Vl'nlc ::~o F:. 17rh St., C.1\.1. Dr. S\~,000. 8~::-'j,)26 or !1 .• 1nd &. Bldg.J !l6Z..R6fiS d1sh11 tws, ran).!:rl'. $ I ;, 5. 1----------- Ava il Nov ll\1·l0ih. Sci" al COROL!DO Ar1t~. 2 Br 700 \V. \\"ibon. 3-IS-{;731, ~1ud1os, ~orn" 11'/l111lcs. , 1"0 frlfr~~.j.1 & up. Also penthouse $:.:'211 Pool & patios. 67:':·3378. _1 R·1 lo1, Co~ra illc~a. 40 units lurr !'!"'UT'(' 11-.1b us.,. Dunn i\lon!e, 50 U Yorha Linda -you. No prC-l'IOUS c"pcriencl'.' , B d I ]_, N ,. _, lO hf' hu1lt·ISI 0 w n (' r ..... . · n1 strf"r ra ,.,,. ' a 1ontu llr<·essa1y, no age w 1'nf'r. Co. For 1n•wr. infr1rmation dcprecialion. 10'• .~pen. )lc•nll"'t'~ of this e.-:c!11s.i1·c send nu111•·. addf'('Ss ,\: phone dablc.;:u.•rr.pt Pl'C paid. \\Ii!! g1·uur1 wil t orlly hf' ar;:Cc'p!t'(.! l'Ull"fl' D"l'T p 0 lr11dc f~1 l-426:i. lln, '" • :. r.. , • • upon a satisfac\ol'Y JX'rsonal 3 BP,, 2 BA, r-.ll'.~<1 llCJ illfl1' . . Ey Oivner i .l; 611-6200 fl11111'1'. Phil Su 11 l \an dist. \\'nlk In all scliools & 1 Rll unr. AU util pd. ~lov I ruU 5• r comm. to all bkl~~. 5-lS-6iGl mkl.~. 1 or 2 l'hildren ovrr rclt'lb. l"pts, Urns. SlriO 1no. I-l~~-~=======- ll S1£0 &. up. '10::·1 El Ca· lllalurr adult. 675-'.'iJ:J9 R anches 6150 1111110 Dr,. 5-1:,.J..'i6'5, 5-1,':;.3165 .. .,c ~ ~ LAl'GE B''<•d 00, •• , BT<. 21 Business Rental 6060 BA. Vir11·. ~uth or l l c SOUARE FT, 27 A, SuJlf'rlJ 10t''atl0n. V1.r 11' DELUXI:: apt. Q u 1ct . Jlig:h\.\'lly. 67:':-Wl).I ' ",<'].·ul O< OflH''" $°"(""· 60(]. s1tr. C. lon1<1 J hOUSf', ;\Ill.] Spacious. Blt·ins.., Te11<1ce1 ===========-!'' ,_ ,~, 1 d :Sll O, l s l & l as t .1· ]20!~2 100 i.•1 fr. !.JI f•) :!13 p1'0l11t·111g avo t·a. n s :>18-2039/616-47W. Balboa Island 5355 6~11d ~t.. New[lOrt Rf'<1ch. c:11~·u.~ 1 &. r (.'!"111~;11~·1.~·1;.Jf l.•ll<( J\f'y f1l r rn1ry, N.C, 'fr.:i Vt'I ~,,'.u,1,;1 i el "', '·'r1 c ion1,..,' SiliO. 3 BH. j .. , BA. IJ!l-111:;, 'i BR, 2 BA duplex apt. 100' I '·•I"" t) , ·• ("l"'l "J"-JJO! ·! ! ll"l! '" rriu~ :i h ~?<>-. I '""•-'· v.nrr . ·' • "' ' I . I' \ crpls, rlrpi., d1hh11'<1hher. fN1n1 ea eh . of ... ..,,. year y , , , . 1,,1 .. 1 'l.Jf·070i.) uwncr. .ral'JnE: ,'i!a1r . . • p;it1 <1 !\"' [K'IS, 2 t:htltlren lrn:;,.., li1::;..;-.201 ~ ''" ~" -1 • Box •ti:;, FulllJruok, C.\ ok. ;-.1:>-321 ~ 569 W . 19th-St .. CM :J202s Huntington B e ach 5400 ~1 :.:v 1111111111 111clud111g all 11til·'~=========== $160. LAHl~l: 1lrhlX•' '2 Bit, I' 11~ BA. l;E l\1tch('n. 2 (;ar it1r1i :: y1·:u·.~ w1rh option vi C itrus G rove1 6175 2 BDRMS 2 BATH 3. F11·~1 ,._, la-:t only ""· Ad""· '"' """· 240 c. . -HOT SPOT.' \6th !'l;I\'!' ~•!S-&J32 ~n1n::= ~·1rr FAl.LflftlJOI\ $160. 3 Bit. fq1lr, p,1!10, rrp!1I, •ltyvl. 2nra~r. ;irlults 1S9 (}j:lt'. C. :\I ii~: :,1&-8301 "r 21;;· !J:12-,,217 Sl,lt ':\ln. llEATI-:D Pfliol, lflo~l. tptl 1lrps, l\:1•1~ 0 1\ J).,la11•.1r<' Studio ''"'~· :.:ti"'!.O Dl'la11·a1'C, JI H. liff .. W(,6 any1u11C" ~~1ti-1 !>\1i h lt.-~JtH i;1~ t.f"RE'\ cliO Hfo.,\Hl1'<~ ~=~= :-J11Ri-·. Ofl1t.<'~. :-iOO ~CJ. fl TR ~.I· . ..; "\ ~; \\' :'IJODl-:R:O. Rn~ .\~ Pn111•H1<1, Calif. !:1176~ NE:EJ) Investors 10 f111·111cr 111rc1-v1ev.· with tl1'" director. *PARTNER* Ar t11·,, $::,,001 Nat1011ally l.1m1\n 111<1n11fac111r1ng bu~1. 1•r·~. fu·111ly r~1abl1shed a s 1u1•~ 1n t11"ld 1ur many yrars. 11uw <''>1..:111d1ni:;. Slartinp: !>ill. ;iry .Sl 2,IXX1 pl't' yr pltls ', ,)f rror11i.. Should 1'l'lur11 in. \'r~t111rnt 1 ~! .}r. J~11n•·1 [JH! l-•'il't.:!l•r! •l'1l!~I lil>l'C 1"Sf'1"ll· !110 • 1H;tnai.:1'flll'nl ;oilnlil y. l·:1;;1•I 1n,·r~t1i;:at1n11 invited f;1 ·f1•1•·r11'1·s r\1·h.111gt>d. In. 1p111·w., hrltl 1n <\1nrtdrnc·,. /\ 1 ~n11 I 11i1r1·\'Jr•1 ~ nnl~ ~·,1 !1 J\;11 Ll1rl11iil 17111 -;: I 7P.'i0 FRIGIDAIRE J ET ACTION drv<'lop shallow S. E. c:·11J 49'1-14().1 !or appt. h<1n sas nil lr11se. C11U orl-------~---1 11-ritl', l!jJI Arnett Dr, HB. 8'12-2242 Mon•y ta Lo•n 6320 *Alone? YES IT'S YOUR FAULT For t'f'l'Ol'l'lcd nlC"SSR!>f' thal P rompt, ronli()cnlial service 11 ill ch11ngr )fl nr life call 642-2171 545-0611 OR,\NGI:: CO, a.17·fMi7 2nd TD Loan Sc1v111g Hnrbor area 20 yi·s. :.! I hour rel'Qrrling S•tller Mortgege Co. HOUSEWIVES 3..?.6 r~. 17th Slff'('! f~,uhl(' )'Ollr 1nnrll'y for Xn1a~I ----S'l"l-,0°00~----l ..,r rai1<c money fr•r yourc!ub nr churrl1. A phone call or .for ~f'llx,I rcaJ rstalf' l'lan, !ruer and you 11-i!l rec.;oive \',11·Hn\ 0 1( i\lr. Ad.;i.ni.:;. Jree, ron1plele inlom1atlon. r.rok<'r .. ~!'19-2130 Conipub. JOCw; F~. lst St., M ONEY TO L-OAN Suite 211J. 1 ;1 n :>:1.64.!;i5 GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LU'l;Ury garden ap.aJ1m<"nl! 11)(cring ~n1pJP.t1" pn"a~y. beau11fu1 landscaping &'. tlll· paral.Jrled recrcalio11,1 l fac!l. Illes in a coutill'Y club at· mosphere. Now Jeastng 111 Ne1\'port &-ach. NE\\"L Y ll<'<'l•nlTC\I :! Bil L_•_g0u_•_•_B_•_•_c_h ___ 4_7_o_s 11' / i.:;u·il011 .:;11::.. 01.~POsal-2 13EDl{00il1 :! b<.<lh, cpl~. drapc:s, bll11T·Hl$. Bei.t JO(\l· l11H1. I blk. 10 5 Poin( slor"'· $1:!0 up. Furn\silc!l & lJll· fur111.~h1•rl. fH2-"2S.::U " r fM2-~~ll:l. 7701 Elh~. Apt. D. LA HGI-~ :I BR, 2 0;1 • firrplarf' $J S."j mo. A!~o new 1 Bil $1271. Near ocean, pn. de(·k. gar. 102B 11 t h 53&-131!'1. (iLl-lii\4 ('".111l1ll'rs. l>uals. n1;inv r~p•.s A\\'i\RD '\!:">l'Xl:\C H O,,l r~ l·U~lP('SS. t'l"nl. ~:11'1; ~'11 ea1·~. J..{)T O: UJ.' CL'~" Tl ,I{. 1 1111n1. 1r11ffi1· 1:1·111iwrr11 nc; 111r·1c v1~.1\' <JVRl<T.001,. S.!2'i !\in. 4~11 P.t'"fllll"I Blvtl. ]'.\(; PAL,\ .\l f•:SA i ;fl!.I·' 1o1:!-~.iro1 cot1g s E. :;.:,1 000. S111 ihll•n ATT!'c,ccc.,-"-'"-"-,.-,.,-.,-1c,1cd-,-.,c1c,c01 I ,t rcasonalllt' u1r111s u1rei:t F1·1~11la1rf' 1~ n1i11. 11a ~h. l,.:1.,l(''-1 !11 11\1' 1nrtu~tr.v. ;:[l. 1~ 1n•11 ,1,1~1 11'~ 11ill 110 1!1c \\Ol'k ,,f 4:1. :)0 n1u111·11 .~hf's. f'!{IGl!)l,O,HF: OUTST,,:-.'D· J,'l(i lflC,\TI ONS; La :\lirn. 111\ r11i•Jor .. h<)r1p111~ {'('lll,..r, r.;:ir.li'n Gtu\'e & Bucna I '.1 1k. On V11 cant ln1 QI' ac1'Cagr NEED fr rn;1l•-;-;:;;U1ul1at<' to \V. StURfl Fontr Rill'. ti73.Ct6i() hr!p n11111lta111 .. HP. hsr 1'1-.•f :.n.:l'.:1 u11 11·11 prr·.~whl Mortg•ges, T.D.'s 6345 1•hllrf, l'lra11 & d(•pt'n{l<ihlr Pll'a~r call Dotty .'.>-11)..72'!'1 f<'urnishli:I or unfu nnsht d r>lndels open 9 am to 9 pm Jtcnrs Jrom $15:. to 1310. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS J700 16th Street 71 1: &l'.!·8170 ~J.'iGLt..: Adults Lu s u r y ;:11r•!cn <ipl~ 11·ith ~mintry cluh alrnrispher" an.I corn· pl,..1r priw1.ry. :;;GUTH BAY f"l)'[l AJ•Ts. Irvine at 16th, ;\el'.fKJr! fl.f·arh <illl &l~Ojj() DUPLEX ~ Ar rw:1r hay. 673-6880 I flit largr. N"ar ~an. UpMa1 r~. s1-.o Yrly. • 67?.-8088. LRG. l t~!r_, bl!tf.'ttn th~ Oce11 n ,\ l'.iay, gu & 11·11tl"r paid. Sl•>O 'rarly, 673-7452 OCE.A.'ll J-'J'.ONl', vie~·. 3 BR. [)(oluxe, pl<1•h~ Bltn1, lrplc~ etc. $323. \\ 1ntrr. 673-8088 Sl37.50 BACl!ELOR apl, uUI , pd. Crpls, drr1~, blli ns, pool. 152.i Pl11ct"11l1;,, OCEA.N r RfJ'.\ T, 2 BR, lal"ge, .Frplc, ~\Sil. \\'lnttr. * 673-81~'~ .. f BACH., octan1•1e .. , n 1 c e l'tSld. !HT.a, pr1\>1tr, KM. SI 15 util Pd. !io-'8-0,..,1 }'U RN Sl50. J Bft, ('rpts, ri1"J115 I,. hltin.'I". J ~. t;,\, Pool. 152S P l11ren1i11. DAILY PIWT \YANT AlJS: SOCK TT TO 'EM ' PANORAMIC v1r1~· ovrrlooli· inJ:: A/ii;O Beach. 2 hdr ,1',, :I IKlr. rum. All t'lec. apls. l\latuN' adul1s No f"ll'l5 or c•hild. $195 & S2::0. Catl aft 6 Pi\ol, 499-3155 RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished Gen•r•I 5000 wa1c1 l'.ML ~~Jt;G i(IJ Orange Avt'. b:lfi.,l\~O LIK~: nrw 2 BJ:, hl!ns, crp!s, drps. l\rl11lls only. Lsc Sl!Q. "16-1~J2, ~91-5270 1<\I. fl l'ic•urr~tJlll" ,,lei Lrn•11 01111rr Nr1vr-1rr !d,,:11 f••r arl isll'. :ii~! ::itl'"'''' C\r•. fi1l. <It l'Ol"ilfU1 ;>. ...til~qUl'S, f'l1 '. 7'.:~ 711"~ Ar!l'(jllllh.' parlilng0 67'.:-!XlGO: - 6i.)..;1i17 V.vcs. R. E. Wanted 6240 ----NOTICE STORE for ll';1se 111111 s11. II. 111 .,linp 1•1r nn 1<1!1 !'I. Co~la i\11"~11 Cn!! day 49-~96lj nitc !l62-:\!l.~ H you ha"c 11 3 l)r 4 bedroom Coin-0-Matic l8rQ RETURN wk!'n(l:o: a ft ·•· .. S:..3,1,'0'I Seasoned ·1 ~t TD, pa)'a bl" ~ .. 1o. S'.,>. 1luc in \\'ANT~D: Rnlr from 20th & 11 rnonl/1~. Sold at $1 01.00J Santit Ana Avr., C.i\.I. lo Anaheim. .1 blks. off S.A. f'l'lcy, on Broadway. Dft y shirt, ~, 1layg. 646-8579 a.11. 6;30 P.r-.1. "·1th $:.0,000 down, un 5 Al't'f'S ma,1tn1f11·rn1 ocean 1·il'1Y So. Lagun,\ la nd. 10'11; D1~C'Qllnt, Broker ,j!J.\-.~loO or 193·17CG Evrs. LICENSED VEN DOME LG 3 BR, I-', ba. Cpls, drp~. C1trror1 & pool. Kids OK. 2714 Co!le~e No, 2. &t&-709 2 BR \.\'/v.· crpts, dl"ps, bltns. J-2 childn-n ok. $1:15 mo. Nr ~chools. ~lii2-305:i DELUXf: :\-bec<icrooc-,-n-,-pcl. Dlb plu1nhi1u.;, 11 /1v crpts & <I~. s.li'l--}\Kl , !>40--01:',iol Westmin1t•r 5612 ~~=-~------1 hon1r Ctlr .'>ale nr [or n~nt. ~=-'-'--------"I \\',\~TEIJ; lll<I)( a1ip1\l.\ 2.000 ct11l us rorlay. \rr rrp1.,,sent RED"CORATED ' B" I ·'"· Ii . .<••<<•bl• I "< Equipment, Inc. :.'.1::1·~ \Y, V11Jrn1·1" f'u1lr1·rnn 711: ~25·1"3.~ DO )'OU own 1•111crulJ: ll'Uck & )1.11·" flQ l•us111,.ss? \\le offer you thr !)rs! 1n C'nhf. \Vcll- kn('l•I 11 lf)f')rl. 6-12-0\)l'r, lST TD 011 \\11111(' \\later virw lol in LngUllK &1tt:h. S6,000 al S60 n10. incl. !1'7l>. All due 3 ye"r~. 12r.; Di~roun! ~piritual Readings, ad\1rt on a ll 1111111ers, :u~ N. El Can1ino Renl. Sil n Clrmcntc "' ~ 11, '' " n ' " !ht" l'lll ployre~ of a hll'!,!l" 13 1\. Crpts, drps, 1 ~ r ''"~tn11rl111I \~·n1c D a 1 I Y finn movini:: to jhc I [11rbor 49~-91.16, ·19fi..~ J~i'.tACULATE APTS! ADULT I< FAMILY SECTIONS AVAU.ABLE Close to shopping, P•rk 2 BH, f·luldL"l'll ok. Crpls, ~13:J inn. Clenn. s1orugc. Closed i;ar. qu1t·t. l'ilo1 Bo.-: r..1.:117. Aroo and they must havi: 11clull s l flliOl Van Bw~n. HOO,,! Su1ta\Jll' t11r gill sh•JI'· houslns::'. Ah cash H desired. 89-1-l'i:xl 111rn·~ shop or lad1f'5 shop. C'.all f'arm1v 5-1!',.~0 SUPPOf!T your Un11f'(f ~\urt nnOKEn •94.1131· CIVJ:: No1v -and la!er UNITED f'UND JO Al'>l . 10 P~T Attractive E xpe~ YOUNG \VOr.IAN danc~r 111\1 leach Y\IU all latc-sl step!!<. Call Ardrll 21::: ~!J\.l.lJH 1-10 Pi\1 * &12-:i()&l .. * Spacloilli 3 Br's, 2 Ba 1 -,~,~Bcn~,-..,"1,-,-.. -,-,-,.-0-,-.,,,. * 2 Bedrooms ne•v CrpL Bltn sto1'c & I----------- Tustin S640 * Swim Pool, Pul/grttn re.rri::. ~::.:\6~5 THL ,\S.PENS * Frpl, lndivllndry lac·ts 1;iG:i2 \Vill1a1n SI. 1145 Anaheim Ave, ATTRACTIVE l BD!t.\1-crpts Tust1n"s p1-cs!1gt' :1ddress ('()STA MESA 642•2824 clrps, bltin~. <'arporL Adult ~. Adult J iv1n~. no pcls ""~~~~ .. ~~~!"'"'I No pel~. tllj J\lo. ;,1s.ui69 Shfli! t'al'J)('ts HARBOR GREENS ;130 2 BR upper, bltns, crp1s, Total air t'Ond\tioni r1g rl111s. no p<"ts. 568 \V. \Vi.Ison Unfurni~hcrl St. 5-l~r-07(;() Cymunsinms & &iuria~ BACIELOR untum from I===========-Apart ment~ from SIJO Sl10. A1ao a vail 1 • 2 & 3 Newport Beach 5200 l<'or information S:t'Hi6S7 Bdnn, Heated pools, chUd rare center, <1dj lo s/toppina. No pels. 2700 Pf'lcr!On \Vay CO!ita J\lesa 546-0370 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $19.95 &-UP 1'Ibn!h·T()..\footl1 R.:>.nlals \VIDE SELECTION NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. )JfltC Furniture Renlals ~17 \\', 19t h, C~f ~.341Jl Sl20. 2 Br, gar. patio. Children &. 1'ml pc! 0.K. Brokrr &l:>-011 1 4 BR. 2 b.., fitm!ty nn. r.1ru °'I f.l11r. S2W mo. lea.tic. Agf-nt fi7;,...210I YEARLY. 2 Br. i,!ill'J!', lrnl. ..:rpts, c1rp~, 1'Clr1g. Couple only. 1413 \\', Hay Al'c, Newport BACHELOR Apt, cmployM adult 011ly. $75. 1216 \V. Bii.ibo!! Blvd. ti 1 5 -1 8 16 , ·194-9755 2 BR, 2 BA, CJD, Jl(1t10, frplc, di~hwhr. Nr \VC"slcllf( i'lz. 1665 I r v in r. SlOO, AduJ1t;~ for Appl fr12-lt!.~!1 BACH E L OR t.p t ., w/flrepl&ct. car[l('l•ni: k P6JWlllllJ:. Across lron1 Lido Ccn1f'r. $!'!!!. 5-1&-&.;97 2 llH llpf"l"r. <TJlli<. J!lovr &c refr11. SlliO 67.l-'!083 •lrJ'"· y rly. 570S 100 CLIFF DRIVE Sl!!O 1 RR, J 1 ~ B,\. Crpls, dL'JIS, blUns. Vi<.>w o( ocean. \\'alklng distance \.o I01vn. Also Jurn Bachelor. very l11rgf', Sl70, 49-l-2449 <ir 494-~10.1. REAL ES1Ar£ General Rentals Wantr.1 5990 -----e LANDLORDS e Ill.EE RENTAL SERVI CE Dt'Okrr :..34-6982 \V ,\NTED: l:nfu1·111~h,'d houl'f!, Cnrvna. del lll11r or 13al1!C>ll lsl11nrl. Cn!! ~.19--0 I Yl. Cull J irn Llt'rkshirr. ti73-9405 STORE fur lea~c. 1500 sq. fl . Ck·,..anlront at NCv.lJOrl Pier. ,,, .. ,_ i:.66 Office Renfo1I 6070 fi"sJ r!fl STAR GAZEK1<~' Alln By Cl.A y l. POIL\N ~ ~AA. 11 J:j.-. Your Doi'7 N:t;.,,ly C...idol Ji.. wr.Ll1~':rt,, :df:...Ali_ tt According lo Ot t Slor>". OC~ u l.!i}Mli) DELUAC: 3 mom office suite r•. 7 T o develop rnesl'Oge f« Fr idoy, J.l~l7~· 1n Corona rle l r-.·lar. Prestige ¢.hJ.76-71 reod word1 .. 