HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa... - 17 ... ~ ............. --·-· .. ~-- I u * • ,-. . •. . '. ... -~ -'· * ti ";,.{ ·~ .. ~ ~ ~ ... rl .. "' ot ee s en at a Judge Rejects Dr. Leary~s DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 3 f, 1969 Plea: Drug Trial Date Set 'Chicago Eight' Trial at Standstill LA J etlh1 e1· Hijacked Acro ss U.S. BANGOH. f\taine (lJPll -A riflr · \\·ielding youth. <lcscribcd as a clcancut "a!l-Arneric;in" type, hijacked a jetliner over California today and began a hop· scotching trip to Egypt. The Trans World Airline plane, a Boe· ing 707 bound fro1n Baltimore to San F'ranciSC(!, \\'as hijacked after Jc;iving Lo:; Angrlcs on the last leg of the flight. The hijacker had boarded the plane at Los Angeles. The plane \\'<IS flown back 10 Denver "'here il rcfuelrd and let ol [ 39 passt·ngers. The hijacker said he wanted lo fly to Egypt. The p1Rnc put do .... ·n again in f\cw York lo refue l but ·was scared off by FBl agents and flew on to Bangor lo complete i-cfuclin~. Apparently still headed for E~·pt, the plane wa~ cl<:ared for a flight In Shannon. lrel;ind \\'hen il fini::;hcd refueling and lcl t Bangor lnlc rnal1011a l Airport. Bcfo rC' lc:1vi11g BanJ:or. Ille hiJiH•kcr - r ad10111g 111slru cllons fro1n lhr pilot to the co1,trol 1011£'r -erimn1 ;1ndcct pt.:l'.,On"> \1·att'hing 1rorn nct1rby 11·1ndow~ and doorw ays ;11. t!1r ai rport ;ind a nearby l :irtory to clue~ oul of :-.lght. Authorities had ~r:1lcd r>ff the rcfuc!111g (See IUJACt\, !'age ZI Judge Rejec ts Leary's Appeal; Trial Da te Se t By TO:\t BARLEY or ,,.. D•ll'f' "II" Sl•lf 1'. biUerl y disappointed Dr. 'Timothy T.cary and his family learned today that they must face the Superior Court trial !heir attorneys fough t to avoid in a week- Jong hearing. Judge Byron K. ~1cMillan ordered the trio lo return to rourl Nov. 24 to face jury tria l on charges of possession of marijuana and LSD. Leary, 4 9, Rosemary Leary. :J3, and ,Joli n Busll Leary, 19, \Ve re booked on those charges lasl Dec. 26 in Laguna 8C'ach. II look Judge Mc~1 illan only l\\·.o mint.les today to deliver tl1e n1Hng he has n1u lled over for th cpa.st two days. And he made ii clear in his terse sum- mation lh11t La~una police officer Neal Purcell was fully justified in delaining ttic Learys 11lnc months ago and 1n sea rching their station wagon . "Everything about the situation he found justified that arrest." said Judge McMillan. "We had the vehicle illegally parked on Woodland Drive. the biza rre behavior of ,John Bush Leary and the Alleged odor of marijuana wafting from ti1'! car. "The officer's action was reasonable,'' .Tudse f.tcf.ti llan ~aid. "I'm going to cll.smis~ your motion for suppression of e\·idencc.'' It \\"A~ R vr.rdicl lh3t delighted the prir i-ccut1 on. ll was madr clear thrnughtoul fSee LEARY, Page%~ , I Flan1es Erupt Balboa • ID ..... -_, ___ _ Street ~· , .. ,... ' ' ,. DAil Y "!LOT P~t1t '7 JOll~ V1lltru ,, " PAVEMENT CRUSHER CONSUMED BY FLAMES AFTER DRIVER RUPTURES GAS LINE IN NEWPORT The lntern1I Combu1tion Engine Turned 'Over •nd the Combustion Quickly Became 6xtern1I ~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 Youngsters With Eggs Held Roving bands or juveniles, armed wilh raw eggs, prow !e<I downtov.·n Seal Beach Thu rsday, hurling their b a rn y ard missi les at automobiles and passersbY. Police stiid they arrested I I youngsters at Ocean Avenue and Pi.fain Street at 7;45 p.m. when an unlawful assem bly was declared. Residents not only complained of loud noise and foul language being used by the youngsters -some o{ whom were. dre~ ed in Hallowetn cost umes -but angrily arrh ed arrived at the police station tn person, drerythed with egg yolks. Sgt. Sam D'Amico said the numbt:r of }Oulhs involved in the fracas was so Lo "1S. "There v.·a~ a lot of tricking goi ng on but no treating," he said, , Man Escapes Fiery Death Pavement Cruslier Burst,s Balboct. Gas Main By JOHN VALTERZA OI ftlt PtMJ ''II" ti.ff A Santa Fe Springs man operating 11 pavement crushing machine narrowly escaped being burned alive in Balboa Thursday when the crusher broke a 1as main, causing an explosion and fire. "Bed" Chadsy, 25, driver for the Cabildo Orp .• jumped off the tractor-like mtchlne and ocaped with a singed beard and a few blisters. The ensuing blaze caused by rushing gas shoot ing through the pavement at Cypress Stred and Balboa Boulevard destroyed I.he $1 1,000 machine and kepl firemen busy for more than 30 minutes. Firemen cooldht red-hot tractor with hoses then sumnlmed another tractor to pull lhe burning rig off tht ·large gas leak. "We had to cool the thing down con- sirler:ibly before pulling out the gas fire. or else the hol metal would have caused another flash and possibly an explosion," Dl'puty Chief Leo Love explained. As soon as the tractor was pulled away, firemen moved in with heavy ex· tlngulshers and smothered the burning gas. Crews the n set to work repairing the H nrl ech lo Wed l.ONDON (AP ) -American fashio n editor Pamela Colin announced tonighl that she is marrying Lord Harlech. 51· year-old forme r British amba ssador to 'V1:1shlngton and one lin1e. escorl or J<1c· quPlinc OnaslliS, "Lord H:irlccti and ·1 arc l'ngaged," Miss Colin saidr lc~k . 1'hc y worked into lhe night plugging up the hole in the ma in. Fi remen said Chadsy was breakin g concrete for a small trench along Cypress when the chisel blade ruptured the pipe . The driver l!Ol down from the machine and shut the machine off, but a foreman advised him to start the rig q ain and drive lt off the leak. fl remen said. Chadsy turned on the switch. flrem en said. and sparks in the starter touched off the explosion. Pi-1ike Macy. 17, Balboa, 58 id he wa! riding his bicycle "when, all o( I sudden ... boom." "I saw the drive r run Into a gas station and the whole pavemenl was on fi re," he said Chacl~y dccliocrl trell \1T1cnl for tile minor burn.~ after the " p.m. 1nishap, fir en1cn sa1<l. Bo11cls, Gag Don't Stop Bobby Seale CHICAGO (UPI) -The trial or thr ''Chicago Eight " came to a standstill again today over the issue of Black Panther leader Bobby Seale's gag while "witches" put a Halloween hex on the courtroom outside. Seale was broug ht into the courtroom gagged and strapped lo a chair for th! third CQnsecutive day under orders ol. U.S. District Judge Julius J . Hoffman. The restrictioos were imposed to keep the national chairman of the Black Panther Party from disrupting the tria1 or eight men charged with conspiring tQ incite .rlols during the 1968 Democratic nat ional convention. Even though gagged. Seale has kept up his demands that he be ano..,ed to acl Ai his own attorney. Today, he managed to ~ribble a note lo defense attorney Leonard Weinglass that "This -now is slopping the blood circulation in my head .'' Wcinglass informed the court that Scale was in discomfort. U.S. marshals loosened lht' gag and began to carry ~eale ou1. As they did so. Scale shoutecl , "cruel and inhuman punishment." Sounds of i cuff!ing could be. hea rd from the lockup oulsidc the courtroom. Outside the fedcril building younr;: won1en dressed as witches cavorted. They pronounpcd incantations an d curses on the restrainment of Sca le and 011e of them drew encircled X's on lhc fou r doo rs of the building. New York Style llello PERT!!, Australia (AP) -Thi! city pul on a New York-style welcorne for America 's three moon astronauts loday. Ticke r tape showered down on Neil A'. Armstrong. Edwin E;.. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins as thousa nds '"elcomed lh'!m to Australia. Orang_, Coast Weatlaer Surprise; it's gojng to be a nice weekend,. with .lllu nny~skies prevaiUng over temperature·s ranging from a comfortable 75 along the coast to a swe lleri ni' 90 further inland. INSWE TODAY The renownt d Stuttgart Bal- let come1 to Southern California 11ezt week, with o: former San&a Anan pLaytug a featured rolt , See todo1(1 Wetkendtr section. •••'"'-It C:.lllof"la ' Clllulf... 1M1 C.,,.lct fP Crfl1w rll H Otlftl "9tlcel I Dl.,.rctt n •111tt11I ,._ I lfnltrl•I"'"'"" I 1'1,..nct ••11 Nor .. c-14 i1on11 t.aflftn 1J M1lll>o• I Mllrl ... l.lc.r!MI U IM¥1U It-ff '*''""' '""" ,, H•lltlltl N.-. f.J OrM!M C""" I ., .. ia ,_, ,, "'"-"''' U.11 SNrll 1t.U t!M~ M•tlleh 1•11 Tt lt¥1tlloo IP T-tM• 11-11 WHlll., I Wtfll Htwl 4-J Wt-·1 Ntwl l,_IJ Wffl!t!ICI" 11·H 1 % ""11. V l'ILOT s DAii.,. f'rLOT Slllllf ,.... HE'S READY FOR HALLOWEEN; ARE YOU? Joel Garcia Prepare• Treat That's a Trick Tri~ks for Treat Valley Teen Concocts Spook House By RUDI ~l:EDZJEl.SKJ Of .... O.Uy ,. ... ~!.+I Goblins and spoolslers coming 1') the house Of t)..year-old Joel Garcia in Foun· Lain \'alley tonight will rcce1,·e an CA· lraordinary Hallov:~n treat. And lbe treat is a tr1ck. A "'hole garage full of thtm. SIJ'\Ce the beginning of !he summer, Joel who admil! to a nait lot-the maCabre, has bttn al "'1>tk de'\'ising dif· fer~t schemes to scare I.ht: daylights out of Hallo~·een trick or treaters. The spooi house which be has ~­ cocted in his 1•raie at tlffl Linden St. is JU.st about ready for its premitt performan«, with only a feW" more v.·1res to hang up to provide t.ht proper li gh ting for a ghostly almosphere. For the past few days t~ Fountain Valley High School student has had a tough time kee ping the nei ghborhood kids away fr om his garage. All are trying to get a look lo lessen the frightful impact whm Hallo\\·een rolls around. Joel. hotA,.ever, in\'i ted the DAILY PIWf in for a sneak preview. On entering the ghost mansion JOE'l tingles you in to a catatonic slate \\'ith some simulat~ spiderweb!> only 10 ha\'C you bolt upri1ht ~s later tryin~ II) ovoid being run do'A·n by a roaring motorcycle. ·'You see a headlight com1ni;! at you II) the sound of a mot orcyclr \\hich finallv ~crttehe!l lo a halt." JO<'I e\plairn!d •·The headlight is really a fla s.lili~ht hur.g on a tra\·en.e rod and the 50und come' from a tape rl"C'Order ~hich pla)S through a guitar amplifier " Also distinguishable in the black·llgh1rd ~pook room ara minialure skull , a rian· cing ske!rtoo, ba ls, a man dangling rrnm , a hangman's noose and a hnme·bu1!! w1:· ' ches cauldron that glv~ off whit e s1earn from lhe CQ!Tlbination of diluted n11ric acld and ammonia . !·le has also planned a t it ca!led '·Ho11; Tri \lake A r.l onster.·• It .,..·111 havr. three bin~. one marked .,..1th "eyes." another DAIL\ PILOI ........................... ............ ,......,...., c-- CAUPOINIA. O!tA*-1 CQAS.I PUM.llHl"IG CO#. ... NY' l •l-1 N. ""''°' ~ ......... _ J•,\ k. Cw•l•r Yl(t ~ -"-'" ...,._, n-.11: ... q ... f~•-• A. M1~'-• -.-...i.•iiw -C-.. lflllnt: Jll #loo! S•Y 1t"'' ........, .._., m • _, •·-.... ._. ~ -~· >71 J ........ _ ............. ""'-"· .. SI~ ~,."' ~ <~•'-· one .,..·1th ''heart.;'' and anoth€'r "1th "br;.ln~-·· The people commi; 1nlo the ho:i~(' 11 ill ha1e to reath into the bins for tnE;r parL.s. ''The eyes are aclually ~l ed gra pes a:1d !he hea rt s 1Y ... 1led (~a: "'fu !es. And the Lra!ns -w.,.11 tbe) 're t uo ked spag:ietu, '' said Joel wi1b a ghoulish grin. ··The house is fo r all the k id~ in lhe n~ijbboriwod: and I'm going Ill nprn it up lonight as soon as it gels d<irk." he ad· de.J. .\fooey for hi5 Hal lo01 ren proJCCI t am e ~rccn bil b.lbysilting earnings and ~from donatioru by his parents. A ~ood portion -..·as spent on mood records such as "Dracula's Deuce" and "Ghoul .\f u~Jc" "I remember when I "as ~mall the people \\'ho lived near us h;id an cleclnc rloor Lhat squeaked open on Ha !Jo...,·een. They h;id spook y things il15ide and it .. cared me. I liked lhaL [(s nice to r1·m_ember." said Joel, e1plain1 ng \\'here h1 < idea originated. ·'J don't like lo get scared <1\ the time I'm being scared but I su re enjoy it i.fler-..·ards," he grinned . He reckons that othfr children feel hlH.•\rise and has spent a good deal of time and monry to prove that he is cor· re rt. .\1esa Police Learn of Exodus B)· Christ Tee ns T!ic Chlldren nf Israel ha\'{' apparently made an exocllls from the Palo Alto area rifler an apocoJ~·ptic demonstrat ion at th~ S'.11 ford t:ru\·er<>Jt~· ~femori<1 I Church la~t Sunrlav . · Cost.a \li?sa police -\\'h'l ha\'e arrest 11 arr ants for 13 members of the former Tct>ns for Christ sec! once·headqu<1rtered J11 lfuntingt nn Beach -contacted Santa Cl:ir;i County aulOOrities Thursday. l)ffictr Dick Bersch, of lhe warrant rlctai l, said today tha t Palo Alto police r.~lic\·e the militant evangelical group has Ji 1• !he area. 'f'"ir~· Orrl Ca hfnrni:i 1:1'1 ~prin<:: l'l r"'"<lOf' t•:hal \l'~S brllr-d a~ thr rmm·nen! • ··1 hq11:tke d ~stnlC!l"n nf 1hr bll'f!C''I and :-!'1 .ed!y most sin ful !'!<ale 1n 1he union, l e~·. ing somP 1nc al hu~iress unf1 '1i~htd Thi rteen of the self·Myled rr1 o!ul ionary ('hristians ha d bern c<:1 nvictl!'d in Ha rbor Jtidicial District Court on cheri;cs .!'1em· mi'l l!; from a demonst rat ion al t~·o local sch()(llS ''\\'e'l\ he ba,.k if tht>re's an\·thinc tri rn;-nc b:ick 10." one spokrsma ii said in rrlrrence 10 the ir cnurt dates ftJr ~en· 1r•icirg nn the 1n:~drmeannr eclucatinn cO<I:-and pen<1I codr rn:i\'icuon~ T !11·~-nf'\ er rcturrerl fron1 1 h e \I 111erness east ol the border "I traced them as far 11 s L3s Crure~. N .~f., and I gues.'i some nf them wenl on dO'>''l1 into ~1exico." said Oflicer 84:>.rsch Ont of the el'ange\ists far ing charges of failure lo appear for sentencing, .James Ballister. 23. led the rlock into the St;:inford ~emoria\ Cha pt"I last Sunday. The group. i;:ar~ in sack cloth dyed hlood red and 1,1,·i1h ashes smeartd on lhe1r faces. entered the sanctuary whil e Chap man Collt>,e Dean of Stude nts Car· roll Cotton "·as in a guest apptaranct. Balli1ter imasherl a s\•mbol1c floy,•pr Pf'\ and read from the Book or .11.'remiah ahcu t the 1mpend1r.g drstrurt1on nf America for \!.$ .~1nful wav~. <ifter 1,1,·h1ch the group tr.,,,ped out and.disappeared. Date Awaited in Mary Jo Case EDGARTOWN. Iha. (UPl 1 -Di>trld Jud&< James A. Bo}'le loday rectl\'ed lhe decisioo of the t.t~ts Supreme Court on L~ Kennedy inquest case and said he would 5'Udy It before 11!1.tm& a dale for an in- quest. Court aert Thomas A. Teller made the ar.nounoemmt after meeting v.•i lh Boyle this morning. ''We talked just briefly," Teller &aid. "'He just today received his CGJIY ol the decision and he's going to study ii before mai.ig aoy deci..s1on .about a date for the inque~1.'' lt was experted that Boyle \l'OUld set a date somttime next \\'eek. Tnursday the St.ate Supreme Courl granled a request by Sen. Edward ~1. Kennedy to bar the public and the press from an inquesl into lbe death of !olary From Page 1 HIJACK ... J1Jrea before the plane landed in Bangar at JD· 13 a .m. PST. It dtparted mlo li ght "·IJ'lds <it 10 52 a.m. About 75 state and local po!Jce and £her1ff's offi cers \\'ere on hand as lhe plane landed and taxied toward the isolated refu eling site . Officials said 1t wou!J Uke about 25 minutes lo refl.I{'). Jo Kopechot. bJt rtfUll!d to aliOW' otht'r plus by ~ ~·.s attomtys CM- r.:-ntln& grouod rules for the inquiry. The full bendl of the l'CMrt Thursday broke. a legal tradition dating lo the 19th umur, in nlling that all future iDQlnt• in Maama•us "be closed to the public and aU De'W1i media." But the court de:n)ed Kemedy·s con- tention inquest! are. "accusat«y'' in Datu~ requiring lhat witnesses: be giYm all the ufeguMds of a criminal trial The court described inquests a s "in- ,.rslig&l.oty." In i1s wick-ranging 17-page ruling, the court said inquest witnesses "may be ac· companied and advised by counsel ~·hiJe in attendance or testifying at an inquesL." The C'Ollrl le.ft lo the dtscretioo of t~ presiding judge .,..·hether Jawyen; \\'ould GOP In Anaheim. be allo\\'ed to Cfo.s!o-t:xamlne \\'1\ne~s a.i.d present nidence as Kenntdy's at- tomev~ had req~ted. Thi <''Oort ~ no rlaW for the inQue~t but said il.!i ruling .. should not hinder ur ~&be penclio8 inqutst .'' The inque~•. originally scbedltled lO bt>g1n Sept. 3 belott Jwlge Boy'F. u·as poslpone<J pt'n· ding Supreme Court re\'lf'\1' o/ the grwrid n:les. The' court rejected t\ennrdy's bid !(1 disqualify Boyle from fuLure µroc {·•·d!n)l • Kennedy, in Boston lor a :S~!l'eh . .,:11J tie was ··deeply sati.sl!ed th:it th t supreme Coort has acted e :rped1t101.1~ly. I'm hope ful Lhal any <1dd1Utlnal pro- c-eedings that ~·11! be held 11 ill be held \'ery ~." Massachusells AllOrney G ,. n 1· r 11 1 Rctbert IL Qumn , \I ho repre.!tenttd llu) le Milins, Conrad to Make Secretary of State Bids The FBI. .,..'hich frightened the hijacker By GEORGE SKELTO'.'J kt)'J)()le speaker Sat urday , L'.S. ~r11. 2way from !'iew York. 'i\.'a5 close behiod u,.1 ,._.~ • ....., George ~furphy is scheduled lo deliv£>r a as refueling started in Bangor. A Email Msemblyman George W. Milias is ex-major Vietnam addre.~s Sunday. plane loaded v.·ith FBI agenlS put dov.-n at pected to announce his candidacy for Other ~peakers -..·ill iocludc Harry the ai rport short ly after the jet landed. secretzrv of state al the annual fall con· Dent. depu ty counsel to Pre sident :\'ixon. Police remo\'ed a man from near the ,·ention Of California Republicans ~·hich and tilrs. Patriria Hilt. 1 on gt 1 m c plane v.·hen the hij acker radioed to the opened today at Anaheim's Conl'ention Califor nia GOP leader "n..1 no1\' is an control tower that he saw a shadow and Center. assistant secretarv of the L'S. Depart· wanted any individual r~moved from lbe Assemblyman Charles J . Conrad, (R· ~t of Health, Education and \\'elfarc. Kene. She.rman Oaks\. said he also is ''in the Just about e\·ery major Cal ifornia Authorities said Lhey 'A·ere unable to race unless circumst.aoces indicate I Repub!Jcan leader plans IQ <1ttend the determine "'·here the hij acker statMJned ha ve no chance." {onvention. which \1 111 pr o\1cle office him.sell in the plane as the refueling !lhlias, a Gilroy rancher and former :<>eektrs \\'Ith an opporturuty lllr sornc began, but they assumed he \\'as in the ~l<it.e Republican chairman, called a ne-..·s prh·a1e poliuck1nc. cockpit .. because he's just dishing out conference for Sunday at which sourct5 Milia s. 49. has been an assembl~·man orders and the. pilot is radioing them lO said he v•ill become a cand idate for the since 1962 and 1s of)(' ol the !cgl.!iJature ·s the cortrol tov.·er." Job now held by the ailing f rank ~f. major ronserva t1onis1.S. FIREI> SHOT Jordan . Publicly, he would sa.v only thal he i.:: Plans to seize the hijacker, a cleancut Jordan, y,·hose faml!y has occupied the "looking at" runn ing for secretary of )'OUth of about 19, and prevent the offict'foraJlbutt"·oof lhepast59years, state. an off ice "hich currentl y pays transa\lanuc crossing were dropped when suffered a severe stroke May I and since $25,000 but will jump to Sl),000 after the the hija cker fired a shot in the plane to then has been partially paralyzed and next election. He alrearf~· has mailed let · ~ho~· hf: meant business. The shot ap-unable to speak . He is 81. ters to key Jlepubl1cans soliciting thei r p;.irent)~· caused no serious damage lo lhe About 2.000 delegates arc expected to support. pressur izl'd cabin of the jetliner. ::-\tend the three-day convention of the Conrad, 59. has eyed the Jf'lb for years. The h1Jacker, dressed in a miHtary Jle publican Sl<!t.e Central Committee -a He said he has prrparcd a campaign tunic and toting a "sur \·n·al kit'' or .soup meeting party off icials ho~ \\'ill serve as .budget but is holding oU malong a f1nii l. and other staples, released the 40 a pre-election year pep raUy. firn1 decision to run. Conrad n'l\\' is pas.sengrrs aboard the Boeing i Oi Jn Den-State Chairman Dennis Carpenter or assembly speaker pro tr m. ~C"COnd 111 1·er. lie kept lour crewmen aboa rd when r.ie"·port Beach deSCTibed lhe con~·entlon command of the lo .... ·er chambrr the plane lefl Stapleton International <'S a ""·orkshop session to gear up'' for Assisl<1.nt Secrc•t:irv -0f ~la \r 11 P. Airport. the 19ill campaigns. '·Pal'' Sullivan had C.ons1dercd runn1nr, '·J mean, he had lo be 50me kind of Go\', Ronald Reagan \\'ill be the but has taken himself out of cr;nten t1nn a nu t to \\ant to go to :\ew York,'' a barring an unexpected appointment lfl IX''.Jl l' the cou rt , said the ruling generaU¥ •vpporll'd lhe state's position in the cas.e · Tl it' only voriance "<is in tht closed 11;.ture ul 1he hea.r111g ., Thl' 1.:ourl , in rc v1c'>''1ng lhc knuwn t ll'LUJnstances surrounduig the death of fll1s s Kopechne, a passenger in Kennedy's c:.ir 11 hen it plunged into a tid<i l pond on Chap 11:.i qu1ddic k Island July 18, sai d "AH e\·tnt., relating to the accident. incl ud ing the .;cheduled inquest. have Deen give:n i»'ltn~1ve l:r;Ver:1ge by the loc:;il , nallonat :ind 111\rrnation<1! news rnedia " "II 1he procedeings are public,'' the 1:v~1r1 :.a1cl, "lllr activi ties of the news nicd1.1 rn;iy bt> ~ueh :.is t•J rnHkt' 11 ':Iii· 11r-ul1. It uvt unpu~:.Jlile . leir a 1011i; tune lo 1,.1.,urt• II• <1 d1'fe111l;tr1L a !a1r lrtal 1n anv , 1 :1111nal pr11c1:cd1ngs "hieh 1n:iy fol!o11 the 1nqut·~t " f·ro111 Page J LEARY • • • il'P 11 er~ .. f11ng hea ring that the eventua l tn.J I n/ lhr Ll·u.r .1~ virlt1alls hi nged on the ~·1 id!'nCf' un1·01 1'n·d by lhe Lnguna Beach 1,rilJl'f.' ul!1err~ :ind ch;illt'nged by the L1•:u·1 family'~ three attorneys. ,Ji,11 11 Hu ll J,t•ary wr1s not present for 1' e ,-crd1 l't <irnl .Judge r.lcilti llan im- mttiialf'ly put his nan1e r;n a $5,000 bench \1·;1rr:int It -:-t:iyrtl in clfttt about 15 minutes and 11 a~ c;;oncc11ed 11·1icn the brcath!es,,, hra~dcd youth. clad in crimson shirt and :-triprrd bell hotton1 lrouscrs t<1~e po~n· (J,n;; ;iloni:: th(' courthouse c?rr1dor \\'1th lrrng hair /1~1ng hi explain lhat ''a 11 ,isunde rstanding "'ith my drive r" led tu the delay. ,\ 11nr11e\· ~t:irvin COQpcr ~young Leary's (!1 It ll~C {·rn 1n~rl, look O\'{'r sp<"aking c•hnrl'~ f11r lht Levry group afler .Judge ~1c~1\llan's ruling to predict that "there 1, ill br ntJ tn:il i'\ov . 24 and 11 is doubtful 11 1h£,rc \1·11J be a trial before next sum- J11lr · \\"e are toda.v going lo the Dislrict Court of Appeal tn seek a 11•ril of pro· h1~,itio11 ag<11n~l !his unfair ruling,'' Cnnpl·r ~aid "011r argument will be th;it ti i· clr'enclanls' rights have been violated, 1 1 ,;11 thlre1~ 11n.<hakc<1ble evidence of pre· Jll'!ltf' ai;~111~l Dr. Lea ry an d his fa n1ily <i1'd thnl 1nsuffic1rn t attention has been p;i1d b\ 1lu~ c·our L to 1hat lactor. Do"nto,1n Crasl1 J(jJl :-i Counlian pass~ger said of the gunman. the po.!>1. by Reagan. The plane left Den•·er at .:i ;28 a.m. PST. Baby AnnadilJos Potentia l Democratic cand idatC!I in-\ Sari!~ ,\nJ 1nuton~t died at :i FB I agent! threw up a rordon around el ude Edmund G. Bro\\'n Jr , son of lhe <!-i ,1,nHi\.\ll 1ntrr~crt1Qn 111 that city late the plane \\·hen ii touched dOYo'TI in Den ver former governor. and Los Angeles C11y T11u1.:day 11nen his car bounced off but made no attempt to capture lhe 'Still ToucJ1 , Go' Counci~man Thomas Bradley. a f'irgr11 :ino!hrr 1t11iLlc and smashed into a ulili· unidentified hijacker. who lost to Sam Yorty in this year·s 1~ p<1lr. One of the passcnger5 said tht man CHICAGO (AP) -TwG baby South mavoral race. \\'11!1.-.111 n;nirt \\r1i;ht. ~.:i . was dead on boardtd the plane, TWA'1 Flight 85 .,.hich American armadillos entered lhelr se. The duties of the se<'T'etai:' of sta1 r are .1Jtl1 ;d 111 ~:inl.1 ,\11:1 Co1nmunit.v left Baltimore, ~1d., Thursday night. at cc-nd night o( life in good shape, 1,1,•hile of. to superrise elections. kt'ep of1 1c1a! JIO.'illlJ.I l'rihcc <,11d tlir \\'right \'ehiclo Los Angeles -the next U> lhe last slop ficia!s al Lincoln Park Zoo kept thei r records and a ppr o \' e intorporatiei11 r~b,,unt!~rt fr o!n thr u11h:v aftrr !he col· on J!s projectf"d Utght to San Francisco. fingers crossed. papers. h<1~n :ind f1n;1lly (·,1me lo.rest alter g!an· Among the passengers on Lhe plane -..·as Curator Dennis f.!eritt, .,..·ho thinks the ;\lany politicians be lie1·e the pos11inn c11'E! (•fi :i f,Jr·~cd 1'<111. the Harper's Bizarre, a .,..·ell kncrv.·n babies may be the first of their kind born has tht potential to be used as a stepp111~ Or!Jr"r'i !-~1!<f \\'rh~hl 11as hurler! more sin,l!i ng group. in tht United St.ate'.<., said Thursday it's stone for higher office. although Jordan th;in !((I fr"'\ fr on1 h1;; r·;:ir upon im pacl. The hijacker ~e pl aboard "·hen the ··siill touch and go." never used it tha t ~'ay. Tl1crr 11rre nn r thcr 1nj11rirs. plan e left Denver the pilot, Capt. Dona ld .-------'------------------'----------- J Cook: f irst · Officer \V. ~'illiams : flight Engineef L. Hollrath ; and Ste"·ardess T_ Coleman. All -..·ere ba sed at Kansas City .,..·lth lhe airline. Three ()(her stev;ardesses were released at Den. \'CT. TWA officials arranged another fli ght tJ take the passengers to San Francisco. The plane was on the ground at Denl'er for one hour and three minutes. FBI agents. headed by Scott \\'emer. special agent 1n charge. tried to talk the h1iac ker into surrendering. 12 Newsmen Keep On With Trip After Cl' ash GL ADSTO'.'\E , Australia (l'Pll -A some\\'hat unnerved party ol 12 traveling r.e:-..·smen, includ ing Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Editor Thomas Keevil , hall con- tinued on after narrowly escaping death here Thursday in a helicopter crash. Th ree Australian tourism officials wtre slightly burne<t \\'hen the Sikorsky S2 chopper pl un ged back onto the Gladstone Airport run-..·ay seconds after takeoff, bur~t inlo flarnes and thrn exploded. l'\'fO other persons rcporledh· suffe red nuno r cut s and brui~es. but thr fl\·e 1n· J11red continued on tn Heron Island, orf the Great Barrier Reef. and ha1-e not yet been id entified. Te le,·ision nev.·s reports Th ursday night mentioned a fal<llity among the 1% passPngers or crew of t-..·o. but the story pro\'ed erroneous. Tclrphone eom municalions lo the area 280 miles north of Brisbane are crude and Brjtl~h O\•rr~e.<1s Air,t.·ays Corpo ralion ex- cc111ivcs said toda~· il t<1kc.s a dny and a l:aH to put a call through . 1 he disli nguished grou p of travel "'rilers \\·ere on the inauguration flight of BOAC service from Los Angeles to Bri ~bane and had taken the side junket ¥'h('n the near.fatal crash occurred. Mrs. Keevil. assistant promotion dirtc· !or for lht ff untin gton Center in Hun- t1n gl11n Beach, accompanied her husband on the main fligh t. but had remain ed wllh relati\'es in Sydney. .i\11 12 persons aboard the commuter ht>:u:opler look ('()\'er nearby, barely before its av iation fuel exploded in a hot· rendr.us blast 1,1,·hich hurled one whte:I 400 yards away. Tne infonnation from BOAC today did no\ ~pecHy if the tourist group continued on 1he i ~l11nd trip by helicopter or other c1n1 ryance. MIRROR $80. !Wood F-1~i1~l Campanil~ ~~ . ......... ~ ·-· ~.,...,,_ DRESSER • • ! $309. l\Vood f oft•llll Av•il•ble in two mac;n ificenf finishei. One, • ric1'1 we rm brown, Iha olhtr •heavily bruJhed while, sl ri pad in old yellow end apric ot. An esciting look a t a r1a1onablt prict, YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL. HENREOON ·HE ell AGE NEW,ORT BEACH 1727 W•ttliff Dr .. 6'2-2050 onJI NIDAY itl t .. ' INTERIORS Profeuional Interior 0.Slgn•r• Aw•ll1ble-AID-NSIO LAGUNA BE ACH 345 Nort,., Cc11t Hwy, Ol'IN ,llDA1' 'T" t I 494-6551 7 I: j Huntington Beaeh VOL: .62, NO. 261, 4 SECTIONS, ~2 PAGES ORANGE ·COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER J'f, '1969 Crash Victims · 01( Beach W ornan ~mong Trapped Four By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot th• Dill~ f'lltl Sl•lf A parly of four persons relurning from an e.venlng dinner flight to Mexico v.·hcn their plane crashed during a foggy Jan· ding approach al Orange County Airport Thursday are improving at a hospital to- day. The two men and two women., were ei~r . tripped in the wreckage~£ the Cessna 310 or hurled oul on impact when the aircraft lore through a wire fence, flipped over in a field and v.·as demolish- ""· Piiot Robert V.'. Perkins , 51, of Long Beach, p sident of lkaw l ndustries \n Torrance, apparenUy misjudged his ap- proacl1 in the fog, hitting earth near Red H.i!l and Paularlno avenues. Passenger Patti Mallas, 36, of 9652 Durham Drive, fluntington Beach, is listed in good condition today at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Perkins, his firm's vlct president Ed· muocf O. Dunahoo, 42, a neighbor in the same Long Beach tract, and Jo Ann l\1_ay, :':5, of 5356 Gerda Drive, Anaheim, are listed in fair condition. Thr plane V.'as inbound to\vartl the coast from Calexico Airport at I : I~ a.m. Beach Files Own Actio11 On Tank Farm Removal A cross complaint has been filed in resid ential use to residen tial-agr icultural Superior Court by the city of Huntington use. Beach asking that Gulf Oil Co. remove The suit maintains thal the re:z.oning several large storage tanks frorn pro-depri\·cd the landowners of best ust o[ perty east of Beach Boulevard. th . 1 · . h be 1 _, e1r proper y. The eross complaint as en en ere11 . Jn the suit brought l,~.~ J uly b~ tv.•_o . The . Gulf 0 11 Co .. has a l~ng . term owners of propertr"tt!J'ftttfht· ttt~"t:mr -•+anch1se from lhe city to maintain the farm· against the city. Gulf Oil and fo.1ills oil tank farm and a pipeline extending in· 1..and and Water Co., owners of the lank to the ocean. Tankers dellver 011 to the farm property. farm through this pipeline y.·hilc anchored Akeley P. Quirk and Nadine Ruth are offshore. ~uing the city and the other pHrtics The cross complaint by !he city ma in· bttause 2.17 acres of property ·was rczon· fain s lhet the oil tank~ arc a hazard and ed by the city in 1!1£3 from single family should be removed. Valley Ma11 ls11 't Too Olcl To Become Good Fencer ''"They say you're nc\'er too old,'' remarked Armond Papi neau , 53, who on· ly rive years ago took up his first thin blade sword and lean1ed lo fence. Tu·o years ago. the agr. ril 51. he \1·a~ ~killed enough lo compete in \he U S Na- \1nnal~ in tca1n cpt't' cn1nprt111on .. , dictn•t win anylhing but r tcnccd 1:-1 th em At my :igc that 1 ~ ciuitc an ;ir. comp\i ~hmcnl." snid Papineau. a Foun· ta in Valley resident. Papineau fences every l\1 011d<Jy and Saturday ;it the Lons Beach Yl\1CA ;ind his ambition he says is to fence in a match when he is 75 years old. The elder fencer is a maintenance man ror Newport-Mesa Unified School District and this week ;it the request of Principal Carl Vr ebalovich he put on an exhibition ror students at Presidio :Elementary School. I-Ji:; opponent was 'Z2-year-old Ford Bauman. a student at Long Beach Sla11>. The~ fenced 1,1•ith foils , epees, also call<!d dueling rapiers. and sabers -the three kind.• o[ fencing: S\\'OrdS. r .1pineau said hls teacher. Dr .. Jnhn l\1 cl\cc, v.·ho lives in Hunt ing ton Harbou r, 1s one of only eight fenci ng n1asters in the lln1!ccl States. "Fencing is very strenuous,'' ~aid P;ipirlcau. "You have to lo\·e. it. So 1nany ~ludents come in and last seven or eight \\'Ccks and then drop out." Papineau and wife, Ruth, have three gro10.·n children. all married and gone from home .. Fencing holds his attention now. Thursday 11•hen Perkins radioed the El Toro fo.larine Corps Air Station tower for permission to !and. The Orange County Airport facility v.·ith its sophisticated new instrurrie.nt landing system 1,1·as clo~ and El'Toro 1i-1CAS ·authorities were ' t h e·r e· f o r e .monitoring all air traffic in surrounding skies. Perkins v.·as cleared 'for ·1andin'.g at Long Beach or Orange County and -for rea:-o ns yel undetermined -abruptly selected the local ali-port. Stan Anderson Named Mayor Of Seal Beacl1 Real estate man Stanley Anderson, 62, v.•as unanimously elected mayor Thurs· rlay by the five-member Seal Beach City Council. The position was vacated last week: \\'hen former t.1ayor J ohn $3. Hamilton resigned mid\vay through the med.Ing. Hamilton said he was being circumvenled in carrying out city business by three other councilmen and the city manager. Anderson, a veteran CQUOCilman ol eight years. \Vho was elected to tilt mayor 's post llvice before in 19&1 and 1967. said he did not care to comment on Hamilton's resignation. "I'd rather nol so into tha t. T don't like lhal kind of publicity,'' he said. "\\'e've been pretty proud of this town and we \rant to keep it that way. It was just one of those flareups." Ha1nillon, however, insisted h~ still feels the same way he did when he resigned and charged that he did not v.·ant to be a "stooge'' for councilmen Anderson, l\1rs. Veda Dreis, Lloyd Gum· mere and City Manager Lee rusner . He indicated that t~ three councilmen had repeatedly run to Risn er with "cer- lain pet projects" and left him "in the dark.'' "I just \Vant the council to take charge or the city instead Of the city m11nagE"r," h(' satd after the Thursday night session. ··1 lhi nk thi>: mee ting :\1 onday night might hr \'Pry 1nterest1ng I lhi nk Anderson ina~ re11101·e n1e lro1n a lot ul boards 1'1n QC 1\.lr~ \"er;:i Drei~. !he city·,~ \'iCf' mayor, who "·as e«rlif'r non11nated for n1ayor, hul declined for personal r('asons. said Ham1llon·s charges v.cre "absolutely nol !rue at ali.·· Risner, who was accused by llarn ilton of running the city council alld its meelings, said "I ha1·e. no comment on anything" v.'hen quentioned about the con· lroversy. ''Mr. Hamilton is a friend of mine." ~~'""'""" SCHOOL JANITO~ PAPINEAU 11.:EFTl, COLLEGE STUOENT llAU1AAN·OEMONSTR~~trlli:1i(s Fauntaln Vall•y Resident Thinks Young end Keep• Flt With Folta, Epees and S.kri'°~- ,, - to . oA'n.Y P'llOT ""' '"° .. HE 'S READY FOR HALLOWEEN ; ARE YOU? Joel Garcia Prepares Treat That's a Trlck for Treat Valley Teen Concocts Spook House By RUDI NIEDZIF.LSKI OI ltlf 0111~ 1'1191 111fl f.oblins anO spookster1' coming to the house of 15-year-old Joel Garcia in Foun· lai n Valley tonight will receive an ex· lraordi nary Ha l101.1·c:-n treat. And the treat is a trick . A whole garage full of thc n1 . Since the begi nning of the summ<T, Jori. "'ho a~1nils 10 a flair for the macabre, has been at work devising dif- ferent schemes to scare tbe daylight!> out or Hall o"'een trick or treaters. The spook house which he has con- cocted in his garage at 18441 Linden St. i!I just about ready for its premier performance, wi!Ji only a rew more wires to hang·up·lo provide the proper lighting for a ghostly alm06phere. Parents Urged To Watcl1 Kids Hunlington Beach P olice Chief Earl Robitaille toda y asked parents to watch their youngsters as they hop from hou se to house And cross streets on Hallou'een . "Our primary concern is the children In their dark costumes which are hard for motorists to see." said Robitaille. "we encourage. the parents:· to stay with their kldl a& they trick or treat." Huntington Beaeh 1 will ~engthen its police force, tonliht. to watch traWc and prd agalnlt proper.ty cWnage. Fount.aln Vallty poUct wamtd·chlldren nol. .,.. eat candy wtthoat. checking It and not to enter any homes. BoUI departments warned P.arents to dlttk an)' food or gifts 1tvea to their children . Ntllher clty has any reaulations prohlbHin& trick or trratlna. s.iorlc '.tiarf<e~ NEW Y.ORK (IJ')-ntl aiotf"l'rktt moved modera\ely' highet·:.1 ia ,active 1.rgdfng late this afterl'IOOl'l.r.(Sfi•qoota· tlOfll, Pagaii 10...11). • 1 '·? . ' It was a "'norinal Frfday ~ with nothing 1pectecular hapPrilnc;" said Alon Sllaw ci Hartis Vphtm " Co. l · ' . • For thr. past few day11 th~ Fountain Valley High School studenl has had a tough time keeping the neighborhood kids away frQm his garage. All are trying to get a look lo lessen the frightful impact 11hcn llallov.·ccn roll.~ around . .lr!'l, howc.\'cr. in vi ted the DAILY PILOT in frir a sneak pre1·1e1~. On cntcrinf! the gho~t 1nan~100 JO<'l !inglcs ,\'OU into ;:i catatonic stale v.·Jth sorne si rnulat~d spiderwebs onl.v to have } ou bolt upright seconds later trying to avoid being run down by a roaring mn~orcyclc. "You sec a headlight corning al you lo the sound of a motorcycle which fin ally screeches to 11 hall." JOt'l explained. "The headlight is really a flashlight hung on a traverse rod and the so und comes from a tape recorder which plays througll a guitar amplifier." Afso distinguishable In the black-lighted spook room ara min iature skull. a dan· cinlj:-skeieton, bets. a man dangllng from a hangman's noose and a home-built wit· ches cauldron that gives oH white steam from the combination or diluted nitric acid and ammonia. He. has also planned a kit called "How To !\-lake A Monster.'' It wilt have three bins, one marked with "eyes," another one with ''hearts" and another with "brains." The JX'(lple cnming into the house will have to reach into the bins for thl".ir parts. "The eyes are actually peeled grapes and the hearts boiled egg whites. And the brains -well they 're'C:ooted spaghetti," said Joel with a ghoulish grin. "The houie is for all. tbe ·kids 111.. tbe n<ighborhood and I'm golhg to op,en· It up lonl1ht. as soon as it gets dai:I<, '.he ad· ded. Money 'for his Hallowten project came from hl1 bibysittlng earnings end 'from donalions by his parents. A good portion was spent on mood records such as "Dracula'5 Deuce" and "Ghoul Music." "I remember whtn I w11s· sme ll the people who lived near 11.~ had In e1eefric door lflat sqi.1e11ked open on Rallowttn. They had spooky thll'lgs liniide and tt :;('are.d m~. I liked that. lt's nlct to remember." said Joel, explaining where his Idea originated. "l don't like. to get scared at the time I'm being scared but l sure enjoy it fl rterwards," )le grinned. He reckons that other child ren feet likewise and has 11pent a Rood deal of time and money to prove that he Is eor· reel. · 1 Today'• FIDal N.Y. St.oelu TEN CENTS TWA Plane Pogo Sticks Ac1·oss U.S. BANGOR. Maine. (U PI) -A rine. "delding youth, described as a cleancut "all-American" type, hijacked a jetliner over California today and began a hop- i;cotching trip to Egypt. The Trans World Airline plane, a Boe· tng 7rn bound from Baltimore to San FranciSCQ, was hijacked after Jeavinc Los Angeles on the last leg of the flight. The h•jacker had boarded the plane at Los Angele.'i. The plane was flown back to Denver where it refueled and let off 39 passengers. The hijacker said he wanted to fly to Egypt . The plane put down again in New York to refuel but was scared off by FBI :ig~nt,; and new on lo Bangor to ctimplete refueling. Apparently still headed for Egypt, the plane \\·as cleared for a flight to Shannon , lreiand v.·hen il finl11hed refueling and left Bangor International Airport . Before leaving Bangor, the hijacker - radioing instrucUons from the pilot to the cor.trol tower -commanded per8QNI wat~hing from nearby window! and doorways at lbe airport and a nearbJ factory to duck out of sighl Authorities had sealed off the refuelinl :irea before the plane landed in Bangor •t 10c13 a.m. PST. It departed into I~ ""ind' at 111:5ra a.m. About 75 state and local pollct and sheriff's offi~s were on hand a1 th• plane landed and taxied toward the isolated refueling site. Officials Mid tt would takt about v; minutes to refuel. The FBI, which frightened the hijacker .e.v.·ay from New York, was close behind as refueling started In Bangcrr. A small plane loaded with FBI agents put down at the airport shortly after the jet landed . Police removed a man from near th& plane when tbe hijacker radioed to the control tower that he saw a shadow and 'A"anted any individual removed from lhe scene. Authorities sakl they were tmable to determine where the hijacker Mationed himsell in the plane as the refuelln& began, but they usumed he was lo the cockpit "becal15e he's jurt dishinr out orders and the pilot is radioing them to the control tower." Plans to seize tile hijacker, • cleancut youth of about 19. and prevent the jSee mJACK , P•1e %) Robert M. Pyles Succu111bs at 77 Hobert r-.t. Pv les. reti red oil man and founder of Uic fl. M. Pyles Boys Camp Of Huntington Beach, died ·lhis morning after a Jong illnss. He was 77. Mr. Pyle had lived in Huntington Be.a.ch for more than 30 years. He was general manager ol Southwest Exploration Com- pany, purchased later by Signal Oil Com· pany. He founded the boys camp which bear:o; his name in 1949. Thia past mmmer 432 underprivile.ged boya were sent lo the organiialion's high Sierra camp. Funeral services will be held In Bake.rsfield Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at the Green\av.·n ~fortuary. Surv lvorl'i include Mrs. Pyles of the family home, 83:22 Ellis Ave . and tv:o _daughters. Orange Coast Weatller Surprise: if• going to be : a nice weekend. with sunny ,aklea preV1lllng Over te.mperlturea rangin1 from a comfortable 75 along the coast to a sweltertne 90 further Inland. . INSmE TOD~Y The renowned Stuttgart Bat· let com~ to Southern CoUforni(1 11ext week, with a former Sant11 A'fldn ·playing a feat1'rtd rotf. See todOM'S \Veekender section .. ~ '"" ~,. ...... If ......... 1 ....... . Of-c-ty • ,,_ ,....., 1t ••rt-Mb n.1• ... ,,. ... ,. ''"* Matti... ,.,, '''"""" ,, 1tlMtlr1 &M w-. ............ ............... 1).11 ... ....., ,, .. ------. ---~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 DAILY PILOT H Christ Teen·s March on 'Temple of Mammon' BY JA.i\1ES !\1cNABB Jr. ~II t. 1119 D41LY ,ILOT SOUTH &AN MATEO -The CbiJdren ol Israe.I today made an e:s:odU! frem their headquartrrs hert'. marchi ng on "The Temple of l\1amn1on ." for a three- l1our demonstration tn the heart of San Francisco's financial fl1slr1l"l. Formerly kno""n a.~ the Teens for Ctlr1st, when headqu!lrlere<l in Hun- tington Beach. the ~clf-sl y!ed re11o!u- t1onary evangelists planned 10 h1l wealt hy MOntfomery Str•et at the str11kl or noon. lleard<d ud robed In blood-Rd ... t cleth -as when they inv...., IMlftlof'lll M""°ri1l Clllptl In P1lo 41\0 '" • d~on1tr1Uon lut SundlJ -tM Sf'el.IJll hoped .. dlplipt •n ....... lie r8llltot ... ecutivu' martini lunch hour. The Children of Israel'~ leader, who has proclaimed hL! name as Joab, said 1he car caravan would htad back to Sooth San Mat~ after its "Gree n Friday '' anti-money demonstration. "For ~n hijink1." lie t1pl&ined, "we J!••Y born down • huildlna °' _,,,, .. Onlf Th\ll141Y. CO!_ll M ... peUct con-tlt!ttd P•l6 4Uo peUet tv Information 11!1eut tbe ~. II of"* member! ire wanted on arrest wanant.a issued in Costa Mes11. last spring. Th~y fled to escape what was billed as the imminent quake destruction of the biggest and alle1edly most sinful state in the union, leaving their local courtroom Man Escapes Fiery Death Pai;ement Crusher Bursts Balboa Gas Main By JOllN V .4.LTERZA DI "'4 Olllf l"tlll Sl1!t A Santa Fe Springs n1an operating 3 pa11emet1~ crushing n1:ich1ne narrowly PM:aped being burned alive in Balboa Thursday when t.he crusher broke a gas 1nain, causing an explosion and fire. '"Red "' Chadsy. 2~. driver for ~he Cabilclo Corp .. jurnped 1Jff the tractor-like rn achlne and escaped 1,1·11h a si11gcd beard and a few blisters. The ensuing bl<17.e cau~ed by rushing i;:as shooting th rough the pavement at Cypress Stree t and Balboa Boulevard destroyed the SI 1,000 machine and kepl firemen busy for more th11n :lO minutes. Firemen cooled the red-hot tractor with GOP In Anaheim hO'Ses lhtn .summoned another tractor to pWI the burning rig off the large gas leak. "We had to cool the thing: down ton· siderably before putting out the gas firr, or else the hot metal would have cauled another flash and possibly an e:1pl05ion," Deputy Chi tf Leo Love e:s:plained. As soon as the tractor was pulled away, firemen moved in with heavy ex· tinguishers and smothered the burnina gas. Crews then set lo W1>rk repairing the leak. They worked into lhe nigh t plugcing up the hole in the main. Firemen said Chadsy was breaking concrete for a small trench aloni Cypru.s v.·hen t~ chisel blade ruptured lilt pipe. The driver got down from the rnachine and &hut the machine off, but a f1nman advised him to start the rit again and drive it off the leak, firemen said. Chadsy turned on the switch, firtmrn said , and !!parks in the starter touched oft the explosion. Mike Macy , 17, Balboa, said he v.·as riding his bicycle "when, all of a sudden • , . boom ." •·t saw the driver run into a gas station and the whole pavement was on fire ," he llald. Chadsy declined treatment for the minor burns alter the 4 p.m. mishap, firemen said. ,.,..... r..,., 1 Milins, Conrad to Make HIJACK ••. tranu.Uantic crossing wen dropped when the hijactrr fired a a:bol in the plane to show he meant business. The shot ap. parently cawed no serious damaae to the pressurized cabin of~ jetliner. Secretary of State Bids The hijackrr, dressed in a military tunic and toting a "survival kit" Of soup and other staples. releesed the 40 passengers aboard the Boeing 707 In Den· \"er, He ke.pt four crewmen aboard when the plllne left Stapleton International Airport. By GEORGE SKELTON U,.1 ,.ollll<•I WrJltr Assemblyman George \V. Mi\ias is ex· peeled to announce his candidacy for secretary of stale at the annual fall con· \•ention of California Republicans wh ich opened today at Anaheim's Convention Center. Assemblyman Charles J . Conrad, (R· Shennan Qai;s), said he also is "in the race unless circumstances indicate J ha've no chance." Milia.s, a Gilroy rancher and former st.ale Republican chairman. called a news conference for Sunday at which sources Rough, Tumble Cycle Racing Set in Valley Hunlingtnn Beach residents will get a first-hand \'if'w nf European-sty le: Moto-- Cross motorcycle races Sunday al Hun· tington Beach Cycle Park. Beginning at 10 a.m .. the park, located on Talberl A\"e. west ol Beach Boulevard. "'ill host the southland's top competition riders in its inaugural event for this type of rough and tumble racing. Chargin g ht'adlong over obstacles in· eluding a sand \l"ash , a mudhole and •1!hcr hazards. "111 be more than 20il lollO\\"l'r!' o! thl!> rapidly expanding fa cel flf !he molorcychng spot! TickelS, pnccd al SJ 25, may bf' puf't"'hased fron1 rnembers or lhe Hun- 11ngton Beach Bn~·s Club or bclnrc the race at the part.; g<Jl ~. :O.loto-C ross racing has h<'<?ome so J"lOp ular 1n 1he Ln1ted Stall'~ lh.1! ii IS <1t- tract1ng \\'Orld-champ1onsh1p c al iber riders from EurOJX' .Riders such as Torste.n Halman from Sweden, Joel Robert from Belgium and Engli~hman Dave Bickers arC" just a few of I.he lop European rider!! "ho are com- pet ing now in this counl r)'. DAILY PllOI fl&l.r•I ~I Wt•d l'l<•• .. n1 ~t>d ""b"'~" Jt c~ R. C11•!oy \"•ti "'•~·r.rnl '"~ C,•••••• ~·,~,~·• .I.~.,, , ... ~., ·~ l •• 01 .. 11 .. 11 w .•• ,., ,.,_,,., C~••o• H1~ll ... l•R lqc;h OHie• JOt ~·~ St•••! t..f,:1;., Acld11n1 P.O. a,, 'tO, '26 ~t Othe>r Offlcn ~-·! R••<" 111 1 W•11 tr•llOI.,. '""''tvlld C&••• Me••; JJO Wt 1! l•Y ~!frtt l.•I~~• ll•t~; lll Fotul A•f~..,. l!l••~ "f' •llOT . ..,11~ ... 1c~ '• """~·•M t•o '""'' P••••· " "~~1 . ..,,,. ~•·•• '""'' !.-,~ "•Y '" >(J>.,•I• M•l'O"" •o• .. ""'""I'~· •••c~. 'tV""'" V•1•v. ((t' .. """· HI*• ,.,, •11c~ oc<t LIQ""I IU( •, •'tn~ "'''" l'"I '"11 ... 11 ICl•'°"11 0••"1' C&•\! r~~,.,~. ••o U"'lll"f P'l~to~o 1>1••1> ••I .. Jlll w .. 1 ••.C<>I trl•t H• •N•I I••(~. .... UQ l'.t l1 P\1• '""'' C.•U• l.'•lt T1l•,t..-171 41 •tJ.tJll f••"' Wt1t,.lft1ltt Cell ~40-1220 Cl .. tlflt9 All••rthl~t 14!·5611 (oo.,lt~t, lllt, Cl•o•11 f.G"I •.,th"""f i •"''l"W H• """"'•T l• J ~, Hkt•ll o>oo•1, •<l•IGl<l l """"' u o<lv"'".,'""'' """'" .... , ........ °""' ............. •l'Otl .. ,. ......... ~ II le•.,,..~, -·" ~v ...i ''"" l ll1"•t• 9• ~ •• ,.,.,.,,,,., .,.,, l n(I ''"' N•u. (I''"' o • ~.,, &"<" Lw ''""' IJ 11t ..,..1111, 1w "'"' t' 'I~"''" ,...,.,,,, ... "U"••I-•. !)('O ~·!MT. ( sald he will become a candidate for the JOb now htld by the ailinc Frank M. Jordan. Jordan, whose family has occupied the office for all but two of the past 59 years, suffered a severe stroke May I and since lhen has been partially paralyzed and unable to speak. He is 81. About 2,000 delegates are eipected to <ittend the three-day convention of the Republican Stale Central Commlttet -a meeting party officials OOpe will serve. as a pl'Hlection year pep rally. St.alt Chairmen ~nis Carpenter ()r Newport Beach described the conYenUon as a "workshop session to gear up" for the 197g campaigns. Go<. Jllolld J!tapn 'fill bt th• ke~ jjloabr 51tunlay. U.S. S.n . Geor1e Murphy Is scheduled to deliver a major Vietnam addre:11s Sunday. Other spe akers will include Harry Dent, dtputy counsel to President Nixon, .;ind Mrs. Patricia Hitt . 1 on g ti me California GOP leader v,oho now is an assistant sctretary of the U.S. Depart· ment of Health, Education and We!farr. Ju.st about every major Califorrna Republican ltader plans to alt.end the c.onvenlion , lvhich will provid e offlt:e seekers v.·ith an opportunity for some private politicking. P..filias, 49, has been a.n assemblyman since 1962 and is one of the le.gi&laturt.'s major conservationists. ··1 me.an, he had to be some kind of a nut to want to go to New York," a passenger said ()f the gunman. The plane left Denver et 5:28 a.m. PST . FBI aaents threw up a cordon around the plane when it touchtd down fn Denvrr but made no attrmpl to capture lhe unidentified hijacker. One of the passengers said tht man boarded the plane. TWA's Flight ~ which left Baltimore, Md ., Thursday night, at Los Anaeles -the next to the last stop oo it.s pftjeded fUtht to San Franciaco. Amon1 the passengrr1 on the p\1ne wall the. Harper's Bizarre, a well knov.•n sint'ing 1roup. The hijacker kept aboard whe.n th€' plane !~ft Denver the pilot. Capt. Donald J . Cook ; F'ir~t Officer \V. William s; Flight Engine.tr L. Hollrath; and Sle~·ardess T. Coleman . All ~·ere based at Ka nsa~ City \\.'ilh the airline. Three other stewardesses were: released at Den· Yer. T\\'A officials arranged ano!.M.r fl ight tJ take tht passengers to San Francisco. The pl ane ~·11s on the ground .at Oe.nver for one hour and three minu tes. FBI agents, headed by Scott Werner. ~pecial agent in charge, tried to talk the hijacker Cash Still Gone No Sign of School Receipts That ba, f11\l of monry f r om n ·estminstrr High School it. ~till missing and Huntington Bea.ch po I ic e in· \"estigat ors haven·\ any idea yet where it niight ha\"e gone. The money -$986 in West.minster cafeteria recPipts -was reported miss-- ing Monday by Huntington Beach Union High School District officlam after they discovered a shortage in their account at SouthE'm California First National Bank, 17122 Beach 8!\"d. Simi!llT deposits are made daily from the districfs five schools, s a i I! Superinttl'ldent Dr. P..1ax Forney. The loM iii covered by district insurance and in- surance investiiators are al~ looking in· to the loss. The sealed bag v.·as reportedly carried lo the bank Sept. 25 by a campus patrolman. who says he deli,·ered it. Bank officials reporltd that their records ~how no such deli\"ery. "'Crux of the problem," said a poli ct spokesma n, "is that the school district Pair Arrested In Store Heists A pair or goatetd bandits, who held up a Huntincton Beach market. Saturday, u·ere arrested the same day for an at· ttmpted robbtry nrar Antii\em . Orange Counly She riff's deputies have hooked I..« Roy Anderson. 20, and Acle E. Henley, 20, both of Hawthorne:, on ~evrral counts of armed (1)bbery, in· tluding two ln Hunti ngton Beach. The.y are now In Or~nge County Jall. Hunt ington Be1ch de:ttctlvt s btlit:\"t !ht pa ir is rrsponsible for Saturday's roJ>. brry of 11. Stop"N"Go ri!arket at 15011 Edwards St ., In which SH was taken and for a. $106 robbery, Oct . II of tJ\e: Bia O Pitta, 14918 Springdale St. Sheriff's deputle~ nabbed the pa ir ,.~ they attempted lo rob a market In county territory just outside Anaheim. doesn 't receive a receipl for J!s mon~y ·· Dr . Fomey Iii.id hr couhiJf t say 11·h~l the normal procedure for money dtpo~lls is regarding receipts. BMk officials said they give a receipl anytime the school district asks, bu\ oomet.lme.s it didn't ask. Wagner Changes Date in Valley Tl.'le\'iSion star Robert W a g n t r , ~cheduled tti appear Saturday al f ounLain Valley High Schoors auto f>hci1,1·, ha,o; rhanged hi:-appt;irancc time from 2-4 p.m. lo noon to 2 p.m. \\'a gnrr v.·ill be available lo sign autographs and diS<:uss h i~ \elevi!=iOn serie s "It Take.~ a Thle-f." The drawing for the Honda 50 has also been change.d to 3 p.n1. The Boys ' League of Fountain Valley tligh School h11s rounded up 17 local car dealers to present the flne,o;t of the.ir cars ror display around the cam pus quadrangle from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Donations fr om the car show v.·ill go loWard Boys' teague aclivilies during the school ye ar. Refreshme:nt.s will be available tnd a band, the Sunclari, will perform from 11 1.m. to 1 p.m. In the outdoor amphitheater. Drug Talk Scheduled By Irvine Professor re Irvine i\ledjcal School Prortssor .Johri Kr111mer vdll speak on "Drugs in Our Society" at 7:30 p.m. Sund ay at Unh·er5lty UnJted fo.!ethod ist Church, 1142:2 Culvtr Drive. Jrvint. Dr. Kramer '• talk is sponsored by a group ealled "The Commission on Soci11I C:Once.rns." A discussion perlod will follow the l1 lk. b!.alnesa unflnlJhed. "We'll bt Mck U 1.hvt'1 anyt.iung to come bid" to," &alt orie member of tbe I!, coqvicled on char1ea stem.mini from a ac:hoel demon,tration in Costa ~fcsa, .and awalUni aent.ence. But they never relllrned from the wilderness east of the Californ1a-Nevad;i border. "I traced them as far as Las Cruces. N .~f ., and I gue ss some of then1 went on do.,.,·n into f\lexico," said Officer Dick Bird Smaslies Plane Glass Over Valley The crov.·ded skies of Orange Coun!y Jogged another casualty-t~·o of them- Thursday, Y>hen a bird smashtd through lhe wi"dow of a comn1utcr airliner over Fountain V11llty, injuring the copilot. Jatk Smallwood, 32. of Ha\\.'lhornr, suffertd minor cuts \\'hen he 1,1•as sprayC'd \l'ilh shattered glass at an altitude o[ J,200 feet, v.·hilt appro&ching Orange County .'\irporL Aulhorilit s said Smallwood "·as treated at Costa fl.1esa fl.Irmorial Hospital and released. No great danger was posed by the mid· a ir collision and the twin~ng!ne Golden West Airlines DeHavilland Otter larn:led 1afely at the county airport with its 18 paisse:ngers. Pilot Fred Robinson, 52, of Playa de! Rey, was at the conb"ols when the bird struck the copilot's window of the tur bo-- prop aircraft. District Attorney Says Embezzli11g Toll No,v $27,000 District attorney's investigators today alleged that Richard Win ters Burke embezzled more than $27,000 from the l"OUnty clerk's office and hinted that the tally might climb even higher before they com plete Uieir probe. Chi ef Deputy District Attorney Jame s Enright confirmed the estimate today and said the Burke, 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive. Mission Viejo, may face an many ;is 75 count.a of grand theft when the in· \'esUgation is etimple.ted. An initial examination of Burke"s baok- ing lisls when he 5urrendered to shtriff"s officer!! a week ago indicated th at the .alleged embezzlement might be in the range or SS.000. But 11 full scale probe by county auditor Vic Heim's office has un· covertd dl5crepancie.s ~·hich are 00\11 above the $27.000, Enright said . Burke ls due to appear in Santa Ana riiunicipal Court Monday to answer to grand theft charges. MIRROR $80. (Wood M•iH>! Bersch, \\'ho has trafkrd less-fl a1nbo_,. anl tugitlve.s 1n Ills ca.reer lo say Lhe least. One <ll lhe evangelists fa cing charges of failure to appear for sentenci ng 1n Harbor Judicial District Cou rt , James B<1llisler, 23. led lht> tlock 11110 the fi ta11- fJrd chapel last Sunday. The Rev. Ca rroll Colton . clean uf sttJden!s al Chapm an Col!E',c;e in Orange, 11as gur.-!>t m1111stcr ;1( the t<J111pus L"h;iprl ll'hen lhc robed, Jong-ha ired, gosµe! $83 itlillio1i Now - spreaders marche<.l 1nto 1he sanctuary. Balli!iler broke a flower pat ~boUe or the earthen ve;iseJ tiJe Prttphet Jermi.al1 broke lo show the CQming destruction or !ilnllJI Israel and quoted th' Old Testa. n1ent t1gure In doom·for-rnodern-soci,ty tenns. l)uring the ir SOJOurn in Orange County, brfore being exlled by the 1hreut of Im· pr i~onmenl and fines, !he Teens for Chn5l disrupt~! a number uf chur ches antl schools in their fir eb rand fas hion. Beach Building May Set Record C'o11::trurtion in 1!11n1ini::to11 Brach w1Jl probably ~CeC'tl $100 n11ll!on !ht~ \lcll r, ~2~ 1ni!lion above lhc prcvinus h1g·h 1n J9ti:J. B11ilding Depart1nt:nt figures show that the. ~·I'll) niiHion high has a!rC"ndy bC"rn C:it· CC'C'dcd with n1 ore th;in $9 n1tllion in permits 1s~ued !his inonth. "If the average of better th<Jn SS 1ni1lion in permils per month this year Is rnaintaincd through November a n d December \\'e should easily lop the $100 million mark." said Building Director O. C. ••Jack" Cleveland. Cleveland attributed this years reetird· breaking figures to an increase in apart- ment project building brought on by the lighl money market. Permits issued through September lnl:i lrd S7~,1Jtfi:J7. \Vith 1he add ition tir n111re 1ha11 $9 n1il11on to rla!c in October. 111•' 196.1 12-nionth record has been topped J;_1 l'lose to S4. million. Th e ant1cipatcd 196fl total fa r exceed::. \li r pr('vious two .1'<'ars. Figures were $64 1nillion fol' l!J6B nnd $57 .5 m;tliun for 1987 • 1 he current yc<ir"s tigurc was reached de~pitl.' a drop Jn August to $3 mill ion because or the strike of heavy equipmen t oprralors. But J une saw a record $20 million in permits issued despite the plun1be rs strike in effect at that lime. Permits for apartment units through the first nine months of the year totalled 2 ,~27. compared to 1,330 single familY. homes. Moneywise, apartments ac~ coonted for $25 million, compared lo $3.f million for single family units. No Switcli of Students Between S11iitli, Peterson There 11·on'l be. any sw1lch1ng {)f studC'nlS between Smith and Peterson schools i11 Huntin gton Beat h thi s year. The decision wa s rrached Tuesday ni;::hl by trustees nf the Hunti ngton Acaci1 School District on the rccomm<>ndation bv Peterson School princi pal Robert Lan- dt. The problern f'rruptt·d with the sudden gro~·th or two tr;icts of houses !yins roughly bct1,1'eC'n I.he two schools. One lract, the Beac.h llornrs, near Atlanta Avenue and Surf,,.,·ood Stree\, is partially occupied and 12 youngsters from there a lready attend Peterson. rifore arc ex- pected 1n the nrar future . The othrr 1r:lct L<o " lh<> Sandpiper tlomes, not .\·et occupied, bul rapidly neari ng compleH.~n Landi had earlier reported to lhe £1Js1rirt that~ r'elerson School could not h!lndl(' child ren fr on1 the tract. but Smith School could . Parents of children in lh e Brach Homes feared tt-rir ~;oung~trr~ ~·ou !d be transferrrd in rni<l-ycar fro1n Peterson to Smllh and wr a1e a lelter protesting . Tuesday night La ndi adv1~f'd the board In continue bu sin,c; thr Beach Hom('; children to Peterson ;;chool for ··the sake of the ('hildren " "'HQ.,.,·ever." he warned. "1,1·1\h the rapid i;ro~·th 1n our area there \1•il1 probably be a lot ol school boundary switching next year." Liz' Dia111ond Head s For Chicago Showing ~E\V "\'OR I\ (AP ) -The Cartier dia· mon~, a huge and fl a\\rlss gem bought hy Richa rd Burlon as a sift for his wife, E!ilabeth Taylor Burt on. has bC"en draw. ing crowds of more 1J1an 6.000 a day \() Ca :-!lC'r'.( F1f1 h A\·rntH' store wht're it i.• fi ll rl L'iphiy, a spok c.~111cin for the store sairl. Today its Nr1,1' York sho1ring ends and lhc st.one, purchased for 1nore t.h,:rn ~l n11llion, goes lo Ch1cai;o for a sim ila r e~·· hib!tion at C:irticr·s store therr Gampanil~ • l • ; I DRESSER , $309 . . IW~od F •• ,1~/ . , "A.,tiltble in two m19nific.etli finishe1. 01'11, 1 rich ••rm i;NW'l'I, thti oth•r a hee .. ily l:>nn~ed white strlpeCI i11 old yellow a"d •pric.ot. A" •xciting look at a re11on1bl1 pric:1. ' --~ YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL -HENREOON . HERlTAGE NIWPORT l!ACH 1n1 W•t•Hff Dr., 642.2050 0Pn N•AT "flL t .. INTERIORS Prof .. lon1I l"t•rior °'''•"•rt Avall1bl~AIO-NSID LAGUNA HACH 145 North Coast Hwy. 494.4151 Of'IN NIDAT "flL f ATTORNEY GEORGE CHULA, ROSEMARY AND TIMOTHY LEARY ANTICIPATE COURT DECISION DAIL'!' PILQT "'" ""°'°' AFTER JUDGE RULES, DEFENDANTS AND ATTORNEY REAPPEAR IN COURTHOUSE CORRIDOR Judge Speirs Named to Head County Cot1rts Judge \Villi;im C. Spt>irs of N"\''pnrt Beach \vill he !he Orangr. C0unty Superior Court's prcsicling jur!i::r in 1~70 . Judge Speirs. 53. of :!()()() E. Occ<in 'Fron!, Balboa, wa~ the unanimous choi ce lale Thursday of his 20 cnlleagucs to sue· Cf'('d Judge Samuel Drcizcn in the ex- f'CUli vc chambers. lie will take over Jan. ]. A graduate nl the Vni\'ersity or Orego n and the holder of a law degree from \l/illamette Unh·ersity of Salem, Ore .• J udgr. Speirs was first named to the bench in 196.1 \Yhen lhe then Governor Edmund G. Brawn aprxiinled him to the Harbor Judicial District Court ill Costa ~·!esa. G<iv. 'Edmund G. Brown promoted J udge Speirs to the Superior Court in 196b. The Balboa juri~t has-~crved on genfr,11 lrial and criminal court benches in the pa!<t three years. .ltldge Speirs served as a deputy district atl omcy with the Oran ge Coun1y J)i sl ric l Att.orncy·.~ office prlor to liis municipal court appointmcnl and he ~as ;(\so parUcip.:itcd in the pnvate practice "f ]a111 in San Francisco. During \Vorld \Var II he served as a lieutenant v•ilh the l -niled States Navy and saw action in the Sou1h Pacific. r.tarried to the for1ncr r.1ar la Thayer, .ludge SJW1rs has a daughter ~1rs. Ann Speir~ Lewis in Hay,vllOd , Cahf. and _a wn Douglas S. Speir,; v.•ho is a rancher In Borrego SprinJ?s, Calif. 11tt? couple have a f.!r:indson through their daughter 's mar· l'1age. 12 N e,~smen Kee p On With Trip After Cra sh GLADSTONE. Aus tralia !t:Pl ) -A Borne.what unnerved party o( 12 1ravellng r.ewsmen, including Orange Coast DATLY 1~1LOT Editor Thomas Kcevil, has con· tinued on afte-r narrowly roscaping death tiere Thursday in a helicopter crash. Three Australian tourism officials were J;light!y burned when the Sikorsky 52 chopf.'f'r plunged back onto the Gladstone Airport runway seconds after takeoff, bur5l into flames and then exploded. Two other persons reportedly st~ffer~d minor cuts and bruisei::. but the f1\·e 1n· 111red continued on to Heron Island. 1Jff !he Great Barrier Reef, and ha\"C not yet been idenl ificd. Tele 11i!>inn nc\1:s rrprir1 s Thursdav night mentioned a rata!ity among the 12 passrngers <lr crew of two, but the story proved erroneous. Telephone commun icali011!' In the arr;:i 1SO mile:<l nQrth or Brisbane are crude and British Overseas Airways Corporation e:r;.- eculives ~aid today it takes a day and a balf lo put a call through. The distinguished group or travel writers were on the inauguration night of BOAC service from Los Angeles tG Brisbane and had taken the side junket when the near-fatal crash occurred. Mrs. Keevil. a~lstant prornolion dire<:· Lor for ihe Hunlington Center in Hun- tington Bf'ach, acCflmpanied her husband on the m;i in fl ight. but had remadned ~·ith relatives in Sydney. All IZ persons 11board the commutrr helioopler took co\'er nrarby, barely btfort it~ a\"1alinn fue l exploded in a hnr- rendmis bla:;,t which hurled one. wheel 400 yards av.·ay. rne information from BOAC lf'lclay did not :;pecify If the tnuri~t gruur conlinued on Ille island trip by helicopti:r Qr otJ1er conveyitnce. Judge Orders Dr. Leary To Face Trial Nov. 24 ,A, bi!lerly disappointed Dr. Timothy l,eary and his family learned today !hat l ~f':V 111ust f;icc the S11pC'rior Court lri'1! their ;.iHornrys fought to avoid in a v.·eek- lon~ hearing. .Judgf! Byron K. fl.lc~!itlan ordcrrd the lno In return to court Nov. 24 to face JUry trial on charges of !"'OSSessio n o[ n1ariJU ana an d LSD. Leary, 4 9 , Rosemary Leary, 33, and John Bush Le<?ry, !9. v.'cre booked on those charges last Dec. 26 in Laguna Beach. it took Judge r-.tc~!illan only two mint.tes today to deliver the ruling he has mutlM over for the past two day~. And he made it clear in his terse !'Um· mation that La guna police office r NeaJ Purcell \.\'as fully justified in detaining tne Le.aryr; nine mont hs ago and in ~earching their station \.\'agon, "F.verything about the sHuat1on he found justified tha r. arres!.'' ~<11d Judge f.1rl\1 illan. "\Ve had the vehicle ille.1ial!y PC!fkf'd on Wnodl<1nd Drive, lhe bn:arre brhavior rif ,John Bush Lrary and the <1l h;ged ndor of n1arijuana wafting from !ll!' car. "'The off icPr's actiD n w;i~ reason;iblc ,'' Judge hll'.'~ltllan s0:11d . ··rm gc>i11g Ill d1smi~s your motion for suppression nf evidence." It "·as a verdict. that delighted lhe prn- secutlon. II was made clear throughwt the week-long hearing that the eventu:il trial of the Lcarys virtually hinged on the e\'idence uncovered by the Laguna Beach police officers and challenged by the Leary fam ily 's three attorneys. John Bush Lear)' was not present tor the verdict and .Judge f\1cf\1 illan im- mediately put his naine on a $5,000 bench 1\·arrant. ll 11tayed in effect about. 15 minutes and \1•as ca ncelled wh en !he breathless, bearded youth. clad In crin1son ~hirl and :<-tripped bell bottom trol1sers came poun· cling along the courthouse corridor v.•ith long hair nying to explain that "a n11~understanding v.·lth my driver" led lo the delay. Attorney f\larvin COoper, young Leary's delense counsel, took over speaking l'ho re.; for the Leary group after ,Judge f.\c:-01illan's ruling to predict that "there \\ill be no trial /'\ov. 24 and it is dou btful if there v.'ill be a trial before next rum- mer. ''\\'e are today going to the Dist rict Court of Appeal to seek a writ of pro- hibition against this unfai r ruling," Cllopcr :i:aid. "'Our argument will be !hat t~.e dC'fcndanls' rights have been violated, lhaf there is unshakeable evidence of pre- ju<iicc against Dr. Leary and his family and lhat Insufficient attention has been pai d by this court to that factor. ''lf 11·e get. no satisfaction there then "'e 1vi ll gD lo the Federal Court and to the Suprun1e Court if necessary,'' Cooper ~aid, "Ynu c3 n Te~t assured !hat it will ~ .1 long. Joni; lime before. Dr_ Leary and hig Family go on trial if indeed they ever d•>.'' Th'?. LSD cultist, apparently shaken a~ .!udge l\lcMillan delivered tils ruling. recoverl'd hls habittla l composure of gnn~. winks and nods lo assure the courthouse at large tha t "we are fighting for 20 million Americans and we aren'L t h~nugh yet. "Too many people pay too much al· !rnhnn tn h'l11.' .V"U look and how you smell,., Leary said. Edga110,v11 Juclge to Set Ma1·y Jo lt1quest Date F.DGARTO\\.'N, fo,fass. (UPI) Erlgartown District Judge J ame!! A, Bayle today received Uie decisioa of the Massachusetts Supreme Court on the Kennedy inquest case and said he would study it before setting a date for an in- quest. Court Clerk Thom~ A. Teller made the announcement after meeting with Boyle !his morning. "We lalk ed just briefly." Teller ~aid. "He just today received his copy of !he decision and hc:s going to study it before making any de<:ision about a date for lhe inquest." It \\"as expected tha l Boyle v.·ould set a d.1!e so metime next \1•eck. Th ur~da y the St:ite Suprf'me Court j!ran1 rd a request by Sen. fo~dward f.f. Kennedy to bar th e public and the pres~ from an inquest inl.o the death or Mary Jn Kopechnc , but refused to allow other pleas by lhe !i?nator's attorneys con· ccrning ground rules for the inquiry. The full bench pf the court Thursday broke a legal tradition dating lo the 19th cenlury in ruling that all future inquests in Massachusetts "be closed to the public and all news media." Baby Armadillos 'Still Touch, Co' r·1-1:CAGO <AP) -Two b11hy South American armadillo11 ente red their se· t"f'nd night of life in good shape . v.·hile or. fici11ls at L!nf'.{lln Park 7.oo kept their f 1ngers crossed. Curator Denni~ fo,Jer1lt, who think11 I.he babies may be the first of their kind OOr n In the United State11. 1ai~ Thurmi11y H's "~till touch and go." But the court denied Kenned y'!i con· tention inques!J are "attusatory" in nature, requiring that witnesses be given all the safeguards of a criminal trial. The court described inquests a 1 "in· vestigatory, '' In its wide-ranging 17-page ruling, the court said inquest witnesses "'ma y be ac· companied and advised by counsel while in attendance or testifying al an inquest.'• The court left to the disc retion of the presiding judge \vhether lawyers would be allowed to cross-examine witnes.se11 and present evidence as Kennedy 's ai... tornry:; had requested . The court set no dale for the inquest but said its ruling "should not hinder or delay lhc pending inquest." The lnques!, originally scheduled to begin Sept. :I brofore .Judge Boyle, was postponed pen- cting Supreme Court revie\v of the ground n:lcs. The court rejected Kennedy's bid to disqualify Boyle from futu re proceedings. Kennedy. in Bost.oo for a speech, said he was "deeply saUslied thRt the Supreme Coort has acted expeditiousty. I'm hopefuJ that any additional pro- cttdlngs that will be held will be held very !IOOll." Massachusetlll Attorney G I!: n e r 1 I Robert H. QuJno, who represented Boyle before Uie court, said the ruling generally ~11pported the st.ale's position in the case. "The only v;i riance "'as in the closed n;i111re of !he hearing." The l'OUr1, in re\·iewing the known t"1rtumstances su rrounding the death "r J\liss Kopechne, a pas.>q?nger In Kennedy's "ar v.•hen it plunged lnlO a tidal pond on Cha ppaquldrlick Island July 18, ,;aid "AH events relating to lhe accident. includi ng the scheduled inquest. have been given e:i:tt'n~ive covl'rage by the local, nation;il aoo internat ional ne v.·s media." H DAJLY PILOT 3 Sears Fall Hardware Week Sale Starts Tomorrow, Nov. 1st -... Sears The8e are hut a few sample8 of the great savings available now. Come in and see the hundred s of sale item!. SAVE $28! Craftsman 77-Pc. Tool Sets Y4· In. Electric Drill ... SA VE *3. 77 Regular '8. 77 •One of 1h~ handiMI tool• you can ha,·e oi round !ht! ho11~'"-De\'elop.11 1/6 HP to do nun1e rous job~ •:-lo· load ~pcl"<i 2300 R P~l wi lh built-in lriµg er lock and ~in11le reduction gea rs •Ideal fo r \Oo'flrk ini.: in light, hard·to- re11ch p l ace~-~l ode l I l~I) Sef'arntely3 991 168.23 •Se t includl"~: J,,iz.ineJ1 ratchet, l/,. % i nd t2-inch &ocket and ar;. t'l'!'>IOril'~: opr.n-end and ifni· t ion wrenrhf'!, hex k ry u t • Al1-o i n clude~: 1;erewdriven, puncbc1>, r hi5ell!, back:'laW "'itb t''(lr~ blade1 and lool bo:1.. * 330.lft \fk About 5f'iirr. Con\·r.1 ft:nl C:redit ('Ian~ SAVE s13! Crafls111an 7-lnch Circular Saw Regular S,l2.99 2997 e 7-i ncb &a w can be aet fol' f.lraigh t or angle cu t~ Develop• 11'~ HP. Dunble and d~ pendable • Jncludt:s 11dju~1 able rip guide• and Krnm• edge·• c hi sel -tooth blade. P..1odel 2778 ~:i2.9'J, 7-ln. Circular s.~ ... 2 HP __ 39.88 Combination Wrench Set 9-Pc. Screwdriver Set So ld Se parately S9.51 ••• I SAVE 47%1 So ld Separately $8.14 SAVE 38'7c! • Craf1sman 6-piece 1et his the mo6 l popular 1iz:e1 from 3/8 10 11/16-in. 497 • Drop fo,.,:ed a f "Super Tufr f>lt1:l ff orry in fo r thi~ 1trl':l'll buy! 144623 • Pockel, mechanic1. stubby, Phillipi plu1 a 4-w1y key ring 1crewdri,·er 497 • All of ''Super Tnrr· alloy 1teel ,.i1h job 1iz:ed handles for comfortable grip. #41 079 r-----------------------------------------------~ I lllfMA ,...,. n MOMr1 10NG MACH "'° .. ...._ JOMONA SOU1M a»R RAM I CANOOA ,,... OHMO,t,tr CMT.wte I k>TO IAHTA ANA 1'0IUfCI I CQW"'TOH N:>UYWOOO Ot4NGf I µ......-i· ,, ..... \'AWY I (OYIMA l«OtfWOOO '"AOrMA Sears """" MCJ«:,A ... , ........ ~--------------------------_______________ _, ....,...., ........ ~,;IOA.M.• N0, .... ....,1a-... .. 1r ... ---· ........ 1 ROIS 11 ....... .... I I • I 4 DAILY Pl LOT ' "• ' I 'o • II ~TODl·J'S IEWI Prine.• Philip, hlisband of Bri· t.ai n's Ouffn Elizabeth, had a crov•d of 200 lat1ghin£ in the rain a s he officiated a't the opening :rrem onies for a $2 million annex to the City lfall in Vancouver. B.C. "It gives me greal pleasure to df!-· ~!are this thing open-\vhatever 1t 1$,"' said the J>rince, pulling back 'he royal blue curtain covering a 11laque to commemorate 1.ht:' open· 1n .. of the addition. "I had pre· pa~ed a long dissertation about the problems of local government, but because it i s raining and rather UD· ::ileasant, I will forget it ." • • ·-· Circuit Judge Richard Emmet, of J.lontgomer11. Ala., T.Dho is con· ~iderino r unn ing f or governor, ha.s draw n support jrom G man he recently sentenced to seven •ears in prison. "Hi there," said ) h the letter from prL1on. "Thoug t T would take ti me to drop you G few li'ne1. I om stiU up here in jail and I'm getting along pretty good. 1 hauen't heard anything c01tcerning my appeal yet, but it 1lwuldn't be much l onQer. "I hetir 1"Umors that you are consid· • ering seeking office tu governor ' 1nd I GS5U re you that if the TU· 1 mor! are true, myself, parents ttnd all our }rie nds of uoting age wilt support yoii one hundred ~ percent. It 100111.d certainly be i nice to get you in th e governor's . l. office. l don"t sfan.d a chance ns long a.a you are ci rcuit judge." (. ~' H .. ";J11W\Wf·1¢•.aJ • Cassius Clay began reheari;ing in New York for his Broadway acting :tebut in a musical vers ion of "Big Tim e Buck \Vhite.'' Clay, the for· nier heavyweight boxing c ha1npion ~\·ho calls himseli Muhammad Ali, ~uickl y made it clear he saw no future ior himself on the slage. "I ~ave no ambitions to be an actor. t\cting is just pretending what is rea1 . I want to be real," he said. 1-Ie said he had turned down previ· ous offers of parts in pla.Ys of mov· 1es because, as a practicing ~fus· lim , he found them offensiv e. ''This is a good clean play." he said . "The cast is all black. There are no women in it. It is real. It is about what is happening in the P.:orld. It is about the way peopl e reel.'' • PrincP,~.~ r.racP. of i\Jonoro and nn· tli rorol.nn•-~t i\fnrgaret M earl. re ceived Y/lffA ··w ornan oj thr Yf nr" mPdnls J•1 Plu/arlrlrhia this ivePk. Prinr.ess r.ra ce ~(11rl, ''\Vomen havP bP.rome v1r· l ll'flS n.f mndern /1vl'19.·• 1vlnrh. /Ja.s rnu.~rrl th('m "to lose somr. Clf thei r /1>n1 1111ne 1nl111l1on.·· Of/1r r nu;r1rd<'E" 11 rrr. J.1r .... /lf artn1 Lur l1fl r King .J r. nurl. f\'RC news correspondent rnuln1e r rederzck Robbtn.!. -----..... --~~ -------~-~ --~----------------------------------------------------- U,_I T1i."'9tt 'ldeolngical Eunt1£1a1' Agnew Assails Peace Protesters WASHINGTON (UPl)-Vice Pre&idtnt Spiro T. Agnew. freshly endorsed by President Nixoa for 1ioing "a great_ jo~,'' has launched another free-swmging atlack on antiwar demonstrators and po I i tic i ans he called "ideological eunuchs." Agnew·s remarks, in which he re.· pealed charges tha t leaders CJf the Oct. 15 Vietnam moratorium v.·ere •·impudtnt " and "sonbs." led Sen. Albert Gore, (~ Tenn .), to declare: "He is our greale!il disaster next lo Vietnam." In a speech at Harrisburg, Pa., Thurs· day night, Agnew critirized "a glib, aclivist element who v.•ould tell _us our values are lies." Although he made no mtntion tl. th• earlier Agnew attack on peace demon· strators, the President told the tthru e group representatives be wa1 "ve.ry proud to have the vice president with his Greek background in this adrniniatr•Uon. and be's doing a great job." In a reference lo the wide criticism .o:p.awned by his earlier attack, Apew told the Harrisburg audience he had no int ention of recanting. Honor Medal Goes to Three Taking 'Super-block' Tour 11e said the nation can "afford to aep- l'lrate them from our sociely-wilb no more regrrt tha n we should feel ovf'r discarding rotten apples from a barrel." Gls' Families r..trs. Robert F. Kennedy accompanies New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay on a walking tour of "super-block" -a renovated area in Brooklyn's Bedford·Stuyvesant area which was a project of her husband. Mr::;. K ennedy made a ~pecial trip from Washington for a rare public appearance at dedi· cation ceremonies for the renovated housing area. Jn colorful language !hat has become ll trademark. Agnew told a Republican rlinner such elements are aided by poli tl-WASHINGTON (UPI) -Vice Prts1- rians he called "parasites of passion" dent Spiro T. Agnew pre5ented the mtdal who "value. 11 cause purely for its polil· CJf Honor today to the familie:i of three iral mileage. men killed in Vietnam. Bombers Attacking New Lebanon Mounts Attack on Arabs 011 I srael Border ''They are ideoloical eunuch.! v.·hose One v.·as a fi.farine who threw himaelf most co mfortable position is straddling on a hand grenade, then adminiatered the philosophical fence, soliciting votes first aid to a wounded comrade befort from ho!h sides." he said. dying of his own wounc!s. "T do not overstate tbe c11se," he said , The medals were awarded to Marine as he warned !hat a "convulsive society" J,ance Cpl. Jedh Barker, Marine Sgt. \1·nuld lead people to "Settle for authoritar· Alfred Gonzalez and Army 2nd Lt. Harold ian society." B. Durham J r. ··Right nn1' we n1ust decide v.·he!hC'r Barker v.·as honored with the nation's v.·e wi ll take the !rouble to stave off a highest military award for heroism Sept. Threat to U.S. Camps SAIGON (UPI) -"""' rus11i.. of 1152 bombers today went after what U.S. iJl. tell.igence described as a new 7 ,000-man North Vietaamese threal t.o a string of '• U.S. Cautions Against 'Instant Desegregation' V•lASHlNGTON IUP!l -•ligh govern· ment officials rautiontd today against ex- pectations of "'instant intPgratinn" in the South with the Supreme Court·s edict on echool desegregation and the Nixon ad· ministration's vow to enforce. it. The.se Officials said enforcement of the hi&h court's order for immediate desegregation of 33 Mississippi sc hool d istricts would begin as soon as the. Slh U.S. Circuit Court (If Appeals in New Orleans act.a OD the case, probably next wee.k. · But to implement tbe court's hlsloric decision in .all slates which have evf'r maintained legally segregattd schools v.·i/l t.ake time, they said. noting the J ustice Department "'ill have to file ,11. motion for compliance in each CJf 200 5eparate school desegregation rases pen- ding. They also poinle<l out that nnother 230 Southern school districts are not cur- rently CJbeying federal desegregation guidelines. The offici als for ecast a flurry of private lawsuits from parenU!: and the NAACP legal defense fund ta end 1egregation in these. districts. FCC HolJs Up Radio Rate Hike WASHINGTON (AP ) -The f eder11l Communications Commission ordered to- rlay a three-mon!h ~USPf'nsion. and hear- ings. on propoi;erl rate increases for th" radio channel. Trlpak and TWX ser\'lCes of American Telephone & Telegraph Ctl. The increases, totaling about $53 million a year. would ha ve gone into ef· feet Nov. L but the FCC suspension push· ed their t ffective date back to Feb. 1, 1970 Shoulrl thcv take f'ffect at that lime, the f'CC d1re.cted AT&T to keep accurate aCTounts ,.,., I hat refunds with interest can be made 1! the. increases are. later found lo be unv.·a.rranted . By The As!ioc.lated Press lolalitarian slate,'' he said. "Will \•:e stop 21 • 1967, when he 1.hrew himseU on ll1'I e:r-l!!Olat~ U.S highlands camps hard by the it before it is too late, before the witch plorling grenade to shield fellow Marines Cambodian border. Lebanese plane!! and tanks went into hunting and repression that are all too from the blast. Military spokesmen 5ald the strato!ortll arlion today against Arab ~uerrillas in inevitable begi n?" "In a final act of hravrry, he crawl~ Agnew said !hat "regarrlless or the d-, d nd d rl ron......i 180 tons of bombs onto the i;ou!htorn Lebanon, killing 12 commandos · . d -to the side of a v•oun L"U comra ea I • ,,1,,". i~i;ue, it is lJrne to s1op emon~traling in ministered first aid before succwnbing to recently rpott.ed buildup following a wave and wounding 40, gi1erriila f.Ources said. the streel.s and start doing something hi9 previous wou nds," the citation read . (lf ~hellings during the night igainst the. Sourcrs in Al Falah, largest of !he constn1rti1·e about our institutions. Amer· "Mt~ hokl initiative. intrepid fighting ll A b ·11 1 •of.! ica must recognize the dangers of con· l d · 1h reatened arti ery and Green Berel ra guern .a movemen -~. w •1 newsmen ~pirit, a11rl 11n"·avering rlevot ion o uty lJ1 C'mps. I D h s . I .st<int l·arnh·al." ihe fa"e of •lmosl ,,~·in death un· n ama.5'11~. I e. yrian raplta. lhat the Thl' vi re pr··sident wa.~ v.•ar mly prai~erl '" '' "' .. '"" In Saignn, the American Command attack v.·as la11nchcd against I.he hy Nixon Thursday at a "''hite House ..-loubtedl,v saved his comrades from furt.hPr 1ni·uri· or possible death." !urned over 13 ocean-going patrol boats to guerrill a-e ntrenched village of Kfar Quok reception for the Heri1agr Groups rl i\'1• Gonzalez \Vas c ited for a series nr n'• th J 1· bo rl s1nn of the Republica n l\1ational Con1· 1hr South Vielnamese in !he continulni:: 0 r e srac 1 r er. millee. heroic arts d'uring the firi;t five daya of "Viet namization" of the war and said 300 There was nQ confinnation n{ lhe at-defense of Hue Ci ty until his dealh Feb. n1ore A1nerican troops were leaving for tack from Lebanei:.e military head-4, 1968. home Saturday. quarters. Gonzalez, although Y.'OUnded several 'The de,·elopmenl!i came on the first an· The guerrilla snurcl's s;iirl Lt>banese SO VJ ET A LJT /-[ 0 R times. led his platoon across e:"l'posed ter· nl\'ersary of fonner Presidwit Lyndon B. wa rplanes and artillery began pounding rain to att ack a r einforced Communist Johnson's announcement that he wcis the village at 2::Jn ;:i,in. 'rank troops then LE.4 "E" FOJ>TLJJ\1£ machine gun bunker and destroyed i! l'.lopplnR I.he bombin g of Nor1h Vietnam l ried to overrun the village but. l\'Crf' r U \. v.·ith grenades. to ~et full-scale peace talks going. repulsed, according to the guerrilla Durham was c ited for heroism on Oct. Since then. 10.11 1 Gls have been ld lled wurces, ~tOSCO\V (UPll Korney I . 17. 1967. While acting a!I an artilleT)' and 67,171 wounded in action. Chukovsky, the grand old man of Soviet forv.·a rd ob.server. the. citation said, he ia:- They said three guerrllla..o; taken literature ~:ho died Tuesday, left a nored severe head wound s to direct Ill!> The. 852 strikes hit what U.S. prisoner by thr Lebanese soldiers \\'ere fortune of more than $1.1 mill ion, literary porting fi re against f'nemy troops. 1<pokesmen called troop concentrations, shot oa the spot. sources said Thursday. Durham was mortally wounded by part of the buildup of nearly three Nor1h Egypt was reported pressing guerrilla Chukovsky earned it all by organizing enemy machine gun fire but the Army \1ielnamese regiments four lo eight miles chief Yasir Arafat to meet with the chi ldren's libraries. annual jamborees for 1'aid, as he lay near death, he. 15aw two from cambodia and 110 milt s nor1heast Lebanese but was said to have insisted children and helping v.-riters. r.tillions of \'iet Coog approaching, e.xe c utlftl of Saigon. that Lebanon give full backing to the coplrs of his children'1 books earned rlefenseless, wounded men and 1wn- During the night, the North Vietnamese Arab fight against Israt:'l. monumental royalties. moned help. had launched eight 5ht l!ing attacks 1----'---"-----------------'--------------'----------- rlgain,<;t three U.S. Army artillery anrl Special Forces base.'i there, firing ;i tot;il of 65 mortar and recoilless rifle rounds, spokesn1cn said. Casualllt>.'i in the <it1ac~s nea r Bu Prang and Due Lap caused light casualties bu t ground fi re shot dov.·n a l' S. htlicopter Thursd ay, killing four Americans nearby. Drive Launched For Ha ynslvor tl1 \\'AS HI NGTON IUPI) -The \\1ul r House stepped up its i;amp;iign t.oday to arouse gras11 roots ~upport for Supreme C.ourt nomfn t e Clement F. Hayns\\·orth Jr. ~ \\llite Hou~ mounted a nationwide effort among local Repu blican organ1za- t.Jons. bu.sinessmen".~ groups, rhan1bcrs of commerce and trade associations in behalf of Ha,yn~·ort.h. The idea "''<IS t11 rn·amp iienatorial offices with letters urg· ing confirmation. "We are urging st.ate party organil;i- tions ta use their influence to get business groups and law groups and others lo write their senatoN," one White House 50W'ct. said. Torino. High Style. Nothing in its field can match it for luxury. The elegent Torino Brougham fs rich In looks. l1111ish in 1ppolnlm11nt1. Compare It lo other lnlermedia!es. You won't find its equal anywhere-not 1n appearance and cer1aln!y not in p1ice. It has a longer wheelbase !or 1 l/T1DO!her ride. A. wider tr11ck for better ro11d holding. Hideaway Headlamp1, concealed windshield wipers, 302 CID V-8 i re Juli 1 lew of the 1tandard 1-!e1urea. Ta~e your choice ol 2· or .. -doo1 t.ardlops. Either one la wor!h 1 vTl lt lull tose1 now be11utl!ut 11 is. tor1110 B101.1ghtm 2-Doar H1rdtop Torino. High Performance. New Sports Roof styling ... six great V-B's. Torino GT gives you the ride, the h11ndllng, even lt1 own a•1odynamlc Spor11Rool styling thal adds to your go. And you can go 111 lhe way \JP lo the 429 Cobra Jet Rem·Air V·S with 1 llvlng. breathing, through·lhe-hood shaker. Then 1dd our,,...-LMtt S1ropes, hlgh·b•ck buckat1. 4-speed Hu~l Sh iite,..,, you gal lha Idea. P1rk the GT II you warit to collect a crowd, 1nd take them on a cruise II yo1J want lodwle them. 15 Days of Rain in Florida H eavy Snow Fall Front Nebras ka to Min1iesota Cllllfonda !0.,,...,11 C•llt>M11le _,,,... w11 1 b-t• ~! lrM~ I nd cl"t-fo< ''"" •!f~'1 t l ltbrlll ... Mii"'-IO•U V The L!lll A-"" ''"' '""'"'di"' '"' l11Sllft! i.HI Ill I ... 11111000 TlluOdtV Wil" I ti \I\ l-llttCl'I, tOf'\ll'U•d .,,.., -""' w11..., toPv w ltto 1 1111n "''' '6. TN .wmlelll low It 5'. Tri. W'Ml,.,.r'1 OO!ll' lrlck1+tr of 11>9 d•lt w11 ,._. Alt '0+1u1io.. COlll•ol Qlllrle'I, wllldl for9t11t lltl'll - In "'' IMll(ll '"' U.S. w"'""' l urMV'I n ...... ., ~ t 1ll1 fO' "" -1.i1111 .... t""9ulfl w.. ......... wttto Sovi,,.,,. (1!- llM 11l1 1..,.....,.11\1~1 '""'IQlt'tt Ir.,... ~! te 4-<I ~•ttl 1bovo olil ... fltllOIO l ff ll W~•t t Ull"V• ~Mcl'>tt ""' """' ""' Ill. wittl '"' WI"' ti •l ,y ,,,.,in11lt1 f l -11 rttrt>f• ''-.,_ '°'· Ol .. •I t\~h• w•r• "'l'V"" ltl I• 110• ..., Vt llfYf •!'Id •bovl 90 In l~t• ... 1!.rtt. Coastal u.s. s ..... _.,, AIW ........... 111 Al'lf'-0•111 "ll1"1t 11•-•<lr 1 01 .. OM~ &-fllVlllt Ct\!,_ Cif\Cl11•1!1 ...... "" A'lolnol 0.1,,,11 '"'"'"D HPlt"I ic: ...... [•'¥ "' v .... '" ._ .. I.I!•"'' MlnntoPOh\ ,.,...., o.i ..... ••• 'M' OM l1NI Mlt~ L•w ,.,...c, " " " " .N " " .. ,. " " " " u " " " u " M .. ~ " " ... . .. "' " " " .. " " -" .. "' " .. .. ~ " n .. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. " •• Torino. Low Price. Lowest priced hardtop in its class. Thl1 l1 the be1uty !hat caught tt1• competition napping. You wo1'1'1 find a lower priced Intermediate h1rdtep 1nywheN In the country. Ye1 11 offers you many tealurea you'll !Ind only on th• mort 1ll;pen1I.,.. Tork\o mod•l1. Longer wl'lt9tb&M. Wide ·aek. Curved 1lde glas.. Concealed wlndahield wlper1. Flbtrglul btlted 11,..., and mol'll. Ftlrlant 500 t1 ju1t OM of thll'tt•n gr11t wlyt to go Torino In 1970. Your Ford Dealer 111h1 min to .... to'" thtm 111. l t ll(.I .. frolft T~ij•ldl¥ tl'ld t>~ fllcfl•' "''"'-' todty l"'h''" .. &f'I "••Cft t 1-'1. kl\11 MOO'ilct 11-,t. '"'' t>tl>t t'0-9'. Mt. WU-ff.7'. "•lindtl1 1J 11, 111 .. ..-.llllo ~""'· Pt l"' lo''"'" ... .,, •tt-• .. i.i .., .. ,. Se" 0•'90 al-4$ 1"11 .. nit .. •It••• I) I) ,.,,,,..,. "" uMll ,..1,......,..,.1,.., e•~•· w+,,. ,.,_.,. ._"ht v 1r l11>11 wlndl lllfM t"" '""'~lt'tt """" b<>cOl"ll\I -•It"~ I IO l5 ~l\(ltlo II' ............... """'y Ind ~lltJrdl>•'. H]t t\I """'" 10, Tod1• ""'~"" .... IJlfo <,,,,H<U"~· <!t v el rt ll' "" -•lofl• ol '""kl•- ..,,,,..,, '""'"" 4 )J IMlloto <IUrlnt '""' 1•11 )j ~ ...... . t~o "'" ..... f ttO ....... lll9d ltY Ill ..... C.11'-'• ''" ~·~ ""'"' S~•l"tt ••• 111: ..... """""'• .. .. ~ " " " " u •• " ~ TORIN0'9' FORD gives~ Better Ideas. ltS the Going Thing! $0UTMl•N 0.~ll"Olt.MJA -kllfll' 11\d C!llllllOllM -I'll S.lvf11•" &AMTA l..t.•U.•A AND V!Cl"'+T l'- t.11""¥ t lld Mlloll .. hKdall h·t" 1! II u. l-IOlli9lll ~ -"' IAN PlllM.A1'1100 VA .. ._fl'-!.w""" Ol"d (..,ti"""' ........... f\ir<llY, l<tth U ,..,,'--~··,._ $AN ll•M.t.IDINO \l..t, .. lel'··S"""" ...... ...,,1....,.... .... , ... j.,.,,.,.. t<lt/11 u 11 ri. ._,,.., 1.,,,1,nt jJ tc JS (&111t• ''"''""''~•ti ''"'" ''Oii' ,, to n. 1111,.,,, ''''"'"'"'~·• ''"" .. ,, ,,_ M • 11, Wt r.t" _.....,... .... ,. N. Sua, M°""· 'l'Ut!• SATl.l•O•T '""' ..... ~ . ' ...... •1 ,,,.., ~ .,., ........ l ·M1 ..... J 1 :'>,..._ ~•.iri ............. I Jj ""'· •1 '4<0llf 1oow ., ......... , .. t :M ....... 0.1 ·~fl il•HO ~ \I om •1h t.., ~ m MOO~ •1 ... 1 10 00 ~ "1 i 1tt 11 O' ~ 'T' I \ '"'""' ot ,,,..,. lftf;1'10">. "'"~ 'e" 1.•vd••d•'-'"'°'t.111 ""''' p1 a "''1ot1-1n i....,,, lhll' t lMI Wo• ! .. !low 11-..1 I VI \! I'~• ()I IM ... llOOl'I "''lht C!i,,,, h(l!'O .. (!IJ ........... ..,.,u ..... ,.,., ·~'""'"' I~• ""'"'lllNll v1llt• to IN M -t <I, No••~ o1 11>1 ••I~ l>t!t ti wt• ·- l"t ''""' '"'°''"' NW 11"k1 ~ Ml,... "''°''· ....... , MIMI+,.. ,..;<1lve(I 1~ Ind! <IV""• It,. "''" mo•n•l\t 1>1'1!•1 I! WO< f l "••l ll, ~Vll~f • ..., "'l''l'I ~,., •~• wn• "••ht-1·q~ ~ " l'o•"•"'1 .. .. •••Id ''"' " ,. ... ''""' " " ·-u " Seert"'t"'t> ,. .. .... Lt >.• oo, " " '" ,_ u " '" '••nclt<n " .. S11ttl• .. .. ~ftllOO"' " .. TEST-DRIVE A 1970 AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S NOW! T~•'""'' .. " w,...,,"•1111' " " -. ' ..• -------~~ --,,. -r -~~-.-...-..-r--.-..-...-.......... ----~----.... --------------------------------~---------!""1111 U,I T .... lllte COMMUNIST WOMEN PRISONERS GIVE NEWSMEN ICY STARES S. Vietnamese Camp Opened to Pr•11 to Refute Brutality Charges Brutality Denied Viets Show Off POW Camp QUl NHON, Vietnam (UP I) -The v.•omcn stared in silence at the visitors walking through the rows of double bunk beds in their South Viet- namese prison camp. Their eyes showed fear, ho stility, apprehensiveness and just plain curiosity. A few of the younger ones tried lo muffle girlish giggles. These were former workers for the Viet Cong -895 of them -and the Saigon gove rrunenl was shov.·ing off their prison camp to counlcr Communist accusations that women prisoners were being s~ared to Death NY Won1an Fall,s to Street NE\V YORK (UPI) -Rita Kerr was terrified when a man mugged her in her apartment lobby. \\'hen the doo rhell rang at her fifth floor apartment four hours later, she thought the mugger had returned. The 27-year-0ld Jan1aican, who had been in U1e country only three months. panic ked. She ran to the window, climb- ed lo the ledge and screamed hysterically for help Tuesday night. She slipped. Wilma Martin, her roommate, grabbed her . A passerby isaw the young wo- man dangling from the win- dow and summoned the fire dcrarlment. Firemen tx>gan setting llp a rescue net. Firefighter Law- rence Yetman climbed a lad- der being put inl.o place. But \Vilma t-.tartin couldn't hold on any longer. A split-second - three feet -before Yetman got to the window, Rita plung- ed to the ground and died. Police revealed Thursday the doorbell at 1fiss Kerr's apartment had bet?n rung by two detecli\!CS . They had a suspect they wanted her lo identify. mistreated. Although newsmen making the two-hou r tou r Thur~day of the camp 250 miles northeast of Saigon were not allowed to talk to the inmates, they ap- peared well fed and healthy. The prisoners, ranging in age from 13 to 55, live in clean, wooden barracks with dirt floors and aluminum sheet roofing and walls. There are two rows of double bunk beds in each barrack ac- commodating 60 persons. "\Ve agree wilh the Geneva convention," said the camp co1n1nander, r.1aj . Phan J-luu Hau, referring to the in- ternational agreement cover- ing treatment of war prisoners. '"We never treat the PO\Vs brutally." F'or many, the food and lodging are probably as good. if not better, than they knew in their native villages. It is on a par with accommodations for most South Vietnamese soldiers. The camp commander said the prisoners are permitted to listen to the radio <lr watch television for two hours each evening. There are movies once a week and relatives can visit for 30 minutes each month. Cigarette Ad Ba11 N eari11g WASHINGT ON (UPI) Five years after the su rgeon general's report condemning cigarette smoking as a menace to public heal th. the Senate Co1nmrrce Con1mitlec has taken a tent.ative first step toward a ban on broadcast cigarette advertising. If passed by Congress, the meaSl.Jre would knock one of television's bigge st advertisers off the air. The cigarette in· duslty spent $217.2 million on television advertising I a s t year, according tn the Federal 'J'rade Commission IF'TC). and $21.3 million on radio com- mercials. The committee deadlocked Thursday on another issue - "''hether to let the F'TC require a health warning in printed cigarelte ads. Ci g a rel t e makers have complained th~ FTC's proposed warning is so slrong they \\'OUld stop ad- ''erlising rather than carry it. It reads: ''Cigarette smoking I s dangerous to healUi and may cause death from cancer. cor- onarv heart disease, chronic bro~hitis , pulmonary em- physema and olher di seases.'' Sen. \\'arren G. Magnuson ( D ~Wash. ) , commerce chairman, said lhe committee wou!d merl \Vedne sday to lhrash out the F'TC con- troversy, confirm ils tentative vote to outlaw broadcast cigarette ad s and pick a date lo make the blackout ef- fective. Sen. F'rank E. Moss <D- Utahl, said he favored im- posing it next Sept. 30. in time to keep cigarette commercials off when the new season of TV l'hov.·s be~ins in Septemher. St>n. Norri~ Colton (R·N.H.). suggested Jan. I. 1971. Upper Newport Bay Environmental Tours November 1, (Sierra Club sponsored) Dec:em~r 6, (friends of Newport Bay> January 8, <Sierra Club sponsored) 9 a.m. ca<nar of Ea•tbluff Drive ind B1ckbay Drive, 11 heed of bay over• looking former Se~ Worb. Two hour walking tour. For further informelion phone Gery JerM" (714) Slb-6053 FRIENDS OF NEWPORT IA Y Friday , Octobtr ~!, 1%., DAILY l'!LOT $ Labor Loses Gift Arrangetl •y Johnsen? British Seat HEW Wants Rest Home Land Back LONDON (UPI) -Prime r.1inister Harold W i 1 s o n ' ! Labor party lost a parliamen- tary seat in special election resull.! announced today . Book1nakeni put the odds heavily against the labor gov- ernment's reelection in com- ing national voling. Opposition Conservative par. ty leaders hailed lhc speclal election results as indicating they will recapture control o( the Hoose of Commons. ; fl!' ,,_ •' . ' WASHINGTON (UPI\ The federaJ &ovtrnment wants to take back choice land ob- tained by a non-profit wr· poratlon for a nursing home in the center of Austin, Tex. in what one senat<>r has called a multi ·mllllon d<lllar • • I a n d srab · · arranged by t h e Johnson administration . The Department of Health. Education and Welfare said Thursday in response t o reporters' queries that it d em anded "immediate'' FREE STAND return of the land valued al several million dollars. It ha.!! not been returned, HEW said. The H.EW disclosure was made after Sen. J ohn J . Williams (R·Dcl.l, charged earlier Thursday that the Whlte House helped arrange the land transfer during the last three months President Lyndon B. Johnson was in of- fice. The senator said the land Wl.15 given free to the U.S. • • • Geriatrics Center. In c. to build a new and innovative nursing home. in Austin, the chairman of a board that wanl.!J to build lhe $8.5 million dollar nursing home with federal money and free land in Austin said Thurs- day the project was "above reproach." Frank C. Erwin Jr .. chairman of the University of Te xu board of regenL!I, a former national Democratic committeeman and a close political and p e r s o n a 1 associate of John.son. said: "Sen. Williams has sten fit IG suggest, at least by im· plication, that there i s something Improper or un e thical about thil'I worthwhile project. This is most unfortunate because the project was conceived with nothing but the highe5l motives and has thus far been carried on in a manner that is above repr<>ach. '' INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON 1970 COMPUTER CRAFTED COLOR TV -GREATEST VALUES IN RCA HISTORY Ask your Dealer about all the plus values that add up to ••• f, RCA PIJJS . •• the MORE of COLOR TV lh~ 1Al•WA1' Model lM.Q'f i a· dl•1 .• llCl "'1. In. ~lrlw• Color -full compact portable. Hanuiest color set going! Weighs only 40 lbs., but features 1 powerf!A 21 ,500.volt chassis fo:r u:trl-brillialt color pictures. Handsome woocJ.aralalll Computer Crafted Color -!he RCA color television of tomorrow -is here today! And lo celebrate this gala Introduction, your particJ. $ 3 * paling dealer is offering an excillng "Kick-Off Special;" 1 9 9 5 A roll about stand at no ertra cost when you buy this big-sc1een RCA portable color. It's 1 grelt buy on I great set. Bui hurry -quantilies are limi!ed. A Master-Crafted Cabinet and screen-size to score with any decor! a . Thri!I to football In vivid color. The games are twice as excit ing when the old school colors show up on y1>11r home screen. And he re's a big-screen beauty that brings you all the 1clion. Has AJ.T, for $ * fiddl•fmtuning. 549.95 b. A.r.r. locks color in! RCA's Automatic Fini Tuning is completely electronic, no ertr1 tuning meters or switches needtd. And th1 25,000-volt chassis gives you brilliant e11lor even en hard- t~get chan,.ls. $669.95* c. Come on in - the color's great! An hTvestment In color televi1ion is an Investment in furn iture as well. Wit h RCA Color TV, you can be su1e of get· tin& the best of both, as iri lhis chann- ine Colonl•I $639 95* uprl&ht console. , d. lnst1nt-Plc control ends warm.up wall! Trans Vista-solid st1t1•• color; ld- ~aaced Autornitic "Locked·ln" fine t111in1 (AFT}; oplklrW "Wireless Wlz. 1nr" remote control1 elegant Spanish sly(ln~ $789.95• seeyolU deakr f;oday! Yin~ cobinot ·2195• with luggaae-IP type J:landle. non ~llcb c. d. non tc"'adm> ' - -----·-·----... --------"t.---·...---. ~ --~ ·---_ ___....,,.. --··----------. .... --------------------... ------------------------ • D AILY PILOT EDITORIA.L P AGE Masseur vs. Masseuse the s trip of sand owned by the Southern Pacific Rail-By whatever euphenusm a r ubdown operation may gO -111assage parlor, !i auna bath, health spa, or some other -tlus type of business appears un~'el come in Fountain Vall ey. The pla nning com1nission on Oct. 22 considered an a pplication fo r a health spa. f'our cond i· t ions we re pl aced on the establish1nent, apparently end- -· t On the inland side, it spoils the view of the road ing the request. . . . Pri mary objection or the <.1pplicant to the co nd1llons concerned the one barring "opposite sex tnassages" - meaning men 1nust n1 assagc only n1en and '' on1en must massa ge only ,,·onicn. ~-tassa ge pa rlors have operated a s fron ts for pros tilu\1 011. hen ce civic concern. 1'his ban produce s other prub!e1n1>, huy,•cver -a haven for hon1ose.'<uals and lc:.l)ians, fo r exarn ple . Thi s Jed to the repeal of a sim ilar o rd ina nc e in J~untington Beach in 1966. lluntington Btach is joined by Newport Beach in ha vi ng no ba n. rel.ving instead on c lose police su rveil- lance. Both Co ... ta ]\lesa and \Vest minster ha n opposite s ex 1n assa g c. fl lost n1 a ssagc p eople are \VOm en. M asseurs a re sca rce . So t he oppos ite sex ban is likely to preve nt op-- erations entirely. The question then comes down to whether m assage parlors a re w anted in Fountain Val- ley. That's the basic deci sion •o be made. 01arm of a City Dump ''Tin Can Beach" need s lo be cleaned up. From Sun- set Beach to the bluffs along Coast Highway in Hunting- 'lon Beach, the road edges have all the cha rm of a city d ump. True the beach, owned b y the Stale of California has had a new name in the past few years-Bolsa Chica S tate Beach -but some of the old image has remained. Trash of all kinds m a rs this entrance to the city. On the sea s ide the mess extends 1to the s tate beach ac ross edge and on property owned by the Bolsa Corporation. The trash is the residue or a summer of swimming, surfin~ and sunning by thousands from all over SouU1- em California. No one is clea ning it UP.· No one apparently is in· v olved in cle anup responsibility. The city is not respon- s ible. the state beach officials s ay it 's not state land a nd tht: private companies say it's not their mess. liul, unhappily. it is the city that is dan1a ged by the reputation of being a dirty to\\'n. It might be pertinent to n1ention that it is the peo ple of 'the s tate or Califo rnia \11ho have c reated this mess a nd it m ight be incumbent on the sta te govetnment to d o something about it. · Huntington Beach city officials have made over· lures to state officials for years aimed toward the c ity takin~ over o peration of the beach. It s about time state officials started giving the city's ideas some. consideration. They could take a long look at the city's clean, wide beach to the southeast. This should at least show them what can be d one in good beach management. Spirit at Edison Hi gh lfunting ton Beac h's new Edison H ig h School has no al umni s o a homecoming week during football sea son is not a ppropriate. Not da unted by this handicap. the students of the school have created a program dubbed S pirit \.Veek. P lanned are the coronation of a F ootball Queen ro- night , and a dance in the school cafeteria Saturday night. Congratulations to the new students or a ne\v high ~hool. There is no substitute for spirit. H Our Chi ldren Dear Gloomy Gus: Estimated J0,000 Battered, Starv ed Each Year :Hark B ack to :Basic V a lues . ., " Sydney J. Harri8 \\"c 1vatdle!l the moon-larnling this su1n- mer up ln the 1.:ounlry. "·ith perhaps a dozen children and teen-agers grouped around the TV set, waitinj!" for the big moment. Some of the kids WC'rf> lowni es, and some were tourist s, ell from d if- ferent backgrounds. But their r eactton was pretty much the ~ame -blase acceptance. After the fir st 'moment of landing, when !hey knt'W all was 11·ell. they rapidly lost interest in lhc ()peratlon. So rnan finally set foot on the . moon -big dea 1. At f1rst .,l 11'<1~ :-tartled, anrl a litllc shotkcd, at their response, ur lack o! IL TI1en it .suddenly brought home lu nic , how the new generallan really (f()(•s 1n- • habi t a different \\"Or ld th an the rest of I.IS. THEY GR E\Y UP accepting l\UCh things as: a mailer of cou rse. Technology holds no a"'e for them. In this t'lectronic :ige, any projet't is possible, given enough pati ence, mooe.y and energy . .e~·en Buck Rogers became passe in their own time. And I \\'ondered if their scale of values \\'as not somehow more reahslic and sensible than ours: for tl1cse genrrational prcxluets or the L•lcrtronic er:i SC<'!TI more humanec tha n 1heir parc111'. 11•.ll!i 1111· pressed \\'Ith technical leat.s for their 011n t;ake. IT IS IROl\IC th:it 11 r, 11 hn j:!r r11 11r ·0;1th presumably more h u n1 ii n i s t 1 c 'alue~. are so jnfatuated wi th sc1ent1flc pro<iucts ;i n d processe~ 11nr1 ;u::h1rvf'· 1n~nis. \\'hJ!e they, th e first babies ()( 1he Eldr idge Cleal'er°s susigestion that /'\ort h Vie tnam \\'ou ld exchange Americ an pilots for Black Panthers raises thr interesting ques tion of "'hat should be thr r atio. !low abou l, say. uh. ~.000 panthers for one pilot, just for openers'.' -J.B. H. Thi. fl•l•rl nfNch .. ad•rt' ~i.w.. ""' "t<"•1rH1 th-of !"9 ""'~-•. 1•"" rwr Pl'! -·• N Gloom• Gu .. Daily l'ilol, cybernetics age, are seeking for ethical absolutes and social solu11ons and person<i l equations -as ccmfusf'd and contradictory as lhe1r quest may appear lo be. "Everybody knew we could make i1 up there,'' \\'as their implrcil response, "Now how aboul seeing jfv.•e can make 1l do"," hrre -how abou t using some Qf thal smartness and sweat and riough to fix up a better world for us lo lire in?" T II E i\IOON-t.ANOING w ll ~ a ,.t1'1d sym bol or the generational gaJl. And IL \1•as JU Sl as true of the farm k"1d~ and townies as of lhe rnnre soph1sllcnteft. urb<>n. pril'llte-St·hool youngsters -1hey all walked away from the TV ~ct after ll shor1 while, the way thry'd lurn off a ball game in the 8th 1nn1ng \\'hen the c:on· elus ion \Vas foregone. A rcn1ark aQle transv alua tlon has hap- pf>nf'rl -r ren n1orc remark able than •·arlhhngs l'lun1pln.i: around that d!.!ad Jllf'cf> of rock a quarter·milhon miles 11way. Our chi ldren, \\"ho superficially . •ef>1n so "n1odcr11." are ha rking bacc k rn11 :trrl ba~11' :ind ('lf'mentary l'alues t aln1~st rrhgious values in their O'A'n "'aV I, while "e adults worship a god call· rrl Sr•it·nrc .. 1n(t 111 hi s name ignore a 11 the tlet'pe St sublLJnary need s of manklnd. Tlie Si1igle Wo rst Thin g ' The house\\·irt complains of rising food ~osts. The house buyer thinks nevi hous- ing is nut of sight. New automobiles cost tnore this year, Taxes ;il11·ays !!,O op. . Thi.<: is in f\a1 ion. It plagnrs e1pr~'hfl<I}' ~nd pains public off icers, \1·ho don "! like. fo hr11r ea rptnJ:: from the tnasS('s. Bankrrs dnn't like lo hear il , eithrr, ~on "t li ke a trencl \\hich res1r1cts Ille free pla.v of 1he1r loani; lo t:ustoml·rs. Annual defcnSE' cosls are. $75-80 billion . f)f this, the Vientam war consumes dlrect ly about $30 billion . But out~ide hirct't defenSt> cxpcnditur('s, 1hc. war sub- tracts a muc h larger chun k of the gross halional product. DAVID ROCKEFELLER is t ha1r1nan of the !:i National Bank of New York, '5econd I gtst in the count ry. Atlending tht lnle 'onal Industrial Conference in tan Franci5co, he said: '"The single korst. lhina: thlt has happened to our ~conomy .•• has been the expanrling•ln· '"'olvement In the Vittnam \l"ilr." He said lht economy was relal1vely stable prior to escalation of the \l'ar. For a year many puhl1r1.<its styling t.hemselves Jiberall have subscribed lo a theory thlt big American 1nrlustry thr11·es on the war, heoce doesn't \\·ant it to end. The citraordinarJ aclil'ity anil expansion ot industry depend for continued pros. pcrity on enormous defe nse expenditure, U1ey a ver. 1\IR. ROCJCEFEUER. likt> all big bankers, is closely /n1·olved iri big 1n- <l uslr.r. and the mass nf smaller ror· porat1ons which 1upply the giants. The equation seem~ simple-. ·-·-·-·-·-< -,._._. ~ ::'\ ( .... i Royce Bri er ' . ' • ~ But it. isn't. B<1nkers Jlke in1lustrial ac· liv ity and expansion wliicl\ keeps money. "·hich lhry holrl in tru~I. 'ol'orking. But bankrrs, j11st a.~ you and I, a lso like li labi !ity. They \\'ant to know where they are going. For fi\'e yrar!> or Vielnam escal ation, noboc:y ~1as known \\·here il -and ""C - are going. For fil'e years we IHJ\'C not been going anywhere to meet the domestic needs of the peaple. We have a high employment rate, but that is not enough. Jl creates an earning elite, but it doesn't cut elite prices, welfare costs anrl taxes, or spread prosperity to masses of amsumers and workers. FUNDAMENTALLY. defense money, beyond prudent considerations o f i;<'Curity. is shot a way 'A'ithout return. It engen drr s: a phony ac:tivity without permanence. ancl shows no capital gein !OJ" the nation as a whole.. This nation tw never advan(:flj by capftal gain• permitting reinvestment. AD our wars hive interrupted this gain, .In \\'ars of survival we have suffered the in- lcrruption. thankful lo remain In but1lneu. \Vars of adventurr. like Viel· nam, " don't blve to suffer. Every dollar of th6 l!iO billion ~pt'nt in Vietn11m is out o( yout pock.et, and down the dram, even when you .cem monwntarlly 1ble to niect your bills:. Child Abuse and Murder in America By NOR~fAN NIXON, M.D. Of the nearly one thousand murders in the Un ited States every month. ap. proximately one l'ictim in 20 is a child killed by his n1other or rather. Tens of thousands more are severely battered, abused, starved or abandoned every year: many die as a consequence. Child murder by parents has been reported for centuries in nearly every country. At ()ne time, the inhuman act of killing a new-born with the consent of parents. family. •or community, was an acceptable method or family planning and population rontrol. In some socielies, illegitimate babies, girls more often than boys, were kiTied or allowed to die from neg\f".:t and abuse. Superstllion al.so led to infanticide, particularly for weak or deformed in fants. And in primitll'e cultures, eountless infants died as ritual !lacrifices lo the gods so as to bring good fortune to the Jiving. ( ·-·. ·---- : Everyday ·· Prohlems LAST 1\IONTH, in the American J ournal of Psychiatry, Dr. Phillip Resnick of Case \\'eslern Reserve University school of medlcint . revie\\'Cd 131 eases of flllelde (the killing by a parent or a son or daughter older than 24 hours). More than twice as , many mothers as fathers committed child murder . Nea rly •II were married, \\"ith lhe mothers ranging from 20 to 50 years of age, v•hile the lathe.rs 1\·er e between~ and JS. f.i ost victims-died dtiring the first six months of life. Dr. Resnick classified child murders into five groups: (II "ALTRUISTIC'' flUCJDE-com· ni itted •·ou t o! lovr " "'hen one or both parents subsequently killed lhemse!ves, clai1n'1ng th<'y could not abandon their children: and those perpet rated to relie'e lhl' child 's suffering. real or, imagined. (2 1 "Acutely psychotic·• filicide - where the parenl~ \rho killed werr under the influence of hallucinations. delusions or deliriurn. (3"1 "Unwanted child"' fihc.1de -when the victim was not desired or was no !o:1ger wanterl by the parent because of illegitimacy, extramarital paternity, or financial pressures. j4l "Spo use. rerenge'' rilic ide -those committed by one parenl lo make the marit..-1i partner suffer. t5J .. Accidental" rllic.ide -those ~·ho die as !he result of a fatal "batte rt'd child syndrome·· in which the parenl punished the child Ol"erzealously in a violent out- burst of temper. AT LEAST TJIREE-FOURTHS or a ll paren1~ \1·ho 1.illtcl 111r1 r 011n children sho\\·ed r.<.~ 1.:luat rir ~.1 1n p10111~ pnor to their ltl1c1dr Hrpca1i:cll.11 !llt•1• talked (Jf iiu1c1'J r and thei r conrtn1 ;JIJ1•tH 11ir f11 l11re Qf their sons and 1liH1'lhir1•, ,\l"lua lly, 1nany 1n1•lhr>rs ~l'"t p~1 1·l11a lr1c hel[1 because of an ovcr\1hel1111ng fea r that lhey 1~·i l! harn1 the1r 111l :1111s Others, equally In need of psyt'holl1t'r1.1p,I', do not receil't' i1 because their lantily phy~1- <'ians, pediatricians. 1:111 rnforct·rn£·nl 11f. Heers 11ncl others <1re 11ut ;iw:irr. lhAt these inothcrs m1glil acl uut 11le1r 1norh1d in1pulscs and obsessions. Sli\-CE AN ESTl:'llATE\l I fl ' on I) children arr haltered and star1 c·d caeh ~·oar in the L'.S .. it is imp€rativc tha t el'ery casi: or child abuse. rect ive prom pt inter rention so t11at the maiming and kill· ing of many chi ldren can be pre1ented , Jrlentificat1on of p ar e n 1 s wl10 <lemonstratr. a potent ia l for child abu.o;e or murder is essentia l. No longer should the cries of their children go unheeded. Parents Warned on Trick or Treat To the 1-:dllor: J 'ol'Ould like lo ma ke a small r equts\. Halloween is just a few <lays a'ol·ay. Thousands of little chi ldren 'ol'ill be goi ng Irick or treating, their little hearts filled \\·ith joy \\'ith the 1·lsion of the goodies lhty hope to receiv e al the doors. These childrtn trust their gh'ers. Unfortunately. ~on1e or \hesc gi vr rs are ,, e r y unscrupulous people. They thin k pills or other harmful items are great gags. i\tY REQUEST JS ... will you please print a n !tern in your paper requesting that all parents check their children ·s lricli or treating bag before their child ren r>al the candy. El'en if only one child rrceived a harmful item 1vhich the parents detected after reading this item in the newspa per, and saved this child from hi.rm, this item \\"OU\d be \\'Orth tht few lines of space it would take. Please give this request consideration, for lhe safety of all litlle children. GAIL ANDERSON Child's Vle 1r polnt To the Editor : This ii; from ont nf the many readers of the DAILY PILOT. A ft er reading Dorothy Wenck's views on Halloween in . ---B11 George ---. Dear George ; I followed your hint about utiliz- ing those left-over slivers of soap bars anrl melting them down in a milk carton to create beautiful, varicolorrd holiday candles. I find, however, that lhese candies won't bum. 1\tRS. E. I. Dear Mrs. E.J.: Yeah, I ·found that out. too. T gueS! that's why they u~ wu, Well -win !Ome, lose some. Dear' George-: I woukl like to give II me party for the ladies in my 11arden club as J have heard tile «nlerpiece \R a big cake. How large should the cake be? WEDNESDAY HOSTESS l)ear llostess: Woukt }""OU mind Mking . Belly Crocker thi5 question? It will m11ke Bett1'1 trhole d11y. Mai ' .)OX Letters from reud crs are u·e!come. /Vo rmally !llrirers should convey thcrr messages in 300 tvords 01 less. The right lo coi1dcnse Jel!ers ro fit space ot e!imi nate Libel is reserve,l. All let- l<'rs r.'llist include signature a nd mcnl- 1119 address, but namr3 may be 1oith· held o't rtq!lCt t if snff1cient ren.~on 1s apparent. the October 22 ed1t1on, I nearly called up and eancelerl my subscr iption. Thal is about the most suppressive vie.,..·point rvc read in JO years. P<'rhaps she doesn't quite understand the vie.,..·point of a five- year-old child. Perhaps she has never harl any children. Whatever the problem may bt, I do hope she has it corrected soon. MRS. MICHELE STETZEi~ Dorothy Wenck T.JO iurcd 011t somt danger.! i"11volved i 1l trick·OT·treath1g a11d suggested the best solut.ion is to kt tp chi!drtlt ho1nt that tiight ond ent.ertatn with a party. Editor T h e 1\"eed t o Wi1t To ttie Editor: President Nixon·s recenl statement to the effect that he was not going to be the lirst president to lose a war illustrate~ America's foremost nat.iooal charac· leristic. tht need to win. During World \\'ar I.I, a group of psychologists and psychiatrists w;u com- mtssioned by the Army Psychological Warfare Depl to determine th e predominant national characteristic of major combalanLI. The chief American tr1it was the nttd to win. The leading RU55ian characteristic was to play the game to the utmost; winning or losing was not vital. The chief British trait was accommodation, that of Germany was lo1•e of order and authority. THE PREOCCUPATION of our recent pres!den1s .,...ilh their historical tmai;e ir llK•y could not win an ill-eoncei"ed 1rar :igainst a small , primitil'e. agrarian c011ntry apfll'ars to he a major reawn that the "'ar contlnul'S. Thr o~hrr 11•er~ tMl we are losini at home-, alienation of our )·oung peoplt , pove-rly, racial hatred. poll uti on, etc., are 'being lotit b«1u.se our lives. energies and materials are being ~xpended lo prosecute the 'ol'ar in Viet· nam. f.1 ank1nd has always revered men who pu( the needs of others be f ore lhemsel\"es; it is unforlun ale for the A.rnl'r tca n people that our last two pres.1dents ha ve been men who put thelr personal needs and vanities ahead of the needs of their t"Ollnlry . ~llLLA RD FERGUSON Ple1Ui119 B o lh To V1r Edi tor During the 1968 election campaign, t.lr. Nixon said he had a plan to end the war, bu t didn 't siy \\'hat it v.·as, He hasn't revealed it clearly ye\, bui it ls beginning to sho\\·. ite knov.'S Americans are tired of th e cost of the war in lives and money. He also knows that the Pentagon generals Hiring Radicals • .- Press Comn1en ts ••• Antigo, \\'Is., Journal: '' C a mp u s turmoil is mak ing some employers 'vary of recruiling among 'radic;ils.' A West Coast cmploymenl agency, says the Wall $!reel Journal, reports a sudden spate of t efusals by some companies to consider job applicants from crisis·torn San Fran- cisco Slate and Berkeley universities. A New York pi!r!Onnel agency that places college graduates detects 'a negative chance in cohipany atUtudes' ••• " Mon111 Minn., Tribune:.. "The in- creasing romplexity of our society 'is reflected in the work load of dellberaUve governmental bodies all the way from the vi11Agt council to the. nation's Congresr .• Service in the state legislature is an ongoing task when the legislature is not in session and a nightmare of hectic days and s1ecpltss nights during the legislative session. The ronscientious member of Congress is runnin& ;ii full speed all the time, ntvcr qu.lle able to ktep up." 1.,.a,·on la. C. .. Tlnw.-: "GOO gave us two ends. one to sit on and the other to think 11·ith. A 1nan's success dtpends on whlrh he USf'li moot. It is • case of headi; you win , •nd tails you lose .'' \l"ith whom he has always been friendly v.·ant a military victory. He is !rying to please both. Behind the scenes the gtn- erals are being reassured : on s!age, 1he people are Jed to be lieve that troop u·ith- dra1vals mean the end of lhe war. ON RELIABLE authority it is repoMrcl that Ambassador Bunk ~r has urged Ni xon !a "hold off on negotiations, contend ing that the longe r the talks in Paris are deadlocked. the better it is for the US. and Vie1nam milita ry pos1!1on.'' It is easy for the President to aerept th1~ ad1·ire, for he and 1he ambassador rely h12avily on the counsel of the military. The New York Times of Sept. 14 quo!· td a Washington .source lhat "the purpose (o{ troop 'A'ithdrawal and drafl suspen- sion ) was to calm domestic dissent while conlinuing th e present course of the war ." Thus the. Pre.sidenl"s plan seems clea-r-, l t is to make the war more ar.ceptable to the American people by reducing some· what American carualties. and preSI for .. ,,ictory" by bombing Vieln~m "back Into lhe Slone Age." It is called "Vlet- namizing lhe war.·· WTLL THE AMERJCAN people <:onttnl to continue the war which many fetl should never ha ve betn "Americanized'' 11nd ~·hich nobody wants. Let President Nixon s!atc plainly whether he intendl lhat mort American boys shall be sac- rificed and mort Vielnamese be made homeless, maimed for lift or killed . /\nrl let the people inform the President whe!hr r I hes rlected him to end 1he v.•ar, or satisfy \be military ambit.ions: or th e Pentagon. -J. STUART INNERST -~--- Friday, Cklober 31. 1969 The ed itorial page of the DoH1' Pilot seek,, lo inform ond slitn.- 11/otl' reader$ by ptf'senthig this n ew.tpaPfr's ophuon$ and com- rne11tory on tnpir., of iu le rl's t ond ~ig11 i/n:a11 rr.., b" p rovidi'llg 11 fortHll for 'hr e.rprcfsioit of 0 11 r readers' opi>1 io11.~. nud b!I pre~en ti11g the <Jiuer.~e t'il'll'· f}OIJTIS of i'11fo nnrd obsrr l>f'r.