011espcw'ldingto~ ~l~·n!:H~!14 loc11.!ion, P11ncllt'd, n r. 1v ~TAUlUS ofyourl.odiocblrthsign. SGOUtO C/\J"'flt'ls .~. drapes. private N«-10 1 C-... J I f'OI' 6l A oCr 1;~ ' 2 s.om.o.. 32 T....-.:,-02 !.<dlllaa ,• parklnt:. n.calonomics Corp. I>.;:: '/JAY 10 J T..i..e JJ u11 6l Or HOf', 11 6i:Hi700 W·:~.JJ.4471 " ~ J " Or .,. ·Ycu """'-5 It JS Y""' 05 Cor> 9-»Jf :~ l!XXI sn 'T 6 ,.,,..., l6 You 66 Hokt 5)."., '"1 ., "f· t .• air cond.: GIMIHI 7 y.,.,·... ]7 p..._.. 67 c-SA9TTA&M rArpr!, pnrkin(;. S'.WO n1orit!1 . )?jl MAY ii , eon·1 Ja ~ 6' ,........,. "' Poe.Ilic !llul11111 BJ.In., 2711 • 1,.~,,.,, 9 1• l 9 """"'-69 ~ "~· U '"" (< ""·-· lO Y• .. oY-71~ Ofl:.!f 1-~. Coast ]i10.')'., Cd 1\1 . ("•;1-~!-J2n1~ 11 Oi;..'1 "I Mo.do 71 n.. """" .;-.,; 6'i3-11\20 ~., l2 Wl*o .12 ~ 72 To !~""="''·• O''FICf'.S CAHCll. IJ "'-.t.J T• 7l H-... r 14 C-.14 0... 74 v- fl!•('f'PllfHJ·A!lS\\"ering ~JU"! 1f 15 ,.... .15 ~ ~ 0-IV'r" 16 Ma-, "6 '"'9 76 Wiit> St'ercta rial 11 Pond/111 .11 1~ 77 Jv.,,,.,,.. :0.~·13 Newport Rlvd., N.n. 1?i 3.1,(.'1U 11 A .Jll 1.. 11 f_....,, 6i~r-161ll 47..$9.M -lt Pl<><• .19 T" 7'9 R"aht '° ~ 50 ,.... llO a. I . UO 21 M.., 51 Turn I I Tab AQUAIM • rp1 ~. rirp:<. Paddng. Ve1·y ~Al/8, n 2l El<WI !ll T'•P 8J ,__,.. '8. II nice oilier~. 15..iS Baker, :Q)_!-24 La !I.I ll...:!Aatll '' ~ 2.]'"' u ,;.. 4-1~~ 25 ""-5~ A. a5 f r-...i. ,..._..., • llARllOR CHUISE * Daily 2 P;\I, Fun Zonr. Boat Co .. Balboa * 673.{12-!0 i2300 CREDIT at Ne\.\•portcr l nn \VIII 1lli;rounl or Trade? Call I.I S.8625. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 542-7217 OI" write to P .0 . Box 1223 Costa Mesa. \V A N T E D TranspoJ'taUon 11"/[c1nn.Jf' lo Cluno every oth<-r "'eek. &t:r-1361 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job W•nted, Wom•n 7Q20 r te BOOKKEl':PER -2."1 YI'!. Exp. Auto, Di\'IV, i'ubl!r. Accling. k s mall bud. Wenig part tln11". f ie); ihlc h~. t'ast & depcndablf.. 4n.m'l eves. COSTA "lco;u o l1rrs. A/C, Aft J111r 2J 22 G1w !12 coolldra t ? COOitr' J~.Jt~ ~-lb-48fl0 ..,.. · ·-·~ J6 11..., 56 n. 86 s..1.rlyl<og F~~~~·'~"'~·O""'I YlllO J7 e. ~' 1,.. 11 f>loc... tttcD 20 YRS sn le1 e.'l'p. 1n co~ UPSTAlrl.S Olflcc 1Vfbay 28 Lf901 SB a.:.,,.. N """'°"t'OOI metlc~. dn1g1 &. jr."·e]ry 11c.1v.Call.l1mRerk..~hu·t', AU~-" 79111 59Fl._,.;Q ""'"'1" '";")?)_ CallOOZ..1~00 I '* 67J-.9j()j '* .• 11Ut. l JO®T• @'° '-' (l90 s.11bJ;'f"' IJAI.. '°~ J2'~!·?!~ '' ~Good Ad-mw: Nnnrd 6:!!_·_11'.JP_(,.; .\ill BJ TTOUS, dPpeocbiblr Pledge Enough -Ch·e _......... ·.,. Joung woman JIC!t ks 01,rij Y_"c'" __ ··_r_'c"_.'_h•0"'_··---~·---------------------------------l FriciAy rxi111inn. &1r~21:..t .' -·-··· ----~-----~-----·---~~---·------------------~" ----.. -··· ---···-·-· ---· .. . Thur!d~y, Octobtr 30. 1%q OAltY PILOT 3~ ~I JDBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 1 JOBS & EM_PLOYMENT J·~o"'BC:.s:';&C'..:E.Mii..P'°'Lo'-'Y'"M"E"'N~T~~,=o~a5~&..;~;:M'.'cP~L~OY'.'.M~E#,NT l~-.~==-=~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===l1Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100 Job.-Men, Wom .~~o~n. Wom. 7100 ~~-~n. W~m. 7100Jobs-Men, Wom. 710~_ J ob~Men, W om, 7100 "'"'""'""' DELIVER ="II" "II " "11 " -"''" \ } SERVICE DIREC~RY -.. <::: Aiphalt, Oils 652-0' :-iE/\LINC & l'ATCl!ING f{1·~1denl 1nl -lnd11s -\0111c'l Coinpl rt·as s1·rv. Currently 1·11..:11;;l"<l Uy Clly ol C.~I. fur ~lrL'i!t n-s1 orat1u11. N1\TO COIU'. l:ri:i'I Conlra1·to1·~ 11'.!8 :~~Ill Babysitting 6550 B:\B\':>rrTli\G Al ho111C', day ul· 1111r, 11a1·n1 rood. nu.:e yard . JnJant OK . 6~~~~19 BAHYSITIINC, day~. frnet_'<I ~·arr!. :1 Day 1vcrlt. <:Ost;i 1'h'Sil arra. frl1-N7:.!8 CHILD or inla11! CllfP, Ill)' hon1<'. 365 1TIO ir1 advance. 6•1(}-;.137 Brick, Maso11ry, etc. 6560 BUILD, Rr111odrl. rrrair. Br11.:k, block. concrete', cariwn!cry, no job loo i;1na ll. Lie. f..-0n11·. 962-6.<J.15 Business Service 6562 TYPESETTING Nr1v ond f'Omp]l'll' f' n I rl IYJX' fa<:ditics srrving all ui Oran~<' Counry. OHc1·- 1ng spct••lY service ,t, low ratrs. Call f•ll' lurlhC'r lr1forn1a11011. (il'll 8J&6~j.) Cutrrrrs At1f'11t1on! For privatl' or 111dustnl'S. \Ve n1akc !hr h1'sl sar1d11·1rhrs & lunch hv~rs In lh!' Jfarhnr ilf C<t. Prkrd JUSL ~ ll\I ! (i 12-0™Ji Carpentering n ghl fur 6590 CARPENTRY l\fINOR H.EPAIRS. No Job Toe> Smali. Cabinet in gar. ages & o t he r <;abinets. 5~5·Sl7J, ii no answC'r leave 111sg at 6-16-2372. JI. O. Anderson T/{1\NSFEH. Panel trut:ks & V\\''s lo Ca111 pers. Jtrbuild or rr1nodcl boo.ls - prC'lahr1ca11un. Cus101n-bu1lt <'abinPtS & f ixtu re s . t·orn1i1·a \\'Ork. &l&-j219 ur :~l'i-16:~1 C:\11PENTRY, Cab 1nc r s ltemod. l\"o )Ob !oo small, 1111nlity 11:ork. Call 64&-2.)76. QUALITY Repairs -Altera- tion~ -Ne1v coni;t. by hour or ConlnH·t. 6·1&-3·1·12 l11!'.P1\llt!', ALTEf{AT IONS ('ABINl•:T. Any SI.le jnh :l:l yrs. expf·r. :'18·6713 HEPAJTl, Pr1rti!i11n.~ Sn1all P.emodcl, ctr. Nile or day, H.ras! Cull KF:N 540-4Gi9 Cement, Concrete 6600 *CONCRETE: Fl oo r s , pallos. ('l e R.:asunC!.blc. Call [)on, Gl:!-S51 I Contractor1 6620 FREO H. f;ER\\'JC'K Bull(htlt; Con1ra1•,or Fa111. n 1\i-. h1lrn1!;, palll•'> !.rrt·•t<;«d-i-~rrr r~l 1111:111·..: \ii.".-tiO II J ~' El-:!liO l 1~ES1·:n,\l. C11nlr;ir·lor. All ra1·11{'nlry. c:onr n'lr, ;ult! & 1·rn1oc i•'llni.:. 2:i ~1'11 c~­ p1•ri.•11L~'. :\ll-in~1. l>i17-'.!~.~<! Carpet CleanTng 6625 When You Wont it done right ..• ( I Coll one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Carpet Cleaning 66'25 Houucleanlng --'-----"----6735 * 0111.n1onds-arl" tncusurt'd ;.iy quali!y, .so are 11c! l)J,\:0.!0NU CAHP~T CLEAN EftS 6~;)-1 317 anyr1mc CA llPf'_'T n: uriholst.csy stcan1 f ]C<.il•'il, ai."!:. caq>l't in- !<lallatinn. Re~ults 1-.-uar. f or tree: csL call lri6-5971 e \VINOO\VS DIRTY?' ~·rec f:sl, 15 years exp. Johnny Dunn 642-23&1 \\'JNDO\V CLEANl"NG Promise to pll"ai.c! •a4&-2'!10 * 6790 Electricttl 6E-40 SPARKLE Janitorial & 'Vin- ---------'-'--' dow cleaning Serv. \.\'in. ELECfP.ICIAN: Licens.td, bonded. snial! jobs, maint & repairs. a4&-5203 dov.•s, res1d ., conH:l, const. Cleanup. Free est. ~269 1 ACCOUNTING -CLERK- Two years experience, clerical accountin&. ec· <.'OUJlts payable or teL't'iv- ttble, or job ('QSt, Type :l() wpm elcclrlc. Call Personnel Dept. (714 ) 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beach Floor~ .L~=·~•=d="='~P~l="~•~--6::.:Cl'-10. Equal 011portunity employer 6665 - CARPET VINYL TILE Free est. Lie. L'tlll!r. 5-10-7262, :,.1c;...14;g LJC'D Japanese lat'ldscape BARf\-lAID ~- CQ nlructnr, Linvns, sprklrs, Young attracl!Vf' Apply at patios, ele. 830-3037 1930 P11tcentia, C.!'11. Masonry, Brick 6830 BAR 1\IAlD -Niles. G __ .,_d_on_;_ng'-----66-80 RICHARD ALLEN MAVERIC.K 17'8 Newporl ANTHONY'S I ~B;__l'doc.·· .=CM.:.._. __ _ Cu1tom & Spanish Ma1onry A Specialty! BEAUTICIANS 644-4860 Blo<k, Brick, Concrolo C1f'an·up, RcmOOcl Free E1_!: 633.-2343 for day & evening shills in popular -priCi!d C.M. saloo. Pl't!sf'nt staff can't handle Paperhanging rapidly expanding volume. Painting 6850 Paid vacation. Call Viola: ;__;.;.:.;.:.;.:!'... ____ _:.:.:.::I 54S.9919 or apply in person, NEED PAINTING? Budget Landscaping Expcrieoced Hortieulturii;t NE\V I a wns re-seeding. Con1plc!c lav.'n can>. Clean up by jnb or ntonth. r·rec 1•s limatei;. }''or info, call .li-16·1B32 Cro"''ning Glory Beauty Sa· Call us! Reliable Scivi<..-e w/ Ion. 2G7 E . 171h St. Quality at irs bl's1, at the L8"",."o1 c..,-,-,chc;,c;,,g...c._,c,c,.,-,-;,-,-red- 1nost r'f'asonable prices. carpenter.; & f i b e r g I a s AL'S Garocning & La\vn l -::~'"0'",';,;;'c;'~"~'"c'c'';,'"·°"'"~',,·""";;:c.';::l .'m~•~":·."Cc'~':' ~e~;1:1 ~51:!1-8:::950:·:'.... __ tvlaioll'nancc. Commercial, *IN!£_RIOR EXTEll.I?R* Boat Mfgr. indll.'llrial & residential. Painting -Paperhanging * 64&-362!1 * Lie. lns. C;uarantced _ NEEDS _ GeMPLETE Harris Painting 6·12-4553 Yartl !'llainL Cleanup Rr;1s. X8~1928/&16-82·17 Fuji La 1\'n Se1·v1ce & Grllcr;Li )'11.rd Cleanup 54(}'1969 YN'c Estimat(' Jl~1'S Gardening & lawn 111aintenancr. RC'S. & Con1- merrU1I. * 5-11)..48,17. Japanese GHrdcner Con1ple!e Yard Sl'ri.·1t-e Free t:slima1e 6-l&-08.10 CLEAN.UP SPECIALIST! l\Jowini:. edgmg, odd jobs. Reasonable. 548-6955 * Expert Japanese F INEST 'VORK 646.03S>1 General Services 6682 SUBURBAN Pnint!ng/Dec r:xpert Guaranteed \Vork !"rec est. No jnlJ too large or Ion srnall . 4M-3100 * PAI NTING Intl•nor/Extel'- ior. Loc/ll references. l1n- n1Nt. scivirc. 64&·3657 PAINTINIG, f':xt. Int. ]3 yrs • Assemblers • Touch-up e Finish Carpenters * O' DAY YACHTS* 3000 PuUnian, Costa Mesa BOOKKEEPERS exp. Ins. Llc. F'n:'e t'S!. Interim A CQlL~1. eril in~s. 5-13·:J.l25. Per1onnel Service C 0 i\I l:: ~·c hou.sew 1vrs~ 4~S E. 17th St, C.~!. Bnghlcn up acouslic ceilings &42-7523 for Christmas 64Z.!' .. i6. --~B~O~v=sc1~0~~.1~4-- DUNN BY DUNN Carrier Rou!e1 Open Painting & Paperhanging fnr ~cFc''="='='c'=·="-'c"c'·c"=-''-·2_30cl~·I Laguna Beach, So. ~a PAl ~'TER, Up'd. Ext /Int. DAILY PILOT al \'C'ry low rates. 675-12.\71---~c6'2~-<32~c;1=---· 1 11!1 6 pm. BOX BOYS (~ARAGE Doors Serviced & l ,ol'CACL~Ll-+c,,:c,p~E=ru=,=c~.~=P=A-=IN-i\lust be avail. \\'k. <lay H.rpa1red. General I louse TING. 10 YRS in area. 111ornings. nvcr 16 part Hn1c [l.!aint. $10. min, 67:>-5.1S•I. Rt•asonahlC' rates. 6-lz..-0.127 nr 40 tu'. \\·eek. Apply in -o~~_:;:..c:cc.;:::;_,:..cc.-;;___l llf'rson, Richard's Lid o Hauling 6730 FOR l3ctlel' Paintiog, inlC'r· l\1arkrt, 3411 Via Lido. N.B. ior ,'?,. exr<'ri11r , aPOustie Cl.'li- in gs. &1&-4077 & S.11·3502 Carrici'l' TOP Dollar for o!d iten1s yoli r ga ra gr, will ~torf'/nnd/or move. Let a Plastering, Repair 6880 \Ve need carriers, male or fen1alc, 111 yrs or ov- l'r & boys 16 YTS. and OV· er, gOOd health, to de- livl•r third class type n1ail l'ach Sunday morn. Jn~ in thf'S(' areas -l!unf- ington Beach, Fountain Valley, 'Vestm1nsltr, Sun- sct Beach, Midway City, &-al Beath. Costa ~l~sa. Nc..,,'JX>rl Beach, Corona clcl l\1ar, Irvine, Laguna Jhlls. El Toro. ~lission VieJO, .'-;an .Juan Capis- trano, Capistrarl(l Beach, Lai:;una Beach, South La- E:Una, Dana J>uml, San Dcmcnte; :;mall bus1nessman pay a1-e p ATC II PLASTF.HING. !cntion In your needs. All type~. Free cstlmale. .John 536-6116 Call ;,.i0--682;; CLEAN-Up anrl light mov· I ::::=::=:=:::=====cl i11g. Cull Davr: ~mbing * 893-4295 * YJ\J{D/gar. c!C'anup ~l0/1o~d. &Jvagrabh-s fl'Pt'! Rrmove iree11. ivy, grade. 962-S745 CLEAN UP s. ll<Julu1~ Tl'C'C's & shrubbt'ry trimn100 nr rr>nl•l\'t-d. ~19-1.1.i9 Clean Up And Haul SIO a load &16-2:,2~ Housecleaning 673S 6890 PLUM81NG HEPAII{ No job 100 sn1all • &12-312.~ • Sewing 6960 A LT E RATION S-~l rn's ,',, \l'omPn's, goOO Job. t"asl & reasonahlc. 6-12-!>29!1 AltPrat1on~. res1ylP & custom. n<-rlsrire.1ds l.OUl~P :>1$-7\Q.t !.ANDLOllUS LC'l '·f(rr1!al e Dn'ssinakinc -Al!rra11uns ftt•arl1rr" rrar!y )'nUr rc11!<1L siwcial on hem!. TILE, Ceramic 6974 [I,\ Y S.· Bca!'h .J11n11ur1al SC'l'V. l!uus crlcr1nu1i:, pa1nt1ng * 6'1fH~116,,. t'lrc. rrp;i1 r, ('..;rpr1 shani-1-::==========I JM~ling, yard \l()rk. 5-l!f-3924 I· Exc:c:·!!rin! pay, sh or I hours. Apply 10 anl to 4 prn, l\lon. 1hn.t Sal. for v.urk ~-tarting this Sun. :0.:ov. 2nd. ,··11•·fV•rs. \l'tndows. noon;. * V"""" ·rt•e T•I • M·•"* CA J{f"f:T & Fur11. c!l~:uiiri~; '""' 1--,., .. ~. • • ·" /or 1 tiny ~crvit·c & quality •·te. ltl's & Com inc · l Cus1. ""'Ork . lns1a!I & rrpatl'l\. i~52 Lorge Cin·i<: !!untlngton Beach \l·ork. 1•ull Strrt1ng lor :''':'":'c':":'--------1 No job too ~mnll. Plaster b1.,~h111r~~· (;.J:l-8~20 Ci\Rl'ETS, \V111duw~. firs, Plll ('h. l . ..Pr1king !' h n v.• Cr 630 Tl.'nninal \Vay Costa Mesa cte. Res or Coinc'l. Xlnt repair. S.17-1fJ57/114fHl206 C/\l~PET ClPoning :l nns •· 11 ork Rt'a~! RC'fs. ;,1.3-4111. S!!! :1.i. LTnhols1rry c11•aning· 6990 I I OULD ' . •-1 · I ·11 Uphol1terv 276!).I Camino Capistrano ~-n·i· Sf'()1(•1u;uard. J. ar >0r \V ou "'' ieve w1 · ' N 1 D1sr<1unt 83!1-11\70 • clPan ~ur :iomc ~~~r Blue CZl'l\OSKl'S CusL Uphol. Laguna igue l NITED FUNO-Con1n11u1ity Chip St.inips . 897-i.;j(l European Craftsmanship lc'c·=·=~-~~~---- 01est ThC'y gr! the job Plrcli;e E.:nough -(;ive 100'70 Fin! 642-1454 AS~111ERd Re~1auran67t cxpc~. ' ' "f" · Sh•-" !°'! Ne rt 81 C 'I pn: l'rI'l' . Nights. 3-9405. dnnr hrst our atr ·~ ""' wpo ·• ·"• Aki 'I F •·-s or ,. rs. raniu:. CASHIER-Mature w o m a n for store v.'Ork, .,...;n train, JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT lull or P'rt tim•. 61!H29 I --a.ERK BUYER Job Wanted, Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Job.