~ and. spokt sn1c11 au Lorne., f/f tile <lau. Robert N. \.Veed, P ub lisher I I ' . -. -___ •;;"'::.~.A;;•;:>' •.,•..,W.::W'.!JC,*C ."=1,..•,.•:W ............ *.'5'1 c ,...,.. .P ·-~ -..--... --....,i.-_ _,...._ .. _.. ... r r -•-"t• • -'I 4 •• w . ...-- Fountai.n Valley VOL. 62, NO. 261 , 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGE S ORANGE ·COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, dCTOBER JI, 1969 • • • 1 ac Crash Victims 01( Beach Woman Among Trapped Four . .By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 1 ' Of flHI Diiiy PilOI Sloll A .party of four persons r eturning from an evening dinner flight to Mexico when !heir plane crashed during a foggy Ian· clirig approach at Orange County Airport Thursday arc improving al a hospital to. day. The two men and tv•o wome n \\-ere either trapped In lhe wreckage of the Cessna 310 or hurled oul on impact when the aircraft tore through a wire fence, flipped over In a rield and "'as demolish· ed. Pilot Robert W. Perkins, 51, ol Long Be<jch, president or lkaw Industries· in Torrance, apparently mi sjudged his ap· proach in the fog, hitting earth near Red Ifill and Paularino avenues. Passenger Patti J\tallas, 36, or [1652 f)urha111 Drive, Huntington Beach. 1.'i listed in good condition tod ay at Cosla J\lesa Memorial Hospital. Perkins, his firm's vice president Ed· n1und 0 . Oun'ahoo, 42, a neighbor in the same Long Beach tract, and Jo Ann Ma y, :;s, of 5356 Gerda Drive, Anaheim, are listed in fair condition. The plane was inbound tov;ard the coast from Calexico Airport at 1:15 a.m. Beach Files Own Action On Tank F arni Re1noval · A cross complaint has been filed in Superior Court by the ci ly of Huntington Beach asking that Gulf Oil Co. remove zeVtial large storage tanks fr om pro- perty east of Beach Boulevard. !be' Cl'G8I complaint has been entered In ·h 1uit brou&ht last July by two owners of properly adjoining the tank facn against tne city, GuU Oil and Mills Land and Water Co., owners of the tank fann property. Akeley P. Quirk and Nadine Ruth are suing the. city a nd !he other parties ~ause 2.17 acres of property wa::; re1.on· ed by the city in 1963 fro1n single family residenllal use to residential-agricultural use. The suit maint ains thal the rezoning deprived the landowners of best use of their property. The Gulf Oil Co. has a long term franchise from the city lo maintain the oil Lank farm and a pipeline extendlng in· to the ocean. Tankers deliver oil to U1e farm through UUs pipeline while anchored offshore. · · The cross co111 plaint by the city main· lains that the oil tanks are a hazard ;:ind should be ren10\'Cd. Valley Ma11 ls11't Too Old To Become Good Fence1· ''They say you're ntver too old." remarked Annond Papineau, 53. who on· ly -nve years ago took up his first th in blade sword and learned lo fence. Two years ago, the age of 5\. he \~as !killed enough to ('Qn1pete in thr U.S Na~ 1iona!s in learn epee con1pctition. "I didn 't \vin anylhi ng but I fenced in lhcm. Al my age U1at is quilC an al'- complishment." said Papineau. a ~·ou11· tain Val ley rc,c;idcnt. Papineau fences every ?>londay an<l Saturday at the Long Beach Yf\>1CA and his ambition he says i!i to fence in a match when he is 75 years· old. The elder fencer is a maintenance man for Nev•port-Mesa Unified School District and this \\·eek Al the reques1. qf Principal Carl Vreba\ov ich he put on an exhibition for studen!s at Presidio Elementary School. I !is opponent v.'as 22·year-o!d f ord Bauman, a Sludenl at Long Beach StritP. Tl1ry fenced "'ilh foils, epecs, also c;:i\l ed dueling rapiers, and sabers -the thrC'e ki11dl\ O( fencing S\VOrds. P<ipineau said his teacher, Dr. J11hn ~l cKee, who lives in Huntington Harbour, 1s one of only ei ght fencing masters in the llnil<'rl States .. "Fencing 1s very strenuous." said Papi·neau. "You have to love it. So many :.tudenL-; come in and last seven or eight weeks and then drop ou t." Papineau and wife. Ruth. have. three grc"·n children, all married and gone frrim home. Fencing holds his attention now . Thursday When Perkins radioed the El Toro ~1arine Corps Air Station tower for permission to lanrl. The Orange County Airport facili!y \.\'ith Its so phisticated ne1v instrument landing system 1vns closed and El Toro ?-.1CAS authorities \\•ere I h e r e r o r e monitoring all air traffic in surrounding skies. Perkins ·was cleared , for · 13.nding at Long Beach or Orange County' and -for reasons yet undetermined -abrupUy ielected the local airport. Stan Anderson Named Mayor Of Seal Beacl1 R~al estate m;in Stanley Anderson, 62, \\'as unanimously elected mayor Thurs· day by the five·member Seal Beach City Council. T'1e position v.·as vacated lasl week \~1hen former ~1ayor John B. Hamllt.on resia:ned midway ~~ . h :~. meeUng. Hamllton said ht w · g-c!CdJrn'lea&.ed in carrying out ci · busin~ by Uutt othe·r councilmen and the city manager. Anderson, a veteran rouncilman of eight years, who was elected to the n1ayor 's post twice before in 1964 and 1967, seid he did not care lo comment on Haini!ton's resignation. ''I'd rather nol go into thaL I don't like that kind of publicit y," he said. "\\'e'\·e been pretty proud of this tow n and \ve v.•ant lo keep it lhal 1\·ay. It v.·as just one of 1 hose flareups." Hamilton. however, insisted he still feels the san1e way he did when he resigned and charged that h'e did not want to be a "stooge'' for councilmen Anderson. f.1rs. Veda Drei·s, Lloyd Gum· mere and City Manager Lee Risner. He indicated that the three councilmen had repeatedly run tel Risner with "cer· lain pet projects." and left him "in the dar k." "I just wanl 1he council lo lake charge r>,r the city i ~lead of illc city m:inager," he ~aid aft• , the Thursday night session. "l think lhe mr('lin~ !\l onday night might b(' very intc.rcst1ng. I 1hink A nder.~on n1;iy ren10\'C n1e fro1n a lot of boards I'm on ~lr~. \•era Dreis, the city's 1 ice mayor, who y,a s earlier non1[nated for mayor, hut declin ed for ~rsona l reasons. said Hamillon's charges "'ete "absolutely not true at all ." Risner. v.'ho was accused by HamiUon o! running the city council and its meetings. said "I have no comment on anything:' ·when quenlloned ;i boul the con· lrovcr~y. "Mr. Hamllton is a friend of mine." SCHOOL JANITOR PAPINEAU (LEFTl, COLLEGE STUDENT 'BAUMAN DEMONSTRATE SKILLS Fountein V•ll•y Resident Thinks Yount end K••P• F lt Witt, Foils, Epees end S.ber1 I ·e to ·' ... ' • · ·o.t.1i.'( l"l\.OT lf.tf...,... HE'S READY FOR HALLOWEEN; ARE YOU? Jotil Garci• Prepar•1 Treat That's a Trick Tri~ks for Treat Valley Teen Concocts Spook Howe By RUOr NlEDZrEL.SKI Of 111• D•!I~ Polo! Sl•ll Goblins and spooksters coming to the house of !~year-old Joel Garcia in fo11n· t<i!n Va)fey tonight will receive an ex .. traordin;iry Ha lln\l'f.'~n !r('a\. And the treat is a trick . A v.·holc garage lull of them. .Since the beginning of tile su;nm('r, Joel, \\'ho admits to a flair for the macabre, has been at work. devising dif· lerent schemes to scare the daylights out of Halloween trick or treaters. The spook house which he has con· cocted in his garage at 1844 1 Linden St i;o; JUSl about ready for its premier performance, with only a few more wires to hang up to provide lhe proper lighting for a ghostly atmosphere. Parents Urged To Watch Kids 1-tuntington Beach Police Chief Earl ROOitaiUe today asked parents tel watch their youngsters as th ey hop frorn house to OOuse and cross streets on Halloween. "Our primary concern is the children ln their dark costumes which are hard fnr motorists to sec," said Robitaille:. "we encourage the parents to stay with their kids as they trick or treat .. " Huntington Beach will strengthen its police force tonight to watch traffk: arid gu~rd against property damage .. Fountain Valley' polic.e warned children not to e8t caooY "1iuiout .checkµig ,it acid not 1a enter ,any· homes. Both deparlm~t.s warned, perenta l.<J check any rooo or gi!l.5 given to their children. Neither city has any regulations prohlblting ti-le.Ii: or trea\inj. Sloe#< '~larket• ' i'l"E\V YORK (AP )-The .sl<>ck ma.rket 'moved ' rhoderately hi&her in actl ve trading.late this aflernoon. (See quota· Uons. Pages 10.11 ). ft wa11 .a "oonnal Friday m11rket wilh n-O;l.hing spectacular happening,"· sajd Alan Shaw of Harris Upham & Co. For U1e past few days the Fountain Valley H.igh School student has had a tough lime keeping the neighborhood kids away from his garage. All are trying to .'(et u look to lessen U1e frightful impacl »h('n J-lalloween rolls arou nd. .Joel. hnwcvcr, in\P ilcd the D . .\ILY Pl LOT in fo r a sneak prev\r.w. On entering the ghost man~ion .Jori tingle:; yol1 intn a catatoni c stale >1'ilh ,c;on \l' sirnulatcd spiderwebs only to ·have you bolt upright seconds later trying to ;,void being run down by a roaring n1otQrcycle. "Y-0u see a headlight roming at yo u to the sound of .a motorcycle which finally ,c;creeches to a h ~lt," .Joel explained. "The headlight i,c; really a flashlight hung 011 a lravcr,c;e rod and the sound comes from a tape recorder which plays through a guitar amplifier .. " Also distinguishable In the black·lighted r.pook room a ra miniature skull, a dan- cing skeleton, bats. a man dangling from a hangman's noose and a home-built wit· ('het'i cauldron that gives off wt\ite steam from the combination of diluted nitric: acid and ammonia. He ha! a lso planned a kit called "How 'l'o Make A M1M1ster." It will ,have thret bins, one marked with "eyes," another one with "hearts" and another with ''braina." The peop!e coming. into the house wlll have to reach into Ole bins for their pa rts. "'rhe-eye,c; arc actllally peeled gra~ and the he arts boiled egg whites. And the lir<iin::; -well they're cooked spaghetti." said .Joel with a gh oulish grin. ''The house is for all the kids lfl the neighborhood and I'm going to open'it up tonight as soOn as it gets dark," he ad- ded: Money fqr his· H~lloween -project came ~,his ·,babysitting earnings and from donations by his parents. A good portion was· spent on mood records IUCh as ·"Dracula's Deuce" and "G!fool Millie." · "J• mMmber when 1 W"all small the people WOO lived near us had an electric door that sq1ie&ked open1 on. Hatlowetn. They had spooky things Inside . and M. 'SC'lred me. I llked ·that. !]L'11 nice .• to rerncmber," said Joel, exl)laining where hill idea originated·. ··1 don't like to get scared al the time I'm being ~arecl but I !lure enjoy It nflerwijfjls," he grinntd. He •kons that other chik:lren feel likewise i nd has spent a good de81 of ti me and money to prove that he is· cor· rect, • . -.. ~ .... ~-.~ · ...... -... ' TodaY'1 Final N.Y. Stoekl TEN CENTS TWA Plane Pogo Sticks Across U.S. BANGOR, f\.faine IUPI) -A riOe· 9>'ielding youth, described as a c\eaneut "all-American" type, hijacked a jetlint.r over California today and began a ho~ scotching trip lo Egypt. The Trans \Vorld Airline plane, a Boe· Ing 7r1'l bound from Baltimore to San Francisco, was hijacked after leavinc Los Angeles on the last leg of the flight. The hijacker had boarded tAe plane. at Los Angeles. The plane was flown baclr: to Denver where it refueled and let off 39 passengers. The hijacker 1>aid he wanted to fly to Egypt. The plane put down again in New York to refuel but was scared, off by FBI agent.<; and flew on to Bangor to complete refueling. Apparently still headed for Egypt, I.hi plane was cleared for a flight to Shannon, Ireland \\'hen it fini shed refueling and left Bangor International Airport. Before leaving Bangor, the hi jacker - radioing in ,c;tructions from the pilot to the control tower -commanded person1 V•atching from nearby windows amt doorways at the airport and a nearbJ factory tel duck ollt of !iighl. Aul~ridts had sealed off the rtf'llelina area before the plane landed iii BangOT .t: 10: 13 a.m. PST. It departed into Lipt ,· wlnds at 10:5a a.m. ' About 15 State and local police and sheriff's officers were on hand as the plane landed and taxied toward t~ isolated refuellng 8ite, Officials .said it 'WoulJ -take about 26 minutes to l'ffuel. TRI! FBI, which ftighlened the hilacker t way from New York, was close behind a~ refueling started in Bangor. A small plane loaded with FBI agents put do\lin at !he airport shortl y after the jet landed. Police removed a man From near th@! plane when the hijacker radioed to the control tower that he saw a shadow and wante<l any individual removed from the scene. Authorities !ald they were unable to determine where the hijacker stationed himself in lhe plane as the. refueling began, but they assumed he was in the cockpit "because he 's just dishing out orders and the pilot is radioing them to the cor.lrol tower." PlaM to seiu Uie hijacker, a cleancut youth of about 19 .. and prevent lhe (See lllJACK , Pa1e ZI Robert M. Pyles Succumbs at 77 Robert ~1 . Pyles. retired oil man and founder of the R. ~f. Pyles Boys Camp of HunLington Beach, died ·this mornin1 after a long illnss. He was 77. ~I r. Pyle had lived in Hunlinglon Beach for more than 30 years. He was general manager of Southwest Exp\Mation Com· pany, purchased later by Signal Oil Com· pany. He rounded the boys camp which bear~ hi,c; name in 194.9. This past summer 432 underprivileged boys were sent to the organization's high Sierra camp. Funeral services will be held In Bakersfield Sunday at 3:30 p.m . at lhe Greenlawn Mortuary. Survivors include Mrs. Pyles of. the family home, 8322 Ellls Ave. and two daughters. Or••lle Weatlaer Surprise: It's going to be a rlice weekend. with sunny skies prevailin g over tempera'tures ranging rrom a comfortable 75 alon1 the co1st to A sweltering 90 further inland. .INSmE TOD-'Y Thi -renotcmed Stuttgart Bol· let. comf:!t' to Southf':nt. California ne:c 10tek, with o formtr Santa Anon. plavh•g a featured role. See today's \Veekende:r &ectiun. hltlftt " C111tw.i. ) (MIU.lflM l"tl (-ICI 11 Cl'ft.-.i H Del#! ..... cu I •CM--n ••ltetl .. '"-' ••11•st-••• • ,.._ 1•11 -,. Alltl &........ II IMl .. 1 I Marr ... Lit-U • _...... U·• Mlflv•I ~..... II N1ti9fl1I ff•W• l ·I or-C-fY I , ..... ,. ,....... 11 ... ,_..... 1).14 ._.. 11-11 ..... MM ... •11 ,,....,... ,, '"-"'" 1'-M .... ,.,., ' ............. .. .,_... 111eWt 1>.U .......... tl·H F I ~-. .. ... --. ~ . --~--~---------~--.--..--------------------,...-------------, ---------------...-... -- 2 DAIL V PILOT H Christ Teen·s March on 'Temple of Mammon' By JA..\fU ~tcNAllB Jr. ll'tCI-' .. II•• DAll..Y ~II.OT SOll'nl SAN MATEO -'r!w: Chlldt<n ol Israel today made aft emdus ftGm tht 1r hc adquarlt'rs here, marching on "The Temple of ~fammon," for a three· hour demonstration in the heart of San 1-~rancisco·s fina ncial dlstr1r1. Formerly known as lhc Teens for Christ, when headquartered 1n Hun· 11ngton Beach. the seH·SI) led rc\'olu - uonary evangelists planned to hil wealthy . M°'tJomery Strttf. at tht 11troka of noon. liOldcd ud robed in blood-10<! ~ clelh -u -ll!ey ill•oded -Memorial Chapel In Palo Alto for a .,._tleft 1ut Sunday -!ht .... p hoped to dianopl an olll..,na. rOllllne ez- ecull•ea' mart1nj lunch hour. Tht Children of Israel's leader, "·ho has proclaimed his name as JG1b, said the car caravan would head back to South San t-.1ateo after its "Green Friday'' antl·money dt'monstralion. "For Hallewffn bijiriks," he explained. "w" may bum dft·n a buildina' or ~ .... Only Tbd1y, Colla Mesa Police con· ~ Palo 411o police fer information about the band, IJ of whole mefftbers •re wanted on UTelt warrants issued in Coi.:ta M e~ last spring. They fled to escape \.\'hat was billrd as the imminrnt quake de struction of rhe biggest and allegedly most sinful st 11tc in the Wlion, leav ing their local courtroon1 Man Escapes Fiery Death Pai:entent Crusher Burst.s Balboa Gas ~fain By JOHS VAL TERZA Of tl'til 0.!11 PU11! Siii! A Santa F'e Springs man operating a pavement crushing machine narrowly C!iCaped be ing burned allve in Balboa Thursday when lhe crusher broke a gas 1nain, causing an explosion and fire. "Red " Chadsy, 2$, driver for the Cabi ldo Corp., jumped orr the trllctor·like n1 achine and escaped with a singed beard and a few blistl'rs. The ensuing blaze ca used by rushlng J!as shooting through lhe pavement at C:}'pre.!js S!rcel an<l Salboa Boulevard destroyed the Sl l.000 machine and kept firemen busy for more than 30 minutes. Firemen cooled the red·hot tractor with GOP In Anaheim hose~ then summoned an other tractor I~ pull lhe burning rig off the large gas lea le "We had to cool the thing dMll'Il con· siderably before putting out the gas fire, or else the hot metal would have caused another flash and po11slbly an explosion," Deputy Chief Leo Love explained. As soon as lhe tractor waa pulled aw ay, firemen moved in with htl\'Y ex- tinguishers and smothered lhe burnirtl: gas. Crews thftt set to work npairlna the leak. nty worked into the night plugin1 up the hole in the main. Firemen s1id Chadsy was bre1king concrete [or a small trench 8lon1 Cyprus \\'hen the chisel blade ruptured the p1pr. 'The dri ver got do¥:n from the machine and shut the machine off, but a forem an advised him to start the rig again and drive it o{! the leak, firemen said. Chadsy turned on the switch, firemen said, and sparks in the starter touc hed off the ~xplosion. Mike Macy, 17, Balbt>a , sa id he \\'as riding his bicycle "when, all of a sudden ••. boom." "I s1w the driver run Into 8 11:as station and the whole pavement was on fire," he aaid. Chadsy declined treatment for the minor bums liter the 4 p.m. mishap. firemen said. From Page J Milins, Conrad to Make HIJACK ... tran1at1antjc crossing were dropped \lo'hen the hijacker firtd a mot in the plane to show he meant business. The shot a~ pan:ntly c1used no seri0\15 damage to the pressurized cabin or the jelli~r. Secretary of State Bids The hijacker, drassed in a military tunic and toting a "survival )lit" of soup and other staples. released the 40 pa~~ngcrs aboard the Boeing 707 in Oen· ''er. He kept lour crewmen aboard when the plane left Stapleton International Airport. By GEO RG E SKELTON UPI P~ll!IC1I W•li'91 .~~semblyman George \V. Milias ls e:t· pec~d to ann ounce his ran<lidacy for secretary of state al the annual fall con· ,·enlion or California Republicans v.·hirh opened today at Anaheim's Convention Center. Assemblyman Charles J Conrad, IR· Sherman Oaks), said he also is "in the race unless circumstances indicate I have no chance ... r-.ulias. a Gilroy rancher and former slate Republican chairman. called a news conference !or Sunday al v:hich sources Rough, Tumble Cycle Racu1g Sel in Valley ll11n1ington Bea ch residcnti:: \1•il1 gt>!. a ltrst·hand \"ICW of European-style fl.tot~ C'ross motorcycle race!! Sunday at Hun· 1Jng1on Beach Cycle Park. Beginning at 10 a.m , lhe par)i, located on Talbert Ave. \\·e~t of Beach Boulevard, "·ill hnst the southland's top competition rirlrrs in ils ina ug ura l e\·cnt for this typt or rough and tun1blr racing. Charging headlong over obs!acles in· r ludln l! a sand \l ash , a mudhlll~ and n'hrr haLarrl~. 11·!1[ he rnorc than 200 fnl1011rr;; nf tluc; rap1dl,\· C.:O.lJJtld 111g facet 1•f !hr n111tor(')• J1r1g sport Ticket s, pri ced at SI 2;,. n1ar h!" J)UrchaS<'d fro111 members or !hr f111n· 11ng1011 flt'ach 80~ ~ <.;lub or befnrc the r.1re at !hr-park gate. ~to\o-f'rnss racing has lx>ro1nr r.n ropular 1n lhr l.'n1tNI S1 at r~ that 1t 1~ ai ~ lrilcl1ni;: world<hi1mplon~h1p ('a 1 i br r riders fro m Eu rore . Riders sucl1 as Torstrn Haln1an from !'"'rden, ,J fX'l Roberl from Belg ium and Engl1~hman Da ve Bickers arr just a few· nl 1he !np J:::urope.an riders \\'ho are com · peti n$: now 1n this country. DAILY PILOT ~.i. •.• t i, w •• ,, ""''"""' •"4 Pue11~, J•clr JI . Cw tloy v•:! r '"'"'nl •ft~ C.tn!!•1J '-'•"•~er f~O"'l ll IC11•;I ld ••• ,~1) ... 1 \ " "'~·p~:~. Ml •tt••~ (~Hor /o!he•I W. !o••• ... 1111(•011 l~···· Hw~tl"t'" hec:• Offlc• 309 !t~ !.!tic! µ.:1;"'l' ><ld•eu; P.O. loo 710. ?14~1 OtlM1 Ollkts Nl"llll" ~·H~ ;;11 \'·"' ~··~"I l•VieJt fd (.(.•'• /,V•• .l)~ .",;,! 8t~ ~'•e<I l11~r,. f;1••~ ;;1 f<1 fll A"f"\111 Cl&ll'f flllO r, ~ •• ""''~ , '""'"'"" • .,., lot~""''• " ""~'· •.• "•. ····~' !'.~· ••1 In >rpero•r <O'''""' •or M""tlt>tle; 8Mc10. Founi."1 Vo 11,. CD•'I IJ.o.-, H•- ., .. , ''''~ •~!I t•~"'' Pl•oc~. ·-""'~ 1-•ft-•l r~·t '""· O·•~I (Ool\! rutM1 ..... i"i! ~"'l't"'V 1>'"''"1 1 •~'t ••• ol 7!11 ..... ~II ••I~• II•~ 'of•.,rt•t , • .,~, oNI Ull '°"'I Pl•Y ~! .. ft, (C•'" l.'••o Jr1,,.1io,.. t714 1 641·4111 f••"' W•tt111l•1t11 C•ll 540.1110 c1...m.111 .t.111,,,,111114 ,.1.t•11 (,....,1,111, 1Ht. o .. ~,. 10.io! •v~,,.~,,.. ('·"'•••• 'le ...... , l f D• ''' "lu>i••h••\, •ft•'•"•I .... 11•• .. '~'"''"'""'ft'\ ~l•I"' .,.,., tit "l"'tlK" 1"Hf>0<,1 "'"''" 'l"''"' .... e< ••• ,,,.11, ...... S,.~<•tl (14!n o:t!O'W:• <f I fl .. l~ '<I" lhK~ •~Q C•1'• Mtu. C•' •o•r • ··t.•" "' ,. t Y , .. ,,,, l]et -~"''' '" on.)•I H }t "'+'>tPIJ~j "'"'''' w.1i...111>o•, 1)~ '"'''''"'· • said he will ber.,me a candidate rar lhe JOb now held by the ailing Frank M. Jordan. Jordan, whose family has occupied the {ifflce for all but two of the past 59 years, suffered a severe stroke May I ind since then his been partially paralyzed and unable to spe1k. He is 81. About 2,000 delegates are expected to :>.ltend the three-day convent.ion of the Republican State Central Committee. -a meeting party offici1 ls htlpe .wtll serve as a pn-e}ection year pep rally. St.ate Chairman Dennis em,,.nter of Newport Beach described lhe convention as a "workshop session le gear up" lot the 1rra campaigns. Gov. lloaald Reagan will be lbe .keynote sPe1ker Saturday. U.S. , Sen. rrtorae Murpby is scheduled to deliver • majfl'r Vietnam address Sund.!ly. Other speakers u·ill include Harry Dent. drpu!,Y counsel to Presidenl Nixon, .:ind r.frs . Pa lrici a Hitt. Ion gt i me California GOP leader who now is a11 .?.sSistant secretary of the U.S. Depart. nil"nl o( Hea lth, Education and \\'elf1\re. JllSt about every major C1lifornia Republican leadrr plans lo at~nd the <.onvention. whic)l \viii provide office scekt rs u·ith an opportunity for some private politicking. t.fi\ias. 49. has been an assemblyman since 1962 and is one of the Jrgislaturt's n1ajor constr\'ationists. ''! mean. he had to be some kind cf a nut to want to ao to Ne\Y York," a ~senger said of the gurnnan. The plane left Denver at S:28 a.m. PST. FBI a1ents threw up a coroon around the plane when ii touched down ln Denver but made no attempt to capture the unidentified hljacker. One of the passengers said the man boarded the plane, TWA's Flight & which left Baltimore, Md., Thursday nigbt. at Los AngtlfS -the· next to the last st-ap on itl projected fl ight to San Francisco. Among Uie passengers on the plane wa~ the Harper's Bitarre, a well kno\.\·n sin~lng group. The hijacker kept aboard \1·hrn lhe plane left Den ver the pilot. Cap! Donald .r. Cook: First Offiter \\', '\'i\11arns: Flight Engineer !.. Holl rath; an1 I Srewardess T. Cnlr1n an. All \\'ert: ba'St'd at Kansas Cit y v•ith the airline . Thrrc other stewa rdea:ses were released at Orn· ver. T\l.'A officials arranged another flight to take the ps sscngers to San Francisco. The pla ne \lo"iS on the ground at Denver for one hour and three minutes. FBI ;11gents. headed by Scott \\'~rner . special agent in charge, tried to talk the hiJacker Casl1 Still Gone No Sign of Sc hool Receipts Tha t bag lull of n1ooey I r om \\.c 5tm1ns~r High Sc hool is still missing and Hunting!On Beach po I i c e in · 1 cstigators ha ,·r.n·t any idea yrt where it rn1ght h,1\"e gone. The n1oney -$986 !n \Veslmin11tcr cafelerla re c<>ip1.s -was reported miss· ins ~fonday by llunllngton Beach Union J{igh School Oislrict off icials .afler they diSCQ\·ered a shortage in their account 11t Southrrn Cahfnrnia First National Bink, lil22 Beach Bh d. Similar deposit~ are n1ade daily from the districrs fi,·e srhools, said Supcrintelldenl Dr . ~l ax fornty. The Jo~ 1s-rovered by dis trict insu rance and in- surance investigators are also lookin& in· lo the kiss. The scaled bag ...,·as r•porledly carried to the bank Sept. 25 by a campus patrolman. u·ho says he deJi,·ered It . Bank officials reported that the ir records shou.· no such delh·ery. "Crux of I.he problem," ~aid a police ~pokesman. "is that the r.chool district Pair Arrested In Swre Heist.s A pair of goaterd bandi ts, v.·ho held up a Huntington Beach market, Saturday, .,.,·ere a!Tfsled the same day for an al· tempttd robbery near Anahlem . Orange County Sheriff's deputie5 ha,·e hookf'd Lee Roy Anderson , 20, and Acle I::. Henley, 20. both of Ha"'1horM, on severl'll counts or armtd robbery, in- cluding two in Hunlington Beach. They arl" now in Orange County Jail. Huntington Beach delect ives beUe\•t !ht' pair Is responsible ror Sa1urd11y's rob- br ry of ~ Stop"J\"'Ga r.1arkel at 15011 Edwards SL. in v.•hich SM was laken and for a $106 robbtry. Oct . 18 o! the 81i 0 r izia, 1411& Springda le St. Sheriff's deputies nabbed the p1 ir 111 they attempted to rob a marktt in county lerritory JI.I.St out.side Anahe.tm. doesn't receive a receipt for lls money " Dr . f orney said he couldn"t s1y \1·ha l the normal proce<:lure. for monC'y deposit~ is regarding nceipts . Bank offi cials said they give a receipt. 11n)•lime the school district asks, but sometimes it didn't ask. Wagner Cl1anges Date in Valley Trlc,·ision sta r Robert 'VJ i;: n tr , .~cheduled to appear Saturday at fountain Valley High School's auto ~ho1v, ba~ changed his appearance. time from 2·4 p.m. to noon to 2 p.m. \Yagner v.•ill be available lo sign autographs and di:<;euss his televi~ion series "It Takes a Th ief:' The drawin~ for the Honda 00 has also been changed Iv 3 p.111 . The Boys' League of fountain Valley l~igh School ha..~ rounded up 17 local car 1lraler~ lo present the fin~-'\ of lhrir c ar~ for di splay around the ca mp u s q1111dr.ingle from 10 a.m. to fi p.m Donations from the car show \\•ill i;io lov.·ard Boys' League activities during the: ~hool year. Refreshm ents wili tX' araila ble ind a band, 1he Sundari, v.·Hr ptrform from 11 a.m. to I p.m. in the outdoor amphitheater. Drug Talk Scheduled By lrYine Professor 1·r ln•inc Medical &hool Profes~nr John Kr amrr \\·il l sptak on "Drugs in Our Soc1el)" al 7:30 p.m. Sunday ;\t l;n.h·ersity Lnited ~lethod i~l Church , J8422 C11 lvtr Drive, Irvine. · Dr. Kramer·~ talk is ~nrortd by 1 group called "The Com missio n on Soc.llll Concerns." A discussion ptriod v.·ill follow the talk . business unfi.J\iftied. .;We'll be bact if there'' anything lo co.M back to." Mid one member of t!\e 13, conv)cted on clw'1es stemming from .a. acheol demon!tration in Costa f.tesa, and •wa!Un1 1entence. 9ut they never returntd fr,im lhe wilderness east of the California-Nevada border. "I traced them as rar ~s Las Cn1ce!>, N.f\!., and I guess sOJTie of t.hetn went on do1'ln intu f.lexico, .. said Officer Dir k Bird S1naslies Pla1ie Glass • Over Vallev "' The crowdtd skies of Orange Coonfy logged another casualt y-t"·o of them- Thursday, when a bird sma shed through the v.·indow of a comn1utcr airliner (lver Foun!ain Val lry. injuring the copilot. J ack ~mallwoo<l, :12, of Ha1vthorne, su ffered minor cuts u·hen he v.·as sprayed with shattered glass at an altitude of l,200 feet, \\'hile approaching Orange County Airport. AuthoriLies said Smallwood 11'as treated at Costa f\lesa ~lemorial Hospital and rrleased. 1'o great danger \\'as posed by the mid· ~Ir collision and the tY•in-engine Golden \\'est Airlines DeHarilland Otter landed safely at tbe county airport 'l\'i th its 18 passengers. Pilot Frl'd Robinson, 52, or Playa de! Re y, was at lhe controls v.·hen the bird struck the copilot's v.rindow o! '\he turt»- prop alrcrafl. District Attorney Says Embezzling Toll No'v $27,000 District attorne.y 's investigators lod•Y alleged that Richard \Vinters Burke em~zzled more than $27 .000 from the count y clerk·s office and hinted that !he tally might climb t \'en higber before they complete their probe. Chief Deputy District Atto rney Jame5 Enright confirmed the estimate toci.~y and said tht Burke, 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive. ~lission Vlejo, may race an many as 75 counts of gra nd theft v;hen the tn- vestiga!ion is completed. An initial examination of Burke's ba nk· ing li:;ls \\'hen he ~u rrendered !o sheriff's office r~ a "·eek ago 1ndic:ited that the alleged rrnbezzlen1enl might be in the range of $5.000. But a full scalC' probe hy c-ounly aud itor Vic Heim 's officr, has un · CO\'Crc<l di~crcpanc1es wJiich arc now Wve the ~27 ,000, Enright said. Burke is due lo appear in Santa Ana r.1unicipal Court f\londay to answer to grand theft charges. MIRROR $80. • Wcod Fi•1>~' • Bers('h, v.ho ha5 trarktd less·rlambor· ant fugitiv~ in hl.!I career to say the least. One of the evangelist.. facing charges of failure to appear for sentencing in .Harbor J udi cial District Court, James Aa!llsler, 2.1. Jed the flock into the Stan· ford chapel !a~t Sund ay. Thl' Rev. C;irroll Cotton, dean of ~\udents nl Chapman College in Orange, \1'as guest n11ni.~ter al !hr ea 1npus chapel ~1·hen !he robed, long.haired, gospel $83 ltlilliota Now spreadtts marched into the sanctuary. Ballist.er broke a flower pet aymboUc of the earthen vi.lid the Prophet Jer11r1ia lt broke to show the coming destruction ot sin!ul Israel and quott!d the Old Test.a~ ment figure in doom.for·modcrn·society terms. During their sojourn in Orange County, before being tlfiled by l~ threat of im· prisonment and fines. the Teens for Christ disrupted a number of churches and ~chOJ!s 111 their firebrand fa3hlon. Beach Building May Set Record Cous1ruclion 111 !Iu11tington Beach "'Ill probribl y exceed $100 n1i llion 11115 year. S20 inillion above ll1e previous high 1n J 9ti3. Building Department figures sho w that the $80 million high has already been cx- t·eedcd with n1ore than $9 million in permits issurd !his mont h. "If 1he a\'rrage of better than S8 111illion in pennils per month !hi~ year is 1n.1int ained through November a n cJ Dcc{'1n bcr we should easily top thr Sl OO mill ion m<irk." said Bu ilding Director 0. C ... Jack'' Clevrl and. Cle\ eland a!tri bu!cd this year's record· brC"1k1ng figures lo an increase 1n apart. menl project building brought on by the Light money market_ Permits issued through Srplcmber tot:i]ed $itl34,li57, \\'ith the addii.lon or 1nore than $9 million to date in October. th!".' !963 !2·month record has been topped by close to $4 million. The anticipated 1969 total rar exceeds the previous hvo years. Figures were $84 million for 1968 and $57.5 million for 1967. 1 he current year's figure >1·as reached dr<;pite ;i drop in August to $3 million beca use of the strike of heavy equipment operators. Bui June saw a record $2() n1i!lion in pt'nnits issued despite the 1>l111nbers strike in effect at that time. Pern11ts for apartment units through lhr tirst nine mont hs of the year totalled 2.::21, compared to 1,330 single faml!y ho1nes. Moneywise , apartments ac· counted for $25 million. compartd to $3.f million for single family units. No Switch of Students Betwee1i S1nitli, Peterson 1'hcre. \\';in't be ;in~· ~11 itching c•r studrnts he!wren Sn11th and Pl'te rson srhools in Hunt1ngto11 13e:ich 1h1 3 ,\car The drcision \\'as reached Tuesdav n1,e:ht hy !r11s1ccs nf the Jh1n!inglon Bcat·i1 School D1s tr1cl on the rccom1nenda1ion by Peterson Srhool princi pal Robert La n· d• 111r probl<'ru rrrupled ""'it h the sudde n i:rowth or two tracts of houses ]yin~ rouE!hlY between the two schools. One tract, the Beach llomrs, near Atlanta ..\,·enue an d Surfv.·ood Street, i~ partially octupic<l and 12 youngsters from there alrearly atlend Peterson. More are ex· pl"r te•! in the nrar ft1\i1 rr Thr oth er trn rt 1~ thr: Sandpip<'r lln1nr:s. nol yet occu pied. but ra p1cll.\• ne:irinr.: 1·0111plt·t11n. l .. 1nr1i harl r arlicr rrport1·d tu llir d1~tnr l 11\:•l l 'rlC'r~on ~el1ool could 1101 h;i11fllr. 1·hi lt.lrcn fron1 1hr. tr;1cl. but Sm1 lh School could. Parents of 1·h ildren in 1he Bc.:irh Horn es fra r('rl 1hC'lr }OUn gstcr s would be lr;insrl'rrl'd 1n m11J·ye;ir iro111 !'elC'r:.on 10 Sn1ilh and wr:11r a lrtter pro!est111g. Tursd:'l\' night Landi adv 1~ed the boi1rd lo rnntlnue bus1n~ lhe B~a C'h Home 1 h1l!frcn to Pelersou :.chool for ··1hc sake or the rhildrr.n .. , ..HQ"'e\·er," hf' \\'arn~d. "wnh 1he rapid growth in our arra there v.·ill probably be a lol of school boundary sv.·1tching next year." Liz' Diatuoud Heads Fo1· Chicago Showing '.\'E:\\' YORK (AP J -The Carl ier dia· n1Qnd, a huge and fl a\.\'Clss J;;em bought bv Itich ard Burt nn as a gift for his wife, ~l1zabelh Taylor Burton, has been draw. 111g cro"·d~ of n1ore th;i n 6.000 a da y tn t 111'!1Cr'S riflh :\VlllllC S!Off' 11 hl'fC 1\ 13 n11 di~pla~· .• 1 spokcs1nnn !or the store sa id Toda} it.s NC\\' York showing ends an<! the stone . purchasrd for m()rc !.han Sl niillion . socs to Chicago for a similar ei · h1b~l !On al Carlier's store tl1erc. Campanil~ t i l' ! DRESSER $309. IWoeoii Fi11i1~! Avellel:.I• in two m•gniFic•nf finish•s. 011•, a rich w •rm brown, tit• o+h•r a h•e.,.ily l:iru1h•cl wh ift, 1tr:ped il'I olcl yenow and •pricot. An ••citing look at a r•••onablt price. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXR-HENUOON-HERITAGE N!WPO•T BEACH 1727 We.tcll ff Or., 642·20.SO OPIN ll'IJDAY ,.IL t INTERIORS ftrof"11onal lnltrlor o •• ,,,,.,... Avtll1bl._AID-NSID LAGUNA llACH 34.5 Nerfh Co11t Hwy. OPPt PllDA1' "nL t ( 17 ... I 17 . -~-.---· ----,,..,-..,----::.:::<::tc ... ·.=·-=-=·'"''""'"'·""~'"'"-""-"'"'"'"""·"<!'1::0::."""'·""'·'"""""'"''"""'·"·"""""·"""'~" ......... ,_ .. __ ,,.<"'"""'"*-'"'"""""'"'-~·-·---·-·~----... ·-·----------·-----........ ~----·---.. r=- .. Lag:una. Bea eh ED IT 1.0 N . voe 62, NO. 261, 4 SECTIONS, ·42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER H, 1969 LA Hijacker SF Airliner ' to Judge Rules Tim Leary Faces T1~ial ·"· bitterly disa ppointed Dr. Timothy Leary and his famil y learned t6day that they must face the Superior Court trial lheir attorneys fou ght to avoid in a week· long hearing. Judge Byron K, r.lcJ\1illan ordered lhe trio to return to rourt Nov. 24 to face jury trial on charges of possession of n1arijuana and LSD. Lea ry, 4 9, F.osem3ry Leary, 33, and John Bu sh Le<1ry. 19. \\·ere booked on those charges las~ Dec. 26 in Laguna Beach. It too k Judge Mcri.tillan· only two n1inutes today to deliver the 111Hng he has n1ulled over for the past two days. And ht made il clear ;n his terse sum- mal,lon thal Laguna police officer Neat Purctll was fully justUied in detaining the Learys nine monlhs ago and in aoearching their station v.·agon. "Everything about the situation he found justified that arrest," said Judge 1.fc\flllan. "We had the vehicle illegally parked on Woodland Drive, the blr.arre behavior of John Bush Leary and I.he alleged odor of marijuana wafting from t!:" car. "The officer's action \vas rcasonablr ,'' Judge Mci'oiill;in s.:tid. "I'm going in di~miss )'Our motion for suppress ion of evidence ." ll 1\·as a verdict that delighted the pro- secullon. It v.·as n1ade clear lhroughout the wee k-long hearing that the eventual lrial of the Learys virtually hinged on the evidence uncovered by the Laguna Beach: pofiCe officers and challenged by the Leary family's three attorneys. Joh n Bush Leary was not presenl for ll;le vtrdict and Judge McMillan im· mediately put his name on a $5,000 bench \••arrant. Jl :itayed in effect abou\ I~ minutes and \1'a~ cancelled when ihe breathless , bearded youth. rlad In rrin1son shi rt and slripped bell botlo1n trousers c<ime poun. ding along !he courlhou~c corridor Y.11 h Jong hair rl ying lo r xp!ain that "'<t nii:;under~tanding \\'ith rny driver" Jed to the delay. A!\orney Man'1n Cooper, roung Lea ry's delense counsel. foo k over speaking lSet: LEARY, Page 1) Regional Vielrs On South County Sewage Studied By RICHARD P. NALi. Of "'' D•llY '°1111 Stefl Officials of lbe small and large water ai'i'd sanitary districts dotting the soathem half of ,Orange County are stu· dying possibilities of a regional approach to gro•ing sewage disposal needs. Dim.iors of·sprawllng Moulton-Miguel Water District that reaches back to in~ elude part of Mission Viejo recently authorized about $2,000 far staff time to carTy forward investigation of a joint· powers approach. to se wage dis posa l. Carl Kymla , district m;.nager. said the cOoetpl envisions disposal of secondarily treattd sewage into the sea. lt could in· ,·olve au a1encies from South Laguna to S.rr Clemente and inland. 'The gravity routes of disposal, said Kymla. , would be the Aliso Creek diainage area and the San Jua:n Creek d(ilnqe area -both n at u r a I watersheds. Kymle said the regional approach en· vi~ons each participating agency car· rying A pro rata share of the costs of future facilities that would be constructed to handle growth in the area .. "\Ve ·re all virtu ally al the poin! where \\'e hav1:: got to go jointly or i!'ldividually .'' i 11id Kym la. Hr said th at Dami Poi11t , .._ .. ylstrano Bca<'h and S11n· Ju an l'itpi~treno have thrrc srnall trea\rnenl pla nts that are side hy slti('. An Mvisioned bC'nefit n( larger S<'"·age heatmtnt fa cilllies would be economy of operation. Such 1 f»eility -v.·ould probably IS.. SEWAGE, Pa1e I) ezz ement its DAILY l"ILOT ,lie .. •r J1IMI Yalttnl PAVEMENT CRUSHER CONSUMED BY FLAMES AFTER DRIVER RUPTURES GAS LINE IN NEWPORT The lnt•rn•I Combustion Engin• Turned Ov•r •nd th• Combustion Ouickly B•c:•mt Ext•rnal Jet Hijacked-to Egypt "onth Wield.s Rifle A boa rd Los Angeles Jetliner !; \. :JR, i\1aine !UPI ) - A rifle· \rJclrtlng youth. de;;cribed a.~ a cleancll t "a!l·American" IYJX'. hijacked a iellincr over Cali rorn1a today and began a l1op- scotching trip lo Egypt. The Trans \\'orld Airline plane, a Boe· ing i07 bound from Baltimore to San francisro, was hijacked after leaving Los Angeles on the last leg of the night. The hijacker had boarded the plane at Lo.~ Angeles. The plane \\'as nov.·n back to Denver where it refueled and let off GOP In Anaheim .19 pa ssengers. The h1iackcr said he \>anted to fly lo Egypt. The plane: pul dov•n again in Kc'" York lo refuel but was scar.ed off by F'B I agent.;: and flew on to Bangor lo complete refueling. Apparen tly still headed for Egypt. the plane "·as cleared ror a flight to Shannon. lreiand when it finished refueling and left Bangor International Airport . Before leaving Bangor, the hijacker - radioing instructions from the pilot to the Milias, Conrad to Make Secretary of State Bids .,. By GEORGE SKELTON :Republican State Central Committee. -a Ul'1 1"111t1<a1 wr1.., meeting party officials hope 11·ill serve as Assemblyman ~ge W. l<.1Hias i.5 ex-a pre-e lection year pep rally . pected to announce: his candldocy for State Chairman Dennis Carpenter f>f secretary of !late at the annual fall con· Newport Beach described the conYention l•ention of-cautornia Republi~·which ' · as a "workllhop ._,.km to· gear up .. for opened today at Anaheim's Con\·~tion the J9?'U camP.aP· - Center. Gov. Ronald Reagan will be tHe A.vemb1yman Charles J _ Conral. CR· keynote. !pe"alter &aturday. U.S. ·Sen. Sherman O.k1), aakl he al.90 ls "111 the George Muiphy ts schedWed to deliver a race unless circumatances indicate I major Vietnam addre.ss Sunday. heve n~ chance." Other speak.era will Include Harry Milia.s, a Gilroy rancht.r and former Dent, deputy counsel ttJ President Nixon, state Republican cblirman. called a news and Mn. Patrlcl11 Kitt, Ion g l l me oonferrnce for Sunday at which source& Ca!Uomi1 GOP le:tder who now, Is an sa td he will become a randldate f(ll" the asslslant sectttary of ·the U.S. Depe'r't- job now htld~ by, the ailing Frank M. ment of Health, Educ•Uon and Welfare. Jordun, · Ju~l abQut every major Callfomia Jordan . \\'hose family has occuplt'd the Republican le;ider 'pl11n! to attent1 the 1._.(fice tor all but (11•0 of the past 59 years. <.Qnvention. which •will provide office. .•·Jffered a severe stroke May 1 and since scekt:ri; "ith an opportunity for some !hen has been partially paralyzed and private politicking~ unable ta sJ)eak. He ·1s a1 . Mllias, 411, his been an aSMmblyman About l ,000 deJegalei are upected tq •in:Ce 1982 and ls .•-., lhe leglalature's 1ttend lhe ttne-da7 convenuon ol lht mljor COD1UV1tionilts. cc..ntrol tower -commanded persons \\·aLch1ng from nearby windows anri <loorways al the airport and a nearby factory to duck out of sight. Autllorities had sealed off the refueling ;:irea before the plane landed in Bangor at 10 :13 a.m. PST. It deparled inlo light y,·indi> at 10 :52 a.m. Abou t 75 state and loca l police and ~hcrif('s officers Y.'erc on hand as l hc plane landed ;ind taxied loward the (Sec JUJACK, Pait Z) Police 'Save,' Then Arrest Man on Drugs A Laguna Beach man v.·ho asserWly told police he had smoked hashish and thought he was going to die was taken to Ora11ie County Medical Center Thursday night. then booked into the county jail on suspicion of being under the influence of drugs. Camille Predette, 28, who gave his residence as the Del Catino Hot.el, 1289 S. Coast Highway, walk-ed into the ollice oC Wind Ambulance, 1167 s. ,Cout HJghway at 1.1: 45 p.m. and, police said, beged an aUe{Jdant to "~ve my \He." Officers summoned by ll)e ambuJance fiJ'Tll placed Prtdeite under· arrest and took him to the medical center ror eJ· atTI!nalion. NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market mo.ved n1odcraldy hi~r in active tridlng IWe this · afternOOo, (See quota· Lions, Page'\ l(l..11). It was a "not'l'Tlal Friday market with nothing spectat:ular hapPening," said · Alan Shaw ol Harrb Upham • Co. r ' I Worker Escapes Ne,rport Beach Ga s Main Blast By' JOUN Vr\LTERZA Of I~• thil' '°i~I Siii! A Santa Fe Spring5 man ope rating a pa\'emenl crushing machine narro"·ly escaped being burned alive in Ba lboa Thursday \~·hen the crusher broke a gas ma in, causing an expJo!ion and fi rl'. "R('C]" Chadsy, 2$, drivrr for the Cablldo Corp .• jumped oH the tractor·like 1nachin e and t'Sc.apcd \V ith a singed beard and a few blisters. The ensu ing blaze caused by rushing i::as shooting through the pavement at Cypress Street and Balboa Boulevard destroyed lhe $11,000 machine and kept firemen busy for mo re than 30 minutes. Firemen cooled the red-hot tractor with hoses then summoned another tractor to pull the burning rig off lhe large gas leak. ··we had t-0 cool the thing down con. siderably before puttlng out the gas fire, or else the hot metal would have caused <1 nother nash and possibly an explosion,'' Deputy Chi ef Leo Love ex plained. As soon as the tractor was pulled a1•:ay, firemen moved in with heavy ex· Ungu ishers and smothered ll1e burning sas. Crews then set lo work repairin1 the leak. They worked ihto the night plugging up the hole in the main. Firemen said Chadsy w•s brukln& concrete for a small trench along Cyprus· when the chisel blade ruptured the pipe. The driver got down from the machine and shut the machine off, .but a. foreman adYised him lo start the rig again and drive it off the leak, firemen said. Chadisy turned on the switch, firemen said. and '1>parjcs in the Jfarter touched off the. explosion. ~1ike Macy, 17, Balboa, said be was riding his bicycle "when. au of I ,sudden , .. 'boom." "'I saw th t rlriver n1n inlQ a gas staUon and the wh.oJe paYement was on fire,•· he Sllid. Chadsy declined treatment far. the rninor burns after lhe • p.m. mishap, firemen said. Today's Flul .N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Egypt ' DA Claims Viejo Man's Toll Rising By TOM BAltLEY Of t111 0.11' 1"1111 Stiff District attorney 's investigalors today alleged that Richard Winters Burke embezzled more than $27,000 from the county clerk's ofrice and hinted that the tally might c\iinb even higher before they complete their probe. Chief Deputy Distric t Attorney .lames Enr'ight confirmed the estimate today and said lhe Burke, 27, of 26372 Papaaayo Dri ve, Mission Viejo, may face an many as 75 rounts of grand theft when the in- vestigation is compleled. An initial examination of Burke's bank· Ing lists when he. surrendered to sheriff's officers a week ago indicated that the alleged embezzlement might be in the range·of $6,800. But a full .scale probe by county auditor Vic Heim 's office ha1 un- covered djscrepanc.ies which are now above the $27 ,000, Enright said. Burke is due to appear in Sant.a Ana Municipal Court Monday to answer to grand theCt charges. Burke allegedly admJtted to Jn· vestigator.s and sheriff's officers that he had embezzled an extimated $5,000 dur• ing the coorse of bis banking duties "to ~t the creditors off my back ." His alleged embezzlement was un- covered dur ing a probe by tbe Orange Counly Grand Jury auditor. Faced with the accusation Burke made an ov.emight dtci.!ilon to surrender to 1herlff's in- vestigators. Enright today sa id that Burke's alleged pattern of embeu.lement followed the line indicated by the popular county employe whf!n he first surrendered -the lifting of $200 from various bank depOOta during his first year of employment. But investigations have indicated, Enright alleged, that Burke ltepped up his unaulhoriied take to the point where. ifl (be SE'COnd year. or bis employment, he >1'as ta king $500 at a lime from the deposits and cleverly forgi ng the tally ~heels he hlld to submi t to his office. and !he coun tv auditor. Coontv ·clerk William St .John v.·as not a•·ailabfe for comment today. County auditor Vic Heim was not available for comment today. Deputies of both men declined to com· .ment on the new development in the Burke charges. Ca111ille Victin1s Get $5 Million a Week \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Government di saster loans to vlctima of hurrlcane Camille are averaging more than $5 million a week and may reach a final total of $200 millk>n. The. Small Business Adminislration said Thursday it has already approved 3,795 such loans to vie· Urns of the Aug. 17 storm. Orange Coast Weatlier swrprise; irs going to be a nice weekend, with sunny skies prevailing over temperatures ranging from a comfort•hle 7.5 along the cout to a sweltering 90 further inlaud. INSmB '1'9DA Y The 1tnmoned Stuttgart sGz. let C011'&fl to Souelw:nl CoJiforYda ntrt wt«k. with o fonrk1 SmUo An.an ploying a ftott&1td Tole. Ste today's WttktndtT stctiOft. -•N ........... II ............. ---. ll'Me ......, ,, •t ICU tlllt ,,.,. • ..... ,.., . ................ " ,............ ,, -... .... ·-. ............ =·i~la .._ U'J& l I OAILY PILOT L LEARY. • • ... t'horts for the Leary aroup aft.tr Judgt. M<'Millan 's ruling lO predict that "there will be no trial Nov. 2~ and il is doubtful if there will be a I.rial before nut tum· mer. "We art tod ay going to the District Court of Appeal to seek a "''rit or pro- l1il';iuon against th is unfair ruling ," Cooper said. "Our argument will be that t~.e defendants' rights have been violated, that thert is un shakeable evidence of pre· jud it1' against Dr. Leary and his family <1nd that insufficient al!ention has been paid by this cou rt to that factor. "U \\'t gel no sati5faction there then "'·e \1•ill go to the Federal Court and lo the Supreme Court if necessary," Cooper said. "You can rest a5.5ured that it v:ill b'? a long , long time. before Dr. Leary and his family go on tria l if ind eed they ever <.I~." The LSD cultist. ap parently shaken as Judge t.fc~tillan dcl1\·ered his rul ing. recovered his hab1\ui1I composure of grin5, v•inks and nods to as~ure the courthouse at large that ''we art fightin g for 20 million Amertcan:s and we aren·L through yet. "Too many people pay too much al· tenticn to how ~'ou look and hoy.· you 5mell,'' Leary said. Motel Dispute Will Be Sent To City Council A dispute between te nants of Laguna Sands. 1585 S. Coast Highv•a y, and would. he developers of the adjacent Shoa l~ !ltotel ~·i ll be carrie.d by appeal to 1he Laguna Beach City Council \Veenesday nlght. Planning comn1iss ioners. aft er con· ducting sel'eral sess1ons. including on·sitc inspections, on Richard Burt's request for permission to add 32 units to the existing eight apartments at the Shoal5, ruled to grant his request Oct. 6. A number of cond itions regarding pedestrian and vehicular access were at- tached to lhe variance in an attem pt to solve the problem of joint u11e of a nar• row extension of Bluebird Canyon Drive ,~·ltich runs from South Coast Highway to the oceanfront between Ule t °"' o establishments. Sands owoer-tenants objected to the proposed use on grounds they were re· qu.ired lo pave the roadway under a 1960 '·a rian ce and ·were guaranteed its use. Planning commissioners ruled that eX"· elusive use. of a dedicated publ ic right·of· way cannot be granted, rega rdless of •11ho pav~ it. . . Agreeing that traffic problems miaht arise, the commiss ioners, after con- ferring wlth owners of both properties, set up a number of conditions to ease the traffic situation and had asa umed the matter se!Ued until Sands owners an· nounced their intention to appeal· thei r ca6e to the city council. College Official Seeks State Aid Saddleback College Supt. Fred Ji. Br,.mtr toda y was back from a trip to Sacramento Thursday in °"·hich he ~usht statt funding for a college llbrary building. Dr. Bremer said he: talked to Ed Rogen;, acting chief of planning for the California Community Colleges. who l'ia!d he would try to pu sh the appLii;;ation through. Saddleback is seek ing up to SO percent ~!ate aid on a $4 million library building planned for OCC'\Jpancy in September, 1972, If the appl ication is approved . Bremer. accompanied on the Sacramento trip by college archite ct Rol:M:'rt Lo>1'rey, said Rodg~rs told him Saddleback's applicalion would be gh·tn ~ptr ial at!C'ntion. It was sllbmilled liit er than other junior college applications hu t uride~ a recentl y passed ~tatute giving nevJ junior colleges a break. '-..'r.ti! the state Legislatllre apprO\'e<l a bill last ~un1n1er , junior coll eges °"'Ith lo1v In itial enrollment such as Saddleback "-ere in~li gihle for sta ll.: building aid ™'cause their 11.s&essed valuation per stu· dent "·as high. l>A llY Pll OI O•.fJU~I Co.\J1 """ll l!HlllG ~y l!eMrt N. w,,4 P'nlMoll Miii ,,._.I..., Jtelr •. c .. 1.,., 'llt.t ,.,.,_ -Oeroltti ,_...,., ll.e11u1 Ktetl'I f:dllor Tl••"''' A.. Mw,pM11e Metleti"' f:dilot l!J1ktr4 P. Nell .._,._,. Cltr hlw ,_ __ 11:t ,.,,,, A~t . Mtlll"t Mil•••" P.O. 111 666, 9161! --c.. .. ,....,_, nt Wrtl B» l'<•.rl ,.._.,, '"""' 7'1 l ........ 1111 ...... . 11 ....... IMc.lo· -Jiii '""' ---"" ,,. ...... ' 1 •!' ' ··~·· . .. -· ~f)!:i. ~·r~~ Boyle Gets Word Kopechne Case Inquest Date Due EDGARTOWN, Mass. (UPI) Edgarto>1·n District Judge James A. Boyle today re cei1·ed lhe decision of the 1.fassachu st>Hs Su preme <;curt on the Kennedy inquest case and said he 11·ould stud_~, it before setting a dale for an ln· qu est. di~qi.ta!ify Boyle from futu re proceeding.~. l':ennedy. in Boston for a speech, said tie 1\as ··deeply sat1sfictJ lha t the Supreme Court has acted exped itiously. J'ni hopeful thnt ~!\~' :iddiLio11;i l 1lro. CC'l'rling s !hot \1•1ll tic held ~ill bl> held \'l'rv soon." ATTORNEY GEORGE CHULA, ROSEMARY ANO TIMOTHY LEARY ANTICIPATE COURT DECISION Cou rt Clerk Thon1as A. Teller inade the ar:not1ncen1ent after n1eC'ling "'-Ith Hoyle thi s 1norning. "\\'e talked JUSt briefly,'' Teller said. "~le just today recel1·ed his copy of the detision and he 's going to study it bC'fore n1aking any de<:ision about a dat.e for the inquest.' ~iJssachusetts All orney li en e r ~ I R0b[•rl H Quinn, \~ho rcprl'"tll lf'd Bo~ le be!v1·e !lie r:vurt. ~;.iirl the ruling generally ~11ppor ted the s1 ;ite"s position in the <·asr~ "Tile onlr \'ari;ince n·as in the closed na111re uf the he<.1r1ng ." Dl,ILY l'lLOT l!tff ""°'" II was expected th at Boyle 11 ould set a da1e sometime next "·eek. Thursday the State Supren1e Court s:ranted a request by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to bar lhe public and the press J rom an inquest into the death of !tfary Jo l\opechne , but refu.~ed to allow olhl'r pleas by the senator's altornl'ys con· t!'rning ground rults for the inquiry . The full bench of the court Thursday broke a legal tradition dating to the 19th ce!l tury in rul ing that all fu ture inquests ln r..1assachusetts "be closed to the public and all news media." The t:ourt, in 1·e1 iewing tile kno"·n f1rtu n1stances surround111g ihe dea th of :'-l15s Kopcl'hne, .'l pns~enger in l\rnnedy's car whe n it plllngcd into a tidal pond on Chappaqu iddick Island Jul y 18, said "All e.\ r·nts relating to th e accident, including th~ scheduled inque.'it. ha re been given 1•:--[ensive covrrage by thr local, nat;0nal and intel'national news 111ed1a." 12 Ne,vsn1en Keep, On With Trip Af ler Crash AFTER JUDGE RULES, DEFENDANTS ANO ATTORNEY REAPPEAR IN COURTHOUSE CORRIDOR But the court denied Kennedy'11 con· tention inquel'itS are "accusatory'' in nature, requiring that witnesses be given all the safeguards of a criminal trial. The court desc ribed inquests a s "ln· vestigatory .'' GLADSTONE, Au~tra!ia (l/Pl) -.\ so •. 1e11•hat unner1'cd party of 12 lra\'eling rc 11·sn1en. including Orange Coast D.AILY 1--'ILOT Editor Thomas Kee\il, has con- t1nui:d on after narrowly escaping death here Thursday in a helicopter crash. PUC Approves Changes In Coast Bus Service Orange Coast bus commuters will find ntw scheduling designed to improve . Harbor Area bus service connections and hall a continuing money loss for the operators in effect beginning Saturday. The nlrie schedule changes requC'sted by the South Coast Transit Corporation and Santa Ana Transit Corporation ha ve be-en approved by the California Public Utllities Commission . All Sunday and holiday bus service wi!J be discontinued on the Santa Ana to Balboa Line. Monday through Friday. the line wlll operate on a 60·minule headway from 6: IS a.m. to 9 a.flll., and fr om 2:30 p.m. until the ia,. 5:30 o..m. bus leaving Santa Ana. r• ' A 1:U a .m. Saturday run \1ill bt elimina ted , but there will be no change from 7 ~45 a.m. until the last 5:45 p.m. trip from. Santa Ana to Balboa. Al! trips on ihe Sant a Ana to La gnua Beach line will go vi11 Costa t-.lesa J\1on- day th rough Friday, ~·ith one round I.rip per day added to the schedule. "We hope by chan ging the times around it will make th ings more con· venient for people Jn t11e Cosla 1\1esa area," explained George A. Cordier, manager of the transil system. There will be no change in the Santa Ana to Laguna Beach schedule on Saturdays. Saturday service on th~ Santa Ana to Huntington Beach and the Santa. Ana to El MOdena lines will be discontinued, but Monday through Friday runs will remain just tbe same. Laguna Group to Discuss Drug Co1111seling S,e1·vice Laguna's counsel ing ser\'\ce f o r students and parents involv ed 1 n Pa1·cotits probl ems or in need nf ps)chologica l hrl p \vill be descrihed at the ~!onday, l\ov. HI mCC'ling ci( the Lngu na Coordinating Council. Richa rd llollister, director of pupil ~'-'r1·1ces at Lagun a Beach High Sc hool \1111 discu ss (·011nsel1ng ;i v;::ilab lc on 11.1rcotics and other prohle ms anrl i\lrs. ~l.1r1,-il lrJ;i 11snn. t'<J <f' \\'11rk ~11 1>er 11snr f()r C.1!l1r:.l1 c \l'eHare 11 11\ !t•ll of r1111n.<rl1ng )'.:1 rn adults ;ind you th in t h e P.S' l holngical are:i Tl·e Laguna program is undrr11 rit!1'n hy 1l1e Lagu na B~ach COnlmunl!y thl'Y..l for one da y of counseling a 11·rek, but cJr· rr.:tnd ha~ bten so gre;it a src1>nd day of ~ervlc:e has been adlied. F'11nds ra ised 1n !he commun ity are needed It> fin11r.ee the txtra counselinR day and organizal!ons affiliated with the Coordinating Councl! \\'ill be asked to help underwrite the program. Other Hems on lhc youth-orien ted pro· gr:in1 ll'Jll be a rr port frn1n HcbC'rt Hrr1f':. pri neipa l nf l.;1euna Be:1ch High ~cho(1I. on fl1ff1"ult1r~ t11:it have a1·1~rn f1·1n1 the sd1001's 1111.'lU:.:on 1n a C'lF a\hltt 1c_ leag11" of far largrr high srhnols .ind nnempts 1h;1 t p,1rcnt.s can help 1n Jke I• tr rrf'cl Ille s1tt1atol11 , r\ ~P"il~nr [rnn1 ~i'.'\rp<"l'I n";1\l1 11 1!1 11"~1 1·1h•' 1h;1! ri1J • .. nr11 l.1 lll'b i•1 tlcd \"ililh rroblL'm Cenl rr T'lC puhl;1· IS nn!l•'d In :il•r•"I t' ,, 7 10 I'm rncrt 1ng 1n thr l.:1i::1111.~ l '1 ']l'1 Jl IluildinR on Ocean A\·enur The Coord ina ti ng Coun('ll is n;;idr 11p tJ! !Ii.) <JreA orgAnizA tions \1·hose presidents, r,r ;111thorized reprfsentativ('~. nttrnd mr..!'lthlv tntctings to exchange 1n· forme:t !nn and di~c1 1ss possiblr snl11(i9ns lo commuri 1ty problems of all kinds, f'rona Page 1 HIJACK. • • isolated refueling ~ite, Official~ l'iaid il ~·oulJ take about 25 minutes lo refuel. The fBI. .,.,·h.Jch fr ighte ned the hijacker away from Ne1v 'l'ork, was close behind as refueling started in Bangor. A small plane loaded with FBI agents rut do\111 at the airport shortly after the 1ct landed . Police removed a man fron1 near the plane "'hen the hi jacker rad ioed to the control tower Ulat he liaw a shadow and Boys Oubbers Meet Fullerton \\'ith a 4·0 record for the season to date. football players of the Boys' Cl ub or Laguna Beach aN: Understandably op· timlstic about Uieir scheduled tilt "1th Fullerton Boys' Club Saturday. Sixth, se,·enth and eighth grllde teams frorn Laguna will re present the ir club in the away game. More than 50 b-o~·~. one of 1hc_ large~! turnout-' In Do\•s' ('luh histo ry.. are pJrticipating in this ye ar's foo1bal! pro· gr"m un der 1ht' guida nce of \'Ol•1r.teer rnaches J t>roml' ~fcM ;inus. P a u I t.lcManus. Stao :O.loore . Ca.rl Rt1sso and Ritk Hender,hott. Tho bc:ly~ defe1'1 N"I fl io llnndo e')r5' Club In \11·n gamrs and la~t 11·eek repeated lhl' accnmpl lshn1rnt against the Boya' Club of Fountain Valley. \1 ant rt: any indi1 ldual rt 11\01 ed (ron1 tlie scene Authoril 1t'~ ~aal they 11·cre una ble to <lelcrm1nt' \rhe re the hljacker stationed hi1nself 1n the plane a~ lhc refueling hci;:an. bul they assu n1ed he \vas in the coc kpit "because he·s just rlishirig out orders anrl lhC' pilol 1s radioing them to I he cor.trol towrr." Pl~iu to sei.ze the hijacker. 11 cl£"anc11t ~·outh of about 1n. and prev enl the lransatlantic crossing were dropped 'i••hen lhc hi jacker fired a shol in the plane to :-ho1\· ht 1neant busi nC'ss. The shot a~ pClfently c11usrd no serious dam 11ge to the 1iress11rilcd cabin nf 1he 1e1l)nrr. T!ir hijacker. dressed in 11. military tunic and toting a "survh'al klt" of 11ou p and other staples. reltasl'd the 40 passenger9 aboard thl' Bot-Ing 707 in Den· ver. He kept four crewmen aboard when the plane lefl Stapleton International Airport. "I mean, he had to b(' some kind of. " nut tn want tn p;o lo NP1v York ." a passf:'ngrr sa id of t11c Rllnnu1n. The plane left Oenvrr at s·2e am. PST. ffll agrnt s threw up a corrlon around 1he planl' 1\·hcn it louclied flown Jn Den\·er bi;t made no attrntpl 10 c-ap lure the unirlent lfied lilJacker One of !br passcnrtrrs ~aid the nl an lioa rded 1he plan r, T\\'A's Flight 85 \\'hlch left Baltimore, f\ld., Tl1ursday night. at Los AnReles -the next to the last s!op on i!s projected flight lo San Fra11cisco. From Page l SEWAGE • • • qualify more readily for f e de r a 1 assistance than would a proliferation of smaller projects, officials believe. During a recent meeting of the ~1oulton·Niguel \\'ater Distr ict board, 11'ar Hanson, board president. expressed concern over luture sewag e clfluent stan· dArds. So:id 11anson. "all the conservationists all over the U.S. are getting more and more a\arn1ed about outfall. "Do we face any risks about (sending to the sea) this tremendous quanity of secondary treated sewage?" Don Piersall o( Boyle Engineering Co. said, •·secondary treated sewage seems acceptable , to 'eoMe'r'Vationlsts nOw. \Vhere are you going to go with it? You can't take il inland." Hanson asked about the flap over Lake Erie sewage and was told that was raw sewage. He commented 'that lt was diC· ficult to foresee trends adding, "sometimes after you solve a problem you get some excitement nationally." Frank Fehl'ie of the Santa Marguerita 'Va ler District staff said there seemed a growinu dedication among officials of agencies in volved in putting together "some ty pe regional approach." K.1·mla l§aid a joint powers agreement "·ould involve a great deal of legal and ~ngineering work but most important \l'Oul:i be egreement over funding of participating agencies, MIRROR $80. ·Wood Fi•"~ I In its wide-ranging J7.page ruling, the court said inquest ~·itnesses "may be ac· companied and advised by counsel ~·hile in attendance or testifying at an inquest." The court left to the discretion of the presiding judge whether lawyers °"'ould be allowed to cross-examine witnesses arid present evidence as Kennedy's at· tomeys had requested. The court se t no date for the inquest but said its ruling "should not hinder or delay the pending Inquest." The inquel'iL originally scheduled to begin Sept. 3 before Judge Boyle, was pos~poned pen· ding Supreme Court review of the ground n:les . The court rejected Kennedy's bid lo Council to See Study on Motels Laguna Beach city councilmen will be brought up to date Wednesday.night on progress of a feasibility .study concernini:: de velopment of a hotel conference facility on the city's Main Beach property. A study ol the somewhat controversiel propo11al was ordered by the council last spring from Bud Holscher and Asso- ciates, "'hich next week will present the initial part of its Investigation. This Will be in the form of an economic study prepared by Harris, Kerr, Forster. specialists in determining econon1ic feasihili ly of proposed hotel installations. Some members of the council ha ve leaned toward including a hotel-con· ference facility In the Mai n Beach park development to provide revenue to help support the area purchased for about $3 million. Three Australian tourism officials Vi'f:'rr:. slightly burned ~·hen the Sikorsky S2 chopper plunged back onto the Gladstone AirJ>Ort runway seconds after takeoff, burst in to flames and then exploded. T\1·0 other pe rsons reportedly su ffered niino r Cll\5 ;ind hru ises. but the fi\'C in· jured continued on lo t!eron l5land, cff the Grea t Barrier Reef, and have not yet bern identified. Tele1·ision nc11·~ reports Th L1r:.da,v night n1entioncd a fatal il.v a1nong the lZ pa ssrngc rs or cre"'' of two, but tile story pro1·ed erroneous. T".'lrphone communications to the area 2UO rni les north of Brisbane are crude and Brllish Over5eas Airways Corporation ex- ecutives said today it takes a day and a half lo put a call through. The distinguished group of tral'el wr iters "''ere on the inauguration fli ght of BOAC servlte from Los Angeles lri Bri~bane and had taken the side junket \\'hen the near-fatal crash occurred . ~!rs. Kee vll. assistant promotion direc· tor for the Huntington Center in Hun- tington Bea ch. accompanied her husb;,nd on the main fl ight, but had remained '.1-'ith rrla1ires in s~·dney. All 12 persons aboard the com1nu!er he licopter took cover nearby. barely befo re its avia tion fuel exploded 1n a hnr· rrnrtous bl:i~t wi1ich h11rleU one wheel 400 )arcls away, The in formation from BOAC today did not ~pecify if the toi.lrist group continued on the island trip by 'heli copter or 0U1er con\'eyance, Crunpanil~ DRESSER $309. IWeed f;.;,~) Ave ileble f" two rntgnificent finilhe1 . O n1, a rich wa"" ltrewl'I, th• otfler e flea vily hn11h1d whift , 1fri pM ;" old yellow a"cl epricot. An ••citiflg loolr et a ,..etonable price. -·-.YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENREDON , HERITAGE • NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wt1tcllff Or., 642-20!0 cnN Hlll>Af 'Tit f INlEUORS LAGUNA BEACH Prof"tlonal Interior Oa1lgntr1 Avalltbl-----..410-NSID 3-45 North Co•st Hwy. 494-6551 Of'lN •llDA f "JIL t """"' T .I ,.._ .... ef 0,,..,. Cewf'f '4to I J 4J ls Seeing Believing? It's a little h ard to tell, but it appears that 3-year-0ld Debbie Salinas has really lost her head over Halloween. Actually, she is out for the local football tea m, using an old doll head. Peterson of just working Ties to l\laiia Ignored Firni Still Gets Access to U.S. Sec rets WASHI NGTON (AP ) Pentagon seOJrity officials cleared a Pennsylvania con· tractor for access to secret in- formation despite reports in police and congressional files linking lhe com pany to the Mafia . ~1edico lnduslries Inc. of Pittston. Pa., .,,,hich h a ~ received $12 million in govern· ment conlracls since 1966, had a security clearance from Jan. 28, 1968, to June 20. 1968. The cl ea rance was lerminatcrt at the company's request. a Pen· t~gon source said. af t er security officials asked for ad · ditional information about company office:rs. Pentagon records indica1e 1.fedico I n du st r ies ha:i; ~rformed "·el! on all its defense work, invoh·1ng con- tracts Ydth the Army, Na.,·y and Air Force. It now is v.•ork- ing nn a S4 million contract lo produce metal parts for Z.i5 inch rl'ICke t ·,1·arhe~ds, used by US. forces In Vietnam. bul this particular job does not re- quire access 10 classified material. Defen~ Department regula· tions req uire thal tile principal officers of a company be checked through FB I name and fingerJJrint files before the firm can be cleared for .access to classified infonnation. If derogatory in form ation i.'i found, the Defense Industrial Security Command al Colum- bus. Ohio, determines if ii is i:erious enough to v.·arrant fu rther investigation. Such a determination requires that the case be referred to a higher level for review, but no i;uch action "'as taken v.·hen Med ico's application wa s pro- ct:sscd. \\'hat SQrt of informat1nn v.·as available on J\ledico Jndu~trie.<i7 -Jn 1964, a Senate sub· committee headed by Sen. .John L. 1'1cClellan, D·Ark ., listed Medico Electric ~fotor Co.. J;i ter renamed M~ico lndus!ries. as a place ''fre- quented by·• Russell A , Bufalino, '''horn it described a."i "one of the most ruthless and po.,..·erful leaders of the t.1afia in lhr United States." -\\'il!iam J\fedica, fonner president and now general nianager of Medico Industries, v.·as 11."ited in the ~ame report as among the • · c ri m i n a 1 as.~O<'iates" nf Bufal1no. -Jam'!'s A. Osticrn, the firm's traffic manager, '1'as present in 1957 v.·hen New York Stat e Policl! broke up the Coming lfp for Air A1>3lachin conference -a meetinJ? or top ~fa fia figures from throughout the United States. Bufalino was listed by the McClellan committee as an arranger of and p11rticipanl in the Apa!achln n1eetin g. Bufa!ino and Osticco were later convicted in fede.ral court of conspiracy to obstruct ju~tice af!cr they refused to 1rll authorities \1·hal \\'enl on at the conference. The con- victions were O\'l'rllirncd when an appeals court ruled that the government has failed to prove !hat a crune has been comm itted . In 1964. the J\lcClellan com· n1ittee said the Sicilian-born Bufa lino was acti~·e i n narcotics trafficking. labor racketerr ing, and dealing in stol en je\\·els and furs. Late in 1968. he was charged v.·1th con.~pi racy to transport stolen telc\·1s1on sets across state line.~ A.c;ked about his rela!ionship "ith Bufa li no. Medico said in a tel rphone inter\'JCW tha l he had known him all his lift. As for 1he al!rgat1on !hat Bufalino lrequenl~ the r..lt>dico plant, he added: "Sure he ocmes lo see us \\'e're selling him equip- ment, ht>'s a C11.~ton1er. I can't l!'!ll him to get the hell out.'' Prince5s Anne of Britain emerges from a Ch.letain tank of the Gennan anny while tank officer provide~ explanation . Anne visited the tank operations al Pazerborn during second day of her German visit. It's L11ry for Tho Wury F1stest in The We st Something Sptci1! 'rldiy, tktobfr l l , 1 %? DAILY l'lLOT 9 Let1ke111ia Not Given It Can't Be Called Speed By Cats Courts I/ave Been Patient Si1ice 195 4 Ruling lTH ACA, N.Y. IUPl)-Thtre Is no reason at present to fear that pet cal.!! transmit leukemia to humans , according Lo a Cornell University sci- entist. "fl would be un~·1se lo blame cats for human cases of leukemia on the basis of present knowledge," Dr. Char- ·1es E. Rickard, profes.sor of pathology at the New York State Veterinary College, l!aid ftlonday. The subject of cat leukemia y,·as re\·iewed at I.he fourth International Symposium on Comparath·e Leukemia Re- search at Cherry Hill, N.J., earlier Jn the month. Since then, there have bttn report!'i linking cat leukemia v•ilh hu- man leukemia. Research on cal leukem ia, Rickard sald, and on certain other tumors ha l'e revealed that they are caused by spe- cific viruses. Somt-of theiie vi- ruses have betn transmitted experimentally to dogs, rab- bits and monkeys. They also grow in human cells in test tubes. Rickard added- WASHINGTON (AP ) -Jn the 14 years since I h e Sup~mt Court ordered public schools de5egregalttl "v.·ith all deliberate speed," many had asked, "until v.·hen~" The court ha.c; answered: "Nm\· " ··continued operat1nn of segregattd schools und er a standard of a!lo.,..·ing 'all de!i Qerate speed' for desegregation is no longer constitutionally pern1issible," the court said \\'ednesclay. "Undr r explicit holdlngs of th is court the obligation of t \'try school district is lo terminate dual school systems at on<-e dnd to oprrate now and here;ifter only unitary schools." The court ruled unanimously ~lay J7, l!>M that racia l i>egregation in public schools "·as unconstitulinnaL Realizing the problems that could ari se from overturning a .c;ystem that had been required by Jaw in 17 states and sane~ tioned by law in four others, the court pondered for a yaar before giving any guidelines for implementation. ~fay 31, 1955, the court said feder al courts shoulrl require "a prompt and reasonable start towa rd full com plia nce '' and an end to segregation 1n public schools "with a 11 deliberate speed." Lower courts were to be allowed to ,;take into account the public interest" 1 n eliminating obstacles to desegregation . "But it should go without saying that the vi tality of lhese constilulional prineJples cannot be allo"'ed In yield sim ply betause of disagreement wi1h them.'' The courts were lo requ ire school officials to "make a prompt and reasonable start toward full com pliance." Bul "ooce such a start has been mad(', the courts n1ay find that additional time 1 s necessary lo carry out lhe ru!- in!!: in an effe ctive manner.'' No d('adline \1•as set. ln 19~ the ~uprcme Court ~illli the fe<ir of I IOlf'nCC at- !~nding desegregation in Lit tle RoC'k, Ark., \.\'as no reason to delay. "The cons\1tut1 on .il rights of respondents are not 1o b~ sacrifi ced or yielded to the 1·1olencr and disorder \lo'hich ha\'e followed upon the ac- tions of the governor and le gislature ," the court ruled . Then the court ruled out "e\'aslv e scheme~" to avoid or de lay desegregation and in 1960 backed kl\\·er courts \\·h1ch had drci<ltd tertain school distr.ict.~ had had tune m ough. But at lht' same time 1t denied an riAACP plea 10 ord er schools in New Orleans to desegrega te at the st art or !hf' schonl year instead of 1110 month."i talrr. thl': opposite of Jts pos1tinn \\'ednesday. In a ('.1emphi s, Tenn . parks dl'segregation easr in 1963 !hf: coo rt said it had "never con- templa ted that !he concrpl nf 'deliberate speed' w o u 1 rf eoun!rnanee indefinite delay in elimioa1inn or racial ba rriers A year latrr, ruling that Prince Ed'l'.'ard County. \'a , rould not close its schools to escape segregation, the court ohsrrverl. "The time for mere 'dfllhera1e speed' had ruo oul .'' In 196:. the .::our! ruled lhe ''grade·a·yrar'' desegregation approach of Forth Smith, Ark ., wa s no longer ac· ceptable. "Delays in desegre· gating public school s,\'strms are no longer tolerable,'' 1L said. The next to final blow tn clelay came last year when the court In tllree unan1mou! dec1s1ons ruled "frtedom of cho1ee" plans werp_ inadequate if they did not bring about suf- f1clenl integration In the Mississippi case decided \Vednesday the ar1:u· ment had been that local authoritlts acting in good faith to rnJ desegregation needed n111re timP. to o v ,. r co rn P. "logistical" problems in con· \'erting sch:lol 5ystems. It had been the last plea left for delay. Park Gifts Un.it Formed SACRA~!ENTO tUP I) -A pri\'ate nonprofit co rporation has been forme<i lo enable in· d11'iduals to lr.e;ally conlribu!e pro~rty lo the ~tale park ."iystem. Gov . Ronald Reagan annauncro Tuesday. The organiza tion. callinl{ i!~elf !ht California State Park Founrlatlon, is ctesigned !() seek fund s, property and other girts for the parks program of the parks and recreation department. TOY & HOBBY LAY·A·WAY SALE! TASCO • 750 POWll MICIOSCOl'E C-,.... -"' W_, C.--Aoo.e. ... 1 ....... -,.._.., ... _ ••• ,. $1 .... l.J7. ~~~. NOW $16.99 ............ ,.,._.,_n.• ,. ,.._ 11... ,. ,._ __ ,, ... 111 ,.__,,,,. COX DUNI IUGGY "' .... .._ ............ _...; 411:1.-............. ...-.... -...._......_ ...... ~ . ..,. -.... ~ . .__ .,._ -·.::-•. :: .. siz.99 COX MUST ANG p.51 $9.76 H.,.. la ... ,_..,... ....... """"-y ..,.._ ,.... -· A-.f'I-~ ._ ... -( A -"-• _..., -lo .._ ... ,_. • ._I i.. ,..., ._.. r-. c;_, ....... ""'- WM""· 1.-. ......... -............ 9f -s-. .............. . ,. ... • , 2.00 $8.88 MAnn HOT WHms '-......... """" -.. . . 1-"" ·---· fll1g 111.00 $9. 99 '1iijiiii;E-VALUAILI COUPON -·~ MATCHIOX CARS Choo11 ""Y 23 Number e From 1-SS Only 0-it..-~-~ ,._ ........ _ .... .................... $4.97 Wt,,., ... 'I• fll ... ,_r ................ ...,.. -.. .... .... ,_ ................ .. --$11.67 l'UY ·DOH ,_,_. ... _, ......... .....,. -· ""· 47c 11 .00 ~:iiiiliii VALUAIU COUPON ililiiliiili~ l'OWDIDI X·I HCHAlfHAIU .... .,... ............... ..... ..., .... 1-"'4 l •I .... ........ ......... ......_.., .......... ..... ................ .........-,._... 1·1-•t.7 .,_. __ ....._ __ .. ,, __ ... .............................. ......... -· ... _..,.. ,_,_ ~ . ...., ............. .... '-Y• ..... ---$24.88 50 FASHION ISlAND HIWPO•T IUCH '44·ffll 10,.,-~,.. .,...,..,, Other Storti: , WESTCH!STEl LOS ANGELES CANOGA PAlK IOOK T41'1! RICOIDIR u..._...,..i.._._.4..._...,., ) .... ,.. ..... _ .... SKEDIDDU KIDDLIS ..._. ..." -1 •• , A>M _, ••" .... Hoe4 -· -"' .... •-· l l.M . ...... Only $1.47 VALUAILE COUPON ~· ~ $2.00 OFF! ii ANY TASCO MICIOSCOl'l .,....__, .... , .. l ___ u. I ..,_......., ...... ""'"'"-. CAIOM GAMI IOAID "'--,,_._. -I Ae I .... fl" fw JI. fMfoM.4 Jo -..,..1 _, ...-, """ -•MU 4 ... 1_. ,_,..... ....,.. ... 1p-o1. file . $11.00 $4.99 Din.IE IOHHS SAL £ PFl lC£ 88c IANG IOX Rt.g.N.00 $2.47 PHANTOM HUEY A__.""-.._.,.. nAlllS. FAlllU ~ ef .._ llW.11 ti.11 • .-........... _ ....... -.. 1 ...... 11., .. -_ _._ l .. orio• _,II .. w•-1o-• •'"" -••-· !Hopi.., ....... ·--... .... ..... !< ...... _, ........,. ... ,, . • ,-.... _...... ef -· -· .... .-.. $8.88 c-.................. 1 .... , .. _k • ......_ ............ -.11. hMi..,, """"' , ... , .•. o.,, $12.87 EASY IAll OVEN 111•0111'1 ................... ..... ... ..., --t N--,1.., -...... •n•• •·-• • -· .. IAI..£ PllllC£ $7.61 Reg. '6.00 $2.96 AMAZl-A·MA TICS ... ..... _ ...... ...,,. __ ...... ... -.. ,.. ............ . .................. ...-.. -· "'"' 11.00 ""'' ~6 <!! • . .;· ' ' ~ '"· .... ~ Reg. S14 00 TUMILE STONES .. , .... 1, -......... -1-· .. ,.,,,. ••Hfr" _, """"" io "'9 4lrl •I i.epl-• ., "'' •-""'" et , .... .......... _,_ -· O.IJ TllCKY IUSY SCHOOL IUS ··-···-................ ..... • ,_ .. .... ..t.lotl•. ,...... lh ·-· -;. ......... ,. ~ .. 111 ..... ..,....., ....... _ ._ ...... . "'•· '"·"" $11.97 PLASTICAST CASTING AND EMIEDDING ""'--"' .... -.. ;.. ....... _, ., ...... .,.. ,._ l• ··-.i...i. •1-~ .................... "' ..... lf'l', ,.,.. ..... 1 .... . "''"· ... " SOMA GAME G.L 4 ·SPUD MONAURAL RECORD l'UYH ~ ................... ,._ ...................... _.._ ............... .-......r ._.. ..... ....... ...,. 1Q/J. lllfli, • .. ,. .... ----........ ~ ....... $18.94 r ' JO O.lllY PllOT L rr1d.117 Ottobl!r 31 lQEiq Yo11r Mo11Py'1t lt'flrth GoiI1g 011 Trip? Be,va1·e A11to Gyps By S\L\I\ f ORTER '> ou are start ng an aC'ross roun1rv automob1\C' trip - along wllh a rN'orrl 11 1ml:lrr of Amer1cA ns llur n1ot th C' s c ple<t~ant autumn \\eeks follJ1\ 111g the summer stampede of 1 at at inner~ '> :>11 ~top at a srr11rr stauon lo i;:r! g ., a1hl h 11e the 011 c-herkC'cl \\ h1le !h i~ JS \.Iring I.lone 1 QU gn 10 the re~t room \\llE'l.i '>O U rtl1rn !hr. al lrnd 1111 \ ih I Ill~ I ll I Iii I I) I nH ~l l1;i1 c h ! a sharp r0<. k a vt punts 10 a ~ Io v. I 1 r!C'f!<i11ng tire v.h1ch h ~ furthr1 t \plains: t 1nnot hi rcra1red Theres no1h1ng but n~~rrl ahrad for hund1 c 1 ~ 11 tn1!Ps 111d \GU simph 1ton l h 11e lhe 11n1e to start shop ping for tJrll'i 1n a stranl(t' ~mall t o .... n SQ~ouplunk<lo11n ~~o tor a nc\\ one on the spul \\h::it \OlJ don 1 K1ow is that the mechanic sl 1shed vour !1rc 1•h1 Je )OU \1ere 11 the v.asl room -after brierlv ~1~ 1ng )O 1 as a g:>Od targcl lu1 1 h IS \ JCIOUS I rick As the massl\e federal stal e h1~h\1 ay s\stcn1 nears ron1 ple11on more and n1ore \a1 a l1oner~ are becom ing v1ttuns flf a lengthening 11 ~1 of ~1 ps frauds <inrt s w1ndlr s prr!)('lr01t1d bv ser11i r sl i 1 ons alnng lhe rnarl ThP Al torn ev Grneral of i\rv. \lex ic.:o as JU St one 1nd1c 11100 of the extenl of this problern Union Oil Earnings Decrease LOS A~rlELES iLPli t:n1on 011 Co of Cal Ion 1a reported a dN'rea~r tn ne t earning for 1he f1r~1 nine monlhs ol JX.9 comp:ired 1111h the san1c p<>nod in 19f.S despite a SI'\ en percent 1n crca~e 111 1ntal 1c\enuc~ pres1drnt l 1rd Hartley s<11d ~fondav Union s n"t e;i rn1ngs through Sep! 1 \!ffi9 \.\rte $103 8 m1lhon compared to $\ !3 5 1n 1968 Net earnings per average common share ou1s1and1ng Y.ere $3 05 compared to $3 42 1n 1968 llartlry ~a1tl tQt :>I re\en11r~ reached Sl 48 b11l1on a SC'\Cn pcrcf'n\ 1n('rl'a~e O\e r !he fir ~l nine mnnth~ <f JQfi8 v.1th crudt> 011 an(l nAI 1r~1 g i~ pr11 d 1ct1i n 1ncte<l"ll g 11 ;ind 23 prrtC'nt rr~pc~!1~rh ou~r111 g 1rrorrl p10d1 (\1nn anrl !'iAlcs 11rrr h1pht'r ntrrt' t rllpensP !11i;her am nrl11al1on thar1:i:s fnr prosrrr111r n I l~ncl~ Acquirrd oH rr:c1s an rl Cahfnrn1rl "' 1%8 h11!h('t drv halt lo6<cs high~r '1 age rind ~aJat\ ro~1 s ;ind h1Rhe r C(;~t~ of m i1cr1at~ ~uppht s aiid purcha5ed crude oil lfartlr) sa1rl OPPO•rv .. TY-\MAll£ E~PE .. ~ll !O ACA P ULCO o CAii 88EAN ~"' l Ill L Cl•m• • -~ G l~ \• ~~ 1 M (~O ~ Ov• "r ·~ n• •\ T• C•D ~ ~· ~,,..,. l1 •"O • o e o n I """""'" eooo• CJ t .,, r ~~• I • "1 •111 ''BE YOURSELF'' Do you l'IVl!!r fet1I that yo u t r l'I be ng 1-ield btck by qut l!I tl l or \hortcom n91 you w"h you d1dn I have? If 10 I coul d be that 1t 1 t m• to lttrn mor• about yourself Colonel W II am L ttll! CS 8 • memb•r of the Chr 11 an Sc ence Boa rd of Lect ure1h p w 11 tell tboul p•ople whose I ve1 ha ve been I terally tren,formed by learn n9 of !her lr ut God 91vtn ntlure The1• people foun d the! t l the r under~ta nd 1n9 of God 1n c;reesed th eir own 1p r fuel relat onsh1p to God be cef"'te more epperent And through thn they d sc ov •r•d good qual1!1ei 1n them1 elve1 they never knew they hed Come tnd br ng yo ur f.tm 1ly Adm11i1on 11 fr•• Christian Science lecture Mond•y Nove1T1ber )rd •• 8 00 G ven by FIRST CHURCH OF CH RIST SCI ENTIST Co,tit Mt1 14 ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOO L A UDITO RIU M 1311 Ple~•nl • Ave 'House' Has 400 Roon18 Levitz Furnilurr Corp v.111 open 11~ largest warehooM? ~ho,\room at 74'41 Edinger Ave Hunlington Beach Nov ' Tut 2 S O 0 0 0 iiquart: fool btnlrllng h; stl on a l:t nrre lrarl and "rll house Blmost 400 roorn v1gnP!lr displ11\1ng fl\" m11l1on tlollars \.\Orth o I h1m1lurt and a<.'crs~OrlC'~ I 1ke all or !ht' neY.er Lrv1t7. w a r e house showroami; !hr ll unt ington Beach fac1hty 1~ lhe r!evrnth 1n lhe nar1nnt11 J....e,1li clia1n llus latest a:ntr.r will have railroad 11dmg~ OVER THE COUNTER Complete-Ne'v York Stock List E11~ •Pc~ I~ E11<t1{000 E~ A In E~>lG~ 1 E~1 lJ ..0 (~ 1(,.,,4~ Eo n~Y• •n (<~ ~II' Ee•~~. in E" ~ e e 1 Er.o.r ~ ( < M~ .. Sii. N•I t11• j Nl9'I L"' c-. G~ ~c\(osr·~ •.lltd 't •~ .. " ,, 1.... 11 1UO ff it 6• '110 " ~ s• l .. " .,., l jG • 40\o :'I~ •? ' •I ' 9/ .. ,, •I • llClll )\ • l• • ?SI ~ l-4 1• llh 11 1 1 1" l l ' Jil7 o l•• JI •? • • lOJS~)I, •10 71 71 • ll HI I 70"-11 , lt?9ll o I !t 19 ls.II 71 ~ 74\.o llrf n J• ti ,, ... ll 1J;, 10 . )0 l l Jl t 5 •l •1 61?1 •7•• 75 49 , .. , 11 ,,, '°~ JllO Sl ~1 96 171 )1 ' • 60 ~ )7\,71 , 111 "'' ..... 107971 0 ll• a • 10•0 .YllJJH,:rJ 3S ~ • :\); J• o 1011 •••·'· ~:!'1 0 3' 3! •J1?o ?1 o )?, ·~ .IJ •7 • •1 0 1 v ,, n ~n .11 .11 . m:1<1 ~.11 1'• ~'SI l•o -l6 1 !OJo 01, 40 -0• 11 •O • •71' ?I • 1'. 71 ll6 o l6 o~'' 111706'-o oP.o 77• •S • Ol •S '-I 1 lb 1 I~ 111•0 _. >'11 JO 7', 7'1-1•110 , 1s , is rx.16 0 ?6~"" JIJ\0 31 1 )\, 7100 1,11\1 ., "" no S• , 31 5• , ,)1 11 11 11 • ,, 7' • 71• 1) '1 1~. 1 • 41 If> • •• 7 il,<!17 • 3 ji>-' ,, ... ~ oil~ 7 11~ 71 2•171 1 710 10 "' ' .n , 3 .. 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J!# r Pwl 19 r \wll 10• ... l ... l 11'1 r t T&T l>!6 l'.cln 6C.. ~·n-.~~I! i)~ "• Am 1(la <'o h El> 100 r'•<>•'''I> ....... ,., 1"•~08v •l r , • Mn oC r ,.1• P'•n !'l "• Cen l <O r nnO • 60 r n Fr " n 'I JC r c.~ n ~7 n <',.;l! I ~ r r1 ,., • \0 r•"L nt •oo r nn..,1 )~ g ""'It ~:1 rs ~. ~"{,u" .. , ·~ r ,.,.,o a n ._..,,-• I •6 r n (n 1 "•n(,!\~ !0• " • • " • ' "' • '" ' ' " ' " . , ' " • " J l •O o ' ' ' " . " " .. ' ~· 6J ' ' " ' )l 19 11 Ja ' " B~ ll o l: ~ ' ' JJ n -N- " ' • " " '" ' .. • " " vno '" " • ' " " " • .. ' • ' ' " " " ' ' ' '" " ,, 1 ~o ~ ll~O • ' " 51 IB " . ~I 7' " ' " • " .. " " " " . " " .. • ' ' • " ' .. ' ' " " " " ll ' " .. • Friday's Closi11g " , . ' 71 ' -" . " ' ' .. .. , ~. • ,o •• 11 • -'" J• _, . -· " 80 • ~ !~ ~ " STOCK LE.\DERS NEW '!'ORO: (APJ-.St lf• c!oil"'9 pr te 0 a"° ne! ~~-n~• o .,. I ll@on ""''' 1< t, ! •• ~ <><0.> 1'.0HI on lfl1 NY Slock E~ 1 th&n~• Con Ott• ..... l c ~1 M ne (N 4 "n Bo rn1c Cp . ,.... ~·' "• en C1m fl utik lll ~m<> Con 11. L G•n 1~ t i T1 ltY INI 1 Q(>f' "~ 1 Gc~ Am 01 I T••ec~ GuH 0 11 11614 ,. .. '" '" • "' " ... J . > • ' .. .. J J _,, _, " , \!': -··1------------------1 • • '" " • • " • , ' " ' Publ~ Nt •S Pu•D 5uc 111 PR C•m l 10 Puo5 PL II, Pullm1n 2 fO P~ro ~rl !O 51 .. 111<11 I k ltll " '" 'l ' • " ' " "' "' " , ... zl l)O(I ti •'?O •l " .. ti~ { . " ' ' ' .. • " J ' ( ,, -1 61\J + > ' ' I " • " " ' . . ,~ "' ' .. " . '" \/ '" " ' . ' • • ?5 1r 19J 1 n 31 ir. " ' 1~1 II . ,, • • lo .10 • • ' ... >100 1; ii• 0 !< " . ' " • ' • li " " "' • ~ " ' " " " '°' " ' " " • " " • " ' " • ' " ' • •• -QR- " ' . ·~ . !l 1? • ' ' ' I 111 1) ,. " ' ,o • • " .. .. " ' " .. ,, J 1 99 " ' ' ' " ,. ' t ' ' " ;n < l ,. 41 J ll -. . ' .... ,,,, ; r, • '.>. I 9f'.> 11 l• t • ll • ' ' ' " lC• :n o Q• 16 M •I l • ,, ' ' ' -S-, '" '°' " '" '" " " '" " • ' " • " • ' • ' " " " • '" '" ~ .. " " " " " " " • •• ' • ' " " " , " '" " " J " • " " " " " " . ' " " " " J Prices " .. " ' ' • "' " ·i m -T- " ' .. " ' ' " ' '" ' " '" " m l<l•6 • ' '" " l~ • " "' • .. ' ' .. , n • ·~ ' . ' " " ' • J " ))11 J •• " " .. " " '" .! • r , " ~ ... 35\o I I ~ .. : ~.1 " J 1• • -. •' " ·, " 11'> • " ,, ' ... .. ;r,,. t' " • .+ 10 . J " + , l , ... ,,, '"o ->.; " J • 1}• .. -0 . •J -I " , ~. -' 3 • ~ ~ • + ~·-!},• + ~ • " " " ' ' " ' " " , " Complete :.2_..:::!'l'!I!!'!~' • ' .,. !Z'.E'.i!'.ti" "!lalll I Market Up, But Not Electronics NE\V) ORK (U PI) -Stoc k fini shed hi gher Fri- day 1n an extension of Thursday s !ale rally Ti ad l llg \VaS bi ISk llowevcr inany electronics were po1nl1n g sharp- ly lower Analysts attributed losses 1n this group to the big market drop 1n Control Data this ~eek Jn vestors \\ere said to be disappointed tvith the con ce1 n s third q uarter earnings althou gh they were a bo \e the vear ago peri od Short ly befoie the close the UPI marketv.1de 1nd1cator sho\\ ed a gain of 0 37 percent on 1 586 is sues CJ'lss1ng the ta pe There were 803 advan ces and 539 clech nes The Dow Jones a' erage of 30 blue chip 1ndus t11al s \\as up 4 96 at 855 47 near the fina l bell 1 urnover of more than 12 000 000 sha1 ~ ~ 1 an s\J ght!y ahead of TI1urscla y s pace \m ong the n1o st acti ' e issues \1 ere ( ontrol [l,1 t 1 off ~e\er~l po u11 ~ \etna Life due Lo an e 11ly block of 187 500 shares changin g hands at 31.1 \~ part 1n a ci oss transaction a nd Internationa l 1\1111 eral s & Chemical Steels 1noved 111 fr ac11ons Steel producers ex pected a slo11 do" n in slu pmcn ts during the ren1a1~ der of the year f\1oto1s and chemicals v.ere ncirrowly m ixed So \Vere most petroleum issues Aircrafts showed scattered strength \Vhtlc rails and a1r11ncs n1oved 111 both d1rect1ons I -----------' ftlday Octobtr 'l 1%!J L OAILV PILOT J J Slock ExchanO'e 1' Li -t L' h~• 30 Un .t. c l Ml U!'! Co IOg Un Fn C•I Un F•v ! l o0 "'I '"' " Un "<I o •? Un1! MM I JO u .... ., 92! Un P• M " J'Fo ~)fo \J5 F "'<I l •O U'<. O>m )• USC.V o P 1 110 US l"<l u •! USP C~I• U'P(~ o I 10 US Sh<>f n u ~ 5ft'le io U ~S"'•o<«') ' ~ •• 1 <{/ ~ l o c Un U M " " ' u .. ut o UnvLe l D UnvO Pd M • c-o r o ~ •~ U 'fl "Q •O < F" 1r \M (n OO M D 7 10 SM o • \ •hC~n '1 " P I •1 l/•v• (n 0 II• l•n A O 11•...t• 6, V•"<IO (O I~ " ' Vl<!Corno 10 V I •o• )lo V•E Pw I ll~E O> " V•E:P 1'•7~ ll•EP o 11 Yo ('; nc 10 v n•do vs c~ o " " .,, ~ . vw111 u~ -UV- ' )J • Jj " " " ,. " " " " . 1l l)\o II ' 11 1 1, 11 ; + ,_ + ' .. " ' " '" m ' " • ~ "' '" "' • " " •)'-" •• n, " " ' ' ' . " , . " " ~\ ,}' " ., l " '" • ' " " " .. , ' ' . " " " ' " " ' • " '• ,, ' ' 1) 11 1 '" " •• ' . " ' • " ., . ' ' ' . " ' . .. " ,) .. ' • ' ' l l ~ .,_ " + " 11» + " . ., . _, •• m . ,,., •• .. 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"' i~ •r· z: 11'' :IJ 1~\. 2J 1J ' J H;k r Bu rkC' rorn1 rr president of Fundnmentcil Oil Corp Is founder and chief ex ccut1\e of!icC'r of G T R fl.1 t111agt men\ Co c. rH l\;lanagcment Charter Strce! Corp , d1 stribu 1cs lhc fund o wn~ Vt hh.:lt I l I I , fl ,....._..._.....,_ ______________________________________ .._. ........ ~.,.,...,..,.....,.,,...,..""""""=='""=--- f % t>AI LV PILOT F"rlday, Otlobtr Jl , 1%q ~~~.;,;,;;,;;;.~.~,;;;:;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;.~"':;;:~'!JC;;;;,.;~";_;;y;,;::;.:'!~.;. :;:w;;;e;;;•e;;,,,,..,,...........,.,::;,a>,.,,_o•ro~:::·<=z::::::::-...,,,.--0•--•----,,•w,,..,--.. ..,.-.• _,_., ____ ..,_,, _____ ,,-:,=-'::'.::-,,,,..,.,,.=.,,,.,,,,,.!!:::'--:::-~ _ --!!1' 2 •· i f t pc :a ~ :leJJ NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS For the Record--Marriages, Divorces HOBBY SHOP & RACEWAYS Marriage Liceiases OCT, 11 OIJCHAltME-OEOLEY, E<ln>vrnl C , XI. ,,.... Oort~ EE ll. bo!h oi 1m? ,.1~':~~crf~~"·r 1.:.:~v0' L . 11 • .,, 1Cl:ll ll:oK!O<'\. Lokewood o(l(I (ltu<llA ii.:iio~'. 111'2 S•rti<>ii• Ori••· Loi (ll!ELLO-FINCH, Tnom•' L . 11. ol i'Ol l!of>dolpi,, Cool• Mu• """ Morllyn I<, n. of •11 B•ll• vur L•""• Boltlot, MATHEl!-Fl<HSEL. 0•\t W . 10. ond s"'"""" M, ll, bom or ''' Gro•t Ploor. Casto Mn• LA.1)0-VOUNG. Mol•ln II , lJ, u KI Bo,tMor• 0 ., 20, bolh ol .wt M&roU~ll• Cl•cll, Co•!• Mr!•. l lMMS-SCAll.FONE, Terr• L , 11, 01 J07• l(oplol•nr Blvd,. HOr>Oll.olu on<l Evia J .. 20. of ~J Joan SI .. Coot.I Mow SWAll TZ-BUNICER. Willlem .!, 11 "' l>J50 SI . .-.ndrow'< DtlY• ~nd ¥•1>tl c.. ,l, or llXI lnterl•c.11•" R<>od, llO!h Q! S.ol Btoc.h, &EHL -SHQCl(LEY, l(rnnrlh "' ?I, .,, 1115 Mon•O•I• Ind P1mei. J . 10 • .,, 7}:i! w.-1m1nut" b o T n ol Coiro Mt••· CAHlLL-MllCHELL. John J, ~l, o! ii~~ ~~l"~ .. ,~.,.-.J..~·._,"~rtiL~~·H~n· [~Of:'~bt'~i....o.P. sirvrn w., 11. or 1"1' L•~un• (onYOn R""d •nd l(lm H_, 1', of 131J T"""'t W1v, t>Q!h 01 L111un• Bt•<:ll. EDWAROS--P V~OALE , Frank M, ~S, <1! 11~ ,,;, ..O.cacio ~1., An•lltim •nd Vlr11lnla 8 ,. 5}, .,, lit N. Pro•f>l'ct, ... ~i:..'!'ttbN8~~YNON . Dovt la• H , n. •nn JNnM A,, .15, bot/\ O! IS9C!J S!<1e~d•lt, Fo1ml•ln V•llrv, PAi:!KER-GALLOWAY, Charin L., ??. <1! '51 1 ADbon Drlv•. Hunrrn9lnn B~OC~ •ml 0•r0.nP, )1, <11 lt)I W, HIGhlarKI, $•nl• An•. OCT. 1' NOUL IN-KING, Roborl L . l!, o! 1:!91 [laon Avt, and Kalr.loten M., 14, of 1n1 Httl>Of 8 1VCI., l>Oth of Co.ii Me>I, £L8ERlSEN-OHMER, Ror>ot! E., '11 of 511 Ot An.11. (Orl)(1• Clrl M~• •rul 6ornl1a H., ~. o! 13' Mo"i•!own lane, Cc•!• Mt ••· llRYANT-BRNAT, lorn•" ,.., 31, ol 13!50 E•f>l'•an1a Roaa, ..0.nfholm and Glotll W .. JI), ot HS Erntr~la Bav. t•9~na 8eac.h. SAFFELL-GRIFFIN, (,<~ory 8 , )l, ol 1J11 Sirnll Ana ..O.•e, (DOla P.~••• """ 5u•an L . 1•, ol 1$90 Vie Cor .. c•, La11una 8tac.n. KACSUTA-FREEMAN, Ro°'" J , JS. and B<>nn,., J , 11. l>Otti o! 19/SO (la•Hnonl L on~. Hunlln11ron 6faon, 8 ELCHER-WHIT$0N, Jol>n f ,. 32. ot IJillll ..0.ro<on•. Wr>!rnon:;!er ~/\II Gua<!ol~f>I', ll, 01 131142 Glor>Gor•. G•rdrn Grav~. PATTEl>l-M<ICAY Oodt H .. 7" ot 110Cl N, Ltmon, Fullrroon •nC Pa,,..el1 I< .. 11. ot JUI llosltml•n Drivo, LO• Al;ttnltO>. VEORGE-McN..O.M..O.RA, Ltt (, i•, of No. ~ !o</Hr rn llo.o<! Hilltlurn, N.Y, 1~ll<1,il1:~ tj~~Ttnf.. 410 (•lit Villi 5HRAOER-8ROOl(S. L•rrY c;,, 19, o1 164• Sol.a (hi';/ i nd I(~'"" F-, ;,, of ~1:!~.Plnehu• , llOTh of Hun1in;1on Divorces Dl'o'OllCES l'ILED l.:r1u1h••r. Jr. E., Jonn C. •• M • r ~ (Jlhfron• lo:vhr>, .lchn E. "' ..O.nn• L 8ru111,, W•ll•ra D. v• E l••nor M Perthoz. l'•mr11 Ann"' JOl\<1 ~Owo1d Sono.r>. Joan V\ John E l\•1lm•Jl•r. Lvnno E. •• L•wrrt1ef ~•V<nOf\d .I•"'""· Ar.id GorlW<1 '" D•lor., M•• C.rillilh, Dctlit 6. •I Rot><r! J C1o~erlr. El"a°'lh Anno •• Jo~n Fr1n "' llt1><>~•. Morris B. Y• Loi> Sio>, M•r.m C. •> Eil••n MI Y H•nlu, Marv Lou •• H••olO .t., Hmt>. N•l>CW: l•• •> Horo1a II BtrrY m•n, Jr., JO l<nn "'John II. ~11~~r~~. L07!~1~· z..· -~or;c:e~ c;, l(eller. f1v J. vs JOfTI~• L. Mill•" Otbr• Jo v1 St•ohon Gu• Pt~tlco, ,.,,,.,. Doan YS Rill L. [Nr1n1, N•l!I W, v• Hrnrv 1 rout, M•rllvn J. Y> John L•wront• E•o•ncne MirV C. vs Enrlout C r: oul1, lillot>tlh A_ V!. ..O.lbtfl I-ten milh, Miry (, v• RoNr1 F-. Of>t c. E<1im .a.,"' Jolin L. 01>i"'""• Doti• Hrlen vs f lovd Dwioht D•n~t, ROH vs Al~rT Wllllf m Tin~ln'. M1•l•<1nr Y• (h1rl"' Euo•n• M llc.,.11, Den WlllT•m YI M•rilvn M•r.no. M•"' Vo Emil Hiii, M,1<1••11 Wl!i•llJ'1 "' lllrblrl Jl»lohone O~!>o'di1n, GI I I J•ro,,,< v• l<l~ort ""'""' w,u;,. Do<>n• 1(1v .,, ll 1t"Md Llo~d 1'111>!« (•<cl J v' llor>on P (0<hron, Lue Arn "' (~••It\ E ~a•"• 6rll, Colrtto J&nono vs llob<:•t Bu'"' Scoot. "''"''"" A, •• Jr•<>· J Do11ln1. Eld1 M•• YI Blhv Genr II •~,, F'1u11 "' Do•;a ueoo·, D•uo~rr>. Oorln• l•• V> M1c••n ""•'II Sha"'""· l •O<• P•Ulint ~I (11,t J&<~-Gora-. Di•ne L~"" "' G•crao 'o'l's!t~ Stluentt•, Jol>n .a. v . vs l • °""' P. 5noo1" F•e<1ao S •• Jonn F. r~·~(,~.0'Jil1· :..• "~h~i.~r.~ G McDo<>tl!I, (vrll "' llo!Tv Jwn Il l<•· Kr~1tlne o _ vs P•ul 5utl'.r•land, Lorell• Elion ~• C.1tJI f . (II<~. Ani!Wo 0 , v• Jell" 8•0f>l!Y, t"1ul1 Je•n Y• RIV!l'U;>n!I Lff Movnl•r, Ernnt Y1 Hild"""'" .t., W•lli1ms. Gloroo A. v• B•lh' L. l'mor..,.,, J• .. JOln E "' W•I!•' H Wiii/, 0 1oh"' EG!•r v• Bcl>bv M•r!ln kl•om&YOr. 511&•"'1 Ll•t•n• "' Mi<h••I H•rt>trl l<•r!ll"ll, S"•'on L~ "' Sl•<>h~n Wu<r n o..11an1, llu•n P. v• H~•l><'rt J. O•fl, J•mt l H. V\ 6orlh• J,\ Ce'n'<h, .Jo•n G. "'Mar• 0 l'le11"~'1• M8•Y Je•n V\ [•n~'' r t an~ ~•n'~'-Ju1n•I• II. "' HerTb•"o C. 5,ow<l•" K•lnitrn M v i 01nnv J r.01tm1n. (;eo•ain• ~ •• fl .;.a•• "'· ~ .. !l1ng;. NIO(• L V> jpnn '"'~"'' "c«, 11.ta c "' """r"d 1 5t"Ul!i, ,f , LO•> M~HI 4 y·, lf\!., """u•h•• S·~•nlt, Cn•'I"' "' llo"n •en .,.,,,.,, B•U¥ c "' Roi><'" r INT ER LOCUTOll Y OEt l'I({$ "'"n• L•nOo L •> lloo" l. (1rnr>. DQ<I• v• (ht1' Paoo•s· >•••• ,, ~o"'1•• J••" F•noo. Con,•e n'f A_•• John J /f4•phy, l>oymond J ., 5u1•nn• M Poono, Alio" M y' l'•O""" l(o••" Ml<\I Y• R"""ll (, ~,~;:,~111> ::,•~ok~~. v~::_:; •M\~',~" j:,~.~~,"'l';n~'v~•\;~·,~~1..!'i "' -l>•lll P"llllp Won••c. Mo<lon 11. V• R""&la L \1••11, t""•"• Lu<•!le YI Ront ld l'l•lo" ~10>0n, w,o,•m Gordon •• M•rllvn M•r Flt"'"~· cvn•n;• Gr•<• V> C.o•v Lot A1on10. E••IVn 1-' •• Erne\! V S•;rn>0<1, BeH• Jtwtl v~ llot>orl Flul S•o~v, lllvmond W, ~• R~rn J . Enw••d,, 51'.rltV .l••n •I llon1lo D<'•"• .11.1111roao, l'l•Ch•I A, v' R lf l'~O ( t1 •ll, R•ton (•<•• •• Aud'°' Lcu"f S I•<~. Vondl l~ot<or \I\ llon1td J L~(<, M•r.ann• •• \..I W• •"~' J At u<t, M•'1~ ti••• v1 W•"'""' Ditnnon \laoMt Pool, Ann f !.,,-fn(f "' O•VHI~ Lr<OY M•""• 'TlftY l•• II:. l wvll 1'nn Gonia••" Mt•<1~••I Ltt v• ~10,.nlo A!larnf., Carol Ann YI Ofnnl1 II, 51'Tflev. B••b••• •• Wlll••O Gvorr•ro, 8•1tV J v' MO,;O T 111men, Rc•t M1rl• v• llo~r! ErY·ln Jol>n..,.,, Evt lYll Luclllo •I Boll1t How••d f'.,OU>Or1• l'ftrJ(il VI HlfOI~ P1r6"' Jud ith A""' •• How••d II.IV f'l•u. e<:lll• E. "'Ro!< 8td<.. J°"" G. Y• .... ......., • M· V~. K•llt I. vs Ct<:ll A Jt HUO. M••• F. Y\ l(t r•n H W•lk•r. Dcrol~Y A, VI NM• L. !tml,.,, Ntm, l . YI J<>hn .... M•r>Od9Q, IC.lo!hlfftl Lc~ll· •• Nlcho!•• AM"°"Y T1v!ot, NIMY J, v'1 l(onnt •h M. 11001. Mlch•tl Ger•rO •i J OI " Moro"'"' S"lhlt, EH11brth M v• Earl [d,,l rd F l!t!rt rnld . .t.11811 Mic.111el ••Danni ••• rmg~ .. ::r:~·t~.~i.;'E ~i:.~J'~, :.,71:~ c;.,..~... M•rll [)lt!titn Y> Tl"ll!ll~ M&•IZ-' Pehtr. Bu•<I• J, "' Dcn•ld [ 0.Y!I. l t l1" LYll YI Oor>l l!I Baer IJNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA !RANCH NOW OHM ·SATURDAYS ' .. MON.·THURS. FRIDAYS P,M, 10·1 ,,,.., 10·' ,,,.., 171 41 $41-SZ11. LN.•tff lt1: s •. C.-f ....... cw. ...... Au l. \'k t ,, ... 1'1'1•11"'11er E. H. LEVAN lt0<!t\trl>0'1, LI-M•r.t "• c.-... F•lloe 09tl<J•n, (llclolln~ M1rle Vt JI ,.,,., Wllll.m M01lt•. P;•rklf M. V> l(enne•11 W, Hoii.Y. Oelor•• J_ "' ll•vmond L Holl•r>O. Betty Jll n "' Tl>Om•• F••n~ Vr1n1, O<tnn1 Moe "' '"""''' N•~l'IOlll 81rrv. P1trkl1 L. "' P1ul J, Lubeloclt, Ml"r111e l "' Cl•~ G llo~•i, C••ol ..,..., vo Vl~oo-LOiii' O'Neill, Eleonor G, "' Oon1IO l".en! McKI""''' Lindi Loui>e vo 01nl1! o.~~I.~~. Jonn T ... M1tl1nne l'IM..0.1-OICRlf:l Do>l•t•no, JOii" i . •• UO.tlh-. L. Wh4'elot~. Mi r lh1 Ann •• lltn+1m1n '-""" D~••e. Lore111 J1ne "' 0•••<1 JO>•D" ll•om<>>ot>, E!1trdd F-y\ G-orald E, ..O.ndtew, J"~ti.. "· v• Lei.ler M . 5ChHI, LI•"• 8. Y• Eaw1rd G lllham, Gl>el• T, YS 11°°'11 Lt• .Sel!rl<l<i<« ~qe J. v1 Jo.<1 Carol 111~1,.,0•on. 01~nn H. v> Gordon P 8roln!>olt, Vtrnl Elil•brlh "' Pelor ~~;:.·;.:.~l~lt~:• v{ 1E':1~0 S Elt,,_, SilVIQf, M•rv L. Y• .Je,..,. w, B•b· tock, Ktnl\alt> P. Y• Denn• E, "•II. M••v P. YI Rov Ed11<1ta ll1la>1, Lvdtli .... Y• lutl•n S B'"""'"W", O.nn• l(ay V> L••rY Philio K•u•I. Georuo P. v• C1rolvn J. ·~· Pl1<11, ll•rna,1 J, v~ R1.1=11 P.. 8""!men, Wilm• ..O.mY Y• D••·•a Strn•..,•n. C•,oltt •S W111tr fr1n~ 012~rira~. Winnofred II ~!~ vs Qrvlll• P1r~er. \lk !ot'lo L. '" Jo/ir> W1"tn l ll<>m•I l(;nlohr, llontll. Lou •• Haw1rd W. Ve>ltt, Rlt"•r!I A V> Yvo"n" M TULIP BULBS Bright color•d Uow•r• bloom h.artily on 11rong lall 1lem1. ond Y•••· Virginia, th1y will grow in Calilornia. Hon• Brlnli•r told m• oo. 3cEA. DICHONDRA SEED Fonlo1t!e fw1ll , pr11ty _good) 1aTlng• on Jc11nou1 Na1ionol Lum!Mt own d ichoodra 1e1d. good 11ull !hat grab• bald quick and n...:!1 minimum care. W1•d ••.d Ir••· (We're nol buying DOT b.cou1e Robin 1ay1 it hurls !h• P1licon1.l 147 I LB. SHAKER CRUSHED ROCK Som1thing •1dra lo mak1 your· lawn look prol•t•lonally lond1coped 101b1r than )11 •l "p!an!•d". Sparkling whil• rock can be u11d to occ1nt o 9cr:rd1n aria. make a palh or trip no1ey n1ighbo11, '-~.49c 50 LB. BAG FURY ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER H"9• lrlmmttr Jnohe iilc• 9llt· Jar your lo'l'orU• bobby gard9"t. mali11 foil work of •hrub1. hedg11, and 1ueh, Ll9hlw11gh1, 1, inch blade, Uni.,•r•al air cooled motor. 1277 NEW TIGER PATCH MUFFLER SEAL Tap. lha! ou.tlCl.ltt J'CKl mu!Uw.J111t alap Ill plott . ''Foot f'Oll t-IDCh.1 "Ide. Th•eo1l1r no-me11 way. CRAZY DAISIES V1ry bright mod color• wilh a mirror inaide lor decorating walls. furniture, pone!•. doors, yo\\. flam• ii (Ho"' about Daeid Door?(, No glue or thumbtaclr:a needed. They a!iek anywh•re Ilk• lho1• 9i!I bCtw1, ADJUSTABLE FURNACE DEFLECTOR Etched plinllc d•ll.ctor ls rnogaelle. adju•tabl• !ram I lnc:b tn It Inch. jlzst qap It on lor quick lnalollallon. put• the hot air wher• you won! It Chow about ln my .or. f'm G fo:a of Laugh-In). 99c FIREPLACE COALS H•r•'• an il•m you ju11 won't ••• In rnoll star.•. but lh•y mali1 o nit• Ur• with Mt11r w•i•er roo1llng oad 1111ar1hm•llo" too:1tio9 po11lblllll•L For kmlng old lo•• l1ttera, g•I log•. 77C21LI. IOI WHO SAYS WE DON'T GET RAIN? REMEMBER LAST YEAR TI<EY SA.'Y 'YOU 'R~ 1------HOW S"ALL nJE GUlTER KINC !TAKE TMAT? RAIN GUTTER When we drive around and see all thor.e badl y eroded lawns we just wish folks could aee how inexpensive ii is lo put up gutter and prolec· their property. Simple to do and !he litlings are c'heap too. if you need \hem. SLIP JOINT GALVANIZED SOLDERLESS AdTertJ1ed 1p.ciol1 good lhtu No•emblr $, 1%!. LIMITED TIME SCOTT'S DEAL 0 c ALL SCOTT'S LAWN STUFF except seed and spreaders ff•11'1 a ale• d.al lrom th• Seoll people, on• ol lh• hlggeal namft 11'1 tin• gord•ti. product• (not th• long•st. \ult lhe bi9g111, th•r gM th• 9r9Cl••I alga palnl•r In lb. world.) 5al'• o bundl• on lhi1 OJK• In a lll•llm• (until n•xt -par) promotion. UM products 110"' or ne:iit •prlng, So.,logs of 01'•1 S3.00 oo 110m• l1emL e w .. 111 l Pim.ti' l"h', Al1p1 ..... C•n It Cratt. COMl IM .•• WE WILL TEACH YOU HOW, SLOT CAR TRACK ACCESSORIES Wiii( DAYS 10·S:JO -NICiHTS 7°t-SU,,.DAYS 1.t IRING THIS AD fOl FRIE GIFT -""-• S41·ll47 1871 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA SEASONAL CLOSE OUT PATIO SPEAKERS Now Hea1 Thl1, ap•cial deal 10 you can hixv1 rauale ouldoor1 0.1 will aa In. (So lhat'a wh•r• lha1 hummlng In my head I• coming Jrom.) Mali• a rr1mendou1 1a.,lng1 on thia 1eo1or.al Item no" and !mpt911 oil your lr!1nd1 1hi1 1pri11g, IC!tlly ln11olled ond coo b1 pol pracUcally aoywber•. BEG. 19.95 MEW DESERT, AVOCADO OR MATURAL LUAM PRIMT PAMELIMG Panelin9 Iha! g091 u.p quick and 9\.,11 good loolia lor y.ar1. choic• ol 2 n1w d.corcr1or ton••· tu.II• 1: I pon•l• are pr•fl11l1hed. ,..groo.,1d. and tlC!dy tor immedlote i111tollatlon. 3 99 EA. KNUBBY FABRIC SHADE SWAG ,, \ .. Wh1 .. bublur. fablk OQ 'll1ly! Dad• '"09 'With 11' wl..., in U.. Pitch. ' " 12' hlQ'l'f mo •• chcla. tmd lcmey d ol phin brott finlthed boolt 111, \' I ,/• / 1577 FABRIC SPRAY COLOR lt•n••• ond b.cnatlll•• color ei:1 fo:ded upho.11Mry trp. fabrics. cboie• of II eolora. 9GIJY to u1•. full spray ii on, wh•n dry no on• wl.ll n1r know It wa1 old and t»at up. 139 13 oz. CAN ·-~-----LIQUID BEAUTY GOLD LEAFING KIT Genuin• gold m•lol l•afh'IO kit makea anylh!ng-look luxurious lor pennln. UM on p lctUf9L po:per. lrcim••· furolture, 1ho11, leather baq1, woodwork,wol\1, lor acc•nling. [.,•rything you'll aeed I• Included In lh• lill. 3aa EXTENSION LADDERS All oluminum •:iit.at.ion ladd.,. Gf9 a mu1t lor most ou.ldoor bom• 1'9pait or polallng Jobs. H1Iph1l ll y-ou'1• ln1tcdllng n•w roofl11$1 or puttlosl up a n•" t.I•<rlalQll!. aerial. • • 16 FOOT 20 FOOT ••• 13.77 17.77 23.77 • •••• 24 FOOT •• ••• ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Swing• CNI IO y-ou. can eleo:n both t ld•1 lrom ln•ld• lh• hoaae, Opq1 to an'f poeltion (So do.a mr •II•"• big mouth). alimUn. ll.lumbiUlll t-. rwplacn doabl• h\lllg wood Windows. f'or31"•31" For8"•4' .. For•2"• .. " 19" 24" 29" .I " ,, 7 • ' " • 7 Saddleba~k EDITION VOL. 62, NO. 26 1, 4 SECTIONS , 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3T, ·190; • LA Hijacl{er SF Airliner to m Judge Rules Tin1 Leary Faces Trial ). bitterly disappointed Dr . Timothy Leary and his family learned today th<i t they must face the Superior Court trial their attorneys fought to avoid in a i,1·cek· long hearing. Judge Byron K . fl.·lcr-.fillan orderC'd lhe lrio to return lo court Nov. 24 to face jury trial on c·hargcs or possession or marijuana and LSD. Leary, 4 9 . r.osemary Leary, 33, and John Bush Le1ry, 19, \\'Cre hooked on ti1ose char&cs la.~: Dec. 26 in Laguna Beach. It look Judge ri.1cMillan only !1\'(1 mini,tes today to deliver the n1ling he ha~ mulled over fo r the past two days . And he made it clear in his terse. sutn· mation that Laguna police officer Nc;d Puinll Y.'as fully justified in detaini ng the Learys nine months ago and in 1<'8.J'chinJ their station wagon. "Everything about the situ ation he found justified that arrest," said Judge ·McMillan ... We had the vehicle illega lly parked on Woodland Drive, tile biza r.re behavior or John Bush Leary and the alleged odor of marijuana ""'afling from li:o; car. '''T'he officer's action v•<i~ reasona bl('.'' Judge f.1c ~t i !lan sa)d . '·I'm going to di~miss your motion !or suppr('ssion of evidence." ll \ras a verdict lh.1l dC"lightcd the pro- !'lecution. II "'as made clear throughout the week~Jong hearing that the evcnt u;il trial of the Learys virtually hinged on the evidence uncovered by the Laguna Beach police officers and challenged by lhe Leary family 's three attorneys. John Bush Leary v.•as not present for the verdict and Judge McMillnn nn· mediately pul his name on a $5 ,000 bench warrant It i.tayed in effect about 15 minutes and v.-·as cancelled v.·hen the breath!c~"i. bearded youth, clad in crirnson sl1irt and stripped bell bot1 on1 1rouser5 came poun· ding along the co urtho usr 4'nrrirlor wlth l~g ha ir fl~ \ng In l'xpla111 !h;1t ";1 1ni~ur.derS\;Jnd ing \\'llh 111y dri1·cr ' lrd lo the delay. At!orney 1\1arvin Cooper. yo11ng I.Rary·.~ defen se co11r1srl , took o•·er speaking (See LEARY, Page t 1 Regional Vie,v s On So uth Count y Se,vage Studied By RI CHARD P. NALL Of Ille O•llY '11111 Sl1!1 Officials of the s1nall and large \.\"ater Snd sanitary districts dotting the ~them half of Orange County are slu· dying possib ilities of a regional approach to gro\1·ing sewage disposal needs. Directors of spraw ling Moulton-Miguel Water District thnl reaches back to in- cliidc part or t.1ission Viejo recently authorized about $2,000 for staff time to carry forward investigation of a joinl- powers approach. to se\1·agc dil'posal. Carl Kymla , district managt'r. said !he cmcept env isions disoosal of secondar ily treated sewage into the sc;i. It could in· vo~t all agencie.~ from South Laguna to San Clt'mente and inland. Tht gravjty routes or disposal , said Jl.ymla, would be the Aliso Crcelt drainage area and the San Juan Creek drilnagt ireit -both n a t u r a I walersheds. Kymle said the regional approach en- visions each p.nrticipating agency car- rying a pro rata share of the cosl~ of futu re facilities that would be coostructt:d lo,handle gro11.•th in Lhe area. "We're all virtually al the poln~ "'her!' \\·e ha1·t got to go jointly or i:l'ilvidu<'liy," aald Kym la. He said that Dona Poirt , L"apistranb Br.a ch and San .I u ,'I 11 Capistrano have lhrcc small t1'r:-.t1ncnt plants that are sicle by suJc. An envisio ned benefit of h1rgt r !>Cl''a ~r t1eatment facilltles 1vould be eronomy of operalioo. Such a facility woUld probably IS.. SEWAGE, P1ge %) -~ ezz ement its OA ILY ,ILOT ,1191•" J-V•n•n• PAVEMENT CRUSHER CONSUMED BY FLAMES AFTER DRIVER RUPTURES GAS LINE IN NEWPORT The Internal Combustion Engine Turned Over and the Combustion Quickly Becamt External Jet Hijacked-to Egypt Youth Wields Rifle Aboard Los Angeles Jetli ner BAi\'GOR, :O.la1ne !LPll -A riflf.'· v.1eld1ng ~·oul h . described as a cleancul "all-An1erican" type, hijacked a Jl'lliner 01 er California loday ant.I began a hop .. scotching trip to Egypt . The Trans \\lorld Airline plane, a B{K'- ing 707 bound front Bt1\timore lo San F'ranclsco, v.as hijacked after leavir.g Los Angeles on the last leg of the flight. The hijac ker had boarded the pla ne at Lo!' 1\ngelcs. The plane was flown baci( to De n\er where lt refueled and lel off GOP in Anaheim 39 p<1ssenger.~. The hij acker said he 11;inted to 11.v to Egypt. The plane put dO~'fl again in !'\cw ','ork lo refu el hut was ~arcd off by FBI :Jgcn ts ;ind flc.w on to Bangor to complete re~ue linJi . Apparently still headed ror Egypt. lhe pl ane was cleared for a flight to Shannon, lrrland when 1t fin is hed refueling and left Ba ngor International Airport Rcfnre le;11•ing BanRor, the hi1ackcr - radioing instructions from the pilot to Lht. Milias, Conrad to Make Secreta~y of State Bids By GEORGE SKELTON U,1 ,.i!llCll Wrli.t Assemblyma n Geor~c \V 1\tilias is ex- vect~d to announce his cand hiacy for secretc:ry of slate at the annual fall con- \·ention of California Republicans 11.·hich opened today at Anaheim's Conve.ntlon Cent~r. Asiemblyman Charles J . Conrad. <R- Shermnn Oaks), said he also Is "in the race unless circumstances indicate I have no chance." Milias, a Gilroy Tancher and former state Republican-chairman, called a MW$ con{erence for Sunday at which sources ~aid be will become a candidate for the job now held by 1he ailing Frank ~1. Jti rdvn. .lord\1 !1. '1 h~sc fami ly has occupied the I f:Jrt! for 3JI hut tWO Of the pasl 59 years, :-:uffl!red a sev ere stroke May l and since ll~n h..1s been parllally paralyl.Cd and unable to speak . He is RI. About 2,000 delegates are expected ta auend tJ)e lhree-da1 convention of tht Republican State Cent ral Committee -a mcetins party officials hope will serve as ;i pre·el('ction yea r pep rally. Stale:. Chairman Dennis Ca rpenter o( Nf!v.·port Beach described the convenUon as a "workshop session lo 11:ear up" for the. 197U campaigns:. Gov. Ronald Reagan will be the keynote speaker Saturday. U.S. Sen. George Murphy iti scheduled to deliver a major Vietnam acldreM Sunday .~ Other -apeakers will Include Harry Dent, d!!?Jty counsel to President Nixon, and Mt'!l. Patricia 11itt, Ion gt i me CaliJorrita GOP leader who now ls an assistant secretary of 1he U.S. Depart- ment of Health, Education nnd \Ve\fare. Just aboul e\•ery major California Republican leader plans to attend the <.onvention, which will provide offi ce ~ekl'r5 v.·ith an opportunity for 50me private politicking .. ~lil\as . 49, h11s been an aAAemblyman since 1V62 and is one of the lq1slature'1 major comtrVaUooilb. ' control tower -commanded pcri;on~ watching from nearby \l'indows and rtoor\\·ays al the airport and a nearby factory to duck out or ~ight. Authorities had sealed off the refueli ng ••rea before the plane landed in Bangor al 10·13 a.n1. PST. It departed in to light \\'inds at 10'.52 a.m. Al>out 75 stale and local police and !'hcrHf':;; officers were on hand as the plane landed and taxied 100.,'ard the (See ffiJACK, Page Z) Police 'Save,' ,r Then Arrest Man on Drugs A Laguna Beach man who assertedly told police he had smoked hashish and thought he was going to die was taken to Orange County Medical Center Thursday night , then booked inlo !he CQUnly jall on suspicion of being under the influence of drugs. Camille Predetle, ,18, who gave his residence ns the Del flu-lno Hotel. 1?39 S. Coast Highway, walked Into the oflfce of Wind Ambulance, 1867 S. Coasl Highway at 11 :46 p.m. and, poHct said, begged an attendn nt to "save my lite." Officers summoned by •the ambulance firm placed Predetle ul)dez:-arrest and too~ him to !lie medical ctnler for ex- amination. Stock Marketa NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market moved moderately htghtt In active trading late lhil' afternoon. (See quota· Uons, Page."1 ,10-11 ). It was a '"normal Friday market with Mthlng spectacul1T happening," said Alan Sbaw of Harrb Upham • Co. Worker Escapes Newport Beach Gas Main Blast By .JOH~ \'ALTERZA Of th• O•!lf ,1111 ~1•11 A Santa Fe Springs man operating 1' pavement crushing machine narrowly escaped being burned alive in Balboa Thursday ~·hen il\e crusher broke a gas main, causing an explosion and fire . "Red "' Ch<idsy, 2;), driver for the Cabildo Corp., jumped nff th<' tractor-like machine anrl esca!)('d with a singed beard and a few blisters. The ensuing hla1.e caused by ru shing p;as shooting through the pavement at Cypress Street and Balboa Boule1•ard destroyed the $11,000 machine and kept firemen busy for more than 30 minutes. firemen cooled the red-.hol tractor with hoses then summoned another tract.or lG pull the burning rig off the large gas leak. "We had to cool lhe thing down con- sidel'ably before pulling out the gas: fire, ()r el.!e the hot meta l would have caused another nash and possibly an explosion," Deputy Chief Leo Love explained. As soon as the tractor was pulled away, firemt>n moved in with heavy ex· tinguishers and smothered the burning gas. Crews then set lo work repairing the leak. They worked Into the night plugging up the hole in the main. Firemen said Chadsy was breaking concrete ror a small trench along Cyprun when the chisel blade ruptured &he pipe. The driver got down fnlm the machine and shut the machine ot'f, but a forema11 advised him to slart the rig again and drive it off lhe leak, firemen said. Chadsy turned on the switch, firemen !laid. and !!parka In the starter touclled off the explosion. Mike Macy, 17, Balboa, •aid he waa riding his bicyc le "when, all of a sudden ... bo<lm." "I !'iaw the clr lver run Into a ga 3 station and the whole pavement was on fire," he said. Ch11dsy declined trealmenl for lhe minor bums &Iler I.he ' p.m. miah~p. firemen said. • Today's Final • N.Y. Stoek.9 TEN CENTS Egypt ' DA Claims Viejo Man's Toll Rising By TO:'!f BARLEY ot llHI O.llr l'lllf 1!1H District attorney's investigator1 today alleged that Richard Winters Burke embezzled more than $27 ,000 from the county clerk's office and hinted that the tally might climb even higher before they complete their probe. Chief Deputy District Attorney JMne! Enright confirmed the est imate today and said the Burke, 27, or 26372 Papagayo Drive, Mi ss ion Viejo, may face an maoy as 71> counts of grand theft when the in- \'estigation is completed. An initial examination of Burke's bank. Ing lists when he surrendered to sherifl 'I officers a week ago indicated that the alleged ernbe:ulement might be in lht range of $.5,000. But a fuil scale probe by county audllor Vic Heim's office has un· covered discrepancies wnich are now above the: '27 ,000, Enrig}\t said. Burke is due to appear tn Santa Ann t1unicipal Court Monday to answer to grand theft charges. Burke nllegedly admitted lo In· vestigators and sheriff's officers thal he had embeule.d an exUmated SS.000 dur- ing the course of'hls banking duties "to get the creditors off my back ." His alleged embt>zz.Jemenl was un· ('overed dur ing a probe by lhe Orange County Grand Jury auditor. Faced wilh the accusation Burke made an overnight decision to surrender to sheriff 's in- vestigators. Enright today said that Burke's alleged pattern of embeulement followed the line indicated by the popular county employe when he fi rst surrendered -the lifti ng of $200 from various bank deposits during his first year of employment. But investigations have indicated, Enright alleged, that Burke stepped up his unauthorized take to the point where. in the second year of his employment, he '.l'as taking $500 at a time from the. deposit! and cleverly forging the tally ~heets he had lo submit to his office and the county aud itor. Counly Clerk Wil\ian1 St John was not available for coinment todt1y . County auditor Vic Heim 1,1•as not in•ailable ror comment today. Deputies of both men declined lo com· ment on the new development in the Burke cha rges. Can1ill c Victin1s Ge t S:> Million a Week \VASHINGTON (UPI) - Govemment disaster loans ' to victims of hurricane Camille art averaiJlng more than SS million a week and may reach a fina l total of $200 million. The Small Business Administration said-Thursday it ha1 already approved 3,795 such loans lo \'ic- tims of the Aug. 17 storm. Oraage Coast Weather Surprise; it's going lo be • nice weekend. with su nny skies prevailing over temperatures ranging from a comfortable 75 along the coast to a sweltering go further Inland. INSWE TOD..\ Y The renowned Stuttgart Bal· ltt comts to Southern California next tofek, with a former Smita A non playing a feoturtd ro'4!. St.t todau'a \Veektnder 1ecttan. llMti"' " C.M ... 11111 I c .. 1lltt.1 "'" '""Ct U ,_,. H o.Mll ,._llcH I Dlw•c•• n 1.i11o1111t ,... • 1""'11111"'.-.t I ,..... 1•11 -" AIM L.....,1 11 --· . Met"'" Lit-U ,......... D-H ....... 1 ,..... " __ .. "ewt f-1 lk"M C-llt I S~fllll ,.,,., 1' ... ,_..... n.Jt ""'"' , .. ,. ,._., fllll•r'll,... ,.,, ,,......... ,, ,,..,.,. U.J• WMflle• 4 • .,Ill ._.. ... ......... ..... ,,.,. .............. 1 4 C4S \S.'c,z; ;; Y,+ "1 + 4,4 4 a'·'·' 4 e 4 •.•ca c.e s.s.o.a 4,• cc c,: :: e; P ,l ,f ~¥ -. . I DA.II." PILOT L Fr!d1Y, Oc:tot>tr 31, 1969 From Page J LEARY • • • ... C'hore5 for the Leary 1roup alttr Judge McMill1t1's ruling to prtdlct that "there will be no trial Nov. 24 and it ls doubtful 11 there will be 1 trial be-fore nu\ Mil· -· "We ire today going to the District Court of Appeal to seek a 11:nt of pro- hit.ilion aga inst this unfair ruling,'' Coope-r said. "Our argun1enl will ~ that tt.e defendants' rights have been violated, that thtre is unshak eable el'\dence of pre· judice against Dr. Leary and his family and that in11ufficient atlenlion has betn paid by this court to that factor, "lf ·we gel 110 satisfaction there then 11·e 11·ill go to the Federal Court and to the Supreme Cou rt if neceszary," Coop«r said ... You C'an rtl!l assllred that it "·ill be a !oag, Jong lime before Dr. Lea ry and his famil y go on trial if indeed they ever d " '· The LSD cu l!isl, apparentl y shaken as J udg !'. ~1 c,\1ll lan deli l'ered his ruling, recovered his habitual composure of grins, winks and nods to assure the courthouse at large that "y,·e are fi&h lfng for 2fl mlllion An1ericans and we aren't through yet. "Too many people pay too much al· ten tion to how vou look and how you ~mell,'' Leary siid. Motel Dispute Will Be Sent To City Council A dispute Mtween tenants of Laguna Sands, !~fl S. Coast Highway, and \~ouJd. be developers of the adjacent Sho;ils i\totel y,·il! be carried b~ appeal to the l~aguna Beach Clty Council Weenesdlly ni.eht. Planning commi.~sioncrs. a_fter c~n· 1lucting several sessions. including on-site lnspectlons. on Richard Burt's reque~t _for permission to add 32 units to the existing elght apartments at the Shoals. ruled to grant his rKjue.st Oct. 6. A number of conditions regarding pedestrian and vehicular access were at· tached to the variance in an attempt tG solve the problem ol joint use of a n.ar· row ex1ension of Bluebi rd Canyon Drive which runs from South Coast HighY.'llY to the oceanfront betv.'een the l w o establishments. Sands 0Y.11er-tenants objected to the proposed use on grounds they v.·t re re- quired to pll\'e the ro11dv.·ay unde~ a 1960 ''ariance and were guaranteed its use. Planning comn1issioners ruled that eK· elusive use of a dedi cated public right·Of· \l'ay cannol be granted, regardless of who pa l'es it. . Agreeing that traffic problems might i1rise, the commissioners. after con· !erring v:ilh owners of both properties, set up a number of conditions to ease the traffic situation and had asaumed lhe matter settled until Sands owners an· nounced their intention to appeal their case to the city council. College Official Seeks State Aid Saddleback College Supt. Fred H. Bremt'r tcxlay v.·as back fr om a trip to ~acramento Thursday in y,•hich he oought ~tat<' funding for a college library building. Dr. Bremer said he talked to Ed Ro&ers. act ing chief of planning for the Califomia Community (Alleges. who said he would try to push the application through. Sarid!eback is seeking up to 60 percent state aid on a $4 million library building planned for occu pancy in September, 19:-Z, if I.he application is approved. Bremer, accompanied on t he Sacramento trip by college archit e.ct Robert Lowrey, said Rodaers !old hiln Sadd iebac k ·~ application \\'OU]d he gil'tfl ~pet1 al auentl on. It w11s sub1nit ted later th.1n otl1er junior coll~e applic ation~ but under a recently pas..~ed statute giving nev.· junior colleges a brta\c '.'r.Wl the state IA'gislature approved a hill last .~um mt'r. Junior co ll eges v.·ilh low in111al enrollment such as Saddleback \\ere in~ligible for sta te building ~id heca11~e thei r assessed valuation per SIU· dent 1~·as high . DAllY PH IJT ClftAHGl C0411 l"IJI\ l ..... tHCI COM,..lll't' lt•b•rt N. Wei• Pmlfo:nt 1111111 ,,,_,WW J•ck t. c.,1.., Vlot t•n1'-I .... ~ fMllltfl r•o"'•• 11;.,,11 Etllitt Tllo"''' J.. M11r,lli~11 ~ ... ldl ... ltich•N r. Nill , __ '"" l:tllor L..-..... Oflk1 1JZ f•••d A,,, M.;u~, J.ttlll••lt• r.o. ••• '''· tJ••z ~-c.t. Mii.i< )Jf Wn! ,.,. l•-9 ,._., .. a.t~: 1)11 _, .......... ...,.,. ti..........,., '-<II: -s ... '""' . Dir\.• •it.Ot """' -.ell II c ...... ""' ,....,._ • .....,... -"r •uw1 .._ ...... _... ... ,.... ... -"""' l1FP7 ell -· H..,.., ...... c.t .. ................. hMfo .... "-" .. Ytf. ........... -... ,_, .,....... ........... II lltll W..1 1.-............................ ""' .. , JI""'' GwM Miit. , ..... 011 1114) ., •• , ... Clra.r.._ t.,u. MJ-401 C-rllf'I, -. °'-c-1 '""''"'"" ~ ....... ,...... .._, ..... .. ..... ltl """"' • ,.,....._ ..... "' _., W , .... I.. ......... -i.t .. ,. ....... _.......-. ..-.. c-...... ""' ti """"""' ...,.. ... c ........ C-• ........... ....,.,i.t ... h --... _...,,, .,. !!Ml! .... _.,.., _....,., ... Ille! ....... --If· Boyle Gets lVord Kopechne Case Inquest Date Due EDGARTO\VN. fl1ass. (UPI ) Edgar!own District J1idge Jan1es A. Boyle today rcce1vr\i the decis1op oi 1he t.Ias::.arhust•lts Su pren1e Cou1·t on the fl.ennedy inqu est ease und said he would .s1udy it before setting a date for an in· quest. di!qua!ify Boyl' from future proceedings. Kenned)', 111 Boston lor a speech, said l;e was ''deeply ~a1 bficd tl1 at the Suprern e Court h11s acted expeditiously. l"n1 hopef ul th;1t any additional pro· ct·edings that will be he ld will be held 'ery soon." ATTORNEY GEORGE CHULA, ROSEMARY ANO TIMOTHY LEARY ANTICIPATE COURT DECISION C'otirl Clerk Thri n1C1s A. Teller m<1dr 1l1e ar.nounccmenl artl'r 1nec1 1ng l'iitll Bo~le this n1orn1ng . "\\'e talked j1ist br iefly," Teller said, "lie JUSt today received his cop.If ol rhe det·ision nnd he "s goi ng to study it before n1;iki11g any decision aboul a dale for tl1c inquest." t-lussachuse\ls Attorney Ge n r: r ii l Rfl bcrt H. Quinn, 1vllQ rl·prcsentel.I Boyle befvrc the tour!, snid the ruling gener11lly ~uppurted the slate's po~ilion in the c:<i~e. "The only varia nce 1\as in lhe clos_cd uat11re of.the hear ing.'' DAILY "ILOT '1•fl "~o1M H was e.~pectcd that Boyle V.'DUl<l set a d:i1 e sometin1c next week. Tharsday the State Supreme Court granled a request Uy Sen. Edward M. Kenn edy to bar the public and the pres s lrom an inquest into the death of Mary Jo KopCchn(', but re.fused to allow other p1C'as by thl' senator's attorneys con· l'C'rr1ing ground rulrs fur the inquiry . The ful l bench of the eoutt Thu rsday broke a legal tradit ion dating to the 19th crr.tury ln ru ling that all fu!ure inque,•ts in f\1ass<1chuset1s "be Clos ed to the public and all news media." But the court denied Kennedy's con- tention inquests are "accusatory" In nature, requiring that V.'i\nesses be given all the safeguards of a crim ina l !rial. The The court, in re1·iewing the known circumstances surr ounding the death of tlli~s Kopechne, a pJsscng f'r in t\f'nnedy's car when it pl unged into a tidal pond on Cha ppaquiddick. Island July 18, said "A ll e1·enls relating to the accident. including !he scheduled inqu est. hare been given t>>·l c1i.~ive coverage by the lot:il, nat;'Jnal and ln!ernntional 11e11 s n1cdla.'' 12 N e'\'Smen Keep, On With Trip After Crasl1 AFTER JUDGE RULES, DEFENDANTS AND ATTORNEY REAPPEAR IN COURTHOUSE CORRIDOR court described inquests a s "in· ve.~tl,gatory.'' r;LA OSTONE. Australia IL'Pl) -,\ PUC Approves Changes In Coast Bus Service Orange Coast bus commuters will find new scheduling designed to impro\·e Harbor Area bus service connections and halt a continuing money loss for the optrat<'lrs in effect beg!nnln& Saturday, The nine schedule changes requested by the South Coast Transit Corporation and Santa Ana Transit Corporation ha ve b<>en appro1·ed by the -Ca!Hornia Public Utilities Commission. All Sunday and holiday bus service \Vi!l be? discontinued <'In the Santa Ana to Balboa Line. fl.fonday through Friday, the line \\'ill C>perate on a fiO-minute headway from 6:li •.m. to 9 a.m .. and from 2:30 p.m. until the !UC. 5:30 p.m . bus leaving Santa Ana. A 5;45 a.m. Saturday run 1\•ill be e\lminated. but there \viii be no change from 7.4:. a.m. until the last 5:45 p.m. trip fr om Santa Ana to Balboa . Ail trips on the Sa nta Ar.a to Lagnu a Beach line will go via Costa Mes a t11on- clay throuF(h Friday, \\'Ith one round tri p per day added to the schedul('. "\Ve hope by changi ng the times around it will make things n1ore con- venient for people in the Costa ~1esa area,'' expla ined George A. Cordier, manager of the tran sit systen1. There will be no change in the Sanla Ana to Laguna Beach schedule on Saturdays. Saturday service on the Sant a Ana to Huntington Beach and the Santa Ana to El 1t1odena lines \Yill be disco ntinued. but Monday through Friday runs \\'i ll remain just the ,_.same. -,, . Laguna Group to Discuss Drug Cou11seli11g Se1·vice In Its Y.'ide-ranging !7-page ruling, the ~n1,1rwha l unnc r\·cd party of 12 !ra\'elin:;:- court said inquest \\'ilnesses "may be ac-rt\1·sn1cn, in(·lu<ling Orange Coast DAI LY c6n1panied and adv ised by counsel whi le 1-"lLOT Editor Thonias Kecvil, has con. in allendance or testifying at an inquesL" The court left to the discretion of the !111ued on aft er nar ro\vly escaping death presiding judge whether lawyers would here Thursd;i y in a hellcopter crash. be allowed to cross-examine v.·ilnesses Three Austra lian tourism officials were From Page 1 SEWAGE • • • and present evidence as Kennedy 's al-1· htl b d h th s·k k S2 qualif ... -more readily for fed er a I s 1g Y urnc w ~n e i ors Y ,, torneys had requested. assis tance than would a proliferalion of The court set no date for the inquest chopper plunged ba ck onto the Gladstone sn1 all er projects, officials believe. but said its ruling "should not hinder hr Airport ru nway seconds after takeoff, Ourlng a recen t meeting of the delay the pending inquest." The inquest, burst into flames and then explcxled. originally scheduled to begin Sept. 3 Two othe r persons reporledly suffered !'.loulton-Nlguel \Valer Distric t board, before Judge Boyle, was postponed pen-minor cuts and bruises. but the five in- 11 ar Hanson, board president, expressed ding Supreme Court review of the ground jnrcd continued on lo Jleron Isla nd, off co ncern over future sewage effluent sta n-n.:les. the Great Barrier Reef, and ha ve not ~et dnrds. The court rejected Kennedy·s bld Lo bern Id entified . S~i d Hanson, ''all the conservationists Telrv ision news rrporls Thursda_v night mentioned a f:itality anion~ the 12 nil over the U.S. are getting more and Co •1 S passr.ngers or crr.w of two, bul U1e story inore alarmed about outfall. . llllCl tO ee pro\'ed erroneous. •·oo we fa ce any ris ks about (sending T~l rphone co1nn1unitalions to thr area. to the sea) this tremendous quanity of s d M 1 2GO rni les north of Brisbane are crude and secondary treated sewage?" tu y Oil ote s Uri!ish Overseas Airways Corpo ration ex- Don Piersall of Boyl e Engineering Co. ecutives said tcxl ay il takes a day and a .said, ''Secondary treated sewage seem~ Laguna Beach city councilmen will be ha lf lo p11t a call through. acceptable to conservationists now. brought up to date \Vednesday night. on 1'he distingu ished group or travel \\'here are you going to go with it? You progress or a fea.s !billly study concerning writers v.·ere on the inauguration flight of can't take it inl<ind."' deve!opmeritof ahotelconferencefacility BOAC service fr on1 Los Angeles to 1-fanson asked about the flap over Lake on the c1ty's Main Beach property. Brisbane and had taken the side junket Erie se\vage and was told that y,·as ra \Y A study of the so mewhat controversial \\'hen the near-fatal crash occurred. sev.·nge. He commented that it was dlf· proposal was ordered by the council la~l !\1rs. Keevi l, assi~tant promotion dir,c· f1cult to foresee trends eddlng, spring from Bud Holscher and Asso-tor for the Hunting ton Cent er in Hun· "soinetimes after you solve a problem l'ia tes. \1·hich next week y,·ill present tJn !!"tnn Beach, acCQmpanied her husband )'011 get some excitement nationally." the initial part of its in l'estigation . This on the ma in flight, but had remained with Frank Fehse of the Santa ~targuen ta 1''i!l be in the form of an economic study rr l;iti\'es in Sydney. \\'ater District staff said there ser1ned a prepared by llarr i~, Kerr, Forster, All 12 persons aboard the comm u!rr grnwin.__. dedication ainong officials of s~l alists in detennlning CC'ono111ic helicopter took col'er nea rb.v, barely :~gencies involved in putting toget her feasibility of proposed ho tel Installations. before ils al'iation fue l ex ploded in a hnr- •·somc type regional approach.'' Sarne metn OCr s of the council harr. rrr;rlou:s. bl a~t 1vhich hurl ed one. wheel 400 K;»mla said a joint po11'ers ai:ireement lean ed toward including a hotel-con· yards aw ay. v.·ould involve a great deal o[ legal and ference facility in the ~1ain Beach park The lnfonnal1on fr om BOAC t(lday did l ngineering work but mosl irnportant development to provide revenue to hel p not specify if the tourist sroup continued \1ouJ;! be agreement over funding of support the area purchased for about $3 on the isl11nd trip by helicopter or other Laguna's coun.-:eling service for students and parents in1 olved j n narcotics prob)e1ns or 111 need o[ psychologi cal hel p will be rl t·sr ribf'd al the !\fonda y, Nov. 10 meeting of !he Laguna Coordinat ing Council , Coordina11ng Council v.·ill be asked to hel p 1_T_"_'_1 i~ci:p~a;Lin;g;';'';";';i';';· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;i;ll;'°;";· ;;·····;;;;;;;;;iiiiiliiiic;o;n;l ';Y;';";';''•iiiii;iiilil;;~=-underv.·r lte lhe program. Other ltPm~ on the yrn1th-orit>n1rd rrn- gru111 11 111 he a rr'p11 rL fron1 Hollt'l'l I-Hr-hard Hollister, director of pupil ~rr l'ice.~ at Laguna Brnt h Hi~h Sl'hnnl 11ill discuss. counseling av&i lablc on n~rc<'lties and other problem s and !-.!rs. tlf.1rv ~lrl;inson. ra~(' \\'flr k ~.11prr1 1<.or rnt Ctitho lic \\'elfarc \1 tl l t<'l l t;f ('H\ll1Sr.!i11g f',11-rn ad:.Jlts ;ind ~'Olllh 1n th e p;;~ t.l1nln15Jc;1 I are;i . 'l'l'e Laguna program is_ 11ndrr111·111r n h.1" 1hf' Laguna Bea<'h Cn1nm1111 .1 ~· CIK'<l for one day of counseling a wrr.k . but 1!r- n1and ha~ been so gre11t a sei.:nnd day of serl'1Ce has been add ed . f 11nds raised in !h.e c•Jn1 1nun.iJy are r,rtr!~d lo f1n;i~cr the t 1ttn1 ro1in~eling day and organizations affiliated 1\')th the Heeres, pri111:1p;d nf L;1c:una Bench High ~chool, 011 d1l f1r·11lt11·~ that h:1ve ari ~r n f:·r,111 lh e srhool'i< lnclus1nn 111 a CI F ;t1h lrllc lr:ign"' nl fnr l!lrgtr hig h ¢f'hnnl.'\ nnd al11'mpt~ th:it p.1rents c;111 hrlp rn ,1\.;e It cnr rer'l th~ ~1to;1\n111 A ~i)r:1hrr l1n111 i\r11 11n~t Hr 11l1 \1 111 dn\IT lbt' li!<ll r·il\'', 11r11lj H;j:,.i!ll~CJ. -Y01 1t l1 Prnhlr1n rf'n11.'r J'!lL' )llll1ir1' !• llll ti•'d In ;1l~t II \'H i "'ff fl 111. 1nret1nf; 111 1111• L.t~1:11,( I 1•dt'1 .d Buil(ling on Ocran .A1c1111r Thr Coord1na~11u: (OUJlt'd I.; 111 01df' 11p nf l !'i.~ ;:rr;i or~;in1zatir'ln~ 1\·ho~c prcs n1!'11!~. 01 :iulhorlzed rcpre.5cn!.1 11\'C:., attl·n1! n'!i.;lthlv _J1lL'Cli11,o;s to r '\changr 1n• fnnn.::!!ion and di.~tu;,s po.~~ihl" sn)11tin11s lo C'Om1nunity prohlcn1s 'l! al! hind~ l'rom Page 1 HIJACK ... i~olaled refuellng silt. Ofliciali; .<aid it v.·ou!J lake about 25 minutes lo refuel. The FBI , \\'hich frightened the hijacker 211.'ay from New )'ark, \\'BS close behind as refueling 5lartrd in Bangor. A small plane loaded \1·ith FBI agents put do wn at the airport shortly aft er the jct landed. Police removed a man fron1 near the plane \\'hen lhe hijacker radioed to the ('(llllfol tower that he saw 11 shadow and Boys Clubbers Meet Fttllerton With a 4-0 reeord for th(' season tn date, football players of the Boys' Club of l..agun1 Beach art understandably op· timistic about th('ir scheduled Ul t v.i !h Fullerton Bo)·s' Club Saturday. Sixth, seventh and t ighth grade tea ms fr om Laguna will repres,nt their club in the away gAme . More than 50 b<'ly~. one of 1hc largest tnrnoul s in Bov11' Club hlstorv. are par1icipating in ~iis year's footbii ll pro- gram undt.r the guldnnce of vo lunteer coachrs .Jero1nr. 111cr.1anus. Pa u I McManu11. St.an Moore. Carl Russo ar.d R1 t k Hendershot! . Th' boys defea ted Ri<'I J/nnflo P.oys' Club In two games and last .,.,·eek repeated tht accompllshmenl agains~ tile Bo}·s' Club or Fountain Valley. "'ant ('r: :i 11y ind\viduitl rrnlO\'f'd from 1he :C.C'C'l1C 1\uthoritif';; ~aid llicy 11•f'r e 1111abie Ill r!r.trnn1 nr 11 hr.re the hljar krr .i.tatloned hin1::rli 111 lhe pla ne as tllr rrfuclin~ began, but they ass\ln-.ed he \1•as in the cockpit "because ht"'5 ju~t. <lishing out orders an<l the pilot 1s radioi ng thrn1 to th e t or.tro! lower .. Plans lo seize tile hij:ickcr, a clcancut ~·outh of about l!l, and pn::\'rnt the 1ransa!lantlc rros:;lni; were dropped whr n the hijacke r firrd a shot in !he pla ne to sho1v he meant b11 ~inrss. The shot ap· p:.rc ntly cau~l'rl nri ~erinu.I\ 'lan1.1gr to the pressurizrd rabin of !he Jetl1nrr. The hiiacker, dressE'd in a n1ili tary tunic and toting a "su r\ 1l'a\ kit'' or !iOur and other stap)es, released the 40 passengers aboard the 13oeing i 07 Jn Den- \'er. If!' kept four cre\Vln en aboard whe n the plane left Sta plclon Int ernational Airport. .. I mean, he had to he ~on1c kind of 11 nut t n 1va11t to 110 to i\r11· York," a pO!';Sf'r,gcr ~:tid nf lh(' gl1n1nan. The p!nn!' le /I 0 1'111 t'r .'.It j 2B a n1 r sT. F i\I agents lhrc\Y up a cord\"ln arou1lfl lh" pl.'tne when J! t(luchcd '101vn 111 Oenvrr lr~t m.1de no a(lcn1 pt 10 capture 1hc 11 nirlen!1fierl hlJackt'r One of the passrn1.1rr.~ said lhe nnin l;fl,1rdrrl thr plt111{'. l \VA·s Fil ght 65 \vhir h ll'ft Rall imore. tl1c1 .. Thun;d;iy nl~hL ;i t Los .AngclP~ -th(' nrxt ID the la~t stop 011 its proJected fl ight to San Francisco. I MIRROR $80. (Wood f-onu~) Gampanil~ l ! ; DRESSER $309. IWood f t1 .. ~) Av ei!able in fwo magnilicant finish1i. Ont,• rich w•rm brown, the oth1r • l'le•.,ily b'rulhed whit1, 1tripetl in old y1ltow er1d •pricot. An ••citin9 look at• re•ionable price. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR , DREXEL -HENREOON:f:iERIT AGE NEWPO~T BEACH 1727 W11tcllff Dr., M2·2050 OrlH fllDAY "TU, f INTERIORS Profn1lon1I lnt1rlor 011lgn1rt AYallabl..._AtD-N510 LAGUNA BEACH 345 Nortt, Co•1t Hwy. 4'4-65St OPIN NJIAY ,.ll f """" Tlllt '"" ._ ... If 0....,. Ct..., M~IJ•t I I I ,, I ,, Newport Barhor EDITION * VOL 62, NO. 26 f, ~ SECTIONS, ~2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOR.NIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 I", "1%9 Emhezzln1g Loss Tabbed District attorney's investigators tod ay alleged thal Richard Winters Burke embez.z.led more than $27.000 from the county clerk's office and hinted that lhe tally might climb t \'en higher before they complete their probe. Chie f Deputy District Allorney Jamt's Enright confirmed the estimate today and said the Burke. Z7, of 26372 Papagayo Drive Mission Viejo, may face an many as 75 'counts of grand theft when lhe in- \·estigation is completed. An initial examination of Burke's bank- ing lists when he surrendered lo sheriff's officers a week ago indicated that the alleged embezzlement might be in the range of $5Jl00. But a full scal.e probe by coonty audiklr Vic Heim's office has un- covered discrepancies which are now above lhe $27,000, Enright said. Burke is due to appear in Sanla Ana T<.funic ipal Courl f\1onday to ansv>'er to grand theft charges. Burke alleged ly adm itted to in· vestigators and sheriff's officers that he had embeu.led an extimated $5,000 dur- ilig the course of his banking duties "to get the creditors off my back." His alleged embezzlement v.•as un- covered during a probe by the Oran_ge C.ounty Grand Jury auditor. Faced with the: ·otCCUUUon Burke made an overnight decision to ~rrender to 1huiff'1 in- vestigators. Enright today said that 9urke's alleged pattern et embezzlement followed the line indlcaUd by lhe popular county !fmpkl)'e (See EMBEZZLE, Pase %) Housewife Sees Red Wash After Water Pipe Cut 8y EVELYN SHERWOOD ot ... 0...., I'-II""' Mrs. C. M. Achauer \\'ashed some clothes in her Shorecliffs home Thursday and all of them came out rust red. She blames cable television y,·orkmen for the henna wash that came from the machiM at 240 ft1 omi ng Canyon Roa.d. The problem. it seems. arose y,•1th a broken y,·ater pipe along ~lcirn1ng Canyon Hoa.! and the clamagr repaired within 20 minutes, the Cablevision, Inc., crc\V foreman said today f-le blame!'i the old pipes Ln lht' area for the red y,•ash. "Tile rusty Y.'R\rr come~ from ol<I pipe~ whi ch should be replaced," Jim Blurton 1aid. Pointing to rivu1el5 of red wal_er lrJ the gutters, he said, "People drink that sturf." ~1f"!I. Achaurr still isn't satisfied. "\Ve were without water, lhen the dirty ,.;•at.er ruined my wash. We were y,•ithou\ gas, too," she said. . The crew is runni ng into som!'. d1f- flr.1.!lly in I.he area , Blurton explained. "We arc behind schedule about twn weeks, cutting througi1 18 inches ~~ con· crete. strong enough for a freeway. He has been laying cable for the past two years and noted this was the most difOcult street he had ever seen. "We will be throuah in a month ," he noted. He said it wa~ cotling about $15,000 more to lay the cable In the area than others In the Newport district. Re!ildent.s throughout the Shoreclilfs area aaid the rusty water persisted all durinJ Thursday but has since cleared up. Another Tremor Rocks LA Area LOS' ANGELES (UPI) -Anolber alter- Bhock lrom an earthquake that 11>Cked. the ScUhem California coast last week was felt early today in widely scattered: are• at Los Angeles. No injuries or damage was reported . from the temblor whi ch foltowtd ~ 1 nrlglnal quake centered aboul 70 miJu tf! the Southern Cali forn ia coo~t. Dr. James M. Brune, seismologist al the California Jnstilute. of Technology , f'l&ld the tembl or rcgi8te.red 4.0 on the Ric hter scale. The quake., which rattled wind(W.'S and 1\'111ls at the Civic Center here. compared \\'Ith the lnlU•l shock last y,·~k of 5.1\ tnd 1ub~ &emblor& oI 5.0 and 4.5, e to D.t.n. T 1" .. 0T ,..._ IW ..... ¥ ....... PAVEMENT CRUSHER CONSUMED BY FLAMES A~TER DRIVEll llUPTUlllES OAS LINE IN NEWPORT Th• lnt•rnal Combustion Engine Turned Ovtr and the Cormtuatlon Quickly B•c•m• lxttrntl Tractor Driver Escapes Gas Blast Macliine Destroyed, Operator Singed After Balboa Main Bursts, Explodes A Sant a Fe Springs man operating a pavement crushina: macllint narrowly escaped be ing burned alive In Balboa Th ursday when the crusher brok(! a gas main. ca usi ng an explosion and fire. "Red'' Chadsy, 2S, driver for the Cabildo Corp .• jumped off the tra ctor·li~e rnach1ne and escaped Y.'ilh a singed beard and a few blisters. The ensuing bla1.e caused by rush ing gas shoot ing through the pavement at Newport Island $120,000 Bridge Opens Saturday 1'cwport Island's new, $120,000 bridge will be chtiatened in dedication cemno- nies·Saturday at l p.m. City officials and residrnta will aUmd the brief dedication of the hrttt,f:. The new bridge replacm the older structure in the same p14ce'whlcll was no longer IOUnd enough for traff\c use. Before the MW structure could be built, cre\VS had to build a temporary one five 1nor.ths ago on another corner of the l!mall island in west Newport Beach. \Vhile traffic used the temporary bridge. crews wrecked tile old permarient one and replaced It. Extensive road work on 381.h Street aod Rl'l<:r Avenue at the brldite approach also was dorie along with the bridge con· struction, Solons Urge Action Against Rev. Groppi MADISON. Wis. (UPT)-Angry state 1enatpn, after dtllaliDe lhe case of the .Rev. Jamu Gf'oppl. for more than two hours, havt" 1>1-' · .. ·rao1Ution erderil'll the slate attorney general to start a civil action agaimt the militant Catholic rrit;!>t. The suit would :,ei,k lo recover damages aUegedly caused by Oroppl and his followers durtng their takeover or the Assembly chambers Sept. 21. The demonstrator!! were protci1tlng welf are cutLia.the stale budget. J Cypres!'I Strttt and Balboa Boole\•ard destroyed the SI 1.000 machine and kept fi remen busy for more than 30 minutes. Firemen cooled the red-hot tractor with ho~cs then summoned another tractor to pull the burning rig on the large gas leak . ··\rr had to cool the thing do~·n cnr;- s1derably before putllng out the gas fire, <ir else the hot nietal would ha,•e caused another flash and possibly an explosion," Deputy Chief Leo L-Ove. expll'lined. As soon as the. traclor was pulled away, firemen moved fn witl'I heavy ·f!lto tinguishers and smothered the burning gas. Crews then set let work repairing the leak. They worked into tbe night plugging up lhc hole 1n the ma in. f iremen ~aid Chadsy v•as breaking {'Oncrele for a .~mall trench along Cypress Y.hcn the chisel blade ruptured lhe pipe. TI1e driver got down from the machine and shut U1c machine off, but a roreman advised him lo start th e rig again and drive it off the leak, firemen said. Sa11d Haulers Now Follow Wate1· Line, Not Roadway By JORN VALTERZA Of 11111 Delly l'llift Stell The "high road" which .sand·hauling rnachintl!I have used to the chagrin of west Newport Beach aborefront dwellers disappeared forever 'nlradey afternoon. ~spondlng to datefts o( angry call!t about the noisy machines using a road neaf'f:st the beachfrontJ~nes, workmen Thunday removed ~ c o m p a c t e d materla! and abandoned the roadway, Prom now on the ruchlnes tvill roar along the water liflf, carrying the matl!ria; from the San\e Ana River dcsl\ncd for the coaStline.. And the next in a series of hurdles will be faced by contractor and resldtnt aUke Saturday when the schedule <:all.ol for tfia.rttr.g a rouM-the-elock · aatd haul stretching throqhout the nicb1. Plans ai-e sUn in effect tG mrt the double-shllt operatk>n to spffd up pfo- gn!l6 on the . Jand haul before winter r!Uns arrive. The road eracll8auon came .alkr a zeries al conferences betwten omctal agenc.ies and the contracting finn or Oiadw\tk. mad Buchanan. Inc., and an ·ctpn:lar rr&m •Ver&I residents. f ur weeks, oUicflll assurances that 1~ machines were not using the road were ci i!'.(;ounted by resldentl a:rid $Ctnl(: of· fi\·ia!s alike. Th4" entire project •. which i~ a ract ll;J:ainst impending winter rains , hu been plagul'd by delays and uprGar. A 40-day delay ~of u,operi1or's strlkt slowed. the:. uad. haul, thea-tbai ' '"as followed by an outcry from angry reside.nUi charging lhat the ''sand" being durnped on I.he beach wm more Uke silt, mud and weeds. The latest-outcry came because of the noisy machines using tbe high road in- .11tead or the low one .as prcimised. T.1e other potential proble:rn stilt to be faced will come Saturday when the schedule calls for a round-the-clock operation of the earth movers which will w~rk two shifts with breaks only between 5 p.rn . and 7 p.m. and~ a.m. and 7 a.m. The rc!t of lhe time the machinei; arc scheduled to rumble by -all thmugti tbe night. Mesans Finish Race to La Paz A. team. of ·eo.m Meuns pil0tln1 a Volksa1en dune buUY in the to(turoul Mex.lean 1000· Road Rate d-oned the f!ntah line at La Pu In third place today. Drlno Miiier. of 169 -E. 17th Si.,, and Vk: \li'll&0ri. of 22.82 Waterman Way, were preceded by a Bultaco 111°'91"<Y.Cle and a Ford Bronco ·pickup trUCk. especially prepared fol' the race .. ' • ~ck drlve.i:s Larry Mt90r and Rodney liall, -0r Hemet, loaged ltie-'best ~ for the m..mne racn dOwn the Baja Peninsula, 1 J1 -hotlr ·1'econt for e ·Vebkle 1llitb..fout•Wbeel.driVL - .. Chadsy turned on the switch, firemen said, and sparks in the starter tooched off the explosion. i\fike Macy, 17. Balboa. said he y,·as riding !us bicycle "when , all or a sudden ... boom " "I !'iaw !hr driver run ln1o a ga~ !ltation and the whole pa vement was on fire ,'' he said. Chadsy decliner! treatment for the minor bum~ aflcr lhc 4 p.m. mishap, firemen said. Patrol Rescues Boat Aground On CdM Beach Newport Harbor patrolm en used lhtir radar equipment early this morning to re11CUe the sport fisher "Jet" and four occu pants after it· ran aground In zero- visibllJty fog on Corona de! Mar 's main beach. The 4~foot fishing boat, en route front Octarulde to Newport Harbor, missed the harbor cnlranc~ in the dense fog and hit the beach. On board was it;; owner-skipper Robert Bellino. 45, 18543 Las Fleites Sl., Foun- lain Valley, his son, Brian, 6, John Hitch or Oceanside and PhyJJ115 Ingram of Carlsbad. Patrolmen said they received ~ di!- lresa call at 13 minutes after midnight. The boat· had hit the beach and dam- aged its prop and rudder; but -.aJ patrol- men sought the craft, BelUno powtr'!.d the "'Jet'' of( the beach. Mlnutea latar patrolmen found the drJIUilg craft·.and tend It: lo safety. Damqt figures were not aYailable. NEW YORK {AP)-The stock" ma rket mQVed rnoderately hlgber in active uiidlng late this afternoon . {Ste quota· Uonl!', Page.<1 JO.Ill , It was a "rymnal Fl1day marktt with nothing •pect.acular happenJrlg," 1 $&1d ,Nin Shaw of lfarrta Upham • Co. I Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENT~ TWA Plane Pogo Sticks Across U.S. BANGOR, f.faine IU Pll -A riOe- "-'lekling youth , described as a cleancut "all-An,erican" type, hijacked a jetlinU O\'er California today and began a hop- scotching trip to Egypt. The Trans World Airline plane, 8 Boe- ing 707 bound fron1 BaJUmore to San Francisco, was hijacked after Jea\•lng Los Angeles on the last leg of the n ight. The hijacker had boarded lhe plane al L-Os Angeles. The plane was flown back lo Denver where it refueled and let of[ 39 passengers. The hijacker said be wanted to fly to Egypt. The plane put down again in New York' to refuel but was scared off by FB! agenls and flew on lo Bangor tci complete refueling. Apparently still headed for Egypt, the plane \\-·as cleared for a flighl to Shannon, Ireland when il fini shed refueling and let~ Bangor Inte rnational Airport. Before leaving Bangor, the hij acker - radioing instructions from the pilot to tht cor.trol lo"'er -commanded persons \l•atching from nearby window~ and doorways at the airport and a nearby factory to duck ou t of sight. Aulhorities had sealed off the refuelill.K ;:irea before the plane landed in BangClf at 10:13 a.m. PST. It departed inlo lighl winds at 10:52 a.m. About 75 151.atc and local poliCf! and sheriff's officers were on hand as the p!ane landed and taxied toward the isola~ refueling site. Officials said it woulJ take about 25 mlnules to refuel . The FBI, which frlghlelled the bJjackcr away from New Yotk. was close behind as rtf~ling started in Bangetr, A sma ll plane loaded with FB! agents put down at the airport shortly after !he jet landed. Police removed a man from near the plar1e when th e hijacker radioed to the control .tower lhat he saw a shadow and (Set lUJACK, Pa1e 21 Manslaughter Filed in Crash Killing Mesa Girl T<.!isdemeanor manslaughter charges \1·cre filed toda y against Brice Crutcher Campbell Jr. nf Huntinglon Beach, dri\'Cr <if a car in a Saturday crash in Newport Beach \l.'hich killed a 7·year--0lcl girl. Campbell. 23, of 19341 Berkshire Lanr. .:<:till \\•as in Hoa g f\1ernor1al Ho~tal · recovering from 1,·g ana arm fractures received in the head-On crash on Pacific Coast Highway near Bayside Drive. Po!i-:e said hl!'i car crossed the center line and hit another car head-On, cau!'iing !l to roll and crush 7·year-old Julie Peter• of 2910 Ellesmere Ave .. Co!'ila Mesa. ,Julie's aun t, Virginia I. Peters, 24. who "'as injured. has been released from Hoag Memorial Hospital. She suffered servcre culs. Police said the complaint was granted by the District Attorney 's office. Court ~pokesmen said a warrant was to be issued today. Arraignment infcirmallcin v.·as not aval lable yet becan~e of Campbell's in- juries. court aides aakl. Oraage Coast Weatller Surprise; il'6 going to be 1 nice weekend. with sunny skies prevJlllng over temperature.3 ranging from a comfortable 75 along the cout to 1 sweltering 90 further inland. INSmt: TODAY The renownf!d Stuttgort Bol- lt:t comes &o SouthtNl California ne.tt tottk, with a former Santa Anon playing a. ftcrtuTtd role. Set: todau'1 Weektndtr sectiun. ...,.... tt c.......... , C .... 11\ell 2'·Q CIMkt 11 C,.._111 N Doteltl Nitltttt • Dl.,.ntt lJ ... llttl .... _ • •-tlllfltttll • ,,,,_, 1•11 ,tM1'9M-,. Aflfl IANlt" ti M•ll•• ' ,,,,_,..... LIC-11 + 1!§1 (-i .. !!'~<','~'·',4 ,' '.','.'.' •.•.•:•cc ca.a a cc a•~£. a a a c 0 1 0 •.t .._b,i ,ISP.S . s ,S jt . a 0££1 ' f ./.,t ,., . . 2 OA!l Y PilOT N rrlr\.tv Oc leMf 31 , 19'q Victims of County Airport Crash Improving By A RTlfUR R. \1NSl:L OI .. ~llJ l'LIM illH A party of four pe:r:sons relurnln&: from "n tvening dinner night lo ~teilco "'ht'n 1he1 r plane crashed during a foggy l::tn· rl1ng approach a\ Orance County t\1rporl Thursday are iinpro\ 111g ;it a hospital to· cl;;iy. 'T'he tw o men aorl t\1·n \\'lllnc>n \1rrr r1ther trappr<I in rllr 11rcckage nf thr Ces:.ns 310 or hurled out on in1pact 1\1hcu l'ront Page I HIJACK ... \1an trcl any individ u;ol rcinoved fro1n lhe sct>ne. Authorities s~11d 1hr.y 11cre unahlc to rletermine where the hiiarkcr stationcrl hi mse lf in the plane as th<" refu£•1ing be~an, but they as!'u111ed he was in the t c.ckp1t ''bccau5<' he ·~ JU~t d1sl11ng 011t order~ and lhe pilot is radtou1g them to tl1e eor.trol lo"·er.'' Plans 10 seiz(> the hi1acker. a c.!canc11l ~outh of ;Jbout l!L and prc1c11t the 1 r·ansa!lanl.lc rrossing 11·erc (]fopped "'hen Ille hiJacker fired a shot in the plane to ~how he meant hu~iness. The shot ap- p.!Tcntly caused no ~erious rhimagc to !he pressurized cabin of the Jell1ner. The hijacker, dressed in a n1ilitary tunic and totlng a •·sur1·h·a\ kit" of soup ~nd other s!aples, released the 4t} passengers aboard lhr Boeing 707 in Dcri· vrr. He kept lour rrewn1en C1board ~·hen the plane left Staplet on International Airport. •· 1 mean, he had to be. ~omc kind or a nut to want lo go to Ne111 York,"' a passenger said of the gunman. The plane left Denver al 5:28 a.m. PST. FBI age nts threw up a cordon around the plane "''hen it touched down in Denver but made no attempt In capture !he unidenlif1rd hijacker . One of the passen~ers said the n111n hoarder! the plane, T\VA ·s Flight 85 which left Ballimorc, Md .. Thursday night. at Los Angeles: -the next to the last stop un its projected llight to San Francisco. Among the passengers on the plane "'as the Harper's Bizarre. a "'ell known !>inging group. The hijacker kepl aboard \\·hen 1hc plane \ell Denrer the pilot. Capl. Donald .I. Cook: First Officer W. \IJ1lliams: Flight Engineer L. llollrath: and ~tewardess T. Coleman . All were based ;it. Kansas Ci1y wlth the airline . Three r)thc.r slewardcsses we re released at Den· ver. T\\'A officials arranged another flight I~ take !he passengers to San Francisco. The plane was on the ground at Denver for on! hour and three minutes. FB ! agents. beaded by Scott Werner, special agent in charge, tried lo talk the hijacker Cook said the hijacker demanded to go !n New York when he too k over the pl;ine ;:i\ gunpoint. Cook told the man the plan!' did not ha ve enough Juel and would h<l\e lo refuel either in Las Vegas, Salt Lake (.'ii y or Denver. The m<in told !h£> pilot to go 10 ncnv1•r :ind if there 1\'as .. no tianky pilnky," he 11 ould release the passc11gers. lie told Cook. however. he would hold Miss Coleman as hostage until he reached !";ew )·ork. Santa Ana Crash Kill s Countian A Santa Ana 1notor1~t died ;il " <!Qwntu11n 1nte1se{"!11Jn 111 that 1·11y l~tr Tnursday 1vhen tus ('ar h<luncrd oH .•not)lf'r \'eh1c!e and sm:ishrd 11110 :i 11!il1· t ',' pt'!!'. \\'1il 1an1 !1J\td \\"nght, 2j, wa<. dead on ,,rr11·al .1l Santa Ana Comn1\J1111v 11.:i~pital. Pohce said the \\'right 1·ch1llP. rebou11d rd from lhc utll1 ty after the col· !1s1on ;ind l1nal!,v came to rL'SI .ifll'r glan· cing off a parker! 1 ari . Offlrcrs ~cud \\'rlighl ~as hur lrri 1~1'lre. than 100 feet from hi s car up(ln unpa~t . ·rhere "·ere no other iri11 ries. DAllY PILOT l"llt.HC:l l "t.11 Pu•t ll>l!MG c;OMl'A.11'1' l ob••I M. We14 Pru""'"! •"" P~bl1.iin J •• ~ Jt. Cij•t1., V>U ''"'°'"' e"o G•...., .. "' ...... , Tko,,,t• tC11~il l•·lef T~o'"''' A. 1.!w ro~;"• "'-" .. l"I ld·~' J, •• ,..,. F. c .u .• , "4-1 -~ O•r i•ltor Nt.-,.rt .__. Offk4' 1,11 W11t l•lbe1 t.w l1•0<d M1111~t J.ild•tll: ,,0 , lt1 1371, tl66) 0.WOflkn Cotlt Mn.: UO oNttl I•• Sl•o•I L-IH¢A: n1 0<0<1t1 ,._._ ~ ........ _ lOt fl• 5f"HI ·- bA IL"' •tlOI, .,...,. -.. • It c.,..11,..,, ~ .. _,_ • -··-...... 1. tot•• """ ...., .............. ,_ ... i'towpett ._,,, a.ii. -· l..OIYl"e IM<h. 1>1..,..1......,. 1..00 -~111• v ......• """ •"" ...... ••Wt" ....,.,..,.. °''"'' co.,1 "'*'"'"'• \.-........... 11 ........ 11 1111 ........ eor.... lllltl.. N~"'l'll•I 11_1., .... JJO ~·· ••• \!• .... c ........ ,w ::c• 1714 1 '41·4JJI Q--1 MMnW.U Mt.l•FI CW.••• ,,.., Or-C..•11 P .... ltltllfls .::-• ,.. -llttln. •11..,,lrt !,..,._ .. """' _,., ., _ ............ ~ ... ........ ·---··-· '-!al -....... ~--·· ,_ ~ .... -·-'I •I .. ~_.. --C••• ........ , c.1-.. 1e M~•ot•~ ..., ....... ll .• _...,,/.., _,, " --"'''' "'"_., ......... _ "'·" ..-.. 1 •. \ ( the airf'raft tore throuah a ~lre fence. flipped ovtr in 1 field a~ Wl6 d9t'n0Uab· .0. Pilot Robert w. Pei-klns, $J, Qf Long Beach, president of lkaw lndu1trles in Torrance. apparently misjudged his ap- prnat:l1 In Lhe fog. hilling earth near Red J!Jll and Pa ularfno avenues. Passenger Patti f.1allas, 36. of %.12 Durh;im Dri\'C. llu nti11g1011 Beach. 1s listed in good condition loday al Costa Sea Ki11g Si11gers 1'-fesa Neinori1l Hospital. Pl!lrkl"'. h1J tlnn's vice prtsldent Ed· '®nd 0. Dunahoo, U. a neighbor In the Bln\fl Loni Buch tract, and Jo Ann ti.lay, =a. of W Gerda DrlVe, AnaheilJI, are ll.5ted in rair condition. The planr ~·as inbound !oward the coast from Ca lexico Airport al I JS a.m. Thursday when Perkin:i-radioed the. El Toro fl1arinf' Corps Air Station tower tor permission to land. DAILY Pit.OT S!tl! 1'1111• Song leaders al Corona de! l\Iar this year are ( c.loc.k\rise from bol- ton1 left ) Sue ~J ammerslag. Ci ndie Berkley, Sue Kemble. \Vhitney 'f erry. Debbie \V1ndman and (front) Teri Baedeker. Girls \Vill be in <tction _on sidel ines tonighl \vhen Corona de! l\tar gridders meet Loara a t Davi dson F'ield. PUC ~pproves Changes ,. . ~. ~- l 1i Coc1st Bus Ser1,ice Or.i11;.; Co.1~1 l1u ... ron11n11l<'r~ 11J!l (ind new ~chedu l1ni; designed In 11npro1e f!;iT"hor Areil bus se rvice. 1:on11cct1uns and h;il! a continuing money loss ffJ r the fl['tt'r.1tn rs In effect hC'£1nn1ns S11tu rday. Thr nine ~thcdt1 lc <'h:1nges requc:.lcd hy the South Coast Transit Corporation ;inrl S;inla Ana Tr ~111~il Corpora1lon !u:l\ c hero ;ip\iro\cd by !he C.ihforn1il Pubhc L:tilities Comm1ss1on , All Stind;iv ao ri hnlidr11 ht1 ~ !iC'f\"icc will FACING CHARGES County Aide Bu rke l'r''''' 1•t19e l EMBEZZLE • • • 1\ hll'n he firsl surrendered -1he llft ing of $...'J(l(l from various bank rltposils during ht~ fir~t yc11r of e1n ployment. Bi.;l in vestigation,\ have indica!rd. Enr1ghl alleged. that Burke stepped up his unauthorized !akf' lo lhe point wherr, 111 !he S"ec.ond ,veAr of hi:i;; cmploymenl. he 11 iis t;i k1n~ S500 al a timr rron1 the drpot.11, and cleverly forging lhr ta lly ~hcf'IS he h:id to suhn1Jl !o his offi ce dllld !hr county auriitnr r ,,tinty Clerk \Villiam St John "·as not n1·allab\e for romment to<l11y . County aud1lnr Vfr Helm ~as nol a\';iilablc for ('ommen t 10011.y. Oepu tles of bo!h n1rn drcltned to com· mcnt on !hr new dcvt'lop1nenl in the Ourkt' charges. be d1!i.<·rnl i1111t'd nn thr :->1<111 ;i /\11(.t tn Bal hoa Linc. l\l ond;+1· through Friday, the line \1·ill npera1c on :i 60·lflin l1tl' headll'ay from Ii J,l ;i 1n tn !l a nl.. ;u1d from 2 Jo p 1n. 1111111 U1c. la:.t !'i .10 p.n1. bu~ !ea 1•ing Santa Ana. A 5,45 a.n1. Saturday run ~·ill br. l·liininatrd, but there \viii hr no rhl!ngc. lrom 7 ·I:. a 111. un1il fhe !a~t 5 45 p.111. l rir fron1 Santa Ana 10 Balboa. All trips on the Santa An;i 1n La~nu.1 llc:1rh lir~c 11111 go 1·1a Cnst:i .l\1c~a :O.lnn- day lhrnugh f'riday. wilh one rou nd lrip per d;iy :i ddrd to tile ~chedul r '\\(' h1ipf' I.iv rhang1ng !hf' Innes arn11 11rl 1! will n1ak r thing~ rnorr con· 1 f'111r11t for fl('nplc 1n the Cost;1 ,\J i:sn ;1rr,1 ·· l''iplainr1! Grnr,gc /\. l'ord1er, tn.:ina~rr of lhf' rran~it S)~trin Thcrf' 1111! bf' no rh;ioi:;c 111 !hr San1:i An:i tn Lap:un:i llcach ~rhcdulc on :-0,11 111"1!.\1.: ~at11r!l;t \' ~1·r1 ll'C n11 thr S:n\1,1 1\11,1 In ll11n11ngt<111 l\cat:h :11u.J 1l1c 1':1111.'• 1\na 10 1·!1 \llJ{ICn<i lines 11'ill be di.~cunli11ucd , but \ln11d;1y lhro11 gh Friday ru ns "'ii! remain JU~t the :-;ltl1('. U<..: Enrollment Up Lo 106,274·; UCI Share 5,055 T11r tni1·er~1ty or California ~y:.t~m "11ro!led 106,274 :i-lt1dcn ls for the fall trnn, ;in i11rrea.~e of 7,549 01·rr la.5 t year. UC lr\'1ne enrolled 5,055 student~. up !l.!2 fr(lm a year ago. Tb: L'11il crr;itl' arln1u1islrat1on I n hcrk rle~· !'laid Tliursday thr registration •'\ccc<lcd C'~lirnaics used bv Gov. !lon ald fir:-igan in budgeting by 3.4.62 students. TJ1e Bf'rkclC'y can1p11s cnrolll.ld 211,132 . ll 111rn 41 fro111 1968, Othrr tan1pu11 r nrnlln1rnls .ind !hr (hiln~!'s frn1n a ~'e:ir : eon DJ\'i.~ !2.58.1, up by 1 L'lO : t:CLA ,11,!'!31i. up 1.939 : H1vers1rlc> 5,360. up 797 : ~:i1 Dir~o 4.838. up \.01:1. San Francisco 2.~2:1. 11p 112 : S:in!a Rarh;ir:i 1.1.734, up I 11~ and S•nla Cruz 3.J~i. vp ~ Drug Talk Sc heduled By I rvi nc Prof cssor r t lrv1nc .\1erl1c11l Srhool Prole:~~or .10hn Kramer ~·11 1 ~pea k on "Drugs in t)ur Soc1rty" Ill 7·30 p 111 ~unday Al l 'n1ver~ity 1 ·n1tcd ~fethod1st Church, 184,22 Culve r Dr11 c. lr\'ine. Dr . Kramer'.5 talk is spronsored by :t ~rour called "The Commission on Socl11\ fQncr.rns." A discussion prrlod \1·ill 14llln~ lh" l;olk. I. The Ora nce Co.inly Airport facility with Ho ~led now lnotnunont landln& if&lem Wlf.. closed and El Toro MCAS <i"thoritia were t h e r e f o r e monltorin&: an air traffic in surroundina: skies. Perkins was cleared for landi ng at Long Beach or Orange County and -for reasons yet undeten11 ined -abruptly selected the loca l airport. Jl,larine Corps fHghl control operators 1pp1rently believed the Ce1sna had 5el down seflly wbtn nolhipc rw1hlr was heard, but it had crashed UM) yards from the f'AA control tower. fred Hooper, •ir traffic control operator, found lhe vlrllms alter he opened the ,Orange County lower about 6:J5 a.m .• •bile another .staff employe /'lad spot!cd \l.Teckagc on an access road. Hooper sa id no crash had bern reported, so he went lo invest igate arxt folltld a battered, bletding won1an "·a!k· m, up the roml l.oqrd the control tower. N1mt1 were nm dttermiritd due ,,. ~nfusien at the crash .5l!t. but Hooper said one or the men was wandering around in a daze, whllc lhe other two VIC· Urns lay on the ground. The woman was unconsciou.~ and shivering, \\'hlle lhe man was awake and asked to be hospilalizt'd. and thr other couple. 11•('rP give n first airl ar the to11cr, then sent for further treatmenl. State Race Looming Republicans Open Convention in Anaheirn Center Dy GEORGE SKELTON Ul'I ,.lllHt•t WrlMr Assemblyman Georae W. ti.tilia:s is ex- pected to announce his candidacy for secretary of stale at the annual fall con- vention of California Republicans which opened today at Anaheim's Conveotlon Center. Assemblyman Charles J . Conrad, I R~ Sherman Osks). said he al!o i.5 "in the race unless circumstances indicate I have no chance." Milias, a Gilroy ranche r and former slate Republican chairman, called a news conference for Sunday at which sources said he will become a candidate for the Panther Howls Despite Gag, Bonds in Court CHICAGO (UPI) -The trial of the 1'Chicago Eight" came to a standstill again today over the issue of Black Panlher leader Bobby Sea\e's gag while ''witches" pul a Halloween hex on the cou rtroo m outside. Seale was brought into the courtroom gagged and strapped to a chair for the third ronsecutive day under orders of U.S. District Judge J ulius J . Hofrman. The restrictions were imposed to keep the national chairman or the Black Panther Party from di srupting the trial of eight men charged wiU1 conspiring lo incite riots during the 1968 Democratic national convenlion. Even though gagged, Seale has kepl up his demands that he be allowed to act as his own attorney. Today , he managed to &cribble a note to defense attorney teonard \Veioglass that "This -now is ~topping the blood ci rculation in my hc:irl ,'' l\lclnglass Jnformrd Ilic i.:ourl that Seale wa s in discoinfor\. U.S. marshals loosened the gag and began lo carry Seale out. As lhey did so. Sealt sh;:iuted. •·cruel and inhuman punishment." Sounds of scuffling could be> heard from the lockup outside the cou rtroom. MIRROR $80. \Wood F>.;,~, job now hekf by the ailing Frank f\I. Jordan. Jordan, whose family has occupied the office for all but ty,·o of the past 59 yea rs, suffered a severe stroke r-.1ay 1 and si nce !hen has been partially paraly:ted anti unable lo speak. He is 81. About 2,000 delegates are expected lo attend the Lhree-d11y ronvention of the Republican State Central Committee -a meeting party officials hope will se rv e as a pre-election year pep rally. State Chairman Dennis Carpenter of NtY.'port Beach described lht ronvention as a •·workshop seSsion to gear up" for the 197U campa igns. Gov. Rona ld Reagan wHI be lhe ft ft ft keynote speaker Saturday. U.S. Stn. George ~1urphy is scheduled to deii1·er a n1ajor Vietnam addrt>S:'i Sunda~· Other speakers \Viii include Harry Deni, depu!y counsel to Presidenl Nixon , ~ind ~l rs. Palrlcl<J Hitt, 1on gLim 1 California GOP leader who now is an assistant secretary of lhe U.S. ])('part· rnent of Health, Educa!ion and \Velfare. JUlil about every n1ajor California Republican leader plans to attend the c.onvention . y,·hich \\'ill provide office scekt:rs "'ith an opportunity for some private politicking . ~1ilias. 49. has b«n an assPmblyman since 1962 and is one of the legislature's major conservationists. . • h . -' . ,_, Cai1didates Eyi11g Ly11ch's Joh Lobby at GOP Pa1·ley By BILL BOYARSKY AP' ,..l!llcfl Wrlt.r Most attention centered on candida tes jockeying for support in sn effort to win the Republican nomination for attomey general as the GOP opened its 1969 state convention today in Anaheim . No official endorsements will be made Growers Asked Not to Irrigate Growers In the Sant.a Ana Canyon area of Orange County have been asked not to irrigate their land from Monday through WedneSday of next week, v•hi!e !ht Santiago lateral of the Metropolitan \Valer District is being cleaned and C'hccktd. The requ est came fron1 the \\'alnut C.an~·on ~1 utut1I \Yater Co .. \\'hll'h 1s su p- pl ied by the ,\Juniclpal \\'ater District of Or<tngf' Count~· The Sa ntiago lati:rat ~upplies water 10 30,000 Ora11ge County residents. who ll"!l l continue to bP served by auxiliary wells and pumps during the brie1 shutdo .,.,n. There wilt br no curtail1nent in ser1·ice other than in the Santa 1\na Canyon area, offic1cls said. al the annual lhree·day meeting of Stale Central Comn1iltee at the big Anaheim Con1·ent1on Center across the highway from Di sne yland. The nom inee is selefted in the June prim ary election. But the four inen who want to run against Dernocratlr Atty. Gen. Thoma.5 C Lynch hope to pick up pledges of sup· po rt and financial cont ributions from \he p;irty leaders atlendin~ the meeting . They are Senators .John L. Harn1er o( (;lenrlale and c:eorge Deukme:iian of Long Reach. who already have annou nced, and Los Angeles Dist. Alty. t:vc!le J, Younger and Spencer \Vil!iams. Gov . Reagan's hum11n resources secretary, who arc e'.'li· peeled to run. "'ith Republicans Reagan. Lt. Gov. Ed Rei necke and State Controller Houston I. Flourney ready to jump into the 191\l race, the GOP has only two spots to fill on nr.xt ye ars lic kel -attorney general t1nd secretary of slate. De11n1s Carpenter. o( i'\c~·pnrl 81.'ach , Hr pub!ican slate t'hairn1 a11. sale! t1e Cl>· pe(•1s all the primary foes to v;age frirnd!y c:a111pa1gn s .. .. \\'e don '! \\<int nny personal allack~ ::ind name calling or anything like that," he Sil id Tile party \\•ill also discuss how lo in· cre:ise control of the stale legislature in 1970. Campanil{l 1 ; ' DRESSER $309. IWooJ F;~i1~J Av•il•ble in two m•9nific ent ftnhh11. Ont ," rich wafm brown. the oth1r • he•.,ily l:iru1h1d wh ite, slfip1cl in old yellow end apricot, An ••citin9 loik at a rea1on•ble pric e. XOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR~ DREXEL· HENREOON . HERITAGE NE'Wl'ORT BEACH 1727 W11tellff Dr., 642.2050 ONM P19DAT 'TIL t ' INltRIOltS Profft1ion1I Interior O..sign." AYellebl ...... Al~NSIO LAGUNA Bl.I.CH :M.S Horth Coen Hwy. Of'IM NIDAY 'Tl. f ·-551 I 1 I I I I U .. IT......._ COMMUNIST WOMEN PRISONERS GIVE NEWSMEN ICY STARES 5. Vietnamese Camp OpeMCI to Pr••• to Refute Brut1llty Ch1rg11 Brutality Denied Viets Show Off POW Camp QUI NHON, Vietnam (UPI) -The women stared in silence at the visitors walking through the rows of double bunk beds in their South Viet. namese prison camp. Their eyes sho'A·ed rear, h os ti!ity, apprehensiveness and just plain curiosity. A few of the younger ones tried to muffle girlish giggles. These "'ere former workers for the Viet Con g -895 of them -and the Saigon government Wa5 showing off their prison camp to counter Communist accusations that women prisoners were being s~ared to Death NY Woman Falls to Street NEW YORK CUPl) -Rita Kerr was terrified when a man mugged her in her apartment lobby. \\.'hen the doorbtll r an g at her fifth floor apa rtment four hours later, she thought the mugger had returned. The 27-year..old Jamaican, v.•ho had been in the CQuntry only three mont.hs, panicked. She ran to lhe window, clim~ cd to the ledge and screamed hysterically for help Tuesday night She slipped. Wilm a Marlin, her roommate, grabbed her. A passerby 5aw the young v.·o- man dangling from the win- dow and swnmoned the fire department. Firemen began setting up a rescue net. Firefighter Law- rence Yetman climbed a lad- der being put into place. But Wilma Martin couldn't hold on any longer . A split·second - three feet -before Yetman got to the window, Rita plung· ed to the ground and died. Police revealed Thursday the doorbell at Miss Kerr's apartment had been rung by two detectives. They had a suspect they wanted her to identify. mistreated. Although newsmen making the two-hour tour Th ursday of the camp 250 miles northeast of Saigon were not allov .. cd to talk to the inmates, they ap- peared well fed and healthy. The prisoners, ranging in age from 13 to SS, Jive in clean, wooden barracks with dirt floors and aluminum sheet roofing and walls. There are two rows o( double bunk beds in each barrack ac- commodating 60 persons. "We agree with the Geneva convention," 5aid the camp commander, f,.laj, Phan Huu Hau, referring to the in- ternational agreement cover- ing treatment of w a r prisoners. "We never treat the PO,Vs brutally." For many, the food and lodging are probably as good, if not better. than they knew in their native villages. It is oa a par with accommodations for most Sooth Vietnamese 80\diers. The camp commander said the prisoners are pennitled to listen to the radio or watch television for two hours each evening. There are movies once a week and relatives can visit for 30 minutes each month, Cigarette Ad Ban Nearing WASHINGTO~ (U PI ) - Five years after the surgeon general's report condemning ctgaretle smoking as a menace to public health. the Senate Commerce Commitl.foe has laken a tent.alive first step toward a ban on broadcast cigarette advertising. If passed by Congres.-;, the measure would knock one of television's biggest advertisers off the air. 'I:he cigarette in· dus\ry spent ~217.2 million on television advertising 1 a s t year. ~ccording to the Federal Trade Commission (Fi'C), and $21.3 million on radio com· mcrc!al.s. The committee deadlocked Thursday on another issue - whether to let the Fl"C require a health v.·arning in printed cigarette ads. Ci garette makers have complained the FTC's proposed warning is so strong they would stop ad· vertlsing rather than carry it. It reads: "Cigarette smoking I !! dangerous to health and may cause death from cancer, cor· onary heart di~ase. chronic bronchitis, pulmonary em· physema and other diseases." Sen. '1.'arren G. Magnu!On (D -W a s h .), conunerce chairman, said the committee would meet \\'ednesday to thrash out the FTC con· lroversy. confirm its tentative vote to outlaw broadcast cigarette ads and pick a date to make the blackout ef· fective. Sen. Frank E. Moss ( 0- Utah), said he favored im- posing it next Sept. JO . in lime to keep cigarette commercials off when the ntw season of TV shows begins in September. Sen. Norr is Cotton IR·N.11.), suggested Jan. 1, 1971. Upper Newport Bay Environmental Tours No~mber 1, (Sierra Club sponsored) December 6, (Friends of Newport Bay) January 8, <Sierra Club sponsored) 9 1.m. corner of EHtbluff Drive ind 81clb.y Drive, •t h .. d of boy over• looking former Salt Worls. Two hour walking tour. For further information phone Gary James, (71~) 53b-6053 FRIENDS OF NEWPORT BAY . . ' DAil Y 1'11.0T $ Labor Loses British Seat Gift Arranged by Johnson? HEW Wants Rest Home Lcind Back LONDON (UPI) -Prime Minister Harold W i I son ' s Labor party lost a parllame~ tary seat in speclal election r"6ults announced today. Bookmakers put the odds heavily against the labor go\1- ernment's reelection in com- ing national voting. Opposition Qm.'lervative par- ty leaden hailed the special election results as indicating !My will recapture control of the Hou5e of Commons. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The federal goverMJenl want! to take back choice land o~ tained by a non-profit cor· por1lion for a nursing home in the center of Austin, Tes. in what one senator has called a mulli·million dollar ' ' I a n d grab" arranged by the John&on administration. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare said Thursday in response l o reporters' queries that it de m anded "inunediate" FREE STAND Compuler Crafted Color -the RCA color television of lomorrow -is here loday! And to celebrate rtlurn of the land valued at several million dollars. It has not been returned, HEW said. The HEW disclosure was made after Sen. John J. Williams (R·Dcl.), charged earlier Thursday that the While House helped arrat1ge the land transfer during the last three months President Lyndon B. Johnson was In of. fice. The senato r said the land was given free to the U.S. • • • • • \ • • Certatrics Cenlcr, Tnc. to build a new and Innovative nursing home. Jn Austin, the chairman of a board that wan ts to build the $3.S million dollar nursing home with federal money and free land in Austin said Thurs. day the project was "above reproach." Frank C. Erwin Jr ., chairman of lhe Unlver.;lty of Texas board of regents, a former national Democratic committeeman and a close political and personal associate of Johnson, said: "Sen. Willlam.s has aeen fit to suggest. al least by im· plication, lhal there i s something I m p r o p e r or" unethi ca l about thit wort.hwhile project. This is moat unfortunate because the project w;u conceived with nothing but the h i g b e s t motives and has thus far been carried on In a manner that ls above reproach." INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON 1970 COMPUTER CRAFTED COLOR TV -GREATEST VALUES IN RCA HISTORY Ask your Dealer about all the plus values that add up to ••• PIJJS . .. the MORE of COLOR TV ncn =-!kb Color-full compact pert.Ible. Hand iest color set 1oini'! Weida only 40 lbs., bot fe1t1tres 1 poW!rftA 21,SOO·Yolt thauis for atra.brllliant color pictures. Handsome: wood-&1'11nld • . this gala Introduction, your particl-$ 3 1 9 9 5 * pating dealer is offering an excitln2 "Kick-Off Speciah" A roll about st1nd at no extra cost when you buy this bii·SCreen RCA port1b!e color. It's a great buy on 1 rreat set Bui hurry -quantities are limited. vin~ cabinet ·2195• with luuai&-If type handle. Th9 OllUITT Modtl tlMl71 .. d11J., lO'Z 1~. In. plttor1 A Master-Crafted Cabinet and screen-size to score with any decor I a. Thrm to footbatl In vi'lid ailor. The g1mu are twice as n ciling when the old school colors show up on you r home screen, And here's a big-screen be1uly !hit brings you all the action. Has A.F.T. fer $549 95• fiddi•lr"t"'i'I· • b .A.F.T. locks color in! RCA's Automatic Fin• Tunint is completely electronic, 110 ertr1 tuninr m!lers or switches n1tdtd. And the 25,0()().voft cl'lassis aiYe' you btlt1lant color even on hard- 10101 "'""'''· $669.85* c. Come on In -the color's rrut! An investment In color television Is an Investment in furn iture as will. With RCA Color TV, you can be sure of 1et- tln1 !ht hist of both, as in this charm- ln1 Colooltl \ $63IJ5* upri&tit COOS()le. d. IMlanf:·Pic control ends warm.~ wait! Trans ViSll9 solid at11e•• color; ad· vanced Automatic "lotked·ln .. fint hllfnl ~ optionll ''Wirtlm Wiz- ml" nmot1 C1>11frd; elegant Sp.lid! "'""" 1119.15* ncn =-Cvb ncn =-(kb see your deakr today! ) c. d. ncn :t="'Ccb ' I 1 • I j l:CS.,,L!?!!!!!.,t!'!&,.,~111: .. £-~2~.~<:-~~·~·~·~·":"'•-:r•i'':''~'':"'"~" .. ":"~··~·r"'"""""'':'"""'~.··••..,, ... ""'"""""'"'""""''""'""""'•e .. "'!"""'""''~·'"·~·~1·••:•.~·•·~'~···~.·""•-• .. •i~:~.~·Tv•..,.1-... e~•~•,~·~.~·•·-:"""'"~-~-•~"""-"""·~ .. ,..,..~,.~-~~--:--:~--'I ----. . -...-~ ._ _,. • • ' ' "-,.( -" ' ,,.. , • ._. ;: • DAILY PILOT EDITORIU PA.GE Override: How Much? Tuesd ay \\'ill be the day of decision for Newport· fltesa Unified School District trustees. Jt is the deadline by ''•hich they must tell l be County Board of Education t he amount for the }~eb. 10 tax override election. In preliminary discussions the last 1wo \Veeks, !ichool boa rd m embe rs have mentioned figures in the r ange of 40 to 90 cents They have pretty well decided upon trylng t o meet school needs for just the next three )'ears n·ith the F'ebruary election. Trtls tees face a substantial list of needs including t eacher salary increases, purchase of instructional cquipn1ent. catching up on maintenance and repair, re- bui!d ini:: depleted reserves and s etting new learning ob- jectives. School board men1bers a re concerned that i( addi· tional laxes merely n1alch cost..of·living increases in ~chool operations . t hey can't keep the quality of educa· t 1on from deteriorating. l~ve n 1na1nta1ning the status quo really will very :i;oo n build up to a big and possibly devastating day of reckoning. So the trustees star t from ·the base that they should seek an override at least large enough to prevent any slippage from c urrent quality of education. The ques- tion is: How much more? Ne\~·port Tomorrow Now Every Newport Beac h hom eowner will ~oon have his own copy of a condensation of Newport Tomorrow's recommendations. City Council agreement to the massive mailing t 16,000 addresses) this week was just a nother indica· 1 ion that municipal government intends to follow lhrough with implementation of as many of Newport Tomor ro\v's li uggestions as may be feasible. Our Children Hark Back to I Basic Values J, ~~~~:~ J. Har~i s ~le watched the moon-landing this sum· mer up in the country, \\'1Lh perhaps a dozen children and tee n·agers grouped 11round the TV set. waiting for the big nomenl. Some of lhe kids w~rr townies, a nd some were tourists, all from d1£· terent backg rounds. But their reaction was prelly much the same -blase ac:c:eplancc. Aller the first momect of landing. when they knt'\¥ all was "'e\1, they rapidly lost interesl 1n lhc ripe ra!io11. So man finall y Sl'l foot on the tn~ -bl~ Ocal , A! first I \\as slanlcd, and a li11le ,:ho-eked, :tl 1he1 r response, or l11ck of it. Ti.en it suddenly brought home lo rne how the nrl\' generation re:tlly docs 1n· habll a d ifferent \l'orlJ th an the rest of llS. THEY GRE"' UP ai.:cepllng :i;uch things as a matter or course. Technology holcls no awe for thC'm. In this electronic age. nny proje<.1 i! ~ible. given cnollgh rat1encC. money and energy. Even Buck Hogers bC'came passe tn their O\vn ti me. And I \OoOndC"rC'd if their scale of \'alues \1·as not !>omeho1\' more reahstic and ~ens1blr lh:tn uurs; fnr 1hese generational prodticts of the r-!cct ronic era sccrn more humanC' than their parrn1:-. lc~s i1n· pressed \11th 1!1i;hnica l feats fl)r lheir ov.n Sdlke. IT IS IRO."\IC tlnH \IC. 111111 1!re11 ur \11th prC'~umably more h u 1n a n 1 ~ ! 1 c ,·alucs. a r!': so infalu<1!ed with scirntiflc procluc1s ,. n cl processes and Brh1rve· nlt'nts. \\'hile they, lhe first babies of the Dear Gloomy Gus: Hov; typical of our town : $3 ,000 for one city sign and we don 't even put a tiny "\\"e\comc to·• on it. -r . L lhl9 lt•l~r• Fllllt1• ..Hin' ¥1-, ~If llt CllU.lrlf7 -M ti.. ..-. Se!lllll w-"' -· .. 01_, o .... O.lly ,1191. cybernetics age, art seeking for ethica l absolutes and ~ial solulin ns and personal equations -as confused and contradictory as their quest may appear to be. •·Everybody knew we could make it up there," \Vas thC'ir implicit response.. ","'>;"ow how about seeing if \\'e can make it down here -how about using some of that smartness and sweat and dough to fix up a better world for us lo live in?"' TH E l\100N·LAND1NG w a s a ''!v1d i;ymbol of the generational gap. And it was Just as true of the farm kids and lownles as or the more sophisticated, urban, private.school youngsters -they all "'alkcd away ftom the TV sel after a short while, the way they'd turn off a ball game in the 8th inning when the con- clusion was foregone. A r emarkable transvalualion has hap- pened -£'\"en more remarkable than earthlings C'lump1 ng around lhat dear! p1rce of rock a quarter-million miles <iway. Our children, v.·ho superficially ~1·ein so "modern," are harking back 1oward ba'ilC <ind elC'mentary values ~almost religious values in their ov.·n \1ay\. while we adults worship a god ca1l- rd Science. ancl in his name ignore a 11 the deepest sublunary needs of mankind. Tli e Single Worst Thing 'rhc. house·~ 1fe complains of rising food C06l'I. '!'~e house buyer thinks new hons· ing is n11l nf )'.1 ght. New automobiles cost more lhis year. Taxes al"·ays go up. This 1s inf1a11on. It plagues evcr~·body :uld pains publ;c olf1ccrs, v.·ho don·1 like lo hear carping from the masses, Bankers don"t hke lo hear ii. either, doo 't hkc a trend v.•h1ch restricts lhe free play ol lheir Juans 10 customers. An nual dclen.se costs are $7s.«I billion. Of this, Lhe. Vienlam war consumes tJlreclly aboul $30 billion. But outside r!i rect 1IC'fensc expenditure'\. !he \V<ir sull- trad! 1t rnuch larger chunk or the gros:o; national product. DA \'JO ROCKEFELLER i.~ chairinan of lfle Chase National Bank ol Nrv.· Yor k. ::;eCond largest in lhe country. A!lend1ng the Jnlernalional Industrial Conferenct in San F'rancisco. he said: "The aingle v.·on:t thing thal has happened to our economy .• , has been !he expanding in· volvement in the Vie lnam Viar." lie said the economy was relat1vcly stable prior 10 e1Calatioo of lhe "'ar. For ;;i year man)' publicists styling 1helcse.lvct Uberals have subecr1bed to a theory that bli American Industry thrives nn the war, hence doesn't w•nt it to end. Tht e~traan:tlnary activi ty and expansion nf indUlltry depend for continued pros- perity on enormous defense expenditure, lbl':)' aver. J\IR. ROCKEFELLER, like all big bankers, iii clolel7 involved in big in· dustry•, a nd the m•M of smaller ror· porations which ~pply lhc gl:int.'!. The t.'Quallon seems simple . ,. . But it isn't. Bankers hke industrial ac· tivity and. expansion which keeps money, ""'hich Lhey hold in trust, ·working. But bankers, just as you and I, also like stability. They \Vant Lo know where they are going. For five years of Vietnam escalation, nobody ~1a:: known where it - and we - arc going. For rive years \1'e have not been grnng anywhere to meet the dome-slic needs of the people. We have a high employn1ent rate. bul that is not enough. It creates an earning elite, but it doesn 't cut ellle prices, wellarc costs and laxes, or spread prosperity to masses of consume.rs and workers. FUNDAJ\tENT ALLY, defel\9e money, beyond prudent considerations 0 r secur ity, is shot away wlthoul return. It e ngenders a phony activity without pennanence. and show• no capi'-1 gain for the nation as a whole. 11lill nation hu ne.vt'r advanced by capital aain. permitting rein\•estmenl All our wars have inlerrupted this gain. In "'a~ of survival \ll'e have sufftred I.ht in- lerruption, thankful to remain I n business. Wan of adventure, like Viet· nam. we don't have to 1uffer. Every dollar of the 150 bllUon spent in Vietnam Is out of your pxtet, and doWn the drain, ('V('n when you seem momentaMly able 10 meet your bills. There are, of course, many other steps a1iead. A major one is establishment of '''hat the city expects its ultimate boundaries to be. This means close. and pre- ferably prompt. work with represerrtatives of N'ewport's neighboring cities and with Irvine Co. planners. There will also be many Newport Planning Commis- sion and City Council hearings on various aspects of the Newport Tomorrow proposals. At th ese session s. feed- back from the public will be given thoughtful consider- ation. This is the principal purpose of the Newport Tomor· row mailing. What the homeo\vne rs a re to receive \\'il l. of necessity, be but a digest, a brief res u1nc of the recommendations. But it should "'ell s erve as an introduction lo \vhat it is all about-and it should prompt interested citizens to seek more infor1.1ation and make their views known to their elected and appointed city representatives. Newport Tomorrow is. after all, every Newport citi- zen 's res ponsibility. Windows to the Bay In a little noted action last week, Newport Beach city councilmen made it evident tha t they are com· milted to a policy of keeping public beach areas in pub· Uc use. They did it by refusing to let a Balboa Island bay· fro!1t h~eowner build a pier over a small, but popular, .SYt1mm1ng beach. The status quo was thus maintained . And the council's policy, without question. is a con1- mendable one as far as it goes. . There are now too few windo\rs lo the bay. J\1ore m1gh~ b~ open~d by the city through so1ne give-a nd-la ke ne~otiations with lessees of city-owned bay front pro p-- ert1es. fN) Esti11iated 10,000 Batte1·ed, Starved Each Yea1• Child Abuse and Murder in America By NORMAN NIXON, M.O. Of lhe nearly one thousand murders in the United States every month, ap. proximately one victim in 20 is a child killed by his mother or fa ther. Tens of thousands more are se\"ercly battered, abused, starved or abandoned every year: many die as a consequence. Child murder by parents has been reported for centuries in nearly every country. At one time, the inhuman act of killing a new·born "'ilh the consent of parents. fa mily, or community, v•;;is an acctptable melhod or family planning and population control. In .some societies. illegitimate babies, girls moce often than boys. v.·ere killed or allowed to die fro1n negle.::t and abuse. Superstition also· led lo infa nticide, particularly for "·cak or deformed infants. And in prim111vP cultures, countless infants died as ritual sacrifices to lhe gods so as lo bring good fortune to the living. E \'eryday Proble1n s LAST l\.10NTll, in lhe Amer ican Jour nal of Psychiatry, Dr. Phillip ·Resnick of Case \\'estern Reserve University :i;chool of medicine, reviewed lJI cases of filicide (the k1ll:ng by a parent of a ~on or daugh!er older than 2.J hours!. J\lore than twice as many mothers as fathers committed child n1urdt.'r. J\'carly all were married, "'ilh the mothers ran~1 ng Jrom 20 to 50 years ot <i(.!r , ll"tlllC the fathers were between 25 and 35. ~lust ''IC"l1n\S died buring the first Ri.x month~ of lifr. Dr. Re~n1<"k c:la:.:.if1cd child mun.h·rs •.\lo li re group5. j 1 ! "AL TRUl~T1 c·· f llJCIDE -t on\· ni1t1ed •·out or lo\"C'0 ' '~hC'n one '.'r both parents subsequently kille1l themseh·es, clain11ng lhcy i.:ould not ;ibandon ~heir t:hi !rlrcn : and those perpc\.f11lcd !o relieve Ille cli1ld"s sL1[fC'ring. real r~ i111agined. (2\ ··Acutely psychotic" filicide - \\'here the parents who killed \VCre under t ile influence of hallucinations, delusio1is ur tlel1rium. 'JJ ··Unv.'anted child" fi!1cide -v.·hen lhe 1·ictirn ""'as not desired or ""'as no lo.1ger \vanted by the parer.: because of 1llcgit1mac}', extramarital paternity, or ftnancial pressures. t4 1 ··spousC' re1·enge" fi licidc -those con1miltcd by one parent lo n1ake the marita, partner suffer. 1J1 ··Acc1tlental" filici<ie -those Aiio die as the result of a fatal ''battered child f.yndrornc" 1n 11·hich !he p:?ce.11 puni shed lhC' child 01·crzcalousty 111 a \"JOle nt ou t· bur~1 oJ temper. AT LEAST TllHEE·FOURTHS of a ll parents v.·ho killed their ov.'n children sho,1·cd psychiatric S)'mptoms prior to their filicide. Repeatedly they talked of suici~r and thei r concern aboul !he future n/ their sons <1nd daughters. Ac~ual\y. .nany mothers seek psychiatric he!' because of an over,1·heJming ·fear that 1hey v.·ill h;.r,n their infants. Others, equally in need of psychotherapy, do not recei\ie it becaus~ their family physi· cians, pediatricians, law enforcement of- ficers and othe rs are not aware that these mothers might act out their morbid impulses and obsession5. SINCE AN ESTJ'.\tATEO I 0 . 0 0 0 child ren are ballered and ~t.ar\'ed each year in the U.S., it i'.i im perative that e\·err case of child abusr. receive prompt int::.1 \·ention so !hat Ur. ti·.ainiing and kill· ing of inany children can be prevented. ldentirication of pa r en t s "'ho demonsliate a potential for child abusr. or 1nurder is essential. No longer should lhe cries of their children go unheeded. Parents Warned on Trick or Treat To the Eclitor ; I v.·outd like to niake a small request. Hallowttn is just a few days away. Thousands of liUle children °"'ill be go1ni; trick or lreating, their little hearts fi lled wil h joy \\"ilh the \·ision of the good1r..; they hope to receive at the door~. These children \.rust their givers. L:nfortunately, some of these gh•crs arc \ c r v unscrupulous people. They think pills or other hannlul items are great gags. fllY REQUEST IS. . 1\ 1\l you please pt1n t an item in you r pape r rcquest1nl! that all parents check thei r chiklren·s Irick or treating bag before their ch1ldre11 ent the candy. E1·en if only one child received a harmful itein 11·hich lhe parents detected after reading this itc1n in the newspaper, and sa1'C'd this child from harm, this item v.•ou ld be v.·orth !he few lines of space it \\"Ould take. Please give this request consideration, for Ille safety of all Utile ch\ldren, GAIL ANDERSON Child'• Vle ll'polnt To the Editor: This is from one of the many re:lders of the DAILY PILOT. A f t e r reading Dorothy Wenck's views on Hallo\Oo·ecn in the October 22 edition, I nearly called up and canceled my subscription. That is about the most suppressi\·e viewpoint J"ve read in 10 years. Perhaps she doesn't quiLe understand the vie"·poinl of a five· year.old child. Perhaps she has never had any children. Whatever lhe problem may be, I do hope she has it corrected soon. ~lRS. l<lllCllELE STETZEL Dorothy Wenck J'}Ointcd out soni c dangers involv'!'d in trick·Or·treating ond ,suggested the best soht1ion is to keep children hoine that ?1ig l1t and eniertain with a party. tdito r Kaiser Team An11cer1 To the Editor: The team t.eachin1 program no\• in opttaUon al Heinz. Kaiser School v.·as lhe topic of a letter to lhe editor from l\trs. D. W. Jordan (Mailbox. Oct . 28 1. Several misleading statements and a number of h.alf·trulti,, were presenled in lhe letler u the judgm~t or a "qualified ob.t;e.rver." For the benefit of U'lf parC'nts and 11tudenls in the area, the tean1 te1ehln1 staff would like to erase !he many misconceptioos arising froin this k!Uer and to explain to interested persomi Ma ilbox L~•!t•1 •ro"' rr•<1••1 a.-w•l<om• Norm•ltv .. .,,,., •"'>~Id ~o•'"e~ ''*" mr»•~• In JOO "'°'"' O• "'"" ln• .. ,Jot '" tO<\<I!"'" I"'"'' 1o "' s~•~• 01 •'•m•.,••~ lill"I 11 r&lf•ved Alt l•!Pe1~ "'"" •re+~<!• 1•Q~•lutt •.,d ..,~·+1.,9 1<1d'""· bv• ~~"'"' wdl b• ..,,:hh( d 011 ''que,1 •t ~""" ""' ••••~n io •~o&rrnt, 111r ;111n.~ ;1nrl rroccdurr. anti rr•ul1 .;; nr the. tcnn1 progra n1, BHIEFLY, oun obJt'tl l\IC'~ are rha! I !'ithtients "·ill ~et ind I\ idu<-11 goals and work a! n1axim un1 inrlt \Jr.lunl p.1cc. 2 Sl11dcn !s 11ill dC'l'C'lrJp ab1\1 ty to \1·ork 111depcndenlly and 1n Firnal! groups \\'ith a n1inirnt11n or suµcr\'l sion 3. J\ormal classroorn O~Jetli~·C's \l'ill be expa nded. 4. Stude nts \\"i!l bC'r,eli~ from m ce ef. lcc!l\"I'! C\lr rh:ulv:n pl;1nni;-g by jolnt ef· torts of \he tean1 teaching staff. The succrss of lhe prograrn has be.en 1le rnons1rated by favorable reactions f:on1 a nun1bcr of sources. RECOGNITION HAS also come from our own raculty. En1husiasm for the pro· gran1 here has resultctl in other members of the Kaiser st.aff \·oluntarily giving free lime to provide special interC!!t groups 11•ith 1nslruc tion and tutoring in their fi eld. Teacllers in lhe neighboring high school.; ha\"C informed us that it has been necessary lo re\"amp their programs i;ince these groups hal"e already covered their prescribed courses. As for 1\-!rs .• Jord an's concern for the :.tudl'!nts' sarety. th<· s eal i ng ar· rangements she mentions have been ap· proved by lhe Costa ;\·lesa Fire Dcparl - n1ent Frequent fire drills have \"Crilicd lheir opinion. DURING l\IRS. JORDAi''S on<> 10· minute observation of the class, the en· lire grou p was in volved in the annual sldle·rt'quired. llmC'd lesling achievement program. Ob viously, no special group- ing, no project activities or panel discussions. etc . "·ere in session. l\1rs. Jordan Is correct on one poin,. She 11iscovered "'hat the staff knew before in· ilialin!: lhe program four years ago - lhat the child who is not malure enough In rli~ipl1nc t1nd pace hirnse lf does nnl belong in this type of learning i;ituation. nther cla.s<;rooms at Kaiser provide. con· 5lant liuperv\sion :inrl rigid control for those students Vo"ho still need the !;ecurity of this en\•ironment. ~ llAI) ~tns. JORD,\N allended !hi' PT,.\ Back le School Nigh!, she would have Jearne(! the phi losophy and objectives of learn IC'aching. Parents a11d other interested per son.o; arr encouragt'd to \•1s1t the cla~ses for an rnt1n• 1no rning session to follo\v the gn111p lhrough the di11ly 'iChcduled ::H·- l1\·1tie; and to questi on teache rs on the goals and ml•thods. \re fC'el 1ust1fiably proud nf lhr pro· gram and lhc exce11cnl \\"Ork bc 111g done hv !hr youngslC'r~ 111 this group and woul·J \1l'lcorne \'1sJtors 11 ho can come ancl \"ie\~ 11 1n progress. THI'.: TEA.\! STAFF non Dahl, D. E. Niemeyer, Colleen Annitage, Valerie Everhart, R. L. \\'a!shc. Nancy Childs, Barbara Berger and Sue Jorgensen S ign Ques1lo11 • Tu the '£dilor: By what right does the Irvine. Co1npany use city parkways to advertise businesses leased from that company? We assume the center di viders on Dover Drive and Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach are city.owned because they are cared for b)' city work crews. lf that be true, ~·hy is the Dover Drive center divider festooned with a sign advertising their nearby shopping center? ANO \\'llY IS there a pcrm11.nent con· crelc sign placed in th e middle of I.be Newport Center divider just off the Coast l-lighll"ay? Perhaps these spaces could be also used by others for ad,·crt1s1ng and thus secure 11dded revenue for our hard pressed city finances. \\' H. TllO~IPSON Cil!J aides say tlie \Vcstc /iff sign 1~ te1nporar.11 rl!1ri11g· storm drai11 work t.o lie/µ beleaguered 1ncrclta11ts by f.etln1g motorists where \Vei tcliff Pla.za"s e11!roucc is. It will di!!appear ivhe11 tile ruo rk is over. Newport Center's pern1anent sign ivas approved bu City Co101cil mc11 re· ce1ttl11. It 1de11t1/it1 the n1!ire con1· plr.t. no! i11du;id11ol businesses, so it's occC'ptable, tllcy soy. Edi!or Tid Pln11d$ f'ef' 1;11jsrsl To thr Eclitqr ~ The injustice of the proposctl l1delancls use f~e is lhe fa ct that ov.·ners of sites 11'11h lhc privilege of oonstruct.ing pier~. are already paying for it, whether they use 1L or nol. f or example. on the North Lido Chan· nel , the 30 foot lots ,1·ith this privilege , are assessed S4,840 more than similar lots that do not have it. This means that, al the new 1969·70 rates of over 9 perctnl, they are taxed at least $435.60 more than the others. or this amount, J\'r1l'port Beach rrccil"es 61 percent or $265.72. divided: Ci1y govern1nent. 131.: percent or $58.81 : city schools, genera! fund, 43 percent or $!87 .31; pay1nent on Newport·l\lcsa school bonds , 411 percent or ~19.60, TIJESE PERCENTAGES are ap· proximately typical for all waterfront lots, v.·t1ethe r or not they have lm· provements over the tideland~. Another t>xample is a 40-foot lot, in a better loca- tion, IV11h A grealer land val lle, on which the p1ymecs -i;. r-kwport Bee::h ~ $351.52 gr."'a~er th2n !~ 40 feet or YJater frontage Iha\: b 5imll.t;ir, e.xcepl tha1 1t has no pL!r privtlzr~. Due to Lhis µayment through taxe'.11. every o"·ner of waterfront property is paying for the privilege of placing im· provements over the tKl.el ands. The amount he pays is an equitable ~um that is based upon the value of his lot and its lineal feel of front.age on the water. BECAUSE OF THE variou.s type!I o[ ov.•nership of the waterfront propertie:o;, some would pay the proposed tideland! use fee, but many others wou1d nol In spite of arguments to the contrary, the equity is clefinilely against additional • fees for con!ilruction over lhC' t1deland.o;. I own no waterfront property. F . C. \\"000 .JR. \V. Bay Avenue -~--- Frid a y. Oclober :'11, 1969 The editorial pa(1L of 1J1e Doily Pilot seeks to illform ond slim· u/atr. reade rs by presC1iting tlus liewspaper's opinio11s a11d com· rnenlary Otl !opics of iulerest a11d sig111f1canel', by providtng o fotuni lor t!it: f:'Ipre1sio11 of our readers' opi111011s. flUd b11 prt.~entinp lht dh;ersc vieui· r>oilt!.t nf 11rforn1ed oli~ervcrs onri srokesr11e11 (JI! topics oj 1/11.. '"'" Robert N. \\'eed. P ubli sher \ "' I \ -----~----.----... -----.....--......--.... ~......-----~-------·-~·~t,,...•----~---~-~------·--··-.,....,.---------~--..., ----. ~-.,, --..---......----.,. -----· ~ - f;os1a Mesa EDITION * * * VOL. 62 , NO. 261 , ~ SECTION S, ".42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 f, 01969 Embezzling Loss Rises DL4 Claims Figure $27,000 ,. • FACING CHARGES County Aide Burke By TO:'tf BARLEY Of I~• Dall~ ,.!IOI Sii" District attorney's investigators 1oday alleged that Ri chard \\'inters Burke rnibezzled more than S27 ,000 rro1n the county clerk 's office and hinted that the tally might climb even high er, before they t.::rnpletc their pr-0be. Chief Deputy District Attorney Jame5 1-~nrlght conrirmed the e5tfmate today and said the Burke, 27, of 26372 Papagayo Drive, Missioo Viejo, may face an many as 7S counts of grand theft when the in- vestigation is completed. An initial examinati'on ()f Burke's bank- ing lists when he surrendered to sherifrs officers a ~'eek ago indicated that the nlleged embezzlement might be in the range of $5.000 .. But a full scale probe by county auditar Vic Hcim 's office has un· ('Q 1·crer1 discrepancies "·hich are now ;ibol'c thr ~21,000, Enright said . Bu 1·ke is dlte Lo appear in Santa Ana '.'llunici pal Court Monday to answer lo grand thef1 charges. Burke allegedly ad milled to in· 1·estiga tors and sheriff's officers 1hal he had embezzled an extimated $5,000 dur· County Airport Crash Victinis Said Improving· A party of lour persons returning frorn an evening dinner fl ig ht to r-.texico when their plane crashed during a foggy Jan· <ling approa«h at Orange County AJrport Thursday arc 1n1prol'ing al a hospital to- da,\'. The two men and 11~10 1\'0men were either trapped in the wreckage of the Cessna 31 0 or hurled out Qn impact when 11;~ aircraft tore through a wire fen ce, flipped over In a field and v.·as demolis~· ed. Pilol Robert \\'. Perkin~. 51. nf lAnJ; Beach. pr esident. of lkaw Industries 1n Torrance, appa rent ly inisiur!ged his ap· proach in the fog. hil ting eart h near l\rr! ll i!l and Paularino avenues. P<1sscnger Palli /11allas. 36-. nf 96~2 Durham Dnvc. Huntin gton Beach. 1s l 1~ted in goo<i condition today at Costa illc~a /llcn1onal Hrispitlll. Perkins. h1 s finn ·s V1t·e prrs11Jen1 Ld· tnund 0. Dunahoo, ·12. a ne1ghbt:ir 1n !hr :;ame Long Beach tract. and Jo Ann !llay. ::5, o( 5356 Gerda Dr ive, Anaheim , arc listed in fair cnndit inn. the plane was inbound toward lhc r')ast from Ca lcx 1eo Airport ;it I: 15 a_rn Thursdav when Perkins radil}('d the F:I ·Toro M.lrine Corp.~ Air ~talion lov.·er for permission tn la nd. The Orangr Cou nl y A1rp<•rl f;1ci1 11y u:1 U, ils soph1s111.:;1tl•rl nr111 1ns1r11menl landi ng S)'Slem was closed and El Toro !IJCAS aulh<Jrit ics were therefor e n1oniloring all air traffic in surrounding skies. Perk ins \11a:i1 cleared for landing <il Long Beach or Orange County anli -for reasons }'el undetermined -abruptly selected the loca l airport. /11arine Corps flight control operator~ :ipparently believed the Cessna had set dO\\'O safely when nothing further ·was heard. but ii had crashed 100 yards from lhe FAA control towe r. Fred Hooj'.l('r, air traffic rontrol operator. found the viclims aflcr he opened the Orange County IO\ver about 6.15 a.m .. while another staff employe had spotted wreckage on an acce ss road. Hooper said no crash had been reported. so he went to in\'estigate and Found a haltered, bleeding \\.·oman ll'alk· ing up the road to<.1•ard the control tower . Na1nes \\·ere not determir1Ld due to confusion al the crash site, but Hooper s<i 1d one of the men was Y:andering «rou nd rn a daze. \vhile the other two vie· 11ms lay on the ground . Slack /llarkels ~E\V YORK (AP}-The stock market 11101•erl moderately higher in acth·e trading la1 e this afternoon. !Sec quota· tion~. Page:o; 10-ll L in-g lhe course of his banking duties •·to get the creditors orr my back." His alleged embezzlement \ras un- covered during a prob!': by the Orange County Grano J ury auditar. Faced with lhc accusa tion Burke 1nade an overnight f~ccis ion to surrendrr to sheriffs in- \'Cstigators. Enright today said th at Burke's alleged pattem of embezzlement followed the line ind icated by the popular county employe \\·hen he first surrendered -the lifting of $200 from various bank deposits ·during his first year ol employment. But investigations · have lod~cated, Enright alleged. that Burke stepped up his unauthorized take to the point Where, in the second year of his employment, he v.·as taking $SOO at a time from the deposits and cle\•erly forging the tally . ~beets he had to submit lo his office and th(' countv auditor. Countv ·clerk William St John \\'as not arailabie for comn1enl today. C;:iunly allditor Vic Heim ,1·as nol a1,ailable for comment today. Deputies of bolh men declined lo com· nicnl on the new development in the Burke charges. Witches Cavort As Seale Again Holds Up Trial Cfl!CAGO <UPI ) 1 The trial of the "Chk:aJo Eight" came to a standsU!I .11galn today over the issue of Black Panthtr leader Bobby Seale's gag ·111hile "witches" put a Halloween hex on the courtroom ·outside. Seale "'as brought inU> the courtroom gagged and strapped to a chair for the 1hi rd consecutive day under orders or U.S. District Judge Julius J . Hoffman~ The restrictions were imposed to keep the national 'chairman of the Black Panther Party from disrupting the tria l of eight men cha rged with conspiring to incite riots during the 1968 Democratic nationa l c..-onvention. Even though g:igged. Scali" ha s kept up his den1ands that he be allowed to act as his 011·n atlomey. Today , he manag~ to scribble a note to defense attorney Leona rd \\'elngl:i ss t11al "This -now is stopping the blood circulation in my head.·· \Ve1nglass informed the court that Seale \\'as in discon1fort. U.S. marshals loosened the gag and began to carry Seale ouL As they did so, Seale sh<Juted, •·cruel and inhuman punishment." Sounds of scuffling could be heard from tne lockup outside the courtroom . Outside the federal building young \\'omen dressed as witches cavorted. They pronou nced incantations and curses nn the res1rainment of Seale and one of them dre\\' encircled X's on the four doors or the bu ilding. SCHOOL JANITOR PAPINEAU (LEFT), COLLEGE STUDENT BAUMAN DEMONSTfl1'1E"SKllLS Fount•ln v.-lley R .. ld•nt Thinkt Yount •nd KHp1 Fil With Foll1, EP..,1 and s.bert .• • e to DAILY' I'll.OT llt>ft ne. MESA'S MELVIN JOHNSON TAKES PEDOMETER READING Five Miles Daily Ke1p1 Him Fit After 90 Ytars Ma .. ~htng to 90 'Senior' Citizen Logs 5 Miles a Day Dy ARTHUR R. V l~SEL 01 1911 Dill• "11•1 111!1 r.lelvin Johnson i~ on the march toward his 90th birthday -and he docs a minimum of five miles per day. "Keeps me ou l of misc hie f." sa ys Johnso:i, ll'ho marks that special occasion Saturday, Friends and relatives "'il l gather al an OJ){'11 house held by his daughter, r-.!rs. fr \·]ng Johnson, of !:l:l9 Hampshire Circle. f'.;e1\·port Beach , to honor his nine dccaC.:es. :\1any are likely to be "·orn out after an hour on their feel at the pa rty , but noL likely Johnson , who roams far and wide from his trailer ho1ne al 1991 Nev.·porl B!v:l., Costa r.fc sa . "I \\'alk five miles a day ," he says. ,\ careful check or his pedometer shO\.\'S he has strode 7.000 miles in the past fil'C years, on personal busi ness or jus( for lh!' invigoration. Utle fine fall day this \'leek. he Ot:l 8'·· nlilC'S, one for nea rly every decade of hjs bu.-;y life. "Bul that \1·as an unusual da y," he ex- plains. Born in Nebraska baCk in the days 1r'.len they used oxen instead of horses, JC"hnson mol'ed to California wilh hi~ family \\·hen he v:as a boy and ha s been here 79 yearf:, He lh·ed near Paso Robles. met his \1 if'" in San Luis Obi~. :spent 3a year.c; a.'i :i .~.·rv1 ce :;;ta11on 011,ncr In P:is:idena and t11en rr!ired lo t.1ke life easy 1n his 0\\.'11 n gnrous fashi on That included a mu sic course al Orange Co:ist College l<1st year, plus r1lcnty of harmony <.1·i1h lhe Nile Owls ba1 bcr shop quartet. J\1ethodist Church Pctivi!ies and, of rou rse, walkin g. ,\rri1'ing at hi:; latest birthday, Johnson Qb.~('f\TS ' "The first ~ years ;irr lhc hardest.'' h11L you can sec a tl1i11klc behind hl~ g l;,~~Cf. Only lime y,•111 !ell if it's all down hill ft'r111 here, but uphill or downhill, t.lelvin .Jnf]nson vi'ill be keeping !rack of lhc ex· act mileage \\'ilh his pedometer. Elder Fencer, 53, Sl1ows Skill to Presidio Pupils .. ''They say )'ou're riever too old," remarked Armond Papineau, 5.1, v.·ho on- ly fiv e years ago took up his first thin bl;irfc sword and learned to fence.. Two years ago, the age of 51. he \l'<I~ ~killed enough to compete in the U.S. Na. tionals in team epee competition. "I didn't win anything but J ftneed in them. At my age that is quite an ac-' complishment," said Papineau,. a Fouo· lain Valley resident. Papineau fences every Monday and Seturday at the L<ing Bcac}l YMCA and hl1 ambition he says is to fence in a . rriateh when ht is 7$ yeani old. The elder ftncer is a maintea:llnce ipan -ror NewPort·Mesa Unified Sch()QI District and this'week at the reque3l of Prlndpal Carl Vrtbalovich he put on an exhibition for ~tudtnls at Presidio Elementary School. His opponent wa~ 22-ye.ar-old Ford Bauman, a student at Long Bf!ach Slate, They fenced with foils, epees, also called duelioc rapiers. and sabers -&he three !llnt!r of fencing swords. Papineau said his teacher. Dr. J()hn McKee. who livts in Huntington Harbour, is one of only eight fencing mailers in the Unittd Staw. ' • "Fencing Is very strenuoos,'" said Papifleau. "You have to love it. So many ~tudents come in and last scvtn or eight Y.'(;t ks and then drop out.·· Papineau and wife, Ruth, have three grf'wn children, all married and gone from home. Fencing holds his attention l'J91V. Solons ·Urge Action Against Rev .. G1·oppi MADISON. Wis. IUPl) -Angry state senators, after debating tile caM: of the Hev. James Groppl for more than two hours. have pas~cd a reSQluUon ordering the :itate attorney general to start a civil ;iction against the militant Catholic rriest. The suit would seek to recovtr damages allegedly caused by Gropp! aM his followers .during their takeover of the Assembly c:ilambers Se pt. 29. The demonstratoni were prot~Ung welfare cuts Jn tht 'tale budget. • ;' I • Today'll Flaal N.Y. Stocks TEN CENT! TWA Plane Pogo Sticks Across U.S. BANGOR, !\·taine <UP I) -A rifl e· \vielding youth, described as a cleancut ";i!l-Anierican'' type . hij11cked a jetliner Ol'er California today and began a hop· scotching lri11 to Egypt. The Trans \Vorld Airline plane, a Boe:- lng 707 bound from Baltin1ore to .San Francisco .. \\'as hijacked after leavinl Los Angeles on the last leg nf the flight. The hijacker had boarded the plane .&t L<is Angeles. The plane-was flown back lo Denver where it refueled and let off 39 passengers. The hijacker said he wanled to fly lo Eg ypt. The plane put down again in New York to refuel but "'as scared oH by FBI -'lgenl s and flew on to Bangor to com plete refueling . 1\ppare11tiy :!lill headrd fo r Egypt, the pl11nc \\·as cleared for a fli ght lo Shannon , lreiand \Vhcn it f ini~hed refueling and left Eangor lnlernatinnal Airport. Before leaving Bangor, the hijacker - radio ing instructions from the pilot to the cor,\rol lower -commanded persona watching from nearby windows ahd doorways at the airport and a nearby factory to duck out of sight. Authorities had sealed oU the refue.Ung area before the plane landed in Bangor at 10:13 a.m. PST. It departed into light v.·lnds at ·10:52 a.m. About 75 state. and local police and sheriff 's officers wert on hand .as the plane landed and taxied toward the isolated refuelisl& sile Officials said it \rould take about 25 minules to refuel. The FBI , which frightened the hijacker away from New York. v,·as clo.'!e behind as rtfueling started in Bangor. A small plane loaded with FBI agents put do~·n at the airport shortiy after the. jet landed. Police removed a man fron1 near the f'lane when the hljacker radioed to the <"Ontrol tov.·er that he saw a shadow and wanted any individual removed from the ~cene. Authorit.ies said they v.·ere unable lo determine v.·here the hijacker stationed himself in the plane as the refueling began. but they assumed he was in the cockpit "because he's just dishing out orders and the pilot is radioing them tB the CO!'l rol tower." Plan:; lo seize !he hijacker, a cleancut youth of abo ut 19. and prevent the (See JIIJACK, Page Zl 1"1esans Finisl1 Race to La Paz A team of Costa r-.lesans piloting a Vol ks;igcn dune buggy in the torturous r-.texican 1000 Road Rael' rrossed the finish line at La Paz in lhird place today. Drino .Miller. of 369 E-17th St., and Vic \\"llson, of 2262 \Vaterman \\'a~', wer e preceded by a Bul!aco motorcycle and a f ord Bronro pickup truck especially prepared for the race. Truck rlri ve rs Larry Minor and Rodney }!all , of Hemet, logged Lhe best lime for the 832·mile race down lhe Baja Peninsula, a 21·hour record for a vehicle ~·Ith four -wheel drive. The crash-plagued classic cost the li ve"! of lwo drivers Thursday, while a third \.\:as crilicaUY injured. Earlier Story, Sports. Pag~6. Orange Coast Weather Surprise: It's going to be a nice weekend, with sunny skies prevailing over teinperature!I ranging from .a comfortable 75 along the coast to a 'weltering 90 further inland: INSmE TODAY Tli.e renowned .Sli,ttgo:1t Bat· let come& to Southern Coliforriit1 next week, with a fornter Sanla Ana11 playing a featured 'l'olr. Sec today's \Vee:kender section. • •w••tl"!SWOC:::S:!!!!!,,.C::!::~·~.~\~·~.~·~.·· ~ ............. ~ .... -~.·· ................... ,.,_,":"'"-"~·-·-· ~ .. ..,.. ... ..... ~ .. ·-····--·-· ....... ~"'-··~-., .,.~.'~; ··~P-·-~··' -~·~-·· ---~. ·~;.-.;po ~E~·~·~*~~~ .. ...,.. ;,-;-, -:". -~-~·-;.>r;~,·~.~. '"'"'""'"~·~>' , ..... o-.. --~ -·.,. ·' -? 7 QAll Y PILOT c rr1d.ay, Octobtr l l , 1%9 a Busy Business Estancia's 'Hot Idea' Trfl.ins Studerit.s for lndustr:y By THOMAS FORTUNE OI .. ...., PWM 'tf" 'l'My don't pun<".h • Um~ clock but l~ Estancit t!igh 5c:llool students report to v.ori'. each morning. The students. 11th and 12th grad e young m'11, work for Eagl e lndu~trie!'i 1n ihc shop rooms at the high sc hool. Their job is tCi mass produte soila ble iten1s they dcslgn and tool thcmselres. They're students in the Gos ta ritesa M:hool's nc\v production class which pools drafting, mei.ats, \•1oods and plast.ics studen ts into a company approximating industl'y. ··The operation is so much like industry it stinks of sweat ," said Glenn Sherry, in· dustrial arts teacher who had the hot GOP 111 Anaheim Idea to slart .tht ~m . ''Wt'rt a~ te111,U., Ii run 11!1 . · 1 to .-!!II!' 1\1· ddUI")' out ol ll\ll ~ for OM llM t 41:· • Sherry took ltl• ..... lo Ne~ ... currlculum rtviewtrs aqd w.. cr•nled $S.~8S out of the school district's Hot Idea F'u1u:!. \Vit~. that money he got the program ~:11r~ed last spring and pretty soon he hor>es there will be money coming in from sa~ of one of the student projects to keep things going. Thf' idea is to n1ake enough to perpetu1te the program, covering costs ot supplies, tools and industrial services that have to be co ntracted for. Sherry is not al one-in thinking the sll1dents can do it. "This is a progra1n Milius, Conrad to Make Secretary of State Bids By GEORGE SKELTON U,.I P'ot11!1<11 WrlNr As.~ernblyman Georgi' \V. ~lili as is ex· pected to an nounce his candidacy for secretary of stale at the annuaJ fall con· vention of California Republicans which opened today at Anaheim's Convention Center. Assemblyman Charles J . Conrad, IR· Sherman Oaks), said he also is "in the race unlrss circumstances indic11te I have no chance." Milias, a Gilroy rancher and former state P.epublican chairman, called a news conferrncc for Sunday at which sources said he will become a candidate for the job now held by the ailing Frank: r.t Jordan. Jordan, whose family has occupied the c·ffice for all but two of the past 59 year.s, suffered a severe ~troke r.tay 1 and since !hen ha.s been part ially paralyzed and unable to .speak. He is 81. AOOul. 2,000 delegates are expecte<l tn attend the three-day convention of the Republican State Central Committee -1. meeting party olflcials hope will serve as ;i pre-election year pep raJly, State Chairman Denni.!! Carpenter or N£:"''port Beach described the convention as a "v•orkshop sesaion to gear up" for the 197U campaigns. Gov. Ronald Reagan will be the J.:eynote speaker Saturday. U.S. Sen. George Murphy is sc heduled to deliver a 1najor Vietnam address Sunday. Other speakers will include Harry Dent, deputy counsel to President Nlxon, and Mrs. Patricia Hitt, Ion gt i me California GOP leader who now is an assistant secretary of the U.S. Depart.. ment of Health, Education and Welfare. Just about every major California Republican leader plans tG attend the (.Onvention, which will provide off ice seek~rs with an opportunity for some private politicking. ~lilias, -49, has been an assemblyman .since 1962 and is one of the legislature's n1ajor conservationUts. * * Candidates Eyi11g Lynch's Joh Lobby at GOP Parley By BILL BOYARSKY "" ,..llnttl WPll•r ~l~t attention centere<l on candidiles Joc keying for support an ao elfort tG win the Republican nomination for attorney general as !he GOP opened it1 196i state con\'ention tod ay in AnaMim. :-;o official endorsemenis v.·il! be made at I.he annual lhree-Oay meeling or State Central Committee at the big Anatiein1 Convention Center across the highway from Disneyland. The nominee is selected in the June primary elect ion, But the fou r men Who \\'ant to run against Dtmocratic Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lyneh ho~ lo pick up pledges of sup· port and financi al co ntributio ns fr om the Youth, 18, Held On 1'1an slaughter LOS AXGELES fl'PJ1 -,\n 18-)'ear· r lci youth v.·ho '>''as booked on suspicion of r:iurder then released. 111as bQoked again Th •1rsday on su~picion of manS"twghter 1-te mm\ng from the shooting''deat'119"ot a teeri agr-d gi rl. Alex Holmes also '>''as booked by !-iher· Hf's deputies on sus picinn or carrying a v.eapon on 1he campus of \\'ashington ff1gh School v.·here Glenda Joyce Gr a)". J6. wa~ shot to death. OAilV PllOT CA&Hl>I COA.-•1 ~ll ll-Hlll. COMlt&lt'r leHrl N. w,,4 ,. ........... "11111111ef Jo~~ It c~rlty V•te ,.,...,O!'"! •rwl (;ll"t•el ~ .. I Tloi1..,11 K••"ll liO•!O• T~oM•• A. M~·,hi~• ....._1n1 t OHor c .... ..._OMM JJO W11t lty $i•••l M1 il:~, Ad4r1111 P.O. t .. 11•0, '1'1' -°"""' ......,..., ... ~ 1111 *"' ...,_ .._.,,,. l•-lteoo;n: ni ,.,..,, .. .,._ th•111i,..1on audo. »t J•~ '""' parly leedera attend ing the me~tlng. ~y are Senators John L. Harmer or Gltnda!r. and G~rse D!!!ukme jian or Long Beach, who already ha1•e ann ouneed. and Los Angeles Dist. Att y. E\'t!lt J . ''pun gtr and Spencer \1/illiams. Gov . Rla1an's human resource:!i secretary. v.·ho ·are ex- ,pe cled to run. \\'ilh Republic11ns Rraga n. Li. Gov. Ed Reinecke and St.ate Controller Hou ston I. Flourney ready to jump Into the J9i0 race, the GOP has only two spot.3 to fil l on next year's ticket -attorney ge neral and secretary of s\.at.e. Dennis Carpenter. of Nev.·port Beach, .Republican stale chairman, said he ex- pects all the primary foes to w1ge fri endly campairns. "\\'e don't want any personal a1!1ck~ and name calllna or anything li ke that," bf' ~aid . The party \\-'Ill also discuss hGw to in· rrease cootrol of thr: sta te legir;lature in 1970. Christ Teens Marching On Finance Center 8;.i JA~1ES P.tcNA ftB .Ir. S'ttl•I 19 lftt Ololl.Y ,.11,0l SOUTH SAN ~tATEO -Tht Children nf lira el toda y made an e~odus from thC'ir headquai-ters here . marching on ''The Te mple Of 1\.lammon,"' for a three.· hour tlemnnstration in the heart of San Franc_isco"s financial district. Formerly kD01''n as the Teens for fhri5t, "''hen headquartere<l !n Hll n· 1ing1on Beach, the self-styled revolu- lionary e vangelisL~ planned to hit "''e•llhy !lfontgon1ery Street al Ult 5lroke Gf nGOn. SC'a rdC'd and robed in blood·rtd sack cloth -as when they Invaded Stanford r..1en1orial Chapel in Palo Alto for a ctemonstr;;ilfon last Sunday -1h1!! group hoped to disrupt an oth1t\\'ise roul lne e~­ ecull ves' mart ini lunch hour . The Cliild ren of Israel's ltader, "'·hn has proclai med his name as J oab . .sard the car ca ra van \11ould head baC'k to Soti th San Mal eo after its "Green Frida y" anti-mon ty demonslralion . "F'or Hatlo1'·een hijinks.'' he t:<f'l!ained, ''11c may burn down a building or so melhi ng ." Only Thursday, Costa l\f~a poller: con· ta:cted Pala Alto police for informatlon about th e band. 13 of whose members are. \\"&nttd on arreit wan-anb iS!ued in Costa Mu.a last aprinc. They fled to escape. what wu billtd a~ the imminent quake destruction or the biuesl and alleit<llY most sinful state in the union. leaving their local courtroo1n business unflnlahed . ··we'll bt back if there's an)'thi!'\I lo <'orne back to ," said one m'mbtr of th' 13, con vic ted on charges st,mming from A schoo l demonstration In Ci»ta Mesi , and awelllni 1entenct. But tbty never returned from the ~·lldtmtsa east ol the CalifornJa-Nevada t;ionjer. '· ... '"*' I' ! 1o ch-ln<lll!lrlal ec1uc •• 11"!! M •'"IAll!l 'il!itils toacl:tr Dale Wa . ' Tw.o other teachers, Ken Roust, wood sh<'lp, and Bob Shureman. pl<1sllcs, tec tlflt.logy, con1plete the instrucltonal !e lm. Sherry said the four act as con· s11ttan!S and sit h:'.iek "letting the slud<'nts n1akl· and correct th eir Ol\1l mistakes."' Hrre is how Eagle lndustri l!!S \l'ork ~ Son1eone comes up y,•Jth an idea lor a sa!ohlf' item. Drafting sludenls deiign 1!; n1etals, plastics and woods students n1ake the net't'ssary parts. The item will go through a number of revisions and if it 1\ll rks ou t at a reasonable pri oe it will be n1a~s produced. "\\'e"ll tl)()I up lo ma ke· 5,000 copies of !hr ite1n but probahly only make 50," s;:iirl She rry. "At th at point the learning "ill b ~ over and 11 e don't \Vant 10 ton1- pete 11 ilh indust ry rr1aklng coolies or the ki ds. "I.' v.·e stumble onlG a red hol idea \IT probably will farm ll ou L The idea i5 to try just to cover cosL~." The students organize themselves into teams. "We 're looking for initiative but alsn dependabilily," said Sherry, "!he sa me chciracieristics as industry, because "''" can't all be chiefs. "The real hangup is gelling smart studen~ to take the responsibility," he said. "It seems like the slower students always have been taking directions." "What 's different about this is there i~ n'l {IJ'H'.! solution to any of the problems," said Ed Conway, chairman of the in· dustrial arts department. "Part of the beauty of it is it looks good on paper but they (!ludents) have lo find out if it v>ill u·ork." Sherry said the students have 41 items under design or various stages of pro· duction. "They're not all good," he said. "Of these we'll probably· make 15. Some we'll decide we don 't have the tooling or they cost too mu ch.'\ A"mong the more p(Omising items are a three-hole paper punch that might sell for $4 as opposed to a $16 market model , novelty animals that would sell for 25 cen1s rather than $.1.50 or $4 as ones in stores, and a school drafting kit that might selJ in a college bookst<>re for less than~. "\Ve"re trying to make !he pri ce sn p:ood that people can't turn it dou11," i;aid Sherry. "A high school can't afford up-to-date. compfe,. machinery," Sherry said. "But teaching a kid to think -that's ne ver obsolete." Fro11• Page J HIJACK ... lran5atlantic crossing wer e dropped "''hen the hijaeker fired a shot in !he plane t11 sho\11 11e meant hu~incss. The l>hot ap· p;.relltly cau5ed no $1':1"i{ltls dan1agc to !he prt~~unzed cabin of !he Jt'tllner. The hijacker, dressed in a mih1ar\' tunic and toli ng ;i ''sur\'ival kit" o[ suup a11rl olher stap\f,, releastd the •10 jJa!.st>11ger~ aboard thr Boeing i07 111 Den· 'er. lie kepL £our crew me n aboard \vhen \l1e pl:ine le[l Slap\c1on Interna tional "! n1 ean . he had to be 50ll'll' kind of a nut to V.'<tnt to go to New ''ork ," a passenger said or the gunman. The plane Jefl Denver at 5:28 a.m. PST. FBI agents !hrcll' up a cordo n around 1he plant wht n ii toucl1ed down 1n Den\·er but niadr 110 at1c1npt to capture the un ldenli f1e1! hlJ<l~ker. One or 1ht passrnl!cr ~ said \hf man hoarded the plane. T\VA ·s F'light 8~.,. h1c-h left Bal timore, ~frl . Tlll1 rsd11y night. a\ L(i~ Angele5 -thr nrxt to !hr la!\ :'ll.:ip on its projeelt d flig ht to Sap Fr,irl!'l~co. Among the pa~senger~ 011 lhr nlane 1~a~ !hr: H1 rper".s Biz.a rre, a l\C'll );11 01111 sin,it:ing group. The hlJackcr J.;opt ;i boaril \1hcn 1hc plane left 0f'nl'er the pilot. C:ipt Donald .I Cook: F'1r~l Officer \\', \~'illi ams: Fhght Engineer L. llnllrath: and :;;1ewarrfe5s T. Coleman . /di \\'!'re basrd :.t Kansa:'I lity 1\·ilh !ht :iir!inr. Three othe r stewardc~srs '>"ere released at Den· VPT T\l.'A orf \ci11l:o1 arra n ~ed ;innlher f!igl1t tJ take !he pa!i~cngrrs 1n San Francisco. Thr planr was 011 1t1e ground at Denver for one hou r and tl1rre min utes. FBI agents, headed by ScoU \Verner, special ag.ent in charge. tried lo talk th e hi jacker Cook ~11id thr hiJaCkf'r (lemandtd to gn !o New Y{lr\.; 'A hP n hr tciok over 1he plane at gunpoin t. Cook !()Id lhr man U1e plane did not ha 1·e enough rur l and \1·ould havr: to re ruel rilher in Las Vegas, Salt Lake Clt\" or Oenl'er. The m~n lold the p1!ot 11) go h"I Den ver and lf 1her<' v.·;is "no hrinky pa nky,"' hf' \\·ould relta~t the pa sseng ers. He tt'lld Cook . ho111C\•cr. he 1\•ould hold Mi~~ ('ole1nan 11s ho~age until he reached New York. Lindbergh Wins At Decorating The spooky art "·ork on the v:indoll'S or businessts al •farbor Shopping Center lhis Jlallo"'·een tJ.·as painted by Costa ~le:o.a schoal ye>ungsters comJ!ftlng to see which school could do the brst job. Thal honor went to Lindbergh Eltn1en· tary School ~·hich \\'ill receive a lhrce· foot tal\ Grrat Pu111pki11 .a'Aard fr om the :i;p0nsoring Co~ta ~le;,a J unior Chambe r of Comn1erce. Lil1Clbergh too k tht swctt:pslakes for \%i nning 1rl \\'Ork by i1 s second •. lhird and sbclh grade~. t\l":'lr Street School tcx;ik fourth gradt. honors. Colltge Park 1von the fifth gradf' 11wt1rrl. and .Davi ~ lntermedi1ft was tops for !icventh and eight h grades. JUST LIKE INDUSTRY -E sta ncia J-ligh School shop teacher Glenn Sherry di scusses bugs in three-hole paper punch \\'i th students Roy c;eenen (leJt ) and Gle nn Baldwin. Students at Estancia design, tool and mass produce items in ne\v production class is operated like pri· \·ate i11d ustrial fi r m. PVC Approves Chang·es In Coast Bus Service Orange Coast bus co mmuters will find ne\v scheduling designed to improve Harbor Area bus ser\ice connections and hall a continuing mo ney Joss [or the operators in effect be.ginning Satu rday. The nine sc:hcdule chiinges rrquesled hy lhe South Coasl Transit CQiPQrat ion and Sant a Ana Tr:ln11i l Corpo ration havt>. ht>en approl'ed hy !he California Public Lt!li!ies Com mis~ion, All Sunday and holiday bu~ ~ervice will be discontinued on the SJnla Ana to Balboa Linc. ~tonday U1rough Ft1da_1·. 1hc line 11 di operate on a 60-nunute headway fron1 ~ lJ a.m. to 9 a,m, and from 2.30 p.n1. 1int1l the J a~l 5:30 p.n1 bus !eavi11g Santa .>\n<t , 1\ 5 4j a.m. Saturday run 11 di be Pli1n ina ted, bu t there "'ill be na ch11nge Jroin 7.45 a.n1. 11nt1I the last 5 4j p m. I !'Ip Fro1n San1:i An .1 to Balboa 1\11 trips on the Sa11ta Ana t'l La~nua Bcaeh \ii)(' wllJ go via Crn;ta ~l e.~a ,,!or.- day U1rough Friday. 11i1lb on e round tl'ijl per day added to the sc hcdulr '\\'e hope by changin:; 111t !lmr" around it will rnake things rnore con· \'Cnienl for people in !he Cos ta illt'sa area,'' explained George A. Co rdier, manager of the lransll ~yste1n. Thtrc .,.·ill be no change 1n the Santa Ana to Laii\lna Beach schedult on S:.it urdays. Saturday· service on the Santa Ana to 11untington Beach and the Santa Ana to El r..1odena lines will be discontinued, but fl.fonday 1!1ro1igh Friday runs v.lll remain JUst the same. UC Enrollment Up to 106,274; UCI Share 5,055 Th" lJnil'ersity Clf California sy~tem rnrolled 106.2j~ studt'nts for the fall 1<-r111, an increa!'ce of i.549 01·cr last year LG lrl'lne enrolled 5.055 .studenls, up ~.12 from a year ago. Ti1'.'.. lJn ivrr ... lty adn11n1s tration J n 1.crk1.'ley :;,11d Tl111rsday !he rcg1strat1on rxreedcd cslin1a1 es u;;ed by Gov. Ronald l!c1,::a n 111 budgctint: by 3.462 s1uden1_s, Tl>e B('rkele y eam['>IJ:; <'nrolled 28.132, iln"n 4.J f1on1 1963. Othe r can1pu~ r nrolln1enls and the changes from a yea r ~go · Davis 12,583. up by 1,130; UCLA .10 ,93fi . llfl 1.939: Riverside 5,360, up 797; ;.i :in Diet:o 4,838, up 1,013; San F'ranci5CO 2.j23, up 1!2 : Sa nta Barbara 13,734, up L i l ~ and Santa Cruz 3.157, up 555. Mesa Mayor Reminisces About City By JANICE BERr..tAN Of t1tt1 IMUy ,.llel )1111 ~lavor Alvln L. Pinkley had i. b1f: surprise for the members of Cosla r.-tesa N,1rth Kiwanis ThurJd.ay. "I "'a.<> born in Guanajuato, ~!exico,'' he told the l\iwallians. The son of a m'-!dic:al missionary sald ll took him a year and about $1 ,000 lo proYe that he 1vns born before he was able to become a U S. ci tizen. The Pinkley5 moved to the U.S. after th,_. rna1 or's father suffered a bout will\ po lio. Thr elder Pinkley worked in r.1e1 hodisl missions on Indian reserva· lions. The ma yor came to Costa Mesa in 1933, "on lt.P heels of ~n earthq uake." He ha~ ser>r. Ill~ town grow from a population o! ::,:,oo to 75,000. In 1933, "Harbor Boulevard was three blocks of paved street. The only other pa-, ed roads "''ere Broadv.·ay and 18th . Thr rest \Vas dirt," he recalled . Pinkley's talk dredged up some facts abou t Costa Mesa's history lhat were lit· tle·knD"-'Tl to his audience of young bus;ness and profeuional men. For example: -TI;e first residents of Costa ?<.fesa ,,·ere ihe Canelino Indians, a branch o! th~ Shoshone. They y,·ere often called the ~hell Ir.dians, because they at' a Jot o( fish. -The Estancia, a way station built by priests in 1820, is, "As far as we know, rh e onlv historical landmark we have." -Adams Avenue and H a r b or Rou!evard used tG be the site of the Fairview Mineral Hot Sp rings. ''It was quite the spot." said the Mayor. Some of the Ma10r's other recollec- tions: -The hot springs boasted a hotel, and hot mineral water' was piped into bathtubs. But in 1910, an 'arthquake shut off the supply Gf hot water into the tin pipes. A swimming pool remained there 11n:l11933, when it v.·as torn down . -T1-1:0 railroads ran throush Costa ~l e~a. One line ran north past the Sa n Pieg l Free\\'ay, which \\·asn't there at the tin1P. The other railroad ran ne ar r-.·e1\•porl Boulevard . At least, it ran every !JO Cays, equipped \\'ith one englne and one caboose , lo ketp the railroad's righ t lo !lie tracks open. --Costa li1esa has had three names. At f1r.~t , it v.·as called Goat Hi!l, back in the 19th century. Then it bec ame Harper. "Af:er an old farmer "'ho lived here.'' .P.inkley said. In 1920, it became Costa flieSi'> According to Pinkley's story, "An '11d maid by lhe nam.e of r..H!is Plumer ('ame up "'fth thr-namr . She \1•on a $2j Ct>rUficatc." Drug Talk Scheduled By Jrvine Professor L"C Jrv1nl" :0.ledica l School Professor .John Kramer will speak on "Orug!i in tJur Socil!!!y " at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Cnh·ersity Unit ed ~l rthodist Church1 18422 Culve r Drive , lrl'ine. Dr. Kramer's talk is sponso red by 11. group cslled ''The Commission on Social Co ncerns." A discussion pe riod will follow thr: talk. Campenil~ MIRROR $80. Wge<i F "''" t ; DRESSER $309. !WoM Fi11it~l Av1il1Dle in two m1~"ificent flriishe1. One, e ric.h w1rm J,rown, the other• tl•avily Dnist!etf white, 1+ri1ted i" old y•llew •nd •pricot. An e1c.ifing look •f • re•1on1ble pric•. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FoR DREXEL· HENREOON . HiRITA6E NEWPORT aeACH 1n1 We1tc.llff Or,, 642-2050 OPIN HIDAY 'Tll ' INTERIORS ltrofe11i.,,1I l"terior Oni9ner1 4v1 il1bl._AID-NSIO LAGUNA llAC" l4l -c .... Hwy. 4-ll °"°' """' Tl. • I I I r ---~-------------------------------------------------------------------- U .. 1 T.!.ntto COMMUNIST WOMEN PRISONERS GIVE NEWSMEN ICY STARES S. Vietnamese Camp Opened ta Presa ta Refute Brutality ChM9e1 Brut.allty Denied Viets Show Off POW Camp QUI NHON, Vietnam iUPI) -The women stared in silence at the \"isilors walking through the rows of double hunk beds Jn their South Viet- namese prison camp. Their eyes showed fc:ir, ho s ti!ity, apprel1ensiveness and just plain curiosity. A few of the younge r ones tried to muffle girlish giggles. These v.'e re former workers for the Viet-Cong -89fl of them -and the Saigon go\'ernment was showing off their prison camp to countl'r Communist accusations that v•omen prisoners were being s~a1·ed to Death NY Woman Falls to Street NE\V YORK tUPl) -Rita Kerr was terrified v.·hen a man mugged her in he r a~artmcnt loOby. \Vhen the doo rbell rang at her fifth floor apartment four hours later, she thought the mugg('r had returned. The 27-year-0ld Jamaican. who had been in the country only three months, panicked. She ran to the window, climb-ect to the ledge and screamed hysterically for help Tuesday night. She slipped. Wilma Martin, her roommate, grabbed her. A p&serby saw the young wo- man dangling from the \.\-'in- dow and summoned Uie fire deparrment. Ftrcmcn began setting up a rescue net. Firefighter Law· rence Yct1nan climbe<i a lad - der being put into place. But \\"ilma r-.tartin couldn't hold on any longer. A split-5e("ond - three feet -before Yetman got lo the \.\-'indow, Rita plung- ed to the ground and died. Police revealed Thursday the doorbell at Miss Kerr's .;ipartmcnl had been rung by two detectives. They had a suspect they wanted her to identify. mistreated. Although newsmen making the two-hour tour Thursday of the camp 250 miles northeast of Saigon \vere not allowed to talk to the inmates, they ap- peared well fed and healthy. The prisoners, ranging in age from l.1 to 55, live in clean, wooden barracks with dirt floor s and aluminum sheet roofing and walls. There are tv•o ro\vs of double bunk beds in each barrack ac- commodating 60 persons. "We agree with the Gentva convention," said the camp commander, f\1aj. Phan Hu u Hau, referring to the in· ternational agreement cover- ing treatment of ·w a r prisoners. ''\\'e neve r treat the PO\i.'s brutally." For manv. the food and lodging are ·probably as good, if not better, than they J.me1r in the ir native villages. It is on a par with accommodations for most South Vietnamese soldiers. The camp commander said the prisoners are permitted to lislen to the radio or v•atch television for two hour~ each evening. There are movies once a week and relatives can visit for 30 minutes each month, Cigru·ette Ad Ba11 Nearii1g \\'ASl-!INGTON (L"PI) Five years alter the surgeon general's report condemning cigarette smoking as a menace to public health. the Senat.P. Commerce Conimillee has taken a tentative first step toward a ban on broadcast cigarette advertising. If passed by Coogress, the measure would knock one of television's biggest advertisers off the air. The cigarette in- dustry spent $217.2 million on television advertising I as t ~'ear, accord ing to the Fedtral 'T'rade Commission !FTC), and .$2 1.3 million on radio corn - 111rrrial:;.. The committee deadlocked Thursdav on another issue - \.\-"hether "to let the FTC requir,e a health \.\-'arning in printed cigaret.te ad.~. C i gar e LI e makers have complained the FTC's proposed warning is so strong they \\'ould stop ad- vertising ralher than carry it. It reads : "Cigar€'tte smoking I~ dangerous to health and may cause drath from canC'€'r. cor- onarv h{'art d i ~ase. chronic bronChius. pulmQnary em - physem;1 and other diseases." Sen . Vt'arren G. J'iifagnusoo (0 -\Vash.), commerce chairman, said the comn1ittee '"ould meet \\'ednesday to lhrash out the FTC con- trovers}', Confirm its tentative vote to outlaw broadcast cigarette ads and pick a date lo make the blackout ef- fective. Sen. Frank E. Moss f [).. Utah ), said he favorl'd im- posing it next Sept. 30. in lim e to keep cigarette com1nercials off 'A·hen the ne\.\-· season of TV sho'>l•S begins in S{'ptember. Sen_ Norri~ Colton 1 R·N.ft). suggtsted Jan. 1. 1971 . Upper Newport Bay Environmental Tours November 1, (Sierra Club sponsored) December 6, (Friends of Newport Bay) January 8, (Sierra Club sponsored) 9 a.m. corner of EHtbluff Drive a•d Backbay Drive, at head of bay over- looking former Saij Works. Two hour w1lkin9 tour. For further informetion phone Gary James, (714) Slb-6053 FRIENDS OF NEWPORT BAY • OAll V I'll.OT If Labor Loses British Seat Gift Arranged hy Johnson? HEW' Wants Rest Hoirie Land Back l.ONDO N t UPI ) -Prime ti.tinister Harold \V l I s o n ' s Labor party lost a parliamen- tary seal in special election rtsult:; announced today. Bookmak~ put the odds heavily against the labor gov- ernment's reelection in com- ing national voUng. Opposition Conservative par- ty leaders hailed the special election result& as indicating they will recapture control of the House of Commons. WASHINGTON IUPI) - The federal government want! to t.ake back choice land ob- tained by a non-profit cor- poration for a nul'!ling home In the center of Austin, Tex .. in what one senator has callP.d a muJU-million dollar ''la n d grab" arranged by the Johnson administration. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare said Thunday in response t o reporlers' queries that it d em anded "Immediate" .t¥r /' ' ~' ' . /· - ~·;.' '> "........OV. FREE STAND return of the land valued at several million dollars. It has not been returned, HEW said. The HE\V disclosure was made after &!n. John J. Williams IR-Del.J, charged earlier Thursday that the White House helped arrange the land Lransfer during the last three months President Lyndon B. Johnson was in of- fice. The senator said the land was given free to the U.S. ' •• \ Geriatrics Center, Inc. to build a new and innovative nur!lng home . In Austin, the chairman of a board that want! to build the '8.fl million dollar nursing home wilb federal money and tree Land In Austin said 'Thurs- day the project was ''above reproach." Frank C. Erwin J r .• chairman of the University of Texss board of regents, a former national Democratic committeeman and a close political and personal a"oclate of Johnson, said : "Sen. Williams hcu seen fit tn suggest, at least by im· plication, that there I .!I something improper or unethical about this worthwhile project. This is most. unfortunate because the projec t wcu conceived with nothing but the hig he s t 1notives and has thus far been carried on in a manner that is above reproach.·• INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON 1970 COMPUTER CRAFTED COLOR TV -GREATEST VALUES IN RCA HISTORY Ask your Dealer about all the plus values that add up to ••• PIJJS . .• the MORE of COLOR TV • llie flllWIT "'odtJ 1111'4J1 1g• dl11., 11¢ IQ. I~. ~lct1" Color-full compid: portable. tiandi1st color set going! W1ilhs only 40 lbs., but fiatures a poW!rful 21,S()Q.yolt chassis for ertrHrillitnt color pictures. Handsome wood-1Ttintd Computer Crafted Color -the RCA color television of tomorrow -is here today! And to celebrate this gala introduction, your particl- palini dealar is cffering an exciting "Kick·Off Special:" A rol1about stand at no extra cos! when you buy this big.screen RCA portable color. It's 1 great blf'JOn a great set. But hurry-quantities ire limited. A Master-Crafted Cabinet and screen-size to score with any decorl a. Thrill to football in vivid color. The games are twice as extiling wh!n lh1 old school colors show up on your home screen. And here's a big.screen beauty lhat brings you all the action. Has AJ,T. for ts:4B 95* fiddle·lreetuolng. IP" , b. AJ.T. locks color in! RCA's Aulomatic Fine Tuning is completely electronic, no extra tunina: meters or switches needed. And the 25,000.volt chauis gives you brilliant color even on hard- t•r•t channtls. $669.95* c. Come on in -the color's great! An in'o'estment In color televlsion is 111 Investment in furniture as we!I. With RCA Color TV, you can be sure of get- ting the best of both, as in this charm- ;,! Co1on;11 $&39,95* up1l1ht console. d. lnstant·Pic control ends warm·up wail! Trans Vist,. solid state-• color; ad- 'Yancld Automatic "locked-In'' fine tunln1 (AFT); optional "Wireless Wiz· ard" remote control; el111nt Spanish slyling. $789.95* RCll ~D<b ncn ~Deb see your deal.er today! y;nyl cabinet s2195· with luwa• type hlndlL Tiit •IAlnt: libhl 1111-411 I ... dl•J., 102 541. In. p!dlrrl __ .. non ~(kb c. d. ncn l:'Ocb • • • r '~'·' a .. •-• .... •-<--Q,s.z. , _a .4 . .a·' •P . ~•,a .•f sag as C 441Ai .e _SJA ,Sldl J4 ''es,, JS a+ ;acpe;e1.1 lf{i 9 fUP IP-it"~";>~,,,.~,.,...,,,,,,,_,.."" DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Override: How Much? Tuesday v.·111 be lhe day of decision for Ne\v port- J\lesa Unified School Di strict trustees. ll is the deadline by \1,1hich U1cy 1nust tell lht> County Board of Education the amount for the Feb. IO tax override election. Jn preli1ninary discussions tbe last itwo weeks, school boa rd members have mentioned figures in the range of 40 to 90 cents They have p~elty well d ecided upon tryi ng to m eet sc hool needs for JUSt the next three years \\'ilh the l-'cbruary election. Trustees face a substantial list of needs including teacher salary increases, purchase of instructional equip1ncnt. catc hing up on rnaintenance and repair, re- building depleted reserves and setting new learning ob- JCCtives. School board members are concerned that if addi- tional laxes 1nerely 1natc:h cost-of-l1 ving increases in :;c.hoo! operat ions, they c.an't keep lhe quality of educa- tion frQn1 dete rio rat in~. Even 1naintain1ng t h!' status quo really \1 ill ver:v soon build up to a big and possibly devastating day of r eckoning. So the trustees slart from the ba se ·that they s hould seek an O\'err idc at least large enough to prevent any slippage from · current quality of education. The ques· ti on is: How much more? Co uncil Needs Ne,v Climate The v.·ay things ere building up, the steadily-widen· ing schism in the Costa Mesa City Council will become a wide-open break -possibly as soon as next Monday night's council session. The current flap was precipitated by the latest in the heavy flow of proposals and position papers emanat- ing from freshman Councilman Willi!'lm. St. Clair .. • <\.t SL Clair's instigation, the council hired an outside consulting finn 'to study the now-vacant job of city treasurer, to see i1 a reorganization of that job might be called for. \Vh en the report came in, St. Clair fired of! a blist- ering 1,700 word dissent, raking over the coals the con· :1ultants, the city f1n.:1:nce director, the city m a nager and :,everal others of the· city staff. His blast included swipes at a variety of things the city has done in recent years. ~1any of the comments ~·ere irrelevant to the issue at hand. a nd the tone of the. message was generally acrimonious and carping. n egardless of the councilman's concerns about the treasurer situation, the memo \vas a 1nistake. It is an unhappy example of some free-s "'ingin g, off-target actions that have alienated the 'three veteran city councilmen and much of the city staff. Despite his "freshman sta tus, St. Clair has not besi· lated to voice opinions and criticisms o[ about anythlng in the broad scope of city business, often without in- formation or investigation. I-le has conducted personal investigations into details of departmental oper.ations or individual jobs. igno red procedure and protocol, and s et a new course record for the volume of memos, pro- posals and position papers. Thi s is certainly not to say •that all of St_ Clair'! activities are wrong. Some clearly have been good. But if it can be said that the three council veterans 1".layor Alvin Pinkley, Robert Wilson and \Villard J or· dan often appear to have .an instincti ve negative reac· tion to St. Clair's actions, it can also be said that he has asked for it. Councilman George Tucker on the other hand OO\V seems to have an automatic affirmative response to whatever St. Clair does and says. So ·\\•e have t he unfortunate situation of increasin~ polarization in the council. But, another and likely ma.re unfortunate lon_g-range result. is the growing: indic;i- tion of upset and moraJe deterioration among City staff. Surely all five councilmen mus t realize that th is situa'tion cannot be permitted to continue . IC) Estimated 10,000 Battei•ed, S tai·v ed Each l'et1r ' Our Childre11 Hark Back to Basic Values Dear Gloo.my Gus: Child Abuse and Murder in America ! We watched the moon-landing th is sum- mer up in the country, \Vilh perhaps a dozen children and teen-agers grouped around the TV set, waiting for the bi g momenl Some of the kids were townies. 11nd some \'."ere tourists, all rrom di!· ferent background!. But Lheir reaction wa s pretty much the same -blue acceptance. After the fir st moment of landing, "'hen they knew all was "'·ell, they rapidly lost interest in the operation. So man finall y seL foot on the moon -big cleal. At fir st J \\'as ~ta rtlcd, and a little shoc krd, at their response, or !<irk of 11. Then it suddenly brought hon1c to me how the new generation really dor~ in · ha bit a different world than the rest o[ us. THEY GRE\Y UP accepfin,i:: ~uch things as a matter of cou rse. Technology hold s no awe for them. In Lhis rlcctronlc age. any project is possible, given enough patience. money and energy. Even Buck Rogers became passe in their own time. And I wondered ii lhr!r scale of values was nol somehow niorr realistic and !len.~ible than ours: for these generational products o[ the f')C'cLronu.: rra serm more humane than thrir parrots, less 1n1- pressed "'1th technical feats lor their ov.·n sakr. TT JS IRO\'.IC th<it \.\P. ''ho gre1\" up .,·1th pre5umably more hum a n 1 s I 1 c va lues. are 50 inlatua!rd "'1\h sc1cnliric. products a n d processe~ ond achieve- ments. \\1ule they, the lir~t babies or the We. liked those appropriate Bible quotes on long hair. This one goes along with that same lype; ''For even "'hen we were with you, this we ro1n111anded you. that ff any 11·ould not \11ork. neither shou ld he e<it." -II Thess<ilonians, Chap. 3. 10. -i\1rs. E.W. F. T~ll htl~~ ulllrh ~141rt' vi.w.. fltf flKHHrllJ' th-of lti. "'w'"""'''· lorMI ywr ,., -Y• " Gleomy Gu1, Di lly ~ilot. cybcrnelics age, are seekini;: for ethical absolutes and socia l solutiJns and personal equations -as confused and contradictory as their que5t may appear to be. "E\'erybody kne 'v we could make lt up there," \'.