-Men, Wom. 7100 OPPORTtJNITY Women 7020 Acl'ountlng Applicants, temporary: New card & gift sMp needs e ~t!NICARE NURSING e COST ACCOUNTANT URGENTLY NEED exper. buyer in giftware & Nur!Ws .r.. Aides available for MANUFACTURING "!< Scrrctary 1iarty gt>Qds. l\tust be perm. I I b · Q rt ii I I t • G•·-1 F"•'•l•y/Bkkp·. N'catneas, manne r s & hon1c carr on inur y fl!<IS, pflO un y or accoun an • • , 1 hour n1u1fn1 um. Also shifts \1·llh initiotive and ambi· * PBX S!Cn<l sincerity w IP e 0 PI c im- • , '" ·1·10 i;on. Dc,rce er ""uivat,,nt NEWPORT BUSINESS portant. Located Balboa -,i:.; livt'--1n. ·' v-.i ~·· CdM area. All replie11 con-e Allil'(I Nursi.·.~ & Aides • f.'X[JCr ience l'efJllired. At-SERVICE CENTER fidcntial. Of O.C. Nurses Rc:~lstry trac tive starting salary and Details _ Dally Pilot, 2729 w, J.ingan Lane. S.A. hf'nelit.~. Send resume lo Fashion l1land Are• Box P-513 NURSES & Ai1tc!< ll\'ailabl£' fJ. Pt1tJlsen 235 Fcshcr St., 500 NC\\'J>Orl Center Dr. !<Jr hOmr care. 546-4570 Cos1a Mesa, Calif. Suite 200, N.B. Mil-4!)8) COf.!BlNATION. Sharp Bar J\taids & Go Go Dancers. • AIHrtt Nur.1cs & Ai(lcs • Arlvel1i.~ing BABYSITTEH .• Every Fri &: Top wages. Phone for in- Of O C. Nurse!': Rrgis try Production Artist Sat nite 8 pm -2 am Vic. 1erview. SAuy Las&y, 2001 2729 \V . Lini,!nn l..allC, S.A. HB C11 ll 962-7682. llarlJo CM Production Meir. BABYSITIER ,vnntcd. 2 co~· ~JRL, Exprr, Job Want ad. Men Ir Women 7030 CHINESE live.in Domcsl1c1. Pl'.'m1ancnt. Exrcri£'oced . F'ar Ellsl Awncy fi.12-8703 Job.._Men, Wom. 7100 abilities unlimitei'> agency Quality Pn~lt1on:;; fnr Q•uillli<'\~ Apr1icRn!~ ·IS!!.}':;. 17t h St., Sultr 2'1 1 ('r1,la ~lr.~o. 1}12-1170 E xptirienced •gency production a r t i 1 t capable of s o m • production m•nage- ment for Newport Beach egency. Xlnt. salary •nd benefits. Plea!;(' Ft'nd n>1umr In ~ 1J11 1!y PilClt BQx t.f.~. 1\JOt:s. Nursing. Exp c r. Prrf'd. Ariply in per.ion via ri I 71 1 -4!H·ROi5 lT'.S -Beach house I imc. Blg· J'.:C'!<I ~,..lrrtion Mirr! SN> the DA ILY PILOT \\',\NT ADS! children. My hon1l', 4 ~ d11.y1 lull time. ApPly 1534 New- "'k. Reliable & Jove kids. port Blvd. CM 67:>-1641 Cook. BABYSITTER It. lltC' houK'V.'Ork. Older womHn pref. Sonot"a sch! dlsl. 962-1009 or 54()..76!E BABYSITI'ER ne1led lmmcd. for 10 mn. old baby, 5 day vok, mu11t com~ In home & have r•fs. ~{06.1 81\BYSITif:Jt w e n t e 0 , FRY COOKS Top ~·1ge1, penna~nt, hon· es!, and gtlOd woMdng eon- dltlon11 ln arta's lt11d!ng rcst1unn1. Apply 9 am w S pm for Interview at FOufltain Val!ry area. Ca.JI MANNING'S aI•cr 6, 531 -3230 COFFIE! SHOP BAR /llAll) -Apply The 240.11 El Toro Rd. Plact', ~ R"lboa Blvrl., Letaur. World Lquna Hills N£'"'fJOr1 Beach. 837-1014 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Men or women over 18 v.·1th cars, station v.·agons or light trucks. Apply 8:30 am, 10 :30 am, or 1:30 pm Starl· ing Tuesday, October 28th. 16131 GOTHARD UNIT M -REAR HUNTINGTON BEACH Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Man, Wom. 7100 COOK, gravl'.'yard ,t, relil'f. Exp only, S!art S2.JO. COT· ·rAG~: corFEE SHOP, :xi2 \\'. 19th St, C,l\I. Custodian 111.IMED. oriening for re.liable G1•1l\'r1tl- Cocktail Waitres1e1 Part time H o1tes1es FL time Dishwashers .1\PPLY IN PE:RSON Ge neral * * Housewives and Mothers Earn eirtra money for * CHRISTMAS * J. C. Penney Company Fashion Island -Newport Beach Has positions open in * Sales * Santa's llc!rer * f'redil int ervie\\'S * Gi ft wrapping Schedules incl11ding afternoons. evenings and C.'On1b1nation of both. 1na11 .,..·ith previous in· MASCOLAS dustriHI jan11Dru1.1 e:\.p. Xlnt 1615 E. IJth. Finest cond itions -Top supervision -Ex- v.'Ork ing cond., gd. pay & all cellent benefits including discount privilege. fringe benefits inrl. pt'Ofit Santa Ana shnring. Cal if. In j e c I i n n G a l Fri-?ersonnel * Apply Now * BUFFUM'S NEWPORT Now lnterviewin9 CLOTHING SALESMEN Full Time H ynu havr IX'r.n 11ccustom, ed tn \\'ork11ie 11•11h th•· l1n. ""t clientell' and nH'l'Ch,j+1 dlSC, }'Oll \\'Il l l'nJcl.Y lhr • rxt-ellent oppor1untt1es and rornpany llf'nr.flts 0Uc1'Cd by \hts posiUon. Apply in /)('rson only lntrrvi1'11·s h('!ween 2·5 P~t # t FASHION ISLAND r-.lnlding, ~ Driggs A\·e, 10 S-175. No shorthand, Beach 10 A .M . to 9 P .M ., Monday thru Friday C.M. 5'16-4460 area. Be.:Jut o[rires. FUN -Sales D<r v'""~. "'"""""" J. c. Penney Company UNUSUAL \VAi;;.~D: Auto carriers ror f'a l! Hita 5-16-:>1!0 J ASON BEST .#24 Fashion Island afternoon Rl'glsler routl! lot' N h Opportun"1ty Costa t.tC'sa & beach areas. En1µ!oyn1enL /,gt>ncy ewport Beac , California Please call :Yl()..3006 2120 ~o. !\lain. ~1n1a Ana * :-~;~~~~;;:~~~;;;;·:-;;~~~.!~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~I The !nt~l'p1•ndrnl Order o/ Jobi Men, Wom. 7100Jobs Men. Wom. 7100 -=:I[=: ==II == ==IP'§ r'<ircsirrs havL· o/}Cncd 11 . _ nc1v offi rc u1 South 01·ungP DELIVER -Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 I bs-M W 7100 Cu111l!y. Ht•qu1r1~ 1ntrlllgen1 ~-·-en..:._.~m:.___ man ur "''01na11 nvr1· :!5. Cul. TELEPHONE l\eyp11nch Real Esta te Sales lr}::P not ll{'t'Cssary. Shoulrl ITT JABSCO Progressive, younr:. Newport havr C.'IJX'ril'1U:1' in n1cel1ng DIREC TORIES Beach Corp. o//enng: bonus publi..:. Dignified life tune plan llfl to 7or;. l'On11n. Res.. pns it 1011, l~:i.rning ron1n1cnc. ~1en or \Vomen over 18 'vith cars, \vagons or light trucks. station Apply daily 8:30 a.Jn., or 1:30 p.1n . 2011 Placentia, COSTA MESA 2029 W. hi St., SANTA ANA 430 W . Collins, ORANGE Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 DENTAL ASSISTANT Oral surgery & X·IUiy exp only need apply, 548-7719 DESK CLERK- CASHIER General ASSLi\lBLERS, carpenters, (•lci:tric1nn, rollers, chopper gun nf)('ra!or. 12.)2 E . Po1111;1nn SI., S.A. ----- G EN Cr:. A L illain1C'nantT l\lun for Hotel 1.ar;un:i. Ca!l 1\lgr. for Appl. ·19'1-U5t KEYPUNCH OPERATOR JB:O.l alph,l a11t1 numrri· t·al. \\•rify a.nd M>nli' 1•r. l:drd 1·lt•nl'.al cl 11 ti e s. Good working ronclilions und bl'll('flls. EQUAL OPPORTUN!T\' Ef\-!PLOYE!l 1 l~S D111r \\'11v Cosls. l\1cs.1. ch1u. Large, liL>:ury ho!l'I. Good salary, five rtays_ r-.1ust be eXP'd Qn NCR 4200. ••• MACHINIST GIRL Fil IDA Y • El\pCr., r!ic· tarhon1~. tori lypu1i.: skills. 1 1arfec! shop nnrl "·cldinc; r:o1-Sl'('llrily clcan111('e 1!l·slr.\hic. Apply in ricrso11 only The Newporter Inn 1107 Jamhor.,..c nd. NC\ITl{.ll1 DPll{h DRAFTS~tAN P.>:pcr. i n Conslr l1c t lo n li<'lrl t<1 prepare df'lallrd draw1n.t;:s for inst11Jhng of uniqui! pa· tent arip!icd 101· healing & s ir t-011d . ~ystcn1 or r11p1dly grov.·1n~ company. Balaoce- r10, In..:. !71,H 6·1:l·5700 DREAl\T Joh -l\ror p your 1mpnrtan1 JOb ;is w1rf' .~ rnother & rrirn 11 ll'kly p11yd1cck. 5.\'1·3854~1(}.69~7/ 5-t'l-·1193 1;~11\. 2.'J.10 DISHWASHER Experienced Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Beac:~ pcrirllC"I.', Prel'isior1 i11s!nJ. Salary OP•'n. Call ,l\3s.0034 inrnis nilr,r. r.ov't., Ci\1il !X•r., Vf't~. U111•1n, StudC'nts, Disabl1'<l. Lci;1111natc 1nonl'Y rnnkcr: Nor door·10-<lonr SS Arl1•oinef<I l\it1r l1(.:S, 1111•. 12:11 V1t·lo1·i11 SI., C :0.1, \J 16·7Jti:i An Pq1111l 011fl'1 I·. employ<'r F.qu1 pn1·1 ft•c 1f :-rlccrcd /IJ,\ID -ll11u:.cl11•1•11('r, 111nh1rr :i-16-Gi.66. 9.11, 5-7 for appt wn111an rnr r c l 1 1· <' 111 c• n 1 -. hnmP. Gd pay S.· wk. 1-ond. Hl::L:_ \\•ant.cd: E.xprr PIE Call \lrs. J·:ll1s. -t!l l-9-1:.0~ R1\hF.H. ~ c-111:1.lr, i\"O age _____ c___:;__,:..cc._ hnut. l3cn\(111's Coflec Shop, ~IATER!AL ('11ntrul l\l:in <'X· !;1i~ ~~h. 133 S. Cst lhiy, iwr. 111 douiP.~t1c healing & !). 89, air COl'lrl. llC'ld lo h;u1t!lr l!OUSl'.:KEE:Pf·:H, live 111 bti.l'U\j:!" &. inVl'llllll)' ronlrol molhC'rlc11s homt' Cd/If. ~ ol rapidly g1'0111u1g 1·nn1p11r1y h•rnr1ge1·s. \l'on111 n 11·1t11 J w/un1quc riatt•n l 11rrli.•rl fvr s1111.1ll o'liild oll. 531-l l:it 10 ~.v~T1·n1. Fla!nru·r -Yln, Int:. a nt·~' p111 !71•11 G·12--'."17f~l --------l I O U SE.: l\ EE PL! l tol'1\tr,~t1rANIC -onr rw!'rh·d. gl'nllr n1an 2 or J days P"I' day sl11f1. U11111n 711 Slri lmn, wk. \\lashing, cit•. C111l dnys \!)(Kl Nrwport !;Jvd., Cnslu &t:.?-S:/8·1 ~lc•s;i llSKPI{ -Rc.sp WCl!llan for lite clc11ni11i,: & cookin;::. 3 hi'~ 111tornings, 6 rlayJ;, $2 hr. ;,!S-'lll•M. --~M~E~D-l~C-A_L __ Secretary 'Rcceplioni~I !tours ~J.5~;;0, OrlhOJK'r!ic nrr. iC'f'. Exprr 1n 1n.~ura11 c1•, h11l. ini;, app1111s. f'•e. Ty111ng rt.'- quircd. S.1!ary nr>rn. !IOUSEl\EF.!~EH, eve1-y fn l'lr S hrs, $2 hr .. r('fs, Cdi\I G7~1-49:JO D TS H \\'/\SllER/KlTCHEN· I ~-=-====~~-~ HE L p ER !l\lalrJ Fu' llOUSE l\EEP ~:R ,\. child r·arl', ,·,i~ day 1,·k., S~>O wk. t J'Mni .~ hoard. Pd. vac. !'>Jl}-:1112 Newport Personne l Agency S.11 DOVEH, IJl t., NII lhn(', rlay i;h1IL Top \\'Ages. Call \\"aync 83 3-0 11:.' RAi\"CllO SAN JOAQU IN GOLf'' COURSE. I 8 0 2 I Cu!vl'r ftif. l rv111r. Nr UCI D!SH\\1,\SllEI{, llnnd \\:'lsh . Lioocl and ·IPfl''ndr1l1lr u must. l>OIKI 11.iy, Appl,v in rcrsqn 11ltrr 4 P .\I _ PJRA Tr..::; INN , •HO Hel1olrnpr, Cclil'l. IJ[Sll\VASJ!t:P. -Cn1vry11nl ~ 11ir1 . s1 ri:i hr. co·rrAr;i·; COFFEE SllOI'. Oi62 \\/, 1!1111 St,. Cnst;i .[\.1£'511 . * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessory! t.fu!t have l'lean Ca!lfomla drlvlng record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL Cos!.a Mesa ENGINEER. Project per90n w/digillll \'Oii J11<'lcr expcr. Design pro- tluc11on respons11Jilitics 2-j yr!. Salary rommrnsurate --HOUSEWIVES HAVE FUN AND EARN $$$ IN YOUR LEISURE TIME YOU WILL BE HELPING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POLLUTION <1 !t> G ! lou1·s uf Cnnsc1t·n\io11s r ffo rl per l\'Pl'k \\'i ll nt'l yuu $100 prr month 1:! Hrs./wk <'flUBIS $~00 per month (l\linlmun1 Guaranteed) Det11Hs in Prrsonal Jntervi1'\V t)nly It you are oulgni ng; and \\'lint l o rnjoy ynursr!f. call l\lr. Darin :it G4i-G8Gl (10 am-G pml THE LINDSAY CO. '" / t>)[Pf'r. $12K·S14K. Solid I""'====--,~-­growth Co. Definitely on the llOUSE\VORK -,.,, om an move. Call Gerry White wantcJ 1 d11y \vtek. 0"''" 54().6(.65 1rans. S2.2J hr, 7 hrs, Musi COASTAL AGENCY he (!r•pcndnhle havt' r<'fs. 27!Wl H1:1rOOr Blvd, Cl\t C'nl! b!l\'n ~ .. s rn1, 833--296.1. Independent Personnel Agency ENGINEER -F::o1pcr. in ap· plil'atlon nf H yd r on i c heating & air cond. tn Apt. houses Jn rapidly growing oon1p11ny w / un i<1ue pu!en1 1716 Orangr Ave., Sulle C applied fnr r;ysten1. Cl\f 6lU!026, ;HS..(197~ Balantt·F'lo, Inc. F'EMALr;: (7111 642-j700 Girl Fricli1y •..•.• $Ji:i start E Q_U_lcPc.:.M:....:EcN:.::.T=-n-,-,-"-1 I Trainee, n1et.h apl , •••• , S·l33 Ya nlman, over 21 . Some Trller trainee · ·· ....... s350 Dental Technician •••• S*>D meehanlcal expcr. 5 day wk. RE~E-nENTALS 2167 Bookkeeper ............ S600 Receptionist • , , • . . • • • • $350 Harbor Blvd., C.!>f. MALE: FIBERGLASS LEAD-MF.N ~fanagemenr 1rainec .• S500 Also Do:p'd LAMJN,\TORS Sr. ln<lwi. Enginccr to SllOO Willard Boot Wnrk! ~ulcs SUpen1isor , .... , S\400 l~ Baker SL. C.M. ~1nvlng Helper •......• $.'i20 Porelgn C•r Mechanics Intenncdiate Dra/t~man S600 G 12 :i•n·ri 51'1 ~~ 11 newport personnei ... agency Professional Service for the employer and the applicant 833 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3870 549-2743 NI ·H."~;s H"1·1 ~t<'n•rl f'\'('!llrH: ,tr; n1ghl ~h1rt.~. ~:·'I· l11•1wf.ts. Apply Per~n nnc•J U1rc·1·lnr. So. C.oa~1 Cu111- rnun1 ry lt11~p .• :111!72 Coasl !h''Y·· Sn. La~una. 4~JJIJ, !':\.I. :::.ti. Nurses; !!N's. Full llrllt'. 11-7 LVN '.~ !'I. !1n1r 7-J Park L1rlo Con1·alris1~nt Crnlr:·. o\li6 F'l;i~sh111 Rd. NrW[lOrl nt~arh. &12-R04~ -* NURSES AllJF:S * EX!'F:Rlr.NCf:U * 54!}<!()fil * , ____ _ PART· Timi' fl O .~ i 110 0 :1v111lalllr. for relln-rt n1an - nigh!~. Apply P c r !Ii on n c I Dir't'cior. So. Co .1 s l Corn- munlty Hosp., :ns12 Const 11 .... y. SQ. Laguna. 49!1-lJ IJ, Ext. :l:-ili. -PAYROLL - ACCOUNTING CLERK full tharge payroll clrrk ancl account!! payable c:lrrk lor nuinulo<·turing plant of t2:i hourly and s11lRri1'fl cn1ploy. l'l'S. \.VIII ;1l~o handle group insurl\ncc riaprr work. Re· quires gootl, accunitc typing nl)ility. E.'l'pcr. on hkkrig, m"ch., pa)1'0ll quarterly rf'- pons, prcfrrrccl, \VU I tmln on nu1· Burrou,11;hs E·2100. ExcrUcnl working condJ. tion~. hell(lfir~. Ph<'lnc: ~Ir. llors1C'y, Personnel l\Igr, 817.3.')Jl Good co. benefit~. Incl pa1d VllCatlon, group ins, unt- fnrms furnlshP.11 frr\•, Goorf con1m. 1chcdu1e. Ask for .Joe ri toore Ph. 5'10-1764. JANITORS, floor waxers. C \MBRO 11.IFG. CO. CTIU, FRIDAY • Purehasinlt' deparln1cnt of Orart1nl[ JIUI,_ plies. Ask ror Mr. Linden, 5'1()..9373 cpl~. epxcrienced. good 7601 Clay, llunr. Bch. work cond. & Jl"-Y . RECEPTIONIST-- whiter.love BI d g, f\h1i11. Tyrilng ·l().!'I() wpnl., know 10 \C'nnnc"· 513-~393. key il(lrl , y!'lu n~. cntl Lo- Jl,IANICUHIST, rtJ!! or part t111nr. f\1r rchunt!i Pcrsonnl'l limP, NC\l'por1 Beach salon. Agen1:y, :!!HJ \Vcstclill Dr., !i7.'\-4 !~i N R, ti1:1-2i70 ---------- idcn(lal &.1lC's, .. s l111n1c<h<1lrly. Shoultl b<' PROPERTIES WEST in excess nl $250 weekly. MRS. ARNOLD 675-4130 Full T ime D ISHWASHER """ P art T ime BUSBOYS APPL'{ IN PER.~N 2 Ptll TO 5 P~t Snack Shop # I :!:\lr1 r.:. Coast J lwy. CoJ'(lna drl 11.111r Hestaur11n1 Ancient Mariner now l nl1in1:" upfll1ratioi,s for Fu!I & porl l1n1c, day & ri,·,•s shift. ... e KITCHEN HELP 8 DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS /\pp!y in prrwn :!007 \\'. Co:i"t H wy. Nr11 J>01'1 Brnrh Hrst.iurunl BUSBOYS For W eek-ends Al •PL\' JN PI::HSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ltESTAUllANT illgr. l::xp'rl 11·on1<ll1 as fast loo<! m~r. [Dr lric1d C 1\L np1•ro11iD11 , flrply in p1•rson 20:, S. Tu.~!in Avr,, (J1·;1nj.ic; 1-·n 9.30-1:!·30, Jllr. \\ll")lf L HE.'ii'AUllANT. fl-* LADY, for rull nr pllrl llnle, mr1t11n•. $2.00 prr hr. !J1!'1-9~C.3 HJ::ST1\UHANT: LAD\' rnr hill or p;tri iunr , n1<ihtrf'. $:.? l'('I' hour [11·, !1!1G.1 RELl,\ULE w/tru1·k -~~ Yuu1~1;. 1\I iJ n rte I i v r r nt11sriapcr.. Ad1·anr••rin'1l t rn~r tlflc•r ~1 -'.11t)-62()7 ::,·e n .. 1ty UrtH·,. at mi,H Lrec A~:('111•y for Can•Pr r;1r!s ·!10 \V Cr,;1sl Jhvy., NB. r.y ;q1rlf11 lll 61ij.J~3!1 Sail'' Give your family A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER Ellfn good n1oney seU1ns AVON Cosmetil's & J!lft Hems in ~·ou1• .~pare linic. Stort OOIY. QUI - 511}.7(}11 546.5.1·11 """ YOUNG MEN It ynu enjoy f)Cflple a11d 111ould be 1ntrorested ln sales. clthl'r es 11 career or 9n a r art lime b"sls it wnuld pay you !o !ICl' us. Co, 23 yrs old, li11tcd on I wo Stork Exchang. cs, na1ionwidc TV exposure \Yi1h more leads tJi<1n 1~·e can h11ndle. .for mo r f' infnrmation and pcr50nal intervie\Y call !\fr, Goochvin SJ7-8j9Q f.1on. & Tues 9-5 SALES -Earn money with no lnvestn1cnt. Sa r ah Coventry ll('('ds full &. part-time help, Nn de!; v.·e lr11in. F'or lnL ph. 545-f>IOO S/\Lf..:S f.I/~'. Nrat and ag~resslw, to sell olflrc suppl1e~. f11rnih1rr. sl11t1onPrr. Apply 270 llrir.gs A1·r., C l\1 . Al\1 's, ~/\LF:SG!Rl, 2~~0 rxp'd lr1 kn11tln~ & crnchr!ing. ('11 1! j.li'>--21!!2 [or 11p(1t. Tiit: l\Nmvrr. \ Tr lephonc: .\9:!·Si00 bct.,.,·ecn 9 A:O.I _ 1 P:\·I J\·lnn. thn.i F'ri . 9 A~I _ I'.! Noon Satwml.ays !or aP£lOinlmcnt. Salrs * Fantastic! 1s lhe \l'ord for this nallonal com pany's 11r.w progr.1m for SOu1hcrn California! \Ve nerorl -D1.crrn1nmons -il1ANAGE:HS -.SALESr-.ICN -Si\ L~~S\\'Ol\1E:N -nF.:PRF:SENTATIVES -TrtA!NEES This is n real gro1111d f\nor op11ort11nity "''ilh a snlld auto. mat1r.• cll'.'t:trunlc cquipn1en1 lirn1 that nffrr.; .<:nJr<; HIGH lmmediote EarninCJS 546·3050 THE NEW JUDY LEE i' pr<Jfit11b!e, Jun & cxc1!ing. F:;1rn $.:J() • SlPO pc'r 1vl'C'k lull or p,1r! -t1nll'. rtuv1sr .\11th· 1Jll't1 11'JUI..,. NQ 11.~IJVf'r}' .. r rnl.1·1't111r,, nu 111vt•stn1cn1 1<> ~t.1r1. lmn1f'rl. prnl1L• 11r 11·11111 l1hont· !"i1.i-~0.1ti. &\L!'.:S -part 11n1e nnly \Vantcd: 2 rncn l·.vo·s & ~aturdt1ys S,dary f-l>0nl1s Acade my of Computer T echnology Call 5'17·9~71 9 an1 lo fl pin !;ALES ~nrah Coventry hhs n)H•nings fur fl ur pt t1n1r X111as s11les. Pleasa n t . 11ignified \\'Ork lv/no in· \'est., collPctjt1n 1 f'r c!t•l1vrries. Choose ~'Our Ol\'n hr!". r-.1111. a~c 21. f or intv. cull: :~10--061·1 & 962-~~;93 ~,\I.ES, pl-l1mr. e1···s. i.H:e :;fl-i:1. l\11l2 Jn11nc Ave., N.U \\1·~!cl1IC Plt17.n .co--"77"--,-. s 1·:A:'lt ~1·Ht;ss. f''(!l'd t n d1"<1prr1,·~. l11guna B c h , f'hr1n1~ ..,.. 1\·r1t1! Lni;:unu !\c•ncll \n1•'nnrs, 10'20 S. Coa~! !!\\')'. l~ l..fiS·I~ ----SEAMSTRESS COUNTERGIRL l~\p'il p!'l'fcrrrrl. Apply n1om. 1n1:s .. ,CJ.0 \VN CLEANERS, F:1 ~hl11n Isl, 6-14-t5l:t -Si:RVICE STilTlO~ Tnri 1sl:i nrl salesmen GOOIJ r ay !Qr hours. l·:xp reg'd. Corona rlel l\111r Shrll Scrv. 2Slll E. Coast Hwy. a l Golrtrnrod Ctll\I. SERVICE STATION help \\'nn1l'i.l. ~" ~1ikc, f\1Il\E TICE CllEVIlON, 11 :? 5 ~1fl"rior, C.l\t, Secretary Ne.,..•spaper nCC'<l~ PART TIME SECRETARY to Viec·President ,t:; Ccn<'rRI Manager \Vho can takl' shnnhnnrl 1lill \\'Pill, like variety nnd Ilg· Urc'!I, lypr 60 wrin1 or better. f.xcl thig, i111ercsting work. F1£•xlb le 011 hours: can br ei1her n1orning, al1crnoon or split. Many rompany benC'· Ill s suPh as pall! vncatinos, !<i1·k leave, JlllJd n11.'dical and life in~urance, r.rcdit union. ere. Call the DA ILY PILOT for an appointn1cnl. &t2-4321 and nsk !or l\1rs. Greenman. Sec -$563.00 Fee Paid /lfarkl.'\l/'ij; Bkgrnd • good ~kills _ lkai:h g,rea _ Call t,o;Jifl(.', ~lerch"nts Pc~n. ncl A.,-ncy • 2f\IJ 'Vf'slcHtt or .• N 13 •• 6·l5·:?no tAl.so fee jobs). -SECR~E~T~A~R~I E~S~ Interim P er!:onnel S:?rvlce 41:1 E. 17th St., C.M. 642-7523 --·------·-~--- -------------------------------·------------------------------------- ' ' .. 31 OA!LV P!LOf l t111nda1, Cttobft' JO, 1%t Joas .. EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR M•KciiANDISE FOii MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE - G1r1ge Sile 8012 Pianos & Org1"' 8130 SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Jot.-Me". Wom. 7100 1-'-;.;;.--------'-------- Furnlture IOOO Furniture 8000 ~IPPING & !'tO<.'k C'.lerk:: v.on1an ovr r ::0 lnr :..mall rnanl'i;. t"tl. Full tune Sl.6:-i hr !o slarl. Apply niorns 9. 11 ::1(1 11t Golden's !\1"J.!IC \\'and, !Hti \V. 17\h :'it .• C.i'll -Statistical Typist S:i.'XI up. £:.:.:cpllvnal .-,p(><)r NA area 11· ~1nall ~tab!" Cu Top l\'OJ~k•ni:: ('()llo'!. .~ b!'UC• riu;. Cal! R1L1 ~6-:'>-1 1() JASON BEST En1ploymcnt Ag('JlC)' 712.0 So. i\Ja in, S<tnta Ana Steno-Construction Good t,\·p1s1, shorth11nd. gf'n· t rH I 1"11'J'i('al. S;i laiy open. Ne\1'port J3r;1ch ~n'«. (j.\2.3132 ----•.. TELLER PosltJon ava1Ja1Jle !<>r l*rsun. ahl,.., 1na!t1rc lnd iv1d1nJ . l'rl'trr lclkr i•:-:iX>r. !ill! wlll 1'0n ~irlr1• 11[lplH_·1;111! 1' 1 t h re. Jtitr ri L'<~rrl(I, Xlnt. working 1·01l(J's & l)f'nr f11s. Plrase ;i pply in pf'r~n to !llr. Lu~·h or >Irs. Parkl'r. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS ~:: • .'l3 E. Coii~t l!"Y· Corona drl !'llar, CahJ. TYPIST CLERK II (Half time) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $2.61 to$3.17perlir. RcquirC's High School rli- p!oma, orl(> yral' general <:!cn c;J r xpr•1·icncr, 50 \1rin1 1-yp1ng_ On{' ru1Tent c>f)(·n111g 111 the !)uilding dcpT_ APPLY IMillED IATELV ro thr Personnel Of!icr, 3300 Nr1vror1 Blvd .. N e w port Brac•h, Calif. 1 il~J 6TJ-6G.1J. TYPIST f:t'<'cp!1on1st, rel('pl\orl(I, elrr- 1r.al. Girl F riday for New- port 81.'ar h At!vrrlisi ng ,\gcntr. :.:11011ha11d hrlpful, but 11111 essential. F'11ll or rxirt tirne. \\'rite Daily Pilot Box 111·3~9 for intc1..,•i€1v. TYPIST E'.'\PERI E::\'C'ED i'lT~ .\JTSC Opr. fer N~wport B c h . Graphics !inn. 1 ~·r. n11n. r;>;J)('r. l'PfJlllrtd. Pf' r n1. Position. (714l :~6--1670. TYPISTS ~,,. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room -Floor Samples -Factory C lououts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. e 5 pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted aofa with 56 in. matching love seat, or chair • 5 pc. Spanish Dinette, oak table top • 3 heavy Mediterranean matching tables, top durable enough for Flammc.o Dancing. Will sell pieces individually. Shop Fir~t! Th•n S•e Our Unbelievable Buy~! 1001 other items with terrific savings! Bank Terms Store Char ge Master Charge BankAihericard All Acct:pted • .. : .. .. . ; ' • I Furniture 8000 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I School1.lnstruction 7600 -------· -- KEYPUNCH TRAINING W anted 5 Women 1 TO START CLASS :-.10NDAY. NOV. :l Pilot l~r.vpunch pr·H;::ran1 offe ring the finest !'quip. rni>nt & l11clliti('s ava1Ja ble! J oin the ]C';ider! Academy of Computer Technology Call :H7-9-171 ~ an1 10 8 pn1 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FJ10M J\10DEL HOhtES Includes: Quilled sofa and chair -2 cnrl !ables & cof- Jcc t;;ble -2 Jan1ps -dress. i'I' -mirror -headboard - !Juilted box spring & n1att- re~.s -5 p1:. dining roon1; tab/(' ,t ~ hi.back chairs. COMP.ARE AT $7~9.9:i $399 1'1o do1vn-f.omts only $16 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE -~----- WED. Thul"ll, Frt. 2 21 4 FACTORY Rutgers Dr., C.M. C2 hlks CLEARANCE I east K-Martl. Dbl 6 drawer FaetoJ')' oruers c\earante ol dresser w/mirror, Danll!h aU overage, dcinon~tl'ators, be11ch, walnut gossip bench, floor mortcls. studio & re. booksllell. spor ting goods, 45 turned P ianos & Organs. rp1u ret.."Ord t.-oll., Zenith Real savihgs up to 30% .. 1nar1<o;OC-ta nic nrlio, e I,.'-.' E\'crything gual'a.ntccd like healer, doghouS<'. J a\\' n new. Sale limited !o ~peciiie n10l'.'Cr, housl'hold, g 1 f 1 stock -so hurry! No nioncy Uen1s & clothing. down Ot\C. S years 10 pay. FRENCH P1'0\'lllc1a l end This g reat sale only at: table w/dra\Vcr.. H eavy \\'ARD'S BALD\VJN STUDIO fru itv.ood. $30. Slat bench 1819 NcwpoM, C.M. 642.S484 $!!.Short 11'lg, European hair, Open E very Nile lighl bt'O\vn wl blonde lrost.1 __ 7&-;Su~"c"c"'°"cA=l="c'="oo~"-- ing, net'ds srl!lng. Paid * PIANO RENTAL $90, sell for $30. Ladles SPECIAL!ITTS shoe roller skates, silC 8, No time Jin1it. Rental applies SID. 5-1!1-067~ to PUh'hasc \l'i1hin a )lea~·, O'KEEF f: & lllerritt gas NE:W & USED PIANOS & rang<' Y:ilh gr i'ddll· $45. S64 ORGANS. Best deals in Congress, C.M. 0r'alli;C County. \\le 1akr =="========= i t1'i1des. Bonk 1r rn1 s. Open Appliancn 8100 !llon & F11 eves, Sun 12 lo 4, -~--------1 JIAllfMOND Refrigerators ..•. f1'(>m $38. GE Portable Ct'.ilor TV, like nu •...••.••...•... :S J48 GE ('!ec!dc di')'cr .... $69.95 RCA Console, co:or TV. $178 \"./hlr!pool altlornatlc washer, copperlont' , .. . • . • . • .. • $6!J DUNLAP'S 1815 Ne1vport Blvd., C.!'II. 548-7788 FR I G IDAIRE 2 door refrigerator. Perfl'C:t cond. $8:i. * 6~6-4713, 64:>.-2918* DIVORCE Sale-1969 GE frosl free rcft·ig, Gaffler & Sa111Pr range & oven: used 1 mo. Best ofle.r. 596-4219 KENil'IORE au!o 11•asher . l11te n1odcl. sn!t c:ond. 8 C'yl'les. $75. 5-!li-8673, 817·8115 \VASHER & dryer, avocado, $125. Refr ig·Frost free $100. Frcczt>r's $65. !")40-10!)5 il-1AYTAG au!o 1vashcr, cond . 4 yrs old. xlnt ;j(). in CORONA DEL NIAR 2S;H E. Coast Hwy. 67J.:1!9JO PIANOS & lJltGANS NP.\V & USED • Yamaha Pianos & Organs • Thomas Organs • l{hnball Pianos • Kohler & Can1phcll COAST MUSIC NE\\IPORT & HAR BOR Ct'.ista fl-1esa * &12·2851 Open 1().6 Fii 10-9 Sun 12·5 i\-1AJ-IOG. Knabe p1ano & bench, Mignonl'.'tte 1nodc! xlnt cond. S500. 4!14-7636 ' Television 8205 Lease Color TV or Black & \\lhite. Option to buy. Free ser vicl'. No deposit A·Aclivc TV H.rntaJ Co, 11) 522-IJS.1 CURTJS J\-tathes conib. TV, Al\-1/Fr>l & turntable. Sl50. Pvt pty. 53&-7197. 600 \V. ·1!h St., Sanla Ana 541)..Sii72, 847·811 5 Open Daily 9.9 * LISl>.:D TV's i-r Sl:'i -:S40, GoOrl condition Call 543--&113 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Wanted 6 Men TO START CLASS il!ONDAY, NOV. 3 T'ilo1 p1'0gram o/Jrz·1n~ th!' fincs1 cqu1pn1en1 & facilnirs available ! Real-1in1c ('001- putcr pl'!Jgran1n11ng. Aca demy of Computer Technology Call 5~7-9~71 9amt0S p1n CLAVJS '.'llonl l'~so1·1 pl'r·schl. 21 ~·6 yr.~. lnrli\'. a t!n. P.eas h1ll 1C1n. 8-IG-232'.i, &16<1j(l6 MERCriANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Sat. S.6 Sun Jl·G APT unit·stove, relrigcr.'.ltor. slnl1, eon1bination. X I n t ESPANO'L IN QUALITY conct. &Jfi-7861 Model Home Furniture l-~R~e7fr~;-9-.-,.-,~0-,~$~3~S~- Snvings to 85';0, Very easy 536-9j2'1 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 COMPONENT stl'rco sounrl sys1en1-Citation Pre amp & financi ng, 3 cornpJcte rooms n! dreorators styled Spanish (urnl11u·L'. ConsIBting of th..:: f&n1 ous custom quality ll"ia- Jr1rl living room group. The l)riginal El Presiden1c spac- io us 1nastcr king size bed· roo1n suil c and the aulhentlc La Paz 11'1'0UgJ,t iron J inette sets'. L1n1i!('d stock • S·1S.~. J/;1n1llton S/]OIYtwln. 59·1S \\'cstminsler Ave, \Vcstn1ins.. tc1. 8'.M-4~~4 A • 81 lO tuner, Dynak1l 70 ainp. ~!_!!Ues J\l1rarortl H chang{'r, J{LU Pat Michael Antiques 6's. Burnt orang« calJi nrt GRANO OPENING! SJOO con1plC'te. Cal! 1111-2-130 a~k for Phil. Fino sclc•etion or Eurof)(:a n "°"""=,---~~~--­ & Amcr11·an V\ctor\an furr~ STEREO, AJ\·l/Fi\-1 l"ctdlo, iture. Sec /\I 468 f;. 17th SL phonograph, 1ralnu1 console. in C.i\-1. 64~2776, 10 to 5. Outlets for 1nrc J'eL1>rding: & ELEG1\NT L 0 u i .s XV plHyhack Sl:il nr best ou-. armo i re, Rose1voo <I, S{'r 10 appt'C'\'. 