•as thei r implicit response. "•"iO\\' how about seeing if we ca n make it down here -how about using some of. that smartness and sweat and dough to fix up a better world for us to live in?" T JI E 1\tOON-LANDING wa s a vivi d symbol of lite generational gap. And 11 was jus( as true of the farm kids and townies as of the more sophisticated. urban. private-school youngsters -they all wa lked a\\la)' from the TV set after a. short while. lhe wa y lhey'd turn.off a ball game in the Bth inning when the con- clusion was foregone. A remarkable transvaluation has hap- pened -even more remarkable lhan earthlings clumping around thal dead piece of rock a quarter-m11Jlon miles ::111'ay. Our C'hildren, who superfiC'1a\ly scc1n SQ .. modern," arc harking back toward basic and elrrnentary valut's ~almost religious ,·alucs in !heir O\Oo"n "·a~·1, while \Oo C adults 11orsh1p ii god call- rd Science, and in l11s name ignore a 11 the dee pest sublunary needs uf mankind. The Si1igle Wor st Thing The hou~t>"'ife c.ornplain~ of rising food costs. The. house buyer 1hinks ne•1· hous· ing 1s out ot sii;:hL t\e>w a111on1obiles cost more. this year. T<ixcs :ilwa:-s go up. This is 1nf1:1tion. It plugues c1 rryhody and pa ins public officers. \1•ho don·t like lo he ar carping from the masses, Bankers don"t hkc lo hear 1!. either, rton 't like a trend \Oo"h1rh rPstncls t.he free play of their loans lo C'Ustomers. Annual defense cosls are $7f>-80 billion. Of this, the VienL<irn war consumes directly about $J0 bill1r111. But outside direcl defense expendilurr~. the war sub- lracts a much lari;:cr ch un k nl Lhe gross national product. DAVID ROCKEFELLE:Ft J~ rhairman ol the Chase National Bank of t\C'w York, second largest in the C'Ount ry. Attending the lnternaUonal Industrial Conference in San Francisco, he said: "The single worst thing that has happened to our economy ..• has been the expanding in· vofvement in the Vietnam \Oo'ar." H~ said tbe economy was re latively stable prior to escalation ol the Yt"ar. For a year many publicist~ styling themselvet Uberals have subscribed lo a U\Cory that big American induslry thri\'es on the war,~ doesn 't want il to end. The ext raordinary activity and expansion of induslq depend for continued pros-- penty on eucc1uou1 tlefensr: expenditurf, they aver. !\IR. ROCK£FELLER. IJk e all big b<i nker5, it ck>tely involved 1n btg in- 1iu:i1ry, and the mass or smalle.r cor- poration1 which supply the giant~. TI1e f(J uation seems iimple. ! \ Royce Br ier '. Bul it isn't. Bankers like induslrial ac- tivity and expansion which keeps money, 11·hK'h lhey hold in I.rust, working. But bankers, just as you and I, also like stability. They \\"ant to know where they are going. For five yea r~ of Vietnam escalation. nobOCy !la~ k11011n where it -and wr - are goini;:, For five years we have not been going ~nY"'here to ni ccl the domes1ic needs ol the people. We have a high e1nployment rate. but that is not enough . lt creates an earning elite, bul it doesn't cut elite prices, welfa re cosls and laxes, or spread prosperity to masses or consumers and wockers. FUNDAMENTAU.Y. defl~nsc money_ beyond prudenl consideration! o f security, is shol away "-'lthout return. It e. n gen de.rs a phony activity wilhout permane~. and ~hows no capital gain for the nation as a "'bole... This nation has never advanctd by capital ga in, permitting reinvestment All our wars have Interrupted this gain . In w:1rs of survivi.I we have lluffered the in- terruption. thankful to remain i n business. Wars of adventure, like Viel· nam. we don't have lo suffer. Every dollar of the 15(1 billion spent In Vietnam Is out ol your pocket, and down the d'taln, even when you seem momentarily 11ble to meet your bll\s. By NORl\.IAN NIXON, M.O. Of the nearly one thousand murderS 1n the United States every month, ap· proximately one viclim in 20 is a chi ld killed by his mother or father. Ten5 of tho~sands more are severely battered, abused, starved or abandoned every year: many die as a consequence. Child murder by parents has bee n reported for centuries in nearly every country_ Al one time, the inhuman act of killing a new-born v.·ith the consent o[ parents, family, or community. was an acceptable method of fa1nily planning and popu\atioo control. In some societies, illegitimate babies, glrls more often than boys, were killed or allowed to die from ncgle.:t and abuse. Superstition also led to infanticide, particularly ror weak or deformed infants. And in primitive cultures, countless infants died as ritual sacrifices to the gods so as to bring good fortune lo the living. f ·Ever y day P r ohlen1s LAST 1\IONTll, in the A1nencan .Jou rnal of Psy chi atry, Dr. Philli p Resnick ot Case Western Reser\"!' Uni versity school or medicine. revie\Oo'ed 131 cases of flliclde (the kiH;ng by a parent of a son or daughter older Lhan 24 hours). 1\tore than twice as ma ny mothers as fathers committed child niurder. Nearly all were married, \Oo·Jth the mothers ranging from 2Q to 50 years uf ag~. \vhilc the rath<'rs were bet"·een 25 and 35. 1\'lost vu·tims died during the fir!)! !)ix months of life. Dr . Besn1ck class1f1cd child murders into (ive groups. t 1 I "ALTRUIST!C" t'IUCJDE -COil\• mined 1·oul of lo\·e·· "-'hrn one or both parents subsequently killed theniselvl'S, claiming !hey <"ou ld nol abandon 1hc1r l"hildrcn ; and thosC' perpetrated to rehe1e tl 1c chilirs suffering, real or imagined. (2J '·,\cu tely psychotic'' filicid e - where !he parents who killed were under the infl 11encc. of. hallucinations, delusions or deliriun1. ~31 ··un"'antcd child'' filicide -when lhe victim \'.'as not desired or \\"as no lo.1ger 11t·anled by the parent bccau~ of illegitimacy, extra1narital paternit y, or financial pressures. 14) "Spouse revenge" filicide -those <'Orn1nitted by one parent to make the n1arita. partner suff er. 131 ··Accidental" fil icide -those who the as lhe result or a !::ital "b<.1ttcred ch lld 1'yndro1T1c·· 1n ""hich the parent pun1shed the ctuld O\'f'rzealously in a violen t out· liurst of tcrnpcr. AT LEAST THREE-FOURTHS of all parent· 11l1n ~1111.'d 11Jc1r n1111 fl11ldre~ sho11ed p~yc:luatnc ~) 1nptrin1s prior lo lllclr ri!itid!'. 11c r;1':11rdly llll'i' t;.i!k!'1I of :-.11icl .v ;:inti thei r 1·11nt1:r11 abuut tlie futur e .. r th('ir sons a111.I 1·uui;htC'1"S. A{'tuaily, 111;.i11y n1olh{'J'S :ier!; ps:;1·!11:1t r1c help because of <111 orer11l1l'.l111u1g re:ir that thry \viii h;1rn1 1i1c1r 1r1la11lt. Others, cqu:illy In need 0r p~ycliu!herapy, do not rt?Cl't\'l' 1t becausP !hL"1r l;unily physi- cians. ped1atric1:1n~. law t•11forccn1cn1 of- ficers and others arc not aware lh<J t 1hese mothers n11ght .ict out lhr11· 111nrb1d unpulses and obses~ion~ Sl:\CF: -"'·" EST l:'llAT I::H ! II , 0 0 0 <·hil1:rcn arc battered anti :il<.irred each )'t'ar 1n the L:.s .. it is unprrati~·c that every case uf child abuse recc11·e prompt 1ntcrvcnl1nn so tt>at thr 1n:1i1nins and kill· ing of n1a11y children can be. prt:\cntcd. Jdcntiric<ition of Jl a r r n t ~ 11 ho de111onstrate a potential for child :iblJse or 1nurder is essential. No lonst'r ~hould the cries of th eir children go unl1ecdcd. Parents Warned on Trick or Treat i o the Edi tor : I would like to make a small request. Hallo,veen i~ just a few days away . Thousands of little children "'iii be going trick or treating, thei r little hearts filled "-'ith joy with the vision of the goodies !hey hope to receive at the door s. These children trust their givers. Unfortunately, son1e of 1hese gi\·rrs arp \' r r y unscrupulous people. They think pills or other harmful items are great gags. 1\IY REQUEST IS .. ·"ill you please pnnL an item in your paper requesting that all parents check their children's I.rick or treating ba g before their children ('al the candy. Even if only one child received a harmful l!em \Oo"hich the parent s detected after reading this item 1n the ne\Oo'Spapcr, and sa ved this child from harrn. this item "'ould be "·orth the Jew li nes of space it would takC'. Please give this request ronsidt'ration, for the safety of all little-child ren. GAIL ANDERSON Child's Vie u·poh11 To the. Edilor: This is frorn one ·of Lhe many readers or the DAILY PILOT. A f t e r reading Dorothy Wenck 's views oo Halloween in lhe October 22 edition, I ~11rly called up and canceled my subscription. That i.s :ibout lhe mos t suppressi1,1e vie"'poinl r ve read in 10 years. Perhaps she doesn"l quite understand the viewpoint of 111 five- year-0Jd child . Perhaps she has never had any children. Whaterer ~he problem may be, I do hope she has it corrected i\1RS. 1\llCHELE STEiZEL ,Dorothy \Ve11ck poi11led out .!01nr ri1111gers i11volved in Lr1cJ.i-or-treoti11g alld it1&ggested the best solution i.! to keep children home tliot night and ente rto~n with a party. Editor Kniae r T enm A t111cer s To the Editor : The ftlam teaching program now in operation at Heinz Kaiser School was tht topic of a letter to the editor from 1\lrs. D W. Jordan 1r.tailbox. Ocl. 28 ). SeVeral misleading atatements <1nd a number Qf half-lruths v.·ere prese nted 1n !ht letretlas the judgment of a "quallfietl observer.'' For the benefit of the parents aod studenLI in the area. the team leaching staff would like lo erase the n1any misconcepliorui arising from this letter and to explain lo in terested person' ~failbox ' ' l.t"'" ''""' roade•• ar• w•lco""' Normtll~ """e'• ono~t4 <O"""" '"''' m•u•v• 1n )00 WO•d• or '"''· Tnt rlvnt !a con<1on1• l•llf•~ 11> !JI spaco or ''""'"•!• ll~e! 1, re:ervt<I "''I le!1•11 mu•I lr><l~<K >l;;r,orur• •~a "'~'''""' •<kl••"· !;>YI ~Am" """' "" •ltnn•1" on rr<1uen Ir •~•hc,.nr ""'"" lt tpporenl. !hr auns and procedure_, anQ rcs.ults or lhe 1carn progn1m. BRI EFLY. OL"R ohJect1vrs are. that 1 Students will set irt<J1vfdu<1 I go<1ls and ~·ork at n1:tximu1n indil'1du<1I p:icr. 2. Sr11rtcnts will devel11p ability lo "·nr~ independentl y and in sn1al\ groups wilh a niinimum of !'iupcrvision. :l. Nonna! classroon1 obJc t:lircs will be r xpancted. 4 S!u<lenls '''Ill brnef1\ fr om more rf. lective rurr1cult11n planning by joint r[. Joris of the tea m leaching staff. The !'iuccess of the program has been cle111onstrated by f:H·orablc reactions lrrnn a number of sources. RECOGNITION HAS also come from our 0\.\11 faculty. Enthusiasm for the pro- J:ran1 here has resulted in other members of the Kaiser staff volun tarily giving fTee tirnc to prol"idc spc<:ial interest groups 11·ith ini.tn1ction aod tutoring in their field. Teachers in lhe neighboring high school.; have infonned us that it has been ~--By George ---, Dear Georgf : 1 followed your hint about u11hz- ing thosr lefl -over sli \·ers of wap hars and melting thcrn dnWf\ In a milk carton lo crrate beautiful. varicolored holida y c.;andles. J find, ho"'ever, that lhcsc candles \\'On"t burn. r-.IRS, E. L Dt11r l\lrs. E.I.: Yeah, I foufld that out. too . I guess thars "'hy !hey use ~'ax. Well -win SOmf, lose some. Dtar Georgf : I woukl like to give a stag party for lhe la dies in my garden club as I ha\"f' heard lhe cerilerpiect is a big rakf. llow large should the t·ake be ~ \\"l::DNESDA Y HOSTESS lkar llostcss· Would you mind asking Belly Crocker this questi on? Jt wHI make Belly "• whole day. neces:iary lo re1·amp their proi;:ran1:i1 since. these groups ha\·e already co~·ered lheir prescribed courses. As for fi.1rs. Jordan's concern ror the student.£' safely, the s ea t ing ar- r~ngen1<.'nts she mentions have been ap- pro\·ed by the Costa ~ffsa Fire Dtparl- 111cnl Frenuent lire drills ha\"c \'f'.rilied t~lCIT r:p1n1on. OURl~G i\IRS. ,JORDAN'S one IO- m1nu\c observ a\Lon or the class, the en- tire group "''as invol\'cd in the annual ~tdte-requ1rcd , tuned testing achie\·ement program. Obviously, no special group- ing, no project activities or panel discussions. etc , \\'Crc in session. ~frs. Jordan 1s corr!'{'! on one point. She rllsCovercd what lhe slaff knew before in- itiating the program lour years ago - lhat !he C'hild who is not mature enough to di sci pline and pace himself dues not be!ong in !his type of learning situation. Other t•iassrooms at Kaiser provide con- stant supervision ancl rigid control for Hiring Radicals ( ' P r ess Com m'ents ... Antigo, \\'is .• Journal: ' 'Ca mp u 11 Jurmoil is making some employers wary of recruiting among 'radicals.' A \\'esl Coast employment agency, says the Wall S1reel Journal, reports a sudden spate or,. refusals by some companies lo consider )Ob :ipplico nts from crisis-torn San Fran- risco Stale and Berkeley universities. A New York personnel agency that places college graduates detects 'a negative change in com pany attitudes' __ ." l'ilorrls, Mian.. Tribune: "The in· creasing complexity of our society is reflected in lhe work load of deliberative governmental bodies all lhe way from the village council to the nation's Congress_ , Service in the slate legislature is an ongoing task when the legislature is not in session and a nighln1are of hectic. days and sleepless nights during the legislati ve session. The conscientious member or Congress is running at full !ipeed all the tune., nc\'er quite able lo keep up." La\·onia. Ga .• Times : '"God ga1,1, us two rnds. one In r.it on and !he-other to lhlnk wilh. A man 's success depend s on which he uses most. ll is a case or heads you v.-in, and tails you lose.'' I hose. ~tudenls who st!l! need tllC security of this environ ment. l lAD !\IRS. JORDAN attended the PiA Back lo St"hool Night, she. would ha,.,. learnctl the philosophy and objeclivcs or team teaching. Parents and other inlrrc.sted person" are encouraged to \·1s1t the cla.~~es for au <'nt1r,.. morning session to fnllo1v lhe r.roup through !he daily scheduled ;:ic. t1v1t1e~ ;:1nd In question !Cal·hcrs on the goal!' and niethods . \\'c reel JUSllfiably proud cir 1he prn- gram and the excellent work being don(' bi the youngsters 1n lhis group and wool41 \l'Clcnn\e visitors who can come and vlc.w it in progress. TM~:: TEAt-.t STAF F Ron Dahl, 0. E. Niemeye r Collern Armi tage. Valerie E\'e rhart~ R. 1.. Walshe, Nancy Childs, Barbara 13ergl'.'r and ~ue JorgenSC'u f 'o r gofte11 '''"'' To 1he Editor. Thank you for mentioning lhe d1f- flcullies of car-less people in this cilv. F'or us. \Oo'~o have. to_ depend on pubi'1c traosportat1 on, of "'hJch there is non('. the increase i n taxi fares become~ a hurden. Before the rates \'."ere raised, although a doctor"s bill was Sil I paid $4 for taxi fare, and I don 't kno'w what 1t "'ill be now . Q11ite obviously our ''wonder boy" St Cla ir duesn 'L ha1·e this problem. J will S:t\' it m.:Jkes one think twice about 1·.l;:lher "thls trip is neC'essary." · Sprak1ng for the forgotten rnan . thr ptdt:.Sll"li!ll . F, II, :'ltACDONALO -----iiiliiiCi-- Frid a y. October 31. 1969 T~ie editorial pogr nf ll1 r Daily Pilot see.ks to 111/or11l nnd s111n- 11/ote reorlers b!I prPse11t1ny tl11s ·11e1Qspoper·s 01Jnnu11s and com- nitntnry . n11 IO/)l<':I of i11tcres& ond s1g111/1ca11rc, by protnduig a Jor11m for tltt' t'.If)rcss101l n/ our renders' opi111ous. ru1</ by presPntlUfl //1c d11:f'r.tr i·1r1v· poht!s <Jf 111 for11111d o/Js11rvrr.~ and spokes111r 11 Oil 1up1r:~ nf tl1c day. Robert N. \reed . Publisher I ! I ! l ----------------··------~---·---! Frldly, Octobtt 31 , 1969 S DAILY l'ILOT 3 Mail Pioneer Retires · lrven Couse Recalls Three-carrier Laguna Staff By JlAltBARA KREIBICl l 0 1 I~ 0.llY ,11111 Sitll \~'hen Irven Couse joined the Laguna Bt-ach Post Office staff In 1936, ht wa.-s one of se./en employe"s. As the new man, he had the unpopular early morn ing shift, reporting lo work at 7 a.m. to start "'Ork on the day's mail which :irrived in three pouches -l\\o of lhcn1 usually half t!mp· ty. The job of delivery wa.o; h;1ndled hv ll:rce c;irriPrs, one co\'ering the north side of town, on<' the south side (they both had cars) and a third doing a short four-hour shift on fool through the dO\\'O(OWO area. Couse rccalk>d these flays before a S<1mewhal unbelieving audience, when 80 of the Post Office's current 150 emp!oyes Fathered at a dinner 1n the Rh·iera Room at the llotcl Laguna to honor !um on the e1 e of his retiren1ent. Now the early 1norning shift begins <it 1 15 a.m. and the mail arri\"es by the truc kl oarl. up to 100 pouches a day , nol lo 111cnlion parer! p<l..-:L But by 1!136. Laguna already had ~h1:1pcd up considerablv corn pared 111th Ilic village the Couse farnily found whf"n !l1rv mO\"C'rl here frn1n thC'lr farn1 in !'l}U.thern Idaho in 1!126. Then U'.l~~l Highw<1y was one of the very few paved ronds in the :irea and Couse recalls that l1c and his rcllow leL·ns used to amuse themselves 1n wini er by sliding their ctirs clo1\·n the muddy slope bcllvecn Cliff Dri1e an rl Broadway. At 16, Cousr hat! finished high school Dow1i the Mission Trail Capo Distl'ict Plans Ne'v Scl1ool ~11SS ION VlF:.10 -Trusters of thf' C;;pistrann t:nifierl Schoo! District v.·ill i-onn av.arr! ;in S898.IOO cnn1raci for the c·onstruct1on of an clcn1cnt;1ry school 111 ~!i!'SJO!l ViC'jtl, The 600-pupil school vdll be buill sou th f1f the ~l ission Viejo golf course on a si te a0111ining Saddleback Colle~e. First Assurance Constnictinn Co. nf Newport Beach will build thr ~hon! 11·hirh is scheduled to be completed next AugusL e Sro111 l\·ame rl f,ender (,\PISTl\1\NO \',\LL1':Y -Paul Cra1i;, S;i n J uan C:np1~1rano rc~irh ·n! h;is b('{·n namc•I Srn11t E\rcut1vc ~crving thr F:l C:11n1nn Beal D1slricl of the Orange En1p1rc Cou ncil. Boy Scouts of America. r raig, an r::aglc Scout. is ;i ~raduatc of 1.0.., Angeles Slat<! College and I.he Boy :'itnu!s of Americ<1 n;itiona l executive in- ~11111!<'. Il e v.·ill serve volunteer Scout lrrulers fr om l~aguna Beach. San ('it'rnr-ntc. f'an Juan Ca p is tr a no, Cap1-;1rflno Beach , Dana Point and Lagu- na Niguel e fSe11e1·1rl '{~ ,{rjfJcnk ~l l'!'lf1'-i \'IF.Jn -K111:inian!! nf l\hs.~1on \'1e1n 1v11l he;ir Rri g f.cn. Henry \\" lli ~l' al thr1r brc;ikla,,t n1rct1ng Tues- di!\". The rnmmnn1!ini:; ~rncrill nf lhl' ~l;irinc C'nrps Air St<1t1nn 1:.1Tnrn1111\ 'hscu~.· thr. rnlr thr f<1c1l1rv plrt~l\ in thr n:itinn"s drrrn~ anrJ sonic of 11., ()f11 r.1LJ011s pro- blt•n1::- Thr n1e(11 n.c 11 111 11kr pl.i~(' ;iii J 1n 1n Iii(' ~1 1.~:.1011 \ lf'Jn lnn. e \"111rrl1~ !S1•ek J11l1.1i SADDLEBACK \'ALLEY S;irl. rl lchnck Co!lrgc is nn11• 1111cral inc a Jnb pli!crmrn t scr1·icr Ill a~<;1SL ~tudcnts Jn lind111g full or part time Jobs. J\rr;i employers \1•hn 1\•oultl like lo list job openings with the college se rvice m:iy <·a\1 1he C1Jllege at B3i-9i00 or 495-49;,o. Coordinator is Jack Swartzbaugh. Lagtuta Ladies Jog on Beacl1 in 'Operation OJ' .. If you V.'anled to he corny, yon might talk abou t a be1·y of beauties bouncing: 11lnnfl the heach. La guna BC'llch RrcrraL1.1n Dr par!lnent r;ill.~ it "Oper.1Unn O.J ... Tha l stands ror ocean jn11,i::1ni;: fnr v.·omrn nf 1he ;irea. Bui lhafs not a!l. The Indies v.·il l set 1he 1nncxl v.·ilh freshly squeezed orange Juice ;1! I.he twice v.•eekly sessions, ac- rnrding to Saody Betts. assistant rccrea- llon rhrl'f.tor. Shf>'ll lead the jogs and wannup ex- <'<'rc isrs. TI1ev'IJ ~tart at 10 a.m. Tuesdayi; and Thu r:i;;dayg beginning Nov. of The excercisc f>nthusiasts are to galhe.r <1l the ~1a1n Beach basketball couns below lhe old Boys' Club buildinr;:. En1phasis in the progr<im, i>aid lht pert fo.lrs. Betts. 1vil1 br on ""lhe fun of being alive anrl d11111~ well in Laguna." She said !hr cx1 ra bonus will be the im· prnl"ed r1 rculatory :i;;ystcm ;inrl horly tone for p;\rtic1pant!!. They may l'nroll by call . in'! the rr<:rc11tlon r!r.partment flt 494-1124. Sui;:gestNI dre:-!! 1s shorts, llght sweat ~.turts and no sh0€S. DAILY l"ILOT Stiff l"IMlt. POSTMAN COUSE WILL BE BUSY IN RETIREMENT In 1936, Life Was Slower in Laguna Beacli before: the family came west, so he 1rck- ked to Santa Ana 10 eontint1e his edtica· lion. graduallng frcin San ta Ana CHy Col lege. 1-\is father bougl1L 01nd operated the Shell serl'ice sta tion on the highway in !he-center of the downlo11·n area.· but later sold il and built one of the ron1- munil y's first motor courts on N. Coast High11'ay. Couse began his post:il carcrr as a substitute carrier. moved indoor~ to bec'flrilr a clerk and \\'Cnt up through the ranks as clerk in charge, foreman uf n1ails and superintendent of mflil!i, rc- n1a1ning in this post until his re tirement this \\"eek at the age of liO. :'ll<HTJt'd In !937. COU);" and his \\'ife, Louise, brought up their three child ren in Lagl1n<1. Daughter Bonnie bccanie Mrs. Tiln Davis last sum mer; son Hnberl. is at UC Berkeley and daughter Barbara is a Ne\v Concept Set senior al Laguna Beach lligh School. J\lrs. Couse is a 1vell-known figure at the Festival of Arts. 1\•hcrc she and her tnother have manned the popular •Neav- 1ng booth for a dozen years. An active member of Laguna·s First Church of Christ, Scientist, Couse expects lo keep well occupied \vith his church \\·ork and v.·ith taking care of his rental pruperl ies. !!e's also toying \.\'ith the idea of taking up photography again. "I used to be an a1nateur photographer," he explains. "It might be an idea lo lake it up again . , .as a hobby of course."' Devoted Lagunan~. the Couses enjoy a sweeping view of lhe Pacific from their home high on Manzanita Drive. "It's );UC"h a lovely place."' says tvlrs. Couse, "I jusl hope they can find some wa y to save il rron1 these highways Lhey keep talking obout." Pla1i1iers to Take Up Hillside Development /\ n!'\\' conC"C'pf fnr planned hillside <levPlonmenr . in J.;crrHng 11•11h goals out· J1n1>rl for lhr &"nrr<i l plan, 11·111 br prr· <;pn!rd tn !!1" l.<•gL1na Beach Planning Cnn1n11~.~1nn ~lnnd~y n1~h1 . n rvel0p1 r ~1 :ir k Gun1b1ner and archi· !ct:l Prh'T Oslrander, both mcmt>l'rs of the Citilcns /\rfl·isory Comn1iur-e tn the _:::cnerul 11l .1nnC'r~· h:il'r lilcd a request for ;1 c:ond1!1n11:1I u.~e permit rn inillalc development of 118 ;icrr-s of H·I ~single famil.1') property northeast of fl·lorning· side Dri\'e, adjacent to Rancho L;1guna. The form er Ever('l l Davis property 1-; being pt1 rch ased from its prPscnt out-of· !nl-l'n ll\\"ncrs by !he nev.·ly formed ror· rlnba Company, Ostrander said Thurs· day, He saiti lhe finn was rstabh~hef{ bv r.\1mhinrr. as president. Bod his n1111 archueC"tu rnl firm of Ostr.indC'r. Cr1•s:,. man and As~ocia t es of Laguna llc;it:h. l'lans fnr thC' d1:1·elopmcn1. Os1rander said. 11n11ld 1nvoil l' a 11un11nurn of ,i:;rar!- !nf! nr rl1~tt:rh;1ncr of the natural 1Prra1n. \\Jl h nn ··pads .. for dwe llings, antJ 1r1th a pr rox1ma1eJy 2.'i p<'fCl'nt of !h~ l;i nd • ... ' " I ' ' • r·~-··" ' " , < • lot • -·~ ; I y;;!-i '<; "• .. . . .• t ~" reserved for green 11reas. City Planner Al Autry, ll.'hO deseribcrl !he concept as "unique." said it is de- ~ignrr! to maintain R-1 density and could r fl n1'ei1·;ihly accommod<ite ln excess of 61){) d\ve lhng unils. It lncludes , Autry said, cluster developments and provision f0r future neighborhood commercial devcl- npmrnL "It is a definite depar111rc from !)!a n· d,1rd subdh,ision design," sa id Autry. The entire dcvelopn1ent would face toward the ocean, he said. an rl contour rnacls 111ou!d winrl among lots of varying sizes designed to permit adaptation of s1ructurPs to the hil!side siles. Oslrander said actual rlevc!opment of the property probably \.\'J!J be a "\·ery !orig-range program ." .. \Ve felt this property woulrl make a \'er.v good test ca!'t' 1n !he anempl to .irri1·e al nel\" standard.~ for hillside del'E>l- opn1ents.'' lhe architl'ct explained .. As ih1s concept is 11·orkerl out \\"e \\"ill see \I hill y:iJI be necessary in the way of znnin,e: and other ord inances to set up a workable program for such areas." .. , r,-' -· "'~ ' " DAILY l"ILOT 111ff l"IMli. JOGGERS JOGGING -\Var ming up ror new \vomen's jogging pr~ gram are (from lefl) r..Tmcs . Sandra Betts, Cheryl Ledge r and D1t1 ne ,Jorcl nn. Arter tuning up v:illi cal i.~th cnics and oran ge juice, the \adies \1 ill JOg on Lhc beaches of Laguna. -S~~Al{S ~-las Everything ... I .... l'\ll\' 111 1lJ~~ l!~i!lf·~ Including SUNDAY SHOPPING ! " s t' \l Seass Fall Hardware Week Sale $tarts Tomorrow, Nov. 1st Sears These are hut a few samples of the great savings available now. Come in and see the hundreds of sale items. 1/4-In. Electric Drill ... SAVE '3. 77 Regular '8. 7 7 •One of th~ handie~1 1ools your.an ha\e around !he hou s~. De,·elop6 1/6 HP to rlo nun1 ero111 jol.is e No.load 1peed 2300 RP~f wilh built-in Lri ggt r loek •nd !ingle reduction gean e l dea1 fo r wnrkinp: ir1 light, h ard-to· rtach p l a ct'~. ri lode l 1120 SAVE s28! Craftsman 77-Pc. Tool Sets S<parately3 997 868.23 . e :-r t in rludt~: l1Z-i nch r11 1ch.-t, l/4, ~s .11nrl 1/:i-inch 1oc ktl •nd ac• ,,.~~orit'•; open-end and igni· lion wreru:be~. hex kry 6Cl • .<\leo incl ude~: 1crewdri,·r n-, ]JUnrhe•. rh i~eJ,, hat'k•aw v.·ith r :-1:lra blade1 and lool box. 1 331(i6 _\,k . .\bout Sf'art Convr.nitnl C rrdit ~~ Co mbination Wrench Set Sold SepantelylS.14 SAVE38o/c! • Crafl"man 6-piece ttl ha• the mo~t popular 11izr.1 from 3/8 to 11 /16-in. 497 •Dro p fo~ed of .. So~r Torr 1teel flurry in for lh i~ ~eat buy! #44623 -· ........ ~'Q... ~·. SAVE s13! Crafl5111 a n 7-Inch Circular Saw Regular 842.99 2997 • i·inch ~aw c11n ht tel for straight or •ngle ('U!.•. Develops Jl/l HP. Durable and de· flt'IH~ahle • Tni:ludr~ adj11i;l::1hlr. r ip g11 i<lr.11 and Krom.. edge·• chi~el-tooth blade. ~-lode! 2778 $."i2.9'J, 7-ln. Circular Saw.::? HP--39.88 9-Pe. Se rewdrjver Set Sold Separately $9.5 1 . . . SAVE 4 7%! •Pocket., mechanicr.., 1tubhy, Phillips plus a ~way key ring 6<:rewdri\•rr 49 7 • All of .. Super Tuff' •lloy 1teel with job 1ized handles for comfortable grip. #41079 ,-------------· ... ------~ -----------------..... -------.... I llJfMA '"" ft .lllONTf ICING lfAOt rtCO •..... JOMONA KMH CQlrilf PU.IA ' ONOO.ti •AK Ol.BC>Alf Ol.YMPIC & IOIO IAHf4 ULt. l'OIUHCI I COWTOH MOUYWOCI» OtAHOf ~ IN'«•,,~ 'tAU(f COVIMll NGtrwo:» l"U.\OfNA MHT"' MONCA \'nliCINI" • ..... '------... --------------------Seal'S --------------r~ -~ ..._,Me...,......,.s.twimrt-.JDA.M.11 t;JOP.M .. S...-,11 ....... SP.M. ---• ~Cl1u 111 ...... ~ .... I f DAIL V PILOT IN TODAY'S NEWS Taki••g 0S11per·hlock' To11r 'lde ol,.,ical Eunuc h s' Agnew Assails Peace Protesters WASHINGTON (UPl )-Vice Preside nt Spiro T. Agnew, freshly endorsed by President Nixon for doing "a great job,'' has launched another free-swinging a ttack on antiwar demonstrators anrl po I i t ic i an s he called "ideologica l eunuchs." Agnew's remarks, in which he re- peated charges that leaders of the Ck'L 15 Vietnam moratoriu m were "impudent" and "sonbs," Jed Sen. Albert Gore, t [).. Tenn.), to declare: "He is our greatest disaster next to Vietnam.'' Jn a speech at Harrisburg, Pa., Thurs- day night, Agnew criticized •·a glib, activist element who 'o\.'Ould tell us our values are Hes." He said the nation can "afford to sep- arate them from our society-~·ith no more regret than we should feel over discarding rotten app les from a barrel." Although he made no mention of 1he rarlier Agne·w attack on peace dt!:mrtn- s1rators. the Pr('i;:ident told the ci.hnic group representatives he was "very protid 10 have lh~ vice president with his Greek background in tbls administration, and he's doing a great job.'' In a reference to the \\'idc. critlci~m spa\vned by his earlier attack·, Agnew told the Marr1sburg audience he had no 1ntl!nt1on of recanung. Horior Me dal Go es to Three Prine• Philip, hus band of Bri· Iai n's Oueen Elit.abeth, had a cro11·d of 200 laughing 1n the r ain <1:-. he officiated a\ the opening -rrrn1onies for a $2 m illion annex !n the Citv !!all 111 \1a ncou\'er. B.C. 'II c.11cs.n1r g rea l pleas ure lo dr- ~\arc th1 :' thing o pe n-\vhatevcr 1t 1~."' said lhe Princ e, pullini:: back IJC' roval blue curtai n covering a ..,la'lue-lo con1 memor ate the open· 111,:: of lhe addition. "I had pre- 1a red a Jo ng d issertation about the problems of local government.. but oecause it is raining and rather un- :ileasant, 1 will forget it." • • C1rc1ut Judg e Ric /lard Emmet, of .\loritgo111cr ~1. Alo . 1vho is con- s1dcrn1 1] r10111n1g fo r gove rnor, l1a.s dra wn support from a man he rec.mtly .sentenced to seven ye ors in prison. "Iii theTe ," said the letter from prison. "Th.ought f\'lrs. Robert F. Kennedy accompanies New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay on a 'valking tour of '·super-block" -a renovated area in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant area which \va s a project of her husband. Mrs. Kennedy made a special trip from \Vashington for a rare pub lic appearance at dedi· cation ceremonies for the renovated housing a rea. In colorfu l language that ha.s become a trademark, Agnew to!d a Republican <hnner such elements are aided by politi- cians he. called "parasite.~ of passion" who "vat11e a cause purely for ils pol1 t- ical mlleagi'. Gls' F£i1nili es \\'AS HINGTO~ (L:Pl l -Vice Prt .5i· lien! Spiro T. Agnew pre~ented lhc medal of Honor today to the la1n ili cs of three 1nen killed in Virtna111 , ' Bombers Attacking New 1 would take tinie co drop you a few lines. I am still up here in jail and J'm getting along prett11 good. I haven't heard anything concen1i11g my appeal yet, but it shouldn't be m uch longer. "l hear rumors that you are consid- ering seekin!J officr ns pot;er11nr 111ct I nssurc yoi' thn t if the ru- niors are trur. my~elf. pa rt.,lls 1nd all our f r1e11ds of i;ot111g ogr 1c11l support you 0~1e /1u11drrd rerce11L It 1001ild certainly be 11 iCI'. to !"/P t !/OIL Ill /he (]Ot:l'TllDT'S :>ffice. 1 dau·t. sta11d n cl1ancc ns ;I Threat to U.S. Camps 1, ,, long as you are c1rcu1t judge ." . .:--:.:... -'"iP\$!'"29-• -::E"J'E!.-... ,j • Ca ssius Clay began rehearsing in f\e\\' '\'ork for his Broad\vay acti~g :lebut in a m usical version of "Big fimr Buck \Vhi tc." Clay, lhe for- tn e r heavyweight boxing champion 11 ho calls him self Muhammad Ali, ·1uickly made it clear he sa1v no future for himself on the stage. ''I 1ave no ambitions to be a n actor. t..ct ing is just pretending "\\'hat is real. I want to be real." he said. He said he had turned do\vn previ~ ous off e rs of parts in plays of mov· ic s because, as a praclicing JVfus· !fm , he found them offensive. ''This is a good clean play," he •a id. "The cast is all black. There are no women in it. It is real. It is about ,\·hat is happening in the ;1·orld. Jt is about lhe ,,·ay people feel." 0 r •!)Jr'f''I" r,•l']r'"(' nf ~/fl•lfJ('(I nri rl (jf!. r/•rf\•1n11')'1 ' \lnrriarrt f\lrad rr rr 11·rrt ~-;,f r -\ "\\ r·"·a'•I 0 1 the \'rar"' rn t dals 11 ri· :ri/;r/.,hza tl!I.~ ll'l"rli rrnicf'~~ 1.ru,-r •<: 1: · \l'ri'l'le tl ltat'r brtf•ll!f' 11r· r 1r5 rq -1 "dim /1vin9 ·• 11 ·/iiclt Io.\" r'):"r'! 1' ,,.\ '"!fl /f\,~r .1"01>1(' f)f t h1>1r !""' .. ,.. r : 1 t•riH Orlirr ntrnrn',-r" -·-l'rr .'.r r .. ~:i:r:<11 L1dhcr l\lll rJ .Ir. '1 1 d ,\·Br 'lr L I" cnrrt spo11d rnt Pa1i/1lJf' rrcder1ck Robbrns. SAIGON (UPI ) -Two Oighls of 852 bombers today went after what U.S. in- 1rl11 ~encc described as a ne"' 7,000·man North Vietnamese threat to a string of U.S. Ca utions Against 'lnsta11t Desegr egation' \\'ASHI:\GTO~ (UPfl -High govern· n1Cnl officials cautioned 1orl:iy against ex- pccta!lohs of "instant integrali,in" 1n the South "·ith the Su preme Court's edict on school desegregation and the Nixon ad- ministration's vow to enforce it. These officials said enforcement of lhl.' high court's order for immediatl' desegregation of 33 Mississippi school distr icts would begrn as soon as the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in J'\e1v Orleans acts on the case. probably next \l f'ek. But to implement the court's his1or!r,. decision in · all states which ha1·e e"er maintained legally segregated school ~ 11,·jlJ take time, they said, noting the Justice Department y,•i\l ha1·e to f1!c a motion for rompliance in each of 200 separate school desegregation cases pen- ding. They also poi nted out that another 23() ~outhern ~chool dislrlcls are not cur- rently obeying federal desegregation guidelines. The officials forecast a flurry of pri1'ate Ja.,..·sults from parents and the NAACP legal defense fund ta end segregation in these di stricts. FCC Holds Up Radio R a te Hike \\'ASHJ:-<GTON (AP) -The Federal Commun1cation.c; Comm1 ssi()n ordered vi. tl:;\· ~ rhrC'r:-mon1h ~u~f)"nSi('ln, and h" Ir· 1n_.:•, nri prnfl'1~rtl ra1e 1ncrrasPs fr1r 1h~ radio chano<"I. 1 L"lpa k and T\VX ser1 ices of A1n crit'.ln Telephone ~-Telegraph Co Thl' inrrcases, totaling about $5.1 n11ll1on a ~ear . .,..·ould hare gone into ct· Jecl 1\01," 1. but the FCC suspension push- rd their effective date back to Frh. l, 1970 Shnuld thrv lake effect at that time. 111c FCC dirr.cted AT&T to keep accura1r .1rt1.11nL~ ::n !hat refunds .,..·1th interest can he rnad<> 11 the increases are later fot1nd to be un1varranted. isolated U.S highlands camps hard by the Cambodian border. Military spokesmen said the slratoforts cl ropped 180 tons of bombs onto the r ecently spotted buildup following a wave n[ shelli ngs during the night against the 1 ~1reatened artillery and Green Beret <:~mps. Jn S:ilgon , the American Command turned u1·r r 13 ocean·going patrol boats to t he Snulh Vie tnamese in the continuing ''\'1etnamization" of the war and said 300 n1nrr An1er1c an troop.s y,·ere leaving for l1ome Saturday. The del'elopments came on the firsl an· n11 ersarY of former President Lyndon B. .h1hnson's announcement that he u•as !<lopping the bombing of Norlh Vietnan1 lo get fuJl.scale peace la!ks going. Si nce then, 10 .11 ! Gls have been killed and 6i,1i1 11ounded in action . The Oj2 strikl'S hit v;·hat l;.S. _.:;pokesmen called troop concentrationi<, part o[ the buildup of nearly three North \ 1e1 namese regiments four to eight mile.:; frf'm Cambodia and 110 miles nonheast of Saigon. Dunng !he night, the North Vietna mese h:id launr hed eight shelling attacks ru;:iin,1 three U.S. Army ar!illery and ~rrri;il forces bases the re, firing a total r•I r..; n1or!ar and reco11Jess rifl r rounds, i;pokc~mcn said. Casualties in the attacks near Bu P r3ng and Due Lap cause d light , nsualties but ground fi re sho t dov; n a I S he licopter Thursday. killing lour Americans nearby. Drive Lau11 ch ecl For H a yns ,~ortl1 \\'ASHI~GTON' (UPI) -The \\.h!te Hnu!.e step!X'd up its campaign today to ;iroui:e grasc; rOflt,c; support fnr Supreme ,~ourt nominee Clement F Ha ynsv.·orth J c. The \\1ute Hou se mounted a nauon1,\ 1de. effort among local Herub!ican organ1z:i- t11\ns, businessmen's groups, chamlX'rs nf !'nn1mcrce and lrade assr11:ial1ons 1n beh al f of Haynsworth. The idea u·a ~ t('I i;11amp senatorial offices vdth !eltcrs llr&· ing confirmation. "\\'e are urging stat.e party or1;anlia· lions lo use their influence to get busineS5 groups and law groups and others tn v;•rile 1heir senators." one White llouse source said. 15 Days of Rain in Florida Heavy Sno1v Fall Fro111 Ne br<1ska to Minnes ota Callfornln ~oul-Ctl-~lt w•e!hl' w., • 1>•9 at ''••11-"el t "ll tl•••-•a• ••II· ~"'1. c•lebr1t!"' H1lloween t!ld1v TJl.e Loi ""9tln •~•· •rrortt•'l!I '"• .,_,,,.., _, In !he ntt~ 1"1.l•>'l •• ''"'" 1 ., In 1,..,,,. P.t1t~. con11~vto d H• 11>11 -.i<>nv t!ld•• "'l!l'I 1 ~·e" M l• ttt. TM ev11mt11111 low •I Jo&. TM ..... 1Mr1 on1v "!1•1••r cl •'• "'" w11 tM "t• Ponu!•Dn (on1,01 Ollldo;I, "'M<.h 1,,,...111 l19nt Im<>' I" f"lt bl1I" TM< U.5. Wu!l'tff ll~rtlU'I •1••·111• ~•"' a l11 IOr <'& p-e<:;!a ll1•,., •n•-.11 w..i ... 1<11•. "''"' 5.ou•~t"' r •• l..,..nl• '""''"torltutt• ••••IO•"• ,.,..~ .,..,.,.,11 !O •·I Ott"'''" oDIO•f ... ll Notrtt!..,., ,,,.. ...,,, -~ .. ~· .. t<flOI 11111 l'lllhl M t ' It!. "'''~ , ... "''''' et il "'°""'•In ff)(>''' rtlC~•O T!W U""I!"" too OfM•! ni11'11 wtro "'"""d Ill '" "" ...., v1llt~I I ncl t b<><ll t0 In IO•t' Vl llf'/'I. ~tlt'!eod hi ..... l""•11U• 1...t a••· l!K;ll'd Mt>'\"""""' l!ldl• tf'ICI-l - !ltttl'I "·'?. kl>'• '°""''"'" /i-16. Bu•· """" l'O·.,, "''· w 11-fl.111 P1•..,n1•• l'•:'I• lllvo•l l5-U -tl, P1h., S1>•on1• If.,,, 11...-t•1llt kl ~·I). ~n 0•""11'1 l •·I) """ !.1nl1 '-'b••• 11 t1 M)IJTMl!ll"' CALll'Oll"'tl -iunnv 1/ld eO'ln......, ,..,..., SllMrn•• 6•NTI. 1.llllAllA INO VICl .. lfV - iy,.,... o"CI "'"' l 1lurcll•I 11111n H IO "'· 1.-"'"1•1'11 oJ 19 Jl IAN ll"f"ll"'Jl .. 00 VJI LLEY -S<J"nv •'Ml (.Of!llN,lotd w••m ~t lU11!o t. Hit " &I Ill t) 1.-f0t'l9i'tl '1 In \f ~·II 1 r • .. •lf 0 "l0 VALl l v ~ '\"r •""' t.,,,ll~•>e<I """" ~•'I""•• I< 1'' II 10 •t 1,..,..,, '°"''~' 1.1 •o ~I Co1Ufal Pi t•'"' tot ~,.rn m•O><n"'"'"'· o•"-•'• "''" •un~• L""' 111<1•~!1 ... incu n•1M 11"' "'Ornl"' llour1 "<.ont1"9 w•t•••IV -·~ I) •-...i} In •"trl"OOlll 10111• 1...t S•'•'~•' H'tnt irldl Y 10 Co••••I '•'"'P1r1•u••• ••'IOO(I ,.,,.., ll to II !~11"<1 IU'l<>f 'l•ur~ ••~•• ,.., ,,_, j,j IC II W•"• 1-•llYrl 6J, S ut1 , Mann. T ide•. S.l>r UllCl.lY ,~II .,,,.,, I .. •rT' 11 ~"'')DK l(l&e m JI :,-c,,,.~ "-'R~ ,. I~·""'·~ ~•<_I_ tJ..1 1>m,OI U.S. S11mmar11 1a<L•¥ """"'" , ... !Jiii , ................ <)•Y "' ro ln '"' -•lot!• of l'l<>ridl. ,.. ,,,,, 'ffO<"-• lJ lf'(;.f'IN ""''"' 1"9 '"" 1• ...,., •• l~o t•ln ,.,, l <CO'l"'afl'\'1•11 ~· """'q '"'""' •• tomt iouu.,,,,. w ·~ ~"" louotrOl le '"'°'"~' t\ltll "' •t ,..11t i.-1n.nav• Q•,~ ol'<> wo• l1U.n1 oc•~'< I vo•I l•r• <>' IN ""'lort'• >'!laUthon !'Oft' loo''''"" •"II '°"'~,.., To••• 1n•DUQll '"' '.' 111\1 n<>• vollt v la '"• "''"""'" ''"''" M tn1 roon boll +1 "''' or'lt'..,. ,~~ ''""' <""''ol ~IO••••I Ill ,..,,.. no""# w"''" l<I~"' "'tt h<'•1 •n •nt "-.a.-•"> ''•O ..... fT<Ot"'"' -_., '"" tf!Mt ' '' ~ ·-l ••I '"' r -" • '' u••"•"• ~•'"I 1"0 ,., • .., Moon """ h , ,. ... ~, .. I,.,...... ,_ •••.•. I•" Te mperat11re s 11iweu......,. " " A~<Nl"•OI ., " """"'" .. " lll•mt rtk " ,. eo•M .. " ll<1t!011 " " llr°""n111l!lt " " C~•(•90 " " c1,..1nn1 11 " " t nvtr • " ' Mol~tt " ,, °"''"" " " r••••o ., " '"'~'""' " " !{~~ ..... ' ., " " "' VH I• " " .. ._ .. .. " M1t ,..I " n ,,. ......... ...,11. •• " New O••r•n1 " " "~ ·-" " 0 ... ll M " .. (lli:l1-.1 ,,~ " » ~·~ •• " P1l1"1 s~'"'' • • ... 11.-b!u " " (\"'on>I• " " "' lsl>J••~ • » 1>o•t111Vt .. .. '"" ,,~ " " '" 11~11 " " .. ~ u ,, ! ........ ~, .. " " .5•11 l•~· ''• " n '" ,,_ " " '" l'r11l(•HO " " S~·•'I• " .. ~ .. -..... " .. ,~ •• ~,I .. " Y>•1n q•-~ •: " ... " ,, ·" " ·" ·" Lebano11 Mou11ts Attack 011 Arabs On I sr ael Border By Tht. Associated Press Lt.banese pla nes and tanks v.·ent into action today against Arab guerrillas in southern Lebanon, killing 12 commandos and 1,1·ounding 40, guerrilla sources said. Sources in Al Falah, largest of lhc Arab guerrilla movements, told newsmen in Damascus, !he Syrian capital. that the attack was launched against the guerri!la-e ntrenched village of Kfar Quok near the Israeli border. 1'herr was no confirmation (lf the a!- taek from Lrbanesc rnililary head· qu<1rtcr~. The guerrilla sources said Leb.'.lnese v:arplanes and ar!JllPry began pounding the l'illage at 2 30 a.rn. Tank !roo ps then l rlcO lo O\'ernin the village but \\'err repulsecl, accordi ng to the guerrilla !>(lUrce:;. They said thrcr ,euerr1Jlas taken prisoner by the Lebane.sc ~ol diers 11ere t>hot on the spot. Egypt 11·as rrported pressing guerrill a r h1el Yasir Arafat to niert v;·1th the Lrbane~e hut was said to have insisted t hat Lebanon give full backing to the Arab fight against Israel. '"They are idcoloica ! eunuchs v.'hose most comfortable position is straddling the philosophical fence. soliciting votes from both sides," he said. "I do no! o"erstate the case." he said, as he warned that a "convulsive society'' y,·ould lead people to •·settle for authoritar· ian society." "Right now ,,.,.e must decide 1,~1hether y,·e wHI take the trouble to stave off a totalitarian state," he sa id. "\Vill we stop ll before Ll is too late, before the "'itch hunting and repression lhat are all too inevitable begin?" ,\gnew said that "re~ardlrss (If the issue, it is lime to stop demonstratinl? tn \he streets and start doing something constructive ;ibout our institu1ions. An1er- 1ca must retoi;?nize the dangers of con· sWnt car nival.'' The vice president v•as wa rmly praised by Nixon Thursday at a \\fhite House reception for !he Heritage Groups rli\'i· sion of the Republican I\ational Com- millee. SOVI ET AUTHOR LEAVES FOUTUN£ f\!OSCO\\' ILl '!l Kornrv 1 . f'huko., sky, the grand old man al ·So, 1t'l hteraturc 11·ho died Tue sday, left a fortune of more than SI.I million, lilerary sources ~aid Thu rsday. Chukn1,·s k~· <'a rncd it al! bv ori:;a n1z1ni: children's librane~. annual iamboreri< lor child ren and helping v.·riter~. 1'-l!lhons flf copies of his children's books earned monumental roya lties. Torino. High Style. Not hing in its field can match it for luxury. The eleg11nt Torino Brougham is ricM in looks. la~lsh in appointments. Compare 1t to othe1 int ermed iates. You won't I ind Us eQuttl enywhere-not in ttppearance arid certainly not in price. II has a lon;er wheelbaat fort smoothe r ride. A wii;le• 11.:ick for beMer road holding. Hideaway Headlamps, conc eel&d windshield wipers . 302 CIO v.a are Just a ff:lw ol the standard f!alures. Take your choice of 2-or 4-<loor r ard\Op.t. E1lher one la worth a visit jusl lo see now bflautllul ll is. One was a i\lar iric who threw himself flll a hand grenade, then administered f1r~t aid to a 11·ounded comrade before <l,ving of his ::nrn 1round s. . The medals werr awardcrl tn !llarine Lance Cpl. Jedh Barker, J\-lar ine Sgt. .\lfred Gonz;1h.•l and Army 2nd Lt. Harold B. Durh11m Jr_ Barker 11,·as honored "'ilh the natlon·~ highPSL mih1ary a11·ard far heroism Senl. 21. 19fi7. 1rhcn he threw him.~elf on an ex- plodin~ gr<>nade to shield fellow i\l anne~ from the blast. "In a final act of hravery, he cra\\·le•I tn lhC' ~1de of a \1 l'l11nded comrade and ad· 1r11n1~!cred fir~t rt!(\ ht fo re succumbing l".l h i~ prr r1ous wnu11dc;," the citaLion reacl. "f11c; bold in1 l1atne. intrepid fightint..: !'.pi nt. and unw averin g de1·0\ion lo duty in !he fatr of aln10.~i crrta111 death un· doubtedll• sa\ rd hh comrades from Jurthc r 1n1ury or po~.::1ble dea1h.'' Gonzalez \\'as cited for a series o( hf'ro1c ac::is dunni:; lhr flr~t !1,·e da)'S "t liefen~c of Hue C1!y until his death Feb. 4, 1968. Gnnzalez. althnul.'h wo1J nded se1·rral limes, led his pla toon ar ross exposed ter rain to attack a reinforced Communi~! ni achJne gun bunke r and dest royed J' 11·1fh grenades. Durham v;·a~ ci!ed for ht'roism on Oct. 17, 1967. \\'hile acting as an art1lltr1• lor1,1,·ard ob:;.er\'r1, thr c1tat100 said, he ii;· norcd severe head '''ounds to direct SUJ>' porting li re rtgain~l enemy troops. Durham 11,·as mor!ally Yt ounded bv enemy machine gun fire but !he Army c;air1 . ac; he lay nf'a r drath, hr :<aw t1110 r 1rt Cnng approaching, r x I' r u tin i:i; liefense!rss, \\OUnded men and lium- moned he lp. Torino. High Performance. New SportsRoof styli ng ... six great V-8's. Torino GT gives you tl'le ride, the h1nd!lng, even Its own aerodynamic SportsRoo! 1tyling that adds to your go. And you can go 111 the way up to the 429 Cobra Jet Ram-Air V-a with a Uvlrig, breathing, through·t/'le·hood shal<.er. T/\en edd our nErW Lll~er Stripes, /'llgh-back buckats. 4-11peed Hursl Shiite~ ••. yOt.J get the Idea. Pttrk the GT U you w11n11o collect a crowd, and take tham on 1 crul11e II you want to daule them. Torino. Low Price. Lowest priced hardtop in its class. Thl1 l1 th• beauty that ceught the competition napping. Vou won't !Ind a lower pne.d ll'll1rmedlaie herd!OP anywhflnl in the country. Vet II ot11ra you many laatum you'll !ind only on the more exp1n1lve Torino models. Longer wheelbase. WIC -c ~. Curved t ide gla ... Concealed windshield wipert. Flberg\ttu belted ttru, and mo,.., Falrtane 500 It just one ol lhirtean gl'9at ways lo go Torino Jn 1970. Your Fo,rd O.aler 11 the man to IH. lo ... them all. TORINO_. . FORD gives~ Better Ideas. tts the Going Thing! TEST-DRIVE A 1970 AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S NOW! -·-· --~ -. --· -·--..... --------------------------------------------------. ---·------------. ------------- U,.t T•IWl'Klt• COMMUNIST WOMEN PRISONERS GIVE NEWSMEN ICY STARES S, Vietnamese Camp Opened to Press tO Refute Brutality Charges Brutality Denied f iets Show Off POW Camp QL'I NJ-!O:\', Virtn;un ( L:f'I I -The ll"Omrn 5tared 111 silence at the v isitQr.~ walking through the rows or doub le bunk beds in thr1r South Viet- na mese pri~n camp. Tht>ir eyes sho11·ed fc .:ir. ho s tility. apprehensi1·l'nf's~ and JUSt plain curiosity t\ few of the younger ones tried to rnufne girlish giggles. Thrsc 11·cre for1ne r 1vorkers fur Ilic \'ict Cong -895 of thein -and the Saigon government was showing off !heir prison i.:amri lo counter Communist arcusat1ons that ~·omen prisoners \\'ere being s~a1·ed to Deatl1 NY W 0111an Falls to Street NE\V YORK (UPI ) - Rita Kerr 11·as terrified 1vhen a man mugged her in her apartinent lobby. \\'hen the doorbell rang al her fifth floor apartment four hours later, she !hought the mugger had returned The 27-~·ear-uld Jan1ai can. '4'ho had been 111 thl' eoun try only three 1nonths. panicked. She ran to th11 window. clnnb .. cd !o the ledge and scrcan1cd hystcnca tly for help Tuesd ay night. She slipped. Wilma t-.fa rt1n. her roommate, wabbed her. A passerby sa\v the young "·o- rnan da11gling fr om the win- do1v and summoned the fi re department . Firemen brgan selling up a res(·ue nl'L Fi refightl'r Law. reni:e Yetn1an climbed a lad- der being put into place. But \l'tln1a .\1:>rtui <:nuldn"l hold on ;1ny long~·r. A split-second - tl1 rce fCT! ~ befure Yetman got to the window. H1ta plung- 1..'Cl to the ground and died. Pulice re1·ealed Thursday the doorbell at ~tiss l\err"s ai:iart ment had been rung by two dctN't1vcs. Thc.v had a !'Usprrt they \\'anted her to identify. 1nistrea\ed. Althou gh ne~'smen making lhc two-hour tour Thursday of the ca mp 250 miles northeast of Saigon 'vcrc not allo\\·ed to lalk to the inmates, they ap- pea red \\·ell fed and healthy. The prisoners. ranging in age fron1 13 to 55, hve in clean. "'oodrn barracks with dirt floon; and alun1inum ~het·! roofing :ind w:ill~. 1'11cre arc two rows of double bunk beds in t"ach b;1rrack ac- cu1nn1odating 60 persons. ''\\'c agree 1rith the Geneva con\"en!lon ,'' said the. ca1np co1n1nandcr. ~laJ. Phan Jluu Hau, referring to lhe in- ternational agreen1enL cover. ing treatment of w a r prisoners. '"\\'e ne ver treat the PO"-'s brutally ." For n1an\', the food and lodging arc 'probably as good. if not betler. than they knel\' in their native villages. 1L is on a par with accon1mnda!ion~ lor rnosl South Vietnamese scldiers. The camp commander said the priso ners are permitted to list en to lhe radio or ~·atch television for t\\'O hours each evening. There are tn ovies once a week and relatives can vi~it for JO mioutes each month. Cigai·ette All Ba11 N ea1·i11g \\'ASll\.\"GTO'.'J ( l.P! I f ire yea rs after the su rg rnn general's report <:onde1nning ci garette smoking .i s .1 menace lo public he<iltil. l11c Senate Comrncrce Co1n1n11li·e has ta ken a tentat ive first step towarrl a ban on broadca~L cig arette ad\'ert ising. If passed b.1• Congress. lhc me;isurr would knfl(·k one •if trlc1·1sion·~ bigges t ad \'er11srr<; off the air. The t:garl'tlC 1n· rlustry spent 5217 .2 million nn te!E>vi sion ;id\ crti~lng I ,1 s I yt"ar. arco rrl1ng In 1he Fcdl·rtil Trade Con1m1ssion 1 FTC J. :ind !2J.3 1ndhon 011 radio ('0!11· rnC't'cials. The comm1ttee deadlocked Thursday on another issue - 11hethcr-to let the FTC require ;i heal1h 11 ariung 1n pnn!rd <"1gare tte ;ids. C 1 g :.i re t tr_ makers hn1·e complained the FTC"s proposed v.·anUng JS so strong they 11·011ld stop arl- ' ert1sing rather than carry it. It rf'acl~ •·[igarrne ~mok1n g i ~ rl;.ini:;erous tn hl'a!t~ and may l.1usc dL':lth fn1m tan('er. {'(lr- nna rv li•<1r1 <1i ~asc. chronic bro11c:h111". pul111on;<ry L'll1· phrfcm;; :ind <ithrr disl'ascs" Sen. \f:irrrn G :0.1agnuson ( D -\V a sh . \ , con11nerce chairn1an. said thr committee would n1cel \\'ednesday to thrash oul the FTC eon· trol'Ctfy, confirm its ten!at 11·c vote to outlaw broadcas t c1garel!c ads and p1rk a date lo make the bl ackout ef- Jectire Sen. Frank J;: . .\loss f D- Ltah\. said he f;n orcd 1111- pos1ng Jt next Sept. ~o. in time to k ~e p cii;.:arel!e con1merc1als oH when the new se<i:-.on of TV 5'1l(l11 .<;; br~1ns in St•pt cn1bcr ~I'll. :\orri~ Cotton 1 R ·~ !I /. io-t1ggc~tcd .Jan_ 1. l!li l Upper Newport Bay Environmental Tours November 1, (Sierra Club sponsored) December 6, (Friends of Newport Bay) January 8, <Sierra Club sponsored) 9 a.m. corner of Eastblu ff Drive and Backbay Drive, at head of boy over· lookin9 former Salt Works . Two hour walkin9 tour. For furt he r ;nform•t;on phone G•ry Jomes, (714) 536-6053 FRIENDS OF NEWl'ORT BAY , ,. Friday, Octobtr '.31 . 1%'1 OA!l Y PILCT 5 Labor Loses Gift Arranged by Johnson? British Seat HEW. Wants Rest Honie Land Back LONDON lt:Pll -Prin1e Minister Harold \\' l 1 s on · s Labor party Jost a par1ian1en· tary seat in special election results announced today. Bookn1akers put the odds hea\ ily against the labor gov- ernn1cnrs reelection 1n com- i11g national 1 u1ing. Oppos!\ton Conservative par- ty leaders hailed the sptcial election rcsulL~ ;is ind icating tht>y \\'ti! rf'Capture control of U1c I-l ouse uf l'orninons. \\'ASHI NGTON (lP!\ The federal governmenl 11·an!s lo take back choiet' land ob- tained by a non.profit en,.. poralion for a oursinf: home in the center of Austi n. Tex . 111 \\'hal one senator has called a mulli·miUion dollar · ·I a n d Rrab" arranged by the John son administration . The Oepartn1ent of Health, Education and \\'elfare s~td 'l'hursday in rcspon.~t" to reporters' q11cr1l'~ th:il 1t d e nl a n de d "1mn1cd1a1c·• ' return of !he lanrl valued at several m1Jl1on dollars. It has not been returned. ll E\V :.aid. The HE\\' disttosure "as mack after Sen . J ohn J. \\'lllian1s \lt·l>el.J, l·ha re:ed earlier Thursday thal the \\'h1Lr House hcl 1>Cd nrrange the l;ind transft'r during the last three months President Lyndon 8 . Joh nson 1ras in of- r1ce . Thi" senator said the land 11 a~ gi1·en frf'c to the U s . • Geriatrics Center. Jnc lo build a new and inno1·ath·e nur&ing ho1ne In Austin, the chairman of a board lhat wants lo build tJ1e $8 .5 milt1on dollar nu rsi ng home wtth fede ral money and free land in Austin said Thurs- day !he projecl was "above reproach.·• Frank C. Erwin J r .• eha1rrnan of the lniversity of Texas board of regents, a former national Democratic cornmitteeman and a close political and p e rson a I associate of Johnson. said : "~n. Willia~ has seen ht to sugges t, at Jea!lt by im - plication, that there i ~ something improptr or une thical about Uiis worthwh ile project. This l!I most unfortunate becau se the project "'as conceived w11h nothing but the h i g h e s l motil'cs and has thus far been carried on in a manner that is abovt reproach." , ,)-.... . 1 · r-'J-tt . . . " ,-·r1.~ ' FREE STAND ' 1 1•e ra 1RW•¥ ~·D~!I Elil-''' 1a·· o .. , .• 1ao 1Q. In, pidv•• · Computer Crafted Color -the RCA color televi sion of tomorrc·.11 -is here today! And to ceJebratt this &ala introduction. your partici· patine dealer is offering an exciting "Kick·Off Special:" A rolla bout stand al no extra cos! when you buy this big.screen RCA porlable color. ti's a great buy on a great sel. But hurry-quantities are limited. A Master-Crafted Cabinet and screen-size to score with any decor! a. Thrill to football in vivl~ color. The games are twice as exciting when the old school colors shaw up on your home screen. And here's a big·screen beaut y that brings you all the action. Has A.F.T. !or •549 95* Mdlo·heo looi•g. ~ , • INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON 1970 COMPUTER CRAFTED COLOR TV -GREATEST VALUES IN RCA HISTORY Ask your Dealer about all the plus values that add up to ... PIJJS ,, ... the MORE of COLOR TV Coltlr -full compact portable.. 1-land iest color se! goin1! Weirhs on ly 40 lbs., but fealurts e powtrfuf 21,SOO·volt chassis for trtnbritliant colo1 pictures. Handsome wood·&rainld vi_o~ cabioet ·2195* Mth lurgage-' type handle_ l~e U~IAllltl l<!Oi!el lM-417 !4•d111., lOl 14 I~. pit\.ut ncn ~(}(b b.AJ.T. locks color in! RCA's Au!omatic fine run1ng 1s complet ely electrunic, no t"Xlra luninr meters or sw1tches needed. And the 25,001)..voll chassis gives you brilliant color even on hard· Th• PD~TUllD Moc!tl '!14.lJe 2l" dl1r .• 295-. In. ~ktur1 8. b, Tiii UYUllD ""1dtl 'IMll ll" dllJ., 215 IC. Ill. pldn lo·&•I chaooels. $669.95* c. Come on in -the color's great! An i1Weslmt"nt in color lelt"visioo is an investment in li.irn1lur1 as Wt"ll. With RCA Color TV, yo u ca11 be su1e ol get- ti111 the btsl of both, as in !his charm- io& Coloe ial ,639_95* uprl&ht con'°le. ' d, lrrSlant·Pic conlrol tnds warm· up wail! Trill$ Vista• solid sltte•• col01; ad- va nced Automatic "loc~!<J.ln'' fine luninr (An); optional "Wir1l1~ Wit· 1rd" rtm0te C-Onlrol; tle~arit Spanish slyllo1. $789.95* ncn ~(}(b see your dea'ler today! '\.· c. d. RCll ~Ccb ... ""1 -m~~r:!::!::~~~i~.··~':'!,,·~'~.:-:~·~·::w•~·~·':"·-:-·-.=-·":"0':'"=~·-·""'"""'"-""""":"''". ··-~····~""""~''l"''""""""':'" ... '"""-"~'-·'°'···"'"·"'"'"''i"''•·~'lrt••~1·""'·'•·-is•"'•·"'"""''''"':'.•i"'"••"'•'••,,•,,,.,,,,"Tl·•·r••·"'"'"·~·""'···-,,,,,.,t:.i->"0•··o.,,..,y;:o;,,". "'"". ~ _,. .~ J /,; ,I ,. • , f l .-; ; ~ .. • DULY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE A Forl{ 1\lission \'iejo homco\',·ners have come to a fork in the road. They \\'lll begin considering aloud \Ved nesday lhe benefits a nd dra\\'backs of incorporatin(;, of turnjn~ a con1munity in to a clty. Jt is a decision gro,ving con1munities lace. And i\lis- sion Viejo gro\';th has been a dazzler. \Vhere cattle grazed four yc<:i rs a go. tnn11lie s iapproxin1ately 11,000 persons) todity ponder their future, the zoning densi ty and airport use. Becoming a city i$ the assu~ption o.r authority th at continues. It is also t he a ssumplton of financ.1al burden for those within the ne\\' political subdivision. .<\ key question is the tax base availability to pay tor the new municipal services. Judging from the speakers lined up by !\fission \liejo ltomeowners A.sso::1ation. a good beginning at v.·ei,gh ing lhe advantages a nd disad vantages should be n1ade al next \Veek 's n1ect1ng. Get Prof essio11al H elp One year ago this \Veek. the City of Laguna Beach completed il s purchase of the !\'lain Beach a nd the coin- mercial properties adjoining it. \V it h the purchase came 23 tenants (complete \l'it h a ssorted leases) conducting busin esses ranging from a service :;talion on one end to a _bar on the other. The idea of helping to fina nce the beach purcha.:;e by having the city act as landlord for the commercial t enants during planning stages of the future beach park made a lot of economic sense. But it a lso brought some headaches. Recently City J\lanager James \Vheaton rueful \~ informed the City Council tha t one tenant. \Vho had invested a good deal of money in reinodeling hi s business and hacti been given • Ill the Road a littl e leeway on renlal payments, "'as now in arrears to the tune of more than $4 .000. Noting that his department 'vas ''inexperienced " in properly management, 'Lhe city manager indicated he \11as learning fast. Property management is not something a city 1nan- agcr, or anyone else, shouJd be expected to learn over- ni ght. \Vith many competent real esta te firn1s in lO\\'ll, th oroughl y experienced in handling ren'LaJs and the problems that go with them , the city ought to consider a vailing itseU of professionaJ guidance. Lessons from Palm Springs Eyes of Laguna's business communi ty, city officials and out-of-town property O\Yners were open wide this \veek as Palm Springs' city planner s ho\\1ed how •the dese rt resort has gone about giving itself a "new look ." .Those who had had doubts about Laguna's ne'v sign ordinance seemed less doub'tful as s lid e a fter slide fla~hed onto the screen, giving full-color proof that Palm Springs' much tougher ordinance is being enforced- and looks good! • Evidence of the beneficent effect of architectural control was equally impressive. This \Vas conclusive proof that a hodge podge of mediocre buil ding design «:'!utte red \vj th unsightly signs can. \vi th genuine effort, be turned int_o a. t~ing of beauty. And . in Palm Spring s' case. a mult1·m il11on dollar 1ourist oasis. Such a redevelopment projec t, it \vas poin ted out, can succeed only with full cooperation of ci ty ,1.?'0vern- ment . property o\vners and the bJJsiness community all v.•orking to\vard the same goals, ' . Once our o\vn goals take shape, \\'ilh ever.vone pull - ing together, Laguna can develop a s the kind of com- munity that benefits its rare natural setting-and all will benefit. s . ; . _,._,, Ou1· C liildren Hark Back to Dear Gloon1 y Gus: Esti1taated 10,000 Batte1•ed, Stnt·ved Encla Yet1r Basic Values '-$'"' • "' • ,. ! . ' Syd~ey j, Harris .. ~ We .,.,·atched the moon-landing this sum· mer up in the country. with perhaps ;i dozen children and teen-agers grouped around the. TV set , .,.,•ailing for the big moment. So me of the kids were townies, and some were tourisl<;, all from dif- ferent backgrounds. Bul their reaclkin was pre!ly much the r;ame -b!ase acceptance. After the !irsl 1noment of landing. v,ohcn th!'y knew all \1'as v.·t>ll. they rapidly lost 1nlt>rcst 111 lhe operation . So man linally set foot on the moon -big dral. Al fir st I \\'i:IS startled, and a \1(tlc shocked, al their response, or lack o1 11. Then il suddenly brought hOrne. to me how th{' ne"'' gen{'ralJ:in really does in- habit a different 11·orld than the resl of us. THEY GRE\Y ur atceptins Stich things as a mailer of course. Technology holds no :l\\'C for them. In this elf'C\ron ic age. any project is possi ble , given enough patie11Ce . money and energy. l::ven Buck Bogers became passc in their 011·n time. And I 11·ondercd if their scale of val ues 1ras not somehow more rPahstic and 5ens1ble 1han our s: for thc~e generation<il products of the clectron1c era sce:m more humane than tht'1r parents. les~ 1n1· pressed v. lth 1echn1cal /cats !or 1hc1r 011 n 6akt. IT IS IRON IC that .,.,.,, \\ho gre,,.. l!fl "'1th presumably n1ore h u rn a n 1 s 1 1 c 1·a\ues, arc so infatuated \\'llh sc1en l1flc products 11 n d processes <ind achie ve· men ts. \\'fll!e they , the flr st bab ies of the Eldridge Cleaver's suggestion lhnt North Vict11an1 l\'Ould exchange Amer ican pilot s Jor Black P;inthcrs ra ises the interesting question of 11hat should . be the ralio. How about. say, uh. 50.000 panthers for one pilot, JUSt for openers~ -J. 8 . H. 'Th" lttl•rt ••lltrt~ •••••~' YIOWI, nol nKl.,tfll! thote e1 I~• new>P••"· Son~ ''"' N I "°tYt le Gl...,mW Gvl, 0"1¥ ~ll<tf. c~·bernetics age , are seeking ror ethical absolutes and socia l solu1k1ns and personal equ;;il ion.~ -as confused and contradictory as their quest may appear to be. ''Everybody knew we could 1n:1ke it up 1here." wa s their in1pl1c1L rl'Sponsc, •·.'\Qw how about seeing if 11'c c;in niake it fl\)11·11 here -ho\v <i boul using so1nc of !hat smarlness and sweat and do11gh lo ltx up a better \\'orld fur us tu live 111~" T II E 1\100:\·LANDU'°'G w a 5 a vivi1! !'vmbol of the genera tional gap. And fl \\as Jl1 st as true of the l11rn1 kuts and townies as of tht" more soph1st 1c:nh'<L urban. private·sc hool youngsters -!he~· all v.·a!k('d away fr om the TV !>Ct alter ;1 sh ort \\-hilc. the .... ·ay lhcy 'd turn off a ball game in the 8th inning \1·hcn the. con- clusion v.·as fore gone. A remarkable tr uns\·a\ua\1011 h;\:-hap. pcncd -e1·en more rem;irk~blt• lhiHl C'.lr!hl1n~5 l'lu n1p1ng :irnu11d 1h:H 1hoi~1l piece of rock. a qu.irh'r·n11llu1n 1nilrs ;i11a~·. Our children. \\'ho ~urcrtJC'1a\l_v ~i:c·n1 so · n1odern ,'' il!'f' h.ir~ing b.1rh 1011ard h<1'1f and t•l('1n!'.'nt.1r1· \,il111·~ 1 alnK1~t rel1g1011~ v;1lut•\ 111 11u·ir n1<n 1\ay1 , while 11r arlult\ ,1,,r .. h1p ;; gr.:! rail. f'<i Stlenee. ;:in•I 111 hi:. 11.1n11· 1c1ir+rr a I! \Ile dee~bt !'ubl111lil r)' net:d s ul 111n11k1nd. The Sirigle Worst Tliing The housewife complains of rising food costs. The house bu yer thinks new hous- ing is oul of sight. New automobiles cost more this year. Taxes al ways go up. This is inrl.11\lon. It plagues e\·erybody and pains pubhc olflce rs. "·ho don't hke to hear carping from lhe masses. Bankers don·l like 10 hear It, either, doo'l like a trend \rhich restricls the lret. play of tlieir Joans to customers. Annual defense costs are $75-!IO billion. Of this, the Vienlam v.·ar consumes directly about $30 billion. Bul oulside dirttt defense expen<litures. the war sub· tracts a much larger chunk of U1e gross 11aUonal product. DA VlD ROCKEFELLER is chairman of the ChaR National Bank of New York, Eecond largest In the country. Attending the lnlernational Industrial Conference in San Franclsct1, he said : •·rtie single worst thine that has happened lo our economy ... has been the expanding in- volvement In the Vietnam war." He said the economy was relallvely stable prior to escalation of the war. For a year many publleisls s1yl1ng themselves liberala have subl!cribed to a theory thal bl& American Ind ustry lhrivr-s on the war. hence dotsn't want it to end. The extraordlnary activity and expansion of industry depend for continued pros. perily on mor1DOU1 defellfil': expendilure, lhty aver. ~IR. ROCKEFELLER, likr -Bii bii.:t bankers, la closely Involved in big in· rlu.'llry. and the ma~s of 1mallrr cor· porationa which tuppty the giants, The tqu.11tion aeems 1imple. ( ·- Rovcc Bl"i <!r But it' isn't. Bankers hke indu~trial ae- th·ity and expansion v.·hich keeps monry, which they hold in trust. \\'Orking. But bankers, just as you and I, also lik e stability. They \\'anl to know where they are going. For five years of Vietnam escalation, nolxxly ias kno\\'n where it -and we - arc going. Fol""th-e year~ .,.,.c have not been going anywhere to meet the domestic needs of the people. We have a high employment rate. but that is not enough. ll creates an earning elite, but n doesn't cut elite prices, v.·eJfare co~ls and taxes, or spread prosperity to masses of consumers and "'orkers. FU:'\"DAi\tE:'iT ALL\'. defense n1oncy, beyond prudent tonsideralions 0 r security, is shot a.,.,·ay without return. It engender s a phony acth•ily v.·1thout p&manence . and shows no ca pital gain for lhe nation as a whole. This natio n has never advanced by capital gain. permitting reinvestment. All ou r wars have interrupted this gain. In "'ars of sur\•ival we have suffered the in- terruption, thankful tO remain i n business. \Vara of ad venturl'. like Vir.I· nam. w" don·t hav~ lo ~ulfcr. Every dollar of the J50 billion spent In Vieln<un Is out or your pocket, :mrl down the drain, rven "'hen you seem n1omentarily able lo meet )Our b1l b. Child Abuse and Murder in America By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. Of the nearly one thousand murders in ihc Uni!ed Slates every month, ap- proximately one victim in 20 is a child killed by his mother or father. Tens of thousands more are severe ly battered. abused, st.irved or abandoned el"ery year: many die as a consequence. Child rnurdcr by parents has be<!n reported for cen\uries in nearly every country. At Qnc time. the inhuman act or killing a ne,,..'-born with the cunsent of parents, famil y. or community, was an acrep1able method or family planning and population control. In some societies, illegitimate babies, girls more oflen than boys, were killed or al\O'A'ed lo die from ncgle.'l and abuse. Superstition also led lo infanticide, particularly for ,1·eak or deformed infanls. And in primitive cultu res, countless infants died as rilufll .'lacrifices Lo the gods so as lo bring good fortune lo the living. r ;;:;,-·-~ .... - · ,r Everyday Proble111s -' L:.\ST l\IONTll. in the Anieriean . lournal of Psyc hiatry. Dr. Phil lip Hesnic1' of Case \\'cs te r11 Rcser11e Lnivers1ty S('hool Qf rnel!ic1nc. reviPwed J31 cases or filiclde (the ki ll;ng by a parent o! a son or daughter older lhan 24 hours \. t.1ore than tw ice as manv mvlhers as fathers committed chiid 1nurder. Nearly all 11·erc married, \\'ith lhe mothers ranging fron1 20 lo 50 years oF ag~, \rh1le the fa tht'rS "'ere bet"·een 25 and 35. l\lo.st victi ms died during tbe fir~l six months or life. Dr. nesnick classified child rntirdcrs 1nto fi l'e groups . I I ~ "AL TRUlSTIC .. FILICIDE -tOm· mitted "out or love" \vhen one or both parents subscquentl'y klllcrl lhemsclres, t'lai1ning they could not ilb<indon tl1c1r <'hildren: and those per~lrated to rrlieve the child 's s11ffcring, real or irnagincd. 121 "Acut ely p:.~·c:hOlie., fd1 cidc - 1\•hcre the p:irent~ who k1llrd 11·t'rr under the tnflucri cc o! hallui.:1na11ons. 1!clu~1u11s or dt'lir111111 . 1:11 ··t.:n11·a11lt'd ctultl"' filieulc -11·hl·n lhc 1ic1tn1 was not dcs1rect or was nc1 lo;igcr wanted b} the parent beC;\use ol illegitin1acy. extramarital paternity, or llnancial pressures. 141 ·'Spouse revenge" f1!1c1tlr -tho:.e committed by one 1>arent to 1nakc the 1narita1 partner suffer. \fll .. ,\ccidental'' fil1c1dc -tho~ ll'ho r!ic 11s the result of ;i f;,itnl "b;il\crrd Phild ~1·ndromc·· 1n v.·lurh the parc11I p11n1 ~h··d th<' rhi\rl 0 1l·r1l'alou~ly 1n a 1·1(1)t·1lt 011!· hur~t ul l!'.'111pcr. i\T LEAST TllHEE·FOL:llTHS ul all parent<> 11 110 kl\lr(l ll1f'1r 111r11 t"hi lrl rrn :.ilowetl ri~~ch1c11 rn· s~1npt1111r:-. pnor ln tlil·ir ftl1l'1rlr ll1:pt':11cdly 1i1P~ 1:1lkt•d .. r :-iiit.J ,(•and th eir L'•1111 c·r11 a\J,a1t Ilic lu1111·1· ot lhe1r ~nn~ ;1nlf tlau.:11!!'.'1 s. Actu,illl', n1;111y rnnthrr~ ~·\'''"-1•~\'\'h1a1ri1· hl'l p l)c1"<1u~r nf ;111 01er11 hl-'l1i11ni:: fc;11· thi•t lhcv 111 11 li:1rn1 01l'l l' 111lc1nl"-Ut!11 1· 1·q1;all•, H' !\l"1•tJ or l]~.\l,·l1ulhl'f;l j ll. Ill! IO'll 1'1'l'l'111' II hei:;11(~1· n1l'lr !:11111!1• flln •I· i 1.1n:-.. pl•1l1.llrlCl.J!l:.. 1:111 t"lll11rl'l•1ll('n! uf. f1c:cr:-. and 11th1·r, ;_1n· nor a\.l.1re 1h.1t lhesc 1nulht'f~ t•11gl11 at'1 out lllt·u 1no11J1d 11npulst•!. ;ind 11D.~l's~un1,, Sl.\'.Cf; A ~' ESTl\IATF:n Ill. l\ n fl children .1r1· h1111l·rf'ol ;u1J t ~1.1r "f1 t·;i,·ti \(';ir Ul [ht• l S • I! !;I; IJl\l)('r;ll!I l' 111,1! Crcry t·;1~c or 1·h1l(t a1lu~•' n•c1'1~1· p1·f!111111 1111\'f"l'l·n!1u11 :;u 111111 lln: 111;1111\111~ ,11111 hill· 1ni.; .. r 111:1t11 1'hild1'L·11 l:111 111· 111·1,,1•1\lhl. li11 '1ll llll';i11<11l ol p ,1 I t' II 1 • \I 11'1 !l\'llfoll~IJ,il<' :+ !)HI• !JIJ:•l t .. ) I 1 i)il :11f1, I' nr m11rdvr 1 ~ ,,~~1·111 1{d, .'\1 1 i(•ni.l'r ·!1n1!l·I the c:nc., of U1cir t'hilrircn go llnlll• .:t•il. Parents Warned on Trick 01(9 Treat To the Editor: I 11·ould like to make a small request. llal!o11·een is iust a fe.,.,· days away. Thousands of little children \\'iii be going trick or trea!lng, 1heir Uule hearts lilled \\'ilh joy \\'ith th!' \'iSiOn of the goodies they hopt to rccei\'e al the doors. These 1·h lld ren tr1Jst their givers. Unrortunately. :-1,1111• uf lhcse girers are I" er y LJnf>(:rupulous people. They think pills or Qlher harn1ful items are great g.:igs. I\ I\' R F:QUEST IS. . 11 ill you please pnnt 1111 1t e1n in your paper reque.~ting thnt all parents check !heir ehi ldren·s 1r1ck or treating bag before their children c:11 the candy. Even if on ly one chllrl receil'ed a harmful item which the parents detected alter reading this item 1n lhP newspaper, and saved this child frnm harm, this item .,.,·ould be worth the few lines of spact. it would take. Please give this reque~t consideration. for the safety of al! little children. GAIL ANDERSON C:hlld's Vie11·poh1t To the Editor : Thi i:: is from one of the many readers or the DAILY PILOT. Aft e r r t>ading Dorothy Wenck'i views on Hal1011·een in ,---By George Dear George: I follo~·ed your hint abnut utiliz· ing those left-over slivers of soa p bars and melting them down in • n1llk carton to create beautiful, v<1ricolored holiday candles. I find , however, that these candle$ won 't burn. 1\!RS. E.T. Orar ~,rs. E.I.: Yeah. I found lhal oul, too. t guP$S that's "'hy the~ US( v.·ax. \\·eu -win some. loS<' .some. Dear George : I would Uke lo give a stag party ror the ladles in my garden club as I have heard !ht ccnte-rpitte is a big cake. How large should the cake be? l\1EDNES DAV HOST ESS Dear Hostess: Would you mind asking Rttty Crocker this question '! Jt will make Betty'a wh(ile day, Mailbox Lellets from rr.cders are 1rclcomr . Nor1nally 1ur1 fers sl101•ld cont:ey tl1r1r messages in 300 tvords or less. Tlie f"lf)lit to condr.nsc lclters lo /1t srare or e!iniina:e ltbel is reserved. A,'J lei· trrs r.:11.~t incl.tide si(111at11re and 111nil· 1119 f!ddre.~.~. bli t ·na1nrs T11ay be 11;itij• he/r! on re quest ;1 si1Jf1c ir1rt ieo,1:0•1 1s ap purcut. lhe Oc\obrr 22 rdition. I nearly called up and cancck:rl rny subscription. That is aboul the 1n~t suppressive vie wpoint I've read in 10 years. Perhaps she doesn·l quite untk·rstand \he 1 ie11•point ur a fil"e· year-old child . Perlu1ps she ha~ never hall an y children \\"h<i1c1er !lie prnblen1 n1oy be, 1 do hope she hns 1t corrected soon. !\IRS. f.llCllELE STETZEL Dorotlly \Venck poi11 led 011t some dangers involved 111 t rick-o r·lre(llu1g and suggcstect !he bcsr ~o/11riu)t is to keep clli/rlre1~ honi l! iliat l1igltt ou<t e ntertain witlt a party. Eda or Syfo11's Proposal To the Editor: The suggestion of Bernard Syr.1n that !ht: Festival of Arts and the city un· dert ake the purchase of land across fron1 the feslival and adj acent to the Boy·s Club opens a most exciting possibility. In the first place, it would allow for tht preservation of the beautiful eucalyptus Quotes Arthur O. Sbackme11, North HoUywood -"If only no1v v.·e coul d bring peace in lbe WQrld for mankind." Al«h• Ne•·be:rn, Oak land, J\ll ss Tetn Prtoee11 U.S.A. -"I've.. al.,.,·ays ~n happy the "'ay I am . rm blgi-k , and it's ver)' ob1·ioui; ... hut in 011r ifamily. r.:i r.e has nc1·cr heen an important question ." F:ar1 hA Kitt , a ctrt:ss. Holly"'ood - ''There aren't very n1an y perforn1ers >A'ho kno11• who they are . They·rp jU5t gue ss· 1ng. J'n1 ''cry glad 10 be n1!'.':' ~ovc that has Ion:; been a lan dmark for lhe 10 .... -n. And . in the ~ccond placr. 11 ,,..oul d allow nu1ch nccdl.'d area for tennis r tuirts ;uu! oth!'r f:ic1 ht 1es VJn;i!Jy, <.:irn~d to !IS loJ?1cal tonrlu.-10 11 I( ct~uld "fr\e -!(1 ;1ee1·nl !he pl.i1 a 1•V:.Sl t11hl \ 1ur 1:1c s1rr<'t area dircttlv 111 11·0•1L 11f thr !r~nval I \1 ;111t 1hr hfl;ird W hall 11ly •·nd•1r~t'lll~·tl! uf thr S~l<in pro- JA.\I ES \\', DILLLY 1•1 ,.11.si11~J 80111 To tlir E-ditor During the 1968 !!lcc\1011 can1pa1gn . ~l r. Nixon ~aid hi'.' had a rlan In end thr 11 ar, bul dirln•t ~<iv \\'hal it was. 1-!c h:1.~n t rc1•ealed it clC<irly yet, but Jl IS bcg1nn1111; to show. He kno11·s A1nericans arc tired ol tl1c cost of the war in lives and money. lie also knOl\'S that the Pentagon generals Hirino Radicals ~ Press Co1111nents Antii:o, Wi s .. Journa l: ''Cam pus \11nnoit is makin& sonic rmrilo~·crs 11•11ry ol re<:ruiting among 'radicals.' A \\'rst r oas1 en1ploy n1 cnt agency, says !hr \\'n\I Slrr:l't Journal. reports a sudden Sf1<11r nf refusals hy some con1panirs to r.on.~alcr joh 11pplicants from crisis·lorn S:in Fr.in· c1sco St<iic and Berkclev un11 cr~1l1r• /\ Nrw York personnel agCncy that phl<'<'~ college gr;\duates <lrtects ·a nrgaU I c change 1n company attitudes· . , . " ,.!orris, i\llnn ., Tribune: "The in· creasing coniplexity or our soc1ef~· 1.s renectecl in the \\'Ork lnad of delibera!i1·p govern1ncn1at bodies all the .... •ay fro1n the \'illagt' council lo lhe nation's Cnngress .. Ser\·icc 1n lhe stale lej.':1slaturc is :in ongoing !ask when the lcg1sla111re 1s nol rn session and a nigh!m<1 re of h<'l'll<' d;1~:; and sleepless nights during the le~i~l:i1 1\ e session. The consc1cntious mcmbrr fir Congrt'ss is running at full 51lf'<''I all lhr. 11n1e , never quite able lo keep up ·• J.a,C,lnla . f.a ., Tlmr.\: "C.&I g;i\'e ll" t11n <'nrls, 011!'.' to ~lt on and the other to think 111th A n1.1n·s ~11cr:r:-~ rtrnenrls on 11 h11·h 11r 11~1'~ 1110~!. It IS A ('.1SC ol hc;id~ ~01 1 11111. and t<ills )'O~ lose,'' l1 1!h 11hon1 he ha.; ah'"'"" h•••·n fn+'rld]•· wrint a rn1lJ111ry \lC'lllr.1 . !Ir 1~ 11 1111:! tu plc:t~e huth H~ h1t11I !lit' ~r•'Jl1·, 111~ j..I 11· tr<1b fir(• L•·1ng l'l'·l~"11r1tl •In !-l,u.1· ·r pt·1 1plr .irr l1·r! "' l11•l1•'ll' tl1,1I r1'"'I' 111:11· dr;lllfll.~ 1111·;.n 111~· l'hd uf llll 11 .11. (}\ HF;LI \131.1·: ,I ,11111111\ 11 i· H i••·I '11 !\iJI ·\n1ha--.1rlur [.;1111h1 r l\;1· 111:, o \ '' ., I I) ' h11l1I 111f "I\ l1•'i.!lll i,1 lul1 • ( ••11' • 11 ,: 111:11 tlh !• 1.<•r Tlh' \,1ih~ Ill f'IL• 1!1' ti L·.1111111 /q .t Ii•!' II' '\1 I I! IHI' . <, .1111! \"1+<lt• Ut\ lq,11 .11 I I•' ,'11··· I t it!' !11,, l 'n•~1iit'tll 111 :11 t'PI 1111· ,1•1 j,,1 ho ,110,/ 11!1' .llti!\,,~.-.1oi,d \I \ I' (Jll Ill~ 'nllll't I ol llw 111d11iofl Th\' :\1 II ~ <IJ'k T ll 11('" 111 Si'P1 11 'II•·.'· rd u \\;\,/1J1H.'l1111·~11url't' tl1;11 tl1t' p11 ·11• r Jul ll'o\lp 11 11lidra11 :d :•nil tl!'.ill c11-r1' • ;..uonl \\:,,In 1·;1ln1 doJntl·~ti.· dr.,•l/11 1\11 Jr t'Ol111~Ulng lhC 11rc~.i·11I r.OUf:-,{· 1 ( 1111' war Thus the Pr r~1den1 "s pl.Jn si•t•n1" 1 I<• •. ". H ts to 1nit kP 1hc w:tr n1ort· :u'll'J11.1l,.c \Ii thl" 1\r11er1C"r1n pco1)lt• b.1 1'i•durinj! •111n•'- 11·h1•l ArnCTll<ln c.1.,t1rill1C',_ ;111rt pr<~~ I 1r "victi'r~, .. by bn111 b1ni:: \'u·tn.'1111 "h.•1 ,, int-0 1hc S111nl' 1\gr ." ll 1~ c;alltd .. \ 1· 1 nam1z1ng th(! 11 ;ir .. \\"ILL THE A.\1ERJCA\'. pt'oplr rnn~rn1 1n continu(' lhe 11 ar 11 hirh u1<1ny ft 1 I ~houl1t nrvcr ha1·c hcrn ··,\nu·r'1tani1rr1 ' ;inrl whieh nobody 11"<111\S. Le\ 1 ·r1·~1de11t Nixon state plainly \1·hcthl'r hr 1111c11rls 111.1L more 1\m!'.'r1can boys ,h;ill br ~.u'­ rifirt:d and n1orc Vietnatnt•se be rn;ide hornclt'SS. main1ed ror lifl· or k1ll('rl r\nrl let 1he people lnfnrm \hi' l'rt•s1d<•11! 11 hrthr•r ihr1 t•lt•t·lt•d h1 111 tn (·nd lhl' 11 ;1r. \lr s::i(j"fY ttlr 1111l1t.iry ;1111h1111 1ns 11f lite l'cntagon. 1.-rtday, 0 l"tobtr 31. l91 i\J T l1 r rrl1!'1111J/ pnu1· r·f !Ir /)11 I 1 r 1/n r .~('rJ;~ /() 11111 .. '11/ n11r/ .\,/!!•· 1d<llf' rrnrlrt~ 1111 l11l'•(',1ilrl!} 1J1, fl< !'1/•HflC! S 11 ; lllHI ('ol!l· 1'11'11!1H 1/ tHt 111 ., .\ u/ 11dr rf' .t 1111d i:•.1por.1·u111 r. 110 p1·111•lfliu9 ,, f (•r1011. /·11· r•1· ,.1,.,1 , ., •. .,1 "' n11r 1l'•1rl··1~· i•/1/f• "' •1·"' /,I rorr.~c11J1,,'I '"" • r ti' I •' /'1 • I I' I • t•t I!'. I t. I r· I t f''<I 'l'"I.! IHI 11 ,' I$ I!} / C .1111/, ·---- J I '" '" ed " :q '" '" ~·!' "' I' Ii 11; \\' "' ' ,, ,. ,, 'II '" 11~ "' :it "' '" ' I" '" ,, .J ( '" " ,, I' 'I I• r.1 " ,, ,,. - - ---------------------------------------------.... ....--... -.. -~~ ... --------. ------ -- CHECKING •UP• Mother Jailed After Son, 8 , Daughter, 5, Sell Drugs --m _ DAIL V PILOT 7 .--.. -.-,-,.-.. -.-.-w-.-."-------------) Ulll'Llh Sees MR.MUM • Big Budget S11rplus Me11 He11pecl\:ed BELL GARDENS (UPI) -l\1r.s. Gafin's son, Tommy, II, A 26-year-old mother was held and daughter. Dav.'Tl, 5, \\'ere , today on a cruninal complaint turned over lo j u v e n i I e authorities. charging she allegedly used A ivoinan informant of the her two children, ages 5 and 11, sheriff's department allegedly in the selling of dangerous di scovered the children v.·ere drugs. selling drugs and later called allegedly responded, "\Vhat dn you wanl, reds (seconulJ, white tbenzedrine ), or acid (LSOJ?" The informant went to the Gafin home later and bought $5 of benzedrine from the boy, deputies said. • ' , " SACRMIENTO !~fl r-.11nodly Leader Un rt1h s:.iys he Assembly Jesse r..t Most at Age 25 Carol Ann Gafin was eharg-the Gafin home. t'd with possession and sale of Authorities said U1e little dange rous drugs in a coin-girl answered the phone. After Q ue s tioned later hy deputies. the boy said he and his sister were .. just selling these for food. That's 11·h<it 111y 1nommy does." susµcets there is 1nore rnoney 111 th1· stal'e t'reasury than the ltc<1gan a<Jn1inistration is will- ing to adrntt , and he wants to k11(1W Wii)'. By L. ~\. HOVll The comic s\rrp arti!lts lent! Ill [){Jr11·:1y thr typ1c;1l hcn- pt.:cl<t:d hu:.bund :.IS iniddlc·;lg• I'd. Th:.il 's riot right. The ·<ige ;,1 1\!i 11·h J hu~bantl is rno~t .1pl 111 Llc hcnpi:cked 1s 15. The 111 at r 1 n1 unial resean:hers lnt111Cl 111;1! out \\'hen husbands r ro1v okl(•r. \hf_v cill1cr get '-11H1t:ir n1 control to put a stop I 'lhal !11ing c~dlrd nagging IJI' :~w~' g1·1 uu!. Th ose :ire 111e 11.ird f:u:ls 1n our LUvc an(J \\';Jr rnan·s-flit un \lw inaner. .jlJ.ST TH'r '11'1,lcring an l :ng l1 sli 111ufl1n n1 England. .lust try. Jt is a rare l~ng ltsh1nan who has ever /1c11rd of an r:nglish 1nuflin .•• I ~ Tll£ 0\\,\1\'llATTAN - IL'l1•phline d1rf'ctury, th c {)ull:111·~ outnu1nbcr tile Copps 1iv l\J to 2. OU lt l;Ai'\GUA(;E; l\lAN is slil l 1r,\Jll.lt to ltgure oul where we "Ul tl1e 11·ori.l "gams'' l'or a girl's ll·gs· .. , , I F YOUH. JIOlJSE is 1vhitc. contends the d1'ptirtJ]H:n( or a,t;rJcuJturc, it 11 111 nerd rl'p:iinti11g al least L'11·ry live yc3rs. l'LANTS need light , that yOtl h11011•, IJ ut s1) dn rubbil;;, 1•1 lih'lllly. 1\l l~asL a rnan or ~ 11•11t 1• suys so. Dr. N. 1\. l\c·rr.n,.1o1 reports hi <; ('X · p• "unt·nls indicate lighl t1 1- i1·. 1 ... a r;·1bbit's growth glan1ls. Tl11 ~ leads str<Jighlaway to the l!1rory that lighl also 111- P 11cnee~ a baby's glands. And 11lc mr.<lical fe l!o1vs therefore .11 t' ~triously considering the 1111l11ul that newborn babies do 111111 h hr1trr in brighlly lighted r .11111~, Noll11ng to it, l sup· r11· 1' Sll ll , yn11 know th<1.-,e 1nr>11 h ~ 11 110 l11l'k thrrnsl'ilT!; 1'1l' !.II..'' Ill darkcneJ C(;JIS'.' 1"1H•y nlways co me ou t littler, plaint signed Thursday by a she "'as asked if there v.·ere CUS Tll.\tEH SERVICE: Ct. -municl"'"' coorl J"dge. any drugs for sale, she '·Did Columbus ha ve a----·-----------------------beard ''" A. No ... Q, "WHO .J\IAKES lhc 1nost monev. the hi ghest paid football piaycrs or the lop television stars'?" A. It's a tossup .... Q. "WllAT'S H a p p y Rocli efcller's real first n:une·:" /\. Margaretta ... .. Q. ;,WHO FINALLY killed Ceronnno'?" A. Nobody. He died naturally at the age of 80 on an Oklahoma farrn. THE G EN E RA L IN- 'fELLlGENCE level among spinsters is extraordinarily high. Because women marry up. n1eO marry down -on the intelligence scale, Bright boys lend to pick out not-so-bright girls. But bright girls tend to pic k out even-brighter boys. \Vhat's left over are the girls su bright they can't find boys brighter. So says Marvin J , Langford. You remember hi1n. IF YOU'RE RUNNl!l\G 4 short of arguments as to why your genlleman lriend should gel an automatic dishwagher for the household, point out thnt a woman with 1hree children has to wash ab:>ut 400 pieces of silverware a week .. . ' A:..IONG THE J\IONIES or o!d Venice ""as a coin called a g:1zclla. It was just enough lo bu\· a newspaper, 0 u r Lal1guage man says lhal has sornet hi'ng to du v.·ith \l'h.v newspapers now are c<11Jed gazettes. Your questions and corn - tnenls ore welco1ned a)JJ tuill be 1Jsed wherever pos- Si\)/c 1u "Oii;cki11g Ur.'' 1\ddrr.s8 1natl to L. fl.1 . Boyd, /)/ care flf DA /LY PILOT, /111 1• 187.). 1Veu:port Bear!1, ('u/1f-, 920C3. PREDICTS TERROR S. I. Hayakewe VOWS TAKEOVER Nathan Here Hayakawa Says Terror Threate11 s SF State SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Dr. S. I. •1ayaka\va , president of Sn n Francisco St a t e College, says a "reign of ter- ror " within the college's new black s l u dies department th reatens the departn1cnrs ex· iStencc. sessions. "These wllo have com- plained have been threatened; some have even been at- tacked, In at least one in- stance, a group of students formed a 'people's court' to vote on whether a student should be allowed to remain in the toorse." llayakav1a said. Huge Crack Stabilized Say Police SAN PEDRO ltJPI) -Thr. Ji'.llV ning, 300-foo\ long fi~ure that has threatened lo dl1n1p si x houses into the Pacific froin their el iffsir!e pe rch. nr- peared to ha ve stabilized to- day, police said. "fl 's stabilized son1ewh:11 ." a police spokesrnan said. "Bul they could go at anylin1e, they're right on the brink." One ot \he SIX sli pprtt 30·reeL down the 200-foot cliff \Vedncs- day and hanging precariously on a maS.'iive section of earth shook loose. when the crRck \l'idened slightly with a jo lt. "That one'~ a total loss for :-ure." the spokesma n said. ··1t '!! go just as soon as Lhe crack widens a little more." Of the rive other houses, all 1'alucd at rrom $;iQ,OOO to S75,000, three were abandoned \\'hen the rissure first a1)- peared Sunday and t\\'O were vacated a :1ear ago because of another slide. The crescent-shaped fi ssure has knocked four of the home::; from their foundations and dumped a guest house dOll'!I !lie cliff lo the rocky beach below . A rrLiie;r1J11e11t Set '-- For A ba11.Llor1111.e11.t BAKERSFIELD 1t,;Pll -A Bell Gardens couple charged 1'.'llh er u('! ;Ind inh u111J1ne ptinishrn(·nt for aban<lo11111g the ir fo11r-yei.l r·ol<l Uaught er brside a freeway f;1cet! ar- r a i g 11111e11 L t od ay i11 Bakersfield r-.-1unici p<i1 Court. They were jailed Thursday and bail \\'as set at $12.500 each . Litllr .lod1• '·S1l11lh" itic11- 1ifi<.'(l hrr 1M1rcnls, tl1r. ilnd !11rs. Hon:ild ~· 1''ouquet. \\'ednesd<Jy night al their 13t'll Cardens hon1c 100 111ill·s south of here. "That 's tny 1non11n v and that's my daddy." she said when offircrs took her to the Fouquet home. Fouquet. 31. a welder, and 111." w1 ff:', Belty". 26. pregnant \l'ilh h('r l1ftll chi ld. were Uro11ght b:1tk 10 Baker:;(ic!d -· loeah•d ;ibou t 25 n1ill'S nnrih of !he spot 1\·herc the Huie girl \\':I S fuund i.:lut c.:hing a fence by l' .S. llighwny 99 last Stilur- day. Authoritil'5 said \he gi rl :;pent 12 hour.s beside the fence brfore she 1\·as found by H i~hwoy l';1tl'oln1an T o n1 Cra1'l'ns. Sh(' told l1i1n her 11.11111· 11 as .Jody S111ith ;111d th:11 hl'r 1nother had tole! her \0 S<•V !;he lived in Bak{'rsf1(1ld A lic<lnng has been Sl'l fol' r•h1v , lJ 10 cle !Crl1llll(' 1f Sil(' will be 1nadc a \1·ard ol lilt court H('r lhree brothers and a sister llavc been taken lo a lluine f o r nondellnqucn! thlldren in !::! l\Iont<' No. I"' 'I ih· l11;.:k11011<l J)e111o<'rat sl'nl ~ lettt•r Tt1ursda\I to the Jrg1s l.11urt•'s fisca l c ~pert, Leg1slat11e Anal~·st A. Al;.in Po~t. and J~kcd Jlun V.'hether <111 Independent ciud1l should be 111;_1(!1• on ;ill ex:pend1ture ··~111i1a\!'!1 fnr tilt· In st fiscal ~ l'.1r 111Jde by lhl' Finance U1'1>;Jrtn1c11t. Unruh s:i1d he b('lieves St;l11· ('on1roller Houston I. Flournu.1 11 ill announ (·e on t-.tond;;y :i l111dgct .surplus for th e yrar 1·11dcd l:1s1 Jonr 30 for l)iggc r t h r ;Jd1n1nistrat1on llf\di C'ltd earlier. 'l'h(' r(';L~oil tllis i~ iniportant is that Ille legis!;tture ancl (;u1'. lte<.1gan agreed that hut!gl'l surplus money l\'Ould go to ht,l p ;:.u'uiic schools tl1111 .1C:11 -but put dollars limlls on 1hat amo11111 Unruh tuld Post that if L11c lrgislature h;i<J known ad· dilionnl surphis funds were an- ti'cipated, il ·would have added niore to the school finance bill. Get the mosf on INSURED SAVINGS ! KEYSTONE SAVINGS "·'' \'1.,. •$~0C1Ullltl 11 •W • ~_.,p,.,,o~.,, IS~ ABOUT GUI 5 383 ,t~ SfECIAl 1o•us fllM • ~NN UI". L.-4 l~atvyer Sues CyclL1.111L1l e Nlaker Hayakawa said Th ursday lherc ha\·e been 20 instances ,,f inlimidalio11 in the pa~t three weeks by rcvolu\\onaries who want complete control of the progra1n. Hr said he belirved that all l:l members cf the department l1ad been threatened. Hayakawa told a news t·on- fcrence that '"both teachers <ind students arc be i n g threatened with 1·iolence 1( rhe.v do nol per1nil the rel'Olu- 11onaries complete t•ontrol." He said he was not prepared lo list speci fics on vi olent in· c:idcnts. "An obvious course of action lo so lve this problen1 \\''()uld be to disband the rlepartmenl and distribute the ral'ully and t:ourse!I among other departments. Suc h an action may yet be necessary,'' Ji ayakawa saJd. Disclosure Jl1ental Care R ecord Bllcked i Ease Urged BEVERLY 1111 .L~ I/IP \ - "·I don't 1nind being No. I 111 spending,'' says Cov. Reagan, SACRAr-.1ENTO (UPf) 1'hc Assembly government "if I can co1ne before you as organization committee ha s No. I in gelling the job doJ\c." been told financi al disc losu re The governor, ~peaking Ill laws must be eased if con1· the first rrgulnr n1eet ing of petenl local officials arc going r)Ulpt1lif'11l c'liJlll'~ r1111df:J in p:1rt by j(oe:il :igt'.'nt1e~. Th(! governor Le r rn rd ''hysleric:il" a t hciri::e th <JL hr:> f;1\'nrl.'d r•cono1ny over ml'nt;il hl\iilh !rea11nent. "The I ~teway to a 1:.t lleW ue" LOS J\i\"Cl.:LES fl Pl l ~ I\ 1 ·" .\11~1 11"" 01ltnr11t'Y 1d 1<i , 1 ,11 1n~ II•' ('1H11rtt1'H•d r11n1.Tr ul 1,1" IJl.1dd1 l' 1 liri•u~h Iii(' \l'I' nl "-l\1't'l"l1l'I' ,. " ll I ,Cl I 11 i 11 f', 1 J1.1111;jl(.' 11 ws l!lt•ll ~1 ll.t11ld:;'\.' (:o 11 L ro II cd <~!t\0,\ll1\ ll!LLS 11 !"!1- 11/11d.11\i1p p1 ·d hn 1~ll l1rt' \1 1;1t ,ii 1•11!1 ·! ,\1111 :Jt'l'C''-a·; 11 ra1-trtl 1.111 1111 11r,o·I_\ 11\ 110111':. 1r;1,i; " il \llu!l'r l'11111ro l 1;11 : ,fL, I ~i1.11 (111• h·1n1r ,11\.I h111 11\11"r '1'11' I I I··~ \\!'I'\' 1.h ·,1r11.1 rd Jlld 11 11,~" :•1 T• l11 •rl •Pl '.?.I <>II 1111· 11ul·f.11t -(•I llih (' !'l IL!lh\11 \ 01'.li' I 11111· 11 1 ,11,11111 Zll 11 11!· J 11: !!1 If \11;1 11' \!,1--.1·d n11 11 .111d •·q11 1pp1t" I ' 1~ lJ illk llot• IL<1111 ~ .11 il\•· ' IJ.:1•<; ul ',jillUI i).111 -.ll'l't'\~ ,1•- 11 ,11·l v ,Sl!O rl'~1it•·ll!'> 1.i/ 1 111 ~ "t •I t'\:1<'l l;ll 1·d Jht•1r htlli1!'~. lll\'t'll h11r~l'-. \1·cr~· l1111·1n·d 111 dc~ll h 1\IH•n l l a1nr~ Sll'rrt .111" <J J':Jlll'h. l•'1rC'1nc.n rigg ed a !11t'('<'·1111ll'.'- l ,11~ lire hn!.'.C 1nlo rl·nH>lt> , 1~1 !':J1l )Oll 11lucre 111c la ~l nf r 1P lil:ir.c re111:11ncd uncl1cckcd 1 1h•• ruccr:d ~:-11 1!;i Sus;:in:1 \l .. unl:i1 n:-;.b1•!11re knocking the I !''1 <if 1hc tire Unwn . F•11t1· \lf lhe rnen on the lire :11 11 , Ju~ig hl 1vcrc 1oiu rcd, nnc 11 1111 sc1·1u11s burns. l\tnrl' 1han 1110 firi·inen 11;crc \rraled on t111• 1i nl.'~ fn r r ,1'e irritation. 'l tll against a n1anu(ac1tircr or th(• addili\'C. ~1 yron \V. Curzon . 55. l1lcd 1l1l' ~tlll Thursd<.1y <1ga1nst ~r1111bb-B1.:tth-Nu1 lnc , rnak- cr;, of •·swecta.·· Th!• supcnor l·ourl suit con 4 t1·11tk•d Swee\:1 eonl:iined 33 111•rtl'l1 t ;,od1un1 cyr.:la rnate, 11 h1eh ll'as b;111ncd last ~·l!{'k liv 1hc. Dcrarlinent ur Health, l·'.ducation and \Velfarr . Curzon ~aid lie uscd lhr pro- d11ct f'r1r many years and nolitTd no ill effects until Nov. 10. 1968. On ttiat date, he said 1t1· bec;:in1c ill and an Ci'- ,1rni na tion P'\'C:llc<I he h11d e<inter of lhc bladdi:r. The cancer was rcmored J)l'C . 12. J%P., by surgery, thr s111t ad- ded ( '1 1r1n11 ~011 gll t 110 ~pe<.:1\1t: ;11noun t 11( dan1agcs but the :,111! ;,aid he h.-id been dan1agt'd "111 1•\('f''" of $10.000" ll v • 111<,il 'l l'1bahlr ph l'si cal pain :1 11d rncnt;.il <.111gu1~1l " ."ilal<.: :;o;, Bo111l s Co for Land His t'amments ca me one d.1.v ;i!ler Dr. Nathan Ha re. onl'- !1n1e bla<.:k n1ilitan1. inst ructor and a leader of last yea r's violent four-inonth strike for an autonomous ethnic st11r!ie~ departmen t. declared he had taktn command of the dcpart- n1 cnt. Hare 1\•as assigned originally to organize the black studies program but Hay akawa refus- ed to renew hls one·year con- tract, \\'luch expired !ast June J_ lla raka\\'a said Dr. Lrb<in \\'l1itiiker. acting dean of the Ethnic Stud!E's Department. had recei1·cd rcpor!s o r sturlcnis rorring teaehers out of their classrooms so the y ~oukl tlold prop a g a n d a Pal 1' ix o n Reagan Hit On College Policies to seek election. the nev.·ly organized Tuwn l!all Richard Ca rpcntt'r , Jobbyi~l \Vest. ll'a.~ defending his ;id. fnr the League or California 1111n1stration's rceord in till' Ci ties, said Thursday a l11w field of 01en ta! health. 11-hieh goes into effect Nov. 10 l!c tol d Iii~ au<licncr Th11rs- 11·il! discou rage qualified can-LOS ANGELES ~UPI J-The didates froin running fnr cily d:1y th;1t Cali forn1;i I~ spendin;.: stale college svstezn is becom-and county offices because n1ore pc:r pa11cn1 on 11o~pil:.t ing "an insli1ution for the !hey "'ill havr to disclose I heir care of !ht· rnl'ntally ill lh<.111 eli1e'' under the Reagan ad-Jinancial \\'orth. <iny 01tu•r !>l;ilc:. ministration, Asse1nhly Dcmo4 The n1easu rc, by assenibly \l'h;1! s 11\<1rr. nf'ag;111 ~.1 1d, cratic leader Jess Unruh said Dcniocratie leader Jes.~ Cn-s!3ff1ng stand.'.lrds fur ::,t;ilt· 111- Thursday. ruh, req uires publi eoffi{'ials s1itulions 11111 ht• 1nrt luur 1\'hl'n he nssurned olf1cr in 1967. HcagH 11 s;11d . Calilor1\L·1 w;i.s ~pending ~21.1 1n1llion lur 1ilt" ~t ale Dl'part1nc11t of tllc n. 1:11 Hyg1rne budget. 1•11r !h1• c11rn.:.nt 11.~1 ·:11 y1•a1·. lir ~;i1d, !llf' f1 f:;U rt· '' S27!'1 m1Jl1011. ( :011 >w1·valio11 L.:nruh , a probable candidate. lo report pub I ic!y 1 nve~t nient~ yen rs a he a ti of .~chedu IC'. !'\AC:J\Aj\'I r:\'TO ( l'P J) for governor, said a n1c1nor4 of n1ore than $"10.00 1n bus1-St.'.lff111;i st:11li.lards lur ~latr d f \.. ''h II I · Till' S(flte resourec-s acirni;:_v\ nn um rom ice ~ ance or ncs.~cs rrgu ated by st~le or 1nst1tut1ons \1l'r·t St'l by .a pro· " H. G'. \V hitesel lo Chancellor local government. fess1onal !'nmmit1ee in 1967 ch11•r of t'nn.-.L'r\Jtir\11 rd11c11 Glenn S. Dumke says up to ;in<l thi s yei1r 1hc sl:.ile sel 11011 hn~ heen ~11 \'!J !hr J(JlJ til 25.000 quall!led students could :<h<1t1t lo me('t thC>in l\'ithin five ni ;iking !>\Jn• 1•11n~e1'\';it1t111 ol ha\'e been turned away lrom 1\Jttcf'l.ll.ll 'l'lii •fl Yt:<ir'i . lll':1•,an s:-11d. addi ng: • -~ _ -,., 11:11ural l'(•s.>n1r1 ·L·~ 1 ~ n t the IS.college syste m I a s t '"fod:.iy, I c:u1 <innounce 10 you n1on!li . R tli:il \ll' ll'ill rr:ii·h tlH· 100 per· 11\(•l'l/Jokl'd 111 (h(' 1 ·011~11·uclHJll "1\llhough so1ne of these .11)-a11 l)r•t>(l(ll'(' <c·111 111:1rk llv J11n1· :10. 19i0-111 ,1;111· h 1i.~l\l\'d~~ plicatlons repre ~enl dupl1ca-l1111r .r c;irs :il1e:id ol ~t·hedule. l<dw.11'd F. [)(di ler, h1 •;1il (ii lions," Lnruh sa id, "the ('ha11-LAS VEVAS, Nr1·, (l'P I\ TllL• JlJi1•r rnfll' :..1 111 thr ad-1111• ;1~\'!11.'.\ ~ nflH·c 1d <'u!1 f1D you wan I a fresh •,tart ..• t ~ cope with ianHly troubles, 111 heallll or lac k ol any kind ~11d rorne ou t ori top? Like !ho1Jsand'i or other people you l dn find the answer in a bet1er tltHler~1and1ng of Cod and of yo\!r place in t1is creation. CIH1,11an Scien1is1s have foun~ 1hat this l!nderstandi ni t<ln give one a fresh star! to a happier and more useful {'XIJleflCP. \orne and /iear !his fe clur e_ ···r 11~ 1.ateway to ~ New l1(e" by Naorn1 Price. C.S .. a merrt- ber ol The Ch11 ~11a n Science Bo~rd of lec!ur e~~1p, Chrlslian Sciencg lec~re 1·Cllor'!; office h<i s admllt::'d Charges ag<1 1nst r11n ol f1v1· 1n1111~lr(.Jtion 11~1~ :ir1·1>111pl1shrd ·xf·1·1 :tll"ll r dtl(Hl)!•tl (ih' pa ~1 )•'ccli11 0'Y _l,'itlf' rhat J0,000 studen1s "'·ho \1·ere persons arrested in connet'lion ll s goals through a reduction l'.1u 1t"Hr':1, 1•.1s nanH·<1 T hur~ •1i;"''""'"" ''"""'• T"•••r• hil ly academically <i ualJfied with !he $200 ,000 burglary nf 111 1hP nurnbrr nl hospit<JI pa· !la\' 111 1111 lhr nP1•lv cr1•11teil ll••<h ''"a "Ell·• llJO AM ~~lu•d•Y. Ne~ I \VASHINGTON /UPI) were denied admission in the the \V iii Hogers r-..luseurn 1n !it'lll '> -I nun 22.00!1111 1967 to p11.~l Ill 1'1tn~P rv:il1or1. p!:11111111~ SPI'"'"'"' bv tn• First Lad.v l"at Nixon 11·as fa ll of 1969. Malibu. ll'ere dismissed 1n La:; 14 .000 at prt'~Cll1 -;;nd by en-11ll1 i.:l'r 111 th e l-'ublil· \V urksl F,,., c~~,"~~":;0;";~·~~~Sd•n•ll• rrpol'tcd f ~cling li ne today "l'he slate college .~ y ste n1 , -;;V~eg~•~s~J~"~'~':"~'.c~·:°":'~'.-~"~"~"~s~<l~a )~';. _;'~o~u~rn~g~l:"~'.'~l 1~0~<11~· 1~·o~l~o1~"~"~'~"~' ~o~f;;;;~D~1~· p~a~r~lm:"~"~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-'.::;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;~;;:;~~ after sufft::ring several days ll'hich 1\•as intended lG provide11 ------ from a so-called 24-hou r virus. higher education at low cost' SACHAj\1£N TO rt;PI) Under orders of Dr. Walter !o every academically quali ·1 T:1c slale has traded $2.8 'Tkach, the \Vhite House physi-ried sludent, is now threat -I n1illion 1vorth of bonds to the cian. hov.'ever, Mrs. Nixon encd with becoming an insti · DECORATOR r\;11scr·l\elna Development Co. kept her calendar eornplelely l u ti o..ri ror the f'li~," he 1 fnr a 425-acrr si te for a new clear for the rest or the 1veek. charged. I st:ilr tQllrge east n! Ventura _ llP';;-•mmmmmmmm·------------Thr gencr:'ll obhgatlon bonds \\'ere excha ng ed for the land Thursday 1n a negotiated lransacLion because the state is 11nahle to sell its maximum ~ percen t. interest rate bonds in the inflated bond market. I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS e O!d r.olls never dir, !hey . 111:<! krer n1oving along! Tl11s \'.J:\9 Roll.<; Hoycc 1~·111 Inst for ano!hrr H!r!ln1c-- t1~o;i ne11• -;irJ,, n1ount~. nr1v 1';11n1 ;inrl 1,•hite l'ldc-11•11.JI tires. $19.50. e \,0011 11:iy Ill ht-at innation •• ~nllr 150 "'di h11y a nrafly nc1v K1rhy v11cuu111 • t,..·1 nr1, Ol'lglnfllly c O s t $/f~. • n·1l~ ,, ~110:>7 l)f a cl111nr1:" 1 .. n .1.'~ 11 >:~•><I p11 ·1u1~ I' llJ l ht~ n1•11· '.';J lntll Z<'I~~ (t,nn 11111111111,..\ ~11prr f!C, p, ,,,,1,• 1 1.,.,,-. up ]f'rJ '<f'' In & 1• .•llir·r !'"'"· [)·Y·r.i·T·T·S·T·~ ·Y·f? Foreign Language? Gibberish? NO! 11 means: CHJ Y[JU ~EED l[J TIU\E STEPS l[J H:IPR[JUE Y[JUR fUTURE? If so, at no cost to yoo, you cen be testad to 1ee wtlether you qu1lify for • areer in the Computer field -the third·l•r1nt but f•stest·1rowin1 industry in th• world t od•y. Don't ~ utl1fied wltf\ second be1tt Tftt your qu11ificetions FREE et The Academy of Computer lechnolo(Y. Phooo 0 ' w, • ., 547 -9471 The Academy °'~m Un;., .. '•"~ ~··• -Suit• ~O !i»uth Tow•1. Or1n91 l921ilil l '0" FREC IH,ORMAT/O l'f tf:HD THIS COO .. ON r········································~ . ' • Name Phone • ' ' : Address City : ' . : County State Zip : • • t (duut1on: .. H1h Sct1oc* O Collel• 0 1 L-·-·-···••••••••••····••••••••••••••••••j AND MODEl HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names Decorator's Dream Homes On Display Over $)00,000 lnven tory to Choose From Items a s follows! Gorgeous cus.tom quilled sofa with separate pillows with heavy oak trim decor .tnd m.tlching lovt se.tl, ) matching o.t k occasion.t i ta bles, 58" tell decorator l&mp, hangin g chain swag lamp, an 8-piece king siz e rn•sler bedroom suite paneled Mediterr.tnean style with top quality IS years warranty king site mattr1us end box springs. Spanish dining set, etc . Any p iece can bt purchase indiv idually. Drop by .tnd see our selection of lop quality Spa nish .tnd Mediterranean furn iture , . , f.tnlaslicelly priced! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGULARLY $1528.00 ANY PIECE CAN BE PURCHASED INDIVIDUALLY AT E9UAL SAVINGS 1111 /·'111·11il111·t> 1844 Newport Blvd., Ccsta Mesa lonlyl AT HARBOR Boulevard f _ ·1 rght t,I 9-W"d 5d! & )uc ti 6 MUST SACRIFICE No Money Down Required- No Payment Till 1970 -.+:"2•2 ' ' ' , ' I I ' ~ • , ...... -··· ~1 Only 2 In Top 28 ffon1e fo1· lJCI E1agi1aee1·s r onstruclion cre\1s are pushing UC Irvine's S8.6 m1l- l1on engineering school buildings toward completion next sum mer. Nine-story struc ture at left will house 48 laboratories. plus faculty. administrative and re- search offices. Information and compuler sciences \\ill use s1naller buil ding at righ t. Classrooms will be on first floo r level common to both buil dings. Schools Push Insurance Districts Offer Student Pnblic Service Policies /,"d1!(11s :-.1011 · Sc')100/ is bot/..• 111 SPSSl011. II /I(/ , 11 e /J/u 1u/1.~h111eu1s of 111.~11r11uce (1rr11;; r11·t' lil'urtl 111 the laud. .'Josi Cal1for111a ~·c/100/ dis· 111r1s 11u1~·r stutlr 111 n1~11r­ rr•1rr n1:nrloblr CJS a ··p11b/1t ~ert.:!ce" aud fo u..arn par· DEATH NOTICES GOii;\' t;1~"' I •o,<1 C.!llln I'•\ S1•1'd An• <•< Ao• ti (1 ,, ~ ~~'•. ::I '" ' •• O ti• l',•1•&,• C.c"" ; • .,. "" \•"""' , '' .-. I··• '.l"•~· •v r:.e''""'• c~"""' (1•omD"' .. "' ~·••· •~>• AL·••1 ~., >o An< F•"' <y ·~~· 9•"' ·~o·• .. '"•"O •o m4•• "'""0"•' ""''"CoJI• ... ••, ~·••>< <Ol"h•b<o!e ·~ '' 0 ( •"tr r Rt<eo•t " f v""· ,...,.~ MtmO•· '"' HO\O•lll. e..11 e.ro1d .. 1• "'"''""'" O"•~IO'> llA:\llLTO~ Jom•• O.,dl•• 1-<omiHon 111• ("•a• L1nr. A,pr, J. A"•~••m. 01•• o! D••'"• Ci<•aoe• 1' s.,,., •• a b• .,.., •. M1"''" M . 1-<om111t"' a1u~"'"'' M••· Ml'<O''' J "•~n,..., ol Buen• "•". bro'~•"· l>o~"'I ~! ~~"'" "I~""" ~t1d W ""d· "'"'•"• N•"'• •• '""' "'"· Cr•<• \/•,•~"""· ~•n•• "'~' ''· ' .• o•~·o. '" n••o •"'' 'o( o''"' o•~~<>•"·'0'"'· J>r,.•I• '""''~ .,111 b• ~tld ~1•u101v, II ~If P~~ ht ~· '~ r••""-' ""''~ P••· Cl•n 0•1o•• OI!,, .,1,"o E•!""'on''"' '~""'"'""'" o• '"• "~( 1.r """''' y ,.,. Mtrno' 11 P•" O'•tt'od b~ Pa• r>o•'• "'""' •o• )I ~f l 'l ( (,•n•;> ''<~'•"O'U' Br•<IO. ~~·•i••O b; ~UI· ~·'I(! JO''"' d•UQM•• ~ ""''~• W•''''' •o•n.,, 1>~1mono HI!"•· .. ,, •• ,, (•10>•• ,~ ... ~ • .,.,. •.\.,g. ~ ... "'""'" •"d c.,., r .. 1t.11n<1 ~.,.,<el r•no•nQ " ~.., "' •~c·i~t·•· SA\"FOHU Do•o•"• " ~•n•o•O 10• [ 6•• 5' ,,..,...,., fie~'" 0•'• o• a•••~ 0<· • ~"'"''-a o• tn•~• '""" (k.<\alO t." ct Co"• N••• Jo't~" " Of "'· ··~ c,,,.,a ~ 51n•t•a, o• 1".J• O•I• ~·-"• ' ..... , ..... ' "~ ,., " '"" ., •• '""'<i'0"1 ,,,. ..... ,.. '". 6• ,, "'"''~•·\ (~"• "'''"· G•'• •o•< \A\. t;\'EH.\' Po L" I '""~"" l•f " '"ll ll II•• 1>--..,. ('·'• M•IO ~\•" l •O D• o•• '"'' "'' •·C'·'•· (.o·•:~V•'f••·• ...... ,,, •<\" ,, ., ~ ... 11··· l'>'f·#D> .. 0 ~""~!' IM•I"'-"' ""''' \ ,,.~ />~,., •;I P ••• 0''f0 '<0 bV 6P ' p.,,~~ •1 ,... ,., •.. ,\ JI BL'Cl\LF: .\· so~ \\"eslrH ff l\lortuary 4~; E. lit~ SI .. Costa J'i1esa li·l6·4~.Q • RALTZ l\IOHTt.'ARIES Corona del :'<lar OR 3-94 50 Cosla l\lesa 1'111 6-?:4!4 • BEi.i. BH (IAO\\""A\' l\IO RTUAHY 110 Broadway, Cosla l\trsa LI B·l 4l l • IJll.OAY Ul\OTllERS llunlit1glon \alley l\1Qr\t1ary li!ll l Brach Bl \"d. ll untington Bear b !t!·7iil • l'llcCOR\JIC K LAGL.:.\"o\ DEACH l\IORTUAH.V li9i La~una Canyon ltoad Laguna lWacb 4!11-8415 • PACIFIC \ll E\Y 1'11 E~IORIAL fJARK Ct'n1rtery e l'll ortuary ChaJWI 3500 PaC'ilic \'ltw Drl\'e l\c"porl 13raeb. California 611-'liilt • PEEJ\ FA \Ill \' COLO~IAL f'U/\ERAL HO\IE ';801 Holsa t\\•e, \\'ulmla11er ltl.J~ • SHEf'f'ER l'llORTIJA RV L11im1 Reac• 4~15ll II• Oemente 49:!-tl!OI 1·1its schools aren't, liob/f! jO!' C(Jl llpl!S OC:C11.le11tS. f'n/- frnvill(l Iii a ru11duu;u 011 1//r :;11uatio11, based 011 Oze ex- per1e nce oj one Ora11uc Co11il!y district. By AsiOCiattd Press SANTA ANA -A di!fe rent kind of note from the teacher goes home v.·ith J ohnny these days. It isn't about Johnny's troubles \vilh arithmetic. This one is a pitch lo sign him up in a \"Oluntary student accident insurance program. Every California st ho o 1 district promotes some sort of pri\'ale insurance program for students, with coverage rang- ing from football injuries to accident.! on the side"·alk in front of school . School officials say the pro- grams, usually offered by ma- jor insu rance companies, are part of "public scr\•ice" to parents. Bu! the director of one in· :;urante firm specialil'..1ng in :-.luclcn! insurance says schools also plug insurance in order to r ut parents on notice schools are not liable for campus ac· 1:1dents. Student accident lnsur11 nce \1·as first offered through some i;chool districts 10 years ago. The 2i,000-student Santa Ana School District began pro- mo ting a general student ac- cident rogram this year. It \\"as one of the lasl in th e state to do so. Prevously, it had pushed on ly for insurance for its athle-tes. The district ·s e:i:perien<·e "·as similar lo that of olhers 111 Callfornia. 11 solicited information frum 19 insurance co nip an 1 t s . rrre.1ved bids from four and srlcc1ed one. \\·hose pol ic.v ~·nsls $3 a year for elemcn111rv pup iles and S5.50 for high :.chool students. School officials ad\"erhsied it doesn"t <·onflil't with othrr 1n~urance policies the parents niay have,"' he explained. The insu rance progrrin1s ha\'e heen usually accepted 111 school districts matter (lf Jactly. But sorne trouble ' . r!rveloped "'hen Santa Ana began its progran1. A resident coinplained to the school board that it was unta ir lo use lax money to single out a businessman and promote his name and business. What Obedie1ace:? JJat ty l'uller of Carden Gro\"r isn"! grtllng 1nuch. cooperation fro1n her lJobern1an frien d , Kachina, during an obed ience de1nonslrat1on at t he Eastgate r1ark U o& Shon'. Obviou sl y, K achina \\'asn't an '1\' .s tudent. lhe insurance in 1Mters sen! -----------------------1 home 11'ilh I.he stude.n\5. 'The lrlt'-'r~ listed the bsur:11,ee ;ii;ir·nt's name. address. phone number· and details about the policy. A school dt~trict h a ~ no olhrr part in the program than pron1ol100. '"\\'r ~pec1fically point out the agrnt is 10 handle al! ap. phe<1!1011s , 111 o n t \" and cla1 ms,,. said Ch.:i rles · f\enney. ~an1 a Ana schools superin· !('ndent '"\\'e don't e ven lakr in· !'u ranc<' inquiries at the school district offices." Kenny labels the program as "co mmunity service:· Bill Russell. w ho iid- 111inister.ll the Ca Ii fo r n i a I n I erscholastic Federation Protecllve Fund. one of the 1 l<irgest firms in the state ~11- ing student insurance, says 1 there are other reasons fo r lhe pro~rams . "Public service, or cou rse, is one of the main reasons." Russell ~aid. "But the districts also use tilt voluntary in- st1ranee program as a crutch -a kind of public relations device." He said \\'hile school!'i are 1101 legally responsible for carnpus acr.idenl;;, man y parent.s feel the schools should be liable. ··1r an accident happens and !he parents come down on the district , the admini.llt rators can say they offer~ insurance to them and it wa.ll refused," ~aid Ht1sse!I. ' ''By offering the \ru:urance the di strlr.1 is. more or less, pulling parents on notice:· Insurance agents say ~tu· den t accident policies are not a big part of their business. "It has to be writtin on • l11rge mass. and the margin of commission I~ quite •mall," orie agent said. Quality Why Be Costs No Satisfied More ... With When You Anything lll'f From Except Springdale The Best! Hardware HttLlltAY ltttLLElt ltEltllY Free Roller and Tray Set with one or more gallons of ~7'idf. NewTVSlwwsShotDowninNielsens By VER.~OS sccrrr llOLLYWOOD fUPI) -The failure of the new television season no longer is c-onjecture, according lo the first complete Nielsen rating in which all new series have been exposed to the pt1blic. Ni el sen, by \\'hose oount the three rnajor n e I.,,, or k s detenn!ne the life or death af a series, turned up only lwo ne1v in the lop 28 rated ShO\\"S. They are ··The J im Nabors !'ho\\·." in I Ith place and '"!\\a rcus \.l,'elby, til.D." Ln 12th spot. All the others are ~pecials, movie.!! or o J d favorites. At the top of the list are Bob Hope, .. Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In." Red S k e I t o n, .. Gunsmoke," "Family Af- fair,'' "Here's Lucy,'' "Kraft ~1usic Hall" and ··ironside." T h e in voluted television 111edium is Jackir1g s o desper1tely in imagination and darine that in the first 56 r . 1 \, .. '"'"' ii1P"' programs Y:hich should have .atlracLcd at lt.:a~t Lhe curious an1ong home dial t\\'irlers. The CBS Nel'i·s voilh Walter Cronkite drtw more vie\\'ers than I ~ or the ne\v dramas, con1cdies and musicals. Even Hoger J\1udd and his Saturday night CBS News outgunned five new entertainment shO\\'S., llume audiences are staying v»ith entertainment a n d perfortnerg they know . High and safe in J\lr. Nielsen's count are De a n f\1artin, Glen Campbell, Jackie Gleason and such ancienl wheezers as ''The Beverly shows rated by Nielsen, a lliltbillies," "The FBI ,'' puny total of eight new series "D r agnet," "Bewitched," was counted. "Bonanza." "Green Acres." In addition to the afore.men-"The V i r g i n i a n , ' ' a n d tioned Nabors and Welby, the '"f\1 ayberry RFD." others were "The Governor Nielsen jt1st tabulates the and J .J .," '"Room 222," "Andy ratings by the number of Willlams," "fl1y \Vorld and viewers. no a ttempts are \Velcome To It," ''Then Can1e made lo explain -ff such a Bronson" and '"The Bold thing is possible -viewing Ones." habits of the American public. Conclusions, however, may ~ drav.·n • Th' habit pattem is sLrong, indeed overv.•helming, among regular viewers. Many a videcroriented Arnerican ha., ;idopted rather figures such as Jtaymond Burr or Lorne G retne as their -0wn. Others mi~lrusl . .much lh<1t is new. Only "Julia" and "Laugh-lri" n1ade any sort or impression last season. i\tore imporl<1ntly , th e television industry has fi led to produce sufficient new shows of quality to motivate the \'iev.·er lo break hil viewing habits. This season'.s offerings are an indictment of network preS:idents, producers, writ.ers and programming eitecutives. They have lost touch with public taste or underestimate ot. In any case, f.1r. Nielsen's ratings ha\•e shamed them brutally. Eight from a total of 21 newl--------------------- ~, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,'l, Open End Schedules ; YOUR !.,lw!~~!~.:... 11 • ., j E f W ·zz · .. thlit , ... no longer need hut • xcerpts o z lUll'tS ! --•1 .... " u .. i... i i NOT OYER $50 t 'l'he Open End Theater of f'cy,·port Beach has announced the casl for its upcoming pro- duction , ''All the Lonely People: the Private \\1orld of Tennessee \Villiams." Directed by Warren Deacon, 'Hair' Goes Worldwide SAN FRANCrsco rAP I - Three new con1panies of the rock musical "Hair'' wi!I open in Las Vegas, Japan and Canada, by the end of the year -bringing the number of "'orld"·ide '"Hair" prodt1ctions to 13, \Villian1 Ball. director of thr. American Conser\'atory Th('a\er announced. Th e first new production is slated ta open Dec. I at the International Hotel in Las \1cgas. the program wlll be an ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? i original concert reading based : • • • • • • on the plays. poems and short it YOUR ANSWEI • stories of one of America's : : : most \1·e1J kno"·n pla\'wrights • You coll ~e DA1L y PILOT, o1k fw • and t\\·o-time Pulitzfr Prize : 1" l v:inrwr. ::. Cl1s1ifled Allwertisi"I, •Ml plan • i. Casl members in clude David ;ind Betsy Pat1 I, Genevieve :: 4 PILOT • J\lurray. Carol Arnone. Robert • i ·: PENNY .. •• llo11·sley and \Valter Phelps. lhe latt<'r managing director ,.. • or the thealec. : PINCHER : !II u lti-media bnckgrounds t • for the production ~·ill be pro-• CLASSIFIED AD : vided by Ken Shearer, \\"ilh :: • technical direction under • AT OUll SPECIAL LOW RA-i Wayne Pelke. : •~ :% The production. \1•hich e.x-• 2 2 • amines the artistic and !" 3 uHIS TIMIS DOLl.AlS .:• personal life or \\'illiams, opens i .. No\'. 21 for four weekends al • the Open End. 28\S Villa \Vay. : AND YOUR: CREDIT IS GOOD I : ''"'°" Beoch. A touror high • DI AL NOW DIRECT! • schools, colleges and clubs is : • pl anned follO\\'Jng the initial II-6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 : run. 11·i1h inform a Lion ! ,! a\·ailrible by calling the box of-• fT91 frw N.m C..., J4t.1Dtl • fice at 675-11 20. ~ ............. ..,.*************************lAIAI&•~ The 1970 ·---- \Nill stay ugly longer.· Whal ho1h-Volkswogen wroughllh is yeor2 _ ~ The equipmenl is fosle ro-ncf more thorough than any me·, chon ic alive. A longer-losli ng engine, that's who!. It 's mo re powerlul 1hon rhe old en gine. IT op speed, 81 mph VS. 78 mph I h hos bette r accelera1ion But mos! important, it doesn '1 have lo · work as hard lo get you where you"re going. Thus, according to every calcula l1on known lo man, ii will lasl even longer, An d just lo make sure the engine and every other VW parl leads o long, ha ppy lile, we have onolh er su rprise lor 1970, The Volkswag en Diagnostic Checkup , Now belore the name scores you away, lislen to whal it is: VW Diagnosi s is on exc lusive fr ee service checkup by trained technicians usi ng special diagnostic equipmenl. And it's so advanced, ii, con ocluolly lell you you. have a problem early, before ii becomes a real problem. , Fo r instance, lei's say 1he resistance in one of your spark plug w ires is too high. Nothing seri ous. bu1 ii could reduce you r gos mileage ond event ually foul up , yourspark pl ugs, · . During o Dlog noslic Check up, our equipmenl con find and we con lix this problem in a metie r of m inute s. When you buyo newVW, you 'reen· lilied lo lour of these adva nc ed checkups lree. Whal could be o belie r deal 1hon 1ho1? You buy o bug. l.fi/)i V>k lake core olihe bugs. VJt/I ,---H•s.dd , lhOIJih. !hit he felt "" nt poltei" 1 re NEWPORT BEACH SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HUNTINGTON IE.t.CH valu, 1 Ch o • S~11TifS' l\fORTLAf!Y 6!7 i\l1la St. ll un1h1~ton Beach 536-1~3' "Th"' L• no deductible '°I SPRINGDALE HARDWARE ic• Iverson , Inc . Bill Y1tes. Inc. Horbou r Volkiwo9en 11":\'f'n !hr smlllHt 1ccidenl -445 E. Co11t Hwy. 32852 Valle Rd. 18711 Beacl't Boulevird thal rrqui res medir.al at-/ 15t60 SprlrHJdefe, Huntl1t9fCN1lch.,192~4•1 (714) 673-0900 (714) 499·2261 (71-4) a42•4435 , ____________ 1 !ent1on is covered In full, 11nd ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- I > j i Is Seeing Believing? lt'fi a little hard to t el l, but it appears that 3·year-old Debbie Peterson of Sali nas has really Jost her head over Hallo~·een. Actually, 5he is just 1ro rk ing out for the loca l footliall t eam , "sing an old doll head. lgno1·ed Firrn Still Gets Access to U.S. Sec rets ~lafia Ties to 'rASHl?\GTO~ (AP \ Pentagon sccur11y orf1ciols cleared a Pennsylva nia con· tractor for access to ~ccrr1 in- formation despit e reports in police anrl conJ!ress1on;d f1!rs linking !he company to !he r-.lafl n. i\led1co Jndustr;rs l11r. or P!ttstnn, Pa . \1 h1ch h a s rcccl\·ed Sl2 million in gn\"f'rn· 1nen1 contracts since 19fi6, had a security clea rance from .Jan. 28, 1%8, to J une 20. 1968. The rle:irancc was tennin11t cd <i l the con1pany's reques t. a Pcn- 1?.gnn source s:.i1d , ;i f I er ~rcunty off1ci:ils a~~cd fnr ;id. 1ht1f'\nal 1nform:il1n n a h out con1p<iny off ice rs. Pentagon rC'Cflrds ind1ca1e r-.1edico I n du st r J e s h:is performed v.cll fin ;ill its defense \1·ork , 1n\·rih·1ns con- tracts 11•ith the 1\rmy, Na\·y ;ind Air f rircr 1t n1,w 1~ \\·ork· 1ng nn a ~4 m1!h{)n contract !('I produce rnetal parts for 7 75 1nrh rnck('l "arhrad~. ui>ed by 1· S. fprces 1n \"1t·!nam. but this partieu!ar Jflh dOC'~ not rC'· r1u1re acre$S tn cla~s1f1ed ma!rr1al Dcfcn~r D"partrirn1 reJ!ula· tirins require that 1hr pnnc1pal n{[1fers of 11 comp<iny hf" rheck('d lhrough VB! name anrl f1ngerpr1nl f ile~ hefore tile f1nn c<1 n be cleared for access in class1f1cd 1nf!'lrmat1on. If dc.roga!ory information is lnund. the D<'fense lndustr Jal Se:curi ly Commanrl al Colum- bus, Ohio. determines ii 1t is ~Cfl{)US enough 10 "·arrant lt1 rthrr in \'rstigat100. Such a <lelerm1nat1nn rrqturrs that thr case be rrferred io a higher Irie! for re\"Jt'\I". but no such action \1·as t;iken when i\!ed1rn's apphcal!oo "as pro· e:essed. \l"h;1\ snrt of Jnform:it1011 11 a~ av:Hlable nn \lcd1co Jndu~tries? -Iri 1961 , a '."rn;ite sub· ron1m1t1 cc headed b\· Srn. .l ohn L i\1cC1rllan, ·o-Ark , 11.•ted tl1edJco Elrctric r.lo!nr Ce>, later renamed flled1co lndusl r1cs. as a place "Ire· quentrd by'' Russt ll /\ , Bufahn{), \1·hom it de!.cribed ;is '"nnr nf the most r11thless and JlQ\\Crful leade rs nl !he fllaf ia in the i·n1ted States·· -\ri!ll arn ?lledica. former prr"11dcnt and n1111· ~ent'ra l rnan;11::er l"lf i\lf'dicn lndu~!nes. \\J"-J1,trrl 1n thr ~;1 me reoo1l a~ among 1he · ' c r i m in a l a~~Qc1;itcs"' nf Bu L1linn -.Jan1es /\. 0'!1ceo, the f1 rn1 ·~ traffic managrr. ""·~ p1"C~f'11I in J!l~7 whl"n Nrw \'nrk St.ate Police broke up the Co11aing IJp for Air Apal achin conferrnce -a rncetin~ of IO]l r.1,1f1a l1~1res fro m :thrnuji!hout lhe liniled State~. Bu falino 11as hsted by the fl!cC!ellan eon1m1ttee as an arrang('r of and p;1r11c1panl 1n the /\p alachin 1nectini;. Rufal1no and Osticco \\'erf' lr11c r conviclr!I 111 federal cnurt of con!'"piracy lo obstruct JU.'i"llC<' af1r r !he~: rciused to !ell authorities wh11t v:e nt Qn a!. !he C{)/lferrncc The con- \"i ct1ons wrre {)Vel'!urned \\'hen an appeal." cour1 ruled that the govrrnmcnt h:i~ f;oled to prO\"C that a cnn1c ha s been <.omn111 ted. Jn l%·1, !he \lrC 1cll;in com· m1t1ec said the ~1c1 l1an·born Bufalino wa" ;ic\i\c 1 n narcol1c~ !raff1ck1nc. labor r:icketcrrin~. and dealing in stolen Jl'"'cls and furs. Lat!' 1n l!l68. he \\"as charged \1 ith conspirary to transport "!Olen 1el('1·1~1nn :;cts across sl:ile line~ A ~kl'd ;1hout 111~ rrlat 1nn~hip 111th Bufallno, \1Crhco said in :i "'l('phonr 1n1en 1ew that he had known him all his !1fr As f11r the allri:;:itk1n th;it Ilufal1nn frrqucn!s the J\ledtco plant. hi:- ;iddrd •·Su re lie oen1cs to srt> us. \\'1>re sel li ng him cqu11r mcnL hr "," a cu 5tomcr I can"t t ell hin1 tn g~t 1hP hell 0111." Princess Anne of Britain emerges from a Chietain tank of the German army ~·rule tank offi cer provides explanation. Ann e vi 5ited the tank operations at Pazerborn durin.I'.; .second dc.y of her German visit. It's Lea ry for The Weary Fa•te't in The We~t Someth ing Special ------·----~---------------~ . DAILY PILOT /J Leuke111ia It Can't Be Called Speed Not Given By Cats Court,s Have Been Pati ent S ince 1954 Ruli11 g JTHACA, N.Y (L:Pl )-Tht're is no reason at prest'nl to rear thal pet CdtS lranSl":'lil leu kemia to humans, accord ing to a Cornell l.!nivers1ty sci- entist. "It "'ould be unwise to blan1e cats for human cast's of leukemia on the basis of presen t knowledge," Dr. Char· lcs E. Rickard, professor of pathology at lhe New York State Veterinary College, said J\londay. The subject of cat Jeu kein 1a Y•as revi~wed at the fourth Internat1onal Symposium on Comparative Leukemia Re- search al Cherry Hill, N.J., earlier Jn the month . Since then , there have been reports linking cat leukemia with hu· 111an leukemia. Research on ca t leukemia. Rickard said, and on certain other tumors ha ve revealed that they are caused by spc· cific vi ruses. Som~ of these vi· ruses have been transmitted experimentally to dogs, rab· bits and monkeys. They also grow in human cells in test tubes. Rickard added. WASHI NGTON (A P) -In the 14 }'ears since I h e Supreme Court ordered public schools desegregated ··with all delilx>rale speed," many had as(ed, "until when?" The court has an s\\·crcd: '"Now ." "Continued operation of segregated schools under a standard of al!O\\"Hl~ 'all de 1 i be r a le speed' for de segregation is no longer constitutionally permissible,'' the court said \\'cd nesday. ··i.;ndcr explici! holdings of this cou rt the obligation of t'\'ery school dislrict is to terminate dual sc hool systems at once and to operate now and hereafter only unitary schools." The court n Jled unanimously tll ay 17, 19:t~ th at racial seg regation in public schools was uncon~litutional. Hea lizing the problems that co uld arise fr on1 ove rturning a system that had been required by law in 17 states and sane· Lioned by Jaw in four otticrs. the co urt pondered for a yaar before giving any guidelines for implementation. Ma y 31. J9:tS, the court said federal cou rts should require '"a prompt and reasonable start lQwa rd full compliance.'' and an end to segregation in publi c schools '"with a I I dellberate speed." Lower courts were to be allowed to ''take into account the public int.e reat'' I 11 eliminating obstacles t o desegregation. "But it should go without saying lr;tr" the v i~a/ily of these co_p»fttutional pnnc1ples cannot be al loll'ed 10 ~·ic ld s1111ply l>ccause of <h~agrrrinl'nt with thrin ·• Thr courts \\'Cre to require school offJ c1als to "make a prompt. and rca sona hle sta r! toward full c:impliance " But ··once such a slarl has been made, the courts may fi nd that additiona l time 1 s necessa ry to carry out the nil· in,c in an cHectl\'C manner." No deadline v•as set. Jn 1953 the SuprcnH.' Court said the fear of 11olcncc nt- tcnding desegregation 1n Littlc Huck, Ark . was no reaso n to dr!av ··1:hc constitution<1l r1gl1ls nf rr~pQnd cnts arc not to be ~;1r·rificed or yielder! to 1hr \"[Q lrnce and disorder wh1eh ha\"e followed upon tho ar- lions of the gov ernor and lr~islature,'' the court ruled. Then the court ruled oul "era~ivr sehemc.~" to avoid or delay desegregation and in 1960 backed l.iwl'r l'.ourts \'th1ch had dC(ldt d certain school d1str1cts hiid llad lime enough. But al the same tune 1l denied an NAACP plra 10 order school~ in New Orlean s to c(,scgrcgale nt the ~lart nr tht ~hool year 1nsll'.ad of 11111 rnon1hs la!er. the opposue of its position \.\'edner;day. ln a Memphis. Tenn .. par~s descj.1regat10n case in 1!'163 the court said 11 had ··nel'er con- 1ernpl<ited that lhc concept uf 'clrliberale speed' w o u Id countenance 1nde!1n1 \e delay 111 chm1na t1on of racial barriers A year l~ter, ruling that Prrncc Edward County, \"~, could not close !ls schools to escape segregation, the court oh~e rvt'd, '"The 1in1e for mere 'deliberate speed ' had run out " In 1965 the court rulcJ 111(' ''grade-a -year desegrcg<1!1011 approach of Forth Smil h. Ark .. \1·<1~ no longer a1'· ceptab!c. ··Delays in desegrc· 1-(ating public school :;ystems arc no longer tolerable ," it said . Th e next to t1nal blow lo rlelay came lasl year \vhen the court in thre e unanimou.\ dec1s1ons ruled "frcedont ot chou:e" plan s l'.'ere inadequate 11 they did not bring about suf· f1cient integration. ln the Mississippi co:i~e decided \Vednesday the argu· ment t1ad bee n that loc11l .:iulhorit1l'S actin g Jn good faith to end desegregation needed n1ore time lo o v e r co 1n e .. logi~!1t'al"' problrrns 111 con· \Crting school systr1n11. II had be<'n the l:ist pi ca left lnr delay Park Gifts UnitForn1ed SACRAi11E~TO {UPI l -A private nonprofit corporat10 11 ha~ Ileen formed to enable in· di viduals to legally cnntribul(' properly to the state pa rk syslrn1 . (;ov. llonald Reagnn annJun cf'd Tuesday. 'The organization, call in:; itself lhc California Stale Park Foundation, 1~ designed 10 seek funds, property and o!hcr gifts for Uie parks program o! the parks and recreation depa rtment. TOY & HOBBY LAY·A·WAY SALE! c_,...... -.M w-c-...i A•c-,.,.._ ....... __.. oil-..... $1.MI • 1.17. 12<1.00 VA LUE NOW $16,99 lllO , ....... '·" -,.._, u.