673--261·1 afl 4 S.'.llin;1·ood, Ol'ITIUlll, pit>!' HC1\ Slereo, TV ('Onsole n111Tors. Elaborate inlaid phonoE,,'l'aph, A1\l/F'i\-1 shTc~ l10adboar<l & f o u 1 ho <t rd, radio 111 6' Jon~ hraut. ov<•rsizc <Io 11 h I e I.led, 11·al11ut o.:ab inel. 6,lz-::.173 ~>4~~2.33-1 11!1rr 6 p.111. SONY M iscell•"eous 1600 *AUCTION * FRIDAY -OCT. list 7:30 PM e U.l\JCLAJMED ITTOl~AC:E e HEPOSSESSJONS e SEALE:D BOXES e U.SEU •'URNITURE. Bed1wn1 .sets, 01ests, Divans, ~1<1 !!i•(•ss~. Appliancl's. Dint 11<'s. e NE\V • TOP NAMES e BANKRUPT F'URNrTURE :ITORE. Bedroom sets, Din. 1ng n1on1 sets, Chinas, lluf. fets. Cedar ehests, Cornrnod. es. Lamps, Headboards, Mit•. 1\Jrs, \Vindow ehes1s. Crt>den- zas & MUC!-1 MORE'.! WINDY'S AUCTION L-0111 E BH.OIVSE AfiOUN D 20751,~ Ne1vpor! Blvd. Beh1rnl To.11y's B!<lg flihil'ls Cosra Mesa * &w.--.sG86 OPEN DAILY 9 to iJ FOR Sale: i\\1xeL1 bag or ,::oodies i'ncluding rlesk $10. Dbl bed fra1ne $10, har & stools S26, table $2, typing '!bl $1.50. liaby 1uh, infant scat & olher baby i1cn1s, Polaroid eamera S7.50, JIOrt. healer $7.00. waffle iron $2, boillc ste rilizer $2 .. )(), bo1vl· ing ball & hag SHI, \Vii; & <'asc S15 & n11111y ol her: iten1s. 903 f'ark A v c Laguna Beach or c a i j 1194-9822 SALE -SALE;. SALE Treasure &. Ti·ash Sale Ne1vport Ebel! Club chn1·ity proj('Ct. COi\lE YE ALL ' J\fany itcn1s lo 1;hoosr from. All do nated frorn 1nr>n1ix-rs & fri ends. GOOdies galol'c. Come hrowse &. un\"OYrr a treasur!'. 270.1-2708 Cliff Dr. N.B. jAJJry ent1-an<:r1. l\'11\-'. 1sl & 2nd. 10 A!\I to J P.\1. PAINTERS E:q111p: Bink s lowboy con1p1·c·s ~o r, '.! othcrs, •10' cx1ensiot1 la\!duJ'. 2 ;!{)' lridcler.s, ;1 ~nl pot,:: ~u l pots, m'ise guns & hosr;;, DcVilbcs a i r I c .s s, 61:!-Ul ·lJ o:iftrr ~ SOLD llo1ne! Every1h1n.:; Goes~ Color TV, scctfonal, lab!(' & liHnps, i>l•d1·oon1 SC'\, piano. dlnctlc set, 11'ashr.r 8: diyer. desks and illuch Tl·lorc~ 546-91 JJ Carpet Jay(•t· has 1-11 Lu nylons $1.!!9 yd. Shil l!." fro1n .SJ.~ 11p + n1y ]11bor, 90c rrr yanL 9G8-69JO :':TERL!NG S l 1v 1• r l1lt 'l Royal Da11lsh. f' o ni r•. service /t;r S. l!·!·l-2Ui0 .i!l 7 fl!l\ Interim Personnel Service 4-J j !::. 11111 ~', C.:'ll. 642-7523 1 Furniture 8000 J\lOVJNG lo Lttkr. Tahoe. :::pan1s!1 ku1g size BR ~I sora & Jc11·c scat-, uphol t·huir'. cof- frr. ('nrl lahlt's, la111p.~. pic. 1urrs, TV. /ult ~11.c Bn ~C'I . d111C"11r , tlrn furnHurc. \\"ill 1·ons1dcr r111tl•~ for niounla1n rquip. or bou1. 6-IB·'.1:'>()3 Antique roll-lop desk ''Copy CA t" p!ayrtl 3 PC IJassrll lir rlrn1 set, kg ~1-hrr! ~150 Sr-1 of lif'~1 11n"r!; finJll1 ~., bra/id !ll'IV s~.:;. WAITRESSES E.\pcrir1k·ed Apply in pct·son only THE RIGGER # 16 r(l..-..h 1on l ~l;u1d J'/cwrort Bea-=!i WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Siesta • SALE! J UPRIGHT p1a110. sofa, n1plr. bc<l t'n1 .~ct . ba111boo &. 1nahog-. (lin111i;: 11JI, occas. ehalrs & tbls, dishes, t'le. Oc!. :n. Nov, l & " :106 Grilnd C11na1. <1t Alialonc Pl., liltlr Balbo.):1 l~lc_ usr;o hospi !ul 11111 11. & ho.x springs S.17., bolton1 frrezer d••h1.\f' G.E. R r lng $12·1. t:rl'.'r n '.'llrd Cl"f'd1>n1.a $38. T!lc Fac1ory, l 88J !!arbor, ;,JQ-68<12. FURNITURE 1·cturnerl ft'On1 d1:;pJay s tudios, modt>l hoin. l'.'S, <!ecoralors cancellation. Spanish & lllcdill't'l'anr;in rte. ~1.1\J 11 !ln1rs. S7:). 642-S!'~I\ 1. 616-46·13 BRASS BEDS-- 10. ANTIQUE. 64&-S3i7 ~wing Machines 8120 1969 SINGER w/bcaul "·al console & z1g-"lag. !\lakes hut1on holes. ovrrcast~. 5 Year 1-:uar. Full price $38.24 or S:'i.26 1110. 52~16 Musical Inst. GUITARS LJJ11·('~I pr1 rr.s 111 Oran~c Counly 812S 11'.'l'l's to sclcc•1 fru m: 96S-!i47~ Tape Recorders 8220 1 --~,--~~~---~----...; __ :.::.:;; l''i rc11·ood lot· sale i\!ODEL 990 Roberts Tupc recorder \1·/1n1kr & .-.ar phonr!', Excel. cond. $100. 673-fj25.J days. E v c n i n g .s 673--06~3 Cameras & Equip. 8300 ----·-~- Dry Eucalyptus S·ll}..9.~87 Quality k111g-Urd·fJlllllc<l t"'Jmple!c-unuscd S105. 1\·or111 $2:1!. ,\ft j .~· ll'knds S·l'.!·6:136 EXCELLENT 1·0 n rl 111 o n bikrs. l~irl's, ho,v·s 20 inch. ~1 7 ,50 f'iJ!'h. :>4$·&1-19 4,,,7 POOL TACLJ·; au {'f!lllpmcnt, s:1.J • :1:l6-j£~2 · FUHNJTURE & Caqwr. Cost ..:. ;:;':. Corprl ir.stallations, Pl1 , &\6.~·'9-L By appt_ \\·'ILL RUY !& n1111 pl'OJ. silent 01· sountl. ~lt1s1 be 111 i:;ood ('On<l. f't'a~. pricc-rl. \\'ILL SELL f'' c d r 1·" I c nl;irgPI' for 3~ 11111! 21 i'" .x 212 , rl(.' 1n fold.111ay case 11·/n1aski ng ra.~rL \\' 1 I I 1radc on projector .. Call Sat ~rf.l-21,;2 \VILL clean out }-\)Ur g;1r;ige ,;;;;,--;°"'"°°'""""'7-;c=c--~ I ¢1· a t l 1 c for ~hr u:,;.:i.blc E/\'LARC;Ert Fc(L 3SL\li\! to . k 67s...-·rs FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION - S1llboat1 9010 Motorcycles 9300 LOVABLE blk/wht I o 11 g - ha irt'd female kilirr1 -10 \\'k~. LIDO 14 , like new . f<'ull rac· old need4 good honf'l'. \V ill uig geiil· & hwy lr!l.L!er. '69 ~ONOA l5G """ , ... ,, • I•" , , .. ,11 -7 $lj()(). 64·1-1370 Rru1/ G1kP "llh ('\'lras! i.,...., vi guvu ..,n1L , ,l,r" a SUl'EI CL'' "'N 10131 HEG1ST1':REO N J Sabot \ '~''-' ! ~===~~---'-~ ap es s5;,o ~ ir·-crJ LONES0'.'11E Snoopy n{'l'<ls 1~11 1 r.a~ r ig ver~· gd . $".!Zi · "' hi s own Charlie Bl'fJWn. Ci:!l &16-2043 afte1 4 prn ~mar· •ut's R11re, valuable par!i pooctlt' SAl3CIT -$1 25. " Jrce lo l'H~ht hon1e. Call Gond hand trailer &· m Dtors Llays !!68--7GlS 10.30 i;;:ul. Call 644-4445. LOVABLf; sn111:11 h reedT.l' Albatross, excell l'Ond ., 900 So. Cst. Highway lr.1nalc sho1·1 h<11rctl nuppy 7 lllany extras. Re c e n t l Y La guna Beach n_ous. ~Ir! llt'cds good horlt<'. -~''~n lshed . Phonl' -!:1~2-1398 4~750l * 540-3100 8J6.-M.J3 LI DO 1-1 #17(il 2 sets .s1u!s,l ~::'~~ ... "".""""""""~I PUPS -t:cn1tan shD1•1hair -glass cnldx.ard, 111dder_ full lriti7 HONIJA-160 Dobe1·n1<<1L 1·: x (' (' J I e 11 l ral'l', f'llYCI", l l lf'(): 59:.'-5C\'l7 SCRAM B LI·'.!~ ilun!er. pe1, p I' o I e c I Jon SABOT E!('(". startt'I', SOO or1~. n11 968-6973 11/1 Sl60 ll-1:!·95:!0 S'lOO. LOVABLI:: i:al1<:11 k1lt~r1 and '67 llONDA IW .SC!{A'.11 Hl.1':r. friendly tortoiS(· shell, '.i 1>.'ks Power Cruisers 9020 C0111Jlll'1t·ly .~1c11·k _ JX'rlret old need good I\ 0 nl (' s . ~ • ' ' ' :.hapr r:9.i. 542-7096 l[Jf;!J CAil1PBELI" Cnusrr .!2 11·1th 1~167 TRJU.\IPJI T·lltl' ll<'IV ::.00 HP ChCI)' e11g1nl', 5CO CC. Vrrv <'l• a ri. Sj7i(), 4 Kitt(>ns. 2 t'Jading Crilict1·s, rransniis~ion, V·dnvc, i·tt• .. 1 gray & l bla<:k & 1v!1il1 • M ready to go in . t\'e(•ds l.YM N~~l~-~~>J~t!. D,.,.>.OC IO 11 ks. old. hsebrk11 . 644·-0GXli. f1ni slil11g. $36:(.i, 111th trlr. ""~ ~)~\ Carob St., N_B. !0/3\ 6~:!-!J2Ul ':0,J BS,\ Choppt•r N(•w niolor CUTE, fluffy kitten". g wks_ .. c'7~CclclcEcVc\c,-.c .. ~T~P~icck_U_pl & tr~u1s. ,\lusl srll. 41.1-3016 old, tra1ncd. hsbr.kn, nl'ed ii·/llJ'"' <:1ih Ql't'I' carnrx:r. aft 5 J;n1. 32'::1 P<i pular, Lag. good hon1c & loving tare_ Alr/L'Onrl . fl/IL J(J.16.~) size _8 0'="=·=========-I 5'1.S-6202 lll'f's; j<1('l<s, srlf ('Ol•IHi netl -' Auto Se,v;ce• BEA!lDED U"1s, variotis <:ol-toilel & ollll'r l'Xln1s. ~·\200. vrs. You di& Saturday only. !l!i<!-:tl8'1 & Part_s~ •• 9400 1R8~9 Santo. Clara Cirtle FV 962-41(}!} ' 11/1 ·MARLINEER AKC Bassrtt hound ren1<1le • 1 YI'. tri-colo!'ed , lovf's Like new .. •10' c;:.~. S-16,000 chi!dn.'n. Needs Jcnced yd. D•1ys 77-1·6 ll0 il'lrs. Brown, !"i-10-8638 ('\'CS. 11/\ ('Y l'S 67:\.!Jl!Jl !1'11', ,Ja111es. FREE plyi\·ood st r a Jl s, 1967 32' CllRJS c:nri111liiall, n1nhogany and fir. 864 \V. fl!~ly cqu1pperL ;\Int •·ond. 18th SI CiVI 646-2317 JI/\ \~11l s:ll Pt[u1ty: Days i714J 7~7-00.>1, eves .>-IS-2~:H \\l.r _ Dc\RLING fuzzy grey .t 01vcns. Bt.:ACll Auto Supply Wholesale Pn1:r~ 1u All Cnn1p!l'te :'llad11n" :-;h•)p SPEED l':Qt:!P.\ll::NT HJ::BUILT Ei\"G l:\'ES 1vbi1c k11te11s, 8 1vks, reatlv .~~==~---~~-1 for nr-1v homes 96S-,1397 11 1.I 35~ Cl-J~IS Ro;in.ll'l'. LO~IJ· 11:5 Victnl'i:1 C:'ll 5\S.6"130 ED' fully equipped. ;\lnll g" · , ' , 1c LONG·llalred Jen1al{' k1ll•'n, , 1 ,.1 , . , C · Ill ,.b1Er.irhl:lhd.llG Sl7-09';Jl ('Oil(_ 'ust s('r_ <l * 0Pl::N 7 D\YS sih·cr ,::rf'y &· l1lk., 1111:\ 67~o-'.l2o\3 or 67::-030~• 1 : * !rained ri:l6-013li 11/l -. . ''111!!11!!11!!11!!11••11!!!!11!!11!!111 ~~=---=----0 \VC:N$ Cub111 C1'UISC'.l'. 2~1 ~ BLACI\ 1\ngora kitlen. n11dr, Fl, Newly puinlrd. Jnliti.'.ll'd. CASTROL approx 3 n1os Old . Ge111Ji: Xliil tond. S:,00. ;;::&-S:J3t.i ilisposi!.ion. !>GS--1.197 RACING OIL EiTK ,\vallablr Al 8 P U PP I E S · :\li~Pd '!.S' .FAlllLINI::Jt Sportlisl11·r National S peed Center ~·1icphc 1·tJ. Bo.~cr 7 11ks tJld. V/R. 2JO hi) Cru~:irlrr, (.'0111· '11\10' II· 1 . (» ·1· '' ,. -1().~-... \l/1 -•. ,11 10!, JS .J 1 r"1 _;-i__'.'..'.'5' pletrly cq11ip. ti7:µ;17~ li1G-ii7t.:t Opr11 'rol 9. ij Vil Si.i i. C:UTEST killCl\S i\l an1a Fluf· ·~ • (Nt",~I \() i\lr, T'~) r.1· e1 i.·r had. Jtcady lo i.;o. Boat Trailers 9032 il!'°IG S ,\l/T ft 1 1-.. 1 J 13-1~1 ~1 11)/30 ' · ·• · .i11cr, .> or --' \VANTF:D; Used lxiat L.r!r. foril. 2 fo1· S20. 6-1)-;!<!-lti 2-P/PEn:-;[,\;\I ki tten :J~I hlr l2-1S' bout length. aftf'r Ii p.111. n1os 1,1.i. i\«rd hoincs badly. LI 1).J,j91 I=========="° :i:io.1 :,1,:;_ 94SO Trailers, Utility 9036 . '.. -~--S!'EEL f1 ·a 111r. full slrl cs, ADOHAB LJ;; 1 :;-:-; 1 a n1 f's cl-----------1;;;;;;;;;;;;,;·_;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, b<iliy k111cn. l1'<'l' 1o lo1·i ng: Mobile Home1 9200 lio111e. IH!i-111..lii '63 CHEV. PICKUP BUY J• NEW NOl!)Y p111T1ng sh11do11· 1110 ~ SELL Im USED 11100111 111<1 fen1ulc k111 1·n~ C v.s cngirlt", s· bed. Bc;iu1.1rul contJ1L1on' $JC'~IJ Es:.:&1ri Call £,10.1:;19 11' ;;J OOper s1r-.1rLY darlin~ k111 ~n . n1al" TRAILER SALES ~mar· ftUt'$ tntihv. purl ~l«nlt''l" ti wk~-"Buy from a man " li7:.....0·1j7_ BidllO.'.l L<;h· Jl/I who lives in one!" moto~s \VE SERVICE I J CUTE l1t!le pt1Qpi(·~ ht"l-'U" \\'HAT \VE SELL! 900 S C H ' h llornr and a Ju l or Jr,\1'. o. st. 19 way G-lti-!lllti JI/I ~2 1 So. Jlarl.101·. Santa Ana Laguna Beach ----------1 1 Blrk S<;_ nf Bolsa 531·1.066 494-7503 * 54~310~ FRI::~ ki111>11,,, c«1hro. ~11 1"'1' SPACES•. & r<"d la1Jh 1c.~. 1;11:)...()tl~J 11 /1 !1.101'" 111 torl<i y PICKUP TRUCKS LOVELY ki1tens. blnrk ;.,-'.\'1•11· 5• Pa rk 'fi!i Ch, v #5!)64jS ... , :'i 9'.J9 11·h1lr 1.'1 ·"-ian1{'SI', fi73·~ 1.i'2 t:liOICc' ol 111odels ur cu.sto111 '&'; Cil•'Y ~::.J%~".> ..••. , S !l!Y.J PETS ar.d LIVESTOCK hui lt 111 :s1no>: fr'l'e Cos1a lih ~~{10.l l~.'·'tJj ........ S l~J.'i J,l,,~:1-NC\\"PfJI'[ ll<1rbor_ I !iii n( .. 1-.:r T.~Jl!l(I ...... Si!\'!' Adt1ll !11oli 1l1• /!111i1i' P11rk 'fe~ r J01d.t,:1• \' .. ~. autr1, ~.~~l3 L\i (c'o'"''-------0880::.20 Grl'.'1•nlcaf !llolill,--. ll<Ull(• ,<:a i r~ "'ill I 1 l. lli~! 1!)17 .. Sc111· Stj,)(I. TRAVEi.iNC, rn11s1 sell 10 lj;,o IVh1t1 11'r. C'.\·! 612-1:;.11 l<USTOM MOTORS n1ns. fllrl S1an1t•~r .~· A1Jyss1· s E L L At!lh. JI! D!1'. 11i11n fen1;ilr k 1lllcs. F'nr ~::i Cako·r :>1., Ci\-1 .l ll).3915 -----Pl'I ~. hrredi11~ or s l1011 . Cesr GMC TRUCKS fllfrr. &r!-Ol ~~• Your Mob'ile Home "'" ' WAS NOW " 1 Dogs 8825 Ora11gt'.' Cnunty i'<dc~ Scrvtt.'.(' l lra<lqua 1·1.--.rs. Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 P a c. Cst. Hwy. '.\rw , IX'· corner ;ir!'ang. "11 .. 11'<· of «lrs. reg. $230. 110\V SI'>~ 5(). N1•11• ltC"d.~: King S9:) :.o. Qur<'llS ~~:1.~11). F11ll s:il.~!J, T111n~ .Sll 9:,_ fully guan1. l\111g ~I. ~prrnrl s $1195 fl. ~7. S9 :1~. Hcadbrds: l\ings. S15, Qurrn~ $\'.!,;,Q, Full .SlO.j(J, T11 il1s S·l.95. Tru11dle sels (duo risert 1v/ inner ~pri ng m:itt, rcr;-. ~100, now S7!J.50, K.s. sprds SJ3.99, .'i·ro~:. Span bP· $2.)9, K.s. vcl- ve1 spl'Cads s,19.50. Cqnopy lierls J'l'/,:, Sll!J.JQ, now $89,$0. Full .<.( slerp _ sofa reg. S'.!39.-50, now $16!!.50 Christ· n1a.~ l11y.;111"ays now.· Sl EST A SLEEP SHOP, 1!:127 Harbor BJ-.:d., CM 61.:i-27GO daily l(). ~l .".al-Su n 10--6. RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd., CM f'\"•'l'Y n11r ·1iJ :i ·- FOik gutta1·:;. S21 :1,J ~JfC\l'IC 2 fllt'k·~lp .~·19 9J ~J7.9j 212 X31 ~. Tank IX nu n1crou~ JUn · • .J~·'• <l l'Ces~nr1e.<:. 127 ·Hlh St., 1-12 gauge ~ho1 g11n l\".R. r,7;:,._0ji l Hugl".1' t·onvr1·l 1hlr Ii -2 2 Dnt.-; Ohrrhrncc l n.~!ru,'llnn FOR CASH 636-3291 , 536-8869 J3,roker --BAY HARBOR-- NE\\I _ USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOB ILE '.!3jO llarlinr• 131>t[. Newport Beach • \\'i\ITR ~'.~~E~ -f1\'<'I' '.II ;\pply: 1-'LYl:'\t~ Bt'TLE:P.. :tl01 NP11 11or! Hl\'rl, N R_ ----WAITRESS ExcC'll, (Jf"'n1ni:: ~·,Jr F::><fl\'f fl1n11,•r Jluu .... \l',111ro '"' 1n r•n(· o( Ci1rt111;l ,i .. 1 ~!firs 1lv•~I (']f')"!.ilt\l rrsl;,11ran!~. Ji1nn1•r 011ls-~hnr1 l11.i11~­ f:X('1•ll. tJJl ;1\"l'l1C.<' -~.y.rj p11y·C<1l! Dining !100111 .i\lcr, nr 1hc Rc~1;iurant aftc1· fi 1':'11 dall.1". <'XrPpt i\J.)nda~ CHARLES BISTRO :'J:!J E. Coas1 Jlw:y. Co1'0na rlt>I \\la\' Just \\'rs1 or 1\la<·,\r1hur Blvd t i111 673-8267 \\'AITP.E~S & rlstn1·shr. Ap- ply 1n f)('rson. Swi ss Chalet ~14 N, i\"e11·port , NB l\'1\ITRESS \Vant erl -Expcr. Parl·timf'. 5 d~y v>N>k, Call 11 f1,-.r ~1 Pi\.f . ~~-16.~0. S l\'OJ\lEN-LADIES S Pnr('n!s Jn s11t111c needs two wo111•:n 1'1 •'xpl.'.lin nnr pro. .:r:tni. $7.i.OO \1-cck. \\'ork hr~. :1 ;im • '.\ pn1 . No t'.'.\'p..>r. Iler . Ph.: ;,_1fi-J7:,4 6 pn1 to 8 pm 'lnly. School1-lnstruction 7600 ,fl)JN THE FIELD \\'fTJI A FUTURE! f.;!.('1rduc11!1on no bP!Ti('r? V ! 11~ help you qW\lil,v INNK~.r:r r:ns IN5TITUTE INTl':RN,\TIONAL i\totcl/l!n!ellApt ?-1gmt Sehl A DIVJ ~ION OF A;\'TllOi'\Y SCl-fOOLS 1717 S. HROO!G-IURST' ANAHEJ;o.1 , CALl ~~ORNIA Qa.<;S€s lnrn1 l'\'PI')' v<cek PHONE F"OR APPT. Ask for Bf't ly TiS.5:\00 The N ewport School of Business Features \\"ei>kly rl'fresher cou~11 In !he ~!ull~ you nttd lo get lht• JC•h :you wanr! DON'T t;1vc ll fl ' You rn uy f1 od 1t al 1\n1r1•1ca 's laq:;es!. 1nnst uru1su c1l 1111fin1~hf'1! fu1•111 tt1J'I' ~lr11'". Cot . Redhill f:: S"unta Ana f''wy, 'fu.stin. 1 rn1 ."co. of Nr"·po1·t F11•y. Opr•n ::62 day.5 (ll'l' yr. ;.1 1.; •. 170 l'~I:.IJ 1;-.r11::rnnr Ol'C'. hi·ba r k c·halr S14. Danish t•nrt-tbls S-1.~J:i. RCA TV 11·orkln~. Sl[l, c.~1:d lllrq _ h1de-<1·hNI SSS. The ~-a c!or,v , 1885 l l:trhor ~>l0-68·1 ~ KI:\GSIZE Sn11111on~ Beauly Rest 111a1trr.c:s & bo.x~prlngs, \\'alnut bookcai;c hcadbn!. by Drcxrl. 2 Quee n Anne chrs .• 4 h11 rs tools, rollaway IJrd. %8-8267. USED 5 pc rlclusc antique \VcrL, :0:;11. & Sun. 'til 6 SILVER grey n~t:d .1 P•' hrlrrn suite $77. Coudo1!' lan1 p~. :S L f'<\. Grrrn •HHlled ~ofn ,Ii, l'h;Jl r, holh s:>,' Thi, Faeror.1, J:ss:i JI a r ho r ~·l0---6fM2 - f-"(}l\:'llAL l'.l1 J ly J\JlH'l'i1•nn rl 1n1ni:: lahlr, fi d1a 1r~; h1reh1vor>! & ·r h o m a s n1akr , l1 kf' Ill'(\, $17 J. !°Y[Hi~J:l 1. C ONTE:\1POHAHY ht1!r-l1· IX'd. ill1rk h1"011·11. iO", gOl"l<i ('fllld1t1on S·IO. 61 2--07;!3 a[tCI' '.J, Office Furniture 8010 SPANISH Dcsk-1•:ir1·rrJ 11 11 four s1dei; & t0r. eha11• incl s~oo t 11 ns...1: •. 12 ,,,-rs ,~ \\'knd.<:. \vht dinette S.18., !J pc corn('1· I~========== group. fl oral SRS. Grer n Office Equipment 8011 quil!rrl OC\'. l"hair S?9, The Fnclory, 1885 H arb o r. CAL Tech 10 kl'.'y electric arl· !°>-10-GS-\l rlcr. \\'orks line. S:il. * GOOD conrli1lon s· loose 5-!:;..H!41J plllo\v ht1ck S-Ofa. BC'ige, TYPE\VRIT}:R. arid . milch., brocade n1t1ll'r\nl. i\1adc by !:alc11Jato1·, V{'ry n::.'.lsonable. Kro<'hlrr S75. 546--J/;7!) Xlnt <-ond .. ~!12·2,12~ SOf<'A 8', b<lr111 set. stand!. & dresser, rhairs, strp-t bls & lamp~. 127 44\h 5!., N.B. 675-0771 DANISH dining 1wn1 table ,r,, ch;iirs, Chil"M'~ leak coHec table, game chairs, lan1 p.s. etc .• 673-8593. Cafe, Restaurent 8014 ___ .. ____ _ RESJ'AURANT equip. Ha!eh cover tahle top, baby grand pis.1101 piano b<ir ,r., stools, comp. uphol. l.'OPl<1;1il bar & baek bar, 17 slouls, under b;ir equip. 2 kr~ <lrRughl hccr coolers y;/bottlo~ s tor_ 1 cub<> ier. 1n11ch .. J crushed ice mach. Delaney's Sea Shanty 675--0100 Ampllvo.-: An1ps .S79.9J -------r nlk Cu1ta1·~ S~9 9:, n ... ,c•\\i)()ll Clos~11 -~ h~l ~69 9.i Sporting Goods 8500 P't'n<l,·1· $2r~1 ;\lnrlln S.l(I() ;\·lusla11;; LJ.]'\ ~200.00 ,\JI n1aJor brands, Icade-ins, L<i.v-,\11'<1 .vs. ISLAND GUITARS 219 i\1l1nnr Ave., Ball)ll:-t Isle 673·3'764 Open 7 days ACCORDION (2) Xlnl. 120 Bass Lemar, 12 Bass Noble. ;,-I0-2472 i\J,\RTJN new $27:i. Tenor &ix, like CXJNTELLO Accordion, xlnt rond, u~cd 16 n1os. $250 or l)c!;t offer. 002-9933 ELECTRIC G uitar & amplifier S40. ~S--l!l87 ACCORDIONS, 120 Fiorino, $195. Prof. S29~1. 962-5618 b a s s So no la, Pl1no1 & Org1ns 8130 SO • You're not rNdy to buy! Rent the piano of your choirc. All monies paid <'1-Wit t<>- 1va ni purchase • f1'0m SJO monrhly. COL~· cluh;.. rnrnpl('t" ~rt nf m1'n'.s ;\lr( :rP1~11r .~ 1 J vi: r ~ni l T0\1 rnry·.~. likr 1]<'1\ SuJd lnr 01·rr S200 11••1\.'., 1<•1ll fakr ;i ny rcasnnablr off,•r _ 1\lsu srl ol 110111,-.n's l1.-.g1n· ll{'t'"· ~20. :'J.J;i--\RIU s· BnlllS\\'ICk Edgl.'hrook pool table $1~1. 962-!1776 Miscellaneous 8600 FlRE\VOOD for s."lli'·C.ut 1() yo u r spccifica!ions; \\'ell sea.soncrl . Or!iv & stck'd fr1'r.. !2i.:-,(} 1 u C, S<17.JO C, Cull rollccl ((II\ 688--0$46. ASl-1 hlonrlr hun1:1 11 h.1 ir. hand -ti erl 1vig 11·ith sl)'l'Ofoa1n hcnd and cusc. $7~1. M5--09S.i after 5 P :lf or "'·rckC'n<ls. 1957 RE N A U LT . J9j'.J namblrr ll'ai,;on. ra.·tory 1vork hrneh. Furn. So1n" !I ll· t1Q11es & 1n1sc itr.111s. '.j,'\'.l \\!, Ct:nler St. Ct\1 _ KI RBY Vacuun1 t lrAncr l\'i!h attach & polisher. Xlnl cond & g11an1nleed. Pay orr bal of $39.67 or take over pyn1 nts. Credit dcpl 5.1;}.-7289 CARPET Instullt'r ha~ one roll, avocado nylon csirpct. double jute-bnck<"d. \\'ill sell n1ag1111tn • li Uf.('l!.~'.l \l'nni•·n's 26" Phill ips :: ~[l'I. 13ikr -s:{I Arand t1<'1v, li•lf>-:,jl)!J ~'.~HI\ 1:1 C:<Yo<! Fil'•''<!tJill.' (!l'C'~. $]" J)a!I l,I 8-J~IJ~ 110 l01~n111 11 /!r:1 111s. ~f" !II(' IJ,-.;iul. Srr lfl .ijlpl'Cl' , 111al;c nfl rr. :,rl-n2fl~i S:\i;\1 ~~-h-1~,-,-01:0'..i-.-.1 II )H'!'} hik\' ,$~{). fil(>-.~i,!()(i, 1~~· ~ ;\·Jpr n ll. C0>~l.1 )·l<'~il ~Ll-~T 1•11nd 1 I 1n n h1k•'!; Girl,;, hny·~ 20 ~1 7_:,(J !•;o t'h_ 31.~.f,119 rnch AUTO:\IATJC 11•rishrr S~-.0. Bc<!roon1 S('! S:.O E:xecllcnt ~·01111 11 l•lll. ·197-lli:I~ Misc. Wanted 8610 ---~------$WEBUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TVs-Pi~nos-Sler101 1 Piec:• or Ho11w F•ll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH WANTED Used furnuurt'; 1vasllcrs, rl!'Y- l'rs, r('fng's. 11-orking or ool. REWARD $2, lo ~20, 6·12-4081 NEl::D bricks one to 1000, J"P11sonably prltt'd. 6<14--4&17 GOULD MUSIC ell or part $31.vun:l, frtQ-7245 FREE TO YOU DROP leaf dining lablc '''/2 leaves. 6 captains chrs w/scal pads $75. G.J2-AA4•1. NA 11JRAL Oak desk. 34x60", like new. Si5. * Ca ll !l62--li2ro * Quality king bed-f)u!Jtctl. Household Goods 2™5 N. J\1a\n, SA 5-17·06.'~1 CROSS top Re Ir I g , • 1---------- 8020 HAllfMOND • Stl"lnwa.y • Ya· automatic defrost. E:'lc. $6:'!. mahA • 001v & used pianos The }louse in Back 445 E. of all makes. Best buys In 17th. 6~2·5741. 2 RF.DR:\1 .sl'ts, odd& & ends, t.'llffee tbl, drC"ss»r, hi-back chairs, desk, relrii;. 673-9393 or 644-41;,4 So. Calif. rizht het't'. 1 ---~.-~.-.,.....~.--- Al\C R;issrt -tri-colorcd. Call ~'40--R&.18 10/:~ ~POITED rohbit ro good ho111r. &t?-1256 Complclc·unused S105. worth $250. Aft 5 & wkllfls 842-G.')36 1 SINGLE beo:I .& boxsprings In exct:I. C'Qrl(!, I tbL & 2 chl'11. £.>!2-3GOO a ll. 5, Walnut china c:ibinet SllO 3081 T,Yl<'r \\'ay, C:\>1. ;,,Jfi-1970 UNTTED FtJ:\'O--Con1 mu1111y Cht'st Thl"Y f;-f'l the job """""" Garage Sale 8022 SJ'EP.EO. 2 TV'11. 1'l'lr1g-, f3d rn1 S('!. enry~·lopcd ln sr!. di shes, Jots pf houM>hol1t l1 rn1s. l''ri·Sal·Sun S 11111· '.' I;(! Tul ip Ln \eor Elrlr.n ) C:-.t. 642-fi235 SOIMIDT r.1us1c co.. FAMILY Mcn1Jxirship in 1907 N. J\1aln, Irvine Coast Cou ntry Clu b Sa11t11. Ana for sale. P\•t ply. 673-9131 FREE ORGAN CLA SSES l~K LADIES Engagem.-•nl ?.1onday nltcs 7:3() -8:30 pm R i n i:::. Br.au 1 i lu I, GOULD MUSIC CO. Reasonable. 21ll5 N. llh1in, ~ .• \. 547·0081 LI !\~4li.'I PRIVATE PARTY \VANTS \\'EDDING P.ing5 -His & VERY 1trntlc bunny rabbits. Brini: i•i1ge, 646-3.~9-1 PART·SlAi\1ESE l\it!l'.'ns. To good hf)Jll('S !KJ2-702.1 IQ/;;() BROKt:N .-e in e n I fnr hu ilrlin~ 11·1111~ M•l-00-17 10-:)0 4 CUTE k1t1 r 11s r~t'fl ::no<l hnn11'. ~2.')4 lrl/~1 TO BUY PIANO FOR Hr rs. Usl'rf .00 c!nys. Anriquc CASJ-1. 5'12-6045 Rold, Bcaulifu1. il!akr Of!C'r. STIJDJO couch y;ith t>0ls1rrs ~U PPORT C<>mmunl!y Oie~t CiiVE /\'ow -Unill'd f'und cau 675--61 ~!1 , _""-_._,_°"_-------'-'" J !\!'1\l tin.-.~ fr•n11lll;.!. ~{;ir1;; '.\01•. <1th ,\ppr.110•(! IJnr: Mobile Home Sales C1)s!a ;'llr~a t..'<is<t LQn1a l ~oU • ,\\\'ay. J!().!'}6!11 Ohrr_lit·n~'e J n s r r u ,. •or~ ?.! 11 r r 1 11 c r " !; t J\r1111cl :.11;-oq~~ :-;h,.1·a tn11 i\l a11or. Hon1rllc · t'iJI~ ~,d« 1·~;7~c,c.-,,-,.-,, -WEIMERANER'S-l\lt -Prc~ligr ~.d1a1·a 1 .... 11.,J111r, 11,.:,\,1 duly ~n)lf'r ALL SfZl·:S 1.•1! ~!:.><., i.:;I) \I J<lh St , l'Ur:r.:eHED '.'\0 \V ON DJ."PLAY C\! J';iJl'U :! -'1 ~ 111 ··~f'h \ 1:.-1 B:tkr>r St , C<>sl;i lllr~n ·~ l:Jlot•k b Js1 of l!al'i}()r Blvd Cro.~!;1 :\!!'S;i 17111 :011}..9 !j(J I~, ~l1H:l1 1_.~-»I, , 1001 l'_I!, C.dl !ii~·.~~.!.~. affP1' 4 l'i\l_ ('11~l1 •lll < :,/,, ,1,.l•1 11'1lllS, 1· r., --Al\C :111.!\V PUl'f'I E~ --P-UBL_l_C_N_ OTICE-~1d1• p .... ·;~ s1•00. t><.l·'.Hl:: 1t1 (:7:1.1 .~· •• • ,\II ha1·" new hn111r ... '''Tr p! L!QL'JQ,\T!O'.\I S,\J.E --.~~----­ ?l !r. $chl'l>\'ilr·~ ,\hr\~ lnrwly _ 13i:ind ricw· niohilc ilfllll•'. f,I C:'II<-VHn t;11ud o·r:ond . l11•'s f;it, h:ippy ,\: l'l\'<'S IP i·oun1 ry cluh l11•111'• udult~ /'\<'11· l1rcs. s1:n.1 ur !llC,,l of• r•lay. :>1:.i-1~:.~, 11 uirl'rr~1 .. d 11i.~;;.,, ('1111 fi,,. r,~G-J~IOO. AKC-COtLJE PlJPS h1w11 6-li ]')( ~;11 "I' I !-I '·1~1 1_;1\IC",-,.(-,,-n-plc,c,,.-,,-00-,.-,-,.,,-:.:., 2 rr fcn111l''" ;one! 1 sahle !)i\I 011 Sundi1y. ~::li-'.!~:;1 tor('s & pulnl. Afh:t· ti call 1nA l1'. .~1101 .~ 11·or111cd. -Top Family P0rk tl'i3-7 1~1 ' !J62-1 1~7 _o:,·"1'c"hc,"cY--7',-.. ""rc,,-,,.-,c,.-,. ,-,,cl, GREAT Dane Puppies, AK C 20x60 11·u11s 11-r11·k ~IAl\1'.: 0Fft~R. rr~.. fu11·ns/blAck nvisk. ~. I':1'dt"001,1s, 2 bath!', ~ku·1s, * ti !6·rl'.!ti2 * \Von derlnl. 1r111rwranicnt. awnings,. too~~.r ... in ~~:~'.;'A '67 Cl I ~:VY . .'I '" l~ 11 a1 hcd. Shots. Martmcrcst l\cnnels. Ana. lllust saeiilic.--.. 6.;ti·.,~91 Kus1uni '.\lot.ors, .'l-[1 &ikc1· 541)..{)989 12X60 NEW MOON St .. Cu~t11 .~·Jrsa ;,.IO-!J915 \\'l~IJ\IAR.Ai~E R p :: pp 1 cs 3 Bedt'l'.)nn1 i11 \.111•d1'n G •~1vr :0 1 CHEV •.: T. P.U, AKC, shots. Gr;tnd chan1· Aduh .Park. Comple!c S·l!JOO. ~>lil-111~ "fl .\,JO plons. Call li.16-3291 Brokrr * f71'1 "2-im• 1968 12x60 Jeeps 9SIO ccc1BcE=.~R71AN Hli~h.l'S, 7 wks . ., 8 _, 1,,.,-_ . _ I " I I h I 1¥ -"'-•1'00111 Ill 5 :><li'l.r arlu!I .JU•) h.AI SF.R Jt·cr 4 l>'hr•·I !( 10ts, .. rn1u c~. 11· 1 o.'-• . . , 1 · SY.i ~ 1-f"'1f f park 1n Co.~1a i\h•sa. Leuv. drive, 3 r·yl rh('srl. f(>r salo• llSl'<lll · J , I· •' i11,:: area~ li~fi.3291 nr 1vill tradt' f111· lr1 tr-n1(1tll'i A!\C ~~t~y Terrier n:ale 2 F ULL heds, ;)IJ ):;iii hol Toyo1a or 0.rnnco. GrC'al fol' pup~. l;h11s t111<1: s p",.. 1 a I ii•alrr tank ii~oo. ltilO 1·11n1pcr, li lU.-1!>t1 p1•1ce tn you S12.:i. 6~4-4.~1)11 ~• 1 ~· .. , ~ c 'l I ~='======== 1•r11-por . -'P .. o. ,,._ " . BEAtrr1•·u~ Dachsh1111d 10 x 46, 2 l3F:OROOi\l, balh. Campers 9520 puppies, AKC. 4 'WC'Cks old. IO' . · ,--• SE"L '10.~~''" -a1\nl/1):!_ ~='•"J. " F ('\)Jlf ai1wd CIHlljX'r, .~ ·'·"JU !>'10·7'217 Chevy t., Ton. S101·r, z'('frli;:, POODLE Pups, tiny toy .~ -·~---!;h()1vr1·. tolh'I, douhlc sink, toy, nll eolot'.'l, At\C, lop Mini Bike• 9275 ('l"c -1vu 1rr pu111p, ftirnac,,, quality. S1url scr. R93-9719 ----·-----hnl 11'nh•r hr;11 r1', ~letpi-ti 1970 HONDA Illini Tnul 70 , .\i·vr r usr<I . J~·sl on er . Horses 8830 Loaded! P('rfe(·t ~:ond . 1;.l'.'+!!'.!~O -'-'-"'"-------* j.1Q. 7ll28 • o.c~=~~-----1 S;\1At.L ShPt!arl(!, r. h i I dl -===========-l'lli' ~·oHfJ ... T. irn<"k , broke. daplc Jtl'\l:Y $7:i, ~otorcycles 9300 <':'ln11~·r ~P"" r1e11· ·ii \'! 54:}-51'28 --P1l.:n111 <'11n1 pcr nr11 l11'C'~, -----------;·5,, JJO,'\/DA 90. Lik1' n r 11 ...:lnt 1·011d. 9!i~-:J!l!JS 01 TRANSPORTATION Only soo n1itcs, L1t'.'"<I. l\n•1'\. :i::1;_~y, -hy l11"P.. Rest orter 0,·pr SHIO i<1'--,1.o.0cnc1c1~ ... ,~1c.~,.-=,,,,o_~v'.,o. I BOits & Y1cht1 9000 !!62-:lJ,10 ·;1fl 6 1~/JI. ,\(', lnpr, P."-. PB. BOAT SALE. 11.U l)'pe IJOal~ 't;,ll J1011da. If-,() St·r:1nibll'r. F.l•li'rado !J fl Cn111a nclw. & gt'il r for AA.Ir, 7f1 10 -1~1 fl. 1300 n1i. ·+ str11 s s:ril. sl(',..ps fi SlOOl C'ash + May hr \'le11•c1l :11 .'>ca Seou1 lXi2-!lT16 P.1n1'ls, fi·!2-fl(l.10 ;ill :1 P:'IT Basr 19.11 \\' .. C.;;is1 ll i)va~., :§~ Y 1\~\1\l-IA 12;), ~ 11i1, i~cITT;vv c:ih.,-•1c1·- N r 111Mn'1 8Pa(•l1 , End ul Slllt:, ''" .. rrri· 1•nn1p1'l'. " 1lhl hC'ds, po:rl Su:'!, Nov, 1 l;i'o-fi!