• '°' ,_., II." l JOO ,_. it." m ,._.,._,,_" COX MUSTANG ~.51 e~ •ittl .. ••-..i .. , fMI " ·~·-• ..,,., ,. ""· Rt g. $11 .00 $9.76 MATTR HOT WHEELS '-&1 ... , ...... __ . ..-.-.,1 .... ,. ·- Ret;i $1J.OO $9.99 Only $4.97 Kl.UT KAa u ................ ··--.... .,....,. ....... ..,, .... ,.. ... ,. -,1.1. ..... J .... .... lo'-'"'-'"" _ ... . $11.67 PLAY· DOH At g. 11.00 iUiiiliiiVALUAIU COUPON ---- POWEllDE l·l UCHAlGLULE _, ...,.... ................... ... ......... ~ •• 1 .... ...... ~le. ....,_ ..., .... .._..l<t .... . ....,. -.......... i..4f ,_,. 1-1 ._ ... , ........ _._..._ ....................... --'"'" ......................................... -...... -. -· ......... 1 .... , .... ....................... -....... ...., .. a..IMo, _,..c_ $24.88 IOOl TA~E UCOlDU Ri g. 117.00 SKEDIDDLE KIDDLES ....... ~ .... -.. .... ... -· .... 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P'LASTJCAST CASTING AND EMIEDDING r ........... , ,.. .. ...-•• ,.. .. '"' .,.-,, ~, ..... d•fl•• "'"'" •• ..... ..-..1. ,1 .. , •... ·-'•••f'llfl ..... i---lrl. ,.,.. ..... ,111 •. KENNER EASY • CUlL HAIRSETIING KIT " ,... ... ;. -..... -.i..t; • .-.11 ... ---w-4 ;. r.i..fk ·-•· --· W9't ..... M ......... -••• "•V· M.H SOMA GAME G .E. 4 • SPllD MONAURAL HCOlD l'L.t.YEa si-,.i. ............... ,... .... ,...... ,,.,,,..,... StMli ~ -., .... .....i .-.c· .. d ••... 1tc ....... -..... _. ._ • •••• ~ l•J J. 11111 .• , ..... 71 ..,.. ....... iK. ....... .....,... ......... . $18.94 Pkt 3$ i' ' ' • ' • I I ' 1 " ' I b ' p • J"\ OA IL'l' PILOI l'011r Mo11ey's Worth OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List Goit1g 011 T1·ip? NEW YOlt!C tA'I T""'oo•v , ,or..0111« Ne .. )'ar~ ilod A<l!•l>ll• P•l,t> S•• NII i~dl. J Kl•-L .. ClitiM Chi Bewru·e Auto Gyps By SYL\llA PORTER \ ou are starting an acros~ rounlry automobile trip - along y,ith a record number of Americans during I he s e plCa:\an t auturnn weeks follov. ing the summer stampede of \a cal 1oners You stop at a service ~tat1on 10 get gas and h;ne the 011 checked \Vh1le !his is he 1n~ done ) ou go lo the rest roorn rectnlly filed a $2 8 million suit against four m ii Jo r ~er1 tee stations aecu:.cd of Jraud against motor1st5 TO HELP YOU protect ) ourself against such tnckery e~pecial!y wbile 'ou re on the oprn roarl here s a short C"atalog of some of thr most flagrant gyps -Thi.' operator may short thum b lhe otl gauge so that it will show the need for a quart -although vour car ac\LJa!lv doesn t need any 01! 'Then he may or may not add thr oil - bu! still charge you 60-80 ct>nl s for 11 -Thr operator ma\ l\h1!e , oti re not looking pour 01! on vour shock a h~orbers point B e's a CLV Edl'.ra rd V f\lcFarland of 1\tkinson Campbell and McFa1Ja11d Insur .u1cc Agency Ne\\port !~each ha s been deSlJ: nated a ~harlered Life l nder\\r1tcr llr 1s pi csidcnt of Costa l\1esa '.'\ort h Kt\\anis **%Fi+• +sr;snv ! •-QWU•YCI NASO L1atin91 for Thur•d1y, October 30, 1969 ....... IM1n ---.--'1 ·---~·-l•IJ ' .,_M.. '""' NAiDi, ''iu. • -i 19clilft r•l•ll ., _,...., -"'-• u-i..-·-~ Abbl\,.•b 111 l'IEW 'l'Oli!I( 4 ... ,) ~uttl 1' H ,..,. "" C JI J1l.lltu• "ov W. )S o !~';ctl~ -'"' ..,._ ... !>"I Ur ""' Hl'j 1l NII 8rnd • \ 1' 1··,. t<o n • '!' "'"''Mill Jb !Iott. •upall.d DV .. J .... ))f,,13'\·N•tC•r lit II ! .. •d+>•• • •.o.o.me 1111 vie DI 25'1:i :M\'i NCmo Co rl'-,~, ~•n n E >'> • ,,',"' '"' MllllJ 'IO lti.I NlllOMI Aoocl ..,. NL 14 }\, H•I liOUI ~J clllll! '" } ~ \.a .ikwl ol Socwlllo• °"""' n 0 U 2) H Fd Pd I J2 <I Cai. J o ••• Ad.:.~.·I Dee~r• nlc "• °"' "''' 11 II Hll G&O I l llVt ~I 1"4 i>o ~ o Afln•l.11 1 o10 ~,, __ IC!~.·.·.·.••w.~ Ez,,,'\l!'I JOI• j lh Ne LID JI JI ... Col ~-I I ., 12, Ae!"•Lll DI l --··t " .,,, 0 Ne l Med 3'\'.olll'i •P<»tt l •o2S •Alul.,• Co '''""'"Vo In.. con l!b SJ\. SJ .... N•I Pl! • • l c D 0 A 9 • ' Ar Proa 20b de• er Otl<tt• ''QI d9<D I JO l2 NI ~ell U\1 )J .. Se• le ol 11 "'·Air Pd pU 71 •r>oro>rl""''" v J !'~ •1· I • N•I tio.. • •• I. i·. Cmll l r.) AlrRMI I 159 gm •'"'~Ch lheoe P1>I l•~l~Ne1 llvr l l oll eau•• lo;~\'AJl-1t .,. could El N !t t) li Nllol I 9 even Ua II II A• c;0, I 10 h••• boen 11u fl H..: I•, t~, NEn GE 11 •4 19 Sheo N •l •I All>fr!oC •1 (fWl>td lt•~td1 or Elc CPV ! I • NJ Ne G 'l'J ... 2J ' s Qf1el C<> I ' 9 .. t>.:.r!oC .. )0 n lb d f11• e' om • i 1'\<hln F lO JI • SCI! W~I ,H • 1,. Alc•nA u 1 10 ~~:::i. .~·a~h· l\ b~~!' 11~'· 1l~"' ~ :1: ~ I,:. llJ ~~e~ b~ ,~ 1, •1"'s.n11 20 OU1 .,. O•v p •• , El M<ld wl I ..... NA II ~~ J •• I s .. G\(D 1;. I•" A1•••tlden do nol l"C ud• '=' ec Cao 'J'I <Ill llC1r NG t ~ to Sw l!IS•< 17 • I \• !il;:l~ ~i:z eTo I m•rkuo EmoS O I ll 21.._ NEur 011 • S So•c~•v ID • I •1,..., > me ~down or com Ene a• ( >J JI NPA G•J l! > !IV, Sid llel.11 21 2' "-•~"" Pl "'•>on Ete u R• 1'n S OOW 1'•1G t o 10 S d Kw ll Jl Ali.vf'w 1 1' AAA Ent 1l •o 2J o fnn> B 1a,..1 1 NWPuiw 20\o 21 Sl•nttPd 21 21 )Al edCh 1111 ~~.' .',~' ,,', ,•,, '•'-"<'• 0 10 2'>· Nuc1 ••• 2• 26 s1 .. 1a S • ~ ',', • ~111~~ 11 ~ "r r S , ~· l • ] '~ .. A" 12 I 12'> ! r•"' (I •• AHS I...: 11 . If\ [au ! 01 lS. li h ... W•I 29n lll\'1 Ubl.( Tv s I s• Allied Pd .. AVM '" )0 11 E 1. toe Hi.. 11,, I Seen SI 60 uoda! F 11 11 'All edStr 1..:i A.cme El ', o , E>lorln •• Ii '"'°"' lJ"' 1J•1 \!•bD F-G l>o 9 o AllleGSu~ 60 Atm• VR l6 JI FA Coco 5 6 O!~r TP 11•1 It, •mo• no 121 Atll• C111lm AH Hooo )l ' )I F•b T• I . I .°"" NA 10 I !O. ,......... 11 l All>h•PC 409 Ar '"""" 1 1.._F•rld r 1 l o~~c" 10111 ,1eu .. •e 15 1s ,Ako. l10 A tOtn F ll ll~• F•, no 16 16 , PEC 11 I 11 > 12 ~ l •vlct W ~O 12 Am• $u9 160 .,,_ " 0 f FodN Ml 'lOJ 10!\ P•blol l!.r tan"on !I• 10 AMBAC .SO A~~I..... ''• 10 l F•• llo• "° JI P•c AU.. l•~"I AS I ~ e-> A"'•rE• 110 A <0 L"ll 7" )I Fl G II ~ :I•' 1 , P .. t FIE r,,. m .. I' I , Am•E• PU l>O Al g l!lev , 1 , F< M In• :n , l'/ P•k~o Co T •In• Ca 15 75 A""Htu O/w A IQ Peo 5 5 • F ~t lt•pu • • l'•n(c T fl"• nl Fl AmeH pl3 'iO Ii Id A• a J J, F>I WF n '> 1 5 PkW'/ 0 1 1 l l , 11 on Go J ll AAlrF ll! 86 A l odt:C> l a 9 1 F t~no 10 )I """"'tt n ?l-.ltn<nt G 18 0 l9o A.mAl~IO Alpn GO'C 11 > 1J Flan 511 ll'o lit... P" >en II l• ~ ~ lrn<n! 0 'l • l ~A B"ko 1)D llm•<k 1 , 1 , Fooo ~p 6 , 6 Paul•v P 9' !O T tnd 1., ?I • ?8 Am8k No • I Am !<Jin 11 ,1,,FC\! 0 1 l lJ:oll P•vello 1• 5 Tr tn Pd 17 ll Am8r.,n4• J A t i L•b 1 I 0 Fo" Grnr )I o n, p..,,..,, T ll l< ~ lrl(lf lt I~ !I Am8dcU I 60 \\HEN YOU return the al tendant H\forms )Ou that )O 1 m11s\ have hit a ~harp roc k :ind points to a s lo y, I y rkflat1ng llrc whlth he further expla n!'. ran not ht repaired Then• s nolh1ng but desert ahead for hundreds of miles and 'ou simply rlon t h;ne the lune lo start shop ping for !ires tn a strange small town So vuu plunk 1lov.n $-iO for a new one on thr spot ou! 1 h 1 s prohlen1 -and ------------ persuade you to ha\e them Am Fun ' • Ill Fo Of"' I l ' p..,. D •L 5. 5 ' Oii t • J• J5 A.m C6n 2 20 A G ~ o/ <I , Fo1om :16 )I Pl E""n 4 S 1 ii•On Fd 11~1g '!'m'"c!!. I.~ .O.m l'Ud ;>I 19 ' F n~I (D ..... I P• G&W ~I ',, nll•c '"' "" AM•' fl 10 10> F ""n E n ?l """" P6C. s ' • Un Oo\!r 7'I lO ' A (IM n I tO "'"'"""' ,1 i..,F~lvo"' I I Penn RI': 11>+11 Un lllum jl JI AmCr.01 '3 Am p °"' 27 1J Si•rl<*.1 16 , II P"'°•I WI 1 1 ... Un McG I 8 1 9 AC •VStt<J I .0 \I/h at ~011 don t klfcrw 1s th<1l the mechanic slashed \our tire wh ile vou \\ere rn the v.ashroom -after brirflv i;1 i 1ng )O 1 as 11 gPDd target lot lh l~ \ IClOUS tr1t:;k As the mass1\e fl'<leral state h1ghv.ay svstem nears c1nn ple!1on more and niore \;:ica t1oncrs are beco ming \JCtuns of a lengthening hst ol g) p~ frauds and s v;i ndles perpetrated by service sla t1ons along the roart 'The At !orney Genera! of New J\1cx JC'O as 1usl one 1nd1eat1on of the extent of this problem Union Oil Earnings Decrease LOS ANGELES !OPT J - Union 011 Co or California reponed a decrea~e 1n nel earning ror the l 1r~l nine months of 1969 compared v.ith the same prnod 111 1968 despite .a sr,rn pcret>nt 10 crease 10 total rr\enurs pres1drnl Fred Hartley said J\londa) Ln1on ~ net eai nings throu>(h Sept l 1969 v.rre $\03 8 million <ompared to $113 5 1n 1968 Net earn ngs per 3vcrap:e common share outstanding \\ere SJ o., compared to $3 42 In 19611 ll<1rHrv ~;-i1d lo!al fl'\ rnuc~ reach("(! SI 46 b11!1on a ~c1 rn percent 1nlrcasc o'er the first nine months of 1!!68 111th rrudc oil and n 111 r~I J:!<I~ pro duc11on 1ncre1~111~ ll and 2J percent rcs pc r.t11r\I Offsctl1ng 1 ecnrd produrt1rm and •ale~ 11erc higher intt n •t pxprn~e hirher amor11z 1t11Jn charges for prospttctl\I! c1! lands acquired off 'fc>.as ;-ind Cahfo rnia 10 !968 highrr dr v hole Josse« h1~her 11 a.i:e and salary eosts and hight r costs of ma rnals supphes and purchased crude 01! Hartley said Ol'POllTU .. ITV-~lol•l'E E•l'l .. ~El ti •tAPUl.CO or tAlllBRE~H l'ew Jllf1fl lv• c~~""~ •n ~0·~1 tO L~' S"c~ 1 (•D 1 ~ l Cv•r~ BO 1••• O• •• 11•._ C&b r\--S•I •r•"" JO • o' PO e o •u "'''"'""rt B••<~ c • •11n l'h~no IU Ul tJll replaced -HE i\1A \ PO UR Alka Seltzer 10 vour hAl!erv lhrn shov. }OU how it roams up and Ir! \Oll reach the obvious con clu~1on that you need ii nr.w hatteiy Not onlv dot s lie pro fit from the sale but he pro- bahly also v.1 ll resell )Our old ba!lery to someone else -He n1ay punrturc your radiator hose shov. you v;ater squirting out of 1\ -and urge )OU to buy a new one 1m mechatelv He also might tell you he found your Ian belt broken ' thereby forcing ) ou to buy a new one at once -If yoll ask him to check 'aur brakes he may take off the wbeel and chscover that )OU need a new sel of brake shoes (do )Oll knnv.• v.h al a brake shoe is~) \\ht'n ~our c3 r niav actually need only a $5 brake ad1ustmcnt -OR Fl~ALLV he may ~imply grossly overrharge )OU for repairs and se n ices which your car actuallv does need As a brier guide to costs for some common parts anrl repai r )obs a new ILre should co~t from $26-flO a new bat !er) from $20-45 a new radiator ho~e fron1 SS-$10 In stalled a new fan belt about $;, a new set of brake shoes fro m $4-0-60 a ncv; set of shock a~sorbers $4(µ)() Here are basir n1les ror handhnr,; car rcpau s a \ strange sen1e e stations v.hcn you re far from home. I I) IF YOU SUSPECT a n y foul pla y immediately call the loc 11 po1 1cr state pohr.e or .-t1~tnct attorne) s olf1ce lf the sen tee stallon has a r!'<'Ord of rackr1t'l'nng \ht> police will probably kriow about 1t 12\ 1f \0\1 re nea r a tov.n call lhc Amrr1ca11 Autornnblle A~~n ~ fven 1£ \nu re nol a mrn1ber) tl1e Lhan1ber of C 01nmerce or the Hrttei Bus ncss Bureau One of thrm n11\ be able to send an 111 \ecfl!!3l0r !:ll II \Our rar is fa1rlv ne"' tc1 to get it to the appropr1ale IOC'<il ear rlra!cr for his optn1on ab011t 11~ problems 1 ~1 STA\ \\ITJI \1JUr car \\alk around ... ilh l h e mechanic Don t go to the rr~l rflO m \\ h1le !he 1 ~r 1~ on tie ral'k or bf> ng chr rkt"ft 01 rr bv ;i mrchan1r or C\en al tht ga~ r11111p Y.<11! until \OU ran pu ll Jt nrf lo the parking area and l()('k 11 ''BE YOURSELF'' Oc you ever fetl ttiat ycu •r• be1n9 h•1d back by ~u •l1!1 e1 or thorlcom1nq1 you w11h you d1dn t hive? If so 1t tould bl!I the t 11 i f 1m• t o l••rn mor• 1bout yourself Colonel W 1U1am Ldtl1 CS! • member of t h• C~r st •n Sc 1nte 80.ird of Lec.ture1h1p .,...111 tell a bout p•opl• w hos• I ve1 hev1 been l1teretly tr•nsformed b y le arning of th1 r lru1 God given n•fure Th•1• peopl• found th1 ! a1 th1 r underst•nd1ng of God 1n· cr•1s1d1 the r own 1p r luel re!et on1h1p to God b• c1m• more •pp1r1nl And through thit, t h •y d tscoY •r•d good q11e ld 1e1 111 t h1m1elves th•y n•v•r kn1w ~•y had Com• •nd bri119 your f1 m ly Adm1111on 11 fr•• Christian Science lecture Mol'ld •y Novemb•r ltd •t I 00 G v•n by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST, Co•I• Ma•• ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 212) Pl•c•nl•• Av• Economic Outlook Confab Set Featuring an irray o f business state and local leaders the Orange County Economic Outlook Conference v.11! be held on Thursda} Nov IJ at the Anaheim Convention Center 'J'he meeting ha~ been struc lured to come to grips with lhe problems or the fastest growing county 1n the nation according to the Co u n t y Chamber of Com n1 e r ce sponsor or the confcrenct Eugene \V l\adow chairman of the i.:onfcrence cornm1ttee slated th a t recognized economic ex perts cont inue to predict an ex pans1on of Orange County far greater than ever before Population by the 1980 s Is l"Xpected to double and that v.111 mean a relat1\e 1nC'r easc in g000s and srrv1ces 1n the pri\ale and public sector s of our economy Jt means too that Orange Countv v.111 grow more 1n the next dozen )ears !hctn 1t has In the past 18 We are bringing together atknov;ledged leaders 1n their respective fields for t h e purpose or exploring v.hat Orange County s economic outlook Is today and 1n the futu re Kadow said In a morning panel session ~pea kers will be ~!rs Ivy Haker Priest Cahforn1a state treasu rer and for m e r I y secrc!arv of lhe U S Treasury 10 !he E i s en how c r ad in1n1strat1 on \vl1osc subje ct v.dl be J\l onry \\1 ll1am J Bird \Irr. prcs1 d~nl in rharRe nl s pec:1 al prOJ E>rts o! Kaiser !ndU!.lncs v. 11! cover the su b1ec t of \larkets i\1cls Prdcrwn I s ad m1111s1ralor of the C 1hforn1a Departml"nt of L;-ibor and Human Relati ons JS rc~pons1 hie for all manpo1\c r dc\ elnp. rnrnl cmp lo)1nc 1t st r1 1ce ~ and uncmplo\ ment in~ iran c:e bcnPftl a ct1\ 1t1cs 1n Sou \hrrn Cal1forrua y,Jth the cx<cp11 on of metropoht..1n Los AnJ!elc~ Jle v.111 speak on I ah0r \al1forn1a Stale \.0111rnller llnu~ton flourno\ "ho !II'' rs 0n 16 board~ and ro1nm1ssions dealing v. th Cahfomia fisca l :'lffa1r~ and cha1 rn1an 0 r C 01 rrnor Hl'agan s Adi l«fJ rv { f)m m ll<'e on 1ax reform wilt be 1hc e~pcrt 01 Taxes The pai rl moderator will be John J L\ man a di rector and \ice pr rsid!'nl Ill corporate relation~ or the Security Title Insurance Co \\ho will con duct the ques tion and answer pE'TJod Al lunchron Jero1nc \V llul1 p rrs1drnt of Paci fic rclt'phonr Co v.11! be the prlll( 1pal speaker Fo rest D1ckasQn pl:inning d1rrc1nr nr Oran~e County v.:111 present :ind analyze~ coun1y grncral pl;in a g recent!~ approved by lhe super\ 1snr~ anrl ex plain what 11 v.111 mean In lhc orderly rle\elopinrnr nf Oran,l!e Cou n iv in 11.<i gtO'A1nr,;est }ears ahead 'House' Has 400 Roo1ns 11 S•c u 1 11 Perin 9 1 • o U" lltt<i 1000 , ~" "•'m",,o..' •, ,•, ., ~ GOO S • \ • c; A cit I I Pe• e S l'l Sl US 8kno1 •v ( ., •S G l>f ' 10 r O.• co l l P• o 1 •? 0 US C wn 1 • • •Am 01•1111 > •m lf'• 16 II G IO"llc J 1 J 1 PhRd<I nl ~l ~I US l':n•fl 11 1• A051Tel lOq a.nch Co 11 II I GRI Eit I 0 " Ph SuD 27 11 US Sun1r SO 5 AOu•IVt l!Q Anheu• 8 70171 Gf<ltl l o. Pl."Q "" 2ll 2••U~ Tkl •O~•I AO..• C>IM• Ankon C I ~ •• t;. ffen 1' I!: Plr Pd l" J • Uo p~.,p 1J l• AmEIPw I !,I A (81• N l9 '° v"" > •5 "6\> Plnkr" 1~ II U11h SLd 1~1 I . Am En~• I A C> lfld 11~ u G. r. ! JS ' ll Po Tr >HC: 71 71 'UI Ind ;~ 71 Arn E•n 1"11 .. don M 11 \lo 2 o c; e~on W ol6 '7 Par Gn l~ 1 11 11•1 LO l) 11,_, A.Ex nd 1>IA6 <>den of lJ 1 H Db llub j > t Proq An• • O • V•n<e SI n '> i• AGenl"' 'JO A k MoP IJ • 1J • God eve. 1e , 19 , Puns NH 71 • l! 1 II &I on • • <l AC.nln nil !O A "" tt !? SJ C.OOCI Ls 1 I Pul>S NM '~ )~ • Ill• WD<I ll ' ,, AmHo •I /0 A v d~ 1!1t s. c. •c" '" n 1! • PubS NC I I 11 W•n•w p 71 ll 'A Home 1 -0 ••CC flol 11 ?J I "' 10~ s .u •'> Pul>hh 11 1 W lloede lo 10 A t<ome o! 1 Auro ~< 11 1 II G tf'n "'' 1 11 Pu ~o• ' 10 W• '""' 9 10 Am H01> 21 Ao•m<c 9 1 9 1 G•nll II [ 11 I' IP Be""~' l' .. l! WMll NC. U>o 11 'Amin¥" ! 10 6101>! 1 I C.1nne 112 °11.·P~llV ~· 11 ll1W••" RE' 1 1 '•AmMFay 911 B•I O Al ,, l iG o•• Pr 11 !9 /l'Ou<> Co I ' W•I' 11 11 AM•1CI~ l.0 6•1.• l l l? G .. 1 .. In 11 H PU'""'' 11 16 'Webb lie 1l 2J Am Motors B"I Poln! I 1 Guo a Cit l'o I 1 11•<1 Dvn 11 11 Weld!" ,1: ,","-•"'N•IG•i ' B•n I ( 10 10 Gu I 1,.,1 ID 10>.. 1!1 I lro 1l ll Wellnn M Am Pllolo !J e1rwck 17 ll .,,, Dll" 11 1J lla<1;b El JSl\ K >o Well•ll G 10' 11 Allt1Dv 11111 Ba•ln P I 1 •um Ce> 11 ... " ' 11.ovch CD 1U J... W•1UI P lD I 10 r A.m Sf.fl I 81um I 0 I 11 tt1novr S 21 > I 0•<m CD 1l 1\ W•1n NA 11 11 ... m SMo to 8~v •n 11 1J lil'le<1 tn J J ll•<OC E<> ~r 61 W .. n Mio ~ ~ •A 5,... 1 1 90 lle•cn"" )~ , l6 HI!" Mer l • ~ u ' 11 •<> l,\T o I' '10 w,,,., !"uh 6 11, ArnS<!Alr l'CI Be• !•I• U U ~tten~ F' 34 J\1 Pr C ed .0 1 • ,Wino Wll !2 '!...., ""'SAlr !nlO Be M 1"11 9 H Ndot In! 10 11 '11 e• So ?I " Wlnb•o ~ .... A S1d l B I 1.1 ~ 11 , lla.d f• ?I , 18 W\"' w T '' l 1 m 11~ ·~'0~. :i 1 !~ 1 ~d :;,•nEP 1 1 11 1100 n M 11 '' w •c PL n •o n ~ms;r ri1• !: B•! Lab l~ ll tt(IQ•• 11,:n llOH O<I 1 .. 11 .wrdw F ••...... rs.,~:i 160 8 up; W I 1 '"' H!nl En1 11 1 1), Ro• Ct>I S' i ' 'l'rdnv E 1 I I ASua Dl ... 11! l1~rh~ ~ .. 'i.., ~~~' f...11' l"' 1~ .z.n! I 1 •"'251L.~ ~;i;5i'~/11 # 8 t<k HI :'I? ll o ttud PP J'l > 34 ~ A"'WWkl 5' ggou•e.EI t~ 1!·~~o"G~• ~!ls MUTUAL !~f1~l lH Boall• C JI0 1 J11 i.iv111 Co Jo\)31 Am l nc Bo• C•c ll IJ .. IN! G~• 7• 7• "'""" e~ 6(1 II '"'" C. 7••• n, Inn "ud J!l, ll Amrecrnc • 8wn Arll o la ,nf<>'<I• '~! AM KCplO 8 "'" B• ,.. )I lnl ••d n, ' AMP In< .. llur• •• 11 , 11 , 1n1 .CM '1 '" A"-• Ci> o llu nuo S ti 11 1 Incl! Sv• I•• lj FUNDS f.m"P<I ) jll e~'""' F 11 1 19•1 In rm n 11 o 11 ~ ""'" JJ Co.,.co 7 21 Int l!IN'/'I I 9 An.u;ond ! tO C•mco JS, ll , lnl MHI 11 • 2t oocnH<><k !O (OMn M 1t 11 ln1 Ne r ll ~ I• "'nco nNSv I CunonnM 8 /6 to lnl S•I 21 1• And C Al' I 7tl Con od 7 1 7•o In! 5v DI 16 H 1 ADOCheCa 10 CAo 'o " 1~ ll "••1 ,',' ,u, l§GiJ J 1 g :tr.1£.iM1tfiilW AncoOll •:II (ep In A I I , !onk> Aqu• Che Co1>Tch 6 , 1 I& ScUI 3 1 l I) NEW '!'ORI< !AP Inv Gu d t SI t 'A A!;!A Svc m96 C•I• 8 6 I Jacobo. F ,•,•,•,,?_Thelclo .. inoouo In• !Ni e lJ7Bll71AchOan !~o Co r C.o 10 ~) ~ Jac1>un C -. In•~ Bin u""ve I A 1PSvc Oii c.,, NG 1 2 . J•m w -1 10 4 11 l&IC ... IUPP"" l>y ln•••IO .. Grouo .. •n• OS 70 Cen • .:i •! ~ J•m• F '1'1 • ;ltlio 1~ Na1 on• Anoe IDS ncll • • $ 87 A rncoSI 1 M G•n VPS 19•, 10 , JOm•I>• ll II d on C! 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Wd 11 " AmN C, ~ J J •6 Pol• unave AVCO oil JO ~:::: s.;, •: ' ~ .. t :i.'°toel }' 6 :;:;~:,4t(;l"O~:J 1 11 1 ~~l~~b GI 1~ u \~ ~ ~~~~v r,,~ ro ~:~ b"',, 1i ,;~t:.;'~ 1",, ~'3t ~~~·" 1;;;1~:11 t::"3<c1t lf 0?l~:~::;;::p_f11~ CDrn Toi 11 7•11 L•"'•BF 11 11 tf>Cm• 9 1~100•llbo lv 1617'1A1 ~c01G• Com Ii h l l 1l•'Lll• E 9!J' 9 , Fd l"• 10161 17•Lle St~ ~·· 6 lll '""' I' V 11 t I• o Lollll"" 6 > 7 AHO< 1 I 11 1 •I l ift 1n¥ I OJ I II tomo A S 6 loft (~• e 9 A' 0., on I JJIL+no 1•17 0Seo1x~:N 1 l~ C"'o ''" •I 11 Loo E• 1 tl 1• , A•" ttoVQn o" L0ttm' S•v •• e~~ o l ~s Cmo l!'d 1 1J L•"<~ ( )I~ JI. t un<'.! A 6 ~1 I 11 Con d 10 /1 ~ n B• IGL 1 M Cmo Mlh l ' Mid Gfl ll i !l • f un<I 8 I U 9 Jo Coot 117'111798~(; pl8• ~ C.,..o le< ll l l M•a ( (~ 19 XI Stoc~ 6 ~ / )J M~ 11 U I,. Sell'-~•C• Co"'°""~ JO 31,,,.,, ll!tv 10 10 ~<Co S )•'IG """~"' 7-Hl ll R•"q"v" 60 Cl ~1 •to j ~ M" • I ~J 61 B•D,o• 9 7 9 } M•u F~ 11" ll l Ba qp ol 7 '""' fd I •• M ""' ,. 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CPnl Sh 171l1Jl•""F G k'°" 6 "1:10.IFd•' O...•nr !~ 11 ~\JJ II " 1r !• (~dn""O Fvfl<I• IJ u OmG .1 •6 '>"ljE•• Fd• r. • 0..h .,, • ••Mo ~l<h • •1 B••n 1'71JJAMU0f"ln 10.J111lis.., .. ,., .. .lO °"" (~ s~ \a M ........ D )I 1• (Qm St 111 N Mv• Sh ' 1•>1>!9 >1>e..., 0 0 :JO ~·c "T '•"o"'o~"'"~ 11 11 c .. h 1 101 •1M ,,, 1617610,...cn• 1 0 Do l'I 7 11 r~oo • P M 1! ln<C<n I I l f l N t~ MUI 11 7111"'1!'•<0 PU \0 ~v~,.., '' 11 "'""'~I •H• <ne~1 ~n1 111/N••Vl~<1D l-lll•e~at<•m I.I! °"'"Aon I l!oMo•h I' ' 1 Ch~•• Gcuo •I•• ..., llJ.ell l!efl ~ow I.I! ~~-E • 9 'Mor Cul> U 11! r um! I \\ 1 7 ll&t l ~V\I I 61 9 JI fl• In• <O" 0&.,, C lt U ~""~ 1 I F•nl 10•11~11 N~• S•<ur S•• ll•m! (ft! o .. '"' ' ''"'"" £• •• ''• s~"d 110.111~ e~~n tD !111e•ePt><1 • 11>0 ---------------("""'' o 6' l •1 !lnnrl \ 60 6 l 8Pn01 p J c~on • fl •~ ••9•91 en•!l'nl~O '""" ( ~~ •1'10 6'fl•nllf' p ;o Fu"a P 'IC 10; Jml B•n•I~ r •\() ~ Nh 61> '1 lnrn n •116 10 90,,fiF ~•lt y,,, '" 9 , \ oc• I 09 • r11\•nr Jo!? S.'.> r-, G " 1l , N Wei Ill 7!9 1\e"~U• (O..,ml IG o I JI N• (, h 1~?6 j ll~no ~ 1~ (o"'~ ~d I 1 II ..... , h 711'9 1\ttlB• <Pko 11! (D''""Q" h •1• •~w, ~ l>o•1 1 11 e~m•c coo (•o FO I• l ~l ... V•~I •l•?lqlle·~ ~ l!IO 1~cn"" r~ 109< No..,o lo!ll!l 1111-1~ In~ l?D t~•.,I 1n~4 1011 No c•• 16lll~l eqt~~•60 Soc• • .. 10•1CI""" !<O • 'h l~•o• !10 c ~~nl' 1 1 .,O..,,•n~ ·~ !bl l\•Jo•n •t c.-. ~ t'l 11' •oe ":I r~ 1 ~1 1 6"01 • 1 ~uo (~ITID o, I 0111•101 r~ 0~/10 9 [H<>c~Hll 1• c~~n· ~91 • ,o~. '""~ 11~111~ Bh 1.1•1 Io f .. ,., P~ ••I n ,nO "• lb/11' 10,.,n~~ II•• '""'" fd ~· IO•' "no•" '!'. B<l~"" 1 ~ '""' • 11 \' l"•n~ lo ! I !U ~n (• n 5% Jobless Rate Liinit For Nixon? (On<'ft d 1~ ,, I 1• p~ Yu ..... II nd ~ i \\\Slll~r.TOi'l 11\I') -A 'O"OI ~I ~llJ ,~·.· .... ~:.'.;tI'<>ll/~~ 1 I Con~ n ID II n i ll 1 ,~flnn•~ 17'1 maJ1 i h 1 1nr~~ rxrcu\1\r ~ays ~~",., r ~" 1 ~1 ]~ ,i 1> .". " <' : ;:..""~ 1~) (• ¥ ( ~ ; ,.. '~ f1 O••,. J l I• 9 G a C~h1nrt 111t"rnbrr lolrl him lc owov 17 1~:~" 1;•""1 16 l .I :~u fnd•:,~ IC " V.O• 1 o J 1'11 <• u ~ r " A? "3 lheg1)\1 rn1nenl l'.on ltnlerale '15,11Q 1~ in ~~!: ~'1". /g;I;i ~•"""1 1 1r. (A < N Ho 2'1•2'\0B ~-0 more lh11n ~ prr c ent &;•,w 19 l,1~~:"o ~und ~n~Bawv ~ .. • O v ~ ~~ l ~,li p ovd~ •ll )1~R " "•of>? unemplo)1nent ;i \lOSSJhle 1n °""' n 1 0 116 Pu •o 1 ~n11 1 1 111<1,nlJO 11 °""" F •4'1 1oe Pu "•"' f u"<I• Bl'O .. ~ c" d1cation nr clo~rl\ ,11ardcd ad Of. 110011..i c~~ 11 61)J1B•-n en nl Ot•v1 Fd IJ M 1'91 c;.., 0 ,. 1 •D e .. n S•••P ' m on1st ratoon lh11>kong on the Or•vf l 11>114 01 G ~ 1 'llllJOllflwns.,,..., 1~ [~I<>~~ ;o,.•rd Intl>"\ '1' o ~I Bruh'"'" 109 I II h b _. 1'1~1<1" 1~9l l1'1 1"""' '!S 1 5!9ucyEr 170 po111ca y c ari;ed su Je•:i C.•wth 1i 6111 9• V•I• 1 01 11 1alBv"" co ao lnrom I JI •ti Vov~a • '1 10 JO Bvd9•1 n •• \\:1lha1n F' f.lay president ~"'' 11 11 11 11 11to Tf'Cll SH 11 11 1!1.,110 ~ 110 soc~ !! n 1113 ll••v• H Do U ••1e vtov• W foO and boa rd chairman of Et>e •r 1l H 1111 "°'t"" 1 R• 1 n B•n-o•"'ft [~, H 11 11 JI S<hu1tr I''' II S; !I nloll p! Jll Amencan Can Co i;a1d in Emo sc 1 •I • 1t scri1er, Fu;:i,.,,,. e v 11"" 1 '° E"• ov ll 11 1111 " "" e~•n<!v m Atlanta \Vednesd<iy Secretarv EM~ .. 1 15 'M 10or! J,'"•"• •,Bv g~, ''° lo<1u, •I) 1011 6 • • 18•"\Jnv 1611 of Labor Gt>or~c P Shultz told £cv Gt~ 11 11 1o "° co... 11 1 o• 11 o• I d Eue• HJ• Sr< ov 1 961l•l him <I V.et'k befnte t lC a Fv• >I In ! 1 u l l Ste ~avll l O) • ll < ~ < d h E1no J !'Ill •• ~tc In, IOI I ll ~""' ~ 60 m1nistrallon would raw t e Fel•ltl 81 n•> S• tc Am 10 1-< 1 101c~1 1n•~I I 5 ' F1 m Bv I 111111 Sel s"'~ 172~ 111C• ·~"' IJI ine at percen t one percen """ G• ~ ,. w 11 n. s" Oe•n n 01 11 01 C•mallL •l• I I th II S I •· 'Id Cep 12 J1ns1 S d• 1051 11 S1(•m~Sa 110 111; ler an 1e ep emucr F d '""" 11 "1, ,1 s1am• 10 1111 u C•nSou f!v l Cl\ ih'n unemploiment flcn1re F d lr"'ll 1• o• 29 • s a '"" 111s u ?8 Cde ..... <Iii• o-F n&ncl•! PDQ Slom• T• 9MlOIG Cdn Pec l :'O Shultz hoy,ever denied o,n.., •'I 111 sm11~ e 10 211011con11Ro 110 l"llU>I 1 J'/ • /l S"'n Inv 'jll IO 16 C•P C llOC1! making the staten1ent 1 ln<om 1 w 1 7t 1~w1nv 01 1 11 o 11 Co Dr"" • '° V•nl l f9 t /JSoVt r Inv 1•11 1}11 C•rll!I<! l!O doubt tha t Mr f\!ay made F•IF Ve 11 '>II ti \I S F rm GI 5 11 S II C•ta C&Ol'i 3 ... !Fi! Ir.G it 1ou11 u ls1 .. 10 s '1JllSl 'iOC•mP\..t l U such a comment ,...,,_..ause "•' 1n!.•1r , JJ 10 11 Stt•dm•" Fund• c~ratrn 1 60 ald I I k th I F•! Mul!I 10 10 11 l~ Am Ind !1 O• ll U (& l ... Ca 60 never s anyt llng 1 e a ,., "'•' 1 01 90 ~oiut 1 n I "9 r•r ••W "°" "~er on the ~cord nr off lhe ~'e• s~.: ·~ ~ 12 i1 s .1~e"110. ~~. l3 ~::: ~,1 Al •• d h .. Id tl.'-,gh a "•• Fn<1 1 •1 I 11" n 11 n n CA~ ·c~· 60 re r e ""' r 1 .. G~ '"' 1 11 C•o00 1s •11191r •• er l:IO snnkesmAn FNI G h 6 01 ~ 51 Stoel 111111 11 CC I Co .. ,..~ ~oun<I 1 I \.< t ll Suo l~GI 7 11 I '7 CC I Ca Dl11! One other re.....,rt. satd ~1ay rov ·~ 11 11 111 S~D•nS 10 "" 11 ~ c~co ., 10 ,..~ "'""'II• Gro o Sv~(r ~! ll OS 13~• Ct one"\eCD I attributed the slatemenl to '""' s ',. '" t""" "'" nu ?• 11 C• "" o•a.i "' 0NTt lQ~JI •IT•~~> l01 !1 2ll'•n<~ln• JO both Shultz and Secrel.ary of u• 1 • 1• ''i Tt<~<><I t 1.1 1 ie f entFdv :!Gd L€'v1tz Furnilttre Corp "ill open ns largest v.arf'house sho1.1ronm al 7441 Edinger A~e rlunllngton Beach, Nov 8 Commerct Maurice. H Stans r .1~to;;: : ?; : ~4 l~~~: : :1 • 13 ~=~ r ut'.'1 \ ,, Stans rould not be reached for ~~,..: ~~ :g ~; 1? ~ l::'0 J~ 'i C 2: ~ ~en\11L~5ai: :1 I Cie~ s..., 115311.!Jlr•n Coo 1 11 lll r •nll• El l CQmme.n &°'•II 1J 01 \S l1 tr~~ f:o iG.S411 ,.Slr•nMPw 111 May spoke lo the Amen can ':~~es~ ,,,10 ";~ l~ !~1I~~~:~:~~.1 ~ Society of F1nanctal Analysts c om i, u 11t •" l ... ..C Inc • •J t Jt (•"Te!u lllb F~• •d •:n o "unt Miii 1011 1110c .,,e 16Qb 1n Atlant;i then spelled out his Gr~ 1"" n .fl JJ o• Un Id • 1110 ll "•r• t•..., " Grwalt" 11 11 1111U" •td Fll'IO• "•••~•A r 10 The 2 ~ O 0 O O square foot building 1s sel on a 13-acre tract and w11I house almost -iOO room vignettes displaying five million rlolh1111 11Qrth of furniture and "cces..~or1e~ Like all of lht nev;er Le\lll w a r e house sho11i room~ the Hunllngton Beech fac1Uty 1s tht t.le' enth 1n the :iat1onal Le\ 11" chain this latest t tnlrr \\Ill ha1e railroad 11d1ng~ views 10 more detail In an 1n-G"" dn ut ,.,1 Accm '" 1u ,.,, ~•I <111 I l<•m Ion lnc om H 16 !I l ~·~""' lnr terv1ew with lhe Alanta ttF1 11 .... ~.11 /c •" 1 1~ t •}'"n•mos IXI II di I c.~ •1'1 10t!UdC•" I J1 t oerh•••NY ' Con.~t1tut1on e ~a1 tt" go .. ~"°"'" 1 o 111 v~ ... l l"t Fd "~•••Mn e& h I I l I Hono •211ooe1 \18 Ln l l)•O• ~•ct• M~• 1s n or ma 10 n a a 1<or .. 1 1~11 1rs ,...,o.,.. s•1 ,,. ,.~ • ..,~.,, lh bus1ne:i;smcn i mee\lng with ~!,i1, l.: 1i:; 1~ :' v;:i.5 \~ : : I::'"~::;:;~: ... '~ lop cconon11c off1clals Oct 22 ~~ .. 1~~'j5:~::!,b' ~i: :..:;: ~:· ...:~": 1n 'Yashin(llon ~,, .. ';'!~" t~~ 1: ;II~'; lndP ~ ~: ~ i~ ~~· ~b•e ," In his s-ech hf' ga1d lhe ISi "'" 'f I I ' 11 Wl ~OIQ 10 .. " •I (hi~ ~ nn ( r -11 I...: • IJ 11 II~ !I n 1110 \l n '~"'<PP nl I hgure was -i 5 percent bul an 1 ... -.1 , '1 10 111w•,h ""~ 11 •1 • l c.,,.SP r• c• 1 1..,0 C~o !D~i ll~W•lc~ 11!11j41 (h ~, aide \;,iter AA id ~1ay had 1,.,n G" 1 ~J 1 11 """' 1nd 1 a xi""" "'r , 1nc .-de 111 1•1 .,.,~ .~ u ~11 v•"""f "' m1~reil!'I h1~ nn!Mi \\h1ch s111d ,,.,e~...i 1~&1 11 •1 N"., id 10~1 11• c "Q" tt<w • • I dlh t"'l•fld1'l•U•Wfl<l•D •+so 1..,..r ,1 ,,,. to.•perrrn an ecor 1""' ••''"~~••d ~1s 1 11(~1 c~~ If 5 t <l•B• ~'>: I " I Ofl w •C Fd 'I? ! 11 r~ • ( r {ec 1gure was perce:n ,~¥ co" 11 •1 11 ,., 0t 11 s u ,, '" om ~11 " --- ',-::I Ml ... Lew ci..e c::: ~h"~1i· 11., ):In CE f! ' -A-~l~~~I fJ ll 110 ,,...,. 11 Cl lF n l llO •• 11!1 ,, I 11111 -1~• ClelS•c? 1J '°'' ..,,. so>. + lo C rt Inv .JlO t 22~r 721.. ~ + O C IV!nV "'1' .dllo <l\.o il\o -t.o c tvln 1111 l ~ }:~t w: ~:~ l-1~~ 1:::t gjl l : "I~ Uh I)•-'!I" I" • 1lt \IV, Ill'. 11\.o -.... "'•CUit I 11C1 '~1 3'1o JI 3'Vo -"" 11,.vEI !! J 04 I '""' 3'1o l'P lo _ ... ~VP •Pl l 21 11"1 "'' 11 • -"' lo<Olt 1• ! JI ll"' lB .,. -.. 1 u~ P•• tO l 1 OV, 110 l 0 ..;. 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U Prices Slip Agai.t1 -3rd Day i11 Row NE\V YORK (UPI) -Stoc ks rallied late Thurs day but dechnes edged out advances for the third day 1n a row in moderate turnover ShorUy before the close I.he UP I market\V1de 1nd1cator was up 0 3 pe rcent on l 517 issues crossing the tape There were 724 losers and 622 winners The Do\v J ones a \erage of 30 blue chip 1ndus trials "as up 0 99 at 849 33 near the close Volume of <Jround 12 000 000 shares \1as in l ine \\ ith \Vednesday s pace Econoin1c a n pca(e u ncc1 ta1nt1C's conllnued to \Ve1gh on the list although some en co uragement may have s te1n1ned from US .Sec1 el 1r\ of lon1 merce J\1aur1ce Stans con1ment that the1 e \I 111 be n1ore p1osper1ty and less 1nflalion nC':\I )Car Control Da ta "h1ch plunged 15 \\ednesdJ) re covered a bit after a delayed opening \ con1pany spokes1nan said \\ednesday that Jn\.estor:s may ha\c be"n disappointed 1vith the conre1 n s third quarter earnings although they v.e1c .1bo1e lhe year ago period Steels and n1ators 11 aded narro11 ly Car n1akers have scheduled higher produc11011 this 1veek Chen11c;:il s oil:s <11rltne s <111d aircrafts mo1 cd in hoth d1tel:t1ons i nd generally Ill na1ro1v ranges Rails also \\ere mixed P rices declined on the American s ioc:k Ex change tll moderate turnover U~ Cl) 10 vn~a•la un I Ill/ l'Q un CamD I Jn Ca Ddt l Un Qn (Qfp vn Eie<: 1 111 vn El 1>•M> JnFr •'I Un E p 1-lO Un E p ' Vn Et 1>lSO u 01(11 t.Q uOCol pl1 ~ VnP•c (o 1 Un llf\PI< 1 >.1nP1t ~ 'ti Un on~ n <Cl Un O>a! D Un o•~I pl J Un>N>O• )(I Unl!A re I to lJ" (p lo, \J " ! F n C• Vn ~'" ! •O '"I' •oa 20 Unndo<1 Un !M,O. IJO U" P~ Mn US~o S 1 lkt VSF t-0 1<0 USGYo•m l • u~ 1o<1u;1 o VS P V(h I• USPC~ S SO \JSPCh1>llfl u~ Sn"" Bl US ~mr It> 'S ~ o I l(t u' S •r l.io u~ l oo~( UnUl-1 unu ~ 1~ 8~~Lt•f' !~ Un•O Pd llCi ~~ki .. 1(60p U !ldD <Cl U\L FE !iOl U\M Ca Ml U ~M P SO u •~Co 11. u 1h PL ll ""'" (p 0 V1 •n A •o I/""'°' &() V•n(IO Co Ml VF Co I> V c C<l"'P IO ~8~Wv ,,~ VIEi' P V1EP o • 9 l/onC. nt o Vo.n~~o VS Co P ~ VU<•n l<~ l/WRUnl ) ,.1.. -1-----------------·1 , ..... ' lfl•~ llW CteM"" 1.... ... ,~ ... , 1o11•....., ci... c.,,. ' " I o 11 " " . ; ~II 4 ,. ' • 41\o .... "' . .. • .. "" ..e 61 ~ 1110 61 j ll Ill> 15 ._ ... \~ "~ "' " UI 4f o •I l• •• ~ .. ~ 4~ : .:1· 967 0 71 > <O IOI!,,_, !UV. II U"i .U )I 47 -~ •lllt llo ' " ll\io •10 ". 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I) 1~a1 I H,.h le" cc --••• 11'11 + • u. -1, -W X-Y Z- SJ -t 0 W•<1 ••n 14 W• i., ti 10. ~~-~W• Mu• I ~ _ '-W• WOl"ln Co JI~ -"W• oFa l 10f 36"' l1 W• ..aco 90 ~' Wdn(o l ... 71'n ~ W• L•m I 0 l< + ~ We n Sw r Ml 11 V••G•t 1 72 'l • ~ W•1~$ I 10 l ~I W61Wll l~ (j • + lo W~ ~In JOlln• II W•vn C.o• I~ '" WNnUn r 30 W•• n " 50a Wrl:ll:I Oe lO •W••Mk! 8, wet 0)1 I r '><:OF 1 lll Wl",.pf 4 j0 . :::::r~ t''~~= •WnArL SOP Wn B1nc I lO • W~n MO lll4l W\nl~c Jl'll v IJ T• 1 al V.r• ~[ lo W• •<o OS t•• ~· !0 l'l ev~ <'ll3 vnr•P t ~I Wh••P!ct 6 W~o P o \ 1 w~ Co l 10 • wn •Cn •l'M'> W~Cn 1>l l w~~c ~ • V~ I• M el J w~ ~•er -tlo Wcte1c ... 01 lwl~D S 11111 W •m•l!o II • 1 JS 11 .. . , ' .. • ' "' 0 ' ' .. "' • " " " . ' " " . I 7Y 1 ' • 00 ... " '' v.• •t H " ' ~ ,, " llS '1 ~ J 1 I > ,. ' .~ 61 lliO ~ \I• 6 " " .. '" . , ,., " .. " Jtlarl~et Synabols Tlw ~\ O'N n1 It • ~., to l'mllle~ o;~~ H'll I O<k m• ~II <l lNI ti .... ..., t SI Pf I !I~··~ •.. 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Ii -ll l(M JOO JOO ~1 llO H l•-J 7)1¥11010 1!110170+ 161 ~•1•1 s 61 ~ 61 61 ~ +1 ! IOI\ 10<) HXt 1 •44 I 10 101 10J\, ! \ 11 <> SI 1• -+ t~ lli ll'O 171~ _.., t•l' •o •3' -1 u l l fl'o 9"o ··~-+ \ 1 n n n I} 1,1 1f 1,1 31 JJC t l !JO ••1 ~t0•1 _, ., +> ~ 1~ • :n1i l~!1~ :.1:· s 01 1• ... -.lh J 110 11'() 110 Jl ~li 61M ll ,, • 61 ., -•\ lits 6J 01 ,, lf\1 .tdJDCI• -" f>r111 1N t Jon King Gets V .1rin11 Post V:inr1n Data t.taclune11 of Irv ine has appointed Jon King lo the position of marketing services adm1nlslralor The pos1t1on v. as made available due to lhe expansion of the marketing serv ices depari.- ment King 1101111 hlblts 1s responsible for T1a and 1ntl.'rnatlonal ex dlrecl mail and sales docun1rntat1on S111c~ 1965 he h 1s been owner and 1nana~r or 11 pubhc re lallon!I firm \n)pc rsantl 111 N c w por t Brach I J I • ' I I I , D r· I I ( p • I Z 0.t.I L V PllOT Friday, Ot lobfr 31, 1%_! --~ ---·- . --------------- - -:lee! j NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS HOBBY SHOP & RACEWAYS For the Record --Marriages, Divorces Marriage Licetases OCf. ,. O\JCHAllME-OEOLE'I", I dm""<I (, 10, ~"" e>o«n~ E 11. tl<l•n 01 Ill~ (•••neu91' ltoe<I, £1 To•c l""•U<L-GltEGG Tlm<>tll• L , ?I. o! Xl)Jl R°'e•on, L•kewcod •M (i,ud1 • J , J'll, ol 111'7 .S•r•TOll• D'""· Lo< c1~1~Ll.18'-r1NtH. tnorn•• L. 21. ol l!)l lt•ndOipn, (Ml• MU• ~"" Mini~" A .. n."' "1 Btllf' llu• L••" M:~m-li:-FA .. ~l. Doi< W • ll. •l'O .S..1.,,,.. 111. .• ll. bo!IO o! 'I' G•o•• p,.,,., CKI• M• .. LAUD-YOIJNG. Mfl"" 8 , ll. ono B••"-'1: o .. xi. bol~ o• m "'"'-.'"" S1~c°A~F~." 'lrtr• L, 11 o! 101• IC-~ 8 1\td , H-lutu OnO Eui. J _, 10. or '63 Jo•" $1. (0>•• ,.,.~lA'7-11uN ,..£1t. w1111.,.. J , 11. o! !llSlll SI. AnOr•w'I D••·~ •nO Mo~I C , 6,, ol i nc lnle•l•<~~n lto•d, bOI" .,g~~~J'~'fi.ev, IC•nn••n II , ?I, ol ll!l MUl"<l•i• on<I Po'1>rl• J • lD. o! 1131 WH!mln~irr, ~ 0 I h ol COIT• (A":.'L'i.-MI TCHELI , Jl>hn J , 61. ol 16107 5cr•nll4•1• A•• •n<I Lvc• C • ~ ol 61•1 W••<W• J.•~· balh of 11un E~S\!~s-!otC::LJ.P. s"'"" w l l._01 11•7• L•tun·• C•nVon 1100<1 •"d IC•,.. H" It. al llll T•,,•<r \V••· l>G!/l 01 L-.n.o B1•cn. EOWARDS--$1YSO•LE, F11nl M. ~~. o1 1100 fl_ Ac•<i• SI •~•l>t•m ""° Vir9ini• B,, S}. ol 219 11. P•O>PKI, ... :~fli6N8G~YNON Do<Jol"' •• · n. •nd Je•nne A,, l). boln 01 l.ll'Ol S!QCUIOI~. Founlai1> \11ll•y PAltKER-C.ALLOw•V, c"~"·' L . 1?. &' •• :;'~ndAl>~~·~n~.'"Ji: c:'u1~1J;'9~n Hig/l!MICI, ~·nlA Ana_ O(l _ 11 NOULIN-ICING. Floo.11 t. ~p ol 7lll [~ Avo •nd ICathl••n M , 14, ol 711 1 H•rt>Or Blvd , bo!n of 'D''" Et°B~~TSEN-OHM l:cFI, Flolw•' (, •I. ol S-ll De An1a. Coron• °'I Ma• oro B""'•I• H_, .u, ol llt Mo-trl~lclwn L•~. (~MM<"•· !AYANT -Blt)jJ.T, L1nt>I A, l /. QI lJIJO Es1>t1anta Ro•O. Anone«n •"" Glori• y,·, )0, <>I U) Emr1•1d B•v. L1tun• 81ach. ~J.FFEt L-GFllfFIN. C.r.-sorv 8 . ,l, ol nn Sanlt An• A••, Cai.•1 Mr"° •n<I Su .. n L , 1•, Of Ul'O VI• (ot>tco, L•11una BfaCh, oi.J.CSUTA-FltEEMJ.N. Flcb<rl J , ~~. •nd Benni"' J., 11. 11a1n o! 1911() Cl•romonr l1nr. Hunr1n1uon 11'-A<n. 11~~HE~~,'~~~~so:t'.;1~:;,~~ .. ; J'I:.~ c;~.O•lui>t. 7S. al 13U7 Gltndor•. C•r<lrn C.tov• PATlEN-MCICAY. Do•le .... l•. "' 1100 N L,,,,_, Full•""" a<1<1 P•m•I~ A .. 11. a! Jl61 Bo;lon••n D•·••· LO' Al...,11<>'-GEDAGE-M(NJ.MJ.RJ., Lt• C . l •, oJ Na. 1, S.i,.d!rrn R..aa Holll)ufn, N.l , •nd 1:,;....., $ .. 11. ol •!• ,., ... 11 .. 1. Tor!lo, ~•n C1tme1>tr SHl!J.Dl:lt-8FIOOKS, Lotrw G . :Ii, at 1..U Bo~ Chlc1 ond K.,rn F • ll, ol 17051 p,nen"'"· bo•n ot H"ntlnvlon IH1Ch, Divorces D•VO ~CES ,!LEO IC<'Y~i>Olr, JI, E-, JC>l'H\ (.••M o ry (f11'1<1•M K"nn, JOl1n E, •• J.nno L B•uoos, WollorO D '' El••nor ""· P..-cnu, <>om1i• An" •' J""n l a.,.,a 51...a.,s. J°'"n '' John l IC'1tmlll••· Lv1>no E •• l ••r•nc• ll••mond Jen;rn. """" C.or-oton v• D•lo"' M1• Gdtfllh. Doll•• 6 "' Rc1>1" I J CIOht f!r, Eli1a11t1n Annt •• Jonn ~rtn '" llraal<•. Morri• e . v1 Lo•• Sot•, M••.,n (. •• [H..,n M1• Hunier. M•rw l au v• H••ola • ,.,,..,, N•nc• L .. "' H1ro•a I! Bt<r•ml n, Jr .• Jo Ann•~ Joh<1 I!, Oliver, l lnG1 J. •> Rober! E St1tlck. U"ul1 A. •• Aobtrl (',. ktlift, 1--•• J, v• J1meo L. Millt•, Dfll•• JO V> ~1fllh•n C.vv P•tnr1cr. J•m•• Dl!•n •• >1,.t1 L. ~r1nl, Ne!ll W •• Ht"" 1 ~:r:.,::~·~:. Jc .-~/r; .. ~~;-·t"'. Mo<rh. Elil•~tll A YI Alt>erl Leon $m,rn. M•rw C "' FIOOtrl ~. 8ohil<, E<Wll A. V.J. JQO>n L '10b•n,.,,,. Ooti1 ... ,,., ., 1--10.a D~·on1 ~Mt, 110,. "' Alt>ert w.1111m Al•~~~!. Mc:;•~~,;~ ',",•·~~; .. ~,v"o•n• tt.l••no, 1'.\1rv "' (mol H•H. Mocn11I Willolm •• 8••t•r• Jo<;t l>h•<1f Oan100<!i11>, c; • l I Jpromr •• Al~rt ..:11or•n ~~·~~',,or,.-;:, ~·\~' 11'!!:.~~·i. L lo•a C.ac:l>r•"· Lut Ann \ol '-"•"U [.,otro Boll, (Olt!te J1nt "" "' Robt:rl Bv1n> Stoll. Kolhl..,n A, v' Jfff• J Oa•lin•. Elda M•• ••!l illy C.enr ~ ..... P•~I• •• Do•ia L•rov D•uQhfflY, Dorth• l "" "' Mt rvon c. .. 11a Sf\IWllO. LtO'• PtuJ•oo •• (1111 Jec~•on C.uorwr. Oi•n• Lynn'' C.•.,O! W•1l1v ,!,ofU<Mt" Jo/1n A V YI l • DtM' f'. 5no(lll, l're<1a1 ~ v• J(l!On I' p,tl. Leh J •• (l'l•rlj'! • l•tl<h. JoU A. vs W"lilm C. h'cOotwl<I. C•"l "' llr U< J(l.ln 11,,,, ~•v•l•flt O wt P•ul ~u111rr11na. L.,•11• Ell•" •• Ctc-1 r (+•", Andi O v• J""n I\•-•, P•••I• Je1n •• R1vrnano l .. ~··"'"•P•, £•ne~t v1 ,.,1aea1ra • Wiii••"'•· Goorot J. vs llrll• L E mer ...... Jr, JGO~ E. V> \\1111" I' w1111. D•chr.e t ·ie• •• !01>~• M•"'" :.O•omoror, !>n•r<·n l •vt•n• "' MlC l\ff l Hrtl><fl M1•dlng, S~aran lrt "' Sl•oh•n W1rrrn {lollQhl, Rvlh P, v• H!rl>f'd J. tl•t " J1~• H VI !l!rth• /.\, (•rh!<h, J""'n G. •• Marl D We&•hrn . M&rV J••n YI Ernr \t ~r•n~ ~tn<nt<, Juan111 R •• Hrrll>Ollo G. ll•o ... au. K.~•l'llt•" M •• o~""' J Cole'l'l•h. c.-o'"' f, •• R<><>•• I<. ~·:.':'"2~i1N~'."':, LI!,;~.~~~~ Htn" ~cnvUt, _;,, le•• "'"""" "' l •1•e• At1011·h~• !l•<'•ntO, (h&tl•• V< l(&<~I> Ah~ v.r•1~ Br:,. C ,., Poll<'•' r !Nl l•LOCUlOll'I" Oltll CE I !("'·•· L•"n~ I. "' P<>e•t l ._.,,,...,°"'"•I (~, "'IPP•;. ~It'! v; ~OhO•• )•~·• FIO<l<I c...-.,1.,.<_. 4 •• Jo~o J /.' ""h' 11.••ml.>"" J ,,. ~'""'·"' ~' f'•o,..., hh<! M •• f •O• 1"0 >;0•1i. Mo" "> l!u .. •11 (, 111r .. t l! ~·•d LtOh ,, ~·•'• Lo,u\• M'1u. l>~ul Johh "' ll•"'t Ml "l l-OOY, Sn1,<1n J •-< (~11lt< l J•<o1>1cn. Cion<VlrYf [l<•flO• •1 i •I•· PholloO Wint••· M•t1&h A "' llan1IO l v 1111. Loutll• Lutillt v• Flcn••O "''"" s ,1,..,.,. W\lllitTt Gorden "' M••"•" M1e IH ••'"V· Cvhm;o C.r~<• v' Gar• Ltt •'"<>"llC, [vtlvn M v• [rht>' II 5Hm•Ol1· 8!t1f. J<<lt l "' Poti.11 '""I B•ohw. R••"'Of'd W v' Ruth J EO .. t •dl. Sh'f1•• Jt•h v• l!orwla Dl'lh• ,.lv ot•dO· F11c ... ! J., •> ll•t••OO [ Holl. 11110~ (t<ol •• Audr ev '-°"'" .Sh<~. VOrto.1 Mollor •• RonllO J Loe<•, M•r••no. "' l •"'""'-' J "~u!I . "''"" (1&<1 v• Wilh1m D••nfl(ln \/Ah0<' Poctl. Ann F•o,.nct •• Or••il• Lrro• Mon.,, l rtrv le••• Tw••• An~ C:.o•i;ll•" r.-.1rcarei Lee•• f •ortn•o A~m" Co•ol Ann"' 0•""'' B, s~"'"'· e1rt.or1 ~• w;u.,~ Guirrr1a, Betlv J V• M01•0 . l Allm•h, •01e M••I• ., Pol>t" [•V'h Jl>hn_., Ev•lvn Lt>to!lf "' 6rll•t F t~i:~. P1trltlO v> Ho•o•<I P•rott Judolh A"nt "I 110 .. er<I ••• 11•"• (.,:11,1 E_ "' llov l ettk John G .•• A ..... 1. M, 'v ti.r'. ICUio 1-•• Ce<ol • Jt""°' M1rv F "' IC•r•n " W•l~or. 0orc11w-J.. "' Nell L. Stni,.., Htlll• L •• Jonn • Ml-1Co1~""" L""I" V> "l•<llol•I l •':,n.!."?'ll1"C" J. •• IC•nn•!n M. •oct1. M ltl'IHI Go!r1ra •• J OI" .s•~~~E°i'ul>btt~ M •• Eorl Ea'""'" Flttfft•IG. J.ll•n Mkh••I v1 D"""o lff Iolcl!, M~,a•••' M V O Vl<>eenl Emil •'lofftbol~1 .c~trl•• e_ •• J •cout lfnt ~·!•· ..,...,1. 0••"''" "' l .. ltll<o P•IM~'.' evr<I• J, •• ()or\1ld £ O.v!o, 1111• Lvn •• Dao.Id e~or IJN ITED S T A TE S ,\'A TIO NA L BA N K SOUTH CO AST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPEN SATURDAYS ' .. 1 MOM.· TffUll. P•JDAYI P.M. 11·1 P.M. 11-6 P.M. 17141 141·$111 . L9Cilt94 I•: ,.. c.-"-· c...-. .. _ f,nt. \''oC• .. ,~.-MIMflf E. H. LEVAN • .·; • .:.._---~·-.. ....... -- e W..O & l't•tl< toots, Alr~9Nt. C•n I Cuda f'INAL Df.CllEli Whffl<X'.ll, M111n• Ann •• 8•n11mln L<• ~· B•f<h. CerlruOe A. •• JootP'l P COMI IN ••. Wf WILL TEACH Y-OU HOW. ~~ .. :~~l,F~~·ia· .~T.t"ito~-e.'" JIV l!OttJ""•• Al.cl• G "' JI..,., ~ RWl•o. M••• ~· •> E •l•t El.-t" McC•1.,, Brt lHld D •• filrl>or• J, llunlon. Ev•I~" J, •• IC..,nc!n C. l rict . k•n,.,.1n 0. •• k••til"" An<'I F1,,.,, Jr, J.......i. R. •> "lllOtn•• J H"""""°"· L I n d • M•rlt lf,ln1n)O SLOT CAR TRACK ACCESSORIES Sa••oe, M••v L. •• Jerrv w B•o-cotl . IC•""""' P •i Donn• E. Hll!. M•(• p •• llov EdW••d Hll•H, LUCtlll A "' l ol!6n ~ l1ulllla ~;~'~.':''~~"o'i-o?'P"'~1 '-t;,~,~;~''" Pl\,1,0 ("''"· Al•c• v• Manutl • WEEK DAY-S 10°S:l O-NIG HTS 7·9 -SUNDAYS 1-t lltlN~ THIS AD FOR FIEE GIFT -9'tioite 541·1041 1871 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 8"'11man, W•lml Amy •• Do "d Tl>Otn•• J.,,,n>QI>, J.r><tte• J<h' v• Jellorv (hlrlf~ O"vluon, IC1rtn Fl•t Y> Rlche•d How~rd a •• ,,,.,. M••<I• K•v .-. Lowrll D. K•<nl>••ll, Pt""'°"" ~' •l Jt"v ll>Qmas l("laM, llonn•• l"" '' How•r~ W, Ve.,.,. Ri~to•ra • •• Y•onn• M TULIP BULBS Bright c:olorod flow•r• blaom h.artllf 011 1lro11g loll et1me. 011d yo11, Virginia. they will grow in Caliiorulo. Horit Brink•r told ml ~,_pt!\'.~ ••• DICHONDRA SEED Fa11 la1llc lw•ll, pretty good ) 1a•ing 1 011 lamou1 Nallonal Lumber own dichondra a...t, good 1tull that ~b1 bold quick °"d jood• minimum care. Wffd ... d '"·(We're not buving DDT b«au11 Robin 1ay1 II burl• lh• P1lican1.) ' 147 I LB. SHAKER CRUSHED ROCK 5omothlnq extra lo molt• your• lawn look pro!111\onally !and 1cap1d ra!he r than ju 1t "planled". Sparkling while rock (Qn bl used IO acc1nt a garde n ari a . mok1 D path OT trip no•IOY n•i11hbor1. 49c ~O LB. BAG FURY ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER Hedge lrlmrn•r mo.It•• ni.c:1 gift !or J011r la•orito l:obby gard....r. mako1 10 11 work ol 1hrub1. h•d9••· and 1uch. Lightw1igb1. 14 inch blade . Unl•111al Qlr cooled motor. 1277 NEW TIGER PATCH MUFFLER SEAL Tope tbat outla111 you mulllor. Ju1t 1lop io plac•. 44 Foot roll two inch11 ..;do. Tho oa1ln no-me11 woy 99c CRAZY DAISIES Ve ry bright mod (Olar• with a m irror ln1ld11 tar d.coralinq wal11. lum ltur•. pgn•lt. doors. you name lt !Haw about DQ•id Door?t No glut or thumblockr nMded. th1y 1tl<:k anY""'h•r• li ke tho11 gill bowt. ADJUSTABLE FURNACE DEFLECTOR E1cbod p\111tic delloctor it magnetic. adj111tablo trom t inch to 14 Inch. just 1nap Jt oh lor quick \1111ollatioa. pull lh• hot Cl.IT "'h•r• you "'Cini II lhow about In my oar. 1'111 a fem of LIN!ilb-hll. 99c FIREPLACE COALS Hi••• o.n lt1m you ju1f won'I ••• In mo•! 1tor11. but they make a nice tire .. uh bolt•r .. •in•r 1oa1tlng and mor1hmolh1 ,. 10111ting po11lbllill11. f or burning old lo•• lotlen . v•t log1. 77C1DLI. IOI WHO SAYS WE DON'T REMEMBER LAST YEAR lliEY 5A'i 'YO U 'R£ )-H_O_W_S_H_A_l_L, TIJE CUlTER l<iNG !TAKE T HAT? 10 FOOT RAIN GUTTER When we d rive a round and see all those badly eroded lawns we just wish folks could see how inexpensive ii is lo put up gutter and pro1 c::' !heir p roperty. Simple lo do and !he fittings are cheap too. if you need lhclT'. SLIP JOINT GALVANIZED SOLDERLESS Ad••rti11d 1ptc"ial1 good thru f(o••mbor !!. 1969. LIMITED TIME SCOTT'S DEAL 0 c ALL SCOTT'S LAWN STUFF except seed and spreaders Hor•'• a 11.ic• deal from the Scott people, 011• ol lh• big901t nnm•• in lino gardou product1 laot th• long.HI. j1111 th1 bigg111. thl"( gOI th• groatnt alga palnl•r In lh• ,.orld.l Sa•• a bundl1 on thl1 OJ>C9 IJI o llletim• (until nest year) promotion. 111• produet1 t10• or n••t aprlng. Soring• ol o••r 13.00 on 1am• Jl•m1. N""1tMA&.. s•u.s c.-r totaer SEASONAL CLOSE OUT PATIO SPEAKERS Now K.ar Thia. 1p.ciol deal Ml you CCIII bo'9 rnu1lc outdoor• a 1 'Woll a1 In. /So lha1'1 whol'I that humming In my h-ad 11 coming Jrom.) Molt• a lro111111dou1 oaY\ng-1 on thi1 1101011al ll1m 11.0'11' ond impr.11 oil your lr\1nd1 thlt 1prlnq, 9G1Uy lo1tallod and con be put practically 011ywhor1. REG. 19.95 JIEW DESERT. AVOCADO OR IATURAL LDAll PRINT PANELING Paneling ~ g091 l;lp qukk and gl••• vood loob Jor y9e1rs, cholc• ol 2 aow-doconrtor 101101. lull C x I panel• on proflrli lh.d. •·g r.xrr9d. and 1'9adf lot immldlol• in•tctllatknl... 3 99 .EA. KNOBBY FABRIC SHADE SWAG ' . " ... Whitt i:aubhiro kUT!c -wl!lyl th11d1 1waq wllh 16' wlr1, \11 line 1wltch. 12· hoa"Y bi-011 <"haln. und laacy dolphin bra11 llnbhed book 101. 1577 1------~~ ,/·/ FABRIC SPRAY COLOR R•n••• a nd h111ullllo1 color on !oded upluil1lory typo lobdc:s. choice cil 15 colon . .a1y to ""· just 1proy ii ca. whoa dry no oo• will •Y•r ho11 11 •0.t oldand boa1 op. 139 13 oz. CAN LIQUID BEAUTY GOLD LEAFING KIT Genu\a• gold m11al le aling kit mall•• anything look luxurious !or penni11, u10 on plclur11. paper. tram••· lurnituro, 1ho11, \1olh•r boo1. woodwork-.wal11. tor accenling. EftTT1hlng yau·u not>d is includt>d la th• k-U. 3aa EXTENSION LADDERS All o:h1minu111 oxl•rt1lon lodder1 or• er mu1t !or moll outdOOI' home N p!r\r ot pointi11g job1 . Helplul 11 you'r• in11alllng 11•• roollftlill OT putting up a "''"" tole•l•lon aerial. 16 FOOT 20 FOOT -· ••••• 24 FOOT ••• ••• 13.77 17.77 23.77 • • ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS S•ing1 out 1a yau can cl1Gn bo1h 1id11 lrom l a•Ld o tb1 tio11 11. ~· to cmy-po1il\011. (So d-1 "'"wile'• bif -!~. slhnlln• aha.US-tnr-. roplCK1t double bang wood •lllrdow1. For :ll"-35'" For:ll"•W" ror 42"xQ" 19" 24" 29" .-...... 1" __________ .,.. ____________ ,... _______________ ,.... _________ ~--~-....,...,,.-,~lii ·.r;·7~r. ·, ... ,,,,. .. ., • ,.., r-7·1-'·r-;.v--r--..--,. r -1 ., -1"J••)·•r '>•'1 ··I .:Great · Pumpkin Flies '· Agai.n DALLY PILOT l'MIW b' lkbll1I Kolfllu BEFORE AND AFTER -I\1 iss Cindy Graham of Balboa Island was on her way home from classes at California State College at Fuller- ton \Vhen she sighted a pumpkin patch near El Toro J\1arine Base. Th e 18-year-old coed could not resist picking her pumpkin from the field . The fi nished product, a grinning Jack -o -Jan- 1.em, \vii? greet young- sters tonight on the i;pookie st night of the year. WEIGHING IN -Own- er of t h e pun1pkin patch, Louie Etcheber- ri a. assists Cindy in weighing her choice. Etcheberria and h i s brother are two of few farmers who grow lhe popu1 ar vegetable in Orange County. Cindy cuts Jack's smiling, face under the watchful eye of Fluffy. Concentrat- ing on her 3.rtislic en- deavor, Miss Graham wants it just right when jt greets trick· or treet- ers tonight on t h e island . I' I r-· .. \ • I ' t t • , • ~ I t c p ' , ... . ' . ' J .f DAil Y PILOT Frldq, Ottobff )1, 196~ i Former 'Referee' Calls Foul Play Consumer Game • 1n 1 By BEA ANDERSON -·--olmpledeclsim. he will and •ill not MU. for. ' . ' ' Buym were given a slight edge on winning the Consum. er Game by Betty Furness, former U.S. special assistant for consumer affairs. ln grandmolber'1 day, sbe knew what went into the jars on her pantry shelf, becaUle she rm.ed the food and -it benell. If she bad to purcbue something at the arocecy .......... only hod 1o make a choice from D> ilem! and a sak!Srnan helped ber- make tht selection and waited Oil her. the best buy. After giving the anBWer, she also proved that the large.st s.ize not always ls the best buy, nor is th e "k.i.ng size'' necessarily the -largest. be protected against huards. He also has a right to know how much something cost.s per unit of weight, and has a right to know how long to expect a product to last or which model is the best. slay in business," she em· phaslzed. "If a ccmpany finds that changing a product cre- ates a ccmpeUttve di&adV&n· tage, the company will discon- tinue doing It. because the stockholders would disapprove of the decreese in profits. qr that weed killet-s will kill your weeds but we are not in· fonned that it will kill our cats. If romplaininc and boyC-. ting doesn't 1et the rttWll needed. the next 1lt-p ia a political · one. Legi&lal.On: can.- not always know wbat the con- sumer wants unlesa bt is told. ! ' ' I, I i I: ,; ' t ! f' She spoke before members and friends of Chapman T01fn and Gown, ouUinin1 the rules, teams and scm-ine; of the game and anning the audience with knowledge oo how b:I win. "Roll up your aleeves and play the game as though your very life depended on it , •. it just might," she challenged. Consumers, wbo comprise ooe team, are at a disad- vantage because they neither know all of the rules (the other-team -industry's CX· perts -has invented them) nor are they always aware of the stakes -health, safety and money. She blamed the geniuses of industry for creating confll!ion so that the customer carmot e.uily or quickly make a Today housewives are con- fllled by a,ooo different items in an average supermarket. She bu tG make tbt declaim herself and tben get it btrself. BAFFLING Even a mathematician might find rt baffllng to ~· pute which i5 the best price economically when confronted with 20 sizes <:4 containers for green olives or 15 different sized boxes ol cereals. Miss Furness lined up six cootainers of the same brand of 80Ct drink, reeled off lhe prices and defied anyone to tell her iMtanUy which was The trolh In packaging law, which abe &aid would be more appropriately cit!led truth in labeling, has helped lo some degrtt. Ccmpanies have at least cut down the number of size.s of packages . Labels on fabrics are con- fusing, too. The kind of fiber is listed, but who knows what lbey are and how to care for them~ Even an efficient housewife can't keep track of 16 labels .that belong lo 16 dllfe.rent garments, she asserted, iid· vocating permanent labeling be sewn into the garment. She said that J.C. Penney's now is forcing its houses lo do this - the first step in the right direction. CONSUMERS' RIGlll'S The conswner has a right to "The consumer should ask for and demand all of the in- formation he wants at the point of sale. Ask th~ sa:lesman, read the label ... if that isn't satisfactory, ask the store manager, and if you stlll need questions answered wrile the companies. "If you are not satisfied with a product, complain. It is not enough to decide never to buy that brand again," she cautioned. "You must let the store or the cumpany know why you aren't buying it anymore, otherwise the firm will pour money into ad- vertising lo get you to buy, rather than improve lhe pro- duct PLEASE STOCKHOIJlERS "BW1ineu is in business to "It wculd seem products are made for stockhok!ers. not con11Utners,'' &he c h a r g e d • pointing out that if consumers Want to get ahead in the game thev might buy stock ins~ad of the product. The bluest advantage in· dustry has in the c~irumer 11:ame is that it has the total lnfonnaUon regarding a pro- duct and. the consumer only has what industry will give us. She cautioned her audience to beware of what industry "DOESN'T tell us." Examples she cited were : we are told detergenlS will 1 a under clothing, but we aren't told it will pollute streams; that dieL foods will keep you thin, but nothing about cau.sing cancer, A BE'ITER SHAKE Consumera are getting • better shake in the last few years, she conceded. Tbe·auto industry has ~en forced t.o equip cars w!lh ~ safety factors, and srnee the pas.sage of the auto safety law, more than .f million cars have been recalled . She emphasized that to be a good player in the consumer game. tbe buyer who owns a recalled item .must follow through ••. "send it back to the manufacturer so he knows you are aware of what is going on .'' The rules of th e game can be changed, bul only by the consu mer who has more power than he might be aware of. His money not only ha s purchasi ng power but also withholding power and it is the latter that tells industry what She recommended lhal lhm women keep a Watchful ~t on the intrastate laws of California and claimed that here, products can be made" a lillle shoddier and still Comply with the state law-5 as they art not up \O par with federal ones. Consumers arc gelling help from the U.S. "referee" of the game. and Miss Ft1rness highly praised her successor, /\irs. Virginia K11auer. Another source of in- formation, which she graded as excellent, is the Consumer Union's magazine. Consumer Report. If the eyes of the consumer always are watchful , not only the rules of the iame ma)' change but our side miibt win. ., Horoscope Taurus: Building, Pressure's Stay Calm SATURDAY NOVEMBER I By SYDNEY OMARR Tea daU.g hints: Conflict could reaolt U Leo ud T11U1U inm& • atrlvhig for spotUpL Leo 11 evmtu.al w I n n ~ r : TIDnll Uoald be 1redoas ud play role ef bolt or ltotk11. Very udd.DJ date algbt; e1peclaUy 1ood for 1Uendin& theater and for lale dlalng. Canttr might get stuck with the cbeclc. Romaatt I s featured for Ariel, while Aquarlu~ <'Onlider s a permanent relationship. Gemini may find it worthwhile to meet relaUves of beart'11 desire. A mystery or blind date il featured lor Virgo . ARIF.S (March 21 -Apri ! 19): Keep rein on emot ions. Not wi&e lo l\'ear heart on slce1·e, Some are willing to take finan- cial advantage. Play cards close to chesL. Answers come from wHhin - if calm. TAURUS (April 20-May 2{1): message. Don't fail to keep up with correspondence. Impor- tant notice is due. GEMINI (May 21-June l()f: Something you have kept to yourself could be revealed. Maintain poise. Stick to facts. Don't compound error by weaving tale of intrigue. Sim. pie truth sets you free. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Don't mix business with pleasure. Applies especlally in areas affecting loans and debts. Friend may appear rather heavy-handed. Best tG !urn ocher cheek. Then you ga in objective. LEO (July 2J·Aug. 22 ): ey. c!c high. But you may ha ve to ''-f ~ repeat certain procedures. r'$_.:' . · ·~ • Assignment may not really be r;. completed. Answer lo dilem-~/ - ma L~ found close to home. I ~1·!, , \'IRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): -~ Avoid self·deception. See "''sons. •ihrnti'"s a. they ae· .-t tu ally exist. Accent on what ! ' -·Jt~ occurs behind the scenes. All r ; " facts are not yet available. ~ ~~ UBRA (Sep t. 23-0ct. 22): \.>. fo.iate. partner or another you '• are close to makes money re- quest. Your answer should be ' ~.~ '. •' • • • ' -~ ., • Added pressure ind icated. Build . Realize lime is on your side. Obtain hint from i\rles • along consen·ative lines. Study Cancer message, Heed voice of experience. It's the Principal of the Thing That Counts Artist Wipe Demonstrates Out Technique A technique rarely seen in demonstrations will be used by Mrs. Virgil Bienvenu when lhe Huntington Beach Art League meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Nov. 3, in the city's recreation center. Mrs. Bienvenu \\'ill demonstrate the wipe oul technique working with oils. She is a charter immber of the Huntington Beach league and a founding member or Golden West Art Guild Df Garden Grove. The artist, a graduate in fine aru, paints Talk Keyed To Bazaar with oils and watercolors or draws wilh pen and ink, but prefers to work with oils. She is equalty proficient i n portraits, landscapes, seascapes and florals. Her paintings are in many tollections throughout th e United States, Puerto Rico. Newf oundland, Canada and Mexico, and she won the Golden Brush Award in a Garden Grove showing. Plans for a Christmas party· were discussed when the league board met in the home of Mrs. Tom Neeld, president. Each member is invited tG bring a guest. and there will be no artist demonstrator at the December meeting. Each member also is invited to bring a painting which will be judged for workmanship Members will do all the and popular appeal, and prizes talking y,·hen Golden Key. will be awarded. Huntington Beach s u P P o r t League meetings are open to gro4p of the Child Guidance the public and following the Cenler oI Orange County, demonstrations coffee. puncil meets at 9:45 a.m, Tuesday, and cookies are served . Nov. 4, in the Costa Mesa''liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij home of Mrs. Bill Susman. II A speaker will not be scheduled for the meeting to allow time for final discussion or a holiday bazaar taking 1 place between 10 a"1n. and 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec . 6, in the1 Community United Methodist Church . SPECIAL -89¢ APPLE CUSTARD PIE INSTANT CA.Kl IN 20 MINUTES Artists Compete SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov, 211: You could settle important matter, Key is lo know when the finish has arrived. Don't drag out yoor encore. Do what must be done; tie loose ends. \\'ilson School principal H\igh Leatherman ls about to throw in the sponge. Giving him no time to recon- sider his position are Robert Lemke with his \Valer bucket and Kristine Weatherill holding the sponge. The three are getting in a little practice before the PTA carnival t omorrow themed Western Hoedo\vn . A costume contest, fortune teller, game and food booth s, white elephant sale and train ride ~'ill be otiered from 10 a.m, to 3 p,m . at the school. Christmas in Mexico is the theme of the next funding event to be sponsored Ly the group, and serving as general chairman is Mrs. Richard). 'Teske. • 1'+11 -°"""'' -.ic. DANICA PASTRY SHOP SU YI. IALIOA ILVO. UJ.HU 1011 tk .... 1 ... 111) Roger Kuntz, noted Laguna Beach artist and crafUman, will be juror for the se<:Qnd annual open juried art show sponsored by the Orange County Art Association Mon- day, Nov. 3, through Saturri.::y, Nov. %2. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. U. Dec 21): StreM originality, independence. Be a n in· novator. Look ahead. Ha,•e confidence in future instead of brooding about past. Watch diet. Improve relations with Hair Stylist Gives Hints ~ighbor5, relatives. Appearing at the Broadway, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan, Faahion Island Monday And 19): Your interest .in unusual Tuesday, Nov. 3 and 4, will be Affiliates Bus Fans Van Gogh Attraction VFW Auxiliary Coastline Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3536 gathers the fi rst and third Fridays at B p.m. Costa Mesa·s American Legion Ha1J is the meeting scene . ORANGE COAST COLLEGE PRESENTS COOKING SCHOOL On th• St•g• of th• MESA THEATRE, Costa Mesa -Prepa r• for the Hclidaya - -PRIZES - THURS., OCT. 30, NOV. 6, 13, 20 -9:30 A.M. The Muckenthaler Center, Fullerton, -will be the g.11\!ery for the exhibil, which is open to any artist interested in e.nlering the stw:iv.-. persGns, subjects is Mr. Toby of London, pro-Affiliates or Laguna Be~ch hlghligbted. Be receptive. Jf fesslonal hair stylist \\'ho Art Assocfalion are spondsonng willing •· learn, you make · 1· · h. a bus tour nex t Thurs ay to "' specia 1zes 1n teac 1ng worn en significant gain. Know this to brush their own ha ir sty les. Los Angeles Coun ty f.1useum brinJ: their lunches or plan to eat in the mu.M!um cafeteria or nearby restaurants. Reservations may bt' ob·•-----------===================='-- A first prize of $200 will ht given along with a second prize of $100 and a third prize of S75. Categories will be oils, watercolors, graphics, ~tit· chery and weaving, mix ed media and sculpture. A reception will take place Thursday, Nov. 13. in the «nter for the wiMers and prizes will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Aasisling wilt be the Muckenthaler Center Circle. Kuntz studied at Chalfeee Junior College, Los Angeles County Art Instltute.. &ripps College and was graduated from Claremont M e n ' s, College. CUrrently he instructs at the Laguna Beach School of Art and Design. and re•=nd accordiooly. The h · 1. 1 · nf Art 1\·here Vincent Van ,.v •oe air sty 1st w1 1 be in \t1(' AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. stGre's millinery department Gogh 's works are on display. 18 ); You could con c I u de Monday and Tuesday at noon The Va n Gogh fans y,•\11 transaction which enhances an" :i n.m. as well as 7 p.m. on meet in Boat Canyon shopptng secu rity. Spread out; break Monday. He also will be renter. L:iguna Beach at 11 through red tape. Utilize your available for individual COJJ · a.m. to board buses for the innate sense of curiosity, suJtations. museum where a collerLion nf PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): 11 J pa inlings and drav•ings arc Learn rules before attempting being exhibited. tG break them. Be creative but Library Hour Tickets are $3 per person don't offend those in authority, and ,viii includl.' continental One you admire is depending Costa Mesa Library is the brtakf Psts ~·hich \\·ill be serv- on your judgment. scene of a library story hour ed <luring the <:!rive lo Los tained before ton1orrnw by calling ?\·!rs. Hovey Cox, 494. 3337; Mrs. r-.1att Boyle, ~96· 2456 or t he association's gallery, 494--6531 . Dance Club Square Riggers S q u a r e Dance Club "swings out" every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Flrst _Methodb;t Church, Costa Mesa. IF TODAY IS Y 0 UR every Thursday at 10 :30 .11.m. Angeles. Those attending may BIRTHDAY you are in~nse.Jp;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'iJ JGyal, attractive to ·opposite sex. New relationship will work ln your favor. To find Oii! """"'t klclo:'I' fol' "°"' In ,,,_v 1nd iov., orv.r SVd...,. 0<n1rr·1 bool<lfl. "S.Cr". Hinh for Mlin •'Id Wow;..,," ~ lr1!>dlli't Ind Jn Cetlll '" o.n. •• '41•ololvf.1'.,..,""" OAIL 'f l"ILOT. lkl• l1H. ••rid Cotril•1I $!• !kin. N-Yori<. H .• lot!~ • Kitchen Convenience is this ... 1~;1l~l1111I;1I1l ~11111ll10l Ii :J .!Jnleriord This Frigidaire Built·la gets dishes ~~6n-'::::;;c~~ shower-dean. ~ • SUper·SUfl• wash Ins llCUon tams the trick. Dishes ,,.., little or no~ 25 Years in Business *SALE STARTS TOMORROW* SATURDAY, NOV. 1st 2441 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar ORiole 3·3915 ~""11T-"' Soft·food• putv.rint. • 4 cycles. Even 1 Pl~e Wtrmer. • Rinse conditione r dlspenMr helps k .. P 1i.sses and sitwr from spotting.. • Order intereh1npebltl front panel• r.epairately. Colors or Brushed ctiroma. • Optionll desJcrm dom framlrw It.It. ~ L)1\VIS BROWN s17a•• O!tltf -•low .. $158.11 411 E. 17th St. Costa Me-646-1684 Daily 9.9, Sat. 9·6 IT'S NATIONAL DECISION WEEK Simplify your last-minute gift selections with an enduring gift of time bV~olex. Left to right: Date .with 14 karat dial markerS. bezel and crown on 1 steel case. $345. GMT-Master with date. Tells time in any two time zones of the worJd- simultlneously. $255. Day-Dato. Tells the day, date. minute. hour and second. 18 kllrat gold case and br•colol. $1, 160. SLAYICK'S II PASHION ISLAND NIWfORT llACH -644·1110 Yo~• C.h1r<1• ,1,,te11"I Wtl,om• -Bon~Am1•i,1•cl, Melitr C.~~140 , IQ• Op•" Mo"d1v. F•id•v ~"Iii ':JO p.m, • I . • " • • ' " • • • ' " .. .. • • ' • ----------... .--.............. ___ .,._,.., .. ..,_.,..,...., ................ ..,..,. ... ,..?"'l""'"l'"!'"""""'!"'"1!"":'"!''7""'.""'-~·T""..-...-r--.···-• -. --··. • '•·,' . , -·-· • ----" • ~ ~ ~ -.• -. ···~·-, ............. , .•. Haunting Time Promised Lake Foresl Beach and Tennis Club "'iii be th e setting for the firsl Hall o\veen party to be slaged for the Lake Forest Homeowners Association. The party \Vil! take place from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ton1o rro\v. Taking a refreshing pause 1ron1 clubhouse deco rating are (left to right) the Mmes. Gerald Fraser, Ja1nes Va· koutis and Jim Parnell. Smart Operator Doesn't Claim to Be. Know-it-all ANN LANDERS [fl DEAR A1\IN LANDERS: I am an Inrormation Operator in a midwes!ern state, We need help from ''the outside." P lease speak for us, Ann. People have I.he idea !hat jusl because we are called Information \l'e are sup- posed !G answer any question they lake it into their heads lo ask. Yest erday somr- one wanted to kno1v how to spell •·conscientious objector." Another 11·01nan .11~ked if :she should use 10 eggs in her angel food Cilke instead of 12 because her eggs were unusually large. Tin s morning someone asked if I kne1v ilfrs. Nixon 's real name. She said, "I 'm sure it isn't Pat. Wh at is it?' '\\'hen I told her T didn 't know she said, "\Vhy do ~·ou ca!I yourself Information "''hen you don't kno1v anything?" Every day people ask the temperaturr. lhe weather forecast and the correct time. One man v.·anted to knov.· \\'hat city he was in. He said he 11·as a salesman v.'ho travels a lot and son1c!Jmes he loses lrack nf 11·here he is. Don 't get me 11 rong. 1\nn. r love niy job. but I su re ·wish people v.·ould un- derstand v.·hat an Information Operator is supposed to do. And it 11·ould be nice 1f they said "Thank you ·· once in a while. -DIAL 113 OR 411 DEAR DIAL: fl erc·s your lt'tt er and let':s hope it helps. 1r an}'one else should ask, yoa can tell lh em 10 largt. eggs are ok instead of It small one~. And r at l\ix- on'1 name is Thelma. And th ank )'OU for 'lll'riting. DEAR ANN LA1'\0EHS· I ;11n 50, twice divorced, fl() children. r ve been keeping company v.·ith a wido1ver v.·ho has t11·0 children and five grandehildren. t.ly in- come 1s nearly S300 a month. l\1y fr irnd earns about half that figure. This did not matter to n1e -al first. !\:ow rm begin- ning lo wonder. Our 1\·edding da!c has been set. 1 ;im paying for evc r.vthing - 111clud1ns ;1 honcyn1oon to ll:i11·aii. A fe1v months ;igo he 1nentloncd buy1n.c: :i wedding ring. Then he s:iid ... DGrl'I vou huve a ring lrorn one of your forrner husb<inds -one peop le w o u 1 d n · t recognize~·· \\'hen he saw h01~· hurt I 11·as Ile s:1id. "Oh. I didn 't mean it." t keep tl11nking of our phone Ctln- .,.crsation s. \Vhen he calls fron1 40 n1ilrs :J\vay he al"'·ay~ has to "ring off" hec:uise he docsn·t 11·ant !he bill to run Loo high . This man has over $10,000 in bonds and savings. It's not 11s if he v.·a~ stone brokr. I 1vas attracted tG him hrcause he 15 11 ell educ:itcd. d(ICsn't drink or :;;moke ;1nrl he n1alics ;1 flnr appearnncr -1rl11ch I could not ~:iv :ibout t !lhrr of niv prt•1 ious husbands. Then. of C"oursr. lhC're 1s companion~h1p, v.•h1ch becon1es niore unport:int as lime soes by. But I s<'em to bl' getting cold feel as !he v.·edrling d;i!e ;;pproaches. \Y11! you help 111 e decide ? -FRAIDY CAT DEAR CAT: The man is a cbtapska tt, v.·hith you know wilhout my telling you. l'\ov.. !he qu estion: Do !ht <"nmpcn salin,i::: factors make up For this un allracth·e quality·! Are ~·uu v.·illlng lo put up wllh his slin,i::inrss in order to grt the bC'nelils !hat marriage v.·onld offer'! You're the onr v.·ho will havr to live "'ilh lhe miio. Only you c;i n dctidr. Nursery Scholarships Offered Suited for Suits Nonslip Blouse Rises in Style • NEW YORK (UPI) -The classic suit is back on the fashion scene for spring and with it a brand new way Lo cope v.·it h an old problem - the blouse that slips up and out of the waistband. It took the inventiveness of designer J>au line Trigere to whip tl1e problem -with blouses cut with the briefest of pants bottoms so they can't possibly ride up. Miss Trigere calls the blouse a maillot. her high style modification of tights v.·orn by dancers or gymnasts or !he classic one- piece bathing suit for women. Typical of her maillot:s are the su bdued prints coordinated with tweed suits in solid shades, lhe top either jacket or cape for which Trigere is well t.nown. Capes always are in her co llections. If you wonder about the technical facts of wearing the blouse with a pants base, Miss Trige!IC solves it the sa1ne way baby clothing manufacturers do. She puts a series of three snaps across the crotch. At one showlng of her new colll:!ction, the designer said so me bu yer:s s howed resistance to the maillots. "Out I just told them 1 wasn't going tG change n1y pa\lcrns." said the French- born designer . "If a woman doesn't want the maillot, just cut off the pants straight across and put in a hc1n. She has a regu lar blouse. "But you wait. The idea will take hold ... a couple of years and everyone v.·ill be doing il." As for the traditional suit, v.·ith the combination of blo:Jsc, Jacket and skirt, ii had rough going for the past several seaSQns as th e "costume look" ca1nc in with coal and dress or coat, blouse ~nd skirl combinations cutting '"· J-lowever. with the likes of l\1iss Trigere, lhe P91n1ise is (or a many suited spring. f\liss Trigere didn't bothe r v.·ith the rnidi look, or niidcal f hemline, which so many of Seventh Avenuc·s harbingers like. Art League Members Paint the Town 'Red' Three members of the Costa of Huntington Beach \Voman's J'tld.ty, OctoMr 31 . 1%~ ,;,;. .... DA!l Y PILOr 15 TOPS Club Challeng es Members Le!luce B TOPS Cluh i~ ()r· fcnng a new contest bcs1nrlln,t; Tuesday, r\ov, 4 wJ\11 1!1c 1,1in- ner recei\'ing a turkry ju •t be fnrc Thanksgiving. 011 Tuesday, 1"111'. 1 I n1e mbcr~ will ctrnH"'l, tr ai r and display Christn1<1 :; d<X-ora · t1ons and Tue~d <iy, .\1,.J. !1' n1en1bers >A ill bring 111<1l (•r1al> lor crrat 1n~ article" The l'hlh ":i.s startr1! l 1 t 1\pril ;irut to d;1!•· m•·rn ll• r , have lost a '"omh1ned 11.t.1! r.f J;2 pound ~. The-gruul'\ 1r.e<>11 1n Fountain \'all1'y Elr,i)r 1 · tary Srhool r~H:h Tuc~d.1~ ;ii 7 p n1. Furthrr infori nat1on mav h .. obtalnc:>d by <::.illin,c:: ~1 rs. L~ 11" Bolton. charier presidenl :i t ~4.\.8R'i !i ur .\!rs. Ge11c DtU .··. 96<1·4'103. Spook House .. Sr\'l'n ~·oul h<> fron1 ~'!r.<;,1 DEi ~J;:ir, CostJ 1\l r~;t have rrca!l'r! :i ga rage sroo~ l1011 ~c that 1\J!l be Op€n frorn 7 to 9 tonight. Tile gliosl house propr!r\or ; :ire t-.t1kc Aron~on. 10 : Susa1l Aronson, 11 ; Dcbhic Oc\\'ey. 18 ; Craig Fairhank ~. !fl; Gary Gagy i, 18, and 13111 \\'allace, "- UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION VIFT SHOP' l\fesa Art League are reaturt!d Club and a member of Cost a SLIP ON , NOT UP _ P:iuJJ nc Trigere solves the around town as Noven1bcr f.!esa Women's Club. ll t,,,p,,-ted Gilh-Unicel C.1d1 1204 N. M~On, S •n!~ "'n• Mond •v thrv S•'vrd~v-11 .4 t. r h h Ad. ·r· d •• d ft problen1 of !he slip-Hll b!ou:,c in her spr1nro co cc· ar 1sts-o -t e·mont . 1vers1 ie a • ._,, an era s 1:> i\frs. Joseph Hov.·ard will es-display will be offered by f.1rs. ~t~io~n'....':"~'~th~o~n~c~-p~i~c:c~c~t~n~a~tl~lo~t~.------------'~""""""""""""""""""""~ hibit seascapes, portraits and Paul Frieberlc;hauser in th e animals in oil in the Costa California Savings and Loan l\lesa Golf and Country Club. Association, Costa Mesa. She has studied with Joseph Her craft potpourri includes Mugnaini, Tracy Cain and a papier mache grandfather Vincent Farrell. clock d ec orated with Mrs. Arthur Williams of c h i I d r e n ' s storybook }funtington Beach will havCta characters, n1od yarn-floral one-woman shov.•ing in Me~a arrangements and jewel ry. Verde Library. Varied works Her a rt affiliations include i ~ acrylic and oil will be on Orange County Arl Associa- v1ew. v tion, Torana Art League, She is the founder and presi· Town and Gov.'TI Art SectJ011, rlent O{ the Pa!etteers of Hun -;ind I luntinston Beach Ari t1ngton Beach, past president Le<igue . Camp Fire Girls Series Planned • Orange County Council of Camp Fire Girls is offering a series of training courses for women who 1vould t1ke to Join Ille organization as leader,\, a ss1stanl~ or sron~urs. Basic training courses for Blue Bird leaders 1n Costa !l·lesa and Newport Beach v.·111 lake place Nov. 3, 5 and 7 1n llarbor Trinity B a pl i s t Church, Costa l\l esa. Other courses al'allable are Huo- t1nglon Beach and Fount;iin Valley on Nov. 4, in the Com· munitv t>.lelhodist Ch u r c h . /lunt11igton Beach. Jnforinallon reg a rd l n {; meetings Jn Sea l B e a ch . \\1estm1nster, ~!idwav C1 tv, El Toro and East Jr v1n'e m<iy tw. obtained by calling the council office at 547-598~. Two Awards Anton Dumhart of r.ardcn (;rove v.·as na1ned 1969 Boss- rif·the-year by Orange ,County Legal Secretaries. lie v.·as nominated by his secretary, Aolrs. Barb ara Bowden who was the recipient of the Se<-retary's Av.·ard or Recognition. Basic training for Can1p F'ire guardians for the Hun· llngton Vatley area JS sche{Jul- ed for Nov. 3. in the Con1· munitv J\le!hodist Church. An agrn{l°a lor Seal B e ;i <.: h. \Vcs1111111slcr. J\fid1vay City, El ·roro and f:ast Irvine is available by calling the coun- cil off1cc. Eve ning cla sse~ also will be offer ed throughoul Novrmber 111 counci l headquar!crs in Santa Ana. Courses include le;1dcrship ! e· c h n i q u cs , organization history, creati1•e ar!.~. con- structive youth dcvelopmcnl programs. outdoor coo kin g and can1ping and heallh and sa fely practices. Can1 p f ire girls and Blue Birds 1n lhe ,\1esa-'.llewport arra rninyed a semiannual l)istrict Over111gh1 Campout in S11n1ia~o Park durins 1he end of OcLober. Secretaries At 6:30 p,m, every second Thursday women or Bahia Chapte r of Nationa l !-lecretaries' As soci ation International assemble in dif- ferent locations to attend meetings. f\frs . Lloyd Fleming at 673-6360 may be telephoned for additional info rmation. OPEN DAILY 10.10; SUNDAY 10-7 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ~\-,_,,lc9fu">CjWW,Y&VONWMW'SSWZNNM'NMl\WRi'11"''''\lWN'''''WiW'"'"'''"""YAVAWMYMWiS'MWiSWiWMWJ 't0~4.~J:~li-·-··. .}:,.Jf~~--,,l,,.,_ ......... TRIM STRETCH NYLON SLACKS O"r Rr,:. ,1.97 3 00 2 Dny, Onf_y Cho•g• tt 'J\,·cr1vily stretch slacks in fall's smartesl colors ! Get 'them at Sllf.M:.'!' savings for ~·ou or g i!Ls. in ml!':-.c-· sizes S-18. Scholarships !or I e s ~ - fortunate preschool children a~ being made available by the Communlly Li n i ! c d !ilelhodist Church Nursery School, HuntinglOD Beach. art. sharing in group situa-1,;=======================;I t1 ons and learning to gel along 1 \1•1th lheir playmates. ) Bal boon Exhibits Balboa Island artist l\1rs. Since the inception of the scholarship progran1 lhrec years ago, many non · English speaking children ol l\'lexican- :\merican descent have been better prepared I o r kin- dergarten. In addition to lea rning to speak English, they arc of. fered. other educa tional e~­ periences including learning colors and numbers. creative Currently there are openings for eight children from low-in- con1 e families, and there also is a need for drivers to transport the youngsters to and from nursery sc h oo l several da ys a week. Area reside nts who know of deserving children Gr who wish to volunteer as drivers are invited to call the school office 842-4461. Zoe Smith has been chosen artist-0f-the-monUi for Novem- ber by ilie Ne'ol'J)Ort Beach Ci· fy Arts Committee and wil11r=======================.'' have her work displayed in the1 1 Coronnkl Mar library. t~amed for her portraits, she has had one.man show.!! in many pa rts or the United states as well as Italy. France and Spain. I She is ii graduate o( the • Chicago Art In.'!tl tute and ' studied under famed artists including Sueo Ser as aw a , Nkholal Feehln, Ruby U:she.r and Ga>rge Barker. Mri. Smith also is her I ()( note, teaching a It be,gin- 1 ners as well a:s you s. RALPH GRANT SEI BLY, M.D. Announces ~he Opening of hi$ Office •• 745 Dover Drive, Newport Beac h Pr1ctice Limil•d to : OBESITY, NUTRITION & METABOLIC PROBLEMS BEHAVIORAL RETRAININ& HAIR TRANSPLANT SUR&ERY By Appointment Only : 645·07 ti OPENS SATURDAY ~lDQbLLE? EXCITING NEW JUNIOR DIVISION THE ALL NEW, GROOVY SHOP. SPORTSWEAR TO FORMALS ACCESSORIES SIZES J.ts REFRESHMENTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1,t MEOW , •• WE'RE LOCATED IN THE ALLEY Of •.• 3424 VIA LIDO-NEWPORT BEACH Her exhibit. whlc w·n in· elude portraits, still 1 e and I painting!! of the Newport bay, and ocean, will be on \•iew during library hours. ,.1 -----------------------''L----------------------~ SANT A ANA ORANGE COST A MESA WESTMINSTEfl; (• ' t ~ • • • 1 '' I I.'• • " ' ' &'" ,, \'j,• • R ' P.'.! ,•M r.~~-n 1100 f1 • . 1~~'i ~'"'I 1i'Ja II •,. 8 .\ 1~~~0 B, • g 1,~ \ . ( • ' I • I I I • • ' 1 l I I • , • p I ,. b • p • -' ---. -·-------------------------------------------- J fl DA.IL Y PILOT rrldat, Octobtr n , 1%-. Halloween 1959: Cannon's Memorable Run Ed1tor 's note: On a damp Halloween night in 1959. All America halfback Billy Cannon turned in one ol college football's rm>morable plays with an 89-yard r\.ln against Mississippi. It "'on him the 1959 Heisman Trophy and Cannon became the target in a bidding battle between the professional leagues. NE\V ORLEANS (AP) -Yes, all you aging armchair quart.erbacks, it's been JO :years since Louisiana State's Billy Can- no n ~printed 89 yards on~ of fo0tball 's great runs but it's anything but a dim· ming memory lo the st 11J-tw1nkl1 ng Oakland star. It was on a mi5ty Halloween night 1n Tiger Stadium Ln Baton Rouge that Can- non scooped up a rolling pW1t and starter! the run that earned him the Heisman Trophy as the outstanding player for J9fl9. You might think Iha! one isolated play \\'Ou\d fade over the years. But not that run, not that -\.\--r1ggling dash against r.1i:tSissippi 's Rebels 1n what \Vas the game of the year a decade ago. ''Yoo can play in 200 games and )'OU Owens Gives Boot To Four Negroes SE ATILE (AP l -ln1versit}' of \rashlngton coach J im Owens sayfi he has suspended four menibers of the Husky foolbal! squad Thursday after they told hlm they were unable to fully support the football program. Owens said he took the action after Thu rsday's workout when he hd asked rach player how he felt about the football program and if he was able to give total commitment to the program, ''This is the last thing I wanted to see happen or have to do as a head coach," Owens said, commenting on l he suspensions. The four. all of them black. are Ralph Rayard. junior college transfer from San .Francisco City College who has started at split end and has caught I I passes for 217 van:ls: Lari.far r.1ills. senior running back \1·ho started against r.tichigan and is a transfer from Los Angeles Clty College. Also. Greg Alex, sophomore defensive back from Seattle who has seen no ac- 1ion: and Harvey Blanks of Chicago. a highly regarded running back who has seen no action because of an ankle broken in spring practice. The suspensions came on the final day before the Huskies were lo fly to Los Trick or Treat Angeles to incet UC LA in a Pac1lic·8 Conference football game Saturday. Owens said nine other black players on the 80-man squad indicated a willingnesi; to remain on the tean1 during Thursday's talks. However, none of the nine knew al that lime that any of their teammates Y.'ould be suspended. Owens decli ned to estimate the reac- tion of other players, both while and black, y,·hen they learned of the suspensions. There had been reports of dissalisfac·- tion with the program among black foot- ball players for the past few days. Black team members met Tuesday night and again just before Thursday's workout. but have gi ve n no puhlic state- ment regarding their dissatisfaction. Owe ns said : "Because of these meetings, I called the squad togethe r before practice_" He said he to ld them this y,.·as the time of the season lo be more concerned than eve r "about tl1eir teammates and the prog rn m." The coach said he felt "badly'' about the suspensions "but I think it is the n sht decision and this is why I made it." He said the four players' scholarships ·would not be revoked. Roadrunners' Pranks Could Bother Rustlers By HOWARD L. HANDY Of lftt 0.llf Pllel ~t1U Jim \\'ilLia ms brings his band or lrick- or·lreaters to Orange Coast Co!lege :-tadium tonight complete Y.<ith goblins «nd black cats a nd 1s planning the big- gest Hall\rween prank of the festive e ve- ning in the Orange Coast area. \Villiams is coach of the H10 Hondo Roadrunners and is freely predicting an upset \\-'in for his team over coach Ra;-.- Shackleford·s high-flying witches .•. er Rustlers. from Golden \Vest College. The bewitching hour (kickoff ) ls 8 o'clock. Rio Hondo boasts one victory and 11 tie in five outings as compared lo Golde n \Vest's record of four wins in five games. The Rustlers arc al so rated in both !he slate and national poll s, albeit ln :;ome,,.,·hal strange position. Williams' confidence stems from a fUperb passi ng game, engineered by riuarte rback Gr.eg Lee. The freshm an ~ignal caller passed for 31 t yards against llarbor last ""'eek a nd the Roadrunntr roach feels the Rus tlers can be beaten through the airlanes, The Rio Hondo menlor has only to Jnok ;i\ game statistics of the Rustlers aga 1n.0t ;\It .. San An tonio and Santa Barbara to c;onfirm his suspicions that a passing J\t Kaiser Ope11 game will give them trouble. Both schonl.c; scored three times through the air aga inst Golden \Vest. Shackleford isn·~ too concerned_ "\\'!' in tercepted a key pass against East Los Angeles lnst week to win and I am sure 9ur secondary can take care of itself. \\'e will get the acid lest tonight, hO\\'ever. Lee is the best passer y,·e'll have laced thi s year_" The Roadrunner running game was 1hwarted last week because halfback Steve Gullotti was sldelined \vith a hip point injury. He is lhe leading runnner for Rio Hondo and is penciled into to- night's starting lineup. Golden \Vest will be nea rl v a l ful l strenglh for the encounter. ReServc enrl ~lark \Vhltfield suffered a knee injury last week and will not play. -.;:. ' ')-.; -· GCLDlN Wl~T '" MOH DC '" Mi.• Corrl91n ' 1 ""' •}or<~Q "' ~ GM• G.,..1111 ' "''"~ Ho•oe, -., '" '"•"e> "'~"ff! " "·~· 6•" -" '"' P"t M•rood l ' l • "' F '"~ ' ' ... l:'.u•! "'" ... '' ,, l<.•1!~ Wo•l""e" " "' J•'' J.-~'"'"" ' ,0.1,, C•11 ,. "' ,,., .. Pt!~~"' ' ,, .. ,~ l """" .. ... l~n• 8onw111 ' V•ew C.• , .. "' Rog~r P•"-"''" • ~·~ M•'"°'"' ,., "' '~"''" llutki.~n ' ~ .... Gu<lo+" '" "' ... $n•d~' • '~•'ht ""''''~"' "' It's a 66 for Big Jack ~APA , Cali f. (AP) -Jack Ni cklaus sat there saying he was pla,ying a s well -;is he had in two years. and talking rather casually about winning three or four loumaments in a ro"'· And he didn't discount the possibility of leading the money \.\-'inning lisL Right now he trails Frank Beard by about S:77,000 with Qn ly the current Kaiser I nl.emational Open golf tournament and three others to-go. Nicklaus, winner of the Sahara Jnvila- tional in his last start, charged in with a 66 on Thursday and shared the fir~l round lead in the $140,000 Kaiser \1lith Lou Graham and Jack Courtnfy. All three of the leaders played Uie Kramer DETROIT (AP) ~ f i\'t men face t'.ha rges of aggravatid assault filed after Jnrmer AU-American and Detroit Lions football star Ron Kramer said he was beaten and kicked in a restaurant The 3+year~ld Kramer, who rellred from professional football la~t yt ar. recei"ed first-aid treatment Thursday at a ~it ho«pital. T•o of the men charged with ag- ~avated l!sault rectived aimilar treat· ment at a hogpital. A waJtress and lwo f:.602·yard, par 72 sou th course at !he Sil verado County Club. but will switch over to the 6.849-yard, par 72 north course fo r their second round today. 'l'he hnal ty,·o rounds will be on the north course. One stroke back, at 67 , v•ere Ron Cer- rudo and Ed Sneed, both of whom played the north, and Don January, on t.hc so'uth. A big group at 68 included Frank Beard, Bi lly Casper. Steve Reid, Tommy Jlaron, Rookie John Mil\er. Chi Chi Rodriguez. Doug Sanders and Canadian Robert Panasiuk. f\1astcrs champion George Arch<!r y,·as tnc of a huge group at 69. Arnold Palmer had a 71. PGA champ Ray Floyd a 1'l and Tom Weiskopf too)!; an 81. Kicked, -other cus4omers said they wer~· struck by accident 1n the melee. A cash rcgislcr and a showcase wert damaged. Kramer, who weighed 2-45 pounds when he retire9 from his tight end spot with the Lions, told police he was hi! over thr head with a chair and ~·as be:iten ;:ind ~icked rarly Thursday al the Chc<'ker Barbecue in north Detroit. Police quoted Kramer as saying he \\.',.lked past llt table where lhe five were siu.lng, spoke to a waitress and continued jusl can·t forget something like that." Cannon said In a telephone in !crview !rom his 0<.1kland ho1nt'.' ··I. c<1n ren1e1nber it like it wa~ vester· day. It':<: that clear." · 'rhousands of others -and still more lhousands "ho l'la1n1 thl'y were there - rr1nember it. too LSU was defending national champion , unbeaten in 18 ga·mcs and ranked No. I in the nat100 when the Tigers met an also unbeaten and third·ranked Ole ~1iss team that night before an elbow·~!bow crowd of over 67,000 . Ca nnon fuinbled a!lcr a 14-ya rd run to the LSU 20 in the fi rst quarter and the Rebels qu ickly ca pitalized when Bob Khay <it kicked a !2·yard field goal. The game settled into a tight for survival untll well into the fourth quarter. LS U's defense held lhe Hebels around lhe1r own 40 a nd Mississippi quarterback Jake Gibbs lofted a punt deep downfield .. l 'he ball rolll'd to the LSV 11 where Cannon grabbed lt, eluded U1e first wave of red and blue jerseys and headed for the sidelines. Three Ole Miss tacklers had sl\ols at thr bayou bullet but he was going full blast by then. Gibbs was the last man with a chance to get Cannon as his blocking formed but it was no match and just past ntldfield Cannon had clear sailing. The big concrete stadiurn rocked 1v1th cheers for several 1ninutes bu t M'1ssiss1p- pi dug in and star ted a new march . Sub quarterback Doug Elmore drove the Rebels lo Lhe LS U one \.\-'J\h just set:· onds left and txied for the touchdown on a quarterback keeper. It "·as Cannon and \\'arren Rabb y,•ho stopped his charge short of the goal line ·ro\\'Cring Le111 i\lclndor shuts off Detroit's Dave Ging in Thursd ay night's National Basketball . ..\s so~ ciation duel at De troit. .'\.lcindor and his 1\·1i l1vaukct: mates throttled the Pistons. 102-81. 2 l(illed • Ill Race to La Paz Another Seriousl:y Injured in il1exican 1,000 E'.\SEi\ADA., ~lexico ~AP\ -Two drivers \verc killed and a third was severely lnJUrcd Thursday Jn lwo crashes at thr stJ.rt of the 1\1exic.an 1000 off road racr to La Pai. First llnisht'f'~ in !he 83Z · n\l lC race rlown the BaJa California Peninsula v,•erc rxper tcd to arri\'c at La Paz later today. llichnrd Smith. about 28. of Long Be ac h. 1·ras kille d 11·hen ht~ tour·11·hee!- dr1ve FC1 rd Bronco overturned 93 miles so1Hh of the st:irung point. His parlncr , Stt'\'C Smith, 25. l.ln re\a\cd and also of LQn g Beach, di ed of a broken nf'C k sh<ir\ly ;J.ftcr arn\'al at an Enscnada hospital. Stel't "$1111 \h 11 a~ llil' l>011 o( 1'11r 1a1i> Cla y Sri11ll1. a 1,·ell-kno11n <iuto ra('1ni; n1cchanlc k1llt·d in a pit accident 15 years ago at a dirt track 1n De Quoin, La. fl ill Stroppc, a friend of Sieve's father, was among sponsors of Steve's car. \\'olfi;:ang Gerhard, JI. o[ R idgefield, N.J .• \1'as unconscious and in serious con- di tion late Thursday night at r.lercy Hospita l wi th head inJuries suffered "'hen his specially built twe>-v,'hcel-drivc \'Chicle cr:ished. His partne r, Berl \\-1ede, J l, also o! Ridgefield. suffered n11nor 1njur_ies. The denU-1.S \vere t11c [lrst in the \l\rcr· year history o{ the Mex ic<tn 1000. A field of 25fl motorcycles and veh.iclcs of assorted description left here al one. minute intervals Thursd11y. The record for the distilncc is 20 hours, :o minutes, .~('t last year by La.rry Bcrg- ouist and Gary Preston on a Honda motorcycle. The rugged course, only one-fourt h paved, "·as taking its toll , Former Jn- riianapo!ls ~00 wi nner Parnclli Jone~ y,•as lorced out of llif' race for the second straight )·car, this time "'ilh a drivcshaft Beaten on lo his ov,·n 1ahle. He told officers one or the men hit hi m from behind with the chair and others bt'gan healing and kick• ing him. Patrolmen .lames Kum pula and Richard r.tortenson said U1at when they a rn\'ed at the restaurant they saw a car ~peed a1\'ay and chased it. They stopped thP au1 0 and arrr~ted the fi\'e men. problem in his four·\l'htel dri1c Ford Bronco. Less tha n llalf of last ye ar·~ entrie~ beat thr 50-hour time limit and the course this year \1•as considered much rougher_ Drivers y,·ere competing for S89,000 in prizes. By 10:30 p.m. Thursday, 70 entries had r assed through the fourth of eight check- points, 314 miles south of Ensenada. They ' .. included movie stars 5te1·e :'l!cQuc cn .1nd ,/:11ncs Garner. illcQucen wa~ piloting a ll'lur -11 lwrl drive Baja Boot and G.1rncr 11·ns tlr11 111 g a bcefcd·up O!dsmobi!e Cutla ss. Leading the pack through Lhc fou rlh c•heckpolnt 1vas a Ford Bronco :<.ponsorf•d hy Stroppc, Ralph ~1oody and J ohn Holman of Long Be aeh. Its dri \'rr~ arr A. K. !ll illrr and Ray Brock or Holly1\'00{l ' . . if' l • ' -·' ~ Bears' W 01111ded 81111 nn the fou rth down effort, and it ende(l i"·~. "Ole Miss wouldn't qU1l," Cannon said in !Ile telephone inl ervie-.·. •·Here I was 11·ith the play of my life and it began 10 look like we were going lo lose. anyhow But we figured E lmore might keep it and 11ere ready for him. Rabb stabbed hin1 and I fi nished it." Cannon will recei\'C his dentistr;. degrcl' fr om the Uni\'ersity of Ten- nessee's dent.a l school in lifemphls in in weeks. lie satd he plans to take posl· graduate s1udies at Loyola in Chicago or perhaps al the f\Iemphis school. Hec ti c Pac-8 Rt111 for Roses In High Gear By ASSOCIATED PRESS The hectic r11n for the Rose Bo wl In tht Patlfic-8 Conference centers on lwo fronts S<i turday as the S o uthr r 11 California Trojans. unbeaten in twn leagu e game s. engage the Californi~ Bears <ii Berkeley a11cl UCLA. y,•ith thret· y,;ins and a tic , entertains the \\'ashinglu11 l-luskiPs. Of tbc two. coach John McKay's iro· jans could run into big trouble ln Be;i :· counl.rv just as lJCLA encountered in it ~ 20·20 tie' at Stanlord last week. Califoml'-' is 2-L CCLA should hJ1e it easier again.~. \\"ashington, an injury-plagued tea1n 11·luch is 1r1nless in six engagements thi . !:J!I. UCLA IS 3-0-L Stanford . 2-1-1 in thr Pac-8. is at Qr1 gnn S1ale. 1-2. while the 01he r two n1en1- bcrs have non-conterrnce tills, Orego•i h0s11111_! IJaho and \\'ashington Stale play- ing Uriiver~il v of the Pacific at Pullman. \\'1th ;in 01·l·r:ill record of 5·0 and a ti" \1'1lll Notre Dani~. !he TrQJ<.1ns were hard· ly man-killers againsl Georgia Tech .,; \rlo'Cck a go. Thrv were forced to come from behin!1 in bot.h halves to \1•i11 29·18. Quarterback J .n1rn y Jones spent his 1nosl unpleasan <ll ternoon as ;1 varslly player "This i~ the week tha t counl ' l1011·t·1-er." ~l el\;i1· ~aid. rl'fcrring t 1 l'nl1for111a . · Tht Bt>;i rs ~til l n1 ay b,1\·e quan crba('J probleins si nce losing 11;1 in1u ries Stc1" Curtis. Da ,·e Penhall S!'t01 n s to be Nn . ' no w <ind he is flanked by t1ro cxcellcn, ruuning hal'ks. Cary Fowler and Boi· J);1rb1-_ Sout!1crn Cal 's run ning .'.l lt:.ick is bull: around Clare nce lJa \·is. a fine bread-and· butler 1nan but hardly a game-breakini:, runner . Coach Ton1my Prothro of UCLA frank- ly confesses the Bruins take no one light · ly, \Vashington included. The Huskies arc big and overdue for son1ething better .. Coach Jim ()Ive ns· Huskies carne within :;econds of upsetting Oregon State Lwn v•ce ks ago and were very much in !hi> .~.1 1ne for three quarters lnsl Sa turday 11 \ Oregon- Sta nford and Oregon Stale al this s\agr arc .. out"' of lhc title run nlng untcss dirr 1roubles hit the front-r unning Trojans and \ "CLA between now and Nov. 22, the wind ·up \1·cck in the ronfercncc schcdulr . Oregon. 3-3 overall. should gel a lift ;:Iler be<i\in g \\'a.~hinglon. 22-7. and \\'asllir:gt.on State, 1-5. ma_y expect a bu~_v .-,c:;~ion "cil h Pacific. The Tigers Jost the :o;c;iso11 opener to Texas at El Paso b111 ha1 r y,·on their last five in<.:luding Ja~1 11·eck 's 28-0 triumph over Idaho. I ' r i Ul'I t ....... i. One of 1hc five eontr nded a companion nf Kramrr s!art ed the fight by thro"·ing a chair at their table. Ronnie Ilult o f the Chicago Dea rs h as team s ccre- t;ary Jea nnie TO\~·orek rn akr the first signature on car1ilagc . Bull. cx-B~ylor t ·nivcrsity star, ~uffer cd t he inj ury ti~ain s t thr Bo n1 s !zi 5t \1'cek. • his ca st after unrle rg oi ng surg ery for to rn knr e ... l Oile19 s, Lion s Lock Horns In Biggie 3, GLENN \\'HITE 01 •~• D&llv '1i.1 1t1n For the winner lhere !00111.s a likely share of the Sunset League football chan1· pion.ship. For the lOSer there is nothing except neit year's planning. That's how it shapes uµ tonight ;it \\"cstminstcr High School as tile ho~t Lions ta ngle 111th Huntington Bl•arh High'~ Oill'rs in Orange County's g;:i111e of !he night. An overflow throng is expected for Ilic r. o'clock ki ckoff. \\'cstminster, 1968 lca1;uc rhan1p1on , 1s SERIES RECORD •?tt Hvnfn>llton H l'ltslm n•1~· I we>lm•n>t" n ~l~Slm'f1'1•r ~ ><vn!on9•on a l·•untin91on O HvM,nv!on O Hvnlinolon l • ><vntin~ton I Hun!lnglO<\ 10 l"lll ><vntln9!0'1 '· l ~l WO!lmoM!•r !, IOOl W•nMin>ter ll 1?0• We•lm•n'!"' I~ i•is -No ;•m~. JIU We•tm•n'1.r '6 ••O! w.,.tmln\!or l i l~Of -Wesrmln1'er l!, eurrently tied \\'ltl1 Ney..·port Harbor for fi rst place v.·ith a J.J loop record and l\\'o games left. Huntington Bearh is 2· 1 with thrrf' games remaining and shares second place with Anaheim. Any of the four top teains that drops a ~arne no\v v.·ill be v.•ashed out of cban1· pionship contention_ \Vestminster boasts a versatile alla<:k \\'ith quarterback Ed Bane setting the pace. He passes and runs with authority and is aided in the ground assault by l'lassy John Baize and Monte Downing. He also has a nffty supporting cast on defense-a cre1\' that shut down An aheim last \\'eek. 21·6. Anaheim ha11dcd Hun- tington its onl~· rcvcr~al of the year, 11·7. Huntington Beach. loser of six straight in the 'Vestminster series, is gunning for its first league title since 1966 "'"hen the Oilers took Irvine honors. They haven 't bagged a Sunset crown in 23 years, however. Pacing the Orange and Black is junior ouarterback Garth \\'i~. the fellow op- posing coach Bill Boswell sings such loud praises for. Wise is the double threat, passing and running like an all·le<1guer. Tuo, he .stands out on lirfense. And. like \\"cst111instcr's Banr. \V 1~c 1~ blessed \\'ith a nifty defen~ivc u11 1l. "They're really tough to block. they're so quick ," says Bos\\·cll. Oil City c oa c h Ken 1'.1oats r a 1 l ~ \'/estminster the best team in the Sunsel League and rates Banc as the loop 's top quarterback. WESTMtN5TEI! 111 Kun O•d"(~ \'IQ Din Wlf'CIC"' l;o Jlm M<~l•UO"TO" l ;~ D•n P•n1l1tCu• 110 Wall Jud>' ?Cl? Al Oagf l 1'Q Ed M<L•~"I" ioo Ed 61~• l~J; Monie Ocw~1"0 !'~ Wilt M•ddo<" l 1S Jc~n 61•/I .. lJNllNGTON I EACM F Jo• S•u~b.n' "' r "'" T""'~ .1! r. G•vl•n G1•lold''J '!• r Ge<>rw• Ohv•i 1·0 G J•c~ C•o!D• 130 I l 1m Sioa•• 11' [ 1!1...,Y ltov~ 1'< A G1•1h Vii,. 1 <\ " Roe~· C~•C• "' B l'•an~ N•-' II\ I lcn• C••••il• t1J Vikes Me11ace Colony 's Shot • At Co-title One last chance to s'3 11-age a drab foot · ball scascn. Thal·s the prospe ct for :'11a ri n3 High School"s Viking;; tonight as they Lr;nel In Anahc1m·s La Palma Stadium tn !),1ttlr Anaheim H1gh '5 reeling Colonists 1n ;1 ~11n;;rl League cnl'ounte-r The ki ckoff is ;;el fnr a o'cloc f.. Coach Jim Coon';; \1ke.~ arr \\111lr~~ aricr thre-e Su nset League starts and 1'4·1 overall while Anaheim is ~·2 but is sad· Uled \\'ith twn str;iight losse.~. For Anaheim. the Colonists n1ust win hl stay in contention ror a share or thr league cro\1·n. l\larina 11a~ always glvrn fa \·orerl .A.nahcin1 a rough ti111r of it but the Vtk· ings arc sc\·rrcly ha1npcred v.·ith the loss or starting qua rterback Ri ck Sacman. Sacman re<:ei \'rd a head in jury in thr r;cv.·port Harbor game and is a dOubt!ul participant. !-!e's being rrplaced by junior Da vP Campbell. \rho t:as seen only tfic£ :iction at quarterback lhi.~ y~ilr a g a i n s t Newport. And, junior Joe Venti rni glia is st ill not ;it fu ll strength. ~lcnry Lazcano take;;; hi5 ~pot at tailback for the Vikings. Coon has said his team v.·iJl ha ve ln cut off the outside running nr Co!uin~t quarterback GC<Jrge Fraser first -11lrr1 go after the Colony's passing game if the Vikes are to pull off the upset. The Mother Colony 1s a nine-point f<11•oritc. Anaheim features a balanced attack \1"ith Fraser al lhe control'i. His passing and roll outs arc augmented by the hard ·running of tailback Tim Thom. \\·ho does a great deal of lhe damage over the tackles. MARl"'A U! Slfvl Mon•~•" 7tO Ric" WrlQM l~ S!tVt Abl>oH l 7S Dtvt f!llltn, 11{1 11,.. J~"""'"' ?71 O•ve J•t-•on 100 !lo!) Wiii Ill Oovr C:•m1>b••I 1 IQ ~ .. v~ 0'>0,_ "S H•n•v l*lt•~~ 1',Q l•lf• V~n •••n ' ·.r ANAMElM E Mll<.1 LU"* l Je"~ D~•lc (, 11111 S3f!I C M'1<• O'Nfll (. O•nnl~ ,..l""~•(k ' ' ll •ndv ll"o"! ~ltv• S(~ul!/ " Gf'Oro• ,_.,.,., ' ' ' .... 0 ~Mf '"Vti ~,,.., r~~.,, (.,-,,. Tal•" l!l ,. '" "' "' "' '" " ' ----------~ -----~------· -------~ -·--·-------. -. . ' DAILY P ILOT P~o!o ~· Ltt PoY nt MATER DEl'S MARK DUNN [~5) FOLLOWS BOB HAUPERT (12) WHILE RON DICKSON [60) TR AILS DURING ACTION WITH POWERHOUSE BISHOP AMAT. Cd~1 Battle!-i Pote11t Loar a In l\:ev CJa~l1 .' Loara lllgh School. \·u. J r;iled f1101!1:ill 1c;im 111 Orange Coin•. 1h1nl-r;u1kcd 111 tht l lF AAA 1\, \1'1nncr Qf 19 :->tr:!lglit gJ!llE'S and 1968 CI F AAA/I. <·han1pHH1 1narcht's 11110 ,'Jcv.·por\ ll;irbor 1!1g!1·s Davidson Field toni ght in quc~t ill tfln- l1nucd domin;:ition or ()range C!>C!~l ::i reJ te:1n1<: 1·na1 ·h Oc11·t• Holl and'~ ('l\r<1n;1 d1 •I :'11.1r S••iJ l\111gs !111·111~11 lhe oppos111on 11·;\h the ~H,'kofl set tur !\ Al ~lakr f11 r 1J1lL"e·br :11en C11r,\ll.1 1'1·1 \L1r is a c:ha nt·r for ~ pnrt11111 of 11,. lr\'1ne League title C)t!ds .,:!\ 1111· S<j;..1111 llli•t hi nt' ts a l1nn 12-point f(1V1,r1\l' Lua ra ha;; npver lost to Coro11<1 c!t_•I ;\J ,1 r in the f11·e pnor mre1111g~ The Saxon ;1ttack 1s h;ised ;;round q11;1:·- lcrbatk Don Standle~· \\·ho's rq11;1llv d:tn· J'.;erous as a runnr r or pa ~srr _•\nd he ha s ta1lb<1t h 1{;11 Sp:1gn1J11l r1 :inrl fullbacK Greg Jl(•ln1s 111 1hc h.H ·k· tu•trl for added co1nfo1t. In six ~a n1c~. the l.n:ira df-fl't1,•· 11.,, ,·1cldcd one 1ouchdn11·n. Til:ir .1g;i1 n·t Sanl.1 Ana Vallr1·. 111 :1 41l·8 roul Hol l11 nrl sa\'s h:s tC'a111 ',111 pr1J1 ale ;11!' nr·cessarv offen 51\'r p·1n,·h 10 kno('k 1,11t Loar;i. · ··onens1relv wr 111•1•1! 1t1r 01:1\1·1nrl r11 ~ hlock1nr, of Krnl Sl'1u.hltr, Dutig lllll1:1rd <ind Jim 1'-;nrth ·And along 11 1\h 1iH' bluch111;:: 11f h.i!1- hac k ,Jl'ff Cumm ing ~ I 1h1n k \1 ,· 1·.111 rn111 l' thr h.111 on Loar.1.· ";"\I' llol \"•1r 1 rr thr Sc.i Kings rln II 1:11 :n1\ ;::1:1 '"'' I' ii II lJL' .1 rh:1r.ge tro11 n ri· •1•11t ;.,.1JI 1111·nh 111~ l.o.1 r ;1 ThC' .'i axnno l11nll1·3 I· :.ir. , i : 1 1 1111' }.1rd~ n1.,Jiinj.!, Ed 1-,: .. 11 l<J :; 111.1111 l ',,,1 1,.,rd"' and Costa ,\le~:1 111 J1i \,i nb n h11111c. · Dcfrns11·c ly rl1r !'1 1 l\1ng~ <.ippp,.r ~trong. c~prr1;1l l.1 1n 1\11' -.r~r·nd.1 ry 11!11·:·· l hf'v pickrr! 1,ff four Cv~1 :1 ,\J,•,:1 ;1~r 1.il.'i la•1 v.re k. CO~ONI OE·L M~~ 1·0 O•o• ll;•c~" 10~ J •m "lo''' I• J~•! 1 •• '°' I J ~ <' '< .,, \fl Do"" H ', H > 1·1 ~·~• S(o~"' 1 < '1 ~ I 1:,,,1,~ ,. •;~.·11 ~'"'""'' 11' ~·--·• Ju~''" 1•\ .J •" rvmn1.n~1 I•} Al &0 '1 l.OA~I r jf(' Sol'·~C',~C I ~,~., f••'o' !• N •• H .,~·• ' !lo~ \'," ·~1 r, n.11 Oc1·~· .ic c11 .. t• ~,-:.·• I l'AUI (~~~-... -~ fl r.o~ ~•.•r~• '• !'t~• '"""'""' 0 ~ ''"'" .... ,,., II P~I Bull.- " '" " ., " ., ,._ PO Thon1p ~on\• (;oal \Vins It for O<.:C f,.~ry Tliornpsnn scored 1he clinch1ni: J!l1;1I 1n Urangl' Coa~t's. ?·Ii, Sn11th Cn;i~t ('01 ~!l'rcnce \\;)!Cr polo \l('lor_\ O\Cr Cer- ri!n:; Thursday in Hie Ptr:ilr poo l. Thr Pirates lf'd 6·4 t:111l'! illg lhc f1n:11 rcnnd hcforc T\1nn1ps1111 ~1·1\l cd th!• lu;il- r•1dden conte~\ wit h h i~ third ~o:il ol lhi.: <1f\ernoon. Trailing Thon1pson in 1111• ~1·oring cril- u1nn y.•crc Sle\c \.\'agncr. \\'1th two and Brad Shoemaker and Boll :\lCJsclc y o:" C'ach. The officia1;1; h<id a firld day wh1stl111i-: 'ifl total fouls. Orange Coa st received a JOit ,,.dth only six m111tl tcs e!asperl in Hie .i;a1ne when star fof\l'ard to.like All hri ghl pick ed up his flflh personal fou l. Orange Coast. still unbeaten in lea~11r play, has a non·lcague scrap slated fnr ne xt Tuesday v. hen the (J1;1tfry Panlt1er5 invade lhe Pi rates dom<11n . .ltlo1·e Spo1·ts On PHge 18 Second Half Blitz by Bishop Amat D ims Title 1 :~ !tl>CER CARI.SO:\ 0 1 '"~ 0•·1• p,101 ~1••1 \\ \L\l T -II t~1~iinp ,\•11:1. l!1gil 1~ \,, ~ 111 ' 11: •\:\i\A e1n·lt·.'· .\11, ! Hl:11i· Jl1gll 11111-.l Ii.ii<' IHI<' l11•t•l-.111 :1 11 ·;1111. '11\:ot ,, 111<' ~ 1111r·lihlll1l 0111• t:t·I~ :111 1· 11:111111! 11:1l l l1t•l,( ll J ~llop Ain;1! s l,:1111 l'r' ri.11 r•111glt•l1011 1•11·r t1•ug l1 ~\ln l rr 1111 Tli111'"l .. 1 1111.,111. 1H-i. b1 •l 1~T"" 11.tx"IO 1<111' <ii .\'r S;111 \lil·>ill" I dl1 ~" \I ~H !•1 d1il • \1ilus1u11 1,1 1'1•• • 1 ,,.,d 11;,\f / .11 1• I ii<' l,:111• +·r~ :di 11 .1 1· 1,1'('d('1 I 11 1 '.:f.q 11 !1 1111.1 1:11" An ~·. h !.• .1:.:,1• I• ,.,1 II 1·11 .I ·: II r .. 1·1.nl ~Ind :11 1 q\('1';111 'j :1 ~::1 '•' :oil( I' .\1.11"1' (\\I 11111 !:1h• 11 ,1 i II I• :Lii 1111" II\" 1!1' •-.ini.' r "Hlll ;1! Iii•· 11 .. 1: I '0:11 :, ( :;ir I .\1:1 r11 11111!'11 ~ I II l•w; 1 i1~1il;11 t'd 11·11 .111111 IJ;,l,1111 P li.r·1111(!,1'"H 111t· ga·111· 1,1:!1 II'" 1i-1·1111'111:1111' p.t'-,11:: ! ~IH «) <pldl l<'l i1;1< \., l';:I lt:tdPrJ :11111 ~p:d ! ~•·I ,l1,l1n \11 1\.1,1, :l11<1 :r~ \I lih <I 111 Pl of i!<I, I, I .<td 1·1i11 ri 111: h;11 ).,. I Ii 1:11 I , ''Ii" 11 i•i >d1·1·, Jl >~I )i.,,1 '.I.i i• I' ])/'I \\;J' ,.l1l1• 1•) "''''P 111< l .. 1n,,rr 'I l'OIH,., II :;1r l I"'' fill I('! j 'I 11 ii' r I l'.-,t I 1,1 ii 1'111JI' I.Il l!'" 1!'1" 1.:1 11111!lll• l'fl",\ 11.'I~ 1/1 ld1•1 IH · \;<11 1.1r' h 111 .1 .ird lln1· on l ~ In 111· I l!'1wd F 11I .i n 111 1•1·, •·•1 1•1'11 111 1hr 1·nri /«rlP ;i !l"1·'+'ll l,t 11 J,<1;1: ;1 In-: I 111 1!/1• Htl I' · ! 111 ' ' \ 1 l'.l l,1,1 ,; 11 I I I ( I·•\ " Ill"·•\ 1)1 ' L ,1 ,\I I '.111\ IHI'' ('11.i<·ii Buh \\',Jr\(i,· ~p1111~·· \I.JI• r· IJ1 ·i f l>l't'•·~. 1111 ;11111 !111,• l1:1d l.1 h1 I! :1 ' ii j,o •d I.ti 1h1·11' 111'\I nll1·1hr\1• dril •' ''I II\•• 11 1~11 1 II 111 II lli1•\ 111:11 1 !11'd fl ll ,I,,: •h Ii. l.1 •' J1!.1. -'. l(11.1rlt·rli.1' i., H,,Ji lt.>1 1pi •1·: 11 i11 «1 \,1., 1•11- 1·. 11:1 '~ .. 1 ll w 1i1·~1 li:ill I": ;1 ·:.,'"rd IH'l' lod1111 11 pl:11 I'> <'ild .11111 i;i 11·~.\p In ,J,.1·k 1;1•1ilil1• h·••l •'d lill' l"·\T 1111\1 111i.1' I ! 11•• I• 1)1 ;1')1111>! ill 1111 q 1: d ll r, II 1· d f'llt' l"\!r1 1.1·d 11 11 '.li'f1 11< I 'Ir' ' 1:11,d li1 w .'l;J11d .11\•r \:11;11 11 .. tl 1,1111 +11! 111•' '•Pt·111n1: h11h.1 !I 71; 1.111:s I • ;11• \\., 1·r l.M•I 12 llll!, Ill tli!' ~l'L i.!ld h,ilf I ' l,,ld' I!'- E •)IN~ [), . .,, oo wt •r•o 11 ,, .. ,.,, W L Pt > (;6 ' " ",,, l ' ' ''" ,.,~ . p .. 1 t ' ' ' l ·~all I'·•"" " ' Thu"c.11 , ~o "'" I ' ,•,. u• "~ +,; I'• •t·.' "I •. " v,,., 1:1 , ... r• """ I ,, >O' ( • ' > " ''' ,I• r, . ., l •~···· .. ,,,,,., " ' ~,-.. " ~ "' '" .. ' ... " '"""" ·" ... '1' ,, • W I P•' 0 6 " '' ' -" l\:1~l1•d l1llh• 111 1\1' HI\('(' lilt•)' g!i[ ri•\ill\g. IL1 dP11, 11iiu <'<1Tlilllt'l1·d ~l of If. pa~~rs [,\I' li !I 1:1rd-., 1111 \1.111111 l·:.1r.1da f .. r :1 ":" ~.11'i\ :~1·.,111g p.h~ 11111!11:.1 111 1he third 1111.+l'l•·r ;111d 1111 ·11 I '.!:l l:1t1:r I ( 11 ;1~ J·. 11,11J.1 g"111.: .. 11·1· f1·01111•1ghl .vanls oul. 'I'll" 1u·\I 111111' ,\111,tl g"t 1 1:~ h;uid ~ Oil j1"' il.Jll ll \\,I~ ;11!Hl il<'f' \l"ll ~illllg 11\:ll"!'lt l1PIL1111 I Ill\' n 111 1\111;~ 1d 1 :~1 ra1l;1 a11d ('1• . :111!1 ~I 1:1nt~ l·11t·1 ii 11 ,1~ '2\-'7 11·1111 llatk:i o\I\ l!j ~ U\\'I" llll l hl' I ii ~[ pl :1~ 11r (hl' flllll'lil \' •(lpi) • 1f1 ,,.,. H1~.J 1qp ,\111:11 "·1n•·d. :1:1 t1 ·r 111·1 1\.1 1111,!IJ!i• tu p11'\.. I![) :1 IJr-,1 d111rn ;1ga111 11'1td 1111' l,;1ntt·r:. i1:1d b;1ggt'd tht·1r l1111r 111i. ~11 1"11 II\. (,~MF ~Tl\11',T I'\ ,. ,,, ., ' " , ... ,, I' ' .,. ,, ,,, .. ' ' . ' ' ,,, "" "' ''¥" "'" ,, "' '•"~' I ' , .. ' .. ' '··•·"~·- ' ... ' ~(~" •• o"""''' ' " " . <'U~1<1NG Nl>ICI D•, ., ' ;1 1 J .ti " " ' " " l r 'I YG Vl ' " " " " " " 1 '"'I ' " '' " DAILY r 1LOl PhO!O bY Lf• ~ •••• GIVING THE WORD -;\later 1J ei f,,o·thall co;ich l~ob \\ octl<:. hf'110 1\ s ordrrs to h is ch;1rg£'s durHl t! ·rh;i r•1 !:1 "' n1r h! ·s :\11h <'l 11 ~ L r;n :111• t l'lll'tn! 1· 1th H!~))o p :\111 11 1. \\'on(!~' forces hopped of( to ;,1 7-0 lrad hut ;\'nti nd up tuk in.t: .'\ ~R-7 s p ank111).!'. .. • '''" ''"""" ' ' 28-7 A••"Op Am•t I> O\'J 11 •• ' D • 2 ~· n • ~ I , '< •S • ·' 1 " p ' ! .. 11010~· P~51 1NC "'•!er D., PA PC P~I V G f'el, I• ! IC) .~ii 11•1•0~ Am" I~ 1 11' .~ol S{'ra 111l>Ji11g TD For La11cers 1't11·11ed Tide II~ .IOEI. SCll\\'A RZ 01 !h< Dlil• P1IOI ~!t!I 11 .\l.,\'LT -It 11:1.s tilt· kind of pl:1j tl1:11 ClHI~(·, l 'O:JChl·.~ lo gt'1 Cl big lllnlp in 1l11•1 r lhrv;11 ;111r! h;i v!' 1he1r ulcers a«t u11. 11 11 ;i~ :ii'" lh" kind 11( play th~t can 111111 .1 i;,1111r !'•1111pl l'll•lv c1nn11HJ. \\'1111 h1-. t1•:1111 tr ;11l1ng i ·O 111idw;:iy 1~11 ,•111;!, li11 • 1!11rd pJ•riod. l31 ~hop /11n;1t 1·1 n'l\rl1.11h l',il ll:11h'11 f;u!l'd b:ick l<i p:1~~ I !:~ r1'1'Pil er·.-; w1·ri· cu1·ered and he II .1 , r/> ,.(•,j <1111 1t1 t h1· l~ll ~l'1 11·· 1.ic('d tu 1 11.~ k·IL l1 ~1f..t•d <igain ,i,, •l.l)1 l1I ;111d 1111·11 (Il l lo) lh{" IJ]lpo~i lf' ,,,11 ••I tli!• flt·ld 111 ,1 10,d \l11tili! IJt· 1\l<1l1:r J I, I I ,11 ~. ll'r~ \";ilil, Ji1, L ii/;' I • \\(I I' 1·u11•n•1! ~o 11.nl• 11. 1\1!11 ~··1·1 1 ,1·rl 1" h:11(' ;111 eternity 1 1 1111·.,11 tli1• Ii.il l. 11 1011·d h:1r k 111111 th f' '"'o11 ·1' ,.f tilt· li\'l>i ;111d ·1~•ll 1•d l<illbar k i\!;111111 1·:~11 .111,1 nt11·11.~I!1 .,nl.~ downf1t·lrl . Th(• J11111or qu ;;rlt•rb:H·k 11nlo;1ded thr h:ill <i m1 l·:~tr.'.lila tori\; 11 an<Jthr.r 3fl yar<ls f.,r tip· 11·111!.! 1u11cl uio11 11 \1111111,., :1r1 .. r H1s l111p A1n:11 had ext!'nd· f'·I 1t5 \111111111J,: ~trf'ak !n st•ve 11 ganH's 11'1lli :i 28 7 11·111 n1·rr \1 11!rr f\•1 Thur~day r 1•.'ilt ::I ,\1 1 San 1\ntri 111u C1>tlegr, Mth i '(1;1l·h1·~. :>!;1tcr Dr·1·s Bnb \\'OQ(IS 1H1d 1;:1r.1• \larinol'ich. agrcf"d Ilia! H;iden·s ~·1 ·1·:11nlil1ng touchdow n pass had turnt·d llH' 11!1\' ,\):u·11>ri v1ell. \\'hQ loo\;:-; as young as f•Hnr 11t his Bi~hop A1nat foo tball players ~:11d. "II g;11·1, 11.; l!1c lift Wf' needed." "I 1r;1~ wo rril'd in the first half artf'r "'t· r·111ildn"l srort•. ,\1:1ter Dci was playing 11s dPep Lo 1·ut nff our long passing game ;ind thi ,\ pl:1y~·rl 11 \l'l'IL "\ fi ,1..:U l'l'd l\'l' 11l"fl' !((Hill: to ha\·E' to run t \a• ball 111 lh1• second half, bul I never thought 11 c'd run a.~ \\'Cll as we did .a gain~: tllt11· d{'ft'nsc " lli ~hup .1\111:11 go1 nnt• oll11•r big break Jn !ht' g;un1• shortl y alter lt tied the score \1•hen li11di lirutnt':io blocked and rcl·o1·1·rl'rl a punt at thr ~l att'r Dci \ 1. :'ll;:iri novich was v.·ildly gesluring for his l e:1n1 !n pul on a h1•a1·~· rush 011 ~lonarch punter Hon ,\.luni z and 11 p;ud off ·1 JU~t h;id a hunch \\t' en uld block U1e \;1ek." ,\·lannovich sa11! l;11er. The bhx k :.l'I up lhf' gu-;1he;id scorr. :\ suhdu~·d Hob \\1nofl s. Maler Dci 's coach. agrt'l'd 1hc lont; pass by llade.o l'hangcd the garnc. "\\'e had a gixx:l pass rush on n1n1 most of the game. but we kcpl breaking down 01nrl gl\ 1ng him tin1c to lhrri1v or i{Ct <JV.';J .\' ... \\'uod ~ .:il~11 ~:1id his learn seemf'd to 11,:vr :i IP!d1H1n 011 the series before v.·ht11 !'\t;in J~1t·k ~u11 couldn "t hold 011 to a Bob I la111)C1t pa~s 1n the r nft zone for 3 !'Hlfi1d "·tl • 1 ' l \ ' ' I ' •• ' I .' F"rlday, October 31, 1%q J 8 0.6.ll Y PILOT ., . ~;;;;;;;;:;;.:;;:;;,;,_~~~ Start Yo1u· •'• . E11gines! ... .. by Deke Hou/gate -•'1'' \\"all Stre('t is t;etting in !he auto racing art thtse days. C11r- rl'ntly developi ng financial nev•s may have a lot to do "'ith how the sport rl'o!ves from here on out. · · Last 11eek Les Ricb1er shocked the o"nllo racing fraten11t y \1'1th Ms re~ignalion fror.1 a lo~ executive position "'ith Anierican Jlace\\'ays. Inc. AHi ls a pi..blie stock company less than two years old that owns. 1·ontrols or is building race tracks in California, !llichigan, Texas. C:eorgi<i and New Jersey. Anierican Bac:e1va}~. Inc. s!<irted life as i\.lichigan lntern:i- ' +ional Speed\\'<I)'. Inc., ~ 1wo-mile oval track 60 n1iles from "l'etroil, ;ir1t1 for its 111ai:gu ra l event staged a highly successful ... • rS.\C C'!'.:lHlllionsl1 iu ra•.e in October, 1968. :, .Taking in°recei11is of 11.orl' lhan half a nii!lion dollars at th:Jt rac('. Al-ti <illractcd a breat deal of investor attenlion to the sport. Here, at last. \V<lS a ~ui:nd business operation not organized by raci ng enthusiasts bl1t by hard·nosed linancial people. H.ichter ca1·1e into the picture \\'hen he talked management or both the Michigan and Riverside tracks into merging to prO\'ide benefits for both orga11i1.a1icn~. Michigan wanted to expand into a ~tional operation, anri R:\'erside needed money to niake tong dc[ayeJ i11iproveo1ents. Early this )ear ,\lithi gan Speedway (tl'hich later beta1ne AiTJerican llaLe\\'a~·s, In c.) entered irllo a ~3.6 million agree ment 1tiat called for making a loan to Riverside International Race"•ay, htJ~·lnr 4H percent of Hh·er~ide·s stock and taking an option to purchase another 17 rerct,uf of the sto.::k. .-How did ARI generate al! that money'? Not from one ~500 • ~-nee. Large institutlonal investors, moslly mulual funds, ~ca~e ·-~liii.erested in ARI. as a Jong term growth company. By issuing tfttm noles convertible into stock. ARI acquired large sums rather t'asity. Ra11• l1191•ediet1ts /\reeded So a sutt·e~s1:..1: 1.,rmula (or expansion into the highly co m- pttilive busi ness of auto racing "'as established: Borrow on eon- ,·ertible notes and u ... e lhe money to t:):pand into a new market. To do l111~int'ss in 1hc auto racing promotion industry. it 1~ nrl'essar' tu h:t\l' thl' ra• ingrrdients befort it is possiblt lo tarn nioney. f'irst )OU nu•~I ha\'! a s;inction from ont of the recogni·1.ed major associa tion~ that permit you to hold a rac·e. Tht sanction ~!!rcemenl st :11e~ b111w n111th prize n1onry you must pay tht · Hrivers ond "'hl'D the r:1ee must bt held. Secon!l. you 1uust niakt the race attractive enough lo tn- t·ourage the top dri~1.rs :-nd car entrants to compete ill your race. Third, you must do a good job of advertising and publicizing your race so tbt fans will bu y tickets. AHi showed il "·a~ not up Lo the task of getting all tbt im - port.;J.nt !'.aoction~ v.·b('o negotiations broke do wn "'ilb the U.S. Auto Club for an in1portant Indy car raer lhi s year. l\1orc re('ently ARI prc~ident Laurenl'e H. Lo Palin sided 'l'l'ith a dri\·er's unicn i11 iis d1sputr "'ilb ano ther major sanC"tinning <l"enc:v, !\ASC1\lt. ,\RI h;;s also bee n under fi rr from SCCA for u;saf~ trark 1·0•1rlitio11s tha\ led Ill ll ~ptctat!lr death at l\1ichigan ~peedl1'a). ARl's ahili!v to a1htr1 i.,~· ils ra1·1·s i~ al ~o in doubt dut lo its fl"tiormancr ~t ~1·1 t"ral ur1su11·esstul t1e11ts it ~t;iged this ~·e;ir, ,\i; J~11~!1 tPr le iL 1l1r orgunizatiori. therf" wi:re indi ca tions that ARI has so1ne financial problems !hal e..:ceurives of the company '"re not anxious 10 lalh :1bot11. ~ John Tin1an".1.~. '"~10 rt•:-,11,ned about 1he san1e time as head ot ~lichigan Speed11 <1y's r~H e dri\'ing school. reported hl' was unable 10 get !he cor'1paoy In J':'l~' for st1ct1 nece.c;.c;ities a.s ral'ing tires US('d b·1 the ~cnuol. ' · ! l1 ad t<• . o 11ut ;inJ b11v tliin••" n1v~el r and get rcin1bur~i.:d "'•I nf the cas1t'i,a1d lnr li•s .. o~s by 1hc ~tUtlen t s." Timanus said Tj1r co111pa11y·s ,·onlnJllr ; also quit. a.long 11'il h a book kcrpi'I', -.t.illnj! lt:ry ll'f'rr tr11•;;r;,1en in thc11· )Obs. . l'iftcrn pcn1•;1:irn1 c1.1pio)re~ ot 1\Rl 1n O etr111l 11rre 1.11d Qf[ •n ~rp1 en1h('r, fol10111u1 ~ 1he season's lin:i.I race. They tlairned 111ey 11;.d quit other JObs in order tu la hr lull 111 ne (•1nplo yrnrnt 1··1111 A i~I and 11'ere ntver told their \~·ork 11 11h 1~1e race lra(·k \1 0ul d tie '·.sea~onal.'' They also complained they 1>rre Oll'f'd !.ia< k \"ages. A Detrc1ii. ne1 .. ·spa p('110 11h1ch 1hey appe;iled lor help referred 1r.C'm to the Na liunal Lab1,r Helations Board. One or 11.e kt"' far1{1~f influencing Ri t hter's decision to wnlk flLll on AIU ll':JS tl;c co,11ratt Amencan Racr1,·ay~. Jnc , pre.~en1ed t\1 each of llie tral'ks undt'r its con trol. It t•ulls for Rivrrsidl'. 1\lla nt;i and 'ic:.-as tc;1eks 10 p;iy S75.00i) ~'ilch to the 111other corn - pany fur ''1niln:.i g,c1~;cnl srr1 ices" Tllr i11·,1·;ed1a1r 1·f!1~t·t \1'(1uld hl• \(• :1l h:1 1;1\~ .'\111f'riran J1a('C"Wa~·~. Jnr. J'<'I eni.r s_!1(•rtagc~. 1f a11,1 11·1111 an annu;<I S22J.000 s:1ot in thP ilr:11 Richter i,; ~-aid 10 hil1'r oppo,.;cd 1h1s 'tributf'" 1o be paid by 1he tracks to AHi. He. al so was not 10 ~~1npathy w1\h other II· . nanc1al policies of ttie con)pany. . 11·s 1ntrre s11 ng th<Jl Lo Pa1;n 1ried lo focus attt'nlion . on 11;r 1lrivers 11nion and r-~,\Sf 1l.:1 1l'hcn ask rd In ton1ment on Richter s re --ign:ition. L11 P:'l tin 111.pl1rJ 10 t11e Assoc1a1ed Press that Richt('r 1ras "force d ou!'' nf 1hr cornpan.I'. ,, J I'~ l·loscr ru tht' tn•1:1 Lhat R1 ch1er 1 ·r~t"apcd . ~'Mississippi Blue Cat Pla11ted Near Sa11 Diego 1r a De.partmrnt of Fish and C.ame experiment now under • J.·ay 11•ork.s out \l'el\. Southern -~alifomia anglers \\'ill be g('1- '.;ling yanked around by son1r -.iwfully big catfi sh wit hin the -:Jle.xt few yea rs. • Now swimming ;:iround in 'Lake Jennings. near Lakeside. t5an Diego County, <rrc 2.000 .. -..... ·.~ Football Standings P>i•l'>ol' ... ,,.,., 5!, P•11I Lf.•GUf. w l l'J ... • 0 10,C J~ 0 11 I Mritt Ctl ~ 1 10 .. ~· •I I~ 1,.. s"""' i Pl11t X 0 ' SI. An!l\OllY 0 1 . " T"11r'41¥'> l <•"' ~''"°" •m•• ''· M•••• o~. J ierYlr. ~. SI, .O.nrt"''" )l T"'lwltt't Oomo SI, 1'1ul 1! Phn )( OlllANGI lf.AGIJf. W L I'' 1'.t. I ~ '~' l• 0 •• 11 I ll IQ ~ I• N I "' l ' J •) ,. ~l II "' young blue catfish. 11 specie~ \l'hich commonly gro\\'S to 50 or more pounds in the r.li~sissippl drainage. They are Ille fir~t blue cal$ ever in- lrO<hJced into California, /\ 10-hour ride in a specially· equipped plane brought the 4 10 8-inch fish from a U.S. Bureau of Spo rt Fisheries and \\'ildlife fish fann at Stuttgart, Ark. lo !heir new Ca lifornia home. 111e young blue cats were lin f l'tpped for identification before their release. Two- th ousand channel catfish of comparable size are also being marked and stocked in lilt lake for future comparison of lhe t11•0 ~pecies· growth and yield to lhe angler. Bio l ogis l s say th at fishermen who think they havt r.a ught blue catfish in California were probably mis- led by the so -caHed "blue phase·• of the adult chal1flE'I catfish. A fine tablt fish, the. blue cal. also called the grtat rorktailed cat or Mississippi cat. is known to reach weightc; nr nearl y 100 pounds. Its color ~hades from a dusky-blu«' or ~late-grey back to a silvery· \\'hitc belly. ·. --, . Hardware fo1· Clia1npions -. ' . - DUNTON FORD 2240 50. MAIN SANTA ANA Presents JOE HARRIS'S Football Forecasts Be A Winner With DUNTON FORD l"'TU•OA'I', HOViMlllt 1, 1''' PlllOIAILE woo1a•s. SCOltES "'ilbllen• C:~rl~li•n .. . ..... , . _ . '' "'IR FOlllC:E .......... .. ... 10 "'kron .............................. JI !lL!l8AM.r. ......................... , 21 •.O.IMon .. .. ,. ........ JI !l•m• •.. • •.......... ?I *A11Wrlc1n lnt•rn•1'°'1ot .......... , ?I l"ROU•LE LOSl!RS • iCOOl:~S Ei11~n Ne"' Me~lco ... •• I• •!lRMY .. .. .... . ......... · I< .,Con!r•I Mit~•gan ... ··-·· 1 MISSISSIPPI ST!lTE ........ ,,,,.,., ' DllY~I •• .. ........... , .•..... " • '·l(•l•m•!oo .• , ................ ~ Con!ral Connttlicut ................. 1• JVlen's club golf champions at 'the Costa Mesa Coun- try Club are pictured \Vith the trophies they won. Second from left is the championship bracket \vin· ner Bob Darnell who dethroned Joe Oppenheimer in the final 1nalch. Other winners (from left) include Jac k Brown (second flight ), Jim O'Shaunecy (first flight) and Bob Dugan (•third fli ght). •mn..-.1 ,0 !lRIZON!l ........... lt !l•k•!ll' Slur •• ... 70 >1!lR !lNS!lS ... .. . 71 "'AUBURN l l !lv$!1n F'•~v Slat• •• ?O .,fun~ , , , .. , ___ ,, .. , ...... I• '8RIGH,O M YOUNG ..... " •l •mar TeGll ••... , ... .. ,. I• l [)(.t.S !l. J. M ..••••••• , ,., .. I F lORIO.t. • •• ... 14 ~·Ar~onoos .0., J. M, .. -1• Lio11 Ace Erases Record Don Dis!on ~et a \\'cstrnin- ster High School course record in the Lions 19-42 Sunset League cro ss countrv viclor\' Thursda.v 10 hig hli ilht du.ii mcel action . Marina duinped Anahe irn. 21 -39 in the only olher Sunset met while San Clemente was trouncing Tustin, 16-44 and La- guna Beach was downing Mis· sion Viejo, 23-34 in Crestv iew League. Estancia defeated Foun!ain \I a JI e y, 23·34, Costa i\1esa dumped Edison, 17-40 and Lo - ara stopped Corona del Mar 21 ·39 in lrl'inc League mrets LION~·OILERS D1<ton 1'-••i•O 1110 L•on • '° O •P lop >J "11 ~•ll<'!'o ol • \f '"' "' 196/, <01ir , In o•o •r,.'• 1•'~ MrOuown W•< H>o ""'' 0 .1 ., lo """' ;"'" tho ''"' •e•••l, """""'" IJ'fOnO •n iO 01, l r1i<ino Mt Qoown "'"'" St•v• Vorqo IWI 10 ,05, W•vnt ,o~.,orno (WI, <0 }), """ HU•~• (WI. 10·1" 1•d Mau"' <Wl, 10.76. """'" Cel•m•n rwi. to J6, S••" 01Y•noor1 IH81, 10 ···· M.,, M;lch•fl (HBJ. 10·5J on<! s"'' lo., .. 9oro (W), !O:li. Roun<1in~ ""' 1110 100 I• "'"'" O•n1 8obin 1HB), II 01. Jo• Whe•lr• 1 ~!8 t, 1• 17, Pnjl McCo• •H81. 11 30 ond Po1o ~•11eooe•non 1HB I. ll·~l, Vll(ING~·.t.N.t.HEIM '.'l•r;n1·1 D••• LoG•m•n PO('~ 1no v'''""' "' '"'" -.cond Sunl•T le•Q11• ... ," "'''~ '"' ••C!Ocv OY<' An•n••m ~" "" Colon"!'. •~r• Loc.•m •n c~n 10 ;i v;'·'"" •••mm•T"' !ollow,no \•1•r• floh B•ir~nor, lh"d In lQ·U, D,1·1• H•noor.on, !Qu•ln '" la ll, 8cb Phil ''"' \"l" '" la ~. Pr•·•on (~mnn•<I, ••••nlh '" JO ~~ · K~n M•"'" "'"""' "' 11-01 •"d Bo!> 1o.1e11,on, 1tn1 h "' II 01 (o>•• M~,., "~'""" <aolu••~ !•'II 1nr•• oi<t •) ;n '" l'\l•n• '"''" •T Ed•10" Oouo MO(l,~n w~< 1,"1 for "• Mu•••nq~. 1n IO 01 '"~ w11 lollo,..•~ II• John Ol$wMl9. 10 '"Tom C\<wnn~. .. . R<th••d P,,.,1 ~1 ro"~ M•'• w .. n•<I In IQ l• b•fo,. '"• '•'l' ("••q•r """"d Inf 1,n• l.'i~• ,01,,,,., rlid 1f<• ''I'"'' •or Fo1•.o" rem'~" '" ''"" ,., 10 19 On '"' ""•I> wa' n••I• ;,,.,, Onnov"n 10 3• F""'htno 1ne l~o I•'''" '••v• P'" "''""'· !CMI 10 "· J'"' w• '"" •r 1, 1~ q , Bon (;ol""" /('.".\, Iii ·11 _Jn~" i'<<•ur. IE\ 10 I• .. ,. •• """"" 1r1 I~ •,;, Do~ !\•"'"''" O[O, 11 I'' "''' '"" HO""" 1(1, )I 1) °''d ~ V'~"f j(.',\J, 11 ,, E AGLI:~ ~ARO .. \ T·m F u"~ ~''" •~r ·~" lo• r o~o 1-..n v .. or•• ~"' '"' 8''""' ••H •n r-.. 1,Jn<•O !"trio """'""""''"' o~ '~• l•Olo COV"" '""' 'f•V" or '"'"" I•''" I"' b• I ••'e lo '~"' ' """-1-1""" o'•<•n '·" oed ,n 10 •I •"d ,.,.,, l••llOd hY "'""' '"""''mon ~"• ol 1.•l~nll~. 11 01 ond ~·~•e (n'"''•"•• c• Foun•ol" II•"••· 1 • 00 Ko• ol•ce• .,,,,. "•• t~•ouoti "'""' •oO •II we•• ta•e" by •ho Eoql•<. L•< 0.Hon !lni;ti•d II!!!> •n 11 ·0I. O•nn'' r."'" "'"' ''"" ln ll •ll •"d J•<• Meo••· ~•Y•ntr. ;,. 11 ;16. Olf1o" hlrtinq t'1f' rope w•,. C•mor- cn H•n~V IF\/). 11 •11, M~r ~ R•adl' !(), l\·71. Cl•! Ml""' (FVI. lt·J <, ~'d O'Bd •n !F\11. J1 ·l~. K~•l Ho•• HO!, 11 '29. Wavnt lttd• IFI/!, 1t •I t nd !ltl•n 8encl"' !FV). 1 1,~. ~IE ... l(INGl·LOA~.t. Olck Co• and Nie~ R<»• ran '"""- fo<Jr ,,.... '"' S•& l(lnq•, H~··· (Of· .... ~·•11 ••II !O ln•&dln9 lo•••. D~Y'• Tim• "'~' 10,l~ and Ro••'• 10.J~. 0!1>•" ~~· l()ng li~lsher$ wt" Co,,_ ,,,d c11••, n1n1n '" 1o·s,i , c~"'''Y 8t••d, 111~ In 1l•OI, 8ob O•l~nt"- 11 ·,I, JO!>n 8tan1>le<I, 11 ,Jl ond J;m Ro~•,.,<Ot>, \J•U 01••LOS·.t.llTISTj L&!lun• B••'~" '~"' hln toun • tnl)lt I" Ion on M;°';"" Vlrlo •• ••• Ol&bhl• di.,0P01n1e<1 'oach Gtn• Gu,.. UIO. D••• ~u•!Wit~ of L19un1 won In 11 ·J; wl!h Ol1b!o R•• Pe<u !r1•11n~ "' 11;19, Olf>e<t 1f'M1 lf1e!r time$ wo,. S1ndv flNCh (l8 1, 11;\.A, Chrl5 Lamt>fo•! ~LB !. 11 :51, Ml~t R1t1ay (MV1, U 'tl. Ea 11.•<l..-m.o<~tr (M\11. Jl•O., D•lt Wi•oo~ Cl8 ), 1?:1~ 81trY ll••V (M\1 1. n 35, Je>otl 8r!tM !L8). U,.1. D~A Moo" 4l8 l, IJ·m •na Ji.., Va" Co" {MVl, ""'· Newport Tackles Beefy Warriors On the schedule it appears ;is a breather, a time out fro1n rugged Sunsel League football hos tilities. But there is every indication that Newpo rt Harbor High's co·leaders in the Su nset 1vars are t>eing set up for a big let- do\11n. The Tars trekked I o Fallbrook High School in San Diego County this afternoon t the junior varsity plays Fallbrook at 5:45) for a non· league game Y.'ilh the \Va r- nors. Coach \Vade \Vaus· r\ewport outifl goes into 1he game as µrohibiti ve favo rit es. basrd L'hirfly on lhl' fact that his ,'i:1ilors are :':>·I agains! Orange County opposition and th :1L Fa llbr()(1k drav.•s ils talent lroin an eorolhnent of L26.'i ~tudcn1s. llow('vrr, the \V arriors ha ve ehalked up a good record i3·2- l 1 and every time its starting halfbacks, Dan Lattimer <ind Steve Meyers, have pla yed, they've won. And the 1\110 \vill be in the ~1 a r11ng lineup tonight at 8, ;,rlong 1\·ith a defensive froni fou r that ave.rages 230 pound~­ Oh~er1·ers say the weight~ nr f"allbrook are undrrplil yeO and tllal actually the \Varriors are bigger than that. \Valls hers been fi ghting with hi s team's complacrncy aflcr tompiling a fine reco rd :ind said earlier th al the Blue- jackets would ha\'e to shake themselves up and grt \1'ith 1L 10 stay "'ilh the Warriors. Ne1vport Y.'ili be banking on its usual corps of hard-running backs with quarterback Bill Shedd balancing lhe attack with his rine passing game. Shedd has completed 36 of 70 throws for 547 yards. Rocky Dixon leads Newport ntnners with a 4.4 average on 260 yards in 59 carries. He <lnd Steve Fish 145 carries for 176 xa rds and a J.9 a1·erage) ha 1·r scored 20 points each, 'right end Bill Snl!!h i ~ the leading scorrr for the 'T;lr~ 11•lth lour touc hdov.'ns. l!l''s carried 12 tirne.~ on rnd· <.rrou11ds for 58 yards. Allen Wallace is the 01 her big rusher for Newport, pack- ing the ball 210 yards on 44 carries for a 4.7 a Yerage. ~EWPO~T 115 B IOl>d I)~ Morhn 1~0 f ,,OP l!O B••n 110 T"PO 71 I l\U•n i ~! ~;;.',:~ h\ '""I'"'• •60 o,,~., I 10 ~ ·~~ ' ' '· ( '· • • • • F•lll!IROOK Mc0011old I/,\ Vi'oo<I ~' ' 11\"I<~ Orrw GO"•' L~Po•nl ll·~~· ~-,~~·'"' I O'tlm•• ''''l •• ' M">-'• "' "' .,, '" "' '" ... "' '" U 11set-111i11£led Trito11 s l11vade Tu stin To11ight L l"pset·rninded San C!en1cnl e tra\'els to Tu s!in tonight 111 quest or i1s second Crc.i;111c1r Lr;1gur. \'lc!ory and 1f ;i ~llulout occ11rs, iL 1vouldn't ~11rpri~c e1thL·r ~chool . l\1ckolf 1 ~ at 8 o'c lock. Hl'l11·t·t'n the two t enrn.~ ilirrt' are cighl shu tou1s <1nd 11 nlv one was recorded in (a\·or of .l'l)Stin. San Clc111rn1i' h;i~ beeri shutout four ti1nt'~ ;tnd Tustin three. In league play il's a di[· lfrcnt matter as the Tiller~ sport a 3-1 record com pared to 1·2·1 for the Tritons. Coach George A \\en al Tustin has Lurnt'd his tea111 around completely after three <'arly shutout losses and the Tillers have bagged three straight victories . "\Ve're a young team and ii \\'ill take a supreme effort for our kids to hang in there against San Clemente . They havr played a lot better people than we have," he says. C oach Tom Eads Isn't buying this line of reasoning. "\\'e'll have to do everything 111e can to stay in the game. Our kids have a fine aUitude despite our record and if \\'e can generate an offense, \Ve ha\'C a chance lo Y.'in.'' Neither coach is making any <·h:ingc.'i in hi s p r ob a b 1 c starting linrup . Thr b<illlr L'OLild ~]1;ipr 11p ;i<; J pa ,s1ng duel brtwern f\1 r·k r;nt!drs of s.~n ('ll•n1cntc a11d Larry C;~rnah:.in of tit~ T1ll1•r •, Both ha1·e done well in i:·arl1t'r garnrs but thr r n1ph:'!S1~ h;...<. been on lhr ground ;il(aek A ~11'1\th by onr nr lhe nlhrr ('0ll ld l'au se. a change 111 defensive alignm('lll Both learns wil l h ;i v e players si dclinrd 11·f1 h 1nJuric.~ although lhe Tu stin club tnay have its lop run ning balk in action again tonight. Gary Hicks "'as injured in a motorcycle acci dent a week ago and didn'! play :ig<11n.~t r-.1ission Viejo. Allen says he \1•ill be ready tonighl Jeff Kelsey. a split end ror lhe Tritons, is out for the year \\'ith a collarbone fra cture. S•N CLIEMENlt: 1"1 l~cNom.>r• E IH Dv•a" 1 1&0 .o.noer.on G I~ Woll1 ( 115 Conn••o G lOi Moy., T 195 l(~loTo F 1"1 Gf!Oll•I II l IC OIY•I I\ 1<5 8tOW" II I~ P ~wd~ I ·k TUS TIN Swoln Cv•!i• Svot>o<ll e.~nder Ovnn Cvm,,.,ina1 Mu.,..IO•d C&rn&~&n HOllOW•> SllVO C«•toll "' ,., "' "' "' '" '" ,. "' "' ,. Charc;ers L • Favored Over Mesa Baek in Septe~r anyone \\'ho \1·ould hal'e suggested Edison High School would go on thr football field rated as a ravorite over Costa Mesa, 11·ould ha ve been pursued by the fellow s with butterfly nets. Bu t the improbable h a s come !rue <ind Edison will take the field at Jiuntington Beach H lgh School tonight rated as a one-point choice ove r battered Cost<i Mesa in an Irvine League game , l\1ckorf is at 8, The eonlt•sl Figul'es 10 boil down to a runni ng clue! bct ll'cen t:di~on's ,Jun 1\1ox!ry and Costa f.1esa 's John Manix. s111ce neither learn has a particular1,I' d<ingrrou s pass ing attack. ..\nd if 1t does develop into a bait.le or runners the Chargers figure to have a decided edge \1'1lh ~luxlry on their side. The Ji:':>·pounder is the !)e- 1·ond besl rusher in the Orange Coasl area ll'ith ;i59 yards on 110 c;lrnes. Th;il a>erages a flos~y fi\'e ~ards e1·ery l 1 me h(' runs 11'1!h the balL .\l~tn ix Cost a_ ~lesa's lead ing healthy runner, but his ~latistics are decidedly not as 1111pressh·c as ,\.loxley's. He's traveled 197 yards in 53 carrie.<; for a 3.6 a\'er;ige. l\[111 \\lolf is the ?ltustangs' l e<idin~ runn er £or the si.:;1so11, hu1 hc·s one 01 seve n starters 11 ho \1 !II be ~H!rlined either for lhl' garne or the balance of Lhe sl':1 ~0n. To 1·0111pens<11e fnr :ill tile 1n111nl's. illt•,.;:i coach i\la;i.: .\lillcl' ht1s n1.idr s e v e n ll1:1ngl'S 111 his oflensh'e linel!p ;ilnoe. nnd therr are ahnos~ as ni;inv 1n his drfensive uni1 Ne'lthrr teain can be ex" peeled to thro1v lhe ball very often . Edison quarterback Jerry Hinojosa has only taken to the air 60 !irnes in si x games, ('Ompleting 28 0£ them for 239 ya rds . Bill Adelson. \\'ho ha:\ only played l\rO games a I quarlcrback for the tlluslangs. has had lr011b\e finding his receivers. !-!e's had more passes intercepted 14l than he's completed \3) in 13 at- tctnpls. COSTA ~ES• ~&all S!1!• ?I _,.8<»1Cn U. 27 •Bowdoin . , .. . -;o BOWLING GREEN .... 11 <-Br1a~epof! 11 • Bodl.ne11 • , , . ?1 "Buffalo ,.. .. , 17 •C1pll1I •... , . U •Centre ......... -· ....... .• 10 •CLEMSON ... ,. ···-• 11 »Colby .......................... lO (OIHI• ............................ !I oCOLO~!lOO STATE U ............ 11 >1COR;NEll .,.. .. ......... ?f ~Corti.Ind St1t1 •••..•......... ,,,, .• '17 ~c. w. ""'' ....................... 11 O!lRTMOU1H ............. ,,, ....... ?I •C!lVICSCN ....... . .... 21 ~O,OYTON 71 "O•l•w•re V1llev ••.•.•... ,,,. '.'O oro~ol Teen , 11 .:O E•$1 C:otollna .. J • Eo•lorn l(•nruckv ?4 E•~ltrn Mlcnl~~" 11 "E•ll sirooo,burg Sl•1• • , . 71 "Emorv & Honrv •I EmPOrio (l(.,•1•<) 51•!0 70 .. E''""'vi11r ~· "Flndiav U ~FlOll!OA ST,OT E 17 -GEORGI"' TEC H •. , , , •.• , l l •.GEORGIA •.. ,. ,., .. ,.._ 71 H!lR\l ... RO ., ?l •'Hopp . ... . ........ li •HOUSTON ··-····' . 14 ld•~O Sl•lo , , , , , ... , , :>ti «Indiana Sia!• ... .. , 71 Indiana (Pt.)·--................... 21 ~IOW!l ., ................. , .... ?4 "'Jo~n~ HoP~ins ... . .............. 71 Junlo1& ................... ~O Wl(ANS!lS .. , .......... 1l •'KENT ST!lTE •. " ......... , ll "'l<l!flvon • ~· Ki.n;s Polnl . . , 71 lo!ay'1!• , , , •• ?1 L•n"non V•l~v u LOUISIANA S1 .t.T E I< ,. LOIJl\i•n• Tot /\ ~· ~L•eom1ng M•ln• ~M•d•t!• , . .., .• .,,,nu""' •MEMPHIS STAT IC MICHIGAN ST.O.TE •Ml(HIG.t."1 • MISSO\J RI "'""'~"a "'o"Ocl••• SJUe ¥1"oio\11•n Mv~l•~~oro -Mu.Klngum , -•JEBR.t.SIC.t. ,. Now H• ... P•"''' .. " " " " '"•\ " " " . " " . " .. ·-~I .. '' " " l'llOl•ILI WINNlltl & SCDltl$ tJOPTH (.t.ROLHl.t.. .. Nnnn O•~ol• S14H• •• . N~rrn D•k~I• NORTH TEX!lS Sl,O,Tf Norwich NOTRf 00.ME OHIO STAT E 'Of~IO U. on:o 1':!">1•••" , OK L.t.HOl{l.t. '0 RECDN Ot!o•b•Tn •• >'PENN Sl .. TE ,-PRO"ICE TON P \J ROUE R•ndOIDl>·IJl•<On R•n»ela0t Polv •. 'RICHMOtlO •. Ro'""''"' R u•g.,, .... "St, Jo<•Pn'o /Ind,) s~n Dle!l<I s1a1• .. s,oN J OSE STATE •StWan~ .• , , 'Shioo•"SI"''" S!ott 51:poorv Ror< Sl1U Soutn o,•ot• S!O!f •• Sou•lt Oo~olo SO (ALJ F0 Rl'1.0, So lllino:, Sl~"I FDl'!D .. sre"! SVP.t.(USE TEX.t.i (HP l~l •A,•< Tr)( .. S TE CH TEXAS TOLEDO T'1ni!Y ICo~n j ~TulAtlE • u C.l .... u 1.»o 1Ro•1•1 • U. l•nn !('"'""""""") V 1•••• l••l,n~lonl UT~H •Valo•ro"o \llRGHllA TECH '.'l~~~·t ,.W"'"'"~'<n Sl•t~ 'II•~' Sl•lr • l'l••IOYOO •WO'I Cl>O•"' S••!t \'I"''"'" l(fn!11t~• • we''"''"~'"' !Po.1 wE>l \l ll'!GINl!l " • W~•~ton •. Wllk01 WilllJm Jewoll , V/11118"'$ -- YI<><"'" . VIYOMIU(; •Yov na,•owr " " '.'0 " :o " " " " -. '' " " " " " • 10 " " " 70 " " ·-. l• ",_, "" ll . " ,. " " " " . " " " " " . " . " " " " " '" " " " " " ., " " . ,0 • " " " " " " " ' " . " ... /JllQ'Q'lt l~nnt""' SI, . 1 Coonoc!icuT • , '' l!!o!eo 11 l.\!lRSHALL ,. ! llnac• 11 \'lill•n~e'~ I• T•tnPIO I ,O~~lall<I .. ..•.• , ., . , IJ 1'/;1min9Ton !Ohlol , • 6 M!lRYL.t.NO ,. _ ..... , .•. ll /,\alne,.M1rtlmt •. ,,, ............... ll ~l•tiiJlll .. . . . .,, ........... II 0. TEXAS (El p .... soi .............. ,, COLUMl!!l .. .. ............. I< Alire<! , , . , , .... ··•··••·· .•. l'l So. Conntcticu! S!ltr .............. I "YALE 1' V. M. I,... .. ........... , ...••. I XAVIER (OHIO) ................. , l • Su>•uehanna ........ , ......... ,., U P M C C:ollesi~ ., ............... , 1• Furm•n .. • .• , U ··Murray S1alt ••-.•. 1• •Norine•''"'" , I O•raware SIM• I• H•mPd•n·Sl<ln•Y ~ 'U. Nel>I'. (Om•ll•l 11 l!lu!ler .• .. .. •.... 11 H\ll~d8le ..... " ........ 0 SOUnl (!l~OLIN .t.. ...... ,.,, .. 1' OUt<:E ............... l l TENNESSEE .• .. , ....... n -.PE;:NNSYLV!lNl.t. , ...... '' !ldrlan ., ....... l~· Ml!lMI (FLA,) ........... , ....... l• ~P,,r'lland S!OI• •. ···-.•..• ,, .• ., •• ,, 1111nol5 5!ate •• • .. ... l• "C1llto•nla (P•.) SI, ····••·····-··-· U MINNESOT!l .....•..••..• , .......... J! C:ar•"'le.Met!cin •• .. " ............. 13 "Wl$1', & Jttt, .. , ' OKL•HOM!l STA.TE •. ..,. B LOUISVILLE ............ 7 Ob.,lln ......... , .... 1• .. Holl.I•! ·•·•· 1• • Gertv;bur9 . .. .. , n 1•F<anldin & M8'5h•ll ... 11 .;.1,1ss1ss1 PP1 n So_ Mi~1i::l0Pi uo,at~ •. Hol,1•• Moun! Un.on V»monf T\JLS.t. INOl&.f/.t. WISCONSI N ICA "ISAS STATE •• ·N,cnl~n• Sto1P .. ~T .-nton St&!• .. !llDri~ht Sw•'1~mo" •. O•~i<on COLOQ .. 00 ~lll~OClt l'l•nd ,, " • ' • ., • • 6 • -1:\ . ' '' I .. ' . " •• ·-IA " " .. ' ·-· 13 ..... ' ...... , ~ , •• -· 1'1 ....... 1 l'aOl!lllf. LOSla! & ICO~~S •;VIRGINIA , U IJorrn~rn low• ., " lv'o•nlnv•i<lo ... , 13 •CIN(INlol!lTI , ,. 1' MFd<l l•llvrv -····· I• NAVY ••••. 1 ,NOR THWESTE~N .. I \\'ES TER/I 1\!CHOGArl •. .,. ., 1• 8•1oVJin·l'l~11att ... , T• 10 \'.'!l STATE , .. ,.. .. •• U 10.t.HO ,, •. , 1' H~:o.itotrt ···""" 1' llOSTON COLLEGE .............. 7 BROWN .............. 1 , ILllNO!S • l• 1'.'l•·l••n Marvlono ..... u wo-c.,1er Po•~ , , ., .. ll THE CIT!lOEL .............. ,,,, 1• »SI, l •Wr...,cr ...................... 1• ~C~l•wl't ...................... 1• (;N>t'"tD"'" (t(y_) .................... ' <•F•~M Slat~ _ , ............... ,., 1• NEW MEXICO , ••.•...•.•...... , 1' W•<nlngloft & L•• ................... 11 C:l1•IM S!o.. .. ....... 1• Lot~ Havtn ST11! ................. ,. 13 .t.u9u•l•n• (5, 0 ,) ,,,,,. •••• 11 Dra~.e 11 CAuroRNl.t.. •. .. ..• 1• llr•al•v ... •• •OREGON ST&.fE ., ••J , '' fau c1~1" S•~tt .... Jl PITlSBUR(;H • , .. , •.• I• 8AYL0P ..... , ll ~!CE , .• -· ,., l • •SO, IAElHODIST , ........ , I• •MIA.Ml (0Hl01 11 '0 S.(.G. !lc•O,mY .. I VA,lOf<tl!!l T ·' 11 VIA$H!NGTOU I N £. M•»OU•i 5•elo I l•nnt•,.ee T•<~ ., \'_ ... , .,..,,,, ~ .. 1 • U1.t.H STATE OeP1>u1 Wllll.t.r.I J. MARY sor1n9'i•ld P•<rli< !C••1t.\ tlo•!hnn .O.r•zon• Han,illon /,\dn•li'1d Stal• 1;,oroh~l<I Sl1!P ,. , W~vn,.butg , , 'KF.NTUCl(Y ... \'lal>AS~ • • Olckinson • •\Vl<hburn Union (!l Y ) •Hlro"' , ~!lRIZOUA STAl ~ "S. E. Lwi,lono ST " " • " " " " " • "' . -1J •..• I< "I< ' " ... 1 •. 11 .. . . . ... ,. • ll"'L TlMORE OALL.0.S G<tEEN i!IAY SUND•Y. NOVl.Mlf lt Z. 1'0 "•ltOH!ll FOOTIALL LIAG!Jf 1l Yl.t.SHINGT O"' LOS ANGELES .. , ~MI NNESOTA <·UEW VOii.it Gl,O,NTS , . "ST. LOUIS ~S.t.N F RANCISCO .. 11 .-CLEV EL.t."0 ~4 ~PJTTSllURGH ,., ?I • .0.1lANT .... 1• CH!C!lGO ~· PHIL!lOEl l'Hl.t. l? NEW ORLE!lNS 11 OflRO.l •Mf.R!CAN f'OOTIALl LIAGUI HOUSTON ,• ·· " l(!lN~!lS CITY ~NEW YOR K JETS , ?6 .,80~TON ••. , ,. )t 'llUFF.O.LO .• :lll IJll!lMI .. ... " 1~ • 11 "' " " " " ~ -n 1~ Joroao E ?\0 Swttl1&~d T 110 Rlce.,;o r. EDISON F l•~•r ea1e~ C••l•• Jenn•~o• 110 0 "'1C LAN0 , , l!i s.&.N DIEGO .•... · , )1 ~C l~CINN!lfl l ) •OEN\IER .. ·-•• ''. 17 .... "'" 2• ?>O Tv•nt• ( XlO 8•r"< G n5 Mlllt• 1 195 KvDP•>• f._ 1&0 .t.dfl!Ol1 8 160 Cob<in> II l!S M8ni• II US P1t•tt ll I OP Hull 8•1<~ Hinolo~• FV90 Mo"1~Y K1poer "' "' '" "' "' ,. "' ·~ Laguna, Diahlos Collide DUNTON FORD Laguna Beach face s its best chanct for victory this season when tht Artists host fl,1isslon Viejo in a Crestview League e ncounter tonight at S o'clock . The injury-riddled Artists, y.·ilh • squad of Tl, have lost six straight while the Diablos have dropped fi vt of si.x dteisions. Comparative scores niUre ofttn than not mean littlt. 1n tabbing a \\'inner. Ho11·e,·er. .against three league foe s. lhe . .\rli sts ha ve been clo~r Lha11 the Di ablos. Coach Ray Dodgt' is fearful because the Artists a r e win less. ''They are hungry and they have a fine quarterback and an outstanding running back in this boy (Mike) Ab · bey. He runs much the sarnc way as our boy Aundre 11-0lrnes does but he had more rxperiencr." /\bbc y 1s a senior and I lol nl('S j( a sophomo re. Abbey has scort'd four nf hi~ ream 's si x louch riowns .i nd llohnes has tallied one or l\\'O by the Diablos, Abbey is averaging 4.7 yards per try y,•ith 276 for the year while Holmes has 256 for a 3.6 yard average. rillssion Viejo will go "·ith the same lineup that opened against Tustin last week. Laguna's starters will df'· pend on the \\'alking "·ounded . i\like S\1·eeney \Viii take over for Ba rt Tabor ill end and Roy !-i<'iti \\•ill star! at center 1n place o( Roland f<lcElhanry hut both inj red start.ers are expected to lay. Steve Pal r y,·ill also Stt action for the first llme in several weeks lhe Artist backfield. ~USION VIEJO •OUNA 11.&CM llO 8e<'"' r 110 L~•Tllt• 1 155 DnU10•11• r, .Swtt!loy HJ Wlt1bow1kl l" Si!'f~Yt 151 !&! DIYIJ t 11$ W~1!1or (, St1t1 lJJ 1'r(IO,.... '" t~U ~c11rro!• T 8owm1n 111 I&! HiC~r· r Se~m;1i !;o 111 Gtoy !'I Ollm•r 1'0 11(1 O:•nd,l<-I\ .t.-v Ill i •n 1<011n11 11 Wr<><! ·~I 1 IJ l;.lt•o e, AU•~ 11• s.m .. Alof °'""'. c ... .., hr o. ... soy ... Ov•r 400 N•w •ncf Us•O C•rs •nd Tn.icks to Choos• · "Home of a..i Carpot s.,.Jce" UMd C--546·707' New Con-546-7070 ·--- I . I • , ·4: .. .. . -.. , .. ., . ~··-· ·----~··. ---- DAil Y PJlDf" 1' Douglas Cup Starts I , Winds Rugged Peter Barrett EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS AVAILAILl NOW, 14 YUltS I X,llllNCI -WILL TlltAIN ,UltCHASIL Hl•H IAININ•1 llCOID -Sf,7IO 119UlllD. Trojan Teant Seek s to R epeat Title Regatta Winner Wl lTI IOX M·l44 THIS NEWSP'AP'llt llP'LllS HILD STRICTL T CON,IDINllAl. The Vn1Yers1\y of Southern California \\'lll :ittcn1pt an un- prccedentl'd tl\)e r ·r p e at ~tartiQg today wh en the fourth a nnual Doug l a$ C up lntercollegiale f\littch Hace !'.icrics is s.u!ed outside Long Beach Jl arbol. 1\\·o n1en1bcrs of Ja~L \Ta r's successful Trojan tcan1 fe1t1rn for 1969, but 20-vc:ir-oliJ l':ilos Verdes JournalLsn1 rn <i J or Andy ~t;ieDon<i ld has r eplaced All-American 'rin1 Hogan :is 5k11)pt>r o! the t;SC lt•an1 1n 111- lcrcolleg1atc ~a1hng·s mo:.t important mat.ch race series. A 11 -A in c r i c a n Argyle Campllell of Newpor\ Harbor returris as strategist and ti.lar Donald 's No. l aide. and another returnee is Bob McClaire ot Ne1vport Beach .C ay· Doran of Rolling Hills js the other newC'Omer, Co-hosl Cal Stale Long 13each, skippered by Ed l\im- ball Uf Al;urtilos l3ay Yacht Club, returos a~ one of seve n challenger_s, .hopefu l of erasing !he embarrassrrlent of a ~car ago when a rute lechnicality \'lolatlon cosl the 49frs the charnpionship. Tulane L'nivr rsily, sk1pprrt•d l:iv cu rren t Nnrth t\rncrir;111 sOling class than1pion John Dane of New Orleans, is rank- ed the most dangerous of the non·West f,eams, and t~ eight- team field is completed by teanlS fro1n Stevens Institute of Hoboken, N.J ., Wayne Stale of Detroit. and the universities of Washinglon, British Colum- bia and Yale. Each group or f o u r youngsters h<is lengthy lists or previously 11•on trophies l11 both collegiate and 11at1on11! rl'galtas. and the empha sis in this traditional event makes skill and technique the most l1nport.a nt virtues. Teams v.·ill be sailing in identical Columbia 26 Mal'k 11 i;loops, sporty and swift and requiring keen teamwork at oil tin1e . Boat assignrnents \\·ere n1ade by lot which also determined t II e series-by- scries rotation 111atching each boat against C\•cry other boat in Se\·en sets of loor nl~trl1l'S each. 'fhe courM> v.·i!l be set by the Long Beach Yacht Club Ra ce Committee cha.ired by Downey Muir , a 21.~-milc v.•ind1Vard· leev.·ard twice-around course set ou1 sidc Ille Alamitos Bay gap in the Lon g Beach Breakwater. Teams and crcv.~. IJR .. Ofllll' Of ~ll>t"I C•i>!OrR1• ~~ .. 1prr Andv M•<Dori••c IP•lC~ Ver<1r1 J, Crrw -Gu• Dcilln (ROllon9 H/11>1. "'ol'•• ca ... i..u l 'l•-1 •••chi, Bob Mcc1,;,, ('l•.,.P«I l tdcM ). C•I 11.,_ ~ lucl> -S~lo"' f <I l(lmb.ltl Ill ILO$ Alt m•lo>I C•ew - Sieve Colet l lM9 flttUll. Ornnv CtOP (?i-lnl• MOnlc1 1, Jim • l ~l n •o n (Wn twoodl. 0 111! Bee~ I L •~•-). llt von1 l•lllule Cll-ktn, 11.J.I -~IP<>tr J°"'"lnt n G, F <>rd t~lwe,.,of, Conn.), Crow 0<.,li ld Sul•r C~er•mu~. NJ l. fl •vct Tnomo1cn !Port W"•~\f11>lon. NY.I. Oou9 (10<1<., :~:::,,,,1~1~, NV.J, c11''" R•yl•no SAIL ING ANO SURFING -Surfer s and sailing TMlfM Un•vt "I!' (New Orle1n1J -b ff th I '" lh · SJ<l••rr Jo~" o111t cN•w 0,1•1""· u s can 110\\1 occupy e same \\•a e r 'l'lui e in~ c ..... -K•n s1mon1 !'I_. l'or ... N.l'.1, troduction of a craft called the Windsurfer , \\'hich 5•••• Collln1 !llllod, ~In.), "(111>'' P~••• 1N•w o•r••n». resembles a surfboard 'v1th sail atlached, being Unlve,.lly of erlll•h Cohl"'bl• -·h [ lh SC'!' S 'I B I Sh I L B h SOloP•• llob Cro .. r.v (W"T Von<ou••'· S 01\/n 3 e • ll :1 81 0<) 01\/ a Oflg eaC . 8 .C.1. er .... -Al Vo!lrrv CVdn(ouv••l. ,..,. -· MIOe $tllnt lll•r (V~ncouvtr). R!>llb :_i._.__rn_~ I" ·-:u+' C CttP"'Malt :-.V"T'j!'\ .. "jl; 'l"''fl!''!!v ~ Blick IV•ncouvrtl U<1IWUl!l' .. W••hlnt l"" -Sldpoer R!tO Morfin !SfU11t l. C"w -O•nnl1 Lt tttnm11er !S••Hlo-1. Paul McElwAI" jFlorldt ), 0 1vld S!tn>~Y (S..llt•tl, Ro P••,.•t! isetlllt l. w,,.,. St•I• UfllvtflllY coerrol!! --s~'""'' Wlltl•m E, Z•mm!n t0 •,,011\. C•1w -Ro~rt s. B~u5t•· (Dl!ro•ll. 1...,, Coolm1n ID•Trol!I, · G"(>•~t \Ion IOt !ro11), M!~t Cn•ndl•r !D"l•o•!I l'el• IJftl.,tn lh ~ k '., 0 • r C~d•loP~•~ T, St••tt (L"' .. notlu). Crrw -Ktn' M. FoS1•' ICln<ln~1o). David C. "IOYt1o (Cold ~01ong Hatn<>r, N.V.I. Pllrltll l , St&~tf CLO!. A1'1itl~1), Weleome Aboard Ma11y Netc • Craft A float I.======; Sa!lmaker Peter Barrett of Dan Clapp (K ing Ha rbor YC), 1 Alamitos Bay Yacht <.:Jub sur -8; J. Thou-Mayest, Rod fl.lar-: BEST viv!!d the rigors of punishing tenson (KHYCJ, II ; 4. Grass-' n,, Oil tL Y PI LOT oil.rs 10"'• wea ther and a fle et of rat.-e-hop p:.>r. Bill Shaffer (KHYCJ.1 al th• be.+ '••'"'''· by"'"•' 1ur•oY o f r1acie t1 , a,.a!l1l.Jo i" tested rivals l a~1 We<!kend to 21 ; 5. Shillelagh, Beatt y Pur-1 •~" ~·w•P•P•• ln th e "'tio"· capture the secon~ annu<1l ~·:•~ll_(~K~H~Y~C:-~' ·~':':· -----'=========== Na vy Day Regatta in Long - Beach Harbor. The series was sailed 111 Coronado-IS sloops under the sponsorship of th~ Navy Yacht Club ol the Long Beach Naval Slat.ion. Thirty-nine boat! were ~· tered by civilian and Navy skippers but only 18 managed lo complete the first race as the fleet too k a battering from 1vlnd gusts of up to 30 knots. DNSs and DNP.s v.·ere the rule rather than excC'pl1on for the fina l race. Barrett. silver 1nedalist in the 1964 Olyn1pics and crew· man for Lowell North du rin g the San Dicgan's gold medal Star victory at Acapulco Jasl year, had finishes (lf 6-1-1 dur- ing the regatta for 71'2 points, ;i half-point better than Dan Clapp of King Harbor YC of Redondo Beach, in the most con1petltlve event for Coro· nado-15s ~incc last ~u1nmer 's nat ionals. at the LONG BEACH ARENA OCT.24·Nov.·2 SHOW HOUI S, .. Wl'EK DAYS, 2·1.1 PM SATUR DAYS, 12NOONT011PM SUNDAYS, 1 2 NOON TO 7 P,I\ .. , ... Stratford Enright Has Bertram Post By ALMON LOCKABEY Another !>oat 5:how season is nearing. and again \l'C are going to see son1e strange con· 1raptions designed lo lure a •water-happy public down lo the sea or lake or rircr. complete steering equi pment, anodized aluminum gas tanks. b;1Uery tray and four safety gates. Henry Sprague of the host club, last March's Long Beach Congressional Cup champion, demonstrated a neat bit of slcill in Saturday's second race v.·hen be srored a narrow vie. !Ory even though his spreade r snapped, his mast bending six lo seven feel lo leeward. Sprague almost drowned ~·hile trying to save his boat and the skipper of another disabled AD Ull ~ $1.50 • CHILOklN UNDfR 12, 75 Ct NT ~• UND£t 6 '.i l [! McCULLOCH POWER MAC 6 THE WORLD'S LIG HTEST CHAI N SAW! THE LIGHTWEIGHT CHAIN SAW THAT CUTS 24' LOGS IN SECONDS! t~trithfamo111 McC<Jlcdl choin. t.f at1d ~WI tllll •• ~ In wortc 1o0e1Mr. S1le1 -Servic• Ron'1 Mlni-Cytl• City 17216 Beith Blvd .. (714) 142-2111 Strat!oni Enright. \1•ldely kno.,..n )lewpor l yacht sman ;ind ya cht broker. ha s joined thl' brokerage staff of Ri chard Bi::rlram & Co., Ne\vport ·Brach, Enright was 1nore recently at !hr Ne~·port Harbor Yacht Land ing where he handled his 01\'n brokerage and yacht in- su rance. "\\'e are pleased 10 h<.J\'C Stratford Ennght Join us ,"_ ~aid Dick Bertram. head or the Bertram Yacbl Co. a Florida concern w h 1 ch recently upcnell offices 1n O pen En d V dudeville l ive-Acfion M ulti-Med ia Three Ring C ircus a nd 1 Ot!!nce In Show. I ' SPECIAL HALLOWEEN SHOWS -FRIDAY! 8 :30 p.m. & Midnight Original Film of "DRACULA" & Hous• of Ho rrors Phone 675-1 120 1815 Villa Way Newport Beach Sears NEW S nuday }{ours 12 Noon 'til 5 .PM fo r AU Senno Stores* i.rt Lo• AJ1gelro and Orange Count ies Nev.•P.Orl Beach. "Strat ls \\•ell knov.·n to \Vest Co a s t ya chtsmen and brings with llirn an impressive bac kground in the bo.3ting business," Derlram added, Enright began his ca reer as a broker with lhe fi rm of Cox & Stephens and later joined th e manitgeincnt !ean1 of the once well kno•rn South Go;i.st Co. shipyard. \\'hile V.'ith SoLi th Coast he \\'as actively engaged in managing nrarly <11l phases of lhe ya rcl pl us serving as corporate sC<"retary. For the past 10 years he has operated his own brokerage business at the N e 11· p o r t l larbor Yacht Landing . During V.'orld War I I E nright ser1·cd a ho a r d aircraft carriers and an1· ph ib ious ~m manrl shi ps in the South Pacific. He held the rank of Hculenan L con1m anrler ot the end of the 11·ar. l!e is a men1bcr of lhe Ne1vport Harbor \'acht Club. the Santa Mon1C'a Yacht Clut;i an<! has been acti ve u1 sa1ibflnl rac ing for niany yea rs. lie held the class championship in the Rhodes-3.1 class three limes. • Some of these will not be new -only itnproved and sophislicated ve rsions of v..·ater vehicles that have been around for generations, even centuries. TAKE THE BAllGE. in \lhic h Cleopatra 11·as "·ont to float do"'" the Nile or f\lark Twain's char<-1cters dov.·n the f\!Lss1ss1ppi. In recent years "'c have seen an increasi ng in- terest in pontoon boats. simple Jn de sign \\•ith long broad decks supported by floats. But v.·hereas ancient barges IYer e propelled by poling and guided by s1veep oars, modern versions arc equipped \\il h one or more out board motors \\'hich \\'h1sk th en1 around the 11·itter1rayc; at spreds capable u! water-skiing behind . 011(' of the le::iding firms 1nanufactu ring surh craft 1 ~ 1hc Harris f\1 an ufar tu rins Co. <Jf Fort Wayne. Ind., makers of !he Fl ote-Botc. Models range fron1 16 to UI feet and arc available with s u c h lc<J !urcs as built-in padded lounges th at dou ble as loc kers, <1d1ustablc motor m o u n ! s . voea,thcr enclusurr~ 11·11h zip 1n s 1 d cs. (' o 1 c1r-cfJ(Jrd1na t<'d lurn1sh1 ngs. \1 ea1hcr~resista nt \>Jn~ I upholstery and others. l\l'l ' Tii t: BOATS h<i\'c not lost their baslc appeal -thr long. bro;id decks oFfrr spar(' to ~pre;i cl out n n , a(· comn1odatc fishing :ind c;Jrn- p1n~ ('qt11pment and c1 en \1·atrr ~k1 gear. Flote-Bot e b111lds rritft of steel or ;i](lm1n11111 16, 20 , 24. and 211 fret lo11g i\11 i1l'C ei~ht feel wulr :ind 1ra1lf'ralll•· Stanrl al'd l 1•;ittH'C~ 1nchulC' pon!l)(ln.o; 1•.1lh n1u lupl r au· 1 1gh1t·hr1 r11bl'r~.cx1 · I LJ ~i v t• Dolphir1 bows /or lo p performan{'{' -1 n c I 11 d 1 n I! ~kung. anvd]zed ;:-d utn111un1 deck bum pe rs ;ind railings. a n o n-s k 1d dee~. fl u\ed a!u1111num panel~. n1ildew :ind fire-re5istant canflpy. a ca p- lain ·s stand wit h a 11·hecl and sloop. He n1ade repa irs for SUC H CllAFT art• Ideal fo r ][1kes itnd rivers and qu1L'l bays, but only 1he most dari ng would venture out to sea in the in. Sunday. bul the new spreaderl----------------------~~­ a!so snapped in the rough go· * * • Speaking of boat shov.·s, the all Sailboat Show in Long Beach, is ~erv1ng as a showcase for a number or new craft and accessories thal ha s taken the work out of sailing and ehminatett much of the '"string-pulling" common tn the sport. !\lore than 250 sailing craf t 1ve rr on di splay at the show. Some of 1hc1n were un- believable to the confirmed raghaggPr. One of the innovations was a windsurfer. a craft that looks nig and he "'as saddled \\'Ith a DNF and a DNS. The first of the four races 11·as thrown out because of a protest against the race com· mi\lee. The. weather mark sank midv.•ay through the race and then v.·as improperly re-set . Regatta result s: Souf- fr ierc. Pet<'r Barrett I Alarn it- os Bay YC\, 7 1 ~; 2. Boa l Baby, Lightnings Keep Busy like a surfboard 1111t h s:i1I al· The Lightning Class may be 1ached. ll is des1gnccl lo crui~r a d\1·indling class on the West 1hrough the sur f at speeds up ('oa~l. bu t the nine boats in lo 15 knots. King Harbor Yacht Club 's TllE 1''E\\I OLY.\IPIC class Jlu rricanc Gu lc h Regatta Saturday found sonic lively buil t l'allcd the Soling al-action as winds v.·hippl'd up to traeted ple nty of attcn!lon. 23 knots. This 29·footer will be used for the ii rlil ti me in the It7! None of Lhe skippers dared Olympics at Kiel. Germ any. hoist spinnakers as they The Hobie Cal-l4 is a su rfing plu nged down 8-10 foot seas in catamaran th;i l h<is bern the blustery goin g. The winds sweeping the country since il moderated for Su nday's races 11·as introduced last year [l 's and \\'cnde!I Harter's Padelyn capable of being broken c.lown ~ladlyn or the host club was the eventual winner. and cartopped and can he ,=============,! lau nched through it surf. 11 Aud th en there lS rupe that dorsn't kink -something sailors hal'e hecn look1n~ for 1 s1nre the days uf Noah - a~~uminp; that '.'\oah had .'.1 sail on 1he ar k. I "fl!EJ\E \\'AS it h(•al !h<+l 1x1,1t11 r \v r;111 t 51n k twr.111.\r 11 1 ~ :.o lot1 dert v. 1th ureihe11c 111.1l•·ri;1 I 111 11lc 11ull Tllr rc:'c; ;i ~t ('rrin ~ SATISFIED WITH THE MONEY YOU 'RE EARNINli NOW? F11nd1, v,MI~•· C•ptl •I. lniu•· II you t •t n o.,. •u<ct11ful ;n 11l,.1od f;,IJ. n1,.,;li;irusn1 thot 111:.i kl'~ ll r aln1osl ;~~ ~11sy 1<'1 h:111dle a big' yat·ht as if y~u were lJ.~ing ~~~·er stC'cr1 ng on your fam 1ly 1 , • 1\nd. of all things, Sea-Tee CALL LLOYD SILll MGll lr 1m J 1gh\5 1\•hi t h, aut on1ali cally 1:1ve the :c.allor {714) 239-2011 the desired sail trim relat11c to the v.·ind. I "Are you in business to make money? It's time to think about leasing." ~ m.._ {l-L.,_ "Maytir wr tJn run 'tm nther YNI." l h1t clofsn't m1~e loo much ~ensr when the cars or trucks you'rt 11lki11t 1bout ire the ones yuu own and use 1n )'our businass. You sn1 mone y whrn you usr modern. ellici enl vehicles. lt111 th~• vehicles and you 1111!' 1111ke money! Whrn you lease from M1cllowa1d you don't tie up one c1nt of you1 c1pital, you conserve cnh tor more proli!able investment, i nd you avoid deprecii1l1on lo~s. And th1fs • h1rd·lo-beat com- bln1tion ii you're in Jwsin&ss 10 mike m<Hl!J. C:1ll MKHow1rd'1 and Mff one cf our 1easlna s~ec~!ists tell you ho., e1s1!y yw can sw ilch from !lie problems o! a"ne rsh1p lo :he bene!ib ot lrasinli Be sure to is~ tor ~our tree copy ol our quest1011-omd-1n~wer folder. Open Mondey thtough S1tvrd1y -~--- ' Mac HowaRC> AUTO AND TRUCK LEASING I 24 No. Harbor at Bolsa • San ta Ana Telephone (714) 53 1·0607 ., Smart girl, Smart guy, "'(R)\-(_]~ :.a: ),~_] . .. . ,, SUNNY BROOK Smart buy Ta keonesipol1lsl1'!arvelous s3a• mil dness and you'll " agree: !here's no s moolher whiskey than • Sunny Brook al any price, SUNNY BROOK t J t .. :.alO .;•:f 1'. ~'•','ilJ !ll~jPli T; ll ~l lflf'. I I I 28 DAILY PtLOT Friday, Ottobtr !"l, 1~ Pentilgon T~king Calculated Risk Cutting Planes Defenae otficlals'l&yithey are CJlANGE DUTIES States. In addition there will One Pentagon official said -which would com bi n e Tl)ere have been estimates Back in the late 19'0!, Air Wilh. mid-air refueling, sud taking 1 calculatf!d riJk In tut.· The Air Force \Vi!J ;iss1gn be 67 heavy radars in the •·our chances of getting new sophisticated new radar and the AWACS system could coet Force advocates repeatedly a plane could reach U.t t1Jii . back the nation's an · l; 11 m b i: r d e r e n :. e United States aod 30 1n equipment is l>cl ter if we. can an improved f i g h l e r • i ll· as much as $12 billion to $15 warned of a ma jor Soviet targets. U ,S. authorities do no ,ttboni.ber defenses 10 save responsibilities 10 tact 1 ca ! Canada, as well as three tome to grips with the reality lerceptor. billion. bomber menace. but. the yet kni:Jw what the Russian 'jrioney, fighters in vulnerable areas, aircraft controJ _and warning !hat !Ile older equipn1cnt is NOVEL FEATIJRE Congress has balked al Russians never Jived 'Up to intend, T.hey are g_a.qilUing -1nt rca sing the role of the Tac· squadrons in Labrador. so rn el hi n g l<.-ss than voting large sums f 0 r those ominous ex~latioos , "We don't know if they'ri althouih "!ey ~rotfably "'Ol!ld IH:al Air Co1nmand. There was some .evidence foolproof,'' The novet-teature of AWACS modamil.ed air de re n s e and even now have ""y abou\ g()ing to prod uce that plane i1 reject 'lhat.'lelrj-the Soviet t c b MIG fli h '-h b t t is thal its radar would look be 150 I •· be I 'd Union 'A'ill oot"build aiforce of \\'hen the readjustments are l 1e u an k t uo;:neath Congress as ccn re uetan cause se n ato r s and ong·range uvm rs. numbers." an officia sq1 new bombers that c 0 u Id romp!cted, the United States U.S. radar on ·Oct., 7. Jn· so far to \•otc the kind of funds down from their airplane plat. representatives have been un· However,. U.S. intelligence "And if they cto, they could b4 threaten the United States. v.·111 still have 30 squadrons of fluenced. at least in pat't, a !lie Pentagon has requested form and spot low flyihg convinced of a signif icant has detected Soviet tests of a replacing older boml>ers it 1 ed Fl06, F 102 and FIOI f1ghter-1n· decision to scale-<iown sonic of for a new Airborne \Yarning enemy bomber.s which now bomber threat to the United new swing.wing bomber with their inventory rather tha1 "We're taking 3 calcu at terceptors in the U n 11 e d the present air defenses. and Control System -A\VACS can elude land·based radar. Stales. a range of about 2,500 miles. building up a big new force.'" rish here., there's no doubt:t-------,--:-----::---:-:----:---::-----------------,--,,---,,,,..--c--------------------'--'--------------'--'---.C...----about it," one official said e lll E. 171'ti Sr. -Coste Meh Sltoppi., CetlMf. Cute MeH • 17904 Mo911olla St. ot Talbetf-Ylllap Cellter. F.Y. e JI 111 IMU lfwd, at A~ ..... H.I . after the Pentagon disclosed e 10842 It-Ila A.,., crt Euclid -GordHl011d Slloppi .. CHt..--Garo... Gro" e 2300 Hatbor ll't'd.-Harbor S .. apf119 Center, C.M. e 11111 .,_. .. .,..,St. at W"hflht"er -Welfttr!IM: C.-..r, .... •r•w \\'t'dne:sday it is sharply sl.'al· • 9661 Chopl'!all A•t. at lrookh11nt -Ora-.. Coairty l"lcno. Garde11 Grove • Beath ond fdin9•r lbd, -H1111ti"'to11 lcocll Shoppl119 Ct!J1Nr, H11ntl.,to11 ha,11 e •127 W"t"'hnter., G-oldatl Wast -W..milnter tng dol'l'n its an~iboinbe.r unit~ • 1460 W. fdlltfJ..-a11d lrlttol St, -fdl .. •r c .. i.r. Sont• A11a e 11961 Yolt.r Y~w ot Cll•pMOll -laahJ.,. l't .. , G•t'-Gr- in conneelion with tlosing 3D1 ~scs as part of an economy drive. But if a new medium ·range bomber being tested by the Russians does go into pro- duction, the officials say there will be time to install a modern air defense system ·Or beef up the old one. Also, Pentagon authorities contend thal phasing out scgmcnl'> of the old air defense. svstem . which a re- cent Cuban MIG defection flig~t to F lorida showed to be suspect, gives them some leeway in persuading Congress to vole money for an ui>-l~ dale and admittedly costly pr_ptective network. GIYES LEEWAY A total or 16 tighter·in· terceptor, early warning and radar squadrons, five combat at'id direction centers. and air defense training facilities are being reduced. Some of the air defense job \Vilt be shifted to the Air Na· tional Guard, which will be equipped with newer planes inherited from the regular Air farce . .However. the Air Guard itself will suffer a net loss of lv.·o squadrons, dropping from 18 to 16. OCC Offers Class in Skin Diving The ()fficial title is "Career Opportunities in Diving" but it could well be "Skin Diving for Those Who }Jave Never 'fried 1[_'' Orange Coast College will Qffer a marine .symposium Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. which Is designed to acquaint the novice \\·ith all phases of unden1·ater work. Fee for the affair ls !5. Dean \Vestgaard. OCC div· '1ng instructor and program moderator, said the top ex - perts in Southern California in ;_111 areas of unde rsea v.·ork - from recreational diving to 1reasure hunting -v.·ill be on hand to conduct I i v e \rorkshops. Some of the workshops V.'ill be held in the OCC pool. de monstrating everything from hard hat compressor outfil~ lo the latest SCUBA underl'•ater·to-surface com· municalions systems. Exf)('r\s will include Tomrny Thompson . retired N a v )' 1naster d1\'er; Dr. G I e n E·gstrom. head of the l"CLA 11rogram : Bob l!oward , one of the Southland's Jradin g com· n1erci<1! di1·ers : John Rescck. the only man e\'er tn di\'e the noss Sea in Antarct1c;1: Don l\loorc, treasure hunter: Tom l\1c0onald. diving off icer for North American Roc kv.,ell : and Pa ul Tzimouhs. t"d itor and publisher of S k 1 n d iv er l\Tagaztne and a prize v.·inning underv.·ater photographer. The t"vening session will feature: TzimouHs speaking from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. (Jn underv.•ater phot ography. He 1\"lll show mo\'ics and slides. Anyone interested in diving (Jr photography is welcome to :il\cnd Checks should be made payable to Orange Coast College and sent to Marine Symposium. Orangr Coast Evening Course. 2701 Fait\'iev.· Road, Costa f\.1esa, California 92826. Call 8.14·f&O .for further information HAPPY Giant 24 ou•ce Kai Kan Dog Food M'53'94' ci....... o Style I Regular 'I" Vacuum Bottle Vanguard Plo,tic Pint Sil• 99' 00 Value! Box of 25 ~·Ji,; ... ,.. ~ ps Christmas Cards Lo•·ely on<! J"11nrl•I'•' Chroslmu de· 1 '. 0. • .• ""'•nter sctn">. 87' rdii;:"'w. humorous, ont of. • klnd tn a bnr. Soin~ "" (od, mrny "'lih lined envtlopco, ShiJp eaily for hest ""lectoon. $1 59•$1 79 Westinghouse Flashcubes or Bulbs •Pock of 3 fladM:u&.1 •Pack of 12 M3 fla1httibe1 """"" ·~·7 a roun <I lhe ( corurr a n d .... ,. bo~i;ht m quin- t.tr lo brrng )'Qu 8 !his 'P~i•I <J,,. <:cunt p 1 • c • ! $500 Value! India Brassware $399 lo• of 10--ll~y l oftd ••• •2c 47.,.TAMPAX RIGULAll 3 FDR ,,, OR IUPIR •••.•.•. 98~' BAND·AID :::s ............... 53' S'i"09'"ilROMO SELTZER ............ 73' ~ o ...... PACK OF 40 TABLITS OR $J'98 .1 2 OUNCE UQUID •• , •••• =~~~G,:.,~ ........ ' .88(. s11• PHISOHEX AN11 ••cnR11.L SKIN CLIANUR • · ..•.• ,,, $'f09 SOMINEX TABLETS ........ 88' 9i1"1iN '61 Y ~~:!t:~· ............. 66' 89'' ISODETTES LOZENGES ... 58' $il5"iiiECK_S.HAMPOO ......... 72' 9ii ,.PONDS COLD CREAM ..... 72' Compo,. te ftCIHeMUy eMrtJMd bNutdt Mlllnt hr up hi $2.50 Lady Wilshire Agilon· PantyHose Panty ho~ gi..-. '!'OU th11 long, ltu.. ! .. gy look from waht re toe: , • , and A.Ji· Lon fia .., mioothlr u 1 1econd llkio. nr\"tr ~•i'I or hagJ. Choo1c from the: ~ri'at new fall shada. s1•• Girls' Panty H ... Sln't<io nylon opaqu1 panty ti!}i!t, fuhio11 colors in 1i1C1 4-6, 7-10, 1.11d 12-1 4. s1 9• Casual Llldy Wllshlro Skimmers door•trln •.• Indoor 11nd out· $134 hand l•t!td for ,.,,_,fie C,.,,;M inMil• and heel. '.You.'U f icd the nll'W~ 1tyln and tolors .in tofl RfliMd vin1I. Gold JOd silm: ni1lar in tho t1lectit:8l S-M-ML-LXL. Women'• Acrylic Bulky Knit Sf 'VASELINE HAIR TONIC ... 68'. Sweaters ~::. ~:..,~,;: s5•• ovtr stykJ '" deli,1:htful fl'!I ' mlon. Choice ',;;;:;I ... ~ of colllrl or f••..,r nttk •tyles, FuH hihiont"d Jins ~(>. _;e and ~o. .j • -' ,._,, , •'I ,.1,.,., >' ,,. '' ~ '"~ml••. ~I• ,,~.i ~ ' ' '(I>\ I '•o < I 'rl 111 •-·,1!11111 ! • ' 11 fl w11/1 J..HiJ 1k ~· ~~~:: ' ' ...... ' ' .. 69' Susan Toddler Doll & f-=\. .. , Her Stroller \\, ~~ san $688 Value! D•d'"~ Jo\I, rJ,..nblr J;t~•l 1. '""'l'l•t• ... ;,n ~ltPlfrr pf unhre•k~blr 111•111( "'"h ... 1i..,11 th1t -, .. 1Jy 1urn :'iu.<•ndrinkt. •nd "'•1'! Duy noor fo1 t..lin11mu~>J•·•! 29:. Nestle's ,Quintet Bar """2 i·4·5, lllJ 2 eMI S.v1 1 lc • 41,l 01. A.1-nlll kr • s ••. '"""" ••• • S 01. Milk Ch1<.oi.te t\o!lr1, lzmalll fot tM finest 111 qualify dt(IC'olot( b r j n JI s you in. ntw Quintet B>:r ·••ith mdl·•ll·thr-mou1h ~n1! Flocked Dot . ' ' I , i, \; ;,,,,. \,, \ii '· '' No Iron Dusters Reg. $399 $5" "WomtrlJ J()iod nr J11int dun•n. T11mmed •ith rmbmidtml be<". or •P- pl1q<ll! or CJT!l.IJ pleoW!,g 1;r1ppet front.. I,, ~ .... ~~~...::..,..~~~~-1-~~~~..,.~~~~--11--~~~~,...~~~--'ll" Value! Ve getable S4.99 Regent SB.98 Hasbro Women's $1 49 Quilted Pillow Covers 98' c~.n'""' • bed f'.llnw ·~•n '" •lltAtl"'" lou11~­•n);' r' 11 n"' 1" •«C'Od• Rich W · bd .-n Io r • or m~Jt11·1lv1 >l"J,;.. •oJ rrmu. Z<p. Pf"r<< rnd ! Gold Decorated Ceramic Gifts $)99 1~ C••t t an'rl ~fttt in N1£1 & Fn1;1 Bowls, p,. <ki!•I O itht•, V&OtS,· Candle Jioldcrl, IOOR. NEW MRYDAY LOW l'RICIS ON COLOl PRINTS & PHOTOflNISHING ,,_ .. Size Color Pr11ls Na& from row Kodacolor Ntp· 19 ''""· c '*k • WWre ht-. . . . . le l1d1c1l1r Fiim .. ., • ..,.. _. Prlllted 12 IXPOSUU IOU $297 hke Ind• 69c" for ~r..,_. i~jl It 19<" o prini. l•io dllr~ lot iwpr.til -Jlrittecl. Samsonite lnd fruit Lawn Darts Talking Phone Rib Knit B 'd Ch ' D t s3s& ''""'' $688 T n ge arrs ecora or ~ ·1"h ..: .i .... , •• i,1. ops l.llj:'rl ra.,r.I• let -,~ io~• '"•1•• .. , f"n lc·r 1he famil\'. "'O'' b•tt•n· not inrl. • Pieces " "' • ,, 1• "'" $398 $899 f1'\' ~ltU<lin01• ,.nh Oii<><\' <h>r•r!Cr\, »· •• ::;,· 88¢ ss" Value! Men's & Women's }:<11r -" fn!ri ,., .. ,., ... I\ 11, ''" ·. I»(~ ,. ' I .i.J "'"' \, 111 51mdl'. •on':.' !~hie. •$1 6.95 v.1 ... 1 34" Telioln •••• $1'2.99 115" Sewing Machine Table ;:7; ":::: s12aa diin• ior11 • en n• o It. \\:·~Imo\ f1n"hrd b•,,.hwriod , fnld• flu f,-,r .<lllror.:. 1910 Calendar Linen Towels Colorful JI," <,~Ir >nLl !' I red •·•;;ttoblo 1-rl• orld r.,1. nr, in1erc1t to ln~hrn, 98c 9 Pair Shoe Rocks '''"" '"" 88 l'ro1..,, ind C rr=n·c )'"'' !hoet, };.tr)' cl(>~ h•lt, Smoothly fi11i1i1e<l! '9" lnstamatic Kodak Camera io•onr lood•Oi' caruidg• ind fluhcuba. / Leather Billfolds G enuine lo•Thor b111folili$194 fQr m:n ~nd f rrnch pu~~ fQr .. ·~mm in ~trl~. k.rh- u1 g>loro~ All ~iil boxNl! $2.DD Set of 14 Marking Pens ~~~~~! ~:1o~: '144 \\'•$~lblr, nd· "' nrl•1~. non· IOXJC:. Houblgant's Body Lotion Choo@, s3so SS.00 V1lu.I !\•'' 0 •!U(>O!h. t••••I akJG .,1km. Reg. 4.98 Trani Alarm Clock "Tim="'"" ssz• fnlJini: al•1m "'-ilh r~minous ba~d,, S1tln l11ded Ennlng Bigs '"h· """ »·$249 1,n 1mpon• on Who!e, P•i!tl .. Gold. 11ilvtr Sporklin, new itylal f ull f•ihion· f<l m 1"1 nb kni1 •celilt~ WHh I b I) r l l l(tVtl ill e~c iting •huln, S·~f. 'L I Fashion Accent Ap1ch1 Scarfs f' h.:" ggc pnn111 for ''" err outfit! Men's P11ld Slippers ~:::'.';.":1 $198 Eluuc 11dc gons,thick ~.~ 110le. w ....... Orloit" Swoat1n i,.-Lysol ~~:." .... , , , 71c '29" Clairol KindHss HairseHer 9·.~ 'ii~~k""f1';g ..... 77c Reg. s2" Wonder Wheel Exerciser s29tS Cl1lrol Llghteil M1k1up Minor "Trvo '' U1llt" Tw ;,., nr • ,i..1 1o~h1 1n.f;$2311 f.dpoSI • IC In' •n,t:lt , With Ma.a.rs H1ir h tnlr a11d .binin,, .,,.j1h bt>d1 lhlt lll\'J. r-:"' 24 rollrr mo<kl wi!h mirror. Compea IN tranl. Hi Fashion Shirts • No lren. • Stripes • Checb • Solid Colo,. enogram 6 Straight 'Bourbon $299 PNBium q~lity •traiaht i.o., bon ~ qt'd to full ... 9fiu'. Prictr:il-~ it. our ~ ft '"'" 49:. Plastic Coated . Playing Cards 2i49c '"' t. -''• Eur tn h.ondlr, _,. to clun C•rd•. Buy ><'V(~J d rc ~1 for b"d~~. poker nr f"nO.hl•. f•nr1•1ir J•"'"'' nn tilt• Thrifty 5r«i1I ! . . , ' ' t ' -------------------------------------------------------.-..,.---· ., .... ' . ~-' .......... -··---.... -· -· --··--· .. -- ,. ' DER ' A Complete Guide ••• Wllere to go • •• Wllat to do • •• ' ' " ' I ; • , • • ~ I , SUSANNE HANKE;EcjoN MADSEN .HOLD CENTER STAGE ABOVE IN SHREW, FLANKED BY MARCIA HAYOEE AND RICHARD CRAGUN IN ROMEO AND JULIET STUTTGART BALLET PRESENTATIONS ' • ' Intermission Laguna Slips 'Sl.eeper' Into Playhouse Schedule By T0,1 TITUS Ot Piii 01111 Pli.t Sl1H It's a long lime from the second week ln October lo the fir~t week in December, particularly if you're rurutlng a half· million dollar theater. So the lights ol Ole Laguna-Moulton Playhouse will go up again in two wttks for a special five-da y run of Frank Gilroy's "The Only Game in Town." "\Ve didn 't .... ·anl to be da rk so long." explains John f erzacca, artistic director t>f the spacious new Laguna edifice who is filaging as "ell as slllrring in the Las Roses," "Luv" and "Slow Dance on the Killing Ground") also involvf!d only three performers each. The others are Joan Wulfsohn , who'll conduct a dance workshop in the planned new theater :!.Choo! in conjunction with the playhouse, and GeQffrey Riker, who aside from being a familiar face on the Laguna st.age is also president of the playhouse bo ard. " \.egas·based c ome d y . Like its "Only Game" opens ll~ abbreviated n1n on Noi;.. 11. Like its subjrct mal\cr, it 's a gamble, and if it pays off. the Laguna- f\.1oulton st.age may be even busier lhan expected during its fir st season. predecessor, ''I Never Sa ng for My f.:rt.her ," and' lhe next atlraction, "Cactus Flower," this one is another firsl for Orange County, "WE ONLY HAD rootn for• -week's run since we ha•e other event! &cheduled In November," Ferzacca points out . "Since-there are only three characters in lhe show , \\'e hcsitaled to put it into the regular su~riplion 1eason. But it wu something we wanted to do, so we're stq· ing il as a special." Ferzacca, whose introduction lo the Laguna Playhouse came as director of Gllroy's "The Subject WU R61es," harbors an .tindentandl.We lorWM!ls for .. tlle playwright's work. He de.sqtbet "On- ~ Jy Game" as a romantfc coinedy -about gambling, a_ play far le!l!I serious than • • • BACKSTAGE -Playwright Eric Lord of Newport Beach has a hit on hi s hands • , , he Wall recently informed that hi,, play "Llons Four, Olrlslions Nothing" captured first prize Jn the second annual John Gassner Memorial Playwright\ng Awards in Lexi ngton, Mass •.. Lord is active wilh the newly formed NNJ>Ort Community Theater .•. The children 's theater of lbe Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse pal~ oU;anothcr crowd pleaser last weekend •.. se lk>ut houses were enjoyed for all four performances of the costume fantasy .. 'The .Hebbtt," which a\arted a Jot of young5ters on the road to a theatrical avocation. ' "Subjoct WU' .Rosu. "I ' "We're anxious to~.the reaction to ~--Zsa's F:-.• this show," he 81)1..~·Jn it works, we ~ ll 01. might have other short funs during our ' dark period,. We're kl\ocldng a dou.r or .~, Stage Sh~w the boJ office price for sublttiber1 who" order by mail." , ., , •• WlllLE Fl:RZACCA i! puttine "Only The alamorow Zia Zsa Gabor ls Game" together by night. h e • 1 making lier first Los Angeles stage ap- 1 ··•-u lhe -~ , .......... 1 pea.ranee at tbe. HunUngton Hartfard ormw.111 ng rest· (JI ~·• • new n.eatre in the hilarious Noel Coward MUOn by day. Right now bil plJ'amOllilt COO'l-A", "..BliLbe s irlt ... q9est ia for prvfu.Goaal stun , to ~ :.p ' headline the theater's four...show MOD-Also starring Michael Evans, "Blithe subscription se8900. Spirit" will be at the Hartford throuah This portion of the playhouse's 11181-71 Nov~ IS. program will offer "Hamlet," "A Long Miss ~abor, who has ~ l~. nearly . Dly's Journey Into Nlgtlt," "Yom-Owft 30 m~ron ~ _lncltllinc Moulin Thing" and "Man of La M ha." So far Rouge and Lill , will be sttn In ~he U-...... , anc . tie role 1s Ult... lov.e.~. ~ who l! ac- -re ha'en l !>'<'".,. loil!'"·i-' ;-, '"nt.nll~f~c -Ocflrod:~~ · liii ber llio-1 "lt'l a1qMilltn ol "'°"1.'. oe'•ll· ~ "°' "fiillo-' "Most a<1or1 lhlnl< we'" ..... ,..,II .. ..._ ... ~, , -, ·~~~ · .~ --r-wle. ' • ·~ • cl~lly than we are. ~ ft ltftl ~ lo Evans, whose 111u5f.rious stage care« bring in some rtt0gn1:r:able names. include&• st.Irr~ !ii lht natlonal com· \\1111 "ONLY GAME," Feriacca pany of ''M"y Fair Lady " and tak ing lhc Teverts to one of his favorite rl)rma!Jl -Lerner and Loewe cJasaic on itt the three<haracter play. His first three triumphant tour ol Russia , will play the offerinp for Laguna ("Subject W.u novelist-husband. .. Weekend Highlights oc Dan~er Ba~k Stuttgart Co1nes to Music Center PENNY CARNIVAL -A llalloween Penny Carnival will be staged tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. by the \Vestminster Recrc-- ation and Parks Department in Sigler Park, 7200 Plaza, West- minster. Game booths. a "spook '' house, costume parade and poster contest along wi'lh li ve entertainment and prizes \\'ill be in store . GEM SHOW -The fi rst International Gem , 1'.lineral and Jewelry ShO\Y opens to the public at the Anaheim Convention Center tonight to rwt through Nov. 2. Hours : tonight until 10 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m to 7 p.m. CRAFTSMAN FAIR -A Craftsman Fair, with more than 50 Orange County artisans pa r ticipating, \\'ill be staged in the side yard and patio of Denwar Stud io, 236 !'.:. 16th St., Cos ta 1\1esa. today through Nov. 2. I lou rs: 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . Stitchery, ceramics. mosaics. \VeaY iog, stone\rare and collages \\'ill be among the art.s exhibited. SH Guide to Fun, Page 22 ()av id Sutherland, who was born In Sa'nta Ana, will be one of three American dancers lo perform as principals with the Stuttgart Da!lel \\'hich S. Hurok is brin'1ing to the Los Angeles Music Center Pavilion for ten perfonriances o( three £1111-length ballets November 3-12. It is the troupe 's first lour of the Uni ted States. although it made its U.S. rlebut in New York last June with a three \\'eeks engagement at lhe Metropolit.an Opera House. Lea ding dancers have made their way to StuHga rt , at lracted by the talents 11nd rt'put al lon the com pa ny has enjoyed since Jolin Cranko became JJ1i director uinc years ago, David Suther land received his trUng in Hollywood. found his way into fllms dancing i"n "The Music Man," and '1Bye, Bye Bi rdie '' before joining the Stuttgart Dallct in 1963. He is married to lovely Gudrun Lechner. a member or the com. pan.v's corps de ballet. Holluwood 'Old Guys' Seek Oscar Ri chard Cragun of Sacramento, who Joined the company in 1962, is a robust ._ young man who can boast o( Indian .. blood. He first studied In San Francisco, then went to Canada followed by enroll· ment in the Royal Ballet School of Lon· don. La11t yea r he appeared with the By VERNON',SOOIT lll"fl4el~~ HOLLYWOOD -Jt's the year or the dirty old man in movies. And about time too. Tbete are more of them than clean young men at&rrlng in major Alm roles in 1969. Three outstanding candidates for bait act.or laurels in the Academy Award.,.. are John Wayne (True Grit), Anthony Quinn (1be Secret of Santa Vittoria) and Lee Marvin (Paint Yur Wagon ). None of .a.he trio will ever 1ee 45 again. Neither will their masculinity b e challenged. Nor, to anyone's knowledge, haYe they Identified themselves as neurotics u hu Dustln Hoffman who ia under-4' and 10mewhat 1maller than life when com· pared lo the unholy Wayne-Quinn • Mar· vin genre. In all One ol t.beir perfonnances this year, the big men ai-e whiskey • swill· ing ne'er-do • wells • h o s e single re- deeming trait is that they are men 9 J010• WAYH• (or whom romance is on ly incide nt.al and fem ales a plague . But In thli nit-picking 110C}ety of our8, lel us examine their characterizaUens as havt' critic1 and parlor P,Sjchiatrists. John Wayne 11 Rooster~. Quinn as Bombolini and Marvin a Ben Rumlon avoid the cliche o( I.he ' hairy-chetted man's man who'd rather fight than breathe. · l~lde each or the Tough ·l'lewn characters they portray lit sensitive men upeclally aUuned. to their times and sur· roundlngs. FAch ia euent.tally 1 comedy portrayal, but the act.on haYe-Teached deeper to pump life into I.he men they play - Wayne, a ruthle11 maraba}; Quinn, a drunktn Italian clown; Marvin. a rootloole gold miner. " Unlike too many of today'• young perlormen. they do not wear their emo- tions glued to their (orehead1. As with all merporabJe perrormanct!s, they mak'e the audfence bring aomethlng of Its "'1t'n sensitivity to •hat ls hap- pening on scrttn. Wayne, Quinn and Marvin don't find It necessary to discuss sensitivity or the dltint righl of actors to be neurotic. They han1 their ""'' lholl up on the screen and allow the Uciet buyer to take It from there, . This is known ll!I conununlcation and i:ntertainment, not forced feeding of emo- tM>na} garbage by immature loeen. Roya l Balle t as guest artist.partnering Margo Fonleyn al the R.Oyal Opera House. He was called ''the strongest dancer In Western Europe," by critics . John Neumeir, another Ameri can, is a Mets Take Act To Vfgas Casino Seven memben of the World Champion New York Mets -Tom Seaver, Jerry Koosman, Cleon Jones, Tommie Agee, Donn Clendenon, Art Shamsky, and Ed Kranepool -will try their luck on another field of combat when they open a two-week engagement November t al Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. T~ r>.1agn iUctnl Seven will b e chaperoned on stage by comedian Phil Fmiler, who will introduce them and ex- plain the phenomenon ol Metsomanla. ~Mets will be the eenter of a full- length produclion, though the details of what they wll\ be doi'hg cannot be reveal- ed because the element' ol surprise ls an important part of the act. Tom Seaver, however, will defini tely 1ing and dance. Appearing with the f\.1ets will be llinf!:er J immie Rodgers and comedian Jerry Van llyk• . native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin where ht fir!'t studied and later studied in Chlcaeo before proceeding to Europe in 1962 to study at the Royal Ballet School in Loo- don. Active also as a choreographar, l'\eumeir will leave the Stuttgart Com- pany ~t the-~Jusion of the pr~sent tour to assume the post of Ballet Director 0£ the Frankfort. Opera flouse. Although the Stuttgart Company is bas- ed in Wurttemberg Germany lhe flavor 1s international. Direc tor J ohn Cra'nko was born in South Afric a and came to the company via lhe Royal Ballet <ir London Marcia Haydee . prima balleriiia is a na tive of Brazil and Egon ;\1adstn is a Dane. Cranko picks ne\v members for the co n1pany .,..·hercvcr auditions ca n be held. Th is so far has in cluded Italy. Greece, Lebanon, Austria, France, Tunisia alld New York . There are 54 regular mezn. bers or the 60 dancer company witl\ the ba lance representing about 20 countries. The company of 150 artists, musicians aid technicians, with a Symphonic Orchestra will present the west coast premieres of "Eugene Onegin" On Noven1bcr J, 4, 10 and 11. "The Taming of the Shrew" will be see'h November 5, 7, and 12, and "Romeo 1nd Juliet" on November 8 and 9. The orchestra will be conducted by t<urt·Heinz Stolze for the performances of "Onegin" and ''The Shrew." Rober t Zeller will cunducl for ''Romeo and Juliet." WEEKENDER INSmE FEi\TURES Wondering what kind ol movie , you might be gcMng to 11ee? Check the Weekender's Gulde lo Movies on Page 26. It carries the code flt·' ing and a brier description or lhe film. Tr111vel Gu.Ide io Fan In lbe Galleries Uvt Theata Owl 'N" Ab°'ol Mlalon Ubnry Doy1 "Goodbye Mr. Clllp.'" G•llit &a Movies Comlt1 TV VM:ws Qu ... k Teltvlrlon Log P ... 11 ....... P.,ea Pa11 ZI Pagn U-14 P11e Z5 Page ts Pop II Page Z1 Pqt Z'1 •• 11 """' 11 • ---------------- ----------------------------~-~---·-.. -. • : H DAIL v '1LOT T...vel Up the Coast Of .California ' .. ITAN bELAPLANE /\IENDOCINO, California -\Ve drove up the long, lonely California coast to get away fro1n the daily sandpapering. It's grand country. " . .\ placr 'Lo sharpen yer \l"its," the ol d lady says in one of Shaw's plays. Oh yes. thry·re subdivid ing. l~ut there are long u•inding 1niles alone on a road backed by dripping redwoods. The sea so far bc lo\\' you if you edged the cliffs -Dear J ohn , that 's al! she "'rote . * TOURISTS DON'T know this wonderful country. I like it best wben lhe winter storms come crashing down from Alaska. Banging against the rim of the conUnent until you can feel the earth shake. Two good hotels that \\'ill please you : Heritage House and LltUe River Inn. If you're coming up slowly, stop off at Timber Cove Jnn just above the old Russian Fort Ross. Somebody from Illinois asked me about driving California the other day. I told them to make San Diego and Disneyland and t.he movie studio tours. And then get off onto Highway 1. See California the way it was a long time ago. * The barefoot scam: Lady asks, "Some quiet pl.1ce on • w.1rm be.1ch. Alone." I'm sure a lot of today's travel is to get a \vay from tlle rasp of crowding. Bumper-to-bumper traf- fic. The packed elevator. "Step back in the bus, please.'" Here are a fe\v places that turned me up : The far end of the .island of Kauai in Hawaii, beyond Hanalei village. You can rent a camper in Llhue town. There's a long beach -marked "camJ>-' ground" but I never saw anybody there. A few hun- dred yards away, a little river makes a deep, rocky pool for bathing. You drive a few miles for grocer- ies a t the Chinese general store. * I SPENT A WEEK on my own rented cruiser on the Thames in rural England. Tied up at night alongside beech forests. The sunset spattered the water with pink and sil ver. And it fell like a million miles from everyv;bere. * There's a little coconut island a few miles off Tahiti at the end where few people live. You can ar- range to be dropped off by outrigger canoe. Sleep on d:ie ¥ro.und. fish e little .. They come out once a day bnngmg a bottle ol French wine, ice, that wonderful crusty Tahitian-French bread. butter and -whatever you order. . ':! ••• y1've bMn to G*alw.1y B•y to sharpen yer ·W•h, says the old lady. Shaw and Joyce and the rest of literary Dublin went to the lonely west couri- . try where the 1,1,•inds blow in from the Atlantic. They went back refreshed. I took a fine little cottage my· stU in BaJJyvaughan-150 people. It's on the edge of the rocky Burren country where Cromwell sent the Jrisb-'''to bell or to Connaught. '' Not.bing much to do 'tut v.:alk aJong Lbe shore and hear the gull s cryi ng. Or ride up in the hilJs to ,.run across a grave of a Celtic chief. .~nd later a ~:glass of Guinness in O'Donohoe 's little pub in the ~illage. You can get the house I had now for $40 a • eek. .. ~-· -I .. <-=~·· . . . . ,_. ""' ·l 1· *"" .. . . < ~ iTflb i• Belping't tabriel DelJ. star of "Adaptation" al Mark Taper 'Forum, claims he is: helping Faye Nuell push the theater's new Computicket machine up the steps. The ~orum now has direct line to all Computicket Lerminala throughout Ibo U.S. for in slant ticketing. Craftsnian Fair In tlae Galferie~ , . Huntington Shows Oils . .. BtJN1'1'1GTON UACll ua•.UY -ilS "'-"' SL, - .,._ -· On Wllliil -,..,,., Ulnty baun. ln-ctudfn& 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun.~ llDdac:apes in oil by Darwin Duncan. MUnJAL 8.t.VINGS AND LOAN -2111 lt Cout llicJ>- way. C.cu del M•. On e:rhibtt cbrina retu)ar bosmea hours tbr°""' Oct., portrall3 and land!capoa by Sylvia Moon· ier. COFFEE GAJ\DEN GALLEl\Y-m5 E. Coast HiJb•IY. Corooa del Mar. Hours: 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ttlon. throu&h Salw'day. On -u...up Oct., awmN•pc by Carl Bertel; oil ..... .,. by -Hertd. LAGUNA ART G,411 DY, -M Cliff Drive. ~ .-. Adm-'L ......... "'Ill -.-fne. _,, ,_to. p.m. On -lllrauP Od. .. -......... llllp oh<lw. MDA AllT LEAGUE -511 c.enttr St., Costa Maa. Hours : S..L ud SUn. 1 to 5 p.m. C-.tbwlua a:h1bit ol art work In vartoua ....U. by Art IAop members. No admh- lkn charge. CIVIC CENTD GAu.EllY --w ... Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb. Hours: &:• a.m. to I p.m. Mon.·Frl On alrlhlt tbrqll Ocl, atltd>ory by Pmi•..ia Stitchery Guild. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANI' -1DIO B.lyalde Drive, Newport BeaclL Currenlly <Ml ahlbit tbroqh Oct., durin1 rt&U]ar ~ hours, water colon by Aline Thlstlethwaite.. so. CALIF. nRST NAT'L ·~ ·-17122 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. On exhibit durtn1 rt:rular buJinas hours, thn>u&h Nov. 14. palnUnp by Charlolle Dwm. COSTA MEIA WIRARY -511 Center St., Colla MIOL On ahlblt clurtlll rqubr library hours thn>u&h Oct:, oilil and acrylics by F.,me wuuanu. NEWl'Olrl' JIAJUIOll AllT MUSEUM -400 Main St .. Balboa. Hours: ~ throu;h Sun. 1 p.m.-1 p.m.; Mon. 1 p.m.-t p.m. On ·ahlWt t.broqb Nov. t, •'The New Art d. vancaaver," a awy fll ltVen YOUftl palnttn.. tc:W~ ton ad object maktn worttq in Vaacauver, 8rtt!ab Colmn- biL OllANGE COAll' COIJ.BGE LIBRARY -1701 Fall'· view !load, Coot& Mea. On ahlbit durlns rqulu libn.ry houri, painlbtp by Jwm Jla)'D*ICL MESA VbDS LllJUJlY -2111 Meu Verde Dr l v e Eut, Costa MeA. On uhlMt darinl rqulu library houri tbroqh the mootb Cl Od., oils, water colors and collq!O by Adelaide Porter. CORONA DEL MAii LIBIWIY -GI Mutpd. CGrona dd Mar. On -tlln>uP Oct. durlns .....,iar libtary boun. impr-llllc olll "1 Jacquallni lllll&lnbauer. UCJ AJlT GAll.QY -Third flotr, J'ine Arta Bldf .• UC lnln<. lloun: I to I p.m., Tia.au.. On alllliil tbroqh Nov. 30. "An L.A. E,dhellc," v-media by lour contemporary attiJls. .• t•A Fauy nt.1 "',,..... ..... Way 1.e Ck Fwwa•• Musical comedy on N&e at South Cout Repertory, 1117 Newport Blvd, Celt.a Meu, Thurs.-Sun. through Nov. 15. Rt!ervalions: 64f-13'3. ''Marrb.p: Ge ~" A nwilal cunecly ..,-.i la tbe -Vl<jo IDD School auditorium on ariJ. tiau Ave., Ml-Viejo, "1 Ute Rancho Community Pla)'t!'I 11aun. -Sun. Nov. J.22. Reoervatlam, IS'J.l'IU. "Clrista• ~. at &Ma.wmlll" A m\Wcal melodrama .,ft. anted by Old Jama Playva: of N.wport Beacb and -Cout upt Opera -.,. ........... at s.. ClanGo IDp Scbool Nov. 1 and I . Ruuvatiom -f7Mmll or si.-. "Macbetal" Shakespeare'• tr a I ~ d 1 stased by Golden w ... Colill• in the ActorJ' Playboz coen- nwnicallons 81dr . .., cam,.., Fri..S.t.. Nov. 7-11. TldOta at -...... •-ne OM c..,11" Neil -·· ,.......iy of hie newly divorced men.~ b WestmtmtU y . 1'beakr at Finley SdJoDI. 1 l5%1 EdW'ard1 Ave •• Westminlter, Fri.-Sat. Nov. 7- 1$. Relervatiom; .seoz. "o.11 Game .. ,...." A comedy wlU, only - charaden, "' in Las v ..... will be ........ al tile Lapla- MoultGo Playhouso, II t 1.a.,... Canyon Rood, ~ Beach, NOY. 11·11. it.rva• u---t•a.ar ti IM G,...,_i.t; 8eell ti taif: er..M"; Creat.i".'e ile!lls of over 50 Orange C~nty artil!anS are being shown in a three day fatr which closes Sunday. \Veav1ni. stoneware, mosaics. jewelry, collages. macrame and stitchery are among the arts on display and for sale between 11 a.m. a nd 4 p.m. at Den1,1.·ar Studios, 236 E. 16th Street, Costa Mesa . CAMl:llA WOIUt GAU.EllY -2100 W. Cout HUhway, Newport Beach. Hours: Thurs. and Fri. I tot p.m.; Sat 12 to t p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. to t p.m. GaIMry limited to ~ graphy, 0~1 Nov. I with ''little btt ct everythinc" an view throu&h Nov. 30. A mwical rantuy will be •tared in the Stlldio Theater oo the UC! Campus. 'l'u<a. - Sat .• Nov. 11 throuab %1. Rtaervatioa,a--133.1117. Prize Homes Shown at South Coast Plaza OCT. 31-NOV. I HO~IE AWARDS -The Western Homes Awards Eihibit.5, a display o( ~I homes in -t~e Western Stales sponsored by Sunset Magazine and An1er1can Insti tute of Architects, will be shown in the Carousel Court of South Coul Plaia, 3333 Bristol, Costa Mesa through Nov. 8. Photographs, plans and architect.5 are spot.lighted. Architects Ron Yeo of Coron;i de! r-.1ar and J . Lan1ont Langworthy· or Laguna Beach are local winners. OCT. ll AFTEKNOON CO,'\CERTS -Presented by students and faculty of the Department of !-.1usic, UC Irvine. Fridays at I p.m. in room 178 of the Fine Art!! Bldg. Admission fret. Re· ci tals scheduled include : Chamber Music , Oc t. 31 ; Duets for Voice, Nov. 7, OCf. 31-NO V. S PADUA lllLL.S PLAY -The Padua Hills Theatre is preS!nl· ing "Panorama J\1exicano." ""'Ith authentic Mexican folk dances and songs through Nov. 15, Wed . through Sat. at 11 ·30 P·":1· ...... ·ith ma I i n ee s at 2:30 p.m. \\'ed. and Sal. Ad101rung the 300-scat air-conditioned thealer is the Padua dining. room "·~ere the players entertain during lunch and dinner. J\!ex1can and American food 1s ser\'ed daily, ex - cept Mon. Padua ll1lls is located on Padua A\'e., three: miles north of Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Phone J-626-12.&a. OCT. JI-NOV. I OTHELLO -Shakespeare's dr9ma will be presented by the. 11rama department of Fullerton Junior College 1n the campU!! theater at 8 p.m. Oct. 31 and Nov. L OCT. 31 GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE FOOTBALL -All home games ;il OCC LeBard Stachu m, off Hc1rbor Blvd. and Fairview Road Costa Me:sa : a ll games at 8 p.m.: Oct. 31 ''5. Rio Hondo~ L.A. llarbor, Nov. 7, at home. ' OCT. ll·NOV. % GEJ\I SHOW -The ritsl international Gem, r.tineral and J.ewelry show al the Exhibition Hall of the Anaheim Conven- tion Hall of the Anahein1 Con\•ention Center will be open to the public Oct. 31 and No v, I from JO a .n1. to 10 p.m., and. Nov . 2 from JO a .m. lo 7 p.m. Admission: Adult.s, $1.75; Juniors (ages 12-18 ) 75 cents; Children under 12, {l'ff. OCT. ll HALLOWEEN PENNY CAJlNIVAL -Tht Wtatminster Recreation and Parks Department is stagin&: il3 annual Ha.I· lo11o·een Penny Carnival, Oct. 31 from 7 to t p.m. in Sli)tr Park, i200 Plaza, Weslminster, locludtd in the carnival Me game booths, a "spook house ." live entertainment and a costume parade wilh prizes lo the winners. Prizes also will be given for the best poolers placed in merchants window1 by the children. ocr. :n HALLOWEEN CONCERT -The Jefferson Airplane, The ~foody Blues and Glen ?-.tcKays HeadliPts will bl heard in concert at the. Forum in Inglewood, Prll'rit and Ma~r. at II p.m., Fri., Oct . 31. Tickets $3.so.tl are available at the box orfice and ticket agencies. OCT. :11.sov. t CRAFIS~1AN FAIR -A Craftsman Fair. with: more tMn 50 Orange County artisans parliclpatina:, will be held in the side yard of Denv;ar Ceramics, 236 E. 11th St., Colta Mna, on Oct. 31 and Nt>v. I and 2 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . Stitchery, mosaics. '~1e&1i1rtlg, stoneware. jewelry. collages, macrame and beaded work will be shown for sale. NOV. I TEES CLUB DANCE -The Y.'estminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Teen Club Dance in the com- munity Center, 8200 Westminster A\'t., (for Wet!!lrnhmer teens) each Sal. from a p.m. to midnia:ht. Admission, •1. ror membtrs. $1.50 for non·members. "M°euse ol Noah" will play for dancing Nov . I. NOV. 1 ~AOT?LEHACK COLLEGE -All home !James at ~fis~ion Vie- JO High School, 2502.5 Chrisanta Drivt , Misaion Viejo; all izames at 8 p.m.; Nov. 1 at Mira Costa, ~ans.ide; Barstow, Nov. 8, al home. NOV. I CHOliU: COSCEltT -Folk sonp frem around the wotld wiU bl presented by the Festival ol Am Chor1le, Nev. 1 11t I p.rn. in the Festival Forum, Laguna Buch. MUlic r11n;in1 from Shenandoah to Brahms' Hungarian Duell ~'ill bt Pfe9eDl.ed. Tickets by donation, •ti!iO for adulU; 7k for studenll'I. NOV. t OllANGE com COLLEGE rooTBALL -Home lam<I •• Lelbnl Stadium, off Harbor Blvd. and P'alrvin JtNI!, COii.a M ... ; all larMI at • p.m.; Nov. 1 VL ML San Antonio; San Dleco Mesa, Nov. ti. NOV. l·Z L11fl.4RY DAYS -Old Mi.Mien San Luis ~y will htlld its annual Library Days, with e1tubit1 ot aocitnt dOcume-nts and pbotosrapm from the ml!S!OR'• archive . thi1 Sat. and Sun. Located oa Highway 7•, three: milts inland from Octan· 1ide. NOV 1-11 CHJLDl\EN'I THEATRE -"Winnie-the-Pooh" by South Coaat Repertory Children'• Tbtatre, lat Newport Blvd,. COl!ll.I Men. AdmWlon: children, 75 cent.I; adult.5, $1.00. Rteervatlons: Ml-1315 from noon to I p.m. daily. Tbe A. A. Miln~ children'• <lmic will be prestnttd Sundays throu&h Nov. 11 at I p.m. and %:30 p.m . NOV. S-1% ST\J'JTGAltT BAU.rt' -s. Hurok is prt$Cntinc the Stutt- gart Ballet in II performanoes, Nov. 3-12 in the Dorothy Chandler Pavillon ol the MU3ic Center in Los AngeJa. Tick- ets, 1:.1.tWt.%.5, ate available at the bol offitt of t.ht Muaie Ctnler, ISS N. Grand Ave .• Lat Aqela or al So. Calif. Aut.o Club and an tlckot .,..,.,1 ... LOCAL Ne "'"'•' ".,.,,,.,., t•llt .,_ mor e, •"••'I' d•v. 1lt•ul wh•t'• te;~, e" ;., I~• Gre•l•r Or•"•• Ce1.t l~•n ti!• DAILY' PILOT. LOOK BOSS! THE CHEF Nf£llS MORE KITCHEN HELP! l•lll1'(, C"'•f1 ••• 9u1y, the eJtly w•y v•u c11t h.1, hi111 io te 1111lt• lti1 1••4 lithl•r. H.,. i1 wh•t 't•~ c111 Ill• let hiM. CHRISTMAS lf.&IT NOWI l uy eur: Plll'All• U.Utl. NIL WIAl'Pll POTAJOft. II.I.If MAii COU e It.AW. 11.&IT MAM CAllOT sncD. W"9ll rttl.Q OtflOtll. CLIAMD ftll" IPHI• ACM. TACO INIUeD LllftC&, AMI MANT. MANT MOn. If yeu t•t hi11t thM• ttii"I .. the~ tt•ll h••• ti111e te reH tft. r••l•I f•r111 . .. IN THE I CARIBBEAN $1295 lo UP ORANGE COUNTY SAILING ON THE DELUXE "S1ATENDAM" PERSONAU Y ESC:ORftD BY CHIC & IRIS HIGBIE OF NEWPORT BEACH DEC:. 10, 1969. 21 DAYS .. MAZATLAN .......... PANAMA CANAL ........... ARUIA ..•.•.... ,," VENEZUELA ........... GRENADA ............ TRINIDAD ........... . BARaADOS ......... MARTINIQUE ......... VIRGIN ISLANDS ....... .. CURACOA ............ COLUMBIA ............ ACAPULCO ••.........• 201 MARINE aALBOA ISLAND • • ..... PHONE : 17141 657-4144 'f04I u.n llOU.f.11 w"" TMDI COIPOIU ······························i • ,,....._, • ..., • ow ........... ., • lft Ow ,...... ..... • • ARTICHOKES a ICOUIG • -••ou• • a • LETTUCE a MARIGOLDS a : 18'... : IOC. : 3tc-: • Lhltlt 6 . • 1J1Mt I • LI-J IUtts.. • Wltfll'llll-8 ---a ---8 '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••··- cou .... UPlll llOYIMlll I 111 tlieir "'111•••r •-'lflt" •••r•t. t• 11•• tt.•it •u"'""'" tM fi ..... '"" _,.y ••• ky, ...... fl•• r•••••r••h "'' tt.•ir r"lft• m~ He.,... P'N4u••· P.tre.i1e ....._., T1rl• ft.LAM INN. l•I••• 1•11"4'; JOSIP'I. c.,,.,, 4el Mt•:OI& ... UAQ COLLllll: lfOP a ff M•Um; W~ITI Nelli INN, N1w,•rt h••lrt, •114 •••r lOt •tl<t•ri. Hew aMut yev ctlli"I ua? "ORANGE COUNTY'S 1ASTrST GllOW/NG PAODUCE oAGAN/ZAT/ON" EWPORT PRODUCE 2•11 .... ,... I ••••• -,.. '"''"] I "'°"' 67W711 671-1711 "J2 Y ttlr1 of Product Kn0t.t HN,. "Whtr• Qwolirr Is The Drda of tht Hcruae"' r ' .... --................ -.................... -... -----.. --......... -...... --... --......................... -~ ......... ---~~.---·-·· ................. ~-..-... _ ._.. .. ._... __ .... ·-............. ~ ' .. a • ;;• q••"'••quste+A '.J -... , ~f""r" .... ~ _L.... -·-~--4 \ OUT. ' N' ABOUT By STAN LE\' :\"OR~I ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, N/G HT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE : . 1·on1ghl 1.-i the night ghosts r ide high and pa rt y !<ip!r!l s ride c\·en higher. F\lak in~ it a f\''O:"w ay race 10 detcr1n1nc v.1hether the k1dd1es or thei r parents ~el the 111ost out of llallowcen. \\/hen the youngsters arc back h_l)rne w1~h the loot they've blackn1ailcd under the guise of trick-or· \real, and the babysitter is c:on1fortably se tt!~ down \\'tih ··1-logan's lleroes:· n1on1 and dad will ha\'e lh cir opportunity to get ou t for a bi t of the cven1ng'.s merr1111ent ANOTHER WAY Of cou r."J c the \\hol e th ing ca n be kicked off earlier if the cluldrcn are d ispatched lo g randma ·~ house as soon a s they get hon1e fron1 school. .<\nd you clear out o( the house bt•fore the last rays of light and the first gang of costu1ned freeboote rs ar· rive ~:rt the door. 1101\'CVC r you n1anagc it, once under 111ay there are a lot of good places in the area to hit for a fun · filled t\llhallo1vs Eve. In so1ne instances tomorro111 evening as 111ell a s tonight. COSTUMES OPTIONAL Donning .:-on1e kind of outfit 1s strictly optional hut the hilarity generally in creas~s in direet propc_>r· tion to the abundance of pcorJe in 11·ay-out regalia. '.\ot to rnention the possibil ty of copping a prize for ("01ning up 11•1th the 1vil dest a ttire in the crov.'d . No doubl our list is incon1plcte bul. as of press 1ln1c. 11·c 11 ere able to verify big l·lal101\Feen ha ppen- ings at the fol lo11·1ng spo!s. \l'ith al l parties set for tonight unle::.s other1v1se ind icated. TAKE YOUR CHOICE . Coral Reef 'Restaurant, 2()45 l larbor Blvd., Costa f'.·lesa. Favors for everyone : a n a!J you can eat buffet dinner. 6 to IO p.n1 .. $3 75 per person. 'Whe~ Exciting '{Jiingsa~ Happening! Tht Inn""' '"Thrrr'• (·nmplflff" in tltr Sf"rille /,01t11g~ /);,.;,.,in fh,. hl'nutifu/ .l/fll1trlor Rofl1n /,n1·i~h . nr1e bnnqurt f1rilitil'1 GRAND HOTEL 7 fRE&DMAI" \VAY A KAlltJM,.CAlJr. 772-7777 OpPn lo l11e Public 4' ~~ Newly Enlarged :-:i~'-'::.!C.~,, _ _ Popular ... T -,",,,: LARK ROOM Ent erto1 inmeri t Nightly Tue~day through So1furd•y THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR <450 • SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DA ILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER. SIMS. CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co·Owft•" 16782 GRAHAM STRUT, HUNTINGTON IEACH For Reservations Call 846.1186 or 846-1416 Dean & Frank's Favorite Chef , ' TONY SIRAMARCO F0 ,...,,,1~ of 1~. v,11, C1ilfi, l1w11ly M;JI, lrift'J> H;, S1m1 F1!'rlo1n ITALIAN AND AMERICAN DISHES" TO ORANGE COUNTY 1'RY TONY'S SPECI AlT1{S SUC H ,t,S VIAL ALA ,A. MtGIAK• '" CASSl•OLl wiih M1 .,,I, ••"• •.• coo~tcl 1ft • ••rv 1ii1t o1I 1111t1, lot• ol ~h ~t•t ... 1e••ed .. a~ Sp1qh111;. CMICllEtol AlA CACCIA1'0•E 1' b•9 dt""'' lo• hi9 e•tffl. ,., l•11 1 h i lt•" 11••1, S.H•IM' "S.CA Ml>I"' ALA ITAllANO J ..... bo Pf1Wft1 .. ,111 l•me11 c .,11.w bull•• 1•ut•. ••• · STEAKS e LOBSTER e PRIME RIB NOW: TONl•HT,' IYllY Nl•ttT •T THE CASPIAN 1670 N•wpcrt Blvd., -Cot.I• M•t.• '42-1293 S.•'11119 I I A.M, -11 l'.M. M .... Fri. -1·1 1 S... -1·t s ... I Berlin•r Rest•ur•nt and Beer Garden, 18582 Beach Blvd., Town and Country Center, Huntington Bea ch. Eotertainment. dancing, prizes for the be.st !'ostumes. Tomorrow evening, Saturday, Nov. 1. Alley W•st, 2106 \V. Ocean F'ront, Newport Beach. GaJa party, costumes. prizes. Derby Restaurant, 1262 Palisades Rd., Costa f\fesa. First of three annual costume events to be staged by this rather new and lively spot. Don Jose Rest•urant, 9093 E . Adams . at tt·Jag- nolia. lluntington Beach. Entertainment by Vic f.Ja rdia Ltd. and Germaine, costumes. prizes, danc- ing. Merrym•c, 3344 E. Coast Highway, Corona del :'llar. f \VO bi g evenings of Halloween coilume,; and fun . entertainment, tonight a nd tomorrow. Ramada Inn's Royal Page Restaurant and Lou nge, 1050 \V. Katella. Anaheim. Steak dinner for t \VO, old-fashioned masquerade hayride. apple- bobbing contest, prizes for the best costumes 510 per person. Out 'n' abouler suggests all frustrated 'A'itches and bums hereabouts dress a ccordingly and do their f-lallo'A·een thing al any one or a combination of these places. Check the ads for other llallo11•cen f!ntertain- ment \•;hich 11•as scheduled a fter this column ·~ dead- line. S izzler~ Cclehr:.il<· Next 11·eek 11 ill find the Sizzler Family Steak House s in Costa t\.J esa a nd Huntington Beach observ- ing their sixth anniversary. And popping a fe\v but· tons for pride in another a chievement. Coincidental . to the birt11day. 1he occasion 'viii mark completion of the extensive altera11ons that BEAUTIFUL Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA\ATMOSPHERE na11ci>1g !\11glilly ·rurscloy 1/Jru Stoiday The Naturals I S'"•o•'" Sp•ci•I Sund•y Brunch -10:30 · 2:30 31106 COAST HIGHWAY, SOUTH LAGUNA Reserv•tions 499.2663 DON JOSE' Now Appearing Th• Sensational VIC GARCIA LTD. with vocals by GERMAINE IN THE FIEST A ROO ,\I FRO~! R:30 P ,\1 . lo 1 30 A.;! F1Nf5T M!lCICAtol FOOD AT r,;EASOtolAIL[ l'~ICIS HALLOWEEN PARTY FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 COSTUMES -PRIZES -DANCING e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad•ms (•t M..gnoli1) Hunt, 811ch 962·7911 ~~! TOP $149 g/RLOIN indudes fren ch fries or ba~.ed po!ato and Sizzler loa5t MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT TO, SllLOIN SPICIAl s1 z• WI ....... ,_.... ., '-ll JriM , , •• , , •...•• , ••. C"'*-U_., 1 J O-H.it r'rlc.e llUHTINCHON llACH ~ COSTA MESA l OWN I. COUNTlt'I' MH.t.G,l:l!N IOUAlt[ lust .... ....... •'2·"11 I E MI NO TEXACO ITAllOH &. 11111 I. 1•~11 """ 'U·llU CHILD'S PORTION li!Lf r.ICE (ChiWren """ 11) PHONE I! ... ILL IT!MS !Vlllffl[ TO !!IE 0111 have been under way in Costa 1-lesa to imporve the restaurant's overall appearance .. <\ si1nilar transi- tion 111as only rece rrt ly finished al 1-luntington Beach. \Vith significant changes in the e,'ilCriors and interiors of both locations. they have taken on a 1\·holly ne1v look that 1s ha nd some In concept and C'Xccution. TAKE A BOW , MEN O\vner Bill Ste\varl can certainly lake a couple of deserving bo\1'S for ushering in 'lhe Sizzlers' seventh yea r \vlth a lot of added eye-appeal. 'fhe sa me also for .Joh n La1,•lcr. 1nanager of the tlunt - 1ngton Beach Sir.zle r \\'ho is Lak ing <111 active hand in supervision of operations at Costa t.lesa these days loo. One of the n1ost striking innovations is the divid· ers ,~·hich have been placed bet \veen ro\l'S of booths and various areas 11·ithin the restaurants. The result is a feel!ng of n1o re privacy accompanied by a n 111- trea sed ~ense of reln.xation a nd co rn fort. NEW MENUS Other :.prucing·up features include 1.he in stalla· tion of new easy·t1>-read menu boards -utilizi ng a lot of clever and colorful art "'Ork -and a ltract1vc self.se rvice slalions for beverages . .-\ccenting every· thing is the rich tone of dark \vood panelin g on the 11 alls. I n keeping 11·ith 1he sp irit of change. the Slzzlers have inaugurated an C'Xpanded 1nenu \1·i th ne\v ite111 s being offered at lunch a nd c;l.inncr. l'uston1ers 1\"il l find all their old favor ites loo. Regular din ner of.fer111gs no1r include top sir· loin s teak, $1.49 : Ne\v \·ork, Sl.69 : Sizzler special. Sl.99 ; Ka nsas City. $2.3!1 , steak·a-bob, ~1.49 . r~rench fried gulf shri1np. 11·it h French fri es. Sl.29 .. !\.11 s teak s arc served \11ilh a choice of ba ked potato or French fries and Sizzler 1oast. 1'11E t1CF.A1,; AT YflVH T 1IBLE! SEAFOOD, STEAKS ANO GOURMET ENTREES DINE AND DANCE W<TI< JESS PARKER "T f l<I HAMMOND X-46 IANQU[T fACILI Tt lS Ol'lN SEYlN DAYS l I to 2 A.M. 536-2555 317 l'ecific C•nt Mww. H~~ti11,1111 1 ... ~h lj=:J I " " I 1..:I ''-'' ==.:.:.J ,. " ,. ., ,. " Truly Di stinctive Dining ~!l lu••no Our Soeco o! lfth f• BEEF, BOTTLE & BIRD SUO ,),,,~,, N;9hflv ~to ! I PM lunckoCI<' Fref» ! I :10 >,.M. -Mo~. +h·~ ~ ... AFTERNOON COCK TAIL HOUR ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DANCING ANO E:N TERTAINMCNT WITH MIKE: & JUDY NOW Al',EA•INW F•I., SAT. & SUN. NITt:S JACK KING -HYPNOTIST I RA"l1\D1t f ,\'1\n.'S 1 ROYAL PA.GE RESTAURANT 1050 WIST •ATElU., ANAHEIM ._..ti _ 77 .. 7tl0 MONDAY THRU SATU~DAY ARLENE SKILES •nd the DICK POWELL "RllO SUNDAY I 37 FASHION tsWID NEWPORT CINm .. ~" e""""'' & ero1ll"'• "'""" 1"1rtol n• 1111-rY•ll•rt• •644-2030. :: t: .. .. .o\ to::.sed green salad. v.•1th choice of bleu cheese , J·'rcnch or thousand island dressing. 1s available for 25 cents, and the re is a large chef's salad , \\'ith ham and cheese, for 89 {'e nts. MONDAY NIGHT SPECIALS .<\l\vays popu la r 1v1t h the family trade because good food is otfered a t very reasonable prices, the Sizzlers are even 1nore in vogue \Vith 'the average householder every f\.lond ay nig ht . That evening, from 2 ~o 9 p.m., the regular SJ ~9 to p sirloin goes at the rock botton1 tab of Sl.29. On the midday bil l o f fare. servred fron1 11 a .m. to 3 p.n1 .. lhe restaurants no1v have a lunc heon steak·a-bob. 11·ith baked potato or French fries and Si zzler toast, Sl.1 9: file! of halibut . \1•ith French fries a 11d Sizzler toast. 89 cent s; 11·eight 1vatcher. beef pattie ,,·ith jello or cottage cheese . 69 cents: baked ham or beef sand\l'ich. served on a poppy seed roll 11•itJ1 French fries. 79 cents. Cos ta f\lesa ·s Sizzler is loca led in l~1Jl g ren Sq uare, corner of J·:. 17th St and Santa .'\na. The ll un!ington Beac h address is 18852 Beach Blvd., To11·n and Country Center. Two Pros i 11 Concert 'fhose scel\ing something ne\v and d ifferent in the v.1ay of entertain1nent can gel in on the ground lloor at the Fisherman in ~luntington Beac h next \1·eek. For six ni ghts only . beginning Tuesday. Nov. 4. the res·taurant's lounge 1r1 ll present the first co1n- 1nercial appearance of the ne1v Bald\\·in P ro organ. Sitting in :J! the keys \1 ill be talented Jess P ark- er, the Fishern1an·s featured cn:ertainer 1vho "'ill S1\·itC'h fro1n hi s regular 1nstrun1enl -the f.lam- rnond X·66 -for this speC'ial one·ireek engagement. AUTOGRAPH PARTY \\'rapping up the publ ic d ebut of their versatile Cant inued on Page 24 3344 CORONA East DEL Coast Hwy, MAR Luncheon • Dinner • Cockta il$ TUf1D•Y 1$ IJllf•N•TION•L NIG HT te•lur~. dll!f,ent •xot!< """'" ll"Om • lorelgft l•nd. 1<1 ..Odl!lo" fQ our r~ui.r ..._ !lln e.,,.1.lion1 l~INll , ART Gallery I V LNI! ... Cl~ll At1111• "'"' '"''''• F..-Sa ... ,., .,.. ~111/.e "1?£.stautllif.t -, a11.d {;all1e11. -c 'F r~r .rinJ.:lr diru·rtn!.,., <lflop:htful ".jl ~rHtnp: lo mrl'l every 1nDOd .tnd t~~te. Well p1t:p.ii<l'd gourmet l'lenu-wroll ~rv~d. Slrolhn& • musiti.tni Mid •n 11mnsphe1e or ch.11rm •ml romincc. rn1oV 1hl• en(h.ltnling itmc;>51phere for luncll, cockt•ils, din~r. ,.,!xi, oprnini '°°°• the most e~tiling wine ull;;r in Sou1hem UlifCHni;ri, Resen-•tions suggested. 6+4·1700 Ext. SSl. 1107 ll"'hortt R<Md. Nrwpe'1 l•:o•h ' ' ' t •11Jllll!llll!lllll!ll!l•"ll .. l!l'!llll .. !111• .. !llll ........ !ll! ... --... .,., .... ""'""' ... --.... -----... ---------....... .,..,_"'""_~~~""::-'''_.,..._ --.. ·--·-,--.. ' I , • • • '!•I -DAIL v P_ll_o_r ______ _ , ~~~~~~~r 'N ABOUT ALLEY WEST , GALA HALLOWEEN PARTY COSTUMES e PRIZES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 1106 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach (-~,______ . ··-~r ~-r- ) Th, P'opWl•t f JAN DENEAU TR I 0 (,..,..., Thwr\doy, , Fticlov 011cl \ So:w•4G' ("•illfi "f/ "'""" u. ..... ,,,. ... .,...!. &13-4tll 3>·~ ..... ,,~ ,, 1'h1• Jolly Roger ,~t:R\'l.VG Di\11.Y ll1•t•ukfu"'· * l .u11cl1 * Di1111er FINEST IN FAMILY DINING BUCCANEER CUT OF PR IME RIB FLAVOR .CRISP CHICKEN GROUND SIRLOIN STEAK TERlYAK I STEAK STEAK AND LOBSTER JUMBO FRIED SHRIMPS OR SCALLOPS CATALINA BROADBILL SWORDFISH CAPTAIN'S CHOICE. NEW YORK ST E.AK COMBINATION SEAFOOD PLA TE SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FOR LITILE PIRATES UNDER 12 All d•noer\ ~erved with 1oup or ~<1 l<!l d, (hoice or French fr 1e'., whipped p of<!lto or b.t k•d. Hot home- m a de bre<!ld1 . RELAX WITH OUR NEW DOUBLE BUBBLE COCKTAIL HOUR IN THE LOUNGE ONLY 4T06DAILY MIKE JORDAN DUO Monday th ru Saturd•y -8 :30 to l :30 2300 HARBOR BLVD. • Costa Mesa 540-8535 I I , I OUT WEEKENDER ,J,_ .. _.,..,. ;'~tt .., .... .,...~~""'J1'.'"&-ll''"C ____________ ......... .,,., ............. ..., .... -;o .... •:. .. L••-..._' ..._ ' _... Continued from Pi19e ll ne1\' 1ns1ru1ncn1, lhe l3aldv.·1n Company 11 tll host a record autograph1.ng party for .Jess, Sunday, ,'\01 - e1nber 9, starting at 2 p.1n. FoUowing an organ concert by the artist, he \Viii autograph complirrientary ropies of his new al- bum -"Two P ros in Concert." All selections on the record \\'ere pl ayed on th e Baldv.1in Pro. l l you haven't yet caught the excite1nent Jess stirs up as a pC'rforn1er. this looks like a d ou ble- barrclcd occasion for doing ~O-There are .!!Orne fu ll ba nd s around that can't produce all the 1nusic th is guy c reates. ·rhe F'ishern1an is located at 317 Pacific Coast J·li gh1\·ay. next to the entrance to the pi er . Hunting· ton Beach . Royal Pal!" .\loving up n11d-counly la st \reek . 1\•e made an c,·cning of it at one of the brightest spots in the v 1- c1nity of Disneyland. Locate for the fine food and enler1ainn1ent 11·as the Rn.val Page Restaurant and 1 ... oungc of lhe Hn111ada Inn. 1050 \\'. Kalella. ,.\na- hein1 . Of the rn any pl;ices around !he ainusement park that offer visitor:; the wo rk s-e ve rything from holel accomn1odations. restaurant. coffee shop to cock- tail lounge and tours -the Ra mada must surely rate among the highest for satisfied customers. Because tha t's the group v>'e counted ourselves a mo~g and 1\'e only look advantage of part of their :1en•1ces \\le .. drovc ho1ne tater. of course, but everything At the Newporter ;::::·~·r, ·. 'Li /he The l·lerb and Joe Trio is performing nightly, c.\· cept Sunday, in th e Lido Lounge of the i'\e11·portcr Inn, 11 07 Jamboree Road. J\-ev.'porl Beach . Jovial quips and conternpOrary humor punctate the m11!.1- it. Herb Payson plays the p1ario. Joe T\1arino, flule FLl NGZ(£rf cal menu whi ch is as varied as the patrons 111ant ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHn A WEEK and bass and Joe Sha\v. dru1ns . abo1e ii·e m lef1 . All ,hree render the vocal~. Frorn 8·30 p.m. DA NC I NG l':'.M,-:o:-:•",.-::ru~n~,,'.'w"1"'•,., 1_:_:_:_:::..c_:_:::..c_:_::_:,c:c_: _ _::__:,:_cc_:c_cc_: __ .--: HAP HALL DUO * L•rry L15ce being as pleasant a s il 1ra:-:. don··1 t hi nk the 1 en1 pl a~ "''"' J.io• • .,.,. •n ••11 S ing~r tion didn't exist lo check into lil"ing quarter!) for a n,,, ttir• SMR. ~ stay. Re•r·Mel1 Thi1•ter ~~"'Ji:£ Cost• MM• 145 L 1'"-St. Jdt •ff N1wpett ...... Real Cantonese Food ••t her• or t15ce horn•. ST AG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st pl., Newport Be•ch ORiol• 3-9560 o,. .. ,_ .,. ....... ,,. 12-11-ftt ..... Set .... J e .•. e Authentic CHINESE DINNER _ $ L89 & up e Chinese BUFFET LUNCHEON ,!'$ 1,45 * e Chine.• BUFFET DINNER+ . $2,99 * e Sund•y Ch•mp•gno BUFFET+ $3,29 * • -Childr•n ..... , 1 z.s1 .oo -All y•11 c•11 "' • -EH1crive N•"'""' J. Jt't TEMPLE GARDENS WEEKENDER SPECIAL \Vhich the Inn makes even more enticing 11·i th an offt!r called the Weekender Special. Roon1 fo r lhe EVERY SATURDAY Fash ion Show & Luncheo n Buff et $2 ,00 DELANEY ~S Jeo_~~}t IT'S LOCAL LOBSTER SEASON Fresh Daily From The Boat Select Your Din ner Lobster Live From Our New T dnk Open Daily 11 A.M. -2 A.M. CHINESE RESTAURANT 1500 •••"'' iAt ".,...,, c.,,. ,...,. _ '"" 140•1,17 630 E. Lido Park Dr., N.8. -675-0100 ~;;::::;;;;;;:;'·;;·;'~··;;;::;G. -•e'"'..,;•;;;;M;"~";: .. ;;;;c;; .... ;;;;-,;; •• ;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;I--••• rH~l~wers Reserv1tions: 494.6574 Open Daily OBERHANSLl'S • OF LONDON Ste•k e Ste<!!~ & Kid ney -· • '/\'GLISH itlt:1\T l'IES • • •ESTAU•ANT AND e suuo,1.v e:ilJ~'H • COCIOAIL LOUNWE e t "'Tr ~-""L " • 0 11;111<. OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOW&RS WING Of •,;,_ '"· n1ghl (1-~rn!ay , Satuld<Jy l!r SunJ..i.\ l, <linnfr for [\\O Hnd a bolllC' uf L"h<.1n1pagne "l\1e111 y-f1\'C dollar)) per couple. S111111cl!) 11!..~· ,111 the f.!lerncnts for a pcrfc:<:l gel- ~n\·av frorn habitual \\·eekentl purs uits. The nc"'e~t udd1llon to the Ran1ada Inn chain. the J\nahci1n operation \\'ent into business only la.~t .J llnc ~I. :\nd the l{oyal Jlagc already seems to be \ _\ 1ng for ·the tu11 n':-; top re::.tuurant honurs . ' DINNER SE LECTION S L(·nd1n g 111!0 thl' d1n11er cntrce:. there 1s .~oup du )ou r and the J{oy;il J'<Jgl' ::.;.dad . setccted c11s p, <:old ~rcens ser ved \\"Jth ;1 Lilo1ce of the s pecial house dressings. :\nd <in appe!JlC! !'.\!Ch 3!'1 ;:i hair grape· lru1t or gourn1ct fruit cup, ENTREES Su n1c of thi: entrcc:. \IC cOn!--Jdt·ri:d before ~elect· 1ng included bl a<:k 1\ngus roast prune rib of beef. au JUS. crearncd horseradish . S-4.9;j , grilled ('<1ta- l1na ~11ordfish . muslard butter. $3.75 ; tende rloin o( beef ~trogano!L rite pdaff or baked polato. S4 50: doubJt• Clll f"rcnch l::in1b t hOfl '-S.) 95. ·rhuse 11·e settled for . nlUl'h to t·1 cry t.1 s te delight. 11ere beef en~brc•che ltc m<irinatcd 111 111ne. f're !->h 111u:.hruon1.,, 1\·1th cho1tc uf rice pd ulf r;r baked po· !<1to. S4.5-0: ,·e:il cordon blcu ( n1<Hle 11·ith f1let of 1·eal), S11•iss cheese. c.·~nad1a11 st3·le ham, baked in riven. s pecial saure. 53 .95 . St.i ll other possibillt1es herr are eastern choice lqp sirloin steak. 54.75 ; Ne1v \'ork c11t steak. 55.95: liroi lcd 1n1pnrted lobs1cr !ail .~. Sfi.50 : planked chateaubriand Bouqutiere. hearnaisc ffor l\\'O l. Sl3.50 : boned breast of chicken a l;.i Kiev. sauce supren1e. ~3.95 CHILDREN'S PLATES 'rhrcc ~pf'ciaJ children's plates tundcr I'.! yea i·s), !'<.'f \ cd \1·1th French fries and tnilk :\i':D ice cream or .~herbet II·~ n!l of the d inner 1s eatPnJ arc ground round pa tty. SLIO : hot turkev :;and11·ith. Sl.50 : F"rench fried shriinp, Sl.liO. · ENTERTAINMENT I{ you get to the restaurant during the <:ocklail hnur. 4 !o 7. the popular entertainer Kelly performs at the piano bar. Later there is nightly dance 1nu sic .ind entert..ainment by 1\fike a<id J udy. . Luncheon is s erved at the Ro:va l Pac:e from 11 .30 a .n1., hlonda.v through Friday, and dinner "even 111glits a v.'eck frorn 5 to II p.1n . "Buon 111angiarc, ro111anzc. ,.,..,,,,.,.~do/cc: 11ira." f&f?'W'~-7 1~, 6J2·97J l ;~.-.(I r~-ii.~ !.'1.11( H-..y., '-<"'ivrl l:k~<h ENTERTAINMENT BY THE PHIL DESANTO TRIO MASCOLAS STEAKS e SEA FOODS • PRIME RIB MEDITERRANEAN SPECIALTIES Livel y Eri t1rt1inmeot Tue1.ch1y thru S1turd1y Ni!lht• THE TAFOLLA BROS. JOHN a nd NOAH 16\S EAST 17th STREET -SANTA ANA R11erv1tion1 547-9511 ARCADIA ~1'-'C£ 1•.ll -AIRPORT Featuring Steak • Chicken • Italia,, Cui~ine: Serving Late Dinners •• ,. II 4 M l )I! A 1"' .-,, I. S11. >?·DO l·Je A II 1;,. ·L•~· ... ~. 11.:,, : 1 t .. ,p,r1i..:.·o .. c.• l '"' '·'f ~"' aoc ~o•• '( 8'"" .. , ... l St1o1 k and M u1hroom\ • Park \lit Veal & Hem • Cornith P1 1t ir11 • S1us •91 Ro l1 1 . , I MP'ORTED IRITl$H fOODS e All fOOD TO GO IJSI SOUTH tO•~~~~H~~d S AN?.G~?:E:~H c~u ·o ~~,. ~~~~~~~~~~~d~,b~~~~~~ : .".~.~.~.~.~.~.".~.~.~.~.~.~.~.""."-"'.""."'--.-.-.-.-". • • • • m • • • • • •' """"'JO""J_,.J_LC,_C, 1724 N. T111ti• A••· 270 I . 17th $!, I ( ~ • 'i'OU'LL ENJO't' OUR ll~~~o~··::ii·•~·~":;;',~":;;"~~c;;: • .,~.;;:M~n;;:• ~"~',iii"~"~~I= ~ &'~ ~ Ca~;E~ E~~~m : MIDDAY • • FAER IJl1~E 4 1'\'D DANCE ,4T THE BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GAR·DEN 1 B5B2 Beach Blvd, HunlillCJlon Beach 968-5800 ENJOY THE DYNAMIC SOUNDS OF HICBAEI, THE ONE-MAN BAND FROM VIENNA llAl'PY BOllRS Tues.· Wed. -Thur. -ST• 10 p.m . .SllND4 l ' rs f,i\DIES NIGllT Escorted Li1dl•1 P•y Only H•lf Price For Dinner DANCING EVERY FRI,, SAT, & SUN, HALl,OWEEN DAl\'CE , SAT., NOVEMBER 1 Pri1e1 for The Bett Costum•• ~k• Your R•Mrv•tiont Now OPEN DAILY FROM 11 AM SUNDAY FROM l PM CLOSED MONDAYS LunchMn Served Until J:OO p.m. ' ' :: ENTERTAINMENT-l SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING : SUNDAY '• •• • • 1: • I: 1 •• ' ' Monday th ru Saiurday JACK COSTANZO Featuring GERRIE WOO CONTINENTAL CUISINE 21112 OCEAN AVE, IC:oosr Hwy,/ -HUNTINGTON IEACH -Sl6·1421 ' ...... -··! •. 'li..;. ____ .;:_ ··~''"~' Ne"Wport Bei1 ch, Casta Mesa •nd Huntington Beach areas - Newport Be•ch •nd Cost.ii Mes• Call 646-7136, 17th & Tustin For Huntingtan B•1ch C1ll 847.1214, Be•ch & Heil • I~ r '·I ·r ... "' .+ 11 ~1. • l ' lfllW~ I' I 111~ I )u111"l ,\.11~ ,. /' •1·, • .\llll [,,r (', '~'' I !11.111,..,, • (__. iuo,.;\ Ill I. ~IAP, C.At11~·11!/'JI \ • 1'11n-.:1· (714) "75-1374 •' • .r-~~~~~~~"'11 RIVIERA 1'1£5TJ\UftANT Continent1I Cuisin• Cac5cti1ils Serving Lunc~on and Dinnt:r Monday through Saturda11. rli Closed Sundp11s '1 Open fo~ • J Prioote Parties 011111 w, are loc1ted ne1t to the M<!ly Co. •11 South Co1st Plat•. J lll l . lri1tol C01t1 M.,. S40-Jl4fl ~, 0 --..-----..... --~_. ....... ....,...__,~-.....,.,_...,....,...-...,...,..._ ................ ------------........ . ~ ~ .. -. -. --·------. ~' .. Rai·e Lih1·::11·y A1·1 At Sa11 L11is Re y • 11111 1\\1ss1on :-inn Lui.; RP'. ne!•!" Occans1dl0• o!ftrs the pu1JJ1l' a sp('o..:1:1111ppi1r1tu111 ~ '" exani1n(' di. r:.irf' l1t.r.1r\ rol· lccuon~. ;1n111·1•t t!<1curn1·11;; and photoi;r.1ph~ l r:11n ll:L' mls~iun ·s arctuves in a l\.\'•1- day exhibi t this ~;1lurday and Sunday. F ranr1 ~r;111 j 1· 1 ,1 r guides will hi· prl'"t'n! 1ri r \ µ1<1111 the un1qut' r11lt1•!':,u11 \11 ilf(' t·ordially 1111 1\cd Sludc nls ~1 r. ti pru:c ~~or " front th L' l 11 1 ,·cr ~11, "! C:ihlor ~u,, 1 ·:.i rnpu:-1·~ .~l S.111 f)u·go and al ll.i11s .1, 11~·11 :i~ lron1 Oec1dcntal ( 'olll'~<' :111~1 the Cn1vC'r~11y uf \, ,, ~1~''" "· h;n c het•n 11~111~ 1h 1•" l' rr~ourrcs !Jr r 1· ~ t' :i r ch relating to h1$1o rv l'f 1h1' lllJSSIOIL and it~ ('11\ 1i·1.1n~ fl lt"llC(· (:utrt'lll i~ ifllh C'l"lllUry ~f1;JJIJ•il ,,r\ T ho• ~.;.:11.illll"•"', ;.i l1h· .. 1gli l•·;:1ll!•. \\(fl' .. u. I IOlh !} i.h -"l!,ll1t•<l l !l dC!)' (ll"UJJ ~ • ·~1tll!·r1t·11\11g :11 d Ill -"''fl " :lS ;:o:!ht•n(1{' s1.·a!~ • Tht• ()Id :0.11~·lO!J l.ibr :i ry 1•.;1, the first 111 S.'.111 Diego·, ;\or!h (\11111 tv .\ p .. rt1al 111· 1 t·ruory Jf !l:. 11uldlng:. t·an I.Jr '1•1 !I penned \Ill tl•t" flv le;;! of "iif' of the ;i n{'i('nl hooks h1· I 1 1n~·1~~·:i11 l':tdl'I' \ 11 I u 11 l fl I '1•1·r1 lHitcns .if thr origina l I ~,1.,1r1 \11!u:uc~ 11111 b e c11•:;L11 rd ; T..,;9'11 •I I BEST PICT• DFTllYUI! t'-l 1rrol 1lnl top!I:.~ ol ~1n1· hf the original r~1"11r.i~ u1 !)u· 1111s:--1011"!< <11·tr1111·" 1•111 !Jt" irn dl~pl<.iy Of p;1 ru,·ulrir 1n1c!('"' <Jre the rubrie~ ul 1)1t• p:.utn, .. · .. 1i;nature!i .,.. h u ~ e 11111 ir·,11c de~1i;ns refltTI 1la.' 1.J;iruquc 111· \ •pt"l"IJI p.lrt ur tht• t..1rlv ll<~•h. 1·11llt'1"fh,rl I· ,1 ;JJ \'O]lltllt! •· t 1d1·n111 11"i (}v 1111• t.ir:.ind-. 1111 011• ~hL·•·p:-.k1n t"01er:. :i nd 11ic ~tLll legtlilt• .~1g11a:ufl'S 1n~1dr . Tht•-.i.: I '"-'k; ;1rl' l-.11011 n U1• ll1l·:.e ;uut 01\hcr :.1}('c1al 1n;P ~­ tn)'.!~ 10 ha1 e Uct n u.,o•d hrt1•<'111 li!l8 ;ind !6::4 hv l ,Hlrr 1'1•1r1 <111d his F r.in· :-0,Jrl J.1!1 Ji • I \l lS~Jlln h l11c.i1cd 1111 .'1.11c H1gJJ11.i_1 ~11. !!Jr•·'" in.It's c<bt o! U..:e:J11:.11Jr CHE ERS -P<·tcr O'Toole as ~·Ir. Chips is cheered by n1any of the Sherborne :-it1101•I :-itudt'nls 11'ho appear in the f\1GJ\J production. ''Goodbye. f\1r . f'hip., ·• l'l•lt1l<:1 t·la rk and ~ir f\Iichael Redgrave also star in the f1ln1 \vh ich1~ being pro- d JL"t'd b.v .l\rthur J->, J acobs. • AL L SEATS 75 c " •• : . : '• ~ • .•• •• •• .... , I Liza Minnelli ·Wendell Burton · llm Mclnlire _, .,,... ~ .. f"0'-1 rrfoJ!t~i:rc<u:w" ~1 0,. ~.:~O'~ ..... "'"" .... ·~ ..... ·.-! ( .• Joi-vi Nichols D:rviJ La~c /1 1.tit""J Sorm.~: , Alon J. Pc~ ;:J Fred Ka~: 1 n·····' I ~ . ,. ·~ 3 1-!Df N.......--•...,.ty-,. ., -.., '<T"-•r • '11.•:.• ~J-' ~~:fo-.:j.lo/1~~ it-: ... ..:~;ir'A ~·' ~~l•n ~II>.___ ... !_···--..--- •-EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN-• ~ECOND FEATU RE AT IOTH TH EATERS 'Go ocllJye, Mr. CliiJJS' On Screc1i at Lust "Goodbye. Mr. Chips," sl Jf· ring PC'tl'r o·roo\c and Pet ula Clark. \\"ill ha1·e its gala \rest coast prcmirrl' NovcmC'r -; at the F'ox: \\'ilshirl' Thra!l•r, BC'l'Crly Hills. lt all startNl in Ocinbrr . 1964. \\'Oen producer Jacobs ;ind ,,G,! fi rst dei:1rlcd to put Janu~s Hilton "s cl;1ss1c lo1c s!nry to inusiL'. T h i s st1n111lated rx tr3ordinary in · tcrcst tha t has been unrlag· g1ng ::ill through the tune 1l hfls laken to assemble the pie· !11n' an d to photograph Jl - \\Jlh much love -in the 1dvll1e green countryside of Dor~C't, F.ngland. I '"lt 1\•as too special a project !n hurry." reported ,Ja cobs .I ""Terence Rattigan \\'rol e his, screcnplav \\"ith great La re. niold1ng rt down to th(' l;:ist nuance. Then l\'e \\".'.llted till : Pclt'f a1!d P('t \\ere fret> because 1-1·e thought thein 1dcal 1 for the leading roles. In the '1 111 r a n t i m e , Oscar·\\'lnner U>sli e Bricusse created 121 mus:cal numbers .,.•hich arc u<;C"d in a very origina l manner I 1hat he and dirl'Ctor J~erbert Ross developed.·• I During thl' five mo nths that ''\.nodbye, r.1r. Chip!;" "'as ac· 1uallv in front of the cameras. 1nt('rC.;1 in the footage pro1npl· cd .Jacobs to put logctiler a 3~-minule ·•san1plc"' of the f1lm·to·b<'. r.1B~t cxcculivc:; 11 err d('!1gh\{'d ;md ~('reencd 1L fnr promotion purposes. Th:it "as like ;;dding logs lo an I ;rlrrady roa ring fire. The ~!ollnn Picturr and Telrvision Helie! fund im-: mediatrly picked the pictu re as it~ "prem iere of \hC' )'C'a r." and Sunday kick-off picnic at !he r.lPTRF' Country House 1n \\'oodland Hills broUghl 011t a reeord number of st;ir~. A harb1ngC'r of lhr cclt'brity lurn-0ul expected Novernb<>r 7 a! the opening of the reserved· St'at exclusive rngagrment. groups ~ign 1ng p e r r or n1 a n cc s \\"OS the \\"oman's Council or KCET. thC' educat iona l TV channel. So enthusiastic v.·crC' these ladies. I hry engaged iJl a game of t•r1cket. no le ss. on r.l.CM's Lot 2 to sf)Otlight their camp:iign. What kind of motion picture inspires such response ~ The s!ory 11f i1 dcdic~led headmaslrr \\hose life 1s fulfille1I bv 11le woman he lores. u·s iold ln unilbil.:>hrdly ron1anl 1c terms and photographC'd largely at historic Shcrborne Sc ho o 1, STANl[Y 11ua111c.: fllOOUCnON 2001 11-ith sornc scce~n~,~-s~d!o~n~e~1~·n£~~~~~~~~~~~~11 London and s<:uthe m Italy. ....... ,~•" • ·~o r.o,,..., -•• · ••~·•••• 11 ... u~ GAlllHll l•D'+'l • IAll OllllO '"y~ 'TIIE ITALIAN ,JOB" ~ "llll\Jl•U~I '~ -'LU~ Ta lk around 1011n was hr1ph!rnrd hv rrf)Or ts froml;o=:o=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:==:=:=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;==,, !hr \\'a~h1ng!nn. [),( . .<nC'ak rirt··.·rrw \.\ h1ch J;111drd 1t1r f!IC· lurf> anrl l!'Toole's "Ar;iril'my ' A1\:1rd r a 1 i her '' eharac· l('tJ7;Jll OTI : A1nong the rnany pn.•..,11ge ' Jult& A "d'~"'' i" "Tho1e w.,. The Hoppy T1mn"' l"lU~ '"TH ( ,.IM( Of' MISS JEAN lltODIE" wi•h M.99•• 5..,;11.. CO .. T• .. uous SUNDAY, 1 P'.M. 1-- THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING -I ~RAM The Mot:o" p;clur• Code end Relino;i Ad,.,ini1lr•lio" •ppli11 f~e fo!lowin9 r•linq1 lo film1 di1tributed ;., O•e U.S.A. POc. lu••• 11l•d G, M er R quelify fo• th. Code Seel. ~ Pic luret ••led X do 1101 re cei•e I 1 s •• 1. The 1•lin91 epply to pitlur e1 1ele.11d efler No.em. be• t, 1'168. Pic lure• r1 le11ed ... ed •• p•••;ou•fy ! end/or SMA ) • [Q}-Su99e1t1d fo r GENEIAL .,,.dience1. IMJ-Su99•tled for MATUll eud;e11ce1 IPer111t•I d;,. cretion ed,.iwd I . @-IEST•tCTED -Pe rsont v"d1r 16 nof •d..,ill1d. unit•• •ccompe•;•d Uy ~•••nf o• edult 9u1rd· -hrw1tt ""'-' 16 "ot odlf0111•4. Thit '9' ,,. 1t•icl<o11 mey be ~;qher h ct rl1 ;" '''''· Check t11e-rnesa Tr .eatr•? ol F1-ic. ~J Evv Appo 1ntm'2r:i_ts NFWPORT AND HARBOR IN-CO-STA. fl\ESA TELEPHONE 541-1552 fOR INFORMATION SEE IT ONCE AGAIN WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS IT IS LIFE ITSELF ... RAW BEAUTY I r~ All ITS JND MAJOI FIATUIE W..tr: hys 0.. Sff•I .. lee• lwe. '°"' ., 1 -4 JHIYA60 .. l :SO 5•t. ••.t S1111. ZHIYAGO at 1:45 & t :OO BARGAIN MATINEE WEO. 1 P.M. $1.00 COOKING SCHOOL ON STAGE THUii .. OCT. JO, NOV. 6, 1J. 20, t A,M, P'-"'"' by o • .,.,.. Co•t c~...,.._,111 -PRIZES- ADULTS ON LY ,LU.SI! -Alie 111 Color- MAllON IRANDO e RICHARO ICON[ • llTA MORENO ;n th• E•c•l•no;t N~w Su1penH1 Th.al~·- "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" NOW -FOR ONE WEEK ONL YI Fint Tim• Shown Tottl'Mr -A11ywhtiw "Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantly thought out perfonnances seen in a long time!'~ ... Reed 2nd HIT Introducing !Me plans for a new business venture: ht AREA RUN i MICHAEL CAINE I ! '"TllE fLUL\N J()fi" NOW! •• 3rd WEEK! The l'lffDWOMrul of Clfl\ILLOT ''FIDELITY FOR A FANTAS Y! There is tho spe ctacle of Kartharine Hepburn! Everything about the film is staggerin gly high-class. 'The Madwoman of Chaillot' dramatizes the triumph of good over evil, the efficcicy of illusion , the virtue of individualit y, the fo!ly of war!" -~l Y. TIMES "THE TALENT COULDN'T BE MORE IMPRESSIVE! Katharine Hepburn pl•ys th e title role -a deliciously daffy crea· fur e, full of warmth cin d whimsy . Brydn Forbes is a gifted d irector. Edward An halt, a writer of distinction!" -N. Y, Q.-,llY l~!WS "A MASTERFUL, ARTFUL MOVIE FULL OF FUN W ITH MEANIN G! A tre - mendou s 4chievement in film dtf. A movie jammed with s p.!!rk ling pe rform.!lnces, glittering lines and witty concepts. Miss Hepburn i$ magnificent . The entire cast pe rform s superbly. 'M.,dwoman ' is beautiful!" -LONG IS LA ND PRESS The PlliDWOPll\O ofGHlULLOT "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BETTER MOVIES! Funny, Romaotic, Touching!" -G01U1111ltlli' Mlpzir 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" WJTH MA.Mii SMITH * World Premiere En9a9ement * • ·. ·. .· . -. . ' . :-• . .• .• . . ;,. •• .-. . ....................................................................... --........... -------------------------------------~--------.. ~ ... -. ?6 t>.e.I LY P!lOf Minelli's 'Sterile Cuckoo' T l \Dl'Ll'S .t:. rinm!' "'1lne~~ in a Sl'nalt men ls a symbol or resistaoce 1•101·H' y 1.1idl' 1, 1,,r11111 111 \llu·. ~111r~ u( Lvcknt·\ c·r1111f• hearin)! Roher\ against lht enemy on tht evt' hii Ilic 11 °,,1 ~ 1 u11111 t/ee or :.cdu~l'r ur "urnen 11 ho 1:. \ a'ug'rln of the Battle of tht Bulgt. The II , (' ·r un~rupu\ous 1n hi~ rnarn t'On· 8,.,, ,-,,,, ,, 1,,. '"••np'-ll se\\1ng is the Ardennc.s foresl IHu(lr uo11 ,1 d I' l .\J r\ v '-uc t•-· I .. B qut·~1~ ~1u:hael Dunc. Shtlle~ 1,1,: \\'hen al,. s. Air forct' in "" winte r o l 4. url Joh n ('!er/,-., ;-1 ~('s1dcn r \\into:r• ,111i<n!ron rt'lurns lor 8 rE.'u nioo Lancaster. Jean.Pierri!' Au- c111rl .\/,~ !1111· .\1,t'••11t r1 Boo111t Anll Cl"dt': Tr1.11· 1 1 lh mont and Patrick O'Neal. ' Li :in ta 1an lown t>}! oc-1~ curru11111rc clin111•11111_ JI •h'f' ol 1wu b<ink robber:; and tup1ed zo ~'ears pre l'iO\lsl~·. an The Gay Dtteh1ers tR\: A 1~ 111'('11drd 111 11 •f'f/'tl'r1r1· killers in the &luthil'eSI t!Llnng cntcrpnsln g rnatron tries to cornie""s~tire about \wo ~·oung 1•1 rtC'fl'rn11 11,i111 ... r11Q/1• lhr depression. \\'arren Bc:ut_i copr .. 1111 three l'eterar.!> cacti mrn who a ttempt to avoid tht· ri/111, }('"' (I' •111" nf/f' ;;;nd Fa~e lJunaw<iy. of whorn bel1e1·es he 1~ thr draft by pretending lo bt t1101n1s 11<11/ ~t II tl'1/)i.'(fr llullill 1.\f 1; Ste1·c J\tcQuecn ra ther uf hi>r daug hter Gina homO!ICXuals. Kev in Coughlin, 1frrl,/t1. Yo1.r .ic 1, l!r1· 1r. Hu!htt. a S:in Franl'IStO 1.otlobrigid;1. Janet Margolin. Larry Casey and Broo ke Bun- ,·u/ic11rd ,\/ad 1/tf'•• "' ~1 11 11.,l1('e dell·'\hc Hf· r~ a·~1gn-!'toter LawlOrtl dy. re r.u1dl', l'(HI'" '1 1/1r 4'd lu prol l'("\ :o1 CJ 11i:ago ~· 1 " RI • 1111_.. 1 ... _ Good , lb< Bod,''' lht D.~J LY Pll~OT. b t effi db I ..,aslt n.eep I : ,.r · 1 '""" '"' ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~"::::::'~'~·'~"::::::::::::'::::::~Y~'::::::"°::::::"~"~·1~:in!-'-''-'-'-''-'-'-"-"'c'-'-'-"c'_"_'"-"-"-'-'' __ c_·cgcly_,_An __ 1_,,_1_,,_n_w_e_'_"_'_"_w_;_1h """" Fi"jwsouTH coAsT "'"'" A ~LAZA THUTRE C::ORPOllA!OI SAii 0..0 ff'MWIY at lliltol • 546.271 1 OPEN 6:45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Academy Awards '"~tUC•~C. BEST ACTRESS -Kathar ine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -~·-...... '( , ....• K'So:~l l(Yl-.{ -M ~l-\'.O (~WS...-111 ~ PETER 'l!.b KATHARINE O'TOOLE ;r~ HEPBURN . • '4AolTIN l'OI. ( lHE LION IN WINTER · .. ::-:,,,., . ''"'~"·"'''-~ ALSO ... ZERO MOS TEL '" "THE PRODUCERS" EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY SHOWJN&S! . • • .iO ,.,. Crossword Puzzle J {It I ! l r 111go'l!J r sound 5 P t•IJYll~ barn smger 10 Walt ry 14 Ru s\!Jn 1,1nqt 15 I" 1'1 t slo qh tt ~l !!ri;re•· 2 word~ l~ l:tr1 o! g~ r,1rr., 1 g otar 17 S.1l t La•r {.dy leJt1:rt 11 E~t rCISt •o~al 00~1{'1\ ZO Pul a11\ of 0H1t e 1! "And·-·"' 22 Put into Stt·11c e 23 N~mrly : 2 ward~ 2 ~ Co111pa ~~ point 2blr~ns­ por ta 1 1n~ rn'dium or • so•: JQ ~UbltC ! ol many sermon\ Jl Soc1~1 aHa1 r· 3'i l:~l.~n 11t1st ar'lf s c1tnt15t· 3 word~ 4l Ph y by -·· (3 Quebet scenic J •ta (4 P u: tio 45 Forced ~1 Tree ~'i lr1\n ~·~I· m1\lon. '" ~a F 1m1!v •1•emb ~r· ln lor-n i l 51 0 11ry product 53 Bor d 5) SwePl -·· Sb C hair "'a~t1's maieri1! bl ----and c l e~1 bl Advenlu•Ou \ ~p+ri I b4 -··· U1 jar or M.11101 !.5 Fetd 1 '"' bb Once mc•t b7 H1qh lt ,, tor ont b8 All 111 L~ Fut l DOWN ~'lo w husm t s5 g•rmtn1 2 Turkty's 11e1 ~hbor 1ra~tc1y e11playft . 2 words > Parct! !Ju: 1 S~t in of yarn l j 8 11d II Propti'. \3 1pa ',t• ] WOl~~ l 2 i< ~y 13 S•t1ia'1on of d1 lfotullt 1 ~ Tu1n 1nlorrttr 2 ~ PrtllHlilr r 1rea~ 15 Mr. Brod1t ~b 'tork 'd "P 11 Clost by; Arc/la1c 28 til oa'fl 1 ---···: 2 words l'I Color )\ ~1 ss Gardntr JZ P l•~' 10 31 blJ :s C~n1ed Oil J 7 Fem 1n1n' nd~' 40 Vie nt h\Jrritdly 41 I.Ian's-n.1m' 4b Dtstroy'r of property JB Spoil'd 51 '-l urn e11cal preh x ~l Resu!l or 1 survey S3 Run do~·'\ ar e• 54 c~u 1td 0 1\ thf pe1so•1 55 Gardener'~ concern 57 Bun ktr ~8 Fork lt ~ln1r 5'J Sam ewnere be twee11 parts eas11 RIDl!R 2 v.010~ 34 R tlat1~~. of a sort 30 Pt rm 1ss1011 J8 B 111d by I as tin g 3 C a ptu1~~ 4 Mtrr1m~r1t 5 Bral il1a1 port t. Miss h agen ~J>dtd by many }3 ··---c~vtll: Peal: IM thP Rockies bQ Tailed amph1b1A1 b3 M~~e • I 1vln g labo1oouslf l1t 5 , I\ 12 ll " " " " NOW . " ' -~; : : . ·.·--·· . " 16 17 18 ,, P~f~R FC :~;.err:· :·s HOPPER .. . _,...._ ;..-: ..... l OlW'S CENTURY21 THEATllE f 10 .. l Ul l•O ••• • l'<l"ll~ 111 1901 s~o•11111t1 7:00 . 8:45 and 10:35 P.M • '" .. )L ·1 -~ l"AC/flC'S ORANGE DRIVE·IN i..-11 a.,.,._.. ..... t..,. ..... ···-"''""·' "EA SY RI DER" at 9:00 PM ··uu NS ot lhe · MAGNlf ltENT SEVEN~ S.,own ot 6 :4!i • 10 :4 S PM ,, " ,, ,, .. " ... MllTCHMllKERS A-i BSOL UTH Y NO B-HO C-NOT SURE D-YlS to I I . ' ' 1 c 0 l •• , , •• W"ttm10•l•lllt mttli"l ~fW 9fDDle' E-ABSOLUTU T YES I I I I C ll l ~~culd It• tdoc111on be lluf nt out~oat DI 1~t ~011"1 ' c 0 [ DD )OU ,rettl ltlh1l•tli lfllh l~t OPOOSl1t It• mut "'~ •ti~ J'llll" •••' ~ t C O t Oo 1ou btlit•t orlJet t•• 1n1 1uente your l1t1• ' C 0 l OD yo• sonel1mes lla•t he;idx hts en 11x.~1cne1 11\" 1 dolht ut\ (l)'' t C D l Do voe t ftJor pnt1c1~1t1ni: •n clubs a11d sac1•I ortan.11hon1' ~ A C 0 E fh y11 •t lieve ti 1s 1cc1pt.lble tor •oont n ta +n1t11te d1!11 •11-1111•' ~ CO l OD ,ou li•e tilt one you 'rt toftd o! 10 bt dtmo"~1r1bl1 1ltect11n1tt' In t O l Doe~ four ptrsonal rtltt•O• ..-philo1aphy include 1 hh 1!11r iltJ lh1 11 l C 0 [ t .tn you no1lly re U Sit t, e~11 ly 1nd 1ltt p soundly' !2, 1 C D E Do yol! prelu 101n1 t ut !Dtially lo 1t;ry1nt ~11ttlf 11 hD1t1t! ! ) I B C D f Dac1 '1opless .. enlert11nmen! have J b1d t tlt ct o" the 1DeCIJlor1? l~ 1 B C 0 l c,n you 11vc •1retUrft111tthoo wilheut he11Ut+on ti re1h11"I! I~ B C 0 I: Da 100 bel1evt chu1che1 hJ•t 1 1!ront in!luenc1 1o upr r1~r t~I 11...eral Mlf&llty • lG 8 c ~ ! Do you •nt ~Pl IDd lla•n1 In lll OOd -.1thout DbVIDUI rt110~· 11 B C 0 l Oo foU olten f tl t~c lce!lnf thal perhl(IS li lt 11n't •Orth ''""I! 18 I B C D l Do yo11l1en 1nY1\1 frtenlls It 11wr ~orwt' 1!. I 8 C 0 ( Dt JIU l~prl•rtl ... lflltd WOllllO l D!Ol ID lunt-111\n t1~ff "''"' 70 I R c 0 l Wtul~ 1111r11ai1 wilh lul ,,,, SI JUJ! rtlJ!iQn5~ •• lte t lliSIK I01'7 ,, ~·· 11, l 8 C D [ C111 ;,, 111ll~e11t1 lllf liYt 51 11 l R C 0 l Dt lthllflrS llft•lt te11d II Ile ltlSteilllJ •ttttf ••••It ' 2) l B C D [ D1 roa 11tltr 111\ It~"" •ll·t•lor iokes J"d st1n1s' 1~ I I C D [ l it 11\tre 111111r i.u•it'l.5 "~ .. utf ralker Mt distuss ioch "'? 2~. I a c D E '" you1 o,in11n111s•ciJI 1fhir1 1s11l!y J •istc 1l t1111t 1 26. I B C D I Snould 1eo,11 Oy It ttRlin~• lkcir 1111n i11c 1! lhry lt1t t111e fiu1t11!i1•? JI l B C D ! h '' 1l'lpu 11111 tk11 tlM first 10111111er ''"'1"'' lilr.11h11t 1111rrh11? 28. 1 a C D l D1 1eu lttlir•t ''is '""r11n1 tll Jtlend c~urck rqulnl)'? 2•. I B C 0 I l rt yau 111,py •1r1 11!11 ltlJll 111tody 111• dtplt'l5tf1 JD. l a C o I Would''' rn her ltne 1 ttlltcti'<e 1111'1e 1~10 1 1n111itf'S 111? JI . l B C 0 ( W~e n )tU ht• 1 ttff tltry h r1• 1SI J!ly lt1l 1t It 1111tn! J2. I C 0 ( Sho1l d wo.,tn nio hr 'retid111t et the Uniltd Sbhs? JJ, I C D ! In ii 1rou• lft J'I' ''""' J'Wlft 11lkt 1pp11l1e s11• 34. • c D t flill •r ltt htlf XCMl•IHlt ,., IUf H~JYitr i• tllis lih 1nu l't (rt ' 3~. 1 c D l Did 1'• 11;.1 lih wti11 ,.., wtre, t~itd ? JS. I c D l Ill•~ r•• t•er tr1111• t11t statt It ,.,..;4111ttb .. 111Mt"I ~ , l1, I t 0 I: 111 '''!Ill• jl41n.s tnor 111111 iwy9r1? 38. l C 0 I h 11 iKCl•U•Lt fM J 1•11 ttKHI lt 1 .... t "ifl"jllll 111 ,llthc 1 39. I C ll l Is t~tr1'"1n11c• 11rul bttM• •~ti! M:llO•I c1111,•111 thr11 •11\! AO. • C o £ Coulo 1•• allow rtu1 child h clltase J 11Ji(itt •tlllr lk• y11r11 Al. A C 0 I Do ,111et Jntf}' enily er fft,Htlly? •2. A c 0 ( Oo JOI''"', .. , •• ., "'"''"' ...... 1t1un! •l. • C 0 r "Woull J•• ,rtltr to ltt w'ttk J 1r1wp ol petplt 11llle1 lfUR 1!t•r' IJ I C n ! !lo Vtl tb1n• lllf:n Jrt r•tr ci1co1111l1n1;1s Illa! t11ld )1111ily I 111111' •~ ' t 0 l 11 the sMbJt~t t i st1 •ems: ''er-11~1tile• br 1~r 111111 Mfia! I & A C 0 ! ~b1ul• JI! t h1ld1t1 recei•t 11111e relit itll5 i"i truclit•' 41 1 t D O, Jll •1m1•b11 )el11 JM !alt plllSUft i~ rtl11i•t IMll II tl!lt rs' •a A r. n r ~h1ul~ 1R11¥Ti1• t•••ln 1• 111 "' J lrtp 111ch1•er1 .. f! ,, I r D f Caul• Jll •r h.,,., •lf"it• It JR 1nil1 et:i1"1t1 111tt ? ~G l t D I ~~tu!d ev1IU1ltt •1 11¥1~1 it tvr 'w~ltc scllttl11 I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - l ii '!<'" Me !SINGLE !WIDOWED !DIVORCED I iii '!<'" r h\\l'T('~lerl i" m"1lllft l( h!ith\y l f<1nl1'lllilt](' f'l'Ql']l'.,. SP\~<;ttd I l'•p>'• isl\y for y-01.1 fro 111 I 1mone ~Rous•n d:.. I iii 1 n .. ady t vr • dr>on••t.1(" anrl rx I ri,inr r.h 1n''-1" your 10..!". I hrt.. I Tll1\ ''' •111 Gt~•tl 1nru111 111f 'llMI 11 are.as ti c11np1h••l11J •1twt11 ,.11111 1N 1~11i. Mt ! ., (l~llrttf M ltriltt 1'1t tll Jft11• ,1,tlltlt11e1I ...... Ill. I t~ ... ""''--" I ---~r.X\'--'L--~---"~'---''''---1 •~f --~·--~t phO/'lt~-----______ atC~NhD". l 0C'ID 24I I I Moil to: :l MllTCHMllKERS 500 So. Main St., Suite 1105, Oran9e California '12668 • • I Fill out •nd m11il oor rrtll· minary pr\•(ilto tod•y .. , • n·, !ror,. it ;1.nd J,t yuu knn• ... h 1 t t h , ":'ll11 t..:hm11ki11c C-om!'U ltr" e•n do (nr ,-oil. 'f her'-'s flO ~l or obl1 K'1lion, Qf course. Ir ~I COl'IYfNU.,, CAl\J OltANG( COUNTT 171 41 147-fllS lO'J AHQ.ILE'J 6Sl·fl 70 Rates Clint f.astwood . and t: I 1 "'allach. ,\Ir, r\•t•llt l~I J Pa tty Duke porlrays an adolescent "'ho I' hurt and embarrassed by he. own seemingly lack o( appe.ll I and her par.:nts' attempl" 10 marry her olf. An affair witl1 a marrled man and hfe in Greenwich Villagt give her seU-au urance. The Nl1bt ilf the folith1 in g Day (RI: A lurid tale abuul thr precisely planned k 1d- naiiping of a young girl by l0tl'.· criminals. She is held 111 a n isolated beach house for Z4 hours while they ...,·ail for 1he ransom. Marlon 9 r a n d o , /lichard Boone, Rita Moreno. T b t Prime er rttts1 Jran Brodie: tftl; English n1cidr film wit h Maggie Smith in thP starring roll.' as an eccenlrir but captivating teacher at an Edin burgh girls' school in the mid-30s. Tb' Producrrs: Hil:irious and zany fa ree abo ut ha~-been producer and m1lquct r,a-1 Jl'- rountanl who over-capit<tl1te a Br:iadway fl op. Zero >lostL·l i;tar~. The Stcril' Cuckoo 1R 1: Liza ~ltnnel!1 gives a \\'l1rn1 and sensil11•e ~rlormanl'e HI !his story ot ·111\1 lonely college kids who find love for the liri.t ti me. \\'endell Burton co-stars. Th11t Cold , Day in lht Park i R 1 · A drama 1n w-M ~h a spinster de\'clops a s 1 c k passion for a young stranger and makes hi m a prisoner in her home. Sandy Dennis. \'allry or the Dolls: Dran1<1 •rt 1n 1he tough world of show hu~incss \\l ilh 8 a r b a r a l'arliins. Pally Duke. ~IATU RE TEE\S Ar\D AD ULTS an R ~ ~:arth 1hrough thl' dt>1l·h1p· 1nent of rnan to t r fllfl~ 111 'ff' J outh Coast Rep erturj ' sr)dce. Spet·tacc:ar ''LSUal t i-o•EH\ ,1 101v-in 1 .. Ewi>o•r et..vo , .... , ,.., .. , letlS Kier Uullra, c;a/'I l!E SEl!YATIOl<~·rkfOllMATIOl'l -.... llOl "A FUNNY THING HAl'l'ENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM " LQck wootJ Won~" r~1 ..... ~" -OEll(O .. TFUl ~Cit CHIL OIEl'I") lt<EAT•I MU~IC AL tOMEO't' Al il) F••CtAL l f)I ' Ollver. ~!uslcal 1·crs\on o! su...i•r> ~1 i e1 "'" l,,. P"' C•n ,., u,.....w•1-• Oickens·s classic ahoul an ;li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orphaned wa1f c<1st 111tu the 1 Iteming squ<ilor uf the lu\11•r • class' ~!ark l,es\er, Jack \Vild and Olt1:r Re:d. • I Tiu! /frtf r i111r~1l'dl(i/1 ·l11 tt fh·r-Uit> 111/r 111</1cait·s II••' 'fut.>11!} g 111f'n !lie p1ct111t' Ii!/ 1/1e .ftl orfr.111 P1c r1ire C1l(le Th e J\/01 iu11 PicLure Co<ll' A•ld Ratntg Prog1·a111 111ay , be /ut111d 011 111, 'FBI' Starts I 7th Year Requests made un '"The 1 F"Bl " 1t-il·11s1on i.enc.~ last ~cason fur atidJcncr a~s1stanc;r I 111 trat•k1ng do11n 1rerson.~ on !hr FBl's Teri ,\ln.~: \\·antPd Fugu11ei. 11~1 aidt'd lhl.' VB l in l n;ibbing S<Jr)lt' ol till' ~uspects. I Therefort'. the FBI request~ will ci ga1n be telc1 1scd this season on the C!1:inncl 7 sho11·. fi hned by Quinn 1\tartin 's Ql\l Produl't1ons 1 n ;i~socia t1on with \\'arncr Bro.~. Arts. The plt•as for public co- oprration, with Efrein Z1n1bal- 1~t J r . as spokcsn1an, 1vilt be of one 1ninute each. S{•\t11 uf thr tl'n fugilives desc ribed last ~car ha1·e been l aught Zirnb;1h~t portrays an FBI in..<>pC'ctor un thf' show , 11h1eh hcg1n'i ii~ fihh ~c<tr lh1s 1nunl h. !'h1l1p Abbot! also FBI "What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice?" Mc0 ueon J •<'lu"I'"' 8.,,,\ "BULLITT" (Ml w •. ,~~ Beo1tv F•~• Ou"•••t ·eoNNlt AND Cl YOE " Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night I SPECIAL NOTICE TO OU R PATRONS M COHTll.lltY TO •OYEITISING IEYOND OUll CONTltOl •ND A,.,URING ELSEW HERE, YOUNG 'EOl"lf UNOER II CNOT 1•1 WtlL HOT IE AOM ITTED TO ,ACIFIC THE•Tt:I S TO .SEE THE "R" ,IC TUllES l!STED IN THIS 10). UHlfSS ACCOM,ANIED I Y ,ARENJ Oil •DULT "SPIRITS OF THE OEAD.. l ltl "THE GAY DECIEYf.1tS·• 1111 ~ ~j c1:n1 E.,, .. ood lnq<' S+o••n• "HANG 'EM HIGH" C :·n• Eoilwoo:I t •; w~ll o ch "THE GOOD . BAD AND THE UGLY " Rtoo'""'e11ded for Adulll ............. ~············ E:tcJ111i•t Orcu•')t Cownly Doi••-i n En')o9eme"I Li•• Monnelh W,ndoll Bu.,on "THE STERILE C'-"KOO" IMl Sllow" ol 8:4S p.m. -Plu• "'"~~.1 c •. n~ 51,.11.v w .n+o·1 "ALFIE'' ~"~""" >I t :JO •nC II II p "' - RecorTllTIC"dtd 101 A dul~ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E,clu1i~it Oronqe CouRly Dri•it-in En409em1nt • - M ocn ool C ~ino l ou••ncr 0 1 ·•~r "THE BATTLE CF BRITAIN" (G) Show" ol 8:JD p.m. -"u• Joh" WAvn • o.,,.,d J •n11 •n ............. _ "THE GREEN BERETS" IGI Shown ot l :l D ond 11 ;00 p.m. 'ettr O 'Toole -ltothtrint Hepbu•• "THE LION IN WINTER" {G) Plu' "THE BR IDGE AT REMAG EN " (Ml --~-'1--With Geo•9t ~ol -Robett Vtu'Jh• .............. ~············!" A F "'Y ~l••Y "THE GAY ,, HEY KIDS! · P1u• ' · a .. 'l .,. e~.a~• - $175 DECEIVERS" IRL l i4 ,01 Show !i otu •doy l :Do '-':.•_t1 _ ;_' ''' "SPIRITS OF -FO il HAllOWEEN~ --THE DEAD" IRl Lion in \\"inter: Clash ol two ·--·-..: qrong-wil led inonarchs. 1\1 ng "FE A RKLIELSLSE RVS~_f/i.PI RE C ARl OAD ;:,~,,:;• u:,:~:· .~~o;~"~;d ":~ llcnry 11 of England and his ~ ~·""' " •dull 9uar11••"· riuren. Eleanor of Aqu 11ai nf' • [L~:;:;:;:;:,;:;:;:;:;:;::'.~.:;:===:;:;:=:;;==iii:========:;;iii::;:;:~~ Jna ke-" a brlll1anL rxplo.•11c. dr<t rna ou t ol I rag1ncnt s o! 121h century hi story. Prtcr o ·roolc and l\Jthan nr I !cp- burn. Popi j GI Tr.nder t:On1etly about a Puerto R J t a n widower. played by Alan Arkin . 11 ho toils al three dif- ferent jobs in order lo support his t..,,·o sons He scht>me:; frantically lo hit them out of lht'lr slum t'nv1ronn1enl. \\'hate1·er Happentd to Aunt Alier ·.' !:-Oi l: Ruth Gordon. 1.r ral dine Page and Hosernary FDr:.Y111. star 1n a story ;ibout a pt'nr111e~s 111do11· who lures n1on1ed hou ~c k rrpcr s _ 1nurdcr~ lhen1. pla111 s 1hr111 1n her yard. Aunt Alice beco1nl'S hrr housekeeper 10 Jrv to d!~CD\rr how l h c {!1o;;11>·i pr:1rant:cs occurred. TEE.'\S ,\~[) ADLLTS Thr Batlle of Britain 1G1 : Story. of heroic pilots of 1hr R_ A F" who held off the Luf\11·affe 111 \\"orld \\'ar II and sa\'ed Brit<11n from 1nvas1on. )lichar l Caine. La ure n c e Oli11cr. Christopher Plummer ;11id !lllchacl Rrdgra1r. 1 Thr Italian Joh 1G \ Ex· pnsonrr 1.'il1chael t;aine 1 lra1ns an clue gang. anJ plans an ambitious robberv in this :1n1usu1g farce. Also s't::ir~ Noel ("11\\ ard and R0$<1nno Bra1.l1 ~ladwoman Qf Chaillot GI : .\ satire 1n 11•h1ch Kath::irine lll'pburn plots the do1rnl::ill nr ruthless men scheming to ln- (·1nerate Europe. Also sta rs Yul Brynner. Charles Boyer 'I a11d Paul Henreid, Tho~ wtrt the Happy Time1 !G I: The slorv of Gertrude La"·rrncc l'Omes al11 e through Julie And re1vs' capt iv<1!ing porlrail or 1he slaGC actress in tlu.~ n1 u.-;1cal. 2001 : A SpMt Odesst y tG !: Fa:.c1nal 1ng F1ln1 about the h1stor)' of the formall"": of TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SEAS Largest Selection of Tropica l Fish & ~u pplies in the area. Hew 1 lecetl•111 Ill .,, WILSON, cost• Mli A 1eor ~ •• , ..... •o. !•I !•1r !11 & •1••·•·<1• Dr --. ..... "f'' " ~c~ t~·~•nd ,.., ,..,,1 O•lk ., ,,._ l ;.. • • l"REMIEllt EH GAiG fMf M1 • Jido l<lW•Ol f llAClt -"'•• ••"•'" !• l•~•I•,.. l•I• tol• -01. 1·1l.ID it~ -~t Of I • 'ltEM!lltl ~· EMGAGEMEN1'\. -.. . -. I , ... ~... ' ~l~r•l illrd~v JULIE ANDREWS · RICHARD CRENNA ~THOSE WERE THE HAPPY TIMES" MICHAEL CRAIG ,. DANIEL MASSEY · Siii. CHAPll , i'Oiilr WIS! · WilLilM Fll!CKILD ·-- -l~d colllt'4y t.1f'lrlf'- Heo• "JEAN" Th.I ,.._. "~ 11 1i1111int r11;1 Sllten. 6 i• lel.,.lHl•kl•. SIMtl.., Wi~ '"'l'f l•wlo111, ll'ff'f S-Mtoi ,, "SUONA SERA MRS. CAMPBELL" ! I I • l I 1UMIUWUDS .. •..: ' .. -----------------------~·-·-·-·--·-...... -... ·• ..... ---... -.... -. •· --...... . PEANUTS ly THI K. lyall WEU..1111S'S TilE. LAS'. TIME l'M COMIN'IEIEJ11iE SERVICE 15 LOOSY! MOON MULLINS MISS PEACH o· SALLY I.AN.AN.AS \cfL'-Y '" .. "" .... 1's'fClloLO'IST D ly Harold Le Doux I -~ 5MOC.kEP TO LEAD 1MAT 1QI ATTJ.O:EO .. -. I Cll05E NIM 10-YOI-. 1•Jt • I I , I ' I D/Jl V "'°' J7 ly Cli11l11 Is 22111 ~~~~~~~~ QUIENIE ly Phil lnterlandl - ''I'd like to register a oomplamt a.bout violence on. 'I'V • • •. " TELEVISION VIEWS Pre-schooler Show Awaited ' ' ly RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD l UPI) -A heralded !JO.hour c.:ourse for preschool children from three to five years old will begin on national educational televis- ion Nov. 10. Entitled .,Sesame Street," the daily, hour-Ion&. 26-week colOt' series is budgeted 3't $8 million and will be seen on about 165 stations across the country. It is a morning program, but many stations will repeat it during the day. PRODUCED by the Children's Television Work- shop. the series is sponsored. by the U.S. Office ol. Education. the Carnegie Corp .. 'the Ford Founda- tion and other private orgamzations and govern- ment agencies. So much attention has been gained, in fact. by "Sesame Street" that a commercial network, NBC· TV. will present a half-hour preview of the program on.Nov. 8. The previ ew js called "Thi s \Vay 1.o Serame Street," and is sponsored by Xerox Co rp . The profit--0riented networks are interested 1n the NET series because. among other reasons. it will use commercial television techniques for edu- cational purposes. SAYS MRS. JOAN Canz Coonev. executive di- rector of the Children's Television Work!hop: "Be- cause many children learn to r~d by the repetitive use of TV advertising, we \\'ill w:e one-minute spots. e~pecially created by the workshop, as a device to teach letters and numbers. ideas. and concept!:." Adds NET: The serie" "is designed to prepare preschool children for fonnal classroom education by in!truct.ing them in such subjects as 1.he a!ph•- bet. numbers and geometric shapes and helping them develop sound thought processes through exer- cises in problem sol ving." HERE AGAIN. commercial video technlqueil' \\'il l be employ ed -puppets, animated cartoons. live-action films, other youngsters and appearanctil' by celebrities that include Carol Burnett. James Earl .Jones and Burt Lancaster. The series has been widely researched and pr~ ltsted among c hildren in day care centers and private homes. The ho sts -two \\•hite. '"'o Negro - portray 1'4'0 teachers, the wife of one of th em, and a candy store owner. The show has an urban set- ting. a city street. Says Mrs. Cooney : "WHILE WE are interested in creatin,I? a series for all children between the a~es of three to five. "'e are especially concerned \\1ith reaching the so- clllled disadvantaged child wherever he may live.'' The program's potential audience is 12 million pre.schoolers. ~ -~ Dennis tlae Menace r • • -----~__________...._~ ----· i ... I . ... --.. -..... ··-·• -... --·--.... -. -. -............... ·-------------------------- '67 s FrldaJ', Octobtr 31, ]96q DAfLY PILOT TL B ·IGGE S OFFE·~S YOU T .SELECTIO'-' OF OF ALL REMAINING WE STILL HAVE A FINE SELECTION AT r ,~4 ... r .... ·--~ (I; 'r' r. f."' ". 1.,. \ t. 'l l / ..•. ;, ~ ,, ,1 M I~ ~-_a ..,. •' -~ ,., It '~ COMPLETE INVENTOY CHRYSLER Newport S1cl1 n, Va, 1utom1tic, r1dio, h11l1r, pow1r >l11rin9 l br1k11, f1 cto•y ,;, c1nditio~in9. !UZR 6151 *~~r ~.