\12 af11•1· 7 r•n1 <'n11d $1 ,,~.10, 1~!1-::fi~ll 1F111ho11nJ :r.12 f ot•d cng., &· Lll\f; n1•11• 'G9-Hoili'J; :In I r<11ll'\ll l·jJ~\:1 111 rw·1·~·v1.lll cou lrnilt'.'r, Bike $273. di11QI\ $2<¥1 49&-371~ fii;>-7R07 !Hi2-~')1J TRANSPORTATION -------------~---------~---·---------... ., Th tirsddY. Octotifr )0, 196q OAlt Y PILOT 3f), TRANSPORTA!ION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRA!"SPORTATIO~N~~, .. -.. -N-,-·p=o=•=r -A=r=10-.. --r=R=A-N~S P'ORTAT10N-TRANSPORTATION :rRANSPORTATION 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmport•d Autos 9600 Autot Wentlld 9700 U1ed Cart 9900 U5ed Can 9900 u~•d Ca rs 990C -~-------·-~-------·I --------1 --:=-;--:::""""'"";:--I----'-.---.:.:.:: I JOYotA YO.UCSWA•e.t ·''tt PAY . . -• BUICK~ . ·, . ,. C:61Wl IE I. ,.,. .. ,011tt · . ._ DI..,.. CASH ''8'ELi:Cl1\A m. 6eautUul '61 Corvolla Fatlback ~" lft .DUll'1 4 dr .. bard6:iP'.<qu,tota Int., t9S COUNTY'S . • · 'i Pwr. seal&, & P!W. Vil\YI Strilc\ni:ly-f tished tn ebony MUSTANCI ••QLOIST" .. °' J"ROM for u.d ttn A tNdcll Jull top. air, 1tereo, ti!~ ~I. black lJf'/ph1Mi hlaok inter ~ , $391 C4Jl ...... ............. Sacrifice $2195. By O\vner. Every llossi!Jle exh11 on this , Tarota Biiier .. .!. \ • ' .. ·IRO l'llNDft ,675-6579 ~ 'loc&.l ''1 ' uwnel' .. Ve!!". r.IUSI'A!\'G '!)a Con~ertibl&. :: .:.·E\V 1969 1'.lu.stang Grudt, olr cond , tl1>luxe in t , 1 cruise-O-n1a!1c. 5 MicheUn radial~. 2JI)'.) miles. Ow 644-1121)6 . . G Sl~ICTION . u,~·-~ 'c ··DILLAC .... Auto. trans., /1111 power, l'e-~lick. l\lu.~I ~eJl.fle&t oUer. Ill r rnav. panels, AM!F'~t sLCrt'<l, 6'7:-1-til'J t ·¥?.HARO TO OE .. · . " "L. , -. ,iiew wide oval ti.res, etc., ========= MODELS -call fer o·· ' + . :~ . '64 c A 0 li--L A c 'Q)upe etc; A rematkable car at a OLDSMOBILE lilf!l 11t•H'IZ" . . . ._M•.t19ft ~ , 1 ·1. • · · ~ PeVWe. ~r. ftc~ remarkably klw price. -;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j . !Lt'lllp i1,I 11 !!1 po r l" Qi.t.'tt ~. :l!OOIV<'O>u!Hwy,._i<.B. ·"·~··t-'aiS "l~_' ~,,~l~(A~Wl::t--.,I ~'i"·U~.~51! . ' ·.y ::.i::o~~~~.'~:",:.,, 900 So. Caf. Highway 642-9405 540-1764 ,..... FOR. YOUR '(AR Cadillac. 2600 Harbor Blvd. Power winrlows & seats. One Authorized MG Dealer Ill\ •• C,i\1. 540-9100 011·ne1·. $1893. Y\\'2757 !\11\NX/C'ru\V Al'R. \..-..Beach --c=-.=---=--=~~ """' 0<1'<'! "'""'""" -'*· .... $40-3100 • '64 p$"{8~~h· Cp•. 900LS;/o.uCn·.·· .~1.1.hhway "'" 3001E•t. .. or 67 ~=-gtkT '95 OAD DE VILLE 3100 w. ~,, fl "t , ~.~. ~ •• ,. a .. ,·~ : 1,! &46-J~ e !f ""' 1910 liAR..BOR BLVD. · !i.!2-9~().j 510-176-1 ~M • . g; ·--19 A, . Chrome v.·hffia, radio, heat-4~75 * J40.l100 COSTA MESA C . ~I Ol'il!naJ, full pwr, !aat A11ll'l1'.lrlzf'd l\JG Dealer tt\""o•s ,· , ·-'·. er, beautitul che1•1y red "'i!l1 21128 n.~ QJv4, ., ' Imp~ Autos '611 •nJ.tuar :x 120 black intrrioi·. Over:s rocked• TOYOTA '65 Volkswaqen Costa ~Mi-1* !4r .. qµ-1 taks Jorelg.n car in COP.VETtE l!l6'i'. 321. 2 top6. 13J7 MOR.GAN ' .i i\. E:it· Re~·~~~ 'perfec. Priced to &ell! , CAMPER BUS ---tf2"3!!-tr~~ I!~ &rp~ll j'.loiin. QPA· A:.I/f;\·l, p/s, many xlf'a1. 990 So. Cit. Hlghw•y ii-........ H . 1 ·,tlon, &aiiiii1{J:"' 1~r blue STIL\VELL'.'i Pop top, excellent condition. WE liiY'4h) !!'~1 Clill PhU 49+.9n3 °1' 21.000 n1 i. \\'~end~ S73-{)l67 ; l.agyna Beach ~~:"''.ijf.1;,;'"''t~.w .;:.; "·"'""1L~ w;' h Sport Cor City SPECTACULAR Kustom Motor1 OOLLAR ~·Ufljj, • . wkd•Y• 635--B&Jdwm 4'4.7"11 * 540-3101 'S IZ-:fQ.8=-:t• t i'"I'!' r. 6 or. lfark , DILi~~. . 1nlenur. g;,1 N, Anaheim Blvd, YEAR END SALE !or "' ~--~ can. l{i!M fJP~ lie V1lle1 1:!1\.~ CORVETIE 1968. 427, Mi'' 72 - 11cckl'nds'. .,. •) ... ' '!llre,.~,. -. '. • heater. _A_o._h_,_;m~~~~"cc'E~:."':."~1.3 ALL MODELS llt5 Baker .. ~~·~,.°',, st& Mesa. all rnakeL ~ Q9N1• aa., llfildle. fj11~ !Iii 11\8 r~ct. A!\l/Fi\I, like new, . • ·~ ows pej~ ~.:fo Dr. }f,T. I •• ..., W f -YOUR BEST DEALS "W".>J ~ ~~ f ord roOd s: IW', el doors, pta. rn i, Wkends 6 7 3 -a: : ' • ,, P .B .. tac-, , AL: "A. RO·M;iO '.'STILWEl.i}E Porsche '68 912 Coupe ARE STILL AT SON ~ 10 army "111 sell 2181 fJJi'bcir SlVd. New \h't's . wtappt'OX 100!} 11·kda)'5 61'1--5600 sa,td~~ 'ft ' ) $10JO. s: t. $port ~·:City Gl<!1llni11gburgundy finlsbw/ DEAN LEWIS his .67 V\V for StlSO. Has C.Mis. . . __ f42~0 ml, new bf'flk,es. $15?0. Pvt _ _:_ ··:_,,..a ' . ._· 260 0 851 N. Anaheim'Blvd. black intel', E1·ery accessory stereo, Poracht rear wbef:ls, -~i'i}(· _ paty. 646-4567 11ft 6 DOD"-E •, J · · . 54(}.-9100 incld. AM/F'M & chrom.i "OOCl CAD '68 EL DOR \j}O Y' t; if Anaheim ' 5-~115 1 1 Fl 1 . 1966 II arbor C lit ~ ,~ 9303 " steer. \\'heel, etc. Surf. TOP I 8 · 1 . • · ,~, · nv., fuU :44"l'PRIZED ALF~, ROMEO DEA~IR . Al' LAST I I Immediate D•liv1ry NEW Atf• Romeo's e All M..i.to e 900 So. Cst. Highway Laguna Beach 494.7503 * 540.3100 1901 AL.!'1\ Roineo Rondster. Ne1v brakes. bal lrry & 1wcs. Xlnl cone!. S? j 0. 962--02\i'l AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMER ICA Sales. Servlcc. Paris In1n1ediatc OC'l1vcry All i\lotlels J1rwport 3hn1n11·. 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.8 . 6·12-94(95 5~~li~! A11 lhorittd ~ID Dealer CORTINA '67 FORD CORTINA Spoi't Cpe. 4 speed, Radio, J1eater. Must see to ·ilpPrecl- alr, Lie ·uTY528. A Special Al $1299 c\~.sofl ~.tll' :i ::i-3!\.1\ Ext. 66 or 67 J:lj'O !!ARBOR BLVD. cos·r,\ 1\lESA DATSUN '68 DATSUN ,I Dool' Sedan, auto lt'an~. radio, ne11' ti1·rs, bcauWul ~ $1195, \VQD38~ li'P-1 m1r,uis Umot1rs 900 So. Cit. Highway L a guna Beac h 494-7503 * 540-3 100 '89 1 PICkUP :'\eal' m1v, l [IOQ 1111lcs.! <1 six!. O!r, \\ Lft &al't'1f1cr.! S.rnall do11•n. \Vil! J111:inrc privale parly. ZQS909LB. Call Ken 4'il4-9i73 O\' 515·(}63 !. ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN D!AL!JI!. DOT DATSUN J8S35 Brarh Blvrl. llttnliflilan Beach i.U. 7181 Of 5~Q.141l2 189 DATSUN Big 4-dr Sedan. 4-srd. Dir., l'il!lio, heatt>r, 1300 mile~. \Vill sac:riflre: Take oldPr trade. Call Phi.I, J~-9771, ~~t Z\\'J0..11. 'SS DATSUN 1600, J1kc ne\\', a11to, r & h, pnv p11.-1y. SlMIO ~.SM£ EN~USH FOllD OllANO• COUNTY'S VOLUMI l 'NGL1$H ltORD DEALEll .SA,Lli$. 55RVltli '6' l'ltODELS Immediate delivery URGE SELECTION Thaodo,. ROllNS FORD ml Harbor Blvd. Costa i\lesa 642-0010 ,63 JAGU,Yt"..., Cfl('. 4 11' ~ee s. a11· ess in every . 1 .,..,,. board. S40. 6T';i-2&49 l~ded. ex!ras, bht/Wht. '61 DOOOE DA ·,'I , .Pl!~. . ir, many speed., cbrolne ·~· : \\'herls, dl'tail, '68 Toyo!a Corona, HT, auto, '68 Volkswagen, stand&.rd B°1,S:.'f!Y ff:J{tJT• vinyl top: orli. o11•ner. Im-f!xccUent Cond1t101)! I exfPS~ \ \1arranly., red. almost new, dlr. 815 ~uip, chrome r a 1 de r • _ adt &jV n111,c. $5795. P~one , (lJ \\lhi!e ivith vinyl top, 41&' Cd§-r iftg~~L"t ~~~6~8.lpc. ~oQ. ~ N~::::~ Baker St ., Costa r.tesa 1rheel1, xlnt cone!. Call after ff. B.fg~ · --Pb. 847-85.55 S29--869ol '. ditioning, auto. tl'ans., f!O*: : 6~ ii liDTP Cadillac. 2600 H~r Blvd. s.10-s9i5 8 p.m. 67l-7108 Wiii Buy '61. CA~D F'Jeetv.·ood , 'ifiOOQ er steerlng,rad1oan.dhe~ler. P/81 Pis, p011·er ii·in-C.~l. 5'10-9100 ' 1964 V\V Sq, Bk. St.I Wag. mi, $350. WUI accept 10 le 20 New tires; V-8. $1650. 3.1,fm dows/seat 57a-2298 aft ti .57 J AGUAf.t i(R.140. Ex· VOLKSWAGEN 1 5 0 0 s. .$ll9j. <TI4) Your VgJkn;aa•n or Pcrscho hp ou!board or scuba ~lp nlilf:s, Cali 6:17~156 . p~r ceU{nf condition. p h 0 n e 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. ~·1~-tm ~H· 6 tini, r.1on-Fri. • pa.y toP dollars P&ld for !5 part payment. &ij::-430-'65 DODGE Po!ara conv~rt., -~';"m"'tor=SE=L~L7,-- 6.Mi-29!!6 li-t?-~P5 5-10-1764 '6F< ,vw bltCustoi;:i €~tnfil, r. Al! cj!Y ~l l_@!!~~ -i!: or not. ~.JtaJp~· '65/ ~t ·v!~~--,_¥a''*1"'1' radd ",'~,'" ,,:o,oo,n,. m,~·"'$ll00 o1· '6R Toronlldo, many ex1ra~. Authorized l\!G Dealer ac . re ~Iii !!'! W@JTilcf\jy. !N W,-f'"llWri' ra~QMt ~ w ff11 .H,,! w", J(n . con , c~ o ..,r. ...-&.1 Call after 6 f¥_&i2-5l3.l '67 JAGUAR •7 $1600 or BES1' PffEfl.. ~ . 1 N -·--has everyfhtng $ 2 6 O 0. ·55· Doi:lge PolBra V-K, aul, "·6~. ~F~~~·°'sr=~~~~- 4.2 COUP9 ·~p~~~ ~~':iltn;~; ~~~1;. ~l048 =fi r\:: J.U."~:s: Auto ~·4•1ft• flll 546-T51' . one owner. sha1·p! KUstom ~rig Jown~r~a~.x~i~~I~~~:: British Racing green, A!\I/ eng. & tran~. Stereo-tape, '67 V\Y Bug, xlnt concl. :>5.000 6~900. .. 1. -'67 CAP di Vule, landiu top, i>'lotors, 845 Baker, Costa $1100. 6'13-1232 I [~~5~t~ZZ92;\v Pii~lli fire s. ~'<~ii C:1~73~67;6:J_~~~ see ;~ :1;~; ~~~~'.a:s;.x~:;:~ 11 V\V, m~t sell? tmi.. LOEJE.U~·i RT ~~~:~e ~r1':i. 00~~88~11'1·, ~~15 '65 OLPS Cutla8s, 375 HP.; "' ot\t. ~t· Wht/bt¢ int.J A•I . FALCON 5800. Oean, good cond .. ne1v1 m . PORSCHE '66 912. c .. .,, 833-3694 I . b. !Ill\!. !I~. tll• !!." CAMARO "'"""" I i llft\1\$ ~;~F~~il~riv:11~t P ~~ ~ ~: ·~r,1;';~1. ~Y~~ '"l~'Jt'~l i<~~ F°iif Riil.ST -· .-,i-F-AL_C_O_N_<_O-, .. ~. -;-ti-ck" PLYMOUTH m,..O•S 838--0630 sen at once? Best iMhfJI ,.1_. lllV l~T fli\MARO 517 RS, bl~ shllt, Rkll; clean, good .run. ---·------ "' ' 646-7875 or S.12-5603 • ·, All po~fl~ 1' "1••· P'Qfd vinyl tqp, 4 spd. chror.1e ·nlng cootlltion. 5Jf),.jS9J .68 Ply ~d RunRer bdtpi 900 So. Cst. Highway P,';,';';f",~.;:u mii,,c'?s'.aoo' '6' vw, ""'"""'' -'fn~ ~~\hoaur ,1,,.'';.."i.~· ;~3\iiow p<I, hk• °"w. 19'2 FA LCON st' U o n cpe 4 •pd, 4 ham<!. big .,.!· Laguna Beach <2131 J\1A Q...1080 deys, eve Ai\I / Fl\!, 4 & 8 tntcli • · \Vason, Good cone!. tine, tack.·4 harl'f!l, big en-'. 494-7503 * 54()..3100 (2131 EX J-1837. stereo. Alarm sys., ski l'~f!k, 10 RYI, ROii [!ORD "'H"VE' LI,. E * 53G-0-!39 * tr.ta, m~t' sa crifice. Takef KARMANN GHIA 1965 Karmann Ghia. Immaculate 1ns1de and out! One ownel'. See at 480 Broad 'vay, C .. \I. MlllC:IDll BENZ , . -. -·- '17 M/ h~ '"SL ~~ITIQVi\hle JeetOfy ~anHop r adio, heater. Beau~ul Al'C· tic wl:iite, tixrks necp-new: $1350 STILWELL'S P h • plus extras. $1750. 673--5270 1 '., '9 • ·61 FALCON over peyments call 646--87541. orsc e 67911S.Targa Tt,-.. 1<4 E.'<Cf'ptionally clean thruout. '58 V\V, !or """ int..-·v.:n "~~·· 'IOLD! -· ·' O ,66 C · 11 _, · Cood condltio n $2Sj. Cindy '£5 Plymouth Valiant '2'25'1 -v "'tlt~ "': . . Costa 1.-W-001 !)eve e r.l""!bu. V-8, 6·16·6161 before 4:30 · · k oocl d $P.·, Deep aqua blue 1v/ na!w'al call 540---1964, fl:n jJllili I . •.Alt A 4-IJl!I., bucket M!&tll, black '~======== ~:J:"I, stic • b con · .N contra5ting in I e r. All t'\'es, al! day ·HR: ltl-'L&ASl!-ANY-MAKE~ int. 536-2968. ' i -1-=~'4="='="='="======-li Porsche extras, See & drive 1966, 26, ~· , , OJI MODIL -FIREBIRD to believe. 3914 Humljel~I, .•• l:t:'• Let O!R' ll!W ell'pert1 1hoW CHEVR~LIT 59Z-231i • ·'''" you the lit1t "11l1 for )'OUr . . :r___ '6~ flREBIRD 350 '66 V\\', Ex C £L "£'1-n penopal '*4• wlttiow1 ebllr ''' Cih1¥. It•, Wa11n Take* 0~;~2g;{~ents COND. Radio $900. 675-3420 iation. Fact.')' air, VI, automatic or 67l-5119 900 So. Cit. HlthW•Y UNIYl•llTV transnl\sslon. po\ver steerli.1 illf • FORD J1rtuport 31niport s . . 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. &12-!)405 540.1 i&l Authorized il1G Dealrr SUNBEAM '56 vw Bu 8 complete."· L · I h OLDSMOllL.li • b~e1, B1at1tiful silve1' ., a1u"1 ••c lS5Q Harber Blvd. blue. ---------original . 68-1;,oQ cc ena lne. 494-7503 * 54()..3100 Colla f\f•R Spoi-t Car ~ater '66 FORD Calax1e 500 2 Dr. ~f.)()_ Kl 6-6629 54G-964b · Ovt-ntocked iliuat Sell : H.T. Auto., R&H: P.S., '64 V\V. Low nule~ on rebuilt VOLVO -$1715 P .~ .. fo._clory? aJr. ':1 nyl to~. engine. $935 or o ffer . • ... LEASE 1."'1////IWholesal Hhl 8 kl 527•0 (SUHG86J ~1.7.1. N ab e r s 545-7453 CLEARANCE NO\Yl ~ ~ ~IL\~CLr'S ;; J Carllllao, :ZGIJQ Jlsrbol' Blvrl, PONTIAC '68 G.T.O. Facto1~ 4air~~~~ steerlna1 ""' Sport C:artity -IS~ N. ~i;n vrl . '67 Sunbeam, ne1v tires. Anaheim .... 5·2ll:i chnn r uns, A'.\1/F~f radio, 1967 250SE Mettede\; Benz new pain!, priv prty $1300 or ccurie VJG083 air, -po>1er. bt>~t olfer. Call aft 6 P l\I, etc . CustoJn pa in t 673-2284 '67 BUG . Orlginal owner 142 144 lCS l"'"' ·c1 V'W ., ..... , .... ;49 mo. r,ort ·car City _c~.M~·~'=',,.,~'"'~~~~· ~ - -.. ·~~ T·BI'"". •Ir. f""Y •qp'd. • ·'"' •o"o • .. ,, G·l"'ie, 2 fir lmmac. Quick sale -$1245 THE LOWESf PftlCES "" "' ""' 851 N An h · Bl d IAJ" "" "...., ' 833-nll 833-3461 YOUR BEST DEALS Sale pr\Cf ............ $"3 . · a cin1 _ v · µndau tor. f ;Jc alr. fl:/!\, & brake!. vinyl root, radio.~ h!uter, 2~.000 orig. miles.j One ownet. like new. P1'f'm-1• i11m Wide Oval tiN's. Still 111·· Jnrotary' \\'!lrranty. Priced to: ~eu today_ I c~-~ o~! ARE STILL AT '69 Cad El Dorado coupe, An11he1m hE 5.21 5 P /8, Pl\\. _Fi\! !iTEfttO 1969 VW CAMPER DEAN LEW s fully equipped .• $199 mo. '66 CH!CVROLET Caprice. radio. Xlnl cond1 '300 dn Days 642-4391 eve5 64.2·2789 I '69 CadUlle O:illPf d!! VUlt One owner car \vltb only fi 12·27,j~' \\'/leathe r interior on I y ---------'69 V\V Squareback, automa.. fully equ!pptd .•.. $189 mo. 24.000 mlle8, ha~ aU power + -~.6•6.F~.