~~~ CAR • 64 FORD Thunderbird HARDTOP. V-1, •11l?mefic fr1n1mi11ion, ••· dio l h11!1r, pow1r tl11ri119 , pow1r br1k1 1, power windows . !NMY 615 ) CHEVROLET Impala 4 Door ~•rillop . VI, •uto111•tic, r•dio, ~ttft•, pow1r tl11rin9 I bttktit ftcfoty t ir 'ondi. tio11in9. !SYF 527) All Prices Plus Tax and LicenH ••• Pricn Valid Until 10:00 P.M. Sunday, November 2, 1969 I 64 ~~~m~;~,~.~.~~.d;, '"' '""'· (OST J I~) '65 CHRYSLER 300 2 door k1rihop, VI, au!om1li<:, •1dio, h.,.,1.,., P""''' 1!11ri119 -h·~~e1 -window1. l•nd•11 lop, f•,lory •i• '011dilionin9. !SAA 117) \ I Where Pride Makes Th• Atla• Servic• Department d E onomlca1 Repair end Difference. Dependabl;:rn Yo~r convenience, W~ Maintenance Work. o· Club American ExM Bl Ch• 1ners • Honor:· Cert• en ' tc td Gasoline Master Charge, BenkAmer • , press, Credit Cards. 195 t:HlifSLER ' P.LYNIOVTH ' IMPERIAL • 'l • •• ' ·. :~' . • • • j ~ ,• !· ·. ., . . • " .•. ·: :. . • ,• .. . . ... -·-·· --------..... --.. r ---.. -----~-................ -~ ........ ~ ....... --........ -. -. -r .. -----.....----~~-...-~....----.....----..---.--- Friday, Otlobtr ~1, 1%<1 DAILY PILO(· 29 -"-~-'-~~~~~~ BRAND N EW 1970 MUSTANG $ BRAND NEW 1970 3/4.f, FORD TRUCK & EL DORADO CAMPER fULL PRICE '7 0 F-250 STYLESIDE e,o l<O CID •no. I o•. '''''· •'''" & Od o•uo••. ~tr. 'Jo rllA~(;l~IJ f l OO~AOO Full <•~ •. ,., OTIOWA <•m-tJo 'IOIJ~ BRAND NEW CORTINA 2 DR. 51788 • $88 TOTAL DOWN $5921 Par Mo. For 36 Mos. lor. Ho. OFOIL116Ul .. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Paym•n" )n(I. oll "'I. 1010, n f~l'OH ol <.J?~:n ror l6 rnoi. f ,n, '""'""W M<!~"""~'-role ol' ll 1l. Dele"t<l P•Yll'IO"' ""'e o< 11111 1l C&1n ~rlC• lnclu~u •••I. lie. t l•i1<1.0IJ. • SAVE e SAVE • SAVE • SAVE • NEW '69 GALAXIE 500 SAO SPOR!l ROOF 13 0 FULL PRICE $ $2 588 ";~";~~~~~·R;;~;" NEW '69 RAICHERO MODEL 47 250 eng., cru ise-o-mat ic !rans., rad io, tinted glas5, wh eel covers, clock , body 5ide moulding. $2588 NEW 1969 COBRA SAVE $900· New '69 T ·Bird LANDAU ~o•·•• •••~o"''· ~ ,,.y ~•I" 11n·•~ 11111, 1.1r 11• ...,._I. "1.1iL<1• .. ll'. NO. 9J!IN1 li~I~, NEW '69 C'NTRY. SON. . . YOUR CHOICE $98-a·-* $88 TOTAL $4888 TOTAL * YOUR DOWN PAYMENT CHOICE . I 64 F~~~.~~~de.~~d~~h~t~~dpf~f041 s9 Power windows. YOUR CHO ICE I 65 ~~~~o~1!w~eciog, "d'°, ''"'" $ 9 8 8 I 6 7 ~~~~. b~!~~~,~~ad '~!ea le> UZA $ 9 8 8 new blue fin ish. XOB 134. 391. YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE _._ _______ ~ __ ....... _____________ ~----------- I 66 ~~~!,~~~. pff~~~~~pbucket seats.$ 9 8 8 I 66 vCaO~!atic. rod,,, heate>. SCA 757. $ 9 8 8 I 6 7 ~~~~-!~.~~!!~"" Plus """ s9 8 8 TAf 061. UDU 06 1. YOUR CHOICE YOUR 'CHOICE YOUR CHOICE Payments include all tax & total finance charg• of $220.72 for 24 months. Finance ch1rge based on annual percentage ra te of 20.88 %. Deterred peyment price $1261.12. Cash price includes tex & lie. $1040,40 . SPECIAL PURCHASE EXTRA SPECIALS '68 ~~.~~~~ .. ~0 ..... sl 788 he.-/or. V!l:T 111 . ~66 ~~.~~.!8~·~·" sl 388 •ir cot'• .• '"''°' htol. All Ylnyl ;nt RQM J~ . '67 r;~,~~~~~!:~~. s22ss '68 ~.!.~,!. ~!~~.~:.~: sl 7 88 1 168¥2 ~.~~!:1.~~r s1588 '68 ~~~~~~ou'"· $1788 68 ~!.~.~.:~~~"" s24-9· 8 ~:. ~~~ ;~",'N~ b~~~,.. (Im.,_ - SU PER SPECIALS '67 ~~~~:·~~~~R~.~CPE. s9ss '67 ~eTr.~,~~.~~! .. ~~n sl 088 '68 ~.o~~~-~(! .. ~~!:,s1688 ~"f!J·,,f.•di•I 11r•" ~l~v\ r001. TRAN SPORT AT ION '69 !.~~! .. ~'~: !gn. 5148 I 61 ~:~:~~Y ~:~':!: ~"~~ira $288 '63 ~~.~~ .. ~.~,!~~!,~ .~ s3s9 164 ~.!R.~.~~.~J~~;,, $688 '64 ~~~!~~~~!~~.500 s6 88 t1Hrlr • r•6fo, hiller. Ell •II. '61 ~.0~~,~! ... ~!~:,, "' s1 88 166 ~~~~~:~!.~~I. $788 .. l --------------·-·-· • -~ -..-' H DAIL v P'ILOf N<mC!!: LEGAL NOTICE TOTALS EXHIBIT ''I" CITY OF COSTA Ml!SA STATEMENT OF REVENUIS ANO IXPENDITUlllS Fiscal Yaar EniMd .1UIM •~ Ifft GENERAL l'UND REVENUES Property Taxes Franchise Taxes Sales Tax Cigarette Tax s 1,553;214.50 96,463.72 2,224,770.07 3.16.648.05 34,555.84 Property Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Licenses 60.60 180,807.45 29,354.05 161 ,267.99 Fines Permits Sale of Supplies and Property 1,816.70 Rent of Property 35,987.84 ln~rest 120,219.61 Subventions and Grants 926.471 .64 Fees and C·harges 48,139.01 Mi scellaneou.s1 Income 20.176.80 Gol f Course lncon1e 68,900 .00 State Grant - Communication:1; Center 8.581.00 Total Revenues ----- EXPENDITURES City Council City Clerk City Treasurer Finance Administration City Attorney Engineering Traffic Engineering Central Services Planning Commission General Administrative Costs $ Facilities and Equipment Electronic Data Processing Police Fire Communic ations Building-Safety Weed AbatemenL Civil Defense Sanitary Street ~1aintenance Construction Projects Storm Drain- Maintenance Street Projects Street Light f\.-laintenance Capital Outlay Miscellaneous- 20,1189.10 46,437.57 987.00 a9,737.62 114,683.95 M.674 .03 199,249.28 lil;862 .94 28,193.56 110,269 .84 727.456.30 195,839.27 113.875.16 1,503,092.11 845,049.14 210,599.32 162.755.53 11 .638.59 22,437. 76 397,452.80 404,007. 74 19,176.10 8,453.53 11.000.00 3.7M .67 192,94 2.24 19.i69.8:! Non-Departmental To tal Expenditur:(s S 5.758.319.77 I CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND REVENUES Rental Income Tot.al Revenues EXPENDITURES ' 3,020.iO SPECIAL GAS TAX s 3,020.70 STREIT IMPROVEMENT PUND-S.C. 2117.S REVENUES State Afloc1tion- EnginHrin& SPICIAL OAS TAX s 7,I00 .00 STllEET IMPROVIMINT FUND-$oc. 21116 REVENUES State All'ocll ion tntere1t Total Re.venues $ 211 ,236.32 S.1911.IMI 297.226.31 -. :;; -: ....... -;---~--~~:---------. -----~"' -·-.-~-.--~-----------------------. . - LEGAL NOTICE LEGALN<mCll Projeet No. 46-Harbor Blvd. Widenine- 19th Street to Wilson Street $( 121,099.« I Project No. 51- Placentia Ave. Intersections-19th St. and Victoria St. Project No. 54-Bear St. Improvements Project No. 56--- Sunnower Ave. No. 3-Rigbt of Way Project No. 57- Fairview Rd. Construction-San Diego Frwy to Sunflower Project No. 58- Placentia Ave. Extension Project No. 5~Baker St. Improvements -Babb St. to Bris tol St. Project No. 6l- Arlin&ton Dr. Construction- Falrview Road to Newport Blvd. Project No. 62--Adams Ave. Brld,ee Construction Project NO. 64-Wilson St. \Videning- Harbor Blvd. to College Avenue Project .No. 65---South Coast Rd and Hyland A venue Constr. Total E xpend itures 83,toe.14 ll0.00) 16.402 .32 16,660.03 4,064.53 15,069.95) 134,993.04 20.58 164.426.73 77.473.71 STREl!T LIGHTING FUND RIVENUES Property Ta xes Subdivision Charges Miscellaneous Contributions from Prope rty-Develope rs Total Re venues EXPENDITURES· Total E1penditur1s I 264,817.74 6,892.89 ~.36 1.761.74 1.964.39 1,935.99 107.IS IH.l«.96 2,169.79 2.61 3.13 • 91.!0 137.44 s «l.182.11 s 209.215.20 VEHICLE PAllKING DISTRICT No. I -Improvement ,uMI lt.20 37.32 ... Total Expenditures s 57.593.14 lllOTtC• TO <••DrTo•• IUPll,.111 CIU•T OJI THI ITATI W CALIPHJlllA •0111 Tiii COVtlT'I' Of' OllMll ... _ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ··-ClllltT"ICATI IP COIPOIATIOtl POlll T~ANIACTIOH OJ lllllllMlll'I 11/olDllllll Jt(flfl(IUI MAMI ROBERT A. OMAN Finance Director 19.1114.!0 City of Coeta Mtsa, California October 23. 11199 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, October LEGAL NOTICE CAl.P'INTl!l.11 1-it11th ., Wt ll••t -:uc Pt• ~ov• ,.,..flo" ~ul'ld -,olk ,.., r>0u' v 1c1tlo" -.~lt •tr hOv• "'"'Pftl'lllC~!~T• c. ... trlllvflO~ -.Ole pt r """' f l...,.,tl'I: lttctivu nol l•u "1•~ ,60( Pfr t.o~• ....,,.. ,,..., •fl• flturlY 11H ol "'' "lt~tll clt 111fl(•llOll ev1r wl'llch "' "•• IYffrYltlt~. ••t t p! P~IY!l\l!I( Nl ilff, '''"~'·' ei SS'• u JJ'• .... JJ\'f tS.11 •• •• ••• ••• u.u ••• "·" ••• u.n ...... "'' ltu "''"' .. ,. ...,.,..1 """'''""" tt1" "' "" •llol'll r•"" II 1t1 -~ ""'"~ .,, ~ ~Kl/tt.n flt ,.,. ( ....... l'f. ~ lllH•r <N• •1-..-W ~It ~ • 1 "'"" ti JO ••VI in. 11\t O.lt .., hlr "" .... """! .... •OA!ID 0 ' TllUITllS. OllAlfOI (0AST JUIOOlt COllt!OI Ot$Tllt!(T llY: MOll!IM,lf I. WAt•N .. ,.,.,.,, ·~·· ol ,,_ • °""' Nov->-11, , ... -J .... ,,-. "uDll•""'ll Oro.,.• to.01 Ot!l't" .. I~, Oc!abtr ll 11'>(1 NeVffllbt• J, "" 10n.., .. ; ''.'. ~one H1, " I S6inelli!n9. n..1 ' · ' .i.: ~-· Elso W Mli . ~ " . I} '~ ' ' .. .... -· r ....,_ ..... ~ .. ---...... ----~ . .1.-·--"--~"--'-~'--C-"""'-~·--~· ---~-"'""'""""-""'~-'-'-~""-~· l:H~o_u_s_E~S_F_O_R~S_A_L_E~~H~O~U~S~E~S~F~O=R=-=S=A~L~E~-I H~O~U-'-SE_S:--F~O_R~S~A~L~E~-::H~O~U~S~E~S ~F~O~R~S~A~L~E:-:-:l 'H~O=U=S~E~S~F~O=R::.::SA:::.::.LE::_......:H:.:,:::O~U~SE~S~F~O~R~S~A~L~E--- ~n•r•I 1000General 1000 General 1000General 1000 General 1000General 1000 TRIPLEX· DUPLEX Br~nd ne\~. soon to be corn pleled; e xtra nice units you 11 be proud to Q\vn. Xlnt rental area, 1 blk . to ocean or hay. '.l & 4 Uedrnon1s, 2 baths. fireplace!'; blt-in kitchens. nentals $300-t..:p. 9 UNITS· OCEANFRONT Ail 1-bdrm. un its. eas 1!v rcn!ed on suminer/ \\'inter ~as1s ot pre\·adin g lo\v rents Gros<; 2 nnu<1J 1nco1ne ~1 7,110. A'>king Sl20.000 .. ,,\ buy for oceo:i nfront 111con1e '. ~ mor&e REALTY 2025 W. Balboa, Newport Beach 675°6000 2449 E. Coast Hw y., Corona Del Mar 675-6060 --=.----------- General 1000 General 1000 $30,750 T•opical Selling! 5 Bedrm • 3 Bath \Va!e rfaJI & fouril,11n • ''lC'ar blue pool, Lush pla.111 1no::<. Poot• $26,950 Overs1z('(j bcdroon15', lr:gr Rich wor.d pilnelin~. hand· df'n, 2 ha1h. !01n1ilv )"[lnlll. Rlffir bar. !';irking for ho:i1 OPEN SUNDAY 11-5 I Linda Isle Drive ·I Bed1 oon1 , 5 bath hon1c n1 !tnal stagec; of ron1pletion. Jlalos \'rrde stune entry & tire- plnces. 1:an1ily roo1n & billiard room. l~eau11- 1u lly decorated. J:>riced at ....... 5155,000 15 Linda Isle Dr ive · 1\'e\1· & beautiful -t Bedroon1. 5 bath hoinc 11·1th large SlUlken Ji\·1ng roon1 & fain. rn1 , 'l'CI bar. Jladiant electric heat. Crpl'd <'.-lnrl- scpd. Priced . . . . $155 ,000. 58 Linda Isle Drive Just con1pletcd 5 J3edroon1. 41 ~ Bo.th hon1c. \\'ater vlc1v fron1 1naster BDR!\I. l1v1ng r tn, <l ining rin, fL1n1i!y rn1 & kitchen. 2 frp!c:-. Ct pt' cl.. 11•allpaper & lnd ~c pd .... , . Sl55,000. 82 Lind a Isle Drive Spaciot1s 4 l3cdroon1, 5 bath beautifully clr- coratcd nc1v hon1e-adJaccnt to clubhouse .~ hear:h.1rnpor1ed European frplc 1nan1lr. l)ier & .slip. Crpt'd & lndscpd .......... ~155,UUO. Linda Isle Development Co. 1080 Bayside Or., N.B. Bill Grundy 675-3210 Gene ral 1000 1000 General 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;. NEWCOMERS MISSION VIEJO OPE~ ~t:.\J. 1-J Luxury ll'il!Urrs. :.iO.Ji..!fl .~· 1r«1!Pt' Lri\c'l\' Fi1·~!.1 !'or.I TARBELL 2955 Harbor TARBELL 2955 Harbor Prirf'd nght in ~~t !<.ection l======:0-~~~-0:-'~=.:~=-~ -~~~-====== t of l\'f'wpnrt 13Pa<"h . B,1y('p·s1 a 1 11, b•·~r . -I bth111 .. , :-: h.11h. f.1n11!y J•)Qm ,'(. 1l1·n nn a !'t'rt'll<" l1'l"f' J1ncrl 1:ul./Je·~ac On!) SIJl.i,.·.ro :l1~2:l Sparlra Or;in.-G,u·!JC'ri !lornr plu~ \it"\\ General 1000 Gener a l 1000 Coldwell, Bonker OFFERS: PANORAMIC VIEW OF BOATS & JETTY Custon1 built & A.rclliL designed I0r pre- sent owner. L11 -.;u rio11:; couple's }lr,n1e. l~:<t. large mslr. ~1iitc; g11cs t rn1 . & bath. l)an. d en \Vilh frpl. & \\'('!. b<n'. f_,u~hly pl <inlcd patio, :l Car g:ar<:igc. $147 .f.>OO Ka lhryn l~aulsl on FIRST OFFERING Lido Isle. fl 13cct roo rn -Si'fl.500. J:xccllcnt \'aluc on this 1.ho1rc flO f1 . lut. ~ Bnths. 1 .. a rge. upcn p;Jl10. Short \\.ilk to bc<ich. f\lary Lou i\·tu rion DOVER SHORES OPEN SUN , 1-5 1948 SANTIAGO. Q\vner translcrred. l\lust seU . 4 an .. f nn1. rn1 . PQol. Lozrn can be assumed al G~~ ';i.. Q\\ nc r \I' carry 2nd T.D. S69.,00. Cathryn 'l'enniirc. UNOBSTRUCTED OCEAN VIEW Just listed. a "'Forc;ver \'tC\V" c u s Io n1 hnme ,,, lrg. 11\·, r rn ., for1n . d in., si!l111g rn1 .. hobl)y rn1 . &-:l bdrms. lic~ul. landscp. pa tio l'\:. roll111g la\111 l~ t rcr~. on OC"C'<:in side. t\ lrul.\' unique hon1c .~ ~c !Ung. ~64 . .100. fllr:;. l la rvey CORONA DEL MAR Steps to beach -4 BR. l~ farn .. ne\v k it- chen, 111 tile-roofed horn e. lle<iut. patio. Price reduced ~5.000 -llfl\'' only ~59,500. Carol Til tun1 SHORECLIFFS • MEDITERRANEAN HOME Li\·. r n1. \V he:uned Cl"ilings. pC'~;::cd flnors &. frplc . 2 13drrn<.. 2 1 ;at b ~. Or n \1 ilh frpl. ('ire. rlr1vc\1 :l y. L:ouct p<1tcllll<1 l f(!r 11.:niod· r ting-. S.:i.l,:)00 Ka t hr} n n Jul1i l011 LOWEST PRICED WATERFRONT Jn cxc!11:-1 vc. ri J\·a te co n1n1unl1~'. Sl1r fo r large boat. !'a ndy \)(';ich. co\'l'rcd p ::it 10. large living rooin. 6'"h Loan & all for only $54 .500 . \\'alter f'Ja;i:;c HARBOR VIEW HILLS OPEN SUN. 1-5 LUSK This 3 BR . 2 l1a. ho111(' \\'1\h d in. ;irea. Jani. rm. & prnf. landscnperl yard \Viii be open Sun. 1-5. Corne hy S.: take a look. 3430 Sea- hree7.e. raJ.J. $4!'1.850. Joe Clarkson EASTBLUFF WITH POOL Lovely vie1v home bit. around cu~ton1 pool. in this most des ir nble ·area. 4 Bdrm.s. & formal din. r m . O\\'ner 1nust sell at once -make orrer. S4!J,500 .P.lrs. l lar\·ey BA YCREST. OPEN. SUN , 1-5 1849 TRADEWINDS -~46.500. !\lost 011!- ~tanding :l bedroom 2 ht.1 th. on beautiful tree Jinccl .street. 2 F ireplaces. f.>r of. decor- ;ited & landscaped. Carol Tatun1 PACIFIC OCEAN VIEW r..t3kes this Cameo l li l?hlands bath a "Best. Buy" a! ~4 :J.·100 Al Fink ' 3 Bd11n. OPEN HOUSE SUN, 1-5 "Tho Bl11ffs'' 408 ('arlotta. Reduced. $:l9.900 (Vista nel Oro. North on \·1sta Cajon tn f'arlolta). 2-S tor.v E -plan. 3 Bedrooms, 3 J3ath s. l...ovC'ly vie\v. J\Tary Lou l\'larion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., N EWPORT BEACH 833-0700 2hll~ C'1r1Ul.t 11.;i P;tzl ~:':11·lv C.1l1f.i1·n1.1 Hao• Ii <.I~ I" Cc1l! l1>r /.k'l•ul., t'rarhC'!l ) . ~:ti ::-;-;i; -----=--\ '.'<ITLD F1.::-.:n-Cu11i 11n1111I\ Roy J . Wa rd Co. tBayrrrst OH11·1• 1 1 \.J~(} G<1li1xy Dn1·r 616·1:'.ij(I ~·l'l 1 ill" J• 1h Ope11 Ho11ses THIS WEEKEND Keep thl1 handy directory w ith you this w eek- end 11 you go houte-hu"tlng. All the location• l!sted below a re deKribed in greater detail by adv1rti5lng 1l1J1wh1r1 in today's DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Patron• showing open housei for sale or to rent a re urged t o li1t such informa- tion in t his column 11t h Friday. 12 Bedroom) 4~1 Riv erside /\ve. li'\C\l'porl IIe1ghls ) NR 642-8099 (Sunday) 711 i\largucrilc, Corona de! !lia r !Daily 1,\) IJ Bed room) 13rc;nni.:i :\ve .. Co rnna dcl l\l,1r fii5-132r; 1S.1t & Sun 1-5 .. 10) 107h1 L;;i'fe rraza, 1:oun!<.1 1n \-;illry !l4a.04fl8 1SJ t & :;un t:!-5) *!'JIB l)arrell. \ns1a rvle.~a ~14!!-95/i\1: 540·451\1 J·:\'('$. 1sa t S.: Sun 1-!i ) 1849 ·rradc\\'111d:; 113aycrc!>l) NL: 83:l-Oi'OO: li44-2·t~O I Su 11 1-:1) ** lOli L1ndil !~le Dril'C'. i\e\1·port Geac h 642-823.'} 1Sat & Sun) 408 ('arlotta !The Bluffs } Ne\l'port Beach 833-0700 · 644-2430 I Sun 1-5) *2:18 \:iri;inia J1 !ace, Co~l il f\le~a 646-375(1 (Sa t (~ Sun 1-5) 71711 flPPV .\vc., {'Orona de! 1\Iar 675-Z lOl (Sat & S1in 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Oen or Family} 1010 OCl k StreC'l. ro~1a :-.te!>.i fi/'.l.7420 fSat. ~"-· Sun) 24fl1~ \ln~qurro. :\l 1 ~.~io11 \'i£'Jn 8.10-2!)!9 !Sat ,I',; Sun JO.(i) ~90fi ~11\rr tJ;ine ([;ark 1.\0111 ;.;r. ll-12-5200 . I ~1111 1-5\ 34~{0 Srrihrf'r.i'c 1 ll<1r lJor \ ic1~· l!i ll ~l ('d\l a:l.1·0700: fi-1-1-2-l:ln ~S11n 1-51 **;lO l F.\'ening Slur 100\'Cr ~horr-~) l\'J) f14 2-R2.1:1 1 Sat & Sun) 11!-l!i Pitrn irne 1 ;\lC'sa \·erdc) (.'~I 5'10-li20 /Sun 1-5) 30-111 nabh St.. c:o!,ta l'l'le~a 5·10·1120 (.~u n 1·3) 14 Bedroom & Den or Family) Ili.~2 IJorothy Lane, Ne11"port P.each 675-4J!l2 !Silt & Sun) 10001 ('liff, lluntington Bench 545-04!'!8 (Sat & Sun 12-5) **115 r..tilford Road 1Cameo Shores ) Cdr.T. 6i5-6~96 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3120 Lincoln \Vay. Costa r..·Je.sa f714) 521-60 12 (Sun) 5472 Ken il\vorth1 lluntington Beach .145-045R rSat ~~Sun 12-5) *1007 1-loliday (Baycre~tl NB (Sun 1·5) *lfi-07 Sanliago (Bayc re~t ) NB 642-.1200 IStin l·.1) **3311\1ornin~ Sla r IJane (Dover Shor- es) NB, 642-82~5 (Sat & Sun *1948 Santia,1?0 Drive (Dover Shores) NB 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1-5 ) 2094 Nationa l (cnrner Oak) C0::;ta f\le.~a 642-97~0 : 548-0720 Eves . I Sat. & Sun 12-5) 14.'l() Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB Mfi.1550 (Da ily) 405 Francisco. Ne"·port Ileach 540-1720 ' (Sun 1-.5) IS Bedroom & Den or Fam ily) 1536 l.a!axy Drive (Dover S hore.~) J\'H 642-82.15 •Sat & i un) UNITS FOR SALE 14 Units) 74fi l\1ain St. fOO\\·nto\\'n) I-ff\ 5.36-1459 anytime (Sat & Sun 1-5) + Paol + + Wot91'fNllt FINER HOMES DOVER SHORES VIEW Genutiful!y landscaped courlyard leads lo 1h1s n1a~nific·en t home. Brighi, s unny tving r1101n \vith vie\v of entire bac k bay ; den . -I la rge bcdroo1ns. 4 .spac1ou.s Laths, a lt electric k1lc hl'n; d111111g r oom . n1arble fireplace. Q,·cr 3200 :.q. fl. $89 .500. C'all ror app't. DOVER SHORES Re.:i1111ful 3 bedroon1 ho111e v.·ith den : large li\'ing roo1n . dining area. 3 baths: cedar clo- :,el ~ & roon1 for a pool. $87,500. Call for app't. IRVINE TERRACE E 11 tranrc. .i:ates open to f1ee-form pool 111 beaullful, lush planlini,:s in this spacious 4 hcdroon1 ho111c \1'1\b n1asnificent view of bay. LnrBe Jiving-roo1n. dining roon1 , 2 v~ baths. .. \~king SJ 15.00U. C<:ill for app't. DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT J:c.autifnl Norn1an Grant bu ilt hon1e on 60 fL l(l l \\'ith pie r & ~lip . Spiral st;ii rcase leads froni spacious en try to trc1nendous n1astcr. -~l11\e. 4 B~dron1ns. 41 :.: ba\h'.'i , lge. Jiving r?on1. faintly roorn. 4200 Sq, Ft. Tile r oof. f nrpeled & draped less than 12 months a go. qrre:red by origi n;o! o\1'11er. $179.500. Open :-)at. & Sun. 333 ri.1orning Star Lane. LINDA ISLE 5 Bedroo1ns. 41 :! bath!>. 2-storv \1·a terfront ~10111c. des1,ened for £>nterlaining'& fan1ily liv- 1n.!!. !luge f;1n11Jy roon1 nccom0dales billiard ta b!C'. rnasler .suitC' \1 i1h fireplace. Forn1al rltn1ng r0on1 & separa te 1naid's quarlers . As king ~1 33.000 . Open daily. 14 Linda lsle. DOVER SHORES llon1e 011 the beach '''ith beaut iful vie\1 _ 4 T~,e~room s, farn!IY rooin, large living roon1, d1111n g roo111, 2 fireplaces. Stcp-do1vn \vet bar. 0ut!'ta nd ing landscaping. LO\V leasehold. Sll8,000. Call for app'L john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 90 1 Dover Or., Suite 120 642-8235 1000 Gener•I 1000 I THE LAST WORD · En.11),V ,,ff,1r1I•''>.~ 11\'lllJ::.. In 1h1li f1b!>:1hurly S[\'1llt ~~ 4 lw1nn & :<!UC!)' 1-l'U~!Olll hratrd p'l')l Jn rr<"~l1~r B;i ycrr~r l(1r lh<' d1~1·11m1nat.• huyt•r. :\Ian.\• 1·11·lu1n fr·.t lUf'f'~ lfl(l nu111• 11:l1~ '" nir1111u11. N 'f' 1)11, o·\,f'Jl(lOl1;11 111)11\C \odily, ~~I 'I >11 Investment Income 7 1 ·:--rT~, 1;1rgr lri1 i:i2,::rr,· rrio111 rn build ,, nv1n•. 130.W-O llll'J1••1' will, an-y 1~1 TD. Wt!lls-McC•rdle , Rltrs. 1~111 ;\:('11'p111·1 Blvd , C.'.\1. :.i~.7;/1 lill·t'lf:~l ('\'('< l • f 'l\1111 l"•i.1•r-ltr·,1J C.~~lc ,, ,1-··k1111! ~u····· ..... rt1I rr••l<'.~­ ,1 •• n.11 P ii • •lill" \alr •m~11 J,\••'rll'•l11[ IJo'Jiolfl!~ f'l1•,1,(· •"•+It f••r "flPl•111trll"llt ·.-1 lj-8 1.: I Attention Vets !1!'11? Is a t:hanc<' lo 11.<.e )OUr n..1 1i'l1•n Gr. ,..1:::1hih1.v 10 purrhasf' a ~ h••<h~ .. in homr 111 \hl' Ucau11!ul l\!r"'a drl i\l;ir :1r•·a. ,\ll 1! IH ~ff'S 1.~ <"l()~1 ng-•11st;; rtn<! .vnu n1ovr Jrt. Quahly <'arn,..11n~. pllr1,v sit,.. ~11 ln1min:.~ pool. 11·""'"1 tu1rruni;:, l1r('p!arr , buil1·Jn k111·h~·n. '.\J11rh, mllLh, m ore'. ,\~long $32.9:-,0. Colesworthy & Co. "For /\ \\'1sl:' Guy .. r,1.;.;777 BAR HARBOR LOCATION l-·"'·11 111 1".0"1. 11.-.,u .. 1~ \'1n~t •la!i-r nl1)', .<cpar;i1r I 1 :1~ I • !o,ilh<", l.111.-.1. n"n-11,Uk 1lu1J 11v1 ng r>••n1 ""lll<f'·11" 11111,1!11· \1 nrk1,.1n111 ~l11tc )1r.irlh ;,nrt mJrl1lr 111 f' IH•li<.• f'"'ll~i1111 ~,H\L !1~~111 fll'\'p!,Jee 111 J:P.,"lt"lfJ11S i\r.-.r \\,.,t{'f1ff PI a z R . /:111111~· l\l'"lln Fl\'!-: BE/)- \17.'l011. l\111i;a;irt! H.E, !Ill Jl()('}Lll", T\\'(l B/\'fll ~. All 2-:!2:!~ ~~========-1 !'f'r:i111t•' iii" ,..J,..1·trrr b111J1.1n lu1rh•'n H:ith hr<'a\.;:asr a~11 . .Shak.-t'(~lf . all 1ntrr1or and r x1r!'lfJr trln1 fr,.s hly p11ln1. 1·rl. !!EATF.D Al\'D FILTER- ED POOL. Jnw n1ain1rn:i ncr )'oJl'fl. l'r11'!'r! ;.it $.~G.9~ • mo11• to ~rr h,v appo1nlm<'nt. 1000 FOREST E. OLSON lnc. J:cal1orc -N[WPORT BAY 5 ON I EARN 24.8 ~\ .'> h··n•1 l1f ul ~1 11r1·n lath n11rl r 1.-."l<'r hnrnr, on "11'" hui.:•• ?:Joi f•t•!l l<1! "\•·rlunkinc: fnb11h1ll~ N,..1, P'" L f! .. 1,1·. /\11 nn• 7 ,V<'<H"li Y•1un ::;. F;1111(1,1Jf' \'1tl11r ' :1 l3C'dn.01n nru1 '..' Brdrfll"lrll un1I._. S('f)ll· r11 tr, rlnsrrl i.:11ra1•r<.. Pu- !1os a nd n1ani1·u rrd i::.1•011 nrt<. :"'uh 111 J 1, nn d'"' I\ pay1nrnl . Srllrr 11·iH Ci!TTY ln11· intr1·r~I lnun. Jn1pn11sibll" 11'.1 rr- p1n cr 11 1 ~f.(:l,!'i(XJ. To ~r(', rall 6'15-030..1. COLLEGE PA RK $27 :150 Jlrr«'~ vnur rh:lll"'' lri sR\'" ss: J11~t t11 k<' nvrr f:on l;i.~1 11· ln1v inlr1·r~1 t'I ( ,\ lna 11. Nn ljllll I 1f}'illt:: ;'I tx•droom. 'l hath <"l'\I· lr(?r Park rst:i1r homr. J:irh 1v ii In II t flllllC'lt'd f1u:iily room. [) c I u .'I r hurll·ln k11 1·h1•n. drrp ril.-\\'/11· rarJ"f'lini;::. Un- flrr r•rirrrl fnr 11rrR nt ~27.fl5n. Br ~m11 rt f>C<'. toda.\. Ca!I f:·\~-0.'.lll:\ a1~~:~~~n~cr 2?.Y.l l111 rhnr fllv1f., C.:'it Near Harbor Hi MESA VERDE'S Finest Section f\llRRORED ENTRY. F'OR· t.IAL DINING ROOM & 1800 SQ_ FT, Newly carpelf'd & painted. rlosr to park, srhools & hbr.:iry. If you 've btx'n 111a t,..h1nf!;, you know ii 1v11l 11ell la.st. 5-46--9521 or .540-4631 F'r ldq, Octobtt ,1, 1969 DAILY PltDT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General ICOO General 1000 General 1000 Towering Trees and tu.~h lropieal foliage a l'· •'f•nt Thi s :\ ix'droom • ran\'h hl •use 111 ;in e.llr lus1 ve area or C"iu.!!.1di' Cos1a :\lcsa. In. .•1d1· lulfl IM•aul1fu.I y,·aJI lo 1\all rarpcl u1!; and n .:h wal. 11111 p.arwhng in the li1·1ng 11Jt.101 and f am i l y room. K11chen ha5 bui.Jt ins and kno11y pine cab1neti;. P ri· \·ate courtyard entry \1·ay and J"ar yard !erraccd pa. 1\.1 dl'r k all proh.·s~ionally laodsr<1pNI. No do\\n to \'C'ts. l!uny on O\'fr 10 s~ ". ORANGE COUNTY' S LARGEST 2629 HARBO~ BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 COLLEGE PARK WITH POOL Grand piano .~1u• h\1ni:: room, huge f,1n1 ily J~)()m & 3 bd- rn1s. :.I harhs. ri>ady fur your r.11n1ly, ::\("11• :-hag (';\l'fX'llng !.· rll'rura lnr 11111'1'101'. LOii' n1:11n1r11a110•r .\ard 11 i!l1 11 Blue l la\·rn Pnol .. 11 ~'0\·1•r. <"d panu lo rr!:1:\ Ul'l\h·r Call $29,950 rj~~';~ loan ~ SI 6l/n10 avail) EXCLUSIVE WITH Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 (anytime) V1P, HOME DOVER SHORES Brand nr\\' h·an \\'C'll!>' plan. Lu_'lury l1vini:'. a1 11., bi's!. Trrnf1c \'l!''v ol U[lf)('r Ba y. 4 h<1 rms :l Olths ·/ w11·der roo111, ~l'parll1r d111in~ l"'O'Jm, fa 1nily 11)f11n "1111 "'"1 h.1r flt sr>rnn<I firr11lac,... l:l " ~:i· sparkl111:: f""ll 111 lanri'(ra p- •'tl, shrl!rrcd ria 1in, $H)J,Cl00 1nrludrs !tL'(urinus 1'aq)('l ln!i. hilndsfl111c 1va !Jp8[lf'N: &· h-n11t lan!lh~·ap111:::. !n1n11"(1ialc oi.:- curanr·y. Ciill 1orlt1y Ivan Wells & Sons Roy J, Wa rd Co. r:xa.U.l>JVJ:: AGENTS 14?.() Gala;ocy Dnv(' &l&-I :l~iO Clo5e To Beach OPE~ !'UN. fron1 NOON iPossibly also Mturdayl ~231 C hri.•1111(' l)r, JIB 5·'•'" LOAN Ol\'fler an.~ious fnr ()ffl'r alrPady !rans/er. 0111 of .~late'. J:xi'l'llr>n! l..,rnr.r 4 bo'l rm h"lnf" 111111 1111; S:.'2.:'00 <:1 Ir.an h,dall!'I' t'l 1:d;I" n\'l'r. rull,Y <'fjUl(lprd /\nrhnny Pool 111,,luc!111r; pcl('•J • ~"'''"fl. Bi•. llll'•'n rt11chi1rr! !.· Cannrry St , S£Jt11!1 of !3~1111111i:-. 546-588(} (M ir tintma lhmrt) LLEGE REALTY ISOO Adl!!G 1t Hlrbcw,CM. THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM! \\'ill com,.. 1rue when yritl sre lh1~ J /'If'(! , fa111 . rrn. I'll· ha111'cd \1'1!h n1st11' Jnckory p:1nrlin1::. tllr>rlC'm larn1 ~1yle k1!chfon, floor rallng clran. A patio thal v.-ill fol"C(" you In Sii Uridl.'"r the ~111rs. /\ Iii'· 1ng rOUTll \l'ith yl",1r 111'0urirl C'hristm11s v.·aITTJ1h. Tor Cost;i. tl>lrSll IUTB !11r the J;1m1 ly th11t love~ logether. Only ~1.500. 546-2313 ~-O 'THEREAL ~ESTATERS • ,..,, ' ' T ' WILL TRADE WESTCLIFF for Lido or Ocean front, Beau1if11Ily rlecorated 3 bd- rm 3 bath home. Yott rlon't have to Jirt a hand to n1ove inlll 1his one. l\lany extras. $•¥.! • .JOO. ~:,''.,~~o1~re:!'~'" ~ 642-5200 ~ 170 JOANN, CM 3 bdnn11 J ~. bll.ths. Room for hoot & lnulPr. DAVIDSON Realty 51S.:"16Q Ew~. M!l-10.l.~ AN lsl11nd in rhr 1'k}': 4 Br .1 rta SJ)"c1ac11lar OC'CRn vlcw, 4fl2-7~M General READ THIS • • • • Are you in the mar- ket for a ne'v home, a home in a pr ime area very close to I luntington State Beach; a home y ou can customize \\'hile it is being built, a home de· signed by outstanding archi- tects and constructed by Fra nk ll. Ayres & Son ; a Company that has been in bus iness ~ince 1905? IF YOU ARE e e e e Co1nc. to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in tiunlington Beach any day between 10 i\.1\·1. & t> P .!\I. and select your hon1e in our 11e1vly opened UN IT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34,200 96B-2929 or 968-133B 1000 General 1000 DIVORCE SALE Newport E xecutlve /\'.\!, F'.\I . ··::ound Of 1\lui:1c" 1la.v ,(. 111te! I hedroon1~. 2 lo,11h~. lo1·n1al d1n1ni;: ,,-i-i1n 1 lu·rplili't'S. E](•l'lriC k1t1•h('n, C!'n1ral \'ar111u11 • clC'ctr10: ~;1ra]:!r Ofll"rl<'I'. :\1ut·h 1no1l:~ '.'> U\..11211 Anytime* TARBELL 2955 Harbor S22.::.00 VA "'PPl'Oval. 4 RR & lain rn1. Kenn<'dy k /\s!'>QC. fi12-~7::fl ~-:vrs. ;.1R--07'20 General 1000 General 1000 BAY and BEACH Rl.t.LTY. INC. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE - 645-2000 OFFERS, CLIFFHAVEN! Open lfo11se Daily 1-5 P .i\I. 324 Snug llar- bor -This house is lonely and needs lov- ing care. Three bedroon1s. den and large Jiving room. Reduced to $32.500. f\tight con- sider lease option. 1\bsentee owner anxi- 011S. 645-2000 Eves. 548-481 0 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA! Three bedrooms, den, d ining room. nice kitchen. covered pnlio. Q\vner \Vil! accept lo1v do,vn payment frorn qualified buyer. Price -$34 .500. 645-2000 Eves. 548-6966 WESTCLIFF! 5112 °/o LOAN! Spotless three bedroom-l\VO bath h o 1n e. Beautiful ne\Y k itchen. Sinai! d ining room, covered pallo. large corner lot! J·:x i s tin~ Joan c<in be assumed a t 5 1/2 ~·/i. Price only MB.500. &15-2000 Eves. 548-6966 Listed 1rilh D/G exclusively EXPERTS AGREE There \viii never be a better ti1nc to buy a hon1c than no\v'. rntcres t rates. could go higher. Buy no\\' 1\'ilh certain appreciation of vour inve~ted dollcirs. Offerl.'d here - t vp.icnl "today'.s \'al11e.~". Call ci:her off ice for additional sclect1on s. CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE - 673-3000 -OFFERS ' DOCTOR'S HOME CUSTOM FEATURES Spacious -i1nmacu!a te , 4 Bedroom. For- n1al Dining Room. F<1n1ll y Roon1 . llugc La- nai \vi th fireplace and Barbeque. Oversized heated & filtel'ed pool. I;inesl quality Iii-Fi 'vith special cabinetry. Olher added fea- tures that must be seen. Unrivaled location -priced to sell. 675-3000 J~ves . 675-5764 PRESTIGE 5 BEDROOM HOME l ligh above the rest in Broadmoor. Con1- n1unity of quality homes that p roject good taste and uncomn1on value. This home has over 2500 sq. ft. -just I year new'. Large yard, ;ill \vanted amenilies, an approved price of $65,500. 675-3000 "DUDDED-UP" DUPLEX Everyth ing new and improved. 01vners performed miracle in restyling and redec· orating COM income prope rty. 4 Bedroom and 2 Bedroom units, vacant. \Yaiting for you. SSl,900. O\vner wi ll carrv 2nd T .D. 67!>-3000 Eves. 675-2986 BEST BUY IN HIGHLANDS Don 't miss this "good -living" 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath home v.·ith large inYiting pool. !las beamed ceilings, lfardwood floors, perfect condition throughout -lots or eharu1 . Not fa r from ocean. $59,000 -interested? 675-3000 Eves. 673-0554 :Sa DAllV 'lLOT frld•Y. OttoHr ll. l tf.' t11>Ulli ,Olt SALi_ i PIOUS l S ,011 SALi I HOUSIS ,011 SALi HOUSES ,Oii SALE HOUSE~-FOii SALE o.Mrel tOOO General 1000 ~rel 1000 C"t• Met• 1100 Newport Heights 121 0 HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALE Huntington Buch 1400 Huntington Beach 1400 HOUSES ,OR SALE RENTALS ;_;_;==;_;_.:_;_;_:___;___cl HouN• furnlshM Huntington Beech 1400 ________ , NEAR THE BEACH NO DOWN VETS for 4 bia: bedroou1s and Z iuxur•ou-tMths~ t~resh nylon carpels I< rlrapt>s throua:1Wiu1. Ranch JIU<! k!lchr-n "11h BUILT INS a.nd BR EAK- f'AS?' BAR ~ Spa<'10t1~ ln,.nrl- ly liv1na: room w11h mantll"d USED BRICK f"IREPl..J\Cf. ]l'&dl~ IO lO\l.'ly 1"<'1.f PilllO 1.nd yard of tt111"n'lg stu1cl,• lrttl'. NtllJ' high !OChOO!!I A major shopr11ng~ \\'ould }OU lw>l1t vr l~J.3:.tl~ l l's hu~· rl-1.~ tPrn1~ 01\ 111 ONLY J 1 J'llll 001,11 WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee ~i!IO HIU'bor Blvd. a t Ada m~ .i 1;._().16.1 Opto11 1111 9 P:\I 10 Houses CholCf' E~sts1de locauon r losr 10 !<hoP5 . .l::ach hou~ srp;u·. attd by ga.i·ag" & pa.ho for 1•r1var-y. Low Ullf'f<''-1 • 11s-- sun1able Jva11 .. "o 1·acC1n• ~. Near Horbor Hi : homr <: on 1 101 r aeh hil\'e i bdrn1~ & I bath large h1•1ng ruorn. Horse Ranch 2 BR-1 b11.th home & double ;:-arllgt'. JO';~ down • Only S2.1.:illl. Lachenmyer Reali or 1860 Nev•port Blvd., CM CALL 1>46-3'21 EvK. 644-1&.x, 646-229(1 MESA VERDE CAMBRIDGE 4 r xtnt J;irgP bdrm.!, ("u5hion Surfaf'r f:tn11!y rnom \I" 1th f1replrH'r. nr w ('81'Pf'15. In 111 Info:" roorn, hall !..· rn1utrr bedroom. Ol\'Crt't"I pa- tio S: tropical lanclscap. ing. Vac11.nl & l"C'ady lor occupancy. ldral !OC!t· lion • .$.33,500 buy~ 11. MOVIE SET rmagi~ )IOU'rr I ll &C'tor with all t~ charm of a Soutl'lt'rn rnaruaon• \\'alk up the brick prornenadt-1hru dOub!e dool"l'i into • hv\ng room of )ove- llnes11: 1.ook past 9p.arkhna 1·h;1n(lt!1e1'3 at Uie art gal- Jrry and balrony. Stf!p into rhr 11.l).ur)' ol 11 1.;x ll form4l d1n1n1 room : entertaln )-OUT friends 1n your wpara!t' l11mily room, You1· l!US. RA.\:D HAS HIS O\\'N Dl::i\'' OlIT DOORS _ AL\H).'>"f 1 ~ ACRE of fu n s nd actlvlly, Vq:;urr 8 :-il\'I M ~ll;\-G POVl. d11,idPd for rhildrtn ant1 11dlllls Pl.US ~pan11,. lhf"i-<•- pf'ul1e pool. p1cn1c gas BBQ a nd BOAT G.AT E F OR f.:ASY BEAOi DRTVE. :'et this BIG fA~llLY VALUt (I bedrooms + de n • 3 lt'V· f'IS 21 ~ "Gone SJl.500~ hii.rh~J \\'Uh beforr. it l! the \\'ind." Evr nlngs Call &16-HOO STRICTLY SPANISH 11·ifh besutjful COURTYAR D ENTRY ~t!lng of this TILE ROOF' hacienda on large r.01·. fl("r lot ll'ith beat door 111 dooble garag" and ~r.psrate ("Oncrt.te side yam for Camp. r-r. Three lovely bedroom.~ snd 2 pullman baths_ f riend. ly living roon1 wi1h SPA N- ISH FIREPL.ACE ~ Spacious all built-i n cheery kllcnen and FORi\fA L DINING ROO'.\l ! Beautiful carpe1s & Drapes throughout. /\SSU:O.IE f"!IA 5~< Joan 111 S166 prr mon1h 11·irh EASY rlown pay. n1pnP Strictly TOP LOCA- TIO:\'' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 21(\') Harhor Blvd. 11.t Adsnis 5-1:>-*1 Open "111 !) PJ\r CAMEO SHORES VIEW HOME lift · Rent · Build A piece of p~t'ty !Jkt thi! ha• 101 to pU°t moory in your pock~r. live in the hoUSf: on I.root. rtot lhr ~par.1.1e urut 111 back to help rna.ke the pa,yments alld in tlw meantime you c-an build on thf! varant lot riitht nexl door, u·~ all in one pal'kage and &JI zoned R-'.! lor a total price o! $30.900. ORANGE COUNTY' S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S46-l640 OPEN EVES TILL 1 ,Jo ,. ,. ,. Great Duplex Buys B.\LBOA lSLAND-Near ~w ~ B<inn, 2 BA .L :'I Bdrm, 2 BA. Xlnt M'nt11_l , Sir>.000. NE\VPORT BEACH • Custom built 13 yr old. '2 Bdrm'! rach. $54,950. \\'ATERl''RONT . 2 & 1 Bd· r111, fu1111shed . \\"ill con~irter boat a.5 p11 rt paym rnt. 1\1ay also carry 1~t 111 71.;';C . ,\6:t.OCO. Riddle & Ro11 Realtors 3535 E. Cc11t H ighw•y CdM e 675-722 5 P'*t•,- FHA/VA Dl'hi;::htJul J lxlnn !\frAA \'rrdr home nf'ar tht goll l"t'.lllrse ''Uh i;haii l"arJ)('r.~. la•'gf' bdnns & lush land· srap1ng. FHA/VA terms. S~7.:IO() 1011ncr !r11.n:ll,! -)1 ~.·s11\:r~.--)\1 t•t'' 546·5990 Open Sat/Sun from 1 1ITT 71 Per<!grlne Circlt', fV Beautifully improved cornrr "Oas.,1c" ho1ne. 0....'11'1" sac- Hardwood Floon /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A 1ea1tt ii~ but "''" nav" St. Andrew5 Rd. a beauty 1n EASTSIDE Largl" 3 httlrni. homl' "llh COSTA i\IESA. 1.f.X21 fAi\1-!amUy rn1., r1·pl c . 11\V lLY ROOi\I, ~ ba1hs, a:ar-nra , rrit~. r. d1"HPf'.~ 11~.0C(l age on allty." bargt11n al OWNER/BROKER S2t ,!t.;o, $4~ do"'" pays to '46-2 .. 14 l':<CTJlent VA loan which any. "!"~!'!!~~'!":":!~~~~ one can a~sumfl; at samie 111. RUSTIC MODERN t.ere1t ratl'! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee tiluch glass. opf'•l hean1 l~1l­ ings. i BR, 1 BA, rtinlng, play ar,;i_ Lll:e rcnwl ya.rd . 2 yrs old. S30.50iJ. 01111rr €12·SOOO •131 R1 ver~1df' /\vP , FAST MOVE IN New homes, ready to move in. z to 5 bed· rooms. 2 to 3 baths. 1/2 mile from beach. l-~1rst payment up to 60 days after 1novc Jn. VA/FHA Term•. From $23,990 The Beach (on B rookhurs t 1 mil• South of Ada ms) 962. 1353 BY O\\'NER: 4 B<lnn. 2 &. Newporl ihech 2200 111.m rn1, bl!ns, dr()5. shag BEACH-Bay front, fant.utie rrpts thru-out. 1 -yr old_ On view. 3 Br. 2 BA, olttJ16 I. cul-de-~c J\'tar Ii eh 1 s. \\'inttr S300 mo. 939 W. Ba.y br.hr-!i. shop"g Completely A\'t'. 613-2012 eve1. 6J3....85M lencrd k landscaped. Im-days. 1nac' Sre at :!1:i12 Archcrl,,~B~Rc.~1 c'.,~BoA~lo"-'"-· 'co.,,~,,, C'irt:lr ~O.oo:>. 968·1561. drps, ne..,,•ly dee. Nr bch & 1 STORY 3 Br, 212 Ba , mkl $180. 675-Qj.tl, (213) formal din rm. Br a IJ I 355-3690. Jnd!K"pd corn. 101, detach BAYF-R~0-,-.,--c-,-11-.. -,-.-... -, gar., lri; rec rm . tllany ~x-slip llvtlil. $110 mo . lr11s. By owntr $39,950. Bay6 horrs 'l'rsiler Park. Bli--7?72 646-26.34 1250 ' Huntington Beach 1400 Fountain V.1lley 1410 BcLcVcF~F~s=.-,,-,-,-,~,,~Rc.-,~B~A Corona del Mar 201,1 ll't'~lr-lilt Dr. 646-7711 Panoramic View! ----------Condo. PooL Partly furn. 1227 1 • Bf.Al.."Tlfl_-J. Cl,"STO:\! 51;40;0 Total Annual 6··1'i. $1~~. m!l. S[IC1C'1ous 5 $."GO. yrly. 67:'i--li044. 642-3645 1-----------Hli!LT ll(J,\\l; 3 bdr. •ir Rate On The G .I. Loan lir, 3 1311. lg, lr;t. Top Do,..er Shor•s lrrepl.1ceeble View of 1 ... h b h _, · c 23001 :. ,,.Jr, & rlrn, .::•1 hd AnyoneCanAs sumel n11g ur oo u \i ·B.1lbo1 BAY &. MOUNTAINS I f""1>e Lot. heal•·d ponl, "'\ nl ::;u(>"i' Sharf"I s p A N 1 s 11 Brookhurst & F:lh.~. Drps, ----------- OCEAN k CATAL10"A $37,950 DeJ1zhllul 4 Brdroom a n d forma.J dininr room, 111.~lefuJ. ly d~rare<f \\'a I k to schooU and sOOppmg, Unique .. old "'orlrl " t-cn1cm-Ot·L-an, Bay r,, Je!!y. and 10 ~TYLE 3 hrrlro.un t"ll.niily xtra 1·r1J11ng. 2 I r pl c, Specl;irular Oct-an Vn!w porary, cxeru!l\'t' luxury "'" 11 all of! owr1rr ,r11l car· Ronn1. t~orma.1 Dtnin:: Roorn. Nl\'rrr.t\ patio, spnnklers Penln. Pl. 4 Br. 2 Ba, brach homt . :',()OIJ ~q ft. ~ RR '5, ry lrian at 7•;. Tosi.-..· call BNurtlul 1.,11.[1('1, 1tnrl Drap-front & hark, truit tree5, 4 S198 ,1inlt'r. 67:>-5660 412 BA -I· m aids qtrs. Ideal l)i.~l12ti yrs old. $32.750. E-Z terms . .;;~======== 646-71 71 for rntena1n1ns. E.1~y main rs. 1hrougho111. l..o~·ely n1orl-962 347 70S lrnmed occur Furn•~hPd QUTE, QUAINT, QUIET f'rn k1trhrn, Truly ~PA:\:1 511 _Leaving stair. -:i Lagun.1 Beach 2 10 THE REAL ''"'-ESTATERS or unfurnish('(l. Assum Tt11s ~ brlrm ,11th r-entrr is. T'ltal paymf'nl SIJl 1nt-lude~ ::iACR!FICE In: 4 BR. 2'1 SniOIO gue~t holl5e, SlOO a 6l:'i. loan, Boll: !&32 i'\B land kitrh . ." bltn. rang,. ,., 11JI Pru'rrl ar 5~.9QO B,\ illeariow H(ln1e. Corner !,.; 1 . 1 ded N slor" '18--•'1' I WE SELL A HOME Jo1 Boa! "'atf'_ c.-..r 11 1hn1· mo. ti · inc u · r. ~ ,,. ovf'n, r-11,rpr11ng. 11·iU 11H" urt~ ., · ,. t,, be h 4~8 EVERY 31 MINUTES •\•1! flrps. Only j 29,99ll ac · · Fantastic P.1cesett•r W•stcliff 1230 II IS SOMERSET LANE 01snnc111·e 11pfl(l1ntml'.'111~ . pan. den, ma rlll c !ph·. ()pr>n feeling thn1ou1. 4 Bd .1 ba. Bkfsl t'nl. lnsul i6!J.:ic<!. R. C. GREER Re.1lty 33.).3 \'ia. Lido 67,~-!J~OO A striking exterior design on 111.Jll:'e romrr lot 14'i!h room for trailer or PoOI. Ois1on1- lzed insidf' \vith 4 txlrms, tl 1n1n~ room & large 18.xlO' lan1ily roon1. Patio, ruu sprinklrrs & be&utifUlly land- ~c:aped. First timf' ofl~JY'd, 1237 Outstandini:: value ai $~0.:.00. Uni'¥'ersity P.1rk CALL 540-1151 Heritage Rea.Ill ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Esta!~ toprn eves\. I IRVINE ~FO~!"!"~~~~"I TURTLE ROCK HILLS RMER MODEL lmmac. 4 BH. w1,.,, ,-.R. 4BR. 2 BA, lge family rm . Uct VIE'"\\'. Jmn1ed. poS!. Drp~ & ('rptg, expensive ~love right ln. $~7)00. I•""'"''"' • ""'~-COOL • red h·111 OCEAN BREEZES. 1900 &q. ft. 131.900. * 546.1993 TEENAGE TREAT ·your l11n1ily 11'111 hal'e a b111! 111 !h1~ 3 BR ho111r nr. REALTY Uni"-P11rk Cen \Pi'. Irvine Call Anyl1mr 1133-0SZO CnllPgc P11.rk \11th HUGE ~-~~~~~~==~~ ! llOO sq 1" Jamily rnl Lots Corona del Mar 1250 of roon1 for B1Jl111.rd! $30.000 ----------- & thcr,t 's 11n "~isl \ne; FHA loan. Vogel Co. 12667 E. Coasr Hwy. Cd\t. 673-2020 Newport Hei9hts $25,500 511,500 Fixer U p per A CUSTO~I CHARi\1EP. 1v1th :2 BR, 1 BA hou5e, C:.1>lr e:ar. 22 F't. ~lASTER SUIT!:: a nd French Door~ opening lq Pri- v11.te Patio. "Toc·Tick!1ng'" shag carpeting, rn·hly p11n- w•I .t-p.1 uo. Un [{ '1 lot. !.:7,;oo. w lk & L ,,,,_,,.10 •ENTALS Canon Re.1lty 675-3581 a er ee Houses Unfurnisshed --Lagun.1 Beach 1705 HOME-PL US INCOME -;s.~2 1·.1!11.p;rr ---General 3000 , lle1nr.rlt'lf"d rh111111~r on lronl n( ~..--, It. r:-:> h11 w111e1••f'r :: Br. 2 b~. apt. 01 ,,r dbl s::-;i r. on rrar. ,\pt. Jsd. for S21:0 mo, Lgc, 1rrc5: :'i.i. ol !i11·y_ ~4:t,500. Flc'>. t1·111~ Clil•.•hirf' Rra! E:o;l~lr 67:1-:t.',f1.~ MOST CHOICE B1·oarl n1oor bll. 4 Hr., 2'l ha. Fan1. rm. Lgr din. rn1 .. wc1 ba1•. Q•1~L c)li5. <h•ps. Bright, bl1·1ll k11 . Varanr . so.=i,.~. Delanc y Real E state 2-~~ E. Coast H11y. 1)7.~-J71Q OPEN SUN. 12-l 510 JASMINE ,\-prahng-. nng your chimes' '"""IY decor. 2 BR .. lrplc., t!lil. ga r N1t·r ,\d jl~.'11'.I') DOVER REAL TY 675-434J, 673-9127 EVES. DIVORCl:\Li, hy ownc1'. 1 S1_1 . 4 Br. :: H.1 <".\<"C"Ufl\4' hon1c. View, !g-i:. lot. Hart>or V1€'w Hills. 3 fllos. n£•1v. S~9.!0l 2Ul2 Port Carrl1ff Pl, CJ~-:1'.166 2 BR. Jmn1arulatr ~ Lovely y11rrl. C"p1 ~. rlrps, dlll gar 711 :'ll;in.:tn•nri:_ 1'\2-.\.\j:, Op1.•n !ii 9 P\I -Duplex wifhH i9h- F .H .A. Loan ,\~sun1c high inlrt'C~t r. T 10;01 "1\h ~31"lQO l1<r1111 . l lal'r CO.--\STAL VIE\\'! Trrrilic loan assumption~ NICE & Ot'an! Ready tor or l ntere~t rate dorsn't in· cupancy. 3 bedroom 2 bath t"!"Ci;:i.~e: no JX!in1s. 3 Bdrms., Month to montll. Re~nabl family rm., 2 ba1hs. 5 yellJ'5 rent for the area. ~ W&lk old . Reduced ro $<11.S(X) t'r & Lee, 8-t!-44$j, indf'ncnrlt•nl'r" ;;11<! lrt >~Ir PLA CE R EA LTY 49 1-9704 $160. 2 Br. frplC'. rcnced yd. lcn;i111 P'IY !he "3i-t; c 1 HANDYMAN'S Children & pets \\'elcomc. !'n1<i l'I " Tot;;l payn1rnt n! Bkr "34--6!180 S\!\S niclurlr~ all. Gr.cat p 1111. Spectal! 4 In'l'ome units 120,1 c:::_:_·c':,,.-c·-'o-~-~~= 1in<:t"n Bf';ii·h Lllcil1inn. yds. lo bcach. Patios, decks S21n. 4 Br. 2 Ba. pa!lo, RIO. Call~ 11· 'ocean view. Nds. paint, fenced yd. Children & prt~ etc. Should gro~5 $9,00Q yr. O.K. Bkr. 534-fill80 WE SELL A HO'f!E Pr. S69,900. Consider trade5. Sl30 2 Br sep hous,, Fenced EVERY JI MINUTES j i\IJSSJO,'\/ REALTY 494-0TJI yd: 1110\'e. Child O.K. Bkr 180 DEGREE VIEW LITT 64;)...-0111 Wa Iker. & Lee of 11·hite wa ter & eo:stline.1 ,~1~15:.;;:2:.:.:_=.-,-.-",~1-.. --~,~.,,-,c,. ~mall hut levrl. $7,950_ \\'!Ill RIO, ._,,,114._ gar. On Perlin. Sl.000 do"·n. h11.I at SS5 mo. Bkr 534-6!)80 765": Edini;tr ~1~-lr1i 01"'n ·111 !l P '! ---6 1/2°/o-FHA-- 1 h 11'1 11 .! b:tlh. Sl!l6 prr 11i.1111h in,Jurhn::: r ax ,. ~ l,11•1·~.-.11(' r1ual1f 1r~. Pa110 k1•rhrn, i.;h.~ 1)11111111 ran:::c &· o\"C'll, tl1shwasl1cr. tarpPls, dn1pcs. fu't"placc, double g;u· .. gr, hl1J1:k 11all, l<u11b rflp. t>tl_ S'l'.l,DOO f1d! p1'1Ct', Sub- n11t yot.1r doll'o pa~ 1nr!\T. All t\ue 3 yr~. Broker I c:cc__· ~~-~---:= l!ll·lll7 491-1021 S22.:i. 3 Br, Im rm. frplc, -,. GJ\·t,: ... \\\' \\' blrns, 1~·/1\·. N1i.:t area. Bkr. , , * 615--011 1 Brlow bldg. c.-osl, 4-11·ay l=::::========~ I \'1C11·, Dream house, 2j .-..:Ira lc(l l lirr~ S:lS, ~Jl)O. Low do" n. ,,;C;;•;;•;l 1;;;;Me;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3;1;00;, / Ownrr 64"2~1! I~ • Lt:ASE/OP TJON t- Xl nt 1ern1s for th i5 5 )T. old 3 Br. 2 b11. home 11·/ocean vi~11•. Call !or tem1s. PLACE REAL TY 4!W-9704 170'/ LARGE HOME r.tesa Verde. New carpet1 &· drape!! ........ ~27J/monlh 546-9521 or S4Q.6631 xlnt area. J\e<'ds handy rnan/psintrr. ~2.50o do11'n. See : 3s-t l'llC1gnolia, Costa Mes<1 elled. 2:: f l. J1,11\;: l"•KlllL ~========== Laguna Niguel Beautiful custom home \Vith fA.bulous ocean \'1r11·, u1 E:x{'lus1\·t" Camro !'ihore~. 3 Brdroom~ 3 Bath!. rir1c1ng for personal reasons. -,~,c.,lcLcL-T""R'.1°DcE,-,OcR,-,S°"EL"""'L,-I Brookhurst north to Ellis * OP EN MOU!'F.: SUN * Ch<llC(' Joc·11t1on nL;u· Chi), SEF. TQO,\ Y ' ' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Balboa Peninsul.1 1300 Developer's Duplex· ThN'f' brdroon1 upper 111') brdrnon1 lo11P1", i11 very i:or•tl rt"UTJl a 1ra ;\\11\· /ull_v ]C'a."- rrl, i;oo.,J ;:n1111h potr n11al. $19,;,M. 24 HOUR POSSESSION Laguna N iguel Terr. New ~~ sq, fl. ~-~ & j Br. 3 BR. 2 Bath.~. den. cpts .. honirs 1n ocran view <i:ea. rlraps: inert. yard, 1~ acrf' Oirprt<'rl. frnnt lardseaped, £aststdt'. Av;11I. Nov. l sl \\l!li -"P1'i nklrrs . bllns, seH. S2W ;\Jo, 612-."oJ !9 ~IS-S~ij8 rlr .1111ng oven: :l car garagi!. LEASE-, B" 2 s• , then ngh1 , 011·ner most a nx. :\120 Lincoln \\'ay. C\I 1ous for offer this 11eekend. ' BR J. fam rm. til.900. l..;r;.:~ f::ini"11y room liX:'..J Pool S~6 ·511Ct TRUST RE/IL TY Walker & Lee 3 Car -:o.i r:•i;t' Slf.O,.lf(J lnt1rt1111Ntbelll!) t7l 41 5:ll{Kl12 Attention Vets No Cash Needed Income Units L1~!l'd l::.>;cJu~ivrly \\ tlh LLEGE REALTY 2 STORY J BP.. 2 BA. crpts_ lSIXll!dMe;atMarrtler,('.M rh·ps, bltn5, Newly pa1ntrd \\ r'1>lcl1f! 616-1711 BURR WHITE JO Co6ta l\lr-~, th1.~ dupl"l will make you no1hJn.( ti11t money_ 2 Bedroom.~.'! hoilhi REALTORS 673-4400 1010 OAK ST. OPEN SAT., SUN. "'ch, both 11rr 1·,.nr"d ,...,,. ~11 "'"""'""""'""""""""""" TremMdous opportunity for ~·ing fan11ly~ Spotl,.!is 3 BP... 1 ba . + family nn.! Spaciou~ pano k y 11 r d! 123.:i:(l: 5A• ',o Lo&.n may be as!llln1ecl , BALBOA BAY PROP. li73-7 120 A:\"YTl:'\.11:: income of J,3600.00 l)l!t' year. ORANGE COUNTY' S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 9,30 3 BR-POOL-VACANT Upper bay. Crmrnt blk. le11r. Pd rear l.i fro111 \1 I rlnl'r fhru 01·nsn1rnlal U1Jll s11·1nl\'- ini; gates. l'an"ld ,t· t1r;1m n>1l1n~· .\· " tit~. bllll~. liu/ lr-1. $(n11· 11.,!1":-hr l>vrr. s1 Zf'tl lrul1 ·' ,.. "'· crp111_ S29,!l:il, Bk,· G\li-,;j,(t -----BAYF'RONT-APT. V1!<ti1 0"1 1.1110. P 1rr f.· ~lip 11va1!11,b!r, ~Pl] or Jra ~r np-_ tHm T'rJ4·r )2~ .'al George W i llia~~u:in Rf:ALTO!: DO Yri11 \\.1n1 ;1 h.-.1nr r!n~r In ll ;:":I"<'," Lio 111 !)C!l()Ql 111 ,;n areA. 111~! n~hl for k1rb' ThH I ~ 11·hPrf" ~,.,u 11111 f111rl th•~ 3 hdr111 hon1,. pyn111t! le~~ !hHn rr n!. Full pnl'e $22,:jOO-VA/f!li\ 01\. Bkr. 546-0'14 LEAVI NG ARF.A' 01<ner~ iwllrng lor.atNI J bedroom 2 bath homr. Hurry for Sa1· ln1" here! :->l:)...i0~1 S%% CJ\1 nr r h(I~ purch11 !>.Cd new Gn1"g('OU~ 3 BR 2 l;la th horn,-hvnir , ~.ll'll\11 J Br. 2 ba. 1111 q111et trrrlinrd tUl-rlc·~r. h(1mr 011 quirt strtt'l. Cond, .'\rw " w rlU1lt'ts, all bu1 h-hr1 1P1· !h~n nl'11• \Vant.~ ol-111~. bnrk :u·rplare, la111ily fri-A.~king l3-~.:i00. room & hLige over.dzed lrit. CORBIN-MARTIN Outdoor BBQ & roo1n /or REA LTORS 67:>lfJ62 boat & trailer. Asst.1m, 51\.o ',, 3036 E. Coa,;t Hwy .. Cdill loan ... $20.400, Sl74 P .t.T.I.1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiio Pr1r td for 1mmed1a!e sa.le &! I' s:>7,j{l(), Call 5 1:>-s~~l South ASSUME VA LOAN Cc>a>! R,..;il F.sra tr ~ BR. Pr.al. frpl $2~.950 fi'~ LOA~ P yr.1 mid E xcli.1ngors R"11ltrir · WESTCLIFF POOL HOME S48-9S69 Eves. 540-4519 On 11 QUlt ! ~lde !<lrt r1 "''h 1.,, .. ..,,.. ... ..,,.. ......... ,,,. .-ou1·tyan;t cn!r11nr·r. Spo1lt~s S BR. J BATHS !h11'ugt11:>ul. Pia.no s1.t• I!" P ri•·P.-j unrlt'r m"'rk~! at Ill.I: iuo111, parque t nool'f'rl S4l ,.'l()(1 Ea~thl11rf . r-hn1~r lo- r111n1ly r'Qo)fll, S·l!J.)O'J_ O"·nrr r.atlon' 11ants orr,.,.~ CORBIN-MARTIN 646-7171 \o ·THEREAL ''"'-ESTATERS '-r • ". , '• T ' 1 I '• MOOR ISH DELIGHTS Comr to mind 1n 1h1~ -1 11 nrw 2 Br, ho1nr w/sunk,.n 1uh 1n 1n~tr bdrm. or \\·alk O™-' block io ocean !or ~ ~ry dip. St'ller 1~·111 t11ke LO\V. L()\V dOl\'n. oaered 111 J3!1 •. l00. Hal Pinchin & A11oc. J~ E.. Coast /-II\")'. 67~9Z 67.->-1662 ~rl.'.6 i-: Co;1~1 1111-y . Cd.\1 Costa Mesa 1100 $17,950 m'ANISH STUCCO Ne" ly f)a lntM 2 BR. on nic~ r.orn,..1• lot. Olfl'lt1S, k\1chrn rangt", IJ!.t;:t 1oom thru-0ut. Evf'!. 5-IS-7013 THE KESSEL CO. Realtori 1916 SQ. f1ower, SA • ~5-lf.?91 • ~er•I IOOOGeneral 1000 G•n•ral 1000 So1 vt 11 Simplt Strambltd Word Puttlt for a Chucklt O ltomi~ lett•u of tli• four 1UC1mbled '"l'Ofdt b.- low to fm'" f011r iil'!pl• -d•. ILARIOP I I I' I' I I I' I IVINEA , J Jl J Toking it w ith you is no _ _ _ longer o problem. Now, our big worry is making It losl .-1,-,-,.-G-E_o __ ....;..,I_"'•-· ,,_,. I I I I' I .. COl'llt)l.1• lh• ("Ut~I. quot.d V by fJlllft9 In th. "'iMint word1 you ""'~ f,_ 119p No. 3 IM!&<w. f'llNT NIJMll ftfO lfTTf.IS IN TMfSf SQU-'tfS ·-... --··· SCIAM0 LETS ANSW!ltS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 in1eno1-. L~ lan1 nn. \\'ell;jc========== Jndscpd; patio. S 3 l , 9 3 0 . Ceron• del Mar 1250 ~9-2286 14•kda,V!<. 540-584~1 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, "".""""'·Bia-. SHORECLIFFS LIKE Nt'1v, 4 bdr .• 3 ha.; 0\'fr 1700'. Very Lrg. L1,.. OPEN SUN. 1·5 Rn1. & J-.1ast. bdr. Kodfl! 338 Evening C.1nyon Rd. C'rp!ng. Nea1· OCC f.· srhls. Lovely rustic hon1<' Pntio. dbl. g11r., SlJ.950. ~ Berlroon1.~ &· r11 n11Jy ro<)n1 5-10-11376. !..<iq~r )a1~1 11·1111 1wu1 to add un, XTR,\ ~!or11ge-xtra I~ yd. ,11·:. NJ CE~ ;; Rr. 1 ~1 Ba. Open bca111 C:l'ii ln~. f"fR. A~~!lme 5·;, -:;; FH A. Li~tcd exc:lus111rly 1111h Tntal S23,j()(), 0 w n r . fi-12-8'2:\2. J Bdrm 2 Bath tq1td, rlq1. frpk'. bJt-ins, dishwashrr. O\·crsizcd g&r. \\'/clec OPf'll· ('r. Like ne'"'• \\'/side C:'ll j1S-01J7 alt 3 COMP'ANY REALTORS 673·4400 4 BR . 2 BA. bltn~. pat1oi°"!~~"!'!~~~~~'!"~ 11 'BBQ, tam nn. F ull pt'lrc DON'T CALL ME 526.:iOO. 101'· dO\,-n, 11Mu111c A DUPLEX GI 101111. 766 Hu d 5 0 n . ~,\()... i21 i 11 10 I'm ;in c.~1ra n1rc ':" hr.r1.-.1m HOi>IE "·1th ;i 2 llf'drulnl !"-10.~EY '.\l.\Hl\ET 0111 bat k. J:J-:1\l.TOR 29fll :"1:<'1' r~n Rh rl , :-.; B. 67~4630 6f2-2253 J-~i·es. L inda I sle 1306 LlNDA l'ilr Joi lor -~';Ir h_v ownc1· S:l't;/lfi rl11-~ I r 11 s e pdy111I ol St:no f'I'!' yr~r ."lip cap.11·1Ty for 2-1;(\' bo11I.•. '.il Fl. w11.1rrlron1. .l\ppro1ed plan~ lurlurh•rl. li-12-li\.~1 nr Lido Isle 1351 LIDO LOVELY ·I BR. • l1•1111 ly 1m. 1 halli~ & a k11chrn rn "\1,·e ui." 41} Yt . ')11 \1 1<!1> str~rl Quality cons!r11rnon Walker Rlty. 675-5200 ::366 Via 1.uln, :"l:B Orrri :-.un NEWLY DECORATED Bi>at1I l1<1•' 111 n 11 2 h:i1n• l \F i lro l. 'hl.:11.1 .:; Cl! r.11111 unus 11 1·,.. r.1111rr "''• 1t-LIDO REAL T Y INC. BECAUSE! plf I i41l<I lla1, !r~• ;o;1HIPtrr-d .~.~1"7 \' ,,, Lido Oil a f]lllf'l !J'f'(' lu1rd C,u,i1111 1 .............................. , thr !hg:h Dri>t'r1 Call~: rlrl \lar s1rert. Ou' r ... 11 \e BE ST BUY Thi., 3 RP. 2 I'll hr1111ty nn11 11 \'llll. To rl ll'ru~.c; Jerm< rail Rl!r. 6t2-9i31) £1'\.'S . ;~18-0i:?O s,f'rn lh(' l"<'SI -jin1r ~!'(> Ynr IZf" f<1 m1lv, i\ll..-iern :1 U1f' bf'st ~·:v. 1 11!'. r .. 11\" d••n 673-8550 U111. r111 Or;1n1a11r '11lr\ e KENNEDY REDUCED :-lu$! sell :i Br, .~ B11 F:.~pl1b­ hc 11on1t . Bt'11ut d ~<':()r11t1ng \o ·THEREAL ~ESTATERS -( ' ' ..., ' . '., . """ • OPEN 1-5 • 709 LARKSPUR • ~-:-ilin .t Tues. !h1·11 Fri. fJnl y 7 yr-.iri; olrl ~;6 .. )(1(1 Walkef Rlty. 675-2676 ,\TT R A l~T l~:l Bit Tt cn1•\flr!r,I f)\111rr "Ill •»1r ry l:.:1· 1 ... .i1 No 1•i1nt~. l4.\-~/(I r·11il ~11I l1 \ "n ' a 1S-117li l !: Jandscapini,:. S~7.:-.00 h) :-\al o w n " r. ~060 P hala.rofl'- ?l1~·1 2 Bl~. 2 b;1. honle 11· load; 1400 Huntington Bea ch of char111, pl lls 11p1. l11r in----- New,ort B•ach 1200 OCEAN VIEW Oosr in Harbor Hi a.rt"a, '.i bdrn1J, 2 baths, all t'letlrk kitrhPn. Hug p p::i 1l<'I, Ff"r s1n1plc _ not Ira~ hold. Cllll ;\lark I.l's, Rral!or :'i·18·1711 11 n)ti1n('. DUl'LEX r.omt'. 604-606 ORCHID Open rlttly T" in i\lcdall1 on d 11pli>>;r~: _, BR :t ha ,{ BR, 2 ba, each. ·:-..1111 hnanc. ing, :"l:ln1 l0<·111ion DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222 • OPEN HOUSE Sat., Sun. 1-5 ~ludcd l~la.nd uniL•, 6 nlQ~. 717 POPPY M"'' 1v/vi f 11•. O\~·ner most SP AOOUS hi-. nn. t.·. rum- a1Ui0us. Ask"il'ljt $63.300. pU!! rm. Slorage & ~hf'lvrs PROPERTIES WEST GALORE! 3 BR., 2~.i bllth~. 67s..tll0 675-1'42 ovrrsize R·2 Joi on BEAU. FORECLDSURI:: tPark TlPUL :o;tiYe t. 011 ner wants Lidol To1vnhse. 3 BR, 2'i oif<'t' NO\\"! Bi\. rrp!c, hl!n~. pool. SEMPLE Nttds pr\i nt k t'!c. $28.450, REAL ESTATE Liaieon Co. M6-07ll 2515 E Coll~t lh1y . fiW·2101 \\' ATERrRONT DUPLEX HAR-B0 -R-VIEW-Hl\,.LS w/dO(k. lm mac 2 BR & 1 II r0u desirt total pr1v;1r~· An. 562.YIO. 7 .2~;, I01111. in 11, p1~·~11ge art'<1, .vo11 11 111 O\\'NEl'l i7~70'l love th li: I year nr11· l.ui-k OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX hon1r; on an P51a!f' lik~ lot .t BR. + 2 Br. u ni !. \\'alk ro fhat 11 ht'auttfull y hmcl!!cap. lhopt. S39.~. Agent rd 1\·/ :t BR'i:. 2 B.\'.~ l.· t.~. Sl2-3Sj(I Oi 833-lOn Ira lrgr f;\JTI rn1. S~!l,900, °'1.·ner 6TJ-7·170, 611·:!9;).ll e1uHs prime Ml B1y 1oc.11ion. : ""'" SJ!."" c.u 6'<-2239 RENT BEATER- evc11/\l'krnds. CARi\IELISll 2 Br. home ------1 pl u1 $150 nin. 111C'On1t: frnn1 TIME FOR tbf: 3 Br. 3 8.1 . •Pl. I.g r l•it "'UICK CASH nr, Big Cort1na Rcar h. $6.'i,000 ltf" ~,1vn by app·i. l\ln:. I topprr THROUGH A Un1vCN.1!y RC"alry 6;J.r,:,1ri .J(.O! F:. COB~! l ll\"y, C<l'I DAILY l'ILOT • OCr.A NfRONT-roo,-;-WANT AD C11n1PO Shnrr~. ~ RH t. Dt>n 11 :-t ~l ilforrl r.r1 ~i;>--6~ ASSUME ~8,000 6°/o ANNUAL G.I. LOAN Al S1:•2 pc t· n1on!h TOTAi.! Lo\'Ply shakf' m if hon1r "1th 3 lar):r hed1"°111s and 2 phll- 1nan ha1h .... \\'alk to r ... k~ C:in11·1~ a11d IJl'apes. ALL ELJ::(7fRIC 1-\ITl·fl ~:;-.: S.- DISll\\",\SHF;R . Lli\'f',y eu•<- 111n1 fu·rr1l a1 c a rnl l}(!an1 Cl'll- tni;: f111111Jy l'oon1 : f;ractou~ back y11nl 111th COVERI::D PATJO an(! block wall fent:- in~, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 76.52 F:dill~('I" S.\:' .. JJ.)j 0[1C'11 ttl '.1 f':'\.f -OPEN HOU-SE S472 Kenilworth ~ l\tH11rr. \\" ~;rHh11n1 r rrs11.::e 2100 pla n, ,, Ja.~r &droon1·~ 111 1hts lo1r!y '.: !tlr:iry mnclrl hrimr. ~TOP BY A:-iO SEt:' 11r.11 '!:ii;r,il1:i. rv 545-0458 l"NITED Fl ;\[)-Cnn1111'11\•!Y Ov-~t 1hf'y i;rL the JaU r!nnr !"W>~t f'3_1111r111.~ Iii\(' rcrll. ~1:if'<I dn\111 .\5su1n r (.,! Try ]<)II.fl n! ~2:_J,, ·" '!r:, u1on1h. ,'-rady 1u 1' :'. lkln11 11rar ~t..h!l{lls & parl.. ~~~ -·-" T $61 9--" E U t • ' " '' '" r;:inie ~ """''·"' o .• .,.,, xce en & h ·d ·ood' II NC\! fi11<1nri11;::: 111th rl<'t•lining in-111 " rs Lil • ~1· _ tr1l''>l rate Jroin 71 · • 0 It! /\va1I approx Df'e. l , $2 J 6._ •' ,. ' \\'Ir pd. 54:>-:l6i\ ... Lagun.1 Niguel Corp. J BR, 2 BA. rondo, blnns. 499-13+1 547·7'i61 crpt-kids OK. $200 leas~. RENT II 4 '" 21• 67~717, ii no ans 962--0302 • lie , -J uur.. 11 ~~--~~~---,--Katel la Realty 847-6061 ba .• S27:i rno., "tr &. law71 3 Brlr., par1iaHy furn. home, SllJ A MONTH--earl' lurlr. :l'll-700.11: ~~~~-Family only. Ari. Bi n11nr1··, >1•11l'_ ~ 13t'. , . ...,ndn. M" · v· · 1708 1~=-"'=-~--~-~-1s11on 1e10 . * COTIAGE. I BR. All utll ,•.,mp 11 hlrn<. 1"'''1 111 1~·1\. ... 11 \ I 0 . p!1 . J\'e\v crp!s. drps. jl4J. A.,,t1111r •'x1q111h F . •1an Pt ... N House. Sat & Sun 10-6 No pc!~. ~:'>--6294, 540-2:ii6 11.il1 -,•, 1011, .\1u, p:1,11111s. ::: Ar & Jan1 rrn, split !rvcl.l c~O--~~~~-'--=~- Slt:. 1111y p11y 1••n1. .~: r.ol-2 1~121\l osqurro.SJ0-29\:J 2 BR, S-A. l!i;:ilL~. $160 mo. J•·,1 n11l.v J••,..r 1rt'' 01111er ""========== Children .~-pct 01\. Nn .-a.r. 11il l hrlp "ilh fn1:1,11('. ~-u u Sin Clemente 1710 200:;,1 Cypress. :-"l-111-;;o44 r ric·" Sl9,llt.'O, ~:t 2117 r-1e/ ------------2 BR dl1plex. 1 ~oung child. \ikt1d~. \l'AR:>I k INVITING Sl30 mo. 2 RDl\:>1 hon1e. l/)1•r ly le.-el . * f\·l2-21i~•7 * i\lCI:: ·I nfl. hlll11r. IX']OIV rd <l!'t'a Ocean \'Je\\', Hrd11·r11=====~====~ tll •l'k<'I Qtllck :-file by fl f I 'I 2 0"11'•1' ~2~·..100. :'>'~'~ ~Iii\ r~. rpr, i !ns. e<1r gar-Mesi Verd• 3110 (Xlncreie p11110. By owner. 1----------- loao. ~I hi prr n1 o n t h · <:all 1~2-3Hl6 3 BR, 2 BA, lam rm, dhl C,1ql('IS O\rr h a r •I '1' n n d frplc , fil1J5, bltns, aardnr. f!ilO!"'-. ::-;unk,.n LR "1!h A d ,..partmentl incl. i2j(). lst/la~L cp. flrnpl.11 f' ratio, 11uorl <tec-k. __ ._._,_s_._1_. _____ 1_9_801c"c'·~=;,-o,,c,~---~~-:-c 1,1 •'11 !lf'lt!hlinr~ · i;:,.,..,.l Jo.;a· 11n11 Nr G,il1trnwl':.L i\'E\\" rl<'~'\r>I '1 IVlr, hr<>ath· I:>li\IED Occup11nr). 3 BR , 2 \I ,,, flt 1 11. \; _1 \fi."1 h ,, /'-t Bi\ S22:1. Sharp! Sharp -Owner Transferred 1~·11'11~ ~II\ h~1n P~ .. nr~ ui~lrf ~1;~ 111 •nth 4 Gr. :l h ,1,1, 1'1r~!•_i:::r lln11I(' ;\o q1u!i1 l"f.: The Real E1tale M1rt 847.8531 f \1\1-. ()\'1·.)~ ar1 )-"II.\ l'•-"ll ;1 HI~ I•" !\Ir ~2:i,~11 .11 l11ll ['II•" '1'~~11,1\!1'~ l)Vl'I" l•oi"ln, ~" q11,ol1h 111,.: ... 11'°' drl•ty ."h"ll ,,[ ,,1~h~ \\f'll l\f'lp •1itli d•\1111 pa,1·11ir•11I n10,1)<'.Y· Rex L. H e dges, Rltrs • Q;;ne,, Transf;r7.d- ~h .. rp : ~1<lry :; brl1·1n 212 h;i1h. On rrirn~r lot. C-:11'Jl- rl.~ dra1w~. itll hu1l l-i11~. For- n111l 1tir11nc 1wn1 , !-fr.•1cf' r»rCh. f111111!y roon1. A~~unte 6'~ r.1 1.-.1111. rn•"" S.J:i,900. Pilul Jone1 Realty SH-1:66 1:'"r. Ki7·~~1 9 Beach Home Z BR. drn. new r pts ilrps. /rplr, )1\'l•l>: 1')1ln1. d1111ng rw111. Brttrr hl!ITY! Pnce J'll~:'°. O"·nrr. Ag!. iili·J;iJ9 or j36-4:;.;;s 5 BDRM EXTRA SHARP Only $31 ,000 Gl nn down r11,\ 'lo <!01'" or /\~Sllllf' IQw inl. l~n Jl,\rFDi\L n11v M-12-4-~ Where In The World <"illl .\·•II fu1rl 11 •l<'at ~ hrt1m h<1n1r 111 r'>tcllent 11.B. 1""1'· 11,111 f,1r only Sl ·l.9.JO. Call C••f trrti f•c trrn1s 11.-.l·tJJl· Shorr~ Rr-11..lh• ~"',&.,'1..~9 1 I·_, .... , ;;1S.1~3J R'' 01\ SLJ; I Br{, 21 , BA ln-lc1·t'I. lull eilrpct & fl r;iprs. rrplr . .>ltn~, A!<~Ulne f,•,•-:. FHA lo11n, S3b.000. s l.'-~1111 S~ '',(I •!11 pn1t ~ Large Rfl'5 • 21"t\12 r11m P.111 A~~un-1r <;I lri11n. S21 •1 J"'('r 1110. TOTAL PAY \11:::;\T. R.E. i\lrV11..r ~4:H)l.'i8 la 111::: ,,,_1y 'le"' "' '-"-'a hou•e' \\"1h r on,. l d r r (]Q1·l;.1ni.: 1\!I 1111-111 k1lchc.n. ltase/oplion. 83&-li:Hl eve~. 1\/w rp1s lhmugh!lul. tnll"· ror "11)). rlrri~. balcony.:: BR. 2 Ra, la1n1ly rm. 2 !)e<'un!v 11:ua!T1Prl , !\'P\\-p.Jrt frplc '>. S2.'ll m..., 2 car gaq: Br.i i h \\iii ll'"'dr o;;;:~.:,lf,n l"rp1r1! /;j,':--821 3 RENTALS Houses Furnished :; Ar.. 2 B1\. PA.11...,, !1rrplarc. \I f\V rpl s. drps $200 n1•1 ~:l1-&ao8 General 2000 =========I .:c::.;;:~-----'-'-'-" Newport Beech 3200 ~ !llllM!liitlhi?i ·1 RlNTAL FINDERS ~. llUX,fNSIVI ·· • GUARANTIED ,_ 1 llESloomAl -IUSIUllS '""·~fl SllYKI O~ W. lttlt. Corio"'•••· Wl-fl11 200S 3 &Ir. hsc_ 1n-Sh11re . Conven. In lj\I, ()('C .(: Sn. Co;:i~I 8 /8 TO\\"NHOt' . .;.:t: Ne-.v carpeting, n,w pair>\. 2 &:h·n1s .. 2 liaths. spl1t-li>v"I Pool. Adults only. $22.i i\tonth. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 9"11 Dover Dr., NB Suite 1'26 6-15-2000 E1'('8. ;,48#.166 Pln1a. Fircplare, garage. e DOVER SHORES e En1•ln~rrl paho. $90 ~o. BEAUT1YL:L lar e l\ledltf r-Prrfpr ~ludents. \\"ork1ng ' g . . Rirl~. Call _ :if7...fi&IO or ral"M'an home .. S11·1mm1nii; 548-7376 Ix-fore 10 P:\1. pool. f'l c. ,\vall. Dt-r. 1 ~'· for 1 or 2 )"ear lc11sr . S6:i.J LADY "111 Sharr Larc:e Per n1onth. 64a...-028J i\lobi11r 'll~~lP, 1\1~~ .,~~_nie, \\"ATERFRONT Lux. Ap!. on BR•' 'I to :»yrs. J.>V-<lj.:J or 1,_ p · ., 2 bd 2 013 ,1•2 '"' cn1n. ,.cw r., ~ ... , ~ · ha., pool. IM. adult!<. Boa' FE1\I ALE roon1m11.te 18-30. slip!< av11\I. Caribe BaJboA , Bayft-ont apt in Balboa. S50 310 ff' r n a n do Rd .,"(TI4) n;o. 675--0158 673-3003. ----------GIRL neecl1>d lo ~har~ my 2 2 St!lry 4 vr old bea!1I. 3 BR, BR hon1f' in. Ccl~!. $i:ifnio. 2 BA. d1~ nn, IA.m rm. Frn 673---6.Ql\7 alt 6 pm. yd. J\'r N.B. High . Frvlc. \\'ANTED ['{'finerl lady to furn or unfurn. Call 642-7528 !<hRre home in Bluffi;, N.B. or 6-16-1456 Ki! !. la undry priv. &M--0369 -"'--'--u~S~ECO:C,,V~R~H~O~IC-SE=s­ Nt:rc>:E ,~·ill share :l BR. HB 3 Br h~r fa n1 mi, Bek BAy. ho,nr ""/wom11.11. 962-T~Lf \'U. 'I'll' cplll. nu dee, $300 1st no an~ ;ift 8 pm. 67J-()j(l7 1 ~~-~-~--~-\\'JLL ~h!lf"P my 2 Br apt, DLX Conrlo'!< w/ponl f.· pool 1u girt 25 fO 3.) ._,,.'good lrplc. l BR, 2 BA. S25(1. 3 morA.l!, Refs. 6-15-2969 aft 4 BR, J BA. sr.:-i. Li.liaon 646-0i32 Cost.1 M.Mi 2100 BLUFFS. new 3 BR, 2 BA I ~ ~I MobU Contln. Poot $.150. yrly. 1-..lmonlh. ..,., uxc e GT;,,-fi()·l-l or M2-3&4S 110111,., Arlul! pa.rk. PoOl1----------- C'iul)l1QUgl", 646-2636, ~-$250 YRLY lsc, Npr Bch, 5 No r->!~. BR, 1~, BA. JliOO Ml fl, no l Bit. ho\1!'e. util pd SI:() mo.I =""='~'=· ~·=~~3§0~· =';"""=="==~ • * * Also e;r.rage l l;) mo. 6~2-.'18J7 Newport H•ig,,ts 3210 DTAL rllrect 642-5678. Charge J BR, 2 811, heal!d your ad. lhen ~ii b3r.k and frplc. SJOO le.11!f! li~tf'n to the phone rini;i:! 2\l : 4n-IS4 pool, -·---·---- RENTALS HouMs Unturni1h.ct University P1rk 3237 13ft. Atriu1n mod e I tO\.\'nhousc. COOlte grc>ent~H rnd Unit. Avail. Nov. lst Yearly lease S:lOO 1non1h. Hal, ,\~L't1I 61:>-1.~~ B.1ck B.1y 3240 tl1~ LEASE Cuslun1 l BR. :z 1 ~ BA. Fan1. Din. New i;pls. All 1•lcct. k1tchf'n, Lurgc lot. Extra$. 22\.i An· nivc1·sary Lane 646-~IOIO .l::.XEC. hon1c 5 Bit. '.\ Ba. Cpts, d rpi;., elc-t. blt-ins. S.100 per nwn!h, :H&-61~0 Corona dol Mar 32SO -1 BR. 21~ B.'l. dupll,>.'I. 1200 Sq . ft. Bl!ns, dish,\•ashcr, frpl i?~IO i\lo. ll'<tS<"'-~>W-7573 2 BR. ::! B;t, !qJI. patio. built. ins, refrig. $:13.-. nu;, •ENT AL• RENTALS RENTALS IUNTALS lllNTALI Apt1. FurniahH A.pta. Fumitht4 Apta. Unf"'"~ Ajita. UnfurnhihM Apta. U,.,.,.,,.ilheif _N_•_wo.po_.,_a._,_ch __ 4_2_00_lffw_~po-..t_a-__ h __ 4_200_1Gener•I 5000 C•t• M.a J100 W•tmJn1ter 5612 SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT AU ne\v 2 bedroom, 2 bath lownhouse. Lux· urious shag· carpet, full length drapes, red tile kitchens with built·ins. Over 1265 sq. ft. plus deck or patio. Poot, recreation building, next to Westcliff Plaza Shopping. $240 per n1onlh -Adults only. MARINER SQUARE APARTMENTS 1244 Irvine Ave., Newport leach Just North of W•1tcllff DriY• $120. l Br, aar. patio. Children A 1ml pel 0 .K. Broker 645--0111 UJ3. 2 Br. v.•/v.•, R/0 . drp.s, pool. Brnkrr !r.,1µ;980 c..1.-5100 flfERRI!lfAC \VOODS Juel completed, 1 or 2 BR. 2 BA \vilh air cond, com- plf'lely soundproofrd', stlf cleaning: ovens, wood ~U­ ina-e, dlahv.•ashe-rs, I u 1 h landscaptnr with streams & v.-atmall.&, elf'vators, BBQ!, clubkouse, u.~. jacuzil A: sv."im pools., plus much more! Ewrything ne w . Starting at Sl40. Adults please. Just Ea.st of 2600 ~==========-;-===========I llarbor Blvd, next to Nabers ---: Cadlllac at 425 f.ferrimae 4210 4100 Nowport ""'" Costa Mesa \Vay. 5'15-6.100 ------- 2 BR "'/rarqe. ~· posal-water pd. 636-tlXI. l ~7:i Oran,:e Ave (Cl J102, 2116 Placentia ID&CI $120. LGt: Z Br, 2 Ba,~"""· new ~ crpt, enc aar. nr sltop. Reap ull.5 , oo pets. Sl65 mo. NE\V 1 BR apl, bltn 1tove $125 per mo. No pets or children. 642--I014 2-2BR-apta.. Re1ponalble adult~-No pet.!!. For app'I. 546--0684 l Bedroom apartment. Built lM. Yel.f'ly_ 231 Ca.brillo St .. Costa Mf'flll. Newport Beech 5200 STUDIO APT. REDECORATED 2 BR, 1 BA. Crpta, drpa, I r e 1torqe. 00\Wd iU-. quiet, adulta 15601 Van Buren. -LEASE Or Option. J bdrma + frte ullfini!hed room 2 BATHS $223/mo. TERRY REALTY ~1459 anytlmt Tutti" 11{£ ASP.ENS 13652 William St. S640 TusUn'1 prnti1e add~si Adult l!vin,:, no ptl.3 Shq ca.rpets TotaJ air cond!Uoflini Unfurnl&hed Gymanslums ._ Sauna~ Apartmf'nts trom ~Jj() Far inlorrnation IJ5.6687 * I """ * _, * * • Whoddyo Wont? Whod4yo Got? • ... _ SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL llORN SWAPPERS Speclol Roi• S Lines -5 tlmet -S bucks •VlE5 -AA MUST fl'K\.UOI! f-Wll., ~ Mff 1'11 If-~ --9 bl tre-. ._TOUlt ,....,. ,,,_,., .-..&. ...._, ·-., .......ni.111a. t-HOTHIJ'IG FOJt !.All -T•,t.OE.I ONLtl PHONE 642-5671 To 'l1co Your TrHer'1 P1r1dl• Ad * DAil V 'JLOT RIAL ESTATI ~,., 6150 27 A,. SUperb locaUon, View ~ite. CoJorsial l\owC'. Xlnt producin.a: a v o ~ a d o • -t ("itrull &: commerciaJ land. Suitable (or ~tobUC' hom~. \\'UI divKlf'. 1"'nns by owne.r. Leavi ns State. P. 0. Box 473, Fallbrook, CA """ Cifrus Grov• 6175 Smor Frtt FALLBROOK 611: ACRES 470 BEARING TREES NE \V Jl.fODERN A \II ARD \\'INNING HO~IE. LOTS OF GLAS.S TER- RIFIC VlE:\V OVERl.OOK- ING PALA ~IESA GOLF COU RSE. S54.000. Sm down & rell80n1ble terms direct lrom ov.-ner. 319 Stew11r1 Cyn, Rd. 1-lavt-23 unit apt. H.B. 0\'er 728-7113 '=====~'-'~~0=\J=l====~ 1· _-_ NICE F'urn 3 rm apt. Sl20 *Clean lor 2 BR • Adul.Y;~pelll, 2421 E. 16th s~. Sill Jri0:-..up~l80l H1rbor Hoights Four 2 Bdnn, 2 baths up:s-tairs. Liv rm w/fllllc, dining area. All elec kik:htn, v•a11her- d rye r incl ~ted t: 5705 TRADE StO,OOJ e q u i I y home in Costa l\lt!sa r 0 t' uni1 ~. l·farbor a~a. Have buy~r fo1· tkluJe. Coastline R.E, ;,36.3m, 536-1366. SJO.<XXI ye1r &'f'Ol'IS. Tl'adc l~==========I S130.00J f"Quity Jor clc;.r AcrM.. 6200 CaUf. 11c~<1.ge. Coa51.iint l~"-""-""'------'"-'I R.E . 536-3177 536-lJGG 20 ACRES, FALLBROOK, lido lslo 3351 CllAR,\llNG 3 Br. 2 Ba year· Jy rC'n!&I. J u~t N'n1odelcd & rlC'co ra1cd, lrpl & patlO. .-\vfl1I J)('e. 1 S:DJ mu. Eves 67:~1014: rla}'S 5-H-:iJ:ll Huntington Beach 3400 :1 BR 2 h;-1, epl/drp, blt-1ns, rrfr_ trp!r. clrc. dr. opell<!r, water soft. A·B R I t y . 812-7731 or C!13t :i!l7-373:; 4 BR, 2 Ba rie1v rrdec. !ndscpd, seeks apprec1all~·e occupants. :S2~JO. 96.~~21;1 :-;E\\I •I BR . near beach & ;.<:hools. S2-l:1 :\lo , IC'asc. :1$-3%3 BR. To11·11housc. Near beach !2 1)(11)!;;, t h.!bhouSt":. LEASE. !136-J797 Fountain Valley 3410 \VE need t·lean rrsp. tenants to rent our desirable 3 Br & ricn home in 11ui(.t tracl nr. school~ •'-' shops. A\·ail oo'v 10 11J:hl party S2.'G mo. + <lep. ~13-9-l-13 Uays; 546--13;JS r vrs Westminster 3612 I BP.. 2 Ba. f;i in rn1. frpl, d1.5hwshr. C'rpl s, d r p s. eovPrerl pallu & f"nt:c S235 nio. 89i-~91 or :i:J~Rfi~jl Santa Ana H•ights 3630 VAC"..A.i-:T l BR. f1·plc, crpts, <l1shv.ashrr. :;!o\•e. No pets. Feni:l'd )'d. $200. n10. :1 lj...121)9. 3705 BF:AUTJF't;LJ.'i' DCS!):!'rl<'cl 2 lxh·rn. ~ blh. hll on 4 lrvrls, Alla Vi~1;1 arri1 , G('lrgNJU3 (>l"'ca n ,-1r 11-S:>2."i. nio-~)T r flu nd. ·1'.ll-lf;fVl Mission Viejo 3708 BEAUTIF"liL V1c ll.', 2 BP •. l1! BA. f ·rplc. hltn IY>okca ~r• Crpls. 1!rp5. lCl-8!1~7. Condominium J950 .~ B<liTll S2'."J. mr'. L.~\' opll{ln VC'ry d!"<tn, <·hilri & pclS WC'l- con1r ~!62-(.i'.;61 t::-.TtL\ ;\It e ~ b(h'. ~ ha . pool, pa.tin, :rn:; a mo .. "'l·"" Cal! $8-211:1 O wplexes Unfurn. 3975 ,\'E\\'LY Rcdc:c. homr .~tylc, I bd1 ·. tile. 11• 11· rrpt.~. F.nc:L i::•1r. /\clulti;, ~!2J. 220 J::. 2'!!1h ~'-· c_,,1. RENTALS Apts. Furnished General 4000 * $89 /MO. ?i' Tr;i1lrr 1,.,. n \ . rrn! 1n. 1 lucllr!h ut1l, .t· l!l'>llfld 1'f'n1 ~lfi rlan1a):!'r rlrptr'ill rr<tt1 1t-rd. 1311.\, S~11L1':Y. fillr. 642-2221 646-9666 The (;1)nGE:OL':"i /\'riv VAL D'ISERE Stngl-1 br-2 br, f"urn-un!. Sauna, 1\c1'y Rm, Bill 111rd! Therapy & 4;)' pool, BBQ~ 2000 ParSOl1$ Rd. 6~2-8670 HOLIDAY PLAZA DELUXE, spa_rlous 1 Bdrm. ~·urn apt $133 pills util. Heated pool. ample parking. Nn rhil1!ren-no pets. \96J Pon1ona. C-~1 . S11{1. Baeh ap1 , Close lo ..,f10pping all uiil pd. Bkr. :.:1.1-6~ 512:, l Rr ne1\ly Patio, ulll pd. 615--0111 Costa Mna dC'Cttra!rd. B r ok e r 4100 incl utll. Single man only. Rel. 310 Meadow Lark Ln (olf 2300 blk Santa Ana Ave). Open alt 1 Sat & Sun. FURN large bach apt, equiv to I HR. Util pd. No pets. Sl3;;. Nr new furniture, a\·a1l Nov. lsl. ::i-t9-J866 Sn11lh. Sl25, 1 BR clean, quiet. hf'aut fu r .n. Nr market . \Va.~her/dryer, garage . t\Ia1 u1~ adlills. 192:? B \Vnllace. CH ATEAU LA POIN T E Lo1·ely 2 Br turn ape , pool rarport. 11dults no pets. S150 -!-util. 1941 Po1nona. SPACIOUS 2 BR. Pa!'.l!-thru sru1ck bar, new furni ture, ccra1n1c bath. Vt!1')' lOYely. :l.'i7 °.'ictoria St., C.~1 . E X ECU TIV E _ Type Toll'nhouse, 2 bdr., 2 ba., garage. Pool. Adlt.!1 Only, 673-6~ • Corona chi Mir 4250 SPACIOUS t. delu."e 3 BR, '2 BA , duplex 1\'/irplc. S. or Hwy. Evf'rything fu rnishf'd • \Valk ing distance l" beach & r;hopping. Older children on- ly. S32:i nio. 675-3428 LUXURY Apt. Ntw pain!. COllSTRUCTION JUST COMPUTlllG 2 I 5 BR UNITS all with fireplaces, dishwashers A 2 bath!. Rental Managu • f.frs. Ouistiensen 3117-A Clnftamon Ave. Costa Mesi Phone 546-11134 shag carpets &: drps. Adlts;l~:::::i:::::i:::::i:::::i:=~~~~~ Only. $200 a mo. Util. pd.!' 403 J asmine Ave., Cdnl 2 BR •Pt. cpts/drps, bit-in 54&-5962 range &: oven, nofrig, frcez.. BEAUTiruLLY F\Jrtushed I f'r, disposal, air roncl .. patio. &. 2 BR aprs. Al'ail on short ALL utilillei. paid. $200/mo. term basis. 'nlE JA:,lAICA Adults only ·no pets. INN llOTEL Cd?\! Woll1-McCardle. Rltr1. · · • · 1810 Ne-wpon Blvd., c.~f. 2 BR. 2 Ba,~ ocean, pool ~IS-m9 Evt. ;»S-1939 & clubl1ouse. 642-2878 THE VICTORIAN f'UP.N tn11:helor ap1. Nr Completing Nov. 8th OCr.ch S. "hor111ng, util pd. Brand new 2 BR, l }j BA. SS.• 1110. ~j_J-.-:;1:..:; S.1 5 0 . Adults only . • Large l Bedroom * Crpt~___..j~-b1•-· Sound LAP..l,;E ;\!OD BACHELOR ..---....., ...... furn, v.·/11,• crpts, dJlls, gar.. , proofed, pn gar w/storaa•. · · , Bea u11lully !urn. all util pd. patio, see to appreciate. Fenced yd w/palio. \Vatf'r "°1841 S 100 1110. 54G--2'.!61i $12i 548-6030 & ......,.... ___ pd. Gardener maintained. SUS CASITAS COROLIOO Apls l Br studio 667 Victoria St. 636-4120 fnm 1 BR a pL 2110 Nt!wpt.rt furn. ~:!JO 1113_33,8 CASA GRANADA Blvd. l\ledaUlon by 1-lotpo!nt. ============IJU!SI Opened • Only a ff'w 2 *NASSAU PAL.\IS• Balboa 4300 BR's still avail. Pool. rec l & 2 BR. -Pool -----------1 rn1. Hun-y~! 400 n1f\r1·1n1111." 177 E. 22nd SI. t.~1-3645 CLEAN Bachelor Ap~. 1 behind Lincoln l\lercuiy off 1 BEDROONt large. Ideal for All util incl ~ up J·la1·bor 1 bachelor. Pool. SI:?:>. 199:: 3\i E. Balboa 81\·d. • 5 10-~;7:_> • Church st. 5-\8---96..'.3 BALBOA 67::.-991.i>l --;M-::A=R"Tl=N"'l'"'Q=U"'Eo-- ATIRACTIVE 2 BR, si4o. Huntington klch 4~00 GARDEN APTS 1613 Sa"ta A"' A,,, Will • al:i;o rent unf. 513--Rj12 l fl R OPHr llC'IV Ci\i C cr.n1el' r>!arr1rd eouple prrf, 1nf;1.nt ok. $12:1. fi.16----822ti S\65, l BR + 1len, bel>1de pnol. ga ragr. l'E'ry private. 11rll1l1i:., no pe ts. 61&-37G-I S67 :..0 NIC'E Bachelor apt, 132 \\'. \\'il!>On, C.:\I. :145.9.-177 or 6l2-l26J $80 & UP. Very ni~ I & 2 RR lrlr. 133 E. 16111. i;pace f"o. 16. C),I 6~2-l26:, LARG E 1 BR. furn .. ri uplex ~a ragc. Sl39/mo. J64 E. \\'1\~on. 5-19-2171 2 BDR:\I. ]1~ bath, r lr••IE;..cellent, park·llke surrn11ntl - k i 1 c h f' n , 11·ashf'r/Ur~rr, lr.g.-for ad ults onl)'. :\ca1 fcncerl p;i t'io. Crp!~. !rnlr shop11 111-:. J•wl. pool. l hlk fro111 ~hOPl•lll'.:: 1, ~ ,f., :; Br • .-\PT ~ 1-i·nl!'I' T"r Brnokhllro'-\ & 171 7 .-.anT:1 .'In:•, .&,pt 1 1~ ,\dan1.'-. No rh1 ldrcn or p<'L' li lti-.i.·1 1:.~ ·ii-6-1~'-ltt,j Sl6:1 niri. 962-2803 CHARMING 2 Br.. poul, util pd. S'.!00 n1 (l 1\dull!I only, i'·• pel~. 1 ;f;~ camcron, &17-212.:.. I er. lu111. \\'a1r r l.· ga~ pd ADULT onl»· $&). 918 Palm. ORLEANS APTS. J BR &\'at.I. Adult.s onl~. 1741 Tusl!n, Co;;r,.. :\ll'~il ~lzr. t>ln.. Carson, 612-4611 Jlun11ng1on Beach. 526--16781 __________ _ or :J36.-49i9 Sunset Beach 4455 fairway Villa Apts draped. Enclosed patio, :.1 100 CLIFF DRIVE car lll'!ll". u~ or <:Jul> $180 l BR, 111 BA. Crpts, house. pool t, sauna bath. drp!. bltins. View ot ocean. Adults. S1'1() ~r mo. \Valking distance to I0\1•n. ?\la.sf'artane Rlty. Also turn Rachek>r. \'ery • 6C3lG • iill'ie. $170, '9+2449 or ......,,_ TOWN'HOUSE 3 Br, 2~1t ba. Bf'aut. apPl'd. Pri\'. patio, pool; nr bay, Val. S32,500. Eqty lor T.D., car, ~per or ! ! Chmer 6-16-6654 cholce location v.·/vi~. Equity In l BR, den, Mau-~ntle iloping, wtr .. trost- liful view, Back Bay home frtt. aewer ~ar. Potential in N.B., !or bare land. P.loblle Homf' Park, nunery Agent. 615-6?jl or <ves s-ooo U or grove. ""· , exce . 6T.J..cit!3. terms. Broker. Eveninp NE\VPORT BEAOI Villa Apt. Exclusive Sl!Ction, ho:-REAL ESTATE Sl!XXI tQUily in 1969 Chevro. ury Jlvin~. large healed General let .talion wasun. Fully "-',~,~U~o~it-,-LA-gu-na-~'Bea-,~b-11714 ' 54s..i387 Exchange for I~========== I pool, pentho\ue view . t<Juipped. Trade equity for Spaciou~ 2 BR, 2 BA, Y>et Ront1ls W1nted 5990 oldt!r nr or ! JO . 20 units R. E. Wanted '240 FORTIN, Realtor 6'12-500'.J -------1 b lrpl • " 83G-~ or 6.16-0042 ar. c, au f'lec, crpls, \VANTED, Rental for wintl'rl~:c--o--c---=-c--cc---1101-A w • .,,iur oc., N.B. NOTICE drps. Adult~. no p e I I , mo. Fur nlshfi.t hou!e 1 or 2 12' Cru15f'r 'f'11·i11 D, aulo Rarf' cl;i.ssic Cadillac El I! you hal'e a 3 or 4 b!droom Bargain •1 SJ15 m 0 · bdrms \\'/Xtra lg-. !iv'&: rm. pilot, raJlie. 1:.!C'O n1i: recent Dorado Brougham, (: 0 ,5 1 home for sale or lor tt'DI. \Vestclilf Villas No. 8. on Victori. or AJi.90 Bch. 1unoey S40:'11. l\'iU cori~idrr $l6,:?00 n<'Y.'-trade for equny call us today. We npreRnt 642-2496 or 011·1Yr iX>-4026 494-6109 ln.lst d~ or smaller boal. 1n 3 0 1• 4 BR home or 7. lhe f'niployees of • large DELUXE 2 & l BR 4-PLEX \"'l"'AN=TE=o~cRoo~-m--,-,-.Scm-.,c1' l CN.11et· !i l-1 1 719.:;400_ Oivner M2--49i1 fu1n nlo\'lng to lhe Harbor Apts. SlSJ to S2l:i mo. Apt, in Balboa. 833-:il2.> Rest., bar + ':? lovely horn· Area_ and tbey ~uat ~ve Adu 11 s, l\lediterranean ,,,«kdayi " a:ik for Dr. 12 units clo~" to Harbor '= es. fruit trees, horse barn, hou~111i;:~ AIJ cas.h 1! desired. Vi 11 a&' e. (nl!ar Hoaa: Jack Little l'\~11wrl, Cl\1. Va lue S9-J,000, rentals 5 + acres in Pauma Call F'arro1v 5-16-8640 H"pilal & Park Lido -..,..-;;.,--,;,;;:-.,.,,..,-Ov.•ner v.·ill carry -oo Un, ESS RENT•L SERVICE Valley -t1tx sheH . Tradf' · ~US IN •na l\1edlcal Bldg.) l\ta-r. 4150 "" charres. Leon Vlbert fUtr. Pabice Rd., NB FREE TO LANDLORDS 348-0>88 anytiine. :erg. &/or ron1m'l. 641-1721 __!:_l~~~CIAL * Blue Beacon &6-0lll * N l JI · h h :l 0 --.-.--,--UNFURN $150. 2 BR studio _ C-l Conun. Bldg. Jge pa\' .. "l'.l rivpor eig ts on1c. Bus. pportun1t1e1 - apt. Patio & pool. Crpts, e LANDLORDS e lot near Ntll'JXlrt & Bristol BR, 2 BA, DR, nook, se1v d • bl •-· 152· P'-u· ~0E RENTAL SERVJ,...,. ........... h. den, 2 F/P, 20CKl ~". FAMOUS rps u.,.. J -cen a, & n.c. ....r. Blvd. Value $27,500. \\'ant "-~ ..... N.B. Broke"r 534-6982 \'il'ii· home. Lton Vibert rt . Tn1de SI 1,000 eq for Acre· BRANO NAME BACHELOR .p'., -mpl•l•·d 1 . \f .\N T E-D: Unfurnish...d n. l -".•o =~o · age/2nd TD's 548-98Jl C.\NO Y RO UTES " ".. h C ,,,..a 10r ......,, . ......,.,. anytune. NO\V available in Costa Mesa adult only. S1:i 1216 \\'. ou~c. orona del r.,ar or Cl lent \\"Lil Take Prcblem •. many 0 ••• , to--,,,. •'-l• Balboa Blvd. 6 7 :l-7 s 7 6 , l~al boa ls!and. Call 539--01:>9. Havl!: 56 ac \\'/ stt-ean1, 1 "'-"""' ... .., '"'' 494-9'1,jj f'/C, in recre'I area. \\ian1 : Propenies, has lree & c ea!' <1rca. All locations are corn- R f R sns Un l!s, ('Om mercial, TD'~. Ot' acreage plus lo!!i. n'e1-cial or factory. Very 2 BR, 2 BA, C/D, palio. ooms or ont SJ. Sl...A VIN, REALTOR hl:?:h earning.,, no ~,,,.._ in-? ~ ~ Nancy J. l\Joore Bin-. -..... ,. frplc, dishll'hr. f\r \Vestciiff $25. PER WK. & UP 6_12_7IXXI 641-6222 volved. To qualify you must P!1. lflr.'i I r vi n "· $200. Bachelor & I BR, h!d pool. be reliable k hal'e I ht a Adu lt!\! For Appl 64~--0239 maid ~c rvice. K ik·hen~ & 80 Acres ?\T-3 East Ht>n1et Laruna ~ Br. view home, day ~pa.re time {days or ~ BR upper. crptl\, drps, TV avail. 430 Victoria (Nr \lahH: S:r.!:>,00) equity S200.-val. s&;i,000: takr land, boat, ,...,.,.~). OCK!, Trade fo1• inron1e". Bert ap"· !or $21.000 ""'. ~Ir. l l'OC oo 13350 REnumED ~tol'e & ret"'. Sl60 yrly. Harbor ~. ~,., • ,. 6il--SOSS ~fott 11·ith Ed Riddle RlU-s. Conrad. Ri\iera Realty I1101ulre about our "tree boniu LRG nn. pri. f'nl k bath Lrg 6·16-8311 or SlJ-007, ~99-2300 4~1.33o Eves. 1uu1 c plan". l\fake your tu- <" Io s et , P at i o , c Io st cure secure wilh us, a Dunn 5210 :!. BDR., pool, lirepl1Cf' l rlr<'. BBQ. no child or pe!i;. Ulil. pd. S170 a month. Call :~18--i32j hch/shP& S1;) mo inc util "I\ * * * * '* & Bntdstrt'i';I rated National 673-1023 l '!'!!"!!!!'!''!'!!J!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~I C.o. F'or more Wonnation 2 Sleeping: rooms, also I REAL !ESTA.Tl REAL !ESTATE ~cud nam"', address & pl'lone 11'/M!p kit. S:>.l It S70 pl!r Gen.r•I Genoral !I\), to: ROUTE DE PT, P. 0 , mo. Quiet empl n1 e n . Box ~ill Pomona, Cali!. 91769 East Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e ~ Br. 21;, ba apt. lor lease Intl. J>Pa<'. mHstr. suitf', din r 1n. G.: dhl. ::arai:e. auto. ~8--6986 F URN roon1 w I pn bath & entrance. Pallo. Quiet, 1.J6D1 Van Buren, \\'estnun~tcL 894-3J90 S:'llALL Bach. unit for donr olJ('ner a\·aiJ. Pool & older Pf'r~n on I Y. $18 rte. a.rea. f'ir. Catholic serv1ce5 p;i.id. 5"18-1809. Churrh. Adu]!~. no pe ts. i--.,LcAcRcGc.'=E-. -.,P0L7E0A7s=.~,=Tc. - e O:\ILY S2t i e \VOR KING ~1AN ONLY. ~6.i AmigOll \\'ay, 1'.B. 64&-1J04 ~I!.\\' ~iOO sq 11 l BR 1., lam PRIVATE Room • Kitchen n11 , :: BA. O"-ner 's lux apt. privil. Nf'ar 21 ~1 /,, Santi j_).! ,\n11gos \\"ay. 6i:i-503.1 Ana. Sl7 v.·I.:. 64j...Jn1 llusin•ss Prop1rty 6050 Offico R•ntal ___ 60_7_01 * PARTNER * 81.ck knight Rest. JJO E. lith S! .. C.~J. !Land & Bldg.) 1000 SQ. FT.. a•r cond.; A S ,. -N · -'! cUl'e ~,,,,_.,.,,: a.t1on .... y carpel, parkini;::. S300 month. Pacific /l lu!ual Bldgc, Z7ll kno11·n 1111:1.nufacturing busi. < Co d nrss, f11ii1ly establisht!d •~ ~-ast llwy., C M . 1 1 673-4120 lops 1n 1c d !or many yean, no11· e.\p11nd1ng. Starting a.al.- By 0 \\'11er 71 ~: 6-t:.1-&200 OFFICES ary Sl2.000 Pf'r )T plus ~ rull s· com m t aJJ bkr.i Reception-Al'\!v.·ering of P1-o rirs. Sl'lould return in-~ ., ................ Secretarial \·ei.t111e nt I.st l'T. Principal = 334.> NeY,.porl Blvd., N.B. selected must have ~xec:u. Bu1ine11 Rental 6060 67~1601 ti\'e m~menl ability. 15c SQUARE FT. COSTA l\t"" oflict!~. AIC. Rigid investip.tion invitf'd. Newport Beach 4200 J BP. apt on canal . f\"ew drp.~. :\'ear Orange Co A1rpol't & Corona cHI M•r 5250 Clran. Sam!" rent yr rouncl UCI. Adcll! only. 20122 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nc:1\'J'OM Beach Sm . 5.16-1166 Santa Ana A\'e. ~279i GRAND OPENING ::=_===::o=oo;===;;;;;;I=~--.,~-~=~ $1;1 \\'K &: up v.·/ kitchen. S30. wk studio apt. 2376 Newport Blvd. 543-97J.5. crpts, drps. Parki ng . Very References f'XCha.nged, Jn. r.~t1il or offire space. 600-nice of!ice~. 155J Baker, qulriC'~ held Jn ronfidf'nce. 1:.ioo..2.wo 111'1 fl. Zll to 213 54ti--4890 fi2nd St., Nell'porl Beach. PcrllOnal interview_, only. Koy !or rntru, N.B, Tra vel I ;==========60=o1=:51 Ca 11 Ken Oillord tn4; ·~ Commorcl1I 774-7m0 Lodge. 0 11 ner (213) 233-3101. 1--=~· =='"°"==-- IMMEDIATE Orange County 4600 Nf:\V -Drlu.'(e 2 BR's-2 OCCUPANCY --~---~----!Ba 1h s .Crp1 s, d r p s . Luxury gan:len a partments SINGLE adul t1, I u ~ u r Y d1s h11·h.t'$. ranges. $ 1 ;i;,. oflcr1ng complete privacy, garden ap\.li, ""/full recrea-Al'atl Nov lsc-IOth. See a t ix'!hllilul landscaping &· 11n-r1on facililirs & romplete 160 w. \\'ii.son. S48-6/3l. p;:irallelerl l"-'ct'l:'ationaJ raril-prtvacy. South Bay Club 64&-8253 111e~ in a rountry club al· Apl~. m So. Brookhurst. ~~~~----.,--Anaheim l714 ) 7i2-4~Xl0 .l Bf\. 2 BA. i\leu. del l\far 111osphere. No1v leasing 111 d1sr. \~lalk 10 11JJ gchools & N11wrort Bli'ach. furnished or unfur111~tJ~d Gardon Grov• '610 mkt.•. I or 2 childt'f'n over Guest Hemet 5ffl i\!Oclcls open 9 a1n to 9 pm "-----------I l( SlOO & up. llll4 El Ca-NEWLY COMPLETED fVnTs from Sl:)S 10 SJIO. SINGLE Adults L u 'I u r Y mino Dr., ~. 5-L>-316.i GRAD. nune will t.a.kf' cart! OAKWOOD ,i::-ardcn .i pt~ 11i lh counff)· 2 NE\\I 2 BR apts. ••l w DUPLEX of elderly couple, 2 ml.It or club atmospher"-' ;i.nri cnm: crpls, g;i.r , lgf' wndeck or 2 BR. 2 ba. fS?.lOl or 3 BR. 2 female paot-nts 1n my O\I n eve~ j213) 246-0700. EXCELLENT prolit ma.kina: FRIGIDAIRE 569 W. 19th St .• CM plan for club~. ~ h u r c h JET ACTION 11,~/m th · !··'· all 1·1 group.s, organlzatJons and F "d . . ;,.., on inc ""mg u 1 • th .00. 'd al Doub! r1g1 aire 18 min. wash. Jtje,, :> years 11~th option of e 1 IVI ~ • e your Fll!itest Jn the industry 30 :>.Fin! & last only. money, \Vrlle or Ph?ne noii· 18 min 11·ashes wi1J do. th~ HOT SPOT! for free. con1ple1e 1nlorma. work of 4j 30 min wa he <>< ~-, lion. Compub, lOSS E. l3t .31. FRIGIDIARE: OUT~.4~0. ....,.....,., Sl1ire 203. (7l4' 836-6955. ING LOCATIONS: La l\jira. STORE -Offlce11, 800 sq. ft. Sharp Commr.rei&.I buyrr!! ! da maior Hhopping: renter, Campers, boat!!. many types s.!x l 10' Va r -\\'. 19th SL Gardcn Gro\•e t: Buemi bur;incss. f·rnt, park 20 cars. $2j,000. Fantastic term~. Pllrk. Unlim. tnlJic. Rrmoclelirig. Lockhar1 Rel\lty &1&-2301 Coin·O•MatiC. s22;; mo. 470 Ne111>0rt Bl \·d. 6-IZ-."ll!:il GARDEN plrtr pnvacy. SOUTI-t BA\ pa!lo. Responsible adults l ba. (S325). l"fiv. pa~. home, 24 hr nur~1 ~ cart. top BUJG for lrasr, 11.<XXI sq, rr Property 90' x :ocr. 54:;...11:r: d11ys. Eves. 642-1479. 940 \V. 17th .. C.l\f . APARTMENTS CLUB APTS 1ZIOO Chap1nan no pf'I~. 316 E. 20Th SI. · 1."0V, ~arares. Cpt'd .. draped, r ef'5, 499-4017. Cail morns AITR. Commrrr. bid:; .• 1200 A\·r Garden Grol'e (71~~ t-omp. hit-ins. Bnt loc. rrotn 7-2:30 sq. It. P1cluresque old ]700 16,h •"-·t ~"' ;,..,n Sl60. l BR, frplc, pa1io, 7C6 _ 707 Orchid 1 Ne11'J>Clrl , ldt!al for arhst:-, 1-=========== Equipment, Inc. z::.::~\i \I'. Valencia Fu!lc1·1011 714: 525-7333 DELIVERY ""= °""""'''"''" .. PRIVATE room in ice.nstd I ,· ........ ~.,. ,, l l r ut 714 : &\2-8l70 ============! c:rptu. drpd, garagc. adul ts df'r.oral<1rs, <1.J1t1qur~. "IC. lnd'11frial Rontal 6090 "•" • ~.._o;e 1c ( c 1\:ery o a o Laguna Beach 4705 289 Ogle. C. ~I. 71-1: ;'>48-&3111 &71.£058 0 board & car~ home for Adrqu;1 IP pnrking_ GO~OOfrO~ pads & 11cce~i01ies lo our Sl!\G LE Arlul!s L u :11 u r y -;~:;-;:;-;;:-::;=:-:=;::~J~'~';'~'~'~' ~59~2-'.::52~27".__~~-b# e Ide rl Y II: I! n ! I em an 67:>--17 17 f:ve~. COSTA MESA c~Js!oml'r!I 1n Orange County g-a rrlcn apts "11h country PAt\ORA?\fJ C view overlook· DELUXE .. ,p\, n" ·,. 1 • -M'' I u..a. Ambulatory only. ;;.!S.~5 e '11.iO 11q. U. Sl65/mon!h AT'f'~ Si."{XJ ln~·rstmen1 re-l b he d "' " STOP.I:.: for lr<1~:~· 11r1u ~'l· II l' u lltmosp r-: an coin-ing All!!O Bearh. 2 lxlr k 3 Sparious. Bit-ins .. Terrace LARGE 3 BR, 2 RA, pr1 Mloc. Rontolo 5-111 ~hop t'lr fill 17th . ..::1 1· .. ~1 .1 • 3IOO -Mi · ft. 4 ollic:i:~. :l qurred , l 2Jll per wk plu! plctf' priv11~y. SOUTH. BAY "'"r furn. All t lec. 11pts. 1 1 1 0 . 1 , 1 & 1, o l . '" ( 6 pha.~" po w('r. S :; J O/mo . profi!s, ."hou!d f':>.:C~d S'20.00J Cl "B APTc l 16 h '"' p;itin. ht!ins, dish11·~hr, IH'\V 1---'---------'l!i:~;i ·,.u di!y 49.J.-!l J,, 1111" ~' .u D~~-,rv1 ~ al L • f.laturP. adul!!I No ~t s or ~1S--21)39/&IG-.J760. ohl'e shag crptg, drps. sm JNDUsrRIAL units f 0 r %~-::(s:: • l ij() lo 15,00'.l Avail. Dec. per ,IT. t'or .a ppl., call (Il4) 1•Cl1'JXlr1 ~ar.1 child. S19a t, $230. call aft. 6 .~ !st under consmiction. 539-jfj()(j "·"' 393. j 11 ~1 64:;.o:)j() P,t_ 4_37;; $160. 3 BR. 1~ B_A, blt-Ht'l, ~fo. 675-3794 altrr 5 1tora1e. $60. \Vest 16th St. ROO.\I Snilabl!' for gift i;hop, =--N Be h 64&-1124 C. Robert Nattress Rea,ltor_ BE,\UTY SALON for sale. STEPS lo beach _ fllori. 2 1 cRcE;N.:_:To•;,:L~S::______ rrp!s, d rps. dlshv.·asher. 2 BR, frplc. crp!, drps. """POr1 ac · men'11 ~hop or lad1r s shop. Co~ta ll lt!M 61--14~ Estahli~hcd 9 years, .,.,. "·! 11 b il · I l "" patio. No ~ti, l children b9\rony. laundry rm. So. or GARAGE a vail. fully cnclos· Call J im Berkshire. 6i:}....!)JQ.j " "' r .. a u t-ins, nc · vae. Apts. Uftfurnishod ck. 5'1:>-Jllj HUNTINGTON BEACH lb',',,'•,,•.~«;!,:... Cl\t.y !!:.~. sy~ .. radio, aulo (&r. door. ==~----~--c J-l11·Y. 37l HehotJ"ope, Avail ed. Pl per mo. STORE for Jea~e. l j(J(l sq, ll. .NV-_.,., 'Woi •• ~ S220 yearly. 642-3490 G9noral 5000 BRAND new oU lrv.y. So Nov. 15. $.D). 67~3645 * ~S-292t • Oceanfront at Nev.1>0rt Pier. r.ent !1165 mo. «'rite Daily SAIL-INN r.folel, dlx rms, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! CoA.\l Plau. 1 A: l BR, BRANO New lge Jw.;ury 2 SINGLE raraie !or rl!nl 675-1j66 9070 Sq Ft Induslrial Space. Pilot Box r.1-10, singles-couples. i111) to S120 Bltln11, Ch i Id re n OK. BR. So of Jlwy. V)ew, p]/mo. Avail. now. l\letia -• J-laa 3400 sq fl, air condition-00 mo. Cont bridst, maid aerv. VEN DOME 546-6976 1undt!c:k. Adult.!!, no peUt. Del ?\1a.r area. 642-4422 Offic• lt.nt1I 6070 ed offices you own caterina; buck IE ti7~112 -----------s1s10 prr month. have no bulli~! ~e tJf1er Lillf'n xtra. 67:'>-1841 S160. LARGE dtluxe 2 BR, REAL ESTA.Ti LAGUNA BEACH R D Slate . Agt ,''s.880l you 1he best 1n Caltf. WelJ. OUPLEX IMMACULATE APTSJ l12 BA. GE Kllchen. 2 car COROLIOO .Apts. 2 Br Genoril Air Canclitlon•d · · !> • ;),) knoi\·n fOOd. 642--09().j ADULT A: FAMILY gar. Adult, no pet1. 240 E. 1tudl0!!, some w/frp\ai. S180 ON FOREST AVENUE l\'E\V J000 sq. I!. buildin: ==========-1 2 Br near bay. 673-6880 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 16th Pla<:1:. 5'18--6432 It. up. Also ..... nthouse •"'1n. l_nco-P ..... rly 6000 prlme ?.I I air conditioned I I I 0 6310 ~ -1 .;;.;;;;";;;;-;;;;;~;-;:;;;;;;;;;;. Dt>.sk space a \'ai!Jh!(' In -· nvos men ppor • l BR lai-e. Nea.r ocean . CJoM to .. ...__a,.., Pirie 1 BR, p<i patio, all f'lf'C. Pool A. paliOll. 673-3318 _. otfi~s. Excrllenl parking, ____ _;_..,o.:;.,:.;.;.;_;c;:..~ "' .. ""t"t""··• ne,1rst ofiice bl.l iluing a l Upstairs.. S150 '\'rly. * Spaciou:tl 3 Br's, l Ba CrpL,, dr,>S, carport. No * 4;e, 11unny, Up!ltrl!, l Br, *A n-e Jewel* prime !oration in do.,.,·nioivn access lo free11•ays. J\lr. NEED Investors to rurther •673-8088+ * 2 Bedrooms pets or c/\ildff'n, re$p0ll5i~ trpl, aundrck Sl&O. Sl4 M Laa-una Beach. Air condi· Y er 8 u s o n . 'The Real df'velo!) shallow S. E . LRG. I brlr .• beh>.'ttn !hf' + Swlm Pool. Pl.IV(t'f'en adul!s only. $115. 54&-1322 Narcl!IJUS fiil-4144 tioned, carpeted, b!:auUful Estateri. ~2313 Kanua oil lease. Call or eke '= Ba ga1 A: at * Ftp!, lndtvllndry lac·ts LIK E 2 BR bltns -..... 2 B JUST COMPLETED rntrances: Fronta1e on BLOCS 2700, 7.\00, 1200 aq ft. "Tiie, 8531 Amell Dr, HB. an · y, w er 1M5 Anah.lm Aw. new • ' ... t""..'' R. 1 ba.. cpts., drpe. Brand nN · 4 units in primr f"on>sl Av!!., rear leads to l~c ft 1667 Placentia Aw .. ="=,.="'='======='! paid. S'IEiO Yearly, 673---7(52 COST "!ESA .., _4 drps. Adultx only. l.M Sl&a. bltn.,. $1 75 mo., lease I .~ ~ _,,_ IO~ h A " vu·~'" n oca ...... 11 • .::ruvrt .,.,...,. uo:ac •f"""lP'! -"~-lot•. •~ C.M. ~---Woodo •••11&< Mo..., OCEAN FRONT, view, 3 BR., ........................ ~·!!!!l,-,64,'-&-;-4;;9;;,~4';;M-5Zl;i-;:':"'O;;:;:-:= Siemple R.E . 673-2101 " '"" ,..... ...u15 ......., veo.>.... -$30 00 Wk Up 1: ii:. lhoppi~. 3 bdnns 2 per month for .tp1.ce, Desk te LNft • • "'"""· ""'"' Bltm. !<pl~ HARBOR l'nrrvs LG J BR. Iii ba. Cp,,, .,,.. LARGE Brand "'" J BR. ' """" • """"" unit + 3 and oholn •••lllble !or 15, L... 6100 2 d TD L • !'!urilo & I Br Apt:.. 111c:. S32;,. \Vinter. 67~ D~ Carport A: pool. Kid1 OK. BA. V\ev.'. South o I addltlonal unl1s to make Businf'S! hour! IMWerlna: I oan e Kitche n &. TV incl. 1 BR rum. On penin. $13(] per 2?14 College No. 2. ~709 Hi&hwa.y, 67H90t payment11 for YoU. Deluxe 1ervlce 11v1Uablf! for SIO. BUfLD 43 UNITS e Phone Ser\'icc &, Pool mo yrly. Ulil pd. No peta. BAOlELOR unfurn fr t> m 2 BR "''/w crpts, drps, bltn1. I;==========: I appo\nlm«'ni.. $67,000. All utilities pU1 txct"pt City of Onlark>: Corner Jot, Prompt, mrdldenttal wrvlce • ~faid sef'\·ice avail. 1312 IV. Balboa Blvd. SllO. AllO avail 1 • 2 &: 3 1·2 chlldrrn ok. Sll5 mo. Nr lalltH lsl•nd 53JJ Open Sit/Sun. 1-S telt!phone. llO'xllO', all improvemenu. '42·2171 545-0611 ~.~aJ~,;:r~ ~l~~~nt~~975~ 2 BR., furn. apt. S1 40 l\fo., !':r':1~n~::.~ ~p;~~ ~'='o""°=l0•-0"'-_,-=~··~---c l-7-B-R-. -2-B-A_d_"_p_l<-,-. -.-,-,_-,-00-. 7 .. M91n St •• H .B. DAILY Pn.crr Onlario In I er n •~ion a I Se1vinJ 1-rarbor area 2{) )'t'S, 11•intrr, 1200 -ly. Ul_il, pd. DELUXE J ~d t 222 ~~CR EST AVE~L.'E Airport 5 rninuttt 111·1y $attlor "----Co. _C_A_S_A GR-A-NAO-A J· No pets. ""' room •P . from bea c h. $lb-yearly ... 10 ·-... • fi l2+38JO: Rl.'l-1077 Agl'nt 2100 Petf'rson \\'ay Dlb plumbini, 111/w crpU .l lea5r.. 6T~5:117 TERRY REAL TY LAGUNA REAQ-{ 1~f'1v Motor Spee<hl'ay :'.36 E. 17th $trttt ,111s! 0 f)C'nf'd . Only a few 2 r ........ a Me" "~~ r.'iO dl"Jl'!I. 54S-3481 , 540--0l~ .iJ.6..l-ISi l!H-9-WO n1inut-es. Oi.000 cash or $!5,000- BR's !l!ll l a1•aJI. Pool. f'N" S137.:JI BACHELOR apt. u!il '-""' """'""" I ~~!!!'!!!!!"~"'~!!"~!" illODEP.N 1z,o r l 11ubn1\I. Ov.·nt'r P. 0 . Box 9, rm. llul1-y! 400 .'olf'mmar pd. Crpls, drps, bi ting, pool. e RENT e 2 BR. l"hikln>n ok. Crpts, Hunti"l'fon laach 5400 ' •' sq · Cucamonp, Calif,, Ph (714J for 1(l(X'I rt'al r stalP loan. 1 ~:; P1acenliR, , ii.J.) mo, Clt!an. INVESTOR'S -CORPS. do.,.,·n!own C,\J ft' on l a ;: f', 9S2-2509 Vacant OK, Mr. Adams, tbrhinrl Lincoln J\.1crcury oil I ,==~~==,--:-,~ l Roams Furnltur• * 64~ * 2 BEDROO~I 2 bath. cpt8, 161 U llntg: lkh. 88 U El light, a iry, \\'l!U tllum ina1 ed, .;::,;:;:0;-,,..--,'·;_.-,1;-:-~ Broker * 499.2l3C! llarbor i OC£,,N FRONT, 2 BR, $19 95 & UP dr1pe1, bullt-in~. Best loca· Monte, 50 U Yorba Linda· 1/c, dbl. tollcls, pfenUful BEAUTIF'UL vlew ot, -===~~~=~I * ;,.10.3 n1 .. lafKe. Frplc, S180. Y.'inter, • • 2 BR unturn apt. Drpt1, !Ion. I blk. to s Point stores. to bl! built·lst owner parlrin1. wilable for ofc Ol' Tui!tln. Tri ta I for <:Uefom' MONEY TO LOAN 515.l • ATIRAITIVE, 1 b<lr., •673-M38* Month-T~Month Rent.at. nt:W Crpt. Bltn atove .l $130 up. Furnished I& un.. df!'S)J'eciation, 1()~ apen. 11peclalty re ta i I . 1834 home. r,_ I c~r. By ' On Vacant k>t or ICftl&I' pool, u1 1I. paid, ~arden llv-BACH.. OCt'anvlew, n Ice WIDE S~CTIO!'I ntrla:. &f.!·3645 furnl1Md. 142-2835 or da.biM.CCf!Pt pre paid. Will Newport Blvd, 642-4230 owner, rood ftrma. M~ W. Stuart Foote Rltr.113.QPO 1ni;, Rdul!i<. no prt~. Also n'sid. 1noa. pl'i'nlt, 1ar. NO DEPO O.A.C. AT?'RACTIVE 2 BDRM.erpt• 142-8303.. 1701 Ellil. Apt. D. trldf' 54M265. I ;;D~EW'"~XE;-I;-::"'°'=,~, ~.!~l~l.,.::-:.,~l"'te take trade. 17 5 • 3 2 4 3, Bnchelor apt., elderly v.~ork· SI 15 util pd, 5"8--0$4 Jl.f'RC Furniture Renta!1 dl'PI, bllint, carport. Adulta. LARGE 3 BR, 2 Ba., 1.0\V 00\\'N PAYfofENT in Corona del Mar. Prestige m.roo;; Martt1 .... T .D.'• 6145 hlg prn:on prcfer. 1800 f'UR.N $1:-tl. J BR. crplll, 511 \\'. l~h. CM 548-348t No pets, $13$ ?\lo. 5-M769 flrepl.1tt $18.i mo. AJ1111 new NE\VPORT DUPLEX. Bkr k>altton. PaneUed, new MF.SA Vf'tdtt golf coune, 142,ooo SEAroNED T.O., \\"allare Av<'., Ct'ol. dfl)ll & bllins. 1% BA. Pool. SlOO. 1 Br. 510\'I', IA'/W, $130 2 BR upper, blln1, crpt11, I BR Sl2.'i. Near ocean. pri. 642-ml carpe\11 le dn1pe!. private rorner Java I f\fcsa Venif' covering 100 oct'an ~ S2S PER WK. & UP 1~1'1 Pl.i•centi1. \\'"'"r"' ga5 pd. Sm! family drp1, no pets. 568 \V, 'i\1illl011 rleck. car. 2078 J 4 th BUSl!:ST mllrkelplace In parklrc. Realonomlcs Corp. Dr. Sl ~.900. ~ or lots, 1elHnr 11 Sl'.OOO each. 8 ;u;·hrlur & I RR, hrrt roil. OCEANl'RONT lge 2 Br, 0 .1\. Bkr ~'H-e.)8(} St. 54:Hli60 5-16-l319, 673-1784 1~-.i. The DAILY PILOT i73--6700 !l6l-Mi68 All due in 16 mo!! .. pa,yablt I l n1<11d ~rv1r<' K1 trhcn~ I,_ frplc, nr. Athool .l ctrurche'll. $1 Zi0. l'c,1· 2 Br studio type:.l.E=c-ASoT=s=1c.Dc.E~lc<-,~l cB~R~. -.c.,,-~. Dl.."\E 2 BR, h\lln!':, i:pr~. Classtrleri attlion. S a v e UPST A JR.5 Ollite 11•/h;iy R-4 lot. CO' la rllf'u. . .JO unit~. $600 mo. incl. 107.i intert';lll , TV Rv111 l. 450 V1c.to11a \Nr . Win1f'r. 67$-SM2; 1510 W, (ff11<, flq1!':, bl Ins. Ad ulU. Cfllll. bl!ins. 1111r. Adult$, no drP11. pool. Adults, no pets, mo~y. time k eUor1. Look vie11". Call .Jim Brrk11hire, Oll'nl!r, Phil S u 11 iv a n J0 r-'r rl l ~c ount . Bkr.1 ~ ll11rhorl 1/('1"11 nfmnl Rkr. 64.Hll ll f)"t.-. Sll.i mo. fi~&-17~2 Slj() mo. :;J6...l'9S rio11•!?! • 67.l.s.tffi * :.,.1~76 1 49i-121[): 4!}i -1021 ~VP'.11 , I I ,. • L . • • 1 ••• All 1,000 of Us Had a Busy Day Today • W e created and delivered another fresh edition of The DAILY PILOTi TEAMWOH.K produces each day'£" all-new DAILY PI LOT. Often special- ists like Thomas Fortune (left ). \.\·hose bea t is education, work with a staff photographer like. Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate t_he varied slOry of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local st.or1es we wrote. Not even us . •• .... I '1 ,. I . ~ ~ CREATIVITY helps ad vertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in the affluent market scrvl'\f by the DAILY PfLOT. Gordon Crawford (~nter) of displ.1y advt·rtising dep<.1rln1e11t discusses vl'ith layout artist Suzie Gunderson and DAILY Pl LOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad which v.·ill be ready to ;1ppC;1r in the nc11r·spaper only hours aft er Noyes puts final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re-- tail merchant. Clt:ICK l!A r-;ns place lines or type. :id.~ and cuts !lhe metal plate!'! used tu reproduce picturf's) u1 10 page forms as the d;1y's product begins to la ke shape. Com1)(ls1lor Arden f\la!sbury is only one of n platoon of pr inters v.·ho "build" th<' nC\\'S pages unc!rr pressu rr of deadlines. v.·ork- ing against the clock to bnng readers the !ates~ a\·;illable information in each edition during the day . • .., ..................................... , . DELI\'ER Y nf the ne,..•saper is a speed event, loo. Conveyor belts carry lhc papers througp !he mailroon1 where they arr automalically tied In bundles of 50 and to!'!sed 10 \.\'ailing firculation dislrict managers (like Blaine Hoberts, shown here. rightJ who speed them via a 4G-vehicle fleet lo cartil'r~ for deli\·<'ry. r-.ta1lroom fore1nan George Arauz {left) wtd his c rew Lan n10\•e 20,000 newspa pers an hour. VOLUME is the word nt U1e Copy Desk. DAILY PIT.OT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaders every day sifts, cheeks and edits more wire reports from world..,lide news services than the average \.\·eekly news magazine pub- lishes. Editors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24. hours. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. TllE WORDS are ready. 1ilarjorie Jackson feeds them into JI $25,000 computer, a DAILY J>JLOT in vestment in speed and accuracy, \.\'hich uses a logic system to hyphenate \1·ords as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically selling type at high speed. The machines can set type al the r ate of 6,000 lines per hour, l'itAClUNES hasten the processes of preparing plates for printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Quinn operate a casling machine v.·hich nlolds curved plates to fit onto high spred presses. The DAILY PlLOr ket'ps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal \vhich is used. melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 v.·ords a day. IHOl>ERN equiprnent helps the accounling department keep up \\'i\h t11c .. today '' pace at lhe D1\!LY PILOT. E\·en as U1e day's newspaper Is being sped to 11s readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures into a computronic lxlokkeeping n1achine thal helps keep track of billings for ads and subscriptions. The machine. forerunner of a brace of computers recently added, bandies 5,000 accounts a month. • -' RAPID communication is the name ur the ga111c. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of ''ad-visors'' handle 1.000 transacti ons a \l'C<!k by phone, resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ads -\.\'Ords \.\·hich help people buy, sell, rent or I case _ .. even find lusl dogs. f\1any of the DAILY P fLOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here. the classified ad\'crtising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. PICTIJRES, loo, get the benefit of skillt'CI , efficient handling by master craftsmen \.\'ho re-photograph thern and then transfer tl~e imnges to a sensiti1.ed metal plates \\ hich al'C used to reproduce the photos as read· ers will see then1 in the ne11·spaper. Here, l huck l1yan !J kcs a really close look at a negative \1·hich \\Ill be used to etch the in1age on the metal plate, ' ' I. •• I .~ ~' 11\1' " ,I ' \I •\' ~ ....... "(!-;. .. , FINISl!ED P RODUCT is checkrd by Eh\·ood Anderson, prc!'s crr1v chit'f, el'cn a s hi gh-speed presses continue to rt•Jr :11 60.000 1n1prc::.::.iuns pt.•r hour r 0mplel1ng lhe d.Jy's run on press units \.\·hich represent an in\'ri:tment {Jf 53.5 million. Elevf'n-m<111 press c rew 11·iJI feed into tl1csc 1nachines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page 11 1tlc and 110,000 rn1lcs long in printing the DA ILY PILOT this )rar. ALi'llOST before the Ink Is dry, the pro<lurl nf o\lr busy day is tossed deftl y on your lawn or porch by one of our ;oo nc\r spaperboys v.·ho are important links in the chain of people il takes to bring you today·s ne\vs and features today in the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent merchants. like John ~!elton here. make their deliveries, v.·e 're gearing up for another busy day -an 1,000 of us. The ~Now' Newspaper for All The Comn1unities ~ ...... ' "-.. Of Tlte Gro1ving Orange Coast . ' . ' DAILY · PILOT . . --------·--------------~-·----··-·--~···--··-·-............ ,. __ -·· ....... -.... -....... ---..-----........·------.._-.--....... ---.. ----····-----.., .. I DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED INDIX ,., P•t Senlc.• Mtll 1-.wt A.llilbRc• DIAL DIRECT 84%""78 HOUSES FOR SALE •IMIUL ......... , ......... 1• CotT4 MISA .•...........•. 11• MltA OIL .U.11 .....•...•••.. lits MIU Vi.llDf_ ··-········ •. 1111 COLU!GI Pjlll( .....•.••..•. ,llli Ml'#HIT 11,.CN ..•...•...•• 11• NIWl'OllT Ml!IGHTS ••.•••..•. 1111 IALIDA (0'111 ........... l JU NI WrOIT $HOIEI .........• lnl 1.1.YClllST -••••••--······· lDJ IAYiHOllS ,, .. , ....••.•. UH OOVfl SllOltlS .............. l D/ WISICLIFF ., ..• ,,,. UJI >lAllOI NIOHUNOS ....•. llJS "HIYllSITY , .... II '·········JUI lllVOllE .•.••.. , UH IACI( ,,..,. ,, ....... ,.1)61 i!AiTI LU,F ....•...•.... 11'11 lll Y!NIE T Eii.i.Ci ..... 110 co•ONA OEL MA• .......... 11H I.I.LI O.I. ,EljlNI ULA •..•..•• 1* I E.I.CON IAY .... ·····-· . 1Jt1 IAY ISL.I.NOS .....•.......•. UH LIDO ISLE ............... 1111 IALIOA ISLAND .•..•••.•. llli HUNflljGf ON IE.I.CH ,. .••. 14 .. .. UNTINGfON N.t.••ou• •.•. 1111 l'OUNTAIN VALLl!'t ••.•..•.• 1411 SEAL IE .. CH •.. , •••••... ,HM iUNSET ll"ACH ............... llH o .. tt OEN G•ov• •........•.... 1111 LONG IE.I.Cit .•...•..•...... U• _.t.KEWOOD .•..•..•...•••. lJSI )l .. l'IGI! COUNT1' ............. u• OUT 01' COUNT1' •.••..••.••.• I ... OUT OF I T .. TI ··-··'* \f .. ljfQN ......•...••...••. 1•11 WllTMIHSTI!• , •. -··., .•••••. 1•11 MIOW .. Y CllY .........••.•••. 1611 IA.HT .... ,,... . .•••.••.•..•... lue 1 .. NT .... NA NGT,. ,... . .••. Ult QR .. NGE •...•...•.••. Ult ruiTIN ...•..•..•••••. 16-lf NOllTH TUST IN .•..•.•.•. 1..-1 &.N•HlilM ......... IU. SILVl!••DO C .. NYQlj ••••••.. Utt L .. OUN .. HILLS .. "··········11M L.&.GUNA Iii.I.CH .............. HU L•GuN• NIGUEL .,., ........ lfl1 MISSION VIEJO ............ l'- SAN CLEMENTE .•.•... 1111 s .. N J U.&.N c .. ,..sT•ANO ...•.. H H C,l,ll T•ANO ll!ACN ........ ,1'15 OANA ,OllllT .......... 11H CA•LllAO ........ , ...•••...... HU OCEANllD I: .........•.•....... 11H IAN Oll!GO • . .•..•...•. 1111 RIVEISIOE COUNTY ...••. U• HOUSES TO IE MOVED .•.•. Uot CDNOO Ji!INIUM .•....••. 1'H OU ,LE)(ES FD• SALi! .•.••.. 1'11 A'AITMENTI ,0. SAL• .•.• INI RENTALS Houns Furnished GENEIAL .. , ... RENT.I.Li TO 1HAttl .•...••.. t~I COIT.I. Ml!IA ................ 1IOI Ml!IA Dl!l MAI .......•..•.•. JIU Ml!I .. VEl01111e COLLIOI P'AIK ..••...•....•. t ll! NIW,O•T IEACN •........•.. 710I NI W,01.T HOTI ..•........... Ull NEWP'OttT IHOl.ES •..••.•.. 1?21 B.l.YIHOl.ES •.•.••.•....•.. nu DOVE• SNOlll ........ 1Hl WEITCLIFI' .. . ..... Ult UHIVE•SlTY PAttK .•......•. Ull llVINE ..•. nn EAIT I LUF" ·••·'-•····· 210 !RVINE TEIUl.A.CE ......... 110 CORONA OEL MAI. •••• ...•. 21H I.I.LIDA .••.. Utt LIOO ISLE . ·····-'······ 1UI BAY ISL.ANO' ,.1lH IALIOA IS LAND ..•. ,. .•... U$1 f.AIT SLUFI' ·····•••· .•...•••. no I.I.Cl( IAY ................... 12'141 IACI( 1.1.Y ...•...• nu HUNT INGTON II.I.CH ......... J .... ,.OUKTAIH VALLl:'t •.•...•• ,.1,11 Sl!AL 11!.1.CH , ........••••. 14H LONG IEACH .••...•...•••. UM 0 1.1.HGE COUNT1' •..•.•.....• -1.1.NTA AN.I. ....•.•••......•. 1,11 1¥1!SlMlfliTEtt ..•......•..•.. 111 1 MIOWA'f CITY ..•.•.•••. 141• SANTA •N• MllGHTS .•.•.... 1UI COASTAL ............ 11H LAC.UN.I. IEACH •.•......... l1'J L.AC.UN.1. NIGU EL .. . 1111 MISSIO N VIEJO .............. 2JM i.l.N CLE.MENTE .. 1111 5.1.H JUAN CAl'ISTIANO ..••. 11U CA,ISTl. .. NO 11 .. Cll ,. -··· 11JI OAN.I. ,OI NT ..•......• 21 41 l.!VEll SIOE COUNTY ...•.... 1NI VACATION I f.NT.I.Li ....••... 1 .. SUMMf.I ll!NTAU , , .....•• 1'11 CONDOM INIUM .......... , 1'H OUPLE)CES FUl.N .•....•..... 11H RENTALS Houses Unfurnished GE NEIAL ............ ntl COST• MES.. . ...........•.•. Jlfl MESA Of.L ,..... •.....•.•..•.. JlU MESA VllDE ....••....•.•... JIU COLLEGf. ,Al l( ....•....••. 1!11 NEWPOttT IE.I.CM ....••...... .HOii Nl!Wl'OIT HGNTS. "'""'"' .•. , . .Hit HEW,OI T SHOlf.S ••.•••... :mt IAYSllOllES . nu DOVE• SHOllS ..•.•.......... nu ""ESTCLI,, .... , ... 3'H UNIVl!RSIT't P.l.ll:K ..•....... l1JJ I V!HE • . ......... -.. 313' illtVINE TEii.ACE ....•...••. 3'41 COllON A DEL MAit ,. ....•••. JJM IALIOA ....•...•...•.•.•. lllt IAY l!LANOS .•.••.•.....••... JJH LIOO llLf ..•••••••...• , llil l•LIOA 111.ANO •......•••••. UU HEWPOltT WEIT ....•... lllJ HUHTfNGTO"' If.ACM .....•. 14 .. HU HT l"'OTDN MARIOUlt -·• _,_., FOUNt •IN VALLEY , ...•..••. :lolH SEAL IUCH ....•. ,.5' GAttDI"' GllOVE •...•...••..•. ,.11 I.ONO IEACN ...••••• .,,. ,JHI Ollt.l.HGE COU NTY ............. M• SANT• .I.NA _, , ...•••.••.....• 14!1 WE.STMIHSTf.fl •..••••.••...••. :lolll MIDWAY CITY .. , ....••. 1414 1,t,NT.1. AHA HllOHTI •.....••. JUI COASTAL •••···•······JIM LAGUNA IE.I.CH .••..•..••.•• JJV LAGUNA NIGUEL ........... Jlfl MISSION VIEJO ............ JIOI 1,t,N CLEMENTE .. Jiii C.l.l'tSTltA NO .•....... 311' C•,llTttANO llACN ........ Jilt O .. N .. l'OtNT ......... l/U CONOOMI N!UM .•. lfH OU,LE.:ES UHJ'UIN. • . JUI 1U MMftt llNTALS Jm RENTAL> Apt,, Furnished GINEtt .. L -'·· 4MI !:OITA MI S.I. ..•.... <I M MEJA VEIOE .•..... ,. •.• <I ll ltEWPOIT llACH ........... OOI NIWl'O•T HllOHTI ......... ,411e Nl!WPOIT SHOll:S ...•....••. 411t 1¥ESTCLll'I' . . .•.••••••. 41lf UNIVEISITY P'AIK _ ......... 41JI B•CJC II. Y ...•.••••••. 41 .. [.I.IT I LUFI' .....•.•••.. on COttONA, DEL MAR ....•.••••. 41H IALIO.. . ..•....••.•.•.••. u .. l•Y llLANDS ................ 4lJt LIOO ISLE .............. 0!11 BALI OA ISL.ANO ...•...•. 41$1 HUNTINGTON IEACN ......... .... l'OUNT .. tN VALLIY ·······•• Ult SEAL I EACN .•.•••••.•..•• <tUI ~ONO 11: .. CH ....•••.•••••. UM 'tt,l,Nl)I! COUNT1' ............ Mit GAltOl!N 01.0VI •·•········•• .U ll WllTMINSTE I .•.•.•.•.•••.•• ,4£1t lllOWAY CITY •........•..•••. 4'114 5.1.NT.&. .. NA ..•.• .__.4'\H ,.l.NTA Al'IA KllOKTS -·······"'" TUSTIN ................ ~I CO.I.STAL . . ..•••........... t7tt LAGUHA •f,t,CN .............. 41" LAGUNA NIG UEL ., •.•.••••... 11'1' MliUON VIEJO •.... , ..•..• 41• SAN CLEMl"NTI! ............. Ull DANA P'OINT .................. 11 .. l l lPLEX, ll'tC. •••.••.••••••• , 1 ... CONOO MINIU"' •.••..•.....•. , "'Ill RENTALS Apts. Unfurni1hed Of.Nf.l.,liL .•. .., HM COSTA MliSA •... ······•·•··JIM M•IA V••Of ............. Jiii NEW1"DRT IE.I.Cl! ........... JMI HIWPORT NEIOMTI •••••..••. SIU MI WPOIT SHO•IS •••••••••.. RJI Jl'l!ITCLll'P •..•.••••••••••. ftll UMlVll.$1TY PAI.I( ••.•••••••• IUI IACKIA't .•.•••••••••••. SM EAST ILUl'I' . . ••.••.•.•••. Jtft C:OROMA OIL MAii: •···· .••••. SUI IALIOA , •..•..••••.•••. S. lAV ISLaNOS ................. 1111 LIDO liLI .••.•..•...•. SUI AALIOA Ill.ANO .......... NS.! MU NTIMOTON 11.ACN ........ Utl .-OUNTAIN VALL•Y ·•··"···JIU If.AL II.I.CM .•••••...••. kM LONO 11.1.CN • ••. , ........ Jiit Oii .i.NOi! COUNT Y , ••••.••.••• M1t OAROl llll OIOVI •....•.•••... Ult Wll TMINJTEI ........ , UIJ ""•OW.l.Y CITY , ... , .•••. U1' SANTA ANA " ······•••• M111 l ~NTA ANA HllOHTI •. , ••... ttJI IUITIK •. . •.. , .•••.••••. JoMI rOAIT•L ··••••• ..•..•. Sitt l.AIUNA •IACN .............. 11. LAOUNA l'UOUl!L ·•·······• •. JIW IAN CLIMENTI ••.••••• ,.mt IAN J UAM CAP'llT!Uo ........ sns 0.1.NA l"OINT .••••••••. IHI REAL ESTATE, Gtineraf rl tPLIJI.. •h:. ········••·•··•· 11'11 CONDOM INIUM •••• , ....... f'lf IENTALJ WANTI D ........... ..... ROOMI POI 1.•NT , ........... .... ltOOM a tD•IO .... ""OTELS. l l..1.ILIEI COU ll'tl ~I QU f.ST H0Mf:S J"9 ~t~C. II ENT.I.Li J"t IOf(OMI P'ltOP'lln' ......... ... ~UJINESJ ,l.OPEllT"f' IO.lt 111AllER PAIKS tl(I lUlllllSS lllO!f,t,L .•...... -OPl'lCI ttlltT.&.L ,. .•. tilt IKOUJTlllAL PIOPl.ATV ••••. Miiii :oMMllCIAL ... , ..... ... INOUITRIAL AaNt,t,L ........ ..... ~011 ................... . IANCME' •• •·-·•·-•··-··llM CITRUS 8,0Vl:I ··········•·• .,IS lCRIA81 -····••···•· .. •·'* LAKE ILl!NOlll ...•....•• ,.,,., &IJOl.T PIOPlllTV •.••.• ,,l>OI ORANGE CO. l"ROPf.ITY •••.. IMI OUT 01' STATE "IOI', -•..• ,.&I. "'0 UNTAIN I DltaRT ••.•••• '11. 1UIOIVlllON LANO .•••. 4111 t U.L llTATE ll•Vl(I ., .. d lt l.I . IJICMANOI .• , •• 11311 t. Ii, WAN T•.O ... tiff BUSINESS and FINANCIAL &UlllNllS OPPOITUNIT!EI 4* 1.USIN f.IS WA,..f EO . UU INVl'ITMINT 0-rtu~ill .... fl\I 1NVEJTMENT WANTIEO . l lll MONIT TO LOAN . l lJI Pf.I OH,AL LOANS 1l1! J bW[L&Y LOANt .•••..•. llll COLLAlf:ltAL LOANS ...•..• O ll IEAL ESTATI LOANS .....•. ll41 MORtOAOIJ, TrwM 0... •.. 1145 MONa't WANTED •• , . ,. ..• UH ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES "OUMD l'rwl A•I ••.....•.• , .... LOST ...•. ., ..•. 14'1 P'lllONALS . MU ANNOUNCIMINTS ..... JI llRTNS ..... •.•.. . .. '411 PUNllALS , t!11 P.&.lD OlfTUAl1' , t-11J l'UNEIAL OllECl011:$ ''" FLOll1ITJ .• . 1•11 CAl.0 OF TH.1.N !<I .,... •111 IN MEMOllA"'I till CIMl!TlllY LOT! . ·'··· ...• M ii Cl!MITElt'I' CIYP'TS •....•.. ••1• CIMl llltY Cll:YP'TS •....... t-1 11 CltlMATOltlf.S . ... .. oOI MEMOl.IAL PAii(' ........ Mll l.UCl lON I ........... o4ll l.VIATIOH 111.VlCI ......... tOl TllAVIL .......... t-111 A1tt TRANSPORTATION ..•... t-111 AUTO TIANSPOll:TAT tON .... •40 LE0.1.L NOTICl:I ... I OI GE llMAH I TVTOatN• 4111 SERVICE DIRECTORY o\CCOUNT ING , •Ht .l.HSW!lttN• SEii.ViCi .. IJd APP LIANCE lll!l'AllS, P'Ull t fll ASP'HALT, ~llt ,. . 4JH ,t,UTO •E,.l.lltS U.M AUTO, Jell ltlll, Tt,1, EiC. 4111 IAIYSITT!NG .••. l lJI I OAT M.l.lt'Tll'eo\HCI: ..••.... t HJ 11.ICK, M.lJONltV, •tc. ....... Ull IUUNl!SS illtVICES ...••... •UI I VILOEll , •.•.......•.•. 4J11 Co\ rlltlNCi U ll CAl!NITMA!<tNO .•....• , Ult CA•PENTE•INCi .•.•.•.•.. t Jff Cl!Ml!NT, Cffl cr•I• ...•.•. 4.lfl CHILD CAttE, L><•~H-...•• 4'1t CONTl.ACTOllS , ..... 1'11 CAtt,IT CLE.l.NINCi t oU C.l.tt,ET LAYING I ltl!,A!lt ,114 OltAPEltlE1 MU DEMOLITION .. "J! OttA~TING lllVtCE •....•. Mii EL•CT•IC.l.L ......... 110 EQUIPMENT I.ENT.I.LS ..••.. 4411 l'ENCINQ ...•.•.•. 4HI l'LOOl.S . , ••. IHI "URNACE 1.IP•l•S• Etc, -.• ,tUI •UINITUlll llESTOJllH• a lt:l'INISNINCi lf1' OAROl'NIMCi .......... .... c1t111AL 1111v1c•s ............ , Gll:AD IN G, DllCIND •...•.••.•. 1,U GLASS ...•••.. , • , ...... ,. OllEN TNUMI .............. llH GUN SflOI" ............... 411' HE.1.ltlt CLUIS •..••.......•. •111 HAUl!HG ....•.•..... , 41l0 HOUilCLl!..l.N tHG ...... l lJI IHTl!llOI. DECOIATIHO .... t11' INCOME TA.: '10 lllON. O,n.,l'ltnltt. Etc.":::.-·. o1JI ll.OHIN6 ... 1111 ll'l lULATING .. .. Ill ! !NJUIANCf. . . ... t 7lt li'IVl!JTIGATING, DHKll~t •..• l it JANITOllAL .•..•.. 4lft JIWILIV llEPAI•, I!!< ••...•. Ifft L.AHOSCAP'ING tlll ~OCllSMtTH ...• 4111 MASONll Y, lllCI( ,, .••..•. tut MOVING I JTOIAGI ......... 41 P.1.tMTlNG, P11~~1n1int ... UH P,t,INTI NG, l ltnt ,.,. . .. ,IHI ,.ATIOI HU Pi'IOTOGl..l.PHY 40 1 ,LASTlttlNG, Plltl'I, l.•••ir . 1111 l'lUMl lNG •Ill PI T OllOOM INe 4ff~ POOL JlltVlC l , •••...•••. t~I POWEtt SWE!,IN6 .. , ..... Ull PUMP SllVIC E .•....•...• 1•11 llOOFtHO ... ftH R•DIO, R1•••rt, Elc. t•ll 11.EMOOELING &. 11.i'"~'" 4'•0 •EMODELINO , KITCl'lllNJ U H ICISJOll SN.1.llPEK UJ• SEWINtl . UU SIWJNO MACHINE 1111'.l.llJ 1111 SEPTIC TANKS, kwt.rs, li!C •. IH! TAILOllNG ........... Ult f l llM ITE CONTllOL , .•..•• IHJ TILi!. Ctrt,.,lt ..••.. t•IO T1LE, Llll•IM>M & M.lr•i. .•..• 1111 Tll EI' SlllVICI! ..•• ,,. TILEVlilON, lttNltt, Etc. .. lttS U,flOLST•llY ''" WELO!NG 4"1 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOI WANTED, Jil.911 ..... 11• JOI W•NTEO, W-• ........ 7111 JOB W.ANTEO. MIN lo WOMEN " ...•. 7nt SCHOOLS & IH STIU(flON ••. 7fM JOI l'ltEP .. RATION .•• 1IOI THEA Tll lCAL ... , .. Htt MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE l'Ul.NllUllE •. IHI Ol'~ICE FVRK tTUllE ..•.. 1111 OF ~1CE IQllPMI HT ...•..• 1111 ITOltl l:OUl,MENT ..• 1111 , .. ,E. IEIT AUll•NT ........ MU t•rt EOUl l'MINT ll li HOU~!HOLD •ooDs 1611 GAlf .. 01! 1ALI ••· .••. ton ,UltNllUll AUCTION ..... MU .. ,,LIANCES I I .. l.HTIOUf.S . , 1!11 i f.WING MACHIHI ...... .,l lH "1UllC,t,L IHITl.UM•NT ••..•.• 111 Pl.I.NOi A ORGANS ..••..•..•• llllt 11.1.1110 ...• , .•.•....•.••••. .,. flLEVlllON .............. , .. ... Nt·'I I STlllEO ..•. lnll T.l.f'I l.ICOIDERS .•. eUI C.AMlll.AI I IEOVI PMINT , llltl HClllY IUPPLIEI ....... ... IPOl.TINI 00001 ..•... , Utt l tNOCUL.AllS. SCDPll •..•••. 1Mt MllCELLANIOUI ..•.•• , ...... ..... MISC. W•flTEO ..•. •tit MA(HIN.IY, at<. . . •.••• , 11 .. LUMllll l lJI ITOll.t.OE •• 1111 I UILOI NG M•Ylll.l.LS 116t SW.1.1"1 11tf PETS ond LIVESTOCK PETS ,llNIRAL. • U .. CATI . ............... . •..•• UJI DOGS ... ••••••······•··· ...... ..,I HOISl!I ..... ,..... Ult LIVIJTOCIC Utt CALIFORNIA LIVING NUlllltll!S "" IWIMMINO POOLI ttM PATIOS ... ·····-······· ltU .l.WNINGI ·····•·•······. "" V•CATIONI e•!i TRANSPORTATION IOATS I YACHTI ,. . tMI IAILI0 .. 11 ......... 'Ill POWl'll CllUlllllS .•. , ..••. ,. tllf IPIE0-1!<1 IOAT ....... tHf IOAT TIAILllll ....••.. till IDiliT MAINTlflAN(I' ., ••••. rut I0.1.T LAUNCMINO ,. ..•• , tilt MARINI 1•u1P. ..,.... tttt 10.1.T ILIP', MOOlllN• •.•..•. H)ll IOAT lfl.VICll , •....•...•••• fin IDAT •ENTALI ••.•..•..•.•••• thl IOAT CH.1.1.Tl!R ............. .... l'tlNINC IO,tiyt .............. .... 10 .. T M0Vtlt8 ', ............... ... I OAT ITOllAOE .• , ........ - IOATI W,t,NflO ............. .... 1.llCtt.l.,T . . ...•••••.•• t1n PL 'l'INO LlllOHJ ...... • •. fUI MOl!LI 1'40MEI ,. ........... ntl MOTOlt HC>Ml1 •...•••••.•.. tJIJ tKVCLll , ............... "21 IL•CTRK Ulll •••....••••••. tHI MINI 111(11 ••••••••.••••.• "II 'ro\OTOllCYCLl!I .••.•.•.•..•.• f'MI MOTOl.SCOOTllll ....... tut AUTO lllVl(ll I PARTS .... .... AUTO TOOU • 101.llf'. •··•···"" rll,t,ILlll. T•Avn. ···········"" TIAILllL Iii ................ ,"9t c.&MPlllS ...................... ttlll fllUCl(I ············-·····••··"" 111,.. •.• . • • ••••••••••. n1• CAMPll ltllilTAU tm OUNI aUfflll fllll IMP'OltTIO AVfOI ............ .... IP'OllT CAltl ............. It .I.NT.Ult. CU.llKI .......... 11 I.I.Cl CAii, 1001 .••••••••. , Nn AUTO IVINTI .•.••..•.•.•.• "11 iliUfOS W,l,1Cfl0 •..••••• ,.,.,.T1'1 NIW CAii ····-··········· .... &U TC LaAlllfD ...... ,,., ....... It •JllO U~' •• · •....••. ,_ 6 4 2 -s 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - s 6- 7 8 Ll!:G A.L NCYMCE ,.,,.. \UP.Ill .. COUllT 011' tHI STo\TI OP CALlll'OINIA .. Ool THI COUflfY OP OltANllE N .. "'"'* NOTICI CNf MUllNtl 011' ,.ITHIOl'O POI PI081.TI OP WILL AN O ,0. Llf Tlttl TllTAMIMTARY E11 111 IJf HENR Y H £1 M"H WINli.l Ell. D1~..o:I. NOl1CE IS MEIEIY GIVEN T1t1t Al'IN M WINllLEI. ~II n1tc1 rtoe•1011 I H•ll- 19• 11-14 or will •"" ,., lnw11co. o• Lt1t1•• l n to....,.,ll,., 10 1'l>t .,.""-'· rt<tr1r,c1 hi WfllCll 11 mA<ll !Df l~t! ... r torHc~l1ro, '"° 11>11 ti>•. 11 ... r 1nd •I•<• o1 h .. d... I"" ••mt Ill > -H1 IO• No,,..,.llt, ,I, !H t , 11 t :llOI '""'" In lt\o to11•l•-'1 ot Oe111rtmtnl l'io. l 0! '''" (OUrt. " J'l)ll (.vie ,.,., .. O•I•• W••I, lt6rff\.,IY Weol Elt Mll S!r.,.1) In 11'\t Clh' ti !1nl1 .,nt . c111tornl•. 01ttc1 Oc_ .. ,., '"'· W. E ~T JOHN, Countv (IHI IOWAIO w .. CHll.tT HllCl&I'-A•-M~•Hntt.., ,..,t, C1tlttrJIM1 9'Ul Ill; ClllJ llJ.111'1 .1.n....,.._P'lt!l- "~lt•ll•• ()r-1 CNll Ot llV 110100 Oc~ )Cl, l! Ind No•eml:l<'r 4. 1•11 lG~I, .. LEGAL NO fl CE P·lllM Clol'F l,IC.&.TE 11 I\ MEltf.8"1'" CEllHF>EO ,I.~ FO\.lOWS: 1n;. u11Gfr1i1nt<1. I C1111or n'1 co• ••••1!011, "'• ce•••G Ool"I ~''"''i In 1n1 ~t1tr o! C1lllof"" unaor tn• lictlt10"' nl mt W.1.RltlN W. Glr.80NS CO. T1>1 '"""""I 1111<• ol eu11n .. 1 •"11 '"' 111~1 ol tt1 IOtnc~ ot 011<1 "''"""''°" .. IO(llt'll 11 HOO C1m11~• o r .. r. Ortn1t. C""'"'"'· (l lllOfll•I. 0 .1.1£0 O<•ooe-''·It~· WAR LEY COMP,.NY WlffPn W. Glb1>0n1. "'•!•Gt OI '"""" C. G•DOo•n. l#U fll'Y 11,t,l E OF C.&.L1FOl.N!.I. I I '" COUtl T'F O' ORANGE I On 1n ,1 lit~ <l•J ot Oc•obf,, lttl. iu-ton mr. IM• un0tril1nea . ., Nol•,., Publlr ,~ l n<l tor •old ~l•!O• oe,,on1llv OPP•1roa W""" W Glbf><;n•, ~"""'" to m• to b• 1n• PrellO•nt, ond !>lltfl•v C. Glbl>On•. ~nown to rnr lo b• rno Socrrt1ry ot "'' Corpor••lon •~•I •••cutt'll 1~1 wl!~ln 1.,1,.ume111, ~nown to mo lo bf !I>• P<t•Dfl• '""O •••<1>111<:1 I~• .. 11~1" l11•lrv· m•~! on 1>t~111 •I tn• Corl>O••Tlo" tnt'"'" ntm~, 111<1 I C-MWIN9"4 Iv ...., !~II •uc~ (or~111;.., •••<UIH '"" W•l~ln I""'"" ,,.1nt '""u1nt IO ~. l»'·l•w• or 1 rttol...- t•on el I" bN•d ot el••<'•"· WllNESI MV "'""I nd oflici•I Ul l. (OF~!Ct.AL SE .. Ll DOH .. LO W, KILL IAN, Jlt . Notl •v PubflC. Col"tor1111 Pr\M\011 Qo!;tt i" O'llllt (ounl"r M• (Oml'Oi!Ulo" E•olr n S•t. 11, lfll O.nlllll W. 11.1111tn. Jr, .l.li.rft•1 ti Law U4t C•ml'ut or••• N•w-1 lotc~. Ctl~rnl1 '1NI ''" (1141 141·11" Publl•nt<I O'•n9• (O••I 01lly Pilot, O<.totlf l/, 1•. JI 1no Nov1"1b•• I, 1n • it•l-t• REAL ESTATE G1ner•I Mort91ge1, T.O.'s 634S 1ST and 2NDS Ni. Cahr. T.o ·~. Inc·. Zt~;\'lTH 2-6003 . Toll F'TT'e ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES Found IFrff Adtl 6400 VERY Yo11ni;: IP1111.lr blat•k" f'OI. 11'/C'Ollllr \"IC. !l;t1·!..,.r \"11"11· Hon1t"!<, Cdl\I 11;1 I ~ r.1 ~i-~h11ll &H-OO..."l9 r.\I. ~·.:9 f'\'I'.~. ~~10-211i • fOUND VH·. ur (\J II S111. hlal'k puppy 10" bor!~·. 1;·•· high brn lri;s g, i'hcsl. ~n11uzrrs fiH~•'. ti?.)...:\06:, KITTEN. About 4 mun1!1~ oltl. black & gtry tigtr 11·11h 11h1tr n1ark1ngs. Vic of J a va !.· T11h11i. C:>.1 5-1.>-Tr.;i l\IOTHER ~lart>; l'll! & offspring. b<!th "11h colla r~. \'1(' Harbor VJCIV Htll~. ti 1-1-6268 L.-\DIES 11 (11\'Rrfi~ 6·14-0.i9:1 gol!J "a 1r1n~, parking Io 1 . Lost. ______ _::640:.::..1 L ... DIE~ Ham11ton \\"atch r.!on. afl .• t-ither vii.:. or /\t<11-port Po. O le.. o r C'uJ1lf'r·1 Cltall('rs. 1 ~ J 4 NP11·po11 Blvd ., Rc.11·a.rd~ Call 548-1076 P!·,l\lSGESB cl°" Io ' t 111 N B {)11'n('r gr1evin~. Brine: to 1j2:i Plar('nth1. NB Apt r :; nr en.JI 6·12-m60. P.("11•"d. l:l:,1\'ARl.J' Llu"ge Blk, C~r. n1al". \\/11h! markinc: k pnrplr rh1nrslonr l'Olh1r. b: .... 1i96!l L•J/\;\l P,1111:' -'.! -~~on" Call (o!lect .11ftrr g P;\t 4:IZ-.10R6. ~.Ell"A RD. c:r.EY ~1nped k111cn , or. Go!dtnrocl /, Se11v1t\I', Cd:\\. y,unw collar. 673-6.100 BU\. white, orange t•al. f'"f"malr. r-io Jront cl&11, $j() Re11·anf. C:ll. 646--3265 \"IC Cd!'.1. smaJI tan male rock-a-poo (J1hRS::g}'), black ,.a~. Rew'd. $2:). 673-f,6G4 LOST t~emale Collie, 6 mo. Vic. F11 irvie11· & Avocado on 10126. !>48-'.Ul.'; or 642--0296 6'05 *Don't! C•ll us 1r you 1t1U beht\"f' 111 l"8 1"" lityle daling. ORANGE CO. 5-t7-66b8 '2·1 Hr ~cording Attr•ctive Expert YOUNG \\'Ol\1AN daJ"lCf'r ~'ill leach you Ill late5t rteps, C..ll Ard<'ll ZlJ: ~-4;;38 1·10 Pl\1 * HARBOR CrttlfSE • Daily 2 P l\f. F'un Zonr Boat Co .. Balboa • 671-0240 $2300 CREDIT ~I Nr'1J!Orter Inn "'·ill di!lt'Ount or Tra de·: C•ll LI 8-!162i 1T'S &ach houst lin1e. Bia· i:r~t sclccti(ln e1·t!r! S.-t 11.;,. DA.ILY Prt.ar Cl._o;sifie d ~lion NO\V! TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD When You Want it done right .. Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY I SERVICE DIRECTORY ~phalt, Oils 6520 I C•rpet ci~1nl ng 6615 SERVICE DIRECTORY Janitori•I 6790 SEALING I: .P A1'Cll1Nt: Re~idrnl i•l • Indus· Coin« l'vn1pl t"t"ll.S st•rv. ('nrn'nll) r 11:;:aged by Ci1y of C :\! ro1· ~tn'f'1 1·c~tora1ion. ~TO CORP. t ;cu't COl11ra1·to1·i:: !i:\s.;.~18 t:AH l't:T .i.· upholstrry stf'a m 1'lr: .. "l!•d, lli.-.io Cal"Pf'! 1n- ~•a1J.1 11•in . H..o:•sults i;uar. For l.n'r <'~I. 1·nll tMG-J.1111 El1t tric•I 6640 ELECTRICIAN : L lcrnsrcl, Bobysittinn 6550 1.JOnde-11. s n1all ;ohs, ma1nl It. -~"-'--~''------l"•'IWl!!1'. ::4R-<i20;~ BABY$.ITIII"G hon1r, day or n1tr. 111an11 food. nice yard. lnl11.nt OK. &12-5299 BABYSJ1,-ING, days, fe rn:ed .vard. J Day ~·et·k. Cosla \l•'lla 111''('1t. 6~2-8728 l'R1\C Nlu"Sf'. xlni tJ.11.b.11 t•11rP, 111y honlr. Nc1vp! .-.:!hH"!'S. Anytit11f' * &12-933.1 \\'A:":T playn1ah' ku· 4 _1•1 uld boy, near Bri~!ol .t: Ada111 ~. ~.>4&-1692 (~ARPET VINYL TILE rN'r "Bt. Lie. contr. :.40-7262, ~>'IH·l7S Gardaning ANTHONY'S 644-4860 1101\lk:-Apt-Rcnlal, Ii 1 v r )Our hon1r grn"I ('ln"d by 1·1ri"i,: ~~rmJ1s1 s. C A I. L \\'alTrr 's Clca n111& S er v . GJS.:Y.!3.c'------ SPARKLt; .Janitonal l \\'1n- dow clran1ng Serv. \\'i1>- du11~. rt11id., comcl. conHL Clranup. rr?t r11. 968-269 1 6110 LIC"D J apaneu landscape con1rac1or, La111u1, sprklrs, pa110~. elc. S::0-30l7 RICHARD ALLEN Cu1tom &. Sp•nlsh Me1onry A Specieltyl Block, Brick, Concrete Free E1t. 6JJ...ll4J CHILD {Jr infant i:;irt'. 111.\' hon1r . $6.-1 mo in ad\11\n~. 6·\l; .. :t5J7 (1(';111-u;i, R<'nlOd<'l Blldi::C'I Lan.Ji<eap111g l·:-.p•'l'11>ncf't:l Hor1 icultur1~1 PaJMrhenging Brick, Me10nry, etc. 6S60 :-.• E\V l a w rt s l'f·SN'ding. I cP_•_icncticn"g'-----C6CIC5CO Con1pli'lf' lawn Cati'. Cleat\ up by JOb ur month. t "r('c c11!in111tes. t"or info, call ~ Ul..(f!32 BUILD. Rl'modrl. rPpa1r. Brick, hloek. roncN'lr, carprn!l!I')', no job loo smnll . Lie. Conu ·. 96'2-6!11~ lu1inus Servlc• 65~] TYPESETTING :-.'.r11• arlt..I coinplc!P 1· o I rl l~JI" fa1•1l1r1r~ srJVJng a.JI .ir 01 ~ni::r Cou111y_ Of/r1- 1ni;: Sp<'t'C.ly i;er-..·1.::.e & low ralt'5. Call for rurtl1r1· ln!ormation, (TI4) 836-695:0 Catl'rrr~ Atte11!1on! For privale or industr1rs. \Ve. make !hr bi's\ sand11·1che s &. lunch bo~es in thr Harbor 111rea. Pr1<'f'd JUS\ r ight for you~ f..12·-0!!lJ:i Cerpentering 6590 CARPENTRY ~11NOR REPAIRS. No Job TOC> Small. c.abinct in gar- a~e~ & o I he r caliincts. a.t:r8J7J, ii no an.~11•cr lcove n1~g 11 6-16--2:'.:72. 11. O. Anderson ll{ANSt-ER Panrl fl'llf'ks &· V\IJ's to Camper:;. Re.build or r('modr.l boa I~ prerabricat1on. Cus1on1-bu1l1 1·1lbltl"ts .t· r 1 -: t u re ~. Fur1n1cit. 11·ork. G~&-:i119 ur .-..i&-1~ CATl.Pl::NTRY, C abin•' t ~ Ren1od. No JOb 100 s111nll, rp1ali!y 11·ork. Call &1&-:t:.16. QUALJTI" ll1patrs -Al!era- tion.~ -New const. by hour or Contract. 646-3442 REPAIRS. ALTl:Tl.ATIOf\'S CABINF:T. Any silc joh 2.1 yr.~. r~fWr ~.48-671 3 REPAJR. Partitions Small Remodel. C'tc. /\'!te or day, Reas! Call KEN 54M679 AL"S Gtt1"0,nlng & La11•n tlltti11!e11.1u1c£<. Con1mcrciaJ. Industrial & re!lidential. * 64&.-3629 * COMPLETE Yard :\1a 1nt Clr:1ll\1JI J:i·a, 96S-l9~S 6 k>-8i1; C";iffop JObS4a..uil l..1w11 & G a"h •11 ,\la1111. f{t.:A.'-Oi'\ABLt; RATt:S ruji L;111 n &.!rv1cr & .. Gl'neral Yard dta,nup ~O-l!Ain F'rre E3in1H\r Jl/'lf '~ Cardenlng k hl\\'n n1aintr11uncr . Rts. & Coin· nio>tc1ill. • :>\0-1837. J ap11.nes1• GardPntr C'omplr1r \'ard &rvir~ Frrp E~limatr 616-0S::o 1"!.E,\i'\·UP SPECIALIST! !IJ<111"1n~. rJt~1ni.:. •11.Jrl jnbs. f;1•;1~on11hlr ~ .. 1~..ori:.:, * E:icperl Japenes• FTI'\~:~ \\"ORK 1'rl6-0:'.tM Hauling 6730 TOP Dollar lor old i1ern~ y our 1:11r11f!e , 1v 1ll ~lore/a od/ur mo1 ('. Lr\ a ~1na!J husinf'l'.~n1an Jl8)' Ill· fl'nt1on to your llt'('(ls, ,J11hn :iJG-Gl~ YA HD/Car .r lf'.anup S ! 0 I I 'I a d . Sal\•11,1:Pablf'.~ lr••r' R('11101r lJCf'll, Ivy, i.:n1dr %2-8i·!."1 C.:LEAN-l/p and J1ght 1ng. Call DavP, • 893--129,"• • mov- C"l.EAN UP I.· llaul1ng Trtrs & shrubhf'ry trimmrd flt rf'movf'd 5-J9.\l"J9 Cl1an Up And~ S10 ;1 loArl 646--2528 * P1\INTING. 1n1 k esr. Gack fro111 Vit1nan1. Back 111 b11~11ic~s, again. Free rs111na1c.s. \\"ill subcontrac1. ti·r.-1osn NEED PAINTING? Call u~: Reliable Strvice 11•/ Qu11.!iry at it!I be~1. at the ninsl rcalif'lnab\e prir<'~. t "1'('r '"~l1matt~. 54il-somi INT1 t;:..1t::RJOR. CI f" a n, 11"a1 "' o 1• k . Guaranlced lt<'a:s t f1\('~. t•rt>:e est. C11ll .lark 894-~!f> coUfct 11 t1£'C. * INTE:RJOH. f::XlERIOR • Pai11ling -PaperhanginE; L;ir. In!!. Gua.n.nleed ll11rri!I Painting &12.-i5.j8 SUBURBAN Painting/Dec F.l<:~rt Guaranteed \Vork t'ret est. No job too laflilf' or 100 sn1aJI. 494-~190 * PAINTll"G lntrnor/E.x1e ~·. 1or. J..oc11l r('f!"N'n"es. lm - 1nr1\ ~('l"\"ll'r . 641).lGj? ---P Al:":TI:":[{;, r;..,1, ln1. 18 ~i., r"\p. ln.~. l.w. f r•'!' ,.~1 Arn\Pil 1 !'1l1ng$ ~s.~132;, UliNN B\' OU N~ Pa111!1ni: &· Paprrhang'ni: frPr f'.~t. RPi.~. 642-2.")6~ PAJ;>.'T~.H. Exp"d . Ex! I In!. al 1·r ry low nilcs. 67~1247 11 n t> pm,. _____ _ J.:XTl-~H IOR-INTEfllOI~ t.· :\Ja1ntr na11cc • ~&-:1!8:1 . \V ,\LLPAPERING & PAl:--1- TING. 10 YRS in 11rra. Rra!'ConalJlf' ralPs. 642-0417 FOH B etltr Painting, 1nter- 1n1· & l',l lrrior. l ('()Ustir ct il- 1ni.:s. &l&-4071 &. 5-11-110'! Pl•1t1rln9, R•p•ir 6880 e PAT C II PLASTERING. All ly pts. Free ertima lc Ca ll 54o.....682:1 6735 Plumcb::;l:.;c"11.__ __ .;;6c:l;.;90 *CON CRETE Floo r~. patlo11, r tr Rc.a.son<1ble. CilJJ Don, &12·8:114 Contr1ctor1 6620 FHEO It. f;~;R\\'!Ch: Bu1lrl1n\:: C'o ntral:IOr J. 1 m rn1!<. h<lnn .... pa\1n~ L1crn<;ed-rr·rr r~1 11natr~ 64:\.-60-11 ,,. ~~l!J-2170 GENERAL Con tra{·tpi-. All 1;a rpcn111•. t.:onr rl'tr , add & ren1odchng, 2:, yrs t:K· p1•rirnrr. 531-0"18-1. Ji~7-23~2 LANDLORDS I.r t "Rcn!:1l R<'!Hlirr" ~11rly your rt-.n!al H n u !I PClcaning, pa1nl1ng "Irr·. rrpa1r .• ·arprt shRnl· P'"'"111~. yard 11oi-k. ~~16-:!9~4 B1\ Y f. Bt:a! h .l:u11:v1·1al &n· ('1>n>r'~. u 1ndow~. floor~. rlr 1:•"• & f'ommc 'I hlh-1 U/] C'1\fll't:TS, IV 1ndo11·.~. Iii,, r11•. Rr~ or Cnine'I. X!nt \\Cirk ltf'11s: F'.el~. :iis--1111. \VOULD You believe I will clean yo11r home for Blue Chip :-i!11n1 ps" 897-7:lj() CarJMt Cleanlng 662S Cl.l::AN!~G lady 11· a n L s .:.:::c<.::...::;.:c:.cc..;.:: _ _:c:::.: 1.lnywork. C11ll afl<'r 4 CA.RPET &· furn. cleaning ; 612-1~09 for J day i;eiv1ce. &· riu•hty "·ork. caU Ste.rl in~ for hnghtne~~· 642-81"120 CA RPET 0elll1ing: ~ rinfi .''19.!lj. Upholstery c lri1n1ni:- ,. ... ,,c Sootchgu11rd. Jl ar hor 01.~C'Oun! 839-1870 • Uia1nonds arr 1neasun'd :iy qual ity. so an: \•·r ! 01A.L\10ND CARPET CLEANERS 66-1317 anyti mr ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES e \\'TNDO\VS DffiTY'.' f''1'f'e est. 15 ye•r! r:-.:11 Johnny Dunn 642-l.1G4 \l'JNDO\V CLJ::A."llNG Promi!lt" to ple&SC~ ... ~146-2210• DON 'T JUST \VIS!\ ror wmething lo furnish your home. • , . find grea t buys in lodRY'• Cla&sifled Ads. ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES PLU;\IB!NG REPAIR r-io JOb 100 sn1all • 642-3128 • S1wing 6960 A I. T ~; RATl'JNS-:llrn !I & won1rn·.~. 1oor1 )Ob. Y1st &: ri'a'<Clna hlr t;.12-.··m Altrrll llon~, rr •T)lr &., r uSl!im Hcd.,p1 e&d.~ Ln111~r :.oi~7104 • DN:Rlin1aking · Alte r11.llofl.ll Spf"cir1l on hf"m~. • 64fHi446 • TILE, C1ramlc 6974 • Vrn"M", Th" T ilt ;\lan • Cu.~t "·ork. ln11tall 4' rrpa1rs. 1'>o ;ob 100 sma.11. Plai;ler p111ch. Ltakini:: ~how er rf"r1a1r. IM7-190.7/846-010G Upholstery 6990 C7.YKOSKI'S Cu.st. Uphol. Lurope•n Cra1111man~hip 100% F in! 642-1454 1831 N""'J'Ort Bl., C.~I. ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES 6405 HOUSEWIVES Per1onel1 6405 Penonel1 6405 Double )our moory for Xmat1 or raile moJI(')' for you r club or church. A phone c•U or lrtu•r and you 1\·iU reixiv" lrPt', complr ll" inforinar1on. Co1npub. l!lk~ F.. Js1 SI. . Suitt" 203. t 714 11:06-6!}.)."o \\"AJ\"TE n . R idr lro111 21th t S..'\n1a Ana A1c. C.:11. IO -/\n11hcir11. 3 blk.•. off S.A. ··r~\'y. Oil Broo d~·a). DA.V 11h1rt, 5 day~. £46...8j79 alt. 6:30 P.ill. NEED ltma lr roomm~tl" to Mlp m11lnl1in 3 BR hu. Pref 21 ·15 up l'.'/1 pr.-..~rhl ~hild. Clean k t1epelld1.hlr. Ple""e call OoHy MG--7199 l\ktl~ "'' ;, --~--~~~--ACTING Do you 11·1nt 10 bt • run Unit' work11'1i prorrssional? Do you havr !hr selr diKipli~ to ~ubjr("t your!ll!ll to 1 rig. irt Bn!i~h 1ra1n1ni: rourst &, lh.r a r11~1 w humility to ac- 1·r p1 minor rnlt'~ un!il th r 1rn1n1ns J"lf"l"totl i~ •<0n1plr1r '.' tr Q(I Tllt: LONDON LA- 1;UN.'\ A C T ORS \\"ORK- SHUI' 1nlgh 1 bt-.1blc to help )'OU. No pr~Vious eiq~rieneto nece11sary, no ai l' hani1r. r.l l'1nbcr11 of this t"xchulw i,:roup 11·ill ortly be •cct!'pt td upon • Mtisfactory ptn;on11.l 1ntr1view wl!h !ht. dlrttror, CA.ii 4!»-4'°4 for 11 ppc. * • TENNIS ~1en'lbtrship for 11le •t [';tl''port Btl.ch Ttnnl1 Club. 615--0iOf JOBS I EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted~ Women 7020 e :llrNl CAR~'. NURSl:":G e Nursrs &.· A1rlr~ i!11·a1b1hlr rl)r hn111e care on hourly hii~l.11. 1 hOur minimum. AIM 1h1lt11 &. live-in . ~70 • Allltd Nunn It Aidc8 • Of 0 .C. Nursts R11islry 272!1 \\'. Lln&:1n Lane, S.A. l\URSES ' Aickll availablt lnr homf' ci r.. 546-4j70 e Alli('(1 Nurst8 It Aitl"i:: • or U t ' 1\'ur:ocs 1trti1try Job W•ntecf, Men &. Women 7030 ClllNESt: l1vl"-in Domestica. Prttnallf'nt. Exprmnced. 1-ar F..1 ~1 Attncy 642-t703 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 abilities CJ a Li mite~ ageac;y Q\IJl.Jity Positions lor Qua.lilied Applicllfllll 48& I!:. 17th St., Suit" :!.'of Co.~ta ~les;i 6~~-1~70 Act'Ountinr ,., .. !i ........ ACCOUNTING -CLERK- T wn )'ra1"l't r ..:Jl('rlent". l'lcrical •cl·ountlni. 11.r- rounls pa) 11 blr o r rel't 11·. xb!e. 01· job CO!il. Type ~ \\"PITI rlN·lrH'. Cell Per,onnel Depl. 17141 494-MOI TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Equal opporttl nity tmp loyer Acoounli1111: DA.fl Y l'ILOT :J CASH IER-Mature \\ fl m . I tor &tore 11urk, will tr-u~ tllll or pan 11 me. ti7:i..6r.JI CLERK BUYUl OPPORTUN !TY f'ew i:a rd It gilt shop ~' ,:icper. buyer in 1 1t11~a.re & par1y gooda. ?.lust be penn . Nt•!llr.!fS. m a n ne.r s f,,. ainc.-erit,y w I p e o p I .. im- pol"lanl. Loca•ed Balboa Cdill area. AH rr.plif:S L"Oll· f.identilll . De.tall!! · D11.ily Pilo t, Bo~ P-5il ('O:O.IBINA'JJON. Slw-p &r f,\a.1d!I Ir ~o (";o Dancer• Top V.'11£:("S. Phnn" !or 1n- 1r1"irw. :-\.1~~Y La.ssy, 2901 \larhor. C ~I. l'OUNTER LfRL. E xprr. lull trmr Apply J~4 New· port Bl\·d. Ci\I Cooks FRY COOKS Top w•ge:o:, ~rm1fll"nt. hon· t.11, and l ood \\"Of1ang COil• dition..o; in a r r a '1 h•adln~ 1-estauranl . App.ty 9 Im 10 ::.. pm tor interview iit MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP :.!-W:ll El Toro Rd. Leisure \Vorld Lai:wia Hill• 837·1014 COOi\, g raveyard Ir 1'f'Jif'r E.>;p onl y. Slan S'.! .. 10. COT TAG.t: COt"FEE SllOP, 562 \\'. 191h SL, C.,\I. Cu"1odian l :"l!~tED. opening for reli11bl~' rn•n \Vith pttVJO\il 1n- du1trial janitorial exp, Xlnt \\'Orkin£: cond., 1d. pay A: all lriuge ~ne !its incl. prollf slisrinc. Calif. I n-j e. ct t on 111oldh1g. 200 Brigs A\'f'. C.~I. 54(;..44f,O Delivery \\'ANTED: Auto c 1 nier1 11.Hernoon Reg1s te.r route for C)pJlQrtunify ror ac(·oun1anl Costa Mesa & bf'a c h areu. 1 11Jth 1n1lla11ve and <1 n1b1· Pleast t·all ~>10-J!Xl6 11nn. Dcgrt<e o r ~u1va1 ... nt ~===~~===~=• r'pcr1rril"e 1·1"CJui1-c''· At· DENTAL ASSISTANT u ·;u·t1\'p s1arting salary and Oral 11urg"ry & X-R..ay ex p benefi l~. Se nd r?~Urnt: !o only need apply. a.\S-1719 COST ACCOUNTANT MANUFACTURING D. Paul!!tn 235 f ishe r St., DESK CLERK_ C06ta Mesa, Calif. CASHIER Advertiidng Production Artist Production M9r. Experi1nced agency production• r I i s t capabl1 of ' o m • production m•nage- ment for Newport B•ach agency. Xlnr. s•lary and benefits. uri:"· hixu11· hotel. Goorl, salary, fil'e day~. Mu1t b · e.~p·t1 on NCR 4.200. Apply Jn pe~n only Th e N•wport er Inn I 101 .Jambortr Rd. Nrwport Beach DEPENDABLE MAN P!<'a se ~nd rr sunit 10 Tht WHO CAN WORK Oa1!y Pilot Rox l\1-:xiS. WITHOUT BABYSITTER 1n my homr SUPERVISION "''kly 6:J0..4, 2 ch1idn"n. 4 yr& Contact t'tL~tomers in Beach & 3 mos. Exp'd only Ci~1es area. L imited •uto &IG-828:°> travrl. \\',. tnun. Au-mall AIDES. Nuflju1g. 1-; x per . A. P. D1ckcrsoli, Pres .. Prel'd. Apply in ~rson via ~uth•lt<.~lrrn Prtroleun1 PH : 71 4 -49-1-1107:) Coq> .. t"I l\"orlh. TP~. BAIJ YS IT"ILR -i::1·cry Fri&.· * DISHWASHER * Sa1 nl!e !I pm -? am \'ic. Da y ~h1[t llB Call 962-7~2. APPLY BAB\"SI'ITER ""11 nred, niy ALLEY WEST ho mr. for tea cher. {)1111 21 <.6 \V. <Jc.r..anJront trans. Call 54!>-18J.J aft 4:l0. Ne11.l)Orl Beach. CaJif. I BABYSJTn::R rw'dtd immetl. DRA>"TS~1AN f'Xptt . I nJ for 10 m o . o ld baby, :i day Con 1 t r u c t io n fie.ld tol 1vk. muf't coin~ to homt '-pttpare rleta 1led draw~, h•v" rttR . 54()..QJ63 for 1nstalli rw o f un)qul! pa-j ltnt applied !or hes ting I.:• BABVSJTTF.R, r.1y homt. 111r l'Oncl. system of rapidly! \\"cek.ly. Arch Bch Ill~. gro11•inc company. BaJ•nce- C11ll 497-141 6 F'IQ, Inc. 171 4) 642-5100 BABYl'ITIER w a n Ip d . ;D~R=Eo,..,.,.,-,",cb---K=,.c,-,-.• -"' fountain Vll.llt y area, CaU 1mporl11nt job as wil,. ~ ~!ter 6. 5.11-3210 mothtr &. earn ii wkl.v BAR il!AJO -Apply Tht p11ychrc k . $44-3&,5'4 /~"i • · Plar r . 2lm Balboii Blvd.. ."5--4193 /5.'\8-ll<KJ J '""""" ""'h. DISHWASHER I BAR\IAID Young. a 1!ra r tivr Apply 111 19JO l'laeentia, C.:0.1. RAR ,\IAID -i\il"~­ i\1AV ERJC,K li2S f\'r11'JIOrl Blvd ., 0..1. BEAUTICIANS for d11y & e vening shif1s In popular • priced C.'.\1. salon. P~!il':nt stare can't handle rapidly eKpandm: vclun1e. Paid vac1.1ion, Call Viola : 5A8-9919 or 11.pply in pf!rson. Crowning Glory Bciluty Sa- lon . 2(;7 £. 17U1 St. B F I no1v hiring txptrienced carpenlerl! & t i bt. r1Ia1 men. Cll.11 Rill ~9:i0 S..t Mf9r, -NEEDS • Atnmblert • Touch.up e Finish CerfNnters * O' DAY YACHTS* 300() Pullman, Co:islil ;\lc11,. llOYS 10 • 14- Carrler ftoutfl Optn for ............ ,., ... Lquna DAILY PIJ.DT -BOX 80\·s /'>lull bf av1il, "'k. day 111ornlng1. ovr1· 16 pal"! lin1e or 40 hr 11·eek. Apply 1n ~r900. Rlchird'~ L i d o 1\l.trkr.1 , l433 Vi1 Lido, N.B. e CASHIERS e SALESGIRLS Full time .\ Part titnt' F.l<:~rte~. Phone for 11.p. paintmenl ~5Wl ext. 30. Equa.I opportunity e mplo)tr JOSEPH MAGNIN ExJMrienced Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 59)0 P•c. Cst. Hwy. Newport Be•ch OfSH\VASHER. Hand~. Good •nd dependabl• 11 mu5t. Good pay. Apply In per,r;on after 4 P M . P I R A TL ~ lNN, 4-10 Heliotrope. Cd:\1. * DRIV!ltS * No Experience Necessary! Must h1vir. clean Callfornil 1 drivl nr ftCOrd. Aopl,y YELLOW CAB CO. 1115 E . l ith Sl Coot.a"''" E:-;'GINEER -E,_per. ln a 11 plication o f H y dr on 11· heal ini; A. air cond. It? Ap1 hot1!lt's 1n n1.p idly gro11·in~ compA.ny "' I unique palr1>t 11.pplled for 1y 1tem , Balanct·Flo, lnc. in t' 64Z.-aroo Escrow Secret•ry f'"or V1et Pres. E!Cecutivt l<'vcl. No shor1hand. Dicta· phooc. m in. J yni e!Crow Very lr\"l"I posilion 11·/ l"ad. 1ni Co. /'llu.!1. ha\'e t(lp 11:room111t . .Xlrit u lary &· lrenl'hta. Newport Ptrsonn-1 A1ency 8J3 DOVER DR .. NB 61·1..,,::810 ~2743 ELECTRONIC Auembten , pr1ntf'd circuit b o a rd a , '"P"d. ~tay ron1ider tra!l'lff, I ~ Plx~ntia, Ne"'JIO'"I Rrh. M5--07'ro Al.fOJIOI.lC~ 11nonymn11! \'tlnn,. :,42-1217 01 l\Tl!e to P,O, Eki• 12:!3 Cost11 l\lt~11 \\' ,\ ;..; T f. D 1'rnn.~110rho1io1> "-/lcnir1!'" !<1 Chim t \'ery nlh~t· wrrk fil:1-l;::t}! ---'-"--- 271!1 \V Linl:'~n 1..11nr, S.A. CASHIER R!"~llurant "'l"t'l' 10 -,.n·s-;;1,., f"\P 1;-;;;;. prrfc1T~. Nl•ht•. tr.;':.-~Ol. • " ' • I '· r 111 • " 111rt1r:r.. 111·1•1;• &. jr11 rlr). A~><_nr 1 r' Fr11.n,. .. flBE:RGLASS LEAO.\\!EN Allltl F.xp'd l..A;\llNATORS \\"1ll11rd Eloe.t \\"ork!I 129j &krr St.. C.:.I. !•f\'l. "\"ow -l "nir,.d fun<! 1 ·~11 ')fl2·l~'lil 1 \ O:'\f'. i:1f1 -n1~nv \\nnrlr~:_ t :N JTED t"l.J~D -Ha v1 Y"" Co11•r1h1+1rr1~ ,,...,.,....,.....,,.,,~~,---......_-..,.. __ . ..,. ...... --.-........ ---,--.,..""':-....... ,_ ~ .. -.-.. ~.-. ~ .. ,,____..l!',..'TT":'"~-,,,, • .,., •.• ,.,n1r.."'"·''"·''-,...'"""·"'-'"·""",··----••·"""'"""·""-·-••••·•r..-·•··'"'-~~--·~~-- .... 38 DA.JLY PILOT f,idot'.1, Oclobtf 31, 1%1t • .JOBS' EMPLOYMENT JOBS' EMPLOYME~ JOBS' EMPLOYMINT.JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT I JOBS .. IMPLOYMINT JOBS' EMPLOYMENT Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100Jobt.--M9n. Wom. 7100 J•be :\\en. Wern. 7100Jelt1 Men, Wom. 7100 MERCHANOIS! FOR MERCHANOISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES !\1en or \\'Omen over 18 ,•,rilh cars, slal1on \Vagons or light truck'>. Apply daily 8:30 a .in .. or l :30 p.m. 201 I Pl•centi•, COST A MESA 2029 W. 1st St., SANTA ANA 430 W. Collins, ORA•E ~~=== Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 I Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100 Foreign Car Mech•nics Good ro. bf'11rfit!, lnl'I ra1r1 1 at"at1u11. ,iti·oup ins, uni. ronu .. /111"n1shrd frre. Good 1·ornn1. st•hf"dulr. A~k for .1 • ...,.. \loon· Pll. 'J~O-llt\-4 Fl·R-EMAN __ _ CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH Independent Personn•I Agency li16 On•ngl' A1·r . :'uitr C C:'ll 6 l~-0026, ;i.1;;..L1919 Ff.:'.\lALF:: 1;111 Friday·'·· 1:;7:, ~1arl 'J'raut1•1', tfK'Ch apt .....• S4:r; 'rtllr.,. trainte ...•...... s~ /Jf'n1<1l 7 rehn1c1an ..• , SSOO Carrrr <1ppu1·i1111 r1~·. ,1,11. lo i:w);k""P"f ··•···· ..... SiiOO ~j!;., ,\~r ~1.::1. c1n~1n;; dat" 1 :~·t·cp~1on1.~1 .......... S..:.JO ,\"<J\rri 1bo·1· IUll!. l!llifl .\ppl1-i\1 1\LI·.· 1·a11~·11s ar.illalill' al 1'1ri·1·\J;1nat;t•n1f'n!1rainct ., S.iOO 1J1·nr hdqrr•, ~R•I F111't'"l :0-:1· Indus. J::ngult'rr to SllOO \11•, 1,1 phnnr 1~1 \.Jl:.'!, 1--=.dr-; ,.;ur1r1 ... ·1so1• ...... $!400 .--------\lt111ni; Jlrlpi·r ········ j.1~0 -Job.,._Men. Wom. 7100 School1·ln1truction 7600 ::::::;;sm: :: I I i t Ge neral :r 11 :: :r ll ::- * * Housewives and Mothers E11rn e11tr• money for * CHRISTMAS * J. C. Penney Company F1shion l•l•nd -Newport B•ach H•s positions open in *Sales * Santa'~ lfelper * <;redit inte rvie,~·s * Gift \vr apping Sc hed_ule.~ including afternoons, e venings and L:o1nb1 na l1o n or bot h. Finest cond itions -To p supervisio n -Ex- cellent benefits including discount privil ege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M . to 9 P .M ., Monday thru Friday J. C. Penney Company ~24 F11shion Island Newport Beach, California S£BVJCE STAT ION Top 1sla.rw.J .a!eamen COOO pay for houn. Exp. rcg"d. Co1"011.11 tic.I t.t ar Shell Serv. 2801 I::. Coast Hwy. al Golde!U'Od Cdi'll. SERVICE CASHIER , MATURE, MARRIED I WOMAN WITH AUTOMOTIVE I BACKGROUND I R~yFC~;;er Pontiac Kl 6-4444 .SEP.VICI:: STATION help "'anted. Sr.e i\like, l\IJKE 'l"JCE CHEVRON, l 7 2 5 Superior, C.~f. SERVICE Station attendant. Graveyard shift. Apply 2800 \\'. Coa i;I lll\1'. N11·p1 Bch. Sf<Cl"f'l llr}' KEYPUNCH TRAINING W•ntH 5 Women TO SJ'ART CLASS l\IONDA Y, NOV . J Pilot Keypunch program offering Lhe Jinest f'QUlp- ment k tacili tlcs av;,.1labJe: Join the leader! Academy of mputer Technology Call 547·94TI 9amto!pm OMPUTER GRAMMING W•ntH 6 Men 1'0 START Cl.AS,.; !110'.\'DA Y, NOV. l Pilot program 0Uer1ng thc- Jinest equipmrnl I< faci!Jt1es av:.Ulable! Reill-timt ron1- puter programming. Academy of Computer Tachnology Call 5-17-~71 9amlo8pm J OIN 1'HE FIELD \V1TH A FlfrURE! -F;_~u=o:n~.~~-~.:,.::--';_,.~---;IOOO;;;;;~F;u::::,n:i~tu::::,.::--'-----;;;;;;;J __________ I Sewing M•chin•• 8120 1969 Slr\GER w/bc-aul v.•al console & 'lJg-zag. flla kf's button holr-s, O\'ercas1:s. '!\ )'ear guw: . .1-·u11 pr1N: $38.21 or $5.:!6 1110. :.r~l6 SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Musicol 1no1. 1125 Show Room. Floor Samples -F1ctory Clos•oul&l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,I 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. • S pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, • 96 in. quilted sof• with 56 in. m11tching love s•11t, or ch•ir e S pc. Sp11nish Din•tfe, oak t•ble top e 3 h•11vy Mediterrane•n m•tching f;1bles, t:>p durable enough for Fl•menco Dancing. Will sell pieces individually. Sho p First! Then See O ur Unbeliev a ble Buys! 1001 other items with terrific savings! Bank Terms Store Charge ~laster Charge BankAmericard All Accepted ... • •• .. : •• 1 GUITARS Oraw.;e County I IC-1'i; to selrl•! lron1' WAS NOW 1 f,;lk gu•1lil"l> S:.1-1 ~1;,i l:.J<'rl!'ll' 2 pit k Up S4'J.9J 1\1n µl11·0~. A111p~ Si9 ~(, Folk Gu11ars $1!9.9J RoJ>l'l\'ood CJaJ>S1r 1\00 Fl'nder J\ll1~ta11i; 1200 i\1ar1Jn !300 SIT.9,,1 S~9.9:t I S39 .• $8.j.00 $135.00 S200.00 1\ll 1n;ijor Ur.tnds, tratlr.-ius, L<1}·1\ll';L}~. r,Crn~rk"1· .1 W . lio1 ,,1·n1t'<l1a1r Dn1/l.<n1a11 S&OO oc ta1 •1lr•sses -*~-~ P•rt time Hostesses · ,/.\\l'/'Ul ~S. flour 11 axe1~~~ = :: 11 :: * ::JI::= Nr1\'spapl"r nrrd.~ PART TIME SECRETARY Age/educa tion no b»~l<!ri Lrt us help you qualify . INNKE:EPl':HS INSTITUTE Furnitur• IOOO [ Gar1ge Sale ISLAND GUITARS 8022 ~El ~l;1 n 1u' !\\"r. Balboa Isle b73-'.i76 1 Open 1 Ua),~ Fl. time Oishw•shers •'Jll~. rp:-;rnence1!, g-o o d APPLY rs Pl·:r.:-:o-..: MASCOLAS 161S E. 17th. S1nt1 An• G•I Fri-Personnel tn lfij_ !'>o shortha rMl. Rf"a1·h .1i-ra. Beaut o/11c-rs-. Ft:.'11 . \"a . .n('d . 1nirrt·st1~: f'all ft1ta 54&-:.11n JASON BEST En1ploymf'nt Agrn1·y ·~1~'0 S<J . .\lain. ~an1a Ana General Office 5450 liood 1}Pll11! :.kills, a(·co u11t- 1ng fra1n11111, ,r, tJ,1i.:k~1uund. h"af h a 1"ta. 1·n!J Lora1nr. ,\lcreh11 n1~ Pr1·.~onnrl A-;:.r11 ,. , .!On \l'i·~kt1 ff JJr . :-i .B. ij~;i_~jj0 General ,\SSE7118LERS. <"arp<'ntrr~. elcrtrician. roller.~. choppe r f,,'lln operator 1:;::i L. Pnn1ona SC., S .. \. (.; I:: t\ I:: B. A L i\lt1.1nt1•na n1·P 1ilan fur Horr.I Las.,"Url.il. Call .\!e r. lor Apf11. 4~\-11:11 ---G irl Frid11y T~ pin.: ,t· shor1h.1nd .. .\ 1 rf"I· ("\1·11111:: & 1n1rt"l'~!ln1! p."1. t1v!I" lt'.1tl 1n:: 1.idtt• ~IJ!iun \hi,.1 hi1vt •Jut ~1111J<t1 11s: prr. tl'loalll}, ih111r~ '"'"Y ,1ru-d. •II\ t•r- Newport Personnel Agency .&:3:; 00\'EH OR , :\'I~ ul!-3~;o :i1!l-.';1} GIRL F ftl UA Y -L\Jlf'I". dir· t;,phon,.., lop 1yp1nc ~\;ill.~. •l'('Unly 1 lrarnncr d~·~11·,1hlr. :'al.11:--oprri. Call x;;~.()6;;4 liu' ·1 , C11·il S.•r. V1·I~. L'nton. :-:1udt•n1~. IJ1 . .,.1hlrd. LrK1l1r1111!f' n11Hlf',Y 111~1 !..•'1'. >-"nl tl!~l!"·to-dnor .1X 1".11uq11n r rr" 1f "1•lr'•'tc1! :.u;.•w.. 9-11, :,.; lnr sppl HELP 11·<1n\l'd: f;\.J)l'r PI L B,\KEH, rema1f', .~u a1:r. l1n11!. IJ.rnlnn 's COlll'f' SJ1op. L11t:. Ekh. l::J S. Csl Jh1y. ~91-48!1.11 HOSTESS \\"ITll Person•lity w•nted for well-reput•d restaurant, .\PPLV 1~ PEH~U-' \Ion rhru r n 10 an1. l I a 111 HA "PENNY INN 14041 Beach Blvd . Westm inster I !UL" Sl-'.f.;Jo:~:l'l-:1 :. mo1lwrlr~, hl)111r !11 •' '" lrrn:igPr~ \\11111rin 111!h I ~1111111 rhild nk, 111·1 1.~l Hl ;1111 · :'l pn1 H 0 U ~ E K I·. ~-P E H loll' gt"11\)f"1nan ~ u1· .l 1!a,I'! pr1• 11k . \\"ash111i;. f'I(". !.:all 1la,1 ~ &ri-s:~.i ==--c,-------llSKPR -Ht'~Jl 11nn1:in fr•r li1e 1•lr11nin,1; ,(. •'O"ktni:. 3 ht'!'; morn111g~. 6 dOI~·~. $'.! hr :,ts-4S44. llOUSEKEEP!'.:I:, t-1r11• ~-rr for 8 hrs. S~ hr , rr.f.c. CU,\I 67:>-4!Y.i0 1 1ous"E°"K~'E"00f:~+•0>:0P". -,c,-,c,,·,.c1,1 cart'. :i•~d~y 11k. SJfl11I;, ~ rmm " bnard. l"i 'ar. :.w.-9212 HOUSEWIVES HAVE FUN AND EARN $$$ IN YOUR LEISURE TIME YOU WILL IE HELPING IN THE FIGHT AGAINST POLLUTION '4 to 6 llour~ uf Con.~cienliou! <'rfu1·1 pr r \•'f'4'k 11•ill nrt _\:ou $100 p.'r nlQnth 1::? 1rrs./.,.·k rqirlll• S,200 J)("r month t~linimum Guarant.rrd l Dtt.lls 1n Pf'rsonal Jnt~·l,.w Only If you &rf' outgotng end 1~·atlt lo enjoy ynurulf. r.JI "fr, 0.rln 81 642-6861 t10 •m ·6 pm) THE LINDSAY CO. llOUSt;wOP.K -\Vo 11111 n 11 ;1111~1 I day 11'f'f'k. 01• n lrlllll. S'.!.2j hr, 1 hrl', ~!11~1 ""rk <'1Jnd. & \\'hi1ri;:lol'r B I d g. 1r11 an1·r. ~.r:-!139:;. l.i\/"1\'. Lite housckecp1n; & ··•10k dinrw-r. Hnr. 3-6 P .\I. ~1 1la} :o; • ,1·k. Cd.\! area. 8?..~'.16'..':\ ~IANICURIST. timr. Ne11port 6il-41R6 lull 01· part Beach salon. J\c.1·pr.1nch ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Hl.\l alpha <1nd numrri- ··al. \'rrify 11nd ~ml' rt'!· lated t·leneal d u t i 's. Good \\"Orking eondit iofl3 11nd h£-tl('f!!s. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E.\IPLOYEP. I 18~ Dall' \\';n Cos1a ~lrsa, Cail! \"anrd ~hop arid \\'rldin~ .. ,. J'l'l'lr1u·"· Prer1~ico lnslru. U\f'n1~ nlfgr. Arll·:lnt·l'd KinPll(·s. l l"I•". l!ll Vlt"loria :-'1., (:.\I, 6-!ft.71!r. _An r qual oppor. e1nployrr i\!1,llJ . llOU:'Wkrepcr, lflBIUJ'f' "0rll:ll! for rrt i 1'r111 r n l ho1111~. l;cJ pay k \1 k. ··n11d. Cull 1\lrs. 1~111~ '4!H-!lt ill ~!AILI · Par1 thnr. Apply in 1w1•.-;i1n ~:l Lark i\lott.>l. :.!JOI !'\t•\1'J1tJr1 Bll·<l. C.\l :'llALE To 11 ork 1n Slupp1ng t.· Rl'cf'1vi n~ Dept. Al!;O. Dt•l1vcry. C!r.11 n Cut 43t!O Campus. Dri\·~. N.B. i\lana~f'r- Coupk tu managl' l2 unit f.'Qn1 plrs. n1usl bl' rxp'd, non-drinking. I l<'rnagr r 01-: l::.\rh;1ngr 'l BR duplf'\. \\"nrr Daily Pilot Box l\1- -t~. ;\I ATJ:;BIAL. Crinm1l .\l.1n f'). Jlf'f In <lon1r~lic hf:oahng &. "R1t 1'\ln1I. l1rld lo h;inrlll' huy1n~ ~-invf'l11 nry t'Ontrnl nf r:1pui1y gl"O\\ ins;: f'Otll pi\11.)' 11/yn1qur p.alf'nl Rppl1rd tor ~vstrn1 11af:inr·I' • Flo. Jnr. 1jl·I• 61:!~,;oo \!J,CJ!A!\IC · nor 11f'rdrd. 1!.1\ sh1!1. l 'nion 76 Sl:111un, t')()(J r"-.f'I\ fl'l'l1 Bh ti., Cos1R ---MEDICAL Se<.rel•ry r Re c eption i~t l l<1ur~ 9-5:::0. Orthuped1c orr. \(.'"· t'.xf)l'r 1n insuraricr. bill 1n.:. 11ppn1t:<, r tr, Typ ing re \IUl!'l'd . .':a l:!L'Y Ofl"ll. Newport Personnel Agency X3:: DOVER. DR., ~B G<l?~'!ll•o j.19.2;13 MEN & WOMEN :ti to ~O 10 call on our relrr- ral. SJO ll d.11.v \\'Ith Sh111 1;~·m Own 1r11n!I. n<"ffi!'d. ("'all ~116·9:,1 1 t1ny1iml' F"ri , ~"1 . or Sun. for Appoint- mr111 --~~-,----~ i\IODEl., ~luscular. \\':inl~d by ar11sl Sll hr. Contat·t oc· 1·upan! P . 0. Box 1393 Oo"'l'l<'Y. Calif. newport . personnei __ agancy Professional Servk• for the empleyer •nd the •pplicant 133 Dover Or., N .B. '42-3170 54f.274l Nurse Aides ALL SHIFTS EXP'O or TRAINEE CAU NOW 546-6450 1::-;·,. i'"u l! l11nr, 11-1 1.v~-.~ rr 11ml' i.J l.itli'I Con1 11ll'.'-Cl'nl hr rl,.prnd11hJ,. h11vr rrf.~. Crnlt"r, lbii l'l;1;:.~h1p ltd t:.11 !1 hh1·n :..r. rim. ~}? ... ~'"lh.1 J\r\\pt>ri R"~! h r.11-~11M ---r---., ------·- lo V1l·c-PrPsidrnr INTERNATIONAL l· Grn,,ral Manai;f'r i\1otel/Hotel/ Apt l\lgnll Sl'hl 17 Pc. King Size iobs---Men. Wom. 7100 Joba-Men, Wom. 7100 \\"ho can lake shorthand JOO A DIVISION OF' 11·p111. tikr variety .11nd Iii:-ANTI!ONY SCHOOLS Bedroom Largr !I 1h·all"l'r d rr·~~r1-. rllir. nw. '1 l;c1bidr stands, k111i; ~11.r hrat!llOHl'd. f1·:i111r. quill. rd n1a1t1l'ss. she('!~. 1Jla11k- Plt\K Fng\rl~u·c washrr. ,f.: ACCORDJO~ (~l Xt11!. J~'I} dryrr srl S·l.1 both. Ai\l -1• ~ l3<1~~ Lcniar. 11 Bass Noble. Sh'n·o phnno C<.111solr S1.J. 5-l(}.'.!-1i~ tt~g1n:1 f'l{'{"1.Jroon1 S'i.50. J•~ coc==,--=---c--=- llP 110-220 air c1nip 011 ;..l.\HTl.'J Tenor S.1x. Ek·. w he f' l i; S7~1. L.:nder"'·all't" nc-11· S27~ NURSE'S He~s!rrf'd • r.1·ening & night shi ft~. f'.:x. benrf1t~. Apply Prri;onnct Director. So. Coasl Co1u- munily llo:;p .. 31872 Coast !11\-y .. So. Laguna. 499-lll l, rxt. 356. * to.'lJRSES AIDJ::S * J::XPERIF:NCED * !'>19-:l061 * P:\P.T · Ti!n~ II o s I I 1 o 1l al"ailablr fo r 1•c1u"f'd rnan - r11ghts. Apply J• r r s on n I' ! 011,.,rlol', So. C o a ~ I Con!· m un1 t~· llo~p .. :":187:! Coil~\ H11·y, So. LRcuna. 4~!'1-131 l. 1>::-.1. :rlli. !Yr -Timf' TIRE ~JAN Aprly 1n prrson. 48~ Ocran Avr., ~Bch. -PAYROLL - ACCOUNTING CLERK Sal rs YOUNG MEN If ~ou enjoy pl'llplc and 11ould hC' 1111erC'str.d in sales. r 11hrr as a 1·ar('er or on a µart ti1nt-basis ii 11·ould pay ~ ou to Me u.~. Co. 23 y1~ old, listrrl on two :'iloek Exrhang. r~. nalinn11·itlr TV r 'fpollu1·t- u1't';;. 1ype 60 11·pm ot llrltr1•. lil7 S. BROOKHURST E.~c:11ing, intrrP~!ing wo1·k. ANAl!Elr.J, CALIFORN IA }'lf'~ible on hour.~: t an hr Classes form f'Vl'I")' 11·eek r.1thr.r n1orning, aftrrnoon or PHONE FOR APPT. spli1. litany comriany bene-Ask for Berty 776-5800 fi_ts !Ul·h .11s ~id \'a.ca tions, Th• Newport i;_ick _leavf', paid mr.~1cal ~nd School of Business hfe 1ni;urancf'. credit union, ("(c. Call the DAILY P ILOT fl'alurrJ \l'erkly rrlresh<'r for an appo1nln1f'nt. 642-43:.'1 course! in lhr sl;i11s you and ask for t.lrs. Gr~nllltltn. nc.ed to gf'I thf' job ~ou f'[!;. r1 1· 01oi('r or Spanish ur .\Jotlr1·n ~t_,J,. All For $249 i\"o dnnn P111!s, only 19 nlo WELK'S WAREHOUSE 111!11 n1ore leads than \If' t an SHIPPING 600 I\' ·1!11 Sr., ~Jl11~ .\na /111ndlr. 0f)('n Daily 9-~1 For Jnor t inlol'n1;u 1on II::.'.: 0o'>f"I" Dr , :\.8 -"',11 9-6 Sun. 11-6 \1ant! 'l n.i prrsona t u11rl'1"1!'w Experienced Supervis· ti42-3S70 ESPAf\fo·LTNQGA LITY t·aU ~1 r. GOOd11i11 ~r for sm•ll dept. App. CLAVJS .i\tontesso1i prl'-schl . Modl!I Home Furniture ~J.1i-8."i90 in person. 2\~-6 y1~. lndiv. att11. Reas Savings 1,; 85'1>. \"cry easy \lern. & Tuc-s. ~·:1 tuition. 546-232.'i, G4&..ii06 linanc1ng. 3 con1plcte. roo111s SALl::S -~arn mont'y 1vilh ARMALITE MERCrfANOISE FOR or decorator! styl ed .Sp:111ish 110 investment. Sa rah lur111!111·r.. Consis1ini::: of tile ('o,•entry nf'cds full & 118 E. HITll :-ii. SALE AND TRADE famous t:Usloin quality J\la· p.art-!in1e-help. /\'o del: \1·e CO~"l'A ~1E.SA, CAL I J.~. 1-----------I dri cl li'>·1ng room group. The train. For in!. ph. 545-6100 si'°"'==~c.-.,.--c-cc--,--,-· original El Pres1dcn1e spar-·IIPP IN &. stock clerk: Fu•nt'lu•• IDOD . SALl::S i\1/1-'. iroinsr. over 30 lor amatli----------'-' ious n1as1er Ici ng sn.c hcd- Neat alld aggrrssivr 10 sell 1n 11nrg. t'O. F'ull linie Sl.tiJ roon1 sllile and lhc ll Ulhr1111c 'I ' . 1 S1"es!a La raz 11Toug1 .. uun d 1nrHe o 1cl' supp 1es. urn11l1re, hr. lo star1. Apply n1orns 9-M'I«. Linlited slock • s4ss. sl<1llonery. Apply 27[} Briggs 11 :.10 11! GGlllf"n·~ 1\la~1c Hannlion Showrooin, :~<i-IS Ai·e., C.i\L_,_A_,_1_'•_· ____ 1 _11_''."_ol,_~':::__l~ll_• _sr .. _c_.,_+_. SALE! \\"r~1n1111s l er Ave, \\"rstn11n.!- SALESGIRL 2:,...10 ('Xp"d 111 Statistic~.i Typist hJ 894-11.~4 knitnn::: & crocheting. Call I"" ,. 1 + " ' ~ ..uu Up. ..'\cl"p 1ona oppor. ,~r11 /ll". cnrnrr ~1Tan:;. ,\JOVJ.\;(.; 1u Lak~· TlillOI'. ~;l~~IT ror app1. TIU·: NB art'a. 11 miall ~labll' Co. cho1<·r of ··lrs. t't'g_ S230, now Spanish king size BR St'!, :..ila Sl1[11•1· 8 J..:'idak $::Iii. L('\'el & j l8· i8i I tn·1Mnl S3j. Cunslr. l\1, ELECTRIC (..; u i I a r & Sktlsa1v cun1b 11·/al"bor $6.:i. an1ptlhr.t• S<IO. 11-6 pm, Sat·Su11. not bf'forc ~,1s~19.~7 ~i' DAL , lur 0 t h e r ACCORDIONS. 1~0 h .11 I ! l3••r;'.::11n.~. \\. Baker lo f'I 0 • p L:ibl'ildl'.lr ll} on no. SI"''· rof. Sonola, S29:.. 962--~18 JO.~l &11noa. C . .\I, fHJ::;\'Cll Pro\'inc1al r nd P i•nos & Org1n1 1130 la!)l;· 11/th·1111·t"r. l·I r a 1· v __ .;.._..; rr111t11 w 1. SJIJ. Slat lx·nl·i1 FACTORY S~. -"hon 11 ig. Europr-an hair. CLEARANCE! l1;;IH b1\J11·n 1,·/ blonde li'Osl-F,11·lory ord1TS clraran~4! nf 111~. n('1•d.~ sp11111g. PaaJ all "'T1'a;:;r-. d1•n1011strators. SW, sc•ll fur S30. La d1rs floor n1odc.ls, s!ud10 & rr- Sl!Of' i-ollr•r skates, size .~. turnrd P1a11os & Orga ns. SlO. 5·19-00i1 Rral s;1v1ngs up lo 30'.:~. !:i'TER~:o. :2 TV's, rcl!:IJ:, Evl'1·yth1ng gu.arantP.Cd likc1 Rdr111 sl'I, •'llcyrlopcdi.a Sf't. n"""'· Sale tlmi!c.d 10 speci/1c cli.~hrs, IQls of household slOf:k • so hun·y! No n1oney!' i1r>in~. 'f"ri-Sat-Sun 8 ani·? tlo:\n 0 1\C, 5 years to pa y. ]"..0 T I' L Thi~ s:rca\ sale only at: . . u ip n (L'Qr Elden) \\',\f{[)'S BALOl\'IN STUDIO Ci\t. ti42-623.i 1019 N o {'1\"poi·t, C.i\1. 6·12-8181 ELEC Drill prr·s.', 2·1 hp F.1·1nniilf' n1tr. <"t'llar chest . mi:«:. tiousrhold urn1s & h1rn. S..1 & Sun J30~ S R:1.1 lronl, Balboa Is I(' fil:~1~~1S Op<'n Every ,'ojiltt I t Sunday !\rtcrnoon * ~· ~1\NO H 1:N-: AL. I . I 1-.Cl,\L/.-,T~ full t'hargC' pa_,•n1ll l"lrrk .11 ritl arr<>unl.~ payahlr t'!rrk lor n1.1n11fa(;!11n111: plant of 1:!:t hourly <1 nd ~al:H'll'd f"ll!ploy. r r•, l\"1ll ab,, h:u1dl l' i:r11up 1r1~uran<'f" p;qwr \1ud •. Hr- qU ll"f'S J:vl\l'I. Ill I Urillf' I} p111g a l11l11y. t:\j)f'1'. on hkkpJ:. n1 a1·h .. payroll quar1rl"ly t'f'. I oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... port•, prl'fl'rtrtl, \l'LJ\ lfll+!l s:llr~ nn n111· 8 Ul'l'OL11(h!< 1::-2100. UNUSUAL Top 11ork1nl:' rond. 8.· bcne-Sl j9.J(I. Nc1v hr-ds: King .{: loi·r St'1ll, uphol •·h,on, ,..,,_ /11 ~ Call Rita :J.16.5110 $9!1.:-1(), Qurrn! Sl!9.50, Full lr1•, •·nrl 1ablf's, 11111111~. p11._ S.i-1.!tJ, Tw1n~ S·!l.9.l, full~· lllrl'.<. TV. lull Sl/,f' BR ~f·1. guarn. King S1. spN'ads Sl::.!15 dlO!"lh'. •lt'n fur11ilur~'. \\"ill n. sz. S!l.9::.i.. llradbrds: ('Ot1~1tlf'r tradf' Jui· rno11111a111 Kln:;s. s1:;, QUr<'nS s12.:.o, pqu1p, 01" loJal. 6·\f,..9,"J(l3 JASON BEST i'i\T. 1\01. 1. t0-4, 173.» Port ~lal'J:'Slr". '.\'.B. 'l 11·1ni:: .-hrs s:, r11. D1·css<'r $10. ti,9 hhn• :---o 11111,. Jinut. l{en!al ap11lir • tu 1nu·,·11:1,r 1'1th111 11 y1•ar· I !\'!'.:\\' ,t· IJSF:D PIAXOS t.: ORG1\."\S Bt·~l drals-lo Oranl;c Cou11\\. \\ c lakrl grf'rn F;hag rug s:..o. 2 v-·alnul 1radr.•. Bank '1,.rn1s. Opcn1 1·1111 1111~. 1oys. m1sr. ,\lori & Fn Pvcs, sun 12 to 4 I ExrrUPnt \1ork111g condi· uon•. bl'nr!u~. 0 rt • """"" ,, •.. 1'"'''" ppo unity Prr~11n!'l ~lc r. .lt!7-J:i::1 Thr lndrj)('ndrnt Ordrr or ('.·\.\!BRO i\l r G. c:n. 160! (1ay, Hu nl B1•ii. PRESS OPERATORS 1•:on1rn . 11·01·k f••r· plastics mnldint: pl:t nt. 5-lft.J.l;o POLICE CLERK $474. to $576. per mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Rrqu1re.\ onr }r<lr l'l'lf'tll 1·lr1·1cal r\prr1rnr"", .• O 11Jnn 1yp1nr;, ll 1;:::h :0-:chool rhpln111a Apply llf'fnrr :. Pi'll i-"11 1~ PP r~l1nnrl Orf1rr. l."'.00 Nr11 . j"'IQr1 Blvd. Nr11·parl Ileal h. Calli 17111 6i~·t.6l:!. -----------Receptionist F1 orn l2J\t hr. L11r !}flll\j!, h•'dl"~ phon•' 11ork. \\",.!]. gruon1e<l, fr'f111t oflwr EPF Apo Employment Agency l~i.~ llad:xir. (' .\1. .1·1.~-'.l116 Rr slaw·anl Full Time DISHWASHER And P11rt Time BUSBOYS l'orr~lf'r~ havf" l'..lprnl'd • 11r11• off 1cf' 111 Sou111 Orange County. Hrquir<' intrlligf'nl n1;1n ur l\On1an ovrr 23. Col. lrgr not nr e1-.,"'1r)', Should h1l1r r.Xf)"l'H'nel' in mrr.ting p11hlk. D1gn1r ic-d lifr 1in1e p(l~illon, ~:arnini;: t'on1mc11 e- , . ., 11n1Jll'diatrly. :';he.old br 111 C'\!'.;ess of S2;i0 \\.!X'kl). Trlrphonr. 4!12·8700 ~twtrn 9 A'.11. j P i\! ilfon. 1hl'U F n. !I A.\I 11 Noori Saturirdays for appoin!n1rnl. Sa\r 5 * Fantastic! 11 111 .. 1>.ord !or !hi~ national r·on1p~11y s nr11· program for :-:ou1hr.rn Cahforn1a! \\'r nrrrt -Dl.""I"f.IBUTOr.3 -:\IA.\!AC:l~ns ~S,\LF'..:'.\IE.\! -SAl.E.'\\'Oi'flE.\! -l~~:PRESENTATJ\'ES -TRA INEE.-: Thi!I' is a rrltl gro\!nd lloor opportunity 11ith 11 solid a uto. 1na\1r clcc1 ronic: cqu1pn1c111 fi1n1 thal offer~ HIGH Immediate Earnin95 546-3050 1::1n ploy111rnL Agerw·y ~120 -"o. ,\lain, San1 a Ana Steno-Construction Gnod typi~t. shor1hanrl, gen. "ral t lrrir"&.l. ~alary open !'\c11par1 Bf'1H'h area. 6·11-31~'.! TYPIST CLERK II (H•lf time) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $2.61 to $3.17 per hr. P.cquu~s lhgh School rl i· plon1a. Ollf' yrar grnerill o·lrril·al r xprr1enr.r . j.(l 11 pn1 t)'P!ng:. Onr currr nt opt<n1nc 11\ !he bu1ldlng ojl'p! APPL\' l'.11:\IEDIATEL\" 10 1he Prr~n11rl Off1cr. :'.JOO NPtt·pon Bl"d .. N ' w po r 1 Brach, Calif, t 7\,1) 6i:1-ti!.3.1 TYPIST Full SlO.:iO, Twins $4,9."i. Trundle &r1! lduo riser) ,1•/ UPRIGHT p1a110 .•• 0(11. n1pll" innr-r spring mau. reg. S106, b<'drn1 sl'I , lJ;in1b1111 & no1v S7!1.j(). I ... s. spr;Js $13.99, n1alio~. d1111ng lhl. <wcas. j-pc. Span gp. S219, J\.~. vrl. <·lla1;·~ & t bl.~, 1!1sh<'~. r 11-. \Cl sprrad.~ Sl9.50. Canopy 1),·1 , '.:l, i'\01•, l k ~ .10!i beds 1'tg_ Sll9.j(), now $89.JJ. !;rand C:i11al, <ti 1\Ualonr J."11!1 sz ~IC'e p . sofa rrg. Pl.. J111lr R<dl.10a !~I•'. Sl\9.~i(). no1\' ~169.50. Chri~t· US~IJ llOS pllal n1art. ,f.: ho-; ma.~ lay-a11·ays now. ;>;n·;STA srnnp:s .,37., bottun1 ln·r1,..r SLEEP SHOP, t!l:n llar'bot 1J1•lu\e G I·;. Hrrn.i: $121. Blvd .. 0 1 61:-r2760 daily 10-Grr1'n i'llrd (r('d<'n~.a s:~. 9 S11t-Sun l!Hi. The ~·actor)', 18..~i Harbor. DON 'T Give up: You may find ii at America's largest. most unusui\l unfinished furniture stol'!I!. Cor. Redhill f,, Santa Ana t"wy, Tush11. ] n11 So. nl N"rwport :F11·y. Opr>n .~6:2 d;ii-·s prr ~ r :144-:'>4i0 \\'HITE k gold 1'rench Pro\. ('flmple1c 11~·111 Bit su1lf" Brass h lstcart.~. 9 drawrr <lr""il-"'l'r 'r/mirror. J dra.11 Pr chrs1. 3 tir1111fr c· hrs ! 11·/hu1r.h. n111': st a 11 d . PP1frc1. ;,~!l-l!l:?O alt 6::\0. .·i-ID-6M:!. FUBNITURr: returnf'd from display ~rud1os, n1odrl ho1n. P<, <lf"<·iiratorlli ranr-c:U:111011. ~p;1 111~h ,i;, illp{j1\erram•:in rli". RD FURNITURE 1844 N!!wport Blvd., CM f'l"t'l'Y IU1(' ·111 ~I \l"f'll .. ';11 f.· Su11 111 6 ll nn1r( -fl!rt\ITl11't', rlu-n11.1rr, rictu1·r~. ~111~1 s!'IJ h:oi wrrkrnd T110 k1t- r i.·, L,1IJ A:\TIQUES. book~. lurn1lnrr. "'asl1Pr/•tr)rr. n11S1'. Sal & Sun 1(1.J. ,111 Vls1a Floru I Ea~1blulfl :-.:B 111\.\l.\IO>-'D in CORONA DJ::L. i\IAR. ~--14 1-: Coa~t l!wy. 57:;.11930 pJ ,\NO~ !.· t."ll<CANS Nr:1v & USED f t r 11 N l'l'Ult!~. P111t11 in1:~. • Y<1n1aJ1a P1anns .t OrgaM 1!1-1-"1 l'qpm"I, ratl1ri. hain • Tho111~·~ Orgar1s ~~r01r, 1111sr, 5 a t -S u 11 . • K1111hall P ianos ~dfi-'7:':'.'\0. :'.(}S7 G1bral1ar, C~l • Kohlrr S C11n1plwll COAST MUSIC t.;,\Jli\l;!·: Sal<' ~I. ~.,(!'.:l ,, •'>EIVPORT ~ H,\RBOR ~111ngol1I. Cd.\f. K11. Sf'I , kg Cosio ,1 . * '"' "°·o •-I I I I I h I , , esa ·•~·~1 ~" "'·'1 • 111 es anr s, ii; t i.x-Opr11 l~ r r1 10.9 Sun 11·5 1urr S n11sc-. O"KEEFF. & ,11rrr11t g;is SO -You'rb not ready rnnl!I" 1\·1th griddle S•l5. 8&1 to uyl Coni::rrs~. C.~t . Rrn1 tht• piano of your choi('(' ====~.---~,--=-I All n1onir.~ p;11d ~Tcrlit 10-POTif:RY Gara.gr ."-<ilc This 1>.·ard pun-ha~c _ from ;10 Sal. 9 '!11 l'\'eryth1ni:: goc.s nionthly ""' p,hhle De. Cd\\ GOULD MUSIC llOO ZO-IJ i"\, i\lain, S..\ .·147-f.6!\I llA.\I:ll0'.'10 . S1e11·1"·ay . Ya------------1 mahn • ne1v & used piano.~ r:rrni;:t:1·aror.1 .... Jrom S38 of al! makes. Des t ouys ln GI:: Por1able CoJ .. r TV, So. Calif. Mo:hl hrt"I'. Applianc•s llkr 11u .. · ........... Sl 111 SOJ?if lDT ~I USIC CO., r.1-; rlr1·1r1r f11)'r1 .... Sfi9 !l.'i 1907 N, J\la111, ftC \ ("un'irilr, 1·n•ur TV . Sll~ Santa Ana \",h11lf)o1':•I au1on1.1t1c 11a'-hf'r. t'r:l·:J·: OP!.\:---C' . _. o~' f'l1f" Sill' ,,.., · w\:<.S f-'i l '-'i ...... ' ... .... ..... • \! d "t 7 ''" ' DUNLAP'S on a~· 111 <'.~ ··"J • :30 pm GOULD MUSIC CO. J~l:) ;\1·"f")l"1 1."lh·1!., C . .\!. ,01. N 548-7788 ~ :i 1 :\!;iin. :> .. \ ;,,1;.oos1 DIVORCt-~ Salc-l!llm 1· F Bf.J.D\l"!N Orgn.~oriir 2 ' ~ :'11 11 11 u .'I 1 • f"'11"11.~sion In fl",.;;I rrcr r•·C11~, Ga ff!rr .~· AJ\"TlQUE:-;, book~. furn1tu 1·r. "'· 11·;ilnu1. ~i[)(I 1J1nrrtc set, .;><1!1/rr r11ngr & oven; u!<l'd I l+OO. ·+•.>+-'•'·',"· KINGSIZE Sn1 11nons Beau1y TYPIST Rest rnallrrss k boxsprings, l·:XPERtt:NCED 11·;i.ln11t bookcasr h,..adbrd. i\ITS'T I i\ITSC hy Dre~el. 2 Quer.n i\nnr Opr. ror Nf'1>.'JlOl'I Br h . chrs .. '4 bar~tool~. rol\a11'ay Graplui;~ firm. l yr. min. w . 96S-8267. ,._,per. 1'r<1u1red . P " rm . f'OR S "E D ·h 'I"" , p .t (M141 ~&-46MO 1u.. , an1s . r1n 0~1 ion. ' · 1 · Doublf' rouch. side lbl 11·ashrrldryf"r, n11.~r. :->al .'.: r•-t rl •-•>+O " n10. . ... ·s o er . ,),..,.....~ "°"'=°'====--Sun l~:,, •Ill Vista rlora PR!VATF l'\l"'C\' \\'ANTS C 0 L D SP 0 T rr.fn<•cr ato1·, • ' • IEa.~1hluf/1 NB " TO BUY PIANO t'OR ;;;:;:;::;:;;:;:::::::::::;::::! gro:I cond1tmn SJO. Al~o C1\S!I. :.12-li04j DAVENPOBT ,t· t'ha1 r Sl"•. 2 Ph ilro, runs good S2J. :===========I hlond r nd lahll'! $~1 each. 2 ~">16-7~JJ T•levi1ion lfl.mp~ SlO. ;,,\8-461 J KEN.\IOHI:: aulo 11·asher . 1205 • \PPL\' IN PER:::O~ '1 P:'ll TO ~ P.\1 Snack Shop # I WAITRESSES THE NEW JUDY LEE "°l lam p. coffee lbl.. book board. TV .t· stand. S?OUP.FS -$200. Call Sundays -10 'til 6. 968--4:):?3. CO'.'JTE:'ll PORARY W sofa, latr 1nodr1. xnlr t'Ollt:I. II l<'IOsr p11lm\· back, royal blur. !}Tics. Si j . ~15-867~. ~-17-~llj SJl.l, 6W·13T.l \\'ASl\EI? t.. dryer, avocado. :1 P IECE Spanbh brclroom S12:i. RPrr1i;:--frosl ft-ce $100. LC'ase Color TV or Bladr: & \\.h1lt'. 011tion 10 buy. r rrr li{'J"\"l{"f'. i\o rieposil A-1\ct11·r TV Rr11tal Co. '..'JOCi 1-::. Coas l lh1 y. Coron11 drl i\lat• ~---------RJ.:!)"TAURANT. * * LADY. for full nr par1 l1mr, n1~\urr. S:l.00 pr>r hr, 54~986.1 RELIABLE iv/t ruck Young ~J 11 n de I 1 v I' r 11ewspl1Jl"T"'. Advancf'mcnl mgr. Aller 5 -~207 ~e Betty Brurr. at mijj E:xec At:f'ncy /or Carrr r (iidJ 410 \\' Coa!\ 11111 .. N.B. By Bpp0irit. SW.::!!:::~ s..Jc• Give your f1mily " CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER l::arn 2ood nio nry 111'l11na:; AVON .lll\lr •p;ir t IHlll', no•\' C11J - :111~ ir•11 !'IAI I "d(i ' :11 i~ Pl'OIHsble, run &, r xc1lJng. F.arn $j() -SIOO prr "·~!.: full or part • 1imri, Choose your 01,•n hounr. No drlivr>ry or 1:0Utc1i ng, no 1n\·cs tn1cn1 Ill start. ln1m,d. profits • we train. Phone 5-t~M*i. ~LLS • part lime only \\'3nt<'d: :! mr.n E1·r~ & Saturda)~ s..lary -1-bonu~ Ac•demy of Computer Technol09y CA.II 547-9471 ~ an1 to 8 pn1 SALES Sars.h Coveniry ha~ npeni11gs for n or pt time X1nas salrs. Ple a s 11.nt , d it:n1UC'1\ 1101·k 11100 in- "rsl .. ('01 1ec t 1 on-' or rk·liVC't"IC'~. Choose )Our 011·n hl':s. !lli11 . .11ge 21. for intv, •·all: :~14 & !"162-:i69J SJ::Ai\ISTRJ-.:::;,.<::, r xp'<l 1 n drapr>1·ir~. Ulg11na B 1• h . Phollf' or 111·ite LllJtU,11<1 Beach l nteriol"", 1()3) S. Co.11.~I 111\1'· 494-6848 SEAMSTRESS COUNTERGIRL l:'<rfd pl"'ff"rrf'd. Ap11ly n1nrn. 111:;:~ CLO\\"N (J.~:A:-i::r. . .:. Fn ~h1ori l ~I 6\\.:?311 C7'=C7.=C7 __ _ I ;\JTJ.:O Ft·:---o -Comnitllll1\' job -------...-.. - Apply in pe1'Son only USED 5 pc deluxe anlique "ht ditlC'ttr s:~ .. ~ pc r.ornf'r group, floral $38. Gl"C'cn quiltrd occ:. 1-hal r S29. The fac-t{lry, 188:1 H 11. r b o r . ~140-68-12 ~rl, l1kr n('I\". $:'00. Fn:'Clf'r·~ S6."1. :~I0-109:. ~=~~---~-=-+CURTIS i\·lathc~ •1ln1b. TV, 11 ) J22-11.J3 THE RIGGER Call :-.18-7119'.l l\IA\'T /\G aulo washer, x~nr A~l/t"l\I K· tunilablr . SJ:(). cood. 4 yr.; old. $.'.<l. Pvt p!}. ;»&-i \97. Office Furniture 8010 # 16 F11.shion lslanJ Nc1\'POJ"t Beach SPA,'\J.l:Jl f)('~k-<:111·1-..rt all GOOD cornhl ion s· loose lou r i-1\lf's !.-tnp, ch,11r inl'I pillo1v back 5ef.11. Bei2e, S'.!00 1.JI 'jjS~l51:! errs & hrocadr n1aleri11.I. i\lade by ii·klldF --=~===~--1 Kroehler S75. j46..1879 WAITRESS NA"I1.iRAL Oak drsk. :Hx60"'. SOFA 8". bdrm set, slands &:. likr n"'"'· s1:1. d~iiscr. chain;, i;!f'p-\bl~ &. • Cnll ()62-8200 .. EXPERIENCED lamps, 127 44th s1 .. N.B. I ~======== Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. 67:.--0711 Quality kine l)('d-<juiltcd. CompletC'..r.1nuS'!d $103, l\'Orl h s2;i0. Afl ;, I: 11i<ll'I_,; 84'.!-G:.:'.6 -~N~•ow"po='~'=8-•.•_c_h __ , 11 SINC:LJ-.: heel &: box~pring.~ • \\•AITRESSES -O\'l'"I' :.!1 in rxcrl. cond. 1 1bl. & 2 Apply: F LYING BUTLER rhi-... 6-12-:1690 a/1. j . Office Equipment 8011 TYPE\\'RITER, add. nu1rh .. c-alcula1or. Very reaso1111lllr.. Xln1 ro•l'1 89:.1-242:~ 1014 :'\JOI ll'r1'1!'1..!:!.._Bh·d .. ~ \\·;11nut chillll cabinri SllO RE~At.:RANT equip. lla!rh WA1TRESS 3084 Tylf'r \\'ay, C.\t. rn\"rr l11.l1lr 1op. hahy ~nu\ll r-:,c·rll. 0Jl("n1n1 F"or l;:xper . ~i46-19i0 p1:11l0. p111no hai· k ~1ool~. D1n11rr l.lou,;,. \\"111trr~~ ln LIVING rooin furn: roui·he5, C'On1p. uphol. L'(l('k1a1I hr11· & •· ( ''" " d"I 'I•~· bark h:ll\ 17 s!IJl'lls. unc.Jrr ..,11,. o Lv l''O a L ' • • ch1'in . lampJ. Ir~ desk. I:. nlnl!I f'lr gant rr;;1auran1ii. ml!'C Jt'nl!I. fii:.-:-iJ9? bar equip. 2 ~ •lraut.:h1 Oin11tr only-~n hou~ lx'f'r coolers v1/bot1lr ~1or. E,;rrll. tip ll\"tl"l\l:"t _ itood OIL walnut ~lodule. T11 0 I cubf' I('(' n1arh. J l'n1shC'd pay-Call Dinln11: Room i\lgr. s<"~!~ . 11il~:l tablf' in eenler . 1!'f' n11irh l'lr-lanry'a i't>;1 1t rhf' Rrst11.ur11111 •flrr6 PM SG.,. 614--1 r.9. Shant.\' fil:">--0100 dail,1. r\L"'Pt ,\loncl11~· REIGE 9·--;;,,c-, -,·,.,,-1~,-,-,-d I~='-"-'---====·-·-· CHARLES SISTRd 5100, Rlu,. n1a1 rh1ng rha 1r~ Househol~~· 8020 .':!~:. ~;. Cna~r 11 1\)'. ~~" ,.,1 536-4j6~ l'onina drl o\1:tl' -Tl"' \l n11!r lat1lr , 2 ,111~' \\"r~t 11/ i\larA11hut P,h rl IAlY •LJ<:.~n. Si:i 1 <1 11 ~ti-~21i7 • :.1,q..0;;'1 • 2 R~:bl: \1 ..,;/·I~. odd~ /..· r 11d< 1i1ffrf' rhl, 1lrr!!lsr r, h1·h•l<'k rh11 1r<, dr~k, rrfrli,: or li.11 17 ,J !¥16-867:!. 11-17 ... ~ll} APT unit-sro1·r. l"f'l11gf'rritrw. sink, t'nmb1na11on. X I n 1 1·011d. 6·1fril!6l PA CKAHD Brtl 21" l'Olor 1\1. Col. ~l11 ple cah. Good l"OlklJllOn $110. :i40--7217 f,; l;!SE IJ TV '~ "f.-: $1.'i -SIO. GoOd [(}t;cJition ~lquas 8110 Call 5 13-6~15 I===== J UST RE~E:IVED: T'1~fany Hi·Fi & Stereo Qutzal. S1eubcn, Bristol, 1210 Bohcn1ia n, Cr fl n b (' r r Y , COJ\IPONE~T li terM sout'ld Cnrnil'al. Caleodar Plates. syslr.n1-Cilal11Jn Pl"!' .11nlp & ~1C'1nF. \luslachr C u p s. tunrr. Dynakit iO .11n1p. Barlil'r R11s:. ~ POii1C r Bed. i\tu·acord II c:hani,:cr, KLH 6.· ,\!urh .\lorr. Open 6 tfays G's. B11rnr orangr cabinet -10 'IJI .1. Sun .. 12 'til .,. S300 rornplrttt. Call 6-l<J-2~30 i\lrn-y Janrs i\ntiquf"S, 2132 ask rur Phil. f';c111lllt'I Bl1·d .. C.i\I. losr=c=·ncc".o,,..., -Ac,c1c1o.,.c'1c--r.·,cd-~, Pat Michael Antiques ph<1~rarh, "11lnu1 consolr.. GRAND OPENING I Oullf'I.~ for t:i pe rec:ordin1: & F"111{' Sf'l<'rl111n of Europttiln playhark Sl:.O or bes! cir &. An1r11can Viclol'ian. rurr-1 Ser '" npprrt". 673-~14 ef! •I 1tu1l'. St'f' :ti ·168 f.. 11th St. BAP.Zll.AY rompant'nl C"Rb. In C .\I. 6-'5-2776, lf) lo ;,. 11·11h m;itrhinl!' ~IX'aker encl. F.L1'Xi'A!"T I. o 11 1 ~ :0.\1 01t 11 a l S75 ~n1all Sl'f'llk~ n r n1n1r,..,n11 ! P 1\' on rt. "flt' Sl2 :in :-\lnr• 64"-1739. ---Si111n1\TllXI, nrmolu. Jlll'r HCA ~!t•r<'O. T V ron!'<Olr, n11IT'flrc, fJnhQr:1 t<' ln loi..f phont1i;rn11h. A~lffi\1 ~l<'nto hr11(1hnnnl t.• ! n n 1 ho II r 11. r;i1lon 111 6' Inn'! hr>aul 111·rr~11r rl o uh I':' brd 11'101111 1! , nh111r1 1>12-:1 17:1 :,11(-'l:t!JI nl1<'r 6 p 111 BRASS. BEDS-"Copy C111" pl111·"~ l !ln1r <:., ~;-, Ii 12-.lt.i.q,.f, ·- ···- • MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE .. -·-----·-~ -·· -----------·-~-~-------------· ...... ----... --------~~........----.. ·-.... -..... --·-·--------..------~-~~-·----·..---·------.. I MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE -------·•TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION 17 RANSPORTATION F'rld.11y, Octcber 31 , 1Q6.. DAILY PILllf 37 ~ TRANSPORTATloN TRANSPORT~A~T~IO~N~~~T~RA~N~s=po·RTATION , 1 -~~~~~1 ~~~~~- FREE TO .YOU l·s-.i-lbo-.-,,----90-10 /-------, ----·------Mobile Homff 9200 Motorcycles WVABLt~ blk/1vhl Io n g CAL 2J, lull racing gear, SS haired lemalt-k11Lt'n 10 11-·ks. rat110, 91, Ev1nrudc, niany old l'll't'tls good home. \\'W >.tra!'I $6900. 64!".-8559 9300 Trucks 9500 Imported Auto1o 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Tape Recordtr1o 8220 Mi1ctllaneaus 1600 i\IODEL 990 Ro~rls ·rare record"r v.•/nukt' & 1•ar phone~-Excel. cond. ~ HXL 67~ days. E vc n I Jl~S b1>-0693 C1mera1 & Equip. 8300 ---\\'ILL BUY 16 111111 prnj. silent or IMltuui. f\l ust be 1n good COil(!. l'eU.~. pru·f"cL \\'ILL ~!:.:LL F e deral Enlari;-1·r l0r l".> n1 m 2, .. ,, ., . ' ~ x , , t'!1·, 111 foldaway casr ,1/ 111a.,k1ni; f';1srl \~'ill trade 011 pl'OJ•·i.:101·. Call on \1 knds. Fn r•1•rn 1hru Sun, Lai;una n ea c h, •199--21:>2 \\'ILL BUY 11> nun pruj_ sileut ur sound. f\lu:.t he 111 good concl. re<1s. priced. V.'ILL SELL Fedrral t'nlarger Jor 35 mn1 21.-· x 2~1 ", rh~ in loldav.•ay case w/mask1ng easrl. \V 1 l ! tr111lr on pro1ec·tor. Call Sat 499--21:)2 ENLARGER t•C'tL :'lj.\J\l !Q 21 ~ X3·~· Tank & 11111111•1·ous aecessQnrs. 127 ·l~1J1 $1 , NJ~. 6i.-1-0li l FOR Sale: f\lixed bai;: of goodies includi~ desk $10. Dbl bed I.ram" $10, bar & stools S26, !able $1, lyping tbl Sl.50, baby II.lb. 1n!anl seal k other baby items, Polaroid camera $7 _jQ, port. l~aler S7.50, v.·affle iron $2, botlle s1<'nlizer 52.~.0. bowl· u1l:' ball & bag $10, \\'lg & t"a.o;e Sl5 & niany ot!\C'r uen1s. fl(f) Park Av f" .. Laguna Beach or i: a I! 194-982'! !',\LE _ S.-\LI:: _ ~ALE ·r1~asu1'f' ! Tnt:<li Sa.Ir Nr11·port Ehl'll Clol) chanly proJei.:1. CO.\lE Yt; ALL~ i\lu11)' 11r111~ ro ehoose /r"0111. All do11att'J fron1 n1rrn l}t•1-s & lnrn<ls. Gootlt<'S galore. Come b1u11sr l: unro,•rr a trcasur<' 17Q.l-270$ Chi! Dr. N.B. IAlley enlrani:l'J. Nov. 1st & 2nd. !O A:\1 lo 5 P~I. *AUCTION* If you 11·i!I .~ell DI' huy .spay for good ho1nc. 835-4157 LIOO 14 . .sails, Lratll'r & lioal 10/31 cover. S9'.l~1. FoE=l\lcAcl..l~;cbc,-ond~·,-,.-'-""·. --P"-~-1 j.\8-168;1 py, Jll ale bn..111'n/black, 110 81£ CAT n1 1 x e d fl o pp y . Ii ad \\'/trailer Sl,000. d 1s t c n1 p er i; ho Is . Call 499-2RZ;, 646--016.J 1116 Lroo 14 No. :J200 All custoni !\!ALE l,jt)1111. ShC'ph•'rd pup· ra(·1ng l'fft11p, py. ti n1os. old. All sho1s. To &14-071-1 gOOCI ho me w/ch1IUre11. SABOT~--- 8~087 11 / .) S ltiO l YH old lc111alr '• BPlgta11-I=========== • i Gennan Shrpherd. S11·cct Power Cruiser1o 9020 do1; 10 good ho ml' . ---------- ~8-23.l:, l l-'.: CAi\IPBElJ. CrUIS('I' 11' '' 1!h LOVABLt; srnall b re rd llt"11• ~ llP Cht'\'Y \'1\:;111•'. fcr nalc shor! haired puppy 2 tra11snuss1on, V..-ln"·· •'Ir , n1o:s. old needs good hon1r . r(•ady lo !:" in. N"•·tls 1130--449.1 l1nishinf;. $3119.'.i. 11 i!h trll' -~-~------1 642-9'201 PUPS • GE:nnan shol1hair • --~=====--- Dob<'>'ffi'"-f. X ' ' 1 1 ' " ' MARLINEER huntl'r. pcl, prolt'Cl1on 963-6913 11 11 l.ikr nC'\\ ·\O' Gas. S lti.l\JO LOVABLE calll'O kitten and Da)s 71~-tillO il lrs. Bru1111. friendly tortoiS<" shrll , 5 Y•ks 1'\'l'S 673·~11!11 :\Ir. Jion1'-'· old neC'd good h 0 !ll cs. l'Jti7 32' cnRrs Ct>nnth1·tn '>-12 7""" 10/31 . ' • • -"""' fully rq111ppr1!. ?\hn l"(lnd . ~ K1rtrns. 2 d;1rhni: Ca lico's, \\'i ll splJ 1•cp111~ flay" 171<!i I gray & 1 bl11rk & \\·hill'. 8 7:il---Oli."il. ('\'t'S J.IS-:!·IJ.l ,,Jr. 11·ks. uld, hsPhrkn &1•1--0fi.~'I; 011·,•ns. SPACES! MOVE IN TODAY !!! NEW 5* PARK CHOICE OF MODELS OR CUSTOM BUILT IN S.MOG FREE Costa Mesa Newport Harbor ;\dull :'11uh1!r \l ()tll<-Paik (;HLt:NLt:.\F ,\lublh• ll01n(• ~alt i JIJI) \\'hlllil<'r ,\\1•, f'o-.1 ,1 1\\,.~u T,1kt• !'lil·11·po1·1 t'11y ••r 111111.Jt\1' [;I. 10 !91h. :\I Dn1r l\'t':.t In l\'h1H11 •r .\I•'. CAL L 17141 642-1350 IUY J• NEW scLL 1m us to Cooper TRAILER SALES ''Buy from a man who lives in one!" \r 1·: :;:r:nvu.·1·: \\'11 ,\T \\"F: ~ELI.! ~2 ! :-11. ll;:11·b.ir. S.111 1" ,\1111. I Bt<·k .~·o. <•f 1'01''' :1.~I )1~•6 1'167 llUNOA rn 100 !'Cl:A:\IHl.Elt 1.1 ... ., staru-r, 8(\() 01 !):. n11 S·I(~ l'.1t1"/ TltJl'.\IJ'll T•lf(X..' ~l()j ('(_ \C1•ry (']1'1111, S .. ,Q, '!17 J!Ol\'DA IW ~C"H.A.\IBLl-:!' Cu11q>Jto1rl~· stot k • PL'l'lc'• l ~hupr .. Sl.'l:i. JAMES LTD GMC TRUCKS Oran;:e County Salt·~ :::.1_.rl'l\"l' llt';tdf1 Udl11'f·.,;, Nf'.:\V _ lJ5ElJ UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ::~.ii Harbor Bl~·J. c o,,ta 1-lc:." ~-MJ.!"16.10 1 :~~1 Nt·1,1,.,rt n 11it i;e .l\!'11\r'Or: ~1t" l!lti7 furd l·.•·nnQl ll\•'. h('.1 1·y duly "iflrr 1;,,1. s1~rr ... li::O \\'. lilh !)1.. ·:,:1 BSA C'hulll)l'l' ;\•'\\ 11H1!or- .\· 1 r;1 11~. ri.lu~r ~•'ii 1'11·.lO Hi n!I :1 Jll11. :J~"J l 'f!P\!l:ir, L11g ll1 h t '\L Jeeps 9510 Auto Services & Parts 9400~L'.~;; K.~l~l·.r. .T•'l'!'. ·1 1\lu·i•I -------d111'" 3 '')I i111·~J. 1,,,. ~.d,· Bf::,\Cll Auto Supply Wholesale Pril···~ lo ,\I! (',1n1plrt(' .\l1~1·h1nr -"'ll·•fl .O::.P~:E l i r:QIJJ l':'ll~:.\"f !~l:..BUIL1. C:'.'-IGl.\'J•.3 11" \'ll'lflfifl, ('\! 5 1~ t:~.~(I l:i:rii l Br:1<·h Bhtl. llE S -10~.~91 "" Ol'E:"l" 7 lJ.\ YS 1t ur 111!1 !r:id1· Ir.I' 1,,1r-11i.Kh·l Tu~o1 .. or H1\llwi'>. l ,n •<il for o';1l!\IK I t).h,...Uil,\ .• :, Jt:t:1>1\ ILL\ 7:"'.~,-,~,,-,,-. I 1ln1e. ~ .. \ITIJ cnnd. 1Ju1lr-1n <'1111r• 1• f .. r Juw ·,~!i-·1~:1-1, :.:'it.-!'fli_q /H"il'L' Campers 9520 1968 VW CAMPER ,,,,. \J. nr~·1c1 .. 1:. _ \"li·Ti\ \~! 'l'HA.\·t l~I: l'u11 111)', II t'~I pli,1l1 ,1 11 11 ul J,,.(.,•ll••n1. S~I 10 .. (\,.1,t ~!, ~·' :..1.1-2 1r:. Bayside Motors ]!It.ii (Ji'EL "t;ir1011 11,.~on. J1h,. rn·11. \\ FTj:16 •••• $125:.0 l!Ji .. ~ Tl:IL.'IPll T ll·tl. ins l"Llll\'t'I, 11·1 ! I\ lili k 1nt . )'IJl.\ltP• ~JIPWi .•. 519'J:J l!ll,:: \'\\', 1"ry ,,h.11 It. hx:;il fdl", 111 (lh~1,lilll' l11p ('11111! lhruou!' J\l akr oi s 11. rr-:i.snn. :1blr oiler~ \\'a1Tan1f'd r,.,_N. <l~'!I DATSUN '68 DATSUN floo1· ~rdan. aUlo !1'~11", rarl1,J. n• ,11 fll'•··'· h\'aUl!lUI' S11;1.>, II QU3."-" l[lliij l'O llSCI 1~; 912. air cond , 900 So. Cst. Highway :i ~1xl. A.\l i'":\1. 111:111v •''\t1·;1 ~. Laguna Beach l</W 11111.,:11:!' nnJy ~.:~in" r"~ 1 494-7503 * 540-3100 p r11·,. s11:1:.. 1\an<1n11:d \',\1:-'.;:. ! l'ltil l'Uf:.SCll J: ~111: ('Ill' •111!y ~Ju 11111•·'· 11arr;1nt~ ZQB?~ I l~IG.. ~-1 :Hr:.\lll ·;:,(!CT '.! ~ 1011· J1Hlr'.1:_:,. ,\ ~h.u p' ...;,.,., S.· 1J ri11• 1l t•.Jtl,1}_ l:YE!.l!i, Uuly ,1,!tJ I J9b.1 l'OH:-:CI !J.: !11'.' Tan;:i l3'·~1uttful s.. l1k(' (1('11·• l\'!,/fJ. ::.\I ....... ,, ...•.... , S l9'J."1 l~lti9 TOYQT,\, ! 1lr, Cu1~111<1 . au1". 11·an:<, 1111• ('l.lllct, hk(· 1w1''. Y()C:,9_1 ........ ,,l~9J BAYSIDE MOTORS ]_'111 \\' <'•)d,! lli;:h11;iy '69 PICKUP ·'t'al' no•'. l:JCU n1il«'1: ~ -~~I , dlr, 11 111 :-.:11-rll1,.,..! ~r11111l ,!q1111 I\ ill trn;1111·r r ri1 ,,,. p:1rl} zQ.-;!l()o11.1; Call l\f'n l!l-1·9jf"', vr ~.1;1·06.~ 1. -o"RANGECOUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN !111111 111~1011 Be~rh $\'_'.j~SI nr ~110.n.1-12 \J.> IJ~\l':-'L.;~-!G~)_ !1 kf. np11. a11111, r ,1 h, p1·11· pa1 ry. N~:\V :~11nn1 Zc·1 ~s Jko11 Con· darlrx Supl'r BC 11·/proxar clost'-up lrnsC'.~. l!lir easc SZtiO frl,)-141:-t afh'r 6 11.111. EDIXA SLR Ca1111•ra, 2.8 auio. li•ris $~.0. flash & \\'I A lf'ns 52.l, or r1·;1dr. '.i.X1-30:.!I gl\r \Vindy ;i 1ry Au r•tions f riday 7: 30 pm. Windy's Auction Barn Br l11i111 Tony's Bid~. tllat'l. 2075 1 ~ Nrwp01·1. (~i\I 646'868 PA!N'rERS Equip: Binks Jo,1·boy f o 111 p rr s so r , :.! n1hrrs. 40' r.xlPnsion latldP-l'. 2 20· ladders. ;, J:al pot, 2 gal pol s, m1se guns & hoses. DrVilbes a i r Jess, 642·0141 af1rr 5 ~>!!21 Carob s1., l\'.B. 101:n 1 ·,-~1·~c-H-n-1~s-e·,0-,-,,-"-.,.-. ~co-.,-o. FREt; i\!ale kilh•11, 8 wks ED: .Fully t'i!t!lppcd. Xlnl old. ~l altl'SI' qn')', 11'hill' CtJlld. l\!u.-;1 """~ Ca I I lllll\'S. Slurdy & handsonir. 67:.--::2·13 or i.;::i--0::0:; SELL-1'< 111>.n't B•~a1·11 * ~IG-~JQ:i5 CLUTCH '1i7-cl11-;vy .• , T 1'1;i:"l:j; !==========~ 11 1;:-li p1•1·l11nn;u1er-l~P•'. fll"!'~· 11/il)'J' l' .. 1h 111 c r c·;1.,1fH'I". 1 -~~~!1!!1 $1 J;i:, :i-1))-~0 \ij ENGLISH FORD Sporting Goods 8500 SOLD l!o111r~ E,·erythlng GOC's! Color TV. sectional. GOLF clubs, l'On1plerr set or table & lan1ps, bedroom set, men'i; !\lcGrl'gor s i 1 v er piano. dlnettr se!, 11·asher & Scott Tourn<'y's, like nc11·. dryer, desks and J.fuch SIJld tor ovC'r $200 nc1v. \viii !\lore! 54&-91t:i lake any reasonable orfer. CarJK'I !ayrr lu1!'1 Iii Lo Also !'le! ol \\'Omen's begin· n) lons Sl.99 yd. Shag.~ nen;, $20. 5-15-1840 from s::.50 up --f-n1y labor, 12 GA plasllc 3-1-8, casr, S.Xl. 9l}c per yard. 968-6910 .30 carb1nl' rC'loads $&-100 STERLl1'-'G Si Iv er In!'! .30S G I 58-100. 5-18-19811. Ro) al Dariish, r o n1 p . srr\'1ce for 8. 6-1~-2160 aft 7 &16--8782 l l/3 O\\"ENS Cal>ii1 Cruisrr. 22 DARLING fui~y grey &_. t•t. Newly Pll•ntPd. Inl.i0<11·rl. 11·h1!r k1!!rn~. 8 ll'kS, ready Xlrll ('Qlld. $;.()O. j ;;fi-8:.31i [Qr nr-111 ho1nc-s %..ll-1J97 11/l F:l'c~. PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK 2.r FAIRl.!:-IF.R. Spor1fi~h~·r F/B. 2:,0 hi> C1•11s111trr. l'Onl· Cats 8820 plC'trly f•quip. 61.~~7:.'..'l =.::....----~ TRAVELING, mu~1 SC'll 10 Boat Trailers n1os. old Siar11csr k Abys.~i- nian lemalc ki111es. For \\'ANTED: Usf'd boal pt'ls. b~hn!:! or sho11·. Best for 12·18' boo1 i:n::th. olfer. c;.1:HJJ."i6 LI S-l.J91 9032 tflr. SIA:'llESt; 1\1\l('n.~. &alpoi!it M1rint Equip. 9035 len111l r 5:.'0 ?>.lalr S 2J .1 ----~~----- g;1;>--0j74 SPINNAKERS ~-i o~ .. :;9· :-. .'1' CHUCK Dcril surlhoard . .,,.. ci'l('nl rond1l1on, !'11'11 cheap, 962-!"1!}!)8. Miscell1neous 8600 Dogs 88'25 1.:1 01 .• ;;~r :-. '!1" ..•..• S~i..IO pill ---"---------"• ut .• ·1~' :-, :!,~· , .... , S27:1 3 PC Brissr1\ bedrn1 sci, kg COCKEJ-:. Pup p 1 f's -l ~1 or. .• ~:1• :-. '.!.'i' ••...• S2JO ~r.. lx'd Sl,--.0 N:( of hf't:l!l!\<'1'1' (-;Oli;C'••ll~ 1~~111 buff puppies l j or. •. \j' ), '.'S" •••.•• s:K!O <lruni.~. brand new S9j_ ll'tHn thC' ~h11n1-0·.lcts lirir; - . ' 40 .. .,... SIOO 'I k ,) oz -x ~' ••. ' .. !IGS-6-123 An l'a~~ern !111e \1'e. ·n_own 3_, 0;, _ 40. x 2.1' ... : •• s~.iO Misc. Wanted 8610 $WEBUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES fC'n1al". for th<'ll' gC'nUr-dispo~111011 , N ·!Ilk II Sc .1 l 51:;,j & show qualilirs. t 'ully avy · -11 , x,an ·• '''eanctl. AKC reg1~. T'honc ., • linney s !714 ) ~1-1936 (962-86.il\ . l11 p ChandlC'ry Prier S\CO ea ma le or ~;),';7 \\',Coast ll:?h11;i,v i\1'11port ll<'acli, J·1S-ll!I! WEIMERANER--S-Boat Slip Mooring 9036 pt,;ppri::s PL"l~l:..BJ!I:.:D --~~---'---! Y our Mobile Home FOR CASH 636--3291 , 536-8869 Broker BAY HARBOR Mobile Home Sales C:1sa Lon1a Itull -,\1,ay • Shrralua i\lanor -lloo1f'!lc. Kit • J>i't'sli~(li . Sahara Al.I. SIZF:S NO\V ON Dl!'PL,\\' l 1:r, B;i.k"r :)!., Cosla ~1.••:1 1 " blO<'k Last or /l;u·bor B!l"tl. CQ,l;i ~ll•<;a til II ~l().!lliD -PUBLIC NOTfCE- L!!JL 11),\TIO:"\ S,\J.I·: r.1·a11d new Jllf'hilf' !1,.111•'. ''"lU\1r.1· r!11h l 1v111~. ;1.lul1' tr 1 111l'n·~!rd ph'a~1· (·all 111·1 II C·:i P.\I :';11 •II' 11.1 P.\1 ll11 Stuxl;i.11 . .):;u.2;:;1 Ff11:s.-:;1r -!f-.;;1;;:-J(i:17-1 hrl r. furn, slu1·" .t rDfn~. 111cl. 1'•'11' ,\11 11111,t:. t..:.~··rll. l'Vlld. 4:l7-l 12i. or Ii 12....,~Sti\ Mini Bikes 9275 ----- Slll"I' pl.d r ,(. hl'•ll 1ni; ~\'h, .l\1!'/{'iJl11!. 11/11 111 hi ' Siii' $65. 95 !1ri•s. J<1<0f.."s, ~··if ~·1·11 l;ilni•i! National Speed Center !Hil!'I & urtH•r l''l.ll'<i.~. ~l~ljl(J. !~111 :". ll n 1l~•1', l.'osl.< ,\J.,,.1 ~11,:.>-:1 .• ,.;r Lll.i-!i~1·~1 P1wn '11l "· fi "n :i.1 1 .~1-.iv·-~.-;c,,~,,c,,c,,,c:--c,c1,,"1,-1 .-c,.-,,,111 ---'~10..'.\.J::..2.'._,,' __ l11:~lf, fully l1111•d 1111h 111- Pui•\'hr _ ;\Irrc. _ \' \\'. D· !Pl 1nr ltt.:h!, S.· 1 r-111. S:!~'.I H11...:~l!'s_ :'>.1'11· ,\ u~i·tl p:ut~. s,,,11,, !ll I:'\, llarlH•1·. s ,\. \\'h,flt•·;olr 10 :111 u1~.o.~.--0. ."l·.l.l-'--4 ,;:;1,,ii;;.,1--, ... 1111H'r. 1!,1cs-:---:\lii·-1talr!Pr, I~" l;:I' (;h"I)' 1, T"n .. °'1'11«. n•fn:;, Fvrd1 :! for S~'O. &1~:!2 16 "IH'l\11'1" tr11Jr1. 1loubli· ~111k. ;,1;,-r 6 p 111. ••l--1· 11;1le1· 111111111, f•ll'll.i•·"· '11•1 11 ;11t•r h'"drr. ~h···r·~ to Trailer, Travel 9425 ,\('1t•r ll'-\'•I. l~·.~t (1ff1•r --~~------612-~J~\ll ~'fl AH1 . ..;roc1:,\T La 11 d 1-:::;,, i·.i.~ c1.c;1,o, -;-:;:c:-,,--1 r J) II 1 ' I-S ia r C.1n1-.111<'r ti .1 "" .,·r.11 , is'·-~:,;,1;: r~ r', !lH \\1-.r.1 ... 1~ .t 1111 'j I' \j '• )11,(' /1''•\·, ULV ,1~;~2_.1 1111111 .1 a111 p• r~. l'i u·i·~ :-.!nl 1 ,1! ~.,"j / !'il'U l l~, !I] I 1\ Tr.11ilers, u1,·1,·ty 9450, 11~'1"'· s ,\ --~---(;7 J·Ol:L,.--,-c.o,.--,,-.,,·,-1,, ~·!'t:EL fr;11n". lull Hd•·~. 111,.11po ·r 'pr1 11(11· 'ij ~ !lC\\ lire.~-~I nt. !\1U~1 ~·-II'. Jlil:.•:rt111 (',ll\LP('I' 11•·\\' llrt"<. '1.IJll 1 uncl., ~1,;~-:1:~.18 \JI' l"TJl..,.DunP 1rlr, ;,,ti' 11 D. :i:i; •. ~·-"1(1 lrnr :.111i n~s. J. i c " n~··d . .-.111-1 11;, ;,f!P\" f, P \J l 'l~() 110:\n.\ :\!Lill Tl';11l Lo;ulrd' 1'11 ft••'! '"l\d. in Trucks 9SOO ·1;~ FU'"'"n,..-,-".,c-tcc.,o,_."c'-. ,,o._o, 1:111. ,\('. 1,1p•". I'-". l'I~. J·:fd .. ~·:11111 ~) II ( "1lil•l1L'hr, ~!1·1·r·· t; SllH~) l.1•l1 I'' n1 i.. f !~' 01!':11 ;oft , I'\! • ·,:!J.7>2S • YELl,Q\V fi. F:. n::lng. Xlnl. Cond., S7J. Couch & <'hair SW. Phone s1and & chair Sli Pan11sonic s1C'rro A.\J. t"i\I rC'Cllr<l player, $7:1. 536-8007, %2-3728. H U:-;TJL'\GTO~'-'ll~A~n~B~O~c~· n~ Sal/Sun !O.•l. Green lJlul' sofa, orirnt;U rugs. lan111s, rablrs & all sorts of 1h1n;;s. 84&-3161. Colo• TV1-Pie"o1-Ste•eo1 1 Plec• er Houw full CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • '63 CHEV. PI CKU P 'f·\V ·;11 ~"I'll 1•1 '""r \' ~ P•1gu1", ~ i~ d •lk \111·.,11•1• ,1. I , 11111 .. ·1· Roni ~ '!~ "iu' SLIP a\'fl1l;1bl<'_ All r,r ====~=-~=== WE PAY CASH B{«.lU Ulul 'ul\d1!11111· p11ro'l1 "" ~·t·ll -, \I I I ·' '69 HONDA 350 s HI C'arh p:ir1 l\ov, thni .!au Jj1h. ( .. II 6 l~-S!2:;. af1r1 4 P~l . S2 00 per fl C:.ill Chuck AKC SILK Y PUPPtE :-; A1C'l'Y 673-:">2.";t Motorcycles 9300 ALFA ROMEO AL'TI log rzi·:ri ALFA ROMEO DEALER AT LAST! ! Immediate Delivery NEW Alfa Romeo's • All Model$ • tf!l martuis ~motors 900 So. Cst. Highway Laguna Beach 494-7503 * S40-3100 l\itil ALF,\ l\Q1lll'\J ft(1;1Uslc1· Nr1v hnikcs. hallC'l'Y f:. 111'1'.~. Xlnt t"Und. 5 7'50. !Wi'!-O~'f,'.! AUSTIN HEALEY AUSTIN AMERIC A ~ .• Ir~. Sr'I"\ I•"· P:ll IS l u111 1•"h.<11· fl«li1l'1'y .\IJ .\h~l1 ·l~ J1rl.uporr Jhn orrs ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES -SERVICE '6~ !1IOOF.l.S ln1111edl.:itc dclivc-ry L ,\P.CE Sl'.:LECrlO:i Theodore ROBINS FORD :!060 Harbor Eh·•L IJ>sta. i\lcsa 61'.!·00lr FERRARI FERRARI Ne wport ln1ports L!d . Or· an!:c County's only author· ~i:-d tl"alrr. S A LES-SE11VTCF.-P .!\!.TS :.llOO \V. Coast l i11y. Nc1,·porl Bcacl1 G4'.!-!l·1ffi ~·I0· 176•1 1\lilh'll'ltl'<f r .·rr;in ill",1lr r "';--FIAT FIRE.."\VOOD [01• :.al!'-l"Ul lo you r t;pecifiearions: 11·rll sea.sonf'd. DC'J1v &. s1ck'1l !n-e. STr .. '>O 'i C. $17.:.0 C, Call L'Ollert li14) 688--0846. ASJ I blonde human /uur. h and-tied \\lg \r1th Jtyrolo,in1 h<'arf and case $7;i. 6-l~>--09J..i afler 3 P~l 01· W<'1'kend~. WANTED All ha1c nrw hon1r~. c~cept SLIP A\'ailalil<-for ::o hoa!, j\lr. SchroedPr & he·!'i lonely also s1dr hr-fr.r 1J' Uua t. He's f;i.L h;ippy z. 10,·r5 to 67~>-4192. &16-fl61:: 1:0,111 B1kr "1th •''1.11,1,: ~Lll 'LI'. CLi:.A,'\' • 11~ mm•QtroqrUSI ;;"1 ~~ B:g~;.,--9 Sl; VW DUNE BUGGY • ~l!l"l I\', Cuasr lf11y .• N B. 61.!-'f lfl;, !'i4G-I 76 l l'.:f."10 P.l'.11·h Ull•d. !1 hvy 3!1) •'.' h!h:. ·"•. <:, <~. F1 11).I f(JH.BY Vacuu111 c1ean!'r II 1!h atta~h & pol 1shC'r. Xln1 l'()nd &·. guaran!ccd. Pay oil ba! of $39.67 or t11ke over py1nnts. Credit dept :Jli-.7289 PATIO grill, upright piano. upright f1.,.-.,.zer. rr~t. rrenrh fryer & 111isc, 536-2683 R!trr 11. i\tARBLE !hi. 8 <-hrs, bufle1 S\2:i. i\laple dresser S45. StorC' coun!C'r S\8. Sw·lboard $-IZI. fJ.16--l!tOO. \V I I I HLl-'OOL Cuprwr1n11<- RE'l rlf! ~-ill. TV Rik !· 11·hl , Sl5. Rab1<-s playprn, $j . %2-.IY16'i CARPf:.. T Jns1all,..1· ha.~ onr roli. avocado nylon ral"pf'I , double 1utf'-bai:-k1•rl. \\'Ill srll all or p:i.r1 $3/ya nt. ~14~i24:i CROS!; lop n.clr1g., au1on1;'l!ic drfm~!. E~I'. Sfi:i. 'l'h~ l!ous!' 111 Back 4~j E 17rh. 6·12-5741. •••• FAi\llLY fl·lembrrship I 11 lrv1nr Co;i.~I Country Club for s.ill'. Pv! ply. 67:~-91JI \\'EDDIJ\"G Ring~ -His &- Hr.rs. U1>1•d 90 days. Anliqul' i;:nld, Beautiful. ,,lakr Off1•r. Call 61.-Hil:l9 KIRBY Va~uun1 Cl,,atlf'r. !1kr T1('11·. cost S200, 11·111 ':Sell for Sj(). 6·16-"jj.'\5 POOL tahl" 4'll8'. likf' ne11 . Set to apprr.c, &12-C997 or 646-3678. A0i\11 RAl. l'Olor TV. 2)" $200 Llhr blk chair S·f1 Round din tahlc SJ;,. RlJ--2316. LIK.E your hairpicet"S 10 lonk nalural? Try nur !ouch. Rt-as. prices. R-12-3!11 1. TORO ro1ary nm11·rr. l!l". complc-!c S4:i. GA! edger S20. 962-6149 Shop Sn1ilh \\'OOtl lalhe and tools Sl~.O. • 646-7816 • Firewood for saJe Ory Eucalyp!U!'I 54G-9887 Quality kin1: br•l.qulltf'd compl"le--unu!lt'd SIOO, 11-·or1h $250. Ari 5 & wknds M2..fi.i36 1-12 c•Ui" shotgun & 1 Rugt'r con\'rl1ihlc '· 2 :Z magnum * 61G.C6!t!I \\"omen's 26" Phillips 3 spd, Bike -S~il. Brand ne1Y, 646-~i09. no layout '''/trains, ll('('nlc', beaut. See to a pprec., make ofler . 5"'5--0205 SMALL mlnibik"-S35: l ll'heC'I bike $50. 64fNDi; 188'J r.tcrrill. Costa f\1rAA F:XC!::Ll.ENT r'ond1t1on bike!t. G1rl".11, boy·, :..-.0 lnch $17.~i(} rarh. 51R-M49 .\t.rro:\fATIC 11·ashrr S:"il, BNtroorn !V'I $il(I. F::",'flllrnl l'Of"llh11on. ~91-16~.l :0-:1d1•-\\J11d1 1· lr11h. l'.JGi Cll11.;. USC'd rurn11ure; \\'asher!, dry. ers, l'cf11g 's, "'orkini;: or not. REWARD S'!. to SW. play, ~r18-19j7. BOAT Slips, J\"r,1·11C>rl Harbor \\'Efl\!ARA.NER p ~l pp I j> s No Sailboats. 16 t""I. ro '30 Fl . AKC, shots. Grand c;hD.111-1l2 IV. Cs1. lfwy, ~B j -IS-;)i:1t liJ!lm~uis Umotors 900 So . Cst. Highway Laguna Beach 494-7503 * 540-3 10-' .\11ih111•11.rd .\JC De:drr 'I" .'I r11,;11H', };It)') t·,•. 111)1 ~='-"======== JAGUAR 6 !~·iOSI NJ:.:l'.:D bricks one lo 1000, rc11sonably priced. &14--4687 FREE TO YOU Bt:ARDED iris, variou~ C'O!· 01·s, You d ig Saturday only. 18889 Santa Clara Clfcl!' F'V 962-410!! 11/1 AKC Basi;!'!t hound female - J yr. IJ'i-colol'f.'d, lo,·cs chiklrrn. Needs fe llCC"tl yd. ~>lil--Ni3S. l'l'f'S. 11/! YOUNG Fen1alc Tort1P Poinl cal. &aulilul ;in<! lnendly. All s h o I s . llousebroke" l!'.!S-20S9 ll/3 fRI::~: pt~·1,·ooJ s <'r ap~, n1aho~:1.ny and f1r. S&I \\' l81h S1 C:\I 6-1&-:.ZJi7 ll/l LO.\"l-;·ha1red /rn1:1.lr k1111•11. ~ilvrr i;::rl'y ,(· t1lk ., box 11'lt1111'rl :1~6-0!~1; 11/1 BL,,C'I\: ,,11gorn f..l!T<-11. n1alP, ~p{'lrox :: ni,.,~ old. Gcntl" pions. '* (714\ Sfl~-2 12~• OCX::K for rC'111 for poll'rr bo<11 lo ~~· ~1 .'.:oO 11 !on!, 11ks, L1ghl~ S.· 11 ;11rr 1n" ti'i"~-1>;02 ~hots. ~ (Pn1.1 lr~. biscuit s:f,i, 8~7-6.'ll'i> II hilc'· BLACH: poot!lrs, J-n11J1. 2 8oat-Y1cht Charttrs 9039 loys. nialP~. 4 ll1(1S. AKC SAii .• CAL 211 52j per <l«.'r'. re~. Best nll<'r. 842-1!162. CA!~ 36 SGO JX'l' day. Sleeps \\'IHTt; Pooi:l!P pupp1f'~. 2 6. C;ii! \7141 8·1&-2!'1JI. 1110s .. falher purclJred. lo,·c· l~·. rnbu~1. S•IO. 49-1-47•\f\. Mobile Homes 9200 7 :'110 old 111;;!1' Cl11huahua. ---P--k purebrcr1 _ n<l paper~. Top Family ar • s2:1. 6\J-0127 "" 20x60 --,,,c,~-.":171,\~ PUPPIE~ or Qt;ALITY. AKC. REG. • ~;z-~;;9 * l Bedrooms, 2 h<ilh~. ~k11·1.;, a11-nlnts, \'OOll'r. 111 S.1nL1 .\n:i ;\l11<t "<!rr1l wr jj_~.t;.. ':2!11 AKr: Sill.:v Tf'rnrr "'air 12X60 NEW MOON pup~. Ch1."1~tn1:1.~ ~ 11 r •·I al : llf'dnvitn 111 (;;udr11 c;ml'r pntr Iv \O\! S12:-i. 61 1-1806 AllUll P,lJk. f n1np!r((' Si~~t. PQl)Dl.E -Pups. liny !oy ,~· Ca!l 6.16·3~'91 Rf"lkrr toy, all rolor~. AKC, 10P 1968 12x60 riual1!\'. Stu1! ~1·r. 8'.}3-'Hl') , . _ ·------! i .. ,i, ... ,m 1•1 .1 ~I"!' ~1t•1l1 ~FGHAN HOUNO parl.. 111 c.,~11 J\lr.-.i. L•·.11-~ 'Vr;i1·~ nld. ·1·1!1·2~1J!l 111~ .ir<'~' 6~6·..,2'.11 'll~fl'\,11,.111. 9ti~··l~!l~ l f"L'I L-,-,-."--1-1-1 ---------Horses 8830 • · '('' '• : ... g.._. 1" ll f' U PP l F, :';, :\ll:oiPd "'all'r 1ank S J.~00 lli'ID Slirphrl'd -&J.-.;r1 7 11ks Q!d, S:\iALL Shcllan<l, r· h 1 J cl l\r11·porl. :"'p ~n. ~ r \! 900 So, Cs!. Highway Laguna Beach 494-7503 * 540-JlOO l·:.\SY nrlt•1 ·, 5 ."J () 0 I 11 r ra11.,111i~~l(Jl1 :.1'l-1::s:,. Cl\oppt•r l'.ilil, r-II t.: I 11 r-,\• 1du111•. .'i!.0.llJ. ·i;.~ !IP:-..'oc,,-,,c,-. c,-,,~,,·,-,-,-,, Only f:l)(I rnilt·~ l.1{"d 1~11'11•. hy ltn'. 11<-.<.I Oli•·I •11 •'r S!W !)j .2-:n Ill a r 1 1\ ;-f,'i-\-;;\ \JA llA---i:i '· :w bC'~I 111f1•r fiT" Hi!•l~' ,ol!<'I' ~ p•tl n11, • 1;, !1:--i.\ :~"ll.-;;llAI n11lro.. S l.~1 l!t·~ Pl'"'t'I•• !Ir C\1 f•i• i; !>1 'Zl 'hJ \ul u"rtl ~r 1·)1 1\rrd .. 1rrh:o1il ilfl'I !1111•' Ujo ~2f!ll J IS-l'IV! ':1n-;-1~1:~1-,.,-.-\l1 ~ J\""d' n11n•11• 1·o•p;111 Sl 1.1. •. >1:-,-:;1.27 • '6'j :-.l ll 1•.l ~.IJ ~.(;-.\_-,-­ n10d«I T-'211 S.:uo. :1~fl..'.liG."'. lJ rj broke, dapk grey $7j. .\!A!,-E OFrEr. rur '.!th :,;· ·r,7 L /\ \1 R n: ~:TT A I ,11 CUTl:>:.'i"r k1tlens i\lan111 t'J11C-:,0\~5828 Golden \\.esc, 40' scrernf'd SfY"t:lal. ~Of)(! 1·nnd. fij:J-ff;1<,~ PICKUP TRUCKS h,•r. !1111 l<i/•. Ll:.tl LlTfl-"LL: \'.\JI\~,.;.: \l .... r i J'Ol:'-('111' r•n1r:i·I I l "111r !:ui.;;;.1 . !< "dy 1•1 l.1 1.'t: ·1i1; f'lh v # ·,•,o r<1"i ....• '!;" ~111•1 c.111 "~ Clwv E l!~L':J ...... S :•:!'• ti!i r\wrt 'r:!~:-i1I.) .••..... \)(~1" ·1~; l ltirl~t' T\.:i!/IJ ...... s,,, ,. 'I,~ lJt:··lgP \' S, .'(Ulll, !)"i'•:i 1,\ '70 r 11 . !'tl1 19~7 .. St•I'" Sli.lil KUSTOM MOTORS 900 So. Cst. Highwa y \u11i J!t n11. Laguna Beach l\J! f":.i~• 1 :-.1, t'.\! "dr}-:.~I J,494-7503 * 540-3 100 ·:i11 FUP.D-Plt'f\\ "I'. r,· ~~~---... ---- ,,1t1rnll'r S-:-ll, l!Oflfl n111n1ni; .111-:Y~](S \]arL.~, i.;n!•J I wl,11 , ;>11•1 .. \Ji nn")'~. ~1 .. ? \\ ll11kr, 1 ·i1.1r1i·~· ... n-~, l".o\'l!lt.: ('r11t't 1!11], f\ fl •Tank, (;:1h·~ 111'''• ,\I)" ri ----"Pl"llll 111,1•.;.'. «l.tk•· (ll[1•r t~' ru1:r ) F2.il. --, 1•111 l'l' d"l'i' c o-r .. 111 ,._,1,_ ;,+1'" 1r-111~. • h. ~1rlr-1~1·k•1.., $1 Pf"). u::.·111~\ll·.\J,1:..; \1;11\\ 1111"1' I~"'.. Iii' 1i1:1.l_,"i."1.' : .. 1••11 1,.,1. 'k1'1 111.1!1•, 1.ll•\)"f', ~o;.11, :1 lh-1\.,l!l .J,11,, hll,..Jf•I\ 1 -1<·~ '!l'irt\'. '_ r,., r· 1 ·• G'I hPll1VJ11 l(ul.l-jl;--;1,, .. 111 1,; <''11\lp, l.ih•• 1\o \I ~!r.l t r1111.~ll t,j ~ l"\V '~ 1"'1 ~l1•,l'fln•1! ~1 ,1 u·•1lf i.!.!-lli.~/ ' p1"k up "\lnl <'\.ind. b l~----1>\li) -------"--==---- ,, 11··1· ' l'\l .7 l JI f·. \.\ c,-,cTc,-.,,-, -,,-,-.,cl-. corll·' i \•h. 1,1 1·~ r>\\il<'I, t!•>Od t'f1!1 dil!Hll ~,~-I f,!,, 11~1 -t~ Clw1 .v '~ Tull ,.,,.,.,1, 11\iliS 1101).; \l/d\i:; llF'i' 1'..I: Imported Aufo5 9600 -----1'1·1 ;\11)1'1;,\:-,r ! . ! ,. "' ·111·111 1•1,11. 1111. '"· I"''" ll<'I\ Lr,1kr<._ '.S°l!AAI .~1 2-:.;11; <1 f I rr 6 11"r1·k1 •1d.;, CORTINA '67 FORD CORTINA ~n"' 1 t:r"' \ ~nr•·i!, f!a1!10. )lr-.,1r1· .\111'1 ~,.,. !n apprrr1 .1fr, L w Li rYj:!.~. 1\ $;1el'1;1I " $1 299 Cl.~ o~ .,,Q ii~S ~.~,. .o I 1 .lt ~1 t "'l.I f~i llr fi7 l~·D 11.ll~H(Jlt flLVl>, ('O~f,\ ,\JE; . ..:,\ !" :: 1 11:---;J~l~H°&ll, :.:1111 c om l, und(•r J2.00C' 1111, $1 lrJO f'1! p1~ ftl!l-'i"~-1.C DATSUN '69 DATSUN n,~ 1 d1· ~r•l.ui, 1 •pd 111t· . 1 ·orl11.. h••'1ll"!, 1.i•~J n11l1'~ l\11! :-,H"lllU"P 'l11i(r 11ldr-r t1·;11/r• c .111 l'l)il, '191·!Jlll, :, l"i.j ~I~ I Zl\'.10~1 JAGUAR Autliorized Dealer 1 ·, h1•Ju ''"';tlolr :',,ill~'! 1.11'-;.;r !'i1<1\k 1\v,0 J,i1 ,J ' e Thi• ;\LL ;'\E\V :\,I ~l~!J.\\' avi11latil•· i.1r 1J1 ·nu111~1 1·.11 1•111 lilY!l marquis Umotors 900 So. Cs t. Highway La gun1t BeacM 494-7503 * 540-3100 '67 JAGUAR 4.2 Coupe t 11ti. lJ l;-11 Ult; ~!""• "· ,\ \1 I-\!. S!<'l1'<!, 111'" l ol• tJi !JI'°• ~;;~~fi. I CL'1_., i'-1 martuis Umotors 900 So. Cs t. Highway Laguna Beach' 494-7503 * 540-3100 fy l'ver had. Ready lo go. TRANSPORTATION p<.\i'!"h, l••nns ;i_v;,.11. ;,3f,..2S~~1. Ap! N,., ;, h<·l nn' 11 11111 J.1~161~1 10/lO 9000 ID x 46, 2 BEDROO:\I. bath. LIKE n,.w 'li'.l llu11tl,. '.JO Tr.111 r,; C:ll l<VY. ~71211a1 !w•I. Imported Auto~ 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 2-P/PERSIAN ki11en .~-I Boats & Y1chts 40 ' all'ning $2!'1.·.o. Bike ST.J. f'u;.t1H11 \!ntors . R4;1 Bakc1·;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,1 n10~ old .. Need homes badly. 54{1.7217 6i~1-7M7 S1., co~r.1 .\l•'s.1 :0.H.1-5:n;, II -""'-'-"'·~~~ SCARNASMW·ELRESTS 1 = .. l=m£=.,=l.ed=.A=.u=toiiii•=.:=9.6000..:_l=m;~= ...... =.=,..u= ••.• =.;;;9_600=;1.m5."·-d-Au~··-· iiiiiii96-00i'.I vo· LVO FREE K.irtens, l ye\lo" 11·h1 2 l1lk/11h1 n<-l'd r:-oocl homes. Call aftrr l :::O ;i.f.l-8801 11/3 USED CAR BRAND TOYOTA'S BRAND OIJllUAHUA la_rgPr size. Parlor -TllUPt' -Ka1,·r - V•'Y lo.iog >OU"' lem•le to Goo •~ -UN'flC we CO NEW ~.~~ <1dul 1 home. 646-42'1:. llt:.Z Taking it "1th you 1! no 1969 3 A1\or:ible 7 ,1·k. old puppie.11. longl'r a pro blem. /'\ow. our Lo\'ahlr. To good hoine. bil?. 11·orry 1s n1ak ifl(: it lasr 6,l&--010.'I 10/31 UNTIL \\'r GO. SIAi\!ESE 1·a1. f e n1 a I e. BOAT SALE -all !ypr hoa1s houscbrokC'n. 11:i )T~. ol<l. & gr11r ror ~alr . 7ft 1(1 t~1 fl. has shots; lriend!y 67:>-1821. A1ay h<" vir111'll al Sra Scout ADO HABLE 1 i s i am es e Base 1931 I\'. C;m st J/i11·ay, h~by kiltrn, rree 1o loi:ing Nl'1vpo11 lkach. End of Salr. Sun. Nov. 1 h()me. 64& 7006 1947 Stephens :'.!I" TS Sedan NOISY purring shadow two 3 month old female kltten.11. Cnisr. Xlnt. Survey guar. Call &l&-7349 10131 Mak(' oHer. 846-9518 Sfi\tPLY dlll'ling kit1e11. male 18' inboaccl 292 Foccl eng., Ii. lraller. t11hhy, part Sian~!'le. 6 v.·k.11. Gi5--0477. Balboa Isle 11/1 3 CUTF. ll!tlc puppif'S need a home 1u1d a lot of Jovc. 1i-1r.-!1116 ll/l f"ttt-~t: k111rns, c11.hco, i;ill'er & red tabbies. 64&-1>623 11/1 WVELY killens, black & wt11!t. 11 Siam«!'. 673-3452 SPOTTED rabbit to guod home, 00-12!» VERY R"nt.te bunny rabbil!'I, Brirc cage. 646-~ 4 CUTE klttem need good hnmr. 968-fi254 10/31 STUDIO rouch v.ith bolsters ~&-70.16 II/I ADORABLE Rabbi•. frtt lo i;.:ood hOmC'. 51&-98Rl 11 ·.l rnr.E~ Coll ~ sprinr;<i A. aoort m11 Urf ll.11. '494-2411 11 11 400-371.~1 s.1111oo1, 9010 LIDO lt likr nc11-•. t'ull rac- ing gP.ar &· hl'o.')' tnulcr. Sl500. 644-13i0 REGISTERED tolaple!I Sabol full ratt rig \"ery g!I. S22S CA.lt 646-20-13 allcr ~ prn SABOT -l lXi. Good ha.nd tnller &t sail. C11JI 644-4.Wj. OVER IN STOCK 40 IN STOCK Ready & Serviced for Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! • COROLLAS-S•dans-Fastback Sprinters-Station Wagoni • CORONAS--4 Door Sedans-Hardtop Coupes • MARK I l's-Hardtop Coupelo-4 Door Sedans • CROWNS-Station Wagonlo-4 Door S9dans e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtops-4 Wheel Drive Wagon1o e PICKUPS-4 Speed Standard Trans. Aufom•tics -4 1p••d1 -fa ctory 1ir cond itioninq -1!11reo tape de cki m19 wheel1 i nd m•ny other options. • Many D•manstratars at Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS e Select Domt1tic & Imported Used C1rs Below Market Prices • JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA EXECUTIVE CAR Ser. ii 18t.O 142 SEDAN fU~l f.t.CTORY E9Ul,MENT CORONA 2-dr. Ha1dt11p f:XfCUTIYI CAii ~ull fectorv equ.p. plut ••d•o, •~lo..,•t:c s.,, 15·16 '1976" f ull le~t •Quip. s ... #1215 '179000 SPECIALS 1t66 DAT!'iUN 16CO ltod1tr. 11.H .. 4 1peed. Oria i11ol l Sharp. TFU 927 '1399 1~66 AUSTIN HE.A.LEI' Sprir•, • •• , ... , ....... , ... $1295 reaf 1horp. YLT l2S 1961 CHEY. '1 T. S1yl"ide Y·I, lt.H. 11:...t 11ice l14l4C PU l .W.I . s1995 1961 TOYOTA COllONA H.l . Cpe. l .H .• 4· i p-.d Showroa111 ~7~ 711 $1695 1961 POll:SCH~ CPI. 1600 S. It. H .• 4 1pHCI, e1tr• 11ice for tt.e yeor. YPO Jll s1995 1t67 FIAT 150 Spydfl' ltothtT. It, H •• 4 ipud dlorp. WYW t61 s1495 1967 tc:AltMANN CiHIA. 4 1peed, heeter. Y•ry low '"II", 51695 liko 1141w, TXY ~01 DEAN LEWIS .. -.-. . . . 31 DAILY PllOT _ _ _ __ r~day..'....Oetobf., 31. 1%q , itAITTPORTATION 1 RANSPORl A TION TRA_N_S-PORTATION TRANSPORTATION Imported Autos 9600 fmported Autos 9600 lmp9rted Autos Imported Autot 9600 9600 JAGUAR '63 JAGCAR :\Kl:: Cf/1· 4 ~pt'f'd. chrtnnP 11 11'f' "11•·<"1-. i;terro 11,1r..-· !li.OOll 11111o - jH\\"\\'6:.'l• S:.!100. J'\,d/f'!'S Ci1d\lh1l' 2(ll(I !!arbor UJ<J. C \I. ";HQ-!HOO 'j7 JAGL'Ai{ ::\f,;.J 111, Ex- PORSCHE Porsche '62 Ca Brio \et I ;;;;;;;;;;T;;O;;;;;Y;;O;;;;;T;;A;;;;;;;;;;;; l'nu~u.J.!!_1• !in•" i '"~111 1t•!• H;;i·:• ti .. 1111a \•'llv11• '' Olk 11l!t•r I ORANGE P~11t.1 ~•1111p1>f'd. 1.:,..11! 1111 tn COUNTY 'S 1h,· n1u1ut,.. by 11n·\1•1u~ 01111. ''OLDEST'' 1•1• L" ;illj. O\IJl•'Lf ,\; ,,Cl'\'ll'- '" """'' "' "'" ""'· Toyota Dealer VOLKSWAGEN '65 Volkswagen CAMPER BUS Pvp 1op, exl'cllf'tlt <"Or~11ion. Kustom Motors S~:i Baker St , Cus ta illcsa 5-J0-j9lfi CPlJent l"O!ld lllOll. tH&-~ Pho n ,. J1rlllport 3hnµorts :-:0:'\! gofl(' to army, '>''111 sell llis '67 V\V for St :i:i<t Has Immediate Delivery s1ereo, Porsch1> 1..,ar ii•hcels. on HARD TO GET \\'ood strer. '>''hel'l, e1c:, Surl. KARMANN GHIA MODELS -call for IX!ard, S40. 675.26·19 information Gi V\V, Drafl(·r!, nius\ sell 1965 Karmann Ghia. Imrna•.:ulate insidr and ou1~ One 011nrr. &>e 111 1.~o Dro;id "liy. C . .\!. (i l~.,~l~~ .. 1r.n·d :\I!; n1::;11~:1:•i;~ Df,uis ~~·~:·('~,1 k. ~~~r=· N1~1~ '1~~~1~ Jll~t \V. Cllast l111·y, N R. ~ m 111y ~Jc.yeQ I;i()(l Rug, baby PorS'Cne'68-912 c0Upe mottf$ Orii;. c.11·11.:1·, Sr.?9J. :J-1Q-4.l(;(i. 1 :1,·.,n1 1n~ h11r;:und~ f 111,~1111 900 So. Cst. Highw•y 'Ii<! V\V Custun1 Canipe!'. MERCEDES BENZ . hL1rk !111<'1' !-~I( I'\' ,l('('('.'"ll'\ L B n ~·a('1. rC'hlt C'ng in \lal'l'illl l_y I rnrld .\:\.! F~l ·r.· th1·•in1:.1494_75;3gun*a ea5~0-JJOO SliXXJ nr BE:::.~r OfFE!l. Ca!! 1967 ~j()~E fllcrccdes I~ 1:t 11 l1<"r>ls. I-11.11l•·~s 111 t'\ery 1 "!~~~~~~~"':'~=1 &12-1(}.18 r·o\lf'IC' \'JG0$3 ;u r, po11 ;·r. ct•'!<11L I -------· --·'7'~Vc\V~Bc,-"-.-,c,.-.,-,-.,-.,-d-.":;_s._ooo_ I' 1 1·. L'. u S lo n1 Jl a 1 11 1 VOLKSWAGEN 1n1. hcige int/blnck ext. f'vl 11·/lrathl'r 1111 cn or on I Y ply $11 9.3 ll·rms. resp. parly. :'jli~5() hrll prlrr. ,I l 111 S'.\:\--'.l(;!).I ,..;IC"mons i'lll'rcrrtcs Brill. l~'lJ VW BUGS -----------11' \l'aru('r, Santa A1111. '6~ V\V, Sen1~'n! rart10, :.-1ro--4ll.J .\:i.f I F'!'.I, 4 & 8 1rilck 3100 \V, Co<tst Ji ii'.', N.R. FRO:i.T strrro, Alann sy~ .. ~k i rai·k. :i.r ERl ED!·:S &-1 !!1 . .U 171! $399 ! IS e:-:t .. s 51750 6-3 ~270 Cahn olcl -t\ t't'<il rollcc1 .. r~ 61.:.~I0:-1 :i-W-17ti-l Pl · ra.. · 1· -:i Jlrm 111 riwe r•"i:tnrtd ('f\11-At1!hri•·111'!l \lr. Or,.1(1· '68 Vu!ksw11gen. ~tand<Jrd dition. :'>I L'ST BE ~E£.'\' .-,,,-1-,,-,,-,-,,,-~.0u1.,,.11,.,1 p<lnii , GOOD SE LECTION f"q111r. ehron1r r;i1d"r (·.-11 ,... d">'•'''"· J , m ·oo ,, 1 ~ ll'hcrls, "lnt cond. Call after " v• ~ _, J 1111 l'll l•'vllll '61 :-Up(I' ,,., ... ,00 .. ·'''····Md"' B· n", llO c. • s p.n1. G7J-2jQ8 ~" " ,.._ '" , , •·ng. "" tr-1111.s. ~li't'eo-tapr, \\'. \V11rner, San la Ana 1 Sl 'r 1·\cf'I 1·ririr1 SJ67\ :i,1 11 -.1 ~l'•' ft ~ '68 V\V Fastback. 11•h1\e, n:-d '.\o. 4618 \ ;..;6--•\11-1 ,\ ,_pjJ ij-;;:.733 1 / tj-;;;.:J~lli \t~ 0 1nl. xlnt cornJ, $1810, e i\1ERCEDl:.:S Be11L 1~2 1~U l{$C!J I:: '00 '.Jl:?. C~ ~ ~s ;~1i-:..O:J2: nfl 6 pin 613-i'216 220:) 4 door ln nice cond111on. Low n1J!r. :-:1n1 ,. 0 n d: 'f\. ~ '(i9 !\!G Au~!ln AmC'rira. fully c11pt., only $79J This A:i.!-f\1. Pnv<ite JI;, r 1 .\' ~ ... ,.J auto. radio. xln!. $1650. Aft "'''ekend al J1n1 :'lcn1(>1~!-. :'i.~:'i--{Ki:;O "\ Y 7 pill 67~912. :\1rrcedes Brnz, 1~0 \\' PORSCJIE ~LI T, Co1lf"'· \\'arner. <-"~nta Ana . l~'r d 6 ~ "111 "O'l E·> ""o• 67 ""' H'!'"r ,,1"", n11lcs. ~l.80:'), y • -.,, " .-. , w • ,-... ·1112 • '.•-16-<111~ l''O II IRBOR BLl'D ''" (::1 :1• -.,,\ 0-lORO Ila_\·;;, t;\P J, ' ' e ~lEJlCEDES Bcnl 1'.11.;+i 1~i;;1 EX 1-1 ~37. COST.I\ ,\I E.~,\ 230SL mupl'/rds1r. 2 tops .. -61-5-.c-·. '7ollii-,c,c.,"b"I -,.-,,-.-. -,-0-.,-11 1%1 VIV Sq. Bk. ~\V11i;. 11ulo: power s!C'eri ng., shoi·k~. :, ~liclH•lnn. iu•rs. 1.100 S. $119J. lil~I :\.\l/F>1'. etf'. only Jj ,{l!X) rii•ii· t:hileh. 1 ownt'r. 1,,1 ,li·l2-l:l'l2 al\. 6 pn1, ;\Jon-Fri. 1n 1les. One 011·nrr Cil r llkl' s:;l)O() !Hkr·s_ (i-l.i-l·!·!li All day Sert & ~11 11 new. ITL'R'20S1 Sold new and serv1{'{'(t by J 1 n1 Porsche '67 911 S. Ta rga 'fi:) V\\ · 11e1v tires & uphol. S\r.n1ons Jmnnrl~. ]'.'.'(! \\". F:~crpt1,111;1ll,11 clean 1hr11out. KrC'(ls 11''11 p;un1. <'~<'Cl!. ,.-J o·qnd. llcsl Of!L'f. Cal! -\\' ;i r 11 er, Santa .<\nn. Dcr·j) aritm b 11(' "' u:1lln<1I S'9 ,~1 ,, c1111 .'•16-!11-! con11·11~!1n~ 1 n I r,-_ .\ll _,·~"c"c"c' ,--·--~~=-~ P rirs<"hr rxlras. :-:r\• ,1; dni·p1BR,\i\'D nc·1v 'li9 V\\', 1111'.' .\!ERCl::DES Brnr. 1~*17 :.!J() >I / I 1· I to b<'li\'\'C '\le, \\' '-lllll'OO, ·.-:. C0Jl1 . ~F: 4 Ooor. flO\l'er S!Prr · Sl !l~.). PlnH1r l'.l·!-:!1;22 or !lO'l'<'f sonroof. A:i.t /F:\!. :,.18-J7~·1 .. __ ~~--- etC' L£~s 1h3n JO,N)I'} 1n!lrs. ,_- 1XEX1101 Only S:'.99:>. J1n1 'U7 V\V bu~. ~u nrlial campC'r :<:len1ons ln1port~. Inc .. l'lO ro111n 11·/cai:nping extras \\'. \Varn er . Sa n 1 a 52200/he~t oflrr. Bob :1-16-4114 ~1(i--:-.S~.-, aft 6 3100 \\'. Coast J!wy .. N.B. • dies<"l 4 doc,r. V111)l 111tl'n•1f. Nu p11u11 ·! ~p<'<"'I 1 n1T1~. 1\.\1 /f:\1 radio. Onl_y $1~~1.3 1P!J1\3~6l J•n1 S lr rnonF :\l"f(l•ri!'S , 0<"l1l. l'..lfl \\ \\arrl<'1', ~ahla /\nil ~!5--\1!1 'ti:'I .ill ertl'.'rfl'~ 1~ Llif'~PI S.11:.()1) 1~1.:;11~ -- 642-910.-, S4Q.J76-1 '67 V\V Bu~ . .x tnt tond., of.fer over ~1!100. 1\11!hri1·izr r! :\!G Dealf'r '1)1 P0 f:SCHI:: C, :-.Int •·onU . ,\\1 /F\I radio, ~ki r11cl-;, !1111~· r11p·d. :,•1'.l--:!2.'l~: a[f ti. •1'•!-til"I -----'!,! POJ:.~Cl!l:'. SC Cvri\ .• \.:11 l1.1p, tires ,(-<·l1g1ne. ti~J.1(41,\) 6i?.-llO:l '(i.~ \"\\' Can1pcr, pop 10)'1 . xlnt cond. s::.:r.ii. -c~ V\\'. 11111~t ~rll: IA1 r111. tdL~. 011 ru•. \\'ht Ult·k \nr_, r S.· h. ~Int. ~l lj{l tJ~2·1719 " J C -;:..s V\\'. lnr any 111fOl'll\il!l1111 ... z-·r: l.ody. \'\V ~"ngnw, tall J.10-1%'1. ~Ion lhru Fri ll<'f•(!li <tSSf'lllhlrrJ. All p;tt'IS .i111il .\L1 kr· offer. ~.3r, .. zo2.1 l-"c"'"c'c·c"c11c'c1"c'-.c"c"c' c"'-.c'o"c"c__ l:.1 PORSCHE C, 1111 r.x1ra~. 1~!ti6. 26.000 tn1 . ~JOjJ, 1 391•1 llu1nbnldt . JI 13. l..1011'luon1 !:t1111J, ~J:OO, Call ~.~C-f;lS~ l'lfJi ;, ~P~:J·:n !J\2 ,. ·:1.J. 01'1r1n<1l l>\\!l!'l fll'Tl\, 61:!-:J9:ifi ----- 611 V\\'. ~:X CF. LL EN T CO:-.D. J.;1d10 s~. 6-;:,..3420 O!' ()73-~l\ 19 -------- MG ~ \'\\ ;)(>dan. :-.Int ron<I. 0 1'1;.:111al own,·r l!ll;ll11' :'>l:>-74:1;; 1-----------]Er<.I nfi1'r' 1t 1>j::-~()I).~ VOLVO VOLVO SORRY! ALL '69's SOLD! CHECK OUR DEAL ON 1970 Models! 900 So. Cst. Highway Laguna Beach 494-7503 * S40.3100 VOLVO CLEARANCE NOW ! 142. 144. 145. 164 THt: LO\\'EST PR!Ct:s YOUR BEST DEALS Al1E STILL AT DEAN LEWIS 1 ~166 11'1.rhvt·. C.!'11. *New Volvos * GET A BETTER DEAL Herb Friedlander 1..:7'.iO Bt'ar h Blvd, 1 H1''Y 3.. ~ bl ks !"0, G t;, t'wy, SalN> ~r.1'\-1N' Pal'ls '~P-1800 ~pt CJ•t·, t·tilly <'fJ\PP d lthr i-t'at>.. XlnT 1 P 11v !l!y. Wl2-I:.36 e1r.s. ~==== TRANSPORTATION Autos Wanted \VE PAY· CASH for used can ,f. tnicks 1ust call U.'§ for tree estima!e. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask tor Sales Manager 18211 BParh Blvd. lluntington Beach KI ~~11 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvrl Oisla r-.!esa 5-16-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLL AR !or i;ood, clean used cars, all makes. See George Ray 'fheodore Robins Ford 2060 )Tarbor Blvd. c .r-.r. ~:!--0010 L\1PORT::> \\'A..i'ofrED Orange r.ountie.'§ TOP t BUYER BU.L r-.1AXEY TOYO'T A las&l Beach BlYd. A. Beach. Ph. 8~7--855:i Will Buy Your VolkS\vagen or Porsche & pay top dollars. Paid for or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 Auto Leasing 9810 LEASE· RENT ORDER YOUR ' 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY :\ll popular 111akcs. KUthorlzcd leasing .:systc1n. Get Q,1r Con1p,·li!ove !-',ales I Theodore ROBINS FORD 200G I !arbor Costa r-.!csa -----LEASE ANY MAKE- OR MODEL Lcl Qllr Jr.ase l'.'>)X'rl!\ sho1v 1 you t!11• ix'sL plan for yollr, persona.I needs 11·11houl obll· ga\1011, UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ::s:..o l\;irbor Bh d, Cu~la :'ll•'&l :.10.:J6 !O -----' v LEASE v \-; \'I\' ............ ~!:! n\n '6_5 T-B1nL air, fully cqp.!l; I :-alr-p1·1,y •••.......... S9'% 1 '69 Cad El Ooradoi coupe, r11lly equippt'd .• Sl99 mo. 'lifl Cad1Jluc Coupe rle Ville rull,1• <'qu ipped . . Slti'.l n111 'ti~ Che\' C11n1:.i ro, p11r sir;; & h1·,1k<'s, a ll' . . . ... S'.I() mo_ SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING :":00 \\' r~t l!"·y. J\'n fi1.-~'..'1S2 '67 MGB GT Coupe Ruh/ ird 11 bl~rk JP,1lht'r llllel. Loaded w / ,._,11·,.~. ROLLS ROYCE 'G'.l V\\' N1uarrhal'k, <lt1to111a.. Ii<', ,,11n1i'>of. A:>!/F:ll , lllf>---:1238 ;ift('r 6 P ~T Antiques, Classics 961 s _u_s_e_d_c_,_,_, ____ 9_9_o_o 1111·r 11 hr-rl~. 1\:'>l f~l. •11'\"'1'-P.UL L::> ::~. i-idr ni.,unl~ 111.11 t)'i V\\' Squ;11'('back, radio dn,·e, P irelli Ratli~l TnT5. pu 1111. nr>1\ 11 ~1i• ti n•s. S !~:'-0. rad1:1I 11rrs, xl1a i:ond 11·'10d 11·hr.el. etc. i'-"c1v ear Pnv_ prty !I 4 Ii-:1 o 4 1, &-1ti--:i60111f\er fi !':>t 1r11 rlr 111 11·11h only 21\000 _001=10-110.-.0~1=.======= l -c,c6=2-v~w'·-=B"U"S~$o7c5c0c.­ n11 lrs. 5ce & drive 1,1 appi'-'L"-~ "'" SUN BEA"' '"''°'' J2rlllporl Jhnµorts ".j(;I I\, Coas1 1!11;.·, \ P.. l.·!1-9\":. 1 !f1-l~b4 1\11•n11rt~"t1 :\Ii, [)<';;.lrr ))\. ."~l.-s. 8'1-\1r". :~,i rt.'§ lrr.mrd 1n1e n.~11vl'ry. . \U :\loch!s J1rwµort 3J1nµo,r,t~ :>H•o \V. coa~t l-ll1·y. N.B. 61::-9~0.) ~-10-1064 Allt~1or11.C'd 1\tG l>ealer . . ~ . --------"'---\\',\'.\ TELr · Clean V\V Panl'l. "-~ ~· 1..-_ , 1111! pay cash. "' .;>\IDL1•c:tn1. nr-_1.• 11!'1'", Toni Kt ~-l:•"j l'hnn rnns. A:lll~ .\f r ri11in 1~~~~-=-~~--11,,1, p~1 1111 . pn1 prlv Sl~!l(I ,..1'. \'\\' Si"tlrin l~l(.~1. (",nod tond '""~, of!cr. Call ai( 6 J>.\I, $!'1.·.o_ fi\<l-2jl7 :l!:rr 6. h73-?!~\ \lkl!Y". al l da~ S.1l -~u 11 , ~2 :'1111l•rr1111 ,\l111nr. •'lh,. llOl'k ~ .. ~fl t,\~----(J .. :-.fl TRIUMPH nl'l't!S -------- ·1~1 \"\\' Bus, tllr. 81'1 Bakrr St. • I'. : \'\\', \,~I))) n1iJ,,. !r.•11111.1 I 01111f':· ~·aultlr·~ S;-;:1.1 :ioi•-1 t:i7 cc._:__ __ _ 1r~,,~ \'\\ Bll!;, 1 n1\ nr1·, S~.,O. Cu<Xl t•owl •fi-l&-fi<l.1 >t- 'ii<\ ~l'I TVJr.1-· !.11·l•"t t :r,,.11 ~'rid t"r. t'l1.1-!n1.1~ ~r l l. Sl .()() 11r nlf,•r ! :i.11 da.1s . .\Ilk·· T;in ,_).-1, ~!(I...,'.{)(~ .. L \ e ~I '~ll ;I:, 1 ·~-~; \'nl.K:O:\V,\(;F:'\ Sedan ;,~:,..i;;,r,i. Sl':\1~0../t• f{ 11 S!l':\5, '<< 1·r. ,., II > ..-;,:lli-.ll.li59 * "" • ,.,, 11'1' ,,.w,.I,;_ h1t:·1 ~=~,-~~---~- ,::;i gr rack. nrw 1·lnyl ill1cMel111 t1rrs. $2R10. a11 1; pn1. !iM-\l~(l~ 1 .. 11, 'C l VI\' Bn~. till Ill:"' running Cnll !;•'HI'S. Xlnl. 01/er/Trfl.dC. 1·1·1 ply ·19i-\\~2 ---l!l\3(\CV\C.:l.CBC....0<-.-------------'!>·I TP.!U.\1P11 Sro1·1 h r11n\'1 Good r·o111I. •1 ~prl, ~i•~J;, rash or oflrr. !041---Z!l~I. rcbuilt r·ni;::\nl'. s~:iO. Phonr ;HR---S;)j'.J ·;:.7 !\!or)':;il n ...:. 4. .-.">:rrl lr n\ t'Oll(i Slri0Q. ~!2·3TI6 alt 3, ;iii rlay ,,·krnds. -----!:!~ illorl<'I ,\ Ford Rae• Cars, Rods 9620 ';i9 1.1'.\'COI.:\ 4Yl block. SIOO hal. !'r;ink, s:1ro parts, ;tlJ !ur S2l!O l 'a<h, ~l'-l&--19.~!l F C-l!f::V Eng1n". ~11,,,.t p,!<H'" ·"'l!f\<'d Jnr l'ilfi!l(! S1'1() ti:'.7-~:·\li ~=== Auto Events 9625 ·;,1 1\t.:TO 'ha\1· iV a ~\ l'ilr 11 1~h h\ II\•' ;:::1rj, 1•f Cnl1/. l'i•,.( "~ho.ii ,,( :\1M1r,1.J s, Deni;J ,\_...._.;c1,o, -"riiin ~r:td hy T<111n ,\. Counlry Ctr. Sat, l"ov 1 .. 1. JO ,\,\!-~ P.\t TO"'" ,t-Counl.J y, 1~:.8'~ Beach ~ I'-'l'or :\lf11n ,\· Ell is. Auto~ Wented 9700 \\'1\!\TED: Clean V\V Pane!: \\'1!1 p~y ca.~h. Tom KI ~l~f.17 e OTHERS e TURNED e YOU 0 DOWN e i\t:\\' J.\' C.\LIFO l~:\1 1\ e !IA!) A REPOSSE~IQ;\' e BF'.E:>l C.\'.\'r:r.t.:PT •'( '(•111(' r.· ~(' .. c ... 1. ~o Sidt• Loan.' 2. :-;,) f \1 !'11L1111'1' U'>i-1 :1!> " \-,i :"=al ... ry !.o<1n< L :-,.·., Ce>-\IL;n"r~ :-.e"'t"d J . :-:,, c.-,11:t11•r;d :\reded Ill' t,\T!)' i 1l'1~ f)l\'\J c .. ntr.n !" ·1 )l··1 ... u1:· r1r1~:,~s .... s ,., .011 rlv1nn111h Ql!FTn .... s ~.-1 ,o!l J!.i n11>lr1 P!,G:1.'S., .. ~ -~,, i-,o~ C"n1r1 II l t b~.: ........ .Sl 75 62 Lln,uln. f ull 111' I'. 1 .Jn.rix.~ ................ ~r,.-. '65 \'\\' i\'Ol.:.'2j,. . ..... ~,)'.Jjl 'Ii I .\ll·re;u,-y St<i. 11 ai;: , O\\'Z-10:. ................ ~:>'.1.11 '6:, Ford !<~alC1111 \'l::S:!'.'.:: S3!1J '6.) Fo1YI r-:anehrro . I PVH·I~:! .... - -.......... <;7:l:i '65 Olds 8.'\ ta 11' 1 PIT ~·16 .. $.>.".15 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 Harbor B!l·d. 642-6('.23 *New MG* GET A BETTER l'EAL HERB FRIEDLANDER 11750 Beath Bl •oj IHwy 191 2 btk1 So G .G. F ... y. TOYOTA l m..,or•~d Autos q6Q01mported Autos 9600 lmport9d Aut-,a 89l·7Sf.6 SJ7·6824 ':13 Jl.!G-TD. good C'ond. Nf'w tp. ,t-t C'huil\ rni;. ;,ii'-OJ:lQ. MGB :'>!GB '6.1, r.. F.• H. ~' 11".~-1111 lop, low mill'". rPrl 11 /hlk. beaut rond .. ~12;,(). t;t:-i0;.:7 TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE ALL MODELS :r OL'f{ P.E."--r DE.IL~ .\1:1·; :-,-TILL AT DEAN LEWIS 1fi'>6 1 616·!1.l0.1 ---="~ 1....;..+ ................. 1 NSU yota Corona KSU is herr. 11l !\11~1om Jl.Jotors, owr h"ad rnm Doo1· , ·rtan, a11!Q !rans. Po•rlC'!·! Cund it1on: Sll95. L''.\'Al11~, eng., amazing prrffl1·111•1twr' Low priced ~ 81:i U:.i ktT St,, C.:'11. 540-59J J Iii!! mor,uis OPEL u motets BRAND 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO 1----------.•I 900 So. Cst. Highway "';11~,"~;'Y1~~~;~,1 L· 14947L 5 • 0 g 3 un•.B•s•:-h 3 CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT , , . I M7-.'ii93 or :..i7--()'lj'l · "'0-100 BILL ~fAXEYCHICK IVERSON 1 PORSCHE '66 PORSCHE 912. re-bl1 t>nl:'. Xlnt body, Blk inter. Am· f:-Of. ~)'~pd 968-1210. '62 PORSCJI~: Su pt"1 1 :~'11 '>'ith 1,Jack 1nlrr1nr. )2"11() ~~1$-62&1 ·1~1 POP.5C1/F.: .-:~.,--SC--,-.,J",-,, -'lln·")Of. J'I('\\' r :11n1. 11"1~ (112 , ""'°' Imm&,. l 1AAO r,; .. tt 1n 1!l9IYIQI!@ Harbor Aceas Only Aulhodzed VW, Porsche Dealoc 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847~555 3 ml N. 11! 0>.\st !11\'Y. on B<'h '(,.': Toynl11 ('(lfl'llro. JIT, ;iuln i'f"d, almnsl nr11. dJ r. )<.lj R.tak"r s i • cri~111 ~1,.,•a ~'t"'" TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVI YOU 445 EA ST COAST HWY. •I BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1910 HARBOR BLVD ... COSTA MESA '7l-0900 HOME OF TRE LOVE BUG SPECIALS 549.JOJT • ' BRAND NEW 19.70 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fully f.tt!orv •Cl ulppecl •"· cludin9 heed •••h, •••I bellt, back up l.qh+., windihiold we1he.,, oul· 11d• mioror. t••pe'" c •~, FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! THE GMC's FOR 1970 ARE COMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS •••• FROM CAMPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL DRIVES .•• WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A LARGE FLEET ••• WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS BEST! OVER 40 SERVICE ST ALLS TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK AT PEAK EFFICIENCY! ·-·~ NEW 1970 G"~~~-~-----"'*' 3/4 TON V-S , heavy fro11t lpri119, hl:G"l' RR ~pd119. 1u1pt111io11 l•of 1pri119 ~R . oh inj. •toclor, pulhbtitlOll radio, full foam •e11r. IMMEOIATE DELIVERY IOEAL FOR CAMPER ! PICKUP F ULL PRICE CE2l900 ·• ... ~· NOW I~ THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR lusmr.usl 1963 OLDSMOBILE 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 98 SEDAN BUG r ,.11 rov.tr, !~<.O'\' "' ~''~'''""'~Q IF~o; ~'<'•Q e'4 "ta'<• ""''' '·d• w~ll I""" (\/GJ a110 I 5:;1), 1966 FORD FAIRLAN E SOO 7 r ,!9 vi i.•11 I' • o'~ h • .,,. \ 1 ~ ...... 1966 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 1965 CHEVROLET CORVA IR ',., T'•''-... :.c. ~ ... ,, ...... '•· .,,, '••, "·""'' <\·•~''· 1op•1 )<' 1967 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1964 THUNDERBIRD Fu11 '"""'r, !•l'or y '" con<l•loOnor>g. (1-lGM f6<ol . 1968 PONTIAC V • ' •o•"'1 (,~..,...,.,,.co OC,;i•• '"•'•ng, "''I" Oe•I ... wo •c "01> 1 ,.,_ "'"tfl II ti•, 1963 BUICK SPECIAL 4 DOOR 1 '""t'tl 1 ro~'"'""o'" '"d'o """ hretor ("Ht( 1 C?Qr VI, 1! "" 01' ,c.011 ''"'''"~· r10-o \I~. •u•ornMol. Po"'"' """"''·~. '"~''' ~••l•r. tiiJI '""'~-! fl.IP IO•l, 11.il<J I•/> 1969 OLDSMOBILE 1966 CADILLAC 1969 DATSUN 4-4-2 COUPE DE VILLE PICKUP TRUCK v~. i •<>erd 1••o•mi•>1Crn, rll<l•c. ht•lt•. Full Po""' ••ttcrv •"• AM·f'A r•d<c, Iii! 1 •<>ff<! ''""'"''";co, ••O•c, ~·•'•'· \I~ .. Cl•J. w~r•l. l ~lJ 011' IOD, (\'~S ~··1 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA OP EN 1 CAY S A WEEK 540-9640 " •" .. .. " -. -----.. --------......... --~· ..... ~---~ ---------~--~--~-~----..........-· ....... ---·..---...-....... ·--------------------.... -----,-·----- 'TRANSPOR"' TION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATI~ Usitd c.,... 9900 Uicd C1r$ 9900 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION fTR'9JSPORTATION U.ed C•r• 9900 9900 UMd Cal'"s 9900 New C.rs :?036 llA!t.BOP. BL\'D. CO:ITA r.1 F:~,\ 5•8-5294 or 548-8511 FINANCING A\'AJL.·\BLE BUICK "&'i ELECTRA m. lll'aut1f11I ~ dr., hardtop. C'us1u111 11<! /.>wr. S•'i1ls, & I'/\\'. \'1!1)1 IOP. air, ~l!·n..,.1, t!lt 11hf'•·I "'8cnfice l27!~J. Hy (J" ni r til '>-b'."17<! $,\CRJ FIC£ '1i:, Buu·k bp.,r1 \~·gn. /Iulo Ir.ins. fl/s, p/h, r/h, rw1v t'ni: . ~nil und<'r 'tty. S !l~. >-'•:!·11l,-:•i ---!>I RJ\'ILH . .\. t:u11111h.·1.·ly :u1ton1a1 11• R/I/ ;1 1 r, \If('~. 'ti.l IJO(l!t \\"!l<1(·at. T1.1111l pOWl'r, :Ill", t'U~l o1n \\llo"\'I~. 1\£>"-' pa111t s, ... 1t .f.: ln1•c 11. ~1·100. 6'12·~1~W -----~ '.17 BUlf'K, R" •.J l·onrt SJ'.::1 609'l i\l;;n.:tu•ril<', Cd\1 ti7:{. 7:Jfl ·o_~ BUJCJ.:; El•'l'tra ~:J 1·vr11·. :oiew eog, 111,r. !'Ir & hr·k~ /\ir. :Xl111 <'L'nd. ~~1r; 9G~ :l~'.!.~ 'li6 SPEC. !JI~ hillp, 1\1r. t.:011. 1art 1'<1rs. llarhra1·r, !.l7·6St'.6 days, nr !iT.i-51j77 E1 •·:-;. BUICK '!i i !·:\\ 11'ra, air, all f'XffilS, rXC<'I rond . Pl'll'. ply ~L19.l. r~IS-i017. CADILLAC e CADILLAC l'.lf.I{ si><!a n 1le vtl \e 1ZVl\i',J3 1 All JKll\C'r -l ;11r conrh11on1ng, all C'\1 r:i-;. Le~s ih:in 21.000 1n1!r.~. FnrcNl lo Sf'll for only SJ~~O:i. .J 11n Slc•mons Jrnport~. Jnr .. l a! \\'. \\'arn('r, San 1 ;1 1q1a ~>16-4114 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 New Ca rs CADILLAC '68 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville C:ri!d "llh matctang interior, •'ru1~~ 1'011lrul, l<1i·tory air, ,~\I F:-01 radio. ti 11ay .-.~111, 11\r .I· t•·lc ·'ll'•-rlni::, po1<er Uwr l~ks. \\'BJ'.H~. $4795 ALLEN (Jl,J ~n1ohd.-.f'artil!'1•' Jr,1·, IJJ(J ~· ('II•"! Jl11.;h1\,1)' L;1!.!un:1 IJ,•:u·11 l't'.\I !•1 l'vll"l'Y .'"'1u~I 494-1084 547-jJQ3 CADIUAC '68 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville \\'hit<' \11\h \\'hll<' \·1n~l tnp, lt•alhf'r tnll'rior, factory au-. A~11 f-".\] ~lt'n'(), 6 \\..!)'!'!'HI , 1111 & r.•lc ~l•'l'1·1 11!:'. 1io11e r dwr !u1·k·· \\'Q! 1.'l>.l $4695 ALLEN • 1hl..:mohil£'-C<1cl1\lar Inf'. 11:.0 M. Coast H 1~hway L.1guna Bra("h !~,.'(\ To PoUi,>ry Sha('kl 494-1084 547.3103 CADILLAC CHEVROLET ----------· '6~ Chevrolet Bel Au-new 283] LLlXURJOUS Transµorunion, l'ng1/lf', suck, »SO or oiler. 111c.; • CAR ~ff'ty, pcm·cr ~4-lfn4 I la!l·h. \\' I T II J N pas1 l9iil t.:1 Can11no, a u r o, )l'ar-rad1alor, y,·au·r pu1np. a1r/rond. Xlnt roMirion .I (;-JOlnls, lrdns., brakf's. ,ti lWsl offf•f, ~5-200.l, 642-5855 t1rrs n.'OC\.\'l'd BUDGE.I pr1,·f'fl at S 4 8 ~. A '119 F:L CA.,11:--10 SS 396, -. lu"-1nllt'agf', plln1perC<I, '59 SIX't-'ll, L<liv mLlC'ligl'. I Cttr!Jll3c ~ r1r. \V h \I oc 892-1~~~ w I dP'S~regatcd black·&· 'fit CHEV \\'ai;or1, auton1, v . '1'hilf' int<'rior. Call $.tS.T:i!U l'. R&ll. f)OW!)r. Good cofld• I 'G\l'AD Flef'l\.1·00(!, 75,000 s_-ir.o __ &_l&-0_·1_16 ____ _ n1i, $i=,Q. \Vill aect'pt 10 to 20 '6.1 ,CHEVY II \yucon. Nrwl' hp outboard or scuba equip llr~s. lirakl'.'"s. S350. _ a.• part payment. &!2-4302 • 5 IZ>-3580 * ) '62 CHEVY ((11pata l2T, xlnl cond., "·1de 01 ,11!} Sl50 or' h£-st o!IC'r. &l&-?-1 I CHEVELLE ·1~i Chevelle !'l!ahbu V-S. '66 CllEVt:LLli! SS 396, ~ll 4~spcl., huckel seals, black posi. 4 sP<t. nt'l'o' ti res 11·/ ":':~~~~~~~~~~'~"~'-z"~,._~,,.,~·~·==========c.'._~m~..,.~~·~""'~·~P<'~ra~t~c~.~&l6-~001"':''~ "6·1 C ,\IJILLAC -Cuu~-; l)('V 1ll•·. J-ull l""'t'r, fat torv Imported Autos 9600lmported Autos 96001mported Auto1 9600 :i ir. A \I. J-., 1. Jp·, 1 hf'r hu rkr1 l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii;;;;liiiliiiliii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;;i;iiiiiij ~r:it~. i>ll •·11 u1 p n1 f'n t Iii it (\1 [)-,\~• $l"t00. i\aht.•rs i ",ul1ll1H· ::.~;ou J!.a r!lOr llh·d. <' \I d\.1-~HOO '65 c~~A~D o=E ~Vl~LL~E J\I[ cor1;:1nal, full fl'1r. fart :11r. dlr. J.:Kc• for~·11.;n f"ilr in lrarJL' <1r !>Jn:dl r!u1vn. QP/\- 32:?LB, Call 1-'htl 4!1.1·'.ii73 or ;,.1:,.r~:.1, J:Jlj·C1C-CC~1~'f7C~,,.-.~V7i!J-,.-.-,-,-,-d t"Unrl. Ila.~ all lh(' far t. RiXxl1rs: <11r, •'l doors, ('\r. f\'""' ores "·/approx 1000 1n1, l](>W br;ikes, :S\UJO. Pvt puty, !~lfr!567 aft 1 "6i CAD de Villr, landau top, lr:ithrr, sll'n "(). all P\\'f, "'h•)lt"i<1!,, •· S51l. 962-1~7 "6:1 Sl::JJ. DV. :-Olalarlor IT'd "' 1\·hr 1·1n}I lflp, lo.Int cnnd, has f'\'r t'y l hl/\J;, S:!l!f.l. ~)j(J-..ij::; '69 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham T 11rc1t1<11sc \111 h 1vhiTc leather 1n1rnor, 11·h1tr v1n}l top, luc\•)lY air, A?-1/Fi\1 s1<'rc'O, 6 way Sf'a1. tilt & 1elr ~!rf'r. Hl';, JXJ11'l'r door Jocks. \'\\"\'. 61:i. $6695 ALLEN Ol1!.s111r.liiJr-C,1dill;i<" Irv·. 11.:.0 !'.1. C•t11St l!1gh,\ay 1 ~1,;111\;1 (3{•;)fll t .\'o·xt l<J Poitrry !"ha('k) 494-1084 547-3103 tf , !lie t •• 1).,1 "'011'i 9; .. e you •ny thin9 lo "'orry •bout, ~ W1 me~• tur e of lh•I. We 9•ve ;+the VW 16·point 1efe· ly •nd pedc.,.,enc • le•I. It he1 lo peu, So w• 9,ve ii out IOO Y. 1ju•rent•• thet we 'll roplec• ell mejor me· d'l~ll;t •I pert.• for lO dey1 or 1000 milet, wllichever t ome• firit, l.n't lhet whet • ne"' <••-owner need1? A b~9 lhet won't d"ve you nuh. "" I': '66 Porsche 912 Cpe. , f •n • .;1,;,.,,9 •• ,. s •pd. 1967 DUNE BUGGY 66 VW Fa1tback Sed. lteni , Thorou9hl1 1econd;. Roed end Roltv e~ul pp1d . E•h" cl eo n & 1how1 plr- l·oned. Mutl 111 lo eppre· H•rdtop. UYR~87 1on el ce••· RQP~8 I ~;Q~' 2~~· P'"0"•1 '"''· $1899 $1599 $4199 '65 vw Redio, ht eier, etc. SQG '"· $999 '68 VW Square Back Rod ,..;ti, b I • c k :nl•••o•. Sho w• exco!l1nt c • r e. So "ice on lht •o~d. R•d•o & he•ler. VTU S4 t $2099 1963 V.W. '66 Gh ia Coupe Redio, etc. Sptc;el. UOT -The Pi ~k Ledv 19 4 Redio •nd li•e!er. SBK 719 $999 $1699 '69 vw '61 vw Rad·o & other fetlory •x· Sptciel m•1oon p••nl 1,0, Ir ••· new. ITRH 70~) 51899 $1499 EXT. 66 & 67 JUST ARRIVED THE NEW 1970's-BIG SELECTION No Better Prices Anywhere MAKE .l/$ PROVE IT NEW 1969's & EXECUTIVE CARS 1970 OPEL ' St;ll 11 G ood Sorlotttio11 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES -POOLE'S BETTER -USED CAR VALUES URY '67 T BIRD '65 RIVIERA . f 11 j1 J Hardtop '68 DOOGE '68 IMPALA '65 PONTIAC '66 MERC land,,u • doot, Coupe. full Coron•f 400 4.dr. 1.~+, l o. H,T. F•c ""· eulo Grand p,;., Auto, hen\ , Colony Pe r• w•qon. • powtr, feclo•y ,;, cond. oower, fo clor~ eir cond. ,;, cond .. ... ,,, lr•n1., "'"'· pow1r 1letrin9. p 0"' •• ••eer .. r•doo, peu t n9t •. F.,1! power, nE 702 Red•o, n~•te•. TRK 285 P.S., R&H. VGB q79 WJM I B9 ht•!tr. (MQN277) feclo•y t jr cond, SOS· $2395 S1995 $2395 $2495 "l $1095 S2395 '65 FORD '67 BUICK '66 RIVIERA '66 CAPRICE w.ljOll Country s~ ...... W;ldc1! C111tom Cpt . 2 Or h.rdtop, t ir cond. '65 OLDS WAGON '67 MERCURY l ow mil119e, full pwr , f,,ct. .. , cond,. e ulo. Coupe. Fact, ei• cond .. •ut o "•"" ,., •'ee•. Mo nter,.~ 2 door hard. f•c lory ,;, cond. RGV ,, ..... PS. UUV054 eulo l••n• .• pwr titer J rad•(), he el••. SBMl71 F-85. 011to. tr•n1 ,. po,... lop, Aul,., t11n1, power .. , pwr br•kt1. F8 04114 $1795 ,, t!e•r. PBH 737, 1leer, RJ H . UON·704. S1595 S2595 82695 $1495 ~~1795 '65 CHEVROLET '66 OPEL '68 PONTIAC '65 MONZA '69 JAGUAR 8onnew;flt . 4 door h1 rd· '67 OLDSMOBILE XKE Ro1d1le•. th1ome Nove Su per Sporl, 1 uto, Sporh Coupe. r1dOo, top. FA C TOllY Allt Hetdtop. Auto. h•n1,, Supremt Culltn he rdtp "'"' wh.el1, rtdio, ht tl· lr•n1., power 1let 1., ••· h11!1r. TXl-t 10) CONO., P.S .. P.I. WXG i..,m,,cultlt condition. coupt, eu!o lr•nl., l•cl, ''· Lo .. mil1e9e, dlo, /,.,,,.,, RG H 411 "l !TXJ l76l •;r, power 1!r, UJB912 SAVE s $1495 $895 $2995 $995 $2295 Open Mon, thru Fri, 8 .o.m. to 9 p.m, -Sat. 8 a.m, to 6 p.m . -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. , AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE -· -· - frlday, OctotJeo ~1. lM DAn.Y PLOT !19 TRANSPORTATION~TRANSPORTA'T~IO~N~~~~~~~~,.-'°"~-"'~ 000 .. 0 .. • • • ... Ill .. -1110 ••• :!~lb 9800New C•r-1 CIO CIO ~ -411· CD CIO --Cit .... co - 000 .. 0 .. • • • °' Ill "' "' .... ••O "'.., -lb.,..,. • .. . .. .ill .. z .. _ Ill .. :I • II. 0 1 • "' ·--"' "' a -;II> "' Q 888 ' . . °' "' "' .., ... 0 °' .. 0 .., ... .,. <ltlb • .. i! e .. "' .~ z .. :I • II. 0 leu ·--"' "' D -.. "'Q 9800 N._ C•n 000 000 • • • .. "' ... co .. Ill °'.., 0 ~~lb '. ,-,, '" "" • : ' ' . . • ..,, = 0 l-ei: = ... rl e :IE .... 1:11 0 :e: ci: .,, i::: q e .... > -I-= 0 .... ~ .... ... 0 = .... m ::E :::;, z 1:11 .... I-~ ::E ::; ci: z: 0 "' i -> ci: "' = .... l- ei: .... a:: Clil x .... ::z> .... ::> "' o~ -,_ .. "'"' > 0"' "' "' "' <( :::> u > z~ ... Q 0. z 0 :::> "' -....------------········---······ .... .. ·-. ··~--"'-- , , . I , ;,; _, L ,.,. .DAILY PILOT Fr1d.1y D<tobtr 31. 1%~ t ( c ·57 K 1 '6S VW SEDAll New c•t l1•d1 i". G reo11 ori 9,11•I J1 •1lll .,.cf l"•e1oa r. ROA oti• $1299 '66 SU/IROOF SED. l•i9• o•i9in1I ca!e1. Sold n1w b~ u•. Hurr y. 5YZ 977 $1499 '6S VW SEDAN '61 PORSCHE CPE. w;1~ou1 • d~~bl 1h11 i1 .,., cl••"•" '"' 1n 1e .. n. ZRN '" $3199 '64 VW SEDAN M••ccn with 9cld ,h1d:n9 . 4 '""'d ••luu1l. S11ikin9 •PJI''''"''· OTV7JI $1299 '68 VW SED.t.N s ••• your rnon .y. o,; •• !he b••'· Ol&mond blu• •nil bl •c~ in1•d1. UTL lll $1699 '68 VW SEDAN Aulom•l•c, ••dia j, "•·'•'· ~t"~'"9 , • I Io"" ~olo•. B l•c~ i111•de. XI H 601 $1899 '66 PORSCHE Mo<• .... ,,., tk1" moil. FM 1od ro ~11d lo"1111u ~o•••. Comple!•ly ck•c~1d by u•. 5-'B 145. 54199 '67 VW FASTBACK w~:te .11 ..... wit~ bledt 1e6h. One O"'"'r l1ed1 I~. TYX 31>9 $1699 $1395 1967 ,~~..;;..;.;;..;.;;.~~..i.~~~~~~~.i..~~~~~~- (.'C)lll"C p 11·. 1•·flrat ~·:~l Slcn1or. \\" \\' ;,1G-!ll• C'11hr1ol1 rh!1on. Coll Jt,'673°0900 tr ~!r.niei~:}. EXT 52 EXT. 53 & 54 \\'. \V<1rr ' :\o. 4618 a i\1ERC ,,,,-, """'S East Coast Hi·ghway ,, a•vs1DE D•1vE iull~ e;.. NEWPORt BEACH e :'llERCJ :!3USL co auto: poi :\:'lllFl\1, 1n1les:. On ne1\'. !Tl 11nd ~er'\ :::\rn1nns \\'a r n er C~ll \IERCEDE ~£ -I doo powf'r su rtr. Lc~s I 1XEXllQ) ~le mons II \\'. \Var' Ana. TEMPEST CUST. l'\ll pain!. 1•Dco• Herdtc-p. V-1, 4ufom1li< •re111· A:Ol/F:'ll ra..,,11:0". t •d:o ! ~e1te•, power •tee<>~o;. IPDA3.\61 jJ7.l7S mol1. IWZFJ841 )l"T(.f•drs TRANSPORTATION Us~ Can 9900 CHEVROLET .66 0-IEVROLET CapriC't'. Utle owner car ~it.b only 2~.d.lo n1ile1, has all power + air conditioning. Absolutely the <'l~&n!!'!'f o~ in town. J im ~mons !'lt e r ced e s Benz, 120 \V. \Varner, Santa Ana, 5'16-4.tt4 '62 OIEV, Impala SS cpe. l- 0\lnt'r. P11·r. su~er. & brakes: buck1!t seats; R.&H, new air-<.·1.md. Top cond. r.1rs. Shaw 67 3-3 770, &12....:ill!i Eves. ·~ OIEVY 2'.12, r . I. Cam, 4 sp. Hursl link. 4 & 8 stereo Sun tach. S/W gauges. Quick! Only $~50. 5#-244j GN.'g_ '6] CHEVY SS, P/S, P/B. a\r, buck. seats. SIOSO. 67.').1200 8:30 'tit 5. 5-ls-8468 af1 6 &. 11·et'kend~-. ,\Ir.;. i\larrioll '67 EL CAi\!INO. aulo, air, lanrasr1c nu cond.. travel top, dlr. ~5 Baker St .. Co~!a ~l es.o. 5-Ul-5915 '66 ~!ALIBU '\'ag, Y·8, overhaulrd r ng., PI S, radial ru'C~. clean, 11400/ol- fer. R92~103. "6;) Ii\U'ALA. convt, SS327, wlw, · bkt S<'als, a/c, pl~'. p/b. auto, l 01vnrr, lo mi, S1 58jlofl('r. 968-1.J:>-1, 963·1997 '59 Cl!EV \\"gn, l"tl'I\' air cond, r/h. p11T, gd o:ind. sm. 5.36--18:.1 TRA NSPORTATION TRANSP,ORTA TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION UMd Cars 9900 UMd Cars 9900 ----·-----CORVETTE FALCON CHRYSLER I CORVETTE \, '\ __ ) TRANSP~RTATION 9900 MUSTANG 'U8 Chryis.ler New Yorker ----------- air. brks. i;lf'K, landau'. ~lfu'I•~ Luw, low pnced! Kusrom t.lotors, 8.\.l Bakrr St., Cosla l\lesa a.40-5915 1968 O~RYS Ne10.' YorkC'r, 4 1loor ha,rd1op. l.oad»d' Pri p1y, 11'1 n11, 4 nC'w P.athal tires_ Bei'.U1 , car & cond! Call 673-S740. CORVETTE 1£Q, ~27, ronvt, '6 3 ~·ALCON ~2 J O AJ\1/F:'-1 , like rK'11•, IS,OOJ '.\1echaiuca11y :sound. Catt ml. \\'kends 6 7 3-0 I 6 7; ht'!. 4 & 12 Pi\I. 67l-8120, \\'kdars 635-5600 Bald11•u1 <i~k for Rick. 196l MUST ANG CONY; YrllO\V 11 'b!a.{·k top and blaC'k 1~1cr1or, R • H. 2'1~ 11 rnar,. ua.J J.spt.'('d, Four i;110d Fu't'.. SlOtlr \\1ide 0\'ali. ii llri ~'lfC' b11bcaps. £"<c'(•]Jrnt <'oridi' lion Sl17:">, WU 6i 3-+1!13 af1. t'I' 6 p ,\!. CONTINENTAL '£6 CO:;"T , L1hr. Lanrlau ~ Dr. P"T. sh~er, brks. & i;l'als. f"act. air. Xlnt t'Ond. Nf'{'fl~ 111.,-.~. \\'1!1 tractl' k•r i;mall foreign car. $2250. 67:;..7862. '63 Cont1nrntal 4 DR Sedan. f'-ull po11T ,t· a1r/l'Or'KI. $1000. * 548--0113 '&:i CON'Tl~E1\'.TAL 4-door Landau lop. loaded! 50,{XX} m1. S:.!OOC. &12-0990 '66 Cont10C'ntal 4 DR Seda-;. f''ull power &· a1r/rond. snxi. * 348-0113 CORVAIR '65 Co r v air, UNBELJF.V. ABLE cond .• ;,cl, n11 . 8600, ale S950. 6~-1-4800 COflVAIR, •I dr. 1960 i;t'llan. Y:h11e. Xlnt running rond. Jo m lg-, ~~3. ~9-l-8i69 '68 Corvette Fastback $ .. 9l Strikingly f1n1shC'd in r bony black w/pl~h bl ack 1ntcr. r;\'"ry poosibl" {'.\tra on this local "I ' o~ner "Veit". Au10. trans., lull po11<'r, "" ffl()V, panels, A,\l/F!'ll Slt'fl'O, nt'IV wide 01'8 ] l!fei;, t'!C., etc. A rt'marl<able car a! a remarkably luw prrC'C'. J1rtuµ o rt 31111µorts 3100 \V. Caow, Jl10.·y .. N.8 _ 642-940;; 540-1764 Au tho11t{'d ~!G Dcalrr 61t~.\J:co.~ --c.1-oc-,-. -,-,.~,., s.11111, R.t:ll; clean. goad run. -----------1 n1ng cood111on. 31~1 '67 COUGAR 61 rALC'ON COUGAR /\ulon1a11i;, r<1d1u. liratf'r, [>(111.-r ~1l'l'r111~. L1k" n1•w'. U1·~r t1•"r s1:19J. I ln!1day Ramhlrr 1969 Harbor Biid. C.1s1.1 ,,,,,,1 G()Qll rund1t11111 3285. ti-«i.fi161 hr lvrr ~·:\() FORD DODGE 66 FORD Galax1e 500 1 Dr. ll T. Auto , l:.&11 . P.S .. '67 DODGE DART p n. faclory au-. I inyl top. Excellent Cnnt1111on'. (SC /Hi.8111 $J2j.'1. fl; ab f' r ll \\'hllc wiih vin)'l top, a1r <''lll· Ca.011lac. 21.iOO lliirbor Blvd. cl1tion1ng, auro. tf.1ns., poi•·-C :'II. ~.10-\l!OO er steering, radio 11nd hc<it1•r. Lo \OFD• 6,-. -c-· -,.-. --.,-, N V-8 $1650 JjOO') ' " . a X•f', ~ I 7 u~:S-1 6374156 ' · l.aoJ<au top. Fae au·, PIS, m1 es. · P/B, rt\\', t'.\1 STEREO 165 CORVETIE • DODGE I9&l 9-pass Sia· radio. :-\Int con(!, $JOO Un. \'-8, ~ spd, rllr, t'1lnvert. >..1nl t1on 1\agon. (OJL'~J au10. 642-:!752. cond in & out~ Takr trade t rans , po11·<'r s1eerini::. radio,1-~,66~cF~a-i",-0-0~F"u_l_u-,-.- o• •m•ll do••·• 11',·11 l>"t heatrr, ctr. Only $795. J 1111 ' ~ " "· "· "' Fully factory cr1u1pped, D1r. prvt prtY. DSO'..:J. Call Phil Slemons Imports, l~u \V, \Varner. Sanla Ana. S.l&--4ll·l ~59j -19.l-97TJ Ot' 5-t.'>-C634. PhQnl' &12-602:: 196.> CORVE'IT. fastback, ·s;; Dodge Polara V-8. aul. '6-1 f"ORD Country \Vagon: J27 V·8. auro !rans. full p.i-r.. one o.,..T1cr. ~harp' Kus tom '. loto-. "l' Bake<. Costa PIB. PIS. au10 . H.&H, \. fat·t a ir. loc<il one Q\\'nrr •a "'" XI 1 ·" s·= '.\lcsa a-10-~15 0\1ner. • n l'Ohu. '""'· cor. sm>. .\IP!. 9 j J ·I~=~=~~=--,--,,-, 67::-37S-f Bays1dC' !'llotors. 1200 \V. 1962 SEDAN \'-8. aU!Q. P/s .. 67 i\IL' iT 'G Co;ost Hiway. N.B. 646-f.ilXi i P/b, radio. Runs 11·cl\. $230 1 ·:S AN • !11t~s! S<'ll. fu·ni 6--l:.-'lb99, 673-5186. E:.:ccl. cond. l..n mile. Like COl?VETTE 1967. 327. 2 tops. ne1r, Sltl:..O. 5-11\'~!li'~.~ A~l/f:'ll , pis. many :<tra ~. '6.1 DODGE Polara eon1·crL .. ~==~~------ 21 ,000 mi \\'kC'nds 6i3--0167; u11der 40.000 mi. $1200 or 6-1 F ORD Gala'\ie ·I d:. P!~· ~·kdays 63:>-5600 Baldwin hesl olfrr. 67:\-72'>2 gol. l!~r~. gd. ('<>lld. 91i24.,..9 aflPr :;l:JO. 9800 BEAUT. '68 Coun\1)' Squirl', -----9 ra ~~. all p11T. air, I F:'lllA:'I! s1crro S<::-3S:?3 '60 fOTtD 2 Dr S.'i.I n1' 1111! ~f'li par!~ Tsky n1ag ('am s:-0. :.1i<-1~9. ·t;;; t:cor10hnf' " 1 Ani.an ~prints.~. lnrty':-: SS-10. • 673-6620 • '67 COUr>;TRY Squire, a ir. p11T d1~c· brakes & strg, 390 en.-: . 32200. ~iS-1019 LINCOLN a LI ~ C 0 I. N Continental 1%~ '1llf"·6.'tll All po\\·rr - air ronrhlioninc::. a!I xtras. Lc~s 1h:1 111fi,l)'l{I n1ill's. ;\lu~t ...,,,,.. 1111;; 11 r ,.kr111L 0 n J y !11'1.'i ,l 1n1 ~lrn1ori.> In1port!<, lnr , LIO \\', \l'arncr. Santa i\n<i ~l&-ll 11 MERCURY 1 ·6~ :'l!Er:c1·ny Colony Park I :"1::1io11 \\'ai:on, fllll powrr S7:!11. :~l,ll-7~i 1 r ii7 :'llcrrur~· sla1 10:1 11ai::•n1. , tw]o\1' l.ook SlSOO. SlOO. rlOl\·n 4~1-lGS~ '68-Mustang Loildl'tl' :'\Int 1·un<I, tJlr, 1 s1d~ & riut. T dkt· fu r<'li;:n c;or 1n 1radc Ur i;n1a!J do'" n. :'ll:1k•• Jo", lu•1 pa}m!.c. \'ZL· ~llLB. Call Phtl, 4~1-9i71 Or a.!~3 1. Ll:.:AVl ~"c 1011· Canh., 111u~· St'!! 'f,G li'J' pkg, 8/C' A:'l·!/f:'ll, f/p1\l". 111 .\ r . r;,d111t~. 4 barrrl $189J fi.14-26:: [. ~~-~~-1 t\E\\' 1 !'6~ :'ll u:-!.ini.: Grandr atr rond .. r1l'Hl\C 1 n t .• ('1111.~1 ·-0-rna l1('1 -, ,\!1chl'l11 r<1d1al~. :!JOO 111111'~ 011·nr; · 61~:?66 t)!I r.111~!11Jlb 3\1~. 4 b.1.rrcl ~· sf)fl , \1n~l rf .. PIS. ~ n11 . 11 rl/o lll'l'S, \\-rnt~·. Transl Prlv. Ply. 6-12-!t()i.·, '67 LO rrilrs. 1 o" nrr. Aul'l, 11C'll' hrks & Tires. !llnlnr prrf. '.!:J :\!PG. S 1 7 J 0 . fii3-fi.i.~. :'llt.~T,\:\G 'ti:i Cnn1·r rt1hlr Strek. '.'llu5t sc\1-P.est olll,'r 67:..-i;291 't;J .\tl'ST'A:\G 6 f')! P '~, 1·1. n~l top. XlnT cond. SJ89j. 01·1;;111al 011n('r (i l-!.:'".'90 '(;:, .\lustan:; V-~ au t o . bro111e. ,1n1 cond. Call 6·1.).-011•1 h<'fr 1 prn -~~1 1!16!i )ILST . .\:\G-b r~J. i;rirk shlfl. I 011·nl'I', 21 :'llPG C!r;111. Sl:!!l.i .'>-lF.-7117. l'.!66 f.lUSTANC; 2.1:~ Aulo, Ri ii, P1S, Plb, new pain!. Top shape. $1495. 96:?~1~9. lfl67 illt.:STA:XG. d isk brk!. · I ln}'I 1op. lg,.. ('ni:. I O~'ner. l.n" nHlt:"!<. J.1"-7;}20. l~ifi '.\t l:;;>r A'."G. x!nt cond Fl1ll 01 rrhaul 3!l.OOJ mi. 1 0111wr 612.:12:1!1. OLDSMOBILE fil OLDS SS\ HDTP PIB. P IS, Po•1rr ~in- rln11 s/.srat 61~:!'.?M alt 6•· P.'1 ' 'b ! OL..0.S Cu tla.~s. ;;;-:; HP, SSllO Clean, i;ood l'Qnd ., nc11• 612-:!ii20. l'.!68 Olds V1s!a C 111ISl'I' S!;1- hon "agon. t.o m1lca;;c, L.oar1rrl. Call 6 !t-!ll-~ t.!L!'!'T ~ELL~.--- ILE;,\Vl!\"C,; lt•I' (.1r1h __ n1u~1 ~rll 63 :'llon t~n.•y, all P'IT, 'C.1' Toron;ir!o, n1ar1y "~!r.1~.' <11r, xlnt ronrl $0:il, &1+16.14 Coll ;1fl er ;i P~l 612-5333 . DIAL dirt•ct 642-Jtii8. Chafb~ '65 r·-s.:. ~T,\ \\"<il!. ~arrifie<;. ~our ad. !hrn sit back and Ori;: n11nrr E xrepllonal. ""."''·· '"'67 CADILLAC ·w :'llcrce<,. 3~oup1 de V 111. f oill po,.~· fe t '<l"t ~;, qo1c11d o11p110119, tol t-•tle•tcp•~ 1 !ee •i~'] _ ___:I ~ .. heel, .-.M.f M 1od•o b!.,, ••'~ .. ~.h listrn to t h" phflnr ring! Sl\00. fii:\-12.":~ , .,..-=================-''-=============-=====;•; 9900 : '68 PONTIAC CUST. $1977 :6: .. :~~~'.~.~"'C'~~T· .. ~. · 9900 Used Cars ---,,dded top, !TW'{bb6l ~1~~~~~~~~~~~~-11-~~~~~~~~~~~~1-~~~~~~~~~~~~ $3977 ''"""' '""" c •• , •. '·' •• ,; ... ,.; .•. •"d hoofer, whit• tidt ""'II l•r 11. CW){~. ) 8 ~) powe1 1tet•;MJ, f&,tory '"· .,;nyl !op, '67 MGB>66 GRAND PRIX Ruh ~ rfrl 11 • , c -· 1\utomol•C, ••<1tO, ne•te•, pe w•• •lee«n9- 11\lel . Loao•1,.~., .... ,"i1 0,.., /iclory •••, .,;~yl loo. "Ill' 1'hr<'l~~R TY02b j dnl'e, P1rf'lf-----------------------·l------------------------·1------------------------11nod \\'h<'l'l. !radc u1 ,.,.68 GTO Sc(' & . 1-0 t. HM •d!op. Red•a, he1fu, 11owt t S-:1\r~. E lmmcdi .\] 3100 \\', ' 6t:'-S-l05 Au1 har -:'>!GB top, bl'iul '· opesd, fo<tery e••, ~·nyl lop, Pontiac's OUR SALESMEN ARE SHARPENING THEIR PENCILS T hey're reedy for the b ig Fa ll sales p ush •• , the s•les p ush thet w ill efford you e n opportunity t o b uy 11 like new cer et the yeer't lowest prices. Come in today e nd see whet e she rp pencil c •n me•n lo you in the way of reel so1vin91. ROY CA RV ER HAS PLACED IN STOCK THE ~REATEST SELECTION OF CARS IN HIS HISTORY ! ..• l'i70s ... LOTS OF NEW '6qs •.. OUT· STANDING USED CARS . ALL PRICED TO SELL WITH TERMS TO SUITI ROY ,_-CARVER PONTIAC 2925 ' BLVD I COSTA HARBOR MESA • Kl-64444 j ·------· ..! FOR YOUR MOlm ~~~-.c~.~v.:,.~·.s:,~p"e,: _,, s2495 .. ...,,"II, ••• ,~~· ... ~y_" '.~ .. ~~~~·}~P.a.!~ .... .,.. S2295 '"'"'rv :>(A .. , • .., .... COGC ""''"' t ll .I• '67 CHEV. Impala s ~ COUPE •u•o •·•M. lottO<• .,, cnM• t "'"~; ...,,,., I'••· 1g, rAaoo, noo lor u~v. Ill '67 CORVETTE Cony, '64 CORVETTE Cpe. '67 MERC. Comet H.T. COUPE' •u•o t••n•, ''""'°'' I " CO"'ll! O" .,. ~·"~"";.''~·<I. -·~·f·. UOP 1'&, '67 MUSTANG 2+2 '67 PLYM. Fury Ill 1 0000 ... ~OT JP -"U'G !ro11•, t1~t"""' • 1 ··o• • ..,,~ •• ,..,,o, 11t1te• rNe 111 '64 CHEV. Impala Wgn. Aut,._ "'•"I ~·· &!H "llt, r..,11). l>fftl', Sl'Y Ill '66 CHEV. lmp1l1 S.S. COUPf . Aul<>, fr•~•· f~!°"" •or COl'O:tit..,,.1n1, ,,,,,...,. •l•rJ"9, "'~'°' ~Nie•, loOW •II. '66 CHEVELLE Cony, '&5 CHEV. Caprice • 000.t MeitOTOP Au"' !•..,I , C<>"'lt •!-.... , •111'10, fie•!..-NOC tpJ, s1995 s2995 s1795 s1795 s1495 $1695 s1395 s1595 s995 s1195 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 '. '· '·: ,. ,.~ ,. 1. .• .. .. • •' .. ---, ... --------------·--------~~---------~----·-·--·-_..._ ... -.----. ... ------------------~--.... -......... TRAMSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO N DAil Y PILOT <f J , .• " y. • • • •. • •• •• • • ··• 0 • • s .. • • • • -· " • TRANSPORTATION 9900New C•rs 9800New C•r• 9800 New Cars 9800New C•r• 9IOONew C•rt 9S00New C•rs 9IOONew Yin tlOO PEOPLE LIKE us BETTER And this makes Johnson & Son the place for you to buy your next car. Before you buy any car, please read the nice thinqs people write to us about our fine sales staff. Wouldn't you really rather buy a car from fine automobile men like these? CONTINENTAL MARK Ill SALES DEPT. MERCURY SALES DEPT. USED CAR SALES DEPT. Safe Buy Used Cars PElER !THE GRlEKl PlLEUSES 1. "M•. Pe l•u••• "'"' "lry covd1ou1 •~d we nt ou' of h;, '"'"Y to p~one '" M" BJ K . Et:.no••. C .. I i. 2 ... Pelo ;, '" f;n. P•"On. He ii • <'Id•• lo you• ''':ld"•••l•On becnu•• of lh1 per1on1bl1 ,.fte nt<on h1 q•ve• f.•: •ccoun•1 M, 0 M L. M " o~ ll o1jo, Col I. 3. '"lh1 9r eele1t 9wy I l •t r IT'l ll 11 Font '~'"''" ~· C ~ 8 C:crono d1I M•r, c.1,1, .i . "If •II •9encie1 liod "'t." I ~. M•. F~ .. ,~, •ro ""' bu,.neu wo uld be heated "'ore \..11~lv I' P 8? Nt"'pod ee1ch, C1l1I. !>. "°'e!P <;••e ~I" I ·•e •i'tn' on l (!>•' ,_, •"<l ..... e•t. pl ed•ed ·~G "d · ,,,~· 1~~ ,,.1. to ~1 . • /\-\•. J.t A., Rov1 r1tde, c.1i 1. RU5S LAT I. 'Ru••,,..,., prell¥ •!•••9ht l ~rword dnd oven <;1•1 me IOIT'e 9ood •dv:<e on I i oite So for, •erv:co ho1 b1•n 9ood loo " Mr. J L, Co1i• t.\11e, Col,/, 2. 'l•1ov,.d do n9 bu1in•u woth vou. Cor •olh foclory •o 101 · Mr. H A.C l o9.,no H:ll1, Cot:f, J, '01 •'-e 9 <•" pu1cho 1ed "'• ho•e "'•de n •or l~e ~te". th;, tr•n••<•Oon .,...~, !~e "'o" pl101onl. ""'· l ov wo\ e~!te,.,ely courteou1 & helpful. Q.,, re.,. Monlego '"'"' del.-ered :n ''''"P~"1n11ly •••idocto•y cond:t•on ." ,....,. J F C., Fo.mtai" Volley, C o,f. C,6,RL REIMER "V~,., 111 101,.,,..,1 '.l""d •i:n•o •<~ Co•I ;, • "''" ol h,, wo•d ' M· Ill .A W , Corono d1! "le • Col.I, ·I """' l•e•'ed ,,. lh l~t b.,1 ••"••<• I "••• ••t • re<tl•ed fro,., • <•• ,01.,..,.. M" R Ii. W , Co••• M o•~. Col0f. I ~••e bee• lo "'"'" p0 0<•• ..,~,,, '~'" ~·• ~"~""'* 1e!l.nq. W,th YCll t i 0 1 ''•' I !::?"1''1 ·~• <" ·~1 ·e od nl 1n·r 1ell,n1 ..,~ Th,n\. ~ou •<'•v ....,"'"· l(e•p .. p !~• fr eno<1 4tmo1pre'•· Mr. P. ~ P .. Coi le Moo o, C ol !. IOI MANGAN I. 'Eve1v1h:nq top•. Mr. C.A.R., Nowporl e1och. C•l<I. ?. "M1 Meng"n ;, en ~~teplion el r•p•111nl•· 1 .. e !or your t ge ncv." M,.. H.G.S .. Sent• An •, C1l:I. ). Bob M•ng•n ;, • ••rv ijlitefetling pen on1l• it, •nd mod 9•edou1 fo cutlomefl. I hi9 h!y 1e com m1nd him in you• f;e!d." Mro. D.M.P' .. An•h1:,., '4 . •·1 woyld fetl free lo •1comrn1nd hi"' lo "'" fri1nd1."' Mr, N.C., Corone del Mir, C•l;f. •• N • LIN lllOCHU (le-Dept.I t . Mr Brochu "'"' eYho,.,elv courl1ou 1 end lo.elplul 10 •11. 11 woi • r••I pl1t•u•1 to do b~1·ne n .,;,~ .,,.,..;· M1. S.M., We•lmin•ler, C1l:f. 1. '"Thi1 w•i the mod p•;nlen new c•r pur• tho11 '"'" hew• ••er m.de. M•. Brochu ob••· ou1ly reeli111 tho! 9ood 11rvic1 P•Y• off." M•. R.P.T .. Co,ono dol Mor, Celi!. J. "I w•ll ••<ornrnend Mr. 81ochu every ch1nc.1 l 90!." Mr. C.B.W., Nowpcrt Be1ch, C1lif. I RAD WAIT[ Mr W .. 11 "''' on1 of th• n;c11I 11l11me , ,..~ ht•I t •t.f don~ b~••n•11 ... :th when pu,. cloo .. r9 •n 1ulo." Mr l F, Cosio 1'1110, Col. 2 .. r~. <•• ...... •e•v 9ood tnd ,1 ..... would CO"'• b•tk •g t in." Mt. 1-!.J .W., Hun!1n9!on Beith, C•l•f. J. 'I <.oul d not h1v• ~.d mor1 ccurleou\ or b1!!•r el!1nlion," C .P, Shep, l o• ,6,n~1l 11, Col.I. WAYNE SQUIER I. "Gaod ••r•ic.e ;, !h1 !,e lhot bind •. " Mr. LE.O., Co•!• M111. Celil, 1. "Fvrth1•,....o•e I """' 11v:11 heppy with the deel you ~1l ped "'" m4~·e end <1rte:nlv ,..;11 b1 bee ~ lo•1 r11 " Mr. O.H., Full1don, C.l;f. ]. "Mr. Sq~i e• ""'' ••rv l,elplul :n o~• oe!1cl· in9 th1 •••cl model c•• .,, wtn!ed. He '' •loo e proleu ;onol ••le•"'•"·" Mr. J.M.Y .. Nowporl 8o•ch. Col:I. •· "Cou•t1ou1 ,.,,;,,. in .11 re•pocto . S:nc••• 1i.enk1 to M•. S'lvier." M;u 'I E.G, H u,.,1 :~q!o~ 8•1ch, C•lif, GILIEllT "Ftertc.hy" lOISILL( I . ''Ye1. ye1. yt1. ! .. .11 reco,.,mend you lo rn-t l11 ond1" Mr. F O.T .. L•9""' Botc~. C t l. 2. ''I found 9ood "'"'nlen4nce I clttoa wotk don• on tho ca• b1fo11 •••ch:fl9 tho ••'•• lo l. Th., 1e ll• ce<1." Mr G .E.M., S•n!e An• 3. ··1 "''' lrt e!ed coud•ou1ly." Mr. f .H.S, JIM STllNMm I. 't ... ,, !11o•od cnv rleov•ly. Brll Toylor fu11<l Ce• rn 9r ) wos •t.rv courleou1 el10.' M•. C.R.H .. 8u1ne P er~. Celof. 1 "Mv ct r .,..., dtl,v1red in ,,1;1foctoty co•· dolto,.,."' Mi. W.D.C .. Ntwport Be•th, C,/,f. THE ABOVE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE W R I TT E N TESTIMONIALS ON FILE IN OUR SALES DEPT. YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU CAME IN! • HOPE WE SEE YOU SOON! NEW CARS 540-5630 642-0981 .... :Johnson ttr SOn USED CARS 540-5635 ~~[){]©®~[){] ©®[){]u~~rE ~u&~ • 1 Mile South of the San Diego Freeway I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, .COSTA MESA I Used Cars 9900 I Used Cars 9900 UHd C•rs ~~~~~~~ ,..:.C.~~~~~~ 9900 UMd Cars PONTIAC 9900 Used C•rs OLDSMOBILE '66 Olds Toronado !J< lu\", .\~1 ~·.'!. il1r l"Oiltl • r-. ., ,,r "uui'l•\·~ .v ~,.ii ,~. Cnt- n\\11rr. S 1~9.~. Y\\'Z;Ji tf!'J tuar,ui~ Utnotors 900 So . Ci t. Highway l a gun• Beach 494-7503 * 54-0-3100 • -OJ 0" \"t.,.j !.U\UI) ~•! L'\iZ:·:;, All l"·"'"r & /•lr l'1l{"f'fll10n'l.Jly dran. l9w n11h•1,i;r car Only :'13'J~ hill p1'1C"" J1n1 S lrmo ni;; !llrrN'dt·.~ Bi'nz. l.'O \\ \VarTl<'r. Sant11 Ana .'>l&-4 1 ! I 1GOiJ).<.;-Dc-lrn ~~-I Dr. 1-1 .T. Au1o , R&H, r S .. P.B .. r11c• lory air. t XEU3211 5 1(\~IJ i\11hrr~ Oirl1ll;:or, : Ii 0 0 llnrOOr Bh-J. C.~f. :..io-!nOO PLYMOUTH e PLY::O.IOUTll 1967 GT\'. hai1!top aulo. po11·pr s teer, l'Q\\rr hrakr<, po\IT \1!11· 111••1•. huckrl~. P1c. 1159:. . 1 r.Ol.!1.t.1• .Jin1 ~I cm on s ln1ports. l20 \\". \\'arncr . S;1nta Ana ~114 r,1 f'LY. Fur). air . P/S. f'IB. l:::n~ . lrnns .. tires & l>ri1kc>~ n('"'· ~l ust Sacri I his \«·~\\rad. Rr!I hook -$1100. ,.;,.It f'lr '' hslc hook -S8fJ) ~;i~:'l''.I:: ~~~~= ·f;.,-Pl.1r:1ou!l1 Valiant ·ny '\, -i1. i.., cood rood. Si710 . ': :.::o; I. . PONTIAC l'.lo "' !'onuac GTO Con· vr rublc •I 11p('cd . Tak,. o"cr pa) mcn1~. C,)5.31sg afl ~ prn PONTIAC '68 G.T,O • 4 SPEED '66 GTO 4 SPEED CONVERTIBLE PONTIAC '67 Gran Prix-Sharp I Loaded! $19$, IJ.16.1165 RAMBLER faC1ory air, pov.'t!r steering \'8, pc7\\~r stttrlng, radio, & brakes. \i nyl mor, radio, healer. bucket scats. Spec-I ~;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hl'aler. '24,000 orig. mUes. ially Prietod 10 Sell today. '61 RAMBLER One 01vner, like nl'W. Prem· Lie, SY?t11DO. At\-1ERICAN, 2 door, iland. ium \\'1dc Oval tires. Still in $1199 ard ~ih. 17,!XX) miles, $1195 • f11 1·tory w1trran!y, Pnced to ~ VGY807. sc>U J[)(la y s2699 C _. lirl 1lar,11is ~. s0" 0 tn•t•rs c~ 0.. ·o~,.,~·· 9QO So. C11. Highw•y • s I' JI~ L•gun. a.ech ' {I, 494-7503 * ~100 OL .J'P ,,,_J<JI E>I. 66 " 67 ,,,,, 19;o JIARBOR BLVD, '65 RAMBLER An1erlcan, 4 COSfA MESA Door, 232 eng , 155 hp, aulo. 519-JCl.11 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA $!n'l. XJnt cond., C a 11 ,.,....,,. '62 RAllfBLER sedan, xJnl cond., auto, r.'ll, id. btt1. $365. 530-6697 T-llRD e T·BIRD 1964 IStk No. l\1306A) in ab5olut,ly in1· macul111e ('(lnditlon. A 11 po""·er + air. JUI! traded on new Jl.ler~~ Bt:n:i-f'ul! price only Sl-1$. JI n1 Siemon& l\.1et'C'ede1 Benz, 120 \Y . \Varner , S anta Ana 546-411~ '67 T·BIRO Landau, al eng .. perfect condition, all extru, full pwr, under 2<1.!Xll mi. Orig owner. $2575. 644--4774 '&I T·BfRD. ~hat I e 11 . Sacrifke! F'Ull p<7'1m', air . Best ofrer. 613--2383 '59 T-Blrd. eood ~·· cood tirrs. r/h. 545-7796 '56 T·BIRD c on1pletel y restored. $2,CKXI, otltt flr h'arlc. 54&-M!M. •..3 01.os~C'lr.v . ruu V" .-. ------.-. -.-. -------........ po11't'r s~ctory alf many .HAVtfOU)ifto'DiitliiNTiifty? ~;:;;;;, ·;~,.,. """"'' 'Ii'( f lllEl31f{D 400 Turlxl h)dro. po1>.r r . <trr('() f .'1 snyi nr hr~! off Pl" 1:7:}-&..'lifl 'f;\ r;r Pnnnar . .!:"'""J ron<t 11 11h all rxtra,., l Ott.Tl('f. Air r•··uul , '-~~II 81 7_..'~L e POr\TIAC 1966 f G TO . /T,\X504• Hardtop c ri e , Vinyl rop. auto., ch:. Only 16,000 miles. :'ofust M'll thill "'ttk\·nrl. C•ll 54ft.4lli or can be JJeen !It l~ W. \\'1r~r. Santa Ana !Dir.I ·64 Pont. Gr•nd Prix hrdtop, Y.'hlle wfblue \inyl int., bucket iieats, center COl\IOle, radial llru, xlnt cond, orig owT1er. \VIII se11 for ~­ ~ at ll().f E. 171h SI., S.A. Call Oa\•e Han&en v.·kdaya 8 am~ pm ~7.704-1 LATE 63 770, 4 dr, 6 cyl. Stfck OV1'rdri\'e. Lo miles. l ~·IM'r. $475. 646-1762 •64 V~~N~~':. Orig ' owner. Oean. iood c:ond. R/H, stick shlfl. SS50 0a.)'' 54G-2464 ExL 74. EVf' , ....,,,,.. I I r.rvF. 1cKl.:1y -Thr ··un1trd \\ ay '" 17-·!· .. ,-,: Pnx • .111r cond. r ·~. r 'b. xlnt C"'ln<I. S995 11r1u tt l~>-26(1'). 67;>-;il.86. GIVE lhc "Unittd Way .. '55 PO NIT AC. Xnll cond. $19'. '62 Ri\i\1BLER 4 dr .• \\'agon, ti cylinder, Rulomatic, excel. c:ond. SlSO. ~ Jt'.s "J"Affi SHARE" Time l I ~ ' ' • I L H_!>All V PILOT T H E s H A R p E s i p E N c B L I N T H E w E s T -----·-----~·-----------,,,_ --·----·· -·---------------------------------------·-·---·-· -- FOR THE BEST LOOlt AT TOMORROW sEE The o o;~e Robins Fort!TooAv THE HOME OF THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST See Thein All At Orange County's Yol1111ie Ford Dealer! FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL 19 6 9 P1\0D ELS LARGE SELECTION OF BOTH NEW AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS JOIN OUR DRAG CLUB! FREE MEMGERSHIP, DECALS, EMBLEMS TWICE A MONTH MEETINGS. Call Jim WaHace for full cletaik today! --- LEASE A NEW i97 ii ! ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS We Are A Member Of The Ford Authorized Leasing System (NGLI SH ror.DS! ~~~~ England's No. 1 Se ller ., . America'.• No. 1 Import Buyl Customs -GT 's - Station Wagons. La rge Se- lection of Automatics and Four Speeds! Join Our Mustan9 ·Club I Clu:1pto:" of Na!•onal Or9a11lsst'l•11I FREE EMBLEMS, DECAL.S, BENEFITS MEETINGS TWICE A MONTH. • Call Ed Htd.ivat For Full 0Ptait~. l_ __ -----. -~-" \"!IN TE R VAC ATIONS? Sl<I WEE KENDS? Go when and where you want to without reservations on a fam ily b1.tdget that make, sense. ('RAN D NE W ELDORADO 10112 FT. CAMPER ~ -" ~ 9 5 READY TO INSTALL ON . i YOUR PRESENT TRUCK ~-'I OR A NEW FORD '._, PICKUP FULL PRICE Includes Pressure Water System, Sink, Stove with Oven, Ice Box, Mattre11es, Drapes, Electric end Ge1 Ligkts, Vinyl Floors, Etc. OVER 40 CAMPERS IN STOCK ! ,, BUY YOUR TRUCK & CAMPER FROM THEODORE ROBINS FORD AUTHORIZED TRUCK & CAMPER DEALER WHERE FINA.NC ING IS AVAILABLE ON THE ENTIRE PACKAGE. MONT H .. END r ....................................................................................... ..__ LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD. : : 1000/o PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY--4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS i SPEC IALS I Co\'9n •II -h-lc• p•rt1 htclwdh•t •111Jille, 1ro111mi11lo11 dri•• 1; .... re•r 1111d, PLUS IHGll•, bottery •11d e•howu IJ1'9m. All repair : e wort doN h1 ••r ow11 Hnlc:• dopc1tf111e"'· . e ~ ........................................................................................ ,. '69 MUSTANG A111101t1.rlc, recllo, """'• while w.ill, whlto with rM l•r.rl.,. '°'" lory wonooty ••ollabi.. Approil111 .... r 7,IOQ "'fits. IYCWQ61J. '63 RAMBLER 440 2-DOOR Hadio and hl'alcr, fL\\llfiR:P '64 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-DODR SEDAN S6fti V-8, FACTORY A.I r. CO:\"DlT!O!\l:XG. aulomat lr, 'l,··'"' J pll\\"f'r :;trrrin;::, [lQ\\l'r hrakes. 10 f"FR63l tJ '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4·Door Sl"dan. \'·8, factory air, automatic, radio, h<.'aler. <X EV776) ( 1 '68 FORD LTD 4-DOOR SEDAN One 0•1·nrr. 390 V-8. automatic, flO\l"rr t11teering, radio, hC'atcr, ne"' tires. jVTPi031 '69 '65 '64 FORD CUSTOM 4 i>f. 5-0. 4Jt VI, ciu to .• power 1rMrl11t l dilic brokts, h....t•r. City •f Co1ta M•ci Police c:a,, Completely mol111ol11ed et TMo- H re lobl111. lemcilttder ol loc:t. wau. o•ail. 19J5110 140191 IStll. # ''4111 r· ~ ~ ~ ,-. r• d I t !. ~:-);!': ;; FORD MUSTANG r •" r ~" V-8 en.i::in!'. 4 srecd t ran<m i<~ion, r11du\ h<'o!rr. . i l t~,' l Olh·r ~Trn ,1·i!h hlaC'k i11trrior. (QTO:'l:291 ~ ~ ( \-l CORVETTE HARDTOP r.rn1,,1·ahl" h'l'· 4 .<pr•·O, ra{l1 .. , h"a1C'r. 11""' r \\"JOdO\I".~. AJ\l -Fi\! radiu. ( BllCJOI ~ J '66 PONTIAC LE MANS HARDTOP l ... -• 2-Door. 326 V·S. ro1\·rr st ttrin~. 11utoma!1c, R&l-r. buckf't scats, 1vide o\·al t irr~ 4 RJ\1V2;!6) '63 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Ft:ll po11·rr, f11 c1ory air <:onditioni11_c:. Superh rond ition. (QQ29Afl! '68 DODGE CORONET 4·DOOR SEDAN V-8, pa"·rr sh•erini::, flO\\'Cr hrakcs, healer. 0.-lrctiv.-Car. t 31 ~7l) <: I "'\ ;dJ " • j --.. It""> .. ' .. ~' ;j '68 FORD CUSTOM ltO VI •11tl11e, pow•r tteefhtt, cf111l1emotlc tre11smiu ie11, fodio end lwottf, Police C•.11114501 '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA WAGON V-8. fal'tory a ir conditioning. radio, heat.er, po11rr steering. (,\SD67~1 • '69 FORD F-100 PICKUP $2495 8' bl'd S tyl!'~ide. V·8, automatic, radio, hf'a t,.r. diamond plate bumf)f'I", chron1e mirrors. !37799C) '68 CHEVROLET 'I• TON PICKUP 4 Srwcd, spilt rlnis. hca1cr. Approx. 17,170 n1ilrs. ~22556 f l '66 CHEVROLET 'I> TON PICKUP Lone bl.'d. automatic transmission. iT83512 ) OPIN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK (ALL SALE PRICES EFfECTIVE THROUGH NEXT SUNDAY UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD.J ....... '. '.' P M M (>'.DA! FR l)A' •SATURCAYB AM 1()>,P'1 PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONlY ' . '"flJ,,7., 10,1 .., to6pr ?AM 1()9PM ~0N()AY •7 AM T06PM TUt':.OAYfRIDA' 8 ,\~.' Tll6PM )ATU-[)A• I • • .. .. , • ' ' e