-.1-10-n~F~u7!u-,-.~ tic, sunroof, A~1/FM. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '6.'.l Chiv O:-ma~, pwr •tra A alr condltioning, A~solu rely F ully fuctoljl equipped. Dlr. lo~~i-5 f . :567j() lull Jlrlce· .J 1 ni Slemon11 Me~ ~ni, 120 w. \VBM'lC'I', Sllnll\ Ana. 546-4114 MG '67 MGB GT Coupe Ruby J'P.rl 11 I l:rl'1ck Jealher 1n!ror. f.oa(jcd "'' extras; wire whf'e.lli, AN Fi\.1, oveJ.._ dnvr, Pirtlll Ha!li11 l ·rire,, 1,0011 11 l1cr!, ~It'. New nar tr;irl" 111 11'ilh only 2<1,0C'(J J1)l!f'~ $rr s, ch 'l\'I' tv app1'lll!- ialt'. j]r1t1pllt I 3111111 n rt.-; 3100 \\', Coe.It !{ivy., NS. 6-t2-(Ull5 ~l7'4 Aulhoriied MG Dealer M G ~illes, Setvloe, Parts ln1mediate Qelivery, ,\ll J\!Olfela , N.B. 6.i2-94CG 540-17&1 Authorized >m Dealer . '6~ il!G A1w;tin ATTlt'rlCa, ;1.uto, rad i{l, ll'lnl, '1650, Aft 1 pr11 67ft-fi911. NIU NSU Is heli? at Ku.stom ~lolor&, over head cam er111 .. ama:i1ng performance! Low prieed! 84l Baker St., c.r.t. 510--5915 PORSCHE '61 PORSCHE C. xlnl cond, A~llfM radio, !\kl n ck. fully eqp'cl. 549-2289: aft 6, 494-6191 '64 PORSCHE SC Conv, New tor , tires & engine. TRIUMPH '68 TR 2j(). '\'ire \\·heel:;, tug- ·gage rack. new vlnyl top. illicheli n tires, S26JO. Call aft 6 pm, 644-0308 TOYOTA '67 Toyot• Corona 4 Door Sedan, auto 1rans. Pcrfeet Condition: :Sll{!P. UN/\035 6-16-2238 after 6 Ptlt brake:i, aJr • • .. • • •• liO f\10. the cleanest one in tpv.·n. SG95 'SR V\Y Squareback, radio Seort Cari 9610 SOUTH CO.A.IT J!m Slemons !11erc e(l eE Ph 6 i~GO:?l radial t\res. xlnt t.'Ond. ~--------CAR LEAllNO Beni, ~ W. Warner, Santa one · -•· £~6--56(1! after 6 p;-.y ·53 tl!G-TD, &ood cond. $450. 300 \V. Cil HW)', NI 645-2182 Ana, 546-4114 · '6~ fORD Country \l/11 gol1; New tp. & rebuilt ena:. Y' fl/S · P/B, P/S, a\ltQ, R&H, 1- 548--0030. U·-• C:trt DftlU\ 'li3 CHEV S_,, · P/R, 011'nrr. Xlnt cond. $150. 67;;.5048 -71'\N a!r. b11ck. seats. $10:l0. 6~l--JlB·l 1---------0 1 675-1200 8:30 '!ii 5. 548·SIS81.='-===---~ !\JUST Sell '66 V\V C&n1per Antiques, Cl111les 9615 e OTHERS aft 6 & ii·ttkrnds . .i\lrs. '67 TlllJSTAl'\G :'llnsl SrlL fully equip!, }ow mi, A-.!! e TURNED Mo.rrlott Excel. rand. ln 1n1le. Like Desi gU W lf»i ~vt;t. '30 ?t10DEL A. chaJ1ii1 + 2 e YOU ==--=----1 new, $1650. 548-9823 '64 VWCLEAf'JI f o ..... "ir d,..',·,.~ ... l>°"l'.,•hl,.•,,1',!'i,11,•. • DOWN '57 EL CAill!NO, aUl'), air, -.63 rah·\)I]. F~ ... -,,-,-.,.-:11-.. - ITl!I u lanlaslic. nu cond., tra1·cJ Askln1 llllJ. 496-5217 ~17T;i •NEW IN CAL11'0RNIA !op, illr. s45 Bi!.ker St.. lea.I ,·011rl 11 1r1n -$::,,o. . 'Si V.W. ius 1,,~.,i'.-.ILiiiiir,;,,.,-.+...,~'""'•"-'iialll"'°"°nt • liAD A J\J:POMEWON Co.~ta l\lcsa. 540-5915 Cal! ;,.J<J-1X27 .$350 call 711-8111 ...... ··ftlOO, a.wm aft !, • ~~~N.~~~·• 'liJ li\IPALA, convt, 55327, '&l rORD Gto lo-.:u· ~ '1'.,, P!~· '62 VW BUS $750. 519-Jrui Ext. lft er 67 I 1~70 HARBOR ni.. VD. COSTA MillA ' Alter !I pn1 , alt dlf WMlndt. , ......,.., w/1v, bkl seats, ale, p/\1', i::1!. !il'rs. grL cond. !lli2-4~59 m"f. llU\'S ·5g VW~iuMO°qt; Ar.t-f'r.f. 1f. -•• 1 1. No Sldt L.oani pill, auto, J owner. lo 1111.,=''="oc"=',,::i=o,,. ===== • ' Nllent ·111·11•. nilnt oond . 4ufe lwnt1 9625 ~: ~: ~i:n~u~r:n~ SJ58j 1offer. OOS-3151, oo.g.19971- '&t Pont. Grand Prix hrdtop,i. \\'hltc v.·/bluc \'lny! lnt.,J buckrt ~eats, t'entcr console. rat11a l llres. xlnL cond, oria j ownc1". \\'ill sr.ll for $89~ .. :;,.,., a1 1Hl4 E .. l7th St ., ~.,\.I Ciill Offl Jjansen wkdays; .~ am-4 vm ~7-71>W. -~ 196~ fli tjllii GTO coo.I \'ertibll • •Jll!eil. Take overi payme1ftl, .ffG-3168 ·alt 4 ·1 pn1. , motOfS 1..:c11::; .. ;:;;.,· 1;;;;"";::.,';;.".;.-~3:,-,_~ 'l!l AUTO Show •• II car 4. No 0>11J"'l'I Nteded '59 CHEV \\'gn, new air LINCOLN \VA NTP:ti: Cte4n--vw 'Pa.nel. wui1 by the l hi• or Calif. s. No C41l~l•NI Needed conct. r/h. p1\T, i:;d cond. ----------'68 . J!'IRF;IU\Q 100 Turho; · h}'dro. ""*4"itarei:i F;'-1.~ • S2250 nr htlt &ttet. IT3--61J70 I '5,j PONITAC. Xnll cond.J· $1~. I .. 900 So. Cst. Highway v.·ill Pll)' cu h. Prol. School of Mlllllcal & ,\le Cany SZ2J. 536-1851 1DG:I LINCf1Li\ CDn1 111cnta1. Laguna lkach i~~=Tn_m~K=l~~~l5!l~7c:---. Dmtal Au ls. Spon90red by OUR OWN Conrract1 '6~ Chevrolet Bel Air new ;8;; Ortr;inii! nii·ni:r. z:.::G'2 rir·- 494-7503 • 54Q-~100 WI IUdan °119$. Oood oond ~wn ' Country Ctr, kt .. 'N Mtl'O\U'Y rwiun ..... M ~f\11111, 11ick, l iifiO OL' oiler. ~~;;\,~;~1 11 cs ' a tis pcrJ, 2 la&O. 6#-';1741 alter S, Nov. 111, 10 AMt4 PM. Town 'M PiYmoUth QHJ:7TJ, ••• I 35 M4-30i~ BJU, rtfAXEY wkd)'•, '" '" kl·8"n. • Oiuntry, 11112 a..ci< 'II ftambl or Pt.a.,1 .... 1,. ''"°66~Ct~rn~v~E"LLnE"' ..,,~~ioo~·.-l'-11· 'G6 VIV Bus, dlr. Blvd. Near Main 6 l:llir. :60 ~met \VIF'683 ........ $17' posi, 4 5fld. 11e1~· tlre~ MERCURY -t ~l-Sl'.lftl • '6!: Fh·eb!n1 350, 1lr, P'~.t p/b, Landau top. Teacher. '. 1;17-9418 ' ITgXJQITl!I 8-1:i Baker St. 62 L1ocol.n, Full ll'A'I'., Dei;f14J r81e. 11!11-001[1 , , , .-. Coita f\1e&11. * ~('>.Zl915 Autos Wa"tM t700 JRD9CI ., .............. 5·1~ r.:::: 6~ f'o.!E:RrURY Cnlony Patk ~_,.---• - --'65 VW NOL.2~7 ••..•••••• $596 ~5 l:..l Ca.n11no, au lo, lltalinn "11 ,.0n, flLll poiver tllll BliiAQH aLVD. Jr.'\.l V\V. 43JiJO Tnii; beauty. \VANTED: C1•1n VW ~J; '6-1 Me rcucy St&, Wag., a1r/cond. ;\~111 _cond11!0~1_. $1[l{}. 5-4:i-1iii~ '67 Gran Prlx.lhar11J l.oi,dtdl $1995, 84!!·11tk'! Hunt. 81•ch 847 ... 511 1 owner. Fau!Uess-cond. v.·ill pay cuh. OWZ '"' 1~,,• Bes t offer. 64.>-20();), 642-:iS:..1 L=~i=-c,,-c"""'· -c::tr.:c•, 1 ~ ................ .J:>U _ --EAV NO frw C;inb., fthll '="'=' ="=· '=!=""='="="=wy"·='="=Q~oh~·-='"'",.-·:,,"";, .. 179'"7====".°'=-===To=mi;,,K>iliiai:t.lalfTii:iis:= I '65 Ford Falcon YES932 $596 '69 EL CAMINO SS 33-0, 4 srll 'Ill !l'lonterry. 1!1 wr , l~perted Autt1 ,... lmpertetl A1i1to ffOOlmperted Alltll ffOO ·ss Ford R&nchero, s~d. Law 1nilcagc. ~1r, xlnt rond l~J!l. 644-1134. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:i;;;;:i;.:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I PTIN72 ........ " ...... $7911 892·1"4~ RAMBLER - I' '65 Olds S8 (air) PIT446 •. $881 114 SUPER Spart. upinac.. M. UST ANG '68 RAMIL ER HOLIDAY "-AMILlfl auto 1hlft, fald. '1095 MIDll l-:::======== A!lfEfUCAN, :I door, 1t1nd. VOLVO ,ULL lllGYTIVI CAI Sir. # 7160 142 SEDAN •ACTORY lfUIP'MIJIT $269840 C:OlONA 2·tlr. li•rtlt•' IXICUTIVI CAA NIW COlOLLA Ht. USED CAR SPICIALS 1•1• CMft. 1/t T. StJlaalde Vol, R.H. ........ Jl424C: r\I LW.I. $1995 1911 TOYOTA CORONA H.T. c,.. l.H,. 4 .,.-'Ille.,._ =· 111 , 11695 1911 POllCHI CPL 1•N S. I. .... 4 ........ ....,. .. ,.,. ... ·-· . 11995 ''° J11 • ,,., "''' ~ .,,... . ...,,_ .. :::.::--:::: ... 11495 ---_,_ ,. .~~~~-- &U.so:z3 Costa M•u. '61 CH!iV \Vaaon, auton1, V-1965 MUSTANG CONV. VGY807. • SCRAM LETS 8, R&H. power. Good coDd! YeUo1~ w/black t9P anti blcir k ~ m , ' ' • "50. 646-114<4 , l)!lt<''"· RIH. 289 " m'"' •t,U\$ , ' '63 ettiVY ls Wlill-~"*' Ua! 3-sPfld. Four gonll Fir!'. M-'t•S ' ANIWERS Ural brlk1i PM . l tl'Jnto Wlde Ovals and "·\re Ql91 ' ' * ~·· . hubcaps, Excellent Condi. JOo .SO .. Cat. Hinhw•y ,. ,_, • .bate _ Glory _ tlon. Slltl. Call 673-~493 aft. ., ...... O\'EROOAT er 6 P.M. '-•tuna leach A -... ..., '"' .. 1 CHRYSLER 1 414-7103 * 541)..1100 . f.a: 1't "'* trom LllllfY'a. ·sa Chr)'ll•r New Yorker. 68 Muslang ·55 R..U(BLER i\merican, 4 ) .,...,_ .. ~ for • cup air. bdu , otrg. landau. :· . ~.. '" '"" 1·-h t ~ .~ O'-R ~ .........,,, ...., ....... ;,;:, p, auo, v-,~-:•.. an v 11o • Sharp! Low, low pMced! Loade~! ..,.Int cond, dlr, 1n-IOOO-xtnt cond,. c a 11 . 1· . Ku1tom to.toton, 845 &ker side & out. Take foreian car 11112-4014 L -' .SL Colt.a Meaa 540--5115 ln !rade or 5mall do wn. '62 iiAMllLER sedan, xln t IUICK ' -fl.lake low.1..1?.'v payn1t•. VZl.-c. OHTINENJAL "111LB. uw Phil. 491·9773 cond., auto. <'h. gd, """ '64 RlVIERA. Completely _ or 5-1~4. •~. ~7 automatic. Riff. a 1 r , ,61 Continental Cpe. L'E-A~V~t~N"'d-1~,-.. -c~.-..,-.-.. -0-m-st LATE fS 170. 4 dr, 6 cyl. , ~!~m*tn54to._no97r;...New tires. r·~ air, full powor. Beau. sell ·eo.: GT pkg, a./c, Rtlclc IWl!rdrlv!. Lo mlleJ. l :' .......... "" _ ...... , ·~ ,,...,. d t Ow:14r. 111~ ~1762 , · tllul cha.mJ>aan§! iold with AiYl/r >Yli f/p\<~'. sc, 65 4 DOOR Wildcat. Total black leather tnterior. Lan· radial~. 4 barrtl $11195. '82 RA"OlitR 4 dr., Wqon, power, air~ CUltom whttls, ~ top, Showrooin tresb! l=&l_<-_"31=.==....--:--,,.-,. 6 cyll&l•r~-..utoma!I~, exttl, new Jlll.lnL St'e ft £: love It. . $'8f5 '611 MUST ANC Fas!b8ck. oond. u..a. 64s..6M9 11400. 642-s200 Overstocked Sport car R/H. l'IJap. Sh~by whls. '57 iUICK, 1ood cond. 113.5. DM!er Mu$t Still A I r fhocks +, vac, pump. 808~ Marruerite, O':IM. STILWELL'!'· &73-6265 eve1. : " e13-,,., Sport Car City ·" WiiT. ttR6roP. ,1 .. '56 BUlCK Station WtillOn, 8S1 N. Anaheim Blv!I. au!o trailll, r/h, t1/c, trens very dependabl~. rurtl well. Anaheim KE ;;.~ll undar wty., $S50. 8~252!1 S100. call: 833-1183. '6S CONTlNENTAL 4·door ·~ l\lUSTANG ti cyl. PIS, vi. '6l BVICK EJ~ 225 conv, Landatt top, loa!led! 50,000 nyl top. X1nt cond. $1895. T~BIRD FERRARI """'00 ---------1V.\V .• Ponchc. Mercedes F-ull f•<l1 ry 1q ui,,. plu1 ••die, awtom•tle Si r. 25'' Full f1Gt, equip. Sir. #1211 1t67 KARMANN •HIA. 4 ..... -........ _.,,95 ....... m ... New erw .. pwr, itr &. brks. :m:;t::::l2000~=· ~"=~=""'===:.::! iOi.>rlg";;J;n.;;tt,o;;w;;""'--t· :;"1"-:">90"70. Alr. Xlnt oond, S8'5 968-3423 _ ' · -'6.3 ilt111;tans V-8 auto , ·8' T·BIRO' Landau, QO ena., perfect rocdit!on, all extras. full p1vr, under 24,000 ml. Q1•\g ov.·nef $2575. 644-477·1 'G4 T-BIRD. r.tust s e 11 . Sacrlllce! Full power, air. Besr olfer. 675-2383 FERRARI e"''s. & ui;ed pints, steady Newport lmportJ Ltd. ()ro. in s!ock. fi.tz.-0350_ 1nge Count)''• only author-AZTEC body, VW engine, lzed dea.ler. nttds asaemblMf. All parts · SALES-SERVlCE·PARTS av9il. f\111ke olfer. ~'16-2014 3100 W. Coas,t HW)'. Nc-v.·port Bcar h '61 PORSCHE C, ;i ll "·'<lras. 6iJ2.~40~ 3·10-li64 sho11Toom con•I 13200. CAii A111hn111,,,l t-,,, r.irl o.;.,,Jer :~:ti--tilW! 11976" '1790" DEAN LEWIS Oronte County's lortnt and Most Modern Toyotll It Yoho DHler 19'6 HAUOR IOULEYARD '46·tJOJ COSTA MlSA 'Ii& 8PEC. Dix hdtp, Ah', Con. CORVAIR bromt', xlnt cond.. Call tact Mn. Harrrave, 517-6866 645-.flU4 betr 4 pm. VALIANT dl,f.I, or 6'J5.:i877 Evn . '65 Co r v a I t , UNBELlEV. '67 Custon1 Hardtop. Auto, ·54 VALIANT \\'agon. Oti&. 8UJtK '84 1\1v1era, air, Jlll ABLE cond., act. ml. 8600, f\111 p\\T, all extrtl&. Lrtdy o"'ner. Clean, good l.'Ond ntru. f?l'.ctl cond. Prlv. pty 1/c ~. &44-4806 Cl\\'ner. f\h~t !t!ll. 844-2951 R llf, stick ~hilt. $550 Oas $1~. 548-lU17, CORVAIR. 4 dr. l'.Xitl scdr11i. 1;;-.;rTF.D Ft.:KO-Con1nnJ'll1,I' ;_.1()--Zlr.1 Ex!, 74. Eic ti!l-~:2 1 GIVE Now and l11t er white. Xlnt 1i.1nnini; cond. lri ('t11••I T!wy ,;rt tile J••h -~~~....-,- UNYT'ED 11'\JNn nlll't'. JZ21. •IM.J\76\1 •I"''"' hr•t r-;rv~-Xnw -Unlled F1.111•l --------- • \ ··---...... ~---- --::r;-...... ·,,~-----~-----~----------.• -··------.._._..._ -·---·------;: 0 --------··-·· _ .. __ ------.. . . ' . . . • GUARANTEED HIESC PJIODUCJS CAllRY AN UNCONOITION.l.l MON{Y-8.1.CK CUA.II.I.I'll([ .'.' :·--.. "1:• :· .. • HArwdo 161 JACltlOft ...._ 1«9 & WlfllOft ••·llio•n l GUAR-ANTEED 1.;·COAT .ACRYLIC LATIX ·INll'llRIOR FLAT PAINT \ • 30 MINUJ E •DRYINO • BRUSH <ORJ~OLL . ' 0 -~CRUBDllLE ' . , ' ' " ' . •: BRIGHTEST WHITE AND D.ECORATOR ' COLORS · " • ·CLE:AN·lAPI WITH :Wf.TER HALF THE WORK · HAU: THE PAi1t:r . • USE ON .. iNjERIOR STUCCO, BRICK, MASONRY, ETC. . ~i' , ,,.. .. 0\JR·.PR1Cll3' . ·9· . 8 COMP.'RETAIL , · 6.5_0 GAL • • J;'.· . . • ' . LATEX ACRYLIC BXTERIQR STUCC0·1\1ASONRY PAINT ' · • 1'H0UR TO DRY •.• :~R-ISSH · OR ROLl. . ; .. • CllEAN·UP WITH WATER . ·, '' . ,.; 'GOOD HIDING .. .,., •.SCRUBBABLE ' ' • ·WON 'T CHIP, CRACK OR PEEL • BRIGHT WHITE AND MANY . POPULAR COLORS CAN Al.94 BE U9BD FOR AN llX'l'll&llaLY DUllAaLl!.INTlllllOR '.iGB , OUR PRICE 199 COMP. RETAIL . , 4.50 . GAC., VINYL ACRYLIC • auv·1 PAINT FOR 'BOTH INSIDE AND OUT t:XTERIOR • THE FINEST QUALITY, MOST QURABLE STUCCO-MASONRY PAINT YOU CAN BUY l"Tt:RIOR • VINYL ACRYLIC CAN BE ' USED INSIDE WHERE A TOP QUALITY EXTAEMEL Y DURABLE PAINT IS DESIRED • 30 MINUTES TO DRY • SCRUBBABLE • LASTS 8 YEARS • CLEAN·UP WITH WATER WHITEST WHITE AND 49 COLOR& OUR PRICE398 COMP. RETAIL. 6.25 GAL. -R••toiORcu vDm: ' ' . . UllH~MAftlllAL '• ..... NIN ... 6fMt. . • ··1 ., -'' "-LUITUTIOfAnUtll'OlltiYu.Olf.'4' . . . ' ' . . Ot',E N 5 NIGHTS '' ~~,; c, JNflA Y'> 'I l'O ,, ~ 10 " ,. •" " \/\Ttrt•r),"Y .-, '" '· -, '(' • 17